ft ^V^TV." \ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE NEW PD IA/jPROVED STYLES OF SCHOOL AND CHTJUCE lit v Manufactured by new york and chicago. 1872. /?= =\ If|l(c ^ofice. All of oil)- Desks have our new Seat- Hinge, Patented Feb. 20, 1872. // is, without any question, the best joint in the market. Certain unscru- pulous venders of common furniture are endeavoring to impress the com- munity with the idea that they TOntrol all lift-seat combinations. We would caution the public against this audacious fraud, and urge upon them the advantages of our seat-joint. I J lit f ateal prol f xmxikn fp.'$ J.v ^ J J OF SCHOOL AND CHURCH (SCHOOL 1^EQUI£ITE£ Of ALL SALESROOMS. Ill & US William Street, New York. 515 Stale Street, Chicago. FACTORIES. 82 & 84 John Street, Brooklyn. 159, 161, 161 & 165 22nd Street, Chicago. 1872. *\ IV INTR OB UCTION. do not care to pay the slightly increased price for the Peard Desks. It is our wish to be able to meet the wants of every customer, and Ave cordially invite all who desire to be exactly suited to visit us before deciding to place in their school-rooms furniture that they will always regret having taken should they see ours after " the deed is done." We also make a specialty of Church Furniture, and would call attention to our new and elegant designs in this department of our business. It is our intention to make furniture for the whole country, and to the end that we may accommodate our western customers, WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A FACTORY AT CHICAGO, with sales and show rooms at the store of A. S. Barnes & Co. (515 State Street), where we shall be glad to welcome those in quest of school outfits, and where all orders sent will receive prompt and careful attention. Our manufacturing department is under the direct supervision of John Peaed, the patentee of our folding-desks, who from a life thus far spent in catering to the wants of the school-room, is eminently fitted for the discharge of the duties which devolve upon him, and understands thoroughly the essentials of a comfortable and elegant school building, of which knowledge his patents are the fruit. Owing to the number of calls we are constantly receiving for our new styles of furniture, we would suggest to those who are contemplating furnishing Church or School Buildings to send in their orders as early as possible ; for we can, if allowed ample time, do more credit to ourselves and better satisfy our customers. Very respectfully, THE NATIONAL SCHOOL FURNITURE CO., Ill & 113 William St., 515 State Steeet, NEW YORK. CHICAGO. J) ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE '% The Peard Desk and Settee Combined, Patented Februai\y 2, 1869, Is, without exception, the most approved style of School Furniture in the market, AM Ms lor m PAST TWO YEARS been awarded the premium at tne Fair of tie American Insti- tute OTer all competing Styles. Therefore to it we would first invite special attention. COMPARATIVE SIZES, SHOWING DESK IN DIFFERENT POSITIONS. In the usd of this Desk a School or Lecture-room is secured at pleasure. In position for use as Desk and Settee. Desk-lid folded for use as Settee only. HEIGHT OF SEAT. Ko. 1 \U inches. 28 in 3.. -..15} " 26.V HEIGHT OF DESK. 4....13. 1 . 5....12J G....10J 25 23^ 22' 21 LENGTH OF DESK. AGE OF PUPIL SEATED. Single. Double. 14 to 20 22 inches. 42 inches. 12 to 14 22 42 10 to 12 20 40 " 8 to 10 18 •' 3G 6 to 8 18 3G " 4 to 6 1C " OO (t OO 1 In ordering please stale whether Double or Single Desks are wanted. =y <; ILL US TR A TED C A TA L O G UE % We invite the careful attention of the buyer to the many advan- tages which this Desk affords over all others in the market : Ht. It economizes room. There is no desk that closes as compactly and conveniently, occupying as it does when folded Only nine inches of space, and securing passage-ways between the desks of two-and-a-half feet. When folded as Settee the seating ca- pacity is one-third greater than that of the common styles. 