*b\? * • • °> <^ ^ ^ •©lis* a& ^ Ay *> o w o ^ ^ •» • T.s* A \/ ifSfe c*^ ** % or * S * * "V_> " ° • * ^ * ^ V * 4< 3ft i0 v% o 1 y • « • « V ►*s '-'-•• ' BlBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA; A COMPLETE LIST OF THE llttklicaHons oft all t\u %nthttnn J|,ini*terft IN THE UNITED STATES. By JOHN G. MORRIS. U S1 ecclesiae est utilis, eompensatus est labor." b PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. ■ , t • PHILADELPHIA: LUTHERAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 42 N. 9th ST. LUTHERAN BOOK STORE, 1 1 7 N. 6th ST. 1876. Entered, according to Act of (J ongress, in the year 1875, by JOHN G, MORRIS, D.D., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. . L3 ' SINGEKLY 1'BESS, Harrisburg, Pa. y Bas. What have we here ? Antip. A trimly wrought (neat volume) my Lord ; Full of rich things and (worthy names) ; I Have heard it was his love, his pet, his joy, To glean by day and sow for it by night — Would it might please ye. Shakspkare. Vir, qui in texendis catalogis, totam pene vitam consumpsit. Morhof. PREFACE. For many years I have taken pleasure in keeping a list of every pamphlet or book written by our Lu- theran ministers in the United States, and I have on two occasions, long ago, published it. It has been in- creasing every year, of course, and, as will be seen presents a very respectable appearance in size. I proposed to issue it as a Centennial document, and my design has met with the approbation of many friends of our church literature. I here give it to those of our people who feel interested in our intel- lectual progress, and they will see that they have rea- son to be proud of the achievements of our ministers in this department of labor. I have studiously tried to be correct, and to secure the title of every publication; and if I have omitted any it is because I was not aware of their existence. Of many of those here given, I could not procure the place or date of publication, nor other particulars es- sential to a finished catalogue. As writers usually lay out their strength on Review articles, and thus exhibit their real capacity, I thought it due to them to give the titles of their contributions to Reviews and other periodicals of that grade. Many of our men have distinguished themselves as contribu- tors to the weekly press, but it is impossible to give 6 PREFACE. a list of their writings, or even to indicate the more useful and remarkable. The periodical press of a church is an index of its literary character, and hence to give a full and fair exhibit of our work in that direction, I have appended a list of all our church papers now extant as well as of those which have been discontinued. I should have been pleased to give brief biographi- cal sketches of our principal writers, deceased and living, but besides adding too much to the size of the book, every one will at once perceive the difficulty and delicacy of such an attempt. I might have se- lected some names which others would think might have been omitted, and in order to give no offence to any, I have concluded to let each name stand without any particular distinction. My acknowledgments are especially due to my in- dustrious co-worker in this department and esteemed friend, the Rev. M. Sheeleigh, for the essential aid he has rendered me in the preparation of this list. J. G. M. Baltimore, October, 1815. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. A. Good, my lord ! bid him welcome, this is the motley-minded gen- tleman.— Shakspeare. AbeSe, J. F. Die Prophezeihimg des Untergangs der Welt. 1863. Achilles, J. U. Busspredigt, gehalten in Concordia, Mo. 18*75. Adelberg, R. The Golden Wedding of Rev. Dr. G. B. Miller. 1866. Life of Luther: related from original authori- ties, with sixteen engravings. By Moritz Meu- rer. Translated from the German. New York, pp. 694. , L. E. Ministerial Education. Evang. Rev., IX., 412. Evangelical Lutheran. Co-editor. Charleston, 1866. Address delivered at Charlotte, N. C. 1810. Aileman, M. J. Memoir of Catharine E. Aileman. Baltimore, pp. 131. 8 B1BLI0THECA LUTHERANA. ASfeman, B. F., (Layman.) The Philosophians. Selinsgrove, 1865. 4to. Anderson, C. Zion's Baner. Editor Swedish Monthly. 18*71. The Pietist. Editor Swedish Magazine. Gales- burg, 111., 1873. Anderson, R. B., (Layman.) America Not Discovered b} r Columbus. Chicago, 1814. pp. 104. Norse Mythology ; or, The Religion of our Fore- fathers. Chicago, 1875. pp. 473. 12 mo. The Scandinavian Languages, pp. 16. Tale of John Bascom. (Transl.) Hand-Book for Charcoal-burners. (Transl. from Swedish.) pp. 300. Three other Norwegian Pamphlets. [Prof. Anderson is the writer of numerous articles in Nor- wegian and American periodicals.] Norsk Luthersk Kirke-Tidende, co-editor. Andrewsen, 0. Kirkerig Monedstidende, Editor. Frihed's-Tennen. Editor, Norwegian Paper. Kirketidende. Norwegian Paper. Anjou, J. Zion's Banner, co-editor. Anfangsgruende der Religion, oder Katechismus fur Kleine Kinder. Lebanon, 1814. (Anonymous.') BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 9 Anspach, F. R. Discourse, pronounced on Sabbath evening, in the Lutheran Church, Hagerstown, on the Death of Henry Clay. 1852. Discourse on Systematic Benevolence, pronounced before the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ma- ryland. 1853. The Sepulchres of Our Departed. Philadelphia, 1854. pp. 450. Translation from the German of Heavenly Balm, &c, of Caspar Schwenkfeld. Baltimore, 1853. pp. 454. The Sons of the Sires ; a History of the Ameri- can Party.. Philadelphia, 1855. pp. 223. Spiritualism and Spirit Rapping; a Lecture. Hagerstown, 1855. Address on Odd Fellowship. Hagerstown, 1855. The Two Pilgrims, or the Israelite and the Chris- tian. Philadelphia, 1857. Anstadt, P. Editor American Lutheran, Lutherische Kirchen- bote, Temperance Banner, Teachers' Journal, Teachers' Comments. Eine Answahl deutscher Spriichworte erklaert, &c. Gettysburg, 1853. pp. 110. Loyalty to the Government; a Sermon. 1863. The Seven Calumnies ; a Discussion with a Roman Catholic Priest. York, 1871. pp. 41. Anthropos HilartUS; Schlarafflade, oder Meister Urb- an's treuer Bericht ueber seine Reise ins Schla- raffenland. Reading, pp. 80. Antwort der Deutsch Ev. Luth. Synode von Mis- souri, auf die an dieselbe ergangene Ermah- nung's Schreiben der Luth. Pastoral Konferenzen, von Leipzig. Leipzig, 1839. pp. 39. 1* 10 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Appleby, B. Nathaniel, Ev. Rev., YL, 318. Artz, W. Church Government and Discipline. A Sermon. 1861. Augsburg Confession, Formula of Church Govern- ment, Constitution, &c, &c. Hartwick Synod. 1832. Aughey, S. The Renovation of Politics. A Sermon. 1861. The Geology of Nebraska. 1813. Catalogue of the Plants of Nebraska. 1874. Axline, A. The Home Yisitor. Co-editor. Fairfield, Iowa. B. The pen records tyme past and present both; Skill brings foorth bookes, and bookes is nurse to troth. — Churchyard. Bachman, J. A Defence of Luther and the Reformation against the Charges of John Bellinger, M. D., and others. Charleston, 1853. 12mo. An Inquiry into the Nature and Benefits of an Agricultural Survey. Sermon on the Doctrines and Discipline of the / Evangelical Lutheran Church, preached at Charleston, S. C, 183?. pp. 3?. The Designs and Duties of the Christian Ministry, preached at the General Synod of the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church, in the United States. 1848. pp. 23. Address delivered before the Washington Total Abstinence Society of Charleston, 1842. pp. 33. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 11 An Address before the Horticultural Society, Charleston, S.'C. Funeral Discourse on Rev. J. S. Schwartz, de- livered in 1831. pp. 23. The Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race, Examined on the Principles of Science. Charleston, pp. 301. A Notice of the Types of Mankind, with an Ex- amination of the Charges contained in the Biography of Dr. Morton, published by Nott and Gliddon, 1854. pp. 33. An Examination of Professor Agassiz's Sketch of the Natural Provinces of the Animal World, and their Relation to the Different Types of Man. pp. 54. An Examination of the Characteristics of Genera and Species as applicable to the Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race. pp. 24. Catalogue of Phsenogamous Plants and Ferns growing in the Vicinity of Charleston. Southern Lutheran. Editor. 1861. Address on Education at the Laying of the Cor- ner-Stone of Newberry College, 1857. Discourse on the 43d Anniversary of his Ministry in Charleston, 1858. Rules of the Lutheran Society for Promoting Religion in South Carolina and Georgia. Experiments made on the Habits of Vultures in- habiting Carolina. Charleston, 1834. Monograph of the Genus Sciurus, (Squirrels,) in Trans. Zoolog. Soc. London, 1833. The Changes in the Color of Feathers in Birds and of the Hair in Animals. Philosph. Trans. Philadelphia, 1839. The Introduction and Propagation of Fresh Water Fish. 1858. 12 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Controversy with Dr. Morton of Philadelphia, on Hybridity. A Sermon on Duelling. [Dr. Bachrnan had a principal hand in the writing of Audu- bon's great works on the Birds and Quadrupeds of the United States, and has also contributed numerous other articles than those enumerated above, to various Scientific and Agricul- tural Journals.] Bading, J. Lutherisches Gemeinde Blatt. Co-editor. Mil- waukie. Baer, C. Historisches Zeitblatt. Editor. Buffalo, N. Y. Das Leben des Johann Huss. Buffalo, 1853. pp. 58. Baer, I., (Layman.) Yolksfreund. Editor. Lancaster, Pa. Agricultural Almanac, (series.) Pennsylvania Calendar, (series.) Baker, J. Rede zum Gedachtniss des Herrn David F. Schaeffer. Lancaster, 1836. Baker, J. R., (Layman.) Poem on the Golden Wedding of his Parents. A poem. Gettysburg. 1866. Baltziy, J. B. Funeral Discourse on S. M. Summers. Banner of Zion Unfurled. Sermon. 1870. The Benefits of Communion. Ev. Rev., XYIII., 147. The Intermediate State. Quar. Rev., IL, 268. Barclay, J. H. The Decoration of the Soldier's Graves. Sermon. Easton, 1869. pp. 12. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 13 Barlow, Mrs. C. Y. Helen MacGregor ; or Conquest and Sacrifice. Philadelphia, 1866. pp. 328. Stella Ashton; or Conquered Faults. Philadel- phia, 1866. Barnitz, S. B. A Memorial of Eliza S. Barnitz. 1875. pp. 28. Baugher, H. L, Sr. Sermon, delivered in the College Chapel. The Object of Life ; a Discourse delivered in Christ's Church, Gettysburg, on Thursday, February, 1851, a day set apart for prayer on behalf of Colleges. Subjection to Law, the Constitution of Man's Nature ; a Discourse to the Graduating Class of Pennsylvania College, September 16, 1852. Reality of Life ; a Discourse to the Graduating Class of Pennsylvania College, September 15, 1853. The Men for the Times ; a Discourse to the Grad- uating Class of Pennsylvania College, Septem- ber 17, 1854. Let no Man Despise Thee ; a Discourse to the Graduating Class of Pennsylvania College, Sep- tember 16, 1855. The Beauty of the Lord ; a Discourse delivered to the Graduating Class of Pennsylvania Col- lege, September 14, 1856. The Christian's Birth-right ; a Discourse delivered to the Graduating Class of Pennsylvania Col- lege, 1857. Redeeming the Time ; a Discourse delivered to the Graduating Class of Pennsylvania College, 1858. Regeneration ; Tract for the Lutheran Board of Publication, 1860. 14 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Christain Patriot ; a Discourse to the Gradu- ating Class of 1861. Gettysburg. A Conscience Without Offence. 1862. ARTICLES IN THE EVANGELICAL REVIEW. Theological Education in the Luth. Church in the IT. S. Ev. Rev., I., 19. Exegetical Elucidation of Mark ix. (Trans.) lb., L, 288. Church Feeling. lb., II., 390. Beneficiary Education, lb., IV., 151. Education in the Lutheran Church, V., 255. The Maryland Synod Question. lb., VI., 521. The Four Witnesses. lb., VI., 563. Faith and Utilitarianism, VI., 219. Habit. lb., VII., 196. Baccalaureate, VII., 205; IX., 109; X., 291. Eloquence. lb., IX., 586. Imagination, XI., 503. The Pleasures of Taste. lb., XII., 214. True Greatness, XVI., 500. The Progress of the Gospel, XVII., 493. Sober Mindedness, XVIII., 524. Our Conversation in Heaven. Luth. Preacher, I., 40. Religion our First and Chief Concern. Matt. VI., 33. lb., II., HO. Christians the Salt of the Earth. Matt. v. 13. lb., II., 153. Grecian Education. Linn. Rec. and Journal. Siberia. lb. The Age of Pericles. lb. South Sea Islands. lb. Reminiscences. lb. Study of the Classics. lb. The Counter Reformation. Year Book, 385. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 15 Baugher, H. L, Jr. The Good Angels. Ev. Rev., XX., 221. Christ's Prophecy of His Sufferings. lb., XXI., 128. The Kingdom of Christ. lb., IY., 250. The Disfranchisement of Students. Quar. Rev., IY., 184. Augsburg Lesson Leaf. Editor. Augsburg Sunday School Teacher. Editor. Baum, W. M. Education, its Aims and Results. Quart. Rev. IY., 184. Address at the Funeral of Rev. Dr. Stork, 1814. Baumstork, . Die arbeit im Lichte des Gottlichen Wortes. St. Louis, 1868. Baumbach, J. Die Wege des Herrn sind wunderbar. Das Walten Gottes ; Zwei Erzahlungen. Beer, R. C. Lutherischer Kirchenfreund. Editor. Bait. Berger, J. Discourse on the New Year. Luth. Pulpit, II., 5. Bergstresser, P. Yain Excuses Answered. Philadelphia, 18T3- pp. 251. The Christian Sabbath. Ev. Rev., XIY., 365. Church Discipline. lb., XYIIL, 182. Ministerial Education. lb., XIX., 466. Divine Government. lb., XXL, 37 T. The Church. Quart. Rev., III., 43. Berkemeier, W Leichen Rede und Personals des Lehrers Karl Mann. N. Y. 1865, pp. 23. 16 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Berkenmeyer, W. C. Getrouwe Herder-en Wachter stem an de Hoog- en needes Daitschen Lutheriaanen in dese Ge- westen (Low Dutch). K Y., 17—? BeurtheiSling u. Thesen d. Ohio Synode zur Yereini- gung mit Missouri ausgestellt.- Buffalo. Bernheim, C. H. Das Heilige Abendmahl. 1834. Last Days and Awful Death of Francis Speira. (Publisher.) Elizabethtown, 1832. pp. 32. Bernheim, G. D. Reformation Sermon. 1810. History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina. 1872. 8vo. The Success of God's Work. Sermon. 1872. Beyer, P. Die Kindertaufe. Biblische Geschichte fur Obere Classen. Synod of Missouri. 1870. Bickel Obsequies of Mrs. Sarah L. Sener; including a Sermon. Philadelphia. 1869. pp. 32. Bierdeman, A. B. Die Angst Bank von Dr. Nevin. (Transl.) Der Lutherische Botschafter. Editor. Gender and Declension. German. Bikle, P. M. Female Education. Quart. Rev., II., 445. Faraday, the Scientist and Christian. 27>., 420. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERAXA. 17 Bird, F. M. Lutheran Hymnology. Ev. Rev., XYI., 193, 320. Charles Wesley and Methodist Hymns. Biblioth. Sacra, XXL, 127, 284. Bishop, H. Essay on Home Missions. Tract. 1859. Bittle, D. F. Remarks on New Measures. 1839. Female Education. Our Responsibilities. An Address. Address before Wytheville Seminary. 1859. Appeal to the German Population of Virginia. 1852. Bjarnason, 0. Icelandic Millenial Sermon, preached in the Dan- ish Church, Milwaukie, August, 1874, on the occasion of the One Thousandth Anniversary of Iceland. Bogen, S. Directions for Emigrants. Boston. Bohtn, S. Der Jungen-Manner Bote. Ed. N. Y. Die Sonntag-Schule. Reading, 1870. German Population in the United States. 1836. pp. 12. Never Despair; a Tale of the Emigrants, pp. 104. Borelius, . The Ev. Luth. Augustana Synod and its Mission. 1870. Bouck, W. C. Governor's Messages. Albany, N. Y. 18 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Bowers, G. A. The condition of Intellectual Success. 1861. Brandt, C. A. Rede bei der Grundsteinlegung d. Luth. Kirche bei Manayunk. 1850. Homiletischer Hilfsbuch. 4 vols., pp. 608. Leip- zig. Arithmetic — German. New York. Einweihungs Predigt. Clearfield county, 1852. Zwei Reden. Doylestown, 1850. Homiletischer Anzeiger. 18*70. Worte der Erinnerung an Ereigniss voile Tage Philadelphia, 1850. Stimmen der Kirche am Reformationsfeste. 1863, Philadelphia, pp. 16. Brauer, E. A. Hirtenstimme aus der Beichts Yespern. 1858. Abschied's Predigt. St. Louis, 185T. Predigt ueber die Zerstorung Jerusalem's. St. Louis. 1857. Predigt ueber, Ps. 119. St. Louis, 1860. Brauns, W. F. Funeral Sermon. Dansville, N. Y., 1855. pp. T. Breidenbaugh, E. Universalism False and Absurd ; a Sermon- Greencastle, 1853. Bridgeman, A. L. A High Standard of Piety Demanded. Ev. Rev., YIL, 364. Brobst, S. K. Fragebiichlein, 1846. 200 Fragen und Antworten, 1846. Gesangbuch fiir die Sonntags-Schulen der Evan- gelisch-Lutherischen und Deutsch-Reformirten Kirchen. Co-editor, 1853. Allentown, Pa. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 19 Lutherische Zeitschrift, Editor. Monthly, 1855. Gebete fur Sonntags-Schulen, 1841. Fragen und Antworten aus dem Neuen Testa- ment. Allentown, 1849. Jugend-Freund. Semi-monthly. Editor. Missionsblatter. Die Kraft des Evangeliums. Sermon. 1863. Liturgisches Kirchen Biichlein. 1868. Schul-Gebete. 1861. Die Absicht u. Nutzen von Sonntag-Schulen. " Priifet die Geister " — An Earnest Admonition. Christ-Tag Liturgie fur Kinder. Christ-Tag Harfe fur Kinder. Tisch u. Kinder Gebete. Der grosse Mangel in d. Kirche. Theologische Monatshafte. Editor. Lutherischer Kalender. " Christliche Schul Agende. 1862. Dreistimmige Kinder-Lieder. 1863. Deutsche Chor-Gesange. Ein wort fiir die Deutschen in d. Luth. Kirche Amerikas. 1859. English and German in the Public Schools. 1812. Brockman, J. H. Christine und Ernst, Eine Besprechung ueber die Lehre der Odd Fellows. 1812. Translated into English. Brodfuhrer, J. C. The Greek Slave. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1810. pp. 239. Brose, A. Aufgabenzum Ziffer Rechnen. Milwaukie. 1855. 20 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. A Vindication of the Ev. Luth. Tennessee Synod. A reply to a Sermon by Rev. Dr. J. Bachman, on the Doctrine and Discipline of the Luth. Church. 1838. The Heavenly Country : a Funeral Sermon. 1858. The Christian Minister Delineated : a Sermon on the Death of Rev. Adam Miller, Sen. 1867. The Lutheran Church Built on the Only True Foundation. 1871. Brown, James Alien (Gettysburg). The Duty, Spirit and Reward of the Christian Ministry. Synodical Sermon at Lewisburg, 1854. Inaugural Address before the Directors of the Theolog. Seminary of South Carolina. 1859. The New Theology, its Abettors and Defenders. Gettysburg, 1857. The Christian Sabbath: a Sermon, 1869. The Apostolic Fathers. Ev. Rev., IV., 36. Justin Martyr. lb., VI., 151. Inauguration Address, as Professor in Gettys- burg, lb., XXL, 577. (In pamphlet also.) The Poetry of the Bible. lb., XVI., 283. The Reformation the Work of God. lb., XVI., 1. Holman Lecture on the First Art. of Augsburg Confession. i£.,XVIII.,547. (In pamphlet also.) The General Synod and its Assailants. lb., ^ XVIIL, 120. (In pamphlet also.) Second Advent and the Creeds of Christendom. Bib. Sacr., 1867. The Ev. Luth. Church in the U. S. lb., 1863 (In pamphlet also.) Christian Anthropology. Amer. Presbyt. Rev 1869. The Review. Quart. Rev., I., 1. Book of Worship. lb., 146. Union in the Lutheran Church. lb., I.,~241. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 21 Papal Infallibility. lb., I., 585. Dr. Krauth's Metaphysics of the Lord's Supper. lb., II., 80. Dr. Hodge on the Lutheran Doctrine of the Per- son of Christ. lb., II., 255. Exposition of 1 Cor., xv. 22. The Ministerium. lb., III., 93. Conversion of the World to Christ. lb., III., 161. Exegesis of Tit. II., 13. lb., III. Angelology. lb., III., 374= Augsburg Confession and Second Coming of Christ. lb., IY. 52. Mercersburg Theology. lb. IY., 257. lb. IY., 443. Did the Apostles expect the Second Coming of Christ in their day ? lb., IY., 321. The Pietistic Controversy. lb., IY., 278. Tyndall's Address. lb., Y., 68. Gladstone on the Yatican Decrees. lb., Y., 128. Religious Opinions of J. Stuart Mill. lb., Y., 321. Dr. Dale's Inquiry into the Use of Ba-rt^u). lb., V., Quart. Rev. Editor. The General Synod. Qu. Rev., Oct. 1875. The Review. lb. Brubaker, J. (Student.) Prize Essay on Burns' Cotter's Saturday Night. Gettysburg. 1872. The Past Success of Modern Missions. Quart. Rev., V., 122. Brumder, G. Der Familien-Freund. Milwaukie. Germania. (German paper.) " Die Heilige Christnacht. , J. G., Sr. Wahres Herzens Gebet. Carlisle, 1784. Yaterlicher Nachruf. Ephrata, 1788. pp 31 Erw,eckungs Lieder. 1811. pp. 31. 22 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Butler, J. G., Jr. The Master's Call to His Church. Sermon. 1860. Our Martyred President. " 1865. God's Work — our Ebenezer. " 1867. The Opened Door. " 1871. Courageous Thanksgiving. 1869. Butler, J. B., (Layman.) History of the Lutheran Congregation, Hope- ful, Ky. 1864. Buttner, G. Geschichte der Reformation. Pittsburg. 1840. c. He lives like a moth in a library, not being the better for the books but the books the worse for him, which he constantly only soils with his fingers.— Fuller's Worthies. , J. F. The Throne of Iniquity. Sermon. 1854. Carty, IVSrs. M. M. Memoir of Joseph M. Carty. Frederick. 1857. pp. 95. Cewin, A. R. Hemlandet. (Swedish.) Editor. 1866. Det Ratte Hemlandet och Augustana. Co-ed. 1870. Classenbuch fiir Sonntagschul Lehrer. Reading. Clemm, 0. (Layman.) The Sunbeam. Monthly. Ed. Utica Mills, Md. Cole, G. P. The Strait Gate. Sermon. Luth. Preacher, II., 93. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 23 Conrad, F. W. Editor Lutheran Observer. Lutheran Home Journal. Former Ed. Augsburg Sunday School Teacher. A plea for Wittenberg College. 