-^'•- '^ ^ .^^''" .* > ^_A.^^ <^^^ NOTES ON MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY, JS^fteti hs an ©ffitcer of tfje ©otporation ; INTENDED TO SERVE AS A ' STRANGER^S GUIDE BOOK. TOGETHER WITH X ': ■ A FUIiL. CATALOGUE, FOR THE USE OF PROPRIETORS ; WITH INSTRUC- TIONS AS TO THE PURCHASE AND CARE OF LOTS, ETC. ETC. ^^^-^^sj-^ V Central Avenue Fairbanks, Dexter , Fairbanks, G. N. . Fairbanks, H. P. . Fairbanks, J. L. Fairbanks, Otis Fairbanks, Stephen Walnut Avenue Pine « Elder Path Hemlock Path Green Brier Path Elder Path 54 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Fairchild, J. H. . Fairfield, John Fales, Samuel Farley, Robert Farnsvvorth, Amos Farnsworth, Walter . Woodbine Path . Indian Ridge Path . . Beech Avenue . hnj Path . Rhodora Path . Hemlock " 241 763 518 447 1489 480 Farnum, Henry Farrar, Alonzo Farrar, John . Rose " . Jlsclepias " . Locust Avenue 184 16-23 202 Farrar, Timothy . Elder Path 1182 Farweil,S. T. . Mimosa " 722 Faxon, Nathaniel . JYarcissus " 384 Faxon, William Fay, Luke Fay, R. S. . Yarroio " . Verbena " . Mountain Avenue 651 1630 1416 Fay, S. P. P. Fearing, A. C. Fearing, S. B. . Haicthorn Path . Indian Ridge " 1417 435 417 Felt, G. W. Fessenden's MONI . Rhodora " MENT . \ ^^"'"^^ ^ ^^^'^ ^ C Paths . 1487 rier 680 Field, John Walnut Avenue 169 Fifield, Calvin . Chestnut " . 1059 First Universalist S society . Moss Path 587 Fish, M. W. Chestnut Avenue . 1385 Fisher, Freeman . Fisher, Jabez . Linden Path 303 Fisher, Jabez (Dis Fisher, L. H. Fisher, Nathaniel iller) . Hazel " . Poplar Avenue . Green Brier Path 2 78 645 Fisher, W. N. . Central Avenue 892 Fisk, G. A. . Fir " . 1467 Fisk, Josiah " " . 1466 Fisk, Sereno . Locust 4" Beech Aven ues 614 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 55 Fiske, Augustus H. . Pilgrim Path 634 Fiske, Benjamin . Central Avenue 203 Fitz, Abel . Spruce " 1610 Flagg, Josiah F. . Holly Path 77 Fletcher, J. V. . Mimosa " 946 Fletcher, Richard . . Walnut Avenue 175 Flint, Waldo , Folsom, Charles . Myrtle Path 33 Folts, D. V. . Indian Ridge Path 346 Forbes, Luke . Poplar Avenue 853 Forbush, Jonathan . Orange Path 282 Ford, J. M. . Geranium " . 1241 Forristall, Ezra Chestnut Avenue 1047 Foss, Jacob . Snow-drop Path 719 Foster, E. B. Walnut Avenue 64 Foster, Henry . Cypress " 987 Foster, Isaac . Chestnut " . 1057 Foster, Joseph . Primrose Path 343 Foster, Robert . Eglantine " 1224 Foster, William . Walnut Avenue 690 Foster, W. H. . Beech " 474 Francis, Betsey . Yarrow Path 1447 Francis, David . Indian Ridge Path 424 Francis, Ebenezer . C Cypress ^ Cedar Av I 986 enues &1461 Francis, Nathaniel . Indian Ridge Path 333 Freeman, P. W. . Thistle " 684 French, Arthur . Walnut Avenue 412 French, Jonathan, , Jr. . Willow « 510 French, Samuel . Indian Ridge Path 584 Frost, Reuben Central Avenue 863 Frost, William . Hibiscus Path . 1469 Frolhingham, Pete r . Ivy «^ . 1175 Frothinghara, Rich ard, Jr. Ailanthus « 7 . 