2d. Cleanliness, a most important consideration in the school- room, is attained with difficulty where the stationary desk is used, but with the 'PIZA'RD D^ESIi' it is a matter of perfect ease to secure a neat and clean room, for sweeping is no more difficult than in an open hall. 3d. The 1>oo/c-7*ack is always accessible — an advantage found in no other folding-desk. 4th. The folding of the desk adds (/really to its durability. for it is out of the way of damage. 5th. They are constructed with special reference to the comfort and health of the (Pupil, and the seat and back are so shaped as to secure ease to the scholar, who unconsciously is compelled to assume an erect and healthful position. 6th. The scat-hinge (our patent) is noiseless, and is so constructed as to be easily tightened when through long-continued use the seat works too readily or loosely in the socket. Thus ^.per- fectly noiseless Joint is secured as long as the furniture is in use. It is absolutely the only hinge in the market that is noiseless, cmd will continue to be so. 7th. The School can at pleasure be transformed into a roomy, comfortable, and elegant hall for Lecture and Assembly room purposes for Adults. In many local- ities this is a most important feature, for thus Town Hall and School-room are produced as the result of one outlay. Teach- ers of graded schools will also fully appreciate this advantage where assembly rooms are necessary in each department. 8th. They are made of the best kiln-dried lumber, elegant in finish, and are perfectly simple in construction, no machinery about them, as in every other style of folding-desk. 9th. When parties purchasing desks desire them shipped ready to screw to the floor, they will save more than half the cxpe?ise of freight by taking the Peard Furniture. Vi OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. If OF CASTINGS OF PEARO'S DESK AND SETTFE COMBINED. Vi THESE CUTS SHOW THE END VIEW OF THE DESK, both Open and Closed. Open. Closed. Notice these castings in the following particulars : 1st. The castings are of extra weight (being 25 per cent, heavier than those of any other desk), and are so flanged as to secure the greatest possible strength. 2d. The feet upon which the castings rest upon the floor are very large, and will, if desired, admit of four SCreiVS ill each foot, insuring perfect stability to the desk. 3d. We invite special attention to our Patent Seat-Joint (patented Feb. 20, 1872), which by an application of pads v is entirely free from noise, and is, without exception, the strongest hinge in the market. It will never become noisy, and is the only seat-hinge of tvhich this can be said. 4th. Note the beautiful curve of the scat-arm, which we attain through the number of slats used. 5th, Observe what a compact form the desk assumes when both seat-arm and desk-lid are folded. There are no dangerous iron projections left exposed, as is the case with every other folding- desk, and the space occupied is only about half that of any other style. The advantages of this Furniture can but be apparent to every school officer. We cannot too highly commend it to their consider- ation. |3F™ The ^Pfiblic are cautioned against the manufacture or purchase of any School Furniture WITH DESK-LID TURNING OVER TO LIE AGAINST BACK OF SEAT, THUS FORMING SETTEE, other than Peard's, as all such are infringements on his "Patents ; and those selling or purchasing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. SEND FOR, A. PRICE LIST. v^ All n/io are using these Desks are lo?rd in their praise, ffiead what a few of litem say : " St. Francis Xavier's College, " New York, March 28th, 1872. * * * " We have been using Peard's patent Desks and Settees, combined, for the past year, and have found them entirely satisfactory. We cordially recommend these Desks to any one desiring the best. " H. HUDON, 5". J., President:' " Board of Education, Paterson, N. J., " October 25, 1871. ^ National School Furniture Co.: " Gentlemen— Before deciding upon the style of furniture for our new school-house, I (as chairman of special committee appointed to determine upon what furniture should be adopted) examined