nEiEl* INGRESS 0000ia 7 fi0 4tj • COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. H g c a < U - ■f. It ~ a W ft X . O H H RICHARD CLARKE OF ROWLEY, MASSACHUSETTS, AND HIS DESCENDANTS IN THE LINE OF TIMOTHY CLARK OF ROCKINGHAM, VT. 1638—1904. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE FAMILY REUNION HELD IN ROCHESTER, VERMONT, AUGUST 30, 1904, By THOMAS BELLOWS PECK. BOSTON: PRESS OF DAVID CLAPP & SON. 1905. f THE LIBPA^v OF CONGPES3. Onf Oopy Rfcfivpo MAY. 1 1905 ©fwutnwr trwrov IOLASS ^ XXo. No. OOPY 3. Copyright, 1905, By Thomas Bellows Peck. $ress of Qabto <£lapp & Son. 291 Congress Street. O 5-1 35/5 PREFACE. This volume is the outcome of a search for the aucestry of Timo- thy Clark, an early settler of Rockingham, Vermont, undertaken by the writer in the spring of 1902, at the request of Col. Albert Clarke, of Boston, a great-grandson. The search continued for nearly two years, and resulted in establishing the descent of Timothy Clark from Richard Clarke, an original settler of Rowley, Mass., through Richard's great-grandson, Ebenezer Clark, of Mansfield, Conn. The line of descent is absolutely proved by the land records and vital statistics of Mansfield and Stafford, Conn., and Rowley, Mass., and by the Probate records of Essex County, Mass., and is further corroborated by interesting collateral proofs. The facts in the history of this branch of the Clark family, col- lected during this search, were arranged in systematic form as far down as the fifth generation, and were published in the New-Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register, for July, 1904. The sketch published in the Register has been slightly enlarged for the present work and the history of the family has been continued to the present time. An account of the family reunion held at Rochester North Hollow, Vt,, August 30, 1904, at which a memorial to Tim- othy Clark and his son, Jonathan Rogers Clark, was dedicated with interesting ceremonies, has been added. It has been the aim to give a concise account of all the descendants of Timothy Clark in both male and female lines. If the history is not as complete in all respects as could be wished, it is because letters of inquiry in some cases have been answered briefly or not at all, and in some instances it has been found impossible to obtain a clue. All the illustrations have been made especially for the work, and add greatly to its in- terest and value. Many of them are reproductions of recent pho- tographs. It was practically impossible to have all the families represented in the illustrations, so only types of the last five genera- tions are presented, no portraits of an earlier date being in exist- ence. The writer wishes to express his thanks to many members of the family for their prompt and courteous replies to his repeated in- quiries, and especially to Colonel Clarke for his unfailing interest and cooperation and for his great liberality in assuming the entire cost of the work, including the engravings. His efforts have entitled him to the lasting gratitude of every descendant of Timothy Clark. t. B. P. Walpole, N. H., March 18, 1905. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Old Clarke House in Rowley, Mass Frontispiece Signature of Richard 1 Clarke page 6 " " Richard 3 Clark " 8 " " Timothy Clark "12 Houses of Timothy Clark and Timothy Clark, Jr., in Rockingham, Vt opp. p. 12 Portraits of Miss Julia A. Clarke, Dr. Charles Clarke and Rev. Timothy Clark Eaton ... " " 23 Portraits of Solon Clark, Mrs. Randilla (Clark) Goodno, Solomon Bradford Clark and Jedediah Clark « " 27 Portraits of David Everett Clarke, Francis Gray Clark, Miss Harriet Woodbury Clarke, William Adams Clark and Capt. Dayton P. Clarke . . " " 40 Portraits of Blanche Agnes and Florence Tracy Bemis, Marion Hertha and Marie Woodbury Clarke, Grace Martha Goodno, Albert Clarke and George Nichols Goodnow, Harold Dean and Mildred Arline Kent " " 43 Portraits of Dean Clarke, Colonel Albert Clarke and Dr. Almon Clarke " " 48 Portraits of Arthur L. Clark, Almon E. Goodno, Mrs. Mary E. (Clarke) Williams, George F. Goodnow and Rev. Ransom A. Greene .... " " 50 Portraits of Lieut. Col. Henry A. Eaton, Simeon L. Clark and Prof. William R. Shipman ... " " 60 Memorial in North Rochester, Vt " " 81 DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD CLARKE OF ROWLEY, MASS., IN