1851. The True Catholicity of Christianity. Sermon. 1863. America's Blessings and Obligations. Sermon. 1863. The War for the Unity and Life of the Ameri- can Nation. Sermon. Chambersburg, 1864. Ministers of the Gospel the Moral Watchmen of the Nation. 1865. The Value of Colleges. Ev. Rev., IX., 220. The Confessors and the Confession of Augsburg. lb., XV., 246. The Wisdom of the World and of the Church compared. lb., XV., 457. The Hand of God in the War. lb., XXL, 225. The Theology and Anthropology of the Lord's Prayer. lb., XVIL, 74. The Dependence of the Church upon the Holy Spirit. lb., XV1IL, 74. Confessions of Faith. lb., XVIIL, 351. Hickok's Moral and Mental Science. lb., XIX., 460. Church Problems Solved by History: Address before the Historical Society of General Synod, at Dayton. Quar Rev. II., 557. The Lutheran Doctrine of Baptism. Holman Lecture. lb. IV., 477. The Christian Soldier. Sermon. Dayton, O. Thanksgiving Sermon. Lancaster. The Church. A sermon. 1863. Conrad, V. L. Lutheran Observer. Co-Editor. Evangelical Lutheran. Ed. Springfield, 0. 24 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. "Cupid Abroad" Arrested: a Satirical Poem; Gettysburg. Conrad, Mrs. H. 0. Lutheran Home Monthly. Ass't Editor. Phila. Augsburg Sunday School Teacher. Ass't Editor. Phila. Cook, H. S. Miracles, the Primary Evidence of Christianity. Quart. Rev., IT., 409. Craemer, A. Missions Predigt. St. Louis, 1865. pp. 14. Blessedness of the Righteous. Sermon. 1850. Witness of the Spirit. Sermon, 1871. pp. 17. Cronenweti, G. Das unverletzte gute Gewissen eines Bischofs oder Seelsorgers. Sermon. Monroe, Mich., 1858. pp.15. I, J. S. Our National Blessings. Sermon. 1853. God in History. Address. Lancaster, 1855. The Divinity of Christ. Ev. Rev., XVIII., 559. D. Still I am busy in books asseniblynge, For to have plenty is a pleasant thynge In my conceit, and to have them aye in hande ; But what they mean I do not understande. — Brandt's Ship of Fools, 1509. Editor of Evangelisk Lutersk Tid-Schriff. (Swed- ish.) Boston, 1875. ,a. Editor of Kirkelig Samler. (Danish.) Racine, 1872. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 25 Darmstaetter, J. A. Der Order der Odd Fellows untersucht. Bait., 1867. Day, Miss Mary L. Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl. Baltimore, 1860. pp. 200. Demme, C. R. Die Letzte Ehre, eine Leichenrede, beim Abster- ben des Hochw. J. H. C. Helmuth. Phila- delphia, 1825. Die Werke des Flavins Josephus in berichtigter ITebersetzung, und mit Anmerkungen. Phila- delphia, 1839. Synodal-Predigt. 1839. Rede am Grabe der Maria M. Manul, Marz 14, 1842. Stimmen aus dem Hanse Gottes. Predigten. Edited by Dr. Mann. DeutSChen (Die ersten) im heutigen Iowa. St. Louis, 1851. pp. 54. Diehl, G. Thanksgiving Sermon. Easton, 1849. Discourse in the old Lutheran Church, Frederick. 1855. Discourse before the Historical Society of Lu- theran Church, at Reading. 1857. The Bible the Safeguard of our Institutions. Gettysburg, 1858. Historical Discourse at the Jubilee of Sunday School. 1870. Hoi man Lecture on the Ninth Article of the Augsburg Confession. Gettysburg, 1875. Our Office. Ev. Rev., L, 59. (Transl.) Preaching. 76., V., 527. Cemeteries and the Sepulchres of our Departed. 76., VI., 124. 2 26 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. History of the Lutheran Church at Frederick. £&., YIL, 459. Martin Luther. (Transl.) lb., XI Y., 33. Church Love among our People. Quart. Rev., II., 434. The Position in the Church of Baptized Non- confirmed Children. lb., III., 113. Rev. Dr. S. S. Schmucker. lb., IV., 1. Rev. Dr. T. Stork. lb. V., 42. Organization for Efficient Work. lb., III., 604. Lutheran Observer. . Former co-Editor. Diehl, M. Memoir of Rev. Ezra Keller. Springfield, Ohio, 1852. pp. 382. Diehlman, C. Illustrirte Abendschule. Editor, Buffalo. Volksblatt. " St. Louis. Dimm, J. R. Charity, the True Principle of Odd Fellowship. Sermon. 1868. Catechisation. Ev. Rev., XIX., 434. Doehler, A. C. Lasset euch niemand ein Gewissen machen. New York. Doepken, C. Die heniichen Siegen des Evangeliums in Sud Africa. 1856. Domer, S. The Jubilee of 1865. Selinsgrove, 1856. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1861. Dosh, T. W. Lutheran Yisitor. Charleston, 18Y4. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 21 Dox, H. L The True Foundation. A sermon. 1839. Life of Rev. Philip Wieting. Philadelphia, 1810. Christ our Advocate. Sermon. 1845. Valedictory Sermon, at Stone Mill, N. Y. 1840. Call to the Christian Ministry. Ev. Rev., XIII 412. ' Eccclesiastical Purity. lb., XX., 565. Lutheran Herald. Editor. Drees, P. J. Ein Wort an die Freuncle und Gegner der Kin- dertaufe. New York, 1866. Beitrage zur Mission cler Lutherischen Kirche in New York. 1863. Dumiing, H. Illustrirtes Thierleben. Milwaukie, 1815. 8vo., pp. 349. Dumser, J. S. Hinterlassene Gedichte. New York, 1858. pp 118. E. Paucis lectoribus contentus.— Hor. Easterday, Prof. L. F. M. Natural Philosophy. 1815. Eggen, J. M. Against the Methodist Doctrine of Christian Perfection. (Original in Swedish.) 1869. pp. 62. Ehinger, F. Das Kirchenblatt. Editor. Canada. 28 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Ehrehart, C. J. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1862. Emmaus Orphan House. Ev. Rev., XII, 574. Death and the Intermediate State. lb., XX., 161. Eicheiberger, L. Sermons on National Blessings and Obligations. 1830. pp. 32. Sermon on the death of Rev. Ebenezer G. Proc- tor, preached at Smithfield, Va., 1851. pp. 16. Lutheran Preacher. Editor. 2 vols. Winches- ter. 1 853-5. Inaugural Address, at Lexington, S. C, 1852. The Worth of Life, Illustrated. Address Mt. Pleasant, N. C, 185*1. Sanctification. Luth. Preacher, II., 149. Resurrection. lb., I., 75. Bible Influence Indispensable to Society. Ev. Rev., III., 1. Force of Moral and Mental Culture. lb. II., 94. Difficulty and Success in the Study of Theology. lb., IV., 476. Constitution and Characteristics of the Church. lb., Y., 478. Fulfillment of Prophecy. Luke, ii. 10. Luth. Preacher, I., 135. Intemperance. Is. v : 11. lb., II., 55. EicbeSberger, J. M. (Layman.) Address to the Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America on behalf of a Chair of Sacred Rhetoric in the Theological Seminary, Gettys- burg, Pa., with a critique upon the orators of the Patristic, Gallic, and Anglo pulpits. 1853. pp. 33. Eirich, P. The Ministerial Office. Ev. Rev., XII., 47. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 29 Emery, M. A. J. (Layman.) Prize Essay on Milton's Masque of Comus. Get- tysburg, 1871. Enander, J. A. (Layman.) Gamla ocli Nyd Hemlandet. Editor. (Swed.) Chicago. Endlich, S. (Layman.) Liturgische Gesange zur Luth. Hauptgottesdienst. Reading. Endress, C. Christi Regiment mit weltlicher Monarchie und Aristocratie unvereinbar. IT 91. Abriss eines Unterrichts in der Christlichen Lehre. Lancaster. The Hope of Eternal Life. Luth. Pr. L, 54. Redemption. lb., II., 33. Condescension of God. Ps. viii:4. lb., II., 41. The Attributes of God. lb., II., 184. The Nature of Christian Faith. Luth. Pulpit, I., 169. Erdman, P. K. (Layman.) Prize Essay on Shakspeare's Merchant of Yenice. Gettysburg, 1868. Ernst, J. E. Sermon on the Death of Washington. Fort Plain, N. Y. Ernst, A. F. Luth. Gemeinde Blatt. Co-Ed. Milwaukie. Esbjorn, L. P. Wilkomst-Helning. (Swed.) Editor. 30 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Essick, A. Counsel to Young Men. 1862. The two Records of Creation. Ev. Rev., XIII., 173. An Efficient Ministry. lb., XIV., 269. Evans, J. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1862. Everett, T. T. Remarks on the Death of Rev. Dr. Pohlman. 1874. Eyer, H. E. (Layman.) Union Church Harmony. Selinsgrove, 1839, pp. 192. Eyster, W. F. The Field and Harvest of Ministerial Labor. Ev. Rev., XL, 550. Eyster, D. True Test of Piety. Luth. Pulpit, I., 266. Eyster, Mrs. Nellie. On the Wing. Philadelphia, 1867. Chincapin Charley, " 1867. Sunny Hours ; or, Child's Life of Tom and Mary. 1866. Robert Brant's Three Christmas Davs. 1869. pp. 32. Tom Harding and his Friends. A Christmas Story. Philadelphia, 1870. pp. 32. F. Magno et pene incredibili labore, inultisque vigiliis elaboratum. — Wolfitjs. Fans, J. F. Crumbs from the Manger. 1866. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 31 Falkner, J. A Compendium of the Anti-Calvinian Doctrine. (Original Low Dutch.) New York, 1708. Fast, J. J. Cantica Sacra. Canton, O. Fick, C. J. H. Gesang u. Saitenspiele d. Kirche im Mississippi Thale. St. Louis, 1854. Das Marty rerbuch. 2 vols. (Tr. into English.) Das Lutherbuch, oder Leben u. Thaten des . . . Dr. M. Luther. St. Louis, 1855. pp. 152. (Tr. into English, by Prof. Loy.) Das Lutherlied, ein Epos. 1858. pp. 64. Zu dem Pastor P. Wyneken. (A Poem.) St. Louis, 1865. Trost u. Erweckung's Lieder. 1869. Lieder zum Jubilaeum d. Reformation. St. Louis 1857. Das Geheimniss der Bosheit. St. Louis, 1866. Dr Urban Rhegius Disputation ueber die Wie- derherstellung des Reiches Israel's wider alle Chiliasten aller Zeiten. (Transl.) Hermanns- burg, 1860. pp. 56. Gesange zur Einweihung des .... Concordia Collegiums. St. Louis, 1850. Jubel Gesange zur Feier des Friedens Jubel- festes. 1855. Filbert, . Speech in Congress on Banking, pp. 8 Finckel, S. Luther and the Reformation. Ev Rev., XI V., 336. 32 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Fink, R. A. The Little Horn ; or, Romanism Exposed. De- livered May, 1854. Address before Two Lodges of Odd-Fellows, Dan- ville, Pa. 1856. Nature of Ordination. Ev. Rev., XIIL, 292. Strange Fire Worshippers. lb., II., 343. (New series.) Women in the Church. lb., IV., 220. Flohr, G. D. Posthumous Sermons. Baltimore, 1840. pp. 408. F!ory, Miss Sarah A. The Herdsman of Dambach. (Transl.) Phila- delphia, 1813. Focht, D. H. Two Letters addressed to Geo. Hetrick, by his Unele. 1853. Discourse portraying the History of the Grind- stone Hill Church in Franklin comn^y, deliv- ered in 1854. Duty of True Heart Prayer, briefly considered and earnestly enforced, by Rev. J. G. Butler, Minister of the Evangelical Church, Carlisle, Pa., 1784. With an introductory essay by the translator. 1854. Address delivered before the Education Society of the West Pennsylvania Synod. ] 853. Directions and Advice in reference to Revivals of Religion. 1858. The Schoolmaster : an Address delivered before the Perry County Teachers' Institute, New- port, Pa., 1858. Agriculture : an Address delivered before the Perry County Agricultural Society, New Bloomfield, Pa., Oct 1, 1859. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 33 Our Want and our Duty : an address delivered before the Education Society of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Synod of Central Pennsylvania. 1860. An Educated Ministry Demanded. Chambers- burg, 1854. Our National Day. 1862. The Lutheran Church. Synodical Sermon. 1853. The Geology in the vicinity of Bloomfield. Lec- ture. 1860. Perseverance in Study. 1861. Our Country. Sermon. 1862. Reply to the Charge of Hon. J. H. Graham. 1862. Address at Ickesburg, 4th of July, 1862. Synodical Discourse. 1863. Address at Selinsgrove. 1861. The Church between the Mountains. 1862. 8vo. Miracles. Ev. Rev., IX., 530. Our Wants and our Duty. lb. XIV., 81. The Union of Christ and Believers. lb., XIV., 212. Foklinger, F. W. Abschiedt's Predigt. St. Louis, 1858. Fox, L. Our Church Paper. Co-Editor. 1113. Frank, C. A. German Transl. of Chemnitz's Exam. Concil. Tridentini. St. Louis, 1874. Frederick E. (Layman.) The Gospel of St. John, in Greek and English. Literally translated ; with a Dictionary. New York, 1830. Frederick, G. W. Church Song. Philadelphia. 2* 34 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Frey, H. E. Missionsblatt. Ed. Brooklyn, 1815. Fritsche, G. Passions Betrachtungen. Niirnberg, 1868. pp. 278. Die Zinsfrage. Zwolf Thesen ueber das Auslei- hen von Geld auf Interesse. Allentown, 1869. Gesckichte der Mission unter die Indianern Nord Amerikas im 17 th und 18th Jahrhundert. Fritze, C. A. Weihnackts Declamator. 1869. Weihnachts Dialogen. u Fry, J. Sermon on the Death of Jacob Beeteni. Carlisle, 1856. pp. 19. Trembling for the Ark of God ; or, The Dangers and Duties of the Church in the Present Crisis. Sermon. Carlisle, 1860. pp. 21. Privileges and Obligations connected with the Great Reformation. Sermon. Reading, 1867. pp. 20. Catechism for the Jubilee. Philadelphia, 186*7. pp. 8. The Order of Service for Ev. Luth. Congrega- tions ; or, The Church Book Explained. Read- ing, 1871. The Sin of Adultery. A Sermon. Reading, 1871. G. Some in Learning's garb, With formal hand and sable cinctured gown, And rags of mouldy volumes. — Akenside. Garlichs, H. Amerikanischer Botschafter. Editor. Die Dreienigkeit Gottes. Amer. Tract Society. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 35 Garver, D. Our Country in the Light of History. Alumni Address. Gettysburg, 1861. Elements of a Complete Manhood. 1864. Funeral Sermon on H. T. McMillan. 1865. Sermon at Greensburg. 1864. Gebets Schatz. Evang. Luth. St. Louis, 1865. Geissenhainer, F. W., Jr. Repentance Delayed. Luke xxiii:29. Luth. Preacher, I., 81. Sin Against the Holy Ghost. Matt. xii:31. 76., I., 90. The Believer's Desire and Aim. Phil. iii:ll. 76., II., ITT. Gerhardt, W. Inaugural Address, delivered in Mount Pleasant, N. C, 1855. pp. 16. Getreue, Warming gegen die Lockvogel, samt einer Antwort auf die andere Anrede an die Deutsche Freyhalter der Stadt und County von Philadelphia, sm. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1T64. Gilbert, D., M. D., (Layman.) Lecture introductory to the Course of Principles and Practice of Surgery. 1844. Do. 1846. Do. 1849. Valedictory Address to the Graduating Class of the Medical Department of Pennsylvania Col- lege, 1846. Do. 1852. Gina!, H. Luth. Bibel Erklarung. 36 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Goldammer, G. T. Pfingst Predigt. 1851. Goodman, . (Layman.) Brief Memoir of Rev. Dr. P. F. Mayer. Phila- delphia, 1858. pp. 23. Gotwald, W. V. Jubilee Catechism. Lancaster, 1861. History of St. John's Lutheran Church, Lancas- ter, 1841. Gotwaki, L. A. Sunday School Sermon. 1861. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hay. York, 1814. pp. 12. The proposed Religious Amendment to our Na- tional Constitution. Quart. Rev., 1811. 221. The Salvability of the Heathen. Quart. Rev., III., 41. The Direction and Development of Lay Work. lb., IY., 369. Sunday School Address at Germantown, Ohio. Gotwald, W. H. The Rich Man and the Poor Man. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1815. Hans Egede, Missionary to Greenland. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1813. Gougler, J. W. The Grave of my Mother. Music — Mary's Beauty. Grabau, J. A. Kirchliches Informatorium. Editor. Buffalo. Hirtenbrief. 1840. Zwei Predigten von Heshusius. 1845. Gesangbach fur Buffalo Synode. Unterweisungs-Buchlein fur die Deutsche Ju- gend. Buffalo, 1843. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 37 Christliche Schulfibel. 3d ed. Buffalo, 1853. Sags der Kirche ! oder offene Anzeige d. Ev. Luth. Synode von Buffalo an alle Luth. Kir- chen und ehrerbietige Bitte an alle ihre glaii- bigen Konsistorien Synoden u. Theologischen Facultaten dass sie die Ev. Luth. Synode von Missouri mit uns ermahnen wollen, von ihren offentlichen Yersundigungen gegen uns abzu- stehen. Buffalo, 1853. YomBegriff desKirchenregiments. Buffalo, 1860. pp. 16. Der Missouriche Geist u. d. Lehre d. Luth. Kirche in Kurzer Yergleichung gegen einander ge- halten. Buffalo, 1860. pp. 24. Yesper Predigt am Montag Abend vor d. Wahl eines neuen Presidenten d. Yereinigten Staaten. Buffalo. Graetz, R. Ob Papsthum in der Lutherishen Kirche vor- nehmlich in der Synode von Buffalo. New York. pp. 80. Graves, U. Ninety- sixth Anniversary of Odd Fellowship. Sermon. Pottsville, 1868. pp. 4. Greenwald, E. Address before the Carrollton Academy, Ohio. 1845. An Order of Family Prayer. Lancaster, Pa., 1867. pp. 180. The Lutheran Reformation. Philadelphia, 1867. pp. 372. The Foreign Mission Work of Pastor Louis Harms. Philadelphia, 1868. pp.51. Dr. Parrot's Ascent of Mt. Ararat. Philadel- phia, 1867. pp. 76. Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Sarah L. Sever, 1869. 38 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Meditations for Passion Week. Lancaster, 18 7 3. pp. 146. Young Christian's Manual of Devotion. 18*73. pp. 49. Questions on the Gospels for the ChurchYear. Lancaster, 1873. Questions on the Epistles for the Church Year. 1874. pp. 123. Baptism of Children. Philad'a, 1872. pp. 48. Christian Benevolence. A Sermon. Lancaster, 1870. The Work of an Evangelist. Ev. Rev., II., 94. Remarks on Matt. xi:25. lb., XIII., 355. Remarks on Romans vi:3, 4. lb., XIV., 144. Remarks on the meaning of baptizo in the New Testament. lb. XV., 449. Ananias and Sapphira. lb., XVIII., 103. Daniel's Seventy Weeks. lb., XVIII. 204. Review of Lutheran Manual. lb., VII., 239. Lutheran Standard. Former (first?) Editor. Gross, J. B. The Baptists and their Baptism. 1842. The Heathen Religion. Boston, 1856. pp. 372. Melchizedek. Ev.' Rev., XX., 50. The Lord's Supper. lb., XX., 401. Groszman, G. Das Kirchenblatt. Co-Editor. St. Sebald, Iowa. GueSich, J. (Layman.) Vertheidegung der Daseyns Gottes. Cincinnati, 1856. Guenther, C. C. Dialogue on Baptism. 1848. English Grammar. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 39 Guenther, M. Populare Symbolik. Lutherischer Wegweiser zur Priifung der Americanischen Kirchen unci religiosen Gesellschaften. Guistiniani, L Papal Rome as It Is : by a Roman. Baltimore, 1833. Guss, A. L. The Coward's Curse and Patriot's Duty. Car- lisle, 1861. pp. 28. H. One saith this booke is too long ; another too short ; the third of due length ; and for fine phrase and style the like of that booke was not made a great while. It is all lies, said another ; the booke is stark naught.— Choice of Change, 1585. Haas, J. C. (Layman.) Dr. Luther's Kleiner Katechismus mit * * * * Spriichen aus d. H. Schrift. Phila., 1856. Schulharmonie. Philadelphia. Geographie d. Yereinigten Staaten. Reading. Lieder fiir Christliche Schulen. Hahn, J. C. Die neue Pennsylvanische Agende, ein Leitfaden zur Priifang clerselben. Buffalo, 1860. Hamiifon, J. Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Har- risburg, 1829. pp. 452. The Pacificator. Winchester, Va., 1835. Sermon on the Subject and Mode of Baptism, with Remarks on Feet Washing. Harrisburg, Pa., 1851. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Sarah Matthews, New Philadelphia, Ohio. 40 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Handschuh, J. F. Contributor to the Hallische Nachriehten. [Pastor Handschuh translated into German a funeral ser- mon preached in English by Provost Arenlarius, of the Swedish Church, which was printed by Benjamin Frank- lin and Anton Armbruster, in 1756. pp. 28. One of our ministers in Missouri has a copy of this rare old pamphlet.] Harbaugh, D. History of the Evangelical Lutheran Congrega- tion of Hopeful Church, Boone county, Ky. : a Discourse delivered at its Forty-ninth Anniver- sary, 1854. Hansen, H. Nahrung fur das " Inform atorium " oder abge- zwungenen Yerantwortung gegen die * * * * Vealaiimdungen d. Ev. Luth. Johannes Ge- ineinde * * von Seiten Pastor H. Rohr. * * Buffalo, 1860. pp. 40. Trost und Labung fiir Kranke. St. Louis, 1866. Den lieben Schulkindern d. Ev. Luth. St. Paul's Gemeinde in Baltimore gewidmet zum Anden- ken and d. Einweihung ihrer Neuen Schule. Hanser, 0. Predigt gehalten zum 25 jahrigen Jubelfest d. Einweihung d. Ev. Luth. Concordia Seminars zu St. Louis. 1815. Hanson, 0. Budboerennen. Editor. (Norwegian Monthly, Redwing, Minn.) Harkey, S. W. True Greatness : an Address delivered before the Phrenakosmian Society of Pennsylvania Col- lege, Feb. 22, 1837. Lutheran Sunday School Question Book ; or, a Help to the Systematic Study of the Sacred BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 41 Scriptures. Compiled from the German. Frederick, Md., 1838. The Yisitor. Editor. Frederick, 1840. Church's Best State. Baltimore, 1843. pp. 256. Translation of Starke's Prayer Book. 1844. Address delivered at the Obsequies in honor of Andrew Jackson, in Frederick, 1845. Prisons for Women. Frederick, 184*7. Thanksgiving Discourse : Our Blessings, Dan- gers, and Duties. Frederick, Md. A Plea for Hillsboro' College and Seminary, Frederick, Md. 1850. A Plan to establish and endow Illinois State University, with an affectionate Appeal in its Behalf. 1852. The Character and Yalue of an Evangelical Ministry, and the Duty of the Church in re- gard to it. Baltimore, 1853. pp. 190. Mission of the Lutheran Church in America; delivered on the occasion of his Inauguration as Professor of Theology in Illinois State Uni- versity. 1853. The Mission of the General Synod : a Sermon Preached in the English Evangelican Lutheran Church, Pittsburg, May 19, 1859, at the Open- ing of the Nineteenth Convention of the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church in the United States. Justification by Faith, as held and taught by Lutherans. Philadelphia, 18*75. pp. 230. The Nature and Extent of our Knowledge of the Deity. (Transl.) Ev. Rev., L, 348. The Importance of Developing the Resources of the Lutheran Church. lb., III., 554. Early History of the Lutheran Church in Illi- nois, lb., XYIL, 526. The Influence of the Bible upon the Liberties of our County. Quart. Rev., IY., 52. Justification by Faith, lb., III., 561. 