all the latest and most improved styles of school desks and settees, and after carefully looking into the merits of each, gave your furniture, viz., Peard's Desk and Settee, combined, my unqualified preference, and it was chosen for our school as being with- out exception the best. It is the most durable in construction, the most elegant in finish, and affords many advantages found in no other style. I do not hesitate to pronounce it the ne plus ultra of school desks. "Yours, etc., "ISAAC VAN HOUTEN, " Chairman of Furniture Committee." Prof. Wra, F. Phelps, Principal of State Normal School, Winona. Minn., says, under date of Nov. 27th. 187^ : * * * "I like Peard's Folding Desk better than anything of that style I have yet seen. It seems to me to be simple, durable, convenient, and cheap." " Normal College, New York, March 14th, 1871. ************** " For economy of space, for simplicity of movement, and for practical usefulness, the ' Peard patent Desk and Settee, combined,' is just the thing for our schools, and I cheerfully recommend it to my fellow-teachers. " THOS. HUNTER, " President of Normal College." Mr. N. J. Beedy, writing in behalf of the Board of School Directors, of which he is a member, at Pottsville, Iowa, says, under date of Nov. 28th, 1871 : " We are very well pleased with the Peard Folding Desk and Seat, and think them the very best manufactured" " Grammar School No. 26, "New York City, April 5th, 1871. ************ " I think the superiority of Peard's furniture is apparent on the most cursory examina- tion ; and after a year's experience with it in the school-house, to say nothing of its hand- some appearance, I believe it to be the simplest, most compact, and convenient combination of desk and settee yet invented, and the very best that can be put into a school-room. " HUGH CARLISLE, " Principal of Grammar Department." Prof. I. I. Anderson, principal of Marshall Academy, of Marshall, Wis., under date of Dec. 16th, 1871, says : ■' Peard's patent Folding Desk and Seat, for convenience, ease, and durability, surpasses everything in that line I haye ever seen. * * * We are delighted with them, and feel sure that they excel all other school Desks in every respect, besides possessing advantages not found in any others made." =5\ OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. For Schools not wishing a Folding-desk, we have provided The most perfect Stationary Top (Desk in the market. How few desks combine comfort, elegance, and durability ! V '77 "7fJ GJ FOR A PRICE LIST. OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. =*N 11 a THE STUDY DESK." The only Desk in the Market with Easel Combination. PATENTED MAY 23, 1871. "How shall we prevent our pupils from, leaning- over their boohs while engaged in study, thus inducing rounding of the shoulders and compressing the chest?" is a prob- lem which has long puzzled the brain of every educator who has had the physical well-being of his scholars at heart ; but is at last fully solved in the production of "THE STUDY DESK/' as shown in the accompanying cuts. It is a folding-desk with hook-easel attached, and so ar- ranged that when the desk-lid is Oj>en. folded the easel is presented di- rectly before the pupil, enabling him, when the book is placed upon it, to assume an easy, erect po- sition, while the book is brought on a line with the angle of vision ' without necessitating any bend of the neck or head. We recom- mend this desk especially for use in Normal, High Schools, and d Academies. It is very elegant in finish,, and thoroughly du- . rable, and can but become a favor- ite. We make three sizes of this desk backs and seats. Folded, showing Easel. with beautifully curved slat THESE DESKS HAVE OUR PA-TENT SEAT-HINGE HEIGHT OP SEAT. HEIGHT OF DESK. LENGTH OF DESK. AGE OF PUPDL Single. Double. SEATED. 10 11 12 16^ inches. 15!r " 14Jr " 28 inches. 26£ " 25 22 inches. 22 " 20 " 42 inches. 42 " 40 " 14 to 20 12 to 14 10 to 12 In ordering please specify wlietlier it is the Single or DouDle Desk tliat is desired. SEND FOR Al. JPRIOE HiIST 1 . 