1111 56 PROPllIETORS OF LOTS. Frothingliam, Samuel Froliiingliiim, Samuel, Jr. Frye, I. W. Fuller, H. H. Fuller, J. G. Fuller, J. R. Fuller, Leonard Fuller, S. P. FuUick, W. G. Fulton, J. A. Furbush, Milo Furness, W. H. Willow Avenue Cedar '' Hazel Path Cedar Avenue Fir " Chestnut " Woodbine Path Chestnut Avenue Fir " Poplar " Yarrow Path G. Gage, Addison Gage, G. W. Gannett, E. S. Gardner, Francis Gardner, John Gardner, Symmes Gates, J. W. Gates, William Gay, F. A. Gerard, William Gibbs, Catherine Gibbs, N. B., Jr. Gibson, C. D. Gibson, J. G. Gilbert, B. R. Gilbert, Samuel, J Gilman, G. W. Gilmore, Addison Gleason, Horace Elder Path Verbena Path Oak Avenue Walnut " Lily Path Geranium Path Myrtle " Fir Avenue Central " Hibisciis Path Central Avenue Poplar Sweet Brier Path Spruce Avenue Eglantine path Snowdrop " Spruce Avenue PHOPRIETORS OF LOTS. Bt Glover, G. S. . Spruce Avenue 1387 Glover, H. R. . Central '* 893 Goddard, Mary . Violet Path 578 Goddard, Nathaniel . Geranium Path 1188 Goddard, T. A. . Ailanthus " 1112 Goodenow, Elisha ( Linden Path 4- Beech t Avenue 633 Goodrich, C. B. . Cedar Avenue 256 Goodrich, F. A. . Holly Path 478 Goodrich, Ira . Narcissus Path 743 Goodwin, Ozias . Willow Avenue 215 Goodwin, T. J. Green Brier Path 818 Goss, Abie! ; Fir Avenue 1140 Gossler, J. H. . Yarroxo Path 1129 Gould, B. A. . Beech Avenue 213 Gould, Daniel . Chestnut '< 1314 Gould, Eliza . Cypress " 598 Gould, James . Walnut «« 176 Gould, Warren . Cypress " 79 Graham, Alden . Geranium Path 1-229 Gray, F. C. . Alder S^ Lily Paths 701 «& 200 Gray, F. T. . Central Square 46 Gray, G. H. Geranium Path 1157 Gray, J. C. . Hemlock " 68 Gray, J. H. . Willow Avenue 688 Gray, S. C. . Fir " 855 Gray, Thomas . Central «' 670 Green, J. D. . Eglantine Path 811 Green, W. C. . Hibiscus '' 1479 Greene, Aaron . Beech Avenue 117 Greene, C. G. Geranium Path 12.16 Greenleaf, Gardner . Alder " 74 Greenleaf, Samuel . Indian Ridge " 409 Greenleaf, Simon . Willow Avenue 509 58 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Greenough, Horatio Greenough, William Greenwood, H. M. Greenwood, James Greenwood, W. A. Gregg, Samuel Grew, Henry Gridley, E. M. Gridley, William GrifFeth, Charles Griswold, Albert Grover, C. B. Guild, Albert Guild, G. F. Gurney, Henry Gutterson, William Cedar Avenue Lily Path Cedar Avenue Beech " Ailanthus Path Verbena " JYarcissus " Cedar Avemie Verbena Path Pilgrim " Beech Avenue Spruce *' Gentian Path Dell " Fir Avenue Ailanthus Path Hagar, James Hale, Nathan Hall, Adin Hall, A. T. Hall, E. B. Hall, Henry Hall, J. K, Hall, Lewis Hall, Thomas Hall, W. A. Hallet, George Hamlin, Nathaniel Hammond, Artemas Hammond, Daniel Hammond, Nathaniel H. Petunia Path Mountain Avenue Honeysuckle Path JYarcissus " Cat alp a " Hibiscus " Myrtle " Cypress Avenue Willow " Cypress " Ivy ^ Aster Paths Fir Avenue Beech Avenue Cedar " PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 59 Hammond, N. H. . Eglantine Path 1000 Hammond, Sarah . Siceet Brier " 725) Hammond, Susanna h . Hemlock '« 907 Hanover, G. B. . Asclepias " 13S3 Harding, G. S. . Cijpress Avenue 261 Harnden, W. F. . Ce7itral " 886 Harrington, Elizabe th . Geranium Path 1252 Harrington, Francis . Cedar Avenue 1295 Harris, Harriet . Heliotrope Path 873 Harris, Isaac Snoicdrop " . 1403 Harris, James . Pine Avenue . 1171 Harris, Nathaniel . Hibiscus Path . 