42 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Editor Frederick Visitor. " Mirror of the Times. " Olive Branch. Harkey, S. L. The Signs of the Times. Address. 1852. The Faith once Delivered to the Saints. 1860. Thorough Education. 1868. The Only Son : a Memorial of Geo. W. Harke}^, by his Father, S. L. Harkey. Philadelphia, 1869. 18mo. Close Communion. Ev. Rev., XXI., 111. The Lord's Day, or Christian Sabbath. Quart. Rev., V., 99. Harris, J. G. Address delivered before the Literary Societies of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. 1852. A Sermon on the Death of Jonas Crisler, an Elder of Hebron Evangelical Lutheran Church, Boone county, Ky. 1858. Harter, W. G. A Brief Scriptural Argument on the Prominent Features of the Abrahamic Covenant, showing its connection with the Christian Dispensation. Baltimore, 1860. Hasselquist, T. N. Hemlandet. (Swedish.) Editor. Luther's Smaller Catechism, translated into Swedish. Duties and Responsibilities of the Christian Pas- tor. (Swedish.) 1861. . Augustana (Swed.) Magazine. 1868. Hatlestadt, 0. J. Kirtetindende. Co-Editor. BIBLTOTHECA LUTHERANA. 43 Houpt, H. (Layman.) General Theory of Bridge Construction, contain- ing Demonstrations of the Principles of the Art, and their Application to Practice. New York, 1851. 8vo. Improvement of the Ohio River. Philadelphia, 1855. pp. 54. Houpt, L. L. (Layman.) Conversations on Engineering. Philadelphia. Coal. (A Poem.) Philadelphia, 18U. pp. 19. Hawkins, J. J. The Sufferings of Christ. Quart. Rev., II., 193. The Religion of our Civil Government. lb., III., 350. The Evangelical Catechism. Columbia, S. C, 18U. Hay, C. A. The Ancient Rechabites and their Modern Imi- tators. Harrisburg, 1852. pp. 14. The Wisdom of God in a Mystery. Funeral Ser- mon of James Fox, Esq. Harrisburg, 1858. Life of Capt. Sees. Harrisburg. History of Harrisburg Bible Society. 1864. The Ministerium. Ev. Rev., XII., 401. Inaugural Discourse. lb., XYIIL, 6. Schmid's Dogmatik. lb., XIX., 16, 259. Con- tinued IY., 161. (New ser.) Is the Doxology in Matt. vii:6 an Interpola- tion? 76., XXYIL, 477. Missouri Synod. lb., XXIII., 157. Review of Meier's Lexicon of Hebrew Roots. Biblioth. Sacra, IY., 369. Student Life in Germany. Linn. Rec. Schmid's Dogmatik. Ev. Rev., XXL, 299. 44 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERA XA. The Ministry. Holman Lect. on 5th Art. Ev. Rev., XXI., 599. The Codex Sinaiticus. Quart. Rev., II., 122. The Communion of Saints. /&., 317. Castle of Wartburg. Year Book. 241. Schmid's Dogmatik. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1875. 8vo. Hazeiius, E. L Life of Luther. 1813. Augsburg Confession, with Annotations. Materials for Catechisation on Passages of Scrip- ture. 1823. pp. 16. Evangelisches Magazin. Editor. Gettysburg, 1831. History of the Christian Church from the ear- liest Ages to the Present Time. Vol. I. Bal- timore, 1842. pp. 277. History of the American Lutheran Church, from its commencement in 1685 to the year 1842. Zanesville, Ohio, 1846. pp. 300. Inaugural Address. Lexington, S. C. 1834. Life of J. H. Stilling. Translated from the German. Gettysburg, 1831. pp.416. Discipline, Articles of Faith, &c, &c, of South Carolina Synod. Baltimore, 1841. pp. 264. Synod ical Sermon, Preached at Palatine, N. Y. 1829. The Gospel offers Salvation to all Men. Mark xvi:15. Luth. Pr., I., 17. Heilig, G. W. (Layman.) St. John's Gospel in Greek, with Critical Anno tations. Histor. and Gram. Notes. Phila delphia, 1861. pp. 292. Heinen, H. Gesundheits-Schatzkammer. 1840. pp. 118. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 45 HeSmuth, J. H. Editor of Evangelisches Magazin. Philadelphia, 1811-17. Die erlaubte Klage. Leichen Predigt ueber Dr. H. M. Muhlenberg. Phila., 1788. pp. 60. Empfindungen des Herzens. Philadelphia, 1781 . pp. 84. Taufe und heilige Schrift. Germantown, 1793. pp. 336. Unterhaltungen mit Gott. pp. 180. Geistliche Lieder. pp. 200. (Numerous pious works for children.) Ereude, Dank und Anbetung. York, 1814. Aussprache. 1811. Die Bruder Liebe. 1794. Helwig, J. B. Christian Faithfulness in its Relation to Christian Progress. Dayton, 1875. pp. 22. The Collegiate Education adapted to the Present Times. Quart. Rev., Oct., 1875. Henkel, Paul. Kurzer Zeivertreib, bestehend in einigen Liedern, dienlich zur Sittenlehre. Fourth edition. Day- ton, Ohio, 1851. pp. 143. Sammlung Geistreicher Lieder. (Several small works for children.) Church Hymn-book: consisting of Hymns and Psalms, original and selected, adapted to Pub- lic Worship and many other occasions. Henkel, David. A Treatise on the Person and Incarnation of Jesus Christ, in which some of the Principal Arguments of the Unitarians are Examined. Heavenly Flood of Regeneration. Salisbury, N. C, 1822. pp. 48. On Regeneration. Newmarket, 1830. pp. 37. 46 BIBLXOTHECA LUTHERANA. Answer to Joseph Moore, the Methodist, on Justification. Newmarket, 1826. Defence of the Joint Synod of Ohio. Carolina Herald of Liberty. Editor. Salis- bury, N. C. Henkel, C. On the Reformation: a Synodical Discourse. 1738. Ueber die Kinderzucht. 1822. Translator of Luther on the Sacraments, or the Distinctive Doctrines of the Evangelical Lu- theran Church respecting Baptism and the Lord's Supper. 1853. The Christian Book of Concord, or Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Newmarket, 1854. 8vo. pp. 780. Samlung von Gebeter und Lieder. 1824. Tennessee Synod's Hymn Book. Editor. Defence against the Joint Synod of Ohio on Se- cret and other Societies. 1857. Henkei, S. Our Church Paper. Co-Editor. Newmarket, Va., 1873. Assistant translator of Book of Concord. Henkei, D. M. A Call to the Ministry. Sermon. 1874. Mission Work of the Lutheran Church. Ev. Rev., XXL, 375. Hennighausen, F. P. Lutherischer Kirchenfreund. Former Editor. Baltimore, 1873. Luth. Kirchenblatt. Editor. Williamsburg, N. Y. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 47 Herbst, J. Inaugural Address of Dr. Schmucker. Trans- lated into German. 1826. Evangelisches Magazin. Editor. 1830. Hering, E. Die Heimath (weekly). Editor. Long Island. 1872. i, L W. Elementary German Reader. 1857. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Philadelphia, 1868. pp. 130. The Ecclesiastical Year. Ev. Rev., V., 280. St. James and St. Paul. lb., XIV., 382. Origin of Christmas Presents. lb., XYIIL, 94. Canon of the Holy Scriptures. lb., XYIIL, 502. Scholastic and Biblical Theology. 76., IX., 50. The Apocalypse of St. John. (Transl. from the French.) Quart. Rev., II*, 535. Heyer, C. F. Luther's Catechism, translated into Telegoo. 1851. Hill, Reuben. Discourse delivered at the Laying of the Corner- stone of Gateway and Lodges of Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, 1855. Our Country and her Religion : a Discourse de- livered in Christ's Church on Thanksgiving Day. Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 29, 1856. The Lutheran Church and Missions : a Discourse delivered at Salem, Pa., Oct. 11, 1860. A Sermon, preached in the First English Evan- gelical Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 29, 1860. Israel under the Second Great Monarchy. Ev. Rev., XL, 369. 48 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. HilSer, A. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. S. Klatz. Morris- town, N. J., 1869. HilSer, Mrs. H. Biography of Rev. Dr. G. B. Miller. Himes, J. A. (Layman.; Prize Essay on Shakspeare's Macbeth. Gettys- burg, 1870. Religious Faith of Wordsworth and Tennyson, as shown by their Writings. Quart. Rev., III., 253. Hinderer, J. Kant. Ev. Rev., XIX., 476. Hinterlettner, G. A. Ein Baustein zu Luther's Denkmale. (A Poem.) 1867. pp. 8. Krieg's Geschichte. (Poem.) Pottsville, 1871. pp. 24. Hochstetter, C. Ob Gottes Wort oder Menschen Meinung gelten soil in der Lehre vom heiligen Abendmahle. New York, 1856. Hoenecke, A. IiUth. Gemeinde Blatt. Editor. Milwaukie. Hoffman, John N. Arndt's True Christianity. Translated from the German. Chambersburg, Pa., 1834. Evangelical Hymns, Original and Selected, for Families and Private Circles. 1838. The Broken Platform : a Brief Defence of our Symbolical Books against a Recent Charge of Alleged Errors. Philadelphia, 1856. pp. 96. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 49 A Collection of Texts. Baltimore. The Ev. Luth. Church. Ev. Rev., II., 255. The Symbols. lb., II., 402. The Influence of Physical Temperament on Re- ligious Feeling. lb., III., 52. Holloway, H. C. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1868. Holman, A. P. The Laborers are Few. Ev. Rev., XVI., 589. The Conflict in the Church. lb., XX., 58. Hope, J. C. Modern Universalism. 1841. Missionary Sermon. 1844. Evidence that God Reigns. Luth. Pr., II., 177. Infidel Objections to Christianity. lb., I., 51. .Contrast of Modern Universalism with Lutheran Creeds. 1843. Hoppe, A. F. Vom rechten Brauch des G-esetzes. Predigt. St. Louis, 1856. Horn, E. T. Prize Essay on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Gettysburg, 1869. pp. 20. Home, A. R. German in our Public Schools. 1873. pp. 8. The Educator — a School Journal. Editor. Kutz- town. Hoshour, S. K. Christian Perfection. Luth. Pr., 98. Intemperance. lb., II., 48. Hubbert, W. E. Our Church Paper. Co-Editor. Newmarket, 1873. 3 50 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Hull, W. The Dignity of the Ministerial Office. Ev. Rev., XIV., 284. Jesus Christ, the Model Preacher. lb., XVII., 113. The Seal of the Covenant. lb., XIX., 395. The Heavenly Citizenship. Quart. Rev., V., 61. Ten Reasons why I should regularly attend Worship. Brooklyn. The Case of the Drafted Men of 1863. Albany, pp.4. Editor of Saugerties Telegraph for 1853-56. Hult. A. Burn Vanner. Monthly for Children. (Swedish.) New York, 1874. Huschman, T. Kurzer Bericht von dem Inhalt der Bibel. New York, 1864. pp. 148. Hutchinson, D. T. (Layman.) Burning Bush ; or, Amer. Prot. Family Visitor. Chicago, 1862. Hymn Book and Liturgy. Nova Scotia. Hutter, E. W. Lutheran Home Journal. For the Lutheran Board of Publication. Co-Editor. Philad'a. A Discourse preached in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, before the State Fen- cible Guards and others, July 4, 1858. Address delivered before the Faculty and Stu- dents of the Susquehanna Female College at Selinsgrove, Pa., 1859. Eulogy on Rev. Dr. Kurtz. 1866. The Increase of Crime in the United States. Ev. Rev., XL, 61. The Cross. lb., XVI., 508. Prayer. lb., XVIIL, 290. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 51 J. His volumes, open as his heart, Delight, amusement, science, art, To every ear and eye impart. Jacobs, M. The Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsyl- vania, and the Battle of Gettysburg. 1863. Also, Ev. Rev., XT., 125. Literary Record and Linnsean Journal. Editor. 1846. Consistency of Geology and Revelation. Ev. Rev., I., 363. Delitzsch on the Epistle to the Hebrews. lb., II., 184. Unity of the Human Race. lb., II., 451. The Image of God. lb., XIX., 72. The Human Race. lb., YIL, 415. Relation of the Animal to the Yegetable World. lb., XL, 256. The New Heavens and the New Earth. lb., XII., 242. Meteorology. lb., X., 161. The Author of the Queries. lb., IX., 58. Later Rambles over the Field of Gettysburg. IT. S. Service Magazine. 1864. Jacobs, Henry E. How God concurs in the Wicked Deeds of Men. Ev. Rev., XYIIL, 310. Conversion. lb., XYIIL, 536. The Third Commandment.' lb., XIY., 548. The Lutheran Doctrine of the Lord's Day. lb., XX., 125. The Sabbath Question in its Historical Relations. * * * Ev. Rev., XX., 524. Martin Chemnitz and the Council of Trent. lb., XXL, 398. 52 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Chemnitzius Redivivus. Quart. Rev. XXI., 544. The Assurance of Faith. lb., Apr., 18*71. p. 280. The Lutheran Doctrine of the Ministry. lb., IY., 557. The Doctrine of the Ministry, as taught by the Dogmaticians of the Luth. Church. Compend of Lutheran Theology : A Summary of Christian Doctrine, derived from the Word of God and the Symbolical Books of the Ev. Luth. Church, by Dr. Leonard Hutter. Trans- lated from the Latin by Rev. H. E. Jacobs and Rev. G. F. Spieker. Philadelphia, 1868. 12mo. pp. 249. The Lutheran Doctrine of the Sabbath and the Lord's Day : A Thesis read before the Pitts- burgh Synod at Erie, Pa., and published by request of said body. Gettysburg; 1869. 8vo. pp. 35. " The Witness of Adoption." A Sermon. 1872. published, with an Introduction and Notes, by Rev. Dr. Yan Ingeny, an Episcopalian. Schmid's Dogmatik. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1875. 8vo. Luther's Small Catechism, with Scripture Texts. By authority of the General Council in Ame- rica. (Drs. Seiss and Spaeth, and Rev. H. E. J.) Philadelphia, 1873. The Day of Augsburg : An Address at the Dedi- cation of Greenville Hall, Thiel College, June 25th, 1874. Melanchthon. Article in McClintock & Strong's Cyclopedia. What is Fundamental Doctrine? Quart. Rev., Oct., 1875. Jager, G. F. Leben des Andreas Jackson aus dem Englischen iibersetzt, 1831. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 53 Catechismus der christlichen Lehre in Fragen unci Antworten. Kutztown, 1833. Johannsen, E. Budboerennen. (Norwegian Monthly.) Co-Ed. Redwing. Jobst, J. C. Kurzer Inbegriff des Evangeliums. Bath, Pa., 1838. Johnston, E. S. Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln. 1 865. Jones, Jehu. (Colored.) The New York Ev. Luth. Synod. Philadelphia, 1851. pp. 4. K. Out of old fields as men saythe, Cometh all this new corne fro yeare to yeare ; And out of old Bokes in good faythe, Cometh all this scyence that men heare. Kaehler, H. C. Das Kirchenblatt. Co-Editor. Canada. Keiser, James R. Address to the Graduating Class of the Hagers- town Female Seminary at its Third Annual Commencement, 1859. The Incomprehensibility of God. Ev. Rev., VIII., 153. The Study of the Scriptures. lb., XI., 461. Keller, Ezra. Address delivered before the Alumni and Stu- dents of the Theological Seminary, in the Lu- theran Church, Gettysburg, 1844. Keller, B. Editor of English translation of Rambach's Medi- tations. German town, 1830. pp. 184. 54 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Kemp, W. M. (M. D.) One Thousand Cases of Obstetrics. Baltimore. Kempe, Mrs. G. J. Laienblaetter. Eine Sammlung religioeser Ge- dichte. New York, 1862. pp. 153. Key!, E. W. C. Lutherophilus. In numbers. Katechismus Auslegung ans Dr. Luther's Schrif- ten und den Symbolischen Biichern. pp. 440. Predigt Entwiirfe iiber die Sonn und Festtags- Evangelien ; aus Dr. Luther's Predigten und Auslegungen. New York, 1855. KiefFer, J. M. (Layman.) The Pearl. (Music Book.) Cleveland, O. The Welcome. " " " Kindermord. (Der). St. Louis, 1868. Kindertaufe. (Die). Ihr fester Grund u. Suesser Trost. St. Louis. Kisseli, A. S. The Iowa Instructor. (Monthly.) Editor. Da- venport. Knisely, U. J. Oration at Millersburg, 0. 1860. Kohler, 0. Biblische 4th Juli Predigt. 1841. Koller, J. C. Should Clergymen Study Natural Science? Alumni Address. Quart. Rev., IV., 597. Konig, T. Predigt vom christlichen Hausgottesdienst. Cin- cinnati, 1866, Predigt ueber die geheimeu GesellshafFten. St. Louis, 1868. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 55 1st die Taufe * * des Pfarrer Eisenlohr * * als eine Kirchlich christlich giiltige anzuersehen oder nicht. Koons, E. J. Questions on Luther's Catechism. 1869. Luther's Works. Ev. Rev., XIII., 581. Instruction in Christian Doctrine. (Transl.) /&., XX., 190, 485. Confessional or Extra-Confessional. /&., XIX., 232. Staff and Sight for the Young Christian. 1869. pp. 16. Christmas Service. 1811. Korner, K. Die Stimme aus Zion. (A Poem.) 1863. Korts, John. Fischer's Life, Deeds, and Opinions of Dr. Mar- tin Luther. Translated from the German. Hudson, N. Y., 1818. pp. 459. Koster'mg, J. F. Predict von der christlichen Freiheit &c. St. Louis, 1865. Auswanderung d. Sachsischen Auswanderer im Jahre 1838. St. Louis, 1860. Innere Mission. Sermon. St. Louis, 1865. Krauth, C. Philip. Oration on the Advantages of a Knowledge of the German Language, delivered before the Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, 1832. Address, delivered at his Inauguration as Presi- dent of Pennsylvania College, in 1834. Address, delivered on the Anniversary of Wash- ington's Birth-Day. Gettysburg, 1846. Human Life : a Baccalaureate Address, delivered on the Sabbath before Commencement, to the Senior Class of Pennsylvania College. 1850. 56 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Discourse on the Life and Character of Henry Clay, delivered at the request of the citizens of Gettysburg. 1852. Lutheran Sunday-school Hy T mn Book. Editor. Lutheran Intelligencer, Frederick, Md. Co- Editor. Evangelical Review, Gettysburg. Editor. Proceedings of the General Synod. Ev. Rev., L, 276. Works of Melanchthon. lb., III., 575. Review of Davidson's Biblical Criticism. 76., V., 365. Murdoch's Translation of New Testament. 76., V., 376. Song of Solomon. 76., Y., 578. Manual of Sacred History. 76., Y., 287. Earl}' History of the Lutheran Church. Germany and its Universities. 76., IX., ? Schmid's Dogmatik. 76., I., 19; IX., 511; X., 214; XL, 194. Hermeneutical Manual. 76., X., 301. The Principle of Protestantism. (Transl.) 76., I., 199, 111, 274, 320. The Lutheran Church in the United States. 76., II., 1. The Protestant Principle in its Relations. 76., III., 274, 320. ScharT's Church History. 76., III., 107. Winer's Bible Dictionary. 76., I., 297. Baccalaureates. 76., IX., 421; X., 100, 381; XL, 140, 414, 491 ; XII., 124, 230, 429, 488. Dr. Sehmucker's Catechism. 76., XL, 300. Influence of the Mind upon the Body. 76., YL, 373. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. lb., YL, 85. General Synod. 76., YIL, 126, 413; XL, 125; XIY., 97 ; XY., 390. Practical Exegesis. lb., YIL, 173 BIBLTOTHECA LUTHERANA. 57 ' Homiletics. lb., VII., 181. Marriage of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men. lb., VII., 447. Pharisee and Publican. IZ>., S VIL, 547. Homiletical Studies. lb., IX., 338. Man. lb., IX., 426. Review of Seyfarth. lb., IX., 436. The Review; the Church. lb., X., 11. Review of Olshausen. lb. X., 124. Present Position of the Lutheran Church. lb., XI., 12. Opening Address before a Christian Association. lb., XII., 255. Human Nature. lb. IX., 522. Exposition of Romans. lb. VIII., 33. Strictures upon Apostolic Traditions. lb., V., 57. Contributions to the History of the Church. lb., V., 83, 385. The Four Witnesses. lb., VI., 563. Defence of Stephen. lb., XI., 439. Review of Schmucker's Mental Philosophy. Bib- lie. Repos. 1842. Missions. Luth. Pulpit. I., 121. Luther and Melanchthon. Year Book. 154. Krauth, C. Porterfield. Benefits of the Pastoral Office : a Farewell Dis- course in Baltimore. 1845. Popular Amusements. Delivered in the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church, Winchester, Va. 1851. The Bible a Perfect Book. . A Discourse deliv- ered before the Bible Society of Pennsylvania College and Theological Seminary. 1852. Discourse, suggested by the Burning of the Old Lutheran Church on the night of Sept. 27, 1854. Delivered in Winchester, Va., the Nine- teenth Sunday after Trinity. 3* 58 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Former Days and These Daj^s. A Discourse delivered in the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., on Thanks- giving Day, Nov. 20, 1856. The Altar on the Threshing Floor. A Discourse Delivered in the First English Evangelical Lu- theran Church, Pittsburgh, on Thanksgiving Day, 1851. Poverty. Three Essays for the Season. Pitts- burgh, 1858. pp. 48. Commentary on the Gospel of John, by Dr. Au- gustus Tholuck. Translated from the Ger- man. Philadelphia, 1859. pp. 440. Christian Liberty, in its Relation to the Usages of the Evangelical Lutheran Church ; the sub- stance of two Sermons delivered in St. Mark's English Church, Philadelphia, 1860. Fleming's Vocabulary of Philosophy. Editor. With an Introduction. Chronology of the History of Philosophy brought down to 1860. Bibliographical Index, Synthetical Tables, and other Additions. Philadelphia, 1860. The Jubilee Service : an Order of Divine Wor- ship. Philadelphia, 1861. The Evangelical Lutheran Church : a Reforma- tion Sermon. 1863. Translation of the Augsburg Confession. Intro- duction, Notes, and Index. Philad'a, 1861. The Reformation : its Occasion and Causes. 1869. The Transfiguration : a Sermon. Luther's Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Essay. The Two Pageants : a Sermon. Pittsburgh. Banner of the Truth. Philadelphia. Baptism. Gettysburg. Caesar and God ; or, Politics and Religion : a Sermon. 1814. Origin and Result of the 95 Theses of Dr. Martin Luther. Philadelphia. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 59 New Translation of the 95 Theses. Philad'a. The Conservative Reformation and its Theology. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. pp. 840. Infant Baptism and Infant Salvation on the Cal- vinistic System. Philadelphia, 1814. Installation Services. Philadelphia, 1864. Francis Delitzsch : a Sketch in " A Day in Ca- pernaum." Historic Sketch, in " The Iron Age of Germany." Chrysostom considered with reference to Train- ing for the Pulpit. Ev. Rev., I., 84. The Relation of the Confessions to the Reforma- tion, lb., I., 234. Horn on Feet Washing. lb., I., 434. The Articles of Torgau. lb., II., 18. The Transfiguration, lb., II, 231. Review of Koenig and Luther. lb., III., 451. The Works of Melanchthon. lb., III., 515. The Bible a Perfect Book. lb., IV., 110. The Church, as set forth in the Confessions of Christendom. lb., V., 11. Sunday Service. lb., V., 151. Unity of the Luth. Church. (Transl. from Rein- hard.) lb., V., 352. Commentary on John, by Tholuck. lb., VII., 30. The Lutheran Church and the Divine Obligation of the Lord's Day. lb., VIII., 354. Tholuck on John. (Transl.) lb., IX., 301. Bibliography of the Augsburg Confession. 