12 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE NOMIC T&S&Gr^ZhGih CI.. ESK, We manufacture with a special view to meet the wants of country districts where the desire is to secure a cheap and yet sub- stantial style Of furniture. To such we cannot too highly recommend " THE ECONOMIC," which desk combines the comfortable features of our higher priced desks, while it is furnished at * price fully as low as the < ' old pine-box desks, ? ' with this in its favor, that in its use the comfort and health of the pupil is ministered to. The seats are slatted, curved, and folding, with the same perfectly strong and noiseless hinge-joint as our best desks. We supply this Desk at a price twenty 2^>cr ce?il. less than that of our regular styles, and far below the price of a?iy CDesk of olh er m an ufacture . ^BSOLJjELY, TH IS DESK DEFIES COJVipEJI TION. Don't fail to see it if you want CHEAP FURNITURE THAT IS GOOD. We make five sizes, as follows : LENGTH or DESK. HEIGHT OF SEAT. HEIGHT OF DESK. AGE OP PUPH. NO. SEATED. Single. Doable. 30 16. V inches. 28 inches. 22 inches. 42 inches. 14 to 20 31 15 1 " 26 | " 22 " 42 " 12 to 14 32 14* " 25 20 " 40 " 10 to 12 33 \U " 231 " 18 " 36 " 8 to 10 34 m " 221 " 18 " 36 " 6 to 8 tgp Say whether Single or CDovblc Desks ere wanted when ordering. SEND FOR. A PRICE LIST. OF SCHOOL FURNITUBE. 13 High and Uormal School Desks. Although we urge the claims of i £ The Study Desk '* as being the most ajyproved and desirable Furniture for Schools of high grade, still for those who prefer a lift-lid desk we have a very handsome a?~licle to offer in the NATIONAL HIGH-SCHOOL DESK. It is of the same ornamental pattern of iron work as "The Gem Desk." Is made with lift-lid and folding-seat, and is made either single or double, as desired. 4.0. JValional High School Desk, Single. if. << « Double. THE VETERAN HIGH- SCHOOL DESK Is the old style desk to be used with chair. It is very roomy, has lift-lid, and is made with special reference to durability. &2 . 2 he Velera?i High School Desk, Single. Z3. " << Double. SEND FOU A. PRICE LIST. /= 14 ILLUSTRATED CATALOG UK Lift Seat Recitation Settee, This is the favorite style for recitation seat. Beautifully curved, slatted back and seat. Very elegant, strong, and cheap. LIFT SEAT SETTEE, With Book Box. This style is adapt- ed for wants of Prima- ry Departments where desks are not desira- ble. 101. ^ Stationary Box Settee, Stationary seat, with box for books under- neath. We make our Set- tees with either Solid, Open, or Slatted Backs, and with Solid or Slatted Seats, as de- sired, both backs and seats beautifully curved. The usual length is six feet, and this length will always be sent unless ordered to the contrary. sill oar Z,i ft .Seat Setters /tare oar 7 J .>/ V'E.Y'l JVOISJEIZESS SE&T- Jff.YGJ?, wliieh, aside from other advantages) renders them tlie most desira- ble i:i tine market. SEND FOR A. I»ilICE H.IST. 102. /r ^\ TEACHERS' DESKS A J7 CHAIRS. 16 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE TEACHERS' DESKS. 7i<^C^<^C^~- We give below cuts of all the standard styles of Teach- ers 9 Deslcs, which we keep constantly on hand. From the variety we offer we think the most fastidious may be suited. If, however, a desk of more elegance than any offered here is desired, we shall be pleased to manufacture it on order. No. 500. Table, drawer. No. 501. Table, drawers. No. 502. Table, legs and No. 503. Table, legs and Teachers' with one Teachers 9 with two Teachers" with fluted one drawer. Teachers 9 with fluted two drawers. No. 504. Teach- ers 9 Class- room Desk. It is 3 feet long. Has lift-lid, enam- elled cloth top, lock and key. No. 505. Same, with fluted legs. Vfe SEND FOR A. PRICE 3L.IST. OF SCHOOL FURNITURE No. 506. Teachers' Desk, with drawer at each side, raised centre, with inclined desk, top covered with enamelled cloth. Supported on iron stanchions of very neat pattern. '"" iiiBiai iilik n'l'iill'.iiliimiiiiii.iiii. i. 507. DesJc with inclined enamelled cloth top, with space for books and papers at side of desk. Two drawers. 