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J ■\ ;.*■ .^ -^• V -> ^' -\jr/r^; x\ •'C^ #] ^^ .^t'^ w ^ ^ i * : A. ■.:/,%^ * 4y. ■7 .^ THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY EMBRACING THE CHAFE, CHAFY, CHAFIE, CHAFEY, CHAFEE, CHAPHE, CHAFFY, CHAFFIE, CHAFFEY, CHAFFE, CHAFFEE DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS CHAFFE, OF HINGHAM, HULL, REHOBOTH AND SWANSEA, MASSACHUSETTS ALSO CERTAIN LINEAGES FROM FAMILIES IN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND ENGLAND. NOT DESCENDED FROM THOMAS CHAFFE 1635-1909 THE GRAFTON PRESS GENEALOGICAL PUBLISHERS NEW YORK MCMIX --t K^ ^ o o\ Copyright, 1909 By the GRAFTON PRESS LIBRARY of CONGRESS T'wo CooJes fieceived MAY 3 1809 Copyiiyiu entry CL. XXc, .Mo, / 7^? S^i^ I DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER, WILLIAM CHAFFEE WHOSE LOVE FOR HIS PARENTS NEVER WAVERED NOR FROM HIS OLD HOME DID HE EVER BECOME ESTRANGED PREFACE The work done by The Grafton Press, in its production of this much admired volume of genealogical accuracy and completeness, reflects great credit upon itself. Throughout its publication the wise business methods of Mr. F. H. Hitch- cock and the mechanical ability of Mr. T. B. Hitchcock are shown. Miss Ehzabeth French, a careful and experienced genealogist, has revised and edited the manuscript, advancing it into that order of perfect finish, which none but an honest and conscientious professional could do. Miss Emma E. Brigham, connected with the Boston office of The Grafton Press, has shown, by her services, her knowledge of matters pertaining to genea- logical publication. My congratulations are extended to these faithful students and workers in that they have brought out a genealogy worthy of their professions. The compiler also desires to record his obfigations to the numerous individuals who have given gratuitous and valuable assistance in the preparation of this genealogy, in addition to furnishing records of separate family lines; also to the custodians of public records who have been helpful to him. Miss Lucy Morris Chaffee, now Mrs. Lucius D. Alden, of Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wilbraham) , wrote of the desires of her family for the publication of a genealogy long before the idea had entered the mind of the compiler. A quotation from a letter written a few weeks after the writer's call upon Mr. Daniel D. Chaffee, her father, a call made to substantiate the records he had secured of his own immediate ancestors in previous years, is as follows : "Father told Uncle Edwin Chaffee [residence. Providence, R. I.] of your call here and he adds in his late letter to father, 'I hope that William Chaffee will proceed with the publication of our Genealogy.' [Signed] Lucy M. Chaffee, South Wilbraham, Mass., October 27, 1865." The various copies which she made of church and town records and tomb- stone inscriptions, besides visits to many who bore the surname, did much to straighten out many tangled lineages of that section. The compiler's daughter, Bertha Eliza Chaffee, started quite early in her young life to help her father in compiling this genealogy, and continued to do so for several years until the illness came which eventually resulted in her death. The many articles of manuscript which she wrote have been much admired by the editor and publishers as shoTving a clearness of chirography, as well as a careful arrangement of the facts. Mr. Floyd Mayham Grant of Schoharie, N. Y., to whom she was betrothed, rendered assistance in this compilation, to within a short time of his death, which took place four years before that of Miss Chaffee. Sadness and gloom settled upon the work when both of these bright lights went out. Mr. Noah Cummings of Schenevus, N. Y., a college chum of Mr. Grant, offered his services at this time, and has, by his energy and faithfulness, rendered for the last few years and up to the present time, invaluable assistance in compilation, iv PREFACE and in many other ways has hastened the publication of this genealogical work. Too much cannot be said of the kindly and efficient help given by Mr. Cummings, and the writer's wish for a long and happy hfe for this young civil engineer and his youthful bride, is not out of place at this moment. Mr. Edward J. Chaffee of New York City was interested in the work from its start, and shared some of the early expenditures connected with it ; besides making abstract copies of deeds, etc., he has always been in close touch with the progress of the undertaking. Mr. Samuel Roscoe Chaffee, artist, of Providence, R. I., made much research in the old towns of Harrington, R. I., Swansea, Rehoboth and Seekonk, Mass., and the two pictures illustrating the ancient family burial places are photographs from the artist's original water colors of these interesting spots. Mr. Chaffee and his wife did much to assist the compiler in seeking for records in this part of New England, where our earliest ancestors lived and died. Mr. Jonathan F. Morris (deceased) formerly President of Charter Oak Bank, Hartford, Conn., author of The Morris Register and a descendant of Sarah Chaffee (238), gave many valuable suggestions regarding collateral lineage and genea- logical procedure. Mr. Andrew Jackson Chaphe of St. Louis, Mo., has been an enthusiastic sup- porter of this undertaking from the time the subject was first presented to him. He not only gave for the genealogy a complete account of his own life, together with his portrait, but secured full lineages of his relatives with pictures of several individuals. More than this, he increased his original subscription of eight copies to five times that number, and in addition to this noble subscription, has made several contributions, amounting to $160.00, making a grand total of $560.00. Without this splendid recognition of the compiler's effort, this genealogy would be an unpublished manuscript. Mr. Chaphe has made it possible for this family history to be published, and to him we all owe appreciative recognition of his most generous gifts. Mr. Peter Chaffee (from whom was received the Bible of our ancestor, Thomas Chaffe), and his son Mr. N. 0. Chaffee, both of East Woodstock, Conn., were very helpful in collecting data from that section. Mr. Asa Peck (deceased) the late owner of Thomas Chaffe 's ancient homestead near Barrington Center, R. I., extended his kind hospitality to the compiler, enabling him to thoroughly examine this revered spot, so dear to all those who claim descent from this emigrant ancestor. Mr. Peck's kindness was further shown in his presentation of several very old deeds, which will be found recorded in this book. Mr. Dan Chaffee, formerly of Westford, Conn., furnished some of the early lineages of that vicinity, thus enabling the compiler to connect various lines. Mr. J. D. Chaffee of Gilbertsville, N. Y., presented letters referring to the sur- name received by him many years ago. Mrs. Lucetta Davis (Chaffee) Howlett of Hampden, Mass., travelled to many places in her old age, to secure and prove lineage. Miss Hattie A. Chaffee of Minneapolis, Minn., was untiring in her zeal to gather not only that which related to her noble ancestor, WilUam Chaffee of Stony Point, but used much effort to secure other lines. Mrs. S. C, Snow with Mrs. Wheeler of Becket, Mass., traversed that part of PREFACE V Berkshire County, beside visiting several towns and burial places in the vicinity, thereby securing much valuable information. Mrs. Bayer, with her sister, Miss Mary J. Chaffee, of Binghamton, N. Y., showed much interest in collecting lines of ancestry in adjacent towns. Mr. Prentiss Chaffee and his nephew, Mr. Joseph C. Chaffee, both of Lee, Mass., did a great deal by correspondence and verbal communication to make clear various tangled lines. Mr. Brown Thurston of Portland, Me., author of The Thurston Genealogies, made many valuable suggestions regarding the manner of compiling a genealogy. David J. Chaffee, M. D., of Rochester, N. Y., an early subscriber, secured by long and continued effort a great deal of valuable information which he cheerfully contributed, with an interesting group picture of his near relatives. Mrs. Lydia (Chaffee) Ormsbee and Mrs. Betsey Ormsbee (Chaffee) Armington, both of Seekonk, Mass., were instrumental in collecting old family lines and prov- ing them to be correct. Reverend Anson Titus made many satisfactory copies of records in Pennsylvania and the East. Mrs. Almira (Chaffee) Thompson of Hampden, Mass., did much to secure in- formation concerning family lines. Mr. Clifford H. Chaffee of New York City, was much interested in securing lineages and arranging them in a very satisfactory manner. Mr. Lucian Sharpe of Providence, R. I., was much interested in the work of genealogical research and contributed many early records of his Chaffee ancestors in Woodstock, Conn., and their various descendants. Mr. Royal Paine of Brooklyn, N. Y., gave many interesting articles concerning early events in Windham County, Conn. Mrs. J. E. Robinson of Taunton, Mass., in addition to abstract copies of deeds, made many gratuitous researches. Mr, Stephen F. Chaphe and daughter Finette of Cazenovia, N. Y., were able to clearly define certain family lines for many generations back, which work they did most willingly. Mr. Joseph McClellan and Miss Bessie Flynn of Woodstock, Conn., made particu- lar and satisfactory researches among early church records. Mr. S. W. Knevals of Washington, D. C, assisted very much in securing Civil War records. Mr. Bertrand Chaffee of Springville, N. Y., took much pains to get early family records and to copy those upon tombstones. Mr. C. Frank Chaffee (deceased) of East Providence, R. I., sent copies of tomb- stone records from one of the ancient Chaffee burial places, the old burying-ground which in early days was in Rehoboth, later in Seekonk, Mass., and now in Rum- ford village. East Providence, R. I. Miss Nellie M. Chaff ey of Eastport, Me., did much to secure valuable and in- teresting matter concerning the emigration of her ancestor to America from Eng- land. Mr. George H. Whitaker of Westford, Conn., made many researches in and around Ashford, Conn. Reverend Edwin J. Chaffee of Potsdam, N. Y., found and connected many family links. vi • PREFACE Miss Minnie A. Chaffee of Providence, R. I., not only sent full and complete data of her own family, but also valuable information from Pennsylvania and the East. Miss BeUnda Chaffee, an aged lady in the Old Ladies' Home, in Lowell, Mass., was able by correspondence to gain much information which she gladly contributed, concerning the surname as found in various sections of Vermont. Reverend R. G. Tilton of Rehoboth, Mass., sent many interesting items regarding the name as found in that section. The present Mr. Zechariah Chafee of Providence, R. I., has done considerable toward making his family lines clear and connected. Mr. Eugene W. Chaffee of Moodus, Conn., has been an interested contributor from the start of this project, doing all that was possible to make the genealogical venture a success. Mr. Guy Chaffee of Colorado was exceedingly interested and for several years did much work by correspondence concerning various families bearing our sur- name. He was anxious to see the book in print, but failed to realize his expecta- tions. He died at an advanced age. Several of his immediate descendants have continued to interest themselves in the subject which was so dear to him. Mrs. Lovina Felton (Chaffee) Wheeler of Fairfax, Vt., secured complete lineages of all the descendants of her grandfather up to date. Mrs. Leonora (Chaffee) Kimball of Little March, Pa., Mr. Wolcott Chaffee of Garrettsville, 0., and Mr. George A. Chafee of Middletown, Conn., did much active work in securing lineages. Miss Ellen D. Larned, author of The History of Windham County, Conn., and other historical publications, made researches in Thompson, Conn. Mrs. Alvan Clark of Cambridgeport, Mass., whose husband and sons are widely known as manufacturers of celebrated telescopes, sent much information con- cerning her Chaffee relatives. General Adna R. Chaffee has been an interested contributor from the beginning. Mr. James S. Chaffee of Amenia Union, N. Y., has not only been a contributor of full and complete family lines, but is a liberal subscriber to the book. George D. Chafee of Shelbyville, 111., was early interested in the work in all of its detail and contributed much in the way of records, pictures and subscription. Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Gillette of Washington, D. C, contributed much valuable information, he sending copies of Revolutionary and early pension rolls, and those of the late Spanish-American War, she contributing family lines. The Reverend William Kyle Westwood Chafy of Rous Lench Court, Evesham, England, became interested in the genealogical research of this family in that country as early as 1884, and his belief that we are all of one common ancestor prompted him to enter into a correspondence which was very interesting and filled with valuable information and kindly suggestion, all being exceedingly appreciated. Reverend Canon H. Mayo of Sherborne, England, connected with the editorial staff of Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, employed much effort in trying to find the place and date of birth of the emigrant American ancestor, Thomas Chaffe, and frequently inserted in his paper, free of cost, advertisements bearing upon this query. Reverend C. W. Penny, who in 1888 and 1889 was of WeUington College, West PREFACE vii Wokingham, Berkshire, England, kindly sent a photograph of the church in Chaflfcombe, as it appeared after its restoration in 1859 by his father, then rector. A reproduction of this picture appears in this book. The compiler does not wish to forget the kindness shown by his wife, Eliza S. (Piatt) Chaffee, in that she willingly sacrificed many of her social hours for the betterment of this book. Mr. Isaac L. Hart, Mr. Henry B. Morehouse, Mr. Henry R. Soller, Mr. John A. Breitweiser and Mr. John H. Troxell have cheerfully rendered assistance in various details of the work. The following custodians of early records gave willing assistance towards the researches made in their various offices: The Register of Deeds ) _, , , , , The Recorder of Wills Pl^^^^^h, Mass. The Register of Deeds ) ^ . . _, .. The Recorder of Wills r^"°^^^'^''' ^- ^- The Register of Deeds The Recorder of Wills i^^^*^°^^'^^'^"- Mr. James Edward Russell, Register of Deeds, Springfield, Mass. Mr. John T. Hassam, connected with Suffolk Registry of Deeds, Boston, Mass. Mr. Solon Carpenter, custodian of early land records of Rehoboth, Mass. Mr. Harvey B. Wilder, Register of Deeds, Worcester, made clear several of the early land transfers in Woodstock, before the town was in Connecticut. Mr. Charles N. Marsh, Town Clerk of Hingham, Mass. Mr. Lewis P. Loring, Town Clerk of Hull, Mass. Mr. H. O. Wood, Town Clerk of Swansea, Mass. Mr. William H. Luther, Town Clerk of Rehoboth, Mass. Mr. Mark H. Wood, Town Clerk of Barrington, R. I. Mr. Charles E. Stacy, Town Clerk, North Wilbraham, Mass. Mr. Gifford, Town Clerk, East Woodstock, Conn. Mr. Solomon Fuller, Town Clerk, Somers, Conn. Mr. Fred. I. Lane, Town Clerk, Westminister, Vt. Mr. David A. Baker, Town Clerk, Ashford, Conn., made many gratuitous searches in his town records, besides making copies from all the tombstones found in the burying ground in the town, as far as they bore a reference to the name of Chaffee. The following libraries have rendered kindly assistance: New England Historic-Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass. Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass. Astor Library, New York City. Lenox Library, New York City. New York Historical Society, New York City. Bible Society, New York City. Providence Public Library, Providence, R. L Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Conn. The following offices have also lent their aid : The Adjutant-General's Office, Boston, Mass. The Adjutant-General's Office Providence, R. I. viii PREFACE The Adjutant-General's Office, Ha;rtford, Conn. The Adjutant-General's Office, Montpelier, Vt. The following newspapers have also assisted ; Boston Transcript, Boston, Mass. Providence Journal, Providence, R. I. Putnam Patriot, Putnam, Conn. Stafford Press, Stafford, Conn. Mail and Express, New York City. INTRODUCTION The pleasure of tracing long and circuitous lines of ancestry must be inborn. The way to success in any undertaking is through love. Just within the gateway of Laurel Hill Cemetery in the City of Philadelphia, there stands, appropriately enclosed, cut from unblemished stone, a beautiful representation of Love and Labor harmonized in the form of Old Mortahty, with mallet and chisel in hand trying to rescue from further obhteration the inscriptions as found upon the old tombstones surrounding him. Writers of family history differ but little as to the main reason for compiling and pubhshing a genealogy. The nucleus is formed as soon as a desire prompts the search for vital records concerning parents and grandparents, and the desire grows to larger and nobler proportions as the members of these famihes interest themselves in accumulating additional knowledge of their forefathers. Naturally, all persons are desirous to know from what nation they sprang, and many letters of inquiry bearing upon this subject have been received. Much interest has been expressed in regard to war records concerning Revolutionary patriots, and those who served in other wars. Biography, with family characteristics, coats-of-arms, records from tombstones, heirlooms and their interesting stories, have all tended to fascinate and make pedigree history a work of cheerful labor, and the general wish that our surname shall be preserved from oblivion has prompted the writing of this genealogy. Acknowledging that a genealogy made up principally of vital statistics, i.e., marriages, births and deaths, is valuable, it is nevertheless certain that where these facts are interspersed with biographical incident, the value of the work is much enhanced; therefore the compiler has made personal history a special feature of this book. The plan and scope of this book is devoted principally to the descendants of Thomas Chaffe, but following them, there will be found many lineages and war records of other American Chaffees, not known to have been connected with or descendant from Thomas Chaffe, including an extensive biography of Mathew Chaffe, a contemporary in America of this emigrant ancestor. There will also be found much data relating to the name of Chaffe, as found upon record in England from the earUest days, together with the origin of the name and lineages of English and Canadian Chaffees. The compiler is not responsible for any errors which may have occurred in the spelUng of Christian or surnames, nor for inaccuracies which may be found in copies of official records or in the data furnished by the many descendants. All the matter contributed has been carefully noted and scrupulously followed in its varied detail. Where names or dates have not agreed, all have been given, the second and following being given in parenthesis. Each descendant of Thomas Chaffe, the Emigrant, has been given a number in this volume, these following consecutively through the book. The sign + precedes the numbers of all individuals whose complete record will be found in the succeeding generation. Absence of this sign indicates that nothing further X INTRODUCTION is known of that individual than there appears. Only such descendants as have had children are carried forward to a succeeding generation; where the names of a descendant's children have not been sent, and no item of information regarding them is known, beyond the fact that he or she has had children, the record is not carried forward. Great care has been taken in every case to spell the surname as the individual spelled it. Where the spelling has been changed, the names of the children will be given under the father's record as he spelled it, but in the succeeding generation each child's name will be spelled as he himself chose to do. Where such children are not carried forward, the changed spelling of the name follows the other, en- closed in parenthesis. The names in parenthesis following the name of the individual at the head of each record, are those of that person's ancestorsof Chaffee descent, the superior numbers indicating to which generation each belongs. Where two Chaffee descendants have intermarried, the record will be found under that of the male descendant, the female descendant's Une of Chaffee descent and all information regarding her being there given. The maiden names of married women and nicknames are given in parenthesis, the latter names being quoted. Since the numbering of this manuscript, additional information of descendants has been received, necessitating the insertion of duplicate numbers designated by letters, as, for example, 5099A, etc. CONTENTS PAGE First Generation 1 Second Generation 13 Third Generation 30 Fourth Generation 53 Fifth Generation 82 Sixth Generation 134 Seventh Generation 234 Eighth Generation 398 Ninth Generation 527 Tenth Generation 563 Appendix A— Thomas Chaffe's Bible 565 B, C 565 D, E, F 566 G, H 567 I 569 J 570 K 571 Other Chaffees in America 573 Unclassified War Records Colonial Wars 583 War of 1812 .584 Civil War .584 Spanish-American War 585 The Name of Chaffee in England Derivation of the Surname 585 Chaffcombe 585 The Surname in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and France 586 Coats of Arms 586 Next of Kin 586 Devonshire Wills 586 Other English Wills 594 Early English Records of Marriages, Baptisms, Burials, etc 594 English and Canadian Lineages 597 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS William Chaffee Frontispiece FACING PAGE William H. Chaffee (Photograph taken Jan. 1, 1907) ix Facsimile of Original Entries of Lands Granted to Thomas Chaffe 2 Signatures of Thomas Chaffe and Mathew Chaffe 4 Map of Early Settlements of Descendants of Thomas Chaffe 8 The Ancient Chaffe Burying Ground 13 Signatures of Nathaniel and Some Descendants 14 The Old Burying Ground at Rumford, R. I., formerly in Rehoboth, Mass. . 20 Signatures of Joseph Chaffe and Some of his Descendants 22 The Ephraim Chaffe House at Seekonk, Mass 58 S. R. Chaffee 159 David Chaffee and Children 162 The Battle of Stony Point 186 Map of Stony Point Garrison 188 Edward L. Chaffee 243 Prentiss Chaffee 253 K.S.Chaffee 254 Caleb Chaffee 288 The United States Arsenal Grounds, Sprhigfield, Mass 318 Old Chaffee Homestead, Somersville, Conn 320 Elam Chaffee 322 Elizabeth (Spencer) Chaffee 324 Norman I. Chaffee 326 Samuel Chaffee 338 Samuel W. Chaffee 338 Joseph M. Chaphe 342 Stephen F. Chaphe 346 Rev. J. F. Chaffee, D. D 388 O. S. Chaffee 412 Frederick Chaffee 419 General Adna R. Chaffee 428 Dudley C. Chafee and G. Dexter Chafee 449 George D. Chafee 449 Lucia L., Olive K. and Marie S. Chafee 449 Oliver Chaffee 464 David Judson Chaffee 467 W. G. Chaffee 468 Mrs. Belinda (Reed) Chaffee 480 James Chaffee 482 R. T. Chaffee, M. D 484 A. J. Chaphe 498 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE W. H. Chaphe 500 J. Irvin Chaffee 541 William H. Chaffee (Photograph taken about 1886) 543 Eliza S. Chaffee 544 Bertha E. Chaffee (Photograph taken about 1886) 546 Bertha Eliza Chaffee (Photograph taken April 27, 1892) 548 Floyd Mayham Grant (Photograph taken 1891) 550 Bertha EHza Chaffee (Photograph taken Jan. 31, 1900) 552 Edward J. Chaffee 554 Rev. Arthur Billings Chaffee, D. D 556 Signatures from the Thomas ChafTe Bible 565 Map of Chaff combe, Somerset County, England 585 Old Church at Chaffcombe 586 J' THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 1 Thomas Chaff e, the emigrant ancestor of nearly all who to-day bear this surname under its varied forms of orthography, from Chafe to Chaffee, now resid- ing in the United States and parts of Canada, came to New England, where in 1635 he owned land and was living in Hingham, Mass. The place and date of his birth, his parentage, the time and place of his arrival and the name of the ship which bore him from the Old World to the New, are at present unknown. The first mention of him in the records is found in the Town Clerk's office in Hingham, under the date 1635 : "Given unto John. Tucker by the town of Hingham for a planting lot six acres of land lying upon the Worlds End Hill, bounded with the land of Thomas Chaffe and the land of John Prince, Southward and with the land of Ralph Wood- ward, Northward, butting upon the Sea Eastward and Westward." This is not only the earliest mention of Thomas Chaffe, but also of the name of Chaffe. How long Thomas Chaffe had owned this land when John Tucker re- ceived his land, we do not know. Hingham was one of the oldest towns in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. There were settlers there as early as 1633, at which time it bore the name of " Bare Cove." The General Court, on September 2, 1635, changed the name to Hingham in deference to requests, no doubt made by those early settlers, several of whom came from Hingham in the County of Norfolk, England. Whether Thomas Chaffe was one of the earliest settlers of Hingham, we do not know; the list of those who in 1635 owned land there does not give his name, but the above extract from the records proves conclusively that at that time he was a property owner, though the entry of his grant was not made until 1637, when we find, under the heading "The severall parsells of land and meadow legally given unto Thomas Chaffe by the towne of Hingham," the following: " Given unto Thomas Chaffe by the Towne for a planting lott seven acres of land upon the worlds end hill bounded with the sea eastward and southward and with the land of John Prince westward and with the land of John Tucker northward." Under the same date we find another entry : "Given unto Thomas Chaffe all the salt marsh on the south side of straitts pond for two acres and he is to have all the sd parsells of land to him and his heirs for ever be they more or less as they were measured." "July 17th 1637 . . . Given unto Thomas Chaffe by the towne for a house lott two acres of land Butting upon Batchellor street eastward bounded with the land of William Ludkin southward." The small amount of land granted to Thomas Chaffe for his house or home lot, proves that at this time he was unmarried, as it was the custom of those days to grant small parcels of land to bachelors, as being sufficient for their needs. Bachelor Street is now known as Main Street, and the original Chaffe home lot is about oppo- site the old meeting-house. One more piece of property was given in that year to Thomas Chaffe by the town: 2 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "Octobr 1637 , . . Given unto Thomas Chaffe by the Towne for a greatt lott tenn acres of land lying upon the great playne on the second furlong to the westward of the centre, bounded with the land of Ralph Smith southward and with the Land of Thomas Turner northward. Butting upon the high wayes east- ward and westward." Between the above date and April 9, 1642, nothing is found in the records re- garding Thomas Chaffe and then his name appears in the records of Kantasket, later called Hull, a town adjoining Hingham and situated on the point of a penin- sula jutting out into Massachusetts Bay. Nantasket was an older town than Hing- ham. The first building there was erected by the people of Plymouth on or before 1624 and used as a store house "to accomodate their trade with the IMassachusetts." In 1628 it bore about one-eighth part of the expenses of the Colonies. The records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony state : "By virtue of an order of Geunerall Court, wee whose names are under written, comissioners for the laying out of a plantation at Nantasket, doe order and dispose the same in manner following: first, Jerrimiah Bellamy, John Colljer, Nathanj: Baker, Edmond Bosworth, John Prince, Nathanj: Bosworth, Edward Bunn, Thomas Colljer, Richard Stubbs, Thomas Chaffey, William Kerly and John Stod- der shallbe admitted as planters, and to take their house lotts for building of houses in the valley betwixt the two hills next Pedocks Island, to the value of two acres for each house, so that there may lie thirty-two lotts at least betwixt the said two hills, the psons aboue to take all their lotts on one side of the said valley, to begin at either end of that side, as they all shall thinke fitt by agreement, or else p. lott, the said lots to be and to lyeonely fine rodds broade up against the hill, wch they chuse, these persons to haue each two acers of medowe as they shallbee hereafter signed, & also each of them to have four acres of planting land at Peddock's Hand, to bee laid out when the plantation shall be fuller; in the meanetime, if have any need to plant, they may plant where they think fit : and when it shalbe allotted and layd out in ppriety, those that have planted, if in casting lotts they bee put from such lands as they haue planted, they are to bee allowed for their labour they haue been at by those wch shall possesse their lotts afterwards. The beaches and places on Nantaskott or any of the isleands that may bee fitt for setting up of stages for fishing to be left free for such purpose for these or any other persons that shall set on such a work, and the plantation to be possessed & enjoyed by the persons aforesajd according to the order of Cor above specifjed. Dated the 9th of ye 2d mo, 1642. "Nathanael Duncan, "William Parks, "Israel Stoughton, "John Glouer. " On May 29, 1644, the name of the town was changed to that of Hull and in July of that year a church was formed there. Governor Winthrop says, under the date of July 15th, 1644: "Nantascott being formerly made a town, and having now twenty houses and a minister, was by the last general court named Hull." In both Hingham and Hull Thomas Chaffe was a fisherman and farmer. The name of his wife and the date and place of his marriage are unknown. He was probably married in Hull, as the copious notes and manuscripts left by the Reverend Peter Hobart, pastor of the church at Hingham from September, 1635, until the date of his death in 1678, make no mention in any way of Thomas Chaffe, his wife or children. The town records of Hull prior to 1657 have been lost; if extant they would doubtless give us the desired information. It is probable that the wife's Christian name was Dorothy, as her sons both had daughters by that (SA- Siyu.J^Ju£L ■V*iy fvaa/v ^/»U>?<-^ 1^3^', ty^iio ^yi^n h'J- YtO^ci/' y^ciyh^J' i-i^ mi^/Weytd -^i-'f^eny Jt lf Thomas CliatTe. FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 3 name, which was not a name found in the famiUes of their wives; in that day it was the custom to name children for their grandparents, the cases where this was not done being very exceptional. A brief description of that part of Massachusetts where Thomas Chaffe first made his home in the New World may be of interest. In 1627 j\Ir. Grus of Salem wrote: "The country is very beautiful. Open lands, mixed in goodly woods, and again open plains, in some places five hundred acres, some more and some less. . . , Not much trouble to clear for the plough. The grass and weeds grow up to a man's face. In the low lands and by fresh rivers, there are large meadows without a tree or bush." Morton, in speaking of the Indian custom of burning the grass and leaves, wrote in 1632: "The savages burn over the country, that it may not be overgrown with under- wood. ... It scorches the older trees and hinders their growth. The trees grow here and there, as in English parks, and make the country very beautiful. " Two years later Wood wrote : "In many places divers acres are cleared, so that one may ride a hunting in most places of the land. There is no underwood, — save in the swamps and low grounds, — it being tho custom of the Indians to burn the woods in November, when the grass is withered and leaves dried. . . . There is good fodder in the woods where the trees are thin ; and in the spring grass grows rapidly on the burnt land. " It would seem that Thomas Chaffe and his fellow settlers did not have to cut down the forest to clear the land before planting their crops, as did many of the early New England settlers ; they were fortunate in settling in a part of the country where the ground was ready to receive the seed for their crops and where pasture and mowing lands were plentiful. The General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was anxious to encourage the fishing trade and Hull was especially enjoined to "endeavor the advancement of fishing" as we see from the following entry in the records under the date of May 26, 1647 : "There being now divers freemen and men of good ability in Hull, who may comfortably carry on the affairs of the town, by the authority of this Court, to order the prudential affairs of their town according to the course of other planta- tions, provided that, according to the former orders of this Court, they endeavor the advancement of fishing, and that such fishermen as are there already, and others which shall come thither, may have all such reasonable priviledges and incouragements as the place will afford and that such places as are fit for fisher- men may be reserved for that purpose, and with this caution also, that William Parks, Mr. Glover, and Mr. Duncan, or any two of them be appointed to see the order of Court for advance of fishing duly observed. " The next mention of Thomas Chaffe in the records of Hull is the following deed: "The fourth day of February one thousand six hundred and fifty, Thomas Chaffe of Hull doth acknowledge that he hath sould unto Thomas Gill, of Hingham, to him and his heirs for ever his planting lott lying for eight acres upon pleasant hill next unto Mr. Peter Hubberd on the west and Thomas Gill on the east and it butts from sea to sea. Also four acres upon Squirill Hill, two acres of it was formerly Thomas Lorings, the other two was Mr. William Waltons and it lyeth next to Mr. Hubberd 's on the north and Joseph Andrews on the south. "Also half the meadow lying in Broad cove meadow which was formerly Mr. William Walton's it lyeth for four-acres and it is next to the highway on the north and Thomas Chubbuck on the south. 4 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "Also a greate lott of tenn acres which was given to him by the Towne, all the above, sayd parsells of land and meadow the sayd Thomas Gill is to have and to hold, to him and his heirs for ever from the 4 of February 1650. " In witness whereof I the aforesayd Thomas Chaffe have set to my hand this 31st day of October 1670. "Signed in Presence "Thomas Chaffe of us his + marke. "Joseph Chaffy "Daniel Gushing "Towne Clarke." [On record in Hingham, Mass.] This deed though dated 1650, was not signed until 1670, and then in Hingham, as it was witnessed by the town clerk of that place, so Thomas and his son Joseph must have made a trip from Swansea, where they were then living, to Hingham at this time. The last mention of Thomas in Hull is as follows : " 1657 "The Lands and tenements of Thomas Chaffe. " First two home lotts containing fower Acres more or less as the were measured lying north east and south west, John Loring one the south east. William Cham- berlyne one the north west, the towne street on the south west and Duckelane on the north est. "More — one Lott of Meadow by Straights river Containing two acers more or less as it was measured Lying north and south, the Straights river on the south, the great Rockey necke on the north, the falls Creeke and Nicolas Bakers meadow on the East, John Stones on the West. "More — two small Lotts at Sagemore hill. Containing one acer and half more or less as it was measured. Lying north west and south east. Henry Chamber- lyne on the South West, Nicholas Baker on the North East, Samuel Ward & Thomas Jones on the South East, and the high way on the north west. "More — two small lotts at Strawberry hill. Containing one Acer and half more or lesse as it was measured, lying north & south Richard Stubbes, on the East, Benjamine Bosworth on the West, the steep banke on the south, and John Lobdell and Benjamine Bosworth on the North." Between this date (1657) and May 30, 1660, Thomas Chaffe had moved from Hull and had probably settled in Rehoboth, then in Plymouth Colony, as we find by the following deed : "Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Chaffy some time of Hull in the County of Suffolke for a Certajne Valuable Consideration to me in hand well & truly pajd by Thomas Loring Senr of the Towne of Hull in New England afore- sajd in the County of Suffolke wth wch I doe acknowledge myself fully Contented & Sattisfied & doe hereby acquitt & dischardge the sajd Thomas Loring of Hull aforesajd. Haue Given Graunted bargained Sold Aljened Enfeoffed & Con- firmed and by these presents Doe Giue Graunt bargaine Sell aljene enfeoffe and Confirme vnto the sajd Thomas Loring of the Towne of Hull his heires and As- signes for euer all that my house houseing orchard & two home lotts lying in the Towne of Hull aforesajd Conteigning fower acres more or lesse as they were meas- ured lying North East & South west. John Loring on the South East willjam chamberlajne on the North west the Towne streete on the South west & Ducke Lane on the North east wth my lott of meadow by Streights Riuer & my two lotts at Sagamore hill and my two lotts at Strawbery hill as they stand recorded to be butted & bounded in the Towne booke of Hull aforesajd except one Cowes Comon formerly Sold to willjam Chamberlajne wth all my right Interest & privi- ledges in all the Islands belonging to the Towne of Hull aforesajd except one the Island Called Peddocks Island To Haue & to Hold the sajd houses lands meadow & Comons so butting & bounded as aforesajd wth all & singular the appurtenances This signature is attaclied to u deed wliicli reads: '■TlKinias Oliaft'e (if Waimamoisett in the Govei-nment (if New Plyiiioutli. Ne'W P^iiglaiid in Amei-ica. Plaiit(^i-." and is dated the •• nth Day of Ainil in tlie year of Our J.erd 1G64.'" XMa^^ '^^^ Signed in B(ist(_in between 1630 and 1651. (From " Winsor's Memorial Histoiy (if Boston "') Signature of Tlioinas ('luiflV. the iiinnigraiit anecstur. and uf Matliew CliaH'e (Page 573), a contenipoiary. FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 5 & priveledges thereto belonging vnto him the sajd Thomas Loring his heires & Assignes for euer and to the only propper vse & behoofe of him the sajd Thomas Loring of Hull his heires & Assignes for euer wth out the lett Suite trouble molesta- tion Denjall or Contradiction of the sajd Thomas Chaffie my heires or Assignes for euer & Doe by these presents Couenant & promise to warrant & defend the same against all persons and persons whomsoeuer lawfully hauing Clajming or Pretending to haue any estate right title Dowry or Interest of in or to the same or any part or Parcell thereof in wittnes whereof the sajd Thomas Chaffy haue here\mto Sett my hand and Seale this 30th of may in the yeare 1660. "Signed Sealed and Deliuered his mrke the sajd Tho. Loring being in Thomas J Chaffye possession of the aboue Graunted premisses In the presence of Nicco Baker John Blake. " Boston may 30th 1660. Thomas Chaffey ac- knowledged this In- strument to be his act & deed before me. Thomas Danforth. "Entred & Recorded 30th may 1660 p Edw Rawson Recordr." In the foregoing deed Thomas "Chaffye" designates himself as "some time of Hull in the County of Suffolke" but does not say where he was then living. But in the Proprietors' Records of Rehoboth, Mass., we find that "Thomas Chafey" was one of the Proprietors at least as early as December 25, 1660: ' 'An agreement under ye hands of ten of the Proprietors in order to the settle- ment of the Lands aforesaid. " Dated December 25 : 1 660. "Wee whose names are here under written the proprietors of those Lands called and known by the name of Sawomes Lands doe unanimously and Joyntly binde our selves and covenant to perform these peticulr. "1. That none of us shall at anytime Let or sell any of the said Lands to any stranger that is not allready a proprietor with us without the Joynt Consent of us all subscribed under our hands vidt, neither upland nor meadow. "2. That Henry Smith of Rehoboth be the man to measure all Lands yt is to be measured out and Appertaining unto any of us and that some two or thre of our selves are to be preasant with him to see it done. "3. That Thomas Willett by way of exchange is to have thirty Acres of up- land measured out adjoyning unto the land of his formerly measured out by William Carpenter having the Towne fence on the North side and the Land of John Brown on the South Side and Mr. Willett doth Leave the home Lot formerly Lay'd out for Elder Cushman in consideration of the same, being of the quantity of thirty acres to Lye common Amongst us. "John Brown, Peter Hunt, "Thomas Willet, Henry Smith, "Stephen Paine, Phillip Walker, "John Peck, Thomas Chafey, "John Allen, Samuel Neavman." These records also contain a description of the boundaries of the land belonging to various proprietors, that of "Thomas Chafey" being referred to thus: "10. One devition Layd out in the aforesaid home Lotts number Nine & 6 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Ten to Thomas Chafey, being ten Acres or thereabouts. Called Rice's Neck, bounded North by said Chafey's home Lott, East the Meadow, South by Mr. Allen's Meadow, and West by Mr. Aliens Land. " Thomas's land is again referred to as bounding the land of Nathaniell and Israeli Peck on the North. This item is signed by Joseph Chafey and seven others. [Ibid.] The town of Rehoboth was originally called by the Indians and after them by the Enghsh, "Seecunk" or "Seekonk." In July, 1621, some of the Pilgrims from the Plymouth settlement made a visit to the Indian Chief Massasoit, whose domain was known as the Sowams country, of which Wannamoisett, where Thomas Chaffe settled, formed a part. This was the first attempt made by the English to explore the interior, and the spirit of westward emigration, so early shown by them, has been dominant in their descendants ever since. As early as 1632, the Plymouth settlers had a trading post at Sowams. About 1635, William Blackstone, a nonconformist minister of England, who had settled in Boston about 1625, left the home on Shawmut peninsula, Boston, which he had reclaimed from the wilderness, and came to Seekonk five years after the arrival in 1630 of Governor Winthrop and his colony in Boston. Black- stone is said to have made the following characteristic speech : "I came from England because I did not like the Lord-Bishops, but I cannot join with you because I would not be under the Lord-Brethren." He settled in what is now Cumberland, R. I., on the banks of the stream which bears his name, and about three miles above Pawtucket, R. I. Another early settler was Roger Williams, who being banished by the Court in Boston, left his home in Salem about the middle of January, 1635-6, and settled for a few months in Seekonk, thinking himself to be outside the jurisdiction of both the Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay Colonies. Governor Winslow of the Plymouth Colony soon informed him that he had strayed into the edge of their bounds, and not wishing to displease the Bay (the Court at Boston) advised him to move to the other side of the river, which he did with five others, and upon landing called the place Providence. The purchase of the land on which Rehoboth stands was made of Massasoit in 1641 by John Brown and Edward Winslow of the Plymouth Colony, authorized by the Court of that place to act for the early settlers, who were from Thomas ChafTe's old home, Hingham, and from Weymouth, Mass. The purchase was according to the measurement of those times, "a tract eight miles square," and embraced what is now the towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Pawtucket. December 29, 1645, a second purchase was made of the land called by Indians and English alike "Wannamoisett," which forms a part of what is now Swansea, Mass., and Barrington, R. I., and was the place where Thomas Chaffe afterward settled. The third and last purchase was made after Thomas Chaffe had become an inhabitant and proprietor there, April 8, 1661, and was called "The North Purchase," including the present towns of Attleboro, Mass., and Cumberland, R. I. Ancient Seekonk, later called Rehoboth, was afterwards subdivided as follows: In 1668 the southeast part of it was set off and called Swansea, which in turn lost a portion of its land in 1717, when the town of Bar- rington, Mass., was formed, and in 1790 another part, when Somerset was formed as a town. In 1747 Barrington, a part of Swansea, now Warren, and Bristol were set off from Massachusetts to Rhode Island; Barrington was united with the territory taken from Swansea and called Warren, and the two towns formed Bristol County, R. I, with Bristol the shire town. In 1770, Barrington, R. L, was set off from FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 7 Warren, with boundary line substantially as at the present time. In 1694, Reho- both North Purchase was formed into the town of Attleboro, and this, in turn, in 1746, lost what was then known as the "Gore," the town of Cumberland, R. I., being formed. Ancient Rehoboth now remained intact until 1812, when its western part became a separate town, taking the old Indian name of Seekonk. In 1828, the northwest corner of Seekonk was formed into the town of Pawtucket, Mass., and in 1861 the western portion became East Providence; at the same time, the newly formed town and Pawtucket were ceded to the state of Rhode Island, in exchange for Fall River, R. I., which was annexed to Fall River, Mass. The settlers from Hingham and Weymouth located in Seekonk in 1643, the lat- ter including in their number Reverend Samuel Newman, and in 1645 the name was changed at his request to Rehoboth, a scripture name; this first minister of Rehoboth compiled the third Bible Concordance, which far surpassed the other two. Three editions of it were published, the second having been revised from the first, while the author was living in Rehoboth, where he died July 5, 1663. His church was about five miles north of Thomas Chaffe's house, and our worthy ancestor doubtless profited by his sermons and sorrowed with his neighbors over his death. A few months after the sale of his property in Hull, having in the meantime received land in the division of Rehoboth lands, Thomas Chaffe made his first recorded purchase of land there of Stephen Paine, Sr., February 9, 1660: "Prence Gour "This 9th of the Eleaventh month, 1660. To All people to whom this prsent writing shall come. Know Yea, that I, Stephen Paine sen'r of Rehobeth, for mee, my heires execquitors and assigns for and inconsideration of fifty and three pounds, to me in hand payed, have given, granted bargained and sold unto Thomas Chaffey late of Nantasket allies Hull, All my lands, meddows, comons, and com- onages, which I bought of Resolved White of Scituate lying and being in aplace called Sewaens except one parcel of Meddow which I exchanged with Obadiah Bowine, the which parcel of meddow which I had of the aforesaid Obadiah. I have bargained and sold unto the aforesaid Thomas Chaffey, within lien of that which I exchanged for that that was Resolved White's bearing date the third of the second Month 1665 [?], All of which prsells of lands and meddows comons and comonages, I have sold and set over unto Thomas Chaffey and his heirs for- ever ; without any molestation or claim or claimes from mee my heires, execquitors and assigns, or any other by my meanes. In witness heerof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year above written. Stephen Paine, and a seale "Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of "Joseph Pecke " Richard Bullock "This deed was owned before me, this 4th day of January 1661. " Witness my hand. Thomas Willett. " [Plymouth Colony Record of Deeds, Vol. Ill, p. 81.] April 11, 1664, "Thomas Chaffe of Wanamoisett . . . planter" sold to Captain Thomas Willett and James Brown one of the two lots he received in the division of the home lots as before mentioned. This Captain Willett was an early settler of Plymouth and one of the most eminent citizens of Rehoboth. He was also the first Mayor of New York City, being elected to that oflSce twice. The deed in full is as follows : ' 'A deed appointed to be recorded. "To all Christian people to whom these prsents shall come. Thomas Chaffe 8 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY of Wanamoisett in the Gourment of New Plymouth, in New England, in America, planter, sendeth Greeting Know Ye, that I the aforesaid Thomas Chaffe, have for a good and valuable consideration to me in hand received and payed by Captain Thomas Willett and James Brown of Rohobeth, in the Gourment of said wherewith I the said Thomas Chaffe doe acknowlidge myself sufficiently satisfyed, contented and fully payed, and thereof and every pte and pcell thereof do exonnarate acquit and discharge the aforesaid Captaine Thomas Willett and James Browne they theire heires, execquitors and assigns forever by these prsents have freely and absolutely bar- gained and sold enfeoffed and confirmed and by these prsents doe bargain, sell, enfeoff e, and confirm from mee the said Thomas Chaffe and my heires to them the said Capt. Thomas Willett and James Browne, they, theire heires and as- signes forever, a pcell of upland, containing twenty and five acres, be it more or lesse being the Ninth lot, which said land I had of the Towne of Rehobeth upon agreement in reference to the five Railed ffence being my whole pte of that land, which said land being adjoyning to the land of Waunamoisett, being bounded to the south the land of the aforesaid James Brown, to the North the Town Comon to the West the land that was layed out to Mr. Stepen Paine; to the East the land of henery Smith and Phillip Walte; and the said Capt. Thomas Willett and James Browne, do engage to take of and free from the said Thomas Chaffe, and his heires forever; all ingagements or covenants in Reference to any fence or ffences that doth or may belong unto the afoi'esaid land. To have and to hold the aforesaid five and twenty acres of land, be it more or lesse, as theire owne proper right to them and their heirs and assignes, forever, thereby due and of right accustomed, and warranting the sale thereof against what people soever from, by or under mee the aforesaid Thomas Chaffe, or by my right or title claim- ing any right or title of or in the aforesaid prmises. And I the said Thomas Chaffe, doe alsoe covenant promise and grant to, and with the afor said Capt. Thomas Willett and James Browne that it shall be lawful for them or either of them to record or enrowle these prsents or cause them to bee recorded or enrowled in the Court att New Plymouth, or in any other place of Record provided according to the usual maner of recording or enrowling deeds and evidences made and proved. In witness whereof the said Thomas Chaffe have heerunto set my hand and scale this Eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and foure. " The Marke of + Thomas Chaffe and a scale " Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us viz. " John AUin " Peter Hunt " [Plymouth Colony Records of Deeds, Vol. Ill, p. L5.] When in 1668 Swansea was set off from Rehoboth, Thomas Chaffe's home in Wannamoisett became part of the new town, and he a citizen of it, though it is prob- able that he also owned land which remained within the boundaries of the old towm, as in a deed dated 1675, which will be given later, he calls himself " of Reho- both." In 1669, he sold to Joseph Carpenter property on New Meadow Neck. " 1670 Prence Gour "This Indenture made the second day of the Second Month, commonly called April in the year of our Lord according to our English account, one thousand sixty and nine, between Thomas Chaffe of the township of Swansey, in the Colonie of New Plymouth in New England, yeoman, of the one party, and Joseph Car- penter of the township of Rehobeth in the Colonie aforesaid, yeoman, of the other p'ty, Witnesseth: That the said Thomas Chaffe, for and in consideration of the full sum of Twenty pounds sterling to him in hand payed by the said Joseph Carpenter at or before the Ensealing of these presents, whereof and wherewith hee acknowlidgeth himself fully satisfyed and payed. And thereof and of every pte and psell, doth clearly acquit, exonnorate, and discharge the said Joseph Carpenter, hee and Every of his heirs, execquitors and administrators and Every FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 9 of them forever, hath given, granted, alHaned, sold and confirmed, and by these presents doth fully, clearly and absolutely give, grant, allien, sell and confirm unto the said Joseph Carpenter, his heirs and assigns forever, all that his seaventen- teenth pte or share of a neck of land situate lying and being within the Township of Swansey aforesaid, commonly known and taken by the name of New Meddow Necke with all and singular the Meddowes feedings, woods and underwoods, wayes, Easements, profits, comodities, comon of pasture, and all appurtenances what- soever to the same seaventeenth p'te or share of New Meaddow necke, or to any p'te or prcel of the prmises in any wise appertaining, and also all the Estate, right, title, interest, use, possession, property, claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Thomas Chafy, of, in or to the same or to any p'te or p'sell thereof. "To have and to hold the said seaventeenth p'te or share of New ]\Ieddow with all and singular the prmises heerby granted bargained and sold with theire and every of theire rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said Joseph Carpenter his heirs and assigns. To the only proper use, and behoof of, the said Joseph Carpenter, his heirs and assigns forever; and the said Thomas Chafy for himself his heirs, execquitors and administrators, doe covenant, promise, grant and agree to and with the said Joseph Carpenter his and every of his heirs and assignes and every of them by these presents in manner and form following, (that is to say.) that he the said Thomas Chafy the said seaventeenth p'te or share of New Meddow Necke, and all and singular the prmises before given granted bargained and sold with every of their rights, members and appurtenances what- soever, unto the said Joseph Carpenter and his heirs or assigns. To the only proper use of the said Joseph Carpenter his heirs and assignes forever, against him the said Thomas Chafy, his heirs and every person from by or under him them or either or any of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents, and that he the said Thomas Chafy, at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these prsents hath full power, good right and lawful authoritie to give, grant bargain and sell and convey the prmises with all and every of their appurtenances to his own proper use and behoof forever; of the said Joseph Car- penter, his heirs, assignes, and the said Joseph Carpenter his heires and assigns and every of them shall and may by force and virtue of these prsents from time to time and at all times hereafter, lawfully, c|uietly and peaceably have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the seaventeenth p'te or share of New Meddow Necke, and all singular the before granted prmises with all theire appurtenances to his own proper use and behoof forever without any lett, suite, trouble, denial interruption or disturbance of the said Thomas Chafy his heires or assigns or any other person or prson whatsoever they lawfully claiming by from or under him, them or any of them or by his or their means aske, consent, interest privity, or procurement, and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, and dis- charged, or other use from time to time, well and sufficiently sold and kept harm- lessby the said Thomas Chafy, his heirs or execquitors or administrators of and from all and all manor of former and other gifts, grants, bargaines and sales, leases, mortgages, uses intails, titles, troubles, charges, demands and incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, committed, suffered and don by the said Thomas Chafy, his heirs or assigns or by any other prson or prsons whatsoever lawfully claiming from by or under him, them or any of them or, from by or under his or any of theire meanes acts, consent, title or interest privity or procurement, the late purchase money payed to Uncomponen the Indian, by the approbation of Phillip, sachem, for the said premises onely excepted. In witness whereof I the said Thomas Chafy have put to my hand and seal the day and yeare first above written, "signed sealed and delivered "The marke T of Thomas Chafy and a seale with levey and seizen duly Executed in the presence of viz : "Nicholas Tanner ) "John Martin >• "Joseph Chafy ) "This deed was acknowledged by Nicholas Tanner of Swansey, being the lawful attorney of the aforesaid Thomas Chafy, as appeared by a letter of At- 10 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY torney soe acknowledged the Eight day of June 1670. before me William Bradford . , , „ assistant. [Plymouth Colony Deeds, Vol. Ill, p. 174.] During King Philip's War Thomas Chaff e and his family as well as near neighbors doubtless lived in "Chaffe's Garrison," a stone building which stood near his house. During this time he bought of Francis Stevens of Rehoboth, his house, orchard and house lot, containing about six acres of land and lying in Rehoboth; what disposal he made of this property is not known, as no deed of sale is on record and no mention of this property is made in his will. "Winslow Gour "This Indenture made the fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord, according to the English Account one thousand six hundred seventy five between Francis Stevens of the township of Rehoboth in the Colonie of New Plymouth, in New England, on the one part, and Thomas Chaff e, of Rehobeth aforesaid, witnesseth that the said Francis Stevens for and in consideration of the full sum of twenty pounds, to him in hand payed by the said Thomas Chaffe, at or before the insealing of these presents, wherewith he acknowledgeth himself fully satisfied contented and fully payed, and thereof and every pte and psell thereof doe fully and clearly acquit, exonnarate and discharge the said Thomas Chaffe, his heirs, executors, administrators, have given, granted, alienated, sold and confirmed, and do by these presents fully clearly and absolutely give grant alien sell enfeoffe and confirm unto the said Thomas ChafTe, his heirs and assigns forever, all that my house, orchard and house lot, containing six acres, be it more or less situate in the town of Rehobeth afore said, being bounded southerly with the house lot of William Brown, Northerly and Westerly with the highway, Easterly with the river, with all and singular privileges and the appurtenances thereunto appertain- ing and belonging. To have and to hold the aforesaid dwelling house, orchard and house lot, containing six acres, be it more or less, as before bounded with all and singular the privileges therunto belonging unto the said Thomas Chaffey his heirs and assigns forever. To the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas Chaffey, his heirs and assigns forever and that the said Thomas Chaffey, his heirs and assigns, and every of them shall and may by force and vertue of these presents from time to time and at all times hereafter, lawfully peaceably and quietly hold, use , occupy, enjoy and possess the aforesaid premises without any lett suite, trouble denyal or interruption of the said Francis Stevens his heirs or assigns or any other prson or prsons what soever lawfully claiming from by or under him, or by his meanes, act or consent, privitie or procurement otherwise from time to time well and sufficiently kept harmless by the said Francis Stevens, his heirs. Executors and administrators from all manor of former gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, intailes, titles, troubles, charges and demands whatso- ever had, made committed or suffered to be don by the said Francis Stevens or by his privity or procurement. In witness whereof the said Francis Stevens hath set to his hand and scale the day and year above written. "The mark is of Francis Stevens and a seal "signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us. "William Carpenter. "John Carpenter. "This deed was acknowledged before mee. James Brown, Assistant the twentyeth day of September in the year 1675." [Plymouth Colony Records of Deeds, Vol. IV, p. 367.] The following items are from the Proprietors' Records of Ancient Swansea: "Under the date 'Desember 2 >^ u ffi D c CQ *s < (U < March 7, 1799 ""kJi^^^ ^:t'V7^ (No. 1577, Page ISO) .Springfieh!, :Mass. Marcli 20, 1S13. (No, 3501, Page 479, Signed at Phoenix Bank, Hartford, C'onn.. Sept. 7, 1S35) Signatures of Josephs CliaH'e. and of some of his Descendants. FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 23 "At a Town Meeting Warned and mett together according to ye order of ye Counsel at Plymouth May 28th 1689 . . . Viewers of fences Tho: Barnes Joseph Chafy for Wannamoset," [Swansea Records] their duty being to adjust all matters of difference between contiguous owners, as to proper fences, location of boundary lines, and other matters of liTve nature. This year he is on record as a Proprietor, though not an inhabitant of Rehoboth. March 28, 1693, and March 27, 1694, he was again chosen for the ofhce of Fence Viewer, the last which he held. [Ibid.] He made his will, "being Sick & weake in Body" September 22, 1694, five weeks before his death. It was filed with his inventory, November 13, 1694, by his widow and two sons, and the same day they gave bond for the faithful performance of their duties in administrating the estate, their sureties being Nathaniel Chaffee, Joseph's brother, and John Ormsby, probably Annis Chaffe's brother-in-law, husband of her sister Eleanor (or El vara) or else his son John. WILL OF JOSEPH CHAFFE "In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Chaffee of the town of Swanzey in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Masachusetts in New England being Sick & weake in Body But of sound & perfect mind & memory Prased be god Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament In manner & forme following: "First and principally I commend my sowle into the Hands of Almighty God And Unto Jesus Christ my Dear Redeemer and my Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executrix. "And as Touching the Disposission of all such temporall Estate as God Hath been pleased to bestow Upon me I give & bestow as followeth: "Imps. My Will is that all my Just & lawfull Debts be Discharged. "Item — I give and Bequeath to my Beloved Wife all my House hold goods for her to Dispose of them too her selfe or to her Children at her Discretion. " I give & bequeath Unto my said Wiffe my Dwelling House and one halph of my Upland and meadow ground L)'eing & being in Swanzey to Have the whole Benifitt & Improvement During her Naturall Life. And she shall have her halfe of ye house lot on ye North Side of the lott, and her half of the meadow ground to be that which is Cald the Swamp Meadow and at my wifes decease it is my will that my two sons John and Joseph Chaffee shall have it to be equally divided between them (that is to say all the upland and meadow ground that I have in Swansey and Joseph shall have the North side of the Home lott as his part after my wifes decease " Ittem— I give and Bequeath Unto my Wife all my Rights of lands and Com- monage in Rehoboth to be Wholly at her Dispose. "Ittem — I give and bequeath Unto my sons John & Joseph Chaffee the other halfe of my Upland & Meadow Ground in Swanzey when they come to the age of Twenty-one Years to them their heirs and Assigns for Ever to be Equally and Alike Divided between them — Likewise I give Unto my two Sons all my Tooles & my gun — " Ittem — I give Unto my Son [John] a Heyfor of three year old "Ittem — I give ITnto my Son Joseph the Great Bible that was my fathers & my Sword & [illegible] & a heifer that I had of Joseph "Ittem — It is my will after my wifes Decease when my two Sons Come to posess the Upland and Meadow ground that I have given to my wife Dureing he-r Life Shall pay or Cause to be paid three pounds a peice to my Daughters as a Legan [legacy] which I give to them "Ittem — It is my will yt all my other Estate as Stock & Debts Due to me I give to my wife for her Use & Improvements; and for her to give to my Daughter according as She Shall in her Descretion See "Ittem — I Doe ordane & Constitute my beloved wife my Executrix & my two Sons John & Joseph Chaft'ee to be Executs of this my last will & Testament 24 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "And I Doe hereby Disannull & make Voyde all former Wills & Testaments heretofore made "In wittness whereof I the said Joseph Chaifee to this my Last Will and Testament Have Sett my hand & Seale this Twenty second Day of September In the year of our Lord one Thousand Six Hundred Ninety four "Signed, Sealed & Declared by Joseph Chaffee Joseph Chaffee [Seale] "yt this was his Last will & Testament in the Presence of Us "John Martin "Bamfield Capron " Nathaell Chaffee "Memorandum that on the thirteenth Day of Novembr 1694 att Bristoll then Did John Martin Bamfield Capron & Nathll Chaffee above named make oath they Did see Joseph Chaffee late of Swansey Deceased Sign Seale and Declare this Instrument to be his last will & testament and that he was of a Sound Disposing mind when he so Did, to the best of their apprehension. " Coram me Jno Sapfin ProbaE "Thiss Entered & Engrossed Novembr thirteenth 1694 by Jno Carey Registr " [Bristol County, Mass., Registry of Wills, at Taujiton, Vol. VII, p. 105.J " Know all men by these presents that wee Ann Chaffee & Jno & Joseph Chaffee all of Swansey in their majesties province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and Nathaniel Chaffee & Jno Almsbee of Rehoboth in ye County aforesaid Doe Stand & are firmly bound and obliged Unto John Saffin Esq in the Sum of two hundred & Seventy pounds Currant money of New England payd to him the said John Saffin [illegible] in the office of Probaite of wills & [illegible] well & truly to be made wee bind ourselves & either of us by himself Joyntly & Severally for and in the whole Our & Every and Either of our heires Executors and Administra- tors and every of them firmly by these presents — Sealed with our seals "Dated in Bristoll aforesaid the thirteenth day of November Annoqu Domini 1694 in the Sixth year of their Majesties reign "The condition of this obligation is Such that whereas the above bound Ann Chaffee is made Executrix & Jno. & Joseph Chaffee is made Executors of the Last Will & Testament of Joseph Chaffee Late of Swansey deceased Being the date the twenty second day of September 1694 and hath now proved the same Iff therefore the said Executors shall with all convenient Speed bring into the Registrys Office for the County of Bristol A true and perfect Inventory of the estate of the said Deed. And shall well & truly administer LTpon & Duly [illegible] all & Singular the Goods Chattells, Creditts & Estate Left by Him According to the Tenor & true meaning of his said will as the Law directs. And shall render & exhibit a true & Just account of their said Administration & of their Doings therein to this Office att or before the thirteenth Day of November 1695 without ffraud or farther Delay. Then this obligation to be Voyde & of none Effect or Els. to Stand & Remain in full force Standing and Virtue. "Sealed & Delivered Signum Ann Chafe y [seal] " in presence of John Chafe [seal] " Banfield Capron Joseph Chaffee [seal] "Thomas Sanford Nathaniel Chaffee [seal] John Ormsbee [seal]" INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH CHAFFEE An Inventory of the Estate of Joseph Chaffee Deceased of Swanzey in the County of Bristoll Taken the 9th of Novembr 1694 By the subscribers hereof — £ s d Imprs his wearing apparell Linen & woollen at 07-03-00 one Bed with furniture att 07-00-00 one Bed with appurtenances belonging theretoo 04-00-00 two Beds on the Chamber at " 08-10-00 FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 25 £ s d In wooll & Smale Spinning wheel 00-16-00 In Salt Beans & tallow at 00-07-00 In Sheets & Pillow Bears 02-00-00 In three Chests & a Box at 01-00-00 In Puter Potts, Platters Stone Juges glass bottles at 02-14-00 two Iron Kettles & three Iron Potts at 01-10-00 A Spit pot hooks tramills frying pan Gridjron 00-14-00 warming Pan Skillett at 00-10-00 wooden Dishes Strainers Spoones 00-14-00 In a Bible [see Appendix A] & other Bookes 01-00-00 Chairs & Table 00-08-00 In meat with the tubb that its in 01-00-00 Pailes & other things 00-12-00 In Sider, Keleers and old Barrills 02-00-00 one Gun Sword Ammunision with other Implements thereto belonging 01-16-00 two oxen at 06-00-00 Six Cowes — five young cattle & three Calves 18-00-00 Fifteen Swine at'Opd 18 2 Steers at 4pd 10-18-00 two Horses one mare & one coalt at 05-00-00 In Rye & flax , 03-05-00 In Indian Corn at 07-00-00 In hay at 06-00-00 In a Carte Yoaks & Chaines 03-00-00 In a Thwart Saw tooles & other Utensils 01-19-00 the sum totall 105-01-00 The House housing with all the lands & meadow belonging theretoo at 101-00-00 moreover a Certaine Tract of Land Lyeing between Decon John Butterworth & the land yt. was Jno mead berys A highway on the East & West end at 30-00-00 more fourteen pounds Common at Rehoboth 01-00-00 £237-01-00 "John Peck "Israel Peck "John Ormsby "Novembr the 13th 1694 the Executrix to the last & Testament of Joseph Chaffee Deceased made oath to the truth of this Inventory according to ye Ussuall fforme "Corame me "Jno Saffin Proba:e "John Carev Registem "This Entered Novembr 13th 1694 By John Carey Registem." [Bristol County, Mass., Registry of Wills, at Taunton, Vol. VII, p. 106.] Annis Chaffee had no sooner recovered from the shock of her husband's death than she was called upon to bear another of a like nature, the death of her father. He died in the Spring of 1695, the signature to his will being sworn to by the witnesses thereto May 7th. By this instrument, made June 2, 1686, he left to daughter Annis one-fourth of his household goods, and after his debts had been discharged, one-third of his cattle. "June 16th 1697. The towne [Rehoboth] met being lawfully warned and drew lots for the division of lands before agreed upon and they are drawn up as follow - eth. . . . John & Widow Chaffee" drawing lot number one hundred and twenty. [Rehoboth Records.] "Mar. 29th 1703. . . . Drew lots for the divi- 26 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY sions of lands before agreed upon and Lotts drawn are as followeth. , . . Widow and John Chaffee." [Ibid.] December 27, 1703, Annis Chaffee sold to John Whitaker two lots of land in Rehoboth, as is evidenced by the following deed : "To all Christian People to whom these presents shall Come Annis Chaffe of the Town of Swansey in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in Newengland Spinster Sendeth Greeting Know ye that I said Annis Chaffe have for a good & valluable Consideration by me in hand Received and paid by John Whiteker of the Town of Rehoboth in the County and province aforesaid wherewith I the said Annis Chaffe acknowledge my self satisfyed contented and fully paid and thereof and every part and jDarcell thereof exonerateth acquitteth and fully dischargeth the said John Whitaker his heirs execrs adminisrs and assigns forever Have freely and absolutely given granted bargained & sold and do by these presents bargain sell enfeoffe and Confirm from me the sd Annis Chaffe & my heirs to him the said John Whitaker his heirs execrs adminisrs and assigns forever Two Certain Lotts of Land in Rehoboth dew to me to be surveyed and laid forth by virtue of fourteen pounds of Estate of Commonage in Rehoboth given to me by my father Richard Martin deceased which two Lottments was ordered by the Town of Rehoboth the nineteenth of May anno 1697 to be surveyed and laid fourth the whole of both allotments amounting to four acres and a quarter of Land hereby giving the said John Whitaker his heirs and assigns full power & good and LawfuU authority to Chuse the said Lotts according to the priviledge ordered by the sd Town and survey and lay them out or Cause them to be layed and surveyed by the surveyor & Committe appointed by the said Town thereunto and that the sd John Whitaker or his assigns shall have full power to Record or Cause the sd Lotts to be Recorded to himself his heirs and assigns forever when surveyed & laid out To have and to Hold the said four acres and a quarter of Land be it more or less when it is laid forth with all and singular the Timber Tree underwood mines moneralls waters grass feedings rents profits priviledges Im- munities and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining to the sd Lands to the only proper use & Behoof of the said John Whitaker his heirs execrs admrs & assigns forever so that neither I the said Annis Chaffe nor my heirs nor any person from me or them or any of us shall Challenge any right Title or Interest In said Lands but shall be forever by these presents be barred and I the said Annis Chaffe do hereby Promise and Ingage to the sd John Whitaker that I have of my self good right and LawfuU authority to bargain sell & make over the said Lott- ments aforementioned as the true and only owner of the same In Witness hereof I the said Annis Chaffe hath hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty Seven day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and three and in the second year of the Reign of our sovereign Lady Anne of England Scot- land France & Ireland Queen Defender of the faith &c. "Signed Sealed & Delivered "] the mark of Anies Chafee [seal] "In the presence of us ( Daniel Allen " Witnesses < Nathaniel Peck ( John Pain "Memorandum " that Anies Chafee personally appeared before me ye subscriber one of her majesties of ye peace for ye County of Bristol on ye 21th Day of march 1703 or 4 and ac- knowledged this Instrument to be her free & Voluntary act and Deed Nicolas Peck "Reed Septer 15, 1731 "Recorded by Samel Howland, Register." [Bristol County, Mass., Registry of Deeds, Northern District, at Taunton, Vol. XXI, p. 51.] "At a Town Meeting Lawfully warned and met together by adjournment from the 29th of December 1707, until the 9th day of February 1708 [1707-8.] Then FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 27 met and the town proceeded to draw lotts which are as followeth . . . Wid. & John Chaffee" drawing lot number fifty-eight. [Rehoboth Records.] "At a Propriators meeting lawfully warned and continued by adjournment from the 8th day of January 1712 [13] to the 12th day of Feb. 1712, Then met together and the propriators of lands in Rehoboth cast lotts for their farms & each propriator's lott fell as followeth . . . Widow Ann Chaffee Estate 14s " drawing lot number nineteen. [Ibid.] April 25, 1721, Annis Chaffe made her will, which was offered for probate March 17, 1729-30, probably soon after her death. WILL OF ANNIS CHAFFE " In the Name of God Amen I Annis Chaffee Relict Widdow mr Joseph Chaffee Late of Swansey now Barrington in the Country of Bristol in his majesties Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Deceased being aged and Crasey of Body But of Sound and perfect memory praised be God Therefore Do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in form and manner and following "First and Principally I Recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be buried in Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter Named Nothing Doubting but that I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching Such Temporall things as is left me by my late husband in his last will and which God has other wise bestowed upon me I give devise and disjjose of them in the following manner "Imp. my will is that my Lawful Debtes and funeral charges be first paid & Discharged Item — I Give and bequeath unto my daughter mary Whittaker as an Addition to what I have given her Eighteen Pounds to be paid to her or to her Legall Repre- sentatives. "Item — I give and bequeath to my Daughter Anne Chaffee Seventy Pounds. " Item — I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Elisabeth Paine Twenty Pounds "Item — I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Abigail Chaffee Eaighteen Pounds and half my wearing Apairel of all sorts and my Red broadcloath Blanket "Item — I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Luther fifteen Pounds to be paid to her or to her legal Representatives and the other half of my said appairel I give to her the said Sarah Luther my aforesaid daughter "Item — My will further is that if Either or both of my two daughters that are unmarried Dye before they receive their Proportion that then the rest of my Daughters surviving to have it equally divided amongst them they leaving no issue behind them "Item — all the Rest and Residue of my Estate I give and Bequeath unto my two sons Equelly viz John Chaffee & Joseph Chaffee whome I make the Executors of this my last Will and Testament to Paying my Debts and Legacies and Receive What is due hereby Revocking all other wills by me heretofore made in word or writing Raty fieng'& Confirming thiss and no other to be my last will and Testa- ment in Wittnes whereof I have heareunto Set my hand and Seal this Twenty fifth Day of April in the seventh year of his majesties Reign Annoque Dom 1721 " Annis Chafee " Signed Sealed Pronounced Published and Declared in " Presence of us "Nathaniel Carpenter "Daniel Smith "Abiel Smith " Bristol march ye 17th 1729-30 "Then Before the Honod Nathaniell Blagrove, Esq. Judge of the Probate of Wills & within the County of Bristol Came Nathaniell Carpenter the only surviving Wittness to the Last Will & Testament of Annis Chaffee Late of Swansey now Barrington Deceased: and made oath that he saw the said Deceased Signe Seal 28 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY publish and Declare the same to be her last will and Testament and that she was of a sound Disposing mind when she So did and that Daniel Smith and Abiel Smith Signed as a wittness at the same time and that they all Signed in the presence of ye Testator "Stephen Paine Regist Coram Nathaniel Blagrove "Bristol march ye 19 1729-30 " Entered per Stephen Paine Registr." "Bond of John Chaffe and Joseph Chaffe Executors of the Will of their Mother Annis Chaffe "Bound unto Nathl Blagrove Esq. Judge of Probate in his Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England in the sum of Three Hundred Pounds Current Money in New England " Sureties Samuel Mason " Jabez Bosworth "Signed March 17th 1729-30 John Chaffe [seal] " John Chaffe Woodstock Suffolk Co. Joseph Chaffe [seal] "Joseph Chaffe Barrington Samuel Mason [seal] "Annis Chaffe Swansey." Jabez Bosworth [seal] INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF ANNIS CHAFFE "Barinton " A True Inventory of the Estate of Mrs. Annis Chaffee Widow Late of Barin- ton Deceased Taken by us the subscribers The 18th Day of this Instant march 1730 as foUoweth £ s. d. money Due upon Bond 37-18-08 silver money att 15 penney weight 01-05-00 Bills or paper money 03-06-09 Books 01-04-00 Best Bed and furniture 14-07-00 one bed more 2 Blancets sheets and coverlid 13-03-00 Ticking and feathers 02-10-00 Two Blankets Coverlids with sundry old cloathes 02-05-01 pillion wheel and sundry old lumber 00-15-00 sheetts 04-15-00 pillobears and table linnen 03-13-00 Glasse Bottles and Juggs 00-07-00 warming pan Skillet and scimmer 01-04-00 Tramels scales gridiron Boxiron and heaters 01-08-00 Iron potts kitles and frying pan 03-06-00 puter and earthern ware 01-17-06 pails and Trays 01-03-00 four chairs Table Chest and Reel 01-03-00 meat tub sive and earthern potts 00-10-00 three Bags Churn and several other things 01-01-06 Chest and 2 Boxes 01-16-00 Two cowes 14-00-00 112-18-5 "Samuel Mason " Samuel Carns "Jabez Bozworth "The apprasers were sworn Coram "N. Blagrove." "The Accompt of John Chaffe & Joseph Chaffee Executors to the Last Will and Testament of their Mother Annis Chaffee Late of Barrington Deceased FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 29 "The Accomptants Charge themselves with the Inventory Amounting to the Sum of £ 112-18-05 "The Accomptants Prays allowance for the payment of severall Debtes & Legacies as followeth £ Imp — To funerall Charges 4-02-0 Item — To a Legacy Paid Mary Whiterker the Wife of Daniel Whitiker as per will 8_00-0 Item — To a Legacy Paid Anne Chaffee as per will 20-00-0 To a Legacy Paid Elisabeth Paine the wife of Josiah Paine as per will 15-00-0 To a Legacy Paid Sarah Luther the wife of Samuel Luther as per will 15-00-0 To a Legacy Paid Abigail Chaffe as per will 18-00-0 the wittness coming to prove the will 00-08-0 To a Letter Administration 00-10-0 proving ye will 6-6 Recording ye will 4 00-10-6 allowing and Recording the Inventory 00-06-0 To the Appriasers for appraising ye Estate 01-07-0 To Allowing and Registering this Account 00-10-0 To Drawing the Act 00-01-0 83-14-0 "John Chaffe "Joseph Chaffe." Joseph and Annis Chaffe are thought to be buried in the Ancient Chaffee Burying Ground, which lies on what was once their own farm, but no memorials to them of any kind remain. Children, born in Swansea: 15 i Mary 3 Chaffe (Chafv), born February 21, 1671-2; died in Swansea, May 7, 1674. + 16 ii John Chaffe, born December 16, 1673; married (1) Sarah Hills; (2) Elizabeth Hayward. + 17 iii Mary Chaffe, born October 23, 1675; married Daniel Whitaker. + 18 iv Joseph Chaffe, born February 6, 1677; married (1) Abigail Hills; (2) Jemima Chadwick. 19 V Annis (Ann, Anne, Anna) Chaffe, died; married in Barrington, October 15, 1743, Daniel Allen of that place; mentioned in her mother's will, April 7, 1721, and on her mother's death received the legacy in 1730; baptized in and united with the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, June 6, 1736; January 31, 1744, was dis- missed from that church to the one in Barrington. 20 vi Dorothv Chaffe (Chafey) , born September 4, 1682 ; died August 27, 1698. 21 vii Elizabeth Chaffe (Chafee), born March 18, 1685 ; married Josiah (Joseph) Paine. 22 viii Sarah Chaffe (Chafey), born March 18, 1687; married in Swansea, March 26, 1713, Samuel, son of Samuel Luther, Jr., and grandson of Elder Luther; mentioned in her mother's will, April 7, 1721, and on her mother's death received the legacy in 1730. 23 ix Abigail Chaffe, probably married in Providence, R. L, April 28, 1737, Thomas Field; mentioned in her mother's will, April 7, 1721, and on her mother's death received the legacy in 1730, being then un- married. THIRD GENERATION 4 Dorothy ^ ChafiEe (Chafey) (Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Swansea, Mass., and died in Rehoboth, Mass., May 16, 1718. She married there. May 1, 1694, Nathaniel, son of Stephen and Ann (Chickering) Paine. He was born in Rehoboth, November 20, 1667, where he hved and was an extensive landowner. He died March 25, 1718, his wife surviving his loss only two months. His estate was administered by his son, Nathaniel, Jr. Children : 24 i Dorothy ^ Paine, born February 3, 1694-5; died in Rehoboth, April, 1725. 25 ii Nathaniel Paine, Jr., born May 24, 1697; married Abigail Smith. 26 iii Abigail Paine, born July 28, 1699; died in Rehoboth, August 31, 1699. 27 iv Jonathan Paine, born July 2, 1701; married Rebecca Peck. 28 v Rachel Paine, born July 13, 1705; married Timothy Borden. 29 vi Elizabeth Paine, born April 15, 1712; married Joshua Lyon. For further descendants see Paine Genealogy, by H. D. Paine. 6 Thomas ^ ChafEe (Chafey) (Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Swansea, Mass., October 19, 1672, and died in Rehoboth, Mass., February 21, 1754. He married there, June 4, 1695, Margaret, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Sutton) Car- penter. She was born May 4, 1675, and died in Rehoboth, May 6, 1751. July 4, 1731, she was admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth. At the time of his marriage Thomas Chaffe lived in Rehoboth, where he is called "yeoman." On November 9, 1703, he sold to his brother Nathaniel (7) of Rehoboth, twelve acres of land in that town. In the record of this transaction Thomas is called "weaver" and Nathaniel, "blacksmith." On July 1, 1706, Thomas Chaffe was chosen to serve on the Jury of Trials at Bristol, Mass., "on the second Tuesday of July inst." On October 17, 1711, a petition was presented to the General Court asking that the town of Rehoboth be divided into two pre- cincts for the support of the ministry, as some of the petitioners were living from four to seven miles from meeting. Among the names signed are those of Thomas Chaffe and his brother Jonathan (8). On January 10, 1718, Thomas bought for £15 of Joseph Russ of Ashford, Conn., one hundred acres of land in the western part of that town. At that time and in all later records he is spoken of as "of Rehoboth"; apparently he never lived in Ashford, nor, so far as is known, did any of his children. At a town meeting held in Rehoboth in the West Meeting House on Monday, March 29, 1721, he was chosen Surveyor of the Highway, and on March 25, 1723, Constable. May 4, 1730, he sold for £30, a few acres of land in Barrington, Mass. (formerly Swansea), to Joseph Chaffe, Sr. (18), his cousin, who lived there. January 9, 1731, Thomas Chaffe was baptized in the First Con- gregational Church in Rehoboth, prior to becoming a church member, March 5, 1732. He administered the estate of his brother Noah (14), August 17, 1736. "Thomas Chaffe yeoman of Rehoboth" for "love, good-will and affection" sold (or rather gave) on May 28, 1737, sixteen acres of land in Rehoboth, "being THIRD GENERATION 31 part of the Grantor's Homelot," to the heirs of his son Amos (33), "Freelove, (HI) LiHs (114), and Unis (115) Chaffe." For the same reasons he "sold" to his son Thomas, Jr., of Rehoboth, May 30, 1737, forty acres in that town, being also part of the home lot. Children, born in Rehoboth: 30 i Margaret * Chaffe, born September 10, 1696; died; married in Rehoboth, March 30, 1719, Joseph Baker of Barrington. + 31 ii Rachel Chaffe, born November 1, 1698; married John Sweeting. + 32 iii Mehitable Chaffe, born November 23, 1700; married Dan Bowen. + 33 iv Amos Chaffe, born July 17, 1702; married Freelove Carpenter. + 34 v Experience Chaffe, born July 1, 1705; married Jonathan Ormsbee. + 35 vi Tabitha Chaffe, born September 11, 1709; married Aaron Read. + 36 vii Thomas Chaffe, Jr., born December 10, 1712; married Rebecca Hunt. 7 Nathaniel ^ ChafEe, Jr. (Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 8, 1675, and died February 28, 1703-4. He married about 1701-2, Mercy . She married (2) in Rehoboth, April 24, 1708, James Read, a tanner. Nathaniel Chaffe, Jr., "blacksmith" bought twelve acres of land in Rehoboth, from his brother Thomas, November 9, 1703, but he did not long live to enjoy his property, dying less than four months after its purchase. May 17, 1704, his wife and Moses Read were appointed in Rehoboth administrators of his estate. In 1708 Mercy Chaffe was appointed guardian of her daughter Dorothey, and January 5, 1708-9, she and her second husband were appointed the child's joint guardians. Child: 37 i Dorothey* Chaffe, born in Rehoboth, March 17, 1702-3; died in Swansea, Mass., June 25, 1759; married, April 25, 1723, James Cole of Swansea, a grandson of Hugh Cole, Sr.; she was baptized in Rehoboth, April 17, 1709. 8 Jonathan ^ ChafEe (Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 7, 1678, and died there, December 31, 1766. He married in Rehoboth, November 23, 1703, Hannah, daughter of William and Miriam (Searles) Carpenter. She was born April 10, 1684 (1685), and in 1767 was appointed executrix of her hus- band's estate. February 10, 1701-2, Jonathan Chaffe's father gave him, "for love and affec- tion," four and a half acres of land in Rehoboth near "Broken Cross." March 19, 1704, he was chosen in Rehoboth to act as Field Driver. November 21, 1715, he and one hundred and ten others agreed to pay for the building of a new meeting- house in the following installments: "One hundred pounds this year 1715, & 100 £ in the year 1716, and what more shall be needful for the finishing of the Meeting House in 1717." In 1718 he bought for £8 of Joseph Russ, one hundred acres of land in Ashford, Conn. December 11, 1818, he was chosen in Rehoboth to serve on the Jury of Trials. In 1819 he bought of Jeremiah Allen one hundred acres more of land in Ashford. March 28, 1720, he was chosen in Rehoboth for the office of "Tything Man." He, with his wife and son Jonathan, Jr., was admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, June 6, 1725. He gave one hundred acres of his Ashford property, in 1726, to his eldest son, Jonathan, who settled there. January 15, 1727, the town meeting " chose Jonathan Chaffee to project & prepair a method how schools shall be kept in the severall parts of the town, and how many may be proper for the Towne to have." March 32 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 30, 1730, he was again chosen to serve on "the Jury of Triale at Bristol the next Superior Court." April 10, 1731, he gave to his second son, Nathaniel, "for love and affection," ten acres of land in Rehoboth, being the easterly side of his home lot. In 1734 he sold the remainder of his Ashford property to his brother David, apparently having never lived in that town. November 3, 1736, he was chosen Selectman of Rehoboth. He was appointed one of the administrators of his brother Noah's estate, August 19, 1737, on the same day the year previous having been appointed guardian to Noah's two orphan sons, Christopher (74) and Shubael (75). He and Edward Glover and Samuel Mason, as his sureties, were bound in the sum of £500 for the faithful performance of this trust. July 29, 1739, he gave to his son "Dan Chaffe of Rehoboth, Husbandman," for "love and affection," fifteen acres of land, part of his home lot. October 15, 1739, Jonathan Chaffe was chosen Grand Juryman, and May 21, 1744, "the town meeting being met Chose Jonathan Chaffee to be oversear of the workhouse this present year. He being present and accepted the said trust and did then declare to the Town that he would not Charge the Town for his Trouble and Labour in that affair, and would be content with a Reasonable alowance out of the earnings of the persons committed to the said house." In October, 1745, he was again chosen as Grand Juryman, this being his last town office. In 1746, "Jonathan Chaffe yeoman," with his son Dan, bought of Peter Walker of Rehoboth for £57, one-half of nine and a half acres of meadow land there on both sides of Mill Run. May 15, 1749, he gave to his grandson, William Chaffe (158), two acres of land in Re- hoboth, "in consequence of love, good will and affection I do bare to my dutifull grandchild Wm. Chaffe, son of Dan." October 21, 1751, he was a member of the "Jury of Inquest," which met in Rehoboth to investigate the death of John Hunt. April 28, 1752, "Jonathan Chaffe, husbandman" bought of James Kent for £8, three acres on Mill Run. He made his will May 5, 1754, making his wife sole executrix, and leaving to each one of his sons and daughters six shillings. February 7, 1760, Jonathan Chaffe, mason, sold to his grandson, "William Chaffe, cordwainer" (shoemaker), for £100, twenty -four acres of land in Rehoboth, being part of his homestead. In the old burying ground, formerly in Rehoboth, but now in the village of Rumford, in East Providence, R. I., we read on a moss- encrusted stone this inscription : "Jonathan ChafTe Departed this life December 31, 1766 in the 89th year of his age." Children, born in Rehoboth: + 38 i Jonathan * Chaffe, Jr., born Jxm-e 25, 1704; married Abigail Lyon. -i-39 ii Nathaniel Chaffe, born October 20, 1705; married (1) Rebecca Mason; (2) Lydia Peck. -1-40 iii Hannah Chaffe, born October 3, 1707; married Joseph Armmgton. + 41 iv Dan Chaffe, born February 6, 1710-11; married Mary Robinson. 42 V Miriam Chaffe, born August 22, 1712; died unmarried about 1787; was admitted to the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, August 1, 1736/ May 8, 1767, she bought of Comfort Peck for £10, 10s., two acres of land in Rehoboth; her will, made October 21, 1773, makes her nephew William Chaffe (158) executor and leaves her property to his son Josiah (453). THIRD GENERATION 33 43 vi Susanna Chaffe, born September 22, 1714; died in Rehoboth, December 8, 1715. + 44 vii Ephraim Chaffe, born January 25, 1715-6; married (1) Patience Butter- worth; (2) Hannah Butterworth. 45 viii WiUiam Chaffe, born about 1717; died in Rehoboth, April 26, 1730. 46 ix Susanna Chaffe, born June 10, 1720; died young. 47 X Dehverence Chaffe, born September 4, 1721 ; died in Rehoboth, May 10, 1736; baptized in the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, October 22, 1721; buried in the old burying ground there (now in the village of Rumford, East Providence, R. I.). 48 xi Josiah Chaffe, born May 2, 1723; died in Rehoboth, April 7, 1725; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, June 23, 1723. 49 xii Susanna Chaffe, born August 28, 1728; died in Rehoboth, May 20, 1736; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, September 5, 1728. 9 David ^ OhafEe (Nathaniel 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., Au- gust 22, 1680, and died there, February 25, 1750-1. He married (1) in Rehoboth, April 7, 1708, Patience, daughter of Watching Atherton (see Appendix C). She died there, January 28, 1731-2, in her fiftieth year. There being some property coming to them from their great-grandfather, Humphrey Atherton, the three children of an age to choose their own guardian, Atherton, Mary and Margaret, asked to have their uncle Samuel Atherton appointed, their father "David Chafey" con- senting, and asking also to have a guardian appointed for Experience, who was under fourteen. Samuel Atherton was also made her guardian, these records being dated December 5, 1733, and May 25, 1734. David Chaffe married (2) about May, 1733, Mrs. Hannah Pidge of Attleboro, Mass., their intention of marriage being published there and in Rehoboth, April 28, 1733. She married after David's death. Captain John Hoyle of Providence, R. I., their intention of marriage being entered in Attleboro, April 18, 1752. The date of the following entry is not known, but it is thought to have been made between 1713 and 1715. The record of the bounds of the land of Nathaniel Chaffee given to his son David Chaffee. "Twenty acres of Land be it more or less being his first and second lots in the Divisions granted Anno Domini 1707-8 Lying in three parts, ye first part con- taining five acres and a quarter, lying on "the Southerly side of Capt Pecks lot. and on the Easterly side of his own land. Bounded said Pecks land. Westerly his own land Southerly a 4 rod highway. "2nd. Another part containmg Two acres be it more or less. Lying on the Easterly end of said Pecks land, Bounded South easterly a four rod highway. Northerly Danll Reads land, Westerly a two rod way for Danll Perrin to come to his land purchased of Timothv Gye that was said Pecks. "3d. The last part being Twelve acres & Three quarters, be it more or less, Lying near Rocky meadow, adjoining to Daniel Reads land and to land of Nathll Read the first corner is a stake, Standing in said Nathll Reads line, thence S. S. W. 36 rods to a stake for a corner thence S. E. B. E. 47 rods to Daniel Reads land then bounding in said line 46 rods to a stake for a corner, standing in his line. Thence upon a straight line to Nathll Reads South East corner then bounding with said Nathll Reads land to the first corner "Danll Carpenter " Surveyor. " A true copy from the 3d Book of Records, Solon Carpenter." 34 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY David Chaffe is spoken of in the records as "husbandman" and "yeoman." He was chosen Surveyor of the Highway in Rehoboth, March 25, 1723, and again in 1726. February 13, 1724—5, he, his brother Daniel and John Stevens, obtained of Nathaniel Read leave to build a dam on Ten Mile River, and to build a good saw-mill and a corn-mill. This was in Attleboro, and was called Chaffe 's Dam and Chaffe's Mill. David and Daniel, together with Nathaniel Read, sold three- sixteenths of this mill privilege to Daniel Read, May 8, 1725. July 3, 1727, David Chaffe of Rehoboth, Daniel ChafTe of Attleboro, Captain Daniel Read, Samuel Robinson and Nathaniel Read, "all of them Millers," bought of Silas Titus, Rehoboth, land in Attleboro for £15. David Chaffe was chosen Constable of Rehoboth, March 29, 173L October 9, 1734, he sold to Daniel Perrin, "Cord- wainer," seven and a quarter acres of land in that town for £14, 10s. In the same year he bought of his brother Jonathan for £60, one hundred acres of land in Ashford, Conn. To this he added in 1737, twenty-six and a half acres bought of Nathaniel Fuller for £150, the property including a house. April 12, 1737, he sold to Daniel Perrin of Rehoboth for £55, eleven acres of his home lot in Rehoboth, and January 23d following for £300, twenty-eight acres more of the same property. In these deeds he is spoken of as "of Rehoboth." In 1739, he bought of Ichabod Ward for £150, one hundred acres more of land in Ashford, of which town he was at that time a resident. September 12, 1743, he gave to his son Atherton, one-half of all his lands, buildings, fences, orchards and im- provements on his farm in Ashford on which he was then Uving. In 1746 he bought of Increase Sumner of Roxbury, twenty-four acres of land in Ashford, the price being £80 "old tenor bills credit." October 3, 1750, he gave to his son David, Jr., in consideration of love, good will and fatherly afTection, thirty acres of land in Ashford. November 16, 1750, he sold for £100 to his son Atherton, three tracts of land there near Lead Mine Hill, containing about eighty-five acres, a house and buildings. Three months after this he died in Rehoboth. He and his wife Patience were buried in the western part of Rehoboth, now Seekonk. Children, by first wife, born in Rehoboth: -f50 i David * Chaffe, Jr., born February 27, 1708-9; married Martha Walker. -f51 ii Elizabeth Chaffe, born March 21, 1710-11; married Ichabod Read. -1-52 iii Patience Chaffe, born April 14, 1713; married Samuel Read. + 53 iv Atherton Chaffe, born April 7, 1715; married (1) Abigail Squire; (2) Rachel Fuller. + 54 V Mary Chaffe, born June 15, 1717; married Gideon Frankhn. 55 vi Margaret Chaffe, born September 13, 1719; died after 1777; admitted to the First Church in Attleboro, October 25, 1741; Uving there in 1753 and 1777, in the latter year being mentioned in the will of her niece "Betty Chafee" (201) as "my beloved Aunt Margaret Chaffe of Attleborough," and receiving a bequest. 56 vii Experience Chaffe, born June 20, 1722; died; residence, 1753, Attleboro. 10 Experience ^ Chafte (Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass.,. March 24, 1782-3, and died there April 19, 1754. She married in Rehoboth, July 21, 1714, Timothy, son of Samuel and Patience (Ide) Carpenter of that place. Children, born in Rehoboth: 57 i Allethea * Carpenter. 58 ii Amos Carpenter, born February 12, 1715-6; married (1) Polly Gould; (2) Phebe Gould. THIRD GENERATION 35 59 iii Experience Carpenter, born June 2, 1718; married Samuel Smith. 60 iv Dorothy Carpenter, born April 20, 1720. 61 V Timothy Carpenter, Jr., born October 24, 1721 ; married his cousin, Molly * Sweeting (100) (RacheP Chaffe, Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), born in Rehoboth, October 24, 1721. 62 vi Samuel Carpenter, born April S, 1725; died August 7, 1725. 63 vii Patience Carpenter, a twin, born April 8, 1725; married David Thurston. For further descendants see Carpenter Genealogy. 12 Daniel ^ ChafiEe (Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., Octo- ber 30, 1687, and died in Attleboro, Mass., before February 13, 1768. He married (1) in Rehoboth, March 26, 1713, Alice (or Alse) Millerd. She died, and he married (2) in Attleboro, November 3, 1757, Mrs. Perces Ormsby. Daniel Chaffe's first recorded land transaction was June 13, 1712, when he sold to John French of Attleboro, two and a half acres of land in that town, formerly a part of the town of Rehoboth. December 17, 1722, he bought of Nicholas Bragg for £130, one hundred and thirty acres in Attleboro, adjoining the land of his brother David. February 13, 1724-5, Daniel and David' Chaffe and John Stevens obtained leave of Nathaniel Read of Rehoboth, to build a dam on Ten Mile River in Attleboro, and a good saw-mill and a corn-mill. In the foregoing deeds Daniel was "of Rehoboth." May 8, 1725, David Chaffe, "Daniel Chaffe of Attleborough, mason," and Nathaniel Read sold one-sixteenth of this mill privilege. July 3, 1727, these three, and with them Captain Daniel Read and Samuel Robinson, "All of them Millers," bought of Silas Titus for £15, land in Attleboro. January 14, 1727-8, Daniel Chaffe "mason," bought of him three acres of land there for £3, 15s. December 31, 1733, he bought three acres more there for £4 10s., and March 30, 1734, three and a half acres more for £6. February 22, 1737-8, he bought of Samuel Robinson for £30, ten acres of land bounding on the line between Attleboro and Rehoboth. January 4, 1740-2, for £96, he added to this thirty acres more, and January 18, 1742, bought six acres of land on Ten Mile River from Ephraim Hall for £45. October 22, 1742, Daniel Chaffe, "husbandman," bought of John Kent and wife Rachel of Rehoboth, land in Swansea, ]\Iass., for £47. November 9th following he sold to Samuel Robinson for £6, the " swamp or meadow flowed with ye Dam that was erected across Ten Mile River, called Chaffee's Dam & MilL" Daniel Chaffe, "yeoman," sold sixteen acres of land in Attleboro to Joshua Parmenter, for £100, December 26, 1744. February 3, 1745, Daniel Chaffe, "miller," sold to Henry Tolman, Jr., for £30, thirty acres of land there, and July 26, 1746, to Joseph Welman, twenty acres of land there for £80. October 30, 1747, with his son Daniel, Jr., he bought of Silas Titus thirty acres of land there for £350. November 2, 1747, he bought three acres more there for £30. August 15th follow- ing, Daniel, Sr., sold to Daniel Jr., for £400, sixty acres of land in the same town. March 15, 1758, he sold to Jonathan Titus, gunsmith, for £5, land near Chaffe's mill. March 1, 1758, he bought for £5, land in Attleboro. June 19, 1758, " Perces Chaffe, formerly Ormsby, wife of Daniel Chaffe," sold to Shubael Peck of Rehoboth, seventy-five acres of land there for £67, 10s. September 23, 1760, Daniel sold to Zachariah Carpenter of Rehoboth, one-quarter part of the saw-mill and one-quarter part of the corn-mill on Ten IMile River and one-quarter part of "Stream and Dam," etc., for £13, 6s. His final land transaction was the purchase, April 16, 1765, for £16, 7s. of land in Attleboro. His will, dated May 21, 1763, was witnessed by "Zeckariah Carpenter, Jonathan Titos, Samuel Atherton, and Peter Thacher." It 36 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY made Daniel's son-in-law, Alexander Moore, executor. Daniel died some time before February 13, 1768, as under that date we find in the Taunton Probate Records the following item : " Attleborough. These lines inform the Hon'd Judge the widder has no objection. Hor "Perse x Caffe." mark The inventory was taken March 14, 1768, by Moses Wilmarth and Samuel Atherton. The will contains the following bequests : "Item — I give to my beloved wife, Perces, the use etc., of the West half of my Dwelling House. "Item — I give unto my eldest daughter, AUice, and to my four Grandchildren viz. the children of my son Daniel Chaffe, and to my Grandchild viz. the child of my Daughter Esther, and to their Respective heirs and assigns [and ^ part thereof my wife] My daughter Alice to have ^ part thereof. And ^ part therof to be equally divided between my four Grand children, children of Daniel Chaffee viz. Abner, Daniel, Samuel, and Mary. "And the remaining 3rd part I give to my Grandson Joel son of my daughter, Esther Martin." The executor filed his account April 3, 1769. Children, by first wife, the first five born in Rehoboth, the last three in Attleboro: 64 i Samuel* Chaffe, born December 1, 1714; probably died before 1763, as he is not mentioned in his father's will. 65 ii Elizabeth Chaffe (birth entered in Providence, R. I., and Rehoboth), born June 12, 1716; probably died before 1763, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. 66 iii Alice (Alse) Chaffe, born (birth entered in Providence, R. I., and Reho- both) June 18, 1718; died; married in Attleboro, July 23, 1741, Alexander Moore, their intention of marriage being pubUshed there. May 9, 1741. 67 iv Daniel Chaffe, Jr., born April 26, 1720; died in infancy. -1-68 V Daniel Chaffe, Jr., born December 14, 1721 ; married Dorcas Ormsby. + 69 vi Esther Chaffe, born March 10, 172-; married Amos Martin. 70 vii Millerd Chaffe, probably died before 1763, as he is not mentioned in his father's will. 71 viii Abner Chaffe, born July 18, 17 — ; probably died before 1763, as he is not mentioned in his father's will. 14 Noah 3 ChafEe (Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., Decem- ber 17, 1692, and died there October 5, 1732. He married (1) in Rehoboth, May 5, 1720, Sarah, daughter of Abiah and Mehitable (Reed) Carpenter. She was born in Rehoboth, March 3, 1796-7, and died there, September 10, 1722. He married (2) in Rehoboth, December 16, 1725, Hepzibah Daggett, who died there, August 12, 1736, in her thirty-fifth year. Her estate was administered by her brother, Israel Daggett, who was appointed August 26, 1736, an inventory of her possessions being taken August 30, 1736. The town records make no mention of Noah Chaffe, but his various land trans- actions are on record. On May 3, 1715, his father gave him six acres of land in Rehoboth, being the house lot, and also twenty-four acres in Half Mile swamp. THIRD GENERATION 37 February 14, 1720-1, Noah Chaffe, "yeoman," bought for £18, Is., eleven and three-quarters acres of land in Rehoboth of Hannah, widow of Josiah Turner of that place. February 5, 1724, he sold to his cousin Joseph Chaffe (18) of Barrington, Mass., one and a half acres of "Salt Marsh" in that place, "the other half being my brother Thomas Chaffe 's." This deed was witnessed by John Chaffe (16) and Ebenezer Chaffe (78). He sold two. acres in Rehoboth for £2, December 20, 1726, to Joseph Bucklin, Sr., of that place. Between this date and January 20, 1731-2, he became an inn-holder, as we find him so called in a deed of the latter date, when he sold to James Walker, a fellow-townsman "a right of commonage" in Rehoboth for £3, 5s. The next day he sold to Richard Bowen for £185, the twenty-four acres in Half Mile swamp given him in 1715 by his father. Three months later, April 25, 1732, he bought for £15, four acres in Rehoboth from John Sweetland of Attleboro, Mass. This was his last land transaction, as he died the following October. There is no record that Noah Chaffe ever became a member of any church, though his wife, Hepzibah, joined the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, December IS, 1726. She was appointed administratrix of his estate on November 9, 1732, but dying before it was settled, her husband's brothers, Jonathan (8) and Thomas (5), were appointed to complete the administration. Sarah, Noah's daughter by his first wife, chose as her guardian, August 25, 1736, her uncle Abiah Carpenter. Jonathan Chaffe (8) was appointed guardian of the minor children, Shubael and Christopher. October 30, 1738, Noah Chaffe's heirs drew lot number thirty-eight in Rehoboth. Noah Chaffe and his second wife were buried in the old burying-ground, Reho- both (now in the village of Rumford, East Providence, R. I.), where their tomb- stones bear the following inscriptions : "Here lies ye body of Mr. Noah Chaffe Deceased Oct' ye 5th 1732. in ye 40th year of his age." "Here Hes inter'd ye body of Hephzibah Chaffe widow & rehct of Mr. Noah Chaffe Dec'd Aug. 12th 1736 in ye 35th year of her age." Child, by first wife : + 72 i Sarah ^ Chaffe, born August 20, 1722; married William Blanden. Children, by second wife, born in Rehoboth: 73 ii Isaiah Chaffe, born November 4, 1727; died in Rehoboth, February 17, 1727-8. + 74 iii Shubael Chaffe, born March 23, 1729-30; married Elizabeth Crawford. 75 iv Christopher Chaffe, born August 7, 1731; died in Woodstock, Conn., December 31, 1755; was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, September 26, 1731; losing both his parents in early childhood, he probably lived with his uncle and guardian, Jonathan Chaffe (8) ; when he moved to Woodstock, we do not know, but it is on record under the date November 10, 1752, that "Christopher 38 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffe, husbandman, of Woodstock, Conn.," sold for £60 to "Shubael Chaffe husbandman of Rehoboth" his interest in the estate of their father, being one-fourth part. He served in the French and Indian War, enlisting from Rehoboth, which is given as his residence, September 8, 1755, and serving in the expedition against Crown Point under the command of General William Johnson, in Captain Aaron Kingsley's company. [Massachusetts Colonial Records, Vol. XCHI, p. 199.] Soon after this he died; whether from the effects of his service or not, we do not know; his tombstone in the West Woodstock cemetery reads: "Here lies the body of Mr. Christopher Chaffee who died Dec. ye 31 1755 in ye 25 year of his age." The inventory of his real estate taken January 24, 1756, gives the amount as £759, 12s. ; apparently he gave, either by will or by gift, before his death, a sum of money to the New Roxbury Society, as on December 13, 1756, at a meeting of the inhabitants: "It was proposed whether or no they would lay out that money that was given to the society by Christopher Chaffe late of Woodstock deceased for the finishing of the meeting house in said society toward the finishing of the pulpit & galleries, and it was voted in the affirmative by polling"; that his generosity was, though tardily, appreciated, is proved by the following: "At a regular meeting of the society in Woodstock on the 10th day of December A. D. 1764, voted that the society committee should procure a decent pair of grave-stones for a memoriam of Christopher Chaffe late of Woodstock deceased. Upon the account of his generous and pious gift or donation to said society"; these stones were procured through Shubael Child, and December 15, 1766, he acknowledged the receipt of £1, 12s. in payment for them. 16 John 3 Chaffe (Joseph, 2 Thomas') was born in Swansea, Mass., December 16, 1673 [Plymouth Colony Records] and died in Woodstock, Conn., December 2, 1757. He married (1) in Swansea, July 17, 1700, Sarah, daughter of Gershom and Elizabeth (Chadwick) Hills of Maiden, Mass., [see Appendix B] and sister of his brother Joseph's wife. She was of Maiden and died, probably in Woodstock, April 7, 1735. John Chaffe married (2) in Ashford, Conn., November 4, 1735, Elizabeth Hay- ward of that place, who died in Woodstock, February 5, 1760, aged eighty-seven. October 28, 1694, just before John Chaffe's twenty-first birthday, his father died and he, together with his mother and younger brother, was made an executor of the estate. According to the terms of his father's will he received a "heifor," one- half of his father's "tooles" and gun, and, on attaining the age of twenty-one, one-fourth part of his "Upland and Meadow ground in Swanzey." (See 1.) He and his mother drew lot number one hundred and twenty in a division of land in Rehoboth, June 16, 1697. Rehoboth Records.] "At a Town meeting Legally warned as by ye Constables return & the Town being together March 23, 1697-8 for choice of Town officers for ye year ensuing did proceed viz: . . . Surveyors of Highways . . . John Chaffy" and four others. [Swansea Records.] March 25, 1701, "John Chafey" was chosen one of two Constables. [Ibid.] March 29, 1703, he and his mother again received a share in a division of land in Rehoboth. [Rehoboth Records.] The next day, March 30, 1703, "John Chaffy" and two others were chosen Tithingmen. [Swansea Records.] On the " 2d Tuesday in March 1703-4 . . . Field Drivers Chose for Wanne- THIRD GENERATION 39 mosset [up to 1667 part of Rehoboth, but at this time the western part of Swansea] John Chafie" and one other. [Ibid.] June 6, 1704, John Chaffe of Swansea, bought of John Hall of Rehoboth ten acres of land there for £1, 10s. June 30, 1704, "John Chafie" and two others were chosen "to serve on the Petty Jury at ye Court of Quarter Sessions to be holden at Bristol for ye County of Bristol on y 2 Tuesday of July next ensuing." [Ibid.] February 9, 1707-8 "John Chaffee" and his mother again shared in a division of land in Rehoboth, drawing lot number fifty-eight. [Rehoboth Records.] June 16, 1708, "John Chaffee of Swanzey yeoman" sold to Thomas Allen of the same town, six acres of land there for £9. "Aprel the ninth one thousen seaven hundred and eleavene" an agreement in regard to a driftway on the west side of Hide's Hole, the hanging of two gates therein, etc., was signed by seventeen Proprietors of Swansea, two of whom were John Chafe" and " Joseph Chaffe," his brother. About this time was agitated the question of forming a new town from that western part of Swansea called New Meadow Neck and Phebe's Neck, where John and Joseph Chaffe lived. The matter seems to have, arisen from the fact that the meetinghouse was at such a distance from the dwellers in the western part of Swansea as to be of little use to them, though they were forced to pay tithes for the support of the minister and the maintenance of the meetinghouse. There seemed to be no other way than to form a new town and a new meeting- house, so the following petition was drawn up and sent to the Governor and Council. A PETITION " To His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Captain-General and Governor-in-chief in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in N. E., the Honorable Council and Representatives in Geyieral Court assembled at Boston this thirtieth day of May -.[nil.] " The petition of us the subscribers, inhabitants on the westward end of Swansea, most humbly sheweth, that among all the outward and external blessings with which the God of all mercy blesseth any people with all in this world, that of the House of God is among them; the Gospel purely preached and the ordinances of Christ's kingdom duly administered and fathers and children settled under pastoral watch care and government, under pious learned orthodox ministers being in our esteem the greatest. "And we, your petitioners, being under the deplorable privations thereof, do most hum.bly and earnestly petition this Honorable Court that some methods may be taken (as in wisdoni may be thought best) for our relief, we being assured of this. Honorable General Court's power and good will to help in such cases, from their repeated acts of the like nature, do the more freely open our rnalady which be- speaks pity and cur. Not to mention the ill circumstances, which our different opinions (in matters of religion from our neighbors) bring our estates under, in whose power they are in all taxes (though bad enough of itself) is yet little and light compared with the bitterness we feel at present, and fear for the future for the very mention of no settled minister, learned and orthodox, no Church of Christ settled in order, no pastor to feed Christ's lambs among us; this as we believe is an uncomfortable thought unto all the holy and reverend ministers of Christ that know our state. So it is a heart-breaking thought to us to think, that when we are called out of this world to consider in what state we leave our posterity exposed to a ruinating enticement from pure gospel and gospel ordinances. All which sorrow and misery either felt or feared, if the Honorable General Court do in mercy 40 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY and pity prevent by granting us a township according to the hmits of Capt. Samuel Low's military company in Swansea, thereby enabling us to settle and maintain a pious, learned and orthodox minister for the good of us and our posterity, God will be glorified, Christ's kingdom enlarged and will oblige your most humble petitioners ever to pray. Signed "Samuel Low, John Chaffee, "Daniel Allen, Josiah Ticknor, "Benj. Vl'^.ll, Daniel Allen, Jk., "Israel Peck, Obadiah Pettis, "Samuel Humphrey, Elisha May, "Zachariah Bicknell, William Corbett, "Nathaniel Peck, John Toogood, "James Smith, Samuel Jay, "Benj. Carey, John Rogers, "Simon Davis, Joshua Phinney, "Thomas Turner, Wm. Salisbury, "Joseph Chaffee, Wm. Salisbury, Jr., "Thomas Tiffany, Jonathan Phinney, "Jonathan Vaill, Ebenezer Phinney." "Ebenezer Allen, The other inhabitants of Swansea protested vigorously against this proposed separation, and the petition was denied, but the Council recommended to them "the Establishment & Support of a learned orthodox minister of good conversation and to Endeavor a subscription for his comfortable and honorable maintenance." The next year a similar petition was presented, with a like result. At a town meeting on March 25, 1712, John Chaffe and one other were chosen Field Drivers. [Swansea Records.] "At a Propriators meeting lawfully warned and met together by adjournment from the 8th day of January 1712 [1712-13] to the 12th day of Feb., 1712. Then met together and the propriators of lands in Rehoboth cast lotts for their farms & each propriator's lott fell as followeth . . . John Chaffee " drawing number fifty-five. [Rehoboth Records.] "At a Town Meeting in Swansey: by Lawful warning on ye 25th of March 1713 for the choice of Town officers for the year ensuing . . . also by virtue of a warrant from the Clerk of Quarter sessions To chues 3 grand Jury men for the Insuing year and 3 men to on the Jury of Tryels at April Court 1713 proceeded to choice and chous vizt: . . . John Chafee [and two others] Petty Jurors." [Swansea Records.] He was also chosen, with two others, to serve on the "Jury of tryels at October Court 1715." [Ibid.] March 27, 1716, John Chaffe and five others were chosen Fence Viewers. [Ibid.] The question of the division of the town continuing to occupy the minds of the people of old Swansea, the third petition to the General Court, in 1717, was heard and answered by the formation of a new town, and Phebe's Neck and New Meadow Neck were "erected into a township by the name of Barrington," on November 18, 1717. In 1718-19, in the new town of Barrington, "John Chaffey " was chosen one of two Fence Viewers for Phebe's Neck, New Meadow Neck also having two. [Barrington Records.] February 15, 1721, John Chaffe and Sarah (Hills) Chaffe, his vfife, joined with other heirs of Gershom Hills in a quit claim deed to Ebenezer Hills of Maiden, of two parcels of land in that place, one being eight or ten acres of land, the other two acres of salt marsh. This land was given to Gershom Hills by his father, Joseph Hills of Newbury, Mass., September 10, 1677. John Chaffe swore to his signature to this document before a Justice of the Peace, November THIRD GENERATION 41 24, 1726. In 1725, with two others, John Chaffee was Surveyor of Highways [Ibid.] and in 1728 he was Grand Juror and Fence Viewer. [Ibid.] These are the last entries regarding him in the Barrington town records, for soon after this he moved to Woodstock. March 13, 172S-9, he bought of Ebenezer Morris of Wood- stock, for £700, "a certain Messuage or Tenement and Land situated in the Town of Woodstock aforesd Lying in Sundry parcels. One piece contains by estimation fourty acres of Land a Mansion House and barn where said Morris now Dwells" bounded by the land of Benjamin Marcy, Isaiah Tiffany and the highways. Another piece contained fifty-eight acres and was bounded by the highways and the land of Benjamin Marcy and Captain Jonathan Payson. The third piece "called ye orchard " contained two acres. Two weeks later, March 27, 1729, "John Chaffee yeoman" and Sarah, his wife, sold to Peleg Heath of Barrington, thirty acres of upland, meadow and salt marsh there, for £510. May 9, 1729, John Chaffe and Sarah, his wife, sold to Joseph Chaffe, Sr., their brother, for £43, two acres of salt marsh bounded by the land of "Joseph Chafee Senr. & Joseph Chaffe Junr " the river, the creek and the pond. May 17, 1729, John Chaffe sold another piece of salt marsh, as the following deed, the original of which is in the possession of the writer, shows : "To all People to Whome these Presents Shall Com Greeting &c. Know yee that I John Chaffe of Barington in ye Counry of Bristol in ye province of ye massa- chusetts bay in new england yeoman for and in Consideration of ye sum of Seuenty pounds Currant mony of ye province aforesd to me in hand before ye ensealing hearof well and Truly paid by Samuel Barns of Barington in ye County aforesd yeoman the Receipt whereof I do hearby acknowledge my self there with fully sattisfied and Contented and of Euery part and persel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge ye sd Samuel Barns his heirs execurs adminisrs and assign for Euer: a Certain pice of saltmarsh Scittuate Lying anf being in Barington aforsd Containing Three ACres and one halfe on aCre more or Less and is buted and Bounded Southerly on a Salt pond and Salt meadow belonging to Joseph Chaffee westwardly on a Crike of Runing water and on ye high way northerly on ye Land and meadow belonging to ye sd Samuel Barns Eastwardly on ye salt water: To Have and To Hold ye sd pice of Salt marsh or meadow: buted and bounded as aforesd with all ye appurtenance priulidges and Commodities to the same belong- ing or in any wise appertaining to him ye sd Samuel Barns his heirs and assigns for Euer to his and their only proper ^"se benifitt and Behoof for Euer: and the sd John Chaffee for me my heirs Executers adminisrs do Couenant promise and grant to and with ye sd Samuel Barns his heirs executors adminisrs and assigns for Euer that before ye Ensealing and Deliuery hearof I am ye True Sole and Lawfull owTier of all ye aboue grantexi and bargained premises and am Lawfully Seized and possesed of ye same in mine own proper Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple and haue in myself good Right full power and Lawfull authority to grant bargain Sell and Conuey and Confirm s Bargained premises in manner as aboue sd and that the sd Samuel Barns his heirs and assigns shall and may fromtime to time and at all times for Euer hearafter by force and Vertue of these prsents Lawfully Peacably & Quiatly haue hold use occupie posses and Enjoy ye sd Devuised and" Bargained premises with their appurtenances free and freely and Clearly acquited and Discharged of and from all manner of former or other gifts grants Bargains Sales Leases mortgages will Entails Joyntors Dower Judgments Executions Incumbrances and Extents and the s John Chaffee do by these presents for myself my heirs Executors adminisrs do Covenant and Ingage y aboue Devuised Premises to him ye sd Samuel Barns his heirs and as Signs against all ye Lawfull Claimes and Demands of all person or persons whome So Euer for Euer to warrant Secure and Defend: In Witness Whereof I the sd John 42 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffee Haue hear unto Sett to my hand and Seal this Seuenteenth day of May in ye Second year of his Majties Anno Domini 1729 — "Signed Sealed and Deliuered^ " in the presence of I "James Hix f " Joseph Chaff e J " Bristol ss June 5 1729 Personally appeared John Chaffe the subscriber to ye aboue written Instrument and acknowlleged the same to be his free voluntary act and deed Before me "Bristol ss Reed: June 28th: 1729 Samll Brown and this Deed is Recorded in ye Justice of the Peace." 19th Book foho (4) by Samll Howland Regr." Between June 5, 1729, and February 12, 1729-30, John Chaffe had moved to Woodstock, as is evidenced by the following abstract of a deed of the latter date: "John Chaffee of Woodstock, County of Suffolk, Province of Massachusets Bay, in New England, yeoman ... to Samuel Humphrey, Barrington, County of Bristol & province aforesaid, yeoman. . . . All that the said John Chaffe his house & land messuage or Tenement situate lying and being within the Township of Barrington in the County of Bristol in the province aforesd. Containing fifty acres of land be the same more or less as it now lyeth butted and Bounded (viz) Easterly and westerly upon the highway, southerly on the land of Joseph Chaffe, Northerly on the land of Nathaniel Peck Jur., with all and singular the Rights, members and appurtenances wayes waters water courses wood underwood timber. Trees stones mines mineralls, easements, emoluments. Hereditaments, Immunities, profits, priviledges and advantages to the said bargained premises belonging, or in any wise appertaining or therewith used occupied or enjoyed and also all the Housing and Buildings of any sort or kind thereon erected with all fences orchards, gardens & improvements whatsoever as also all the estate, right, title Inheritance property claim & demand whatsoever of the said John Chaffe his heirs, excrs, adminisrs & assigns of in or unto the said Bargained Premises or and part thereof. . . . "Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Chaffe [seal] " Isaiah Tiffany her " Benjamin Marcy. I consent. Sarah G Chaffe [seal] mark "Dated February 12, 1729-30." This deed was made in Woodstock, as is apparent from the names of the witnesses. Late in February or early in March, 1729-30, John Chaffe's mother died and, as he was one of the executors, he was obliged to go back to Barrington. At the probate court in Bristol, March 17th, he and his brother offered their mother's will for probate and gave bonds, their account being filed soon after. After all debts and legacies were paid, John must have received about £15 worth of personal property, as his half of the personal estate, and half of the land which by his father's will was to revert to him and his brother at his mother's death. There is no record of his having sold this land. For fifteen years we find no further mention of him in the records, but we know that during this time he lost the wife of his youth and married again. February 9, 1744-5, "John Chaffee, husbandman, of Woodstock," bought of his son Joel, for £287, fifty acres of land in the southern part of Woodstock. Prob- THIRD GENERATION 43 ably this was the land which he sold April 2, 1747, to Ebenezer Smith for £100. as that is also described as fifty acres of land in the southern part of Woodstock, The deed also mentions a dwelling house on the property, and is signed by John and Elizabeth Chaffe. August 29, 1754, John Chaffe made his will, and the same day, doubtless in accordance with the custom of the day, he gave to his heirs part of their inheritance. The deeds state that the property was "sold" for stated sums; but no money passed between grantor and grantee, the sum being named and the value of the property fixed so that no dispute might afterwards arise regarding each heir having had his or her equal share. The children of his deceased son Hezekiah, namely, John (268) and Hezekiah, Jr. (269), received eight acres of land in Woodstock, valued at £20. The children of his deceased son Joel, namely, Joel, Jr. (251), Joshua (250), Abigail (253), Lucy (255), and Ruth (256) received the two acres of orchard in Woodstock which was one of the three parcels of land bought of Ebenezer Morris in 1728-9. This also was valued at £20. John Chaffe, Jr., received fifty acres of land in Woodstock, valued at £70, and Ebenezer a tenement and forty acres of land in Woodstock valued at £100. The eldest son, Joseph, received nothing at this time, but on his father's death in 1757, became his resid- uary legatee. WILL OF JOHN CHAFFE " In the Name of God Amen I John Chaffee of Woodstock in the County of Wind- ham Being infirm of Body but of sound Disposing mind and memory thanks be given to God therefor Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die So make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say Principally and first of all I give and Reccommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the charge of my three sons Joseph Ebenezer and John in Equal Cost and at their discretion nothing doubting but at the General Ressurection I shall Receive the same again by the Almighty Power of God into whose Kingdom I hope and Desire to be received as a true Penitent notwithstanding my unworthiness therefor by ye alone merits of Jesus Christ And as touching such W^orldly Estates as it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this life not yet Disposed of I give Devise and Dispose thereof in the follow- ing manner and form. "Imprimis It is my will and I do order that in the first Place all my Just debts be first paid (my funeral charges to be paid by my Three Sons they each of them having Reed of my Estate Enough for that) and satisfied by my Executor here- after named. "Item I give and Bequeath unto EUzabeth my beloved wife the sum of five Shillings old tenor Common Currency by my Executor as Soon after Probate hereof as can be which with a maintenance that I have secured by Two Bonds one from my son Ebenezer ye other from my son John haveing even date Here- with which I Judge to be in full of her dower and Dower of her Thirds of my Estate. "Item I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Son Ebenezer Chaffee ye sum of five shillings old Tenor Common bills of Credit which together with about forty acres of land more or less which I Purchased of Ebenezer Morriss with a mansion House & Barn that I this day conveyed to him by deed which I Judge to be his full part and portion of my Estate and in full for his living with me since he has been of age all which I have given to him his heirs & assigns forever, "Item I give and Bequeath unto my loving son John Chaffe the sum of five shillings like bills which with what I have given him by deed bearing date here- with of about Fifty acres o*^ land being part of what I Purchased of said Moriss 44 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY and the same I have given to him his heirs and assigns forever all which I Judge to be his full part and Portion of my Estate and for what he had done for me since he has been of age. "Item I give & Bequeath unto my Grand Children John Chaffe and Hezikiah Chaffe Sons of my late son Hezikiah Desd the sum of five shillings Each and I have given to them my said Grand Children by deed about eight acres of land which is all my Pasture by deed having even date herewith I have given to them in Equal Right to them Their Heirs & assigns forever and that together with what I have done for their Father and for them I Judge to be full parts out of my Estate. " Item I give & bequeath unto the Children of my late Desd son Joel Chaffee the sum of Twenty shillings like bills of Credit Share and I have * alike or to their legal Representatives or the survivors of them which with what I have given to them by deed bearing Date herewith of my orchard lying south of where I now live being about two acres more or less which is given to them their Heirs & Assigns foever in Equal Shares and what I gave to their Father formerly I Judge to be their full part of my Estate. "Item I give unto my eldest son Joseph Chaffe and to his heirs & assigns forever my two cows that are in the hands of my son Ebenezer Chaffe or two that is obUged to deliver after my Decease as good with all the rest and residue of my Estate whatsoever and Wheresoever he paying my Just Debts and ye abovesaid Small Legacies (above given to my wife Children and Grandchildren) which with what I have already advanced to him as per a receipt that he gave to me Dated ye 23rd Day of February 1729 and recorded in Woodstock Town book of Records Liber B page 60 will appear and before and since I Judge to be his full part Portion and Proportion of my Estate And finally I do Constitute make & ordain my said Son Joseph Chaffe Sole Executor to this my last will & Testament ChearfuUy confiding in his FaithfuUness to fulfill this my last will hereby Revokeing all other or former wills Testaments Legacys Bequests and Executors before this time willed Bequeathed or Named Confirming this and no other to be and contain my last will and Testament. " In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this 29th Day of August Anno Dom 1754 and in the 25th year of his majesties Reign George ye Second. "Signed Sealed Published Pronounced John Chaffe and declared by ye S John Chaffe to be and contain his last will and Testament "In Presence of ye Subscribers "Samuel Mascraft "Jacob Lyon "Thos Chandler." Children, by first wife, all but the second known to have been born in Swansea: + 76 i Joseph'' Chaffe, born January 17, 1701; married Hannah May. + 77 ii Joel Chaffe, born in 1702; married Elizabeth Bicknell. + 78 iii Ebenezer Chaffe, born September 22, 170-4; married (1) Mary Scar- borough; (2) Mary Bacon; (3) Mrs. Sarah (Adams) Durand. + 79 iv Hezekiah Chaffe, born April 19, 1706; married Mary Toogood. + 80 V John Chaffe, Jr., born February 10, 1706-7; married Mehitable Mascraft. 17 Mary 3 Chafee (Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Swansea, Mass., October 23, 1675, and died. She married in Rehoboth, Mass., April 16, 1703, Daniel Whitaker. Children, born in Rehoboth: 81 i Ephraim* Whitaker, born February 8, 1703-4; died in Rehoboth, April 12, 1704. 82 ii Hannah Whitaker, born March 28, 1705. * So in original. THIRD GENERATION 45 83 iii Mary Whitaker, born August 24, 1706. 84 iv Daniel Whitaker, Jr., born February 11, 1707. 85 V Dorothy Whitaker, born August 21, 1709. 86 vi Seth Whitaker, born April 11, 1711. 87 vii Ebenezer Whitaker, born April 29, 1713. 88 viii Joseph Whitaker, born February 3, 1715-16; died in Swansea, July 25, 1744. 89 ix Anne Whitaker, born October 30, 1717. 18 Joseph 3 ChafEe, Jr. (Joseph,2 Thomasi) was born in Swansea, Mass., Febru- ary 6, 1677 [Plymouth Colony Records], and died, probably in Woodstock, Conn., not long before August 10, 1759. He was married in Maiden, Mass., December 1, 1709, by Mr. Parsons, to Abigail, daughter of Gershom and Elizabeth (Chadwick) Hills [Maiden Records, see Appendix B], and sister of his brother John's wife. Abigail (Hills) Chaffe died in Swansea, October 2, 1710, when her only child was three weeks old. Joseph Chaffe was married (2) in Falmouth, Mass., October 16, 1712, by Joseph Metcalf, to Jemima Chadwick of that place. She died before her husband, as she was not mentioned as one of his heirs in the settlement of his estate. Joseph Chaffe lost his father in November, 1694, when he was only sixteen years old. He was, with his mother and brother, executor of his father's estate and under his father's will received the family Bible which had belonged to his father and his grandfather Chaffe, his father's sword and a heifer, also half his father's "tooles" and gun, and, on reaching the age of twenty-one, half his upland and meadow ground in Swansea. There is no further reference to him in any kind of record until 1701 when "At a Town meeting ... ye 25th of March 1701, ... for field Drivers Chosen . . . Joseph Chaffy " and two others. [Swarisea Records.] Hereafter his name appears frequently in these records, as follov;s: ]\Iarch 27, 1702. " Joseph Chafy " was chosen one of two Field Drivers for " wannamosset Neck." March 30, 1703, he was chosen Petty Juryman. March 25, 1707, with three others, he was chosen again as a Field Driver, and March 23, 1707-8, for the same office, with four others. August 30, 1710, "Joseph Chafe" was one of a committee of nine, "of febe's neck In Swansea," which met and chose Benjamin Viall as clerk to keep the records of the community. April 9, 1711, he and his brother John were two of seventeen Proprietors of Swansea who signed an agree- ment in regard to a driftway on the west side of Hide's Hole, the hanging of two gates therein, etc. The petition, presented in May of this year, for the separation of the western end of Swansea into a separate township was also signed by the two brothers. (See 16.) The last mention of Joseph Chaffe in the Swansea records is dated March 30, 1714, when he was one of two Constables chosen. In 1717, the desire of the dwellers on Phebe's Neck and New Meadow Neck to be set off into a separate town was finally granted, and November 18th the Township of Barrington was formed. In 1718, Joseph Chaffe was chosen as guardian by Jonathan Paine (27), the son of his cousin Dorothy (Chaffe) Paine (4). The Bar- rington records show that he continued to occupy the same prominent place in the affairs of the new town as he did in the old. In 1720 he was one of two Tything- men, and in 1721 Fence Viewer for Phebe's Neck, February 15, 1721, as heir of his first wife, Abigail (Hills) Chaffe, he signed a quit claim deed to Ebenezer Hills of Maiden, on property to which she been one of the heirs. (See 16.) He 46 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY swore to his signature to this document, November 24, 1726. November 22, 1721, "Joseph Chaffee, of Harrington, in the County of Bristol, in his Majesty's Province, in the Massachusetts bay in New England, husbandman, the son of Joseph Chaffee deceased" bought of Thomas Tiffany, Sr., of Ashford, Conn., for £42, 10s., one hundred acres of land there, adjoining the land of Daniel Fuller. In 1722 Joseph Chaffe was Hog Reeve of Barrington [Barri7igton Records], his duty being to im- pound hogs running at large and to execute ordinances as to swine. February 5, 1724, Noah Chaffe of Rehoboth "yeoman" sold to his cousin, Joseph of Bar- rington, for £22, one-half of three acres of salt marsh in Barrington, "the other half being my brother Thos. ChafTe's," the deed being witnessed by John (16) and Ebenezer Chaffe (78). Joseph bought the remaining half of this property of Thomas, May 4, 1730, for £30. In 1725 Joseph Chaffe was again Hog Reeve and also Constable, and the town allowed him "15 shiUings" "for a house to keep school in " [Ibid.], some building owned by him being used for that purpose. May 9, 1729, he bought of his brother John and Sarah, his wife, for £43, two acres of salt marsh bounded by the land of "Joseph Chafee Senr, & Joseph Chaffe Junr," the river, the creek, the pond and the creek flowing out of it. In this year his brother John moved to Woodstock, Joseph remaining behind on the homestead, his aged mother living with him. She did not long survive her elder son's departure for his new home, dying the latter part of February, or early in March, 1729-30. John and Joseph were her executors and they offered the will for probate and gave bonds March 17, 1729-30, filing their account soon after. By her will Joseph received about £15 worth of personal estate and half of her share of her husband's property, which reverted to their sons at her death. Joseph's share of the home- stead being the "North side of the Home lott" according to the provisions of his father's will. December 18, 1730, he sold to Samuel Allen for £197, 3s., eight and three-quarters acres and two square rods of upland and salt marsh in Barrington at a place called Rice's Neck. December 22, 1730, he bought of Jonathan Hayward of Ashford, for £250, two hundred acres of land in that place bounded by the land of Jacob Boutell, James Corbin, Benjamin Read, Robert Serls and the common. In 1733 appears the last mention of Joseph Chaffe in the Barrington records, in that year he being Surveyor of Highways. In April, 1733, he was in Woodstock, probably visiting his brother John, preparatory to settling there himself. On the 5th of that month he bought of John Scarborough of Woodstock for £1,150 four tracts of land; one containing seventy acres, a dwelling house and barn; the second thirty acres of meadow or mowing land; the third fifteen acres, and the fourth three acres; "Always reserving a way through the land for the watering of flax by the neighbors as there may be occassion with as little disadvantage as may be." The same day Jose-ph Chaffe sold to John Scarborough land in Barrington, as the following deed shows : "To all People to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye. That I Joseph Chaffe of Barrington in the County of Bristol in his majesties province of the Massachusetts Bay in Newengland Husbandman For and in Consideration of the Sum of Twelve Hundred Pounds Currant money to me in hand before the Ensealing hereof, well and truly paid by John Scarbrough of Woodstock in the County of Worcester & province aforesd Husbandman the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my self therewith fully satisfied and contented, and thereof, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, do exhonerate, acquit and discharge THIRD GENERATION 47 him the said John Scarborough his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for ever by these Presents: Have given, granted, bargained, sold, ahened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these Presents do freely, fully, and absolutely given grant, bargain, sell, aliene, convey and confirm, unto him the said John Scarbrough and unto his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Three Certain Tracts or parcells od Land situate lying and being in Barrington aforesaid one Tract whereof Contains a Dwelling house a Barn an out house and by Estimation thirty acres of Land & saltmarsh be it more or less as it is abutted & bounded viz Northerly & Westerly on highwayes southerly of land of mr Peleg Heath about 40 Rod from ye highway to a stake then westerly sd Heaths Land till it meets with the Land of Samuel Allen then bounds on sd Aliens Land till it meets with ye River then Easterly on sd River to a Pond and then on a Creek to the highway on ye north foremen- tioned. Also Ten acres more or less of Land Lying west of and adjoyning to the west mentioned highway bounds south on land on mr Heath aforesd and on highwayes north & west: Also one other Tract Containing by Estimation fifty acres be it more or less bounded North on Land of Josiah Humphreys East and west on highwayes southerly on Land of Mathew Allen or however otherwise the said Tracts are bounded or Reputed to be bounded [Reserving four Rod of ground being a Burying place in ye first mentioned Tract not to be Defaced.] "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said granted and bargained Premisses, with all the Appurtenances, Priviledges and Commodities to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining to him the said John Scarbrough and unto his Heirs and Assigns for ever, to his and their only proper Use, Benefit and Behoof for ever. "And I the said Joseph Chaffe for me my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, do covenant, promise and grant to and with the said John Scarbrough his Heirs and Assigns, that at and before the Ensealing hereof, I am the true, sole and lawful Owner of the above bargained Premisses, and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same, in my own proper Right, as a good, perfect, and absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple: And have in myself good Right, full Power, and lawful Authority, to grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm said bargained Premisses, in manner as abovesaid. And that the sd John Scarbrough his Heirs and Assigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times for ever hereafter by Force and Virtue of these Presents, lawfully, peaceably and quietly, have, hold, use occupy, possess and enjoy the said demised and bargained Premisses with the Appurtenances, free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted, ex- onerated and discharged from all and all manner of former or other Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, Mortgages, Wills, Entails, Joyntures, Dowries, Judg- ments, Executions, or Incumbrances, of what Name or Nature soever, that might in any Measure or Degree obstruct or make void this present Deed. Further- more, I the said Joseph Chaffe for myself my Heirs, Executors, and Administra- tors, do covenant and engage the above demised Premisses to him the said John Scarbrough his Heirs and Assigns, against the lawfull Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever, for ever to warrant, secure and defend these Presents. In witness where of I the sd Joseph Chaffe have hereunto put my hand and seal the fifth Day of Aprill anno Domini 1733. "Signd Seald & Delivered " In presence of Joseph Chaffe [seal] "Timothy Manning. "Samll Chandler. "Worcester ss. Woodstock aprill 5th 1733 Joseph Chaffe ye above named Granter freely acknowledged this Instrument to be his act tt Deed before me. " John Chandler Just Pacs "Reed May 2d 1733 Recorded by Samll Howland Regr." [Recorded in Vol. XXII, p. 15 of the Bristol County, Mass., Land Records, North- ern District, Taunton, Mass.] Thus the Chaffe homestead, which had been owned by the Chaffes for seventy- three years, and on which four generations of Chaffes had lived, passed out of the family, into the hands of strangers; with it also passed what was probably the last 48 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY resting place of Thomas Chaffe, the emigrant, of Joseph and Annis, and their children, Dorothy and Mary, of Abigail (Hills) Chaffe, of Doctor Hezekiah Chaffe and doubtless others. But the deed contained a proviso that this "Ancient Chaffe Burying Ground," should not be defaced. John Scarborough sold thirty acres of this property to Samuel Barnes, September 19, 1733. The deed contains the following : "The said John Scarborough did reserve out of the above mentioned land four rod of ground being a burying place in the first mentioned tract not to be defaced." Between April 5, and August 5, 1733, Joseph Chaffe settled in Ashford, as on the latter date his wife, Jemima, was admitted to membership in the First Con- gregational Church in Woodstock, having been dismissed from the church in Barrington. Joseph was also an active member of this church. Some few facts regarding the new home of Joseph Chaffe may be of interest. The town of Woodstock or, as it was first called, New Roxbury, was settled in the summer of 1686 by men from Roxbury, Mass., and was a part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony until 1749, when it became a part of Connecticut. The name was changed from New Roxbury to Woodstock in the spring of 1690. Joseph Chaffe settled in the western part of the town. In 1733 the town arranged to have a schoolhouse built in this part of the town, and the settlers increasing, West Parish desired to have religious services of its own for four months of the year at the expense of the whole town. This request, it was argued, was only fair inasmuch as the western half was obliged to contribute to the support of the Church on the Hill (in the central part of Woodstock) . But the town refused to assume any of the charges. After trying the experiment for two winters, the West Parish people found the expense of supporting both ministers to be too great a burden, and they therefore again asked the help of the town, and were refused. They still persisted and petitioned that the western half might be formed into a distinct township. Town meetings were held, and at last permission was given them to address the General Court in Boston on the subject. But their petition to the General Court was dismissed. The West Woodstock people insisted on the formation of a parish where they could worship God in their own fashion, and not be obliged to aid any church outside of their parish. They were willing to give up all ideas of a town of their own. This modified request was made to the town, and to the General Court. The General Court complied by passing an act in 1743, incorporating the district as " The West Parish of Woodstock." The West Parish was now called by the old name of New Roxbury. It was also called the Second Precinct of Woodstock. Thus we see that the same trouble which caused part of Swansea to be formed into the separate town of Barrington caused the estabhshment of West Parish or New Roxbury, and as Joseph Chaffe was active in demanding his rights in one town, so he was in the other. This first petition, dated November 2, 1736, was signed by thirty men, of whom " Joseph Chaffee " was one. [Larned's History of Windham County.] April 5, 1743, another petition was presented and also a further memorial from Joseph Chaffee and Samuel Chandler. [Ibid.] September 15th of that year "the west half part of Woodstock" was incorporated into a separate parish and held their first meet- ing in the schoolhouse, September 27th. [Ibid.] At this meeting, Joseph Chaffee was chosen one of three Assessors and also one of a committee of three for calline THIRD GENERATION 49 precinct meetings, in which capacity he signed warrants, November 26, 1743, Feb- ruary 4, 1743-4, September 10, 1744, and August 18, 1746, for meetings in re- gard to a minister and a meetinghouse. [Records of the Second Ecclesiastical So- ciety of Woodstock.] March 12, 1743-4, he was chosen Moderator [Ibid.], and it was voted "To petition the Court to lay a tax for building meeting-house, on un- improved land — five shillings per acre for five years — Joseph Chaffee to present petition." [History of Windham County.] This necessitated a trip to Boston on the part of Joseph Chaffee. April 13, 1744, he was one of three chosen to secure supplies for the pulpit. It was found difficult to decide on a spot for the meeting- house which should be satisfactory to all the inhabitants, so three men from out- side of the new precinct were asked to pick out a spot. They met March 18, 1744-5, and Joseph was one of a committee of six chosen to wait on them. The site se- lected was that of the present Congregational church in West Woodstock. [His- tory of Windham County.] November 18, 1746, it was agreed to pay Joseph Chaffe ten shillings a day for work on the meetinghouse. [Records of the Second Ecclesiasti- cal Society of Woodstock.] May 15, 1747, he was again chosen Moderator. [Ibid.] August 24, 1748, he was chosen one of a committee of two to seek a suitable spot for a burial-place, he representing the southern part of the town. [Ibid.] March 13, 1749, he was chosen as Assessor and also one of a committee of three to build a pulpit and "body seats" in the meetinghouse. [Ibid.] November 1, 1750, he and one other were appointed a committee to procure a schoolmaster [Ibid.], and August 30, 1753, one of a similar committee "to take care of setting up a school in the southeast district of the society. [Ibid.] The first recorded act in Woodstock of Joseph Chaffe was the purchase from his nephew Joel (77) for £85, of one hundred acres of land in Ashford, March 12, 1733-4. This was his last purchase of land of which we have record, but soon thereafter he began to give to his sons for their "advancement and settlement in the world" part of their shares of his estate. The first gift was made to his eldest son, March 12, 1735-6, "in Consideration of Love and Goodwill and Effec- tion which I have and do have towards my loving son Benjamin Chaffee of Ash- ford." The property was that which he had bought two years previous of Joel Chaffee. The next gift was December 31, 1743, to "Joseph Chaffee Jun of Ash- ford," one hundred acres of land there, the southerly part of the tract which the grantor bought in 1730 of Jonathan Hay ward. The next son to receive his share was "Thomas Chaffe of Woodstock Weaver" who received, January 13, 1745-6, twenty-three acres of land, in Woodstock, valued at £230, on which land he had already built a dwelling-house. " Samuel Chaffe of Woodstock " received the other half of the Hayward tract in Ashford, adjoining Joseph, Jr., May 24, 1750. Sep- tember 26th of the same year James Chaffe received a house and twenty-five acres of land in the south half of Woodstock, for a nominal consideration of ten shillings, the property being really a gift. Stephen received sixteen acres of land, also in the south half of Woodstock, February 17, 1758, and July 4, 1758, Josiah re- ceived three-fourths of an acre of land in Woodstock, the value being stated as £3. Whether this was also a nominal consideration or whether the transaction was a bona fide sale is not clear. Perhaps it was a wedding gift, as Josiah was married nine days later. Joseph Chaffe left no will, but the following inventory of his estate was filed, August 30, 1759, probably soon after his death: THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH CHAFFE "An Inventory of the estate of Mr. Joseph Chaffe Late of Woodstock in the County of Windham Desd Shown to us the Subscribers Appraisers under oath by Mr. James Chaffe Administrator on said estate, August 30th 1759. Which is as follows viz. £ s d The orchard computed to be Two acres and half of Land 20- 0-0 About 20 acres adjoining to ye orchard 90- 0-0 About 12 acres of woodland &c. 48- 0-0 Two acres of medow land by the grate Pond 25- 0-0 A Peace of Land on ye west side of ye way about 2^ acres 10- 0-0 ********** Mare sheep and cattle 16-13-0 [Other items, wearing apparel, household and farm utensils etc.] sum total £233- 6-0 "Thom Chandler "Abel May "Nathl Childs." The following agreement of the heirs was signed two months later : "We the subscribers Children and descendants of Mr. Joseph Chaffe Late of Woodstock in the County of Windham Desd vizt Benjamin Chafie of Ashford Eldest son of ye Said Desd, James Chaffe of Woodstock, Joseph Chaffe aforesaid Samuel Chaffee Josiah Chaffe Stephen Chaffe Joseph Wright & Abigail his Wife all of Woodstock and all in ye County of Windham and being all desirous to settle the Real Estate that ye said Desd Left to us in Love and peace and notwithstand- ing our Late Brother Thomas Chaffe Late of said Woodstock Desd haveing in his lifetime Reed of our Said Father about six pounds Lawful money more than any of us Reed of our Said Father in his life time Yet we are hereby willing & Desirous ye Real Estate Left by our said Father Desd to be Settled to and amongst us in the following manner and from vizt So Benjamin Chaffe aforesaid one share and half in leiw of his Double Portion of what is left and no more And to the Heirs of our Late Thomas Chaffe Desd one single share of what Notwithstanding what he in his Life Received of said Estate more than any of us And to the said James Joseph Samuel Stephen and Josiah one single share and to Joseph Wright and Abigail his wife one single Share making Eight single Shares and half in all in all and as Ebenezer Williams Esq Judge of ye Court of Probate for ye District of Pomfret has given a Comn To mess Thos Chandler Nathanl Child and Theophilus Chandler to divide the Estate Left by ye said Joseph Chaffe Desd to us the sub- scribers and to and amongst us according to the Instructions therein Set Yet we Dessire ye Said Distributors to Divide ye same according to our minds herein Set to all which Instructions and Directions herein by us given we bind and oblige us the Subscribers and Each of us our and Each of our Several & respective heirs in the Penal sum of Thousand pounds Lawfull money to stand to and abide by ye aforesaid agreement in witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Tenth day of October Anno Dom 1759 " Signed Sealed and Delivered Joseph Chaffe [l. s.] " In Presence of Benjamin Chaffe [l. s.] "Nathel Child James Chaffe [l. s.] " Thos Chandler Samuel Chaffe [l. s.] Stephen Chaffe [l. s.] Josiah Chaffe [l. s.] "Windham SS Woodstock Oct. 10th 1759 "Benjamin Chaffe James Chaffe Joseph Chaffe Samuel Chaffe Stephen Chaffe Josiah Chaffe Joseph Wright and Abigail his wife all Personally appearing freely acknowledged this Instrument to be their respective act and Deed. "Coram Thos Chandler Justice Peace. THIRD GENERATION 51 "January ye 1st 1765 then this deed was reed for record and by the Judge ordered to be recorded and kept on file." At a meeting of the Second Precinct, December 11, 1760, it was voted that "the person who had been the highest or most on the Grand List for the five years past (except those who have pews) shall have the pew that was Mr. Joseph Chaffe's, late of Woodstock deceased. He paying or satisfying the heirs of said Chaffe therefore." [Records of the Second Ecclesiastical Society.] This is the last mention in the records of him. Child, by first wife, born in Swansea: + 90 i Benjamin* Chaffe, born September 11, 1710; married (1) Hannah Chapman; (2) Priscilla Green. Children, by second wife: + 91 ii James Chaffe, born about 1713; married (1) Beriah Hayden; (2) Rhoda Cady. + 92 iii Abigail Chaffe, born March 5, 1714-15; married Joseph Wright. + 93 iv Thomas Chaffe, born October 18, 1716; married Dorcas Abbot. + 94 v Joseph Chaffe, Jr., married Hannah Gould. + 95 vi Samuel Chaffe, born about 1722; married (1) Susanna Lyon; (2) Mary Howlett. 96 vii Stephen Chaffe, born about 1726; died in Woodstock, February 13, 1800, in his seventy-fourth year [entered in an old Bible found in North Windham, Conn., given by him in 1798 to Chloe Chaffe (331)]. February 17, 1758, his father gave him thirteen and one- half acres of land (see above); April 19, 1762, "Stephen Chaffee of Woodstock" sold to his brother Josiah of the same place land there for £20; February 20, 1767, "Stephen Chaffee yeoman" sold to Josiah Hammond four acres of land in Woodstock for £3; the records of the Baptist Church, the First Society of Woodstock, December 12, 1785, show that a vote was passed that Stephen Chaffee dig the graves for the Society for the ensuing year; July 7, 1797, he sold to his niece, Chloe (Chaffee, two acres of land in Woodstock for £6; he sold other pieces of land there; his will, here given, indicates that he was unmarried. "In the name of God Amen I Stephen Chaffe of Woodstock in Windham County on this 16th Day of October 1799 being advanced in age & under bodily infirmity but have reason to bless God, I enjoy my reason & a sound, disposing mind & memory & calUng to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die. "I do now make & ordain this my last will & testament & prencepally & first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, who gave it & as for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a christian like and decent burial whenever it shall please God to put an end to my life in this world wholly trusting in the rich mercy of God thro, Christ, that at the Gen'l resurcetion, when my soiil and body shall be reunited I shall have a remembrance among the just And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give devise & dispose there of in the following manner and form viz It is my will that in the first place all my Just debts & funeral charges be paid & satisfied out of my estate. "Item I give and bequeath to Corbin [Calvin] Chaffe son to my brother James Chaffe ten pounds to be paid to him by my Execrs after my decease. "Item I give and bequeath to Saml Chaffe son to my brother Samuel Chaffe deed my bed and furniture, also my great coat. 52 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY " Item I give and bequeath unto my neice Chloe Chaffe daughter to my brother Josiah Chaffe ten pounds to be paid her by my Exer out of my estate also the exclusive right of my pair trees. "And all the rest and remainder of my estate it is my will that it be divided in equal shares (viz) to my sister Abagail, my brother Josiah, the surviving children of my brother James deed which he had by his first wife, The heirs of my brother Thomas Decc & the heirs of my brother Josh deed & the heirs of my brother Saml deed making Six Shares. "And I do hereby make, ordain & constitute Dr. Jesse Bolles of Woodstock sole Executor to this my last will & testament, who is also hereby fully empowered and directed to make sale of my estate, real & personal to the best advantage for my heirs, & give a good title to the purchaser or purchasers, cheerfully confiding in his care and faithfulness to fulfill & execute the same in every part hereby disallowing & disannulling all other or former wills, testaments & legacies, ratifying this and no other to be and contain my last will & testament "Signed, sealed, pubhshed, pronounced & declared by the sd Stephen Chaffe to be and contain his last will & testament " in presence of us Stephen Chaffe [l. s.] "Wm Hammond "Isaac Hibbard "Christina Smith" May 5, 1801 the executor reports, "I sold the whole of the real & personal estate of Stephen Chaffa at the Inventory prices at private sale (except bed & coverlid & sheets given to Saml Chaffa) to his brother Josiah Chaffee & to Chloe Chaffee," for $250, May 4, 1801 ; Josiah was the principal creditor of the estate. + 97 viii Josiah Chaffe, born September 1, 1731; married Sarah Cady. FOURTH GENERATION 31 Rachel '* ChafEe (Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., November 1, 1698, and died there February 8, 1762. She married in Re- hoboth, May 12, 1726, John Sweeting, who died January 25, 1762. Children, born in Rehobotli : 98 i John ^ Sweeting, Jr., born February 16, 1726-7. 99 ii Lewis Sweeting, born January 27, 1727-8. 100 iii Molly Sweeting, born April 24, 1729; married her cousin, Timothy* Carpenter, Jr., (61) (Experience 3 Chaffe, Nathaniel,^ Thomas i), born in Rehoboth, October 24, 1721. [For further descendants, see Carpenter Genealogy.] 101 iv Rachel Sweeting, a twin, born April 24, 1729; married Charles Peck. [For further descendants see 428 and Peck Genealogy.] 102 V Thomas Sweeting, born November 9, 1732. 103 vi Susannah Sweeting, born April 15, 1735; married Joseph Bhss. 32 Mehitabel "^ ChafEe (Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., November 23, 1700, and died. She married there, December 31, 1724, Dan, son of Richard and Patience Bowen. He was born in Rehoboth, November 26, 1694. Children, born in Rehoboth: 104 i Mehitabel ^ Bowen, born August 22, 1725; married, March 28, 1755, Caleb Carr. 105 ii Charles Bowen, born November 18, 1728. 106 iii Esther Bowen, born September 14, 1730 (?). 107 iv Huldah Bowen, born February 21, 1733-4; married September 24, 1756, Nathaniel Green. 108 V Zerviah Bowen, born May 16, 1736; died June 10, 1736. 109 vi Amos Bowen, a twin, born May 16, 1736; died June 6, 1736. 110 vii Ruth Bowen, born August 20, 1737; died August 22, 1737. 33 Amos '* Chaffe (Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., July 17, 1702, and died there. May 11, 1736. He married in Rehoboth, May 12, 1726, Freelove, daughter of Samuel and Patience (Ide) Carpenter. She was born there, December 31, 1706, and married (2) in Rehoboth, January 27, 1742, Samuel Mason. She united with the First Congregational Church there, January 9, 1731-2. No mention of Amos is found in the records regarding transfers of land or ac- tivity in town affairs. He died intestate, and his widow was appointed adminis- tratrix, August 17, 1736, her bond being signed by Samuel Mason and Noah New- man; the inventory had been taken the previous day, and the estate amounted to £149, lis. 9d. July 7, 1747, Samuel Mason was appointed guardian to his step- daughters, Lillis and "Unis" Chaffe. February 14, 1757, Samuel and Freelove Mason sold for £5, to "Lillis Chaffe, Unis Chaffe and Freelove, wife of Eliphalet Carpenter, all right in the dower set off to Freelove Mason from the estate of her late husband, Amos Chaffe, also one-quarter part of the share of her daughter Experience in the same estate, also all right in the land given to Lillis, Unis and 54 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Freelove, May 27, 1737, by their grandfather, Thomas Chaffe (5), part of it near Broken Cross in Rehoboth, and part salt marsh at a place called the "Tounge" in Warren, R. I. Experience must have died after her father, as she received a share of his estate, and before her grandfather's gift, as she was not mentioned in his deed to "my grandchildren the heirs of my son Amos Chaffe." Nicholas must also have died young, as he was not baptized July 2, 1732, as were all the other children of Amos then Uving. Amos Chaffe was buried in the old burying-ground in Rehoboth (now in the village of Rumford, East Providence, R. I.). Children, the first three known to have been born in Rehoboth: + 111 i Freelove^ Chaffe, married Eliphalet Carpenter. 112 ii Nicholas Chaffe, born November 13, 1728; died before July 2, 1732. 113 iii Experience Chaffe, born January 25, 1729-30; died between May 11, 1736, and May 15, 1737; baptized in the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, July 2, 1732. 114 iv LiUis Chaffe, born early in 1732; died November 24, 1762, in her thirty- first year; unmarried; baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, July 2, 1732. 115 V Eunice (Unis) Chaffe, born probably about 1734; died; married in Rehoboth, March 3, 1764, Nathaniel Humphrey of Warren; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, June 22, 1735. 34 Experience ^ ChafEe (Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Reho- both, Mass., July 1, 1705, and died there in August, 1729. She married in Reho- both, November 7, 1728, Jonathan Ormsbee. Child: 116 i Jonathan^ Ormsbee, Jr., born in Rehoboth, August 21, 1729; died there February 5, 1729-30. 35 Tabitha ^ ChafEe (Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., September 11, 1709, and died. She married there, December 20, 1733, Aaron, son of James and Mercy (Cooper) Read. He was born in Rehoboth, April 10, 1710. Children, born in Rehoboth: 117 i Aaron ^ Read, Jr., born November 14, 1734; married Hannah Carpenter. 118 ii Susanna Read, born October 29, 1737. 119 iii Jonathan Read, born August 23, 1739. 120 iv Simeon Read, born June 7, 1743; married Elizabeth . 121 V Amos Read, born April 27, 1745. For further descendants, see The History of the Reed Family by Jacob W. Reed. 36 Thomas ^ ChafEe, Jr. (Thomas,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Reho- both, Mass., December 10, 1712, and died before March 27, 1792. He married there, April 19, 1739, Rebecca, daughter of Nathaniel Hunt, their intention of marriage, entered in Rehoboth, being dated May 27, 1738. Thomas Chaffe, Jr., was baptized and admitted to the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, June 13, 1736. He lived in that town, where he was chosen "Hogg Driver" March 30, 1741, and June 5, 1749, Constable. August 9, 1748, Rebecca, wife of Thomas Chaffe, Jr., husbandman, of Rehoboth, and others, sold to Simeon Horton a quitclaim on real estate of Stephen Hunt of Rehoboth, for FOURTH GENERATION 55 £93, 6s. 8d. October 14, 1754, Thomas and Rebecca sold to Allen Jacob, ten acres of land in Rehoboth, adjoining the land of Amos Chaffe's heirs, for £20, At a town meeting. May 18, 1757, Thomas was chosen to serve as Petit Juryman. "A Muster Role of the Company in his Majestic 's Service under the Command of Obediah Read, Captain, that marched from Rehoboth on the Late Alarm for the Relieff of Fort William Henry the Seventeenth Day of August 1757 and marched to Worcester where they ware Dismised which is at Least fourty five miles from, their Habitations and according to their Orders Caryed with them Ten Days Provision for their Subsistance and Took up nothing upon the Province charge of any Tavernour or other person." In this muster roll, appears the name of "Thomas Chaffe, Quality, Private Soldier, Time of Entering the service Aug. 16th. Whole time of service by mils, travil, etc. 7 days, wages and subsistance due to each man 0£ 18s 8d." December 28, 1762, Thomas Chaffe bought of his cousin, Timothy Carpenter (61), for £200, all his title in the estate of John Sweeten [Sweeting], late of Reho- both. An account of the subscriptions in the first military company in Rehoboth, taken in October, 1774, for the poor in Boston, shows that Thomas Chaffe con- tributed one sheep. He served in the Revolution as follows: "Chaffee, Thomas. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter's co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt.; service from July 20, 1777, 1 mo. 5 days, at Rhode Island, including travel on march to camp at Bristol and from Providence to Rehoboth." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] October 21, 1779, "Thomas Chaffe, husbandman, of Rehoboth," bought of Benjamin Pearce, innholder, of Swansea, Mass., ninety-six and three-fourths acres and twenty rods of land there, at the same time selling, with the consent of his wife, to Benjamin Pearce, eighty acres of land in Rehoboth. The next mention of him in the records. May 5, 1783, shows him to be then living in Swansea and insane. His sons, Amos Chafee and Thomas Chafee, Jr., were "empowered to Act as Guardians for there Honoured Father . , , the said Thomas Chafee of Swan- sey non compus mentus," December 9, 1784, in their capacity as guardians, they sold the land their father purchased in Swansea in 1779, to Nathan Monroe, Esq,, of Rehoboth, for £261, lis. 3d. October 21, 1793, Rebecca Chaffe, "spin- ster," [in those days the word meant either a single woman or a widow] of Swansea, sold to Allen Jacob of Rehoboth, for £15, all right in the land divided to her from the estate of her father Nathaniel Hunt. April 4, 1795, "Rebeckah" Chaffe, widow of Thomas Chaffe of Swansea, sold to Nathaniel Wheaton of Rehoboth, for £15, fifteen acres of land there. Children, born in Rehoboth: 122 i Amos ^ Chaffe, died young. 123 ii Anne (Ame) Chaffe, baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, May 10, 1741. 124 iii Archibald Chaffe, born April 11, 1743; baptized in the First Congre- gational Church, Rehoboth, April 17, 1743. + 125 iv Charies Chaffe, born June 5, 1744; married Mrs. Mary (Peck) Jacob. 126 v Rhoda Chaffe, born May 11, 1746; died in Rehoboth, :\Iay 31, 1746. 127 vi Joel Chaffe, born April 11, 1747; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, May 31, 1747. 128 vii Rhoda Chaffe, born January 6, 1748-9; died in Providence, R. I., February 11, 1786; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, May 21, 1749. 56 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 129 viii Amos Chaffe, born December 11, 1750; married Sarah Munroe. + 130 ix Joseph Chaffe, born September 17, 1752; married (1) Lois Barney; (2) Huldah Walker. + 131 X Thomas Chaffe, Jr., born March 9, 1755; married Hannah Munroe. + 132 xi Stephen Chaffe, probably born about 1757; married Patience Mason. 38 Jonathan "* Chaffe, Jr. (Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Re- hoboth, Mass., June 25, 1704, and died February 9, 1785. He was married in Ashford, Conn., June 1, 1727, by Reverend James Hale, to Abigail Lyon, who died January 9, 1773. She was admitted to full communion with the First Congre- gational Church of Ashford, August 5, 1733. Jonathan Chaffee, Jr., was baptized and admitted to the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, June 6, 1725. In 1726, his father gave him "for love, good will and affection " one hundred acres of land in Ashford, where he settled. The following entry regarding him is from the records of the First Congregational Church there, under the date, February 23, 1729: "And said Jonathan Chaffe was sometime or other recommended to us by a letter from the Rev. Mr. Greenhood pastor of The Church of Christ in Rehoboth, and is of this church in full communion with us." Children, born in Ashford : 133 i Jonathan ^ Chaffe, Jr., born April 21, 1728; died in Ashford, April 21, 1728. + 134 ii Josiah Chaffe, born February 10, 1728-9; married EUzabeth Dimmock. + 135 iii Thomas Chaffe, born April 8, 1731; married Hannah Reed. + 136 iv Hannah Chaffe, born November 28, 1733; married Shubael Reed. + 137 V William Chaffe, born July 30, 1736; married Anna Bibbins. 138 vi Susannah Chaffe, born September 10, 1738; died; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, October 22, 1738. 139 vii Abigail Chaffe, born December 17, 1740; died. 140 viii Deliverance Chaffe, born February 7, 1742-3; died; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, May 22, 1743. + 141 ix Jonathan Chaffe, Jr., born May 11, 1746; married Lucy Allen. + 142 X Carpenter Chaffe, born January 25, 1749-50; died April 20, 1776; served in the Revolution as follows: "Chafee, Carpenter, Stockbridge. Private, Capt. Thomas Williams's co. of Minutemen, Col. John Paterson's regt., which marched April 22, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Stockbridge and West Stockbridge to Cambridge; service, 13 days." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.^ 39 Nathaniel ^ Chaffe (Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Reho- both, Mass., October 20, 1705, and died there, June 12, 1759. He married (1) in Rehoboth, December 12, 1734, Rebecca Mason, who died April 22, 1746, in her thirty-sixth year. He married (2) there, February 25, 1747, Lydia Peck, who survived him, and married (2) January 13, 1763, Thomas Wilmarth of Rehoboth. Nathaniel Chaffe was a mason. April 30, 1731, his father gave him "in consider- ation of love, good will & affection" ten acres of land "being the Easterly side of my farm or home lott." December 21, 1733, he bought of Samuel Mason, three acres of salt marsh in Barrington, Mass. At a town meeting in Rehoboth, March 31, 1740, he was chosen Surveyor of Timber, and March 29, 1742, a "Hogg Driver." April 28, 1751, he was admitted to the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth and had his children baptized. June 18, 1759, his widow, Lydia, surrendered her FOURTH GENERATION 57 right of administration of his estate to her son, Nathaniel, and June 25, 1759, the real and personal estate was divided among the heirs, the widow and sons, Na- thaniel, John, Levi and Noah. The eldest son, Nathaniel, was ajDpointed guardian to his two youngest brothers, Levi and Noah. Children, by first wife, born in Rehoboth: + 143 i Nathaniel^ Chaffe, born October 6, 1735; married (1) Ruth Mans- field; (2) Susanna Carpenter. + 144 ii John Chaffe, born June 20, 1737; married Ruth Jones. 145 iii Noah Chaffe, born February 2, 173S-9; died in Rehoboth, February IS, 1738-9. + 146 iv Levi Chaffe, born September 10, 1742; married Anna Pierce. 147 v Ezra Chaffe, born October 20, 1744; died September 2, 1746. + 148 vi Noah Chaffe, born February 22, 1745-6; married Susanna Esterbrook. 40 Hannah "* Chaffe (Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., October 3, 1707, and died. She married there, May 27, 1729, Joseph Ar- mington, who came from the Island of Guernsey, England, arriving in Boston in 1718, and later settling in Seekonk, where he made brick. Hannah Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, April 17, 1709. Children, born in Rehoboth: 149 i Nicholas^ Armington, born January 12, 1729-30; died in Rehoboth, January 28, 1729-30 (1730-31). 150 ii Joseph Armington, Jr., born June 4, 1731; died in Rehoboth, August 15, 1746. 151 iii Josiah Armington, born July 28, 1733; died in Rehoboth, ]\Iay 13, 1736. 152 iv John Armington, born June 12, 1735. 153 V Deliverance Armington, born October 24, 1737; died in Rehoboth, August 28, 1746. 154 vi Susannah Armington, born January 9, 1739; died in Rehoboth, January 9, 1739. 155 vii Hannah Armington, born April 20, 1742. 156 viii Josiah Armington, born April 4, 1744. 157 ix William Armington, born November 22, 1746. 41 Dan ■* Chaffe (Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 6, 1710-11, and died probably in the autumn of 1796. He married in Rehoboth, November 9, 1736, INIary, daughter of John Robinson. She died before December 10, 1790, as in her husband's will of that date she is not mentioned. Dan Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth in infancy, and was admitted to membership in the same church, October 8, 1727. July 29, 1739, his father gave him fifteen acres of land in Rehoboth. At a town meeting in Rehoboth, May 19, 1747, "Dan Chaffe was drawn out of the Box to serve on the petition Jury Next Inferiour Court for the County of Bristol to be holden at Taunton on the Second Tuesday of June next." December 31, 1747, he bought of Timothy Carpenter for £50, two acres of land in Rehoboth. Jan- uary 3, 1753, Mary (Robinson) Chaffe and others, sold to Daniel Carpenter, for £100, thirty acres of land in Rehoboth, being the homestead of John Robinson, late father of the grantors. January 5, 1753, Dan Chaffe, " husbandman," bought of Charles Peck for £31, two acres of land in Rehoboth. January 15, 1753, he bought of John Whitaker, Jr., for £5, two acres more there at the same time, selling for the same amount to said Whitaker, a like quantity of land. December 2, 1755, he was chosen to serve on the Petit Jury December 4, 1760, Dan Chaffe, 58 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "yeoman" sold for £50, to John Thurber, Jr., ten acres of land in Rehoboth. The same day, he bought for £90, of John Bowen, Jr., thirty-eight and one-half acres there. January 1, 1761, Dan and his wife sold to Amos Allen, housewright, of Providence, R. I., eighteen acres of land in Rehoboth for £40, 10s. Novem- ber 10, 1766, he was again chosen Petit Juryman. August 18, 1769 he bought of Silvanus Martin, ten acres of land in Rehoboth, for £6, 12s. The will of Dan Chaffe, dated December 10, 1790, leaves to his three sons, William, Jonathan and Braddock, all his lands, buildings, etc. Also to "Rachel Chaffee, widow of my son Robinson deceased" beside other bequests, 5s., "to be paid by my three sons," who were also to pay £9 to Sylvester, son of Robinson, when he reached the age of twenty-one. The son Jonathan was made executor of the will, which was probated November 1, 1796. Children, born in Rehoboth: + 158 i William^ Chaffe, born August 15, 1737; married Catherine Thomas. 159 ii Dan Chaffe, Jr., born March 16, 1739-40; died in Rehoboth, August 24, 1746; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, March 23, 1739. + 160 iii Jonathan Chaffe, born October 16, 1742; married Mary Coomer. 161 iv Robinson Chaffe, born February 16, 1744-5; died August 29, 1746; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, February 17, 1745. 162 v Dan Chaffe, Jr., born September 17, 1747; probably died before 1790; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, Sep- tember 20, 1747. -t-163 vi Robinson Chaffe, born April 13, 1750; married Rachel Peck. 164 vii Judith Chaffe, born October 30, 1753; probably died before 1790; . baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, January 13, 1754. + 165 viii Braddock Chaffe, born November 1, 1756; married Sarah Brown. 44 Ephraim ^ Chaffe (Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Reho- both, Mass., January 25, 1715-16, and died there, June 9, 1790. He married (1) December 15, 1742, Patience, daughter of Samuel and Patience Butterworth of Rehoboth. She died May 16, 1743, aged twenty years, and he married (2) in Rehoboth, June 2, 1750, her sister Hannah Butterworth, who died September 5, 1807, aged seventy-eight. The ancestor of Patience and Hannah, Deacon John Butterworth, was expelled from Rehoboth in the early days of that town because of his Baptist proclivities. In his house was held the first Baptist service held in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He owned all that part of Rehoboth, known as Chestnut Hill, later called Seekonk. Ephraim Chaffe was a farmer in Rehoboth. He is designated in the records as "yeoman" and "husbandman." He was admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, June 13, 1736. March 21, 1742-3, he was appointed guardian of his wife. Patience, her father having recently died and she being a minor. The bond for £400, for the faithful performance of his duties was signed by Ephraim, Jonathan (8) and Nathaniel Chaffe (39), and witnessed by Stephen Paine and Josiah Howland. December 5, 1747, he was chosen by his cousin, Shubael Chaffe (74), as his guardian, and April 4, 1751, he sold to him for £26, 13s. 4d., five parcels of land in Rehoboth, containing twenty acres. Oc- tober 28, 1731, he and his wife Hannah sold to Daniel Bliss of Rehoboth, for £150, ■% ■^ a; 2 .'^ -- O S ■^ ri zj yj s rj CJ '^ • rH ^ :y] .4^ a- -"I m V . 5^' 2 (f} X — 5 r', >. -^ — ^ '"'' ;::::: ,^- ^^-S 2 ci --^ y S v;~ '7^ O -S -/j ti' 5^-2 14 OJ ^2 9° ^ T p^r~ 3 J^ ^ ^ -*-' H 0^ ■<< - ^ .ij ca H ? '^ ^ ^ r fa "5 r= -^ " „ 1^ P-1 S o o ^ o « r oj I-:. :: ^ ■„ ■£ ■ "Simeon Smith ) "Windham County S. S. Ashford 25th Feb A. D. 1784. " Personally appeared Capt Ebenezer Walker & Capt Simeon Smith two of the witnesses of the above within and foregoing will and testament of Mr. David Chafee late of Ashford decee and made solemn oath that they saw and heard the above sd testator sign and seal publish pronounce and declare, the same to be his last will and testament, and that they then took the testator to be of sound and dis- posing mind and memory, that they each of them signed as witnesses, in the presence of the sd testator, and that Capt Timothy Perin the other witness signed as a witness at the same time in their presence and in the presence of the testator. " Sworn before me " Elijah Whiton " Justice of the peace. "At a Probate Court holden at Pomfret in the district of Promfret on the 9th day of March A. D. 1784. present Charles Church Chandler Esqr Judge the within will was presented by the executor David Chafee accepted the trust therein reposed in him & gave bonds according to law, & the sd will is by this Court proved, ap- proved, and allowed of, & ordered to be recorded and kept on file — "Attest Lem. Grosvenor Clerk Probate." [Pomfret, Conn., Probate Records, Book V, p. 44.] Children, the first six born in Attleboro, the rest in Ashford : -M72 i David ^ Chafee, Jr., born October 28, 1733; married Priscilla Robbins. 173 ii Martha Chafee, born about 1735, died in infancy; baptized by "Mr. Welde [minister of the First Church of Rehoboth] at the house of Isriel Perry." 174 iii Martha Chafee, born April 27, 1737; died; married in 1757, Job Tyler; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, June 12, 1737. 175 iv Dorothy Chafee, born January 22, 1739-40; died in Ashford, October 10, 1755; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, March 23, 1739-40. + 176 v Patience Chafee, born January 16, 1742-3; married Joseph Amidon. 177 vi Abner Chafee, born September 14, 1746; died in Ashford, September 18, 1755; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, November 24, 1746. 178 vii Johanna Chafee, born January 3, 1749-50; died; married in Ashford, October 4, 1770, Joseph Whiton, Jr.; she was baptized there May 23, 1750. 62 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 179 viii Elizabeth Chafee, born April 11, 1753; died; married Brown. 180 ix Dorothy Chafee, born January 11, 1756; died; married in Ashford, November 27, 1777, by Reverend James Messinger, to Adam Knox. 181 X Ama (Anna) Chafee, born September 2, 1759; died; married Smith; she was baptized at her father's house in Ashford, by Mr, Allns, November 23, 1759. 182 xi Sarah Chafee, born July 10, 1763; probably died before 1783, as her father's will, made that year, makes no mention of her. 51 Elizabeth '^ ChafEe (David,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 21, 1710-11, and died January 15, 1761. She married, February 28, 1733-4, Ichabod, son of David and Elizabeth (Bosworth) Read of Rehoboth. He was born there, October 8, 1708. After Elizabeth Chaffe's death, he married (2) Elizabeth Robinson, by whom he had four children. Elizabeth Chaffee was baptized and admitted to the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, May 14, 1732. After her marriage, she lived in Attleboro, Mass., where she was buried. Children, born in Attleboro: 183 i Ichabod ^ Read, Jr., born January 15, 1735; died young. 184 ii Patience Read, born August 2, 1737. 185 iii Amos Read, born May 1, 1739; married Mary Ide. 186 iv Daniel Read, born August 12, 1743. 187 V Ohve Read, born April 11, 1746. 188 vi Ichabod Read, Jr., born March 2, 1750. 189 vii Jonathan Read, born August 8, 1752; married Dorothy Blake. For further descendants see History of the Reed Family, by Jacob W. Reed. 52 Patience ^ Ohaffe (David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 14, 1713, and died there, August 20, 1756. She married, February 28, 1733-4, Samuel, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (French) Read. He was born in Rehoboth, August 12, 1710, and lived there. Patience Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, August 12, 1733. She continued to live in that town after her marriage. Children, born in Rehoboth: 190 i Nathaniel^ Read, born May 31, 1735; married Huldah Carpenter. 191 ii Samuel Read, Jr., born October 11, 1736. 192 iii Mary Read, born February 13, 1738. 193 iv David Read, born October 5, 1742; married 194 V Jesse Read, born July 8, 1744; married Esther Puffer. 195 vi Zacharia Read, born September 8, 1746; married Lois Mann. 196 vii Patience Read, born January 22, 1748. 197 viii Experience Read, born April 19, 1755; died in Rehoboth, May 22, 1755. For further descendants see History of the Reed Family, by Jacob W. Reed. 53 Atherton ^ ChafEe (David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 7, 1715, and died in Westminster, Vt., March 4, 1778. He married (1) in Ashford, Conn., Abigail Squire (?), who died there, February 12, 1755. He married (2) in Ashford, March 25, 1756, Rachel Fuller, who died in West- minster, July 29, 1803, where she was buried. She spent her last days with her son Constant. In 1738, Atherton Chaffe of Ashford, bought of Moses Fuller of that place, one hundred acres of land there. September 12, 1743, his father gave him one-half of FOURTH GENERATIOxN 63 all his lands, buildings, fences, orchards and improvements on the farm in Ash- ford, where he, David, then lived, November 16, 1750, Atherton Chaffe, "yeo- man," bought of his father for £500, three tracts of land in Ashford, near a place called Lead Mine Hill, containing about eighty-five acres, a house and buildings. History says that in 1751 Atherton went with a party to Westminster, N. H. His last real estate transaction showing him to be a resident of Ashford, was February 8, 1758, when he bought for £18, twenty-six acres of land there, of Jonathan Pidge. In 1759, he is spoken of as of Westminster. The town was in what was then known as "the New Hampshire Grants." What is now Vermont was claimed by both New York and New Hampshire and was the subject of a long and bitter dispute, which lasted until after the Revolution. Vermont was not recognized as a state and admitted to the Union until 1791. Atherton Chaffe is said to have helped build a blockhouse in Vermont, and to have lived in it with twenty other families for four years. He was a Private from 1768 to 1770 in a volunteer company in Westminster, which was organized about that time, to pre- pare the men for defensive purposes when necessary. The following church doc- ument will be of interest to the descendants of Atherton Chaffe : "We the subscribers being desirous of having a steeple built to the meeting house that is about to be built in the town of Westminster present this our humble petition to the proprietors that have undertaken to build said house for liberty to build said steeple and for encouragement therefore we promise and bind our- selves to pay the sum or sums set to each of our names in order to pay the cost of said building provided the proprietors of said house shall see fit to grant us liberty and will allow us an equal share in the house with them according to the terms which we subscribe, in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 8th day of March in the year of our Lord Christ 1769. "Samuel Phippen Five Dollers " BiLEY WiLLARD 3 DoUcrs "Joseph Willard 3 Dollers "Samuel AvERELL 2 Dollers "JoH. AvERELL 3 Dollers "Joseph Phippen 3 Dollers "Thomas Averill 3 Dollers "Solomon Burk 3 Dollers " Atherton Chafe 2 DoUors " BiLEY Carpenter 2 DoUors "Ariel Carpenter 2 Dolers "Thomas Crook 1 Doler" Atherton Chaffe is said to have been a man of fine, unblemished character and habits. He is said to have had twenty-one children, the youngest, Crean Bush, being posthumous. His estate was administered by his widow. June 6, 1789, she applied for Commissioners to sell out her "thirds." At her death, her estate was settled by her son Constant. Her tombstone in the graveyard in Westminster bears the following inscription : " In memory of Mrs. Rachel widow of Mr. Atherton Chaffe, who died July 29, 1803, in the 67th year of her age. " To you my children and my friends Which I have left behind Come view this solemn monument And here instruction find." Children, by first wife, born in Ashford : 198 i Mary Chaffe, born February 15, 1739-40; died. 64 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 199 ii Experience Chaffe, born April 2, 1745; probably married Ephraim Hunt of Wrentham, Mass., August 5, 1762, and had a daughter Betty, mentioned in the will of Betty Chaffe (201). + 200 iii Squire Chaffe, born July 18, 1747; married . 201 iv Betty Chaffe (Chafee), born May 9, 1749; died in 1778; the will of "Betty Chafee of Rehoboth" made August 20, 1777, mentions Betty, daughter of Ephraim Hunt, Huldah, daughter of Na- thaniel Read, Betty, wife of Daniel Read, Patience Read, and "my beloved Aunt Margaret Chaffe" (55), Nathaniel Read being made executor; inventory taken December 5, 1778, + 202 V Atherton Chaffe, Jr., born March 15, 1752; married Phoebe Brockway. 203 vi Margaret Chaffe, born April 18, 1754; died in Ashford, March 17, 1755. Four other children, names unknown. Children, by second wife, the first two born in Ashford, the rest in Westmin- ster: + 204 xi Clifford Chaffe, born January 20, 1757; married Anna Burke. 205 xii Chloe Chaffe, born September 21, 1758; died in Ashford, April 21, 1760. 206 xiii Calvin Chaffe, died about 1784; he served as a Private during the Revolution, in Captain Elkanah Day's Company from West- minster in 1776, and his name is also found on "A Pay Ab- stract for Capt. Jesse Burk'e and Capt. Michael Gilson's com- panies, officers and soldiers included, which marched in the Alarm [at Newbury] March 1781. . . . Calvin Chaffy," credited with three days' service, thirty miles' travel, wages per day, Is. 4d., pay per mile, 4d., total sum received 14s. + 207 xiv Constant Chaffe, born about 1761 or 1762; married Anna Lovejoy. + 208 XV Alpha Chaffe, married Mary Abby. + 209 xvi Otis Chaffe, married Abigail Abby. + 210 xvii Rachel Chaffe, born December 16 1772; married Samuel Wires. 211 xviii Jarville Chaffe, born about 1774; died unmarried. + 212 xix Nancy Chaffe, born about 1776; married Amos Abby. + 213 XX Crean Bush Chaffe, born 1778; married Polly Bennett. Another child, name unknown. 54 Mary ^ Chaffe (David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., June 15, 1717, and died. She married, November 1, 1735, Gideon Frankhn of Re- hoboth, where they lived. Children, born in Rehoboth: ^ 214 i Daniel ^ Franklin, born June 25, 1736. 215 ii David Franklin, born April 13, 1738. 216 iii Asa Franklin, born January 28, 1739-40. 217 iv Molly Franklin, born October 3, 1741. 218 V Hannah Franklin, born July 29, 1743. 219 vi Gideon Franklin, Jr., born April 25, 1745. 220 vii Ohver Franklin, born December 14, 1748. 68 Daniel '^ Chaffe, Jr. (Daniel, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., December 14, 1721, and died between March 4, and May 26, 1760. He married Dorcas Ormsby, both at that time being of Attleboro. She married (2) Noah Read of Attleboro, their intention of marriage being published there, No- vember 7, 1761. Daniel Chaffe, Jr., was admitted to communion in the First Con- gregational Church of Attleboro, February 28, 1741. He owned land in Attle- boro. "April ye 9-1757 " A Lest of Training Soldiers in ye first Company in Attleborough under ye Com- mand of Capt Samll Tyler . . . Daniel Chaffee Jn." FOURTH GENERATION 65 March 4, 1760. "Children of Daniel Chaffe and Dorcas his wife were Baptized at his house, by reason of his being sick and unable to come with them to ye House of God." May 26, 1760, Dorcas, widow of Daniel Chaffe, Jr., was made administratrix of his estate, and the same year was appointed guardian of her children, Abner, Daniel, Samuel and Mary Chaffe. April 16, 1765, she bought in their behalf for £31, 10s. from John Starkey, land in Attleboro. Children, born in Attleboro: 221 i Abner 5 Chaffe, born September 19, 1749; died after 1780; January 25, 1771, "Abner Chaffe yeoman of New Stanford, N. Y.," sold for" £50, 6s., to Noah Reed of Attleboro land there "formerly belonging to my father Daniel Chaffe and to my grandfather Daniel Chaffe, form- erly of Attleboro"; the Vermont Revolutionary Records show that he was Corporal in "Capt. Gideon Brownson's Company for the defence of the frontiers of the New Hampshire Grants June 29, 1776" service twenty-seven days; he also served with the Massachusetts troops: " Chafee, Abner. Private, Capt. WiUiam Douglas's co., Col. Benja- min Simonds's detachment of Berkshire Co. militia; enhsted Dec. 16, 1776; discharged March 22, 1777; service, 96 days; marched to Ticonderoga." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of Revolution.] August 13, 1780, "Abner Chafee formerly of Danby, Vt.," bought of David Brydia for £200 land in Manchester, Vt.; "Abner Chaffe yeoman of Belchertown," Mass., sold to Samuel Atherton of Attleboro, all his interest in the estate of his cousin, Joel Martin (225), for one hundred Spanish milled dollars; he was still living in Belchertown, June 8, 1782, when he sold fifty acres of land in Manchester, probably that which he bought in 1780, for £115; he was a farmer. 222 ii Daniel Chaffe (Chaffy), born January 10, 1750-1; died before November, 1773; his estate, amounting to £7, lOd., was administered by his employer, Richard Tutt, and was settled November 7, 1774, the heirs being his mother, Dorcas Read, his brothers, Abner and Samuel and his sister Mary; he was a mariner and lived in Marblehead, Mass. 223 iii Samuel Chaffe, born February 4, 1753; died after 1786; February 10, 1774, he was of Attleboro, when with his mother and stepfather, he sold to Ezra Carpenter, for £163, 8s. 6d., one hundred acres of land there formerly owned by his father and grandfather Chaffe; July 16, 1776, he was living in Dorset, Albany County, N. Y., when he sold for £4, 4s., all his interest in " my grandmother Percy Chaffe 's dower from the estate of her husband Daniel Chaffe of Attleborough"; in 1776 "Samuel Chaffey of Charlotte County, N. Y.," sold one hundred and four and a half acres of land in Dorset, Vt., for £133, 6s. 8d.; August 8, 1780, he was living in New Marlborough, Mass., when he sold one-sixth of twenty-eight acres in Attleboro for $100; he was still living there, March 14, 1786, when he sold for £140, one-half the iron works, with land and buHdings situated near them. 224 iv Mary Chaffe, born August 20, 1758; may have married in Attleboro, October 26, 1780, Solomon Willis; unmarried and living in Attleboro, August 16, 1780, when she sold for £15, her interest in the estate of her grandfather, Daniel Chaffe. 69 Esther "* Chaffe (Daniel,^ Nathaniel, ^ Thomas was born in Attleboro, Mass., March 10, 172-, and died before March 21, 1763. She married, April 27, 66 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1757, Amos Martin of Attleboro, where she also hved. She was admitted into communion in the First Congregational Church of Attleboro, December 17, 1743. Child: 225 i Joel ^ Martin, born before March 21, 1763; died before November 20, 1780; unmarried; his grandfather, Daniel Chaffe (12), in his will dated March 21, 1763, leaves to his grandson Joel, son of his daughter Esther (who must at that time have been dead), his mother's share; this property he received April 3, 1769, when the estate was settled; November 20, 1780, his cousin, Abner Chaffe (221), sold for one hundred Spanish milled dollars, "all my interest in estate of Joel Martin of Attleborough set off to him from the estate of my grandfather Daniel Chaffe of Attleborough," indicating that Joel was dead. 72 Sarah ^ Chaffe (Noah,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., August 20, 1722, and died there August 7, 1768. She married in Rehoboth, De- cember 25, 1740, William Blanden of that place, where they hved. Children, born in Rehoboth: 226 i Lois^ Blanden, born February 1, 1741-2; married Amos Love. 227 ii Ebenezer Blanden, born August 2, 1744; died young. 228 iii Lucee Blanden, born March 8, 1745-6; married Jonathan Wilson. 229 iv Shubael Blanden, born September 17, 1750; married Roxalina Sheldon. 230 V Ebenezer Blanden, born February 26, 1754; married Nancy Wheeler. 231 vi Christopher Blanden, born October 1, 1756; married Martha Martin, 74 Shubael '^ Chaffe (Noah,3 Nathaniel2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 23, 1729-30, and died February 8, 1802. He married in Rehoboth, December 13, 1753, Elizabeth Crawford, who died May 14, 1815. Shubael Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, May 3, 1730. His father died when he was three years old, and his uncle Jon- athan Chaffe (8) was appointed his guardian. December 5, 1747, having reached an age when he was allowed to choose his own guardian, he made choice of his cousin, Ephraim Chaffe (44) from whom he bought for £26, 13s. 4d, April 4, 1751, twenty acres of land in Rehoboth. At this time Shubael Chaffe was a laborer in Rehoboth, and later a farmer and innholder there. November 10, 1752, he bought for £60, of his brother, Christopher, who had moved to Woodstock, Conn., his share of their father's estate, being one-fourth part. March 12, 1754, Shubael and wife Elizabeth sold for £38 to Ebenezer Fuller eleven and three-fourths acres in Rehoboth, being land which his father, Noah, had bought of Hannah Turner. November 20, 1754, Shubael Chaffe, innholder, and his wife sold to Solomon Brad- ford, six acres of land in Rehoboth for £55. Ten days later, November 30th, Shubael sold to Noah Newman a triangular piece of land containing one and one- half acres for £1, 10s. March 11, 1755, he again sold to Solomon Bradford, this time four or five acres of land, being a "Lott laid out upon ye right of my father Noah Chaffe," for £125. March 31, 1766, he was chosen Fence Viewer in Reho- both. He served in the Revolution both with the Massachusetts and Rhode Island troops: "Chaffe, Shubael, Rehoboth. Capt. John Perry's co., Col. Timothy Walker's (22d) regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; service, 3 mos. 1 week, 1 day; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Roxburj', Oct. 26, 1775. "*' [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] FOURTH GENERATION 67 Shubael Chaffe also enlisted in OIney's Rhode Island Battallion for the war in Providence, R. I., February 1, 1777, and served until June 15, 1783. He is described as a laborer, born and of Rehoboth, age fifty-three, gray hair, light com- plexion, size, five feet, three inches. He was appointed Corporal soon after his en- listment, February 24, 1877. His name is found on the muster rolls of the 2d Rhode Island Regiment, Israel Axigell, Colonel, for November, 1778, January, February and April, 1779, August, September, October, November and December, 1780; his name is also on a broadside, dated Champlain, N. Y., 1779-80. His name is also on the account of clothing supplied for 1780, 1781 and 1782. He was on extra service in 1780 and 1781; Orderly for Field Officers, September 8-22, 1780, Orderly Major for Colonel Angell, September 29, Waiter to Field Officers, October 6 and 13, taking care of horses in the country, November 3, and 17, December 4-21, January 25 and February 2, 1781. He signed a receipt for pay to Daniel S, Dexter, Paymaster of the Rhode Island Regiment, in Rhode Island Village, June 11, 1781. In September, his regiment was stationed in Verplank's Point, N. Y. Lieutenant Commander Olney granted him a furlough from Sara- toga, N. Y., from December 22, 1782, to February 20, 1783. February 1, 1783, he is reported as entitled to two badges. June 15, 1783, he was granted another furlough. July 11, 1783, he received a note for the pay due him from January 1, 1782, with six per cent interest. April 20, 1784, he received of J. S. Dexter in final settlement of his account with the United States, three certificates for $212, being balance due him for arrears of pay, etc. His service was in the 5th, 6th and 8th Companies of the 2nd Rhode Island Regiment. [Rhode Island Archives, State House, Providence, R. /.] Children, born in Rehoboth: 232 i Miriam Chaffe, born October 26, 1755; died; probably married a Burke and had a son Frederick; during the Revolution she was a hospital nurse, and received pay from November 1, 1778, for seventy-three davs. [Ihid.] 233 ii Noah Chaffe, born August 22, 1757; died about June 23, 1780; enlisted in Rhode Island in the same company and regiment with his father and was also appointed Corporal, February 24, 1777, for the war; called "Noah Chafey of Providence;" his name is on the muster rolls for November, 1778, and January, 1779; mustered, Warren, February 7, 1779; on furlough in Providence, March, 1779; on muster roll for April, 1779; his name is also on a broadside for 1779-80, Dated Champlain, N. Y.; his name appears as having received clothing in 1780; "Serg't Noah Chaffee" was reported killed, June 23, 1780; certificate for £64 due the heirs of Noah Chaffee, accepted by the General Assembly, in January, 1781. [Rhode Island Archives, State House, Providence, R. I.] 234 iii Hannah Chaffe, born October 9, 1759; died April 27, 1841; married in Rehoboth, July 27, 1781, Allen, son of Samuel and Ruth Viall of that place; he was born there, December 23, 1756; drowned Sep- tember 23, 1815. 235 iv Billie Chaffe, born September 21, 1765; died. 236 V Bette Chaffe, born March 10, 1769; died. 237 vi John Chaffe, born March 19, 1774; died. 76 Joseph ■* ChafiEe (John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Swansea, Mass., January 17, 1701-2, and died March 15, 1760. He married Hannah, daughter of Ephraim May of Rehoboth, Mass. She was born in Swansea, October 1, 1704^ 68 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY and was baptized there, February 12, 1706-7. After Joseph Chafife's death, she married (2) Ensign Joseph Sexton. Joseph Chaffe was Constable and Town Sealer of weights and measures in Bar- rington in 1729. January 21, 1729-30, "Joseph Chaffe Junr. of Barrington, boatman," bought of Benjamin Marcy of Woodstock, husbandman, a "Mansion house" and seventy- five acres of land in Woodstock, bounded by the land of Isaiah Tiffany and John Chaffe, for £300. February 23, 1729-30, "Joseph Chaffee Junr. of Barrington in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay In New England Boatman, for and in consideration of the sum of two himdred pounds to me paid by my Hon- oured Father, John Chaffee of Woodstock, in the County of Suffolk and Province aforesaid, yeoman, being part of my Portion or Patrimony of my said Father's Estate do by these presents Remit, Release and forever Quit Claim . . . unto my Father John Chaffee ... all my right title interest Claim & Demand unto all of Housing & Lands of my said Father being & lying in Woodstock Afore- said, belonging ... to me as a son or heir." This document was witnessed by his uncle Joseph Chaffe (18) and Samuel Luther. [Woodstock Land Records.] In those days a man was called "Junior" if there was another man in his family of the same Christian name, whether he was his father or not. Between the date of the above release and July 5, 1730, Joseph and his family removed to Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), as on the latter date his wife was admitted to the First Con- gregational Church of Woodstock by a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Church of Christ in Barrington. He settled in what is now West Wood- stock, and which was set off from Woodstock as the Second Precinct of Woodstock, or New Roxbury. September 29, 1730, "Joseph Chaffe of Woodstock in the County of Suffolk, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, Husbandman, & Hannah Chaffee wife of said Joseph" sold to "Samuel Millard of Swansey in the County of Bristol, in said Province, shipwright" for £110 "a certain Lott or Tract of Land acituate lying and being in the Township of Rehoboth and in that part thereof called by the name of the Four Thousand Acre Division and was originally granted to be laid out to mr: Ephraim May late of Rehoboth aforesd Deceased vizt In February 1712-13 lying adjoyning to Israel Peck's Land at the great meadow Hill the first Corner is the southeast Corner of said Peck's Land being a Stake and heap of Stones thence South by a way of four perch wide between this Lott & the Bounds of the Town Eighty Rods to a Black Oak for a Corner thence west to the said Peck's Land then bounding with said Peck's Land till it Come to the first corner; the south west corner is a Beach Tree in said Peck's Line and way laid out November 9th 1713 as may fully appear by the Records of the proprietors of Rehoboth, Reference thereto being had." This was signed by Joseph Chaffe and Hannah Chaffe and witnessed by Samuel and Sarah Pain. [Bristol County Registry of Deeds.] On the same date Joseph Chaffe bought of Isaiah Tiffany seventy acres of land in Woodstock for £171. January 3, 1742-3, "Joseph Chaffe, yeoman," bought of John Bartholomew, weaver, of Woodstock, forty-two acres of land in the south half of that place for £85. May 12, 1747, he bought of James Bowdoin, Esq., of Boston, one hundred and twenty acres of land in Woodstock for £592. He was a voter in Woodstock, September 12, 1749, when he was made a Freeman. Decem- ber 5, 1751, he bought one hundred and ninety-one acres of land in Wales, a dis- FOURTH GENERATION 69 trict of Springfield, Mass., for £600, "old Tenor bills, "of Peter, Moses and Aaron Tufts, Francis Pierce and wife Deborah, Jolm Boon and wife, Elizabeth, all of Ashford, Conn., Jonathan Whitcomb, blacksmith, and wife, Sarah, of Littleton, Mass., Uriah Gleason and wife, Abigail of Oxford, Mass. January 1, 1753, he bought of Thomas Allen, for £220, forty acres of land in the south half of Woodstock. May 17th of the same year, he gave a mortgage on one hundred and sixty acres of land in Woodstock, to James Bowdoin of Bos- ton, for "two hundred & ninety Spanish mill dollars" the mortgage to run for a year with interest at six per cent, a forfeiture of five hundred and eighty Spanish mill dollars being the penalty of failure to meet the obligation. This was signed by Joseph and Hannah Chaffe. September 3, 1754, Joseph Chaffe sold to Elijah Hurlburt of Woodstock, for £3,200, a dwelling house, barn, stable and one hun- dred and sixty acres of land in Woodstock, September 20, 1754, "Joseph Chaffee of New Roxbury in Woodstock," bought of Ebenezer Jones of Wales, for £110, 14s., one hundred and fifty acres of land adjoining what he had already bought in 1751, lying partly in Wales and partly in the adjoining town, Somers, Conn. June 4, 1755, Joseph and wife, Hannah of Woodstock, sold to Abraham Skinner of Maiden, Mass., for £300, one hundred and ten acres of land with a house, barn, corn-barn and one-half a saw-mill, all in Woodstock. The next mention of Joseph shows him to have moved to Wales, between June 4, 1755, and January 30, 1756, as on the latter date he sold to Stephen Williams of Springfield, land in Wales, for £4, 10s. February 9th following, buying of him one hundred and fifty-four acres and forty-four rods of land in the same place, for £13. The land where he settled reached from the top of Ball Mountain to Monson Line. March 30, 1757, he and his wife sold to James Bowdoin, for £67, one hundred and thirteen acres of the tract bought in 1754, partly in Wales, and partly in Somers. December 2, 1757, John Chaffe (16) died and Joseph, the eldest son, was executor of his will, and was his residuary legatee. May 8, 1758, he sold to his son, Joseph, Jr., for £55, fifty- six acres of land in Wales. February 5, 1760, he gave two rods of land "for the use and benefit of a pubhc highway." February 25th following, he sold to his second son, Benjamin, seventy-five acres of land in Wales for £45, and to his son, Asa, land there for £35, 8s. The same day he sold to his son, Isaiah, "the use and advantage" of a certain stream of water. One month after these transac- tions he died, and power of administration was granted to the widow, Hannah and son, Joseph, April 1, 1760. April lOth folio-wing, Stephen Stebbins, WiUiam King and John Bliss were appointed by the Judge of Probate to appraise the es- tate, and they met June 4th at the house of "the widow Mrs. Hannah Chaffey" and appraised the estate "as it was shewed them by Mrs. Hannah and Mr. Joseph Chaffee." In this inventory, the home lot was valued at £225, the total value of the estate being £423, 2s. 9d. Mention is made of horses, oxen, cows, thirteen goats (valued at 34s.) pigs, farming utensils, household furniture, clothing. Bibles and various rehgious books, pamphlets, etc. The debts, including bills to Doc- tors Terry and Morse for services during Joseph Chaffe's last illness, amounted to £246, 14s. August 18th, the widow and Joseph, as administrators, sold to John Firman, cordwainer of Springfield, for £116, one hundred acres of land partly in Wales, and partly in Somers, with a dweUing house and barn thereon, including eight rods "near the old goat pasture," the land adjoining that of Ephraim Chaffe (241). On this date, they also sold thirty-two and one-half acres of land in Wales 70 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY to Isaiah Chaffe (247) of that place, he being the highest bidder and paying £9, 15s. Joseph Chaffe died of smallpox, and one of the items in the account of the ad- ministrators against the estate is 5s. "for brimstone & rum to cleanse the infec- tion out of the house." He lies buried in the cemetery in Hampden, Mass. (for- merly South Wilbraham), where the inscription on his tombstone reads: " In memory of Mr. Joseph Chaffe who died of the Small Pox March 15, 1760 in the 59th year of his age." That of his wife is also in the same cemetery and is inscribed : " In Memory of Mrs. Hannah formerly wife of Mr. Joseph Chaffee late wife of Ens Joseph Sexton who died May 26, 1787 in the 80th year of her age. Aged and young ahke must lie In this cold bed of clay." Children, the eldest born in Barrington, the rest in Woodstock: -h238 i Sarah ^ Chaffe, born January 18, 1729; married (1) Isaac Morris; (2) Honorable John Bhss. + 239 ii Joseph Chaffe, Jr., born January 9, 1730-31 ; married Esther Chaffe. + 240 iii Benjamin Chaffe, born July 10, 1732; married Hannah Skinner. + 241 iv Ephraim Chaffe, born about 1733; married Anna (or Anne) Torrey. + 242 V Asa ChafTe, born June 5, 1734; married (1) Mary Hewlett; (2) Sarah Ormsbee. 243 vi Jonathan Chaffe, born March 16, 1735-6; died. + 244 vii Comfort Chaffe, born March 20, 1737-8; married (1) Mary Bliss; (2) Mrs. Hepzibah (Green) Chaffee. 245 viii Hannah Chaffe, born June 17, 1742; died; baptized in the First Con- gregational Church, Woodstock, June 27, 1742. 246 ix Darius Chaffe, born March 22, 1743-4; died after 1775; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, May 13, 1744; removed to Wilbraham; on a pay roll dated December 5, 1775, of Captain Warriner's company of Wilbraham, Mass., "who marched in defense of Ammerican Liberty on ye Alarm last April occassioned by th Lexington Fight with ye number of officers & soldiers," appears the name of Darius ChafTe, private, service ten days, distance travelled one hundred and eighty miles from and to home, payment £1, 9s. 2d. + 247 X Isaiah Chaffe, married Betty Manning. 248 xi Joel Chaffe, born November 19, 1745; died; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, February 11, 1746. 77 Joel ^ Chaffe (John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born probably in Swansea, Mass., in 1702, and died in Woodstock, Conn., June 20, 1745. He married EHza- beth, daughter of Thomas Bicknell of Middleboro, Mass. She died before Feb- ruary 2, 1757, when her estate was divided. FOURTH GENERATION 71 April 24, 1725, "Joel Chaffe, cordwainer [shoemaker] of Barrington, Mass.," bought of Joseph Bosworth of Rehoboth, Mass., thirteen acres of land there for £109. Barrington was set off from the western part of Swansea in 1717, and Joel's father and family lived in that part. April 15, 1729, Joel Chaffe of Rehoboth, bought of Joseph Allen of Barrington, four and three-fourths acres of land in Re- hoboth for £40. April 3, 1730, Joel and his wife, Elizabeth of Rehoboth, gave a quitclaim deed to Benjamin White of Middleboro, on a piece of land there which had formerly belonged to Elizabeth's father, Thomas Bicknell. January 9, 1730-1, Joel bought of James and Constant Viall of Barrington, twenty-eight acres of land in Rehoboth for £95. December 28, 1732, he and his wife sold to Stephen Fry of Woodstock for £500, eighteen acres and one rood of land in Rehoboth, the same day buying of him twenty-two acres and two roods of land with a house, a barn and a shop situated thereon, in Woodstock, for £550. Both men were shoemakers. January 1, 1732-3, he sold to Nathaniel Peck for £100, twenty-eight acres of land in Rehoboth, probably the property bought two years before of the Vialls. At this time he was still of Rehoboth, but during the year 1733, he moved to Wood- stock, whither his father had preceded him. Soon after his arrival there, in 1733, he bought of Jeremiah Robinson of Rehoboth, one hundred acres of land in Ash- ford, Conn., for £60, selling it March 12, 1733-4, to his uncle, Joseph Chaffe (18), for £85. In 1734, he bought two more tracts of land in Ashford, one of one hun- dred and fifty acres of Nathaniel Peck, for £135, and one of forty acres of John Bugbee of Ashford, for £40. September 8, 1735, he bought of Eliphalet Carpenter, and EUphalet Carpenter, Jr., of Woodstock, several pieces of land in the south half of that town, amounting to one hundred and fifty-five acres, and containing a mansion house. The price of this was £600. To this he added, March 18th fol- lowing, more land bought of Nathaniel Davenport, for £41, "good bills of credit." April 3, 1738, he sold to Benjamin Bugbee of Woodstock, twenty-five acres in the south half of the town for £50. May 26, 1742, Joel Chaffe and others petitioned the General Court in Boston (Woodstock at this time being part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony) to be made a separate town with religious privileges, the petitioners living very distant from the First Congregational Church in Woodstock, and that church being so small that it could not accommodate all those in the parish. [See 18.] Joel Chaffe lived four and a quarter miles from this church. December 11, 1742, Joel sold to Sam- uel Barnes of Barrington, for £75, seven acres and twenty rods of land in Wood- stock. February 9, 1744-5, he sold to his father, for £287, fifty acres of land in the south half of Woodstock, with a dwelling house on it. February 16, 1744-5, he sold to Thomas Allen for £366, another piece of land there. This was his last land transaction, as he died the following summer. His brother Joseph, being appointed October 21, 1745, as administrator of his estate, sold the entire real estate, consisting of seventy-five acres of land, to their brother, John (80), April 1, 1747. The children received their father's share in their grandfather's estate, August 29, 1754. The estate of their mother was divided among the children in Woodstock, February 2, 1757. Joel Chaffe is thought to have been buried in Woodstock. Children, first two born in Rehoboth, the last five in Woodstock: 249 i Elizabeth 5 Chaffe, born January 2, 1729-30; died before August 29, 1754; married in Thompson, Conn., March 28, 1748-9, John Lee, 72 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY their intention of marriage being published in Woodstock, March 11, 1748-9. + 250 ii Joshua Chaffe, born May 26, 1731 ; married Mary St. John. 251 iii Joel Chaffe, Jr., born probably about 1732 or before May 6, 1733; died in Wilbraham, Mass., August 25, 1802, in his seventieth year; he married in Springfield, Mass., December 3, 1755, Hepzibah Green, born in Wales, Springfield Township, died December 19, 1828, aged ninety-three; she married (2) Comfort ChafTe [see 244]. Joel Chaffe, Jr., was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, May 6, 1733; he was a blacksmith, farmer and miller, in 1801 owning a fulling mill; as early as 1764 he owned property in Wilbraham; March 8, 1768, "Joel Chaffee blacksmith of Wilbraham" sold to his cousin. Doctor Hezekiah Chaffe (79), of Windsor, Conn., for £30, ninety acres of land with the dwelhng house, barn and shop thereon, June 2d following leasing this same property from Doctor Chaffe at a yearly rental of twenty shillings, the lease being for the term of Joel's life and after his death to be continued while his wife Hepzibah remained his widow; March 11, 1769, Joel Chaffe was chosen Constable of the town of Wilbraham; May 30, 1770, he owned with his wife and others, pew number three in the Congregational Church there, but July 3d of the same year, he and his wife, with five others, occupied pew number fourteen there, May 11, 1772, he was chosen Juror in Wilbraham, and that year bought of Philip Lyon of that place property there for £22; his was one of the one hundred and twenty-five signatures to an agreement made in South Wilbraham in 1774, not to buy English-made goods; in 1776 he was chosen Fence Viewer in Wilbraham, and in December of that year, was one of those elected to the office of "deerreaves"; October 18, 1779, he received $7 as bounty and mileage money for soldiers; March 22, 1786, he was chosen Surveyor; in the fall of that year, during Shays's Rebellion, he served as a Private in Lieutenant Lewis Langdon's Company, Colonel Gideon Burt's Regiment of Mihtia, Fourth Division, who marched to Springfield in support of the Government, service from September 22 to 28, 1786; he bought land in Wilbraham from 1785 to 1799; his will, dated October 5, 1802, gave all his property to his wife, as they had no children; February 8, 1805, she sold land to Comfort Chaffe (244), and May 10, 1808, another piece of land to Doctor Hezekiah Chaffe; both Joel and Hepzibah are buried in the old burying- ground, Hampden (formerly South Wilbraham), his tombstone bearing the following inscription : " Go home my friends, Dry up your tears, I must lie here Till Christ appears.' 252 iv Abigail Chaffe, born January 16, 1734-5; died June 23, 1737; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, in January, 1734-5. 253 v Abigail Chaffe, born July 2, 1737; died; married in Woodstock, May 29, 1767, Nathaniel Goodell; she was baptized in the First Congrega- tional Church, Woodstock, August 7, 1737. 254 vi Daniel ChafTe, born August 4, 1739; died December 23, 1740; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, September 30, 1739. 255 vii Lucy Chaffe, born May 8, 1742; died; maa-ried in Woodstock, January 1, 1761, John Call; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, June 20, 1742. 256 viii Ruth Chaffe, born March 20, 1743-4; died November 17, 1796; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, May 13, 1744; FOURTH GENERATION 73 July 3, 1770, with five others, she occupied pew number thirty in the gallery, women's side; buried in the old burying-ground, South Wilbraham (now Hampden) ; unmarried. 78 Ebenezer '^ Chaffe (John,3 Joseph,2 Thomasi) was born in Swansea, Mass., September 22, 1704, and died in Woodstock, Conn., April 11, 17S4. He married (1), there, April 22, 1730, Mary, daughter of John and Abigail Scarborough. She was born July 25, 1708, and died in Woodstock, January 21, 1746-7. Ebenezer Chaffe married (2), February 2, 1747-8, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Margaret Bacon, their intention of marriage being published January 9, 1747-8. She was born November 24, 1696, and died December 29, 1753. He married (3), about 1755, Mrs. Sarah (Adams) Durand, who died in Woodstock, August 5, 1782, in her sixty-third year. She was admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church there, April 16, 1780. Ebenezer Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, October 3, 1731, and owned the covenant, October 10th following. He was still a communicant in that church July 3, 1737-8. December 21, 1733, "Ebenezer Chafee husbandman of Woodstock" bought land there for £96 of Nathaniel and Smith Johnson. May 19, 1755, he sold to Thomas Chapman, probably his son-in- law, for £200, ten acres there. April 3, 1760, he bought of Benjamin Skinner of Springfield, land in that township for £15. November 17, 1764, he sold to his son Ezra for £60, twenty-five acres of land in the south half of Woodstock. February 11, 1765, "Ebenezer Chaffee yeoman" sold to his brother, "John Chaffee of Wil- braham" (which town had just been set off from Springfield as a separate town), thirty-eight and three-fourths acres of land there, the price being £6, 16s. Children, by first wife, born in Woodstock : 257 i Samuel ^ Chaffe, born July 1, 1731 ; died September 5, 1758; inventory of his estate filed in Woodstock, May 1, 1759; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, October 3, 1731. + 258 ii Mary Chaffe, born August 27, 1733; married Thomas Chapman. + 259 iii Rebecca Chaffe, born July 28, 1735; married John Howlett. + 260 iv Tabitha Chaffe, born July 14, 1739; married Ephraim Carpenter. + 261 V Ezra Chaffe, born April 9, 1742; married Jerusha Hurlburt. + 262 vi Ebenezer Chaffe, Jr., born September 27, 1744; married Alice Fassett. 263 vii Olive Chaffe, born December 9, 1746; died January 22, 1746-7. Children, by third wife, born in Woodstock: + 264 viii Olive Chaffe, born March 24, 1756; married (1) Nathaniel Sanger; (2) Adams. + 265 ix Samuel Chaffe, born June 9, 1760; married Azubah Sanger. + 266 X Elizabeth Chaffe, born January 3, 1763, married Jonathan Paul. 79 Hezekiah '^ Chaffe (John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas^) was born in Swansea, Mass., April 19, 1706, and died October 18, 1731. He married Mary, daughter of John Toogood of Swansea. He was a physician. April 7, 1730, he sold to Deacon Nathaniel Peck of Barrington, Mass., where he also lived, a road or way eight rods wide in that town, for £47. April 11, 1730, "Nathaniel Peck of Rehoboth, County of Bristol, Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, Boatman," and his wife "Allice " who released her dowry and power of thirds, sold to " Hezekiah Chaffe of Barrington, County aforesaid. Physician ... for £300 ... A tract or messuage of Land Containing by estimation Twenty-five acres be it more or less situate, lying and Being in Rehoboth butted & Bounded as followeth viz — Begin-ing at the North 74 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY east corner by a Rock, from thence Running by the Land of Nath'l Pain; thence up to a stake by a highway from thence bounded by the highway till it comes to a black oak tree; thence by the land of Nath'l Pain down to the River being all the land belonging to the s'd peck in that place. . . . "Signed, Sealed & Delivered " in presence of "Joseph AUin Nathaniel Peck [seal] "Nathaniel Paine her "Joel Chaffe Alce v Peck" [seal] mark The next mention of him is the appointment of his widow Mary, as administra- trix of his estate, November 16, 1731. "November 18, 1731. A true copy of the estate of Hezekiah Chaffe, lately deceased. "The Real Estate £320 " The Personal Estate £185 14 10 "Mary Chaffe, the widow Signed by Samuel Hills. Joseph Allen. Joseph Chaffe." On March 21, 1731-2, an inventory was taken of the estate of Hezekiah Chaffe consisting of drugs, medicine, bottles and "Chirurgeon Tools" amounting to £320, 14s. lOd. This was signed by the " appriseiers " Samuel Hills, Joseph Allen and Joseph Chaffe. "September 12, 1732. Charges against above Estate Im Primis To Timothy Barden for a coffin Digging the grave Drugs. Gloves. John Toogood for Grave Stones Nathaniel Paine Benjamin Chaffe Ann Chaffe Joseph Chaffe 12 10 3" November 16, 1732, bonds were given by Mary Chaffe, Samuel Hills, cooper, and Joel Chaffe, cordwainer (77), all of Rehoboth, and the administration of the estate was closed. January 22, 1732-3, Mary Chaffe sold to John Toogood, boat- man of Barrington, twenty-five acres of land in Rehoboth, with a dwelling house and barn on it for £265, buying back this property June 11th following for the same sum. October 18, 1734, she, with others, sold to John Toogood, for £80, a quitclaim deed of all interest on the estate of her father, John Toogood, in Swansea. In the ancient Chaffe burying-ground near Barrington, R. I (formerly within the hmits of Barrington, Mass., and before that of Swansea), on the Asa Peck farm, formerly the property of Thomas Chaffe the emigrant, then of Joseph, his son, and then of Joseph, his grandson (by whom it was sold to strangers), is found an old tombstone bearing the following inscription : "Here Lieth the body of Hezekiah Chaffe, died Octo.t ye 18th 1731 in ye 26th of his age." Children : 267 i Mary ^ Chaffe, born in Rehoboth, July 29, 1728; probably died young. 268 ii John Chaffe, born in Swansea; died after 1754; Nathaniel Peck ap- £ sh. d 1 00 7 1 10 1 12 2 1 8 1 12 1 5 4 3 FOURTH GENERATION 75 pointed guardian to him and his brother Hezekiah, Jr., June 7, 1748. Received land in Woodstock from his grandfather in 1754. + 269 iii Hezekiah Chaffe, Jr., born December 6, 1731; married Mrs. Lydia (Griswold) Phelps. 80 John ^ Chaffe, Jr. (John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Swansea, Mass., February 10, 1706-7, and died January 2, 1796. He married in Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), December 17, 1730, Mehitable Mascraft, who died in South Wilbra- ham, June (January) 29, 1803, aged ninety-six years and twenty-six days. Their intention of marriage was entered in Woodstock, April 24, 1730, John Chaffe probably moved with his parents from Swansea to Woodstock, about 1729 or 1730, and was living there at the time of his marriage. He was baptized and owned the covenant in the First Congregational Church there, July 29, 1733, the same day his wife being admitted to full communion with the same church. His name is found on the membership list February 24, 1740, and in March, 1753. July 15, 1745, he bought of John Bartholomew for £25, twenty acres and twenty perches of land in the south half of Woodstock. April 1, 1747, Joseph Chaffe (76), administrator of the estate of Joel Chaffe (77), sold to John Chaffe all the real estate of the said Joel, being seventy-five acres; January 14th following John Chaffe sold to Samuel Mascraft for £250, 75 acres of land there, probably that formerly belonging to Joel. John was a voter in Woodstock, when made a Freeman, September 12, 1749. September 25, 1752, "John Chaffe, husband- man," sold to James Franklin of Attleboro, Mass., sixty acres of land in Wood- stock for £450. August 29, 1754, he received from his father fifty acres of land valued at £70. December 24, 1754, he bought back from James Franklin the land he sold him in 1752, paying an advance price of £40. The land received from his father in 1754, "John Chaffe, yeoman" he sold April, 6, 1764, to Benjamin Skinner of Wilbraham for £255, the same day buying of Skinner three tracts of land in Wilbraham, one of thirteen acres with buildings thereon for £296, one of thirty- five acres for £30, and one of sixty-one acres for £18. June 30, 1765, he and his wife were dismissed from the church in Woodstock to the Second Congregational Church in Stafford, Conn. In 1768 they were members of the South Wilbraham Congregational Church. October 20th of that year, " John Chaffe and Mehitable his wife of South Wilbraham" sold to William Martin, Jr., of Woodstock, twenty eight acres of land and a mansion house there for £70. September 3, 1769, he gave to his son-in-law, Phineas Stebbins, "in consideration of that love and good- will which I do bear to son-in-law Phineas Stebbins, husbandman of Wilbraham " certain lots of land in that place. Three days later he sold to his son Simeon for £6, land there. May 30, 1770, a list of sittings in the Wilbraham Congregational Church states that " John Chaffee and wife," with six others, occupied pew number twenty-six. March 14, 1772, he sold to his son Amos, land in Wilbraham for £20. An agreement made in Wilbraham in 1774, not to purchase English-made goods, was signed by John Chaffee and one hundred and twenty -four other men. The farm on which John Chaffe lived in Wilbraham was inherited by his son Simeon, and from him, by his son Emery. In the old burying-ground in Hampden (formerly South Wilbraham) lie the remains of John Chaffe and his wife, their gravestones bearing the following in- scriptions : 76 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "In memory of Mr John Chaffe who departed this life Janry 2nd 1796 aged 89 years 11 mos and 12 days My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviours image rise." "In memory of Mrs. Mehitabel wife of Mr John Chaffe who departed this life Jun [or Jan] 29th 1803 aged 96 years & 26 days I shall behold the face Of my forgiving God And stand complete in righteousness Washed in my Saviours blood." Children, born in Woodstock: 270 i Mehitable ^ Chaffe, born February 24, 1732-3 ; died November 22, 1815 ; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, July 29, 1733; with six others occupied pew number four in the Congre- gational Church, Wilbraham, July 3, 1770; buried in South Wil- braham (now Hampden) ; unmarried. 271 ii Esther Chaffe, born January 14, 1734-5; married Joseph Chaffe. (See 239.) + 272 iii Simeon Chaffe, born January 22, 1736-7; married Love Davis. 273 iv Anna Chaffe, born May 1, 1739; died young; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, May 6, 1739. 274 V Amy Chaffe, born March 2, 1740; with five others, occupied pew number thirty in the gallery, women's side, in the Congregational Church, Wilbraham. + 275 vi Amos Chaffe, born August 9, 1744; married Anna Brown. + 276 vii Anna Chaffe, probably born about 1747-8; married Phineas Stebbins. 90 Benjamin '^ Chaffe (Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas^) was born in Swansea, Mass., September 11, 1710, and died after 1774. He married (1) in Ashford, Conn., November 2, 1738, Hannah Chapman, who died there, January 18, 1739-40. He married (2) in Ashford, February 25, 1741, Priscilla Green of Mansfield, Conn., who died in Ashford, September 6, 1768. The following is from the records of the First Congregational Church in Ashford, having been entered by its first minister, Reverend James Hall: "April 1742. Then was also Priscilla Chaffee the wife of Benjamin Chaffee, accepted by the Brethern voting, as Dismissed or Recommended to us to be received into our communion. She having for several years been in full com- munion in the Church of Christ in Mansfield as the Rev. Mr. Williams his Pastoral letter declares." Benjamin Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, Conn., July 16, 1732. March 12, 1735-6, he was living in Woodstock when his father "sold" him "for Love and Goodwill & Effection" one hundred acres of land in Ashford. Here he was living November 10, 1767, when he sold to Elijah Lyon, eight acres of land in Woodstock for £16, 15s., being part of his share of FOURTH GENERATION 77 his father's estate. The last mentions of him in the records show him to have been hving in Ashford in 1773 and 1774, when he sold there two pieces of property to his son Francis Green Chaffe, one for £30, 5s., the other for £50. How long after this he lived is not known. Child, by first wife : 277 i Benjamin ^ Chaffe, Jr., born in Ashford, January 18, 1739-40; died in Ashford, September 13, 1740. Children, by second wife, born in Ashford: 278 ii Hannah Chaffe, died in infancy. 279 iii Abigail Chaffe, born March 26, 1743 ; died ; probably married in Ashford, January 1, 1771, Jacob Orcutt; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, September 11, 1743. + 280 iv Francis Green Chaffe, born April 6, 1745; married Dorcas Chaffee (312). 91 James ^ Chaffee (Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born probably in Swansea, Mass., about 1713, and died in Monson, Mass., May 22, 1799. He was married (1) in Woodstock, Conn., June 16, 1737, by John Chandler, Esq., Justice of the Peace, to Beriah Hayden of Woodstock, born February 10, 1715-16, died June 24, 1758, Her name is found on a list of the members of the Woodstock Congregational Church as early as October 30, 1743. He married (2) in Killingly, Conn., August 8, 1759, Rhoda Cady of that place. At this time he was living in Woodstock. She died May 22, 1799, and was buried in the same grave with her husband. November 4, 1747, Beriah Chaffe, an heir of Reverend John Child of Woodstock, and James Chaffee, her husband, of the same town, with other heirs of John Child, sold land to Jacob Child of Woodstock for £415. James Chaffee, a voter of Wood- stock, was made a Freeman, September 12, 1749. The records of the First Con- gregational Church of Woodstock, where he lived, show that December 12, 1763, James "Chaffe" did a day's work for the church for which he was paid 3s. 6d. He was drafted during the Revolution, but said that he could not leave such a large family. His son Abial, aged fifteen, stepped forward and, offering to take his father's i^lace, was accepted. James Chaffee was a farmer. Children, by first wife, born in Woodstock: 281 i Nathan^ Chaffee, died October 8, 1750; baptized in the First Con- gregational Church, Woodstock, September 23, 1739. + 282 ii Zebediah Chaffee, born April 11, 1741; married Mehetabel Preston. 283 iii Dorothy Chaffee, born ^lay 6, 1743; died October 27, 1823; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, May 22, 1743. 284 iv Sarah Chaffee, born April 27, 1746 ; married Samuel Chaffee (See 320.) + 285 V James Chaffee, Jr., born March 22, 1748; married Sarah Howlett. + 286 vi Nathan Chaffee, born November 17, 1750; married Priscilla Wedge. 287 vii Abigail Chaffee, born January 2, 1753; died; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, INIarch 11, 1753. + 288 viii Chester Chaffee, born April 6, 1755; married Caroline Walker. 289 ix Calvin Chaffee, born May 12, 1757; died April 25, 1758; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, May 29, 1757. Children, by second wife, born in Woodstock: + 290 X Calvin Chaffee, born February 3, 1760; married Ruth Evidon. + 291 xi Abial Chaffee, born August 13, 1761 ; married Hannah Seargent. + 292 xii Charles Chaffee, born June 14, 1763; married Deborah . 293 xiii Lucy Chaffee, born August 18, 1765; died; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, October 20, 1765. 78 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 294 xiv Martha Chaffee, born June 22, 1768; died April 13, 1772; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, July 3, 1768. + 295 XV Chadwick Chaffee, born March 16, 1771; married Abigail Moulton. + 296 xvi Stephen Chaffee, born September 25, 1773; married Ruth Under- wood. 297 xvii Fatty Chaffee, born April 17, 1776; died in 1845. 298 xviii Jemima Chaffee, born May 30, 1778; died. + 299 xix Joseph Chaffee, born June 30, 1780; married Clarissa Dunham. + 300 XX Leonard Chaffee, born April 11, 1782; married Betsey Needham. 92 Abigail ■* OhafEe (Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Swansea, Mass., March 15, 1714-5, and died. She was married in Woodstock, Conn., May 22, 1735, by John Chandler, Justice of the Peace, to Joseph Wright, Jr., born in Andover, Mass., in 1713. Their intention of marriage was entered in Woodstock, March 1, 1734-5, and they are known to have lived there until 1759. June 28, 1746, Joseph Wright of Woodstock sold to Thomas Chaffee of the same place, seventeen acres of land there for £35. Children, born in Woodstock, and baptized in the First Congregational Church there : 301 i Huldah ^ Wright, baptized July 9, 1738. 302 ii Sarah Wright, baptized July 9, 1738. 303 iii Abiel Wright, baptized October 13, 1739. 304 iv Abigail Wright, baptized September 27, 1741; died young. 305 V Samuel Wright, baptized February 17, 1745. 306 vi Hannah Wright, baptized NovemJaer 10, 1748. 307 vii Abigail Wright, baptized April 8, 1750. 308 viii Benjamin Wright, baptized February 25, 1753. 309 ix Lemuel Wright, baptized May 15, 1757. 