French's International Copyriffhted (in England, her Colonies, and ihe United States) Edition of the Works of the Best Authors. I No. 198, V t ^ ..., ^ ^ •••• I IHE F ^ Z % pap for oBirl^, in Cl)rcc %tt^ ^ V $ PRICE, 25 CENTS S^ New York $ SAMUEL FRENCH ^ PUBLISHER H^ 28-30 WEST 38TH STREET 26 Southampton Street, ^ ^ BY I MAXI SHERROD I * ^ Copyright, 1910, by Samuel French ^ ^'^ ight«r S27 Camilla's Husband 328 Pure _nlina! Ma;»netism 144 Highways and By-W ay VOL. XIX. 145 Colutnbus 146 Harlequin Bluebeard 147 Ladie< at Home 14S I'henomenon in a Suock Frock 149 Comedy and Tragedy 150 Opposite Neighbors 161 Dutchman's Ghost 152 Persecuted r>utchraan VOL. XX. 1 63 Musard Ball .54 Great Tragic Revival 155 High Low Jack A Game 154 A Gentleman from Ire 1S7 Tom and Jerry [land 15« Villige Lawyer IM Captain's not A-miss IWt Amateurs and Actors 016 103 985 8 161 Pr< 162 A 163 Mr, 164 Sh.-) 16i N«i 166 Lad 167 Tak i68 Irisl 169 Yankee Peddler 170 Hiram Hireout 171 Double-Bedded Room 172 The Drama Deiended 173 Vermont Wool Dealer 174 Ebeneier Venture [ter 175 Principles from Charac- 176 Lady of the Lake (Trav) VOL. XXIU. 177 Mad Dogs 178 Barney the Baron 179 Swiss Swains 180 Bachelor's Bedroum .. 181 A Roland for an Oliver 183 More Blunders than One 183 Dumb Belle 1^4 Limirick boy VOL. XXIV. 1S5 Nature and Philosophy ks6 Teddy the Tiler 187 Spectre Bridegroom 88 Matteo Falcone 89 Jenny Liud 190 Two Buszarde Happy Mm 192 Betsy Baker VOL. XXV. 193 No. 1 Round the Comer 194 Teddy Roe 95 Object of Interest 196 My Fellow Clerk 97 Bengal Tiger 198 Laughing Hvena 199 The Victor Vanquished 200 Our Wife VOL. XXVI. 201 My Husband's Mirror 202 Yankee Land 903 Norah Creina 204 Good for Nothing 206 The First Night 206 The Eton Boy 207 Wandering Minstrel 208 Wanted, 1000 Milliner* VOL. XXVIL 209 Poor Pilcoddy 210 The Mummy [Glass-es 211 Don't Forget your Opera 212 Love in Liverv 213 Anthony and Cleopatra 214 Trying It On 215 Stage Struck Yankee 216 Young Wife & Old Um brella VOL. xxvni. 217 Crinoline 218 A Fau.iiy Failing 219 AdoptedChild 220 Turned Heads 221 A Match in the Dark 222 Advice to Husbands 223 Siamese Twins 224 Sent to the Tower VOi.. XXfX. 925 Somebody f-Mse 2 6 Ladies' liattle 227