508. Same Desk, with fluted legs. 509. This desk is similar to No. 507, the only difference being in number of drawers, this pat- tern having four. 510. Same, with fluted legs. SEND FOR A. PEICE 1L.IST /? 18 1 h L US TR A T E 1) ( ' A T AL O G UE (J 511. Extra Large Desk. Inclined desk-top in centre, with ample room for books at either end, and four drawers. 512. Same desk, fluted legs. All of the foregoing Styles are made of Cherry Lumber. The following are of Black Walnut 513. Small JVeaf Desk, (3 ft. long,) with rail back. Inclined enamelled cloth top, which Joes not misc. Two drawers below. SEND FOK A PRICE LIST. /5= ^ OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 19 iil-L. Has rail back. Is 3 ft. 6 in. long. Inclined stationary top, with large drawer underneath, and four smaller drawers to the side. A very desirable style. 315. A very Iioomy Desk, 4 ft. 6 in. long, rail back, inclined stationary top, with six drawers, and book-rack in front, and large closet in end. 510. Same desk, with finished back. 517. Large, flat enamelled cloth top, with four drawers and book closet. This desk has panelled back. SEND FOK A PRIC13 LIST. /? ^\ 20 IL L US T R A TED C A T A LOG UE 518* A beautiful design of desk, intended more especially for use in rooms where Board and Committee meetings are held. The desk-top raises, and in the inside are pigeon-holes. The inte- rior is finely finished in shellac. At one end are four drawers, in the other a closet with book-rack. Length of Desk, 3 ft. 519. Is similar to, though more elegant, than No. 514, and is with out closet in the end. This is just the desk for a Principal's platform. ^ SEIVD FOR, A PHICE LIST. OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 21 Wood Seat, Bent Top. Fancy Back, Cane-seat. C— Fancy Back Platform Chair, SEND j^oK A PRICE MST E_— Bent Oak Arm, Revolvin V* Arm, Plain. J.-Prescott Arm, Fancy. SEND FOK A PRICE 3L.IST. F S C H O L F TJJR ?T7 T UR E. 23 BLACKBOARDS Our Boards are all finished with the Silicate Surface, which it has been fully decided gives the finest and most last- ing finish of any liquid slating in the market. 'BLACA'JlOA'fiDS WITJI AS& FftAMUS. Sizes and Price. Finished on both sides. No. i. Size 2 x 3 ft., 6- 4- 5- 6. 3 x 4 32 x 4i 3h x 5 4 X5 4 x6 $3-5o 5-25 7.00 9-5° 10.25 12.00 16.00 Our boards are so framed as to admit of shrinking and swelling without danger of splitting or warping. \ SEND FOU A. PRICE LIST. /= ^\ 24 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FRAMED BLACKBOARDS IN STANDS. IiKVOLVING. No. 3. 3 x 4 feet, #13.00 16.00 BLACKBOARD PAPER. Where Schools do not care to incur expense of wood black- boards, they can obtain a good substitute in our Silicate 'Paper, which may be tacked to the wall in mouldings. This paper comes in rolls ten yards long, and either 3 or 4 feet wide. 3 feet wide, per yard, ........ $1.08 4 " " i-44 SILICATE WALL SLATING, Put up in Cans. A Quart covers 100 square feet one coat. Price per pint, . . . . . . . . . $1.75 " quart, ......... 3.00 " gallon, 12.00 Makes the finest and most durable wall surface ever used. SEND FOR A PRICr: LIST. ^ CHURCH FURNITURE (r 26 IL L US TR A TED CA TA L O G V E mm m$ mu mmws- 750. Stationary Sack Spindle Settee. 757. Reversible " " The above Settee makes the best cheap seating for Lecture and Assembly rooms, when wanted for Sunday-School purposes. One Reversible back should be ordered to two Stationary back, which secures each alternate seat a reverse back. 752 . This is a very popular style of Settee, is made of ash, with shaped back and curved seat. It is thoroughly comfortable. 753 . The Same, in Slack Walnut. v^ «e:vi> for a pkice :l,i«t. OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 75 £. 'Pendulum Sack Settee. alternately with 152, and is very convenient and beautiful. It is a more comfort- able style than the reversible. This is designed to use 755. Same, in Slack Wal- nut. 756. Reversible Saluster Sack Settee. for use in Sunday ... ' school rooms. Beautifully curv- ed seat. 757 . Same, inSlack Wal- nut. 758. 