1544 Harris, William . Snowdrop " 1405 Harrod, Charles . Beech Avenue 481 Hartshorn, E. P. . Poplar " 870 Hartt, Joseph . Central " 460 Harvard University . Amarajith Path 330 Harvey, Peter . Olive 534 Haskell, Aaron . Walnut Avenue 59 Haskell, Elisha . Beech " 302 Hastings, Oliver . Mountain " 10 Hastings, Thomas " " 301 Hatch, M. S. . Catalpa Path 766 Haughton, James . Beech Avenue 521 Haven, Franklin . Linden Path 553 Haven, Thomas . Willoio Avenue 503 Haviland, Thomas . Pilgrim Path 610 Hawes, Prince . Heath " J 389 Hay, Joseph . Cypress Avenue 274 Hayden, Caleb . Larch 153 Hayden, C. C. . Cedar 918 Hayden, Jane . Willow " 452 Hayden, William . Pine <^' Green Brier P aths 777 Hayes, H. M. . Ivy Path 401 60 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Haynes, Mary Hayward, James Hazeltine, Amos . Beech Avenue . Cedar '<■ Green Brier Path . 1402 840 780 Hazelton, J. H. Head, F. C. Heald, David . Spruce Avenue . Spruce Avenue 1625 1342 Heard, Augustine . Heard, J. T. . . Cedar Avenue Hedge, Mary . . Oleander Path Hemenway, Augustus . Thistle " 926 966 . 1463 Henchman, Daniel . Jasmine " 70 Henderson, Charles . Walnut Avenue 617 Henderson, F. A. u u 162 Hennessy, Edward Henshaw, Charles Henshaw, John , Cypress " . Walnut " . 1562 276 275 Henshaw, Samuel . Narcissus Path 354 Hersey, Daniel Herwig, Joanna • Gentian " . Pine Avenue 1293 1287 Heywood, S. P. Hewins, S. K. . Fir " C Cypress Avenue <^ 1 \ cinth Path 1476 lya- 1081 Hickling, Charles . Siceet Brier Path 405 Hicks, Zachariah Hildreth, A. E. . Walnut Avenue . Ailanthus Path 168 1125 Hildreth, C. T. . Jasmine " 291 Hill, George Hill, Thomas Hilliard, Francis Hills, J. S. Hittinger, Jacob Hobart, Albert Hobart, Enoch . Green Brier " . Alder " . Rhodora " . Pettmia '• . Spruce Avenue . Green Brier Path . Hemlock " 654 199 1470 1450 1548 653 71 Hobart, Nathaniel . JVarcissiis " 365 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 61 Hobbs, Ebenezer, Jr Hodges, J. G. Holbrook, Edward Holbrook, E. H. Holbrook, Esther Holbrook, H. J. Holbrook, J. F. Holden, George Holden, Thomas Holmes, A. S. Holmes, Charles Holmes, Joseph Holmes, Sarah Holmes, William Holton, John Holton, Leonard Holton, S S. Homer, Albert Homer, Charles Homer, C. S. Homer, W. F. Hooper, H. N. Hooper, John Hooper, Robert Hooton, John Hosmer, Hiram Hosmer, Zelotes Hovey, C. F. Hovey, Elizabeth Hovey, G. O. Hovey, H. A. Howard, Abraham Howard, Benjamin Howard, G. C Mimosa Path Indian Ridge Path Central Avenue Oleander Path Indian Ridge Path Hibiscus Path Verbena ** Cedar Avenue Beech " Lily Path Walnut Ave7iue Olive Path Petunia " Chestnut Avenue Central " Wahmt " Snowdrop Path Yarrow " Ailanthus ' * Snoicdrop " Hemlock <' Heliotrope " Cedar Avenue Narcissus Path Orange " Fir Avenue Cedar " Fir " Cypress " Alder Path Hibiscus Path Ailanthus " 62 PHOPRIETORS OF LOTS. Howard, H. C. Howard, Lucy Howard, Nathaniel Howe, E. B. Howe, George Howe, Jabez C. Howe, J. N. Jr. Howe, Rufiis Howe, S. L. Howe, Thomas Howland, M.H. . Huggeford, H. H. . Humphrey, Benjamin Humphrey, C. R. . Humphrey, David . Humphrey, William Hunnewell, Walter Hunt, N. P. Huntington, L. A. Hurlburt, Elisha Hurlburt, S. M. Hutchins, E. C Hutchinson, Susannah Hyde, Isaac Willoio Avenue Beech *' Chestnut " Geranium Path C Green