93 Thomas ■* Chaffee (Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas*) was born in Swansea, Mass., October 18, 1716, and died in Woodstock, Conn., May 3, 1753. He was married there, September 11, 1740, by John Chandler, Esq., Justice of the Peace, to Dorcas Abbot, their intention of marriage being entered in Woodstock, August 6, 1740. She was born December 16, 1713, and died in Woodstock, August 22, 1798. " Widow Dorcas Chaffee " was admitted to the First Congregational Church there, January 13, 1763. "Thomas Chaffe, weaver, of Woodstock" received from his father, January 13, 1745-6, twenty-three acres of land in Woodstock worth £230 as part of his portion of his father's estate "towards his advancernent and settlement in the world"; on this land he had already "erected a dwelling house." June 28, 1746, he added to this, seventeen acres of land in Woodstock which he bought of Joseph Wright, Jr., for £35. He lived all his life in Woodstock. On his death one-half of his estate went to his widow, together with the use of the house during her life; the other half of the estate going to his children, Jemima, Dorcas and Rhoda. Children, born in Woodstock: + 310 i Jemima ^ Chaffee, born May 12, 1741 ; married Hodges. 311 ii Dorcas Chaffee, born May 17, 1744; died August 31, 1746; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, May 27, 1744. 312 iii Dorcas Chaffee, born June 12, 1747; married Francis Green Chaffee. (See 280.) + 313 iv Rhoda Chaffee, married Corbin. FOURTH GENERATION 79 94 Joseph '^ Chaffee, Jr., (Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) died about 1797. He was married in Woodstock, Conn., December 20, 1741, by John Chandler, Esq., Justice of the Peace, to Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Gould. Their intention of marriage was published December 9, 1741. She was born February 19, 1719. Joseph Chaffee moved from Woodstock to Ashford, Conn., where, September 3, 1744, his wife was admitted to the First Congregational Church, by a letter of dismissal from the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, on whose membership hst her name appears in 1740 and 1741. December 31, 1743, "Joseph Chaffee Jun. of Ashford" received one hundred acres of land in the southern part of that town as a gift from his father. January 16, 1756, Joseph and Hannah Chaffee of Ashford cjuitclaimed for £100, all their right and title in the estate of Thomas and Rebecca Gould, their parents, to Daniel Marscraft [Mascraft] of Woodstock. March 13, 1761, "Joseph Chaffe, yeoman, of Ashford" sold to Nathan Bishop of Woodstock, six acres of land in the south half of that town for £24. October 3, 1797, in Ashford, Joseph Briggs, as administrator of the estate of Joseph Chaffee late of Ashford, appointed men to divide the estate among the widow and children, Rebecca Griggs, Sarah Powers, Hannah Broughton and Jemima Chapman. No mention is made of the son Thomas, so it is presumed that he was dead, or he would have been one of the heirs-at-law. Children, all but the fourth known to have been born in Ashford: 314 i Rebecca^ Chaffee, married Griggs; died after 1797; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, September 3, 1749. 315 ii Sarah Chaffee, died after 1797; married in Woodstock, November 25, 1773, Nathan Powers; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, November 17, 1751. 316 iii Thomas Chaffee, died probably before 1797; baptized in the First Con- gregational Church, Ashford, September 26, 1752. 317 iv Hannah Chaffee, died after 1797; married Broughton. 318 V Jemima Chaffee, died after 1797; married Chapman; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, October 10, 1757. 95 Samuel ■* ChafEe (Joseph, ^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born probably in Wood- stock, Conn., about 1723, and died there, December 14, 1782, in his sixtieth year. He married (1) in Woodstock, August 6, 1746, Susanna Lyon, their intention of marriage being published ]\Iay 29, 1746, both being of W^oodstock. She died June 9, 1768, and he married (2) INIary Howlett, who died in Woodstock, October 5, 1798. Samuel Chaffe and wife Susanna were members of the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, November 8, 1746. April 25, 1773, Mary, wife of Samuel Chaffe, was admitted to membership in the same church. He was living in Wood- stock, April 28, 1766, when he bought for £138, of Nathaniel Daniels of Killingly, Conn., one hundred and twenty-eight acres of land in that place, where in 1769 he was living. The inventory of his estate was taken February 10, 1783, and December 8, 1783, Mary Chaffe, widow, was made administratrix. January 19, 1784, she was authorized to dispose of the property and a distribution of it was made April 6, 1784, the heirs being the widow, and five children, Henry, Caleb, Isaac, Parker and Walker, the sons Samuel and Thomas and daughters Molly Hutchings and Theda Afton (or Alton) having already received more than their share of the estate. 80 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, by first wife, born in Woodstock: + 319 i Henry ^ Chaffe, born June 6, 1747; married Rachel Plank. + 320 ii Samuel Chaffe, Jr., born September 15, 1749; married Sarah Chaffee (284). 321 iii Molly Chaffe, born April 26, 1753; died young; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, July 1, 1753. + 322 iv Thomas Chaffe, born February 22, 1756; married Mary . 323 V Molly ChafTe, born August 1, 1758; married in Woodstock, February 27, 1783, John Hutchins; baptized in the First Congregational Church there September 17, 1758. + 324 vi Caleb Chaffe, born July 25, 1761; married Naomi Aldrich. 325 vii Isaac Chaffe, born April 10, 1763; died young; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, August 4, 1763. 326 viii Theda (Rhoda) Chaffe, born June 19, 1765; married in Woodstock, December 7, 1781, Joseph Alton (or Afton) ; baptized in the First Congregational Church there September 1, 1765. 327 ix Isaac Chaffe, baptized in the First Congregational Church, Wood- stock, June 13, 1768; the following Revolutionary War record is possibly that of this Isaac, though he would have been less than twelve years of age at the time of enlistment: "Chaffee, Isaac. Private, Capt. John Carpenter's co. of guards stationed at Springfield; enlisted Jan. 22, 1780 discharged April 22, 1780; service, 3 mos.; enlistment, 3 months; also pay roll of a number of men hired by Capt. John Carpenter to serve as guards at Springfield to fill the deficiency caused by the discharge of those whose term expired in April, 1780; hired April 22, 1780; discharged May 31, 1780; also Captain Carpenter's co. of guards stationed at Springfield; enhsted June 8, 1780; enlistment, 8 months; reported enlisted into Continental service Aug. 20, 1780." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] Children, by second wife, born in Woodstock: 328 X Parker Chaffe, born July 31, 1773; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, August 8, 1773; lived in Woodstock, but was Uving in Canaan, N. H., July 23, 1799, when he joined his brother Walter in selling for $233.34 to Rebecca Newell of Wood- stock, land there formerly belonging to their parents, Samuel and Mary Chaffee. 329 xi Walter Chaffe, born April 29, 1777; baptized in the First Congrega- tional Church, Woodstock, in 1777; lived in Canaan in 1799, when he joined his brother Parker, in a sale of land, as given above; moved to New York state about 1823; was a tailor and had a wooden leg, with a handle on it; supposed to have married and had children. 97 Josiah ■* ChafEee (Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born September 1, 1731, and died in Woodstock, Conn., October 10, 1802. He married in Killingly, Conn., July 13, 1758, Sarah Cady of that place, born July 4, 1737, died in Woodstock, October 27, 1818, and was buried there. Nine days before his marriage, July 4, 1758, Josiah Chaffee of Woodstock, received from his father three-quarters of an acre of land there, valued at £3. Whether he bought this, whether it was given him as part of his inheritance, or as a wedding gift, is not certain. April 17, 1762, "Josiah Chaffee husbandman" sold to Asa Chaffee (242) land in Woodstock for £29. April 19, 1762, he bought of his brother Stephen for £20 land there. November 11, 1772, Sarah, wife of Josiah, was admitted to the First CongregationalChurch of Woodstock by letter from the FOURTH GENERATION 81 church in North Woodstock. She was executrix and sole legatee of his estate. Her estate was administered by her daughter Chloe, she being appointed by the Court, July 27, 1819, in Woodstock. The estate was divided there September 8, 1820, among eight hving children. Children, born in Woodstock: + 330 i Jonathan Cady ^ Chaffee, born October 19, 1759; married Ruth Wells. 331 ii Chloe Chaffee, born April 17, 1761; died in Woodstock, January 31, 1830, unmarried; July 7, 1797, she bought of her uncle, Stephen Chaffee (96), two acres of land in Woodstock where she lived; he gave her in 1798, a Testament, now in the possession of the writer, containing a family record; by his will she received £10 and the exclusive rights to his "pair trees "; she administered her mother's estate. 332 iii Cyrus Chaffee, born July 18, 1762; died at sea, June 10, 1780, of a wound received during a sea fight; he was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, August 22, 1762; while a resident of Rhode Island he enlisted there, April 21, 1777, for fifteen months in the Continental Service, as a Private in Colonel Stanton's regiment, Captain Hammitt's company; he also appears as a Private in Captain Daniel Tilden's company of Lebanon, New London County, Conn., formed March 7, 1778, and arrived in camp July 1, 1778. + 333 iv Anna Chaffee, born February 3, 1764; married Perley Sanger. 33-4 v Candace Chaffee, born August 27, 1766; died after 1820; married Barber; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, August 27, 1775; died suddenly. 335 vi Sarah Cady Chaffee, born April 20, 1768; died January 19, 1856; married in Woodstock, July 22, 1804, by Reverend Ehphalet L. Clerk, to John Sanger, a widower; he was eighty -two years old and father of Perley Sanger, husband of Anna Chaffee and of Azubah Sanger, the wife of Samuel Chaffee (265) ; they had no children; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, August 27, 1775. + 336 vii Josiah Willard Chaffee, born May 22, 1770; married Ruth Robbins. + 337 viii Molly Chaffee, born December 14, 1771; married Samuel Lyon. 338 ix Betsey Chaffee, born July 14, 1773; died; married Samuel^ Hewlett (649) (Rebecca^ Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomasi), born in Woodstock, February 29, 1764 (?); they had no children; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, August 27, 1775. + 339 X David Chaffee, born September 16, 1776; married (1) Abigail Paul; (2) Almira Freeman. 340 xi Rhoda Chaffee, born January 24, 1779; died in Woodstock, June 30, 1780; baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, October 31, 1779. FIFTH GENERATION 111 Freelove ^ ChafEe (Amos,'* Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., and died. She married there, November 27, 1746, Eliphalet, son of Ephraim and Martha (Ide) Carpenter. He was born in Rehoboth, May 26, 1721, and died June 22, 1801. He served in the Revolution. Freelove Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, July 2, 1732. She and her husband lived there for many years after their marriage, about 1790 moving to Randolph, Vt., and from there in 1799 to Barre, Vt. Children, born in Rehoboth: 341 i Amos^ Carpenter, born February 7, 1747; married Sarah Ide. 342 ii Hannah Carpenter, born June 1, 1751; died August 19, 1854. 343 iii Ephraim Carpenter, born December 7, 1753; married Sarah Titus. 344 iv Eliphalet Carpenter, Jr., born April 13, 1757; married Judith Robinson. 345 v Remember Carpenter, born January 13, 1762; married Phebe Smith. 346 vi Hannah Carpenter, born May 20, 1765; died November 11, 1777. 347 vii Comfort Carpenter, born April 13, 1771. For further descendants see Carpenter Genealogy, by Amos B. Carpenter. 125 Charles ^ ChafEee (Thomas,^ Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., June 5, 1744, and died. He married, April 17, 1771, Mrs. Mary (Peck) Jacob, daughter of Nathaniel and Alice (Fish) Peck, and widow of Allen Jacob. She was born December 11, 1782. Charles Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, June 17, 1744. He served in the Revo- lution as follows : "Chafee, Charles, Rehoboth. Private, Capt. Phanuel Bishop's co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service 8 days. "Chaffee, Charles. Sergeant, Capt. Joseph Franklin's co.. Col. Thomas Car- penter's regt.; marched from Rehoboth to Bristol on the alarm at Rhode Island of December 8, 1776; service, 16 days." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] Children, born in Rehoboth: 348 i Lucy*' Chaffee. 349 ii Jacob Chaffee, born September 3, 1773. 350 iii Russell Chaffee, born January 15, 1776; "Russell Chaffee, yeoman," sold land in Rehoboth and Seekonk, Mass., from 1810 to 1817. 129 Amos ^ ChafEe (Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., December 11, 1750, and died at sea, March 9, 1793. He married in Rehoboth, February 22, 1775, Sarah, daughter of Major Nathan Munroe of that place. She was born May 15, 1754, and died in Providence, R. I., July 12, 1800. Amos Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, March 17, 1750. He was a stone-mason and lived in Providence, having moved there soon after his marriage. The Providence Town Records contain the following entries in regard to him : FIFTH GENERATION S3 "The Town of Providence debt to carting a load of the Records of Imps Court, and the Records of this town, from the Town to Colonel John Wartemans in John- stone about six or seven miles £1 shl6 dO. "Amos Chaffe "Providence R. I. Dec. ye 9th Ad 1776. "At a Town meeting of the Town of Providence R. I. held on the 16th day of May Ad 1777. It was voted and asked that twelve shillings lawful money be paid to Amos Chaffee of Providence, R. I. out of the Town Treasury for removing the Town Records to Johnston by warrant from the Governor upon the Alarm in December last. "Witness Theodore Foster Town Clerk "To Mr. James Arnold Town Treasurer." ]May 4, 1789, Amos Chaffe and several others addressed a petition to the Town Council, asking them to allow inoculation for smallpox, and to open a hospital for the treatment of that disease. That year also he was appointed administrator of the estate of his brother Thomas. Children, born in Providence: 351 i Amos Chaffe (Chafee), Jr., born November 24, 1775; died in Prov- idence, November 21, 1S03; lived in Baltimore, Md., unmarried; he died intestate and his sister 8arah was made administratrix of his estate, and the inventory taken February 13, 1S04; he had a pew in the Beneficent Congregational Society Meeting House, in 1803. + 352 ii Otis Chaffe, born November 13, 1777; married Amy Underwood. 353 iii Sarah Chaffe, born September 7, 1779; died; married, July 5, 1801, Pardon Bosworth. + 354 iv Nathan M. Chaffe, married Matilda Griffith. + 355 V Zechariah Chaffe, born December 21, 1785; married Mary Eddy. 356 vi Hannah Chaffe, b^rn May 10, 1788; died June 7, 1857; married William + 357 vii Sophia Munroe Chaffe, born November 25, 1792; married Nathaniel Barstow. 358 viii Nancy Chaffe, died; lived with her brother Nathan, unmarried, 130 Joseph ^ ChafEee (Thomas,'* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., September 17, 1752, and died in Seekonk, Mass. (formerly Re- hoboth), February 5, 1842. He was married (1) in Rehoboth, October 26, 1775, by Elder Samuel Peck, to Lois Barney of that place, their intention of marriage being entered there, September 5, 1775. She died in 1790, and was buried in Re- hoboth. He was married (2) there June 12, 1791, by Reverend John Ellis, to Huldah, daughter of Colonel Timothy Walker of that place. She was born April 29 (May 22), 1755. April 26, 1797, she sold her share of her father's estate, being the south half of nineteen acres in Rehoboth. Joseph Chaffee served as a Private and Corporal in the Revolution, as follows: "Chaffe, Joseph, Rehoboth. Corporal, Capt. Isaac Hodges's co.; receipt dated Dorchester, for wages for service from Aug. 12, 1776, to Oct. 1, 1776; also, Capt. Hodges's CO., Col. Ebenezer Francis's regt. ; receipts for wages for Oct. and Nov., 1776, dated Dorchester; also, same co. and regt.; credited with 2 days travel allowance ; roll dated Nov. 29, 1776; company drafted from various towns in Bristol Co. "Chaffe, Joseph. Private, Capt. Sylvanus Martin's co., Col. Williams's regt.; service from Sept. 29, 1777, to Oct. 30, 1777, at Tiverton, R. I. Roll dated Re- hoboth, Jan. 13, 1778. "Chaffe, Joseph, Swanzey. Private, Capt. Peleg Peck's co.. Col. Thomas Car- penter's regt.; enlisted Aug. 4, 1780; discharged Aug. 9, 1780; service, 6 days, on 84 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY an alarm at Tiverton, R. I.; by order of Col. Slead all the men in Swanzey were joined in one company under Capt. Peck, the other officers refusing to serve. Roll sworn to at Rehoboth." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] March 9, 1796, Joseph Chaffee bought for £18 of Noah Chaffe (148) land in Rehoboth. Children, by first wife, born in Rehoboth: 359 i Lucy ^ Chaffee, born December 5, 1776; married Joseph Smith. 360 ii Barney Chaffee, born October 7, 1778; died at sea; probably married Nancy , who died in Bristol, R. I., June 14, 1812, aged twenty-one. 361 iii Joseph Chaffee, Jr., born June 28, 1780; left home and was never heard of again. 362 iv Martha Chaffee, born July 10, 1784; married Joseph Mason. + 363 V William Chaffee, born FelDruary 4, 1786; married Martha Bowen. Children, by second wife, born in Rehoboth : 364 vi Charlotte Chaffee, born October 10, 1791; married in Seekonk, Sep- tember 13, 1812, John Arnold. + 365 vii Walker Chaffee, born September 10, 1793; married Patience Bowen. + 366 viii Wilder Chaffee, born March 31, 1796; married Sabrina Bowen. + 367 ix Huldah Chaffee, born May 19, 1798; married Benjamin Peck. 131 Thomas s Chaffe, Jr. (Thomas,* Thomas, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 9, 1755, and died in Providence, R. L, November 26, 1788. He married in Rehoboth, December 7, 1780, Hannah, daughter of Nathan Munroe of that place. She died in Providence, March 9, 1785, aged thirty-two. Thomas Chaffe, Jr., was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Rehoboth, May 11, 1755. He served in the Revolution with the Rhode Island troops as follows : "Chafee Thomas. Private, Col. John Topsham's Reg't. raised for 3 yrs. Dec. 26, 1776, as per list of balances reported due by the committee, Oct. 17, 1785." [Manuscript, Rhode Island Historical Society.] "Chaffee, Thomas. Paid his money by town council for one month military service from Oct. 1, 1777, in place of a person who refused to serve." [Providence Town Papers.] "Thomas Chaaffee," probably this man, a gunner, was one of the American prisoners on the Island of Rhode Island, April 29, 1778. He was taken prisoner on board the ship Reprisal when she was captured by the British ship Unicorn. [Rhode Island Archives, State House, Providence, R. I.] " Chafey, Thomas. In Carlile's Co., Artillery, under Lt-Col. Josiah Flagg. Did service on Rhode Island 11 days from July 29-Aug. 7, 1780." He was a blacksmith in Providence, December 14, 1784, when he bought of Nathan Munroe, ninety-six and three-quarters acres and twenty rods of land in Swansea, Mass., for £261, 7s. 13d. His brother Amos was appointed adminis- trator of his estate in 1789. Children : 368 i Thomas « Chaffe (Chaffee), Jr., born about 1781 ; died; sold land in Swan- sea in 1806, when he owned land in Rehoboth, where he lived; "yeo- man." 369 ii David Chaffe (Chaffee), born August 15, 1783; died August 24, 1784, aged eleven months and nine days; buried in North Burying-Ground, Providence. FIFTH GENERATION 85 132 Stephens Chafle (Thomas,^ Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born probably in Rehoboth, Mass., about 1757, and died in Springville, N. Y., January 23, 1819, in his sixty-third year. He was married in Swansea, Mass., December 14, 1783, by Elder Russell Mason of that place, to Patience Mason, who died April 15, 1838, in her seventy-fourth year, and was buried with her husband in Spring- ville. Stephen Chaffe served in the Revolution as follows : "Chaffee Stephen, Rehoboth. Private, Capt. James Hill's co.. Col. Williams's regt.; service from Sept. 29, 1777, to Oct. 30, 1777, at Tiverton, R. I.; also, Capt. Peleg Peck's co., Col. John Daggett's regt.; enhsted Jan. 16, 1778; discharged April 1, 1778; service 2 mos. 15 days; company stationed at Warwick, R. I.; en- listment, 3 months ; roll sworn to at Swanzey ; also, descriptive list of men mustered by James Leonard, Muster Master, dated Taunton, June 1, 1778; Capt. Joseph Frankhn's (10th) co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's (1st Bristol Co.) regt.; age, 20 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 10 in. ; complexion, dark ; hair, brown ; eyes, blue ; residence, Rehoboth ; enlistment, 9 months from time of arrival at Fishkill. 'Chaffey, Stephen, Rehoboth Descriptive list of men enhsted from Bristol Co. for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, June 16, 1778; 10th CO., 1st regt.; age, 20 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 10 in.; complexion, dark; residence Rehoboth; also, list of men returned as received of Jonathan Warner, Commis- sioner, by Col. R. Putnam, July 20, 1778." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] Stephen Chaffe was a carpenter and farmer. In 1796 he lived in Pittsford, Vt., and in 1800 in Chittenden, Vt., between 1796 and ISOl buying and selling land in those towns. He is also said to have lived in New Hampshire. About 1817 or 1818 he moved from Wallingford, Vt., to Springville. Children : + 370 i Charles « Chaffe, married Polly Miles. + 371 ii Jonathan Chaffe, born in November, 1785; married Nancy Aldrich. + 372 iii Stephen Harrison (?) Chaffe, married Salome Starkey. 373 iv Phoebe Chaffe. + 374 V Rhoda Sophronia Chaffe, born July 11, 1792; married Timothy S. Nichols. 375 vi Amy Chaffe. 376 vii Patience Chaffe, married Alanson Lovelace, and lived in Rochester, N. Y. 377 viii Rebecca Chaffe. 378 ix Mary Chaffe, lived with her sister Mrs. Nichols in Vermont; later moved to New York state. 379 x Sally Chaffe. 134 Josiah s ChafEe (Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., February 10, 1728-9, and died there, April 24, 1800. He married in Ashford, April 10, 1760, EUzabeth Dimmock, who died April 26, 1814, aged seventy-seven, and was buried in Ashford. Josiah Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, February 23, 1728-9. He bought land in Ashford as early as 1753, and later made several other purchases there. He was admitted to the new freeman's oath in Ashford, April 13, 1778. Under the date of May 5, 1787, we find that his ear- mark for cattle was "a half penny cut out of each side of the left ear." April 4, 1815, in Ashford, Carpenter Chaffe, one of the heirs of Josiah Chaffe, moved for a division of the property that belonged to the widow, Elizabeth, "now deceased," 86 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY the same to be divided equally among the seven surviving children, Frederick, Josiah, Fidelia, Susanna, Israel D., Carpenter and Elihu. The tombstone of Elizabeth (Dimmock) Chaffee in the graveyard in the present town of Warrenville, Conn., bears the following inscription: "Mrs. Elizabeth Consort of Josiah Chaffee Died April 26 1814 aged 77 years What heavenly voice is that Which calls my soul away I leave this dark abode And see immortal day." Children, born in Ashford: 380 i FideUae Chaffe, born March 16, 1761; died after 1815; she was bap- tized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, March 22, 1761. 381 ii Elizabeth Chaffe, born July 29, 1762; died after January 9, 1802, when her will, made in Ashford, mentions as heirs, her mother, her brothers Carpenter, Israel 1)., Elihu and Frederick, sisters Fidelia and Susanna, and niece Nancy Carpenter Chaffe, ap- pointing as executor Carpenter Chaffe; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, August 15, 1762. -1-382 iii Josiah Chaffe, born April 26, 1765; married Joanna Parker. + 383 iv Frederick Chaffe, born March 6, 1767; married Elizabeth Knowlton. 384 V Susanna Chaffe, born May 19, 1769; died after 1815. 385 vi Abigail Chaffe, born March 4, 1771; probably died before 1802, as she is not mentioned in the will of her sister Elizabeth. 390 vii Israel Dimmock Chaffe, born July 7, 1772; died after 1815; married Esther, daughter of Benjamin Walker of Ashford, where she died June 3, 1807; aged thirty-eight; she was buried in Warrenville, Conn.; no children; in 1803 he sold land in Becket, Mass. -f 391 viii Carpenter Chaffe, born February 7, 1774; married Lois Lyon. 392 ix William Chaffe, born October 27, 1775; died August 21, 1776. -1-393 X Elihu Chaft'e, bom May 6, 1777; married AUce Reed. 394 xi Ephraim Chaffe, born May 9, 1779; died September 25, 1779. 135 Thomas ^ ChafEee (Jonathan,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., April 8, 1731, and died in Becket, Mass., December 5, 1810. He married in Willington, Conn., March 26, 1761, Hannah, daughter of John and Elizabeth Reed. She was born there October 3, 1742, and died in Becket, May 5, 1836. Thomas Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ash- ford, May 16, 1731. He was of that town in 1758, when he bought of James Bick- nell, a fellow townsman, for £75, fifty acres of land, partly in Ashford and partly in Willington. He probably moved to Wilhngton about the time of his marriage, as all but the youngest of his children were born there, and he was of that place September 17, 1783, when he bought of Elijah Carpenter of Becket for £100, one hundred and six acres of land in the latter town, lying east of a pond called " Yo- akem Pond," being lot number forty-two in the second division. Soon after he moved with his family to Becket, where on April 3, 1784, he and his wife were admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church by letter from the church in Willington. March 1, 1793, he was chosen with two others to super- intend the records of the church. He was a farmer and was known as a kind and Christian neighbor. It is said to have been his custom to take a neighbor's little daughter behind him on his horse, as he and his wife rode to church. Administra- FIFTH GENERATION 87 tion was granted on his estate, January 8, 1811, his widow and twelve children being mentioned as his heirs. Children, all but the youngest born in Willington : + 395 i Benjamin 6 Chaffee, born November 16, 1762; married (1) Mercy Ellis; (2) Mrs. Cornehus Seabung. + 396 ii Deliverance Chaffee, born October 26, 1764; married Anthony Church. 397 iii Joshua ChafTee, born May 5, 1766; died in Aurelius, N. Y., where he lived ; unmarried. + 398 iv Thomas ChafTee, Jr., born March 15, 1768; married Abigail Knowlton. + 399 V Jonathan Chaffee, born March 4, 1771; married Rebekah Wadsworth. + 400 vi Lois Chaffee, born March 12, 1773; married Joshua Ames. + 401 vii Nathan Chaffee, born February 24, 1775; married Polly Eaton. + 402 viii Hannah Chaffee, born May 22, 1777; married David Putnam. + 403 ix Zephaniah Chaft'ee, born October 11, 1779; married Phebe Carpenter. + 404 X Caleb Chaffee, born July 9, 1781; married (1) Martha Fletcher; (2) Elizabeth Davenport. 405 xi Calvin Chaffee, born June 9, 1783 ; died after 1811 ; Uved in Scipio, N. Y. + 406 xii Abigail Chaffee, born April 23, 1785; married Amos Watkins. 136 Hannah ^ Chaffee (Jonathan,-* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 28, 1733, and died in Tolland, Conn., June 29, 1804. She married there, March 3, 1768, Shubael, son of John and Elizabeth Reed. He was a widower with six children, one of these was Samuel, one of whose descendants married WilUam Chaffee (3501). [See Appendix H.] Shubael Reed was born in Willington, Conn., September 27, 1729, and died in Tolland, September 22, 1790. He was a farmer in Tolland, where he and Hannah (Chaffe) Reed were buried. His estate, consisting of a farm in Tolland and personal effects, was distributed among his widow and ten children, April 25, 1791. Hannah Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, March 17, 1733-4. The inventory of her estate was taken June 8, 1805, her son Wilham being appointed adminis- trator. Children, born in Tolland: 407 i Mary ^ Reed, born January 1, 1769. 408 ii John Reed, born June 1, 1770. 409 iii Shubael Reed, Jr., born September 3, 1771. + 410 iv WiUiam Reed, born May 20, 1773; married (1) Eunice Fields; (2) Polly White. 411 V Hannah Reed, born May 1, 1775, 137 William s Chaffee (Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., July 30, 1736, and died there June 9, 1770. He married in Ashford, July 21, 1762, Anna Bibbins, who after his death married (2) Robinson. William Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, September 12, 1736. He was a farmer, and lived in his native town, where in 1769 he bought seven and a half acres of land of Elisha Lathrop of Nor- wich, Conn., for 46s. June 18, 1771, his estate, amounting to £71, 5s. was ad- ministered in Ashford, by his widow. Children, born in Ashford: 412 i Eunice « Chaffee, born February 28, 1763; married Beers. + 413 ii Jonathan Chaffee, born February 11, 1765; married Sally Farnham. 414 iii Triphena Chaffee, born March 16, 1767; died December 16, 1773. + 415 iv Amos Chaffee, born September 12, 1769; married Harmony Crary. 88 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 141 Jonathan 5 ChafEee, Jr. (Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), was born m Ashford, Conn., May 11, 1746, and died March 8, 1826. He married there, May 2 (1), 1776, Lucy Allen, born July 2, 1748, died March 14, 1823, of fever, and was buried in the old cemetery in Ashford. She was admitted to membership in the First Congregational Church, Ashford, November 25, 1798. Jonathan Chaffee was baptized in the same church, June 14, 1746. He is thought to have owned land in Luzerne County, Pa., as early as 1773. At the outbreak of the Revolution, he enlisted in Ashford in April, 1775, in response to the Lexington Alarm, serving sixteen days under Captain Thomas Knowlton. He also fought in the Battle of Bunker Hill. March 16, 1826, Samuel Whipple of Ashford was appointed ad- ministrator of his estate. Children, born in Ashford: 416 i James « Chaffee, born May 21, 1777; died in Ashford, May 14, 1778. + 417 ii Molly Chaffee, born February 25, 1779; married Samuel Whipple. + 418 iii Jonathan Chaffee, Jr., born November 26, 1780; married (1) Ehzabeth James; (2) Nancy Mitchell. 419 iv Persis Chaffee, born July 29, 1782; died; married Rice, and had three or four children ; her descendants live in Ohio and Iowa ; she was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, and admitted to its membership, January 27, 1799. + 420 v Reuben Chaffee, born March 5, 1784; married Martha W, Bound. 143 Nathaniel ^ ChafEee, Jr. (Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., October 6, 1735, and died in 1822. He married (1) in Rehoboth, October 15, 1755, Ruth Mansfield, who died in Rehoboth, January 3, 1760. He married (2), July 17, 1760, Susanna, daughter of Daniel Carpenter. She died before December 22, 1818, as she is not mentioned in her husband's will made on that date. Nathaniel Chaffee, Jr., was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, in the spring of 1751. He was a blacksmith, and lived the greater part of his hfe in Rehoboth. When he made his will in 1818 he called himself of Seekonk, but as the records do not show that he sold his land in Rehoboth, and all the property mentioned in the will was in Seekonk, the probability is that his Rehoboth property was in the western part of the town, which in 1812 was set off as a separate town, and called Seekonk. In 1759, Nathaniel Chaffe, Jr., was appointed admin- istrator of his father's estate. November 9, 1761, " Nathaniel Chaffe, blacksmith " bought for £126, of David Thuston of Rehoboth, also a blacksmith, twenty acres of land there, being Thuston's homestead. June 18, 1764, he sold to Josiah Gush- ing for £9, one acre of salt marsh in Swansea, Mass., "formerly belonging to my father." July 1, 1765, he sold for £8, 10s. to Abner Allyn, another acre of salt marsh in Swansea. At a town meeting in Rehoboth, August 29, 1774, he was chosen to serve on the petit jury. The next year the Revolution broke out and Nathaniel Chaffee enlisted immediately on receipt of the news of the Battle of Lexington : "Chafee, Nathaniel, Rehoboth. Private, Capt. John Lyon's or Capt. Jesse Perrin's co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service 7 days [the two Rehoboth alarm companies under Capt. Lyon and Capt. Perrin returned upon one roll]. "Chaffee, Nathaniel. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter's co., Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt. marched from Rehoboth to Bristol, R. I., on the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776; service 16 days. FIFTH GENERATION 89 "Choffe, Nathaniel, Rehoboth. Private, Capt. Jacob Fuller's co., Col. John Jacobs' regt, ; enlisted May 27, 1778; service, 7 mos 6 days at Rhode Island; en- listment to expire Jan. 1, 1779. "Chaffey, Nathaniel. Private, Capt. Jacob Haskins's co., Lieut. Col. Samuel Pierce's regt.; enUsted May 20, 1779; discharged July 1, 1779; service, 1 mo. 14 days, at Tiverton, R. I." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.} At a town meeting in Rehoboth, March 31, 1777, Nathaniel Chaffee was chosen Surveyor of Highways. March 31, 1784, he bought for £26, 2s. 6d., of Samuel Newman of Rehoboth, four and three-quarters acres of land there, being the east- erly part of the grantor's homestead. His will, recorded in Taunton, follows: "In the name of God Amen, I Nathaniel Chaffee of Seekonk in the County of Bristol and commonwealth of Massachusetts being of a sound disposeing mind and memory for which I blless God calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing tis appointed for all men to die do make this my last Will and Testa- ment principaly I Give my soul unto God who gave it hopeing Through the merits of Christ my only Redeemer to receive the full pardon of all my sins and to inherit eternal life let my body be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor here- after named And as touching such worldly estate as God was pleased to bless me with I Give and dispose of the same as follows Viz. — Imprimis, I give unto my four sons Viz — Comfort Chaffee Nathaniel Chaffee Benjamin Chaffee and Simeon Chaffee Five dollars each in adition to what I bad Before given them to be paid by my executor thereafter named Then, I give unto my son Ezra Chaffee and to his heirs and assigns my lot of land adjoining his home place in Seekonk — In consideration of what I have given him I order him to pay to my daughter Hannah Chaffee twelve dollars in Money Then, — I give to my Gra,ndchildren — Viz — Children of my Son Daniel Chaffee deceased two acres of woodland adjoining their own land their Mother to have privilede to cut wood thereon while she remains my sons widow. Item I give to my daughter Rebecca Peck and to her heirs One bed and furniture one large round table and flax hatchel in addition to what I Before gave her — Item, — I, Give to my daughter Hannah Chaffee and to her heirs and assigns forever the westerly end of my dwelling house A room and bedroom and chamber over it and one half the cellar and right in the well for water also a sufficient yard room for laying her wood and the north half of the garden by the well my son Aaron to keep'it fenced I also give six acres of woodland adjoining to two acres I Gave my grandchildren also that six acre lot adjoining Noah Fullers meadow — also about three acres of my lot on the east side of the road being the northeast part to extend Southwesterly as far as Corn crib Also A privilege in the Crib to put her corn also a privilege in the hay barn to put her hay and stable for her cow I also give her one Cow And also all my indoor moveables Excepting what I have Given my other children in particular and also one half of my salt marsh next to the ditch. I also Give her all my provision I have on hand and swine not killed also to have a horse provided for her to ride to metting also a seat in my pew in the meeting house also to have her Cow pastured the summer season Also to have three cords of wood cut fit and brought up to her door yearly by my own son Aaron Chaffee I also give my daughter Hannah Chaffee Twenty Five dollars in money to be paid her by mv own son Aaron Chaffee In One year after my decease, N. B. It is my will that the privilege to my daughter Hannah in the barn crib and garden when she has done with them to revert to my son Aaron Chaffee.— Item— I give unto my son Aaron Chaffee and unto his heirs and assigns forever all the residue and the remainder of my estate both real and personal laying in Seekonk or elsewhere that I have not in this my Will given to my other children and grandchildren in particular. And I do consti- tute ordain and appoint him my said son Aaron Chaffee sole executor of this my last will and Testament excepting only what my son Ezra Chaffee is to pay to his sister Hannah Chaffee,— And I do hereby oblige my son Aaron Chaffee as executor 90 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY to pay and discharge all my lawful debts and funeral charges and the legacies in this my Will given to my other children excepting what my son Ezra Chaffee is to pay his sister — And I do hereby order my son Aaron Chaffee to pay to his sister Hannah ChaiTee twenty Five dollars in money in one year after my discease — Als to cut fit for her fire three cords of her fire wood and brought up to her door yearly and every year while she liveth in the house and take care of her cow in bad weather in winter and to pasture her Cow in the summer season Aand I do hereby disannul all former Wills by me here tofore made Ratifying and Confineing what is before and above written in this Instrument to be my last Will and Testa- ment. — In witnes whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of december in the of oure Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen " Nathl Chaffee [l. s.] " Signed sealed published and pronounced by the said Nathaniel Chaffee in presence of us subscribers this instrument to be his Last will and Testament "Joseph Chaff e "David Cole ' ' Danl Carpenter Witnesses " Children, by first wife, born in Rehoboth: + 421 i Comforts Chaffe, born March 9, 1756; married Mrs. Lucy (Stowe) Hoyt. + 422 ii Nathaniel Chaffee, Jr., born March 7, 1757 ; married (1) Huldah ; (2) Mrs. Doolittle. 423 iii Ruth Chaffee, born December 10, 1758; probably died before 1818, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. Children, by second wife, born in Rehoboth: 424 iv Susanna Chaffee, born March 1, 1763; probably died before 1818, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. 425 v Hannah Chaffee, born December 19, 1764; died before 1824; unmar- ried; lived in Seekonk, where she owned land in 1815. + 426 vi Daniel Chaffee, born July 27, 1766; married Sarah Newman. + 427 vh Benjamin Chaffee, born August 17 (7), 1768; married Judith Fuller. + 428 viii Rebecca Chaffee, born June 8, 1770; married Thomas Peck. + 429 ix Simeon Chaffee, born February 5, 1772; married (1) Martha Morse- man; (2) Mrs. Fanny (Pearson) Thornton. + 430 X Ezra Chaffee, born OctolDer 29, 1773; married Patience Brown. + 431 xi Aaron Chaffee, born July 25, 1775; married Lydia French. 432 xii Huldah Chaffee, born June 28, 1777; probably died before 1818, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. 144 John 5 Chaffee (Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., June 20, 1737, and died January 21, 1811. He married, about 1759-60, Ruth Jones of Rehoboth, their intention of marriage being published October 6, 1759. She died February 26, 1808, in her sixty-ninth year. John Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth in the spring of 1751. At the time of his marriage he lived in North Providence, and probably soon after moved to Newport, R. I., as from 1762 to 1768 he had children born there. He served in the Revolution in a Massachusetts regiment: " Chaffe, John, Private, Capt. Thomas Crandon's co.. Col. John Hathaway's regt.; enlisted Aug. 2, 1780; discharged Aug. 8, 1780; service, 6 days, on an alarm at Rhode Island." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] In March, 1781, John Chaffee, yeoman of Dartmouth, bought of John Cannon for £120, several parcels of land. December 10, 1781, as administrator of the estate of Henry Wrightman of Dartmouth, he sold land to Nathaniel Spooner. December 18, 1781, he bought for £49, 10s., thirteen and a quarter acres of land FIFTH GExXERATION 91 in Dartmouth to which he added, September 5, 1785, four more acres, costing £7, 4s. December 26, 1791, he bought for £7, 10s., two acres of land in New Bedford, Mass., where he was hving December 8, 1794, when he bought of Gamahel Bryant twenty-two acres of land there, and four and a half acres in Poneganset Great Cedar Swamp, for £90. August 24, 1795, he bought of John Smith of Roxbury, Mass., for £36, thirty acres of land in New Bedford. March 10, 1797, he sold to Simpson Spooner for $25, a quitclaim on two acres of salt meadow in New Bedford. The following is thought to refer to John Chaffee : " Previous to the Revolutionary War a candle house the first in the place [New Bedford] was built by Joseph Russell and Capt. Chafee, who had been engaged in manufacturing spermaceti in Lisbon, was employed by Mr. Russell at the then large salary of $500 per year. This building stood near the corner of Centre and Front Streets and was burnt by the Britisli during the general conflagration of the place." [Ricketson's History of New Bedford.] Children, born in Newport: ' 433 i Johns Chaffee, Jr., born September 20, 1762; married, November 17, 1808, Nancy McLane, both being of New Bedford. + 434 ii Ezra Chaffee, born December 15, 1764; married Deborah Hathaway. 435 iii Ruth Chaffee, born April 22, 1768; died June 26, 1787; buried in Acush- net, Mass. 146 Levi ^ ChafEee (Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., September 10, 1742, and died. He married there, February 24, 1765, Anna Pierce, born June 10, 1746. She married (2) Horton. Levi Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth in the spring of 1751. His father dying in 1759, his brother Nathaniel was appointed his guardian. Levi "Chaffe" of Rehoboth, served in the Colonial Wars as Private in Captain Jabez Snow's company from July 6 to December 10, 1761, according to a roll dated Boston, Mass., April 14, 1762. [Massachusetts Archives, Muster Rolls, Vol. XCIX, p. 131]. He was a blacksmith and seems to have been fond of change, as in the five years from 1775 to 1780, we find that he lived in five towns, Wrentham, Rehoboth, Mendon, Bellingham and Attleboro, all in Massachusetts; but he did not go far from his native town, as all these towns adjoined each other, Attleboro lying north of Rehoboth, Wrentham north of Attleboro, Bellingham west of Wrentham, and Mendon west of Bellingham. He was of Rehoboth, October 5, 1763, when he sold to William Chaffee (158) for £14, three and one-half acres of land there, which had formerly belonged to his father, Nathaniel. He was living in W>entham in 1772 and 1775, when children were born to him there and he enlisted from there at the time of the Lexington Alarm : "Chaffe, Levi, Wrentham. Private, Capt. Asa Fairbanks's co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 3^ days." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] September 26, 1776, he was again living in Rehoboth, when he and his wife sold to Joseph Matthews for £195, forty-two acres of land there. February 10, 1777, they were still of that town when they sold to Eleazer Bliss, fourteen and three-quarters acres of land for £78. But before the next winter they had again moved, this time to Mendon, where February 3, 1778, they sold land to Daniel Wedge for £140. February 16, 1778, they sold land there to Caleb Thompson for 92 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY £480. By the next winter they had moved to BeUingham and were planning another removal to Attleboro, for on March 8, 1779, "Levi Chaffe yeoman of BeUingham" bought of Oliver Whitaker of Attleboro for £900, sixty-five acres of land in that place, the next day, March 9th, selling his homestead in BeUingham containing seventy-five acres of land, buildings and fences, for £1,200, to Ezekiel Thayer of that town. He moved within a year to Attleboro, as the war records show: "Chaffe, Levi, Attleborough. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Con- tinental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780; age, 36 years [this is erroneous, he was almost 38], stature, 5 ft. 4 in.; complexion, light; residence, Attleborough; arrived at Springfield July 9, 1780; marched to camp July 11, 1780, under command of Ensign Bancroft. "Chaffee, Levi, Attleborough. Pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Attleborough for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched July 6, 1780; discharged August 22, 1780; service, 1 mo. 16 days." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.^ September 27, 1782, Levi and his wife of Attleboro, sold to Israel Pierce of Rehoboth thirty acres of land in Attleboro and half the house where they lived for £90. January 15, 1783, they sold to James Pullen, Jr., for £33, 3s., twelve and one-half acres of land in Attleboro, being the northwesterly part of the grantor's home place. January 29, 1783, they sold to Israel Pierce for £60, four and one- half acres more in Attleboro. This is the last mention that has been found in the records, so it is probable that he moved away, perhaps to Vermont, with his children. It is not known when and where he died. Children : 4-436 i Stephen « Chaffee, born October 10, 1765; married Chloe Pearce. + 437 ii Jonathan Chaffee, born April 18, 1768; married Polly Horton. 438 iii Robey Chaffee, born in Wrentham, February 20, 1772; married in Rehoboth, September 17, 1793, Reuben Horton; probably living in Londonderry, Vt., in 1794. 439 iv Rhoda Chaffee, born in Wrentham, April 10, 1775; residence, 1797, Londonderry; unmarried. 440 V Joseph Chaffee, born in Attleboro, February 27, 1781. 148 Noah ^ OhafEee (Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 22, 1745-6, and died in Woodstock, Conn., January 3, 1816. He married Susanna Esterbrook, who died there in 1829. Noah Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, in the spring of 1751. He lost his father when thirteen years of age and his brother, Nathaniel, was appointed his guardian. August 3, 1762, when of an age to choose his own guardian, he made choice of his uncle Ephraim Chaffe (44). He lived for some years in Rehoboth, where he was a tailor. November 10, 1769, with William Chaffe (158) he sold for £18, five acres of land in Rehoboth, to John Bowen, May 9, 1770, "Noah Chaffe tailor of Rehoboth," sold to the same William Chaffe, for £9, 18s., two and a half acres of land there. The next record of him is the birth of his first child in Woodstock in 1776. He probably moved to Pomfret, Conn., between 1789 and 1792. He was of that place, March 9, 1796, when he sold to Joseph Chaffe (130) of Rehoboth for £18, one-fifth part of the real estate of his father, Nathaniel Chaffe, late of Rehoboth. His youngest child was born in Pomfret in 1801, but both he and his wife died in Woodstock. FIFTH GENERATION 93 Children, the first five born in Woodstock, the last two in Pomfret: 441 i Rebecca « Chaffee, born March 25, 1776; died. 442 ii Sarah Chaffee, born August 1, 1777; died in Woodstock, February 7, 1S20. 443 iii Nancy Chaffee, born April 5, 1779; died in Woodstock, February 13, 1878; she was a member of the Congregational Church there; "Aunt Nancy Chaffee" as she was familiarly called, was uni- versally respected by old and young, living from her childhood in the place of her nativity, beloved for her kindly disposition, and honored for her worth and Christian charity. + 444 iv Martin Chaffee, born June 4, 1781; married Lucy B. Underwood. + 445 V William Chaffee, born October 8, 1782; married Lucy Vose. 446 vi Child, born about July, 1784; died in Woodstock, January 17, 1786. 447 vii Patience Chaffee, born March 29, 1787; died in Springfield, Mass.; married December 27, 1807, Calvin Gay of Woodstock, + 448 viii Else Chaffee, born July 25, 1789; married Henry M. Chapin. + 449 ix Reuben Chaffee, born February 1, 1792; married Hannah Heath. 450 X Amos Chaffee, born September 24, 1801; died; unmarried. 158 William ^ ChafEee (Dan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., August 15, 1737, and died about 1821. He married in Rehoboth, March 19, 1761, Catherine, daughter of John Thomas. William Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, August 21, 1737. He was a cordwainer, or shoemaker. May 15, 1749, his grand- father, Jonathan Chaffe, gave to him "in consequence of love, goodwill and affec- tion I do bare to my dutifull grandchild " two acres of land in Rehoboth. Feb- ruary 7, 1760, he bought of his grandfather Chaffe for £100, twenty-four acres of land there, being part of the latter's homestead, and adjoining the land of Amos and Thomas Chaffe. William Chaffee's sheep mark was "a round half penny on the upper and under side of the right ear." October 22, 1768, "William Chaffee yeoman " bought of Benjamin Leonard for £8, Is., four and one-half acres, thirty- two rods of land in the northerly part of Holmes Swamp in Rehoboth; October 25, 1768, he and his brother Jonathan paid £12 to Benjamin Leonard for a tract of land. November 10, 1769, William and Noah Chaffe (148) sold for £18, five acres in Rehoboth, adjoining the land of Dan Chaffe, to John Bowen. April 18, 1770, "William Chaffe, cordwainer" and his wife, sold the twenty-four acres bought in 1760 of Jonathan Chaffe, for £114, to Ephraim Chaffe (44). May 9, 1770, Wil- liam bought of Noah Chaffe for £9, 18s., two and a half acres of land in Rehoboth. January 26, 1775, Jonathan Chaffe and wife Mary sold to William, twenty-two acres of land in Rehoboth, and three shares of the division of dower of Lydia, wife of Nathaniel Chaffe, the price being £86, 8s. lid. During the Revolution William served as follows: "Chaffee, WiUiam. Private, Capt. Joseph Franklin's co., Col. Thomas Car- penter's regt.; marched from Rehoboth to Bristol, on the alarm at Rhode Island of Dec. 8, 1776; service 16 days." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] In 1787, William was living in Cumberland, R. I. (formerly called Attleboro Gore, part of the township of Attleboro), when he was executor of the will of his cousin, Miriam Chaffe (42), and he was still living there May 9, 1794, when he and his wife, Catherine, sold to David Kingley of Rehoboth, three acres of land there, being Catherine's share in that part of the estate of Nicholas Thomas that was set off to the heirs of John Thomas. In 1796, William was living in WiUiamstown, 94 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Orange County, Vt., where his estate was administered, his daughter, Sarah Thomas (Chaffee) Davenport, being appointed administratrix October 8, 1821, and the inventory of the real and personal estate being taken November 16th. William Chaffee and his wife are both buried in WiUiamstown. Children, born in Rehoboth: 451 i Betseys Chaffee, born October 13, 1761; died August 18, 1848; lived with her sister Sarah Thomas (Chaffee) Paul; unmarried. + 452 ii John Chaffee, born May 23, 1764; married Patty Tubbs. + 453 iii Josiah Cliaffee, born July 12, 1766; married Silenda Gould. 454 iv Hannah Carpenter Chaffee, born May 26, 1769. + 455 V Wilham Chaffee, Jr., born April 6, 1772; married (1) Ehzabeth Green; (2) Sarah Sweet. 456 vi Olive Chaffee, born June 4, 1775; married, September 10, 1795, Comfort Carpenter of Brookfield, Vt. 457 vii Sarah Thomas Chaffee, born February 13, 1779; died in Stockholm, N. Y., October 12, 1857; married (1) Davenport; (2) April 10, 1823, James Paul of Northfield, Vt., a widower with ten children; he was born in Dighton, Mass., April 25, 1768, and died in Nortlifield, December 18, 1838; he moved to WiUiamstown and later to Northfield, where he bought a farm; he was a black- smith and later a well-known maker of axes; Sarah Thomas (Chaffee) Paul was a member of the Universalist church; in 1821 she administered her father's estate; the following is found in the front of a Bible, pubUshed in 1798: "Sarah Thomas Chaffee is my name and English is my nation. WiUiamstown is my Dwelling place and Christ is my Salvation. When I am Dead and Buried and all my Bones are Rotten when this you see Remember me, not let me be forgotten. Williams- town 7th of September .1802." 160 Jonathan ^ ChafEe (Dan,^ Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., October 16, 1742, and died August 7, 1800. He married there, November 27, 1766, Mary Coomer, who died October 14, 1807, aged sixty-five. She had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height. She was a member of the Baptist church in which her husband was a minister. Jonathan Chaff e was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, October 17, 1742. He had a Hght complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height. He bought ten acres of land in Rehoboth in 1764, and seven acres in 1765. June 13, 1768, "Jonathan Chaffe, tailor," of Rehoboth sold to "Miriam Chaffe, spinster" (42), for £4, 10s., one and a half acres of land there adjoining the land of Thomas and WilUam Chaffe. March 12, 1771, he sold to John Ide for £1, 5s., three-fourths of an acre of land in Rehoboth, and June 10th of the same year to Elhanan Winchester "laborer in ye Gospel," two acres of land there for £3. At a town meeting held in Rehoboth, March 9, 1773, Jonathan Chaffe was chosen Constable. January 26, 1775, he and his wife sold to William Chaffe, their brother, for £36, 8s. lid., their homestead lot in Rehoboth, consisting of twenty-two acres of land, and also sold three full shares in "ye division of dower set off to ye widow Lydia Chaffe" from the estate of her husband, Nathaniel Chaffe (39). Jonathan Chaffee was a Baptist minister and in May, 1778, was ordained pastor of a church in Rehoboth, founded by Reverend Elhanan Winchester in 1771. He having differed from his flock on the subject of infant and adult baptism, he being a " close communion Baptist" and they "large communion Baptists" he was forced to FIFTH GENERATION 95 leave and "Elder Jonathan Chaffee" was installed in his place which he held un- til his death. He performed many marriages between 1779 and 1799. In 1796, Jonathan Chaffe was executor of his father's will. He and his wife were buried in the Old burying-ground in Rehoboth where his tombstone reads: "The Reverend Jonathan Chaffe who was a faithful teacher of Jesug Christ & died in peace August 7th 1800." Children, born in Rehoboth: + 458 i Mary s Chaffe, married James Paine (descendant of 27). + 459 ii Jonathan Chaffe, born February 16, 1769; married Lephe Carpenter. + 460 iii OHver Chaffe, born February 30, 1771; married Prudence Armington (probably a descendant of 40). 461 iv Enoch Chaffe, born February 8, 1774; died. + 462 V Abel Chaffe, born September 9, 1776; married Sally Bowcn. 463 vi Caleb Chaffe, born October 8, 1778; died. 464 vii Jesse Chaffe, born September 9, 1781; died in 1836; had a light com- plexion and blue eyes; sold land in Rehoboth in 1807; unmarried. 163 Robinson ^ Chaffee (Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 13, 1750, and died March 26, 1782. He married there, February 4, 1779, Rachel,** daughter of Charles and Rachel s (Sweeting) (101) Peck (Rachel "^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1). She was born August 15, 1757, and married (2) Ebenezer Short. "Chaffee, Robinson. Private, Capt. Israel Hix's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. ; enlisted July 30, 1778; discharged Sept. 10, 1778; service, 1 mo. 13 days, at Rhode Island; company raised in Bristol Co." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] Child: 465 i Sylvester « Chaffee, born in Rehoboth, March 8, 1781 ; died December 16, 1797. 165 Braddock ^ Chaffee (Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born i.n Rehoboth, Mass., November 1, 1756, and died probably in Vermont, between March 13, and May 10, 1813. He married in Rehoboth, August 23, 1781, Sarah Brown of that place, who survived him. He was baptized in the First Congrega- tional Church of Rehoboth, November 7, 1756. He served in the Revolution as follows : "Chaffee, Braddock. Private, Capt. Joseph Franklin's co., Col. Thomas Car- penter's regt., marched from Rehoboth to Bristol on the alarm at Rhode Island of December 8, 1776; service, 16 days; also, Capt. Jabez Bullock's co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt.; enlisted July 27, 1780; discharged July 31, 1780; service 5 days, at Tiverton, R. I., on an alarm; roll sworn to at Rehoboth; also, same co. and regt.; enhsted August 1, 1780; discharged Aug. 9, 1780; service, 9 days, under Gen. Heath; marched to Tiverton, R. I., on an alarm; roll sworn to at Rehoboth. "Chaffe, Braddock. Sergeant, Capt. Nathaniel Ide's co., commanded by Capt. Samuel Fisher, Col. Carpenter's regt.; enlisted Aug. 13, 1779; discharged Sept. 12, 1779; service, 1 mo., at Rhode Island; company detached for 4 weeks service." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] May 19, 1783, "Braddock Chaffe yeoman of Rehoboth" and wife Sarah, bought of John Walker of that place, fifteen and a quarter acres of land there for £63, 3d. January 17, 1784, they sold to John Thurber for £72, 13s. 8d., sixteen acres of land in Rehoboth. March 22, 1805, Braddock Chaffee bought of Nathan Peck and wife Rhoda for £20, six acres of land in Rehoboth, which had formerly be- 96 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY longed to the heirs of Amos Chaffe. He bought more land there in 1792, and in 1801, sold his entire homestead of sixty acres, and moved to Clarendon, Vt., where his will made March 13, 1813, was probated May 10th following. It names as heirs his wife Sarah, his son Asa, and daughters, Sarah, Mary and Henrietta. Children, born in Rehoboth : 4G6 i Sarah « Chaffee, born February 28, 1784; died after 1813. 467 ii Mary Chaffee, born May 25, 1786; died after 1813. 468 iii Hannah Chaffee, born November 11, 1788; probably died before 1813, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. 469 iv Judith Chaffee, born November 11, 1790; probably died before 1813, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. + 470 v Asa Chaffee, born May 20, 1794; married Mrs. Almira M. Colvin. 471 vi Henrietta (Annerette) Chaffee, born January 2, 1797; died after 1813. 472 vii Lephe Chaffee, born August 31, 1798; probably died before 1813, as she is not mentioned in her father's will. 166 Patience ^ ChafEe (Ephraim,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., November 9, 1752, and died. She married there, April 14, 1774, Samuel Bowen. Children, born in Rehoboth: 473 i Mary « Bowen, born April 14, 1777. 474 ii Susanna Bowen, born May 9, 1778. 475 iii Ephraim Bowen, born July 17, 1782. 476 iv Rachel Bowen, born April 20 1789. 477 V Sally Bowen, born May 17, 1794. 167 Samuel Butterworth ^ ChafiEee (Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., December 19, 1756, and died in Seekonk, Mass. (formerly Rehoboth), September 14, 1836. He married in Rehoboth, October 9, 1809, Mrs. Nancy (Peirce) Peck, daughter of Isaac Peirce of that place, and widow of Cyrus Peck. She was a descendant of "Fighting Michael Peirce," killed in King Philip's War in the fight that bears his name. She died December 9, 1874, aged eighty-eight, and was buried in Seekonk. Samuel B. Chaffee was a Revolutionary soldier, serving as follows: "Chaffee, Samuel. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter's co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt.; marched from Rehoboth to Bristol, R. I., on the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776; service, 16 days. "Chaffee, Samuel Butterworth. Private, Lieut. Samuel Brown's co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt.; marched from Rehoboth to Tiverton, R. I., on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780; discharged Aug. 8, 1780; service, 7 days, under Gen. Heath." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolutio7i.] Samuel B. Chaffee owned land in the western part of Rehoboth, which in 1812 was set off into a separate town and called Seekonk. March 1, 1782, with his brother Ephraim and the latter's wife Elizabeth, he sold to Braddock Chaffe (165) for £180, thirty acres of land in the southwest part of Rehoboth, which land lay near the house of Dan Chaffe (41) and had lately been purchased of William Chaffe (158). March 4, 1785, Samuel B. Chaffe "yeoman" bought of Josiah Peck ' for £186, thirty-eight acres of land in Rehoboth. April 1, 1788, he bought for £30, of Ezekiel Carpenter, six and one-half acres of land on the north side of Chestnut Hill in Rehoboth, adjoining the land of Samuel and Ephraim Chaffe, Jr. He made other purchases and sales of land in Rehoboth up to 1809. FIFTH GENERATION 97 Children, all but the first born in Seekonk: + 478 i Kannah Butterworth o Chaffee, born October 14, ISIO; married Lewis Pierce. + 479 ii Samuel Chaffee, born April 20, 1812; married Rebecca T. Pierce. + 480 iii Cyrus Chaffee, born January 18, 1814; married Amanda M. Miller. 481 iv A son, born May 17, 1815; died in Seekonk, June 11, 1815. 482 V Susan Chaffee, born December 1, 1817; died January 1, 1845; married in Seekonk, October 17, 1840, William H. West of that place. + 483 vi William Chaffee, born April 25, 1820; married (1) Sarah W. Miller; (2) Mary Ann Lord. 484 vii Hosea Ballon Chaffee, born September 28, 1823; died in Seekonk, in November, 1823. 485 viii Addie Chaffee, lived in Pawtucket in the family of ex-Governor Davis. 168 Ephraim ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Ephraim,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 25, 1760, and died in Seekonk, Mass., August 6, 1825. He married in Rehoboth, November 1, 1779, Elizabeth Whitaker, born January 30, 1761, died April 21, 1853. He served in the Revolution as follows: "Chaffee, Ephraim, Jr. Private, Capt. Jabez Bullock's co., Col. Thomas Car- penter's regt.; enUsted July 27, 1780; discharged July 31, 1780; service, 5 days, at Tiverton, R. I., on an alarm. Roll sworn to at Rehoboth." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] September 10, 1783, "Ephraim Chaffe yeoman of Rehoboth" bought for £90, of William Slead, twelve acres of land on the southerly part of Chestnut Hill, in the western part of that town, and sold it for the same price February 17, 1785, to Jonathan Peck, Jr. June 11, 1793, he sold to his brother Samuel B., ninety-two acres of land in Rehoboth, for £120. He sold land in Seekonk, from 1816 to 1820, that town having been formed in 1812 from the western part of Rehoboth. Children, born in Rehoboth: + 486 i Noah 6 Chaffee, married Catherine Draper. 487 ii Lewis Chaffee, born July 29, 1783; died in Warren, Pa., May 28, 1869; married in Rehoboth, September 2, 1804, Anna (Nancy), daughter of Perez and Temperance (Smith) Peck; she was born May 18, 1781, and died April 2, 1851; no children; during the War of 1812 he enlisted in Captain Joseph Watson's Company, Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln's Regiment, serving in New Bedford, Mass., from September 25 to October 20, 1814. He was a farmer, livecl in Seekonk in 1820, and moved to Bradford County, Pa., in 1850. 488 iii Palmer Chaffee, born April 27, 1786; died June 13, 1796. 489 iv Betsev Chaffee, born December 30, 1788; died September 18, 1796. 490 V Clotilda (Matilda) Chaffee, born August 30, 1791; died July 13, 1860; married in Seekonk, March 10, 1819, Ira Potter, who died April 8, 1877, aged eighty-one; moved to Bradford County about 1855. 491 vi Nancy Chaffee, born May 22, 1795; died; married in Seekonk, June 5, 1821, George Lake. 492 vii Huldah Chaffee, born November 5, 1798; died October 19, 1821. 172 David s Chaffe, Jr. (David,^ David,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Attleboro, Mass., October 28, 1733, and died in Ashford, Conn., October 3, 1814. He married there, November 6, 1761, Priscilla, daughter of David Bobbins of that place. She was born June 4, 1741, and died in Ashford, May 14, 1814. David Chaffe, Jr., was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Rehoboth, 98 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY December 9, 1733. He was a farmer and carpenter, and was six feet in height. The Revolutionary War records of Connecticut under the date May, 1777, show that : * "This Assembly do establish David Chaffee Jun. to be Ensign of the Uth Com- pany or trainband in the 5th regiment in this State." April 13, 1778, David Chaffe was admitted to the new freeman's oath in Ash- ford. June 19, 1793, he and his son Abner bought for £200 of David Robbins of Ashford, fifty-eight and one-half acres of land with a gristmill thereon. He united with the Congregational Church in Ashford, October 25, 1801. Pris- cilla (Robbins) Chaffe was a member of this church also. Both lie buried in the Swamp Burial Ground, Ashford, where their tombstones are inscribed as follows: " David Chaffe, Died Oct 8th 1814 Aged 81 Behold the saint the pious man He lies in peace no others can His days on earth with peace was blest His work is done he's gone to rest." "Mrs. Priscilla wife of David Chaffe Died May 18th 1814 Aged 78 Cheerfully bid this world adieu For future joys I had in view." Children, born in Ashford: + 493 i Abner « Chaffe, born August 3, 1762; married Judith Walker. + 494 ii Lois Chaffe, born January 16, 1765; married Stephen Wilcox, + 495 iii Esther Chaffe, born November 5, 1767; married Oliver Cummings. + 496 iv David Chaffe, Jr., born July 25, 1772; married Eunice Chapman, + 497 V Amos Chaffe, born June 2, 1774; married Eunice Cummings. 498 vi Daniel Chaffe, born November 10, 1776; died November 15, 1776. + 499 vii Daniel Chaffe, born October 10, 1779; married Huldah Hall. 500 viii Sarah Chaffe, born May 19, 1783; died in Granby; married George Fraver. 501 ix Ebenezer Chaffe, born October 2, 1784; died in Ashford, August 18, 1786. 176 Patience ^ Chaffe (David,^ David,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Attleboro, Mass., January 16, 1742-3, and died in 1816. She married in Ashford, Conn., in 1762, Joseph Amidon, a farmer of that place, born in Oxford, or Reho- both, Mass., April 20, 1725, cUed in South Onondaga, N. Y., November 27, 1810. He had a fair complexion, and blue eyes. Patience Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Rehoboth, February 27, 1742, and was buried in Navarino, Onondaga County, N. Y. Children, born in Ashford: 502 i Eunices Amidon, born September 13, 1763; died August 9, 1834; unmarried. 503 ii Chloe Amidon, born April 10, 1764; died June 22, 1842; married David Thomas. 504 iii Abel Amidon, born March 14, 1767; died December 20, 1813. 505 iv Rhoda Amidon, born April 27, 1769; died June 22, 1845; married Elisha Russel. 506 v Abner Amidon, born February 9, 1772; died October 24, 1804. 507 vi Ashael Amidon, born January 17, 1774; died March 25, 1844; married Sally Tanner. FIFTH GENERATION 99 50S vii Hannah Amidon, born October 5, 1778; died April 14, 1851; married Amasa Chapman. 509 viii Caleb Amidon, born July 12, 1781; died April 16, 1810; married Anna Parker. + 510 ix Cheney Amidon, born September 3, 1783; married Mary Reynolds. 511 X Meletiah Amidon, born March 22, 1789; died in April, 1830; married Joseph Wing. 200 Squire ^ ChafEee (Atherton,* David,:' Nathaniel,^ Thomas ') was born in Ashford, Conn., July 18, 1747, and died in Venango County, Pa. He married. The Vermont Revolutionary Records show that he served in Captain Seely's com- pany. Colonel Benjamin Wait's battalion, from July 1 to November 18, 1781. He also served in Captain Benjamin Whitney's company, Colonel Bradley's regi- ment raised to assist the High Sheriff, September 20, 1782. In 1797, Squire Chaffee lived in Westminster, Vt., and is said to have moved to Vincennes, Ind. He after- wards settled in Chautauqua County, N. Y., and later in Venango County. Children : 512 i Olive ^ Chaffee, died in Venango County; married Teed; moved from Indiana to Chautauqua County, thence to Venango County. 513 ii A daughter, died in Venango County; married ■ Teed, brother of her sister's husband; moved from Indiana to Chautauqua County, thence to Venango County. 202 Atherton ^ Chaffe, Jr. (Atherton,^ David,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas '), was born in Ashford, Conn., March 15, 1752, and died in Westminster, Vt., May 8, 1812. He married Phoebe Brockway, who died in 1833, and was buried in Kirby, Vt. The Vermont Revolutionary Records show that Atherton Chaffe served thirty days in Captain John Betty's company. Colonel William Williams' regiment, en- listing August 29, 1777. He was also a member of Captain Wright's company of "Pure Whigs." Atherton Chaffe was a farmer and his will, probated in Bellows Falls, Vt., July 1, 1812, names as his heirs, his wife Phoebe and the children, William, Atherton, Jr., Lynds, Rufus and Phoebe. He was buried in Westminster, where his gravestone was still standing in 1891. Children, all but the third born in Westminster: + 514 i WiUiam « Chaffe, born in 1776; married Polly Robinson. + 515 ii Atherton Chaffe, Jr., born November 5, 1781; married Olive Sawtell. + 516 iii Lynds Chaffe, married, + 517 iv Phoebe Chaffe, married Russell Carroll. + 518 v Rufus Chaffe, born September 18, 1798; married Malinda Wilder. 204 ClifEord 5 ChafEee (Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., January 20, 1757, and died August 25, 1802. He married in Brattleboro, Vt., April 27, 1780, Anna, daughter of Captain Jesse and Leah (Jen- nings) Burke, a descendant of Richard Burke. After Clifford Chaffee's death, she married Cobb. She died in Towns- hend, Vt., about 1846 or 1847 and was buried there. Clifford Chaffee moved with his parents to Westminster, Vt., when a child. At the outbreak of the Revolution he enlisted in Stark's New Hampshire regiment, May 15, 1775, and with two of his brothers was in the Battle of Bunker Hill. It is related that in that fight a cannon ball struck the rail fence near where they were standing with such force that they were thrown upon it, but were not injured. 100 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY He served as a Private in 1777 and 1778. In May, 1780, he enlisted in Westminster in Captain Samuel Wetherbe's company, Colonel Isaac Wyman's regiment. His name appears as Sergeant on the pay roll of Captain Jesse Safford's company in July, 1780. In March, 1781, "Cleaford Chaffy" served three days and travelled thirty miles, marching on the Alarm at Newbury, Vt. During the trouble in Guil- ford, Vt., over the claims of other states to Vermont land, CUfford Chaffee enlisted as Corporal in Captain Benjamin Whitney's company, serving from November 1, 1783, to March 1, 1784. In 1838 his widow, then Mrs. Cobb, apphed for a pension. October 5, 1784, "Clifford Chafe yeoman of Westminster" sold to Constant Chaffe, his brother, land in that place. Clifford Chaffee died from the effects of a fall from a horse. He was a farmer and a doctor in Westminster. Children : + 519 i Calvin ^ Chaffee, born in Westminster; married Elizabeth Hall. + 520 ii Philander Chaffee, born about 1786; married Cinthia Nichols. 521 iii Zebina Chaffee, living in Westminster in 1819, when he sold land there to Hubbard Bellows. 522 iv Clifford Chaffee, Jr., died in Putney, Vt., about 1846 or 1847; un- married; of a nomadic disposition; residence, 1840, Putney. 523 V Miriam Chaffee. + 524 vi Anna Chaffee, born May 8, 1793; married Roberts. 525 vii Parmelia Chaffee, born about 1795; married Carpenter; testi- fied in her mother's pension claim in 1838; she was then forty- three years of age, and lived in Rockingham, Vt, + 526 viii Jesse Burke Chaffee, married Susan Hall. 207 Alpha ^ ChafEee (Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., and died in Black Lake, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of John Abby of Homer, N. Y., formerly of Vermont. She was sister of his brother Otis' wife, of his sister Nancy's husband. Mary (Abby) Chaffee died in the summer of 1872, aged one hundred and four years, and was buried in St. Clair, Mich. Alpha Chaffee had a fair complexion, and blue eyes. He served as a Private in the War of 1812. He was a farmer and in 1797 Uved in Westminster. Later he lived in New York state, and was buried in Black Lake. Children : 527 i Rachel" Chaffee, born in New York state; married John Baldwin; residence, Ohio. 528 ii Sophia Chaffee, died in St. Clair in 1850; married Hezekiah Haskell, formerly of New York; moved to St. Clair, where both died. 529 iii Polly Chaffee, born in New York state; died about 1870; married (1) Justines; (2) William Bowman; residence, Michigan. + 530 V Alpha Chaffee, Jr., born August 2, 1800; married Effie Kelch. 531 V Lonson Chaffee, died aged twenty-four; residence, New York state. 532 vi Matilda Chaffee, died young. 533 vii Phoebe Chaffee, died young, drowned. 534 viii John Chaffee, died in Herkimer County, N. Y. ; married (1) in Washing- ton, Mich., Caroline Shaw, who died there; married (2) in New York state, Mary Clark; married (3) ; lived later in Herki- mer County; he was of a roving disjJosition. 208 Constant 5 ChafEe (Atherton,^ David, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., in 1701 or 1762, and died in East Westmoreland, N. H., April 29, FIFTH GENERATION 101 1S06. He married in Westminster, Anna, daughter of John Lovejoy. She died March 23, 1811, aged forty-four. Constant Chaffe fought in the Revolution. He served under Major Elkanah Day in a company of Westminster MiUtia which marched on the Alarm of Octo- ber 17, 1780, when Royalton, Vt., was burned by the Indians. He served eight days, travelled one hundred and ten miles and received £2, 7s. 4d. He also served five days in Captain Benjamin Whitney's company, Colonel Bradley's regiment, "raised to assist the High Sheriff" September 21, 1782. In 1783 and 1784 there was trouble in Guilford, Vt., over the claims of other states to Vermont land and Constant ChafTe served from November 7, 1783, until March 1, 1784, in Captain Benjamin Whitney's company. He was a farmer and was living in Westminster at the time of his marriage. Here he bought land of his brother Clifford, October 5, 1784, for £30. June 10, 1785, he bought there of John Lane thirty acres more for the same price. Feb- ruary 21, 1787, he bought of John Dickerson another tract of land for £18. He added to this, October 29, 1796, paying to Patrick Wall £50 for the land. April 15, 1797, he bought of Joseph Wilbore of Westmoreland, N. H., for £300, seventy- seven acres of land in that place. Here he settled with his mother, wife and son before the following spring, as on March 27, 1798, "Constant Chaffe of Westmore- land" bought of Job Wilbore more land there. May 27, 1803, he paid to William Brockway of St. Johnsbury, Vt., $100 for fifty acres more of land in Westmore- land. In all these deeds he is called "yeoman." He and his wife are buried in the graveyard in East Westmoreland, where their tombstones bear the following inscriptions : "In memory of Mr. Constant ChafTe who died April 29, 1806 in the 45th year of his age. " Death like an overflowing stream Sweeps us away, our life's a dream An empty t , a morning flower Cut down and withered in an hour." "In memory of Anna widow of Mr. Constant Chaffe who died March 23, 1811 aged 44 years. "Diseases sore I long have bore Physicians were in vain Till God was pleased to give me ease And free me from my pain." Child: + 535 i Amasa^ Chaffee, born March 30, 1786; married (1) Anna Adams; (2) Huldah Britton; (3) Roxana Britton. 209 Otis s Chaffee (Atherton,* David, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in West- minster, Vt., and died in Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., about 1813 or 1814. He mar- ried Abigail, daughter of John Abby, and sister of his brother Alpha's wife, and of his sister Nancy's husband. She died September 18, 1851, aged eighty-four, and was buried in Rome, Mich., in the East Rome cemetery. She married after Otis Chaffe 's death, Francisco, and lived with her daughter, Mrs. Whipple, in 1845 in Grass Lake, Mich., and in 1846, in Leoni, Mich. Otis Chaffee fought in the Revolution. He served under Major Elkanah Day in a company of Westminster Militia which marched on the Alarm of October 17, 1780, when Royalton, Vt., was burned by the Indians. He served three days, 102 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY travelled forty-four miles and received in payment ISs. Sd. His name is also on the pay roll of Captain Abner Seelye's company, Colonel Benjamin Wait's bat- talion. He served from July 1 to November 20, 1781, travelling eighty miles and receiving £10, 7s. 8d. He also served five days in Captain Benjamin Whitney's company, Colonel Bradley's regiment, "raised to assist the High SherifT," Sep- tember 21, 1782. Otis Chaffee was a farmer, in 1797 living in . Westminster, and later in Rock- ingham, Vt., where Nathaniel Bennett was appointed administrator on his estate, February 7, 1814. He is said to have served in the War of 1812 and to have died in Sackett's Harbor, so it seems probable that he was killed in the battle at that place. May 29, 1813. Children, born in Vermont: -1-536 i Otis 6 Chaffee, Jr., born May 9, 1784; married (1) Grace Whipple; (2) Lydia Tuttle. + 537 ii Abigail Chaffee, born 1788; married Jeremiah Leland. + 538 iii Lyman Chaffee, born May 1, 1790; married Mary Whipple. 539 iv Jarville Chaffee, died in Illinois; married in Middlesex, Vt., January 9, 1823, Betsey Bryant; he was a farmer; had a light complexion, and blue eyes; he served in the War of 1812 as a private; he Uved in Middlesex and Lockport, N. Y., after his marriage moving to Illinois, where he settled near Peoria, on land granted him by the Government for his war services; when he moved to Illinois he had two small children. + 540 V Betsey Chaffee, born June 30, 1792; married Samuel Whipple. + 541 vi Warren Chaffee, born January 22, 1797; married (1) Elizabeth Otto; (2) Melinda Munn. + 542 vii Warner Fay Chaffee, born July 27, 1799; married Mrs. Hannah (Goodell) Ferguson. + 543 viii Allen Bennett Chaffee, born in 1802; married Abigail Pratt. + 544 ix Ory Chaffee, born May 23, 1807; married Polly Rowley. 210 Rachel ^ Chaffee (Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., December 16, 1772, and died in Southville, near Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. She married Samuel Montgomery Wires, a wheel- wright, born August 4, 1776, died in Southville. He had a sandy complexion, blue eyes and was six feet, two inches in height. Mr. and Mrs. Wires were Uni- versalists. They lived in Walpole, N. H., Lyndon, Vt., in 1803 in Herkimer County, N. Y., and about 1813 moved to Stockholm. Children : 545 i Carlton ^ Wires, born March 21, 1796; married Lucinda Dunshee. 546 ii Annatta Wires, born June 28, 1797; died. + 547 iii Hannah Wires, born May 22, 1799; married Wilder Stearns. 548 iv Persis Wires, born March 30, 1801 ; died; married Henry Gates. + 549 V Samuel Wires, born September 12, 1803; married Isabel Barren. 550 vi Fanny Wires, born November 11, 1806; died; married Philo Mathews. 551 vii Sivona Wires, born August 4, 1807; died. 552 viii Nancy Wires, born July 5, 1810. 553 ix Hiram Wires, born March 25, 1814. 554 X Mary Melissa Wires, born March 21, 1817; married Reuben Farmer. 212 Nancy ^ Chaffee (Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., about 1776, and died in Cherry Creek, Chautauqua County, N. Y. She married Amos, son of John Abby, and a brother of the wives of her brothers, Otis and Alpha. FIFTH GExNERATION 103 Xaucy (Chaffee) Abby was very musical. She Uved in Cherry Creek. Children : 555 i Eben s Abby. 556 ii Calvin Abby. 557 iii Amos Abby, Jr. 558 iv John Abbv. 559 V Atlanta Abby, died. + 560 vi Olive Abby ; married DeWitt Fisher. 561 vii Alvira Abby; married Casper Harvey. 213 Crean Bush s Chaffee (Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., in 1778, and died in Amity, Erie County, Fa., December 24, 1847. He married in Penn Yan, Cayuga County, N. Y., September 8, 1805, Polly, daughter of Daniel Bennett. She was of Delaware County, N. Y., and her father, a tailor by trade, had been taken i:)risoner at the beginning of the Revolution and held during the entire conflict. She died October 19, 1874, aged eighty-seven, and was buried in Hatch Hollow, Erie County, Pa. Crean Bush Chaffee is supposed to have been named for Crean Bush of West- minster, a friend of hi,: father's, and whose name appears as witness on a deed of property from Atherton Chaffe, Sr., to Atherton ChafTe, Jr. Crean Bush Chaffee had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height. He was a farmer and a teacher. He lived in Westminster in 1796; when he was twenty-one years old " Uncle Jock," who brought him up, gave him a horse, saddle and bridle and he left Vermont for Cayuga County, never to return. He served during the War of 1812 from August, 1812, to March, 1813. In 1871 his widow, then living in Amity, appUed for a pension. In 1805 he was living in Cayuga County, and between 1810 and 1815 moved to Erie County, where he lived in Amity and Northeast. At this time that country was almost a wilderness and many were the dangers and hardships these hardy pioneers had to undergo. One day when Mrs. Chaffee was alone in the cabin with her daugh- ter Caroline, then a baby, an Indian holding a large knife in his hand appeared in the cabin door. Striding over to the cradle, he lifted the child in his arms, kissed her and, laying her down, stuck his knife into a loaf of bread just taken from the oven and ran off, to the great relief of the terrified mother, who thought her child would be killed. Children, the first three born in Cayuga County, the rest in Erie County: + 562 i Sally « Chaffee, born in 1807; married- William Hatch. + 563 ii Ira Chaffee, born January 1, 1809; married Hannah Norton. + 564 iii Horace Hill Chaffee, born October 17, 1810; married (1) Louisa King; (2) Eliza Williams. 565 iv Caroline Polly Chaffee, born October, 1815; died July 10, 1887; married Frederick Hill. + 566 V Horatio Nelson Chaffee, born March 19, 1818; married Jane N. Mason. + 567 vi Nancy Chaffee, born in June, 1820; married Samuel W. Hayes. + 568 vii John'Bennett Chaffee, born in April, 1823 (1825); married (1) Mary Phelps; (2) Mrs. Eliza Drake. 238 Sarahs Chaffee (Joseph,^ John,^ Joseph,^ Thomas was born in Barring- ton, Mass., January 18, 1729, and died April 27, 1818. She married (1), about 1748 or 1749, Isaac Morris, their intention of marriage being published in Wood- stock, October 18, 1748. He died January 10, 1778, and she married (2) Septem- 104 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY ber 10, 1804, Honorable John Bliss, whom she survived. April 30, 1750, she joined the church in New Roxbury (now West Woodstock), where she lived at the time of her marriage. In 1761 Isaac Morris removed with his family to Wales, Mass, "The part of Springfield to which he removed was then an unorganized district not belonging to any town, and known as ' Wales.' It was a territory lying between Somers on the south and Springfield on the north, and after the organization of Wilbraham, was annexed to that town. The spot where Isaac Morris settled was in the extreme southeastern part of 'Wales' and on the Monson line. The probable cause of his removal to 'Wales' was that his wife might be near her mother — then a widow — who, with her husband, Joseph Chaffee, had removed to this section about 1754. [This should be 1755.] Joseph Chaffee died in 1760. Two deeds from Hannah Chaffee — widow — and Joseph Chaffee, administrators of the estate of Joseph Chaffee, dated Aug. 18, 1761, convey to Isaac IMorris ninety- two acres of land, sixty of which was within the limits of Monson, then Brimfield. He subsequently bought other land. His farm contained in all one hundred and thirty-one acres eighty-five of which were within the Monson limits. The spot where he located was a romantic one at the base of Rattlesnake and Sheep Moun- tains, overlooking the Scantic Valley, to Pine Ball and South Mountains on the west, at the foot of which lay the farm of his father-in-law. A large part of the cultivated land has grown up to woods, and the house in which he lived, and also that of his son Darius, have long since disappeared. Nothing remains to indicate the locality of the habitations but a portion of the walls of the cellars, and a few nearly dead trees of the orchard. "The records of the Probate Court of Hampshire County, state that Sarah Morris was appointed administratrix on the estate of Isaac Morris, Sept. 1, 1778, and was also made guardian of Chester, Elizabeth, and Ephraim, minor children. By the inventory returned to the court, Nov. 1, 1778, the amount of the estate was £999 7s. 6d., of which £850 was in land. The debts were £130 2s. 2d. . . . The distribution of the estate made Nov. 3, 1778, gave Sarah, the widow, one- third during hfe, £283 5s. 8d. Darius, two elevenths or a double portion, £103 6s. 7d. Hannah, Davis, Isaac, Edward, Sarah, Eunice, Chester, Ebenezer, Eliza- beth, and Ephraim, one-eleventh each, £51 10s. 3d. Mrs. Morris, hardly satisfied with the distribution, petitioned the court that as she was 'left under something of Low and Indigence circumstances' she might be allowed something out of the personal estate, and was allowed the amount of £22 lis. " She [Sarah (Chaffee) Morris] was a tall, fine-looking woman, with dark com- plexion, dark hair and eyes." [Morris Register.] Children, the first seven born in Woodstock, the last five in Wales : 569 i Hannah ^ Morris, born January 13, 1750; married John Davis. 570 ii Darius Morris, born September 15, 1751; married (1) EUzabeth Fisher; (2) Rebecca Chandler. 571 iii Isaac Morris, Jr., born September 10, 1753; married Irene Johnson. 572 iv Joseph Morris, born in March, 1755; died at Lake George, August 10, 1776, in the Revolutionary army. 573 V Edward Morris, born December 12, 1756; married Lucy Bliss. 574 vi EUzabeth Morris, born July 10, 1759; died in Wilbraham, March 24, 1764. 575 vii Sarah Morris, born July 23, 1761; married Stephen Pease. 576 viii Eunice Morris, born May 13, 1763: married Joshua Clark. 577 ix Chester Morris, born April 16, 1765; married (1) Betsey Wales ;(2) . 578 x Ebenezer Morris, born March 15, 1767; married Ryndia May. 579 xi EHzabeth MorriS; born February 17, 1769; married David Hume. 580 xii Ephraim Morris, born March 17, 1772; married Pamela Converse. FIFTH GENERATION 105 For further descendants see The Morris Register, by Jonathan F. Morris, also 3474. 239 Joseph s Chaffe, Jr. (Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph,- Thomas 0, was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), January 9, 1730-31, and probably died in Union, Conn., in February, 1783. He married Esther ^ Chaffe (271) (John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), born in Woodstock, January 14, 1734-5, baptized in the First Con- gregational Church there the same month. Joseph Chaffe was baptized in the same church, February 28, 1730-31. He probably moved with his parents in 1755 to Wales, a district of Springfield, Mass., where he was a farmer. May 8, 1758, he bought of his father fifty-six acres of land there for £55. In 1760, with his mother, he administered his father's estate. October 23, 1772, "Joseph Chaffee husband- man of Wales" sold to David Burt of the same place, land there for 20s. About this time Wales was annexed to the newly organized town of Wilbraham, and so Joseph Chaffe became an inhabitant of that town. In 1774, he was one of one hundred and twenty-five who signed an agreement, made in South Wilbraham, not to purchase Enghsh-made goods. July 29th of that year he was appointed with others to assist in collecting the Province rates. January 2, 1775, he was ap- pointed with others a committee to prevent the killing of deer from January 1st to August 1st of that year. His name appears as a Private on a roll of "Capt. James Warrener's company of Wilbraham who marched in defense of Ammerican Liberty on ye Alarm last April occasioned by the Lexington Fight." He was in service ten days, travelled one hundred and eighty miles and received £1, 9s. 2d., in payment. His name also appears as serving two other enlistments : "Chaffe, Joseph. Capt. Wilham Fletcher's co., Col. Benjamin Simond's regt; enlisted Aug. 22, 1777; discharged Aug. 29, 1777; marched on an expedition to Bennington. "Chaffe, Joseph. Private, Capt. Samuel Burt's co., Col. Ehsha Porter's (Hamp- shire Co.) regt; enlisted July 22, 1779; discharged Aug. 25, 1779 service, 1 mo. 7 days, at New London, Conn." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] January 30, 1777, Joseph Chaffe, yeoman, of Wilbraham sold to Joel Dean of Ashford, Conn., for £250, one hundred and forty acres of land in Wilbraham. This deed was signed by Joseph and Esther Chaffe. Soon after this he moved to Peru, Berkshire County, Mass., as on July 7th of the same year he was chosen one of a committee to act in letting out the school lands in that town. He was chosen First Selectman there February 14, 1780, and Moderator of a town meeting Octo- ber 30th of the same year. May 16, 1781, Joseph and Esther Chaffe of Partridge- field (formerly Peru), Mass., sold to Amos Corbin of Woodstock, for £180, one hun- dred acres of land there, being part of lot number thirty-eight. WILL OF JOSEPH CHAFFE " In the name of God Amen I Joseph Chaffe of Union in the County of Windham & State of Connecticut Being Weak in Body but Blessed Be God I am of Sound Mind & Memory Do this 14th Day of December 1782 Make & Publish this My Last Will and testament in Manner following that is to say first I give up My Soul to the Lord Jesus Christ as My Only Saviour trusting in His Merits and Mercies for the foregiveness of all My Sins & for My Eternal Salvation also I commit My Body to the Ground to Be Decently Buried at the Descression of My Executrix 106 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY hereafter Mentioned then My Will is that all my honest Debts & funeral Charges Be paid sd to be paid out of My freehold Estate if it can legally Be Done then I Give to My Beloved Wife Ester Chaffe one third part of all My personal Estate which I die posest of for her own forever & My wish is that My sd Wife shall have liberty to Choose her third at the Inventory price out of the whole & My will is that My sd Wife shall have the Use & Improvement of one third jDart of My free- hold Estate that shall Remain after my sd Debts & Charges are paid so long as she Remains My Widow & then to be Equally Divided Among My five Children (viz) My son Darius Chaffe & My Daughter Ester & Deidamia & Matilda & Sinai and My will is that all ye Rest of My Estate not yet mentioned or Disposed of as above shall Be Equally Divided Amongst my sd son Darius Ester Diedamia Matilda & Sinai & I make and ordain my sd wife Ester Chaffe to Be My Sole Executrix of the My last Will & testament for the Intents and purposes in this My will contained in Witness Whereof I ye said Joseph Chaffe have hereunto set My hand & seal ye Day & year as above sd Signed Sealed & Delivered By ye sd Joseph Chaffe as his last will & testament in ye presence of us who were present at ye signing & sealing thereof "Joseph Chaffe [seal] "Willm Moor "Oliver Wales " Josiah Burley "December ye 31st 1782 then Personally appeared William Moor & Oliver Wales & Josiah Burley witnesses to ye within will & made Solemn oath that they were present when ye testator Executed sd will & saw him Execute it & heard him Declare to be his last will & testament & that he appeared to Be of Sound Mind & Memory & they all signed as witnesses in ye presence of ye testator & in the presence of Each Other Sworn Before Me "Solomon Wales Justice of peace" THE INVENTORY OF JOSEPH CHAFFE'S ESTATE "We the Subscribers being appointed and Authorized by honorable Court of Probate for the District of Stafford to Appraize all such Estate Both Real & personal of the Late Joseph Chaffe of Union in the County of Windham Deceased as shown to us by Ester Chaffe Widow & Relic to ye sd Deceast and Executrix to ye Last Will and testament of ye sd Joseph Chaffe Deceasd Which Serviss we performed Return make in the following manner (vis.) Household Goods & firnature Best Bed furniture Bedsted and Cord £3.. 0..0 Next Ditto 45/ Next do 30/ Next do 20/ 4..15..0 Low Case Drawers 20/ Low Chest 4/ five Low Chests 8/6 1..12..6 one great Wheel 3/ Eleven Chairs 15/ tea kettle 6/ 1.. 4..0 Two Iron pots 8/6 Brass kettle 10/ flatt Irons 6/ Skillet 2/6 1.. 7..0 frying pan 3/ iron bason 3/ two iDales one Nogen 3/ Can — /6 0.. 9.. 6 flesh fork & basting spoon 1/ hamer/6 Box Iron & heater 2/ 0.. 3. .6 Fire shovel & tongs 6/ tramel 3/ Crane & hooks 10/ puter 20/ 1..19..0 Choping knife 1/ Crockery & Earthen ware 4/ meal tub 4/01/ 0..10..0 five dry Casks 3/ beer barrel 1/ three tubs 4/ Cheese tub 2/ 0..10..0 Wooden boles & plates & salt Morter 2/ glass bottles 1/6 0.. 3. .6 Two Baskets 2/ thirteen sheets 32/6 Eight pillow Cases 3/ 1..17..6 Four table Cloaths 5/6 Eleven towels 5/ winowing sheet 1/6 0..12..0 one table 6/ one do 4/ one foot wheel 15/ 1..15..0 Wearing Apparel Great Coat 6/ Clarret Coat 12/ Jacoat 3/ hnen do 3/ 1.. 4..0 Leather breeches 4/ five pair Stockings 14/ three Shirts 12/ 1..10..0 thick Linen Breeches & Chect trowers 4/6 gloves 1/ 0.. 5..0 Two hats 6/ wig 6/ Boots & Shoes 12/ six yd all wool 30/ 2..14..0 FIFTH GEXERATION 107 Four yd woollen Cloath 10/ two old Coats 2/6 0..12..6 Striped Jaeet 2/ fustian Coat 5/ 0.. 7..0 Mixt Coulercd Jacet & breeches 4/ 0.. 4..0 Books Bible 3/ three bound Books 3/ pamphlets 6/ 0..12..0 Farming Tools one plough & Irons 8/ horse trasses 6/ Slay 10/ 1.. 4..0 Two Iron Wedges 2/ Chain 3/ Iron bale 1/6 Share 1/6 0.. 8..0 Hatchet 4/ Sadlebags 3/ Sadie 6/ two mealbags 3/ bason 1/ 0..17..0 Stock one mare f 10..0..0 one Cow 06/ one yearhng 20/ one swine 6/ 14..12..0 one Note against Darius Chaffe 23.. 0..0 two do against Willm Foster £5: 10: due 3.. 0..0 Lands and Buildings A dwelling House & 95 Acres of land ISO.. 0..0 250.. "Union March 3d 1783 the foregoing is a true Inventory Made by us "Solomon Wales ) Aprisors > under "JOSL\H BURLEY > Oath." DISTRIBUTION OF .JOSEPH CHAFFE 'S ESTATE "We the Subscribers being appointed by the Honbl Court of Probate for the District of Stafford to distribute and divide the Estate of Mr. .Joseph Chafey Late of union Deceased amongst the heirs of said deceased according to his last will and testament and being freeholders and under oath do set out to Darius Chaffe son to sd Deceasd £6..10..0 to be reducted out of a Note of hand due from said Darius to sd deceased at the time of his death Inventoried at £23..0..0 Lawful Money — ''We also set of to Esther walker wife to Capt Robert walker and Daughter to said Deceased one fiat Iron one Chair one bed Tick and feathers one bed quilt and three sheets all Inventoried at the price of £1-16-5 and also £4-13-7 of sd £23-0-0 note clue from sd Darius "We Likewise set to Arvine Wales son to Eleazer wales by Deidamia his wife Lately Deceased and Daughter to said deceased one pot and kittle one Chest one Chair three Sheets one bed quilt one bason three pillow Cases one Clarret mans Coat and one pair of Stockings all Inventoried at the price of £3-11-5 and one plow and Irons and horse traces two Iron wedges one Chair one Iron bale one share one meat tub one pair of saddle bags and one saddle and two meal bags one raisor and one fustian Coat & one pair of Leather Breaches all Inventoried at £2..18..0 "We do set of to Matilda Seldon wife to thomas Seldon Daughter to said Deceasd one Chest and three yeards of worsted Cloth and one Sheet one wig & white Breeches and Checkd trowsers all Inventoried at the price of £1-4. .6 we also set of to sd Matilda £5-5-5- to be taken out of said £ 23. due from said Darius "We also set of to Sinai Chaffe Daughter to sd Deceasd £6-10 to be taken out of sd £2.3-0-0 note due from sd Darius "Union 30th of 1788 we then Distributed and set of to the Heirs of the above mentioned Joseph Chaffe Deceasd their Equal shares out of the Estate of the sd Joseph as above Described as shown to us by Esther Chaffe Executor to the Last will and Testament of sd Deceasd according to the orders of said Court Given to us. " Edward Froster ~ "SoLN Wales "Cost 12/ for Distributing y Distribution 108 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "At a Court of Probate at Stafford in the District of Stafford on the 13th day of April 1784 Isaac Pinney Esqr Judge holding said Court on account of adminis- tration on the Estate of Mr Joseph Chaffe Late of Union in the County of Windham Deceasd was now Exhibited in sd Court by the Executor on said Estate whereby she has paid in Debts and Charges Due from said Estate the sum of £97:0:3f Lawful money which account this Court accepts and orders to be kept on file "At the same Court next above sat out and allows bysaid Court to Mrs Esther Chaffe Widow and Relict of Mr Joseph Chaffe Late of Union in the County of Windham Deceasd as nessassery for Suport of Self and family in Sundreys which she shall Charge at Inventory price the Sum of £ 19.6.1 "Test John Phelps Clerk "At a Court of Probate held at Stafford in the District of Stafford on the 13th day of April A. D. 1784 Isaac Pinney Esqr Judge holding said Court Solomon Wales Esqr of Union in the County of Windham was now appointed to be Guardian to Sina Chaffe Daughter of Mr Joseph Chaffe Late of sd union Deceasd aged about 8 years a minor of the Town of said union and the said Solomon Wales gave a bond of Two hundred pounds Lawfull money to this Court for the faithful Dis- charge his afforesaid office of Guardian to said minor "At the same Court next above Mr. Darius Chaffe of Union in the County of Windham was now appointed to be guardian to Matilda Chaffe aged about fifteen years Daughter of Mr Joseph Chaffe Late of said Union Deceasd a minor of the Town of said Union and the said Darius Chaffe gave a bond of two hundred pounds Lawfull money to this Court for the faithful! Discharge of his afforesaid office Guardian to said minor" Children : + 581 i Darius e Chaffe, born about 1751 ; married Molly Chaffe [604]. 582 ii Esther Chaffe, born about April, 1756; died March 23, 1759, aged two years, eleven months; buried in South Wilbraham (now Hampden). -1-583 iii Esther Chaffe, born 1760; married Captain Robert Walker. 4-584 iv Deidamia Chaffe, married Eleazer Wales. 585 V Matilda Chaffe, born about 1769; married before 1788, Thomas Sel- don. + 586 vi Sinai Chaffe, born May 11, 1776; married Amasa Converse. 240 Benjamin ^ ChafEee (Joseph,'' John, 3 jGseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), July 10, 1732, and probably died in Ashford, Conn., in 1811. He married in Woodstock, September 19, 1754, Hannah, daughter of Abraham Skinner of Maiden, Mass. Benjamin Chaffee is said to have lived on the north part of Rocky or Cranberry Bog Hill, between West Woodstock and South Woodstock, later in Ashford and still later in Marcellus, N. Y., finally re- turning to Ashford. He also lived in Wales, Mass., as is evidenced by a deed dated June 25, 1764, in which "Benjamin Chaffee husbandman of Woodstock late of Wales," sold to Benjamin Skinner of Wilbraham, seventy-five acres of land in Wales together with the buildings thereon for £100. This was land which Benjamin had bought of his father, February 25, 1760, for £45. He bought and sold various pieces of land in Woodstock. February 4, 1793, Benjamin "Chaffe" of Woodstock bought of Josiah Eaton of Ashford for £28, 15s., twenty-three acres of land there, and April 22d of the same year he and his wife, still of Woodstock, sold to Benjamin Skinner of that place a house and barn there. Apparently this was about the time of their removal to Ashford. Benjamin Chaffee had palsy in one arm, which for the last twenty years of his life rendered it useless. Children : 587 i Sally « Chaffee, married Parker e Chapman (645) (Mary s Chaffee, Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas 0- FIFTH GENERATION 109 5S8 ii Eunice Chaffee, married Oliver 6 Chapman (643) (Mary & Chaffee, Ebenezer,'» John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas i). + 589 iii Wealthy Chaffee, married Peter Chamberlain. + 590 iv Polly Chaffee, a twin, married William Snell, Jr. 591 V Dolly Chaffee, a twin. + 592 vi Joseph Chaffee, married (1) Clarissa Griggs; (2) Roxy Griggs. 593 vii Harriet Chaffee. 594 viii Louisa Chaffee, married Skinner. 595 ix Dorcas Chaffee. 241 Ephraim ^ Chaffee (Joseph,^ John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn,), about 1733, and died near Glens Falls, N. Y., in 1758. He married in Woodstock, November 21, 1752 (?) Anna (or Anne) Torrey. They were both residents of Woodstock. She married (2) William Stacy. Ephraim Chaffee was a farmer and a joiner. June 19, 1751, he bought of Joseph Chaffee for £650, forty acres of land with a house in Woodstock. March 22, 1753, he was appointed to appraise a stray horse. [Killingly, Conn., Records.] Septem- ber 17, 1753, at a meeting of the inhabitants of the southeast district of the town of Woodstock he was appointed one of a committee to divide the district into two schools. September 3, 1754, he sold forty acres of land "a mansion house and a Dutch barn" for £1,000. This was probably the same property which he bought in 1751. January 12, 1756, he bought of Benjamin Munn sixty acres of land in Brimfield, Mass., and March 9th following, forty-seven acres there of Josiah Montague. Soon after this, he moved from Woodstock to Wales, a district of Springfield, Mass., as he was of the latter place when he marched in August, 1757, to the relief of Fort William Henry during the Colonial Wars. Ephraim Chaffee is said to have been scalped and killed by the Indians, in a place between Sandy Hill and Glens Falls, N. Y., near Fort Edward, in the same place where Jane McCrae was scalped during the Revolution. He is said to have been a teamster and an officer over the baggage train. The records make no mention of his ser- vice at this time, during the year 1758, but state that he was a Private in Captain Benjamin Day's company, South Hampshire County regiment, which marched on the Alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry in August, 1757. He is spoken of as "of Springfield," travelled sixty -four miles, and was in service ten and a half days. [Massachusetts Archives, Muster Rolls, Vol. XCV, page 444.] February 6, 1758, he sold land in Brimfield to J. Torrey for £20. The estate of Ephraim Chaffee "late of Wales" was administered by his father, Joseph Chaffe, who was appointed August 30, 1758. [Northampton Probate Records.] After his death in 1760, Ephraim's widow took charge of the administration. In January, 1763, she and her second husband, William Stacy, petitioned the court in Boston for permission to sell the real estate of Ephraim Chaffee. Permission was evidently granted, for May 20, 1763, sixty acres of land in Wales were sold for £48, 10s., to "Simeon Chaffe of Woodstock yeoman " (272) as the highest bidder. Ephraim Chaffee and his brother Isaiah are said to have helped drive the wolf of Israel Putnam fame into the cave where it was captured. It had wrought sad havoc among the sheep in the neighborhood of Pomfret, Conn. Children, all but the last born in Woodstock : 596 i John Wilson « Chaffee, born September 9, 1753; died October 26, 1754. 597 ii Anna Chaffee, a twin, born September 9, 1753; probably married in South Wilbraham, Mass., June 22, 1788, Nathan Hudson of Monson, no THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Mass., the intention being published in South Wilbraham, May 2, 1788. 598 iii Comfort Chaffee (a daughter), died October 25, 1754. + 599 iv Comfort Chaffee, born September 2, 1755; married Moses Baxter. 600 V John Wilson Chaffee, born in 1757; probably died in the army near Little Falls, N. Y., in 1780; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, March 17, 1765; he served in the Revolution as follows: "Chaffee, John Wilson, Wilbraham. Private, Capt. Paul Langdon's co.. Col. Timothy Danielson's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enhsted May 8, 1775; service, 3 mos. 1 day; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp Roxbury, Dec. 25, 1775. [The following entries probably refer to him also.] "Chaffee, John, Wilbraham. Corporal, Capt. Charles Colton's CO., Col. John Greaton's (2d) regt.; Continental Army pay ac- counts for service from March 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; residence, Wilbraham; enlisted for town of Wilbraham; enlistment, 3 years; reported mustered by Col. Woodbridge. "Chafee, John, Springfield. Corporal, Lieut. Colonel's co., Col. John Greaton's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan 1, 1780, to March 1, 1780. [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in. the War of the Revolution.] 601 vi Sarah Chaffee, born in Wales, March 31, 1758; married Reuben Bliss of Monson, their intention of marriage being published in South Wilbraham, December 9, 1775. 242 Asa ^ Chaffee (Joseph,'' John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), June 5, 1734, and died in Wilbraham, Mass., in December, 1810. He married (1) in Woodstock, September 5, 1753, Mary Hewlett, who died March 9, 1783. He married (2) in the same town, February 16, 1785, Sarah Orms- bee. Asa Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, June 9, 1734. He was a shoemaker and a house-framer. He probably moved to Wales, Mass., between 1758 and 1760. This place, a precinct of Springfield, Mass., was later made a part of Wilbraham. February 25, 1760, he bought of his father for £35, 8s., land in Wales. "Asa Chaffe yeoman of Wilbraham and Mary Chaffe his wife" sold to William Barnes for £30, sixty acres of land there, March 20, 1764. March 22, 1768, he was chosen "Hog Reave" for Wilbraham. June 10th following, he sold to Henry Badger land in Wilbraham for £6. In a list of pew holders in the Congregational church in Wilbraham, dated June 3, 1770, it is stated that "Asa ChafTee" and wife with five others and their wives occupied pew num- ber fourteen. The minister at this time was Reverend Noah Merrick. In South Wilbraham in 1774, one hundred and twenty-five men, of whom "Asa Chaffee" was one, signed an agreement not to buy English-made goods. He was a Private in "Capt. James Warriner's Company of Wilbraham who marched in defence of American Liberty on ye Alarm last April occasioned by the Lexington Fight." He served ten days, travelled one hundred and eighty miles, and received £1, 9s. 2d., in payment. November 21, 1777, he was chosen a Constable for Wilbraham. October 18, 1779, he received $20 as bounty and mileage money for soldiers. January 30, 1784, Asa Chaffee and two others were a committee appointed in behalf of the South parish of Wilbraham for the purpose of taking a deed of a piece of land on which to build a meetinghouse. The tract of land purchased was in Wilbraham, FIFTH GENERATION 111 contained about one hundred and forty rods, was purchased of William King and cost £6. March 16th following, Asa Chaffee was chosen Surveyor. May 3, 1785, he sold for £20, to his son, Ephraim, land in Monson, Mass., and March 16, 1786, land in Wilbraham to his son Cyril, Chaffee of Somers, Conn., blacksmith, for £10, 10s. Soon after this Shays' Rebellion broke out and Asa Chaffee served as a Private from September 22d to 2Sth, 1786, in Lieutenant Lewis Langdon's company, Colonel Gideon Burt's regiment of militia, which marched to Spring- field. He also served in Springfield as a Private from January 18th to February 7, 1787, in Captain Joseph Williams Company of Cadets, ordered into service by Major-General Shepard. September 14, 1808, he sold to his son Ephraim for $300, land in Wilbraham, and in 1809 to his son Calvin two other tracts there for $120. Asa Chaffee died intestate and administration on his estate was granted to his son Jonathan in Northampton, Mass., February 13, 1811. The inventory, dated February 21st following, mentions real estate, an interest in a sawmill thereon, house, barn, cidermill, horses, cows, oxen, household furniture, farming utensils, etc. This was appraised by Stephen West, Calvin Stebbins and William Clark. July 17, 1811, the widow was allowed her portion of the estate. Asa Chaffee is doubtless buried in the Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wilbra- ham), burying-ground, but no stone marks his final resting-place. The grave of his first wife is marked by a stone bearing the following inscription : "In Memory of Mrs. Mary wife of Mr. Asa Chaffe who died March 9, 1783 in her 47th year Death is a debt to nature due Which I have paid and so must you." Children, the first four born in Woodstock, the rest in South Wilbraham: + 602 i Jonathan " Chaffee, born about 1753; married Olive Davis. + 603 ii Asa Chaffee, Jr., born about 1754; married (1) Anna Elmer; (2) Frances Elmer. 604 iii Molly Chaffee, born July 3, 1756; married Darius Chaffee. (See 581.) + 605 iv Cyril (Serrel) Chaffee, born May 3, 1758; married (1) Patience Sexton; (2) Mrs. Submit (Gowdy) McGregory Booth. + 606 V Ephraim Chaffee, born August 12, 1760; married Olive Edgerton. 607 vi Martha Chaffee, born May 18, 1761. 608 vii Patty Chaffee, born May 19, 1762. 609 viii Luther Chaffee, born October 10, 1764; died November 20, 1776; buried in South Wilbraham. + 610 ix Calvin Chaffee, born June 11, 1766; married Wealthy Edgerton. + 611 x Miriam Chaffee, born September 3, 1768; married Ellis. 612 xi Jemima Chaffee, born September 13, 1770; married in Somers, August 30, 1787, Jiles Jones of that place; she was then living in Wilbra- ham. + 613 xii Abiather Chaffee, born December 5, 1774; married Miriam Clark. + 614 xiii Walter Chaffee, born August 17, 1775; married Anna Hyde. 615 xiv Huldah Chaffee, married in South Wilbraham, May 25, 1806, her brother-in-law, Chauncey Stebbins, of that place, their marriage intention being enterod May 10, 1806; residence, 1843, Utica, N. Y.; later, Hoosic Falls, N. Y. (See 616.) 112 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 616 XV Nancy Chaffee, married Chauncey Stebbins. 617 xvi Child, died young. 244 Comfort ^ Chafiee (Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), March 20, 1737-8, and died in South Wilbraham, Mass., June 4, 1811. He married (1) January 19, 1758, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel Bliss, their marriage intention being recorded in Springfield, Mass. She was born November 21, 17-34, and died April 15, 1774. Comfort Chaffee married (2) in South Wilbraham, June 5, 1808, Mrs. Hepzibah (Green) Chaffee, widow of Joel Chaffee (251), their intention of marriage being published in South Wilbraham, February 10, 1805. She died December 19, 1828, aged ninety-three. Comfort Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, July 2, 1738. He had a dark complexion, black eyes and hair, was tall and well propor- tioned. He probably moved to Wales, a district of Springfield, Mass., with his parents in 1755, and was living there at the time of his marriage in 1758. He was a farmer. May 26, 1759, "Comfort Chaffee yeoman of Wales" bought seventy- five acres of land in the township of Springfield, for £75. As Wales was then a district of Springfield, this land may have been in what was then known as Wales, and which was shortly afterwards made part of Wilbraham. March 19, 1765, Comfort Chaffee was chosen "Deer Reaves" in Wilbraham. He was chosen "Hog Reaves," March 13, 1770, in South Wilbraham, and May 13, 1770, the records of the Congregational church there state that he and his wife, with six others, oc- cupied pew number eighteen. April 6, 1773, Comfort and Mary (Bliss) Chaffee sold for £22, 2s., to Nathaniel, David, Jonathan, and Thomas Bliss of Wilbraham, forty-seven acres of land there, it being part of the estate of the late Nathaniel Bliss, father of Mary. A committee of which Comfort Chaffee was one appointed in Wilbraham, January 2, 1775, to prevent the killing of deer from January 1st to August 1st of that year. His name appears as a Private on the roll of Captain James Warriner's company of Wilbraham " who marched in defence of Ammerican Liberty on ye Alarm last April occasioned by Lexington Fight." He served ten days, travelled one hundred and eighty miles, and received £1, 9s. 2d., payment. His further Revolutionary service is as follows: "Chaffee, Comfort. Private, Capt. James Shaw's co., Col. Charles Pynchon's regt.; enlisted Sept. 24, 1777; discharged Oct. 18, 1777; service, 32 days, travel included; company detached to join Gen. Gates's army." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] During his service. Comfort and another man discovered a deserted British vessel floating near the water's edge. They boarded it and finding it loaded with provisions and ammunition, turned it over to the Government. May 25, 1778, Comfort Chaffee was chosen one of the Constables for Wilbraham. October 18, 1779, he received £20 as bounty and mileage money for soldiers. During Shays' Rebellion, he served as a Private from September 22 to Septem- ber 28, 1786, being in Lieutenant Lewis Langdon's company. Colonel Gideon Burt's regiment of Mihtia, in the Fourth Division, which marched to Springfield in support of the Government. He also served in Springfield from January 18 to February 1, 1787, in Captain Joseph WilHams' company of Cadets, ordered into service by Major-General Shepard, The strictness with which the Fourth Commandment was kept in the days of our forefathers is illustrated by the following incident. Comfort Chaffee preferred FIFTH GENERATION 113 a charge against a neighbor, of having sown seed on the Sabbath day. He could not, however, prove the charge, for while he could swear that the man went through the motions of sowing, he could not prove that he had seed in his hand. Had he been able to prove his point, the man would have been severely punished, for the keeping holy of the Sabbath day was strictly adhered to by our ancestors. After Comfort's death his widow was supported by her step-sons, and made her home with the eldest of them. Comfort, Jr. In the cemetery in Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wilbraham), rest the bodies of Comfort Chaffee and his two wives. On his tombstone is the following inscrip- tion: "In Memory of Mr. Comfort Chaffe who died June 4, 1811, Aged 74 years. Let not the dead forgotten lie Lest you forget that you must die Death is a debt to nature due Which I have paid and so must you." The grave of his first wife is marked by a stone bearing the following words : "In memory of Mrs. Mary wife of Mr. Comfort Chaffee who died April 1.5 1774 in her 40 year. • O Time Supreme How swift thy wings On Time depend Eternal things." Children by first wife, born in South Wilbraham: 618 i Mary s Chaffee, born in 1758 (?); died; married about 1780, Ebenezer Stacy of South Wilbraham, their intention dated January 10, 1780. 619 ii Lucretia Chaffee, born June 22, 1760; intention of marriage to Moses Cadwell of South Wilbraham published there September 23, 1780. 620 iii Bathsheba Chaffee, born June 9, 1762; died in South Wilbraham, April 22, 1851 ; married there, November 27, 1783, Stephen West, their intention of marriage being published there October 23, 1783; she was buried in South Wilbraham. 621 iv Mercy Chaffee, born January 27, 1765; died September 16, 1788, her death being recorded in Springfield. + 622 V Comfort Chaffee, Jr., born July 3, 1767; married Persis Skinner. 623 vi Joel Chaffee, born September 27, 1770; died in South Wilbraham, August 1, 1806, and was buried there; a blacksmith; unmarried. + 624 vii Nathaniel Bliss Chaffee, born December 14, 1772; married Tabitha Chubbuck. 247 Isaiah s Chaffee (Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas J) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), about 1728, and died in Wilbraham, Mass., January 3, 1771, aged forty-two years. He married in Woodstock, March 5, 1751, Betty Manning. At this time he lived in Woodstock; October 21, 1753, he joined the 114 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY West Woodstock Congregational Church, but before 1758 had moved to Wales, a district of Springfield, Mass., and later a part of the town of Wilbraham. In the latter year he served as a Private in the Colonial War, in Colonel William William's regiment, Captain Jonathan Ball's company, raised by the province of Massachusetts Bay for the reduction of Canada. He is spoken of as "of Spring- field," served from April 13 to November 4, and travelled seven days. [Massa- chusetts Archives, Muster Rolls, Vol. XCVI, p. 444.] In a list of pew holders in the Wilbraham Congregational Church, dated July 3, 1770, we find that Isaiah Chaffee and his wife, with four other men and their wives occupied pew number five. The land records show that on August 18, 1761, "Isaiah Chafee husbandman of Wales" sold to David Burt, 2d, of Springfield, husbandman, for £90, one hundred and eight acres of land in Wales, formerly belonging to Isaiah's "honored father, Joseph Chaffee, deceased." This deed is signed by "Isaiah Chafee" and "Betty Chafee." April 10, 1767, "Isaiah Chaffee, husbandman, of Wilbraham" bought land of Henry Badger of that place for £18. April 2, 1771, in Northampton, Mass., Comfort Chaffee (244), brother of Isaiah, was appointed administrator of this estate, and at the same time William King was appointed guardian of the five minor children, Betty, over fourteen, Wil- liam, Joseph, Isaiah and Hannah under fourteen. Isaiah left almost nothing and September 14, 1772, Comfort Chaffee obtained the consent of the court to sell the whole of the estate, the papers being signed by Comfort and the widow, Betty Chaffee. This was probably for the purpose of paying Isaiah's debts and obtain- ing ready money for the needs of the widow and children. From this time the family suffered many hardships from extreme poverty; probably no line of the Chaffee family had a harder life than did the children of Isaiah after his death. Isaiah and his brother Ephraim are said to have helped drive the wolf of Israel Putnam fame into the cave where it was captured. It had wrought sad havoc among the sheep in the neighborhood of Pomfret. Children : 625 i Hannah ^ Chaffee, born in Woodstock, October 20, 1752; died December 10, 1756; buried in South Wilbraham, Mass.; baptized in the West Woodstock Congregational Church, October 14, 1753. 626 ii John Chaffee, probably the man to whom the following Revolutionary record refers: "Chaffee, John, Private, Capt. WiUiam White's co. (late) Col. Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enhsted July 18, 1780; dis- charged Oct. 22, 1780; service 3 mos. 1 day, at Stone Arabia, N. Y." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] [It is possible that the last two entries accredited to 600 refer to this man.] 627 iii Elizabeth (Betty) Chaffee, born before 1757, as she was over fourteen years of age, April 2, 1771; married Gilbert, and at one time lived in Massachusetts. + 628 iv William Chaffee, born after April 2, 1757; married Mary Whipple. + 629 V Joseph Chaffee, born in Woodstock, October 2, 1761; married Mercy White. 630 vi Isaiah Chaffee, Jr., born about 1764; he served in the Revolution as follows : "Chaffee, Isaiah, Wilbraham. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780; age, 16 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 5 in.; com- plexion, light; residence, Wilbraham; arrived at Springfield July FIFTH GENERATION 115 5, 1780; marched to camp July 6, 1780, under command of Lieut. Taylor of 2d Mass. Line; also, pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Wilbraham for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched July 6, 1780; discharged Dec. 6, 1780; service, 5 mos., 15 days. " List of men raised for the 6 months service and returned by Brig.-Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780. "Chafe, Isaiah. Certificate dated West Point, Dec. 6, 1780, signed by Capt. Abraham Williams, stating that said Chafe, who engaged for 6 months for the town of Wilbraham, served 4 mos. 28 days in 12th Mass. regt., was then discharged and given per- mission to return to Wilbraham. "Caffee, Isaiah. Private, Capt. John Carpenter's co. of guards; enhsted Jan. 24, 1781; discharged April 10, 1781; service, 2 mos. 17 days; company detached for 8 months and stationed at Spring- field. "Chaffe, Isaiah, Wilbraham. Receipt dated Wilbraham, March 8, 1781, for bounty paid said Chaffe by Lieut. WilUam King, Chairman of a class of the town of Wilbraham, to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 3 years." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] His name is also on a "Return of the hire of the three years men" dated December 26, 1781, and signed by the Selectmen of Wilbraham, he having received £76, 10s.; it is also found on two warrants to pay the officers and men of Captain John Carpenter's company, dated June 24, 1782, and October 28, 1782. 631 vii Hannah Chaffee. 250 Joshua ^ Chaffee (Joel,'* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., about 1733, and died in Ellsworth, Conn., October 9, 1789. He married in Mansfield (Sharon), Conn., July 2, 1755, Mary, daughter of Matthew St. John of Sharon (Wilton). She was born in Wilton, September 25, 1739, and died August 28, 1829. Joshua Chaffee was a farmer, and moved to Sharon from Mans- field, in 1755, shortly after his marriage. April 20, 1757, Matthew St. John of Sharon sold "for love, good will and affection" to his daughter, Mary, and son-in- law, Joshua, twelve acres of land in that town, and April 18, 1758, he sold to Joshua for £75, thirteen acres more there. Joshua sold to Ebenezer Smith, Jr., of Wood- stock, Conn., for £12, 10s., two acres of orchard land in the latter town, January 7, 1763. He also bought and sold other pieces of land there. His name appears as one of the company of householders from Sharon, on a roll of Captain Eliphalet Holmes' company of minute men of East Haddam, raised in May, 1776, by order of the "Capt. General." [Connecticut Men in the Revolution.] He was made a Freeman in Sharon, October 16, 1777. He made his will February 14, 1787, and in it names as his heirs, his wife Mary, sons Joel, Matthew and Joshua Bignall, his daughters Betty, Mary, Lucy, Vinie, Olive, Lettice and Julia, his son Joel being made executor. He and his wife are buried in Ellsworth, where their tomb- stones bear the following epitaph : " For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Children, born in Sharon : 632 i EUzabeth e (Betty) Chaffee, born May 11, 1757; died October 27, 1844; married (1) in Sharon, January 2, 1777, Asa Chapman, of New Concord, Chatham, N. Y.; he died soon after and she married (2) in Ellsworth, November 11, 1779, Isaiah, son of Ebenezer 116 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY and Lucy (Moulton) Everitt; he was born in Sharon, April 12, 1753, and died in Ellsworth, August 4, 1834; a farmer; both were buried in Ellsworth. f 633 ii Joel Israel Chaffee, born July 2, 1759; married (1) Rachel Booth; (2) Dolly Hyde. + 634 iii Mary Chaffee, born June 10, 1762; married WilHam W. Hyde. + 635 iv Lucy Chaffee, born February 12, 1765; married Stephen Eaton. 636 V Matthew Chaffee, born December 12, 1767; died in Ellsworth, Novem- ber 13, 1789; buried there; unmarried. + 637 vi Lovina (Vinie) Chaffee, born December 26, 1770; married Elijah Abel. + 638 vii Olive Chaffee, born October 17, 1774; married (1) Joshua Studley, Jr. ; (2) Amos Seymour. + 639 viii Lettice Chaffee, born September 3, 1777; married Nathan Norton. + 640 ix Joshua Bignall Chaffee, born March 8, 1781; married (1) Anna Sey- mour; (2) Hannah Birdsey. 641 X Julia Chaffee, born March 10, 1786; died in Kent, Conn., January 20, 1838; married George Bull, a widower of Kent; they had no children. 258 Mary ^ Chafiee (Ebenezer,'* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), August 27, 1733, and died. She married there, March 29, 1753, Thomas Chapman. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, August 19, 1733. Children, baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock: 642 i Christopher ^ Chapman, baptized December 21, 1766. 643 ii Ohver Chapman, baptized December 21, 1766; married Eunice * Chaffee (588) (Benjamin,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1). 644 iii Molly Chapman, baptized December 21, 1766. 645 iv Parker Chapman, baptized September 10, 1769; married Sally ^ Chaffee (587) (Benjamin,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1). 259 Rebecca s Chaffee (Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), July 28, 1735, and died there December 30, 1819. She married in Woodstock, October 3, 1754, John Howlett. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, August 10, 1735. Children, born in Woodstock: + 646 i Didymus 6 Howlett, born April 4, 1760; married (1) AUce Marcy; (2) Polly Preston. + 647 ii John Howlett, Jr., born October 11, 1762; married Anna Sanger. + 648 iii Ebenezer Howlett, a twin, born February 29, 1764 (?); married Lois Lewis. 649 iv Samuel Howlett, a twin, born February 29, 1764 (?) ; married Betsey 5 Chaffee (338) (Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), born in Woodstock, July 14, 1773, baptized there in the First Congre- gational Church, August 27, 1775; they had no children. 650 V Thomas Howlett. 651 vi William Howlett, died October 15, 1801, unmarried. + 652 vii Tabitha Howlett, married Comfort Clapham. + 653 viii Mary Howlett, married Edmund Tiffany. + 654 ix Rebecca Howlett, married Samuel Lyon. 260 Tabitha 5 Chaffee (Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), July 14, 1739, and died December 19, 1824. She married there. May 14, 1761, Ephraim, son of Eliphalet and Mary (Bacon) Car- penter. He was born in Woodstock July 24, 1735, and died August 21, 1809. FIFTH GENERATION 117 He served in the Revolution in the 4th BattaHon, under Colonel Ely, in Captain John Ely's regiment. He was a farmer, and after living for many years in Wood- stock he and his wife moved to Stafford, Conn., where they lived with their son Elias. Tabitha Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Wood- stock, July 29, 1739. Children, born in Woodstock: 655 i Elias ^ Carpenter, married- Sarah Prescott. 656 ii Ephraim Carpenter, Jr., born May 26, 1762 (1763) ; died in Woodstock, January 20, 1776. 657 iii EUphalet Carpenter, born July 9, 1765; married (1) Sybil Vinny; (2) Matilda Reynolds. 658 iv Williard Carpenter, born April 3, 1767; married Polly Bacon. 65Sa V Joseph Carpenter, born March 5, 1769; married Sarah (Sally) Prescott. 659 vi Bemsley Carpenter, born April 19, 1771; died October 7, 1775. 660 vii Harvey Carpenter, born December 31, 1775; married (1) Charity; (2) Esther Sabin. 661 viii Polly Carpenter, born May 12, 1778. 662 ix Ephraim Carpenter, Jr., born June 7, 1780; married (1) Elizabeth Prescott; (2) Sarah (Sally) N. King. 663 X John Sullivan Carpenter, born June 26, 1782; married Martha . 664 xi Nellie Carpenter, born October 9, 1785. For further descendants see Carpenter Genealogy, by Amos B. Carpenter. 261 Ezra ^ Chaffee (Ebenezer,* John,^ Joseph, ^ Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), April 9, 1742, and died in Athens, Vt., July 16, 1815. He married in Woodstock, September 20, 1764, Jerusha Hurlburt of that place, who died in Athens, December 15, 1822, aged eighty. She was a member of the West Woodstock Congregational Church, February 3, 1771. Ezra Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, June 6, 1742. He had a light complexion, blue or gray eyes, and was short and stout. He was a farmer and lived for many years in Woodstock. He served in the Revolution in Lieutenant Jonathan Morris's company of that place. He probably rose to the rank of Captain, as he was always called by that title, Feb- ruary 24, 1781, he bought of Azel Hooker of Athens, for £60, "hard money," one hundred acres of land in the northern part of that town. To this place he moved between 1782 and 1784. From 1792 to 1798 he was one of the Listers of Athens and in 1796 Selectman. He and his wife were members of the Methodist church in that town, and were buried there. Children, all but two younger born in Woodstock: + 665 i Alfred ^ Chaffee, born July 5, 1765; married Hannah Woodward. + 666 ii David Chaffee, a twin, born July 5, 1765; married Anna Johnson. + 667 iii Charles Chaffee, born May 3, 1767; married Lucy Evans. + 668 iv Rufus Chaffee, born March 2, 1769; married Elizabeth Stickney. + 669 V Lydia Chaffee, born March 22, 1771 ; married John Oak. 670 vi Jerusha Chaffee, born about 1772 or 1773; died in Athens, May 18, 1856, aged eighty-three; married Roswell Evans and had a large family; she was baptized in the West Woodstock Congregational Church, March 28, 1773. 671 vii Abigail Chaffee, died young; baptized in the West Woodstock Con- gregational Church, October 29, 1775. + 672 viii Ezra Chaffee, Jr., born August 25, 1777; married Fanny Shipman. + 673 ix Abigail Chaffee, born May 9, 1779; married Reverend Asa Kent. + 674 X Olive Chaffee, born February 20, 1781; married Leonard Ames. 118 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 675 xi Mary (Polly) Chaffee, born September 17, 1782; died in Athens, November 9, 1833; married Reverend Elijah Davis, a Baptist minister, who after her death married (2) Mrs. Miriam (Park) Sherwin, and had a son. Park Davis; Mary Chaffee was baptized in the West Woodstock Congregational Church, October 27, 1782; she lived on her father's homestead in Athens; had no children. + 676 xii Prudence Chaffee, a twin, born September 17, 1782; married David Cottrel. + 677 xiii Armilla Chaffee, born March 7, 1784; married (1) Nathan Willard; (2) Oakes. 678 xiv Azubah Chaffee, born October 8, 1787; married Leonard Brown Chaffee. (See 721.) 262 Ebenezer 5 Chaffee, Jr. (Ebenezer,* John,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i)* was born in Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), September 27, 1744, and died in Canterbury, Conn., between 1810 and 1815. He married there, April 18, 1776, Alice, daughter of Mrs. Lydia (Johnson) Fassett. AHce (Fassett) Chaffee died in 1826, and was buried in Canterbury. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, November 11, 1744. He was a farmer and tanner in Canterbury, where, October 8, 1791, he bought for £487, 15s., one hundred and thirteen and three-quarters acres of land. Children, born in Canterbury: + 679 i Lydia ^ Chaffee, born October 8, 1776; married Luther Spaulding. + 680 ii Ethan Chaffee, born October 29, 1780; married Ruby Bacon. 681 iii Olive Chaffee, born December 19, 1782; married Ebenezer Sanger. (See 683.) 264 Olive ^ Chaffee (Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Wood- stock, Conn., March 24, 1756, and died. She married (1) there, October 28, 1783, Nathaniel Sanger, who died. She married (2) Adams. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, May 16, 1756. Children : 682 i James ^ Sanger. + 683 ii Ebenezer Sanger, married Olive Chaffee (681). 684 iii Ira Sanger. 685 iv Sally Sanger. 265 Samuel ^ Chaffee (Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., June 9, 1760, and died there October 20, 1813. He married in Wood- stock, May 25, 1783, Azubah, daughter of John and Dorothy Sanger of that place, and sister of Perley Sanger, who married Anna Chaffee (333). Her father John married (2) Sarah Cady Chaffe (335). Azubah (Sanger) Chaffee was born Septem- ber 3, 1760, one of a family of eighteen children, and died in Orwell, Pa., Septem- ber 28, 1834. After her husband's death she lived with her son Luther, and died in his home. She was buried in Woodruff's Corners, near Orwell. Samuel Chaffee lived in Woodstock, where he was a farmer and teacher. He entered the Revolutionary army when quite young, as a drummer boy, and was present at the execution of IMajor Andre, the English officer arrested and executed as a spy. Samuel Chaffee was buried in Woodstock. His widow and his son-in-law, Joseph Deans, were appointed administrators of his estate and the inventory was taken, November 12, 1813. The estate, amounting to $3,650.15, was divided FIFTH GENERATIOx\ 119 among the heirs November 1, 1814. October 7, 1823, Joseph Deans was appointed guardian of the minor children, EHza and Ezra. Children, born in Woodstock: + 686 i Sarah (Sally)'' Adams Chaffee, born July 3, 1784; married Wilkes Sharpe. + 687 ii Lucy Chaffee, born October 1, 1785; married Joseph Deans. + 688 iii Luther Chaffee, born October 26, 1787; married (1) Amy Browning; (2) Julia Waterman. + 689 iv Polly Chaffee, born May 3, 1789; married (1) Daniel Browning; (2) Artemas Johnson. + 690 V Miranda Chaffee, born June 3, 1790; married Theron Wells. + 691 vi Danforth Chaffee, born March 31, 1793; married Edna Luther. + 692 vii Jason Chaffee, born June 9, 1794; married Fanny Gridley. + 693 viii Lucinda Chaffee, born May 18, 1796; married Walter Tucker, Jr. + 694 ix Ebenezer Chaffee, born September 18, 1797; married Phila Farnum. + 695 X Ahce Chaffee, born July 18, 1799; married (1) Josiah Conant ; (2) . 696 xi Abiel Chaffee, born in 1800; died in Woodstock, Novemijcr 30, 1803, aged three years. + 697 xii Eliza Chaffee, born April 2, 1803; married Asa Robinson. + 698 xiii Ezra Chaffee, born April 12, 1806; married Sylvia A. Bennett. 266 Elizabeth ^ Chaffee (Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 3, 1763, and died. She married there, October 17, 1785, Jonathan Paul. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, July 10, 1763. Children : 699 i Ebenezer « Chaffee Paul. 700 ii Adams Paul, 269 Hezekiah ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Hezekiah,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas ^), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., December 6, 1731, and died in Windsor, Conn., March 4, 1819. He married Mrs. Lydia (Griswold) Phelps of Simsbury, Conn., whose gravestone bears the following inscription: "In memory of Lydia Chaffee, wife of Doct. Hezekiah Chaffee and daughter of Samuel Griswold, Esq., who departed this life October 1st 1801 in the 79th year of her age." Doctor Chaffee was born seven weeks after his father's death. June 7, 1748, Nathaniel Peck, Joseph Bosworth and John Bowen were appointed his guardians. "Hezekiah Chaffee came to Hartford, Conn., for the purpose of starting a drug store and pursuing his profession, but by the advice of the first Doctor Isaac Bull of Hartford, he settled in Windsor, Conn., and held a high rank in his profession." [Hinman's Early Connecticut Settlers.] He settled in Windsor and bought land there about 1755 or 1756. April 20, 1758, he sold to Jonathan Skinner of Wood- stock, Conn., eight acres of land there for £27. March 8, 1768, he bought of Joel Chaffee (251) for £30, ninety acres of land in Wilbraham, Mass., with the buildings thereon, and June 2d following leased it to him at a yearly rental of twenty shillings. The lease was for the term of Joel's life, and after his death to fall to Hepzibah, his wife, so long as she remained his widow. Doctor Chaffee was a slave owner as is evidenced by the following from the Hartford records: "To Henry AUyn, Esq. Town Clerk for the town of Windsor, May it be Re- membered that I Hezekiah Chaffee of said Windsor, in Hartford County and State of Connecticut am the Lawful Owner and Posessor of a Negro Woman 120 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY who had a female child Born of her Body on or about the 15th Day of August Anne Dom. 1791 which said Child is now Living and called by the Name Betty Stevenson, which said child now Lives with me the Subscriber as One of my family. " Hezekiah Chaffee." Doctor Chaffee made his will March 8, 1817, and it is recorded in Hartford. In it he leaves his property to his children, Hepsibah, Mary, Hezekiah and John, naming the latter and Edward Solden as executors. An inventory of his estate was taken May 4, 1819. His gravestone in the old cemetery in Windsor bears the following inscription : "Sacred to the memory of Doctor Hezekiah Chaffee, who died March 4, 1819 AET 88." Children : 701 i Hepsibah ^ Chaffee, born about 1758; died July 8, 1834, aged seventy- six; unmarried, and was buried in Windsor; her will, recorded in Hartford, in July, 1834, divides her property equally between her sister Mary Hooker and her brother John Chaffee, naming both as executors. + 702 ii Mary Chaffee, born about 1760; married Captain James Hooker. + 703 iii Hezekiah Chaffee, Jr., born March 21, 1762; married (1) Charlotte Bradley; (2) Abby Talcott. 704 iv Esther Chaffee, born 1765; died April 4, 1790; married Captain Hector McLane. 705 V John Chaffee, born about 1767; died in Windsor, August 1, 1844; married Mary, daughter of Reverend David S. Rowland; they lived at one time in Springfield, Mass., where he was paymaster in the United States Armory; Mrs. Chaffee joined the First Con- gregational Church in Springfield, September 6, 1812, by letter from the First Church of Windsor; August 11, 1833, Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee joined the Congregational Church in Windsor; they had no children; she died in Windsor, June 21, 1844; he was buried there. 272 Simeon ^ Chaffee (John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), January 22, 1736-7, and died in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 13, 1824. He married there soon after October 19, 1765 (on which date their intention of marriage was published in South Wilbraham) , Love, daugh- ter of Cornelius, Jr., and Mehitable (Bartlett) Davis of Stafford, Conn. She was born April 3, 1744, and died July 8, 1827. Simeon Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Woodstock, August 7, 1737. He was a farmer and lived in Wilbraham. May 20, 1763, he bought of Anna Stacy, widow of his cousin Ephraim Chaffee (241), and executrix of his estate, sixty acres of land in Wales, for £48, 10s. June 3, 1769, he sold to Nathan Ains- worth for £20, seventy acres of land in Somers, Conn. Three days later, June 6th, he bought from the school committee, forty-four acres of land in Wilbraham. September 26, 1769, " Simeon Chaffee husbandman of Wilbraham " sold to " Joseph Chaffee (239) yeoman of Wilbraham " for £20, two parcels of land partly in Wales, Mass., and partly in Somers, the adjoining town in Connecticut. July 3, 1770, a list was made of the sittings in the Congregational church in Wilbraham, and it gives Simeon Chaffee and four other men, with their wives, as occupying pew number thirty-one in the gallery, women's side. In South Wilbraham in 1774 an agreement was made not to purchase English-made goods. To this one hundred FIFTH GENERATION 121 and twenty-five names were signed, among them being that of Simeon Chaffee. March 19, 1776, he was elected in Wilbraham, Surveyor and Collector of Tithings, and March 16, 1784, Constable. He and his wife are buried in South Wilbraham, and on his gravestone appears the following : "My children dear I pray draw near A father's grave to see Not long ago I was with you & Soon you'll be with me." Children, born in South Wilbraham: + 706 i Lucinda ^ Chaffee, born October 21, 1766; married Daniel Murphy, Jr. 707 ii Levi Chaffee, born August 2, 1768; thought to have died in the West about 1858; intention of marriage with Hannah Sisson of South Wilbraham published May 12, 1792; had three sons; said by some of the family to have moved to New York state, by others to have moved West, where he died aged about ninety. + 708 iii Willard ChafTee, born November 7, 1770; married Lois Fuller. 709 iv Mehitable Chaffee, born October 20, 1772; died young. 710 v Simeon Chaffee, Jr., born October 5, 1774; died in infancy. + 711 vi Simeon Chaffee, Jr., born September 10, 1776; married Fanny Elmer Chaffee (1570). 712 vii Noah Chaffee, born October 30, 1778; died in infancy. + 713 viii Noah Chaffee, born October 19, 1780; married Freelove Edgerton. 714 ix Mehitable Chaffee, born August 17, 1782. 715 X Henry Chaffee, born October 5, 1785. + 716 xi Emery Chaffee, born October 5, 1786; married (1) Keziah Harwood; (2) Lura Harwood. 275 Amos ^ Chaffee (John,'' John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., August 9, 1744, and died in Rochester, Vt., February 3, 1815. He mar- ried in Stafford, Conn., about 1769, Anna Brown of Windsor, Conn., their in- tention being published in South Wilbraham, where he then lived, November 5, 1769. She died February 22, 1831, and was buried in Rochester. Amos Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, October 7, 1744. He was stout, broad-shouldered, five feet, ten inches in height, with a sandy complexion and blue eyes. He was a farmer. A list of those occupy- ing seats in the Congregational church in Wilbraham dated July 3, 1770, shows that Amos Chaffee and his wife, with seven other persons, occupied pew number seventeen. He was chosen Deer Reeve in Wilbraham, March 15, 1774, and July 21, 1774, sold to Simeon, his brother, sixty-eight acres of land in that place for £20. This year also his signature is found attached to the agreement not to buy English-made goods, signed by one hundred and twenty-five men of South Wil- braham. August 5, 1775, he bought of Abner Badger land in Wilbraham for £120, and August 12, 1776, he sold to the same man land there for £100. He served in the Revolution as follows: "Chaffee, Amos. Private, Capt. Daniel Cadwell's co. Col. Timothy Robinson's detachment of Hampshire Co. militia; enlisted Dec. 25, 1776; discharged April 2, 1777; service, 3 mos. 9 days at Ticonderoga; enlistment to expire March 25, 1777; roll dated Springfield." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] The powder horn and gun which Amos Chaffee carried in the war are preserved 122 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY by his descendants. The former is inscribed, "Amos Chaffee's Horn, made at Woodstock, Conn. April 17, 1761." On it is traced a map of North and South America. February 23, 1778, he bought sixty acres of land in Stafford, to which place he removed the following spring. May 31, 1779, he added to this purchase seventy acres more. December 13, 1779, he took the oath in Stafford. A list of the members of the Second Congregational Church, dated March 13, 1791, contains the name of Amos Chaffee. In 1797 he moved with his family to Athens, Vt. He and his wife were granted letters to the church there August 19, 1798. In 1806 they moved to Rochester, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Children, the first three born in South Wilbraham, the last two in Stafford: 717 i Eleanor « ChafTee, born May 17, 1771; died November 22, 1848; mar- ried James Thresher. + 718 ii Amos Chaffee, Jr., born May 13, 1773; married (1) Betsey Harwood; (2) Rachel Gubtil; (3) Mrs. Lydia (Beckwith) Richardson. 719 iii Lucy Chaffee, born April 30, 1776; died November 18, 1826; married Elias Richmond. + 720 iv John Chaffee, born September 3, 1778; married Sally Evans. + 721 v Leonard Brown Chaffee, born September 2, 1780; married Azubah Chaffee (678). 276 Anna ^ Chaffe (John,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was probably born in Woodstock, Conn., about 1747-8, and died. She married, May 19, 1767, Phineas, son of Stephen and Sarah (Bliss) Stebbins, their intention of marriage being posted in South Wilbraham, March 25, 1766. Phineas Stebbins was born May 19, 1739. Anna Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Wood- stock. She probably moved with her parents to Stafford, Conn., about 1765, and before 1768 to South Wilbraham. Children : + 722 i Phineas ^ Stebbins, Jr., born July 13, 1768; married Phebe Dunham. 723 ii Anna Stebbins, born March 7, 1769; died. + 724 iii Walter Stebbins, born December 30, 1770; married Azubah Carpenter. 725 iv Silas Stebbins, born October 30, 1772; died. 726 V Harvey Stebbins, died; removed to New York. 727 vi Lucina Stebbins, born January 29, 1775; died young. + 728 vii Lucina Stebbins, born September 12, 1780; married Luther Stebbins. 280 Francis Green 5 Chaffee (Benjamin,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., April 6, 1745, and died there July 3, 1786. He married in Ashford, October 6, 1767, his cousin, Dorcas ^ Chaffee (312) (Thomas,* Joseph, ^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) born in Woodstock, Conn., June 12, 1747. The records of that place show that at the time of their marriage he lived in Ashford and she in Woodstock. December 8, 1769, they were living in Ashford, and sold to Stephen Chaffe (96) of Woodstock for £6, three acres of land "lying in the farm of Joseph Chaffee (18) deceased." The Ashford records under the date of May 29, 1775, state that "Francis Chaffee's earmark for his creatures is a slit in the top of the right ear and a hole in the left ear." His name appears in the Revolutionary records as Private in Captain Thomas Knowlton's company, which marched from Ashford for the relief of Boston on the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775. Service, three days. He also served as Private in Captain Marcy's company. He made his will June 15, 1786, and the inventory of his estate was taken in Ashford, July 21, of that year. FIFTH GExMERATION 123 Children, born in Ashford: 729 i Priscilla " Cliaffee, born November 17, 1769. + 730 ii Benjamin Chaffee, born June 28, 1771; married Rebecca Whiting. 731 iii Orrin Chaffee, born June 15, 1773. 732 iv Francis Chaffee, born August 18, 1776; died July 3, 1786. 733 V Dorcas Chaffee, born September 29, 1779. 734 vi Frances Chaffee, born March 18, 1782. 735 vii Perrin Chaffee, born April 20, 1786; died 1813, Samuel Smith being appointed administrator of the estate of Perrin Chaffee, late of Marcellus, N. Y., April 28, 1813; he bought land there February 10, ISIO. 282 Zebediah ^ Chaffee (James,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), April 11, 1741, and died in Rupert or Hebron, Vt., February 9, 1816. He married in Woodstock, January 28, 1768, Mehetabel, daughter of David and Susanna Preston. David Preston was a sea captain. On one of his voyages he was lowered over the side of his ship and killed a shark with a hatchet, his crew drawing back to the deck both their captain and his prize. A picture of this exploit is to be found in London. Mehetabel (Preston) Chaffee was born April 19, 1748, died February 22, 1836, and was buried in Vermont. Zebediah Chaffee was a shoemaker. He served in the Colonial War and also in the Revolution. He moved from Woodstock to Rupert in 1796; later he spent a few years with his son Zebediah Chaffee, Jr., in Onoquago, N. Y., but returned to Vermont. Children, all but the seventh known to have been born in Woodstock: 736 i Celinda« Chaffee, born November 6, 1768; died in Scipio, N. Y., March 11, 1840; married Eber Dunham; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, February 19, 1769. 737 ii Pamela Chaffee, born August 31, 1770; died in Vermont about 1845, aged seventy-five; married Benjamin Harmon; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, September 1, 1770. + 738 iii Mabel Chaffee, born October 29, 1772; married Benjamin Bliss. + 739 iv Azotus Chaffee, born November 6, 1774; married Sarah Hopkins. 740 V Thirza Chaffee, born April 12, 1777; died in Woodstock, March 28, 1786; baptized in the First Congregational Church there in April, 1777. 741 vi Gratis Chaffee, born April 6, 1779; died in Vermont; married David Brown, and lived in Vermont; baptized in the First Congrega- tional Church, Woodstock, June 20, 1779. 742 vii Sabra Chaffee, born March 6, 1781; died in Rupert, March 5, 1840; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, June 10, 1781. + 743 viii Zebediah Chaffee, Jr., born March 4, 1784; married Patty Knox. 285 James s Chafee, Jr. (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Woodstock, Mass. (now Conn.), March 22, 174S, and died in Churchville, N. Y., May 22, 1827. He married Sarah Howlctt, born September 9, 1753. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He was baptized in the First Congre- gational Church of Woodstock, I\Iay 1, 1748. He served as a Private in the Revo- lution, at the time of his enlistment spelling his name "Chaffee," it is said. Later he changed the spelhng to "Chafee" and when his daughter Elizabeth applied for a pension, she was refused on that account. He probably moved from Wood- stock, Conn., to Woodstock, Vt., between 1779 and the spring of 1781, and in 1807 was again living in the latter place, in the interim having spent some years 124 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in New York state. He and his son James sold land in Riga, N. Y., and also a distillery and its fittings, excepting the thermometer, July 4, 1824. Mr. Chaffee was buried in Churchville. Children : + 744 i Martha Howlett ^ Chafee, born January 10, 1776; married George Cook. 745 ii Sarah Cook Chafee, born February 17, 1779; died in Cattaraugus County, N. Y.; married (1) in Vermont, Griffin, who died in Canada, as did three of their seven children; she married (2) Williams and moved to Monroe County, N. Y., and later to Cattaraugus County, where in 1849 they lived in Orange- ville; a son and three daughters by the first husband married and probably settled in Cattaraugus County. 746 iii Mary Chafee, born in Vermont, April 29, 1781 ; died in Riga, in 1849, in the home of her sister Elizabeth; unmarried; moved to New York state from Vermont two or three years before her death. + 747 iv Elizabeth Chafee, born October 4, 1783; married Jonathan Tupper. + 748 v William Chafee, born September 5, 1784; married Sarah Squires. 749 vi Lucretia Chafee, born in Vermont, December 29, 1785; died in Riga, N. Y.; married William Bennett, and had a daughter and two sons; was buried in Riga. 750 vii Dorothy Chafee, born in Cayuga County, N. Y., August 18, 1792; died in Riga and was buried there ; married there Hawks and had one child. 751 viii James Chafee, Jr., born in Cayuga County, died in Riga; married there Eliza Dean, and had three children, one of whom died in infancy; the others, a son and a daughter, after their father's death, moved away with their mother, who remarried. 286 Nathan ^ Chaffee (James,^ Joseph, ^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., November 17, 1750, and died in Sturbridge, Mass., August 13 (15), 1815. He married Priscilla Wedge, born April 3, 1762. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, November 25, 1750. He lived at one time in Brookfield, Mass., and was a farmer. He is thought to be the Nathan Chaffee who is on record as having entered the Revolutionary service July 5, 1776, in Captain David Woodward's Rangers. Children, born in Brookfield: + 752 i Mary Abigail ^ Chaffee, born March 12, 1784; married Dexter Ludden. + 753 ii Wilham Chafi"ee, born July 31, 1786; married Rachel Rice. + 754 iii Calvin Chaffee, born July 30, 1788; married Charity Aynesworth. 288 Chester ^ Chafiee (James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., April 6, 1755, and died in Thompson, Conn., September 17, 1741, He married in Woodstock, April 25, 1778, Caroline, daughter of Joshua Walker of that place. She died November 3, 1845, aged eighty-six, and was buried in East Woodstock, Conn. Chester Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, May 18, 1755. He and his wife were both members of the Congregational church. They lived after their marriage in Thompson, where he bought land as early as 1785. In the records of Connecticut Revolutionary Service we find that Chester " Chafey " served as a Private in the 7th Company, commanded by Captain Ephraim Manning, formed in Woodstock, enlisting May 9, 1775, and being discharged December 15, 1775. He enlisted as a Private in the 3d Regiment, July 1, 1780, and was discharged December 11, 1780. He also served in Captain Lyon's company. Colonel Durkee's regiment, as is mentioned in his pension claim. FIFTH GENERATION 125 He was a Revolutionary pensioner in 1S32, living in Windham County, and also in 1840, then living in Thompson, aged eighty-five. He was a farmer and tailor, had a light complexion, and was five feet, four inches in height. Children: + 755 i Cyril" Chaffee, born February 11, 1779; married Hannah Grover. + 756 ii Hannah Chaffee, born June 21, 17S1 ; married Hezekiah Frissell. + 757 iii Abigail Chaffee, born July 11, 1783; married Amasa Scott. + 758 iv John Chaffee, born November 30, 1785; married Lydia Elliot. + 759 V Alpheus Cady Chaffee, born April 9, 1789; married Nancy Evidon. 760 vi Caroline Chaffee, born August 2, 1791 ; died in Thompson, April 12, 1867; unmarried. + 761 vii Sophia Chaffee, born January 22, 1794; married John W. Elliott. + 762 viii Chester Chaffee, Jr., born March 14, 1798; married Mary Barker. 763 ix Mary Ann Chaffee, born March 30, 1800; died May 5, 1871; married Arad Upham, and had several children. 764 X Harriet Chaffee, born April 2, 1804; died December 1, 1804. 290 Calvin ^ Chaffee (James,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., February 3, 1760, and died in Lexington, N. Y., January 6, 1817 (pension claim) (June 3, 1816, family record). He married, August 31, 1786, Ruth Evidon of Thompson, Conn., where he lived at that time. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, November 2, 1760. He fought in the Revolution, in 1778 serving under Captain Samuel Chandler. He was drafted several times and in 1781 enlisted for the remainder of the War, in the 3d Regiment, Connecticut Line, his home was then in Thompson. After his death his widow applied for a pension. He bought and sold land in Thompson from 1785 to 1795, and later moved from Connecticut to New York state. He prob- ably lived in Scipio, N. Y., in 1805 and in Ovid, N. Y., in 1807. He was a farmer and was one of the early settlers of Lexington. Children : + 765 i Sullivan ^ Chaffee, born about 1787; married Catherine Deyoe. 766 ii Dexter Chaffee, lived in Connecticut. + 767 iii Abigail Chaffee, married Calvin Foster. 768 iv George Chaffee. 769 V Festus Chaffee, died before 1891; married Julia Delong, who lived in Prattsville, N. Y., in 1891. + 770 vi Rhoda Chaffee, married Hare. 291 Abial ^ Chaffee (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Wood- stock, Conn., August 13, 1761, and died there April 26, 1847. He married in Woodstock or Thompson, Conn., July 24, 1783, Hannah, daughter of William Seargent of Plymouth, Mass. She is said to have been a Mayflower descendant. She was a member of the Congregational Church and was noted for her piety. She died November 22, 1850, and was buried in East Woodstock, Conn. Abial Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, August 23, 1761, and at the age of sixty-five joined the Methodist church. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was possessed of an excellent memory. He was an artisan and lived in Woodstock. At the age of fifteen he went as substitute for his father, who had been drafted for service m the Revolution. After serving out his father's term, he re-enlisted and served until the end of the War. The Connec- ticut records show that he was a Private in the 3d Regiment, enlisted July 1, 1780, discharged December 11, 1780. Also in Captain Allen's company, enlisted February 126 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 6, 1781, discharged December 31, 1781. He was present at the surrender of Corn- waUis and also heard Washington's farewell address to his troops. He was slightly- wounded in a skirmish by a bayonet wound in the leg. In 1818 he was a Revolu- tionary pensioner and also in 1840, when he was living in Woodstock, aged seventy- nine. Children : 771 i Nancy ^ Chaffee, born in Thompson or Woodstock, October 8, 1783; died February 14, 1872; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height; she united with the Congregational Church when quite young; unmarried. + 772 ii Sally Seargent Chaffee, born August 1, 1785; married William Russell. + 773 iii Patty Chaffee, born August 20, 1787; married (1) Thomas Hemmin- way; (2) Chester Bacon. + 774 iv Hannah S. Chaffee, born November 9, 1789; married Rensselaer Coombs. + 775 V Lemuel Seargent Chaffee, born AjDril 3, 1792; married Marilla Johnson. 776 vi Gustavus Barnes Chaffee, born December 3, 1794; died in Woodstock in July, 1826, of consumption brought on by hardship and ex- posure endured in the regular army, in which he served as a Private for five years; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was a mason. 777 vii Abial Chaffee, Jr., born April 26, 1797; died in June, 1803. + 778 viii Leonard Chaffee, born September 30, 1803; married (1) Emily Com- stock; (2) Mrs. Ehza (Chaffee) Johnson (probably 2021). 779 ix Hosea Rich Chaffee, born in Dudley, Mass., September 21, 1806; died in Woodstock, October 4, 1893; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height ; his first vote was cast in the Congrega- tional Church in West Woodstock for the old Liberty party; at the age of twenty-one he joined the Methodist church, in which he became steward and class leader; was a shoemaker and un- married. 292 Charles ^ Chaffee (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., June 14, 1763, and died November 29, 1825. He married Deborah . He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, July 17, 1763. He was the first physician in Alexander, N. Y., where he was living as early as 1810. He bought land there December 23, 1814, and his widow sold fifty acres of land there March 16, 1832. He was a very outspoken man. The pension claim of "Charles Chafey of Bennington, N. Y." is thought to refer to Doctor Chaffee. It states that he enlisted in the War of 1812 in Captain Matteson's company, New York Mihtia, in May, 1812. Children : 780 i Ruby " Chaffee, married Abel McKane. 781 ii Jerusha Chaffee, married Martin McKane. 782 iii Abigail Chaffee, married J. M. Riddle. 783 iv Polly Chaffee, married Charles Raymond. 784 V Bethia Chaffee, married Riddle. + 785 vi Thomas J. Chaffee, married. 786 vii Jefferson Chaffee. + 787 viii James Sullivan Chaffee, born in 1808; married Sarah Jenkins. 788 ix Maria Chaffee, residence, 1828, Alexander. + 789 x Charles Chaffee, Jr., born March 3, 1818; married Naomi Roberts. 295 Chadwick s Chaffee (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., March 16, 1771, and died in Monson, Mass., September 6, FIFTH GENERATION 127 1848. He married there, Abigail, daughter of Freeborn Moulton of that place. She was born April 23, 1773, and died in Monson, March 17, 1838, where she was buried. Chadwick Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, March 24, 1771. He had a light complexion and was five feet, eight inches in height. He lived in Monson, where he was a farmer. He died while out driving. Children, the first ten born in Monson: + 790 i Freeborn Moulton « Chaffee, born August 9, 1794; married Mrs. Betsey (Leonard) Squire. + 791 ii James Austin Chaffee, born December 7, 1796; married (1) Susan Thresher; (2) Martha Dunham. + 792 iii Ira Chaffee, born August 2, 1798; married (1) Anna Davis; (2) Anna Ladd Chaffee (3525) ; (3) Eunice Butler. 793 iv Lotheta Chaffee, born June 29, ISOO; died in Stafford, Conn., No- vember 24, 1869; married, November 12, 1843, Erasmus Rood of that place, their marriage intention being published in ]\Ionson, October 13, 1843; they lived in Stafford and had no children; she was buried in Staffordville, Conn. + 794 V Orinda Chaffee, born February 14, 1802; married Gad Davis. + 795 vi Stephen Chaffee, born January 26, 1804; married Betsey Davis. + 796 vii Annis M. Chaffee, born May 22, 1806; married Heustis. 797 viii Rhoda Cady Chaffee, born May 14, 1808; died June 25, 1844; married in South Wilbraham, Mass., May 27, 1832, Hiram Merrick of Ellington, Conn., and had two children; the family moved to Iowa and were all thought to be dead in 1890. + 798 ix Calvin Chaffee, born June 12, 1810; married Betsey A. Morgan. + 799 X Julius Chaffee, born January 13, 1813; married Polly Ellis. + 800 xi Almond Chaffee, born ]\Iay 29, 1815; married Melissa R. F. Washburn. + 801 xii Abigail Rebecca Chaffee, born June 12, 1817; married EH M.Smith. 296 Stephen & Chaffee (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, ^ Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., September 25, 1773, and died in Springville, N. Y., February 6, 1841. He married in Woodstock, in 1795, Ruth, daughter of Kingsley Under- wood of Vermont, a relative of Judge Underwood of Virginia. At the time of their marriage she lived in Woodstock, and he in Brimfield, Mass. She was born November 17, 1774, and died August 8, 1840, at the home of her daughter. Ruby (Chaffee) Baker, in Evans, N. Y., where she was buried. Stephen Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Woodstock, November 5, 1773. He and his wife were both members of the Methodist church. He had a light complexion, black eyes and was five feet, ten inches in height. February 6, 1795, he and his wife, being then of Pittsford, Vt., sold for £28, to John Fox of Wood- stock, all their right and title, in the real estate of Daniel Underwood, deceased, the property being in Woodstock. Between 1798 and 1804 Stephen Chaffee moved from Vermont to Cazenovia, N. Y., and about 1810 to Attica, N. Y. He was a farmer. He went to live with his son Ambrose W. Chaffee in Springville after the death of his wife, but he survived her loss only six months. Children : 802 i Lucy^ Chaffee, born February 17, 1790; died January 11, 1859; married John Buck, and hved near Attica. + 803 ii Amasa Ladd Chaffee, born November 28, 1797; married Lydia W. Nichols. 804 iii David Kingsley Chaffee, born January 18, 1800; died; married and moved to a place near Warren ; O. 128 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY S05 iv James Chaffee, born December 26, 1801; died July 4, 1803. + 806 V James Cady Chaffee, born February 22, 1804; married Lucy A. Chaffee (1988). 807 vi Ohver Bugbee Chaffee, born April 20, 1806; died in Attica; married and had children; residence, Attica. 808 vii Ruby Underwood Chaffee, born April 23, 1808; married Sylvester Baker; residence in 1840, Evans, later Hudson, Mich. 809 viii Alzina Chaffee, born December 18, 1810; died February 21, 1820. 810 ix Ambrose Worthington Chaffee, born February 23, 1813; married Fluery; had a light complexion, black eyes, and was six feet in height; residence in 1841, Springville, later moved to Iowa. 299 Joseph ^ Chaffee (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., June 30, 1780, and died in Dale, N. Y., December 19, 1852. He married in Brimfield, Mass., October 9, 1804, Clarissa Dunham, a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He had a light complexion, dark eyes and was five feet, ten inches in height. He bought land in Attica, N. Y., from the Holland Land Co. in 1838, and was one of the first settlers of that town. He lived there until 1844, when he moved to Dale, where he lived until his death. He was a farmer. Children : + 811 i Eliza ^ Chaffee, married Amos Swan. 812 ii Eloisa Chaffee, married Furdinand Willard. 813 iii Presson Chaffee, married Nancy Herrick. 814 iv Caroline Chaffee, married Warren Smith, and had seven children. 815 V Lucy Ann Chaffee, married Furdinand Willard, and had six children. + 816 vi William Cady Chaffee, bcm in 1814; married Caroline Swan. 817 vii Harriet Chaffee, married George Stearns, and had one child. 818 viii Annis Chaffee, lived in Wyoming County, N, Y. 300 Leonard ^ Chaffee (James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., April 11, 1782, and died in Wethersfield, N. Y., December 25, 1857. He married in Brimfield, Mass., in November, 1803, Betsey, daughter of Anthony Needham of Massachusetts. She died September 12, 1858, aged seventy-six, and was buried in Wethersfield Springs. Leonard Chaffee was a farmer, had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. About 1810 he went to Western New York with his wife and children, the journey being made with an ox-team. He settled where the city of Attica, N. Y., now stands and in 1825, 1829, and 1837, bought and sold various pieces of land there and in that vicinity. In 1849 he was living in Wethersfield. He was a Deacon in the Free Will Baptist Church, with which he united when about thirty-five years of age, and of which his wife was also a member. He served as a Private in Captain Mangus' company. New York Militia, in the War of 1812, and was wounded in the shoulder in the Battle of Black Rock, N. Y. He was taken home so weak that he had to be held on his horse, and the whole family started on an ox-sled for Fort Hill, Leroy, N. Y., the British and the Indians being expected the next day. For this injury Leonard Chaffee afterward drew a pension of $8 a month. January 11, 1858, his widow, aged seventy-five years and living in Wethersfield, filed a claim for a pension. Children, the first three born in Massachusetts: + 819 i Hiram " Chaffee, born July 3, 1806; married Philenda Butler. FIFTH GENERATION 129 820 ii Mary Ann Chaffee, died in Attica, in 1836; married Simeon Jones. 821 iii Lucy Chaffee, died in Genesee Falls, N. Y., in August, 1880; married Foster G. Rogers. + 822 iv Leonard Leander Chaffee, born May 21, 1826; married Julia A. Thorpe. 310 Jemima ^ Chaffee (Thomas,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., May 12, 1741, and died. She married Hodges, and in 1762 she was living in Woodstock, where she was a member of the First Congregational Church. Child: 823 i Asanath " Hodges, born in Woodstock, July 22, 1760; baptized there in the First Congregational Church, February 2, 1762. 313 Rhoda ^ Chaffee (Thomas, ■* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., baptized there in the First Congregational Church, May 19, 1751, and died. She married Corbin. Child: 824 i Anise ^ (Anne) Corbin, born in Woodstock, May 18, 1771 ; baptized in the First Congregational Church there, October 20, 1771. 319 Henry ^ Chaffe (Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Mass. (now Conn.), June 6, 1747, and died November 19, 1818. He mar- ried in Thompson, Conn., December 17, 1767, Rachel Plank, who died January 21, 1807. Henry Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, November 22, 1747, and his name, with that of his wife Rachel, appears on the list of members of the same church, dated December 12, 1773. He settled in Killingly, Conn., as early as 1768, and lived there for many years. November 18, 1769, he bought of his father for £23, twenty -eight acres of land in that town. The Connecticut Revolutionary records show that he was a Private in Captain Ephraim Manning's company, which marched from Woodstock to the relief of Boston on the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775, Service, five days. He also served in the same company, raised in Woodstock, enlisting ]\Iay 22, 1775, and being discharged October 2, 1775; his name also appears on the roster of Lieutenant Paine Converse's Company in 1776. Children, born in Killingly : 825 i Susanna^ Chaffe, born September 29, 1768; married Scott; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, Decem- ber 12, 1773. + 826 ii Henry Chaffe, Jr., born January 6, 1771 ; married Mahala Owens. 827 iii Zeruiah Lyon Chaffe, born May 3, 1773; baptized in the First Con- gregational Church, Woodstock, December 12, 1773. 828 iv Diana Chaffe, born September 24, 1774; baptized in the First Con- gregational Church, Woodstock, November 27, 1774. + 829 V Rachel Chaffe, born July 27, 1778; married (1) Phillips; (2) Abraham Hardendorf. + 830 vi Michael Chaffe, born January 30, 1780; married Mary Showerman. 831 vii Lucy Chaffe, born March 16, 1782; married Brooks. 832 viii Lodema Chaffe, married Sherman. 320 Samuel ^ Chaffe, Jr. (Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), was born in Woodstock, Mass (now Conn.), September 15, 1749, and died in Thompson, Conn. He married in Woodstock, November 17, 1774, his cousin, Sarah » Chaffee (284) (James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 0, born there April 27, 1746, and died in East Woodstock, Conn., March 26, 1825, where she and Samuel were buried. She 130 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, June 1, 1746, and Samuel was baptized there, September 17, 1749. They lived in Thompson, where they built a two room log house near the edge of Thompson woods. They burned pine knots for lights. Later they built an addition to this house, which in after years was the home of their son, Artemus. Samuel Chaffe served as a Private in the Revolution, enlisting July 5, 1780, and being discharged December 4, 1780. Children : + 833 i Beriah ^ Chaffe, born September 18, 1776; married Reuben Gould. + 834 ii Zelophehad Chaffe, born July 9, 1778; married Betsey Hibbard. 835 iii A daughter, married Hibbard. 836 iv Samuel Chaffe, born in Killingly, Conn., March 15, 1783. + 837 V Artemus Chaffe, born about 1786; married Patty Cummings. 322 Thomas ^ Chaffe (Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., February 22, 1756, and died in Thompson, Conn., June 28, 1826. He married there Mary . He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, May 9, 1756. In later hfe he became a member of the Universalist church. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, was stocky in build and of medium height. He probably moved to Killingly, Conn., with his father when a child, and was living there April 11, 1783, when he bought of Benjamin Morris of Dudley, Mass., for £154, land there. In 1787 he was of Thompson when he sold to Benjamin Morris for £198, thirty-eight acres of land in the western part of Thompson. The Revolutionary records of Connecticut show that he was a Private in Captain Ephraim Manning's company of Woodstock, enlisting May 10, 1775, and being discharged December 15, 1775, but in a claim for pension made in 1818, he testifies that he served from April, 1775, until May, 1776. He was a farmer and for many years a tavern keeper in Thompson in partnership with his son Joel. He died in this tavern, and he and his wife were buried in the Thompson burying-ground where their tombstones read : "Sacred to the Memory of Lieut. Thomas Chafee who died June 28, 1826, aged 70." "In memory of Mrs. Mary Chafee wife of Mr. Thomas Chafee who died March 27, 1814 in her 59th year." It will be noted that though Thomas Chaffe's stone names him " Lieut." in 1826, he was "Mr." in 1814, and as the war and pension records show him to have fought as a Private in the Revolution, it is to be surmised that between 1814 and 1826 he received the title, perhaps for service in the Connecticut Militia. February 14, 1827, Elijah Crosby was appointed administrator of the estate of "Lieut. Thomas Chafee." Children, the last four born in Thompson: 838 i Polly ^ Chafee, born in Dudley, February 18, 1780; married about 1830, ■ Hall, whom she met in Union, Conn., while visiting her sister Rhoda ; she was a tailoress by trade and before her marriage kept house for her father in Thompson. + 839 ii Levi Chafee, born November 23, 1781; married Nancy Blackman. + 840 iii Joel Chafee, born September 26, 1786; married Lavinia M. Morse. 841 iv Rhoda Chafee, born November 14, 1737; died in Union; married Joseph Towne of Thompson, and moved to Union ; had eight or nine sons and daughters. 842 V Nahum Chafee, born November 2, 1791; died in Thompson, August 7, 1809, and was buried there. FIFTH GENERATION 131 843 vi Lurana Chafee, born October S, 1794; died in Thompson, September 4, 1809, and was buried there. 324 Caleb ^ Chafey (Samuel,'* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., July 25, 1761, and died in Guilford, N. Y., about 1810. He married in Woodstock, February 25, 1800, Naomi Aldrich, who died in Preston, N. Y. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, August 9, 1761. He was a farmer. Children, born in Guilford: 844 i Abiel ^ Chafey, died in Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; unmarried ; a farmer. 845 ii Elisha Chafey, born about 1805; died in Smyrna, N. Y., in 1878; mar- ried there in 1838; no children; a farmer; residence, 1838, Smyrna. + 846 iii Sanford Chafey, born in 1807; married Hannah Wooldridge. + 847 iv Maranda Chafey, married Harvey Roe. 330 Jonathan Cady ^ Chaffee (Josiah,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., October 19, 1759, and died in Brookfield, Vt., in 1816. He married Ruth Wells. He moved from Connecticut to Tunbridge, Vt., as early as 1788, and September 30, 1788, and in 1791, bought land there, which he sold in 1795 and 1801. In the latter year, while still living in Tunbridge, he bought land in East Brookfield, Vt. In 1794 he bought a pew in the Tunbridge meeting- house for £9, 10s., and January 23, 1810, sold it for $10.50 to H. Hutchinson. His estate was administered by his son, John C. Chaffee. Children, the first five born in Tunbridge: 848 i Cyrus ® Chaffee, born September 7, 1792; probably died in early man- hood. + 849 ii John C. Chaffee, born February 8, 1794; married Clarissa Leslie. 850 iii Belinda Chaffee, born October 28, 1796; died. + 851 iv Hiram Chaffee, born February 5, 1799; married Asenath Kendall. 852 V Orin Chaffee, born October 14, 1800; died; unmarried. 853 vi Louisa Chaffee, died; married Reuben Putnam, who died in Wolcott, Vt., about 1857. 333 Anna ^ Chaffee (Josiah,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas was born in Wood- stock, Conn., February 3, 1764, and died there about 1834. She was married there, June 8, 1788, by Eliphalet Lyman, town clerk, to Perley Sanger, who died in Woodstock. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church there, April 8, 1764. Children, born in Woodstock: 854 i Perley ® Sanger, Jr. 855 ii Charles Sanger. 856 iii William Sanger. 857 iv John Sanger. 858 V Abial Sanger. + 859 vi Anna Sanger, married Amos Abbott. 860 vii Sally Sanger. 861 viii Betsey Sanger. 336 Josiah Williard ^ Chaffee (Josiah,< Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was bom in Woodstock, Conn., May 22, 1770, and died. He married in Woodstock, Conn., November 24, 1796, Ruth Robbins, born in Maine, thirty miles up the Kennebec River. They became acquainted in Thompson, Conn. He was baptized in the 132 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY First Congregational Church in Woodstock, August 27, 1775, and was for a number of years sexton of the church of that denomination in Woodstock Hill. In 1803 he was a member of the Baptist Church in Woodstock, where he lived. He was stocky in build. Children : 862 i Williard^ Chaffee, died before 1884, it is thought unmarried; a sea- captain, 863 ii Rhoda Chaffee, died before 1884; married in Woodstock, April 9, 1848, James Dodd of Holden, Mass., who died before 1884; no children; she lived in Grafton, Mass., in 1848. 864 iii Asa Chaffee, died at sea of yellow fever, unmarried. + 865 iv Josiah Williard Chaffee, Jr., born about 1804; married Sarah A. Saunders. + 866 v Nancy Chaffee, married John Daniels. + 867 vi Stephen Chaffee, born about 1807; married Fidelia Birch, + 868 vii Eunice Chaffee, born in 1812; married (1) Captain Andrew Smith; (2) William Hardenberg. 337 Molly ^ ChafEee (Josiah,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., December 14, 1771, and died there, September 10, 1845. She mar- ried about 1840, Samuel Lyon of Woodstock. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, August 27, 1775. She had dark hair, blue eyes, and was of medium height. She was very industrious, doing much weaving and spinning. She was buried in Woodstock Hill, Conn. Child: + 869 i Peter Chaffee, born March 27, 1815; married Harriet Abbott (859). 339 David ^ Chaffee (Josiah, * Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wood- stock, Conn., September 16, 1776, and died in Pomfret Factory Village (now Putnam), Conn., August 16, 1833. He married (1) in Thompson, Conn., November 26, 1800, Abigail, daughter of David and Mary (Evans) Paul of that place. David Paul was a Revolutionary soldier, Abigail (Paul) Chaffee was born in Thompson, July 4, 1775, and died in Pomfret Factory Village, April 22, 1828, She was buried in Woodstock, David Chaffee married (2) there, February 22, 1830, Almira Freeman, He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, May 5, 1776. He lived in Woodstock for some time, and in 1803 was a member of the Baptist church there. In 1832 he was living in Pomfret Factory Village, where he was buried. He was a farmer. Children, by first wife, the first five born in Woodstock: 870 i Abigail « Chaffee, born March 3, 1802; died March 18, 1869; buried in Putnam. 871 ii Lydia Chaffee, born July 29, 1803; died in Putnam, February 20, 1881 ; married, May 19, 1844, Amherst Robinson of that place; she was a member of the Baptist Church previous to her mar- riage, later a member of the Congregational Church; her husband was a Deacon ; she was buried in Putnam. 872 iii Betsey Chaffee, born November 27, 1804; died in Woodstock, Novem- ber 29, 1804, and was buried there. 873 iv Sarah Cady Chaffee, born March 7, 1806; died February 9, 1814. + 874 V Charles Chaffee, born August 7, 1807; married Betsey C. Spaulding. 875 vi Fannie Chaffee, born February 26, 1809; died August 21, 1860; un- married ; a member of the Baptist Church. FIFTH GENERATION 133 876 vii David Chaffee, Jr., born January 1, 1811; died August 11, I860; married Susan Rouse of Thompson; he was a member of the Baptist Church. 877 viii Augustus Chaffee, born August 26, 1818; died in Woodstock, April 6, 1821, and was buried there. Child, by second wife: 878 ix Sarah Jane Chaffee, born December 27, 1830; married, November 29, 1849, Roger Wilhams Mowry. SIXTH GENERATION 352 Otis « Chafee (Amos.s Thomas," Thomas,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Providence, R. I., November 13, 1777, and died in Newport, R. I., June 21, 1864. He was married there, April 5, 1801, by Reverend Wilham Patten, to Amy Underwood of Westport, Mass., born August 10, 1782, died in Newport, December 15, 1851, where she and her husband are buried. Otis Chafee had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. He hved in Newport, where he was a brass founder and a member of the Episcopal Church. Children, born in Newport: 879 i Sallie Munroe^ Chafee, born April 17, 1802; died; married in Newport, David W. Clark. + 880 ii Nicholas Underwood Chafee, born October 14, 1803; married Sarah Hoffman. 881 iii Otis Halleyburton Chafee, born January 19, 1805; died April 22, 1807. 882 iv Amy Underwood Chafee, born Septeniber 24, 1806; died February 3, 1853; buried in Newport; unmarried. 883 V Edward Otis Chafee, born May 7, 1808. 884 vi Mary Ann Chafee, born December 31, 1809; married in Newport, May 18, 1834, Albert Cottrell. 885 vii Eveline Jane Chafee, born August 21, 1811; died June 23, 1847; married Captain William Smyley; was buried in Newport. 886 viii Elizabeth Webb Chafee, born May 27, 1813; died September 7, 1814. + 887 ix Otis Jacob Chafee, born January 13, 1815; married Mary A. Kinlock, + 888 X Nathan Munroe Chafee, born June 6, 1816; married Harriet Chapman. 889 xi Henry Worthington Chafee, born March 1, 1818; died April 18, 1819. 890 xii Caroline Matilda Chafee, born September 24, 1819. 891 xiii Laura Sophia Chafee, born April 15, 1821 ; died January 29, 1860. 892 xiv Hannah Mary Chafee, born August 9, 1822. 893 XV Charles Henry Chafee, born April 4, 1824; died April 4, 1824. 354 Nathan M.o Chafee (Amos,^ Thomas," Thomas,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Providence, R. I., and died. He married Matilda Griffith. He was in the flour business with his uncle, Nathan Munroe, and lived in Baltimore, Md. Child: 894 i Sophia i Chafee. 355 Zechariah « Chafee (Amos,^ Thomas," Thomas,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Providence, R. I., December 21, 1785, and died there, July 6, 1840. He married in Providence, November 26, 1807, Mary, daughter of Peleg Eddy of that place. She died in Providence, January 4, 1836, where both husband and wife lived and were buried. They lived in Providence, where Zechariah Chafee was a master builder or mason. Children, born in Providence: + 895 i Amos ' Chafee, born September 22, 1808; married Melory Tobey. 896 ii Elizabeth Eddy Chafee, born June 19, 1810; residence, 1881 Provi- dence ; unmarried. + 897 iii Nathan Munroe Chafee, born January 24, 1813; married Adeline Noble. SIXTH GENERATION 135 + 898 iv Zechariah Chafec, Jr., bom January 11, 1815; married Mary F. Buff- ington, 899 V Mary Eddy Chafee, born April 1, 1817. + 900 vi Thomas Eddy Chafee, born September 18, 1819; married Lucy E. Roberts. 901 vii Sarah Munroe Chafee, born October 21, 1821 ; married Hazzard; residence, 1881, Providence. 902 viii Sehna Edwards Chafee, born December 17, 1823; died October 23, 1828. 903 ix WiUiam Crapon Chafee, born September 12, 1825; died September 24, 1825. 357 Sophia Munroe 8 Chafee (Amos,-""- Thomas,"* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ') was born in Providence, R. I., November 25, 1792, and died June G, 1817. She married Nathaniel Barstow, Child: 904 i Amos Chafee "> Barstow, born in 1813; married, and had at least one child, a son; founder of the Barstow Stove Foundry in New York city; residence, 1887, Providence. 363 William « Chaffee (Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas ') was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 4, 1786, and died in Warren, Pa., March 29, 1880. He was married in Rehoboth, December 11, 1808, by Reverend John Hills, to Martha, daughter of Joel Bowen of Seekonk, Mass., a Revolutionary soldier, who wintered at Valley Forge. His daughter Patience married Walker Chaffee, William's brother. Martha Bowen was a tailorcss before her marriage. She was born in 1790, died aged seventy-four, and was buried in Warren, William Chaffee was a farmer, cooper and blacksmith, the latter trade being taught him by his uncle, Caleb Barney. March 21, 1791, he bought of Jesse Cook a house lot on Transit Lane, Providence, R. I., in the deed being spoken of as "William Chaffee, Cooper." Later he settled in Olneyville, then a part of North Providence, where he bought land of Lyndon Knight, March 21, 1815, later mak- ing other purchases of land there. He gave to the town land for a public highway, which in his honor was called Chaffee Street. His blacksmith shop was on Manitou Avenue, near or on the present sight of the Dalaine Mills, and his house stood opposite. When the First Free Baptist Church in Olneyville was formed, of which Reverend Martin Cheney was pastor, William Chaffee transferred his member- ship from the church of which he was then a member to the new church, was one of its eleven charter members, and of them was the last survivor. On the first Wednesday of May, 1815, he was elected by the General Assembly of Rhode Island "to the Office of Ensign of the first Company of Infantry in the town of North Providence," the commission being issued by Governor William Jones, May 8th of that year. The following year, on the first Wednesday of May, he was advanced by the same body to the rank of Lieutenant, and the first Wednesday of May, 1817, to that of Captain. The originals of these three commissions are in the possession of the writer, the first two issued by Governor William Jones, the last by Governor Nehemiah R. Wright. Captain Chaffee was for twelve years a member of the Rhode Island Legislature from North Providence, first as Representative, in 1830 as State Senator, and again in 1832 as Representative. The latter year he resigned, and having on April 28, 1831, sold his house, barn and blacksmith shop, removed to Warren, Bradford County, Pa., where he established himself as a blacksmith, and bought 136 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY a farm of five hundred acres, two hundred and seventy-eight acres being purchased of Charles R. Barstow in June, 1833. He received a letter of dismission from the Baptist Church in Olneyville to the one in his new home, of which he became a Deacon. He died at the advanced age of ninety-four years, having accumulated a considerable property, and living to see a great-great-grandchild. Children, all but the first born in Olneyville : -I- 905 i Barney Bowen ^ Chaffee, born May 11,1 809 ; married Catherine Linnett. + 906 ii William Marinda Chaffee, born November 9, 1811; married Sarah Barney. + 907 iii Caleb Jarvis Chaffee, born February 11, 1814; married Angeline Bowen. 908 iv Ann Eliza Chaffee, born February 29, 1816; died in April, 1843; mar- ried William Bowen. + 909 v Oliver Perry Chaffee, born October 1, 1817 ; married Elizabeth Stanton. + 910 vi George Washington Chaffee, born April 6, 1819; married Philena Campbell. 911 vii Hannah Armington Chaffee, born December 29, 1821 ; died in January, 1889; married Harrison L. Whitaker, a farmer; residence, 1883, Warren, Pa. + 912 viii James Gardner Chaffep, born February 27, 1823; married (1) Abby A. Prospert; (2) Mrs. Mary G. Robinson. + 913 ix Stephen Geno Chaffee, born April 14, 1824; married Harriett Pen- dleton. 914 X Joseph Chaffee, born November ,9, 1825; died May 6, 1827. 915 xi Lois Chaffee, born November 9, 1825; died November 17, 1827. + 916 xii Joseph B. Chaffee, born October 17, 1827; married Nancy M. Allen. 917 xiii Susan Beebe Chaffee, born July 5, 1829; married (1) William B. Vincent, who died in the Union army in the Civil War; (2) Rulen Beebe, a farmer of South Apalachin, N. Y.; residence, 1885, Owego, N. Y. 365 Walker b Chaffee (Joseph,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., September 10, 1793, and died in Seekonk, Mass., No- vember 9, 1878. He was married there, December 6, 1821, by Reverend John Pitman, to Patience, daughter of Joel Bowen of Seekonk and sister of Martha, his brother William's wife. Patience (Bowen) Chaffee died February 20, 1882, and was buried in East Providence, R. I. Walker Chaffee served in the War of 1812, enlisting in Rehoboth, Mass., in Captain Joseph Watson's company. Colonel Lincoln's regiment, and serving in New Bedford, Mass., from September 25, to October 20, 1814. For this service he drew as bounty one hundred sixty acres of land, and after his death his widow applied for a pension. They lived in Seekonk. Children : 918 i Esther W.^ Chaffee, married John Humphrey, and had seven children; residence, 1884, Seekonk. + 919 ii Joseph B. Chaffee, married Rebecca Anthony. 920 iii Fannie W. Chaffee, married Francis E. Pierce, and had seven children; residence, 1884, San Mateo, Cal. 921 iv Timothy Chaffee, born in Seekonk; living there, 1887 ; unmarried. + 922 V Abram Bowen Chaffee, born August 10, 1832; married Sarah Miller. 923 yi Samuel D. Chaffee, residence, 1884, Seekonk; unmarried. 924 vii Albert B. Chaffee, married, no children; served in the 12th R. L Volunteers in the Civil War; residence, 1884, Seekonk. 925 viii Alonzo A. Chaffee, residence, 1884, Seekonk; unmarried. SIXTH GENERATION 137 926 ix Charlotte Amanda Chaffee, married Lewis; residence, 1884, Seekonk; 1889, Providence, R. I. Three other children, who died before 1884, names unknown. 366 Wilder « Chaffee (Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 31, 1796. and died May 7, 1864. He was married in Seekonk, Mass., April 19, 1825; by Reverend Bartlett Pearce, to Sabrina, daughter of Noah Bowen of that place. Their marriage intention was dated April 4, 1824. She was born in Seekonk, July 31, 1801, and died December 18, 1889. After their marriage they lived on Noah Bowen 's farm for eight years, and in 1832 moved to Warren, Pa., where Mr. Chaffee bought land May 16, 1832. The trip of three hundred miles took fifteen days and was made in a covered wagon, drawn by two horses. In speaking of this trip Mrs. Chaffee said : "I walked some miles every day, for our load was heavy but the last day of our journey I was in a hurry, got out of th^ wagon and walked the last seven miles without stopping. . . . We bought us some land with a log hut and a small barn which made us, we thought, a pleasant home, where I have spent many happy days." Mrs. Chaffee had a remarkable memory up to the time of her death. Mr. Chaffee's will, dated May 11, 1860, was probated June 4, 1864. Children : 927 i Wilder Bowen ^ Chaffee, born in 1825. + 928 ii Horace Brown Chaffee, born September 28, 1828; married Polly Gore. + 929 iii Maria Elizabeth Chaffee, married George B. Harrington. 930 iv William Preston Chaffee, residence, 1891, Ghent, Pa. 931 V Lucy Almina Chaffee, died before 1892. 367 Huldah " Chaffee ( Joseph, s Thomas,^ Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., May 19, 1798, and died June 16, 1836. She was married in Seekonk, Mass., November 9, 1817, by Reverend John Pitman, to Benjamin, son of Ebenezer and Huldah (Brown) Peck of Smithfield, R. I. He was of Barrington, Mass., and after Huldah's death married (2) Mrs. Abigail (Peck) Bowen, by whom he had two children. Children : 932 i Amanda M.^ Peck, born September 23, 1818; died October 16, 1832. 933 ii Benjamin B. Peck, born July 28, 1820; died December 15, 1820. 934 iii Benjamin W. Peck, born September 28, 1825; married Emily A. Gillmore. 935 iv Mary Ellen Peck, born January 22, 1829; married Henry M. Horton. 936 V George S. Peck, born January'7, 1831; married Ellen C. Rhodes. 937 vi Emily Chaffee Peck, born November 21, 1835; unmarried in 1863. For further descendants see the Peck Genealogy, by Ira C. Peck. 370 Charles « Chafee (Stephen,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Swansea, Mass., and died in Springville, N. Y., February 5, 1858. He married in Fitzwilliam, N. H., in February, 1805, Polly, daughter of Joel Miles of that place. She was born in April, 1781, and died December 2, 1867. Both she and her husband were buried in Springville, to which place they moved from Vermont in 1816. Charles Chafee was a farmer. Children, the first six born in Vermont, the last four in Springville: 938 i Diana ^ Chafee, died in Springville, July 4, 1818, and was buried there. + 939 ii Joel Chafee, born May 1, 1807; married Ann Moulton. 138 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 940 iii Almira Chafee, born in VVallingford 1809; died in Springville, in 1887; married Blackman ; moved from Vermont to Springville in 1816; she had a remarkable memory for family history and dates. 941 iv Stephen Chafee, born November 19, 1811; died in Wellsville, O., June 27, 1838; buried in Springville. 942 V Alanson Chafee, born November 19, 1813; died in Springville, July 28, 1874; married S. Vestina , born June 2, 1828, died May 23, 1869; both buried in Springville. 943 vi Eliza Chafee, born in 1816; residence, 1890, Hamburgh, N. Y. 944 vii Augustus Chafee, born in 1818; residence, 1890, Springville. 945 viii Melinda Chafee, born September 9, 1821; died February 25, 1849; buried in Springville. 946 ix Miles Chafee, born in 1822; residence, 1890, Grinnell, la. 947 X Adaline Chafee, born in 1826; died in Springville in 1850. 371 Jonathan « ChafEee (Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Swansea, Mass., in November, 1785, and died in Boston, Mass., in November, 1863. He married in Seekonk, Mass., Nancy, daughter of John Aldrich of Cumberland, R. I. She died in May, 1873, aged eighty-one years, and was buried in Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston. Jonathan Chaffee was a mason and lived at the time of his death in Boston, where he died in the home of his son, George A. Chaffee. He was buried in Boston. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee were members of the Congregational Church. Children : 948 i George A.7 Chaffee, born in Pawtucket, R. I., October 30, 1810; died May 3, 1884; unmarried; was retired from business; left $1,000 to charity. 949 ii Edward L. Chaffee, born in Pawtucket in 1815; died in 1842, 950 iii Abigail Ann Chaffee, died in 1835. 951 iv Cyril Chaffee, died in 1835. + 952 v Mary Frances Augusta Chaffee, born May 15, 1830; married William H. Baldwin. 953 vi Maria E. Chaffee, born in Boston in 1832; residence, 1883, Boston; unmarried. + 954 vii William Ricker Chaffee, married Sophia L, Gerts. 372 Stephen Harrison « (?) Chaffee (Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was lost at sea. He married Salome Starkey, and they lived in Rich- mond and Swanzey, N. H. Mrs. Chaffee married (2) there, Joseph Clark Dav- enport, and moved to Mt. Holly, Vt. They had a son, Carlos Cresson Davenport, who lived in Mechanicsville, Vt., in 1891. Child: -1-955 i Stephen ^ Chaffee, born in 1805; married Abigail C. Davenport. 374 Rhoda Sophronia « Chaffee (Stephen,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,' Thomas 1) was born in Swansea, Mass., July 11, 1792, and died in Essex, Vt., January 31, 1875. She married in Wallingford, Vt., about 1813 or 1814, Timothy Shalor Nichols of Richmond, Vt., a cabinet maker and later a farmer, born in Middletown, Conn., August 12, 1793, died in Essex, March 27, 1868. He had a light complexion and blue eyes. They lived in Richmond, Hinesburgh, Vt., and Essex, where Mrs. Nichols was buried. Both were members of the Baptist Church. SIXTH GENERATION 139 Children, born in Richmond: + 956 i Timothy 7 Washington Ranodine Nichols, born September 30, 1815; married (1) Susan A. Tubbs; (2) Julia A. Bliss. 957 ii Ira Jay Nichols, born February 21, 1820; married Emily Remington. 382 Josiah « Chaffe, Jr. (Josiah,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i), was born in Ashford, Conn., April 26, 17G5, and died in Volney, N. Y., September 17, 1839. He married in Mansfield, Conn., March 26, 1789, Joanna, daughter of James Parker of that place. She was born in Mansfield in 1769, and died in Volney, October 2, 1857, where she was buried. Josiah Chaffe served in the Revolution, enlisting at the early age of sixteen, as a Private in Captain James Darras' company, April 29, 1781, and taking the place of his father, who had been drafted. He again enlisted as a Private, Sep- tember 8, 1783, this time in Captain Benjamin Durkee's company and was dis- charged the same day. He afterward rose to the rank of Lieutenant. He was blown up by the bursting of a cannon and lost his hearing. In 1832 he applied for a pension, which was granted and he drew $96 a year up to the time of his death. He lived with his family in Ashford until 1820, when, with his wife, five sons and a daughter, he moved to Palermo, N. Y. They later lived in Bridgewater, Gilbertsville, and Volney, N. Y., where they were living in 1832. Josiah Chaffe was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, August 11, 1865. Later he became a Close Communion Baptist, of which church his wife was also a member, and in 1831 both joined the Free Baptist Church. He was a shoemaker and farmer. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, 10 inches in height. Children, born in Ashford: -1-958 i Albigence ^ Chaffe, born April 14, 1790; married Lucy Streeter. -1-959 ii Fidelia Chaffe, born February 7, 1791; married Ephraim Martin. -H960 iii Joel Chaffe, born March 16, 1794; married (1) Jerusha B. Converse; (2) Deborah Duel. -1-961 iv Israel Dimock Chaffe, born May 23, 1796; married (1) Ann Bailey; (2) Mary Franklin. -1-962 v David Chaffe, born February 3, 1798; married (1) Lucy Perrin; (2) Mary Lamphere. 963 vi Joanna Chaffe, born August 29, 1800; died in Gilberts Mills, December 11, 1871; unmarried; residence, Gilberts Mills. 964 vii Newman Chaffe, born May 3, 1802; died in Gilberts Mills, September 29, 1827; unmarried; residence, Gilberts Mills, -f 965 viii Josiah Chaffe, Jr., born November 9, 1805; married Emeline M. Davis. 383 Frederick « ChafEe (Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., March 6, 1767, and died in West Springfield, Mass., January 1, 1837. He married (1) in Ashford, March 6, 1788, Elizabeth Knowlton of that place, born March 24, 1768, died November 19, 1806. The inscription on her tombstone reads : "In memory of Elizabeth, Consort to Ensign Frederic Chaffee Died Nov. 19 1806 aged 39 years. Let not the dead forgotten lie Lest you forget that you must die." Frederick Chaffe married (2) in Ashford, November 13, 1814, Betsey Shurtliff. He enlisted in the Revolution as a Private in August, 1782, substituting for 140 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY his brother Josiah. In December, 1782, the latter returned to the service and Frederick was released. He re-enlisted in the same artillery company in March, 1783, again as a substitute for Josiah. He lived in Ashford until some years after his second marriage. He was bap- tized in the First Congregational Church there, June 28, 1767, but evidently became later a member of the Baptist Church, as in 1803 he was chosen key keeper of the Baptist meetinghouse, and owned in it pew number thirty-four, for which he paid $12. In 1810 he contributed six shillings toward buying a farm for the minister. In 1832, when he applied for a pension, he was living in Manchester, Conn. Children, by first wife, born in Ashford: -F966 i Frederick^ Chaffee, Jr., born January 7, 1789; married Catherine S. Knowlton. 967 ii Elizabeth Chaffee, born Septcr 'er 16, 1790; married in Ashford. 968 iii Susanna Chaffee, born June L , 1792; married in Ashford, Willis. 969 iv Almyra Chaffee, born February 28, 1794; died February 27, 1827; supposed to have married Knowlton of Ashford. 970 V Nancy Carpenter Chaifee, born February 26, 1796. 971 vi Hannah Chaffee, born June 19, 1798; married in Ashford, Eldredge. 972 vii Amanda Chaifee, born March 6, 1801; died March 28, 1802. + 973 viii Daniel Knowlton Chaffee, born November 21, 1802; married (1) Mrs. Sarah A. (Tucker) Snow; (2) Mrs. Charlotte A. (Sayles) Cornell. -1-974 ix Anson Chaffee, born November 17, 1804; married Sally M. Whipple. Children, by second wife: 975 X Ebenezer Jenks Chaffee, born in Ashford, August 25, 1815; died there, January 27, 1819. 976 xi Rosetta Jane Chaffee, born in Ashford, October 31, 1818; married September 19, 1842, Samuel J. Wright of Enfield, Mass.; at this time she was living in Chester, Mass.; residence, 1891, Spring- field, Mass. 977 xii Maria EUzabeth Chaffee, born in Hampton, Conn., March 15, 1821; married Samuel Otis of Chester. 978 xiii Charlotte Ellen Chaffee, born in Hampton, September 21, 1827; died before 1891 ; married, September 13, 1846, Charles A. Whitney of Springfield; at this time she was living in Hampton. 391 Carpenter ^ ChafEe (Josiah,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., February 7, 1774, and died there, November 25, 1843. He married Lois Lyon, who died May 6, 1847. Both were members of the Baptist Church in 1831. Children : 979 i Alfred 7 Chaffe, born in 1811 ; died July 13, 1866; married (1) in Ashford, May 24, 1837, Minerva Preston, who died November 3, 1848, aged forty-one; married (2) Almira Dean; he was baptized in Ashford, March 6, 1842. 980 ii Sanford Chaffe, born in 1814; died Julv 10, 1837; baptized in 1834. 981 iii Elvira Chaffe, born in 1817; died June 26, 1843. 982 iv Eliza Chaffe, died in Ohio; married George Baker, and moved to Ohio. 983 V Esther Chaffe, died in Springfield, Mass. ; married Theodore Bishop. 984 vi James Chaffe, died young. 985 vii Henry Chaffe, died young. SIXTH GENERATION 141 393 Elihu 8 Chaffe (Josiah,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., May 6, 1777, and died in Tolland, Conn., in 1848. He married in Ashford, August 31, 1806, Alice Reed of Tolland. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, August 3, 1777. He was a farmer. Children, born in Ashford: 986 i Alice 7 Chaffe, born November 14, 1806; died in Ashford, March 17, 1812. 987 ii Catherine Chaffe, born September 2, 1808. 988 iii Elihu Chaffe, Jr., born August 5, 1810. 989 iv Fidelia Chaffe, born April 10, 1813. 990 V Eliza Ann Chaffe, born September 2, 1815. + 991 vi Emery Chaffe, born April 30, 1818; married Philenda Risby. 395 Benjamin e OhafEe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Willington, Conn., November 16, 1732, and died in Newfield, N. Y., May 4, 1830 (1839). He married (1) in Becket, Mass., November 27, 1783, Mercy Ellis. Both were residents of that place. She died in Newfield, November 24, 1822, and was buried there. He married (2) Mrs. Cornelius Seabung. Benjamin Chaffe of WilUngton bought of John Huntington of Becket, fifty acres of land with the buildings thereon for £37, June 4, 1783, and August 25, 1784, being then a resident of Becket, he bought fifty-five acres more for £16. He united with the First Congregational Church of Becket in June, 1786. He probably moved to New York state about 1807, living in Aurelius, Scipio, and finally settling in Newfield. He had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was known as an upright man, of a very religious turn of mind. He was a farmer and is said to have been in the Revolutionary War. Children, by first wife, all but the last three born in Becket: + 992 i Ezra 7 Chaffe, born December 20, 1784; married Mary Messenger. + 993 ii Thirza Chaffe, born November 6, 1786; married Rufus Whitehead. 994 iii Huldah Chaffe, born February 1, 1790; died in Steuben County, Ind.; married George Story; baptized in November, 1793, in First Congregational Church in Becket. + 995 iv Benjamin Chaffe, Jr., born February 11, 1792; married Clarissa Bradford. + 996 V Joshua Chaffe, born December 10, 1793; married Pollv Bower. 997 vi Willard Chaffe, born September 15, 1796. 998 vii Elias Chaffe, died in Palermo, Kan., November 10, 1869; unmarried; a farmer. + 999 viii Seth Chaffe, born in 1799; married Lucy McDaniels. + 1000 ix Almon Chaffe, born March 28, 1809; married Julia A. Cook. 396 Deliverence ^ Chaffe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Willington, Conn., October 26, 1764, and died in Becket, Mass., September 14, 1814. She married there, September 8, 1786, Anthony Church, born in February, 1761, died in Becket, August 26, 1848. He is said to have been a Revolutionary soldier. Both were buried in Becket, where they lived. Children, born in Becket: 1001 i Anstres 7 Church, born March 1, 1787; died in Becket, June 10, 1847; buried there ; unmarried. + 1002 ii Nathan Church, born February 23, 1789; married (1) .Annis Hare; (2) Zylpha Davis. 1003 iii Prudence Church, born November 17, 1791; died August 16, 1855; buried in Becket; unmarried. 142 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1004 iv William Church, born June 28, 1794; died May 20, 1800; buried in Becket. + 1005 V Cyrus Church, born February 14, 1798; married (1) Phoebe S. Glea- son; (2) Rosetta Christie. 1006 vi William Bennett Church, born May 5, 1801; died. 1007 vii Loring Bennett Church, born June 6, 1807; died May 1, 1884; mar- ried between 1847 and 1850, Ellen B. Touchey, who died January 22, 1881, aged eighty; no children; he was buried in Becket. 398 Thomas e ChafEe, Jr. (Thomas,^ Jonathan, ■» Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas ^), was born in Willington, Conn., March 15, 1768, and died in Becket, Mass., September 2, 1853. He married in Ashford, Conn., November 21, 1791, Abi- gail, youngest daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Knowlton, of Ashford, who commanded the left wing of the American forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill and was killed in the Battle of Harlem Heights, N. Y., September 6, 1776. Abigail Knowlton was born in Ashford, June 19, 1768, and died in Becket, September 18, 1843. Both husband and wife were buried in Becket, where they lived They united with the Congregational Church there, July 1, 1827, and were ever consistent members. Most of their children resembled in looks and conduct their mother, who was a woman of vigorous action and striking character. She was of medium height. Thomas Chaffe held the office of Constable in Becket in 1814. He was a farmer, and in his later years was partially bhnd. Children, born in Becket: 1008 i Sampson ^ Knowlton Chaffe, born August 4, 1792; died in Canaan, N. Y., February 19, 1813, of a fever contracted while teaching school there; unmarried. 1009 ii Frederick Chaffe, born November 25, 1793; died February 13, 1816, from the fall of a tree while he was chopping in the woods; un- married ; buried in Becket. 1010 iii Wolcott Chaffe, born May 3, 1795; died in Windham, O., November 23, 1870; was married in Becket, Mass., April 22, 1818, by Rev- erend Mr. Mills, pastor of the Congregational Church, in Becket, to Abigail, daughter of Deacon Kingsley, who lived in the moun- tains of Berkshire, and in whose home Wolcott had lived from a boy; had no children, but adopted a nephew, Wolcott (2505), son of Newman K. Chaffe ; they celebrated their Golden Wedding in Windham, April 22, 1868; on this occasion Thomas S. Chaffe (1015) gave a history of the Chaffe family, which together with an account of the celebration was printed in pamphlet form; Wolcott Chaffe served in the Massachusetts House of Repre- sentatives in 1832; he was of medium height; Mrs. Chaffe was a member of the First Congregational Church in Becket. + 1011 iv Newman Keyes Chaffe, born December 15, 1796; married (1) Eliza- beth Phelps; (2) Olive Abbott. + 1012 v Miner Chaffe, born February 6, 1799; married Lucy Frary. 1013 vi Alma Chaffe, born February 19 (9), 1801; died in Lee, Mass., March 6, 1838; married in Becket, November 8, 1830, William P. Hamlin of Lee and left one son, who is unmarried; in 1827 she united with the First Congregational Church in Becket. + 1014 vii Anna Harriet Chaffe, born February 4, 1803; married Justin M. Ames. + 1015 viii Thomas Sherman Chaffe, born March 24, 1805; married (1) EHzabeth (Betsey) Shaw; (2) Lucy A. Culver. + 1016 ix Lucinda Chaffe, born January 12, 1807; married Kendall Baird. + 1017 X Prentiss Chaffe, born January 1, 1809; married Betsey Cannon. 1018 xi Abigail Honora Chaffe, born April 12, 1811; died in East Cambridge, SIXTH GENERATION 143 Mass., in August, 1SS3; married in Becket, January 8, 1833, William Clark, who died in Lee, March 29, 1871, aged sixty- two; no children; she joined the First Congregational Church of Becket in 1846. + 1019 xii Knowlton Sampson Chaffe, born July 11, 1814; married Amelia Shaylor. 399 Jonathan « Chaffe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,'^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Willington, Conn., March 4, 1771, and died. He married in Becket, Mass., November 29, 1792, Rebekah Wadsworth, born in 1774. They removed to Homer, Cortland County, N. Y., where other children beside those mentioned below are said to have been born. Children : 1020 i Elias ? Chaffe, born in Becket, September 12, 1800; died. 1021 ii Seth Willard Chaffe, born in Becket, August 6, 1802; died. 1022 iii Orange Chaffe. 1023 iv Joseph Chaffe. 1024 V Alvin Chaffe. 1025 vi Jonathan B. Chaffe. + 1026 vii Thomas B. Chaffe, married Eliza Wells. 1027 viii Sally Chaffe. 1028 ix Polly Chaffe, residence, 1868, Johnstown, Pa. 1029 X Rebecca Chaffe. 1030 xi Laura Chaffe. 1031 xii Almira Chaffe, probably the daughter who married Scott, and lived in Cortland County. 400 Lois 8 Chaffe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Willington, Conn., March 12, 1773, and was married in Becket, Mass., July 4, 1793, by Nathaniel Kingsley, Justice of the Peace, to Joshua Ames, born in Voluntown, Conn., August 11, 1763. He enlisted in Connecticut to go to Canada with General Wolfe, during the Revolution. He also served eighteen months in the War of 1812, dying soon after in Athens or Smithfield, Pa., where he and Lois with nine children are said to have moved in 1809. Lois and a large family of young children survived him. Children : 1032 i Ruth 7 Ames. 1033 ii Esther Ames. 1034 iii Warren Ames. 1035 iv Electa Ames. 1036 V Lucy Ames. 1037 vi Abigail Ames. 1038 vii Luther Ames. + 1039 viii Orin Ames, born in 1807; married Eliza Burr, 1040 ix Lydia Ames. + 1041 X Lyman Ames, married. 1042 xi Robert Ames. 1043 xii Lois Ames. 1044 xiii Rufus Ames. 401 Nathan Chaffe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Willington, Conn., February 24, 1775, and died in Ledyard, N. Y. He married Polly Eaton, who died October 29, 1844. He was a miller and sold land in Becket, Mass., in 1803, later moving to Virgil, N. Y., where he was living 144 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in 1812. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. Children : 1045 i Polly 7 Chaffe, born November 25, 1797; married Byron Baker. 1046 ii Wealthy Chaffe, married Abram Powers. 1047 iii Abigail Chaffe, died October 26, 1882; married William Sheldon. + 1048 iv Hiram Chaffe, born October 30, 1812; married Maria B. Wilkinson. + 1049 V Achsah Chaffe, born June 8, 1815; married John Benedict. 402 Hannah e Chaffe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Willington, Conn., May 22, 1777, and died in Becket, Mass., March 29, 1859. She married in 1793, David Putnam of Becket, who died there July 9, 1852, aged ninety-one years. They lived in Becket, where Hannah (Chaffe) Putnam was a member of the First Congregational Church. She had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was five feet, four or five inches in height. Children, born in Becket: + 1050 i Hannah 7 Putnam, born in 1794; married William Hine. 1051 ii Lucinda Putnam, born in 1797; died; married in April, 1822, Henry Hatch. + 1052 iii Roxana Putnam, born in 1799; married Dana M. Smith. + 1053 iv David Putnam, Jr., born in 1801; married (1) Hannah Church; (2) Betsey Clark. 1054 V Lucy Putnam, born in 1804; married Fuller; lived in Vermont. + 1055 vi Rowena Putnam, born in 1805; married John Dennison, Jr. + 1056 vii Isaac Putnam, born in 1806; married Lucinda E. Church. + 1057 viii Jonathan Marcus Putnam, born in 1807; married Phoebe Rouse. 1058 ix Mary Harmony Putnam, born in 1808; died; married James Drake; residence, Lee, Mass. 1059 X Alvin M. Putnam, born in 1811; died. 1060 xi Emily S. Putnam, born in 1814; died; married Seth Howard Church. + 1061 xii Harriet Cymena Putnam, born in 1816; died; married Loring Gallup. + 1062 xiii William M. Putnam, born in 1818; married Mary A. Olmstead. 1063 xiv Elizabeth A. Putnam, born in 1820; died. Two other children, supposed to be sons, names unknown. 403 Zephaniah ^ Chaffe (Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in WiUington, Conn., October 11, 1779, and died, supposedly in Scipio, N. Y., in the summer of 1827. He married in Locke, N. Y., Phoebe, daughter of Daniel Carpenter of that place. She died in July, 1809, and was buried in Locke, where they lived up to the time of her death. While a resident of Becket, Mass., March 1, 1802, Mr. Chaffe bought of Charles Rowley of Scipio for $230, part of lot ten in the township of Milton, Cayuga County, N. Y. He also purchased, September 1, 1802, from Brewster Harris, the remaining part of the same lot for $240. In 1809 he was hving in Scipio. He had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was of medium height. He was a member of the Masonic order and was by trade a cooper. Children, born in Locke: 1064 i Franklin 7 Chaffe, born in 1804; died in Columbus, O., in 1852, where he had gone for treatment; married Lucinda King, and then moved to Hinckley, 0., where they lived; no children. + 1065 ii Diana Chaffe, born in 1806; married in Scipio, April 5, 1825, Ebenezer Robinson. + 1066 iii Zephaniah, Jr., or Guilderoy or Leroy Chaffe, born December 25, 1807; married Sophronia A. Close. SIXTH GENERATION 145 404 Caleb e ChafEe (Thomas,5 Jonathan/ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in WilUngton, Conn., July 9, 1781, and died in Becket, Mass., April 29, 1855. He married (1) there, November 8, ISOl, Martha Fletcher of that place, who died May 3, 1818, aged forty-one, and was buried in Becket, where her tomb- stone bears the following inscription: "Come all my children that survive. Come, let us mourn together, It's I that's lost a bosom friend, And you a tender mother." Caleb Chaffe married (2) vSeptember 19, 1818, Elizabeth Davenport, who died in January, 1861. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a farmer and lived in Becket, where he was buried. Children, by first wife: + 1067 i Caleb Judson 7 Chaffe, born October 22, 1804; married (1) Mary F. Geer; (2) Sylva Handy; (3) Rachel Rathbun. 1068 ii Thomas Lewis Chaffe, born in Becket, in 1806; died October 20, 1829; buried in Becket. + 1069 iii James Madison Chaffe, born July 25, 1810; married Caroline Parker. + 1070 iv Nathan Milton Chaffe, born April 3, 1812; married Ruth A. Osborne. 1071 V Martha Minerva ("Minerva") Chaffe, died in Becket, before 1855; married about June, 1831, William Hinman, their intention of marriage being published in Becket, June 18, 1831; had seven children. 1072 vi Theodocia Philena (" Philena") Chaffe, died in Granville, Mass., be- fore 1855; married about June, 1833, Ray (William) Champlin of Blandford, IMass., their marriage intention being published in Becket, June 12, 1833. 1073 vii Madison Chaffe, died before 1855. + 1074 viii Louise (Lois) J. Chaffe, married Benjamin S. Rogers. Children, by second wife: + 1075 ix Benjamin Davenport Chaffe, born September 15, 1819; married Malinda Snow. 1076 X Mary Elizabeth Chaffe, born in 1822; died in Becket, May 3, 1840. 1077 xi Dwight Chaffe, died in Becket, before 1855. + 1078 xii Thomas Lewis Dwight Chaffe, born December 20, 1829; married Angeline A. Hunter. 406 Abigail « Chaffe (Thomas,* Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., April 23, 1785, and married there, January 5, 1809, Amos Watkins of Ashford, Conn. They settled in Cazenovia, N. Y. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church in Becket, in June, 1785, and became a member of the same church, September 6, 1807. Children : 1079 i Darius i Watkins. 1080 ii Louisa Watkins. Another child, name unknown. 410 William 6 Reed (Hannah * Chaffe, Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Tolland, Conn., May 20, 1773, and died September 12, 1851. He married (1) Eunice Fields; (2) Polly White of Bolton, Conn., and (3) Mercy, daughter of Thomas Pease. She was of Ellington, Conn., and died in August, 1871, aged ninety-two years. William Reed was a farmer, of medium height, with blue eyes, and a jovial disposition. 146 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, by second wife, born in Tolland : 1081 i Eunice ^ Reed, died in Pennsylvania; married Wilcox. 1082 ii Horace Reed, died in Enfield, Conn. 1083 iii William Reed, died in Rockville, Conn.; married (1) Bidwell; (2) Strong. 1084 iv Nathaniel Reed, died aged five years. 1085 V Fidelia Reed, died in Enfield; married Pease. Children, by third wife, born in Tolland : 1086 vi Sophronia Reed, died in Vernon, Conn.; married Daniel Tucker. 1087 vii Nathaniel WiUis Reed, died in Vernon; married (1) Martha Holt; (2) Judith Clough. + 1088 viii Horatio Pease Reed, born February 12, 1821 ; married Vina Richard- son. 413 Jonathan « Chaffee (William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., February 11, 1765, and died in Bristol, 0., June 23, 1848. He married in Ashford, November 26, 1789, Sally, daughter of Joseph Farnham. She died January 11, 1848, aged seventy-six years, and was buried in Bristolville, 0. Jonathan Chaffee was a farmer. Children : + 1089 i Jose ^ Chaffee, born May 30, 1791 ; married Theodocia Fletcher. + 1090 ii Billings Chaffee, born April 13, 1793; married (1) Charlotte Hoskins; (2) Sally Brooks. 1091 iii Alpheus Chaffee, born in Ashford, December 31, 1794; lived in Sims- bury or Bloomfield, Conn. 1092 iv Philo Chaffee, born in Becket, January 14, 1800. + 1093 V Henry Farnham Chaffee, born June 11, 1802; married Sally E. Gates, + 1094 vi Truman Bibbins Chaffee, born June 19, 1804; married (1) Grace Hyde ; (2) Mrs. Lydia Babcock. 1095 vii Eunice Armena Chaffee, born in Becket, Mass., November 6, 1806. 1096 viii Anna Triphena Chaffee, born September 22, 1808. 1097 ix Elbridge Gerry Chaffee, born March 13, 1811. 1098 X Katherine Lovina Chaffee, born July 27, 1814. 1099 xi Sally Maria Chaffee, born June 21, 1816. 415 Amos 8 Chaffee (Winiam,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., September 12, 1769, and died there, February 20, 1849. He married (1) in Ashford, October 1, 1797, Harmony Crary, who died August 13, 1843, aged sixty-nine, and was buried in Ashford. He married (2) October 27, 1844, Mrs. Elizabeth Weeks. Amos Chaffee served in the War of 1812. He was Captain of a large company in New London, under the command of Colonel William Belcher. He served in Groton, Conn., from August 23 to October 5, 1814, having as his assistant his son Cyrus. October 22, 1793, he bought one hundred acres of land in Newport, Luzerne County, Pa., and in 1807, while living in Ashford, bought land in Savoy, Berkshire County, Mass. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, was of medium height, and was a member of the Universalist Church. His tombstone in Ashford bears the following inscription : "Capt. Amos Chaffee died Feb 20 1849 aged 79. Dear friends He leave this earth and rise And rest with saints above the skies 0! come to God, obey his call Jesus our savior died for all." SIXTH GENERATION 147 Children, by first wife, born in Ashford: 1100 i Gurdan ^ Chaffee, born February 14, 1799; died in infancy. 1101 ii Erastus Chaffee, born May 26, 1801; died in infancy. + 1102 iii Cyrus Chaffee, born February 11, 1803; married Eunice 1103 iv Delotia Chaffee, born December 7, 1804; died in 1885; married Joseph W. Zane; she was baptized and joined the First Con- gregational Church of Ashford, May 29, 1825; residence, 1883, Boston, Mass. + 1104 V Amos Chaffee, Jr., born October 14, 1806; married Mary Curtis. + 1105 vi William Fax Chaffee, born April 20, 1809; married Mary A. Parker. + 1106 vii Anna Bibbins Chaffee, born May 24, 1811; married EHjah Fordham. + 1107 viii Ephraim Pendleton Chaffee, born March 4, 1815; married Margaret Skeats. + 1108 ix Harmony Claudine Chaffee, born August 7, 1817; married Zelotus P. Hiscox. 417 Molly " Chaffe (Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., February 25, 1779, and died there. She was married in Ashford, September 15, 1799, by Reverend Enoch Pond, to Samuel Whipple, born July 11, 1774. He died in Ashford, where they lived. She was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Ashford, November 25, 1798. They had a family of ten or twelve children. Children : + 1109 i Martha BJ Whipple, born May 29, 1823; married David K. Owen. Other children, names unknown. 418 Jonathan " Chaffee (Jonathan,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 26, 1780, and died in Liberty, N. Y., after 1858. He married (1) in Litchfield, Conn., November 4, 1802, Elizabeth James, who died in 1814, and was buried in Liberty. He married (2) in 1815, Nancy Mitchell, who died in 1838. In February, 1820, Jonathan Chaffee bought and sold land in Killingly, Conn., being then a resident of Liberty, where at the time of his death he was still living. He was a farmer. Children, by first wife: 1110 i EHzabeth^ Chaffee, born in Ashford, October 28, 1803; died about 1879. nil ii Lucy Chaffee, born June 18, 1807; married Gates; residence, 1890, Parksville, N. Y. 1112 iii Catherine Chaffee, born July 22, 1809; married Barnhart; residence, 1890, Livingston Manor, N. Y. + 1113 iv Benjamin James Chaffee, born May 15, 1812; married Eliza Taylor. Child, by second wife : + 1114 v Stephen Mitchell Chaffee, born August 18, 1817; married Mary A. Taylor. 420 Reuben « Chaffee (Jonathan,* Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., March 5, 1784, and died in Middletown, Conn., Sep- tember 2, 1850. He married there, November 30, 1819, Martha Willard, daughter of Ephraim and Sally (Francis) Bound of Middletown. [See Appendix D.] She was born in Norwich, Conn., April 16, 1799, and died in Middletown, September 22, 1862. Reuben Chaffee had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was about five feet, eleven inches in height. He was a merchant in Middletown, where he lived. 148 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, bom in Middletown : + 1115 i Benjamin Francis ^ Chaffee, born October 20, 1820; married Persis A. Harris. 1116 ii Lucy Allen Chaffee, born September 25, 1823; died in Middletown, November 2, 1853; unmarried. + 1117 iii Ephraim Bound Chaffee, born August 28, 1826; married Sarah H. Bliss. + 1118 iv Flavins Josephus Chaffee, born October 30, 1829; married Ellen A. Hull. 421 Comfort ^ ChaSee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 9, 1756, and died February 23, 1828. He married in Grafton, Mass., September 25, 1781, Mrs. Lucy (Stowe) Hoyt, widow of R. Hoyt, and daughter of David Stowe of Grafton. She was born there, April 30, 1758, and died March 23, 1845. Comfort Chaffee served in the Revolutionary War, his record being as follows: "Chafee, Comfort. Capt. John Pain's co. ; list of men stationed at Winter Hill and Dorchester for about 2 months; dismissed April 1, 1776; also, Capt. Car- penter's CO., Col. Simeon Cary's regt.. Gen. John Fellows's brigade; list of men stationed at New York and White Plains for 5 months; dismissed Dec. 1, 1776; also, Capt. Hills's co.. Col. John Dagget's regt.; list of men stationed at Bristol for 3 months from Dec. 28, 1776. "Chaffee, Comfort. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter's co., Col. John Hatha- way's regt.; service from April 21, 1777, 23 days at Tiverton, R. I.; also, Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt.; service between May 13, 1777, and July 5, 1777, 7 days; roll includes travel on march from Point Judith in South Kington, R. I., to Rehoboth. "Chaffee, Comfort. Private, Lieut. Samuel Brown's co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt.; marched from Rehoboth to Tiverton, R. I., on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780; discharged Aug. 8, 1780; service, 9 days, under Gen. Heath." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.'] At one time he is said to have been attached to George Washington's staff, attending to the transportation of his tent and baggage. He received from the state of Massachusetts two hundred acres of land in Maine (then a part of Massa- chusetts), as a bounty. In 1818, when a resident of Berkshire, Vt., he applied for a pension. On December 14, 1776, Lucy Stowe received from her grandmother, Hannah Stowe, a Bible in which is found written, "Lucy Stowe, Her Bible, born April 30, 1758." Comfort and Lucy Chaffee with the other heirs of David Stowe, settled a quitclaim in Worcester, Mass., June 10, 1813. Comfort bought land in Berk- shire County, Mass., in 1782, and sold it in 1783. He settled first in Clarendon, Vt., and moved to Huntsberg, later called Berkshire, Vt., in March, 1802. June 24, 1801, having bought of Ebenezer Marvin lot number four, and June 26, lot number six from Thomas Byrd. He was at that time still a resident of Clarendon. In Berkshire he kept for several years a tavern, which was the quiet and safe retreat of the traveller. He also owned a productive farm and his family grew up to be substantial and useful members of the community. He was very fond of horses and always owned some of the best. He seems to have been something of a pioneer in Berkshire, as he was the first tavern-keeper, and drove the first pair of horses and first- double wagon ever used in town. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. He had a light complexion, and blue eyes. SIXTH GENERATION 149 Children, the first six born in Clarendon : 1119 i Nathaniel 7 Chaffee, born February 22, 17S3; died July 24, 1821; married Polly Hibbard (?) and had one daughter, + 1120 ii Reuben Chaffee, born January 23, 1785; married Sally Danforth. + 1121 iii Lucy Chaffee, born January 3, 1787; married Seth Kendall. + 1122 iv Jasper Chaffee, born October 4, 1789; married Hannah Burleson, 1123 V Comfort Chaffee, Jr., born February 8, 1792; died December 17, 1813; married Priscilla, daughter of WiUiam Danforth; she was living in Berkshire, January 6, 1814, when appointed adminis- tratrix of his will ; she married (2) his brother, John Chaffe. + 1124 vi Warren Chaffee, born April 24, 1794; married (1) Sally Burleson; (2) Prutia Hildreth. + 1125 vii John Chaffee, born July 12, 1796; married Mrs. Priscilla (Danforth) Chaffe. + 1126 viii EHjah Chaffee, born November 5, 1799; married (1) Electa Rood; (2) Julia Cummings. + 1127 ix Aaron Stowe Chaffee, born August 18, 1802; married (1) Polly W. Hill; (2) Charlotte Martin. 422 Nathaniel « Chaffee, Jr. (Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 7, 1757, and died in Monkton, Vt., 1826; he married (1) Huldah ; (2) Mrs. DooUttle. He served in the Revolutionary War as follows: "Chaffee, Nathaniel, Jr. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter's co.. Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt. ; marched from Rehoboth to Bristol, R. I., on the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776; service, 16 days. "Chafee, Nathaniel, . . . descriptive list of men mustered by James Leonard, Muster Master, dated Oct. 29, 1779; Capt. Isaac Hicks's co.. Col. Car- penter's regt.; age, 22 yrs.; stature, 5 ft 6 in.; complexion, light; hair, brown; eyes, blue; residence, Rehoboth; enlistment, 9 months from time of arrival at Springfield; delivered to Capt. J. Tisdale." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.^ His pension claim, dated April 24, 1818, is based on services rendered in Colonel Patterson's brigade, Massachusetts Line, in which he enlisted in Springfield, in August, 1779, being discharged in West Point, N. Y. He is said to have served as a blacksmith. Apparently he lived in Clarendon, Vt., as early as 1783, as in that year and in 1785 and 1787 he had children born there. He bought land in Salisbury, Vt. as early as September 21, 1799, but probably lived there earlier, as a son was born to him there in 1793. He later bought and sold other pieces of land there. On June 16, 1808, he was living in Monkton, Vt., and his pension claim, filed ten years later, was dated there. He was a member of the Methodist church, and was a farmer and blacksmith. Children, by first wife, the first three born in Clarendon: 1128 i Abigal 7 Chaffee, born September, 24, 1783; died. 1129 ii Betsey Chaffee, born July 15, 1785; died. 1130 iii Huldah Chaffee, born July 15, 1787; died. + 1131 iv Nathaniel Chaffee, Jr., born May 6, 1793; married (1) Harriet Frank; (2) Lucy Wright. + 1132 V Henry Chaffee, born in 1802; married (1) Ann Allen; (2) ; (3) 1133 vi Polly Chaffee, died. 1134 vii Ruby Chaffee, died. 1135 viii Horace Chaffee, died. 150 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1136 ix Perry Chaffee, died. 1137 X Hiram A. Chaffee, born in 1811 ; died March 2, 1892; married Betsey Farr; lived in Starksboro, Vt. Children, by second wife: 1138 xi Benjamin Chaffee, 1139 xii Simeon Chaffee. 1140 xiii Susanna Chaffee. 426 Daniel ^ Chaffee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., July 27, 1766, and died in 1802. He married, prob- ably about November, 1789, Sarah, daughter of Jesse Newman of Rehoboth. Their intention of marriage was entered there, November 1, 1789, and being celebrated elsewhere. She died in 1852. Daniel Chaffee was a blacksmith. Children, born in Rehoboth: 1141 i Susannah ^ Chaffee, born January 28, 1791 ; died in 1848. + 1142 ii John Chaffee, born May 18, 1793; married Fanny Medbury. 1143 iii Dexter Chaffee, born January 11, 1795; died November 30, 1880; at the age of twenty-four, he met with an accident while blasting rocks in Roxbury, Mass., by which he became totally blind; he was, however, very helpful to his widowed mother in running the farm; later he hired a gristmill near his home, which he worked for forty years; in later life he gave this up and again worked on the home farm, which, by his energy and persever- ance, had become his property; he lived a cheerful, happy and useful life, in spite of his great affliction. + 1144 iv Daniel Chaffee, born September 2, 1796; married Mrs. Lydia (Arnold) Buffington. + 1145 v Newman Chaffee, born May 19, 1798; married Lydia R. Medbury. 1146 vi Sarah Chaffee, born March 16, 1802; died in Rehoboth, May 8, 1890; unmarried. 427 Benjamin 6 Chaffee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., August 17 (7), 1768, and died in Pitts- ford, Vt., December 26, 1840 (1850). He married (1) January 16, 1794, Judith Fuller, born in Rehoboth, September 28, 1770, died in Pittsford, March 26 (22), 1835. He married (2) Lucy , and lived in Chittenden, Vt., where he bought and sold many tracts of land from 1799 to 1835. He also lived in Pitts- ford. He was a blacksmith. Children, by first wife: 1147 i Demas ^ Chaffee, born October 26, 1794; died; married. May 22, 1851, Elvira M. Baird, born May 30, 1808; no children. 1148 ii Dexter Chaffee, born September 28, 1796; died September 21, 1852; unmarried; residence, 1851, Pittsford. 1149 iii Daniel Chaffee, born October 8, 1798; died October 20, 1798. 1150 iv Huldah Chaffee, born July 16, 1800; died July 3, 1804. + 1151 v Huldah Chaffee, born October 15, 1804; married Atwood. + 1152 vi Daniel Chaffee, born July 14, 1811; married Miranda Haven. 428 Rebecca « Chaffee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., June 8, 1770, and died after 1841. She married. May 7, 1789, Thomas Sweetings Peck, son of Charles and Rachel s (Sweeting) Peck (101) (Rachel * Chaffee, Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), and they settled in Seekonk, Mass. She united with the church in 1841. SIXTH GENERATION 151 Children : 1153 i Huldah ^ Peck, born July 5, 1791 ; married Nathaniel Millard. 1154 ii James Peck, born November 9, 1792; died May 25, 1822; unmarried. 1155 iii Thomas Peck, born September 2, 1794; married Elmira Cole. 1156 iv Rebecca Peck, born January 15, 1796; married Phillip Millard. 1157 V Susannah Peck, born September 20, 1797; married Jonathan Monroe. 1158 vi Asa Peck, born February 6, 1799; married Betsy Hale. 1159 vii Ruth Peck, born December 25, 1800; died young. 1160 viii Nancy A. Peck, born May 25, 1802; married Ira Medbury. 1161 ix Daniel Peck, born November 11, 1803; died July 12, 1804. 1162 X Mary Ann Peck, born November 28, 1804; died December 4 (2), 1814. 1163 xi Hannah C. Peck, born December 20, 1806; married Robert Tripp. 1164 xii Charlotte Peck, born July 31, 1810; married Ira Mason. 1165 xiii Darius Peck, born June 19, 1812; died young. For further descendants see Peck Genealogy, by Ira C. Peck. 429 Simeon « Chaffee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, s Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 5, 1772, and died in Rutland, Vt., August 23, 1859. He married (1) in Rehoboth, Mass., March 20, 1796, Martha Morseman of Rutland, born September 30, 1772. She was a Methodist. He married (2), April 22, 1813, Mrs. Fanny (Pearson) Thornton, born January 11, 1782, died October 20, 1859. She had three children by her former husband, Maria, George and Triphena Thornton. In 1796 Simeon Chaffee lived in Rutland, but apparently moved soon after to Chittenden, Vt., as all but one of his children by his first wife were born there. He bought and sold land there from 1811 to 1819, about 1821 moving to Pittsford, Vt., and later back to Rutland, where he was living in 1853. He and his second wife were both members of the Congregational Church. His will made April 24, 1857, was probated October 3, 1859. He had a light com- plexion, and blue eyes. He was a farmer and died of apoplexy. Children, by first wife, all but the fourth born in Chittenden : + 1166 i Stephen 7 Chaffee, born February 27, 1797; married Melletiah Leo- nard. + 1167 ii Joel Chaffee, born July 4, 1798; married (1) Adelia Sawyer; (2) Lydia Wilbur. + 1168 iii Job Chaffee, born November 13, 1799; married (1) Susan Hall; (2) Eliza Jones. + 1169 iv Carpenter Chaffee, born September 19, 1801; married Abigail Wet- more. + 1170 V Amos Chaffee, born April 7, 1803; married (1) Maria Miller; (2) Emily Stoughton. 1171 vi Simeon Chaffee, Jr., born January 30, 1805; died in Rock Island, 111.; married Cushman, who, with two daughters, sur- vived him; between 1830 and 1840 he lived in Sharon, 111. + 1172 vii Sophronia ^ Chaffee, born April 3, 1807 ; married Frederick R. Strong. 1173 viii Salome Chaffee, born March 2, 1809; died October 8, 1828. + 1174 ix Solana Chaffee, born December 3, 1810; married (1) Samuel Meade; (2) Isaac Leonard. Children, by second wife, the first three born in Chittenden : + 1175 X Warren Chaffee, born January 13, 1814; married (1) Chloe M. Pinney; (2) Mrs. Fannie Taylor; (3) Mrs. Lucinda A. Furman. + 1176 xi Heman Chaffee, born June 18, 1816; married Mira A. Noble. 1177 xii Christopher Chaffee, born November 19, 1819; married, in 1842, Abigail Cheney and had three children; residence, 1892, Wis- consin. 152 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1178 xiii Nathaniel Chaffee, born in Pittsford, January 6, 1822; died in Mem- phis, Tenn., November, 1864; mimarried; Uved in Pittsford, later in Rutland ; graduated from the Medical College in Castle- ton, Vt., in 1853 and from 1853 to July, 1855, practiced medi- cine in Troy, N. Y., then went to Paris, France, to continue his medical studies; returned in October, 1856, to Troy, where he remained a short time, then moved to Holly Springs, Miss., practicing there until the fall of 1864, when he moved to Mem- phis, dying shortly after his arrival there. 1179 xiv A daughter, born January 1, 1824; died February 21, 1824. + 1180 XV Susanna Chaffee, born January 26, 1825; married Alden J. Pinney. 430 Ezra « Chaffee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., October 29, 1773, and died in Seekonk, Mass, (formerly Rehoboth), November 1, 1849. He married in Rehoboth, May 13, 1804, Patience Brown of that place, who died December 26, 1854, and was buried in East Providence, R. I. He lived in 1807 in Rehoboth, where he owned land and later in that part of the town which in 1812 was made a separate town under the name of Seekonk. He was a cabinet-maker and a member of the Seekonk Con- gregational Church. He had a fair complexion, and blue eyes. Children : + 1181 i Bosworth ^ Chaffee, born April 10, 1805; married (1) Lydia H. Martin; (2) Henrietta L. . 1183 ii Nathaniel Chaffee, born August 12, 1806. 1184 iii Harman Chaffee, born January 13, 1809; died September 11, 1836; unmarried. 1185 iv Ezra Chaffee, Jr., born September 28, 1811; died; unmarried. 1186 V Anna Bosworth Chaffee, born in Seekonk, August 9, 1817. 431 Aaron ^ Chaffee (Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., July 25, 1775, and died in November, 1855, He married Lydia, daughter of Nathaniel French of Rehoboth. He was a "yeoman," and by trade a blacksmith. In 1805 he lived in Rehoboth, where he owned land. He was a church member. He and his wife are buried in East Providence, R. I. Children, the first four born in Rehoboth: + 1187 i Ira ^ Chaffee, born March 12, 1803; married Julia Mason. 1188 ii Harvey Chaffee, born December 19, 1804; died. 1189 iii Lydia Chaffee, born November 9, 1807; died, 1190 iv Aaron Chaffee, Jr., born May 26, 1809, 1191 V Huldah Chaffee, born January 3, 1812. 434 Ezra « Chaffee (John,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ') was born in Newport, R. I., December 15, 1764, and died in Batavia, November 26, 1800. He married, February 19, 1795, Deborah Hathaway. Both were of New Bedford, Mass., at the time of their marriage. She died October 16, 1798, aged thirty years, and both were buried in Acushnet cemetery, Acushnet, Mass. October 7, 1797, Ezra Chaffee, mariner of New Bedford, sold to Brownell Ormsby, mariner of the same place, sixty-eight rods of land and buildings and two other small lots there for $850, and January 12, 1799, he sold to Jabez Hathaway, boat- builder, of New Bedford, land there and one-sixth part of a dwelling house formerly belonging to the estate of Samuel Thrasher, for $30. June 27th of the same year, he sold to Isaac Terry, blacksmith, of New Bedford, land there for $60. Ezra SIXTH GENERATION 153 Chaffee was a sea-captain. In 1801 his father, John Chaffe, was appointed in New Bedford administrator of his estate. Children : + 1192 i Ezra ^ Chaffee, Jr., born about 1796; married Nancy A. Lovett. 1193 ii John Chaffee, born about 1797; died October 21, 1802, aged five years; buried in Acushnet Cemetery. 436 Stephen ^ Chaffee (Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., October 10, 1765, and died after 1812. He married in Rehoboth, Mass., February 25, 1789, Chloe, daughter of Comfort Pearce. Febru- ary 19, 1791, she made a division of her father's estate, his land in Rehoboth and Buttonwoods being valued at £18, 9s. 7d. March 14, 1793, Stephen Chaffee and wife Chloe sold for £4, lis. 6d., land set off from the estate of her father. On December 31st of the same year they sold five acres, ninety-two rods in Rehoboth for £14, lis. 7d. March 18, 1794, they sold to Aaron and Nathaniel Pearce, Jr., forty-eight acres, eighteen rods of land in Rehoboth for £187, 6s. 9d. This was their home. On April 10th of the same year Stephen Chafey "yeoman" being then a resident still of Rehoboth, bought of Hugh Montgomery of Londonderry, Vt., ninety-three acres of land in that place. He probably moved there shortly after. He was a resident of Londonderry, December 11, 1797, when he and his wife sold to his brother Jonathan for $175, twenty-five acres of land there. Between this date and 1812 there are many purchases and sales of land recorded in his name. It is said that he kept a store in Londonderry and that about 1805, while trying to extinguish a fire which threatened its destruction, he was injured and never quite recovered. He was a merchant and farmer. His wife is said to have been a good Christian woman and to have taught her children the Biblical truths. Children : + 1194 i Allen ^ Chaffee, born about 1790; married Eliza Bryant. + 1195 ii Stephen Chaffee, Jr., born in 1791; married Deborah Usher. + 1196 iii Sanford Chaffee, born January 27, 1793; married (1) Sarah Chase; (2) Mary A. Otterson. 