'Rever- sible Spindle Sack Settee. The cheapest re- versible settee made. Is a favorite TLATFOftM SUATS. 759. Slatform Seat, uniform in style with Settees 152, 154, and 156. The use of this seat upon platforms when the settees similar in style are placed in the body of the lecture room or hall, gives a very uniform and elegant appearance to the whole. /^ ^\ 28 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE T We invite special attention to our new styles. /GO . Neat and simple style, in ash. /6V . Same, in Black Walnut. /62 . Is a very desirable style, made of ash, with black walnut trimmings. 763 . Same style, made of ash plain. 76Z.. Same, of Black Walnut. . Vi W3^1V1> FOR A PIITCK T\,T(-a oz. Litmus 2 ft. Magnesium Mibbon 1 Specimen Metal, Aluminum APPARATUS. % oz. Chloride of Barium 4 oz. Ammonia % oz. Tartaric Acid }4 oz. Chloride of Mercury % oz. Metallic Antimony % oz. Arsenious Acid % oz. Iodide of Potassium )i oz. Iodine % oz. Potassium }£ oz. Sodium % oz. Solution Chloride of Platinum 4 oz. Sulphuric Ether }£ oz. Chloride of Coba.t Solution }£ oz. Bisulphide of Carbon } a oz. Phosphuret of Calcium (Pieces) 1 oz. Litharge % oz. Nitrate of Silver Solution 2 oz. Sulpliate of Iron 2 oz. Sulpliate of Copper >„' oz. Gun Cotton for Collodion G sheets Filtering Paper 1 Funnel — 3 indies 1 Alcohol Lamp — 4 oz. 2 Evaporating Dishes 1 Tripod 6 Assorted Test Tubes 1 Mortar and Pestle 1 Mouth Blow-pipe (Jewellers' 1 ) 1 Ming Platinum Sponge 2 Tubes for Hydrogen Tones yi lb. French Glass Tubing 1 ft. Rubber Tubing for Connectors 1 Small Lead Tray 1 Evolution Flask, Funnel, and De- livery Tube 1 Stop-cock and Connector for Gas- 1 Florence Flask with Delivery Tube oaa 1 Deflagrating Sjioon The above articles are securely packed in a nice Slide-Cover Box, and can be transported any distance without danger of breakage. Chemical Apparatus for making 0. Copper Retort with Iron Stand, Gas-Bag Rubber Tubing, and Gallow's Screw Connectors, ......•• Chemical Apparatus for making and inhaling N. 0., Wash Bottle, Large Rubber Bag, Small Bag with Stop-cock and Mouth-piece, i lb. Nitrate of Ammonia, . Compound Blow-pipe, Two Rubber Bags with Tubing Con nectors and let complete, ..... The above three items complete, in one Set, >22 50 22 50 40 00 75 o° I OF SCHOOJL FURNITURE. 37 Set of Philosophical Apparatus fully adequate for the performance of all the leading experiments in any text-booh. We would call attention to the extremely low price at which it is offered. The set contains the following articles : Centrifugal Hoops MECHANICS. Leant n(j Tower Collision Palls ELECTRICITY. 12-in. Plate Machine JLeyden Jar — quart Discharger Spiral Tube Set Sells Plates for Images PNEUMATICS. Air Pump and Receiver Fountain in Vacuo Hemispheres Globe to Weigh Air Hand and Pladder Glass HYDROSTATICS. Equilibrium Hydrometer and Jar Water Hammer Pottle Imps Syphon OPTICS. Compound microscope Set lenses Concave and Convex Mirrors Magnifier Prism MAGNETISM AND GALVANISM. Pot Battery Electric Magnet Magnet Par Magnet Magnetic Needle Pip Needle CHEMISTRY. Retort Stand, Spirit lamp G-Pulb Tubes Parameter Tube and Mercury 6 Rupert's Props Funnel and Filters Glass Tube, Assorted Porous Ctip Glass Tubes for Sound Compound Par Flash 'Price, $725 . Packing SJxtra. @]3]N"13 fcmr a pmce list. & 38 IL L US Til A TED CA TA LOG U 13 \t iataal fait Ink- Peard's Patent, Feb. 20, 1872. The Netvest f The Handsomest ! The I>est ! and lite only real lock- Well made. There are many ink-wells in the market, the manufacturers of which claim for them that they lock, but tJie National Ink- Well is the only one that actually accomjj'lisfies the much to be desired end of so locking as to prevent the possibility of the pupil in any way getting at the ink, when it is the teacher's desire that he should not. It is perfectly simple in its construction ; it can't get out of order. While it locks perfectly tight if desired, it can also be used as an open ink-?pcll by those who prefer such an one. It is made of non-corrosive metal. It may be inserted in holes made for the ordinary glass ink-wells. JVo part of it can be removed — the cover