THE LINE OF TIMOTHY CLARK OF ROCKINGHAM, VT. 1. Richard 1 Clarke, the progenitor of the family to which this sketch is devoted, was married in Rowley, Mass., — 6 mo, 1643, to Alice . They were the second couple married in that town. Nothing has been as- certained as to his previous history, but it is evident that he was an emi- grant from England. He was probably one of the company that came with Rev. Ezekiel Rogers from Rowley in the East Riding of Yorkshire, Eng- land, in the antnmn of 1638, and settled in Rowley, Mass., in April, 1639. Says Gov. John Winthrop : " A plantation was begun between Ipswich and Newbury. The occasion was this : Mr. Eaton and Mr. Davenport having determined to sit down at Quinipiack there came over one Mr. Ezekiel Rogers, second son of that truly faithful servant of God, Mr. Richard Rogers of Weathersfield in England, and with him some twenty families, godly men, and most of them of good estate." After relating the induce- ments offered to Mr. Rogers to settle in Quinipiack, he continues : " Where- upon he consulted with the elders of the bay, and, by their advice, etc., holding his former engagement released, he and his people took that place by Ipswich ; and because some farms had been granted by Ipswich and Newbury, which would be prejudicial to their plantation, they bought out the owners, disbursing therein about £800." (History of New England, Vol. 1, p. 354.) The name of Richard Clarke does not appear among the owners of one and one-half acre lots, to whom assignment of rights in the commons, called " gates," was made, but in a second survey made in 1661 there was assigned to Richard Clarke, " as to an acre and a halfe lot that he purchased of Thomas Elathrope, one gate and halfe." (History of Essex County, Vol. 2, p. 1133.) "Thomas Elithorp had an acre and a half house lot on Bradford street (Rowley), 1643. This lot with rights soon became the property of Richard Clark and remains (1883) in the pos- session of his descendants." (Essex Institute Coll., Vol. 21, p. 78.) Noth- ing is known of Richard Clarke's occupation, but it is not unlikely that, beside carrying on a small farm, he was a weaver* like many of tlie first settlers of Rowley. He was a town officer; was overseer 1G5G ami 1660, and selectman in 16G6. The death of neither Richard nor Alice Clarke is recorded in Rowley, but his death occurred before Mar. 31, 1G74, when his will was proved; and as his wife Alice is not mentioned, it is probable that her death preceded his. The will of Richard Clarke, on file in Salem, Mass., a facsimile of the signature to which is reproduced, says : " Having disposed of my children in marriage and not having much to dispose yet that all Love may be con- tinued betwixt my son and daughter my will is that my son John Clarke shall have all my stocke iu cattell horses sheepe and swine and two thirds of all my provission and implements of husbandry he paying all my debts and funerall expenses. Item My will further is that my daughter Esther Hobkinson shall have all my household goods (excepting the Read Ruge that is upon my bed which I give unto my son John), and the other third part of my provission and implements of husbandry. My will further is that my son John shall be the Sole executor of this my last will : unto which I set my hand this 7th day of February 1673." Children, by Rowley town records : i. Judaii, 2 b. 5-4 mo., 1644; buried 28 July, 1660. ii. Hester, b. 10— 8 mo., 1615; m. 11 May, 1666, Jonathan Hopkinson. iii. Mary, b. 22—10 mo., 1648; buried 14 June, 1660. 2. v. John, b. 26 — 1 mo., 1650; m. Mary Poore. vi. Martha, b. 10 — 1 mo., 1656; buried 16 June, 1660. 2. John 2 Clarke (7? ich ard 1 ) was born in Rowley, 26 — lino. 1650. He married, Jan. 10, 1672, Mary, daughter of John Poore of Newbury, who was born Dec. 12, 1654. John Poore, born in Wiltshire, Eng- land, about 1615, emigrated in 1635, and settled in the part of Newbury called k ' The Neck," on the south side of Parker River, on the street leading from Newbury to Rowley. Nine generations of his descendants have lived in the house partly built by him. John Clarke died Dec. 21, 1736, "aged 86 years and 9 months, of ye palsy. A good old man." (Church records.) His wife Mary died Sept. 10, 1726. Children, by Rowley records : i. Sarah, 3 b. Sept. 7, 1675 ; m. June 19, 1696, James Ordway of Newbury. * Gov. Winthrop, under date of the 12th of Fourth month, 164?!, — the very year in which Richard Clarke was married — says : " Our supplies from England failing much, men began to look about them, and fell to a manufacture of cotton, whereof we had a store from Barbados, and of hemp and flax, wherein Rowley, to their great commenda- tion, exceeded all other towns." (History of New England, Vol. 2, p. 144.) 