1197 iv Betsey Chaffee, born in 1795; died February 10, 1882; married, No- vember 5, 1812, by Elder Wight of Bristol, R. I., to Abel Max- field of Warren, R. I., and had children; residence, 1832 and 1859, Warren. 437 Jonathan « Chaffee (Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 18, 1768, and died. He married there, April 13, 1795, Polly Horton. On December 11, 1797, he bought of his brother Stephen "Chafey" and wife Chloe of Londonderry, Vt., twenty-five acres of land there for $175. At that time he lived in Rehoboth. He also bought other pieces of property in Londonderry, of which he and his wife sold a part later. March 9, 1804, finds him a resident of Rupert, Vt. From 1803 to 1827 he bought various pieces of land in Dorset, Vt., and from 1805 to 1827 he resided there. On Sep- tember 11, 1827, he bought fifty acres of land, with a house and barn on it, in Wilmington, Vt., and on January 20, 1835, he sold this property to Ira Adams. He was a mechanic. Children, born in Londonderry: 1198 i Polly 7 Chaffee, born August 1. 1796: died. 154 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1199 ii Jonathan Chaffee, Jr., born January 17, 1799; died before October 28, 1857; married, March 2, 1846, Priscilla, daughter of Edmund Ingalls of Londonderry, where she was born; she died October 28, 1857, of consumption, aged fifty-eight years and six months; she gave her homestead to the town of Londonderry, which was to support her during her hfe, after her death the property passing to the London- derry Congregational Church, of which she was a member; Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee lived in Londonderry; no children. 444 Martin e Chaffee (Noah,^ Nathaniel,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., June 4, 1781, and died in Thompson, Conn., De- cember 9, 1839. He married in Pomfret, Conn., March 6, 1807, Lucy B., daughter of Josiah Underwood of that place. She died June 1, 1852. Both were buried in Quassett Cemetery, South Woodstock, Conn. He served as a Private in the War of 1812, being stationed in New London, Conn., in Captain Samuel Dresser's com- pany, from June 21 to June 28, 1813. Children : 1200 i Eliza ^ Underwood ChafTee, born in Pomfret, in 1807; died. 1201 ii George Chaffee, born in 1809 (?). + 1202 iii Lucy B. Chaffee, born in 1812; married David B. Perry. + 1203 iv Wilham Henry Chaffee, born September 10, 1813; married Charlotte E. Whipple. + 1204 v Orrin Chaffee, born June 3, 1814; married A. Shipley. + 1205 vi Luther Chaffee, born in 1816; married Winne. 1206 vii Maria Chaffee, born in 1818; died in 1839. 1207 viii Susan Chaffee, born in 1824; died in 1829. 1208 ix John Underwood Chaffee, born in 1829; residence, 1884, California, where he had a ranch and was interested in mining claims; he lost the sight of one eye in boyliood. 445 William 8 ChafEee (Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., October 8, 1782, and died about 1814, He married Lucy Vose and moved to Pennsylvania from Connecticut about 1805. He was a farmer. Lucy (Vose) Chaffee married (2) Asa Bramhall, by whom she had no children. Children : + 1209 i William 7 Banfield Chaffee, born May 22, 1807; married (1) Betsy Ellis; (2) Jane Carnes. + 1210 ii Amos Wells Chaffee, born October 6, 1810; married Bethiah C. Bab- cock. 1211 iii Laura Chaffee, born in Luzerne County, Pa.; married Thomas Kenyon of Oswayo, Pa. 448 Else 8 Chaffee (Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., July 25, 1789, and died in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Sep- tember 17, 1877. She married Henry Marchfield Chapin, a machinist, born in 1788, died in Watervliet, N. Y., in 1826. She was a member of the Dutch Re- formed Church and was buried in Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Children : 1212 i Elsie Maria ' Chapin, born June 18, 1811 ; died Jime 30, 1875; married Henry H. Parsons. 1213 ii Henry Dearborn Chapin, born in 1813; died in 1815. 1214 iii Susan Chapin, born in 1815; married Daniel Baker. + 1215 iv Henry Marshfield Chapin, Jr., born in 1818; married Nancy Dear- stine. SIXTH GENERATION 155 1216 V James Hale Chapin, born November 29, 1825; married Sarah Jane Fairbanks. 449 Reubens Chaffee (Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Pomfret, Conn., February 1, 1792, and died in East Hartford, Conn., September 6, 1849. He married in Willington, Conn., April 10, 1817, Hannah, daughter of David Heath of that place. She died September 9, 1874, and was buried in East Hartford. Reuben Chaffee served in the War of 1812, as Lieutenant of a company formed in Ashford, Conn. He joined the Presbyterian Church at the age of twenty-eight. His wife was also a member of this church but later became a Baptist. He had a fair complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, eight and one-half inches, in height. He was a tanner and shoemaker, at which trade he served an apprenticeship of seven years. He lived in Ashford for over twenty years after his marriage and later in East Hartford. Children, born in Ashford : 1217 i John Heath 7 ChafTee, born February 11, 1818; died April 25, 1884; married in East Hartford, November 6, 1839, Julia Ann, daughter of Allen Brewer of that place; no children; residence, 1883, Hart- ford ; he was a stone dealer. 1218 ii Abigail Sophronia Chaffee, born April 24, 1819; died December 19, 1873; married in Ashford, May 6, 1840, Rufus Pearl. + 1219 iii Origen William Chaffee, born January 22, 1845; married Louise H, Hunger. 1220 iv Hannah Eliza ChafTee, born April 6, 1828; married Charles Bailey and had two children, one of whom died before 1883. + 1221 v Henry Reuben Chaffee, born August 10, 1830; married Lucy A. Andrews. 1222 vi Andrew Burt Chaffee, born July 27, 1837; a manufacturer of machin- ists' tools; has a fair complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height; residence, 1891, Newark, N. J.; unmarried. 452 John « ChaSee (William, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., May 23, 1764, and died in Fayston, Vt., in January, 1858. He married in Williamstown, Vt., about 1804, Patty, daughter of Ananias Tubbs, a Revolutionary soldier. She was a member of the ]\Icthodist church. Both were buried in North Fayston, Vt. July 12, 1791, John Chaffee bought land in Wil- liamstown, Vt., and in 1794 he bought one hundred acres more there. He was living in Williamstown at the time of his marriage and moved from there between 1816 and 1820. John Chaffee served in the War of 1812 and was wounded in the leg. He was a farmer, and had a light complexion, light blue eyes, and a height of six feet. Children, the first five born in WilliamstowTi, the last two in Northfield, Vt. : + 1223 i Hannah 7 Chaffee, born October 12, 1807; married Arba Durkee. + 1224 ii Laura ChafYee, born June 26, 1809; married Christopher C. Ormsbee. 1225 iii George Chaffee, born April 30, 1811; died in Roxbury, Vt., married Roxana Dutton. 1226 iv Julia Ann Chaffee, a twin, born April 30, 1811; died in Warren, Vt.; married Willis Grant. + 1227 V William Hill Chaffee, born April 23, 1816; married Sophronia D. Brigham. 156 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 1228 1229 vi John Chaffee, born July 17, 1820; married Eusebia M. Brigham. vii Charles Chaffee, died in Lowell, Mass. 453 Josiah « Chaffee (William,^ Dan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., July 12, 1766, and died in North Lawrence, N. Y., May 24, 1856. He married in Williamstown, Vt., in 1792, Silenda Gould of Westmin- ster, Vt., born May 11, 1770, died in Roxbury, Vt., March 23, 1838, and was buried there. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Josiah Chaffee's great-aunt, Miriam Chaffe (42), died in 1787, leaving him all her property. July 12, 1791, he bought land in Williamstown. April 14, 1792, Josiah Chaffee, "yeoman," of Cumberland, R. I., sold to Braddock Chaffee, "yeoman," of Rehoboth, two acres of land in that place adjoining the home land of said Braddock, for £10, 10s. On April 16th of the sahie year he sold to Amos Reed of Reho- both, one-half an acre of land in that place for £2, 12s. November 15, 1794, he bought one hundred acres more in Williamstown, where he was living at the time of his marriage. He was elected a Hayward of Williamstown, March 3, 1795. He afterward lived in Roxbury and in Stockholm, N. Y. Josiah Chaffee fought in the War of 1812. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, ten inches in height, and of a jovial disposition. He was a basket maker by trade and was a member of the Universalist Church. Children, born in Williamstown : + 1230 i Anson ^ Chaffee, born July 3, 1795; married Eunice Flint. + 1231 ii Amy Chaffee, born August 12, 1796; married Daniel Fhnt. 1232 iii Parmelia Chaffee, born August 7, 1798; died in Roxbury in 1817; married Joel Richardson. + 1233 iv Warren Chaffee, born May 4, 1800; married (1) Mary Woodward; (2) Abigail Woodward. + 1234 V Emily Chaffee, born February 10, 1805; married William Ditty. + 1235 vi Oliver Chaffee, born September 9, 1806; married Abigail Flint. + 1236 vii Joel Chaffee, born February 26, 1810; married Mrs. Abigail (Fhnt) Chaffee. + 1237 viii John Chaffee, born September 1, 1812; married (1) Lucy Flint; (2) Lucy E. Hardy. 455 William 6 Chaffee, Jr. (William,5 Dan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 6, 1772, and died in Pawtucket, R. I., in March, 1855. He married (1) January 8, 1797, Elizabeth Green, (2) in Seekonk, Mass., October 30, 1814, Sarah, daughter of Ezra and Lucy (Eldred) Sweet of North Kingston, R. I. In June, 1797, William Chaffee, Jr., went to Williamstown, Vt., where he bought one hundred acres of land from his father for £30. Later he moved to Pawtucket, where he joined the First Baptist Church. He had a light complexion, light blue eyes, and was of medium height. He was a carriage maker and later a card clothier. Children, by first wife, born in Williamstown : + 1238 i James Warner ^ Chaffee, born June 15, 1798; married Ophelia C. Longhead. + 1239 ii Samuel Chaffee, born September 27, ISOO; married Mrs. Sarah A. (Jenks) Potter. 1240 iii Arnold Chaffee, born January 29, 1807; died in Boston, Mass.; un- married. 1241 iv Eliza Chaffee, born May 19, 1810; married in Providence, R. I., Ralph Mowry; lived in Providence. SIXTH GENERATION 157 Children, by second wife, tlie first two born in Seekonk: 1242 V Sarah Ann Jenks Chaffee, born April 29, 1817; died in 1848; un- married. + 1243 vi Olive Jenks Chaffee, born April 14, 1820; married Thomas S. Glasby. 1244 vii William Thomas Chaffee, born in 1824; went to Denver, Colo. 1245 viii John Chaffee, died in infancy. 458 Mary ^ Chafie (Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., and died. She married there, February 22, 1789, James," son of Jonathan,^ Jr., and Sarah (Daggett) Paine (Jonathan * Paine (27), Dorothy 3 ChafTe, Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1). He was born April 23, 1764. Children : 1246 i James ^ Paine, Jr., born June 14, 1790; died. 1247 ii Susanna Paine, born June 9, 1792; died. 1 459 Jonathan ^ Chafiee, Jr. (Jonathan, s Dan,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 16, 1769, and died November 15, 1811. He was married in Rehoboth, May 6, 1792, by Shubael Peck, Esq., to Lephe, daughter of Thomas and Dorothy (Bosworth) Carpenter of that place. She was born in Rehoboth, October 15, 1771, and died July 25, 1845. Both husband and wife were buried in the old burying-ground in Rehoboth (now in Rumford Village, East Providence, R. I). She was tall and slender, with dark hair and gray eyes; she was a member of the Episcopal Church, which she joined when about fifteen. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height. He was a farmer, and sold land in Rehoboth in 1807. Children, born in Rehoboth: 1248 i Polly ^ Chaffee, died in Seekonk; was married there, December 6, 1812, by Reverend John Hill, to Joseph West, Jr. ; both were of Seekonk, where they lived and died; she united with the Baptist church at the age of twenty-seven; had a light complexion and gray eyes; buried in old Rehoboth burying-ground, at that time in Seekonk, now in Rumford Village, East Providence. -M249 ii Caleb Chaffee, born April 3, 1794; married (1) Lephe P. Ormsbee; (2) Pamelia A. Allen. -f 1250 iii Lydia Chaffee, born February 18, 1796; married William P. Ormsbee. 1251 iv Willard Chaffee, born June 13, 1798; died in Seekonk, September 27, 1821, and was buried there; unmarried; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was quite tall. 1252 v Jonathan Chaffee, Jr., born August 10, 1800; died in Seekonk, Sep- tember 23, 1819, and was buried there; unmarried; had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was tall. + 1253 vi Asaph Carpenter Chaffee, born August 22, 1804; married (1) Jane P. Hunt; (2) Emehne R. Pierce. 460 Oliver « Chaffee (Jonathan,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 30, 1771, and died in Lyndon, Vt., February 15, 1852. He was married, November 19, 1798, by Elder Jonathan Chaffee, to Prudence Armington, born August 15, 1778, died June 26, 1872. Their intention of marriage was dated October 7, 1797. She was probably a granddaughter of Hannah (Chaffee) Armington (40). Both were members of the Methodist Church, and were buried in Lyndon. October 9, 1791, Oliver Chaffee bought of Cornelius Lynde for £12, forty-four acres of land in Williamstown, Vt., and in 1801 he and his wife moved from Reho- 158 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY both to Lyndon, where they Hved and died. He had a hght complexion, light blue eyes, and was of medium height. He was a farmer. Children : 1254 i Phoebe 7 Chaffee, born August 27, 1809; married, l^ebruary 1, 1837, James K. Remich of Passumpsic, Vt., where in 1887 they lived. 1255 ii Hollis Chaffee, born May 28, 1811; died in Stafford, Conn., April 15, 1839; married, August 30, 1837, Tamzen S. Huse; had a child; he was a Universalist minister in Williamstown, Mass. + 1256 iii Sophronia Chaffee, born May 4, 1813; married Alanson Shorey. + 1257 iv Loren Chaffee, born January 12, 1815; married Lucy A. Richardson. 1258 V John Chaffee, born April 5, 1819; died June 18, 1838. 1258a vi Mary Chaffee, born July 19, 1821; died March 15, 1851; married, No- vember 23, 1842, Nelson Roberts. 462 Abel « ChafiEee (Jonathan,5 Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., September 9, 1776, and died in Seekonk, Mass., June 28, 1854. He married in Rehoboth, August 23, 1807, Sally, daughter of Asa Bowen of Providence, R. I. She died in Seekonk, June 26, 1878, aged ninety years, and was buried in the old cemetery in Rumford Village, East Providence, R. I., formerly in Seekonk, and before that in old Rehoboth. Abel Chaffee was a mason and sold land in Rehoboth in 1809. He lived in See- konk, which was set off from Rehoboth in 1812. He united with the First Baptist Church of East Providence, April 27, 1842. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was nearly six feet in height. Children, born in Seekonk: + 1259 i Elsie Bowen ^ Chaffee, born May 27, 1808; married Horton. 1260 ii Mary Chaffee, born April 19, 1810; died May 7, 1856; married in Re- hoboth, September 23, 1852, Jonathan, son of John and Phebe Sweet, a widower of Rehoboth, born about 1784; she united with the First Baptist Church of East Providence, July 25, 1840. + 1261 iii Jonathan Bowen Chaffee, born March 8, 1812; married Margaret C. Stevens. + 1262 iv Asa Chaffee, born August 28, 1816; married (1) Betsey A. Medbury; (2) Mary A. Congdon; (3) Nancy W. Martin. 470 Asa 8 OhafEee (Braddock,^ Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., May 20, 1794, and died before April 2, 1836. He married in Clarendon, Vt., September 20, 1832, Mrs. Almira M. Colvin, who was made administratrix of his estate in Clarendon, April 2, 1836. About 1837 she married (3) Post. Child: 1263 i Luthera 7 Chaffee. 478 Hannah Butterworth ^ Chaffee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., October 14, 1810, and died in Seekonk, Mass., March 2, 1850. She was married there, November 28, 1837, by Reverend John Allen, to Lewis, son of Preserved and Betsey (Davis) Pierce. He was born June 15, 1813, and after Hannah's death married (2) Lucy Marchant, (3) Caroline Kent. He lived in Pawtucket, R. I. Children : 1264 i Emily ' Pierce, bom October 3, 1838; died July 13, 1839. 1265 ii Lewis Pierce, Jr., born September 7, 1839; died September 13, 1839. SIXTH GENERATION 159 1266 iii Adelaide Pierce, born December 26, 1840; residence, Pawtucket. 1267 iv Hannah Pierce, born September 22, 1842; died in October, 1842. 1268 V Edward Pierce, born December 11, 1844; died September 1, 1879. 1269 vi Susan M. Pierce, born September 18, 1846; died March 12, 1871. 1270 vii Lewis Pierce, Jr., born February 24, 1850; died March 9, 1850. For further descendants see Pierce Genealogy. 479 Samuel® ChafEee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., April 20, 1812, and died there July 7, 1874. He married in Seekonk, November 24, 1839, Rebekah Talbot, daughter of Thomas Peirce of that place, a Revolutionary soldier, a descendant of Thomas Pierce, who settled in Connecticut about 1640, and also a great-niece of Silas Talbot, who served during the Revolution in the Battle of Bunker Hill, was afterward the first commander of the frigate Constitution and was called by the British "the arch traitor of New England." He was buried in Trinity Churchyard, New York City. Rebekah (Peirce) Chaffee died in Providence, R. I., January 21, 1899. Samuel Chaffee was a farmer. Children, born in Seekonk: 1271 i Ruth Ann ^ Chaffee, born October 29, 1844; died April 9, 1845. 1272 ii Jane Helen Chaffee, born April 26, 1847; died in Grand Rapids, Mich., July 14, 1902; married in Seekonk, November 28, 1867, by Reverend David H. Ela, to Moses Almy AWrich of Providence, R. I., born in Smithfield, R. I. 1273 iii Samuel Roscoe Chaffee, born September 21, 1850; married in Swansea, Mass., July 24, 1878, Mary Maria, daughter of Edward Mason and Mary (Gardner) Thurston of that place; she was born February 9, 1858; Mr. Chaffee was educated in the district schools of Seekonk and left home when fourteen to become a clerk in the shoe store of Allen J. Brown of Providence, remaining there until the death of his employer in 1877, when he bought out the business; not being successful, he sold the store in the fall of 1881 and began his career as an artist, a calling for which he seems to have always possessed a natural talent; after many of the usual trials and struggles, his work secured a standing among the picture lovers and dealers in the country, and finally attained to a well deserved prominence. His name is well known in the art stores of this country, and his work has the merit of being pleasing and truthful, and may best be judged by the fact that it is always in demand; he works entirely in water color, and depicts quiet bits of old New England; Mr, Chaffee has always taken a deep interest in all matters connected with his family history, and being born so near the homes of the early generations of the Chaffee family, has become an authority regarding the traditions and old landmarks of the family; he has in his possession many valuable old documents relating to the family, and Hunt's Cemetery in East Providence (at one time a part of Rehoboth), where many Chaffee descendants are buried, is under his control; it is Mr. Chaffee's intention to erect in this burial-ground, a tablet to the memory of Thomas Chaffee, the Emigrant; Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee have no children; they live m Providence, where Mr. Chaffee has a studio. 1274 iv Emma Talbot Chaffee, born August 2, 1857. 480 Cyrus s Chaffee (Samuel Butterworth,5 Ephraim,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,* Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., January 18, 1814, and died there, De- cember 9, 1885. He married in Seekonk, September 28, 1848, Amanda M., 160 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY daughter of Seth Miller of that place. They lived in Seekonk, where he was a farmer. Children, born in Seekonk: 1275 i Leland F.^ Chaffee, born July 18, 1850; died October 20, 1850. 1275a ii Amanda M. Chaffee, born July 19, 1851 ; married, June 1, 1873, Chase W Ormsbee of Seekonk, born in 1850; residence in 1883, East Providence, R. I. 1276 iii Isadore A. Chaffee, born April 14, 1854; died in Seekonk, October 12, 1854. + 1277 iv Cyrus Herbert Chaffee, born August 26, 1855; married Ellen N. Cornell. + 1278 V Frederick E. Chaffee, born January 19, 1857; married Emma L. Shorey. 1279 vi Sarah W. Chaffee, born April 11, 1859; married in Seekonk, November 25, 1880, Julian F., son of Charles H. and Louisa M. Reynolds of Rehoboth, Mass., where he was born about 1855; residence, 1883, Rehoboth. 1280 vii Isadore A, ChafTee, born October 17, 1860; married in Seekonk, June 1, 1886, William H. Sherman of Providence, R. I., born in Cranston, R. I., in 1861. 483 William « OhafEee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Ephraim,^ Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., April 25, 1820, and died there. May 5, 1888. He married (1), September 1, 1841, Sarah W., daughter of Seth and Amanda Miller of Seekonk. She died September 8, 1857, aged thirty- three years, seven months and six days. He was married (2), September 6, 1859, by Reverend Water- man Pierce, to Mary Ann Lord of Providence, R. I., born in New Hampshire about 1821. William Chaffee lived in Seekonk all his life. Children, by first wife, born in Seekonk : 1281 i Warren L.'' Chaffee, born about 1843; enlisted for nine months as Private, Company C, 47th Mass. Volunteer Infantry at the age of nineteen, mustered in September 23, 1862, discharged Sep- tember 1, 1863; re-enlisted in the 18th Unattached Company, Mass. Volunteer Infantry, August 6, 1864, for one hundred days, discharged November 14, 1864; residence at the time of both enlistments and in 1893, Seekonk. + 1282 ii Almont L. Chaffee, born about 1845 or 1846; married (1) Sarah A. Sweet; (2) Mrs. Lydia A. (Barton) Short. 1283 iii Linley M. Chaffee, drowned when young. + 1284 iv William R. Chaffee, born July 2, 1850; married Angehne Ormsbee. 1285 V Bradford L. Chaffee, born July 18, 1853; died in Seekonk, December 21, 1860. 1286 vi Frederick May Chaffee, born November 21, 1855; died in Seekonk, September 14, 1856. Child, by second wife: 1287 vii Jane L. Chaffee, born in Seekonk, September 14, 1861 ; died in infancy. 486 Noah e ChafEee (Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., and died in South Warren, Pa., April 30, 1869. He was married in Attleboro, Mass., March 25, 1802, by Reverend John Wilder, to Catherine, daughter of Ebenezer Draper of that place. She was born January 14, 1780, died March 28, 1866, and was buried in Orwell, Pa. Noah Chaffee served in the War of 1812, enlisting in Rehoboth in Captain Loring Cushing's company, Lieutenant-Colonel Valentine's regiment. He served in Boston SIXTH GENERATION 161 from September 10 to October 30, 1814. He went to Warren, Bradford County, Pa., in 1821, where he owned land and was still living in 1828. He later lived in Orwell in the same county. He was five feet, nine inches in height, and was by trade a blacksmith. Children : + 1288 i Orvilla^ Chaffee, born July 23, 1802; married (1) Amy A. Lyon; (2) Mrs. Lavinia (or Lovania) (Chaffee) Tyrrell (2796). 1289 ii Anna t)raper Chaffee, born in Rehoboth, November 17, 1804; died in Orwell, March 27, 1891; married (1) Samuel McCreary, a farmer; (2) Lyman Hines; residence, 1884, Warren. + 1290 iii Samuel Butterworth Chaffee, born November 29, 1808; married (1) Maria Buffington; (2) Betsey L. Pendleton. 1291 iv Noah Lephrelet Chaffee, born April 4, 1811; died young. 1292 v Draper Chaffee, born November 25, 1814; died young. + 1293 vi Catherine C. Chaffee, born April 5, 1816; married Albert A. Prince. + 1294 vii Albert Chaffee, born June 13, 1818; married Julia A. Ward. + 1295 viii Almira Chaffee, born October 16, 1823; married H. John Chubbuck. + 1296 ix Elsa Chaffee, born February 12, 1826; married Job Depew. 493 Abner " ChafEe (David,^ David,^ David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., August 3, 1762, and died there, December 26, 1816. He mar- ried in Ashford, November 9, 1790, Judith, daughter of William Walker of that place. She was born May 17, 1769, and died July 5, 1854, Both were buried in Ashford, she in the Swamp burial-ground, he in the old cemetery where his tomb- stone reads as follows : "Deacon Abner Chaffee Died December 26th 1816 aged 54 Ye loving friends look on this stone. Remember what grim death has done Remember that your lot must be To meet with death and follow me." Both were members of the Congregational Church in Ashford, and Abner Chaffe was for several years a Deacon. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He was a farmer, and lived in that part of Ashford known as Westford. Children, born in Ashford : + 1297 i Amy 7 Chaffe, born August 7, 1791 ; married Abner Whiton. + 1298 ii Hannah Chaffe, born November 30, 1792; married Joseph Snell. + 1299 iii Anna Chaffe, born October 18, 1794; married Reuben Robinson. + 1300 iv Ebenezer Chaffe, born November 29, 1796; married Hannah Smith. + 1301 V Lois Chaffe, born September 24, 1798; married Phihp Corbin. + 1302 vi William Chaffe, born April 22, 1801 ; married Abigail Thayer. 494 Lois 6 ChafEee (David,5 David,* David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., January 16, 1765, and died in Granby, N. Y., September 29, 1849. She married Stephen Wilcox. Child: 1303 i David ^ Wilcox, born in Ashford, October 20, 1797 ; died ; married, January 6, 1822, Sally Starr, born December 19, 1802, died November 7, 1849; they lived in Onondaga, N. Y., until 1834, then moved to Oswego Falls, N. Y. 495 Esther e ChafEe (David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,- Thomas i) was born 162 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in Ashford, Conn., November 5, 1767, and died in Onondaga, N. Y., May 15, 1838. She married Oliver Cummings. Children : 1304 i Elvira ^ Cummings, married Walton. 1305 ii Dan Cummings, married Julia Ann House. 1306 iii Cyrus Cummings, married Polly David. 1307 iv Lucia Cummings. 1308 V Abigail Cummings, married Phineas Converse. 1309 vi Albert Yolney Cummings, married Emily Brown. 1310 vii Andrew J. Cummings, married Emeline Herrick. 1311 viii Charles Cummings, married Chloe Nodine. 496 David « Chaffee, Jr. (David,^ David,'' David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., July 25, 1772, and died in Navarino, N. Y., September 18, 1847. He married in Marcellus, N. Y., November 28, 1800, Eunice, daughter of Joseph Chapman of Ashford, later of Marcellus. She was born June 2, 1780, died July 11, 1831, and was buried in Navarino. In 1797 David Chaffee moved to Navarino and in the midst of the forest built a log house, the roof covered with ash bark and floored with halves of logs. All but the youngest of his children were born here and rocked in a cradle made of a hollowed log. He was a farmer, carpenter, school teacher, miller, and for several years Justice of the Peace. He helped to build the Baptist church, and owned a grist mill run by water power. As he grew older he never forgot the influence of the church and school, claiming them to be good moral agents. He was im- pulsive, but kind and of a very jovial, sociable disposition. Children, born in Navarino: + 1312 i Louisa ^ Chaffee, born August 10, 1801 ; married Isaac P. Wood. + 1313 ii Ralph Chaffee, born April 12, 1803; married Anna Wetherbee. + 1314 iii David Chaffee, Jr., born February 16, 1805; married Betsey Ken- yon. + 1315 iv Abner Chaffee, born June 7, 1806; married Julia A. Hurlburt. + 1316 V Comfort Tyler Chaffee, born February 18, 1808; married Ruby Hall. + 1317 vi Guy Chaffee, born November 3, 1809; married Almira Chapman. + 1318 vii George Chaffee, born August 16, 1811; married Lucinda Kenyon. + 1319 viii William Harrison Chaffee, born April 6, 1813; married Harriet Cross. + 1320 ix Eunice Chaffee, born January 9, 1815; married Lewis G. Sprague. + 1321 X Joshua Chaffee, born July 27, 1817; married Susan C. Amidon. 1322 xi Polly Chaffee, born March 12, 1820; died in the railroad station in Coventry, Conn., January 12, 1878; unmarried; buried in Spring Hill, Conn.; a very bright woman. 497 Amos ^ Chaffee (David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., June 2, 1774, and died in Westford, Ashford Township, Conn., January 27, 1850. He married there, December 26, 1798, Eunice, daughter of Joseph Cummings of Woodstock, Conn. She died in Westford, October 9, 1849. Both are buried in the Swamp burying-ground in Ashford. May 29, 1825, both were admitted to the Westford Congregational Church, in which Amos Chaffee held various offices. Eunice (Cummings) Chaffee in her youth walked every Sunday seven miles to the Ashford church, where she regularly attended two services a day. Amos Chaffee lived all his life in that part of Ashford known as Westford. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, seven or eight inches in height. He was a farmer. CHILDREN OF DxWID CHAFFEE. FARMER AND CARPENTER. Born in Connecticut, J11I3' 25, 1772. Died at Navarino. Onondaga County, New York, September iS, 1S47. Married Eunice Chapman at Tyler Hollow. Onondaga County, New York 1800. . C CO .>. w ^r = ffi Q J= C C CD 5 2:"c - :2a SIXTH GENERATION 163 Children, born in West ford: 1323 i Sophronia i Chaffee, born in 1799; died in 1801. 1324 ii Amanda Chaffee, born in 1801; died in 1882; married Chauncey Horton; residence, 1861, Stockbridge, N. Y. 1325 iii Erastus Chaffee, born in 1803; died in Kossuth County, la., September 17, 1888; married Ehzabeth M. Coffin; lived in Lysander, N. Y., in 1835, when he bought land there and in 1861; residence, 1883, Iowa; he was a noble and large-hearted man, always ready to assist a neighbor in need; had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. 1326 iv Hiram Chaffee, born in 1805; died in Lysander, N. Y., March 9, 1843; married (1) Lovice ; (2) Angeline ; Hiram Chaffee and wife Angeline sold land in Lysander in 1836 and 1837; in 1841 he sold land in Granby, N. Y.; his will, probated April 25, 1843, made his widow, father and mother his heirs; had a light complexion, blue eyes, height about six feet; was a man of great general information, a good talker and of a jovial disposi- tion. 1327 V Samantha ChafTee, born in 1808; died in 1863; residence, 1861, Ash- ford. 4-1328 vi Amos Cummings ChafTee, born March 11, 1812; married Louisa Chap- man. + 1329 vii Dan Chaffee, born July 30, 1815; married Sophronia Pease. 499 Daniel ^ Chaffee (David, ^ David,^ David, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., October 10, 1779, and died in Yates, N. Y., April 21, 1864. He married in Onondaga, N. Y., Huldah, daughter of Isaiah Hall of that place. She died in Yates in 1869, and was buried there. She was a member of the Baptist church. Daniel Chaffee served as a Private in the War of 1812. He was a farmer in Onondaga, and in 1833 moved to Yates and settled on a farm where he and his wife lived the rest of their lives. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. Children : -I- 1330 i Julia ^ Chaffee, born September 19, 1808; married (1) Samuel Kenyon; (2) Benjamin Kenyon. 1331 ii Chester H. Chaffee, died in Michigan, before 1893; married Beech, who died; moved to Michigan. + 1332 iii Huldah Chaffee, born 1820; married Israel Coon. + 1333 iv Samuel C. Chaffee, married Harriet Yates. 1334 V Diana Chaffee, died in Onondaga, aged about twenty years; unmarried. 510 Cheney ^ Amidon (Patience ^ Chaffe, David,* David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., September 3, 1783, and died in South Onondaga, N. Y., February 11, 1863. He married there, February 8, 1818, Mary, daughter of Doctor Benoni Reynolds of Cambridge, N. Y. She died May 8, 1878, and was buried in South Onondaga. Cheney Amidon moved from Ashford to Onondaga in 1800, making the trip with an ox team. At the time of his marriage he lived in South Onondaga. He was a member and trustee of the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife was also a member. In politics he was always a Whig. He was an honest man in the highest sense of the word, kind and generous to all, the poor never being turned away from his door. He had a fine memory and could discuss current topics and historical questions with great facility. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and 164 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY was five feet, nine inches in height. He was a farmer and by long continued in- dustry and economy accumulated considerable property. Children : 1335 i Chloe Ann ^ Amidon, born January 14, 1819; died March 3, 1863; married Leonard Field. 1336 ii Rhoda Amidon, born March 12, 1821; died August 17, 1848; married Henry Amidon. 1337 iii Philip Van Cortlandt Amidon, born July 20, 1823; married Laura Belding. 1338 iv Eliza Cordelia Amidon, born November 2, 1825; died October 5, 1888; married John Hildreth. 1339 V Sarah Hutchings Amidon, born October 29, 1827; died June 6, 1865; married John Warner. 1340 vi Helen Mar Amidon, born November 29, 1829; married George Nichols. 1341 vii Charles Barber Amidon, born January 7, 1833; died October 3, 1834. 1342 viii Outerbridge Hersey Amidon, born November 9, 1836; married (1) Caroline Gleason; (2) Etta Stanton. 1343 ix Fanny Olivia Amidon, born April 10, 1840; married Perrin Parsons; residence, 1890, Camillus, N. Y. 1344 X Mary Elizabeth Amidon, born July 25, 1842; married Thomas Joyce. 514 William s Chafiee (Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., 1776, and died in Morristown, Vt., September 1, 1841. He married in Stowe, Vt., in 1797, Polly, daughter of Nathan Robinson of that place. She died May 21, 1860, and was buried in Stowe. She was a member of the Congregational Church. At the time of his marriage, William Chaffee lived in Stowe and later in Westminster, Lyndon and Kirby, Vt. He was a farmer, had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. Children : + 1345 i Lynds "^ Chaffee, born in 1804; married Martha Alexander. + 1346 ii Hiram Chaffee, born in 1806; married (1) Sophia Parish; (2) Clarissa Martin. + 1347 iii William Chaffee, Jr., born in 1809; married Chloe Ferren. + 1348 iv Horace Chaffee, born May 18, 1812; married Matilda Reed. + 1349 V Nathan Robinson Chaffee, born March 12, 1814; married Nancy L. Wilkins. + 1350 vi Hannah Chaffee, born 1816; married Seth Alger. 515 Atherton « Chaffee, Jr. (Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas^ was born in Westminster, Vt., November 5, 1781, and died in Barford, P. Q., Can- ada, in 1865. He married in Westminster, March 15, 1802, Olive, daughter of Sul- venas Sawtell. She was born November 23, 1780, died in 1866, and was buried in Barford. She united with the Congregational Church in Westminster, on confes- sion of faith, April 25, 1819. Atherton Chaffee served as a Private in the War of 1812. He lived in West- minster until after the birth of his children, and then moved to Canada, where he was living as early as 1834 or 1835. He was a farmer; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. Children, born in Westminster: 1351 i Almira Ann ^ Chaffee, born August 19, 1803 (1804) ; died in East Charlemont, Mass., February 21, 1879; buried in Lowell, Mass.; was a member of the Universalist Church ; lived with her brother Constant; a dressmaker and unmarried. + 1352 ii Jefferson Chaffee, born April 12, 1806; married (1) Maria Hawes; (2) Ellen Lattin. SIXTH GENERATION 165 + 1353 iii Constant Chaffee, born ]\Iay 20, 1809 ; married Huldah M. (H.) Hawes. + 1354 iv Fannie Chaffee, born February 20, 1812 (February 18, 1813); mar- ried Luther Clough. + 1355 V Lynds Damey Chaffee, born February 23, 1817 (1814); married Ehzabeth A. Davis. + 1356 vi Editha Chaffee, born in March, 1819 (April 25, 1820) ; married Marvel C. Gove. 1357 vii Sidney Sawtell Chaffee, born in April, 1823 (May 23, 1823) ; residence, 1891, Barford, on the old Chaffee homestead. 516 Lynds e Chaffee (Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Lyndon, Vt., and died in Newfane, Vt., before April 28, 1813. He married , who died in St. Albans, Vt., before him. June 1, 1808, while a resident of Westminster, Vt., he bought land in Newfane, to which place he moved. April 28, 1813, administration was granted on his estate, his daughter Anna F., a minor, being his only heir. Child: 1358 i Anna F.7 Chaffee. 517 PhCBbe e Chaffee (Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., and died in Lynn, Mass. She married in West- minster, Russell Carrol. They moved to Lynn. Children : 1359 i Phoebe 7 Carrol. 1360 ii Alvin Carrol. 1361 iii Emily Carrol. 1362 iv Joseph Carrol. 1363 V Atherton Carrol. 1364 vi Grant Carrol, died in Anderson ville Prison, during the Civil War. 1365 vii Obed Carrol, died in Andersonville Prison, during the Civil War. 1366 viii Julia Carrol. 1367 ix Almira Carrol. 1368 X Charles Carrol. 518 Rufus 6 Chaffee (Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Westminster, Vt., September 18, 1798, and died in Nelson, 0., Feb- ruary 17, 1874. He married in Crown Point, N. Y., June 9, 1822, Malinda, daugh- ter of Daniel Wilder of Vermont. She died September 18, 1867, and was buried in Troy, O. Rufus Chaffee was a farmer. He lived in Westminster in 1816, when he sold land there, and in 1834 lived in Welchfield, O. Children : 1369 i Huldah MJ Chaffee, born March 18, 1824; died in 1855. + 1370 ii Mary Jane Chaffee, born February 7, 1826; married Ketchel B. Payne. 1371 iii Betsey A. Chaffee, born August 21, 1827; died December 11, 1868. 1372 iv Francis E. Chaffee, born February 24, 1829; died March 20, 1842. 1373 V Rufus N. Chaffee, born April 17, 1830; died March 24, 1863. 1374 vi Lelon Chaffee, born May 17, 1831; died June 27, 1833. 1375 vii Elvira Mason Chaffee, born March 22, 1833. 1376 viii A child, born December 10, 1834; died January 5, 1835. + 1377 ix Jarvil Otis Chaffee, born June 6, 1836; married (1) Nancy Marcum; (2) Sarah C. Eraser. 1378 X Carrie E. Chaffee, born March 23, 1839. 619 Calvin « Chaffee (Clifford,^ Atherton,4 David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was 166 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY born in Westminster, Vt., and died there February 25, 1834. He married in Sara- toga Springs, N, Y., July 2, 1810, Elizabeth, daughter of Recompense Hall of Westminster, and sister of his brother Jesse's wife. She died in Westminster, September 2, 1845, where both were buried. Calvin Chaffee was drafted for service in the War of 1812, but sent a substitute. He lived in Saratoga at the time of his marriage, moved to Hatfield, N. Y., and later returned to Westminster. He was a chair maker and farmer, and was said to be the best mechanic in the state of Vermont. He was of a jovial disposition, had a light complexion, blue eyes, was six feet in height, and weighed one hundred and eighty pounds. Children : + 1379 i Calvin Chfford 7 Chaffee, born August 28, 1811; married (1) Clara Nourse; (2) Mrs. Irene (Sanford) Emerson. 1380 ii Phoebe Chaffee, born November 23, 1814; died in Saxton's River, Vt., November 25, 1830; was buried there. + 1381 iii Jane M. Chaffee, born June 2, 1817; married Nathan Robbins. -4- 1382 iv James Carlyle Chaffee, born October 17, 1820; married Luceba Smith, 1383 V Susan M. Chaffee, born in Hatfield, N. Y., June 25, 1823; died No- vember 24, 1852; married Lyman B. Fletcher, and had two sons and one daughter, the latter living in Athens, Vt., in 1896. 1384 vi Oliver Perry Chaffee, born July 20, 1826; died in Westminster, May 12, 1827. + 1385 vii Chester RoUa Chaffee, born March 3, 1828; married (1) Louisa S. Bunce; (2) Ellen E. Harwood. + 1386 viii Lydia Roxana Chaffee, born November 1, 1830; married Charles White. + 1387 ix Charles H. Chaffee, born August 24, 1832; married. 520 Philander e ChafEee (Clifford,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Vermont, in 1786, and died in Weymouth, O., in 1850. He married in Oswegatchie, N. Y., about 1811, Cynthia, daughter of Benjamin Nichols of that place. She was a member of the Episcopal Church and was buried in Weymouth. Mr. Chaffee was a backsmith and lived in Oswegatchie in 1812. Children : + 1388 i Ira ^ Chaffee, born July 2, 1812; married Lavinda Kimble. 1389 ii Amy Chaffee, born in 1814; died before 1893. 1390 iii Clifford Chaffee, born in 1816; died in 1868. + 1391 iv Ruth Orpha Chaffee, born in 1820; married William A. Seymour. 1392 V Cahsta Chaffee, born in 1821; died in 1849. + 1393 vi Permelia Anna Chaffee, born September 8, 1823; married John B. Allen. 1394 vii Alonzo Chaffee, residence, 1893, Allegan, Mich.' 1395 viii Philander Chaffee, born in 1833; died before 1893. 1395a ix Clark Chaffee. 524 Anna « ChafEee (Clifford,^ Atherton,^ David,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born May 8, 1793, and died December 16, 1865. She married Roberts. Child: 1396 i O. OJ Roberts, a physician; residence, 1890, Northampton, Mass. 526 Jesse Burke e Chaffee (Clifford,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., and died there. He married Susan, daughter of Recompense Hall of Westminster and sister of his brother Calvin's wife. They SIXTH GENERATION 167 lived at one time in Pennsylvania, but returned to Westminster, where they were buried. Jesse B. Chaffee was a blacksmith. Children : 1397 i Laura 7 Chaffee, married Russell Hitchcock; was a member of the Congregational Church in Westminster, where they resided until about 1850, when they moved to northern Vermont. 1398 ii George Chaffee, died in Wisconsin, about 1848 or 1850; married. + 1399 iii Josiah Hall Chaffee, born September 9, 1823; married Harriet E. Perkins. 530 Alpha e ChafEee, Jr. (Alpha,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), was born near Frankfort, N. Y., August 2, 1800, and died in St. Clair, Mich., No- vember 21, 1873. He married in Frankfort, June 3, 1823, Effie, daughter of Philip Kelch of that place. She was born in Utica, N. Y., November 22, 1804, died in St. Clair, April 28, 1891, and was buried in the Marysville Cemetery, near St. Clair. Her father, Philip Kelch, was taken prisoner during the Revolution by the Indians, who killed all his people and kept him prisoner until peace was declared, when they sold him to the French for a barrel of whiskey. Alpha Chaffee, Jr., lived in New York state until 1836, in the spring of which year he took his family to Oakland County, Mich., where they encountered many hardships incident to pioneer life. The father had to take any employment that offered itself, burning coal, farming and working in saw-mills. His wife, too, worked for the farmers' wives, at anything that offered. Food was very high, at one time butter being fifty cents a pound and flour $40 a barrel. At one time during a famine, the family lived for three days on catfish. In 1843 they moved to St. Clair, where Alpha bought eighty acres of land, the first he had ever owned, which he and his sons cleared. On this farm he and his wife lived and died. It was in 1891 the home of their youngest son, Edward A. Chaffee. Alpha had a fair com- plexion, brown hair, light blue eyes and was six feet, one inch in height. He was a Universalist. His wife joined the Methodist Church about 1883. Children : + 1400 i Alpha Rinaldo ^ Chaffee, born April 6, 1824; married Sarah Piper. 1401 ii Philip Alonzo Chaffee, born in Frankfort, N. Y., February 22, 1826; married in St. Clair, January 16, 1850, Lucinda Cordelia, daugh- ter of John Garrett Storms of that place; served as a Private for a few months in the Civil War, until exposure made him ill, when he was discharged and sent home ; moved with his parents in 1843 to St. Clair, where he was still living in 1891; he has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, five and one-half inches in height ; a farmer. 1402 iii Nancy Ann Chaffee, born April 4, 1828; married Alexander Cramer. + 1403 iv Wilder Stearns Chaffee, born May 15, 1830; married Sarah A. Lock- wood. 1404 V Mary Melissa Chaffee, born March 20, 1832; died April 21, 1866; married Lorenzo Dow Cook. 1405 vi James Melvin Chaffee, born February 18, 1834; married Mrs. Mary (Walker) Cordley ; fought during the entire Civil War; residence, 1891, Oklahoma City, Okla. 1406 vii John Atherton Chaffee, born December 31, 1835; married Jenette Miner. 1407 viii Amasa Mortimer Chaffee, born July 21, 1838; married Dolly Ann Justin ; fought three years in the Civil War and was with Sher- man on his "March to the Sea"; residence, 1891, Alpena, Mich. 168 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1408 ix Edward Augustus Chaffee, born February 7, 1841; served about two years in the Construction Corps, during the Civil War; residence, 1891, St. Clair. 1409 X Sarah Effie Chaffee, born April 2, 1843; married Augustus Niles. 1410 xi Emily Jane Chaffee, born March 31, 1846; died January 3, 1873; married Reuben Daniels. 535 Amasa 6 ChafEee (Constant,^ Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., March 30, 1786, and died in East Westmoreland, N. H., March 22, 1863. He married (1) in Gilsum, N. H., January 13, 1811, Anna, daugh- ter of David Adams of that place, who is said to have enlisted at the age of seven- teen and to have served seven years during the Revolution. She died March 13, 1815, aged twenty-nine years, and was buried in East Westmoreland. Amasa Chaffee married (2), May 26, 1817, Huldah Britton, who died September 14, 1839, aged fifty-seven. She also was buried in East Westmoreland, as was Amasa him- self. He married (3), December 17, 1840, Roxana Britton, who probably died about 1865, as her estate was settled in that year. Amasa Chaffee went with his father from Westminster to East Westmoreland in 1798, and lived all the rest of his life on the farm his father bought, and which later became his own. He was a Justice of the Peace and a member of the Uni- versalist Church. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was a little over five feet in height. He was a farmer. Children, by first wife: -M411 i Anna Lovejoy ^ Chaffee, born September 26, 1811; married Otis Amidown, 1412 ii Constant Chaffee, born October 15, 1813; died July 19, 1815; buried in East Westmoreland. 536 Otis 6 Chafiee, Jr. (Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), was born in Vermont, May 9, 1784, and died in Hastings, Mich., September 25, 1868. He married (1) Grace Whipple; (2) in Vermont, May 9, 1836, Lydia, daughter of Stephen Tuttle of that state. She died in Hastings, January 26, 1873, and is buried there. Otis Chaffe, Jr., sold land in Grafton, Vt., to Abiel Evans, August 1, 1826. He lived at one time in Rockingham, Vt. He was a carpenter. Children, by first wife : + 1413 i Solomon ^ Chaffee, born January 30, 1831; married EHza Coleman. 1414 ii Polly Chaffee, died; unmarried. Children, by second wife: + 1415 iii Lydia Chaffee, married (1) Isaac Underhill; (2) George Burton, 1416 iv Allen Chaffee, died; unmarried. 1417 V Warren Chaffee, died; unmarried. + 1418 vi Edwin Chaffee, born June 8, 1840; married. 537 Abigail e Chafiee (Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Vermont in 1788, and died in Middlesex, Vt., December 3, 1858. She married Jeremiah Leland, a farmer, born in Barre, Mass., in 1785, died in Middle- sex, April 5, 1868. He had a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and was about five feet, ten inches, in height. He lived in Charlestown, N. H., and Middlesex, where SIXTH GENERATION 169 Abigail (Chaffee) Leland was buried. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Children : 1419 i Harriet 7 Leland, born November 15, 1811; died in 1887; married William A. Nichols, and had eight children. 1420 ii George Leland, born May 15, 1813; married Czarina Daniels, and had two sons. 1421 iii James Leland, born June 4, 1815; died 1880; married Mary A. Loomis, and had four daughters. 1422 iv Catherine Leland, born November 15, 1818; died April, 1837. + 1423 V Jarville Chaffee Leland, born August 26, 1821; married Hannah Bhss. 1424 vi Otis Leland, born August 14, 1828; married Olive Chapin, and had two sons; he was named for his uncle, Otis Chaffee, Jr. 538 Lyman 8 Chaffee (Otis,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., May 1, 1790, and died in Allen, N. Y., January 26, 1880. He married in Lunenburg, Vt., November 1, 1818, Mary, daughter of Edward Whipple of that place, a dealer in marble. She died October 30, 1872. Both were buried in Angelica, N. Y. Lyman Chaffee moved to Angelica in 1801 and lived there until many years after his marriage, when he moved to Allen, a nearby town. He was a Private in the War of 1812. He and his wife were both members of the Baptist Church, he hav- ing joined at the age of thirty, and having held the office of Deacon for thirty years. He was also Assessor in this home town. He was a farmer, had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. Children, born in Angelica: 1425 i Almon Ruggles ^ Chaffee, born December 27, 1819; died in Angelica, March 23, 1841 ; unmarried; lived in Angelica. + 1426 ii Ambrose Whipple Chaffee, born January 31, 1822; married Carrie Stewart. 1427 iii Sarah Ann Chaffee, born May 16, 1824; died in Hubbardston, Mich., before 1890; married Andrew Smith. + 1428 iv Mandana Post Chaffee, born April 11, 1828; married Avery Miner. + 1429 V Mary Lorette Chaffee, born April 2, 1832; married Moses Stock- well. + 1430 vi Lyman Edward Chaffee, born December 12, 1834; married (1) Ann Seely; (2) Livonia Winship. 540 Betsey « (or Elizabeth) Chaffee (Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,* Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., June 30, 1792, and died in Leoni, Mich., October, 1870. She married in Vermont, Samuel Whipple, a farmer of that state, born there Sepember 10, 1787; died in Leoni in 1848. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He was for thirty years a Deacon in the Bap- tist Church, of which both he and his wife were members. In 1817 they moved from Vermont to Burns, N. Y., where they lived until 1835, later moving to Mich- igan. Betsey (Chaffee) Whipple was buried in Leoni. Children : 1431 i Otis Chaffee ^ Whipple, born July 7, 1814; died in October, 1870; mar- ried Jane Cady. 1432 ii John Whipple, born October 28, 1815; married Melissa Rice. 1433 iii Annette Whipple, born April 28, 1818; married in Paw Paw, Mich., 170 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY July 4, 1859, Chester Clark, a farmer of that place, born in Carlton, N. Y., April 9, 1830; she was a Baptist; he had a dark complexion and hazel eyes; was Commissioner of Highways in Jackson, Mich., where they lived from 1868 to 1891, when they were still living there. 1434 iv Edwin Bennett Whipple, born January 28, 1819; died in 1851. 1435 V Samuel Junior Whipple, born January 13, 1822; died in 1886; married Mary Lawrence. 1436 vi Chandler W. Whipple, born September 25, 1823; married Almira Schofield. 1437 vii Ory Chaffee Whipple, born September 29, 1825; died October 17, 1870; married Elizabeth Coolbaugh. 1438 viii Desdamona Whipple, born August 11, 1827; married Egbert Rice. 1439 ix Joseph Lyman Whipple, born May 25, 1829; died in 1881. 1440 X Allen Bonaparte Cicero Whipple, born October 21, 1833; married Mary Rice. 1441 xi Washington Warren Whipple, born October 24, 1837 ; married Mary Ford. 541 Warren « Chaffee (Otis,5 Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Vermont, January 22, 1797, and died in Adrian, Mich., July 27, 1863. He married (1) in Angelica, N. Y., Elizabeth, daughter of John Otto of that place. She died in 1840, and was buried in Lockport, N. Y. She and her husband were both members of the Presbyterian Church. He married (2) in 1842, Melinda Munn, who is a member of the Methodist Church. She was living in Adrian in 1891. Warren Chaffee was a farmer and was living in Lockport at the time of his marriage. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He bought land in Niagara County, N. Y., August 23, 1823, being then a resident of Cambria, N. Y. He purchased land there in 1836 and 1837. He moved west some years after his second marriage. The following inscription is on his tombstone in Quaker cemetery, Adrian : "Warren Chaffee Died July 27, 1863 Aged 66 years, 6 months, 5 days. My sudden death proclaims aloud To you my dying friends To be prepared to meet your God When He His summons sends." Children, by first wife: 1442 i Mary Ann 7 Chaffee, born in Niagara County about 1820; died in Lockport, in 1840; married James Adair of that place, and had one daughter who also married, died, and left a daughter. + 1443 ii Jerome B. Chaffee, born April 17, 1825; married Miriam B. Corn- stock. 1444 iii Eliza Abigail Chaffee, born in Lockport, April 4, 1827; married Darius C . WiUits of that place, who died before 1891, when she was living in Adrian ; has two sons and a daughter. + 1445 iv Francis Warren Chaffee, born August 29, 1829; married Margaret C. Kellogg. + 1446 V Julia Etta Chaffee, born April 10, 1832; married Nathan S. Crane. 1447 vi Anna Chaffee, born in Lockport, May 7, 1835; died in 1863; mar- ried in Adrian, Nathan Selleck Crane, who afterward married her sister Julia E. ; had a child, who died in infancy. 1448 vii Charlotte Chaffee, born in Lockport, August 7, 1837; died in Niagara County about 1844. Two other children, died young, names unknown . SIXTH GENERATION 171 Children, by second wife: 1449 X Mary Emeline Chaffee, born in Lockport, September 4, 1842; mar- ried Giles M, Robinson. 1450 xi Elizabeth Men Chaffee, born in Lockport, December 12, 1843; married Thomas J. Howes. + 1451 xii Corwin Wallace Chaffee, born October 17, 1845; married Harriet M. Hopkins. 1452 xiii Jarvel Chaffee, born in Lockport, September 25, 1847; married Anna Belle Robinson, and had five children; residence, 1891, Adrian, on a part of the farm left by his father. 1453 xiv Estelle Chaffee, born in Lockport, September 25, 1849; married Charles Henderson. 1454 XV Adele Chaffee, born December 17, 1853; married Eber J. Robinson. 542 Warner Fay e Chaffee (Otis,5 Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Bellows Falls, Vt., or Rockingham, Vt., July 27, 1799, and died in Adrian, Mich., March 14, 1887. He married in Connecticut, Mrs. Hannah (Godell) Furgeson, born September 24, 1792. She was living in Adrian, September 24, 1892, the hundredth anniversary of her birth, when she held a reception and in the evening joined in a little dance with some of her aged friends. At that time only one of her three children was living. She then had eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Her memory was good and her senses bright, even at that advanced age. Samuel Whipple, Warner F. Chaffee's brother-in-law, was appointed his guard- ian April 11, 1818, and with him and his wife, Betsey (Chaffee) Whipple, War- ner F, lived until his marriage. In 1884 he was living in Adrian, where he was a farmer. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was nearly six feet in height. Children : 1455 i Ellen ^ Chaffee, died before 1892; married Samuel Nicholson, and had a son and daughter. + 1456 ii Oscar ^ Chaffee, married Jane Atkinson. 1457 iii Amanda Chaffee, died before 1892; married Moses Norris, and had two daughters. 543 Allen e Bennett Chaffee (Otis,5 Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Vermont in 1802, and died in Brooklyn, Minn., in 1858. He married in Michigan, Abigail, daughter of Joseph Pratt. She was a Quakeress, died in 1858, and was buried in Minnesota. They lived in Adrian, Mich., and about 1854 moved to Minnesota. Allen B. Chaffee was a farmer, had a light complexion, blue eyes and was six feet in height. Children : 1458 i Joseph Henry ^ Chaffee, died in St. Peter, Minn., about 1872. 1459 ii Amelia Onsted Chaffee, married Brown, and had children; residence, 1890, Michigan. 1460 iii Amy Bond Chaffee, died in Brooklyn, Minn., in 1850. 1461 iv Jarvis Allen Chaffee, died in St. Paul, Minn., in 1871; was buried there ; a Freemason . + 1462 V Jacob Warren Chaffee, born in ,1842; married Louisa Niggler. 1463 vi Sarah Abigail Chaffee, died in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1862. 1464 vii Mary Eliza Chaffee, residence, 1890, Livingston, Mont. 544 Ory e Chaffee (Otis,5 Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Vermont, May 23, 1807, and died in Adrian, Mich., March 11, 1872. He married 172 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in New York, August 17, 1827, Polly, daughter of Erastus Rowley. She died March 3, 1875, and was buried in Rome, Mich. They lived in New York state until about 1837, and from that time in Adrian. Cry Chaffee had a light com- plexion, blue eyes, was five feet, ten inches in height, and of a lively disposition. He was a farmer and tavern-keeper. Children : 4-1465 i Lyman 7 Chaffee, born March 9, 1829; married (1) Mary Luther; (2) Jane Wells; (3) Mahala Van Court. -1-1466 ii Mary Abigail Chaffee, born January 11, 1831; married George W. A. Luther. 1467 iii Frank ChafTee, born in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., March 25, 1833; married in Rome, Mich., February 26, 1862, Frances L., daughter of Franklin Daily of North Hero, Vt.; residence, 1891, Lansing, Mich. ; he is a machinist. 1468 iv Horace W. Chaffee, born May 21, 1835; died January 13, 1887; mar- ried Eva Maria Rossman. 1469 V George M. Chaffee, born in Clinton County, N. Y., July 21, 1837; died August 25, 1837. 1470 vi Jefferson M. Chaffee, born August 18, 1838; died August 25, 1854. 1471 vii Orient Chaffee, born January 6, 1841; died August 12, 1842. 1472 viii Wallace G. Chaffee, born May 31, 1843; married Theresa C. Knapp; residence, 1891, Leadville, Colo. 1473 ix Polly Ann Chaffee, born February 11, 1846; died August 7, 1847. 647 Hannah e Wires (Rachel s Chaffee, Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born May 22, 1799, and married Wilder Stearns. Child: 1474 i Orson G.'' Stearns, born 1835; residence, 1891, Herkimer, N. Y. 549 Samuel e Wires (Rachel ^ Chaffee, Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., September 12, 1803, and married Isabel, daughter of William Barren of Middlesex, Vt. She was buried in West Potsdam, N. Y. Both were members of the Methodist Church, in which he was a Class Leader for two years. He was a cooper, had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. Children : + 1475 i Jarville Chaffee ^ Wires, born April 9, 1826; married Harriet E. West. 1476 ii Sylvania Annetta Wires, born November 24, 1827; married James McChesney. 1477 iii Calvin Fuller Wires, born March 2, 1830; married Emily Joy. 1478 iv Perry Gomery Wires, born June 4, 1832; married Nancy Harter. 1479 V Almina Lenora Wires, born May 17, 1835; married Daniel Folts. 1480 vi Carlton Ezra Wires, born March 27, 1839. 560 Olive e Abby (Nancy s Chaffee, Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) married De Witt Fisher. Child: 1481 i A daughter,^ married William Frank. 562 Sally « Chaffee (Crean Bush,5 Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., in 1807, and died in 1835. She married Wil- liam Hatch. Children : 1482 i Mary ^ Hatch, married Porter Field; residence, 1891, Council Bluffs, la. SIXTH GENERATION 173 1483 ii Sally Hatch, married Felix Wilson; residence, 1891, Ellsworth County, Kan. 563 Ira » Chaffee (Crean Bush,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., January 1, 1809, and died in Amity, Pa., June 7, 1886. He married in Hatch Hollow, Pa., February 6, 1830, Hannah, daughter of Amos Norton of that place. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Ira Chaffee was a farmer and at the time of his marriage lived in Amity. He had a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches, in height. Children : 1484 i Ezra 7 Chaffee, born April 14, 1831; died May 28, 1869; married Alice Wetmore. 1485 ii Susan Chaffee, born July 4, 1832; married Matthias S. Rouse. 1486 iii Juliette Chaffee, born January 4, 1834; married Wells Bacon. 1487 iv Nancy Chaffee, born July 24,' 1835; married Edwin W. Hatch. 1488 V Sally Delia Chaffee, born January 11, 1837; married Martin C. Colburn. 1489 vi Porter P. Chaffee, born December 29, 1839; died January 14, 1890; married Clorinda Washburn. 1490 vii Louisa Chaffee, born November 29, 1841 ; married Hiram K. Stewart. + 1491 viii Warren Chaffee, born November 8, 1843; married Cornelia N. Pond. 1492 ix James Buchanan Chaffee, born October 16, 1845; married Cecelia Doolittle; residence, 1891, Amity. + 1493 X Horace Hill Chaffee, born October 3, 1847; married Mary F. Sparkes. 1494 xi Marietta Chaffee, born October 5, 1849; married Williard Doolittle. 1495 xii Norah Leona Chaffee, born December 4, 1851; married Lewis C. Crook. 564 Horace Hill s ChafEee (Crean Bush,5 Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., October 17, 1810, and died about 1894. He married (1) in Amity, Pa., in 1835, Louisa, daughter of Levi King of that place. She died in May, 1845, and was buried in Hatch Hollow, Pa. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He married (2) in November, 1855, Eliza L. Williams. In 1835 he lived in Amity and in 1891 was a physician in Bellevue, Neb. He united with the Baptist Church in 1834. He had a light complexion, blue eyes and was five feet, eight inches in height. Children, by first wife : + 1496 i Mary Elizabeth ^ Chaffee, born in September, 1838; married George N. Whaite. 1497 ii Juliette Chaffee, born in December, 1840; died in February, 1891. 1498 iii Thompson Chaffee, born in July, 1844. Child, by second wife: 1499 iv Alice Chaffee, born in February, 1862; died about 1894. 566 Horatio Nelson s ChafEee (Crean Bush,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in North East, Pa., March 19, 1818, and married in Amity, Pa., January 23, 1845, Jane Narsissus, daughter of Royal Dwinnell Mason of that place. She is a Methodist. At the time of his marriage he lived in Amity, and in 1891 in Wattsburgh, Pa. He is a farmer, and was Judge of Election for several years, and also School Director. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. 174 T(1E r-TIAFFEE CENEALOOY riiildn-ii : ir,()() i Arvilhi ' (:\i:ii'icc, Ijorii .Scjjtciiil)i r J 1, IS-Jfj; died Orlohcr 4, 1S45. ir)(Jl ii LouiHH Alviiia ('liafl'ee, born (Jctohcr 18, 184(1; died i)(;r:oiTibor 30, 1887; niurririd Oriii JeCforHOii McAlliHtor. 1502 Hi Caroline (Jliafffr;, born July 18, 1848; married Alton Doolitth;. 1503 iv Koyal Ma.son ChafiV-o, born Juno 10, 1850; died ()etob(;r 4, 1853. 1504 V Royal Nelson (.'haffee, born Deeeniber 4, 1854; re.sidfinef;, 1891, VVatt.sburgli, l*a. ; unmarrierl. + 1505 vi Adelberl, Clinfiee, born March 12, 1857; married Mary Tanner. 150(1 vii (ieorge Ervvin Chaffee, born April 28, 18(j0; married Ida Estes. 567 Nancy" Chaffee (Crean Bu.sh,^ Atherton,'* David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas') was born in Eric; County, Pa,, in Juno, 1820, and married in Amity, Pa., Novom- b.r I I, 1847, Samuel Windf^ate Hayos, born in Vermont, April 27, 1823. He had a li^^hL complexion, and blue eyes. Nancy Chaffee was named for her father's sister. She and lier Inisband are both Methodists. In 1801 thfiy were living in WaUsbur> Chaffee (Samuel, " Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., October 26, 1787, and died in Orwell, Pa., in October, 1856. He married (1) in Connecticut, about 1807, Amy, daughter of Joseph Browning of that state. She died in 1833, aged forty-two, and was buried in Orwell. She was a member of the Universalist church. He married (2) in 1835, Julia, daughter of William Waterman. She was born in North Haven, Conn., in 1810, and was living in 1892. Luther Chaffee had a dark complexion and eyes, black hair, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was a carpenter, joiner and farmer. In 1809 he lived in Connecticut and about 1812 moved to Orwell, Pa., with his brother Jason. He was a School Director for several terms. He was a Universalist in belief and always supported that church. He was noted for his hospitality and his up- rightness in all walks of life. Children, by first wife: 1813 i Olive ' Chaffee, died aged twelve. + 1814 ii Albert Chaffee, born September 3, 1810; married Anna Mead. + 1815 iii Samuel Chaffee, born April 20, 1812; married Lavina Goodell. 1816 iv Eliza Chaffee, born about 1815; died about 1856 or 1857; unmarried, + 1817 V Lois Chaffee, born about 1817; married Nelson Vaness. + 1818 vi Daniel Dwight Chaffee, born October 21, 1819; married Eliza Camp. 1819 vii Fanny Chaffee, born about 1821; died about 1853 (1865); un- married. 1820 viii Cordelia Chaffee, born in February, 1824; died in November, 1888; married Ashel Mead; residence, near Meadville, Pa. + 1821 ix Ezra Chaffee, born January 27, 1827; married (1) Mary A. Smith; (2) Susan A. Whitney. + 1822 X Henry Leander Chaffee, born about 1829; married. 1823 xi Andrew Chaffee, born about 1832; died about 1838. + 1824 xii Leander Alma Chaffee, born January 23, 1833; married Rachel A. Siggins. SIXTH GENERATION 201 Children, by second wife: 1825 xiii Edward Berzilia Chaffee, born May 31, 1837; married in Pennsyl- vania, Annette Beecher; he enlisted August 22, 1862, as a Private, in Company D, 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served in the Civil War three years, being mustered out May 28, 1865; his regiment was in the Army of the Potomac; he was ill in hospitals in New York and Philadelphia; returned to his Pennsylvania home, married and removed to Iowa, where in 1890 he was living in Union. + 1826 xiv Alice Emily Chaffee, born July 2, 1839; married George N. Johnson. + 1827 XV Isabelle Lucy Chaffee, born January 17, 1842; married Edwin H. Johnson. 689 Polly 8 Chaffee (Samuel,^ Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., May 3, 1789, and died. She married (1) Daniel Browning, who died; she married (2) Artemas Johnson. Children : 1828 i Mary ^ Browning. 1829 ii Sally Browning. 1830 iii Harmon D. Browning. 1831 iv Denis Johnson. 1832 V Wealthy Johnson. 1833 vi Lucian Johnson. 1834 vii Nancy Johnson. 690 Miranda * Chaffee (Samuel,^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., June 3, 1790, and died February 1, 1869. She married in Orwell, Pa., September 21, 1817, Theron Wells, a carpenter and farmer, born in New Hartford, November 14, 1794, died in Orwell. He had a sandy complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. They lived in Orwell, where she was buried. Children : 1835 i Lois S.^ Wells, born February 2, 1819; married Levi Gilbert. 1836 ii Samuel C. Wells, born March 10, 1821; died April 13, 1886; married, July 3, 1847, Maria Block. 1837 iii Sanford Wells, born July 18, 1824; died March 26, 1888; married M. J. DeWitt. 1838 iv George Washington Wells, born August 18, 1828; died December 2, 1891; married C. A. Brown; residence, 1890, Potterville, Pa. + 1839 v Edgar Oscar Wells, born September 4, 1833; married (1) Mercia A. Dunkerton; (2) Mrs. Ahce A. Lane. 691 -Danforth 8 Chaffee (Samuel,* Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., March 31, 1793, and died in Mariette, Pa., June 26, 1820. He married in Bainbridge, N, Y,, September 6, 1817, Edna, daughter of Martin Luther of Bennington, Vt., who served all through the Revolution. Mrs. Chaffee died May 16, 1891, and was buried in Milledgeville, 111. She was a member of the Congregational church. Danforth Chaffee had a dark complexion, and black eyes. He was a wagon maker, and in 1817 lived in Orwell, Pa. Children : + 1840 i Danford ^ Chaffee, born October 24, 1816; married Deborah Rockwell. + 1841 ii Hiland Danforth Chaffee, born July 23, 1819; married Eliza E. Hum- phrey. 202 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 692 Jason ^ Chaffee (Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., June 9, 1794, and died in Susquehanna, Pa., June 6, (after 1879)., He married in Orwell, Pa., about 1821, Fanny, daughter of Chester Gridley of Orwell, where she died June 2, 1851, and where she was buried. She was a member of the Episcopal Church. Jason Chaffee served as a fifer, in the War of 1812 under Commander Jacob Lyon, in New London, Conn., from June 21 to June 24, 1813, He was a farmer and hotel-keeper. At the time of his marriage he lived in Orwell, and later in Susquehanna, Wysox, Myersburg, Le Raysville and Rome (all in Pennsylvania), where he kept a hotel for twenty-five years. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. He united with the Universalist Church at the age of forty-five. At the age of eighty-five he could still play on the flute and organ. Children : + 1842 i Chester Gridley ^ Chaffee, born October 26, 1822; married Frances V. Rose. 1843 ii Sally Chaffee, born in 1824; died in 1868. 1844 iii Fannie Chaffee. 1845 iv Jason Chaffee, Jr. 1846 V Edgar Chaffee, born in 1842; died in 1875; residence, Houtzdale, Pa. 693 Lucinda » Chaffee (Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., May 18, 1796, and died. She married there, March 30, 1820, Walter, Jr., son of Walter and Lutheda (Franklin) Tucker. He was born in Woodstock, October 10, 1797, and died about 1868 or 1869. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker moved to Orwell, Bradford County, Pa., after their marriage, and also lived in Athens, Pa. Lucinda (Chaffee) Tucker had a dark complexion, and black eyes. Mr. Tucker married again after her death. Children : 1847 i EHza Jane ^ Tucker, born December 26, 1820; married. 1848 ii Mason T. Tucker, born December 25, 1822; married. 1849 iii Anson A. Tucker, born November 5, 1824; married Sophia Haggerty. 1850 iv Lucy Angeline Tucker, born November 6, 1826; married George Wood. 1851 V Maria Ann Tucker, born May 18, 1829; married Daniel Vangorder. 1852 vi Sylvia Albina Tucker, born July 1, 1831 ; married Wallace W. Wells. 1853 vii Sarah (Sally) Almeda Tucker, born September 25, 1833; married George Lameraux. 1854 viii Alida Irene Tucker, born February 19, 1836; married Daniel L. Coburn. For further descendants see Tucker Gcncalogij, by Ephraim Tucker. 694 Ebenezer ^ Chaffee (Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., September 18, 1797, and died in Alton, N. Y., June 17, 1864. He married in Cheshire, Mass., April 11, 1821, Phila, daughter of Jonathan and Lettice Farnum of that place. She was a Quakeress. Ebenezer Chaffee had a dark complexion, and black eyes. February 10, 1835, he bought land in Hart- wick, N. Y., for $4,024, and sold land there in 1842. He was a blacksmith and for twenty-five years held the office of Postmaster. He was living in Afton at the time of his death, which was sudden. He was found dead in a field, with his faithful dog whining beside his body. He was buried in Afton, where he was highly respected for his honesty and industry. SIXTH GENERATION 203 Children : 1855 i Catharine Eliza ^ Chaffee, born January 1, 1824 (January 29, 1823); married, January 29, 1846, George Kirby. 1856 ii Achsah Malvina Chaffee, born July 6, 1826 (July 10, 1824) ; died in Milford, N. Y., in 1884, suddenly; married, February 17, 1844, Cortland C. Wilcox; residence, Milford. + 1857 iii John Dwight Chaffee, born February 16, 1828 (February 18, 1827); married Maria L. Wilcox. 1858 iv Maria Farnum Chaffee, born September 22, 1830; died April 9, 1835. 1859 V Aim Maria Chaffee, born April 22, 1837 (April 11, 1836); married William Landers. 1860 vi Mary Farnum Chaffee, born September 15, 1840 (September 12, 1843) ; married Zenas Tarbel. 695 Alice *• Chaffee (Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born, in Woodstock, Conn., July 18, 1799, and died. She married (1) in Charlton Mass., May 10, 1829, Josiah Conant, a millwright of Dudley, Mass., where she also lived. He was born there, December 7, 1804, and died in Woodstock, Au- gust 7, 1839. They lived in Dudley and Woodstock. She married (2) and moved to Michigan. She was a Universalist, had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was quite tall. Children, born in Woodstock: 1861 i Pitt Chaffee 7 Conant, born November 26, 1834; died in Woodstock, September 1, 1844. 1862 ii Emily Conant, born November 6, 1839; died November 26, 1839. 697 Eliza ^ Chafiee (Samuel,* Ebenezer,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas ') was born in Woodstock, Conn., April 2, 1803, and died. She married there. May 17, 1825, Asa, Jr., son of Asa Robinson. He was born March 5, 1798. She had black eyes, and was a member of the Universalist Church. Children, born in Woodstock: 1863 i George Fred ^ Robinson, born January 6, 1826; residence, 1890, Cali- fornia. 1864 ii Helen Robinson, born May 6, 1827; married, March 13, 1848, Edward Whipple Mixer, born July 25, 1822. 1865 iii Elizabeth Robinson, born December 28, 1829. 698 Ezra « Chaffee (Samuel, * Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., April 12, 1806, and died in Cooperstown, N. Y., May 23, 1837. He married, June 24, 1827, Sylvia Albina, daughter of Joseph and Lucy (Leland) Bennett of Cheshire, Mass. She was born April 6, 1810, died July 7, 1875, and was buried in Binghamton, N. Y. She was a member of the Metho- dist Church and later of the Universalist Church, of which Mr. Chaffee was also a member. After his death she married (2), February 26, 1839, Merlin Jackson of Afton, N. Y, In 1831, Ezra Chaffee was living in Cheshire, on February 19th of that year buying for $275, land in Middlefield, N. Y., where he soon settled, as in 1832, when buying more land there, he is spoken of as of "Middlefield." He sold land there in 1834, when he is spoken of as of Otsego, N. Y. He had a light complexion and peculiar eyes, one being blue and one black. He was a black- smith and held the office of Commissioner of Deeds in 1835. His will, made May 13, 1837, was probated in Cooperstown, June 10th of that year, and mentions his 204 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY widow and son. The executors were his brother Ebenezer and Joseph Bennett. His gravestone in the Cooperstown Cemetery tells the passer-by that he died " Rejoicing in the faith of the World's Salvation." Children : + 1866 i Joseph Bennett ^ Chaffee, born June 4, 1830; married Sarah E. Rogers. 1867 ii Everett L. Chaffee, born about January, 1834; died September 21, 1835; aged one year and nine months; buried in Cooperstown. 702 Mary ^ Chaffee (Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born about 1760, and died in Windsor, Conn., October 7, 1846, aged eighty-six. She married, November 7, 1784, as his third wife. Captain James, son of Nathaniel Hooker. He was born about 1742, and died December 10, 1805, aged sixty-three. They lived in Rochester, N. Y., or near by. After his death Mary (Chaffee) Hooper returned to Windsor, where she lived with her sister Hepzibah. She was buried in the Windsor Cemetery. Children, born in or near Rochester: 1868 i Dolly Goodwin ^ Hooker, born July 30, 1787; died in Rochester, Feb- ruary 15, 1850; married, June 24, 1803, Judge Elisha Beebe, son of Elisha and Mary (Beebe) Strong of Windsor; he was born in Hartford, Conn., November 27, 1788; died October 14, 1867. [For further descendants see Strong Genealogy.] 1869 ii Alexander Allen Hooker, died; married Lucy Case. 1870 iii James Hooker, died ; married Helen S. Read. 1871 iv Horace Hooker, died; married Helen Wolcott. 1872 V Henry Thomas Hooker, died; married Mary B. Cobb. 1873 vi Hannah Allen Hooker, died; married Reverend Andrew Yates. 1874 vii Mary Chaffee Hooker, died; married James C. McGofiin. 1875 viii Eliza Hooker, died; unmarried. 703 Hezekiah « ChafEee, Jr. (Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Windsor, Conn., March 21, 1762, and died there, October 18, 1821. He married (1) in September, 1785, Charlotte, daughter of Hezekiah Bradley of Greenfield and Fairfield, Conn., She was born July 15 1764, and died in 1812, her death being recorded on the monument over her husband's grave in the old cemetery, Windsor, as follows: "Mrs. Charlotte Chaffee wife of Doct. Hezekiah Chaffee, Jr. and daughter of Hezekiah Bradley Esq. of Fairfield, died March 24, 1812, aged 48." Doctor Chaffee married (2), December 25, 1814, Abigail Talcott born in 1784. She married after his death Deacon Jasper Morgan, and died January 31, 1832. The following Revolutionary record is thought to refer to Doctor Chaffee: "Chaffey, Hezekiah. Private, Capt. Hezekiah Russell's (2d) co. of volunteers, 2d Hampshire Co. regt. ; service, 6 days, by order of Elisha Porter, Sherriff, against the insurgents at Northampton May 6, June 15, 16, and 17, 1782, at Springfield June 12, 1782, and at Hadley June 13, 1782." [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.] October 7, 1785, Doctor Chaffee bought of Aaron Meacham of Enfield, Conn., for £24, a house in Somers and he sold land there to Amariah Kibbe for £160, the deed being recorded July 1, 1805. February 22, 1790, Jack I. Pell, a negro servant of Doctor Chaffee's, was baptized in the Congregational Church on pro- fession of faith. SIXTH GENERATION 205 The original of the following letter addressed by Doctor Chaffee to "Mrs. Char- lotte Chaffee, Greenfield, Conn." is preserved by one of their descendants. Mrs. Chaffee was evidently visiting her parents: "Windsor June 1st 1796. "My Dear. "You will recollect I told you not long since I dreamed I was a Preacher knowing you to have considerable faith in dreams. I have concluded to actually turn Preacher, & will address my first sermon to you & will faithfully promise to preach to none else, until I see what effect my sermon will produce. I shall take my text in the 2nd chapter of the songs of Soloman beginning at the last clause of the 10th verse to the end of the 13th inclusive 'Rise up my love my fair one & come away. For lo the Winter is past the rain is over & gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of the birds is come the voice of the turtle is heard in our land, the fig tree putteth forth her green figs, & the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise my. love my fair one, & come away' — Soloman fully sensible of the pleasures & enjoyments of social live, was placed by the absence of his beloved, in a situation that debared him from the present enjoyment of her company. He addresses himself to her in the most beautiful & persuasive manner — 'Rise up my love &c.,' setting forth the beauties and fragrance of the season, to allure the senses & making love in the most delicate manner to captivate the soul, uniting all the adress that was in the power of man to solicit the return of his beloved. — We must believe Soloman was strongly im- pressed with the belief in what God said to Adam (Genesis 2nd Chapter 18th verse) ' It is not good that man should be alone ' — For my own part, taking these passages of Scripture together, and reasoning from my own feelings I am abundantly convinced of the truth, & sufficiently feel the force of conviction. That this may produce the like effect on you, & that you may prove your faith by works I shall conclude with the words of my text — Rise up my love my fair one and come away. H. C." Doctor Chaffee's will, recorded in Hartford, Conn., was made December 19, 1818. The legatees were his wife, Abigail, his sons, Hezekiah B. and Samuel G., and his daughter Abigail S. Loomis, to whom he left "my negro slave Nancy." The inventory of the estate was taken November 6, 1821. Doctor Chaffee lived in Windsor where the monument over his grave reads as follows: "Hezekiah Chaffee, Jr. died October 18, 1821, aged 60, eminently skillful in his profession, beloved and esteemed for his virtues, his death was deeply felt and universally regretted, a tribute of fiUial love." Children, by first wife : + 1876 i Abigail Sherwood ^ Chaffee, born April 24, 1787; married Colonel James Loomis. 1877 ii Hezekiah Bradley Chaffee, born March 3, 1789; died December 13, 1864; baptized in the Windsor Congregational Church, June 28, 1789; unmarried; graduated from Yale College in 1809; was in mercantile business in Hartford with his brother for many years ; in 1828 he sold to William Winterton, tailor, of New York City for $2,000, lots in Oswego, N. Y.; at one time he hved in New York City. + 1878 iii Samuel Griswold Chaffee, born May 15, 1791; married (1) Rebecca Phelps; (2) Julia Lombard. 706 Lucinda « Chaffee (Simeon,^ John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., October 21, 1766, and died July 10, 1838. She mar- ried there, August 31, 1797, Daniel Murphy, Jr., of Springfield, Mass. Their intention of marriage was published in South Wilbraham, March 20, 1797, where she was then living, and where she was buried. 206 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 1879 i Cornelius Davis ^ Murphy, went to sea, and was never again heard of. 1880 ii John Washington Murphy, born about 1803, died in Williamstown, Mass., May 26, 1836, aged thirty three; married Eliza . 1881 iii Love Murphy, died in the South; married in Wilbraham, George Gager, who died; she went South. 1882 iv Minerva Murphy, died in Hartford, Conn.; married Arlow Collins, who died in Hartford; had two sons and a daughter. 708 Willard ^ ChafEee (Simeon, ^ John,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., November 7, 1770, and died there, May 20, 1840. He married in Norwich, Conn., February 26, 1804, Lois Fuller of Norwich, born August 31, 1773. The trip from the home of the bride's father in Norwich to her new home in South Wilbraham is said to have been made on horseback, the bride riding on a pillion behind her husband. She died in South Wilbraham, July 24, 1848, where both were buried. She was a zealous Methodist. It is recorded that Willard Chaffee of Wilbraham, "yeoman, " bought of Zadock Stebbins of the same place, " cordwainer, " land in Wilbraham, March 23, 1798, for the sum of $660.66, and that in 1803 and 1818, being then of South Wilbraham, he bought land in Stafford, Conn. He was a farmer. Children, born in South Wilbraham : + 1883 i Edward Willard ^ Chaffee, born December 5, 1804; married Ehza Davis. 1884 ii Edwin Mascraft Chaffee, a twin, born December 5 1804; died March 23, 1805 ; buried in South Wilbraham, where, in the Congregational Church, he had been baptized, January 17, 1805. + 1885 iii Eliza Chaffee, born January 20, 1807; married Titus Amidon. 711 Simeon <> ChafEee, Jr. (Simeon,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, ^ Thomas i), was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 10, 1776, and died there, September 17, 1825. He married in Washington, Mass., April 2, 1802, Fanny Elmer Chaffee (1570) (Asa,« Asa,5 Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) born in Somers, Conn., January 27, 1780, died in South Wilbraham, October 9, 1855. She was baptized in the Wilbraham Congregational Church, May 27, 1792. In 1838 she was living in Palmer, Mass. Simeon Chaffee was a farmer and mason, and lived in South Wilbraham, where both he and his wife were buried. Children, born in South Wilbraham: 1886 i A son,7 born June 6, 1804; died June 6, 1804. 1887 ii Lucetta Davis Chaffee, born October 14, 1805; died in South Wilbra- ham, May 28, 1887; married there, October 3, 1836, Ebenezer Howlett of Stafford, Conn., a widower with a daughter; he was born May 28, 1797, and died in South Wilbraham, May 28, 1881, on his eighty-fourth birthday of heart disease; Lucetta Davis (Chaffee) Howlett died on the sixth anniversary of his death; and both were buried in South Wilbraham, on Memorial Day, six years apart; they had no children and Mrs Howlett willed the homestead to her niece, Louise E. (Chaffee) Chamberlin (4066) ; a large part of her property she left to the Methodist Church, of which she was a member and to which she gave a bell and a generous contribution for the Sunday School library, just before her death, which occurred as the result of injuries received from a pair of runaway horses. SIXTH GENERATION 207 1888 iii Electa Elmer Chaffee, born May 17, 1807 ; died April 3, 1881 ; married in Somers, June 8, 1840, Roswell Graves, a widower with a son and daughter; he was born October 6, 1806, and died in Indian Orchard, Mass., February 12, ; they had no children. + 1889 iv Reuben Howlett Chaffee, born March 22, 1809; married (1) Esther A. Truden ; (2) Caroline . 1890 V Marvin Chaffee, born September 11, 1810; died February 10, 1811. 1891 vi Harriet Chaffee, born April 3, 1812; died in Ware, Mass., March 11, 1883; married (1) in Palmer, May G, 1841, Aaron Graves of New York City, born in Martinsburg, N. Y., November 10, 1808, died in Jacksonville, Fla., December 27, 1874; she was his third wife; he had three children by his first wife; Harriet (Chaffee) Graves married (2) in Palmer, November 9, 1875, William Snell (third wife) w^ho had three daughters and a son, all born in Ware, by his first wife; in 1838, Harriet Chaffee lived in Palmer; she died of a paralytic shock; she had no children. + 1892 vii Thirza Chaffee, born October 31, 1813; married Daniel S. Collins. 1893 viii Abdel Newbury Chaffee, born August 22, 1816; died January 6, 1817. + 1894 ix Elam Newbury Chaffee, born April 1, 1818; married Sarah Holt. 713 Noah ^ Chaffee (Simeon, ^ John,'* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., October 19, 1780, and died in Albion, Orleans County, N. Y. He married about 1805 Freelove Edgerton of Monson, their intention of marriage being published in South Wilbraham, February 4, 1805. He was then living in South Wilbraham, but afterward moved to Albion, where he was living as early as 1823. He was a farmer. Children : + 1895 i Caroline ^ Chaffee, married Alonzo Rice. + 1896 ii HoUis Worthington Chaffee, born January 4, 1812; married Susan Thomas. 716 Emery « Chaffee (Simeon, ^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas *) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., October 5, 1786, and died in Stafford, Conn., Septem- ber 21, 1871. He married (1) in South 'Wilbraham, October 6, 1814, Keziah, daughter of Jonathan Harwood of Stafford, Conn,, their marriage intention being published in South Wilbraham, September 22, 1814. She died March 14, 1821, aged thirty-four, and he married (2) in Stafford, December 6, 1821, her sister Lura Harwood, their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, November 17, 1821. She died May 3, 1868, aged seventy-five. Emery Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a farmer and lived in his native town at the time of both marriages, and at least until after the births of his children. At the time of his death he was living in Stafford. He and both his wives were buried in South Wilbraham. They were all members of the Congregational Church, Lura (Harwood) Chaffee having re- ceived a letter of dismissal from the Second Church of Christ in Stafford to the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, July 3, 1823. Children, by first wife, born in South Wilbraham: + 1897 i Zelotes Emery ^ Chaffee, born September 17, 1815; married Hannah S. Snell. 1898 ii Mertilla Keziah Chaffee, born June 23, 1818; died September 9, 1830; buried in South Wilbraham, where, in the Congregationa Church, she was baptized September 19, 1824. 208 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, by second wife, born in South Wilbraham : + 1899 iii FrankUn Dexter Chaffee, born April 16, 1824; married (1) Emeline C. Hurlbert; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Pease. + 1900 iv Edwin Stearns Chaffee, born April 13, 1828; married Hannah A. Cady. 1901 V Lura Clarinda Chaffee, born July 14, 1829; died February 29, 1852; married, November 27, 1849, Anson C, son of Charles and Frances (Rice) Brewer of Wilbraham; no children. 1902 vi Henry Winslow Chaffee, born December 22 1835; died March 7, 1837; was buried in South Wilbraham. 718 Amos 8 ChaflEee, Jr. (Amos, 5 John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., May 13, 1773, and died in Rochester, Vt., May 15, 1844. He married (1) in Stafford, Conn., January 1, 1795, Betsey Harwood of Connecti- cut, who died and was buried in Waterbury, Vt. He married (2) Rachel Gubtil, who died in Waterbury, and was buried there. He married (3) Mrs. Lydia (Beck- with) Richardson, who died in Rochester, and was buried there. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, nine and one-half inches in height, and of a cheerful and hopeful disposition. In 1795 and 1797 he bought land in Stafford, where he was then living. In 1807 he bought land in Bellows Falls, Vt., which he sold in 1811. In 1819 he was living in Rockingham, Vt., when he sold land in Brookline, Vt., April 26th. He also lived in Westminster, Vt., Waterbury and Rochester. He was a farmer and a cooper, and a member of the Methodist Church. Children, by first wife: 1903 i Clarissa ^ Chaffee, born in Stafford, November 9, 1795; died January 19, 1875; married Edward Goodell. -I- 1904 ii Orrin (ihaffee, married Abigail Hodgkins. 1905 iii Laura Chaffee, born July 1, 1797; died February 10, 1856; married Ezra McCollom. 1906 iv Lucinda Chaffee, born in Athens, Vt., July 10, 1801; died. 1907 V Minerva Chaffee, married John McCollom. Children, by second wife : 1908 vi Julia Ann Chaffee, died September 2, 1871; married Amasa Eaton. 1909 vii Elizabeth (Betsey) Chaffee, died October 15, 1867; married William McCollom. 1910 viii Nancy Brown Chaffee, died March 9, 1883; married Amasa A. Fisk. 1911 ix Almira Chaffee, died December 5, 1845; married William McCollom. 1912 x Jane Chaffee, married Heber Chamberlin. -1-1913 xi William Carey Chaffee, born September 30, 1821; married (1) Esther P. Sylvester; (2) Susan M. Lowell. 1914 xii Lydia Chaffee, married Oilman McNeal. 1915 xiii Maryette Chaffee, died February 14, 1886; married Thomas F. Clark. 720 John 6 Chaffee (Amos,^ John,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Stafford, Conn., September 3, 1778, and died in Rochester, Vt., March 14, 1850. He married in Athens, Vt., March 22, 1801, Sally, daughter of John Evans of that place. She died November 9, 1852, and was buried in Rochester. John Chaffee was a farmer, surveyor and teacher. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. In 1801 he was living in Athens, where in 1805 he held the office of Lister and in 1806 and 1807 that of Selectman. At various times he held nearly all the elective town offices in Rochester. He and his wife were for years members of the Congregational Church, but later joined the Universalist Church. SIXTH GENERATION 209 Children, the first three born in Athens: 1916 i Fanny "> Chaffee, born March 17, 1802; died in Rochester, March 13, 1850; married Wilham Huntoon. 1917 ii Marcia Chaffee, born January 11, 1804; died; married Washington Tower, who died before 1891, at which time she was Uving in Rochester; she had a hght complexion, blue eyes, and was medium in height ; was a member of the Congregational Church. + 1918 iii Leonard Chaffee, born June 28, 1806; married Tryphenia Thurston, 1919 iv Lyman Chaffee, born October 23, 1808; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was medium in height; when last heard from, in 1830, he was teaching school near Springfield, O. 1920 V Amos Chaffee, born December 2, 1810; died in Rochester, August 10, 1848; married Hannah Hubbard; he had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height. + 1921 vi John Chaffee, Jr., born May 11, 1813; married Roselle A. Lowell. + 1922 vii Anna Chaffee, born September 29, 1817; married Ebenezer K. Richmond. 1923 viii Esther Chaffee, born April 28, 1820; married William Stone ; residence, 1891, Rochester. 721 Leonard Brown « ChafEee (Amos,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Stafford, Conn., September 2, 1780, and died in Rochester, Vt., Septem- ber 10, 1866. He married in Athens, Vt., December 4, 1806, Azubah « Chaffee (678) (Ezra,5 Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas of that place, born in Athens, October 8, 1787, died in Rochester, October 1, 1858. Leonard B. Chaffee was stout, had blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven and one-half inches in height. In 1797 he moved with his parents from Stafford to Athens, driving the team which carried the household goods. He was a farmer and lived in Athens until 1806, when he moved to Rochester, where he spent the rest of his life. He was a mem- ber of the Congregational Church, and held the town offices of Selectman, Lister and Justice of the Peace. Children, born in Rochester: + 1924 i Azubah 7 Chaffee, born November 8, 1808 ; married Benjamin Hunton. + 1925 ii John Willard Chaffee, born April 23, 1810; married Lomasy French. 1926 iii Lucy Chaffee, born October 13, 1812; married Daniel Root. 1927 iv Abigail Chaffee, born March 4, 1815; died April 1, 1832. 1928 V Polly Chaffee, born May 25, 1817 ; died March 4, 1885 ; married Mason Huntoon. 1929 vi Gardner Leonard Chaffee, born April 18, 1823; married in Rochester, January 1, 1850, Emeline A., daughter of John Morton of that place; at that time and in 1891 Mr. Chaffee lived in Rochester, where he was a builder; he has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height ; was a member of the State Legislature from 1888 to 1890. + 1930 vii Walter Stebbins Chaffee, born September 15, 1831; married Olive Worster. 722 Phineas 6 Stebbins, Jr. (Anna ^ Chaffe, John,* John,3 Joseph, zThomas^), was born July 13, 1768, and died November 6, 1822. He married Phebe Dunham, who died. Children : + 1931 i Oliver ^ Stebbins, married Rachel Dunham. 1932 ii Orin Stebbins, died; married Burleigh. + 1933 iii Menzies Rayner Stebbins, married Julia Lyman. 210 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1934 iv Caroline, born in 1800; died in October, 1823. 1935 V Isaac Stebbins, died in October, 1823. 1936 vi Persis Stebbins, married (1) Reuben Cadwell; (2) Ransom Sperry. 724 Walter « Stebbins (Anna ^ Chaffe, John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born December 30, 1770, and died April 19, 1855. He married (1), October 6, 1801, Azubah, daughter of John Carpenter. She died and he married (2), May 1, 1837, Esther W. King. Children, by first wife : 1937 i Clark Brown ^ Stebbins, born October 8, 1802; died; married Margaret Tobey. 1938 ii Olive Carpenter Stebbins, born March 30, 1804; married Rodolphus Chaffee. (See 1616). + 1939 iii William Carpenter Stebbins, born August 13, 1807; married Eliza Perrin. 1940 iv Anna Maria Stebbins, born November 13, 1808; married Alvin Day. 1941 V Almira Waitstill Stebbins, born May 25, 1812; married Horace Pease. 1942 vi Jackson Walter Stebbins, born August 9, 1820; died August 29, 1862; married Fanny M. Burt; killed in the second battle of Bull Run, during the Civil War. 1943 vii Stillman Needham Stebbins, born August 19, 1822; died July 15, 1834; killed by lightning. 728 Lucina « Stebbins (Anna ^ Chaffe, John,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born September 12, 1780, and died January 28, 1848. She married her cousin, Luther, son of Eldad and Ann (Badger) Stebbins. He was born September 29, 1776, and died August 31, 1825. Children : + 1944 i Luther Lester 7 Stebbins, born February 7, 1803; married Sophia Shaw. 1945 ii Lucina Elvira Stebbins, born August 30, 1807; died; married Thomas Isham. + 1946 iii Rufus Phineas Stebbins, born March 3, 1810; married Eliza C. Liver- more. 1947 iv Emily Anna Stebbins, born December 17, 1822 ; married John Langdon. 730 Benjamin « Chaffee (Francis Green,^ Benjamin,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born hi Ashford, Conn., June 28, 1771, and died. He married there, November 29, 1792, Rebecca, daughter of James Whiting. After Benja- min Chaffee's death she married (2) Burgess, and had a large family. Ben- jamin Chaffee lived in Ashford, and in 1802 was living in Marcellus, N. Y., where, on February 24th, he bought for $100, one hundred acres of land. Children : 1948 i Onan7 Chaffee, born in Ashford, September 22, 1793; died; bought land in Marcellus, in 1817; unmarried. + 1949 ii Benjamin Chaffee, Jr., born September 27, 1798; married Maria Lewis. 1950 iii Wilson Chaffee, born in Onondaga County, N. Y.; married Eliza ; in 1828 bought land in Volney, N. Y., where he then lived; in 1837 lived in Palermo, N. Y., where he and his wife sold land ; later, they settled in Michigan, where they were living in Napoleon, April 12, 1843, when they sold land in Marcellus. SIXTH GENERATION 211 738 Mabel ^ ChafEe (Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in "Woodstock, Conn., October 31, 1772, and died in Bernandotte, 111., January 11, 1848. She married in Woodstock, April 10, 1792, Benjamin Bliss. Children : 1951 i Benjamin^ Bliss, Jr., died. 1952 ii Edward Vardus Bliss, died. 1953 iii Mabel Bliss, died. 1954 iv Elam Bliss, born November 13, 1802; died. 1955 V Lorenzo Bliss. 1956 vi George Washington Bliss. 1957 vii Fanny Matilda Bliss. 739 Azotus 6 Chaffee (Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., November 6, 1774, and died in Conquest, Cayuga County, N. Y., April 20, 1836. He married in Hebron, Vt., in 1799, Sarah, daugh- ter of Daniel Hopkins of that place. She died in February, 1861, and was buried in Randolph, Pa. Azotus Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, December 18, 1774. He was a farmer, and in 1805 bought and sold land in Rupert, Vt., where he was then living. He moved from there to New York state in 1806, and settled in Cayuga County, buying land now within the limits of Auburn, N. Y. From 1807 to 1829 he lived in Brutus, N. Y., in 1830 in Cato, N. Y., and later in Conquest. He served as a Private in the War of 1812. Children, the first three born in Rupert: 1958 i Thirza ^ Chaffe, born July 26, 1799; died in May, 1822. 1959 ii Horace Chaffe, born July 7, 1801; died in April, 1868. + 1960 iii James Chaffe, born August 26, 1803; married Mary Black. 1961 iv Hannah Chaffe, born in June, 1807; died in September, 1834. 1962 V Daniel Chaffe, born in August, 1808; died in April, 1868; married Ruth Gault. + 1963 vi Mary Ann Chaffe, born January 19, 1811; married John Cowell. 1964 vii Ohve K. Chaffe, born in December, 1813; died in January, 1860; married Erastus Marvin. 1965 viii PoUj^ Jane Chaffe, born in December, 1816; died in December, 1880; married Clark Marvin. 1966 ix Preston Azotus Chaffe (Chafe), born in September, 1820; married Charlotte Wetherell; residence, 1884, Black Ash, Pa. + 1967 X John I. Chaffe, born August 14, 1824; married Alvira J. Petty. 743 Zebediah « Chafee, Jr. (Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., March 4, 1784, and died in Harpersville, N. Y., November 4, 1749. He married in Windsor, N. Y., October 9, 1804, Patty, daugh- ter of Captain James Knox of that place, a member of Washington's bodyguard during the Revolution, and one of the first settlers of Windsor. Patty (Knox) Chafee died March 19, 1850, and was buried in Harpersville. Zebediah Chafee, Jr., was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, April 25, 1784. He had a sandy complexion, and gray eyes. He moved with his parents from his birthplace to Rupert, Vt., in 1796, and went from there to New York state about 1801, settling in Onaquago, Broome County, In 1839 he lived in Colesville, N. Y., where he owned land. He was a Vestryman in the Episcopal Church, of which he and his wife were members. He was Captain of a company in the Third brigade. New York State Militia, from 1815 to 1820. He was a carpenter and joiner. 212 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, born in Colesville: + 1968 i Julius Bachus Chafee, born March 12, 1805; married Minerva Ruggles. 1969 ii Justus Preston Chafee, born November 3, 1807; died in Bingham- ton, N. Y., January 3, 1892; residence, 1881, Broome County; unmarried. + 1970 iii Sabra Sabrina Chafee, born December 5, 1809; married Alonzo Mer- chant. + 1971 iv James Alanson Chafee, born May 6, 1812; married (1) Emeline Morris; (2) Mrs. Eliza J. Knox. 1972 V Betsey Ann Chafee, born March 28, 1815; died in Windsor, January 9, 1891 ; married there in 1867, by Reverend William Roberts, to Abram Tompkins, who died in East Windsor, N. Y., June 26, 1883, in his eighty-third year; had no children; residence, 1884, Windsor. 1973 vi Sally Almira Chafee, born December 20, 1819; married, August 11, 1861, by Reverend William Roberts, to Jonas Goodenough; residence, 1861, Harpersville, 1884, Windsor. 744 Martha Hewlett » ChafEee (James,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 10, 1776, and died in Vermont. She married there, George Cook. They lived and died in Vermont. Children : 1974 i A son, 7 died in Vermont, where he lived. 1975 ii A daughter, married Horace Gilmore; removed from Vermont to Water- town, N. Y. 747 Elizabeth « Chaffee (James,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Vt., October 4, 1783, and died in Rochester, N. Y. She married in Cayuga County, N. Y., February 5, 1807, Jonathan Tupper, born in Woodstock, April, 1782, died September 18, 1833. Husband and wife were buried in Church- ville, N. Y. Mr. Tupper moved from Vermont to Connecticut, then to Massachu- setts, later to Cayuga County, N. Y., and in 1807 was living in Scipio, N. Y. Later he went to Riga, Monroe County, N, Y., where his widow was living in 1849. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, three inches in height. He was a farmer, clothier and shoemaker. Elizabeth (Chaffee) Tupper was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Children, the last five born in Monroe County: + 1976 i Albert Alonzo ^ Tupper, born November 23, 1807; married Theana Seeley. 1977 ii Ann Mari" Tupper, born in 1809; died May 20, 1889; married William Henry Harrison Fuller; buried in Churchville. 1978 iii Eunice Tupper, died aged about seventy-eight; married John Marklay, and left a daughter; removed to Michigan, where she was buried. 1979 iv Ralph Tupper, died in Riga, aged fifteen, of consumption. 1980 V Marsha Ann Tupper, born in Riga; married in Churchville, March 10, 1840, Nelson Sherman, a farmer, born in Palmyra, N. Y., in 1816; both are members of the Methodist Church ; they have two sons and two daughters; residence, 1840, Churchville, 1894, Hub- bardston, Mich. 1981 vi James Marshall Tupper, born in 1817; died in Marshall, Mich., in 1851; married (1) Chloe Gordon; (2) ; was a railroad engi- neer and went to Michigan; buried in Churchville. 748 William « ChafEee (James,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., September 5, 1784, and died in Riga, N. Y. He married SIXTH GENERATION 213 Sarah Squires. He served in the War of 1812, in defense of Buffalo, N. Y. He was buried in Riga. Children : 1982 i Alanson R.^ Chaffee, residence, 1849, Wheatland, N. Y., 1893, Portage- ville, N. Y. + 1983 ii William Edson Chaffee, born November 20, 1823; married Elydia A. Wood. 1984 iii A son, died in Michigan. 1985 iv A daughter, died in Michigan; married Harris. 752 Mary Abigail s Chaffee (Nathan,^ James,^ Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Brookfield, Mass., March 12, 1784, and died May 7, 1812. She married Dexter Ludden. Children : 1986 i Mary S.^ Ludden. 1987 ii Dexter Ludden, Jr. 753 William e Chaffee (Nathan,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Brookfield, Mass., July 31, 1786, and died in Attica, N. Y., November 12, 1846, He married in Brookfield, April 27, 1807, Rachel, daughter of Elisha Rice of that place. She was born in Brookfield, June 24, 1781, died November 8, 1854, and was buried in Attica. William Chaffee was a farmer, and lived in Brookfield and Attica, in which latter place he bought land September 9, 1825, and in March, 1838, Children, the last five born in Attica: 1988 i Lucy Adaline ^ Chafi^ee, born May 14 (13), 1808; married James Chaffee. (See 806.) 1989 ii Mary Abigail Chaffee, born in Brookfield, February 15, 1810; died in Bennington, N. Y.; married in Attica, S. D. Ludden. 1990 iii Catharine Chaffee, born in Weston, Mass., August 19, 1811; died in Colden, N. Y.; married in Attica, Thomas Warren. 1991 iv Franklin Chaffee, born in Brookfield, July 20, 1813; died there about 1816, aged three years. 1992 V Nathan Chaffee, born in Sturbridge, Mass., August 18, 1815; died in Oconomowoc, Wis. ; married in Attica, Amelia Woodruff. 1993 vi William Chaffee, Jr., born November 16, 1817; died in Oconomowoc; married in Attica, Jeanette Beman. + 1994 vii Edward Franklin Chaffee, born April 14, 1820; married Harriet E. Jones. 1995 viii Laura Chaffee, born March 21, 1822; died about 1840, aged eighteen years. 1996 ix Rachel Chaffee, born October 20, 1824; married in Colden, Robert Warren, who died before 1893, when she was living in Foimtain, Colo. 1997 X Caroline Chaffee, born May 29, 1827; married in Attica, William Jones; residence, 1893, Gowanda, N. Y. 754 Calvin ^ Chaffee (Nathan, s James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas *) was born in Brookfield, Mass., July 30, 1788, and died. He married in Sturbridge, Mass., January 27, 1813, Charity Aynesworth of Brookfield, Mass. A child of theirs, perhaps Emily, died September 5, 1813. They lived in Brookfield. Children : 1998 i Emily ^ Chaffee. 1999 ii Priscilla Chaffee. + 2000 iii Cheeney A. Chaffee, born in 1819; married Mary S. Johnson. 214 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 755 Cyril ^ Chafee (Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., February 11, 1779, and died in Woodstock, Conn., December 16, 1872, He married in South Kilhngly, Conn., April 28, 1805, Hannah Grover of that place, who died January 31, 1858, aged seventy-eight. Both are buried in North Woodstock, Conn. Cyril Chafee was a farmer, and probably moved from Thompson to Woodstock when quite young. He and his wife were members of the North Woodstock Congregational Church. He was of a very religious nature. Had a dark complexion, and was short. Children, the last five born in Woodstock: + 2001 i Caroline Augusta ^ Chafee, born June 12, 1806; married Loren Elliott. 2002 ii Hannah Maria Chafee, born in Thompson, August 12, 1807; died in Worcester, Mass., August 15, 1885; buried in North Woodstock; unmarried. 2003 iii Hiram Walker Chafee, born July 19, 1810; died in Newton, Mass., June 17, 1892; married Alpha Ann Bowen; lived in Worcester, New Haven, Conn., and Newton. + 2004 iv William Grover Chafee, born January 20, 1812; married (1) A. Tirzah Sprague ; (2) Susan S. Childs. + 2005 V Cyril Schuyler Chafee, born November 30, 1814; married Tippora (or Trephosa) A. Webb. + 2006 vi Samuel Chafee, born January 30, 1817; married Julia M. Cheney. 2007 vii Betsey Maria Chafee, born February 25, 1823; died in North Wood- stock, February 29, 1863, and was buried there; unmarried. 756 Hannah ^ Chafee (Chester, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in New Boston, Conn., June 21, 1781, and died in Thompson, Conn., November 3, 1868. She married Hezekiah Frissell and lived in Thompson. Children : 2008 i Albert ^ Frissell. 2009 ii George Frissell. 2010 iii Elvira Frissell. 757 Abigail ^ Chafee (Chester,^ James,* Joseph, ^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born July 11, 1783, and died in Thompson, Conn., February 26, 1854. She married Amasa Scott. Children : 2011 i Rebecca ^ Scott, married Lovering, and had four children. 2012 ii Amanda Scott, married May, and had three children. 2013 iii Fidelia Scott, married Asa Upham, and had two daughters. 2014 iv Emily Scott, married (1) Orrin Perrin; (2) Green. 2015 V Amasa Scott, Jr., married Talbot. 2016 vi Abby Scott, married Edwin Bartholomew, and had a son. 758 John ^ Chaffee (Chester, & James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., November 30, 1785, and died there March 1, 1864. He was married in Thompson, March 17, 1813, by Reverend Daniel Dow, to Lydia, daugh- ter of John Elliot of that place. She was born November 8, 1794, died June 5, 1857, or 1858, and was buried in Grosvenordale, Conn. They were both members of the First Congregational Church of Woodstock, having joined on profession of faith March 3, 1816. Later they became members of the Methodist Church. He had a dark complexion, was of a jovial disposition. He was a farmer and stone mason, and in politics a Republican. In 1813, and for many years after, he lived SIXTH GENERATION 215 in Thompson. He was buried in Nortli Grosvenordale, Conn. He enlisted as a Private in tlie Connecticut Militia during the War of 1812, serving in New London, Conn., under Commander John Lyon from June 21 to June 24, 1813, and under Commander Jacob Lyon from June 25 to July 15, 1813. Children : + 2017 i Emoret ^ Chaffee, born in 1813; married Erastus Caldwell. 2018 ii Calista Chaffee, born in Thompson, January 5, 1815; married Benjamin Burlingame ; baptized in the First Congregational Church, Wood- stock, July 7, 1816; residence, 1883, Danielsonville, Conn. + 2019 iii Faxon Chaffee, born December 16, 1817; married Sarah J. Brown. + 2020 iv Loren Chaffee, born August 12, 1820; married Nancy Hall. 2021 V Eliza Chaffee, born December 29, 1823; died before 1883; married (1) Hammond Johnson; probably (2) Leonard Chaffee (778). 759 Alpheus Cady ^ Chafee (Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., April 9, 1789, and died in Oxford, Mass., October 25, 1868. He married in Connecticut, Nancy Evidon, who died August 2, 1859, aged sixty-six years. Both were buried in Oxford. Alpheus C. Chafee had a light complexion, black eyes, and was of medium height. He and his wife were mem- bers of the Methodist Church. He was very particular about the observance of the Sabbath and never drank intoxicants. He was at one time Tithingman of his town. He moved to New York state, where he was living in 1815, but by 1819 had returned to Connecticut. In 1820 and 1822 he lived in Thompson. He was for twenty-nine years a machinist. Children: ! + 2022 i Schuyler ' Bradley Chafee, born about 1815; married Marietta Faulk- ner. 2023 ii Irene Matilda Chafee, born in New York state; married William Stone of Thompson ; residence, 1890, Springville, N. Y. 2024 iii Phila Washington Chafee, born in Connecticut about 1819; died October 11, 1862, aged forty-three; killed in a railroad accident near Worcester, Mass. + 2025 iv Orrin Wilson Chafee, born April 14, 1820; married Temperance C. Cutler. 2026 V Alvene Nancy Chafee, born in Thompson, about 1822; married Elisha M. Smith; residence, 1890, Athol, Mass. 761 Sophia « Chaffee (Chester,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born January 22, 1794, and died September 11, 1850. She married in Thompson, Conn., May 11, 1819, John W. EUiott, a farmer, born there, April 13, 1793, died there, September 25, 1844. He was a member of the Methodist Church, had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, six and one-half inches in height. Sophia (Chaffee) Elliott was buried in North Grosvenordale, Conn. Children : 2027 i Mary Ann ^ Elliott, born December 22, 1821 ; married Anthony B. Morse. + 2028 ii Arad Upham Elliott, born August 24, 1824; married Abigail B. Kelton. 2029 iii David Elliott, born December 31, 1826. 2030 iv John W. Elliott, Jr., born April 2, 1829; married Mary Covell. 2031 V Caroline S. Elliott, born July 20, 1831 ; married Waldo Aldrich. 2032 vi Harriet M. Elliott, born in July, 1835; married Obediah Stone. 216 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 762 Chester « Chaffee, Jr. (Chester,^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., March 14, 1798, and died April 29, 1873. He married in Pomfret, Conn., March 21, 1826, Mary, daughter of Jonas Barker of that place. She died in Woodstock, Conn., February 12, 1879. They lived in Thompson where Mr. Chaffee who was a carpenter, was also considered the best woodchopper in the town. He and his wife are buried in Thompson. Children, born in Thompson: + 2033 i Francis B.^ Chaffee, born May 9, 1829; married (1) Caroline W. Stone; (2) Caroline D. Perry. 2034 ii Mary E. Chaffee, born March 19, 1832; married Perley Jordan. 2035 iii Martha Chaffee, born October 17, 1835; married, March 26, 1867, Samuel Benjamin Slafter, a widower, born January 18, 1827; he was a farmer, and in 1868 one of the Selectmen of Tolland, Conn., where they still lived in 1890. 765 Sullivan « Chaffee (Calvin, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Connecticut about 1787, and died in Sheshequin, Pa., September 13, 1846. He married in Lexington, N. Y., Catherine, daughter of James Deyeo of that place. She died February 1, 1861. She was a member of the Methodist Church, Sullivan Chaffee was named for General Sullivan of the Revolution. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He served as a Private in the War of 1812. At the time of his marriage he lived in Lexington, but in the spring of 1840 moved to Sheshequin, where he and his wife are buried. The following incident in the lives of Sullivan Chaffee and Calvin Chaffee, his father, is from Reminicences of Lexington, N. Y., as told by an old Resident: "Among the early settlers of this town was one Calvin Chaffee, from Conn. He had been a soldier of the Revolution, and possessed a good share of the spirit of those times. He had a son named Sullivan, who, like his father, was used to fire- arms and was a good shot, and fond of hunting. Wild animals were quite numerous, and bounties were offered for the heads of beasts of prey; so the successful hunter often earned considerable remuneration, besides enjoying the excitement of the chase. On one occasion, Sullivan had an exciting adventure with a huge panther. A light snow had fallen during the night, and it still snowed slowly, in the morning. It was a good time to find near game, and he started alone with his gun. He lived on the west side of the Schoharie Creek, near his father, who lived on the place known as the 'James Deyeo Place.' On the day of which I write, his tramp was on the ridge or mountain that divides the valleys of the Red Kill or Batavia Creek, and the Schoharie Kill, somewhere north or northeast of the farm now o^vned by Wm. Maben. He halted near a large log and knocked the snow from his gun against it. While doing so, he heard a low growl within the log, and also noticed some small fresh tracks, resembling cats tracks, around it. As the entrance to the hollow was not convenient to reach the inmates, he stopped it up to prevent escape, and hastened to get aid. A hunter named Hood lived on the North side, and Chaffee found him, and taking an ax, they hastened back to the scene of operations. On chopping sufficiently they found two panther kittens alone; the mother gone. Each man took one, and endeavored to take them home alive. But they resisted, by scratching, biting and screaming so persistently, that they were obliged to knock them on the head, and kill them. Mr. Chaffee, on such trips wore a linen over-frock, to keep off the storm. Taking this, he wrapped the young panther, as he thought, so as to avoid the old ones getting any scent and thus avoid pursuit. He hastened home, but finding that his gun needed repairs, he went the next morn- ing to a locksmith, named Johnson, living in what is now called Jewett. Not long after he started, a younger brother was sent a short distance, to the sap bush, to get a sap trough in which to feed pigs. He was under the necessity of SIXTH GENERATION 217 looking around considerable to get one suitable, and while so engaged, discovered tracks so much larger than a dog's that he was impressed with the belief that a panther was near. He hurried to tell his people. At first they would not believe it possible a panther would come so near the house, but on investigation, the father said, 'surely, they are panther's tracks.' So assembling the neighboring men and boys, some fifty in number, they pursued the beast by its trail, and found she had hidden under some rocks near the creek, not far from his house. The elder Chaffee said he would drive her out, and the rest agreed to shoot her. So Putnam-like, he entered the den, but not to slay, and succeeded in driving her out. But her size and terrible aspect so terrified the would-be slayers, that not a shot was fired and she went on her way unmolested. Sullivan came home that night and hearing what had passed resolved to find and kill the panther the next day. A neighbor named Isaac Decker was a great hunter and a brave man. He, with Sullivan, started in the morning, and soon came ujDon the panther. She was standing on a shelf of a rock in the ledges above what is now called the Rappleyea place, on the Little Westkill mountain. On discovering her whereabouts, and know- ing the habit of the panther to spring upon her supposed enemy when wounded, Chaffee hung his hat and hunting frock on a bush, so as to look like a man, where they wished her to spring. Then the men placed themselves where they could see, and not be seen, so as to get a good shot both where she was then and when she leaped to the ground. Chaffee fired first. As anticipated, the panther sprung at the decoy. Then Decker put another bullet in her heart, or as near there, as might be. In her death struggles, she tore the ground in a fearful manner. Her struggles were terrible, but did not last long. She was the largest of panthers ever killed in the town, measuring nine feet from tip to tip. This is only one of the many exciting hunts in the early history of the town." Children : -F2036 i Charles ^ Chaffee, born November 25, 1S12; married Adaline Horton. 2037 ii John Chaffee, born August 16, 1814; died January 1, 1844; a party of men were shooting at a mark, when one of them, in pass- ing through a door, struck his gun, which exploded, shooting John Chaffee through the lungs, and wounding him fatally; his cousin David Foster (2048) was accidentally killed the same day. + 2038 iii Elizabeth Chaffee, born January 12, 1816; married (1) Wallace W. Kinney; (2) David Barnes. + 2039 iv George Chaffee, born November 11, 1818; married Rachel Horton. + 2040 V Matilda Chaffee, born September 11, 1820; married George Smith. + 2041 vi Rhoda Chaffee, born April 19, 1823; married Daniel Horton. + 2042 vii Harriet Chaffee, born February 19, 1825; married Eleazer Horton. + 2043 viii Abigail Chaffee, born IMarch 2, 1827; married Harry Smith. 2044 ix Juliette Chaffee, born August 10, 1829; died July 12, 1853. 2045 X Sidney Chaffee, born September 17, 1831; died January 20, 1852. + 2046 xi Sally Maria Chaffee, born June 7, 1834; married Lewis Horton. 767 Abigail 8 Chaffee (Calvin,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 0, died. She married Calvin Foster. Children : 2047 i George ^ Foster, went West. 2048 ii David Foster, killed January 1, 1844, while hunting, by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of a friend; his cousin John Chaffee (2037) was also accidentally killed the same day. 2049 iii Nehemiah Foster, residence, Deposit, N. Y. 770 Rhoda « Chaffee (Calvin,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), died. She married Hare. 218 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 2050 i James 7 Hare. 2051 ii Sullivan Hare, residence, 1891, Griffin's Corners, N. Y. 2052 iii Catherine Hare, married Peete; residence, 1891, Towanda, Pa. 772 Sally Seargent « Chaffee (Abial,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born August 1, 1785, and died in Bennington, Vt., February 3, 1873. She married William Russell. She had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was con- sidered handsome. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and lived in Barre, Mass., at the time of her marriage. Children : 2053 i Mary 7 Russell. 2054 ii Sally Maria Russell. 2055 iii Martha Adelia Russell. 2056 iv Charlotte Augusta Russell. 773 Patty 6 Chaffee (Abial,5 James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born August 20, 1787, and died in East Woodstock, Conn,, February 13, 1872. She married (1) about February, 1809, Thomas Hemminway of Bellingham, Mass., their intention of marriage being entered there, February 12, 1809. She married (2) Chester Bacon. She lived in Thompson and Woodstock, Conn. She had a dark complexion, black eyes, was of medium height, and of a social disposition. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Children ■ 2057 i William 7 Hemminway, 2058 ii Hannah S, Hemminway. 2059 iii Sarah Nancy Hemminway. 2060 iv Thomas Bacon. 2061 V Chester Bacon, Jr. 2062 vi Harrison Bacon, a twin. 2063 vii Harriet Bacon, a twin. 2064 viii Francis Bacon, a twin, 2065 ix Frederick Bacon, a twin, 774 Hannah S.e Chaffee (Abial,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Thompson, Conn., or Woodstock, Conn., November 9, 1789, and died in East Woodstock, Conn., January 27, 1856. She married in Woodstock, in 1816, Rens- selaer Coombs. She had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height. She was a member of the Congregational Church and in 1816 was living in Wood- stock. Children : 2066 i Hannah 7 Coombs, married Henry Bliss, 2067 . ii Polly Coombs, married Jabez L. Bowen. 2068 iii Gustavus A. Coombs, married Betsey , 2069 iv Rhoda Coombs, married Holly Hastings. 2070 V Sylvia Coombs, married Samuel Bliss. 2071 vi Huldah Coombs, married Daniel P. Gardner. 2072 vii Lydia Coombs, married Levi P. Bliss, 2073 viii Rensselaer Coombs, Jr,, married Mary A. Cooms, 775 Lemuel Seargent ^ Chaffee (Abial,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Southbridge, Conn,, April 3, 1792, and died in New Britain, Conn., SIXTH GENERATION 219 March 4, 1884. He married in Woodstock, Conn., Marilla, daughter of Samuel Johnson of Willington, Conn. She died July 13, 1870, and was buried in Bristol, Conn. She was a member of the Congregational Church. Lemuel S. Chaffee had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Woodstock, later in Tolland, Conn., Rockville, Conn., and New Britain, with his son Samuel Johnson Chaffee. It is probable that he also lived in Vernon, Conn., and moved from there to Bristol, as it is re- corded that he was made an elector in the latter place by a certificate from the town clerk of Vernon. He united with the Methodist Church early in life. He was a mechanic and was buried in New Britain. Children : + 2074 i Samuel Johnson ^ Chaffee, born September 27, 1832; married Sarah M. Wright. 2075 ii John Newton Chaffee, born February 22, 1834; died in August, 1857. 2076 iii Mary M. Chaffee, born July 19, 1839. 778 Leonard ^ Chaffee (Abial,* James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., September 30, 1803, and died in Sturbridge, Mass., Feb- ruary 8, 1884. He married (1) in North Woodstock, Conn., April 1, 1832, Emily, daughter of John and Ruth Comstock of Dudley, Mass. She was born in Smith- field, R. I., April 28, 1809, died in Woodstock, September 15, 1861, and was buried in North Woodstock. She was a member of the Congregational Church. He married (2), about 1865, Mrs. Eliza (Chaffee) Johnson (probably 2021), who died in 1880. Leonard Chaffee had a light complexion, and was of medium height. He was a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Church. In 1832 he lived in North Woodstock; and he died at the residence of A. B. Fletcher in Sturbridge. Children, by first wife : 2077 i Emily Jane ^ Chaffee, married George Bartlett; residence, 1902, Hart- ford, Conn. 2078 ii John Wesley Chaffee, married, June 18, 1878, Miranda Partridge; resi- dence, 1902, Charlton, Mass. 2079 iii Amy Ann Chaffee, married Martin Fisher; residence, 1902, Danielson- ville, Conn. 785 Thomas J.^ ChaSee (Charles,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 0, married. He bought land in Alexander, N. Y., in 1826, 1827, 1832 and 1833. He was living there in 1828. Children : 2080 i Thomas JJ Chaffee, Jr. 2081 ii Gustavus Chaffee, died in Freeport, 111. Probably other children, names unknown. 787 James Sullivan ^ Chaffee (Charles, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Massachusetts in 1808, and died in Elkhorn Grove, 111., May 12, 1888. He married about 1831, Sarah Jenkins of Batavia, N. Y., who died October 4, 1861, and was buried in Elkhorn Grove. He was a farmer, and at the time of his marriage lived in Batavia. Children : -1-2082 i WiUiam Wirt ^ Chaffee, born May 21, 1832; married Lucinda Van Tifler. 220 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2083 ii Mary Jane Chaffee, born July 13, 1836; married Emanuel Suber. 2084 iii Ellen Chaffee, born August 19, 1839; died March 19, 1886; married Cornelius Benjamin. 2085 iv Ann E. Chaffee, born July 1, 1846; married Charles S. Dyer. 789 Charles ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Charles,^ James,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas '), was born March 3, 1818, and died in Lura, Faribault County, Minn., Jime 11, 1881. He married in Kalamazoo, Mich., October 6, 1844, Naomi, daughter of John Roberts of that place. She died in Lura the same day as her husband, both being killed in a cyclone. She was buried in Lura Cemetery. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, dark eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a farmer. In 1844 he lived in Kalamazoo, and later in Illinois and Minnesota. Children : 2086 i Margaret i Chaffee, born June 25, 1845. 2087 ii Susan Chaffee, born December 29, 1847. 2088 iii William H. Chaffee, born March 13, 1850; died April 4, 1850. 2089 iv Benjamin F. Chaffee, born July 26, 1851. 2090 v Servilla Chaffee, born January 29, 1854; died April 14, 1860. 2091 vi Aliph L. Chaffee, born September 6, 1859. + 2092 vii Willard Sheldon Chaffee, born April 2, 1862; married Sarah Haynes 790 Freeborn Moulton ^ Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., August 9, 1794, and died there, Septem- ber 13, 1871. He married in Monson, in 1813, Mrs. Betsey (Leonard) Squire of Stafford, Conn., daughter of George Leonard of that place, and widow of Almond Squire. She died in 1865, and was buried in Monson. The records of the War of 1812 show that Freeborn M. Chaffee served in Boston, Mass., in Captain J. Fuller's company. Colonel E. Foot's regiment, from September 10 to November 7, 1814, the company having been raised in Monson and vicinity. He lived in Monson, where he was a farmer. Children, born in Monson : + 2093 i John Leonard ^ Chaffee, born May 2, 1816; married Persis Pease. + 2094 ii Charles Elmer Chaffee, born June 30, 1818; married Abilena Dunbar. 2095 iii Betsey E. Chaffee, born April, 1821; died in Monson in September, 1822. 2095a iv Martha Chaffee, born October 9, 1822. 2095b V James Hyde Chaffee, born September 20, 1825. 2095c vi Hannah Chaffee, born February 1, 1827. 791 James Austin e Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., December 7, 1796, and died there, April 12, 1890. He married (1) in Stafford, Conn., November 25, 1818, Susan, daughter of Rev- erend Ebenezer Thresher of that place, who was for several years editor of the Watchman. She died in Monson, August 28, 1852, aged fifty-nine, and was buried in Stafford. Mr. Chaffee married (2), October 4, 1853, Martha Dunham of Ash- ford, Conn. He was a farmer and owned land in Monson, where he was living in 1818, 1839, 1883 and 1890. He was five feet, nine inches in height. At the age of twenty he united with the Baptist Church, of which his first wife was also a member. Children, by first wife, all but the second born in Monson : + 2096 i James Monroe 7 Chaffee, born February 10, 1820; married Mary E. Needham. SIXTH GENERATION 221 2097 ii Alden Blodget Chaffee, born in Stafford Springs, Conn., October 17, 1821; died in Worcester, Mass., July 28, 1882; married in West Brookfield, Mass., December 31, 1846, Anna M., daughter of Eli Lincoln of Warren, Mass.; Mr. Chaffee was an armorer, five feet, nine inches in height, and a member of the Baptist Church; from 1842 to 1882 he lived in Thompsonville, Conn., Newbury port, Mass., and Worcester. 2098 iii Sarah Blodget Chaffee, born January 14, 1824; unmarried in 1883. 2099 iv Betsey Eliza Chaffee, born December 19, 1825; died October 3, 1827. 2100 v Mary Elizabeth Chaffee, born March 11, 1828; died in Monson, August 21, 1848. 2101 vi Leonard Chaffee, born March 20, 1830; died in Monson, October 10, 1832. 2102 vii Marcia Emelia Chaffee, born August 20, 1832; married in Monson, February 22, 1868, Francis Day. 2103 viii Olive Chaffee, born September 21, 1837; married in Monson, De- cember 8, 1870, Jacob Town Rogers, a farmer, born there, Feb- ruary 6, 1835, but living in North Plains, Mich., at the time of their marriage; he has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height; he has been for several years a Steward in the Methodist Church, of which he and his wife are members; residence, Monson, in 1890. Child, by second wife: 2104 ix James Chaffee, born April 15, 1855; married in Monson, November 17, 1881, Nellie, daughter of William King of that place. 792 Ira " Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, ^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., August 2, 1798, and died there, August 21, 1879. He married (1) in Stafford, Conn., Anna, daughter of Benjamin Davis of that place. She died in Monson, September 12, 1844, aged forty-four and was buried there. Ira Chaffee married (2) in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 6, 1845, Anna Ladd » Chaffee (3525) (Norman, 7 Calvin, ^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) of Wilbraham, their intention of marriage being published February 5, 1845. She was born in South Wilbraham, October 14, 1812, and died in Monson, March 22, 1846. He married (3) in South Wilbraham, June 22, 1846, Eunice Butler, who died in Mon- son, May 19, 1870, aged sixty-six. Ira Chaffee was five feet, eight inches in height, and was a farmer. He lived in Monson, where, September 20, 1839, he sold land to his brother James A. Chaffee of the same place. Children, by first wife, all but the fourth known to have been born in Monson : + 2105 i Gilbert 7 Chaffee, born November 10, 1822; married Amanda C. Bradway. 2106 ii Mary Ann Chaffee, born February 25, 1824; married in Monson, De- cember 24, 1843, Ira Bradway, Jr. 2107 iii Almira Chaffee, born December 2, 1826; married George Chapman. + 2108 iv Lewis Chaffee, born April 14, 1832; married (1) Emeline Adams; (2) Carrie E. Cory. + 2109 v Reuben Chaffee, born May 18, 1839; married (1) Azubah E. Childs; (2) Mary Brown; (3) Sarah Needham. 794 Orinda ^ Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., February 14, 1802, and died May 7, 1868. She married there, Gad Davis, a farmer and mechanic, born in Stafford, Conn., in June, 1784, died in Monson, February 14, 1859. She was a member of the Baptist Church, as was her husband, he having joined it at the age of fifty-six. 222 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 2110 i Maria ^ Davis, born in Stafford, about 1820; died in June, 1849; married Sumner Bond. + 2111 ii Benjamin Chadwick Davis, born October 21, 1827; married Tamson C. Plumley. _ ._ 2112 iii Warham Jackson Davis, born March 27, 1829; died in Annapolis, Md., July 18, 1864; married Frances Mitchell; enlisted in the Civil War in 1861, and died from wounds received in the service. 2113 iv Julius Chaffee Davis, born March 26, 1832; died November 14, 1885; married Annie Boston; served in the Civil War. 2114 V Martha L. Davis. 2115 vi Lounda A. Davis, died in Gorham, Mass., in December, 1865; mar- ried Charles Underwood. 2116 vii Phoebe Jane Davis, married Erasmus Roth. 2117 viii Emeline Davis, married Cyrus Joslyn. 2118 ix Amos Jiles Davis. 2119 X Myron Davis. 795 Stephen ^ Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., January 26, 1804, and died in Stafford, Conn. He married there, Betsey, daughter of Benjamin Davis of that place. Mr. Chaffee was a farmer, with a sandy complexion, gray eyes, and a height of five feet, ten inches. Children, the first two born in Stafford: + 2120 i Samantha Betsey ^ Chaffee, born in 1830; married Anthony N. Switzer. 2121 ii Ruby Jane Chaffee, born October 11, 1835; married G. C. Kinsbury; living in 1890. + 2122 iii Stephen Franklin Chaffee, born November 5, 1840; married Annis Rosella Chaffee (2143). 796 Annise M. Chaffee (Chadwick,5 James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., May 22, 1806, and died. She married Heustis. In 1883 she lived in Eureka, Cal. Child: 2123 i Wilbur FJ Heustis, residence, 1889, Eureka. 798 Calvin e Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., June 12, 1810, and died January 29, 1887. He married in Springfield, Mass., November 19, 1834, Betsey A. Morgan, born August 9, 1811, died in Wales, Mass., December 28, 1882. At the time of his marriage, and for many years after, he lived in Monson. Children, the first six born in Monson : 2124 i Jane EHzabeth 7 Chaffee, born September 27, 1835; died April 11, 1855; married Moulton. 2125 ii Charles Almond Chaffee, born May 19, 1837; died in Monson, Oc- tober 15, 1837. 2126 iii Edwin R. Chaffee, born May 4, 1839; died in Monson, April 24, 1856. 2127 iv Marion Braidfoot Chaffee, a twin, born May 4, 1839; died in Monson, January 8, 1858. 2128 V Betsey Andella Chaffee, born October 27, 1841; died in Monson, November 13, 1841. 2129 vi Marcus Morton Chaffee, born January 23, 1843; died in New Berne, N. C, January 30, 1863. + 2130 vii Abigail Jemima Chaffee, born May 7, 1845; married Henry F. Mer- rick. SIXTH GENERATION 223 + 2131 viii Philip M. Chaffee, born July 14, 1847; married . 2132 ix Ellen Augusta Chaffee, born in Wales, November 17, 1851; died there, February 22, 1875. 2133 X A child, born April 12, 1855; died April 12, 1855. 799 Julius 6 Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,'* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., January 13, 1813, and died in Belchertown, Mass., November 28, 1851. He was married in Monson, November 17, 1834, by Reverend A. Snell, to Polly, daughter of Cyrus Ellis of Stafford, Conn. She died March 15, 1863, and was buried in South Belchertown, Mass. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, four inches in height and of a jovial disposition. He united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-one, his wife also being a member. He was a farmer and in 1834 lived in Monson. Children : 2134 i Hulda L.7 Chaffee, born October 26, 1835; died May 22, 1836. 2135 ii Lucy A. Chaffee, born February 3, 1838; died March 15, 1858; married, January 15, , M. 1). L. Towne of Bondsville, Mass. 2136 iii July E. Chaffee, born November 17, 1839; died January 14, 1852. 2137 iv Maria N. Chaffee, born July 2, 1841 ; residence, 1890, Springfield, Mass. 2138 v Louise J. Chaffee, born June 2, 1843; died June 12, 1843. 2139 vi Juhus Chaffee, Jr., born July 11, 1844; died July 21, 1844. 2140 vii Franklin L. Chaffee, born August 26, 1845; died June 16, 1846. 2141 viii Jane P. Chaffee, born May 3, 1847; died April 26, 1866. 2142 ix Veranus J. Chaffee, born April 7, 1850; died June 17, 1852. 800 Almond <• Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,'* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., May 29, 1815, and married in Stafford Hollow, Conn., Melissa Rosella Fairfield Washburn of West Stafford, Conn., who died in 1885, and was buried in Stafford, Conn. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. At the time of his marriage and in 1883 he lived in Stafford, where he was a farmer. Children : 2143 i Annis Rosella ^ Chaffee, married Stephen Franklin Chaffee. (See 2122.) + 2144 ii Francis Washburn Chaffee, born January 1, 1851; married Nellie M. Carew. 801 Abigail Rebecca « Chaffee (Chadwick,^ James,< Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born June 12, 1817, and died in April, 1876. She married Eli Moody Smith, a carpenter of Ludlow, Mass., their marriage intention being published in Mon- son, Mass., October 5, 1839. He was born in Granby, Mass., and died January 4, 1872, aged fifty-six. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, was six feet in height and of a jovial disposition. He was for many years a Selectman, and also Justice of the Peace. When a young man he united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife was also a member. Both were buried in Ludlow. Children : 2145 i Sarah Ann ^ Smith, died young. 2146 ii Hannah Elizabeth Smith, born in 1844; married S. W. Ranger; living in 1890. 2147 iii Eli Jerome Smith, born in 1846; died in 1871. + 2148 iv Charles Aaron Smith, born June 14, 1848; married Sarah J. Snow. 2149 V Sarah Abigail Smith, born August 26, 1850; married Henry Hobson. 2150 vi Clara Adaline Smith, born January 6, 1854; married Charles H. Howard. 224 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 803 Amasa Ladd « Chaffee (Stephen,5 James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Rutland, Vt., November 28, 1797, and died in Gowanda, N. Y., De- cember 5, 1869. He married in Attica, N. Y., August 24, 1819, Lydia Wade, daughter of John Nichols of Woodstock, Conn. She was born in Brimfield, Mass., and at the age of five moved to Middlebury, N. Y., near Attica. She died July 30, 1879. Amasa Ladd Chaffee had a light complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. As a child he moved with his father to Cazenovia, N. Y., and when he was twelve they moved to Attica. In early life he was for a few years a wool carder and later a merchant. In 1819 he lived in Attica and in 1821 was the third settler in Lodi, N. Y., afterwards called Gowanda, where he lived until his death. He was at one time Postmaster there and was for twelve years Justice of the Peace. He was also a member of the New York State As- sembly. In 1834 he joined the Methodist Church, of which his wife was also a member, and in which he was active until his death, holding various offices, among them those of Trustee and Steward. Early in life he joined the Masonic order. He served in the War of 1812, in Captain Daniel Buel's company New York Militia, from January 20 to April 13, 1814. April 21, 1877, his widow, then living in Gowanda, applied for a pension. Amasa Ladd Chaffee possessed many excellent moral qualities and a large fund of humor. His ideal of life was to make others happy. He was a great favorite with children and in society, esteemed and loved by his friends, neighbors and family, and lived a true and faithful life. He and his wife are buried in Gowanda. Children, born in Gowanda : + 2151 i Lydia Ann 7 Chaffee, born May 25, 1823; married David E. Ellis. + 2152 ii Amasa William Wallace Chaffee, born July 21, 1826; married Jane M. Crandall. + 2153 iii James Harvey Chaffee, born March 16, 1830; married Amarcia M. Hammond. 2154 iv Lucy Helen Chaffee, born July 8, 1831; died April 11, 1832. + 2155 V Charles Warren Chaffee, born July 13 (15), 1837; married Lydia A. Woodin. + 2156 vi Newton Adelbert, born August 31, 1841; married Luna Woodin. 2157 vii Mary Helen Chaffee, born November 18, 1843; unmarried in 1884. 806 James Cady « Chaffee (Stephen,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Cazenovia, N. Y., February 22, 1804, and died in Sterling, 111., July 27, 1882. He married in Attica, N. Y., January 28, 1827, Lucy Adaline ^ Chaffee (1988) (William, 6 Nathan,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), born in Stur- bridge, Mass., May 13, 1808, died between 1884 and 1889. At the former date she was living in Champaign, 111. Mr. Chaffee was a farmer and clothier. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. Children : + 2158 i James Franklin ^ Chaffee, born November 5, 1827; married Calista Hopkins. + 2159 ii Ambrose Lucrates Chaffee, born June 2, 1829; married Mary B. Gilbut. 2160 iii Charles William Chaffee, born March 13, 1831 ; died in 1832. + 2161 iv Francis Marion Chaffee, born March 29, 1833; married Dorcas Patrick. 2162 V Ruby Adaline Chaffee, born Mar.n 26, 1835; married in Iowa, Cook; he is a farmer; residence, 1884, Elwood, la. SIXTH GENERATION 225 + 2163 vi William Neverson Chaffee, born September 10, 1837; married Emily M. McClure. + 2164 vii Mary Alzina Chaffee, born July 24, 1839; married William H. Cable. + 2165 viii Alburtis Belknap Chaffee, born September 28, 1841; married Anna C. Underwood. 2166 ix Catharine Jane Chaffee, born October 30, 1843; married Wilson; he is a merchant; residence, 1884, St. Paul, Minn. + 2167 X Rachel Maria Chaffee, born August 21, 1847; married Gidd- ings. 2168 xi Caroline Amelia Chaffee, born February 7, 1850; died in 1851. 811 Eliza 8 ChafEee (Joseph, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married Amos Swan. Children : 2169 i Louisa ^ Swan. 2170 ii William Swan. 2171 iii Clarissa Swan. 2172 iv Joseph Swan. 2173 V Emily Swan. 816 William Cady ^ Chaffee (Joseph, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Attica, N. Y., in 1814, and died in Dale, N. Y., February 29, 1860. He married there, April 5, 1834, Caroline, daughter of Benjamin Swan. In 1893 she was living in Dale with her daughter, Clarissa S. (Chaffee) Kellogg. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, and blue eyes. He and his wife were members of the Free Will Baptist Church, which he joined at the age of twenty-five, and in which he was a Deacon. He was a farmer and in 1834 lived in Dale. Children : + 2174 i William Henry Harrison ^ Chaffee, born May 22, 1837; married Louisa Hughes. + 2175 ii Clarissa Sophia Chaffee, born March 29, 1839; married Hiram Kellogg. 819 Hiram » Chaffee (Leonard, » James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Brimfield, Mass., July 3, 1806, and died in Middlebury, N. Y., March 18, 1883. He married (1) in Middlebury, November 17, 1825, Philenda, daughter of Henry Butler of Leroy, N. Y. She died July 3, 1862, and was buried in Wethersfield Springs, N. Y. She was a member of the Baptist Church. He married (2), in Attica, N. Y., Mrs. Richards, who died November 3, 1870. He had a light com- plexion, gray eyes, and was six feet in height. We was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. In 1825 he lived in Middlebury, where he bought land in 1834. In 1838 he bought land in Wethersfield, and the next year was living in Alexander, N. Y. In 1858 he lived in Wethersfield. He was a clothier. Children, by first wife : + 2176 i Alsina P.'' Chaffee, born September 13, 1826; married Sylvanus Hawley. 2177 ii Dexter N. Chaffee, born December 1, 1828; died March 19, 1849. 2178 iii Harriet S. Chaffee, born October 18, 1830; died November 6, 1850. 2179 iv Charles H. Chaffee, born December 20, 1832; died September 22, 1833. 2180 V Mary Ann Chaffee, born July 24, 1834; died August 27, 1836. 2181 vi Henry Chaffee, born July 27, 1837; died July 30, 1837. 226 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 2182 vii Charles M, Chaffee, born October 25, 1838; married Phoebe A. Holly. 2183 viii Lucy R. Chaffee, born October 21, 1841; died February 5, 1844. 2184 ix Lucy A. Chaffee, born October 29, 1845; married Joseph Swan. 2185 X Homer Chaffee, born March 28, 1853; died August 18, 1853. 822 Leonard Leander « Chaffee (Leonard, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Attica, N. Y., May 21, 1826, and married in Gainesville, N. Y., Sep- tember 13, 1849, Julia Ann, daughter of Warren Thorpe of that place. She is a member of the Congregational Church. Mr. Chaffee has a florid complexion, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. He was an officer in the State Senate from 1868 to 1875, and Justice of the Peace from 1881 to 1893. In 1849 he lived in Wethersfield, N. Y., and in 1893 in Warsaw, N. Y., where he was a farmer. Child: 2186 i Frances Lavinia ^ Chaffee, born in Wethersfield, in 1852; married WilUam H. McElwain; residence, 1893, Helmville, Mont. 826 Henry 6 Chaffee, Jr. (Henry, ^ Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Killingly, Conn., January 6, 1771, and died in Michigan. He married Mahala Owens. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Wood- stock, Conn., December 12, 1773, and later in life was a member of the Methodist Church in Lyons, N.Y., where, in 1824, he lived and bought land; in 1831 he bought land in Arcadia, N. Y., where he was then living. He had a light complexion, was a farmer, and lived with his son John when he died. Child: 2187 i John 7 Chaffee, lived in Michigan. 829 Rachel « Chafle (Henry,^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Killingly, Conn., July 27, 1778, and died in Danube, N. Y., July 25, 1827. She married (1) Phillips, and (2) in Danube, Abraham Hardendorf, a farmer of German descent, born September 4, 1775, died in Newark Valley, N. Y., De- cember 23, 1851. He was a member of the Methodist Church, had a dark complex- ion, blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. After his wife's death he lived with his son, George M. Hardendorf, in Cherry Valley, N. Y. In 1827 Mr. and Mrs. Hardendorf were living in Danube. Children : 2188 i Washington 7 Phillips, born November 28, 1799; died December 18, 1869. 2189 ii Welcome Phillips, born March 4, 1801; died November 12, 1881. 2190 iii Henry Hardendorf, born April 17, 1805; died; married Rachel Frederick. 2191 iv Diana Hardendorf, born September 21, 1806; died January 1, 1809. 2192 V Abraham Hardendorf, Jr., born November 1, 1807; died January 26, 1893; married Lucinda Arnold. 2193 vi Susanna Hardendorf, born July 19, 1809; died February 26, 1874; married Michael Bander. 2194 vii Diadema Hardendorf, born August 20, 1811; died July 30, 1873; married Henry Hardendorf. 2195 viii Sophia Hardendorf, born December 17, 1812; died July 19, 1814. 2196 ix A child, born July 5, 1814. 2197 X William Hardendorf, born July 2, 1815; residence, 1893, Little Falls, N. Y. SIXTH GENERATION 227 + 2198 xi George Michael Hardendorf, born June 25, 1817; married Sarah M. Sherman. 2199 xii Rial Hardendorf, born February 21, 1820; died May 15, 1838. 2200 xiii Clarinda Hardendorf, born May 15, 1822; died October 5, 1877; married Henry Strough. 830 Michael <^ Chaffee (Henry, ^ Samuel,* Joseph, ^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Killingly, Conn., January 30, 1780, and died in Oramel, N. Y., in 1859. He married Mary, daughter of Jolm Showerman. She was of Dutch descent and had formerly lived in a town on the Hudson River. She died about 1857, aged seventy- two, and was buried in Farmersville, N. Y. Michael Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, nine inches in height, and of a lively disposition. He lived in Cherry Valley, Lyons, Aurelius, and Barre, N. Y. He bought land in Barre, where he was then living, in 1856. He united with the Methodist Church in Lyons when a young man, his wife also being a member of that denomination. He was a farmer and land-clearer, and served as a Private in the War of 1812. Children : 2201 i Peter 7 Chaffee, died in Farmersville, aged twenty-five; a member of the Baptist Church; residence, Farmersville; unmarried. + 2202 ii Henry Chaffee, born about 1808; married Sally Strong. + 2203 iii Harvey Chaffee, born about 1811; married (i) Charlotte Rathburn; (2) Elizabeth Hudson. + 2204 iv Michael Chaffee, Jr., married Betsey Bradner. + 2205 V Polly Chaffee, born about 1815; married George F. Dort. + 2206 vi Catharine Chaffee, married Silas Dort. + 2207 vii Denike Chaffee, born February 8, 1819; married Delia Wakefield. 833 Beriah e Chaffee (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., September 18, 1776, and died in 1857. She married there, November 25, 1802, Reuben, son of Beezalul and Bathsheba (Robinson) Gould. He was born in Douglas, Mass., August 13, 1779, and died in Woodstock, Conn., in 1858. Reuben and Beriah (Chaffee) Gould were baptized in the First Congregational Church in Woodstock, March 8, 1807. Children, baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock: + 2208 i Silas 7 Gould, born April 15, 1803; married Almira Goodell. 2209 ii Lorinda (Orinda) Gould, born in November, 1804; died before 1890; baptized May 3, 1807. 2210 iii Bathsheba Gould, born in January, 1807; died before 1890; baptized May 3, 1807. 2211 iv Sarah Gould, born in November, 1809; died about 1828; aged nine- teen; baptized April 8, 1810. 2212 V Samuel Gould, born October 8, 1811 ; died before 1890; married Olive Gungen; he was baptized April 26, 1812. 2213 vi Dorothea Gould, born March 10, 1814; died before 1890; baptized October 2, 1814. 2214 vii William Robinson Gould, born October 11, 1817; died before 1890; baptized May 10, 1818. 834 Zelophehad « Chaffee (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., July 9, 1778, and died there, October 28, 1819. He married in Woodstock, April 18, 1812, Betsey Hibbard, who died in Ashford, Conn., about 1872, aged ninety. He served in the War of 1812 in New London as Private under Commander Jacob Lyon, from June 21 to June 28, 1813. He 228 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY lived in Woodstock, where December 7, 1819, Isaac Hibbard was appointed administrator of his estate. Children, born in Woodstock: + 2215 i Samuel B.^ Chaffee, born about 1814 or 1815; married RhodaCorbin. 2216 ii Emela Chaffee, born about 1815; died in Woodstock, September 26, 1818. 2217 iii Almira Chaffee, born in 1817, died in Ashford, in 1872; married Wil- liard S. Fuller. 2218 iv Maranda Chaffee, born in 1819; died before 1890. 837 Artemus e ChafEee (Samuel,5 Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., about 1786, and died there, January 3, 1854, aged about sixty-eight. He married in Woodstock, April 14, 1815, Patty Cummings of that place. She died January 30, 1858, aged seventy-four. Both were buried in East Woodstock. Artemus Chaffee lived on the old farm on which his father had settled in Thompson, between East Woodstock and New Boston, Conn. He finally sold it and bought the property known as the Waters farm, near Thompson, where he lived for many years, but after the death of his son Walter in 1848, he sold it and bought back the old homestead, where all of his children had been born. He served in the War of 1812 in defense of New London, as Private in the Connecticut Militia under Commander Jacob Lyon, from June 21 to July 15, 1813. Children, born in Thompson: 2219 i Pamelia 7 Chaffee, born January 21, 1816; married Ahira Darling, and had two children; residence, Thompson. + 2220 ii Sophronia Chaffee, born April 24, 1817; married Lafayette Waters, + 2221 iii Charles Chaffee, born December 13, 1819; married Sarah E. Green. 2222 iv AdaUne ChafTee, born January 20, 1821; married (1) Henry Bliss; (2) Joseph Curtis; residence, Thompson. 2223 V Electa Chaffee, born March 24, 1823; died January 10, 1825. 2224 vi Julia M. ChafTee, born February 2, 1825; residence in 1890, Thomp- son ; unmarried. 2225 vii Martha Chaffee, born June 5, 1826; died March 25, 1829, was buried in East Woodstock. + 2226 viii Lucy Chaffee, born in 1827; died September 4, 1870; married William Hare. 2227 ix Walter Chaffee, born in 1828; died April 27, 1848; was buried in East Woodstock; lived with his parents on the Waters farm; unmar- ried. 839 Levi « ChafEee (Thomas,5 Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Killingly, Conn., November 23, 1781, and died in New Boston, Conn., about 1872. He married Nancy, daughter of Daniel Blackman of Thompson, Conn. She died several years before her husband, and was buried in Thompson. Levi Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height, of a determined mind and very set in his ways. He was a cooper and farmer, and a member of the Universalist Church. At the time of his marriage he lived in Thompson. He died in the home of his daughter, Lucy (Chaffee) Perry. Children : 2228 i Clury ^ Chaffee, married Bracket; residence, 1890, Thompson. 2229 ii Lucy Chaffee, married Josiah Perry; residence, 1872, New Boston, 1890, Thompson. + 2230 iii Nancy Chaffee, married Elbridge H. Reed. 2231 iv Allen Chaffee, born in Thompson; married, and is thought to have one or two children; moved to the far west. SIXTH GENERATION 229 840 Joel 6 Chaffee (Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., September 26, 1786, and died there, December 5, 1853. He married in Thompson, Lavinia M., daughter of Abel Morse of Douglas, Mass. She was born June 15, 1796, and died February 6, 1863. Joel Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, eight inches in height, and strongly built. He lived in Thompson, where he was a farmer and with his father kept a tavern where all his children were born. During the War of 1812 he served as a Private from June 21 to July 13, 1813, in the defense of New London, enlisting in Thomp- son in the Connecticut Militia under Commander Samuel Dresser. July 11, 1835, he bought land in Barre, Vt. He and his wife are buried in the Thompson burying- ground, his tombstone bearing the words : "Christ died that all might live," and hers : "Mother there is rest in Heaven." Children, born in Thompson : + 2232 i Lucian Morse ^ Chaffee, born September 5, 1816; married Mary L. Cargel. 2233 ii Mary Chaffee, married (1) Manly Lane of New Hampshire, and had four children; (2) Clifford, and had one child; residence, 1890, Oxford, Mass. 2234 iii Lavinia Chaffee, born September 25, 1821; died October 10, 1822; buried in Thompson. 2235 iv Brainard Chaffee, born about 1825; died January 27, 1828; buried in Thompson. 2236 V Ablena Chaffee, died about 1875; married George P., son of Nathan and Susan (Dingley) Paine; no children; residence, Worcester, Mass. + 2237 vi Otis Brainard Chaffee, born December 8, 1828; married Mrs. Sarah (Brown) Pratt. + 2238 vii Abel Morse Chaffee, born December 28, 1832; married Mary J. New- ton. + 2239 viii Vernon Chaffee, married Elvira Corbin. 2240 ix Emily Chaffee, died in Oxford, of consumption. 846 Sanford « Chafey (Caleb,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Guilford, N. Y., in 1807, and died in Smyrna, N. Y., April 25, 1884. He married there, October 6, 1843, Hannah, daughter of John Wooldridge of Dutchess County, N. Y. Mr. Chafey had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was four feet, ten inches in height. In 1843 and after, he lived in Smyrna, where he was a shoemaker and farmer. Children : 2241 i William Henry 7 Chafey, born in Smyrna, March 13, 1845; married in North Norwich, N. Y., November 30, 1870, Mary A., daughter of Daniel Skinner of that place; Mr. Chafey has a light complexion, and blue eyes; he is a wagon manufacturer and patentee of a delivery wagon, known as a "low-down" wagon; residences, Earlville, N. Y., 1870, Plymouth, N. Y., 1891, Sherburne, N. Y. 2242 ii Wilson Chafey, born in 1854. 847 Maranda » Chafey (Caleb,^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Guilford, N. Y., and died in Smyrna, N. Y., in 1878. She married in Norwich, N. Y., Harvey Roe of Smyrna, She had a light complexion, and blue eyes. 230 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 2243 i A child,7 died before 1890. 2244 ii Jane Roe, living in 1890. 2245 iii David Roe, living in 1890. 2246 iv Samuel Roe, living in 1890. 849 John C.^ Chafey (Jonathan Cady,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Tunbridge, Vt., February 8, 1794, and died in Albany, Vt., in No- vember, 1873. He married Clarissa Leslie, who died and was buried in Albany. He was a farmer, of medium height, and a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He lived in Tunbridge and Brookfield, Vt., moving from the latter place to Albany in 1831. Children : + 2247 i Russell Joseph ^ Chafey, married Hannah S. Davenport. 2248 ii Louisa Chafey. 851 Hiram ^ Chafey (Jonathan Cady,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Tunbridge, Vt., February 5, 1799, and died in Albany, Vt., Septem- ber 21, 1872. He married in Williamstown, Vt., January 17, 1824, Asenath, daughter of Timothy Kendall of that place. She died in September, 1881. Hiram Chafey was a farmer, and in 1824 lived in Brookfield, Vt. He moved from there in 1831 to Albany, where he was living at the time of his death, and where he and his wife are buried. Children, the first four born in Brookfield: 2249 i Orlana M.7 Chafey, born December 9, 1824; died in Albany, August 11, 1844. + 2250 ii Martha S. Chafey, born June 22, 1827; married Samuel Gushing. 2251 iii Philena C. Chafey, a twin, born June 22, 1827; married Lan- phear; residence, 1891, Albany. + 2252 iv Hiram Wells Chafey, born October 21, 1830; married (1) Hovey; (2) Agnes F. Stell. 2253 V Jerry M. Chafey, born in Albany, February 21, 1832; died before 1883. 2254 vi Fannie L. Chafey, born March 11, 1834; died before 1883. 2255 vii Lucy Ann Chafey, born January 12, 1836; married Reynolds; residence, 1883, Albany. 2256 viii Ruth AVells Chafey, born January 17, 1838; died before 1883. _ 2257 ix Rosa M. Chafey, born June 26, 1840; married Page; residence, 1891, Mattapan, Mass. + 2258 X Martin Beard Chafey, born May 11, 1842; married Jennie W. Mit- chell. 2259 xi Harriet C. Chafey, born March 7, 1846; married McGuire; residence, 1891, Albany. 859 Anna « Sanger (Anna ^ Chaffee, Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock and died. She married Amos Abbott of that place. Child: 2260 i Harriet 7 Abbott, born in Woodstock, December 2, 1815; married Peter Chaffee. (See 869.) 865 Josiah Williard ^ Chafee, Jr. (Josiah Williard,^ Josiah,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born, probably in Woodstock, about 1804, and died at sea, Jan- SIXTH GENERATION 231 uary 15, 1837, aged thirty-three. He married Sarah Ann Sanders of Providence, R, I. Captain Chafee had a Ught complexion, was quite tall, of an energetic dis- position and considered to be a very bright and capable young man. He went from Woodstock to Providence and was employed by a Mr. Wyatt in fitting out vessels for sea. This gentleman's niece afterward became his wife. He had a vessel built in Pawtucket, R. I., named the Isaac Elb's and became commander of it. A water color of this vessel, painted in Malaga, Spain, is still in the posses- sion of the family. In 1837 when five days out from New York, his ship collided with another vessel. All the crew were saved but Captain Chafee, who went to his cabin for his papers, the ship sinking before he could regain the deck. Children : + 2261 i Benjamin Robbins ^ Chafee, born October 21, 1831 ; married Betsey H. Mason. 2262 ii A son, died in infancy. 2263 iii A son, died in infancy. 2264 iv A daughter, died in infancy. 866 Nancy " Chaffee (Josiah Williard,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married in Grafton, Mass., September 29, 1833, John Daniels of that place, where in 1889 they were still living. Child: 2265 i Luther ^ Daniels, died aged nine years. 867 Stephen « Chafee (Josiah Williard,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born about 1807, and died after 1886. He married Fidelia Birch. He was a seafaring man for about five years, and in 1831 removed from Woodstock to the west, where he bought about sixty acres of land, which he cleared himself. He was one of the pioneers in the region where he settled. He ground his own corn, the nearest gristmill being twenty-eight miles distant and the nearest post office ten miles. He lived mostly on venison and bear meat. At the age of seventy- nine he was still active and prided himself on his ability to shoot, to work on his farm and the fact that he owed no man a penny. In 1884 he lived in Gorham, O,, where he owned one hundred and twenty acres of land. He was a Democrat in politics. Of his eleven children, five were sons, all being in height six feet or over. Children : 2266 i Stephen ^ Chafee, Jr., died in Jacksonville, Fla., in the spring of 1881; unmarried. 2267 ii Theron Chafee, married Mrs. Miller, a widow with two children; he had no children. 2268 iii Williard Chafee, married, and has two children; noted for his great strength; residence, Iowa. 2269 iv Melissa Chafee, unmarried in 1886. 2270 V Wesley Chafee, married twice; in 1884, lived with his father on the home farm in Gorham. 2271 vi Alice Chafee, married George Westfall, and in 1886 had two children. 2272 vii Electa Chafee, died about 1879 of consumption. 2273 viii Ella Chafee, married Lewis. 2274 ix Emma Chafee, a twin, married Snow, and in 1886 had three children; residence, 1884, Gorham. 2275 X Eva Chafee, a twin, died about 1881. 2276 xi Ellen Chafee, married Wesley Rice, and in 1884 had one child. 232 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 868 Eunice e Chaffee (Josiah Williard,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in 1812, and married (1), in the summer of 1830 (their intention entered in Oxford, Mass., July 18, 1830), Captain Andrew Smith of Woodstock, Conn., who died there in June, 1849, aged sixty. She married (2) in 1851, William Har- denberg, and about 1865 removed to Fayette, O., where she was living in 1889. Children : 2277 i Andrew B.^ Smith, born in Colchester, R. I., in September, 1834; died in Richmond, Va., during the Civil War; married (1) about 1853 — ; (2) about 1856, Harriet Parsons; had four children, two living in 1884; was a member of the 1st Connecticut cavalry at the time of his death, in Libby Prison. + 2278 ii John Smith, born January 28, 1837; married Mrs. (Hastenbader) Boyer. 869 Peter e Chaffee (Molly,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., March 27, 1815, and died in East Woodstock, Conn., August 26, 1906. He married in Thompson, Conn., May 9, 1838, Harriet Abbott (2260) (Anna 6 Sanger, Anna ^ Chaffee, Josiah,* Joseph. 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), born in Woodstock, December 2, 1815, died October 18, 1887, of a paralytic shock and was buried in the family lot in East Woodstock. She had light hair, blue eyes, was of medium height, and a model wife and mother. Peter Chaffee had black hair and blue eyes. He and his wife joined the Congregational Church in 1839, and in 1847 the Methodist Church, in which he was Trustee, Sunday School Super- intendent, Steward and member of the Building Committee. He was a carriage manufacturer. To him descended the family Bible belonging to Thomas Chaffee, the Emigrant, and it was from him that the compiler obtained it. A Woodstock paper said of him at the time of his death : " Peter Chaffee, the oldest resident, in this section of the town, died at his home Sunday evening after a brief illness, aged 91 years and 5 months, he had been in failing health for a number of months but was confined to his bed only one day. " Mr. Chaffee was born in Woodstock, March 17, 1815, and had spent his entire life in town with the exception of two years in Windham. He learned his trade, that of wheelwright, with the late Deacon John Sawyer of South Woodstock. " In 1838 he came to East Woodstock, where in the early forties he built a house and shop and successfully carried on his business until about twenty years ago when his son, Norman O. took charge in connection with his paint shop. " Mr. Chaffee joined the church in early life and was one of the promoters of the Methodist church in this place being its oldest member, was Superintendent of the Sunday School for over forty years, a class leader, and held other offices of trust; he attended church regularly until about twelve years ago when hearing and eye sight became defective. " He was married in May 1838 to Harriet Abbott, who died in 1887, a few months before their fiftieth wedding anniversary, since her death he was cared for by his son, Norman and granddaughter, Mrs. Lillian A. May. " The funeral was held at his home on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. T. Tutner con- ducting the services. Mrs. Ezra May and Mrs. Granville Perry sang two selections. He is survived by four children: Mrs. Emma Palmer of Willimantic, Myron J. Chaffee of Boston, Mrs. Elvina Aldrich, Norman O. Chaffee of East Woodstock, and Mrs. Chas. Bunce of South Manchester; fifteen grandchildren, six great-grand- children." Children, the first five known to have been born in Woodstock: -1-2279 i Emma Frances ^ Chaffee, born December 25, 1840; married Charles M. Palmer. + 2280 ii Myron J. Chaffee, born June 15, 1842; married Ellen C. Bunce. SIXTH GENERATION 233 + 2281 iii Elvina Anness Chaffee, born May 14, 1845; married Winthrop C. Aldrich. 2282 iv Norman 0. Chaffee, born January 26, 1847; has a dark complexion, brown hair, bhie eyes, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height; was Sunday School Superintendent in the Methodist church for two years; he is a carriage manufacturer, expert worker in wood, iron, and also a painter; has been local cor- respondent for several newspapers; residence, 1906, East Wood- stock; unmarried. + 2283 V Ina Anna Chaffee, born September 17, 1857; married Charles E. Bunce. Two other children, died young, names unknown. 874 Charles e Chaffee (David, ^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., August 7, 1807, and died in Putnam, Conn., April 12, 1886. He married in Thompson, Conn., September 5, 1836, Betsey Celinda, daughter of Zadock Spaulding of that place. She was born December 17, 1810. In 1883 Mr. Chaffee had retired from business, and was living in Putnam, where three years later he died and was buried, and where in 1890, his widow was still living. Child: 2284 i Benjamin Franklin ^ Chaffee, born December 11, 1845; married in 1867, Ehza A. Gleason of Worcester, Mass., who died in December, 1881, and was buried in Putnam; in 1883 he was in the shoe cutting busi- ness; residence, 1890, Putnam. SEVENTH GENERATION 880 Nicholas Underwood ^ Chafee (Otis,^ Amos,5 Thomas/ Thomas.^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Newport, R. I., October 14, 1803, and died February 3, 1852. He was married in Baltimore, Md., November 21, 1827, by the Reverend John M. Duncan, to Sarah Adeline Hoffman, born there, March 7, 1812, died June 13, 1862. Children, born in Baltimore: 2285 i WiUiam Hoffman s Chafee, born August 28, 1828; residence, 1884, Charleston, S. C. + 2286 ii Elizabeth Whiteford Chafee, born August 16, 1830; married I. L. Long. 2287 iii Charles Hoffman Chafee, born July 24, 1832; died July 11, 1864. 887 Otis Jacob ^ Chafee (Otis.o Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Newport, R. I., January 13, 1815, and died in Aiken, S. C, October 3, 1869. He married in Charleston, S. C, October 10, 1837, Mary Ann, daughter of George Kinlock of that place, an Englishman. She was born December 25, 1820, died in Aiken, July 19, 1891 and was buried in Charleston. Otis J. Chafee went from Newport to Charleston when thirteen years of age. He was a wholesale merchant there until after 1855. Later he lived in Aiken, where he died of consumption, and where his widow continued to live up to the time of her death. Both were members of the Episcopal Church, attending St. Phillips Church in Charleston, and St. Thaddeus in Aiken, in both of which he was a Vestryman. He had a fair complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. Children, all but the last born in Charleston: 2288 i Charlotte Amy » Chafee, born September 10, 1838; died August 22, 1843. + 2289 ii Emma Granby Chafee, born August 19, 1840; married Benjam'n M. Walpole. + 2290 iii Nathaniel Green Bourne Chafee, born February 14, 1842; married Rosa C. Gregg. 2291 iv Otis Chafee, born July 10, 1844; died August 1, 1857. 2292 V Sarah Adeline Chafee, born July 8, 1846; died October 18, 1881. + 2293 vi John WiUiam Chafee, born May 1, 1848; married CaroHna A. Latham. 2294 vii William Hasseltine Chafee, born April 3, 1850; a planter; residence, 1893, Aiken; unmarried; has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. + 2295 viii George Kinlock Chafee, born September 27, 1851; married Margaret E. Gamble. + 2296 ix Mary Ella Chafee, born October 8, 1853; married Doctor Theodore G. Croft. + 2297 X Robert Alexander Chafee, born November 19, 1855; married Ida B. Williams. 2298 xi Augustus Hayden Chafee, born August 27, 1857; died November 15, 1887. 888 Nathan Munroe 7 Chafee (Otis,o Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Newport, R. I., June 6, 1816, and died there, November 27, SEVENTH GENERATION 235 1867. He married in Newport, September 29, 1840, Harriet, daughter of Peleg and Mary (Potter) Chapman. Mrs. Chafee died in Newport, August 10, 1867, aged fifty. Both were buried in Newport. Nathan M. Chafee was a plumber. Children, born in Newport: 2299 i Laura S.^ Chafee, married Captain John Simpson, United States army, and has one child; residence, 1883, San Antonio, Texas, where Captain Simpson was then stationed. 2300 ii Lizzie M. Chafee, born in 1843; died in Newport, August 29, 1863, and was buried there. 2301 iii Annie Chafee, born in 1845; died in Newport, June 7, 1865, and was buried there. 2302 iv Harriet Chafee, born in May, 1846; died in Newport, June 17, 1846, and was buried there. 2303 V Harriet Chafee, born November 5, 1851; died in Newport, December 26, 1852, and was buried there. 2304 vi W. B. Chapman Chafee, born in July, 1855; died in Newport, Sep- tember 17, 1855, and was buried there. 2305 vii Mary Chafee. 2306 viii Amy Chafee. 2307 ix Frank Edmund Chafee. 2308 X Henry Chafee. 2309 xi Benjamin Chafee. 2310 xii Nicholas Underwood Chafee, married and had one child in 1883, when he lived in Jersey City, N. J. 895 Amos ^ Chafee (Zechariah,^ Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Providence, R. 1., September 22, 1808, and married in New Bedford, Mass., September 22, 1833, Melory, daughter of William Tobey of that place. He was living in New Bedford in 1884, it having been his home for fifty-seven years. He was a mason. Children : 2311 i Mary E.s Chafee, born July 23, 1834; married Briggs; residence, 1884, New Bedford. 2312 ii Laura Amelia Chafee, born January 10, 1835; died January 1, 1836. 2313 iii Helen Augusta Chafee, born April 23, 1839; married Collins. 2114 iv Zechariah Chafee, born September 21, 1842. 2315 V Melory Frances Chafee, born February 17, 1844; died September 8, 1879; married in New Bedford, John F. Chamberlain. 897 Nathan Munroe ^ Chafee (Zechariah, e Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Providence, R. I., January 24, 1813, and died in June, 1886. He married in Providence, November 16, 1835, Adeline, daughter of John Noble of that place. He had a light complexion, and blue eyes. In 18S3 he lived in Providence, where he was an iron founder. Children, born in Providence: 2316 i Zechariah « Chafee, born August 26, 1836; died August 26, 1837. 2317 ii Sehna Edwards Chafee, born April 16, 1838; died September 14, 1838. 2318 iii Caroline Frances Chafee, born September 2, 1839; died September 5, 1843. 2319 iv Adaline Chafee, born September 6, 1841 ; died August 4, 1842. 2320 V Hannah Frances Chafee, born August 11, 1843; died December 19, 1846; buried in North Burying Ground, Providence. 2321 vi Nathan Munroe Chafee, Jr., born July 30, 1845; died August 14, 1845; buried in North Burying Ground, Providence. 236 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2322 vii Adaline Chafee, born October 24, 1846; unmarried in 1883. 2323 viii Cora S. Chafee, born November 15, 1848; maried James H. Smith of Providence. 2324 ix Emma Watson Chafee, born April 2, 1850; died July 2, 1851; buried in North Burying Ground, Providence. 2325 X Charles Henry Chafee, born June 25, 1855; died August 23, 1855, buried in North Burying Ground, Providence. 2326 xi Clara Chafee. 2327 xii Nathan Chafee. 898 Zechariah '' Chafee, Jr. (Zechariah,« Amos,^ Thomas, ^ Thomas, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Thomas 1), was born in Providence, R. I., January 11, 1815, and died there in April, 1889. He married in Providence, August 14, 1845, Mary Frances, daughter of James Buffington of Somerset, Mass. The following appreciation is condensed from the Providence Evening Bulletin: "A figure familiar for more than 37 years to the people of Providence has dis- appeared forever. A personality as unique as it was impressive has been taken from that elder group of men among us who connect the chance-taking rush of to-day with the steady -going, methodical pace of the last generation. A character admirable for its masterly strength, and yet lovable for its womanly gentleness, one in which there was well blended the uncompromising force of intellect with the softening restraints of the heart, will be missed by all who knew Zechariah Chafee. Born in Providence in 1815, his boyhood foreshadowed the man. His father was a master mason and owed a debt of $1000, which through misfortune he found himself unable to pay. The son, then 11 years of age, took upon himself the burden of the father, and in the flour and grain house of the late Seth Adams he gave his labor for five years in full consideration of the debt. In his 17th year, with a slender stock of school learning, but with some hard-earned knowledge of life, he was assisted by relations to go to Pittsburg, which was then regarded as a thriving Western city, offering good opportunities to him in view of the fact that Pittsburg was at that date the principal flour and grain market of the West. Here he soon found employment, and turned to account the capital in the form of experience which had been invested in him while under Mr. Adams's rigid training. He remained in Pittsburg 20 years, and raised himself to the position of junior partner in a firm whose daily sales of flour would average 1000 barrels. "Mr. Chafee always recurred with peculiar relish to the remembrance of this period of his life. He was naturally gifted with the talent for trade. It was a part of Mr. Chafee 's employment to forage the country to contract for and purchase supplies of grain, salt and sugar, and in the winter his journey would extend down the rivers as far as New Orleans. It was in this adventurous life, and in association with the Western pioneers and with all sides of a rough civilization, that he acquired that self-confidence which was so conspicuous a trait in his character, and that keen understanding of human nature which fairly gave him the long end of the stick in dealing with men in a trial of wits. "It was the tenderest of human ties that drew Mr. Chafee back to Providence in 1852, and induced him to abandon, at the prime of life, a business career in Pitts- burg of assured success. His integrity, sound judgment and true loyalty to his friendships had knit the bonds very closely between him and his elder partner, an uncompromising bachelor, not unlike in character the one that Crane so graph- ically simulates on the stage. The tradition runs that the senior was greatly moved at the prospect of so rare a jewel as the junior being recut and polished by a woman's hand, and estimating the damage at $10,000, naively offered with this sum to save Mr. Chafee from this chance of injury. "Mr. Chafee, before breaking up his business connection at Pittsburg, had con- tracted a then common relation with one of the State banks in Providence. Ar- rangements were made by which the Bank of America, which still flourishes as a State institution, and of which he was President at the time of his death, should loan currency to Mr. Chafee 's firm on proper security under a contract that the SEVENTH GENERATION 237 bills of the bank so furnished to him should be kept in circulation, before coming in for redemption, for an agreed number of months, and thus increase the assets of the bank available for discounting commercial paper. At that day it was the common, but often unfortunate expedient of the banks in Providence. "In 1852, when Mr. Chafee returned to Providence, his relative, Amos Chafee Barstow, was the Mayor of Providence. Mr. Barstow, for the time abandoned the personal oversight of his extensive iron working business to devote himself to the management of the city's interests. Mr. Chafee temporarily took his place at his foundry until he could arrange for some definite employment. In the end he became interested in the High Street Furnace Company, which in time developed into the present well-known corporation of the Builders' Iron Foundry. In the general oversight of this industry Mr. Chafee remained until his death. During the Civil War this establishment supplied large orders to the Government of heavy sea-coast ordnance, and much of the success of the company was due to the ad- dress with which its manager in his frequent visits to Washington put himself upon the leeward side of old seadogs like Admiral Dahlgren, who were firm in the faith that no heavy artillery could be successfully cast and bored outside of a Government arsenal. "The Mechanics Savings Bank, which has now grown to such stately proportions, was one of the earliest of the banks to aid the working class in raising them in the social scale. Mr. Chafee was active in this institution from its beginning, and he labored to advance the true end of its establishment during his whole remaining life. Hardly a week has elapsed during his busy career, and under circumstances when most men would have excused themselves, that he has not given his personal attention to furthering the obtaining of small loans to mechanics to enable them to secure to themselves a home. "The public estimate of a man's character is seldom in error when the individual himself takes no pains to artificially create such estimate. Few men in Providence have had more trust duties conferred upon them than he. His books show accounts with more than 30 private estates of which he had been selected as the adminis- trator, guardian or trustee. In many of these cases he made no charge for his personal services. Everyone in middle life knows how successfully he disentangled the Howard estate and turned over to the heirs a splendid inheritance after liquidat- ing the claims of creditors. There are some living, and others who are dead, who owe to Mr. Chafee 's friendly interposition in disaster the salvation of their estates. All such kindly offices were rendered freely and without charge. Some remembered this loving kindness; some accepted it as a matter of course, and others forgot it. There were some at his funeral who kept in mind his disinterested offices, and there were humble men and women, too, present who came from a distance to testify their remembrance, and to whom the payment of a railroad fare meant a personal deprivation. "In the fall of 1873 the great house of the Spragues, which for three generations had been identified with the history of Rhode Island industries, was in financial trouble. The creditors assembled and accepted the proposition made by the debtors to receive a deed of copartnership and corporate properties in trust for the security of the liabilities, the payment of which was extended for three years. The office of trustee was at first eagerly sought by competitors, and three gentlemen were finally selected by the creditors as acceptable persons. The trust deed was, after much delay, perfected in form to meet the views of the counsel for the trustees elect. By that time the magnitude of the personal risks which must be assumed by trustees undertaking to run a large print works and extensive cotton mills without any other credit than that which the Quidnick Company — virtually a part of the insolvents' estate — could furnish, began to be understood. It was clear that it would be no holiday recreation to administer in liquidation this enormous estate intertangled with itself, and with the already prostrate house of Hoyt, Spragues & Co. Week after week went past without any acceptance on the part of the designated trustees. They shrank from the load of personal responsibility which they must assume, and every artifice was suggested which legal counsel of their selection could devise to lighten the measure of the risk, but the fact still 238 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY remained that whoever undertook to run the Sprague mills and print works, in the hope of paying off the debts, would find few comforting judicial decisions in the books. Meanwhile the creditors had become alarmed at the delay, and there were suggestions that bad faith was at the bottom. Certain creditors had concluded to secure their debts by an attachinent. It was known one afternoon that writs were in course of preparation and would be served on the following morning. The situation was imminent. The United States bankrupt law was in force, and if the insolvent estate should be attached the complication would be so great as to defeat in all probability the almost universal desire in this State that time should be given to the Spragues outside the court of bankruptcy to be extricated. Late in the day a happy thought occurred as a relief from the difficulty. Mr. Chafee was sought. The proposition was made to him to accept the trust, and he was asked who he would like to have associated with him in the deed. He replied: 'If I take it at all I will take it alone.' The result was before morning, Mr. Chafee was named as the sole trustee. His appointment was hailed with general satisfaction, for he was recognized as perhaps the only man in Providence having a private estate of value and a proved ability in business, and enjoying public confidence, who would have dared so great a responsibility. "The self-reliance of Mr. Chafee was one of his distinguishing traits of character. His early life had accustomed him to trust to himself. It is only the truly honest man who displays this courage. ' I mean right,' was a phrase often on his lips, and those who knew him most intimately felt that though often jocularly spoken they were no unmeaning words. Beyond doubt, his great ambition, when he accepted the Sprague trust, was to achieve the same great success which he had accomplished for the Howard estate. He looked forward to the time when the creditors would be satisfied, and the balance of the estate be handed over by him to the Spragues as a curtailed but still great inheritance. But the fates were against him. The business of the country, like an expiring lamp, blazed up brightly for a moment after he took charge of the mills, then flickerecl and finally became encrusted and gave a faint light for seven long years. Internal dissensions arose. In the mean- time the machinery of the mills was wearing out, and, worse than all, the new im- provements in spindles, which men on their feet could introduce into their mills, would have distanced the Sprague mills in the race to secure the small margin of profit in cotton spinning if their machinery had been new but of the same old type. And yet, under all these adverse circumstances, Mr. Chafee struggled on, with every man's hand against him, persistently and straightforwardly to execute his trust. Had his life been spared six months he would have been able to have brought his labors to a close. "Mr. Chafee was not what would be popularly called a conventionally religious man. He was not at all sanctimonious in his air, for the reason, perhaps, that he disliked the scent of a pharisee. He did not keep so close a run of the fast and feast days of the church as he did of the times when some needy women's rent became due or when their flour sack would be spent ; but if to be a peacemaker, to comfort and help the widow and the fatherless, to exercise a blessed charity_ in unostentations ways, to deal honestly and uprightly with all men, and to forgive his enemies and those who evily entreated him and despitefully used him, are evidence of true piety, then Mr. Chafee was a Christian to the core. When St. Stephen's Church was building and was pressed for money, he and one other Christian man now living gave freely of their means, and Mr. Chafee could be seep almost any day working with the masons and the laborers to rear that beautiful edi- fice. It was fitting indeed that there the last solemn rites should be paid to him as his body rested in front of the chancel which his own hands had helped to build. " If a memorial be needed for Mr. Chafee beyond the good works which in business and in private life he has wrought, let it be a rough boulder from the seaward side of his much-loved Squantum, as typical of the strength of his nature and the ob- duracy with which he stood to his convictions of right. At the foot of this let the wood flowers and the tender creepers be planted, that they may nestle to its warmth and cling to its support, as children and those needing help were drawn to him and nourished in his life. B. F. T." SEVENTH GENERATION 239 Children : 2328 i Mary Elizabeth s Chafee, born January 10, 1847; married June 4, 1874, George H. Gugerson of Boston, Mass. 2329 ii Clara Chafee, born May 1, 1850; died December 11, 1852. 2330 iii Matilda Chafee, born April 2, 1855; died August 12, 1855. 2331 iv Nathan Munroe Chafee, born September 12, 1856; died February 8, 1859. 2332 V Alice Chafee, born April 29, 1859. + 2333 vi Zechariah Chafee, Jr., a twin, born April 29, 1859; married Mary Dexter 8 Sharpe (3948). 900 Thomas Eddy ^ Chafee (Zechariah,^ Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Pi"ovidence, R. I., September IS, 1819, and married, Oc- tober 2, 1845, Lucy E. daughter of Knight Roberts. In 1887 they lived in Provi- dence, where Mr. Chafee was a mason. Children, born in Providence: 2334 i A son,8 born September 2, 1846; died in Providence, September 2, 1846; buried in Locust Grove Cemetery, Providence. + 2335 ii Albert Eddy Chafee, born March 28, 1848 ; married Katie P. Budlong. 2336 iii William T. Chafee, born July 26, 1850; died April 7, 1852; buried in Locust Grove Cemetery, Providence. 2337 iv Edwin Chafee, born January 14, 1852; died September 9, 1855; buried in Locust Grove Cemetery, Providence. 2338 V Zechariah Chafee, a twin, born January 14, 1852; died August 22, 1852; buried in Locust Grove Cemetery, Providence. 2339 vi William Thomas Chafee, born October 25, 1854; residence, 1889, North Attleboro, Mass. 2340 vii Otis Chafee, born April 1, 1857; died February 12, 1873. 2341 viii Frank W. Chafee, born July 27, 1865; died April 23, 1882. 905 Barney Bowen ^ Chaffee (William,« Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas ^) was born in Providence, R. I., May 11, 1809, and died in Owego, N. Y., April 9, 1869. He married in Providence, Catherine Linnett of that place. He was a teamster. Children : 2342 i Daniel ^ Chaffee, married Lappity. 2343 ii Martha Chaffee. 2344 iii Olive Chaffee, married Warren Hooker. + 2345 iv Eliza Chaffee, married James Marien. 2346 V Lois Chaffee, married Benjamin Broome, a mason. + 2347 vi Louisa Chaffee, married Albert Lane. + 2348 vii Charles Henry Chaffee, born November 22, 1852; married Sally T. Atkins. 906 WiUiam Marinda ^ Chaffee (William,« Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Olneyville, R. I., November 9, 1811, and married there, October 6, 1833, Sarah, daughter of Ambrose Barney of Rehoboth, Mass. He bought land in Warren, Pa., in 1837, and was Town Auditor for eighteen years. In 1884 he was living in Warren Centre, Pa., where he was a blacksmith. Children, the last five born in Warren : + 2349 i Sarah M.s Chaffee, born November 16, 1834; married Frank Allen. + 2350 ii William Ambrose Chaffee, born May 11, 1837; married Ellen A. Corbin. 240 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 2351 iii Edmond W. Chaffee, born October 22, 1842; married Harriet Cornell. + 2352 iv James Polk Chaffee, born November 13, 1844; married Carrie Pitcher. + 2353 V Asa Dodge Chaffee, born April 18, 1847; married Elsie Whittaker. + 2354 vi Esther P. Chaffee, born December 8, 1849; married E. Frasier Pendle- ton. 2355 vii George H. Chaffee, born September 17, 1855; married, Jmie 11, 1885, Annie May De Nyse of Brooklyn, N. Y.; he was graduated from the medical school of the University of Michigan, June 30, 1881; settled in Le Raysville, Pa., in August, 1884; moved to Nebraska, 1884; residence, 1887, Blue Hill, Neb. 907 Caleb Jarvis ^ Chaffee (William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Olneyville, R. I., February 11, 1814, and married Angeline Bowen. He bought land in Warren, Pa., in 1837 and in 1844. In the latter year and in 1885 he was living in Owego, N. Y. Children : 2356 i Frances E.s Chaffee, born August 11, 1842; died November 28, 1864; married Henry L. Jewett. + 2357 ii Delphine A. Chaffee, born March 5, 1845; married George A. Hall. 2358 iii Helen Elizabeth Chaffee, born September 2, 1852; married George H. Pratt. 909 Oliver Perry ^ Chaffee (William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Olneyville, R. I., October 1, 1817, and died June 3, 1859. He married Elizabeth Stanton and at one time lived in Owego, N. Y. Children : 2359 i Thomas » Chaffee, died before 1883. 2360 ii Fannie Chaffee, died before 1883. 2361 iii Emma A. Chaffee. 910 George Washington ^ Chaffee (William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Olneyville, R. I., April 6, 1819, and died in De Kalb, 111., January 23, 1886. He married, August 22, 1850, Philena Camp- bell, who was living in 1886 in Courtland, 111. He lived in Owego, N. Y., and in the spring of 1876 moved with his family to De Kalb, where he spent his remain- ing years. He was buried in Afton, N. Y. He was a farmer and known as a true and honorable man. Children : + 2362 i Charles E.s Chaffee, married. 2363 ii Maria B. Chaffee, residence, 1883, De Kalb, 1886, Courtland. 912 James Gardner ? Chaffee (William,8 Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Na- thaniel,2 Thomas was born in Olneyville, R. I., February 27, 1823, and died in Providence, R. I., August 8, 1878. He married (1) in Providence, in May, 1849, Abby A., daughter of John Prospect of that place, formerly of Havre, France, the name being formerly spelled Prospierre. She died August 26, 1863, and he married (2) in October, 1865, Mrs. Mary L. Robinson, widow of John Robinson of Worcester, Mass. She died in May, 1872. Mr. Chaffee was an engineer and machinist. Children, by first wife : 2364 i Ella Augusta » Chaffee, born February 6, 1850; residence, 1886, Provi- dence. SEVENTH GENERATION 241 2365 ii Minetta Arnold Chaffee, born January 30, 1857; residence, 1886, Provi- dence. 2366 iii Lillian Briggs Chaffee, born August 9, 1863; died August 29, 1863. 913 Stephen Geno ^ Chaffee (William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Olneyville, R. I., April 14, 1824, and married Harriett Pendleton. In 1883 he was living in Warren Centre, Pa., where he was a farmer and blacksmith. Children : 2367 i Helens Chaffee, born February 27, 1849; married (1) John Fairchild, who died before 1883; (2) Garfield; residence, 1886, Little Meadows, Pa. 2368 ii Frank B. Chaffee, born August 7, 1854. 2369 iii Carrie L. Chaffee, born May 2, 1864; married Charles Coburn; residence, 1886, Warren Centre. 916 Joseph BJ Chaffee (Winiam,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Olneyville, R. I., October 17, 1827, and died May 11, 1857. He married Nancy Mary Allen, who after his death married (2) Mr. Whittaker, a farmer. Children : + 2370 i Idell s Chaffee, married Lester M. Hill. 2371 ii Josephine Chaffee. 919 Joseph B.7 Chaffee (Walker,6 Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas ^), married Rebecca Anthony, and in 1884 lived in East Providence, R. I. Children : 2372 i Ella « Chaffee. Another child, name unknown. 922 Abram Bowen ^ Chaffee (Walker,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel,^' Thomas i) was born August 10, 1832, and married in Barrington, R. I., Sarah Mil- ler. He was living in Providence, R. I., in 1884. Children : 2373 i Williams Chaffee, born in Warren, R. I., in 1859; married Ida Mowry; residence, 1884, Providence. 2374 ii Rebecca Chaffee. Another child, name unknown. 928 Horace Brown 7 Chaffee (Wilder.e Joseph,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., September 28, 1828, and died December 28, 1893. He married in Sheshequin, Pa., March 4, 1851, Polly, daughter of Abram Gore of that place. He worked on his father's farm until he was nineteen years old, when he learned the blacksmith's trade and at the end of three years went into business for himself in Sheshequin, where he built up a large custom by his skill and industry. In 1852 he moved to Le Raysville, Pa., where he continued his trade, in connection with farming. He held various town offices and lived in Le Raysville for over thirty-nine years. In 1893 he was Postmaster in Chaffee's Corners, Pa. Children : 2375 i Charles Francis ^ Chaffee, born February 11, 1852; married Sarah Bos- worth. 2376 ii Omer Horace Chaffee, born May 2, 1854; married Emma Haight. 242 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2377 iii Willie Alonzo Chaffee, born May 6, 1856; died March 4, 1877. 2378 iv Fred Arthur Chaffee, born August 1, 1860. 2379 V Fannie Sabrina Chaffee, born April 25, 1862; married Charles Carrington. 929 Maria Elizabeth ^ Chaffee (Wilder,6 Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) married, April 4, 1858, George B., son of William and Anna (Humphrey) Harrington. He was born January 8, 1833, and died April 21, 1863. He was a mason and farmer, and lived on the family homestead near Le Raysville, Brad- ford County, Pa. In 1891 Mrs. Harrington lived in South Owego, N. Y. Children : 2380 i Mary Alice » Harrington, 2381 ii George William Harrington. 2382 iii Lucy Sabrina Harrington. 939 Joel 7 Ohafee (Charles,« Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Wallingford, Vt., May 1, 1807, and died in Springville, N. Y., March 14, 1883. He married in Spencer, Mass., October 11, 1832, Ann, daughter of Daniel Moulton of that place. She was born in Spencer, August 8, 1812, and died in Springville, .September 24, 1882. Joel Chafee was a farmer. He bought land in Ashford, N. Y., April 12, 1845, and he and his wife Anna sold land there, December 16, 1846, on both of which dates he was living in Concord, N. Y. He also bought other pieces of land in Erie County, N. Y. He also lived in Springville, where he was buried. Children, born in Springville: 2383 i Augusta » Chafee, born in 1835; residence, 1890, Utica, N. Y. 2384 ii Bertrand Chafee (Chaffee), born October 26, 1837; married in Sardinia, N. Y., May 17, 1871, Jennie B., daughter of George Richmond of that place; he was President of a railroad and owner of the Springville Flour Mills in 1890, when he lived in Springville. 2385 iii Ellen R. Chafee, born in 1844; died in 1856. + 2386 iv Carlos E. Chafee, born in 1851; married. 952 Mary Frances Augusta ^ ChafEee (Jonathan,^ Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas *) was born in Boston, Mass., May 15, 1830, and died Jan- uary 9, 1892. She married there, June 17, 1851, William Henry, son of Henry and Mary (Brackett) Baldwin. (See Appendix E.) He was born in Brighton, Mass., October 20, 1826. He was an importer and jobber of dry goods under the firm name of Baldwin, Baxter and Curry, later Baldwin and Curry, having served an apprenticeship at that business in the firm of J. M. Beebe & Company in 1846. In 1868 he retired from business and that year was elected President of the Young Men's Christian Union, Boston, which position he still held in 1905. Under his guidance and liberal thought the Union has grown to magnificent proportions, enrolling over five thousand members and occupying its own building. In 1894 he was also President of the Children's Mission to the Children of the Destitute, Vice President of the National Unitarian Church Temperance Society, Trustee of the Franklin Savings Bank, Director of the Massachusetts Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals, and member of the Bostonian Society, and of the Bostonian Memorial Association. He was also a member of the School Committee of the City of Boston for several years. Mary F. A. (Chaffee) Baldwin was a member of the Congregational Church at the time of her marriage, but afterward HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON SEVENTH GENERATION 243 united with the Unitarian Church of which her husband is a member. She was buried in Forest Hills Cemetery, Jamaica Plains, Mass. Mr. Baldwin has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, four and a half inches in height. In 1906 he was still living in Boston: Children, all but the first born in Boston: 2387 i Mary Chaffee » Baldwin, born in Brighton, July 10, 1852; married Herbert Nash. 2388 ii Maria Josephine Baldwin, born January 26, 1855. 2389 iii Harry Heath Baldwin, born January 13, 1857; married Fanny Hall. 2390 iv Frank Fenno Baldwin, born April 22, 1859; married Lucy Nash. 2391 V Fannie Aldrich Baldwin, born December 24, 1860; married Reverend Charles T. Billings; residence, 1905, Lowell, Mass. + 2392 vi William Henry Baldwin, Jr., born February 5, 1863; married Ruth S. Bowles. 2393 vii George Storer Baldwin, born June 16, 1866; married Nellie Swift Todd. 2394 viii Robert Collyer Baldwin, born May 26, 1868. 2395 ix Richard Brackett Baldwin, born February 18, 1873; residence, 1905, St. Louis, Mo. 954 William Ricker ^ Chaffee (Jonathan,^ Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Boston, Mass., and died there, March 14, 1868. He married in Boston, Sophia L. Gerts of Portland, Me. He was a grocer. Children : 2396 i Edward Lawrence ^ Chaffee, born in Boston, March 20, 1854; died there, January 12, 1888; married there about 1874, Mary Ellen, daughter of N. B. Bryant of Boston; she married (2) Oliver; Mr. Chaffee was for a time connected with the dry goods commission house of A. Hamilton & Co., and later was prominently known in banking and brokerage circles, being Treasurer and General Manager of the Boston Loan Company from its organization in 1878 until his death; residence, Boston. 2397 ii Manuela Corillo J. Chaffee, born October 7, 1857. 2398 iii William Ricker Chaffee, Jr., born July 13, 1860; married in Roxbury, Mass., in October, 1888, Isabel E. Waitt; he succeeded his brother as Treasurer of the Boston Loan Company in 1888. 2399 iv Mary Josephine Chaffee, born February 8, 1863. 2400 V Florence Gertrude Chaffee, born December 12, 1864. 955 Stephen ^ Chaffee (Stephen Harrison," Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel;^ Thomas 1) was born in Richmond, N. H., in 1805 and died in Mt. Holly, Vt., in April, 1874. He married there, Abigail Clark, daughter of Elijah Davenport of that place. She died September 30, 1833, and was buried in Mt. Holly. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Stephen Chaffee lived in Richmond and Swanzey, N. H., until he was ten years old, when he moved with his mother to Mt. Holly, where he lived all the rest of his life. He joined the Baptist Church there and later the Advent Church, in which he was a Deacon up to the time of his death. He had a light complexion, blue eyes and was five feet, four inches in height. He was a farmer and an honorable, upright man. Child: + 2401 i Stephen Harrison » Chaffee, born October 24, 1831 ; married (1) Roxanna Tarbell; (2) Hattie E. Hart. 244 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 956 Timothy Washington Ranodine ^ Nichols (Rhoda Sophronia « Chaffee, Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Richmond, Vt., September 30, 1815, and married (1) in Essex, Vt., February 22, 1844, Susan A., daughter of John S. Tubbs of that place. She died December 1, 1866, and was buried in Essex. He married (2), March 12, 1868, Julia A. Bliss. He was Assis- tant Judge of the County Court for four years, Justice of the Peace for forty years and Town Clerk for twenty-nine years. He had a fair complexion, blue, eyes and was a farmer. In 1892 he was living in Essex, which had been his home for years. Children, by first wife: 2402 i Jane E.s Nichols, born November 16, 1849; married Charles E. Greene. 2403 ii Fayette G. Nichols, born July 24, 1851 ; married Martha Flag. 958 Albigence ^ Chaffee (Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., April 14, 1790, and died in Palermo, N. Y., November 18, 1857. He married in Connecticut, September 15, 1811, Lucy, daughter of Levi Streeter of Ashford. She died in Palermo and was buried in Gilbert's Mills, N. Y. Both joined the Free Will Baptist Church of Ashford in 1831, in which Mr. Chaffee was a Deacon for fifty years. He had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height. He was a cooper and was buried in Palermo. Children : + 2404 i Lucy Emily » Chaffee, born January 28, 1812; married Smith Moss. + 2405 ii Lyman Albigence Chaffee, born August 9, 1814; married Clarissa Clark. + 2406 iii Minerva Chaffee, married Wilford Sweetland. 959 Fidelia ^ Chaffee (Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., February 7, 1791, and died February 5, 1880. She married Ephraim Martin, a farmer of Westerley, R. I. She was buried in the River Bend Cemetery, Westerly. He died and was also buried in West- erly. He had a dark complexion, gray eyes, and was six feet in height. Both were members of the First Baptist Church of Westerly, she having previous to her removal from Ashford in 1808, been a member of the Baptist Church there. After their marriage they lived in Natick, Warwick, Providence, Cranston and Westerly, all in Rhode Island. Children : 2407 i Marcy Ann « Martin, married Halsey Green. 2408 ii Charles Monroe Martin. 2409 iii Carlos Moran Martin, died in August, 1891 ; married (1) in North Providence, R. I., May 18, 1845, Lydia, daughter of Stephen Potter of Coventry, R. I.; (2) Hannah Cowell; residence, 1845, Warwick, later Providence. 2410 iv Maria Celinda Martin, unmarried. + 2411 V William Anthony Martin, born January 22, 1826; married Emma J. Viera. 2412 vi John Salsbury Martin, married Charlotte Edwards. 2413 vii George Henry IVLartin, married Innocent Hill, and had two sons; residence, 1893, Westerly. 960 Joel 7 Chaffee (Josiah,6 Josiah.s Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., March 16, 1794, and died in Gilbert's Mills, N. Y., April 7, 1874. He married (1) in Bridgewater, N. Y., December 18, 1818, SEVENTH GENERATION 245 Jerusha B., daughter of Willard Converse of that place. She was bom there, January 14, 1801, died May 3, 1838, and was buried in Volney Centre, N. Y. He married (2) in Schroeppel, N. Y., March 2, 1839, Deborah, daughter of Nathan Duel of Mexico, N. Y., born there, July 12, 1814. She was living in Syracuse, N. Y., in 1891. Joel Chaffee's home was in Bridgewater in 1818. He was living in Volney, when he bought land there, in 1823 and he was a resident of Schroeppel when he bought land there in 1837. He was a house builder and farmer and in 1874 was living in Gilbert's Mills, where he died. At one time he held the town office of Poor Master. He united with the Advent Church in 1819. He sang well and was of a jovial disposition, had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. Children, by first wife, the last four born in Palermo, N. Y. : 2414 i Josiah Willard « Chaffee, born in Bridgewater, February 3, 1819; died there, March 21, 1819. + 2415 ii Joel Palmer Chaffee, born May 23, 1820; married Hepzibah Chamber- lin. + 2416 iii Jerusha Emeline Chaffee, born April 9, 1822; married William Smith. 2417 iv Betsy Caroline Chaffee, born October 3, 1823; died in Volney, where she lived. 2418 v Sarah Adaline Chaffee, born January 4, 1826; died in Volney, where she lived. 2419 vi Helen Melvina Chaffee, born October 5, 1829; died in Volney, where she lived. 2420 vii Mary Elizabeth Chaffee, born November 20, 1831; married, Sep- tember 29, 1859, Chester Jewett; residence, 1893, Fulton, N. Y.; no children. Children, by second wife, born in Schroeppel: + 2421 viii Harriet Melinda Chaffee, born September 2, 1839; married Hiram Sweet. 2422 ix Laura Deborah Chaffee, born April 16, 1841; died in Gilbert's Mills, August 27, 1881; lived there. 2423 X William David Chaffee, born June 25, 1846; died in Schroeppel, where he lived. 961 Israel Dimock ^ Chaffee (Josiah," Josiah,^ Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., May 23, 1796, and died in Brook- lyn, Conn., January 12, 1858. He married (1) in Ashford, May 27, 1818, Ann Bailey of that place. She died July 29, 1826, and was buried there. He was married (2) in Brooklyn, December 25, 1828, by Reverend Ambrose Edson, to Mary Franklin of that place, who died March 16, 1870. Israel and Ann (Bailey) Chaffee joined the First Congregational Church of Ashford, March 28, 1819. He after- wards became a member of the Episcopal Church. After his first wife's death he moved to Brooklyn, where his will was probated in 1858. He had a dark com- plexion, black eyes, and was five feet, six or seven inches in height. He was a carpenter. Children, by first wife : 2424 i Lutia Ann » Chaffee, born in Ashford, February 23, 1821 ; died October 6, 1822. 2425 ii James Dwight Chaffee, born in Willington, Conn., December 15, 1823; died August 27, 1834. + 2426 iii Lucius Dimock Chaffee, born March 10, 1825; married Mary A. Davis. 246 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 962 David ^ ChafiEee (Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., February 3, 1798, and died in Gilbert's Mills, N. Y., August 19, 1824. He married (1) Lucy Perrin of Pennsylvania; (2) Mary Lamphere of Gilbert's Mills. He lived in Connecticut, Susquehanna County, Pa., and Oswego County, N. Y. Child, by first wife : + 2427 i CeUna Hayward « ChafTee, born December 26, 1820; married Peter Robinson. 965 Josiah " Chaffee, Jr. (Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 9, 1805, and died in Phoenix, N. Y., May 5, 1890. He married in Gilbert's Mills, N. Y., in 1832, Emeline M., daughter of John W. Davis of that place. Mr. Chaffee went to New York state in 1820. In 1842 he and his wife lived and sold land in Schroeppel, N. Y., and in 1882 he was living in Phoenix. He was a farmer, and was a Deacon in the Free Baptist Church. He lead an exemplary Christian life, was highly honored and respected by all who knew him, and greatly beloved by his family. Children : 2428 i Jane Maria'* Chaffee, born in Gilbert's Mills, in 1833; died there in 1833. + 2429 ii Jane EHzabeth Chaffee, born in 1834; married Dudley Fish. 2430 iii Mary Abigail Chaffee, born in 1836; died in Pennellville, N. Y., in 1857; married Calvin Phillips; no children; lived in Pennellville. + 2431 iv Newman Josiah Chaffee, born November 10, 1838; married (1) Delia A. Burleigh; (2) Mornelvia 0. Miller. 2432 V Joanna Amantha Chaffee, born in 1843; married George H. Parsons; no children ; lives in Phoenix. 2433 vi Martha Chaffee, born in Phoenix, in 1847; died there in 1847. + 2434 vii Emeline Jerusha Chaffee, born in 1850; married L. Duane Streeter. 966 Frederick ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Frederick, « Josiah, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas ^), was born in Ashford, Conn., January 7, 1789, and died in Mansfield, Conn., April 3, 1862. He married in Ashford, June 12, 1814, Catherine Spring, daughter of Ephraim Knowlton of that place. He served in the War of 1812, from August 23 to October 26, 1814, being sta- tioned in New London, Conn., at the time Commodore Decatur's fleet retreated before the British. He was in Charles Abel's company, and also in Groton in Captain Amos Chaffee's company. In 1832 he was a pensioner, living in Hartford County, Conn. He was a farmer. Children : + 2435 i Orwell Sidney « Chaffee, born June 13, 1815 ; married Lucina A. Conant. 2436 ii Ephraim Chafi'ee, born in 1817; died in 1819. 2437 iii WiUiam F. Chaffee, born May 17, 1822. 2438 iv Maria Chaffee, born in 1823; died in 1828. 973 Daniel Knowlton^ Chaffee (Frederick,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 21, 1802, and died in Providence, R. I., July 8, 1856. He married (1) there, January 1, 1827, Mrs. Sarah Aldrich (Tucker) Snow of Raynham, Mass., born September 29, 1788, died September 29, 1848, and was buried in the North Burying-Ground, Providence. SEVENTH GENERATION 247 He married (2), September 10, 1849, Mrs. Charlotte A. (Sayles) Cornell of Glou- cester, R. I. He lived in Providence, where he held the office of Sheriff. Children, by first wife: 2439 i Daniel Knowlton » Chaffee, Jr., born May 25, 1828; died in June, 1863. + 2440 ii Charles Edward Chaffee, born December 17, 1830; married (1) EUza A. Thurber; (2) Anna E. K. Gladmin. 2441 iii Sarah Ann EHzabeth Chaffee, born November 12, 1832; died March 17, 1834; buried in the North Burying Ground, Providence. 2442 iv Joseph Frederick Chaffee, born September 16, 1835; died August 20, 1838; buried in the North Burying Ground, Providence. 2443 v Joseph Frederick Chaffee, born November 29, 1838; died May 15, 1839; buried in the North Burying Ground, Providence. 2444 vi George Warren Chaffee, born April 25, 1840; died January 13, 1863, after reaching home from sickness contracted in the Union army during the Civil War; he was in the Battle of Bull Run and thirteen other battles. 974 Anson ^ ChafEee (Frederick," Josiah,^ Jonathan,'* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 17, 1804, and died in Derby, Conn., October 6, 1873. He married in East Windsor, Conn., April 20, 1826, Sally M., daughter of James Whipple of that place. She was born October 25, 1810, died April 1, 1883, and was buried in Derby. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Anson Chaffee, though fifty-seven years old, enlisted in the 2d Connecticut Volunteer regiment for three months, served his time and was discharged. Returning home, he re-enlisted September 21, 1861, in the 10th Connecticut Volunteer regiment for three years, as Drum Major and after passing through the Hatteras campaign was discharged in Newberne, N. C, for age and disability. He was by trade a mechanic, and was living in Derby at the time of his death. Children : 2445 i A son,8 born in East Windsor, November 7, 1827; died November 24, 1827. + 2446 ii Anson D. Chafi'ee, born September 14, 1829; married (1) Mary Harris; (2) Catherine B. Hawley. + 2447 iii Sarah M. Chaffee, born December 7, 1831; married Mansfield Hull. + 2448 iv Sanford Erasmus Chaffee, born October 14, 1833; married il) Anna E. Boyce; (2) Mary E. Turner. + 2449 v Charles S. Chaffee, born January 25, 1836; married Mary J. Chalker. + 2450 vi Frank W. Chaffee, born February 23, 1838; married Sarah A. Finch. + 2451 vii James W. Chaffee, born July 24, 1840; married Mary L. Zetler. + 2452 viii Ehza L. Chaffee, born August 29, 1843; married George A. Cargill. + 24,53 ix Harvey M. Chaffee, born August 1, 1846; married Ehzabeth Decker. 2454 X Ella N. Chaffee, born January 6, 1849; died January 7, 1851; buried in Derby. 2455 xi Susan Chaffee, born October 28, 1852; married in Derby, June 9, 1875, Frank S., son of Lucius B. Welton of New Haven, Conn.; he is a corset designer. 991 Emery 7 ChafEee (Elihu," Josiah,^ Jonathan, * Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., April 30, 1818, and died in Manchester, Conn., in March, 1855. He married there, April 28, 1847, Philenda, daughter of Theodore Risby, Jr., of that place. In 1847 they lived in Manchester, where he was a school teacher. 248 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child: 2456 i Theodore Dean « Chaffee, born in Glastonbury, Conn,, March 15, 1851 ; married, July 6, 1881, Emma, daughter of Jared HoUister of Man- chester; in 1883 he was a hotel clerk in Springfield, Mass. 992 Ezra ^ Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass. (New Salem, Mass.), December 20, 1784, and died in Courtland, Mich., March 16, 1853. He married in Windham, 0., Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Messenger of that place. She died May 16, 1844, and was buried in Windham. Doctor Ezra Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, dark hair and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a graduate of Yale College and also studied in New York state. He served in the War of 1812 as a surgeon under General Harrison, in Fort Meigs and Tippecanoe, Ind., and was stationed in Buffalo, N. Y., at the time of Perry's victory on Lake Erie. He moved to Ohio in 1790, and was living in Windham at the time of his marriage. About 1848 he moved to Michigan, where he was one of the first physicians in Kent County. Children : + 2457 i Willard Dillingham s Chaffee, born March 24, 1812; married Mary Shank. 2458 ii Harriet Mary Chaffee, born October 13, 1814; died December 24, 1878; married George Shank. 2459 iii WiUiam Darwin Chaffee, born August 17, 1816; married Aurillia Punray. 2460 iv Sally Mercy Chaffee, born June 1, 1818; married Nathan R. Wood. 993 Thirza ^ Chaffee (Benjamin, » Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,' Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., November 6, 1786, and died. She married Rufus Whitehead. Child: + 2461 i Maria » Whitehead, married James Cook. 995 Benjamin ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Benjamin, ^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), was born in Becket, Mass., February 11, 1792 (1793), and died in Newfield, N. Y., June 30, 1842. He married in Scipio, N. Y., in 1812, Clarissa, daughter of Robert Bradford of Sempronius, N. Y. She was born Feb- ruary 17, 1798, died December 24, 1862, and was buried in North Hector, N. Y. She was a Methodist. Benjamin Chaffee, Jr., was a Private in the War of 1812. He travelled as far as Black Rock, N. Y., but did not engage in any active service. He was baptized in November, 1793, in the First Congregational Church of Becket. He probably went to New York state with his father, about 1807. At the time of his marriage he was living in Scipio, but apparently moved soon after to Newfield, as all his children were born there. He had a fair complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a farmer and is said to have been a strict and upright man. Children, born in Newfield: + 2462 i Clarissa Ervillas Chaffee, born March 13, 1813; married John Mc- Daniels. + 2463 ii Benjamin Albert Chaffee, born November 11, 1814; married (1) Carohne Story; (2) Mary Conley. SEVENTH GENERATION 249 + 2464 iii Robert Charles Chaffee, born May 22, 1816; married (1) Sophia Russel; (2) Ann Shields. + 2465 iv Ezra Albertus Chaffee, born June 24, 1819; married Sally Gellow. + 2466 V Sarah Alvira Chaffee, born July 5, 1820; married William Rowley. 2467 vi Samuel Chaffee, born March 2, 1822; died in Newfield, May 10, 1840. + 2468 vii Jane Mirah Chaffee, born IVIay 9, 1824; married Richard or John Russel. + 2469 viii Rufus Chaffee, born August 14, 1826; married (1) EHza Beach; (2) Maries Starks. + 2470 ix Andrew Chaffee, born July 31, 1828; married Marietta Beach; (2) Maria L. Dassance. 2471 X Mary Ann Chaffee, born July 23, 1830; died in Indiana, April 15, 1870; married Jeremiah Beach; lived in Newfield until 1863, when she moved to Indiana. 2472 xi Nelson Chaffee, born September 20, 1832; died November 4, 1864; married Alvira » Chaffee (2475) (Joshua, ^ Benjamin, 6 Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) ; went to Indiana from Newfield in 1851, and lived there until 1863, when he entered the Union army, and died in the Civil War. 2473 ' xii Lemuel Chaffee, born June 16, 1834; died in Newfield, in childhood. 2474 xiii Chloe Melissa Chaffee, born March 21, 1837; died in Indiana in 1858; married Job Smith; went to Indiana from Newfield with her brother in 1851. 996 Joshua ^ Chaffee (Benjamin,^ Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., December 10, 1793, and died near Ken- dallville, Ind. He married Polly Bower. He was a farmer. Children: 2475 i Alvira s Chaffee, married Nelson Chaffee. (See 2472). 2476 ii A son, died. Six other daughters, names unknown. 999 Seth ^ Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel,2 Thomas ^) was born in Becket, Mass., in 1799, and died in Newfield, N. Y., March 22, 1875. He married Lucy McDaniels of Newfield, who died in 1873, and was buried there. Both were members of the Christian Church. He resided in Newfield from his childhood until his death, excepting one year in Geneva, N. Y. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was a laborer. Children : + 2477 i WiUiard Erwin s Chaffee, born April 12, 1828; married PhcEbe Savercool. 2478 ii Thomas Chaffee, married Amanda Russell; residence, 1891, Newfield. 2479 iii Riley Chaffee, married Ellen Butler; residence, 1891, Newfield. 2480 iv Oliver Chaffee, married Mary McLinnick; residence, 1891, Ithaca, N. Y. 2481 V Jason Chaffee, died before 1891; married Mary Boyer. 2482 vi Polly Chaffee, married Isaiah Doolittle; residence, 1891, Horse- heads, N. Y. 2483 vii Nancy Chaffee, married James Garrett; residence, 1891, Elmira, N. Y. 2484 viii Alvira Chaffee, married John Boyer; residence, 1891, Breesport, N. Y. 2485 ix Almira Chaffee, married Chester Linderman. 2486 X Huldah Chaffee, died before 1891; married Charles Holmes. 2487 xi Ransom Chaffee. 250 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1000 Almon ^ ChaSee (Benjamin, « Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., March 28, 1809, and died in Turkey Creek, Ind., May 12, 1859. He married in Newfield, N, Y,, Julia Ann, daughter of James Cook of that place. She died October 29, 1876, and was buried in Win- ston, Mo. Both were members of the Advent Church, Mr. Chaffee having formerly been a Baptist. He was a Deacon and an Elder in both churches. At the time of his marriage he lived in Newfield, and about 1837 moved to Ohio, settling near Painesville. Later he moved to Indiana. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He was a farmer with a reputation for thorough honesty and uprightness. Children : 2488 i Naomi Ann s Chaffee, born near Newfield, November 18, 1829; died May 16, 1870; married Otis Van Pelt. 2489 ii Sylvia Jane Chaffee, born in New York state, November 21, 1831; died January 11, 1863; married Neil J. Ruthorn, who was wounded in the Battle of Shiloh in the Civil War, and died aboard the boat on his way home. + 2490 iii Leonard Almon Chaffee, born January 2, 1834; married (1) Mary A. Van Pelt; (2) Almira Smith. 2491 iv Harmon Jared Chaffee, born in New York state, April 18, 1836; married (1) Minerva Conkhn ; (2) Louisa Conklin; residence, 1891, Parsons, Kan.; a farmer. 2492 V Charles Harrison Chaffee, born near Painesville, September 22, 1838; married Amanda Conklin ; he is a member of Advent Church, a fine Bible student, an eloquent speaker and evangelist, beloved and respected by all; stalwart, erect and finely proportioned; residence, 1891, Utica, Mo. + 2493 vi Alonzo Joshua Chaffee, born September 17, 1840; married Mary Teeters. 2494 vii Alfred Minor Chaffee, born June 5, 1845; died September 28, 1845. + 2495 viii Addison Harland Chaffee, born May 21, 1849; married Rose J. Salladay. 1002 Nathan ^ Church (Deliverance, ^ Thomas, * Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., February 23, 1789, and died in Maine, N. Y. He married (1), January 27, 1813, Annis Hare, who died in 1828, and he married (2), February 23, 1829, Zylpha Davis. He was a Baptist minister and at one time had a charge in Maine, where he died. Children, by first wife : + 2496 i Deliverance 8 Church, born April 25, 1814; married Ehjah Belcher. 2497 ii Nathan Church, Jr., born June 17, 1816; married, February 6, 1839, Almeda D. Mitchell, and had four sons and a daughter. + 2498 iii Lydia Ann Church, born March 6, 1818 ; married WiUiam E. Messenger. 2499 iv William B. Church, born September 16, 1821; married, November 9, 1841, Fanny Bronson, and had one son, a minister, and a daughter; he is a wagonmaker in Albany, N. Y. 2500 V Hannah A. Church, born May 22, 1828; married, March 23, 1848, D. W. Norton, and had two children; residence, Susquehanna, Pa. Child, by second wife: + 2501 vi Adoniram Judson Church, born .January 1, 1831 ; married Irene Fuller. 1005 Cyrus ^ Church (Deliverance ^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., February 14, 1798, and died SEVENTH GENERATION 251 October 28, 1865. He married (1), November 11, 1850, Phoebe S. Gleason, and (2) Rosetta Christie. He was buried in Becket. Child, by first wife : 2502 i Nathan s Church, died. 1011 Newman Keyes ^ Chaffee (Thomas, « Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Becket, Mass., December 15, 1796, and died there, December 15, 1858. He married (1) in Springfield, Mass., March 15, 1820, Elizabeth, daughter of Ebenezer Phelps of Becket, where she died April 30, 1836, aged thirty-five years and eight months. Mr. Chaffee married (2) in Vernon, Conn., March 1, 1837, Olive, daughter of Lemuel Abbott of that place. She was born October 3, 1800, died in Becket, February 1, 1871, and was buried there, as were Mr. Chaffee and his first wife. All three were members of the First Con- gregational Church of Becket, which he joined at the age of thirty. He was a farmer in Becket, which he represented in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1850. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, eight inches, in height and of a very kindly disposition. Children, by first wife, born in Becket: 2503 i Ebenezer » Chaffee, born December 12, 1820; residence, 1858, Chicago. 111., 1883, Hiko, Nev., where he lived on a ranch, having lived in the mountains twenty years; unmarried. 4-2504 ii Frederick A. Chaffee, born March 17, 1823; married Charlotte Thrall. -t-2505 iii Wolcott Chaffee, born June 15, 1826; married Jennette A. Judd. -1-2506 iv Joseph Chalker Chaffee, born August 18 (19), 1828; married Caroline L. Phelps. 4-2507 V Elisabeth Ann Chaffee, born October 5, 1831; married Wilham A. Messenger. 2508 vi A daughter, born January 12, 1834. Child, by second wife : 2509 vii Lucretia ChafTee, born in Becket, December 12, 1839; residence, 1858, Becket; unmarried and living with her sister, Mrs. Messenger, in Windham, O., in 1883. 1012 Miner ^ Chaffee (Thomas,^ Thomas,' Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., February 6, 1799, and died there, Septem- ber 29, 1880. He married in Becket, June 9, 1825, Lucy, daughter of Joseph Frary of that place, where she was born November 14, 1798. She died June 8, 1884. Both were buried in Becket. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and though Mr. Chaffee was not a member, he was a strong supporter of his wife's church. They resided in Becket, where he was a Selectman, and also in Tyring- ham, Mass. He was first a blacksmith and later a farmer and manufacturer. He was of a generous nature and ready for every good work. He had a dark com- plexion, black eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. Children, the first two born in Becket, the last two in Tyringham: 4-2510 i Henry s Chaffee, born April 9, 1826; married Charlotte C. Carter, -f 2511 ii Sarah ChafTee, born February 4, 1829; married Jonathan W. Wheeler. 2512 iii Emma Chaffee, born February 29 (27), 1833; residence, 1884, Becket; unmarried. 4-2513 iv Thomas Chaffee, born December 31, 1838; married Martha K. Marcy. 252 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "^ 1014 Anna Harriet ^ ChafEee (Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., February 4, 1803, and died there, August 17, 1859. She married in Becket, January 8 (20), 1824, Justin Martin Ames, born there. May 17, 1799. He died in Thompsonville, Conn., November 4, 1882. Both husband and wife were buried in Becket. They were members of the First and Second Congregational Churches of Becket, she joining at the age of twenty-four. Justin M. Ames was a farmer and had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. His wife had a dark complexion, and black eyes. Children, born in Becket: 2514 i Samantha Minerva « Ames, born December 24, 1826; married Joshua Barnard; residence, 1883, Morristown, Minn., 1887, Wisconsin. 2515 ii Zeruah Ames, born October 26, 1828; married, March 4, 1852, Joseph Osborn; residence, 1883, Saratoga, N. Y. 2516 iii Sampson Chaffee Ames, born July 28, 1830; residence, 1883, Sara- toga. 2517 iv George Luther Ames, born June 16, 1832; married Ellen Tinker of Chester, Mass.; residence, 1883, Saratoga. 2518 V Lucy Ann Ames, born October 6, 1835; married (1), July, 1852, Nelson D. Gibbs; (2) in Becket, in July, 1853, WiUiam Wheelock; residence, 1883, Minonk, 111., 1890, Milan, 0. 2519 vi Lucinda Ames, born March 6, 1837; married, June 25, 1862, James P. Meecham, who died before 1890; residence, 1883, Middle- field, Mass., 1890, Milan. + 2520 vii Miner Thomas Ames, born July 20, 1839; married (1) Emily Rose; (2) Irene Cowen. 2521 viii Wilson Ames, born April 16, 1841; married Abby Wilcox of Chester; residence, 1883, Chicago, 111. 2522 ix Julia Ehza Ames, born March 24, 1843; residence, 1883, Chicago; unmarried. + 2523 X Franklin Ames, born July 7, 1845; married Emma Cowen. 1015 Thomas Sherman ^ ChafEee (Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., March 24, 1805, and died in Springfield, Mass., October 6, 1874. He married (1) in Becket, February 4, 1829, Elizabeth (Betsey) Shaw of that place, who died there, April 25, 1830, and was buried there. He married (2), January 3, 1832, Lucy Ann Culver of Tyringham, Mass., who died in Blandford, Mass., April 26, 1843, and was buried there. He married (3) in Blandford, November 2, 1843, Catharine L., daughter of Rufus Blair of that place. She was living in 1885. Thomas S. Chaffee served as Representative in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1842. In 1874 he was living in Springfield, where he was a merchant and a member of the Congregational Church. He had a light compexion, gray eyes, and was of medium height. Children, by first wife: 2524 i Wellington « Chaffee, born in Becket; died aged eight months. Children, by third wife, born in Blandford: + 2525 ii Sherman Blair Chaffee, born September 2, 1844; married Alice A. Williams. 2526 iii Theodore Wellington Chaffee, born January 23, 1847; married in Boston, Mass., August 14, 1873, Harriet F., daughter of William C. Poland of that place; no children; in 1885 was a cattle raiser and wool grower in Hinsdale, Wy. HELIOrVPE PRINTNG CO dOSF SEVENTH GENERATION 253 2527 iv Edward Clark Chaffee, born July 21, 1850; died September 11, 1852, and was buried in Blandford. 2528 V Fred Knowlton Chaffee, born May 9, 1855; residence, 1885, Denver, Col., where he was a government clerk in the Surveyor General's Office. 1016 Lucinda ^ Chaffee (Thomas," Thomas, " Jonathan,* Jonathan, » Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., January 12, 1807, and died in West Becket, Mass., April 1, 1864. She married in Becket, October 10, 1827, Kendall Baird of that place, who died April 21, 1868, aged sixty-five years and one month. Both were buried in Becket. She had a dark complexion, back eyes, and was five feet, two inches in height. Children : 2529 i Abigail E» Baird, born in 1828; married, June 14, 1849, Henry Wilson of Blandford, Mass., and had two or three sons; residence, 1890, Rockford, 111. 2530 ii Prentice C. Baird, born in September, 1831 ; died in East Lee, Mass., October 6, 1890; went to Lee in 1854 and entered into partnership with Joseph C. Chaffee (2506) in the jewelry business; in 1856 became a paper manufacturer; was President of the Lee National Bank and a Director in another Lee bank; a man of great business ability and energy; State Senator from Lee; dark complexion, black eyes, medium height; unmarried. 2531 iii Alma L. Baird, born in April, 1834; married, November 28, 1853, Na- thaniel S. Kellogg of Illinois, and had three children; residence, 1890, Rockford. 2532 iv Catharine A. Baird, born May 12, 1838; married, September 6, 1867, Lloyd Call of Otis, Mass., who died before 1890, when she was living in Lee; no children. 2533 V Frederick K. Baird, born in 1842; married (1), June 5, 1862, Carrie J. Clark of Becket, who died May 2, 1863; (2) Jennette Clark. 2534 vi George K. Baird, born January 25, 1846; married Belle H. Hitchcock of Winsted, Conn.; in 1890 had two children and was living in Lee. 1017 Prentiss ^ ChafEee (Thomas, <> Thomas, » Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., January 1, 1809, and married there, about April or May, 1833, Betsey, daughter of Israel Cannon of Blandford, Mass., their marriage intention being published in Becket, April 15, 1833. Mr. Chaffee was a member of the First Congregational Church of Becket, and was Selectman of that town from 1839 to 1841, and again in 1851. In 1845 he represented Becket in the Massachusetts Legislature. He was a paper manufacturer and in 1883 was living in Lee, Mass. He has a dark complexion and is of medium height. Children : + 2535 i George Lewis « Chaffee, born September 30, 1834; married Constance Henderson. 2536 ii Mary Elizabeth Chaffee, born March 16, 1839. 1019 Knowlton Sampson ^ Chaffee (Thomas,^ Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., July 11, 1814, and married in Lee, Mass., January 27, 1836, Amelia, daughter of Pliny Shaylor of that place. He went to Boston, Mass., in 1838 to sell qharcoal which he manufactured in the Berkshire Hills. He was a member of the firm of Chaffee and Cummings, charcoal dealers, and was also a glass manufacturer. He was President of the 254 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Faneuil Hall Fire Insurance Company, of the horse car line running between Boston and Cambridge, and was a member of both branches of the Massachusetts Legislature, the House of Representatives in 1863, and the Senate in 1868. He was a member of the East Cambridge Board of Alderman, the Common Council and was Overseer of the Poor in that town. In 1887 he was living in East Cambridge, a retired merchant, having been in the charcoal business for forty years. Child: + 2537 i Charles S.s Chaffee, born December 18, 1838; married. 1026 Thomas B.^ Chaffee (Jonathan,6 Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1), died in McGrawville, N. Y. He married Eliza Wells. Children : 2538 i Polemas W.^ Chaffee, residence, McGrawville. 2539 ii Morris B. Chaffee, residence, Toronto, Canada. + 2540 iii Thomas Jefferson Chaffee, born March 6, 1841 ; married Mary Hamilton. 1039 Orin ^ Ames (Lois « Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in 1807, and died in Covington, Pa., February 9, 1880. He married Eliza Burr of Massachusetts, who in 1891 was living with her daughter, Mrs. Wells, in Covington. Children : 2541 i John H.s Ames. 2542 ii Sarah H. Ames, married C. C. Wells; residence, 1891, Covington. 2543 iii A daughter, married George Cleveland; residence, 1891, Wellsboro, Pa. 2544 iv A daughter, married John L. Fowler; residence, 1891, Wellsboro. 2545 V Pliny Ames, residence, 1891, Lindley, N. Y. 1041 Lyman ^ Ames (Lois ^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Smithfield, Pa., and married. In 1885 he was living in Smithfield. Child: 2546 i Isaac ^ Ames, residence, 1885, Smithfield. 1048 Hiram ^ ChafEee (Nathan,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Virgil, N. Y., October 30, 1812, and married in Ledyard, N. Y., April 20, 1833, Maria B., daughter of Cornelius Wilkinson of that place. At this time Hiram Chaffee lived in Ledyard, where in 1839 and 1842 he owned land, and was still living. In 1893 he was living in Republic, O. He is a farmer, has a light complexion, blue eyes and is five feet, eight inches in height. Children : + 2547 i Cornelius 8 Chaffee, born September 24, 1839; married Sarah E. Salisbury. 2548 ii George W. Chaffee, born February 17, 1842 ; died October 31, 1862. 1049 Achsah ^ Chaffee (Nathan,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born June 8, 1815, and married, September 5, 1835, John Benedict, born May 17, 1812. She lived in Virgil, N. Y., at the time of her marriage and later in Austinville, Pa. HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON, MASS SEVENTH GENERATION 255 Children : 2549 i Edwin De Witt « Benedict, born June 8, 1838; married Ellen Hulsander. 2550 ii Julia A. Benedict, born March 4, 1841 ; married Elijah Hulsander. 2551 iii Sarah A. Benedict, born August 1, 1844; ched November 13, 1861. 2552 iv Mary H. Benedict, born February 7, 1864; married Charles Carroll. 2553 V George W. Benedict, born September 25, 1851; died November 3, 1861. For further descendants, see Benedict Genealogy. 1050 Hannah ^ Putnam (Hannah e Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., in 1794, and died in 1869. She married in Becket, August 3, 1820, William Hine. She united with the Congre- gational Church in Becket at the age of fifty. She had a dark complexion, black eyes, and w^as of medium height. Children : 2554 i Mary » Hine, died in Lee, Mass.; married Doctor Leonard, and lived in Lee. 2555 ii James L. Hine, born in 1826; died February 14, 1845. 2556 iii EUzabeth Hine, married William Clark of Northampton, Mass. 2557 iv Emily Hine, married Edward Clark of Northampton; residence there, 1890. 2558 v Sarah Ann Hine, married Brown; residence, 1890, Northampton. 2559 vi Marshall Hine, married. 1052 Roxana ^ Putnam (Hannah ^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Becket, Mass., in 1799, and died there, Feb- ruary 18, 1867. She married in Becket, June 26, 1820, Dana M. Smith. She had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was tall. Children : 2560 i Albert » Smith. 2561 ii John Smith. 2562 iii Harriet Smith, married Wolfe of Lee, Mass. 2563 iv Charles Smith, residence, 1890, Lee. 2564 V Hannah Smith, married. 1053 David ^ Putnam (Hannah « Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., in 1801, and died. He married (1) there, February 1, 1831, Hannah Church. He married (2) Betsey Clark of Otis, Mass. He united with the First Congregational Church of Becket at the age of twenty-six. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was above medium height. Children, by first wife: 2565 i Lorenzo R.s Putnam, born in 1832; married, November 24, 1852, Mary H. Thayer, and had three sons; residence, 1890, Minneapolis, Minn. 2566 ii Jane Putnam, died in Minneapolis; married. 2567 iii Emily Putnam, died in Minneapolis; married. Children, by second wife: 2568 iv Elizabeth Putnam, married George Smith; residence, 1890, Blandford, Mass. 2569 V Anna Putnam, unmarried; residence, 1890, Becket. 2570 vi Lucy D. Putnam, married L. L. Twinning of Otis. 256 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1055 Rowena ^ Putnam (Hannah e Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born m Becket, Mass., in 1805, and died in 1887. She married, April 7, 1830, John Dennison, Jr. Child: 2571 i Emily « Dennison, lived in Brooklyn, 0., in the family of a distant cousin, WiUiam H, Robinson (2593). 1056 Isaac ^ Putnam (Hannah e Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., in 1806, and died. He married there, April 10, 1834, Lucinda E. Church. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was medium in height. He and his wife were both members of the First Congregational Church of Becket, and were dismissed from that church to the one in Sandisfield, Mass., in 1873. Children : 2572 i Harmony s Putnam, married Bills. 2573 ii George Putnam, married; residence, 1890, Winsted, Conn. 2574 iii Isaac Warren Putnam, born January 24, 1845. 2575 iv John Putnam. 1057 Jonathan Marcus ^ Putnam (Hannah « Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., in 1807, and married in January, 1830, Phoebe Rouse of Windsor, Mass. He was a member of the First Congregational Church of Becket. He had a dark complexion, and dark eyes. Children : 2576 i Joseph M.s Putnam, residence, 1890, Westfield, Mass. 2577 ii Charles F. Putnam, residence, 1890, Pittsfield, Mass. 2578 iii James Putnam, killed in the Civil War. 2579 iv Henry Harrison Putnam, residence, 1890, Dalton, Mass. 2580 V Lucy Putnam, died before 1890. 2581 vi Rufus Thayer Putnam, residence, 1890, Westfield. 1061 Harriett Cymena '' Putnam (Hannah ^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Becket, Mass., in 1816, and married Loring Gallup of Dalton, Mass. Children : 2582 i Emeline 8 Gallup, married Edward Johnson; residence, 1890, South Lee, Mass. 2583 ii Martha Jane Gallup, married Norman Wells; residence, 1890, Holyoke, Mass. 2584 iii Ellen Gallup, died before 1890; unmarried. 2585 iv Eugene Gallup, married; residence, 1890, Tro)'", N. Y. 2586 V Lucy Gallup, married. 2587 vi Lucinda Gallup, married. 2588 vii Frank Gallup, married; residence, 1890, Hoosick, N. Y. 1062 William MJ Putnam (Hannahs Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., in 1818, and married Novem- ber 5, 1839, Mary Ann Olmstead. He and his wife are both members of the Second Congregational Church of Becket where at one time they lived. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Children : 2589 i Rowena s Putnam, born March 16, 1841 ; married WiUiam B. Church, Jr., who served in the Civil War; residence, 1890, Chester, Mass. SEVENTH GENERATION 257 2590 ii Harriet Cymena Putnam, born in 1846; died September 9, 1864. 2591 iii William David Putnam, born September 25, 1849; died September 26, 1864. + 2592 iv Mary D. Putnam, born June 29, 1856; married Frank L. Rice. 1065 Diana ^ Chaffee (Zephaniah,6 Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Locke, N. Y., in 1806, and married in Scipio, N. Y,, April 5, 1825, Ebenezer Robinson of that place. He was born in Vermont, July 19, 1800, and died in Brooklyn, 0., August 3, 1883. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. He became a member of the Christian Church at the age of thirty-six, and was a Deacon for twenty-five years. Diana Chaffee was adopted by Cyrus Avery of Sempronius when three years old and was called Diana Avery. She lived in Scipio, at the time of her marriage, and in 1826 moved to Richfield, O. Later she lived in Republic, O., and in 1892 in Brooklyn with her son, William H. Robinson. Children: + 2593 i William Henry s Robinson, born May 19, 1826; married Martha Serls. + 2594 ii Elizabeth Robinson, born January 6, 1830; married Thomas Bolton. + 2595 in Charles Robinson, born April 30, 1832; married Maria Bark. 2596 iv Elvirco Robinson, born February 15, 1836; died December 25, 1836. 1066 Zephaniah,7 Jr., or Guilderoy or Leroy Chaffee (Zephaniah,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan, 4 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,- Thomas i) was born in Locke, N. Y., De- cember 25, 1807, and died in Elk Falls, Kan., June 29, 1881. He married in Genoa, N. Y., November 21, 1832, Sophronia A., daughter of Daniel Close of that place, a native of Connecticut. She died March 28, 1885, and was buried in Elk Falls. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and later of the Church of the Disciples of Christ. Of this church Mr. Chaffee was also a member, having joined it at the age of twenty-six and being for years a Deacon and an Elder. He lost his mother when only eighteen months of age. It is told of him that when about seven years old he lived with his uncle and aunt, Amos and Abigail (Chaffee) Watkins and, being sent one night to bring in the cows from pasture, lost his way and would have been devoured by wolves had not his uncle who heard the howling of the wolves, gone in search of him. In 1832 he lived in Genoa, but moved soon after to Hinckley, 0., from which place he moved in 1842 to Sullivan, 0., and from there in 1870 to St. Louis, Mich. In 1878 he went to Elk Falls, where he spent the rest of his life. He was a farmer, had a light complexion, dark eyes, and was five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. He was named for his father, but later changed his name to Guilderoy and was afterward called Leroy. He was a strong advocate of every reform movement in society, and was ever known as a lover of justice- Children : + 2597 i Daniel Close » Chaffee, born August 22, 1833; married (1) Almira W. Gould; (2) Mrs. Ohve M. (Close) Smith. 2598 ii Adelia Jane Chaffee, born ]\Larch 9, 1835; married L. D. Smith; resi- dence, 1893, Hesperia, Mich. 2599 iii Harriet Frances Chaffee, born January 21, 1837; married W. D. Dickinson; residence, 1893, St. Louis. + 2600 iv James Henry Chaffee, born in Hinckley, June 7, 1841; married (1) Margaret Space; (2) Julia L. Burdick. 258 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1067 Caleb Judson ^ ChafEe (Caleb, ^ Thomas,"' Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas was born October 22, 1804, and died in Lexington, Mo., in 186L He married (1), December 13, 1827, Mary P. Geer, who died September 25, 1840. He married (2), August 5, 1841, Sylva Handy, who died in 1858, and was buried in Westfield, 111. He married (3) Rachel Rathbun. He was a farmer. In 1850 he lived in Pennsylvania, in 1855 in Illinois, and in 1860 in Missouri. Children, by first wife: 2601 i Mary M. C.s Chaffe, born September 10, 1828; died in 1829. 2602 ii Henry C. B. Chaffe, born September 23, 1831; killed in Petersburgh, Va., in 1863, in the Civil War. 2603 iii Calvin Geer Chaffe, born March 15, 1834. Children, by second wife: + 2604 iv Charles Edwin Chaffe, born August 7, 1843; married Julia L. Mc- Intyre. 2605 V Sarah Jane Ehzabeth Chaffe, born August 22, 1847. + 2606 vi Thomas Davis Leroy Chaffe, born July 12, 1855; married Mary M. Pool. 1069 James Madison ^ Chaffe (Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., July 25, 1810, and married in New Lebanon, Conn., November 12, 1837, Caroline, daughter of Daniel Parker of Lenox, Mass. In 1887 he was living in Becket, where he was a farmer. Children, born in Becket: 2607 i Chauncy J. Chaffe, born June 26, 1839; married, and has one child. 2608 ii Daniel P. Chaffe, born December 26, 1841 ; married, and has two children. 2609 iii Ellen C. Chaffe, born July 20, 1845; married John Cole, and has seven children. 2610 iv FrankUn Lester Chaffe, born July 15, 1862; a farmer. 1070 Nathan Milton ^ Chaffe (Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., April 3, 1812, and died about 1869. He married in Otis, Mass., February 13, 1834, Ruth Ann, daughter of Ly- man Osborn of that place. She died June 29, 1881, and was buried in Granville, Mass. Nathan M. Chaffe was a farmer. Children : 2611 i EHza Ann « Chaffe, born February 11, 1839; died February 23, 1841. + 2612 ii Nathan Orlando Chaffe, born January 31, 1841; married Sarah R. Morgan. 2613 iii Frederick Edwin Chaffe, born February 28, 1844; died February 23, 1845. 2614 iv Ruth Orlinda Chaffe, born June 22, 1846. + 2615 V Edmund L. Chaffe, born April 12, 1849 ; married Sophia T. Cables. 1074 Louise (or Lois) JJ Chaffe (Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) died in Lee, Mass., before 1855. She married in Becket, October 15, 1834, Benjamin S. Rogers. Children : 2616 i Martha s Rogers. 2617 ii Mary J. Rogers. 1075 Benjamin Davenport ^ Chaffe (Caleb," Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born September 15, 1819, and died in Lee, Mass., in 1889. He married there, June 3, 1841, Malinda Snow. SEVENTH GENERATION 259 Child: 2618 i Harriet Adaline * Chaffe, born in Lee. 1078 Thomas Lewis Dwight ' Chaffe (Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan ,■» Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., December 20, 1829, and married in Lee, Mass., February 16, 1852, Angeline Adelia, daughter of Robert Hunter of that place. Both are members of the United Brethren Church, Mr. Chaffe having joined at the age of forty-seven. He served as a Private in the Civil War. He has a light complexion, blue eyes and is five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. He is a farmer, and in 1891 was living in Arkansas City, Kan. Children : 2619 i George L.s Chaffe, born May 14, 1853. 2620 ii Harriet E. Chaffe, born March 17, 1859; died December 10, 1860. 2621 iii Loren F. Chaffe, born July 30, 1861 ; died October 10, 1862. 2622 iv Mary E. Chaffe, born July 19, 1875. 1088 Horatio Pease ' Reed (Wiiliam e Reed, Hannah s Chaffe, Jonathan,* Jon- than,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Tolland, Conn., February 12, 1821, and died in Vernon, Conn., August 8, 1877. He married in Tolland, April, 1844, Vina, daughter of Lathrop Richardson of Newington, Conn. She was born in 1822, died in 1873, and was buried in Tolland. Mr. Reed had black hair, blue eyes, and was of medium height. He was a farmer and had a jovial disposition. Children, the first four born in Tolland, the last in Vernon : 4-2623 i Loren Horatio » Reed, born March 10, 1846; married (1) Mary Lincoln; 2) Susan Finney. 2624 ii Harriet Augusta Reed, died young. 2625 iii Laura Emma Reed, died young. 2626 iv Charles Baker Reed, born December 11, 1856; married Rose Pinney. 2627 V Ellen Mary Reed, born October 18, 1867; married Alfred Thomas. 1089 Jose ' Chaffee (Jonathan, » William, s Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., May 30, 1791, and died in Bristolville, 0., September 3, 1869. He married in Becket, Mass., April 18, 1813, Theodocia, daughter of John Fletcher of that place. She died September 14, 1875, and was buried in Bristolville. He was a minister and a farmer. Children, the first six born in Bristolville, the last two in Mecca, O. 2628 i Theodocia » Chaffee, born December 4, 1813. 2629 ii Sally L. Chaffee, born July 23, 1815; married Sperry. -t-2630 iii Martha Ann Chaffee, born October 18, 1816; married Samuel David- son. 4-2631 iv Joseph G. Chaffee, born July 6, 1818; married Wealtha Cook. 2632 V Eunice P. Chaffee, born April 23, 1820; married McCuUom. 2633 vi Mary M. Chaffee, born March 23, 1822; married Cook. 2634 vii Betsey L. Chaffee, born February 7, 1826 ; married Scoville. 2635 viii Nancy Jemima Chaffee, born May 1, 1830; died about 1847, aged seventeen; unmarried. 1090 Billings ^ Chaffee (Jonathan,6 William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathan- iel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., April 13, 1793, and died in Lincoln, Wis., April 22, 1874. He married (1) in Becket, Mass., August 27, 1813, Char- lotte, daughter of John Hoskins of that place. She died July 18, 1857, and was 260 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY buried in Peninsula, O. He married (2) in Orland, Ind., April 8, 1858, Sally- Brooks, who died there, September 20, 1873. In 1813 he lived in Becket, in 1820 in Tyringham, Mass., in 1822 in Hinsdale, Mass., in 1825 in Simsbury, Conn., and in 1831 in Sandisfield, Mass. In Septem- ber, 1833, he moved to Ohio, where he lived until 1861. He then settled in Or- land, and after his second wife's death lived with his daughter, Mrs. Beers, in Lin- coln, where he died and was buried. He was a dyer and dresser of cloth. Children, by first wife: 2636 i Sally » Chaffee, born January 4, 1814; died January 7, 1814. 2637 ii Jonathan Chaffee, born February 18, 1815; died February 19, 1815. + 2638 iii Mary Charlotte Chaffee, born June 8, 1817; married Thomas J. Holmes. + 2639 iv Luna Maria Chaffee, born January 9, 1820; married WiUiam Barn- hart. 2640 V Eunice Armena Chaffee, born September 5, 1822; married in Penin- sula, June 25, 1845, Calvin Beers. 2641 vi Sally Amanda Chaffee, born in Simsbury, February 5, 1825; died March 6, 1825; buried in Simsbury. + 2642 vii Almerin Billings Chaffee, born August 7, 1826; married Mary A. McDaniel. + 2643 viii Orson Alpheus Chaffee, born July 9, 1829; married (1) Frances Buell; (2) Ruby M. Reese, ix (Adopted) Richard Tower Morton, born October 21, 1814. 1093 Henry Farnham 7 Chaffee (Jonathan,^ William, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., June 11, 1802, and died in Bris- tol, O., October 2, 1874. He married Sally E. Gates, who died in August, 1877, and was buried in Bristolville, 0. He was a school teacher and a farmer. Children : 2644 i Larinda A.^ Chaffee, married Finney; residence, 1887, Lincoln, Neb. 2645 ii Alcina E. Chaffee, married Harrington; residence, 1887, Painesville, 0. 2646 iii Almanza Chaffee, died in the Civil War. + 2647 iv Justina C. Chaffee, married Arthur E. Fenton. 1094 Truman Bibbins ^ Chaffee (Jonathan, ^ William, ^ Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., June 19, 1804, and died in Or- well, 0., May 9, 1861. He married (1) in Farmington, O., February 1, 1827, Grace, daughter of Elisha Hyde of that place. She died in Orwell, March 7, 1856, of consumption, and was buried there. Both were members of the Methodist Church. He married (2) in Orwell, September 16, 1856, Mrs. Lydia Babcock, who was living in 1887. He was a carpenter, cabinetmaker and farmer. He died of stomach trouble. Children, by first wife, the last six born in Orwell : 2648 i Ali^heuss Chaffee, born in Bristol, O., November 14, 1827; died March 28, 1829. + 2649 ii Sydney Alvares Chaffee, born August 2, 1830; married Nancy J. Maxwell. 2650 iii Orestes Parmeno Chaffee, born in Bloomfield, 0., October 3, 1832; married in Holbrook, Ariz., December 8, 1885, Mrs. Helen (Jenkins) Nichols, daughter of Upton Jenkins of Maryland; no children; residence, 1886, Holbrook, 1904, New Orleans, La. SEVENTH GENERATION 261 The following story of his life is taken from the Nciv Orleans Times-Dem ocrat: "Major O. P. Chaffee, a brother of Gen. Adna Chaffee, chief of staff of the United States Army, after many vicissitudes now in the office of Quartermaster Bloom, in New Orleans, yesterday told a startling, strenuous story, with the elements of both the fairy tale and the dime novel. "He was born on a farm in Ashtabula County, Ohio, and when merely a boy, started off to St. Louis, to enter a bank as clerk, not to see his family again for thirty-five years. He became an express rider with Gen. Joe Johnston and Harney shortly after the IMountain Meadow massacre in '57. Then he settled in Wilcox County, in Alabama, as a young planter, and was accumulating capital when the war between the States broke out. Enlisting as a private, he was made a major for gallant conduct on the field of action at Shiloh, was on the staff of Gens. Bragg, J. K. Duncan, Hood, and Joe Johnston, and served throughout the war. " 'After the civil war was ended,' said the kindly old major, 'I started off to Brazil. I embarked on a steamer from New Orleans to New York, where I remained for a couple of months, and then left for Rio Janeiro. I arrived there in August, 1866. Emperor Dom Pedro, hearing of my arrival along with several other Americans, asked me to come and see him. I did so, and fovmd that he spoke excellent English. The war with the Para- guayans, under Gen. Lopez, was going on at that time. The Paraguayans contended that the Brazilians should not be al- lowed to use the River Parana, and Brazil fought against that contention. I was immediately placed upon the staff of Gen. Dhu as major and inspector of cavalry. " 'I remember a peculiar sight which occurred at the battle of Humaytaia when we drove Lopez back to the mountains. There were men protecting the fort on the other side and about 17,000 men with us. I never saw men fight like they did. They stripped, and w^th nothing but their cartridge belts and guns rushed upon the foe and fought like demons. They placed all their clothes in piles. Two days the battle lasted and then Lopez fled. The war lasted three months more, during which time we were joined by Gen. Rosas, of Uruguay, one of the fijiest soldiers and most elegant gentlemen I ever met in my life. When I arrived in Brazil I had only 10 cents, and it was fortunate for me that I was given the position I received at the hands of the government. After the war was over I took a thousand acres of land given by the government to those who wished to cultivate. I established myself at Santarem, in the Amazon Valley, in October, 1867, and immediately commenced the work. I cleared the land and planted tobacco, coffee and corn. I had a man and his wife to help me, and especially to teach me how to speak Portuguese. They aided me, and tobacco of the finest kind in the world was grown in Brazil, but still I did not prosper, and after wasting three years I got the rubber craze. The rubber craze in Brazil at that time was similar to the gold craze in California in '49. In '69 the excitement on the Amazon was like mito that in California in '49. Everybody was crazy to make a fortune in rubber, and so I went with them. I worked for a year in the interior cutting the rubber with my own hands, and then went into the business of buying and selling it. I had in the course of a few years accumulated a snug fortune, and was getting along nicely. I left home one morning, leaving all 262 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY my possessions in the thatchhouse some one hundred yards from the shore of the river. When I returned at night I had nothing in the world, for the river had washed away the banks and there was no vestige of where the house stood. The sixteen people whom I had working for me had scattered to the four winds. I went to a neighbor's house, borrowed a canoe and went twenty miles to a man whom I had had dealings with, and told him that I was going to pay every cent I owed. And then I worked for a year in the rubber fields until I had paid every cent, and with $10 to my name I was ready to start out again. Then I returned to the Amazon again and went into the cane business. I built it up from small to large accumulations, put in machinery, and was doing well in the manufacture of caxexa liquor. So it went along for three years, and then one afternoon, after I had been away in my canoe with my man all day, I was returning when a terrible storm came up. The rain poured in torrents, and when we tried to make our way through the woods we were lost, and hour after hour we trampled through those woods, and finally, when we arrived at my home I was taken to my ham- mock and did not arise again for three years more. I suffered no pain at all, but I could not use my limbs. They were ab- normally swollen. The doctors could do nothing, and there I remained until 1883, when I was enabled to move easily enough for me to come back to my native land. Upon my return I went to Arizona, where I was quartermaster's agent at Fort Holbrook for ten years. I had other experiences after that, but as I look back now, I must tell you that I would rather live in Brazil than anywhere. The people are perfectly frank and true, and life is more enjoyable there, I think, than any where.' "He was four years in the office of Gen. Wood when he was military governor of Cuba. Finally he came to New Orleans in the Quartermaster's Department." He died May 7, 1908, in Kansas City, Mo. 2651 iv Louisa Matilda Chaffee, born in Bristol, May 2, 1835; married (1) in Mecca, O., June 3, 1852, Nicholas Rulapaugh, who served in the Civil War, enlisting in the 89th New York Infantry, Sep- tember 10, 1861 ; he was killed in the Battle of Antietam, Sep- tember 17, 1862; no children; she married (2) in Freedom, 0., March 8, 1866, Doctor Sylvester Morgan King, born in Charles- town, O., September 27, 1836; he was also in the Civil War, being badly wounded in the Battle of Shiloh ; he was present at the surrender of Lee's Army; he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Lidependent Order of Odd Fellows; is a homeopathic physician and surgeon; residence, 1886, Albia, la. ; no children. + 2652 V Sherburne Howard Chaffee, born July 15, 1837; married Esther S. Hayes. 2653 vi Nelson Chaffee, born in Bristol, O., September 16, 1839; married in Ellsworth, Kan., December 28, 1867, Mary C, daughter of William Simeon Baxter of Otsego County, N. Y.; no children; during the Civil War, he served for six months in Company H, 7th Ohio Infantry; in 1861 was taken ill and discharged in Rom- ney, W. Va.; in 1862 served in 84th Ohio Infantry four months; in 1863 enlisted in Lexington, Ky., in 104th Ohio Infantry, and served until the end of the war; was wounded June 19, 1864, in the siege of Knoxville, Tenn., and was in the hospital there four months; rejoined his regiment in Rome, Ga., on its return after the capture of Atlanta, Ga., and went to Franklin, Tenn., Nash- ville, Tenn., then to the Halston River ; transported in the winter SEVENTH GENERATION 263 of 1865 by water to Cincinnati, O., thence by rail to Washing- ton, D. C, thence by water to Fort Fisher; took part in the capture of Wilmington, N. C, then sent to Raleigh, N. C; trans- ferred to 183d Ohio Infantry and detailed to drive General Carter's ambulance; returned home to Ohio in July, 1865, and moved to Indiana in 1867; in August of that year, he moved to Kansas; he is a Prohibitionist, was for twenty-two years a member of the Methodist Church and later of the United Breth- ren Church; residence, 1886, Wichita, Kan.; an expressman. -1-2654 vii Adna Romanza Chaffee, born April 14, 1842; married (1) Mrs. Kate (Hanie) Reynolds; (2) Annie F. Rockwell. 2655 viii Truman Everel Chaffee, born June 12, 1844; died April 6, 1862, in the Battle of Shiloh; enlisted in the 14th Ohio Battery, in August, 1861 ; unmarried; was a bright scholar, a natural musi- cian, with a kind and loving disposition. 2656 ix George William Chaffee, born October 12, 1847; married and has no children; residence, 1887, Youngstown, 0. 2657 X Almond Chaffee, born November 28, 1848; married twice and had two children; residence, 1887, Atchison, Kan. 2658 xi Zorilda Jane Chaffee, born September 12, 1850; married in War- ren, O., January 26, 1869, Emanuel Keene, a farmer, born in Perry County, Pa., September 25, 1847; residence, 1887, Bristol- ville,0. 2659 xii Clifton Elisha Chaffee, born November 22, 1852; married in Atchison, June 29, 1886, Ada Louise, daughter of John Peterson of that place; residence, 1886, Concordia, Kan.; official stenographer for the 12th District, Kansas. 1102 Cyrus ^ Chaffee (Amos,« William, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., February 11, 1803, and died about 1867. He married Eunice . Though but a little over eleven years of age at the time, he is said to have served as Private in the War of 1812, being in the com- pany of his father. Captain Amos Chaffee, from August 23 to October 14, 1814, and acting as assistant to him. The company was stationed in Groton, Conn. Child: 2660 i Caroline s Chaffee, married Topliff ; residence, 1883, New York City. 1104 Amos 7 Chaffee, Jr. (Amos,^ William, s Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i), was born in Ashford, Conn., October 14, 1806, and died in Eastford, Conn, (formerly Ashford), February 9, 1863. He married in Ashford, 1834, Mary, daughter of Samuel Curtis, of that place. She was born April 13, 1814, died Au- gust 3, 1881, and was buried in Eastford. They probably lived in Ashford until about 1850, and after that in Eastford, which was organized in 1847 from the easterly half of Ashford. Amos Chaffee, Jr., was a farmer. Children, the first nine born in Ashford, the last four in Eastford: 2661 i Mary Jane » Chaffee, born July 27, 1835; died in Webster, Mass., about 1863; married George A. Mungan of Dudley, Mass.; no children ; buried in Eastford. + 2662 ii Gurdon Amos Chaffee, born May 10, 1837; married (1) Sarah S. F. Lyon; (2) Caroline F. Capwell. + 2663 iii Martha Susan Chaffee, born June 22, 1839; married S. H. Preston. + 2664 iv Annie Emily Chaffee, born June 11, 1840; married Gordon S. Haven. 2665 V Amelia Maria Chaffee, born October 28, 1841 ; died in infancy. + 2666 vi Harriet Amanda Chaffee, born October 26, 1843; married George A. Dennis. 264 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 2667 vii Esther Lurancie Chaffee, born March 24, 1847; married John A. Young. 2668 viii David Clinton Chaffee, born December 1, 1848; died in infancy. 2669 ix Andrew Monroe ChafTee, born in December, 1849; died in infancy. + 2670 X John Milton Chaffee, born March 13, 1851 ; married Mary E. Plummer. + 2671 xi Ellen Adelia Chaffee, born March 26, 1854 ; married Gilbert S. Shippee. 2672 xii James Maro Chaffee, born August 23, 1856; died in infancy. + 2673 xiii Elmina Henrietta Chaffee, born November 6, 1859; married (1) E. W. Miller; (2) William Munson. 1105 William Fax i Chaffee (Amos,^ William, s Jonathan, * Jonathan, ^ Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born April 20, 1809, and married in Ashford, Conn., May 12, 1840, Mary Ann Parker. Children, born in Ashford: 2674 i Harmony Lovina ^ Chaffee, born March 26, 1841. 2675 ii Harriet Maria Chaffee, born June 3, 1842. 2676 iii Juhette Chaffee, born September 12, 1843. 1106 Anna Bibbins ^ Chaffee (Amos,^ William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas ^) was born in Ashford, Conn., May 24, 1811, and died Decem- ber 8, 1881. She married Elijah Fordham, born in New York City, March 8, 1798, died in Wellsville, U., September 9, 1879. He was a carver, gilder and frame maker. They lived in New York, Illinois, Missouri and Salt Lake City, U., and other places in that state. Children : ^. 2677 i Anneliza « Fordham. 2678 ii George Fordham. 2679 iii Bathiah Fordham. 2680 iv Mormon Fordham. 2681 V Amos Pierce Fordham. ' + 2682 vi Annie Maria Fordham, married William P. Deakin. 2683 vii Joseph Fordham. 2684 viii Lidda Lovina Fordham. 2685 ix Mary Louisa Fordham. 2686 x Emily Adelia Fordham. 2687 xi Elijah Fordham, Jr. 2688 xii Elizabeth Fordham. 1107 Ephraim Pendleton ' Chaffee (Amos,^ William, ^ Jonathan, * Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., March 4, 1815, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 13, 1854. He married in New York City, in 1837, Mar- garet, daughter of Bartholomew Skeats of that place. She died in 1869. Both were buried in Cyprus Hills Cemetery, Brooklyn. He was a member of Christ Episcopal Church, Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. He was a shipping clerk, had black eyes, and was of medium height. Children : 2689 i Erastus Bartholomews Chaffee, born in 1840; died in Brooklyn, in 1874; unmarried. + 2690 ii Amos Banta Chaffee, born in 1842; married Elizabeth Brown. 2691 iii Isabella Chaffee, born in 1843; died in 1880; married George L. Brown of Boston. + 2692 iv Albert Banta Chaffee, born October 13, 1844; married Mary Hews. 2693 V Joseph Chaffee, born in 1845. SEVENTH GENERATION 265 + 2694 vi Mary Eliza Chaffee, born December 5, 1847; married Daniel E. Downing. 2695 vii James Clanny Chaffee, born in 1852; married Johanna Gerhart; lived at one time in Boston with his uncle, Joseph W. Zane. 2696 viii Sarah Louisa Chaffee. 1108 Harmony Claudine ' Chaffee (Amos,^ William, ^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., August 7, 1817, and was mar- ried (1) there, July 15, 1844, by Reverend Charles Hyde, to Zelotus Plummer Hiscox of Woodstock, Conn. He died about 1851, and she married (2) Joseph Farnham, who died before 1883, when she was living in Boston, Mass. Children : 2697 i Albert s Hiscox, residence, 1881, Kansas City, Mo. 2698 ii A daughter, died about 1881. 1109 Martha BJ Whipple (Molly ^ Chaffee, Jonathan, s Jonathan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born May 29, 1823, and married, May 4, 1851, David K. Owen, born August 6, 1818, died June 28, 1882. Children : 2699 i Carrie L.s Owen, born January 29, 1858; died August 20, 1858. 2700 ii George Ernest Owen, born February 14, 1860; died November 30, 1876. 1113 Benjamin James ^ Chaffee (Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, * Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Liberty, N. Y., May 15, 1812, and died in Windsor, N. Y., April 1, 1895. He married in Liberty, January 29, 1840, Eliza, daughter of Joseph Taylor of Parksville, N. Y. In 1884 he lived in Windsor, where he was a farmer. Children : 2701 i Mary 8 ChafTee, born June 11, 1841; married in Parksville, January 1, 1865, James Conway; residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 2702 ii Martha Chaffee, a twin, "born June 11, 1841; married in Vineland, N. J., October 28, 1867, Nelson Searle; residence, 1890, Vineland. 2703 iii Hepsibah Chaffee, born June 28, 1845; married in Binghamton, Sep- tember 7, 1865, Hiram Hector. 2704 iv Sarah Chaffee, born July 30, 1850; residence, 1890, Windsor; unmarried. 2705 v John Rush Chaffee, born September 21, 1851; married, March 26, 1884, Ella Buell; residence, 1890, Windsor. 1114 Stephen Mitchell ' Chaffee (Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,'* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Liberty, N. Y., August 18, 1817, and died in Parksville, N. Y.,' May 16, 1900. He married there in 1844, Mary Ann, daugh- ter of Joseph Taylor of London, England. She was born February 15, 1816, died March 22, 1891, and was buried in Parksville. Both were members of the Methodist Church, in which Stephen Chaffee was a Class Leader for twenty years. He had a Hght complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was a farmer and the latter years of his life lived in Parksville. Children : 2706 i James A.s Chaffee, born December 29, 1845; unmarried in 1900. + 2707 ii John Chaffee, a twin, born December 29, 1845; married Frances I. Dewitt. 2708 iii George E. Chaffee, born in 1848; married Libbie R. Krum. 266 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1115 Benjamin Francis ^ Chaffee (Reuben,*" Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Middletown, Conn., October 20, 1820, and died there, November 8, 1878. He married in New York, October 20, 1846, Persis A. Harris. Children, born in Middletown: 2709 i Fred Bound » Chaffee, born December 21, 1848; married Mary Brewer, born in Middletown, May 21, 1851, died there, January 1, 1906. 2710 ii Frank Harris Chaffee, a twin, born December 21, 1848; died June 25, 1849. 2711 iii Elmore Reuben Chaffee, born November 26, 1851; married in Middle- town, October 13, 1891, Cherilla Griswold. 1117 Ephraim Bound ^ ChafEee (Reuben,^ Jonathan, s Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Middletown, Conn., August 28, 1826, and died August 6, 1902. He married there, June 8, 1852, Sarah Hall, daughter of John Bliss of that place. She died in Middletown, April 8, 1898. In 1891 he lived in Middletown, where he was a manufacturer. Children : 2712 i Lillian Lucy « Chaffee, born July 13, 1856. + 2713 ii Susie Nieda * Chaffee, born July 15, 1860; married James Y. Fairman. 1118 Flavius Josephus ^ ChafEee (Reuben,^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ^) was born in Middletown, Conn., October 30, 1829, and married in Durham, Conn., September 14, 1851, Ellen Amelia, daughter of John Hull of New London, Conn., a relative of Commodore Hull, the hero of the Battle of Lake Champlain. She died in Middletown, January 16, 1890, and was buried there. She was a member of the Episcopal Church, as is her husband, he having joined it at the age of thirty years and having been a Vestryman and Parish Clerk for six years. He has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six and one-half inches in height. In 1891 he lived in Middletown, where he was a merchant. Children, born in Middletown : 2714 i Ivonette Louise s Chaffee, born June 12 (19), 1854; died in Middletown, September 23, 1859. 2715 ii Clifford Hull Chaffee, born September 3, 1860. 2716 iii Louis Bound Chaffee, born August 9, 1862; married in Middletown, September 24, 1890, Annie Elizabeth Griswold of Portland, Conn. 1120 Reuben 7 Chaffee (Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Clarendon, Vt., January 23, 1785, and died in Berkshire, Vt., October 8, 1842. He married there, in May, 1807, Sally, daughter of William Danforth of Billerica, Mass. She was born March 20, 1783, and died in Berkshire, June 10, 1873. She was a sister of Priscilla Danforth, who was suc- cessively the wife of two of Reuben Chaffee's brothers. Comfort and John. Both husband and wife were members of the Baptist Church. Reuben Chaffee's will was admitted to probate in St. Albans, Vt., October 20, 1842, and his widow was appointed administratrix. He was a farmer. Children : + 2717 i Juliana » Chaffee, born December 10, 1807; married Covey. 2718 ii Sally Chaffee, born January 30, 1810; died December 27, 1810. + 2719 iii Samuel Luther Chaffee, born September 3, 1812; married Ursula S. Janes. SEVENTH GENERATION 267 + 2720 iv Reuben Chaffee, Jr., born March 31, 1814; married Lucy C. Brice. + 2721 V Washington Chaffee, born August 12, 1815; married Rachel Brice. 2722 vi Jane Chaffee, born July 24, 1818; died October 27, 1847; married Alexander Armstrong, and had several children ; residence, Berk- shire. + 2723 vii Albert Chaffee, born May 2.5, 1820; married (1) Nancy C. Brice; (2) Mrs. Lucy (Chaffee)" Woodworth (2755). 2724 viii S. Miranda Chaffee, born July 6, 1822; married John Armstrong, brother of Alexander Armstrong, and had children. 2725 ix William Henry Chaffee, born December 20, 1824; died January 25, 1842, from a cut in the foot, received while chopping in the woods; unmarried. 2726 ix Ithamar Stowe Chaffee, born February 3, 1827; married Hall, and moved to the West. 1121 Lucy 7 Chaffee (Comfort," Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born January 3, 1787, and died after 1883. She married Seth Kendall, who died before 1883, when she was living in Enosburgh, Vt. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Children : 2727 i Lucy » Kendall, married Russell Thurber; lived in Enosburgh Falls,, Vt., and later moved West. + 2728 ii Polly Kendall, married Arnold Burt. + 2729 iii Seth Kendall, Jr., married Polly Burt. 2730 iv Anna Kendall, married Nathan Chatburn and had one daughter. 2731 V Aaron Kendall, married Anna Williams, and had a large family of children, several of whom died young; lived in Enosburgh, and later moved West. 2732 vi Nathan Kendall, married Eliza Emery; no children; residence, 1891, Enosburgh Falls. 2733 vii Phoebe Kendall, married Samuel Hicks; residence, 1891, West Berkshire, Vt. 2734 viii Matilda Kendall, died before 1891; married Silas Nobles, and had four children; his residence, 1891, West Enosburgh. 2735 ix Orilla Kendall, married Solomon Marsh, and had two children; resi- dence, 1891, Fairfax, Vt. 2736 x William Kendall, died in early manhood. 1122 Jasper 7 Chaffee (Comfort,** Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Clarendon, Vt., October 4, 1789, and died in Berkshire, Vt., July 9, 1867. He married there, in 1810, Hannah, daughter of John Burleson of Providence, R. L, and sister of his brother Warren's wife. She died in 1854, and was buried in Berkshire. Both were members of the Baptist Church. He was executor of his father's estate. He was a farmer and also for many years a mer- chant in Berkshire. Children : + 2737 i Anna « Chaffee, born in 1811 ; married Guy Clark. 2738 ii Avaline Chaffee, died in early womanhood. 2739 iii Nathaniel Chaffee, born in 1815. + 2740 iv Hannah Fidelia Chaft'ee, born in 1818; married Reverend James M. Beeman . + 2741 V Cordelia Chaffee, born in 1820; married Ebenezer Weld. 2742 vi Jasper Chaffee, born in 1823; married Kemp. + 2743 vii Mary Chaffee, born in 1825; married John McCarthy. + 2744 viii Azro Buck Chaffee, born in 1830; married Foster. 268 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1124 Warren ' Chafiee (Comfort,^ Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel/ Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Clarendon, Vt., April 24, 1794, and died in Berk- shire, Vt., April 10, 1868. He married there (1) in 1814, Sally, daughter of John Burleson of Providence, R. I., and sister of his brother Jasper's wife. She was born March 18, 1797, and was buried in Berskhire. Both she and her husband were members of the TJniversalist church, he having joined at the age of twenty. He married (2) Prutia Hildreth. He served as a Private in the War of 1812, being captured and held a prisoner for six months. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet, four inches in height. He was a farmer and owned the adjoining farm to that of his brother, Aaron S. Chaffee, two miles south of Berk- shire Centre, on the road to Enosburgh Falls. Children, by first wife: 2745 i Harmon » Chaffee, died in Berkshire, September 14, 1884; married Sarah Ann Stearns of Canada. + 2746 ii Stephen B. Chaffee, born February 10, 1819; married Martha Shan- non. 2747 iii Warren Chaffee, Jr., born March 17, 1820; died in Berkshire, March 20, 1824. + 2748 iv Sally Chaffee, born November 16, 1822; married Sydney Butler. + 2749 V Electa Chaffee, born January 25, 1826; married William H. Andrus. + 2750 vi Ruby Lucy Chaffee, born June 1, 1829; married William P. Ewins. 2751 vii John Chaffee, born July 7, 1831 ; died in Berkshire, January 9, 1892. 2752 viii Nathaniel Chaffee, born November 19, 1833; married Delia Ells- worth. + 2753 ix Cornelius Perness Chaffee, born March 25, 1836; married (1) Catha- rine Gallon ; (2) Lenora Boyce. 2754 x Ezra Chaffee, born June 18, 1839; died in Berkshire, July 15, 1843. 1125 John ^ OhafEee (Comfort, " Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,'* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born July 12, 1796, and died in July, 1883. He married Mrs. Pris- cilla (Danforth) Chaffee, daughter of William Danforth of Billerica, Mass., and widow of his brother Comfort. He succeeded his father as a hotel keeper. Children : 2755 i Lucy » Chaffee, married (1) Hamilton Woodworth; (2) Albert Chaffee. ' (See 2723.) 2756 ii John Chaffee, Jr. + 2757 iii Homer S. Chaffee, married Mary R. Burleson. 2758 iv James Chaffee, residence, 1886, West Berkshire, Vt. 2759 V Nancy Chaffee. 2760 vi Betsey Chaffee. 2761 vii Charies Chaffee. 2762 viii Comfort Chaffee. 1126 Elijah ? Chaffee (Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'' Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born November 5, 1799, and died April 16, 1869. He married (1) Electa Rood, and (2) Julia Cummings, by whom he had four or five children, names unknown. He was the owner of a gristmill on Pike River Falls, West Berkshire, Vt. Child, by first wife : 2763 i Adaline » Chaffee. 1127 Aaron Stowe ^ Chaffee (Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., August 18, 1802, and died in SEVENTH GENERATION 269 Westfield, Vt., February 9, 1S87. He married (1) iu Enosburgh, Vt., February 2(3, 1873, Polly W., daughter of James Hill of that place. She died in Westfield, February 20, 1874, aged seventy. Both husband and wife died at 11 : 30 p. w. and they were buried side by side in Westfield. Both were members of the Baptist Church, which Mr. Chaffee joined at the age of sixteen, and of which he continued an active member through life. He married (2) Charlotte Martin. After their marriage Aaron Stowe and Polly (Hill) Chaffee lived with their father, Comfort Chaffee, and their brother, Warren Chaffee, until their house on the adjoining farm was built, the land at that time beipg only partly cleared. This farm lay about two miles south of Berkshire Centre, on the road to Enosburgh Falls. About 1857 or 1858 they moved to Westfield. All the children of Aaron and Polly Chaffee are said to have been church members. All had light hair and blue eyes, and bore a strong resemblance to one another. Every morning after breakfast family service was held, all the members of the family taking part in the scripture reading and singing of hymns, followed by a prayer of the father or mother. In 1873 the golden wedding of this venerable couple was held in West- field, all the children but one son being present. The family record at that time showed their descendants to be eleven children, forty-three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Chaffee had a sandy complexion, light blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He was a farmer and died at the home of his son, Bethuel M. Chaffee. Children, by first wife, born in Berkshire, Vt. : 4-2764 i Polly Hills Chaffee, born August 13, 1824; married Lucius B. Elliot. -f-2765 ii Comfort Chaffee, born February 17, 1826; married Elizabeth B. Dike (Dyke). -f-2766 iii Elvira Rebecca Chaffee, born May 6, 1828; married (1) S. Hamilton Redding; (2) Lucius H. Wheeler. 4-2767 iv Lovina Felton Chaffee, born February 22, 1830; married Curtis Wheeler. 4-2768 V Sylvester Aaron Chaffee, born April 2, 1832; married (1) Plantina 0. Pitcher; (2) Mrs. Jean G. (Pocock) Sergei. 4-2769 vi James Hill Chaffee, born May 14, 1834; married Laura Waite. 4-2770 vii Lovell Stowe Chaffee, born December 19, 1835; married Emma F. Hitchcock. 4-2771 viii Ransom Nathaniel Chaffee, born November 22, 1837; married Eunice L. Walker. 4-2772 ix Palmer Edson Chaffee, born July 21, 1840; married Elizabeth B. Leach. 4-2773 X Bethuel Meritt Chaffee, born April 23, 1842; married Alma H. Co- burn. 2774 xi Filinda Amelia Chafee, born March 17, 1847; married (1) Wilham H. Ward; (2) George Day; she is a member of the Baptist Church; residence, 1883, Jay, Vt. 1131 Nathaniel 7 Chaffee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jo'^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Salisbury, Vt., May 6 i'^'^" -^d ton, Vt., September 4, 1870. He married (1) the- Frank of that place. She was a Methodist, ^ married (2) in 1823, Lucy Wright, who dier complexion, blue eyes, and was six fee+ ' Hinesburgh, and was a farmer. 270 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, by first wife : 2775 i Melissa ^ Chaffee, married Joseph Phillips. 2776 ii Cornelia Chaffee, bom December 27, 1820; died May 30, 1892; mar- ried Loyal N. Wright. + 2777 iii John F. Chaffee, married Emiice Sherman. Children, by second wife: 2778 iv Lucinda Chaffee, born April 9, 1824; married Milton H. Bidwell; residence, 1892, Malone, N. Y. + 2779 V Henry Dean Chaffee, born November 5, 1826; married Juhette C. Kingsley. 2780 vi Ruby Chaffee. 2781 vii Mary Chaffee, married Brooks. 2782 viii Wilkins Chaffee, born August 4, 1833; married Jane Lawrence; no children; residence, 1892, Starksboro, Vt.; a farmer. 1132 Henry ^ Chaffee (Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born near Monkton, Vt., in 1802, and died in North Hudson, Vt. He married (1) Ann Allen. The names of his second and third wives are unknown. He lived for some time in the state of New York. Children, by second wife : 2783 i William » Chaffee, married Cornelia — , and had two daughters and several sons; moved to Minnesota. 2784 ii Huldah Chaffee, died; unmarried. + 2785 iii Henry Allen Chaffee, married Frances Duncan. 2786 iv Mary Chaffee, married Taggart. 1142 John 7 Chaffee (Daniel, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., May 18, 1793, and died about 1857. He married in Seekonk, Mass., September 21, 1823, Fanny Medbury, soon after moving to Warren, Pa. His will, made August 18, 1837, was probated December 4, 1857. He was a Deacon. Children : 2787 i William Penn » Chaffee, killed by a bull. 2788 ii John Matthew ChafTee. 2789 iii Jesse M. Chaffee. 2790 iv Abigail M. Chaffee, married Mix. 2791 V Susan Chaffee. 2792 vi Fanny Chaffee. 2793 vii Dexter N. Chaffee. 2794 viii George N. Chaffee. 2795 ix Charles Chaffee. 1144 Daniel ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Daniel, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i), was born in Rehoboth, Mass., September 2, 1796, and died in Warren, Pa., August 7, 1875. He married there, Mrs. Lydia (Arnold) Buffing- ^at place, daughter of James Arnold of West Warren. She died in 1876, " '■ ' <^pntre. Her will, made January 7, 1876, was probated B. Chaffee, being executor. Daniel Chaffee, Jr., ^nd was five feet, nine and one-half inches in ■ly as 1824. He was a farmer and a member "me 24, 1875, was probated October 9, SEVENTH GENERATION 271 Children : 2796 i Lavania 8 (or Lovinia) Chaffee, born September 29, 1823; married (1) Albert Tyrrell; (2) Orvilla Chaffee. (See 1288.) 2797 ii Sarah Chaffee, born August 28, 1825; died June 29, 1867. 2798 iii Olive Ann Chaffee, born February 2, 1828; died in 1882. + 2799 iv Dexter Chaffee, born February 19, 1830; married ]\Iaria Bowen. 2800 V Daniel Chaffee, Jr., born October 19, 1832; died April 10, 1835. + 2801 vi Preserved B. Chaffee, born September 10, 1834; married Elizabeth T.Chaffee (3088). 2802 vii Daniel Chaffee, Jr., born April 22, 1835; died June 22, 1845. 2803 viii Maria F. Chaffee, born April 22, 1837; married Joseph Pease; resi- dence, 1893, Le Raysville, Pa. 2804 ix Lorinda Chaffee, born August 31, 1844. 2805 X Lorenzo D. Chaffee, born August 29, 1845; died November 2, 1864, of yellow fever, while serving in the Civil War. 1145 Newman ^ Chaffee (Daniel," Nathaniel, s Nathaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, ]\Iass., May 19, 1798, and died in Au- gust, 1848. He married Lydia R., daughter of Josiah Medbury of Seekonk, Mass. She died April 8, 1848. He was a shoemaker and blacksmith. Children : + 2806 i Sarah « Chaffee, born April, 1830; married George A. Smith. 2807 ii Maria A. Chaffee, born Febi-uary 2, 1832; married James Young, a farmer and a member of the Connecticut Legislature; residence, 1891, Sterling, Conn. 2808 iii Daniel N. Chaffee, born in 1833; died in 1836. + 2809 iv Esther A. Chaffee, born in July, 1837; married Evans Mowry. 2810 V Adahne F. Chaffee, born in December, 1840; died September 21, 1861; united with the First Baptist Church of Seekonk, July 30, 1853. 2811 vi Cornelius N. Chaffee, born in 1844; died April 1, 1848. 1151 Huldah ^ ChafEee (Benjamin, " Nathaniel, ^ Nath-aniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born October 15, 1804, and married Atwood. In 1851 she was living in Pittsford, Vt. Child: 2812 i Marcus » Atwood, died September 17, 1862, in the Battle of Antietam, during the Civil War. 1152 Daniel ^ ChafEee (Benjamin, " Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Pittsford, Vt., July 14, 1811, and died there, October 7, 1839. He married in Pittsford, February 7, 1832, Miranda, daughter of Moses Haven. After her husband's death she moved in 1840 with her father and her children to New York state, and thence to Monroe County, Mich. She died in Shelbyville, 111., in 1870, and was buried there. Daniel Chaffee was a farmer. Children, born in Pittsford: + 2813 i Noah Fuller s Chaffee, born February 6, 1833; married Josephine McMath. + 2814 ii Charles H. Chaffee, born July 11, 1836; married Augusta Sweet. + 2815 iii George Daniel Chaffee, born July 2, 1839; married N. Maria Smith. 1166 Stephen ^ Chaffee (Simeon,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Chittenden, Vt., February 27, 1797, and died in 272 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Lapeer, Mich., October 26, 1S72. He married in Pittsford, Vt., June 8, 1826, Melletiah, daughter of Isaac Leonard of that place. She died October 21, 1872, and was buried in Pontiac, Mich. At the time of his marriage he lived in Middle- town, Vt., then moved to Pontiac and later to Lapeer. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was an active, energetic business man and was not only a farmer, but a brickmaker and hatter as well, employing at various times a large number of men. Children : 2816 i Harriet N.s Chaffee, born September 9, 1827; died November 2, 1854; married John TroUope. 2817 ii Mary A. Chaffee, born October 14, 1837; residence, 1893, Pontiac. 2818 iii Frances Chaffee, born August 10, 1845; married W. H. Orman, Jr.; residence, 1883, Pontiac. 1167 Joel 7 Chaffee (Simeon, « Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Chittenden, Vt., July 4, 1798, and died in Washington, D. C, August 9, 1888. He married (1) in Potsdam, N. Y., in December, 1839, Adelia, daughter of Manasses Sawyer. She died in the winter of 1845, and was buried in Bucks Bridge, N. Y. She was a member of the Methodist Church. He married (2) in December, 1865, Lydia Wilbur, who died December 25, 1885. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. He was not only a farmer, but a merchant and iron manufacturer as well. Child, by first wife : + 2819 i Ellen Azubah » Chaffee, born January 29, '1841; married Charles M. Gillette. 1168 Job ^ Chaffee (Simeon, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Chittenden, Vt., November 13, 1799, and died in Green- field, Mich., April 24, 1883. He married (1) in Sudbury, Vt., November, 1831, Susan, daughter of Abner Hall of that place. She died December 1, 1832, and was buried in Greenfield. He married (2), in August, 1834, Eliza Jones, who died July 27, 1876. He moved to Michigan from Vermont about 1832. He was a farmer and stonecutter, had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was Captain of a militia company in Michigan, and a member of the Episcopal Church. Child, by first wife : 2820 i Abner HalljS Chaffee, born December 1, 1832. Children, by second wife: 2821 ii Deloss Chaffee, born in June, 1835; died June 17, 1882. 2822 iii Susan Chaffee, born July 16, 1839; died December 6, 1864. 2823 iv Julia Chaffee, born January 27, 1841 ; married Steward Joyce. 2824 V Emeline Chaffee, born in May, 1842; married F. Mead. 2825 vi Caroline Chaffee, born in May, 1843; married J. J. Cody. 2826 vii Adaline Chaffee, born December 10, 1845; married F. A. Culbertson; residence, 1894, Detroit, Mich. 2827 viii Jennie Chaffee, born April 12, 1847; married William H. Piatt. 2828 ix Joel W. Chaffee, born March 17, 1851 ; married Agatha Gerhard. 1169 Carpenter ^ Chaffee (Simeon,e Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Brandon, Vt., September 19, 1801, and died in Union City, Mich. He married in Brandon, about May, 1825, Abigail Wetmore SEVENTH GENERATION 273 of that place. She was a member of the Methodist Church, and he of the Congre- gational Church, with which he united at about the age of forty-four. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He was a blacksmith and lived in Schaghticoke, N. Y., in Detroit, Mich., for nine years and in Union City. Children, the last four born in Union City: 2829 i George Wetmore « Chaffee, born near Albany, N. Y., April 2, 1826; residence, 1893, Union City; unmarried. 2830 ii William Chaffee, died before 1845. 2830a iii Salome Chaffee, died before 1845. + 2831 iv Henry Chaffee, born November 8, 1833; married Adeline Holcomb. 2832 V Cynthia Chaffee, born March 22, 1835; died in Union City, September 12, 1882; married John Latcham, who died there, April 27, 1883. + 2833 vi Edwin Richmond Chaffee, born October 10, 1838; married Melissa Watkins. 2834 vii Adelaide Chaffee, born September 1, 1840; married Jerry Day. 1170 Amos 7 Chaffee (Simeon, « Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Chittenden, Vt., April 7, 1803, and died in Detroit, Mich., January 25, 1893. He married (1) in Schaghticoke, N. Y., September 29, 1830, Maria, daughter of Stephen Miller of that place. She died, and he married (2), March 13, 1872, Emily Stoughton of Farmington, Mich., who survived him. He had a light complexion and black eyes. During his early manhood, he was a farmer in Vermont. Moving to Detroit from Pittsford, Vt., when twenty-six years old, he opened a blacksmith shop, but while still a young man abandoned his trade to speculate in real estate. During his long residence in Detroit he fought many legal battles with the municipality over what he regarded as unjust taxation and unauthorized rights of way, in many of these litigations winning signal victories. During most of his residence in Detroit, Mr. Chaffee was a member of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church. He donated the land, worth 130,000, upon which Grace Hospital was built. His estate was valued at about $250,000. He died in his home, 782 Woodward Avenue. Children : + 2835 i Oliver Newberry » Chaffee, born July 6, 1835; married Jeannie C. Merick. 2836 ii Caroline Chaffee, born May 13, 1837; residence, 1883, Detroit, 1893, Chicago, 111. + 2837 iii Maria L. Chaffee, born April 12, 1839; married George N. Chase. 2838 iv Catharine Chaffee, born July 13, 1841; died before 1893; residence, 1883, Detroit. 2839 V Amos F. Chaffee, born June 17, 1843; died August 17, 1874. 1172 Sophronia " Chaffee (Simeon, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Chittenden, Vt., April 3 (June 8), 1807, and married, June 8, 1826, Frederick Ross Strong, born in Salisbury, Vt., October 13, 1804 (1803). In 1883 her home was in Brandon, Vt., where she had lived with her husband over fifty years, and where he was an iron dealer. In 1893 she was living with her daughter, Mrs. Graham, in Rockford, 111. Children : + 2840 i Francis Miles s Strong, born September 10, 1829; married (1) Sarah M. (or O.) Clark; (2) Adeha A. Beach. 2841 ii Frances Caroline Strong, born in Brandon, September 30, 1831. 274 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 2842 iii Salome Ann Strong, born May '12, 1833; married James T. Graham. 2843 iv Caroline Lydia Strong, born in Brandon, January 24, 1835; died there, March 4, 1857. 1174 Solana " Chaffee (Simeon,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Chittenden, Vt., December 3, 1810, and died in August, 1877. She married (1) in June, 1835, Samuel Meade of Pittsford, Vt. He died and she married (2) Isaac Leonard of Grand Rapids, Mich., who died before 1883. Children : 2844 i Wesley T.s Meade, residence, 1883, Wa Keeney, Kan. 2845 ii George Meade, died in Mt. Holly, Vt. 2846 iii Maria Meade, married Wilson; residence, 1883, Massachusetts. 2847 iv Martha Meade, married Shipy; residence, 1883, Pittsford. 2848 V Elvin H. Meade, residence, 1883, Detroit, Mich. 2849 vi Amos J. Meade, residence, 1883, Detroit, Mich. 1175 Warren ^ Chaffee (Simeon,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathan- iel,2 Thomas i) was born in Chittenden, Vt., January 13, 1814, and married (1), September 11, 1843, Chloe M., daughter of Jonathan and Cynthia (Briggs) Pin- ney of Plymouth, Vt. She was born in Pittsfield, Vt., September 10, 1818, and lived there at the time of her marriage. She died January 14, 1872. Warren Chaffee married (2), January 1, 1877, Mrs. Fannie Taylor of Pittsfield, and (3), January 11, 1881, Mrs. Lucinda A. Furman. He settled in Pittsfield in 1821, and in 1892 was living in Chittenden. He is a farmer. Children, by first wife: + 2850 i Warren Eugene s Chaffee, born November 8, 1848; married (1) Olive M. Earet; (2) Maggie . 2851 ii A daughter, died January 3, 1859. Child, by second or third wife : 2852 iii A son, died in infancy. 1176 Heman ^ Chaffee (Simeon, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ^) was born in Chittenden, Vt., June 18, 1816, and died in Tolono, 111., May 22, 1900. He married in Poultney, Vt., May 5, 1840, Mira Adelaide, daugh- ter of Adna Noble of that place, where she was born October 14, 1822. In 1837 Heman Chaffee moved to Poultney, in 1845 to Waterford, N. Y., and in 1847 to Troy, N. Y. In March, 1854, he was graduated from the Albany (N. Y.) Medical College and practiced medicine in Troy imtil September, 1855, when he went to Paris, France, to complete his medical studies. Here he remained until October, 1856, when he returned to Troy and resumed his practice. May 8, 1857, he removed to Tolono, where he lived for many years. He died of heart failure. Children, the first two born in Poultney, the last in Troy: + 2853 i Mira Adelaide « Chaffee, born June 25, 1843; married Francis M. Wardall. 2854 ii Emmett Chaffee, born March 18, 1845 ; died in Troy, July 28, 1851 . + 2855 iii Annetta Chaffee, born November 2, 1847; married Warren M. Hill. 1180 Susanna ^ Chaffee (Simeon,8 Nathaniel,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born January 26, 1825, and married, December 13, 1859, Alden J. Pinney, born about 1822. In 1883 they hved in Rutland, Vt. SEVENTH GENERATION 275 Children : 2856 i A daughter,^ died in infancy. 2857 ii Loren E. R. Pinney, born November 22, 1869. 1181 Bosworth " Chaffee (Ezra,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel/ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Rehoboth, Mass., in 1804, and died there, July 23, 1860. He married (1) in Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1834, Lydia H., daughter of James Martin of Delaware. She was a member of the Baptist Church and was buried in Seekonk. He married (2) Henrietta L., who died before December, 1860. At the time of his first marriage he lived in Philadelphia. He was a farmer. Children : 2858 i Alfred Davis » Chaffee, born June 7, 1835; died September 20, 1840. + 2859 ii Thomas Grover Chaffee, born September 19, 1837; married (1) Mary Hawkins; (2) Laura A. Payne; (3) Nancy S. West. 2860 iii Mary Frances Chaffee, born September 19, 1840; married Henry B. West; residence, 1889, Seekonk. 2861 iv Ehza G. Chaffee, born November 20, 1843; died April 24, 1852. 2862 V Charles Chaffee, born November 1, 1850; married Clara West; resi- dence, 1889, East Providence, R. I. 1187 Ira 7 Chaffee (Aaron,« Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 12, 1803, and died October 9, 1882. He married in Seekonk, Mass., March 12, 1824, JuHa A., daughter of Sam- uel Mason. She was born in January, 1803. He united with the First Baptist Church of Seekonk, October 25, 1818, and was a member of it for sixty-four years. He was also a member of its choir for many years. He was a blacksmith and at one time was Town Treasurer of Seekonk. He was buried in East Providence, R.I. Children : 2863 i Louisa « Chaffee, born in 1826; married Clulu. 2864 ii Julia M. Chaffee, born January 28, 1827. 2865 iii Daniel Aaron Chaffee, born December 14, 1828; died January 7, 1855. 2866 iv Amy Ann Chaffee, born August 7, 1831 ; died July 5, 1852. 2867 V Lydia Eliza Chaffee, born July 9, 1834; died January 4, 1849. 1192 Ezra ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Ezra," John,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i), was born about 1796, and died at sea off the Malay Peninsula, Asia, about November, 1838. He married Nancy Ann Lovett of Boston, Mass., born about 1800, died of apoplexy about 1837, and was buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, near Boston. He was a master mariner and when not at sea made his home in Boston, having moved there about 1821. Previous to this he lived in New Bed- ford, Mass., being a resident there in 1818, when he sold land in Seekonk, and selling land in New Bedford in 1821. He died on board his ship Ceylon the day before she arrived in Singapore, where his body was buried. July 8, 1839, guard- ianship was granted to Mrs. Elizabeth Lovett of Boston for her grandchildren, the children of Ezra Chaffee, the eldest two being over fourteen and the youngest four under fourteen. April 5, 1841, an inventory of Ezra Chaffee's estate was made, each of his children receiving one-sixth of two small houses with the land belonging thereto, in New Bedford, and of lot 140 in Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Mrs. Lovett lived in Charlestown, Mass., where she died in her •^''^hty-eighth year. 276 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, all but the second born in Boston: 2868 i Charlotte Augusta s Chaffee, died aged nineteen; unmarried; buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery. 2869 ii Susan Hathaway Chaffee, born in Charlestown, July 29, 1824; resi- dence, 1901, Boston; unmarried. 2870 iii Ezra Chaffee, Jr. + 2871 iv Helen Hathaway ChafTee, married Charles M. Noyes. 2872 V Charles Henry Chaffee. 2873 vi John Chaffee. 1194 Allen 7 ChaflEee (Stephen,^ Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born about 1790 and is supposed to have died in Rehoboth or Seekonk, Mass. He was married, April 20, 1817, by Elder Wight of Bristol, R. I., to Eliza Bryant of Warren, Mass. January 7, 1812, while a resident of Bristol, he bought of Comfort Pearce of Rehoboth, Mass., forty acres of land in Lon- donderry, Vt., for $250; on the 25th of the same month he bought from Barnet Bolster forty acres more in the same place for $200. About 1830 he moved with his family to New York state. Children : 2874 i Mary » Chaffee, married Thurber; he was a furniture dealer; resi- dence, 1858, Providence, R. I. Five other children, names unknown. 1195 Stephen ^ Chafee, Jr. (Stephen,^ Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i), was born in 1791, and died in Bristol, R. I., October 17, 1864. He married there in St. Michael's Church, December 13, 1812, Deborah, daughter of Allen Usher of that place. She died in Bristol, February 19, 1861, aged seventy years, where both she and her husband were buried. They were members, first of the Episcopal and later of the Methodist Church. November 2, 1814, Stephen Chafee bought land of James Usher in Bristol, where he made his home. He was a country storekeeper and shipper of merchandise, and is said to have been ec- centric in manner. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. Children, baptized in St. Michael's Church, Bristol: 2875 i Lucinda Thomas » Chafee, born October 4, 1813; died January 26, 1834; baptized October 4, 1813. + 2876 ii George Tew Barker Chafee, born May 27, 1816; married (1) Harriet N. Austin; (2) Susan H. Hoar. 2877 iii Eunice Foster Chafee, born April 26, 1818; died December 24, 1828 baptized June 19, 1818. 2878 iv Stephen James Chafee, born June 6, 1820; died January 17, 1833 baptized August 7, 1821. 2879 V Hezekiah Usher Chafee, born June 5, 1822; died April 17, 1823 baptized August 2, 1822. 2880 vi Zechariah Chafee, born January 24, 1824; died November 24, 1856 married Ann Eliza , and had two children; baptized October 10, 1824. + 2881 vii Thomas Diamond Chafee, born June 23, 1826; married (1) Julia Eddie; (2) Mercy P. Read; (3) Abbey Macomber. 2882 viii Eunice Chafee, born December 26, 1828; died February 15, 1829; baptized February 3, 1829. 2883 ix Cyril Newell Chafee, born March 23, 1830; died July 10, 1851; bap- tized June 1, 1831. SEVENTH GENERATION 277 2884 X Sarah Elizabeth Chafee, born May 24, 1833; died December 4, 1833; baptized November 28, 1833. 1196 Sanford ^ Chafee (Stephen,6 Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., January 27, 1793, and died in Burton, Wis., January 17, 1882. He married (1) in Fall River, Mass., October 16, 1816, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Chase of Somerset, Mass. This ceremony was per- formed by Elder Wight of Bristol, R. I., where Sanford Chafee had formerly lived, and on October 20th another ceremony was performed in Somerset, by Clark Purinton, Justice of the Peace. Sarah Chase was a Quakeress. She died in 1818, and was buried in Somerset. Sanford Chafee married (2) in the Baptist parsonage in Bristol, in 1819, Mary Ann Otterson, born in Bristol, in 1796, died July 1, 1883. She joined the Baptist Church in Bristol in 1811, and was at one time a member of its choir. In 1834 she became a member of the Methodist Church, her husband, also a Baptist, joining it at about the same time. She was of a loving disposition and was highly esteemed by all who knew her, fully exemplifying in her daily life, the Christian principles which she professed. Sanford Chafee served in the War of 1812, and also in the Bristol militia. He lived in Bristol, Somerset and moved to Leicester, Mass., in 1825; in 1832 he settled in Saline, Mich., and in 1844 in Burton, Wis. From the age of twelve he was obliged to earn his own living, his father at that time being injured and sub- sequently losing his property. Politically, he was a Whig and later a Republican, it being his boast that he had never failed to cast his vote. He was a firm believer in education, and was a great reader. He was always blessed with good health, a fact which he attributed to his temperate and correct habits of life, and daily exercise in the open air. He seldom had occasion to consult a physician and for the last thirty years of his life used no medicine, dying suddenly of heart failure. Of a cheerful disposition and thorough honesty, he was a man of much firmness of character and of a strong will. His New England home and all its associations were ever dear to him. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a farmer and a great lover of good horses. Child, by first wife : + 2885 i Lamanda Maria Chafee, born July 28, 1817; married Horace Booth. Children, by second wife: 2886 ii Sarah Ann Chafee, born in Somerset, Mass., February 28, 1821 ; mar- ried in Michigan, in 1843, Samuel Ashley, a farmer and lumber- man, born in Claremont, N. H., June 18, 1813; he has a light complexion, brown hair and eyes, and is six feet, two inches in height ; both are members of the Methodist Church ; no children ; residence, 1892, Dubuque, la. 2887 iii Ellen Balentine Chafee, born October 23, 1823; a teacher until 1879; residence, 1891, Burton. + 2888 iv Mary Sanford Chafee, born August 28, 1825; married James M. Otis. 2889 V WiUiam Henry Chafee, born in Leicester, August 28, 1827 (1826); died April 7, 1852, while on his way to California, of Isthmus fever contracted while waiting for the steamer to San Francisco ; buried in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Costa Rica; at one time a merchant and partner of his brother-in-law, I. G. Ury. + 2890 vi Almira Pearce Chafee, born September 20, 1829 (1828); married I. G. Ury. 2891 vii Elizabeth Jane Chafee, born in Leicester, Mass., January 15 (4),, 1831; died in Michigan in May, 1835; burned to death. 278 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2892 viii Charlotte Chafee, born in 1833; died in 1833. 2893 ix Esther Edmonds Chafee, born September 7, 1834; died February 21, 1874; an invahd from the age of thirteen. 1202 Lucy BJ Chaffee (Martin, a Noah,5 Nathaniel,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in 1812, and died in Oregon, 111., in February, 1888. She married David B. Perry, born in Killingly, Conn., died in Oregon, October 14, 1889. They lived in Oregon. Children : 2894 i Ellen T. s Perry. 2895 ii Helen T. Perry. 2896 iii Jane K. Perry. 2897 iv Maria Perry. + 2898 V Adaline A. Perry, married Doctor Henry A. Mix. 2899 vi Abba S. Perry. 2900 vii Luther Perry. 2901 viii William Perry. 2902 ix Lucy L. Perry. 2903 X Marie Louise Perry. 1203 William Henry 7 Chaffee (Martin,^ Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Woodstock, Conn., September 10, 1813, and married in Lonsdale, R. I., November 28, 1836, Charlotte Eleanor, daughter of Robert and Patty Whipple of that place. In 1883 he was living in Providence, R. I., where he was a manufacturer of jewelers' tools. Children : 2904 i Maria Frances » Chaffee, born July 29, 1837; died in 1839. + 2905 ii Joseph Henry Chaffee, born May 12, 1839; married . + 2906 iii Albert Howard Chaffee, born October 5, 1845; married Ella K. Ladd. 1204 Orrin 7 ChafEee (Martin,^ Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., June 3, 1814, and married in Alton, 111., May 31, 1837, A., daughter of Richard A. Shipley of Baltimore, Md. He moved to Illinois from the East in 1836, and in 1884 was living in Springfield, 111., where he was a carpenter. Children : + 2907 i Luther Aten s Chaffee, born January 12, 1841; married Hattie Bethel, 2908 ii Reuben S. Chaffee, born January 22, 1845; unmarried in 1884. 1205 Luther 7 ChafEee (Martin,8 Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., in 1816, and married (1) Winne of Albany, N. Y. She died and he married again. In 1840 he went to Albany, where in 1883 he was still living, He is a manufacturer of boots and shoes. Child: 2909 i Abbie J.s Chaffee. 1209 William Banfield ^ Chafee (William,8 Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Luzerne County, Pa., May 22, 1807, and died in West Liberty, Pa., April 10, 1856. He married (1), January 1, 1830, Betsey Ellis, who died in Lawrence County, Pa., September 5, 1841, and was buried in Newcastle, Pa. She was a member of the Baptist Church. He married (2), Jane SEVENTH GENERATION 279 Games. He had a florid complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine and one- half inches in height. He was a shoemaker. Ghildren, by first wife: 2910 i Wells s Ghafee, born October 9, 1831 ; died January 12, 1834. 2911 ii Laura Ghafee, born May 27, 1834; died May 27, 1834. + 2912 iii Reuben Harry Ghafee, born June 17, 1835; married Sarah J. Mc- Quiston. + 2913 iv John Ellis Ghafee, born June 7, 1838; married Juliana F. Smith. 2914 V Lucy Ann Ghafee, born March 4, 1841; married George Hayes; resi- dence, 1892, ISIew Brighton, Pa. Children, by second wife : 2915 vi James Smith Ghafee, born June 5, 1845; died November 24, 1891; married Samantha Goodwin. 2916 vii Benjamin Sylvester Ghafee, born December 7, 1847; died January 23, 1866; unmarried. 1210 Amos Wells ^ ChaflEee (William, o Noah,^ Nathaniel,^ Jonathan,3 Nathan- iel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Luzerne Gounty, Pa., October 6, 1810, and married in Tioga Gounty, Pa., September 28, 1834 (?), Bethiah Ghristiana, daughter of Simeon Babcock of New York state. She died October 17, 1883, and was buried in Wisconsin. She was a member of the Seventh Day Advent Church, as is Mr. Chaffee, he having joined at the age of fifty-six. He is a farmer, has lived in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and, in 1893, was living in Byron, Minn. He has a light complexion, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Ghildren, born in Tioga Gounty: 2917 i Miner^a8 Chaffee, born June 25, 1835; married Albert Sawyer; residence, Cat Head, Pa. 2918 ii Malinda Chaffee, born July 27, 1837; married Charles Shaw; resi- dence, 1893, Rock Greek, Minn. 2919 iii Simeon G. Chaffee, born July 12, 1839; died in Pennsylvania, in infancv. + 2920 iv Oliver Nelson Chaffee, born July 27, 1840; married Sarah A. Sur- dam. 2921 V Almeron W. Chaffee, born July 9, 1843; died about 1878; married A. Fermon, who died before 1893. 2922 vi William Edgar Chaffee, born July 17, 1845; married in 1893, A. Green; residence, 1893, Fort Ridgely, Minn. + 2923 vii Laura Lucretia Chaffee, born August 30, 1847; married Elisha W. Sloan. 2924 viii Guy S. Chaffee, born May 31, 1849; married C. Gummings; residence, 1893, Fort Ridgely. + 2925 ix Hiram Sawyer Chaffee, born April 30, 1851; married Fanny Gum- mings. 2926 x Abbie Jane Chaffee, born April 5, 1853; died in Minnesota, in 1865. 2927 xi Christina B. Chaffee, born April 2, 1855; married H. Hendricks; residence, 1893, Pine City, Minn., or Byron. 2928 xii Curtis M. Chaffee, born December 29, 1857; married Ella Shurl; residence, 1893, Eunice, Minn. 2929 xiii Mary Eliza Chaffee, born April 1, 1860; died in 1861. 2930 xiv Sarah Ida Chaffee, a twin, born April 1, 1860; died April 2, 1861. 1215 Henry Marshfield ^ Chapin (Else « Chaffee, Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in 1818, and died in Rochester, N. Y., in 1858. He married in Albany, N. Y., in September, 1842, Nancy Dearstine, who died in 280 ; THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Rochester in 1853. She was a member of the Methodist and he of the UniversaUst Church. He had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was a machinist. Children : 2931 i Henry Parsons s Chapin, died in 1869. 2932 ii John Pitts Chapin. 2933 iii Charles Oscar Chapin. 2934 iv Elsie Jane Chapin, residence, 1895, Syracuse, N. Y. 2935 V Charles Gordon Chapin. 1219 Origen William ^ Chaffee (Reuben, « Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, ^ Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., January 22, 1825, and married in Mystic, Conn., June 19, 1850, Louise Helen, daughter of Reverend Washington Munger. In 1883 they lived in Hartford, Conn., where he was a boot and shoe- maker. Children : 2936 i William Dewitt « Chaffee, born April 21, 1851; died October 6, 1851. 2937 ii Nellie Louise Chaffee, born August 21, 1852. + 2938 iii William Reuben Chaffee, born August 13, 1854; married Elizabeth Brockbank. + 2939 iv Charles Washington Chaffee, born April 23, 1856; married Emma Rousseau. + 2940 v Frank Burt Chaffee, born February 14, 1858; married Jennie Ris- ley. + 2941 vi Lillian Augusta Chaffee, born November 20, 1859; married Arthur Cooley. 2942 vii Hattie Belle Chaffee, born June 17, 1862. 2943 viii Fannie Abigail Chaffee, born June 26, 1864. 2944 ix Orrie Worth Chaffee, born October 25, 1866. 2945 X Alfred Chaffee, born in May, 1868; died in November, 1868. 2946 xi Edward Chaffee, born in April, 1870; died in October, 1870. 2947 xii Louis Pearl Chaffee, born November 22, 1871. 2948 xiii Robbie Chaffee, born December 21, 1873; died in September, 1874. 1221 Henry Reuben 7 Chaffee (Reuben, 8 Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., August 10, 1830, and married in Meriden, Conn., December 27, 1852, Lucy Augusta, daughter of Amon Andrews of that place. He enlisted in Bridgeport, Conn., August 7, 1862, in the 2d Inde- pendent Light Battery of Connecticut Volunteers, organized there, September 10, 1862, to serve three years. On that date he was mustered in as Sergeant, was made provisional Quartermaster Sergeant, May 1, 1864, First Sergeant, January 2, 1865, Second Lieutenant, February 21, 1865, and was mustered out in New Haven, August 9, 1865. He has also been connected with the police force of Hartford and has been a member of the City Council of Bridgeport, He has been a shoe- maker, pistolmaker, and a dealer in sewing machines. At the age of thirty-five he united with the Methodist Church, of which he was a Trustee for twenty-four years, Secretary for eighteen years and Treasurer for fifteen years. He has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1891 he lived in Bridgeport. Children : + 2949 i Harry Andrews s Chaffee, born June 18, 1853 ; married Ida N. Churchill. + 2950 ii Edward Everett Chaffee, born December 9, 1854; married Carrie B. Niblo. SEVENTH GENERATION 281 2951 iii Robert Hubbard Chaffee, born in Bridgeport, December 31, 1859; is a carpenter; has a dark complexion, dark eyes, and is five feet, nine and one-half inches in height; residence, 1891, Bridgeport. 2952 iv Frederick Amon ChafTee, born in Meriden, February 8, 1863; married, October 3, 1889, Lillian Electa, daughter of Edwin G. Paddock of Bridgeport; both are members of the Methodist Church, he having joined at the age of eighteen; he is a clerk, has a light complexion, dark eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height; residence, 1891, Bridgeport. 1223 Hannah ^ Chaffee (John," William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Williamstown, Vt., October 12, 1807, and married in North- field, Vt., November 7, 1860 [1830?], Arba Durkee of Brookfield, Vt., grandson of Benjamin Durkee, a Captain in the Revolution. Arba Durkee was born in Hamp- ton, Conn., in 1807, and died in Fayston, Vt., February 17, 1882. He was a farmer and mechanic; had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He united with the Free Will Baptist Church at the age of twenty. Hannah (Chaf- fee) Durkee was living in North Fayston in 1890. She was a member of the Meth- odist Church. Children : + 2953 i Almira Maria « Durkee, born in 1832; married Reverend Albert Brigham. 2954 ii Lucy Caroline Durkee, married Dan Stevens. 2955 iii John Arba Durkee, born in 1836; married Mary F. Boyden. 2956 iv Alba Benjamin Durkee, born in 1842; died in 1864. 2957 V Martha Lucinda Durkee, born in 1846; married Ichabod Thomas. 2958 vi Wesley Melanchthon Durkee, born in 1853; married Isabelle Ingalls. 1224 Laura ^ Chaffee (John,^ William, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas was born in Williamstown, Vt., June 26, 1809, and married in Waitsfield, Vt., March 17, 1831, Christopher Columbus Ormsbee, who died in Maple Grove, Mich., July 26, 1868. In 1890 she was living with her son, Daniel Gates Ormsbee, in Watertown, Mich. Children : 2959 i Christopher Columbus » Ormsbee, Jr., born in Peacham, Vt., Feb- ruary 15, 1832; died in Tyrone, Mich., July 16, 1860. 2960 ii Charles Ormsbee, born in Manchester, Vt., October 28, 1833; died in Fortress Monroe, Va., April 16, 1862, while serving in the Union army in the Civil War. 2961 iii Persis Ormsbee, born in Northfield, Vt., June 18, 1836; died in Clarendon, Vt., August 11, 1862; married in Brasher, N. Y., April 26, 1854, Edward M. Glynn. 2962 iv Oscar Ormsbee, born in Waitsfield, December 5, 1838; died there in August, 1840. 2963 V Daniel Gates Ormsbee, born in Waitsfield, June 10, 1840; married Emma Gallagher; residence, 1890, Watertown. 2964 vi Laura Ormsbee, born in Waitsfield, June 11, 1842; married in Fenton, Mich., December 11, 1862, Zenas P. Lamb; residence, 1890, Linden, Mich. 2965 vii Ira George Ormsbee, born in Waitsfield, May 23, 1844; married in Maple Grove, November 7, 1867, Freelove June Eastwood; residence, 1890, Flint, Mich. 2966 viii Julia Ann Ormsbee, born in Mt. Holly, Vt., June 7, 1846; married in Maple Grove, July 2, 1868, Stephen G. Johnston; residence, 1890, Maple Grove. 282 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2967 ix Emma Marcia Ormsbee, born in Clarendon, June 16, 1851; married, July 8, 1868, John Worth; residence, 1890, Maple Grove. + 2968 X William" Henry Ormsbee, born September 20, 1853; married his cousin, Alice Florence » Chaffee (2977) . 1227 William Hill ^ Chaffee (John,6 William, » Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Williamstown, Vt., April 23, 1816, and died in Fargo, N. D., November 26, 1883. He married in Fayston, Vt., August 23 (September 25), 1844, Sophronia Delight, daughter of Elisha and Sophronia (Ryder) Brigham of that place, and sister of his brother John's wife. She was born in Fayston, May 17, 1825, and died in Flint, Mich., May 10, 1901. In 1844 Mr. Chaffee was living in Fayston, in 1846 moved to New York state and in 1855 to Flint, where he spent the rest of his life and where, in 1890, his widow was still living. He died of ty- phoid malaria while on a visit to his son in North Dakota, and his body was brought back to Flint for burial. He was so well posted on various subjects that he was often spoken of as a walking encyclopedia. He had a wonderful memory, was a good mathematician, an able machinist and patented a distance indicator and a ditching machine. By trade he was a carpenter and joiner. He had a fair com- plexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. Children : + 2969 i Helen Adelaide 8 Chaffee, born February 3, 1846; married Henry Perry. 2970 ii Willis Leander Chaffee, born in Milo, N. Y., January 24, 1847; died in Rochester, N. Y., August 19, 1847. + 2971 iii William Henry Chaffee, born May 26, 1849; married Alice A. Moses. 2972 iv Clarence Orlando Chaffee, born in Flint, August 19, 1856; died there, September 9, 1856. 1228 John 7 Chaffee, Jr. (John,^ William,^ Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i), was born in Northfield, Vt., July 17, 1820, and died in Dayton, Mich., September 23, 1886. He married in Fayston, Vt., January 1, 1845 (1844), Eusebia Miranda, daughter of Elisha and Sophronia (Ryder) Brigham of that place and sister of his brother William's wife. She was born in Fayston, October 23, 1826. John Chaffee, Jr., lived in that place at the time of his marriage but moved to Ogdensburg, N. Y., later to Flint, Mich., and finally to Dayton, Mich., where in 1890 his widow was still living. He had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and was six feet in height. He was a carpenter and was noted for his honesty in all his dealings. Children : + 2973 i Edwin Elisha s Chaffee, born May 25 (26), 1846; married Mary E. Perry. + 2974 ii Oscar Herbert Chaffee, born September 13, 1848; married (1) Annie J. Hodge (or Griger) ; (2) Emma M. Chaffee. 2975 iii John Julius Chaffee, born in Fayston, August 15, 1850; residence, 1890, Dayton; unmarried. 2976 iv Arthur Earnest Chaffee, born in Ogdensburg, July 21, 1852; died in Dayton, April 14, 1885; married in 1883, Emma M. Worth. 2977 V Alice Florence Chaffee, born in Ogdensburg, February 5, 1855; mar- ried her cousin, William Henry Ormsbee. (See 2968.) 2978 vi Mary Frances Chaffee, born in Flint, October 17, 1857; died in Day- ton, October 17, 1888; married in June, 1886, Asa Saunders [or Avery Worth {Brigham Genealogy)]; residence, Watertown, Mich. SEVENTH GENERATION 283 + 2979 vii Henry Lincobi Chaffee, born December 21, 1864; married Ida A. Worth. 1230 Anson ^ ChaSee (Josiah,6 Winiam,5 Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Wilhamstown, Vt., July 3, 1795, and died in Brasher, N. Y., August, 1869. He married in Wilhamstown, February 27, 1827, Eunice, daughter of James Fhnt of that place. She was born in Wilhamstown. Anson Chaffee was buried in Brasher. Children, born in Roxbury, Vt. : 2980 i Adaline « Chaffee, married in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., Cross- man, and had children. 2981 ii James Chaffee, married Leonora Smith, and is said to have had four children, born in Brasher. 2982 iii William Chaffee, married Julia Smith, and is said to have had two sons ; residence, 1884, North Lawrence, N. Y. 2983 iv Celinda Chaffee. 1231 Amy ^ Chaffee (Josiah,8 William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas ^) was born in Wilhamstown, Vt., August 12, 1796, and died in 1859. She married Daniel Flint, born in Williamstown, died in North Lawrence, N. Y. He was a farmer and a Deacon in the Baptist Church, of which his wife was also a member. He fought in the War of 1812. Amy (Chaffee) Flint was buried in North Lawrence. Children : 2984 i George « Flint, married Amarilla Emerson. 2985 ii Susan Flint, born April 6, 1822; married. May 8, 1877, Robin Clark. 1233 Warren 7 Chaffee (Josiah,6 WiUiam,5 Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Williamstown, Vt., May 4, 1800, and died in North Law- rence, N. Y., September 24, 1876. He married (1) in Roxbury, Vt., February 19, 1826, Mary, daughter of William Woodward of that place. She was a member of the Congregational Church. She died August 17, 1848, and was buried in Quaker Settlement, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Warren Chaffee married (2), August 21, 1849, Abigail Woodward, who died October 8, 1875. She was his first wife's sister. In 1826 he lived in Roxbury and later in Brasher Falls, N. Y. He held various town offices. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, six inches in height, and of a jovial disposition. He was a farmer and also a jeweler. Children, by first wife, the first six born in Roxbury, the last three in Brasher : 2986 i Esther 8 Chaffee, born November 30, 1826; married Nelson Burnap; had a daughter and three or four sons; residence, 1891, Franklin County, N. Y. + 2987 ii Cornelius Julius Chaffee, born December 1, 1828; married Mahala J. Flint. 2988 iii Erastus Chaffee, born March 23, 1831; died in Iowa; married Char- lotte Conger, and had five or six children, who were living in Gold- field, la., in 1891. 2989 iv Sarah Chaffee, born April 19, 1833; married Denison A. Flint; had a daughter and two sons, one of whom died before 1891 ; resi- dence, 1891, Brasher. 2990 V Mariette Chaffee, born April 18, 1836; married Hiram M. Pierce; had two sons and two daughters; all living in Moira, N. Y., in 1891. 2991 vi Orcelia Steel Chaffee, born March 31, 1838; married Franklin A. Flint, and had a daughter; residence, 1891, Lawrence, N. Y. 284 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2992 vii Henry Warren Chaffee, born May 14, 1841 ; died August 20, 1848. + 2993 viii John Nelson Chaffee, born June 15, 1844; married Ceha L. Flint. 2994 ix Zeno Eliott Chaffee, born May 10, 1846; married Louise Hart; had a son and a daughter; residence, 1891, Lawrence. 1234 Emily^ Chaffee (Josiah,^ Wiinam,^ Dan,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Wilhamstown, Vt., February 10, 1805, and died August 10, 1874. She married Wilham Ditty, a farmer, born in Londonderry, Ireland, March 1, 1801, died in Roxbury, Vt., March 20, 1870. At the time of her marriage she lived in Roxbury. Child : + 2995 i Erie Lyman s Ditty, born December 31, 1839; married Harriet E. Freeman. 1235 Oliver ^ Chaffee (Josiah,^ WiUiam,^ Dan,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wilhamstown, Vt., September 9, 1806, and died in Rox- bury, Vt., January 29, 1832. He married Abigail, daughter of Phineas Flint of Roxbury, and sister of his brother John's wife. She lived in Wilhamstown at the time of her marriage. She was a member of the Methodist Church, and after Oliver Chaffee's death, married his brother Joel. Oliver Chaffee was a farmer. Child: 2996 i Abigail E.s Chaffee, died February 25, 1835. 1236 Joel 7 Chaffee (Josiah,8 William,5 Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Williamstown, Vt., February 26, 1810, and died in North Lawrence, N. Y., July 14, 1881. He married in Roxbury, Vt., October 3, 1883, Mrs. Abigail (Flint) Chaffee, the widow of his brother Oliver, and daughter of Phineas Flint of that place. Both husband and wife were members of the Metho- dist Church, which he joined at the age of fifty-two, and in which he was for three years a Class Leader. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He lived in succession in Roxbury, Hopkinton, N. Y., Stockholm, N. Y., and North Lawrence, moving to the latter place in 1852. He was a farmer and hop grower. His six sons living at the time of the Civil War, served in the Union army. Children : + 2997 i Joel Washington s Chaffee, born August 25, 1834; married Artimissa S. Hammond. 2998 ii Joseph W. Chaffee, a twin, born August 25, 1834; died August 26, 1834. + 2999 iii Oliver W. Chaffee, born February 4, 1836; married Melissa Kinder. + 3000 iv Laura E. Chaffee, born August 19, 1837; married Charles Derosia. + 3001 V Arnold Ela Chaffee, born September 14, 1839; married Lydia Stod- dard. 3002 vi Mary L. Chaffee, born August 25, 1841 ; married Aaron J. Hicks, and had seven children; residence, 1884, Moira, N. Y. 3003 vii James Eliser Chaffee, born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., May 10, 1843; married (1) Mrs. Ahce Foley; (2) in New Orleans, La., September 25, 1873, O'Donnell of Limerick, Ireland; no children; served during the Civil War in the Union army; a grocer; residence, 1884, New Orleans. 3004 viii Charles P. Chaffee, born August 30, 1845; died in Little Washington, Va., July 28, 1862; during the Civil War served as a Private in Company I, 60th New York Infantry, enlisting at the age of sixteen, dying in the service of fever. SEVENTH GENERATION 285 3005 ix Sarah M. Chaffee, bom March 17, 1847; died November 29, 1864. + 3006 X Elmer Asahel Chaffee, born April 5, 1849; married Mary Patten. 3007 xi Rosetta A. Chaffee, born February 25, 1851; married Eugene B. Royce; residence, 1884, East Warren, Vt. 3008 xii Cordelia A. Chaffee, born June 30, 1854; married George W. Race; residence, 1884, New Hampshire. 3009 xiii Cora A. Chaffee, born May 31, 1857; died August 19, 1857. 1237 John ^ Chaffee (Josiah,6 William,^ Dan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Williamstown, Vt., September 1, 1812, and died in Pots- dam, N. Y., October 15, 1888. He married (1) in Roxbury, Vt., October 30, 1838, Lucy, daughter of Phineas Flint of that place, and sister of Abigail Flint, who married in succession his brothers, Oliver and Joel. Lucy (Flint) Chaffee died April 2, 1863, and was buried in North Lawrence, N. Y. She and her husband were members of the Methodist Church. John Chaffee married (2), August 11, 1864, Lucy Elvira Hardy. He was a shoemaker and in 1838 Uved in Roxbury, but later moved to New York state, where in 1884 he lived in Potsdam. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, five inches in height. Children, by first wife : + 3010 i Matilda Lucy s Chaffee, born October 25, 1839; married Martin Fhnt. 3011 ii Olive Emelia Chaffee, born August 2, 1841; died May 11, 1876; un- married. + 3012 iii Marshall John Chaffee, born May 19, 1845; married (1) Maria L. Page; (2) Juha A. Ellis. 3013 iv Lenura Angelia Chaffee, born January 14, 1847; died August 6, 1848. + 3014 V Harriet Emeline Chaffee, born May 27, 1849 ; married Sylvester Tracy. 3015 vi Horace Nelson Chaffee, born in North Lawrence, July 17, 1852; enlisted in the regular army and served at Fort Colville, Wash., fighting Indians; has a light complexion, and blue eyes. 3016 vii Carr Monroe Chaffee, born in North Lawrence, June 30, 1854; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height; a farmer; residence, 1891, Potsdam. 3017 viii Lyman Augustus Chaffee, born March 20, 1857; died May 14, 1863. 3018 ix Jessie Otis Chaffee, born August 2, 1862 ; died August 25, 1862. 1238 James Warner ^ Chaffee (William," William, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Williamstown, Vt., June 15, 1798, and died in Smithfield, R. I., June 26, 1834. He married in Providence, R. I., September 2, 1832, Ophelia Caroline, daughter of Charles T. Longhead of Warren, R. I. She was a resident of Providence, a niece of James W. Chaffee's employer, Mr. Croade, and a woman of fine education. James W. Chaffee was an accountant. He went to Boston and was employed in a store for a few years, after which he went to Providence, and entered the employ of Mr. Croade, who was a calico manufacturer. It was there he met his wife. He went South for his health, but returned to Providence and died not long after of consumption. He was, for his day, highly educated. He had a light complexion, and was tall. Child: 3019 i Willard Lovering ^ Chaffee, born in Saugus, Mass., June 17, 1833; mar- ried, December 28, 1856, Mary J., daughter of Amasa K. T. Wright of Vernon, Vt.; residence, 1883, Providence; a jeweler. 1239 Samuel ^ Chaffee (Wilham," William,^ Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 286 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Thomas i) was born in Williamstown, Vt., September 27, 1800, and died December 6, 1883. He married, September 27, 1827, Mrs. Sarah Ann (Jenks) Potter of Paw- tucket, R. I., daughter of Jerahmeel Jenks of that place. She died February 11, 1883. By her first husband she had a daughter, Sarah Louisa Potter, born in North Providence, R. I., September 25, 1822. In boyhood Samuel Chaffee moved with his father to Pawtucket, and later went back to Williamstown to live with his grandfather Chaffee. At the age of fourteen he returned to Pawtucket, living with Jerahmeel Jenks, whose daughter he after- ward married, working for his board and going to school. He left Pawtucket at the age of eighteen, going to Boston, Mass., to seek his fortune. Here he appren- ticed himself for three years to Mr. Harrington, a mason, and at the end of that time went into business for himself, going South for four successive winters to work at his trade. Soon after his marriage he went into business with Thomas Austin in Boston as a mason and builder, continuing this partnership and doing a successful business from 1827 to 1832, when Mr. Chaffee sold his share and bought a farm in Vassalboro, Me. There he moved with his family in September, 1832, remaining until January, 1855, when he sold his farm, having received another in Hubbardston, Mass., in payment of a debt. He moved to Hubbardston in April, 1856, but a year later sold the farm and returned to Maine. In September, 1857, he bought a farm in Winslow, Me., where he lived until April, 1862, when he again sold his property and moved back to Vassalboro. Here he bought a fine farm, where he lived until old age prevented his longer working it, when his son Oscar gave up his profession and came home to take charge of it. Then Mr. Chaffee bought a small place nearby, where he lived the remainder of his life with his wife, his daughter Ada, and his step-daughter. In 1875 Ada Chaffee was married to Alonzo L. Webber of Waterville, Me. Thereafter she and her husband took charge of the place, reheving her parents of all care and responsibility. After the death of her father and her half-sister, the place was sold and one in Waterville bought, on which Mr. and Mrs. Webber and Mrs. Chaffee lived until the latter's death, February 28, 1890. She was buried beside her husband in Vassalboro. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee became church members in early life. In August, 1830, they vmited with the Federal Street Baptist Church in Boston, of which Reverend Howard Malcolm was the pastor. Mr. Chaffee was active in Christian work all his life. He had the best of health, never having had occasion to consult a doctor until he was sixty-five, when he fell from an apple tree and broke his leg'. He had a dark com- plexion, dark eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was an active, industrious and successful farmer, strictly temperate and truthful, an intelligent, courteous Christian gentleman, whose life and conversation always commanded the respect of those who knew him. Children, the first three born in Boston, the last four in Vassalboro: + 3020 i Maria Whipple » Chaffee, born July 25, 1828; married Doctor Ira A. Salmon. + 3021 ii Frances Jenks Chaffee, born April 21, 1830; married Lathrop C. Keith. + 3022 iii James Henry Chaffee, born June 30, 1832; married Elizabeth Furber. 3023 iv William Howard Chaffee, born May 24, 1834; married in Carhnville, 111., July 29, 1880, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Garnet of Walton Hall, England; she united with the Episcopal Church in early life and has been an active worker in it; she is beloved by all who know her; Mr. Chaffee received a common school education, and left home at eighteen to study dentistry in the SEVENTH GENERATION 287 office of his brother-in-law, Doctor Ira A. Salmon, in Portland, Me.; from there he went to St. Louis, Mo., where he practiced his profession until the outbreak of the Civil War, when he moved to Alton, 111., where he successfully practiced for five years, at the end of that time going to West Virginia as the superintendent of a company prospecting for oil; returning in the fall of 1867, he settled in Carlinville, and resumed his pro- fession, which he still practiced in 1887; he has been largely identified with his city in all of its public, private and business enterprises; in 1869 he helped to organize the Carlinville Public Library, and in 1870 the Macoupin County Horticultural Society, serving for two j-ears as its President; in 1871 he, with others, organized the Young Men's Christian Association; he is a pro- minent member of the Masonic order in Carlinville, and served eight consecutive years as Worshipful Master of his Lodge, later being one of the Council of Masters; he also belongs to the St. Omer Commandery; is a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, of which in 1887 he was Parish Warden; he is a Republican and has repeatedly refused his party's nomination for Mayor; for honesty and integrity of character, no man in the community stands higher than he; kind and generous to a fault, he is always willing to assist in any charitable enterprise ; he has a dark com- plexion, gray eyes and black hair; he has no children. + 3024 V Oscar Samuel Chaffee, born August 17, 1838 ; married Ellen T. Knight. 3025 vi Ada Ashley Chaffee, born September 19, 1842; married, September 2, 1875, Alonzo Levi Webber of Waterville, Me., where she lived in 1887; has a dark complexion, gray eyes and black hair. 3026 vii George Albert Chaffee, born September 23, 1847; died in Vassalboro, August 27, 1849. 1243 Olive Jenks ^ Chaffee (William,« William,^ Dan ,4 Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., April 14, 1820, and married Thomas Sadler Glasby, born in Attleboro, Mass. Children : 3027 i Anna Leslie ^ Glasby, died young. 3028 ii Sarah Maria Glasby, a member of the First Baptist Church of Pawtucket, R. I., where in 1889 she was a school teacher. 1249 Caleb ^ Chaffee (Jonathan,*" Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., April 3, 1794, and died in Seekonk, Mass., August 1, 1880. He was married in Swansea, Mass., September 18, 1816, by Elder Abner Lewis, to Lephe P., daughter of Abraham Ormsbee of Seekonk, a Colonel in the Revolution. She died January 1, 1840, and was buried in East Providence, R. I. She was a member of the Baptist Church. He was married (2) in Seekonk, April 28, 1841, by Reverend John C. Welch, to Parmelia Andrews Allen of that place, who died January 19, 1888. Caleb Chaffee was a farmer and lived in Seekonk, where all his children were born. He was a Representative to the Massachusetts State Legislature from Seekonk from 1837 to 1840. He had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was six feet in height. Children, by first wife, born in Seekonk : -1-3029 i Betsey Ormsbee s Chaffee, born June 23, 1817; married WiUiam H. Armington. 3030 ii Mary C. Chaffee, born January 14, 1819; married in Seekonk, March 7, 1840, by Reverend John Allen, to Samuel Bowen Allen of that place. 288 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 3031 iii Jonathan Chaffee, born April 8, 1821; married (1) Abbie P. Luther; (2) Charlotte A. Carpenter; (3) Mrs. Eunice (Hall) Reed. + 3032 iv Oliver Chaffee, born December 18, 1822; married Abby M. Gray. 3033 V Cordelia Chaffee, born February 3, 1825; married in Seekonk, De- cember 6, 1843, by Reverend John C. Welch, to William Wheeler of Rehoboth. 3034 vi Henrietta Alger Chaffee, born May 24, 1827; died September 5, 1860; married in Seekonk, March 30, 1846, by Reverend John C. Welch, to Daniel Davis Barney of that place, where he was born. 3035 vii Elizabeth Frances Chaffee, born May 4, 1830; died May 5, 1832. 3036 viii Eliphalet Ide Chaffee, born November 10, 1832; died April 26, 1833. 3037 ix Lephe Perry Chaffee, born May 10, 1836; married in Seekonk, May 10, 1854, by Reverend Alexander Lorimer, to Joseph Robinson of that place, born in Warwick, England, about 1828. Child, by second wife : 3038 X Sarah Allen Chaffee, born in Seekonk, August 8, 1844; married David H. Miller. 1250 Lydia ^ Chaffee (Jonathan ,« Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel,2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 18, 1796, and died before March, 1898. She was married in Seekonk, Mass., June 1, 1817, by Reverend John Pitman to William P. Ormsbee, a farmer of Seekonk, born in Rehoboth in June, 1794, died in Seekonk, January 13, 1842. He served as a Private in the War of 1812. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was short. Lydia (Chaffee) Ormsbee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was of medium height. She was a member of the Baptist Church. She was living in 1894, aged ninety-eight years, but died before March, 1898. Children born in Seekonk: 3039 i Julia Ann s Ormsbee, born February 20, 1819. 3040 ii Wilhard C. Ormsbee, born December 6, 1821. 3041 iii Lewis Lafayette Ormsbee, born September 9, 1824. 3042 iv Martha Clark Ormsbee, born April 10, 1827. 3043 V Sarah French Ormsbee, born May 20, 1829. 3044 vi Seneca Stanley Ormsbee, born August 23, 1831; lost at sea, in 1854. 1253 Asaph Carpenter ^ Chaffee (Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., August 22, 1804, and died in Seekonk, Mass., May 7, 1851. He married (1) in Sterling, Conn., June 8, 1834, Jane Perry Hunt of that place, who died January 30, 1846, aged thirty-eight years. He was married (2) in Seekonk, October 1, 1848, by Elder Childs Luther, to Eme- line R. Pierce of Rehoboth, born about 1811, died in Warren, R. I. She was a member of the Baptist Church. He had a light complexion and eyes, and was of medium height. Children, by first wife, born in Seekonk: 3045 i Peleg Howland » Chaffee, born March 28, 1835; died in Killingly, Conn., December 18, 1857; unmarried. 3046 ii Thomas Chaffee, died in Seekonk, in infancy. 3047 iii Sarah Jane Chaffee, born December 19, 1838; died in Coventry, R. I., July 24, 1886; unmarried; residence, 1884, Sterling. 3048 iv Isabelle Perry Chaffee, born April 1, 1840; died in Sterling, April 26, 1862; unmarried. 3049 V Lephe Carpenter Chaffee, born June 6, 1842; died in Seekonk, October 23, 1859; unmarried. CALEB CHAFFEE. HELIOTYPE PR'NT'NG CO BOSTON, MASS SEVENTH GENERATION 289 3050 vi Welcome Francis Chaffee, born October 9, 1844; died September 17, 1862, in the Battle of Antietam; a member of Comj^any G, 11th Connecticut Volunteers; unmarried. 1256 Sophronia ' Chaffee (01iver,6 Jonathan, & Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Lyndon, Vt., May 4, 1813, and died in St. Johnsbury, Vt., October 23, 1872. She married, September 18, 1838, Alanson Shorey of that place, born there, July 20, 1813, died there, April 19, 1872. Both were buried in St. Johnsbury. He was a shoemaker and later a house builder. Children, the first born in Barnet, Vt., the others in St. Johnsbury: 3051 i Sophronia 8 Shorey, born August 28, 1839; married Silas Bartlett; resi- dence, 1887, Binghamton, N. Y. 3052 ii George Shorey, born November 21, 1840; married in St. Johnsbury, Mary Hill; residence, 1887, Lyndonville, Vt.; a locomotive engineer, 3053 iii Henry Shorey, born December 9, 1841 ; married in Manchester, N. H., January 20, 1872, Edith White of Irasburgh, Vt.; residence, 1887, Taunton, Mass.; a machinist. 3054 iv Mary Chaffee Shorey, born August 6, 1852; died in St. Johnsbury, Feb- ruary 21, 1871, and was buried there. 1257 Loren 7 ChafEee (0Uver,6 Jonathan, s Dan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Lyndon, Vt., January 12, 1815, and died there, January 7, 1885. He married in Lyndon, February 24, 1841, Lydia Ann Richardson, who died July 24, 1883, and was buried in Lyndon Centre. She was a member of the Lyndon Corner Methodist Church, of which her husband was not only a member but a Steward and one of the official board as well. He was a farmer and had a light complexion, and blue eyes. Children : 3055 i Charles H.s Chaffee, born December 23, 1842; died August 12, 1852. 4-3056 ii Willie Loren Chaffee, born September 7, 1859; married Minnie A. B&ukk r.s ■-■■"■■ ■ 1259 Elsie Bowen 7 ChafEee (Abel,^ Jonathan, s Dan,* Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Seekonk, Mass., May 27, 1808, and married Horton. She was living in the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Miller, in 1890. Child: 3057 i A daughter,^ married Brad Miller. 1261 Jonathan Bowen ^ Chaffee (Abel,^ Jonathan, s Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., March S, 1812, and died there, April 13, 1885. He married in Seekonk, December 11, 1839, Margaret C, daughter of Joseph Stevens of Newport, R. I., and granddaughter of Governor Martin of Massachusetts. She was a member of the Richmond Street Congrega- tional Church, Providence, R. I. Jonathan B. Chaffee was a farmer, and in 1883 lived in Rehoboth, Mass. Children, the first seven born in Seekonk: 3058 i Jonathan » Chaffee, born February 3, 1840; served in the Civil War. 3059 ii Willard Chaffee, born June 13, 1842; died June 4, 1864, while serving in the Civil War; shot and only lived three hours. 3060 iii Ann Eliza Chaffee, born May 10, 1844; died December 28, 1882; un- married. 290 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3061 iv Harriet Chaffee, born May 5, 1846; unmarried in 1889. + 3062 V Henry Chaffee, born November 5, 1848; married Emily S. Sabin. 3063 vi George Chaffee, born March 6, 1850; died April 10, 1858. + 3064 vii Maria Helen Chaffee, born April 23, 1852; married Manning W. Keach. 3065 viii Abel Chaffee, born December 8, 1853 (1854) ; died January 15, 1873. 3066 ix Abby Chaffee, born November 29 (8), 1857; died May 4, 1866. 3067 X Asa Chaffee, born December 12, 1859; died December 12, 1859. 1262 Asa ^ Chaffee (Abel,« Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., August 28, 1816, and died there, February 28, 1895. He was married (1) in Seekonk, January 29, 1844, by Reverend John C. Welch, to Betsey Ann, daughter of Vial Medbury of that place. She died in Seekonk, May 22, 1844, aged twenty-three years and six months. He married (2), April 26, 1846, Mary Ann Congdon. He was married (3) in Seekonk, November 10, 1886, by Reverend Lemuel Osier, to Nancy W. Martin, born about 1836. Asa Chaffee was named for his mother's father. He united with the First Baptist Church of East Providence, R. I., June 28, 1840, and in 1886 was living in Seekonk, where he was a mason. Child, by second wife: 3068 i Mary Ann s ChafTee, born May 8, 1847; married in Seekonk, October 8, 1880, by Reverend Edwin D. Hall, to Richard H. Mattingly of that place, born in Washington, D. C. 1277 Cyrus Herbert ^ Chaffee (Cyrus,« Samuel Butterworth,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,2 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., August 26, 1855, and was married in Rehoboth, Mass., June 30, 1881, by Reverend George H. Tilton, to Ellen N., daughter of Edward and Mary J. Cornell. She was born in Warren, R. I., about 1860 and lived in Rehoboth, Mass., at the time of her mar- riage. They lived in Seekonk in 1883. Child: 3069 i Ada Bourne » Chaffee, born in Seekonk, December 21, 1882. 3070 ii Lizzie N. Chaffee, born April 30, 1888. 3071 iii Arthur C. Chaffee, born November 3, 1890. 3072 iv Hiram E. Chaffee, born May 23, 1893. 3073 V Annie M. Chaffee, born September 29, 1897. 3074 vi Herbert A. Chaffee, born August 22, 1900. 1278 Frederick EJ Chaffee (Cyrus,^ Samuel Butterworth,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., January 19, 1857, and was married in Rehoboth, Mass., September 8, 1884, by Reverend George H. Tilton, to Emma L., daughter of William R. Shorey. She was born in Cambridge- port, Mass., about 1863. In 1884 Mr. Chaffee Uved in Seekonk, Mass. Child: 3075 i Linton F.s Chaffee, born in Seekonk, April 2, 1893. 1282 Almont L.7 Chaffee (William,^ Samuel Butterworth,5 Ephraim,< Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., about 1845 or 1846, and was married (1) there, February 23, 1868, by Reverend L. C. Russell, to Sarah A., daughter of Clark and Sarah Sweet of Rehoboth, Mass. She was born in Cum- berland, Mass., about 1850 or 1851. He was married (2) in Seekonk, January 11, SEVENTH GENERATION 291 1873, by Reverend H. W. Rugg, to Mrs. Lydia A. (Barton) Short of Pawtucket, R. I., born in Franklin, Mass., about 1848, daughter of Francis Barton. Almont L. Chaffee was eighteen years old and living in Seekonk, when he enlisted as a Private in the 18th Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered in August 6, 1864, for one hundred days, and was discharged November 14, 1864. In 1893 he lived in Luther's Corners, Seekonk. Child, by first wife : 3076 i Lindley Almont s Chaffee, born in Seekonk, September 8, 1869. Children, by second wife, born in Seekonk: 3077 ii Sarah Mabel Chaffee, born August 4, 1873; married in Seekonk, October 26, 1889, by Reverend Isaac Cheesboro, to Albert H. Thresher of East Providence, R. I., born about 1873. 3078 iii Lena B. Chaffee, born August 27, 1875. 3079 iv William Chaffee, boru August 21, 1877. 3080 V Frederick Lester Chaffee, born October 6, 1879. 3081 vi Louis Ames Chaffee, born June 2, 1882. 3082 vii Harvey May Chaffee, born September 10, 1883. 1284 William R.^ Chaffee (William ,« Samuel Butterworth,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., July 2, 1850, and married Angeline Ormsbee. In 1893 he lived in Luther's Corners, Seekonk. Child: 3083 i Leland Francis » Chaffee, born in Seekonk, January 25, 1878. 1288 Orvilla ^ Chaffee (Noah,^ Ephraim,^ Ephraim,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Rehoboth, Mass., July 23, 1802, and died in Warren, Pa., about 1886. He married (1) in Seekonk, Mass., October 5, 1828, Amy Ann Lyon, born about 1813, died about 1878. Both were members of the Presbyterian Church in Potterville, Pa., and in Orwell, where they were buried. Orvilla Chaffee mar- ried (2) Mrs. Lavinias (or Lovinia) (Chaffee) Tyrrell (2796) (Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), widow of Albert Tyr- rell. She was born September 29, 1823, and died in 1881, her will being probated August 31st of that year. Orvilla Chaffee owned land and lived in Warren, Pa., as early as 1830. Later he lived in PotterviUe and Orwell. In 1884 he was again living in Warren, where he died. Four of his sons fought in the Civil War. He was a farmer. Children, by first wife: 3084 i Almeda ^ Chaffee, married Antizdall. 4-3085 ii Benjamin Leighton Chaffee, married Helen Van Winkle. 3086 iii Noah Chaffee, married Celestia, daughter of William Henry Spencer, and had two children; was a Private in Company D, 162d Penn- sylvania Regiment; discharged on a surgeon's certificate, Jan- uary 30, 1863; residence, 1893, Athens, Pa.; he is a shoe mer- chant. 3087 iv Henrietta Chaffee, married William Douglas Chaffee. (See 3655.) 3088 V Elizabeth T. Chaffee, married Preserved B. Chaffee. (See 2801.) 3089 vi Otis Chaffee, married Ellsworth. 3090 vii Alpheus Chaffee, died in the Civil War; was in the Battle of the Wilderness; unmarried. 3091 viii Amy Ann Chaffee, married John D. Kenny, a merchant. 3092 ix Draper Chaffee, residence, 1893, Warren Centre, Pa. 292 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1290 Samuel Butterworth ^ Chaffee (Noah,^ Ephraim,^ Ephraim,^ Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born m Rehoboth, Mass., November 29, 1808, and died in South Warren, Pa., October 4, 1888. He married (1), October 22, 1831, Maria, daughter of Benjamin Buffington. She died November 4, 1845, and was buried in South Warren. Both were members of the Methodist Church. He mar- ried (2), July 9, 1846, Betsy L., daughter of William Pendleton of South Warren, where Mr. Chaffee lived and was a Constable and Assessor. In politics he was a Republican. He was a farmer and owned about one hundred and fifty acres of land in South Warren. He had a light complexion, and was five feet, ten inches in height. Children, by first wife: + 3093 i Mary E.s Chaffee, born June 26, 1832; married J. Allen Bowen. + 3094 ii Martha R. Chaffee, born October 3, 1834; married Willis G. Bost- wick. 3095 iii Rufus D. Chaffee, born March 26, 1837; died September 6, 1838. + 3096 iv Cornelia E. Chaffee, born September 6, 1839; married Theodore Co- burn. 3097 V Rufus Albert Chaffee, born December 11, 1841; died in Anderson- ville (Ga.) Prison, September 24, 1864, while serving in the Civil War; unmarried. 3098 vi Ascenath Ann Chaffee, born January 21, 1844; married in Orwell, Pa., November 14, 1867, Elmer Martin Angle, a farmer, born in Green Bay, Wis., April 2, 1846; he has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height; he joined the Methodist Church at the age of seventeen; residence, 1891, Warren, Pa. 3099 vii Samuel O. Chaffee, born August 31, 1848; died April 14, 1849. + 3100 viii Cordis Monroe Chaffee, born August 10, 1850; married Lucinda J. Arnold. 1293 Catherine C.^ Chaffee (Noah,« Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,^ Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 5, 1816, and married in Orwell, Pa., Albert A. Prince, born in Rome, Pa. (?). He is a carpenter and joiner. In 1892 they lived in Athens, Pa. Children : 3101 i Henry « Prince, married Powell of Potterville, Pa., and has five children; residence, 1891, Towanda, Pa. 3102 ii Frank Prince, married and had three children; residence, 1891, Athens. 3103 iii Ira Prince, married and had three or four children; residence, 1891, Athens. 3104 iv Althea Prince, died. 3105 V A child, died young. 1294 Albert ^ Chaffee (Noah,^ Ephraim,^ Ephraim,^ Jonathan,^ Nathan- iel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., June 13, 1818, and died in Orwell, Pa., March 19, 1871. He married in Warren, Pa., November 1, 1841, Julia Ann, daugh- ter of Abraham Ward of Oneonta, N. Y. Both of her grandfathers were in the Revolution. In 1891 she lived in Orwell with her son Leon. She was a Metho- dist as was her husband, he having joined the church at the age of forty-six. They lived in Orwell, where he owned land. He was candid, sensible and just, had a dark complexion, black hair and eyes, and was six feet, one inch in height. In politics he was a Republican and by trade a stonemason and farmer. Children : + 3106 i Emma Jane s Chaffee, born July 19, 1842; married Albert A. Allen. SEVENTH GENERATION 293 3107 ii Edwin Eugene Chaffee, born February 25, 1844; died in Laceyville, Pa., October 3, 1884; married Sarah Ann Carhn; he served during the Civil War in the 5th New York Cavalry, and was wounded in the hip in the Battle of the Wilderness. 3108 iii Hanson Gould Chaffee, born April 2, 1846; died in Binghamton, N. Y., July 9, 1884; married (1) Sally Murphy; (2) Jennie Mills; served during the Civil War in the 5th New York Cavalry, and was wounded in the head in the Battle of the Wilderness. 3109 iv Mary Gertrude Chaffee, born April 20, 1848; married (1) Tingley; (2) Hiram Fuller; residence, 1895, Laceyville. + 3110 V Herbert Wellin Chaffee, born December 20, 1848; married Ida D. Spencer. 3111 vi Bertha Lucelia Chaffee, born November 9, 1851; married Frank E. Johnson; residence, 1895, Potterville, Pa. 3112 vii Lovern Scott Chaffee, born August 29, 1853; died December 11, 1862. 3113 viii Addie Letha Chaffee, born December 3, 1855; married Willis Miller; residence, 1895, Binghamton. 3114 ix Fred Lewis Chaffee, born April 2, 1857; married Carrie Peterson, and had three or four children; residence, 1895, Denver, Colo. 3115 X Eva L. Chaffee, born September 17, 1860; married Burton Robinson; residence, 1895, Potterville. 3116 xi Leon Odell Chaffee, born in Orwell, January 3, 1863; married in Waverly, N. Y., December 25, 1889, Jessie, daughter of Alex- ander Henderson of Long Valley, Pa.; he has a light complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height ; is a cigar manu- facturer, and a Republican in politics; residence, 1891, Orwell. 1295 Almira ^ ChafEee (Noah,« Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,3 Nathan- iel,2 Thomas i) was born October 16, 1823, and died August 5, 1890. She married October 29, 1842, H. John Chubbuck, a farmer, born in Orwell, Pa. Politically he is a Republican. In 1891 he was living in South Warren, Pa. Almira (Chaffee) Chubbuck had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. Children : 3117 i Orestus E.s Chubbuck, born April 10, 1843; married Almira Livermore. 3118 ii Nelson A. Chubbuck, born March 2, 1845; married Theresa Arnold. 3119 iii Lydia Maria Chubbuck, born July 24, 1848; married Hiram P. Knapp. 3120 iv Samuel E. Chubbuck, born April 12, 1851; married Emma Diamond. 1296 Elsa 7 Chaffee (Noah,^ Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born February 12, 1826, and married Job Depew, a farmer. They lived in Orwell, Warren and Athens, and in 1891 were living in Chemung, N. Y. Children : 3121 i Irvin s Depew, born about 1858. 3122 ii Betsey Depew, born about 1861; married French, and had several children. 3123 iii Willard Depew, born about 1863. 3124 iv Ascenath Depew, residence, 1891, Athens. 3125 V Alice Depew. 3126 vi A daughter. 3127 vii A son. 1297 Amy 7 ChafEe (Abner,6 David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., August 7, 1791, and died in October, 1849. She mar- 294 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY ried in October, 1814, Abner Whiton, a farmer, who died. They Uved in WilUng- ton, Conn. Children : 3128 i George » Whiton, married Lucy M. Walker. 3129 ii A daughter, died. Six other children, three sons and three daughters, names unknown. 1298 Hannah ^ ChafEee (Abner,8 David, ^ David,* David, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 30, 1792, and died in November, 1847. She married in Ashford, November 25, 1813, Deacon Joseph Snell, a farmer of Union, Conn., born there, February 24, 1791. He was killed in a factory in Willimantic, Conn. She lived in Ashford at the time of her marriage and later removed to Windham, Conn. She was buried in Willimantic. Children : 3130 i Erastus G.s Snell, born December 11, 1814. 3131 ii Hannah Sophronia Snell, born April 19, 1819; rharried Zelotes Emery Chaffee. (See 1897.) 3132 iii Lois Snell, born July 12, 1821. 3133 iv Joseph William Snell, born March 12, 1823. 3134 V A daughter, born June 11, 1826; died June 11, 1826. 3135 vi Eliza Minerva Snell, born September 19, 1827. 3136 vii A son, born January 6, 1830; died January 6, 1830. 1299 Anna ^ ChafEe (Abner,« David,^ David,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., October 18, 1794, and died in May, 1846. She mar- ried Reuben Robinson, who died. She was buried in Chaphn, Conn. Children : 3137 i William » Robinson, born November 27, 1822. 3138 ii David Robinson, born June 27, 1825. 3139 iii Alfred Robinson, born June 23, 1826. 3140 iv Anna R. Robinson, born March 1, 1828. 3141 V Henry M. Robinson, born October 24, 1834. 1300 Ebenezer 7 Chaffee (Abner,^ David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., November 29, 1796, and died in Mansfield, Conn., September 26, 1875. He married in Ashford, March 22, 1822, Hannah, daughter of Simeon Smith of that place. She was born April 14, 1789, and died August 27, 1873. Both were buried in Ashford. He was for fifty years a Deacon in the Ashford Congregational Church, in which his father had held the same office. December 14, 1862, he and his wife joined the Warrenville, Conn., Baptist Church. He was a farmer and held many positions of trust during his lifetime, being six times elected to the State Legislature, and holding the offices of Selectman, Asses- sor and Judge of Probate. He was honored and respected by all. He had a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and was six feet in height. Children, born in Ashford: 3142 i Maryetta 8 Chaffee, born December 9, 1822; married there, January 26, 1846, Warren W. Lyon of that place, who died in Brookl3ai, N. Y., November 9, 1864, aged forty-seven, and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery; he had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height; she had a dark complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet in height; after marriage they lived in Brooklyn, he SEVENTH GENERATION 295 being a merchant doing business in New York City; after his death, his widow returned to Ashford, where she Uved with her mother and father, and where, in 1884, she was still living; she united with the Congregational Church at the age of thirty. + 3143 ii Philo Chaffee, born August 5, 1826; married Mary A. H. Cady. 1301 Lois 7 Chaffee (Abner,^ David,& David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., September 24, 1798, and died September 9, 1872. She married, November 29, 1820, Philip, son of Lemuel Corbin. He was a prom- inent farmer and business man, born in Union, Conn., April 4, 1797, and died in West Hartford, Conn., July 24, 1881. They lived in Willington, Conn., and in 1833 moved to West Hartford. She was buried in New Britain, Conn. Children : born October 26, 1824; married Francina T. 3144 Hezekiah » Corbin, 3145 ii Waldo Corbin. + 3146 iii Philip Corbin Jr, Whiting. 3147 iv Lois Corbin. 3148 V Frank Corbin. 3149 vi Angelona Corbin. 3150 vii WiUiam Corbin. 3151 viii Andrew Corbin. 3152 ix George Corbin. 3153 X Elbert Corbin. 1302 William 7 Chaffee (Abner,8 David.s David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., April 22, 1801, and died in Indianapohs, Ind., March 4, 1867. He married in Herkimer, N. Y., October 7, 1831, Abigail, daughter of Ebenezer Thayer of that place. She died in Winchester, Ind., Febru- ary 22, 1868, and was buried there. Mr. Chaffee had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet in height. He lived in Hartford City, Ind., and in Indian- apolis. He was a Baptist minister. Children : + 3154 i Ann Hasselton « Chaffee, born August 3, 1833; married Andrew J. Neff. 3155 ii Lois M. Chaffee, born August 5, 1837; died August 14, 1840. 3156 iii William Carey Chaffee, born April 2, 1838; residence, 1884, Hunting- ton, Ind.; a physician. 3157 iv Harriet A. Chaffee, born October 20, 1839; married Cline; residence, 1884, Hartford City. 3158 V Ebenezer Thayer Chaffee, born September 22, 1841; residence, 1884, Hartford City; a railroad agent. 3159 vi John Quincy A. Chaffee, born October 9, 1843; died February 19, 1867; a physician; an officer in the army, during the Civil War. 3160 vn Alfred Burgess Chaffee, born in Lima, O., April 12, 1847; married in Roanoke, Ind., August 2, 1876, Margretta W., daughter of John Jamieson of that place; she died October 23, 1879; residence, 1884, Roanoke. 1312 Louisa ^ Chaffee (David,^ David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., August 10, 1801, and married in 1822, Isaac Pardy Wood, who died before 1883, when she was living in Navarino. Children : 3161 i David » Wood, married Aurilla Church. 296 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3162 ii Enos Wood, married Marilla Nodine. 3163 iii Cynthia Wood. 3164 iv Priscilla Wood, married George Gibbs. 3165 V Jennette Wood, married George Cummings. 3166 vi Pamela Wood, married Oliver Cummings. 3167 vii Pardy I. Wood, married Abzina Slade. 3168 viii Lucinda Wood, married Edwin Hough. 3169 ix Orry Wood, killed in Pittsburg Landing, July 30, 1839(?). 1313 Ralph 7 Chafee (David,^ David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Navarino, N. Y., April 12, 1803, and died. He married there, June 9, 1830, Anna, daughter of Micah Wetherbee of Spafford, N. Y. She died April 19, 1884, aged seventy-six years, seven months and nineteen days. He was a farmer and mechanic, having invented some improvements in saw-mill machinery and in road grading. He laid out many new roads and graded others, always getting the lightest grades possible. He was much interested in the science of the origin and evolution of man. In 1883 he hved in Onondaga, N. Y. Children : 3170 i Judson Ralph » Chafee, born March 20, 1831 ; died September 14, 1835. 3171 ii Jane Chafee, born April 3, 1833; died about 1850, aged seventeen. 3172 iii Andrew Jackson Chafee, born January 7, 1835; died in Gettysburg, Pa., August 16, 1863, in the United States Hospital. 3173 iv Martin Van Buren Chafee, born March 4, 1837; died in 1884; married Mercy Bradford. 3174 V John T. Chafee, born April 5, 1839; married Harriet Melissa Booth; served in the Civil War and was a prisoner for ten and one-half months in Texas. 3175 vi Enoch Marks Chafee, born August 18, 1843; married Emeline French. 3176 vii Alma Chafee, born March 16, 1847; married in 1868, Wallace Crosby. 3177 viii Adelaide Chafee, born January 24, 1849. 1314 David ^ Chafee, Jr. (David,^ David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1), was born in Navarino, N. Y., February 16, 1805, and married (1) in Otisco, N. Y., February 6, 1834, Betsey, daughter of Benjamin Kenyon of that place. She died February 25, 1849, and he married (2) Mary, daughter of Chauncey G. Lewis of Pompey, N. Y. He was a carpenter and farmer, and was for a time Town Supervisor. In 1883 he was retired from business and living in Onondaga Valley, N. Y. Children, by first wife: 3178 i George « Chafee, born June 25, 1839; died in Tvler Hollow, N. Y., July 26, 1841. 3179 ii Byron R. Chafee, born June 9, 1841; died in Marcellus, N. Y., May 7, 1870. 3180 iii Alice Chafee, born November 25, 1844; married, December 3, 1867, William M. Haines of Iowa; residence, 1883, Belvidere, 111. Children, by second wife : 3181 iv David Chafee, Jr., born October 31, 1852; died June 10, 1858; buried in Manlius, N. Y. 3182 V Betsey Marsylvin Chafee, born February 17, 1859; married, September 26, 1876, William J. Bassett of Liverpool, N. Y., who died in Jack- sonville, Fla., April 12, 1880. 1315 Abner 7 Chaffee (David.s David,5 David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas^ ) was born in Navarino, N. Y., June 7, 1806, and died in Palermo, N. Y., March 31, SEVENTH GENERATION 297 1880. He married in Otisco, N. Y., November 8, 1832, Julia Ami, daughter of David Judson Hurlbut of that place. He bought eighty acres of land in Palermo in 1832, and moved there that year. He lived there until his death, and was buried in Fulton, N. Y. He was a farmer and was Town Supervisor for several years, superintending the construction of a plank road through the town. In 1883 his widow was living in Oswego, N. Y. Children : + 3183 i David Judson » Chaffee, born May 6, 1835; married Louisa Broadwell. + 3184 ii Willis Gaylord Chaffee, born November 4, 1838; married Martha T. Dickinson. 3185 iii Clinton Chaffee, born June 20, 1844; died March 26, 1876; married, October 27, 1874, Emma, daughter of William Newton of Fulton; no children; he was a musician. 1316 Comfort Tyler ' Chafee (David,^ David,^ David,* David,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., February 18, 1808, and died there in 1883. He married in Navarino, February 18, 1808, Ruby Hall. He bought seventy- two acres of land in Palermo, N. Y., in 1833. At the time of his death he lived in Navarino, and was buried in East Navarino. Child: 3186 i Eunice Amelia » Chafee, died April 19, 1866; married James Ross, who died in the Civil War. 1317 Guy 7 Chaffee (David,^ David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., November 3, 1809, and died in Denver, Colo., January 11, 1897. He married in Ashford, Conn., September 22, 1836, Almira, daughter of Ezekiel Chapman of that place. In 1836 Mr. Chaffee lived in Onondaga, N. Y., the next year he bought land in Palermo, N. Y., and in 1891 he lived in Denver. He was a carpenter and a farmer. At the age of seventy-two he was strong and in good health, not needing the use of glasses in his work. Children : + 3187 i Sarah ^ Chaffee, born January 24, 1841; married Frank Irish. + 3188 ii Mary Chaffee, born February 25, 1844; married Silas Hanchett. 1318 George ^ Chafee (David,^ David,5 David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., August 16, 1811, and married Lucinda Kenyon. In 1883 he lived in Belvidere, 111. Children : 3189 i Lucy * Chafee, married Waterman. 3190 ii Anita Chafee. 3191 iii Lillie Chafee, born about 1856. iv (Adopted) George Chafee, born about 1858. 1319 William Harrison ^ Chaffee (David,^ David,5 David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., April 6, 1813, and married Harriet Cross. In 1883 he hved in Byron, Mich. Children : 3192 i Euretta » Chaffee, married George Eddy. 3193 ii Harrison Chaffee, a twin, died. 3194 iii Harriet Chaffee, a twin, married William Close De Losse. 3195 iv Seward Chaffee, married Bettie Ruy. 3196 V Carrie Belle Chaffee. 298 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1320 Eunice ^ Chaffee (David,« David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Navarino, N. Y., January 9, 1815, and died April 22, 1900. She was married in Amber, N. Y., December 26, 1843, by Squire Beeman, to Lewis G. Sprague. In 1884 she Uved in Brewerton, N. Y., in the best of health. Children, the first two born in Onondaga County, N. Y., the last four in Oswego County, N. Y.: 3197 i Hiram « Sprague, born December 1, 1844; died February 5, 1845. 3198 ii Olive Arminda Sprague, born June 18, 1846; died September 24, 1847. 3199 iii Elnora Sprague, born January 10, 1848; married Osgood Ross. 3200 iv Eudora Sprague, died March 10, 1851, aged ten months. 3201 V Elverton Sprague, died April 10, 1852, aged twenty-four days. + 3202 vi Guthrie Sprague, born March 4, 1853; married Frankie Warner. 1321 Joshua 7 Chaffee (David, e David,^ David,* David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., July 27, 1817, and died there, November 5, 1886. He married in Navarino, December 30, 1840, Susan Climena, daughter of Jacob Amidon of Mansfield, Conn., later of Navarino. She died March 13, 1890, and was buried in that place. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Joshua Chaffee had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He was a farmer and he also assisted his brother Ralph in grading roads. He laid out many new roads, and was Pathmaster in Navarino, where he lived. Child: + 3203 i Burritt » Chaffee, born March 13, 1850; married Laura E. Terry. 1328 Amos Oummings ^ Chaffee (Amos,^ David, ^ David,* David,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ^) was born in Westford, Ashford Township, Conn., March 11, 1812, and died in Lysander, N. Y., September 16, 1861. He married in Ashford, October 4, 1836, Louisa Chapman, born June 23, 1816, in 1884 living in Meriden, Conn. Amos Chaffee, Sr., spoke of his son Amos C. as "a perfect boy." Children : 3204 i Susan Maria » Chaffee, born March 22, 1838; died June 17, 1855. 3205 ii Amos Elias Chaffee, born August 26, 1839; died September 6, 1839. 1329 Dan 7 Chaffee (Amos,« David,^ David,* David, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Westford, Ashford Township, Conn., July 30, 1815, and married in Ellington, Conn., October 23, 1850, Sophronia, daughter of Calvin Pease of that place. She was born in Ellington, March 29, 1827. He is a farmer and lived in Westford, where he held various town offices until 1888, when he moved to Spring- field, Mass., where in 1900 he was still living. In 1895 he was reported as hale and hearty, never missing a meal. He has a light complexion,, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. Children : + 3206 i Gerrit Hiram » Chaffee, born August 26, 1851; married Jennie L. Weldon, + 3207 ii Mary Louise Chaffee, born April 28, 1856; married Edward F. Farrar. 1330 Julia 7 Chaffee (Daniel,^ David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born September 19, 1808, and died in Yates, N. Y., July 5, 1886. She married (1) in Onondaga, N. Y., December 31, 1827, Samuel Kenyon, born October 7, 1803. He died November 15, 1852, and she married (2) his brother Benjamin Kenyon, who died. SEVENTH GENERATION 299 Children, by first husband : ■ +3208 i Daniel Chaffee » Kenyon, born September 5, 1829; married Mary L. Dugar. 3209 ii Lydia Kenyon, born September 7, 1831 ; married in 1850. 3210 iii Barber Kenyon, born September 6, 1833; married in 1855. 3211 iv Melinda Kenyon, born January 17, 1836; married in 1854. 3212 V Charles Kenyon, born August 29, 1837; married in 1859. 3213 vi Huldah Kenyon, born November 28, 1839; died in November, 1861; married in 1858. 3214 vii Robert Kenyon, born November 16, 1841 ; died in February, 1842. 3215 viii Harriet Mariah Kenyon, born December 29, 1842; married in 1863, Andrew J. Bennett; residence, 1893, County Line, N. Y. 3216 ix Diana Amelia Kenyon, born March 28, 1845; died February 18, 1873; married in 1865. 3217 X Samuel C. Kenyon, born August 23, 1847; married in 1868. 3218 xi Julia Ann Kenyon, born March 19, 1850; married in 1870. 1332 Huldah 7 Chaffee (Daniel,6 David,5 David," David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in 1820, and married in Yates, N. Y., in 1841, Israel Coon of that place, a farmer, born in New Jersey in 1818. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. In 1893 they lived in Middleport, N. Y., their family of nine children all living. Children : 3219 i Orpha » Coon, born April 16, 1842. 3220 ii Edward Coon, born July 2, 1844. 3221 iii Adelaide Coon, born May 27, 1847. 3222 iv Elnora Coon, born July 25, 1850. 3223 V George H. Coon, born June 2, 1853. 3224 vi Jane Coon, born May 25, 1855. 3225 vii Dell Coon, born in 1857. 3226 viii Ella Coon, born in 1862. 3227 ix Emma Coon, a twin, born in 1862. 1333 Samuel C.^ Chaffee (Daniel,6 David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas died in Yates, N. Y., November 10, 1865. He married in Onondaga, N. Y., Harriet Yates. He died on the same place where his father died, as did also his wife. Child: 3228 i A son,8 died in Michigan; he served in the Civil War as Captain and was confined in Libby Prison for three months; after the war he studied law in Lockport, N. Y., and was admitted to the Bar; went to Michi- gan. 1345 Lynds ^ Chaffee (Wilham,6 Atherton,5 Atherton," David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Lyndon, Vt., in 1804, and died in Morristown, Vt., August 14, 1846. He married in Stowe, Vt., in January, 1830, Martha, daughter of John Alexander of Londonderry, Vt. She died December 12, 1890, and was buried in Morristown. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He was a farmer and lived in Morristown. Children, born in Morristown: + 3229 i Mary Emeline » Chaffee, born February 3, 1831; married George At- wood. + 3230 ii Dana Lynds Chaffee, born August 28, 1833; married (1) Susan Bagley; (2) 'Maria Stevens, 3231 iii Martha Jane Chaffee, born January 9, 1838; died August 26, 1859; married in Stowe, in January, 1855, Stephen G., son of Stephen Atwood of Stowe, where they lived ; no children ; buried in Stowe. 300 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 3232 iv Robinson Joseph Chaffee, born August 6, 1839; married Maria L. Davis. + 3233 V Orson Wilham Chaffee, born April 7, 1845; married Clarinda J. Wake- field. 1346 Hiram ' Chaffee (William,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in 1806, and died in Stowe, Vt., in January, 1885. He mar- ried (1) Sophia Parish; (2) Clarissa Martin. He lived in Sterling, Vt., and in Stowe, where he was buried. Children : 3234 i Powers 8 Chaffee, residence, 1891, Michigan. 3235 ii Albert Chaffee, died before 1891. Child, by second wife: + 3236 iii Mary E. Chaffee, born July 21, 1860; married Edwin A. Foster. 1347 William 7 Chaffee, Jr. (William,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Westminster, Vt., in 1809, and married Chloe Ferren, born in Croydon, N. H. They lived in Morristown, Stowe, Hyde Park and Lowell, in 1891 in the latter town. Children : + 3237 i Jackson « Chaffee, born October 26, 1836; married Marion M. Shaw. 3238 ii Susan Chaffee, married Henry Tillotson; residence, 1891, Morrisville, Vt. 3239 iii George Chaffee, at one time taught among the Indians in the West; residence, 1891, Lowell. 3240 iv Royal Chaffee, died in Yorktown, Va., in the Civil War, while serving in the 10th Vermont Regiment. 3241 V Beckley Chaffee, residence, 1891, Lowell. 3242 vi Clarissa Chaffee, married William Thompson ; residence, 1891, Spring- field, Mass. 3243 vii Levi Chaffee, died young. 3244 viii Flora Chaffee, married l3an Whittemore; residence, 1891, Eden, Vt. 1348 Horace ^ Chaffee (William,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., May 18, 1812, and married in Morris- town, Vt., May 18, 1835, Matilda, daughter of Samuel Reed of Cornish, N. H. She died January 24, 1880, and was buried in Morristown. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer and at the time of his marriage lived in Morristown, where in 1891 he was still living. His home was for seven years in Eden, Vt. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. Children : + 3245 i Edwin Horace » Chaffee, born July 2, 1837; married Mary I. Ling. 3246 ii Laura King Chaffee, born May 8, 1843; married Austin Wilkins; resi- dence, 1891, Morristown. 1349 Nathan Robinson 7 Chaffee (William,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Kirby, Vt., March 12, 1814, and married in Morristown, Vt., February 3, 1842, Nancy L., daughter of Aaron Wilkins of Stowe, Vt. He lived in Morristown at the time of his marriage, and later in Ster- ling, Vt., and Stowe, the latter town being his home in 1891. He is a farmer, has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. Children : 3247 i Marcella ^ Chaffee, born September 3, 1844; married Charles A. Davis; residence, 1891, Morristown. SEVENTH GENERATION 301 + 3248 ii Marcus Chaffee, born September 30, 1847; married (1) Frances Horner; (2) Ella A. Russell. 3249 ill Sarah Jane Chaffee, born July 18, 1850; married Marillo Wood; resi- dence, 1891, Morristown. 3250 iv Ellen M. Chaffee, born August 13, 1852; died October 12, 1873. 1350 Hannah ^ ChafEee (William,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in 1816, and died in Lowell, Vt., in January, 1891. She mar- ried Seth Alger, who died in the Civil War. She lived in Stowe, Vt., at the time of her marriage, and later in Lowell. Child: 3251 i Frank » Alger, residence, 1891, Lowell. 1352 Jefferson ^ Chaffee (Atherton,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, ^ Nathan- iel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., April 12, 1806, and died in Fox Lake, Wis., June 23, 1889. He married (1) in Canada in December, 1831, Maria, daughter of Luther Hawes of Canada. She died in Fox Lake in 1859, and was buried there. She was a member of the Baptist Church, as was her husband, he having joined at the age of thirty-five. He married (2), December 1, 1860, Ellen Lattin. He lived in Canada at the time of his first marriage and afterward moved to Wisconsin, where he lived the rest of his life. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. He was a farmer and was loved and respected by all. Children, by second wife: 3252 i Marias Chaffee, born August 2, 1861; died January 31, 1885; mar- ried, February 14, 1884, Curtis E. Meigs; she died of dropsy. 4-3253 ii Anna Chaffee, born July 27, 1863; married James G. Oliver. 3254 iii Martha Chaffee, born May 6, 1866; married, March 3, 1886, Walter H. Barnett. 3255 iv Minnie Chaffee, a twin, born May 6, 1866; residence, 1891, Waupun, Wis. 3256 V Ida May Chaffee, born January 27, 1869. 1353 Constant 7 Chaffee (Atherton,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., May 20, 1809, and married in Lynn, Mass., October 20, 1842, Huldah M, (H.), daughter of Luther Hawes of Newark, Vt. She was a resident of Lowell, Mass., and a member of the Universalist Church. He was a carpenter, hewed timbers, and worked on the construction of bridges. He felled the first trees that were laid in the Hoosac Tunnel. At the time of his marriage he lived in Lynn, but moved to Cambridge, Mass., in 1843, where he lived until 1849. He afterward lived in Brattleboro, Vt., and in 1869 moved to Charlemont, Mass., and in 1896 was living, well and hearty, in East Charlemont. Children : 3257 i Door Morse » Chaffee, born April 26, 1843; died June 10, 1851. 3258 ii A child, born in June, 1844; died in June, 1844. -1-3259 iii Sarah Isabella Chaffee, born August 1, 1845; married Alva B. Fair- field. -}-3260 iv Emma Frances Chaffee, born February 18, 1847; married George R. Tower. 3261 y Ceha Elnora Chaffee, born October 9, 1848; died November 25, 1866. -1-3262 vi George Luther Chaffee, born May 12, 1850; married Melissa A. Pratt. 3263 vii Dora May Chaffee, born September 14, 1856; residence, 1896, East Charlemont; unmarried. 302 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1354 Fannie ^ Chaffee (Atherton,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., February 20, 1812 (February 18, 1813), and married in 1847, Luther Clough. Child: 3264 i George P.^ Clough, born in Salem, in 1848; residence, 1891, Bradford, Pa. 1355 Lynds Damey ^ Chaffee (Atherton,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,^ Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., February 23, 1817 (1814), and married in Barmton, Canada, February 9, 1843, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Gordan Davis of that place. She was born March 30, 1821. He has a light com- plexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. He is a farmer and at the time of his marriage lived in Barford, Canada, but in 1891 was living in Mondovi, Wis. Children : + 3265 i Almira A.s Chaffee, born August 13, 1844; married Israel Baldwin. 3266 ii A son, died young. 1356 Editha ^ Chaffee (Atherton," Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., in March, 1819 (April 25, 1820), and died in Middlesex, or Lowell, Mass., December 20, 1879. She married in December, 1844, Marvel C. Gove, and lived in Middlesex about thirty-five years. She died of cancer. She was a member of the Universalist Church and was greatly beloved by all. Children : 3267 i Helen s Gove, born July 1, 1845; married George Danford. 3268 ii Frances Grace Gove. 3269 iii Edith Gove, born January 20, 1850; married McLaughlin. 1370 Mary Jane ^ Chaffee (Rufus,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Kirby, Vt., February 7, 1826, and married in Nelson, 0., April 18, 1844, Ketchel B., son of Solomon J. Payne of Cornwell, Conn. They lived in Nelson, where he was a farmer. Children : 3270 i Franklin F.s Payne, born January 29, 1845; died February 26, 1845. 3271 ii Robert K. Payne, born April 9, 1849. 3272 iii Benjamin Franklin Payne, born May 20, 1851. 3273 iv Malinda E. Payne, born September 1, 1856. 3274 V Solomon Johnson Payne, born September 15, 1858; married in Nelson, June 1, 1887, Ella I. McCall. 1377 Jarvil Otis ^ Chaffee (Rufus,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas was born in Troy, 0., June 6, 1836, and married (1) in Middle- field, 0., Nancy, daughter of Jesse Marcum of Troy. She died May 11, 1870, and was buried in Nebraska. He married (2), September 23, 1876, Sarah C. Fraser. He served in the Union army during the Civil War. He has a dark complexion, dark eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. At the time of his first marriage he lived in Nelson, 0., and in 1893 in Stockham, Neb. Child, by first wife: 3275 i Jesse G.s Chaffee, born December 11, 1869. Children, by second wife: 3276 ii Eddie R. Chaffee, born October 12, 1877. 3277 iii Roy Otis Chaffee, born January 12, 1891. SEVENTH GENERATION 303 1379 Calvin Clifford ^ ChafEee (Calvin,^ Clifford,^ Atherton,^ David,^ Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August 28, 1811, and died in Springfield, Mass., August 8, 1896. He married (1) in Vermont in 1836, Clara, daughter of Daniel Nourse of Rockingham, Vt. She died in 1848, and was buried in Springfield. She was a member of the Congregational Church. Doctor Chaffee married (2) in Springfield, in 1850, Mrs. Irene (Sanford) Emerson, widow of Doctor Emerson of St. Louis, Mo., and daughter of Alexander Sanford of Vir- ginia. She died in Springfield, February 11, 1903, aged eighty-eight. She was one time the owner of Dred Scott, the negro slave whose name is at" tached to one of the most famous decisions of the United States Supreme Court- Dred Scott was left to Mrs. Chaffee with the estate of her first husband. Dr- Emerson was a surgeon in the United States army. In 1834 he took Scott as his slave and body servant from Missouri to the military post at Rock Island, 111., and two years later to Fort Snelling, in the territory then known as Upper Louisi- ana. In 1838 the surgeon and his slave returned to Missouri. " A Missouri lawyer brought suit in Dred Scott's behalf on the contention that the slave had been freed by being taken into a free State. He hoped thus to estab- lish Scott's freedom and collect the accumulated wages which would then have been due him for twelve years or more. The local court decided in his favor, but in three succeeding courts, and finally in the famous decision of Chief Jus- tice Taney, filed in March, 1857, it was decided that the negro's status was not affected by his temporary residence upon free soil. " Dred Scott continued to live in St. Louis after his return there with Dr. Emer- son in 1838. Soon after the decision of the suit in favor of his owner, Mrs. Chaffee freed the old slave voluntarily." Doctor Chaffee united with the Congregational Church in Pike, N. Y., in 1837. He had a light complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. By profession he was an allopathic physician. In 1890 he was an examining surgeon for pension claimants. At different times he lived in Hareford, Nunda, Pike, and Allegany, Woodstock, Vt.; Rockingham, and Springfield, Mass. Among many appreciative articles regarding his career which were printed in the newspapers, we offer the following selections: "Calvin Clifford Chaffee has an interesting history. His father was a farmer and he remained on the farm until he was 19 years old, acquiring in the meantime a common school education. He enjoyed the advantages of an academic course at Rockingham, Vt., and later studied medicine at the medical department of Middlebury college at Woodstock, Vt., where he received his degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1835. After graduating he went to Nunda, in the western part of New York State, and began the practice of his profession, remaining there till 1846. He came to Springfield May 6, 1846, and immediately began prac- tice, in which he was very successful, becoming widely known as a skillful prac- titioner. "In 1855 Dr. Chaffee had a large and lucrative practice and had no intention of abandoning it for a political career or for any thing else. But in the fall of that year there was an unexpected vacancy in this congressional district, then the 10th, which included all of Hampden county east of the river and as far west as West- field, a part of Worcester county, Northampton and a part of Franklin county. Dr. Chaffee was nominated by the American or know nothing party for the seat made vacant by the resignation of Judge Morris. In the election which followed Dr. Chaffee was successful. He took his seat the first Monday in December with the intention of resigning during the holiday recess, but after the beginning of the contest for speakership there was no thought of leaving the scene of the interesting struggle. The famous Banks contest began on the morning of the first day of the session and continued exactly nine weeks, ending in the election of Gen. Banks on Saturday night of the ninth week. 304 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY " During the tiresome struggle Dr. Chaffee was not absent a single session, though for a week or 10 days he was so ill that he had to be taken to the Capitol in a carriage and while there was obliged to lie on a sofa, notwithstanding which he responded to every roll call. "During the second session of the first term. Dr. Chaffee secured an appropria- tion of about $100,000 for the completion of the watershops in this city. The securing of that appropriation was a very important matter, for without it the facilities for turning out rifles at the breaking out of the war would have been wholly inadequate. " Dr. Chaffee and Charles Sumner were warm friends and the former was among the first to call at Senator Sumner's rooms after the cowardly assault upon him by Preston S. Brooks of South Carolina. The same evening Dr. Chaffee came near having a personal encounter with Brooks, who swaggered up to him, swing- ing a hickory cane with which he had replaced the heavy gutta-percha walking stick, which he had broken on Mr. Sumner's head. 'Doctor,' said he, 'I want to know what you have been saying about me to-night. I understand that you have said some pretty hard things.' 'Why do you wish to know?' asked Dr. Chaffee. Brooks replied that he had whipped one Massachusetts man that day and would like to whip another. Dr. Chaffee told him he had better proceed with the whipping and perhaps by that time he could tell him what had been said. Just then a friend of Brooks came up and taking the bully by the arm drew him away, telling Dr. Chaffee by signs that Brooks was drunk, which was the case. "Dr. Chaffee was nominated for the 35th Congress by the know nothing and republican parties, both conventions being held at Northampton. He took the stump the day after his nomination and m>ade speeches in all parts of the district. Prof. Fowler of Amherst was his only opponent, representing the American and democratic parties. Dr. Chaffee's majority in the election was about 6000 and he had every reason to feel proud of the handsome indorsement of his work during his first term in Congress. "During Dr. Chaffee's first term in Congress a change in the method of paying members resulted in his giving the nucleus of the Springfield city library. Previous to the 34th Congress the members received so much per day instead of a fixed salary, and a part of the 'perquisites' was what was called a congressman's library which was given to each new member and included American State papers, the Madison papers, the United States statutes at large, opinions of the Attorneys General and reports of decisions of the supreme court. After the change in the payment of members was made Dr. Chaffee decided to give his books to some public library in this congressional district. He found upon investigation, that the Amherst college library was the only one open to the public, and one day he spoke to the late John L. King about giving the books to Amherst. Mr. King wished to have the congressman's library kept in this city and told Dr. Chaffee that he understood that the young men's institute library was public, but that proved not to be the case. The young men's institute, however, was no longer an active organization, and Mr. King purchased its library for about $100 and organ- ized a public library association, to which Dr. Chaffee gladly gave the books which he had at first intended to give to Amherst college. " Dr. Chaffee was able while at Washington to do a very graceful thing by secur- ing the postmastership of Northampton for one of his opponents in his first con- test for election to Congress. The postmaster at Northampton who had been appointed by President Pierce was a candidate for reappointment under Presi- dent Buchanan and his clerk was also seeking the position. Each was making every effort for success, and the Postmaster General, not wishing to act unad- visedly, sent for Dr. Chaffee and asked him what it was best to do. Dr. Chaffee explained the situation and told him that the postmaster and his clerk each made charges against the other's integrity and that probably the charges of each were well founded. 'Now,' said Dr. Chaffee, 'there is a democrat in Northampton, H. H. Chilson, who was my opponent in the congressional election. I know him to be a gentleman and in every way fitted for the position of postmaster. You have asked my advice, and I strongly advise the appointment of Mr. Chilson.' SEVENTH GENERATION 305 The suggestion was acted upon at once and Mr. Chilson became postmaster at Northampton. " Dr. Chaffee has always been one of Springfield's most respected andjpublic- spirited citizens, being actively interested in charitable work and in every plan for the advancement of the city. He has done more than any other man for the Hampden County Children's Aid association, of which organization he has been president for many years, and only a few weeks ago he declined re-election as president of the Springfield cemetery association, after seven years of faithful service in that position. "Dr. Chaffee was active in the organization of the North Church which was formed in October, 1846. It was formed without an organized parish, but at Dr. Chaffee's suggestion a parish was formed after a few months and he v/as the first chairman of the parish committee, a position which he held for nine years. " He was a Republican after the formation of the party. Personally he was a delightful man to know, full of reminiscences, of the stirring times through which he had lived, and in which he had played a not unimportant part. He was a man of large sympathies and broad-minded withal. His life had been one of activity, and although he had long since given up the practice of medicine he kept up an interest in the modern methods of practice and was alive to all new discoveries which promised to aid in the cure of disease. " He was a striking figure on the street, tall and dignified, with a courtliness which belonged to another generation than the present. His face was ruddy, and although he had reached almost his eighty-fifth birthday, his hair was but slightly tinged with gray and his small side whiskers showed the original sandy color as plainly as a dozen years ago. " He was in Congress during the years just prior to the breaking out of the re- bellion, and thus was in a position to observe the growth of the bitter feeling which resulted finally in the attempt to break up the Union. " While in Congress and during the years which he lived in Washington after serving his terms, Dr. Chaffee came to know all the leaders of the day and he made many warm friends, as he did wherever he was known. He had a fund of anecdotes about public men, from which he would draw under favorable cir- cumstances, and his knowledge of local affairs for the past fifty years was almost perfect." After his death a memorial service was held in the North Church, of which Doctor Chaffee was one of the founders. Children, by first wife: 3278 i Emma Lovetta » Chaffee, born June 21, 1838; married Samuel Wilder, and had five children; residence, 1896, Rochester, N. Y. 3279 ii Clemens Clifford Chaffee, born in New York state, June 28, 1841; died July 5, 1867; was appointed to the West Point Military Academy in 1858, from Massachusetts, being the only Chaffee there from the time of its establishment until 1879; served in the Union army during the Civil War, and was brevetted captain, July 4, 1863, for gallant and meritorious service during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; died as the result of his service ; unmarried ; buried in Spring- field. 1381 Jane M.7 Chaffee (Calvin,6 Clifford,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,* Thomas i) was born June 2, 1817, and married Nathan Robbins. In 1896 they lived in Grafton, Vt. Children : 3280 i Philander s Robbins, died before 1896. 3281 ii Augustus Robbins, residence, 1896, Northfield, Vt. 3282 iii Rosa Robbins, died before 1896. 3283 iv Eugene Robbins, residence, 1896, Athens, Vt. 306 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1382 James Carlyle 7 Chaffee (Calvin,6 Clifford,^ Atherton,* David,^ Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Hatfield, N. Y., October 17, 1820, and died in Townshend, Vt., December 19, 1883. He married in Saxton's River, Vt., Feb- ruary 28, 1842, Luceba, daughter of Curlis Smith of Westminster, Vt., where she was born December 6, 1823. She was a member of the Methodist Church, as was her husband, he having joined at the age of twenty-five, and teaching in its Sunday School. He was honest, truthful and just, witty, a good conversationalist, faithful to all duties and impulsively generous. He had a dark complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He was a farmer, and at the time of his mar- riage lived in Westminster; he also lived in Cambridgeport, Vt., one year in Swanzy, Vt., and twenty-five years in Athens, Vt. At the time of his death he was living in Townshend. Children, the first two born in Westminster, the next four in Athens: 3284 i Lydia Luceba ^ Chaffee, born July 11, 1843; married, December 15, 1868, Alfred K. Nash of Pasadena, Cal. -1-3285 ii George Clifford Chaffee, born August 4, 1845; married Harriet L. Richmond. 3286 iii Emma Clara Chaffee, born October 28, 1849; died January 20, 1868. 3287 iv John Carlyle Chaffee, born July 3, 1852; died October 5, 1*871. -1-3288 V Will Curhs Chaffee, born June 28, 1855; married Rena M. Baker. 3289 vi Harry Clemens Chaffee, born February 22, 1861; married Lizzie McAlister; residence, 1896, Clinton, la. 3290 vii Kate May Chaffee, born in Townshend, September 6, 1866; un- married, and living with her brother, George C. Chaffee, in Whitewater, Wis., in 1896. 1385 Chester RoUa ^ Chaffee (Calvin,6 Chfford,^ Atherton," David,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., March 3, 1828, and married (1) in Springfield, Mass., April 24, 1856, Louisa S., daughter of Timothy Bunce of that place. She died April 17, 1860, and was buried in Springfield. She was a member of the Congregational Church, as was her husband, he having joined at the age of twenty-one. He married (2) in Whately, Mass., June 5, 1861, Ellen E. Har- wood. After his first marriage he lived in Springfield, and in 1890 was living in Whately, where he was a farmer. He has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, seven and one-half inches in height. Children by first wife : 3291 i Maud Irene » Chaffee, born October 18, 1857; married George F. East- man. 3292 ii Charles C. Chaffee, born February 17, 1860; died May 17, 1860. Children, by second wife: 3293 iii Kate A. Chaffee, born October 12, 1862. 3294 iv Gertrude B. Chaffee, born August 1, 1865. 1386 Lydia Roxana 7 Chaffee (Calvin,^ Clifford, ^ Atherton,* David,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., November 1, 1830, and died in Bartonsville, Vt., in 1896. She married Charles White, and hved in Bartons- ville, where their children all resided in 1896. Children : 3295 i Lydia 8 White. 3296 ii Susan White. 3297 iii James White. SEVENTH GENERATION 307 1387 Charles H.7 Chaflfee (Calvin,^ Clifford,^ Atherton,* David,^ Nathan- iel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westminster, Vt., August 24, 1832, and married in Milwaukee, Wis. In 1896 he lived in Whitewater, Wis. Children : 3298 i Mellie « Chaffee, born in Watertown, Wis. 3299 ii Clara Chaffee, born in Watertown. 3300 iii Charles C. Chaffee, born in Fairbury, 111. 1388 Ira ^ Chaffee (Philander,^ Clifford,^ Atherton,^ •David,^ Nathaniel,3 Thomas 1) was born in Oswegatchie, N. Y., July 2, 1812, and died in Allegan, Mich., August 18, 1889. He married in Schoolcraft, Mich., August 6, 1848, Lavinda, daughter of Charles Kimble of that place. She died in Medina, O., June 21, 1893, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. May Eudora (Chaffee) Welton, and was buried in Allegan, Mich. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion and blue eyes. He was one of Allegan's pioneer citizens and his death was deeply felt. The Allegan Gazette of August 24, 1889, in announcing the sad event said: "After a long and painful sickness, Ira Chaffee, whose death has been long expected, passed away. His life had been a long and industrious one. He came west in 1834, going first to Ohio, but coming to Allegan permanently in 1835. Working at first by the day for the Allegan Company, he soon showed his ability in managing a saw-mill, and took charge of the company's mill. In 1841 he ob- tained a half share in this mill, becoming sole owner in 1850. The mill was twice burned and twice rebuilt. The energy and pluck of Mr. Chaffee was shown at the first destruction of the mill. It was found to be on fire at five o'clock in the morn- ing. By seven o'clock men were at work clearing away the debris, and by nine, material for a new mill was being prepared. In order to transport his lumber to a market he was drawn into the shipbuilders' business, and among the ships he built may be named, the schooner Lavinda, the lake steamers Ira Chaffee and the Dunbar and the river boat Aunt Betsey, and he built the first tow barges ever constructed for the lake trade, the Adam and Eve. In 1859 he was a con- tractor for the G. R. & I., and in 1870 he built the Chaffee house. All through these years he continued operating his saw-mill, the output being often enormous. Active as a Democrat during his earlier years, he was the candidate of his party as member of the state legislature. He was president of Allegan village for two years, and five times a trustee. It was as a member of the board of trustees that he bought the first fire apparatus used in Allegan. He also was of the committee appointed to superintend the building of the county offices in 1870. "Since 1882, when he suffered from a stroke of paralysis, he had been obliged to leave his business affairs chiefly to the attention of his two daughters, Eveline and Eudora. " Preceded by long lines of firemen, on the day of the funeral, the remains were borne to the cemetery through silent streets, all the stores being closed in honor of the departed. " Few men leave a better name behind them than did Ira Chaffee. Throughout his long life his integrity was undoubted, his word never questioned. Industrious, frugal and upright, he was a citizen whose loss may well be regretted. His large share in the labors that have borne fruit in the existence and prosperity of Allegan will ever be remembered as a fitting monument to his memory." The Detroit Evening News of August 22 paid the following tribute to Mr. Chaf- fee's memory: " 'When Ira Chaffee died last Sunday Allegan's greatest benefactor passed away,' said a man from Allegan yesterday, and in saying so he echoed the senti- ment of his townsmen. Mr. Chaffee was a pioneer and a perfect type of the frugal and thrifty, yet kind-hearted and generous people who have made Michigan. He was a York state boy, but left that state when he was 22 years old, settled 308 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY for a brief period at Weymouth, O., and then walked every blessed step of the way to Allegan, where he arrived in 1834, footsore but ambitious. A sawmill job awaited him, and in 11 years he had saved enough to build a mill of his own. It burned on his hands several times, but he always rebuilt more extensively than ever, and continued to be a mill operator and to grow wealthier until 1882, when paralysis drove him out of active business. In the old days he owned the Aunt Betsey, a steamer which plied between Allegan and Chicago, the Kalamazoo river being then navigable. A line of lumber barges also belonged to him, and were towed by the Aunt Bestey. In 1870 he built the Chaffee house block in Allegan, then the finest interior building of the kind in Michigan, and in many other ways he helped his home town to the prosperity and distinction it has en- joyed. His burial occurred Tuesday, and his remains were followed to the grave by a large share of the people of Allegan." Children : 3301 i Calistas Chaffee, born September 23, 1849; died September 5, 1850. 3302 ii Charles Ira Chaffee, born July 21, 1851; residence, 1893, Allegan. 3303 iii Cinthia Chaffee, born June 22, 1855; died August 21, 1855. 3304 iv Euretia Chaffee, born June 1, 1856; died October 30, 1857. 3305 v Evelyn Julia Chaffee, born August 4, 1857; died January 5, 1892; married Charles M. Welton. 3306 vi May Eudora Chaffee, born July 11, 1860; married in 1893, Welton and moved to Medina, O. 3307 vii Homer Clifford Chaffee, born January 28, 1868. 3308 viii (adopted) A daughter, married Clinton J. Smith of St. Paul, Minn. 1391 Ruth Orpha^ Chaffee (Philander,* Clifford, s Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born near Ogdensburg, N. Y., in 1820, and died in Allegan, Mich., in March, 1890. She married William Albert Seymour, who died in 1866, having long been an invalid. She moved to Ohio in 1834, and in 1862, with her husband and children, to Ganges, Mich. She belonged to that class of women who in a new country knew all the trials, stern realities and obstacles of life. These had developed in her nature a practical knowledge that made her a wise counsellor and a true woman of a tender, generous nature. Her good works and the wholesome influence of her life live after her, and her children " rise up and call her blessed." After her husband's death she lived with her children. She was buried in Allegan, from the former home of her brother Ira. Children : 3309 i William Albert » Seymour, Jr., residence, 1890, Ganges. 3310 ii Josephine L. Seymour, died before 1893; married Packard; residence, 1890, Allegan. 3311 iii Clara Blanche Seymour, born June 1, 1852; married (1) Philander Chaffee Allen (see 3314) ; (2) Wait. 1393 Permelia Anna ^ Chaffee (Philander,8 Clifford,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Oswegatchie, N. Y., September 8, 1823, and died in Trowbridge, Mich., August 13, 1881. She married in Otsego, Mich., June 5, 1845, John Bostwick Allen, born in Dorset, Vt., May 29, 1820, died in Allegan, Mich., October 7, 1884. Both were buried in Trowbridge. Children, born in Trowbridge: 3312 i Ira Ransom s Allen, born May 22, 1847; died January 7, 1848; buried in Trowbridge. + 3313 ii Hannah Amanda Allen, born March 11, 1850; married Charles A. Ransom. + 3314 iii Philander Chaffee Allen, born June 14, 1853; married Clara Blanche Seymour (3311). SEVENTH GENERATION 309 3315 iv Hiram Moore Allen, born January 7, 1861; died in Burk Ivanhoe, Colo., May 25, 1891 ; killed by accident, and buried in Leadville, Colo. 1399 Josiah Hall 7 ChafiEee (Jesse Burke,6 ClifTord,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., September 9, 1823, and mar- ried in Walpole, N. H., June 10, 1847 (?), Harriet Ehzabeth, daughter of William Perkins of Surry, N. H. At that time Mr. Chaffee lived in Surry, and later in Saxton's River, Vt., Worcester, Mass., Norwich, Conn., Minneapolis, Minn., and in 1893, in Hartford, Conn., when he was a conductor on the Worcester & Nor- wich Railroad. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. Both husband and wife united with the Baptist Church in Worcester. Children : 3316 i Frank Chaffee,^ born December 6, 1848; died August 25, 1858. 3317 ii Ella Elizabeth Chaffee, born September 1, 1853; married Lewis F. Kimball; residence, 1893, Denver, Colo. 3318 iii Eddie Chaffee, born about June, 1860; died December 25, 1861, aged eighteen months. 3319 iv Hattie Laura Chaffee, born November 6, 1862. 1400 Alpha Rinaldo ^ Chaffee (Alpha,^ Alpha,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in New York state, April 6, 1824, and married in Michigan in 1849, Sarah Piper, born in 1828. He moved with his parents to Mich- igan in 1836, where he lived until 1860, when he moved to Fort Collins, Colo., where he was living in 1884. Children : 3320 i Alpha Rinaldo » Chaffee, Jr., born in Michigan, in 1850; died in 1853. 3321 ii Frank Abraham Chaffee, born in Colorado in 1862. 1403 Wilder Stearns ^ ChafEee (Alpha,^ Alpha,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Herkmer, N. Y., May 15, 1830, and married in St. Clair, Mich., November 11, 1869, Sarah Ann, daughter of Townsend Lockwood of Berlin, Mich. Both husband and wife are members of the Methodist Church, he having joined it at the age of thirty-eight. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He is a farmer and at the time of his marriage, and also in 1891, lived in St. Clair. Child: 3322 i Bertha Graced Chaffee, born May 31, 1874; a member of the Baptist Church in St. Clair. .1411 Anna Lovejoy ^ Chaffee (Amasa,^ Constant, ^ Atherton,* David, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born September 26, 1811, and married in East West- moreland, N. H., February 14, 1839, Otis Amidown, a widower. He was born in Southbridge, Mass., in 1809, and died in East Westmoreland, July 18, 1888, He was a farmer, had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was about five feet in height. He was a member of the Baptist Church. After their marriage they lived in Gil- sum, N. H., and later in Southbridge, Willington, Conn., and East Westmoreland, where in 1891 Mrs. Amidown was still living, her home having been in that place for twenty-nine years, on the family homestead where her father lived for sixty- five years, and his father before him. Children : + 3323 i Amasa Otis » Amidown, born December 31, 1843; married Sarah C. Black. 310 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3324 ii Elbridge Putnam Amidown, born in Southbridge, May 11, 1846. 3325 iii Sarah Ann Amidown, born in East Westmoreland, February 3, 1848; married Horatio S. Black. 3326 iv George Washington Amidown, born in Gilsum, March 8, 1850; died May 17, 1864. 3327 V Abby Stella Amidown, born in Willington, Conn., May 12, 1852; died in 1854. 3328 vi Callina Morse Amidown, born in Southbridge, February 28, 1855. 1413 Solomon ^ Chaffee (Otis,^ Otis,^ Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Vermont, January 30, 1831, and married in Grand Rapids, Mich., July 30, 1853, Eliza, daughter of Louden Coleman of New York state. In 1872 and 1885 Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee lived in Hastings, Mich., and in 1891 in Quinby, Mich., where he is a farmer. Children : 3329 i Jane 8 Chaffee, born January 3, 1855; married in Hastings, Mich., January 1, 1872, James Thornton of Candor, N. Y. 3330 ii Otis E. Chaffee, born June 4, 1856; died November 4, 1858. 3331 iii Ory Chaffee, born October 9, 1857; named for great-uncle Ory (544). 3332 iv Oscar L. Chaffee, born January 9, 1860; died October 26, 1862. 3333 V Ida A. Chaffee, born October 18, 1863; died May 14, 1884. 3334 vi Laura E. Chaffee, born May 15, 1866. 3335 vii Frank T. Chaffee, born October 26, 1869. 1415 Lydia 7 Chaffee (Otis,6 Otis,^ Atherton,^ David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) married (1) Isaac Underbill, (2) George Burton. Children : 3336 i Alice s Underbill, born in 1854. 3337 ii George Underbill. 1418 Edwin ^ Chaffee (Otis," Otis,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born June 8, 1840, and married. In 1893 he lived in Quinby, Mich. Children : 3338 i Oliver 8 Chaffee. 3339 ii Albert Chaffee. 3340 iii Ira Chaffee. 3341 iv Amanda Chaffee, died. 3342 V Nina Chaffee, died. 1423 Jarville Chaffee 7 Leland (Abigail e Chaffee, Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Middlesex, Vt., August 26, 1821, and married Hannah, daughter of Joshua Bliss of East Montpelier, Vt. She was born Feb- ruary 13, 1824, died April 10, 1879, and was buried in Middlesex. Jarville C. Leland is five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1891 he lived in Middlesex. He was named for his uncle, Jarville Chaffee (539) . Children : 3343 i Sumner Bhss » Leland, born October 14, 1856; residence, 1891, Dan- bury, Conn.; a clothing merchant. 3344 ii Carrie A. Leland, born November 25, 1859; died November 2, 1873. 1426 Ambrose Whipple 7 Chaffee (Lyman,^ Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Angelica, N. Y., January 31, 1822, and married in Delavan, Wis., January 16, 1862, Carrie, daughter of Alfred Stewart of that place. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. At the time of his marriage SEVENTH GENERATION 311 Ambrose W. Chaffee lived in Angelica and in 1896 was living in Nora, 111. He has been Tax Collector of his town and is a farmer. He miited with the Baptist Church at the age of twenty-five. He has blue eyes, dark hair, and is five feet, nine inches in height. Children : 3345 i Fred S.^ Chaffee, born July 23, 1863; married Van Lawrence. 3346 ii Frank E. Chaffee, born January 12, 1865; married Mellie Dobler. 3347 iii Mabel E. Chaffee, born June 19, 1870. 1428 Mandana Post ^ Chaffee (Lyman,« Otis,5 Atherton,* David,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Angelica, N. Y., April 11, 1828, and died in Daven- port, la.. May 4, 1881. She married Avery Miner, and lived in Davenport. Child : 3348 i James Green « Miner. 1429 Mary Lorette ^ Chaffee (Lyman,6 Otis,5 Atherton,^ David,^ Nathan- iel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Angelica, N. Y., April 2, 1832, and died in Allen, N. Y., September 25, 1885. She married Moses Stockwell. Child : 3349 i Carrie « Stockwell. 1430 Lyman Edward ^ Chaffee (Lyman, e Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Angelica, N. Y., December 12, 1834, and married (1) there in 1857, Ann, daughter of Eber Seely of Allen, N. Y. She died April 17, 1869, and was buried there. She was a member of the Baptist Church, as was her husband, he having joined at the age of twenty-eight and for two years being a Trustee. He married (2), May 30, 1870, Livonia Winship. He is a farmer, has a light complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair, and is five feet, ten inches in height. At the time of his first marriage he lived in Angelica, in 1890 in Aristotle, N. Y., and in 1896 was again living in Angelica. Children, by first wife: 3350 i Mary Jenette » Chaffee, born in Angelica; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and auburn hair; in 1896 was secretary of the Orphans' Home in Elmira, N. Y., which position she had then held for five or six years. 3351 ii Nettie Chaffee, born September 25, 1865. 3352 iii Catharine Maud Chaffee, born July 11, 1867; married William H. Free- born; residence, 1896, Akron, O. Child, by second wife: 3353 iv Lyman Bruce Chaffee, born in Allen, July 23, 1873; married Carrie Henderson of Angelica; residence, 1896, Allen. 1443 Jerome B.^ Chaffee (Warren.o Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born near Lockport, N. Y., April 17, 1825, and died in Salem Center, Westchester County, N. Y., March 9, 1886. He married in Adrian, Mich., Sep- tember 24, 1848, Miriam Barnard, daughter of Warner M. and Mary (Perry) Comstock of that place. She was born in Lockport, September 28, 1829, died November 11, 1857, and was buried in Adrian. She was a member of the Metho- dist Church. Senator Chaffee had a fair complexion, hazel eyes, and was nearly six feet in height. He gave to his daughter, Mrs. U. S. Grant, Jr., a beautiful country place in Salem, N. Y., where he died of acute laryngitis. From the many 312 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY accounts of his career and tributes paid to his memory at the time of his death we select the following: "Hon. Jerome B. Chaffee was born in Cambria, Niagara county, New York. He received an academic education at Lockport, New York. He came to Adrian, ]\Iichigan, in the fall of 1844, and' taught school in the Allen Chaffee district that fall and winter. In the spring of 1845 he went to Adrian, where he remained about two years. He afterwards taught the Selleck district. He became a clerk in a dry goods store for about a year when he went to the State of Indiana, and settled at Ligonier, Noble county, where he engaged in the mercantile business for about three years; sold out and returned to Adrian, going into the dry goods trade again for himself, continuing the trade for several years, and disposing of his interest to his partner, when he went into a bank, where he remained until its failure, afterwards continuing in the employ of the receiver for some months. He entered the employ of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Company in Adrian. In March, 1857, he went to the territory of Kansas, seeking his fortune, first to Leavenworth where he engaged in speculation in wild lands and city property. In the fall of 1857, at St. Joseph, Missouri, he started a bank- ing business, which continued about two years, and in 1860 Mr. Chaffee went to Pike's Peak, where he engaged in mining, which business he has been engaged in ever since. At the organization of the territory of Colorado, in 1861, he was tendered the nomination as delegate to Congress for the new territory, which position he declined. Mr. Chaffee was offered the nomination several times as representative in the legislature, and declined, but was afterwards elected, and served in the years 1861-2-3, the latter year acting as speaker of the house. In In 1864-5 the territorial legislature organized the state government and elected Mr. Chaffee the first United States senator. Owing to his antagonism to Presi- dent Johnson's reconstruction policy the president at two successive sessions of congress vetoed the bill admitting Colorado as a state, thus depriving Mr. Chaffee of the senatorship during that time. In 1870 he was elected a delegate to con- gress, and re-elected in 1872. The first bill he introduced was for the admission of Colorado as a state, which was finally carried in March, 1875, whereupon he was again elected to the United States senate, and served until March 4th, 1879, when his term of office expired, and in consequence of poor health and being extensively engaged in business, he declined a re-election. In 1860 he formed a business partnership with Mr. Eben Smith, a practical California miner, under the name of Smith & Chaffee, for the purpose of mining. In the year 1865 he organized the First National bank of Denver, and became its president. In all the enter- prises in the state Mr. Chaffee was closely identified, and was more largely en- gaged in mining and other business than any other man in the state of Colorado. In 1870 Mr. Chaffee went to Europe for the first time, on business, and crossed the ocean five times. "In 1879 and 1880 he amassed a fortune of $1,000,000 through his mining operations. In 1881 his daughter and only child was married to U. S. Grant, Jr., at whose house he died. His connection with the Grants led him to invest a large sum with the firm of Grant & Ward. It is said that he enjoyed more of Gen. Grant's confidence than any one outside of the general's family. Notwithstanding his loss in the Grant & Ward failure ex-Senator Chaffee left a large fortune, chiefly invested in valuable western real estate. "Mr. Chaffee was a national man, and had been for many years. He made himself such by the force of his own intellect. A man of few words, as a rule, he was still a man of strong ideas, and possessed of a personality such as was found in but few of his contemporaries. Isolated as he was to a degree by his residence in Colorado, he still ranked with the leading men of the nation in politics and in business affairs, in both of which he was regarded as singularly clear-headed; and his counsel in matters in which he took an interest was generally followed. He was a man of strong convictions, and possessed of the will and the courage to execute. Once decided what to do he allowed no minor matter to stand in the way of his work. He overrode all obstacles, and allowed no man to stand in his way. SEVENTH GENERATION 313 He was for many years the one man prominent in Colorado politics and he has been looked upon for the past dozen years as one of the national leaders of the Republican party — the friend and adviser alike and at times of Grant, Blaine, Logan, Conkling and the various leaders. His history is largely the history of Colorado. A pioneer, he was thoroughly identified with the territory and state. In many respects the most striking figure in Colorado history he will be long remembered there. "The relations of Mr. Chaffee with the late General Grant are historically in- teresting. They began in strife, during 1875, when Chaffee bitterly opposed the nomination of General Edward McCook to be governor of Colorado. McCook was confirmed. In 1876 President Grant and Chaffee became reconciled, and the vote of Colorado was thus secured for the Republican party in the election of that year. From that time the two men were friendly, particularly so after the in- teresting family relation before referred to was formed between them in 1880. "He was of medium size and stout. His hair had grown gray, and bald spots were plentiful on his head. He had a massive head, solidly planted on his shoulders, an open, genial face, smooth shaven, with a smile on it oftener than repose, a high and expansive brow, square set jaws and steady gray eyes." Children : 3354 i Horace Jerome « Chaffee, born August 29 (27), 1849; died Septem- ber 4, 1850. 3355 ii Nellie Virginia Chaffee, born April 27, 1853; died August 12, 1861. 3356 iii Edward Fenton Chaffee, born December 4, 1855; died in December, 1855. -1-3357 iv Fannie Josephine Chaffee, born January 16, 1857; married Ulysses S. Grant, Jr. 1445 Francis Warren ^ ChafEee (Warren, « Otis,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Lockport, N. Y., August 29, 1829, and married in Des Moines, la., in 1856, Margaret Camel, daughter of Samuel Kellogg of Phila- delphia, Pa. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. At the time of his mar- riage Mr. Chaffee lived in Des Moines, and in 1893 in Carthage, Mo., where he was a hardware dealer. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Children : 3358 i Frank « Chaffee, born June 26, 1857; married Nina Burge. 3359 ii Anna Mary Chaffee, born August 28, 1859; died December 20, 1876. 3360 iii Kittie Coia Chaffee, born August 11, 1862; died December 30, 1878. 3361 iv Jerome Bonaparte Chaffee, born July 9, 1866. 1446 Julia Etta ^ ChafEee (Warren, « Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel, » Thomas 1) was born in Lockport, N. Y., April 10, 1832, and married in 1865, Nathan Selleck Crane, a shoe dealer of Adrian, Mich., and formerly the husband of her sister Anna. He was born in New York City in 1827, has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. In 1884 they lived in Adrian, and in 1890 in Colorado. Child : 3362 i A son, 8 born November 13, 1869; in 1890 a student in the University of Michigan. 1451 Corwin Wallace ^ ChafEee (Warren,^ Otis,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born near Albion, Ind., October 17, 1845, and married in Adrian, Mich., June 21, 1866, Harriet M., daughter of Talmon Hopkins of that place. He and his wife are both members of the Church of God, he having joined 314 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY at the age of forty-three. He is a farmer and is five feet, ten inches in height. At the time of his marriage he hved in Michigan, and in 1891 in HamUn, Kan. Children : 3363 i Minnie s Chaffee, born July 11, 1867; married William Pierson. 3364 ii Ora Dwane Chaffee, born May 17, 1869; married Allie Allfrey. 3365 iii Nellie Chaffee, born December 8, 1871. 3366 iv Annie Chaffee, born January 29, 1874. 3367 V Herbert Chaffee, born February 14, 1876. 3368 vi Otis Chaffee, born August 16, 1880. 3369 vii Delia Chaffee, born January 11, 1882. 3370 viii Corwin Wallace Chaffee, Jr., born November 4, 1886. 1456 Oscar ^ ChafEee (Warner Fay,^ Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) married Jane Atkinson, and in 1891 was living in Adrian, Mich. Children : 3371 i Charles B.s Chaffee, a carpenter; residence, 1891, Adrian. Two other sons, names unknown. 1462 Jacob Warren 7 ChafEee (Allen Bennett,^ Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Michigan in 1842, and married in Indiana in 1865, Louisa Niggler of Switzerland, who died and was buried in her native country. He fought during the Civil War in the Union army as a Private. He has a light complexion, hazel eyes, and is six feet in height. At the time of his marriage he Hved in Indiana, and in 1890 in Dora, Minn., where he was a farmer. Children : 3372 i Julia Louisa » Chaffee, born in 1866. 3373 ii Rudolph Allen Chaffee, born in 1868. 3374 iii Adolph Warren Chaffee, born in 1869. 3375 iv George Charles Chaffee, born in 1871. 3376 V Ira Eugene Chaffee, born in 1873; died in 1875. 3377 vi Ida May Chaffee, born in 1878. 3378 vii Abigail Elizabeth Chaffee, born in 1879. 3379 viii Walter Henry Chaffee, born in 1882. 3380 ix Lata Rena Chaffee, born in 1888. 1465 Lyman ^ Chaffee (Ory,*? Otis,5 Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Gorham, N. Y., March 9, 1829, and married (1) in Raisin, Mich., May 23, 1849, Mary, daughter of Theodorick Luther of Rome, Mich. She died July 9, 1860, and was buried there. He married (2), January 1, 1861, Jane Wells, who died October 18, 1861. He married (3) Mahalah Van Court. He has a light com- plexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. At the time of his first marriage he lived in Adrian, later in Delhi, Mich., and in 1891 in Ada, Mich., where he was a farmer. Children, by first wife: 3381 i Charlotte Mays Chaffee, born February 4, 1856; married Christopher Ahrens; residence, 1891, Holt, Mich. 3382 ii Lilburn Gustavus Chaffee, born October 20, 1857; married Jennie Lee; residence, 1891, Ada. Child, by second wife : 3383 iii George Chaffee, born in 1861 ; died in 1862. Children, by third wife: 3384 iv Ory Chaffee, born in 1862; died in 1863. SEVENTH GENERATION 315 3385 V Thomas Harrison Chaffee, born in Delhi, September 5, 1865; married in Ada, May 3, 1888, Lettie B., daughter of Denis Cooley of that place; she is a member of the Baptist Church; he is a farmer; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height; residence, 1888, Ada. 3386 vi Clarisa Jane Chaffee, born April 13, 1867; married Charles Moxon; residence, 1891, Grand Rapids, Mich. 3387 vii Andrew Burton Chaffee, born June 16, 1875; residence, 1891, Ada. 3388 viii Olive Emily Chaffee, born March 27, 1877; residence, 1891, Ada. 1466 Mary Abigail 7 Chaffee (Ory,^ Otis,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in New York state, January 11, 1831, and married in Adrian, Mich., September 20, 1849, George William Annesly Luther of Rome, Mich., born in Chazy, N. Y., September 20, 1823. He is a farmer and was at one time Justice of the Peace. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. In 1891 they lived in Adrian. Children : 3389 i Ephraim Lyman » Luther, born February 22, 1851 ; married Nellie McKenzie [married in Adrian, June 23, 1872, Emma McConnell, born in Rome, October 13, 1834 {Whitney Genealogy)]. 3390 ii Flora A. Luther, born December 7, 1853; died November 24, 1860. 3391 iii Abby M. Luther, born October 13, 1855; died June 22, 1875. 3392 iv Frank C. Luther, born August 10, 1857; married Olive O. Dexter. 3393 V Florence M. Luther, born May 14, 1868. 1475 Jarville Chaffee ^ Wires (Samuel 8 Wires, Rachels Chaffee, Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Parishville, N. Y., April 9, 1826, and married in Madrid, N. Y., March 18, 1847, Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of Sanford S. West of that place. Mr. Wires served as a Private in the Union army during the Civil War and was wounded before Petersburg, Va., July 28, 1864. He joined the Universalist Church at the age of twenty-one. He has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. He has been Road Commissioner in his town. He is a carpenter, joiner and wheelwright. In 1847, and also in 1891, he lived in Potsdam, N. Y. Children : 3394 i Lewis Ezra s Wires, born December 14, 1848; died before 1891. 3395 ii Celestia Wires, born April 22, 1849; married Charles Hazelton. 3396 iii Charles Edgar Wires, born January 5, 1854; married AHce Barrett. 3397 iv Elsie Jeanette Wires, born September 25, 1856; died February 9, 1891; married Henry Pinney. 3398 V Chester Sanford Wires, born October 21, 1858. 1491 Warren ^ Chaffee (Ira,^ Crean Bush,5 Atherton,* David,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Amity, Pa., November 8, 1843, and married in Hatch Hol- low, Pa., January 1, 1866, Cornelia Nancy, daughter of Seth Pond of Concord, Pa. She is a member of the Methodist Church as is her husband, he having joined at the age of eighteen, and having held the positions of Class Leader, Steward and Superintendent of the Sunday School. He has also held several town offices. He is a farmer. At the time of his marriage he lived in Amity, in 1891 in Hatch Hollow, and in 1906 in Union City, Pa. Children : 3399 i Willis Lavero « Chaffee, born November 4, 1867. 3400 ii Jessie May Chaffee, born October 15, 1871. 316 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3401 iii Frank Warren Chaffee, born September 24, 1873. 3402 iv Lula Belle Chaffee, born May 22, 1881. 1493 Horace Hill ^ Chaffee (Ira,^ Crean Bush,^ Atherton,* David,^ Na- thaniel,2 Thomas was born in Amity, Pa., October 3, 1847, and married in Union City, Pa., September 24, 1873, Mary F., daughter of Nathan Sparkes. She is a member of the Methodist Church, as is her husband, he having joined at the age of seventeen and having held the positions of Sunday School Superintendent for three years, Class Leader for two years. Steward for ten years and Treasurer of Trustees for one year. He has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Erie County, Pa., and in 1891 in Lowville, Pa., where he was a farmer. Children : 3403 i Earl 8 Chaffee, born September 6, 1874; died May 26, 1875. 3404 ii Orel Newton Chaffee, born June 10, 1876. 3405 iii John Sparkes Chaffee, born February 1, 1878. 3406 iv Ira Truman Chaffee, born September 29, 1880. 3407 V David Bunce Chaffee, born November 29, 1882. 3408 vi Ralph H. Chaffee, born November 20, 1888. 1496 Mary Elizabeth 7 Chaffee (Horace Hill,« Crean Bush,5 Atherton,* David,' Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in September, 1838, and married in Independence, la., September 25, 1856, George Nicholas Whaite, born September 15, 1835, died in Eldorado, Kan., July 29, 1888. He served four years in the Union army during the Civil War, first as Private and later as Sergeant in Company C, 27th Iowa Volunteers. He had a light complexion, dark gray eyes, and was five feet, five and one-half inches in height. He was a retailer of boots and shoes. They lived in Independence, Colorado Springs, Colo., and Bellevue, Neb., where in 1896 Mrs, Whaite was still living. She is a member of the Episcopal Church. Children : 3409 i Mary » Whaite, born June 19, 1857; died in August, 1857. + 3410 ii Adelbert Horace Whaite, born May 17, 1859; married Carrie A. New- man. + 3411 iii Estelle Lilia Whaite, born February 15, 1861; married Seth Baker. 1505 Adelbert ^ Chaffee (Horatio Nelson,^ Crean Bush,^ Atherton,* David,' Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Amity, Pa., March 12, 1857, and married there, September 12, 1888, Mary, daughter of Amos Tanner of Amity. She is a member of the Methodist Church, with which her husband united at the age of sixteen. He is a farmer, beekeeper and teacher, having taught for twenty-one terms. They have always lived in Amity, where in 1891 they were still residing. He was Town Clerk for three years and Auditor for two years. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Child: 3412 i Zola » Chaffee (a daughter), born January 6, 1890. 1517 Luther ^ Chafe (Darius,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Union, Conn., May 12, 1782, and died in Tippecanoe City, O., Sep- tember 14, 1856. He married, probably in Wethersfield, Conn., in 1808, Rebecca, daughter of Christopher Perkins. She died in Tippecanoe City, September 3, 1852, and was buried there. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Chafe moved to New York state, then to Pennsylvania, back to New York, and finally to Ohio, where SEVENTH GENERATION 317 both died. Mr. Chafe was a tanner and shoemaker, and also a farmer. He was a member of the Masonic order. Children : 3413 i Sidney Harvey « Chafe, born in Connecticut, October 22, 1809; died October 30, 1811. 3414 ii Harvey Parmer Chafe, born September 1, 1811. 3415 iii Harriet Mary Chafe, born October 4, 1813; died April 20, 1850. 3416 iv Christopher Samuel Chafe, born April 7, 1815; died June 12, 1842. 3417 V Sarah Maria Chafe, born July 8, 1817; died in 1853. + 3418 vi Sidney Larkin Chafe, born May 17, 1819; married Barbara Cecil. 3419 vii Joseph Henry Chafe, born June 10, 1821; died in September, 1882. 3420 viii Philander Perry Chafe, born June 16, 1823; residence, 1890, Crystal, Mich. 3421 ix Rebecca Lucretia Chafe, born March 13, 1826. + 3422 X John Edwin Chafe, born August 28, 1828; married Sarah A. Bryght. + 3423 xi William Morgan Chafe, born October 30, 1830; married (1) Mary E. Smith; (2) Helen G. Eraser. 3424 xii Highland Daniel Chafe, born April 19, 1832; died May 26, 1868. 1519 Joseph Harvey ^ Chaffee (Darius,^ Joseph, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Stafford, Conn., September 6, 1789, and died May 25, 1849. He married (1) in White Creek, N. Y., November 13, 1813, Elizabeth Tobias, born there, April 8, 1794, died in Timochtee, Crawford County, O., May 14, 1829. He married (2), November 11, 1829, Mrs. Rebecca (Earl) Walker, who died May 8, 1843. In 1835 he lived in Wyandot County, O., where he was a merchant. He died while crossing the Plains on his way to California. Children, by first wife, born in Timochtee: 3425 i Adelia Tobias » Chaffee, born January 5, 1822; died in Oakland, Cal., April 2, 1892; married in Tehama County, Cal., August 20, 1857, Josiah Earl. 3426 ii Mary C. Chaffee, born November 28, 1824; died about 1860; married, March 4, 1859, James Heaton Freet. Children, by second wife, born in Ohio: 3427 iii Junius Chaffee, born November 23, 1832; went to California. 3428 iv Lucius Chaffee, born September 9, 1835; went to California. 1521 Esther 7 Walker (Esther « Chaffe, Joseph, s Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,* Thomas was born July 24, 1784, and died March 9, 1846. She married, Decem- ber 20, 1812, Amasa Converse, the husband of her deceased aunt, Sinai Chaffe (586). He was born February 8, 1777, and died May 1, 1841. Children : + 3429 i Orlin Eustis s Converse, born March 13, 1815; married La via Ford. 3430 ii Charles Austin Converse, born September 5, 1816; died May 25, 1880; married (1) June 17, 1841, Jane A. Rice; (2) March 20, 1850, Sarah Mitchell. 3431 iii Sinai Chaffee Converse, born May 5, 1820; died February 14, 1873; married, November 12, 1849, Ellison Axtell. 3432 iv Sarah Esther Converse, born August 27, 1821; married, December 11, 1850, Reverend John J. Dana. 1537 Erasmus Darwin 7 Converse (Sinai " Chaffee, Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born April 2, 1S04, and died in Cummington, Mass., May 29, 1883. He married Harriet Monroe. He was a farmer, lived in Windsor, Mass., but later gave up his large farm and moved to a small one in West Cummington, 318 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Mass. A printed statement that he was treated for and cured of cancer was found on investigation to be false, as he was never known to have any indication of that disease. Child: 3433 i Jerome ^ Converse. 1553 Joseph ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Joseph, ^ Benjamin, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 12, 1795, and died in Three Rivers, Mich., August 22, 1883. He married (1) in Marcellus, N. Y., January 1, 1813, Hannah, daughter of Joseph Chapman of that place. She died October 19, 1835, and was buried in Marcellus. He married (2) there, March 13, 1836, Phoebe M,, daughter of Joseph Enos of Spafford, N. Y. She was born July 18, 1810, died September 3, 1865, and was buried in Three Rivers. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Chaffee had hazel eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. He served as a non-commissioned officer in the War of 1812, and drew a pension for that service. Politically he was a Whig, later a Republican, as were all his sons. He was noted for his honesty, integrity and truthfulness. From 1810 to 1850 he lived in Marcellus, where in 1828, 1832 and 1838 he bought land. From 1850 until 1862 he lived in Jefferson, 0., and from 1863 until 1883 in Three Rivers, where he died in the home of his daughter, Ann (Chaffee) Udell. He was a farmer. Children, by first wife, born in Marcellus: 3434 i Ariel C.s Chaffee, born October 6, 1813; married (1) in Marcellus, December 31, 1840, Deha Ann, daughter of Erastus Whiting of that place; he married (2), February 4, 1874, Mrs. Fidelia Gilchrist, widow of Charles Gilchrist of Michigan; he is a farmer, has a light complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, six inches, in height; is a Steward in the Methodist Church, which he joined at the age of thirty; quit-claimed land in Marcellus, October 3, 1843, to Gordon G. Whiting; residence, 1884, Three Rivers. -1-3435 ii Leonora Chaffee, born December 31, 1815; married Lasell Kimball. 3436 iii Lovisa Chaffee, born November 4, 1818; married, October 1, 1835, Thomas K. Lamb; lived in Marcellus, and moved to Virginia, where Mr. Lamb died about 1866; residence, 1889, Grand Rapids, Mich. + 3437 iv Walter Chaffee, born July 15, 1821; married Mary E. Davis. Children, by second wife, born in Marcellus • + 3438 V Comfort Tyler Chaffee, born March 24, 1838; married Hattie E. Dennison. 3439 vi Ann Eliza Chaffee, born October 2, 1840; married, December 30, 1863, Addison A. Udell; residence, 1883 and 1892, Three Rivers. 1557 Chloe 7 Chaffee (Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., September 22, 1801, and died in Rio, 111., November 30, 1885. She married in Marcellus, N. Y., February 28, 1819, Zaddock Mead, a farmer. She lived during the last years of her life in Rio, where she died of Bright's disease, in the home of her son, George. Children : 3440 i Milow s Mead, born October 10, 1820; married July 12, 1843, . 3441 ii Calista Mead, born February 29, 1822; married October - 27, 1841, . 3442 iii Sydney Mead, born August 7, 1823. M 4> oc u ^-' ^ cs-n /. — :: * o a; H T -t^ •jr =0 ^ E a ■J. Q S y. .;i ^ 3^ •- _'' o o o'5 ^ i « -: X 5 1 z'. - •y. ■C/ r- TS :r O 0) X ■' r- ■=* 3J -IJ Q •^ a '^ ^ 0) H 1— 1 riS ^ 3 >5 cS 'i— ' « ■^ o ,-. ;.« . O r^ ■w) H ^ - >> - • ^ ~ 3^ 3 S- SEVENTH GENERATION 319 3443 iv Stephen Mead, born September 2, 1826; married September 29, 1850, . 3444 V George W. Mead, born July 20, 1830; married September 25, 1853, ; residence, 18S9, Rio. 3445 vi Harvey I. Mead, born July 12, 1833 ; married September 27. 1857, — . 3446 vii Scammel Mead, born June 29, 1836 ; married September 16, 1851 , . 3447 viii Washington Mead, born May 1, 1839; married August 9, 1860, . 3448 ix Mary Mead, born November 13, 1841 ; died December 14, 1854. 3449 X Martha Mead, born July 30, 1845; married September 15, 1860, . 1558 Norman L.^ ChafEee (Joseph,^ Benjamin, s Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas!) was born in Tully, N. Y., October 30, 1811, and died in Jefferson, 0., January 24, 1887. He married (1) Mary E., daughter of Gains W. and Cybilla (Hawley) St. John of Morgan, O., and (2) Almira Ruggles. He had a light com- plexion, and was five feet, six inches in height. He was a lawyer, a member of the State Legislature, Prosecuting Attorney and District Judge. In 1884 he lived in Jefferson. Children : + 3450 i Henry CJ Chaffee, born November 26, 1844; married Lottie E. Rider. 3451 ii Isabelle C. Chaffee, married Berkley. 3452 iii Mary E. Chaffee, married Loomis. 3453 iv Julia R. Chaffee, married Jackson. 3454 V Gains W. Chaffee, residence, 1884, Jefferson. Four other children, names unknown. 1559 Clarissa ^ ChafEee (Joseph, 6 Benjamin,^ Joseph, ^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas died in Jefferson, 0. She married Zebina Ruggles, who in 1884 lived in Jefferson, and their children all lived there in 1889. Children : 3455 i William H.s Ruggles. 3456 ii Joseph E. Ruggles. 3457 iii A daughter. 3458 iv A daughter. 1560 Julia 7 Chaffee (Joseph,« Benjamin, s Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,2 Thomas 1) died in St. Charles, Mich. She married Bixby. Children : 3459 i Gains W.s Bixby. 3460 ii Norman L. Bixby. 1567 Lois Comfort ^ Chaffee Baxter (Comfort ^ Chaffee, Ephraim,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Kingsbury, N. Y., May 10, 1791, and died November 7, 1860. She married in Fort Ann, N. Y., August 30, 1810, Reuben Baker, born in Vermont, November 9, 1784, died in Burlington, la., December 2, 1865. Both lived in Fort Ann at the time of their marriage. Mr. Baker was for thirty years a school teacher, having taught in various places before settling in Fort Ann. He was for many years Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace. He was five feet, six inches in height. Both he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Children : 3461 i Louisa Garalda » Baker, born July 10, 1811; died in Evans, N. Y., December 14, 1878; married Ira E. Irish. 3462 ii Isaac Volney Baker, born April 28, 1813; married Laura D. Corn- stock; residence, 1892, Comstock, N. Y. 320 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3463 iii Albert Laziel Baker, born December 8, 1815; died in Buffalo, N. Y,, May 22, 1873; married Sarah A. Miller. 3464 iv Thomas Spencer Baker, born September 1, 1817; died in Chicago, 111., July 19, 1871; married Harriet Corbier. + 3465 V Floyd Perry Baker, born November 16, 1820; married (1) EHza F. Wilson; (2) Orinda Searle. 3466 vi Nestor Levi Baker, born November 1, 1822; died in Keesville, N. Y., March 18, 1841. 3467 vii Harvey Cook Baker, born June 18, 1825; died in Portage, Wis., November 24, 1874; married Amanda Rounds. 3468 viii Celestia Augusta Baker, born October 11, 1826; married George Millard; residence, 1892, Burlington, la. 3469 ix Clifford Augusta Baker, born November 25, 1830; died in Chicago, 111., July 2, 1867; married (1) Mary Louisa Wheeler; (2) Florence Cook. 3470 X Guilford Dudley Baker, born September 11, 1832; married (1) Orra Edmunds Groves; (2) Mary Jane Cromack; residence, 1892, Topeka, Kan. 3471 xi Laura D. Baker, born November 9, 1836; died January 17, 1837. 1568 Daniel ^ Chaffee (Jonathan,^ Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., June 3, 1783, and died there, January 1, 1859. He married in South Wilbraham, on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1805, Catherine, daughter of Stephen Newell of that place and Monson, Mass. Their intention of marriage was published in South Wilbraham, October 19, 1805. Both were members of the Congregational Church. Mrs. Chaffee survived her husband only six weeks, dying February 15, 1859, aged seventy-five. Both were buried in the South Wilbraham (now Hampden) burying-ground. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the Somers (Conn.) Congregational Church, August 22, 1784. He was by trade a tanner and shoemaker, but he also worked in the Springfield (Mass.) Armory, commencing in July, 1816, and continuing with some intermissions until August, 1842. His work was stocking guns. He lived in South Wilbraham, and on January 1, 1811, he and his wife sold to their brother, Jonathan Chaffee, for $750, land in Wilbraham. June 15, 1814, Jonathan and Miriam, his wife, quit- claimed to Daniel, land in the same place. Children, born in South Wilbraham: + 3472 i Edwin Marcus » Chaffee, born September 23, 1806; married Sarah A. Simpson. + 3473 ii Daniel Davis Chaffee, born September 29, 1808; married Sarah F. Morris. + 3474 iii Olive Chaffee, born May 26, 1811; married WiUiam Lathrop. 3475 iv Persis Maria Chaffee, born July 22, 1818; died August 10, 1844; baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, Octo- ber 11, 1818; she was engaged to be married to Isaac Jennison, Jr., son of Reverend Isaac Jennison of Natick, Conn., of early Methodist fame, but both died before marriage ; he was a student in the Middletown University; she was a member of the South Wilbraham Methodist Church and was buried in the South Wilbraham burying-ground. 3476 V Catherine Jane Chaffee, born December 6, 1820; died April 23, 1821; buried in the South Wilbraham burying-ground; baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, April 19, 1821. 1569 Jonathan 7 Chaffee, Jr. (Jonathan, e Asa.s Joseph,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., in October, 1784, and died there. 1^, < -f. _^ _ y IS — SEVENTH GENERATION 321 September 17, 1835. He married (1) Abigail Hildreth of Chesterfield, N. H., who died in South Wilbraham, November 26, 1809, aged twenty-four, and was buried in the South Wilbraham (now Hampden) burying-ground. He married (2) in South Wilbraham, March 3, 1811, Miriam 7 Ellis (1596) (Miriam e Chaffee, Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) of that place, formerly of Vermont. Their intention of marriage was published in South Wilbraham, February 3, 1811. She died in Somers, Conn., July 3, 1862, and was buried in the South Wilbraham burying-ground, as was her husband. Jonathan bought of his brother, Daniel Chaffee, and Catherine, his wife, January 1, 1811, land in Wilbraham for $750, and June 15, 1814, Daniel bought of Jonathan and Miriam, his wife, a quit-claim on land in the same place. Miriam (Ellis) ChafTee became a member of the Congregational Church two years before her death. There is no record of her husband's church membership. He was baptized in the Somers Congregational Church, April 3, 1785. Jonathan Chaffee was a physician and also a miller. He owned a saw-mill, , and while giving orders to his workmen about the sawing of some lumber, he made a misstep, came in contact with the saw and received fatal injuries. Children, by first wife: 3477 i OUve s ChafTee, died young. 3478 ii Daniel Chaffee, died young. -1-3479 iii Nelson Eaton Chaffee, born March 7, 1807; married Lydia Russell. Children, by second wife: + 3480 iv Sophronia Chaffee, born November 5, 1811; married Hiram Pease. -1-3481 V Erasmus Darwin Chaffee, born January 15, 1814; married Panthea I-Cing. 1571 Roxanna ^ ChaflEee (Asa,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Wilbraham, Mass., April 3, 1781, and died in Pittsfield, Mass., De- cember 2, 1866. She married in Washington, Mass., November 27, 1805, Thomas Merryfield, a native of that place. They lived in Washington, where he died. She moved to Pittsfield, with her daughter and son, and died there of congestion of the lungs. She was baptized in the Wilbraham Congregational Church, May 27, 1792. Children, born in Washington : 3482 i WiUiams Merryfield, born September 23, 1807; died in Pittsfield, December 28, 1875; moved from Washirgton to Pittsfield, where he was superintendent of the cemetery; was enrolled from Wash- ington in the Militia in 1840, 1841, 1848 and 1849; unmarried. 3483 ii Warren Merryfield, born February 7, 1810. 3484 iii Wilson Merryfield, enrolled in the Militia 1840 and 1841. 3485 iv Woodbridge^Merryfield, enrolled in the Militia 1845, 1846 and 1847. 3486 V Fanny C. Merryfield, married in Pittsfield, Wilham E. Brown; has sons and one daughter. 3487 vi Wolcott Merryfield. 3488 vii Fidelia Merryfield, married Cleveland, and removed to Ohio. 3489 viii Filura Merryfield. 1572 Asa 7 Chaffee, Jr. (Asa,8 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), '"'as born in Wilbraham, Mass., December 25, 1784, and died in Westfield, Mass., in 1820. He married in Westfield, in 1806, Polly, daughter of Samuel Root of that place. She was born in 1785, died and was buried in Westfield. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the Congregational Church in Wilbraham, May 27, 1792. In 1810 he 322 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY lived in Washington, Mass., and the following year sold land there. Later he lived in Westfield. He was a farmer. Children, the last three born in Westfield : + 3490 i Mary Nash Chaffee, born March 11, 1807; married Clemence. + 3491 ii Daniel Chaffee, born May 13, 1813; married Margaret Miller. 3492 iii Emily Chaffee, born March 31, 1815; married in 1860, Chauncey R. Chauncy of Westfield, who died in the Union army during the Civil War. + 3493 iv Alvena Chaffee, born March 1, 1819; married EHjah J. Townsend. 1573 Newbury ^ Chaffee (Asa,« Asa,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Wilbraham, Mass., April 13, 1786, and died in Plymouth, Mich., Novem- ber 29, 1866. He married (1) in Steuben County, N. Y., Sprague, who died January 15, 1829. He'married (2) in Wayne Coimty, Mich., Polly Ledyard, who died April 22, 1852. He married (3) there Seccord. He was baptized in the Wilbraham Congregational Church, May 27, 1792. He served in the War of 1812 and was known as "Captain New." He had a fair complexion, dark eyes, black hair, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He lived in Washington, Mass., in 1810 and later in Plymouth, where he died in a convulsion. He was a farmer. A staunch Democrat, upon the attack on Fort Sumter he expressed the wish that God would let him live long enough to cast a vote for the Republican ticket. This wish was gratified, and he lived to cast a vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Children, by first wife: + 3494 i Lydia Lucetta Chaffee, born March 9, 1811; married Charles Ledyard. 3495. ii Mary Ann Chaffee, born September 12, 1814; married Andrew Brod- ner. (One of these two daughters lived in Plymouth.) + 3496 iii Elmer Williams Chaffee, born September 21, 1817; married Melinda R. Shattuck. 3497 iv Fannie W. Chaffee, born March 9, 1821 ; died in September, 1821. 3498 V Fannie W. Chaffee, born February 15, 1825; died June 27, 1825. 3499 vi Reuben W. Chaffee, born July 7, 1828; died July 17, 1828. 1574 Lura ^ (Lucy) Chaffee (Asa,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Wilbraham, Mass., September 18, 1791, and died. She married in Westfield, Mass., Dewey, and settled in the West. She was baptized in the Wilbraham Congregational Church, May 27, 1792. Children : 3500 i RhodasDewey. Two sons, names unknown. 1577 Elam ? Chaffee (Cyril,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Somers, Conn., March 11, 1783, and died there January 5, 1855. He married in Somers, September 29, 1808, Elizabeth, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Chapin) Spencer (see Appendix F), the marriage taking place in her father's home. She was born April 7, 1787, and died February 24, 1865. In 1801 Elam Chaffee began work in the United States Armory in Springfield, Mass., his work in the making of guns being the finishing of the bayonets. He worked there for many years. March 20, 1813, "Elam Chaffee Armourer of Springfield," bought of George Reynolds of that place, a piece of land with a dwelling house near the old Public Arsenal in Springfield. October 1, 1813, he sold to Calvin Barrett of Spring- "^yuvn^ <:^lyyyi SEVENTH GENERATION 323 field, a fellow workman, one-quarter acre of land there, being part of the training field, so called. In 1817 he and his brother-in-law, Chester Spencer, were partners in Somers (in that part now known as Somersville), as traders and storekeepers under the name of "Spencer and Chaffee." Ezekiel Spencer had given his daughter a few acres of land in Somersville, and January 12, 1819, Elam Chaffee bought of him one hundred and twenty-one acres adjoining for $3,751. This land had on it a barn and a house, the latter supposed to have been built in 1780 by a Mr. Stacy. All of Elam Chaffee's children were born in Springfield, the house having stood on the site of the present United States Arsenal, and shortly after the birth of the youngest he moved with his family to his Somersville farm, where from that time until his death he lived. Mr. Spencer died February 26, 1820, and his son and executor, Chester Spencer, on April 27th of that year, delivered to his sister, Elizabeth (Spencer) Chaffee, as her share of the estate, one-half of the household furniture. Elam Chaffee died of paralysis, and he and his wife lie buried side by side in the Somers burying-ground. Children, born on Armory Hill, Springfield: -t-3501 i Williams Chaffee, born October 2, 1809; married Belinda Reed. + 3502 ii James Chaffee, born August 21, 1811; married Harriet S. Billings. -1-3503 iii Spencer Chaffee, born June 21, 1813; married Cindonia King. 3504 iv Ehzabeth Chaffee, born May 13, 1815; died in Hartford, Conn., June 8, 1903; married in Ellington, Conn., February 24, 1850, by Rev- erend Mr. Eggleston, a Congregational minister, to Abial Harvey of Lebanon, Conn.; they moved to Chautauqua County, N. Y., but returned after a few years to Somersville, where Mr. Harvey died August 17, 1859, and was buried in HazardviUe, Conn.; after the death of her husband, Mrs. Harvey lived in Somers- ville, to which place she had come with her parents as a child, and was buried there in the Chaffee lot; she was known among her many friends and relatives as possessing a very cheerful, genial and sociable disposition; she had no children. 3505 V Harriet Chaffee, born December 7, 1817; died November 13, 1881; married (1) in Somers, September 14, 1843, Nathaniel Pryor Hale of Scitico, Conn.; (2) Tudor Gowdy; no children; she was buried in the Somers burying-ground. 5306 vi Elam Sexton Chaffee, born September 29, 1821 ; died in Somersville, July 23, 1861, and was buried in the Somers burying-gromid ; unmarried. 1579 Lora "> Chaffee (Cyril, « Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Somers, Conn., February 3, 1789, and died in Springfield, Mass., in 1856. He married there, November 8, 1812, Philura Bliss of that place, born February 1, 1789, died November 12, 1862, and was buried in Springfield, as was her husband. He was employed in the Springfield Armory from January, 1808, to July, 1824. For the first few years his work was "striking for a jobber" and later finishing guns. Child: 3507 i Loren BHss » Chaffee, born in Springfield, March 15, 1815; died in Somers- ville, Conn., October, 1847; buried in Somers; unmarried. 1581 Abel 7 Chaffee (Ephraim,8 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., February 9, 1785, and died there, June 21, 1864. He married (1) in East Longmeadow Mass., October 14, 1807, Fanny Gowdy, she being of Springfield, Mass., and he of Wales, Mass., according to the marriage 324 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY intention published in Springfield, September 26, 1807. She died November 27, 1823, aged thirty-two years, and he married (2) in South Wilbraham, November 2, 1825, Mary Vineca. Their intention of marriage entered there October 14, 1825, speaks of him as of that place, and of her as of Monson, Mass. He married (3) in Sturbridge, Mass., January 11, 1848, Mrs. Eunice Bradd of that place, born in Wilbraham, died April 6, 1870, aged eighty. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, August 24, 1800. January 6, 1809, in a deed of sixteen acres of land in Springfield, to William Gowdy, Jr., of Long- meadow, for the sum of $180, he is spoken of as "Abel Chaffee of Springfield, yeoman." He and his wives, Fanny and Eunice, were buried in South Wilbraham. Children, by first wife: 3508 i Miriam Ellis » ChafTee, born in South Wilbraham, September 5, 1808; married (1) April 3, 1832, Eldad Holt, son of Alpheus and Mary (Holt) Stebbins; he was born July 1, 1809; she married (2) in Springfield, November 27, 1844, Horatio Crow; no children. 3509 ii Independence Chaffee, born in Springfield in September, 1809; married in South Wilbraham, April 29, 1830, John B. Mark of Westfield, Mass., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, April 3, 1830. 3510 iii Lucretia G. Chaffee, born in Longmeadow, Mass., September 30, 1813; married (1) in Worcester, Mass., October 9, 1836, Silas P. Bodfish, and had three children, who died in infancy; married (2) in Spring- field, Hiram Robinson. Child, by second wife: 3511 iv Fanny D. Chaffee, born in South Wilbraham, September 11, 1830; mar- ried Whitehouse; residence, Hartford, Conn. 1582 Olive 7 Chaffee (Ephraim,6 Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., February 28, 1786, and died July 22, 1847. She married in South Wilbraham, November 26, 1807, David Burt, Jr., a miller and farmer of that place, born in Wilbraham, November 20, 1785, died there, July 11, 1848. Their marriage intention was entered in South Wilbraham, October 10, 1807. Both husband and wife are buried in Wilbraham. Olive Chaffee was bap- tized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, August 24, 1800. Children, the first two born in Monson, Mass. : + 3512 i Emehne M.^ Burt, born August 19, 1810; married Hiram King. 3513 ii Edmund M. Burt, born November 16, 1814; died March 20, 1816. 3514 iii Marshfield D. Burt, born in Wilbraham, October 9, 1817; married. May 19, 1840, Wealthy Ann Davis; he is a farmer; residence, 1883, Bristol, Wis. 3515 iv Olive D. Burt, born November 4, 1821 ; died October 26, 1822. 1584 Ephraim 7 Chaffee, Jr. (Ephraim,^ Asa,^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Monson, Mass., April 21, 1792, and died. He married about 1821 or 1822, Chloe M, Hyde of Franklin, Conn., their intention of marriage being entered in South Wilbraham, where he was then living, December 8, 1821. In 1824 he lived in Wilbraham, where he sold land and was a "yeoman." His wife dying, he went West with his children. Children, baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church: 3516 i Alvin Ely » Chaffee, baptized December 15, 1822. 3517 ii Sarah Parmela Chaffee, a twin, baptized December 15, 1822. 3518 iii Henry James Chaffee, baptized in July, 1824. Another child, name unknown. Elizabeth (Spencer) Chaffee. (See Page 322) SEVENTH GENERATION 325 1585 Alvin ^ ChafEee (Ephraim,^ Asa,^ Joseph/ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, INIass., September 21, 1794, and died there, October 10, 1821. He married in South Wilbraham, January 25, 1821, Dolly Burnham of that place, their marriage intention being entered there, January 4, 1821. She died in Monson, Mass., INIarch 27, 1885, aged eighty-four. Alvin Chaffee was bap- tized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, August 24, 1800. Septem- ber 11, 1814, in Wilbraham, he was drafted for service in the War of 1812, and served forty-eight days as a Private in Captain Carew's Massachusetts Military, as is stated in his widow's claim for pension. She was appointed administratrix of his estate, November 6, 1821. Child: 3519 i Alvina EUza » Chaffee, born in 1822; married Bartlett; baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, in 1822; after marriage moved West. 1587 Lois 7 ChafEee (Ephraim,^ Asa,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., August 12, 1799, and died in Springfield, Mass, February 23, 1843. She married in South Wilbraham, September 12, 1822, Otis Newell of Hartford, Conn., a carpenter. Their intention of marriage was entered in South Wilbraham, August 2, 1822. Lois Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, August 24, 1800. She died of consumption. She and her family lived in Hartford and later in Springfield. Children, the first three born in Hartford: -1-3520 i George Bancrofts Newell, born November 19, 1823; married Mary Ambridge. 3521 ii Harriet Atwood Newell, born December 7, 1825; married Jerome Chaffee. (See 3554.) 3522 iii A daughter, born October 3, 1828; died in Springfield, May 9, 1843, of consumption. 3523 iv Amos Kendall Newell, born in Southbridge, April 3, 1836; died in Springfield, July 1, 1843, of consumption. -h3524 V Ann EHza Newell, born February 29, 1840; married David E. Childs. 1588 Norman 7 ChafEee (Calvin, « Asa,^ Joseph,-* John ,3 Joseph,^ Thomas^ ) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 6, 1790, and died there, March 8, 1864. He married (1) in West Stafford, Conn., January 1, 1812, Nabby, daughter of Noah Davis of that place. She died in South Wilbraham, November 13, 1827, aged thirty- four years. He married (2) in Stafford, Conn., in 1828, Mrs. Betsey (Norris) Tupper of that place, their intention of marriage being entered in South Wilbra- ham, August 29, 1828. She survived her husband but a few weeks, dying in South Wilbraham, April 13, 1864, aged sixty-nine. Norman Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, October 7, 1792. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He lived in South Wilbraham, where he was a farmer and carpenter and had a grist and saw-mill. He made his own coffin and built his own vault and a monument eight feet high, twelve years before his death. He and his wives are buried in South Wilbraham. Children, by first wife, born in South Wilbraham: 3525 i Anna Ladd « Chaffee, born October 14, 1812; married Ira Chaffee. (See 792.) -t-3526 ii Nabbv Elvira Chaffee, born August 14, 1814; married John Lacey. 3527 iii Mary'Amelia Chaffee, born April 25, 1816; married (1) October 31, 1838, William B. Hills of Springfield, Mass.; (2) February 5, 1861, Henry Fuller. 326 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY + 3528 iv Edmund Dwight Chaffee, born March 6, 1818; married Sarah S. Harris. + 3529 V Amorette Jane Chaffee, born April 25, 1820; married Stephen G. Lanphear. 3530 vi Alanson Norman Chaffee, born February 28, 1822; married (1) in Monson, Mass., June 13, 1848, Huldah Azubah Cordelia, daughter of Azariah Butler of that place; she died in Monson, October 19, 1855, and he married (2) in Springfield, Mass., November 22, 1860, Roxanna Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph and Roxanna (Firmin) Fuller of Monson; she was born May 28, 1833; he has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten and a half inches in height; he united with the Methodist Church in 1876, and has been a Trustee in it ; has been a Selectman and Overseer of the Poor in his town; is a mason by trade. + 3531 vii Ralph Tyler Chaffee, born November 14, 1823 (December 20, 1823; December 19, 1824); married (1) Sarah J. Hulst; (2) Aletta A. Hulst. + 3532 viii Betsey Samantha Chaffee, born September 9, 1825; married Jona- than Wood, Jr. + 3533 ix Amanda Holly Chaffee, born October 2, 1827; married Edmund Wood. Children, by second wife, born in South Wllbraham: 3534 x Dolly Chaffee, born January 19, 1830; married in South Wilbraham, April 7, 1847, John R. West of that place, their intention of marriage being entered there, March 12, 1847. 3535 xi Leonora Chaffee, born September 9, 1831. 3536 xii Almira C. Chaffee, born November 24, 1835; married in South Wilbraham, her home, September 10, 1854, to Augustus H. Thompson of Chester Factories. 1589 Sarah (" Sally ") C.7 Chaffee (Calvin,8 Asa,5 Joseph," John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., February 8, 1792, and died July 30, 1822. She married in South Wilbraham, October 29, 1815, Preserved White, Jr., of Springfield, Mass., an armorer, born there, April 27, 1789, died Sep- tember 10, 1832. They lived in Springfield. After his first wife's death he married (2) Lucinda Rice of Ludlow, Mass. Children : 3537 i Preserved Merritt » White, born October 10, 1816; married Catherine Finlay. 3538 ii Sarah Chaffee White, born July 16, 1819; died September 8, 1822. 1591 George Harvey ^ Chaffee (Calvin,^ Asa,^ Joseph," John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., May 12, 1798, and died in Beaver, Pa., in 1842. He married in Brownsville, Pa., Mary Lewis, who died in Beaver, in 1860. Both were members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, April 5, 1800. He had a light complex- ion, gray eyes, and was a machinist. He had ten children, six daughters and four sons, of whom five daughters and two sons were dead in 1893. Children, the first two born in Beaver: 3539 i Philanders Chaffee, born in 1844; married in Mound City, 111., in 1864, Nancy Elmina, daughter of Simon Spharr of Columbiana Comity, O.; Mr. Chaffee served in the Civil War, fighting in nine engage- ments ; he united with the Presbyterian Church at the age of forty- six; he has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height; he is an oil producer; residence, 1893, Smith's Ferry, Pa. ^--^^^^ A-^ ^^'^^^^^/^^^ HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO SEVENTH GENERATION 327 3540 ii Philena Chaffee, a twin, born in 1844; died. 3541 iii George H. Chaffee, residence, 1893, Beaver County, Pa. Seven other children, names unknown. 1592 Thomas Elmer ^ ChafEee (Calvin,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., in March, 1801, and died in Somers, Conn., Decem- ber 20, 1843. He was married there, September 9, 1821, by H. A. Hamilton, Justice of the Peace, to Lydia Payne, daughter of Reverend James Cooley, of Somers, and sister of his sister Wealthy 's husband. Lydia (Cooley) Chaffee died in 1859, and was buried in Chicopee Falls, Mass. She was a member of the Presby- terian Church. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the Congregational Church in South Wilbraham, Mass., June 7, 1801. He was a farmer, and at the time of his marriage he lived in Somers. He had a dark complexion, black hair and eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height. Children : + 3542 i Minerva 8 Chaffee, born January 17, ; married (1) King; (2) Ivus Brooks; (3) Van Volkinsburgh. + 3543 ii Lydia Payne Chaffee, born September 18, ; married Benjamin T. Harwood. + 3544 iii Augusta Harmonia Chaffee, married Philander H. Pike. 3545 iv Abbie D. Chaffee, married Silas Turner, who died before 1883, when she lived in Colrain, Mass. 1593 Wealthy ^ Chaffee (Calvin,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 11, 1807, and married George Cooley. She was baptized in the Congregational Church in South Wilbraham, July 5, 1807. Child: 3546 i Sarah » Cooley, died before 1883; married. 1594 Calvin Orasmus ^ Chaffee (Calvin,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 29, 1811, and died Jan- uary 12, 1877. He married, probably in 1833, Tamason Davis of Monson, Mass., where he was also a resident, their intention of marriage being published Feb- ruary 28, 1833. She was living in Norwalk, O., in 1883. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, July 11, 1811. One of his chil- dren died October 15, 1835, and another November 12, 1841, both in Monson, but which two these were is not known. Children : 3547 i Elliott s Chaffee. 3548 ii Merrick Chaffee. 3549 iii Jennie Chaffee. 3550 iv Charles Chaffee. 3551 V George Chaffee. 3552 vi Calvin D. Chaffee, born December 1, 1844. 1595 Dan ^ Chaffee (Calvin,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., and died in Springfield, Mass., July 9, 1856. He married in Brookfield, Mass., probably about November, 1818, Augusta, daughter of Edward Brooks, their marriage intention being filed in Springfield, October 30, 1818. She died in that place in 1859, and was buried there. Mr. Chaf- fee manufactured gun stocks in the Springfield Armory. He died at the home of his son Jerome. 328 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 3553 i Lyman Brooks ^ Chaffee, born m Springfield, September 2, 1819; died in Ohio, about 1868, aged forty-nine; married in Spring- field, January 8, 1841, Martha Crouch. -t-3554 ii Jerome Chaffee, born October 2, 1824; married Harriet A. Newell (3521). + 3555 iii Edward Brooks Chaffee, born in 1830; married (1) Martha J. Miles; (2) Melissa H. Crawford. 1598 Minerva ^ Chaffee (Abiather,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph, ^ Thomas i) was born in 1802, and died in Pennsylvania. She married Horace Borden, a farmer and cooper, who died in Tioga, Pa., where they lived. Both were members of the Methodist Church. Children : 3556 i Henry Harrison « Borden, born in Pultney, N. Y., January 27, 1820; married in Tioga, June 11, 1848, Maria L., daughter of Henry E. Smith of that place ; husband and wife are members of the Episcopal Church, the former having joined it at the age of sixty-five, and having held the office of Vestryman; he has held the town office of Justice of the Peace and the county office of Coroner; he has a dark complexion, and is five feet, nine inches in height; is a physician and druggist; residence, 1848 and 1893, Tioga. 3557 ii Harvey Borden, residence, 1891, South Bend, Ind. 3558 iii Bishop Borden, residence, 1891, Colba, Wis. 3559 iv Ephraim Borden, residence, 1891, Colba. 1599 Ephraim Cleveland ^ Chaffee (Abiather,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Naples, N. Y., SeiDtember 10, 1803, and died in Middle- sex, N. Y., November 13, 1856. He married in Italy, N. Y., December 25, 1828, Jane, daughter of Enoch Blair of Cherry Valley, N. Y. She was born in 1809, died April 8, 1876, and was buried in Italy. She was a member of the Methodist Church. When a boy Mr. Chaffee lived with Fisher Metcalf, and in 1828 was living in Italy. He was a farmer, and owned a farm sixteen miles from Canandai- gua, N. Y. He had a dark complexion, and dark hazel eyes. He was Assessor and Commissioner in his town for several terms. He was noted for his hospitality, and was never known to turn anyone in need of assistance from his door. He was beloved and respected by all who knew him. Children : 3560 i Jane Marion s Chaffee, born December 30, 1829; died December 13, 1847. -(-3561 ii Cyril Ephraim Chaffee, born January 9, 1832; married Olive Couse. 3562 iii Orville Harvey Chaffee, born April 21, 1834; married Helen Submit Clark; residence, 1891, Middlesex. 3563 iv Charlotte Ann Chaffee, born December 29, 1837; died June 10, 1890; married Henry D. Francisca. 3564 V Philo Blair Chaffee, born May 3, 1839; married Mary Maria Couse; residence, 1891, Middlesex. 3565 vi Celestia Lucretia Chaffee, born January 8, 1842; died October 22, 1884; married William Fountain. 3566 vii Mary Caroline Chaffee, born December 23, 1844; married Oren Reddout; residence, 1891, Middlesex. 3567 viii Darwin Henry Chaffee, born June 1, 1846; residence, 1891, Middlesex. 3568 ix Charles Holland Chaffee, born December 6, 1849; married Jennie Hawkins; residence, 1891, Saginaw City, Mich. SEVENTH GENERATION 329 3569 X Julia Oliva Chaffee, born February 16, 1853; married William Reynolds; residence, 1891, Middlesex. 3570 xi A son, died in infancy. 1601 Miriam ^ Chaffee (Abiather,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born about 1807, and died in Italy, N. Y., January 1, 1847, aged forty. She married Hiram Mack, a farmer, who died in Allegany, N. Y. He had a dark com- plexion, light gray eyes, and was five feet in height. He united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-five. Miriam (Chaffee) Mack was buried in Na- ples, N. Y. Children : 3571 i Mary Jane s Mack, born May 30, 1830; married (1) Willar; (2) in West Italy, N. Y., March 19, 1854, Joshua Henry Burke, a farmer, born in Otsego County, N. Y.; has four children; she is a Methodist; residence, 1891, Italy. 3572 ii George Moran Mack, married Vesta Slayton; residence, 1891, Middle- sex, N. Y. 3573 iii Martha Submit Mack, born June 25, ; married Andrew Topliff. 3574 iv Erastus Mack, marriecl Pruda Edda; residence, 1891, Middlesex. 3575 v Margaret Mack, married Almerian Willar. 3576 vi Martin Mack. 3577 vii William Mack, died February 28, 1884; married Martha Furner. 1604 Sophronia ^ Chaffee (Walter,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Peterboro, N. Y., and died there. She married Samuel Johnston, and lived in Peterboro. Children : 3578 i Anderson » Johnston, residence, 1890, Peterboro. 3579 ii Nehemiah Johnston, residence, 1890, Peterboro. 1605 Enoch Hyde 7 Chaffee (Walter,^ Asa,5 Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Peterboro, N. Y., February 11, 1805, and died in Kilbourn City, Wis., March 15, 1887. He married in Butternuts, Otsego County, N. Y., September 3, 1829, Rhoda Mianda, youngest daughter of Colonel James William Stranahan who emigrated in early life from Connecticut to Butternuts. ]\Irs. Chaffee died May 23, 1881, and was buried in Peterboro. She was a member of the Episcoi^al Church. Mr. Chaffee united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty. He was Justice of the Peace and a member of the School Board in Kilbourn City. He lived in Butternuts in 1829 and at one time in Peterboro. He was a Captain in the New York State Militia. In early life he was a farmer and later a broker. He had a fair complexion, and blue eyes, Avas strictly honest and extremely ab- stemious, never having tasted licjuor or tobacco. Children : 3580 i Charles Coridon » Chaffee, born December 8, 1831 ; married Nettie H. Betts. -1-3581 ii Martha Stranahan Chaffee, born June 19, 1833; married Emmon Downer. 3582 iii Walter Scott Chaffee, born February 2, 1835; married Rebecca Neideover; in 1854 was a clerk in a store in Syracuse, N. Y.; residence, 1890, San Buena Ventura, Cal.; a merchant. 3583 iv Helen Louise Chaffee, born July 22, 1836; married T. G. Gilbert. 3584 V Celinda Mianda Chaffee, born April 22, 1838; married E. Eaton. 3585 vi John Hyde Chaffee, born July 22, 1840; married F. Marquissee. 3586 vii James William Chaffee, born September 6, 1842; married M. A. Legeart; residence, 1890, Kilbourn City. 330 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1607 Ichabod Sherman 7 Chaffee (Walter,6 Asa,5 Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,' Thomas i) was born in Lenox, N. Y., November 8, 1812, and married (1) in Knox- ville, N. Y., August 4, 1836, Electa, daughter of Josiah Evans of that place. She died August 8, 1838, and was buried in Peterboro, N. Y. She was a member of the Methodist Church. He married (2) February 10, 1842, Jeanette Saeger, who died in September, 1847. He married (3) in Peterboro, October 14, 1847, Eliza- beth Kelch, born in St. Clair County, Mich., July 5, 1825, died in Syracuse, N. Y,, March 7, 1879, and was buried there. Mr. Chaffee is a member of the Baptist Church, which he joined at the age of nineteen. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. In 1836 and for many years after he lived in Peterboro. He was a farmer and miller, but in 1890 had retired from business and was living in Syracuse. Child, by first wife : 3587 i Electa » Chaffee, born July 5, 1838 ; died in Peterboro, August 4, 1840. Children, by second wife, born in Peterboro : 3588 ii William S. Chaffee, died November 30, 1888; married in Peterboro, Armour. 3589 iii Rosanna Chaffee, born August 6, 1844; died September 5, 1862. + 3590 iv Florence Chaffee, born July 11, 1846; married Cyrus B. Hoyt. Children, by third wife, the first six born in Peterboro, the last two in New- ark, N. Y.: 3591 v George Henry Chaffee, born August 13, 1848; married Minnie Dem- mon, and in 1890 had six children and lived in Sparta, Wis. 3592 vi Frances Chaffee, born July 27, 1850; died young. 3593 vii John Ichabod Chaffee, born September 4, 1852. -t-3594 viii Emmon Dewitt Chaffee, born September 24, 1854; married. 3595 ix Henrietta Agar Chaffee, born February 25, 1856. 3596 X Cora Elizabeth Chaffee, born December 7, 1858; married Charles Andrew Donelly. (See 3604.) 3597 xi Lyman Bliss Chaffee, born in Lenox, January 12, 1860; married Delia Ashley; had no children in 1890, when they lived in Syracuse. 3598 xii Charles Herbert Chaffee, born January 17, 1862; married Sarah Steele; residence, 1890, Syracuse. 3599 xiii Frederick Bruce Chaffee, born August 25, 1864; residence, 1890, Syracuse; unmarried. 1609 Margaret ^ Chaffee (Walter,6 Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,' Thomas i) was born in Peterboro, N. Y., in 1817, and married (1) in the Baptist" Church of Morrisville, N. Y., October 26, 1833, Thomas Donelly, born in the north of Ireland in 1814. He died in Peterboro, December 16, 1862, and she married (2) Hornbeck. Mr. Donelly was a stone mason and a farmer. He had a light complex- ion, blue eyes, dark hair, and was of medium height. At the time of her marriage Margaret Chaffee lived in Peterboro, later lived in Michigan, but soon returned to Peterboro, where she lived for many years. In 1890 she lived in Oneida, N. Y. She became a member of the Baptist Church of Peterboro at the age of sixteen. Children, all but the first born in Peterboro: 3600 i Thomas 8 Donelly, born in Michigan, in 1836; married Betsey Sulli- van; residence, 1890, Peterboro. 3601 ii Alice Donelly, born in 1839; married John Adle. 3602 iii Lucy Donelly, born in 1843; married Hanson Williams. 3603 iv Jennie Donelly, born in 1846; married Asa Cranston; residence, 1890, Clockville, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 331 + 3604 V Charles Andrew Donelly, born in 1851; married Cora Elizabeth Chaffee (3596). 3605 vi James Donelly, born in 1855; married Mary Robbins, who died before 1890. 3606 vii Bennett Donelly, born in 1857; unmarried, 1890. 3607 viii Alva Donelly, born in 1861; residence, 1890, Oneida, N. Y.; im- married. 1612 Anna MJ Chaffee (Walter,6 Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) married Lyman Bliss, and in 1856 lived in Peterboro, N. Y. Children : 3608 i Joseph 8 Bliss, residence, 1890, Peterboro; in business. 3609 ii Norton Bliss, residence, 1890, Peterboro; in business. 3610 iii Edward Bliss, died in 1890; lived in Peterboro. 3611 iv Lyman Bliss., Jr., residence, 1890, Saginaw City, Mich.; a physician. 3612 V Aaron Bliss, residence, 1890, Washington, D. C. 3613 vi A son. 1615 Mary Bliss ^ Chaffee (Comfort,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., January 9, 1797, and died in Chicopee, Mass., April 15, 1874. She married in South Wilbraham, April 22, 1819, Ishled Smith of that place, their intention of marriage being entered there, March 26, 1819. He was born in Sandisfield, Mass., October 3, 1794, and died in Springfield, Mass., where they lived, March 10, 1841. He was a hotel-keeper and also a clothier. Children : 3614 i Mary Ann » Smith, born in 1820; married in Springfield, May 31, 1843, Ebenezer Thomas Richards, born in Hardwick, Mass., April 27, 1818; a builder and a manufacturer of brick; residence, 1884, Chicopee. 3615 ii Ellen Amanda Smith, born in 1822; married Fuller; residence, 1883, Chicopee. 3616 iii Persis Maria Smith, born in 1825. 3617 iv Rachel Zuriah Smith, born in 1827. 1616 Rodolphus ^ Chaffee (Comfort,^ Comfort, ^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., May 28, 1799, and died in Ada, Kent County, Mich., July 2, 1862. He married in South Wilbraham, April 8, 1822, OHve Carpenter 7 Stebbins (1938) (Walter « Stebbins, Anna » Chaffee, John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i), born March 30, 1804. Their marriage intention entered in Souih Wilbraham, March 1, 1822, states that both were of that place. She died in Ada, August 1, 18 — , and was buried there. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, July 27, 1800. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, five inches in height. He was a farmer in South Wilbraham and Ada. Children, the first two born in South Wilbraham : 3618 i Rodolphus Gordons Chaffee, born April 25, 1823; died March 15, 1886; married Mary A. Gray, who died in Ada, March 23, 1891; residence, 1883, Ada. 3619 ii Olive Maria Chaffee, born December 22, 1825; married Chester Bachelder. 3620 iii Margaret Jane Chaffee, born November 7, 1827; died in August, 1882; married (1) Nicholas Lawyer; (2) John Robinson. 3621 iv Edwin Newell ChafTee, born January 3, 1830; died in Springfield, Mass., December 16, 1833. 332 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3622 V Azubah C. Chaffee, born July 27, 1831; married Leroy B. Lamphere. + 3623 vi Edwin Newell Chaffee, born August 1, 1834; married Mary A. Cole. 3624 vii Ellen Esther Chaffee, born February 4, 1842; married Patrick Duff. 1617 John May 7 ChaflEee (Comfort,6 Comfort,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., July 26, 1802, and died there, June 14, 1853. He married in that place, November 10, 1823, Susan, daughter of Stephen Holmes of Monson, Mass., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, September 12, 1823. In 1883 she was living in Springfield, Mass. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, Sep- tember 11, 1802. He was employed as a machinist in the United States Armory in Springfield, from January, 1826, to March, 1833. His work was filing. During this time he lived in Springfield, and in 1852 in South Wilbraham. Children, the last four born in Springfield: 3625 i Susan F.s Chaffee, born in Millbury, Mass., November 22, 1824; died in September, 1869. 3626 ii Cornelia A. Chaffee, born in 1825; married Charles E. Hutchinson of Amherst, Mass.; residence, 1889, Amherst. 3627 iii Comfort Lucius Chaffee, born March 1, 1827. 3628 iv John Jerome Chaffee, born February 25, 1829; died in Springfield, October 22, 1830. 3629 v John Holmes Chaffee, born February 26, 1831 ; married in Ware, Mass., November 25, 1856, Catharine, daughter of Jonas Dengar of that place; residence, 1883, Ware. 1618 Jonathan Skinner ^ Chaffee (Comfort, « Comfort, ^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph,* Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 16, 1804, and died in Grand Haven, Mich., October 17, 1878. He married in South Wilbraham, December 31, 1828, Mary Worthington, daughter of Benjamin Russell of that place, their intention of marriage being entered there, December 13, 1828. She died April 24, 1883, and was buried in Grand Haven. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, November 12, 1804. When thirty-five years of age he joined the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife was a member, and in which he became a Deacon. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. From 1835 to 1868 he lived in Brecksville, O., and later in Grand Haven. He was a farmer. Children : 3630 i Frances Drusilla ^ Chaffee, born in South Wilbraham, December 1, 1829; died September 15, 1830. + 3631 ii Jonathan Russell Chaffee, born August 31, 1833 ; married Lucy J. Rich. + 3632 iii Frances Drusilla Chaffee, born June 27, 1836; married Asa Reynolds. + 3633 iv Comfort Emerson Chaffee, born June 1, 1840; married (1) Louise W. Snow; (2) Mrs. Cora L. (Richardson) Van Metre. 1619 Persis ^ Chaffee (Comfort,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., August 4, 1807, and married there, De- cember 5, 1832, Simeon S. Hunt, a farmer of that place, their intention of marriage being entered in South Wilbraham, November 10, 1832. She was baptized in the Congregational Church there, October 11, 1807. Children : 3634 i Stacy » Hunt. 3635 ii Comfort Hunt, residence, 1883, North Somers, Conn. 3636 iii Jane Hunt. 3637 iv Hannah Hunt, married Frank Kibbe of Somers, Conn. SEVENTH GENERATION 333 1620 William Perrin ^ Chaffee (Comfort,^ Comfort, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, INIass., April 17, 1810, and died there, October 24, 1882. He married (1) in South Wilbraham, April 11, 1838, Martha G. Perrin of Monson, Mass., their intention of marriage being entered in South Wil- braham, March 31, 1838. She was born April 2, 1816, died in that place Novem- ber 15, 1850, and was buried there. He married (2) in South Wilbraham, Octo- ber 5, 1851, Susan A. Tubbs of Springfield, Mass., born November 14, 1831, died August 12, 1855, and was buried in South Wilbraham. He married (3) March 3, 1857, Sophronia M. Lincoln. He was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congre- gational Church, July 7, 1810. He was a farmer in that place, and was buried there. Children, by first wife : 3638 i Albert » Chaffee, born about February, 1839; died in South Wilbraham, November 3, 1839, aged nine months. 3639 ii Wilham Morton Chaffee, born July 21, 1842; died June 16, 1864; buried in South Wilbraham. 3640 iii Charles Chaffee, born October 21, 1850; residence, 1883, Monson. Children, by third wife: 3641 iv Martha Susan Chaffee, born August 16, 1859; married, January 19, 1881, John Sheldon; residence, 1883, Fall River, Mass. 3642 V Emily Chaffee. 