unscrewing with a wrench which accompanies it, and all the movable parts of the well are under this cover. It is per- fectly air-light — prevents all dirt and dust from getting into the ink. The same quantity of ink will last twice as long in this well as in any other. We invite the attention of Teachers and School Offi- cers to it. HEIVD J^OR A PRICE LIST. J OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 39 cafontfj Skits, THE CELEBRATED " MENEELY " MANUFACTURE. Our School Bells range in weight from ioo to 375 pounds, and are mounted with rotary yoke, which permits the bell to be turned in a moment, so as to cause the clapper to strike in a new place when desired. Frame consisting of iron uprights bolted to platform of timber and iron wheel, steel clapper springs attached. Bells of these weights are often used for small Churches and Chapels. BELL. MOUNTING BELL. MOUNTINGS. Weight. Diameter. Size of frame, • outside. Price m'tngs. Weight. Diameter. Size of frame, outside. Price m'tngs. 100 lbs. 135 " 150 " 175 " 300 " 17 in. 18* " 19i " 301 " 3U « 2 5 by 2 8 2 6 by 2 8 2 6 by 3 8 3 8 by 3 1 3 8 by 3 1 $13 13 15 30 30 225 lbs. 250 " 300 " 350 " 375 " 33 in. 33 '■■ 241 " 26 " 27 " 2 8 by 3 1 3 by 3 2 3 1 by 3 4 3 1 by 3 4 3 1 by 3 4 $20 33 23 37 37 'Price per pound, !Be?2 of any size, . . $0 60 ©E1N"X> FOR A I».0,IC33 LIST. I fr 40 I L LUST HATED CATALOGUE THE BEST SCHOOL TILIE-PIECE IS For which we are SPECIAL AGENTS. THIS CLOC Superior Eight-day TIME-PIECE, IS FINISHED Handsome Rosewooil llath IBalnat (Case. Patented January 11th, 1870. It is easily set to strike any desired programme of exercises in which the intervals consist of five minutes or in ultiples of fire, thus : — It can be set to strike at 9.00, 9.05, 9.15, 9.30, 9.50, &c, or at any other five minutes during the day. It gives a single, clear stroke, like a " call-bell.'" When once arranged it needs no changing, except as the order of exercises is changed, and then the change is easily and quickly made. The machinery is very simple, and cannot get out of order. The movement of this clock is superior in finish, the metal being extra heavy, and the plates screwed together instead of being pinned as in the ordinary way. One of these clocks will last as long as half a dozen of the cheap, common clocks usually purchased for schools, and what is better, if will keep much better time, STYLES AND PRICES. 1. Esfcll's Programme Regulator. Height, 20 in. ; dial, 10 in. Walnut case. oil finish. Price ' .... $10 00 '». Polished Mosewood or Walnut. Square top, rubber or gilt front, neight. 10 in.; dial, 5 in. Price, [ S 00 3. Polished Mosewood. Square top, plain, neat finish. Height, 13 in. : dial, 5 in. p r i ce 12 50 These are nil shelf clocks, for the reason that they are much more easily kept perpendicu- ular and " in beat" than hanging or suspended clocks are. EVERY TIME-PIECE WARRANTED. SEND FOK A PIXIOT3 LIS! 1 . ^ OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 41 school clocks. We supply any style of Clock desired at manufacturers'prtces. OCTAGON LEVER. -day, 8 in. dial, $5.50 " 10 " 6.00 " 12 " 6.50 CALENDAR LEVER. i-day, 10 in. dial, $7.00 CALENDAR. 8-day, 12 in. dial, $14 00. DROP OCTAGON SPRING. 8-day, 12 in. dial, $6 00. =N 42 ILL US TEA TED C A T A LOG UE I HE WE ARE AGENTS FOR RAIG MICROSCOPE Ivr^.O^TIFIES 10,000 TI2VEES. o o o o o C/2 O S3 o t/2 7? reveals thousands of hidden wonders of Nature, which would neper be discovered to the naked eve. Every instrument is neatly boxed and handsomely labeled, with full directions for use. Price, $3 OO fr OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 43 14 i iCHOOL MAPS AND | .HARTS. MONTEITH'JS REFERENCE JVlyVPg. Eight Numbers, on Rollers. The first and only Complete Peference Jlfaps for schools. They may accompany any series of Geographies to advantage. They are of a convenient and uniform size (30 by 36 inches), are beautifully printed from engravings on copper, neatly colored, and highly ornamented. 'Price per set, $20 00. ]VmONy\L OUTLIjNE MAP£. Seven Numbers, Muslin Back, with key. These are the cheapest Outline Maps published. They are printed on muslin and handsomely colored. 