3. ii. Eichard, b. Nov. 10, 1677; in. (1) Abigail Wiconi, and (2) Abigail Kilborn. iii. John, b. Nov. 4, 1679 ; d. Aug. 14, 1702. iv. Judai-i, b. Feb. 7, 1681-2; m. (1), Apr. 5, 1704, Hannah Kilborn, who d. Jan. 28, 1713; m. (2), Feb. 1, 1714-15, Kuth, dau. of Sergt. Caleb and Hannah Boynton. Children : 1. Jonathan,* b. May 17, 1705. 2. Hannah, b. Sept. 9, 1708. 3. Mercy, b. Nov. 5, 1709. 4. Judah, b. Oct. 2, 1711. 5. An infant, d. Oct. 5, 1716. 6. Euth, bapt. Jan. 12. 1717-8. 7. Jeremiah, bapt. Feb. 4, 1721-2. 8. A child, d. Mar. 24, 1728-9. v. Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1683-4; m. June 6, 1707, Joseph Kilborn. vi. Hester, b. Mar. 23, 1685-6; d. Sept. 25, 1726; unmarried. vii. Martha, b. Mar. 23, 1687-8 ; buried Apr. 22, 1688. viii. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 28, 1688-9; d. Apr. 28, 1716 (gravestone in Row- ley Cemetery) ; m. Oct. 14, 1713, Lydia, dau. of John Dresser, and lived in Ipswich near the Rowley line. One child : Mary,* bapt. Oct. 17, 1714. ix. Jonathan, b. Sept. 17, 1691; m. Dec. 17, 1716, Jane Pingree. Chil- dren : 1. Mary* b. Nov. 26, 1718 ; m. Oct. 29, 1741, Jeremiah Ells- worth. 2. Aaron, b. Feb. 25, 1722-3; d. Mar. 10, 1742-3; m. Nov. 2, 1741, Johanna Blake of Ipswich. 3. Moses, b. Dec. 2, 1727 ; d. Apr. 20, 1791 ; m. Jan. 10, 1750-1, Elizabeth Pickard. x. Joseph, b. and d. Oct. 12, 1693. xi. Benjamin, b. and d. Oct. 12, 1693. . Richard 3 Clarke (John, 2 Eichard 1 ) was born in Rowley, Mass., Nov. 10, 1677. He married first, Dec. 2, 1702, Abigail, daughter of John and Abigail (Kimball) Wicom, who died Oct. 17, 1722, variously spelled Wickham, Wikeham, Wickurn, Wicum, Wicom. He married second, Aug. 9, 1727, Abigail, daughter of Joseph Kil- born. He died July 11, 1730, " by y e small pox." The will of Richard Clark, on file in Salem, Mass., a facsimile of the signature to which is here given, says in part : " Imprimis, I give and bequeath to Abigail Clark, my dearly beloved wife, one third part of my Real Estate in Housing and Lands during her natural life. Item, I give to my wife one third part of my Moveable Estate after my debts be Discharged and Expenses for my Burying. Item, I give to my son Simon Clark and my son Ebenezer Clark all my Real Estate, both in Housing and Lands, to be equally divided be- tween the said Simon Clark and Ebenezer Clark, both for Quantity and Quality, also my will is that my two sous : namely Simon and Ebenezer are obliged to maintain my son Richard Clark out of my estate during his natural Life and to bury him decently. Item, I give to my sou John Clark one hundred and ten Pounds to be paid out of my Estate in one year after my Decease. Item, I give to my Daughter Abigail Clark Two hundred Pounds to be paid out of my Estate within one year after my Decease. Item, I give to my Two Sons namely Simon and Ebenezer the Rest of my Moveable Estate that I have not given to my wife, also my will is that my Executors shall pay my Just Debts Legacies & funeral Charges out of my Estate." $&f\$e£^ 8 The will was dated July 2, 1730, and probated Sept. 8, 1730. The inventory gives real estate £904.5.0, and personal - prop- erty £83.10.2. Later, the estate was increased by £150, and debts were proved to the amount of £227. lis. 7d., which made the net amount £ 1000.4s. This was one of the largest estates in Essex County at that time. Children of first wife, by Rowley records : i. Abigail, 4 b. Aug. 8, 1704; m. Apr. 4, 1733, Daniel Woodbury. ii. John, b. July 23, 170G; no record of m. in Rowley. Apr. 9, 1733, he was appointed guardian of his brother Ebenezer. iii. An infant, d. Aug. 19, 1708. iv. Richard, b. Sept. 7, 1709; no record of m. in Rowley; left, by ins father's will, in care of his brothers Simon and Ebenezer, to be maintained out of the estate as long as he lived. v. Thomas, b. Aug. 5, 1711; d. Aug. 15, 1711. vi. An infant, d. Sept. 5, 1712. vii. Simon, b. Nov. 4, 1717 (prob. 1714) ; marriage intention with Ruth Taylor, of Scituate, rec. in Rowley May 13, 1738. On Mar. 28; 1738, John Coller, of Grafton, Mass., deeded a tract of 100 acres in Stafford, Conn., to Simon Clark of Rowley, Mass. On Dec. 25. 