76., X., 16. Evangelical Mass and Romish Mass. lb., XII., 263. The Mystical Union. (Transl.) lb., XV. 564. Installation Addresses. lb., XVI., 434. Baptism. lb., XYIL, 309. Dr. Shedd's History of Christian Doctrine. lb., XVIIL, 56. The Person of Our Lord and His Sacramental Presence. lb., XVIIL, 395. 60 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Reformation : its Occasions and Causes. lb., XX., 94. Luther's Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The New Testament. Mercersburg Review. April, 1860. The Lutheran Church. Appleton's Encyclop. [As a translator, Krauth has published renderings from. Heinrich Schmid (Dogmatik), Guericke (Symbolik), Tho- luck, Reinhard (Predigten), Delitzsch (Genesis), and Ulrici. Tholuck's John (1859) and Ulrici's Review of Strauss (1874) have been republished in Great Britain. He has published translations of the "Dies Irse," "Puer natus," "Ein feste Burg," " Det Kimer nu til Julefest " (from the Danish), and of other hymns. He has written introductions or introduc- tory matter to Seeker's Nonsuch Professor (1859), Psalms and Canticles (1867), Prof. Jacob's Sketch of the Battle of Get- tysburg, 'Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible (1874), a sketch of the Thirty Years' War to accompany the Iron Age (1870), and of Delitzsch for the translation of his Bay in Capernaum (1873). He has edited Fleming's Vocabulary of Philosophy (I860) Bie Illustrirte Heilige Schrift (1872), Berkeley's Prin- ciples, with a prolegomena, the entire notes of Uberweg, and a body of original annotations (1874) ; and prefixed to Ulrici's Strauss a sketch of the latest phases of the materialistic dis- cussion (1874). Among his other writings not enumerated above may be mentioned The Torgau Articles (1850), The Lord's Bay, Theological Encyclopaedia from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century (1857), The Evangelical Mass and the Romish Mass (1860), Sunday Services of the Churches of the Reformation (on the basis of Alt's Cultus (1853), The Ju- bilee Service (1867), Common Prayer, arranged from the Col- lects in Ancient Use in the Lutheran Church, The Church Book of the General Council (1869,) in the preparation of which he took an active part ; The Liturgical Movement in the German Reformed and Presbyterian Churches. He has been associated with the organization of the General Council of the Lutheran Church in America; wrote the call for a convention, Aug. 10, 1866; prepared the Fundamental Prin- ciples of Faith, Ecclesiastical Power, and Church Polity, BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 61 which were adopted as ihe basis of the constitution at the preliminary convocation at Reading, Pa., Dec. 12-14, 1866; prepared the constitution adopted at the first convention, Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov., 1867 ; wrote the Reply to the Pope's Letter, adopted Nov. 6, 1869; the Theses on Justification (1870-74). He has contributed articles to McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia, to Appleton's, and to Blackwood's, and to Johnson's, of which he is an associate editor. — Johnson's Encyclopedia, ] Krauth, Miss Harriet R. Music Adapted to the Church Book. Philadel- phia, 1813. New edition, 1875. Krognaess, S. M. Der Norsk Lutherana. Monthly. 1861. Eben Ezer. (Norwegian.) 1868. Lutherana. " v 18*70. Krotel, Geo. F. Life of Philip Melanchthon. By Charles F. Led- derhose. Philadelphia, 1 855. Translated from the German, pp. 364. Who are the Blessed ? or, Meditations on the Beatitudes. Philadelphia, 1856. pp. 191. The Christmas Tree: a Poem. 1872. The Ev. Luth. Church : a Sermon. Philadelphia, 1863. The History of Trinity Church. Lancaster, 1861. Pastoral Visits to the Sick and Dying. Ev. Rev., IX., 536. The Lord's Prayer. 76., XII., 531. Questions to the Lord's Prayer. (Transl.) XV., 410. Constitution der Vereinigten Staaten mit Erk- larungen. Philadelphia. 1846. Luther's Small Catechism. Explanations in Question and Answer. Fest Predigt in Zion's Kirche. Philadelphia, 1866. pp. 25. 62 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Symbolical Books. 1869. pp. 30. Der Lutherische Herold. Editor. New York, Kuendig, J. J. Der Pilger. Co-Editor. Reading, 1869. Kuhns, L. M. The Age and its Demands upon the Church : a Sermon. Leechburg, Pa. 1859. The Religious Training of Children. Quart. Rev., II., 520. KunkeSman, J. A. The Chinese Problem. Ev ; Rev. XXL, 11. Kunz, J. G. (Layman.) Lieder Buch fiir christliche Schulen. 1869. Yor uad Zwischenspiele zu gangbarsten choral Melodien. Reading. Kunze, J. C. Einige Gedichte und Lieder. HIS. pp. 102. Ein Wort fur den Yerstand und das Herz. 1181. pp. 243. Hymn and Prayer Book for the use of such Lu- theran Churches as use the English Language. New York, 1*795. Sermons preached by Lawrence Yon Buskirk, Candidate for the Holy Ministry. Editor. New York, 1797. pp. 123. New Method of Calculating the Great Eclipse of June 16, 1806. Geistliche Gedichte. pp. 200. History of the Christian Religion, and History of the Lutheran Church. Betrauter Nachruf au H. M. Muhlenberg. 1788. Kurtz, J. D. Gemeinschaftliches Gesangbuch. Editor. Bal- timore, 1817. (Yarious articles in Evangelical Magazine.) BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 63 Kurtz, Benjamin. Praktische Fragen. Hagerstown, 1819. First Principles of Religion for Children. Ha- gerstown, 1821. Faith, Hope, Charity. Hagerstown, 1823. Address on Temperance. 1824. * Ministerial Appeal : a Valedictory Sermon. Ha- gerstown, 1831. A Door Opened for the Lord : Introductory Ser- mon, Chambersburg, Pa., 1831. Why Are You a Lutheran? Baltimore, 1843. pp. 227. Year-Book of the Reformation, Co-editor. 1844. Publication Rooms, Baltimore, pp. 416. Infant Baptism and Affusion, with Essays on Related Subjects. Publication Rooms, Balti- more, 1848. pp. 370. Prayer in all its Forms, Secret, Ejaculatory, So- cial, in Public and in the Family, and the Training of Children. Baltimore : T. N. Kurtz, 1852. pp. 14S. Pulpit Sketch Book. 1844. Lutheran Pra}^er Book for the use of Families and Individuals, partly original, but chiefly compiled ; with introductory remarks on Fam- ily Prayer, together with a selection of Hymns, and Music adapted to them. Baltimore : T. N. Kurtz, 1852. pp. 453. Inaugural, setting forth the Design, Necessity, and Adaptation of the Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Institute, Selinsgrove, Pa., 1858. The Serial Catechism ; or, Progressive Instruc- tion for Children, adapted to their Growth in Grace and Knowledge. Baltimore : T. N. Kurtz. Sermon on Sabbath-schools. Pastoral Address, during his tour through Eu- rope. 1827. pp. 4. Lutheran Observer. Editor. 64 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Address at the Female College, Selinsgrove. 1860. pp. 21. Experimental Religion. Sermon. Baltimore, 1863. pp. 15. Believers Belong to Christ. Sermon. 1865. pp. 15. Easy Catechism for Young Children. 1843. pp. 48. The Choice of a Wife. Lecture. 1863. Corporal Punishment as a Means of Discipline in Schools. Ev. Rev., I., 131. How should the Gospel be Preached. lb., I., 514. The Israelites Borrowing from the Egyptians. lb., XVI., 136. Predictions respecting Luther and the Reforma- tion. Year Book, 54. Passages in the Life of Luther. lb., 85. Luther becomes a Monk. lb., 119. Kurtz, B., Jr. (Layman.) Prize Essay on Milton's Masque of Comus. Get- tysburg, 1870. Some men know books as they do lords — learn their titles exactly, and then brag of their acquaintance.— Swift. Lampe, F. C. H. Obrigkeit und Christenthum. (Transl. from Dr. Seiss.) 1861. Lane, W. C. (Layman.) Life and Character of Rev. M. Eyster. Pitts- burgh, 1853. pp. 24. Lange, C. H. R. Lesebuch d. Englishen Sprache. Port Wayne, 1871. Lantz, D. The Sabbath. 1851. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 65 Lape, Thomas. A Sermon on the Knowledge and Reunion of Christian Friends in Heaven. Albany, 1838. Infant Baptism, Baltimore, 1843. pp. 93. Theological Sketch Book ; or, Skeletons of Ser- mons, carefully arranged in systematic order, so as to constitute a complete Body of Di- vinity. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1844. Manual on the Christian Atonement. New York, 1851. pp.158. Mourners Comforted, pp. 178. Prize Tract on Intemperance. 1867. Memorial of Rev. D. F. Heller. 1865. Catechisation. Ev. Rev., XV., 556. The Redeemer Liveth. Luth. Pr. 165. Sermon on Catechetical Instruction. National Preacher. 1857. Early Saved. New York, 1872. pp. 45. Larsen, L. Kirckelig Maanedestidende. (Norw. Monthty.) Ev. Lutersk Kirketiclencle. (Norweg.) Sermon on the Christian Training of Children. (Norwegian) Decorah. Why do we Lutheran Christians adhere to the Literal Meaning of the Words of the Institu- tion of the Lord's Supper ? Sermon. Deco- rah. Lasar, H. S. Liturgical Studies. Ev. Rev., X., 105. Justification by Faith. lb. XL, 225. Lawson, S. B. Universalism not the Doctrine of the Bible. 1858. Lawyer, J. D. Mode of Baptism. 1844. Letter to Hon. L. H. Sandford. Albany, 1846. 66 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Word of God against the Traditions of Men. Sermon. Albany, 1846. Translation of the Apocalypse. 1862. American Christian. Editor. Lehman, W. F. What is the Result of Science with respect to the Primitive World? (Transl.) Ev. Rev., X., 400; XL, 110. Lemcke, H. J. H. Maternal Love. (Transl.) Philada. pp. 200. Lemke, H. Dankpredigt. St. Louis, 18 TO. Lenk, C. D. Sermon on Matt. xxi:l-9. St. Louis, 1814. Lepley, C. American Lutheran. Co-Editor. Levy, C. V. S. (Layman.) The Essential Elements of True Manhood. Alumni Address. Quart. Rev., V., 23. Lewis, J. M. Oracles : a Collection of Texts. Am. S. S. Union, Phila., 1855. pp. 140. Lindeman, J. C. C. Luther, als Erzicher der Jugend. St. Louis, 1869 Yollstaendiges Lehrbuch der Arithmetik. Astronomische Unterreduns: ueber die Untaug- lichkeit des Kopernischen Sonne system. St, Louis, 18T3. Der Deutsche Katechismus von 1,000 Jahren, 1863. Deutsche G-rammatik. Neue Fibeln. Amerikanischer Kalender. Editor. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 67 Lintner, G. A. Lutheran Magazine. Editor. 1827. Sermon on the Installation of Rev. J. D. Lawyer. 1828. Liturgy, Published by the General Synod. Editor. 1832. Augsburg Confession, with Notes. 1837. Historical Discourse before Schoharie County Bible Society. 1863. The Duty of Christians in reference to Legal Prosecutions. A Synodical Discourse on the Importance of Maintaining the Truth as a Bond of Chris- tian Union. Delivered before the Hartwick Synod. 1841. Memoir of Rev. Walter Gunn, late Missionary in India from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the United States. Albany : E. H. Pease & Co., 1855. pp. 156. Ecclesiastical Standards. Ev. Rev., II., 512. Church Government, lb., VIII., 123. The Mysterious Union of the Divine and Hu- man Nature in the Son of God. lb., XIV., 523. Foreign Missions. lb., XX., 1. The Early History of the Lutheran Church in the State of New York. 1867. Experimental Religion. Luth. Pr., I., 33. Church of Christ. Luth. Pulpit., II., 53. The Influence of Revivals on the State of Reli- gion and the Spirit of Benevolent Enterprise in the Lutheran Church. Ev. Rev., XXL, No. 71, p. 9. 1870. Lochman, J. 0. Haupt-Inhalt der christlichen Lehre. Lebanon, 1808. pp. 45. Valedictory Sermon at Lebanon. 1815. Inaugural Sermon at Harrisburg. 1815. 68 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. History, Doctrines, and Discipline of the Lu theran Church. Harrisburg, 1818. pp. 165. Principles of the Christian Religion in Questions and Answers. 1822. Hinterlassene Predigten. Harrisburg, 1828. pp 232. Hauptlnhalt der christlichen Lehre. pp. 48. Evangelical Catechism. Harrisburg, 1822. pp.56. Lochman, Augustus H. Rosa of Lindenwald. Translated from the Ger- man. Philadelphia. Address at the Inauguration of Rev. Dr. Brown. Gettysburg, 1865. Basket of Flowers. (Trail si.) Seppeli. (Transl.) 1870. The Emerald. (Transl.) Address at the Funeral of Dr. Jacob Hay. York, 1874. pp. 5. The Lord's Supper Practically Considered. Ev. Rev., VIII., 436. The Sabbath. lb., X., 322. Exposition of Matt. /&., XI., 12; 397. Inaugural Address. lb., XVI., 550 ; XVIII., 1. The Sinner Personally Guilty. Johnix:2. Luth. Preacher, II., 72. Lochner, F. Liturgie fur einen Charfreitags Gottes Dienst. Milwaukie, 1870. Loy, M. Life and Deeds of Dr. M. Luther. (Transl.) Columbus, 1869. Sermon at the Convention for Establishing the General Council. 1866. Essay on the Ministerial Office. Columbus, 1870. pp. 247. Justification. Columbus, 1869. pp. 181. BIBLIOTIIECA LUTHERANA. 69 Luther's House Postil. (Transl.) 2 vols. Ed. 1864. Lutheran Standard. Editor. The Necessity and Authority of Apostolic Tra- dition. Ev. Rev., III., 537. The Lutheran Cultus. lb., IV., 524. Baptismal Hymns. lb., XII., 240. Hymns. lb., XIII., 151. Lutheran Doctrine of Ordination. lb., XVI., 330. Piety and Property. lb., XXL, 44. Reason Not a Rule of Faith. Quart. Rev., II., 61. Feeling as Related to Faith. lb., III., 1. Luckenhach, W. H. Our National Inheritance. Sermon. Pottsville, 1858. Magnifying God's Word. Sermon. 1861. The Christian Ministry of Labor. Quart. Rev., II., 242. Llldwlg, H. (Layman.) Schott's Augsburg Confession. (Transl.) New York, 1848. Lutherischer Herold. Editor. (Publisher of many Lutheran books.) Luther's House Postil ; or, Sermons on the Gospels. (Transl.) Newmarket. M. Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquaintance is that of good hooks. — Colton. Magee, I. Remarks on the Death of Rev. Dr. Pohlman. Albany. TO BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Magens, S. M. * Translator from the Danish of " The Articles of Faith of the Holy Ev. Lutheran Church, ac- cording to the Word of God and the Augsburg Confession, set forth in 46 Sermons by Magis- ter Petrus S. Naksokin." Jutland, N. Y., 1154. 4to. pp. 314. \tvJktnK Mann, W. J. Explanation of Luther's Catechism. 1854. Plea for the Augsburg Confession, in answer to the Objections of the Definite Platform. Phila- delphia : Lindsay & Blakiston, 1856. Lutheranism in America : an Essay on the Present Condition of the Lutheran Church in the United States. Philadelphia, 1851. pp. 152. Life Pictures from the Missionary Field : a Christmas Book for the Young. Lutheran Board of Publication. Der Kirchenfreund. Editor, Philadelphia. Translator of Delitzsch's Prophecies of Isaiah. Erziehung der Kinder .... Philad'a, 1861. Rede ueber Dr. Demme. Philadelphia, 1863. Fest Gruss zur Zion's Jubilaeum. 1866. pp. 48. Familien Gebete. Philadelphia. Lecture on the German-French War. 18*73. General Principles of Christian Ethics. (Transl.) 1811. The Great Reformation. Philadelphia, 1812. Martens, 0. II The Distinctive Doctrines of the different Chris- tian Confessions in the light of the Word of God. Translated from the German of G. Graue. Martens 0. Yorschlag zu einer Heiliger allianz. Allentown, 1861. pp. 104. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. U Martin, Charles. Lecture on Tobacco and the Deleterious Effects of its Habitual Use on the Moral and Physi- cal System of Man. Delivered before the Anti-Tobacco Society of Pennsylvania College. 1836. Martin A. Luther on the Office of the Ministry. Ev. Rev., XXL, 182. Mattes, H. L. (Layman.) Christag's Harfe. 1866. pp. 16. Mayer, Philip F. Liturgy and Prayers, published by the Synod of New York. Instructions in the Principles and Duties of the Christian Religion, for Children and Youth. 1816. Fiftieth Anniversary Sermon. 1856. Mayer, Miss Emiiy. A Week's Delight ; or, Games and Stories. Philadelphia, 1854. McChesney, W. R. Discourse Delivered at Louisville, Ky., before the First English Luth. Church. McCron, John. Address delivered on the occasion of Laying the Corner-stone of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Salem, Ya., 1857. Evangelical Psalmist. Co-Editor. Sermon before the Defenders of Baltimore. 1855. Synodical Sermon. Luth. Pulpit, II., 29. McCiean, M. (Layman.) Address at the Inauguration of Dr. Yalentine as President of Pennsylvania College. 1863. 72 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. , S. A. Sermon on the Death of Rev. C. Bergman. 1832. Lutheran Standard. Editor. Death in its True Aspect. Luth. Pr., I., 25. Missionary Sermon. II., 129. Melsheimer, F. V. Wahrheit der Christlichen Religion, mit Beant- wortung deistischer Einwiirfe. Gesprache zwischen einem Protestanten und Romischen Priester. 1197. pp. 122. Catalogue of the Insects of Pennsylvania. Melsheimer, E. F., M. D. Catalogue of the Coleopteraof the United States, Published by the Smithsonian Institution. Washington. (Dr. M. contributed numerous papers on Ento- mology to various scientific journals.) Mengeri, J. H. Chronology of the Hebrew Testament. Quart. Rev., V., 1. Continued, lb., V., 238. Meyer, C. The Sinner Entreated. Luth. Pr., II., 101. Miller, Jacob. • Discourse delivered on the occasion of the Death of Hon. Henry A. Muhlenberg. 1844. pp. 12. Miller, J. I. The Lutheran Visitor. Editor. 1866. The Lutheran and Visitor. Co-Editor. 1868. Miller, E. Genius and the Cross. Ev. Rev., VI., 355. Catechisation. Quart. Rev V., 201. Miller, Clemens. Declaration in regard to Difficulties in the Church. Luther's Catechism. Baltimore, 1857. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 73 Milter, George B. Discourse on the Fundamental Principles of the Reformation. 1831. Sermon on the Doctrines and Discipline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. 1837. The Dansville Grammar: being an attempt to render the Study of Grammar more effectual, more easy, and more satisfactoiy than by the usual method. Dansville, N. Y., 1842. Harmonious Action the Duty of the Church: Sermon on the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the New York Synod. 1845. Sermons on some of the Fundamental Principles of the Gospel. New York : N. Tibbals & Co. 1860. pp. 374. Sermon on the Death of Mr. Conkling, at Canajo- harie, N, Y. The Means Employed by God for Man's Re- covery. Ev. Rev., I., 419, 483. The Study of the Classics. lb., IX., 401. The Great Commandment. lb., XIV., 132. Experience and Practice as Necessary in Reli- gion as in Science, lb., XX., 35. The Prodigal Son. Luke xv:ll. Luth. Pr., I., 9. The Conversion of Zaccheus. Luke xix:5. lb., I., 98. Divine Providence. John xiii:7. lb., I., 102. Ministers of Christ the Depositories of a Sacred Trust. Luth. Pulpit, L, 217. Moeiler, J. F. Leichen Predigt. In Memory of Rev. Solomon Schaeffer. Hagerstown, 1815. pp. 19. Leichen Predigt, geweihet dem Andenken der selig verstorbenen ehwr. Solomon Schaeffer. 1815. 4 74 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Mohldenke, Edw. F. DarstelluBg der Moderner Deutschen. An Ora- tion. Theologie vom Luth. Standpunckte aus. Water- town, Wis., 1865. pp. 34. Moretz, C. Betrachtungen einiger Zwistigkeiten . . . 1823. Morris, John G. Catechumen's and Communicant's Companion. Baltimore, 1831. pp. 250. Lutheran Observer. First Editor. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1831-32. Catechetical Exercises on Luther's Catechism, Adapted from the German. Baltimore, 1832. Henry and Antonio of Dr. Bretschneider. Trans- lated from the German. 1834. pp. 254. Yon Leonard's Lectures on Geology. Trans- lated from the German. 1839. Popular Exposition of the Gospels for Families, Bible-classes, and Sunday-schools. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1840. An Address on the Study of Natural History, delivered before the Philomathgean Society of Pennsylvania College. 1841. Luther's Catechism, illustrated by additional Questions and Answers. 1844. Numerous editions. Year Book of the Reformation. Co-Editor. Bal- timore, 1844. pp. 416. An Address delivered before the Linnsean Asso- ciation of Pennsylvania College, at the Dedica- tion of their Hall, Sept. 14, 1847. Life of John Arndt, author of the Work on True Christianity. Baltimore, 1853. pp. 237. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 75 Martin Behaim, the German Astronomer and Cosmographer of the Times of Columbus: Annual Discourse before the Maryland His- torical Society. 1855. Address at the Dedication of Mount Olivet Ceme- tery. Baltimore. Sermon on the Reformation. Luth. Pr., II., 113. The Blind Girl of Wittenberg : a Life Picture of the Times of Luther and the Reformation. Philadelphia, 1856. pp. 307. To Rome and Back Again ; or, The Two Prose- lytes : adapted from the German. Baltimore, 1856. pp. 238. Catharine de Bora; or, Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of Luther. For the Lu- theran Board of Publication. Philadelphia, 1856. pp. 127. Quaint Sayings and Doings Concerning Luther. Philadelphia, 1859. pp. 284. Register of the First English Lutheran Church, Baltimore, from 1827 to 1859. Baltimore, 1859. Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America. Prepared for and published by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1860. Synopsis of the Described Lepidoptera of the United States. Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, 1861. 8vo. pp. 358. Address on the Reformation Jubilee. 