1621 Electa 7 Chaffs (Comfort, « Comfort,^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 3, 1813, and died there, February 13, 1858. She married, May 7, 1835, Sullivan Upham Staunton (or Stanton), a far- mer of South Wilbraham, their intention of marriage being published there, March 14, 1835. In 1883 he was Postmaster of Hampden (formerly South Wilbraham). She was baptized in the First Congregational Church in South Wilbraham, June 17, 1813, and was buried in that town. Children : 3643 i Sophia 8 Stanton, married Andrew Beebe; residence, 1883, Hampden. 3644 ii Persis Stanton. 3645 iii Robert Stanton. 3646 iv Willie Stanton. 1622 Comfort Jackson ^ Chaffee (Comfort, ^ Comfort,' Joseph,'* John, 3 Joseph,' Thomas was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 14, 1817, and married in Springfield, Mass., June 24, 1845, Asenath Ward, daughter of Noah Ferry of Palmer, Mass. Their marriage intention, entered in South Wilbraham, June 3, 1845, speaks of him as of Northfield, O., and of her as of South Wilbraham. Mr. Chaffee was baptized there in the Congregational Church, July 6, 1817. He worked in South Wilbraham until he was twenty-one, and then learned the armorer's trade in Milbury, Mass. From there he went to Chicopee Falls, Mass., where he worked in a manufactory of firearms, the second establishment of its kind in Amer- ica. While here a machine for the making of pins with a solid head, and one for the punching out of saw teeth were invented by Harvey Waters, an agent of the firearms company. Later Mr. Chaffee worked successively in Mill River, Mass., Springfield Hill, Mass., and Brecksville, O., in the latter place being engaged in the manufacture of firearms with Joshua Stevens, the inventor of the first tools for the manufacture of the celebrated Colt's revolver. From there he went to Elyria, Lorain County, O., where he made machinery for the first woolen manu- 334 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY factory in that county. In 1840 he began buying land in Northfield, 0., and in 1845 he moved there. The place is ten miles from Cleveland, and the farm of three hundred and seventy-five acres which Mr. Chaffee bought formerly fur- nished the timber to fit out a part of Commodore Perry's fleet in the War of 1812. Here Mr. Chaffee raises, buys and sells stock, as well as cultivating the land. In 1891 he still hved in Northfield, and in 1893 in Chaffee, O. Children : 3647 i Lucien Mozart » Chaffee, born in Northfield, October 17, 1846; edu- cated in Baldwin University, Berea, O., standing high in his class, and showed great skill as a debater, his side usually win- ning ; he is an accomplished musician ; he united with the Methodist Church at the age of eleven, has been Class Leader and Sunday School Superintendent for fifteen years, and in 1893 was a Trustee of the church; ran away from home at the age of seventeen to enlist in the Civil War, but was refused on account of his youth; 13olitically, was formerly a Republican and now a Prohibitionist; he is a farmer and large dealer in dairy cows and horses; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height; residence, 1893, Chaffee; unmarried. + 3648 ii Anna Maria Eugenie Chaffee, born May 22, 1848; married Doctor F. M. Coates. 1623 Lathrop Vennor ^ Chaffee (Comfort, « Comfort, ^ Joseph, ^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., May 1, 1821, and died there, October 30, 1863. He married (1) in South Wilbraham, April 19, 1843, Nancy M. Roberts of that place, their intention of marriage being entered there, March 25, 1843. She died soon after and was buried in Pittsfield, Mass. He married (2) in South Wilbraham, July 20, 1845, Mrs. Augusta Anna (Wood) Hendrick of that place, daughter of Jacob Wood of South Wilbraham, and widow of Nelson Hen- drick. Their marriage intention was pubhshed there, June 14, 1845. Augusta (Wood) Chaffee survived her husband less than six weeks, dying in South Wilbra- ham, December 8, 1863, aged forty-five. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the Congre- gational Church there, August 12, 1821. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet, one inch in height. He hved in South Wilbraham, where he was a farmer. Child, by second wife: -1-3649 i Nelson Vennor « Chaffee, born December 14, 1856; married Isabel J. Kibbe. 1624 Comfort Bliss 7 Chaffee (Nathaniel BUss,« Comfort,^ Joseph,* John, a Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., November 10, 1796, and died in Orwell, Pa., March 28, 1878. He married there, November 22, 1818, Docia, daughter of William Sexton of that place. She died June 1, 1879, and was buried in Orwell. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, as was her husband. He joined it at the age of seventeen, and was Deacon, Sunday School Superintendent, and leader of the singing in the church in Orwell. He moved from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania in early manhood, accompanied by one of his brothers, who, however, did not remain. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was a farmer and lived in Warren, Pa., and Orwell. He was a man of great physical endurance and strength, having been known, in his younger days, to handle two and three men at a time. He was of temperate habits, very industrious and accumulated a goodly property. SEVENTH GENERATION 335 He was of limited education, but had a strong mind, was very orthodox in re- ligion and a constant reader of the Bible. In politics he was a Republican. Children : 3650 i Sarah Jane s Chaffee, born February 1, 1821; married Reuben Esterbrook; residence, Elmira, N. Y. + 3651 ii Jarvis Sexton Chaffee, born April 4, 1824; married Ann M. Frost. + 3652 iii Nathaniel Bliss Chaffee, born April 1, 1826; married Tamar A. Warner. 3653 iv William Douglas Chaffee, born August 10, 1828; died September 28, 1829. 3654 V Ruth Sophia Chaffee, born June 15, 1830; married Oliver Warner. + 3655 vi WiUiam Douglas Chaffee, born February 14 (16), 1832; married (1) Henrietta Chaffee (3087) ; (2) Mary E. Upson. 3656 vii Docia Ann Chaffee, born November 16, 1834; married Marcus Warner, brother of Oliver Warner. + 3657 viii Solomon Arthiton Chaffee, born December 5, 1836; married Sa- vannah Dunlap. + 3658 ix Comfort Jerome Chaffee, born July 7, 1838; married Emily Mc- Creery. 3659 X Tamson Meriam Chaffee, born May 28, 1840; died September 3, 1864; married Alva Rodgers; she was a talented singer. 1626 Solomon Bliss ^ Chaffee (Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John,* Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 4, 1799, and died in Richland City, Wis., March 25, 1857. He married (1) in New York state, June 16, 1836, Eunice Pamelia, daughter of Isaac Beech of that state. She died June 29, 1844, aged twenty-nine, and was buried in Raymond, Wis. Doctor Chaf- fee married (2), October 25, 1849, Clara IMilly Hovey, who died September 22, 1851, aged thirty-three. Previous to her marriage, she taught in an academy in Vermont. He married (3), September 1, 1853, Annis Wellington. Doctor Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, February 8, 1816, and was for twenty years or more a minister of that denomination, as well as a physician. He preached in Central New York for several years, moving in July, 1840, to Wisconsin, where he preached until his death. Children, by first wife: + 3660 i Mary 8 Chaffee, born August 20, 1837; married Nicholas L. Sweet. 3661 ii John Beech Chaffee, born in Cortland County, N. Y., August 3, 1839; died in Chicago, 111., September 6, 1890; was a physician and surgeon. A graduate of the St. Louis Medical College; he served in the Civil War as Assistant Surgeon in the Fifteenth Missouri Infantry, organized in St. Louis, Mo., in August and September, 1861, to serve three years, being musterecl out December 25, 1865; participated in the battles of Chaplin Hills, Stone River, Chickamauga, Face Ridge, Resaca, Adairsville, New Hope Church, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Lovejoye Station, Spring Hill, Franklin, Nashville and Columbia; was severely wounded on several occasions; his commander was General Sheridan, who was his lifelong friend; after the war he settled in Chicago, where he lived until his death; he was unmarried. 3662 iii Louisa Chaffee, born December 31, 1841; died November 22, 1842. 3663 iv Curtis Chaffee, born April 15, 1844; died July 17, 1844. Child, by second wife: 3664 v Clara Pamelia Chaffee, born September 1, 1850; residence, 1891, Worcester, Mass.; unmarried. 336 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child, by third wife : 3665 vi Annis Francena Chaffee, born October 16, 1854; probably went West. 1628 Samuel Burge ' Chaffee (Nathaniel Bliss,« Comfort,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 16, 1802, and died in Wisconsin, in 1874. He married. He was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, February 8, 1816. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was tall. He lived with his grandfather, Comfort Chaffee, for a time, and also lived in Worcester, Mass. Children : 3666 i Sarah J.s Chaffee, married Beers. 3667 ii George Bliss Chaffee. 3668 iii Samuel M. Chaffee. 3669 iv Josiah C. Chaffee, died in September, 1874; served in the United States Navy from 1861 until his death from yellow fever. 3670 V F. Albertus Chaffee, died. 3671 vi Mary B. Chaffee, residence, 1889, Pawtucket, R. I. 1630 Joel 7 Chaffee (Nathaniel Bliss, « Comfort, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 6, 1806, and died in Roches- ter, N. Y., February 12, 1834. He married there, November 12, 1826, Melissa Sophronia, daughter of Seth Case. In 1857 and 1890 she was living in Detroit, Mich. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, February 8, 1816. He was named for his uncle, Joel Chaffee (623). He was living in Rochester, June 3, 1828, when he bought of Seth Case, land in Gates, Monroe County, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee was the Captain of a company of militia in Rochester. He had a light complexion, dark blue eyes, was five feet, six inches in height, and of a jovial disposition. He was a carpenter by trade. Children : 3672 i Mary Anns Chaffee, married N. S. Whitney; residence, 1890, St. Louis, Mo. + 3673 ii Merrick Joel Chaffee, born September 28, 1834; married Annie L. Clark. 1634 Merrick ^ Chaffee (Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born October 13, 1813, and died in Somers, Conn., January 17, 1866. He married Adelia M. Son of North Chatham, N. Y., born November 7, 1820. She is a member of the Methodist Church. In June, 1895, she was living in Somers. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, February 8, 1816. He was of a jovial disposition. Children, the first born in New York state, the last three in Somers : 3674 i George Merrick « Chaffee, born October 24, 1844; died in Ludlow, Mass., August 29, 1846; buried there. 3675 ii Hannah Maria Chaffee, born July 14, 1849; married Charles Luce of Somers, who died before 1895; had two sons and a daughter, all living in Springfield, Mass., in 1895. 3676 iii William Merrick Chaffee, born November 16, 1852; married Emma Griswold, and has two daughters; residence, 1895, Somers. 3677 iv George Dallas Chaffee, born October 10, 1857; died in infancy. 1635 Ehzabeth 7 Chaffee (WiUiam,^ Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Enfield, Conn., in October, 1781, and died in Conway, Mass., in No- vember, 1861. She married Asher Pease, a farmer of Sudfield, Conn., born in Enfield, September 21, 1780, and died in Conway, in November, 1872. He was SEVENTH GENERATION 337 brother of her sister Fanny's husband. At the time of her marriage she hved in Enfield, later in Sudfield, and in 1810 removed to Conway, where she and her husband were buried. Children : 3678 i EUza s Pease, born March 21, 1803; died in October, 1894; married Calvin Edson Nye. 3678a ii Newton Pease, born November 17, 1805; died; married (1) Sarah Dwight, and had seven children; (2) Martha Ogden, and had two children; he was a farmer in Conway. + 3679 iii Maria Pease, born November 30, 1807; married Alvan Clark. + 3680 iv Beulah Pease, born October 13, 1809; married Josiah Dwight, Jr. 3681 V Harriet Pease, born October 13, 1813; married David Valentine. 3682 vi Caroline Pease, born March 1, 1816. 3683 vii Lorin Pease, born in 1818. 3684 viii Franklin Pease, born June 27, 1823; married (1) Minerva Nims; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Leonard) Hathaway. 1637 Fannie ^ Chaffee (William,6 Isaiah, s Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., April 17, 1785, and died in Michigan, September 15, 1853. She married Lyman Pease, brother of her sister Elizabeth's husband, born in Enfield, May 26, 1784. He lived in Southampton, Easthampton and Springfield, all in Massachusetts, and in 1858 lived in Jackson City, Mich. Children : 3685 i William 8 Pease, born in Enfield, June 30, 1805. 3686 ii Mary A. Pease, born in Southampton; died in 1848; married in 1834, Stephen Field. 3687 iii Lyman Pease, Jr., born in Southampton, in 1808. 3688 iv Fanny Pease, born in Southampton, in 1811; married Alfred Driggs; settled in St. Joseph, Mo. 3689 V Lorenzo Pease, born in Easthampton, in 1813. 3690 vi Adaline, born in Easthampton, in 1815; died in Jackson, in 1856; married, in 1834, Sumner Wing. 3691 vii Dorothy Pease, born in Easthampton, in 1817; died in 1839; married William Morey. 3692 viii Philander Pease, born in Easthampton, in December, 1820. 3693 ix Henry Pease, born in Springfield, in 1827. 1638 Hannah 7 Chaffee (William,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Enfield, Conn., in March, 1787, and died in Hartford, Conn., in No- vember, 1849. She married Moses Pike Holt. Child: 3694 i Martha ^ Holt, married De Raismes of New York City, and had four children. 1640 William ^ Chaffee, Jr. (William, e Isaiah, » Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,3 Thomas 1), was born in Enfield, Conn., May 12, 1791, and died in East Windsor, Conn., July 23, 1849. He married in Schenectady, N. Y., Cornelia, daughter of Peter Van Dyke of that place. She was a member of the Congregational Church, and died November 23, 1863, aged seventy-two. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee are buried in Enfield. He had a light complexion, dark blue eyes, was five feet, eight inches in height, witty, jovial, keenly intellectual, and a student of the Bible. During the War of 1812 he served as an officer. At the time of his marriage he lived in Schenectady and later in Enfield and Ellington, Conn., the latter being his home at the time of his death, which occurred suddenly of heart failure, while he was reaping in the field. He was a farmer and sawyer. 338 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 3695 i Mary Elizabeth Putnam s Chaffee, born August 30, 1813; died De- cember 2, 1858; married Dan Warner of Ellington. 3696 ii Anna Warriner Chaffee, born May 12, 1816; died November 23, 1867; married Ithamar Bingham. 3697 iii Cornelius Van Dyke Chaffee, born in Enfield, September 10, 1823; married (1) in New Lebanon, N. Y., September 5, 1851, Eliza A., daughter of Lord Anson Smith, of Enfield; she died in Ellington, September 27, 1879, and was buried in Wethersfield, Conn.; she was a member of the Baptist Church; he married (2) in West Hartford, Conn., May 20, 1881, Mary L. Crane; he has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine and a half inches, in height; he united with the Baptist Church at the age of twenty-five; he is a junk dealer; residence, 1851, Pittsfield, Mass., 1893, Hartford, Conn. -F3698 iv Isaiah Manning Chaffee, born September 9, 1826; married Emily F. Roan . -1-3699 V Cornelia Van Dyke Chaffee, born January 9, 1828; married William C. Edwards. 3700 vi William Hibbard Chaffee, born December 13, 1831 ; died in Enfield, March 18, 1832. 3701 vii William Hibbard Chaffee, born January 15, 1833; died in Enfield, May 28, 1834, 1645 Samuel ^ Chaffee (William, ^ Isaiah,5 Joseph, ^ John,^ Joseph, ^ Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., November 3, 1801, and died in Red Wing, Minn., August 9, 1856. He married in Schenectady, N. Y., November 19, 1828, Maria, daughter of Peter Van Dyck of Rotterdam, N. Y. She died January 8, 1880, and was buried in Red Wing. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee were active members of the Congregational Church in Enfield, where they lived on the homestead built by Mr. Chaffee, who was a contractor and builder, and where their ten children were reared. In 1856 Mr. Chaffee became one of the Board of Directors of the Strafford Western Emigration Company, which was organized with the object of forming a settlement in the West, and of carrying to it the religious and educational ad- vantages of New England. Mr. Chaffee with others of the company went West in the summer of 1856 to investigate the country on the sunset side of the Mis- sissippi and select a spot for settlement. To him fell the honor of discovering and pointing out to the company the beauties of the Zumbro River Valley, where they afterwards located and where now stands the town of Zumbrota. Worn out by the fatigues and hardships to which he was exposed in this Indian land, he was taken ill in Red Wing, where he died and was followed to his grave by a sorrowing procession of strangers. A few wild flowers were cast upon his coffin, prayer and benediction were said, and all was over. He was buried in Oak Wood Cemetery, Red }Ving, on a bluff overlooking the village and the Mississippi. Soon after Mr. Chaffee's death his widow and children removed to Red Wing. The following account of the settlement of Zumbrota is taken from a Red Wing paper : "In fulfillment of my promise to furnish you some of my recollections of the early days in Goodhue county, I will devote the first article to the settlement of Zumbrota and to some of the incidents attending it. "Up to the spring of 1856, that beautiful valley in Goodhue county through which the Zumbro river courses its way like a thread of silver, and in the center of which is now the thrifty village of Zumbrota, was known only to the hunter. SEVENTH GENERATION 339 Not a path made by the foot of civiHzed man traversed its length or its breadth. The deer and the elk grazed on its virgin grass unmolested, while the musk-rat and the otter sported in the limpid waters of the little river undisturbed. The valley had been entirely overlooked. The old St. Paul and Dubuque stage road and also the road from Red Wing to Mantorville and other points to the south- west lay to the east of it, while on the west there was no road within several miles. "In the spring of 1856 a backwoodsman by the name of Smith, a native of Canada, who the year before had settled in the big woods southwest of Pine Island, found himself on short rations. With rifle in hand, he started out in pursuit of wild game, which then abounded in the region. He extended his pursuits into the above-mentioned valley. Its beauty and topography suggested to his shrewd mind the idea that in the center of this valley was a favorable site for a town, and as townsites were springing into existence in every direction, he resolved to become the founder of a city. Having exhausted his own right of pre-emption in the woods, he found a single man by the name of Doty, who was willing to be sacrificed to gratify Smith's ambition. A claim was soon taken by Doty and in due time Smith at once entered with alacrity upon his new enterprise. He en- listed a merchant of Red Wing by the name of Gambia in the project, who took a claim adjoining Doty's. Smith had discovered that by straightening the Red Wing and Mantorville road, it would cross his proposed townsite and that the St. Paul and Dubuque road had already been surveyed across it. "Smith had piloted now and then a settler on his way to or from Red Wing over his new route, for a road. In this manner a wagon trail was made over the prairie, which could easily be followed. Doty, aided by Smith, had hauled poplar logs some three miles, and was building a log cabin. While thus engaged, Doty and Smith observed a party of three men on foot approaching them from the south, along the wagon trail. As they came up to the cabin, they appeared weary, footsore and discouraged. They inquired the distance to Red Wing, and also to the nearest place where they could stay over night. They learned from Smith that the nearest cabin in the direction of Red Wing was four miles distant. It was late in the afternoon. The travelers were hungry and thirsty. Smith hastened to bring them some water from a spring near by, and set before them on a board in the open air such viands as his scanty larder afforded. "Smith's inquisitive nature had soon drawn out of his guests the story of their now disconsolate journey. They were a committee of a colony of New England people, who had been seeking in vain for a local colony to settle. They were on their way to Red Wing, intending to take the first boat down the river and return to their homes in the east. Smith's opportunity had now come. His dream might be more than realized. He was entertaining angels (messengers) unawares. He at once informed them that the valley in which they now were was just the spot they had been looking for. With rude but earnest elocjuence he expatiated on the advantages offered by the locality. There was an abundance of government land. The site was an ideal one for a town ; there was a mill site on the river within a few rods of where they then were, etc., etc. But our travelers were disheartened; one of them was sick. They could not be induced to listen to Smith and took Tip their journey towards the Mississippi river, thinking only of joining their families once more in far off New England. The three persons described were Samuel ChafTee, Daniel Goddard and Joseph Bailey. "As the little party had nearly reached the top of the ascent out of the valley, Samuel Chaffee, who was weak and sick, sat down to rest. He naturally turned his face toward the valley he had crossed with so much weariness and pain. The sun was just sinking behind the horizon, and its golden rays clothed the valley with a radiance and beauty akin to that of paradise. He was enamored of the scene. He called to his companions to come back and take a look at the valley. At first they refused, but finally consented. " 'Isn't that beautiful!' exclaimed Chaffee. For a moment his companions did not speak. ChafTee again exclaimed: ' ' ' Why is not that just the spot we are seeking? ' " ' It is handsome ' ejaculated Bailey in a husky tone. 340 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY " 'It is real porty ' drawled out Goddard. " 'But we must hurry, or we shall never get to our stopping place before dark/ exclaimed Bailey and Goddard. "In due time they arrived at the cabin where they were to stop over night, and talked of but little else than what pertained to their newly discovered land of promise, during that night and the next day. "Upon their arrival at Red Wing they found several other members of the colony there to whom they reported their discovery with much enthusiasm. " Poor Samuel Chaffee, whose illness had caused him to sit down and rest on the northern slope of the Zumbro valley and who thus had his attention called to the valley, took to his bed at the old Tepeetonka hotel in Red Wing, from which a few days afterwards he was borne to Oakwood cemetery, then almost inaccessible. " It may not be uninteresting here to say that the Strafford Western Emigra- tion company was only a small fragment of a large company organized the winter before in Massachusetts, but which went to pieces after an ineffectual effort by an incompetent and discordant committee to find a township of land on which to plant so large a colony. As a matter of fact, the committee of the original company, consisting of one hundred and sixty members, most of these heads of families, actually passed just below the valley where the smaller colony after- wards settled. Had they made the discovery which Chaffee and his party did, quite likely the great colony would have settled there." Children, born in Enfield: + 3702 i Samuel Whipple « Chaffee, born March 21, 1830; married Almira Phelps. 3703 ii Margaret Chaffee, born December 14, 1832; married Carl Larsen; died in Minneapolis, Minn., in June, 1900, of heart disease, while visiting her brother, Samuel W. 3704 iii Laura Maria Chaffee, born January 9, 1834; died in Enfield, July 29, 1836. 3705 iv Mary Elizabeth Chaffee, a twin, born January 9, 1834; died Octo- ber 17, 1859. 3706 V Sophia Chaffee, born November 5, 1836; married William F. Holt. 3707 vi Laura Maria Chaffee, born July 23, 1838; died in October, 1867. 3708 vii Caroline Amelia Chaffee, born April 30, 1841; died in August, 1861. 3709 viii Angelica Switz Chaffee, born August 26, 1843; was at one time con- nected with the American nuns in Rome, Italy, and in 1894 with a Roman Catholic Mission in Upper Egypt. + 3710 ix Harriet Cornelia Chaffee, born October 13, 1846; married Doctor Henry W. Stauffer. + 3711 X William Chaffee, born November 29, 1848; married Christina Place. 1650 Hannah ^ Chaffe (Joseph, ^ Isaiah, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Adams, Mass., September 7, 1785, and died in Erieville, N. Y., April 10, 1815. She married Benjamin Wadsworth, a carpenter of that place, who, after her death, married her sister Mercy. Hannah (Chaffe) Wadsworth had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. She moved to Warren, N. Y., in 1796, and to Nelson, N. Y., in 1805. She was buried in Erie- ville. Children : 3712 i Maria 8 Wadsworth, died in Hudson, Wis.; married Roswell Holmes, and had three children; residence, Hudson. 3713 ii Elmira Wadsworth, married Foster Sprague, and had two sons; resi- dence, Rochester, N. Y. 3714 iii Desdemona Wadsworth, died in Cazenovia, N. Y. ; married Joseph Stiles, and had two children, one a daughter, now living in Syra- cuse; buried in Cazenovia. SEVENTH GENERATION 341 + 3715 iv Joseph Wadsworth, married (1) Sylvia Spear; (2) May Campbell; (3) Jane Coon. 3716 V Evaline Wadsworth, died in Michigan. 1651 Betsey ^ ChafEe (Joseph,^ Isaiah, 5 Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Adams, Mass., January 23, 1789, and died in Erieville, N. Y., May 27, 1864. She married there, March 10, 1808, Levi Brown, a farmer, born September 4, 1781, died in Erieville, July 30, 1840. Betsey (Chaffe) Brown had a light com- plexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. She was a very in- telligent woman and a great lover of books. She was a member of the Universa- list Church and was buried in Erieville. Children : 3717 i Samuel Catlin » Brown, born in Erieville, December 3, 1809; died in 1865; married Mary Sophia Curtis, and had a son; settled in the West. 3718 ii John Manning Brown, born August 4, 1812; married and had a son, who lived in Chicago in 1890, as did his father. -F3719 iii Charlotte Brown, born May 8, 1814; married William Richardson. 3720 iv Minerva Brown, born February 17, 1817; married Arnold. 3721 V Levi Brown, Jr., born May 21, 1819. 3722 vi Hannah Brown, born June 23, 1821; died March 30, 1881; married Chauncey Abbott. 3723 vii Zurial Brown, born May 25, 1823. 3724 viii William H. Harrison Brown, born in Erieville, August 2, 1825; married, and had several children; residence, 1890, Liberty- viUe, 111. 3725 ix Ehzabeth Brown, born July 14, 1827; died March 7, 1868; married Tale Anderson. 3726 X Andromache Brown, born September 26, 1829, died in 1833. 3727 xi Ann D. Brown, born May 9, 1832; residence, 1890, Chicago. 1652 William 7 ChafiEe (Joseph,^ Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Adams, Mass., March 10, 1791, and died in Erieville, N. Y., July 28, 1828. He married there in 1812 (1813), Lucy, daughter of Wadleman Dexter, of Nelson, N. Y. She was born in Rhode Island in 1794. ]\Ir. Chaffe had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, ten inches in height, and of a generous and genial disposition. He was a farmer and lived in Erieville as early as 1805. While driving a load of hay, his horses ran away, throwing him off and killing him almost instantly. He was buried in Erieville. Children : + 3728 i Sarahs Chaffe, born February 14, 1814; married Jonathan Welling- ton. 3729 ii Emily Chaffe, born in Nelson, N. Y., May 8, 1816; died there, Novem- ber 3, 1852; married in Nelson, in 1849, Reuben Brown; had two sons, one dead, one married and living in Cortland County, N. Y. 3730 iii Mercy Chaffe, born in Nelson, February 17, 1818; died in George- town, May 9, 1873; married Isaac Fletcher of that place; no children. + 3731 iv Lucy Chaffe, born January 14, 1820; married David Hamilton. + 3732 V Francis N. Chaffe, born February 17, 1822; married Milo Jennie. 3733 vi William Chaffe, Jr., born August 26, 1824; died in Virginia, June 15, 1862; married Jennette Pease and had a son and a daughter, who died in infancy; he was killed in the Battle of Shenandoah, during the Civil War. 342 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3734 vii Stephen J. V. Chaffe, born March 10, 1828; died July 5, 1899; mar- ried, September 6, 1854, Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer N. White of Erieville, where they hved in 1890; no children. 1653 Joseph Manning ^ (" Manning ") Chaphe (Joseph, ^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Adams, Mass., March 24, 1793, and died near Eaton, N. Y., October 29, 1868. He married (1) in Utica, N. Y., September 26, 1821, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Grant of that place. She was born June 3, 1800, and died in Erieville, N. Y., October 13, 1832. Manning Chaphe married there (2), January 20, 1833, Susan, daughter of Wilham and Abigail (Dill) Allen of Cazenovia, N. Y. [See Appendix G.] She was born September 17, 1805, and died November 1, 1844. Mr. Chaphe married (3) in Eaton, January 23, 1845, Carohne Malinda White, born in Salisbury, Conn., July 28, 1802, died in Eaton, April 14, 1884. When Manning Chaphe was three years of age his parents moved from Adams to Warren, N. Y., where he lived for nine years. He used to tell how his grand- father White would take him out hunting, and let him carry the game. In 1805 his parents moved to Nelson, N. Y., and about four years later he accompanied his father on a visit to relatives in Wilbraham, Mass., and Enfield, Conn. He was a bright, good looking boy, and a great favorite with the family. At the age of eighteen when he was working on the turnpike then being built from Cazenovia to Smithfield, N. Y., he was felhng trees and his knee was badly cut by his axe. The wound became dangerously inflamed, through cold, and amputation was necessary. Doctor White of Cherry Valley, a town some sixty miles away, and a surgeon of note in that part of the country, was summoned and performed a skillful operation, the wound healing rapidly. When health and strength returned Manning found employment tending a toll gate on the Skaneateles turnpike, but being ambitious for something better, after two years of toll-keeping he became a tailor. He could not stand the confinement of the bench, and in July, 1814, began work in the machine shop of Amos Rodgers in New Hartford, Oneida County, N. Y. Despite his crippled condition he was determined to succeed. The trade he had chosen was a hard one, necessitating his standing all day long, in great pain. For some time after commencing this work, he would return to his boarding place at night so exhausted that he thought he could never stand another day, but in the morning would awake refreshed and with courage and determina- tion continue his work. To add to his troubles, a fellow boarder passed his even- ings in playing on the violin, adding much to Manning's discomfort and prevent- ing him from getting his rest. He never got over his dislike for violin music and on hearing it seldom failed to remark, "Some fool grinding away on the fiddle." He worked for Mr. Rodgers until November, 1816, when the latter gave him a letter of recommendation to Mr. Northrup, agent of a nailing company in Oris- kany, N. Y., of which a part was as follows : "He is extremely steady at his work and trusty in business, is ingenious at taking new kinds of work. You wall find him useful in your business and may expect him to be at work as many days in a month as any young man, for he is no rambler or idle person and he is of civil habits and good conversation." He worked in Oriskany three years and in Cooperstown, N. Y., for fifteen months. From 1821 to 1826 he worked for the Oneida Manufacturing Society in Whites- town, N. Y., building cotton machinery. On leaving the company's employ he was given the following letter of recommendation : HELIOTVPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON, MASS SEVENTH GENERATION 343 "Whitestown, June 26th, 1827. "The bearer Mr. Joseph M. Chaphe has been employed by the Oneida Manu- facturing Society as a machinist for considerable time. He is a man of good moral character, is an excellent workman and faithful to his employers, he will give good satisfaction to those who may employ him. "The last work he done for this Society (in connection with Mr. A. S. Sweet) was so well executed that the Trustees passed the following preamble and Reso- lution, — 'Whereas in consideration of the faithful performance on the part of Messrs. Sweet and Chaphe in building the twelve carding machines in a superior manner it is the opinion of the Trustees that they should be allowed a compensa- tion over and above the contract price, — therefore, — Resolved, that the Agent be and he is hereby authorized to pay the said Sweet and Chaphe the further sum of Twelve Dollars on each Carding Machine over and above the contract price.' (Signed) "Wm. Walcott, Agt. for the Oneida Mfg. Soc." In 1824, during his residence in Whitestown, he bought land in Oriskany, for which he paid $1,000. In 1827 he went to work for Mr. Sweet in Auburn, N. Y., where he remained for a year; in 1828 and 1829 he was employed in New Hartford; from 1830 to 1832 he lived in Erieville, during part of this time being in the employ of Philo C. Curtis in Utica. In April, 1833, he bought a farm a mile and a half north of Morrisville, Madison County, N. Y. and turned his attention to farming. Here he lived until the autumn of 1854, when he removed to Eaton to remain until March, 1867, at which time he went to live with his daughter, Mrs. Short, in whose home on a farm near Eaton he died in the fall of 1868. During his work as a machinist he helped build the machinery for the New York Mills factory and bought the first bolt of bleached muslin turned out by this company, taking the muslin home for family use. When a young man he changed the spelling of his name from Chafee to Chaphe, at the suggestion of a minister, who said that the name should be spelled as it was pronounced. Many relatives and descendants have followed his example. He considered the most prominent events of his life to be his meeting with the Marquis de Lafayette, with whom he shook hands, on his visit to this country in 1824, his trip with Governor De Witt Clinton on a packet boat through the Erie Canal, on the completion of that waterway in 1825, and his two visits to New York City in 1865 and 1867, the summer of which latter year he spent with his son, Andrew J., in Brooklyn, N. Y. Manning Chaphe had an ardent, sensitive and noble nature. In his work he was systematic and neat. He showed excellent judgment in all matters, was a well informed man and absolutely self-made. He disliked vain show and boast of wealth, and was never known to call people by short or familiar names. Children, by first wife: + 3735 i Thomas Grant* Chaphe, born August 14, 1822; married Cassandria W. Stone. 3736 ii Joseph Lafayette Chaphe, born in Whitestown, September 11, 1824; died there, January 31, 1825. + 3737 iii George Franklin Chaphe, born May 28, 1826; married Flavilla M. Stone. + 3738 iv Joseph Babcock Chaphe, born August 20, 1827; married Caroline M. Childs. 3739 V Sarah Elizabeth Chaphe, born in Erieville, July 15, 1830; died near Morrisville, February 12, 1835. 3740 vi Angeline Chaphe, born in Erieville, October 4, 1832; died there, January 16, 1833. 344 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, by second wife, born near Morrisville : + 3741 vii Andrew Jackson Chaphe, born June 14, 1834; married Mary A. Condon. 3742 viii Susan Chaphe, born' March 21, 1836; died in Eaton, September 22, 1864; received her education in the district school of her native place; removed with her father to Eaton in 1854, living at home, unmarried, until her death from typhoid fever, after fifteen days' illness; she was of a mild, quiet and retiring nature, seldom joining her young friends in their amusements, devoted to home and church work; she was buried in Eaton. + 3743 ix William Henry Chaphe, born January 8, 1838; married Peggy Ben- nett. 3744 X Allen Benton Chaphe, born December 12, 1839; died in Morrisville, August 26, 1841. + 3745 xi Gertrude Lovina Chaphe, born January 7, 1843; married Franklin E. Short. 1654 Mercy ^ ChafEe (Joseph,*^ Isaiah, s Joseph, ^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Adams, Mass., December 16, 1795, and died in Erieville, N. Y., Sep- tember 4, 1848. She married Benjamin Wadsworth, after the death of his first wife, her sister, Hannah. Mercy (Chaffe) Wadsworth had a florid complexion, dark blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. She was a member of the Universalist Church. She had a wonderful memory and could quote passages of scripture with great fluency. She lived, died and was buried in Erieville. Children : 3746 i Jane ^ Wadsworth, died in West Eaton, N. Y. ; married Calvin Welling- ton. 3747 ii Stephen Wadsworth, born in Erieville; died in Morrisville, N. Y., in 1885; married Hill; residence, Morrisville. 3748 iii Andrew Wadsworth, married and had six children, all dead; residence, 1890, Janesville, Wis. 3749 iv Harriet Wadsworth, born in Erieville; lived there in 1890; unmarried. 3750 V Rowina Wadsworth, born in Erieville; died in York, N. Y. (Rochester, N. Y.), in 1886; married in Erieville, George Hubble. 3751 vi John Wadsworth, born in Erieville; married there Alice Hubbard; residence, 1890, Erieville. 3752 vii Alice Wadsworth, died in York; married John Spittle. 1655 Eunice ^ ChafEe (Joseph, « Isaiah, s Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, N. Y., May 24 (25), 1797, and died in Erieville, N. Y., Jan- uary 17, 1875. She married there, February 5, 1814, Jabez Brown of Nelson, N. Y. She had a dark complexion, dark blue eyes, and was five feet, three inches in height. She was a member of the Universalist Church. Children : 3753 i James ^ Brown, born in Nelson, February 2, 1815; residence, 1890, Candor, N. Y. 3754 ii Manning Brown, born in Nelson, January 7, 1817; residence, 1890, Oconomowoc, Wis. 3755 iii Almeron BrowTi, born in Spafford, April 3, 1819; residence, 1890, Syracuse, N. Y. 3756 iv Betsey Brown, born in Nelson, August 28, 1821; married Williamson; residence, 1890, Erieville. 3757 v Mercy Brown, born in Nelson, February 11, 1824; died young. 3758 vi Esther Brown, born in Georgetown, November 10, 1826 ; married Shaw. SEVENTH GENERATION 345 3759 vii Mercy (Mary) Brown, born in Georgetown, July 17, 1829; married Smith. 3760 viii Abigail Brown, born in Nelson, October 17, 1832. 1656 Esther ^ ChafEe (Joseph,^ Isaiah, ^ Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Warren, N. Y., May 24 (25), 1797, and died in Erieville, N. Y., July 30, 1879. She married (1) there, December 26, 1832, Eber Sweet of that place, (2) February 27, 1853, Freeman Matteson, a farmer of Erieville, who died April 10, 1883. She had a sandy complexion, light blue eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. She was a member of the Baptist Church and lived in Erieville, where she was buried. Children : 3761 i Eunice 8 Sweet, born December 12, 1826; died April 20, 1833. 3762 ii Ambrose S. Sweet, born in Erieville, March 26, 1830; died in August, 1850; unmarried; learned the tinner's trade in Morrisville, N. Y. + 3763 iii Mary J. Sweet, born October 9, 1832; married Alva H. Long. 1657 Anna ^ ChafEe (Joseph,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Warren, N. Y., February 5, 1800, and died in Virgil (Harford), N. Y., November 12, 1847. She married in Erieville, N. Y., in 1820, Daniel Holdridge of Nelson, N. Y., born May 20, 1798, died in Virgil, November 12, 1847. In 1830 they moved to Cortland County, N. Y. Anna (Chaffe) Holdridge had a dark complexion, and dark blue eyes. She was a member of the Baptist Church and was a kind, devoted wife and mother. She lived in either Harford or Virgil, where she died and was buried. Children : 3764 i Esthers Holdridge, born July 11, 1822; died in 1822. 3765 ii Thomas J. Holdridge, born September 2, 1823; residence, 1890, Harford. 3766 iii Joseph M. Holdridge, born August 5, 1825. + 3767 iv Enoch J. Holdridge, born April 22, 1827; married Clarissa Turpening. + 3768 V Aurilla Jennette Holdridge, born November 11, 1829; married Eli Sweet. 3769 vi Abigail E. Holdridge, born November 23, 1831; died February 2, 1845. 3770 vii Mercy A. Holdridge, born May 15, 1834; married Hillsingen. 3771 viii Daniel M. Holdridge, born November 9, 1836; died in 1876. 3772 ix Louisa M. Holdridge, born December 15, 1840; married. 1658 Stephen Fisk ^ Chaphe (Joseph,« Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John,* Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Warren, N. Y., January 30, 1802, and died in Cazenovia, N. Y., August 21, 1891. He married (1) in Erieville, N. Y., February 5, 1832, Josephine, daughter of David Armstrong of Bennington, Vt. She died January 25, 1849, and was buried in Cazenovia. She had a fair complexion, dark blue eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. She was a kind and loving mother. Mr. Chaphe married (2) in Lebanon, N. Y., May 8, 1850, Martha, daughter of Jabin Armstrong of New London, Conn. She was a cousin of his first wife, and died March 7, 1877. She had a dark complexion, gray eyes, was five feet, six inches in height and a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaphe had a sandy complexion, light blue eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height. When he was three years old his parents moved to Nelson, N. Y., and later to Erieville. The first school he attended was in his father's barn. At the age of twelve he helped his father upon the farm and at blacksmithing during the 346 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY summer months, attending school in winter. From fifteen to twenty-three years of age he was a brickmaker, and then learned the carpenter's trade. At the age of twenty-seven he learned the millwright's trade, which he followed for many years. After his marriage he lived in Erieville, his parents making their home with him. In 1846 he moved to Eaton, N. Y. Later he bought a farm in Illinois, upon which he intended to settle, but his wife's death changed his plans. In 1850 he purchased an interest in a saw and grist mill in Cazenovia, moving there. He subsequently owned and operated a cheese box factory and dealt in lumber. He was a public- spirited citizen, always interested in whatever would tend to improve the village. He was honorable in every particular, both in public and private life, charitable, benevolent, a great reader and devoted to his friends. He was a Republican in politics. "Mr. Chaphe was a man of gentle, kindly disposition, 'with malice toward none, with charity foi- all,' and his life was an exemplification of unostentatious Christianity. His home life, as husband and father, was an especially happy one; and to the last he was watched over with loving care by his children until he passed peacefully away, to be gathered, like a sheaf of wheat fully ripe, into life everlasting." Children, by first wife, the first five born in Erieville, the last two in Eaton : + 3773 i Albert Henry s Chaphe, born September 20, 1833; married Susan Jillson. + 3774 ii Rebecca Armstrong Chaphe, born September 2, 1835; married Oliver Mabie. 3775 iii Ethan Fisk Chaphe, born November 12, 1837; died July 24, 1838. + 3776 iv Rankin Chaphe, born November 3, 1839; married Emma Ferry. 3777 V Finnette Chaphe, born October 5, 1843; died in Cazenovia, Febru- ary 20, 1898; had a dark complexion, dark blue eyes, was five feet, four inches in height, of a cheerful disposition and de- voted to her friends and the Methodist Church, which she joined at the age of fourteen; she was unmarried and lived with her father in Cazenovia. + 3778 vi Elmer Chaphe, born December 2, 1846; married Sarah G. Hall. + 3779 vii Ellen Chaphe, a twin, born December 2, 1846 ; married Irwin A. Forte. Children, by second wife, born in Cazenovia: + 3780 viii Jabin Joseph Chaphe, born July 7, 1851; married Adeline J. Jillson. 3781 ix Frances Josephine Chaphe, born May 13, 1855; died in Cazenovia, July 23, 1861. 1660 Luther ^ Chaffee (Joel Israel,^ Joshua,^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Sharon, Conn., November 17, 1784, and died in Ellsworth, Conn., March 11, 1863. He married there, April 14, 1811, Polly, daughter of Calvin and Betsey (Parsons) Peck of that place, where she was born about 1786. She died in Ellsworth, April 5, 1866, where both she and her husband are buried. They were members of the Congregational Church. They lived on the old homestead in Ellsworth, where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children, born in Ellsworth: + 3782 i George Whitfield s Chaffee, born July 11, 1812; married Rhoda A. Skiff. 3783 ii Caroline Maria Chaffee, born February 17, 1816; married in Ells- worth, August 21, 1834, Garry Stilson Morey; residence, Ells- worth. + 3784 iii Calvin Peck Chaffee, born February 11, 1820; married (1) Elizabeth Lovell (3792) ; (2) Clarissa G. Lovell. lOliet PRINIINti CO., BOSTON, MASS. SEVENTH GENERATION 347 1661 Rachel ^ Chaffee (Joel Israel, » Joshua, ^ Joel,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Sharon, Conn., April 3, 1786, and died. She married in Lee, Mass., September 2, 1809, Abraham, son of John and Lydia (Hotchkiss) Hall of Guilford, Conn. He was born there, August 29, 1776, and died March 17, 1864. He was a widower with five children. He was a harness maker. Mr. and Mrs. Hall lived in Lee until 1819, in Sullivan, N. Y., until 1825, in Kirkland, N. Y., until 1847, in Oswego County, N. Y., until 1858, when they settled in Munnsville, N. Y. They also lived in Richland, N. Y. Children : 3785 i Lewis P.* Hall, born in 1811; residence, Richland. 3786 ii Rachel Hall, born in 1814; unmarried. 3787 iii Luther Chaffee Hall, born May 11, 1816. 1663 Abigail ^ Chaffee (Joel Israel, « Joshua, & Joel,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Sharon, Conn., July 17, 1790, and died in Ellsworth, Conn., Decem- ber 5, 1845. She married there, June 12, 1815, Augustus, son of Ebe and Mabel (Elmore) Everett of Ellsworth. He was born May 17, 1783 and died in Ellsworth, August 3, 1867, where both are buried. He was a tailor. Children : 3788 i Dolly » Everett. 3789 ii Mabel Everett. 3790 iii Lucy Everett. 3791 iv Samuel E. Everett, residence, 1887, Ellsworth. 1664 Clarissa ^ Chaffee (Joel Israel, « Joshua, ^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., January 12, 1793, and died in Sharon, Conn., Sep- tember 23, 1824. She married, October 6, 1818, John Barlow, son of Joshua and Betsey (Barlow) Lovell. He was a farmer and lived in Sharon. He was born March 18, 1796, and died in Waverley, 111., October 9, 1851. He married as his second wife, Catherine M. Gold, by whom he had nine children, one of whom, Clarissa Gold Lovell, married Calvin Peck Chaffee (3784) as his second wife. Children : 3792 i EUzabeth s Lovell, born October 26, 1820; married Calvin Peck Chaffee. (See 3784.) 3792a ii Charles Thomas Lovell. 3793 iii John Chaffee Lovell, born in Sharon, September 3, 1824, married in Ellsworth, June 13, 1850, his second cousin, Susan Elizabeth, daughter of Gamaliel and Nancy (Woodward) Everett; she was " born in Ellsworth, April 7, 1824, and died in Grass Lake, Mich., September 15, 1850; he married (2), in Sharon, September 3, 1855, Emily Antoinette, daughter of David Smith and Nancy (Howard) Cartwright; she was born in Sharon, July 6, 1833; John C. Lovell went from Sharon to Grass Lake in 1850, his wife dying immedi- ately on their arrival; he lived in Sangamon County, 111., one year, then returned to Sharon in 1858, settling in Cornwall; returned in 1861 to Sharon, where he was living in 1875. 1667 Chauncey Matthew ^ Chaffee (Joel Israel, « Joshua,* Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,' Thomas 1) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., June 21, 1801, and died in Cornwall Bridge, Conn., May 14, 1860. He married in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., December 16, 1826, Mary Ann, daughter of Israel Ketchem of that place. She died November 12, 1846, and was buried in Ellsworth. Chauncey M. Chaffee was by trade a shoe- maker. Later he sold " Yankee notions." 34S THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 3794 i Mary Jane » Chaffee, born September 16, 1828; married, Decem- ber 25, 1848, Samuel Eggleston, a farmer; no children; she be- came a member of the Methodist Church at the age of fifteen. 3795 ii Joel Israel Chaffee, born December 25, 1829; a farmer; residence, 1887, Bradford, Pa. + 3796 iii Lucy Chaffee, born June 19, 1832; married Isaac Kinney. 3797 iv Elizabeth Chaffee, a twin, born June 19, 1832; died October 16, 1833. 3798 V Harriet Ann Chaffee, born June 19, 1835; died March 21, 1837. 3799 vi Josephine Chaffee, born in Ellsworth May 11, 1837; residence, 1887, New Haven, Conn.; unmarried. + 3800 vii Eugene Chaffee, a twin, born May 11, 1837; married Melissa Oakes. 3801 viii William Hyde Chaffee, born April 8, 1841 ; married Martha Wooden, and had three children in 1884; a milk dealer; residence, 1884, Bradford. 3802 ix Susan Elizabeth Chaffee, born March 24, 1844; married, in 1887, Alvin Shadack; residence, 1887, New Haven. 1668 Joel St. John 7 Chaffee (Joel Israel,^ Joshua, ^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., September 12, 1803, and died March 8, 1876. He married, April 20, 1827, Betsey Ann, daughter of James and Clarissa (Johnson) Young of Cornwall, Conn. She was born there, January 20, 1809, and died September 7, 1851. They lived on the old homestead in Ellsworth, in which place both are buried. Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children, born in Ellsworth: 3803 i Clarissa 8 Chaffee, born October 31, 1828; married in Ellsworth, October 22, 1850, her second cousin, Abel Clark, son of Gamahel and Nancy (Woodward) Everett; he was born in Ellsworth, April 29, 1827, and is a farmer and carpenter; residence, Ells- worth and Winstead, Conn. 3804 ii Eleanor Chaffee, born March 4, 1831 ; died in Ellsworth, December 11, 1835 ; buried there. + 3805 iii Joshua Bignall Chaffee, born March 27, 1834; married Betsey A. Whitney. 3806 iv Julia Chaffee, born April 13, 1837; married in Ellsworth, Septem- ber 6, 1858, her second cousin, Charles Burrill, son of Gamaliel and Nancy (Woodward) Everett; he was born in Ellsworth, February 4, 1835; residence, 1876, Ellsworth. 1688 Jerome Seymour 7 Chaffee (Joshua Bignall,^ Joshua,^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas was born in Ellsworth, Conn., December 14, 1814, and married (1) in Kent, Conn., October 24, 1839, Arrita L., daughter of James and Melinda (Berry) Stuart of that place. She was born in Kent, December 15, 1812, and died in Amenia, N. Y., November 26, 1872. He married (2) in Sharon, Conn., June 8, 1876, Adelia Emma, daughter of Cyrus Hackett and Harriet (Skiff) Fuller of Sharon, where she was born March 13, 1841. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height. He united with the Ellsworth Congre- gational Church at the age of twenty. In 1876 he lived in Amenia, where he had been Commissioner of Highways and Assessor, and in 1884 was living in Leeds- ville, N. Y., where he was a farmer and grain dealer. Child, by first wife: + 3807 i James Stuart^ Chaffee, born October 3, 1846; married Lydia Judd. 1690 Eben Whitney ^ Chaffee (Joshua Bignall," Joshua,^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., January 19, 1824, and married in Sharon, SEVENTH GENERATION 349 Conn., December 31, 1844, Amanda, daughter of Cyrus Hackett and Harriet (Skiff) Fuller of that place, and sister of his brother Jerome's wife. She was born in Sharon, August 5, 1825. She has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. He is a member of the Congregational Church and has been Justice of the Peace, and Surveyor of Sharon. He is a farmer and land sur- veyor. In 1876 he organized the Amenia and Sharon Land Company, which ac- quired about thirty-five thousand acres of land near Fargo, Dak. In 1877 he went to Dakota as Treasurer and General Manager of the company, which under his management has become a source of profit to the stockholders. He is a strong Prohibitionist and has taken an active part in temperance matters, being Presi- dent of a Prohibition Alliance. He was a member of the constitutional convention of North Dakota, which convened in Bismarck, July 4, IS — . He has been a very successful business man and is noted for his unswerving integrity and honesty, those with whom he has business relations placing undoubted confidence in him. He lived in Amenia, N. D., and in 1887 in Ellsworth. Children, born in Ellsworth: 3808 i Alice Rebecca^ Chaffee, born November 3, 1843; died in Ellsworth, September 19, 1848; buried there. + 3809 ii Florence Adele Chaffee, born February 4, 1849; married John H. Reed. 3810 iii Herbert Fuller Chaffee, born November 20, 1865. 1699 John 7 Hewlett, Jr. (John e Howlett, Rebecca s Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), died. He married (1) his cousin, Betsey ^ Howlett (1706) (Ebenezer 6 Howlett, Rebecca s Chaffee, Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, ^ Thomas i), born February 22, 1795. She died, and he married Mrs. Melody, a widow. Children, by first wife: + 3811 Caroline^ Howlett, married Charles Bosworth. + 3812 Eliza Howlett, married Lewis Holden. + 3813 Lucia Howlett, married Henry Tucker. 3814 Ira Howlett. + 3815 Rosella Howlett, married Emory Pike. 1700 Charles ^ Howlett (John « Howlett, Rebecca s Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born December 13, 1789, and died. He married Septem- ber 19, 1819, Lucy Parker, born April 1, 1797, died. Children : 3816 i Charles Milton » Howlett, born January 15, 1822. 3817 ii Lucy Annah Elizabeth Howlett, born September 12, 1827. 1701 Nancy 7 Howlett (John e Howlett, Rebecca s Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born July 12, 1790, and died. She married George Thom- son. Children : 3818 i George Nelson ^ Thomson, married Roxalana Brackett. + 3819 ii Ann EUura Thomson, married Hiram . 3820 iii Charles Thomson, married Lucy Walker. 3821 iv William Thomson. 1703 Alice 7 Howlett (John e Howlett, Rebecca s Chaffee, Ebenezer," John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born April 2, 1798, and died. She married Joshua, son of Stephen and Rhoda Healey. He was born November 2, 1785, and died. 350 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 3822 i Henrietta Sumner^ Healey, born February 11, 1826; died September 25, 1826. 3823 ii Emily Barstow Healey, born June 24, 1827; married Rogers. 3824 iii Henrietta Healey, born June 28, 1830; died April 21, 1832. 1724 Elijah ^ Lyon (Rebecca « Hewlett, Rebecca ^ Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John,» Joseph,^ Thomas i) married Laura Kingsbury. Children : 3825 i Charles « Lyon. 3826 ii Elijah Lyon, Jr. 3827 iii Elizabeth P. Lyon. 1733 David ^ Chaffee (Alfred, « Ezra,5 Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Grafton, Vt., September 1, 1805, and died. He married . He united with the Congregational Church in Grafton, January 4, 1835, and in 1838 lived in Albany, N. Y. He went West, and in 1891 lived in Mason City, la. Children : 3828 i Alfred E.^ Chaffee, residence, 1891, Chicago, 111. 3829 ii J. Austin Chaffee, residence, 1891, Monmouth, 111. 3830 iii Mary T. Chaffee, married Schrom; residence, 1891, Lake Linden, Mich. 1736 Chester ^ Chaffee (David, ^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ Johil,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born near Rutland, Vt., October 7, 1791, and died in Arcade, N. Y., Septem- ber 7, 1876. He married (1) in Vermont, in 1814, Abigail , who died July 15, 1827, and was buried in Boston, N. Y. He married (2) Mrs. Lydia Jackson, widow of Nelson Jackson. She died August 13, 1869, and was buried in Arcade. Mr. Chaffee served in the War of 1812. He was a Free Baptist minister and at the time of his death was living in Arcade. Children, by first wife : 3831 i Rhoda « Chaffee, born in June, 1818; died September 23, 1873. + 3832 ii Levi Marvin Chaffee, born October 1, 1819; married Rosina Campbell. 3833 iii Anna Chaffee, born in 1821 ; died in Ohio, about 1823, aged one year and six months. 3834 iv Orphena Chaffee, born in 1823; married Jesse Dennis. 3835 V David W. Chaffee, born in July, 1827; his mother dying at his birth he was adopted by a family named Downing living in Pierpont, O. ; he bears the name of David W. Chaffee Downing. 1739 Alva ^ Chaffee (David,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i, was born in Athens, Vt., August 16, 1796, and died in Belvidere, Vt., October 21) 1837(?). He married (1) there, February 19, 1818, Lydia,8 daughter of Lewis » and Nabby (Richards) Carpenter (Timothy * Carpenter, Experience 3 Chaffe, Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1). She was born June 24, 1794, died September 3, 1853, and was buried in Belvidere. She was a member of the Christian Church, as was Mr. Chaffee, he having been a Deacon for ten years. He married (2), April 10, 1855, Mrs. Mary Stevens of Waterville, Vt. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. During the War of 1812 he served as a Private, was taken prisoner and confined for three months. He held the offices of Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace and State Representative. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and lived in Belvidere, Vt. SEVENTH GENERATION 351 Children, by first wife, born in Belvidere : 3836 i Mary Ann « Chaffee, born in 1818; died April 12, 1859; married Amos Thomas. 3837 ii Erastus Chaffee, born December 14, 1819; died November 16, 1879; married Maria Fairbanks. 3839 iii Caroline H. Chaffee, born September 2, 1821; married Robert D. Whitteman. + 3840 iv Nason L. Chaffee, born November 14, 1823; married Rachel Willey. + 3841 V Arnold Wright Chaffee, born January 2, 1826; married (1) Melissa A. Weston; (2) Mrs. Lydia J. (Larkey) Weston. + 3842 vi David Wright Chaffee, born November 14, 1827; married Susan H, Davis. 3843 vii Alva J. Chaffee, born August 22, 1829; married and has one son; was State Representative in 1864; residence, 1891, Belvidere. 3844 viii Heman Chaffee, born September 11, 1831; died October 1, 1882; married Mary Carpenter. 3845 ix Jerusha Ann Chaffee, born November 8, 1832; married Artemas Fletcher. 3846 X Weltha Ann Chaffee, born August 9, 1835; died August 9, 1835. 1741 Ezra ^ ChafiEee (David, s Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Belvidere, Vt., May 3, 1802, and died in Boston, N. Y., September 7, 1858. He married in Eden, N. Y., September 13, 1835, Hilda Ann, daughter of James Rathbun of that place. In 1883 and 1891 her home was in Hamburg, N. Y. She died June 26, 1891, and was buried in Boston. She and Mr. Chaffee were both members of the Baptist Church, which he joined in about 1850, and in which he held the office of Deacon. He served as a Private in the Border War between Canada and the United States. He was County Superintendent of the Poor and also Town Supervisor. He was a farmer, and lived in Boston from 1835. His will, probated in Buffalo, N. Y., September 21, 1858, made his widow executrix and his son Heber executor. Administration on Mrs. Chaffee's estate was granted in Buffalo, July 20, 1891, to her daughter, Alice (Chaffee) Nott. Children, born in Boston: + 3847 i Heber 8 Chaffee, born April 17, 1836; married Mel ssa M. Chaffee (3887). + 3848 ii George W. Chaffee, born May 9, 1838; married Ellen E. Blakeslee. 3849 iii Franklin Chaffee, born July 25, 1840; died January 23, 1844. 3850 iv James Clark Chaffee, born June 25, 1843; married in Elyria, O., June 7, 1866, Rose Richards, who died December 17, 1868; he is a mechanic; residence, 1883, Boston. + 3851 V Freelon Chaffee, born June 23, 1845; married Louise Lockwood. 3852 vi Francis Chaffee, a twin, born June 23, 1845; married Sarah, daughter of Philip Burrows of Chicago, 111.; she died November 15, 1881; he is an undertaker; residence, 1883, Chicago. + 3853 vii Alice Chaffee, born March 19, 1850; married Edward S. Nott. 1743 Alfred ^ Chaffee (David, e Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Belvidere, Vt., April 11, 1806, and died in Hamburg, N. Y., after 1883. He married in Eden, N. Y., in 1832, Eliza, daughter of James Rathbun of that place. In 1883 they lived in Clarence, N. Y., where Mr. Chaffee was a merchant and farmer. Children : 3854 i Jarvis » Chaffee, born August 7, 1833. + 3855 ii Byron Chaffee, born December 18, 1835; married Harriet D. Choate. 3856 iii Maria Chaffee, born in March, 1837. 352 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3857 iv James Homer Chaffee, born in 1S41. 3859 V Almira Chaffee, died in March, 1852. 1751 Nathan Steadman ^ Chaffee (Charles, » Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Athens, Vt., October 3, 1815, and married (1) in Middle- burgh, N. Y., Betsey, daughter of John Conklin of that place. She died in 1873, and was buried in Preston Hollow, N. Y. He married (2) in October, 1875, Deborah, also daughter of John Conklin. Mr. Chaffee moved from Athens to Middleburgh about the time of his first marriage. There he worked one year on a farm and three years in a tannery. He then moved to Preston Hollow, where he was in the tanning business for forty years, twenty of them as foreman. At the age of twenty- five he united with the Methodist Church. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. March 15, 1883, being then of Rensselaer- ville, N. Y., he bought land in Middleburgh. In 1891 he lived in Hunter's Land, N.Y. Children, by first wife : + 3860 i Charles Homer ^ Chaffee, born July 4, 1837; married Libbie Johnson. + 3861 ii John Addison Chaffee, born May 3, 1844 (1845); married Fannie Roberts. 3862 iii Winfield Scott Chaffee, born in Preston Hollow, February 9, 1855; married in Albany, N. Y., September 26, 1882, Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson of Greenbush, N. Y., who died July 28, 1884, and was buried in Rural cemetery, Albany; Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height; he is a decorator and painter; residence, 1889, Utica, N. Y. 1754 Elisha HJ Chaffee (Rufus,6 Ezra,* Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Athens, Vt., June 6, 1796, and died in Illinois, March 1, 1841. He married in Oswegatchie, N. Y., in 1824, Catharine, daughter of William Russell of that place. She died March 3, 1879, and was buried in Heuvelton, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, and blue eyes. He moved from Vermont to Os- wegatchie in 1822, and soon after his marriage to Morristown, N. Y., where he carried on the shoemaking and tanning business for a number of years. Later he sold this and bought a farm in Black Lake, near Ogdensburg, N. Y., which he occupied until the spring of 1839. This farm he then sold and moved to St. Charles, 111., where he rented a farm for two years. Before this time had expired he sickened and died. His widow sold his property and returned with her children to Os- wegatchie, where she lived until her death. Children, the first three born in Morristown, the next two in Black Lake : 3863 i George H.s Chaffee, born May 2, 1827; died in Morristown, Decem- ber 18, 1889; residence, 1887, Morristown. 3864 ii Washington M. Chaffee, born January 3, 1829; died in Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., June 4, 1887, of a paralytic stroke; residence, 1852 to 1887, Canton, N. Y. 3865 iii Mary E. Chaffee, born in 1831; died in Potsdam, N. Y., Novem- ber 14, 1879; married, in 1853, WiUiam Garlite; lived in Potsdam most of her life. 3866 iv Jane Ann Chaffee, born in 1833; died in Rensselaer Falls, in June, 1881; married there, in December, 1854, Daniel Dickinson. 3867 V William Rufus Chaffee, born in January, 1837; died in Annapolis, Md., in September, 1864; enlisted in August, 1862, in Company A, 142d New York Volunteers; served as Corporal, was wounded and taken prisoner in the repulse at , near Petersburg, SEVENTH GENERATION 353 Va., June 14, 1864, confined for three months in Libby Prison, when he was exchanged and taken to Annapolis, where he died from starvation and his wounds two weeks after his release. + 3868 vi James Eber Chaffee, born March 16, 1839; married Sarah J. Bell. 1756 Eber Kise ^ Chaffee (Rufus,^ Ezra,5 Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Athens, Vt., December 3, 1799, and died in Campton, 111., August 5, 1877. He married in Athens, May 9, 1822, Anna D., daughter of Thomas Davis of that place. She died October 23, 1876, and was buried in Campton. Both were members of the Congregational Church, with which Mr. Chaffee united in Athens, about 1825. They lived there except a few years in Grafton, until 1840, when they moved to Campton, where the rest of their lives were spent. Mr. Chaffee had a sandy complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a farmer, was strictly upright and honest in all his dealings with his fellow men, and so instilled this characteristic in the hearts of his children that it has remained with them through life. Children, the last four born in Campton: 3869 i Sarah Melissa ^ ChafTee, born in Athens, December 9, 1822; married Spencer Johnson; residence, 1893, Garden Grove, Cal. + 3870 ii Sereno Silvanus Chaffee, born January 20, 1826; married Leonora Rice. + 3871 iii Fernando Henry Chaffee, born November 21, 1827; married (1) Marion Woods; (2) Delia Barber. 3872 iv Marcia A. Chaffee, born in Grafton, October 22, 1830; married Sylvester S. Ryder; residence, 1893, Clinton, la.; living in 1906. 3873 V Edmund O. Chaffee, born in Athens, April 4, 1833; died July 5, 1834. 3874 vi Abigail F. Chaffee, born in Athens, August 29, 1835; died August 3, 1845. 3875 vii Edmund O. Chaffee, born in Athens, August 10, 1837; murdered on his way from Texas to California; a school teacher. + 3876 viii Alonzo Duane Chaffee, born August 31, 1839; married Phebe A. Padelford. + 3877 ix Dorr Bradford Chaffee, born October 20, 1841; married (1) Ladona T. Treadwell; (2) Helen B. Willets. 3878 X John D. Chaffee, born November 5, 1843; married, in Elgin, 111., September 29, 1868, Ellen M., daughter of William S. Bradley of Dundee, 111.; has no children; has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight and a half inches in height; united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, at the age of fifteen ; and has held offices of Trustee and Steward ; residence, 1868, Elgin, 1876, Garden Grove, 1906, Long Beach, Cal. + 3879 xi Simon E. Chaffee, born November 21, 1845; married Sarah E. Wood- man. 3880 xii Albert J. Chaffee, born April 27, 1848; married Susan E. Ambrose; residence, 1893, Garden Grove. 1758 Rufus 7 Chaffee, Jr. (Rufus,8 Ezra,5 Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), was born in Athens, Vt., April 21, 1806, and died in Gardner, Mass., December 27, 1875. He married (1) in Athens, September 29, 1829, Susan, daughter of William Russell, and sister of his brother Elisha's wife. She died September 21, 1833, aged twenty-six, and was buried in Athens. He married (2) in Rockingham, Vt., May 1, 1834, Experience, daughter of George Porter of Athens. She was of Richmond, Vt., and died January 26, 1886. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He united with the Methodist Church at y 354 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY the age of forty, and held the office of Steward for several years. He was dur- ing the earlier part of his life a shoemaker and tanner, but for the last twenty- five years was a farmer. He lived in Athens, Lyndon, Vt., Oakland, Cal., and Gardner. Children, by first wife : 3881 i Rial Lake « Chaffee, born March 1, 1831 ; died in Burke, Vt., April 19, 1869; married Dene B. Buell; Mr. Chaffee owned land and lived in Burke; his widow sold the estate May 1, 1869, and returned to her native place, Lyndon. 3882 ii Margaret Susan Chaffee, born July 9, 1833; died September 29, 1833. Children, by second wife: 3883 iii Harriet Porter Chaffee, born March 5, 1835; married (1) Harvey Clark; (2) R. E. Johnson; (3) Burt. 3884 iv Sophia Walker Chaffee, born February 19, 1837; married John A. Dunn. + 3885 V George Reuben Chaffee, born July 14, 1839 ; married Ellen A. Dunn. + 3886 iv Willard Porter Chaffee, born January 11, 1843; married Abi M. Proctor. 1771 Abiel Evans ^ Chaffee (Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Smithfield, N. Y., September 17, 1804, and died in Jamestown, N. Y., January 30, 1870. He married in Merrillsville, N. Y., September 26, 1836, Abigail, daughter of Job Harrington of that place. She was living in 1891. Mr. Chaffee had a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He was an old-time Abolitionist, and was at one time Superintendent of the Poor of his town. In 1836 he lived in Smithfield, and later in Peterboro, Oneida and Jamestown, all in New York. He was a farmer. Child: 3887 i Melissa M.s Chaffee, married Heber Chaffee. (See 3847.) 1772 Jerusha H.^ Chaffee (Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born April 3, 1806, and died in November, 1876. She married Uriah Farmer of Peterboro, N. Y. Children : 3888 i Irving 8 Farmer. 3889 ii Phoebe Farmer. 3890 iii Orlando Farmer. 3891 iv Cordello Farmer, died before 1906; married Henry Butler of Utica, N. Y., who also died before 1906. 3892 V David Farmer. + 3893 vi Charles C. Farmer; married. 1773 Ursula 7 Chaffee (Ezra,^ Ezra,5 Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born February 24, 1808, and died October 2, 1838. She married in Smith- field, N. Y., Asa Howard, born in West Springfield, Mass., October 4, 1808, and died in Buffalo, N. Y., January 4, 1875. He had a fair complexion, and blue eyes. They lived in Peterboro, N. Y. Children : + 3894 i Celia A.s Howard, married Gerrett S. Myers. 3895 ii Emerancy Howard, married D. B. Bills; residence, 1892, Anamosa, la. 1775 Melissa ^ Chaffee (Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas ^) was born January 28, 1814, and died January 8, 1881. She married in Smith- SEVENTH GENERATION 355 field, N. Y., March 8, 1838, Chauneey Myers, a farmer, born in Smithfield, Jan- uary 6, 1814. He has a hght complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. At the age of eighteen he joined the Congregational Church, in which he was for several years a Deacon. Mr. and Mrs. Myers lived in Smithfield, Cone- waugo, N. Y., and Randolph, N. Y. Melissa (Chaffee) Myers was a member of the Baptist Church, and was buried in Randolph, N. Y. Children : 3896 i Vehiett » Myers. 3897 ii Ezra Newell Myers. 3898 iii William Charles Myers, born in Conewaugo, August 2, 1845; married in Randolph, September 20, 1870, Mary E., daughter of L. H. Carter of that place; no children; he has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height; at the age of twenty- eight united with the Congregational Church, of which his wife is also a member, and of which he was for ten years Clerk; in 1891 he was in the furniture and undertaking business in Randolph. 3899 iv Voalitta Myers. 3900 v David Myers. 1776 Newell Moses ^ Chaffee (Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,4John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Smithfield, N. Y., September 25, 1818, and died in Lincoln, Madison County, N. Y., April 14, 1906. He married in Smithfield, March 5, 1851, Catherine, daughter of Colonel Alexj nder McGregor of that place, who enlisted in the War of 1812 before he was twenty years of age, and died in 1876, in his home in Oneida, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He attended and helped to support the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife was a member. He lived on his father's farm in Smithfield until his marriage, when he bought a neighboring farm. He soon sold this and bought one in Lincoln and lived on this place for forty years. He was Superintendent of Poor for Madison County, and Assessor of Lenox, N. Y. He had a refined, quiet and retiring disposition. Both he and his wife were members of the Madison County Historical Society. He died of bronchitis at an advanced age and was buried in Peterboro. Selections from an obituary in a local paper are here given: "Mr. Chaffee . . . was fully informed on all the questions of the day, and retained his faculties in a remarkable degree, his memory and judgment being unusually good for a man of his years. He . . . was one of the oldest and best-known men in the county. He had held various responsible positions of trust, and was at all times deeply interested in every movement that had for its object the up-building of the industrial institutions of the town and county. He had a potent influence in moulding and directing the opinions of men who were leaders in the important political movements of the period of his activity. It could be said of him he was a true patriot. He was a man of pure life, high ideals and possessed those qualities which constitute the true gentleman — envious of none, a large charity for all, and a generous liberality to the poor. He was a worthy citizen, a good neighbor, a devoted husband, and a kind and affectionate father. Those who knew him best loved him most." Children : -1-3901 i Fannie Ella « Chaffee, born May 20, 1853; married John Cowan. 3902 ii Madge Anna Chaffee, born November 17, 1856; residence, 1906, Peterboro; unmarried. + 3903 iii Newell Fred ("Fred") Chaffee, born October 2, 1868; married Nina. E. Hecox. 3904 iv Daniel Chaffee, died before 1906. 3905 V William Chaffee, died before 1906. 356 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1781 Abigail 7 Kent (Abigail ^ Chaffee, Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born June 17, 1813, and married in Newport, R. I., January 21, 1833, WiUiam Tallman, a sea-captain, born in New Bedford, Mass., April 28, 1809, died there, January 28, 1887. At the time of her marriage she lived in Newport. Children : 3906 i Elizabeth Howland » Tallman, born December 17, 1833; died Novem- ber 8, 1835. 3907 ii William Kent Tallman, born January 3, 1836; died December 19, 1884; married Caroline Hathaway. 3908 iii George Frederick Tallman, born February 3, 1838; died March 4, 1840. 3909 iv Myra Jane Tallman, born March 26, 1841 ; died October 26, 1842. 3910 V Edward Green Tallman, born May 2, 1845; married Ella Delano. 3911 vi James Howland Tallman, born January 11, 1847; married Elizabeth Hathaway. 3912 vii Herbert Tallman, born in February, 1849; died in March, 1849. 3913 viii Abbie Gordon Tallman, born February 28, 1854; married William C. Parker; residence, 1891, New Bedford. 3914 ix Sarah Lizzie Tallman, born November 21, 1859. 1782 Abigail ^ Ames (Olive « Chaffee, Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) married Green, and in 1891 was living in Conewango Valley, N. Y. Children : 3915 i Jane » Green. 3916 ii Elizabeth Green. 3917 iii John Green. 3918 iv Augusta Green. 3919 V Eva Green. 1783 Jerusha ^ Ames (Olive ^ Chaffee, Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,^ Joseph,^ Thomas 1) married William Evarts. Child: 3920 i Emma 8 Evarts, married Andrew Chase; residence, 1906, Utica, N. Y. 1786 Mary 7 Cottrell (Prudence e Chaffee, Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born January 20, 1819, and married in Troy, N. Y., January 31, 1843, Nathan Thomas Sherwin, born in Whitingham, Vt., December 18, 1818. He is five feet, eight inches in height, and is a quarryman. In 1891 they lived in Bristol, R. I. Children : 3921 i Nathan Francis s Sherwin, born December 11, 1843 ; died April 25, 1863. 3922 ii Eugene William Sherwin, born August 24, 1845 ; died February 13, 1846. 3923 iii Mary Jane Sherwin, born February 9, 1847; died September 26, 1850. 3924 iv Emma Gertrude Sherwin, born May 11, 1849; died February 1, 1884. 3925 v Mary Ellen Sherwin, born April 6, 1851; married Solomon Huffman. 3926 vi William Eugene Sherwin, born August 14, 1853; died March 23, 1857. 3927 vii Joseph Harvey Sherwin, born January 29, 1856; died January 24, 1886. 1790 Charles Henry 7 Willard (Armilla ^ Chaffee, Ezra,5 Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Athens, Vt., February 15, 1825, and married (1) there, April 20, 1851, Lucretia Mary, daughter of Pardon Dunton of Townshend, Vt. She died January 5, 1853, and was buried there. He married (2), April 17, 1854, Sarah Jane Dunton, who died in October, 1862. He married (3) Abby Lucinda Morse. Mr. Willard is a farmer and a Deacon in the Baptist Church, SEVENTH GENERATION 357 with which he united at the age of thirty-seven. He has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height. He lived at one time in Athens, and in 1S91 in Townshend. Child, by first wife: 3928 i Cora Jane « Willard, born February 17, 1852; died June 23, 1853. Child, by second wife : 3929 ii Frederick Hurlbutt Willard, born March 25, 1858. Children, by third wife : 3930 iii Charles Sherman Willard, born July 27, 1866. 3931 iv Willie Edgar Willard, born December 17, 1867. 3932 V Dorr Henry Willard, born October 7, 1869; died November 17, 1889. 3933 vi Myrtie Abbie Willard, born October 8, 1873; died April 20, 1886. 3934 vii Sarah Armilla May Willard, born January 14, 1876. 1796 Ethan ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Ethan, 8 Ebenezer,5 Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), was born in Canterbury, Conn., May 21, 1821, and died in Danielson- ville. Conn., October 5, 1873. He married in Providence, R. I., May 22, 1851, Mary A., daughter of George Shedd of Boston, ]\Iass. She died October 27, 1880, and was buried in Brooklyn, Conn. They lived in Canterbury and Brooklyn, where Mr. Chaffee was a carpenter. Children, the first three born in Canterbury, the last three in Brooklyn : 3935 i Nellie M.s Chaffee, born March 31, .1853; lived in Brooklyn, and in 1883 in Norwich, Conn.; a dressmaker. 3936 ii George S. Chaffee, born July 5, 1855; residence, 1883, Norwich; a book- keeper. 3937 iii Eliza Ann Chaffee, born June 15, 1857; residence, 1883, Norwich, 1886, Germantown, Pa.; a dressmaker. 3938 iv Frank Ashley Chaffee, born September 4, 1859; residence, 1883, Port Chester, N. Y. ; a printer. 3939 V Gertrude Chaffee, born November 12, 1860; residence, 1883, Willimantic, Conn.; a dressmaker. 3940 vi Lydia Maria Chaffee, born March 21, 1863. 1797 John ^ Chaffee (Ethan,^ Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Canterbury, Conn., July 6, 1823, and died in Canton, 111., April 5, 1903. He married in Stark County, 111., November 4, 1851, Mary A., daughter of David Fast of Taulon, 111. In 1848 and 1849 Mr. Chaffee lived in West Vir- ginia ; he was of a cheerful disposition, and in his later life enjoyed fishing, swimming and playing games with the younger generations. He passed peacefully away while resting in his chair, as did his wife. He was in the grocery and bakery busi- ness, as well as being agent for the Masonic Insurance Company. His funeral was conducted by his Masonic lodge. The following obituary is from the Canton paper : "John Chaffee died, at his home on East Locust street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, after an illness of more than a year. "Mr. Chaffee was born near Brooklyn, Conn., in the old Chaffee homestead built in 1781 by his grandfather, and occupied by successive generations for nearly a hundred years. "In the year 1851 he left Connecticut and went west to Ohio. Here he met and married Miss Mary A. Fast. They came to Canton in 1861. In the year 1890 Mrs. Chaffee died. Seven children were born to them. All. but one, who died in infancy, survive. They are Mrs. S. M. Baker, of Boulder, Colo. ; Mrs. C. M. Snyder, of Galesburg ; Mrs. W. 0. Dean and Mrs. J. I. Leigh of Evanston ; Charles J. Chaffee and Mrs. E. A. Heald, of Canton. 358 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY "Mr. Chaffee was engaged in business for a number of years, carrying on a grocery store and bakery, but retired because of failing health. He was a great sufferer, but rarely spoke of his health and was always inclined to look on the bright side of life. He passed the winters and summers with his daughters in Evanston, but clung to the old home where he had spent so many years, and it was there that he died. " Few people appreciated friends more than he and he always welcomed them to his home with a genuine old-fashioned hospitality. He was a regular attendant at the Methodist Episcopal Church, rarely missing a sermon. He was an honored member of Morning Star lodge, A. F. and A. M., and also of the Eastern Star chapter, and was among the oldest members of these organizations, and faithful in attendance upon the meetings. He will be greatly missed." Children, the first two born in Canterbury: 3941 i Sarah M.s Chaffee, born March 20, 1853; married Lewis (or S. M.) Baker; residence, 1903, Boulder, Colo. 3942 ii Alice E. Chaffee, born January 30, 1855; married (1) William M. Au- gustine; (2) . 3943 iii Emma C. Chaffee, born October 6, 1856; married William 0. Dean; residence, 1903, Evanston. 3944 iv John Charles (Charles John) Chaffee, born January 9, 1859. 3945 V Mary E. Chaffee, born August 15, 1861 ; married. 3946 vi Lorena S. Chaffee, born May 20, 1865; married. 3947 vii A child, died in infancy. 1806 Lucian ^ Sharpe (Sarah Adams ^ Chaffee, Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Providence, R. I., March 20, 1830, and died at sea, October 17, 1899. He married in Smithfield, R. I., June 25, 1857, Louisa, daughter of Lewis and Mary Dexter of that place. She was born May 15, 1831. After Mr. Sharpe 's death, his heirs carried out his intentions with regard to the endowment fund of Brown University, by contributing $10,000 to it. The following obituary is from a Providence paper: " Lucian Sharpe died of Bright 's disease on board the North German Lloyd steamer Saale. Mr. Sharpe was a very sick man when he started to return home, being carried aboard the ship by two attendants in a steamer chair and requiring the services of nurses, some of whom accompanied him on the voyage home. Everything possible was done for his comfort, but without avail. "When he was seven years of age he went to live with his uncle, Pitt Sharpe, on the homestead in Pomfret, Conn. In the spring of 1840 Mr. Sharpe's father purchased a farm in Hartwick, Otsego county. New York, and for two years the family resided there. Afterward the farm was sold, but for two years Mr. Sharpe attended school at Hartwick Seminary. In 1844 he returned to Providence and entered the Elm street grammar school, afterward attending the Providence High School for two years. He inherited the business instincts of his father and also his strong physical and mental endowments. To these he added a talent for business and the power to execute its requirements. In his early manhood he evinced an appreciation of all improvement in mechanical devices, a faculty which later proved useful to him. He served a five years' apprenticeship with Joseph R. Brown, and in 1853 a partnership was formed under the name of J. R. Browne & Sharpe. At that time about 14 men were employed. The business steadily in- creased, and in 1858 a contract was made with the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company to manufacture all their machines. In 1866 the fine scale and measure- ment business of J. R. Brown & Sharpe was united with that conducted by Samuel Darling of Bangor, Me., under the corporate name of Darling, Brown & Sharpe. The Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co. and Darling, Brown & Sharpe ran along separately, yet under the same roof, till Mr. Darling's death, Jan. 1, 1897, when the latter firm was absorbed. Mr. Sharpe filled a number of important positions other than those in the business with which he was connected. He was a director SEVENTH GENERATION 359 in the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company of New York; trustee of the Providence Institution for Savings, and at the time of his death its Vice President; from 1879 to 1891 he was a director in the National Bank of North America, and had served in a similar capacity since 1897 in the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company. For some years he was Vice President of the Union Railroad Com- pany; in 1883 he was made director in the Providence Gas Company, and had been President of the Providence Journal Company since 1886. "Of strict business integrity and a careful worker himself, he endeavored in every possible way to aid those in his employ to better themselves and to add to their efficiency as workmen. He established a shop library containing about 2000 volumes and inaugurated a movement whereby the apprentices might have an association, with meetings in working hours, in which lectures could be held and the benefit of mutual improvement enjoyed. "He possessed habits of unusually close observation, in consequence of which he was full of wise suggestions in regard to improvements in tools and their manu- facture. During the 50 years of his connection with the company the workshops increased in area from 1800 square feet to 283,000 square feet and the number of employes from 14 men to a working force of 1500. "Mr. Sharpe made frequent trips to Europe and was well known in London and Paris. The machinery of his firm has a world-wide reputation. Children : 3948 i Mary Dexter » Sharpe, born January 2, 1860; married Zechariah Chafee, Jr. (See 2333.) 3949 ii Ellen Sharpe, born July 9, 1861. 3950 iii Amey Sharpe, born July 4, 1864. 3951 iv Louisa Sharpe, born August 4, 1866. 3952 V Lucian Sharpe, Jr., born July 16, 1871. 3953 vi Henry Dexter Sharpe, born December 12, 1872. 1807 Nancy ^ Deans (Lucy ^ Chaffee, Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., October 7, 1803, and died. She married. November 1, 1834, Reuben Wells. Children : 3954 Albert » Wells. 3955 Edward Wells. 3956 Pitt Wells. 1808 Abiel ^ Deans (Lucy « Chaffee, Samuel,^ Ebenezer,'* John,s Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., October 16, 1805, and died. He married in April, 1826, Amanda Lillibridge. Children : 3957 i Francis » Deans. 3958 ii Joseph Deans. 3959 iii Jane Deans. 3960 iv Mary Deans. 1809 Julia Ann ^ Deans (Lucy « Chaffee, Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., May 3, 1808, and married March 19, 1838, Pitt, son of Alice and Caleb Sharpe. Children : 3961 i William Pitts Sharpe, born July 14, 1840; died February 13, 1841. 3962 ii Alice Sharpe, born September 1, 1843. 3963 iii Edwin Sharpe, a twin, born September 1, 1843. 3964 iv Herbert Sharpe, born December 14, 1845. 1810 Eliza 7 Deans (Lucy ^ Chaffee, Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 360 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 11, 1811, and married, No- vember 1, 1835, Francis Fitts. Children : 3965 i Edward » Fitts, died young. 3966 ii Ellen Fitts. 3967 iii Mary Fitts. 3968 iv Lucy Fitts, died young. 3969 V Eliza Fitts. 1811 Catherine ^ Deans (Lucy ^ Chaffee, Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., April 20, 1819, and married, June 26, 1843, Holmes Slade, born July 4, 1819. Child: 3970 i EHza s Slade, born May 12, 1844. 1814 Albert ^ Chaffee (Luther,^ Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Connecticut, September 3, 1810, and died in Madison, O., April 2, 1880. He married in Brokenstraw, Warren County, Pa., December 8, 1833, Anna, daughter of John Mead of that place, after whose family Meadville, Pa., was named. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee had a dark complexion, black hair and eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He moved to western Pennsylvania in 1830, and at the time of his marriage was living in Youngsville, Warren County. He settled with his bride on a farm of one hundred acres left them by her father. He was a cabinet maker, making a specialty of clock cases. In winter he worked at this trade, and in summer farmed his land. He was very industrious and never ran into debt. In 1866 the homestead was sold to an oil company, and he moved to Madison, where he bought a farm and lived until his death. Children : 3971 i Willie » Chaffee, born February 20, 1835; died in February, 1835. + 3972 ii Elliott F. Chaffee, born November 19, 1837; married Edith Brown. 3973 iii Helen Chaffee, born November 28, 1840; died in January, 1841. 3974 iv Andrew Chaffee, born February 28, 1843; married Nancy York; residence, 1892, Madison. 3975 V Eugene Chaffee, born August 28, 1846; died October 3, 1863. 3976 vi Dwight Chaffee, born April 6, 1851; died August 25, 1871. 3977 vii Carroll H. Chaffee, born April 5, 1854; died September 11, 1858. 1815 Samuel ^ Chaffee (Luther,6 Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Le Raysville, Pa., April 20, 1812, and died in Lanark, 111., October 6, 1873. He married (1) in Milledgeville, 111., Lavinia (or Lovina) Goodell, born August 14, 1814, died in Illinois. He married (2), June 9, 1854, Ami M. Pulver. He had a light complexion, brown eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. In early life he lived in Easton, Pa., and later went to Illinois, where he lived in Milledgeville, Savanna and Lanark. He was a member of the United Brethren Church, and was by trade a carpenter. Children, by first wife: 3978 i Ellen « Chaffee. 3979 ii Franklin Chaffee. 3980 iii Emma Chaffee. 3981 iv Evelyn Chaffee. 3982 V Ethleen Chaffee. 3983 vi Eliza Chaffee. SEVENTH GENERATION 361 Child, by second wife: + 3984 vii Volney G. Chaffee, bom May 11, 1855; married Delia J. Overholser. 1817 Lois 7 Chaffee (Luther,^ Samuel,^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born about 1817, and died in May, 1881. She married Nelson Vaness, and lived in Standing Stone, Pa. Children : 3985 i A daughter,^ married Lundy of Standing Stone. Other children, names unknown. 1818 Daniel Dwight ^ Chaffee (Luther, « Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Orwell, Pa., October 21, 1819, and died in Camptown, Pa., January 3, 1889. He married, October 22, 1845, Eliza D., daughter of William Camp of Camptown, who survived him. He was a great lover of children, with whom he easily made friends. He was buried in Camptown. The following obituary is from a local paper : "Early in life Mr. Chaffee learned the carpenter's trade, and for some time before reaching his majority he worked in Towanda in Mackinson's turning shop. In 1842 he worked at his trade in Herrick. While there he formed the acquaint- ance of Miss Eliza D. Camp of Camptown, to whom he was married in 1845. The union was a happy one, and she who is now left to mourn speaks of her departed companion as a kind and considerate husband. Five children were born to them, — three daughters and two sons, all of whom are living. One daughter, Mrs. G. R. Stone, resides in California; another, Mrs. C. L. Avery, lives in Penfield in this State; while the third daughter. Miss Leora, the youngest child of the family, lives with her mother. Both sons, Clarence and William L., reside in Camptown. About a year after marriage Mr. Chaffee settled in Camptown, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was for years an undertaker and furniture dealer, which gave him a wide acquaintance. In his more than forty years of business life in this vicinity he established for himself a reputation for promptness and integrity which is of itself a worthy monument to his memory. As a funeral director he had no superior. Upon occasions requiring kindness and patience he showed himself possessed of these qualities, and every act was in perfect harmony with the order and solemnity of the service. As a citizen he was public spirited and charitable. He was ready for any public enterprise, and would put his hand to any needed improvement. In his home, in business, on the street, wherever met he was cheerful and obliging. He greatly loved his home, was proud of his chil- dren, and aimed to do for them the very best he possibly could. He loved good books, and was a great lover of nature. Trees and flowers, hills and streams, in fact everything beautiful or sublime attracted his attention, and drew from him expressions of admiration. He was not a member of any church but believed in God, and did not leave his friends to mourn without hope, but assured them that he believed God would not forsake him. Possessed of a faculty for ready dis- crimination he knew the genuine, and distinguished it from sham in men and things. Deceit he despised, and with like readiness he recognized and commended the true. So his views of religion carried him beyond words and mere professions, to deeds and practical fruits. He was a valuable man to his home and to the com- munity, and will be greatly missed in the larger, as well as in the smaller circle." Children : 3986 i Clarence Scott « Chaffee, born October 9, 1846; residence, 1889, Camp- town. 3987 ii Ida Josephine Chaffee, born February 2, 1849; married. 3988 iii Fannie Amy Chaffee, born February 29, 1852; married. 3989 iv William Luther Chaffee, born September 30, 1855; residence, 1890, Camptown; an undertaker and furniture dealer. 3990 v Leora Gertrude Chaffee, born October 7, 1863; in 1890, a teacher in Camptown, where she lived with her mother, unmarried. 362 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 1821 Ezra ^ Chaffee (Luther, ^ Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Orwell, Fa., January 27, 1827, and married (1) in Pittsfield, Pa. April 17, 1851, Mary Ann, daughter of Benjamin Smith of that place. She was a member of the Methodist Church, in which her father was a minister. She died August 14, 1872, and was buried in Pittsfield. Mr. Chaffee married (2), April 5, 1875, Susan A. Whitney. He has a fair complexion, brown hair, and is five feet ten inches in height. In religion he is a liberalist. He is a farmer, in 1851 lived in Pittsfield, and in 1890 in Madison, 0. Children, by first wife : + 3991 i Clarence Llewellyn* Chaffee, born January 7, 1852; married Mary E. Watson. 3992 ii C. Nell Chaffee, born February 11, 1861; married William H. Duke 3993 iii Anna May Chaffee, born November 18, 1863; married Elmer Bowen. 1822 Henry L.^ Chaffee (Luther,^ Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born about 1829, and died in Camptown, Pa., October 30, 1889. He married and lived in Camptown. Children : 3994 i Carrie* Chaffee, born about 1873; residence, 1890, Herrickville, Pa. Three other children, names unknown. 1824 Leander Alma ^ Chaffee (Luther,^ Samuel, s Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Orwell, Pa., January 23, 1833, and married in Youngsville, Pa., June 29, 1855, Rachel A., daughter of Alexander Siggins of that place. In 1892 Mr. Chaffee was a carriage manufacturer in Lanark, 111. Children : 3995 i Amy Irene » Chaffee, born August 12, 1858. 3996 ii Alice Bell Chaffee, born August 10, 1861 ; residence, 1889, Lanark. 3997 iii Harry George Chaffee, born August 7, 1864. 3998 iv Mary D. Chaffee, born October 18, 1866; died August 7, 1867. 3999 V Clara M. Chaffee, born March 1 1 , 1869. 4000 vi Fanny Chaffee, born October 20, 1872; died November 30, 1872. 1826 Alice Emily 7 Chaffee (Luther,^ Samuel,^ Ebenezer,4 John,^ Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born July 2, 1839, and married in Orwell, Pa., December 31, 1861, George N. Johnson, an undertaker and furniture manufacturer, born there, Sep- tember 14, 1838. He has a dark complexion and eyes, and is five feet, seven and one-half inches in height. He enlisted as a Private in Company D, 141st Penn- sylvania Volunteers in 1862, and was discharged from the Philadelphia Hospital in February, 1863. He was for fifteen years a member of the Town Council. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are Spiritualists, and in 1891 lived in Le Raysville, Pa. Children : 4001 i Scott Walter* Johnson, born November 15, 1862; married Sadie Averill Corbin. 4002 ii Annie Emily Johnson, born December 16, 1864; married John Vaughn Keeler. 4003 iii Cora Bertha Johnson, born September 7, 1866; married Fay H. Pierce. 4004 iv Wilhe Johnson, born October 22, 1868; died November 21, 1868. 4005 V Nellie Alice Johnson, born July 18, 1872. 4006 vi Julia Chaffee Johnson, born June 24, 1875. 4007 vii Arthur Francis Johnson, born July 11, 1878. 4008 viii Matie Beatrice Johnson, born May 15, 1880. 1827 Isabelle Lucy 7 Chaffee (Luther,^ Sarauel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 SEVENTH GENERATION 363 Thomas i) was born January 17, 1842, and married in Le Raysville, Pa., August 28, 1876, Edwin Henry Johnson a cabinet maker, born in Ilhnois, January 17, 1853. He has a light complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. In 1890 they lived in Say re, Pa. Child: 4009 i Mabel » Johnson, born February 26, 1879. 1839 Edgar Oscar ^ Wells (Maranda « Chaffee, Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Orwell, Pa., September 4, 1833, and married (1) in East Waterloo, la., April 5, 1865, Mercia A., daughter of Richard Dunkerton of North Bloomfield, O. She died May 1, 1877, and was buried in Waterloo, la. She was a member of the Methodist Church. He married (2), August 3, 1887, Mrs. Alice A. Lane. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. He united with the Methodist Church at the age of thirty-three, and has been Class Leader and Steward for about twenty years. He is a carpenter and joiner, and in 1890 Hved in Ward, Pa. Children, by first wife: 4010 i Charhe E.» Wells, born May 1, 1867. 4011 ii Sanford A. Wells, born March 13, 1870. 4012 iii Clarence O. Wells, born March 22, 1872. 1840 Danford 7 Chaffee (Danforth,^ Samuel, 5 Ebenezer,^ John,^ Joseph, Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., October 24, 1816, and died in Rome, Pa., November 6, 1884. He married there, March 24, 1839, Deborah, daughter of Simeon Rockwell of that place. She was living in Rome in 1891. He had a fair complexion, black eyes and hair, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. He and his wife were both members of the Methodist Church. He was a carriage maker and lived in Rome, which was his home at the time of his marriage. Ad- ministration was granted on his estate to his son, Edgar L. Chaffee. Children : 4013 i Celestia Vistoreen^ Chaffee, born October 1, 1840; died June 28, 1842. 4014 ii Sophia Catharine Chaffee, born October 17, 1842; married Byron Brant Wilmot. 4015 iii Mary Arlett Chaffee, born January 7, 1845; died May 7, 1887; married James F. Flees. 4016 iv George Washington Chaffee, born January 31, 1847; died March 9, 1848. 4017 V Miles Danford Chaffee, born in Rome, June 18, 1849; has served three enlistments in the regular arm}^, being discharged as Sergeant; a cattle raiser; unmarried; residence, 1906, Council, la. 4018 vi Melissa Deborah Chaffee, a twin, born in Rome, June 18, 1849; married Chester J. Coolbaugh. 4019 vii Edgar Loren Chaffee, born September 26, 1851; married Mary Mor- nilva" Chaffee (5461), (Jarvis Sexton,^ Comfort Bliss,'' Nathaniel Bliss,** Comfort,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,^ Thomas^ ) born March 4, 1852; in 1906 they had two married sons; residence, 1893 and 1906, Tunkhannock, Pa.; he is an undertaker. 4020 viii Stella Adel Chaffee, born August 17, 1859; died April 21, 1872. 1841 Hiland Danforth 7 ChafEee (Danforth,^ Samuel, s Ebenezer,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Bainbridge, N. Y., July 23, 1819, and died in She- shequin, Pa., June 30, 1867. He married in Le Raysville, Pa., July 6, 1842, Eliza Esther, daughter of Dudley Case Humphrey of Pike, Pa. After Mr. Chaffee's 364 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY death she married (2) Page, and in 1891 was again a widow, and living in Rome, Pa. Mr. Chaffee had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. At the age of twenty-eight he united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife was also a member. He was a farmer and blacksmith, at the time of his marriage living in Rome. He also lived in Le Rays- ville, Sheshequin and Wyalusing, Pa. Children : 4021 i Celestia E.® Chaffee, born August 31, 1843; married Morris Vought. 4022 ii Ermina Priscilla Chaffee, born January 13, 1846; died November 8, 1860. 4023 iii Annette Lois Chaffee, born April 23, 1849; married Wilfred Easta- brook. 4024 iv Martin Luther Chaffee, born May 15, 1852; died April 3, 1853 4025 V Mary Melissa Chaffee, born March 16, 1854; died April 8, 1856. + 4026 vi James Dudley Chaffee, born September 26, 1856; married Sarah Jane Chaffee (5465). 4027 vii Fred Fay Chaffee, born September 27, 1861; died July 25, 1879. 1842 Chester Gridley ^ Chaffee (Jason, « Samuel,5 Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Orwell, Pa., October 26, 1822, and married in Deposit, Pa., June 11, 1865, Frances V., daughter of John Rose of Susquehanna, Pa. She is a member of the Methodist Church, Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. In 1865 he lived in Orwell, and at one time in Rome, Pa., where he served as Constable. In 1891 he lived in Great Bend, Pa., where he kept a hotel. Child: 4028 i Myrtie Fannie ^ Chaffee, born November 27, 1866; married Stiles. 1857 John Dwight ^ Chaffee (Ebenezer,^ Samuel,5 Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Adams, Mass., February 16, 1828 (February 18, 1827), and died early in April, 1884. He married in Milford, N. Y., January 14, 1849, Maria L., daughter of William Wilcox of that place. She was a cousin of J. Feni- more Cooper, the novelist, her grandmother being a sister of Judge Cooper, the founder of Cooperstown, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee was a farmer and tanner. In 1851 he lived in Hartwick, N. Y., and in 1883 in Gilbertsville, N. Y. He died suddenly from the bursting of a blood-vessel at the base of the brain, and was buried in Af- ton, N. Y. Children : 4029 i Henry T.« Chaffee, born July 6, 1851. 4030 ii Sarah C. Chaffee, born March 17, 1853. 4031 iii Alice C. Chaffee, born February 2, 1861. 4032 iv Winnie J. Chaffee, born December 2, 1862. 1866 Joseph Bennett ^ Chaffee (Ezra," Samuel,^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Cheshire, Mass., June 4, 1830, and died in Binghamton, N. Y. December 29, 1882. He married in Deposit, N. Y., July 11, 1853, Sarah E., daughter of Thomas S. Rogers of that place. They lived in Binghamton, where Mr. Chaffee was general agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. He was a prominent Mason and held some of the highest Masonic offices in the state. Children : -1-4033 i Fannie Rogers^ Chaffee, born October 26, 1855; married Henry Bayer, Jr. SEVENTH GENERATION 365 4034 ii Mary Jackson Chaffee, bom January 4, 1858; residence, 1884, Bing- hamton. + 4035 iii Margarette Sylvia Chaffee, born August 15, 1859; married Fred- erick H. Westcott. 4036 iv Charles Bennett Chaffee, born June 29, 1861. 1876 Abigail Sherwood ^ Chaffee (Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born April 24, 1787, and died November 5, 1867. She married, March 7, 1805, Colonel James Loomis of Windsor, Conn., born October 24, 1779, died May 11, 1862. They lived in Windsor. Children : + 4037 i James Chaffee ^ Loomis, born April 19, 1807; married (1) Eliza C. Mitchell; (2) Mary B. Sherman. 4038 ii A daughter, married H. Sidney Hayden; residence, 1887, Windsor. 4039 iii Samuel Odiah Loomis, married, June 2, 1847, Charlotte Bliss, born September 20, 1820. 1878 Samuel Griswold ^ Chaffee (Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,'* John,* Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Windsor, Conn., May 15, 1791, and died in Hartford, Conn., July 18, 1864. He married (1) in Bloomfield, Conn., Rebecca, daughter of Nathan Phelps of that place. She died November 18, 1818. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, as was Mr. Chaffee. He married (2) in Hartford, October 20, 1824, Julia, daughter of Daniel Lombard of Springfield, Mass. She died December 20, 1863, aged seventy. Mr. Chaffee was graduated from Yale College in 1810 and commenced the study of medicine with his father, but ill health prevented close application, and he turned his attention to mercantile pursuits. For many years he was in business with his brother, Hezekiah B. Chaffee, in Hartford, where he lived for many years. He had dark hair, and gray eyes. Children, by first wife: 4040 i Samuel Goodwin » Chaffee, born March 13, 1816; sailed for California, April 11, 1849, in the bark Selma and engaged in mining pursuits; has not been heard from since 1863. 4041 ii Charlotte Rebecca Chaffee, born February 28, 1818; married Myron C. Merriman of Syracuse, N. Y. Children, by second wife: 4042 iii Julia Chaffee, born June 1, 1825; died August 14, 1826. 4043 iv Delia Chaffee, a twin, born June 1, 1825; died March 13, 1829. 4044 V Julia Lombard Chaffee, born November 7, 1827; residence, 1891, Mil- waukee, Wis. ; unmarried. 4045 vi Hezekiah Chaffee, born October 24, 1829; sailed with his brother for California, April 11, 1849, in the bark Selma and engaged in mining pursuits; has not been heard from since 1863. 4046 vii Marie Louise Chaffee, born February 15, 1834; residence, 1891, Syra- cuse ; unmarried. 1883 Edward Willard ^ Chaffee (Willard,^ Simeon,^ John,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., December 5, 1804, and died there, January 27, 1860. He married in Stafford, Conn., November 10, 1828, Eliza, daughter of Cornelius and Zilpha Davis of that place. She was born July 20, 1806, and died January 24, 1876. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee were buried in South Wilbraham. He was a farmer and lived there on his father's old farm. 366 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, born in South Wilbraham : + 4047 i George Wilbur^ Chaffee, born December 7, 1829; married Frances M. Pease. 4048 ii Jane EUza Chaffee, born July 12, 1831 ; died October 28, 1904; married in South Wilbraham, June 9, 1852, Warren Spaulding, an engi- neer of Monson, Mass., born there, February 3, 1832; residence, 1884, Springfield, Mass.; no children. 4049 iii Amelia Elvira Chaffee, born March 24, 1838; died January 16, 1839; buried in South Wilbraham. + 4050 iv Marcius Henry Chaffee, born October 19, 1842; married Harriet A. Farrington. + 4051 V Emma Elvira Chaffee, born July 24, 1844; married Calvin M. Havens. 1885 Eliza ^ Chaffee (Willard,^ Siraeon,^ John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., January 20, 1807, and died in Springfield, Mass., April 3, 1879. She married in South Wilbraham, May 22, 1828, Titus Amidon of Springfield, their intention of marriage being entered in South Wilbra- ham, April 26, 1828. They lived in West Springfield, Mass. Children : 4052 i Edwin B.^ Amidon, born March 1, 1829; died June 5, 1858. 4053 ii Frances E. Amidon, born May 26, 1831. 4054 iii William W. Amidon, born in Springfield, November 24, 1835; married, and has one daughter. 1889 Reuben Hewlett 7 Chaffee (Simeon, e Simeon,5 John,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 22, 1809, and died in Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wilbraham), August 24, 1882. He married (1) in South Wilbraham, February 12, 1840, Esther A. Truden of that place, their intention of marriage being entered in South Wilbraham, January 9, 1840. She was born October 20, 1821, and died September 23, 1848. She and her husband were both buried in South Wilbraham. He married (2) Caroline . July 5, 1838, he bought for $120, twelve acres of land in Wilbraham, where he was then living. Children, by first wife : 4055 i A son,^ born in South Wilbraham, November 24, 1840; died there, November 24, 1840. 4056 ii Wilson Simeon Chaffee, born May 5, 1843; died June 18, 1869; buried in South Wilbraham; fought in the Civil War in the 5th New York Volunteers. 4057 iii Oscar W. Chaffee, born in 1845; died August 30, 1848; buried in South Wilbraham. 4058 iv Willard Reuben Chaffee, born in 1846; died August 23, 1848; buried in South Wilbraham. 4059 V A daughter, died June 2, 1848, in infancy ; buried in South Wilbraham. Children, by second wife: + 4060 vi Caroline Amelia Chaffee, born November 5, 1850; married Wil- liam Hitchcock. + 4061 vii Mary EUza Chaffee, born May 30, 1852; married John E. Rindge. 4062 viii Reuben Elam Chaffee, born June 9, 1854. 1892 Thirza 7 Chaffee (Simeon, « Simeon,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., October 31, 1813, and died in Greenwich, Conn., January 17, 1889. She married, September 7, 1840, Daniel S. Collins of Hardwick, Mass. At that time she was living in Palmer, Mass. Mr. Collins died in Greenwich, September 23, 1889. SEVENTH GENERATION 367 Children : 4061a i Thirza Marion « Collins, born April 6, 1843; died April 2, 1860. + 4062b ii Fanny Maria Collins, born April 9, 1845; married Oscar S. South- worth. + 4063 iii Daniel Chaffee Collins, born April 6, 1847; married Julia E. Knight. 4064 iv Charles Francis Collins, born October 21, 1849; died November 15, 1873. 1894 Elam Newbury ^ Chaffee (Simeon, 8 Simeon,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 1, 1818, and died Septem- ber 8, 1854. He married Sarah Holt of Townsend, Mass. He lived in Palmer, Mass., at the time of his marriage. He was killed in a machine shop by being drawn up over the shafting by a belt, and was buried in South Wilbraham. Children : + 4065 i Fanny S.^ Chaffee, born March 4, 1843; married (1) George Brooks; (2) William Morand. + 4066 ii Louise E. Chaffee, born January 17, 1847; married Hardin Chamberlin. 1895 Caroline ^ Chaffee (Noah,6 Simeon,* John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) married Alonzo Rice. Child: 4067 i Dan ^ Rice, died; said to have been the famous clown. 1896 HoUis Worthington 7 Chaffee (Noah,^ Simeon,^ John,* John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., January 4, 1812, and died in Great Bend, Kan., April 17, 1879. He married in Albion, N. Y., October 11, 1832, Susan, daughter of Asa Thomas of Carlton, N. Y. She survived her husband, and lived for some years after his death with her daughter, Caroline (Chaffee) Johnson, in Alden, N. Y. She died in Kansas. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. Frederick Holsenburgh was appointd guardian to Hollis W. Chaffee and was discharged by the court in 1831. Hollis W. Chaffee of Orleans County, N. Y., bought of the Holland Land Company, part of lot number sixteen for $550. This land company owned a tract of land in Genessee, Orleans and Wyoming Counties, N. Y. December 27, 1830, Hollis W. Chaffee bought another tract from that same company for $524. [Genessee County Records.] During the Civil War he served as a Private in the 27th New York Battery. In 1832 he Uved in Carlton, in 1850 in Barry, N. Y., in 1854 in Alden, and in 1873 in Great Bend, of which he was one of the pioneers, and with whose development he had much to do. He was a farmer, strictly upright and respected by all. He was a cousin of Judge Noah Davis of New York City. Children : 4068 i Margaret Maria « Chaffee, born October 6, 1833 ; died May 15, 1834. 4069 ii Caroline Ursula Chaffee, born October 23, 1835 ; married in Alden, N. Y., September 18, 1855, Josiah M. Johnson, a builder, born in Og- den, N. Y., October 27, 1834; he has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height; he was for five years Trustee and Sexton of a church; residence, 1892, Alden. + 4070 iii Emery Worthington Chaffee, born April 16, 1837; married Mary J. Mercer. 1897 Zelotes Emery ^ Chaffee (Emery,^ Simeon, s John,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 17, 1815, and died 368 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in Moodus, Conn., June 10, 1877. He married in Willimantic, Conn., March 4, 1841, Hannah Sophronia » Snell (3131) (Hannah 7 Chaffee, Abner,^ David,5 David,< David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), born April 19, 1819, died April 19, 1904. She was a member of the Congregational Church and lived in Union, Conn., at the time of her marriage. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the Congregational Church in South Wilbraham, September 19, 1824. At the age of forty-one he united with the Methodist Church, in which he was for many years Trustee and Steward. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. In 1841 he lived in Williman- tic, and from 1849 until his death in Moodus. He was a manufacturer of machinery and cotton goods. Children : + 4071 i Eugene Winslow * Chaffee, born April 20, 1842; married Catharine M. Day. + 4072 ii Herbert Winthrop Chaffee, born August 11, 1844; married Jerusha A. Smith. + 4073 iii Lois Clarinda Chaffee, born July 27, 1853; married Charles W. Kim- ball. 4074 iv Arthur Willard Cliaffee, born May 14, 1855; married, June 7, 1888, Emma C, daughter of Andrew J. Hurd, of Clinton, Conn. 4075 V Nellie Eugenia Chaffee, born September 30, 1863. 4076 vi Hannah Chaffee. 1899 Franklin Dexter ^ Chaffee (Emery, ^ Simeon, ^ John,* John, 3 Joseph,* Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 16, 1824, and married (1) in Somers, Conn., May 1, 1848, Emeline Cady, daughter of Job Hurlbert of that place, their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, April 15, 1848. She died September 9, 1871, and was buried in Springfield, Mass. Mr Chaffee married (2) in Chicopee, Mass., September 15, 1878, Mrs. Elizabeth Pease. He was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, September 19, 1824. He had a dark complexion, and blue eyes. He lived for some years in Spring- field, where he was a carpenter and joiner, and in 1890 in Albany, N. Y. Child, by first wife: + 4077 i Frank Winslow^ Chaffee, born December 17, 1849; married Lizzie A. James. 1900 Edwin Stearns ^ Chaffee (Emery,^ Simeon, s Jolm,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 13, 1828, and died in West Stafford, Conn., October 21, 1873. He married in Stafford, Conn., May 26, 1852, Hannah Augusta, daughter of Absalom Cady of that place. She was born May 22, 1828, and died April 6, 1905. In 1873 they lived in West Stafford. Children : + 4078 i Mahlon Edwin ^ Chaffee, born September 22, 1853; married Idella Miner. 4079 ii Charles Elhot Chaffee, born October 6, 1857; died April 21, 1860. 4080 iii Carlos Elbert Chaffee, born August 30, 1861 ; married, November 26, 1889, Jane L., daughter of Benjamin Miller; lived in Moodus, Conn., and East Haddam, Conn. 4081 iv Abner Cady Chaffee, born October 6, 1865; married, August 8, 1895, Laura E. Brown; residence, 1890, West Stafford. 4082 V George Emery Chaffee, born February 19, 1868; married, Novem- ber 24, 1890, Mary Jane Wood of Albany, N. Y., who died in March, 1903; residence, 1890, Albany. 4083 vi Cora Belle Chaffee, born October 24, 1870. SEVENTH GENERATION 369 1904 Orrin ^ ChafiEee (Amos,6 Amos,5 John/ John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Athens, Vt., and died in Troy, la., in 1855. He married (1) in Roches- ter, Vt., Abigail, daughter of Thomas Hodgkins of that place. She died in 1844, and was buried in Brandon, Vt. He married (2) and in 1883 his widow was living, in Troy. At the time of his first marriage and for years after he lived in Rochester, where he was a cooper and farmer. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. He was a member of the Universalist Church. Children, by first wife, born in Rochester: + 4084 i Hiram Mason « Chaffee, born February 17, 1822; married Mary E. Richardson. 4085 ii Martha Chaffee. 4086 iii Loretta Chaffee. 4087 iv Silena Chaffee. 4088 V Joseph T. Chaffee, born February 14, 1837; married m Albany, N. Y., June 9, 1860, Hannah, daughter of Thomas Phinney of Taunton, Mass.; residence, 1883, Boston, Mass.; he is a hotel proprietor. 4089 vi Julius Chaffee, a twin, born February 14, 1837. 1913 William Carey ^ Chaffee (Amos,8 Amos,^ John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Rochester, Vt., September 30, 1821, and married (1) in Brandon, Vt., April 15, 1849, Esther Pamelia, daughter of Joseph Sylvester of Stockbridge, Vt. She died October 22, 1852, and was buried in Bethel, Vt. He married (2), March 11, 1854, Susan Marion Lowell. Mr. Chaffe is a blacksmith. He has a light complex- ion, blue eyes and is five feet, ten inches in height. He has been Representative to the Vermont Legislature, and Treasurer and Selectman of his home town. Children, by second wife : 4090 i William Lincoln » Chaffee, born March 23, 1861. 4091 ii Alney Earle Chaffee, born March 3, 1867. 1918 Leonard 7 Chaffee (John,« Amos,* John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Athens, Vt., June 28, 1806, and died in Rochester, Vt., September 8, 1848. He married Tryphena, daughter of William and Clarissa (Church) Thurston of Woodstock, Vt. She was born in Waterford, Vt., April 22, 1814, died July 6, 1879, and was buried in Rochester. Leonard Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He and his wife were both members of the Universalist Church. He was a farmer. After his death his widow lived with her son. Children : 4092 i Elvira Clarissa « Chaffee, born May 3, 1832; died. 4093 ii Emily Chaffee, died. 4094 iii Esther Emily Chaffee, died. + 4095 iv Charles William Chaffee, born September 20, 1843; married Diana R. R. Mosher. 1921 John 7 Chaffee, Jr. (John,8 Amos,* John,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Rochester, Vt., May 11, 1813, and died there, March 17, 1883. He married in Rochester, January 1, 1840, Roselle A., daughter of Levi Lowell of that place. She survived him and in 1891 was living in Rochester with her son, Henry H. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee were both members of the Universalist Church, with which he united at the age of fifty-four. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He held several town offices and was prominent in the work of 370 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY the Universalist Church, in which he was for several years a Trustee. He Uved in Rochester, where he was a farmer. The following is from a local paper : "Mr. Chaffee was a pillar in the Universalist parish in Rochester and a mem- ber of the church nearly since its organization. He early embraced the faith and became a subscriber to the 'Christian Repository' and by it was the means of converting his father and mother, long-time members of the Congregational Church, to the Universalist faith. . . . He inherited much of his father's original mind and heart. He was a great reader and thinker; and besides his example and influence for good, he has given to the Universalist Church, out of his own household, two public advocates, — Mrs. Edna C. Noble of Detroit, Mich., and Rev. Edwin J. Chaffee of Potsdam, N. Y. — who are each, in their own sphere, earnest and zealous workers in the upbuilding of Christ's kingdom in the earth." Children, born in Rochester: + 4096 i Henry Harrison^ Chaffee, born December 12, 1840; married Augusta M. Smith. 4097 ii Ahce R. Chaffee, born August 15, 1842; married Gilman Wright; residence, 1891, Rochester, Vt. 4098 iii Edna J. Chaffee, born August 12, 1846; married, March 14, 1871, Doctor Henry Smith Noble, born in Hinesburg, Vt., October 8, 1845; she has been for twenty years a teacher of elocution ; she has founded schools of elocution in London, England, and in Detroit, Mich., where, in 1883, she was principal of the Detroit Training School of Elocution and English Literature. + 4099 iv Edwin John Chaffee, born March 19, 1850; married Emma E. Willson. 1922 Anna ^ Chaffee (John,6 Amos,^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born September 29, 1817, and married in Rochester, Vt., March 16, 1840, Ebenezer Kendrick Richmond, born in Bethel, Vt., October 4, 1815, died in Newport, Vt., February 19, 1889. He had a dark complexion, and was five feet, eight inches in height. At the age of twenty-one, he united with the Congregational Church, of which his wife was also a member, and was Superintendent in the Sunday School. He was a commissioned officer in the Vermont State Militia and also held several town offices. He was a farmer and lived in Rochester, Bethel and Newport. In 1891 Anna (Chaffee) Richmond lived in Newport. Children : + 4100 i Kendrick^ Richmond, born February 28, 1841; married (1) Mary E. Pratt; (2) Mary E. Brigham. 4101 ii Willie Richmond, born July 8, 1845; married Emma L. Wright. 4102 iii Frank Richmond, born August 30, 1852; died June 26, 1883; married Eva J. Davison. 1924 Azubah ^ Chaffee (Leonard Brown, « Amos,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rochester, Vt., November 8 (13), 1808, and died April 30, 1875. She married, January 1, 1829, Benjamin Hunton, Jr., born in Unity, Feb- ruary 7, 1804, They lived in Rochester. Children : 4103 i Charles « Hunton. 4104 ii Jennette A. Hunton, born in Rochester, November 16, 1833; married, November 1, 1852, Solon Pollard. 4105 iii Ellen H. Hunton, born January 25, 1838; married, December 24, 1856, Harvey F. Hodgkins. 4106 iv Addie A. Hunton, born September 23, 1848; died October 14, 1860. 1925 John Willard ^ Chaffee (Leonard Brown,^ Amos,^ John,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rochester, Vt., April 23, 1810, and married there, Novem- SEVENTH GENERATION 371 ber 23, 1836, Loma»y, daughter of Ezekiel R. French of that place. She is a mem- ber of the Congregational Church. He has a light complexion, and is six feet in height. He is a cabinet maker, and in 1891 lived in Rochester, Vt., which has been his home for many years. Children, born in Rochester: + 4107 i Byron Mozart* Chaffee, born September 1, 1837; married Adelaide Sprague. 4108 ii Ellen Mary Chaffee, born December 17, 1840; died May 8, 1889. 4109 iii Agnes Fidelia Chaffee, born October 5, 1845. + 4110 iv William Allen Chaffee, born January 27, 1850; married (1) Josie Root; (2) Liela Bride. 4111 V Fred French Chaffee, born January 20, 1855; married, in South Strafford, Vt., March 18, 1879, Ellen, daughter of Chester B. Dow of that place; no children; has a ruddy complexion and is five feet, ten inches in height; he is a physician; residence, 1879 and 1891, South Strafford. 1930 Walter Stebbins ^ Chaffee (Leonard Brown, « Amos,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rochester, Vt., September 15, 1831, and married there Olive, daughter of Nesibus Worster of Bethel, Vt. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer in Rochester, where he lived before and after his marriage, and also in 1884. He has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. Children : 4112 i Abigail* Chaffee, born May 18, 1856; married Melvin Church. 4113 ii Mary Chaffee, born May 25, 1859; married Charles Perkins. 4114 iii Emma Chaffee, born May 17, 1862. 4115 iv Charles G. Chaffee, born September 24, 1868. 1931 Oliver ^ Stebbins (Phineas « Stebbins, Anna s Chaffe, John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) died. He married Rachel Dunham. Child: 4116 i William* Stebbins. 1933 Menzies Rayner 7 Stebbins (Phineas ^ Stebbins, Anna * Chaffe, John,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) died. He married Julia Lyman. Children : 4117 Edmund * Stebbins. 4118 Lucina Stebbins. 1939 William Carpenter ^ Stebbins (Walter 6 Stebbins, Anna s Chaffe, John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born August 13, 1806, and died April 8, 1861. He married, March 3, 1829, Eliza Perrin. Child: 4119 i Frances Ann Ehza* Stebbins, born July 5, 1830. 1944 Luther Lester ^ Stebbins (Lucina ^ Stebbins, Anna s Chaffe, John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born February 7, 1803, and died. He married, October 15, 1829, Sophia, daughter of Luther Shaw. They removed to Pittsfield, Pike County, 111. Children : 4120 i Luther * Stebbins, born September 13, 1831 ; married. 4121 ii Lucian Stebbins, born February 1, 1833; married. 4122 iii Cyrus Stebbins, born November 11, 1835. 4123 iv Jane Maria Stebbins, born August 31, 1841; died February 4, 1844. 372 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4124 V Jane Maria Stebbins, born June 9, 1845. 4125 vi Rufus Phineas Stebbins, born October 20, 1849; died in 1861 (?). 1946 Rufus Phineas ^ Stebbins (Lucina ^ Stebbins, Anna s Chaffe, John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born March 3, 1810, and married in Cambridge, September 11, 1837, Ehza C. Livermore. Child: 4126 i Nathaniel Livermore * Stebbins, born January 9, 1847. 1949 Benjamin ^ Chafee, Jr. (Benjamin, « Francis Green, ^ Benjamin, * Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i), was born in Onondaga County, N. Y., September 27, 1798, and died in Tama City, la., about 1884. He married (1) in a town at the head of the Allegheny River, in October, 1818, Maria, daughter of David Lewis of Al- bany, N. Y. She was born in Troy, N. Y., and died during the Civil War. He married a second time. When a young man Mr. Chafee went to Ohio, where he lived for many years in Cincinnati, during this time making two trips on foot back to his old home in New York state. About 1835 he moved to Brookville, Ind., where a small farm two miles north of the town was cleared and where his children grew up. He ran into debt and in 1849 went to the California gold fields, where he remained about two years, returning home with sufficient money to pay his indebtedness and have a balance left for the comfort of his family. Later he made a laborious trip to Pike's Peak. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted and was accepted, despite his advanced age. Owing to ill health, however, he served but a few months. After his second marriage he removed to Tama City, where he was living at the time of his death. He was a tanner and farmer. At one time he owned land in Marcellus, N. Y., as the records show that February 9, 1835, "Benjamin Chaffee and Maria his wife of Cincinnati" quitclaimed land in Marcellus, and April 12, 1843, sold land there, being then of Brookville. It has been said of him that "a warmer hearted, truer, better man never trod the earth." He was unswervingly honest and a little after reaching middle life he became distinctly religious, uniting with the Methodist Church, although his antecedents had been Baptists. Children : 4127 i Wilson Whiting « Chafee, born July 20, 1820; died in 1840. + 4128 ii David Lewis Chafee, born January 1, 1823; married. 4129 iii Haman Clark Chafee, born October 3, 1825; died in 1829. + 4130 iv John Gilmore Chafee, born October 12, 1828; married Clara Sparks. 4131 V Benjamin Henry Chafee, born August 25, 1831 ; died in 1832. 4132 vi Mary M. Chafee, born in Cincinnati, November 20, 1833 ; died April 25, 1861 ; married; no children. 4133 vii Lora L. Chafee, born November 6, 1836; died May 21, 1869; married; no children. 4134 viii Maria Emma Chafee, born February 7, 1841 ; married Orn- baun ; residence, 1883, Crawfordville, Ind. 4135 ix Thomas Fitzgerald Chafee, born July 20, 1845. 4136 X Carolina A. Chafee, a twin, born July 20, 1845; died in infancy. 1960 James ^ Chafee (Azotus,^ Zebediah,^ James,^ Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rupert, Vt., August 26, 1803, and died in Ward, N. Y., January 19, 1880. He married in Cayuga County, N. Y., November 27, 1827 (?) Mary, daughter of John Black of Scotland. She died June 24, 1877, aged seventy, and was buried SEVENTH GENERATION 373 in Philips Creek, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Chafee were both members of the Methodist Church. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair, and was six feet in height. He was a farmer and held the office of Commissioner of Highways. At the time of his marriage he lived in Cayuga County, and later in Scio, Alle- gany County, N. Y. Children : 4137 i James Morrison^ Chafee, born September 4, 1828; died July 20, 1866; married Welthy Standish of Cayuga County, N. Y., who married again after his death. + 4138 ii Mary A. Chafee, born March 15, 1833; married Charles H. Bliven. + 4139 iii Nancy Cordelia Chafee, born February 1, 1841; married David Sabin. 1963 Mary Ann ^ ChaflEee (Azotus,^ Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph, ^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., January 19, 1811, and married in Cato, N. Y., November 11, 1830, John Cowell. In 1884 they lived in Conquest, N.Y. Children : 4140 i Horace P.^ Cowell, born July 21, 1834. 4141 ii Charlotte M. Cowell, born November 7, 1836; died September 16, 1854. 4142 iii Caroline C. Cowell, born February 26, 1839. 41^3 iv Thirza E. Cowell, born July 1, 1842. 4144 V Mary A. E. Cowell, born October 6, 1844; died August 21, 1871. 4145 vi Sarah A. Cowell, born August 16, 1851. 1967 John I.^ Chafee (Azotus,^ Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., August 14, 1824, and died in September, 1884. He married there, February 17, 1848, Alvira J., daughter of Francis K. Petty of that county. Mr. Chafee was a mechanic, and lived in Guy's Mills, Pa. Children : 4146 i Olive E.^ Chafee, born December 1, 1854; married De Hart. 4147 ii Don J. Chafee, died February 6, 1870. 4148 iii Harry J. Chafee, born January 26, 1875. 1968 Julius Bachus ^ Chaffee (Zebediah,^ Zebediah,* James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Colesville, N. Y., March 12, 1805, and died in Windsor, N. Y., March 2, 1889. He married Minerva, daughter of Isaac Ruggles of Colesville. She died May 8, 1856, aged sixty, and was buried there. He was a farmer; in 1830 and 1884 lived in Colesville, and in 1887 in Onaquaga, N. Y. Children, born in Colesville: + 4149 i Patty M.s Chaffee, born July 29, 1829; married Henry Crofut. 4150 ii Finelia S. Chaffee, born May 22, 1831; married Morgan; resi- dence, 1887, Iowa. + 4151 iii Azotus Chaffee, born February 2, 1832; married (1) Antoinette Mayo; (2) Mary J. Tompkins. 1970 Sabra Sabrina ^ Chaffee (Zebediah, « Zebediah,' James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Colesville, N. Y., December 5, 1809, and died there in Oc- tober, 1861. She married Alonzo Merchant. Children : 4152 i A daughter,^ married M. O. Marsh; residence, 1891, Harpersville, N. Y. 4153 ii A daughter, married William Keech; residence, 1891, Onaquaga, N. Y. 1971 James Alanson ^ Chaflee (Zebediah, ^ Zebediah, ' James,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 374 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Thomas i) was born in Colesville, N. Y.,May 6, 1812, and died in Harpersville, N. Y., April 1, 1895. He married (1) there, November 17, 1835, Emeline, daughter of George Morris of that place. She died January 14, 1869, and was buried in Har- persville. He married (2), December 12, 1871, Mrs. Eliza Jane Knox, widow of Ira B. Knox. Mr. Chaffee was a First Lieutenant in the State Militia in 1840, held the offices of Assessor, Inspector and Commissioner of Highways, the latter for nine years, and w^s a Vestryman in the Episcopal Church. He had a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He was a farmer, and in 1884 lived in Harpersville. Children, by first wife : + 4154 i James Marion s Chaffee, born September 28, 1836; married Ger- trude C. Thompson, 4155 ii Theressa Almina Chaffee, born June 30, 1838; died August 29, 1877; married, October 30, 1863, Daniel R. Squire, buried in Harpers- ville. 4156 iii Sarah Emeline Chaffee, born September 16, 1840; died in Harpers- ville, August 23, 1851. 4157 iv Frank Douglas Chaffee, born in Harpersville, October 30, 1842; married in Brownville, Neb., August 29, 1877, Ella L., daughter of Jonathan Luke Dort of Harpersville; residence, 1884, Tar- kio. Mo., where he was Assistant Postmaster, and an insurance agent; residence, 1891, Canon City, Kan. 4158 V Vianna Amanda Chaffee, born June 25, 1846; died September 4, 1877; buried in Harpersville. 4159 vi Alice Annette Chaffee, born October 20, 1850; married Frank Haynes; residence, 1891, Deposit, N. Y. 4160 vii Cora Libbie Chaffee, .born July 25, 1855; died in Windsor, N. Y., February 23, 1875; buried in Harpersville. 1976 Albert Alonzo ^ Tupper (Elizabeth « Chaffee, James, s James,* Joseph, » Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born November 23, 1807, and died August 7, 1863. He married Theana Seeley, and lived in Monroe County, N. Y. He was buried in Churchville, N. Y. Children : 4161 i Frances M.^ Tupper, born October 12, 1831 ; married (1) Elijah Backus; (2) L. Roach. 4162 ii Susan Elizabeth Tupper, born December 14, 1834; married Edward Lanctot. 4163 iii Laura S. Tupper, born September 19, 1836; died before 1893; married Alfred Wheeler, who died before 1893. 4164 iv Roxa Augusta Tupper, born August 6, 1838; married Abel W. Richey, who died before 1893. + 4165 V Albert Alonzo Tupper, Jr., born October 21 1840; married Mary E, Scott. 1983 William Edson 7 Chaffee (William,^ James,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Churchville, N. Y., November 20, 1823, and married in the parsonage of St. Peter's Church, Washington, D. C, August 4, 1850, Elydia Ann, daughter of Henry Southern Wood of Charles County, Md. She is a member of the Catholic Church. Mr. Chaffee served as a Private in the Civil War, being among the first to respond to Lincoln's call for volunteers to defend the Capitol, April 11, 1861. He served ninety days and was then transferred to the Ordnance Department in the Washington Navy Yard. He was stationed at Fort Lincoln at the time of Early's Raid, in July, 1864, returning to the Navy Yard, where he SEVENTH GENERATION 375 remained until July, 1865, at the close of the War. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet nine and one-half inches in height. He is a contractor; in 1850 he lived in Washington, later removed to Pontiac and Adrian, Mich., but returned to Washington, where he was living in 1891. Children : 4166 i Catharine M.s Chaffee, born August 1, 1851; married W, J. Greenwood. 4167 ii William Edgar Chaffee, born October 24, 1854; died July 6, 1889. 4168 iii Frederick Harris Chaffee, born June 13, 1856. 4169 iv Francis Philip Chaffee, born March 18, 1860; married Hannah Lownburg. 4170 V Mary Malvina Chaffee, born November 19, 1862. 4171 vi Nellie Augusta Chaffee, born January 1, 1865. 1994 Edward Franklin ^ Chaffee (William, ^ Nathan, 5 James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Attica, N. Y., April 14, 1820, and married in Java, N. Y., June 15, 1845, Harriett E., daughter of William Jones of England. "Wm. Chaffee, father of E. F. Chaffee, came from Brookfield, Mass., in the autumn of 1817, and settled in Attica, then Genesee county, N. Y., where in a log house Edward Franklin Chaffee was born. He is the seventh of ten chil- dren. His education, with the exception of one term at a select school, was re- ceived in the common school and in the chimney corner by the light of a wood fire. In the autumn of 1840 he commenced teaching school at Bennington Centre, in a primitive schoolhouse, with side boards for writing desks and long slabs with bracing legs for seats. He received fourteen dollars per month with the privilege of boarding with the inhabitants and taught seventy-five pupils. He might be con- sidered successful in this vocation, as he taught twenty-two years in Attica and vicinity, the last two terms in the Attica Union school. In 1844 he taught at North Java, where he cast for Henry Clay, his first Presidential vote. To make up for the small pay for teaching 123 pupils, as he went 'boarding round' he became ac- quainted with Miss Harriett E. Jones, born in Herefordshire, Eng., whose grand uncle, Sir Hungerford Hold, an officer in the British army, was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill, while another grand uncle, Wm. Floyd, was a signer of the Declara- tion of Independence. In the autumn of 1863 Mr. Chaffee was elected School Commissioner of the First District of Wyoming county, and held that office six years. He issued a call for a County Teachers' Association in 1861, which is now one of the most prosperous in the state. In 1867, through his labor, the school of Attica village was made a free school under an act of the Legislature. His life work has ever been to encourage the education of the masses and his cheerful disposition has rendered him apt in that relation. He has held several town offices, and being a friend of the poor has been entrusted for many years with funds to be expended for their comfort. His purpose is to do right regardless of cost. In the spring of 1830 he became a member of the First Baptist church and has contributed liberally to its support and also for worthy objects. He has for over twenty years been a Sunday school superintendent and has compiled the history of that church, which was organized Aug. 21st, 1806. He is an advocate of tem- perance and sobriety. He has made several trips into the Western States; the first was soon after the Black Hawk war, when there was neither wharf nor pier at Milwaukee, and Chicago was but a small village, the approach to which was by a pier built out into the lake. He has for several years contributed to the press, and now, surrounded with pleasant associations at the eve of life, besides super- intending his valuable farm in the rich and beautiful valley of the Tonawanda, devotes a part of his time to writing stories, historical sketches, reminiscences, biographies, etc., for the Attica News." Children : 4172 i Mary A.s Chaffee, born April 13, 1846; died in Kansas, May 16, 1875; married Reverend Robert Abell. 4173 ii William F. Chaffee, born April 16, 1848; died September 6, 1866. 376 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4174 iii H. Emma Chaffee, born March 23, 1850; married A. F. Geiger; residence, 1890, Batavia, N. Y. 4175 iv Ehza R. Chaffee, born May 25, 1853; died June 26, 1881 ; married Henry Matteson, a postal clerk. 4176 V Katie E. Chaffee, born March 8, 1857; married J. A. Smith, a lawyer and special deputy clerk in the City Hall, Buffalo, N. Y., where in 1890 they lived. 4177 vi Nellie J. Chaffee, born February 3, 1864; residence, 1890, Attica; \m- married. '^ 2000 Cheeney A.' Chaffee (Calvin,8 Nathan,* James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Attica, N. Y., in 1819, and married in Brookfield, Mass., MaryS., daughter of David Johnson of Warren, Mass. She died in May, 1878, and was buried in Brookfield. Mr. Chaffee was a boat finisher. He moved from Brookfield to Warren, where he was living in 1883. Children, all but the sixth born in Brookfield: 4178 i George Albert » Chaffee, born May 10, 1848. 4179 ii Botrus Charles Chaffee, born May 24, 1850; died in October, 1879. 4180 iii Mary E. Chaffee, born January 15, 1853. 4181 iv Herbert B. Chaffee, born October 19, 1858; unmarried in 1883, and living in Warren, where he was a dealer in books and stationery. 4182 v Fannie S. Chaffee, born November 13, 1861 ; died October, 1879. 4183 vi Clara M. Chaffee, born in 1865. 4184 vii Willie E. Chaffee, born February 28, 1872. 2001 Caroline Augusta ^ Chafee (Cyril, « Chester,* James, < Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Plainfield, Conn., June 12, 1806, and died in Thompson, Conn. She married Loren Elliott, and lived in Thompson. Children : 4185 i Erastus » Elliott. 4186 ii Luther EUiott. 2004 William Grover 7 Chaffee (Cyril,8 Chester,* James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 20, 1812, and died in Win- chester, Mass., August 26, 1906. He married (1) in Leicester, Conn., May 3, 1836, A. Tirzah Sprague of that place, who died May 26, 1836, and was buried in Leicester. He married (2) in Framingham, Mass., April 16, 1845, Susan S. Childs, born there, died in Winchester, October 17, 1849. He married (3) there, Novem- ber 15, 1855, Emma Augusta Carter, born in Lowell, Mass. She survived him, and in 1906 lived in Winchester. She is a member of the Congregational Church, as was Mr. Chaffee. He had a light complexion, brown eyes, and was over five feet in height. He left home when quite a young man, spent a few years in Lei- cester, and several years in Boston, Mass., settling in 1844 in Winchester, where he lived until his death. He was a retired manufacturer of cabinet work. The following obituary is from the Putnam (Conn.) Patriot: "During his life he engaged in a variety of enterprises, being interested in the manufacture of furniture, pianos and leather, and was for a time at the Charles- town Navy Yard building boats. During his later years he took up the study of clocks, in which he was much interested, and nothing delighted him more than to secure an intricate and difficult specimen and put it in good running order. He was the last of his family, and the old homestead in Connecticut which has passed through so many generations is still in the possession of his heirs. The re- mains were interred in Wildwood cemetery." SEVENTH GENERATION 377 Child, by third wife : 4187 i Mary Susan » Chafee, born in Winchester, August 29, 1857; residence, 1906, Winchester; unmarried. 2005 Cyril Schuyler ' Chaffee (Cyril,^ Chester,5 James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., November 30, 1814, and died in North Woodstock, Conn., September 16, 1870. He married in Brooklyn, Conn., May 4, 1848, Tipporah (or Trephosa) Ann, daughter of Jonathan Webb of Scotland, Conn. She was born in Windham, Conn., about 1822. Both she and her husband were members of the Congregational Church in North Woodstock. Mr. Chaffee had blue eyes. He was a farmer and lived and died in the old homestead in North Woodstock. He was buried in that town. Child: + 4188 i Mary Jane « Chaffee, born July 11, 1849; married Charles T. Aldrich. 2006 Samuel ^ Chaffee (Cyril,^ Chester,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 30, 1817, and died in Palmer, Mass., October 19, 1848. He married Julia M. Cheney, who died April 19, 1884, aged sixty-six years. Both are buried in North Woodstock, Conn. Children : 4189 i Merrick 8 Chaffee, born about 1839; died November 30, 1862; married Mary Nichols of Dudley, Mass., who survived him but a few years; at the age of twenty-three, while living in Dudley, Mass., he en- listed for three years as a Private in Company E, 1st Massachu- setts Heavy Artillery, being mustered in August 8, 1862; he died from illness contracted in the service in a regimental hospital after barely four months' service. 4190 ii William Chaffee, born about June, 1842; died in Washington, D. C, August 9, 1864, aged twenty years and two months; while living in Dudley, enlisted for three years as a Private in Company C, 25th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, being mustered in Oc- tober 5, 1861; was discharged December 17, 1863, to re-enlist, which he did the same day; died at a regimental hospital from wounds received in the Battle of Cold Spring Harbor, June 3, 1864. 4191 iii John Chaffee, born about April, 1843; died in Cold Spring Harbor, June 3, 1864, aged twenty-one years and two months; while living in Worcester, Mass., enlisted for three years as a Private in Com- pany C, 25th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, being mustered in September 28, 1861 ; was discharged to re-enlist December 17, 1863, which he did in Shrewsbury, Mass., the following day; killed in the Battle of Cold Spring Harbor. 2017 Emoret ^ Chaffee (John,8 Chester,5 James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in New Boston, Conn., in 1813, and died before 1890. She married Erastus Caldwell, who died before 1890. She was baptized in the First Congrega- tional Church of Woodstock, Conn., July 7, 1816. Children : 4191a i Frank ^ Caldwell, residence, 1890, Worcester, Mass. 4192 ii George Caldwell, residence, 1890, Worcester. Several other children, died before 1890, names unknown. 2019 Faxon ^ Chaffee (John,6 Chester,5 James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., December 16, 1817, and died in Danielsonville, Conn., February 27, 1870. He married in Thompson, August 9, 1846, Sarah Jane, 378 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY daughter of Doctor Jeremiah Brown of East KilUngly, Conn. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the First Congregational Church of Woodstock. He owned land in Killingly in 1862, and with his wife bought and sold other pieces of land there from time to time. He was a carriage maker, and in 1869 lived in Danielsonville. Children : 4193 i Francis Herbert s Chaffee, born June 5, 1847; died August 28, 1847. 4194 ii Ellen Jane Chaffee, born January 5, 1849; married George Rowell; residence, 1890, East Somerville, Mass. + 4195 iii Emory Franklin Chaffee, born January 27, 1856; married Belle G. Carter. 2020 Loren 7 Chaffee (John,8 Chester,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., August 12, 1820, and married in Oxford, Mass., January 2, 1845, Nancy C, daughter of Paris Hall of that place. She died in March, 1889, aged sixty-two years, and was buried in North Grosvenordale, Conn. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, brown eyes, is tall, and of a jovial disposition. He united with the Methodist Church when a young man. In 1845 he lived in Thompson, and in 1891 near New Boston, Conn. Children : + 4196 i Ellis Henry s Chaffee, born July 30, 1846; married Julia E. Dean. 4197 ii Marilla Chaffee, born in 1848; married Herbert B. Conant. 4198 iii Frank Chaffee, born in 1850; died about 1853, aged three years. 4199 iv John Frederick Chaffee, born in 1851; died in 1873; unmarried. 4200 v Emma Louisa Chaffee, born in 1852; unmarried, 1891. 4201 vi Lydia Ann Chaffee, born in 1854; unmarried, 1891. 2022 Schuyler Bradley ^ Chafee (Alpheus Cady,^ Chester, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in New York state in 1815, and died in Oxford, Mass., June 28, 1866, aged fifty-one. He married Marietta Faulkner of Webster, Mass., who survived him and in 1890 was living in Oxford, where he was buried. Children : 4202 i Orrin Bradley s Chafee, born in Webster, March 27, 1842; married, May 10, 1867, Sarah Newell, daughter of Salmon Doughty of Oxford; July 15, 1864, Orrin B. Chafee of Brookfield, Conn., was mustered into Company F, 42d Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry for one hundred days and was discharged November 11, 1864; February 11, 1865, then a resident of Oxford, he was mustered into Company A, 19th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, for three years, but the war ending a few months later, he was dis- charged June 30, 1865; he is a shoemaker. 4203 ii John Blanchard Chafee, born in Oxford, August 10, 1845; residence, 1890, Oxford, unmarried; a shoemaker. + 4204 iii Marietta Elizabeth Chafee, married Frank Bannon. 4205 iv George Braman Chafee, born 1855; died in Oxford, May 9, 1871; un- married. 4206 V Martha .Alvena Chafee, married Alonzo P. Richardson of Athol, Mass., and has one son and three daughters. 4207 vi Frederick Alpheus Chafee born in Oxford; lived there, 1890; a shoe cutter. 2025 Orrin Wilson ^ Chafee (Alpheus Cady,^ Chester,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas ^) was born in Thompson, Conn., April 14, 1820, and was married there, in 1845, by Elder Dow, to Temperance Elvira, daughter of Captain Joseph Cutler of that place. Mr. Chafee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight SEVENTH GENERATION 379 inches in height. He has been Town Treasurer and Collector, Constable for thirty- years and Deputy Sheriff for twenty years. He is a farmer. In 1845 he lived in Thompson, but soon moved to Oxford, where he was living in 1890. Children, the last two born in Oxford: 4208 i Ellen Sarah s Chafee, born about 1848; died August 6, 1851, aged three years; buried in Oxford. 4209 ii Frank Edgar Chafee, born May 12, 1851. 4210 iii Ella Louisa Chafee, born November 24, 1854; married in April, 1888, Archibald W. Turner, a jeweler of AVillimantic, Conn. 2028 Arad Upham 7 Elliott (Sophia 8 Chaffee, Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Jo - seph,2 Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., August 24, 1824, and married in Woodstock, Conn., May 13, 1848, Abigail Bacon, daughter of George Kelton of that place. She died August 24, 1886, and was buried in New Boston, Conn. Mr. Elliott has a light complexion, bro^vn eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height. He has been Representative to the Connecticut State Legislature, and Selectman for three years. He is a carriage manufacturer, and in 1891 lived in North Grosvenordale, Conn. Children : 4211 i George A.« Elliott, born October 10, 1849; married Addie V. Taylor. 4212 ii John K. Elliott, born August 25, 1851. 4213 iii Henry L. Elliott, born December 8, 1859; married Mabel R. Rawson. 4214 iv Dyer S. Elliott, born March 27, 1867. 2033 Francis BJ Chaffee (Chester,^ Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., May 9, 1829, and married (1) there, June 11, 1854, Caroline W., daughter of Reuben and Hannah (Davis) Stone of Dudley, Mass., where she was born March 26, 1832. She died November 8, 1861. He married (2) in Thompson, February 21, 1865, Caroline D., daughter of George Perry of Put- nam, Conn. Mr. Chaffee fought in the Civil War. In 1883 Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee lived in Thompson and in 1891 in East Woodstock, Conn. He is a prosperous farmer. Child, by first wife : + 4215 i Frank Olin « Chaffee, born June 1, 1861; married Martha Robbins. Child, by second wife: 4216 ii Myrtle C. Chaffee, born July 8, 1875. 2036 Charles ^ Chaffee (Sullivan,^ Calvin, » James,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Lexington, N. Y., November 25, 1812 (November 28, 1813), and died in Sheshequin, Pa., June 16, 1889. He married there, October 19, 1842, Adahne, daughter of David Horton of that place. She survived him, and in 1891 was living in Sheshequin. Mr. Chaffee was the namesake of his great-uncle Charles Chaffee (292). He had a dark complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, at the age of forty-eight, and was Class Leader and Trustee. He also held several towTi offices. He was a farmer and lumberman. In early life he was poor, but by industry and frugality he amassed a considerable fortune. He lived in that part of Sheshequin known as Hornbrook from 1840 until his death. The following is from a local paper: "Charles Chaffee was born in Greene county, N. Y., November 28, 1813. He came to Hornbrook, Pa., in 1840, where he made his permanent home. He was 380 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY united in marriage in 1842 to Adeline Horton who survives him. Of the six chil- dren given them, the daughter died in infancy, and one son at the age of about twelve years. Four sons remain, two in Bradford county and two in the West. "He was a man of great strength of mind and body, and amassed a fortune by his industry and perseverance. He joined the M. E. society in 1861 and was its most generous supporter. He entered into church work with his characteristic energy. The society was small and weak at that time, and could scarcely have been kept up but for his liberality. A church was soon built and he then took upon himself the work of a sexton which he continued with untiring faithfulness for years, gratuitously. He was also the Superintendent of the Sunday school, sustaining it almost, if not entirely, at his own expense ; providing Bibles, etc., for those who did not have them. His home was the itinerant's home, and many are they who have pleasant memories of the kindness and help received at his hands. He had been suffering for several months, but kept up with indomitable courage and will. His mind was clear to the last. He arranged everything to his satisfaction and said, 'All is well, I must go.' And so surrounded by loved and loving ones, he passed from among us." Children : + 4217 i John Horton » Chaffee, born July 13, 1843; married Marion I. Bull. 4218 ii Festus Pratt Chaffee, born August 8, 1846; died August 4, 1858. 4219 iii Lodicy Emaline Chaffee, born March 11, 1850; died September 11, 1850. 4220 iv David Wilmot Chaffee, born July 23, 1851 ; married Dell Brainard. 4221 V Richard Mahlon Chaffee, born October 23, 1853; married Adelia Elliott. 4222 vi Charles Lafayette Chaffee, born August 2, 1864; married Ruth Elliott. 2038 Elizabeth ' Chaffee (Sullivan, » Calvin, ^ James, ^ Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 12, 1816, and married (1) Wallace M. Kinney; (2) David Barnes. She was living in 1891. Children, by first husband: 4223 i Julia H.^ Kinney, married Edgar Spaulding, and has one child; residence, 1891, Cortland, N. Y. 4224 ii Winfield S. Kinney, married Lillie Smith; residence, 1891, Rome, Pa. 4225 iii Lucy Kinney, residence, 1891, Waverly, N. Y.; unmarried. Children, by second husband: 4226 iv George S. Barnes, married Leona Smith, and has two children; residence, 1891, Cortland, N. Y. 4227 v Dell Barnes, married Mont. Browoiing, and has eight children; residence, 1891, Rome. 4228 vi Grace Barnes, married Mahlon Towner, and has three children; resi- dence, 1891, Rome. 2039 George ^ Chaffee (Sullivan, ^ Calvin, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Lexington, N. Y., November 11, 1818, and married in Sheshequin, Pa., December 23, 1846, Rachel A., daughter of William Horton of that place, where at that time and in 1891 Mr. Chaffee lived. He is a farmer and has held several town offices. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. Children : 4229 i Francis ^ Chaffee, born May 24, 1851; married Annie Magargle, a physi- cian ; residence, 1891, Forksville, Pa. 4230 ii George Cevahlon Chaffee, born June 11, 1853; married Lizzie Stephens. 4231 iii William Mahlon Chaffee, a twin, born June 11, 1853. 4232 iv Ethlen D. Chaffee, born November 11, 1858; married Moses Middaugh. 4233 V Jackson S. Chaffee, born February 2, 1862. 4 234 vi Julia E. Chaffee, born January 5, 1867; married John Wanch. SEVENTH GENERATION 381 2040 Matilda ^ Chaffee (Sullivan, « Calvin, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born September 11, 1820, and died March 15, 1878. She married George Smith. Children : 4235 i Deliah 8 Smith, married Horace H. Johnson, and has eleven children; residence, 1891, Towanda, Pa. 4236 ii George S. Smith, married and has two children; residence, 1891, She- shequin, Pa. 4237 iii Catherine Smith, died young. 2041 Rhoda ^ Chaffee (Sullivan, ^ Calvin, s James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 19, 1823, and married Daniel Horton. She was living in 1891. Children : 4238 i George W.^ Horton, married Melissa Smith, and has two children; residence, 1891, Ghent, Pa. 4239 ii Elizabeth Horton, married Joseph M. Vought, and has four children; residence, 1891, Ghent. 4240 iii James F. Horton, married Emma Manyard, and has two children; residence, 1891, Waverly, N. Y. 4241 iv Matilda A. Horton, married Edgar H. Brigham, and has two children; residence, 1891, Binghamton, N. Y. 4242 V Eliza Horton, married Reuben Horton, and has two children ; residence, 1891, Ghent. 4243 vi Daniel Horton, Jr., died young. 4244 vii Charles J. Horton, married Hattie J. Archer, and has three children; residence, 1891, Hornbrook, Pa. 2042 Harriett ^ Chaffee (Sullivan, « Calvin, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born February 19, 1825, and died September 18, 1849. She married Eleazer Horton. Children : 4245 i Sidney « Horton, died before 1891. 4246 ii Miranda Horton, went West when young. 2043 Abigail ^ Chaffee (Sullivan, « Calvin, s James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born March 2, 1827, and married Harry Smith. She was living in 1891. Children : 4247 i Ursula 8 Smith, married Moses B. Vansice, and had two children; resi- dence, 1891, Hornbrook, Pa. 4248 ii Isaac Smith. 4249 iii John Smith, married Hulett; residence, 1891, Athens, Pa. 4250 iv Rhoda Smith, married Smith; residence, 1891, Athens. 2046 Sally Maria ^ Chaffee (Sullivan, e Calvin, s James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born June 7, 1834, and married Lewis Horton. She was living in 1891. Children : 4251 i Sidney* Horton, married, and has three children; residence, 1891, Iowa. 4252 ii Edith L. Horton, married Veil Horton; residence, 1891, Elizabeth, S. D. 4253 iii Theodore G. Horton, married Annie Horton, and has one child; resi- dence, 1891, Hornbrook, Pa. 4254 iv Delia Horton, died in infancy. 2074 Samuel Johnson ^ Chaffee (Lemuel Seargent,^ Abial,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., September 27, 1832, and 382 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY married in Coventry, Conn., May 27, 1858, Sarah Maria, daughter of Harvey Wright of that place. During the Civil War, Samuel J. Chaffee was Captain of the 49th Massachusetts Volunteers. This regiment was organized in Pittsfield, Mass., September 28, 1862, to serve nine months, being mustered out September 1, 1863. At the time of his enlistment he was the only support of his father, mother, sister, wife and baby. Upon the formation of the company he was elected Second Lieu- tenant and soon after was promoted to the Captaincy. When the question of his enlistment came up, after prayerful consideration, it was decided by himself and his family that he should go. In 1858 he lived in Manchester, Conn., later in Ver- non, Conn., and about 1872 or 1873 he moved to Bristol, where March 23, 1874, he was made an Elector. In 1878 he moved to New Britain, Conn., and in the fall of 1883 to Bridgeport, Conn., where in 1893 he was member of the Common Council. He and his wife are members of the South Congregational Church of Bridgeport. He is a manufacturer of knit goods. He has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. Children : 4255 i Harriet E.s Chaffee, born July 9, 1859; died November 18, 1883. 4256 ii Samuel N. Chaffee, born December 23, 1862; died December 10, 1887. 4257 iii Mary M. Chaffee, born September 1, 1871. 4258 iv Robert W. Chaffee, born in Bristol, November 13, 1873. 4259 V Edward B. Chaffee, born June 29, 1880. 2082 William Wirt 7 Chaffee (James Sullivan,6 Charles,^ James,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Genesee County, N. Y., May 21, 1832, and married in Kalamazoo, Mich., in July, 1855, Lucinda, daughter of James Van Tifler of Monroe County, N. Y. He has a fair complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He was a Private in Company F, 1st Illinois Light Artillery, during the Civil War. In 1855 he lived in Elkhorn Grove, 111. He waa Collector and Justice of the Peace for sixteen years, and Postmaster of Hitt, 111., from 1884 to 1893, when he still lived in that place and held that office, beside being a merchant in partnership with his son, Elmer E. Chaffee. Children : 4260 i Elmer Edwards Chaffee, born in Elkhorn Grove, March 10, 1857; married Liby ; has a fair complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height; in 1893 was a farmer and merchant in partnership with his father in Hitt. 4261 ii Liby Chaffee, born September 3, 1859; married Maria Luther. 4262 iii Gertrude Chaffee, born June 2, 1863; married Buffingor. 4263 iv Jessie Chaffee, born August 24, 1869. 2092 Willard Sheldon 7 Chaffee (Charles,6 Charles,^ James,^ Joseph,3 Joseph, 3 Thomas i) was born in Wysox, 111., April 2, 1862, and married in Lura, Minn., December 16, 1886, Sarah, daughter of John Haynes of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. He is a farmer and in 1886 and 1893 lived in Lura. Children : 4264 i Charles E.s Chaffee, born August 27, 1887; died May 28, 1888. 4265 ii Roy L. Chaffee, born August 4, 1889. 2093 John Leonard ^ Chaffee (Freeborn Moulton,^ Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, » Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Monson, Mass., May 2, 1816, and married there, January 3, 1838, Persis Pease of Monson, born there about 1810, died there March 7^ SEVENTH GENERATION 383 1881, aged seventy-one. Their intention of marriage was entered December 6, 1837. In 1890 Mr. Chaffee was still living in Monson. Children, born in Monson : 4266 i John N.s Chaffee, born August 2, 1839; died in Monson, September 7, 1843. 4267 ii Betsey E. Chaffee, born June 2, 1842; died in Monson, October 7, 1843. 4268 iii Harriet A. Chaffee, born November 23, 1843. 4269 iv Fariana Chaffee, born August 4, 1845. 4270 v John L. Chaffee, born in 1849; married in Monson, October 8, 1871, Ella L. Stacy. 4271 vi Davis J. Chaffee, born in 1851 ; died in Monson, October 17, 1873. 2094 Charles Elmer ^ Chaffee (Freeborn Moulton,6 Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Monson, Mass., June 30, 1818, and died in Wind- sor Locks, Conn., November 2, 1907. He married in Somers, Conn., May 15, 1839, Abilena, daughter of Cyrus Dunbar. At that time both Mr. Chaffee and his bride were of Monson. "At the age of 20 years he removed to Rockville, Conn., where he entered the employ of George Kellogg, remaining with him thro' a period of five years. He then returned to Monson, engaging in the factory of Joseph Reynolds as a sorter of wool. For twenty-five years, in fact, he worked at the board as a sorter, becom- ing one of the most successful experts in that line of business. After three years in Mr. Reynolds' employ he removed to Thompsonville in this state, and has since been an honored resident of Connecticut. Mr. Chaffee spent seventeen years at Thompsonville, devoting himself with great assiduity to the vocation which he had selected. Associated with him in the Enfield company by which he was employed was the late W. G. Medlicott, the founder of the Medlicott company at Windsor Locks. When Mr. Medlicott established his company in 1863 he availed himself of the services of Mr. Chaffee, who removed from Thompsonville to his present place of residence, where he has since lived. He was connected with the company until Mr. Medlicott's failure in 1876. Mr. Chaffee's knowledge of the business and judgment were such that he was selected as assignee. A satisfactory settlement was effected, and the business was resumed, with Mr. Chaffee as treasurer, he being still the incumbent of the position. He was also the president of the company for a number of years, and the management of its affairs rested in his hands. The twenty-five years which President Chaffee spent at the bench as a sorter of wool afforded him an experience of the greatest value as a manufacturer of woolen goods. He was one of the most successful buyers of wool in the state, and his advantage in that direction was due principally to the long period of application and industry by which his early years were signalized. "Mr. Chaffee was the vice-president and one of the directors of the Windsor Locks bank, and a member of the board of directors of the Mercantile National Bank of Hartford. Was also president and a member of the board of directors of the Windsor Locks and Warehouse Point Bridge and Ferry Company. He held the office of first selectman at Windsor Locks through several terms, and was a member of the board of assessors. Mr. Chaffee was long a member of the Congre- gational church, in which he was honored with places of great trust and respon- siblity; a member of the church committee and society's committee for many years. When a young man in Monson he was associated with the old state militia service. His golden wedding was celebrated May 15, 1889. The two were old- time school mates, and the love of more than half a century ago was most radiantly exemplified in the union of heart and life that existed between them. Shadows crossed their way, three children having died along life's journey; but an adopted daughter took the place of the lost in their lives, making the home one of hope and light. The life of Mr. Chaffee was one of superb consecration to duty, and no greater treasure can be left with the community in which he lived so long than the example which he impressed upon all classes of men. It is a legacy of priceless 384 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY value. As a christian in the community and the manager of great industrial and financial interests, his career has been in every way an honor to American manhood. "His honorable and successful life is an example of what industry, fidelity to duty, temperance, economy, and probity will do, not only toward the achieve- ment of material success, but toward the upbuilding of that character which is at the end the best monument to a man's memory, and the most precious legacy to his children." In the Fall of 1889 Mr. Chaffee gave $15,000 for a memorial building for the Windsor Locks Grand Army Post. At the time of his death Mr. Chaffee was still connected with the Medlicott Com- pany as President, and lived in Windsor Locks. Children : 4272 i A child, 8 born November 1841, died, aged two days. 4273 ii A child, born and died the same day. 4274 iii (Adopted) Etta Caroline Chaffee, born in Springfield, Mass., Novem- ber 26, 1843. 2096 James Monroe ^ Chaffee (James Austin, « Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., February 10, 1820, died April 14, 1908, in Staffordville, Conn.; married in Stafford, Conn., May 1, 1844, Mary E., daughter of Jasper Needham of Wales, Mass., who died about 1901. She was a member of the Baptist Church there. Mr. Chaffee was a member of the Congrega- tional Church in Staffordville, where he lived from 1841. He was Justice of the Peace for eight years. He was Chairman of the family reunion held yearly since 1886, by the descendants of Chadwick Chaffee (295). He was five feet, ten inches in height and a merchant. He early learned the wool sorter's trade and became an expert in this line, and worked at this trade in the mills of the town. For many years he had a general store at Staffordville, being generally successful. About ten years ago the store and contents were destroyed by fire and Mr. Chaf- fee retired from commercial life. Mr. Chaffee was a republican, and was actively connected with the work of the party in the town. Children : + 4275 i Sarah Amelia ^ Chaffee, born February 20, 1845; married William J. Butterfield. 4276 ii Eliza J. Chaffee, born December 13, 1849; unmarried in 1890. 4277 iii Charles A. Chaffee, born February 9, 1853; died September 16, 18.54. + 4278 iv Ida Gerana Chaffee, born August 29, 1855; married Isaac M. Agard. 4279 V Frank A. Chaffee, born June 14, 1858; died April 30, 1859. + 4280 vi George Lincoln Chaffee, born February 28, 1860; married Ida B. Rogers. 2105 Gilbert ^ Chaffee (Ira,9 Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., November 10, 1822, and married there, December 24, 1843, Amanda C. Bradway of that place. Child: 4281 i Laura A.s Chaffee, born in Monson, August 10, 1845. 2108 Lewis ^ Chaffee (Ira,^ Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 14, 1832, and married (1) in Stafford, Conn., January 18, 1852, Emeline, daughter of Chauncey Adams of that place. She died November 1, 1883, and was buried in Stafford Hollow, Conn. Mr. Chaffee married (2), March 31, 1888, Carrie E. Corey of Springfield, Mass. He has a dark complexion, blue eyes, SEVENTH GENERATION 385 and is five feet, seven and one-half inches in height. In 1852 he hved in Stafford, and in 1890 in Springfield. He is a carpenter. Children, by first wife: 4282 i Julia E.s Chaffee, born December 23, 1853; died November 7, 1883. 4283 ii George L. ChafTee, born March 15, 1856; residence, 1891, New London, Conn.; a machinist. 2109 Reuben ^ Chaffee (Ira,^ Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., May 18, 1839, and married (1) there, November 7, 1860, Azubah E., daughter of Horace Childs of that place. She died in 1874, and was buried in Monson. Mr. Chaffee married (2) in 1877, Mary Brown, who died in 1879. He married (3) Sarah Needham. He has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, is five feet, five inches in height, and of a jovial disposition. In 1860 he lived in Monson, and in 1890 in Stafford Springs, Conn. He was employed in a flockshop. Children, by first wife: 4284 i Addie Eliza » Chaffee, born July 13, 1862. 4285 ii Ida Elvira Chaffee, born in February, 1864; died in 1864, aged two weeks. 2111 Benjamin Ohadwick 7 Davis (Orinda ^ Chaffee, Chadwick,^ James,* Jo- seph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Middlebury, Vt., October 21, 1827, and married (1) in Ludlow, Mass., August 27, 1851, Tamson Charlotte, daughter of Isaac Plumley of that place. She died August 27, 1884, and was buried in Goshen, Mass. He married (2), April 7, 1888, Mrs. Lucy Ann (Knapp) Barnes. Mr. Davis has a light complexion, and is five feet, eleven and one-half inches in height. He served in the Civil War, enlisting as a Private, October 1, 1861, and being dis- charged as a Lieutenant, July 20, 1865. Among the many battles in which he fought was that of Roanoke Island. He has held various offices in the Baptist Church, with which he united at the age of twenty-two. He is a carpenter, in 1851 lived in Monson, Mass., and in 1890 in Palmer, Mass. Children, by first wife : 4286 i Oyro Benjamin « Davis, born May 21, 1852; married Fleda Miner. 4287 ii Charlotte Maria Davis, born March 23, 1854. 4288 iii Frank Isaac Davis, born January 8, 1856. 4289 iv Arville Idell Davis, born September 2, 1858; died November 21, 1864. 4290 V Willie Leroy Davis, born May 14, 1861; died November 15, 1864. 4291 vi Idella A. Davis, born October 2, 1866; died November 7, 1871. 4292 vii Alice C. M. Davis, born September 8, 1868. 4293 viii Henry Charles Davis, born November 22, 1871. 2120 Samantha Betsey ^ Chaffee (Stephen,^ Chadwick,5 James,* Joseph,3 Jq- seph,2 Thomas i) was born in 1830, and married Anthony N. Switzer. Child: 4294 i A daughter,^ married (1) Duane Turner; (2) James Doolittle; has two sons and a daughter; residence, 1890, Bridgeport, Conn. 2122 Stephen Franklin 7 Chaffee (Stephen," Chadwick,« James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Stafford, Conn., November 5, 1840, and married Annis Rosella 7 Chaffee (2143) (Almond,^ Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,' Thomas 1). Child: 4295 i Burt Stephen s Chaffee, born in Stafford, September 19, 1870. 2130 Abigail Jemima ^ GhaSee (Calvin,8 Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,' 386 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Thomas i) was born May 7, 1845, and married in Palmer, Mass., March 30, 1865, Henry F. Merrick. In 1890 they lived in Monson, Mass. Children : 4296 i Carrie J.s Merrick, born September 20, 1866. 4297 ii Lena H. Merrick, born November 16, 1869. 4298 iii Louie A. Merrick, born June 6, 1874; died March 14, 1875. 4299 iv A child, born June 23, 1877; died June 23, 1877. 2131 Philip M.7 Chaffee (Calvin, e Chadwick,^ James,^ Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born July 14, 1847, and died in Wales, Mass., February 3, 1887. He married. Child: 4300 i Effie Royce » Chaffee, born in Wales, December 15, 1876. 2144 Francis Washburn ^ Chaffee (Almond,^ Chadwick,^ James, * Joseph,' Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Stafford, Conn., January 1, 1851, and married in Hampden, Mass., March 17, 1879, Nellie Maria, daughter of Thadeus Gaylor Carew, Jr., of Monson, Mass. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. At the time of his marriage and in 1890 he lived in Stafford, where he was a farmer. Children : 4301 i Lewis Everett « Chaffee, born July 7, 1880. 4302 ii Wilbur Fiske Heustis Chaffee, born March 17, 1887. 2148 Charles Aaron ^ Smith (Abigail Rebecca « Chaffee, Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born June 14, 1848, and married Sarah Jane Snow. In 1890 they lived in Ludlow, Mass. Children : 4303 i Abbie Marion « Smith. 4304 ii Bessie Olivia Smith. 4305 iii Cora Elizabeth Smith. 4306 iv Ellen Edna Smith. 4307 V Ralph Jerome Smith. 2151 Lydia Ann 7 Chaffee (Amasa Ladd,^ Stephen, s James,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Thomas i) was born in Gowanda, N. Y., May 25, 1823, and died March 4, 1898. She married David E. Ellis, M. D. In 1884 they lived in Belvidere, 111. Child: 4308 i Mary Kate » Ellis, married, and had two sons in 1884. 2152 Amasa William Wallace 7 Chaffee (Amasa Ladd,^ Stephen, 5 James,* Jo- seph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas) was born in Gowanda, N. Y., July 21, 1826, and died De- cember 14, 1907. He married there, July 3, 1848, Jane Maria, daughter of Harlow Crandall of that place. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. He united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, at the age of twenty-five, and has been a Trustee in it. He was a merchant at one time in partnership with his brother. Nelson, and has lived in Otto, N. Y., Westfield, N. Y., and Gowanda. Children : 4309 i Marvin Wallace s Chaffee, born August 12, 1851; died November 2, 1852. SEVENTH GENERATION 387 + 4310 ii Clarence Milton Chaffee, born November 23, 1853; married Nancy H. Osborne. 4311 iii Vernon Ellsworth Chaffee, born December 9, 1859; died December 12, 1876, of typhoid fever. 2153 James Harvey ^ Chaffee (Amasa Ladd,^ Stephen, 5 James, ^ Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Gowanda, N. Y., March 16, 1830, and died December 12, 1897. He married there, August 2, 1851, Amarcia Minerva, daughter of Franklin Hammond of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, black eyes, and is six feet, two inches in height. He joined the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, at the age of eighteen, and was Trustee and Treasurer for three years. At one time he held the office of Postmaster. In 1851 he lived in Gowanda, and in 1884 and 1891 in Jamestown, N. Y. He is a commercial traveller. Children : 4312 i Amasa Franklins Chaffee, born in Dayton, N. Y., February 23, 1855; married in Milburn, N. J., October 20, 1881, Maria Ann, daughter of Joshua Manners of that place, a farmer and local preacher; Doctor Chaffee has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height; he united with the Methodist Church at the age of seven- teen, was Sunday School Secretary in Jamestown three years. Local Preacher four and one-half years; was graduated from the Drew Theological Seminary in 1881 with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity; joined the Wyoming Conference in 1882,' lived in Alton, N. Y., in 1883, was at one time pastor of a church in Cooperstown, N. Y., in 1893 of the Derr Memorial Methodist Church, Wilkesbarre, Pa., and since then has had charges in Owego, N. Y., Canon City, and Den- ver, Colo. ; has received the degree of Doctor of Divinity and is the author of a History of the Wyoming Conference. 4313 ii Helen Josephine Chaffee, born February 26, 1857; married John L. White, a lawyer, and in 1884 had one daughter; residence, 1884, Jamestown. 2155 Charles Warren 7 Chaffe (Amasa Ladd,*" Stephen, s James, ^ Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Gowanda, N. Y., July 13 (15), 1837, and died there, Feb- ruary 10, 1895. He married in Gowanda, in 1861, Lydia Anna, daughter of Homer Woodin of that place. She survived him, and in 1906 was living in Gowanda. Mr. Chaffe had a light complexion, brown eyes, and was six feet, two inches in height. He offered himself for enlistment during the Civil War, but was rejected as being too heavy. He was appointed by President Harrison, Postmaster of Gowanda, in which town he lived all his life. He joined the Methodist Church when a young man and was a Trustee in it. He had a very jovial disposition. He was a travel- ling salesman and a boot and shoe dealer. Children : 4314 i Ida Elnora s Chaffe, born September 28, 1862; died July 17, 1868; buried in Gowanda. + 4315 ii William Wallace Chaffe, born September 25, 1864; married Catherine Babcock. + 4316 iii Dora Woodin Chaffe, born July 20, 1870; married Charles L. Popple. 2156 Newton Adelbert ^ Chaffee (Amasa Ladd," Stephen, 8 James,* Joseph, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas was born in Gowanda, N. Y., August 31, 1841, and married Luna Woodin. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He was an officer during the Civil War and was at one time Postmaster. In 1884 he lived in Westfield, N. Y., where he was a merchant, having gone into business with his brother, Amasa. 388 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child: 4317 i Lorena Rachel ^ Chaffee, married in Gowanda, March 11, 1891, Edwin Bertel, son of Ralph and Caroline (Blackney) Dewey; he was born July 31, 1867, lived in Otto until 1886, in Gowanda until October, 1889, and then moved to Jamestown, N. Y.; he is a printer and has , been a member of the New York National Guard, serving two years as Private, and four years as Corporal; no children. 2158 James Franklin 7 Chaffee (James Cady,« Stephen, s James,* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,2 Thomas i) was born in Dale, Wyoming County, N. Y., November 5, 1827, and married in Hebron, 111., July 11, 1849, Calista, daughter of Rufus Hopkins of Rhode Island. In the Civil War Reverend Mr. Chaffee was Chaplain of the 5th Minnesota Infantry, organized in Fort Snelling, Minn., from M^rcR 15 to April 30, 1862, to serve three years. He fought in the Battles of Corinth, Red Wood and Fort Ridgely, was once taken prisoner, was taken ill and resigned June 23, 1862. At the age of thirteen he joined the Free Will Baptist Church, and at the age of eighteen the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member. He entered the Methodist ministry in 1848, and has twice represented his conference in the General Conference. In 1883 lived in Minneapolis, Minn., where he was Presiding Elder of that district, and in 1908 in Pasadena, Cal. He has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is six feet, one inch in height. Children : 4318 i Mary Fletcher « Chaffee, born July 7, 1850; died December 20, 1859. 4319 ii Lydia Adaline Chaffee, born August 10, 1852; died August 25, 1852. 4320 iii Wilbur Fisk Chaffee, born November 15, 1853; died April 6, 1855. 4321 iv Ahce Calista Chaffee, born August 25, 1856; died December 24, 1856. 4322 V Carrie Chaffee, born March 9, 1860. 4323 vi Benjamin Franklin Chaffee, born December 19, 1861; died Septem- ber 6, 1864. 4324 vii William Albert Chaffee, born February 19, 1863; died July 13, 1864. 4325 viii Charles Edward Chaffee, born May 18, 1865; died July 24, 1866. 4326 ix Hugh Goheen Chaffee, born January 21, 1868. 2159 Ambrose Lucrates 7 Chaffee (James Cady,^ Stephen, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in New York state, June 2, 1829, and died in De Witt, la., April 5, 1856. He married in Knoxville, 111., June 8, 1854, Mary B., daughter of Thomas Gilbut of that place. She survived him, and in 1884 was living in Knox- ville. Mr. Chaffee was a lawyer, and at the time of his marriage lived in Macomb, 111. Child: -1-4327 i Henry Lucrates » Chaffee, born March 17, 1855, married Mary Vertuese. 2161 Francis Marion ^ Chaffee (James Cady,^ Stephen, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas 1) was bora in Wyoming County, N. Y., March 29, 1833, and died in Hollywood, Cal., about 1905. He married in Knoxville, 111., August 28, 1855, Dorcas, daughter of Enoch Patrick of that place. Mr. Chaffee studied for five years in Simpson College, Indianolia, la., graduating with the degree of M. A. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Church in 1854, and served fourteen years in the pastorate. For many years he was one of the Board of Trustees of Hedding College, and the Illinois Wesleyan University. In 1872 he was a member of the General Conference, which met in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1881 had a charge in Lexing- ton, 111., in 1883 he lived in Normal, 111., and was a member of the Central Illinois Rev. J. F. Chaffee, D. D. SEVENTH GENERATION 389 Conference, in 1884 was editor of The Normal District Advocate, and Presiding Elder of the Normal District, and in 1889 was living in Wyckoff, Kan., to which place he moved on account of ill health. He was for eleven years Presiding Elder. Children : + 4328 i Enoch Fletcher » Chaffee, born September 5, 1856; married Lucy J. Phinney. 4329 ii Aristo Lucrates Chaffee, born July 15, 1858; died January 21, 1860. 4330 iii Albert Benson Chaffee, born September 1, 1860; died August 29, 1862. 4331 iv Lucy Chaffee, born January 18, 1863 ; died February 3, 1863. 4332 V Orris Dickinson Chaffee, born February 21, 1868. 2163 William 7 Neverson Chaffee (James Cady,^ Stephen,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Bennington, N. Y., September 10, 1837, and mar- ried in Cameron, 111., November 3, 1863, Emily M., daughter of George McClure of that place. In 1883 they lived in Clarence, la., where Mr. Chaffee was a Metho- dist minister. Children : 4333 i Ella D.s Chaffee, born July 3, 1865. 4334 ii Franklin M. Chaffee, born February 14, 1867. 4335 iii Rena J. Chaffee, born September 28, 1869. 4336 iv William N. Chaffee, born October 4, 1871. 4337 V Orlyn Lee Chaffee, born October 3, 1876. 2164 Mary Alzina ^ Chaffee (James Cady,« Stephen, s James,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Wyoming County, N. Y., July 24, 1839, and married in Berwick, 111., August 25, 1858, William H. Cable, a farmer and stock raiser. In 1884 they lived in Berwick. Children : 4338 i Charles Homers Cable, born July 31, 1860; married, March 23, 1882, Jennie Baldwin. 4339 ii Francis Emory Cable, born June 17, 1862, 4340 iii Henry Grant Cable, born April 24, 1864; in 1S80 received a severe wound in the head from the bursting of a buzz saw; in 1884 was correspond- ing secretary in a wholesale house in Minneapolis, Minn. 4341 iv Eddie Dewitt Cable, born April 6, 1866. 4342 V Albert Benson Cable, born April 20, 1876. 2165 AJburtis Belknap ? Chaffee (James Cady,6 Stephen, « James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., September 28, 1841, and married in Warren, 111., August 29, 1867, Anna C, daughter of John Under- wood of Galesburg, 111. Mr. Chaffee served during the Civil War in Company G, 1st Illinois Cavalry and as Color Sergeant in Company C, 83d Illinois Infantry. In the fall of 1861 he was captured in Lexington, Mo., at Mulligan's Surrender. In 1884 he lived in Concordia, Kan., where he was a loan and insurance agent. Children : 4343 i John Franklin « Chaffee, born December 4, 1868. 4344 ii Stella C. Chaffee, born March 31, 1870. 4345 iii Arthur B. Chaffee, born December 22, 1872. 4346 iv Anna R. Chaffee, born November 24, 1881. 2167 Rachel Maria ^ Chaffee (James Cadyj^ Stephen,* James,* Joseph,3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born August 21, 1847, and married in Berwick, 111., Novem- ber 29, 1866, a farmer named Giddings. 390 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 4347 i Allie R.s Giddings, born in 1869. 4348 ii Arthur D. Giddings, born in 1873; died in 1880. 4349 iii Henry Giddings, born in 1878. 2174 William Henry Harrison ^ ChafEee (William Cady,^ Joseph,^ James,* Jo- seph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Dale, N. Y., May 22, 1837, and married in Eagle, N. Y., April 13, 1858, Louisa, daughter of Samuel Hughes of that place. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He is a joiner, and in 1890 lived in Oramel, N. Y. Children : + 4350 i William Harrison » Chaffee, born January 3, 1859; married Lucy M. Johnson. 4351 ii May Chaffee, born February 3, 1865; married William Wells of Oramel. 2175 Clarissa Sophia ^ ChafEee (William Cady,^ Joseph, s James,* Joseph, 3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas i) was born March 29, 1839, and married Hiram Kellogg, a market gardener. In 1890 they lived in Rushford, N. Y. Child: 4352 i Philander Harrison » Kellogg, born June 30, 1868. 2176 Alsina P.^ ChafEee (Hiram,* Leonard,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born September 13, 1826, and died April 5, . She married, October 20, 1845, Sylvanus, Jr., son of Sylvanus and Amelia (Waldo) Hawley. He was born May 18, 1821, and is a woodturner. At the time of her marriage Alsina P. Chaffee lived in South Warsaw, N. Y. Children : 4353 i Hamlin S.s Hawley. 4354 ii Marietta M. Hawley. 4355 iii Franklin Dexter Hawley. 2182 Charles M.^ ChafEee (Hiram, « Leonard, ^ James,* Joseph,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Alexander, N. Y., October 25, 1838, and married in Gaines- ville, N. Y., May 8, 1860, Phoebe, daughter of Milton C. Holly of that place. She is a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. He is a farmer and carpenter. At the time of his marriage he lived in Attica, N. Y., and in 1891 in Middlebury, N. Y. He has been Justice of the Peace. Children : 4356 i Clarence F.s Chaffee, born July 2, 1863. 4357 ii George A. Chaffee, born May 16, 1867. 4358 iii Courtland D. Chaffee, born July 17, 1873. 4359 iv Estelle B. Chaffee, born April 21, 1876. 2198 George Michael ^ Hardendorf (Rachel 8 Chaffe, Henry,5 Samuel,* Jo- seph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Danube, N. Y., June 25, 1817, and married in Cpoperstown, N. Y., March 25, 1840, Sarah Maria, daughter of Stephen Sherman of Cherry Valley, N. Y. Mr. Hardendorf has a dark complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. At the age of eighteen he united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, and in which he has for forty years been a Local Preacher, filling also various other church offices. In 1840 he lived in Cherry Valley, and in 1893 in Newark Valley, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 391 Children : 4360 i Rial Duane » Hardendorf, born April 25, 1843; died September 3, 1864, in the Douglas Hospital, Washington, D. C, as the result of a wound received in the Civil War. 4361 ii Oliver Hardendorf, born November 3, 1844; died October 27, 1857. 4362 iii Celestia Jane Hardendorf, born July 5, 1851 ; died May 13, 1870; married Marcena Mclntyre. 2202 Henry 7 OhafEee (Michael," Henry,5 Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born about 1808, and died in Wacousta, Mich., May 29, 1883, aged seventy-five. He married Sally Strong of Farmersville, N. Y. He lived in Michigan, where he was a farmer. Children : + 4363 i Ezra Brewster 8 Chaffee, married Mrs. Smith. 4364 ii Ann Chaffee, married Suthern, a lawyer, who was in 1893 a banker in Harbor Springs, Mich. 4365 iii Eleanor Chaffee, married Watts, and has one son; residence, 1893, Wacousta. 4366 iv Priscilla Chaffee, married (1) Mart Damon; (2) Vantice; lived in Michigan. 2203 Harvey ^ OhafEee (Michael,^ Henry,5 Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born about 1811, and died in Farmersville, N. Y., January 14, 1890, aged seventy-nine. He married (1) Charlotte Rathburn; (2) Elizabeth Hudson, and lived in Farmersville. Children, by first wife : 4367 i Elijah 8 Chaffee, residence, 1893, Farmersville. 4368 ii Paulina Chaffee, died about 1889; married George Hudson and had three children; lived near Stanton, Mich. 4-4369 iii Mary Chaffee, married (1) Chauncey Maulbee; (2) Charles Wheeler. -1-4370 iv Martha Chaffee, married William McClelland. Children, by second wife: 4371 V Arabel Chaffee, married William Slocum and had two sons in 1893, when they lived in Farmersville. 4372 vi Ada Cecelia Chaffee, married Ulysses Grant Crane, and had three children in 1893, when they lived in Cattaraugus County, N. Y. 2204 Michael ^ Chaffee, Jr. (Michael," Henry,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,* Thomas ^), died in Burt, la., about 1888. He married near Barre Centre, N. Y., Betsey Bradner, and lived in Burt, where he owned a farm. Mrs. Chaffee survived him. Children : 4373 i Alonzo 7 Chaffee, married twice; no children; in 1893 was a widower, and living in Howell, Mich. 4374 ii Bradner Chaffee, married, and had children in 1893, when he lived in Howell. 4375 iii Andrew Chaffee, married; residence, 1893, Burt. 4376 iv Edwin Chaffee, married; residence, 1893, Burt. 2205 Polly 7 Chaffee (Michael," Henry,^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born about 1815, and died in Oramel, N. Y., in August, 1877, aged sixty-two. She married George Fields Dort, brother of Silas Dort, who married her sister, Catharine. He died in 1888, aged seventy. Polly (Chaffee) Dort and her husband were both members of the Baptist Church. They lived in Oramel, where Mr. Dort 392 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY was a farmer and mason and ran a steam saw-mill. He survived the loss of hi§ son, Mahlon, only ten weeks. Children : + 4377 i Newton Silas ^ Dort, married Emeline Doty. 4378 ii Allen Levi Dort, married Phoebe Stocum of Stocum, N. Y.; residence, 1893, Oramel; a farmer and mason. 4379 iii Mahlon Dort, died in Washington, Pa., in 1888, killed by a fall of seventy-three feet from a derrick. 4380 iv Orrin Crossman Dort, a coal miner; residence, 1893, Cherokee, Kan. 4381 V Simon Carydon Dort, married Alice Carpenter; both church mem- bers; no children in 1893, when they lived in Oramel. 4382 vi John Franklin Farge Dort, a grape grower; residence, 1893, Fre- donia, N. Y.; a church member. 4383 vii Julia Ann Dort, residence, 1893, Oramel. 2206 Catharine ^ Chaffee (Michael,'' Henry, ^ Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married Silas Dort, a brother of George Fields Dort, who married her sister Polly. In 1893 they lived in Oramel, N. Y. Catharine (Chaffee) Dort has blue eyes. Children : 4384 i Mary s Dort, died aged thirty-six; when eighteen was badly burned and scalded, from the effects of which she suffered until her death ; had black eyes, and dark hair. 4-4385 ii Luther Dort, married Laura Smith. + 4386 iii Albert Dort, married Helen Carpenter. + 4387 iv Elvira Dort, married Alfred Atherton. 4388 V Wallace W. Dort, married Cora Mix; residence, 1893, Belfast, N. Y.; a jeweler. 4389 vi Frank M. Dort, residence, 1893, Rushford, N. Y.; a jeweler. 4390 vii Ida Nancy Dort, married Fred Johnson, a blacksmith, and has one daughter; residence, 1893, Oramel. 2207 Denike ^ Chafee (Michael,^ Henry, 5 Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Lyons, N. Y., February 8, 1819, and married in Farmersville, N. Y. October 30, 1848, Delia, daughter of Samuel Wakefield of that place. She is a member of the Free Baptist Church. Mr. Chafee is a member of the Free Methodist Church, with which he united at the age of seventy. He is five feet, ten inches in height. For five years he was Excise Commissioner of his town. He is a farmer, and in 1848 and 1893 he lived in Farmersville. Children : 4391 i Orren » Chafee, born September 10, 1849; married Eleanor Shaw. 4392 ii Sybil E. Chafee, born September 20, 1854; married Charles Winchell. 4393 iii Norton A. Chafee, born June 20, 1857; married Rosetta Frost. 4394 iv Ida M. Chafee, born September 9, 1859; married Horace Crooker. 4395 V Frank B. Chafee, born August 21, 1861; married Mary Ittner. 2208 Silas 7 Gould (Beriah e Chaffee, Samuel,^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born, April 15, 1803, and died before 1890. He married Almira Goodell. He was baptized in the First Congregational Church, Woodstock, Conn., May 3, 1807. Children : 4396 Henry « Gould, died before 1890. 4397 Albert Gould, in 1890 a Methodist minister. 2215 Samuel B.^ Chaffee (Zelophehad,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,2 SEVENTH GENERATION 393 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., about 1814 or 1815, and died in Ashford, Conn., September 11, 1890, aged seventy-five. He married in Woodstock, March 27, 1842, Rhoda Corbin, who died February 14, 1892, aged seventy-seven. They re- moved from Woodstock to Ashford. Children, born in Ashford. 4398 i Charles L.s Chafi'ee, born in 1843; died in Ashford, in 1843. + 4399 ii Lewis Franklin Chaffee, born in 1853; married Anna Chaffee (4424). 2220 Sophronia ^ Chaifee (Artemus,^ Samuel, ^ Samuel,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., April 24, 1817, and married Lafayette Waters, born in 1808. Children : 4400 i George ^ Waters, residence, 1890, New York City; a watchmaker. 4401 ii Sidney Waters, an Indian agent. 4402 iii Mary Waters, residence, 1890, Colville, Wash. 4403 iv Charles Waters, a boxmaker, residence, 1890, New York City. 4404 V Martha Waters, died before 1890. 4405 vi Ellen Waters, died before 1890. 2221 Charles ^ Chaffee (Artemus,« Samuel, ^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., December 13, 1819, and died there, about 1872, aged fifty-two. He married Sarah E. Green of Plainfield, Conn. At the time of his death he was living on the old farm with his father. Children : 4406 i Maria 8 Chaffee, married Frank Prince, and has two sons; residence, 1890, Danielsonville, Conn.; was at one time a school teacher. 4407 ii Hester Chaffee, born in Woodstock, Conn., June 4, 1849; died before 1890. 4408 iii Eliza Chaffee, married George W. Carver, constable of Putnam, Conn., where they lived in 1890; had one child who died before 1890. 2226 Lucy ^ Chaffee (Artemus,^ Samuel, ^ Samuel, ■* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., in 1827, and died September 4, 1870. She married William Hare, who died in the army. Children : 4409 i A child, 8 died in infancy, 4410 ii William Hare, Jr. 4411 iii Arthur Hare. 2230 Nancy ^ Chaffee (Levi," Thomas, s Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) married in Thompson, Conn., October 3, 1841, Elbridge H., son of Philander and Electa (Richardson) Reed. In 1890 they lived in Worcester, Mass. Children : 4412 i Sarah Ann » Reed, born Julv 7, 1844. 4413 ii Charles K. E. Reed, born July 13, 1857. 2232 Lucian Morse 7 Chaffee (Joel,^ Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., September 5, 1816, and married (1) there. May 3, 1841, Mary L., daughter of William Cargel of that place. After her death Mr. Chaffee married again. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. In 1841 he lived in Thompson, and later in Newburyport, Mass., Plymouth Hollow, Conn., Willimantic, Conn., and Schuylerville, N. Y., finally returning to Willimantic. During this time he worked 394 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in the woolen mills in these places. In 1868 he settled in Oxford, Mass., where he became a farmer and was living in 1890. During the Civil War he trained for service several companies in Greenwich, R. I. He was at one time Selectman of his town. Child, by first wife : 4414 i George Willard » Chaffee, born April 7, 1842; died in WilUmantic, June 4, 1877; he started business with a panorama of New York City, then had a small circus in Boston, Mass., and later was a member of the firm of Cadwell and Chaffee, which had a circus known as a "com- bination troupe;" he was called "Professor" Chaffee, and is said to have performed some wonderful feats on the tight rope ; died of quick consumption at the home of his uncle, George B. Abbott; unmarried. 2237 Otis Brainard ^ Chaffee (Joel,^ Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., December 8, 1828, and died in Oxford, Mass., November 4, 1886. He married in Charlton, Mass., September 11, 1855, Mrs. Sarah (Brown) Pratt, daughter of Jasper Brown of that place. She is a member of the Congregational Church and in 1890 lived in Oxford. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. He was a farmer, living in Charlton in 1855, and later in Oxford. He was buried in Thompson. Children : „ + 4415 i Alfred Morse 8 Chaffee, born August 16, 1858; married Mary E. T. Brown. 4416 ii Herbert Vernon Chaffee, born May 3, 1863; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height ;in 1892 hved in Oxford, where he was in partnership with his brother, Alfred M. Chaffee, in the coal and lumber business. 4417 iii Ermina E. Chaffee, born April 8, 1866. 4418 iv Walter B. Chaffee, died in infancy. 2238 Abel Morse ^ Chaffee (Joel,^ Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,' Thomas was born in Thompson, Conn., December 28, 1832, and died in Oxford, Mass., January 22, 1888. He married there, Mary Jane, daughter of Amos P. Newton of Auburn, Mass. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was a cotton manufacturer. At the time of his marriage he lived in Uxbridge, Mass., and later in Victory Mills, N. Y., where he was Supervisor in 1863. At one time he was Assessor in Oxford, where he died and was buried. Children : 4419 i Nellie « Chaffee, born in 1859; died in 1864. + 4420 ii George Elmer Chaffee, born April 11, 1862; married Mary B. Trainor. 4421 iii Emma L. Chaffee, born March 11, 1865; married; residence, 1890, Oxford. 4422 iv Almira M. Chaffee, born August 15, 1868; residence, 1890, Oxford. 4423 v Walter A. Chaffee, born December 28, 1872; residence, 1890, Oxford. 2239 Vernon 7 Chaffee (Joel,^ Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Thompson, Conn., about 1834 or 1835, and married Elvira, daughter of Rial Corbin. She was of Webster, Mass. Mr. Chaffee served as a Private in Company G, 4th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, being mustered in January 27, 1864, to serve three years. He was discharged May 28, 1865. At the time of his enlistment he was twenty-nine years of age, and was living in Webster, and in 1890 in Oxford, Mass. SEVENTH GENERATION 395 Children : 4424 i Anna » Chaffee; married Lewis Franklin Chaffee. (See 4399.) 4425 ii Mary Chaffee, married in Oxford; no children in 1890. 2247 Russell Joseph ^ Chafey (John C.,^ Jonathan Cady,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), died in Fort Stevens, Washington, D. C, December 10, 1863. He married in Wolcott, Vt., in 1861, Hannah Satira, daughter of Joel Davenport of that place. She died December 3, 1874, and was buried in Wolcott. Mr. Chafey had a light complexion, blue eyes, was six feet, four inches in height, and had a jovial disposition. He was a farmer and a Republican in politics. He enlisted in Wolcott as a private in the 11th Vermont Infantry. It is said that "he left his scythe where he had been mowing and joined the army for the love of his country." His captain, Aldace F. Walker said of him " Chafey 's loss was one of the greatest the company has ever met. He was always faithful, never complaining, and a model soldier." He died of fever and his body was taken to Wolcott for burial. Children : 4426 i John Russell « Chafey, born in Wolcott, September 5, 1861; has a light complexion and is six feet, two and one-half inches in height; is a manufacturer of blacking; politically, a Republican; residence, 1891,, Boston, Mass. 2250 Martha ^ S. Chafey (Hiram,^ Jonathan Cady,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,* Thomas i) was born in Brookfield, Vt., June 22, 1827, and married in Boston, Mass., April 19, 1852, Samuel, son of Job Cushing of Cohasset, Mass. In 1891 they lived in Albany, Vt. Children, born in Medford, Mass.: 4427 i Hiram C.^ Cushing, born April 13, 1853; married in Arlington, Mass., January 18„ 1876, Mamie A. Cutter. 4428 ii Roland F. Cushing, born September 18, 1854 ; died in Medford, March 1, 1871. + 4429 hi Walter F. Cushing, born September 15, 1857; married Carrie E. BuUard. 2252 Hiram Wells 7 Chafey (Hiram,6 Jonathan Cady,5 Josiah,^ Joseph,3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas was born in Brookfield, Vt., October 21, 1830, and died in Albany, Vt., March 30, 1882. He married (1) in Brookfield, a daughter of Alvin Hovey of that place. She died and was buried there. He married (2) Agnes F. Stell of Craftsbury, Vt., who survived him, and in 1883 was living in St. Johns, Mich. Mr. Chafey was a merchant and farmer and at the time of his death lived in Albany. Child, by first wife : 4430 i A child, 8 died. Child, by second wife : 4431 ii M. Foster Chafey, born in Craftsbury, Vt., August 8, 1862; residence, 1883, Lexington, Mass., 1891, Ithaca, Mich.; a grocer, and later a bank cashier. 2258 Martin Beard ^ Chafey (Hiram,^ Jonathan Cady,^ Josiah,* Joseph,* Jo- seph,2 Thomas i) was born in Albany, Vt., May 11, 1842, and married there, Febru- ary 19, 1867, Jennie Wilson, daughter of Alexander Mitchell of Craftsbury, Vt. Mr. Chafey has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Has always lived in Albany, where he was Postmaster from 1866 to 1885, and Town Clerk from 1876 to 1891, when he still held that office. In 1890 he was a 396 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY member of the State Legislature. He lived in 1883 on the farm formerly his father's. He is a merchant. Children : 4432 i Don M.s Chafey, born January 26, 1869; died April 4, 1870. 4433 ii Agnes O. Chafey, born March 29, 1871. 4434 iii Roland E. Chafey, born December 24, 1876. 4435 iv Maggie E. Chafey, born April 23, 1878. 2261 Benjamin Robbins ^ Chafee (Josiah Williard,^ Josiah Williard,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Providence, R. I., October 21, 1831, and died there, July 19, 1878. He married, March 13, 1852, Betsey Hale Mason of Warren, R. I., who survived him, and in August, 1887, was living in Providence. He had a dark complexion and eyes, was quite tall, and of a kind and pleasant dis- position; he had many friends. He was in the livery business, and was buried in the Swan Point Cemetery, Providence. Children, born in Providence : 4436 i Josiah Anthony » Chafee, born in 1865; died in January, 1871. 4437 ii Walter Benjamin Chafee, born November 15, 1872. 2278 John ^ Smith (Eunice « Chafee, Josiah Williard,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., January 28, 1837, and married, December 22, 1879, Mrs. (Hastenbader) Boyer, widow of Edwin Boyer, by whom she had two children. She died March 16, 1881. Mr. Smith enlisted in Company K, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, in January ,1862, and was discharged in New Orleans for physical disability in July, 1862. From August, 1852, he followed the sea for seven years, was a mason for the next fifteen years and later a farmer. At one time he lived in Fayette, 0., and in La Fayette, Mich. Child: 4438 i A child,8 born February, 1881 ; died September 15, 1881 . 2279 Emma Frances 7 Chaffee (Peter,8 Mollie,5 Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., December 25, 1840, and married, May 28, 1867, Charles M. Palmer of Willimantic, Conn., where he died March 11, 1895, aged fifty years and seven months. She has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is of medium height. She united with the Methodist Church at the age of nineteen. In 1890 and 1906 she lived in Willimantic. Child: 4439 i Clarence C.s Palmer, born May 31, 1869. 2280 Myron J.7 ChafEee (Peter,^ Mollie,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., June 15, 1842, and married (1), June 6, 1874, Ellen E., daughter of Julius Marble of East Hartford, Conn. She died September 10, 1875, and he married (2) in South Manchester, Conn., October 24, 1877, Ellen C, daughter of Charles Bunce of that place. Mr. Chaffee has blue eyes, dark brown hair, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. He united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, when about thirty-five years of age, and was for a few years Steward in it. He served in the Civil War as a Private, enlisting in Company B, 18th Connecticut Infantry, July 21, 1862, and being mustered in, August 18, 1862. He was captured in Winchester, Va., June 15, 1863 (his twenty-first birthday), held prisoner in Libby Prison and on Belle Isle, and paroled July 2, 1863. He was mustered out of service June 27, 1865. He was SEVENTH GENERATION 397 for a number of years a school teacher, is skilled in the use of tools, and in 1890 was a real estate dealer and also a book publisher in Boston, where he was still living in 1906. Child, by second wife : 4440 i Ernest Bunce ^ Chaffee, born in South Manchester, December 30, 1879. 2281 Elvina Anness ^ Chaffee (Peter,^ Mollie,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., May 14, 1845, and married. May 13, 1864, Winthrop Chandler Aldrich, who died in Pomfret, Conn., June 13, 1905, aged sixty-two years and nine months. He served during the Civil War for three years as a Private in the 7th Connecticut Volunteers. Elvina (Chaffee) Aldrich has a light complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, and is of medium height. She united with the Methodist Church at the age of fifteen. Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich lived in Pomfret Landing, Conn., in 1890, and in 1906 the latter was living in East Wood- stock, Conn. Children, all but the first born in Pomfret : + 4441 i Elmer Lincoln » Aldrich, born August 28, 1865; married Kathrena Beaubaum. 4442 ii Lillian Emma Aldrich, born September 19, 1868; married in the home of her grandfather, Peter Chaffee, in East Woodstock, September 27, 1904, to Everett Edward May. 4443 iii Myron Eddy Aldrich, born June 17, 1871; died in Los Angeles, Cal., January 9, 1902; buried there in Rosedale Cemetery. 4444 iv Albert Hall Aldrich, born August 4, 1873; died in Pomfret, Au- gust 26, 1899; buried in East Woodstock. + 4445 V Wallace Norman Aldrich, born October 19, 1877; married Ger- trude H. Edwards. + 4446 vi Charles Chandler Aldrich, born November 15, 1880; married Lil- lian M. Hildreth. 4447 vii Mabel Anice Aldrich, born ]\Iay 23, 1883. 4448 viii Winthrop Chandler Aldrich, Jr., born April 20, 1887. 2283 Ina Anna ^ Chaffee (Peter,6 Mollie,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., September 17, 1857, and married in East Wood- stock, Conn., June 8, 1882, Charles E. Bunce. In 1889 and 1906 they lived in 'South Manchester, Conn. Children, born in South Manchester: 4449 i Myrtice Alices Bunce, born April 15, 1883; died July 30, 1883. 4450 ii Gertrude May Bunce, born May 29, 1885; married in Hartford, Conn., December 13, 1905, Aidwin D. Frink. 4451 iii Edwin Chaffee Bunce, born August 15, 1887. 4452 iv Zella Lillian Bunce, born August 5, 1889. 4453 V Rena Emma Bunce, born February 5, 1891. 4454 vi Florence Eva Bunce, born September 15, 1893. 4455 vii Louis Charles Bunce, born July 19, 1897. 4456 viii Laurence Francis Bunce, born March 10, 1902. EIGHTH GENERATION 2286 Elizabeth Whiteford » Chafee (Nicholas .Underwood,^ Otis,^ Amos,^ Thomas, 4 Thomas, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Baltimore, Md., August 16, 1830, and married, November 25, 1857, I. L. Long, who died October 17, 1866. Children : 4457 i Adeline Chafee » Long, born November 24, 1859. 4458 ii Bessie Whiteford Long, born February 3, 1863. 2289 Emma Granbys Chafee (Otis Jacob,^ Otis,^ Amos,5 Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Charleston, S. C, August 19, 1840, and married in Aiken, S. C, January 28, 1865, Benjamin Mathews Walpole of John's Island, S. C, a planter and bookkeeper. He was born in Charleston, in August, 1836, and died in Aiken, September 28, 1875. He was a Captain in the Engineer Corps of Rhett's Regiment during the Civil War. He joined the Episcopal Church at the age of twenty and was for several years a Vestryman in it. His wife was also a member of the same church. He had a dark complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, two inches in height. In 1893 Mi's. Walpole lived in Aiken. She has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height. Children : 4459 i Mary Harriet » Walpole, born January 27, 1867; died January 20, 1868. 4460 ii Otis Chafee Walpole, born August 8, 1868. 4461 iii Benjamin Mathews Walpole, Jr., born September 18, 1869; died July 4, 1870. 4462 iv Emma Granby Walpole, born February 18, 1871 ; died September 19, 1891 ; married W. W. Muckenfuss. 4463 V Nathaniel Chafee Walpole, born July 21, 1872. 4464 vi Sarah Campbell WaljDole, born December 8, 1873; died December 11, 1873. 4465 vii Ella Kinlock Walpole, born October 24, 1874. 4466 viii Benjamin Monroe Walpole, born June 8, 1876. 2290 Nathaniel Green Bourne « Chafee (Otis Jacob, ^ Otis,^ Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Charleston, S. C, February 14, 1842, and married in Aiken, S. C, April 5, 1864, Rosa Clara, daughter of William Gregg of Virginia. Mr. Gregg was the founder of Graniteville, S. C, where the first cotton mill of any importance in the South was located. This mill was the main de- pendence of the Confederate Government for cotton goods during the Civil War. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Chafee was on a furlough ; he was a Private during the Civil War in the Confederate army, in the Charleston Light Dragoons of the Hampton Legion. In 1876 he was an aide to Governor Hampton of South Carolina. He was twice Intendant of Lancaster, S. C, and also Mayor of that place. In 1864 he lived in Aiken, and in 1890 in Lancaster. He has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. Both he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. EIGHTH GENERATION 399 Children : 4467 i William Gregg ^ Chafee, born in Edgefield County, S. C, January 29, 1866; was private secretary to Senator M. C. Butler during the Forty-ninth Congress; has also been Alderman in Aiken, S. C, where in 1892 he was a lawyer; during the Spanish-American War served in the 10th Missouri Volunteers; has a fair complexion, blue eyes and is five feet, eleven inches in height; unmarried. 4468 ii Otis Jacob Chafee, born January 24, 1868. 4469 iii John Gregg Chafee, born March 11, 1870. 4470 iv Marina Mary Chafee, born January 25, 1873. 4471 V Charlotte Kinlock Chafee, born March 4, 1875. 4472 vi Marie Chisolm Chafee, born November 13, 1879. 4473 vii James Jones Chafee, born January 8, 1883. 2293 John Williams Chafee (Otis Jacob,^ Otis,6 Amos,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Charleston, S. C, May 1, 1848, and died in New York City, March 25, 1907. He married in Aiken, S. C, April 26, 1871, Caro- lina Arminda, daughter of Doctor Horatio Nelson Latham of Woonsocket, R. I. She is a member of the Episcopal Church, which her husband joined at the age of twenty-two. He enlisted at the age of sixteen during the Civil War as a Private in the Confederate army, and served until the close of the war. He had a dark com- plexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. In 1871 and in 1890 he lived in Augusta, Ga., where he was the treasurer of the Sibley Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of cotton goods, and capitalized at $1,000,000. He died suddenly of apoplexy while on a business trip, being stricken in the office of his son-in-law, J. H. Lane, in New York City. Children : 4474 i Arminda Ruths Chafee, born February 25, 1872. 4475 ii Mary Charlotte Chafee, born July 27, 1874. 4476 iii Amy Butler Chafee, born February 20, 1877. 4477 iv Henry Campbell Chafee, born November 9, 1879. 4478 v Horatio Latham Chafee, born March 16, 1881. 2295 George Kinlock « Chafee (Otis Jacob,^ Otis,« Amos,5 Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Charleston, S. C, September 27, 1851, and married in Louisville, Ga., November 22, 1882, Margaret Eulalie, daughter of Roger Gamble, a planter of that place. She is a member of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Chafee has a fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He is an accountant. In 1882 and 1890 he lived in Charleston, and in 1892 in Aiken, S. C. Children : 4479 i Margaret Eulalie » Chafee, born December 11, 1883. 4480 ii Mattie GaTnble Chafee, born December 22, 1885. 2296 Mary Ella « Chafee (Otis Jacob,^ Otis,^ Amos,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas «) was born in Charleston, S. C, October 8, 1853, and married in Aiken, S. C, April 5, 1877, Doctor Theodore Gaillard Croft, Jr., son of a physician of Greenville, S. C, where Doctor Croft, Jr., was born July 10, 1845. He served in the Confederate army during the Civil War as Second Sergeant. He joined the Episcopal Church at the age of thirty-one and was for ten years Chairman of the Vestry, He has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. Mary E. (Chafee) Croft has dark hair and blue eyes. She became a mem- 400 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY ber of the Episcopal Church at the age of sixteen. At the time of her marriage and in 1893 she Uvecl in Aiken, where Doctor Croft practices. Children : 4481 i George Williams Croft, born July 15, 1881. 4482 ii Mary Chafee Croft, born October 1, 1883. 4483 iii Theodore Gaillard Croft, Jr., born August 26, 1887. 4484 iv Florence Ella Croft, born May 14, 1889. 2297 Robert Alexander » Chafee (Otis Jacob,^ Otis," Amos,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Charleston, S. C, November 19, 1855, and died in Aiken, S. C, December 14, 1892. He married there, October 23, 1879, Ida Black, daughter of William John Williams of that place. She is a member of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Chafee was a cotton buyer and railroad contractor and was at the time of his death Mayor of Aiken. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven and one-half inches in height. The following biographical sketch was published in the Aiken Journal and Review of October 26, 1892 : "Robert A. Chafee, Mayor of Aiken, and now filling his second term in that ■capacity, was born in Charleston, S. C, thirty-seven years ago, one of the seven sons of Otis J. Chafee, a great merchant of that city in the olden time. The sub- ject of this sketch went to Augusta in 1874, where for five years he engaged in the cotton business. Then he settled in Madison, whence two years later, his health having been greatly impaired by a siege of typhoid fever, he came to Aiken for recovery in 1882. On his return to health a broad field, both in public and private affairs, appeared to present itself for his manifest energies, and it was not long ere he was elected to the City Council, where he served two terms marked by alertness, vigilance and originality. But not until Mr. Chafee was elected Mayor seemed he fully armed and warranted for results he must long have contemplated and coveted in behalf of the city's furtherance. In 1890, as Mayor, he immediately set out upon an official career which continues to be remarkable for varied and desirable results for the community. Truth to tell, some of his best achievements, however, notwithstanding the popularity of his projects, have been won unassisted if not at times despite a certain opposition or discouragement. Three thousand seven hundred feet of tile piping have been laid about Aiken under his supervision, thus supplementing the natural drainage and making the two combined the best in the country. Five miles of solid clay supersurface, level and hard, make the highways diverging from the city unsurpassable, while within its limits the streets, lanes, avenues, parks, sidewalks, etc., would be fit patterns for many pretentious corporations already boastful of their thoroughfares. To him, too, is due the ad- mirable system of electric lighting the result of which is to enliven and beautify the city by night with an illumination superior to that of many places where the electric system prevails. The dynamo power for the Aiken circuit is obtained eight miles from the city. A new and complete water-works system now under contract for prompt construction, the supply to equal 1,500,000 gallons daily, to be served through seven miles of main pipe into a storage reservoir 160 feet above the city's summit — this may be said to appropriately close the list of Mayor Chafee's more extensive and costly public improvements; but it does not by any means exhaust his versatile activities in many other directions. For several years several old-style bridges spanned the deep railway cut that divides the city near its centre. These, being low and in nowise secure, menaced the lives of those crossing above and proved more than once fatal to the trainmen who passed below. Mayor Chafee personally urged attention to the matter on the Legislature, the outcome being that a strong, modern, elevated truss bridge spans one point and the old structures are all to go by next April. He recently had removed bodily the well known Oakley house, in which he, with Mrs. Chafee and their two interest- ing daughters, are soon to dwell. No plastering was cracked nor were the chim- neys affected by the removal. Mr. Chafee married Miss Ida B. Williams of Aiken, EIGHTH GENERATION 401 thirteen years ago. The family at present reside on Boulevard Coles. In brief, Mr. Chafee is everywhere regarded as a plucky, public spirited official and a model Mayor whose honors, having been thoroughly well won, are as thoroughly well worn." In the midst of this career of civic usefulness and success and in the prime of life. Mayor Chafee was cut off by the hand of a murderer. On December 12, 1892, while he and his Chief of Police were attempting to arrest Colonel Thomas G. Lamar, who was intoxicated, he was shot by the latter and died two days later. The funeral took place on December 15th at half past four o'clock. All the stores were closed and business of all kinds was suspended from twelve o'clock until after the services, the government in Washington ordering the Post Office to be closed also. The funeral was largely attended, many who wished to do so not being able to get into the church. The remains were interred in the Episcopal Cemetery. A special meeting of the Council and a mass meeting of citizens was held in the City Hall to take suitable action on the death of Mayor Chafee and the following resolutions were passed. "Whereas it has pleased God, in his all wise providence to remove from our midst the honored Mayor of the city of Aiken, R. A. Chafee; " Now therefore be it resolved, by the city council of Aiken in meeting assembled, and the citizens of Aiken in mass meeting assembled with this council; that in the sad and sudden death of Mayor R. A. Chafee, this entire community has received a severe loss and terrible shock. Young, manly, vigorous and progressive ; cheerful and energetic, he made a good mayor and was a public spirited citizen. And we gladly bear testimony to the faithful discharge of his official duties, and the more than faithful attention to the best interests of the town. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the council, and be engrossed at the ex- pense of the council, sealed with the seal of the corporation, and signed by the clerk and sent to Mrs. Chafee. That a blank page on the minutes of the council with the proper inscription be inscribed to the memory of Mayor Chafee. "That the fire bell of the town be tolled at the time of the funeral." Children : 4485 i Elise Addison 9 Chafee, born August 16, 1880. 4486 ii Sarah Adelaide Chafee, born September 16, 1882. 2333 Zechariah » Chafee, Jr. (Zechariah,^ Zechariah,^ Amos,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,' Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), was born in Providence, R. I., April 29, 1859, and married, February 10, 1885, Mary Dexter s Sharpe (3948) (Lucian ^ Sharpe, Sarah Adams « Chaffee, Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), born January 2, 1860. Mr. Chafee was educated in his native city, graduating from the University Grammar School in 1876, and from Brown University in 1880, with the degree of A. B. He was Secretary of his class in college, a member of the Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities, and has been associated with various under- takings for the welfare of his Alma Mater. On his graduation he became closely associated with the Builders' Iron Foundry of Providence, manufacturers of iron castings, architectural iron work, grinding machinery, Venturi meters for measuring large quantities of water, and government contractors for iron work to be used in coast defense. On his father's death in 1889, he succeeded him as President of this company. From 1887 to 1897 he was connected with the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company of Providence, the largest of its kind in the country, makers of machine tools and small tools for machinists' use. He has also been Vice-President of the Barstow Stove Company, founded by Amos Chafee Barstow (1904), a Director of the What Cheer and Hope Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, 402 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY of the Mechanics' Savings Bank, the Union Trust Company, the Industrial Trust Company and later of the First National Bank of Providence. He suggested the establishment of departments for savings by the Trust Companies of Providence. At times his business activities have been restricted by continued ill health. As a citizen he has been connected with various movements, social, economic and politi- cal, for the benefit of the city and state. He lives with his family in Providence. Children : 4487 i Zechariah^ Chafee, Jr., born in Providence, December 7, 1885; edu- cated there in the University Grammar School, the Hope Street High School, from which he was graduated with high honors in 1903, and entered Brown University, graduating with the degree of A. B. in 1907; he was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities and received the Gaston Scholarship for general high rank. 4488 ii Henry Sharpe Chafee, born in Providence, October 11, 1887; educated in the Hope Street High School, Providence, and St. George's School, Newport, R. I., graduating from the latter with honor and entering Brown University in 1905; he is a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. 4489 iii Elisabeth Chafee, born March 7, 1889. 4490 iv John Sharpe Chafee, born July 11, 1896. 4491 V Mary Sharpe Chafee, born August 24, 1897. 4492 vi Francis Hasseltine Chafee, born December 12, 1903. 2335 Albert Eddy s Chafee (Thomas Eddy,^ Zechariah,^ Amos,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Providence, R. I., March 28, 1848, and married in Cranston, R. I., September 1, 1869, Katie P., daughter of John S. Budlong of Warwick, R. I. In 1883 they lived in Providence, where Mr. Chafee was a stove mounter. Children : 4493 i A daughter,^ born November 3, 1875; died November 3, 1875. 4494 ii Lucy B. Chafee, born November 24, 1877; died February 16, 1878. 2345 Eliza « Chaffee (Barney Bowen,^ William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1), married James Marien. Children : 4495 i Kittie » Marien. 4496 ii Burt Marien. 2347 Louisa s Chaffee (Barney Bowen,^ William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), married Albert Lane, and in 1883 lived in Philadelphia, Pa. Child: 4497 i Mina » Lane. 2348 Charles Henrys Chaffee (Barney Bowen,^ William, « Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Owego, N. Y., November 22, 1852, and married in Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1881, Sally T., daughter of Isaac A. At- kins. They lived in Owego in 1885, where Mr. Chaffee was a bricklayer. Child: 4498 i Lois C.a Chaffee, born November 22, 1883. 2349 Sarah M.s Chaffee (William Marinda,^ William, 8 Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born November 16, 1834, and married Frank EIGHTH GENERATION 403 Allen. She was for twelve years a clerk in the Treasury Department in Washing- ton, D. C. In 1884 she was living in Candor, N. Y. Children : 4499 i Cora 9 Allen. 4500 ii Jessie Allen, married William Bowen and had one child, which was a great-great-grandchild of William " Chaffee and whom he lived to see. 2350 William Ambrose » Chaffee (William Marinda,^ William,^ Joseph, » Thomas,'* Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born May 11, 1837, and died in Spottsylvania, Va., May 18, 1864. He married Ellen A. Corbin. He served during the Civil War in the Union army for one month, being killed in the Battle of Spottsylvania. He was a teacher and a farmer. Children : 4501 i Myrtie Mary » Chaffee. 4502 ii William A. Chaffee. 2351 Edmond W.s Chaffee (Wilham Marinda,^ Wilham,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, Pa., October 22, 1842, and married Harriett Cornell. He served during the Civil War in Company B, 14th Pennsylvania Volunteers, enlisting August 22, 1862. He was transferred to Com- pany F, 7th Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1, 1863, and was discharged June 28, 1865. He is a farmer. Children : 4503 i Frank L.^ Chaffee. 4504 ii Fred Chaffee. 2352 James Polk » Chaffee (William Marinda,^ William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, Pa., November 13, 1844, and married Carrie Pitcher, who died before 1883. He served in the Civil War in Company B, 171st Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was discharged with his com- pany, August 7, 1863. He is a farmer. Children : 4505 i Ralph 9 Chaffee. 4506 ii Susan Chaffee. 4507 iii Ross Chaffee. 2353 Asa Dodge » Chaffee (William Marinda,^ William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, Pa., April 18, 1847, and married (1) Elsie Whittaker, who died. He married again and in 1884 lived in Warren Centre, where he was a blacksmith. Children, by first wife: 4508 i Lillian » Chaffee. 4509 ii Elsie Chaffee. 2354 Esther P.s Chaffee (William Marinda,^ William,6 Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, Pa., December 8, 1849, and married E. Frasier Pendleton. Children : 4510 i Fannie 9 Pendleton. / 4511 ii Maude Pendleton. 4512 iii George Pendleton, born in 1884. 2357 Delphine A.s Chaffee (Caleb Jarvis;^ William,6 Joseph,^ Thomas,* 404 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Thomas,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born March 5, 1845, and died October 21, 1880. She married George A. Hall. Child: 4513 i George ^ Hall. 2362 Charles E.s Chaffee (George Washington,^ Winiam,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), married, lived in De Kalb, 111., in 1883, and in Courtland, 111., in 1886. Child: 4514 i George » Chaffee. 2370 Idell s Chaffee (Joseph B.,7 William,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1), married Lester M. Hill, a farmer, and in 1883 was living in North Orwell, Pa. Child: 4515 i Frank 8 Hill. 2386 Carlos E.s Chaffee (Joel,7 Charles,6 Stephen,^ Thomas,* Thomas,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Springville, N. Y., in 1851, and married. In 1890 he lived in Springville. Child: 4516 i Bessie 9 Chaffee. 2392 William Henry s Baldwin, Jr. (Mary Frances Augusta ^ Chaffee, Jona- than,^ Stephen, 5 Thomas,* Thomas, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas ^), was born in Boston, Mass., February 5, 1863, and died in Locust Valley, N. Y., January 3, 1905. He married in Springfield, Mass., October 30, 1889, Ruth Standish, daughter of Samuel Bowles of that place (who was for many years the editor of the Springfield Republican). Mrs. Baldwin was graduated from Smith College in 1887, and after- wards pursued special studies there; the year before her marriage she was an in- structor in the college and private secretary to its President, L. C. Seelye. She survives her husband and lives with her children in New York City. Mr. Baldwin was a member of the Unitarian Church. He attained a position of much promi- nence and importance in the business world, though he died while still a young man. Under the heading "A Great Leader of Men," the Boston Transcript printed a tribute to his memory, portions of which we quote : "The death of William H. Baldwin, Jr., terminates one of the most remarkably successful careers ever achieved by a young man in a land noted for its self-made men. There is published in this city a 'Directory of Directors,' a sort of financial 'Who's Who,' a list of the men who fill directors' chairs in the railroads, the trust companies, the banks and the industrial trusts. This Directory is arranged alpha- betically, giving the name of the man, and, below, a list of the corporations in which he is an officer. The book includes every man of sufficient importance to to have a director's voice in any one of the great corporations whose interests centre in Wall Street. To give a list of the score of names that are followed by the greatest number of corporations would be to name the little group of men who actually control, who compose the active, working, moving force of high finance and industry in the United States. On this list is Mr. Baldwin's name. "He began life without one cent of inherited wealth. He was not on those directorates because he had money, nor because he had relatives who had money. He was there, it is no exaggeration to say, because he was looked upon as possessing, more than any other man in the world of high finance, the sound judgment, the sterling integrity, the thorough common sense and the experience in affairs, the breadth of mind and length of vision which go to make up the ability to manage EIGHTH GENERATION 405 in the best manner the most important finanical and industrial corporations in America. " Mr. Baldwin was either a president or a director in over 41 corporations. " In 1886 he was graduating at Harvard College. Less than eighteen years ago — how incredibly brief it seems for such a record of achievement — he was beginning his career without one iota of influence, just as the humblest and most obscure member of last year's class may be beginning it today, as a clerk in the freight department of the Union Pacific Railroad at Omaha. " For just one and only one bit of good fortune might Mr. Baldwin have thanked any man outside himself. He had the great good luck to be put in exactly the right place at the start. He was not compelled, as most youths are, to trust to his own judgment of his natural bent. And for this bit of good fortune, for the heaven- directed office of bringing the man and the opportunity together, Mr. Baldwin had to thank that man who is perhaps best fitted in America to gauge a youth's qualities and see where he belongs — President Eliot of Harvard. At that time, Mr. Charles Francis Adams had the same intimate relation that he still holds to Harvard. He was also president of the Union Pacific Railroad. 'I was then,' Mr. Adams has been quoted as saying, ' president of the Union Pacific. President Eliot of Harvard first called my attention to young Baldwin, then recently grad- uated. He said that he considered him a good man for the railroad business. We were always looking for first-class young men, so I found a place for him with the Union Pacific' "Doubtless that executive capacity which President Eliot noticed had been exhibited in young Baldwin's office as president of the Harvard Dining Association, the student body which manages the feeding of 1100 men at Memorial Hall — no small responsibility for a youth of college age. Baldwin was also leader of the Glee Club during his college course. At the end of it he entered the Law School, but after being there only a few months the chance to do railroad work came to him and he accepted it. "He spent but a short time in demonstrating his energy and his capacity for responsibility. While he was still at an age when most young men are in very inferior and subordinate positions, he was sent to Butte, Mont., as general manager of the Montana Union Railroad ; he was then called back to Omaha as assistant to the general manager of the entire Union Pacific system. In the spring of 1891, when the Union Pacific left the hands of its former owners to pass into the control of the Goulds, Mr. Baldwin left it. Already an active figure in railroad circles, he was called to the office of general manager of the Flint & Pere Marquette. In this position his work attracted the attention of the Morgan interests, and when that house undertook the reorganization of the Southern Railroad system, Mr. Baldwin, then but thirty years old, w^as called upon to do the active work of re- juvenating the road physically, and coordinating its loose-hanging parts. The conduct of the road before this event had been notorious. It was said at the time that the property ' had for years been scrimped and mismanaged to pay unearned dividends. Mr. Baldwin had to coalesce the various elements in what had been a loosely held system, formulate and carry into effect uniformity in every depart- ment of the service and practically rebuild a large part of the system. What he had to contend with and overcome may be appreciated when it is stated that there did not exist a repair shop on the whole line between Washington and Atlanta, and to turn the tire of a driving-wheel the engine had to travel six hundred miles. The transformation accomplished on the Southern Railroad during the first two years of its history was unparalleled in railroad management.' Two years later Mr. Baldwin was again sought for the task of bringing order out of the wreck of a mismanaged railroad. It is well known that the Long Island Railroad system had been 'milked' by the previous management, that its physical condition was wretched and that its service was an irritation to every resident along the line. Mr. Baldwin spent the first weeks of his presidency in going slowly over every yard of the line with a huge notebook in hand, marking down the repairs and changes to be made. What he effected in the way of increased satisfaction alike to the patrons of the road and to the shareholders would be an interesting story 406 • THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY if it were not too long to tell here. Subsequently he promoted the union of the Long Island and the Pennsylvania; and the stupendous engineering feat of con- necting the two systems by tunnels under the North and East rivers and under Manhattan Island is generally credited to him, as his original conception. When the time came for the actual beginning of this work, he was chosen for the general oversight of it. Indeed, the direction of this enormous work had been his chief care in recent years. " This is all a record of material achievement. It leaves out of account Mr. Bald- win's work as a reformer and philanthropist. The striking thing about Mr. Bald- win's record is that he was an original thinker, that his discernment and insight taught him the needs of certain portions of America, that his far vision suggested to him a cure, and that he had, with militant energy, gone about originating and bringing into being the means of cure. Some months ago a complimentary dinner to Mr. Baldwin was given by the executive officers of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, and the outside of the menu card was inscribed ' To Our Best Friend.' This was a significant tribute. It indicates what is the truth, that those most intimate with the work of Tuskegee recognized Mr. Baldwin as, in a sense, the discoverer of Booker Washington and as the most efficient impulse behind the movement which Mr. Washington represents. "He once expressed it himself in a speech to a company of Southerners: 'My views regarding the education of the Negro are exactly those that are held in the South. For the Negro, I think that the best education is that which is given by Booker Washington at Tuskegee. I think the Negroes should be taught to work — to work at the trades and in the fields. A common-school education along with their trades is not only unharmful, but likely to be a great benefit to their employers and their neighbors. As for Greek, Latin and the higher steps in education, they are worthless so far as the Negro is concerned.' "Having given the tremendous impulse of his personality to the work at Tuske- gee, Mr. Baldwin turned his attention to the education of the Southern whites. He was the chairman of the General Educational Board, an organization of men who have the insight to know, and the disposition and means to give to the edu- cational needs of the South. "Mr. Baldwin was best known to the public as chairman of the Reform Com- mittee of Fifteen, which, in connection with Mr. Jerome, awakened the city [New York] and brought about the election of Mayor Low in 1901. "This record, remarkable as it is, leaves out of the count the distinction which Mr. Baldwin held among railroad men, among large employers of capital and among labor leaders — a distinction generally unknown to the public. Mr. Baldwin was held to be the most clear-headed, the most just, the most practical and the most effective settler of labor disputes in this country. It is one of the secrets of the more intimate circles of labor leaders and large employers that during every great strike of recent years Mr. Baldwin's advice had been sought to settle the vexed problems involved, and in some of the greatest of these strikes, although his name was never publicly mentioned, he was the principal agent in terminating the trouble. It would cause misconception to call him a 'strike breaker.' It was one of the elements of his success that he kept in mind the point of view of the laborer as well as of the employer, and without any weak yielding, using unflinching firmness whenever it is necessary, he ended the trouble by amicable adjustment rather than by any exertion of force which leaves bitterness on both sides. "Mr. Baldwin reached this unique ability through an abundance of experience. He fought the rioters on the Union Pacific in 1889 and slept on frontier station floors with a rifle by his side. Again, while general manager and vice president of the Southern Railway, he averted what threatened to be one of the greatest strikes in railroad history. One of the means used to express the fairness of his position to the strikers was the compilation of a pamphlet which dealt with the whole question and was mailed to every employee of the road." Editorially the Transcript also said : "The death of William H. Baldwin, Jr., of New York is a national loss. Few EIGHTH GENERATION 407 men dying at the comparatively early age of forty-one take so much out of the higher activities and richer life of their time as has passed with him. The brief period of eighteen years was the span of his active career, as we speak of the time in men's lives that follows their educational preparation, but they were years of splendid achievement in which qualities of early promise developed and expanded into most gratifying fulfilment, both in character and in service. In another part of this paper the evidences of this fact are given at considerable length, but the full record is something that none but himself completely knew, something that the most appreciative tributes can but inadequately express. His executive ability was of the highest order and in the line of work which he selected he was continually being called to higher and still higher service and responsibility. But the most notable trait of his character was that he did not prize these talents simply as a means of acquiring wealth or securing personal advancement, but held them as a trust to be employed for the benefit of his generation. His aim was always constructive, but never to build himself or his enterprises up by pulling others down. He became interested not alone in the material possibilities of the communities and sections with which his manifold labors identified him, but with the human beings with whom these labors brought him in contact, their bodies and souls, their mental and material welfare. His public spirit, his broad and compre- hensive philanthropy were inherited qualities made strong and vital by excellent training and constant exercise. Though in his productive manhood his lot was cast elsewhere, it is a satisfaction to remember that he was a son of Boston and possessed and reflected some of the noblest and most admirable of New England qualities. With rare business ability was joined integrity that was above suspicion, while through it all ran a beautiful spirit of altruism that expressed itself in good works for his fellowmen." The following account of the funeral is from a Boston paper : "A funeral service was held in the cemetery chapel at Forest Hills, Jamaica Plain, Mass., in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. It was conducted by Rev. Dr. Samuel A. Eliot, president of the American Unitarian association, assisted by Rev. Charles D. Billings of Lowell, a brother-in-law of Mr. Baldwin. Dr. Eliot pronounced a eulogy, saying in part: " 'No single voice can explain the depth of feeling that has drawn this company together. We are here to testify to the influence wdiich this brave, cheerful, tender- hearted, loving and high-minded man has had upon our lives. If it were possible for each one of us to utter in some single sentence the reason of our love for him there would be added to our presence the fitting memorial word. From the world of business, where his ability and integrity won cjuick respect and absolute con- dence; from the public service, wherein his capacity for self-effacing leadership was so remarkable; from the personal relationship of life, where his genius for friendship and buoyancy of spirits brought good cheer, there would come up in all the simplicity of a heartfelt grief, his worthiest eulogy. How his very physical presence inspired our confidence, how his abundant nature enriched us! We caught the contagion of his optimism, we grew more generous in contact wnth his radiat- ing good will. All our little meannesses and prejudices vanished when they touched his magnificent manliness. " 'Evfl spirits could not bear the light of his sunny soul. He inherited a keen sense of moral obligation. This was a quality that gave a cleanness to his speech, firmness to his decisions. There were never more than two ways of doing things — one the right, the other the wrong. He knew nothing of circuitous methods. He did not deal in smooth compromises. He never knew what it was to be timid or complacent. He never let the right wait on the expedient. He never trimmed, he never posed. He went straight to his point. He could not but be aware of the admiration he created, but he never lost his sense of right proportions. He had physical courage and the greater virtue of moral courage. He held himself in natural friendly intercourse with all sorts and conditions of men. He had the large manly common sense which we Americans demand of those we hold repre- sentative. He had a commanding personality, and we caught from him much 408 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY that has been beneficial to us all. His life has been a lesson to us, and we should seek to become more worthy of his friendship and not forget his great example.' "In the course of morning prayers at Harvard university Wednesday, Rev. Francis G. Peabody contributed a few words of testimony to the life of the late Mr. Baldwin. He took for a text Isaiah xxxii:2, 'A man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.' He said in part : ' He died of a lingering and obscure disease, at the age of 41 ; too soon, it seems to a host of friends, but not too soon to demon- strate what one plain, democratic, absolutely upright and thoroughly trained man can do and be in a nation like ours. The spirit of idealism bred here was set to work in the world, and the world — which often seems to give its prizes to trickery and greed — gave its obedience and loyalty to this young Harvard man whom it could absolutely trust.' "President Jesup formally announced the death of William H. Baldwin, Jr., at the monthly meeting of the New York Chamber of Commerce yesterday, and recalled the fact that Mr. Baldwin had served the city and the chamber as the chairman of the Committee of Fifteen. Jacob H. Schiff asked permission to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of Mr. Baldwin and the work he had done on the Committee of Fifteen. He said that when the matter of chairman for that committee came up there was some doubt as to whether Mr. Baldwin would accept the office, since it might interfere with his duties as president of the Long Island Railroad. Mr. Schiff said that Mr. Baldwin declared that he would accept the position, even if it became necessary for him to resign the presidency of the rail- road. Mr. Baldwin said at the time, according to Mr. Schiff: 'I shall always be able to earn a living for myself and family, but I shall never have another oppor- tunity, perhaps, to serve my city in this way.' 