Brier Path and I Elm Avenue (( (( ({ JFillow Avenue Sedge Path Olive " Fir Avenue Snowdrop Path Indian Ridge Path Cedar Avenue Hemlock Path Yarrow " Elder " Willow Avenue Ailanthus Path ii (I Cedar Avenue Willow " Lily Path Willow Avenue Olive Path I. Inches, Elizabeth Inches, Henderson Ingalls, William Inglis, A. D. Ingols, Moses Indian Ridge Path a (I (( Rose Path Eglantine Path Cedar Avenue PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 63 Jackson, C. T. Jacobs, G. H. Jacobs, Sarah Jameson, W. H. Jarves, Deming Jellison, Zachariah Jenney, Stephen Jennison, Mary Jewett, D. E. Jewett, Gorham Johnson, Eliza Johnson, J. B. Johnson, Samuel Jones, Eliphalet Jones, Frederic Jones, H. H. Jones, J. L. Jones, J. M. Jones, Nahum Jones, Thomas Jones, William Joy, J. B. Joy, J. G. Mountain Avenue Central " Chestnut *' Central " Poplar " Primrose Path Oak Avenue Ailanthus Path Spruce Avenue Yarroio Path Holly " Walnut Avenue C Green Brier Path and i Elm Avenue Fir Avenue Yarrow Path Thistle " Geranium " Willoio Avenue Yarroio Path Thistle " Yarroio '* Myrtle " Rose " K. K-feith, M. A. Keith, W. H. Kelsey, J. H. Kendall, Abel, Jr. Kendall, G. A. Beech Avenue Yarrow Path Fir Avenue Ivy Path Ailanthus Path 64 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Kendall, H. R. . JYarcissus Path 370 Kendiick, A. M. . . Yarroio " 115'J Kendriok, Eliza (c (.' 795 Kendrick, Rufus . Mountain Avenue G47 Kennard, Henry . Central "■ 869 Kennard, Michael . Ailanthus Path 974 Kenrick, J. A. . Cypress Avenue 586 Kenrick, William ( Larch and Pine Avcn- I ues 143 & 1312 Kent, Job . Cypress Avemie 989 Kimball, Daniel C JWircissus and Pilgrim '" ( Paths 450 & 874 Kimball, David . Cypress Avenue . 271 Kimball, Ebenezer . Mountain " 9 Kimball, John . Walnut " 164 Kimball, S. E. . Petunia Path 1524 King, C. E. . Larch Avenue 1425 King, Gedney . Central " 570 Kingsley, Henry . Beech " 207 Kittredge, Alvah . Verbena Path 941 Kittredge, Jeremial I . Central Avenue 842 Knapp, Jesse . Larch " 293 Knight, Manasseh . Central Square . 662 Knox, Robert . Poplar Avenue 295 Kuhn,G.H. . Yarrow Path 806 Kuhn, John . Alder " 196 L. Labree, Sally . Geranittm Path 1:T32 Lamb, R A. . Walnut Avenue 57 Lamb, Rosatina . Cypress '* 591 Lambert, W. G. . Geranium Path 1221 Lamson, Edwin a li . 1227 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Lanison, Jolin Lane, George Lane, Josiuh Lang, W. B. Langmaid, Rachel Lapham, Luther Lawrence, Abbott Lawrence, Amos Lawrence, Samuel Lawrence, William Lecain, Frederic Lee, Sarah Lee, Thomas Lee, T. J. Leighton, Thomas Leiliigow, Martha Leland, Sherman Leverett, F. P. Lewis, G. W. Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Polly Lewis, S. S. Libbey, Joseph Lienow, Henry Lincoln, C. F. Lincoln, Henry Lincoln, M. S. Lincoln, William Little, C. C. Little, J. L. Litllehale, S. S. Livermore, Isaac Livermore, M. S. JVarcissus Path 3S6 Verbena " 961 Alder 387 Walnut Avenue 173 Petunia Path 1486 Yarrow '• 754 Cypress Avenue 491 C Cypress and Chapel Av- \ enues 490, 903 & 904 Cypress Avejiue . 492 i( 11 489 Larch " . 144 Amaranth ^ Rose Paths 530 Columbine Path . 1438 IVilloio Avenue . 453 Eglantine Path , 1531 Tulip Path . 