1867. Luther's Yisit to Rome. Year Book, p. 67. The Theses of Luther. lb., p. 133. John Calvin. lb., p. 169. John Reuchlin. lb., p. 187. Luther's Cell in Erfurt. lb., p. 195. Contributions to the History of Entomology in the United States. Silliman's Journal. The Lords Baltimore. Published by the Mary- land Historical Society. Baltimore, 1874. Luther's Catechisms. Ev. Rev., I., 67. Catechisation. lb., II., 221. 76 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Paul Gerhard. lb., II., 281. John Arndt. lb., IY., 222. Bogatzky. lb., VI., 453. Luther as a Pulpit Orator. lb. IX., 486. The Literature of the Lutheran Church. lb., XV., 410. The Church: Holman Lecture. Quart. Rev., II., 481. Materialism. Translated from the German of C. C. Streisguth. lb., L, 1. Bibliotheca Lutherana. 1876. Morris, C. A. An Easy Catechism for Young Children. Lieder-Buchlein fur Kinder gesammelt und heraus- gegeben von den Lehrern der Deutschen Sonn- tags-Schuien in Yorktown. 1849. Muhlenberg, H. M. Principal Contributor to the Hallische Nachrich- ten. 1 vol. pp. 1580. Halle, 1747-63. Lieder Samlung. p. 1795. Liturgy of Lutheran Church. 1796. Muhlenberg, Henry E. Descriptio TJberior Graminum. Catalogus Plantarum. Flora Lancastriensis. English and German Lexicon and Grammar. 2 vols. 1812. Rede bei der Einweihung des Franklin Collegi- ums. Lancaster, 1788. A Companion to the Catechism ; or, a Course of Instruction in the Christian Religion, for the Benefit of the Young. Muhlenberg, Henry A. (Layman.) Life of Major-General Peter Muhlenberg, of the Revolutionary Army. Philadelphia, 1849. pp. 456. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 77 Muhlenberg, H. H. (Layman.) Conrad Weiser's Family Register. Philadel- phia, pp. 33. Muhlenberg, F. A. Muhlenberg's Catechetical Manual. (Transl.) 1857. Sermon at the Centenary Jubilee of Trinity Church, Lancaster. 1861. Inaugural Address as President of Muhlenberg College. 1867. Memoirs of H. M. Muhlenberg. Ev. Rev., III., 151. The Genealogies of Jesus in the Evangelists. lb., VI., 168. The Fall of the Angels. (Transl.) lb., VIII., 171. Educational Efforts of the Synod of Pennsylva- nia, lb., X., 30. Theses upon the Church. (Transl.) lb., XIIL, 122 267. Philip Jacob Spener. (Transl.) lb., XIV., 68. Universities. (Transl.) lb., XV., 351. The Lord's Supper. (Transl.) lb., XX., 549. Proposed Plan for a General Union. lb., XII., 590. Elders. (Transl.) lb., XVI., 188. Theological Encyclopedia and Methodology, lb., IX., 278. Muller, J. A. F. W. Jubelfest Buchlein. St. Louis. 1867. Betrachtungen u. Seufzen ernes Christenmenschen. Translated from the German of F. W. Dillher. St. Louis, 1874. pp. 358. Multanowsky, Edw. 1st Methodismus u. Lutherthum einerlei? St. Louis, 1873. pp. 45. 78 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Munsell, J. (Layman.) Annals of Albany. 7 vols. 12mo. T3^pographical Miscellany. 1850. pp. 268. Albany Directory. (Series.) Chronology of Paper and Paper-making. 1856. pp. 58. Every Day Book. 1847. 2 vols. Myers, A. H. Address before the Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. Northern Cane-grower's Manual. Springfield. N. A taste for books is the pleasure of my life. I would not exchange it for the glory of the Indies. — Gibbon. Naschold, N. J. Translator into German of Rev. Focht's Sermon on an Educated Ministry. 1854. Neumann, Robert. Der Emigranten Fiihrer. 1869. pp. 79. Unser Werk, Predigt. New York, 1855. pp. 30. Nixdorff, Geo. A. Scriptural Argument of Sudden Conversion. Ev. Rev., XIX., 501. Millennial Era of the Christian Church. Quart. Rev., III., 24. Norelius E. Mission Tidschrift. Editor. History of Missions of Augustana Synod. 1870. (Swedish.) Wara Minnesota Lund trykt uti Berlynska Bok- trykerict. 1870. pp. 66. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 79 Nyquist, J. P. Missionarea. (Swed. Journal.) Editor. Chi- cago. o. Adolescentibus illiciurn, senibus subsidium, otiosis spectaculum, oc- cupatis diverticulum, studiosis negotium. Oberholtzer, Mrs. S. L. Violet Lee, and other Poems. Philadelphia, 1813. pp. 163. Officer, Morris. Plea for a Lutheran Mission in Africa. 1855. Western Africa a Mission Field ; or, The Moral and Physical Condition of Western Africa, -r considered with reference to the Founding of Mission Settlements of Colored People. 1856. African Bible Pictures ; or, Scripture Scenes and Customs in Africa. Philadelphia: Lutheran Board of Publication. 1859. Lutheran Home Missions. Ev. Rev., XVIL, 25 7. Paul, the Missionary Apostle. lb., XX., 198. The African Slave Trade. lb., IX., 32. Home Missionary Organization. Quart. Rev., II., 165. Olsen, 0. Nylt Och Gammell. (Swed.) Editor. Kansas, 1873. Ort, S. A. The Controversy between the Theist and the Scientist. Quart. Rev., IV., 209. Oswald, J. The Kingdom which shall not be Destroyed : an Exposition of Prophecy, more especially of the Seventh Chapter of Daniel. Philadelphai, 1856. pp. 302. 80 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Notes on Prophecy. Ev. Rev., IT., 254, 369, 568; V., 49, 324, 564; VI., 194. The Heroes of the Lutheran Church of the Seven- teenth Century. lb., VI., 344. Is it right to Baptize the Children of Parents not in Connection with any Christian Society ? lb., X., 347. The Christian Ministry. lb., XI., 161. Ottesen, I. A. Kirchelig Maanedstidende. (Norweg. Monthly.) Decorah. Oilman, S. A Discourse, delivered on the occasion of the National Fast, in Middletown, Pa., August 3, 1849. The Christian Ministry the Divinely Appointed Agency to Reform the World: a Discourse before the Franckean Evangelical Lutheran Synod, June 3, 1847. P. Take care that you do not part with your library to any man, for I am setting apart all my little rent to purchase that relief for my old age, for I do not despair of my being able to make them mine, which if I compass, I shall think myself richer than Croesus, and despise the fine villas and gardens of them all. — Ciceko to Attictts. Passavant, William A. Address, delivered before the Franklin Literary Society of Jefferson College, at its Semi-Cen- tennial Anniversary, 1847. Funeral Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Rev. J. M. Steck, 1848. Missionary. Editor. Evangelical Psalmist. Co-Editor. Lutheran and Missionary. Co-Editor. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Si Peixoto, E. P. Leitfaden wonach der Kleine Cateckismus Dr- M. Luther's erklart wird. Sumnytown, Pa., 1845. Peters, G. H. N. The Keys. Ev. Rev., XX., 269, 341. The Ascension of Christ. lb., XXI., 85. Peters, R. Sermon, preached in the New Lutheran Church of Zion, in the City of Philadelphia, on the 26th June, 1169. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1169. Peterson, C. I. P. A Norwegian-Danish Grammar and Reader. Chicago, 1814. pp. 202. Pile, G. M. An Address on Intellectual Development: de- livered July 30, 1856, before the Utilior and Philomathean Societies of Illinois State Uni- versity, Springfield, 111. Plitt, J. K. Isaac Blessing Jacob. Ev. Rev., XIII., 375. God's Doings for the Nation. Sermon. 1865. Pohlman, Henry N. A Catechism. Address on Temperance. Historical Address at Semi-Centennial Anniver- sary of Hartwick Seminary. 1867. Funeral Sermon on Dr. Wackerhagen. 1866. The German Colony and Lutheran Church in Maine. Ev. Rev., XX., 440. Preus, A. C. Maanedstidende. (Danish.) Editor. 4* 82 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Princeil, J. G. Barn Yannen. (Swedish.) Child's Paper. Co- Editor. New York. Probst, J. Wiedervereinigung d. Lutheraner u. Reformir- ten. Allentown. 1826. Leichenrede auf dem Tod des Pres. W. H. Har- rison. Easton. 1841. Das Yater Unser. Northampton. 1816. pp.19. Q. "Sparsa Colligimus." Quitman, F. H. Evangelical Catechism. Hudson, 1814. Sermons on the Reformation. Hudson, 1817. Hymn Book of the Synod of New York. Editor. 1817. Treatise on Magic. Albany. 1810. 18mo. pp.16. R. Hi sunt magistri, qui nos instruant sine virgis et ferula, sine verbis et colera, sine pane et pecunia. Si accedis non dormiant, si inquiris non se abscondunt; non remunerant si oberres; cachinnos nesciunt si ig- nores. — Richard de Bury. Raff, G. M. (Layman.) A Manual of Pensions, Bounty, and Pay. Cin- cinnati. 1862. Rasmussen, P. A. Kirke Tidende. (Norweg.) Editor. Luthersk Kyreko-Tidma. Co-Editor. Reading. Rath, J. B. Catechism for the Seventh Jubilee. 1867. The Advent of Christ. Ev. Rev., XYIIL, 608. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 83 Rechenberg, C. F. W. Das Kirchenblatt. Montreal. Editor. Reimensnyder, J. J. Address on Temperance, delivered in Woods- boro,' Md. 1843. Thanksgiving Sermon, Woodsboro'. 1844. Address on Education. Sunbury, 1854. Reimensnyder, J. B. Heavenward ; or, The Race for the Crown of Life. Philadelphia, 18U. Christian Unity. Sermon. Savannah, Sept., 18Y5. Reimensnyder, C. Sunday-school Guide. Lancaster, Pa. 1872. Rembold, J. G. Blaetter aus dem Waisenhause. Monthly. Editor. Iowa. Reynolds, W. M. Monthly Magazine of Religion and Literature. Editor. Gettysburg, 1 840. 1 vol. Literary Record and Linngean Journal. Gettys- burg. Editor. Yol. 1st. 1845. American Literature. Address delivered before the Literary Societies of Pennsylvania College. 1845. The Capteivei of Plautus, with an Introduction and Notes. Gettysburg, 1846. Evangelical Review. Editor. Address delivered at his Inauguration as Presi- dent of Capital University. 1850. Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of the American Lutheran Church. 1848. Address delivered at his Inauguration as Presi- dent of the Illinois State University. 1858 84 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Thoughts in relation to the Illinois State Uni- versity, addressed to the Citizens of Springfield and Sangamon county. 1858. Object and Position of the Evangelical Review. Ev. Rev., I., 2. Translation of Hymns from the German. 1ft., I., 143; II., 309. The Swedish Churches on the Delaware. lb. *~ I., 61. Rudelbach and Guericke. lb., I., 305. The New German Hymn Book. lb., I., 590. Sears' Life of Luther, lb., II., 435. Pennsylvania College. lb., II., 539. The Scandinavians of the Northwest. lb., III., 1 399. Fanny Fern's Writings. lb., V., 282. Martin Luther as a Poet and Musician. lb., VI., 97. The Two Martyrs at Brussels. lb., VII., 288. The Lutheran Church in Russia. lb., XL, 563. Christian Liberty, lb., XIL, 161. The Ministerium Question. lb., XIL, 463. German Emigration to the United States. lb., XIIL, 1. Our National Crisis. lb., ? The Lutheran Church in the Netherlands and New York. lb., VI., 303. Lyra Germanica. lb., VIII. , 591. Livingstone's Travels. lb., X., 130. Review of Manual of Church History. lb., X., 146. English Lutheran Hymn Books. lb., XL, 401. Guericke's Manual. lb., II., 576. Ancient Egypt, lb., IV., 35. The Church and Her Ministry, lb., IV., 413. Luther's Battle Song of the Reformation. lb., XIV., 537. English Hymnology. lb., VII., 422, 563 ; VIIL, 237. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 85 Tischendorf. lb., XL, 594. Dr. Schmucker's Lutheran Symbols. Dorpater Zeitschrift. lb., XL, 594. Translation of Besser on John ii:4. Bib. Repos. 1847. Narrative of the Syro-Phoenician Woman. Ulrich von Hutten. Year Book. p. 279. Rhodes, M. Sermon on the Assassination of President Lin- coln. Sunbury, 1865. pp. 16. • The Proper Observance of the Lord's Day. St. Louis. 1874. pp. 8. Richards, J. W. The Fruitful Retrospect. Preached at the Trappe, 1843, on the occasion of the Centenary Cele- bration of the laying of the Corner-stone of the Lutheran Church. The Walk About Zion : a Sermon in reference to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Eas- ton, Pa., 1851. The Yoyage of Rev. H. M. Muhlenberg. (Transl.) Ev. Rev., L, 390, 590; II., 113; III., 115, 418, 582; IV., 172. Richards, M. H. Ministerial Success. Ev. Rev., XIX., 130. Riis, H. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Obn Language. Kurzer Unterricht ueber Luther. 1867. Ritz, S. . ■ Dialogue on Protracted Meetings, Revivals, Prayer Meetings. Canton, O. 1844. Dialogue. Luther and the Reformation. 1854. Rizer, P. Sermon on Foreign Missions. 1850. 86 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Word of the Lord. Bible Society Address. 1853. Charge to Prof. Ziegler at his Inauguration. Selinsgrove, 1858. Scripture Doctrine concerning the Resurrection • of the Dead. Ev. Rev., V., 60. Robbelen, K. A. W. Das 20ste Kapitat d. Offenbarung Johannes. St. Louis, 1860. Christus ,der den Jammer der Seinen Stillt. Ser- mon. St. Louis, 1861. Rohr, C. G. Von. Abgedrungena Berichtigung d. Antwort des Praeses d. Syn. v. Missouri auf die an dieselbe gerichtete Ermahnung d. Leipz. u. Further Konferenz .... Leipzig, 1855. pp. 28. Roede!, W. D. Carmina Ecclesiae. Baltimore, 1861. Book of Worship. Editor. 1867. Shut Out the Moon. Music. Roedel, H. H. (Layman.) Sunday-school Class Book. Lebanon, 1861. Eclectic Text Book. 1862. Rosenmiller, D. P. Knight and Peasant. (Transl.) Philad'a, 1872. Rude, A. R. Aids to Sermonizing. Ev. Rev., XXL, 509. Lutheran Visitor. Co-Editor. Southern Visitor. " Rllhling J. C. (Layman.) Das Echo d. 300 jahriger Jubelfeier des Reli- Christian Union. Andover, 1838. pp. 149. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 87 Ruperti, J. "Ich glaube, darum rede ich." Sieben Predig- ten. Bremerhaven. 1859. pp. lit. Wider den neuen Grlauben des Hernn Dr. Schwall in Bremen. Critische Bemerkungen. pp. 23. Licht u. Schatten aus d. Geschichte des alten Bundes. 2te auflage. Hermansbnrg. 1871. 1871. pp. 290. Some smaller Sermons, etc. s. Sermons or politics or plays, ***** a strange mixed olio, From shilling size to pompous folio ; Answers, remarks, reply, rejoinder, Fresh from the mint, all stamped and coined o'er ; Forgotten rhymes and college themes ; "Worm-eaten plans and embryo schemes. A mass of heterogenous matter ; A chaos dark, nor land nor water. Mrs. Barbauld. Sadtier, B. A Rebellions Nation Reproved. Sermon. Easton. 1861. Effect of the Adoption of the Formula of Con- cord upon the Lutheran Church. (Transl.) Ev. Rev., II., 109. Individual Spiritual Life and Development. I7>., V., 381. Sadtier, S. P. (Layman.) On the Iridium Compounds analagous to the Aethylen and Protochloride of Platinum Salts. Groettingen. 1871. On the Potassio-Cobaltic Nitrate, known as Fisher's Salts. Goettingen. 1870. Modern Science and Materialism. Quart. Rev., IY., 72. Handbook of Chemistry. Philad'a, 1875. 12mo. 88 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Sahm, P. Proper Method of Treating the Awakened Sinner. York, 1872. pp. 141. 8vo. Salinger, J. Deutsche Jugend Zeitung. Editor. Monthly. Elmira, 1875. Salyards, J. (Layman.) Translator of Luther on the Sacraments. New- market. Idothea; or, The Divine Image. Poem. New- market, 1874. Schaeffer, F. D. Antwert auf eine Vertheidigung der Methodisten. Germantown, 1806. Eine herzliche Anrede. Germantown, 1806. Schaeffer, D. F. Address on the Reformation. Frederick. 1818. Charge to Rev. S. Schmucker on his Induction into his Professorship. Gettysburg, 1826. Lutheran Intelligencer. Editor. 1826-30. Nature and Duties of the Gospel Ministry. Luth. Pr., I., 1. Excellency of the Gospel. J6., L, 120. Schaeffer, F. C. The Blessed Reformation. Sermon. New York. 1817. Parables and Parabolic Sayings. Sermon at the Laying of the Corner-stone of St. Matthew's Church. New York, 1861. German Correspondent. Editor. 1 vol. Schaeffer, C. F. Kurtz's Manual of Sacred History. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1855. pp. 436. Luther's Small Catechism, with Additions. 1856. Antritt's Rede gehalten zu Gettysburg, 1856. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 89 Arndt's True Christianity. (Transl.) Philadel- phia. Large octavo. Steadfastness in Doctrine and Duty. Synodical Sermon. Philadelphia, 1871. pp. 34. Translation of Lechler on the Acts of the Apos- tles. New York, 1867. Yol. IY. Sermon at the Centenary Jubilee of Trinity Church. Lancaster, 1861. The Gospel in the O. T. (Transl. from Urn- breit.) Ev. Rev., L. 38. Symbolic Theology. lb., I., 451 ; II., 36. Enquiry into the Nature of Fundamental Doc- trine, lb., III., 64. The Lutheran Doctrine of Election. lb., III., 359. Doctrine of the Atonement as presented in the Symbolical Books. lb., II., 301. The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. lb., Y., 189. Homiletics. lb., Y., 301 ; VI., 41. Division of the Decalogue. lb., VII., 102. The Book of Job.. lb., XIV., 1. Hebrew Poetry. lb., XIV., 390. M. Flaccus Illyrius and his Times. lb., XIV., 481. Inspiration. lb., XV., 293. Precious Stones, lb., XV., 544. Marriage. (Transl.) ' lb., XVL, 526. Rationalism and Supernaturalism. lb., XIV., 180. Review of Schaff's Church History. lb., X., 586. Annotations on Matthew xxix. lb., XIII., 55. Justification by Faith. Luth. Pr., I., 146. Parable of the Ten Pounds. lb. I., 177. Maurice and the Emperor. Year Book, p. 367. Athanasius and the Arian Controversy. Biblioth. Sacra. 1864. Exegetical Punctuation of the New Testament. lb. 1868. 90 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The English Version of the New Testament and the Marginal Readings. lb. 1869. Schaeffer, C. W. Discourse delivered on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Harris- burg. 1845. Mann's Explanation of Luther's Small Cate- chism. Translated from the German. 1855. Early History of the Lutheran Church in America • from the Settlement of the Swedes on the Dela- ware to the Middle of the Eighteenth €entury. Philadelphia : Lutheran Board of Publication. 1857. pp. 143. A Golden Treasury for the Children of God, whose Treasure is in Heaven, consisting of Select Texts of the Holy Scriptures, with Prac- tical Observations in Prose and Yerse for Every Day in the Week. By C. H. Yon Bo- gatzky. Translated from the German. 1858. Yaledictory Discourse, delivered at Harrisburg. pp. 8. Lutheran Home Journal. Co-Editor. 1856. Family Prayer, for Morning and Evening, and the Festivals of the Church Year. New edition. Discourse at General Synod. Lancaster, 1862. The circumstances attending the First Admis- sion of the Gentiles into the Christian Church. Ev. Rev. II., 37. Luther's Preaching. lb., XI Y., 313. The Lord's Supper, from Luther, lb.. XYIL, 369. The Philadelphian ; semi-monthly. Editor Lutheran and Missionary. Co-Editor Schaeffer, Miss Kate. Busy Bee. Editor, 1867. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 91 Schaeffer, Miss Aurelia. The Schoolmaster and his Son. (Transl.) Phila- delphia, 1861. Frank's Friend. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1862. Schaeffer, F. F. Sermon on Dancing. Springfield, 0., 1867. Schaeffer, P. H. (Layman.) Prize Essay on the Julius Csesar of Spakespeare. Gettysburg, 1867. Schaeffer, L M. (Layman.) Sketches of Travels in South America, Mexico, and California. New York, 1860. pp. 350. 12mo. Schaller, G. Predigt ueber die Christliche Kinderzucht. St. Louis, 1856. pp. 16. Zur Erinnerung an des dritte hundertfahrige Iu- belfers des .... Religious Friedens. St. Louis, 1855. pp. 38. Scharte, W. A Catechism. Canada, 1846. Scherer, S. Consistency. An Essay. Baltimore, 185?. Schick, G. Dr. Luther's Anweisung zum rechten Studium der Theologie. St. Louis, 1857. pp. 30. Warum soil ein Christ sein Herz nicht mit irdis- chen Sachen beschrewen ? Predigt. St. Louis, 1853. Schierenbeck, J. H. C. Lebensbeschreibungen von Luth. Predigern in Amerika. 92 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Schindel, J. P. Predigt am Bet — und Buss Tage. 1815. Eine Sammlung Leichen Lieder. New Berlin, 1839. Schindier, D. Christian Radical. Editor. Schively, Miss R. H. The Cottage by the Lake. (Transl.) Philadel- phia, 1868. Schmauck, J. G. Erstes Buch fiir deutsche Sckulen. Philadelphia, 1844. (Several German music books.) Schmid, E. Luther's House Postil. (Transl.) 1869. Die Luth. Kirchenzeitung. Co-Editor. Colum- bia. Schmidt, F. A. The Lutheran Watchman. Editor. Decorah, 1866. Schmidt, Henry J. Inaugural Address delivered in the Chapel of Co- lumbia College, 1848. Discourse delivered before the Union Sabbath School Society of Gettysburg, 1839. History of Education. Part I. — History of Edu- cation, Ancient and Modern. Part II. — A Plan of Culture and Instruction based on Christian Principles, and designed to aid in the right Education of Youth, Physically, Intellectually, and Morally. 1842. New York. pp. 340. The Education of the Heart : An Address de- livered before the Phrenakosmian Society of Pennsylvania College, 1843. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 93 Scripture Character of the Lutheran Doctrine of the Lord's Supper. New York, pp.186. 1852. Course of Ancient Geography, arranged with special reference to Recitation. New York, 1860. Report on Congregational Singing. Einweihungs Predigt. New York, 1863. pp. 21. Stier's Commentaries. Ev. Rev., I., 430. Stier's Discourses of the Lord Jesus. lb., I., 55. Meurer's Life of Luther. lb., L, 321. The Ecclesiastical Year and Festivals of the Church. fb., II. Scripture Character of the Lutheran Doctrine of the Lord's Supper. lb., III., 198. Infidelity and its Metamorphoses. lb., V., 400, 341 ; VI., 225, 500. Baptismal Regeneration. lb., VII., 303. Israel and the Gentiles. lb., VEIL, 485. The Three Saxon Electors of the Era of the Refor- mation, lb., IX., 451 ; X., 36, 401. Slaveiy among the Ancient Hebrews. lb., XIII., 311. Rise of the Dutch Republic. lb., VIL, 143. Divine Character of Christ's Doctrines. Luth. Pr., II., 17. Condition of the Church. Is. xxi: 11. lb., II., 82. Character of Hearers and Doers of the Word. lb., II., 24. Night and Morning — A Contrast : Year Book of Reformation, pp. 32. The Ambuscade. lb., 151. Schmucker, J. G. Prophetic History of the Christian Religion; or, Explanation of Revelation of St. John. 2 vols., 8vo. 1817. (German.) Vornehmste Weissagungen der Heiligen Schrift. Hagerstown, 1807. 