'But for him,' said Mr. Schiff, 'I do not believe our city would be as good as I believe it is to-day.' " Children : 4517 i Ruth Standish « Baldwin, born in Montana, August 8, 1890. 4518 ii William Henry Baldwin, third, born in Saginaw, Mich., September 17, 1891. 4519 iii Mary Chaffee Baldwin, born in Washington, D. C, February 17, 1896; died in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 21, 1897; buried in Boston. 2401 Stephen Harrison « Chaffee (Stephen, ^ Stephen Harrison,^ Stephen,5 Thomas,* Thomas,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Mt. Holly, Vt., October 24, 1831, and married there (1), May 25, 1856, Roxanna, daughter of Luther Tarbell of that place. She died April 20, 1870, and was buried in Mt. Holly. She was a member of the Advent Church. He married (2), March 15, 1876, Hattie E. Hart. He has been a Justice of the Peace, Selectman, Grand Juror and Lister, and also a Steward in the Methodist Church, which he joined at the age of fifty-five. He has a light complexion, and is five feet, nine inches in height. In 1856 he lived in Mt. Holly and in 1890 in Westminster, Mass., where he was a mechanic. Child, by first wife : 4520 i Lilla Adell ^ Chaffee, born August 8, 1857. Child, by second wife : 4521 ii Bessie Abigail Chafi'ee, born October 13, 1881. 2404 Lucy Emily s Chaffee (Albigence,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan, * Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., January 28, 1812, and died in Palermo, N. Y. She married, January 27, 1833, Smith Moss, born Febru- ary 12, 1806, died November 12, 1859. They lived in Palermo. Child: 4522 i Mary^ Moss, born October 18, 1839; married (1) Lucian N. Moss, who died in Anderson vile Prison during the Civil War; (2) Thomas Clark of Palermo; residence, 1893, Gilberts Mills, N. Y.; no children. EIGHTH GENERATION 409 2405 Lyman Albigence « Chaffee (Albigence,^ Josiah,8 Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., August 9, 1814, and died in Fabius, N. Y., November 5, 1882. He married, in Gilberts Mills, N. Y., February 10, 1836, Clarissa, daughter of Joseph H. Clark of Massachusetts. She was born in Tully, N. Y., December 28, 1815, and was a member of the Free Baptist Church, as was Mr. Chaffee, he having joined it at the age of seventeen. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Gilberts Mills, later in Schroeppel, N. Y., and at the time of his death in Fabius, where he was buried. He was a miller and cooper. Children : 4523 i Fidelia 9 Chaffee, born November 9, 1836; died January 30, 1890; married Warren Waters; and had two sons. + 4524 ii Cyrus F. Chaffee, born December 7, 1838; married (1) Maria L. Tenny; (2) Louisa J. Penny; (3) Mrs. Mary M. Hulbert. + 4525 iii Lucy Elizabeth Chaffee, born September 5, 1840; married Rufus White. + 4526 iv Stephen Albigence Chaffee, born January 30, 1842; married Eliza Harriet Calkins. + 4527 V Richard Chaffee, born Feburary 3, 1844; married Sarah Buchanan. + 4528 vi James Silas Chaffee, born December 9, 1846; married Mary R. Bates. 4529 vii Levi Chaffee, born December 9, 1848; died June 12, 1869. + 4530 viii Harvey Lyman Chaffee, born May 17, 1850; married Frances J. Way. 2406 Minerva s Chaffee (Albigence,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan.s Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), died in Mexico, N. Y. She married Wilford Sweetland and lived in Mexico. Children : 4531 i Lucy 9 Sweetland, married George Arthur; residence, 1893, Mexico. 4532 ii Freddie Sweetland, died in Mexico, where he lived. 2411 William Anthony » Martin (Fidelia ^ Chaffee, Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Warwick, R. I., January 22, 1836, and married, in Westerly, R. I., July 7, 1853, Emma Jane, daughter of Louis Viera of New York City. Both are members of the Broad Street Christian Church, Westerly, Mr. Martin' having joined at the age of twenty-eight. He has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet in height. At the time of his marriage and in 1893 he lived in Westerly, where he was a teamster. Children : 4533 i Frank Herberts Martin, born April 3, 1857. 4534 ii Lizzie Emma Martin, born June 8, 1860; residence, 1893, Westerly. 4535 iii William Salsbury Martin, born May 12, 1862; married Lana Crandall; residence, 1893, Westerly. 4536 iv Fred Louis Martin, born April 12, 1867. 2415 Joel Palmer s Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, s Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Bridgewater, N. Y., May 23, 1820, and mar- ried in Gilberts Mills, N. Y., August 27, 1845, Hepzibah, daughter of Benjamin Chamberlin of Westerlo, N. Y. He is a house builder and farmer, and in 1884 and 1893 lived in Gilberts Mills. Children, the first three born in Schroeppel, N. Y., the last four in Gilberts Mills: + 4537 i Ellen Jerusha » Chaffee, born December 16, 1846; married Eli W. Martin. 410 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4538 ii Edwin J. Chaffee, born June 11, 1849; died in Gilberts Mills; lived there, unmarried. 4539 iii Edward Benjamin Chaffee, a twin, born June 11, 1849; residence, 1893, Gilberts Mills. 4540 iv William Henry Chaffee, born April 21, 1850; married Lizzie Rude; no children in 1893, when they lived in Fulton, N. Y. + 4541 V Sarah Elizabeth Chaffee, born June 23, 1851; married Herbert J. Bailey. + 4542 vi Jay Eugene Chaffee, born March 7, 1855; married Sarah A. Stone. + 4543 vii Lucy Annie Chaffee, born April 24, 1861; married Curtis L. Pratt. 2416 Jerusha Emeline « Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Volney, N. Y., April 9, 1822, and mar- ried. May 23, 1839, William Smith. In 1893 they lived in Hastings, N. Y. Children : + 4544 i Cynthia ^ Smith, married William Church. 4545 ii Addison Smith, married Ella Clark and had two children; residence, 1893, Syracuse, N. Y. 4546 iii Addie Smith, married Delos Hart; no children in 1893, when they lived in Hastings. + 4547 iv Eugene Smith, married Ella Phillips. 4548 V Laphene Smith, married Ada L. Davis; no children in 1893, when they lived in Hastings. 2421 Harriet Melinda s Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Schroeppel, N. Y., September 2, 1839, and married, October 7, 1857, Hiram Sweet of Volney, N. Y. In 1893 she lived in Eastport, Mich. Children : 4549 i Olive » Sweet. 4550 ii Emma Sweet. + 4551 iii Edwin Herbert Sweet, born May 4, 1862; married Mary Sainsbury. 4552 iv Joel Bertie Sweet. 4553 V Mary Elizabeth Sweet. 4554 vi Clarence Sweet, a twin. 4555 vii Hiram Sweet, a twin. 4556 viii A son, a twin. 4557 ix A daughter, a twin. 2426 Lucius Dimock s Chaffee (Israel Dimock,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., March 10, 1825, and married, in South Killingly, Conn., September 6, 1847, Mary A., daughter of Pearly Davis of Plainfield, Conn. She is a member of the Unitarian Church. At the time of his marriage he lived in Brooklyn, Conn., and in 1893 in Moosup, Conn. He has been Grand Juryman and a Town Committeeman. He is a mem- ber of the Episcopal Church. He is a carpenter, has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is six feet in height. Child: 4558 i Louis D.9 Chaffee, born June 21, 1856; died June 3, 1875. 2427 Celina Hayward « Chaffee (David, ^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Susquehanna County, Pa., Decem- ber 26, 1820, and died in Kanosh, Utah, November 17, 1861. She married in Gilberts Mills, N. Y., October 6, 1839, Peter Robinson, born in Luzerne County, Pa., April 27, 1817. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints EIGHTH GENERATION 411 [familiarly known as the Mormon Church], at the age of twenty-three, and was for forty years an Elder in it. He married a second wife, Mary Ashley, Febru- ary 29, 1850, and two of the last five children named below were by this wife, though which is not known. He fought in the Indian War in Utah in 1852, as a Private. He is a farmer and cooper, has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and is six feet, two inches in height. In 1893 he lived in Kanosh. Celina (Chaffee) Robinson was a member of the Baptist Church. She was buried in Fillmore, Utah. Children : 4559 i Maryette" Robinson, born August 24, 1841; died September 10, 1847. 4560 ii David Peter Robinson, born September 17, 1846; died May 23, 1847. 4561 iii Cornelia Celina Robinson, born September 17, 1848, 4562 iv Charles Robinson, born August 23, 1850. 4563 V Joseph M. Robinson, born March 29, 1852. 4564 vi Lucy Matilda Robinson, born April 2, 1854. 4565 vii Sarah Joanna Robinson, born July 18, 1856; died Spetember 10, 1879; married John S. Lott. 4566 viii James Robinson, born May 27, 1859. 4567 ix George Samuel Robinson, born November 18, 1860. 2429 Jane Elizabeth 8 ChaflEee (Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan, < Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in 1834, and married Dudley Fish. They lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1893. Children : -1-4568 i EUiot Dudley » Fish, married Lizzie Brandt. 4569 ii Mary E. Fish, residence, 1893, Brooklyn. 4570 iii Myrtis M. Fish, residence, 1893, Brooklyn. 4571 iv Lawrence Chaffee Fish, born in Brooklyn, June 21, 1872; graduated from grammar school in Brooklyn and later attended the Co- lumbia and the New York Law Schools, graduating from the latter in 1893, and being admitted to the Bar the same year; is active in temperance work and was Grand Chief Templar in the Independent Order Grand Templars in 1893; is a member of the First Free Baptist Church of Brooklyn, where in 1893 he lived. 2431 Newman Josiah « Chaffee (Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan, * Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Schroeppel, N. Y., November 10, 1838, and married (1) in Clay, N. Y., June 15, 1864, Delia Ann Burleigh, born Octo- ber 13, 1836. She died in Clay, and he married (2) Mornelvia 0. Miller. In 1893 he lived in Clay. Children, by first wife : 4572 i Edith May^ Chaffee, born in Schroeppel, June 3, 1865; married Irv- .ing K. Loveless; no children in 1893, when they lived in Phoe- nix, N. Y. -t-4573 ii Clinton Burt Chaffee, born July 24, 1867; married Emehne A. J. Church (5893). 4574 iii Frank Burleigh Chaffee, born in Lysander, N. Y., July 7, 1869; resi- dence, 1893, Phcenix, N. Y. 4575 iv Josiah Newman Chaffee, born in Clay, September 10, 1877; residence, 1893, Clay. Children, by second wife : 4576 V Howard Warren Chaffee, residence, 1893, Clay. 4577 vi Verne Leroy Chaffee, residence, 1893, Clay. 2434 Emeline Jerusha s Chaffee (Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Josiah, ^ Jonathan,* Jona- 412 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in 1850, and married L. Duane Streeter. In 1893 they hved in Fulton, N. Y. Children : 4578 i Willis C.a Streeter. 4579 ii Ruth Streeter. 2435 Orwell Sydney s ChafEee (Frederick, ^ Frederick,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., June 13, 1815, and died in Mansfield Centre, Chaffeeville, Conn., April 2, 1887. He married (1) in Mansfield, Conn., December 9, 1834, Lucina Amelia, daughter of Captain Joseph Conant of that place. She was born August 30, 1814, and died February 28, 1879. She was a woman of exalted character and a reputation for piety and benevolence. He married (2) Bertha, daughter of Samuel Perkins of Mansfield, who survived him. Mr. Chaffee moved to Mansfield from Ashford in youth, and always lived there except for a few years spent in Northampton, Mass. At the time of his death he was said to be the oldest New England silk manufacturer in business. He was engaged in the manufacture of sewing silk and twist for fifty years. He began business with his father-in-law, Captain Joseph Conant, and Mr. Dwight Smith in Northampton. Later he removed to Mansfield and took into partnership his oldest son, J. D. Chaffee, under the firm name of 0. S. Chaffee & Son. He served in the State Legislature as Representative. He was a member of the Masonic order and was a man of genial disposition, honesty and real worth. He died of Bright's disease and was buried with Masonic honors, April 5, 1887, his funeral being largely attended. Children, by first wife : 4580 i Maria A. Chaffee, born May 8, 1836; died in Ashford, April 3, 1857. -1-4581 ii Joseph Dwight Chaffee, born August 9, 1846; married Martha W. Armstrong. 4582 iii Alon S. Chaffee, born November 20, 1854; served as a Representative in the State Legislature. 2440 Charles Edward « Chaffee (Daniel Knowlton,^ Frederick, ^ Josiah,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas, 1) was born in Providence, R. I., Decem- ber 17, 1830, and married (1) Eliza A., daughter of John G. Thurber. Mr. Chaffee married (2) Anna E. K., daughter of George P. Gladmin of Haddam, Conn. In 1884 they lived in Providence, where Mr. Chaffee was a detective. Child, by second wife : 4583 i Augusta E.a Chaffee, born April 30, 1872. 2446 Anson D.s ChafEee (Anson, ^ Frederick,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, s Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in East Windsor, Conn., September 14, 1829, and married (1) in Hartford, Conn., December, 1850, Mary, daughter of Miner Harris of Seymour, Conn. She died January 16, 1860, and was buried in Derby, Conn. He married (2) in Monroe, Conn., June 19, 1871, Catharine B., daughter of William C. Hawley of that place. He served in the Civil War as a musician, enlisting April 23, 1861, in Company D, 2d Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered in May 7, 1861, discharged August 7, 1861, re-enlisted Septem- ber 2, 1861, in Company A, 10th Connecticut Infantry, being mustered in, Septem- ber 9, 1861, and promoted from musician of Company A, to principal musician, October 24, 1861. He was discharged September 12, 1862. At the time of his service, and in 1884 he lived in Derby, where he was a moulder. EIGHTH GENERATION 413 Children, by first wife : + 4584 i Charles H.s Chaffee, born March 14, 1853 ; married Sophia J. W. Webb. + 4585 ii Minnie E. Chaffee, born June 18, 1858; married John W. Dunham. 4586 iii Mary Chaffee, born January 6, 1860; died January 4, 1869; buried in Derby. Child, by second wife : 4587 iv Millie H. Chaffee, born January 19, 1873. 2447 Sarah M.s Chaffee (Anson,'' Frederick, « Josiah,^ Jonathan,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born December 7, 1831, and married, September 15, 1850, Mansfield, son of Samuel Hull of Derby, Conn., where in 1884 she lived. Child: + 4588 i Ella M.a Hull, born January 10, 1851 ; married Henry W. Gilbert. 2448 Sanford Erasmus » Chaffee (Anson, ' Frederick,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Springfield, Mass., October 14, 1833, and married (1) in Derby, Conn., July 29, 1859, Anna E., daughter of Wil- liam Boyce of that i^lace. She died December 22, 1861, and he married (2) in Fredericsburg, Va., October 21, 1869, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of James A. Turner of that place. Captain Chaffee served in the Civil War, enlisting in Derby, April 23, 1861, in Company D, 2d Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and was mus- tered in May 7, 1861. He served three months as First Lieutenant and was mus- tered out August 7, 1861. He re-enlisted in Derby, August 15, 1862, as Captain in Company B, 20th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered in Sep- tember 8, 1862. This regiment was organized in New Haven, September 8, 1862, to serve three years, and mustered in the same day. The original members were mustered out June 13, 1865, and the remaining men transferred to the 5th Con- necticut Veteran Infantry. But Captain Chaffee was wounded July 2, 1863, in the Battle of Gettysburg, and was discharged November 13, 1863. He was a machinist and later a ticket agent in a railroad oflrice. In 1884 he lived in Derby, and in 1893 in Washington, D. C, Child, by second wife : 4589 i James S.a Chaffee, born August 11, 1870. 2449 Charles S.s Chaffee (Anson, ' Frederick, ^ Josiah,^ Jonathan, * Jonathan,' Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born January 25, 1836, and married in Derby, Conn., September 2, 1858, Mary J., daughter of Benjamin Chalker of Durham, Conn. Mr. Chaffee is a machinist. He represented his district in the lower house of the Connecticut Legislature in 1886 and 1889. Later he was elected Selectman and Town Agent of Derby for several years and when the town was changed to a city he was elected President of the Board of Aldermen, and following this. Mayor, his term of the latter office expiring January 1, 1899. Child: 4590 i Ida May » Chaffee, born May 3, 1859; married, November 16, 1881, Frank C, son of Alfred Hubbard of Middletown, Conn. 2450 Frank W.s Chaffee (Anson, ' Frederick, « Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,' Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born February 23, 1838, and married in New Haven, Conn., December 24, 1859, Sarah A., daughter of Augustine S. Finch. In 1886 they lived in Chicago, 111., where he was a bookkeeper. He was a sutler in the 10th Connecticut Volunteers during the Civil War. 414 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child: 4591 i Lottie N.9 Chaffee, born April 2, 1861 ; died March 22, 1879. 2451 James W.s Chaffee (Anson, ^ Frederick, ^ Josiah,^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born July 24, 1840, and married in Derby, Conn., December 7, 1861, Mary L., daughter of Jacob Zetler of Bavaria. At the out- break of the Civil War, he enlisted in Derby, April 23, 1861, as a Private in Com- pany D, 2d Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, for three months. He was mustered in May 7, 1861, and mustered out August 7, 1861. He re-enlisted in Derby, Octo- ber 8, 1861, for three years, as First Sergeant in Company B, 1st Connecticut Cavalry, was mustered in November 2, 1861, and discharged October 7, 1862. In 1884 he lived in Derby, where he was a machinist. Children, born in Derby: 4592 i Myrtie L.9 Chaffee, born August 24, 1863. 4593 ii Jennie R. Chaffee, born July 25, 1867. 4594 iii Cora Belle Chaffee, born January 13, 1869; died in Derby, February 12, 1871. 2452 Eliza L.s Chaffee (Anson, ^ Frederick, ^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,'* Jonathan,' Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Springfield, Mass., August 29, 1843, and mar- ried in Derby, Conn., December 20, 1861, George A. Cargill of Redding, Conn. He served in the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery as a musician, during the Civil War. In 1884 they lived in Derby, where he was a clockmaker. Children : 4595 i George S.s Cargill, born December 6, 1867. 4596 ii Cora May Cargill, born April 2, 1874; died July 5, 1883; buried in Derby. 2453 Harvey M.s Chaffee ( Anson, ^ Frederick,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,' Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born August 1, 1846, and married in Derby, Conn., November 17, 1869, Elizabeth, daughter of John I. Decker of Copake, N. Y. At the outbreak of the Civil War Mr. Chaffee enlisted in Company F, 10th Con- necticut Volunteer Infantry, as a musician, December 26, 1861, was mustered in December 31, 1861, in Annapolis, Md., re-enlisted January 1, 1864, and was mustered out August 25, 1865. In 1884 he lived in Derby, where he was a freight agent. Children : 4597 i Eva N.9 Chaffee, born July 17, 1872. 4598 ii Bessie Chaffee, born July 18, 1879; died February 8, 1881; buried in Derby. 2457 Willard Dillingham « Chaffee (Ezra,^ Benjamin, ^ Thomas, ^ Jonathan*, Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Windham, O., March 24, 1812, and died between 1890 and 1891. He married in Palmyra, O., 1837 (1841), Mary, daughter of Phillip Shank of Portage County, O. She died September 2, 1887 (1888), and was buried in Courtland, Mich. Willard D. Chaffee had a light com- plexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was the first white male child born in Windham. At the time of his marriage he lived in Paris (Windham) and moved to Michigan in 1840. In 1890 he was living in Edgerton, Mich., with his daughter Harriet (Chaffee) Wolven. Children : -1-4599 i Ezra Messenger » Chaffee, born May 16, 1844; married Hannah Young. 4600 ii Maria Y. Chaffee, born March 18, 1846; married John Long. EIGHTH GENERATION 415 4601 iii Harriet M. Chaffee, born January 6, 1848; married Harvey H. Wolven; residence, 1890, Edgerton, Mich. 4602 iv Sally Ervilla Chaffee, born November 20, 1849; died March 16, 1871; married George Wolven. 4603 V Julia H. Chaffee, born June 8, 1853; married Samuel Driesbach. 2461 Maria « Whitehead (Thirza ^ Chaffee, Benjamin, « Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), died in Newfield, N. Y., in 1840. She married James Cook. Children : 4604 i Rufus^ Cook, residence, 1891, MinneapoHs, Minn. 4605 ii Erastus Cook, died in Sioux City, la., in 1885. 4606 iii Samuel Cook, residence, 1891, in the West. 4607 iv William Harrison Cook, residence, 1891, Newfield. 2462 Clarissa Ervilla » Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, ^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Newfield, N. Y., March 13, 1813, and married John McDaniels. In 1891 her home was in Newfield, where she had lived all her life. Child: 4608 i Miners McDaniels, residence, 1891, Newfield. 2463 Benjamin Albert » Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin,*" Thomas,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Newfield, N. Y., Novem- ber 11, 1814, and married (1) in Bath, 0., November 25, 1834, Caroline, daughter of George W. Story, formerly of Connecticut. She died in February, 1864, and was buried in Steuben County, Ind. He married (2), March 30, 1865, Mary Conley. He lived in Newfield until he grew to manhood, when he went to Ohio. In 1834 he was living in Bath, in 1845 moved to Indiana, and in 1891 lived in Corunna, Ind., where he had served as Postmaster for eight years and Justice of the Peace for two years. He was express agent and for twenty years a merchant there, but meeting with a serious railroad accident in Corunna, has not since that time engaged in any active business. He has a light complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. He joined the Church of the United Brethren in Christ at the age of fifty-four. Children : 4609 i Orlen » Chaffee, born in Bath, September 29, 1835; married in Corunna, November 9, 1865, Ellen Mary, daughter of William Conley of Salem, Ind.; no children; they have an adopted daughter, who married and moved to Ohio; both are members of the Church of the United Bretheren in Christ, which he joined at the age of thirty, and in which he has been Class Leader; has a light com- plexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height; he is a farmer and a sober, upright man; residence, 1865 to 1891, Corunna. + 4610 ii Lovica Chaffee, born March 16, 1837; married William Hayward. + 4611 iii Albert Orson Chaffee, born April 22, 1838; married (1) Mary E. Tinklepaugh; (2) Julia Ann Rowley. 2464 Robert Charles s Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, « Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas >) was born in Newfield, N. Y., May 22, 1816, and died in Green, Kan., January 5, 1887. He married (1) in Newfield, Septem- ber 17, 1837, Sophia Russell of that place. She died March 4, 1857, and was buried in South Milford, Ind. She was a member of the Baptist Church. He married (2), 416 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY June 27, 1857, Ann Shields. He lived in Newfield until 1841, when he moved to Ohio, and two years later to Indiana, where he made his home until 1872. He then moved to Kansas and finally settled in Green, where he lived from 1873 until his death. He united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-eight. He was a farmer and held various church and town offices. He had a fair com- plexion, dark eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. Children, by first wife: 4612 i Myron 9 Chaffee, born September 2, 1838; married Hattie Rosen- berry; served in the Union army during the Civil War. 4613 ii Edward Andrew Chaffee, born July 31, 1840; married Magdalene Martin ; served in the Union army, during the Civil War. 4614 iii Ezra Chaffee. 4615 iv Russell Chaffee. + 4616 V Joshua Robert Chaffee, born August 14, 1848; married (1) Lizzie Hoover; (2) Lovina Strow. 4617 iv Thomas W. Chaffee, born June 3, 1850; married Love Godwin. 4618 vii Matilda Chaffee. 4619 viii Welcome M. Chaffee, born January 9, 1855; married Emma Shade. Children, by second wife : 4620 ix Alice Chaffee, born May 20, 1858; married Frank Harner. 4621 X Cyrus Chaffee, born December 9, 1860. 4622 xi Alfred Chaffee. 4623 xii Eugene Chaffee, born April 8, 1863; married Libbie Hilton. 4624 xiii Miner Chaffee, born February 11, 1865. 4625 xiv Mary Chaffee. 4626 XV Spencer Chaffee, born July 19, 1868; residence, 1891, Green. 4627 xvi Laura Chaffee, born January 23, 1872. 4628 xvii Harriet Chaffee, born February 6, 1874. 4629 xviii Grace Chaffee, born March 4, 1876. 2465 Ezra Albertus s Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, « Thomas, 5 Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Newfield, N. Y., June 24, 1819, and died July 8, 1864. He married Sally Gellow, who was living in Green, Kan., in 1891. They lived in Newfield until 1852, when they moved to Hector, N. Y. Here they lived until Mr. Chaffee entered the Union army in 1864, shortly after- ward dying in the service of his country. Children : 4630 i Jacob 9 Chaffee, residence, 1891, Leonardsville, Kan. 4631 ii Thirza Chaffee, married Joseph Horner, who was elected to the Kansas Legislature on the Farmers' Alliance ticket in 1891. 2466 Sarah Alvira s ChafEee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, ^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Newfield, N. Y., July 5, 1820, and died in Hector, N. Y., September 5, 1888. She married in 1841, William Rowley, and left Newfield to make her home in Hector, where she lived until her death. Child: 4632 i Norman 9 Rowley, residence, 1891, North Hector, N. Y. 2468 Jane Mirah » Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, « Thomas, ^ Jonathan, ^ Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Newfield, N. Y., May 9, 1824, and died there, January 2, 1889. She married Richard or John Russel and lived in New- field. Child: 4633 i Jerome 9 Russel, residence, 1891, Poney Hollow, N. Y. EIGHTH GENERATION 417 2469 Rufus 8 Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, « Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Newfield, N. Y., August 14, 1826, and married (1) there, August 14, 1846, Eliza, daughter of George Beach of Newfield. She died February 19, 1873, and was buried there. He married (2) Maries Starks. He served during the Civil War as a Private in the Union army for two months in 1861. He has a light complexion, dark eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He is a farmer, and in 1893 was living in Swartwood, N. Y. Children : 4634 i Mary Ann » Chaffee, born May 6, 1847 ; died June 15, 1850. 4635 ii Eliza Chaffee, born February 20, 1849; married Benjamin Esseltine. 4636 iii Tafett Chaffee, born July 26, 1852; died June 18, 1861. 4637 iv Nelson Chaffee, born August 27, 1855. 4638 V David Chaffee, born October 31, 1861; married Alnora Brink; residence, 1891, Swartwood. 2470 Andrew « Chaffee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, ^ Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Newfield, N. Y., July 31, 1828, and married (1) there, February 22, 1845, Marietta, daughter of Peter Beach of that place. She died April 8, 1885, and was buried in Newfield. She was a member of the Baptist Church. He married (2), July 15, 1886, Maria Louisa Dassance. He served in the Union army during the Civil War as an artificer in the Corps of Engmeers. He united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-two and has been a Deacon and Sunday School Superintendent. He has a fair complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. In 1891 he was living in Newfield, where he was a farmer. Children, by first wife : 4639 i Jason Albert » Chaffee, born January 14, 1846; married Amadell Millage. 4640 ii Cherilla Chaffee, born March 2, 1850; died June 7, 1882; married Jacob Millard Bush. 4641 iii Elnora Chaffee, born December 31, 1852; married Charles Bush. 4642 iv Nelson Chaffee, born May 1, 1855; married Hattie Austin. 4643 V Adelaide Chaffee, born May 27, 1858; married Myron Funis. 2477 Williard Erwin » Chaffee (Seth,^ Benjamin, s Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Geneva, N. Y., April 12, 1828, and married in Newfield, N. Y., March 20, 1850, Phoebe, daughter of William Saver- cool of that place. He has a ruddy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. He lived in Newfield at the time of his marriage, and in 1893 in Cayuta, N. Y., where he was a shingle weaver. Children : 4644 i Rhoda Ann ^ Chaffee, married Delos Mathews. 4645 ii Mary Augusta Chaffee, married Joseph Grover. 4646 iii Ellen Chaffee, married Freeman Dean. 2490 Leonard Almon » Chaffee (Almon,^ Benjamin, « Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in New York state, January 2, 1834, and died in Greenville, Mich., June 10, 1881. He married (1) Mary Ann VanPelt of Steuben County, Ind., and (2) Almira Smith, who survived him, and in 1891 was living in Greenville. Leonard A. Chaffee was a physician, having studied medicine in Philadelphia, Pa. He enlisted in the 12th Indiana Cavalry as Veterinary Surgeon and served in the Civil War for a year, when, his health failing, he resigned and went home. In 1867 he commenced active practice in Red Wing, Minn., later 418 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY removed to Saranae, Mich., thence to Greenville, where he built up a large practice. He had a kindly, sympathetic disposition and was thoroughly upright in every way. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, nine inches in height. He united with the Advent Church at the age of forty-eight. He died of con- sumption and was buried in Greenville. Child, by first wife: 4647 i Eva 9 Chaffee, born in Salem, Ind. Child, by second wife : 4648 ii Harland A. Chaffee, born September 23, 1877. 2493 Alonzo Joshua « Chaffee (Almon,^ Benjamin, 6 Thomas, ^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born near Painesville, 0., September 17, 1840, and died May 13, 1865. He married Mary Teeters, who, after his death, married (2) Miller and in 1891 was living in La Grange, Ind. Mr. Chaffee enlisted in Company B, 12th Indiana Cavalry, as a bugler and was captured in Vicksburg, Miss., and imprisoned in Andersonville, Ga., for about ten months. He was paroled and went home, but died the day after his arrival there. He was buried in Turkey Creek, Ind. He was five feet, eleven inches in height, weighed two hundred pounds, and was considered the finest man physi- cally in his regiment. He was of a kindly disposition, was a good singer and generally popular. Child: 4649 i Laura ^ Chaffee, married. 2495 Addison Harland s ChafEee (Almon,^ Benjamin, « Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Milford, Ind., May 21, 1849, and married in Albion, Ind., August 11, 1870, Rose Jane, daughter of Samuel Harrison Salladay of that place. Doctor Chaffee served in the Union army during the Civil War, first as Private, later as Lieutenant. He was taken prisoner near Harrison Landing, Va., and confined in Libby Prison for three weeks. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Steuben County, Ind., and in 1891 in Breck- enridge. Mo., where he was a physician. Children : 4650 i Harry Alonzo » Chaffee, born September 21, 1877 ; died October 25, 1877. 4651 ii Minnie Sylvia Chaffee, born July 22, 1879; died March 3, 1881. 2496 Deliverence « Church (Nathan ^ Church, Deliverence ^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan, 4 Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 25, 1814, and mar- ried, November 18, 1841, Elijah Belcher. Child: 4652 i Adlebert ^ Belcher, died in the army during the Civil War. 2498 Lydia Ann s Church (Nathan 7 Church, Deliverence ^ Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan, 4 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Maine, N. Y., March 6, 1818, and died in April, 1871. She married in Becket, Mass., in September, 1847, William E. Messenger. Both were members of the Baptist Church. Children, born in Becket: 4053 i Adelbert William » Messenger, born May 15, 1848; married May 5, 1867, Mary Ann Sumner of Allegan, Mich., and had two children; served about a year and a half in the 37th Massachusetts regiment, during the Civil War; residence, Howard City, Mich. MELIOTYPE PR'NT'NG CO. BO; MASS. EIGHTH GENERATION 419 4654 ii Elmer Nathan Messenger, born July 17, 1850; married, May 14, 1873, Elizabeth Knowles of Becket and had three children, one daughter only living; residence, Westfield, Mass. 4655 iii Eva Ann Messenger, born May 31, 1857; married, November 18, 1875, Harvey B. Savery of Washington, Mass., and had four sons and a daughter; residence, Becket. 2501 Adoniram Judson s Church (Nathan ^ Church, Deliverence ^ Chaffe, Thomas, 5 Jonathan, ■* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Maine, N. Y., January 1, 1831, and married, January 1, 1852, Irene Fuller. Both are members of the Baptist Church, which he joined at the age of twenty -eight. He has a dark complexion, and is of medium height. Children : 4656 i Ida 9 Church, born in January, 1854; died November 14, 1863. 4657 ii Ada Church, born September 19, 1858; married, May 28, 1879, Frank Warner. 4658 iii Prentice Church, born September 7, 1868; married, September 12, 1885. 2504 Frederick » Chaffee (Newman Keyes,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., March 17, 1823, and died in Rutland, Vt., April 21, 1891. He married there, October 31, 1850, Charlotte, daughter of Reuben Rose Thrall of that place. Mr. Chaffee received his early education in Becket. His first business venture, was a jewelry store in Pittsfield, Mass., which he conducted in partnership with Washington Root. In April, 1849, he went to Rutland to start a branch store; there he settled, and afterwards had a clothing store. He bought large tracts of timber land in the Green Mountains near Rutland, and about 1870 went into the lumber business, which proved a prosperous one; in 1882 his son, George T. Chaffee, became his father's pytner, the- firm name being F. Chaffee & Son. He was closely allied with the financial institutions of Rutland, being a director in the National Bank of Rutland and later in the Killington National Bank, besides several other business institutions. He was an independent, manly man who had courage of his convictions and was active and energetic. He was kind and im- ostentatious and his charity brought cheer to many a sorrowing heart. The Rutland paper in speaking of him said: "Mr. Chaffee was an honored and respected citizen and a thorough business man. Though cjuiet and unassuming he accomplished much in whatever he undertook." He died very suddenly in his place of business of heart failure, from which he had long been a sufferer. His funeral was largely attended, most of the business houses being closed in his memory. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery. Children : 4659 i Katie Ehzabeth 9 Chaffee, born July IS, 1852; died October 9, 1869. 4660 ii Frederic Gove Chaffee, born February 6, 1854; died October 31, 1855. 4661 iii George Thrall Chaffee, born December 25, 1857. 4662 iv Newman Keyes Chaffee, born July 4, 1868; attended the University of Vermont. 2505 Wolcott 8 Chaffee (Newman Keyes, ^ Thomas, ^ Thomas, ^ Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., June 15, 1826, and married in Ravenna, 0., July 8, 1849, Jannette A., daughter of Howard Judd of that place. She was born in Ravenna, May 12, 1826, and died in January, 1895. She was a woman of untold sterling worth in her family, and an earnest, faithful 420 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Christian worker. She joined the Congregational Church in Ravenna. In child- hood Wolcott Chaffee was adopted by his upcle, Wolcott ^ Chaffee (1010), whose namesake he was. At the time of his marriage he lived in Ravenna, but in 1851 moved to Windham, O., where he was still living in 1884, a farmer. Children : 4663 i George N.9 Chaffee, born July 17, 1850; died January 22, 1857. 4664 ii Alva Baldwin Chaffee, born in Windham, April 22, 1853; married in Minerva, 0., March 9, 1882, Melvina V., daughter of Abner H. Hooker, of that place; residence, 1884, Canton, O. 4665 iii Lucy C. Chaffee, born July 2, 1857. 2506 Joseph Ghalker » ChaSee (Newman Keyes,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas was born in Becket, Mass., August 19, 1828, and married Caroline L. Phelps, born in Lee, Mass., February 14, 1840. He lived in Lee, which he represented in the lower branch of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1887. He is an insurance agent. Children, born in Lee : 4666 i Frederick K.9 Chaffee, born April 14, 1870. 4667 ii Kate P. Chaffee, born November 9, 1875; died in Lee, February 6, 1885, of diptheria. 2507 Elisabeth Ann s Chaffee (Newman Keyes,^ Thomas, ^ Thomas, ^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., October 5, 1831, and married there, September 26, 1852, William Alson Messenger, a farmer, born in Windham, O., March 12, 1827. In 1858 and 1883 they lived in Windham. Children : + 4668 i Arthur W.a Messenger, born October 3, 1853; married Velona S. Bel- den. + 4669 ii Hattie E. Messenger, born June 22, 1856; married Perkins B. Higley. 4670 iii Nettie E. Messenger, born December 8, 1862; married, August 29, 1883, Frank B. Jagga. 2510 Henry » Chaffee (Miner,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., April 9, 1826, and married in Ravenna, O., May 10, 1870, Charlotte C, daughter of Howard Carter of that place. He went to Chicago, 111., in 1850, and was a commercial traveller until 1857, when he went to Faribault, Minn., where he was living in 1890, a miller, farmer and merchant. He has a fair complexion, and blue eyes. He was for twenty years a Vestryman in the Episcopal Church. His wife is a member of the Congregational Church. Children, born in Faribault: 4671 i Mary Graced Chaffee, born November 20, 1872. 4672 ii Frederick Miner Chaffee, born August 16, 1874. 4673 iii Thomas Knowlton Chaffee, born July 10, 1877. 2511 Sarah 8 Chaffee (Miner,7 Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., February 4, 1829, and married there, August 15, 1850, Jonathan W., son of Calvin Wheeler of Sterling, Mass. He was of Becket, was born November 7, 1817, died July 22, 1889, and was buried in Becket, where, in 1890, his widow lived. Children, born in Becket: 4674 i Mary Emmas Wheeler, born August 13, 1851; died September 26, 1859; buried in Becket. EIGHTH GENERATION 421 4675 ii George Whitney Wheeler, born Fabruary 3, 1858. 4676 iii Katie Lucy Wheeler, born October 10, 1859; died November 12, 1859; buried in Becket. 2513 Thomas » Chaffee (Miner,^ Thomas,« Thomas/ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Tyringham, Mass., December 31, 1838, and married in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 24, 1870, Martha Knowlton, daughter of William Watson Marcy of that place. Mr. Chaffee is in the insurance business. In 1858 and 1884 they lived in Flatbush, N. Y., and in 1904 in Miami, Fla. Child: 4677 i Miner William Chaffee, born in Montelair, N. J., November 11, 1876; died in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 11, 1904, of typhoid fever; he was a member of the firm of Clark & Chaffee, bond dealers, 10 Wall St., New York City; he was engaged to be married to a daughter of ex-Bridge Commissioner John L. Shea; the funeral was held in the Emanuel Baptist Church, Brooklyn. 2520 Miner Thomas » Ames (Anna Harriet ^ Chaffee, Thomas,^ Thomas, s Jonathan, 4 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Becket, Mass., July 20, 1839, and died in Chicago, 111., January 13, 1890. He married (1) in Columbus, O., April 18, 1866, Emily, daughter of Lyman W. Rose of that place. She died May 4, 1877, and was buried in Graceland, Chicago, 111. He married (2) in Baltimore, Md., February 13, 1883, Irene, daughter of Washington Cowen of Mansfield, 0. In 1856 Miner T. Ames started his business career as a travelling salesman and went West, but in 1857 became a brakeman and later a baggage master on a railroad, which position he held for five years. At the time of his death he was one of the Chicago directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. In 1862 he moved to Chicago and in 1866 went into the coal business, in which he was actively engaged at the time of his death, being then the owner of the coal mine and the tile factory in Minonk, 111. He was a genial, affectionate and provident husband and father. He had a dark complexion, brown eyes, and was five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. He united with the Presbyterian Church at the age of twenty-one. He lived in Chicago from 1862 until his death. He had been a farmer, miner, merchant and manufacturer. Children, by first wife, born in Chicago : 4678 i Knowlton Lyman 9 Ames, born May 27, 1868; attended Princeton Uni- versity; united with the Presbyterian Church at the age of seven- teen; has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet ten inches in height. 4679 ii Jane Rose Ames, born April 25, 1870. 4680 iii Harriet Mize Ames, born May 14, 1872. Children, by second wife: 4681 iv Emily Faithful Ames, born November 10, 1885. 4682 V Miner Thomas Ames, Jr., born July 8, 1887. 4683 vi Thomas Miner Ames, a twin, born July 8, 1887; died May 18, 1889. 2523 Franklin s Ames (Anna Harriet ^ Chaffee, Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than,4 Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born in Becket, Mass., July 7, 1845, and married in Columbus, O., July 11, 1876, Emma, daughter of Washington Cowen of that place. From 1884 to 1890 he lived in Chicago, 111., where at the latter date he was in the employ of Marshall Field & Co., the large dry goods firm. He is a carpet jobber. 422 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 4684 i James Cowen » Ames, born March 30, 1880. 4685 ii Germaine Honora Ames, born August 22, 1882. 2525 Sherman Blair s Chaffee (Thomas Sherman,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Blandford, Mass., Septem- ber 2, 1844, and married in Fort Collins, Colo., November 20, 1882, AUce A., daughter of Ward S. Williams of Gallatin City, Mont. In 1884 they lived in Livermore, Colo., where Mr. Chaffee was engaged in stock raising. Child: 4686 i Catharine W.9 Chaffee, born August 29, 1883. 2535 George Lewis « Chaffee (Prentiss, ^ Thomas, ^ Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Becket, Mass., September 30, 1834, and married in Lee, Mass., May 16, 1865, Constance, daughter of William Hender- son of that place. Mr. Chaffee is a paper manufacturer and in 1883 lived in Lee or Glendale, Mass. Children : 4687 i Prentiss 9 Chaffee, born March 8, 1866; died April 26, 1866. 4688 ii Bessie Cannon Chaffee, born March 11, 1867. 46S9 iii Florence Henderson Chaffee, born November 21, 1868. 4690 iv William Chaffee, born August 13, 1870. 4691 V Lewis March Chaffee, born September 24, 1878. 4692 vi Faye Mary Chaffee, born May 19, 1880. 4693 vii Charles Dewey Chaffee, born January 11, 1882. 2537 Charles S.s Chaffee (Knowlton Sampson, ^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born December 18, 1838, and died December 16, 1878. He married. He was general manager of the Union Glass Company of Boston, Mass. Children, born in Somerville, Mass.: 4694 i Hattie M.9 Chaffee, born July 19, 1866; residence, 1887, Boston. 4695 ii Frank S. Chaffee, born July 20, 1870; residence, 1887, Boston. 2540 Thomas Jefferson » Chaffee (Thomas B.,^ Jonathan, » Thomas,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Homer, N. Y., March 6, 1841, and died in Syracuse, N. Y., August 7, 1879. He married in McGrawville, N. Y., December 27, 1866, Mary, daughter of Henry Hamilton of that place. During the Civil War, Thomas J. Chaffee served in the Union army as a Corporal. At the age of twenty-four he united with the Presbyterian Church, his wife also being a member. He was a Justice of the Peace. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He was a clerk, and at the time of his marriage lived in Owego, N. Y. Children : 4696 i Harry Chatfield » Chaffee, born April 23, 1868; married in McGrawville, March 27, 1890, Grace Eloise Doud of that place, aged twenty; he is a mechanic, and in 1891 lived in McGrawville. 4697 ii Louis Sheridan Chaffee, born April 28, 1870. 4698 iii Frances Evangeline Chaffee, born August 20, 1871. 4699 iv Thomas Jefferson Chaffee, Jr., born January 1, 1876; died February 17, 1S77. 2547 Cornelius ? Chaffee (Hiram,^ Nathan, ^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 EIGHTH GENERATION 423 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Aurora, N. Y., September 24, 1839, and died in RepubHc, O., December 13, 1863. He married in Aurora, March 5, 1860, Sarah E., daughter of Lewis SaUsbury of that place. She died November 8, 1874, and was buried in Aurora. She was a member of the Presybterian Church. Cornelius Chaffee served as a Private in the Union army during the Civil War. We was a carpenter, and had a dark complexion, and black eyes. At the time of his mar- riage he lived in Aurora. Child : + 4700 i Lewis H.a Chaffee, born April IG, 1861 ; married Ella C. Smith. 2592 Mary D.s Putnam (William M.^ Putnam, Hannah « Chaffe, Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born June 29, 1856, and married, May 10, 1876, Frank L. Rice of Becket, Mass., where they lived in 1890. Children : 4701 i David » Rice. 4702 ii Sidney Rice. 4703 iii Harry Rice. 2593 William Henry « Robinson (Diana ^ Chaffee, Zephaniah,^ Thomas, ^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Scipio, N. Y., May 19, 1826, and married in Hinckley, O., June 15, 1851, Martha A., daughter of Adam Serls of that place. She died October 3, 1872, and was buried in Royalton, O. He united with the Christian Church at the age of thirty-five. At the time of his marriage he lived in Royalton and in 1892 in Brooklyn, O., where he was for six years Marshall. A distant cousin, Emily Dennison (2571), for some years lived in his family. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, seven and one-half inches in height. He is a farmer. Children : 4704 i Charles Edgar » Robinson, born April 9, 1852; married Ella Gardner. + 4705 ii Alice May Robinson, born March 6, 1857; married Frank Brainard. 2594 Elizabeth s Robinson (Diana ^ Chaffee, Zephaniah,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 6, 1830, and married Thomas Bolton, who died in August, 1870. She lived with her son in Santa Rosa, Cal. Child: 4706 i A son,9 born November, 1851 ; married May Wilcox Cleveland; is a lawyer in Santa Rosa. 2595 Charles » Robinson (Diana ^ Chaffee, Zephaniah,o Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born April 30, 1832, and married Maria Bark. In 1892 he lived in Brooklyn, O. Children : 4707 i Harry » Robinson, born November 6, 1869; a lawyer of the firm of Flick & Robinson in Cleveland, O., in 1892. 4708 ii Lucina Robinson, born March 12, 1873; died December 29, 1878. 2597 Daniel Close » Chaffee (Zephaniah ^ or Gilderoy, or Leroy, Zephaniah,8 Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Hinckley, 0., August 22, 1833, and married (1) in Sulhvan, O., May 14, 1861, Almira W., daughter of Montravilla Gould of that place, formerly of Vermont. She died September 8, 1867, and was buried in Sullivan. She was a Methodist and later a Congrega- 424 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY tionalist. He married (2), April 11, 1868, Mrs. Olive M. (Close) Smith, whose grandfather, Benjamin Close, settled in Sullivan in 1817, and was the first settler to build a house there. Daniel C. Chaffee united with the Christian Church at the age of twenty-one. He was a dairy farmer, a school teacher, and for two years a member of the local Board of Education. In 1861 and in 1893 he lived in Sullivan. He has a fairly dark complexion, dark eyes, and is five feet, six and one-half inches in height. Child, by first wife : 4709 i Nora May^ Chaffee, born May 14, 1864; married Benjamin Foulk. Children, by second wife: 4710 ii Eugene Leroy Chaffee, born May 7, 1869. 4711 iii Harvey Alonson Chaffee, born October 20, 1873. 4712 iv Wilnie Eugenia Chaffee, born January 13, 1875. 4713 v George Franklin Chaffee, born February 11, 1881. 4714 vi Clarence Edwin Chaffee, born October 18, 1882; died July 29, 1883. 2600 James Henry « Chaffee (Zephaniah ^ or Gilderoy, or Leroy, Zephaniah,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Hinckley, O., June 7, 1841, and mari'ied (1) in Medina, 0., March 20, 1866, Margaret, daughter of Philip Space of Spencer, O. She died July 5, 1869, and was buried there. He married (2) Julia L. Burdick. He was a Private in Company E, 55th Indiana Volunteers, during the Civil War. He has a light complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height. In 1866 he lived in Spencer and in 1893 in Medina, where he was a farmer. Child, by first wdfe: 4715 i Sophronias Chaffee, born June 9, 1867; died July 12, 1885; married Owen Benton. Children, by second wife: 4716 ii Lottie May Chaffee, born February 24, 1871 ; married Earnest Wolcott, 4717 iii Rosa Dell Chaffee, born December 8, 1873; died May 13, 1881. 4718 iv Bert Chaffee, born June 30, 1877. 4719 V Eddie Chaffee, born March 3, 1882. 4720 vi Belle Phena Chaffee, born April 23, 1886. 4721 vii Reuben Chaffee, born July 25, 1888. 2604 Charles Edwin » Chaffee (Caleb Judson,^ Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Binghamton, N. Y., August 7> 1843, and died in Lowell, Ind., April 30, 1889. He married in NapoU, N. Y., August 4, 1865, Julia Lucinda, daughter of Justin B. Mclntyre of Villanova, N. Y- He served as a Sergeant in the Union army during the Civil War, enlisting in Randolph, N. Y., in September, 1861, in Company B, 9th New York Volunteer Cavalry. He served three years and three months and was wounded twice in Shepardstown, Va., August 25, 1864, disabling his right arm and leg. For these injuries he received a pension. He became a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post 276, Indiana Department, in December, 1883. At the age of thirty he became a member of the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1884 he lived in Lowell where he was a jeweler. Children : 4722 i A child,9 died in infancy. 4723 ii Esther Adda Chaffee, born September 26, 1868; married A. V. Wicklme. EIGHTH GENERATION 425 4724 iii Roscoe Delmer Chaffee, born November 27, 1871. 4725 iv Hattie Frances Chaffee, bora September 28, 1873; died August 1, 1875. 4726 V Rosa Belle Chaffee, born June 24, 1875. 2606 Thomas Davis Leroy s Chaffee (Caleb Judson,^ Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Illinois, July 12, 1855, and married in Nevada, Mo., March 9, 1880, Mary Maude Pool of that place. Both are members of the Baptist Church, he having united with it at the age of twenty. He has a dark complexion, and is five feet, four and one-half inches in height. In 1891 they lived in Tabo, Mo. Children : 4727 i Rillies Chaffee, born March 30, ISSl. 4728 ii George Chaffee, born October 26, 1SS2; died October 23, 1890. 4729 iii Robert Chaffee, born October 6, 1885. 4730 iv Rosa Chaffee, born March 4, 1888. 4731 V Lizzie Chaffee, a twin, born March 4, 1888. 4732 vi Maude Chaffee, born June 25, 1891. 2612 Nathan Orlando » Chaffee (Nathan Milton,^ Caleb,^ Thomas,^ Jona- than, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Washington, Mass., Janu- ary 31, 1841, and married there, December 11, 1867, Sarah E., daughter of Justin Morgan of that place. In 1884 they lived in Tolland, Mass. Children : 4733 i George 0.9 Chaffee, born October 16, 1868. 4734 ii Lorestine Centennial Chaffee, born January 1, 1876. 2615 Edmund L.s Chaffee (Nathan Milton, ^ Caleb, « Thomas,^ Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 12, 1849, and married, March 7, 1875, Sophia F. Cables, born December 17, 1853. Children : 4735 i Amelia Rosselle ^ Chaffee, born December 20, 1875. 4736 ii Benjamin Edmund Chaffee, born July 22, 1877. 4737 iii George Henry Chaffee, born December 23, 1879. 4738 iv Jennie Orilla Chaffee, born August 19, 1881. 4739 V Frank Arthur Chaffee, born April 16, 1884. 2623 Loren Horatio » Reed (Horatio Pease ^ Reed, William ^ Reed, Han- nah 5 Chaffee, Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Tolland, Conn., March 10, 1846, and married (1) there, November 5, 1867, Mary, daughter of Alfred Lincoln of Windham County, Conn. She died November 3, 1868, and he married (2) in Ellington, Conn., April 20, 1869, Susan, daughter of Andrew Pinney. She was born June 5, 1850. Loren H. Reed united with the Methodist Church at the age of thirty-two and has been Steward and Trustee in it. He has a light complexion, brown eyes, a kind and genial disposition, and is five feet, two inches in height. He is a farmer and in 1892 lived in Tolland. Child, by first wife: 4740 i Arthur Loren » Reed, born in Tolland, August 18, 1868. Children, by second wife, born in Tolland : 4741 ii Andrew Horatio Reed, born March 29, 1870. 4742 iii Laila Eloise Reed, born August 2, 1872. 4743 iv Clayton Charles Reed, born April 20, 1877. 4744 V Raymond Pinney Reed, born January 11, 1886. 2630 Martha Ann » Chaffee (Jose,^ Jonathan, 6 William, s Jonathan,^ Jona- 426 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Bristolville, O., October 18, 1816, and married in Mecca, O., December 17, 1838, Samuel Davidson, a carpenter, born in Whitehall, N. Y., January 15, 1800. Children : 4745 i Lurena^ Davidson, born March 11, 1840; married John A. Chaffee (See 4748.) 4746 ii E. 0. Davidson, born November 30, 1845. 4747 iii Flora Davidson, born October 25, 1849. 2631 Joseph C.s Chaffee (Jose,^ Jonathan, » William, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Bristolville, O., July 6, 1818, and married in Mecca, O., December 24, 1838, Wealtha, daughter of John Cook of Freehold, N. Y. In 1883 they lived in Mecca, where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children, born in Mecca: + 4748 i John A.s Chaffee, born September 26, 1839; married Lurena David- son (4745). 4749 ii Ann Eliza Chaffee, born May 15, 1841; married Jackson. 4750 iii James Chaffee, born September 8, 1843; served in the Civil War three years, in the 6th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry as Corporal; wounded in Culpeper, Va. 2638 Mary Charlotte » Chaffee (Billings,^ Jonathan, ^ William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born June 8, 1817, and died December 21, 1846. She married Thomas J. Holmes. She was buried in Peninsula, O. Children : 4751 i William Thomas ^ Holmes, married Ada Inskip; residence, 1883, Brook- lyn, la. 4752 ii Charles Holmes, died young. 4753 iii Lewis Holmes, died young. 2639 Luna Maria » Chaffee (Billings, ^ Jonathan, « William, ^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 9, 1820, and died January 19, 1849. She married William Barnhart. She was buried in Boston, 0. Children : 4754 i Laura 9 Barnhart, married Samuel Perry; residence, 1883, Columbus, Wis. 4755 ii Henry Barnhart, married Cornelia Cole; residence, 1883, Columbus. 4756 iii Helen Barnhart, married Augustus Curtis; residence, 1883, Columbus. 4757 iv Mary Barnhart, married Lester Crittenden; residence, 1883, Columbus. 2642 Almerin Billings « Chaffee (Billings,^ Jonathan, « William, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Simsbury, Conn., August 7, 1826, and married in Boston, 0., February 2, 1848, Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas McDaniel of Lubeck, Me., where she was born February 11, 1827. At the time of her marriage she lived in Richfield, O. She died in Hinckley, O., Novem- ber 2, 1882. Mr. Chaffee in 1859 went to Pike's Peak with his brother, Orson, in search of gold. In 1883 he lived in Hinckley, where he was a farmer. Children : 4758 i Almerin Eugene ^ Chaffee, born December 28, 1848; died July 24, 1849. 4759 ii Wilbur Chaffee, born February 18, 1852; died September 11, 1852. 4760 iii Mary Eunice Chaffee, born July 3, 1853; married O. T. Meade, and in 1883 had three children. 4761 iv George Billings Chaffee, born October 17, 1854; married Ida Smith, and in 1883 had one son. EIGHTH GENERATION 427 4762 V Frank Thomas Chaffee, born January 16, 1857; died August 10, 1860. 4763 vi Almerin BilUngs Chaffee, Jr., born June 4, 1858; died August 30, 1860. 4764 vii James Edward Chaffee, born in Iowa, June 9, 1860. 4765 viii Jane EHzabeth Chaffee, a twin, born in Iowa, June 9, 1860. 4766 ix Orson Arthur Chaffee, born May 11, 1862. 4767 X Anna Bell Chaffee, born May 9, 1864. 4768 xi Sherman Tecumseh Chaffee, born January 29, 1866. 4769 xii Wilbur McDaniel Chaffee, born June 10, 'l868. 2643 Orson Alpheus « Chaffee (Billings, ^ Jonathan, 6 William, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Simsbury, Conn., July 9, 1829, and died in Denver, Colo., October 15, 1859. He married (1) Frances Buell, who died October 16, 1847. He married (2) Ruby M., daughter of John Reese of Cuyhoga Falls, 0. After Mr. Chaffee's death his widow married (2) William Sheffield, and in 1883 was living in Cleveland, O. In 1859 Mr, Chaffee went with his brother, Almerin B. Chaffee (2642), to Pike's Peak in search of gold. He died on this expedition and was buried in Denver, He was a salesman. Child, by first wife : 4770 i A child,9 died in infancy. Children, by second wife : 4771 ii Ernest Reese, born in Mogadore, O., October 30, 1851 ; married, March 23, 1880, Matilda, daughter of Frank Altmann of New Baltimore, Mich.; residence, 1883, Cleveland. Two other children, names unknown. 2647 Justina C.s Chaffee (Henry Farnham,^ Jonathan, « William, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), married in Bristol, O., August 18, 1868, Arthur E. Fenton, born there August 21, 1843. He is a farmer, and in 1887 lived in Amenia, N. D. Child: 4772 i E. Lavergne » Fenton, born October 24, 1874. 2649 Sydney Alvares s Chaffee (Truman Bibbins,^ Jonathan, ^ William, ^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Bristol, O., August 2, 1830, and died in Indiana, June 6, 1860. He married, October 11, 1855, Nancy Jane Maxwell of Crawfordsville, Ind. She died in Rensselaer, Ind., June 15, 1860, surviving her husband only nine days. Both died of consumption. Mr. Chaffee was a member of the Methodist Church. He was a school teacher. Children : 4773 i Graced Chaffee, born in Orwell, O., in November, 1856; died of lung fever, in February, 1857. 4774 ii Winona Chaffee, born in Rensselaer, in February, 1859; married. 2652 Sherburne Howard s Chaffee (Truman Bibbins,^ Jonathan,^ William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Bristol, O., July 15, 1837, and married in Cortland, O., March 10, 1868, Esther S., daughter of Franklin Hayes, of Fowler, 0. Mr. Chaffee fought in the Civil War, enlisting in the 6th Ohio Cavalry in 1861. He re-enlisted in 1864, and was discharged in 1865. In 1862 he was captured and confined in Libby Prison. In 1886 he was living in Greensburgh, O,, where he was a farmer. Children : 4775 i Oren Dewitt » Chaffee, born in Coshocton, 0., March 2, 1869. 428 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4776 ii Abbie Grace Chaffee, born in Vernon, 0., March 26, 1871. 4777 iii Theda Aramenia Chaffee, born in Green, O., July 14, 1878. 2654 Adna Romanza » Chaffee (Truman Bibbins,^ Jonathan, 6 Winiam,^ Jona- than, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Orwell, O., April 14, 1842, and married (1) in Austin, Tex., September 19, 1867, Mrs. Kate (Hanie) Reynolds, widow of Captain Reynolds of the United States army and daughter of Doctor S. M. Hanie of Austin. She died in 1869, and was buried in Austin. He married (2) in Junction City, Kan., March 30, 1875, Annie Frances, daughter of George Rockwell of that place. Adna R. Chaffee was born on his father's farm in Ohio and as a lad in his 'teens worked on it, being an expert plougher for a boy of his age, and doing every task that was given him with a thoroughness and energy which has characterized his entire career. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in Warren, 0., July 22, 1861, as a Private in the regular army. Company K, 6th Cavalry, which regiment had just been organized, and which, as the advance guard, was to lead the army of the Potomac under McClellan from Yorktown up the Peninsula to the battle- fields around Richmond. In October of that year was made Sergeant and later First Sergeant. During this time he was engaged in the Battle of Williamsburg, action of Statesville, Battles of Mechanicsville, Hanover Court-House and Malvern Hill, actions of Sugar Loaf Mountain, Philamount, Uniontown, Upperville, Bar- bers Cross-Roads, Battle of Fredericsburg and General Stoneman's raid of April, 1863. He was discharged as First Sergeant, May 12, 1863, to enable him to accept an appointment as Second Lieutenant. He was assigned to Troop I, 6th Cavalry, but was frequently detached for duty with other troops of the regiment, as the interests of the service required. He was engaged in the actions of Beverly Ford, Fairfield, Pa., July 3, 1863, in which he was severely wounded. Battle of Brandy Station, Va., October 12, 1863, in which he was again wounded, action of Todd's Tavern, in General Sheridan's raid and in the actions of Yellow Tavern, Salem Church, Battles of Trevillian Station, Deep Bottom, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. He was brevetted First Lieutenant "for gallant and meri- torious services in the Gettysburg campaign." He was regimental adjutant from November, 1864 to 1866, and was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, March 13, 1865. He engaged in the Battle of Dinwiddle Court-House, for gallant and meritorious services in which he was brevetted Captain, Five Forks, Sailors Creek, and the surrender of General Lee. From 1866 to October 12, 1867, he was Quartermaster, when he was promoted to the rank of Captain, and assigned to Troop I, 6th Cavalry. For more than twenty years as Captain he served at posts in Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, again in Kansas, Indian Territory, Arizona and New Mexico. His campaigns against the Indians were numerous and markedly successful, gaining for him on ]\Iarch 7, 1868, the brevet rank of Major "for gallant and efficient services in the engagement with the Comanche Indians at Paint Creek, Tex.," and that of Lieutenant-Colonel on February 27, 1890, "for gallant service in leading a cavalry charge over rough and precipitous bluffs held by the Indians on the Red River, Texas, August 30, 1874, and gallant service in action against the Indians at Big Dry Wash, Arizona, July 17, 1882." July 8, 1888, he was promoted to the rank of Major and assigned to the 9th Cavalry, joining his regiment which was stationed at Fort Duchesne, in September of that year. He held command of Fort Duchesne until about October 1, 1890, when he entered Copyright 1906, by Pine MacDonald, Photg r of Men, NY, EIGHTH GENERATION 429 upon duty as Inspector General for a period of four years, at the Headquarters of General Alexander McD. McCook, commanding the Department of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal. The headquarters were transferred to Denver, Colo., in July, 1893, and on being relieved from duty as Inspector General, in October, 1894, he rejoined his regiment, stationed at Fort Robinson, Neb., and served thereat until August, 1896, when he reported as instructor of Cavalry at the Infantry and Cavalry School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, 3rd Cavalry, June 1, 1897. He was relieved as Instructor at the Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kan., in August, 1897. On the outbreak of the war with Spain, operations were suspended at all the service schools, the army being quickly assembled at points in the southern states for embarkation to Cuba. Lieutenant-Colonel ChafTee joined his regiment at Chica- mauga Park, Ga., April 2, 1898, and on May 4th he was appointed Brigadier- General of Volunteers. He was ordered to report for duty to Major-General Shafter, commanding the 5th Army Corps, at Tampa, Fla., and after some tem- porary assignments he was given command of the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, com- posed of the 7th, 12th and 17th regiments of Infantry. The troops composing this Brigade were first of the Fifth Corps to go aboard ship at Port Tampa, and loaded three ships, Cherokee, Iroquois and D. H. Miller. The Second Division, General Lawton commanding, landed at Banquiri, on the south coast of Cuba, about twenty-five miles east of Santiago, June 21, 1898, and led in the march to that city. General Chaffee received the highest praise for the reconnoissance he made previous to the Battle of El Caney. Of all the experienced officers in authority during this time, he was the only one who saw and acted upon the necessity of reconnoitering. Captain Arthur H. Lee, British Military Attache, who was sent over by his Government to view the Cuban campaign, spoke of this as follows: "The strong post had been carefully reconnoitered by Brigadier-General Chaffee in person on June 2Sth and 29th, and he had submitted a plan of attack which was carried out almost to the letter. "I feel it only just at this point to mention that however novel the absence of reconnoissance in other directions, nothing could have been more enterprising or systematic than General Chaffee's explorations of his own field of operations. I had the pleasure of accompanying him on more than one occasion, and derived much profit from a study of his methods. " Leaving his staff behind, he would push far to the front, and finally, dismount- ing, slip through the brush with the rapidity and noiselessness of an Indian. . . . On one occasion we approached so close to the Spanish j^ickets that we could hear the men talking over their suppers, and until I began to speculate on the probable efficacy of the British passport that was my sole defensive weapon. In this silent Indian fashion General Chaffee explored the entire district, and was the only man in the Army to whom the network of bridle-paths around El Caney was in any sense familiar." Senator Lodge in his book on the Cuban campaign says on this point : "There does not appear to have been any reconnoitering done at all except by General Chaffee, who, with the skill and coolness of an experienced Indian fighter, explored the ground in front of his command thoroughly, even to the Spanish lines at El Caney." It -is said that the only map of the locality in the possession of the general com- manding the American forces was one drawn by General Chaffee from his personal observations. 430 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY General Chaffee's brigade attacked the strong Spanish position of El Caney at half past seven o'clock on the morning of July 1st. The enemy, about eight hundred to a thousand strong, were posted in six blockhouses, and in the build- ings of the town, which were constructed of brick and stone, the walls prepared for fire by infantry. General Lawton's Brigade also assisted in the attack, but the brunt of the fighting fell on that of General Chaffee. After eight hours of fighting the Spanish troops were thoroughly defeated and the town taken. The killed and wounded of General Chaffee's Brigade, the Third, exceeded ten per cent of its strength. The Spanish forces at and in the vicinity of Santiago surrendered July 17th. Many incidents are related of General Chaffee during this battle. One, by Colonel Lee, is as follows: "Wishing to see how they (the 7th Lifantry) were faring I crawled through the hedge into the field beyond, and incidentally into such a hot corner that I readily complied with Gen. Chaffee's abrupt injunction, 'Get down on your stomach, sir.' Indeed I was distinctly grateful for his advice, but could not fail to notice that he was regardless of it himself. Wherever the fire was thickest he strolled about unconcernedly, a half-smoked cigar between his teeth, and an expression of exceeding griraness on his face. The situation was a trying one for the nerves of the oldest soldier, and some of the younger hands fell back from the firing-line and crept toward the road. In a moment the General pounced upon them, in- quiring their destination in low, unhonied accents, and then taking them per- suasively by the elbow, led them back to the extreme front, and having deposited them in the firing line stood over them while he distributed a few last words of pungent and sulphurous advice. Throughout the day he set the most inspiring example to his men, and that he escaped unhurt was a miracle. One bullet clipped a button off his coat, another passed under his shoulder strap, but neither touched him and there must be some truth in the old adage that fortune favors the brave." Another is as follows: "General Chaffee saw one of his soldiers skulking behind a bush that could have afforded no shelter from even a pebble. " 'See here, my man,' said he going up to the soldier and exposing himself at full height to the hail of bullets, 'what do you mean by this?' " 'I'm — I'm afraid,' chattered the man with the gun. " 'Afraid!' stormed Chaffee, 'Why — ' Here he stopped. The man was only a boy. " 'I'd like to get hold of the man who enlisted you! You're too young. You've no business here.' Then, after a moment, 'Come out with me and I'll stand by you for a while.' "Together the general and the private went out further on the firing line. " 'Now lie down here,' said Chaffee, indicating a spot, 'and aim carefully and fire,' himself standing to the rear, straight as a rifle barrel, a shining mark for death. The boy recovered his composure and together they stayed until the boy got his grip. That's the kind of a man Chaffee is and his men know it." It was in this battle that General Chaffee earned his picturesque sobriquet "The Man in Shirt Sleeves," one of the surviving Spanish officers after El Caney having said: "I have never seen anything to equal the courage and dash of those Americans, who, stripped to the waist and led by the man in shirt sleeves were offering their naked breasts to our murderous fire, literally throwing themselves on our trenches on the very muzzle of our guns." After the battle General Lawton said of him : " I consider General Chaffee one of the best practical soldiers and I shall recom- mend him for special distinction for successfully charging the stone fort, the cap- ture of which practically ended the battle." EIGHTH GENERATION 431 This General Lawton did, and on July Sth General Chaffee was promoted to the rank of Major-General of Volunteers. Wounded men in the military hospital at Montauk Point, Long Island, spoke glowingly of him, saying, "When he was wounded at Santiago he never left the field, but kept right on afoot, in great suffering, but more intent on the fighting than he was on the wound. He was always at the front, and his presence was an incentive to the men of his brigade." This wound was from a rifle bullet and was in his foot. After the Santiago campaign General Chaffee was assigned to command the First Division of the Fourth Army Corps, with headquarters at Huntsville, Ala., but upon the assignment of Major-General Brooke to command the Division of Cuba he reciuested General Chaffee's assignment as Chief of Staff for his com- mand, and he arrived in Havana, Cuba, December 25, 1898. On duty as Chief of Staff to the commanding General of the Division of Cuba until May, 1900, he returned to the United States to await further orders of the War Department. Due to a material reduction of volunteer troops in 1899 he was mustered out as Major-General September 13th, and appointed Brigadier-General of Volunteers the same day. June 20th he was summoned by telegraph to report to Honorable Elihu Root, Secretary of War, at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. At the time disquieting reports were being received almost daily from Peking, China, to the effect that the lives of foreign representatives in Peking and elsewhere in the Chinese Empire were endangered by the hostility of "Boxers" and Chinese troops, and it seemed necessary to take immediate steps for their protection. The Secre- tary of War informed General Chaffee of his wish that he proceed to Peking; that he take passage on the transport Grant, scheduled to sail from San Fran- cisco July 1st and report arrival at Nagasaki, Japan, for further orders. Leaving Washington the afternoon of June 24th with his aide-de-camp, he arrived in Oakland, Cal., at five o'clock on the afternoon of July 1st. A tugboat held in waiting conveyed him to the Grant, which sailed immediately. About fifteen hundred men were aboard the transport; the 6th Cavalry, with which General Chaffee served from 1861 to 1888, a battalion of marines and a detachment of recruits. On entering the port of Nagasaki, July 21st, two transports loaded with troops en route from Manila to China were met steaming slowly out of the harbor. The men cheered their comrades on the Grant, and gave news of the battle of Tien-Tsin, China, July 13th. Reporting to the War Department his arrival at Nagasaki, General Chaffee received instructions to proceed with dispatch to Toku Bay, disembark the troops aboard the Grant, assume command of all United States troops in China, and co-operate with commanders of troops of other na- tions for relief of the besieged Legations in Peking. He arrived in Tien-Tsin July 31st and immediately conferred with Lieutenant-General Yamagochi, com- manding a division of twelve thousand Japanese troops, with Lieutenant-Gen- eral Gazlee commanding three thousand British troops, with Lieutenant-Gen- eral Linevitch commanding four thousand Russian troops, with General Frey, commanding French troops, and with Field-Marshal Von Waldersee, command- ing the German forces. The French and German forces combined numbered less than one thousand. It was agreed that the advances of the co-operating forces should begin August 4th. The Chinese were defeated at Pitsang August 5th, at Yangtsun August 6th, at Yung Chow August 12th, and Peking was entered and 432 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY the Legations relieved August 14th. The United States troops engaged in the operations were the 9th and 14th Infantry, 6th Cavalry, Reilly's Battery of Light Artillery, and two battalions of marines, twenty-five hundred men in all. Al- though the allied troops met severe trials and losses, General Chaffee and his command maintained the reputation of American arms. During their occupancy of Peking the allied troops, with the sole exception of the American forces, looted the city and showed great cruelty to the conquered Chinese. A New York paper in commenting on this fact editorially, speaks of General Chaffee as "the General who kept his troops so well in hand in China, in spite of the disgraceful examples of cruelty and savagery all around them," and continues: "In the whole history of the United States army there is no more glorious chapter than the performance of its expeditionary force which took part in the rescue of the legations. Every Chinese statesman knows that its military effi- ciency was not more remarkable than its complete abstinence from the outrages by which other of the allied forces were disgracing their respective countries in particular, and the names of Christianity and civilization in general. The Chinese Government has acknowledged our moderation. It was General Chaffee him- self, as the commander of one of the corps which effected the relief of the legations, who expostulated with the German commander so warmly upon the excesses of looting to which some of the German troops had delivered themselves, that Count Von Waldersee returned the remonstrance 'on account of its tone.' " In praise of General Chaffee's work in China the New York Press of Febru- ary 10, 1901, said: "At El Caney Chaffee had the eyes of America upon him. In China the eyes of Europe were turned toward this American to see what he would do. The farm boy of forty years ago was brought into contact with some of the finest soldiers with the allied Powers. There he proved that worth and fame "'. . . from no condition rise ; " 'Act well your part, there all the honor lies.' "Whether in diplomatic conference or on the field of battle Chaffee showed the stuff Americans are made of. He fell not before those men among whom a diplomatic blunder is a crime, and on the field he took his staff where foreign officers and newspaper correspondents alike feared to follow. Chaffee is cast for the com- mand of the Philippines, and if he lives long enough he will have the honor, barren though it may be, of ' commanding ' the United States army. But the beauty of it all is that it isn't 'Chaffee luck,' but plain American ability that put him where he is." February 9, 1901, General Chaffee was raised to the rank of Major-General of the regular army, alM the promotion was celebrated by his friends in Peking, as the following dispatch relates: "Peking, Feb. 14. The past week in Peking has practically been devoted socially to Gen. Chaffee, in honor of his promotion to the rank of Major-General in the regular Army. The officers of the American camp at the Temple of Agri- culture gave a reception in his honor at the club, at which nearly all the American officers and civilians in Peking were present to congratulate him. United States Minister and Mrs. Conger gave a dinner on February 9 in Gen. Chaffee's honor, after which there was a smoker at the American Club. Owing to the dinner, it was late before Gen. Chaffee put in his appearance — shortly after 11 o'clock. As soon as it was known that he was coming through the gates the preparations were made to receive him in style and an international guard of honor was formed, the commanding officer of which was the British General, Richardson, the band playing 'Hail to the Chief and afterward 'He's a Jolly Good Fellow.' Gen. Rich- ardson led the cheering which followed the music and which was long and pro- nounced. Fully four-fifths of the British officers from the Temple of Heaven were present, with quite a number of the German officers, including members of the EIGHTH GENERATION 433 Field Marshal's staff, and a scattering of French and Japanese. The French Minister and Mme. Pichon gave a luncheon party in Gen. Chaffee's honor on Feb. 10, and several other dinners and receptions have been arranged. The en- listed men of the command are unfeignedly delighted over the promotion, for to them Gen. Chaffee is the exemplification of all that a good soldier should be. An- other reason is that the General was once an enlisted man himself. It is doubtful if there is any man in Peking to-day who is so much liked and respected by the people of all nations as is Gen. Chaffee." General Chaffee remained in Peking until May, 1901, when he was appointed Military Governor of the unpacified portion of the Philippines, relieving Major- General McArthur, July 4, 1901. Thus he came for the first time into inti- mate relations with Governor Taft, the civil head of affairs in the archipelago, the two men exercising a joint rule over the islands. The relations between them were exceedingly harmonious and have always remained so. General Chaffee's work in the Philippines had for its most important feature the sup- pression of the insurrection in the island of Samar, where he succeeded in capturing the famous guerilla Chieftain Lukban, thus putting an end to the war in that part of the archipelago. He also captured Malvar, another bandit of much celebrity, in Luzon, and by that means pacified an entire province. In fact it may be said that these two exploits put an end to the rebellion in the Philip- pines. He held command in Manila until September 30, 1902, being then trans- ferred to command the Department of the East, with headquarters at Governor's Island, New York Harbor. In October, 1903, he was detailed as member of the General Staff of the army and entered upon duty at the War Department as Assistant to the Chief-of -Staff, Lieutenant-General Young. Upon the latter 's retirement from active service, January 9, 1904, General Chaffee succeeded him as Lieutenant-General and Chief-of-Staff, the highest position in the American army. The day after this promotion, the New York Herald contained the following : "Adna R. Chaffee, who yesterday succeeded General Young as head of the United States Army, is just a plain fighting man. No courtier soldier he, but a grim warrior who has seen many a stricken field and the bulk of whose life has been spent in hard service on the frontier chasing bad Indians and leading the advance guard in the march of civilization across this continent. "There was no influence at Washington to help him scale the ladder of pro- motion. Such scant rewards as he enjoyed up to six years ago were hard earned and well won. At the time of the outbreak of the war v "th Spain he was only a lieutenant colonel, and the highest flight of his ambition was a colonelcy in the cavalry. If in the winter of 1897-98 anybody had told him that he would become a lieutenant general and occupy the place then held by General Nelson A. Miles, he would have laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion. "Chaffee's career might be said to represent the apotheosis of the enlisted man. In 1861, at the beginning of the civil war, he was a private in Company K of the 6th Cavalry, and it was not until nearly two years had passed that he obtained his first commission, as second lieutenant in the same regiment. At the end of that memorable conflict he was only a first lieutenant and he did not become a major until July, 1888. It was the Spanish war that gave him his great oppor- tunity, enabling him to rise in less than six years to the very tip top of the military tree. . . . Chaffee is a highly educated man, but most of his schooling he obtained for himself after he had grown to manhood. Born in Ohio he had only a common school training, which was discontinued when he was eighteen years of age, but after the close of the civil war he studied hard, even taking a course in law. In the army he has always been respected for his brains as well as for his prowess as a fighter. He furnished the military ' problems ' for some of the recent 434 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY manoeuvers, and it is an interesting fact that the map used by General Shafter in Cuba to guide his operations there — the only map that could be got — was drawn by Chaffee from a reconnoissance made by himself through the enemy's country, much of it by travelling on his hands and knees. . . . There was an occasion, twenty-one years ago, when he was one of a command under Gen- eral Crook, out in Arizona, when he was reported killed, together with all the rest of the party. "Having survived so much hardship and so many perils, General Chaffee finds himself to-day at the summit of military ambition. He lives in Washington with his charming wife in a luxurious apartment on Connecticut Avenue. He has a son at West Point, the elder of his two daughters is married to an army officer, Captain George F. Hamilton, and his little grandson, who is his special pride, is Adna, 3d. " One of the most popular men in the army, Adna R. Chaffee is still the unpre- tending soldier. A hard worker, he loves his home and a good cigar. Those are his pleasures in life." "General Chaffee is of the school of Grant and Lawton — quiet, unobtrusive, modest, but full of fight. He has never advertised himself or solicited others to do it for him. Although appointed from the ranks to a commission, no West Pointer could be more punctilious in all that pertains to a soldier and officer or more devoted to the traditions of the regular army than is General Chaffee. "General Chaffee is loved by his troops and respected by every officer with whom he is associated or who has ever heard of him. ... In all his long service not a breath of criticism has ever touched him, but the official records are replete with mention of his gallant work and bear testimony to his scrupulous honesty and fine executive ability. "If his advancement, brevets and promotions had depended upon his urging his own merits. General Chaffee would still be a lieutenant in the Sixth Cavalry. That sense of honor so strong in the old line officer that preferment must come without seeking is possessed to its fullest extent by General Chaffee. He is as innocent as a child of anything approaching log-rolling or "political pull." He despises anything of the sort and would not lift his little finger to secure the in- fluence of a man in power. These qualifications, united with his record as a fighter, organizer and executive pointed to him as the fittest officer in the service for the China command. " General Chaffee's record is part of the history and romance of the great Indian wars west of the Mississippi. He began his service there very shortly after the Civil War in frontier posts and trailing the Indians over the great West and South- west until the war with Spain opened and he went to make a new record in Cuba. General Chaffee does not like to be hampered in his operations and in his Indian fights he showed rare self-reliance and a disposition to cut loose from higher au- thorities when those authorities were not as well posted on the situation as he. Here is an anecdote which illustrates this characteristic: "When captain in the Sixth Cavalry he was ordered to look after some unruly Indians in Arizona. Just before starting one evening he dropped into the signal office and said to the operator in charge : ' Are there any orders for me from Wash- ington?' " 'No, sir,' said the operator. " 'Well,' responded Captain Chaffee, 'I am going out to look for some Indians. I wouldn't be surprised if your telegraph lines were cut. You will probably hear of some dead Indians, but will hardly get anything on the wires from Washington.' "Captain Chaffee and his band started out, and sure enough, the telegraph lines were cut, and sure enough there were several dead Indians next morning. There was no means by which Washington could telegraph the captain not to 'shoot first.' "According to General Lawton, the credit of the battle of El Caney and most of the maneuvers of the troops before Santiago belongs to General Chaffee. He was the most active of any of the officers, his wiry frame giving him strength and EIGHTH GENERATION 435 endurance. Beside, he had the faculty of at once catching the saHent features of the surrounding country and his reconnoisances were accurate and of the greatest value. . . . "General Chaffee is intensely loyal to his friends and to his superior officers. While attending a banquet in St. Louis a short time after the Cuban campaign something was said derogatory of General Shafter. General Chaffee at once arose and resented the reflection. He said that General Shafter had been his com- mander in Cuba and had there carried out the most wonderful and effective cam- paign. He launched into a panegyric of his superior officer that aroused the wildest enthusiasm and had everybody at the banquet cheering for General Shaf- ter." [Philadelphia Press.] During the summer of 1905, General Chaffee was for a time Acting Secretary of War, in the absence of Secretary Taft, and Acting Secretary Oliver. Later, in the summer, accompanied by his wife and daughter, he went to France, where at the invitation of President Loubet of that country he witnessed the army manoeuvres. "LOUBET MEETS CHAFFEE "President of France Welcomes American on Field of Sham Battle "Chateau Brienne, Department of the Aube, France, Sept. 11. — President Loubet arrived on the field of the army manoeuvres to-day, accompanied by War Minister Berteaux and General Brugere. The President went from point to point in the vast theatre of operations. At Ville Hardouin he met Lieutenant General Adna R. Chaffee, Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell, Brigadier General William Crozier and their staffs. The Americans were presented to M. Loubet, and the latter, addressing General Chaffee, said France was glad to receive the American military mission and thus acknowledge America's reception of the French military mission, which attended the Rochambeau exercises. General Chaffee in reply paid a tribute to the splendid organization and eciuipment of the French army. The manoeuvres ended with a brillant banquet, at which President Loubet pre- sided. M. Casimir-Perier, former President of the Republic, sat at the President's right and Lieutenant General Chaffee at his left. "President Loubet, in proposing a toast to the heads of the states represented at the banquet, assured the foreign officers that their presence was heartily wel- comed by the army and people of France. "Minister Berteaux, in behalf of the French army, thanked the representatives of the foreign Powers for their attendance at the manoeuvres, making special reference to the presence of the American mission. "Lieutenant General Chaffee, in behalf of the President of the United States and the American Army, gave expression to their hearty recognition of the splendid reception which had been accorded the American mission by President Loubet and the French army." [New York Press.] February 1, 1906, he retired from the service of the country he had served so long and faithfully. Since then he has made his home in Los Angeles, Cal. "A SOLDIER "In the forty-fifth year of his service as an American soldier, Adna Romanza Chaffee, who has filled and honored every grade in the regular army, from pri- vate soldier to lieutenant-general, except that of brigadier-general, retires to-day from the chief command of the military forces of the United States, and from the service. "There have been few officers of high rank with whom the country has parted with more regret than it will part with Gen. Chaffee. He is one of the most sol- dierly soldiers who ever drew a saber in the country's service. An ideal cavalry- man, an ideal regular, his record for brilliant bravery is rivaled only by his record for hard, patient, unselfish work. "He is, we believe, the only chief commander of the United States army who 436 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY rose from the ranks of the regular army. An Ohio country boy of nineteen, he enUsted in the Sixth Cavalry in 1861. He had been in the service less than two years when the material of a fine officer was recognized in him, and he was made a lieutenant. Twice during the civil war he was brevetted for gallantry in action, and twice afterward in Indian wars. "But for twenty-one years this brilliant soldier occupied the grade of captain of cavalry. The best of his life, from his twenty-fifth to his forty-sixth year, was spent in patient service in mere company command. These long years were the regular thing then. They won the captains the honorable title of 'the old man,' by which the soldiers knew them. " Days of more rapid advancement came for Capt. Chaffee, however. The Span- ish and Philippine wars brought him out as a commander, and the Pekin campaign proved that a very good diplomatist, as well as general, may be developed from a 'high private in the rear rank.' "Through all this honorable career. Gen. Chaffee has been just a plain Ameri- can, democratic, quite without fuss or glitter, and a student as well as a fighter. The example of his record is worth a dozen military academies. "For West Point exists not to make something else, or something more orna- mental, than he, but to make men like him. As for Chaffee, he never needed West Point, yet never scorned or slighted it." [New York Evening Mail.] Children, by first wife, born in Fort Griffin, Tex.: 4778 i A son,9 born in September, 1868; died about February, 1869, aged five months; buried in Austin. 4779 ii A son, born in August, 1869; died in Fort Griffin, August, 1869, aged one day. Children, by second wife : + 4780 iii Kate Grace Chaflfee, born February 4, 1876; married Captain George F. Hamilton. 4781 iv Mabel, born in New York City, September 4, 1877; died there March 4, 1877; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery. 4782 V Adna Romanza Chaffee, Jr., born in Junction City, September 23, 1884; he was educated in the public schools until September, 1898, when he was placed in St. Luke's School for Boys, Wayne, Pa., remaining there nearly four years; in the spring of 1901 he visited his father in command of the United States troops in Peking, China, and accompanied him to Manila, returning to the United States with his sister Helen in August of that year. He entered the United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., June 15, 1902, graduating June 12, 1906, ranking thirty- one in a class of seventy-two ; he was assigned Second Lieutenant, 15th Cavalry, and on expiration of graduating leave joined his regiment at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., very soon thereafter embark- ing with his regiment for service in Cuba. 4783 vi Helen Valentine Chaffee, born in Junction City, February 14, 1888; she was a student in Mrs. Hazen's school for Girls, Pelham Manor, N. Y., for five years and for one year in Miss Somers' School for Young Ladies, Washington; in June, 1901, she accompanied her mother to Manila, returning with her brother to the United States in August of the same year; visited her parents in Manila in July, 1902, returning to New York via the Suez Canal in Octo- ber of that year; during the fall of 1905 accompanied her parents to France. 2662 Gurdon Amos « ChaflEee (Amos,^ Amos,« William, s Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., May 10, 1837, and died in Union, Conn., May 7, 1889. He married (1) Sarah S. F. Lyon of Union, Conn., (2) Caroline F. Capwell, who survived him. Mr. Chaffee enlisted for nine months in Company G, 9th Connecticut Volunteers. He also enlisted as a Private EIGHTH GENERATION 437 m Company F, 22d Connecticut Infantry, in Eastford, September 10, 1862. He was mustered in September 20, 1862, and mustered out July 7, 1863. While with the army in Virginia he was wounded in the hand and contracted rheumatism. He received a pension of $50 a month for several years preceding his death. About 1863 he settled in Union, where he spent the rest of his life. Children, by first wife : + 4784 i Amos F.9 Chaffee, born in 1864; married Phoebe Capwell. 4785 ii Elmer Elsworth Chaffee, born in 1866. 4786 iii A son, died about 1867 in infancy. 2663 Martha Susan » Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,^ William, ^ Jonathan, < Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., June 22, 1839, and died in Preston, Conn., May 30, 1879. She married S. H. Preston of Eastford, Conn. Children : 4787 i Florence Emily ^ Preston, born in 1861; married in December, 1888, John Rathbone of Norwich, Conn.; residence, 1883, Boston, Mass. + 4788 ii Mattie S. Preston, born in 1865; married E. G. Standish. 2664 Annie Emily » Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,^ William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., June 11, 1840, and married Gordon S. Haven of Illinois, a jeweler. In 1883 they lived in Greenville, 111., and in 1889 in Altamont, 111. Children : 4789 i Grant C.a Haven, born about 1866. 4790 ii Curtis Chaffee Haven, born about 1874. 4791 iii Artie C. Haven (a daughter), born about 1877. 2666 Harriet Amanda » Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,^ William, ^ Jonathan, < Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., October 26, 1843, and married George A. Dennis, a stonecutter. In 1883 they lived in Waterbury, Conn., and in 1889 in Bridgeport, Conn. Children : 4792 i Ernest Milton » Dennis, born about 1868. 4793 ii Mary C. Dennis, born about 1872. 2667 Esther Lurancie s Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,^ William, ^ Jonathan, * Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ashford, Conn., March 24, 1847, and married John A. Young, a farmer. In 1883 they lived in Eastford on the home- stead which had at that time been occupied by the Chaffee family for ninety years. Children : 4794 i Mary Lillie » Young, born in 1865; married James Munson of Water- bury, Conn. 4795 ii John Young, born in 1875. 2670 John Milton s Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,« William, s Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Eastford, Conn., March 13, 1851, and married in Killingly, Conn., May 1, 1873, Mary Evangeline, daughter of Israel Plummer of that place. In 1883 they lived in Putnam, Conn., and in 1889 in Norwich, Conn., where he kept a grocery store. He has also been a salesman. Children : 4796 i Milton LeRoy^ Chaffee, born in Preston, Conn., May 1, 1874, 4797 ii Mary Evangehne Chaffee, born in Norwich, July 10, 1877. 438 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4798 iii Ethel Maxwell Chaffee, born m Norwich, June 21, 1879. 4799 iv Joseph Zane Chaffee, born in Putnam, April 18, 1881; died June 25, 1881. 4800 V Clarence Walter Chaffee, born in Putnam, May 22, 1882; died March 18, 1889. 4801 vi Ella P. Chaffee, died in infancy. 4802 vii Eloise F. Chaffee, born in 1886. 4803 viii Clara W. Chaffee, born in 1888. 2671 Ellen Adelia » Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,*" William,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Eastford, Conn., March 26, 1854, and mar- ried Gilbert S. Shippee of Rhode Island. In 1883 they lived in Roxbury Station, Conn., and in 1889 in Putnam, Conn. Children : 4804 i Maro9 Shippee, born about 1873. 4805 ii Edith Shippee, born about 1875. 4806 iii Alfred Shippee, born about 1878. 2673 Elmina Henrietta s Chaffee (Amos,^ Amos,^ William, ^ Jonathan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Eastford, Conn., November 6, 1859, and married (1) E. W. Miller of that place, (2) William Munson of Waterbury, Conn. In 1889 she lived in North Ashford, Conn. Children : 4807 i WilHs Russs Miller, born about 1876. 4808 ii Andrew Munson, born about 1886. 2682 Annie Maria s Fordham (Anna Bibbins ^ Chaffee, Amos,^ William, ^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), married in Salt Lake City, Utah, William Price Deakin, born July 11, 1832. Children : 4809 i Anna Maria » Deakin, born September 7, 1864. 4810 ii Emily Ann Deakin, born September 15, 1866; died December 16, 1876. 4811 iii Mary Jane Deakin, born March 1, 1869. 4812 iv John William Deakin, born February 19, 1871. 4813 V Ehjah James Deakin, born October 4, 1873. 4814 vi Sarah Minerva Deakin, born September 31, 1875; died June 4, 1876. 4815 vii Robert Price Deakin, born April 19, 1877. 4816 viii Lillian Delila Deakin, born November 24, 1879. 4817 ix Serene May Deakin, born September 26, 1881. 4818 X Joseph Amos Deakin, born October 18, 1883. 4819 xi Charles Fremont Deakin, born October 6, 1885. 2690 Amos Banta s Chaffee (Ephraim Pendleton,^ Amos,« Winiam,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in 1842, and died about 1884. He married Elizabeth Brown, daughter of a lumber merchant. For eighteen years he held a position in the New York Custom House as liquor gauger. He was buried in Cypress Hills Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 4820 i Henry B.9 Chaffee, born about 1864; residence, 1888, Brooklyn. 4821 ii Ella Chaffee, born about 1878. 4822 iii Amy Chaffee, born about 1884. 2692 Albert Banta s Chaffee (Ephraim Pendleton,^ Amos,^ William,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in New York City October 13, EIGHTH GENERATION 439 1844, and married, about 1867, Mary, daughter of James Hewes of Brooklyn, N. Y., a lumber dealer. Mr. Chaffee served in the Union army during the latter part of the Civil War. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is of medium height. Children, born in Brooklyn: 4823 i Mary Eliza » Chaffee, born January 3, 1869. 4824 ii Alice Bertha Chaffee, born June 10, 1871. 2694 Mary Eliza » Chaffee (Ephraim Pendleton, ^ Amos,^ William, ^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born December 5, 1847, and mar- ried in Brooklyn, N. Y., February 2, 1865, Daniel E. Downing, an engineer, born there, February 18, 1842, died there, September 2, 1888. He was tall and dark. Mrs. Downing was living in Brooklyn in 1890. Child: 4825 i Albert Chaffee 9 Downing, born October 22, 1867. 2707 John » Chaffee (Stephen Mitchell,^ Jonathan, « Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born December 29, 1845, and married in Robertsonville, N. Y. (now White Sulphur Springs), March 21, 1876, Frances Ida, daughter of Elias Dewitt of that place. She died June 19, 1892, and was buried in Liberty, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer and a member of the Methodist Church, in which he was for ten years Steward. He has a dark complexion, black hair and eyes, and is six feet in height. In 1876 and in 1906 he lived in Liberty. Children : 4826 i Mary Ann « Chaffee, born June 23, 1877. 4827 ii Carrie Chaffee, born January 29, 1879. 4828 iii Stephen E. Chaffee, born October 25, 1880. 4829 iv Decker Chaffee, born December 6, 1885. 4830 V Ferry John Chaffee, born June 13, 1892. 2713 Susie Nieda 8 Chaffee (Ephraim Bound, ^ Reuben, ^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born July 15, 1860, and married in Middle- town, Conn., October 6, 1885, James Yale, son of James Fairman. James Y. Fairman was born in New Haven, Conn., September 10, 1855, and died in Mid- dletown, January 13, 1899. He had a dark complexion, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He was at one time Colonel on the staff of Governor Buckley of Connecticut and was President of the Pittsburgh and St. Louis Smelting Co., Pittsburgh, Kan. Mrs. Fairman is a member of the Episcopal Church. Children, born in Middletown: 4831 i Hortense Victoria » Chaffee, born June 21, 1888 (1887). 4832 ii Ruth Lillian Chaffee, born February 13, 1890. 2717 Juliana » Chaffee (Reuben, ^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born December 30, 1807, and married Covey. Child: 4833 i Emily 9 Covey, married Benona Willey; residence, 1883, Westport, Vt. 2719 Samuel Luther s Chaffee (Reuben,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., September 3, 1812, and died July 7, 1882. He married. May 21, 1835, Ursula S., daughter of Ira James of Richford, Vt. He was a farmer and mechanic, and lived on the old farm in Berkshire, Vt. 440 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 4834 i Ezra J.9 Chaffee, born November 16, 1836. 4835 ii Pucinda G. Chaffee, born September 6, 1838; died August 30, 1857. 4836 iii Matilda S. Chaffee, born in 1840. + 4837 iv Reuben Chaffee, born June 21, 1843; married Mina N. Towle. 4838 V Arthur F. Chaffee, born August 22, 1848. 4839 vi Adelia J. Chaffee, born October 28, 1852. 4840 vii Cortez S. Chaffee, born October 1, 1856. 2720 Reuben » ChafEee, Jr. (Reuben,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), was born in Berkshire, Vt., March 31, 1814, and married there, August 24, 1834, Lucy C, daughter of Alexander Brice, and sister of the wives of his brothers, Washington and Albert Chaffee. In 1883 Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee lived in Albany, Vt., where he was a farmer and a mason. Children, the first three born in Berkshire: 4841 i Milo L.^ Chaffee, born April 6, 1835; married (1) there, January 21, 1860, Eliza A., daughter of Robert Stretton of St. Armon, P. Q., Canada; she was of Franklin, Vt., and died April 3, 1862; he married (2) in Albany, Vt., January 18, 1863, Ellen L. daugh- ter of Joshua Way of that place ; Mr. Chaffee is a farmer. 4842 ii Susan E. Chaffee, born September 27, 1836; married Garvin Alston of Craftsbury, Vt. 4843 iii Sally Miranda Chaffee, born September 17, 1838; died August 3, 1871 ; married Uriah Dingenan of Berkshire, and had two children, both dead. + 4844 iv Edna Alsina Chaffee, born March 7, 1840; married Hanson S. Burle- son. 4845 V William Henry Chaffee, born December 27, 1841 ; married, March 26, 1865, Isabella Taylor of Berkshire; no children; is a farmer and dairyman. 4846 vi Albert Chaffee, born December 12, 1843; died April 17, 1864. + 4847 vii Marila Chaffee, born October 28, 1845; married Ezra C. Butler. (See 4884.) + 4848 viii Lucy Chaffee, born October 10, 1847; married H. M. Jordan. 4849 ix Celina Chaffee, born January 26, 1849; died October 8, 1850. + 4850 X Fernando Cortez Chaffee, born November 2, 1851; married Capi- tola Maxfield. 2721 Washington » ChafEee (Reuben,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Berkshire, Vt., August 12, 1815, and died there, April 12, 1881. He married Rachel, daughter of Alexander Brice of that place, and sister of the wives of his brothers, Reuben and Albert Chaffee. He was Constable in Berkshire for twenty years, and for many years Deacon in the Baptist Church. Children : 4851 i Harry » Chaffee, a twin. 4852 ii Hanson Chaffee, a twin. 2723 Albert » ChafEee (Reuben, ^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born May 25, 1820, and married (1) in Berkshire, Vt., January 21, 1841, Nancy C., daughter of Alexander Brice of that place, and sister of the wives of his brothers, Reuben and Washington Chaffee. She was born March 10, 1821. He married (2) Mrs. Lucy » (Chaffee) Woodworth (2755) (John,^ Comfort, 8 Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nat/aniel,^ Thomas i), widow of EIGHTH GENERATION 441 Hamilton Wood worth. In 1886 he hved in West Berkshire, where he was a farmer. Children : + 4853 i Harvey A.a Chaffee, married (1) Ellen M. Whitehead; (2) Adelia A. Whitehead; (3) Edna M. Page. 4854 ii Bianca G. Chaffee; married John McCarthy, Jr. (See 4873.) Four other children, died young, names unknown. 2728 Polly « Kendall (Lucy ^ Chaffee, Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel,- Thomas i). married Arnold Burt, brother of her brother Seth's wife. Mr. and Mrs. Burt lived in West Enosburg, Vt. Child: 4855 i Franks Burt. 2729 Seths Kendall, Jr. (Lucy 7 Chaffee, Comfort,6 Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), died in Enosburg Falls, Vt. He married Polly Burt, sister of his sister Polly's husband. They lived in Enosburg Falls. Children : 4856 i B. J.9 Kendall, a doctor, discoverer of a well-known remedy for spavin. 4857 ii Milo Kendall. 4858 iii Philo Kendall. 2737 Anna s Chaffee (Jasper,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in 1811, and died. She married Guy Clark, and lived in Berkshire, Vt. Children : 4859 i Mary 9 Clark, married Joshua Booth. 4860 ii Hanson Clark, married Burleson; residence, 1891, Abercorn, P. Q., Canada. 4861 iii Guy Clark, Jr., married Delia Hull; residence, 1891, Berkshire. 4862 iv Delia Clark, married William Scofield, who died before 1891, when she was living in Abercorn. 2740 Hannah Fidelias Chaffee (Jasper,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in 1818, and died before 1876. She married in Berkshire, Vt., Reverend James M. Beeman, a widower. He was a Baptist minister, born in Fairfax, Vt., September 11, 1811, and died in Three Mile Bay, N. Y., in 1876. After Hannah F. (Chaffee) Beeman's death he married Ann E. Hall. Children : -1-4863 i Jasper Chaffee » Beeman, born March 24, 1842; married (1) Betsey E . Reynolds; (2) C. E. Guthrie. 4864 ii James M. Beeman, died in 1865, in the Civil War. 4865 iii Eveline C. Beeman, died in 1863. -1-4866 iv Lucas Azro Beeman, born November 7, 1848; married Mary A. Remington. 4867 V Hannah Fidelia Beeman. 4868 vi Ann Eliza Beeman, died in 1863. 4869 vii Alvah Sabin Beeman. 2741 Cordelia s Chaffee (Jasper,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,' Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in 1820, and married Ebenezer Weld. Children. : 4870 i Cass i us « Weld. 442 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4871 ii CortezWeld. 4872 iii Emily Weld. Other children, names unknown. 2743 Mary 8 Chaffee (Jasper/ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in 1825, and married John McCarthy. They lived in Berkshire, Vt. Child: + 4873 i Johns McCarthy, Jr., married Bianca G. Chaffee (4854), 2744 Azro Buck » Chaffee (Jasper, ^ Comfort, « Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Berkshire, Vt., April 4, 1830, and died in Montreal, Canada, November 1, 1891. He married in Frosh Village, Canada, March 22, 1854, the daughter of Doctor S. S. Foster of Knowlton, P. Q., Canada. Mr. Chaffee was the executor of his father's estate. The following biography is from the Montreal Railway Journal of February 10, 1883: "In recommencing our series of j^ortraits of 'Celebrities,' it is scarcely possible that we could have presented the face of a more representative man than the subject of our sketch. Mr. Chaffee is so widely known that his picture scarcely needs a word of introduction, and certainly no lengthened notice; he is a good type of the best side of the activity of the American character, and beneath a certain quickness of reply which almost amounts to brusqueness, those who have the best opportunities of judging well know that an immense amount of extreme courtesy and kindness of heart is to be found. As to Mr. Chaffee's business energy, if we might hazard an attempt at a joke, we would say he is the A. B. C. of every enterprise to which he puts his hand. Mr. Chaffee was born at Berkshire, Vt., on April 4th, 1830, and entered on his life career after finishing his education. He studied law under the guidance of Judge Aldis, but later on, entering upon a com- mercial training, we hear of him as filling an important position in the Customs Department of Burlington under Judge Smalley. Mr. Chaffee removed to Canada in 1861, and from that time to the present has been identified with many impor- tant business enterprises, until to-day no more representative man can be found amongst us. On his first arrival in Canada, he entered upon an insurance business for some years. At length the Railway interest growing in importance, Mr. Chaffee turned his active mind in that direction, becoming associated with the late Hon. A. B. Foster as Secretary-Treasurer of the old Canada Central and South Eastern, until a few years back, when the Hon. Bradley Barlow joining the enterprise, Mr. Chaffee came even more prominently before the community. One feature in our Canadian railway men of to-day cannot escape notice, viz., their almost ubiquity, and to this peculiar feature the subject of our sketch is no exception. In addition to the position of Secretary-Treasurer to the South Eastern Railway Company, Mr. Chaffee is connected with several other enterprises either as President, Vice-President, or simply on the Board of Directors. We might enu- merate the Atlantic and North-west, Quebec and Ontario, Montreal, Portland and Boston, Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence Junction Railways, the Longueuil Nav- igation Company, and some other projects. The ice bridge rail across the St. Lawrence, which has now been in operation three winters, is in a great measure due to his energy. Notwithstanding all these many calls upon his time, Mr. Chaffee is one of those men who apparently rises from his desk daily with a sigh, that there is no more work to do. Children : 4874 i Stephen Sewell « Chaffee, born in 1855. 4875 ii Frances D. Chaffee, born in 1857. 4876 iii Azro Buck Chaffee, Jr., born in 1861. 4877 iv Miriam Jane Chaffee, born in 1865. 4878 V Bessie Foster Chaffee, born in 1867. 4879 vi Hiram Foster Chaffee, born in 1869. EIGHTH GENERATION 443 4880 vii Hannah Zeda Chaffee, born in 1872. 4881 viii George Edwin Chaffee, born in 1876. 2746 Stephen « B. Chaffee (Warren, ^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas >) was born February 10, 1819, and died in Jay, Vt., June 7, 1876. He married, December 23, 1851, Martha Shannon. He lived in Jay, where he was a farmer, and bought land June 11, 1855, Children : 4882 i Herbert E.9 Chaffee, residence, 1893, Jay. 4883 ii Delia Chaffee, married McCholster. 2748 Sally » Chaffee (Warren,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born November 16, 1822, and died in Jay, Vt., Febru- ary 14, 1880. She married Sydney Butler. Children : + 4884 i Ezra C.a Butler, married Marila Chaffee (4847). 4885 ii Charles Butler, residence, 1893, Derby, Vt. 4886 iii Fannie Butler, married Percy; residence, 1893, Barton, Vt. 4887 iv Gardner Butler, a clergyman; residence, 1893, Massachusetts. 2749 Electa s Chaffee (Warren,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born January 25, 1826, and died in Chicopee, Mass., March 22, 1874. She married William H. Andrus. Children : 4888 i Charles H.^ Andrus, an artist; residence, 1893, Enosburgh Falls, Vt. 4889 ii Mary M. Andrus, married Gilbert; residence, 1893, Burlington, Vt. 2750 Ruby Lucy » Chaffee (Warren,^ Comfort, « Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born June 1, 1829, and married in Franklin, Vt., January 26, 1852, William Prescott Ewins, born there, December 12, 1823, died in Jay, Vt., August 5, 1880. He was a railroad contractor and was superin- tendent in the government mills during the Civil War. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and in 1893 lived in North Troy, Vt. ' Children : + 4890 i Almeda Alida » Ewins, born October 7, 1853; married Ezra T. Seaver. + 4891 ii Clarence Prescott Ewins, born September 23, 1855; married Elnora H. Ford. 4892 iii Blanche Mabel Ewins, born April 30, 1867. 2753 Cornelius Perness « Chaffee (Warren,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., March 25, 1836, and married (1) there, May 25, 1859, Catharine, daughter of Patrick Gallon of St. Albans, Vt. She died and was buried in Newport, Vt., and he married (2), Au- gust 13, 1887, Lenora Boyce. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet, four inches in height. He united with the Universalist Church at the age of twenty. He is a farmer and in 1893 lived in Newport. Children, by first wife: 4893 i Amos 9 Chaffee, born April 8, 1861. 4894 ii Emmett Chaffee, born August 24, 1863. 4895 iii James Chaffee, born July 20, 1867. 4896 iv Erdine Chaffee, born October 8, 1869. 4897 V Enea Chaffee, born May 24, 1872. 444 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child, by second wife : 4898 vi Cornelius Chaffee, born October 8, 1888. 2757 Homer S.s Chaffee (John, 7 Comfort,6 Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), married Mary R., daughter of Daniel B. and Electa (Haw- ley) Burleson of Berkshire, Vt. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer. In 1886 they lived in West Berkshire, Vt., and in 1891 on the Chaffee homestead in Berkshire. Children : 4899 i Gertrude E.a Chaffee, born March 11, 1873. 4900 ii Homer Chaffee, born May 20, 1875. 4901 iii Wilbur Chaffee, born April 8, 1878. 2764 Polly Hill » Chaffee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Berkshire, Vt., August 13, 1824, and died in Fletcher, Vt., November 11, 1897. She married in Berkshire, May 30, 1847, Lucius B. Elliot, born in Salem, Vt., January 25, 1825, died in Fletcher, March 2, 1896. Both were members of the Baptist Church. In 1883 they lived in Fletcher, where Mr. Elliot was a farmer. Children : 4902 i Welcome Lucius » Elliot, born January 26, 1849; died August 16, 1854. + 4903 ii Ursula Filinda Elliot, born April 25, 1850; married Stanley J. Scott. 4904 iii Polly Ann Elliot, born September 8, 1854; died September 27, 1858. 4905 iv Aimer Judson Elliot, born April 30, 1867; married, September 5, 1900, Hattie May Fawfaw; in 1891 was connected with the Cambridge (Vt.) Transcript. 2765 Comfort s Chaffee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ^) was born in Berkshire, Vt., February 17, 1826, and died in Barton, Vt., November 23, 1906. He married in Fletcher, Vt., Eliza- beth B., daughter of Elisha Dike (Dyke) of that place. Mr. Chaffee was a mem- ber of the Baptist Church, as is also his wife. In 1883 they lived in East Charles- ton, Vt., where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. He was buried in Charleston. Children : 4906 i Ella M.9 Chaffee, born August 26, 1851. 4907 ii Gusta A. Chaffee, born March 24, 1853. 4908 iii Edson C. Chaffee, born March 17, 1855. + 4909 iv Esther Emily Chaffee, born February 7, 1857; married Charles T. Morse. 4910 V Melvin T. Chaffee, born April 21, 1864. 4911 vi Luna Leora Chaffee, born July 4, 1866; married Charles Rollins. + 4912 vii Lizzie Alma Chaffee, born September 11, 1868; married Homer W. Burnham. 4913 viii Arthur Leander Chaffee, born June 4, 1870; married, December, 1893, Mabel Tilloton. 4914 ix Benonie W. Chaffee, born February 2, 1874. 2766 Elvira Rebecca » Chaffee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., May 6, 1828, and died in Westfield, Vt., September 11, 1905. She married (1) S. Hamilton Redding, born in February, 1828, died in Worcester, Mass., November 12, 1871. Both he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. She married (2), November 16, 1892, Lucius H. Wheeler of Johnson, Vt., who died there. May 1, 1900, aged seventy-three. In 1883 they lived in Milbury, Mass. EIGHTH GENERATION 445 Child: 4915 i Julia Elvira Wheeler, died in Troy, Vt., March 26, 1902; married Davis. 2767 Lovina Felton s ChafEee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort," Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., February 22, 1830, and married there, on the Chaffee homestead, February 24, 1852, Curtis Wheeler, born in Enosburgh, Vt., December 19, 1826 (1828), died March 3, 1905. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler settled in Enosburgh, and moved to Fairfax, Vt., in 1855, where they lived on their place, the Maple Grove Stock Farm. In 1877 they celebrated their Silver Wedding and in 1902 their Golden Wedding. At this time they had lived on the same farm for forty-seven years. Mr. Wheeler died in 1905 and in 1907 Mrs. Wheeler was still living in Fairfax. She is a member of the Baptist Church. Children : 4916 i. Alice 0.9 Wheeler, born May 22, 1853; married in Fairfax, Decem- ber 18, 1878, Doctor Thomas Marsh Emery; residence, 1883, Troy, Vt. 4917 ii Altha Viola Wheeler, born August 19, 1855; died January 4, 1863, of diphtheria. 4918 iii Henry H. Wheeler, born June 4, 1860; died January 4, 1863, of diph- theria. + 4919 iv Homer Curtis Wheeler, born March 3, 1864; married Lu M. Leavens. 4920 v Mary L. Wheeler, born November 21, 1868. 4921 vi Effie V. Wheeler, born May 6, 1872. 2768 Sylvester Aaron s ChafEee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,- Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., April 2, 1832, and died in Michigan, June 17, 1902. He married (1) in Berkshire, in 1854, Plantina O., daughter of John Pitcher of Vermont. He married (2), in 1872, Mrs. Jean G. (Pocock) Sergei, widow of J. H. Sergei and daughter of Lloyd Pocock. Mr. Chaffee was the state agent for a fire insurance company and in 1883 lived in Mansfield, 0. Children, by first wife : 4922 i Rosa R.a Chaffee. 4923 ii William H, Chaffee. 4924 iii Gibson A. Chaffee. 4925 iv A son, died. 4926 V A daughter, died. Child, by second wife: 4927 vi Lillian A. Chaffee, born in July, 1874. 2769 James Hill s ChafEee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., May 14, 1834, and married there, ]\Iarch 8, 1857, Laura, daughter of William W. Waite of Fair- field, Vt. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee are members of the Baptist Church, and in 1882 lived in Enosburgh, Vt., where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer and a dealer in cattle. Children : 4928 i Mertons Chaffee, born November 19, 1857; died in January, 1858. 4929 ii Addie Belle Chaffee, born January 31, 1859; married (1), February 8, 1881, Henry William Saddler, a farmer, and had two children, both of whom are dead; they lived in Bakersfield, Vt., where 446 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY he died March 29, 1888, aged thirty-seven; she married (2) in Worcester, Mass., January 9, 1899, Lewis Hawley Scott. + 4930 iii Emma Etta Chaffee, born April 10, 1861; married Hollis N. Sher- wood. 4931 iv William Merton Cliaffee, born March 14, 1863; died May 13, 1906; married in Worcester, Gertrude Bessey. 4932 V Carrie Elvira Cliaffee, born September 27, 1866; died June 8, 1889; married, November 21, 1888, Ernest D. Herrick. 4933 vi Lucy P. Chaffee, born October 6, 1869; married in Worcester, June 20, 1905, L. W. Pennington. 4934 vii Ermina Gertrude Chaffee, born June 6, 1872; married, October 25, 1904, Irving Scott Woodruff. 4935 viii Hamilton R. Chaffee, born May 19, 1878; married in Worcester, November 14, 1904, Nellie Pratt and has one child. 2770 Lovell Stowe s Chaffee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., December 19, 1835, and married in Westfield, Vt., April 22, 1860, Emma Frances, daughter of Newton Hitchcock of that place. Both are members of the Baptist Church, with which Mr. Chaffee united at the age of twenty-five. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height. He is a farmer and in 1890 lived in Troy, Vt. Children : + 4936 i Frank Newton ^ Chaffee, born September 26, 1861; married Emo- gene A. Perkins. + 4937 ii Fannie Evelyn Chaffee, born May 17, 1863; married Ernest A. Allbee. 4938 iii Henry Herbert Chaffee, born September 9, 1865. 4939 iv Charles Clayton Chaffee, born August 3, 1871 . 4940 V George Burton Chaffee, born March 5, 1876. 4941 vi Pearl Stowe Chaffee, born October 24, 1878. 2771 Ransom Nathaniel » Chaffee (Aaron Stowe, ^ Comfort, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Na- thaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., Novem- ber 22, 1837, and married in Fletcher, Vt., November 20, 1858, Eunice Lucy, daughter of Amasa and Sarah (Aylesworth) Walker of that place. She was born January 31, 1841, and died in Mansfield, O., August 31, 1884. In 1883 Mr. Chaffee lived in Mansfield, where he was a carpenter. Children : 4942 i Etta M.9 Chaffee, born April 14, 1867. + 4943 ii Virgie Estella Chaffee, born January 27, 1871 ; married Bert Bonham. 4944 iii Blanche V. Chaffee, born May 29, 1879. 2772 Palmer Edson » Chaffee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., July 21, 1840, and married in Fairfax, Vt., January 4, 1866, Elizabeth B., daughter of Willis D. Leach of Fletcher, Vt. Both are members of the Baptist Church, with which Mr. Chaffee united at the age of twenty-eight. He has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height. He is a farmer, and in 1891 lived in Barton's Landing, Vt. Children : 4945 i Clayton W.s Chaffee, born May 24, 1869; died October 15, 1870. + 4946 ii Ida E. Chaffee, born November 5, 1871; married Clarence E. Hawes. 2773 Bethuel Meritt « Chaffee (Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ EIGHTH GENERATION 447 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Berkshire, Vt., April 23, 1842, and married in Troy, Vt., March 9, 1867, Alma H., daughter of Chester V. Coburn of Westfield, Vt. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee are members of the Baptist Church. They lived in 1883 in Westfield, where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children : + 4947 i Myron Howard ^ Chaffee, born April 11, 1869; married Florence M. Marston. 4948 ii Bertha Gertrude Chaffee, born June 14, 1874; married, March 13,. 1893, Roy Martin. 4949 iii Grace Alma Chaffee, born July 24, 1878; married Ralph Fairbanks. 2777 John F.s ChafEee (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas '), married Eunice Sherman. He fought in the Civil War. Child: 4950 i Calvin C.9 Chaffee, residence, 1893, New Haven, Vt. 2779 Henry Dean » ChafEee (Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Hinesburgh, Vt., November 5, 1826, and died between 1892 and 1902. He married in Starksborough, Vt., Sep- tember 17, 1851, Juliette C, daughter of Milo William Kingsley of Monkton, Vt. She died January 25, 1890, and was buried in Starksborough. Both husband and wife were members of the Free Baptist Church, he having joined at the age of thirty and in 1892 being a Trustee in that church in Monkton, where he was then a farmer, living on the farm which had for years been his home and where his father and grandfather Chaffee had lived before him. He sold this after his wife's death and lived with his children in Starksborough and New Haven, Vt. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. Children : 4951 i Helen E.a Chaffee, born August 2, 1854; died May 13, 1857. 4952 ii Ellen A. Chaffee, born January 3, 1858; married Harvey Newton Hin- man; residence, 1892, New Haven. 4953 iii Frank E. Chaffee, born July 6, 1860; died January 29, 1862. 4954 iv Kate S. Chaffee, born April 13, 1864; married Franklin M. Hill; resi- dence, 1892, Starksborough. 4955 V George H. Chaffee, born October 2, 1876; married Luella Boardman; residence, 1892, Middlebury, Vt. 2785 Henry Allen s Chaffee (Henry,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Vermont, and married in Bishop Hill, 111., Frances, daughter of Robert Duncan of Baltimore, Md. Mr. Chaffee united with the Methodist Church when young. He has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is of medium height. In 1857 he lived in Gallatia, la., and in 1906 in Oklahoma City, Okla., where he was a contractor. He has been a member of the local School Board, and in politics is a Republican. Children : 4956 i George W.s Chaffee, married Nettie Willoughby; residence, 1906^ Sidney, la. 4957 ii Laura Chaffee, married William Bradley. 4958 iii Mary Chaffee, married (1) George Gurney; (2) George Blackaller; residence, 1906; San Francisco, Cal. + 4959 iv Helen Eliza Chaffee, married William O. Mitchell. 4960 v Emma Chaffee, married Harry Aukeny. 448 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4961 vi Jessie Chaffee, married Raymond May. 4962 vii Gertrude Chaffee, unmarried in 1906. 2799 Dexter s Chaffee (Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Warren, Pa., February 19, 1830, and married Maria, daughter of Richard Bowen of that place. He has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. He united with the Baptist Church at the age of forty-one. He is a farmer and in 1893 was living in Wapasening, Pa. Children : 4963 i Ella Maria » Chaffee, born October 25, 1863; married, February 18, 1886, John Franklin Julson, a widower; she united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-three. 4964 ii Cora Acelia Chaffee, born September 17, 1865; married D. H. Beckwith. 4965 iii Albert Chaffee, born December 10, 1867. 4966 iv Edgar Chaffee, born March 29, 1869. 4967 V Mary Sabrina Chaffee, born April 13, 1871. 4968 vi Franklin Chaffee, born August 4, 1875. 2801 Preserved B.s Chaffee (Daniel, ^ Daniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Warren, Pa., September 10, 1834, and married in Orwell, Pa., Elizabeth T.s Chaffee (3088) (Orvilla,? Noah,6 Ephraim,5 Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i)- In 1876 they lived in Potterville, Pa., where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children : 4969 i Telford » Chaffee, born November 18, 1859; died November 2, 1863. 4970 ii Etta M. Chaffee, born April 25, 1861; married, March 20, 1880, Ran- som Marcus; residence, 1884, Binghamton, N. Y. 4971 iii Merle Chaffee, born December 9, 1870. 2806 Sarah » Chaffee (Newman, ^ Daniel, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in April, 1830, and married in May, 1856, George A. Smith of Smithfield, R. I. Child: 4972 i A son,9 drowned about 1886. 2809 Esther A.s Chaffee (Newman,^ Daniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in July, 1837, and married Evans Mowry. In 1891 they lived in Providence, R. I. Child: 4973 i Adahne F.a Mowry, born in 1876. 2813 Noah Fuller » Chafee (Daniel,^ Benjamin,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Pittsford, Vt., February 6, 1833, and niarried in Ypsilanti, Mich., Josephine McMath. He graduated from the Medical School of Michigan University, and during the Civil War was Assistant Surgeon in the 14th Illinois Infantry, organized in Jacksonville, 111., May 24th and 25th, 1861, to serve three years. Doctor Chafee was discharged November 12, 1864. He was captured and held in Libby Prison. In 1888 he lived in Shelby ville. 111. Children : 4974 i Caroline V.a Chafee, residence, 1888, Shelbyville. 4975 ii Lura J. Chafee, residence, 1888, Shelbyville. 2814 Charles H.s Chafee (Daniel, ^ Benjamin,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- ^"m. ^ ■*" * M^ ^ ' ^ 4 L^^^ •■,'• ^-~ 1^ Mm HBSiMi' ,/Wl ^ s^ -; ■5 ^BS^^ '^ r^-^ iSS^'' EIGHTH GENERATION 449 than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born hi Pittsford, Vt., July 11, 1836, and died in Shelbyville, 111., February 6, 1887. He married, in 1858, Augusta Sweet. He served in the Civil War as Sergeant in Company G, 9th Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, and was wounded in three places during the Battle of Antietam. Children : 4976 i Alma ^ Chafee, married Albert Nixon of Laingsburgh, Mich. 4977 ii Alpha Chafee, a teacher in Shelbyville in 1888. 2815 George Daniel » Chafee (Daniel, ^ Benjamin, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Pittsford, Vt., July 2, 1839, and married in Shelbyville, 111., May 14, 1868, N. Maria, daughter of Addison and Nancy (Hicks) Smith of Royalton, Vt. Addison Smith's mother was sister of Dudley Chase, United States Senator from Vermont, and of Philander Chase, first Bishop of Illinois. Mr. Chafee lost his right arm in a threshing machine in Milan, Mich., in 1855. In 1861 he graduated from the Law School of Michigan University and immediately located in Shelbyville, where he formed a law part- nership with S. W. Moulton, which he still continued in 1895. He was United States Assistant Collector in his district for several years, during and soon after the Civil War. He represented it also in the Thirty-Second Illinois General As- sembly, being elected on a minority ticket, and was also State Senator. He was a Presidential Elector in 1876 for Rutherford B. Hayes and was subpoenaed to appear in Washington before the Electoral Court. He was sent before Proctor Knott's committee, the Democrats claiming that he was not eligible to the office of an Elector, having been once United States Commissioner for a short time. This claim was not, however, sustained and he cast one of the one hundred and eighty-five electoral votes that elected Hayes. In 1906 Mr. Chafee still lived in Shelbyville. Children, all but the second born in Shelbyville: 4978 i Lucia L.^ Chafee, born May 20, 1871; married Professor Frank Vogel, and in 1905 had two children, and lived in Jamaica Plain, Mass. 4979 ii Dudley Chase Chafee, born in Peoria, 111., August 9, 1872; an architect; residence, 1905, Memphis, Tenn. 4980 iii George Dexter Chafee, born January 17, 1874; a Doctor of Osteopathy; residence, 1905, Appleton, Wis. 4981 iv Olivia Kate Chafee, born July 14, 1875; married Maurice Le Bosquet, and in 1905 had two children and lived in Chicago, 111., where Mr. Le Bosquet was the head of the School of Domestic Economy, Armour Institute. 2819 Ellen Azubah s Chaffee (Joel,^ Simeon,6 Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 29, 1841, and died December 12, 1904. She married in Madrid, N. Y., April 17, 1865, Charles Melvin Gillette, born in Bridgeport, Vt., February 6, 1841. In 1893 they still lived in Washing- ton, D. C, where he was a clerk in the United States Pension Office, still holding the same position in 1907. He is a member of the First Congregational Church, of which Mrs. Gillette was also a member and of which he was for three years Clerk and Treasurer. Mrs. Gillette died of hemorrhage of the brain and was buried in Madrid. Children : + 4982 i Gertrude Frances » Gillette, born May 1, 1866; married Truman Graves. 450 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4983 ii Charles Joel Gillette, born August 30, 1867. 4984 ill Chauncey Melvin Gillette, born October 7, 1868. 4985 iv Cora Eugenia Gillette, born July 11, 1871. 2831 Henry s Chaffee (Carpenter,^ Simeon, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Union City, Mich., November 8, 1833, and married Adeline, daughter of Ira Holcomb. She was born March 24, 1838. Children, born in Union City: 4986 i Mary 9 Chaffee, born September 4, 1863. 4987 ii William Holcomb Chaffee, born September 30, 1867; married in No- vember, 1892, Mary Paterson, born October 12, 1873. 2833 Edwin Richmond s Chaffee (Carpenter,^ Simeon, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Union City, Mich., October 10, 1838, and married (1) there, November 9, 1862, Melissa, daughter of Frank Wat- kins of that place. She died August 26, 1873, and was buried in Union City. He married (2), April 23, 1874, Ellen Wilson. He is a farmer and has a light com- plexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. Children, by first wife : 4988 i Frank 9 Chaffee, born March 22, 1866. 4989 ii Carrie Chaffee, born September 3, 1868; married Elmer Howard. 4990 iii Charles Chaffee, born March 11, 1872. Children, by second wife: 4991 iv Elva Chaffee, born April 29, 18SS; died December 18, 1888. 4992 V Nellie Chaffee, born October 4, 1890. 2835 Oliver Newberry s Chaffee (Amos,^ Simeon, « Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Detroit, Mich., July 6, 1835, and married there, October 18, 1871, Jeannie C, daughter of Eldridge G. Merick of that place. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a fair complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eleven and one-half inches in height. He is a special agent of a life insurance company. In 1883 he lived in Quincy, 111., and in 1892 in Detroit. Children : 4993 i Melzar Merick » Chaffee, born July 6, 1872. 4994 ii Alice Ermina Chaffee, born December 15, 1873. 4995 iii Walter Crane Chaffee, born September 19, 1875. 4996 iv Mary Elizabeth Chaffee, born May 17, 1877; died December 3, 1883. 4997 V William Ninde Chaffee, born January 31, 1879. 4998 vi Oliver Newberry Chaffee, Jr., born January 23, 1881. 4999 vii Amos Edward Chaffee, born January 4, 1886. 2837 Maria L.s Chaffee (Amos, ^ Simeon,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born April 12, 1839, and died before 1893. She mar- ried in Detroit, Mich., April 20, 1858, George N. Chase. In 1883 they lived in Chicago, 111. Children, born in Detroit: + 5000 i Clara Manda « Chase, born July 20, 1860; married William A. Graham. 5001 ii George Chaffee Chase, born October 26, 1862; died in Cleveland, 0., August 12, 1873. 2840 Francis Miles » Strong (Sophronia ^ Chaffee, Simeon, 6 Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Pittsford, Vt., Septem- ber 16, 1829, and married (1), July 7, 1848, Sarah M. (or O.) Clark of Cincinnati, 0., EIGHTH GENERATION 451 born in Danville, Vt., April 15, 1834, died in Vergennes, Vt., January 19, 1882. He married (2), July 10, 1883, Adelia A. Beach of Decatur, 111., born in Ferris- burgh, Vt., February 17, 1845. Children, by first wife : 5002 i Herman Charles » Strong, born in Connati, April 2, 1849. 5003 ii Herbert William Strong, twin, born April 2, 1849; married, May 29, 1869, Ella Irene, daughter of Jabez Rogers of Vergennes. + 5004 iii Frances Caroline Strong, born September 30, 1861; married David E. Simmons. 2842 Salome Ann » Strong (Sophronia ^ Chaffee, Simeon, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Na- thaniel, •* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Pittsford, Vt., May 22, 1833, and married in Brandon, Vt., August 10, 1854, James T. Graham of Pitts- ford. In 1893 they were living in Rockford, 111. Children : -1-5005 i Walter Strong a Graham, born June 20 (30), 1855; married Ida D. Wilson. 5006 ii Caroline Ann Graham, born June 18, 1861. 5007 iii Francis Miles Graham, born September 16, 1863. 2850 Warren Eugene s Chaffee (Warren, ^ Simeon, ^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Pittsford, Vt., November 8, 1848, and married (1) in Stockbridge, Vt., February 27, 1872, Olive M. Earet; (2) Maggie . In 1892 he lived in Chittenden, Vt. Children, by first wife : 5008 i Charles M.a Chaffee, born October 13, 1874. 5009 ii Clarence Chaffee, born June 21, 1876. Child, by second wife: 5010 iii Carrie Bessie Chaffee, born March 11, 1887. 2853 Mira Adelaide s Chaffee (Heman,^ Simeon, e Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Poultney, Vt., June 25, 1843, and married, October 14, 1875, Francis Melton Wardall of Tolono, 111., born in Mt. Carmel, Ind., and of English descent. They lived in Tolono for some years and in 1891 moved to Tuscola, 111. September 5, 1900, they moved to Urbana, where they hved in 1907. Children, born in Tolono : 5011 i Edna Annettas Wardall, born December 23, 1877. 4-5012 ii Lillian Mira Wardall, born April 4, 1879; married Alfred H. Sluss. 5013 iii Frank Chaffee Wardall, born March 30, 1881. 2855 Annetta s Chaffee (Heman,^ Simeon, ^ Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel, ■* Jona- than,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Troy, N. Y., November 2, 1847, and married in Tolono, 111., October 24, 1871, Warren Maxwell Hill, born in Shelby- ville, Ky., September 17, 1845. In 1893 they lived in Tolono. In 1907 Mr. Hill was a postal clerk on the Wabash Railroad. Children : 5014 i Annetta Adelaide » Hill, born November 30, 1872; lives with her parents. 4-5015 ii Warren Walter Hill, born August 1, 1876; married Estella G. Creamer. 5016 iii Clarence Chaffee Hill, born May 7, 1882; died August 21, 1891. 2859 Thomas Grover s Chaffee (Bosworth,^ Ezra,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,*^ 452 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., September 19, 1837, and married (1) Mary Hawkins of Glasgow, Scotland. She died and he married (2), June 26, 1875, Laura Amanda Payne, who died October 7, 1888. He married (3) in East Providence, R. I., May 11, 1889, Nancy Simpson West. He is a member of the Congregational Church, which he joined at the age of forty- nine. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. In 1890 he lived in East Providence, where he was a farmer. Children, by second wife : 5017 i Samuel Burgess » Chaffee, born October 28, 1876. 5018 ii Harry Stone Chaffee, born May 24, 1878. 5019 iii Henrietta Louise Chaffee. 5020 iv Nettie Frances Chaffee, born April 10, 1882. 5021 V Thomas Chaffee. 5022 vi Clinton C. Chaffee. 2871 Helen Hathaway s Chaffee (Ezra,^ Ezra,^ John,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Boston, Mass., and died. She married Charles M. Noyes. She was buried, in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, near Boston. Child: 5023 i Charlotte 9 Noyes; married Charles H. Whiting. 2876 George Tew Barkers Chafee (Stephen, ^ Stephen,^ Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Bristol, R. I., May 27, 1816, and died in Middletown, Conn., in 1891. He married (1) in Bristol, March 18, 1839, Harriet Newell, daughter of Samuel Austin of North Kingston, R. L She died July 29, 1856, and was buried in Bristol. He married (2) in Swansea, Mass., March 3, 1859, Mrs. Susan (Hathaway) Hoar, born August 15, 1829, died Febru- ary 22, 1884. Mr. Chafee was baptized in St. Michael's Church, Bristol, December 15, 1816. He served as a sutler in the Union army during the Civil War. He was a mechanic and restaurant keeper. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, a jovial disposition, and was five feet, four inches in height. In 1883 he lived in Middletown, where he died of pneumonia at the age of seventy-five in the home of his son, Stephen B. Chafee. He was buried in the family lot in Bristol. Children, by first wife: + 5024 i Stephen Barkers Chafee, born October 22, 1839; married Mrs. Eliz- abeth (Dane) Shaw. + 5025 ii George Austin Chafee, born December 14, 1840; married Matilda Pitt. + 5026 iii Lucinda Thomas Chafee, born May 1, 1842; married William Allen. 5027 iv A daughter, a twin, born May 1, 1842; died May 7, 1842. + 5028 V Samuel Russell Chafee, born July 7, 1844; married Laura Munroe. 5029 vi Harriet Melorah Chafee, born July 15, 1847; died October 30, 1848. 5030 vii William Clark Chafee, born November 26, 1853. Children, by second wife: + 5031 viii Ida Versey Chafee, born January 31, 1860; married James A. Bos- worth. 5032 ix Cyril Newell Chafee, born October 1, 1866. 5033 x Lena Rivers Chafee, born in April, 1869; died August 5, 1869. 2881 Thomas Diamond s Chafee (Stephen,^ Stephen, o Levi,5 Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born June 23, 1826, and died after 1888. He married (1) Julia Eddie; (2) in Connecticut, Mercy Pierce, daughter of George EIGHTH GENERATION 453 Read of Bristol, R. I. She was a member of the Methodist Church, as was her husband. He married (3) Abbey Macomber of Berkley, Mass., formerly of Taun- ton, Mass., where she was living in 1889. Mr. Chafee was baptized in St. Michael's Church, Bristol, June 15, 1827, and was buried in Bristol. In 1888 he lived in Taunton. Children, by second wife: 5034 i Montemon Le Baron » Chafee, born in June, 1849; died in Bristol, July 24, 1849, aged one month. + 5035 ii Lyman Morrow Chafee, born April 23, 1850; married Marion G. Kirke. 5036 iii Alice Chafee, died young. + 5037 iv Emma Jane Chafee, born November 13, 1855; married George W. Simmonds. 5038 V Clara Leah Chafee, born May 15, 1859; married July 28, 1881, George L. Southworth, in 1889, a street car driver. 5039 vi Anna Cora Chafee, born December 25, 1863; unmarried in 1889. 2885 Lamanda Maria » Chafee (Sanford,^ Stephen, » Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born July 28, 1817, and married in Clinton, Mich., 1835, Horace Booth of Elk Grove, Wis., born in Springfield, N. Y., Au- gust 2, 1802, died in Cahfornia, May 2, 1872. He had a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. He was a farmer, and in politics a Republican. They lived in Pueblo, Colo., and after her husband's death Mrs. Booth went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Ury, in Cloverdale, Cal. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Children : 5040 i Mary Elizabeths Booth, born June 25, 1838; married I. G. Ury, whose first wife was Almira Pearce Chafee (2890) ; he is a merchant ; resi- dence, 1890, Cloverdale. 5041 ii Sarah Celinda Booth, born April 21, 1842; married John B. Smith. 5042 iii Harriet Lillian Booth, born April 21, 1845; married Swain Jasper Gra- ham, and has one son. 2888 Mary Sanford s Chaffee (Sanford,^ Stephen, 8 Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born August 28, 1825, and died February 23, 1858. She married James M. Otis, a merchant of Lancaster, Wis., who died of consumption before 1858. Children : 5043 i Charles Sanforda Otis, born November, 1846; died October 14, 1863, of pulmonary trouble. 5044 ii Carrie Otis, married M. T. Carson. 2890 Almira Pearce » Chafee (Sanford,^ Stephen, « Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Leicester, Mass., September 20, 1829 (1828), and died October 2, 1855. She married I. G. Ury, a merchant and for a time a partner of his brother-in-law, William H. Chafee (2889). After his wife's death he married (2) her niece, Mary Elizabeth Booth (5040), and in 1890 hved in Cloverdale, Cal. Almira P. (Chafee) Ury was a consistent Christian. Children : 5045 i A daughter, 9 married Percival Busby of Philadelphia, Pa., who was a bank teller there in 1890. 5046 ii A daughter, married William Powers of Yankton, S. D., where they lived in 1890. 2898 Adaline A. » Perry (Lucy B.7 Chaffee, Martin,« Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jona- 454 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY than, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i), married Doctor Henry A. Mix, and in 1891 lived in Oregon, 111. Child: 5047 i Morton P.9 Mix, born in 1873; died in 1890. 2905 Joseph Henry s Chaflee (William Henry,^ Martin,^ Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born May 12, 1839, and married. In 1885 he lived in Providence, R. I. Child: 5048 i Mary E.a Chaffee, born in 1868. 2906 Albert Howard s Chaffee (William Henry,^ Martin,^ Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Sturbridge, Mass., October 5, 1845, and married in Providence, R. I., October 21, 1868, Ella Kane, daughter of Samuel J. Ladd of that place. In 1883 he lived in Worcester, where he was a manufacturer of woolens and worsteds. Child: 5049 i Howard Ladd » Chaffee, born in Providence, June 20, 1874. 2907 Luther Aten s Chaffee (Orrin,? Martin,6 Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Alton, 111., January 12, 1841, and married in Girard, 111., December 25, 1865, Hattie, daughter of Bluford Bethel of that place. In 1884 they lived in Springfield, 111., where he was a machinist. Children, the first born in Jerseyville, 111., the last four in Springfield : 5050 i Lutie B.^ Chaffee, born January 12, 1867; died in Springfield, Octo- ber 27, 1869. 5051 ii Nellie B. Chaffee, born June 5, 1869. 5052 iii E. E. Daisy Chaffee, born January 5, 1871. 5053 iv Louie L. Chaffee, born May 19, 1872. 5054 ' V Hattie May Chaffee, born January 14, 1875. 2912 Reuben Harry s Chafee (William Banfield,^ William,^ Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Harlansburgh, Pa., June 17, 1835, and married in Brownington, Pa., January 1, 1858, Sarah Jane, daughter of Charles McQuiston. During the Civil War Mr. Chafee served for two years in the Union army as a Private. At the age of twenty-three he joined the Methodist Church, in which he was for two years a Class Leader. His wife is also a member of this church. He has a florid complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and is five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. In 1892 he lived in Greenville, Pa., where he was a steam engineer. Children : 5055 i Ellis Rebecca » Chafee, born December 9, 1858; married Adam Miller. 5056 ii Agnes Eunice Chafee, born December 19, 1860; married Seymour Davis Ellis. 5057 iii Mary Wallace Chafee, born December 19, 1862; married Patterson Grogan. 5058 iv John Harry Chafee, born January 2, 1866; married Mary Lefever. 5059 V Annie Virginia Chafee, born December 30, 1867; married Charles Clockner. 5060 vi Charlotta Ada Chafee, born November 24, 1869; married William H. Stump. 5061 vii Elizabeth Birdilla Chafee, born September 3, 1871. 5062 viii Cora Alma Chafee, born May 30, 1874. EIGHTH GENERATION 455 5063 ix Josie Pearl Chafee, born July 14, 1876; died December 22, 1878. 5064 X Flora Jem Chafee, born April 15, 1882. 2913 John Ellis s Chaffee (William Banfield,^ William," Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Lawrence County, Pa., June 7, 1838, and married in Pine Creek, Pa., October 26, 1863, Juliana Flora, daughter of Peter Smith of that place. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee served in the Union army during the Civil War as a Private, was wounded in the left thigh in the Battle of Gettysburg, also captured there and held prisoner for two days. He joined the Wesleyan Methodist Church at twenty years of age. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. In 1863 he lived in Pine Creek, and in 1892 in Wellsboro, Pa., where he was a work- man. Children : 5065 i Frank E.a Chaffee, born December 16, 1864; died in 1882. 5066 ii Hattie P. Chaffee, born April 23, 1869; died in 1869. 5067 iii Ida May Chaffee. 5068 iv Eda Belle Chaffee. 5069 V Bessie Rebecca Chaffee. 5070 vi George L. Chaffee. 5071 vii Walter Chaffee. 2920 Oliver Nelsons Chaffee (Amos Wells,^ William,^ Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Gaines, Pa., July 27, 1840, and married there, in May, 1862, Sarah Angeline, daughter of Ira Surdam of Sunderlin- ville, Pa. He fought in the Civil War, enlisting in the Union army in Addison, N. Y., and serving fifteen months, receiving his discharge in Tallahassee, Fla. He was a Private and later Corporal in the 161st New York Infantry. He has a light complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He owns land in Hector, Pa., and in 1S93 lived in Sunderlinville, where he was a farmer. Children : 5072 i Fred » Chaffee, born January 3, 1864; died January 27, 1882. 5073 ii Nellie F. Chaffee, born December 29, 1866; died February 3, 1882. 5074 iii Nora J. Chaffee, born January 3, 1869; a teacher in the Sunderlinville public school in 1893. 5075 iv Eugene N. Chaffee, born February 16, 1875; died January IS, 1882. 2923 Laura Lucretia « Chaffee (Amos Wells,^ AVilliam," Noah,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,- Thomas 1) was born August 30, 1847, and died. She mar- ried in Rochester, Minn. (Cascade, Minn.), October 18, 1866, Elisha Winslow Sloan of that place, an engineer, born in Hardwick, Mass., March 18, 1837, and served in the Union army during the Civil War for three years and ten months. He was a horse farrier in Company H, 5th Iowa Cavalry, and was wounded in the right hand, October 10, 1863, in the Battle of Sugar Creek (Ala.). He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is five feet, five inches in height, and in 1893 was living in Rush City, Minn. Laura L. (Chaffee) Sloan was a member of the Seventh Day Advent Church. She was buried in Fort Ridgeley, ]\Iinn. Children : 5076 i Thera .\lma Sloan, born August 25 (23), 1867; married B. G. Turner of Little Falls, Minn. 5077 ii Ayra Nancy Sloan, born March 23 (25), 1869. 5078 iii Julia May Sloan, born in Cascade, May 1, 1870. 456 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 5079 iv Amos Willard Sloan, born in Rochester, May 13, 1S72. 5080 V Laura R. Sloan, born Februar\- 26. 1877. 5081 xi XellieL. Sloan, born April 19^1880. 2925 Hiram Sawyer » Chaflee (Amos Wells,^ William,^ Xoah,^ Xathaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was bom in Tioga County, Pa., AprU 30, 1851, and married in BjTon, ^linn., Februar}- 16, 1873, Fanny, daughter of Thomas Cummings of New York state. Both are members of the Seventh Day Advent Church, which Mr. Chaffee joined at the age of thirty-one and in which he has been an Elder three years. He has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1873 he hved in Kalmar, Minn., and in 1893 in B^Ton, where he was a farmer. Children : 5082 i Ra\'mond » Chaffee, bom February 28, 1874. 5083 ii Bessie Chaffee, born Mav 14, 1877*. 5084 iii Vemon Chafifee, bom May 26, 1879. 5085 iv Ina Chaffee, bom September 26, 1884. 5086 V Ida Chaffee, bom June 9. 1886. 5087 ^d Ella Chaffee, bom June 28, 1891. 5088 \-ii A child, bom August 10, 1893. 2938 William Reuben s ChaSee (Origen TViUiam,' Reuben, ^ Noah.s Nathaniel,* Jonathan. 3 Nathaniel,- Thomas 1) was bom August 13, 1854, and married, Febru- an,' 16, 1875, Ehzabeth Brockbank. Child: 5089 i -Alice Bessie ^ Chafi'ee, born January- 8, 1876. 2939 Charles Washington « Chaffee (Origen WUham," Reuben, « Noah.^ Na- thaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 23, 1S56, and married, February" 8, 1880, Emma Rousseau. Children : 5090 i Emma Louise » Chaffee, bom April 15, 1884. 5091 ii Irene Madeline Chaffee, bom June 24, 1886. 2940 Frank Burt s Chafiee (Origen William,^ Reuben,^ Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was bom February- 14, 1858, and married, October 26, 1880, Jennie Risley, bom July 9, 1856. They Uve in Meriden. Conn. Children : 5092 i Frances Burt » Chaffee, born Mav 26. 1SS2. 5093 ii Robert Nichols Chaffee, born June 17. 1884. 5094 iii Henrj- -Arthur Chaffee, bom August 17, 1885. 2941 Lillian AugTista s Chafiee (Origen WiUiam." Reuben, « Noah.s Nathaniel.* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,- Thomas 1) was bom November 20, 1859, and married, October 22, 1878, Arthur Cooley. Children : 5095 i Bertrand Luman a Coolev, bom Jime 9, 1880. 5096 ii Howard Chaffee Cooley, bom March 14, 1883. 2949 Harry Andrews « Chaffee (Henr>- Reuben,' Reuben, ^ Noah,* Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel.- Thomas i) was bom in Hartford, Conn., June IS, 18.53, and died in Bridgeport, Conn., November 2, 1880. He married in New Haven, Conn., October 13, 1875, Ida NeUie, daughter of Samuel Churchill of that place. She is EIGHTH GENERATION 457 a member of the Baptist Church. He had a hght complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height. He united with the Methodist Church at the age of fifteen. At the time of his death he Uved in Bridgeport, where he was a mechanic. Children : 5097 i Herbert Almon » Chaffee, born August 2G, 1876. 5098 ii Hattie May Chaffee, born October 4, 1877; died March 13, 1890. 2950 Edward Everett s Chaffee (Henry Reuben,^ Reuben,6 Noah,5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Hartford, Conn., December 9, 1854, and married in Bridgeport, Conn., May 23, 1878, Carrie Belle, daughter of Thomas C. Niblo of that place. She is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Chaffee joined the Methodist Church when nineteen years of age, and held the office of Steward in it for eight years. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. In 1891 he lived in Bridgeport, where he was a grocer. Child: 5099 i William Edward » Chaffee, born May 8, 1882. 2953 Almira Marias Durkee (Hannah ^ Chaffee, John,^ William,^ Dan,* Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in 1832, and married, November 12, 1853, Reverend Albert, son of Elisha and Sophronia (Ryder) Brigham, born in Fayston, Vt., October 17, 1832. He is a farmer and also preaches. He is a Second Ad- ventist. They moved from Fayston, where Almira Maria Durkee had lived before her marriage, to Grant, Mich. Children, born in Fayston: 5099a i A daughter,^ died young. + 5099b ii Albert Erwin Brigham, born February 24, 1855; married Almeda Harper. + 5099c iii Glen Alcott Brigham, born January 15, 1862; married Kate Coates. 2968 William Henry s Ormsbee (Laura ^ Chaffee, John,6 William,^ Dan,* Jona- than, ^ Nathaniel,- Thomas i) was born in Brasher, N. Y., September 20, 1853, and married in Dayton, Mich., in October, 1876, his cousin, Alice Florence » Chaffee (2977) (John,^ John,8 Winiam,5 Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), born in Ogdensburg, N. Y., February 5, 1855. In 1890 they lived in Ogdens- burg, N. Y. Children : 5099d i John C." Ormsbee, born in 1877. 5099e ii Mabel L. Ormsbee, born in 1879. 5099f iii Florence L. Ormsbee, born in 1881. 5099g iv Jessie E. Ormsbee, born in 1883. 5099h V Alice Ormsbee, born in 1886. 2969 Helen Adelaide » Chaffee (William Hill,^ John,6 William,^ Dan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Fayston, Vt., February 3, 1846, and married in Flint, Mich., July 1, 1865, Henry Gould Perry of Toymonth, Mich. In 1890 they lived in Montrose, Mich. Children : 50991 Charles » Perry. 5099 j Fred Perry. 5099k Nellie Perry. 50991 William Perry. 458 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 2971 William Henrys Chaffee (William Hill,' John,6 William,5 Dan,* Jona- than,3 Nathauiel,2 Thomas i) was born in Penfield, N. Y., May 26, 1849, and married, April 29, 1871, Alice A. Moses of Flint, Mich. He is a lumberman and in 1890 lived in Pine City, Cal., where he was then Postmaster. Children : 5099m Ida a Chaffee. 5099n Lois Chaffee. 5099o Herbert Chaffee. 2973 Edwin Elisha s Chaffee (John,' John,6 William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, s Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Chelmsford, Mass., May 25 (26), 1846, and mar- ried in October, 1885, Mary E. Perry. In 1890 they hved in Dayton, Mich., and later in Maysville, Mich. Children : 5099p i Edwin » Chaffee, born in Maysville, in 1889. 5099q ii Ada Chaffee, born in 1893. 5099r iii Atha Chaffee, died young. 2974 Oscar Herbert » Chaffee (John,' John,8 William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Fayston, Vt., September 13, 1848, and married (1), in 1872, Annie Jane Hodge (or Griger) ; (2) May 26, 1886, Emma M. Chaffee, In 1890 they lived in West Haven, Mich., and later in Maysville, Mich. Children, by first wife: 5099s i George A.9 Chaffee, born in 1873. 5099t ii Charles A. Chaffee, a twin, born in 1873; died in 1875. 5099u iii Arthur Chaffee, born in 1874; died in 1875. 5099 V iv Mary M. Chaffee, born in February, 1876. Child, by second wife : 5099w V Clara A. Chaffee, born February 10, 1891. 2979 Henry Lincoln s Chaffee (John,' John,6 William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas ») was born in Flint, Mich., December 21, 1864, and married in April, 1887, Ida A. Worth. In 1890 they lived in Dayton, Mich. Child: 5099x i Mary » Chaffee, died young. 2987 Cornelius Julius » Chaffee (Warren,' Josiah,6 William,^ Dan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Roxbury, Vt., December 1, 1828, and mar- ried in Lawrence, N. Y., Mahalah Julia, daughter of Cyrus Flint of Brasher Iron Works, N. Y. At this time Mr. Chaffee lived in Lawrence, but in 1891 in Boston, Mass., where he was a carpenter. He has a light complexion, and is of medium height. Mrs. Chaffee is a member of the Methodist Church. Children : 5100 i Alson Elverton « Chaffee, born December 11, 1858; married Mary Millerd. -fSlOl ii Henry Wesley Chaffee, born December 28, 1861; married Esther Norwich. 5102 iii Imogene Chaffee, born in 1869; died young. 2993 John Nelsons Chaffee (Warren,' Josiah,^ William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Brasher, N. Y., June 15, 1844, and married in Lawrence, N. Y., August 29, 1865, Celia Lenora, daughter of Cyrus Flint of Brasher Iron Works, N. Y. He fought in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865, serv- ing three years and nine months as Corporal in Company I, 60th New York Volun- EIGHTH GENERATION 459 teer Infantry. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height. He owns the old family Bible. In 1865 and 1891 he lived in North Lawrence, N. Y. He is a workman. Children : 5103 i Lillian Celestia » Chaffee, born July 5, 1871 ; died October 6, 1871. 5104 ii Leona Dora Chaffee, born March 22, 1878. 2995 Erie Lyman a Ditty (Emily 7 Chaffee, Josiah,^ William,5 Dan,^ Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Brookfield, Vt., December 31, 1839, and married in Montpelier, Vt., October 16, 1866, Harriet Emeline, daughter of Ralph Freeman of Brookfield, where in 1884 they lived. Mr. Ditty is a farmer. Children : 5105 i Susan Augusta » Ditty, born June 22, 1868; died July 6, 1869. 5106 ii Leon Erie Ditty, born May 31, 1870. 5107 iii Grace Adalaide Ditty, born March 3, 1877. 2997 Joel Washington s Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,^ William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born August 25, 1834, and died in Strasburgh, Va., September 19, 1864. He married Artimissa Susannah Hammond of Greensboro, Vt., who was living in Lowell, Mass., in 1884. He served in the Union army dur- ing the Civil War as Private in the 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery, 11th regiment, and was killed in battle. He lived in Greensboro. Children : 5108 i Nemenia « Chaffee. 5109 ii Onia F. Chaffee. 5110 iii Abbie Chaffee. 2999 Oliver W. » Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,^ Winiam,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,3 Thomas i) was born February 4, 1836, and married IVIelissa Kinder of Somerset, Ky. He enlisted in the Union army at the outbreak of the Civil War in the 12th Kentucky regiment and served until its close. He was twice captured by the Confederates. In 1884 he lived in Flat Rock, Ky. Child: 5111 i James C.9 Chafi^ee. 3000 Laura E.a Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,« William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born August 19, 1837, and died August 2, 1869. She married Charles Derosia. Children : 5112 i Warren 9 Derosia, residence, 1884, Fergus Falls, Minn. 5113 ii Elbert Derosia, residence, 1884, Fergus Falls. 5114 iii Maria Derosia, residence, 1884, Lowell, Mass. 3001 Arnold Ela 8 Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,^ William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Hopkinton, N. Y., September 14, 1839, and mar- ried (1) in Ogdensburg, N. Y., March 27, 1866, Lydia, daughter of Ashman Stod- dard of Stockholm, N. Y. She died February 8, 1882, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, North Lawrence, N. Y. She was a member of the Methodist Church. He married (2), October 10, 1882, Sarah E. Barrett. He enlisted as a Private in Company E, 14th New York Heavy Artillery, and was promoted to the rank of Corporal. He served from 1861 to 1865. He has been Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post 631 in North Lawrence, and has held the state office of Fire Warden. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five 460 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY feet, nine and one-half inches in height. In 1866 and in 1892 he Hved in North Lawrence, his mother, Abigail (Flint) Chaffee, living with him. He is a barber. Children, by second wife : 5115 i Katie Mayo Chaffee, born December 24, 1883. 5116 ii Charles Ela Chaffee. 5117 iii Elsie Sarah Chaffee, born August 27, 1888. 3006 Elmer Asahel s Chaffee (Joel,^ Josiah,6 William,^ Dan,^ Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel, 3 Thomas i) was born in Stockholm, N. Y., April 5, 1849, and married, November, 1873, Mary Patten of Lawrence, N. Y. He lived in North Lawrence from the age of three years until his marriage, when he moved to Brushton, N. Y., where he was still living in 1884. He was educated in the North Lawrence public schools, and April 7, 1865, at the age of sixteen, enlisted in Company K, 193d New York Volunteers, serving until January 16, 1866, when he was discharged with the regiment in Albany, N. Y. In June, 1870, he commenced the study of law in the office of N. P. Hays of Lawrence, and was admitted to the Bar in No- vember, 1873, since when he has continued the practice of law in Brushton. He organized the Grand Army of the Republic post there, April 23, 1883, and was made Adjutant of it. In politics he is a Republican. Children : 5118 i Naomi Alice a Chaffee, born August 26, 1874. 5119 ii Elmer Albert Chaffee, born September 22, 1875. 5120 iii Martha May Chaffee, born May 22, 1878. 5121 iv Lydia Sarah Chaffee, born May 17, 1882. 3010 Matilda Lucy s Chaffee (John,^ Josiah,^ William,^ Dan,^ Jonathan,3 Na- thaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born October 25, 1839, and married in Moira, N. Y., Au- gust 31, 1864, Martin Flint, a farmer, born in Brasher, N. Y., May 16, 1839. In the Civil War he served in the Union army as a Private, in 1862. Matilda Lucy (Chaffee) Flint is a member of the Methodist Church. In 1884 they lived in Pots- dam, N. Y. Children : 5122 i Eugene Grovers Flint, born November 18, 1867. 5123 ii Stewart John Flint, born June 5, 1870. 3012 Marshall John « Chaffee (John,^ Josiah,^ William,^ Dan,^ Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Roxbury, Vt., May 19, 1845, and married (1) in Lawrence, N. Y., November 14, 1865, Maria Louisa, daughter of Joseph Page of Stockholm, N. Y. She died in Roxbury, May 7, 1880, and was buried in Brasher, N. Y. She was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. He married (2), May 3, 1882, Julia A. Ellis of Roxbury. He served in the Union army as a Private in 1862, and was wounded by a shell. In 1864, while living in Attleboro, Mass., he again enlisted as a Private in Company C, 58th Massachusetts Infantry, for three years, was mustered in February 20, 1864, and was discharged July 14, 1865, at the close of the war. At the time of his first marriage he lived in North Lawrence, N. Y., and in 1891 in Roxbury, Vt., where he was a farmer. He is a member of the Methodist Church, has a light complexion, blue eyes and is five feet in height. Children, by first wife : 5124 i Effie Louisa » Chaffee, born December 2, 1866; married, September 25, 1883, Alden Richardson. EIGHTH GENERATION 461 5125 ii Eri Erwin Chaffee, born December 15, 1871. 5126 iii Alson C. Chaffee, born July 1, 1876. Children, by second wife: 5127 iv Jessie Otis Chaffee, born April 5, 1883. 5128 V Guy Chaffee, born April 28, 1884. 3014 Harriet Emeline « ChaflEee (John,7 Josiah,^ Winiam,^ Dan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born May 27, 1849, and married in North Lawrence, N. Y., August 11, 1881, Sylvester Tracy, a farmer of Roxbury, Vt., born there in December, 1837, died there. May 26, 1888. He was a member of the Universalist Church, had a dark complexion, light blue eyes and was six feet, three inches in height. Children : 5129 i Perley Lloyds Tracy, born April 21, 1882. 5130 ii Leon Hurbert Tracy, born October 16, 1888. 3020 Maria Whipple « ChafiEee (Samuel,^ William,^ William,^ Dan,* Jonathan.a Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Boston, Mass., July 25, 1828, and married in Vassalboro, Me., February 27, 1851, Doctor Ira Allen Salmon, a dentist of Port- land, Me. They lived there until 1855, then settled in Boston. Doctor Salmon was born in Monterey, N. Y., February 10, 1830, and died in Dorchester, Mass., April 10, 1896. He had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, nine and one-half inches in height. At the age of nineteen he went to Hallowell, Me., to study dentistry with his uncle, Doctor David H. Goodno. After moving to Bos- ton he carried on the manufacture of gold and silver plate work in connection with his dentistry. He instructed students, and on the opening of the Harvard Dental College he was appointed one of the lecturers. In this capacity he served for seven years and then resigned, pressure of work forbidding his retaining the position longer. He invented and patented several appliances for use in dental work, some of which have given him a reputation throughout this country and Europe. He united with the Methodist Church in 1850 and on going to Boston connected himself in succession with the old High Street Methodist Church in Charlestown, the Bromfield Street Methodist Church, Boston, the Tremont Metho- dist Church, Boston, the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church and the Methodist Church in Allston, Mass. In all these church relations he filled at various times the office of Class Leader, Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, Steward, Trustee and Treasurer. He was active in both church and business and believed that whatever was worth doing at all was worth doing well. Maria Whipple (Chaffee) Salmon has a dark complexion, dark eyes, and is five feet in height. She was educated in the Vassalboro High School and the Pawtucket (R. I.) Normal School. She united with the Methodist Church in the fall of 1856. She survives her husband. Children, first two born in Portland, the last in Charlestown: + 5131 i George Aliens Salmon, born July 19, 1852; married Mary L. Pope. 5132 ii Herbert Salmon, born August 28, 1854; died in Medford, Mass., April 22, 1855. 5133 iii Charles Herbert Salmon, born October 13, 1860; a member of the Methodist Church; has a light complexion, gray eyes and is five feet, seven inches in height; in the crockery and later the sta- tionery business. 462 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3021 Frances Jenks s Chaffee (Samuel, ^ William, ^ William, s Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Boston, Mass., April 21, 1830, and married in Vassalboro, Me., October 11, 1855, Lathrop Chase Keith of Winslow, Me., born there, August 3, 1826. He taught school in Maine and Massachusetts until 1864, when he entered the Union army and served until the close of the Civil War. While in the service he held various offices of trust. He sold his farm in Winslow and bought one in East Braintree, Mass., to which place he moved. Later he sold this and moved to Norfolk, Mass., where he purchased another farm. He has held various town offices and has been a Deacon in the Congregational Church, as well as a Sunday School teacher. He is a man of unswerving Christian character and is highly esteemed by aU who know him. Frances Jenks (Chaffee) Keith is also a member of the Congregational Church. She has a dark complexion, dark eyes and is five feet in height. Children, the first three born in Winslow, the next three in Braintree, last in Norfolk: 5134 i Edward James ^ Keith, born December 26, 1856; married in Medway, Mass., July 6, 1882, Louise Jones of that place. 5135 ii Phihp Sidney Keith, born November 20, 1857; went West when a young man. 5136 iii Mary Frances Keith, born May 4, 1858; died in Braintree, August 19, 1860. 5137 iv Annie Frances Keith, born July 5, 1861; married, March 21, 1883, Elwin Fales Pond of North Attleboro, Mass. 5138 V Charles Lathrop Keith, born October 24, 1863; died in Braintree, August 14, 1865. 5139 vi Oliver Lathrop Keith, born November 28, 1867 ; died in Norfolk, June 21, 1879; drowned in the Charles River. 5140 vii Ellen Maria Chaffee Keith, born August 30, 1872; a member of the Congregational Church; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, one and one-half inches in height. 3022 James Henry « Chaffee (Samuel,^ William,^ Wilham,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Boston, Mass., June 30, 1832, and married in Bangor, Me., September 16, 1857, Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Furber of Winslow, Me., where she was born January 5, 1835. She is a member of the Congregational Church, has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, three inches in height. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height. He is a farmer, and in 1887 lived in Winslow. Children, born in Winslow: 5141 i Samuel H.^ Chaffee, born November 18, 1858; married in Oakland, Me., December 24, 1885, Etta Belle, daughter of Joseph E. Sturte- vant; she was born in Oakland, June 24, 1865, and is a member of the Baptist Church; she has a light complexion, hazel eyes and is five feet, six inches in height; he has a dark compexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height; is a farmer. 5142 ii William E. Chaffee, born November 21, 1861 ; died May 17, 1862. + 5143 iii Mary Elizabeth Chaffee, born March 7, 1863; married Charles W. Pond. 5144 iv Benjamin F. Chaffee, born October 17, 1870; has a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. 3024 Oscar Samuels Chaffee (Samuel, ^ William,« William,^ Dan,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Vassalboro, Me., August 17, 1838, and married in Charlestown, Mass., August 31, 1865, Ellen Theodocia, daughter of Oliver EIGHTH GENERATION 463 Taylor Knight of that place. She was a teacher before her marriage and is pos- sessed of uncommon intellectual ability. Mr. Chaffee left home when about eighteen years of age to study dentistry with his brother-in-law, Doctor Ira A, Salmon, in Boston, Mass. He later gave up this profession and returned to Vassalboro to relieve his father of the responsi- bility of his farm, and in 1887 was living in North Vassalboro. He has a dark complexion, dark eyes, black hair, and is five feet, five inches in height. Children, born in Vassalboro: 5145 i William Oscar ^ Chaffee, born May 4, 1880; has a light complexion, and gray eyes. 5146 ii Mary Louise Chaffee, born March 13, 1884; has a dark complexion, and gray eyes. 3029 Betsey Ormsbee s Chaffee (Caleb, ^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., June 23, 1817, and was married there, September 16, 1840, by Reverend John Allen, to William Henry Armington, a farmer, born in Seekonk, September 14, 1817. Mr. and Mrs. Arming- ton celebrated their Golden Wedding at their home in Seekonk, September 16, 1890, many friends and relatives gathering for the occasion, among the latter being a great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Armington are members of the Second Baptist Church of East Providence, R. I., both having joined at the age of twenty- three. Mrs. Armington was a teacher in the Sunday School of this church. She has a light complexion, black eyes, and is of medium height, while her husband has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and is also of medium height. In 1873 and 1874 they lived in Taunton, Mass., and since then in Seekonk. Children : + 5147 i Eliphalet Ide » Armington, born June 30, 1841; married Abbie M. Jenks. 5148 ii Eleanor Armington. Another child, name unknow^n. 3031 Jonathan s Chaffee (Caleb, ^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Dan,* Jonathan,* Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., April 8, 1821, and died there, August 22, 1895. He was married (1) in Seekonk, October 23, 1843, by Rever- end John C. Welch, to Abbie Peck, daughter of Atiel Luther of that place. She died in November, 1847, and he was married (2) in Seekonk, January 16 (8), 1849, by Reverend James O. Barney, to Charlotte Anna, daughter of Davis and Alpha (French) Carpenter. She was born in Seekonk, April 4, 1824. Mr. Chaffee was married (3) in Seekonk, September 5, 1893, by A. N. Medbury, Esq., to Mrs. Eunice (Hall) Reed of that place, daughter of Andrew Hall of that place. Mr. Chaffee was for several years Town Clerk and also Selectman of Seekonk, and held the office of Deputy Sheriff in that place and in Fall River, Mass., for twelve years. He moved to the latter city in 1876, and was living there in 1887. Child, by first wife : + 5149 i Charles 9 Chaffee, born about 1846 or 1847; married (1) Louie Gard- ner; (2) Harriet Roberts. Children, by second wife, born in Seekonk: + 5150 ii Edward Davis Chaffee, born February 6, 1850 ; married Ella S. Gregory . 5151 iii Mary Eliza Chaffee, born September 27, 1851 (1852); died m See- konk, November 27, 1873; unmarried. 3032 Olivers ChafEee (Caleb,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,5 Dan,* Jonathan,* Na- 464 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., December 18, 1822, and died in East Providence, R. I., May 8, 1883. He was married in Seekonk, June 13, 1848, by Reverend James O. Barney, to Abby Maria, daughter of Church Gray of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee Uved in Seekonk for many years and later in East Providence, where, in May, 1876, Mr. Chaffee was elected State Senator, being re-elected in 1878. In 1879, 1881 and 1882 he was elected Representative, and in the latter year Judge of the Probate Court. He was a farmer. Children, born in Seekonk : 5152 i Clarence Franks Chaffee, born June 2, 1849; died in East Providence, January 2, 1890; married in Seekonk, June 14, 1877, by Rev- erend S. W. Butler, to Hattie L., daughter of William H. Hop- kins of Providence; she died June 28, 1879, aged twenty-one; Mr. Chaffee was a clerk; he died of pneumonia; residence, 1883, East Providence. 5153 ii Abby Maria Chaffee, born September 14, 1851. 5154 iii Oliver Church Chaffee, born November 13, 1853; died February 5, 1855. 5155 iv Caleb Church Chaffee, born August 6, 1855; died October 10, 1856. + 5156 V Fred Ide Chaffee, born August 8, 1857; married Inez Griswold. + 5157 vi Jonathan Irvin Chaffee, born January 3, 1861; married Bessie W. Marvel. 5158 vii Lizzie Gray Chaffee, born August 15, 1862. 3056 Willie Loren s Chaffee (Loren,^ 01iver,« Jonathan,^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Lyndon, Vt., September 7, 1859, and married in St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 11, 1885, Minnie A., daughter of Josiah Bruin. She was a member of the Methodist Church in East Lyndon. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, and blue eyes. He is a shoemaker and in 1885 lived in Lyndon, but shortly after moved to Cochituate, Mass., where he was living in 1891. Children : 5159 i Reginald R.9 Chaffee, born in Cochituate, Feburary 2, 1887. 5160 ii Pearle Chaffee, born February 3, -l-^-^.' 3062 Henry s Chaffee (Jonathan Bowen,^ Abel,^ Jonathan, s Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., November 5, 1848, and mar- ried in Providence, R. I., May 13, 1875, Emily S., daughter of Benjamin D. Sabin of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion. In 1875 and in 1890 he lived in Providence, where he was a machinist. Children : 5161 i Ida F.9 Chaffee, born July 15, 1877. 5162 ii Maude S. Chaffee, born September 14, 1878. 3064 Maria Helen » Chaffee (Jonathan Bowen,' Abel," Jonathan,' Dan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., April 23, 1852, and married. May 10, 1876, Manning W. Keach. In 1889 they lived in Providence, R. I. Children : 5163 i George A.9 Keach, born April 29, 1877. 5164 ii Helen Augusta Keach, born in 1883. 5165 iii Clinton Narel Keach, born in February, 1886. 3085 Benjamin Leighton s Chaffee (Orvilla,^ Noah,^ Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i), married Helen Van Winkle of Potterville, Pa. ^^^^J^^^^e^ ''^^^^c. EIGHTH GENERATION 465 Both are members of the Presbyterian Church in that place, where they Uved in 1895. Mr. Chaffee served in the Civil War as a Private in Company D, 162d Penn- sylvania Volunteers. He was in the hospital June 16, 1865, when the regiment was mustered out. He is a harness maker and farmer. Children : 5166 i Ediths Chaffee, married Walker T. Newman; residence, 1895, Wilkes- barre, Pa. 5167 ii Melissa Chaffee, died aged two years. 5168 iii Harry Leighton Chaffee, born in Potterville, November 12, 1864; married in Wilkesbarre, February 24, 1891, Clara Phoebe, daughter of Samuel Fuller of Sheshequin, Pa.; both are members of the First Baptist Church of Wilkesbarre, where in 1895 they lived; Mr. Chaffee is a grocer. 5169 iv Arthur Preston Chaffee, born in 1866; married Rogers. 5170 V Carrie Emeline Chaffee, married Conklin; residence, 1893, Tennessee. 5171 vi Dennie C. Chaffee. 5172 vii Ray Earnest Chaffee. 3093 Mary E. a Chaffee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Noah,6 Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas ^) was born June 26, 1832, and married. May 5, 1857, J. Allen Bowen of Warren, Pa., a widower with four children, John, Calvin, Edward and a daughter. He was a farmer and also owned a saw-mill. He lost one arm in a threshing machine and died in Warren in the fall of 1889. In 1892 Mrs. Bowen lived in Warren. Children : 5173 i Edna Maria » Bowen, born about 1860. 5174 ii Agnes Bowen, born about 1869. 3094 Martha R. » Chaffee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Noah,8 Ephraim,5 Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born October 3, 1834, and married, Au- gust 1, 1858, Willis G. Bostwick, a merchant, who died in Warren, Pa., their home, in the fall of 1890. Children : 5175 i Beulah Carrie Lena ^ Bostwick, born July 3, 1866. 5176 ii Rufus Albert Bostwick, born October 2, 1868. 3096 Cornelia E.s Chaffee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Noah,^ Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born September ^, 1839, and died in War- ren, Pa., November 28, 1875. She married there, December 13, 1865, Theodore Coburn, a farmer, who in 1891 lived in Warren. Child: 5177 i Roswell Augustus » Coburn, born September 13, 1870. 3100 Cordis Monroe « Chaffee (Samuel Butterworth,^ Noah,^ Ephraim,* Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Warren, Pa., August 10, 1850, and married there, February 14, 1872, Lucinda Jeannette, daughter of Chauncey W. Arnold of that place. She was born in South Warren, November 23, 1852. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer and in politics a Republican. In 1891 he lived in South Warren. Children : 5178 i Leah Gertrude » Chaffee, born in South Warren, May 21, 1875. 5179 ii A daughter, born April 15, 1882; died May 7, 1882. 5180 iii Torrance Odell Chaffee, born March 3, 1886. 466 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3106 Emma Jane » Chaffee (Albert,^ Noah,6 Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Warren, Pa., July 19, 1842, and married in Le Reysville, Pa., Albert A. Allen, a farmer, born in Warren, August 14, 1840. She has a dark complexion, black hair and eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height. She joined the Congregational Church when about thirty-five years of age. In 1895 she lived in Orwell, Pa. Children : 5181 i Miles L.o Allen, born October 28, 1864. 5182 ii Fred A. Allen, born September 13, 1867; died July 31, 1880; drowned while bathing in Potterville mill pond. 5183 iii Ettie E. Allen, born February 5, 1871; died February 14, 1883. 5184 iv Clara B. Allen, born April 23, 1874. 5185 v Flora J. Allen, born August 19, 1876. 3110 Herbert Wellins Chaffee (Albert, ^ Noah,6 Ephraim,^ Ephraim,^ Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Orwell, Pa., December 20, 1849, and married there, July 4, 1872, Ida Diademia, daughter of William Spencer of that place. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer and stone mason. In politics he is a Republican. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. In 1891 he lived in Orwell. Children : 5186 i Earl Rupert 9 Chaft'ee, born July 17, 1874. 5187 ii Carl Albert Chaffee, born April 21, 1879. 5188 iii Mabel Caroline Chaffee, born July 8, 1882. 5189 iv Scott Bruce Chaffee, born April 28, 1884. 5190 V Fay Herbert Chaffee, born December 14, 1887. 5191 vi Gay SjDencer Chaffee, a twin, born December 14, 1887. 3143 Philo 8 Chaffee (Ebenezer,^ Abner,6 David,^ David,^ David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ashford, Conn., August 5, 1826, and died January 28, 1881. He married in Ashford, August 30, 1851, Mary A. H. Cady. In early life he was a school teacher and later a farmer. He was a Selectman and an Assessor in his town. March 6, 1853, he united with the Warrenville, Conn., Baptist Church. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet in height. He was buried in Mansfield, Conn. Children : 5192 i Eva 9 Chaffee, born March 20, 1860; married. May 24, 1883, David Mathewson of Ashford; residence, 1884, New Britain, Conn. 5193 ii Ella Mary Chafi"ee, born November 25, 1863; died June 10, 1865. 5194 iii Henrietta Chaffee, born August 4, 1864; a member of the Warrenville Baptist Church. 3146 Philips Corbin, Jr. (Lois 7 Chaffee, Abner,^ David,^ David,4 David, » Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), was born in WiUington, Conn., October 26, 1824, and married, June 21, 1848, Francina T., daughter of Henry W. Whiting. He re- ceived his early education in the West Hartford (Conn.) Academy. In 1888 he was elected a Connecticut State Senator. He is a manufacturer of hardware, with factories and general offices in New Britain, Conn., and branch offices in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. Children : 5195 i Charles F.s Corbin. 5196 ii Nellie F. Corbin; married William Beers. ^(yiriiJ-, EIGHTH GENERATION 467 3154 Ann Hasselton » Chaffee (William,^ Abner,^ David,^ David/ David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born August 3, 1833, and married in Hartford City, Ind., January 18, 1853, Andrew J. Neff, a journalist, born in Ohio, November 30, 1825. In 1884 they were living in Marysville, Tenn. Children : 5197 i Jay H.9 Neff, born July 6, 1854. 5198 ii William T. Neff, born October 16, 1856. 5199 iii Theodore Lee Neff, born October 14, 1858. 5200 iv George North Neff, born June 6, 1861. 5201 v Walter P. Neff, born June 12, 1866. 5202 vi Frank C. Neff, born August 1, 1872. 5203 vii Nellie Neff, born December 23, 1873. 3183 David Judson s Chaffee (Abner,^ David.s David,^ David, * David,3 Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Palermo, N. Y., May 6, 1835, and married there, March 4, 1863, Louisa, daughter of Henry Broadwell of Oswego Falls, N. Y. In 1883 they lived in Rochester, N. Y., where Doctor Chaffee was a homeopathic and magnetic physician. Child: 5204 i Cora Alida 9 Chaffee, born in Palermo, October 9, 1865. 3184 Willis Gaylord » Chaffee (Abner,^ David,^ David, ^ David, ^ David,^ Na- thaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Palermo, N. Y., November 4, 1838, and married in Bernhard's Bay, N. Y., September 2, 1868, Martha T., daughter of William P. Dickinson of that place. In 1884 he lived in Oswego where he was the pro- prietor of Chaffee's Phonographic Institute. Child: 5205 i Harmon B.a Chaffee, born November 16, 1870. 3187 Sarahs Chaffee (Guy,7 David,^ David,^ David,^ David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born January 24, 1841, and married Frank Irish. In 1884 they lived in North Denver, Colo. Child: 5206 i Dana » Irish, born about 1867. 3188 Marys Chaffee (Guy,7 David,^ David,^ David, * David, ^ Nathaniel,2 Thomas '-) was born February 25, 1844, and married Silas Hanchett. In 1884 they lived in Empire City, Colo. Children : 5207 i Lafayette » Hanchett. 5208 ii Myra Hanchett. 3202 Guthrie » Sprague (Eunice ^ Chaffee, David,« David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Oswego County, N. Y., March 4, 1853, and married Frankie Warner. Children : 5209 i Gail a Sprague. 5210 ii Etta Sprague. 3203 Burritts Chaffee (Joshua,^ David,^ David, s David,* David, » Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Navarino, N. Y., March 13, 1850, and married in Fair- mount, N. Y., December 21, 1870, Laura Elma, daughter of Guy Terry of that 468 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY place. She is a member of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Chaffee has a light com- plexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Fairmount, and in 1890 in Syracuse, N. Y., where he was the superintendent of Oakwood Cemetery. Children : 5211 i Florence Mauds Chaffee, born October 2, 1871. 5212 ii Guy Joshua Chaffee, born April 16, 1874. 5213 iii Mae Goodelle Chaffee, born March 8, 1876. 5214 iv Robert Chaffee, born September 1, 1877; died April 2, 1882. 5215 V Clinton Burritt Chaffee, born June 25, 1881 ; died January 2, 1882. 5216 vi Harloe Smith Chaffee, born October 22, 1888. 3206 Gerrit Hiram s ChafEee (Dan,? Amos,6 David,5 David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Westford, Ashford Township, Conn., August 26, 1851, and died in Colorado, July 22, 1891. He married in Hartford, Conn., April 2, 1878, Jennie L., daughter of Ebenezer Weldon of Wethersfield, Conn. In early youth he united with the Westford Congregational Church, and later with the church of the same denomination in Wethersfield. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was over six feet in height. In 1884 he was a farmer in Wethers- field, and seven years later died of consumption in Colorado, where he had gone for his health. Children : 5217 i Abbie Pitkin » Chaffee, born January 8, 1879; died January 30, 1879. 5218 ii Norman Pitkin Chaffee, born February 1, 1880, 5219 iii Dan Gerrit Chaffee, born April 15, 1881. 5220 iv Ralph Pease Chaffee, born July 11, 1882. 3207 Mary Louise s ChafEee (Dan,? Amos,® David,^ David,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born April 28, 1856, and married, January 5, 1883, Edward F. Farrar. She has a dark complexion, dark eyes, and is medium in height. In 1879 she was a student in South Hadley (Mass.) Academy. At the age of twenty she united with the Baptist Church in Westford, Ashford Township, Conn., and in 1884 was a member of the State Street Baptist Church, Springfield, Mass., where in 1900 she was still living. Child: 5221 i A daughter,^ born March 22, 1884. 3208 Daniel ChafEee « Kenyon (Julia ? Chaffee, Daniel,6 David,5 David,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Otisco, N. Y., September 5, 1829, and married in Somerset, N. Y., April 21, 1857, Mary Louisa, daughter of Charles Dugar. She was born in Palmyra, N. Y., September 16, 1838. At the time of his marriage and in 1893 Mr. Kenyon lived in Yates, N. Y., where he was a farmer. Children, born in Yates: 5222 i Lucy Ella^ Kenyon, born February 16, 1858; married Howard Johnson, 5223 ii Charles Benjamin Kenyon, born August 13, 1859; married Jessie Slade, 5224 iii Clay C. Kenyon, born June 9, 1862; married Mary Edmons. 5225 iv Ward Kenyon, born October 8, 1866, 3229 Mary Emeline « ChafEee (Lynds,? William,^ Atherton,5 Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., February 3, 1831, and mar- ried in Stowe, Tt., March, 1850, George Rice, son of Stephen Atwood of that place. At the time of her marriage she lived in Stowe and in 1891 in Morristown. She has a dark complexion, and blue eyes. h ijff^te^^^^ WS? f'.^' , A^ .c:^viP^^ {See Page 4G7 ) EIGHTH GENERATION 469 Child: 5226 i Emily Jane » Atwood, born October 25, 1853. 3230 Dana Lynds s OhafEee (Lynds/ William,6 Atherton,5 Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., August 28, 1833, and mar- ried (1) in 1856, Susan, daughter of Abel Bagley of Brookfield, Vt. She died March 20, 1870, and he married (2), January 28, 1873, Maria Stevens. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. He is a farmer and in 1891 lived in Morristown. Children, by first wife : 5227 i Willis Orson a Chaffee, born February 21, 1857; died September 15, 1867. + 5228 ii Charles Dana Chaffee, born August 7, 1859; married Mertie Terrill. 5229 iii Jane Chaffee, born July 31, 1862. 5230 iv Cora Ellen Chaffee, born April 8, 1865; died February 5, 1887. 5231 V Mina Chaffee, born April 11, 1867. 3232 Robinson Josephs ChafEee (Lynds,^ William,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 3 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., August 6, 1839, and died there. May 15, 1882. He married in Stowe, Vt., March 22, 1867, Maria L., daughter of Curtis S. Davis of Morristown. He was a farmer, had a dark com- plexion, blue eyes, and was six feet in height. Children : 5232 i Murton Robinson a Chaffee, born March 17, 1869. 5233 ii Hattie Maria Chaffee, born August 27, 1878. 3233 Orson William s ChafEee (Lynds,^ William,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., April 7, 1845, and married there, June 1, 1881, Clarinda J., daughter of Louis Wakefield of that place. At the time of his marriage and in 1891 Mr. Chaffee lived in ^lorristown, where he was a farmer. He has a dark complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. Children : 5234 i Martin Wakefield a Chaffee, born April 14, 1883. 5235 ii Maud Martha Chaffee, born June 20, 1886. 3236 Mary E. s ChafEee (Hiram,^ William,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Na- thaniel,2 Thomas i) was born July 21, 1860, and married, May 13, 1878, Edwin A. Foster, a farmer, born September 12, 1850. They live in Moretown. Children : 5236 i Gerald 9 Foster, born April 6, 1880. 5237 ii Elmer Foster, a twin, born April 6, 1880. 3237 Jackson 8 ChafEee (William,^ William,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., October 26, 1836, and mar- ried in Stowe, Vt., January 4, 1868, Marion M., daughter of Darwin E. Shaw of that place. She is a Universalist. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion and blue eyes. He is a member of the Methodist Church. At the time of his marriage he lived in Morristown, and in 1891 in Stowe, where he was a farmer. Children : 5238 i Orpha Anna 8 Chaffee, born June 1, 1869; married Frank Strong. 5239 ii Grace Cora Chaffee, born January 12, 1875. 3245 Edwin Horace » Chaffee (Horace,^ William,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* Da- 470 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY vid,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., July 2, 1837, and mar- ried there, June 22, 1876, Mary I., daughter of Abraham Ling of England. She is a member of the Congregational Church, with which her husband united at the age of fifty. He has a florid complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. In 1891 he lived in Morristown, where he was a farmer. Child: 5240 i Edna Ellens Chaffee, born January 23, 1880. 3248 Marcus » Chaffee (Nathan Robinson,^ William, e Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Morristown, Vt., September 30, 1847, and married (1) Frances, daughter of John Horner of Hyde Park, Vt. She died February 20, 1874, and was buried in Morristown. He married (2) in South Wayne, Mich., September 30, 1877, Ella A. Russell. At this time he was living in South Wayne, but in 1891 his home was in Stowe, Vt., where he was a farmer. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. Child, by first wife : 5241 i Claude R.9 Chaffee, born January 19, 1874. Children, by second wife: 5242 ii Ward E. Chaffee, born August 11, 1879. 5243 iii Viva E. Chaffee, born March 1, 1885. 5244 iv Isabel F. Chaffee, born February 8, 1888. 3253 Annas Chaffee (JefTerson,^ Atherton,6 Atherton,^ Atherton,* David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born July 27, 1863, and married, November 17, 1883, James G. Oliver. Child: 5245 i Olives Oliver, born November 9, 1884. 3259 Sarah Isabellas Chaffee (Constant,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born August 1, 1845, and married, January 1, 1864, Alva B. Fairfield of East Charlemont, Mass. Child: 5246 i Ethel Chaffee » Fairfield, born March 27, 1884. 3260 Emma Frances s Chaffee (Constant,^ Atherton," Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born February 18, 1847, and married in Brattle- boro, Vt., October 11, 1865, George R. Tower of Putney, Vt., born in Westminster, Vt., January 8, 1844. He served as a Private in the Civil War, was captured be- fore Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864, and held a prisoner two hundred and forty- five days. He united with the Congregational Church at the age of twenty-five. He has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Brattleboro, and in 1891 in Saxton's River, Vt., where he was a contractor and builder. Children : 5247 i Annie Celia 9 Tower, born December 2, 1867; died July 12, 1878. 5248 ii Belle Drusilla Tower, born December 18, 1868. 5249 iii Eloise Frances Tower, born January 1, 1871; married in Saxton's River, July 27, 1892, Rollin C. Fairchild of Sunderland, Mass. 3262 George Luther » Chaffee (Constant,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., May 12, 1850, and EIGHTH GENERATION 471 married in Greenfield, Mass., January 29, 1881, Melissa A. Pratt of Putney, Vt. At this time he was living in Buckland, Mass., where he was a butcher. Children : 5250 i Dorr Constanta Chaffee, born in Buckland, December 24, 1881. 5251 ii Lena Belle Chaffee, born September 4, 1884. 3265 Almira A. s Chaffee (Lynds Damey,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,^ David,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born August 13, 1844, and died September 30, 1870. She married, January 7, 1861, Israel Baldwin, born in 1838. Child: 5252 i Scott Door 9 Baldwin, born January 26, 1863. 3285 George Clifford « Chaffee (James Carlyle,^ Calvin,^ Clifford,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Westminster, Vt., August 4, 1845, and married in Whitewater, Wis., July 3, 1867, Harriet Louisa Richmond, born May 25, 1846. At the time of his marriage and in 1896 he lived in Whitewater, where he was a furniture dealer and undertaker. Children, born in Whitewater: + 5253 i Hubert Richmond 9 Chaffee, born July 7, 1868; married Ella C. Elting. 5254 ii Emma May Chaffee, born November 13, 1871. 5255 iii Clifford Lawrence Chaffee, born July 28, 1890. 3288 Will Curlis s Chaffee (James Carlyle,^ Calvin.e Clifford,5 Atherton,-* Da- vid, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Athens, Vt., June 28, 1856, and married in Clinton, la., March 4, 1876, Rena M., daughter of William H. Baker of Fre- mont, 0. At this time Mr. Chaffee lived in Clinton, and in 1893 in Topeka, Kan., where he was a clothing merchant. Children : 5256 i Maud Irene 9 Chaffee, born March 27, 1879; died June 27, 1879. 5257 ii Florence Baker Chaffee, born July 4, 1885. 3313 Hannah Amanda « Allen (Permelia Anna ^ Chaffee, Philander,^ Clifford,^ Atherton,4 David,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Trowbridge, Mich., March 11, 1850, and married, September 22, 1885, Charles A. Ransom, born in Putney, Vt., February 14, 1834. They live in Plainwell, Mich. Child : 5257a i Allen Ransom, born in Kalamazoo, Mich., August 5, 1888; died there, August 9, 1888; buried in Kalamazoo. 3314 Philander Chaffee « Allen (Permelia Anna ^ Chaffee, Philander,^ Clifford,^ Atherton,4 David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Trowbridge, Mich., June 14, 1853, and died there, January 7, 1885. He married in Covert, Mich., December, 1876, his cousin, Clara Blanches Seymour (3311) (Ruth Orpha 7 Chaffee, Phi- lander,6 Clifford,^ Atherton," David,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1), born in Weymouth, 0., June 1, 1852. He was buried in Trowbridge. His widow married (2) Wait and in 1890 was living in Hinckley, O. Child: 5257b i Permelia 9 Allen, born in Allegan, Mich., July 13, 1881; graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in 1905, took a year of post- graduate work, and taught the violin two years in western con- servatories; in August, 1907, she went to Leipsic, Germany, to con- tinue the study of the violin. 472 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3323 Amasa Otis « Amidown (Anna Lovejoy ^ Chaffee, Amasa,^ Constant,* Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Gilsum, N. H., Decem- ber 31, 1843, and married Sarah C. Black. He served in the Union army during the CivU War. Children : 5258 i Lucius E.^ Amidown, born in 1871. 5259 ii Emma C. Amidown, born in 1876. 5260 iii Nellie M. Amidown, born in 1883. 3357 Fannie Josephine » Chaffee (Jerome B.,^ Warren, ^ Otis,^ Atherton,^ Da- vid, s Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born in Adrian, Mich., January 16, 1857, and married in New York City, November 1, 1880, Ulysses S. Grant, Jr., born in Bethel, 0., July 22, 1852, son of the famous General and President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant. At the time of their marriage Miss Chaffee and Mr. Grant both lived in New York City. Since 1893 they have lived in San Diego, Cal., where Mr. Grant is a lawyer and real estate owner. They have a beautiful country home in Salem Centre, Westchester County, N. Y., given them by Mrs. Grant's father. Senator Chaffee, and where he died. Mrs. Grant has a light com- plexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, three inches in height, while her husband has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He was Delegate at Large from California to the Republican National Conventions of 1896 and 1900. Both attend the Methodist Church. Children : + 5261 i Miriam 9 Grant, born September 26, 1881; married Lieutenant U. S. Macy. 5262 ii Chaffee Grant, born September 28, 1883 ; married in Washington, Pa., June 5, 1907, Helen Dent Wrenshall of that place; residence, 1907, San Diego. 5263 iii Julia Dent Grant, born April 15, 1885. 5264 iv Fannie Grant, born August 11, 1889. 5265 V Ulysses S. Grant, fourth, born May 23, 1893. 3410 Adelbert Horace » Whaite (Mary Elizabeth ^ Chaffee, Horace Hill,6 Crean Bush, 5 Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Sergeant Bluff, la., May 17, 1859, and married in Colorado Springs, Colo., December 2, 1880, Carrie Augusta, daughter of Jesse B. Newman of Mount Pleasant, N. J. She is a mem- ber of the Episcopal Church, with which her husband united at the age of fourteen years, and in which he has served as Treasurer for four years. He has a fair com- plexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. In 1880 and in 1896 he lived in Colorado Springs, where he was a merchant. ' Children : 5266 i Beulah Ostranders Whaite, born December 7, 1881. 5267 ii Hazel Chaffee Whaite, born October 19, 1883. 5268 iii George Nicholas Whaite, born July 29, 1885; died February 12, 1888. 5269 iv Odette Taylor Whaite, born April 10, 1891. 3411 Estella Lilia s Whaite (Mary Elizabeth 7 Chaffee, Horace Hill,6 Crean Bush,5 Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born February 15, 1861, and married (1) ; (2) in Colorado Springs, Colo., September 16, 1890, Seth Baker, a widower, born in Hyannis, Mass., March 30, 1837. He is an under- taker, but was formerly a sea captain, at the age of twenty-three being in com- mand of the City of Boston, a large sailing vessel. He was for five years Secretary EIGHTH GENERATION 473 of the Unitarian Church, with which he united at the age of fifty-one. He has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height. In 1896 they lived in Colorado Springs. Child, by first husband: 5270 i Arthur,9 born September 2, 1SS2; became known as Arthur Baker after his mother's second marriage. Child, by second husband : 5271 ii Edith Lovell Baker, born August 4, 1892. 3418 Sidney Larkin « Chaffee (Luther,^ Darius,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas was born in Danville, N. Y., May 17, 1819, and married in Tippe- canoe City, O., September 13, 1849, Barbara, daughter of Gordon Cecil of that place. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer, and in 1883 lived in Tippecanoe City. Children : 5272 i Mary 9 Chaffee, born July 12, 1850; died July 26, 1850. + 5273 ii Charles Bernard Chaffee, born April 26, 1852; married Alina A. Freet. 5274 iii Emma Chaffee, born June 6, 1854. 5275 iv Nettie Chaffee, born July 14, 1857. 5276 V Jennie Chaffee, born August 18, 1859; died September 21, 1872. 5277 vi Nannie Chaffee, born February 18, 1861 ; died July 7, 1861. 5278 vii S. L. Blanch Chaffee, born June 9, 1863. 5279 viii Lutie Chaffee, born July 2, 1865; died July 22, 1873. 5280 ix Sidney Tenney Chaffee, born August 30, 1867; died June 19, 1868. 5281 X Jay Ward Chaffee, born May 26, 1869. 5282 xi Willie Cecil Chaffee, born October 28, 1872; died August 15, 1873. 3422 John Edwin » ChafEee (Luther,^ Darius,^ Joseph,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wayne County, Pa., August 28, 1828, and married in Wyandot County, O., February 6, 1851, Sarah Ann, daughter of John Bright of that county. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is a farmer. He is a member of the Masonic order. In 1884 he lived in Neapolis, O., and in 1890 in Toledo, 0. Children : 5283 i Edwin Philanders Chaffee, born December 1, 1851. 5284 ii Harriet S. Chaffee, born September 3, 1853; died June 6, 1859. 5285 iii Henry Chaffee, born November 13, 1854. 5286 iv Luther D. Chaffee, born June 15, 1856; died September 10, 1862. 5287 V William Riley Chaffee, born January 3, 1858; residence, 1883, Toledo. 5288 vi Luther Highland Chaffee, born September 18, 1859; residence, 1883, Toledo; in 1884 was a soldier in the United States army, stationed in Michigan, and in 1888 at Fort Crawford, Colo. 5289 vii Mary Matilda Chaffee, born March 2, 1862. 5290 viii Martha Emma Chaffee, born February 9, 1864. 5291 ix John B. Chaffee, born August 15, 1866. 5292 x Burt Chaffee, born May 13, 1869. 5293 xi Anna Belle Chaffee, born August 27, 1871. 5294 xii Frank B. Chaffee, born January 29, 1875. 3423 William Morgan » Chaffee (Luther,^ Darius,^ Joseph, s Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Pennsylvania, October 30, 1830, and probably died in Brownville, Neb., December 12, 1871. He married (1) in Cary, O., Au- gust 15, 1850, Mary Eliza, daughter of William Smith of that place. She was born February 7, 1828, died February 19, 1865, and was buried in Tippecanoe City, 0. He married (2) in Dayton, 0., June 28, 1866, Helen G., daughter of 474 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY George S. Eraser of St. Catharine's, Canada. She married, after Mr. Chaffee's death, Edward S. Roggen of Lincoln, Neb. In 1871 Mr. Chaffee lived in Brown- ville and on the night of December 12th disappeared and nothing has since been heard of him. It is supposed that he perished in trying to cross the Missouri River. Children, by first wife : 5295 i William Highland ^ Chaffee, born in Gary, June 15, 1851 ; married in Toledo, 0., May 10, 1882, Annie B., daughter of Jacob Braum- schweiger of that place; residence, 1883, Toledo; an artisan. 5296 ii Lucy Ella Chaffee, born February 20, 1854; died April 30, 1855. 5297 iii Charles Fremont Chaffee, born August 31, 1856; died January 5, 1862. + 5298 iv Mary S. Chaffee, born March 28, 1859; married Jacob Haukenhof. 5299 v Franklin Henry Chaffee, born March 25, 1862; died December 5, 1863. Children, by second wife: 5300 vi Frank Eraser Chaffee, born June 1, 1867. 5301 vii Anna Rebecca Chaffee, born 1868; died before 1890. 5302 viii Harry Gordon Chaffee, born March 20, 1871. 3429 Orlin Eustis s Converse (Esther 7 Walker, Esther e Chaffe, Joseph,5 Jo- seph,4 John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born March 13, 1815, and died March 6, 1875. He married, April 9, 1843, Lavia Ford, who died October 9, 1848. Child: + 5303 Grove W.^ Converse, married A. B. . 3435 Leonora « ChafEee (Joseph, ^ Joseph,^ Benjamin, s Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Marcellus, N. Y., December 31, 1815, and married, Octo- ber 1, 1835, Lasell Kimball, born December 10, 1811. In 1884 they lived in Round Top, Pa. Children : 5304 i Joseph C.9 Kimball, born June 19, 1836; died March 2, 1842. 5305 ii Hannah C. Kimball, born January 25, 1838; married. May 10, 1852, John E. Henry. 5306 iii Eliza T. Kimball, born January 12, 1840; died March 27, 1844. 5307 iv Wesley W. Kimball, born December 30, 1842; died March 15, 1844. 5308 V Mary E. Kimball, born January 11, 1848; married, October 3, 1867, Leroy S. Butler. 5309 vi EHza I. Kimball, born March 5, 1850; married, June 14, 1873, Cicera E. Mills. 5310 vii Joseph D. Kimball, born September 19, 1852; married, November 24, 1875, Delia A. Colegrove. 5311 viii Sarah Delphene Kimball, born July 26, 1856; died March 18, 1859. 5312 ix Electa L. Kimball, born April 19, 1859; married, July 3, 1875, Raymond I. Pope. 5313 X Clark T. Kimball, born June 28, 1861. 3437 Walter « ChafEee (Joseph,? Joseph, 6 Benjamin,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Marcellus, N. Y., July 15, 1821, and married there, Octo- ber 14, 1846, Mary E., daughter of Horace Davis of Otisco, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee bought land in Marcellus in 1844 and 1845 from his father. He has a medium complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. In 1884 he lived in Colon, Mich., where he was a farmer. Children : 5314 i Franklin A.9 Chaffee, born November 14, 1848; residence, 1884, Colon. 5315 ii Willis M. Chaffee, born February 7, 1851; residence, 1884, Colon. EIGHTH GENERATION 475 3438 Comfort Tyler » Chaffee (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ Joseph/ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Marcellus, N. Y., March 24, 1838, and married in Jefferson, O., October 8, 1862, Hattie E., daughter of Zebediah Dennison of that place. Doctor ChafTee has a medium complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, two inches in height. He served in the Civil War as Adjutant and First Lieu- tenant of the 29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, organized in JefTerson, from Au- gust 14, 1861, to March 13, 1862, to serve three years. Doctor Chaffee was dis- charged April 15, 1862. He was admitted to the Ohio Bar, March 29, 1859, and practiced law until 1864, except the year that he served in the army. He was at one time Justice of the Peace. He united with the Baptist Church at the age of twenty-one, and in June, 1864, was ordained a minister of that church. His first pastorate was in Three Rivers, Mich., in that same year, and he later had charges in Hudson, Mich., Akron, O., Centreville, Mich., South Bend, Ind., La Porte, Ind., Lincoln, Neb., and Saginaw, Mich. During his ministry he has bap- tized hundreds of people. June 11, 1884, when living in Lincoln, the Central University of Iowa conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. While pastor of the church in Centreville, he was also from 1873 to 1875 President of the First National Bank there. Children : 5316 i Hattie Cornelia ^ Chafltee, born July 29, 1863; in 1884, a school teacher; residence, 1889, La Porte. 5317 ii Walter Dennison Chaffee, born August 4, 1865; educated in Central University ; united with the Baptist Church at the age of ten ; has a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height; residence, 1889, South Bend; a homeopathic physician. 5318 iii Frank Chaffee, born January 22, 1868; united with the Baptist Church at the age of nine; has a light complexion, light hazel eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height; residence, 1889, La Porte; an allo- pathic physician. 5319 iv Grace Chaffee,'born November 6, 1870 ; a school teacher in La Porte, 1889. 5320 V Paul Chaffee, born September 29, 1880. 5321 vi Comfort Tyler Chaffee, Jr., born January 7, 1883. 3450 Henry C.s Chaffee (Norman L.,7 Joseph,^ Benjamin, s Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Jefferson, 0., November 26, 1844, and married in Austinburg, 0., February 25, 1868, Lottie E., daughter of Henry G. Rider of that place. In 1SS4 they lived in Manhattan, Kan., where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children : 5322 i Ernest H.9 Chaffee, born April 3, 1869. 5323 ii Gaius W. Chaffee, born July 5, 1871. 5324 iii Henry M. Chaffee, a twin, born July 5, 1871; died August 24, 1871. 3465 Floyd Perry » Baker (Lois Comfort Chaffee ^ Baxter, Comfort « Chaffee, Ephraim,5 Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Fort Ann, N. Y., November 16, 1820, and married (1) in Amsterdam, N. Y., February 14, 1844, Eliza F., daughter of John Wilson of that place. She died June 3, 1849, and was buried in Racine, Wis. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Baker married (2) in Racine, March 7, 1850, Orinda Searle. He was formerly a member of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches, but since 1845 has been a Spiritualist. He has been Postmaster in two places, Commissioner of Forestry for three years. County Attorney, County Superintendent of Schools, and member 476 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY of the Legislature, one term each, Clerk of the District Court of Hawaii, Sand- wich Islands, and Crown Attorney of the same court about two years. He has a fair complexion, blue-gray eyes, and is five feet, six and one-fourth inches in height. In 1844 he lived in Troy, N. Y., in 1849 in Racine and in 1892 in Topeka, Kan., where he was a publisher. Child, by first wife: 5325 i Floyd Perry » Baker, Jr., born July 10, 1847; died January 5, 1853. Children, by second wife : 5326 ii Albert Searle Baker, born January 25, 1851; died April 26, 1852. 5327 iii Nestor Reuben Baker, born near Hilo, Hawaii, in a smallpox hospital in the crater of an extinct volcano; married (1) Jennie Carico; (2) Susa Green. 5328 iv Clifford Coan Baker, married Hattie Jordan Eager. 5329 V Isaac Newcomb Baker, married Mary Du Buy. 5330 vi Minnie Louisa Baker, married Henry Wager. 3472 Edwin Marcus » Chaffee (Daniel, ^ Jonathan, « Asa,^ Joseph, ^ John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 23, 1806, and died August 16, 1872. He married, May 23, 1830, Sarah A. Simpson of Boston, Mass., born November 23, 1814, who died August 20, 1878. Both were buried in the Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, R. I. Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, June 7, 1807, and later joined the Methodist Church there. Still later he was a member of a Presbyterian Church. For some years after his marriage he lived in Roxbury, Mass., and the records show that he bought land there in 1834, and sold land in 1835. At one time he lived in Middletown, Conn. Even as a boy he was very ingenious; he was at first in the patent leather business and spent the years from 1830 to 1835 experiment- ing in the making of India rubber goods. August 31, 1836, a patent was granted to him for his process of applying rubber to cloth and other articles without the use of a solvent. Formerly it required to dissolve a pound of crude rubber, a gallon or more of spirits of turpentine or other suitable solvent, costing more than $.50 a gallon. By the use of Mr. Chaffee's machinery all solvents were rendered unnecessary, the rubber being reduced to a paste. This process rendered the goods more durable and reduced their market price, labor, time and material, being saved and the cost of the manufacture being reduced one-half. Children, the first four born in Roxbury: 5331 i Edwin Marcus » Chaffee, Jr., born December 25, 1830; residence, 1883, Monroe, Conn.; unmarried. 5332 ii William Daniel Chaffee, born June 27, 1833; died in Para, South America, June 6, 1855, of yellow fever; he had just graduated from college at the time of his death and was unmarried ; a mem- ber of the Episcopal Church. 5333 iii Sarah Chaffee, born March 14, 1835; died in Roxbury in 1837. + 5334 iv Sarah Annie Chaffee, born November 17, 1837; married Colonel Wil- liam W. Lamb. 5335 V Eliza Jane Chaffee, born in 1839; died in 1843; buried in Naugatuck, Conn. + 5336 vi Catherine Maria ChafTee, born in May, 1843; married Doctor George L. Porter. 5337 vii Charles Lindsey Chaffee, born in 1845; died in 1845; buried in Provi- dence. 3473 Daniel Davis » Chaffee (Daniel,^ Jonathan, ^ Asa,^ Joseph,^ John, 3 Jo- EIGHTH GENERATION 477 seph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 29, 1808, and died in Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wilbraham), September 26, 1878. He married in South Wilbraham, May 9, 1833, Sarah Flynt,^ daughter of Ed- ward,7 Jr., and Mercy (Flynt) Morris of that place and Belchertown, Mass. (Ed- ward « Morris (573), Sarahs Chaffee, Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), born in South Wilbraham June 19, 1810, died there, June 4, 1884. Their marriage in- tention, dated April 13, 1833, and entered in South Wilbraham, calls him Daniel D. Chaffee of Roxbury, Mass. In a deed dated October 20, 1835, he calls himself "merchant, of Wilbraham." At that time he bought for $2,000 land and build- ings in Roxbury. Mrs. Chaffee died of paralysis June 4, 1884, aged seventy-four years, and was buried in the South Wilbraham burying-ground, as was her hus- band. She was a member of the Congregational Church. Mr. Chaffee was bap- tized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, February 26, 1809, and later became a member of the Methodist Church of that place. At one time he was in the rubber business and was also a farmer and shingle manufacturer. Children, born in South Wilbraham : 5338 i Catherine Newell » Chaffee, born January 25, 1835; died November 12, 1873; buried in South Wilbraham burying-ground. 5339 ii Lucy Morris Chaffee, born November 20, 1836; married in Hampden, July 15, 1890, Lucius D. Alden of Enfield, Conn., formerly of Cali- fornia; they live on her father's homestead in Hampden (formerly South Wilbraham) ; she studied for a year in Monson (Mass.) Acad- emy, taught school for twenty years and was for three years a mem- ber of the school board in her native town; she is an author of note. "Her poetic and far more numerous prose writings have ap- peared in various newspapers in Springfield, Boston, Chicago and Minneapolis, in several Sunday-school song-books, and in quarterly and monthly journals. One doctrinal pamphlet of hers has lately been translated by a British officer and missionary in Madras into the Hindustani tongue, and many copies printed. Copies of another were voluntarily distributed by a county judge in Florida among members of his state legislature, two years ago, under an appro- priation made by an association whose confines reach from Maine to California, to be distributed among writers of meritorious ar- ticles; Mrs. Alden was selected to write for Massachusetts." 3474 Olive « Chaffee (Daniel,^ Jonathan,^ Asa,5 Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,* Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., May 26, 1811, and died in Elling- ton, Conn., in 1846. She married in South Wilbraham, June 22, 1836, William Lathrop of Tolland, Conn., their marriage intention being entered in the former place. May 7, 1836. She was baptized in the South Wilbraham Congregational Church, July 29, 1811, and in later life joined the Methodist Church there. She was buried in Ellington. Children : 5340 i Gardiner 9 Lathrop, born November 20, 1837; died in September, 1839. 5341 ii Olive Elizabeth Lathrop, born July 10, 1839; died July 11, 1849. 5342 iii William Lathrop, born June 20, 1841 ; died in Iowa City, la., February 27, 1859. 5343 iv Mary Ellen Lathrop, born in 1843; died in October, 1845. 3479 Nelson Eaton « Chaffee (Jonathan, ^ Jonathan,* Asa,* Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 7, 1807, and died in Ellington, Conn., February 6, 1870. He married in South Wilbraham, 478 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY September 12, 1830, Lydia, daughter of Benjamin Hills Russell of Wilbraham, their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, August 21, 1830. They lived there until 1831, when they moved to Ellington, where Mr. Chaffee was a joiner and carpenter, and owner of a steam cutting shingle mill. Children, born in Ellington : 5344 i Frances Louisa ^ Chaffee, born October 14, 1831; died in April, 1832; buried in Ellington. + 5345 ii Edward Chaffee, born November 12, 1836; married Evelina Goodrich. 5346 iii Frederic Chaffee, born August 12, 1851; died March 31, 1884; married Mary Hunter; no children; employed in the United States Ar- mory in Springfield, Mass. 3480 Sophronia s ChafEee (Jonathan, 7 Jonathan,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., November 5, 1811, and died January 21, 1876. She married there, November 23, 1834, Hiram Pease of Somers, Conn., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, October 27, 1834. They settled in Somers, where Mr. Pease was a farmer, and later moved to Springfield, Mass., where he went into the real estate business. Children, born in Somers: 5347 i Sophronia Clarinda ^ Pease, born September 5, 1835; married. May 18, 1856, Henry M. Wood, a grocer, formerly of Somers; residence, 1883, Springfield. 5348 ii Maria Cordelia Pease, born October 22, 1836; married James L. Thomp- son of New York City, a cabinet maker. 5349 iii Eliza Elvira Pease, born November 9, 1839; died September 21, 1872; married, November 11, 1862, Watson J. Prentice of Somers, a car- penter. 5350 iv Hiram Clark Pease, born March 4, 1841; died in Somers, December 7, 1861. 5351 V Jane Elizabeth Pease, born March 16, 1850; married in 1870, C. Randall Kibbe of Somers, a farmer. 5352 vi Franklin Wesley Pease, born October 8, 1852; died August 11, 1870. 3481 Erasmus Darwin s ChafEee (Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, e Asa,^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., January 15, 1814, and married in East Longmeadow, Mass., December 14, 1837, Panthea, daughter of Micah King of that place. Mr. Chaffee is a carpenter. In 1850 he moved to Cali- fornia, where he was still living in 1883. Children, born in South Wilbraham: 5353 i Mary Ellen » Chaffee, born January 12, 1840; died in Springfield, Mass., May 30, 1874; was a member of the Congregational Church. + 5354 ii George Edgar Chaffee, born February 9, 1850; married Elizabeth F. Billings. 3490 Mary Nash « Chaffee (Asa,7 Asa,^ Asa,^ Joseph, < John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Washington, Mass., March 11, 1807, and died. She married, April 10, 1850, Clemence. Children : 5355 i Joseph » Clemence. 5356 ii Albert Clemence. 5357 iii George Clemence. 5358 iv Charles Chaffee Clemence. 3491 Daniel « Chaffee (Asa,7 Asa,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westfield, Mass., May 13, 1813, and died in Agawam, Mass., July 26, EIGHTH GENERATION 479 1885. He married in Springfield, Mass., August 17, 1847, Margaret, daughter of Joel Miller of that place. Mr. Chaffee was a merchant in New York City, where he lived in 1885, and where his widow and children were still living in 1889. Children : 5359 i Stanley 9 Chaffee, born January 17, 1849; died May 16, 1854. 5360 ii William Chaffee, born September 22, 1853; died May 24, 1855. 5361 iii Frank Chaffee, born in Augusta, Ga., November 18, 1854; died in Aga- wam, December 28, 1906, of consumption; residence, 1906, New York City; author and bookseller. 5362 iv Emma Chaffee, born September 22, 1858; died April 3, 1859. 5363 V Anna Chaffee, born June 15, 1861. 5364 vi Harry Chaffee, born February 7, 1864. 3493 Alvena « ChafEee (Asa,^ Asa,^ Asa,5 Joseph, ^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Westfield, Mass., March 1, 1819, and married in Suffield, Conn., July 12, 1848, Elijah J. Townsend of Westchester, N. Y. Children : 5365 i A daughter, 9 died. 5366 ii Fanny Elmer Townsend. 5367 iii Elmer Chaffee Townsend. 3494 Lydia Lucetta » ChafEee (Newbury,7 Asa,<' Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born March 9, 1811, and married Charles Ledyard. Child : 5368 i ^lary Jane ^ Ledyard. 3496 Elmer Williams » ChafEee (Newbury,' Asa," Asa,^ Joseph, ■* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born September 21, 1817, and died in Plymouth, Mich., Janu- ary 4, 1853. He married in Liberty, Mich., January 15, 1838, Melinda L. Shat- tuck, born November 13, 1813. She is a member of the Baptist Church, and was living in 1895. Mr. Chaffee had a fair complexion, dark eyes, and was six feet, one inch in height. He was at one time Town Treasurer. In 1838 he lived in Plymouth, where he died fifteen years later of consumption. He was a miller. Children : 5369 i Mary Elizabeths Chaffee, born August 18, 1840; died September 23, 1840. 5370 ii Albert Wellington Chaffee, born August 10, 1841; married Wealthy Pettingill. 5371 iii Theodore Newbury Chaffee, born October 15, 1844; died December 7 (2), 1844. 5372 iv Theodore Worthington Chaffee, born March 24, 1846; married IMary Murden. 5373 v Albert Williams Chaffee, born in Plymouth, June 16, 1848; married there, October 21, 1873, Jennie Phillips; no children; he has a fair com- plexion, dark eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height; is a sales- man; residence, 1873 and 1895, Plymouth. 5374 vi Elmer Wadsworth Chaffee, born April 19, 1851; married Ella Smith; in 1895, was Secretary and Treasurer of the Markham Air Rifle Company, Plymouth. 3501 William s ChafEee (Elem,^ Cyril, s Asa,5 Joseph,-* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born on Armory Hill, Springfield, Mass., October 2, 1809, and died in Somers- ville, Somers Township, Conn., February 7, 1874. He was married in Somers, October 29, 1835, by Reverend R. G. Dennis, to Belinda, daughter of Alexander 480 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY and Abigail (Daniels) Reed. (See Appendix H.) She was born in Tolland, Conn., May 8, 1813, died in New York City, August 29, 1894, and was buried beside her husband in the family lot in Somers burying-ground. Mr. Chaffee moved with his father from Springfield to Somersville in 1819. He had a common school education. At one time during his boyhood he took toll in Hartford, Conn., at the Hartford Bridge. He was also a clerk in Loren Sexton's store in that city, in that of Timothy Pitkin in Ellington, Conn., and of his imcle, Chester Spencer, in Somersville. In 1828 he was a member of a military company in Hartford. In 1835, he, with his brother James and Chester Spencer, formed a partnership under the name of "Spencer and Chaffees," con- ducting a general store for the sale of dry goods, groceries, etc., and owning and operating a grist and saw mill, all being in Somersville (formerly called Billing's Mills). They also built there on the Scantic River a factory for the manufacture of satinets, woolen and cotton goods. This building was completed in 1837, and in that year a stock company, known as the "Somersville Company," and capital- ized at $30,000, was formed to carry on the business. At one time Mr. Chaffee sold in Vermont palm-leaf bonnets made in Somers Street by Jonathan and Ebe- nezer Clark. About 1840 he went to Pennsylvania where for three years he travelled with a wagon, successfully selling dry goods and notions. At the end of this time he went to Huron County, 0., with his wife, to visit her parents. He took with him a number of palm-leaf bonnets, which he sold, buying with the proceeds goose feathers. Upon his return east he sold these at a profit sufficient to defray all the expenses of the trip. About 1843 he became a wholesale jobber of dry goods and notions in Philadelphia, the firm, Chaffees, Stout and Company, being located on Market Street. A stroke of paralysis in 1870 caused his retirement from business activities. Soon after this he went for treatment to a sanitarium in Bay City, Mich., accompanied by his wife. Later he returned to Somersville and lived on the old Chaffee homestead until his death. His widow thereafter made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mary E. (Chaffee) Mixter, in Philadelphia and with her son, William H. Chaffee, in New York City, at which latter place she died. The following obituary of her was published September 6, 1894: "The body of Mrs. Belinda (Reed), widow of William Chaffee, was brought from the residence of her son, William H. Chaffee, New York, to Somersville, where funeral services and interment took j^lace on Sunday afternoon. She united with the Broad-st. Baptist church in Philadelphia June 14, 1857, in which church she bore an active part for many years. During the war of the rebellion she interested herself (often times to the sacrifice of many pleasures) in the soldiers' hospital of Philadelphia. It was no uncommon sight to find sitting at her noon- day table from five to six convalescent union soldiers, to whom a generous invi- tation had been given to partake of a home-made meal, of which some had been so long deprived. So much did these brave men appreciate her kind acts that upon their return home many sent pictures of themselves and families, together with letters of gratitude, the correspondence being continued for a long time afterwards by their wives and children. It is not necessary to add that these tokens of loyal friendship were greatly cherished. Mrs. Chaffee no doubt inherited to some ex- tent the love of country and patriotism so prominent in her character from her grandfather, Samuel Reed, a Revolutionary soldier of Tolland, and for whom she always bore a tender affection. From her father, Alexander Reed, heredity showed itself in that quick perception so noticeable in both. Her mother, Abigail (Daniels) Reed, filled with a soul of love and sacrifice, imparted much of the same to her daughter. Her husband, William Chaffee, was born upon Armory Hill, in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 2d, 1809, and removed when a boy with his father, Elam, Mrs. Belinda (Eeed) Cpiaffee EIGHTH GENERATION 481 to what is now known as Somersville, Conn., where he became acquainted with and married the deceased. They removed to Philadelpliia about 1842." Cliildren, born in Philadelphia: + 5375 i William Henry » Chaffee, born June 21, 1843; married EHza S. Piatt. 5376 ii Ehzabeth Maria Chaffee, born December 2, 1849; died in Philadelphia, December 7, 1850, at 7:30 A. M. and was buried in the family lot of William and James Chaffee, Monument Cemetery, Phila- delphia, the body being later transferred to the family lot in Somers. + 5377 iii Mary Ella Chaffee, born January 24, 1853; married George W. Mixter. 3502 James » Chaffee (Elam,^ Cyril,6 Asa,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born on Armory Hill, Springfield, Mass., August 21, 1811, and died in Union, N. J., November 12, 1880. He married in Somersville, Conn., September 10, 1834, Harriet Sophia, daughter of Alpheus Billings of that place, a member of the Connecticut Legislature in 1836. She lived in Franklin, Ind., IMarch 19, 1889. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee were of Somersville at the time of their marriage. He had a florid complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet ten inches, in height. He was employed in the United States Armory in Springfield from April, 1829, to February, 1830, his work being the cutting and fitting of bayonets. In 1834 he lived in Somersville and later moved to Philadelphia, where for many years he was a wholesale dry goods merchant. He united with the Broad Street Baptist Church there at about the age of forty, and was a Trustee of it for many years. At the time of his death he lived in Union. "Mrs. Harriet Sophia Chaffee, widow of James Chaffee, and daughter of Alpheus Billings, Esq., in the evening of life, was called to her eternal abiding place. She died at the home of her youngest son. Prof. A. B. Chaffee, Franklin, Indiana, in the seventy-sixth year of her age. In the full fruition of a well spent life she has gone to her reward. With pleasant earthly surroundings, still she longed for the far more pleasant heavenly associations. Her life has been one of usefulness. In the home circle the hallowed influence of a christian wife and mother was always felt. As an active member of the church she was a power for good. For many years a teacher in the Sunday school in the various places of her residence — Philadelphia, Saratoga Springs and elsewhere — she, by her thorough knowledge of the scripture, pointed those under her charge unerringly to the road which leadeth heavenward. With a pure, childlike faith she react God's holy word and upon it were based all her hopes of immortality. When called, as she had often been, to pass through deep waters of affliction, she rested upon her Saviour who would not leave or forsake her. She realized that under jath were the everlast- ing arms to sustain and comfort. Her sorrows were always sanctified to a higher spiritual advancement. Her God, while He was a God of justice, was a God of love and compassion, and she rejoiced in the redemptive power of a Saviour which made it possible for her to attain a blissful future. She had been for years a care- ful and prayerful student of the inspired word, and her faith was not founded upon a superficial knowledge of its teachings. She needed no writer of fiction to formu- late a system of theology for her adoption, offering in place of 'thus saith the Lord' some delightful pabulum of the word shorn of its force and power and tendered as a palliative for a condemning conscience. She realized that for humanity in its sins heroic measures were a necessity or else a Saviour to suffer and die would not have been provided. She would often exclaim, 'Alas! that there should be even one for whom He had died in vain.' She was ever ready to give a reason, an intelligent, Bible-founded reason for her faith. She reared a high standard of life for her sons, three in number. How near they have approximated the line so marked for them must be for other lips to tell and other pens to write. Suffice it to say that the memory of that sainted mother is precious, and her children rise up and call her blessed. On Friday, 22d ult., after a brief religious service, the 482 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY lifeless form was borne by her sons and a nephew to her last resting place by the side of her husband, who had gone home nearly a decade before. She was a native of Somers, Conn., and now lies buried there. Children : + 5378 i Edward James » Chaffee, born August 1, 1836; married (1) Mary E. Young; (2) Mrs. Mary C. (Baker) Drake. + 5379 ii Theodore Spencer Chaffee, born December 21, 1840; married Ellen W. Spittall. + 5380 iii Arthur Billings Chaffee, born June 19, 1852; married Laura C. Putnam. 