1594 Fir Avenue , 1010 Vine Path . 54 Primrose Path . 338 Locust Avenue , 299 Thistle Path • 1130 969 Fir Avenue ; Cypress " . 87 Yarrow Path . 764 Snowdrop Path . 812 Fir Avenue 929 & 933 Thistle Path , 1273 Chapel Avenue . 1127 Cedar " . 1194 Fir . 953 JVarcissus Path 373 & 374 Woodbine " , 243 66 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Lobdell, T. J. . Locust ^ Beech Avenues 568 Locke, C. A. , Orange Path 280 Locke, Lyman . Indian Ridge Path 552 Locke, Oliver . Fir Avenue . 1375 Locke, Stephen . Asclepias Path 1538 Lodge, J. E. . Woodbine " 574 Lombard, Israel . Willoio Avenue 497 Lombard, N. K. . Oak " 150 Longfellow, H. W. . Indian Ridge Path 580 Longley, James . Elder Path 1226 Lord, J. H. . Eglantine Path 1377 Loring, A. M. . Oxalis " 1350 Loring, Benjamin . . Hemlock " 457 Loring, C. G. . Fir Avenue 1198 Loring, G. H. . Oxalis Path 1349 Loring, Henry . Rear of 547 Olive Path 896 Loring, H. K. . Beech Avenue . 1135 Loring, J. F. . Amaranth S/- Rose Paths 524 Loring, J. G. . Fir Avenue 963 Lothrop, Samuel K . Hyacinth Path 660 Lothrop, Stillman Central Avenue 498 Loud, Abigail . Cypress " 265 Lovejoy, Joseph (( <( 1415 Lovejoy, Loyal . Central " 561 Lovering, Joseph . milow « 821 Low, Francis U (( 141 Low, Peter . Larch « 1039 Lowe, A. T. . Cedar " 843 Lowell, Charles . JVorth of Lot 318 323 Lowell, F. C. . Ivy Path 245 Lowell, J. A. . Willow Avenue 217 Lyman, G. C. . Hibiscus Path 1510 Lyman, G. W. . Elder " 883 Lyman, Theodore . Pilgrim " 705 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 67 Lynch, Rebecca Chestmit Avenue , 1049 Lynde, S. S. . Iris Path 51 Lynn, William . Walnut Avenue 228 M. Mackay, John Mackintosh, Peter, Jr. . Ailanthus Path 1123 MacGregor, James . Eglantine « 1137 Magee, J. A. . Lupine " 1499 Mair, Thomas . Spruce Avenue . 1384 Manley, J. R. . Asclepias Path 1392 Mann, Jesse . Heliotrope " 1379 Mann, W. H. . Beech Avenue 520 Manning, R. H. . Thistle Path 709 Marsh, Ephraim . Beech Avenue 470 Marshall, J. F. B. . Willow " 1521 Marshall, J. N. Geranium Path . 1565 Marshall, William Willow Avenue 220 Mason, Charles . Columbine Path 1520 Mason, Jeremiah . Willow Avenue 418 Mason, J. W. . Eglantine Path 1187 Mason, Lois . Green Brier " 692 Mason, Lowell . Willow Avenue 512 Mason, R. M. n a 1589 Matchet, George . Cypress " 861 Matchet, W. P. (( it 252 May, George . Central " 1255 May, W. B. . Cypress " 1606 Maynard, Jesse . Ailanthus Path 1278 Maynard, Lambert a (( 1297 McBride, Cecilia . Sumac " 887 McBurney, Charles . Rear 611 Cypress Ave nue 768 McDonald, RebeccE i I . Poplar Avenue 864 08 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. McGavv, J. A. McKean, Amy McLellan, Isaac McGill, Robert McRae, Elizabeth Mead, Isaac Mead, S. O. Means, James Meldrum, Alexande Melvin, A. A. Merriam, Charles Merrill, J. A. Merritt, J. A. Merrifield, Francis Merry, R. D. C. Metcalf, Caleb Melcalf, C. R. Miles, S. E. Miles, Walter Millar, J. L. Millard, Samuel Miller, Edward Miller, H. K. Miller, J. K. Millerd, Allen Mills, C. H. Mills, J. K. Milton, Ephraim Mitchell, William Montague, W. H. Moore, Josiah Morey, George Morris, Charles Morse, Mason Green Brier Path Myrtle Path Poplar Avenue Spruce " Rhodora