94 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Waehterstimme an Zion's Kinder. Gettysburg, 1838. pp. 233. Reformations Geschichte zur Jubelfeier der Re- formation. York, 1817. Schwarmergeist unserer Tage, entlarvt, zur War- nung erweckter Seelen. York, 1821. Lieder Anhang zum Evang. Gesangbuch der Gen- eral Synode. 1833. Erklarung der Offenbarung St. Johannis. Balti- more, pp. 347. Elegie zum andenken an Goering. Religion the only Source of True and Lasting Pleasure. Luth. Pr., II., 162. Obligations in view of the Positive Precepts and Institutions of Religion. lb., II., 65. Schmucker, S. S. The Christian Temple ; a Synodical Discourse, illustrated from the History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1824. Biblical Theology of Storr and Flatt. Translated from the German. Andover, 1826. 2 vols. Inaugural Address, delivered before the Directors of the Theological Seminary of the General Synod, at his Induction into the Professorship of Christian Theology, 1826. Evangelisches Magazin. Editor. 1830. Plea for the Sabbath-school System, delivered at the Anniversary of the Gettysburg Sunday- school, 1830. Elements of Popular Theology. Andover, 1834. Kurzgefasste Geschicte der Christlichen Kirche, auf der Grundlage des Busch'en Werks. Get- tysburg, 1834. pp. 352. Discourse in Commemoration of the Reformation, preached before the Synod of West Pennsyl- vania, 1837. Eraternal Appeal to the American Churches on Christian IJnion. Andover, 1838. pp. 149. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 95 Discourse, delivered at the request of the Board of Managers of the American Sunday-school Union. Philadelphia, 1839. Oration on the Anniversary of Washington's Birthday, 1839. Psychology ; or, Elements of Mental Philosophy. New York, 1842. pp. 329. Dissertation on Capital Punishment. Philadel- phia, 1845. Papal Hierarchy, delivered in Christ Church, 1845. The Christian Pulpit, the Rightful Guardian of Morals in Political, no less than in Private Life : a discourse delivered in Gettysburg, on Thanks- giving Day, 1846. The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally, and Practically delineated in sev- eral Occasional Discourses. Springfield : Har- baugh & Butler, pp. 273. The Peace of Zion : a Discourse delivered before the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winchester, Ya., 1852. Address, delivered at the Laying of the Corner- stone of the' Shamokin Institute, 1854. Lutheran Manual on Scripture Principles ; or the Augsburg Confession illustrated and sustained, chiefly by Scripture, and proofs and extracts from standard Lutheran Theologians of Europe and America. Philadelphia : Lindsay & Bla- kiston, 1855. pp. 352. American Lutheranism Yindicated ; or, An Ex- amination of the Lutheran Symbols on certain Disputed Topics, including a reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann, D. D. Baltimore : T. N. Kurtz, 1856. pp. 168. Appeal on behalf of the Christian Sabbath as Divinely appointed and adapted to Man's Pysi- cal, Intellectual, and Moral Being. A Tract published by the American Tract Society, 1857. 96 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Rev. J. A. Brown's New Theology, 1857. Evangelical Lutheran Catechism, designed for Catechumens and the Higher Classes in Sab- bath-schools. Baltimore, 1859. Discourse on the Spiritual Worship of God : Its Nature, Auxiliaries, and Impediments, deliv- ered before the Synod of West Pennsylvania, 1860. Formula of Government and Discipline for Con- gregations and Synods, published by the Gen- eral Sjmod. Portraiture of Lutheranism. Baltimore, 1840. Preface to Leben unci Wirken des Johannes Ober- lin. Pittsburg. 1831. Retrospect of Lutheranism in the United States. Baltimore, 1841. Discourse on Human Depravit}^. Gettysburg, 1865. Translation of Dr. Luthard's Historical Develop- ment of the Contest between the Two Generic Aspects of the World. 1865. Christological Lecture. 1868. Elemental Contrast between the Religion of Forms and of the Spirit. 1852. Appeal to the Friends of the Evangelical Alliance. 1873. pp. 16. Book of Worship. Philadelphia, 1870. The Baptism of Children whose Parents are not connected with the Church. Church Development on Apostolical Principles. 1850. Nature of the Saviour's Presence in the Eucharist. The Revival of Religion at Antioch. Sermon. 1862. Address at the Laying of the Corner-stone of Steven's Hall. Gettysburg, 1867. The Church of the Redeemer. 1867. The Unity of Christ's Church. New York, 1870. pp. 262. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 97 The Nature of the Saviour's Presence in the Eu- charist. Ev. Rev., III., 34. Church Development on Apostolic Principles. lb., II., 151. Yocation of the American Lutheran Church. lb., II., 489. Elemental Contrast of the Religion of Forms and of the Spirit. 76., IV., 310. Lutheran Manual. lb., YL, 468. The New Theology. lb., IX., 256. Baptism of Children. lb., XL, 389. Dr. Luthard's Contrast of the Two Generic As- pects of the World. lb., XVL, 153. Human Depravity. lb., XVIL, 100. The Incarnation, the Christology and Soteriology. lb., XLX., 489. Comparative View of the Primitive Church, and that of the Early Reformers. Year Book, 316. Schmucker, S. M. The Errors of Modern Infidelity illustrated and refuted. Philadelphia, 1868. Constitutionality and Beneficial Operation of a Law Prohibiting the Sale of Ardent Spirits in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1852. pp. 19. (Several historical books.) Schmucker, Beale M. Charge to the Professors of Theological Seminary at their Installation. Philadelphia, 1864. pp.9. Reflections on the State of the Church in Nor- way. (Transl.) Ev. Rev., I., 571 ; II., 422, 523. General View of Divine Worship as held by the Lutheran Church. lb., VI., 576. Installation Address. lb., XVL, 426. Schnabel. (Layman.) Erstes Deutsches Sprachbuch. Reading. 98 BIBLIOTHECA LTJTHERANA. Schock, I. L. Temperance Address. Reading, 1846. A Good Mother. Funeral Discourse. New York, 1861. Funeral Sermon on John A. Keyser. New York, 1854. Sj^mbolism not Opposed to Evangelical Religion. Ev. Rev., IV., 293. Scholl, W. N. Evils Connected with our Elections. Amer. Pul- pit, 1848. New York. Scholl, Mrs. Mary. My Mother's Chair. New York, 1861. pp.' 99. Scriba, H. W. Aufangsgruende d. Christenthums .... aus dem Freenzosischen. Chambersburg, 1834. pp. 143. Schuette, C. H. L. Church Members' Manual. Columbus, 1873. 12mo. Lutheran Child's Paper. Columbus, 1873. 12mo. Lutheran Child's Paper. Columbus, 1875. Schultze, J. A. Die Luth. Kirchenzeitung. Co-Editor. Colum- bus. Schwan, H. C. Predigt ueber Neh. iv: 17. St. Louis. Schwartz, J. (Layman.) Speech in Congress on the Protection of Ameri- can Iron. 1860. Seiss, S. A. Ravages of Intemperance. An Address delivered in Shepherdstown, Va., 1845. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 99 Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Balti- more, 1846. 8vo. pp. 408. God our King : A Thanksgiving Discourse, Cum- berland, Md., 1847. Motives for the Pursuit of Wisdom. An Ad- dress to the Literary Societies of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, 1850. Claims of Sabbath Schools. Address to the Sab- bath School Union, Cumberland, Md., 1850. Thoughts on Education. Address delivered in Allegheny County Academy, Cumberland, Md., 1851. History and Prospects of the Jews. A Lecture. Gettysburg, Pa., 1851. Reflections on the Lutheran Church, Cumber- land, Md., 1852. Eulogy of Henry Clay. An Oration, Shepherds- town, Va., 1852. Training of Little Ones for Christ. Baltimore, 1853. Influence of the Bible on Literature. An Ad- dress before the Bible Society of Pennsylvania College and Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, 1853. The Baptist System Examined. A Review of " Fuller on Baptism and the Terms of Com- munion," by Fidelis Scrutator. Baltimore, 1854. 18mo. pp. 376. The Sigh of Humanity Interpreted and Directed. A Sermon preached in the Protestant Episco- pal Church of Dayton, Ohio. Baltimore, 1855. Jus Ecclesiasticum. The Maryland Synod's Question. Gettj^sburg, 1855. The Empire of Evil, Satanic Agency, and Demon- ism. A Discourse. Baltimore, 1856. The Last Times. An Earnest Discussion of Mo- mentous Themes. Baltimore, 1856. 12mo. pp. 324. 100 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Art of Design, as Related to Female Educa- tion. An Address before the Maryland Insti- tute, Baltimore, 1857. Our Temple. A Sermon at the Dedication of the Lutheran Church, Staunton, Va., 1857. Digest of Christian Doctrine, compiled and ar- ranged from the original standards and ap- proved theological writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Baltimore, 1857. Baptist System Examined. Second edition. Re- vised and enlarged. Baltimore, 1858. 12mo. pp. 403. The Evangelical Psalmist. A Collection of Tunes and Hymns for use in Congregations and Social Worship. Principal editor. Philadelphia, 1860. 8vo. pp. 438. The Gospel in Leviticus. An Exposition of the Hebrew Ritual. Philadelphia, 1860. 12mo. pp. 403. (Re-published in London.) A Book of Forms for the Use of Christians in the Sanctuary, the Famity, and the Closet; or, Helps and Directions for the Observance of the Rites and Ordinances of the Christian Religion in Public and Private. Philadelphia, 1860. 12mo. pp. 216. Address before the Mercantile Beneficial Associa- tion, Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1860. The Threatening Ruin ; or, Our Times, Our Pros- pects, and Our Duty. A Discourse delivered in St. John's (Lutheran) Church, Philadelphia, on the occasion of the National Fast, Jan. 4, 1861. Lutheran and Home Journal. Co-Editor. Christian Giving. A Sermon. 1869. The Lutheran Church. A Tract. 1870. Model Liberality. A Sermon. 1871. The Javelin. 12mo. Philadelphia. Truth Made Plain. Sermon. 1870. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 101 In Memoriam. W. M. Heyl. 1870. Uriel ; or, Some Occasional Discourses. 12mo. 1874. Plain Words, embracing Sundry Sermons and Lectures. How shall we Order our Worship ? Money and its Capabilities. A Sermon. 1872. That Old Alabaster Box. Bandages Removed. 1874. Lectures on the Gospels. Yol. II. 1872. Church Forms. Ministerial Acts. Apocalypse. Half of vol. II. Woof and Proof, No. 1. Luther's Small Cate- chism. Old Paths. Penny Tracts, 1-8. Parable of the Ten Virgins. In Memoriam. Letitia P. Woelper, 1875. Works and Workers. First Sermon in Church of the Holy Communion. In Memoriam. Petros; the Wonderful Building. Sermon. 1868. Address in behalf of the New Lutheran Church ... at the corner of Broad and Arch streets, Philadelphia, 1871. Lectures on the Gospels. 2 vols. 12mo. A Brief Survey of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1861. The Day of the Lord. A Lecture. Philadelphia, 1861. Government and Christianity. 1861. The Wonderful Testimonies. 1802. Parable of the Ten Virgins. 1862. The Last Times. Remarks at the Funeral of Gen'l Bohlen. 1862. The Wonderful Confederation. 1864. The Lord at Hand. 1864. Not Dead but Sleeping. 1863. Our Dead. 1865. The Assassinated President. 1865. 102 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. The Apocalypse. Series of Lectures. 1866. The Day and the Hour. Lecture. 1866. The Child's Catechism. 1866. The Glad Disciples. 1866. Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost. 1866. The Lord's Supper. 1867. Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Musser. 1867. Lectures on the Gospels. 1868. Remarks at the Funeral of Henry Horn. 1862. Remarks at the Funeral of Sarah Campbell Ran- dall. 1862. The Lutheran Church. Baltimore, 1867. pp. 19. The Jubilee. 1867. Philadelphia, 1867. Ecclesia Lutherana. Philadelphia, 1868. 12mo. The Prophetic Times. (Editor.) The Burning Bush. Sermon. 1866. Psalms and Canticles for the Lutheran Church. 1867. Remarks on the Study of Prophecy. Ev. Rev., L, 104. Fleming on the Papacy, lb., I., 561. The Church Question. lb., II., 58. History of the Jews. lb., III., 255. The Necessity and Obligations of Confessions of Faith. 76., IV., 1. The Influence of the Bible upon Literature. lb., V., 1. The Robe of the Ephod. lb., VI., 114. Jus Ecclesiasticum : the Maryland Synod's Ques- tion, lb., VII., 1. Miraculous Triumph of the Early Church. lb., XIV., 157. The Sabbath a Delight. lb., XVL, 351. Ecclesia Lutherana. lb., XVII., 167. A Question in Eschatology. lb., XIX., 337. How shall we Order our Worship ? lb., XX., 79, 233. Melanchthon on the Divine Nature. lb., XII., 11. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 103 Digest of Christian Doctrine. lb., IX., 151. Daniel and His Prophecies. lb., XX., 379. Selle, C. A. T. Das Amt des Pastor's als Schulaufseher. St Louis, 1869. Settlemeyer, W. H. Exposition of Luke xvi. 9. Ev. Rev., XXL, 191. Severinghaus, J. J. Formel Buch fur Ev. Luth. Genieinden. Deukschrift Zeugniss fiir den Lutherichen Char- akter der G-eneral Synode. The Scriptural Idea of the Minority. Ev. Rev. XVIL, 381. The Relation of the Sermon to the Church Year. lb., XYIIL, 169. Preaching before the Reformation. lb., XVIII., 596. The Homiletical Yalue of Cicero de Oratore. lb., XIX., 574. The German Language in the Educational Insti- tutions of the Lutheran Church in the United States. Quart. Rev., III., 228. The Relation of the Text to the Sermon. Ev. Rev. XX., 547. The German Empire. Quart. Rev., II., 413. Sonntag Schul Liturgie. TJnsere Lieder. Oswego, 1872. pp. 32. Editor of Lutheran Kirchenfreund and of Der Kindergarten. Seyffarth, G. Chronologia Sacra, Eine Untersuchung ueber das Gebartsjahr Christi. Leipz, 1846. Amerikanisher Kalenderman. 1869. Chronologia Veterum. 1871. 104 BIBLIO.THECA LUTHERANA. Summary of Recent Discoveries in Biblical Chron- ology, Universal History, and Biblical Archa- ology, with special reference to Dr. Abbott's Egyptian Museum, together with a Translation of the First Sacred Books of the Ancient Egyp- tians. New York, 1857. Chronology of the Roman Emperors. Ev. Rev., vol. II., 47. (New ser.) Die wahreZeitrechung des alten Testaments, nebst einer Zeittafel zum Neuen Testamente. St. Louis, 1858. pp. 116. An Astronomical Inscription concerning the Year 22, B. C. St. Louis, 1860. pp. 32. De Sonis litterarum grsecarum turn genuinis turn adoptivis libri duo. Lips., 182-. Rudimenta hieroglyphica, ace. explicationes, XVII. , speciminum hieroglyphicum. . . . Lips., 1826. Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Literatiir, Kunst, Mythologie und Geschicht des Alten Aegyp- tens. Lips., 1826. 4to. Brevis defensio hieroglyphices inventse a Fr. Aug. Spohn et G. Syfarth. Lips., 1827. 4to. pp. 24. Replique aux objections de Mom. Champolion contre le meme Systeme. Lips., 1827. 8vo. pp. 32. Systema Astronomise Aegyptiacese. . . . Lips., 1833. 4to. Lectures on Egyptian Antiquities. Ev. Rev., Till., 34. Chiliasm Critically Examined. 76., XII., 34. To the Author of the Queries in regard to Dr. Seyfarth's Lectures, &c. lb., IX., 58. Theologische Schriften der alten Aegyptier nach dem Turiner Papyrus zum ersten Male ueber- setz. Gotha, 1855. 8vo. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 105 Grammatic Aegjptiacae- — Erste Abtheilung zur Uebersetzung alt Aegj^ptischen Literatur-Wer- ken, nebst Geschichte des Hieroglypices Schlus- sels. Gotha, 1855. 8vo. Sheeleigh, M. Lutheran Sunday-school Herald. Editor. Phila- delphia. Lutheran Home Journal. Co-Editor. Philadel- phia. A Farewell Sermon preached to the Congregation of St. Luke's Ev. Lutheran Church of Valatie, N. Y., 1857. Hymns, selected and original, for Sunday-schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; revised and enlarged with an Appendix and Forms for opening and closing Sunday-schools with Prayers, etc.; also, a Supplement, containing Hymns for the use of Infant Schools. Balti- more, 1860. . Olaf Thorlseksen. An Icelandic Narrative. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1870. pp. 211. Outlines of Old Testament History. Outlines of New Testament History. Lutheran Almanac. Editor. An Ecclesiad. A Jubilee Poem. 1871. pp. 24. Herald Picture Books. 12 vols. Hymns for the Seventh .... Jubilee. 1867. Hymns from the German. Ev. Rev., 307, 449. Relation of the Sunday-school to the Church. lb., II., 97. (New ser.) The Conservation of Our Church's History, lb., III., 429. Address before the Historical Society of General Synod. Baltimore, 1875. Shober, George. History of the Lutheran Reformation and Luth- eran Church. Baltimore, 1818. pp. 213. 5* 106 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Scenes in the World of Spirits, translated from the German of Stilling. Shultz, J. Manual of Prayers. Albany, 1835. Shultze, A. J. Governors' Messages from 1823-29. Harrisburg. Sihier, W. Predigdten ueber die Sonn-u-Fe stags Evange- lien des Kirchenjahrs. Zweite Aufl. Fort Wayne, 1862. 8vo. pp. 798. Gespraech Zwischen Zwei Lutheraner ueber den Methodismus. St. Louis. Wider das Gewohnheits Trinken. Predigt ueber Ephes. v. 8. pp. 8. Predigten ueber die Sonn — und Festlagen Evan- gelien des Kirchenjahr, we .... Fort Wayne. 8vo. Dresden, 1874. Sieker, J. H. Luth. Gerneinde Blatt. Co-Editor. Milwaukie. Sikes, J. R. Sermon on Dancing. 1868. Sinding, P. C. (Layman.) History of Scandinavia. New York, 1860. pp. 436. Singmaster, J. A. Prize Essay on Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Gettysburg, 1873. Smeltzer, J. P. The Intermediate State. Quart. Rev., III., 267. (N. S.) BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 107 Smith, J. J. Christianity the Re-Adjuster. Ev. Rev., vol. II., 202. (New Ser.) Smith, Fred. (Layman.) Die Halligen ; or, In the Midst of the North Sea. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1870. The Hop Blossoms. (Transl.) Philadelphia, 1872. Rene. (Transl.) 1870. The Treasure of the Inca. 1870. Rogatian ; or, The Lightning Legion. Smith, C. A. Christianity the Source of Freedom. A Sermon delivered in Easton, July 4, 1852. Parables translated from the German of Krum- macher. New York, 1833. Lutheran Pulpit. Editor. 2 vols., 1833-39. Popular Exposition of the Gospels. 2 vols. Bal- timore, 1840. Illustrations of Truth, drawn from the Word of God. Albany, 1850. pp. 160. The Ground of National Consolation and Hope. A Discourse occasioned by the death of Zachary Taylor, delivered at Rhinebeck, 1850. Discourse delivered on the occasion of Washing- ton's Birthday. Easton, 1852. Evangelical Magazine and Christian Eclectic. Editor. 1853-55. Sermons on Missions. Catechumen's Guide. Cross of Christ. Luth. Pulp., II., 77. Sermon on Fourth of July. Easton, 1852. Enmity of the Sinner Unreasonable. * Luth. Pr., II., 104. Spiritual Insensibility. lb., II., 139. 108 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Smith, J. Few. The American Lutheran Mission. A Sermon before the Foreign Missionary Society, 1845. Hints to Church Members. Winchester,Va., 1845. Silent Influence of the Bible. A Discourse de- livered before the Bible Society of Pennsyl- vania College and Theological Seminary, 1850. Earnestness in the Preacher. Ev. Rev., I., 263. The Silent Influence of the Bible. lb., II., 253. Rhetorical Studies. lb., II., 54?. Our Nation's Jewels, lb., V., 75. The Prayer Meeting, lb., XII., 97. Snyder, S. S. H. (Layman.) Lost Children. Cleveland. Scenes in the West. Philadelphia, 1873. pp. 158. Spaeth, A. Die Evangelien des Kirchenjahres. Philadelphia, 1870. pp. 173. Brosamen von des Herrn Tische : Six Sermons. Philadelphia, 1870. Zwei liturgische Andachten auf Charfreitag und Ostern. Philadelphia, 1872. pp.16. Spieker, G. F. Hutter's Compend. of Lutheran Theology. (Transl.) 1868. Fragen und Antworten ueber den Kleinen Kate- chismus Luther's. 1871. Spielman, C. Lutheran Standard. Co-Editor. Columbus. Sprecher, Samuel. Sermon preached at the Annual Meeting of the Union Tract Society, Harrisburg, Pa., 1836. Inaugural Address, delivered at his Induction into the office of Professor of Christian The- ology. 1849. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 109 Address delivered to the Candidates for the Bac- calaureate of Wittenberg College. 1851. Address and Charge delivered at the Installation of Rev. Dr. Kurtz as Superintendent and Pro- fessor of the Missionary Institute. 1858. Funeral Sermon. 1861. The Providential Position of the Evangelical Churches ... at this time. 1864. The Apostolic Method of Realizing the True Ideal of the Church. Sermon. 1866. The Imperishableness of Christianity. Ev. Rev., XIII., 515. Article II., of the Augsburg Confession. lb., XYIIL, 577. (Holman Lecture.) • The History of Protestant Theology. (Transl.) lb., I., 21. (New ser.) The Principle of the Lutheran Reformation. lb., II., 321. Application of the Principle of the Lutheran Reformation, lb., 521. Spring, C. F. Lehrreiche und erbauliche Lieder : Beitrage zur Bildung der Jugend. New York, 1858. pp. 106. Katechetische Unterweisung zur Seligkeit. New York, 1868. Springer, F. Recollections of Rev. D. Scherer and of his son, Rev. J. Scherer. Ev. Rev., VI.; 27. Lutheranism in the United States. lb., XL, 96. The Lutheran Church in Illinois. lb., III., 525. Staer, J. Die Zustand der Seele nach dem Tode. Orwigs- burg, 1830. Steck, J. M. Kurtzer Unterricht der Christlichen Lehre, &c. 110 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Steck, David. Address delivered at the Dedication of the Mis- sionary Institute, Selinsgrove. 1859. Steimle, F. W. T. Wie wir selbst bekehrt sein muessen ehe wir andere bekehren koennen. Predigt. Luke vi. 36-42. Brooklyn, 1857. Neujahr Predigt. 