'Price p^^r set, $/0 00. THE ]NyVT10ply\L JSCHOOL TABL.ET£. Ten Numbers — Five Cards. Embracing Reading and Conversational Exercises, Object and Moral Lessons, Form, Color, etc. Price 23er set, $8 00. Price, . EUF(EK^ ALPHABET TABLET. Two Numbers — One Card. $/ 50 NATIONAL PHOJN'ETIC TABLET^. Eight Numbers — Four Cards. These Tablets, each 24 by 30 inches in size, printed in colors and mounted in the best style, may be read at a distance of 100 feet. Price per set, $8 00. The same, Four numbers, on Pollers, $5 00. CLARKE QRAMMATICAL CHyVF(T. On Muslin. Whatever text-book the teacher uses, he wants this chart. Price, . . $3 75 NORMAL CH/\RT OF ELEMENTARY £0UNDJ3. Mounted— Colored. This chart was prepared by the celebrated teacher, David P. Page, author of " Theory and Practice of Teaching." In design it is tasteful and ornamental. Price, $3 75. I /- ^ 44 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. $kml fit ittitf t IV PENHOLDERS. Accommodating Holders, per gross, Tin Reverse " " RULERS. Boxwood, 12 in., per dozen, . Beech, " " ... Ebony, " " 2 75 INK. David's Ink, quarts, per dozen, Arnold's " " . $0 60 I 80 I 75 . 6 oc MUCILAGE. Amber, 3 oz. cones, per dozen, ..... " quarts, " ..... THERMOMETERS. Japanned Case, 7 in., each, ...... 12 in., " PAPER. Good Note, per ream, . . . " Letter, " Cap, " BLOTTER. Blotting Pads, per dozen (144 pads) . . . . . 1 00 SCHOOL SATCHELS. Long or Short Handles, per dozen, . . . . . 12 00 INK-WELLS. Glass, per dozen, ......... 60 Covers, iron, per dozen, . . . . . . .120 6 00 9 00 1 75 1 00 5° 75 2 00 3 00 4 00 ip- OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. 45 SCHOOL STATIONERY— Continued. CRAYONS. White Chalk, per gross, ....... Assorted Colors, " ....... Talc Crayons . . . . . . . BLACKBOARD POINTERS. Plain Pointers, any length from per dozen, Ivory Knob Pointers, " " BLACKBOARD RUBBERS. Sheepskin Rubbers, per dozen, ...... wood handles, per dozen, Chamois per dozen, ...... SLATES. Size. > 5x7, square frames, bev. edges and round corners, per doz. 6x9, 6Jxio, { xn, " " " " 8 X12, " " " . " SLATE PENCILS. 3° I 25 3 00 3 60 4 80 4 00 4 00 6 00 German, 6 in., per M, . Soapstone, 6 in., " Slate Pencils in wood, per M, LEAD PENCILS. Plain Cedar, per gross, Eagle B. R. G., " Faber " I 5° 2 10 2 20 2 40 2 90 I 5° 5 5° 9 00 1 75 6 00 STEEL PENS. National School Pen, per gross, ^ " Academic, .... 303, " ... ©END FOR A PRICE M8T. 7 5o 5° 60 60 46 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. WE ARE AGENTS FOR The Gartner Portable Book-Rack anl Book-Case and Desk Combined Portable Book-Rack. PRICES OF IMITATION OF WALNUT. 36 inches wide by 36 inches high, 34 " " ' 48 " 36 " " 64 " " 36 . " " 76 " " ■ PRICES OF SOLID BLACK WALNUT. 12 inches wide by 12 inches high, 18 " ' < 18 24 u < 24 3° U i 3° 36 a i ' 36 34 « t ' 43 36 u < ' 76 a 1. n a u a a it it it SEND FOR A PRICE 3L.TST. \i 53.IO 4-25 5.00 6.00 $0.40 I. OO 2.00 v 3-5° 4-75 6.00 10.25 OF SCHOOL FURNITURE. Book-Case and. Writing-Desk Combined, PRICES OF IMITATION OF WALNUT. 36 inches wide by 66 inches high, 36 " " 76 PRICES OF SOLID BLACK WALNUT. 56 inches wide by 66 inches high, 56 " ." 76 47 jio.oo 11.00 112.50 PRICES OF PORTABLE CABINET WITH BOOK-CASE AND WRITING-DESK COMBINED. 36 inches wide by 66 inches high, 36 " " 76 321. OO 20.00 PRICE OF YOUTH'S CABINET BOOK-CASE. 31 inches wide by 60 inches high, ----- $16.00 These cases are well made and 7/andsomeljy finished, and will add to the appearance of any teacher's room. Nothing has ever been made that is more convenient for the pterpose intended. SElVD FOR A. PRICE LIST. /? ■^ 48 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Manufacturers OF CHURCH, zb^istik:, AND OFFICE FURNITURE. HOUSE CARVERS, MAKERS OF Hard Wood MANTELS, IDoors, AND MOULDINGS. i SMITH & CRANE, 123 and 125 West 28th Street, NEW YORK. v^ styles of ALTARS, PULPITS, Lecturers' CHANCEL FIXTURES. Our Specialty is Church Chancel Work. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 02 9 502 062 3 A