Path Mountain Avenue Ailanthus Path Sumac " JVarcissus " Mistletoe " Fir Avenue Eglantine Path Central Avenue Ivy Path Alder " Cedar Avenue Cypress ' ' Pilgrim Path Chestnut Avenue Fir " Cypress " Walnut "■ Pilgrim Path Eglantine " Olive " Elder " Iris " Central Avenue Chestnut " Locust " Cypress " Willow Avenue Spruce "■ PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 69 Morse, Ozias Morse, S. F. Morton, William Mosman, Rufus Motley, Thomas Munn, Luther Munroe, James Murdock, Warren Mussey, B. B. Walnut Aveuue Narcissus Path Fir Avenue Cedar " Indian Ridge Path Primrose " Elm Avenue Fir " Primrose Path N. Nason, J, B. Nason, Joseph Nazro, John Neal, G. B. Neally, C H. Nelson, G. S. Newhall, Cheever Newhall, D. B. Newhall, J. M. Nichols, Eleazar Nichols, George Nichols, L. B. Nichols, Lyman Nichols, S. S. Nichols, Thaddeus, Noble, Joseph Noble, William Nolen, Spencer, Jr, Norcross, Otis Norris, R. G. Norris, S. H. Norton, Andrews Jr. Petunia Path Heliotrope " Alder « Willow Avenue Fir Avenue Pilgrim Path Rhodora " Central Square Rhodora Path Fir Avenue Eglantine Path Geranium " Hazel " Petunia ' ' Beech Avenue Eglantine Path Elm Avenue Eglantine Path Willow Avenue Yarrow Path Elm Avenue Thistle Path 70 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Norwood, Samuel . Cedar Avenue 94 Noyes, C. E. . Central S^ Beech Avenues 1 134 Noyes, Daniel . Ailanthus Path 1121 Noyes, G. R. O. 1213 Oakes, G. L. . Fir Avenue 956 Odiorne, C. G. . Olive Path 546 Odiorne, W. H. . . Indian Ridge Path . 351 Oliver, Daniel . Aster Path 597 Oliver, F. J. , Oliver, H.J. . Holly Path 67 Oliver, W. B. . Oak Avenue 146 Olney, S. W. Yarroio Path 1091 Osborn, G. B. Cypress Avenue 264 Osgood, George . Oleander Path 948 Otis, H. G. . Cypress Avenue 628 & 666 Oxnard, Henry . Narcissus Path 364 Page, J. A. P. . Poplar Avenue 499 Page, P. S. . Chestnut '<■ . 1062 Paige, J. W. . JYurcissus Path 353 Paine, R. T. Cypress Avenue 251 Palfrey, J. G. . Sweet Brier Path 36 Palmer, J. A. . Beech Avenue 618 Palmer, John . Cypress " 977 Parker, A. G. . Mountain " . 1072 Parker, C. H. . Thistle Path . 1272 Parker, David . Jasmine " . ' 292 Parker, D. P. . Ailanthus Path . 1141 Parker, G. P. . Elm Avenue 741 Parker, Isaac . Elder Path 125( ) & 1333 Parker, Isaac (C/ie5« nut Street) Olive Path 29 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. n Parker, James . Parker, J. B. . Snowdrop Path . 1506 Parker, J, W. . Pilgrim " 910 Parker, Obadiah . Central Jvenue 483 Parker, Peter . Mlanthus Path . 1202 Parker, W. A. . Elder " . 1315 Parker, W. H. . Fir Avenue . 1139 Parkman, Daniel . Holbj Path 76 Parkman, Francis . Cypress Avenue 81 Parkman, George . Sumac Path 326 Parkman, Susan . Beech Avenue 540 Parks, Luther " << 121 Parmelee, Gilbert . Petunia Path 1495 Parrott, W. W. Orange " 250 Parsons, A. Q. . Fir Avenue 1549 Parsons, Samuel . Verbena Path 1148 Parsons, Simon . Cedar Avenue 836 Parsons, Theophilu i . Green Brier Path 608 Parsons, Usher . Cedar Avenue 60 Parsons, William . Green Brier Path 607 Patten, James , . Snowdrop " 717 Patterson, Enoch . Indian Ridge Path 438 Payson, J. L. . Tulip Path 1593 Peabody, Catherine . Cedar Avenue 726 Peak, John . Spruce " 1555 Pearl, S. R. " " 1601 Pearson, J. H. . Cijpress ". 