1859. Tractat : auf ! bekehret euch : die Gerichte Gottes sind nahe. Brooklyn, 1860. Die Reformation, ein Werk Gottes. 1867. . Confirmation Predigt. Luke xxiii. 24-31. Brook- lyn, 1870. Steiner, J. M. Missions Bote. Editor. Rondout, N. Y. Stalling M. The Great Rebellion. Ohio. Sternberg, L. Sermon on the Death of General Jackson. Public Worship. Ev. Rev., XIV., 60. The Lord's Supper. lb., XIV., 558. Revivals. lb., XV., 273. Pilate's Question. lb., XVL, 577. Geology and Moses. lb., XIX., 138. Stirewalt, P. J. Address delivered before the Allen Co. Teachers' Association. 1858. Stirewalt, J. L. Is Man Responsible for his Faith ? Address. Newmarket, 1867. pp. 12. Stoever, M. L. (Layman.) Literary Record and Linnsean Journal. Editor. 2 vols. Gettysburg, 1847-48. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Ill Memoir of the Life and Times of Heniy Melchoir Muhlenberg, D. D. Philad'a, 1856. pp. 120. Memorial of Philip F. Mayer, D.D., late Pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Philadelphia. 1859. Brief Sketch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in this Country. 1860. Evangelical Review. Gettysburg. Co-Editor. Self-Culture. Alumni Address. 1841. Discourse before the Historical Society of Gene- ral Synod. Lancaster, 1862. Address at Dr. Valentine's Inauguration as Presi- dent of Pennsylvania College. 1868. Reminiscences of Lutheran Ministers. Ev. Rev., V., 515; VI., 1, 261, 412, 542; VII., 63, 151, 377, 527; VIII., 105, 186, 398, 501; IX., 1, 13, 273, 378, 511; X., 183, 190, 386, 564; XL, 202, 428, 585; XIII., 362, 561; XIV., 293; XV., 129, 428, 355 ; XVI., 470; XVIL, 390, 485; XVIIL, 25, 232; XIX., 89, 405, 622; XX., 381 ; XXL, 24, 171, 374. Collegiate Education. lb., IV., 443. Our Foreign Missionary Operations. lb., V., 104. Our General Synod. lb., V., 239. Our Theological Seminarv. lb., V., 413. The General Synod. Ib.\ IX., 76. Christ Preaching to the Spirits in Prison. lb., X., 74. For the Gifts and Calling of God are without Repentance. lb., XL, 474. Exposition of 2 Peter, ii., 17. lb., XL, 150. Call to the Ministry, lb., XL, 195. Discussions among Christians. lb., XIII., 436. Jephtha's Vow. lb., XIIL, 28. Beneficiary Education. lb., XIIL, 3. Exposition of Matt. xix. 24. lb., XIIL, — Exposition of Mark ix. 340. lb., XIV., 240. 112 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERAN A. Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman. lb., XIV., 259. Self-Culture. lb., XIV., 440. Patriarchs of the Lutheran Church from Halle. lb., XV., 159. Abraham Lincoln. lb., XVI., 404. United States Christian Commission. lb., XVI., 258. Pennsylvania College. lb., XVI., 103. Difficulties of the Writings of St. Paul. lb., XVII., 51. Exposition of Matt. vii. 6. lb., XVIIL, — . Louis Harms. lb., XVII., 285. Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms. lb., XVIIL, 449. Covenant of Salt. lb. XVIII, 532. Life and Labors of Augustine. lb., XIX., 1. Life and Labors of Francke. lb., XIX., 277. Life and Labors of Oberlin. lb., XX., 18. * Codex Sinaiaticus. lb., XX., 71. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. 76., XX., 117. Our General Synod. lb., VII., 413. Christian Instruction in our Colleges. lb., XL, 523. Exposition of 2 Peter, iii. 12. lb., XL, 594. Christian Liberty. lb., XII., 150. Witness of the Spirit. lb., X., 296. Socrates; Wyttenbach ; Gulf Stream; Alma Mater. Linn Record. The Patriarchs of the Lutheran Church in America. Hours at Home. Lutheran Church in the United States. Con- gregational Quarterly. 1862. Biographical Notices in McClintock's and Strong's Cyclopedia. Stoever, W. C. Lutheran Observer. Office Editor. 1870.- BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 113 Stohlman, F. C. Die Lebendigbegrabenen. 1851. pp. 183. Sieben und zwanzig Christliche Gesange, nebst drei Dichtungen. Baltimore, 1849. Gebetbuch iiir Deutsche Jugend in den Yer. Staaten Nordamerikas. Philadelphia, 1836. pp. 128. Reise einer Somnambule. Stohlman, C. F. E. Sermon on the Eighty-fifth Anniversary of the Union. New York. Rede bei der Einweihung des Universitat's Ge- baude in Columbus, 0. 1853. Ich bin auch ein Lutheraner. Tract No. 1. 1858. pp. 12. Die Eurcht vor den Juden. Tract No. 2. 1858. pp. 12. Mein Kind. Tract No. 3. Wer deun die Hohlglaubigen Sind. Tract No. 4. 1859. pp. 24. Der Nebo in Moab. Tract No. 5. Wer glaubts der hats. Predigt. 1861. pp.23. Erziehung der Kinder fur diese Welt, Moral oder Glaube? 1861. pp.48. Rede im Cooper Institute uber den Sonntag. 1861. pp. 16. Stork, T. Life of Martin Luther and the Reformation in German} 7 . Beautifully Illustrated. Edited with an Introduction. Philadelphia, 1854. The Children of the New Testament. Philadel- phia, 1854. Jesus in the Temple ; or, The Model of Youth. For the Lutheran Board of Publication. Phila- delphia, 1856. 114 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Luther's Christinas Tree. With beautiful illus- trations. For the Lutheran Board of Publica- tion. 1855. Lutheran Home Journal. For the Lutheran Board of Publication. Co-Editor. Philadel- phia, 1856. Home Scenes in the New Testament ; or, Christ in the Family. Philadelphia, 1857. pp. 296. Lutheran Observer. Associate Editor. Balti- more. Two Hymns for the Soldier. 1867. Miracles. Ev. Rev., I., 491. Luther at Home. 1871. Luther and the Bible. Luttu/an Home Journal. Editor. Sermon on Maternal Responsibility. 1858. The Unseen World in the Light of the Cross. Philadelphia, 1871. Descent into Hades. Philadelphia. Stork, Mrs. Emma. Spirit and Beauty of the Christian Religion, from Chateaubriand. Philadelphia. 12mo. Illustrations of Scripture Precepts. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1870. Stork, Charles A. The Reformation God's Work. A Sermon. 1867. The Atonement. Ev. Rev., XVII., 372. The Work of the Ministry. lb., XIX., 121. Systematic Beneficence. lb. I. 13. (New ser.) The Pastor of the Future. I., 300. " New Obedience. (Holman Lecture.) lb., L, 485. (New ser.) New Phase of Argument for Immortality. lb., II., 100. (New ser.) Source of Power in Preaching. lb., II., 30. (New ser.) BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 115 The Latest Yoke of Bondage; or, Dr. Finney's Ministerial Test. lb., II., 600. Prof. Tyndall's Test of Prayer. lb., III., 71. Some Assumptions against Christianity. lb., III., 332. The Training of the Young of the Church, lb., III., 576. (New ser.) Mr. Mill's Autobiography. lb., IV., 258. (New ser.) • Book of Worship. Co-Editor. Stork, TheophJIus, Jr. (Layman.) Comparative Influence of the Sword and Pen. (Prize Essay.) Philadelphia, 1871. The Influence of the Northmen on the Civiliza- ' tion of Europe. (Prize Essay.) Philadelphia, 1873. pp. 9. Straffer, J. M. (Layman.) Lutheranism and Lutherans : a Short Account, Original and Selected. Cincinnati, 1847. Desultory Thoughts on Doing Good. Cincin- nati, 1851. pp. 120. Man's Responsibility. A Tract. Occupy till I Come. Endless Misery. Encouragement to Preachers. " The Church of Christ. " Strebeck, G. Collection of Evangelical Hymns, made from different Authors and Collections, for the En- glish Lutheran Church in New York. With the Liturgy and Augustan Confession of Faith appended. New York, 1797. Streissguth, W. Der Materialismus, beurtheilt vom Wissenschaft- lischen Religicesen Standpunckt. Milwaukee, 1873. pp. 36. 116 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. StrobeS, W. D. Jubilee Tract. 1867. Influence of the Death and Resurrection of the Saviour upon the World. Introduction to Dr. G. B. Miller's Posthumous Sermons. 1860. Luth. Pr., I., 49. Education of Children. Luth. Pulpit, I., 145. The Conversion of Paul. /&., I., 193. Belshazzar's Feast. /&., II., 125. Rev. Dr. Henry Newman Pohlman. /&., IV., 359. Strobel, P. A. Address delivered at Sloansville, July 4, 1856. The Salzburgers and their Descendants : being the History of a Colony of German Lutheran Protestants, who immigrated to Georgia in 1734, and settled at Ebenezer. Baltimore, 1855. pp. 308. An Important Question Considered : a Sermon on Mark viii. 36, 87. Columbia, S. C, 1841. Address delivered before Wildey Lodge, May 22, 1822, at Americus, Georgia. Universalism. Synopsis of an Argument on the several Leading Doctrines of Universalism, delivered at Tabernacle (Methodist) Church, Sumter Co., Ga. 1853. A Letter on German Emigration. 1854. pp. 8. Sermon on the Death of Rev. L. L. Bonnell. 1859. pp. 18. Sermon on Temperance. Salisbury, N. C, 1839. pp. 12. 8vo. Sermon on Value of the Soul and the Danger of its Loss. Columbia, S. C, 1842. pp. 20. 8vo. Address on Odd Fellowship. Americus, Ga., 1853. pp. 20. 8vo. Memoir of Alonzo P. Ludden. Albany, 1865. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 117 Stuckenburg, J. H. W. Hagenbach's History of Rationalism. (Transl.) Ninety-five Theses. 1867. History of the Augsburg Confession. Philadel- phia, 1869. pp. 335. 12mo. John Gottlieb Fichte. (Transl.) Ev. Rev., XIIL, 386. John Gottlieb Herder. lb., XIIL, 472. Condition of the Jews in the time of Christ. lb., XVI., 61. The Authority of the Augsburg Confession. lb., XVIII., 278. The Special Mission of the Lutheran Publication Society. lb., XX., 462. Prof. J. T. Beck of Tubingen, and his Views of the Word of God. Quart. Rev., III. Suesserott, B. C. Morning Star. Editor. Lancaster, 1875. Swartz, J. Oration at the Dedication of Forest Cemetery. Circleville, 1853. Sermon on the Times. 1865. The Valley Mill. (Transl.) The Spirit of the Age. Quart. Rev., II., 365. The Eloquence of St. Paul. lb., II., 418. Synodical Handbook, d. Deutsch Evan. Lutheran Synode von Missouri. St. Louis. T. Sine libris, Deus jam silet, Justicia quiescet, torpet Medicina, Phi- losophia manca est, Literae mutae, omnia tenebris involuta cimeriis. — Barthol. Thomas C. Reports on the Zoology of Colorado, in Hayden's Expedition. Washington. 118 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Regeneration. Ev. Rev., XIX., 531. Sacramental Presence, /ft., XX., 3 IT. Blind Bartimeas. Luth. Pr., II., 6. Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. Quart. Rev., II., 213, 346. Thomsen, C. H. Discourse on the Assassination of President Lin- coln. 1865. Thorn, J. V. E. Nature, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Min- istry. Sermon. 1846. Thuemmel, C. B. The Nature of Christ's Kingdom. Luth. Pr., ii., i. I would not Live Alway. lb., II., 113. John Kepler, the German Astronomer. (Transl.) Quart. Rev., II., 387. Titus, T. T. Lutheran Home Journal. Co-Editor. Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Evangelical Luth- eran Church, Lower Merion, Montgomery coun- ty, Pa., I860. The Shekinah. Ev. Rev., XL, 344. Was Isaac on Mt. Sinai, a Type of Christ. lb., XIX., 447. Sunday-school Question Book. Torgersen, J. Z. Translation of Bp. Pontopopidan's Catechism of Luther. Chicago, 1873. Budbcezeren-Norwegian Monthly. Co-Editor. Red Wing, Minn. Tracts. Luth. series. Nos. 1, 2. Baltimore. Trealer, B. F. Weltbote. Allen town, 1854 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 119 u. Uhlhovn, J. Address at the Grave of Mrs. Henrietta Rode- wald. 1829. Ulrich, John. The Signs of the Times : A Sermon preached at the opening of the Svnod of West Pennsylvania, 1855. Charge, delivered on the occasion of Rev. Dr. Schaeffer's Induction into office as Professor in the Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, 1856. The Signs of the Times. Ev. Rev., VII., 346. The Peace of the Church : A Discourse deliver- ed at the opening of the West Pennsylvania Synod, Chambersburg, 1856. V. Here's books (that is, if they were but well sold), I will maintain 't, are worth their weight in gold. — Hartshorn. Valentine, M. The Relation of the Family to the Church. 1859. Full Fidelity to God's Gifts. A Baccalaureate Discourse. Pennsylvania College, Aug. 9, 1868. Present Necessities in Collegiate Education. In- augural Address as President of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 21, 1868. Justification by Faith. Holman Lecture on Ar- ticle IV. of the Augsburg Confession. Completeness in Christ. A Baccalaureate Dis- course on Col. ii : 10. Delivered in Christ Church, Gettysburg, Pa., before the Graduating Class, June 26, 1870. The Dynamics of Success. A Baccalaureate Dis- course, delivered June 25, 1871. 120 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Faith the Essential Element for Right Living. A Baccalaureate, delivered in Christ Church, Gettysburg, June 23, 18*72. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Ev. Rev., VII., 86. The Preparation of Paul for the Apostleship. 76., VIII., 219. The Relation of the Family to the Church. 76., XX., 360. The Work of the Education Society. 76., XII., 501. The Christian Doctrine of Fasting. 76., XV., 113. Exemplary Piety in the Ministry. 76., XVI., 46. Church Music. 76., XVI., 455. The Essential Principle of Reform. 76., XVIII., 22. The Relation of Sacred History to Proper Theo- logical Education. 76., XVIII., 14. The Reformation. 76., XIX., 154. Revivals. lb., XIX., 111. Full Fidelity to God's Gifts. 76., XIX., 611. Justification by Faith. Holman Lecture on Fourth Art. Augs. Conf. 76., XX., 481. The Greatness of Being Useful. 76., XXL, 64. God's Care of His Church as Exhibited in the Reformation. 76., 157. Completeness in Christ. 76., XXL, 519. The Theistic Argument from Final Causes. Quart. Rev., I., 165. The Dynamics of Success. 76., II., 1. The Right to the Name of Lutheran. 76., II., 126. School Books. 76., 281. Faith the Essential Element for Right Living. 76., II., 585. Close Communion. 76., III., 214. Knowledge by Service. 76., III., 454. Co-Education. 76., IV., 117. The Evangelical Alliance. 76,, IV., 233. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 121 The Christian Sabbath. 76., V., 181. Constant Progress. lb., V., 37*7. Van Dyck, H. H. (Layman.) Albany Atlas. Co-Editor. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Banking Department of New York. 1863. Van Hoxar, N. G. Two Questions Concerning the Papal Church. Baltimore, 1855. pp. 50. Van Alstine, N. Modern Universalism at War with the Bible. Baltimore, 1847. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1861. True Faith. Its Nature and Office. Ev. Rev., XX., 294. Vogelbach, J. Zeichen der Zeit. Editor. Allentown, 1856. - Abschiedsrede an die St. Michaels Gemeinde in Harrisburg, Sept. 9th, 1847. Kurtzgefasste Deutsche Sprachlehre zum GJ-e- brauch fur Schulen und Privatunterricht. New Berlin, 1838. pp. 194. Leichenrede zum Andenken des Ehrw. J. Wein- man. 1859. Abendmahl's Rede. 1844. Leben Dr. Martin Luther. Philadelphia, 1867. Zur Errinnerung an die 350th Jubelfeier der Re- formation. 1867. Address at the Laying of the Corner-stone of Muhlenberg College (German). 1867. Volkering, H. Kleine Missionsharfe im Kirchen und Yolks Ton. St. Louis, 1865. pp. 98. Von Buskirk, L. Six Sermons. New York, 1797. pp. 123. 6 122 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Von Rohr, H. Kirchliches Informatorium. Editor. 1861. Vorberg, G. Handbuch fiir die Confirmirten. New York. Way-marks for the Confirmed. (Translation of the above.) 1815. pp. 99. w. But when the gods descending, swelled the fight, The tumult rose ; fierce rage and pale affright Varied each face, —Pope's Homer. C. XX., v. 63. Waage, F. R. Rede zum Gedachtniss Andrew Jackson. 1845. Wackerhagen, A. Inbegriffdes Glauben's und Sittenlehre. Phila- delphia, 1804. pp. 299. Synodical Discourse. Luth. Pulpit, I., 242. Wackernagel, W., and J. Gruhler. Errinnerungen an das Heilige Land. Reading, pp. 160. Wagner, A. Der Schmuck Christlicher Frauen. Sermon. St. Louis, 1875. Waldenstrom, P. The Atonement. (Swedish.) Chicago, 18T3. pp. 64. Walther, Prof. C. F. W. Der Glaube wie er sein soil. Predigt iiber das Evangelium vom Hauptmann zu Capernaum. Die nothige rechte Yorbereitung auf einen seligen Tod ; Predigt am Tage der Reinigung Maria. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 123 " Die hohe Aufgabe, welche diejenigen haben, die da wissen und glauben, dass Christus auch fiir sie gestorben und auferstanden sei." Predigt ueber 2 Cor. v. 14, 15. " Das es gerade dann, wenn wir wahrhaft christ- liches Leben befordem wollen, schlechterdings nothwendig sei, mit allem Ernst auf reine Lehre zu halten." Predigt iiber Tit. iii. 8. Warum hangen wir so fest an der Lutherischen Kirche ? Antwort auf die Frage: Warum sind die sym- bolischen Buecher unserer Kirche von denen, welche Diener derselben werden wollen, un- bedingt zu unterschreiben ? Ein von der Deutschen Ev. Luth. Synode von Missouri, Ohio u. a. Staaten westlischen Distrikts bei Gelegenheit der Yersammlung derselben im April, 1858, zu St. Louis, Mo., angenommenes Referat. Die Lutherische Lehre von der Rechtfertigung. Die neueste Vertheidigung der Iowa Synode. Separatabdruck aus dem Lutheraner. Die Evangeliseh-Lutherische Kirche die wahre sichtbare Kirche Gottes auf Erden. Ein Re- ferat fur die Yerhandlungen der allgemeinen Ev. Luth. Synode von Missouri. Die rechte Gestalt einer vom Staate unabhan- gigen Ortsgemeinde. Zweite unveranderte. Auflage. Die Stimme unserer Kirche in der Erage von Kirche und Amt. Jubelfestpredigt, gehalten am 26 April, 1872. " Christi glorreiche Auferweckung von den Tod- ten, die thatsachliche Absolution der ganzen Welt." Predigt iiber Mark xvi. 1-8. " Warum sollen wir uns Luthers, dessen Namen wir tragen, nicht schamen ?" Predigt ueber 2 Tim. i. 8. 124 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Die Kirche der Reformation, der vorbildlich ge- weissagte zweite Tempel des neuen Bundes. Fleuch die Liiste der Jugend. Das sicherste Mittel, einen festen Glauben an die Gottlichkeit der heiligen Schriffc zu erlangen. Predigt am dritten Sonntag nach Trinitatis 18T1. Die Wucherfrage, Protocol d. Verhandlungen. D. Deutsch Ev. Luth. Gemeinde U. A. C. zu St. Louis, Mo. Dr. M. Luther's Kleiner Katechismus ausgelegt von Dr. J. C. Dietrich, mit Zusatzen. St. Louis, 1858. pp. 216. 12mo. Die Ermahnung des Apostels immer vb'lliger zu werden. Predigt ueber 1 Thess. iv. 1-7. St. Louis, 1852. pp. 24. Neujahr's Predigt ueber Luke ii. St. Louis, 1849. pp. 12. Yon dem Oeffentlichem Predigt Amt. Predigt ueber Rom. xii. 6. St. Louis, 1862. pp. 16. Rede am Grabe ueber Is. lvii. 62. St. Louis, 1862. pp. 10. Das Konigliche Priesterthum eines Glaubigen Christen. Predigt ueber Rev i. 5, 6. St. Louis, 1856. pp. 8. Predigt am Ostertage ueber Mark xvi. 1. St. Louis, 1852. pp. 35. Warum soil u. kann uns der Glaube dass die wahre Kirche eigentlich unsichtbar ist, nicht verleiten die rechtglaubige sichtbare Kirche zu verlassen? Predigt St. Louis, 1852. pp.31. Warum sollen wir an den bekanten Schriften unsern Ev. Luth. Kirche auch noch jetzt fest- halten? 1850. pp. 20. Predigt am Reformation Fest. St. Louis, 1872. Amerikanisch Lutherische Pastoral Theologie IK, 1872. 8vo. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 125 Amerikanish Lutherische Evangelien Postille. lb., 1871. pp. 404. 4to. [The following are English translations of his Sermons.] The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper. Philad'a. Zeal for the Progress of the Kingdom of Heaven. 18*74. Absolution. Philadelphia, 18 73. (Prof. Walther is editor of "Der Lutheraner," and of " Lehre u. Wehre," St. Louis. His fugitive sermons will soon be published in a volume.) Waltz, E. L. Erklaerung des Kalenders.nebst Unterricht ueber die Himmels Korper. Reading, 1830. pp.315. The Elements of the German Language. (Ger- man.) Philadelphia, 1819. Wampole, J. F. Report of the Religious and General Condition of American Institutions for the year 1844-45. Weaver, F. H. (Student.) ' Index to the Evangelical Quarterly Review. Gettysburg, 1875. Weddell, A. J. The Purposes of God in the American Union. Sermon. 1860. Masonry : its Tendencies and Destinies. Zanes- ville, 1854. Hymns for the . . . Ev. Lutheran Church. Ev. Rev. XYIIL, 210. Kanzel Gemeinschaft. 75., XXL, 224. Wedekind, A. C, O.D. Remarks on the Death of Rev. Dr. Pohlman. New York, 1874. How to Develop and Direct the Benevolence of the Church. (Rice Lecture.) Quart. Rev., III., 450. 126 BIBLIOTHECA LTTTHERANA. Weenaas, A. Luthersk Borne-Blad. Editor. Monthly. (Swed.) '/'•; ' Minneapolis. Lutheraneren. Editor. 186 T. Lutheraneren og Missionbladet. Editor. Min- neapolis, 1875. Wege, C. J. M. Pastoral Predigt. St. Louis, 1858. Weiser, Reuben. Life of Luther : being a Comprehensive, though Condensed and Correct History of the Life and Stupendous Achievements of the Great Reformer. Baltimore, 1853. pp. 443. Regina, the German Captive ; or, True Piety among the Lowly. Baltimore, 1856. pp. 252. Address at the Laying of the Corner-stone of the Missionary Institute, Selinsgrove. 1858. A Funeral Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Rev. F. Ruthrauff. 1859. A few Glimmering Rays of Light from the Other World : a Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Almira J. Stringham. An Address on Education and Colleges, delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa. Mourner's Bench: a Reply to Rev. Dr. Nevin, of Mercersburg. A Want in the Lutheran Church met by the Founding of the Missionary Institute. Ev. Rev., X., 332. Mormonism. lb., X., 80. The Divinity of Christ. lb., XL, 574. Pre-Adamite Man. lb., XVIL, 322. The Delivery of the Augsburg Confession. lb., XVIIL, 543. Lutheranism before Luther. lb., XX., 255. Mineral Lands of Wisconsin, etc. Linn. Rec. The Lutheran Jubilee. Sermon. 1867. BIBLIOTHECA LTTTHERANA. 127 The New Landers and German Redemptioners. Ev. Rev. XXI., 293. Hippoleukos. Lutheran Jubilee. 186 1. Welket% J. The Bible Prayer Book, selected and arranged. Philadelphia, 1850. pp. 185. Wells, J. D. (Layman.) Historical Sketch of St. John's Sunday-school, Philadelphia. 