3503 Spencer s Chaffee (Elam,7 Cyril,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Armory Hill, Springfield, Mass., June 21, 1813, and died in Somers- ville. Conn., May 20, 1854. He was married in Longmeadow, Mass., August 1, 1844, by Reverend Mr. Bachelor, a Baptist minister, to Cindonia, daughter of Micah and Ruth (Spencer) King, the eleventh of their twelve children. She was born there July 2, 1820, and died in Wapping, Conn., January 18, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee lie buried together in the family lot in the Somers (Conn.) burying ground. "Cindonia King, widow of the late Spencer Chaffee, of Somers, Conn., died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Grant, of Wapping, Friday morning, Jan. 18, 1907, aged 86. "Such is the formal statement of the outgoing of a single life. We commonly call it the end. But if we take the larger and happier view of life, believing its vicissitudes merely incidental to the development of the divine in us, then cer- tainly the going of those we call ' full of years ' is really a springing into new life, — a glad valedictory. "Say not good-night, but in some brighter clime, bid me good-morning." "Cindonia King, the eleventh of the twelve children of Micah King and Ruth Spencer, was born in Longmeadow, Mass., July 2nd, 1820. She was married to Spencer Chaffee, Aug. 1st, 1844. They made their home in Somers, Conn., where ]Mr. Chaffee conducted a farm. Later he was engaged, with his brother, in selling goods by team through the Southern states. He was a man of more than usual ability, a fine type of the men who, a half century ago, gave New England its reputation for ability and integrity in the business world. He was, however, early a victim of consumption and died at 41 years of age, just as the material fruits of his labors seemed about to be realized, leaving the young wife with one little girl to face life's battle alone. "Mrs. Chaffee spent a year or two in Springfield, then returned to Somers and upon the marriage of her daughter, Harriet Eliza, to Clayton Grant, of South Windsor, went to live with them. She has been, for many years, a member of the Congregational church at Somers. Her last illness was only a fading away of the physical. The end came in perfect peace. Her life was and her death is, a bene- diction. "Mrs. Cindonia Chaffee, one of Wapping's oldest and most highly respected residents, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Grant, Friday. The deceased was 86 years old, and had lived in this town many years. She was born in Somers in 1820 and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. King. She was the last of a family of twelve. When a young woman she was married to Spencer Chaffee. Mr. Chaffee died several years ago. Mrs. Chaffee leaves one child, Mrs. Hattie Grant, of this place and one grandchild, Mrs. Gertrude P. Boynton of Manchester. Mrs. Chaffee was well known and was affectionately called 'Grandma Chaffee' by all who knew her. Funeral was held Sunday at 1 : 30 at the home of the daugh- ter of the deceased in Wapping. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hurlbut. Burial was in Somers on Monday. The pall bearers were Chester Grant, Clayton Grant, Henry Grant and Frank Grant." Child: + 5381 i Harriet Elizabeth » Chaffee, born April 25, 1848; married Clayton Grant. z:^^^^--^*^-*^-.^ EIGHTH GENERATION 483 3512 Emeline M.s Burt (Olive ? Chaffee, Ephraim,6 Asa,5 Joseph,4 John, 3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas was born in Monson, Mass., August 19, 1810, and married in South Wilbrahara, Mass., May 5, 1830, Hiram King, a farmer, born in Monson, March 8, 1804, and where in 1883 they hved. Child: 5382 i Whitney B.9 King, born January 29, 1836; died March 10, 1862; married, December 7, 1860, Hattie Eldred. 3520 George Bancroft s Newell (Lois ^ Chaffee, Ephraim,^ Asa,^ Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Hartford, Conn., November 19, 1823, and died in Springfield, Mass., April 15, 1854. He married there, October 7, 1850, Mary Ambridge of Saco, Me. Child: 5383 i Lois Ambridge a Newell, born in Bellows Falls, Vt., October 20, 1851; married in Hartford, December 25, 1873, Frank Butler, a widower with a daughter. 3524 Ann Eliza » Newell (Lois ^ Chaffee, Ephraim,^ Asa,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Springfield, Mass., February 29, 1840, and mar- ried there, December 25, 1865, David Edward Childs of Worcester, Mass. Children, first two born in New Haven, Conn.: 5384 i Harry Linwood » Childs, born March 13, 1873. 5385 ii Frank Childs, born August 6, 1877. Three other children died in infancy, names unknown. 3526 Nabby Elvira s Chaffee (Norman,^ Calvin, " Asa,^ Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., August 14, 1814, and died Febru- ary 14, 1888. She married in South Wilbraham, March 31, 1836, John Lacey of Springfield, Mass., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, March 12, 1836. Children : 5386 i Charles » Lacey, died before 1883. 5387 ii Dwight Lacey, died before 1883. + 5388 iii John Norman Lacey; married Catharine Woods. 3528 Edmund Dwight « Chaffee (Norman, ^ Calvin, e Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., March 6, 1818, and mar- ried there, April 7, 1841, Sarah Seymour, daughter of Robert Harris of Winton- bury. Conn. She was of Stafford, Conn., and Mr. Chaffee of South Wilbraham at the time of their marriage. They lived for many years in South Wilbraham, and then moved to Enfield, Mass., where they were living in 1886. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer. Children, born in South Wilbraham : 5389 i Huldah Matildas Chaffee, born September 1, 1842; died in South Wilbraham, February 2, 1843. + 5390 ii Noah Davis Chaffee, born January 22, 1844; married Sarah E. Weath- erby. + 5391 iii Robert Dwight Chaffee, born July 21, 1846; married (1) Mary E. Knowles; (2) Emma J. Hoisington. + 5392 iv Norman Seymour Chaffee, born Januarv 1, 1848; married (1) Juliette E. Cadwell; (2) Anna Jane Lanphe"ar (5396). + 5393 v Sarah Amanda Chaffee, born January 16, 1854; married Eugene C. Bartlett. 484 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3529 Amorette Jane « Chaffee (Norman, ^ Calvin, ^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 25, 1820, and mar- ried there, November 6, 1840, Stephen Gaylord Lanphear of Monson, Mass., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, October 17, 1840. He was born in Monson in 1819, and in 1887 they still lived there. He is a carpenter and joiner. Children, born in Monson: + 5394 i Nabby Davis ^ Lanphear, born July 12, 1841; married Charles H. Lanphear. 5395 ii Ralph Chaffee Lanphear, born August 7, 1844; died September 3, 1847. 5396 iii Anna Jane Lanphear, born December 21, 1846; married Norman Seymour Chaffee. (See 5392.) 5397 iv Frank Gaylord Lanphear, born October 11, 1849; married in Mon- son, June 30, 1875, Ella M. Lowe of that place. + 5398 V Sarah Amorette Lanphear, born December 13, 1854; married Lester C. Stebbins. 5399 vi Alanson Eugene Lanphear, born April 19, 1858; died April 30, 1858. + 5400 vii Mary Elvira Lanphear, born November 1, 1859; married Milo A. Gold. 3531 Ralph Tyler s Chaffee (Norman,^ Calvin, e Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., November 14, 1823 (Decem- ber 20, 1823, December 19, 1824), and died in Monson, Mass., March 23, 1878. He married (1) in Springfield, Mass., October 9, 1845, Sarah Jane, daughter of Peter Hulst of Newtown, L. I. She died in Windsor Locks, Conn,, February 14, 1853, and was buried in New Lots, L. L He married (2) in Springfield, Novem- ber 23, 1853, Alletta Ann, also daughter of Peter Hulst. After Doctor Chaffee's death she married (2), May 3, 1879, John T. Giles of Brooklyn, N. Y., and in 1907 was living, a widow, with her son, George M. Chaffee, in Ridgewood, N. J. "Dr. Ralph T. Chaffee was the first homeopathic physician in Windsor Locks, Conn. After practising a short time in Granby he removed to Windsor Locks, Conn., in 1850 but did not make use of the homeopathic method until 1857. In 1865 he removed to Hartford, Conn., but stayed there only 2 years, returning to Windsor Locks where he remained until 1871, when he again removed to Hartford. In 1875 he sold his practice to Dr. P. D. Peltier and took up his residence at Put- nam, Conn., living there ciuietly and not attempting to practice. Later he re- moved to Brooklyn, N. Y. where he practised until his death in 1878." [Memorial History of Hartford, Conn.] While living in Windsor Locks he was baptized by Doctor Ives and became a member of the Suffield (Conn.) Baptist Church. While living in Hartford he was a member of the First Baptist Church there, being prominent both in the church and in the city. On his removal to Brooklyn he became a member of the Centennial Baptist Church. It has been said of him: " He was a man of mark in any congregation. Never shall we forget the support his presence gave us from his first coming to his last appearance in our sanctuary. He was fitted to die for he had nobly lived. Many of his friends in Massachusetts and Connecticut accompanied his remains to our city, and attested to his worth by their tears of grief and words of praise. He was one of 'God's Noblemen.' " He died suddenly of heart disease at the home of his brother, Alanson N. Chaffee, and was buried in New Lots, L. I. Child, by first wife: + 5401 i Emma Jane » Chaffee, born April 10, 1847; married Everett C. Towne. \ HELIOTVPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON, MASS- EIGHTH GENERATION 485 Children, by second wife, the last two born in Hartford : 5402 ii John William Chaffee, born in Brooklyn, July 27, 1855; died April 6, 1856. + 5403 iii Ellen Amanda Chaffee, born June 28, 1857; married Frederick D. Green. + 5404 iv Ralph Giles Chaffee, born March 16, 1865; married Grace Hosford. 5405 V George Mason Chaffee, born November 1, 1871; residence, 1907, Ridgewood ; engaged in business in New York City. 3532 Betsey Samantha » Chaffee (Norman, ^ Calvin, 6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., September 9, 1825, and died May 3, 1849. She married in South Wilbraham, December 10, 1844, Jonathan Wood, Jr., of Monson, Mass., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, December 21, 1843. Child: + 5406 i Ellen Samantha ^ Wood, born Januarv 24, 1849; married Lafayette Gilligan. 3533 Amanda Holly « Chaffee (Norman, ^ Calvin, e Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., October 2, 1827, and died June 30, 1851. She married, March 15, 1846, Edmund Wood of Monson, Mass., their marriage intention being entered in South Wilbraham, February 25, 1846. In 1881 he was in the hay, grain and fertilizer business with his son, Merrick L. Wood, in Chicopee, Mass. Children : + 5407 i Elliott Edmund ^ Wood, born December 17, 1846; married Jennie Hulst. + 5408 ii ]\Ierrick Lyman Wood, born November 5, 1848; married Emma C. Hubbard. 3542 Minerva « Chaffee (Thomas Elmer,^ Calvin, « Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 17, , and died in the fall of 1882. She married (1) King; (2) Ivus Brooks; (3) Van Volkinburgh. Children : 5409 i Ellen King, died before 1883. 5410 ii Charles Brooks. 3543 Lydia Payne s Chaffee (Thomas Elmer,^ Calvin, « Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born September 18, , and died in 1885. She married in Somers, Conn., May 1, 1848, Benjamin T. Harwood, a butcher. In 1883 they lived in Enfield, Mass. Children : + 5411 i Charles Elmer a Harwood, born January 27, 1851; married Elizabeth Ayers. 5412 ii Clara Jane Harwood, born January 23, 1853. + 5413 iii George Sandford Harwood, born March 9, 1856; married Fannie Taylor. 5414 iv Willard Irving Harwood, born September 14, 1860. 3544 Augusta Harmonia ' Chaffee (Thomas Elmer,^ Calvin, « Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), married in Somers, Conn., in 1845, Philander H. Pike, born in Petersham, Mass., September 9, 1825, died in IMichigan, September 4, 1888. He was a carpenter and joiner, had a light complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. He served as a Private in the Civil War, and was 486 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY wounded in the left side. Mrs. Pike is a member of the Congregational Church. In 1896 she was living in Colrain, Mass. Children : 5415 i Anna » Pike. 5416 ii Elizabeth Pike, married Rhodes; has one daughter. 5417 iii Eugene Pike, married Jones. 5418 iv Delbert Pike. 5419 V Ella Pike, died before 1883. 3554 Jerome s Chaffee (Dan,^ Calvin,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in Monson, Mass., October 2, 1824, and died in Springfield, Mass., July 3, 1861. He married there, February 12, 1855, his cousin, Harriet Atwood » Newell (3521) (Lois 7 Chaffee, Ephraim,^ Asa,^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas ^), born in Hartford, Conn., December 7, 1825. She survived her husband and in 1883 lived in Springfield with her daughter, Lois A. Chaffee. Mr. Chaffee was a printer. Some three years before his death he was injured in a printing establishment, his clothing catching in the machinery and drawing him into it. He died of con- sumption. Children, born in Springfield: 5420 i Lois Augusta ^ Chaffee, born April 17, 1857; residence, 1883, Springfield. 5421 ii George Jerome Chaffee, born November 17, 1859; died February 3, 1866. 3555 Edward Brooks « Chaffee (Dan,^ Calvin, s Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, ]\Iass., in 1830, and died in Rossville, N. Y., about 1873. He married (1) in Mansfield, Pa., Martha Jane, daughter of Ebenezer Miles of Mansfield, Conn. She was born in Connecticut, died in Mansfield aged twenty-nine, and was buried in the family lot in Rutland, Richmond Township, Pa. She was a member of the Disciples Church. Mr. Chaffee married (2) in Springfield, Mass., in 1858, Melissa H., daughter of Lyman Crawford of Oakham, Mass. Mr. Chaffee was an engineer. In 1886 his widow was living in Fair Haven, Conn., with her son, Walter S. Chaffee. Children, by first wife, born in Richmond Township: 5422 i Henry .Jerome 9 ChafTee, died before 1886. + 5423 ii Charles Wilber Chaffee, born February 16, 1851; married (1) Louisa Evans; (2) Nellie E. Allen. + 5424 iii Mary Melissa ChafTee, born August 22, 1852; married William Wheeler. Children, by second wife : 5425 iv Aliday T. Chaffee, born in Meriden, Conn., June 27, 1859. 5426 V Walter S. Chaffee, born in Branford, Conn., January 9, 1862; resi- dence, 1886, Fair Haven; an oysterman; unmarried. 3561 Cyril Ephraim » Chaffee (Ephraim Cleveland, ^ Abiather,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Italy, N. Y., January 9, 1832, and died in Canandaigua, N. Y., May 11, 1893. He married in Middlesex, N. Y., May 22, 1852, Olive, daughter of James Couse of that place. She is a member of the Dun- kelite Church. Mr. Chaffee had a dark complexion, dark gray eyes, and was five feet, four inches in height. He united with the INIethodist Church at the age of thirty, and was Steward for a number of years. He was Town Assessor and School Officer. He was a farmer, but had retired before his death. In 1852 he lived in Middlesex and in 1891 in Canandaigua. Children : 5427 i Charlotte Rebecca ^ Chaffee, born December 26, 1853; married Fred D. Crouch. EIGHTH GENERATION 487 5428 ii William Orville Chaffee, born February 14, 1857. 5429 iii James Couse Chaffee, born July 19, 1862; married Minnie L. Borroughs. 3581 Martha Stranahan « Chaffee (Enoch Hyde,^ Walter,^ Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born June 19, 1833, and married in Peterboro, N. Y., February 9, 1861, Emmon Downer, born in Smithfield, N. Y., Septem- ber 7, 1805, the first child born there, and died in Peterboro, December 23, 1879. He had a fair complexion, gray eyes, and was five feet, five inches in height. He made a large fortune in coal speculation and later bought several farms in Madison County, N. Y. He was a member of the School Board and was for ten years Justice of the Peace. He was temperate, peaceful and kind to all. It is said of him that when he was Justice of the Peace he often hired the disputants who came before his court to settle their disputes, he paying them out of his own pocket. Children : 5430 i Emmona 9 Downer, born August 18, 1853; married Doctor William J. Packwood. 5431 ii Amy Jarvis Downer, born August 14, 1854; died September 28, 1866. 5432 iii Stranahan Downer, born February 12, 1856. 5433 iv Doctor Louise Downer, born August 10, 1858. , 3590 Florence ^ Chaffee (Ichabod Sherman, ^ Walter, ^ Asa,^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas!) was born July 11, 1846, and died November 26, 1888. She married. May 6, 1865, Cyrus Butler Hoyt, a widower, born in Whitestown, N. Y., September 20, 1827. In 1869 they lived in Oriskany Falls, N. Y., where he was a jeweller. Children : 5434 i WiUiams Hoyt, born April 4, 1866. 5435 ii Horace Hoyt, born January 20, 1868. 5436 iii Smith Hoyt, born July 30, 1869. 3594 Emmon Dewitt s Chaffee (Ichabod Sherman,^ Walter,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Peterboro, N. Y., September 24, 1854, and married. In 1890 he lived in Syracuse, N. Y. Child: 5437 i Arthur Burney F.a Chaffee, died young. 3604 Charles Andrew « Donelly (Margaret ^ Chaffee, Walter,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Peterboro, N. Y., in 1851, and married in Syracuse, N. Y., January 19, 1879, his cousin, Cora Elizabeths Chaffee of that place (3596) (Ichabod Sherman,^ Walter,^ Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), born December 7, 1858. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Donelly has a dark complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet' in height. He is a painter and decorator, and in 1890 lived in New York City. Child: 5438 i Maude Elizabeths Donelly, born November 10, 1880. 3623 Edwin Newell s Chaffee (Rodolphus,^ Comfort,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Wilbraham, Mass., August 1, 1834, and married in Ada, Mich., June 14, 1856, Mary Adelia, daughter of David Cole of Schoharie, N. Y. She was born in Geneseo, Livingston County, N. Y., and is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five 488 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY feet, nine inches in height. He served as a Private in the Civil War. In 1891 he lived in Ada, where he was a farmer. Children : 5439 i Elva E.9 Chaffee, born December 19, 1857; died April 8, 1861. 5440 ii Olive Sacrina Chaffee, born February 6, 1860; married John F. Doyle. 5441 iii Maria Olivia Chaffee, born May 26, 1862; married William J. Robinson. 5442 iv Clark S. Chaffee, born March 21, 1864; died May 14, 1864. 5443 V Cyrus S. Chaffee, a twin, born March 21, 1864; died May 21, 1864. 3631 Jonathan Russell s Chaffee (Jonathan Skinner, ^ Comfort," Comfort, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., Au- gust 31, 1833, and married in Brecksville, 0., October 7, 1854, Lucy Jane, daughter of Charles B. Rich of Lebanon, N. Y. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He served as a Private in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. In 1891 he lived in Brecksville, where he was a farmer. Children : 5444 i Mary Lillians Chaffee, born May 18, 1856; married Frank R. Marshall. 5445 ii Henry W. Chaffee, born April 2, 1859; married Martha L. Oaker. 5446 iii Charles C. Chaffee, born November 7, 1862; married Mary M. Boyd. 5447 iv Eva May Chaffee, born August 2, 1871. 5448 V Lottie Jane Chaffee, born May 9, 1873. 3632 Frances Drusilla § Chaffee (Jonathan Skinner, ^ Comfort, ^ Comfort, 5 Joseph,'* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born June 27, 1836, and married in Brecks- ville, O., March 6, 1862, Asa Reynolds, born in Schroon, N. Y., January 12, 1830. He was Postmaster in Brecksville under President Lincoln, and for ten years held the same office in Grand Haven, Mich., where he was also Justice of the Peace, and from 1889 to 1891 City Recorder. He has a florid complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. Frances Drusilla (Chaffee) Reynolds is a member of the Congregational Church. Children : 5449 i Willie Willet 9 Reynolds, born October 26, 1862; died August 8, 1864. 5450 ii Fred Emerson Reynolds, born December 20, 1867. 5451 iii Grace Maud Reynolds, born December 4, 1871; died July 18, 1874. 5452 iv Ernest Ray Reynolds, born March 10, 1875. 3633 Comfort Emerson « Chaffee (Jonathan Skinner, ^ Comfort, " Comfort, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Brecksville, 0., June 1, 1840, and married (1) there, January 4, 1865, Louise Willet, daughter of Alexander Snow of that place. She died January 1, 1882, and was buried in Blairstown, la. He married (2), February 1, 1883, Mrs. Cora L. (Richardson) Van Metre. Mr. Chaffee has a fair complexion and blue eyes. He served as Private in the Civil War, was taken prisoner in Mumfordsville, Ky., in the fall of 1862, and detained eight months. He has served as Alderman four years and County Commissioner two years. He lived in Brecksville in 1865 and in 1891 in Ankona, Fla., where he was a grower of pineapples and other tropical fruits. Children, by first wife: i 5453 i Fred S.a Chaffee, born January 9, 1870. 5454 ii Frank R. Chaffee, born September 26, 1875. 3648 Anna Maria Eugenie ^ Chaffee (Comfort Jackson, ^ Comfort,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born May 22, 1848, and married. May 8, EIGHTH GENERATION 489 1872, Doctor F. M. Coates. In 1891 they lived in Berea, O., where Mrs. Coates had been educated in Baldwin University. She is an accomiilished musician. Child: 5455 i Frank Mozart » Coates, born October 29, 1883. 3649 Nelson Vennor s Chaffee (Lathrop Vennor,^ Comfort,^ Comfort,^ Jo- seph,4 John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., Decem- ber 14, 1856, and married in Somers, Conn., November 25, 1874, Isabel J., daughter of Marcus Kibbe of that place. Mr. Chaffee was a farmer in Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wilbraham), in 1883. Children, born in Hampden: 5456 i Lathrop Vennor » Chaffee, Jr., born November 26, 1875, 5457 ii Alfred Augustus Chaffee, born February 16, 1877. 5458 iii Jennie Augusta Chaffee, born September 24, 1882. 3651 Jarvis Sexton s Chaffee (Comfort Bliss,^ Nathaniel Bliss," Comfort,^ Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, Pa., April 4, 1824, and died in Orwell, Pa., February 10, 1891. He married there, December 25, 1846, Ann Maria, daughter of Hiram Frost of Rome, Pa. She is a member of the Metho- dist Church. Mr. Chaffee had a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He lived in Warren and Orwell, the latter being his home at the time of his death, which occurred suddenly and unexpectedly. The funeral services were held in the Methodist Church, and the interment was in the Rome Cemetery. He was a stock dealer. Children : + 5459 i Celestia Rosalie ^ Chaffee, born December 21, 1847; married EHph- alet M. Clark. + 5460 ii Dora Parmelia Chaffee, born December 6, 1849; married (1) Har- vey E. Dimmock; (2) John Ackley. 5461 iii Mary Mornilva Chaffee, born March 4, 1852; married Edgar Loren "Chaffee. (See 4019.) + 5462 iv Ida May Chaffee, born July 12, 1855; married John Hamill. 5463 V Eveline Amelia Chaffee, born January 8, 1858; married Henry Parks, a stage driver, born in Orwell; residence, 1891, Le Rays- ville, Pa. 5464 vi A son, born July 10, 1860; died July 10, 1860. 5465 vii Sarah Jane Chaffee, born November 6, 1862; married James Dudley Chaffee. (See 4026.) 5466 viii Emma Maria Chaffee, born November 13, 1864; married Wallace Gore ; residence, 1891, Sayre, Pa. 3652 Nathaniel BUss « Chaffee (Comfort Bliss, ^ Nathaniel Bliss,6 Comfort,* Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Warren, Pa., April 1, 1826, and died near Petersburg, Va., January 22, 1865. He married in Pike, Pa., Septem- ber 20, 1848, Tamar Abigail, daughter of Harmon Warner of that place. She is a member of the Methodist Church. ]\Ir. Chaffee had a fair complexion, dark blue eyes, and was five feet, six inches in height. He united with the Congregational Church at the age of twenty-six. At the time of his marriage he lived in Orwell, Pa. He was a farmer and dealer in live stock. He fought in the Civil War as a Corporal and died in a field hospital near Petersburg. Children : + 5467 i Olive Rosetta » Chaffee, born November 6, 1849; married Robert Arnold. 490 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 5468 ii Myron William Chaffee, bom April 8, 1855; married Carrie Northrup. 5469 iii George Mervin Chaffee, born March 3, 1857; married Lucretia Titus. 5470 iv Phoebe Gertrude Chaffee, born August 1, 1860; married James R. Titus. 5471 V Lincoln Elliot Chaffee, born May 13, 1863; married Sarah Titus. 3655 William Douglas » OhafiEee (Comfort Bliss,^ Nathaniel Bliss.e Comfort,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Orwell, Pa., February 14 (16), 1832, and married (1) in Potterville, Pa., in May, 1855, Henrietta Chaffee of that place (3087) (Orvilla,^ Noah,6 Ephraim,^ Ephraim,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas i). She died in April, 1857, and was buried in Orwell. He married (2) in 1860, Mary E., daughter of C. H. Upson of Orwell. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven and one-half inches in height. At the age of thirty he united with the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a Trustee. During the Civil War he was a Private in the Union army. He is a blacksmith, in 1892 he lived in Orwell and in 1895 in Potterville, his home at the time of his first marriage. Child, by first wife : + 5472 i Merton Douglass Chaffee, born October 25, 1856; married Ida M. Nobles. Child, by second wife : 5473 ii Charles Elmer Chaffee, born June 10, 1863; died in New York City, in 1894; married Clara . 3657 Solomon Arthiton « Chaffee (Comfort Bliss,^ Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort,6 Joseph, -i John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Orwell, Pa., Dceember 5, 1836, and married in Meshoppen, Pa., March 28, 1860, Savannah, daughter of Ellis Dunlap of that place. She is a member of the Orwell Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. He served as a Private during the Civil War from September, 1864, till June, 1865. He has been School Director six years, Assessor two terms, and Commis- sioner of the Poor six years. He contributes to the support of both the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches. He is a school teacher and farmer. In 1860 he lived in Potterville, Pa., and in 1891 in Orwell. Children : 5474 i Norman A.9 Chaffee, born in Orwell, June 4, 1861 ; married in Waverly, N. Y., April 16, 1884, Josephine, daughter of Samuel M. Beckwith of Orwell; he graduated from the Poughkeepsie Commercial Col- lege, December 29, 1882; has a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height; in 1889 he was an employee of the Third Avenue Street Railway. 5475 ii Ellis D. Chaffee, born November 13, 1867; married Estella Towner. 5476 iii Solomon Oly Chaffee, born February 3, 1870. 5477 iv Emanuel Bliss Chaffee, born August 16, 1876. 3658 Comfort Jerome » Chaffee (Comfort Bliss,^ Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort,^ Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Orwell, Pa., July 7, 1838, and married, about 1865, Emily, daughter of IMarvin IMcCreery of Warren, Pa. She was born about 1840. Mr. Chaffee served as a Private in the Civil War, and in 1891 was a farmer in Empire City, Colo. Children : 5478 i Zella 9 Chaffee. EIGHTH GENERATION 491 5479 ii Marvin Chaffee. 5480 iii Myrtle Chaffee. 3660 Mary s Chaffee (Solomon Bliss, ^ Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort, ^ Joseph, < John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Virgil, N. Y., August 20, 1837, and married in Richland City, Wis., April 2, 1856, Nicholas L., son of Abijah Sweet of Canada. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sweet are members of the Baptist Church, in which the former is a minister. In 1884 they lived in Spencer, Wis., where Mr. Sweet had a pastorate. Children : 5481 i Dora Tennie » Sweet, born August 21, 1840; died September 17, 1840. 5482 ii A daughter (adopted), married G. H. Clark; residence, 1884, Viroqua, Wis. 3673 Merrick Joel s Chaffee (Joel,^ Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Rochester, N. Y., September 28, 1834, and died in Detroit, Mich., May 5, 1907. He married there. May 6, 1857, Annie Love, daughter of Thomas Clark of Malpeck, Prince Edward's Island, Canada. She was born July 14, 1838, and is a member of the Baptist Church, as was also Mr. Chaffee. He joined it at the age of forty-two, and was Clerk for two years. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, was five feet, five inches in height and of a jovial disposition. He was a builder, and in 1890 lived in Detroit. Children : 5483 i George Otis 9 Chaffee, born May 4, 1860; died in 1864. 5484 ii William Frederick Chaffee, born December 26, 1861. 5485 iii Merrick Joel, Jr., born February 24, 1864; died in 1876; drowned. 5486 iv Annie Maria Chaffee, born September 5, 1866; united with the Bap- tist Church in Detroit. 5487 v Eugene Francis Chaffee, born December 28, 1868; died in infancy. + 5488 vi Charles Herbert Chaffee, born April 11, 1870; married Mary C. Fraunfelder. 5488a vii Ida Florence Chaffee, born December 17, 1872; united with the Baptist Church in Detroit. 5488b viii Mary Belle Chaffee, born January 13, 1875; united with the Baptist Church in Detroit; residence, 1907, Detroit, where she is con- nected with the Public Library. 5488c ix Grace Aurelia Chaffee, born June 27, 1877; died in infancy. 3679 Maria 8 Pease (Elizabeth ^ Chaffee, William,^ Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John,' Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., November 30, 1807, and married, March 25, 1826, Alvan Clark, born in Ashfield, Mass., March 8, 1804, died in Cambridge, Mass., August 19, 1S87. He was the famous maker of telescopes, his factory being in Cambridgeport, Mass. " He was attacked on the Wednesday preceding his death by a stomach trouble which his advanced age rendered him unable to throw off. Up to his last illness, Mr, Clark had followed the course of his business closely, and even after he turned seventy seemed to lose little or none of his extraordinary skill of eye and hand or patience. "Alvan Clark was born on a farm at Ashfield, Mass. He received an ordinary education, but at an early age showed a great taste for drawing and engraving. He removed to Lowell in 1826 and obtained a situation as a calico engraver in a mill. Nine years afterward he became a portrait painter, and settled in Boston. About 1843 his son Alvan G. Clark became interested in the study of optics, and the father also began to study mechanics and astronomy. They experimented together a good deal and finally succeeded in making a reflecting telescope. Mr. Clark and his son spent nearly ten years in the study of optics and the art of teles- cope making, and in the making of small optical instruments, before their claims 492 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in this general department of astronomical science were recognized. The Rev. W. R. Dawes, of England, celebrated for his measurement of double stars, hearing that Mr. Clark was constructing instruments of superior jDurity and power or- dered a glass for his own use, which was duly sent him in the fall of 1853. This was the starting point in Mr. Clark's career as a maker of telescopes, for the per- formance of this glass so greatly excited the admiration of English astronomers, that Mr. Clark found himself suddenly famous and rapidly received orders for telescopes both at home and from abroad. Through his efforts he has given to the world the largest and most powerful astronomical instruments ever made, the results being the discovery of celestial bodies heretofore unknown. From New York to St. Petersburg, and in every civilized country of the world, the name of Alvan Clark is a familiar one among scientists. "The famous instrument in the Washington Observatory was made by him and required four years of labor. That presented to the Washington and Lee College, of Virginia, by Mr. McCormick of Chicago, costing $40,000, came also from the careful hands of Clark & Sons. The great telescope in California be- queathed by Mr. Lick, was made in the workshop of the Clarks, and also the famous telescope made a few years ago for the Pulkowa Observatory in Russia. He is also the inventor of a double eye-piece, an ingenious and valuable method of measuring small celestial arcs. "On the night of January 31, 1862, he and his son, Alvan G., while making some observations with a newly finished telescope, discovered the companion of Sirius, for which the French Academy of Sciences bestowed on him the Lalande Medal." [Neiv York Tribune.] "Mr. Alvan Clark's personal qualities so strongly influenced his achievements that they form an interesting subject of study. Most remarkable was his aversion to advertising himself or his telescopes in any way whatever. He never sought an order. He could never be induced to place specimens of his handicraft on ex- hibition; even the Centennial at Philadelphia had nothing to show from his hands. Astronomers the world over applied in vain for a price-list of the productions of Alvan Clark & Sons. The firm would not jjrint anything of the kind. Nowhere was anything arranged for display. Visitors to his workshop, whatever their rank, position or objects, were received with the same unstudied courtesy, and found everybody, from the head of the firm down, in his working garb. No pre- tensions to a secret art were ever made. When, in travelling abroad, members of the firm found their foreign colleagues afraid to show how they worked, the only impression conveyed was that human nature had its weaknesses. Never before was an art or manufacture built up on so admirable a moral basis." [New York Nation.] Children : 5489 i George Bassett » Clark, born February 14, 1827; died December 30, 1891; educated in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; a partner of his father and brother in the telescope business in Cambridge- port, Mass.; was the mathematician and mechanician of the firm. 5490 ii Maria Louisa Clark, born October 27, 1829; died before 1887. 5491 iii Alvan Graham Clark, born July 10, 1832; died July 9, 1897; a partner of his father and brother in the telescope business in Cambridge- port, Mass., his specialty being the making of the lenses. 5492 iv Caroline Amelia Clark, born May 27, 1835; died before 1887. 3680 Beulah » Pease (Elizabeth 7 Chaffee, William,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born October 13, 1809, and died in Mountain Cove, Va., July 6, 1839. She married, December 29, 1830, Josiah, Jr., son of Josiah, Jr., and Sarah (Hartwell) Dwight. He was born November 29, 1803, and died in Moun- tain Cove, April 20, 1862, where he was a merchant. Child: 5493 i Josiah a Dwight, Jr., born December 2, 1831. EIGHTH GENERATION 493 3698 Isaiah Manning « ChafEee (William/ William,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., September 9, 1826, and married in Hartford, Conn., August 5, 1858, Emily Frances, daughter of Thomas Roan of London, England. She died December 30, 1891, and was buried in Zumbrota, Minn. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, seven and one-half inches in height. At the age of thirty he joined the Fourth Con- gregational Church of Hartford, of which his wife was also a member. In 1858 he lived in Hartford and in 1893 in Zumbrota, where he was a carpenter. Children : 5494 i Cornelia Louisa 9 Chaffee, born April 28, 1861. 5495 ii Kate Corydon Chaffee, born March 17, 1863; married Ralph Clifford Nickerson. 5496 iii Frederick Manning Chaffee, born February 14, 1866; married Bessie Larsen. 5497 iv Thomas William Chaffee, born March 15, 1868; married Daisy Hurley. 5498 V Charles Derby Chaffee, born January 27, 1873. ^ 3699 Cornelia Van Dyke « ChafEee (William, 7 William,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born January 9, 1828, and married in Ellington, Conn., January 9, 1850, William Coridon Edwards Derby, a house carpenter, born in Vershire, Vt., April 16, 1822, died there, November 23, 1884. Both Mr. and Mrs. Derby were members of the Congregational Church, which the former joined at the age of thirty-five, and in which he was at one time a Sunday School Superin- tendent. He had a dark complexion, black eyes, and was five feet, ten inches in height. He served as a Private in the Civil War and was taken prisoner in Portsmouth, Va. He was confined in Andersonville Prison eight months and twenty days, being the longest, time any man was imprisoned there. He was a sedate, honest and faithful man. Mrs. Derby lived in Thompson, Conn., at the time of her marriage, and in 1893 in Hartford, Conn. Chrld: 5499 i Emily Augusta <» Derby, born about 1860; died October 24, 1864, aged four years; buried in Enfield, Conn. 3702 Samuel Whipple « Chaffee (Samuel,^ William, » Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., March 21, 1830, and married there, September 2, 1851, Almira, daughter of Osee Phelps of that place. He is over six feet tall, and weighs over two hundred pounds. He moved to Red Wing, Minn., with his family after the death of his father. He was a contractor and builder for twenty-four years and many of the finest residences and public build- ings there were erected by him. In 1887 he lived on Glenwood Farm, near Shel- don, N. D., having become a farmer. At that time he was a Democrat. In 1900 he lived in Minneapolis and in 1905 moved to California. Children : 5500 i Charles Gilbert ^ Chaffee, born in Enfield, May 4, 1856; died May 3, 1857. 5501 ii Alice E. Chaffee, born May 10, 1858; died August 6, 1870. 5502 iii Harriet Amelia Chaffee, born December 1, 1860; attended a school of stenography in Chicago, 111., and afterwards accepted a position in Minneapolis, Minn., where in 1893 she was in the employ of the New England Furniture and Carpet Company. 3710 Harriet Cornelia « Chaffee (Samuel,^ Wihiam," Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 494 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., October 13, 1846, and married in St. Peter, Minn., July 20, 1867, Doctor Henry W. Stauffer of Mankato, Minn., born near Wooster, Wayne County, 0., November 6, 1842, died in Santa Barbara, Cal., January 9, 1894. He had a dark complexion, dark brown eyes, and was five feet, five and one-half inches in height. He joined the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife is also a member, at the age of twenty-four, and sung in the choir. At the outbreak of the Civil War, although only fourteen years of age, and at boarding school, he enlisted in the Union army in a company composed of his school fellows, and commanded by one of his professors, but on learning of his enlistment his parents had his name stricken from the roll, to his great disappointment. The following year a married brother enlisted, and in response to the combined entreaties of his wife and younger brother, the latter was al- lowed to go in the elder's place. He was enrolled as Sergeant in Company H, 120th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, August 19, 1862, in East Union, 0., and was mustered in for three years, October 14, 1862, in Mansfield, 0. He fought in the Red River Campaign and was taken prisoner on Red River. He was confined in Camp Ford, Texas, for thirteen months; six months of this time he and his fellow prisoners were without any kind of shelter from sun or storm, but finally they were allowed to go from the stockade and bring in logs, from which they constructed little huts. A stream of good water flowed through the stockade, thus making the situation a little less unbearable than it would otherwise have been. Many died, but Doctor Stauffer came through the long, weary trial, and was discharged at the close of the war, in the spring of 1865. He went to Fari- bault, Minn., in 1867, to i^ractice dentistry, and there met, in musical circles, Harriet C. Chaffee. They lived in Mankato until the winter of 1880-81, when they moved to California, locating in Santa Barbara, where Doctor Stauffer died of Bright's disease. He was warm-hearted, had a genial disposition, and had hosts of friends in all classes of society. Harriet Cornelia Chaffee moved from Enfield to Red Wing, Minn., when she was ten years old, and soon after the death of her father. In speaking of the trip she says: "When my mother with her three younger children moved from Connecticut to Minnesota, we went from La Crosse, Wis., to Red Wing, Minn., by the steamer 'City Belle.' Our new home was near the river, and we used to watch to see that boat once more, but we never saw it. Later we learned that the Government was using it as a transport; still later, I found that the 'City Belle' was sunk at Red River, from which my husband, with many others, had to swim to rebel shores." Mrs. Stauffer lives with her daughter in Los Angeles, Cal. Children : 5503 i A son,9 died aged two days. 5504 ii A son, died aged three hours. 5505 iii A son, died at birth. 5506 iv Myra Elizabeth Stauffer, born February 12, 1876; residence, 1907, Los Angeles. 5507 V AUce Chaffee Stauffer, born October 18, 1879; died January 10, 1881. 3711 William » Chaffee (Samuel, ^ William,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Enfield, Conn., November 29, 1848, and married in Red Wing, Minn., January 19, 1876, Christina, daughter of Joseph Place of St. George, Vt. In 1887 Mr. Chaffee lived in Minneapolis, Minn. EIGHTH GENERATION 495 Children : 5508 i Samuel W.a Chaffee, born September 27, 1876. 5509 ii Hattie A. Chaffee, born April 11, 1878. 5510 iii William H. Chaffee, born June 4, 1880. 5511 iv Charles E. Chaffee, born November 3, 1884; died March 29, 1886. 5512 V Clinton E. Chaffee, born May 31, 1887. 3715 Joseph « Wadsworth (Hannah ^ Chaffe, Joseph, 8 Isaiah, s Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Erieville, N. Y., and died in Chittenango Falls, N. Y. He married (1) Sylvia Spear; (2) May Campbell; (3) Jane Coon, who died. He was a carpenter and millwright and lived for several years in the oil region of Pennsylvania, at the time when oil was first discovered there. He was buried in Chittenango Falls. Children : 5513 Charles «> Wadsworth . 5514 Evaline Wadsworth, married Wormouth of Chittenango Falls, where they lived in 1890. 3719 Charlotte « Brown (Betsey ^ Chaffe, Joseph, « Isaiah,5 Joseph,-* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Erieville, N. Y., May 8, 1814, and died there, August 10, 1882. She married, February 10, 1836, William Richardson of Erie- ville, where they lived and where she was buried. Children, born in Erieville: 5515 i Loretta^ Richardson, born September 14, 1840; married E. Gaston of Morrisville, N. Y., where they lived in 1906. 5516 ii Gertrude Richardson, born April 30, 1846; died in Dundee, 111., June 6, 1899; married (1) in Erieville, in 1870, Albert F. Burges, a civil engineer, who died there, April 26, 1890; he was for twenty years a railroad constructor; she married (2), March 18, 1894, James W. Morse, and moved to Dundee. 5517 iii Eva Richardson, born August 10, 1852; in 1899 was sent by the Woman's Baptist Home Mission Society as a missionary to the colored people of Vicksburg, Miss., where she still lives, unmarried, and enjoys her work. 3728 Sarah « Chaffe (William, ^ Joseph, 6 Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Erieville, N. Y., February 14, 1814, and died May 11, 1899. She married, in 1836, Jonathan Wellington of Erieville, where they lived. Children : 5518 i George ^ Wellington, married. 5519 ii Lewis Wellington, married. 3731 Lucys Chaffe (William,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah, » Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born January 14, 1820, and married, in November, 1841, David Hamilton of Erieville, N. Y. In 1890 they lived in Nelson Flats, N. Y. Children : 5520 i Irwin 9 Hamilton, born in August, 1842; married in January, 1865, Emma Everts; has two sons and a daughter. 5521 ii Harriet Hamilton, born February 14, 1844; married Henry English; has three sons and a daughter, living in Erieville. 5522 iii Louisa Hamilton, born in 1846; married L. D. English, brother of Henry English; has two sons and a daughter. + 5523 iv Levert Hamilton, born in March, 1850; married Harriet Ransom. 5524 V Frank Hamilton, born in December, 1857; married Brown of Erieville; no children. 496 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 3732 Francis N.s ChafEe (William,^ Joseph,6 Isaiah,5 Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born February 17, 1822, and married Milo Jennie. In 1890 they were living in Erieville, N. Y. Children : + 5525 Frank Leroy ^ Chaffe, married May Humphrey. Three other children, died, names unknown. 3735 Thomas Grant » Chaphe (Joseph Manning,^ Joseph,« Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Westmoreland, Oneida County, N. Y., August 14, 1822, and died in Morrisville, N. Y., January 23, 1897. He married, October 19, 1848, Cassandria Wells, daughter of Hiram and Sylvia Stone of Erie- ville, N. Y. She was born September 21, 1831, and died in Morrisville, June 11, 1905. She was small in stature, of delicate health, and of a retiring, lovable dis- position. She was a consistent member of the Methodist Church. Thomas Grant Chaphe received his education in the district school in Erie- ville, and in that near the farm north of Morrisville, on which he lived with his father until his marriage. In 1849 he was living on a farm near Erieville, and spent the seven years following in farming and running a saw-mill north of Morris- ville. In October, 1856, he and his brother Joseph moved with their families to Richmond, Bay County, Mo., on their way stopping to visit their brother Andrew in Rochester, N. Y. Thomas and Joseph w^orked as carpenters, painters and builders in Richmond. The latter died in 1858, and the following year his wife and son returned to New York state. At the outbreak of the Civil War Thomas was arrested as a suspected spy and was kept in prison for a day until he was identified by a prominent citizen and released. Soon after this he returned with his wife and three children to New York state, where he settled in Valley Mills, where he was employed by Armour, Black & Wilder. Later he worked as a car- penter for Mr. Stringer in Munsville, N. Y., and for several years following as a farmer for Captain Strong. He finally settled on the Wilson farm between Stock- bridge and Munsville, where he lived for five years, and later bought the Grove farm, south of the latter town. This property he sold in 1878 to his son Hiram E. Chaphe, moving to the farm of his brother-in-law near Morrisville. Here he lived for some time, finally buying a home on Union Street in Morrisville, where he spent his declining years. He was a great sufferer for many years from asthma, but worked when he was able, principally in a cheese factory. He was tall and of a commanding presence, firm, temperate and honorable. He and his wife are both buried in Morrisville. Children : 5526 i Cassandria Gertrude » Chaphe, born in Erieville, July 29, 1849; died in Morrisville, July 22, 1883; married, October 7, 1879, Morris Edwards of Morrisville, where they lived until her death of typhoid fever; in 1856 she moved with her parents to Rich- mond, Mo., where she attended school near her home; when they returned to New York she went to school in Munsville, later learning the dressmaker's trade in Morrisville, where she worked until her marriage; she had a kind and pleasant dis- position, always doing good and helping others; she had no chil- dren. + 5527 ii Hiram Eugene Chaphe, born July 19, 1851; married A. E. Annie Hinman. + 5528 iii Thomas Francis Chaphe, born September 18, 1855; married (1) Mary S. Fisher; (2) Mary Cooney. EIGHTH GENERATION 497 5529 iv Melvin Chaphe, born in Richmond; died there aged four weeks. + 5530 V Anna Sylvia Chaphe, born November 28, 1862; married Dwight Graham. 3737 George Franklin s Chaphe (Joseph Manning,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Whitestown, N. Y., August 28, 1826, and died in Morrisville, N. Y., April 2, 1855. He married in Hamilton, N. Y., November 3, 1852, Fla villa M., daughter of Hiram and Sylvia Stone of Erieville, N. Y. She was born May 14, 1834, and after Mr. Chaphe's death moved to Eaton, N. Y., where she married (2), October 31, 1860, Isaac M, Johnson. Since his death she has lived with her daughter in Huron, S. D., Tacoma, Wash., and in 1906 in Los Angeles, Cal. George F. Chaphe moved with his parents to Erieville in 1830, and the follow- ing year to a farm near Morrisville. Here he attended school, being bright and ambitious. After leaving school he continued to study the higher mathematics without the aid of a teacher. He was helpful and intelligent in his farm work, living with his father until 1850, when he bought the Lumbard farm, adjoining his father's on the west. This he cultivated successfully until his death of brain fever, after an illness of two days. He was tall and well built, with a good dis- position and a keen intelligence. He was buried in Morrisville. Children, born near Morrisville: 5531 i Elizabeth M.9 Chaphe, born May 1, 1854; married in Cazenovia, N. Y., June 18, 1878, Charles O., son of Joseph E. and Mary (Holmes) Morgan of Hamilton, N. Y. [See Appendix K.] C. 0. Morgan was born in Smithfield, N. Y., May 7, 1854; he went to school and worked on a farm until the age of nineteen, when he met with an accident through which he lost his left arm; he then took the scientific course in Madison University, Hamilton, graduating in June, 1879; lived in Earlville two years, in Morrisville three years; admitted to the Bar in November, 1882, and the following year moved to Huron, Beadle County, Dak. (now S. D.), where he was Deputy Register of Deeds until January 1, 1887, Deputy County Treasurer until January 1, 1889, County Auditor until 1891, when he removed to Tacoma, Wash., where he lived until 1894; he then moved to Los Angeles, Cal., where in 1906 he was an attorney and Notary Public ; there he was for four years Judge of the Municipal Court and also engaged in the oil business; he has a kind and cheerful disposition and is admired and honored by his associates ; Elizabeth (Chaphe) Morgan was left fatherless when an infant and moved with her mother to Eaton, N. Y., where she re- ceived her education ; she is a talented musician, devoting herself to vocal music; she has sung in public and is a successful music teacher, her ambitions in that direction, however, being limited by her lack of physical strength; she has no children. + 5532 ii Franklin George Chaphe, born October 29, 1855; married Flora Buell. 3738 Joseph Babcock « Chaphe (Joseph Manning,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born near Whitestown, N. Y., August 20, 1827, and died in Richmond, Bay County, Mo., July 31 (29), 1858. He married, July 4, 1852, Caroline M. Childs. After his death she married (2) Alonzo Hopkins, and lives near West Eaton, N. Y. Joseph B. Chaphe lived in Erieville, N. Y., and near Morrisville, N. Y., in early life, being educated in the district schools. At the age of twenty-one he learned the carpenter's trade and worked in Morrisville until his marriage, afterward 498 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY working in Dunkirk, Morrisville and vicinity. In 1856 in company with his brother Thomas he moved to Richmond, Mo., where he became a house builder. He was a hard and energetic worker, but never largely profited by his labor. He was temperate, kind-hearted and always ready to help others. He died of a fever after twenty days' illness and was buried in Richmond. His wife and son re- turned in 1859, to Eaton, N. Y., where they lived with Joseph Manning Chaphe, until Caroline (Childs) Chaphe remarried. Children : 5533 i Irving Joseph » Chaphe, born near Morrisville in July, 1853; died in Golden, Colo., December 19, 1879; went with his parents to Missouri in 1856, later returning to live with his grandfather Chaphe; on his mother's second marriage he made his home with her, afterwards living with his aunt, Mrs. Short; here he went to school for two years, being fond of reading and study and being said by his teacher to have had "the greatest mind and keenest ideas" of any scholar she had ever taught; at the age of fourteen his stepfather forced him to return home, where he lead an unhappy life, working hard, and receiving little reward; he left home and went out into the world to make his way, becoming a coal miner in Illinois at the age of nineteen; here he stayed for two years, then became a laborer in Missouri for a like period, in May, 1876, going to Denver, Colo., and in the following month to Georgetown, Colo., where in partner- ship with another man, he staked a claim and drove a tunnel four feet by six and eighty feet in length; not finding paying ore, the claim was abandoned and Mr. Chaphe mined for others; later he returned as far as Golden, where he died of pneumonia: a local paper said of him : "He was a well known and highly respected miner, who had resided here for sometime, making friends of all with whom he became acquainted. In the death of Mr. Chaphe we suffer the loss of one of our best citizens." 5534 ii Ellen Caroline Chaphe, born in Eaton; died in De Ruyter, N. Y., in April, 1855. 3741 Andrew Jackson « Chaphe (Joseph Manning, ^ Joseph, « Isaiah, ^ Joseph, ^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born near Morrisville, N. Y., June 14, 1834, and married in New York City, November 1, 1858, Mary A. Condon. Mr. Chaphe 's recollections of a long life are best told in his own words: " I was born on a hill in a large red farm house surrounded with shade and fruit trees, where the sun shone brighter and the birds sang sweeter than in any other place. My mother had a mild nature — I never saw her angry. She was kind- hearted, assisting those less fortunate, never wishing others to know of it. She was sick with consumption for two years, patient, resigned, never complaining, and died when I was ten years old. She was of Holland descent; her parents were burnt out in New Jersey during the Revolutionary War. I remember hearing them tell of seeing their furniture broken up and used as fuel for cooking the British officers' food. " I was a weak child, could not stand alone until many months older than other children, was slow of speech, could not talk plain and did not attend school until seven years of age. I was considered dull, was fat and when I attempted to run would fall. I seldom took an active part in the sports and plays of other boys. At about the age of fifteen I grew tall and slim. Although brought up on a farm I was not a farmer, my father and older brothers doing the farm work while I worked in the house. I attended district school and did housework until I was fifteen, then went to school and did farm work until I was eighteen. The two following winters I attended school at Morrisville with my younger brother Henry. I inherited a taste for reading, a weakness for poetry, but no knowledge of music. (1,(^,SJ^J^ DTrPE PRINTING CO. BOSTON, MASS. EIGHTH GENERATION 499 I was thankful I came on earth after ShakesjDeare and Byron. At the age of eighteen I went into a machine shop and served a hard apprenticeship. During this time I read and studied mechanical works, but had little time or attention for amusements. I did stable work, cleaned castings, cut screws by hand, etc., with no chance to learn or practice good machinist's work. Finally in 1855 I went away among strangers, — a tramp. I begged for employment before it was obtained, and when secured, exerted myself to the utmost. One day's wages did not pay for two days' board. I never had to ask for employment or influence after that. My first work was for C. S. Hall, in Rochester, N. Y., building rollers for gold foil instead of 'gold beating.' Later I did heavy mill work to connect the water wheels of a flouring mill with a steam engine; before this work was cjuite completed I was chosen by Messrs. Green and Hunter, who had arrived from Hartford, Conn., to assist them in erecting a 24x60 inch upright condensing engine (the first in Rochester) to be used during low water of the Genessee river, in the 'Model Mills' owned by Joseph Hall, father of C. S. Hall. My relations with Green and Hunter were pleasant, my services satisfactory, and when the engine was completed and running, I did the firing for it. The following summer, 1856, I was assistant to the engineer, J. S. Hunter, and generally hacT charge at night. The friendships formed at this time have continued for fifty years. When not required on the engine, Hunter and I worked in the machine shop of Joseph Hall. This year I joined the Rochester Light Guards, D. M. Dewey, Commander. In the summer of 1857, Messrs. Thompson, Hart and others arrived from Hartford to erect a 42x90 inch beam engine for S. P. Ely's flouring mill, near Hall's, and during the autumn I had charge of running this engine, the largest built by Woodruff & Beach at that time. During the following winter I visited relatives in Central New York and later New York City and Philadelphia. In the spring of 1858 I began work for Woodruff & Beach of Hartford, Conn. Here I learned my trade. I was given a good chance in the shop, which I improved by learning much and taking a great interest in my work; for five months I lost no time, improving every moment. I did much work on the pumping engine and also on a 14 inch W. & B. built for the Fair of the American Institute, working on it many nights, without charge for time. This engine was well built and highly finished ; it was burnt during the Fair in the fire of the Crystal Palace, New York City, October 5th, 1858. I assisted in the erection of the pumping engine at Cypress Hills, L. I., during the winter of 1858-59, a hard winter's work, performed with credit, and followed by a volimtary raise of wages on returning to the shop. In 1859 Woodruff & Beach built the engines for the sloop of war Mohican; I worked on them in the shop and in the summer was sent to the Kittery (Portsmouth) Navy Yard to assist in placing them in the vessel, being given important work which I executed satisfactorily. I visited Portsmouth and the surrounding country. I went on the Mohican on her trial trip, arriving in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, after being eleven days at sea. The vessel sailed to join the African Squadron, January 19th, 1860, and I returned to Hartford, having been on the Mohican five months. In the spring of 1860 I had charge of building and erecting an engine in Brooklyn, N. Y., and on return- ing to Hartford began housekeeping, having purchased a house and fruit garden. That summer I did much important work for my employers. I had charge of building an IS inch engine and erecting it in a factory in Providence, R. I. On my return to Hartford in the fall a son was born. The winter of 1860-61 I helped to erect the second pumping engine at Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, doing other large and important work. In the spring of 1862 I had charge of erecting a new set of pumps and making important improvements in the plant at Prospect Park, Brook- lyn Water Works. When completed the engine was run on a trial for five days and nights without a stop, obtaining the highest 'duty' ever made by a Wood- ruff & Beach pumping engine. My next work was buikling two nine inch portable segmental engines, the invention of that genius of the steam engine, William Wright; when they were completed and tested Mr. Wright pronounced them perfect, the only one of all his inventions that proved so on the first trial. In the au- tumn of 1862 I built a nine inch segmental stationary engine for shop use, doing the work nearly alone. I nearly loved the little machine. It ran several years 500 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY requiring no repairs. That year I did some of the best work on the Kearsarge engines. Following this I had charge of erecting a pair of twenty-two inch engines for the factory in Hartford of Colt's Revolving Fire Arms. They drove the entire factory, one of the largest works of the country. In the summer of 1863 I was given the charge of building of a pair of segmental engines for the gun boat Pequoit. In the autumn I put the engines in the boat at the Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston. I received many compliments from the officers and men in the Navy Yard for my manner of handling the work, and the rapidity with which the engines were put together, though my force of men was small. By earnest appeals from Messrs. Lane and Hart, I was prevailed upon to remove to the Brooklyn Water Works, as first assistant engineer, running the pumping engines. My employers sought to have me remain with them but personal friendship prevailed; I left the shop after five and a half years of hard work and varied experience. A few months after I entered the shop the foreman remarked that ' Chaphe is the only man who ever came and gained a leading jDosition without backing; he came here a stranger and to-day there is not a man in the shop that Mr. Woodruff (president of the com- pany) has more confidence in than Chaphe.' I was chosen by Mr. Wright, super- intendent of the works, to build his inventions, having the ability to make the first without a model. Years later, a mechanic from a distant city, through ac- quaintance and friendship for me, called on Mr. Wright at Newburg, N. Y., and was told by him that ' of all the boys who grew up under me, Chaphe was the only one who remembered me after getting out in the world,' to which the visitor re- plied 'Never heathen worshipped his idol more than Chaphe did Wright.' I was always loyal to Woodruff & Beach and ever exerted myself in their interest, being trusted by them in important affairs where honesty and mechanical knowledge were required. I required of myself and others good work in and out of the shop, and realized the importance of satisfying customers. I began working for the City of Brooklyn, November 1st, 1863, and continued until March 1st, 1870. Life seemed very quiet compared with my previous experiences. In my new work I was not idle but it was monotonous compared with the old. I read and studied, reviewing the mechanical studies of former years and going deeper into them. I industriously cultivated a fruit and vegetable garden at my home in East New York [part of Brooklyn] a mile from the Ridgewood Engine House, Brooklyn Water Works. Then at the earnest solicitation of my friend T. J. Whitman, brother of Walt Whitman, I accepted the arduous duty of taking charge of the erection of four large pumping engines built by the Knap Fort Pitt Foundry Co., Pittsburg, Pa., for the new Water Works, 8t. Louis, Mo. I began this work March 1st, 1870, calling at Pittsburg to look the shop over, then proceeding to St. Louis. I found the situation very unfavorable, no buildings, a lack of proper tools for doing the work, the engines and pimip not built in a steam engine shop, and last but not least an entire lack of help used to that class of work. A less energetic man would have been discouraged, but I only realized that here I must have even more than my old energy and will power and I nerved myself to the task. I worked, worked hard, mentally and physically. A year of great care and labor passed, the work of three men done by one. March 2nd, 1871, the following tele- gram was sent from St. Louis to J. M. Knap in Pittsburg by J. G. Knap: " 'Steam was let into No. 1 H. S. this morn 10.30 for the first time. At 4.30 she was pumping with full load like clock work, making 10 revolutions. Always bet on Chaphe when you wish to win. All four engines are now running. What day can I set for the opening?' "In April, 1871, the engines being finished we began to supply the city with settled water, a welcomed change from the former mud from the Mississippi River. I was appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer of the St. Louis Water Works, J. F. Steele being my 1st assistant. I continued in charge of the Water Works for sixteen years, until May 31st, 1887, when I voluntarily resigned; my mechanical work was finished and I had been steadily employed for thirty-two years, virtually having had but four situations in that time. On the occasion of my resignation the Water Commissioner sent a communication to the Mayor concluding as follows : " 'As regards the value to the City of the services of Mr. Chaphe in the position HELIOTYPE PRINTING CO., BOSTON EIGHTH GENERATION 501 of Chief Mechanical Engineer of the pumping department, I desire to put myself on record as stating in the most unqualified terms that his 16 years administra- tion of the pumping department has been thoroughly honest, that he possesses exceptional skill as a mechanic and as an engineer, and that the success of the works up to the present time is largely due to his energy and ability. [Signed] " 'Thos. J. Whitman. " 'Water Commissioner.' "I had been associated with Mr. Whitman for nearly thirty years and we were closer than brothers. During several years of my active mechanical life I was a member of the Engineers' Club of St. Louis and also of the American Society of Civil Engineers. I became interested in this genealogy in 1SS3, and have main- tained an interest in it since, laboring and writing much, that the family history might be more complete. I attended the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, and took a great interest in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, being in attendance thirty days. In September and October, 1905, I went six thousand miles by rail to Yellowstone Park, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, where I visited the Exposition, thence by steamer to San Francisco, returning by way of Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. I especially enjoyed Southern California and took many notes. I am extremely interested in the Panama Canal and have been furnishecl from AVashington with many reports and maps relating to it. Were I a younger man, I should probably see it." Children : + 5535 i James Manning 9 Chaphe, born September 30, 1860; married Nannie Gertrude Chaphe (5543). + 5536 ii George Allen Chaphe, born November 28, 1862; married Elizabeth H. Lewis. + 5537 iii Ada Mary Chaphe, born November 15, 1864; married William R. Chivvis. 5538 iv Gertrude Susan Chaphe, born in East New York, Brooklyn, July 6, 1866; died in Rochester, September 24, 1870. 5539 V Julia Chaphe, born in East New York, February 2, 1868; died there, February 10, 1868. 5540 vi Andrew Jackson Chaphe, Jr., born in East New York, February 8, 1869; died in St. Louis, November 17, 1900; removed with his parents to St. Louis when one year old and was educated in the public schools of that city; learned the machinist's trade, which he followed for a number of years; for some years worked for railroads in different capacities and was a member of the "Order of Railway Clerks of America;" he was a member of the Branch Guards, which at the outbreak of the Spanish War became Company G, 1st Missouri Regiment, and started for Cuba; the regiment only went as far as Chickamauga, Tenn., where it was encamped through the summer; in the autumn he returned with his regiment, and with them was mustered out of service, his health having suffered severely; two years later he died and was buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery. + 5541 vii Byron Chaphe, born April 6, 1871; married Bertha M. Burs. 5542 viii Henry Elmer Chaphe, born in St. Louis, August 3, 1873; died there, May 17, 1875. 3743 William Henry ^ Chaphe (Joseph Manning, ^ Joseph, ^ Isaiah, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Eaton, N. Y., January 8, 1838, and mar- ried, August 25, 1858, Peggy, daughter of Abram Bennett of Corning, N. Y. She died October 9, 1904. Mr. Chaphe has lived in Corning since 1852, from which time until May, 1899, he was purchasing agent of the Fall Brook Railroad Com- pany. At the latter date this company was absorbed by the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company and since then Mr. Chaphe has been book- keeper for a large wholesale confectionery firm in Corning. 502 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 5543 i Nannie Gertrudes Chaphe, born August 2, 1859; married James Manning Chaphe. (See 5535.) + 5544 ii Wilham Henry Chaphe, Jr., born September 23, 1865; married Emma S. Schad. + 5545 iii Charles Chester Chaphe, born October 10, 1867; married Martha Avery. + 5546 iv Robert Brown Chaphe, born November 23, 1872; married Wilhelmina H. Peters. 5547 V Allen Bennett Chaphe, born February 15, 1878; married, October 5, 1904, Nellie Thompson of Corning; residence, 1905, Passaic, N. J. 3745 Gertrude Lovina » Chaphe (Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, « Isaiah, ^ Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born near Morrisville, N. Y., January 7, 1843, and married in Corning, N. Y., March 7, 1865, Franklin E., son of Bela Ward and Eliza (Wheeler) Short of Eaton, N. Y. He was born November 16, 1865. Gertrude Chaphe was born on a farm near Morrisville. Her mother died when she was less than two years of age, and in 1854 she moved with her father to Eaton. In the autumn of 1864, after a severe attack of typhoid fever and the death of her sister Susan, she visited her brother Henry in Corning, where the following March she was married. She was educated in the district school near Morrisville and in Eaton. She has gray eyes, a clear skin and as a child had a great wealth of golden-brown hair. She possesses much executive ability, and is very clever with her needle, doing much fine embroidery and lace-making. To the sick and unfortunate she is always a friend, and many have been helped and comforted by her cheering presence. She is a great lover of flowers, and has a beautiful garden. Mr. Short purchased a place near Eaton and was for many years a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Short united with the Baptist Church in Eaton in 1882, and have since been active members of it. In 1904 they moved into the town of Eaton, and the same year Mrs. Short visited her brother, Andrew J. Chaphe, in St. Louis, Mo., where many delightful days were spent in viewing the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Child: + 5548 i Lillian Gertrude ^ Short, born August 24, 1867; married George A. Cole. 3763 Mary J.s Sweet (Esther 7 Chaffe, Joseph,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas i) was born October 9, 1832, and married, December 28, 1853, Alva H. Long. Child : + 5549 i Ambrose S.^ Long, born October 13, 1854; married Jennie E. Lonkins. 3767 Enoch J.» Holdridge (Anna 7 Chaffe, Joseph,^ Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born April 22, 1827, and married in Virgil, N. Y., Novem- ber 10, 1850, Clarissa Turpening. In 1890 they lived in Harford, N. Y. Children : 5550 i Betsey Medora^ Holdridge, born February 23, 1856; married, Decem- ber 20, 1875, Grinnell. 5551 ii Abram Eugene Holdridge, born June 23, 1864. 3768 Aurilla Jennette » Holdridge (Anna ^ Chaffe, Joseph,6 Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born November 11, 1829, and married, May 2, 1851, Eli Sweet. They live in Canistea, N. Y. EIGHTH GENERATION 503 Children : + 5552 i Ambrose ^ Sweet, born August 20, 1852; married Flora Rieley. 5553 ii Anna C. Sweet, born January 30, 1855; died August 27, 1863. + 5554 iii Emma Sweet, born February 7, 1857; married Peter Holland. 5555 iv Eben Sweet, born March 28, 1859; died January 11, 1860. 5556 V Eli J. Sweet, born December 8, 1860; married, July 12, 1884, Lottie Baker. 5557 vi Eri Sweet, born July 26, 1865; died May 17, 1874. 5558 vii Annie Sweet, born April 24, 1868. 3773 Albert Henry » Chaphe (Stephen Fisk,7 Joseph,8 Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Erieville, N. Y., September 20, 1833, and mar- ried in De Ruyter, N. Y., October 26, 1853, Susan, daughter of Samuel Jillson of that place. She was born March 10, 1836. Mr. Chaphe has a florid complexion, light blue eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. In 1859 he went to Pike's Peak, being one of the first to make the trip. He is a miller and lives in Cazenovia, N. Y. Children : + 5559 i Franks Chaphe, born September 1, 1854; married Mary Wilcox. + 5560 ii Charles Chaphe, born October 6, 1855; married Fannie Partello. 5561 iii Josephine Chaphe, born August 10, 1858; died August 20, 1858. 3774 Rebecca Armstrong « Chaphe (Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Erieville, N. Y., September 2, 1835, and married in Kirkville, N. Y., November 26, 1861, Oliver C. Mabie, a farmer, born April 4, 1826. She has a light complexion, light blue eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height. She lives in Kirkville. Children : 5562 i A son,9 born August 4, 1862; died August 19, 1862. 5563 ii David Seymour Mabie, born July 30, 1863; died October 4, 1865. 5564 iii Joel Warner Mabie, born May 13, 1867; died April 15, 1881. 5565 iv John Henry Mabie, a twin, born May 13, 1867; died September 15, 1881. + 5566 V Catherine Josephine Mabie, born September 18, 1870; married Jacob A. Lynk. + 5567 vi OHver Chaphe Mabie, born September 4, 1872; married Flora J. Bull. 3776 Rankin » Chaphe (Stephen Fisk,7 Joseph, e Isaiah,^ Joseph, * John,3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Erieville, N. Y., November 3, 1839, and married in Wood- stock, N. Y., November 22, 1882, Emma, daughter of Horace Ferry of Erieville. She was born November 7, 1850. Mr. Chaphe has a light complexion, dark blue eyes, and is of a methodical turn of mind. In 1887 he was a lumber dealer ia Cazenovia, N. Y. Child : 5568 i Stephen Fisk » Chaphe, born April 24, 1887; died in Cazenovia, July 21, 1887. 3778 Elmer s Chaphe (Stephen Fisk,7 Joseph, e Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Eaton, N. Y., December 2, 1846, and married in Cypress Hills (now a part of Brooklyn), N. Y., June 20, 1872, Sarah Grace, daughter of James Hall of that place. Mr. Chaphe was educated in the schools of Cazenovia, N. Y. December 15, 1863, he enlisted as a Private in Company E, 22d New York Volunteer Cavalry, 504 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY for three years, but was discharged from the service May 14, 1864, being so ill that he was sent home, it was thought to die. Having learned the machinists' trade, he helped to build and erect a pumping engine in the Ridgewood engine house, Brooklyn Water Works. He is a good mechanic and with the exception of a few years spent in the granite and marble monument business, has been employed in the pumping department of the Brooklyn Water Works since 1868, being now engineer in charge of the Spring Creek pumping station. At the time of his marriage and in 1883 he lived in Cypress Hills, and in 1890 in Brooklyn. He has a light complexion, dark blue eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height. He had the sterling qualities of honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness. Children : + 5569 i Jennie (Annie) May » Chaphe, born July 26, 1881; married Charles Hudson. + 5570 ii Blanch Ethel Chaphe, born April 21, 1885; married Herman Peterson. 3779 Ellen » Chaphe (Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph, ^ Isaiah, s Joseph,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Eaton, N. Y., December 2, 1846, and married in Cazenovia, N. Y., June 20, 1871, Irwin Allen Forte, born April 21, 1844, died May 20, 1903. He was editor of the Chjde (N. Y.) Times. Mrs. Forte has a light complexion, dark blue eyes, and is five feet in height. She is cheerful, witty and of a happy disposition. She united with the Episcopal Church at the age of eight- een. Child: + 5571 i Muguettes Forte, born July IS, 1873; married Doctor Dafydd L. Edwards. 3780 Jabin Joseph » Chaphe (Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph, ^ Isaiah, s Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Cazenovia, N. Y., July 7, 1851, and married in St. Mary's, O., April 15, 1874, Adaline Jewell, daughter of James L. Jillson of that place. Mr. Chaphe has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and much perseverance, to which is due in a large degree his success as an engineer. In 1883 he lived in Cazenovia. Child: 5572 i James Lawrence » Chaphe, born in Cazenovia, July 17, 1877. 3782 George Whitfield » Chaffee (Luther,^ Joel Israel,6 Joshua,^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., July 11, 1812, and married there, February 10, 1841, Rhoda Ann, daughter of Walter and Abigail Skiff. She died in Waverly, N. Y., in October, 1876. Mr. Chaffee is a merchant and auctioneer. Children, born in Ellsworth: 5573 i Isabel Maria « Chaffee, born May 12, 1842; died in Ellsworth, May 30, 1845. 5574 ii Avis Lavinia Chaffee, born February 11, 1848; married in Waverly, August 12, 1868, Samuel Brown Rose of that place. 5575 iii Ella Elmina Chaffee, born November 12, 1852. 3784 Calvin Peck « Chaffee (Luther,^ Joel Israel,^ Joshua,5 Joel,* John, a Jo- seph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., February 11, 1820, and died in Eyota, Minn., March 2, 1875. He married (1) in Sharon, Conn., September 4, 1844, Elizabeth « Lovell (3792) (Clarissa ^ Chaffee, Joel Israel,^ Joshua,^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 0, born in Sharon, October 26, 1820, and died October 5, 1851. Both she and her husband are buried in Ellsworth. He married (2), Octo- EIGHTH GENERATION 505 ber 19, 1852, Clarissa Gold, daughter of John Barlow and Catherine (Gold) Lovell, and half-sister of his first wife, born in Sharon, March 13, 1830. She was living in Flint, Mich., in 1907, Mr. Chaffee was a farmer, had a fair complexion, dark blue eyes, and was five feet, eight inches in height. He united with the Con- gregational Church at the age of thirty-two. Children, by first wife, born in Ellsworth : + 5576 i Clarence Luther » Chaffee, born February 18, 1849; married (1) Alice E. Roberts; (2) Ida B. Hazen. 5577 ii John Lovell Chaffee, born June 10, 1851; residence, Chicago, 111, 3796 Lucy s Chaffee (Chauncey Matthew,^ Joel Israel, 6 Joshua,^ Joel,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born June 19, 1832, and married in New Haven, Conn., Isaac Kinney. In 1884 they lived in that city, where Mr, Kinney owned a livery stable. Children : 5578 i Frank ^ Kinney, 5579 ii William Kinney, 3800 Eugene « Chaffee (Chauncey IMatthew,^ Joel Israel, ^ Joshua,^ Joel,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., May 11, 1837, and married in South Amenia, N, Y,, December 14, 1861, Mellissa, daughter of Simeon Oakes, She has a light complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, three inches in height, while Mr, Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height. Both are members of the Methodist Church, she having joined in 1889 and he at the age of twenty-two. In 1884 they lived in Birmingham, Conn, Children : 5580 i Carrie M,9 Chaffee, born October 11, 1862; died September 23, 1863. 5581 ii Lilhas R, Chaffee, born February 24, 1864, 5582 iii Martha A, Chaffee, born November 14, 1866. 3805 Joshua Bignall » Chaffee (Joel St, John,^ Joel Israel, ^ Joshua,^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Ellsworth, Conn,, March 27, 1834, and married, March 23, 1863, Betsey Ann, daughter of William and Hannah (St, John) Whitney. She was born in Ellsworth. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer. Child: 5583 i William St. John 9 Chaffee, born in Ellsworth, December 31, 1865. 3807 James Stuart « Chaffee (Jerome Seymour,^ Joshua Bignall," Joshua, ^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Sharon, Conn., October 3, 1846, and married in Kent, Conn., September 17, 1872, Lydia, daughter of Edward Mathew and Laura (Cartwright) Judd of that place. She was born in Kent, Decem- ber 16, 1850, and became a member of the Congregational Church there. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, five inches in height. He lived at one time in Wassaic, N. Y., where he was a member of the firm of Tanner and Chaffee, dealers in grain, flour, feed and plaster. He has been Com- missioner of Highways, Justice of the Peace, and in 1896 was Supervisor of the town of Amenia, Dutchess County, N, Y. He is a farmer and in 1902 lived on Rillside Ranch, Amenia Union, N, Y, Children, the first two born in Wassaic, N, Y, : 5584 i Jerome Stuart ^ Chaffee, born November 6, 1873; in 1902 was Assistant Surgeon with the rank of Lieutenant in the United States army, stationed in Washington, D. C, 506 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 5585 ii Edward Judd Chaffee, born August 6, 1875. 5586 iii Aritta Chaffee, born August 22, 1877. 5587 iv Everitte Chaffee, born November 15, 1879. 5588 V Rollo Chaffee, born February 28, 1882. 3809 Florence Adele » Chaffee (Eben Whitney,^ Joshua Bignall,^ Joshua,^ Joel,4 John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., February 4, 1849, and died April 9, 1881. She married, September 22, 1870, John Horace, son of Newton and Anna (Van Dyke) Reed of Amenia, N. Y., where he was born Sep- tember 24, 1846. Florence Adele (Chaffee) Reed was buried in Ellsworth. Children, first two born in Ellsworth: 5589 i Walter Russell « Reed, born July 2, 1871. 5590 ii Robert Birdsey Reed, born July 23, 1874. 5591 iii Catharine I. Reed, born September 11, 1877. 5592 iv Henry R. Reed, born April 5, 1881. 3811 Caroline » Howlett (John 7 Howlett, John « Howlett, Rebecca ^ Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), married Charles Bosworth. Children : 5593 Elizabeth « Bosworth. 5594 Stephens W. Bosworth. 5595 Albert Bosworth. 5596 Caroline Bosworth. 3812 Eliza s Howlett (John ^ Howlett, John « Howlett, Rebecca ^ Chaffee, Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), married Lewis Holden. Children : 5597 Charles » Holden. 5598 Julia Holden. 5599 Henry Holden. 3813 Lucia s Howlett (John "> Howlett, John « Howlett, Rebecca ^ Chaffee, Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), married Henry Tucker. Child: 5600 i William Henry Harrison ^ Tucker. 3815 Rosella s Howlett (John ^ Howlett, John « Howlett, Rebecca ^ Chaffee, Ebenezer,'* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married Emory Pike. Children : 5601 Emory 9 Pike, Jr. 5602 Emory Jacob Pike. 3819 Ann EUura « Thomson (Nancy ^ Howlett, John e Howlett, Rebecca 5 ChafTee, Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), married Hiram . Child: 5603 i Frances A.9 . 3832 Levi Marvin « Chaffee (Chester,^ David,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Boston, N. Y., October 1, 1819, and married in Pike, N. Y., December 11, 1843, Rosina, daughter of William Campbell of that place. In 1883 they lived in Pike, where Mr. Chaffee was a farmer. Children : + 5604 i Ezra J.s Chaffee, born March 24, 1845; married Florence B. Farr. + 5605 ii Albert A. Chaffee, born July 11, 1847; married Rosalia Helmer. EIGHTH GENERATION 507 3840 Nason L.s Chaffee (Alva,^ David, ^ Ezra,5 Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Belvidere, Vt., November 14, 1823, and married in John- son, Vt., June 7, 1850, Rachel, daughter of David Willey of Waterville, Vt. Mr, Chaffee is a farmer and has been a town officer for fourteen years, holding the offices of Selectman, Constable and Collector of Taxes of Waterville, where he was living in 1891. He was State Representative in 1872 and 1873. Children : 5606 i Hubert B.9 Chaffee, born June 10, 1851 ; residence, 1891, Vermilion, S. D. ; a printer. 5607 ii David Willey Chaffee, born October 23, 1853; residence, 1891, Living- ston, Mont. 5608 iii Susie A. Chaffee, born July 19, 1855; residence, 1891, Waterville. 5609 iv Ned F. Chaffee, born May 22, 1868; residence, 1891, Waterville. 3841 Arnold Wrights Chaffee (Alva,^ David,6 Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Belvidere, Vt., January 2, 1826, and married (1) there, March 19, 1854, Melissa A., daughter of Charles B. Weston of that place. She died March 23, 1885, and was buried in Belvidere. He married (2), May 2, 1886, Mrs. Lydia J. (Larkey) Weston, born in Swanton, Vt., in 1829, daughter of Simeon Larkey. ]\Ir. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. He was at one time State Representative. He is a farmer, and in 1891 lived in Belvidere. Children, by first wife: 5610 i Elsa^ Chaffee, born April 24, 1855; married Isaac Bryant. 5611 ii Frank W. Chaffee, born August 20, 1858; married Ella Herington. 5612 iii Albina Chaffee, born July 18, 1863; married George Cheney. 5613 iv Sumner Chaffee, born April 20, 1867; married Emma Boreta. 5614 V Eva M. Chaffee, born October 10, 1869; died January 8, 1888; married Orlin Thompson. 5615 vi Mary Chaffee, born February 27, 1872; married Edgar Potter. 5616 vii Sylva Chaffee, born May 13, 1879; residence, 1893, Belvidere. 3842 David Wright « Chaffee (Alva,^ David, s Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Belvidere, Vt., November 14, 1827, and married in Water- ville, Vt., February 15, 1858, Susan H., daughter of Elisha P. Davis of Belvidere. In 1883 Mr. Chaffee lived in Fletcher, Vt., where he was a farmer. Child : 5617 i Willie S.9 Chaffee (adopted), born November 13, 1863; residence, 1884, North Cambridge, Vt. 3847 Heber « Chaffee (Ezra,^ David, « Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Boston, N. Y., April 17, 1836, and married in Oneida, N. Y., April 18, 1861, Melissa M.s Chaffee (3887) (Abiel Evans,^ Ezra,6 Ezra,5 Ebenezer,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i)- She has written for the local papers many essays and poems, dealing mostly with the reform movements of the day. Mr. Chaffee has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. In 1861 he lived in Grundy Centre, Grundy County, la., of which county in 1862 and 1863 he was Probate Judge, and in 1863 and 1864 County Clerk. Here in 1861 and 1862 he was also editor of a newspaper. In 1864 he returned to New York state and learned telegraphy. In his new work he was first located in Elyria, O., where he remained a year, then moved to Jamestown, N. Y., and later to Corry, Pa., where he was living in 1883. Here he owned a farm which he ex- 508 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY changed for one near Wattsburg, Pa., in turn exchanging this for a milhng prop- erty near Lowville, where in 1891 and 1906 he was still hving. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee are both Spiritualists. While in Corry they were leaders in the Grange movement. Politically, Mr. Chaffee is a Democrat and a Prohibitionist. He is a member of the Masonic order, and has been a farmer, miller, lawyer and teleg- rapher. Children, the first two born in Grundy Centre, the last four in Corry: 5618 i Ada C.a Chaffee, born January 13, 1862; died January 15, 1862. 5619 ii Ernest Herbert Chaffee, born December 7, 1862. 5620 iii Frank Howard Chaffee, born in Elyria, July 17, 1864; died January 16, 1865. 5621 iv Willis Newel Chaffee, born in Jamestown, June 8, 1866. 5622 V Fred Clark Chaffee, born March 12, 1869; died March 27, 1870. 5623 vi Agnes C. Chaffee, born February 14, 1872. 5624 vii Lawrence Earle Chaffee, born August 18, 1877. 5625 viii Archie Everett Chaffee, born October 12, 1880. 3848 George W.s ChafEee (Ezra,^ David,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Boston, N. Y., May 9, 1838, and married there, Decem- ber 29, 1858, Ellen E., daughter of Riley Blakeslee of that place. Mr. Chaffee enlisted in Grundy Centre, la., October 15, 1862, in Company B, 6th Iowa Vol- unteer Cavalry, and served until April 15, 1865, when he was discharged at Fort Sully, Dak., for physical disability. He is an electrician, and in 1883 lived in Buffalo, N. Y. Children : 5626 i Jennie L.s Chaffee, born January 19, 1860. 5627 ii Ezra Lee Chaffee, born August 3, 1862. 5628 iii George Ross Chaffee, born May 27, 1877. 3851 Freelons Chaffee (Ezra,^ David,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Boston, N. Y., June 23, 1845, and married there, Novem- ber 26, 1869, Louise, daughter of Jesse Lockwood of that place. She died Octo- ber 4, 1879. In 1883 Mr. Chaffee lived in Buffalo, N. Y., where he was a clerk. Children : 5629 i Francis Wilbur « Chaffee, born November 28, 1870; died December 28, 1870. 5630 ii Manly J. Chaffee, born September 18, 1872; died August 21, 1876. 5631 iii Richard Clark Chaffee, born July 18, 1873; died September 21, 1879. 5632 iv Jessie Louise Chaffee, born April 19, 1877. 3853 Alice « Chaffee (Ezra,^ David,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Boston, N. Y., March 19, 1850, and married. May 15, 1873, Edward S. Nott, born in Hamburg, N, Y., August 10, 1847. In 1883 they lived in Ham- burg, where Mr. Nott was a civil engineer and druggist. Child: 5633 i Eunice E.9 Nott, born April 12, 1876. 3855 Byron 8 Chaffee (Alfred,^ David,^ Ezra,5 Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Boston, N. Y., December 18, 1835, and married in Clar- ence, N. Y., March 24, 1864, Harriet D., daughter of Isaac W. Choate of that place. In 1884 Mr. Chaffee was a farmer in Clarence. Children : 5634 i Nellie 9 Chaffee. EIGHTH GENERATION 509 5635 ii George H. Chaffee. 5636 iii Kittie E. Chaffee. 5637 iv Hattie M. Chaffee. 5638 V Nettie E. Chaffee. 5639 vi Affred H. Chaffee. 5640 vii Mary A. Chaffee. 3860 Charles Homer « Chaffee (Nathan Steadman,^ Charles,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer/ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born July 4, 1837, and died in Ann Arbor, Mich., before 1891. He married Libbie Johnson, who survived him, and in 1891 lived in Chicago. Mr. Chaffee at one time taught school in Windham, N. Y., and was also for a year on the New York City police force. He travelled as an agent of the Appleton Publishing Company of that city, and in 1879 lived in Philadelphia, Pa. He had a light complexion, black eyes, and brown hair. He died suddenly of heart disease. Children : 5641 i Elizabeth » Chaffee. 5642 ii Minnie Chaffee. 5643 iii Charles Chaffee. 5644 iv George Chaffee. 5645 V Josephine Chaffee. Another child, name unknown. 3861 John Addison » Chaffee (Nathan Steadman,^ Charles,6 Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born May 3, 1844 (1845), and married Fannie Roberts. He has black eyes and hair. Child: 5646 i Bessie ^ Chaffee, residence, 1889, Philadelpha, Pa. 3868 James Eber » Chaffee (Elisha H.,7 Rufus,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Oswegatchie, N. Y., March 16, 1839, and married in Canton, N. Y., July 11, 1864, Sarah Jane, daughter of Bela Bell of Heuvelton, N. Y. She has a light complexion, blue eyes, and light brown hair. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, black eyes and hair, and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. He lived in Oswegatchie until 1858, when he went to Wisconsin and worked on a farm. Returning to Oswegatchie, he worked for his brother until the fall of 1861, when on October 1st he enlisted as a Private in the 16th New York Volunteer Infantry and went to Virginia via New York City. He served until February 14, 1863, when he was discharged on account of disability. He returned to his home and after partially regaining his health, entered the construction department of the army and returned to the South, where he re- paired railroads and built bridges until the close of the war. During this time he obtained leave and returned to Canton to be married, remaining two weeks. He continued on duty in the South until October, 1865. He bought a farm near Heuvelton and lived there seven years, at the end of that time selling it, and buying a hardware business in Heuvelton, where he was living in 1891. Mr. Chaffee united with the IMethodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, at the age of twenty-eight, and was for twenty years a Steward in it. He was also a Sunday School Superintendent for four years. He was at one time Post- master, was Notary Public two terms. Superintendent of the Poor three terms and Surveyor four terms. 510 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 5647 i Florence Angeline » Chaffee, born March 21, 1867; married Walter L. Millard. 5648 ii Mary Bell Chaffee, born May 19, 1869. 5649 iii Mable Coralie Chaffee, born July 10, 1874. 5650 iv Willie James Chaffee, born December 26, 1879. 3870 Sereno Silvanus » Chaffee (Eber Kise,^ Rufus," Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Athens, Vt., January 20, 1826, and died Janu- ary 24, 1894. He married in Campton, 111., May 14, 1845, Leonora Rice. Mr. Chaffee had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was short and stout. He was a dealer in real estate and a member of the Methodist Church. In 1889 he lived in Los Angeles, Cal. Children : + 5651 i Theron Augustus ^ Chaffee, born in 1846; married Isabelle Lowe. 5652 ii Eugene Chaffee. 5653 iii Frank Pierce Chaffee, born in 1853; residence, 1890, Garden Grove, Cal. 5654 iv Clara Chaffee. 5655 V Nellie Irene Chaffee, born in 1857. + 5657 vi Rose Ann Chaffee, born in 1859; married Clay Parmly. 3871 Fernando Henry » Chaffee (Eber Kise,^ Rufus,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Grafton, Vt., November 21, 1827, and married (1) Marion Woods; (2) in Campton, 111., July 15, 1858, Delia, daughter of Sabrina Barber of that place. Mr. Chaffee was a farmer and lived in Paw Paw, 111., in 1884. He was living in 1906. Children, by second wife : 5658 i Marcia M. Chaffee, born March 8, 1859; died October 8, 1860. 5659 ii Ernest Chaffee, born March 6, 1861; died July 8, 1861. 5660 iii Edmund W. Chaffee, born in Paw Paw, April 12, 1862; is a musician; residence, 1884, Paw Paw. 5661 iv Elmer S. Chaffee, born November 29, 1865. 5662 V Wilber T. Chaffee, born September 15, 1867. 5663 vi Carrie B. Chaffee, born July 14, 1869; died October 15, 1884. 5664 vii Ella Chaffee, born May 15, 1872. 5665 viii Minnie A. Chaffee, born March 21, 1874. 5666 ix John F. Chaffee, born April 5, 1879; died May 22, 1883. 5667 X Berward C. Chaffee, born June 18, 1881 ; died May 19, 1883. 3876 Alonzo Duane s Chaffee (Eber Kise,^ Rufus,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Athens, Vt., August 31, 1839, and married in Elgin, 111., October 7, 1863, Phoebe Ann, daughter of James Franklin Padelford of that place. She is a member of the Baptist Church, her husband of the Meth- odist, which he joined at the age of eighteen and of which he was for eight years Trustee. He is a farmer and has been for eight terms Assessor of his town. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1893 he lived in Campton, 111. Children : 5668 i Charles A.9 Chaffee, born October 4, 1865; died in Aurora, 111., May 11, 1886; he was a student in Jennings Seminary, and was drowned while bathing with two of his fellow students; he had been teach- ing school shortly before his death ; he was a member of the Baptist Church in Campton, of which he was clerk. EIGHTH GENERATION 511 "He was a talented young man of most estimable character, gentlemanly, refined, and noble in all his intercourse in social life He was an earnest and consistent Christian and active in every good work. "Faithful, judicious, efficient in every service undertaken by him, whether on the farm, in the school as pupil or as teacher, or in any other capacity, he won the confidence and esteem of all." 5669 ii Willie E. Chaffee, born May 25, 1871 ; died December 18, 1872. 5670 iii Mary A. Chaffee, born February 18, 1873. 5671 iv Franklin E. Chaffee, born August 20, 1876. 5672 V Rossie W. Chaffee, born December 29, 1880; died December 31, 1881. 3877 Dorr Bradford » Chaffee (Eber Kise,^ Rufus,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,-* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Campton, 111., October 20, 1841, and married (1) in Elgin, 111., November 15, 1865, Ladona T., daughter of John Martin Treadwell of that place. He married (2), September 25, 1883, Helen B. Willets. He en- listed in Company B, 29th Illinois Volunteers, in the spring of 1863 for three months, and was taken ill with typhoid fever and compelled to return home, while with his regiment at Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., guarding Southern soldiers. He is a farmer and lived from 18-41 to 1881 in Campton, removing in that year to Garden Grove, Cal. Children, by first wife: 5673 i John Martin » Chaffee, born September 7, 1866; died August 23, 1867. 5674 ii George Dorr Chaffee, born June 24, 1868. 5675 iii Ernest Alonzo Chaffee, born December 16, 1871. 5676 iv Fannie Lulu Chaffee, born October 22, 1874. 5677 V Martin Henry Chaffee, born January 21, 1877; died October 3, 1880. 3879 Simon E.s Chaffee (Eber Kise,^ Rufus,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Campton, 111., November 21, 1845, and married in Virgil, 111., March 26, 1867, Sarah E., daughter of Joseph "Woodman of that place. Mr. Chaffee enlisted in Company C, 141st Illinois Volunteers, as a Private. He was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant, but was taken ill with typhoid fever and was sent home. He was in a few skirmishes only. He is a farmer and in 1884 lived in Campton. Children : 5678 i Anna E.9 Chaffee, born March 17, 1869. 5679 ii Everett S. Chaffee, born February 20, 1872. 5680 iii John W. Chaffee, born March 26, 1874. 5681 iv Grace H. Chaffee, born August 27, 1877. 5682 V Eleanor M. Chaffee, born September 22, 1879; died January 17, 1884. 5683 vi Earl G. Chaffee, born September 8, 1881. 3885 George Reuben » Chaffee (Rufus,^ Rufus," Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Jo- seph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Athens, Vt., July 14, 1839, and married in Peters- ham, Mass., September 2, 1864, Ellen A., daughter of John Dunn of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. While living in Barre, Mass., he enlisted for nine months as a Private in Company F, 53d Massachusetts Volunteers, being mustered in October 17, 1862, and discharged September 2, 1863. He was wounded in the Battle of Port Hud- son (La.), June 14, 1863. At the age of fourteen he united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, and in which he was Steward and Trustee for sixteen years. He served for a year and a half as Postmaster in Oak 512 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Lawn, Ga. In 1864 he lived in Lyndon, Vt., in 1884 in Gardner, Mass., and in 1890 in Cordele, Ga. He is a chair maker and farmer. Children : 5684 i John Rufus^ Chaffee, born in Gardner, July 27, 1869; he has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height; at the age of seventeen united with the Methodist Church, in which he is a minister; in 1890 was attending college in Wilbraham, Mass. 5685 ii Wilbur George Chaffee, born July 28, 1872. 3886 Willard Porters Chaffee (Rufus,^ Rufus,8 Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas!) was born in Athens, Vt., January 11, 1843, and married in Lyndon, Vt., September 6, 1866, Abi Maria, daughter of John Proctor of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a sandy complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six and one-half inches in height. At the age of twelve he united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member. He enlisted as a Private in the Civil War, was promoted to the rank of Corporal and then to that of Sergeant. He was wounded on Weldon Railroad, June 23, 1864, and again in Charlestown, Va., August 21, 1864. In 1866 he lived in Lyndon, and in 1892 in St. Johnsbury, Vt. He is a scale maker. Children : 5686 i Harriet Maria ^ Chaffee, born November 16, 1867; married Frederick R. Rose. 5687 ii Arthur Willard Chaffee, born March 28, 1874. 3893 Charles C.s Farmer (Jerusha UJ Chaffee, Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), married, and in 1906 was living in Mt. Carrol, 111. Children : 5688 i Charles ^ Farmer, a West Point graduate. 5689 ii Minnie Farmer. 3894 Celia A.s Howard (Ursula ^ Chaffee, Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married in Conewango, N. Y., in 1869, Gerrett Smith Myers, a farmer, born in Peterboro, N. Y., in 1838. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He served as a Private in the Civil War, was taken prisoner and held a year. In 1892 they lived in Conewango. Children : 5690 i Edwin Eugene ^ Myers, born February 29, 1871; residence, 1892, Cone- wango. 5691 ii Louis Howard Myers, born September 13, 1873; in 1892 was a student in Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y. 3901 Fannie Ella s Chaffee (Newell Moses,^ Ezra,^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,^ John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Smithfield, N. Y., May 20, 1853, and married in Lenox, Madison County, N. Y., December 25, 1880, John Cowan of Chicago, 111., born in 1849. He was educated in Northwestern University. Both husband and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Cowan has a light com- plexion, hazel eyes, dark hair, and is tall. In 1906 they lived in Canastota, N. Y., Mr. Cowan being connected with the Manhattan Life Insurance Company, with an office in Syracuse, N. Y. Child: 5692 i Fannie Kathrine » Cowan, born in Lenox, November 15, 1894. 3903 Newell Fred s Chaffee (Newell Moses,7 Ezra,6 Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 EIGHTH GENERATION 513 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born hi Lenox, N. Y., October 2, 1868, and married hi Chadwicks, Oneida County, N. Y., February 22, 1893, Nina Ehzabeth, daughter of James Martin Hecox of that place. At this time she was hving in Saquoi, N. Y., and Mr. Chaffee in Lenox. He is a farmer, has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. He has been Assessor of Lincoln, N. Y., where in 1906 they was still living. Children : 5693 i Newell Merlyn » Chaffee, born December 14, 1895. 5694 ii Sibyl Kathleen Chaffee, born May 7, 1897. 3972 Elliot F.8 Chaffee (Albert,^ Luther,^ Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Brokenstraw, Pa., November 19, 1837, and married in Pittsfield, Pa., July 4, 1864, Edith, daughter of WiUiam Brown of Locldand, O. At the time of his marriage Mr. Chaffee lived in Brokenstraw, and for twenty-five years in Pittsfield, where he was a wagon maker. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. In 1890 he moved to Fredonia, N. Y., where in 1892 he was in the oil business. Child : 5695 i Charles » Chaffee, born July 25, 1872. 3984 Volney G.s Chaffee (Samuel,^ Lutlier,^ Saniuel,^ Ebenezer,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Milledgeville, 111., May 11, 1855, and married in Morri- son, 111., June 5, 1879, Delia J., daughter of Christian Overholser of Coleta, 111. Mr. Chaffee has a fair complexion, brown eyes and is five feet, eight and one-half inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Milledgeville, and in 1892 in Coleta, where he was a merchant. Children : 5696 i Jessie May ^ Chaffee, born September 11, 1880. 5697 ii Henry Leroy Chaffee, born April 30, 1882. 5698 iii Christian Chaffee, born January 23, 1884. 5699 iv Ralph Chaffee, born August 31, 1888. 3991 Clarence Llewellyns Chaffee (Ezra, ^ Luther,*' Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Pittsfield, Pa., January 7, 1852, and married in Pleasantville, Pa., August 1, 1872, Mary Emeline, daughter of Thomas B. Watson of Titusville, Pa. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten and one-half inches in height. In 1872 he lived in Titusville, and in 1890 in Omaha, Neb., where he was President of the City Council, of which he had for two years been a member. He is a whole- sale lumber dealer. Children : 5700 i Lynn E.s Chaffee, born November 6, 1873. 5701 ii Cora F. Chaffee, born March 11, 1876. 5702 iii Herbert W. Chaffee, born June 30, 1886. 5703 iv Max B. Chaffee, born August 20, 1887; died February 10, 1888. 4026 James Dudleys Chaffee (Hiland Danforth,^ Danforth,6 Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Wyalusing, Pa., September 26, 1856, and married in Rome, Pa., December 25, 1879, Sarah Jane » Chaffee (5465) (Jarvis Sexton,8 Comfort Bliss,^ Nathaniel Bliss,^ Comfort,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), born November 6, 1862. ]\Ir. Chaffee has a light complexion, black 514 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. He is a farmer and blacksmith; in 1879, 1891 and 1905 he lived in Sheshequin, Pa. Children : 5704 i Freddie Fayett » Chaffee, born May 29, 1881. 5705 ii Miles Lewis Chaffee, born October 15, 1884. 4033 Fannie Rogers s Chaffee (Joseph Bennett,^ Ezra,^ Samuel, ^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born October 26, 1855, and died in Binghamton, N. Y., November 26, 1884. She married, April 24, 1879, Henry Bayer, Jr., born in Heidelberg, Germany, March 1, 1851. They lived in Binghamton, where Mr. Bayer was a bookkeeper and where he died August 29, 1880. Child: 5706 i Jeanette Rogers » Bayer, born January 29, 1880. 4035 Margarette Sylvia « Chaffee (Joseph Bennett,^ Ezra,^ Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born August 15, 1859, and married, September 25, 1879, Frederick H., son of Harvey Westcott. They live in Binghamton, N. Y., where Mr. Westcott is a cigar manufacturer. Child: 5707 i Joseph Rogers » Westcott, born January 18, 1881. 4037 James Chaffee ^ Loomis (Abigail Sherwood ^ Chaffee, Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah,5 Hezekiah,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Windsor, Conn., April 19, 1807, and died September 16, 1877. He married (1) in 18.33, Ehza C. Mitchell of New Haven, Conn., who died in March, 1840. He married (2) in 1844, Mary B. Sherman, who survived him. He was graduated from Yale College in 1828, and was a lawyer with a large practice in Bridgeport, Conn. In 1837 he was State Senator. Children, by his first wife: 5708 i A daughter,^ died in childhood. 5709 ii A daughter, died in childhood. Child, by second wife: 5710 iii Sherman Loomis, born about 1847; died in October, 1867, in his twenty- first year; at that time a member of the senior class in Yale College. 4047 George Wilburs Chaffee (Edward Willard,^ Willard,6 Simeon, s John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., December 7, 1829, and died September 6, 1875. He married, September 17, 1851, Frances M. Pease, who died February 23, 1881. Mr. Chaffee was buried in South Wilbraham (now Hampden), Mass. Children : 5711 i Martha Maria » Chaffee, born February 12, 1853; married in South Wil- braham, June 4, 1868, Lewis Franklin Davis. 5712 ii Ellen Sophia Chaffee, born July 15, 1856; died October 3, 1864; buried in South Wilbraham. 5713 iii Mary Jane Chaffee, born February 7, 1860; died September 27, 1864; buried in South Wilbraham. 5714 iv Edward Everett Chafi^ee, born July 24, 1867; died March 1, 1869; buried in South Wilbraham. 4050 Marcius Henrys Chaffee (Edward Willard,^ Willard,6 Simeon,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., October 19, 1842, EIGHTH GENERATION 515 and married there, June 24, 1869, Harriet A., daughter of Seth Farrington of Pelham, Mass. While living in Wilbraham he enhsted as a Private in Company I, 46th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, for nine months. He was mustered in September 24, 1862, and mustered out June 3, 1863. He re-enlisted in Company D, 2d Massachusetts Volunteer Heavy Artillery, was mustered in July 28, 1863, and discharged September 3, 1865, at the expiration of his company's term of service. He is a farmer, and in 1884 was living in Hampden, Mass. (formerly South Wil- braham) . Children : 5715 i Mabelle Delight » Chaffee, born July 27, 1871. 5716 ii Jane Eliza Chaffee, born August 24, 1872. 5717 iii Herbert Mareius Chaffee, born in South Wilbraham, June 22, 1874. 5718 iv Florence Helen Chaffee, born February 12, 1876. 5719 V Agnes Zilpha Chaffee, born August 10, 1879. 4051 Emma Elvira » Chaffee (Edward Willard,^ Willard,^ Simeon,^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., July 24, 1844, and married there, June 4, 1868, Calvin M. Havens, a widower with three children, born in Somers, Conn., April 20, 1834, died March 14, 1900. He was a farmer, and in 1884 lived in Somers, where in 1905 his widow, Emma Elvira (Chaffee) Havens, was still living. Children : 5720 i Cora Jane » Havens, born August 29, 1869; married, November 15, 1893, Levi P. Abbe. 5721 ii Herbert Chaffee Havens, born April 3, 1872; died August 8, 1872. 5722 iii Allison Chaffee Havens, born May 10, 1873; married, November 18, 1901, Grace A. Smith. 5723 iv Marion Eliza Havens, born July 20, 1875; married, June 4, 1902, Horace A. Sikes; residence, 1905, Somers. 5724 V Bennie Snow Havens, born August 3, 1879; died March 7, 1880. 4060 Caroline Amelia » Chaffee (Reuben Howlett,^ Simeon, ^ Simeon, s John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born November 5, 1850, and married in South Wil- braham, Mass., June 12, 1870, William Hitchcock of that place, born February 24, 1844. He is a machinist and wheelwright. Children : 5725 i Ida Eldora » Hitchcock, born August 12, 1871. 5726 ii Charles Edward Hitchcock, born October 3, 1872; died October 8, 1872. 4061a Mary Elizas Chaffee (Reuben Howlett,^ Simeon, ^ Simeon, ^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born May 30, 1852, and married in South Wilbra- ham, Mass., June 30, 1874, John E. Rindge of Wilbraham, Mass. Child: 5727 i A daughter,9 born July 3, 1875; died July 3, 1877. 4062b Fanny Maria » Collins (Thirza ^ Chaffee, Simeon, « Simeon, ^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born April 9, 1845, and married, April 15, 1869, Oscar S. Southworth of Hardwick, Mass. Child: 5728 i ]\Iary Louise » Southworth, born July 24, 1870. 4063 Daniel Chaffee » Collins (Thirza ^ Chaffee, Simeon,6 Simeon,^ John,< John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas ^ was born April 6, 1847, and married, October 18, 1871,. Julia Eva Knight of Ware, Mass., where they live. Mr. Collins is a farmer. 516 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 5729 i Daniel Austin a Collins. 5730 ii Alice Maria Collins. 5731 iii Charles Francis Collins. 5732 iv Arthur Anthony Collins. 4065 Fanny S.s Chaffee (Elam Newbury,^ Simeon,^ Simeon, ^ John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Palmer, Mass., March 4, 1843, and married (1) George Brooks; (2) William Morand. Children : 5733 i Flora B.9 Brooks. 5734 ii Eddie Morand. 4066 Louise E.s Chaffee (Elam Newbury,^ Simeon, ^ Simeon,^ John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born January 17, 1847, and married in 1872, Hardin Chamberlin of Dana, Mass. Children : 5735 i Freddie » Chamberlin, born October 28, 1878. 5736 ii Walter Chamberlin, born June 15, 1884. 5737 iii A child, died young. 4070 Emery Worthington « Chaffee (Holhs Worthington,^ Noah,^ Simeon, s John,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Carlton, N. Y., April 16, 1837, and married in Alden, N. Y., September 6, 1857, Mary Jane, daughter of Simister Mercer of that place. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Chaffee has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is six feet, one inch in height. He is an Atheist. He has been a farmer, an auctioneer, a patent agent, and a travelling salesman for the Buffalo, Fairbanks, and other scale companies. In 1857 he lived in Alden and in 1891 in Great Bend, Kan. Children : 5738 i Collista Caroline » Chaffee, born December 25, 1859. 5739 ii Hollis Mercer Chaffee, born September 13, 1862; married Frances M. Flint. 5740 iii Edward Emery Chaffee, born August 8, 1865; died July 6, 1875. 5741 iv George Adney Chaffee, born April 2, 1867. 5742 V Bertha Augusta Chaffee, born January 19, 1880. 4071 Eugene Winslows Chaffee (Zelotes Emery,^ Emery,^ Simeon, ^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Chicopee, Mass., April 20, 1842, and mar- ried in Moodus, Conn., November 4, 1868, Catharine Maria, daughter of Amasa Day of that place. In 1883 he was the superintendent of the New York Net and Twine Company of Moodus, where in 1906 he was still living. Children : 5743 i Amasa Day 9 Chaffee, born June 13, 1870. 5744 ii Katharine Chaffee, born September 17, 1888. 4072 Herbert Winthrop s Chaffee (Zelotes Emery,^ Emery,^ Simeon,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Willimantic, Conn., August 11, 1844, and married in Princeton, Kan., October 30, 1872, Jerusha Addie, daughter of Jo- seph P. Smith of that place. Her great-grandfather, James Smith, was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He went to live in Moodus, Conn., at the age of six and at fourteen he united with the Methodist Church, of which EIGHTH GENERATION 517 his wife is also a member. In ISGl and 1S62 he attended the Wilbraham (Mass.) Academy and during the winters taught school in West Stafford, Conn., and Belchertown, Mass. In 1863 he graduated from Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and in the fall of that year he went to New York City, where he filled the position of bookkeeper for six years. In February, 1870, he went to Kansas, and settled in Franklin County, where he was a farmer and school teacher. He was living in Princeton when he married in 1872. In April, 1873, he entered the South Kansas Conference of the Methodist Church. In that year he was stationed in Florence and Cedar Point, in 1874 and 1875 in Neosho Falls, from 1876 to 1878 in Americus, from 1879 to 1881 in Burlington, and in 1882 and 1883 in Parsons, all in Kansas. He has been a minister twenty-one years and a Pre- siding Elder six years. Children : 5745 i Arthur Gill » Chaffee, born October 11, 1873. 5746 ii Nellie Edith Chaffee, born December 9, 1875. 4073 Lois Clarindas Chaffee (Zelotes Emery,^ Eniery,^ Simeon,^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born July 27, 1853, and married, November 18, 1885, Charles W. Kimball of Manhattan, Kan. Children : 5747 i Emery Chaffee 9 Kimball, born December 12, 1886; died October 11, 1888. 5748 ii John Willard Kimball, born July 30, 1889. 4077 Frank Winslow s Chaffee (Frankhn Dexter,^ Emery,^ Simeon, s John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Springfield, Mass., December 17, 1849, and married there. May 22, 1872, Lizzie A., daughter of William James of that place. In 1874 he lived in Springfield, and in 1887 in Albany, N. Y., being the foreman of the car department of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad in West Albany. Children, born in Springfield: 5749 i Edwin F.a Chaffee, born July 12, 1874. 5750 ii William D. Chaffee, born November 29, 1876. 4078 Mahlon Edwins Chaffee (Edwin Stearns,^ Emery,^ Simeon,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in West Stafford, Conn., Sej^tember 22, 1853, and married in Ellington, Conn., Idella, daughter of Henry Miner of that place. In 1883, Mr. Chaffee, who is a bootmaker, lived in Brookfield, Conn., and in 1890 in Worcester, Mass. Child: 5751 i Etta Lula ^ Chaffee, born August 30, 1876. 4084 Hiram Masons Chaffee (Orrin,^ Amos,^ Amos,^ John,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rochester, Vt., February 17, 1822, and married there, December 28, 1846, Mary E., daughter of Elias Richardson of that place. She was a member of the Universalist Church. She died in June, 1853, and was buried in Cincinnati, O. "Captain" Chaffee, as he is called, was formerly a ship car- penter. In 1890 he lived in Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island, N. Y. He has a dark complexion, brown eyes, and is five feet, ten and three-fourths inches in height. Child : 5752 i George Elias a Chaffee, born March 26, 1849; residence, 1891, Detroit, Mich.; a machinist. 518 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4095 Charles Williams Chaffee (Leonard,^ John,6 Almos,^ John/ John, 3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Braintree, Vt., September 20, 1843, and died in Chicago, 111., November 28, 1884. He married in Rochester, Vt., September 23, 1869, Diana Roxy Reserve, daughter of Francis T. Mosher of that place. Doc- tor Chaffee graduated from the University of Michigan, was an allopathic phy- sician and a member of the Universalist Church, with which he united when a young man. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, eleven inches in height. Child: 5753 i Charles Francis ^ Chaffee, born January 3, 1878; has a light complexion, and blue eyes. 4096 Henry Harrisons Chaffee (John,^ John,6 Amos,^ John,* John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rochester, Vt., December 12, 1840, and married in Roy- alton, Vt., January 1, 1867, Augusta M., daughter of Thomas M. Smith of Mont- pelier, Vt. Mr, Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He served in the Civil War, enlisting for three years as Corporal in Company E, 4th Vermont Volunteers, August 30, 1861, and serving two en- listments. He lost his right arm in the Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. He was discharged with the rank of Sergeant, June 26, 1865. He has held several town offices and has been Trustee of the Universalist Church, with which he united at the age of thirty, and of which his wife is also a member. He is a farmer and butcher, and in 1883 lived in Rochester. Children : 5754 i NeUie A.9 Chaffee, born February 21, 1868. 5755 ii Alice E. Chaffee, born July 8, 1869. 5756 iii Henry S. Chaffee, born May 17, 1871; has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height; united with the Universalist Church at the age of sixteen. 5757 iv Annie May Chaffee, born May 17, 1877; died in Rochester, February 11, 1883. 4099 Edwin Johns Chaffee (John,^ John,6 Amos,^ John,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Rochester, Vt., March 19, 1850, and married in Brattle- boro, Vt., February 9, 1874, Emma Elizabeth, daughter of Ambrose and Julia (Hill) Willson of Potsdam, N. Y., where she was born August 28, 1851. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is six feet in height. At the age of nineteen he united with the Universalist Church, of which his wife is a mem- ber. He was Sunday School SuiDerintendent for several terms and was ordained a minister July 18, 1872. In 1883 he Uved in Potsdam, and in 1889 in Galesburg, 111. Children : 5758 i John Willson 9 Chaffee, born July 18, 1875; died March 8, 1879; had a light complexion, and blue eyes. 5759 ii Rose Chaffee, born January 12, 1879. 4100 Kendrick s Richmond (Anna ^ Chaffee, John,6 Amos,^ John,* Johnja Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rochester, Vt., February 28, 1841, and married (1) in Newport, Vt., June 10, 1862, Mary Eliza Pratt. He married (2), April 20, 1869, Mary Elizabeth Brigham. He served as a Private in the Civil War and was slightly wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor, Va. At the age of twenty- " EIGHTH GENERATION 519 one he united with the Congregational Church. He is Deputy Collector of Cus- toms. In 1891 he lived in Newport. Children : 5760 Clara M.s Richmond. 5761 Annie E. Richmond. 5762 Ruth E. Richmond. 5763 Eva J. Richmond. 5764 Grace W. Richmond. 5765 Frederick E. Richmond. 5766 Ellen F. Richmond. 4107 Byron Mozart » ChafEee (John Willard,^ Leonard Brown, s Amos,^ John/ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Rochester, Vt., September 1, 1837, and married in Montpelier, Vt., Adelaide, daughter of Worster Sprague of that place. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. After marriage they lived in Barre, Vt. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, hazel eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He served as Quartermaster under General Pitkin, during the Civil War. Children : 5767 i John Willard » Chaffee. 5768 ii Mary Chaffee. 4110 William Allen » Chaffee (John Willard, ^ Leonard Brown, e Amos,^ John,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Rochester Vt., January 27, 1850, and mar- ried (1) there, May 6, 1874, Josie, daughter of Freeman Root of that place. She died November 25, 1875, and was buried in Rochester. She was a member of the Congregational Church. He married (2), August 18, 1880, Liela Beide. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He united with the Congregational Church at the age of thirty. He is a farmer and a teacher of singing. He lived in Rochester in 1874, and later moved to Dakota. Child, by first wife : 5769 i Harold » Chaffee, died December 29, 1878. Children, by second wife: 5770 ii James W. Chaffee. 5771 iii Ellen French Chaffee. 4128 David Lewis » Chafee (Benjamin, ^ Benjamin,^ Francis Green,^ Benja- min, ■* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born January 1, 1823, and was twice mar- ried. Children, by second wife : 5772 i A child ,8 name unknown. 5773 ii William Chafee, a prosperous business man, much interested in Presby- terian Church work; residence, 1892, Indianapolis, Ind. 4130 John Gilmore » Chafee (Benjamin,^ Benjamin,*' Francis Green, ^ Benja- min, ^ Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Cincinnati, 0., October 12, 1828, and married in Wilmington, Ind., September 28, 1853, Clara, daughter of Rev- erend J. B. Sparks of Greenfield, Ind. Mr. Chafee is a Methodist minister, and has occupied many of the prominent pulpits in the Southeast Indiana Confer- ence, which he joined in the fall of 1851, and of which he was still a member in 1892. He has also served four years as Presiding Elder. In 1883 he lived in Greensburg, Ind. 520 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : + 5774 i Ella B.^ Chafee, born January 17, 1856; married Lieutenant Horace P. Mcintosh. 5775 ii Lura I. Chafee, born April 5, 1864; married John C. Shirk, a banker; residence, 1883, Greensburg, 1892, Brookville, Ind. 5776 iii Gertrude Chafee, married Schuyler C, son of Theodore P. Haughey, formerly President of the Indianapolis (Ind.) National Bank; S. C. Haughey is a manufacturer; residence, 1892, Indianapolis. 4138 Mary A.s Chaffee (James,^ Azotus,^ Zebediah,5 James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born March 15, 1833, and married in Ward, N. Y., November 27, 1854, Charles H. Bhven, born in Alfred, N. Y., February 16, 1827. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, nine inches in height. He is a farmer, and in 1891 lived in Scio. Children : 5777 i Burnetta ^ Bliven, born September 2, 1854; married Barton R. Sheldon. 5778 ii Mary C. Bhven, born March 14, 1860; died October 6, 1865. 5779 iii Otis B. Bliven, born August 30, 1863. 4139 Nancy Cordelia ^ Chafee (James,^ Azotus,^ Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born February 1, 1841, and died August 9, 1861. She married David Sabin, who after her death remarried and had two more children. Child: 5780 i James W. Sabin, born in Ward, N. Y., May 19, 1860 ; married, September 5, 1882, Mabel E. Babbitt; is a farmer; residence, 1884, Scio, N. Y 4149 Patty M.s Chaffee (Julius Bachus,^ Zebediah,6 Zebediah,^ James,* Jo- seph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Colesville, N. Y., July 29, 1829, and mar- ried there, January 14, 1850, Henry Crofut, a carpenter, born in Colesville, May 18, 1829, died October 24, 1875. In 1860 they lived in Gaines, Pa., and at the time of Mr. Crofut's death in Avoca, la., where they kept a hotel. In 1876 Mrs. Crofut moved to Windsor, N. Y., and in 1883 to Plankinton, Dak. Children : 5781 i Charles E.9 Crofut, born June 1, 1851 ; died January 24, 1868. + 5782 ii Leroy Crofut, born March 22, 1855; married Livonia Bowers. + 5783 iii Verna Crofut, born June 27, 1862; married A. N. Lowe. 5784 iv Ida M. Crofut, born in Gaines, July 22, 1864; married in Plankinton, August 14, 1883, John J. Carroll, a barber, born in Newport, R. I.; residence, 1884, Plankinton. 5785 V Dollie Crofut, born September 4, 1866. 5786 vi Henry Crofut, Jr., born June 22, 1869; died January 1, 1871. 4151 Azotus 8 Chaffee (Julius Bachus,^ Zebediah,^ Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Colesville, N. Y., February 2, 1832, and married (1) Antoinette, daughter of Nathan Mayo. She died in 1866, aged twenty-six, and he married (2) in Harpersville, N. Y., January 16, 1869, Mary J., daughter of Abram Tompkins of Windsor, N. Y. In 1884 they lived in Onaquago, N. Y., where he was a farmer. Child, by first wife: 5787 i William R.s Chaffee, born April 6, 1862. Children, by second wife : 5788 ii Anna E. Chaffee, born April 2, 1871 . 5789 iii Adrian C. Chaffee, born April 2, 1879. EIGHTH GENERATION 521 4154 James Marion s Chaffee (James Alanson,^ Zebediah," Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was bom m Colesville, N. Y., September 28, 1836, and married in Windsor, N. Y., December 20, 1866, Gertrude C., daughter of Joseph P. Thompson of that place. Mr, Chaffee held the office of Justice of the Peace in Windsor for twelve years and has also held many minor civic offices. Windsor has for many years been Mr. Chaffee's home, and in 1895 he was still living there. He is a grocer. Children : 5790 i Ernest Rice » Chaffee, born August 5, 1868; married, August 5, 1890, Delia Warner. 5791 ii Abbie Emeline Chaffee, born April 20, 1871 ; married, November 13, 1887, George A. Babcock. 4165 Albert Alonzo » Tapper, Jr. (Albert Alonzo ^ Tupper, Elizabeth e Chaffee, James,5 James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), was born in Churchville, N. Y., October 21, 1840, and married, September 23, 1871, Mary E. Scott of that place. He served in the Civil War as a Corporal, and has held several town offices. In 1891 he lived in Churchville, where he was a meat-dealer. Child: 5792 i Charles Albert » Tupper, born March 7, 1878. 4188 Mary Jane « ChaflEee (Cyril Schuyler,^ Cyril,6 Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Woodstock, Conn., July 11, 1849, and married there, February 16, 1875, Charles Thomas Aldrich, born in Canton, Me., Octo- ber 18, 1849. He is a farmer, has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich live on the old Chaffee home- stead in North Woodstock, Conn., where the latter is a member of the Congrega- tional Church. Children : 5793 i Grace Evelyns Aldrich, born April 15, 1876. 5794 ii Clara Elizabeth Aldrich, born March 29, 1882. 5795 iii Florence Estelle Aldrich, born July 17, 1883. 5796 iv Melinda Edna Aldrich, born March 2, 1885. 5797 V Albert Eben Aldrich, born December 20, 1886. 4195 Emory Franklin « Chaflfee (Faxon, 7 John,6 Chester,^ James,* Joseph,* Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Worcester, Mass., January 27, 1856, and mar- ried in Woburn, Mass., January 1, 1879, Belle G., daughter of Henry Carter of that place. In 1883 Mr. Chaffee lived in East Somerville, Mass., where he was a druggist. Child: 5798 i Beulah Camilla » Chaffee, born February 7, 1882. 4196 Ellis Henry s Chaffee (Loren,^ John,6 Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Thompson, Conn., July 30, 1846, and married in Plain- field, Conn., June 3, 1871, Julia Etta, daughter of Nathan Dean of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, brown eyes, and is of medium height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Willimantic, Conn., and in 1891 in Worcester, Mass., where he was a shoe manufacturer. Child : 5799 i Mabel Nancy » Chaffee, born March 4, 1873; died August 15, 1873. 522 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 4204 Marietta Elizabeth « Chafee (Schuyler Bradley, ^ Alpheus Cady,^ Chester,^ Jaines,^ Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Oxford, Mass., and married Frank Bannon of Athol, Mass. Children : 5800 i Maud 9 Bannon. 5801 ii Neenya Bannon. 5802 iii Gertrude Bannon. 4215 Frank Olin » Chaffee (Francis B.,^ Chester, « Chester,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born June 1, 1861, and married, February 22, 1886, Martha Bobbins, born April 3, 1864. They live in Woodstock, Conn. Child: 5803 i Hermon Rollins » Chaffee, born February 6, 1887. 4217 John Horton s Chaffee (Charles,^ Sunivan,^ Calvin, s James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Sheshequin, Pa., July 13, 1843, and married in Wysox, Pa., November 16, 1871, Marion I., daughter of William E. Bull of that place. She is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Chaffee enlisted as a Private in Company B, 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 22, 1862, was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and mustered out May 28, 1865. He was taken prisoner in Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863, and held for thirteen days, part of the time in Libby Prison. He was wounded in Petersburg, Va., June 16, 1864. He has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He is a farmer, and at the time of his marriage, as well as in 1891, lived in Sheshequin, where he has held several town offices. Children : 5804 i Adaline M.a Chaffee, born May 26, 1873. 5805 ii Ira Pratt Chaffee, born December 4, 1876. 4275 Sarah Amelia ^ Chaffee (James Monroe,^ James Austin, o Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born February 20, 1845, and married in Staffordville, Conn., July 4, 1866, WiUiam J. Butterfield, born in Philadelphia, Pa., February 22, 1844. He served during the Civil War in the navy as a sea- man. He united with the Episcopal Church at the age of forty-one, and was Vestryman for two years. He has a dark complexion, gray eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. He is the overseer of a woolen card-room. Mrs. Chaffee is a member of the Methodist Church. At the time of her marriage she lived in Staffordville, and in 1890 in Stafford Springs, Conn. Children : 5806 i Ellen A.a Butterfield, born Februarv 18, 1868; died January 13, 1869. 5807 ii W. Elmer Butterfield, born September 15, 1869. 5808 iii Arthur H. Butterfield, born June 30, 1872. 5809 iv Clarence E. Butterfield, born February 23, 1875; died June 21, 1875. 5810 V Alice G. Butterfield, born July 7, 1878. 5811 vi Frederick W. Butterfield, born March 15, 1882. 4278 Ida Geranas Chaffee (James Monroe, ^ James Austin, ^ Chadwick,5 James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born August 29, 1855, and married in Stafford- ville, Conn., August 24, 1881, Isaac Merritt Agard, born in Stafford, December 3, 1854. He is a teacher, and is five feet, ten inches in height. Ida Gerana (Chaffee) Agard is a member of the Congregational Church, with which her husband united at the age of twenty. In 1890 they lived in Rockville, Conn. EIGHTH GENERATION 523 Children : 5812 i Clarence Merritt a Agard, born March 26, 1883. 5813 ii Irving Howard Agard, born January 8, 1888. 4280 George Lincoln » Chaffee (James Monroe, ^ James Austin, « Chadwick,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Staffordville, Conn., February 28, 1861, and married there, September 5, 1881, Ida B., daughter of Rufus Rogers of Stafford. At this time Mr. Chaffee lived in Staffordville, and in 1890 in Bond's Village, Mass. He has a dark complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, four inches in height. At the age of twenty-one he united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is also a member, and in which he was a Steward for two years. He served for a year as Grand Juror, and is by occupation a clerk. Children : 5814 i Ernest Harolds Chaffee, born January 1, 1886. 5815 ii Ralph Alden Chaffee, born February 14, 1888. 4310 Clarence Milton s Chaffee (Amasa William Wallace,^ Amasa Ladd,^ Stephen, 5 James,-' Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Gowanda, N. Y., November 23, 1853, and married in Girard, O., June 29, 1881, Nancy Helen, daughter of Abner Osborne of that place, he having moved West from Virginia when a young man. She was born in Girard, October 8, 1857, the youngest of six children, and is a cousin of the late President McKinley. At the age of eighteen Mr. Chaffee went into the sewing machine business and two years later into the grocery business with a partner. Three years later he bought him out, and in 1879 moved to Westfield, N. Y., where he continued the same business with his father, under the firm name of C. M. Chaffee & Company. In August, 1883, C. M. Chaffee sold his interest to his uncle, N. A. Chaffee, 2156, and in September of the same year moved to Columbus, O., where in 1889 he was a wholesale manu- facturing confectioner, one of the firm of Snyder, Chaffee & Company. He has a fair complexion, brown eyes, and is six feet, two inches in height. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. Children : 5816 i Ward Osborne ^ Chaffee, born in Westfield, May 10, 1SS2. 5817 ii Marguerite Fancher Chaffee, born in Columbus, February 15, 1888. 5818 iii Clarence McKinley Chaffee, born in Gowanda; named for his cousin, the late President McKinley. 4315 William Wallace » Chaflfe (Charles Warren,^ Amasa Ladd,^ Stephen,5 James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Gowanda, N. Y., September 25, 1864, and married there, March 2, 1887, Catherine, daughter of Doctor Horace Babcock of that place. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Chaffe has a light complexion, brown eyes, is five feet, ten inches in height, and has a jovial disposition. He is a salesman, and in 1906 lived with his wife and children in Gowanda. Children : 5819 i Robert Clintons Chaffe, born January 1, 1888. 5820 ii Catherine Chaffe, born July 4, 1892.' 5821 iii Mary Chaffe, born June 28, 1894. 5822 iv Dorothy Chaffe, born February 16, 1897. 4316 Dora Woodin « Chaffee (Charles Warren, ^ Amasa Ladd,^ Stephen,-^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born July 20, 1870, and died in 1901. She married 524 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Charles L. Popple and died of consumption. Her children live in Gowanda, N. Y. Children : 5823 i Helen » Popple, born in 1895. 5824 ii Carleton Popple, born in 1897. 4327 Henry Lucrates « ChaflEee (Ambrose Lucrates,^ James Cady,^ Stephen,^ James,4 Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Macomb, 111., March 17, 1855, and married in Abington, 111., October 16, 1878, Mary, daughter of John Vertuese of that place. In 1883 Mr. Chaffee lived in Des Moines, la., where he was a hard- ware merchant. Child: 5825 i Donna Yfi Chaffee, born July 26, 1879. 4328 Enoch Fletcher » ChafEee (Francis Marion, ^ James Cady,^ Stephen, ^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ipava, 111., September 5, 1856, and married in Council Grove, Kan., March 2, 1881, Lucy J., daughter of James Phinney of that place. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer, and in 1884 lived in Mildred, Kan. Child: 5826 i James Francis » Chaffee, born June 5, 1882. 4350 William Harrison s Chaffee (William Henry Harrison, ^ William Cady,^ Joseph,^ James,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas 1) was born in Dale, Wyoming County, N. Y., January 3, 1859, and married in Caneadea, N. Y., October 1, 1879, Lucy M., daughter of Frank Johnson of that place. She is a member of the Methodist Church. He has a fair complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. At the time of his marriage he lived in Friendship, N. Y., and in 1890 in Norwich, N. Y. He is a merchant. Children : 5827 i Floy M.9 ChafTee, born January 23, 1882. 5828 ii Carl H. Chaffee, born December 19, 1883. 5829 iii Irma L. Chaffee, born January 10, 1886. 5830 iv Inez E. Chaffee, born January 3, 1888. 4363 Ezra Brewster » Chaffee (Henry,^ Michael,^ Henry,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married Mrs. Smith, and in 1893 lived in Wacousta, Mich. Children : 5831 i Henrys Chaffee. 5832 ii Sherman Chaffee. 4369 Marys Chaffee (Harvey,^ Michael," Henry,5 Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), married (1) Chauncey Maulbee; (2) Charles Wheeler, and in 1893 lived in Franklin ville, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. Children : 5833 i Victor Byron 9 Maulbee. 5834 ii Nathan Siocum Wheeler. 4370 Marthas Chaffee (Harvey,^ Michael," Henry,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), married William McClelland, a farmer, and in 18Q3 they lived in Stan- ton, Mich. Mr. McClelland receives a pension, having lost a leg in the Civil War. Children : 5835 i Jennie » McClelland. 5836 ii Eleanor McClelland. 5837 iii George Chaffee McClelland, died in childhood. EIGHTH GENERATION 525 4377 Newton Silas » Dort (Polly ^ Chaffee, Michael," Henry,5 Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i), married Emeline Doty of Cleveland, O. He served during the last year of the Civil War as Second Corporal under Captain Giles H. Holden, in Company H, 179th New York Volunteers, Second Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, commanded by General Grant. In 1893 he lived in Cleveland. Children : 5838 i Clara Bella Dort. 5839 ii (adopted) George Fields Dort. 4385 Luther 8 Dort (Catharine 7 Chaffee, Michael," Henry, s Samuel,* Joseph, s Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married Laura Smith, a teacher of Franklinville, N. Y., and in 1893 lived in Allegany County, N. Y., where he was a mason and carjDenter. Child: 5840 i A son,9 born about 1877. 4386 Albert s Dort (Catharine ^ Chaffee, Michael," Henry,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas ^), married Helen Carpenter, and in 1893 lived in Oramel, N. Y. Child: 5841 i Silas » Dort. 4387 Elvira s Dort (Catharine ^ Chaffee, Michael," Henry,5 Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i), married Alfred Atherton, a farmer, and in 1893 lived in Ora- mel, N. Y. Children : 5842 i Samuel » Atherton. 5843 ii Harrison Atherton. 4399 Lewis Franklin » Chaffee (Samuel B.,^ Zelophehad," Samuel, ^ Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born in Ashford, Conn., in 1853, and died March 15, 1895. He married Anna « Chaffee (4424) (Vernon,^ Joel," Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) of Oxford, Mass. Her mother, Elvira Corbin, was a sister of her husband's mother. In 1890 Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee lived in Ashford. Children, the first two born in Ashford: 5844 i Josephine M.9 Chaffee, born in 1880; died November 19, 1894. 5845 ii Geneva E. Chaffee, born in 1883. Another child, name unknown. 4415 Alfred Morse » Chaffee (Otis Brainard,^ Joel," Thomas, ^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Oxford, Mass., August 16, 1858, and married in Littleton, Mass., June 7, 1887, Mary Elizabeth Townley, daughter of Josiah Gleason Brown of Oxford. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. At the time of his marriage and in 1892 he lived in Oxford, where he was a surveyor and farmer, also being in partnership with his brother Herbert in the coal and lumber business. He has held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Assessor and Selectman. Children, born in Oxford : 5846 i Alfred Brown » Chaffee, born March 14, 1888. 5847 ii Alice Chaffee, a twin, born March 14, 1888; died in Oxford, March 14, 1888. 4420 George Elmer s Chaffee (Abel Morse, ^ Joel," Thomas,^ Samuel,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Victory Mills, N. Y., April 11, 1862, and married 526 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY in Boston, Mass., June 1, 1885, Mary B., daughter of Felix Trainor of St. Johns, N. B., Canada. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height. In 1890 he was living in Oxford, Mass., where he was a miller. Child: 5848 i Bertha G.a Chaffee, born October 2, 1886. 4429 Walter F.s Gushing (Martha S.^ Chafey, Hiram,« Jonathan Cady,^ Josiah,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Medford, Mass., September 15, 1857, and married there, July 20, 1881, Carrie E. Bullard. Child: 5849 i Kittie B.a Gushing, born August 8, 1883. 4441 Elmer Lincoln « Aldrich (Elvina Anness ^ Chaffee, Peter, 6 Mollie,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Woodstock, Conn., August 28, 1865, and married in California, February 5, 1889, Kathrena Beaubaum. In 1890 they lived in Tacoma, Wash., and in 1906 in Los Angeles, Gal. Children : 5850 i Elvina Katherine » Aldrich, born in Tacoma, November 6, 1889. 5851 ii Myrtle Marion Aldrich, born in Harden, Wash., August 31, 1896. 4445 Wallace Norman « Aldrich (Elvina Anness ^ Chaffee, Peter,^ Mollie,^ Josiah,* Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Pomfret, Conn., October 19, 1877, and married, March 28, 1897, Gertrude H. Edwards. They lived in Kil- lingly. Conn., in 1906. Children : 5852 i Charles Wesley 9 Aldrich, born July 9, 1898. 5853 ii Dorris Pearl Aldrich, born April 19, 1900; died August 21, 1900. 5854 iii Ruth Margurite Aldrich, born July 22, 1903. 5855 iv Ina May Aldrich, born April 11, 1905. 4446 Charles Chandler « Aldrich (Elvina Anness ^ Chaffee, Peter,^ Mollie,^ Josiah,4 Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Pomfret, Conn., November 15, 1880, and married, September 26, 1904, Lillian Mae Hildreth. They lived in Pom- fret in 1906. Child: 5856 i Dorothy Evelyn » Aldrich, born in Tacoma, Wash. NINTH GENERATION 4524 Cyrus F.a Chaffee (Lyman Albigence,^ Albigence,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Schroeppel, N. Y., Decem- ber 7, 1838, and married (1), June 14, 1863, Maria L., daughter of Amos and Polly Tenny. She was born July 11, 1838, and died May 1, 1864. He married (2), May 4, 1865, Louisa J. Penny, born July 31, 1841, died February 23, 1877. He married (3), January 26, 1881, Mrs. Mary M. (Squire) Hurlbert, daughter of Jona- than and Polly Squire. She was born INIarch 19, 1839. By her first husband she had a daughter Estelle, born December 4, 1867. Children, by second wife, born in Fabius, N. Y. : 5857 i Arthur C.io Chaffee, born December 11, 1867; residence, 1894, Oswego, N. Y. 5858 ii Willis H. Chaffee, born June 22, 1870. 5859 iii Carrie L. Chaffee, born September 27, 1872. 4525 Lucy Elizabeth » Chaffee (Lyman Albigence,^ Albigence,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Gilberts Mills, N. Y., September 5, 1840, and married in Fabius, N. Y., January 1, 1861, Rufus, son of Samuel White of Cuyler, N. Y. At that time he lived in Fabius, and in 1894 in Homer, N. Y. He has a light complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, four and one-half inches in height. Lucy E. (Chaffee) White joined the Free Baptist Church at the age of fourteen. Children: 5860 i Mary F.io White, born May 27, 1861. 5861 ii Addie White, born August 10, 1862; died April 11, 1881. 5862 iii Carrie White, born April 6, 1869; died August 11, 1870. 5863 iv Milford E. White, born May 24, 1874. 4526 Stephen Albigence^ Chaffee (Lyman Albigence,^ Albigence,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Schroeppel, N. Y., January 30, 1842, and married in Truxton, N. Y., October 11, 1863, Eliza Harriet, daughter of David Calkins of Vermont. Mr. Chaffee united with the Methodist Church at the age of twenty-six. He has a light complexion, dark blue eyes, and is five feet, six inches in height. In 1863 and in 1890 he lived in Fabius, N. Y., where he was a carpenter. Children : 5864 i Florence E.io Chaffee, born July 9, 1866; died July 5, 1867. 5865 ii Estella H. Chaffee, born June 1, 1868; married in Cortland, N. Y., March 25, 1890, by Reverend G. P. Avery, to Alfred Sherman House. 5866 iii Adelbert S. Chaffee, born July 19, 1875; died April 14, 1876. 5867 iv Ida A. Chaffee, born December 20, 1879. 4527 Richard 9 Chaffee (Lyman Albigence,^ Albigence,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born February 3, 1844, and died several years previous to 1894. He married Sarah Buchanan. Children : 5868 i Elmer 10 Chaffee, residence, 1894, Wisconsin. 5869 ii Grace Chaffee, residence, 1894, Wisconsin. 528 THE CHATFEE GENEALOGY 4528 James S: Jonathan.* •" ter I tist .-- as a Cc: X.. JXal-r- c oSTO oSTl oS72 oS73 5S74 oSTo oS76 5S77 : Albert F.-* C n affee. ii Florence M. Chaffee iii AudleyBa:— " "" iv Cnarles L. V Ani:a B. C: vi Clarissa M.\ vii F- - viii C- Lyman Albigence.* AlbigMice,' Josiah,* Joaah,^ Thomas -) iras bom in Sdiroeppel. X. Y.. - X. Y.. November 25, 1S74, Marv R., daugh- Sl^ is a member of the Free Will Bajv ' -.' the age aer for ei^t days, all the iay. He has a li^t ctHii- -eight. In 1S74 .„...:. .-. _ . __: ..; .. jutcher. ^ r li 1S7.5. 1. 1S77. T -r-. 1S7S. :4. 1SS3. ry 2. 1SS6. ^ L eeei3ib«er 13. !§>■«. - - 7. 1SS9. 1S92. 4530 Harvev Lr-in ^ Chif ee 1 Jonathan.- " - -::;i:i-\; - ~;i; : Mayl7. Is5 < N. Y.. April 21 ter of Ira Way of Navaxmo. N. Y. She is a Mr. Chanee joined the Free Baptist Church a*. complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, five in _ f nee,* Joaah.* Joaah.^ ;r-i m Schroeppd, N. Y., 1?T1. France? Jane, daugh- iist Cliurch. ,__. ^e has a light sht. In 1S71 he lived in Fa'r C. 5S7S 5S79 5SS0 N. Y. i George Henry ^"^ ', m Augtisi ii. iS72. ii Eme May Caanee :fi IS. 1575. iii Bertha Mabel Chan'ee. bom October 5. ISSI. 4531 -KHenJer-ii : —-- Jonathan,^ Nr.Tr.. 1546. an in 1593. Chadren: 5551 i Judge Milo --^ Martin. 5552 ii Starr M. Manin. 5553 iii Pearl W. Martin. 5554 iv Daisy B. Martin. 5555 V Palmer M. Martin. 4541 Sarah Elisabeth* ChaSee than.* .Tonsthsn.5 Nathaniel.' Then: IS" c 5SS6 5SS7 55SS 55S9 5590 ■ ~ " - \ - Josah.5 Jonathan.* N. Y.. December 16, Wilev Martm. ^dio lived in Xebrasta Jc^l Psinier. 1." Jc^ah.* Jvxsiah.* Jona- Srrts Mills. N. Y.. June 23, i Ct. ii Er - iii Le: iv Bel ; . V Flossie Baiiev Herbert J. Bailey. In 1593 they lived in Gilberts MjHs. /.ev. died in GSIbMts Mills. 4642 Jav Etisene * Cnaree >ier,8 JoeL*^ Joasdi,* Joaah,^ Jonathan.* NINTH GENERATION 529 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Gilberts IMills, N. Y., March 7, 1855, and married, February 13, 1884, Sarah A. Stone of Scriba, N. Y. In 1893 they lived in Gilberts Mills. Child: 5891 i Floyd Eugene i" Chaffee, died in Scriba, where he lived. 4543 Lucy Annie ^ Chaffee (Joel Palmer,^ Joel,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Gilberts Mills, N. Y., April 24, 1861, and married Curtis L. Pratt. In 1893 they lived in Gilberts Mills. Child: 5892 i Olive " Pratt. 4544 Cynthia » Smith (Jerusha Emeline ^ Chaffee, Joel,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan, 4 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1), married AVilliam Church, and in 1893 Uved in Central Square, N. Y. Children : 5893 i Emeline A. J.io Church, married Clinton Burt Chaffee. (See 4573.) 5894 ii Mina Church. 5895 iii Harrv Church. 5896 iv Edwin Church. 4547 Eugene ^ Smith (Jei'usha Emeline ^ Chaffee, Joel,'' Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), married Ella Phillips, and in 1893 lived in Hastings, N. Y. Child: 5897 i Pearl i" Smith. 4551 Edwin Herbert 9 Sweet (Harriet Melinda » Chaffee, Joel,'^ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan.* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas 1) was born in Gilberts%'ille, N. Y., May 4, 1862. and married in Fulton, N. Y., August I. 1889, ^!ary Sainsbury of Mexico, N. Y. In 1891 they lived in S}Tacuse, N. Y. Child: 5898 i Clarence Herbert ^o Sweet, born in Syracuse, Januan.^ 26, 1891. 4568 Elliot Dudley a Fish (Jane Ehzabeth « Chaffee, Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan.* Jonathan. 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas 1), died in Brooklyn, N. Y. He mar- ried Lizzie Brandt, who lived there m 1S93. Child: 5899 i Edna Lillian 10 Fish. 4573 Clinton Burt » ChaSee (Newman Josiah.s .Josiah/ Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jona- than.* Jonathan. 3 Nathaniel,- Thomas 1) was born in Clay, N. Y., .July 24, 1867, and married Emehne A. J. 10 Church (5893) (CjTithia » Smith, Jerusha Emeline « Chaffee, Joel," Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i)- In 1S93 they lived in Central Square, N. Y. Child: 5900 i Lawrence Duane ^^ Chaffee. 4581 Joseph Dwight^ Chafiee (Orwell Sidney,^ Frederick,' Frederick,^ Jo.siah,5 Jonathan,* Jonathan. 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Man.sfield, Conn., Aua-ust 9, 1846, and married there, September 12, 1867, Martha W., daughter of George P. .Armstrong of that place. Mr. Chaffee has ser\-ed in the Connecticut 530 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Legislature as Representative and also as Senator from the Twenty-Fourth Dis- trict. He has been associated with his father in the business of manufacture of silk under the firm name of O. S. Chaffee & Son, later called the Xatchaug Silk Company of Willimantic, Conn. In 188.3 he lived in Mansfield, and in 1894 in Wilhmantic. Children : 5901 i Arthur Dwight lo Chaffee, born May 3, 1872. 5902 ii Gertrude Armstrong Chaffee, born June 1, 1877. 5903 iii George Sidnev Chaffee, born June 28, 1878; died in Ashford, Conn., August 28, 1878. 5904 iv Charles Howard Chaffee, born August 13, 1882. 4584 Charles Hfi Chaffee (Anson D.,8 Anson,^ Frederick, ^ Josiah,5 Jonathan,-* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Derby, Conn., March 14, 1853, and married there, October 15, 1875, Sophia J. W., daughter of James H. Webb of Worcester, England. In 1884 they lived in Derby, where Mr. Chaffee was a moulder. Children : 5905 i E. Clifford 10 Chaffee, born August 26, 1876. 5906 ii William A. Chaffee, born Julv 22, 1878. 5907 iii Hattie F. Chaffee, born December 26, 1880. 5908 iv Jennie I. Chaffee, born June 21, 1883. 4585 Minnie E.s Chaffee (Anson D.,8 Anson, ^ Frederick, « Josiah,5 Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born June 18, 1858, and married, Janu- ary 16, 1875, John W. Dunham of Mansfield Centre, Conn. Children : 5909 i Earnest J. 10 Dunham, born January 11, 1879. 5910 ii Winfield E. Dunham, born December 31, 1880. 4588 Ella M.9 Hull (Sarah M.s Chaffee, Anson, ^ Frederick,^ Josiah,5 Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) wasborn January 10, 1851, and married Henry W., son of Thomas Gilbert of Derby, Conn. Children : 5911 i Mabel W.io Gilbert, born August 10, 1879. 5912 ii Grace H. Gilbert, born July 26, 1883. 4599 Ezra Messenger 9 Chaffee (Willard Dillingham,^ Ezra,^ Benjamin, s Thomas,5 Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1) was born in Portage County, O., May 16, 1844, and married in Kent Covmty, Mich., August 24, 1866, Hannah ^laria, daughter of Elihu R. Young of Grand Rapids, Mich. She was born in Courtland, Mich. (Rockford, Mich.), in 1849. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and is five feet, seven inches in height. During the Civil War he served in Company F, 6th Michigan Cavalrj^, from Septem- ber 11, 1862, to September 15, 1865. He was wounded in the Battles of Gettys- burg and of the Wilderness, was taken prisoner August 26, 1864, confined in prison in Danville, Ya., and in Libby Prison, Richmond, Ya., being paroled February 22, 1865. His confinement had so broken his health that his weight was reduced from one hundred and eighty to eighty-nine pounds. In 1886 Mr. Chaffee lived in Grand Rapids, and kx 1907 with his wife in Rockford, where he keeps a hotel. NINTH GENERATION 531 Children : + 5913 i Almond Victor 'o Chaffee, born August 28, 1867; married Anna + 5914 ii Mary Rachel Chaffee, born September 16, 1869; married Thed S. Hutchings. + 5915 iii Guy Willard Chaffee, born March 16, 1873; married Laila M. Cain. + 5916 iv Owen Russel Chaffee, born October 8, 1875; married Pauline L. P"air- child. + 5917 V Glenn Dillingham Chaffee, born June 18, 1878; married Grace L. Munro. + 5918 vi Burt Kilpatrick Chaffee, born January 3, 1884; married Edith A. Currier. 4610 Lovicas ChaflEee f Benjamin Albert,* Benjamin,^ Benjamin,^ Thomas,'' Jonathan,* Jonathan,-' Nathaniel,^ Thomas ij was born March 16, 1837, and died March 21, 1873. She married William Hayward. Children : 5919 i John B.io Hayward, born Noyvember 28, 1861. 5920 ii Dora Hayward, born September 9, 1863. 5921 iii A daughter, born February 20, 1865; died in infancy. 5922 iv Estella Havward, bom August 20, 1866; died. 5923 V Cora Hayward, bom June 1, 1868. 5924 vi A son, born March 2, 1870; died in infancy. 5925 vii Ollie Hayward, born May 1, 1871. 5926 viii Ida Lo\aca Hayward, bom March 20, 1873. 4611 Albert Orsons Chaffee (Benjamin Albert,* Benjamin ,7 Benjamin," Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, - Nathaniel, ^ Thomas ^) was bom in Richfield, ()., April 22, 1838, and married (1) in Salem, Ind., 1859, Mary EHzaVjeth, daughter of Almond Tinklepaugh of Pent Water, Mich. She was bom January 14, 1837, died in April, 1864, and was buried in Turkey Creek, Ind. Mr. Chaffee married (2) in April, 1865, Julia Ann Rowley, bom July 12, 1841. He is a memh)er of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, which he joined at the age of twenty-er 18, 1870. 4780 Kate Grace '■> Chaffee ^\dria Rornanza,* Trurnan Bibbins,^ .Jonatlian,* William/ .Jonathan/ .Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thoma,s i; was born in Fort Venle, Ariz., Febnoary 4, 1876, and married in Fort Robinson, Neb., .June 12, 1890, Second Lieutenant (now Captain; George F, Hamilton, 9th Cavalry. She was educated in the public schools, one year in Mrs. May Wright Si^jwell's School, Indianapolis, Ind., two years in Miss Ca-swelFs School, Iajh Angeles, and one year in Wolfe Hall, Denver, Colo. Children : •59-56 i Adna Chaffee ^" Hamilton, born in Boston, Mass., Febnoary 3, 1899. .5957 ii Catherine Hamilton, bom in West Point, N'. Y., November 14, 19^J2. 4784 Amos F.'^ Chaffee CGurdon Amos,« Amos,^ Arnos,« William,^ .Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas ^j was born in 1864, and married Phtebe Capwell. In 1889 they lived in Scotland, Conn. Children : •5958 i Mary I'J Chaffee, bom in 1884. .5959 ii Elmer Ellsworth Chaffee, bom in 1886. 4788 Mattie S.^ Preston Olartha Susan * Chaffee, Amos,? Amo«,« William,' Joriathan,* .Joriathan,^ Nathaniel,^ Thomas i; was bom in 186-5, and rnamed E. G. Standlsh of Preston, Conn, In 1883 she lived in Green villf;. 111., and in 1^9 in Norwich, Conn. Children : 5960 i Horace " Standish, bom in 1886. 5901 ii A son, died in infancy. 4837 Reubens Chaffee ''Samioel Luther,* lieuben,^ Comfort,* Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,* .Jonathan. 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was bom .June 21, 1845, and marrie^i in Franklin, Vt., October 12, 1864, ilina N., daughter of Pi«uben Towle of that place. Mr. Chaffee Is a farmer and dain-inan. Children : 5962 i William .Jav ^'^ Cliaffee, bom Aligns. 30, 186.5. 5963 ii Nellie A. Chaffee, lyjm May 29, 1873. oy;4 iii Flora if. Chaffee, bom .Jione 3, 1879. 5965 iv RoUin Chaffee, bom September 9, 1880. 4844 Edna Alsma * Chaffee 'Reuben,' Reuben,' Comfort,* Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,* -Joriathan.s Nathaniel,^ Thomas i; was bom ilarch 7, 1840, and died May 16, 1868. She married Harxson .S. Burleson. Child: 5966 i Hanson S.i^» Burleson, .Jr. 4848 Lucy* Chaffee <^Reuben,« Reuben,' Comfort,* Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Jo .a i.i.:..2 Nathaniel,' Thomas i; was bom October 10, 1847, and married in March, 1869, H. M. .Jordan of Wolcott, Vt., a fanner and mechanic. Children : -5967 i Erdine " Jordan, died in April, 1880. 534 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY 5968 ii Lila Jordan. 5969 iii Lona Jordan. 4850 Fernando Cortez 9 Chaffee (Reuben,^ Reuben,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, ^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born November 2, 1851, and married, in March, 1876, Capitola Maxfield of Wolcott, Vt. He is a farmer. Children : 5970 i Myrtle i" Chaffee. 5971 ii Reuben A. Chaffee. 4853 Harvey A.9 Chaffee (Albert,^ Reuben, 7 Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1), married (1) in 1862, Ellen M. Whitehead of Canada. She died and he married (2) in 1864, her sister, Adelia A. Whitehead. He married (3), in 1884, Edna M. Page of Waterloo, P. Q., Canada. He is a mem- ber of the Baptist Church of Berkshire, Vt., and of the Masonic order. He is a Republican and has served two terms as Selectman. Child, by first wife : 5972 i Alberta E.io Chaffee, married Gardner Armstrong. Children, by second wife : 5973 ii Hattie B. Chaffee, married Crandal of Canada. 5974 iii Etta M. Chaffee. 5975 iv Albert S. Chaffee. 4863 Jasper Chaffee a Beeman (Hannah Fidelias Chaffee, Jasper,^ Comfort, « Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Sutton, P. Q., Canada, March 24, 1842, and married (1) in Potsdam, N. Y., November 7, 1861, Betsey E. Reynolds, who died August 29, 1867. He married (2) in Frank- lin, Vt., November 24, 1876, C. E. Guthrie of St. Armand West, P. Q., Canada. In 1883 he lived in Pigeon Hill, P. Q., Canada. Children, by first wife: 5976 i Elmer S.>o Beeman, born September 7, 1862; died January 7,' 1864. 5977 ii Loretta May Beeman, born January 13, 1865. 5978 iii Lucius James Beeman, born October 7, 1866. Children, by second wife: 5979 iv Harold Emmet Beeman, born May 30, 1877. 5980 V Almerine Hobart Beeman, born December 13, 1878. 4866 Lucas Azro 9 Beeman (Hannah Fideha s Chaffee, Jasper,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Malone, N. Y., November 7, 1848, and married in Loraine, N. Y., August 20, 1867, Mary A., daughter of Thomas H. Remington of Ellisburgh, N. Y. In 1884 he lived in Loraine, where he was a farmer. Children : 5981 i Helen Grace 10 Beeman, born August 14, 1868. 5982 ii Hubert Remington Beeman, born June 17, 1877. 4873 John 9 McCarthy, Jr. (Mary « Chaffee, Jasper,7 Comfort,6 Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1), married, in 1876, his cousin, Bianca G.9 Chaffee (4854) (Albert,^ Reuben, 7 Comfort,^ Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1), and lived in West Berkshire, Vt. Children : 5983 i Glenna 10 McCarthy. NINTH GENERATION 535 5984 ii Gladys McCarthy. 5985 iii Grace McCarthy. 4884 Ezra C.9 Butler (Sally » Chaffee, Warren/ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i), married, January 21, 1864, Marila » Chaffee (4847) (Reuben,8 Reuben, 7 Comfort,^ Nathaniel, s Nathaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i), born October 28, 1845. He is a farmer, and at one time lived in Berkshire, Vt., but in 1893 in Albany, Vt. Children : 5986 i William lo A. Butler. 5987 ii Clayton B. Butler. 4890 Almeda Alidas Ewins (Ruby Lucy s Chaffee, Warren, 7 Comfort,^ Na- thaniel, ^ Nathaniel,-* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born October 7, 1853, and married Ezra T. Seaver, a merchant of North Troy, Vt. Children : 5988 i Cleon William 10 Seaver. 5989 ii Cline Oilman Seaver. 4891 Clarence Prescotf Ewins (Ruby Lucy » Chaffee, Warren, 7 Comfort,^ Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born September 23, 1855, and married Elnora H. Ford. In 1893 he lived in North Troy, Vt., where he is a notary public and general insurance agent. Child: 5990 i Blanch Mabel 10 Ewins, a teacher in the High School. 4903 Ursula Filindaa Elliot (Polly Hills Chaffee, Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,6 Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 25, 1850, and married, March 16, 1874, Stanley J. Scott. Children : 5991 i Lottie L.io Scott, born November 6, 1880. " 5992 ii Mary P. Scott, born November 7, 1882. 4909 Esther Emilys Chaffee (Comfort,8 Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort, s Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas *) was born February 7, 1857, and died in Charleston, Vt., September 3, 1896. She married Charles T. Morse. Children : 5993 1 Nora Ila i" Morse. 5994 i^ Harry Arthur Morse. 5995 iii Ara Ira Morse. 5996 iv Grace Ella Morse, died when a few days old. 4912 Lizzie Alma 9 Chaffee (Comfort,^ Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,5 Nathaniel,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Charleston, Vt., Sep- tember 11, 1868, and was married in Westfield, Vt., March 7, 1888, by Reverend P. N. Granger, to Homer W. Burnham, born November 15, 1864. Children, born in Westfield: 5997 i Ivan Walter 10 Burnham, born December 1, 1897. 5998 ii Laura Elnora Burnham, a twin, born December 1, 1897. 4919 Homer Curtis » Wheeler (Lovina Felton « Chaffee, Aaron Stowe,^ Com- fort,6 Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born March 3, 1864, and married in Somerville, Mass., May 16, 1895, Lu Mary Leavens. 536 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child: 5999 i Mildred Alice lo Wheeler, born August 28, 1898. 4930 Emma Etta^ ChafiEee (James Hill,8 Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born April 10, 1861, and married, May 1, 1886, HoUis N. Sherwood, who died November 2, 1905. Children : 6000 i Robert James i" Sherwood, born February 8, 1887. 6001 ii Carroll HoUis Sherwood, born March 8, 1890. 6002 iii Carrie H. Sherwood, a twin, born March 8, 1890. 4936 Frank Newton » ChafEee (Lovell Stowe,8 Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,*' Nathan- iel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas i) was born September 26, 1861, and married, February 7, 1885, Emogene A. Perkins. Children, born in Carrington, N. D. : 6003 i Mollie Frances lo Chaffee, born July 14, 1888. 6004 ii Clemma Emogene Chaffee, born December 14, 1889. 6005 iii Harry Perkins Chaffee, born December 4, 1891. 4937 Fannie Evelyns Chaffee (Lovell Stowe,^ Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Na- thaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born May 17, 1863, and married, October 12, 1885, Ernest A. Allbee. Children, born in Derby, Vt. : 6006 i Raymond Ernest i" Allbee, born August 20, 1886. 6007 ii Hazel Emma Allbee, born August 11, 1889. 6008 iii Laura B. Allbee, born 1891 ; died May 21, 1892. 6009 iv Newland Oilman Allbee, born April 12, 1893. 4943 Virgie Estella^ Chaffee (Ransom Nathaniel,^ Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 27, 1871, and married in Mansfield, O., March 20, 1889, Bert Bonham. Children : 6010 i Emmett Dean 10 Bonham, born in Mansfield, March 19, 1891. 6011 ii Clyde Arthur Bonham, born December 18, 1894. 6012 iii Ruth Eilane Bonham, born in Mansfield, January 26, 1904. 4946 Ida E.a Chaffee (Palmer Edson,8 Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born November 5, 1871, and married in Brownington, Vt., December 21, 1893, Clarence E. Hawes. Child: 6013 i Harold Chaffee i" Hawes, born in Brownington, August 21, 1898. 4947 Myron Howard 9 Chaffee (Bethuel j\Ieritt,8 Aaron Stowe,^ Comfort,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born April 11, 1869, and married in Troy, Vt., May 6, 1902, Florence M. Marston. Child: 6014 i Marion 10 Chaffee, born in September, 1904. 4959 Helen Eliza » Chaffee (Henry Allen,8 Henry,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,^ Thomas 1), married in Corning, la., in 1887, WiUiam Oscar Mitchell of that place, born in Bonaparte, la., April, 1846. He served in the Civil War for three years, entering the Union army at the age of sixteen. He was slightly wounded once, was taken prisoner in Atlanta, Ga., and held nine months. He united with the Methodist Church, of which his wife is NINTH GENERATION 537 also a member, when a young man, and is a member of its Board of Trustees. He is a Republican in politics, has been Speaker of the Iowa House of Represen- tatives and a member of the Iowa State Senate. He has a light complexion, gray eyes, a jovial disposition, and is six feet in height. His wife has a fair com- plexion, and brown eyes. In 1906 they lived in Kansas City, Mo., where Mr. Mitchell was a lawyer. Child: 6015 i Helen lo Mitchell, born in Corning in 1888. 4982 Gertrude Frances » Gillette (Ellen Azubah s Chaffee, Joel,^ Simeon,^ Nathaniel, 5 Nathaniel, ^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born May 1, 1866, and married in Milwaukee, Wis., July 3, 1889, Truman Pierce Graves. They have lived in Chicago, 111., and Indianapolis, Ind. Child: 6016 i Leon Gillette 10 Graves, born April 8, 1890. 5000 Clara Manda^ Chase (^Nlaria L.» Chaffee, Amos,^ Simeon,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Detroit, Mich., July 20, 1860, and married in Chicago, 111., June 20, 1878, William A. Graham of San- dusky, 0. Children : 6017 i Mary Helen ^^ Graham, born in Sandusky, June 17, 1881. 6018 i A son, born November 5, 1883. 5004 Frances Caroline » Strong (Francis Miles « Strong, Sophronia ^ Chaffee, Simeon, 6 Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel, ■* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born September 30, 1861, and married, March 7, 1882, David Edgar Simmons of Somer- set, Mass., where in 1883 they lived. Child: 6019 i Sarah Strong ^^ Simmons, born December 23, 1882. 5005 Walter Strong a Graham (Salome Ann » Strong, Sophronia ^ Chaffee, Simeon, 6 Nathaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Millville, la., June 20, 1855, and married. May 22, 1878, Ida Delia Wilson of Rock- ford, la., where in 1883 they lived. Children : 6020 i Royal James 10 Graham, born August 26, 1879. 6021 ii Minnie I. Graham, born November, 1882. 5012 Lillian Mira^ Wardall (Mira Adelaides Chaffee, Heman,^ Simeon,^ Na- thaniel, ^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Tolono, 111., April 4, 1879, and married, June 25, 1902, Alfred Higgins Sluss of Tuscola, 111. He graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from the University of Illinois, located in Urbana, and in 1907 was instructor in physics there. Lillian Mira Wardall lived in Tolono until 1891, when she moved with her parents to Tuscola, where they lived until 1900. They then went to Urbana, where she now lives with her husband and child. Child: 6022 i Alonzo Clayton 10 ghiss, born March 17, 1905. 5015 Warren Walters Hill (Anetta « Chaffee, Heman,^ Simeon,6 Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born August 1, 1876, and 538 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY married, AjDril 23, 1902, Estella Grace Creamer of Tolono, where they Hved in 1907. Mr. Hill is a postal clerk on the Wabash Railroad. Child: 6023 i Thelma Grace i" Hill. 5024 Stephen Barkers Chafee (George Tew Barker,8 Stephen,^ Stephen,^ Levi,' Nathaniel, •« Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Bristol, R. I., Octo- ber 22, 1839, and married in Providence, R. I., January, 1867, Mrs. Elizabeth (Dane) Shaw. In 1883 he lived in Middletown, Conn., where he kept a hotel. Children, born in Middletown: 6024 i George Austin 10 Chafee, born January 16, 1868. 6025 ii Stephen B. Chafee, born in September, 1870. 5025 George Austins Chafee (George Tew Barker,^ Stephen,^ Stephen,^ Levi,^ Nathaniel,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Bristol, R. I., Decem- ber 14, 1840, and married in Middletown, Conn., November 23, 1864, Matilda, daughter of John R. Pitt of Birmingham, England. In 1870 he built a propeller which ran between Portland, Conn., and New York City and which was named for himself, the George A. Chafee. He is a hotel and restaurant keeper. Children, born in Middletown: 6026 i Charles Austin 10 Chafee, born June 29, 1868. 6027 ii Grace Irene Chafee, born July 31, 1870. 6028 iii A son, born March 16, 1873. 6029 iv A daughter, born December 16, 1875. 5026 Lucinda Thomas 9 Chafee (George Tew Barker,8 Stephen,^ Stephen,« Levi, 5 Nathaniel,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born May 1, 1842, and married in Bristol, R. I., March 29, 1859, William Allen Manchester. In 1890 they lived in Bristol. Children : 6030 i Walter A.io Manchester, born August 1, 1866. 6031 ii Hattie A. Manchester, born in August, 1870. 5028 Samuel Russell a Chafee (George Tew Barker,* Stephen,^ Stephen,6 Levi,^ Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas was born July 7, 1844, and married in Bristol, R. I., in 1866, Laura Munroe. Children : 6032 i Raymond 10 Chafee, died 6033 ii Samuel Chafee. 6034 iii Eva Chafee. 6035 iv Frank Chafee. 6036 V Hattie Chafee. 6037 vi Lena Chafee. 6038 vii Cord Chafee. 6039 viii Willie Chafee. 6040 ix Raymond Chafee, a twin. 6041 X A son, a twin. 5031 Ida Verseya Chafee (George Tew Barker,^ Stephen,7 Stephen,6 Levi,' Nathaniel,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born January 31, 1860, and married, June 8, 1877, James Albert Bosworth. Child: 6042 i Grace L.i" Bosworth, died. NINTH GENERATION 539 5035 Lyman Morrow s Chafee (Thomas Diamond, « Stephen, ^ Stephen, ^ Levi,^ Nathaniel, ■* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 23, 1850, and mar- ried, July 4, 1888, Marion G. Kirke. In 1883 he lived in Hartford, Conn., and in 1889 in Providence, R. I., where he was a wood turner. Child : 6043 i Howard Kirke 10 Chafee, born November 11, 1889. 5037 Emma Jane ^ Chaffee (Thomas Diamond,^ Stephen, ^ Stephen, ^ Levi,^ Nathaniel,'* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born November 13, 1855, and married in 1876, George W. Simmonds of Taunton, Mass., a carriage painter, who died September 1, 1884. Children : 6044 i Clara Orilla 10 Simmonds, born April 8, 1877. 6045 ii James Arthur Simmonds, born January 23, 1879. 6046 iii William Henry Simmonds, born August, 1880. 6047 iv Albert Thomas Simmonds, born June 3, 1882. 6048 V Lulu Lindwood Simmonds, born April 25, 1884. 5099b Albert Erwin » Brigham (Almira Maria ^ Durkee, Hannah 7 Chaffee, John, 8 William, 5 Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Fayston, Vt., February 24, 1855, and married, July 4, 1874, Almeda Harper of Grant, Mich. He is a farmer and dealer in pine lands, and lives in Grant. Children, born in Grant: 6048a i Dora Almeda 10 Brigham, born September 17, 1875; married, July 21, 1899, Joseph T. Bell; residence, Manistee, Mich. 6048b ii Harvey Pierson Brigham, born October 5, 1877. 6048c iii Clarence Brigham, born January 28, 1880. 6048d iv Ralph Brigham, born January 2, 1882. 6048e V Gordon Brigham, born April 19, 1884. 6048f vi Ellsworth Brigham, born March 8, 1889. 5099c Glen Alcott^ Brigham (Almira Maria » Durkee, Hannah ^ Chaffee, John,8 William,5 Dan,-* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Fayston, Vt., January 15, 1862, and married, June 6, 1889, Kate Coates of Grant, Mich. He is a farmer and dealer in pine lands. Children, born in Grant: 6048g i Ethan Kinley 10 Brigham, born April 15, 1896. 6048h ii Gerald Hobart Brigham, born July 29, 1897. 5101 Henry Wesley » Chaffee (Cornelius Julius,^ Warren,^ Josiah,^ William,^ Dan,4 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born December 11, 1858, and married Esther Norwich. In 1891 they lived in St. Albans, Vt., where he was a cashier in the employ of the Central Vermont Railroad. Child: 6049 i Frank Wesley 10 Chaffee, born in 1889. 5131 George Aliens Salmon (Maria Whipple 8 Chaffee, Samuel,^ William, « William,5 Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Portland, Me., July 19, 1852, and married in Dorchester, Mass., May 2, 1877, Mary L., daugh- ter of Samuel W. Pope, a shipbuilder. She was born in East Machias, Me., Octo- ber 26, 1853, and at the time of her marriage lived in Dorchester. Mr. Salmon studied dentistry in the Harvard Dental College and also with his father. Later he moved West and went into the real estate business. He has a dark complexion. 540 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY blue eyes, and is five feet, seven inches in height. He is a member of the Methodist Church, and at one time Hved in Minneapohs, Minn. Children, born in Minneapolis: 6050 i Bessie Talbot i" Salmon, born August 18, 1882. 6051 ii Allen Pope Salmon, born October 28, 1887. 5143 Mary Elizabeth » ChafiEee (James Henry,8 Samuel,^ William, « William, ^ Dan, 4 Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Winslow, Me., March 7, 1863, and married there, October 21, 1884, Charles Walter Pond of Wrentham, Mass. She has a dark complexion, black eyes, and is five feet, one inch in height. She is a member of the Congregational Church. Children : 6052 i Walter Chaffee i" Pond, born November 12, 1885; died August 16, 1886. 6053 ii Hattie E. Pond, born January 18, 1887. 6054 iii Carl F. Pond, born March 9, 1888. 5147 Eliphalet Ide^ Armington (Betsey Ormsbee » Chaffee, Caleb, ^ Jonathan, » Jonathan, 5 Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas ^) was born June 30, 1841, and married Abbie Mallard Jenks of Providence, R. I. In 1894 they lived in Bos- ton, Mass. Children : + 6055 i Edith Blanche ^'^ Armington, born December 18, 1866; married Ralph F. Ketchum. 6056 ii Bessie Brigham Armington, born in Everett, Mass., April 15, 1877; married Herman K. Higgins. 5149 Charles 9 Chaffee (Jonathan, » Caleb,'' Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born about 1846 or 1847, and married (1) Louie Gardner; (2) Harriet Roberts of Providence, R. I. After this last marriage he adopted a child. In 1887 he lived in Attleboro Falls, Mass., where he is an en- graver of jewelry. Child, by first wife : 6057 i Hallie Chaffee. 6058 ii (adopted) Nellie Chaffee. 5150 Edward Davis ^ ChafiEee (Jonathan, » Caleb, ^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, ^ Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., February 6, 1850, and was married there, December 27, 1870, by Bishop Henshaw, to Ella S., daugh- ter of Albert Gregory. She lived in Providence, R. I. She was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., about 1849. They lived in Fall River, Mass., and in 1887 in Provi- dence. Children, born in Seekonk: 6059 i Jonathan Albert lo Chaffee, born October 12, 1871. 6060 ii Edward Davis Chaffee, Jr., born October 29, 1872. 5156 Fred Ide » Chaffee (Oliver,^ Caleb,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Dan,* Jona- than, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Seekonk, Mass., August 8, 1857, and married in East Providence, R. I., April 27, 1881, Inez, daughter of Alfred and Frances Griswold of that place. In 1883 they lived in East Providence, where Mr. Chaffee was a salesman. He was at one time a manufacturer of disinfectants. Child: 6061 i Alfred Griswold i" Chaffee, born in East Providence, February 15, 1882. . . \Jyi4^^z^n^t^ NINTH GENERATION 541 5157 Jonathan Irvin^ Chaffee (Oliver,^ Caleb/ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, ^ Dan,^ Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Seekonk, Mass., January 3, 1861, and married in Rehoboth, Mass., December 23, 1885, Bessie Wright, daughter of Honorable John Cotton and Frances A. Marvel of that place. She was born in Rehoboth about 1867. In 1885 Mr. Chaffee lived in East Providence, but in 1892 and 1906 he lived in Fordham Heights, New York City, where he was professor of mathematics and resident manager in Webb's Academy and Home for Ship Builders. Both he and his wife are members of the Fordham Dutch Reformed Church. He became a church member at the age of twenty-two. He has a light complexion, and brown eyes. Children : 6062 i Frances Marvel 10 Chaffee, born in Rehoboth, February 15, 1891. 6063 ii Jonathan Irvin Chaffee, Jr., born January 24, 1900. 6064 iii Clarence Church Chaffee, born August 26, 1901. 5228 Charles Danas Chaffee (Dana Lynds,^ Lynds,^ William,^ Atherton,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Morristown, Vt., August 7, 1859, and married in Stowe, Vt., in 1884, Mertie, daughter of Aaron Terrill of Morristown. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1884 and in 1891 he lived in Morristo^wai, where he was a farmer. Children : 6065 i Florrie Susan 10 Chaffee, born in 1885. 6066 ii Rena Annette Chaffee, born in 1887. 6067 iii Bertha Ellen Chaffee, born in 1890. 5253 Hubert Richmond 9 Chaffee (George Clifford,8 James Carlyle,^ Calvin, « Clifford, 5 Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Whitewater, Wis., July 7, 1868, and died there, May 2, 1890. He married, August 22, 1888, Ella C. Elting, born in Palmyra, Wis., September 6, 1867. Child: 6068 i Hubert Elting 10 Chaffee, born in Whitewater, August 14, 1890. 5261 Miriam 9 Grant (Fannie Josephine ^ Chaffee, Jerome B.,^ Warren, « Otis,^ Atherton,* David, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born September 26, 1881, and married Lieutenant U. S. Macy of the United States Na\y. Child: 6069 i Fannie C. Grant i" Macy. 5273 Charles Bernard » Chaffee (Sidney Larkin,^ Luther,^ Darius, ^ Joseph, s Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born April 26, 1852, and married Alina A. Freet. Children : 6070 i Luella Laud 10 Chaffee, residence, 1906, Cleveland, O. 6071 ii Sidney L. Chaffee, residence, 1906, Cleveland. 6072 iii Alice B. Chaffee, osteopathic physician, on the faculty of the Los Angeles College of Osteopathy, 1906. 5298 Mary S.a Chaffee (WilHam Morgan,^ Luther,^ Darius,6 Joseph, ^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born March 28, 1859, and married. May 24, 1881, Jacob, son of Henry Haukenhof of Toledo, 0. He is an artisan. 542 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children : 6073 i A daughter, 10 born October 3, 1883. 5303 Grove W.^ Converse (Orlin Eustis » Converse, Esther ^ Walker, Esther » Chaffe, Joseph, 5 Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married about 1882, A. B. , and in 1890 lived in Windsor, Mass., where he was in the ice business. Children : 6074 i Rose Ethel 10 Converse, born about 1884. 6075 Other children, names unknown. 5334 Sarah Annie ^ Chaffee (Edwin Marcus,^ Daniel,^ Jonathan, ^ Asa,^ Joseph,'' John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born November 17, 1837, and married Colonel William W. Lamb of Norfolk, Va., at one time Mayor of that city, and later of Providence, R. L He was commander of Fort Fisher during the Civil War. He is a lawyer and editor. Children : 6076 i Maria Kerr 10 Lamb, born in 1858. 6077 ii Richard Lamb. 6078 iii William Lamb. 6079 iv Edwin Lamb, died in infancy. 6080 V Sallie Lamb, died in infancy. 6081 vi Margaret Lamb. 6082 vii Harry Lamb, died young. 6083 viii Mabel Lamb. 5336 Catherine Maria » Chaffee (Edwin Marcus, « Daniel, ^ Jonathan, ^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in May, 1843, and married Doctor George L. Porter of Pittsburg, Pa., who served as a surgeon in the Union army during the Civil War. Mrs. Porter is a member of the Episcopal Church. In 1883 and for many years previous they lived in Bridgeport, Conn. Children : 6084 i Clara Elizabeth i" Porter, died aged eleven months. 6085 ii George Porter. 6086 iii Benton Porter. 6087 iv Ethel Porter. 6088 V May Hopie Porter, died. 6089 vi Alice Porter, died aged five years. 6090 vii Hugh Porter. 5345 Edward 9 Chaffee (Nelson Eaton,^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, ^ Asa,^ Joseph,'* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Ellington, Conn., November 12, 1836, and married in Wallingford, Conn., May 4, 1864, Evelina, daughter of Nathan Fenn Goodrich of Berlin, Conn. In 1885 they lived in Meriden, Conn., where Mr. Chaffee was an electroplater. Children : 6091 i Isabel Russel 1° Chaffee, born October 26, 1865. 6092 ii Alice Layette Chaffee, born December 24, 1866. 6093 iii Flora Adeline Chaffee, born January 24, 1868; residence, 1885, Meriden. 6094 iv Nelson Eaton Chaffee, born April 24, 1869; died October 6, 1871. 6095 V Edward Elmour Chaffee, born November 18, 1878. 6096 vi Horace Milo Chaffee, born October 4, 1882. 5354 George Edgar 9 Chaffee (Erasmus Darwin, « Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, « Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., Feb- ruary 9, 1850, and married in Springfield, Mass., June 25, 1872, Elizabeth Free- HE F. GUTEKUNST CO. NINTH GENERATION 543 man, daughter of Adam Billings of Pembroke, Mass., where she was born April 25, 1843. In 1883 they lived in Springfield, where Mr. Chaffee was a grocer. Children, born in Springfield: 6097 i Frank E.io ChafTee, born July 25, 1875; died in Springfield, October 5, 1875. 6098 ii Frank B. Chaffee, born September 3, 1877. 6099 iii Arthur M. Chaffee, born July 2, 1880. 6100 iv Josie Esther Chafi^ee, born December 24, 1882. 5375 William Henrys OhaSee (William,8 Elam,^ Cyril,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1843, and married there in the Broad Street Baptist Church, February 1, 1871, at ten a. m., Eliza Shallcross, daughter of Henry and Abigail Hart (Knowles) Piatt. [See Appendix J.] She was baptized in that church, June 5, 1864. William H. Chaffee has a florid complexion, blue gray eyes, dark hair now slightly tinged with gray, weighs 190 pounds, and is five feet, four inches in height. He is exceedingly methodical and systematic in his work, and is of a jovial disposition. He received an academic education in the Hopewell (Pa.) Classical and Mercantile School in 1855 and 1856, the following year removing with the principal, James T. Doran, to Chestnut Level (Pa.) Academy and with him in 1858 to Pleasant Grove (Pa.) Academy. In 1860 he attended the Race Street Quaker School, Philadelphia, the Principal of which was A. B. Ivins. In 1861 he attended the Milton (Pa.) Academy, graduating from the academic course in June, 1862. In 1863 and 1864 he travelled through southern Pennsylvania with a horse and wagon, selling hosiery, notions and small wares to the country stores. In the fall of the latter year he entered into partnership with his cousin, Theodore S. Chaffee (5379), the firm selling hosiery, gloves and fancy goods, and being located on Market Street, Philadelphia. In 1870 William H. Chaffee removed to New York City, where for three years he represented Philadelphia textile manufacturers, and sold their products. From 1873 to 1894 he was a salesman for Kibbe, Chaffee, Shreve & Company, of New York City, commission dealers in underwear and hosiery, the Chaffee member of the firm being Edward J. Chaffee (5378). In 1894 William H. Chaffee became one of the firm of Kibbe, Chaffee, Morehouse & Company, commission merchants in underwear and ho- siery, in 1895, the firm being changed to Chaffee, Morehouse & Company, and January 1, 1907, to Chaffee, Morehouse & Carmichel, which still continues, in 1908 being located in Worth Street, New York City. April 7, 1861, Mr. Chaffee was baptized in the Broad Street Baptist Church, Philadelphia, and November 24, 1879, was dismissed by letter from there to the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, New York City. December 3, 1895, he was elected a Trustee of this church, which position he held until November, 1903. His resi- dence is in New York City. Since 1883, Mr. Chaffee has been preparing this genealogy. He has spent a great amount of time, considerable money and has visited the state and town records throughout the United States, searching for information regarding the descendants of Thomas Chaffe. The many copies of original records contained in this volume attest his industry and thoroughness. The toil has been more than offset by the pleasure of the search, and he has given some of the best years of his life to this research. 544 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY The various printed question blanks sent out in 1883 and years following were the means of much interesting and valuable correspondence, which has been con- tinued up to the present time. The business house of Chaffee, Morehouse & Carmichel, located at 43-45 Worth Street, New York City, was nearly all destroyed by fire on the afternoon of Feb- ruary 4, 1908, the fire starting about quarter past four in the afternoon. A singular feature of the fire was that the original matter of the Chaffee lineages stored there, though in close proximity to the raging flames, were but slightly burned, and but little injured by water, to the great joy of the compiler. Even had this valuable matter been lost, the book could have been printed without the loss of a single item, as three copies of the completed manuscript were in the hands of the pub- lishers. The editor and his other co-workers think the family owe him a debt of gratitude for bringing to light the rare and interesting matter now presented. From various parts of England and Canada he has obtained abstract copies of early wills and family records. His great effort has been to make this a history that will be read with appreciation and interest by the descendants of Thomas Chaffe and all others who bear the surname. Child: 6101 i Bertha EHza lo Chaffee, born in New York City, November 12, 1875; died in Liberty, N. Y., January 30, 1904; she was baptized in the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, by Reverend William C. Bitting, January 30, 1887, and was an active and energetic worker in that church until her removal to Liberty in 1900; she was graduated from the New York City Public Schools with a high average; she was engaged to be married to Floyd Mayham Grant of New York City, formerly of Schoharie, N. Y. ; he was graduated from Cornell University in 1895 as an electrical engineer, and later was employed by the New York and New Jersey Telephone Company, in New York City, being sev- eral times advanced; during this emploj^ment he was taken ill with consumption, and in 1898 died in Schoharie, where he was buried; in the late summer of 1900, Bertha E. Chaffee, too, fell ill of lung trouble, and September 11th of that year entered the Loomis Sani- tarium, Liberty, for treatment; the trouble soon developed into consumption; in 1903 her parents made their home there, and there, in 1904, she passed away; she was a bright and active girl, jovial and loving in disposition, visiting and bringing cheer to the homes of many, thereby leaving in sweet remembrance a life that was dear to all who knew her; a memorial window has been placed to her memory in the Baptist Church in Liberty, of which she was a member at the time of her death; she was buried in the Chaffee family lot in Somers, Conn. "Fourteen years ago there came to our village from New York a young girl who soon won her way into many hearts. Year after year Bertha Chaffee returned to be greeted by an ever increasing number of friends. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Chaffee were also greatly appreciated here. No one marvelled to see young Floyd Mayham Grant attracted by the sw^eet stranger. It seemed so natural that these two rare spirits should joy in each other's pres- ence that when it became known the two were affianced envy and jealousy slunk away and smiles and blessings followed the youthful pair. Six years ago just when life's cup seemed brimming full of gladness and promise, young Grant suddenly passed into immor- tality. Bertha Chaffee bowed in submission to God's decree, but the body, weaker than the spirit, began to droop. Father and mother NINTH GENERATION 545 love clasped arms about their only child, and held Death at bay till January 30, 1904, when at Liberty, N. Y., Bertha Chaffee died. Mrs. John B. Grant attended the last sad rites at Liberty. All classes and ages here are expressing affection for the dear girl a:. J deep sympathy for the parents, who have lost the light of their home." [Schoharie Standard, February 6, 1904.] "Bertha Eliza Chaffee, daughter of William H. and Eliza S. Chaf- fee, died at her home on Wedemeyer Terrace Saturday morning, aged 28 years. Miss Chaffee came to Liberty about four years ago for her health and during her residence here made many friends. The services will be held this afternoon at the house at 2 o'clock, Rev. Dr. W. C. Bitting of New York, officiating, assisted by Rev. S. F. Frohock, pastor of the Baptist church. Remains interred in the Liberty cemetery and later will be removed to family plot at Somers, Conn." [Liberty paper.] 5377 Mary Ella 9 Chaffee (William,^ Elam,^ Cyril,6 Asa,5 Joseph,* John,3 Jo- seph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Philadelphia, Pa., January 24, 1853, and married there, in the Broad Street Baptist Church, at five o'clock in the afternoon of De- cember 19, 1876, George Washington Mixter, born in Somersville, Conn., February 2, 1852. He has a light complexion, blue eyes, and is five feet, ten inches in height. He is a salesman and at the time of his marriage, and since then, has lived in Phila- delphia. At the age of thirty-eight he united with the Baptist Church. Mrs. Mixter is extremely interested in all ancestral matters, and is a member of the Daughters of the Revolution, in which society she is most active. She is a member of the Baptist Church, in which she has done much work. Children, born in Philadelphia: 6102 i William Chaffee 10 ]Mixter, born March 16, 1878; married in Trenton, N. J., May Cluxton; residence, 1908, Trenton; is a salesman. "Fu- neral services over the body of Mrs. Frances May Mixter, wife of William Chaffee Mixter, and daughter of W. R. and Ellen Cluxton of Trenton, N. J., were conducted on the afternoon of June 3, 1908, at the home of her parents. The officiating clergymen were the Rev. Dr. A. J. Weisley and the Rev. Dr. Samuel M. Studdiford. "At the services there were many of the younger people of Tren- ton, among whom Mrs. Mixter was very widely known. " Interment was in Riverview Cemetery, at the convenience of the family. Mrs. Mixter is survived by her husband, parents, two sisters and one brother." 6103 ii Lillian Belinda Mixter, born May 8, 1881 ; a dramatic reader and mono- logue artist; residence, 1908, Philadelphia. 6104 iii Marie Aline Mixter, born August 3, 1885; an interpreter of child and folk lore songs; residence, 1908, Philadelphia. 6105 iv George Washington Mixter, Jr., born July 27, 1890; residence, 1908, Philadelphia. 5378 Edward James » Chaffee (James,8 Elam,^ Cyril, a Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Somersville, Somers Township, Conn., August 1, 1836, and married (1) there, March 28, 1860, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Alexan- der King and Margaret (Snodgrass) Young of Philadelphia, where both were living at the time of their marriage. She died in New York City, April 20, 1886, and was buried in the Somers Cemetery. She was a member of the Plainfield (N. J.) Baptist Church and of the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, New York City. Mr. Chaffee married (2) in Schoharie, N. Y., July 25, 1888, Mrs. Mary Cynthia 546 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY (Baker) Drake, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Durand) Baker. She was born in Ransomville, N. Y, Mr. Chaffee has a florid complexion, blue-gray eyes, is five feet, eight inches in height, and of a jovial disposition. He united with the Plainfield Baptist Church at the age of forty and later with the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, in both of which he has held the position of Trustee, and in the latter that of Treasurer also. For several years after his marriage he lived in Philadelphia, and then moved to New York City. About 1871 he moved to Plainfield, his business remaining in New York, which city he again made his residence in 1878, and up to the present time. There he has for many years been a prominent dry goods and commission mer- chant. He is interested in the study of his ancestral lines and is a member of the Empire State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, and of the New Eng- land Society. "Edward J. Chaffee, of the dry goods commission firm of Kibbe, Chaffee & Company, was born in Somersville, Tolland County, Conn., in the year 1836, and at an early age removed with his parents to Philadelphia, in which city his father engaged for many years in the dry goods jobbing business. He graduated at a prominent mercantile and classical school, and as soon as he was prepared entered upon a mercantile career, in which he has continued actively to the present time. "Early in the year 1864 Mr. Chaffee accepted a position as salesman in the well-known house of Billings, Roop & Company, Philadelphia and New York. He began in the Philadelphia house, but remained there only a few months, being transferred to the New York house. The firm of Billings, Roop & Company dis- solved in January, 1865. The house of J. M. Billings & Company, of which Mr. Chaffee was the company, was established in New York, and that of Roop & Kibbe in Philadelphia. Succeeding J. M. Billings & Company came the firm of Billings, Chaffee & Company, and at the death of Mr. Billings the style of the firm was changed to Chaffee & Shreve. Subsequently, to enlarge the business, a connection was formed with Mr. H. R. Kibbe, who had been long and favorably known in this line, the style becoming Kibbe, Chaffee, Shreve & Company, New York, and Kibbe, Chaffee & Company, Philadelphia, which continued for over ten years. In January last the firm-name was again changed to Kibbe, Chaffee & Company. "Mr. Chaffee is very popular with consignors and customers, and some valuable accounts have been with his house over a quarter of a century. This long and successful experience in the handling of knit goods causes his advice to be sought after by young manufacturers, who have found in him a good adviser and friend. American industries generally have found in him an able advocate of their in- terests, and both by voice and pen he has done much to sustain the cause of pro- tection. Mr. Chaffee has been for some time a member of the Chamber of Com- merce, the Merchants' Club and various organizations of a religious and social character. He has had many positions of trust, and is one of the executors and trustees of the large estate of his relative and late partner, Mr. Billings. "Notwithstanding his business cares, Mr. Chaffee has always found time for literary pursuits. He possesses a large and well-selected library, the contents of which are not for ornament but for use. His reading has been unusually ex- tensive, embracing all classes of literature. American artists also, among whom he numbers many as personal friends, have found in him a wise and liberal patron, and in his collection of paintings may be seen valuable examples of some of our most talented native artists. A carefully chosen lot of old Chinese porcelains of beautiful forms and color adorn the cabinets and shelves of his home, and some ancient classical objects give evidence again of his connoisseurship." [Dry Goods Bulletin, December 11, 1886.] Children, by first wife, the first two born in Philadelphia, the next two in New York City, the last two in Plainfield : o^ HeLlOTYPE PRIWTING CO.,BOSTON MAS NINTH GENERATION . 547 6106 i Margaret Sophia lo Chaffee, born February 12, 1861 ; died in Philadelphia, February 12, 1861 ; buried in Somers Cemetery. 6107 ii Charles Edward Chaffee, born June 9, 1864; died in Somers, September 21, 1865; buried in Somers Cemetery. 6108 iii Edward James Chaffee, Jr., born April 29, 1868; married in the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, New York City, June 21, 1899, by its pas- tor. Reverend W. C. Bitting, to Anna Florence Sears; no children; he is a commission merchant; residence, 1908, New York City. 6109 iv Aline Blanche Chaffee, married in the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, New York City, June 7, 1898, by its pastor, Reverend W. C. Bitting, to Doctor Arthur Melville, son of Doctor John and Jennie (Sammis) • Shrady; no children; Doctor Shrady is a graduate of Princeton University, and of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City; he has been chief of staff in Roosevelt Hospital and is resident physician of the Hotel Majestic, New York, in 1908; he has also a private office. 6110 V George Alexander Chaffee, born November 19, 1871; died in Somers, July 1, 1879; buried in Somers Cemetery. 6111 vi Mabel Louise, born October 15, 1874; died in Plainfield, May 27, 1877; buried in Somers Cemetery. 5379 Theodore Spencer a OhafiEee (James,^ Elam,^ Cyril, « Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas ^) was born in Somersville, Conn., December 21, 1840, and died in Avondale, N. J., January 31, 1902. He married in Philadelphia, Pa., Janu- ary 4, 1866, Ellen Walker, daughter of John Spittall of that place. Mr. Chaffee united with the Baptist Church in Rahway, N. J., and was a Trustee of it. His wife is also a member of the Baptist Church. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, and was five feet, seven inches in height. He was a commission merchant. His body was interred in Somers Cemetery, Somers, Conn. In 1903 Mrs. Chaffee, who survives her husband, was living in South Rutherford, N. J., and in 1908 in Nutley, N. J. Children, the first two born in Philadelphia, the last four in Rahway: 6112 i James Spittall lo Chaffee, born December 26, 1866; died March 1, 1867; buried in Somers Cemetery, Somers. 6113 ii Eleanor Harriet Chaffee, born July 19, 1868; died in Rahway, Jan- uary 9, 1885. 6114 iii Theodore Spencer Chaffee, Jr., born June 6, 1870; died in Rahway, March 2, 1875. 6115 iv Walter Spencer Chaffee, born August 30, 1874; died in Rahway, August 8, 1882. 6116 v Arthur Billings Chaffee, born March 16, 1877; mairried Helen Anita, daughter of Christian and Elizabeth Fleuraus; she was born in New York City, November 4, 1885; residence 1908, Nutley. + 6117 vi Clarence Le Roy Chaffee, born September 27, 1880; married Anna H. Wootton. 5380 Arthur Billings » Chaffee (James,^ Elam,? Cyril,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John,s Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 19, 1852, and married in Saratoga, N. Y., May 14, 1879, Laura Caroline, daughter of Merwin Gideon Putnam of that place. Mr. Chaffee has a light complexion, light gray eyes, and is five feet, eight inches in height. He was baptized in the Broad Street Baptist Church, Philadelphia, and became a member of it in 1864. His early education was gained in the public schools of that city; he prepared for college in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., graduating from there in 1869, and entering Rochester (N. Y.) University. Thence he went to Princeton University, com- 548 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY pleting his course there in 1876. He is a graduate also of the Rochester Theologi- cal Seminary, class of 1879. His first pastorate was of the Baptist Church in Franklin, Ind., where he remained until 1889. During this time he was Professor of Latin in Franklin College, and spent one summer in Harvard University, tak- ing a special course in chemistry and physics, later organizing a department of those studies in Franklin College. In June, 18S8, he accepted a call to Seymour, Ind., remaining there until September, 1890, when he went to South Bend, Ind. In 1895 while there he was President of the Indiana Baptist Young People's Union. Later he was President of the Baptist College in Marshall, Tex., and in 1908 had a charge in Kalamazoo, Mich. "Mr. Chaffee is one of those useful 'all-around' men in denominational work who may always be relied upon to perform the service he may have in hand with business like promptness and accuracy, with skillful use of opportunity and mate- rial. As teacher and pastor he has been most successful. The church which he serves is doubtless the strongest,' with possibly one exception, in Northern Indiana, and may well count itself rich in having such a pastor." [Baptist Union, Feb- ruary 16, 1895.] Children : 6118 i Harold Putnam lo Chaffee, born April 25, 1880; married in Pella, la., May 29, 1907, Fanny Winifred, daughter of William C. Smith; they live in Grundy Center, la., where Mr. Chaffee is a minister. 6119 ii Eleanor Billings Chaffee, born November 17, 1881. 6120 iii James Foster Chaffee, born June 9, 1883. 6121 iv Arthur Billings Chaffee, Jr., January 2, 1885. 6122 V Margaret Caroline Chaffee, born February 6, 1887. 6123 vi Mary Ellen Chaffee, born August 29, 1889; died in August, 1890. 6124 vii Lawrence Erie Chaffee, born November, 1891. 6125 viii Kenneth Chaffee, born in Pella, November 26, 1896. 5381 Harriet Elizabeth 9 Chaffee (Spencer,^ Elam,7 Cyril,^ Asa,^ Joseph,^ John,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Somersville, Conn., April 25, 1848, and was mar- ried there, June 20, 1867, by Reverend Mr. Douglass, a Methodist minister, to Clayton, son of Leonard and Ruth (Rockwell) Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Grant live in Wapping, Conn. Child: 6126 i Gertrude Mabelle lo Grant, born in Wapping, July 3, 1868; married there in the Congregational Church by Reverend 0. G. Mclntire, Novem- ber 20, 1888, to Frederick O. Boynton of Manchester, Conn., where they were living in 1907. 5388 John Norman » Lacey (Nabby Elvira s Chaffee, Norman, ^ Calvin, e Asa,^ Joseph, "i John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1), married in the fall of 1860, Catharine Woods of Enfield, Mass., a teacher. In 1883 Mr. Lacey was a teacher in the S. P. School in Monson, Mass., a position which he had honorably filled for twenty years. At the time of their marriage, he and his wife were both teaching in the same school. Children : 6127 i Carrie Elvira 10 Lacey. 6128 ii Hattie Lacey. 6129 iii Edwards Norman Lacey. 5390 Noah Davis s Chaffee (Edmund Dwight,^ Norman,^ Calvin, e Asa,^ Jo- seph,4 John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., January 22, 1844, and married in Avon, Conn., May 1, 1872, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of ^^J^t^^yiLa^ G-^-^^^:^ l^^^^.-^^^/. (See Page 544) NINTH GENERATION 549 Roland Weatherby of that place. In 18S6 they lived in Southington, Conn., where Mr. Chaffee is a machinist and die sinker. Children : 6130 i Roland Dwight lo Chaffee, born in Union ville. Conn., February 5, 1874; a machinist. 6131 ii Austin S. Chaffee, born in Southington, November 16, 1885. 5391 Robert Dwight 9 Chaffee (Edmund Dwight,^ Norman,^ Calvin.e Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., July 21, 1846, and married (1), January 12, 1868, Mary Ehzabeth Knowles of Springfield, Mass., who died January 20, 1882. He married (2), January 23, 1883, Emma J. Hoisington of West Springfield, Mass., where they were living in that year. Children : 6132 i Chester Herbert 10 Chaffee, born in Enfield, Mass. 6133 ii Etta Elizabeth Chaffee, born in Springfield, Mass. 5392 Norman Seymour » Chaffee (Edmund Dwight,^ Norman, ^ Calvin, ^ Asa," Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, IMass., Janu- ary 1, 1848, and married (1) in Springfield, Mass., March 25, 1871, Juliette E., daughter of Aretas Janes Cadwell of Enfield, Mass. She died there, February 20, 1872. Mr. Chaffee married (2) in Monson, Mass., November 26, 1874, Anna Jane « Lanphear (5396) (Amorette Jane « Chaffee, Norman,^ Calvin, ^ Asa,^ Joseph, * John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1), born in Monson, December 21, 1846. In 1883 they lived in Enfield, where he was a farmer. Children, the first four born in Enfield: 6134 i Rufus Seymour 10 Chaffee, born May 13, 1879. 6135 ii Mary Amorette Chaffee, born August 11, 1881. 6136 iii Rose Irene Chaffee, born October 8, 1882; died November 27, 1884. 6137 iv Blanche Christine Chaffee, a twin, born October 8, 1882. 6138 V NeUie A. Chaffee, born January 20, 1884; died September 15, 1884. 6139 vi WiUis S. Chaffee, born December 8, 1885. 5393 Sarah Amanda 9 Chaffee (Edmund Dwight,^ Norman,^ Calvin,^ Asa,* Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in South Wilbraham, Mass., Janu- ary 16, 1854, and married. May 18, 1878, Eugene C. Bartlett of Montague, Mass. In 1883 they lived in Orange, Mass. Children, the first two born in Enfield, Mass., the last in Orange: 6140 i Fred Lucky 10 Bartlett. 6141 ii Harry Dwight Bartlett. 6142 iii Lulu May Bartlett. 5394 Nabby Davis 9 Lanphear (Amorette Jane » Chaffee, Norman, ^ Calvin, ^ Asa, 5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., July 12, 1841, and married in Windsor Locks, Conn., August 9, 1861, Charles Howard Lanphear of Chester, Conn. Child: 6143 i Jennie Elvira i" Lanphear, born in Chester, November 27, 1864; married, March 5, 1885, George Shaw. 5398 Sarah Amorette « Lanphear (Amorette Jane ^ Chaffee, Norman, ^ Calvin, « Asa, 5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Monson, Mass., Decem- ber 13, 1854, and married, June 30, 1884, Lester C. Stebbins. 550 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Child: 6144 i Walter lo Stebbins, born October 6, 1885. 5400 Mary Elvina^ Lanphear (Amorette Jane » Chaffee, Norman, ^ Calvin, « Asa,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Monson, Mass., November 1, 1859, and mariaed there, November 26, 1879, Milo Adelbert Gold of Stafford, Conn. Children : 6145 i Amorette Chaffee i" Gold, born in Stafford Springs, Conn., August 23, 1881 ; died December 9, 1882. 6146 ii Norman A. Gold, born December 11, 1883. 5401 Emma Jane 9 Chaffee (Ralph Tyler,8 Norman,^ Calvin,6 Asa,^ Joseph,* John,3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born April 10, 1847, and died in Athol, Mass., October 1, 1879. She married, in 1867, Everett C. Towne, M. D., of Springfield, Mass. Children : 6147 i Edward Everett lo Towne, born in Unionville, Conn., April 2, 1869. 6148 ii Ralph Chaffee Towne, born May 3, 1871. 5403 Ellen Amanda » Chaffee (Ralph Tyler,^ Norman,^ Calvin,^ Asa,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born in Windsor Locks, Conn., June 28, 1857, and died in New York City, January 28, 1899. She married in Brooklyn, N. Y., October 15, 1878, Frederick Deming Green of that place, where he was born July 3, 1850. Mrs. Green was educated in the Hartford (Conn.) High School and later gradu- ated from the Maplewood School of Music in East Haddam, Conn. "After a residence of some years in Hackensack, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Green re- moved to Thompson, Conn., in 1885. In 1889 they united with the Congregational Church, bringing letters from the Dutch Reformed Church in Hackensack, which they both joined soon after their marriage. From the home, over which she pre- sided with so much grace and efficiency Mrs. Green's death removes a beloved wife, a much needed mother, a model housekeeper, a gracious hostess, and a kind neighbor. The very house, which had been gradually transformed to express her ideas of convenience and comfort, is eloquent in its emptiness. A husband, daughter and nephew, regular members of this household, together with her mother, who spent much of her time here, and two brothers, will naturally feel most keenly this loss from their family circle. There are others, not all in the circle of kindi'ed, to whom she had greatly endeared herself, by whom her death will be felt as an irreparable loss. The charm which fitted her to shine in wider circles, and gave such zest to her years of city life, was never lost. She owed even less to her brilliant repartee and nimble wit than to her ready sympathy and un- erring tact. Appreciating the central place still held by the church in the thought and life of a typical New England community, Mrs. Green identified herself with the church more completely than at any earlier period of her life, and was an in- terested, active and efficient worker as long as strength permitted. She was to the last a constant attendant at all the Sabbath and mid-week meetings. Not least important were the services rendered her Sunday-school class of young ladies. These last years afforded opportunities for intellectual and spiritual growth which were seized with eagerness. "Mrs. Green was a woman of unusual versatility and of great force of character. Her life had developed in unwonted measure resources that might otherwise have been latent." [Obituary notice.] Mrs. Green's funeral was conducted at her home in Thompson on January 31, at two o'clock in the afternoon, by her pastor, Reverend G. H. Cummings, and her body was interred in the family lot in the West Thompson Cemetery. C Chafee, born May 4, 1873; moved with her parents when six years of age to Michigan, where she attended school in the log schoolhouse near Manton, later returning with her parents to Munsville, and after a few months, moving to Stockbridge, in both towns attending school; at the age of thirteen going to live Math her grandparents in Morrisville where she graduated from the Union School; after teaching a district school near home in 1890, she entered the Oneonta (N. Y.) Normal School, graduating (See Page 545 NINTH GENERATION 555 from it in the Scientific Course in 1895, in the fall of that year taking a school in Walden, Orange County, N. Y. ; after four years' service there, she went to Port Chester, Westchester County, N. Y., where in 1906 she was still teaching successfully; she is an industrious and earnest worker, inheriting her mother's energy and perseverence ; she has musical ability; is an active worker in the Baptist Church; she has adopted her grandfather's spelling of her name, Chap he. 6198 ii Cassandria Annie Chafee, born November 11, 1874; educated in the schools of Manton, Stockbridge and Munsville, graduating from the Morrisville Union School, and later from the Eastman Busi- ness College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; taught school for seven years and since 1900 has been a bookkeeper; in 1906 she was employed in that capacity in Great River, N, Y.; she is tall and well built, with much ability. 6199 iii Elsie May Chafee, born February 26, 1877; educated in the schools of Stockbridge and Morrisville, graduating from the Union School in the latter place; after teaching in the district schools of Stock- bridge, Madison and vicinity, she went to the Oneonta Normal School from which she graduated; taught one year in Harrison, Westchester County, N. Y., then joined her sister Grace in Port Chester, where she has since taught; she is of medium height, well built, and fine looking. 6200 iv Sylvia Eugenia Chafee, born in Morrisville, March 20, 1879; educated in the schools of Stockbridge, IMorrisville and Oneida, N. Y., where she graduated from the High School in 1903; before and since graduating she taught district schools; she is the historian of the family and much interested in genealogy. 6201 V Arthur Edwin Chafee, born April 24, 1883; educated in Stockbridge, and lives with his parents, assisting his father; possesses marked mechanical ability. 6202 vi Thomas Barton Chafee, born July 19, 1885; educated in the schools of Stockbridge, Morrisville and Oneida, where he graduated from the High School as Valedictorian, June 23, 1905, although his latter years of school work had been interrupted during the spring, his assistance being required by his father on the farm ; he had intended to enter college in the fall of 1905, but an affection of the eyes prevented this, to his great disappointment; his desire for learning is great, he is keenly ambitious and a tireless worker. 6203 vii Gertrude Elizabeth Chafee, born September 26, 1887; educated in the Stockbridge school until the fall of 1903, when she entered the Oneida High School, where she remained until the spring of 1905; the following summer she spent some weeks with her sisters in Port Chester and Great River, and also visited New York City. 6204 viii Florence Rubie Chafee, born August 31, 1889; educated in the Stock- bridge school and the Oneida High School, which she entered in the fall of 1903, being forced by ill health to leave in the spring of 1905, to her great disappointment; she possesses marked musical ability. 6205 ix Robert Manning Chafee, born December 4, 1892; a student in the Stockbridge school. 5528 Thomas Francis 9 ("Frank") Chaphe (Thomas Grant, « Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, 6 Isaiah, 5 Joseph, < John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas was born near Morrisville, N. Y., September 18, 1855, and married (1), June 26, 1878, Mary S., daughter of John Fisher of Munsville, N. Y. He married (2), December 31, 1890, Mary Cooney of Syracuse, N. Y. T. Francis Chaphe went with his parents as a child to Missouri, remaining there 556 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY six years. He received his education in the schools of Stockbridge, and Eaton, N. Y., followed by one year's study in Cazenovia (N. Y.) Seminary. He helped his father on the farm until 1877, when he learned the carpenter's trade, and worked for Armour & Company in Kansas City for a few months, soon returning to Muns- ville, where he continued to work at his trade, being a good mechanic as well as a carpenter. In November, 1S84, he went to Florida, where he bought an orange farm, but in July, 1885, left there. The winter of 1886-87 he spent in Colorado, and from 1887 to 1888 he ran a saw-mill in Morrisville, manufacturing cheese boxes. From 1890 to 1905 he was employed by C. E. Tayntor & Company of New York City and Brooklyn, erecting monuments, vaults and mausoleums in Greenwood, Woodlawn, Salem Field, and other cemeteries of Greater New York, and in various parts of the country. In April, 1905, he started for himself in this business in New York City. He is a man of great mechanical ability, honest and faithful in the work, but in poor health. Children, by first wife, born in Munsville: 6206 i Edna M.io Chaphe, born June 26, 1879; married Clarence Henderson, her cousin. 6207 ii Arthur E. Chaphe, born June 1, 1881; died in Morrisville, September 16, 1881. 5530 Anna Sylvia » Chaphe (Thomas Grant, ^ Joseph Manning,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah, ^ Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born in Munsville, N. Y., November 28, 1862, and died July 19, 1890. She married in Ohio, September 19, 1883, Dwight Graham of Eaton Center, N. Y. They lived in Morrisville, N. Y., until 1889, when they moved to Hamilton, N. Y., where Mr. Graham had a machine shop. Anna S. Chaphe was educated in the schools of Munsville and Morrisville, and later learned the millinery trade in the latter town, where she worked at it for some time. She was tall, well built, fine looking, of a kind disposition, and was respected and admired by all who knew her. She was buried in Morrisville. Child: 6208 i Anna Chaphe i° Graham, born in Hamilton, June 30, 1890; her mother dying soon after her birth, she was cared for from her first year by her grandmother Chaphe, who died when Anna was fifteen; she attended the Union School, Morrisville, where she received the first prize for speaking at the closing exercises; in 1906 she was keeping house for her father in Hamilton, where she attended the High School. 5532 Franklin George ^ Chaphe (George Franklin, « Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, s Isaiah,5 Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born near Morrisville, N. Y., October 29, 1855, and married in Sherburne, N. Y., June 9, 1880, Flora Buell, born December 5, 1859. Franklin G. Chaphe was born after his father's death on a farm near Morris- ville and lived with his mother in Eaton, where he received his education. His stepfather, who was a builder, taught him the painting and carpenter's trades, but he gave this up at the age of twenty and for two years was a farmer; from 1877 to 1881, he kept a store in Earlville, N. Y., where he sold hardware and groceries. In 1882 he moved to Valley Springs, S. D. Here he bought a farm four miles from the town and became a farmer, dairyman and poultry raiser. In 1898 he went into the hotel business, conducting "The Lake Park Hotel" in Madison, S. D. For five years he was interested in mining, but not finding the undertaking profitable returned to the hotel business in Britton, S. D. ;- \yi^-t-<^^!^^^„r-^ AJts^^^^cL^ '^^^.^e^^^^ ,.c5f:?a (See Page 547) NINTH GENERATION 557 Children : 6209 i George Franklin lo Chaphe, born March 6, 1S83; industrious and ener- getic; is manager of the telephone exchange in Hailey and Sho- shone Falls, Idaho. 6210 ii Edith Buell Chaphe, born August 20, 1885; lives with her parents. 6211 iii Richard Lee Chaphe, born August 19, 1887; attending school, 1906; named for his mother's father. 5535 James Mannings Chaphe (Andrew Jackson,^ Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, o Isaiah,5 Joseph,-* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Hartford, Conn., Septem- ber 30, 1860, and married in St. Louis, Mo., June 15, 1881, his cousin, Nannie Gertrude 9 Chaphe (5543) (William Henry,^ Joseph Manning,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i), born August 2, 1859. James Manning Chaphe moved with his parents to East New York, a part of Brooklyn, N. Y., when three years of age, and at the age of five was sent to a private school, later attending the public schools. At the age of ten his parents moved to St. Louis, Mo., where he continued his education in the public schools for seven years. At the age of seventeen he entered the St. Louis Water Works, where he served a four years' apprenticeship, thoroughly mastering the trade of a mechanical engineer. In March, 1881, he was appointed Assistant Mechanical Engineer in the St. Louis Water Works, which position he held for sixteen years. After this he still continued his profession, designing, superintending, erecting and improving the machinery for water works, electric light plants, shoe factories, printing establishments, iron works, and so forth. During the building of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition he was employed as Mechanical Inspector and during the progress of the Exposition as Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer. Early in 1905 Mr. Chaphe was engaged to go to Vicksburg, Miss., as Chief Mechan- ical Engineer of the City Water Works. This position he resigned in September, 1905, on account of the yellow fever epidemic then raging in the South. Follow- ing this he was for a few months in charge of the installation of the power, heating, and electric plant of the State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Mr. Chaphe has been a member of the Engineers' Club of St. Louis since 1886. He is a faithful worker and a diligent student in his profession. He has a pleasant, cheerful and sociable disposition. Children, born and buried in St. Louis: 6212 i A son,io born May 22, 1882; died in St. Louis May 24, 1882. 6213 ii Ada Mary Chaphe, born August 7, 1884; died February 5, 1885. 6214 iii Robert Allen Chaphe, born July 19, 1887; died July 10, 1889. 5536 George Allen » Chaphe (Andrew Jackson, « Joseph Manning, ^ Joseph, « Isaiah, 5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, ^ Thomas i) was born in Hartford, Conn., Novem- ber 28, 1862, and married in St. Louis, Mo., September 24, 1890, Elizabeth Har- rington, daughter of Benjamin F. and Elizabeth (Rielly) Lewis. She was born in Jefferson City, Mo., September 24, 1870. When an infant George A. Chaphe was taken by his parents to East New York, Brooklyn, N. Y., where they lived for seven years, at the end of that time mov- ing to St. Louis, where George entered the public schools. In 1882 he was gradu- ated from the St. Louis High School and later from a business college. For nearly four years he worked in a wholesale hardware house and in 1887 entered the employ of the United States in the postal service, where he has remained in the 558 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY mailing and registry service of the St. Louis Post Office for nineteen years, an earnest, diligent worker. Mr. Chaphe has always possessed a remarkable memory, was a faithful student in his school days, excelling particularly in elocution. He has committed to memory many passages from the Bible and from the works of his favorite authors. Children : 6215 i Gertrude lo Chaphe, born August 31, 1895; died September 5, 1895. 6216 ii Isabel Augusta Chaphe, born January 7, 1897. 6217 iii George Dewey Chaphe, born May 16, 1899. 6218 iv Homer Lewis Chaphe, born June 28, 1902. 6219 V Nanny Gertrude Chaphe, born March 31, 1905. 5537 Ada Mary 9 Chaphe (Andrew Jackson, » Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, ^ Isaiah, ^ Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in East New York (now Brooklyn), N. Y., November 15, 1864, and married in St. Louis, Mo., October 26, 1886, WiUiam Reinhart Chivvis, born in Memphis, Tenn., June 3, 1858, a descendant of William Chivvis who came from England and settled in Virginia in 1746. At the age of six Ada M. Chaphe moved with her parents to St. Louis, where she entered the public schools. In 1884 she was graduated from the High School there, reading one of the two class papers delivered at the graduating exercises. The following summer she visited Hartford, Conn., Philadelphia, Pa., New York City and other places, the trip being one of extreme interest to one accustomed to life in a western city. A desire to put into practice some original ideas concerning the art of teaching, caused her to take charge for a year of a country school in Bonhomme, Mo. Her school consisted of sixty scholars and was ten miles from the railroad; there being neither church nor Sunday school within miles of her, she obtained permission to conduct a Sunday school in the schoolhouse. This service became so popular that under the auspices of her successors it has con- tinued up to the present time and bids fair to shortly develop into a church. Mr. Chivvis was for eighteen years connected with a firm dealing in hardwood lumber, in the successive capacities of bookkeeper and secretary, and in 1901 established himself in business under the name of W. R. Chivvis Hardwood Lum- ber Company. Early in life he and Mrs. Chivvis united with the Hyde Park Congregational Church, St. Louis, and in 1906 with the First Congregational Church on Delmar Boulevard, having moved to that section of the city. Mr. Chivvis is a member of the Congregational Club, comjDosed of professional and business men of that denomination. At the club meetings addresses are made on topics of general as well as denominational interest, ladies occasionally being invited to speak. Mrs. Chivvis has twice been so honored. For seven years she served as Recording Secretary of the Congregational Foreign ]\Iissionary Societies of Missouri, for four years as Corresponding Secretary of the Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs and is at present President of the Tuesday Literary Club, one of the largest of the women's clubs in St. Louis. Children, born in St. Louis: 6220 i Leland i" Chivvis, born August 21, 1887; educated in the St. Louis public schools; graduated from the High School in June, 1905, and is at present a student in Washington University; united with the First Congregational Church, St. Louis, in 1906. 6221 ii Norman Chevvis, born February 3, 1891; a pupil in the Central High School, St. Louis. NINTH GENERATION 559 6222 iii Ruth Chevvis, born December 8, 1894; a student in the St. Louis gram- mar school. 5541 Byron 9 Chaphe (Andrew Jackson,^ Joseph Manning/ Joseph,6 Isaiah,* Joseph,^ John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in St. Louis, Mo., April 6, 1871, and married there, December 12, 1900, Bertha Margaret, daughter of George and Mary Burs. She was born in St. Louis, September 27, 1878. For some years Mr. Chaphe was in the insurance business, but is now a clerk in a railroad office. Child: 6223 i Evelyn May i" Chaphe, born November 5, 1902. 5544 William Henry » Chaphe, Jr. (William Henry » Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, » Isaiah,5 Joseph,-* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i), was born September 23, 1865, and died May 14, 1900. He married, November 24, 1891, Emma S. Schad of Bingham- ton, N. Y. She and her daughter live with William H. Chaphe, Sr., in Corning. Child: 6224 i Helen Katheren lo Chaphe, born December 30, 1893. 5545 Charles » Chester Chaphe (William Henry,8 Joseph Manning,^ Joseph, « Isaiah, 5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born October 10, 1867, and mar- ried, June 5, 1899, Martha Avery of Newport News, Va., where they live. Mr. Chaphe is employed in the Navy Yard. Children : 6225 i Peggy "> Chaphe, born September 3, 1900. 6226 ii Elizabeth Chaphe, a twin, born September 3, 1900. 5546 Robert Brown » Chaphe (William Henry,^ Joseph Manning,? Joseph, « Isaiah, 5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born November 23, 1872, and married, October 24, 1900, Wilhelmina Helena Peters of Brooklyn, N. Y., where they live. Children : 6227 i Helena i" Chaphe, born November 26, 1901. 6228 ii Augusta Chaphe, born June 27, 1903. 5548 Lillian Gertrude » Short (Gertrude Lovina » Chaphe, Joseph Manning,^ Joseph,^ Isaiah, 5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born August 24, 1867, and married in Eaton, N. Y., June 13, 1892, George Arthur Cole of that place. Lillian G. Short has a bright, cheerful nature and was a diligent student. She entered the public school of Eaton at the age of seven and at sixteen the Hamilton Ladies' Seminary, from which she was graduated with honors three years later, being President of her class. She is an excellent musician and clever with her brush. She united with the Eaton Baptist Church in 1882. Mr. Cole is a graduate of the Albany College of Pharmacy, and has a fine drug store in Gloversville, N. Y., where he and Mrs. Cole settled soon after their marriage. Child: 6229 i Kenneth Franklin 10 Cole, born in Gloversville., December 27, 1895. 5549 Ambrose S.s Long (Mary J.s Sweet, Esther 7 Chaffe, Joseph,^ Isaiah, » Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Cazenovia, N. Y., October 13, 1854, and married in Chittenango, N. Y., March 16, 1881, Jennie E. Lonkins. In 1890 they lived in Perryville, N. Y. 560 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Children, born in Chittenango : 6230 i Herbert Arthur lo Long, born December 28, 1881. 6231 ii Clara Anna Long, born March 23, 1883. 6232 iii Edith Adaline Long, born November 14, 1884. 6233 iv Emery Ambrose Long, born July 17, 1886. 5552 Ambrose » Sweet (Aurilla Jennette ^ Holdridge, Anna ^ Chaffe, Joseph, ^ Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas i) was born August 20, 1852, and mar- ried, March 23, 1875, Flora Rieley. Children : 6234 i Mary ^ Sweet, born January 24, 1876. 6235 ii Ralph Sweet, born August 12, 1878. 5554 Emma » Sweet (Aurilla Jennette » Holdridge, Anna ^ Chaffe, Joseph, 8 Isaiah, 5 Joseph, * John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born February 7, 1857, and mar- ried, July 6, 1876, Peter Holland. Children : 6236 i Laura 10 Holland, born June 19, 1878. 6237 ii Harry Holland, born March 24, 1882. 6238 iii Frank Holland, born May 5, 1885. 6239 iv Archie Holland, born April 22, 1887. 5559 Frank » Ohaphe (Albert Henry,8 Stephen Fisk,? Joseph, ^ Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born September 1, 1854, and died July 4, 1883. He married, in 1878, Mary Wilcox. Child: 6240 i John 10 Chaphe, born January 26, 1880. 5560 Charles ^ Chaphe (Albert Henry,^ Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph, ^ Isaiah, ^ Jo- seph,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born October 6, 1855, and married, in 1874, Fannie Partello. Children : 6241 i Albert Henry ") Chaphe, born August 6, 1876; died January 10, 1898. 6242 ii Harrie Chaphe, born May 30, 1878. 5566 Catherine Josephine ^ Mabie (Rebecca Armstrong « Chaphe, Stephen Fisk,7 Joseph, 6 Isaiah, s Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born September 18, 1870, and married, October 13, 1892, Jacob Andrew Lynk, born December 13, 1870, died May 14, 1895. Child: 6243 i Frank Mabie 10 Lynk, born September 15, 1893; died November 17, 1893. 5567 Oliver Chaphe » Mabie (Rebecca Armstrong « Chaphe, Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph, 6 Isaiah,5 Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born September 4, 1872, and married, March 30, 1892, Flora J. Bull. Children : 6244 i Edgar Bull w Mabie, born February 1, 1894. 6245 ii Thelma Rebecca Mabie, born July 8, 1898. 6^246 iii Darius Lucilla Mabie, born June 7, 1903. 6247 iv Donald Francis Mabie, born June 10, 1905. 5569 Jennie (or Annie) May » Chaphe (Elmer,^ Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph, ^ Isaiah,^ Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born July 26, 1881, and married, Feb- ruary 10, 1898, Charles Hudson. NINTH GENERATION 561 Children : 6248 i Edith May ^ Hudson, born November 28, 1898. 6249 ii Ruth Hudson, born July 2, 1902. 5570 Blanch Ethels Chaphe (Elmer,^ Stephen Fisk,7 Joseph, e Isaiah, s Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born April 21, 1886, and married, November 17, 1901, Herman Peterson. Children : 6250 i Elmer lo Peterson, born October 7, 1902. 6251 ii Albert Peterson, born May 13, 1904. 6252 iii Floyd Peterson, born July 3, 1905; died October 3, 1905. 5571 Muguette ^ Forte (Ellen « Chaphe, Stephen Fisk,^ Joseph, « Isaiah, & Joseph,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Clyde, N. Y., July 18, 1873, and married, July 2, 1895, Doctor Dafydd L. Edwards, born in Waterville, N. Y. Children, born in Syracuse, N. Y. : 6253 i Finette Armstrong lo Edwards, born June 9, 1900. 6254 ii Brunmen Forte Edwards, born February 25, 1903. 5576 Clarence Luther » ChaflEee (Calvin Peck,8 Luther, 7 Joel Israel,** Joshua,5 Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born in Ellsworth, Conn., February 18, 1849, and died July 17, 1886. He married (1) in Chicago, 111., May 28, 1872, Alice Elvira Roberts. She died May 14, 1873, aged twenty-two years, and he married (2) Ida Belle Hazen. Child, by first wife : 6255 "i Ahce Elizabeth w Chaffee, born in Chicago, May 10, 1873; died Au- gust 4, 1873. Children, by second wife: + 6256 ii Myrtie Sylvia Chaffee, born April 5, 1880; married John Lang. 6257 iii John Chester Chaffee, born September 17, 1881. 6258 iv Florence Chaffee, born October 25, 1883; married George E. Gierke. 5604 Ezra Jfi Chaffee (Levi Marvin,^ Chester,? David, ^ Ezra,^ Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas i) was born March 24, 1845, and married, (1) March 2, 1871, Florence B. Farr, who died in 1882. He married (2), February 12, 1882, Maggie I\L McMurtry. Children, by first wife: 6259 i David A.io Chaffee. 6260 ii Annie A. Chaffee. 6261 iii Levi Marvin Chaffee, died. 6262 iv Edna Chaffee. 6263 V Edward Chaffee. Child, by second wife: 6263a vi Flora M. Chaffee. 5605 Albert A.9 Chaffee (Levi Marvin,8 Chester,? David,^ Ezra,5 Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas i) was born July 11, 1847, and married, in 1870, Rosalia Helmer. Children : 6264 i Vina w Chaffee. 6265 ii Rhoda Chaffee, died. 6266 iii Vernie Chaffee. 5651 Theron Augustus ^ Chaffee (Sereno Silvenus,^ Eber Kise,? Rufus,^ Ezra,' 562 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Ebenezer,* John, 3 Joseph,^ Thomas ^ was born in Campton, 111., in 1846, and married in Blackberry Station, 111., September 7, 1869, Isabelle, daughter of John B. Lowe of Medina, Mich. Mr. Chaffee served as a Private in the last year of the Civil War. He has dark hair, blue eyes, and is five feet, eleven inches in height. In 1890 he lived in Chicago, where he had charge of teamsters. Children, the first born in Campton, the last four in Chicago : 6267 i Clara Pauline lo Chaffee, born April 29, 1870. 6268 ii Eva Luella Chaffee, born February 7, 1872. 6269 iii Eugenia ChafTee, born April 9, 1874; died in 1876. 6270 iv George Sereno Chaffee, born in August, 1878; died in August, 1882. 6271 V Fred Chaffee, born April 8, 1882. 5657 Rose Ann » Chaffee (Sereno Silvenus,^ Eber Kjse,^ Rufus,^ Ezra,^ Ebe- nezer,4 John, 3 Joseph, ^ Thomas i) was born in 1859, and married Clay Parmly. Child: 6272 i Ralph Edward lo Parmly, born January 2, 1890. 5774 Ella B.9 Chafee (John Gilmore,^ Benjamin, ^ Benjamin, ^ Francis Green, ^ Benjamin, 4 Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born January 17, 1856, and married Lieutenant Horace P. Mcintosh of the United States Navy, then stationed in the Hydraulic Office, Washington, D. C. He is a graduate of Annapolis, and retired from the Navy in 1892, after twenty-five years' service. In 1883 Lieutenant and Mrs. Mcintosh lived in Washington, and in 1892 in Indianapolis, Ind. Children : 6273 i A daughter, 10 born about 1879. 6274 ii A son, born about 1883. 5782 Leroy9 Crofut (Patty M.s Chaffee, Julius Bachus,? Zebediah,^ Zebediah,5 James,* Joseph,3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Gaines, Pa., March 22, 1855, and married in Avoca, la., September 15, 1875, Livonia Bowers of Wisconsin, In 1884 they lived in Smith Centre, Kan., where he was a farmer. Children : 6275 i Charles «> Crofut. 6276 ii Orrie Crofut. 5783 Verna9 Crofut (Patty M.s Chaffee, Julius Bachus,^ Zebediah,^ Zebediah,^ James,* Joseph,3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born in Gaines, Pa., June 27, 1862, and married in Davenport, la., September 2, 1882, A. N. Lowe, a teacher, born in Hopkinton, la. In 1884 they lived in Plankinton, Dak. Child: 6277 i Albert 10 Lowe, born November 21, 1883. TENTH GENERATION 5913 Almond Victor lo (" Victor ") Chaffee (Ezra Messenger,^ Williard Dilling- ham,8 Ezra/ Benjamin, « Thomas, ^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas i) was born in Rockford, Mich., August 28, 1867, and married, August 1, 1898, Anna , whose father lives in Canada. They live in Grand Forks, N. D. Children : 6278 Hazel n Chaffee. 6279 Ora Chaffee. 6280 A son. 5914 Mary Rachel 10 Chaffee (Ezra Messenger,^ Willard Dillingham,8 Ezra,^ Benjamin, 6 Thomas, ^ Jonathan, * Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas was born in Algona township, near Rockford, Mich., September 16, 1869, and married, March 25, 1891, Thed Samuel, son of Samuel Hutchings. They live in Grand Rapids, Mich. Child: 6281 i Ruth Alice " Hutchings, born in Alpena, Mich. 5915 Guy Willard 10 Chaffee (Ezra Messenger,^ Willard Dillingham,8 Ezra,? Benjamin, 6 Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel,2 Thomas 1) was born in Rockford, Mich., March 16, 1873, and married, April 25, 1895, Laila May, daugh- ter of Cornelius 0. Cain of Land Lake, Mich., where she was born. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee live in Grand Rapids, Mich. Children : 6282 i Beatrice n Chaffee, born February 26, 1896; died March 15, 1904. 6283 ii Wendell Cain Chaffee, born July 18, 1904. 6284 iii Guy Willard Chaffee, Jr., born February 10, 1906. 5916 Owen Russel 10 Chaffee (Ezra Messenger,^ Willard Dillingham,8 Ezra,' Benjamin, 6 Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rockford, Mich., October 8, 1875, and married. May 10, 1899, Pauline Louise, daughter of Addison Miles Fairchild of Marinette, Wis., where she was born. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee live in Grand Rapids, Mich. Child: 6285 i Miles Fairchild " Chaffee, born in Marinette, April 22, 1900. 5917 Glenn Dillingham 10 Chaffee (Ezra Messenger,^ Willard Dillingham,^ Ezra,7 Benjamin, 6 Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Algona township, near Rockford, Mich., June 18, 1878, and married, October 10, 1904, Grace Lillian, daughter of David Munro of Embro, Canada. She was born in Edgerton, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee live in Grand Rapids, Mich. Child: 6286 i ^larie Munro " Chaffee. 5918 Burt Kilpatrick 10 Chaffee (Ezra Messenger,9 Willard Dillingham,^ Ezra,' Benjamin, e Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rockford, III, January 3, 1884, and married, June 20, 1904, Edith Anna, daughter 564 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY of Arthur Currier of Grand Rapids, Mich., where she was born, and where she and her husband Hve. Mr. Chaffee is in the furniture business. Children : 6287 i Eloise n Chaffee, born April 4, 1905. 6288 ii Maryalice Chaffee. 6055 Edith Blanche i" Armington (Eliphalet Ide^ Armington, Betsey Ormsbee * Chaffee, Caleb, ^ Jonathan, ^ Jonathan, » Dan,* Jonathan, 3 Nathaniel, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Providence, R. I., December 18, 1866, and married Ralph F. Ketchum of Cambridge, Mass. Child: 6289 i Eleanor Armington n Ketchum, born in Dorchester, Mass., March 5, 1888. 6117 Clarence Le Roy 10 Chaffee (Theodore Spencer ,» James,* Elam,^ Cyril,^ Asa, 5 Joseph, 4 John, 3 Joseph, 2 Thomas 1) was born in Rahway, N. J.. September 27, 1880, and married Anna Hall, daughter of Daniel Hall and Ann Jane Wootton. She was born June 8, 1884. In he lived in South Rutherford, N. J., and in 1908 in Nutley, N. J. Child: 6290 i Clarice n Chaffee, born in Nutley, September 12, 1904. 6256 Myrtie Sylvia 10 Chaffee (Clarence Luther,^ Calvin Peck,8 Luther,^ Joel Israel,** Joshua, ^ Joel,* John, 3 Joseph,2 Thomas 1) was born April 15, 1880, and married John Lang. Child: 6291 i Ida Emelie n Lang, born May 24, 1903. ^^ <^^^^ -^ q8^^=^ '^5^ (No. 1, Page 1) (No. 16, Page 24) f^' (L.^H(*^ 81 Delia, 353, 510 Esther, 577 Sabrina. 510 Bark, Maria, 257, 423 Barker, Jonas, 216 Mary, 125,216 Barnard, Joshua, 252 Theodore E., 581 Barnes, David, 217, 380 Dell, 380 George S., 380 Grace, 380 Lucv Ann (Knapp), 385 Barnett, Walter H., 301 Barney, Ambrose, 239 Daniel Davis, 288 Lois, 56, 83 Sarah, 136, 239 Barnhart, , 147 Helen, 426 Henry, 426 Laura, 426 Mary, 426 William, 260, 426 Barnum, William, 580 Barrack, Jerusha W. Barren, Isabel, 102, 172 William, 172 Barrett, Alice, 315 Sarah E., 459 Barstow, Amos Chafee, 135. 237, 401 Nathaniel, 83, 135 Bartholomew, Edwin, 214 Bartlett, , 325 Eugene C, 483, 549 Fred Lucky, 549 Harrv Dwight, 549 Lulu May, 549 Silas, 289 Barton, Francis, 290 Basquin, P.B., 580 Bassett, William J., 296 Bate, Anne, 605 Bates, L. E., 528 Mary R., 409, 528 Baxter, Celia, 177 Comfort (Chaffee), 177 John Wilson Chaffee, 177 Levi D., 177 Lois Comfort Chaffee, 177, 319, 419 Mari Annie, 177 Miriam, 177 Marv C, 262 Moses, 110, 177 Moses, Jr., 177 William Simeon, 262 Bayer, Henry, Jr., 364, 514 Jeanette Rogers, 514 Beach, Adelia, 273 Adelia A., 451 Eliza, 417,249 George, 417 INDEX 613 Beach, Jeremiah, 249 Marietta, 249, 417 Peter, 417 Beaubaum, Kathrena, 397, 526 Beckwith, D. H., 448 Josephine, 490 Samuel M., 490 Beebe, Andrew, 333 Charles, 189 Rulen, 136 Beech, , 163 Eunice Pamelia, 185, 335 Isaac, 335 Beecher, Annette, 201 Beeman, Alvah Sabin, 441 Almerine Hobart, 534 Ann Eliza, 441 Elmer S., 534 Eveline C, 441 Hannah Fidelia, 441 Hannah F. (Chaffee), 441 Harold Emmet, 534 Helen Grace, 534 Hubert Remington, 534 James M., 267, 441 James M., Jr., 441 Jasper Chaffee, 441 Loretta May, 534 Lucas Azro, 441 Lucius James, 534 Beers, , 87, 336 Calvin, 260 Carrie Aurelia, 553 "William, 466 Beide, Leila, 371, 519 Belcher, Adelbert, 418 Elijah, 250, 418 Belden, Velona S., 420, 532 Belding, Laura, 164 Bell, Bela, 509 Joseph T., 539 Rosvpell C, 582 Sarah Jane, 353, 509 Bellows, Hubbard, 100 Beman, Jeanette, 213 Benedict, Edwin DeWitt, 255 George W., 255 John, 144, 254 Julia A., 255 Marv H., 255 Sarah A.. 255 Benjamin, Cornelius, 220 Bennet, Sam, 607 ' Bennett, Abram, 501 Andrew J., 299 Daniel, 103 Ebenezer, 204 Joseph, 203, 204 Lucv (Leland), 203 Peggy, 344, 501 Pollv, 64, 103 Sylvia, 119 Svlvia Albina, 203 William, 124 Benton, Owen, 424 Berkley, , 319 Bessev, Gertrude, 446 Bethel, Bluford, 454 Hattie, 278, 454 Betts, Nettie H., 329 Bibbins, Anna, 56, 87 Bicknell, Elizabeth, 44, 70, 71 Thomas, 70, 71 Bidwell, , 146, 569 Milton H., 270 Bigg, Isabel, 603 John, 603 Biggleston, Dorothy, 589, 590 Elizabeth, 589 James, 590 John, 590 Philip, 590 Robert, 589 Thomas, 590 Billings, Adam, 543 Billings, Alpheus, 481 Charles T., 243 Edward T., 581 Elizabeth Freeman, 478, 542 543 Harriet Sophia, 323,482 Nathaniel Andrew, 581 Samuel J., 581 Samuel Jerome, 581 Bills, — , 256 D. B., 354 Bingham, Ithamar, 338 Birch, Fidelia, 132, 231 Birdsey, Ebenezer, 193 Hannah, 193 Sarah (Bell), 193 Birdseye, Hannah, 116 Bishop, Theodore, 140 Bixby, , 177, 319 Gains W., 319 Norman L., 319 Black, John, 372 Marv, 211, 372 Sarah C, 309, 472 Blackaller, George, 447 Blackman, , 138 Daniel, 228 Nancy, 130, 228 Blair, Annie Allen, 567 Catharine L., 252 Enoch, 328 Jane, 183 Orin A., 567 Rufus, 252 Blake, Dorothy, 62 Blakeslee, Ellen E., 351, 508 Riley, 508 Blanden, Christopher, 66 Ebenezer, 66 Lois, 66 Lucee, 66 Shubael, 66 William, 37, 66 Bliss, Aaron, 331 Benjamin, 123, 211 Benjamin, Jr., 211 Charlotte, 365 Edward, 331 Edward Vardus, 211 Elam, 211 Ethan, 185 Experience, 13 Fanny Matilda, 211 Geore-e Washington, 211 Hannah, 169, 310 Henry. 