1172 Peck, A. G. . Locust " 747 Peck, S. A. . Central " 1339 Peirce, A. T. . Fir 1024 Pelrce, H. A. C Elder 8^ Mimosa Pa ^ 1155 ths «fell56 Peirce, Silas . Narcissus Path 376 Pelby, William Central Avenue 65 72 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. Pelton, Oliver Penniman, E, L. Penniman, S. B. Perham, Josiah, Jr. Perkins, Aaron Perkins, Daniel Perkins, Frederick Perkins, M. L. Perkins, P. H. Perkins, T. H. Perkins, T. H. Jr. Perrin, G. W. Perry, M. S. Petersilea, Franz PfafF, Carl Plialen, James Phelps, Abel Phelps, Abner Phillips, Edwin Phillips, John Phillips, S. M. Phillips, W. A. Phillips, WiUard Phipps, H. C. Phipps, Samuel Phipps, William Pickens, Charity Pierce, G. W. Pierce, S. B. Pierce, S. K. Pierpont, John Pitts, Sarah Plyniplon, Henry Pomeroy, Francis Woodbine Path Elm Avenue Snoiodrop Path Cypress Avenue Elder Path Alder " Snowdrop Path Oak Avenue Hibiscus Path Central Avenue Eglantine Path Woodbine "■ Petunia " Verbena " Mayfloicer " Central Avenue Oleander Path Narcissus " Green Brier Path Sedge " Ailanthus " Pine Avenue Fir " Central " Eglantine Path Poplar Avenue Mountain " Willoio " Ailanthus Path Mistletoe " PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. 73 Pomroy, W. M., Jr . Indian Ridge Path 325 Pomroy, William . Yarrow Path 797 Pond, Samuel . Alder " 449 Poor, N. C. . Fir Avenue 1012 Pope, Lemuel . Yarroio Path 636 Porter, Mary . Vine " 477 Potter, Henry . Poplar Avenue 783 Pratt, Dexter . Fir " 1011 Pratt, J. C. . Willow " 1281 Pratt, J. E. . Sumac Path 225 Pratt, Mary C Cypress Avenue and i Mimosa Path 271 & 1484 Pratt, William . Elder Path .885 Pray, L. G. . Rhodora Path 1596 Prentice, W. H. . Willoio Avenue 138 Preston, Warren . Hibiscus Path 1454 Prince, John . Dell Path 557 Prince, J. T. . Cypress Avenue 109 Prince, W. G. . Geranium Path 1158 Prichard, Mary . Oak Avenue 393 Prichard, W. H. . Jasmine Path 683 Proctor, J. C. . Yarrow " 640 Putnam, George . Rose " 488 Putnam, Jesse . Beech Avenue 473 Putnam, John . Ceiitral " 1279 Putnam, Orpha " " 88 Putnam, S. R. . Adjoining Lot 323 1443 Quincy, Josiah Quincy, Samuel 10 Q. C Corner of Rose ^ i. Brier Paths Pilgrim Path 396 601 74 PROPRIETORS OF LOTS. R. Ramsay, A. H. Rand, Benjamin Rand, E. S. Rand, Luther Rand, R. R. Randall, John Raymond, E. A. Raymond, Emmons Raymond, T. R. Rea, VV. A. Read, George Read, James Read, John Read, William Receiving Tomb Reed, Caleb Reed, C L. Reed, David Reed, G. P. Reed, Joel Reed, J. W. Reed, Sampson Rehbinder, E. De Renouf, Edward Restieux, Thomas Reynolds, Edward. Reynolds, W. B. Rice, Alanson Rice, Cyrus Rice, Emery Rice, George Rice, H. T. Jr. Yarrow Path Ailanthus " Spruce Avenue Central " Cedar " WiUoio " Hazel Path Yarroio " Beech Avenue Cijpress " Pine " Iris Path Columbine Path Ailanthv^ " Rosemary " Eglantine " Yarroio <' Spruce Avenue Eglantine Path Fir Avenue Elder Path Ailanthus Path It -.xf-»ror do. 8-''.\'iTu:lie nMrt tromh. »-Jud-ge Stoiys L= 1-^:^3. ■ .3-oV.ionn-3 Uol.'i-Oldteceivirig loitLb. 6- N e vv o.^., ti Low,- ;. lu^.uuiiic rit . O J ji|?c ifaryt L:) "^^^ " <^ .. ^ ""^ r ^-. -^o"* LIBRARY Uh UUNUHtbb 014 079 302 4 #