1851. Wells, L D. Sermon preached in German Valley, N. J. 1869. pp. 12. Wendt, H. ' Der Pilger in Sweden Union. Editor. Galves- ton, 1854. Wenner, G. U. The Order of Public Worship. Ev. Rev., IV., 614. Gottesdienst Buechlein. 1875. Sonntagsgast. Editor. New York. Wenzel, G. A. Ministers of the Gospel in time of War. Ev. Rev., XIIL, 451. Christianity and Politics. 16., XIV., 243. Aphorisms on the Practical Exposition of Scrip- ture. 16., XIV., 351. Sacramental Meditations. (Transl.) 16., XV., 71. Sartorius's Holy Love of God. (Transl.) XVI., 173. WetzeSI, H. The Small Catechism of Luther. (New Transl.) 1872. pp. 19. Weyl, C. G. Rejoicing in God. Luth. Pr., I., 122. 128 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Lutherische Hirtenstimme. Editor. Baltimore, 1841. Evangelisches Magazin. Co-Editor. Gettysburg, 1829. Dr. S. S. Schmucker's Papal Hierarchy. (Tr. into German.) 1845. WHhelm, J. C. (Lindeman.) Erzahlungen ans dem Deutsch Amerikanischen Yolks Leben. St. Louis. Wilken, J. F. John's Message. Ev. Rev., XYIIL, 11©. The Millennium. 15., 216. Williams, J. T. Fast Day Sermon. 1861. Williston, R. Collection of Hymns. Preface by Dr. Kunse. New York, 1846. Wineeoff, J. Modern Dancing. 1850. The Human Element in Religion. Ev. Rev., XIX., 24. Wischan, F. Mein erstes Buch im Sonntagschule und Haus. Reading, 1875. pp. 11. Wisong, W. A. (Layman.) The Eclectic Sabbath School Hymn Book. Bal- timore, pp. 180. Wolf, E. J. The Christian Church. (Transl.) Ev. Rev., XX., 418. Practical Exposition of Scripture. Quart. Rev., III., 179. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 129 The Retreat of Science in the Antiquity of the Human Race. (Transl.) J5., III., 450. The Value of Ecclesiastical History to the Luth- eran Church. lb., IV., 419. Wonneberger, C. (Layman.) Drei Lieder. Reading. Festgesange auf Ostern u. Pfingsten. Die Sonntags Schul Harfe. 1875. 5th ed. Zum Reformations Feste. Ps. xlvi. Fur gemisch- ten Chor. 1875. Yierzig Kirchenlieder. Worley, D. The Ministerial Office. Ev. Rev., XL, 311. Baptismal Regeneration. 76., XVIIL, 46. Modern Reform. Quart. Rev. IV., 339. The Church, the only Institution of Reform. lb.. Y., 25. Lutheran Standard. Editor. Wort (Ein) der Liebe au diejenigen welche die Luth- erische Kirche verlassen und sich den Metho- disten anschliessen. Tiffin, 0., 1864. pp. 20. Wlicherfrage Die. Treatise on Usury. (German.) St. Louis. Wunder, H. Predigt iiber Ps. 1. 14-23. 1873. Wyneken, F. C. Spruchbuch zum Kleinen Katechismus Lutheri. Baltimore, 1849. Die Noth der Deutschen Lutheraner in Nord Amerika. 1843. Wynn, W. H. Pulpit Dialectics. Ev. Rev., XYIIL, 380. 130 BIBLIOTHECA LTJTHERANA. Y. Yeakel, M. (Layman.) Brief Description of the town of Warren. lb., 1859. pp. 12. z. Behold, I have not labored in vain, but for all that seek wisdom.— Eccles. xxiv. 34. Zapf, J. A. P. Das brennende Schiff. Predigt. New York, 1858. Zeveiy, E. 8. Mar}dand Educational Journal. Editor. 1867. Glade Star. Oakland. Ziegler, H. The Church's Literature, the Index and Instru- mentality of her Progress. Address. Phila- delphia, pp. 31. Lecture to the Graduating Class of Theological Students of Missionary Institute. Philadelphia. 1873. pp. 7. Inaugural Address as Professor in the Mission- ary Institute, Selinsgrove. 1858. pp. 16. Catechetics, Historical, Theoretical and Practical. Philadelphia, 1873. pp. 225. 12mo. The Importance of Studying and Circulating the Bible. Ev. Rev., III., 389. Natural Theology, lb., XVI., 480. Politics and the Pulpit. lb., XVI., 245. Treatment of the Awakened, lb., IX.. 237. Sermonizing. lb., XX., 290. What is the Church ? Holman Lecture. Quart. Rev., III., 481. Zimmerman, M. V. In Essentials, Unity. Ev. Rev., XXL, 426. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 131 PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS Which have been and those which are now issued in the Lutheran Church of America, in Chronological Order. ENGLISH. Lutheran Intelligencer. Frederick, Md. 1826 to 1830. Five vols. Monthly. 8vo. D. F. Schaeffer, D.D., Editor. C. P. Krauth, D.D., Co-Editor. 1826. Lutheran Magazine. Schoharie, N. Y. 1821 and 1828. Two vols. Monthly. 8vo. G. A. Lintner, D.D., Editor. Lutheran Observer. Baltimore, Md. Commenced August 1, 1831. Continued. First and second vols, semi-monthly ; afterwards, weekly. First vol. 8vo ; second and third 4to ; then small folio, and successively enlarged. For many years a large folio. J. G. Morris, D.D., Editor first two vols. B. Kurtz, D.D., Editor from 1833 to 1858, and again in 1862. Rev. F. R. Anspach, D.D., G. Diehl, D.D., Edi- tors from 1858 to 1861. G. Diehl, D.D., T. Stork, D.D., Rev. F. W. Conrad, Editors since Novem- ber, 1862. Evangelical Lutheran Preacher. Winchester, Ya. 1833 to 1835. Two vols. Monthly. 8vo. L. Eichelberger, D.D., Editor. Lutheran Tract Distributor. Troy, N. Y. 1834. Monthlv. Published by an association. Lutheran Pulpit. Albany, N. Y. 1837 to 1838. Two vols. Monthly. 8vo. C. A. Smith, D.D., Editor. 132 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Monthly Magazine of Religion and Literature. Get- tysburg, Pa. 1840. One vol. 8vo. W. M. Reynolds, D.D., Editor. Lutheran Standard. New Philadelphia, 0., Colum- bus, O., Maiysville, 0., successively. Commenced 1841. Continued. Semi-monthly. Folio. Rev. S. A. Mealy, E. Green wald, D.D., Rev. C. Spielman, Rev. D. Worley, Rev. M. Loy, Editors, successively. Literary Record and Journal. Gettysburg, Pa. 1844 to 1848. Four vols. Monthly. 4to. Profs. W. M. Reynolds, M. Jacobs, and M. L. Stoever, Editors, successively. Lutheran Herald. Fort Plain, N. Y. Several vols. Folio. Rev. N. Yan Alstine, Editor. Missionary. Pittsburg, Pa. 1848 to 1861. 14 vols. 8 vols, monthly and 4to ; 6 vols, weekly and folio. Merged into the Lutheran. W. A. Passavant, D.D., Editor. Evangelical Review. Gettysburg, Pa. Commenced July, 1849. Continued. Quarterly. 8vo. Prof. Wm. M. Reynolds, D.D., Prof. C. P. Krauth, D.D., and Prof. M. L. Stoever, have been the Editors. The last named is the present Editor. Quarterly Review of the Ev. Luth. Church. Rev. Drs. Yalentine and J. A. Brown, Editors. Gospel Herald. Fort Plain, N. Y. Commenced July, 1849. Short time. Monthly. 4to. Edited by a Committee of Clergymen. Evangelical Magazine. Easton and Philadelphia, suc- cessively. 1853 to 1855. Changed to the Luth- eran Home Journal. Monthly. 8vo. C. A. Smith, D.D., Editor. Evangelical Lutheran. Springfield, 0. 1853 to 1855. 3 vols. Weekly. Folio. Rev. Y. L. Conrad, Editor. Excelsior Yisitor. Springfield, 0. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 133 Lutheran Home Journal. Philadelphia. 1856 to 1860. Monthly. 8vo. A Committee, Editors. Olive Branch. Springfield, 111. 1855 to 1860. Five vols. Monthly. Folio. S. W. Harkey, D.D., Editor. Lutheran Sunday School Herald. Philadelphia. Com- menced January, 1860. Continued. Monthly. Folio. Rev. M. Sheeleigh, Editor. Lutheran. Philadelphia. Commenced July, 1860, to October, 1861. Semi-monthly. 4to. Changed to Lutheran and Missionary. A Committee of Clergymen, Editors. Lutheran and Missionary. Philadelphia. Commenced October 31, 1861. Continued. Weekly. Large folio. C. P. Krauth, D.D., Editor. W. A. Passavant, D.D., J. A. Seiss, D.D., G. F. Krotel, D.D., J. Fry, D.D., C. W. Schaeffer, D.D., Co-Editors. The Educator. Quakertown. Commenced 1861. A. Home, Editor. The Southern Lutheran. Begun at Charleston, 1861. Merged into Lutheran Visitor. Columbia, S. C. Rev. A. R. Rude, Editor. The Burning Bush. Chicago, 111., 1862. Monthly. Rev. D. Hutchenson, Editor. American Lutheran. Selinsgrove, Pa., and York. Rev. P. Anstadt, Editor. C. Lepley, Co-Editor. The Lutheran Watchman. Decorah, Iowa. Semi- monthly. January, 1866. Discontinued. Prof. F. A. Smith, Editor. The Home Visitor. Fairfield, Iowa, 1866. Lutheran Visitor. Staunton, Va., 1866. Rev. J. I. Miller, Editor. Merged in 1868, into the Evangelical Lutheran. Charlotte, N. C. Discontinued 1869. Rev. N". Aldrich and Rev. G. D. Bernheim, Editors. 134 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Lutheran Visitor. Re-published at Charleston, S. C. T. W. Dosh, Editor. The Busy Bee. Grermantown, Fa., 1866. Miss R. Schaeffer, Editor. The Philadelphian. 1867. Rev. Dr. C. W. Schaeffer, Editor, assisted by Rev. J. Fry, D.D. The Southern Lutheran. Began at Charleston, S. C, 1861. Now united with the Lutheran Yisitor. The Pietist. Galesburg, 111. Rev. C. Anderson, Editor. Thiel College Journal. H. W. Roth, Editor. Wittenberger. * Wittenberg College, Ohio. Our Church Paper. Newmarket, Ya. 1873. Rev. Messrs. Hubbert, Fox, and Henkel, Editors. Lutheran Home Monthly. Philadelphia. 1874. Rev. Dr. T. Storke, Editor. Succeeded by Dr. Conrad and Mrs. H. D. Conrad to end of the year. Discontinued. Augsburg Lesson Leaves. Philadelphia. 1874. Dr. Conrad, Prof. Baugher, &c, Editors. Teachers' Journal. York. 1874. Rev. P. Anstadt, Editor. Augsburg Sunday-school Teacher. 1875. Dr. Conrad and Mrs. H. D. Conrad, Editors. Augsburg Primary Leaf. Philadelphia. 1875. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Editor. Lutheran Child's Paper. Columbus, O. Monthly. Prof. C. H. L. Schuette, Editor. Began 1875. Church Messenger. Bethlehem, Pa. 1875. Revs. Roth, Weiskotten, and W. A. Schaeffer, Editors. Monthly. GEE MAN. Evangelisches Magazin, unter der Aufsicht der Evan- gelische Lutherischen Synode. Philadelphia. From 1811 to 1814. Quarterly. 8vo. Three vols. J. H. C. Helmuth, D.D., Editor. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 135 Das Evangelische Magazin der Ev. Lutherischen Kirche. Gettysburg, Pa. 1829 to 1833. Four vols. Monthly. 8vo. S. S. Schmucker, D.D., E. L. Hazelius, D.D., and Rev. J. Herbst, Editors. Lutherische Kirchenzeitung. Easton and Pitts- burgh, Pa., successively. Commenced August, 1838. Published about seven years. Semi- monthly. 4to. Rev. Frederick Schmidt, Editor. Lutherische Hirtenstimme. Baltimore. Commenced 1842. Continued under this name for a year or two, then changed to the Lutherischer Kirchen- bote. Semi-monthly. Folio. Rev. C. G. Weyl, Editor. Lutherischer Kirchenbote. Baltimore, Md., Gettys- burg, Pa., Selinsgrove, Pa., successively. Con- tinued. Semi-monthly. Folio. Rev. P. Anstadt, Editor. Lutheraner. St. Louis, Mo. Commenced 1844. Con- tinued. Semi-monthly. 4to. Rev. C. F. W. Walther, Editor. Lutherischer Botschafter. Canton, 0. Shorttime. 4to. Rev. A. B. Bierdemann, Editor. Jugend Freund. Allentown, Pa. Commenced Jan- uary, 184T. Continued. Semi-monthly. Folio. Rev. S. K. Brobst, Editor. Missionsbote. Massillon, O. 1849. Short time. Rev. J. M. Steiner, Editor. Lutherischer Herold. New York. Commenced 1851. Continued. Semi-monthly. 4to. Mr. H. Ludwig, Editor. Kirchliches Informatorium. Buffalo, N. Y. Com- menced 1852. Continued. Semi-monthly. 4to. Rev. J. A. A. Grabau, Editor. 136 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. Missions Blaetter. Allentown, Pa. Commenced 1853. Continued. Monthly. Folio. Rev. S. K. Brobst, Editor. Schul und Hausfreund. Buffalo, N. Y. Commenced 1853. Monthly. 4to. Mr. C. Baer, Editor. Die Martyrer der Evangelisch Lutherischen Kirche. St. Louis, Mo. 1853, &c. Two vols. Bi- monthly. 8vo. Rev. C. J. Fick, Editor. Der Pilger im Sueden der Union. Galveston, Texas. Commenced October 31st, 1854. Short time. Weekly. Small folio. Rev. H. Wendt, Editor. Lutherische Zeitschrift. Allentown, Pa. Com- menced 1854. Continued. Monthly. 4to. Rev. S. K. Brobst, Editor. Lutherophilus. Baltimore. 1854. Quarterly, Rev. E. C. W. Keyl, Editor. Illustrirte Abend Schule. Buffalo and St. Louis, Mo., successively. Commenced February, 1854. Continued. Semi-monthly. 4to. Rev. C. Diehlmann, Editor. Lehre und Wehre. St. Louis, Mo. Commenced 1855. Continued. Monthly. 8vo. Rev. C. F. W. Walther, Editor. Die Zeichen der Zeft. Allentown, Pa. Commenced July, 1856. Monthly. Short time. Rev. J. Yogelbach, Editor. Kirschenblatt. Wartburg, Iowa. Commenced 1858. Continued. Monthly. Small folio. Rev. G. Grossman and Rev. G. Fritschel, Editors. Lutherische Kirchenzeitung. Columbus, 0. Com- menced 1860. Continued. Semi-monthly. 4to. Rev. Prof. W. F. Lehman, Rev. Schmid, and Rev. G. A. Schulze, Editors. BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. 137 Der Lutherische Kirchenfreund. Baltimore. Revs. Henninghausen, Beer, and Sickels. Now issued at Chicago. Rev. Severinghaus, Edi- tor. Evan. Luth. Gemeinde Blatt. Watertown, Wis., 1865. Ev. Luth. Schulblatt. St. Louis. 1865. Rev. Linderman, Editor. Lutherisches Kirchenblatt. 1866. Williamsburg, N.Y. Der Sonntagsgast. New York. Rev. Gr. U. Wenner, Editor. Die Wachende Kirehe. Buffalo. Rev. J. A. A. Grabau, Editor. Der Kindergarten. Chicago. Rev. J. D. Severinghaus, Editor. Lutherischer Kinderbote. Pittsburgh. J. P. Deyer, Editor. Der Jugend Ereund. Allentown. Rev. S. K. Brobst, Editor. Der Pilger. Reading, Pa. J. J. Kuendig, Editor. Monatshaefte. Allentown. Rev. S. K. Brobst, Editor. Jugend Zeitung. Elmira, Can. Rev. J. Salinger, Editor. Philadelphia Kirchenbote. Philadelphia. Rev. J. Yogelbach, Editor. Lutherisches Yolksblatt. Elmira, Can. Rev. A. Ernst, Editor. Jung-Maenner Bote. New York. Rev. E. Bohm, Editor. Die Abendschule. St. Louis. Rev. C. J. H. Fick, Editor. Blaetter aus dem Waisenhause. Austr — , Iowa. Historisches Zeitblatt. Buffalo, N. Y. Monthly. C. Baer, Editor, 138 BIBLIOTHECA LUTHERANA. SWEDISH. Hemlandet. Galesburg, 111., and Chicago, succes- sively. Commenced 1855. Continued. Semi- monthly. Folio. Rev. T. N. Hasselquist, Editor. Det Raetta Hemlandet. Chicago. Commenced 1856. Continued. Monthly. 8vo. Rev. T. N. Hasselquist, Editor. .Minnesota Posten. Red Wing, Minn., 1857. Zion's Baner. Keokuk. Prof. Anderson, Editor . Augustana. Rock Island. Rev. T. N. Hasselquist, Editor. . Mission Yannen. Chicago. Rev. A. W. 'Kedenschong, Editor. .Barn- Yannen. New York. Revs. A. Hulp and Princell, Editors. ,Nya och Grammell. Salina, Kan. Rev. O. Olsen, Editor. Ev. Luthersk Barneven. Chicago, 1815. Rev. L. E. Soendson, Editor. Ev. Luth. Tid-Skrift. 1875. Boston. Rev. J. A. Dahleen, Editor. Wolkomst-Helsning. Rev. L. P. Esbgorn, Editor. Missionaren. (Mission Journal.) Chicago. * J. P. Nyguist, Editor. DANISH. Kirkelig S amber. Racine. Rev. A. Dan, Editor. Kirkelig Samla. Danish Church Paper. Now pub- lished at Chicago. N. Thomsen, Editor, . BIBLIOTHECA LTTTHERANA. 139 NORWEGIAN. Kirke Tidende. Racine, Wis., and Norway, 111., suc- cessively. Commenced 1853. Discontinued. Semi-monthly. Folio. Rev. O. J. Hatlestadt, and Rev. O. Andrewson, Editors, successively. Kirkelig Maanedstidende. Madison, Wis. Com- menced 1856. Continued. Monthly. 8vo. Rev. H. A. Preus, and Rev. J. A. Ottesen, Editors. Norsk Luthersk Kirke-Tidende. Leland, 111. Com- menced 1857. Several years. Monthly. Folio. Rev. P. Anderson, and Rev. 0. J. Hatlestadt, Edi- tors. Kirke Tidende. Mission Point, 111. Monthly. 8vo. Rev. P. J. Rasmusen, Editor. Monetstidende. Racine, Wis. ' Rev. A. C. Preus, &c, Editors. Friheds-Vennen. Norway, 111. Commenced Novem- ber, 1854. Semi-monthly. Folio. Rev. 0. An- drewson, Editor. Luth. und Missionsbladet. Minneapolis. ' Prof. Weenan, Editor. Budbareren. Chicago. ' Rev. Torgersen, Editor. Der Norske Lutheraner. Chicago, 186T. Eben Ezer— Sunday Paper. . Rev. T. M. Krognaess, Editor, WORKS OF JOHN G. MORRIS, D.D. LUTHER'S SHORTER CATECHISM, Illustrated by additional Questions and Answers. 18nio, half sheep. TO ROME AND BACK AGAIN ; Or, The Two Proselytes. Adapted from the German. 12mo, cloth. THE CATECHUMEN'S AND COMMUNICANT'S COMPANION. 18mo, cloth. QUAINT SAYINGS AND DOINGS CONCERNING MARTIN LUTHER. 12mo, cloth. THE BLIND GIRL OF WITTENBERG: A Life Picture of the Times of Luther and the Eeforma- tion. 12mo, cloth. CATHARINE DE BORA; Or, Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of Luther. 18mo, cloth. THE LIFE OF ARNDT. 18mo, cloth. &c, &c. CATECHETICS, HISTORICAL, THEORETICAL, AND PRACTICAL, BY H. ZIEGLER, D.D. 12mo, cloth, plain, $1.50; gilt, $2.00; library sheep, interleaved, $3.00. LUTHERAN PUBLICATION SOCIETY, No. 42 NORTH NINTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. " The design of the publication of this volume is to afford aid in the work of catechization. The materials for it were partly gathered by the author in his practical ministry, and formed into their present shape in the course of his lectures on the subject to the students in the Missionary Institute. The plan of the work is simple and comprehensive. The first Part treats of catechetics historically, and traces the practice of the church. The second Part gives a theoretical view of the sub- ject, under the heads of Catechumens, The Catechist, The Instruction, The Public Examination, and Confirmation. In this the theological student and young minister are furnished with much valuable direction and suggestion. The third Part is a practical explanation of the five parts of Luther's Smaller Catechism. There will be some difference of opinion as to Dr. Ziegler's statements of Lutheran doctrine, and on some other points ; but ministers will find real and valuable aid in their catechetical work in this carefully prepared manual. It will do good, too, in awakening a better sense of the import- ance of catechization." — Lutheran Quarterly Review. " This work is, to a large extent, itself a practical exempli- fication of the subject it intends to unfold. The discussion is conducted mainly on the catechetical principle, abounding in questions and answers, and accompanied with proof-texts in all cases where they seem to be called for. The work con- tains a large amount of valuable practical matter, and though more especially adapted for use in the Lutheran Church, based as it is upon Luther's Catechism, others of other denomina- tions can derive from the study of it much useful information in regard to the general subject of catechetics."— Reformed Church Messenger. "In preparing this manual, Dr. Z. has done a much-needed work, and he has done it well. The Christian instruction of youth, in the clear and definite forms, with the lucidness and precision which are characteristic of the catechetical method, has assumed an unusual importance in our day. Never was it more important for Christian youth to have distinct views of the fundamental doctrines of their religion, and to gain the power to discriminate truth from error. 'Unbelief,' says Dr. Shedd, ' does not now adopt the open method of the last century. The English deists did not pretend to be Christiaas, but attacked Christianity with all their force. The French infidel did the same, only with more virulence and hatred. But the infidel of the present day claims to be only a more philosophic and advanced Christian.' . ... . . . And consequently, he declares that, 'In the pre- sent condition of society, there is great need of catechetical instruction, in order to protect the rising generation from in- fidelity in the form of false philosophy.' Such a book is therefore a desideratum. Students have hardly time during their theological course either to transcribe or to write out at the dictation of a professor as much as is thus given them through the press. Besides, many ministers already in the field, but who have not enjoyed such opportunities, and many parents who feel the importance of effectually catechising their children, will find just that which they have often wished for in this book. . . . We have adopted it as a text book in the theological department of Wittenberg College, and we would recommend it to all engaged in the work of catechiza- tion, as a book useful to them and suited to the times." — Rev. S. JSprecTcer, D.D. u This book supplies a want that has long been felt in the Lutheran Church. We hope that all our ministers and lay- men will buy, read, and recommend this work. It would be well to introduce the 'Practical Part' into our adult S. S. classes."— Rev. T. Stork, D.D. " Knoxville, III., Dec. 1, 1875. "It affords me pleasure to say that Dr. Ziegler's Catechetics proved all it claimed. Having used it in the class-room as a text-book and in the study as a help for catechizing, I com- mend it to the clergy and laity of our church as a book of sterling worth. Rev. 0. Anderson, Principal Swedish- American College." "York, Nov. 30,1875. "Dear Dr. Ziegler: " Yours of the 27th is received. I cannot now recall the language of my allusion to your ' Catechetics ; ' it was in the midst of speaking that I referred, in an interjectional way, to some remarks you had made. But I meant to express my personal appreciation of your book on that subject — that I have studied it with considerable care, and found it so well adapted to the important pastoral work of catechization that I have made use of it in preparation for my catechetical ser- vices. It has proved to me a source of instruction and aid, and I regard it as a valuable contribution to this department of church work. The history, theory, and practice of cate- chetics are well arranged and treated, and the whole plan of the work is calculated to interest and instruct. It cannot fail to awaken in the church a greater earnestness for the ' time- honored' custom of the catechization of the young. " I have not taken the book into the class, but use it rather as a text-book in my preparation for the class. I take it to be best suited as a normal teacher — as a help or educator of the catechizer. " Very truly, your brother, " Rev. A. W. Lilly." A A « » " • * ■*» 0° ** *°<* . A>*^ J h a A &°* ,* .«•.- «* V o* ..' 4 o A ,v ,h°* y <.V> o m/ ^9Pk xl" A * o « ' o j %.«£ JUN ?,f | * ^ ^;