218, 228 John. 70, 104, 266 Jonathan. 13 Joseph, 53, 331 Joshua, 310 Julia A., 139, 244 Levi P., 218 Lorenzo, 211 Lucy, 104 Lyman, 184, 331 Lvman, Jr., 331 Mabel, 211 Mary, 70, 112 Miriam (Harmon), 13 Nathaniel, 112 Norton, 331 Philura, 180, 323 Reuben, 110 Samuel, 218 Sarah Hall, 148, 266 Bliven. Burnetta. 520 Charles H.. 373, 520 Marv C, 520 Otis B., 520 Block, Maria, 201 Boardman. Luella. 447 Boda, Fred C, 553 Bodfish, Silas P., 324 Bolton, Thomas, 257, 423 Bond, Sumner, 222 Bonham, Bert, 446, 536 Clyde Arthur, 536 Emmett Dean, 536 Ruth Eilene, 536 Booth, Harriet Lillian, 453 Harriet Melissa, 296 (Hawley), 191 Horace, 277, 453 Joshua, 441 Mary Elizabeth, 453 Moses, 191 Rachel, 116, 191 Sarah Celinda, 453 Submit (Gowdy) McGreg- orv. 111, 180 Borden, Bishop, 328 Ephraim, 328 Harvey, 328 Henrv Harrison, 328 Horace, 183, 328 Timothy, 30 Boston, Annie, 222 Boreta, Emma, 507 Borroughs, Minnie L., 487 Bostwick, Beulah Carrie Lena, 465 Rufus Albert, 465 Willis G., 292,465 Bosworth, Albert, 506 Caroline, 506 Charles, 349, 506 Elizabeth, 506 Grace L., 538 James Albert, 452, 538 Pardon, 83 Sarah, 241 Stephens W., 506 Bound, Ephraim, 147, 566 Harriet Hall, 566 John, 566 Martha Willard, 88, 147, 566 Sally (Francis), 147 Bowen, Abigail (Peck), 137 Agnes, 564 Allen, 465 Alpha Ann, 214 Amos, 53 Angeline, 136, 240 Asa, 158 Calvin, 465 Charles, 53 Dan, 31, 53 Edna Maria, 465 Edward, 465 Elmer, 362 Ephraim, 96 Esther, 53 Huldah, 53 J. Allen, 292 Jabez L., 218 Joel, 135, 136 John, 465 Maria, 271, 448 Martha. 84, 135 Marv, 96 Mehitabel, 53 Noah, 137 Patience, 53, 59, 84, 135, 136 Rachel, 96 Richard, 53, 448 Ruth, 53 Sabrina, 84, 137 Sally, 95, 96. 158 Samuel, 59. 96 Susanna, 96 William, 136 Zerviah, 53 Bower, Martha. 136 Polly, 141, 249 Bowers, Clara, 581 Livonia, 520, 562 Bowler, Amy G., 600 Burton N., 600 614 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Bowler, Edna B., 600 Prank L., 600 J. M., 599, 600 Kate C, 600 Victoria A., 600 Vossie A., 600 Bowles, Ruth Standish, 243, 404 Samuel, 404 Boyce, Anna E., 247, 413 Lenora, 268, 443 William, 413 Boyd, Mary M., 488 Boyden, Mary P., 281 Boyer, Edwin, 396 Mary, 249 Mrs., V Mrs. (Hastenbader), 232, 396 John, 249 Boynton, Prederick 0., 548 Gertrude P., 482 Bracket, , 228 Brackett, Mary, 566 Roxalana, 349 Bradd, Eunice, 181, 324 Bradford, Clarissa, 141, 248 Mercy, 296 Robert, 248 Bradley, Charlotte, 120, 204 Ellen M., 353 Hezekiah, 204 William, 447 William S., 353 Bradner, Betsey, 227, 391 Bradway, Amanda C, 221, 384 Ira, Jr., 221 Brainard, Dell, 380 Prank, 423, 532 Marcia, 532 Bramhall, Asa, 154 Brandt, Lizzie, 529 Braumschweiger, Annie B., 474 Jacob, 474 Breitweiser, John A., vii Brewer, Allen, 155 Anson C, 208 Charles, 208 Prances (Rice), 208 Julia Ann, 155 Mary, 266 Brice, Alexander, 440 Lucy C, 267, 440 Nancy C, 267, 440 Rachel, 267, 440 Briggrs, , 235 Brigham, Albert, 281, 457 Albert Erwin, 457, 539 Albert Gallatin, 582 Clarence, 539 Dora Almeda, 539 Edgar H., 381 Elisha, 282, 457 Ellsworth, 539 Ethan Kinley, 539 Eusebia Miranda, 156, 282 Prank A., 582 Fred Hamilton, 582 Gerald Hobart, 539 Glen Alcott, 457, 539 Gordon, 539 Harvey Pierson, 539 Marietta (Houghton), 582 Mary Chaflfee, 582 Marv Elizabeth, 370, 518 Ralph, 539 Sophronia Delight, 155, 282 Sophronia (Ryder), 282,457 Bright, John, 473 Sarah Ann, 473 Brink, Alnora, 417 Britton, Huldah, 101, 168 Roxana, 101, 168 Warham, 189 Broadwell, Henry, 467 Louisa, 297, 467 Brock, Ann, 604 James, 604 Mary Elizabeth, 578, 579 Brockbank, Elizabeth, 280, 456 Brocklehurst, H. S., 580 Brockway, Phoebe, 64, 99 Brodner, Andrew, 322 Brookin, Catherine, 590 Thomas, 590 Brooks, , 129, 270 Augusta, 183, 327 Charles, 485 Flora B., 516 George, 367, 516 Ivus, 327, 485 Preston S., 304 Sally, 146, 260 Broome, Benjamin, 239 Bronson, Fanny, 250 Broughton, , 79 Hannah, 79 Brown, , 62, 171, 255, 495 Abigail, 345 Andromache, 341 AnnD., 341 Anna, 76, 121 Almeron, 344 Betsey, 344 Betsev (Chaffee), 341 C. A., 201 Charlotte, 341, 495 David, 123 Edith, 360, 513 Eleanor (Stuart), 191 Elizabeth, 60, 264, 341, 438 Emily, 162 Esther, 344 Eunice (Chaffee), 344 George L., 264 Hannah, 197, 341 Jabez, 191, 344 James, 344 Jasper, 394 Jeremiah, 378 John Manning, 341 Josiah Gleason, 525 Julia, 579 Laura E., 368 Levi. 191. 341 Levi, Jr., 341 Manning, 344 Mary, 221, 385 Marv Elizabeth Townley, 394, 525 Mercy, 344 Mercv (Mnrv), 345 Minerva, 341 Patience. 90, 152 Reuben, 341 Samuel Critlin, 341 Sarah, 58, 95 Sarah Jane. 215, 377, 378 William. 513 William C, 177 William E., 321 William H. Harrison, 341 Zurial, 341 Browning, Amv, 119, 200 Daniel, 119,201 Harmon D.. 201 Joseph. 200 Marv, 201 Mont, 380 Sally. 201 Bruin, Josiah. 464 Minnie A., 289, 464 Bryant, Betsev, 102 Eliza, 153, 276 Isaac, 507 Marv Ellen, 243 N. B.,243 Bryght, Sarah A., 317 Buchanan, Sarah, 409, 527 Buck, John, 127 Budlong, John S., 402 Katie P., 239, 402 Buell, Dene B., 354 Ella, 265 Flora, 497, 556 Frances, 260, 427 Buffingor, , 382 Buflfington, Benjamin, 292 James, 236 Lydia (Arnold), 150, 270 Maria, 161, 292 Mary Frances, 135, 236 Bull, Flora J., 503, 560 George, 116 Marion I., 380, 522 William E., 522 Bullard, Carrie E., 395, 526 Bunce, Charles, 396 Charles E., 233, 397 Edwin Chaffee, 397 Ellen C, 232 Ellen E., 396 Florence Eva, 397 Gertrude May, 397 Ina A., 232 Laurence Francis, 397 Louis Charles, 397 Louisa S., 166, 306 Myrtice Alice, 397 Rena Emma, 397 Timothy. 306 Zella Lillian, 397 Burdick, Julia L., 257, 424 Buress, , 174 Burge, Nina, 313 Burges, Albert P., 495 Burgess, , 210 Burke, , 67 Anna, 64, 99 Prederick, 67 Jesse, 99 Joshua Henry, 329 Leah (Jennings), 99 Richard, 99 Burleigh, , 209 Delia Ann, 246, 411 Burleson, , 441 Daniel B., 444 Electa (Hawley), 444 Hannah, 149, 267 Hanson S., 440, 533 Hanson S., Jr., 533 John, 267, 268 MarvR., 268, 444 Sally, 149, 268 Burlingame, Benjamin, 210 Burnap, Nelson, 283 Burnham, Dollv, 181, 325 Homer W., 444, 535 Ivan Walter, 535 Laura Elnora, 535 Burr, , 193 Eliza, 143. 254 Burroughs, Joseph, 571 Burrows, Philip, 351 Sarah, 351 Burs, Bertha Margaret, 501, 559 George, 559 Mary, 559 Burt, , 354 Arnold, 267, 441 David, Jr., 181, 182, 324 Edmund M., 324 Emeline M., 324. 483 Fanny M., 210 Frank, 441 Marshfield D., 324 Olive (Chaffee), 181 Olive D.. 324 Polly, 267, 441 Burton, George, 168, 310 Busby, Percival, 453 INDEX 615 Bush, Charles, 417 Crean, 103 Jacob, Millard, 417 Butler, Azariah, 326 Charles, 443 Clayton B., 535 Ellen, 249 Eunice, 221 Ezra C, 440, 443, 535 Fannie, 443 Frank, 483 Gardner, 443 Henry, 225, 354 Huldah Azubah Cordelia, 326 Leroy S., 474 Philanda, 128, 225 Svdnev, 268, 443 William A., 535 Butterfield. Alice G., 522 Arthur H., 522 Clarence E., 522 Ellen A., 522 Frederick W., 523 W. Elmer, 522 William J., 384, 522 Butterworth, Hannah, 33, 58 John, 58 Patience, 33, 58, 59 Samuel, 58, 59 Cable, Albert Benson, 389 Charles Homer, 389 Eddie Dewitt, 389 Francis Emory, 389 Henrv Grant, "389 William H., 225, 389 Cables, Sophia (T. or F.), 258, 425 Cadwell, Aretas Janes, 549 Juliette E., 483, 549 Lucretia (Chaflfee), 185 Moses, 113 Reuben, 210 Cady, Absalom, 368 Hannah Augusta, 208, 368 Mary A. H., 295, 466 Jane, 169 Sarah, 52, 80 Rhoda, 51, 77 Cain, Cornelius 0.,563 Laila May, 531, 563 Caldwell, Erastus, 215, 377 Prank, 377 George, 377 Caleff, bora J., 599 Kate J., 599 Lizzie S., 599, 600 Samuel, 597, 599 Calkins, David, 527 Eliza Harriet, 409, 527 Call, John, 72 Lloyd, 253 Callon, Catharine, 268, 443 Patrick, 443 Calvin, Almira M., 96, 158 Camp, Eliza D., 200, 361 William, 361 Campbell, May, 341, 495 Philena, 136, 240 if 'i Rosina, 350 A ^ • ' '■'^■^ \ \' William, 506 ►'• "" Cannon, Betsey, 142, 253 Israel, 253 Capwell. Caroline P., 263, 436 Phoebe, 437 Card, Hannah, 175 Carew, Nellie Maria, 386 Thadeus Gaylor, Jr., 386 Carpel, Mary L., 229, 393 William, 393 Cargill, Cora May, 414 George A., 247, 414 George S., 414 Carico, Jennie, 476 Carnes, Jane, 154, 278, 279 Carpenter, , 100 Abiah, 36. 37 Alice, 392 Allethea, 34 Alpha (French), 463 Amos, 34, 82 Azebah, 122, 210 Bemsley, 117 Charlotte Anna, 288, 463 Comfort, 82, 94 Daniel, 88, 144 Davis, 463 Dorothy, 35 Dorothy (Bosworth), 157 Elias, 117 Eliphalet, 53, 54, 82, 116, 117 Eliphalet, Jr., 82 Ephraim, 73, 82, 116 Ephraim, Jr., 117 Experience, 35 Freelove, 31, 53 Hannah, 20. 31, 54, 82 Harvey, 117 Helen, 392, 525 Huldah, 62 John, 210 John Sullivan, 117 Joseph, 30, 117 Lephe, 95, 157 Lewis, 350 Lvdia, 350 Lydia A., 196 Margaret, 20, 30 Margaret (Sutton), 130 Martha (Ide), 82 Mary, 351 Mary (Bacon), 116 Mehitable (Reed), 36 Miriam (Searles), 31 Nabbv (Richards), 350 Nellie, 117 Patience, 35 Patience (Ide), 34, 53 Phoebe, 87, 144 Polly, 117 Remember, 82 Samuel. 34, 35, 53 Sarah, 20, 36 Solon, vii Susanna, 57, 88 Thomas, 157 Timothy, 20, 34, 35, 55 Timothy, Jr., 53 William. 31 Willard, 117 Zaehariah, 583 Carr, Caleb, 53 Carrington, Charles, 242 Carrol, Almira, 165 Alvin, 165 Atherton. 165 Charles, 165 Emilv, 165 Grant. 165 Jo.seph, 165 Obed, 165 Phoebe. 165 Russell, 165 Carroll, Charles, 255 Grant, 165 John J.. 520 Russell. 99 Parson, M. T.. 453 Carter. Belle G., 378, 521 Charlotte C, 251, 420 Emma Augusta, 376 Henry, 521 Howard, 420 L. H., 355 Mary E., 355 Cartwright, David Smith, 347 Emily Antoinette, 347 Cartwright, Nancy (Howard), 347 Carew, Nellie M., 223 Carver, George W., 393 Case, Charles S., 553 Lucy, 204 Melissa Sophronia, 185, 336 Seth, 336 Susan P., 553 Susan Jane, 553 Caswell, Elizabeth, 567 Lydia (Elizabeth), 568 Cayley, Jennet, 572 Lord John, 572 Lord William, 572 Cecil, Barbara, 317, 473 Gordon, 473 Chadwick, Elizabeth, 565 Jemima, 29, 45, 565 Chafe, Andrew, 588 Byron R., 296 Christina, 588 Christopher Samuel, 317 Dorothy, 589, 594 Elizabeth, 594 Harriet Mary, 317 Harvey Parmer, 317 Highland Daniel, 317 John, 589. 590, 594 John Edwin, 317 Joseph Henry, 317 (Chaflfee) Luther, 316 Margery, 591 Molvns, 592 Pascha, 589 Philander Perry, 317 Rebecca Lucretia, 317 Robert, 686 Robertus, 594 Sarah Maria, 317 Seth, 584 Sidney Harvey, 317 Sidney Larkin, 317 Thomas, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592. 594 Udivilla, 601 Walter, 593 William Henry, Jr., 601 William Morgan, 317 Chafee, Abbie Emeline, 521 (Chaflfee) Abigail, 214 (Chaflfe) Abner, 61 Adaline, 138, 235, 236 Adelaide, 296 Agnes Eunice, 454 Alanson, 138 Albert Eddv, 239, 402 Alice, 231, 239, 296, 453 Alma, 296, 449 Almira. 138 Almira Pearce, 277, 453 Alpha. 449 (Chaflfee) Alpheus Cady. 215 Alvene Nancy, 215 (Chaffe) Ama (Anna), 62 Amos, 134, 235 Amy. 235 Amy Butler, 399 Amy Underwood, 134 Andrew Jackson, 296 Anita, 297 Ann, 583 Anna Cora, 453 Annie, 235 Annie Virginia, 454 Arminda Ruth, 399 Arthur Edwin, 555 Augusta, 242 Augustus, 138 Ben.iamin, 235 Ben.iamin Henry, 372 (Chaflfee) Benjamin, Jr., 372 Beniamin Henry, 372 Beninmin Robbins, 231, 396 Benjamin Sylvester. 279 (Chaflfee) Bertrand, 242 616 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chafee, Betsey Ann, 212 Betsey Maria, 214 Betsey Marsylvia, 296 Bruce D., 585 Carolina A., 372 Caroline Augusta, 214, 376 Caroline Prances, 235 Caroline Matilda, 134 Caroline V., 448 Carlos E., 242 Cassandria Annie, 555 (Chaflfe) Charles, 137 Charles Austin, 538 (Chaffee) Charles H., 448 Charles Henry, 134, 236 Charles Hoffman, 234 Charlotte, 278 Charlotte Ada, 454 Charlotte Amy, 234 Charlotte Kinloek, 399 Clara, 236, 239 Clara Leah, 453 (Chaffee) Comfort Tyler, 297 Cora Alma, 454 Cora S., 236 Cord, 538 (Chaffee) Cyril, 214 Cyril Newell, 276, 452 Cvril Schuyler, 214 (Chaffe) David, Jr., 61, 296 David Lewis, 372, 519 (Chaffee) Denike, 392 Diana, 137 Don J., 373 (Chaffe) Dorothy, 61, 62 Dorothy, 124 Dudley" Chase, 449 Edward Otis, 134 Edwin, 239 Elisabeth, 402 Elise Addison, 401 Eliza, 138 (Chaffe) Elizabeth, 62 Elizabeth, 123, 124 Elizabeth Birdilla, 454 Elizabeth Eddy, 134 Elizabeth Jane, 277 Elizabeth Webb, 134 Elizabeth Whiteford, 234, 398 Electa. 231 Ella. 231 EllaB., 520, 562 Ella Louise, 379 Ellen. 231 Ellen Balentine. 277 Ellen R., 242 Ellen Sarah. 379 Ellis Rebecca, 454 Elsie Mav, 555 Emma, 231 Emma Granby, 234, 398 Emma Jane, 453 Emma Watson, 236 Enoch Marks, 296 Esther Edmonds, 278 Eunice, 276 Eunice Amelia. 297 Eunice Foster, 276 Eva, 231. 538 Eveline Jane, 134 Flora Jem, 455 Florence Rubae, 555 Francis Hasseltine, 402 Frank, 538 Frank B., 392 Frank Edgar, 379 Frank Edmund, 235 Frank W., 239 Frederick Alpheus, 378 George, 296 (Chaffee) George 297 (Jeorge A., vi Chafee, George Austin, 452, 538 George D., vi (Chaffee) George Daniel, 449 George Dexter, 449 George Kinloek, 234, 399 George Tew Barker, 276, 452 Gertrude, 520 Gertrude Elizabeth, 555 Grace Bell, 554 Grace Irene, 538 (Chaffee) Hannah, 214 Hannah Clark, 373 Hannah Frances, 235 Hannah Maria, 214 Hannah Mary, 134 Harriet, 235 Harriet Melorah, 452 Harry J., 373 Hattie, 538 Helen Augusta, 235 Henry, 235 Henry Campbell, 399 Henry Sharpe, 402 Henry Worthington, 134 Hezekiah Usher, 276 (Chaphe) Hiram Eugene, 554 Hiram Walker, 214 Horatio Latham, 399 Howard Kirke, 539 IdaM., 392 Ida Versey, 452, 538 Irene Matilda, 215 (Chaffe) James, 372 (Chaffee) James Alanson, 212 James Jones, 399 James, Jr., 124 (Chaffee) James, Jr., 123 James Morrison, 373 James Smith, 279 Jane, 296 (Chaffe) Joel, 130 Joel, 137, 242 (Chaffe) Johanna, 61 John Blanchard, 378 John Ellis, 279 John Gilmore, 372, 519 John Gregg, 399 John Harrv. 454 (Chaffe) John I., 373 John Sharpe, 402 John T., 296 John William, 234. 399 Josiah Anthony. 396 (Chaffee) Josiah Willard, Jr., 230, 231 Josie Pearl, 455 Judson Ralph, 296 Julius Bachus, 212 Justus Preston, 212 Lamanda Maria, 277, 453 Laura, 279 Laura Amelia, 235 Laura S., 235 Laura Sophia, 134 Lena, 538 Lena Rivers, 452 Levi, 130 Lillie, 297 Lizzie M., 235 LoraL., 372 Lucia L.. 449 Lucinda Thomas, 270. 452, 538 Lucretia. 124 Lucy, 297 Lucv Ann, 2 79 Lucv B., 402 Lura I., 520 Lura J.. 448 Lurnna. 131 Lydia. 583 Lyman Morrow, 453, 539 Margaret Eulalie, 399 Chafee, Maria Emma, 372 Marie Chisholm, 399 Marietta Elizabeth, 378, 522 Marina Mary, 399 (Chaffe) Martha, 61 Martha Alvena, 378 Martha Hewlett, 124 Martin Van Buren, 296 Mary, 124, 235 Mary A., 373 Mary Ann, 134 (Chaffee) Mary Ann, 520 Mary Charlotte, 399 Mary E., 235 Mary Eddy, 135 Mary Elizabeth, 239 Mary Ella, 234, 399 Mary M., 372 Mary Sanford, 277, 453 Mary Sharpe, 402 (Chaffee) Mary Susan, 377 Mary Wallace, 454 Mattie Gamble, 399 Matilda, 239 Melinda, 138 Melissa, 231 Melorv Frances., 235 Miles, 138 Montemon Le Baron, 453 Nahum, 130 Nancy Cordelia, 373, 520 Nathan, 263 (Chaffe) Nathan M., 134 Nathan Munroe, 134, 234. 235, 239 Nathan Munroe, Jr., 235 Nathaniel Green Bourne, 234, 398 Nicholas Underwood, 134, 234, 235 (Chaffee) Noah Fuller, 448 Norton A., 392 Olivia Kate, 449 Olive E., 373 Orren, 392 Orrin Bradley, 379 Orrin Wilson, 215, 378 Otis, 234, 239 (Chaffe) Otis, 134 Otis Halleyburton, 134 Otis J., 400 Otis Jacob, 134, 234, 399 (Chaffe) Patience, 61 Patty (Knox), 211 Phila Washington, 215 (Chaffe) Polly, 130 (Chaffee) Ralph, 296 Raymond, 538 Reuben Harry, 279, 454 Rhoda, 130 Robert Alexander, 234, 400, 401 Robert Manning, 555 Sabra Sabrina, 212 Sallie Munroe, 134 Sallv Almira, 212 Samuel. 214, 538 Samuel Russell, 452, 538 (Chaffee) Sanford, 277 (Chaffe) Sarah, 62 Sarah Adelaide. 401 Sarah Adeline. 234 Sarah Ann, 277 Sarah Cook. 124 Sarah Elizabeth. 277 Sarah Munroe, 135 Schuvler Bradley, 215, 378 Selina Edwards, 135, 235 Sophia, 134 (Chaffe) Sophia Munroe, 135 Stephen, 138, 231 (Chaffe) Stephen, 231 Stephen B., 538 Stephen Barker, 452, 538 INDEX 617 Chafee, Stephen James, 276 (ChaflPee) Stephen, Jr., 276 Sybil, 392 Sylvia Eugenia, 555 Theron, 231 Thomas Barton, 555 Thomas Diamond, 276, 452 Thomas Eddy, 135, 239 Thomas Fitzgerald, 372 W. B. Chapman, 235 Walter Benjamin, 396 Wells, 279 Wesley, 231 William, 124, 519 (Chaffee) William Banfield, 278 William Crapon, 135 William Clark, 452 William Gregg, 399 William Grover, 214 William Hasseltine, 234 William Henry, 277, 453 William Hoffman, 234 William T., 239 William Thomas, 239 Williard, 231 Willie, 538 Wilson Whiting, 372 (Chaffee) Zebediah, Jr., 123, 211 Zechariah, vi, 235, 239, 276 (Chaffe) Zechariah, 134 Zechariah, Jr., 135, 236, 237, 238, 239, 359, 401, 402 Chafey, Ahiel, 131 Agnes O., 396 Amos, 578 Anna E., 576 (Chaffee) Caleb, 131 Caroline, 576, 578 Charles, 576, 577, 578 Charles Patterson, 577 Charles Willard, 579 Damaris, 577 Don M., 396 Elisha, 131 Elizabeth, 577, 596 Ella, 578 Ernest D., 578 Fannie L., 230 Franklin Pierce, 577 Fuller H., 576 Hannah Ann, 577, 579 Harriet C, 230 Harry M., 578 (Chaffee) Hiram, 230 Hiram Wells, 230, 395 Holmes Vanschoix, 577 Hugo, 595 Jacob, 576 Jacob Powell, 577 James, 576 James Herbert, 576, 577 James M., 578 Jerry M., 230 Job, 576 John, 576, 577 (Chaffee) John C, 230 John Russell, 395 John Wesley, 576 Jonathan, 576 Joseph, 576, 594 Joshua, 576 Josiah Middletown, 577 Laura, 578 Louisa, 230 Lucy Ann, 230 M. Foster, 395 Maggie E., 396 Maranda, 131, 229 Margaret, 577 Martha S., 230, 395 Martin, 596 Martin Beard, 230, 395 Mary, 576 Chafey, Mary Curtis, 577, 578 Merritt N., 584, 585 Orlana M., 230 Philena C, 230 Rachel, 576 Rebecca, 576 Roland E., 396 Rosa M., 230 Russell Joseph, 230, 395 Ruth Wells, 230 Sanford, 131, 229 Samuel, 576 Samuel Powell, 577 Sarah, 29, 573 Sarah Ann, 577 Sarah (Horner), 575 Susanna C, 577, 578 Thomas, 575, 576, 577 Thomas, Jr., 576, 577 Walter Atkinson, 578, 579 William, 576, 677, 594 William Henrv, 229 Wilson, 229 Winfield Scott, 577 Chaff, Tone, 594 Chaffe, A. G., 603 Abner, 36, 65, 66, 98, 161 (Chafee) Abner, 61 Abiel Evans, 61 Abigail, 29, 45, 144 (Chaffee) Abigail, 145 Abigail (Hills), 45, 48 Abigail Honora, 142 Achsah, 144 Albigence, 139 Alfred, 140 Alice, 141 Almira, 143 Alma, 142 Almon, 141 Alpha, 64 Alvin, 143 (Chafee) Ama (Anna), 62, Amos, 31, 53, 54, 55, 56, 75, 76, 82, 83, 98 Amy, 76, 85, 161, 293 Ann, 74 Anna 76, 101, 122, 161, 191. 294, 345 Anna Harriet, 142 Anne, 27, 29, 55, 604 Anne (Ame), 55 Annis, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 48 Annis (Ann, Anne, Anna), 29 Annis (Martin), 16, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29 Archibald, 55 Artemus, 130 Artie Belle, 581 Asa, 69, 70, 110 Atherton, 33, 34, 62, 63 103 Atherton, Jr., 64, 99 Ben,iamin, 49, 50, 51, 69, 70, 74, 76, 77 (Chaffee) Ben.iamin, 141 Beniamin Davenport, 145, 258 Ben.iamin. Jr., 141 Beriah, 77 Betsey, 191, 341, 604 Bette, 67 (Chafee) Betty, 64 Billie. 67 Braddock, 58 C. C, 603 C. P., 603 Caleb. 79, 80 (Chaffee) Caleb, 145 Caleb, Judson, 145, 258 Calvin, 64 Calvin Geer, 258 Caroline K.. 198 Carpenter, 56. 85. 86, 140 Catherine. 141, 523 Chaffe, Charles, 55, 85, 601, 603 Charles, Jr., 603 Charles Edwin, 258 Chauncey J., 258 Chloe, 51, 52, 64 Christopher, 37, 38, 66, 601. 603 Clifford, 64 Comfort, 70, 72 (Chaffee) Comfort, Jr., 184 Constant, 64, 100, 101 Corbin (Calvin), 51 Crean Bush, 63, 64 D. B. H., 603 Dan. 32, 57, 58, 93, 96 Dan, Jr., 58 Daniel, 20, 34, 35, 65, 66, 72, 98 (Chaffee) Daniel, 211 (Chaffv) Daniel, 65 Daniel P., 258 Daniel, Jr., 35, 36, 64, 65 Darius, 70, 106, 107, 108 David, 19, 20. 33, 34, 60, 61, 98, 139, 565 (Chaffee),David, 84 David, Jr., 34, 60, 98 (Chafee) David, Jr., 59, 61. 97 David Shipman, 197 Deidamia, 106, 108 Delia A., 580 Deliverence, 33, 56 (Chaffee) Deliverence, 141 Diana, 129, 144 Dora Woodin, 387 Dorcas, 65, 77 Dorothey, 31 Dorothy, 2, 20, 29, 48, 523, 589 (Chafee) Dorothy, 61, 62 (Chafey) Dorothy, 29, 30 Dwight, 145 Druscilla, 607 Ebenezer, 37, 43, 44, 46, 73, 98. 161 Ebenezer, Jr., 73 Edmund L., 258 Edward, 601, 604 Edwin, 239, 607 (Chaffee) Electa, 333 Elenor Ann, 605 Elias, 141, 143 Elihu, 86, 141 Elihu, Jr., 141 Eliza, 140, 601, 605 Eliza Ann, 141, 258 Elizabeth, 34, 36, 43, 66, 71, 73, 85, 86, 589, 595, 604 (Chafee) Elizabeth, 29, 62 Elizabeth Ann, 601 Ellen C, 258 Elvira, 140 Emerv, 75, 141 Emily, 341, 604 Ephraim, 33, 58, 59, 66, 69, 70, 86, 92, 93 Ephraim, Jr., 59, 96 Esther, 36, 65, 66, 70, 76, 98, 105, 106, 107, 108, 140, 161, 191, 345 Ettie M., 580 Eunice, 191, 344 Eunice (Unis), 54 Experience, 18, 20, 31, 34, 53, 54, 64 Ezra, 57, 73, 141 (Chaffee) Ezra, Jr., 197 Fidelia, 86, 139, 141 Fidelia Sally, 580 Francis, 554 Francis Green, 77 Francis N., 341, 496 Frank, 604 618 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffe, Frank Lerov, 496, 554 Franklin, 144 Franklin Lester, 258 Frederick, 86, 142 Frederick Edwin, 258 Freelove, 54, 82 George, 589, 604, 605, 607 George Frederick, 605 George L., 259 Gilbert Benjamin, 580 Grace H., 607 Hannah, 32, 56, 57, 58, 59 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 83, 144, 161, 191, 211, 294, 340, 601 Hannah (Butterworth), 59 Harriet Adaline, 259 Harriet E., 259 Helena M., 607 Henrv, 79, 80, 129, 140, 594, 607 Henry C. B., 258 (Chaffee) Henry, Jr., 129, 226 Henry, Jr., 129 Hepsibah, 37, 72 Hezekiah, 43, 44, 48, 72, 73, 74 Hezekiah, Jr., 43, 75 Hiram, 144 Horace, 211 Huldah, 141 Ida Elnora, 387 Isaac, 79, 80 Isaiah, 37, 69, 70 Israel Dimmock, 86, 139 Jacobus, 594 James, 49, 50, 51, 52, 140, 211, 604 James Madison, 145, 257 Jarville, 64 Jemima, 48 Jemima (Chadwick), 565 Jerusha H., 197 Joanna, 139 Joel, 42, 43, 44. 49, 55, 70, 71, 74, 75, 139 Joel. Jr., 43, 72 (Chafee) Johanna, 61 John, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45, 57, 67, 68. 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 149, 565, 601, 604, 607 John C, 603 John Charles Treeby, 602 John I. ,211 John, Jr., 43, 44, 75, 601, 602 John Robert, 605 Jonathan, 20, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 56, 58, 66, 70, 85, 93, 94, 95 (Chaffee) Jonathan, 143 Jonathan B., 143 Jonathan, Jr., 31, 32, 56 Joseph. 12, 13. 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 67, 68, 69, 70. 71, 74. 75, 76, 92, 107, 143, 565 (Chaffee) Joseph, 189, 190, 191 Joseph B., 603 Joseph, Jr., 16, 23, 27, 28, 29, 41, 45, 46, 47. 48, 49, 50, 51. 68, 69, 70, 105, 106. 107, 108 Joseph Manning, 191 Joshua, 43, 72, 141 Josiah, 32, 33, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 85, 86 Josiah, Jr., 139 Judith, 58 Chaffe, Knowlton Sampson, 143 Laura, 143 Levi, 57 Lillis, 53, 54 Lodema, 129 Lois, 98, 161 (Chaffee) Lois, 143 Loren F., 259 Louise (Lois) J., 145, 258 Lovina Sarah, 580 Lucinda, 142 Lucv, 43, 72, 82, 129, 341, 604 Lucy Lovisa, 580 Lvdia, 56, 93, 94 Lvnds, 99 (Chaffee) Mabel, 211 Madison, 145 Margaret, 31, 33, 34, 64 Maria Hannah, 580 Martha, 60 (Chafee) Martha, 61 Martha Minerva, 145 Mary, 29, 33, 34, 36, 45, 48, 63, 64, 65, 73, 79, 80, 85, 93, 95, 157, 523 Mary Ann, 211, 580, 601 Mary E., 259 Mary Elizabeth, 145 Mary J., 197 Mary M. C, 258 Mary (Robinson), 57 Matilda, 106, 108 Matthew, 573, 574, 575 Mehitabel, 53, 76 Mehitable, 20, 31, 75, 76 Melissa, 197 Mercy, 31, 191, 340, 341, 344 Mercy (White) 189 Michael, 129 Millerd, 36 Miner, 142 Miriam, 32, 67, 93, 94 Molly, 80, 108, 147 Nancy, 64, 83 Nancy Carpenter, 86 (Chaffee) Nathan, 143 Nathan M.. 83 Nathan Milton, 145, 258 Nathan Orlando, 258 Nathaniel. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 30, 32, 33, 56, 57, 58, 92, 93, 565 Nathaniel, Jr., 15, 20, 81 Newell Moses, 198 Newman, 139 Newman Keves, 142 Nicholas, 54, 588, 594 Noah, 18, 19, 20, 36, 37,46. 57. 59. 66, 67, 84. 92, 93 Olive. 73 Olive K., 211 Olive Lueretia, 580 Oliver, 95 Orange, 143 Otis, 64, 83, 291, 314 Parker, 79, 80 Pascha, 589 Patience. 34, 59, 62, 85, 96 (Chafee) Patience, 98 Perces. 36 Percy, 65 Peter, 588, 589 Phoebe, 85, 99 Polly. 143, 144, 191 Polly Jane, 211 Priscilla, 76, 98 Priscilla (Robbins), 98 Prentiss, 142 (Chafe) Preston Azotus, 211 Rachel, 20, 31, 52, 58, 59, 63, 64, 129, 226 Rebecca, 54, 55, 73. 85, 143, 605 Chaffe, Reuben, 566 Reuben Briant, 580 Reuben Briant, Jr., 580 Rhoda, 55 Rhoda Sophronia, 85 Richard, 589 Richarda, 589 Robert, 588, 589, 594, 604 Robert H., 603 Robert Lincoln, 523 Robinson, 58 Rodger, 604 Ruby Artemisa, 580 Rufus, 99 Ruth, 43, 72 Ruth Orlinda, 258 Ruth Elizabeth, 580 Salathiel, 580 Sally, 85, 143 Sampson Knowlton, 142 Samuel, 36, 49, 50, 51, 52, 65, 73, 79, 80, 96, 601, 604 Samuel Butterworth, 59 Samuel Harden, 601 Samuel, Jr., 79, 80, 129 Samuel Powlesland, 604 Sanford, 140 Sarah. 37, 41, 59, 66, 70, 83, 98, 341, 604 (Chafee) Sarah. 62 (Chafey) Sarah 29 Sarah Cadv, 118 Sarah (Hills), 40 Sarah Jane, 601 Sarah Jane Elizabeth, 258 Selena, 604 Selena Jane, 604 Seth, 141, 580 Seth Willard, 143 Shubael. 37, 38, 58, 66, 67 Simeon. 75, 76. 109 Sinai. 106, 107, 108 Sophia Munroe, 83 Stephen, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 85, 122 Stephen Fisk, 189, 190, 191 Stephen Harrison, 85 Squire, 64 Susanna, 33, 56, 79, 86, 129 Sylvester, 58 Tabitha. 31. 54, 73 Theda (Rhoda), 80 Theodocia Philena, 145 Thirza, 141, 211 Thomas, iv, vii, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 37, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 74, 79. 80, 83, 93, 94, 130, 543, 544, 565, 573, 575, 586, 589, 595, 596, 604 (Chafev) Thomas, 30 Thomas B., 143 Thomas Davis Lerov, 250 Thomas, Jr., 31, 54, 56, 84, 142 (Chaffee) Thomas, Jr., 84 Thomas Lewis, 145 Thomas Sherman, 142 Thomas Tozer, 604 Thomas William, 605 Thomas William Roger, 605 Unis, 53 Ursula, 197 Walter, 80, 604 Wealthy, 144 Willard. 141 William, 32, 33, 56, 58, 86, 93, 94, 96, 99, 114, 161, 191. 341. 588, 589, 592, 600, 604, 607 William H.. 603 William Henrv, 600 William, J. W., 607 William, Jr., 341 INDEX 619 Chaffe, William P., 198 William Thomas, 605 William Treeby, 601, 602 William Wallace, 387, 523 Wolcott, 142 Zechariah, 83 Zelophehad, 130 (Chaffee) Zephaniah, 144 Zephaniah, Jr. (or Guilderoy or Leroy ), 144 Zeruiah Lyon, 129 Chaffee, Aaron, 89, 90, 152, 583 Aaron, Jr., 152, Aaron S., 268 Aaron Stowe, 149, 268, 269 Abbie, 459, Abbie D., 327 Abbie Grace, 428 Abbie J., 278 Abbie Jane, 279 Abbie Pitkin, 468 Abby, 290 Abby Maria, 464 Abdel Newbury, 207 Abel, 181, 290; 323, 324 (Chaffe) Abel, 153 Abel Morse, 229, 394 Aberta E., 534 Abial, 77, 125 Abial, Jr., 126 Abiathar, 111, 183 Abiel, 119 (Chaffe) Abiel Evans, ;754 Abigail, 27, 29, 43, 51, 52, 56, 72. 77, 86, 87, 102, 117, 125, 126, 132, 149, 168, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 205, 209, 217, 347, 371, 381, 582 Abigail Ann, 138 Abigail E., 284 Abigail P., 353 Abigail (Flint), 156, 284, 485 Abigail Jemima, 222, 385 Abigail M., 270 Abigail Rebecca, 127, 223 Abigail Sherwood, 205, 365 Abigail Sophronia, 155 Ablena, 229 Abner, 162, 296 Abner Cady, 368 Abner Hall, 272 Abraham Bowen, 136 Achsah, 254 Achsah Malvina, 203 Abram Bowen, 241 Ada, 174, 286, 458 Ada Ashley. 286, 287 Ada Bourne, 290 Ada C, 508 Ada Cecilia, 391 Adaline. 228, 268, 283 Adaline P., 27 Adaline M., 522 Addie, 97 Addie Belle, 445 Addie Eliza, 385 Addie Letha, 293 Addison Harland, 250, 413 Adelaide, 273, 417 Adelbert S., 527 Adele, 171 Adelia J., 440 Adelia Jane, 257 Adelia Tobias, 317 Adelbert, 174, 316 Adna Romanza, vi, 261, 263, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433. 434, 435, 436 Adna Romanza, Jr., 436 Adolph Warren, 314 Adrian C, 520 Agnes C, 508 Agnes Fidelia, 371 Chaffee, Agnes Zijpha, 515 Alanson N., 484 Alanson Norman, 326 Alanson R., 213 Albert, 161, 200, 266, 208, 292, 300, 310, 333, 360, 440, 448 Albert A., 506, 561 Alberts., 136 Albert Banta, 264, 438, 439 Albert Benson, 389 Albert P., 528 Albert Henry, 581 Albert Howard, 2 78, 454 Albert J., 353 Albert Orson, 415, 531 Albert S., 534 Albert Wellington. 479 Albert Williams, 479 (Chaffe) Albigence, 244 Albina, 507 Alburtis Belknap, 225, 389 Alcina E., 260 Alden Blodgett, 221 Alfred, 117, 195, 196, 280, 351, 416, 583 Alfred Augustus. 489 Alfred Brown, 525 Alfred Burgess, 205 Alfred Davis, 2 75 Alfred E., 350. 584 Alfred Griswold, 540 Alfred H., 509 Alfred Miner, 250 Alfred Morse, 394, 525 Alice, 119. 173. 203, 351, 416, 508, 525 Alice Annette, 374 Alice B., 541, A Alice Bertha, 439 Alice Bessie, 456 Alice C 364 Alice Calista. 388 Alice E.. 358. 493, 518 Alice Elizabeth. 561 Alice Emily. 201. 362 Alice Ermina. 450 Alice (Passett), 118 Alice Florence, 281, 282, 457 Alice Lavette, 542 Alice R., 370 Alice Rebecca. 349 Aliday T.. 486 Aline Blanche. 547 AliphL., 220 Allen. 153. 168. 228, 276 Alleh Bennett, 171 Almanza, 260 Almeda, 291 Almerin Billings, 260, 426, 427 Almerin Eugene, 426 Almeron W., 279 Almira, 161. 208, 221, 228, 249, 293, 352 Almira A., 302. 471 Almira Ann. 164 Almira C. 326 Almira M.. 394 (Chaffe) Almon. 250 Almon Ruffsles. 169 Almond, 127. 263 Almond H. W. A.. 532 Almond Victor. 531. 563 Almont L.. 160, 290, 291 Almyra. 140 Alnev Earle, 369 Alon"S.,412 Alonzo. 166, 391, 585 Alonzo A.. 136 Alonzo Duane, 353 Alonzo Joshua. 250, 418 Alnha. 101. 102 (Chaffe) Alpha, 100 Alpha, Jr. ,167 Chaffee, Alpha Rinaldo, 167, 309 Alpha Rinaldo, Jr., 309 Alpheus, 146, 260, 291 Alpheus Cady, 125 Alsina P., 225, 390 Alson C, 461 Alson Elverton, 458 Altha, 458 Alva, 196, 350 Alva Baldwin, 420 Alva J., 341 Alvena, 322, 479 Alvin, 181, 325 Alvin Ely, 324 Alvina Eliza, 325 Alvira, 249 Alzina, 128 Amanda, 140, 163, 171, 310 Amanda Holly, 326, 485 Amanda M., i60 Amasa, 101, 168, 387 Amasa Day, 516 Amasa Franklin, 387 Amasa Ladd, 127, 224 Amasa Mortimer, 167 Amasa William Wallace, 224, Ambrose Lucrates, 224, 388 Ambrose Whipple, 169, 310 Ambrose Worthington, 127, 128 Amelia Elvira, 366 Amelia Maria, 263 Amelia Ousted, 171 Amelia Rasselle. 425 Amorette Jane, 326, 484 Amos, 87. 93, 96, 122, 146, 151, 173, 209, 263, 273, 298, 443 (Chaffe) Amos. 162 Amos Banta, 264, 438 Amos Cummings, 163, 298 Amos Edward. 450 Amos Elias, 298 Amos F., 273. 437, 533 Amos. Jr., 122, 147, 208, 263 Amos Wells, 154, 279 Amy, 156, 166, 283, 438 Amy Ann. 219, 275, 291 Amy Bond, 171 Amy Irene. 362 Andrew. 249. 360, 391, 417 Andrew Burt, 155 Andrew Burton, 315 Andrew J., 532 Andrew Jackson. 581 Andrew Monroe. 264 Angelica Switz, 340 Angeline. 163 Ann. 391. 583 Ann (Bailev) 245 Ann E.. 220 Ann Eliza, 136, 289, 318, 426 Ann Hasselton, 295 Ann Maria, 203 Anna. 81. 100. 109, 118, 131, 166, 170, 189, 196, 209, 267, 301, 350. 370, 393, 395, 441, 470, 479 Anna B.. 528 Anna Belle. 427 Anna Bibbins. 264 Anna Bosworth. 152 Anna Draper. 161 Anna E.. 511, 520 Anna P., 165 Anna Florence, 547 Anna Harriet, 251 (Chaffe) Anna Harriet, 252 Anna Hasselton, 467 Anna Ladd, 127. 221. 325 Anna Lovejov. 168, 309 Anna M., 184. 331 Anna March, 491 620 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffee, Anna Maria Eugenie, 334, 488 Anna Mary, 313, 362 Anna Triphena, 146 Anna R., 389 Anna Rebecca, 474 Anna Warriner, 338 Annetta, 274, 451 Annette Lois, 364 Annie, 314 Annie A., 561 Annie Emilv, 263 Annie M., 290 Annie May, 518 Annis, 128 Annis Francena, 336 Annis M., 127,222 Annis Rosella, 222, 223, 385 Anson, 140, 156,247,283 Anson D., 247, 412 Arabel, 391 Archie Everett, 508 Ariel C, 318 Aristo Lucrates, 389 Armilla, 118, 198 Arnold, 156 Arnold Ela, 284, 459 Arnold Wright, 351, 507 Arritta, 506 Artemus, 130 (Chaffe) Artemus, 228 Arthur, 458 Arthur B., 389 Arthur Billings, 481, 482, 547, 548 Arthur Billings, Jr., 548 Arthur Burney, 487 Arthur C, 290, 527 Arthur Dwight, 530 Arthur Earnest, 282 Arthur F.. 440 Arthur Gill, 517 Arthur Leander, 444 Arthur M., 543 Arthur Preston, 465 Arthur Willard, 368, 512 Arvilla, 174 Asa, 80, 96, 110, 111, 132, 158, 178, 180, 290, 584 Asa, Jr., Ill, 179, 321 Asa Dodge, 240, 403 Asaph Carpenter, 157, 288 Ascenath Ann, 291 (Chaffe) Atherton, Jr., 164 Atlanta, 196 Audlev Bates, 528 Augusta E., 412 Augusta Harmonia, 327, 485 Augusta (Wood) 334 Augustus, 133 Austin S., 548 Avaline, 267 Avis Lavinia, 504 Azotus, 123, 211, 373, 520 Azro Buck, 267, 442 Azubah. 118, 122, 196,209, 332, 370 Azubah (Sanger), 118 Barney, 84 Barney Bowen, 136, 239 Bathsheba, 113 Beatrice, 563 Becklev, 300 Belinda, vi, 131, 195 Belinda (Reed), 480 Belle Phena, 424 Beniamin. 87, 89, 90, 123, 150. 210, 292, 605 (Chaffe) Benjamin, 108 Ben.iamin Albert, 248, 415, 425 Benjamin Edmund, 425, Benjamin F., 220, 462 Benjamin Francis, 148, 266 Benjamin Franklin, 233, 388 Chaffee, Benjamin H., 532 Benjamin James, 147, 265 Benjamin, Jr., 210 (Chaffe) Benjamin, Jr., 248 Benjamin Leighton, 291, 464, 465 Benonie W., 444 (Chaffe) Beriah, 227 Bert, 424 Bertha Augusta, 516 Bertha Eliza, iii, 544, 545 Bertha Ellen, 541 Bertha G., 526 Bertha Gertrude, 447 Bertha Grace, 309 Bertha Lucelia, 293 Bertha Mabel, 528 Bertrand, v Berward C 510 Bessie, 404, 414,456,509 Bessie Abigail, 408 Bessie Cannon, 422 Bessie Foster, 442 Bessie Rebecca, 455 Bethia, 126 Bethuel Meritt (or Mer- ritt), 269, 446 (Chaffe) Beriah, 227 Betsey, 81, 94, 97, 102, 116, 149, 153, 169.268 Betsey A., 165 Betsey Andella, 222 Betsey Caroline, 245 Betsey E., 220, 383 Betsey Eliza, 259 Betsey Ormsbee, 287, 463 Betsey Samantha, 326, 485 Betty, 115, 583 Beulah Camilla, 521 Bianca G., 441, 442, 534 Billings, 146,259 Blanche Christine, 549 Blanche v., 446 Bosworth, 152. 275 Botrus Charles, 376 (Chaffe) Braddock, 95, 156 Bradford L., 160 Bradner. 391 Brainard, 229 Burritt, 298, 467, 468 Burt, 473 Burt Kilpatrick, 531, 563, 564 Burt Stephen, 385 Byron, 351, 508 Byron Mozart, 371, 519 C Frank, v C. Nell, 362 Caleb, 87,95, 157,287 Caleb Church, 464 Caleb Jarvis, 136,240 Calista, 166, 215, 308 Calvin, 77, 87. 100, 111, 124 125, 127, 163, 166, 181, 182, 196, 213, 216, 217, 222, 585 Calvin C, 447 Calvin Clifford, 166, 303, 304, 305 Calvin D., 327 Calvin Orasmus, 181, 182, 183, 327 Calvin Peck, 346, 347, 504 Candace, 81 Caren Hapock, 184 Carl Albert, 466 Carl H., 524 Carlos E., 404 Carlos Elbert, 368 Caroline, 125, 128, 174, 207, 213, 263, 272, 367 Caroline Amelia, 225, 340, 366, 515 Caroline H., 351 Caroline Maria, 346 Chaffee, Caroline Polly, 103 Caroline Ursula, 367 Carpenter, 151, 272 Carr Monroe, 285 Carrie, 362,288, 439,450, 528 Carrie B., 510 Carrie Belle, 297 Carrie Bessie, 451 Carrie E., 165 Carrie Elvira, 446 Carrie Emeline, 465 Carrie L., 241, 527 Carrie M., 505 Carroll H., 360 Catharine, 227, 273, 391, 392 Catharine Eliza, 202 Catharine Jane, 225, 320 Catharine Lois, 184 Catharine M., 375 Catharine W., 422 Catherine, 93, 147, 213, 321 Catherine C, 161, 292 Catherine Maria, 476, 542 Catherine Maud, 311 Catherine Nevcell, 477 Celestia E., 364 Celestia Lucretia, 328 Celestia Rosalie, 488, 489, 552 Celestia Vistoreen, 363 Celia Elnora, 301 Celina, 440 Celina Havward, 246, 410 Celinda, 123,283 Celinda Miranda, 329 Chadwick, 78, 126, 384 Charles, 77, 117, 126, 132, 156, 196, 217, 228, 233, 268 270, 275, 279, 293, 327, 450, 463, 509, 513, 540 (Chaffe) Charles, 82 Charles A., 384, 458, 510, 511 Charles Almond, 222 Charles B., 314 Charles Bennett, 365 Charles Bernard, 473, 541 Charles C, 306, 488 Charles Clayton, 446 Charles Coridon, 329 Charles Dana, 469 Charles Derby, 493 Charles Dewey, 422 Charles E., 240, 382, 404, 495 Charles Edward, 247, 388, 413, 547 Charles Edwin, 424 Charles Ela, 459 Charles Elliot, 368 Charles Elmer, 220, 383, 384, 490 Charles Francis, 244, 518 Charles Fremont, 474 Charles G.. 371 Charles Gilbert, 493 Charles H., 166,225,271, 289, 307, 412, 530, 584 Charles Harrison, 250 Charles Henry, 239, 276, 402 Charles Herbert, 330, 491, 553 Charles Homer, 352, 509 Charles Howard, 530 Charles Ira, 308 Charles J., 357, 358 Charles John, 358 Charles, Jr., 126, 220 Charles L., 393, 528 Charles Lafayette, 380 Charles Lewis, 552 Charles Lindsey, 476 INDEX 621 Chaffee, Charles M., 226, 390, 451, 584 Charles P., 284 Charles Rolland, 328 Charles S., 247, 254, 413, 422 Charles Warren, 387 Charles Washington, 280, 456 Charles Wilber, 486, 552 Charles William, 224, 369, 518 Charlotte, 84, 170, 205 Charlotte Amanda, 137 Charlotte Ann, 328 Charlotte Augusta, 276 Charlotte Ella, 581 Charlotte Ellen, 140 Charlotte May, 314 Charlotte Rebecca, 365, 486 Chauncey Matthew, 192, 347 Cheeney A.,213, 376 Cherilla, 417 Chester, 77, 124, 177, 196, 350 Chester Gridley, 202, 264 Chester H., 163 Chester Herbert, 549 Chester, Jr., 125,216 Chester Rolla, 166, 306 Ghloe, 81, 153, 177, 318 Chloe Melissa, 249 Christian, 513 Christiana B., 279 Christopher, 151 Cinthia, 308 Clara, 307, 510 Clara A., 458 Clara M., 362, 376 Clara Pamelia, 335 Clara Pauline, 562 Clara W., 438 Clarence, 451 Clarence A. ,532 Clarence Church, 541 Clarence Edwin, 424 Clarence Frank, 464 Clarance Le Roy, 547, 564 Clarence Llewllyn, 362, 505 Clarence Luther, 505, 561 Clarence McKinley, 523 Clarence Milton, 387, 523 Clarence Orlando, 282 Clarence Scott, 361 Clarence Walker, 438 Clarice, 564 Clarisa Jane, 315 Clarissa, 177, 180, 208, 300 319, 347, 348 Clarissa Ervilla, 248, 415 Clarissa Lovica, 531 Clarissa Mabel, 528 Clarissa Sophia, 390 Clark, 166 Clark, S., 488 Claude R. 470 Clay N. 532 Clayton W., 446 Clemens Clifford, 305 Clemma Emogene, 536 (Chaffe) Clifford, 99 Clifford, 166 Clifford, DeWitt, 553 Clifford H., V Clifford Hall, 266 Clifford, Jr., 100 Clifford Lawrence, 471 Clifton Elisha, 263 Clinton 297 Clinton Burritt, 468 Clinton Burt, 529 Clinton C, 453 Clinton E., 495 Clotilda (Matilda), 97 Clury, 228 Chaffee, Colista Caroline, 516 Comfort, 89, 90, 110, 113, 148, 177, 185, 266, 268, 269, 336, 444 (Chaffe) Comfort, 112 Comfort Bliss, 185, 334 Comfort Emerson, 332,448 Comfort Jackson, 185, 333 Comfort Jerome, 490 Comfort, Jr., 113, 149, 184 Comfort Lucius, 332 Comfort Tyler, 162, 318, 475 Constant, 164, 168, 301 Cora A., 285 Cora Acelia, 448 Cora Alida, 467 Cora Belle, 368, 414 Cora Ellen, 469 Cora Elizabeth, 330, 331 CoraF., 513 Cora Libbie, 374 Cordelia, 200, 267, 288, 441 Cordelia A., 285 Cordis Monroe, 291, 465 Cornelia, 270 Cornelia A., 332 Cornelia E., 291,465 Cornelia Louisa, 493 Cornelia Van Dyke, 338, 493 Cornelius, 254, 422. 444 Cornelius Julius. 283, 458 Cornelius N., 271 Cornelius Perne.ss, 268, 443 Cornelius Van Dvke, 338 Corwin Wallace,i71, 313 Corwin Wallace, Jr., 314 Court B., 532 Courtland D., 390 Cortez S., 440 (Chaffe) Crean Bush, 103 Curtis, 335 Curtis M., 279 Cynthia, 273 Cvril, 125, 138, 183 Cvril Ephraim, 328, 486 Cvril (Serrell), 111, 180 (Chafee) Cyril Schuyler, 377 Cvrus, 81, 97, 131, 146, 147. "159, 263, 416 Cvrus P., 409, 527 Cvrus Herbert, 160, 290 Cvrus S., 488 Dan, iv, 163, 182, 183, 298. 327 Dan Gerrit, 468 Dana Lynds, 299, 469 Danford, 201, 363 Danforth, 119, 201 Daniel, 89. 90. 150, 163, 178. 179, 182, 239, 271, 320, 321, 322, 355, 478 (Chaffe) Daniel, 163 Daniel Aaron, 275 Daniel Close. 257, 423, 424 Daniel D., iii Daniel Davis, 320, 476. 477 Daniel Dwight, 200, 361 Daniel, Jr., 270, 271,275 Daniel K., 584 Daniel Knowlton, 140, 246, 249 Daniel N., 271 Darius, 111 (Chaffe) Darius. 174 Darwin Henrv, 328 David, 81, 117, 132, 195, 350. 417 (Chaffe) David, 246 David A., 561 David Bunce, 316 David Clinton, 260 David J., V David Judson, 297,467 David. Jr., 132 (Chaffe) David, Jr., 162 Chaffee, David Kingsley, 127 David W., 350 David Willey, 507 David Wilmot, 380 David Wright. 351, 507 Davis J., 383 Decker, 439 (Chaffe) Deidamia, 175 Delbert H.. 532 Delia, 365, 443 Deliverance, 87 Delia, 314 Deloss, 272 Delotia, 147 Delphine A., 240, 403 Demas, 150 Denike, 227 Dennie C, 465 Dexter, 125, 150, 271, 448 Dexter, N., 225, 270 Diana. 163 (Chaffe) Diana, 257 Docia Ann, 335 Dolly, 109, 326 Donna V., 524 Door Morse, 301 Dora May, 301 Dora Parmelia, 489, 552 Dora Woodin, 523 Dorcas, 78, 109, 122, 123 Doris, 551 Dorr Bradford, 333, 511 Draper, 161, 291 Dwight, 360 Earl, 316 Earl G., 511 Earl Rupert, 466 Eben Whitney, 194, 348 Ebenezer, 119, 160, 202, 251 (Chaffe) Ebenezer, 294 Ebenezer Jenks, 140 (Chaffe) Ebenezer Jr., 118 Ebenezer T.. 584 Ebenezer Thaver. 295 Eber Kise, 197, 353 E. Clifford. 530 Eda Belle, 454 Eddie, 309, 424 Eddie R., 302 Edgar, 202, 448 Edgar Loren, 363, 489 Edith, 465 Edith May, 411 Editha, 165, 302 Edmond W., 240, 403 Edmund Dwight, 326, 483 Edmund L., 425 Edmund O., 333 Edmund W., 510 Edna, 561 Edna Alsina, 440, 533 Edna Ellen. 470 Edna J., 370 Edson C, 444 Edward, 280, 478, 542, 561, 585 Edward Andrew, 416 Edward Augustus, 168 Edward B., 382 Edward Benjamin, 410 Edward Berzilia, 201 Edward Brooks, 328, 486 Edward Clark, 253 Edward Davis, 463, 540 Edward Davis, Jr., 540 Edward Elmour, 542 Edward Emery, 516 Edward Everett, 280, 457, 514 Edward Fenton, 313 Edward Franklin, 213, 375 Edward J., iv Edward James, 482, 545, 546 Edward James, Jr., 547 622 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffee, Edward Judd, 506 Edward L., 138 Edward Lawrence, 243 Edward Willard, 206, 365 Edwin, iii, 168, 310, 391, 584 Edwin E., 458 Edwin Elisha, 282, 458 Edwin Eugene, 293 Edwin F., 517 Edwin Horace, 300, 469, 470 Edwin J., V, 410 Edwin John, 370, 518 Edwin Marcus, 320, 476 Edwin Mascraft, 206 Edwin Newell, 331, 332, 487 Edwin Philander, 473 Edwin R., 222 Edwin Richmond, 273, 450 Edwin Stearns, 208, 368 E. E. Daisy, 454 Effie Louisa, 460 Effie May, 528 Effie Rovce, 386 Elam, 180, 184, 322, 323, 480, 566, 583 Elam Newbury, 207, 367 Elam Sexton, 323 Elbridge Gerry, 146 Eleanor, 122, 348, 391 Eleanor Billings, 548 Eleanor Harriet, 547 Eleanor M., 511 Electa, 185, 196, 268, 330, 443 Electa Elmer, 207 Elijah, 149, 268, 391 Elijah S., 193 Eliphalet Ide, 288 Elisabeth Ann, 251, 420 Elisha H., 196, 197, 352, 353 Eliza, 119, 128, 156,200, 203, 206, 215, 225, 239 360, 366, 393, 402, 417 Eliza A., 199 Eliza Abigail. 170 Eliza Ann, 357 Eliza G., 275 Eliza J., 384 Eliza Jane, 476 Eliza L., 247, 414 Eliza R., 376 Eliza S., (Piatt), vii Eliza S., 545 Eliza Underwood, 154 Elizabeth, 96, 140, 147, 189, 192, 195, 197, 212, 217, 323, 336, 348, 380, 509, 605 (Chafee) Elizabeth, 212 (Chaffe) Elizabeth, 119 Elizabeth Allen, 171 Elizabeth (Bettv) 114, 115 Elizabeth (Betsey), 208 Elizabeth (Dimmock) 86 Elizabeth Frances, 288 Elizabeth Maria, 547 Elizabeth (Spencer) 323 Elizabeth T., 271, 291, 448 Ella, 174, 241, 438, 456, 510 Ella Augusta, 240 Ella D., 389 Ella Elizabeth, 309 Ella Elmina, 504 Ella M., 444 Ella Maria, 448 Ella Marv, 466 Ella N., 247 Ella P., 438 Ellen, 171. 220, 360, 417 Ellen A., 447 Ellen Adelia, 264, 438 Ellen Amanda, 484, 550 Ellen Augusta. 223 Ellen Azubah, 272. 449 Chaffee, Ellen Esther, 332 Ellen Esther, 332 Ellen French, 519 Ellen Jane, 378 Ellen Jerusha, 409, 528 Ellen M., 301 Ellen Mary, 371 Ellen Sophia, 514 Elliott, 327, 360 Elliott F., 513 Ellis D., 490 Ellis Henry, 521 Elmer, 527 Elmer Albert, 460 Elmer Asahel, 285, 460 Elmer Edward, 382 Elmer Ellsworth, 437, 533 Elmer S., 510 Elmer Wadsworth, 479 Elmer Williams, 322, 479 Elmina Henrietta, 264, 438 Elmira L., 184 Elmore, 193 Elmore Reuben, 266 Elnora, 417 Eloisa, 128 Eloise, 564 Eloise F., 438 Eloise Gladys. 528 Elsa, 293, 507 Else, 93, 154 Elsie, 403 Elsie Bowen, 158, 289 Elsie Sarah, 459 Elva, 450 Elva E., 488 Elvina Anness, 233, 397 369 . Elvira Clarissa, 369 Elvira Mason, 165 Elvira Rebecca, 269, 444 Emanuel Bliss, 490 Emela, 228 Emeline, 272 Emeline Jerusha, 246, 411 Emery, 207 (Chaffe) Emery, 247 Emerv Worthington, 367, 516 Emily, 156, 213, 229, 284, 322, 333, 369 Emily Jane, 168, 219 Emma, 251, 360, 371, 376, 447, 473, 479 Emma A., 240 Emma C, 358 Emma Clara, 306 Emma Elvira, 366, 515 Etta, 446, 536 Emma Frances, 232, 301, 396, 470 Emma Jane, 292, 466, 484, 539, 550 Emma L., 394 Emma Louisa, 378 Emma Louise, 456 Emma Lovetta, 305 Emma M., 282, 458 Emma Maria, 489 EmmaiMay, 471 Emma Talbot, 159 Emmett, 274, 443 Emmon Dewitt, 487 Emoret, 215, 377 Emory Franklin, 378, 521 Enea, 443 Enoch, 95 Enoch Fletcher, 389. 524 Enoch Hyde, 184, 329 Ephraim, 96, 111, 114, 120, 180, 181, 182, 246 (Chaffe) Ephraim, 109 Ephraim Bound, 148, 266 Ephraim Cleveland. 183, 328 Ephraim, Jr., 181, 182, 324 (Chaffe) Ephraim, Jr., 97 Chaffee, Ephraim Pendleton, 147, 264 Ephraim Pendleton, 147, 264 Erasmus Darwin, 321, 478 Erastus, 147, 168, 283, 351 Erastus Bartholomew, 264 Erdine, 443 Eri Erwin, 461 Emma E., 394 Ermina Gertrude, 446 Ermina Priscilla, 364 Ernest, 510 Ernest Alonzo, 511 Ernest Bunce, 397 Ernest H., 475 Ernest Harold, 523 Ernest Herbert, 508 Ernest Reese. 427 Ernest Rice, 521 EstellaH., 527 Estelle, 171 Estelle B., 390 Esther, 120, 209, 283 (Chaffe) Esther, 175 Esther A., 271. 448 Esther Adda, 424 Esther Emily, 369, 444, 535 Esther Lurancie, 264, 437 Esther P., 240, 403 Esther W., 136 Ethan. 118, 199 Ethan, Jr., 199, 357 Ethel Maxwell, 438 Ethleen, 360 Ethlen D.. 380 Etta Caroline, 384 Etta Elizabeth, 549 Etta Lula, 517 Etta M., 446, 448, 534 Eugene, 348, 360, 416, 505, 510 Eugene Francis, 491 Eugene Leroy, 424 Eugene N., 455 Eugene W., vi Eugene Winslow, 368, 516 Eugenia, 562 Eunice, 87, 109, 116, 132, 162, 232, 298 Eunice Armena, 146, 260 Eunice (Cummings), 162 Eunice P., 259 Euretia, 308 Euretta, 297 Eva, 418, 466 Eva L., 293 Eva Luella, 562 Eva M., 507 Eva N., 414 Eva May, 488 Eveline Amelia, 489 Evelyn, 360 Evelyn Julia, 308 Everett L., 204 Everett S., 511 Everitte, 506 Ezra. 89, 90, 119, 152. 173, 196, 200, 203, 268, 351, 362. 416 (Chaffe) Ezra, 117, 248 Ezra Adbertus, 249, 416 Ezra Brewster, 391, 524 Ezra J., 440, 561 Ezra, Jr., 117, 152, 153, 275, 276 Ezra Lee, 508 Ezra Messenger, 414, 530 F. Albertus, 336 Fannie, 132, 165, 189, 202, 240, 302, 337 Fannie Abigail, 280 Fannie Amv, 361 Fannie Ella. 355, 512 Fannie Evelyn, 446, 536 Fannie Josephine, 472 Fannie Lulu, 511 INDEX 623 Chaffee, Fannie Rogers, 364, 514 Fannie S., 376 Fannie Sabrina, 242 Fannie W., 136, 322 Fanny, 200, 209, 270, 362 Fanny D., 324 Fanny Elmer, 121, 179, 206 Fanny S., 367, 516 Fariana, 383 Faxon, 215, 377 Fay Herbert, 466 Faye Mary, 422 Fernando, 440 Fernando Cortez, 534 Fernando Henry, 353, 510 Festus, 125 Festus Pratt, 380 Fidelia, 409 (Chaffe) Fidelia, 244 Filinda, Amelia, 269 Finelia S., 373 Flavins Josephus, 148, 266 Flora, 300 Flora Adeline, 542 Flora M., 533, 561 Florence, 330, 487, 561 Florence Adele, 349, 506 Florence Angeline, 510 Florence Baker, 471 Florence E., 527 Florence Gertrude, 243 Florence Helen, 515 Florence Henderson, 422 Florence M., 528 Florence Maud, 468 Florence Susan, 541 Floy M., 524 Floyd Eugene, 529 Frances, 123, 272, 330, 605 Frances D., 442 Frances Drusilla, 332, 488 Frances E., 240 Frances Evangeline, 422 Frances Jenks. 286, 462 Frances Lavinia, 226 Frances Louisa, 478 Frances Marvel, 541 Francis, 123, 351, 380 Francis B., 216, 379 Francis E., 165 Francis E., 165 Francis Green, 78 (Chaffe) Francis Green, 122 Francis Herbert, 378 Francis Marion, 224, 388 Francis Philip, 375 Francis Warren, 170, 313 Francis Washburn, 223, 386 Francis Wilbur, 508 Frank, 172, 309, 313, 378, 450, 475, 479, 605 Frank A., 384 Frank Abraham, 309 Frank Arthur, 425 Frank Ashley, 357 Frank B., 241, 473, 543 Frank Benjamin, 531 Prank Burleigh, 411 Frank Burt, 280, 456 Frank Douglas, 374 Frank E., 311,447, 456, 543 Frank Fraser, 474 Frank Harris, 266 Frank Howard, 508 Frank L.., 403 Frank Newton, 446, 536 Frank Olin, 379, 522 Frank Phelps,, 581 Frank Pierce, 510 Frank R., 488 Frank S., 423 Frank T., 310 Frank Thomas, 427 Frank W., 247, 413, 507 Chaffee, Frank Warren, 316 Frank Wesley, 539 Frank Winslow, 368, 517 Franklin, 213, 223, 448 Franklin A., 474 Franklin Dexter, 208, 368 Franklin E., 511 Franklin Henrv, 474 Franklin M., 389 Franklin, W., 351 Fred, 403, 455, 562 Fred Arthur, 242 Fred Bound, 266 Fred Clark, 508 Fred Pay, 364 Fred French, 371 Fred Ide, 464, 540 Fred Knowlton, 253 Fred Lewis, 293 Fred S., 311, 488 Freddie Fayett, 514 Frederic, 478 Frederic Gove, 419 Frederic Harris, 375 Frederic K., 420 Frederick, 419, 605 (Chaffe) Frederick, 139 Frederick A., 251 Frederick Anion, 281 Pi-ederick E.. 160, 290 Frederick, Jr., 140, 246 Frederick Lester, 291 Frederick Manning, 493 Frederick May, 160 Frederick Miner, 420 Freeborn Moulton, 127, 220 Freelon, 351, 508 Freeman R., 532 Gaius W., 319, 475 Gardner Leonard, 209 Gay Spencer, 466 George, 125, 154, 155, 162, 167, 217, 290, 300, 314, 327, 380, 404, 425, 509, 604, 605 George A., 138, 390, 458 George Adnev, 516 George Albert, 287, 376 George Alexander, 547 George Billings, 426 George Bliss, 336 George Braman, 379 George Burton, 446 George Charles, 314 George Clifford, 306, 471 George Cevahlon, 380 George D.Tllas, 336 George Daniel, 271 George Dorr. 511 George E.. 265, 584 George Edgar, 478, 542 George Edwin, 443 George Elias, 517 George Elmer, 394, 525, 526 George Emery, 368 George Erwin, 174 George Franklin, 424 George H., 240, 327, 352, 447, 509 George Harvev. 182, 326 George Henry, 330, 425, 528 George Jerome, 486 George L., 385. 455 George Lewis, 253, 422 George Lincoln, 384, 523 George Luther, 301, 470 George M., 172 George Mason, 484, 485 George Merrick, 336 George Mervin, 490 George N., 270, 420 George O., 425 George Otis, 491 George Reuben, 354, 511 George Ross, 508 Chaffee, George S., 357 George Sereno, 562 George Sidney, 530 George Thrall, 419 George W., 254, 351, 447, 508, 584 George Wallace, 581 George Warren, 247 George Washington, 136, 240, 363 George Whitfield, 346, 504 George Wilbur, 366, 514 George William, 263 George Willard, 394 Gerrit Hiram, 298, 468 Gertrude, 357, 382, 448 Gertrude Armstrong, 530 Gertrude B., 306 Gertrude E., 444 Gibson A., 445 Gilbert, 185, 221, 384 Gilbert Benjamin, 581 Glenn Dillingham, 531, 563 Grace, 416, 427, 475, 527 Grace Alma, 447 Grace Aurelia, 491 Grace Cora, 469 Grace H., 511 Gratis, 123 Gurdon, 147 Gurdon Amos, 263 Gurdon Ames, 436 Gusta A., 444 Gustavus, 219 Gustavus Barnes, 126 Guy, vi, 162, 297, 461 Guy Joshua, 468 Guy S., 279 Guy Willard, 531, 563 Guy Willard, Jr., 563 Hailie, 540 Hamilton R., 446 Hannah, 87, 89, 90, 96, 104, 115, 125, 140, 155. 164, 173, 177, 180, 185, 189, 220, 280, 294, 301, 368, 568 (Chaffe) Hannah, 87, 294 Hannah Armington, 136 Hanah Butterworth, 97, 158 Hannah Butterworth, 94 Hannah Carpenter, 94 Hannah Eliza, 155 Hannah Fidelia, 2 67, 441 Hannah Maria, 336 Hannah S., 126, 218 Hannah Zeda, 443 Hanson, 440 Hanson Gould, 293 Harland, A., 418 Harloe Smith, 468 Harmon, 152, 268 Harmon B., 467 Harmon Jared, 250 Harmony Claudine, 147, 265 Harmony Lovisa, 264 Harold, 519, 536 Harold Putnam, 548 Harriet, 109, 125, 128, 207, 217, 290, 297, 323, 416 Harriet Amanda, 263, 437 Harriet Amelia, 493 Harriet Ann, 348 Harriet Cornelia, 340, 439, 494 Harriet Cornelia, 340, 493, 494 Harriet E., 382 Harriet Elizabeth, 548 Harriet Emeline, 285, 461 Harriet Frances, 257 Harriet M., 415 Harriet Maria, 264, 512 Harriet Mary, 248 Harriet Melinda, 245, 410 624 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffee, Harriet Melissa, 197 Harriet N., 272 Harriet Porter, 354 Harriet S., 225, 473 Harriet Sophia, 481 Harriett, 295, 381, 383 Harrison, 297 Harrison C, 532 Harry, 440, 479 Harry A., 532 Harry Alonzo, 418 Harry Andrews, 280, 456 Harry Chatfield, 422 Harry Clems, 306 Harry George, 362 Harry Gordon, 474 Harry Leighton, 465 Harry Perkins, 536 Harry Stone, 452 Harvey, 152, 227, 175, 391 Harvey A. 441, 534 Harvey Bronson, 183 Harvey H., 415 Harvey L>Tnan, 409, 528 Harvey M., 247, 414 Harvey May, 291 Hattie A., iv, 495 Hattie B., 534 Hattie Belle, 280, 552 Hattie Cornelia, 475 Hattie F., 530 Hattie Prances, 425 Hattie Laura, 309 Hattie M., 422, 509 Hattie Maria, 469 Hattie May, 454, 457 Hattie P., 455 Hazel, 563 Heber, 351, 354, 507,508 Helen, 241, 360 Helen Adelaide, 282, 457 Helen E., 447 Helen Eliza, 447, 536 Helen Elizabeth, 240, 551 Helen Hathaway, 276, 452 Helen Josephine, 387 Helen Louise, 329 Helen Melvina, 245 Helen Valentine, 436 Heman, 151, 274, 351 Henrietta, 291, 335, 466, 490 Henrietta Agar, 330 Henrietta Alger, 288 Henrietta Annerette, 96 Henrietta Louise, 452 Henry, 121, 129, 149, 225, 227, 251, 270, 273, 290, 420, 450, 464, 473, 524. 606 Henry Allen, 270, 447, Henrv Arthur, 456 Henry B., 438 HenrV C, 319,475 Henry Dean, 270, 447 Henry Farnham, 146, 260 Henrv Harrison, 369, 370, 518 Henry Herbert, 446 Henry James, 324 Henrv Jerome, 486 (Chaffe) Henry, Jr., 226 Henry L., 362 Henry Leander, 200 Henry Leroy, 513 Henry Lincoln, 283, 458 Henry Lucrates, 388, 524 Henry M., 475 Henry Reuben, 155, 280 Henry S., 518 Henry T., 364 Henry W., 488 Henry "Warren, 284 Henry Weslev, 458. 539 Henry Winslow, 208 Chaffee, Hepsibah, 265 Hepzibah, 119, 120, 204 Hepzibah,( Green) 70, 112 Herbert, 314,458 Herbert A., 290 Herbert Almon, 457 Herbert B., 376 Herbert E., 443 Herbert Puller, 349 Herbert Marcius, 515 Herbert W., 513 Herbert Wellin, 293, 466 Herbert Winthrop, 368, 516, 517 Herbert Vernon, 394 Hermon Rollins, 522 Hester, 393 Hezekiah, 365 Hezekiah B., 365 Hezekiah Bradley, 205 Hezekiah, Jr., 120, 204 (Chaffe) Hezekiah, Jr., 119 Hiland Danforth, 201, 363 Hiram, 128, 131, 163, 164, 225 300 (Chaffe) Hiram, 254 Hiram A., 150 Hiram E., 290 Hiram Poster, 442 Hiram Mason, 369, 517 Hiram Sawyer, 279, 456 Hollis, 158 Hollis Mercer, 516 Hollis Worthington, 207, 367 Homer, 226, 444 Homer Clifford, 308 Homer S., 268, 444 Horace, 149, 164, 300 Horace Bacon, 199 Horace Brown, 137, 241 Horace Hill, 103, 173, 316 Horace Jerome, 313 Horace Milo, 542 Horace Nelson, 285 Horace W., 172 Horatio Nelson, 103, 173 Hortense Victoria, 439 Hosea Ballou, 97 Hosea Rich, 126 Howard Ladd, 454 Howard Warren, 411 Hubert B., 507 Hubert Elting, 541 Hubert Richmond, 471, 541 Hugh Goheen, 388 Huldah, 84, 90, 97, 111, 137, 149, 150, 152, 163, 184. 249, 270, 271, 299 Huldah M., 165 Huldah Matilda, 483 Hulda L., 223 Ichabod Sherman, 184, 330 Ida, 456, 458, Ida A, 310, 527 Ida E., 446, 536 Ida P., 464 Ida Florence, 491 Ida Gerana, 384, 522 Ida Josephine, 361 Ida Mav, 301, 314, 413, 455, 489, 553 Idell, 241, 404 Tmogene, 458 Ina, 456, 533 Ina Anna, 233, 397 Independence, 324 Inez, E., 524 Ira, 103. 127, 152, 166, 173 221, 275, 307, 308, 325 Ira Eugene, 314 Ira Pratt, 522 Ira Truman, 316 Irene Madeline, 456 Irma L., 524 Chaffee, Isabel P., 470 Isabel Maria, 504 Isabel Russel, 542 Isabella, 264 Isabelle C, 319 Isabelle Lucy, 201, 362 Isabelle Perry, 288 Isadore A., 160 Isaiah, 109, 114, 189 (Chaffe) Isaiah, 113 Isaiah Jr., 114 Isaiah Manning, 238, 493 (Chaffe) Israel Dimock, 245 Ithamar Stowe, 267 Ivonette Louise, 266 J. D., iv Jackson, 300, 469 Jackson S., 380 Jacob, 82, 416 Jacob R., 532 Jacob Warren, 171, 314 James, 128, 213, 221, 268, 283, 323, 426, 443, 480, 481, 605, (Chaffe) James, 77 James A., 265 (Chafee) James Alanson, 373, 374 James Andrew, 581 J. Austin, 350 James Austin, 127, 220, 221 James Buchanan, 173 James C, 459 James Cady, 127, 224 James Carlyle, 166, 306 James Clanny, 265 James Clark, 351 James Couse, 487 James Dudley, 364, 489, 513 James Dwight, 245 James Eber, 353, 509 James Edward, 427 James Eliser, 284 James Poster, 548 James Francis, 524 James Franklin, 224, 388 James Gardner, 136, 246 James Garfield, 552 James Harvey, 224, 387 James Henry, 257, 286, 424, 462 James Hill, 269, 445 James Homer, 352 James Hyde, 220 James, Jr., 77 James Marion, 274, 521 James Maro, 264 James Melvin, 167 James Monroe, 220, 384 James Polk, 240, 403 James S.. vi, 413 James Silas, 409, 528 James Spittall, 547 James Stevens, 605 James Stuart, 248, 505 James Sullivan, 126, 219 James W., 247, 414, 519 Jaives Warner, 156, 285 James William, 329 Jane, 208, 266, 310, 469 Jane Ann, 352 Jane Eliza, 366, 515 Jane Elizabeth, 222, 246, ':±., 427 Jane Helen, 159 JaneL., 160 Jane M.. 166, 305 Jane Maria, 246 , Jane Marion, 328 Jane Mirah, 249, 416 Jane P., 223 Jarvel, 171 Jarvil Otis, 165, 302 Jarville, 102, 310 Jarvis, 351 INDEX 625 Chaffee, Jarvis Allen, 171 Jarvis Sexton, 335, 489 Jarvis Sexton, 335, 489 Jason, 119, 200, 202, 249 Jason Albert, 417 Jason, Jr., 202 Jasper, 149, 267 Jay Eugene, 410, 528, 529 Jay "Ward, 473 Jefferson, 126, 164, 301 Jefferson M., 172 Jemima, 78, 79, 111, 129 Jennie, 272, 327, 473 Jennie Augusta, 489 Jennie Eliza, 581 Jennie I., 530 Jennie L., 508 Jennie May, 552 Jennie Orilla, 425 Jennie R., 414 Jerome, 325, 327, 328, 486 Jerome B., 170, 311, 312 Jerome Bonaparte, 313 Jerome Seymour, 193, 348, 349 Jerome Stuart, 505 Jerusha, 117, 126, 196 Jerusha Ann, 351 Jerusha Emeline, 245, 410 (Chaffe) Jerusha H., 354 Jesse, 95 Jesse Burke, 100, 166 Jesse G., 302 Jesse M., 270 Jesse Namon, 581 Jessie, 382, 448 Jessie Louise, 508 Jessie May, 315, 513 Jessie Otis, 285, 461 Joanna Amantha, 246 Job, 151, 272 Joel, 112, 113, 119, 151, 156, 185, 272, 284, 285, 336, 584 (Ohafee) Joel, 229 (Chaffe) Joel, 244 Joel Israel, 115, 116, 191, 348 Joel Palmer, 245, 409 Joel St. John, 192, 348 Jo&l W., 272 Joel Washington, 284, 459 John, 91, 94, 100, 114, 120, 122, 125, 149, 150, 155, 156, 157, 158, 199, 208, 214, 217, 226, 265, 266, 268, 270, 276, 285, 357, 358, 377, 439, 583, 605, 606 (Chaffe) John, 90 John A., 426, 532, 533 John Addison, 352. 509 John Atherton, 167 John B., 473 John Beech, 335 John Bennett, 103, 174 John C. 131 1. John Carlyle, 306 John Charles, 358 John Chester, 561 ' John D., 353 John Dwight, 203, 364 John Edwin, 473 ' 'i^ ((Thaffee) John Ellis, 455 • John F., 270, 447, 510 John Franklin, 389 John Frederick, 378 John Heath, 155 John Holmes, 332 John Horton, 380, 522 John Hyde, 329 John Ichabod, 330 John Jerome, 332 John Julius, 282 Chaffee. John, Jr., 91, 209, 268, 282, 369 John Leonard, 220, 382 John Lowell, 505 John Martin, 511 John Mav, 185, 332 John Milton, 264, 437 John N., 383 John Nelson, 283, 458 John Newton, 219 John Quincy A., 295 John Rufus, 512 John Rush, 265 John Sparkes, 316 John Underwood, 154 John W., 511 John Willard, 209, 370, 519 John William, 485 John Willsnn. 518 John Wilson. 109, 110 John Wesley, 219 Jonathan, 87, 92, 111, 138, 146, 147, 153, 177, 178, 260, 288, 289, 463, 582, 583, 584 Jonathan Albert, 540 Jonathan Bowen, 158, 289 Jonathan Cady. 81, 131 Jonathan Irvin, 464, 541 Jonathan Irvin. Jr., 541 Jonathan, Jr., 153, 157, 179, 183, 320, 321 . (Chaffe) Jonathan, Jr., 88 Jonathan Russell, 332, 488 Jonathan Skinner, 188, 332 Jose, 146, 259 Joseph, 78, 83, 84, 87, 92, 104, 109, 114, 120, 122, 128, 136, 176, 177, 264, 604. 605 (Chaffe) Joseph, S3 Joseph B., 136, 241 Joseph Bennett, 204, 364 Joseph C, V, 253, 426 Joseph Chalker, 251, 420 Joseph Dwight, 412, 529, 530 Joseph Frederick, 247 Joseph G., 259 Joseph Gay, 551 Joseph Harvey, 175. 317 Joseph Henrv, 171, 278, 454 Joseph, Jr., 84, 135, 177, 318 (Chaffe) Joseph, Jr., 79 Joseph T., 369 Joseph W., 284 Joseph Zane, 438 Josephine, 241, 348, 509 Joshua, 87, 115, 162, 249, 298 (Chaffe) Joshua, 249. 250 Joshua Bignell, 115, 116, 193, 348, 505 Joshua Robert, 532, 416 Josiah, 86, 94, 156. 565 (Chaffe) Josiah, 80 Josiah C, 336 Josiah Hall, 167, 309 (Chaffe) Josiah, Jr., 246 (Chafey) Josiah Middle- town, 578 Josiah Newman, 411 Josiah Willard, 81, 131, 245 Josiah Willard, Jr., 132 Josie Esther, 543 Judith, 96 Julia. 115, 116, 163, 177, 185, 272, 298, 319, 348, 365, 606 Julia Ann, 155. 208 Julia, E., 380, 385 Julia Etta, 170, 313, Chaffee, Julia H., 415 Julia Lombard, 365 Julia Louisa, 314 Julia M., 228, 275 Julia Oliva. 329 Julia R., 319 Juliana, 266, 439 Juliette, 173, 217, 264 Julius, 127, 223, 369 (Chafee) Julius Bachus, 373 Julius, Jr., 223 July E., 223 Junius, 317 Justina C, 260, 427 Kate, 174 Kate A., 306 Kate Corydon, 493 Kate Grace, 436, 533 Kate May, 306 Kate P., 420 Kate S., 447 Katharine, 516 Katherine Gay, 551 Katherine Lovina, 146 Katie E., 376 Katie Elizabeth, 419 Katie May, 459 Kennette, 548 Kittie Cora. 313 Kittie E., 509 (Chaffe) Knowlton Samp- son, 253 Lafayette, 584 Larinda A., 260 Lata Rena, 314 Lathrop Vennor, 185, 334, 489 Laura, 154, 155, 167. 189, 208,213, 281,416, 418, 447 Laura A., 384 Laura Deborah, 245 Laura E., 284, 310, 459 Laura King, 300 Laura Lucretia, 279, 455 Laura Maria, 340 Lavinia, 229 Lavonia (Lovinia) , 271 Lawrence Duane, 529 Lawrence Earle, 508 Lawrence Erie, 548 ^ Leah Gertrude, 465 Leander Alma, 200, 362 Leland P., 160 Leland Francis, 291 Lelon, 165 Lemuel, 249 Lemuel Seargent, 126, 218, 219 Lena B.. 291 Leon Odell, 293 Leona Dora, 459 Leonard, 78, 126, 128, 209, 215, 219, 221, 369 Leonard Almon, 250, 417 Leonard Brown, 118, 122, 209 Leonard Leander, 129, 226 Lenura Angelia, 285 Leonora, 318, 326, 474 Leora Gertrud/e, 361 Lephe, 96 Lephe Carpenter, 288 Lephe Perry, 288 Lero5'. 553 Lettice, 115, 116, 193 Levi, 92, 121, 300, 409, 584 (Chafee) Levi, 228 (Chaffe) Levi, 91 Levi Marvin, 350, 505, 561 Lewis, 97, 221, 384 Lewis Everett, 386 Lewis Franklin, 393, 395, 525 Lewis H., 423, 532 626 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffee, Lewis Marsh, 422 Lilburn Gustavus, 314 Liby, 382 Lilla Adell, 408 Lillian, 403 Lillian A., 445 Lillian Augusta, 280, 456 Lillian Belle, 581 Lillian Briggs, 241 Lillian Celestia, 459 Lillian Lucy, 266 Lillias R.. 505 Lincoln Elliot, 490 Lindley Almont, 291 Linley M., 160 Linton P., 290 Lizzie, 425 Lizzie Alma, 444, 535 Lizzie Gray, 464 Lizzie N., 290 Lodicy Emaline, 380 Lois, 87, 136, 161, 181, 200, 239, 360, 458 (Chaffe) Lois, 295 Lois Augusta, 486 Lois C, 402 Lois Clarinda, 368 Lois M., 295 Lonson, 100 Lora, 180, 323 Lora Ettie, 552 Loren, 158, 215, 289, 378 Loren Bliss, 323 Lorena Rachel, 388 Lorena S., 358 Lorenzo D., 271 Lorestine Centennial, 425 Loretta, 369 Lorinda, 271 Loris Clarinda, 517 Lotheta, 127 Lottie Jane, 488 Lottie Mav, 424 Lottie N., 414 Louie L., 454 Louis Ames, 291 Louis Bound, 266 Louis D., 410 Louis Pearl, 280 Louis Sheridan, 422 Louisa, 109, 131, 162, 173, 239, 275, 295, 335, 402 Louisa Alvina, 174 Louisa Matilda, 262 Louise E., 367, 516 Louise J., 223 Loveil Stowe, 269, 446 Lovern Scott, 293 Lovica, 415, 531 Lovina, 192 Lovina Felton, 269, 445 Lovina (Vinie), 115, 116 Lovisa, 318 Lucetta Davis, 206 Lucian Morse, 229, 393 Lucian Mozart, 334 Lucinda, 119, 121, 202, 205, 208, 270, 583 (Chaffe) Lucinda, 253 Lucius, 317 Lucius Dimock, 245, 410 Lucretia, 113, 251 Lucretia G., 324 Lucy, 77, 82, 84, 115, 116, 119, 122, 127, 129, 147, 149, 192, 200, 209, 228, 267, 268, 341, 348, 389, 393, 440, 495, 505, 533 Lucy A., 128, 223, 226 Lucy Adaline, 213, 224 Lucy Allen, 148 Lucy Almina, 137 Lucy Ann, 128 Lucy Annie, 410, 529 Lucy B., 154, 278 Chaffee, Lucy C, 420 Lucy Elizabeth, 409, 527 Lucy Ella, 474 Lucy Emily, 244, 408 Lucy (Flint), 285 Lucy Helen, 224 Lucy I., 184 Lucy Morris, iii, 477 Lucy P., 446 Lucy R., 226 Lucy (Vose), 54 Luella Land, 541 Lula Belle, 316 Luna Leora, 444 Luna Maria, 260, 426 Lura Clarinda, 208 Lura (Harwood), 207 Lura (Lucy), 179, 322 Luther, 111, 118, 119, 154, 175, 192, 200. 278, 346 Luther Aten, 278, 454 Luther D., 473 Luther Highland, 473 Luthera, 158 Lutia Ann, 245 Lutie, 473 Lutie B., 454 Lydia, 94, 117. 118, 119, 132, 152, 157, 168, 177, 199, 208, 288, 310, 583 Lvdia Adaline, 388 Lydia Ann, 224, 378, 386 Lydia (Cooley), 327 Lydia Eliza, 275 Lydia Luceba, 306 Lydia Lucetta, 479 Lydia Lucretia, 322 Lydia Maria, 357 Lydia Payne, 327, 485 Lydia Roxanna, 166, 306 Lydia S., 199 Lydia Sarah, 460 Lyman, 102, 161, 169, 172, 195, 209, 314 Lyman Albigence, 244, 409 Lyman Augusta, 288 Lyman Bliss, 330 Lyman Brooks, 328 Lyman Bruce, 311 Lyman Edward, 169, 311 Lvnds, 164, 299 (Chaffe) Lynds, 165 Lynds Damev, 165, 302 Lynn E., 513 Mabel, 123, 436 Mabel Coralie, 510 Mabel Caroline, 466 Mabel E., 311 Mabel Louise, 547 Mabel Nancv, 521 Mabelle Delight, 515 Madge Anna. 355 Mae Goodelle, 468 Mahlon Edwin, 368, 517 Malinda, 279 Manly J., 508 Manuela Corillo J., 243 Maranda, 228 Marcia, 209 Marcia A., 353 Marcia Emelia, 221 Marcia M., 510 Marcius Henry, 366, 514, 515 Marcus, 301, 470 Marcus Morton, 222 Margaret, 184, 220, 330, 340, 583, 605 Margaret Caroline, 548 Margaret Jane, 331 Margaret Maria, 367 Margaret Susan, 354 Margarette Sylvia, 365, 514 Marguerite Pancher, 523 Chaffee, Maria, 126, 154, 246, 301, 351, 393 Maria A., 27, 412 Maria B., 240 Maria E., 138 Maria Elizabeth, 140, 242 Maria P., 271 Maria Farnum, 203 Maria Helen, 290, 464 Maria L., 273, 450 Maria N., 223 Maria Olivia, 488 Maria Whipple, 461 Maria Y., 414 Marie Louise, 365 Marie Munro, 563 Marila, 378, 340, 441 Marietta, 173 Mariette, 283 Marion, 536 Marion Braidfoot, 222 Mark J., 585 Marshall John, 285, 460 Martha, 78, 84, 111, 216, 220, 228, 239, 246, 265, 301, 369, 391, 524, 583 Martha A., 505 Martha Ann, 259, 425 Martha Emma, 473 (Chafee) Martha Howlett, 212 Martha Jane, 299 Martha M., 583 Martha Maria, 514 Martha Mav, 460 Martha R., 292, 465 Martha Stranahan, 329, 487 Martha Susan, 263, 333, 437 Martin, 93, 154 Martin Luther, 364 Martin Wakefield, 469 Marvel C, 165 Marvin, 207 Mary, 113, 115, 120, 158, 189, 192, 194, 204, 229, 265, 267, 270, 276, 297, 335, 371, 391, 395, 413, 416, 442, 447, 450, 458, 467, 473, 491, 507, 519, 524, 533, 583 (Chaffe) Mary, 116 Mary A., 147, 272, 375, 509, 511 (Chafee) Mary A., 520 Mary Abigail, 124, 172, 213, 246, 315 Mary (Abby), 100 Mary Alice, 564 Mary Alzina, 225, 389 Mary Amelia, 325 Mary Amorette, 549 Mary Ann, 125, 129, 170, 221, 225, 249, 290, 322, 336, 351, 417, 439, 605, 606 (Chaffe) Mary Ann, 373 Mary Arlett, 363 Mary Augusta, 417 Mary B., 336 Mary Bell, 510 Mary Belle, 491 Mary (Bliss), 112 Mary Bliss, 185 Mary Burge, 185 Mary C, 287, 317 Mary Caroline, 32 8 Mary Charlotte, 260, 426 Mary Coombs Requa, 578 Mary D., 362 Mary E., 216, 292, 300, 319, 352, 358, 376, 454, 465, 469, 531 Mary Eliza, 171, 265,279, 366, 439, 463, 515 INDEX 627 Chaffee, Mary Elizabeth. 173, 221, 245, 253, 316, 338, 340, 450, 462, 479, 531, 540 Mary Elizabeth Putnam, 338 Mary Ella, 481, 545 Mary Ellen, 478, 548 Mary Emeline, 171, 299, 468 Mary Eunice, 426 Mary Evangeline, 437 Mary Parnum, 203 Mary Fletcher, 388 Mary Prances, 275, 278, 282 Marv Prances Augusta, 138, 242, 566 Mary Grace, 420 Mary Gertrude, 293 Mary H., 532 Mary Helen, 224 Mary J., v Mary Jackson, 365 Marv Jane, 165, 220, 263, 302, 348, 377, 514, 521 Mary Jennette, 311 Mary Josephine, 243 Mary L., 284 Mary Lillian, 488 Mary Lorette, 169, 311 Mary Louise, 298, 463, 468 Mary M., 219, 259,382, 458 Mary Malvina, 375 Mary Matilda, 473 Mary Melissa, 167, 364, 486, 552 Mary Mornilva, 489 Mary Nash, 322, 478 Mary (Polly), 118 Mary Rachel, 531, 563 Mary S., 474, 541 Mary Sabrina, 448 (Chafee) Mary Sanford, 453 Mary T., 350 Maryetta, 294 Maryette, 208 Matilda, 100, 174, 217, 381, 416 Matilda E., 532 Matilda Lucv, 285, 460 Matilda S., 440 Martin Henry, 511 Marvin, 491 Matthew, 115, 116 Mattie, 533 Maud Irene, 306, 471 Maud Martha, 469 Maudana Post, 169, 311 Maude, 425 Maude S., 464 Max B., 513 Mav, 390 May Eudora, 308 Mehitabel (Preston), 123 Mehitable, 121 Melissa, 270, 465 (Chaffe) Melissa, 354 Melissa Deborah, 363 Melissa M., 351, 354, 507 Mellie, 307 Melville, 531 Melvin T., 444 Melzar Merrick, 450 Mercv, 113 Meribah R., 581 Merle, 448 Merrick, 186, 327, 336, 377 Merrick Joel, 336, 491 Merrick Joel, Jr., 491 Mertilla Keziah, 207 Merton, 445 Merton Douglas, 490, 553 Michael, 227 Michael, Jr., 227, 391 Miles Danford, 363 Miles Fairchild, 563 Millie H., 413 Chaffee, Milo L., 440 Milton LeRay, 437 Mina, 469 Miner, 251, 416 Miner William, 421 Minetta Arnold, 241 Minerva, 183, 208, 244, 279, 327, 328, 409, 485 Minnie, 301, 314, 509, 552, 582 Minnie A., vi, 510 Minnie E., 413, 530 Minnie Sylvia, 418 Mira Adelaide, 274, 451 Miranda, 119, 150, 201 Miriam, 100, 111, 156, 181, 183 329 Miriam (Ellis), 320, 321 Miriam Ellis, 324 Miriam Jane, 442 Mollie Frances, 536 Mollv, 81, 88, 111, 132, 147, 174 Morris B., 254 Murtie Fidara, 552 Murton Robinson, 469 Myron, 416 Myron C, 532 Myron Howard, 447, 536 Mvron J., 232, 396 Mvron William, 490 Myrtie C, 379 Myrtie Fannie, 364 Myrtie L., 414 Myrtie Marv, 403 Myrtie Svlvia, 561, 564 Myrtle, 491, 534 N. O., iv Nabby Elvira, 325, 483 Nancy, 93, 97, 100, 101, 102, 112, 126, 132, 165, 173, 180, 184, 228, 231, 249, 268, 393, 583 (Chaffe) Nancy, 103 Nancy Ann, 167 Nancy Brown, 208 Nancy Carpenter, 140 Nancy Jemima, 259 Nannie, 473 Naomi Alice, 460 Naomi Ann, 250 Nason L., 351, 507 Nathan, 77, 87, 124,213 Nathan Orlando, 425 Nathan Robinson, 164, 300 Nathan Steadman, 196, 352 Nathaniel, 90, 91, 94, 149, 152, 267, 268, 269 (Chaffe) Nathaniel, 88 Nathaniel B., 185 Nathaniel Bliss, 113, 185, 335, 489 Nathaniel, Jr., 88, 89, 90, 149 Nathaniel Otis, 186 Ned P., 507 Nellie, 314, 394, 450, 508, 540 Nellie A., 517, 533 Nellie Augusta, 375 Nellie B., 454 Nellie Edith, 517 Nellie Eugenia, 368 Nellie P., 455 Nellie Irene, 510 Nellie J., 376 Nellie Louise, 280 Nellie M., 357 Nellie Virginia, 313 Nelson, 249, 262, 417 Nelson Eaton, 321, 477, 478, 542 Nelson Vennor, 334, 489 Nemenia, 459 Nettie, 311, 473 Chaffee, Nettie A., 549 Nettie E., 509 Nettie Prances, 452 Newbury, 179, 322 Newell Pred, 355, 512, 513 Newell Merlyn, 513 (Chaffe) Newell Moses, 355 Newman, 150, 271 Newman Josiah, 246, 411 Newman Keyes, 419 (Chaffe) Newman Keyes, 251 Newton Adelbert, 224, 387 Newton Halloway, 578 Nina, 310 Noah, 97, 121, 160,207, 291, 583 (Chaffe) Noah, 92 Noah Davis, 483, 548 Noah Puller, 271 Noah Lephrelet, 161 ' Nora J., 455 Nora May, 424 Norah Leona, 173 Norman, 182, 325 Norman A., 490 Norman L., 177, 319 Norman O., 232, 233 Norman Pitkin, 468 Norman Seymour, 483, 549 O. P., 261 Olive, 94. 99, 115, 116, 117, 181, 193, 198, 199, 200, 221, 239, 320, 321, 324, 477 (Chaffe) Olive, 118 Olive Ann, 271 Olive Emelia, 285 Olive Emilv, 315 Olive Jenks, 157, 287 Olive Maria, 331 Olive Rosetta, 489, 553 Olive Sacrina, 488 Oliver, 95, 156, 157, 249, 284, 285, 288, 310, 463, 464 (Chaffe) Oliver, 157 Oliver Bugbee, 128 Oliver Church, 464 Oliver Nelson, 279, 455 Oliver Newberry, 273, 450 Oliver Perry, 136, 166, 240 Oliver W., 284, 459 Omer Horace, 241 Onan, 210 Onia P., 459 Ora, 563 Ora Dwane, 314 Oreelia, 283 Orel Newton, 316 Oren Dewitt, 427 Orlen, 415 Orlvn Lee, 389 Orpha, 196 Orpha Anna, 469 Orphena, 350 Orestes Parmena, 260 Orient, 172 Origen William, 155, 280 Orib, 131 Orinda, 127, 221 Orrie Worth, 280 Orrin, 123, 154, 208, 278, 369 Orris Dickinson, 389 Orson Alpheus, 260, 426, 427 Orson Arthur, 427 Orson William, 300, 469 Orvilla, 161, 271, 291 Orville, 196 Orville Harvey, 328 Orwell Sidney, 246, 412 Orvy, 102, 171 Palmsr 97 Palmer*Edson, 269, 446 628 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chafifee, Pamela, 123 Pamelia, 228 Parmelia, 100, 156 Patience, 93, 180 Patty, 78, 111, 126, 218 Patty M., 373, 520 Paul, 475 Paulina, 391 Pearl Orlen, 531 Pearl Stowe, 446 Pearle, 464 Peleg Howard, 288 Permelia Anna, 166, 308 Perrin, 123 Perry, 150 Perry John, 439 Persis, 88, 184, 185, 332 Persis Maria, 320 Peter, iv, 132, 227, 230, 232, 397, 565 Philander, 100, 166, 326 Philena, 327 Philip Alonzo, 167 Philip M., 223, 386 Philo, 146, 295, 466 Philo Blair, 328 Phoebe, 100, 158, 166 (Chaffe) Phoebe, 165 Phoebe Gertrude, 490 Polemas W., 254 Polly, 100, 109, 119, 126, 149, 153, 157, 162, 168, 174, 175, 176, 201, 209, 227, 249, 391, 392 Polly Ann, 172 Polly Hill, 269, 444 Porter P., 173 Powers, 300 Prentiss, v, 422 (Chaffe) Prentiss, 253 Preserved B., 270, 271, 291 Presson, 128 Priscilla, 123, 213, 391 Priscilla (Danforth), 149, 268 Prudence, 118 Prudence, 198 Pucinda, 440 Rachel, 100, 192, 213, 347 (Chaffe) Rachel, 102 Rachel Maria, 225, 389 Ralph, 162, 298, 403, 513 Ralph Alden, 523 Ralph H„ 316 Ralph Giles, 485, 551 Ralph Pease, 468 Ralph Tyler, 326, 484 Ransom, 249 Ransom N., 585 Ransom Nathaniel, 269, 446 Ray Earnest, 465 Raymond, 456, Ravmond Virgil, 554 Rebecca, 79, 89, 90, 93, 150, 241 (Chaffe) Rebecca, 116 Rebekah (Pierce), 159 Recompense, 166 Reginald R., 464 Rena Annette, 541 Rena J., 389 Reuben, 88, 92, 93, 147, 148, 155, 221, 266, 385, 424, 440, 533 Reuben A., 534 Reuben Briant. Jr., 581 Reuben Elam, 366 Reuben Hewlett, 207, 366 Reuben, Jr., 266, 440 Reuben S., 278 Reuben W., 322 Rhoda, 78. 81. 92. 125, 129, y 132.217,350,381,561 Rhoda Ann, 417 Rhoda Cady, 127 Rhoda Roxana, 581 Rhoda Sophronia, 138 Chaffee, Rial Lake, 354 Richard, 409, 527, 604 Richard Clark, 508 Richard Mahlon, 380 Riley, 249 Rillie, 425 Robbie, 280 Robert, 425, 468, 605 Robert Charles, 249, 415 Robert Dwight, 483, 549 Robert Hubbard, 281 Robert Nichols, 456 Robert W., 382 Robev, 92 (Chaffe) Robinson, 95 Robinson Joseph, 300, 469 Rodolphus, 185, 210, 331 Rodolphus Gordon, 331 Roland Dwight, 548 Rollin, 533 Rollo, 506 Rosa, 425 Rosa Belle, 425 Rosa Dell. 424 Rosa R., 445 Rosalie, 531 Rosanna, 330 Rose, 518 Rose Ann, 510, 562 Rose Irene, 549 Rosetta A., 285 Rosetta Jane, 140 Roscoe Delmar, 425 Ross, 403 Rossie W., 511 Roxanna, 179, 321 Rov L., 382 Roy Otis, 302 Royal, 300 Royal Edward, 581 Royal Mason. 174 Royal Nelson, 174 Ruby, 126, 149, 270 Ruby Adaline. 224 Ruby Jane, 222 Ruby Lucy. 268, 443 Ruby LTnderwood. 128 Rudolph Allen, 314 Rufus, li7, 196, 197, 249, 417 (Chaffe) Rufus, 165 Rufus Albert, 291 Rufus D., 291 Rufus, Jr.. 353 Rufus N.. 165 Rufus Sevmour. 549 Russell, 82, 416 Ruth, 90, 91 Ruth Ann, 159 Ruth Lillian, 439 Ruth Orpha, 166. 308 Ruth Sophia, 335 Sabra, 123 (Chafee) Sabra Sabrina, 373 Sabrina. 184 Sallv, 103. 108. 116. 172. 202. 260, 266, 268, 443 Sallv Amanda, 260 Sallv C. 182 Sallv Delia. 173 Sallv Ervilla. 415 Sallv L., 259 Sallv Maria, 146. 217. 381 Sally Mercy. 248 Sally Miranda, 440 Sallv Seargent, 126, 218 Salome, 151.273 Samantha, 163 Samantha Betsey, 222, 385 Samuel, 77, 81, 97, 130 156, 159, 189, 200, 249 285, 286, 338, 339, 340 360 (Chafee) Samuel, 377 (Chaffe) Samuel, 118 Chaffee, Samuel B., 228, 392 Samuel Burge, 185, 336 Samuel Burgess, 452 Samuel Butterworth, 97, 161, 292 (Chaffe) Samuel Butter- worth, 96 Samuel C, 163, 299 Samuel D., 136 Samuel Goodwin, 365 Samuel Griswold, 205, 365 Samuel H., 462 Samuel Johnson, 219, 381, 382 Samuel Luther, 266, 439 Samuel M., 336 Samuel N., 382 Samuel O., 291 Samuel Roscoe, iv, 159 Samuel W., 495 Samuel Whipple, 340, 493 Sanford, 153 Sanford Erasmus, 247, 413 Sarah, iv, 77, 79, 80, 92, 96, 110, 129, 150, 175. 185, 195, 251, 265, 271, 283, 297, 420, 448, 467, 476, 582 (Chaffe) Sarah, 103 Sarah Abigail, 171 Sarah Adaline, 245 Sarah (Sally) Adams. 119. 200 Sarah Allen, 288 Sarah Alvira, 249, 416 Sarah Amanda, 483, 549 Sarah Amelia, 384, 522 Sarah Ann, 169, 293,531 Sarah Ann Elizabeth, 247 Sarah Ann Jenks, 157 Sarah Annie, 476, 542 Sarah Blodget, 221 Sarah C, 165, 364 Sarah (Sally) C, 326 Sarah Cady, 81, 132 Sarah Effie, 168 Sarah Elizabeth, 410, 528 Sarah Emeline, 374 Sarah Ida, 279 Sarah Isabella, 310, 470 Sarah J., 336 Sarah Jane, 133, 288, 301, 335, 364, 489, 513, 605 Sarah Louisa, 265 Sarah M., 239, 247, 285, 358, 402, 413 Sarah Mabel, 291 Sarah Melissa, 353 Sarah Parmelia, 324 Sarah W., 160 Scott Bruce, 466 Serene Silvanus, 353 Servilla, 220 (Chaffe) Seth, 249 Seward, 297 Sherburne Howard, 262, 427 Sherman, 524 Sherman Blair, 252, 422 Sherman Tecumseh, 427 Sibvl Kathleen, 513 Sidney, 217 Sidney L., 541 Sidney Larkin. 473 Sidney Sawtell, 165 Sidney Tenney, 473 Silena, 369 Simeon, 89, 90, 120, 121, 150, 151, 179 Simeon, Jr., 121. 151, 206 Simeon E., 353, 511 Simeon G., 279 Simeon Stickney, 197 , Simon E., 585 (Chaffe) Sinai, 175 INDEX 629 Chaffee, S. L. Blanch, 473 S. Miranda, 266 Solana, 151, 274 Solomon, 168 Solomon Arthiton, 335, 490 Solomon Bliss, 185, 335 Solomon Olv, 490 Sophia, 100, 125, 189, 215, 340 Sophia Catherine, 363 Sophia Walker, 354 Sophronia, 151, 158, 163, 184, 196, 228, 273, 288, 321, 329, 393, 424, 478 Spencer, 323, 416, 482v Squire, 99 (Chaffe) Squire, 99 Stanley, 479 Stella Adel, 363 Stella C, 389 Stephen, 78, 80, 81, 92, 127, 132, 138, 151, 153, 222, 243, 271, 583 Stephen AlbJgence, 409, 527 Stephen B., 268, 443 Stephen E., 439 Stephen Franklin, 222, 385 Stephen Geno, 136, 241 Stephen Harrison, 138, 243, 408 Stephen J. V., 342 Stephen, Jr., 153 Stephen Mitchell, 147, 265 Stephen Sewell, 442 Sullivan, 125,216,217 Sumner, 501 Susan, 97, 154, 173, 220, 247, 270, 272, 300, 403, 583 Susan Beebe, 136 Susan E., 440 Susan Elizabeth, 348 Susan F., 332 Susan Hathaway, 276 Susan M., 166 Susan Maria, 298 Susanna, 90, 140, 150, 152, 275, 583 Susannah, 150 Susie A., 507 Susie Nieda, 266, 439 Sydney Alvares, 260, 427 Sylva, 507 Sylvanus, 196 Sylvester, 95, 128 Sylvester Aaron, 269, 445 Sylvia Jane, 250 Sylvian Herbert, 554 Tabitha, 117, 582 (Chaffe) Tabitha, 116 Tafett, 417 Tamson Meriam, 335 Telford, 448 Theda Aramenia, 428 Theodocia, 259 Theodore Dean, 248 Theodore Newbury, 479 Theodore Spencer, 482, 547 Theodore Spencer, Jr., 547 Theodore Wellington, 252 Theodore Worthington, 479 Theressa Almina, 374 Theron Augustus, 510, 561 Thirza, 123, 207, 248, 366, 416 Thomas, 79, 159, 179, 232, 240, 249, 251, 288, 421, 452. 568 (Chaffee) Thomas, 78, 86 (Chaffe) Thomas B., 254 Thomas Davis Leroy, 425 Thomas Elmer, 181, 182, 327 Thomas Elmore, 179 Thomas Everel, 263 Chaffee, Thomas Grover, 275, 451 Thomas Harrison, 315 Thomas J., 126, 219 Thomas Jefferson, 254, 422 Thomas Jefferson, Jr., 422 Thomas, Jr., 87 Thomas Knowlton, 420 Thomas Lewis Dwight, 259 (Chaffe) Thomas Sherman, 252 Thomas W., 416 Thomas Wicklin, 606 Thomas Wicklin, Jr., 605 Thomas William, 493 Thompson, 173 Timothy, 136 Torrance Odell, 465 Triphena, 87 Truman Bibbins, 146, 260 (Chaffe) Ursula, 354 Veranus, 223 Verne Leroy, 411 Vernon, 229, 394, 456 Vernon Ellsworth, 387 Vernie, 561 Vianna Amanda, 374 Vina, 561 Virgie Estella, 446, 536 Viva E., 470 Volney G., 360, 513 W., 585 Waldo Whitman, 606 Walker, 84, 135, 136 Wallace G., 172 Walter, 111, 177, 183, 228, 318, 455, 474 Walter A., 394 Walter B., 394 Walter Crane, 450 Walter Dennison, 475 Walter Henry, 314 Walter S., 486 Walter Scott, 329 Walter Spencer, 547 Walter Stebbins, 209, 371 Ward E., 470 Ward Osborne. 523 Warner, Fav, 102, 171 Warren, 102, 149, 151, 156, 168, 170, 173, 268, 269, 274, 283, 315, 605 Warren, Jr., 268 Warren Eugene, 274, 451 Warren L., 160 Washington, 266, 440 Washington M., 352 M^ealthy, 109, 176, 181, 182, 183, 327 Welcome Francis, 288 Welcome M., 416 Weltha Ann, 351 Welthea, 196 Wellington, 252 Wendell Cain, 563 Wilber T., 510 Wilbur, 426, 444 Wilbur George, 512 Wilbur McDaniel, 427 Wilder, 84, 137 Wilder Bowen, 137 Wilder Stearns, 167, 309 Wilkins, 270 Will Curlis, 306, 471 Willard, 121, 132, 157, 206, 289 Williard Dillingham, 248 414 Willard Levering, 285 Willard P., 585 Willard Porter, 354, 512 Willard Reuben, 366 Willard Sheldon, 220, 382 William, iv, 84. 91, 94, 97, 124, 135, 154, 160, 186, Chaffee, William, 187, 188, 189, 213, 241, 270, 273, 283, 291, 323, 340, 375, 377, 403, 422, 480, 494, 569, 583, 605, 606 (Chaffe) William, 87, 93, 164,212, 295 William A., 403, 530 William Albert, 388 William Allen, 371, 517 William Ambrose, 239, 403 W^illiam Banfield, 154 William Cady, 128, 225 William Carev, 208, 295, 369 William D., 517 William Daniel, 476 William Darwin, 248 William David, 245 William Dewitt, 280 William Douglas, 291, 335, 490 William E., 462 William Edgar, 279, 375 William Edson, 212, 213, 374 William Edward, 457 William P., 246, 375 William Fax, 147, 264 William Frederick, 491 William G., 585 (Chafee) William Grover, 376 William H., 220, 445, 495, 585 William Harrison, 162, 297, 390, 524 William Henry, 154, 267, 282, 278, 410, 440, 458, 480, 481, 544, 545, 570 William Henry Harrison, 225 390 WilHam Hibbard, 338 William Highland, 474 William Hill, 155, 282 William Holcomb, 450 William Howard, 286 William Hyde, 348 William Jay, 533 William, Jr., 94, 156, 164, 189, 213, 300, 337, 606 William Lincoln, 369 William Luther, 361 William Mahlon, 380 William Marinda, 136, 239 William Merrick, 336 William Merton, 446 William Morgan, 473, 474 William Morton, 333 William N., 389 William Neverson, 225, 389 William Ninde, 450 William Orville, 487 William Oscar, 463 William Penn, 270 William Perrin, 184, 333 William Preston, 137 William R., 160, 291, 520 William Reuben, 280, 456 William Ricker, 138, 243 William Ricker, Jr., 243 William Riley, 473 William Rufus, 352 William S., 330 William St. John, 505 William Thomas, 157 William Wirt, 219, 382 Williard Erwin, 249, 417 Willie, 174, 360 Willie Alonzo, 242 Willie Cecil, 473 Willie E., 376, 511 Willie James, 510 Willie Loren, 289, 464 Willie S., 507 Willis Gaylord, 297, 467 630 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Chaffee, Willis H., 527 Willis Lavero, 315 Willis Leander, 282 Willis M., 474 Willis Newell, 508 Willis Orson, 469 Willis S., 549 Wilnie Eugenia, 424 Wilson, 210 Wilson Simeon, 366 Winfield Scott, 352 Winnie J., 364 Winona, 427 Wolcott, vi. 251, 419, 420 Zebediah, 77, 123 (Chafee) Zebediah, Jr., 123, Zebina, 100 Zella, 490 (Chaffe) Zelophehad, 227 Zelotes Emerv, 207, 294, 367 Zeno Eliott, 284 Zephaniah, 87 Zephaniah, Jr. (or Guilde- roy or Leroy), 257 Zerviah, 196 Zola, 316 Zorilda Jane, 263 Chaffev, Abraham, 607 Albert Edward, 607 Alice A., 598 Alice M., 600 Ann, 595, 598, 607 Annie C, 599 Augusta, 583 Benjamin, 606 Benjamin, Jr., 606 Catherine, 597, 598, 603 Catherine C, 599 Cecil Percy Cummings, 600 Charles, 607 Charles A., 599 Charles Francis, 607 Charles G., 599 Dorothy, 607 Edward, 607 Eleanor, 597, 598 Elizabeth, 596, 597, 598 Ellen, 598 Elswood, 606, 607 Emma Ann, 607 Emily, 606 Ethel C, 600 Florence M., 600 Frances, 606 Francis, 603 Francis, Jr., 603 Frank, 603 George, 603. 606 George, Jr.. 603, 606 Georgiana M., 598 Gilman A. L., 598 Guv, 594 Guy C, 598 Harriet M., 598 Helen A., 599 Hepsibah, 596 Horatio Nelson, 598, 599 Horatio Nelson, Jr., 599 Howard D., 599, 600 Hugh, 595 James, 594, 597, 598 James, Jr., 597, 598 Jane, 596 Job, 596 Johane, 595 John, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 603, 606, 607 John B. W., 598 JohnF., 598, 599 fChaffy) Joseph, 583 Madeline, 599 Maria. 606 Martha, 597, 598 Mary, 606 Martha, 607 Chaffey, Mathew, 596 Mary E., 599 Mary J., 598 Maud Percy, 599 Nellie M., v Nellie May, 599 Phoebe E., 598 Priscilla, 594 Richard, 606, 607 Richard Trenchard, 586 Sarah, 606 Sarah Gertrude, 599 Susan, 606 Susan H., 599 Susan M., 598 Susanna, 597 Thomas, 595, 598, 607 Thomas D., 597, 598 Thomas Lewis, 599 Walter, 583 William, 594, 596, 606, 607 William H., 598, 599 William Henry, 600 William W., 599 Chaffie, Agnes, 594 Ann, 596 Edwardus, 594 Elizabeth, 596 Hannah, 596 Henry, 596 John, 594 Josiah, 596 Maude, 595, 596 Prudence, 596 Richard, 588 Robert, 592, 594 Ruth, 596 Thomas, 594, 596 William, 588, 595, 596 Chaffy, Abigail, 596 Ambrose, 595 Arestine, 596 Byile, 596 Edith, 596 Edward, 595 Elizabeth, 595, 596 George, 582, 595 Hannah, 596 Horace, 582 Hugh, 595 Humphrey, 596 Jane, 596 John, 594, 595, 596 Joseph Cirus, 582 Katharine, 596 Margery, 595 Margory, 596 Mary, 596 Richard, 596 Ruth, 596 (Chafy) Samuel, 581 Squire, 582 Thomas, 581, 595, 596 William, 582, 586, 594, 595, 596 Chafie, Bartholomew, 594 Elner, 595 Elizabeth. 595 Hugh, 594 Joane, 595 John, 588, 593, 595 Mari, 595 Mary, 593 Richard, 594, 595 Robert, 595 Thomas, 594, 595 Walter, 595 William, 594 Chafy, Christian, 595 Elizabeth, 595 Hannah, 595 Horace, 585 Hugh, 594, 595 John, 588, 592, 593, 595 Margery, 595 Chaffey, Mary, 595 Orethy, 582 Richard, 588, 595 Renold, 583 Reverend Doctor, 588 Robert, 594, 595 Samuel, 595 Thomas, 594, 595 W. K. W., 586 William, 593, 594 (Chaffy) William, 582 William, Jr., 582 William Kyle Westwood, vi, 593 Chafv-Chafv, Hugh Edmund, 593 Chafye, Thomas, 592, 596 Chaphe, Ada Mary, 501, 557, 558 Albert Henry, 346, 503, 560 Allen Bennett, 582 Allen Benton, 344 Andrew Jackson, iv, 190, 344, 496, 498, 500, 501 Andrew Jackson, Jr., 501 Angeline, 343 Anna Svlvia, 497, 557 Arthur E., 556 Augusta, 559 Blanch Ethel, 504, 561 Byron, 501, 559 Caroline (Childs), 498 Cassandria Gertrude, 496 Charles, 503, 560 Charles Chester, 502, 559 Edith Buell, 557 Edna M., 556 Elizabeth, 559 Elizabeth M., 497, 572 Ellen, 346, 504 Ellen Caroline, 498 Elmer, 346, 503, 504 Ethan Fisk, 346 Evelvn May, 559 Finetta, v, 191, 346 Frances Josephine, 346 Frank, 503, 560 Franklin George, 497, 557 George Allen, 501, 557, 558 George Dewey, 558 George Franklin, 343, 497, 557 Gertrude, 558 Gertrude Lovina, 344, 502, 570 Gertrude Susan, 501 Harrie, 560 Helen Katheren, 559 Helena. 559 Henry Elmer. 501 Hiram Eugene, 496 Homer Lewis, 558 Irving Joseph, 498 Isaac, 583 Isabel Augusta, 558 Jabin Joseph, 346. 504 James Lawrence, 504 James Manning, 501, 502, 557 Jennie (Annie) May, 504, 560 John, 560 Joseph Babcock, 343, 497 Joseph Lafayette, 343 Joseph Manning, 498, 567 (Chaffe) Joseph Manning, 342, 343 Josephine, 503 Julia. 501 Melvin, 497 Nannie Gertrude, 501, 502, 557 Nanny Gertrude, 558 Peggy, 559 Rankin, 346, 503 INDEX 631 Chaphe, Rebecca Armstrong, 346, 503 Richard Liee, 557 Robert Allen, 557 Robert Brown, 502, 559 Sarah Elizabeth, 343 Stephen F., v Stephen Fisk, 503 (ChaftV) Stephen Fisk, 345 Susan, 344 Thomas Francis, 496, 555, 556 Thomas Grant, 343, 496 William Henry, 344, 501 William Henry, Jr., 502, 559 Chalkcr, Benjamin, 413 Mary J., 247, 413 Chamberlain, Asa, 176 Hardin, 367,516 John F., 235 Oliver, 176 Petor, 109, 176 Chamberlin, Benjamin, 409 Freddie, 516 Hardin, 516 Heber, 208 Hepzibah, 245, 409 Louise E. (Chaffee), 206 Walter, 516 Chaniplin, Ray William, 145 Chandler, Rebecca, 104 Chapin, Charles Gordon, 280 Charles Oscar, 280 Elizabeth, 566 Elsie Jane, 280 Elsie Maria, 154 Henry Dearborn. 154 Henry Marshfleld, 93, 154, 279 Henry Marshfleld, Jr., 154 Henry Parsons, 280 Chapin, James Hale, 155 John Pitts, 280 Olive, 169 Seth, 566 Susan, 154 Chapman, , 79 Almira, 162, 297 Aniasa, 98 Asa, 115 Christopher, 116 Eunice. OS, 162 Ezekiel, 297 GeorRe, 221 H. W., 598 Hannah, 51, 76, 177, 318 Harriet, 134, 235 Jason, 176 Jemima, 79 Joseph, 162, 318 Louisa, 163, 298 Mary (Potter), 235 Molly, 116 Myra, 198 Oliver, 109, 116 Parker, 108, 116 PeleK, 235 Thomas, 73, 116 Charles, Duke of Lorraine, 572 IT, KinfT of France, 571 III, Kinfr of France, 572 CharlemaRne, 571 Chase, Andrew, 356 Benjamin, 276 Clara Manda, 450, 537 Dudley, 449 Goorfce Chaffee, 450 Georffe N., 273, 450 Philander, 449 Sarah, 153. 277 Chatburn, Nathan, 267 Chauncy, Chauncey R., 322 Cheney. Abicrail, 151 GeoVfre, 507 Julia M.,214, 377 Child, John, 77 Childs, Azuljah,E., 221, 385 Caroline M., 343, 497 David Edward, 325, 483 Frank, 483 Harry Linwood, 483 Horace, 385 Susan S., 214, 376 Chisni, David, 176 Chivvis, Leland, 558 Norman, 558 Ruth, 558 William, 558 William Keiuhart, 501, 558 Choate, Harriet D., 351, 508 Isaac W., 508 Christie Rosetta, 142, 250 Chubbuck, Almira (Chaffee), 293 H. John, 161, 293 Lydia Maria, 293 Nelson A., 293 Orestus, 293 Samuel E., 293 Tabitha, 113, 185 Church, Ada, 419 Adoniram Judson, 250, 419 Anstres, 141 Anthony, 87, 141 Aurilla, 295 Cyrus, 142, 250 Deliverance, 250, 418 Edwin, 529 Emeline A. J., 411, 529 Hannah, 144, 255 Hannah A., 250 Harry, 529 Ida, 419 LoriuK Bennett, 142 Lucinda E., 144, 256 Ijydia Ann, 250 Melvin, 371 Mina, 529 Nathan, 141, 250, 251 Nathan, Jr., 250 Prentice, 419 Prudence, 141 Seth Howard, 144 William, M2, 410, 529 William B„ Jr., 256 William Bennett, 142, 250 Churchill, Ida N,, 280, 456 Samuel, 456 Clapham, Comfort, 116, 195 Eunice, 195 Hannah, 195 Clark, Alvan, 337, 491 Mrs. .Mvan, vi Alvan Graham, 492 Annie Love, 336, 491 Betsey, 144, 255 Caroline Amelia, 492 Carrie J., 253 Chester, 170 Clarissa, 2-14, 409 David W., 134 Delia, 441 Ebenezer, 480 Edward, 255 Eliphalot Mervin, 439, 552 Ella, 410 G. H., 491 Georfre Bassett, 492 Guy, 267, 441 Guy, Jr., 441 Hanson, 441 Harvey. 354 Helen Submit, 328 .Ti'iinette, 253 John Henry, 552 Jonathan, 480 Joseph H.. 409 Joshua. 104 Loren Marsena, 552 Maria Louisa, 492 Mary, 106, 441 Clark, Miriam, 111, 183 Myron IL, 183 Reese Emery, 552 Robin, 283 Rose, 565 Sarah M. (orO.), 273, 450 Thomas, 408, 491 Thomas F., 208 William, 143, 183, 255 Clemence, , 322, 478 Albert, 478 Charles Chaffee, 478 George, 478 Joseph, 478 Cleveland, , 321 George, 254 May Wilco.\, 423 Clevenger, Lizzie, 577 Clifford, , 229 Clive, , 295 Clinton, Joel, 582 Clockner, Charles, 454 Close, Benjamin, 424 Daniel, 257 Sophronia A., 144, 257 Clough, George P., 302 .Tudith, 146 Luther, 165, 302 Clulu, , 275 Cluxton, Ellen, 545 May, 545 W.R., 545 Coates, Frank Mozart, 334, 489 Kate, 539 Cobb, , 99 Bethia, 567 Mary B., 204 Cobbs, Cordelia, 577 Coburn, Alma H., 269, 447 Charles, 241 Chester V., 447 Daniel L.,,202 Roswoll Augustus, 465 Theodore, 292, 465 Cody, J. J., 272 Cofiin, Elizabeth M., 163 Colburn, Martin C, 173 Cole, Cornelia, 426 David, 487 Elmira, 151 George Arthur, 502, 559 Hugh, 31 James, 31 John, 258 Kenneth Franklin, 559 Mary A., 332 Colegrove, Delia A., 474 Coleman, Eliza, 168, 310 Lauden, 310 Collins, , 235 Alice Maria, 516 Arlow, 206 Arthur Anthony, 516 Charles Francis, 367, 516 Daniel Austin, 516 Daniel Chaffee, 367, 515 Daniel S., 207,366 Fanny Maria, 367. 515 Thirza Marion, 367 Compton, Elizabeth, 592 Joseph, 592 Comstock, Emily, 126, 219 John, 219 L.aura D., 319 Mary (Perry), 311 Miriam Barnard, 170, 311 Ruth, 219 Warner M., 311 Conant, Emily, 203 Herbert B., 378 Joseph, 412 Josiah, 119, 203, 303 Lucina Amelia, 246, 412 Pitt Chaffee 203 Condon, Mary A., 344, 498 632 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Congdon, Mary Ann, 158, 290 Conger, Charlotte, 283 Conklin, , 465 Amanda, 250 Betsey, 196,, 352 Deborah, 196, 352 John, 352 Louisa, 250 Minerva, 250 Conley, Ellen Mary, 415 Mary, 248, 415 William, 415 Converse, Albert, 176 Amasa, 108, 175, 317 Chapin, 176 Charles Austin, 176, 317 Elihu Williams, 176 Erasmus Darwin, 176, 317 George Grove, 474 Grove W., 542 Harriet, 176 Jerome, 318 Jerusha B., 139, 245 Julia Ann, 176 Leander, 176 Orlin Eustis, 317, 474 Pamela, 104 Phineas, 162 Rose Ethel, 542 Sarah Esther, 317 Sinai Chaffee, 317 Willard, 245 Conway, James, 265 Cook, , 224, 259 Erastus, 415 Florence, 320 George, 124, 212 James, 248, 415 John, 426 Julia A., 141 Lorenzo Dow, 167 Rufus, 415 Samuel, 415 Wealtha, 259 Weltha, 426 William Harrison, 415 Coolbaugh, Chester J., 363 Elizabeth, 170 Cooley, Arthur, 280, 456 Bertrand Luman, 456 Denis, 315 George, 183, 327 Howard Chaffee, 456 James, 327 Lydia Pavne, 182, 327 Lettie B., 315 Sarah, 327 Wealthy, 327 Coombs, Gustavus A., 218 Hannah, 218 Huldah, 218 Lvdia, 218 Polly, 218 Rensselaer. 126, 218 Rensselaer, Jr., 218 Rhoda, 218 Sylvia. 218 Coomer, Mary, 58, 94 Cooms, Mary A., 218 Coon, Adelaide, 299 Dell, 299 Edward, 299 Ella, 299 Elnora, 299 Emma, 299 George H., 299 Israel, 163, 299 Jane, 299, 341, 495 Orpha, 299 Cooney, Mary, 496, 555 Cooper, Eliza, 601 J. Fenimore, 364 Judge, 364 Corbier, Harriet, 320 Corbin, , 78, 129 Corbin, Anise (Anne), 129 Andrew, 295 Angelona, 295 Charles F., 466 Elbert, 295 Ellen A., 239, 403 Elvira, 229, 394, 525 Frank, 295 George, 295 Hezekiah, 295 Lemuel, 295 Lois, 295 Nellie F., 466 Philip, 161, 295 Philip, Jr., 295, 466 Rhoda, 228, 393 Rial, 394 Sadie Averill, 362 Waldo, 295 William, 295 Corbyn, Elizabeth, 593 John, 593 Cordley, Marv (Walker), 167 Corev, Carrie E., 221, 384 Cornell, Charlotte A. (Sayles), 140, 247 Edward, 290 Ellen N., 160, 290 Harriet, 240, 403 Mary J., 290 Cotton, Bessie Wright, 541 John, 541 Cottrel (or Cottrell), David, 118, 198 Cottrell, Adaline Rebecca, 198 Albert, 134 (or Cottrel), David, 118, 198 David Freeman, 198 David Harvey, 198 Laura, 198 Marv, 198, 356 Mary, 198, 356 Courtis, Agnes, 594 Couse, James, 486 Mary Maria, 328 Olive, 328, 486 Coutances, Bishop of, 585, 587 Covell. Mary, 215 Covey, , 269, 439 Emily, 439 Cowan, Fannie Katharine, 512 John, 355, 512 Cowell, Caroline C, 373 Charlotte M., 373 Hannah, 244 Horace P., 373 John, 211, 373 Mary A. E., 373 Sarah A., 373 Thirza E., 373 Cowen. Emma, 252, 421 Irene, 252, 421 Washington, 421 Cowles, Gad, 199 Helen Maria, 199 Coy. , 566 Cramer, Alexander, 167 Crandall, , 534 Harlow, 386 Jane Maria, 224, 386 Lana, 409 Marvin Wallace, 386 Nelson, 386 Roxanna (Rawdin), 568 Crane, .313 Mary L.. 338 Nathan Selleck, 170, 313 Ulysses Grant, 391 Cranston. Ada. 330 Crapon. William, 83 Crary. Harmony, 87, 146 iMary, 582 Crawford, Elizabeth, 37, 66 Lyman 486 Melissa H., 328, 486 Creamer, Estella Grace, 451, 538 Crittenden, Lester, 426 Croft, Florence Ella, 400 George William, 400 Mary Chafee, 400 Mary E. (Chafee), 399 Theodore G., 234 Theodore Gaillard, Jr., 399 400 Crofut, Charles, 562 Charles E., 520 Dollie, 520 Henry, 373, 520 Henry, Jr., 520 Ida M., 520 Leroy, 520, 562 Orrie, 562 Verna, 520, 562 Cromack, Mary Jane, 320 Crook, Lewis C., 173 Crooker, Horace, 392 Croskev, Elizabeth, 571 Crouch, Fred D., 486 Martha, 328 Crosby, Wallace, 296 Cross, Harriet, 162, 297 Grossman, , 283 Crow, Horatio, 324 Culbertson, F. A., 272 Culver, Lucy Ann, 142, 252 Cummings, Abigail, 162 Albert, Volney, 162 Andrew J., 162 C, 279 Charles, 162 Cyrus, 162 Dan, 162 Elvira, 162 Eunice, 98, 162 Fanny, 2 79, 456 Joseph, 162 Julia, 149, 268 Lucia, 162 Noah, iii, iv Oliver, 98, 162, 296 Patty, 130, 228 Thomas, 456 Wealthy A,, 598, 599 William, 599 Currier, Arthur, 564 Edith Anna, 531, 563 Curtis, Ann, 576, 577 Augustus, 476 Elizabeth, 596 Joseph, 228 Mary, 147, 263 Mary Sophia, 341 Samuel, 263 Curzon, George, 590 Humphrey, 589 John, 590 Richarda, 589, 590 Thomas. 590 Gushing. Hiram C, 395 Job, 395 Kittie B., 526 Roland P.. 395 Samuel. 230. 395 Walter F., 395, 526 Cushman, . 151 Cutler, Joseph, 378 Temperance Elvira. 215, 379 Cutter, Mamie A., 395 Cynthis, , 569 D Daggett, Hepsibah, 20, 36 Israel, 36 Daily. Frances L., 172 Franklin, 172 Damon. Mart, 391 Dana, John J., 317 Danford, George, 302 Danforth, Priscilla, 149, 266 Sallv, 149. 266 William, 149, 266 INDEX 633 Daniels, Abigail, 568, 569 Amasa, 569 Betsey, 569 Czarina, 169 Esther, 569 James, 569 John, 13J, 231, 569 Lemuel, 569 Luther, 231 Pollv, 569 Russell, 569 Reuben, 168 Sally, 569 Dapifer, Eudo, 588 Margaret, 588 Darling, Alma, 228 Dassance, Maria Louisa, 249, 417 Davenport, , 94 Abigail Clark, 138. 243 Carlos Cresson, 138 Elizabeth, 87, 145 Elijah, 243 Hannah Satira, 230, 395 Joel, 395 Joseph Clark, 138 Sarah Thomas (Chaffee) 94 David, Polly, 162 Davidson, E. O., 426 Flora, 426 Lurena, 426, 532 Samuel, 259, 426 Davis, , 445 AdaL., 410 Alice, C. M., 385 Amos, 197 Amos Jiles, 222 Anna, 127, 221 Anna D., 197, 353 Arville Idell, 385 Benjamin, 221, 222 Benjamin Chadwick, 222, 385 Betsey, 127, 222 Charlotte Maria, 385 Cornelius, 365 Cornelius, Jr., 120 Curtis S., 469 Disard, 583 Elijah, 118 Elisha P., 507 Eliza, 206, 365 Elizabeth Ann, 165, 302 Emeline, 222 Emeline M., 139, 246 Prank Isaac, 385 Gad, 127, 221 Gordon. 302 Henry Charles, 385 Horace, 474 Idella A., 385 John, 104 John W., 246 Julius Chaffee, 222 Lewis Franklin, 514 Lounda A.. 222 Love, 76, 120 Maria, 222 Maria, L., 300, 469 Martha L., 222 Mary A., 245. 410 Mary E., 318, 474 Mehitable (Bartlett), 120 Myron, 222 Nabbv, 182. 325 Noah, 325. 367 Olive, 111, 178 Ovro Benjamin, 385 Park, lis Pearly, 410 Phrpbe Jane. 222 Sallv. 583 Susan H.. 351, 507 Tamason, 183. 327 Thomas, 178, 353 Davis, Warham Jackson, 222 Wealthy Ann, 324 William, 174 Willie Lerov, 385 Zilpha, 365" Zylpha, 141, 250 Davison, Eva J., 370 Day, Alvin. 210 Amasa, 516 Catherine Maria, 368,516 Francis, 221 George, 269 Jerry, 2 73 Deacon, Avis, 567 Deakin, Anna Maria, 438 Charles Fremont, 438 Elijah James, 438 Emily Ann, 438 John William, 438 Joseph Amos, 438 Lillian Delila, 438 Mary Jane, 438 Robert Price, 438 Sarah Minerva, 438 Serene Mav, 438 William Price, 264, 438 d'Albini, Lady Mabel, 572 Lord William, 572 d'Ardenne, Bonne, 572 Godefroi, 572 Dean, Almira, 140 Eliza, 124 Freeman, 417 Julia Etta, 378. 521 Mrs. O. W., 357 Nathan, 521 William O., 358 Deans, Abiel, 200, 359 Catherine, 200, 360 Eliza, 200, 359 Francis. 359 Jane, 359 Joseph, 119, 200, 359 Joseph Edwin, 200 Julia Ann, 200, 359 Mary, 359 Nancy, 200, 359 Dearstine, Nancy, 154, 279 de Aure, John, 588 Margaret, 588 de Beauehamp, Hugh, 586 de Bosco, Andrew, 588 Matilda, 588 de Cailly, Lord Adam, 572 Lord John, Osbert, 572 Sir Hugh. 572 Sir William, 572 de Cantilupe. Balderic, 588 Philip. 588 Decker, Elizabeth, 247, 414 John I., 414 de Clare. Gilbert. 586 Lord Roger, 572 de Compton, Martin, 592 Walter, 592 de Cyvelisk, Lord Hugh, o72 de Dysteley. Clement, 593 de Hambrigge. Stephen. 592 de Hamstead, Agnes. 572 de Hamstead, Hamo. De Hart. . 373 de Insula. Idonea. 588 Delano. Ella. 356 De La Warr, Lord, 588 Delong, Julia. 125 De Losse, William Close. 297 de Magna Villa, Geoffry, 588 de Mandevill, Christina, 588 Robert, 588 de Meschines, Mabill, 572 Demmon. Minnie. 330 de Namar, Ida, 572 Denbaud, John, 586 Denison, Sarah, 497 Dennis, Ernest Milton, 437 George A., 263, 437 Jesse, 350 Mary C, 437 Dennison, Emily, 256, 423 Esther, 572 Hattie E., 318, 475 John, Jr., 144 William, 572 Zebediah, 475 De Nyse, Annie May, 240 Depew, Alice, 293 Ascenath, 293 Betsey, 293 Irvin, 293 Job, 161, 293 Willard, 293 Derby, Emily Augusta, 493 William Coridon Edwards, 493 De Raismes, , 337 Derosia, Charles, 284, 459 Elbert, 459 Maria, 459 Warren. 459 De Saxe, Princess Gerberga, 572 de Stocklinch, Ralph, 586 de Tatteshall, Emma, 572 Robert, 572 Deugar, Catharine, 332 Jonas, 332 de Vere Alberic, 588 Devereux, Lady Dorothy. 593 de Westwode, William, 593 Dewey, , 179, 322 Caroline Blacknev, 388 Edwin Bertel, 388 Ralph, 388 Rhoda, 322 Dewing, Eben F., 601 Dewitt, Elias, 439 Frances Ida, 265, 439 M. J., 201 Dexter, Lewis, 358 Louisa, 200, 358 Lucy, 191, 341 Mary, 358 Olive O., 315 Wadleman, 341 Deyeo (or Devoe), Catherine, 125, 210 James, 216 Diamond, Emma, 293 Daniel, 352 Martha T., 297, 467 W. D., 257 William P., 467 Dike (Dyke), Elizabeth B.. 269. 444 (Dvke) Elisha, 444 Dill, Abigail, 567 Dimmock, Arthur Fremont, 553 Elizabeth, 56, 85 Harvey Ellis, 489, 552 Herman Adelbert, 553 Mabel Clare, 553 Minnie Myrtle. 553 William Harvey, 553 Dimon, James, 198 Dingenan, LTriah, 440 Ditty. Erie Lyman, 284, 459 Grace Adalaide, 459 Leon Erie, 459 Susan Augusta, 459 William. 156. 284 Dixon, Arthur .James, 600 Charles Weldon, 600 Cornelia Ferris, 600 Horace, 600 James E., 598. 599 John Chaffev. 600 Mary Ellen, 600 Richard Ferris. 599 Sydney Gordon, 600 634 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Dobler, Mellie, 311 Dodd, James, 132 Done, Albert, 552 Donelly, Alice, 330 Alva, 331 Bennett, 331 Charles Andrew, 330, 331, 487 James, 331 Jennie, 330 Lucy, 330 Maude Elizabeth, 487 Thomas, 184, 330 Doolittle, Alton, 174 Cecelia, 173 Isaiah, 249 James, 385 Mrs., 90, 149 Willard, 173 Dort, Albert, 392, 525 Allen Levi, 392 Clara Bell, 525 Ella L., 374 Elvira, 392, 525 Frank M., 392 George Fields, 227, 391, 392, 525 Ida Nancy, 392 Jonathan Luke, 374 Julia Ann, 392 John Franklin Farge, 392 Luther, 392, 525 Mahlon, 392 Mary, 392 Newton Silas, 392, 525 Orrin Grossman, 392 Pollv (Chaffee), 391 Silas, 227, 391, 392, 525 Simon Corydon, 392 Wallace W., 392 Dotv, Emeline, 392, 525 Doughty, Salmon, 378 Sarah Newell, 378 Dow, Chester B., 371 Ellen, 371 Doud, Grace Eloise, 422 Downer, Amv Jarvis, 487 Emmon, 329. 487 Emmona, 487 Louise, 487 Stranahan, 487 Downing, Albert Chaffee, 439 Daniel E., 265, 439 David W. Chaffee, 350 Dovle, John F., 488 Drake, Eliza, 103, 174 James, 144 Mary Cvnthia (Baker), 545, 546 Drakes, Jane, 572 Robert, 572 Draper, Catherine, 160 Driesbach, Samuel, 415 Driggs, Alfred, 337 Duel, Deborah, 245 Nathan, 245 Duff, Patrick, 332 Dugar, Charles, 468 Marv Louisa, 299, 468 Duke, William H., 362 Dunbar, Aaron, 193 Abilena, 220, 383 Cyrus, 383 Esther, 193 Polly, 193 Duncan, Prances, 270, 447 Robert, 447 Dunham, Clarissa, 78, 128 Earnest J., 530 Eber, 123 John W., 413, 530 Martha, 127, 220 Phebe, 122, 209 Rachel, 209, 371 Winfleld E., 530 Dunkerton, Mercia A., 201, 363 Richard, 363 Dunlap, Ellis, 490 Savannah, 335, 490 Dunn, Ellen A., 354, 511 John, 511 John A., 354 Dunshee, Lucinda, 102 Dunton, Lucretia Mary, 199, 356 Pardon, 356 Sarah Jane, 199, 356 Du Puy, Mary, 476 Durand, Sarah (Adams), 44, 73 Durkee, Alba Benjamin, 281 Almira Maria, 281, 457 Arba, 155, 281 Benjamin, 281 Hannah (Chaffee), 281 Lucy Caroline, 2 81 Martha Lucinda, 281 Wesley Melancthon, 281 Durl, Deborah, 139 Dutton, Ro.xana, 155 Dwight, Josiah, Jr., 337, 492 Sarah, 337 Sarah (Hartwell), 492 Dver, Charles S., 220 Thomas, 567 E Eager, Hattie Jordan, 476 Earet, Olive M., 274, 451 Earl, Josiah, 317 Susan, 198 Earley, Edward S., 570 Hannah Jeffries, 570 Eastabrook, Wilfred, 364 Eastman, George F., 306 Eastwood, Freelove June, 281 Eaton, E., 329 Joshua Chaffee, 192 Lucy, 192 Marv, 192 Olive, 192 Polly, 87, 143 Ransom, 192 Silas, 192 Stephen, 116, 192 Edda, Pruda, 329 Eddie, Julia, 276, 452 Eddv, George, 297 Mary, 83, 134 Peleg, 134 Edgerton, Freelove, 121, 207 Olive, 111, 180 Samuel, 180 Wealthy, 111,181 Edgiva, Princess. 572 Edwards, Brunmen Porte, 561 Charlotte, 244 Dafydd L., 504. 561 Finette Armstrong, 561 Gertrude H., 397, 526 Morris, 496 William C, 338 Eggleston, Samuel. 348 Either, Joseph N.. 601 Eldred, Hattie, 483 Eldren. Carnac, 531 Elett, Elizabeth, 604 Elliot. John, 214 Lydia, 125, 214 Pollv Ann, 444 LTrsula Filinda, 444, 535 Welcome Lucius, 444 Elliott, Adelia, 380 Aimer Judson, 444 Arad Upham, 215, 378 Caroline S., 215 David, 215 DyerS., 379 Erastus, 376 Elliott, George A., 379 Harriet M., 215 Henry L., 379 John K., 379 John W., 125, 215 John W., Jr., 215 Loren, 214, 376 Lucius B., 269, 444 Luther, 376 Mary Ann, 215 Ruth, 380 Sophia (Chaffee), 215 Ellis, , 111, 183 Betsey, 154, 278 Cyrus, 223 David E., 224. 386 Julia A., 285, 460 Marv Kate, 386 Mercy, 87, 141 Miriam, 179, 183, 321 Polly, 127, 223 Sevmour Davis, 454 Ellsworth, , 291 Delia, 268 Ellswood, Frances, 606 Elmer, Ann (Elmer), 179 Anna, 111, 179 Prances, 111, 179 Thomas, 179 Elting, Ella C, 471, 541 Emerson, Amarilla, 283 Doctor, 303 Irene (Sanford), 166, 303 Emery, Eliza, 267 Thomas Marsh, 445 Emma, Queen of Normandy, 587 Emmons, Georgianna, 601 English, Henry, 495 L. D., 495 Enos, Joseph, 318 Phoebe M., 177, 318 Ensign, William, 191 Ermentrudis, 571 Esseltine, Benjamin, 417 Essex, Earl of, 588 Robert, Earl of, 593 Esterbrook, Reuben, 335 Susanna, 57, 92 Estes, Ida, 174 Funis, Myron, 417 Evans, Abiel, 168 Electa, 184, 330 John, 208 Josiah, 330 Lewis, 552 Louis, 486 Louisa, 552 Lucv. 117, 196, 197 Rachel, 578 Roswell. 117 Sally, 122, 208 Evarts, Emma, 356 William, 198, 356 Everett, Abel Clark, 348 Augustus, 192, 347 Charles Burrill, 348 Dolly, 347 Ebe,"347 Ebenezer, 115, 116 Gamaliel, 347, 348 Lucv. 347 Mabel, 347 Mabel (Elmore), 347 Nancv (Woodward), 347, 348 Everitt, Isaiah, 115, 116 Lucv Moulton, 116 Samuel E., 193, 347 Evidon, Nancv, 25, 215 Ruth, 77, 125 E-wins, Almesa Alida, 443, 535 Blanche Mabel, 443, 535 Clarence Prescott, 443, 535 William Prescott, 268, 443 INDEX 635 F Fairbanks, Maria, 35 Ralph, 447 Sarah Jane, 155 Fairchild, Addison Miles, 563 John, 241 Pauline Louise, 531, 563 Rollin C, 470 Fairfield, Alva B., 301, 470 Ethel Chaffee, 470 Fairman, James, 439 James Yale, 266, 439 Farmer, Charles, 512 Charles C, 354, 512 Cordello, 354 David, 354 Irving, 354 Minnie, 512 Orlando, 354 Phoebe, 354 Reuben, 102 Uriah, 197, 354 Farnham, Joseph, 146, 265 Sally, 87, 146 Farnum, Lettice, 202 Phila, 119, 202 Jonathan, 202 Farr, Betsey, 150 Florence B., 506, 561 Farrar, Edward F., 298, 468 Farrington, Harriet A., 366, 515 Seth, 515 Fast, David, 357 Mary A., 199, 357 Fasset, Alice, 73, 118 Fassett, Lydia (Johnson), 11? Paulkner,'Marietta, 215, 378 Fawfaw, Hattie May, 444 Fenton, Arthur E., 260, 427 E. Lavergne, 427 Ferguson, Hannah (Goodell), 102 Permon, A., 279 Ferren, Chloe, 164, 300 Ferrers, Earl of, 593 Ferris, Ellen Cornelia, 598 John, 598 Mary Elizabeth, 598, 599 Richard, 597, 598 Ferrv, Asenath, 185 Asenath Ward, 333 Emma, 346, 503 Horace, 503 Lucy, 580 Noah, 333 Field, Leonard, 164 Porter, 172 Stephen, 337 Thomas, 29 Fields, Eunice, 87, 145 Pinch, Augustine S., 413 Sarah A., 413, 447 Finlay, Catherine, 326 Finney,— , 260 Fish, Dudley, 246. 411 Edna Lillian, 529 Elliot Dudley, 411, 529 Lawrence Chaffee, 411 Mary E., 411 Myrtis M., 411 Fisher, John, 555 DeWitt, 103, 172 Elizabeth, 104 Martin, 219 Mary S., 496, 555 Fisk, Amasa, 208 Fitts, Edward, 360 Eliza, 360 Ellen, 360 Francis, 200, 360 Lucy, 360 M:ary, 360 Fitz-Hugh, Raynald, 587 Fitz-Hugh, Reginald, 587 FitzJohn, Matilda, 593 Robert, 593 Fitz-Ralph, Agnes, 587, 588 Robert, 587 Pitz-Ranulph, Ranulph, 587 Robert, 587, 588 Fitz-Reginald, Ralph, 587 Pitz-Robert, Ranulph, 587 Flag, Martha, 244 Flees, James P., 363 Pleetney, John, 605 Sarah Ann, 605 Fletcher, A. B., 219 Artemas, 351 Martha, 145 Isaac, 341 John, 259 Lyman B., 166 M'artha, 87 Theodocia, 146, 259 Pleuraus, Christian, 547 Elizabeth, 547 Helen Anita, 547 Flint, Abigail, 156. 284, 285 Amy (Chaffee), 283 Celia Lenora, 284, 458 Cvrus, 458 Daniel, 156, 283 Denison A., 283 Eugene Grover, 460 Eunice, 156, 283 Frances M., 516 Franklin A., 283 George 283 James, 283 Lucy. 156, 285 Mnhnla (or Mahalah), Julia, 283, 458 Martin. 285. 460 Phineas. 285 Stewart John, 460 Susan, 283 Flovd, Marv Ann, 598 William, 375 Pluery, , 128 Plynn. Bessie, v Foley, Mrs. Alice. 284 Folts, Daniel, 172 Ford. EInora H., 443, 535 L. J.. 176 Lavia, 317, 474 Mary, 170 Pordham, Amos Pierce, 264 Anneliza, 264 Annie Maria, 264, 438 Bathiah, 264 Eli.ia,h, 147,2 64 Elijah Jr., 264 Elizabeth, 264 Emily Adelia, 264 George, 264 Joseph, 264 Lidda Lovina. 264 Mary Louisa, 264 Norman, 264 Forte, Irwin Allen. 346, 504 Mugette. 504. 561 Forward, Margaret, 595 Rebecca, 595 Foster, , 267 Calvin, 125, 217 David. 217 Edwin A.. 300, 469 Elmer, 469 Gerald. 469 Nehemiah, 217 ■S.S.,442 Foulk, Benjamin, 424 Fountain, Elizabeth, 597 William, 32S Fowler, John L., 254 Francis, Sally, 566 Francisea, Henry D., 328 Francisco, , 101 Frank, Harriet, 149, 269 Hiram, 2 69 William, 172 Franklin, Asa, 64 Daniel, 64 David, 64 Gideon, 34, 64 Gideon, Jr., 64 Hannah, 64 Mary, 139, 245 Molly, 64 Oliver, 64 Fraser, , 583 George S., 474 Helen G., 317, 473 Sarah C, 302 Frary, Joseph, 251 Lucy, 142, 251 Praunf elder, Eliza (McCar- thy), 553 George, 553 Mary Cecelia, 491, 553 Praver, George, 98 Freeborn, William H., 311 Frederick, Rachel, 226 Freeman, Almira. 81, 132 Harriet Emeline, 284, 459 Margaret, 569 Ralph, 459 French, ' , 293 Elizabeth, iv Emeline, 296 EzekielR., 371 Lomasy, 209, 371 Lvdia, 90, 152 Nathaniel, 152 Preet, Alma A., 473, 541 James Heaton, 317 Prisbie, Pricilla (Ruff), 192 Frissell, Albert, 214 Elvira, 214 George, 214 Hezekiah. 125, 214 Frost. Ann Maria, 335, 489 Hiram, 489 Rosetta, 392 Prothingham, James K., 566 Prve, Bethia. 567 Puller, , 144. 331 Adelia Emma, 348 Amanda, 194, 349 Clara Phoebe. 465 Cvrus Hackett. 348, 349 Harriet (Skiff), 348, 349 Henry. 325 Irene. 250, 419 Judith, 90, 150 Lois, 121, 206 Rachel, 34, 62 Ralph, 32 6 Roxanna Elizabeth, 326 Roxanna (Firmin),326 Samuel, 465 Solomon, vii William Harrison, 212 William S., 228 Purber, Benjamin, 462 Elizabeth, 286, 462 Purgeson, Hannah (Godell), "171 Purman, Lncinda A., 151, 274 Sarah, 571 Furner, Martin, 329 Purness, Jennie, 601 G Gager, George, 206 Gallagher, Emma, 281 Gallup, Benadam, 572 Ellen, 256 Eugene, 256 Emeline, 256 Frank. 256 John, Jr., 572 636 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Gallup, Loring, 122, 144, 256 Lucinda, 256 Martha Jane, 256 Mercy, 572 Gamble, Margaret Eulalie, 234, 399 Roger, 399 Gardner, Daniel P., 218 Ella, 423 Louie, 463, 540 Garfield, ,241 Garlite, William, 352 Garnet, Elizabeth, 286 Thomas, 286 Garrett, Emily, 576 James, 249 John, 577 Gaston, E., 495 Gates, , 147 Henry, 102 Sallv E., 146, 260 Gault, Ruth, 211 Gay, Calvin, 93 Geer, Mary F., 145 Mary P., 258 Geiger, A. F., 376 Gellow, Sally, 249 Gerberge, Countess of Lor- raine, 572 Gerhard, Agatha, 272 Gerhart, Johanna, 265 Gerts, Sophia L., 138, 243 Gibbs, George. 3 96 Nelson D., 252 Giddings, , 225, 389 AllieR., 390 Arthur D., 390 Henrv R., 390 Gierke, George E., 561 Gifford, Mr., vii Gilbert, , 114, 443 Annie L., 599, 600 Grace H., 530 Henry W., 413, 530 Josiah J., 600 Levi, 201 Mabel W., 530 T. G., 329 Gilbut, Mary B., 224, 388 Thomas, 388, 530 Gilchrist, Charles, 318 Fidelia, 318 Giles, John T., 484 Gillespie, , 599 Gillette, C. M., VI. Charles Joel, 450 Charles Melvin, 272, 449 Chauncey Melvin, 450 Cora Eugenia, 450 Gertrude Frances, 449, 537 Mrs. C. M.. vii Gilligan, Lafayette, 485, 551. Minnie, 551 Gillmore, Emily A., 137 Gilmore, Horace, 212 Gladmin, Anna E. K., 247, 412 George P., 412 Glanfield, George, 601 Glasby, Anna Leslie, 287 Sarah Maria, 287 Thomas Sadler, 157, 287 Gleason, Caroline, 164 Phoebe S., 142, 251 Eliza A., 233 Gloucester, Earl of, 586 Glover, Sarah, 569 Glvnn, Edward M., 281 Goddard, Daniel, 339, 340 John, 596 Godfred I., Duke of Lorraine, 572 Godfrey, Samuel, 583 Godwin. Love, 416 Gold, Amorette Chaflfee, 550 Catherine M., 347 Gold, Milo A., 484 Mile Adelbert, 550 Norman A., 550 Goodell, Almira, 227, 392 Edward, 208 Lavina, 200, 360 Nathaniel, 72 Goodenough, Jonas, 212 Goodno, David H., 461 Goodrich, Evelina, 478, 542 Nathan Fenn, 542 Goodsell, Morris, 193 Goodwin, Samantha, 279 Gordon, Chloe, 212 Gore, Abram, 241 Polly, 137. 241 Wallace, 489 Goss, Horatio, 581 Nellie M., 581 Gothelon, Count of Lorraine, ■ 572 Gould, Albert, 392 Almira W., 257, 423 Bathsheba, 227 Bathsheba (Robinson) , 227 Beriah (Chaffee), 227 Beezalul, 227 Dorothea. 227 Hannah, 51, 79 Henrv. 392 Lorinda (Orinda),227 iMontravilla, 423 Phoebe, 34 Polly. 34 Rebecca, 79 Reuben, 130, 227 Samuel, 227 Sarah, 227 Silas, 227, 392 Silenda, 94, 156 Thomas, 79 William Robinson, 227 Gove, Edith, 302 Prances Grace, 302 Helen, 302 Marvel C, 165, 302 Gowdv, Fannv, 181, 323 Tudor, 323 Graham. Anna Chaphe, 556 Caroline Ann, 451 Dwight, 497. 556 Francis Miles, 451 James T., 274, 451 Mary Helen, 537 Minnie I., 537 Royal James, 537 Salome Ann (Strong), 273, 274 Swain Jasper, 453 Walter Strong. 451. 537 William A., 450, 537 Grant, Chaflfee. 472 Chester, 482 Clavton, 482, 548 Elizabeth, 191, 342 Fannie. 472 Floyd Mayham, iii, 544 Frank, 482 Gertrude Mabelle, 548 Henry, 482 Iram, 568 Mrs. John B., 545 Julia Dent, 472 Leonard. 548 Mary, 572 'Miriam, 472, 541 Ruth (Rockwell). 548 Thomas, 342 Mrs. U. S., Jr., 311 Ulvsses S., 312. 313, 472 Ulvsses S., Jr., 312, 313, 472 Willis. 155 Graves, Aaron, 207 Harriet (Chaflfee), 207 Graves, Leon Gillette, 537 . Roswell, 207 Truman Pierce, 449, 537 Gray, Abby Maria, 288, 464 Church, 464 Mary A., 331 Green, , 184, 198, 214, 356 A., 279 Augusta, 356 Elizabeth, 94, 156, 356 Eva, 356 Florence Louise. 551 Frederick Deming, 484, 550 Halsey, 244 Helen Aletta, 551 Hepzibah, 72 Jane, 356 John, 356 Nathaniel, 53 Priscilla, 51, 16 Sarah E., 228, 393 Susa, 476 Greene, Charles E., 244 Greenwood, W. J., 275 Gregg, Rosa Clara, 234, 398 William, 398 Gregory, Albert, 540 Gregory, Ella S., 463, 540 Gridley, Chester, 2 02 Fanny, 119, 202 Griflfin, , 124 Griffith, Matilda, 83, 134 Griger, Annie J., 282 Griggs, , 79 Clarissa, 109, 176 Rebecca, 79 Roxev, 109, 176 Grinneli, , 502 Griswold, Alfred, 540 Annie Elizabeth, 266 Cherilla, 266 Emma, 336 Frances, 540 Inez, 464, 540 Jonah, 180 Samuel, 119 Grogan, Patterson, 454 Grover, Hannah, 125, 214 Joseph, 417 Groves, Orra Edmunds, 320 Gubtil, Rachel, 122, 208 Gugerson, George H., 239 Gungen, Olive, 227 Gurnev, George, 447 Guthrie, C. E., 441, 534 H Haggerty, Sophia, 202 Haight, Emma, 241 Hailey, Ida, 557 Haines, William M., 296 Hale, Betsey, 151 Nathaniel Prvor, 323 Hall, . 130, 267 Abner, 272 Abraham, 192, 347 Andrew, 463 Ann E., 441 Anna, 564 Daniel, 564 Elizabeth, 100, 166 Fanny, 243 George, 404 George A., 240, 404 Huldah, 98, 163 Isaiah, 163 James, 503 John, 347 Lewis P. 347 Luther Chaffee, 347 Lydia (Hotchkiss), 347 Nancv, 215 Nancy C, 378 INDEX 637 Hall, Paris, 378 Rachel, 347 Kecompense, 167 Rumy, 162 Sarah Grace, 346, 503 Susan, 100, 151, 166, 167, 272 Halloway, Peter Kester, 578 Susan, 577, 578 Hambridge, Elizabeth, 592 John, 592 William, 592 Hamill, Birney, 553 Burton, 553 John, 489, 553 Orestus, 553 Elizabeth, 264 Rav, 553 Hamilton, , 601 Adna Chaffee, 533 Catherine, 533 David, 341, 495 Frank, 495 George F., 436, 533 Harriet, 495 Henry, 422 Irwin, 495 Levert, 495, 554 Louisa, 495 Mary, 254, 422 William, 602 Hamlin, William P., 142 Hammond, Armarcia Minerva, 224, 387 Artimissa Susannah, 284, 459 Franklin, 387 Olive, 569 Hanchett, Lafayette, 467 Myra, 467 Silas, 297, 467 Handy, Sylva, 145, 258 Hanford, James Hervey, 192 Samuel M., 192 Hankenhof. Henry, 541 Hanie, S. M., 428 Hanna, Rufus, 601 Hjinnon, Othniel, 175 Hardenberg, William, 132, 232 Hardendorf, Abraham, 129, 226 Abraham, Jr., 226 Celestia Jane, 391 Clarenda, 227 Diadema, 226 Diana, 226 George Michael, 226, 227, Henrv, 226, 390 Oliver, 391 Rial, 227 Rial Duane, 391 Sophia, 226 Susanna, 226 William, 226 Hardy, Lucv E., 156 Lucy Elvira, 285 Hare,- , 125, 217 Annis, 141, 250 Arthur, 393 Catherine, 218 James, 218 Sullivan, 218 William, 288, 393 William, Jr., 393 Harmon, Benjamin, 103 Harner, Frank, 416 Harper, Almeda. 457, 539 Harrington, , 260 Abigail, 197, 354 Anna (Humphrey), 242 George B., 137, 242 George William, 242 Job, 354 Lrucy Sabrina, 242 Harrington, Mary Alice, 242 William, 242 Harris, , 212 Mary, 247, 412 Miner, 412 Persis A., 148, 266 Robert, 483 Sarah Sevmour, 326, 48i, Hart, Abigail (Scudder), 571 Andrew, 571 Benjamin, 570 Delos, 410 Edward, 571 Elijah, 571 Elizabeth, 571 Hattie E., 243, 408 Isaac L., vii. John, 571 .Tosiah, 571 Louise, 282, 284 Marv, 571 Nathaniel, 571 Ralph, 571 Ralph, Jr., 571 Rebecca, 571 Samuel, 571 Sarah, 571 Scudder, 571 Titus, 571 Harter, Nancy, 172 Harvev, , 185 Abial, 323 Casper, 103 Elizabeth (Chaffee), 323 Harwood, Ada Lydia, 551 Anna, 552 Benjamin T., 327, 485 Betsey, 122, 208 Charles Elmer, 485, 551 Clara Jane, 485 Ellen E.. 166. 306 George Sanford, 485, 551 Jonathan. 207 Keziah. 121, 207 Lura. 121. 207 Niabel Edna, 552 Willard Irving, 485 Hassam, John T., vii. Haskell, Hezekiah, 100 Hastings, Holly. 218 Hatch. Edwin W., 173 Henrv. 144 Joan, 592 Marv, 172 Sallv, 173. W^illiam. 103, 172 Hathawav, Caroline, 356 Deborah, 91. 152 Elizabeth, 356 Sarah (Leonard), 337 Haughey, Schuyler C, 520 Theodore P., 520 Haukenbof, Jacob, 474, 541 Haven, Artie C. 437 Curtis Chaffee, 437 Gordon S., 263, 437 Grant C, 437 Miranda, 271 Moses, 271 Havens, Allison Chaffee, 515 Bennie Snow, 515 Calvin M., 366. 515 Cora Jane, 515 Emma Elvira (Chaffee), 515 Herbert Chaffee, 515 Marion Eliza, 515 Hawes, Clarence E., 446, 536 Harold Chaffee, 536 Huldah, M. H., 164, 301 Luther, 301 Maria, 164, 301, Hawkins. Caleb. 598 Jane, 597, 599 Jennie, 328 Mary, 275, 452 Hawkins, William, 599 Hawks 124 Hawley, Amelia' (Waldo), 390 Catherine B., 247, 412 Franklin De.\ter, 390 Hamlin S., 390 Marietta M., 390 Svlvanus, 225, 390 Svlvanus, Jr., 390 William C, 412 Havden. Beriah, 51, 77 H. Sidney, 365 Mrs. H. Sidney, 365 Haves, Edgar Justine, 174 Esther S., 262, 427 Eva Edwina, 174 Franklin, 427 George, 279 Samunel W., 103 Samuel Windgate, 174 Sophronia Lucrecia, 174 Havnes, Frank, 374 John, 382 Sarah. 220, 382 Havward. Cora, 531 Dora, 531 Elizabeth, 29, 38 Estella, 531 Ida Lovica. 531 John B., 531 Ollie, 531 William. 415, 531 Hazen, Ida Belle, 505, 561 Hazzard, , 135 Hazelton, Charles. 315 Heald, Mrs. E. A., 357 Healev. Erailv Barstow, 350 Henrietta, 350 Henrietta Sumner, 350 Joshua, 194, 349 Rhoda, 349 Stephen. 349 Hearle, James, 592 Joan, 592 Heath. David, 155 Hannah, 93, 155 Hecox, James Martin, 513 Nina E., 355 Nina Elizabeth. 513 Hector. Hiram, 265 Helmer, Rosalie, 506, 561 Hemenford, Joan, 592 William, 592 Hemmingwav, Thomas, 126, 218 Hemminwav, Hannah S., 218 Sarah Na'ncv, 218 William, 218 Henage, Lucy. 567 Henderson. Alexander. 293 Carrie, 311 Charles. 171 Clarence, 555 Constance, 253, 422 Jessie, 293 William, 422 Hendrick. Augusta A. (Wood) 185. 334 Nelson. 334 H., 279 Henev. Elizabeth, 597, 598 John, 598 .losiah, 598 Henrv I., King of England. 572 II.,' Duke of Brabant. 572 IV.. Emperor of Germany, 572 The Fowler, 572 John E.. 474 Herington, Ella, 507 Herinton, , 193 Herrick, Emeline, 162 Ernest D., 446 Heustis, , 127, 222 Wilbur F., 222 638 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Hewes, James, 439 Mary, 439 Hews, Mary, 264 Hibbard, , 130 Betsey, 130, 227 Isaac, 228 Polly, 149 Hicks, Aaron J., 284 Samuel, 267 Higgins, Herman K., 540 Higlev, Bertha M., 532 Lulu M., 532 Perkins B., 420, 532 Hildegarde, 571 Hildreth, Abigail, 179, 321 John, 164 Lillian Mae, 397, 526 Prutia, 149, 268 Hill, Annetta Adelaide, 451 Clarence Chaffee, 451 Frank, 404 Franklin M., 447 Frederick, 103 Innocent, 244 James, 269 Lester M., 241, 404 Marv, 289 Pollv, 269 Polly W., 149 Thelma Grace, 538 "Warren Walter, 451. 537 "Warren M., 275 "William Maxwell, 451 Hills, Abigail. 29, 45, 565 Ebenezer, 45 Elizabeth (Chadwick), 38, 45 Gershom. 38, 40, 45, 565 Joseph, 40, 565 Sarah, 29, 38, 565 William B., 325 Hillsinger. 345 Hilton, Libbie, 416 Hine, Elizabeth, 255 Emily, 255 James L., 255 Marshall, 255 Mary, 255 Sarah Ann, 255 William, 144, 255 Hinman, Adaline Elizabeth Annie. 496, 554 Chloe B. A. (Hichcock), 554 Edwin, 554 Harvev Newton, 447 William, 145 Hiscox, Albert, 265 Zelotus Plummer, 147, 265 Hitchcock, Aaron, 196 Belle H., 253 Charles Edward, 515 Emma Prances, 269, 446 F. H., iv. Ida Eldora, 515 Newton, 446 Russell, 167 T. B., iv. William, 515 Hoar, Susan H., 276 Susan (Hathaway), 452 Hobson, Henry, 223 Hodge, Annie Jane. 282, 458 Hodges, , 78, 129 Asanath, 129 Hodgkins. Abigail, 208 Harvev F., 370 Thomas, 369 Hoff, Mary, 571 Hoffman, Sarah Adeline, 134, 234 Hoisington, Emma J., 483, 549 Holbrook, , 568 Holcomb, Adeline, 273, 450 Ira, 450 Hold, Sir Hungerford, 375 Holden, Charles, 506 Henry, 506 Julia, 506 Lewis, 349, 506 Holdridge, Abigail E., 345 Abram Eugene, 502 Anna (Chaffe), 345 Aurilla Jennette. 345 Betsev Medora. 502 Daniel, 191, 345 Daniel M., 345 Enoch J., 502 Esther, 345 Louisa M., 345 Mercy A., 345 Thomas J., 345 Holland, Archie, 560 Frank, 560 Harry, 560 John, 592 Laura, 560 Peter. 503, 560 Hollister, Emma, 248 Jared, 248 Hollv, Phoebe A., 226, 390 Milton C, 390 Holmes. Alma, 567 Charles, 249, 426 Edward, 572 John George, 604 Joshua, 572 Le-wis, 426 Mary S., 572 Roswell. 340 Silas, 572 Stephen, 332 Susan, 185, 332 Thomas J., 260, 426 William Thomas. 426 Holsenburg, Frederic, 367 Holt, Eldad, 324 Martha. 146, 337 Moses Pike, 189, 337 Sarah. 207, 367 William F., 340 Home, O. J., 176 Hooker. Abner H., 420 Alexander Allen. 204 Dolly Goodwin, 204 Eliza, 204 Hannah Allen, 204 Henry Thomas, 204 Horace, 204 James, 120, 204 Marv, 119 Marv Chaffe, 204 Melvina v., 420 Nathaniel, 204 Warren, 239 Hoover, John, 531 Lizzie, 416, 531 Hopkins, Alonzo, 497 Calisto, 224, 388 Daniel, 211 Harriet M., 171, 313 HattieL., 464 Rufus, 388 Sarah, 123, 211 Talmon, 313 William H., 464 Hopps, Nicholas, 597 Horner, Frances, 301, 470 John, 470 Joseph, 416 Joshua, 575 Rachel, 575 Sarah H., 575 Horton, , 91, 158. 289 Aaron, 583 Adaline, 217,379,380 Annie, 381 Charles J., 381 Chauncey, 163 Daniel, 217, 381 Horton, Daniel, Jr., 381 David, 379 Delia, 381 Edith L., 381 Eleazer, 217, 381 Eliza, 381 Elizabeth, 381 George W., 381 Henry M., 137 James F., 381 Lewis, 217, 381 Matilda A., 381 Miranda, 381 Pollv, 92, 153 Rachel, 217 Rachel A., 380 Reuben, 92, 381 Sidney, 381 Theodore G., 381 William, 380 Veil, 381 Hosford, Doctor, 551 Grace, 484, 551 Hoskins, Charlotte, 146, 259 John, 259 Hough, Edwin, 296 House, Alfred Sherman, 527 Julia Ann, 162 Hovey, , 230, 395 Alvin, 395 Clara Milly, 185, 335 Howard. , 568 Asa, 197, 354 Celia A., 354, 512 Charles H., 223 Elmer, 450 Emerancy, 354 Howes, Thomas J., 171 Howlet, Phoebe Preston, 176 Howlett, Adaline, 194 Alice, 194, 349 Amanda, 194 Asa, 194 Betsey, 349 Caroline, 349, 506 Charles, 194, 349 Charles Milton, 349 Daniel, 194 Didymus, 116, 194 Didymus, Jr., 194 • Ebenezer, 116, 194, 206 Ebenezer, Jr., 194 Eleazer, 194 Eliza, 349, 506 George, 194 Hannah, 194 Ira, 349 John, 73, 116 John, Jr., 116, 194, 349 Keziah, 194 Laura, 194 Lemuel, 194 Lois A., 194 Lucetta Davis (Chaffee), iv, 206 Lucia, 349, 506 Lucinda, 194 Lucy, 194 Lucy Annah Elizabeth, 349 Lvdia, 194 Marv. 51, 70, 79, 110, 116, 195 Mary Ann, 194 Nancv, 194, 349 Nathan, 194 Orrin Lewis, 194 Pearlev, 194 Polly. 194 Rebecca, 116, 195 Rosella, 349, 506 Sallv, 194 Samuel, 81, 116, 583 Sarah, 77, 123 Svlvester, 194 Tabitha, 116, 195 INDEX 639 Hewlett, Thomas, 116 William, 116 Hoyt, Cyrus Butter, 330, 487 Horace, 487 Lucy (Stowe), 90, 148 R., 148 Smith, 487 William, 487 Hubbard, Alfred, 413 Alice, 344 Emma Cornelia, 485, 551 Frank C, 413 Hannah, 209 Hubble, George, 344 Hudson, Charles, 504, 560 Edith May, 560 Elizabeth, 227, 352, 391 George, 391 Nathan, 109 Ruth, 560 Huffman, Solomon, 356 Hughes, Louisa, 225, 390 Samuel, 390 Hugo, the Thane (or Thegn), 587 Thegn of Chafecombe, 593 Hulbert, Mary M., 409 Hulett, , 381 Hull, Commodore, 266 Delia, 441 Ella M., 413, 530 Ellen Amelia, 148, 266 John, 266 Mansfield, 247, 413 Samuel, 413 Hulsander, Elijah, 255 Ellen, 255 Hulst, Alletta Ann, 326, 484 Jennie, 485, 551 Peter, 484 Sarah Jane, 326, 484 Hume, David, 104 Humphrey, Dudley Case, 363 Eliza Esther, 201, 363 John, 136 May, 496. 554 Nathaniel, 54 Hunt, Betty, 64 Comfort, 332 Ephraim, 64 Hannah, 332 Jane, 332 Jane Perry, 157, 288 Nathaniel, 54 Rebecca, 31, 54 Simeon, 185 Simeon S., 332 Stacey, 332 Stephen, 54 Hunter, Angeline Adelia, 145, 259 Marv, 478 Huntington, Earl of, 586 Hunton, Addie A., 370 Benjamin, 209 Benjamin, Jr., 370 Charles. 370 Ellen H., 370 Jennette A., 370 Huntoon, Mason, 209 William, 209 Hurd, Andrew J., 368 Emma C, 368 Hurlbut. David Judson, 297 Julia Ann, 162, 297 Hurlbert, Emeline, 208 Emily Cady, 368 Estelle, 527 Job, 368 Mrs. Mary M. (Squire), 527 Hurlburt, Jerusha, 73, 117 tlurley, Daisy, 493 Elizabeth, 598 Mary, 597, 598 Hurley, Susan, 597, 598 William, 598 Huse, Tamzen S., 158 Hutchings. Molly, 79 Ruth Alice, 563 Samuel, 563 Thed Samuel, 531, 563 Hutchins, Eunice, 199 John, 80 Hutchinson, Charles E., 332 Hoyle, John, 33 Hyde, Abigail (Worth), 191, 192 Anna, 111, 183 Chloe M., 181, 324 Dollv, 116, 191 Elisha, 266 Grace, 146, 260 Ichabod. 183 Mary, 192 William, 191, 192 William Worth, 116, 192 Iddesleigh, Lord, 592 Ide. Marv. 62 Sarah, 82 Ingalls. Edmund, 154 Isabelle, 281 Priscilla, 154 Inskip, Ada, 426 Irish, Dana, 467 Frank, 297, 467 Ira E., 319 Isham, Thomas, 210 Ittner. Mary, 392 Ives, Doctor, 484 Jackson, -, 319, 426 Lydia, 196, 350 Merlin, 203 Nelson, 350 Jacob, Allen, 82 Mary (Peck), 55. 82 Jagga, Frank B,, 420 James, Elizabeth, 88, 147 Ira, 439 Lizzie A., 517 Ursula S., 439 William, 517 Jamieson, John, 295 Margretta W., 295 Jay, Emily, 172 Jeffery, Bishop of Coutance, 587 Jenks, Abbie Mallard, 463, 540 Jerahmeel, 286 Royal, 184 Jenkins, Sarah, 126,219 Upton. 260 Jennie, Milo, 341, 496 Jennings, Benjamin, 178 Jennison, Isaac, 320 Isaac, Jr., 320 Jewett, Chester, 245 Henry L., 240 Jillson, Adaline Jewell, 346, 504 James L., 504 Samuel, 503 Susan, 346, 503 Johnson, Anna, 117, 195 Annie Emily, 362 Artemas, 119, 201 Arthus Francis, 362 Caroline (Chaffee), 367 Charles. 195 Cora Bertha, 362 David, 376 Denis, 201 Edward, 256 Johnson, Edwin H., 201 Edwin Henry, 362 Elihu, 196 Eliza (Chaffee). 126.219 Frank, 524 Frank E., 293 Fred, 392 George N., 201, 362 Hammond, 215 Horace H., 381 Irene, 104 Isaac M., 497 Josiah M., 367 Julia Chaffee, 362 Lewis P., 599 Libbie, 352, 509 Lucian. 201 Lucy M.. 390, 524 Mabel, 363 Marella, 126, 219 Mary S., 213, 376 Matie Beatrice, 362 Nancy, 201 Nellie Alice, 362 R. E., 354 Samuel, 184, 219 Scott Walter, 362 Sophia, 598, 599 Spencer, 353 Wealthy, 201 Willie, 362 Johnston, Anderson, 329 Nehemiah, 329 Samuel, 329 Stephen G., 281 Jones, , 486 Catherine. 578 Eliza. 151, 272 Harriet E., 213, 375 Jiles, 111 Louise, 462 Ruth, 57, 90 Ursula S., 266 Simeon, 129 William, 213, 375 Jordan, Erdine, 533 H. M., 440, 533 Lila, 534 Lona, 534 Perley, 216 Joslyn, Cyrus, 222 Joyce, Stewart. 272 Thomas, 164 Judd, Edward Mathew, 505 Howard, 419 Jannette A., 419 Jennette A., 251 Laura (Cartwright), 505 Lydia, 348, 505 Judith, the Fair. 571 Julson, John Franklin, 448 Justason, Alice Lilian, 600 Catherine, 598 Elizabeth, 597 Isaac, 597, 599 Isaac Joshua, 599 Justus, 597 Justus Edward. 599 Margaret Elizabeth, 599, 600 Susan. 597, 599 Thomas, 597 Justin, Dolly Ann, 167 K Kay. Isabell. 598 John. 598 Keach, Clinton Narel, 464 George A., 464 Helen Augusta, 464 Manning W., 290, 464 Keech, William, 373 Keeler, John Vaughn, 362 Keene, Emanuel, 263 Keith, Annie Frances, 462 640 Keith, Charles Lathrop, 462 Edward James, 462 Ellen Maria Chaffee, 462 Lathrop Chase, 286, 462 Mary Frances, 462 Oliver Lathrop, 462 Philip Sidney, 462 Kelch, Effie, 100, 167 Elizabeth, 184, 330 Philip, 167 Kellogg, Clarissa S. (Chaffee 225 Hiram, 225, 390 Margaret Cowel, 170, 313 Nathaniel S., 253 Philander Harrison, 390 Samuel, 313 Kelton, Abigail B., 215 George, 379 Kelway, John, 590 Kemp, , 267 Kendall, Aaron, 267 Anna, 267 Asenath, 131, 230 B. J., 441 Lucy, 267 Matilda, 267 Milo, 441 Nathan, 267 Orilla, 267 Philo, 441 Phoebe, 267 Polly, 267, 441 Seth, 149, 267, 441 Seth, Jr., 267 Timothy, 230 William, 267 Kenny, John D., 291 Kent. Abigail, 198, 356 Asa, 117, 198 Caroline, 158 Elmira, 198 Joseph Crawford, 198 Kenyon, Barber, 299 Benjamin, 163, 296, 298 Betsey, 162, 296 Charles, 299 Charles Benjamin, 468 Clay C, 468 Daniel Chaffee, 299, 468 Diana Amelia, 299 Harriet Mariah, 299 Huldah, 299 Julia Ann, 299 Lucinda, 162, 297 Lucy Ella, 468 Lydia, 299 Melinda, 299 Robert, 299 Samuel, 163, 298 Samuel C, 299 Thomas, 154 Ward, 468 Eleanor Armington, 564 Israel, 347 Mary Ann, 192, 347 Ralph F., 540, 564 Kibbe, C. Randall, 478 Frank, 332 Hannah, 580 Isabel J., 334, 489 Marcus, 489 Kiddle, Thomas, 596 Kimball, Charles W., 368 517 Clark T., 474 Electa L., 474 Eliza I., 474 Eliza T., 474 Emery Chaffee, 517 Hannah C, 474 John Willard, 517 Joseph C, 474 Joseph D., 474 Lasell, 318, 474 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Kimball, Leonora (Chaffee), Lewis F., 309 Mary E., 474 Sarah Delphene, 474 Wesley W., 474 Kimble, Charles, 308 Lavinda, 166, 307 Kinder, Melissa, 284, 459 King, , 327, 435, 569 Cindonia, 323, 482 )' Ellen, 485 Esther W., 210 Hiram, 324, 483 Knut, the Dane, 587 Levi, 173 Louisa, 103, 173 Lucinda, 144 Micah, 478, 482 Nellie, 221 Panthea, 321, 478 Ruth (Spencer), 482 Sarah (Sally) N., 117 Sylvester Morgan, 262 Whitney B., 483 William, 190, 221 Kingsbury, Laura, 195, 350 Stephen, 194 Kingsley, Abigail, 142 Deacon, 142 Juliette, C, 270, 447 'Milo William, 447 Kinlock, George, 234 Mary Ann, 134, 234 Kinney, Frank, 505 Isaac, 348, 505 Julia H., 380 Lucy, 380 Wallace, 217 Wallace M., 380 Willard S., 380 William, 505 Kinsbury, G. C, 222 Kirby, George, 203 Kirke, Marion G., 453, 539 Knapp, Hiram P., 293 Theresa C, 172 Knevals, S. W., v. Knight, Ellen Theodocia, 287 462 Joshua, 597 Julia Eva, 367, 515 Oliver Taylor, 463 Knowles, Abigail Hart, 570 571 Eliza, 571 Elizabeth, 419 Elizabeth (Hart), 570 John, 570 John, Jr., 571 Levi, 570, 571 Levi, Jr., 571 Mary, 571 Mary Elizabeth, 483, 549 Nathaniel Hart, 571 Ralph Hart, 571 Sarah, 571 Sarah Ann, 571 Knowlton, ■ , 140 Abigail, 87. 142 Catherine S., 140 Catherine Spring, 246 Elizabeth, 86, 139 Ephraim, 246 Thomas, 142 Knox, Adam. 62 Dorothy, 60 Eliza J., 212 Eliza Jane, 374 Ira B., 374 James, 211 Patty, 123, 211 Krum, Libbie R., 265 Kyle, Annette, 593 Samuel L., 593 Lacey, Carrie Elvira, 548 Charles, 483 Dwight, 483 Edwards Norman, 548 Hattie, 548 John, 325, 483 John Norman, 483, 548 Ladd, Ella Kane, 278, 454 Samuel J., 454 Lake, George, 97 Hannah, 572 John of Erby, 572 Launcelot, 572 Lord John of Normanton. 572 Lamar, Thomas G., 401 Lamb, Edwin, 542 Harry, 542 Mabe'l, 542 Margaret, 542 Maria Kerr, 542 Richard, 542 Sallie, 542 Thomas K., 318 William W., 476, 542 Zenas P., 281 Lambert, Ann M., 571 I, Count of Mons, 572 II, Count of Mons, 572 Lanstot, Edward, 374 Lameraux, George, 202 Lamphere, Leroy B , 332 Mary, 139, 24"6 Landers, William, 203 Lane, Albert, 230. 402 Alice A., 201. 363 Fred I., vii J. H., 399 Manly. 229 Mina. 402 Olive. 580 Stephen, 583 Lang, Ida Emelie, 564 John, 561, 564 Langdon, John, 210 Langdown. Mary A., 607 Thomas, 607 Lamphear. -, 230 Alanson Eugene, 484 Anna Jane, 483, 484, 549 Charles Howard, 484, 549 Frank Gaylord. 484 Jennie Elvira, 549 Mary Elvira, 484, 530 Nabby Davis, 484, 549 Ralph Chaffee, 484 Sarah Amorette, 484, 549 Stephen Gavlord, 326, 484 Lappity, , 239 Larkey, Simeon, 507 Larned, Ellen D., vi. Larsen, Bessie, 493 Carl. 340 Latcham. John. 273 Latham, Carolina Arminda, 234, 399 Horatio Nel ,1, 399 Lathrop, Gar, -er, 477 Mary Elle 77 Olive E'' h. 477 Willi," 477 Lattin, (lIU J4, 30I Lawrence, . , 270 Mary, 1" Lawyer, > lolas, 331 Leach, E' oeth B., 269, 446 James. Hi5 Mary Ann, 605 Willis D., 446 Leavens, J^ee Mary, 445, 535 LeBoso.uet. Maurice. 449 Ledyard, Charles, 322, 479 INDEX 641 Ledyard, Mary Jane, 479 Polly, 179, 322 Lee, Jennie, 314 John, 71 Leet, John, 604 Lefever, Mary, 454 Le Fontaine, Elizabeth, 597 (or Fountain) John, 597 Legeart, M. A., 329 Leggo, Ann Maria, 606 Christopher, 606 Leigh, Mrs. J. I., 357 Leland, Abigail (Chaffee), 169 Carrie A., 310 Catherine, 169 George, 169 Harriet, 169 James, 169 Jarville Chaffee, 169, 310 Jeremiah, 102, 168 Otis, 169 Sumner Bliss, 310 Leonard, Doctor, 255 George, 220 Isaac, 151, 272, 274 Melletiah, 151, 272 Thomas, 184 Leslie, Clarissa, 131, 230 Lewis, , 137, 231 Benjamin F., 557 Chauncey G., 296 David, 372 Elizabeth Harrington, 501, 557 Elizabeth (Rielly), 557 Lois, 116, 194 Maria, 210, 372 Mary, 182, 296, 326 Lillibridge, Amanda, 200, 359 Lincoln, Alfred, 425 Anna M., 221 Eli, 221 Mary, 259, 425 Sophronia M., 333 Linderman, Chester, 249 Ling, Abraham, 470 Mary I., 300, 470 Linnett, Catherine, 136, 239 Lippincott, Charles, 579 Clifford, 579 Elmer, 580 Joseph Hamilton, 577, 579 Lavenia K., 579, 580 Mabel, 580 Theodore F., 579 Littlefleld, Lyman, 177 Saunders, 177 Livermore, Almira, 293 Eliza C, 210, 372 Lockwood, Jesse, 508 Louise, 351, 508 Sarah Ann, 167, 309 Townsend, 309 Loder, Mary, 596 Lodge, Lemuel, 596 Lombard, Daniel, 365 Julia, 205, 365 Long, Adeline Chaffee, 398 Alva H., 345, 502 Ambrose S., 502{ "59 Bessie Whiteford.iciiJS Clara Anna, 560 i- .n, Edith Adaline, 56 • 'rxii. Emery Ambrose, i,0'„ ; .ra* Herbert Arthur, 5t I'.. ii£ "T! I. L., 234. 398 .,,:r,X John, 414 OV Longhead, Charles T., '^.-iH. Ophelia Caroline, 15tix <;i?5 Lonkins, Jennie E., 502,fti ',9 Loomis, -,319,365' Abigail S., 205 James, 205, 365 James Chaffee, 365, 514 Mary A., 169 Loomis, Samuel Odiah, 365 Sherman Lewis, 514 Lord, Mary Ann, 97, 160 Lorimer, Alexander, 288 Loring, Lewis P., vii. Louis i.. King of Prance, 571 ii.. King of France, 571 iv., 572 Lovatt, Edward, 592 Joan, 592 Penelope, 592 Robert, 592 Sir Robert, 592 Love, Amos, 66 Lovell, Betsey (Barlow), 347 Catherine (Gold), 505 Charles Thomas, 347 Clarissa Gold, 346, 347, 505 Elizabeth, 346, 347, 504 John Barlow, 192, 347, 505 John Chaffee, 347 Joshua, 347 Lovering, , 214 Lovett, Elizabeth, 275 John, 39 Nancy Ann, 153, 275 Loveless, Irving K., 411 Lovejoy, Anna, 64, 101 John, 101 Lovelace, Alanson, 8? Lowe, A. N., 520, 562 Albert, 562 Ella M., 484 Isabelle, 562, 570 John B., 562 Lowell Levi, 369 Roselle A., 209, 369 Susan Marion, 208, 369 Lownburg, Hannah, 375 Luce, Charles, 336 Ludden, Dexter, 124, 213 Dexter, Jr., 213 Mary S., 213 S. D., 213 Luther, Abbie Peck, 288, 463 Abby M., 315 Atiel, 463 Edna, 119, 201 Elder, 29 Ephraim Lyman, 315 Flora A., 315 Florence M., 315 Frank C., 315 George William Annesly, 172, 315 Maria, 382 Martin, 201 Mary, 172, 314 Samuel, 29 Samuel, Jr., 29 Sarah, 27, 29 Theodorick, 314 William H., vii. Lyman, Julia, 209, 371 Lynk, Frank Mabie, 560 Jacob A., 503 Jacob Andrew, 560 Lyon, Abigail, 32, 56 Amy Ann, 161, 291 Charles, 350 Elijah, 195, 350 Elijah, Jr., 350 Elizabeth P., 350 Emeline, 195 George, 195 Joshua, 30 Lois, 86, 140 Marietta, 195 Otis, 195 Samuel, 81, 116, 132 Sarah, 195 Sarah S. F., 263, 436 Susanna, 51, 79 Warren W., 294 M Mabie, Catherine Josephine, 503, 560 David Seymour, 513 Darius Lucilla, 560 Donald Francis, 560 Edgar Bull, 560 Joel Warner, 503 John Henry, 503 Oliver, 346 Oliver Chaphe, 503, 560 Thelma Rebecca, 560 McAlister, Lizzie, 306 Orrin Jefferson, 174 McCabe, Martha, 577 McCall, Ella I., 302 McCarthy, Gladys, 535 Grace, 535 Glenna, 534 John, 267, 442 John, Jr., 441,442, 534 McCarty, Jeremiah, 605 Mary, 605 McChesney, James, 172 McCholster, , 443 McClellan, Joseph, v. McClelland, Eleanor, 524 George Chaffe, 524 Jennie, 524 William, 391, 524 McClure, Emily M., 225, 389 George, 389 McCollom, Ezra, 208 John, 208 William, 208 McConnell, Emma, 315 McCreary, Samuel, 161 McCreery, Emily, 335, 490 Marvin, 490 McCullagh, Alexander Kerr, 570 Helen, 570 McCullom, , 259 McDaniel, Mary Ann, 260, 426 McDaniels, John, 248, 415 Lucy, 141, 249 Miner, 415 Thomas, 426 McElwain, William H., 226 McFarlan, David, 600 Mary J., 599 McFarland, Mary Jane, 600 McGofiin, James C, 204 McGregor, Alexander, 355 Catherine. 198, 355 McGuire, , 230 Mcintosh, Horace P., 520, 562 Mclntvre, Julia Lucinda, 258, 424 Justin B., 424 Marcena, 391 Mack, Erastus. 329 George Moran, 329 Hiram. 183, 329 Margaret. 329 Martha Submit, 329 Martin, 329 Mary Jane, 329 Miriam (Chaffee), 329 William, 329 McKane, Abel, 126 Martin, 126 McKenzie, Nellie, 315 McKinley, President, 523 McKnight, Martha Prudence, 186 Reuben, 186 McLane, Hector, 120 Nancv, 91 McLaughlin, , 302 McLinnick, Mary, 249 MoMath, Josephine, 271, 448 McMurtry, Maggie M., 561 McNeal, Gilman, 208 642 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Macombor, Abbey, 276, 453 McQuiston, Charles, 454 Sarah Jane, 279, 454 Macy, Fannie C, Grant, 541 Lieutenant U. S., 472, 541 Magargle, Annie, 380 Malet, Katharine, 592 Sir Thomas, 592 Mallard, James, 601 Mattie, 601 Manchester, Hattie A., 538 Walter A., 538 William Allen, 538 Mann, Lois, 62 Manners, Joshua, 387 Maria Ann, 387 Manning, Betty, 70, 113 Mansfield, Ruth, 57, 88, Manyard, Emma, 381 Marble, Ellen E., 396 Julius, 396 Marchant, Lucy, 158 Marcum, Jesse, 302 Nancy, 302 Marcus, Ransom, 448 Marcy, Alice, 116, 194 Martha, 252 Martha Knowlton, 251, 421 William Watson, 421 Marien, Burt, 402 James, 239, 402 Kitty, 402 Mark, John B., 324 Marklay, John, 212 Marquissee, F., 329 Marsh, Charles N., vii M. O., 373 Solomon, 267 Marshall, Florence C, 601 Frank B., 488 Herbert E., 578 Lila R., 601 Maude L., 601 Minzo L., 601 Robert T., 601 William, 601 William H., 601 Marston, Florence M., 447, 536 Martin, Amos, 36, 66 Annis, 13, 20 Carlos Moran, 244 Charles Monroe, 244 Charlotte, 149, 269 Clarissa, 164, 300 Daisy B., 528 Ephraim, 139, 244, Eli Wiley, 409, 528 Esther, 36, 66 Frank Herbert, 409 Fred Louis, 409 George Henry, 244 Governor, 289 James, 275 Joel, 36, 65, 66 John, 21 John Salisbury, 244 Lizzie Emma, 409 Lydia H., 152, 275 Magdalene, 416 Maria Celinda, 244 Marcy Ann, 244 Martha, 66 Mile, 528 Nancy W., 158, 290 Palmer M., 528 Pearl W., 528 Richard, 20, 21, 26 Robert, 21 Roy, 447 Starr M., 528 William Anthony, 244, 409 William Salsbury, 409 Marvel, Bessie W., 464 Frances A., 541 Marvin, Clark, 211 Erastus, 211 Mascraft, Mehitable, 44, 75 Mason, Betsey Hale, 231, 396 Freelove, 53 Ira, 151 Jane Narsissus, 103, 173 Joseph, 84 Julia, 152 Julia A., 275 Patience, 56, 85 Rebecca, 32, 56 Royal Dwinnell, 173 Russell, 85 Samuel, 53, 275 Matteson, Freeman, 345 Henry, 376 Mathews, Delos, 417 Philo, 102 Mathewson, Anna, 582 David, 466 Joseph, 582 Mary, 582 Moses, 582 Noah, 582 Polly, 582 Prudence, 582 Sally, 582 Tabitha, 582 Tabitha (Chaffee), 582 William, 582 Mattingly, Richard, 290 Maulbee, Chauncey, 391, 524 Victor Byron, 524 Maxfield, Abel, 153 Capitola, 440, 534 Maxwell, Nancy Jane, 260, 427 May, , 214 Edward Everett, 397 Ephraim, 67, 68 Hannah, 44, 67 Lillian A., 232 Ryndia, 104 Mayho, Anne, 592 Mayo, Antoinette, 373, 520 Nathan, 520 Reverend Canon H., vi Mead, Anna, 200, 360 Ashel, 200 Calista, 318 P 272 George W., 319 Harvey I., 319 John, 360 Mary, 319 Martha, 319 Milow, 318 Scammel, 319 Stephen, 319 Sydney, 318 Washington, 319 Zadock, 177 Zaddock, 318 Meade, Amos J., 274 Elvin A., 274 George, 274 Martha, 274 0. T., 426 Samuel, 151, 274 Wesley T., 274 Medbury, Betsey Ann, 158, 290 Fanny, 150, 270 Ira, 151 Josiah, 271 Lvdia R., 150, 271 Vial, 290 Meecham, James P., 252 Meigs, Curtis E., 301 Melody, Mrs., 349 Mercer, Mary Jane, 367, 516 Simister, 516 Merchant, Alonzo, 212, 373 Merick, Elbridge G., 450 Jeannie C, 273, 450 Merrick, Carrie J., 386 Henry F., 222, 386 Hiram, 127 Lena H., 386 Louie A., 386 Merriman, Myron C, 385 Merryfield, Fanny C, 321 Fidelia, 321 Filura, 321 Thomas, 179, 321 Warren, 321 William, 321 Wilson, 321 Wolcott, 321 Woodbridge, 321 Messenger, Adelbert William, 418 Arthur W., 420, 532 Ebenezer, 248 Elmer Nathan, 419 Eva Ann, 419 Hattie E., 420, 532 LesleaB., 532 Mary, 141, 248 Nettie E., 420 William Alson, 251, 420 William E.. 250, 418 Metcalf Fisher, 328 Middaugh, Moses, 380 Middleton, Albert Alonzo, 578 Anthony, 577, 578 Bertha Olivia, 578 Charles Edward, 578, 579 Ella A., 579 Elmer Brecount, 578, 579 Harry A., 579 Miriam Edith, 578, 579 Phebe Ann, 578, 579 Miles, Ebenezer, 486 Joel, 137 Martha Jane, 328, 486 Polly, 85, 137 Millage, Amadell, 417 Millard, George, 320 Nathaniel, 151 Philip, 151 Walter L., 510 Miller, , 418 Adam, 454 Amanda, 160 Amanda M., 97, 159, 160 Benjamin, 368 Brad, 289 David H., 288 E. W., 264, 438 Jane L., 368 Joel, 479 Margaret, 322, 479 Maria, 151, 273 Momelvia, 246, 411 Mrs., 231 Polly, 177 Sarah, 136, 241 Sarah A., 320 Sarah W., 97, 160 Seth, 160 Stephen, 273 Willis, 293 Willis Russ, 438 Millerd, Alice (or Alse), 20. 35 Mary, 458 Mills, Cicera E., 474 Jennie, 293 Miner, Avery, 169, 311 Fleda, 385 Henrv, 517 Idella, 368, 517 James Green, 311 Jeannefte, 167 Mitchell, Alexander, 395 AlmedaD., 250 Eliza C, 365, 514 Elizabeth, 604 Frances, 222 INDEX 643 Mitchell, Helen, 537 Jennie Wilson, 230, 395 Lavinia, 578 Nancy, 88, 147 Sarah, 317 William Oscar, 447, 536 Mix, , 270 Cora, 392 Henry A., 278, 454 Morton P., 454 Mixer, Edward Whipple, 203 Mixter, Mrs. Frances May, 545 George Washington, 481 Georg« Washington, Jr., 545 Lillian Belinda, 545 Marie Aline, 545 Mary E. (Chaflfee), 480 William Chaffee, 545 Molyns, Susanna, 592 Monroe, Catharine, 176 Harriet, 176, 317 Jonathan, 151 Monson, Marr, 222 Moore, Abigail, 571 Alexander, 36 Elizabeth, 571 Morand, Eddie, 516 William, 367, 516 Morehouse, Henry B., vii Morey, Garry Stilson, 346 William, 337 Morgan, , 373 Betsey A., 127, 222 Charles C, 572 Charles O., 497 Elizabeth (Chaffee), 497 Jasper, 204 Joseph E., 497, 572 Justin, 425 Marv (Holmes), 497 Sarah E., 425 Sarah R., 258 Morris, Chester, 104 Darius, 104 Ebenezer, 104 Edward, 104 Edward, Jr., 477 Elizabeth, 104 Emeline, 212, 374 Ephraim, 104 Eunice, 104 George, 374 Jonathan F., iv Hannah, 104 Isaac, 70, 103, 104 Isaac, Jr., 104 Joseph, 104 Mercv (Flvnt), 477 Sarah, 104 Sarah (Chaffee), 104 Sarah Flynt, 320, 477 Morse, Abel, 229 Abby Lucinda, 199, 356 Ara Ira, 535 Benjamin F., 15, 93 Charles T., 444, 535 Grace Ella, 535 Harry Arthur, 535 James W., 495 Lavinia, 130 Lavinia M.. 229 Nora Ha, 535 Morseman, Martha, 90, 151 Morton, Emeline A., 209 John, 209 Maria, 604 Richard Tower, 260 Moses, Alice A., 282, 458 Kate, 598 Sarah, 598, 599 Thomas, 599 Mosher (or Moser), Diana Roxy Reserve, 369, 518 Francis T., 518 Moss, Lucian N., 408 Mary, 408 Smith, 244, 408 Moulton, , 222 Abigail, 78, 127 Ann, 137, 242 Daniel, 242 Freeborn, 127 Mount, Amy B., 578, 579 M owner, , 177 Mowry, Adaline, 448 Evans, 271, 448 Ida, 241 Ralph, 156 Roger Williams, 133 Moxon, Charles, 315 Muckenfuss, W. W., 398 Mules, Elizabeth, 589 John, 589 Mullet, Hannah, 596 Mungan, George A., 263 Munger, Louise Helen, 155, 280 Washington, 280 Munn, Melinda, 102, 170 Munro, David, 563 Grace Lillian, 531, 563 Munroe, Hannah, 56, 84 Laura, 452, 538 Nathan, 82, 84 Sarah, 56, 82 Munsee, John, 174 Munson, Andrew, 438 James, 437 William, 264, 438 Murden, Mary, 479 Murphv, Cornelius Davis, 206 Daniel, Jr., 121, 205 Fannie D., 570 John D., 570 John Washington, 206 Love, 206 Sally, 293 Murphey, Minerva, 206 Myers, Chauncey, 197, 355 David, 355 Edwin Eugene, 512 Emily, 197 Ezra Newell, 355 Gerrett Smith, 354, 512 Louis Howard, 512 Velnett, 355 Voalitta, 355 William Charles, 355 N Nash, Alfred K., 306 Herbert, 243 Lucy, 243 Needham, Anthony, 128 Betsey, 78, 128 David, 179 Humphrey, 179 Jasper, 384 Mary E., 220, 384 Rachel, 179 Sarah, 221, 385 Neff, Andrew J., 295, 467 Frank C, 467 George North, 467 JavH., 467 Nellie, 467 Theodore Lee, 467 Walter P., 467 William T., 467 Neideover, Rebecca, 329 Newell, Amos Kendall, 325 Ann Eliza, 325, 483 Catherine, 179, 320 George Bancroft, 325 Plarriet, 328 Harriet .\twood, 325, 486 Marv, 192 Newell, Otis, 181, 325 Stephen, 320 Newman, Carrie Augusta, 316 472 Jesse, 150 Jesse B., 472 Sarah, 90, 150 Walker T., 465 Newton, Amos P., 394 Emma, 297 Mary Jane, 229, 394 William, 297 Niblo, Carrie Belle, 280, 457 Thomas C, 457 Nichol, Edith, 581 Nichols, Benjamin, 166 Cinthia (or Cynthia), 100, 166 Fayette G., 244 George, 164 Helen (Jenkins), 260 Ira Jay, 139 Jane E., 244 John, 224 Lvdia Wade, 127, 224 Mary, 377 Paul C, 582 Timothy Shaler, 85, 138 Timothy Washington Rano- dine, 139, 244 William A., 169 Nicholson, Samuel, 171 Nickerson, Ralph Clifford, 493 Niggler, Louisa, 171, 314 Niles, Augustus, 168 Lucy, 183 Nims, Minerva, 337 Nixon, Albert, 449 Noble, Adeline, 134, 235 Adna, 274 Edna (Chaffee), 370 Henry Smith, 370 John, 235 Mira, 151 Mira Adelaide, 274 Nobles, Ida May, 490, 553 Silas, 267 William, 553 Nodine, Chloe, 162 Marilla, 296 Norelly, Anne, 572 Norris, Moses, 171 Northcote, Sir Henry, 592 Northend, Emma, 572 Robert, 572 Northrup, Carrie, 490 Norton, Ansell, 193 D. W., 250 Hannah, 103 Mary, 193 Nathan, 116, 193 Nathan Munroe, 193 Rebecca, 193 Norwich, Esther, 458, 539 Nott. Alice (Chaffee), 351 Edward S., 351, 508 Eunice E., 508 Nourse, Clar.a, 166, 303 Daniel, 303 Noyes, Charles M., 276, 452 Charlotte, 452 Nye, Calvin Edson, 337 Oak, Charles, 197 Ezra, 197 John, 117, 197 John, Jr., 197 Lvdia, 197 Samuel, 197 Seth, 197 Susan, 197 Oaker. Martha L.. 488 644 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Oakerson, Daniel, 576 Mary, 576 Oakes, , 118, 198 Melissa, 348, 505 Simeon, 505 Ober, Samuel, 197 Ode, of Lorraine, 572 O'Donnell, , 284 Ogden, Martha, 337 Oliver, , 243 James G., 301, 470 Olive, 470 Olmstead, Mary Ann, 144, 256 Orcutt, Jacob, 77 Orman, W. H., Jr., 272 Ormsbee, Abraham, 287 Alice, 457 Angeline, 160, 291 Benjamin, 59 Charles, 281 Chase W., 160 Christopher Columbus, 155, 281 Christopher Columbus, Jr., 281 Daniel Gates, 281 Emma Marcia, 282 Florence L.. 457 Ira George, 281 Jessie E., 457 John C, 457 Jonathan, 31, 54 Julia Ann, 281,288 Laura, 281 Lephe P., 157, 287 Lewis Lafayette, 288 Lydia (Chaffee), v, 288 Mabel L., 457 Martha Clark, 288 Oscar, 281 Persis, 281 Sarah, 70, 110 Sarah French, 288 Seneca Stanley, 285 William Henry, 282, 457 William P., 157, 288 Willard C, 288 Ormsby, Dorcas, 36, 64 Eleanor (or Elvara), 23 John, 23 Julia, 582 Marcus F., 582 Perces, 20, 35 Ornbaun, , 372 Osborn, Joseph, 252 Lyman, 258 Ruth Ann, 258 Osborne, Abner, 523 Nancy Helen, 387, 523 Ruth A., 145 Osgarby, , 572 Otis, Carrie, 453 Charles Sanford, 453 James, 277 James M., 453 Samuel, 140 Otterson, Mary Ann, 153, 277 Otto, Elizabeth, 102, 170 John, 170 Overholser, Christian, 513 Delia J., 360, 513 Owen, Carrie L., 265 David K., 147, 265 George Ernest, 265 Owens, Mahala, 129, 226 -, 195, 308 -, 230, 364 Packard, - Packwood, William J., 487 Paddock, Edwin G., 281 Lillian Electa, 281 Padelford, James Franklin. 510 Phoebe Ann, 353, 510 Page, - Edna M., 441, 534 Joseph, 460 Maria Louisa, 285, 460 Paine, Abigail, iJO Ann Chickering, 30 Dorothy, 30 Dorothy (Chaffe), 45 Elisabeth, 27, 29 Elizabeth, 30, 570 George P., 229 H. D., 30 James, 95, 157 James, Jr., 157 Jonathan, 30, 45 Jonathan, Jr., 157 Josiah, 29 Josiah (Joseph), 29 Nathan, 229 Nathaniel, 20, 30 Nathaniel, Jr., 30 Rachel, 30 Royal, V Sarah Daggett, 157 Stephen, 30 Susan (Dingley), 229 Susanna, 157 Palmer, Charles M., 232, 396 Clarence C, 396 Emma, 232 Parish, Sophia, 164, 300 Parker, Anna, 99 Caroline, 145, 258 Daniel, 258 James, 139 Joanna, 86, 139 Lucy, 194, 356 Mary Ann, 264 William C, 356 Parks, Henry, 489 Parmly, Clay, 510, 562 Ralph Edward, 562 Parsons, George H., 246 Harriet, 232 Henry H., 154 Perrin, 164 Partello, Fannie, 503, 560 Partridge, Miranda, 219 Paterson, Mary, 450 Patrick, Dorcas, 224, 388 Enoch, 388 Patten, Mary, 285, 460 Paul, Abigail, 81, 132 Adams, 119 David, 132 Ebenezer Chaffee, 119 James, 94 Jonathan, 73, 119 Mary (Evans), 132 Sarah Thomas (Chaffee), 94 Payne, Benjamin Franklin, 302 Franklin F., 302 KetchelB., 165, 302 Laura Amanda, 275, 452 Malinda E., 302 Robert K., 302 Solomon Johnson, 302 Pearce Chloe, 92, 153 Comfort, 153 Lydia, 568 Pearl, Rufus, 155 Pease, , 146, 185 Adaline, 337 Asher, 189, 336 Beulah, 337, 492 Calvin, 298 Caroline, 337 Dorothy, 337 Eliza, 337 Eliza Elvira, 478 Elizabeth, 208, 368 Pannv, 337 Frances M., 366, 514 Franklin, 337 Franklin Wesley, 478 Pease, Harriet, 337 Henry, 337 Hiram, 321, 478 Hiram Clark, 478 Horace, 210 Jane Elizabeth, 478 Jennette, 341 Joseph, 271 Lorenzo, 337 Lorin, 337 Lyman, 189, 337 Lyman, Jr., 336 Maria, 337 Maria Cordelia, 478 Mary A., 337 Mercy, 145 Newton, 337 Persis, 220, 382 Philander, 337 Sophronia, 163, 298 Sophronia Clarinda, 478 Stephen, 104 Thomas, 145 William, 337 Peck, , 196 Alice (Fish), 82 Amanda M., 137 Anna (Nancy), 97 Asa, iv, 151 Benjamin, 84, 137 Benjamin B., 137 Benjamin W., 137 Betsey (Parsons), 346 Calvin, 346 Charles, 53, 95, 151 Charlotte, 151 Cyrus, 96 Daniel, 151 Darius, 151 Ebenezer, 137 Emily Chaffee, 137 George S., 137 Hannah C, 151 Huldah, 151 Huldah (Brown), 137 James, 151 Lydia, 32, 56 Mary Ann, 151 Mary Ellen, 137 Nancy A., 151 Nancy (Peirce), 59, 96 Nathaniel, 74, 82 Perez, 97 Polly, 192, 346 Rachel (Sweeting), 95, 150 Rebecca, 30, 58, 95, 151 Ruth, 151 Susannah, 151 Temperance (Smith), 97 Thomas, 90, 151 Thomas Sweeting, 150 Peete, , 218 Peeke, Catherine, 572 John, 572 Peirce, Michael, 96 Rebecca T., 97 Rebekah Talbot, 159 Thomas, 159 Pendleton, Betsey L., 161, 292 E. Frazier, 240, 403 Fannie, 403 George, 403 Harriett, 136, 241 Maude, 403 William, 292 Pennington, L. W., 446 Penny, C. W., vi Louisa J., 409, 527 Percy, , 443 Perkins, Bertha, 412 Charles, 371 Christopher, 316 Emogene A., 446, 536 Harriet Elizabeth, 167, 309 Rebecca, 175, 316 INDEX 645 Perkins, Samuel, 412 William, 309 Perrin, Eliza, 210, 371 Lucy, 139, 246 Martha G., 185, 333 Orrin, 214 Perry, Abba S., 278 Adaline A., 278, 453 Caroline D., 216, 379 Charles, 457 David B., 154, 278 Ellen T., 278 Fred, 457 George, 379 Helen T., 273 Henry, 282 Henry Gould, 457 Jane K., 278 Josiah, 228 Lucy (Chaffee), 228 Lucy L., 278 Luther, 278 Maria, 278 Marie Louise, 278 Marv E., 282, 458 Nellie, 457 Samuel, 426 William, 278, 457 Peters, Wilhelmina Helena, 502, 559 Peterson, Ada Louise, 263 Albert, 561 Carrie, 293 Elmer, 560 Floyd, 561 Herman, 504, 561 John, 263 Pettes, John Curtis, 553 Pettingill, Wealthy, 479 Petty, Alvira J., 211, 373 Francis K., 373 Phelps, Almira, 340, 493 Caroline Ashley, 581 Caroline L., 251, 420 Ebenezer, 251 Elizabeth, 142, 251 Lvdia (Griswold), 75, 119 Mary, 103, 174 Moses, 581 Nathan, 365 Osee, 493 Rebecca, 205, 365 Phillips, , 129, 226 Calvin, 246 Ella, 410, 529 Jennie, 479 Joseph, 270 Washington, 226 Welcome, 226 Phinney, Hannah, 369 James, 524 Lucy J., 389, 524 Thomas, 369 Pidge, Hannah, 20, 33 Pierce, Adelaide, 159 Anna, 57, 91 Betsey (Davis), 158 Edward, 159 EmelineR., 157,288 Emily, 158 Pav H., 362 Francis E., 136 Hannah, 159 Hiram M., 283 Isaac, 96 Lewis, 97, 158 Lewis, Jr., 158, 159 Preserved, 158 Susan M., 159 Thomas, 159 Pierson, William, 314 Pike, Anna, 486 Delbert, 486 Elizabeth, 486 Ella, 486 Pike, Emory, 349, 506 Emory, Jr., 506 Emory, Jacob 506 Eugene, 486 H. M., 580 Philander H., 327,485 Pingree, Willis, 581 Pinney, Alden J., 152, 274 Andrew, 425 Chloe M., 151, 274 Cynthia (Briggs), 274 Henry, 315 Jonathan. 274 Loren E. R., 275 Rose, 259 Susan, 259, 425 Piper, Sarah, 167, 309 Pitcher, Carrie, 240, 403 John, 445 Plantina, 269 Plantina O., 445 Pitkin, Timothy, 480 Pitt, John R., 538 Matilda, 452, 538 Pittman, Joseph K., 578, 579 Raymond, 579 Place, Christina, 340, 494 Joseph, 494 Plank, Rachel, 80, 129 Piatt, Abigail Hart (Knowles), 543 Cornelia Murphy Earley, 570 Edwin Augustus, 570 Edwin Knowles, 570 Effie Abigail, 570 Eliphalet, 570 Eliza S., 481 Eliza Shallcross, 543, 570 Henry, 543, 570, 571 Isaac, 570 John, 570 Mary Knowles, 570 William B., 570 William H., 272 William Henry, 570 Phimlev, Isaac, 385 Tamson. 222 Tamson Charlotte, 385 Plummer, Israel, 437 Mary Evangeline, 244, 437 Pocock, Llovd. 445 Poland, Harriet F., 252 yv. William C, 252 Pollard, Solon, 370 Pond, Carl F., 540 Charles Walter, 462,540 Cornelia Nancv, 173, 315 Elwin Fales, 462 Hattie E., 540 Seth, 315 Walter Chaffee, 540 Pool, Mary Maude, 258, 425 Poole. Enos, 598 Pope, Mary L., 461, 539 Raymond I., 474, Samuel W., 539 Popple, Carleton, 524 Charles L., 387, 524 Helen, 524 Porter, , 197 Alice, 542 Benton, 542 Clara Elizabeth, 542 Ethel, 542 Experience, 197, 353 George, 353, 542 George L., 476, 542 Hezekiah, 175 Horace, 175 Hugh, 542 May Hopie, 542 Post, , 158 Potter, Edgar, 507 Ira, 97 Potter, Lydia, 244 Sarah Ann (Jenks), 156, 286 Sarah Louisa, 286 Stephen, 244 Potts, Alice, 580 Isabelle, 580 Mary, 576 William Henry, 579, 580 Powell, , 292 Ami M., 576 Ann M., 577 Jacob, 577 Powers, Abram, 144 Nathan, 79 Sarah, 79 William, 453 Powlesland, Mary Ann, 604 Samuel, 604 Pratt, Abigail, 102, 171 Curtis L., 410, 529 George H., 240 Joseph, 171 Mary Eliza, 370, 518 Melissa A., 301, 471 Nellie, 446 Olive, 529 Sarah (Brown), 229, 394 Prentice, Esther, 572 Watson J., 478 Prescott, Elizabeth, 117 Moses, 598 Sarah (Sallv). 117 Preston, David, 123 Florence Emily, 437 Mattie S., 437, 533 Mehetabel, 77, 123 Minerva, 140 Pollv, 116, 194 S. H., 263, 437 Susanna, 123 Price, Mary, 577 Prince, Albert A., 161, 292 Althea, 292 Frank, 292, 393 Henrv, 292 Ira, 292 Proctor, Abi Maria, 354, 512 John, 512 Prospect. Abby A., 240 John, 240 Prospert. Abby A., 136 Prust, John, 592 Puffer, Esther, 62 Pulver, Ann M., 360 Punray, Aurilla, 248 Putnam, Alvin M., 144 Anna, 255 Charles F., 256 David, 87, 144, 255 David, Jr., 144 Elizabeth, 255 Elizabeth A., 144 Emilv, 255 EmilV S., 144 George, 256 Hannah, 144, 255 Hannah (Chaffe), 144 Harmony, 256 Harriet Cvmena, 144, 256, 257 Henrv Harrison, 256 Isaac', 144, 256 Isaac Warren, 256 James, 256 Jane, 255 John, 256 Jonathan Marcus, 144, 256 Joseph M., 256 Laura Caroline. 482, 547 Lorenzo R., 255 Lucinda, 144 Lucv, 144, 256 Lucy D., 255 Mary D., 257,423 646 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Putnam, Mary Harmony, 144 Merwin Gideon, 547 Reuben, 131 Rowena, 144, 256 Roxana, 144, 255 Rufus Thayer, 256 William David, 257 William M., 144, 256 R Race, George W., 285 Ramsdell, Dyer, 192 Ranger, S. W., 223 Ranlitt, William, 196 Ranney, , 566 Ransom, Allen, 471 Charles A., 308, 471 Harriet, 495, 554 Rathbun, Eliza, 196, 351 Hilda Ann, 196, 351 James, 351 Rachel, 145, 258 Rathburn, Charlotte, 227, 391 Rattenbury, Margaret, 592 Rawson, Mabel R., 379 Raymond, Charles, 126 Read, Aaron, 31, 54 Aaron, Jr., 54 Amos, 54, 62 Bethia, 567 Betty, 64 Daniel, 62, 64 David, 62 Dorcas, 65 Edmond, 572 Elizabeth (Bosworth), 62 Elizabeth (French), 62 Experience, 62 George, 452, 567 Helen S., 204 Huldah, 64 Ichabod, 34, 62 Ichabod, Jr., 62 James, 31, 54 Jesse, 62 John, 567 Jonathan, 54, 62 Margaret, 572 Mary, 62, 567 Mercy (Cooper), 54 Mercy Pierce, 276, 452 Nathaniel, 62, 64 Noah, 64 Patience, 62, 64 Samuel, 34, 62 Samuel, Jr., 62 Simeon, 54 Susanna, 54 William, 567 Zacharia, 62 Reade, Esther, 567 George, 567 Hannah, 567 John, 567 John, Jr., 567 Margaret, 567 Martha, 803 Mary, 567 Ruth, 567 Thomas, 567 William, 567 William, Jr., 567 Redding, Hamilton, 269 S. Hamilton, 444 Reddout, Oren, 328 Redwood, John, 582 Mary, 582 Reed, Abigail, 568 Abigail (Daniels), 480 Alexander, 480, 568, 569 Alice, 86, 141 Andrew Horatio, 425 Anna (Ann), 568 Anna (Van Dyke), 506 Reed, Annie, 568 Arthur Lor en, 425 Belinda, 323, 479, 569 Bradford, 569 Catherine I., 506 Charles, 176 Charles Baker, 259 Charles K. E., 393 Clayton Charles, 425 Delana, 568 Dorinda, 569 Elbridge H., 228, 393 Electa Richardson, 393 Eliza, 192 Elizabeth, 86, 87 Ellen Mary, 259 Ephraim, 568 Ephraim Crawford, 569 Eunice, 146 Eunice (Hall), 288, 463 Fidelia, 146 Francis, 569 Grace, 568 Hannah, 56, 86, 87, 568 Hannah (Chaffe), 87 Harriet Augusta, 259 Henry R., 506 Horace, 146 Horatio Pease, 146, 259 Huldah, 568 James Madison, 569 John, 86, 87, 568 John Horace, 349, 506 John Pierce, 569 Laila Eloise, 425 Laura Emma, 259 Loren Horatio, 259, 425 Lucy Maria, 569 Luther, 569 Luther Alexander, 569 Mary, 87, 568 Matilda, 164, 300 Mathew, 568 Matthew, 568 Nathaniel, 146 Nathaniel Willis, 146 Newton, 506 Orpha, 569 Philander, 393 Rachel, 568 Raymond Pinney, 425 Robert Birdsey,"506 Sally, 568 Samuel, 300, 480, 568 Samuel Henry, 569 Sarah Ann, 393 Shubael, 56, 87, 568 Shubael. Jr., 87 Sophronia, 146 Walter Russell, 506 William, 87, 145, 146 Reese, John, 427 Ruby M., 260, 427 Remich, James K., 158 Remington, Emily, 139 Mary A., 441, 534 Thomas H., 534 Reynolds, , 230 Asa, 332, 488 Benoni, 163 Betsev E., 441, 534 Captain, 428 Charles H., 160 Ernest Ray, 488 Fred Emerson. 488 Grace Maud. 488 Julian F., 60 Kate (Hanie), 262, 428 Louisa M., 160 Marv, 99, 163 Matilda, 117 William, 329 Willie Willet, 488 Rhodes, , 486 Ellen C, 137 Rice, , 88 Alonzo, 207, 367 Dan, 367 David, 423 Egbert, 170 Elisha, 213 Frank L., 257, 423 Harry, 423 Jane A., 317 Leonara, 358, 510 Lucinda, 326 Mary, 170 Melissa, 169 Rachel, 124, 213 Sidney, 423 •Stephen Atwood, 468 Wesley, 231 Rich, Charles B., 488 Harris, 184 Lucy Jane, 332, 488 Richards, Ebenezer Thomas, 331 Mrs. 225 Rose, 351 Stephen, 606 Richardson, Alden, 460 Alonzo P., 378 Elias, 517 Eva, 495 Gertrude, 495 Joel, 156 Lathrop, 259 Lucy, 570 Lucy A., 158 Loretta, 495 Lydia Ann, 289 Lvdia (Beckwith), 122, 208 Mary E., 369, 517 Vina, 146, 259 William, 341, 495 Richey, Abel W., 374 Richmond, Annie E., 519 Clara M., 519 Ebenezer Kendrick, 209, 370 Elias, 122 Ellen F., 519 Eva J., 519 Frank, 370 Frederick E., 519 George, 242 Grace W., 519 Harriet Louisa, 306, 471 Jennie B., 242 Kendrick, 370, 518 Ruth E., 519 Willie, 370 Riddle, , 126 J. M., 126 Rider, Henry G., 475 Lottie E., 319, 475 Rieley, Flora, 503, 560 Rindge, John E., 366, 515 Ripley, William, 568 Risby, Philenda, 141, 247 Theodore, Jr., 247 Risdon, Giles, 592 Margery, 592 Mary, 592 Pascha, 589, 592 Tristram, 589, 590, 592 William, 592 Risley, Jennie, 280, 456 Ritchie, Martha, 577 Roach, L., 374 Roan, Emily Prances, 338, 493 Thomas, 493 Robbins, Augustus, 305 David, 97 Eugene, 305 Martha, 379, 522 Marv, 331 Nathan, 166, 305 Philander, 305 Priscilla, 61, 97 INDEX 647 Bobbins, Rose, 305 Ruth, 81, 131 Roberts, , 100, 166 Alice Elvira, 505, 561 Ephraim, 571 Fannie, 352, 509 Harriet, 463, 540 John, 220 Knight, 239 Lucy E., 135, 239 Nancy M., 185, 334 Naomi, 126, 220 Nelson, 158 O. O., 166 William, 212 Robinson, , 87 Alfred, 294 Alice May, 423, 532 Amherst, 132 Anna Belle, 171 Anna R., 294 Asa, 119, 203 Asa, Jr., 203 Burton, 293 Celina (Chaffee), 411 Charles, 257, 411, 423 Charles Edgar, 423 Cornelia Celina, 411 David, 294 David Peter, 411 Diana, 257 Ebenezer, 144, 256, 257 Eber J., 171 Elizabeth, 62, 203, 257, 423 Elvirco, 257 George Fred, 203 George Samuel, 411 Giles M., 171 Harry, 423 Helen, 203 Henry iM., 294 Hiram, 324 James, 411 John, 57, 240, 331 Joseph, 288 Joseph M., 411 Judith, 82 Lucina, 423 Lucy Matilda, 411 Marv, 32, 57 Mary Ann, 604, 605 MarvG., 136 Mary L., 240 Maryetfe, 411 Mrs. J. E., V. Nathan, 164 Peter, 246, 410 Polly, 99, 164 Sarah Joanna, 411 Reuben, 161, 294 William, 294 William Henrv, 256, 257 423 William J., 488 Rockwell, Annie Frances, 263 428 Deborah, 201, 363 George, 428 Simeon, 363 Rodgers, Alva, 335 Roe, David, 230 Harvev, 131, 229 Jane, 230 Samuel, 230 Rogers, , 350, 465 Benjamin S., 145, 258 Ely, 601 Foster G., 129 Ida Amelia, 601 Ida B., 384, 523 Jabez, 451 Jacob Town, 221 Martha, 258 Marv J., 258 Rufus, 523 Rogers, Sarah E., 364 Thomas S., 364 Roggen, Edward S., 47« Rolle, Amos, 592 Mark, 592 Rollins, Charles, 444 Rood, Electa, 149, 268 Erasmus, 127 Root, Daniel, 209 Freeman, 519 Josie, 371, 519 Pollv, 179, 321 Samuel, 321 Rose, , 582 Emily, 252, 421 Frances V., 202, 364 Frederick R., 512 John, 364 Lyman W., 421 Samuel Brown, 504 Rosenberry, Hattie, 416 Ross, James, 297 Osgood, 298 Rossman, Eva Maria, 172 Roth. Erasmus, 222 Rounds, Amanda, 320 Rouse, Matthias S., 173 Phoebe, 144, 256 Susan, 133 Rousseau, Emma, 280, 456 Rowell. George, 378 Rowland, David S., 120 Mary, 120 Rowley, Erastus, 172 Julia Ann, 415, 531 Pollv, 102, 172 William, 249, 416 Royce, Eugene B., 285 Rudderow, Beulah, 578 Laura D., 578 Rude. Lizzie, 410 Ruggles, Almira, 319 Isaac. 373 Joseph E., 319 Minerva, 212, 373 William H., 319 Zebina. 177, 319 Rulapauffh, Nicholas, 262 Russel, Elisha, 98 Jerome, 416 John, 249, 416 Richard, 249. 416 Russell, Amanda, 249 Benjamin, 332 Benjamin Hills, 478 Catharine, 196, 352 Charlotte Augusta, 218 Ella A.. 301, 470 James Edward, vii. Lvdia, 321 Miartha Adelia, 218 Mary, 218 Mary Worthington, 185, 332 Sallv .Maria, 218 Sophia, 249, 415 Susan, 197, 353 William, 126, 218, 352, 353 Ruthorn, Neil J., 250 Ruv, Bettv, 297 Rvder Sylvester S., 353 Rvledon, William, 590 Sabin, Benjamin D., 464 David, 373, 520 Emily S., 290, 464 Esther, 117 James W., 520 Saddler, Henry William, 445 Saeger, Jeanette, 184, 330 Sainsbury, Mary, 410, 529 St. Hillario, Maud, 572 St. John, Cybilla (Hawley), 319 St. John, Gains W., 319 Mary, 72, 115 Mary E., 177, 319 Matthew, 115 Salisbury, Lewis, 423 Sarah E., 254, 423 Salladay, Rose Jane, 250, 415 Samuel Harrison, 418 Salmon. Allen Pope, 540 Bessie Talbot, 540 Charles Herbert, 461 George Allen, 461, 539 Herbert, 461 Ira Allen, 286, 287, 461 Sanders, Sarah Ann, 231 Sanford, Alexander, 303 Sanger, Abial, 131 Anna, 116, 131, 230 Annah, 194 Azubah, 73, 81, 118 Betsey, 131 Charles, 131 Dorothy, 118, 194 Ebenezer, 118, 199 Ebenezer, Jr., 199 George, 199 Hannah, 199 Ira, 118 John, 81. 118, 131, 194 Luther, 199 Martin Hutchins. 199 Nathaniel, 73, 118 Olive Chaffee, 199 Perlev, 81, 118, 131 Perley, Jr., 131 Sallv, 118, 131 William, 131 Saunders, Asa. 282 Sarah A., 132 Savercool, Phoebe, 249, 417 William, 417 Saverv, Harvev B., 419 Sawtell, Olive, 99, 164 Sulvanas, 164 Sawver, Adelia, 151, 272 Albert, 279 Manasses, 272 Scarborough, Abigail, 73 John, 73 Marv, 44. 73 Schad, Emma S., 502, 559 Scherzer. .Annie E., 570 John. 570 Schofield, Almira, 170 Schrom, , 350 Scotield, William. 441 Scott, , 129, 143 Abby, 214 Amanda, 214 Amasa, 125, 214 Amasa, Jr., 214 Ann. 593 Dred, 303 Emilv, 214 Fidelia, 214 George. 593 John, 592 Lewis Hawley, 446 Lottie L., 535 Lvdia Roxanna. 580, 581 Marv E., 374, 521 Marv P., 535 Rebecca, 214 Stanley J., 444, 535 Scoville, . 259 Scudder. Abigail, 571 Joseph, 571 Seabung. Cornelius, 87 Mrs. Cornelius. 141 Seaman, Elizabeth, 176 Seargent, Hannah, 77, 125 William, 125 Searle, Nathan, 265 Ornida. 320, 475 Seaver, Cleon William, 535 648 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Seaver, Cline Gilman, 535 Ezra T., 443, 535 Seccord, , 179, 322 Seeley, Theana, 212, 374 Seely, Ann, 169, 311 Eber, 311 Seldon, Matilda, 107 Thomas, 107, 108 Sergei, Jean G., (Pocock), 269, 445 J. H., 445 Serls, Adam, 423 Martha A., 257, 423 Serrell, Joan, 590 Mary, 590 Sexton, , 566 Docia, 185, 334 Hannah, 70 Joseph, 68, 70 Loren, 480 Patience, 111, 180 William, 334 Seymour, Amos, 116, 193 Anna, 116, 193 Henrv, 193 Clara Blanche, 308, 471 Josephine L., 308 Sarah, 193 Sarah (Cook), 193 William, 166 William Albert, 308 William Albert, Jr., 308 Shadack, Alvin, 348 Shade, Emma, 416 Shallcross, Lewis, 571 Shank, George, 248 Marv, 248, 414 Philip, 414 Shannon, Martha, 268, 443 Sharpe, Alice, 200, 359 Almey, 359 Caleb, 200, 359 Edwin, 359 Ellen, 359 Henry Dexter,359 Herbert, 359 Louisa, 359 Lucian, v., 200, 358, 359 Mary Dexter, 239, 359, 401 Pitt, 200, 358, 359 Sarah Adams (Chaflfee), 200 Wilkes, 119, 200 William Pitt, 359 Shattuck, Melinda L., 479 Melinda R., 322 Shaw, — . 344 Caroline, 100, Charles, 279 Darwin E., 469 Eleanor, 392 Elizabeth, 252 Elizabeth (Betsey). 142 Elizabeth (Dane), 452, 538 George, 549 Luther, 371 Marion M., 300, 469 Sophia, 210, 371 Shavlor, Amelia, 143, 253 Plinv, 253 Shea, John L., 421 Miss, 421 Shedd, George, 357 Marv A., 199, 357 Sheffield, William, 427 Sheldon, Barton R., 520 John, 333 Roxalina, 66 William, 144 Sherman, , 129 Eunice, 270, 447 Mary B., 365, 514 Nelson, 212 Sarah Maria. 227, 390 Stephen, 390 William H., 160 Sherwin, Emma Gertrude, 356 Eugene William, 356 Joseph Harvey, 356 Mary Ellen, 356 Mary Jane, 356 Miriam (Park), 118 Nathan Francis, 356 - Nathan Thomas, 198, 356 William Eugene, 356 Sherwood, Carrie H., 536 Carroll Hollis, 536 Hollis N., 446, 536 Robert James, 536 Shields, Ann, 249, 416 Shipley, , 582 A., 154, 278 Richard A., 278 Shipman, David, 197 Fanny, 117, 197 Shippee, Alfred, 438 Edith, 438 Gilbert S., 264, 438 Maro, 438 Shipy, , 274 Shirk, John C, 520 Shirley, Evelyn Philip, 593 George, 593 Mary Clara, 593 Shorey, Alanson, 158, 288, 289 Emma L., 160, 290 George, 289 Henry, 289 Mary Chafifee, 289 Sophronia, 289 William R., 290 Short, Bela Ward, 502, 570 Eliza (Wheeler), 502. Ebenezer, 95 Franklin E., 344, 570 Glover, 570 Glover, Jr., 570 Henry, 569 Henry, Jr., 569 Lillian Gertrude, 502, 559 Lydia A., (Barton), 160, 291 Matthew, 569 Matthew, Jr., 570 Mrs., 498 Shorte, Dorothv, 589 John, 589 Showerman. John, 227 Mary, 129, 227 Shrady. Arthur Melville. 547 Jennie (Sammis). 547 John, 547 Shurl. Ella, 279 Shurtlifif, Betsey, 139 Sidley, C. E., 580 Siggins, Alexander. 362 Rachel A.. 200, 362 Sikes, Horace, A., 515 Simmonds, Albert Thomas, 539 Clara Orilla, 539 George W., 453, 539 James Arthur. 539 Lulu Lindwood,539 William Henry, 539 Simmons, David Edgar, 451, 537 Sarah Strong, 537 Simpson, Caroline, 576 John, 235 Robert. 576 Sarah A., 320, 476 Sisson, Hannah, 121 Skeats, Bartholomew, 2 64 Margaret. 147 Skiff, Abigail, 504 Rhoda. A., 346, 504 Walter, 504 Skinner, . 109 Abraham, 108 Daniel, 229 Hannah, 70, 108 Skinner, Jonathan 8., 184 Mary A., 229 Persis, 113, 184 Slade, Abzina, 296 Eliza, 360 Holmes, 200, 360 Slafter, Samuel Benjamin, 216 Slayton, Vesta, 329 Sloan, Amos Willard, 456 Ayra Nancy, 455 Elisha Winslow, 279, 453 Laura L. (Chaffee), 455 Laura R., 456 Nellie L., 456 Thera Alma, 455 Slocum, Amy, 192 William, 391 Sluss, Alfred Higgins, 451, 537 Alonza Clayton, 537 Smith, , 62, 381 Abbie Marion, 386 Abigail, 30 Addison, 410, 449 Albert, 255 - Almira, 250, 417 Ama, 60 /Andrew, 132, 169. 232 Andrew B., 232 Augusta M., 370. 518 Benjamin, 362 Bessie Olivia, 386 Catherine, 381 , Charles, 255 ^ Charles Aaron, 223. 386 Clara Adaline, 223 Clinton J., 308 Cora Elizabeth, 386 Curtis, 306 Cynthia, 410, 529 Dana, 144 Dana M., 255 Deliah, 381 Eli Jerome, 223 Eli Moody. 127. 223 Elisha M.. 215 Eliza A., 338 Ella, 479 EllaC, 423, 532 Ellen Amanda, 331 Ellen Edna. 386 Eugene, 410, 529 Fanny Winifred, 548 George, 217, 255, 381 ' George A., 271, 448 George S.. 381 Grace A.. 515 Hannah. 161. 255, 294 Hannah Elizabeth, 223 Harriet, 255 Harry, 217, 381 Henrv E.. 328 Howard, 532 Ida. 426 Isaac. 381 Ishled, 185, 331 J. A., 376 James, 516. James H., 236 Jerusha Addie, 368, 516 Job, 249 John, 232, 255, 381. 396 John B., 453 Joseph, 84 Joseph P., 516 Julia, 283 Juliana Flora, 279, 455 L. D., 257 Laphene, 410 Laura, 392, 525 Leona, 380 Leonora, 283 Lillie, 380 Lord Anson, 338 Luceba. 166, 306 Maria L., 328 INDEX 649 Smith, Mary, 175 Mary Ann, 200, 331, 362 Mary Eliza, 317, 473 Melissa, 381 Mrs., 391, 524 N. Maria, 271, 449 Nancy (Hicks), 449 Olive M., (Close), 257, 424 Pearl, 529 Persis Maria, 331 Peter, 455 Phebe, 82 Rachel Zuriah, 332 Ralph Jerome, 386 Rhoda, 381 Samuel, 35, 123 Sarah Abigail, 223 Sarah Ann, 223 Simeon, 294 Thomas M., 518 Ursula, 381 Warren, 128 William, 245, 410, 473 William C, 548 Smyley, William, 135 Snell, Amos, 176 Benjamin, 176 Charles, 176 Ebenezer, 176 Eliza Minerva, 294 Erastus G., 294 Hannah Sophronia, 207, 294, 368 Jacob, 176 Joseph, 161, 294 Joseph William, 294 Lois, 294 Parthenia, 176 Polly (Chaffee), 176 Sally, 176 Sophia, 176 William, 176, 207 William, Jr., 109, 176 Snellgrove, Mary, 600 Snow, , 231 Alexander, 488 Elsie, 176 Louise Willet, 332, 488 Malinda, 145, 258 Mrs. S. C, iv. Sarah A., 140 Sarah Aldrieh (Tucker), 246 Sarah Jane, 223, 386 Susanna. 570 Snyder. Mrs. C. M., 357 Soller, Henry R., vii. Son, Adelia M., 186 Sophia, of Germany, 572 Southworth, George L., 453 Marv Louise, 515 Oscar S., 367, 515 Space, Margaret, 257, 424 Philip, 424 Sparkes, Mary F., 173, 316 Nathan, 316 Sparks, Clara, 372, 519 Hettie. 578, 579 J. B., 519 Spaulding, Betsey Celinda, 133, 233 Charles, 199 Ebenezer, 199 Edgar, 380 George, 199 Luther, 118, 199 Warren, 366 Zadock, 233 Spear, Sylvia, 341, 495 Spencer, Celestia, 291 Chester, 180, 323. 480. 566 Elizabeth, 180, 322, 566 Elizabeth (Chapin), 322 Ezekiel, 322. 323 Ezekiel, Jr., 566 IdaDiademia, 293, 466 Spencer, James, 480 Mandana, 566 Polly, 566 Salome, 566 Theodore, 566 William, 466 William Henry, 291 Sperry, , 259 Ransom, 210 Spharr, Nancy Elmina, 376 Simon, 326 Spittall, Ellen Walker, 482, 547 John, 547 Spittle, John, 344 Sprague, , 179, 322 Adelaide, 371, 519 Anna Louisa, 579 A. Tirzah, 214, 376 Bertha Alma, 579 Edith Edna, 579 Elnora, 298 Elverton, 298 Etta, 467 Endora, 298 Gail, 467 Guthrie, 298, 467 Hiram, 298 Lewis G., 162, 298 Olive Arminda, 298 Worster, 519 William, 578, 579 Squire, Abigail, 34, 62 Almond, 220 Betsey (Leonard), 127, 220 Daniel R.. 374 Jonathan. 527 Pollv, 527 Rhoda, 581 Rufus, 581 Squires, Sarah, 124, 213 St.Tcv. Ebenezer, 113 William, 109 Stacey, Charles E., vii Statford, John, 592 Standish, E. G., 437, 533 Horace, 533 Welthy. 373 Stanton, Elizabeth, 136, 240 Etta, 164 Persis, 333 Robert, 333 Sophia, 333 Sullivan Upham, 185, 333 Willie, 333 Starker, Salome, 85,138 Starks, Maries, 249, 417 Starr, Sallv. 161 Stauffer, Alice Chaffee, 494 Henrv W., 340, 494 Myra Elizabeth. 494 Staunton, Sullivan Upham. 333 Stearns, George, 128 Orson G., 172 Sarah Ann. 2 68 Wilder, 102, 172 Stebbins, Almira Waitstill. 210 Alpheus, 324 Ann (Badger), 210 Anna, 122 Anna Maria, 210 Caroline, 210 Chauncey, 111, 112, 184 Chauncev, Jr., 184 Clark Brown, 210 Cvrus, 371 Edmund, 371 Eldad. 210 Elizabeth (Pease), 184 Emily Anna, 210 Frances Eliza, 371 Harvey. 122 Isaac, 210 Jackson Walker, 210 Stebbins, Jane Maria. 371, 372 Lester C, 484, 549 Lucian, 371 Lucina, 122, 210 Lucina Elvira, 210 Luther, 122, 210, 371 Luther Lester, 210, 371 Mary (Holt), 324 Menzies Rayner, 209, 371 Nancy, 184 Nathaniel Livermore, 372 Olive Carpenter, 185, 210, 331 Oliver. 209, 371 Orin, 209 Persis, 210 Phineas, 75, 76, 122 Phineas, Jr., 122, 209 Rufus Phineas, 210, 372 Sarah (Bliss), 122 Silas, 122 Stephen, 122 Stillman Needham, 210 Walter, 122, 210, 550 William. 371 William Carpenter, 210, 371 Zadock, 184 Steele, Sarah, 330 Stell. Agnes F., 230, 395 Stephens, Lizzie, 380 Stetstone, William, 601 Stevens, Dan, 281 James, 606 Joseph, 289 Margaret C, 158, 289 Maria, 299 Mary, 196, 350 Sophia, 606 Stewart, Alfred, 310 Carrie, 169, 310 Hiram K., 173 Stickney, Elizabeth, 117, 196 Stiles, , 364 Henrv, 197 Joseph. 340 Stockwell, Carrie, 311 Moses. 169, 311 Slocum, Phoebe, 392 Stoddard, Ashman, 459 Lvdia. 284, 459 Stone. Caroline W., 216. 379 Cassandria Wells, 343. 406 Plavilla M.. 343, 497 Hannah (Davis), 379 Hiram. 496. 497 Obediah. 215 Reuben. 379 Mrs. G. R.. 361 Sarah A., 410, 529 Svlvia. 496, 497 William, 209. 215 Storms, John Garrett, 167 Lucinda Cordelia, 167 Story, Caroline, 248, 415 George, 141 George W., 415 Stoughton. Emily, 151, 273 Stout,. , 571 Stowe, David, 148 Hannah, 148 Stranahan. James William, 329 Rhoda Miranda, 184, 329 Streeter, L. Duane, 246, 412 Levi, 244 Lucy, 139, 244 Ruth. 412 Willis C. 412 Stretton, Eliza A., 440 Robert. 440 Strong, • 146 Caroline Lydia, 274 Elisha. 204 Elisha Beebe. 204 Frances Caroline, 273, 451, 537 650 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Strong, Francis Miles, 273 Frank, 469 Frank Miles, 450 Frederick Ross, 151, 273 Herbert William, 451 Herman Charles, 451 Mary (Beebe), 204 Sally, 227, 391 Salome Ann, 274, 451 Strough, Henry, 227 Strow, Lovina, 416, 531 Stuart, Aritta L., 193, 348 James, 348 Melinda (Berry), 348 Studley, Joshua, Jr., 116, 193 Maria, 193 Sturtevant, Etta Belle, 462 Joseph E., 462 Stump, William H., 454 Suber, Emanuel, 220 Sullivan, Betsey, 330 Sumner, Charles, 304 Surdam, Ira, 455 Sarah Angeline, 279, 455 Suthern, , 391 Swallow, Maria, 604, 605 Robert, 605 Swan, Amos, 128, 225 Benjamin, 225 Caroline, 128, 225 Clarissa, 225 Emily, 225 Joseph, 225, 226 Louisa, 225 William, 225 Sweet, Abijah, 491 Ambrose, 503, 560 Ambrose S., 345 Anna C, 503 Annie, 503 Augusta, 271, 449 Clarence, 410 Clarence Herbert, 529 Clark, 290 Eben, 503 Eber, 191, 345 Edwin Herbert, 410, 529 Eli, 345, 502 Eli J., 503 Emma, 410, 503, 560 Eri, 503 Eunice, 345 Ezra, 156 Hiram, 245, 410 Joel Bertie, 410 John, 158 Jonathan, 158 Lucy (Eldred), 156 Mary, 560 Mary Elizabeth, 410 Marv J., 345, 502 Nicholas L., 335, 491 Olive, 410 Phebe, 158 Ralph, 560 Sarah, 94, 156, 290 Sarah A., 160, 290 Sweeting, Anna, 583 John, 31, 53 Lewis, 53 Mollv, 35, 53 Rachel, 53 Susannah, 53 Sweetland, Freddie, 409 Lucv, 409 Wilford, 244, 409 Swift, Mercy Ann, 192 Switzer, Anthonv, 385 Anthony N., 222 Sydenham, Katherine, 592 Sir John, 592 Sylvester, Esther Pamelia, 208, 369 Joseph, 369 Taggart, , 270 Talbot, — , 214 Josiah, 567 Silas, 159 Talcott, Abby, 120 Abigail, 204 Tallman, Abbie Gordon, 356 Edward Green, 356 Elizabeth Howland, 356 George Frederick, 356 Herbert, 356 James Howland, 356 Myra Jane, 356 Sarah Lizzie, 356 William, 198, 356 William Kent, 356 Tanner, Amos, 316 Mary, 174, 316 Sally, 98 Tarbel, Zenas, 203 Tarbell, Luther, 408 Roxanna, 243, 408 Taylor, Addie V., 379 Caroline (Parker), 570 Charles John Carroll, 570 Eliza, 147, 265 Fannie, 274, 485, 551 Fanny, 151 Isabella, 440 John Hollingshead, 570 Joseph, 265 Mary, 568 Marv Ann, 147, 265 Marv Piatt, 570 Teed, , 99 Tenny, Amos, 527 Maria L., 409, 527 Polly, 527 Terrill, Aaron, 541 Mertie, 541 Terry, Guy, 467 Laura Elma, 298, 467 Teeters, Mary, 250, 418 Thayer, Abigail, 161, 295 Ebenezer, 295 ■Mary H., 255 Thomas, Alfred, 259 Amos, 351 Asa, 367 Catherine, 58, 93 David, 98 Ichabod, 281 John, 93 Susan, 207, 367 William, 577 Thomson, Ann Ellura, 349, 506 Charles, 349 George, 194, 349 George Nelson, 349 William, 349 Thompson, Almira (Chaffee), v Augustus H., 326 James L., 478 Gertrude C, 374, 521 Nellie, 502 Orlin, 507 Joseph P., 521 William. 300 Thornton, Fanny (Pearson), 90, 151 George, 151 Maria, 151 Triphena, 151 Thorpe, Julia Ann, 129, 226 Warren, 226 Thrall, Charlotte, 251, 419 Reuben Rose, 419 Thrasher, Comfort, 197 Albert H., 291 Ebenezer, 220 James, 122 Susan, 127, 220 Thurber, , 276 Thurber, Eliza A., 247, 412 John G., 412 Russell, 267 Thurston, Brown, v Clarissa (Church), 369 David, 35 Edward Mason, 159 Mary (Gardner), 159 Mary Maria, 159 Tryphenia, 209, 369 William, 369 Tibbals, Halsey, 193 Tiffany, , 567 Edmund, 116, 195 Judson, 195 Lucy, 195 Prelate, 195 Tillotson, Henry, 300 Mabel, 444 Tilton, Luke B., 194 R. G., vi Tinker, Ellen, 252 Tinklepaugh, Almond, 531 Marv Elizabeth, 415, 531 Tisdale. Joseph, 567 Sarah, 567 Titus, Anson, v James R., 490 Lucretia, 490 Mary, 571 Sarah, 490 Tobev, Margaret, 210 Melory, 134, 235 William, 235 Tobias, Elizabeth. 175. 317 Todd, Nellie Swift, 243 William, 598 Tompkins, Abram, 212, 526 Mary J., 373. 520 Toogood, John, 73, 74 Mary, 44, 73 Topliff, ■ , 263 Andrew, 329 Torrev, Anna (Anne), 70, 109 Touch'ey. Ellen B., 142 Towell, P. H., 580 Tower, Annie Celia, 470 Belle Drusilla, 470 Eloise Frances, 470 George R., 301, 470 Washington, 209 Towle, Mina N., 440, 533 Reuben, 533 Towne, Edward Everett, 550 Everett C, 484, 550 Joseph, 130 M. D. L., 223 Ralph Chaffee, 550 Towner, Estella, 490 Mahlon, 380 Townsend. Elijah J.. 322, 479 Elmer Chaffee, 479 Fanny Elmer, 479 Tracy. Leon Hurbert, 461 Perlev Llovd, 461 Svlvester, 285. 461 Trainor, Mary B., 394, 526 Treadwell. John Martin, 511 Ladona T., 353, 511 Levi. 192 Tripp. Robert, 151 Trollope, John, 272 Trow, Keziah, 583 Troxell, John H., vii Truden, Esther A.. 207, 366 Tubbs, Ananias, 155 John S., 244 Pattv, 94 Susan A., 139, 185, 244, 333 Tucker, Alida Irene, 202 Daniel, 146 Eliza Jane. 202 Henry, 349, 500 Joseph, 583 INDEX 651 Tucker, Lucinda (Chaffee), 202 Lucy Angeline, 202 Lutheda (Franklin), 202 Maria Ann, 202 Mason T., 202 Sarah Almeda, 202 Sylvia Albina, 202 Walter, 202 Walter, Jr., 119, 202 William Henry Harrison, 506 Tupper, Albert Alonzo, 212, 374, 521 Albert Alonzo, Jr., 374 Ann Mari, 212 Betsey (Norris), 182, 325 Charles Albert, 521 Elizabeth (Chaffee), 212 Eunice, 212 Frances M., 374 James Marshall, 212 Jonathan, 124, 212 Laura S., 374 Marsha Ann, 212 Kalph, 212 Roxa Augusta, 374 Susan Elizabeth, 374 Turk, P. B., 580 Turner, Archibald W., 379 B. G., 455 D. M., 580 Duane, 385 James A., 413 Mary Elizabeth, 247, 413 Silas, 327 Turpening, Clarissa, 345, 502 Tuttle, J. H., 580 Lydia, 102, 168 Stephen, 168 Twinning, L. L., 255 Twisleton, Elizabeth, 572 Henry, 572 Margaret, 572 Tyler, Martha, 60 Job, 61 Tyrrell, Albert, 271, 291 Lavinia (Chaffee), 161, 291 U Udell, Addison A., 318 Ann (Chaffee), 318 Underbill, Alice, 310 George, 310 Isaac, 168, 310 Underwood, Amy, 83, 134 Anna C, 225, 389 Charles, 222 Daniel, 127 John, 389 Josiah, 154 Kingsley, 127 Lucy B., 93, 154 Ruth, 78, 127 Upham, Asa, 214 Upson, C. H., 490 iMary E., 335, 490 Ury, Almira P. (Chaffee), 453 I. G., 277, 453 Usher, Allen, 276 Deborah, 153, 276 James, 276 Valentine, David, 357 Van Court, Mahala, 172 Mahalah, 314 VanDyck, Maria, 338 Peter, 338 Van Dyke, Cornelia, 189, 337 Maria, 189 Peter, 337 Vaness, Nelson, 200, 361 Vangorder, Daniel, 202 Van Lawrence, , 311 Van Metre, Cora L. (Richard- son), 332, 488 Van Pelt, Mary Ann, 250, 417 Otis, 250 Vansice, Moses B., 381 Vantice, , 391 Van Tifler, James, 382 Lucinda, 219, 382 Van Volkinsburgh, 327, 485 Van Winkle, Helen, 291, 464 Verfuese, John, 524 Mary, 388, 524 Viall, Allen, 67 Ruth, 67 Samuel, 67 Viera, Emma Jane, 244, 409 Louis, 409 Vincent, William B., 136 Vineca, Mary, 181, 324 Vining, John, 567 Vinny, Sybil, 117 Vogel, Frank, 449 Vought, Joseph M., 381 Morris, 364 Vose, Lucy, 93, 154 W Wadsworth, -, 344 Andrew, 344 Benjamin, 191, 340, 344 Charles, 495 Desdemona, 340 Elmira, 340 Evaline, 341, 495 Hannah (Chaffe), 340 Harriet, 344 Jane, 344 Joseph, 341, 344, 495 Maria, 340 Mercy (Chaffe), 344 Rebekah, 87, 143 Rowena, 344 Stephen, 344 Wager, Henry, 476 Wait, , 308, 471 Waite. Laura, 269 William W., 445 Waitt, Isabel E., 243 Wakefield, Clarinda J., 300 469 Delia, 227, 392 Louis. 469 Martin, 469 Maud Martha, 469 Samuel, 392 Wales, Arvine (Ervine), 107, 175 Betsey, 104 Deidamia, 107 Eleazer, 107, 108, 175 Lucy (Story), 175 Solomon, 175 Walker, Amasa, 446 Benjamin, 86 Caroline F., 77, 124 Deidamia, 175 Ebenezer, 59 Esther, 86, 107, 175, 317 Esther (Chaffee), 175 Eunice, 175 Eunice Lucy, 269, 446 Harriet, 175 Huldah, 56, 83 Jacob Judd, 175 Joshua, 124 Judith, 98, 161 Lucinda, 175 Lucy, 349 Lucy M., 294 Martha, 175 Mary Patten, 175 Oressa, 175 Rebecca (Earl), 175, 317 Robert, 107, 108, 175 Walker, Robert, Jr., 175 Robert Patten, 175 Sarah Aylesworth, 446 Sinai, 175 Timothy, 83 William, 161 Walpole, Benjamin Mathews, 230, 398 Benjamin Mathews, Jr., 398 Benjamin Monroe, 398 Ella Kinlock, 398 Emma Granby, 398 Mary Harriet, 398 Nathaniel Chafee, 398 Otis Chafee, 398 Sarah Campbell, 398 Walton, , 162 Ward, Abraham, 292 Fred, 531 Julia Ann, 161, 292 William H., 269 Wardall, Edna Annetta, 451 Francis Melton, 275, 451 Frank Chaffee, 451 Lillian Mira, 451, 537 Warner, Dan, 338 Delia, 521 Frank, 419 Frankie, 298, 467 Harmon, 489 John, 164 Marcus, 335 Oliver, 335 Tamar Abigail, 335, 489 Warren, Doctor S., 176 Jonas, 119 Robert, 213 Thomas, 213 Warriner, Paul, 189 Warwell, Johane, 594 Washburn, Clorinda, 173 Melissa Rosella Fairfield, 127, 223 Waterman, , 297 Julia, 119. 200 William, 200 Waters, Charles, 393 Ellen, 393 George, 393 Lnfavette, 228, 393 Martha, 393 l^fnry. 393 Sidney, 393 Warren, 409 Watkins, Amos, 87, 145, 257 Abigail (Chaffee), 257 Darius, 145 Frank, 450, 458 Louisa, 145 Melissa, 273, 450 Watson, Mary Emeline, 362, 513 Nathan, 567 Thomas B., 513 Watts, ,391 Wauch, John, 380 Way, Ellen L., 440 Frances Jane, 409, 528 Ira, 528 .Joshua, 440 Weatherbv, Roland, 549 Sarah Elizabeth, 483, 548 Webb. Ann I., 607 Elizabeth A., 607 James H.. 530 John, 607 Jonathan, 377 Sophia J. W., 413, 530 Tippora (orTrephosa) Ann, 214, 377 Thomas, 607 Webber, Alonzo Levi, 286, 287 Wedge, Priscilla, 77, 124 Weeks, Elizabeth, 146 Weld, Cassius, 441 Cortez, 442 652 THE CHAFFEE GExNEALOGY Weld, Ebenezer, 267, 441 Emily, 442 Weldon, Ebenezer, 468 Jennie L., 298, 468 Wellington, Annis, 335 Calvin, 344 George, 495 Jonathan, 341, 495 Lewis, 495 Wells, Albert, 359 C. C, 254 Charlie E., 363 Edgar Oscar, 201, 363, 368 Edward, 359 Eliza, 143, 254 George Washington, 201 Jane, 172, 314 Lois S., 201 Norman, 256 Pitt, 359 Reuben, 200, 359 Ruth, 81, 131 Samuel C, 201 Sanford, 201 Sanford A., 363 Theron, 119, 201 Wallace W., 202 William, 390 Welton. , 308 Charles M., 308 Prank S., 247 Lucius B., 247 May Eudora (Chaffee), 307 West, Clara, 275 Harriet Elizabeth, 172, 315 Henry B., 275 John R., 376 Joseph, Jr., 157 Nancy Simpson, 275, 452 Sanford S., 315 Stephen, 113 William H., 97 Westcott, Frederick A., 365 514 Harvey, 514 Joseph Rogers, 514 Westfall, George, 231 Weston, Charles B., 507 Lvdia J. (Larkey), 351, 507 Melissa A., 351, 507 Westwood, John, 593 Mary, 593 Wetherbee, Anna, 162, 296 Micah, 296 Wetherell, Charlotte, 211 Wetmore, Abigail, 151, 272 Alice, 173 Whaite, Adelbert Horace, 316, 472 Beulah Ostrander, 472 Estelle Lilia, 316, 472 George Nicholas, 173, 316, 472 Hazel Chaffee, 472 Marv, 316 Odette Taylor, 472 Wheeler, Alfred, 374 Alice O., 445 Altha Viola, 445 Calvin, 420 Captain, 570 Charles, 391, 524 Charlotte Deborah, 552 Curtis, 269, 445 Effie v., 445 Elizabeth A., 570 Emma Adelia, 552 Esther Ann, 552 George Whitney, 421 Henry H., 445 Homer Curtis, 445, 535 Ida May, 552 Jonathan, 572 Jonathan W., 251, 420 Julia Elvira, 445 Wheeler, Kate Lucy, 421 Lovina Felton (Chaffee), vi Lucius H., 269, 444 Martha Jane, 552 Mary Emma, 420 Mary Louisa, 320, 445 Merritt Reed, 552 Mildred Alice, 536 Mrs., iv Nancy, 66 . Nathan Slocum, 524 Prudence, 572 R. A., 573 Surviah Wheeler, 572 William, 288, 486, 552 Wilmot Wilson, 552 Wheelock, William, 252 Whipple, Allen Bonaparte (5icero, 170 Annette, 169 Betsey (Chaffee), 169, 171 Chandler W., 170 Charlotte, 154 Charlotte Eleanor, 278 Clara M., 580, 581 Desdemona, 170 Edward, 169 Edwin Bennett, 169 Grace, 102, 162 James, 247 John, 169 Joseph Lyman, 170 Martha B., 147, 265 Mary, 102, 114, 169, 186 Mrs. 101 Ory Chaffee, 170 Otis Chaffee, 169 Patty, 278 Robert. 278 Sally M., 140, 247 Samuel, 88, 102. 147, 169, 171 Samuel, Jr., 170 Sarah, 569 Washington Warren. 170 Whitaker, Anne, 45 Daniel, 29, 44 Daniel, Jr., 44 Dorothy, 45 Ebenezer, 45 Elizabeth, 59, 97 Ephraim, 44 George H., v Hannah, 45 Harrison L., 136 Joseph, 45 Margaret, 583 Mary, 45 Seth, 45 White, Addie, 527 Caroline Malinda, 191, 342 Carrie, 527 Charles, 166, 306 Ebenezer N., 342 Edith, 289 James, 806 John L., 387 Lvdia, 306 M"ary F., 527 Mercv, 114, 189 Milford E., 527 Polly, 87, 145 Preserved, Jr., 182, 326 Preserved Merritt, 326 Rufus, 409, 527 Ruhama, 193 Samuel, 527 Sarah, 342 Sarah Chaffee, 182, 326 Susan, 306 William, 189 Whitehead, Adelia A., 441, 534 Ellen M., 441, 534 Maria, 248, 415 Rufus, 141, 248 Whitehouse, , 324 Whiting, Charles H., 452 Delia Ann, 318 Erastus, 318 Prancina T., 295, 466 Henry W., 466 James, 210 Mary, 175 Rebecca, 123, 210 Whitman, Jonas, 606 Mercy Goodspeed, 606 Whitmarsh, Sarah, 567 Whitney, Betsev Ann, 348, 505 Charles A., 140 Hannah (St. John), 505 N. S., 336 Susan A., 200, 362 William, 505 Whiton, Abner, 161, 294 George, 294 Joanna, 60 Joseph, Jr., 61 Whittaker, Daniel, 29 Elsie, 240, 403 Mr., 241 Marv 27 29 Whitteman,' Robert D., 351 Whittemore, , 195 Dan, 300 Wiekline, A. V., 424 Wilbur, Lydia, 151, 272 Wilcox, , 146 Abby, 252 Cortland C, 203 David, 161 Maria L., 203, 364 Marv, 503, 560 Stephen, 98, 161 William, 364 Wilder, Daniel, 165 Harvey B., vii Malinda, 99, 165 Samuel, 305 Wilkins, Aaron, 300 Austin, 300 Nancy L., 164, 300 Wilkinson, Cornelius, 254 Maria B., 144,254 Willar, , 329 Almerian, 329 Willard, Charles Henry, 199, 356 Charles Sherman, 357 Cora Jane, 357 Dorr Henrv, 357 Frederick Hurlbutt, 357 Furdinand, 128 George Norris, 199 Mvrtie Abbie, 357 Nathan, 118, 198 Sarah Armilla, 357 Willie Edg-ar, 357 Willets, Helen B., 353. 511 Willev, Benona, 439 David, 507 Rachel, 351, 507 William, Earl of Arundel and Sussex, 572 Second Earl of Arundel, 572 Williams, , 124 Albert F., 578 Alice A., 252, 422 Anna, 267 Eliza, 103 Eliza L., 173 Hanson, 330 Ida Black, 234, 400 Ward S., 422 William J., 400 Williamson, , 344 Charles Henry, 579 Kate Orr, 578, 579 Willis, , 140 Solomon, 65 Willits, Darius C, 170 Willoughby, Nettie, 447 INDEX 653 Willson, Ambrose, 518 Emma Elizabeth, 370, 518 Julia (Hill), 518 Wilmarth, Thomas, 56, 583 Wilmot, Byron Brant, 363 Wilson, , 224, 274 Eliza F., 320, 475 Ellen, 450 Felix, 173 Henrv, 253 Ida Delia, 451, 537 John, 475 Jonathan, 66 Winchell, Charles, 392 Wing, Joseph, 99 Summer, 337 Winnie, , 154, 278 Winship, Livonia, 169 Wires, Almina Lenora, 172 Annatta, 102 Calvin Fuller, 172 Carlton, 102 Carlton Ezra, 172 Celestia, 315 Charles Edgar, 315 Chester Sanford, 315 Elsie Jeanette, 315 Fanny, 102 Hannah, 102, 172 Hiram, 102 Jarville Chaffee, 172, 315 Lewis Ezra, 315 Mary Melissa, 102 Nancy, 102 Perrv Gomery, 172 Persis, 102 Samuel, 64, 102, 172 Samuel Montgomery, 102 Sivona, 102 Sylvania Annetta, 172 Wolcott, Earnest, 424 Helen, 204 Wolfe, , 255 Wolven, George, 415 Harriet (Chaffee), 414, 415 Wood, Albert F., 579 Alvah v., 579 Bertha O., 579 Betsey, 582 Catherine Jones, 578 Charles Henry, 578, 579 Cynthia, 296 David, 295 Edmund, 326, 485 Elizabeth, 567 Wood, Ella C, 579 Ella Smith, 578 Ellen Samantha, 485, 551 Elliott Edmund, 485, 551 Elydia Ann, 213, 374 Enos, 296 Fred, 551 George, 202 H. O., vii Harry C, 579 Henry M., 478 Henry Southern, 374 Isaac Pardy, 162, 295 Jacob, 334 Jennette, 296 Jonathan, Jr., 485 Jonathan Wood, Jr., 326 Lucinda, 296 Marillo, 300 Mark H., vii Mary Jane, 368 Melvene E., 579 Merrick Lvman, 485, 551 Milton R.,"579 Nathan R., 248 Orry, 296 Pamela, 296 Pardy I., 296 Priscilla, 296 Susanna C. (Chafey), 578 William Jones, 578, 579 William M., 579 Zimri, 577, 578 Wooden, Martha, 348 Woodin, Homer, 387 Luna, 224, 387 Lydia Anna, 224, 387 Woodman, Joseph, 511 Sarah E., 353, 511 Woodruff, Amelia, 213 Irving, Scott, 446 Woods, Catherine, 548 Marion, 353, 510 Woodward, Abigail, 156, 283 Benjamin, 195 Hannah, 117, 195 Mary, 156, 283 William, 283 Woodworth, Hamilton, 268, 440 Lucy (Chaffee), 267, 440 Wooldridge, Hannah, 131, 229 John, 229 Wooten, Ann Jane, 564 Wootton, Anna H., 547 Wormouth, , 495 Worster, Nesibus, 371 Olive, 209, 371 Worth, Avery, 282 Charles, 198 Emma M., 282 Ida A., 283, 458 John, 282 Walter, 601 Wrenshall, Helen Dent, 472 Wright, Abigail, 50, 78 Abiel, 78 Amasa K. T., 285 Benjamin, 78 Emma L., 370 Gilman, 370 Hannah, 78 Harvey, 382 Huldah, 78 Joseph, 50, 51 Joseph, Jr., 78 Lemuel, 78 Loyal N., 270 Lucy, 149, 269 Mary J., 285 Samuel, 78 Samuel J., 140 Sarah, 78 Sarah Maria, 219, 382 Yale, Harriet M., 176 Yates, Andrew, 204 Harriet, 163, 299 Yeo, Margaret, 590 York, Nancy, 360 Young, Alexander King, 545 Betsey Ann, 192, 348 Clarissa (Johnson), 348 Elihu R., 530 Hannah, 414 Hannah Maria, 530 James, 271, 348 John, 437 John A., 264, 437 Margaret (Snodgrass), 545 Mary Elizabeth, 482, 545 Mary Lillie, 437 Zane, Joseph W., 147, 265 Zetter, Jacob, 414 Mary L., 247, 414 INDEX OF PLACES Abercom, P. Q., Can., 441 Abington, 111., 524 Acushnet, Mass., 91, 152 Ada, Mich., 314, 315, 331 Adams, Mass., 180, 340, 341, 342, 344, 364 Adrian, Mich., 170, 171, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 375, 472 Afton, N. Y., 202, 203, 240, 364 Agawam, Mass., 189, 478, 479, 581 Aiken, S. C, 234, 398, 399, 400 Akron, O., 475 Albany, N. Y., 273, 274, 278, 279, 350, 352, 368, 369, 511, 517 Albany, Vt., 230, 395, 440, 535 Albia, la., 262 Albion, Ind., 313 Orleans Co., N. Y., 207 Alden, N. Y., 367, 516 Alexander, N. Y., 126-219, 225, 299, 390 Alfred, N. Y., 520 Algona Township, Mich., 563 Allegan, Mich., 166, 307, 308, 418, 471 Alleganv, N. Y., 329, 303 Allegany Co., N. Y., 525 Allen, N. Y., 169, 311 Allston, Mass., 461 Alpena, Mich., 168 Altamont, 111., 437 Alton, 111., 278, 287 Alvarado, Cal., 577 Amber, N. Y., 298 Amenia, N. Y., 348, 505, 506 N. D., 349, 427 Union, N. Y., vi, 505 Americus, Kan., 517 Amherst, Mass., 332 Amitv, Penn., 103, 173, 174, 315, 316 Amsterdam, N. Y., 475 Anamosa, la., 354 Andersonville, Ga., 292, 418 Andover, Mass., 78, 492 Angelica, N. Y., 169, 170, 310, 311 Ankona, Fla., 488 Annapolis, Md., 353 Ann Arbor, Mich., 509 Appleton, Wis., 449 Arcade, N. Y., 350 Arcadia, N. Y., 226 654 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Arcotti, Cal., 605 Aristotle, N. Y., 311 Arizona, 428, 434 Arkansas City, Kan., 259 Arlington, Mass., 395, 601 Ashfield, Mass., 491 Ashford, Conn., v, vii, 30, 31, 34, 46, 48, 49, 50, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 71, 76, 77, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88. 97, 98, 99, 108, 122, 123, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 155, 161, 162, 176, 210, 220, 227, 244, 245, 246, 247, 259, 263, 264, 265, 280, 293, 294, 295, 297, 393, 408, 409, 410, 412, 436, 437, 466, 525. 530, 581 Ashford, N. Y., 242 Ashlevville, Mass., 581 Ashtabula Co., O., 261 Atchison, Kan., 263 Athens, Vt., 117, 118, 122, 195, 196, 197, 198, 208, 209, 305, 306, 350, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 369, 471, 510, 511, 512 Penn., 143, 291, 292, 381, 552 Athol, Mass., 215, 378, 522, 550 Atlanta, Ga., 262, 405 Attica, N. Y., 127, 128, 129, 213, 224, 225, 226, 375, 390 Attleboro, Mass., 6, 7, 13, 33, 34, 35, 36, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 75, 91. 92, 93, 97, 98, 160, 287, 460 Falls, Mass., 540 Auburn, Me., 186 N. Y., 211, 343 Mass., 394 Augusta, Ga., 391, 400 Annville, Penn., 570 Aurelius, N. Y., 87, 141, 227 Aurora, N. Y., 423, 532 111., 510 Austin, Tex., 428, 436 Austinburg, O., 475 Austinville, Penn., 254 Australia, 604. 607 Avoca, la., 520, 562 Avon, Conn., 548 Avondale, N. J., 547 B Bainbridge, N. Y.. 201, 363 Bakersfield, Vt., 445, 582 Baltimore, Md., 83, 234, 278, 421, 447 Bandisfield, Mass., 256 Bangor, Me., 462 Barbadoes, 573 Barford, P. Q., Canada, 164 165, 302 Barinton, Can., 302 Barnstable, Mass., 606 Barre, Mass., 168, 218, 511 N. Y:, 229 Centre, N. Y., 391 Vt., 82, 229, 519, 583 Barrington, Mass., 27, 40, 41 42, 46, 48, 56, 68, 70, 71 73, 74, 103, 567 B. I., iv, vii, 6, 11, 74, 137, 241 Center, R. I., iv, 13 Barry, N. Y., 367 Barton, Vt., 443 Barton's Landing, Vt., 446 Bartonsville, Vt., 306 Batavia, N. Y., 152, 219, 376 Bath, 0., 415 Bavaria, 414 Bay City, Mich., 480 Beaver, Penn., 326 Co., Penn., 327 Becket, Mass., iv., 86, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 259, 260, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423 Belchertown, Mass., 65, 223, 517 Belfast, N. Y., 392 Bellevue, Neb., 316 Bellingham, Mass., 91, 92, 218 Bellows Palls, Vt., 99, 171, 208, 483 Belvidere, 111., 296, 386 N. Y., 297, 507 Vt., 195, 196, 198, 350, 351 Bennington, N. Y., 126, 213, 389 Vt., 201, 218, 345 Bentley Creek, Penn., 552 Berea, O., 334, 489 Berkley, Mass., 453 Berkshire, Vt., 148, 149, 266, 267, 268, 269, 439, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 534, 535, 582 Co., Mass., v., 148 Berlin, Mich., 309 Bernadotte, 111., 211 Bernhard's Bay, N. Y., 467 Berwick, 111., 389 Bethel, Vt., 369, 370, 371 Big Dry Wash, Ariz., 428 Billerica, Essex Co., Eng., 565 Mass., 266, 268 Binghamton, N. Y., v, 203, 212, 265, 289, 293, 364, 365, 381, 424, 448, 514, 559 Bird Island, Minn., 599, 600 Birmingham, Conn., 505 Eng., 538 Bishop Hill, 111., 447 Bismarck, N. D., 349 Black Ash, Penn., 211 Blackberry Sta., 111., 562 Black Lake, N. Y., 100 River, N. Y., 583 Rock, N. Y., 128, 248 Blairstown, la., 488 Blandford, Mass., 145, 252, 253 255 422 Bloomfleid", Conn., 146, 365 O., 260 Blossburg, Penn., 552 Blue Hill, Neb., 240 Bocabee, N. B., Can., 600 Bolton, Conn., 145 Bonaparte, la., 536 Bond's Village, Mass., 523 Bonhomme, Mo., 558 Booneville, N. Y., 583 Boston, Mass., vii, viii, 5, 6, 48, 57, 69, 71, 91, 109, 138, 147, 156, 117, 220, 232, 239, 242, 243, 253, 254, 265, 275, 286, 351, 357, 376, 394, 395. 404, 422, 437, 452, 458, 461, 462, 463, 476, 500, 526, 566, 569, 573, 574, 575, 583, 584, 597, 601, 605, 606 Erie Co., N. Y., 195, 196, 350, 351, 506, 507, 508 O., 426 Boulder, Colo., 357, 358 Bower Henton, Somersetshire, Eng., 594 Bradford, Penn., 302, 348 Co., Penn., 97, 380, 552 Braintree, Vt., 518 Brandon, Vt., 272, 273, 369, 451 Branford, Conn., 486 Brasher, N. Y., 281, 283, 458, 460 Falls, N. Y., 283 Iron Works, N. Y., 458 Brattleboro, Vt., 99, 301, 470, 518 Brazil, 261 Breckenridge, Mo., 418 Brecksville, O., 332, 333, 488 Breesport, N. Y., 249 Brewerton, N. Y., 298 Bridgeport, Conn., 280, 281, 382, 385, 437, 456, 457, 514, 542 Vt., 449 Bridgewater, Eng., 588 N. Y., 139, 244, 245, 409 Brighton, Mass., 242, 243, 566 Brimfield, Mass., 104, 109, 127, 128, 179, 224, 225 Bristol, Conn., 219, 382 Eng., 605, 606 Mass., 24, 28, 30, 42 R. I., 6, 16, 24, 82, 84, 88, 93, 95, 96, 148, 149, 198, 276, 277, 452, 453, 538 Co., Mass., 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 41, 42, 46, 57, 68, 73, 89 Co., R. I., 6, 19, 23, 24, 26, 42, 46, 57, 68, 73, 83, 85, 89, 95 Bristolville, O., 259, 263, 426 Britton, S. D., 556 Broadhempston, Devonshire, Eng., 588 Brockville, Ontario, Can., 606 Brokenstraw, Warren Co., Penn. ,360, 513 Brookfield, Conn., 198, 379, 517 Mass., 124, 213, 327, 375, 376 Vt., 131, 230, 281, 459, 595 Brooklyn, Conn., 199, 245, 357, 377, 410 la., 426 Minn., 171 N Y., V, 264, 294, 343, 388, 408, 411, 421, 438, 439, 484, 485, 499, 500, 503, 504, 529, 550, 551, 557, 558, 559 O., 256, 257, 423 Brookville, Ind., 372, 520 Broome Co., N. Y., 212, 554, 582 Brownington, Penn., 454 Vt., 536 Brownville, Neb., 374, 473, 474 Brownsville, Penn., 376 Brushton, N. Y., 460 Brutus, N. Y., 211 Buckfastleigh, Devonshire, Eng. 588 Buckland, Mass., 471 Bucks Bridge, N. Y., 272 Buena Ventura, Cal., 329 Buffalo, N. Y., 196, 213, 248, 320, 351, 354, 376, 508 Burk Ivanhoe, Colo., 309 Burke, Vt., 354 Burlington, la., 319, 320 Kan., 517 N. J.,577 Penn., 552 Vt., 443 Burns, N. Y., 169 Burt, la., 391 Burton, Wis., 277 Butte, Mont., 405 Butternuts, N. Y., 329 Byron, Mich., 297 Minn., 279, 456 California, 154. 196, 198, 203 261, 277, 317, 478, 493! 526, 585 Cambria, N. Y., 170, 312 Cambridge, Eng., 593 Mass., 56, 254, 301, 372 491, 564 N. Y., 163 Vt., 444 Cambridgeport, Mass., vi, 290, 491, 492 Vt., 306 Camden, N. J., 577, 578 Cameron, 111., 389 Camillus, N. Y., 164 Campton, 111., 353, 510, 511 562 Camptown, Penn., 361, 362 Canaan, N. H., 80 Canaan, N. Y., 142 Canada, 1, 124, 164, 268, 301, 491, 534 Canandaigua, N. Y., 328, 486 Canastota, N. Y., 512 Candor, N. Y., 310, 344, 403 Caneadea, N. Y., 524 Canistea, N. Y., 502 Canon City, Colo., 387 City. Kan., 374 Canterbui-y, Conn., 118, 199, 357, 358 Eng., 592, 593 Canton, 111., 357 Me., 521 N. Y,, 352, 509 O.. 420 Cape Breton, 598 Cod, Mass., 185 Girardeau, Mo., 557 Carlinville, 111., 286, 287 Carlton, N. Y., 170, 367, 517 Carthage, Mo., 313 Cary, O., 473 Cascade, Minn., 455 Castleton, Vt., 152, 177 Cat Head, Penn., 279 Cato, N. Y., 373 Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., 124, 172, 389, 391, 524 Caundle-Bishop, Dorsetshire, Eng., 594 Cayuga Co., N. Y., 103, 124, l72, 173, 212, 372, 373 Cazenovia, N. Y., v, 127, 145, 189, 191, 224, 340, 342, 346, 497, 503. 504, 556, 559, 567 Cedar Point, Kan., 517 Centerville, Mich., 475 Central Sq., N. Y., 529 Chadwick's, N. Y., 512, 513 Chaffcombe, Eng., vii, 585. 586, 587, 588 ChafPeombe-Chard, Somerset- shire, Eng., 586, 596 Chatfee, O., 334 Chaffee's Corners, Penn., 241 Chaffeeville, Conn.. 412 Champaign, 111,, 224 Chancellorsville, Va., 522 Champlain, N. Y.. 67 Chaplin, Conn,, 294 Chard, Somersetshire, Eng., 587, 606 Charles Co., Md., 374 Charlemont, Mass., 301 Charleston, S. C, 234, 398, 399, 400 Vt., 535 Penn., 552 LXDEX Charlestown, Mass., 275 276 461, 462, 565, 566, 600 ' N. H., 168 O., 262 Va., 512 Charlotte Co., N. Y., 65 Charlton, Mass., 203, 219, 394 Chatham, N. Y., 115 Chatteris, Isle of Ely, 593 Chatauqua Co., N. Y., 99, 131, 323 Chazy, N. Y., 315 Chelmsford, Mass., 195, 458 Essex Co., Eng., 605 Chemung, N. Y., 293 Cherokee, Kan., 392 Cherry Creek, N. Y., 102, 103 Valley, N. Y., 226, 227, 328 342, 390 Chester, Mass., 140, 202, 252, 256, 581 Conn., 549 Factories, Mass., 326 Chesterfield, N. H., 178, 321 N. J., 576, 578 N. Y., 178 Chestnut Level, Penn., 543 Chicago, 111., 251, 252, 273, 320, 335, 341, 350, 351, 420, 421, 449, 466, 493, 505, 509, 511, 512, 637, 561, 581, 603 Chickamauga Park, Ga., 429 Chicopee, Mass., 331, 368, 443, 485, 516, 551. Palls, Mass., 327, 333 Chittenango. N. Y., 559, 560 Falls, N. Y., 495 Chittenden, Vt., 85, 150, 151, 271, 272, 273, 274, 451 Churchville, N. Y., 123, 124, 212, 374, 521 Cincinnati, O., 262, 372, 450, 517, 519, 568 Claremont, N. H., 277 Clarence, la., 389 N. Y., 351, 508 Clarendon, Vt., 96, 148, 149, 158, 266, 267, 268, 281, 282 Clay, N. Y,, 411, 529 Clazby, Lincolnshire, Eng., 572 Cleveland, O., 334, 423, 427, 450, 525, 541, 553 Clinton, Conn., 368 la., 306, 353 Mich., 453 N. Y., 431 Co., N. Y., 172 Clockville, N. Y., 330 Cloverdale, Cal., 453 Clyde, X. Y., 561 Cochituate, Mass., 464 Cohasset, Mass., 395 E. Coker, Somersetshire, Eng., 592 Colba, Wis., 328 Colchester, Conn., 568 R. I., 232 Golden, N. Y., 213 Colesville, N. Y., 211 373, 374, 520, 521, 554 Coleta, 111., 513 Colon, Mich., 474 Colorado, vi., 312, 313, 468, 556, 585 Springs, Colo., 316, 472, 473 Colrain, Mass., 327, 486 Columbiana, Co., O., 326 Columbus, Miss., 566 O., 144, 421, 523 Wis., 426 Colville, Wash., 393 Commerce, Mich., 582 655 Compton, Somersetshire, Eng. 592, 593 Comstock, N. Y., 319 Concord, N. Y., 252 O., 580 Penn., 315 Concordia, Kan., 263, 389 Conevirango, N. Y., 355, 512 Penn., 580 Valley, N. H., 356 Connecticut, 48, 98, 125, 129, 130, 131, 154, 159, 171, 180, 200, 212, 215, 216, 244, 257, 317, 329, 452, 453 Conquest, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 211, 373 Conway, Mass., 336, 337 Cooperstown, N. Y., 203, 204, 342, 364, 390 Copake, N. Y., 414 Corbyn, Staffordshire, Eng., 593 Cordele, Ga., 512 Cork, Ire., 593, 605 Corning, la., 536 N. Y., 501, 502, 559 Cornish, N. H., 300 Cornwall, Conn., 193, 302, 347, 348 348 Eng., 589, 592 Bridge, Conn., 347 Corry, Penn., 507, 508 Corunna, Ind,, 415 Cortland, N. Y., 380, 527, 528 O., 427 County, N. Y., 143, 335, 341, 345 Cortlandville, N. Y., 582 Coshocton, O., 427 Costa Rica, 277 Council, la., 363 Bluffs, la., 172 Grove, Kan., 524 Courtland, III., 240, 404 jrich,, 248, 414, 530 Coventry, Conn., 162, 382 R. I., 244, 288 Covert, Mich., 471 Covington, Penn., 254 Craftsburv, Vt., 395, 440 Cranston, R. I., 160, 244, 402 Crawfordsville, Ind,, 427 Crosswicks. N. J., 576, 577, 578, 579 Crown Point. N. Y., 165 Croydon, N. H„ 300 Crvstal, Mich., 317 Cuba, 262, 429, 436 Cumberland, R. I., 6, 7, 93, 138, 156 Cummington, Mass., 317 Custer, S. I),. 184 Cuyhoga Falls, O., 427 Cuvler, N. Y., 527 Cypress Hills, L. I,, 499, 503, 504 D Dakota, 349, 519 Dale, N. Y., 128,225, 388 390, 524 Dalton, Mass., 174, 175, 256 Dana, Mass., 516 Danbv, Vt.. 65 Danbiiry, Conn.. 310 Danielsonville. Conn., 215, 219 357, 377, 378, 393 Danube, N. Y., 226, 390 Danville, N. Y., 473 Vt., 451 Dartmouth, Mass., 90, 91 Davenport. la., 311, 562 Dayton.Mich., 282, 457, 458 656 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Dayton, 0., 473 Decatur, 111., 451 Deer Island, N. B., Can., 598, 599 DeKalb, 111., 240,404 Co., Ind., 531, 532 Delavan, Wis., 310 Delaware, 275 Co., N. Y., 103 Delhi, Mich, 314 Denver, Colo., 157, 253, 293, 297, 309, 312, 387, 427, 429, 498, 533 Deposit, N. Y., 217, 364, 374 Penn., 364 Derby, Conn., 247, 412 413 414, 530 Vt.. 443 De Ruyter, N. Y., 498, 503 Des Moines, la., 313, 524 Detroit, Mich., 272, 273, 274, 370, 450, 491, 517, 537, 553, 554, 582 Devenport, Devonshire, Eng. 602 Devonshire, Eng., 587, 588, 594, 603. 605 De Witt, la., 388 Dighton, Mass., 94, 567 District of Columbia, 584 Dixfield, Me., 186 Doddington, Eng., 603 Doddescot, Eng., 589, 503 Dora, Minn., 314 Dorchester, Mass., 83, 148, 461, 539, 564, 565, 574 N. B., Can., 599 Dorset, N. Y., 65 Vt., 65, 153, 308 Dorsetshire, Eng., 593, 594, 603 Douglass, Mass., 227, 229 Duanesburgh, N. Y., 192 Dubuque, la., 277 Dudley,Mass., 126, 130, 203, 219, 263, 377, 379 Dundee, 111., 495 Dunkirk, N. Y., 498 Dunsford, Devonshire, Eng., 603 Durham, Conn.. 266, 413 Dutchess Co., N. Y., 570 E Eagle, N. Y., 390 Earlville, N. Y., 229, 497, 556 E. Braintree, Mass., 462 E. Brookfield, Vt., 131 E. Cambridge, Mass., 142 E. Charlemont, Mass., 164, 470 E. Charleston, Vt., 444 Eastford, Conn., 263, 437, 438 E. Haddam, Conn. ,115, 368. 550 Easthampton, Mass., 337, 547 E. Hartford, Conn., 155, 396 E. Killingly, Conn., 378 E. Lee, Mass., 253 E. Longmeadow, Mass., 323, 478, 581 E. Lyndon, Vt., 464 E. Machias, Me., 539 E. Montpelier, Vt., 310 E. New York, N. Y., 500, 501 E. Providence, R. I., v, 7, 20 134, 135, 136, 152, 158 159, 160, 241, 275, 287 290, 452, 463, 464, 540 541 Eastport, Me., v, 599 E. Rome, Mich., 101 E. Somerville, Mass., 378, 521 E. Stoke, Somersetshire, Eng., 595 E. Stoke under Hunsdon, Hert- fordshire, Eng., 594 E. Union, O., 494 E. Warren, Vt., 285 E. Waterloo, la., 363 Westmoreland, N. H., 100, 101, 168, 309, 310 E. Windsor, Conn., 179, 247, 412. N. Y., 212 E. Woodstock, Conn., iv, vii, 124, 125, 129, 218, 228, 232, 233, 379, 397, 583 Easton, Penn., 360 Eaton, N. Y., 342, 343, 346, 497, 502, 503, 504, 556, 559, 570 Eden, N. Y., 351 Vt., 300 Edgefield Co., S. C, 398 Edgerton, Mich., 414, 415, 563 Egerton, Kent Co., Eng., 603 Egypt, N. J., 577, 578 Eldorado, Kan., 316 Elgin, 111., 353, 510, 511 Elizabeth, S. D., 381 Elk Falls, Kan., 257 Grove, Wis., 453 Elkhorn Grove, 111., 219, 382 Ellington, Conn., 127, 145, 185, 298, 323, 337, 338, 425, 477, 478, 480, 493, 517 Ellisburg, N. Y., 534 Ellsworth, Conn., 115, 116, 191, 192, 193, 194, 346, 347, 348, 349, 504, 505, 506, 561 Kan., 262 Co., Kan., 172 Elmira, N. Y., 249, 311, 335 Elwood, la., 224 Elyria, Lorain Co., O., 333, 507 Embro, Can., 563 Empire Citv, Colo., 467, 490 Enfield, Conn., 146, 177, 180, 186, 188. 189, 336, 337, 338, 340. 342, 477, 491, 493, 494, 548, 549, 551, 566 England, 6, 558. 567, 568, 569, 572, 575, 586 Enosburgh, Vt., 267, 268, 269, 445 Falls, Vt., 267, 268, 269, 441,443 .. Enterprise, O., 568, 569 Erby, Lincolnshire, 572 Erie Co., N. Y., 103, 174, 252, Erieville, N. Y., 189, 191, 340, 341 342, 343. 344, 345, 346, 495, 496, 497, 50rf, 554 Essex, Vt., 138, 244 Ettington, Warwickshire, Eng., 593 Eunice, Minn. ,279 Eureka, Cal., 222 Evans, N. Y., 127, 319 Evanston, 111., 357, 358 Everett, Mass., 540 Exeter, Eng., 586, 587, 594, 604 Eyota, Minn., 504 Fabius, N. Y., 409, 527, 528 Fairbudry, 111., 307 Fairfax, Vt., vi. 267, 441, 445 Fairfield, Conn., 204, Vt., 445 Ind., 531 Fair Haven, Conn., 486 Fairmount, N. Y., 467 Fall River, R. I., 7 Mass., 277, 333, 463, 540 Falmouth, Mass., 45 Fargo, N. D., 282, 349 Faribault, Minn., 420, 494 Farmersville, N. Y., 227, 391, 392 Farmington, Conn., 199 Mich., 273 O., 260 Faversham, Eng., 593 Fayette, O., 232, 396 Fayston, Vt., 155, 281, 282, 457, 458, 539 Fenton, Mich, 281 Fergus Falls, Minn., 459 Ferrisburgh, Vt., 451 Fillmore, U., 411 Finsbury Park, London, Eng., 604 Fishkill, 85 Fitzwilliam, N. H., 137 Flatbush, N. Y., 421 Flat Rock, Ky., 459 Fletcher, Vt., 444, 446, 507 Flint, Mich., 281, 282, 457, 458, 505 Florence, Kan., 517 Florida, 556 Folke, Eng., 592 Forksville, Penn., 380 Ft. Ann, N. Y., 177, 319, 475 Collins, Colo., 309, 422 Colville, Wash., 285 Crawford, Colo., 473 Ethan Allen, Vt., 436 Griffin. Tex., 427 Hill, N. Y., 128 Leavenworth, Kan., 429 Meigs, Ind., 248 Ridgelv, Minn., 279, 455 Robinson, Neb., 429, 533 Riley, Kan., 429 Fortress Munroe, Va., 281 Fowler, O., 427 Fox Lake, Wis., 301 Fountain, Colo., 213 Framingham, Mass., 376 France, 433, 435, 571, 572, 586 Frankfort, N. Y., 167 Franklin, Conn., 324 Ind., 481, 548 Mass., 291 Tenn., 262 Vt., 440, 443, 533 Co., Kan., 517 Co., N. Y., 283 Franklinville, N. Y., 524, 525 Fredericksburg, Va., 413 Fredonia, N. Y., 392, 513 Freedom, 0., 262 Freehold, N. Y., 426, 577 Fremont, O.. 471 Freeport. HI.. 219 Friendship, N. Y., 524 Frome, Somersetshire, Eng., 607 Frosh Village, Can., 442 Fulton. N. Y., 245, 297, 412, 529 G Gaines, Penn., 455, 520, 562 Gainesville, N. Y., 226, 390 Galesburg, 111., 357, 389, 518 Gallatia, la., 447 Ganges, Mich., 308 Garden Grove, Cal., 353, 510, 511 Gardmer, Mass., 353, 354, 512 Garretsville, O., vi Gates, Monroe Co., N. Y., 336 Genesee Co.. N. Y., 367, 382 Genesee Falls, N. Y., 129 INDEX 657 Geneseo, N. Y., 487 Geneva, N. Y., 249, 417 Genoa, N. Y., 257 Georgetown, Colo., 498 Georgetown, N. Y., 341, 344, 345 Girard, O., 523 Germany, 572 Germantown, Penn., 357 Gettysburg, Penn., 296 Ghent, Penn., 137, 381 Gilberts Mills, N. Y., 139, 244, 245, 246, 408, 409, 410, 527, 528, 529 Gilbertsville, N. Y., 139, 364, 529 Gilsum, N. H., 168, 309, 310, 472 Glasgow, Scotland, 452 Glastonbury, Conn., 248 Glendale, Mass., 422 Glens Falls, N. Y.. 109 Gloucester, Eng., 586 R. I., 247 Gloversville, N. Y., 559 Golden, Colo., 498 Goldfield, la., 283 Gorham, Mass., 222 N. Y.. 314 O., 231 Goshen, Mass., 385 Gouldsboro (Mass., now Me.), 597 Gowanda, N. Y.. 224, 386, 387. 388, 523, 524 Granby, Conn., 484 Mass., 223 N. Y., 98, 161, 163 Grand Forks, N. D., 563 Haven, Mich., 332, 488 Rapids, Mich.. 159, 274. 310, 315, 318, 530, 563, 564 Grafton, Mass.. 148. 186. 231 Vt., 168, 195, 198, 305, 350, 353, 510 Graniteville, S. C, 398 Grant, Mich., 457, 539 Granville, Mass., 145, 258 Grass Lake, Mich., 101, 193, 347 Great Bend, Kas., 367, 516 Penn., 364 Green, Kan., 415, 416 Bay, Wis., 292 Greensboro, "Vt., 459 Greensburg. Ind., 519, 520 Greensbnrgh. O., 427 Greenfield. Conn., 204, 205 Ind., 519 Mich., 272 Greenville, 111., 437, 533 Mich., 417, 418 Penn., 454 S. C, 399 Greenwich, Conn., 366 R. I., 394 Griffins Corner. N. Y., 218 Grinnell, la.. 138 Grosvenordale, Cnnn., 214 Groton, Conn., 146, 263 Grundv Center, la., 507, 508, 548 Guilford, Conn.. 347 N. Y., 131, 229 Vt., 100, 101 Guy's Mills, Penn., 373 H Hackensack, N. J., 550, 551 Haddam, Conn., 412 Hadley, Mass., 204 Hainesport, N. J., 577 Halifax, Yorkshire, 572 Hallowell, Mass., 461 Hamburgh, N. Y., 138, 351, 508 Hamilton, N. Y., 497, 556 Hamlin, Kan., 314 Hampden, Mass.. iii, iv, v, 70, 72, 73, 75, 108, 111, 113, 178, 185, 320. 333, 366, 477, 489, 514, 515 Hampshire, Eng., 604 Co., 104- Hampton. Conn., 140, 281 Harbor Springs, Mich., 391 Harbourton, N. J., 571 Harden, Wash., 526 Hardwick, Mass., 331, 366, 455, 515 Hareford, N. Y., 303 Harford, N. Y., 502 Harlansburgh, Penn., 454 Harpersville, N. Y., 211, 212, 373, 374. 520 Harrison, N. Y., 555 Landing, Va., 418 Hartford, Conn., iv, vii, vii, 119, 155, 188, 205, 206, 219, 280, 323, 325, 337, 338, 365, 383. 397, 412, 456, 457, 468, 480, 483, 484, 493, 499, 500, 539, 550, 551, 557, 558, 569, 571. 581 Citv, Ind., 295, 467 Co., Conn., 246 Hartwick, N. Y., 202, 358, 364 Haskney, London, Eng., 604 Hasleburv Brian, Dorsetshire, Eng.", 593 Hastings. Mich., 168, 310 N. Y.. 410, 529 Hatch Hollow, Penn., 103 173, 174, 315 Hatfield, N. Y., 300 Havana. Cuba. 431 Havre, France, 240 Hawley. Penn., 569 Hazardville, Conn., 3'"'3 Hazlebnry Brean. Dorset- shire. Ens:.. 593 Hebron, 111.. 388 Vt.. 123, 211 Hector, N. Y., 416 Penn., 455 Heidelberg. Ger.. 514 Helmville. Mont., 226 Herefordshire. Ene., 375 Herkimer, N. Y., 172, 295, 309 Co., N. Y., 100. 102, 172 Herrick, Penn., 361 Herrickville. Penn.. 362 Hesperia, Mich.. 257 Heuvelton, N. Y.. 352. 509 Hiko, Nev., 251 Hilo, Hawaii, 476 Hinckley, O., 144. 257, 423, 424. 426. 471 Hinesburgh, Vt., 138, 269, 370 447 Hingham, England. 1 Mass., vii, 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 7, 575, 586 Hinsdale, Mass., 260 Wvo., 2 52 Hitt, 111., 382 Holbrook, Ariz., 260 Hole, Eng., 604 Hollv Springs. Miss., 152 Holt'. Mich., 314 Holwell. Sherborne, Dorset- shire. Eng., 588, 595 Somersetshire, Eng., 588, 594 Holvoke, Mass., 256. 607 Holivwood. Cal.. 388 Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y., 143, 422, 527 Hoosick, N. Y., 256 Hoosic Falls, N. Y., Ill, 154 Hopewell. Penn., 543 Township, N. J., 571 Hopkinton. la.. 562 N. Y., 284, 459 Hornbrook, Penn., 379, 381 Hornerstown, N. J., 575, 576. 577, 578 Horsehe.Tds X. Y...249 Howell. Mich.. 39^ ' Houtzdale, Penn., 202 Hubbardstown, Mass., 286 Mich., 169, 212 Hudson, Mich., 475 Wis., 340 Hull, Mass., vii, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13 Hunter's Land, N. Y., 352 Huntington, Ind., 295 Huntsberg, Vt., 148 Huntsville. Ala., 431 Huron, S. D., 497 Co., O., 480 Hvannis, Mass., 472 Hyde Park, Vt., 470 Illinois, 102, 197. 220, 258, 264, 346, 352, 363, 498, 582 Ilminster. Eng.. 588 Independence, la.. 316 Indian Island, ^f. B., Can., 597, 598, 599 Orchard, Mass., 207 Territorv. 428 Indiana, 99, 249, 262. 314 Indianaiiolis, Ind., 295, 519, 520, 533, 536, 562, 584 Tiidinnnln. Ind.. 388 Iowa, 127, 296, 373 Ipava, 111., 524 Trasburgh. Vt., 289 Ireland, 330. 586 Island of Guernsey, Eng., 57 Italv, N. Y.. 328, 329, 486 Ithaca, Mich., 395 N. Y.. 249 Ivey Bridge, Eng., 607 Jackson, Mich., 169, 337 Jacksonville, Fla., 207, 231, 296 111.. 448 N. J., 576 Jamaica Plains. Mass., 243, 407, 449 Jamestown, N. Y.. 354, 387 .Tanesville, Wis., 344 Java, N. Y.. 375 ,Tav, Vt.,269, 443 Jefferson Citv, Mo., 557 ■ O., 318, 319, 475 .Tersev City. N. J., 235 John's Island, S. C, 398 Johnson, Vt., 444 Johnston, R. I., 59, 83 Johnstown, Penn., 143 Junction City, Kan., 428, 436 K Kalmar, Minn., 456 Kalamazoo, Mich., 220, 382, 471. 548 Kanosh, O., 410 Kansas. 174, 263, 367, 428, 58.5 Kansas Citv, Mo., 262, 265, 536, 537 Keesville, N. Y., 320 Kendallville, Ind., 249 658 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Kensington, Eng., 605 Kent, Conn., 16, 192, 348, 505 Co., Mich., 248, 331, 530 Kilbourn City, Wis., 329 Killingly, Conn., 77, 79, 80, 129, 130, 147, 226, 227, 228, 278, 288, 526 Kingsbury, N. Y., 177, 319 Kingston Mandevill, Somerset- shire, Eng., 588 Kirby, Vt., 99, 164, 300, 302 Kirkland, N. Y., 347 Kittery, Me., 499 Knolle, Somersetshire, Eng., 588 Knowlesville, N. J., 570, 571 Knowlton, P. Q., Can., 442 Knoxville, III., 388 N. Y., 330 Tenn., 262 Kossuth Co., la., 163 LaCrosse, Wis., 494 La Fayette, Mich., 396 La Grange, Ind., 418 Lagrange Co., Ind., 531 Laingsburgh, Mich., 449 Lake Linden, Mich., 350 Lanark, 111., 360, 362 Lancaster, Mass., 584 Lancaster, S. C, 398 Wis., 453 Land Lake, Mich., 563 Lansing, Mich., 172 Lapeer, Mich., 272 La Porte, Ind., 475 Lawrence, N. Y., 283, 284, 458, 460 Co., Penn., 278, 455 Lawrenceville, N. J., 571 Leadville, Colo., 172, 309 Leavenworth, Kan., 312 Lebanon, Conn., 323 N. Y., 345, 488, 570 Ledyard, N. Y., 143, 254 Lee, Mass., v, 142, 143, 144, 253, 255, 258, 259, 347, 420, 422 Me., 600 Leedsville, N. Y., 348 Leicester, Conn., 376 Mass., 277, 453 Leipsic, Ger., 471 Lek, Staffordshire, 593 Lenham, Kent Co., Eng., 603 Lenox, Mass., 258 N. Y., 330, 355, 512, 513 Leonardsville, Kan., 416 Leoni, Mich., 101, 169 Le Raysville, Penn., 202, 240, 242, 271, 360. 362, 363, 364, 489, 553 Leroy, N. Y., 128, 225 Lexington, 111., 388 Mass., 395 Mo., 258 N. Y., 125, 216, 380 Liberty, Mich., 479 N. Y., 147, 265, 439, 544, 545 Libertyville, 111., 341 Ligonia, Noble Co., Ind., 312 Lillingham, Dorsetshire, Eng., 593 Lime Island, N. B., Can., 600 Limerick, Ire., 284 Lincoln, Neb., 260, 474, 475 N. Y., 355, 501 O., 260 Wis., 259 Linden, Mich., 281 Lindley, N. Y., 254 Lisbon, Conn. ,91 Liscombe, Buckinghamshire, Eng., 592, Litchfield, Conn., 147 Little Palls, N. Y., 110, 226 March, Penn., vi Meadows, Penn., 241 Littleton, Mass., 69, 525 Livermore, Colo., 422 Liverpool, N. Y., 296 Livingston, Mont., 171, 507 Manor, N. Y., 147 Locke, N. Y., 144, 251 Lockland, O., 513 Lockport, N. Y., 102, 170 297 311, 312, 313 Locust Valley, N. Y., 404 Lodi, N. Y., 224 London, Eng., 123, 359, 370, 586, 594, 597, 601, 603, 605, 606 Londonderry, Conn., 92 Ire., 284 Vt., 153, 154, 276, 299 Long Beach, Cal., 353 Longfleet, Poole, Dorsetshire, Eng., 607 Long Island, N. Y., 175 Longmeadow, Mass., 177, 324, 482 Long Valley, Penn., 293 Lonsdale, R. I., 278 Loraine, N. Y., 534 Lorraine, 572 Los Angeles, Cal., 397, 429, 435, 494, 497, 510, 526, 533, 541 Lough Trea, County Mona- ghan, Ire., 593 Louisville, Ga., 399 Lowell, Ind., 424 Mass., vi, 156, 164, 195, 243, 300, 301, 302, 376, 459 Vt., 300, 301 Lowville, Penn,, 316, 508 Lubeck, Me., 426 Ludlow, Mass., 223, 326, 336, 385, 386 Lumberton, N. ,T., 577 Lunenburg, N. Y., 169 Lura, Faribault Co., Minn., 220, 382 Luther's Corners, Seekonk, ■Mass., 290, 291 Luzerne Co., Penn., 88, 154, 278. 279, 410 Lydford, Devonshire, Eng., 593 Lyndon, Vt., 102, 157, 158, 164, 165, 196, 289, 299, 354. 464, 512 Lyndonville, Vt., 289 Lynn, Mass., 165, 301, 584 Lyons. N. Y., 226, 227, 392 Lysander, N. Y.,163, 298 Lytchett Maltravers, Dorset- shire, Eng., 607 M Macomb, 111., 388 Macon, Ga., 602 McGrawville, N. Y., 254, 422 Madison, O., 360, 362 S. D., 556 Madison Co.. N. Y., 487 Madrid, N. Y., 315, 449 Maine. 131- N. Y., 250, 418, 419 Malay Peninsula, Asia, 275 Maiden, Mass., 40, 45, 69, 108. 565 Malone, N. Y., 270, 534 Malpeck, P. E., Can., 491 Manchester, Conn., 140, 247, 248, 382, 548 N. H., 65, 189 Vt., 65, 281 Manhattan, Kan., 475, 517 Manheim, Ger., 554 Manilla, P. I., 431, 433, 436 Manistee, Mich., 539 Mankato, Minn., 494 Manlius, N. Y., 296 Mansfield, Conn., 76, 115, 139, 246, 298, 412, 466, 486, 529 530 O., 42i, 445, 446, 494, 536 Mansfield, Penn., 486, 552 Centre, Conn., 530 Center, Chaffeeville, Conn., 412 Manton, Mich., 554, 555 Mantorville, Minn., 339 Maple Grove, Mich., 281, 282 Marblehead, Mass., 65 Marcellus, N. Y., 108, 162, 176, 177, 210, 296, 318, 372, 474, 475 Mariette, Penn., 201 Marinette, Wis., 563 Marldon, Devonshire, Eng., 592 Marshall, Mich., 212 Tex., 548 Martinsburg, N. Y., 207 Mary-Church, Devonshire. Eng., 604 Maryland, 260 Marysville, Tenn., 467 Mason City, la., 350 Massachusetts, 2, 6, 114 128, 184, 212, 274, 304, 409, 569 Bay Colony, 1, 2, 3, 6, 48, 71 Mattapan, Mass., 230 Maysville, Mich., 458 Meadville, Penn., 200, 360 Mecca, O., 259, 426, 532 Mechanicsville, N. Y., 138 Medford, Mass., 395, 526, 566 Medina, Mich, 562 Medina, O., 307, 308, 424 Memphis, Tenn., 152, 449, 558 Mendon, Mass., 91 Meriden, Conn. ,280, 456, 486 Merrilsville, N. Y., 354 Meshappen, Penn., 490 Mexico, N. Y., 245, 409, 529 Miami, Fla., 421 Michigan, 100, 163, 203, 226, 277, 299, 300, 309, 314, 318, 330, 341. 485, 585 Middleboro, Mass., 70 Middleburgh, N. Y., 352 Middlebury, N. Y., 224, 225, 390 Vt., 385, 447 Middlefield, Mass., 252, 581 N. Y., 203 O., 302 Middleport, N. Y., 299 Middlesex, Mass., 302, 328, 329, 486, Vt., 102-168, 172, 310, 582 Co., Eng., 594 Middletown, Conn., vi, 138, 147, 148, 266, 413, 439, 452, 476, 538, 566 Milan, Mich., 449 O. 252, 569 Milhurn, N. J., 387 Mildred, Kan., 524 Milford, Ind., 418 N, Y., 203, 364 Millbury, Mass., 332, 333, 444 Mill River, Mass., 333 Milledgville, 111., 201, 360, 513 Milo, N. Y., 282 Milton, N. Y., 144 Penn., 543 Millville, la., 537 Milwaukee, Wis., 307, 365. 537 Minda, N. Y., 303 Minden, La., 602, 603 Minneapolis, Minn., iv, 171 255, 309, 388, 389, 493, 494, 540 Minnesota, 171, 270, 600 Minonlf, 111. ,252, 421 Mississippi, 428 Missouri, 258, 264. 498, 585 Mogadore, O., 427 Moira, N. Y., 283. 284, 460 Mondovi, Wis., 302 Monkton, Vt., 149, 269, 270, 447 Monmouth, 111., 197, 350 Monmouth Co., N. J., 575, 577 Monroe, Conn., 412, 476 Co., Mich., 271 Monroe Co., N. Y., 124, 382 Monson, Mass., 69, 77, 104, 109, 111, 126, 127, 181, 183, 185, 207, 220, 221, 223, 320, 324, 325, 326, 332, 333, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 477, 483, 485, 486, 548, 549, 550, 551 Montague, Mass., 549 Montana, 408 Montauk Point, L. I., 431 Monterey, N. Y., 461 Montgomery, Ala., 566 Montpelier,'Vt., vii, 459, 518, 519 Montreal, Can., 177, 442, 606 Montrose, Mich., 457 Moodus, Conn., vi, 368. 516 Moosup, Conn., 410 Morgan, O., 319 Morrison, 111., 513 Morristown, Minn., 252 N. J., 602 N. Y., 299, 352, 468, 469, 470 Vt., 164, 300, 541 Morrisville, Madison Co., N. Y., 343, 344, 345, 495, 496, 497. 498, 502. 554, 555, 556 Mound Citv, 111., 326 Mt. Carmei, Ind., 451 Mt. Carrol, 111., 512 Monntain Cove, Va., 492 Mt. Holly, Vt., 138, 243. 274. 408 N. J., 577 Mount Hope, Mass., 15 Neck, Mass., 11, Mt. Pleasant, N. J., 472 Mukwanago, Wis., 583 Mumfordsville, Ky., 488 Munnsville, N. Y., 347. 496. 554, 555, 556 Mystic, Conn., 280 Myersburg, Penn., 202 N Nagaski, Japan, 431 Nantasket, Mass., 2. 7. 13, 20 Naugatuck. Conn., 476 Napoli, N. Y., 424 Naples. Ontario Co., N. Y., 183, 328, 329 Napoleon, Mich, 210 Natick, Conn., 320 Mass., 186 R. I., 244 Navarino, N. Y., 98. 162, 295, 296, 298, 467, 528 Neapolis, O., 473 Nebraska. 302, 528 Nelson. Madison Co., N. Y.. 191. 340, 341, 342, 344, 345. 346. O., 165. 302 Flats. N. Y., 495 Neoslio Falls, Kan., 517 INDEX Nevada, Mo., 425 Newark, N. J., 155, 197 N. Y., 330 Vt., 301 Valley, N. Y., 226, 390 New Baltimore, Mich., 427 Bedford, Mass., 90, 97, 136 152, 198, 235, 275, 356 Berne, N. C, 222 Newberne, N. C., 247 Newboro, Ontario, Can., 606 New Boston, Conn., 214, 228, 377, 378, 379 Brighton, Penn., 279 Britain, Conn., 218, 219, 295, 382, 466 Newbury, Mass., 40, 574 575 Vt., 64, 100 Newburyport, Mass., 221, 393 Newcastle, Penn, 278 New Concord, N. Y., 115 Egypt, N. J., 576, 577, 578 Newfane, Vt., 165 Newfield, N. B., Can., 597 N. Y., 141, 248, 249, 250 415, 416, 417 New Hampshire, 63, 85, 160. 229, 285, 582 Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., 342, 343 Hartford, Penn., 201 Haven, Conn., 214, 247, 348 413, 439, 456, 505, 514 Haven, Vt., 447 Newington, Conn., 259 New Jersey, 299, 567, 570, 576 Lebanon, Conn., 258 Lebanon, N. Y., 338 London, Conn., 146, 154, 189, 202, 215, 246, 266, 345, 385, 584 Lots, L. I., 484 Marlborough, Mass., 65 Meadow Neck, Mass., 9, 39, 40, 45 Mexico, 428 Milford, Conn., 59 Orleans, La., 236, 260, 261, 262, 284, 396, 602, 607 Plymouth, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 Newport, Penn., 146 R. I., 90, 134, 152, 153, 234, 289, 356, 402, 520 Vt., 443, 518, 519 News, Va., 559 New Roxburv (Woodstock), 48, 68, 69, 104 Salem, Mass., 248 Stanford, N. Y., 65 Newton, Mass., 214 Newtown, L. I., 484 New York, N. Y., iv, v, vii,, viii, 100, 135, 159, 172, 201, 205, 207, 261, 263, 264. 295, 313, 337, 343, 359, 393, 399, 404, 406, 409, 421, 436, 438, 467, 472, 478, 479, 485, 492, 498, 541, 543, 544, 545, 546, 550, 556, 558, 565, 570, 585, 602, State, 7, 63. 80, 85, 121, 124, 125, 215, 266, 270, 271, 276, 279, 282, 315, 316, 581 Niagara Co., N. Y., 170 Nichols. N. Y., 553 Nora, 111., 311 Norfolk, Eng., 572 Mass., 462 Va., 542 Normal, 111., 388 Normandy, 588 Normanton, Eng., 572 No. America, 122 659 Northampton, Mass., Ill, 114, 166, 204, 255, 303, 304, 412 No. Ashford, Conn., 438 Attleboro, Mass., 239 Auburn, Me., 186 Bloomington, 0., 363 Cambridge, Vt., 507 Chatham, N. Y., 33 6 Coventry, Conn., 582 Denver, Colo., 467 East Penn., 173 Payston, Vt., 155, 281 Northtield, O., 333, 334 Vt., 94, 155, 281, 282, 305 Grosvenordale, Conn., 215, 378, 379 Haven, Conn., 200 Hector, N. Y., 248, 416 Hero, Vt., 172 Hudson, Vt., 270 Kingston. R. I., 156, 452 Lawrence, N. Y., 156, 283, 284, 459, 460, 461 Norwich, N. Y., 229 Orwell, Penn., 404 Plains, Mich., 221 Providence, R. I., 90, 244, 286 Somers, Conn., 332 Stamford, Conn., 175 Troy, Vt., 443, 535 Wilbraham, Mass., vii Woodstock, Conn., 81, 214, 219, 377, 521 Norwalk, O., 327 Norwich,, Conn., 180, 199, 206, 309, 357, 437, 438, 533, 566 N. Y., 229, 524 Nutley, N. J., 547, 564 O Oakland, Cal., 317, 354, 431 Me., 462 Co., Mich., 167 Oak Lawn, Ga,, 511, 512 Openings, Mich., 569 Oberton, Eng., 607 Oconomowoc, Wis., 213, 344 Ogden, N. Y., 367 Ogdensburg. N. Y., 282, 308, 352, 457, 459 Ohio, 100, 308, 321, 585, 606 Oklahoma Citv, Okla., 167, 447 Clean, N. Y., 553 Olneyville, R. I., 135, 136, 239, 240, 241 Omaha, Neb., 405, 513 Onaquaga, N. Y.. 373 Oneida, N. Y., 330, 331, 354, 355, 507, 554, 555 Co., N. Y., 513 Oneonta, N. Y., 292, 554, 555 Onondaga, N. Y., 161, 162, 163, 296 297, 298, 299 Co., N. Y., 210, 372 Vallev, N. Y., 296 Onoquago, N. Y., 123, 211, 520 Ontario, Cal., 607 Oramel, N. Y., 227, 390, 391, 392, 525 Orangeville, N. Y., 124 Oregon, 569 111., 278, 454 Oriskanv, N. Y., 342, 343 Falls." N. Y., 487 Orland, Ind., 260 Orwell, Conn., 118 O., 260, 428 Penn., 160, 161, 200, 201, 202 291, 292, 293. 334, 361, 362, 363, 364. 448, 466, 489, 490, 553 660 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Oswegatchie, N. Y., 166, 307, 308, 352, 509 Oswego, N.Y., 177,205, 239, 240, 297, 387, 527 Co., N. Y., 246, 298, 347, 467 Palls, N. Y., 161, 467 Otis, Mass., 253, 255, 258 Otisco, N. Y., 296,297, 468, 474 Otsego, N. Y., 203 Co.. N. Y.. 262, 329 Otto, N. Y., 386 Ovid, N. Y., 125 Owego, N. Y., 239, 240, 422 Oxford, Eng., 590, 593 Mass., 69.98,215,229,232, 378, 379, 394, 522, 52o, 526 Paddington, London, Eng., 605 Paddock's Island, 24 Painesville, O., 250, 260, 418 Paint Creek, Tex., 428 Palmer, Mass., 'iO*, 333, 6bb, 367, 377, 385, 386,51b Palermo, Kas., 141 N Y. 139, 210, 244, 245, 296, 297, 408, 467 Palmyra, N. Y., 468 O., 414 Wis., 541 Para, S. A., 476 Paris, France, 152, i74, doa, 607 (Windham), O., 414 Parishville, N. Y., 315 Parsons, Kan., 250, 517 Parksville, N. Y., 147, 265 Partridgefleld, Mass., 105 Pasadena, Cal., 306, 388 Passaic, N. J., 502 Passumpsic, Vt., 158 Paw Paw, 111., 510 Mich., 169, 585 „ „^ ,„„ Pawtucket, R. L, 6, 7, 9/ , 138, 156, 158, 159. 231, 286, 287, 291, 336, 461 Peacham, Vt., 281 Peking, China, 431, 432, 433, Pelham Manor, N. Y., 436 Mass., 551 Pella, la., 548 Pembroke, Mass., 54d Penfield, N. Y., 458 Penn., 361 Peninsula, O., 260, 426 Pennellville, N. Y.,246 Pennfield, N. B., Can., 597, 599, 600 Pennington, N. J., 570, 571^^ Pennsylvania, 146, 201, ^os, 279, 316, 328, 473, 430 Penn Yan, N. Y., 103 Pent Water, Mich., 531 Peoria, 111., 102 Perinton, N. Y., 192, 193 Perry Co., Penn., 263 PerrVville, N. Y., 559 Perth, Ontario, Can., 60b Peterboro,N.Y 183,184,197 329, 330, 331, 354, 487, 512 Petersburgh, Va., 258, 315, 489, 522 Petersham, Mass., 485, 511 Peru, Mass., 105 . Philadelphia, Penn., ix. 201, 275, 402, 417, 453, 466, 480 481, 492, 509, 543, ils, 546, 547, 558, 570, 571, 597 Philip's Creek, N. Y., 373 Philippine Islands, 433 Phillipston, Mass., 566 Phoebe's Neck, Mass., 11, 12, 21, 39, 40, 45 Phoenix, N. Y., 246, 411, 528 Pickle Hill, Richmond Town- ship, Penn., 552 Pierpont, O., 350 Pigeon Hill, P. Q., Can., 534 Pike, N. Y., 303, 506 Penn., 363, 489 River Palls, W. Berkshire, Vt., 268 Pine City, Cal., 458 Minn, 279 Creek, Penn., 455 Pittsburgh, Kan., 439 Penn., 236, 500, 542 Pittsburgh Landing, 296 Pittsfield, Mass., 256, 321, 334, 382 Pike, Co., 111., 371 Penn., 362, 513 Vt 274 Pittsford, Vt., 85, 127, 150, 151, 152, 271, 272, 273, 274, 448, 449, 450, 451 Pitty Harbor, Can., 601 Plainfield, Conn., 393 N. Y., 183, 184, 545, 546 Plainwell, Mich., 471 Plankinton, Dak., 520, 562 Pleasant Grove, Penn., o4cJ Valley, N.Y., 570 Pleasantville, Penn., 513 Plymouth, Eng., 607 Mass., vii, 2, 6, 7, 23, 12o 565 Mich., 322, 479 N. Y., 229 Vt., 274 Colony, 4, 6 Hollow, Conn., 393 Pomfret, Conn., 61, 92 93, 109, 154, 155, 216, 358, 397, 526 Factory Village, Conn., 132 Pompey N. Y., 296, 580 Ponders End, Middlesex, Eng., Poney Hollow, N. Y., 416 Pontiac, Mich 272. 375, 582 Poole, Dorsetshire, Eng., 607 PoDPanomscut, 11 Postage Co., O., 414, 530 Wis., 320 Portageville, N Y., 213 Port Chester, N. Y., 357, 555 Portland, Conn.. 266, 538, Me., V, 461, 539, 600, 601 „„ Portsmouth, Va., 493 Potsdam, N. Y v, 272, 285, 315, 352, 370, 460, 518. Potte^rvtue, Penn., 201, 291, 292, 293, 448, 464, 465, 466' 490, 553 ,„„ Poughke'epsie. N. Y., 347, 490, 517,570 Poultney, Vt., 274, 451 Preston, Conn., 437, 533 N Y., 131 Hollow, N. Y.. 352 Prince Edward's Island, N. a.. Can., 604, 605 Princeton, Kan., 51b, i)i< Providence, R. I- >»• '^k.^' .^g' vii, viii. 6, 29, 33 55 58, 67 82, 83, 84, 156, 158, 159 160 200, 231, 23d, 236! 23?,' 238', 239 240. 241 244, 246, 247, 26<, 268 276 278, 285, 289, i'?; 358,' 396, 401, 402, 412, 448, 454, 464, 476, 499. 538, 539, 540, 54., 564, 570, 582, 583, 584 Pueblo, Colo., 453 Purse-Caundle, Dorsetshire, Eng., 593 Putnam, Conn., viii, 132, -33, 393,437,438 Putney, Surrey Co., Eng., 605 Vt., 100, 195, 471 Quimby, Mich., 310 Quincy, HI., 450 R Racine, Wis., 475, 476, 584 Rahway, N. J., 547, 564 Raisin, Mich., 314 Raleigh, N. C, 262 Ramsey Abbey, Eng., 588 Randolph, N. Y., 424, 512 Penn., 211 Ransomville, N. Y., 546 Ratterv Parish, Devonshire, Eng., 601, 602 Ravenna, O., 419, 420 Raymond, Wis., 335 Raynham, Mass., 246 Reading, Penn 576, 579 Recklesstown, N. J„- f «■ ^^S Red Wmg, Mmn., 338, dda 340, 417, 493, 494 Redding, Conn., 414 Rehoboth, Mass. IV V, V,, vii, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, la, £4 i5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23'. 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33, 34, 35, 30, 37. 44 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 71, 73 74 82, 83, 84, So, 88, 89' 90' 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96', 97, 98, 115, 119. 13o. 136, 137, 148. 149, 150, 151 152, 153, 156, lo'. 158.' 159. 160. 239. 270, on 275, 276, 277, 287, 288' 290, 291, 292, 541, 567, 583 Rensselaer, Ind., 427 Falls, N.Y., 352 Rensselaerville, N- Ji' %■! Republic, 0., 254, 257, 423, 532 Revere, Mass., 601 Rhinebeck, N. J -570 Rhode Island, 6, 82, 84, 90, 9d, 95, 341, 438 Village, 67 Rice's Neck, 6 Richfield, O., 257 426, o31 Richford, Vt., 439 Richland, N.Y 347 City, Wis., 335, 491 Richmond, Ind., 584 Mo., 554 N.H.. 243,244 Va., 232, 428, 551 Township, Penn., 486 55^ Riga, N.Y 124,212,213 RilevCo., Kan., 532 Rio, 111.. 318, 3 19 Riverside. Cal., 60b Roanoke, Ind.. 295 Roanlsland N.B..Can 599 Robertsonville, N- Y., 4d9 Rod^e^ter. Minn.. 455^ 204, 212, 279, 280, 282 305, 336, 340, 344, 491, 496, vA'2r'I'2r208,209,369. 370 3'71, 517, 518 519 Rock Creek, Minn., 279 INDEX 661 Rockford, III., 253, 273, 451, 563 la., 537 Mich., 580, 563 Rockingham, Vt., 100, 102, 168, 171, 196, 208, 303, 353 Rock Island, 111., 151 Rockville, Conn., 146, 219, 383, 522 Rome, Ga., 262 Italy, 340 Mich., 101, 172, 314, 315 N. Y., 380 Penn., 202, 292, 363, 364, 489, 513, 552, 553 Romney, W. Va., 262 Rossville, N. Y., 486 Rotterdam, N. Y., 338 Round Top, Penn., 474 Rous Lench Court, Eversham, Eng., vi, 586, 588, 593 Worcestershire, Eng., 593 Rowland, Mich., 531 Roxbury, Mass., 48, 91, 150, 243, 476 Vt., 155, 156, 283, 284, 285, 458, 460, 461 Station, Conn., 438 Royal Oak, Mich., 581, 582 Royalton, 0., 423 Vt., 101, 449, 518 Rumford, E. Providence, R. I., 33, 37 Village, E. Providence, R. I., V, 20, 33, 37, 54, 157, 158 Rupert, Vt., 123, 153, 211, 372 Rush City, Minn., 455 Rushford, N. Y., 390, 392 Rutland, Penn., 486 Vt., 151, 152, 216, 224, 274, 350, 419 Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., 101, 102 Saeo, Me., 483 Sagamore Hill, 4 Saginaw, Mich., 475 City, Mich., 328, 331, 408 St. Albans Abbey, Eng, 588 Vt., 165, 266, 443, 539 Armand West, P. Q., Can., 534 Armon, P. Q., 440 St. Catherine's, Can., 474 St. Charles, 111. ,352 Clair, Mich., 100, 167, 168 309 Co., Mich., 330 Georges in Southwark, Sur- rey, Eng., 594 George, N. B., Can., 598, 600 Jean de Neuville, P. Q., Can., 607 Johns, Mich., 395 N. B,, Can., 526 Newfoundland, 600, 601 Johnsbury, Vt., 101, 288, 464, 512 Joseph, Mo., 312 Lawrence Co., N. Y., 283, 284 Louis, Mo., iv, 243, 257, 261 287, 303, 500, 501, 557 558, 559 Paul, Minn., 171, 225, 308 Peter, Minn., 171 Petersburg, Russia, 492 Petrock, Exeter, Eng., 589 Salem, Ind., 415, 418. 531 Mass., 3, 6, 302, 573, 601 Vt., 444 Center, N.Y., 311, 472 Saline, Mich., 277 Salisburg, Conn., 192, 193, 342 Vt., 149, 269, 273 Salt Lake City, U., 264, 438 San Antonio, Tex., 235 Diego, Cal., 472 Sandisfleld, Mass., 260, 331 Sandusky, O., 537 Sandy Hill, N. Y., 109 San Francisco, Cal., 277, 447 Sangamon Co., 111., 347 Santa Barbara, Cal., 494 Santarem, Brazil, 261 Santa Rosa, Cal., 423 Santiago, Cuba, 429, 431 Saquoi, N. Y., 513 Saranac, Mich., 418 Saratoga, N. Y., 67, 252, 547 Springs, N. Y., 166, 303, 487 Sardinia, N. Y., 242 Savanna, 111., 360 Savov, Mass., 146 Saxton's River, Vt., 166, 306, 309, 470 Savre, Penn., 363, 489 Sohaghticoke, N. Y., 273 Schenectady, N. Y., 337, 338 Schnevus, N. Y., iii Schoharie, N. Y., iii, 487, 544, 545 Schoolcraft, Mich., 307 Schroeppel, N. Y., 245, 246, 409, 410, 411, 527, 528 Sehroon, N. Y., 488 Schuvlerville, N. Y., 393 Scio, Alleghany Co., N. Y., 373 520 Scipio, N. Y., 123, 125, 141, 144,248, 257, 423 Scitieo, Conn., 323 Scituate, Mass, 7 R. I., 568 Scotland, 580, 586 Conn., 377, 580, 533 Scriba, N. Y.. 529 Seekonk, Mass., iv, v, 6, 7, 20, 57, 58, 82, 83, 84, 88, .s9, 90, 96, 97, 136, 137, 1.^.3. 150, 152, 156, 157, 15-!. 159, 160, 241, 270, 271, 275, 276, 287, 289, 290, 291, 452, 463, 464, 54U, 541 Seekonk, R. I., 288 Sempronius, N. Y., 248 Sergeant Bluff, la., 472 Sevmour, Conn., 412 Ind., 548 Sharon. Conn., 115, 116, 191, 192, 193, 346, 347, 348, 349, 504, 505 HI.. 151 Sheffield. Conn., 553 Shplbvville, 111., vi, 271, 448, 449 Sheldon, N. D., 493 Sherborne, Dorsetshire, Eng., vi. 588, 589, 592, 593, 594 Sherburne, N. Y., 229, 556 Sheriff's Lench, Worcester- shire, Eng., 593 Sherwood. N. Y., 532 Sheshequin. Penn.. 216, 241. 363, 364, 379, 380, 381, 514, 522 , Shoshone Falls, Ida., 557 Shrewsburv, Mass., 377 Sidney, la., 447 Simsbury. Conn., 119, 146, 260, 426, 427 Singapore, China, 275 Smith Centre, Kan., 562 Smitbfleld, N. Y., 183, 197, 341, 354, 355, 486, 512 Penn., 143, 254 R. I., 219, 285, 358. 448 Smith's Ferry, Penn., 326 Smithville, N. J., 577 Smyrna, N. Y., 131, 229 Somers, Conn., vii, 69, 111, 178, 179, 180, 204, 206, 321, 322, 323, 327, 332, 336, 368, 478, 479, 482, 485, 489, 515, 544, 545, 547, 566 Mass., 104, 120 Somerset, Ky., 459 Mass., 236, 277, 537 N. Y., 468 Somersetshire, Eng., 588, 594, 606 Somers Township, Conn., 545 Somersville, Mass., 535 Conn., 180, 323, 479, 480, 481, 482, 545, 546, 547, 548, 566 So. Amenia, N. Y., 122, 505,569 America, 122, 569 Apalachin, N. Y., 136 Belchertown, Mass., 223 Bend, Ind., 328, 475, 548 Southbridge, Conn., 218 Mass., 309, 310, 325 So. Carolina, 585 Enfield, Mass., 483, 485 Hadley, Mass., 468 Southampton, Eng., 607 Mass., 337 Southington, Conn., 549 So. Killingley, Conn., 214, 410 Kingston, R. I., 148 Lee, Mass., 256 Manchester, Conn., 232, 396, 397 Milford, Ind., 415 Onondaga, N. Y., 98, 163 Rutherford. N. J., 547, 564 Strafford, Vt., 371 Southville, Vt., 102 So. Warren, Penn., 160, 465 Warsaw, N. Y., 390 Wilhraham, Mass., 70. 72, 73, 75, 105, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 121, 122, 127, 174, 178, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 205, 206, 208. 221, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 365, 366, 368, 476, 477, 483, 484, 485, 488, 489, 514, 515, 542, 548, 549 Woodstock, Conn., 108, 154, 278 Sowams. Mass., 5, 6 Spafford, N. Y.. 296, 318, 344 Sparta, Wis., 330 Spencer, Mass., 242 O., 424 Wis.. 491 Snottsylvania, Va., 403 c(r,^f.s"wood. N. J.. 578 Snrinsrfield, 111., 278, 454 Sprinrfield, Mass., vii. 69, 72, 73. 80, 93, 104, 105, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121, 140, 149, 177 178, 179, 180, 181, 184 188, 204, 205, 223, 248' 252. 303. 304, 305, 306, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325. 326, 331, 332, 333. 336. 337, 365, 366, 368, 384, 385, 404, 413, 414. 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 486, 517, 542, 543, 549, 550, 551, 581, 583 N. Y., 453 O.. 209 Hill, Mass., 333 662 THE CHAFFEE GENEALOGY Spring Hill, Conn., 162 Springville, N. Y., v, 85, 127, 137, 138, 215, 242, 204 Squantam, Mass., 238 Stafford, Conn., viii, 107, 120 121, 122, 127, 158, 175, 178, 206, 207, 208, 209, 220, 221, 222, 223, 317, 325, 365, 368, 384, 385, 386, 483, 550. 583 Hollow, Conn., 223, 384 Springs, Conn., 221, 385, 522, 550 Staflfordville, Conn., 127, 384 522, 523 Standing Stone, Penn., 361 Stanton, Mich., 391, 524 Stark Co., 111., 357 Starksboro, Vt., 150, 270, 447 Staten Id., N. Y., 517 Sterling, Conn., 271, 288 111., 224 Mass., 420 Vt., 300 Steuben Co., Ind., 415, 417, 418 Co., N. Y., 322 Stockbridge, Mass., 56, 175 N. Y., 496, 554, 555 Vt., 369, 451 Stock-Gayland, Dorsetshire, Eng., 595 Stockham, Neb., 302 Stockholm, N. Y., 94, 156, 284, 459, 460 Vt., 102 Stocklinch-Ottersay, Eng., 586 Ostricer, Eng., 586 Stocum, N. Y., 392 Stoke Under Hamdon, Eng., 592 Stone Arabia, N. Y., 114 Stonehouse, Eng., 607 Stonington, Conn., 572, 573 Stony Point, N. Y., 186 Stowe, Vt., 164, 299, 301, 468, 469, 470, 541 Strasburgh, Va., 459 Stratford, Conn., 193 Strawberry Hill, 4 Strood, Kent Co., Eng., 605 Sturbridge, Mass., 124, 195, 213, 219, 224, 324, 454 Sturminster, Marshall, Dor- setshire, Eng., 607 Sturry, Eng., 593 Sudbury, Vt., 272 Sudfield, Conn., 336, 337 Suffield, Conn., 189, 479, 484 Suffolk, Eng., 572 Sullivan, N. Y., 347 0., 423, 424 Sunderland, Mass., 470 Sunderlinville, Penn., 455 Surrey Co., Eng., 604 Surry, N. H., 309 Susquehanna, Penn., 202, 250, 364 Susquehanna Co., Penn., 246, 410 Sutton, P. Q., Can., 534 Mass., 186 Swansea, Mass., iv, vii, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 35, 38, 40, 44, 45, 48, 55, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 88, 137, 138, 287, 452, 565, 567 Swanzey, N. H., 138, 243 Vt., 306 Switzerland, 314 Swanton, Vt., 505 Swartwood, N. Y., 417 Syracuse, N. Y., 245, 280, 329, 330, 340, 344, 365, 422, 468, 487, 512, 529, 555, 561 Tabo, Mo., 425 Tacoma, Wash., 497, 526 Tallahassee, Fla., 455 Tama City, la., 372 Tampa, P'la., 429 Tarkio, Mo., 374 Taulon, 111., 357 Taunton, Mass., v, 20, 24, 57, 85, 89, 289, 453, 463, 539, 568 Taws Tock, Eng., 592 Tehama Co., Cal., 317 Texas, 296, 353, 428 Thomaston, Ga., 570 Thompson, Conn., vi, 71 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 154, 214, 215, 216, 218, 228, 229, 232, 233, 376, 377, 378, 379, 393, 394, 493, 521, 550, 551. 584 O., 580, 581 Hill, Penn., 552 Thompsonville, Conn., 221 252 383, 581 Three Mile Bay, N. Y., 441 Rivers, Mich., 318, 475 Thuringia, 572 Ticonderoga, N. Y., 179 Tien-Tsin, China, 431 Timochtee, Crawford Co., O., 317 Tioga, Penn., 328 Co., Penn., 279 Tippecanoe, Ind., 248 City, O., 316, 473 Titusville, N. J., 570, 571 Penn., 513 Tiverton, Devonshire, Eng., 582 R. I., 83, 85, 95, 96, 97, 148 Toledo, O., 473, 474, 541, 583 Tolland, Conn., 87, 141, 146, 148, 177, 216, 219, 259, 425 568 569 Tolono" 111., 274, 451, 537, 538 Topeka, Kan., 320, 471, 476 Toronto, Can., 254 Torquay, Devonshire, Eng., 604 Towanda, Penn., 218, 292, 361, 381 Townsend, Mass., 367 Townshend, Vt., 99, 198, 306, 356, 357 Toymonth, Mich., 457 Trenton, N. J., 545, 577, 578. 579 Triangle Township, N. Y., 582 Trowbridge, Mich., 308, 471 Troy, la., 369 N. Y., 152, 256,274, 356, 372, 451, 476 O., 302 Vt., 446, 447, 536 Truxton, N. Y., 527 Tully, N. Y., 177, 319, 409 Tumbrota, Minn., 493 Tunbridge, Vt., 131, 230 Tunkhannock, Penn.. 363 Turkey Creek, Ind., 250, 418 Tuscola, 111., 451, 537 Tuskegee, Ala., 406 Tyler Hollow, N. Y., 296 Tyringham, Mass., 251, 252. 260, 421 Tyrone, Mich., 281 U Union, Conn., 105, 107, 108, 130, 174, 294, 295, 316, 368, 436, 437 la., 201 N. J., 481 City, Mich., 272, 273, 450 City, Penn., 315, 316 Unionville, Conn., 550 Upper Egypt, 340 Freehold, N. J., 576 Urbana, 111., 451, 537 Uruguay, 261 Utica, N. Y., Ill, 167, 242, 250, 343, 352, 354 Uxbridge, Mass., 394 Valley Forge (Penn.), 135 Mills, N. Y., 496 Springs, S. D., 556 Vassalboro, Me., 286, 287, 461, 462, 463 Venango Co., Penn. ,99 Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Eng., 603 Vergennes, Vt., 451 Vermillion, S. D, 507 Vermont, 63, 85, 95, 100, 101, 102, 103, 123, 124, 127, 168, 170, 174, 212, 257, 310, 319, 321, 350, 423, 480, 585 Vernon, Conn., 146, 219, 251, 259, 569 Vt., 285 Verplank's Point, N. Y., 67 Vershire, Vt., 493 Vicksburg, Miss., 305, 495, 557 Victoria, Tex., 603 Victory Mills, N. Y., 394, 525 Vincennes, Ind., 99 Vineland, N. J., 184, 265 Virgil, 111., 511 N. Y., 143, 254, 345, 490 502 Virginia, 127, 303, 318, 341 Viroqua, Wis., 491 Volney, N. Y., 139, 210, 410 Volney Center, N. Y., 245 Voluntown, Conn., 143 W Wacousta, Mich., 391, 524 Waitsfield, Vt., 281 Wa Keenev.Kas., 274 Wakefield, Eng., 572 Walden, N. Y., 555 Wales, Mass., 68, 69, 72, 105, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 120 179, 222, 323, 384, 386, 586 Wallingford, Conn., 138, 542 Vt., 85, 138, 139, 242 Walpole. N. H., 102, 309 Walton in Gordano, Somerset- shire, Eng., 594 Walton Hall., Eng., 286 Wannamoisett, 6, 7, 8, 13. 20. 23 Neck, Mass., 45 VVapasening, Penn., 448 Wapping, Conn., 482, 548 Ward, N. Y., 372, 520 Penn., 363 Ware, Mass., 207, 332, 515 Warren, 111., 389 Mass., 6, 7, 221, 276, 376 Herkrimer Co., N. Y., 190, 191, 340, 342, 344, 345 O., 127, 268, 428 Warren, Penn., 97, 135 136 137, 161, 239, 240, 210, 291, 292, 334, 403, 448, 465, 466, 489, 490, 553 R.,I., 54, 153, 241, 285, 288 290, 396 Vt., 155, Center, Penn. ,239, 241, 291 403 Warrenville, Conn., 86, 294 466 Warsaw, N. Y., 225 Warwick, Eng., 388 Warwick, R. I., 85, 244, 402 409 Wassaic. N. Y., 505 Washington, D. C, v, vi, 262 272, 290, 305, 331, 374! 377, 391, 395, 403, 405, 408, 413, 434, 436, 449, 505, 562, 568 Mass., 179, 206, 321, 322 419, 425, 476 Mich., 100 Penn., 392, 472 Waterbury, Conn., 437, 438 Vt., 208, 582 Waterford, Conn., 189 N. Y., 274 Vt., 369 County, Ire., 508 Waterloo, P. Q., Can., 534 la., 363 Watertown, Mich., 281 N. Y., 212 Wis., 307 Waterville, Me., 286, 287 N. Y., 561 Vt., 350, 507 Watervliet, N. Y., 154 Wattsburgh, Penn., 173, 174, 508 Waupun, Wis., 301 Wavne, Penn. ,436 Co., Mich., 322 Co., Penn.. 473 Webster, Mass., 263, 378, 394 Welchfield, O., 165 Wellington, Somersetshire, Eng., 592, 594 Wellsboro, Penn., 254, 455 Wellsville, 0., 138 U., 264 W. Becket, Mass., 253 Berkshire, Vt., 267, 440, 444. 534 Brookfield, Mass., 221 Bnckland, Somersetshire, Eng., 594 Westchester, N. Y., 479 Cummington, Mass., 317 Eaton, N. Y., 497 Enosburg, Vt., 267, 441 Westerlo, N. Y., 409 Westerly, R., I., 244, 409 Westfieid, Mass., 179, 256, 303, 321, 322, 324, 419, 478, 479, 581 N. Y., 386, 387 Vt., 269, 444. 446, 447, 535 Westford, Ashford Township, Conn., iv, v, 59, 161, 162, 298, 468 W. Hartford, Conn., 295, 338, 466 Haven, Mich., 458 Isles, N. B., Can., 598, 599 Italy, N. Y., 329 Liberty. Penn., 278 Westminster, Eng., 605 Mass., 408 N. H., 63 Vt., vii, 64, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 156, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 208, INDEX Westminster, Vt., 300, 301 302, 307, 309, 470, 471, Westmoreland, N. H., 101 N. Y., 496 West Point, N. Y., 436 Westport, Mass., 135 Vt., 439 W. Potsdam, N. Y., 172 Springfield, Mass., 139, 189 354, 549, 581 Stafford, Conn., 223 325 368, 517 Stockbridge, Mass., 56 Stoke under Hunsdon, Som- ersetshire, Eng., 594 Weston, Mass., 213 Virginia, 287, 357 Warren, Penn., 278 Woodstock, Conn., (formerly Mass.), 195, 196, 197, 198 Woodstock, Mass., (now Conn.), 48, 68, 104, 108, 114, 117, 118 Wokingham, Berkshire, Eng., vi, vii Wethersfield, Conn., 316, 338, 468 N. Y., 128 Springs, N. Y., 225, 226 Wexford Co., Mich., 554 Weymouth, Mass., 67, 567 O., 166, 308, 471 Whatelv, Mass., 306 Wheatland, N. Y., 213 WTiitechapel, Middlesex Co., London, Eng., 594 White Creek, N. Y., 317 Whitehall, N. Y., 426 White Pigeon, Mich. ,569 Plains, N. Y., 148 Sulphur Springs, N. Y., 439 Whitestown, N. Y., 342, 343, 487, 497 Whitingham, Vt., 356 Whitewater, Wis., 306, 307, 471. 541 Wichita. Kan., 262 Wickford, Essex, 572 Widdecombe in the Moor, Dev- onshire. Eng., 604 Wilbraham,Mass.,70, 72, 75. 104, 105, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 119, 120, 121, 174, 175, 181, 190, 206, 208, 321, 322, 342, 366, 478, 487, 512, 515. 517 Wilcox Co., Ala., 261 Wilkesbarre, Penn., 387, 465 Williamsburg, Mass., 551 Williamstown, Mass., 93, 94, 158, 206 Vt., 93, 94, 155, 156, 157, 230, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285 Willimantic, Ct., 232, 294, 357, 368, 379, 393, 394, 396, 516, 521, 530 Willington. Conn., 86, 87, 141. 142, 143, 144, 145, 155, 219, 245, 294, 295, 309, 310, 466, 567, 568 Willington, Eng., 588, 589 Wilmington. Ind., 519 N. C, 262 Vt., 153 Wilton, Conn., 115 Winchester, Ind., 295 Mass., 376, 377 Windham, Conn., 186, 294, 377 O., 142, 248, 251, 414, 420, 532 Co.. Conn., 43, 50, 60, 125, 425 663 Windsor, Conn., 72, 119, 120 121, 204, 205, 365, 514* Mass., 175, 211, 212, 317. 542 N. Y., 265, 373, 374, 520. 521 Locks, Conn., 383, 384 484 549, 550 Winnepeg, Manitoba, Can., 606 Winona, Minn., 197 Winscot, Devonshire, Eng. 589, 592 Winsham, Somersetshire, Eng 606 Winship, Livonia, 311 Winslow, Me., 286, 462, 540 Winsted, Conn., 253, 256 348 Winston, Mo. ,250 Vt., 285 Wintonbury, Conn., 483 Wisconsin, 151, 167, 279, 301, 527 Woburn, Mass., 521 Wolcott, Vt., 131, 395, 533, 534 Woodbridge, Suffolk, Eng., 607 Woodfords, Me., 600 Woodruff's Corners, Mass., 118 Woodstock, Conn., (formerly Mass.), vii. 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 154, 162, 174, 176, 177, 178, 180, 184, 186, 189, 194, 195, 196, 197. 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 211, 212, 214, 218. 219, 224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 265, 278, 303, 318, 359, 360. 365, 376, 377, 378, 379, 381, 392, 393, 396, 397, 521, 522, 526. 565. 582 Mass. (now Conn.), 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. 73. 75, 76. 77, 78. 79, 80, 81, 92, 93, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 123, 129, 565, Vt., 123, 369 Wnonsocket, R. I., 399 Wooster, O., 494 Worcester, Eng., 530 Mass., vii, 148, 214, 215, 220, 221, 229, 233, 240. 309. 335. 336. 377, 393. 444, 446, 454. 483, 537, 521, 584 Wrentham, Mass., 64, 91, 92, 540 Wvalusing, Penn., 364, 513 Wvandot Co., 1, 317 Wvckoff, Kan., 389 Wyoming Co., N. Y., 128, 375, 388, 389 Wysox, 111., 382 Penn., 202 Yardville, N. J., 578 Yates, N. Y., 163, 298, 299, 468 Yeovil. Eng., 592 York. N. Y.. 344 Yorkshire, Eng., 572 Youngstown, O., 263 Youngsville, Warren Co., Penn., 360, 362 Ypsilanti, Mich., 448 Zumbrota. Minn., 338 '**• n ■'■#- EB 1 9 1951 #^^^# ^^ /^0^'^'^ s^^ ,v .•^^ ^^^c^ \> ,. ^ ' « ^ 'C' ,■ >. z ^^ \^ ,^^ .0- -V" ^ St "' .^'■\ x\^' xy .^-'. 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