1739, Simon Clark deeded one half of this tract to his brother Ebenezer Clark. viii. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 19, 1717, bapt. Oct. 20, 1717; resided in Mansfield, Conn. Children of second wife : ix. A child, d. Mar. 24, 1729, unbaptized. x. A child, d. June 24, 1730, "by y e small pox." Ebenezer 4 Clarke (Richard? John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Row- ley, Mass., Oct. 19, 1717, and baptized Oct. 20, 1717. In 1731) his father, Richard, died, leaving nearly all his estate to his youngest sons, Simon and Ebenezer, with the obligation to maintain their elder brother Richard during his natural life. Apr. 9, 1733, Eben- ezer Clarke, being fifteen years of age, made choice of his brother John Clarke of Rowley as his guardian. The appointment was made by the court, but on Oct. 8, 1734, Ebenezer made a second choice of a guardian, Lieut. Thomas Lambert of Rowley, " to Im- prove my Estate to the best advantage & to provide a good Master that I might lerne y e Joyner Tread." The next trace found of Ebenezer Clarke is in the land records of Stafford, Conn. Dec. 25, 1739, he bought from his brother Simon one-half of a tract of 100 acres of land in Stafford, Avhich had been deeded Mar. 28, 1738, by John Coller of Grafton, Mass., to Simon Clark of Rowley, Mass. If he ever resided in Stafford, his stay there was brief, as in 1741 he deeded his Stafford property to his father-in-law, Timothy Dim- mick of Mansfield, Conn. These real estate transactions, on record in Stafford, furnish conclusive evidence of the parentage of Ebenezer Clark, which had evaded search to the time of their discovery. In Rowley records the name is spelled in some cases with the final e, which is omitted in the records of Stafford and Mansfield, but re-ap- pears in later generations. Ebenezer Clark married, in Mansfield, Conn., Sept. 2, 1740, Ann, daughter of Timothy and Ann (Bradford) Dimmick, who was born in Mansfield, May 23, 172 1. Timothy Dimmick* came to Mans- field from Falmouth, Mass., about 1721, having purchased from Hezekiah King a tract of land '"near the Willimantic River." Oct. 5, 1741, Timothy Dimmick deeded to Ebenezer Clark, of Mansfield. 21 acres of land in Mansfield, presumably in exchange for the land in Stafford which Clark deeded in the same year to his father-in-law, Dimmick. This tract of 21 acres, increased by land deeded Jan. 23, 1748-49, by Timothy Dimmick to his daughter Anne Clark, formed the homestead on which the family resided dur- ing their residence in Mansfield. The location is closely indicated by descriptions in deeds, being " in the north-westerly part of the town near land of John Turner, Edmund Chamberlain, Elnathan Turner and Shubael Waldo." July 9, 1753, Ebenezer Clark conveyed land adjoining the preceding to Timothy Dimmick, who re-conveyed it to his daughter Anne Clark. These combined tracts, amounting to about 55 acres, remained in the possession of Ebenezer and Ann Clark till Apr. 25, 1777, when they conveyed the whole, described as situated "in the North west part of Mansfield on Willington line," to Ephraim Robbins. Little is found in the town records of Mansfield relative to Ebenezer Clark, excepting the preceding transfers of real estate and the births of his thirteen children. That he was a farmer is indicated by the following : " Ebenezer Clarks Eare Mark is a Slit In the top of the Right Eare. Entered here January y e 24th 1750/51." If he carried out the plan proposed in his petition for the appointment of a guardian in 1734, of learning ' ; y e Joyner Tread," it is probable that he carried on the trade of joiner in addi- tion to farming. No trace has been found of Ebenezer and Ann Clark later than their deed of land Apr. 25, 1777, to Ephraim * His gravestone and that of his wife may be found in what is known as the " Gurley Burying Ground," in the west part of Mansfield. The inscriptions show that he died Dec. 27, 1783, in the 86th year of his age, and his wife died Oct. 9, 1788, in the 92d year of her age. The record of their marriage in Mansfield is as follows : " Timothy Dim- mick, son of John Dimmick, and Ann Bradford, daughter of Mr. Joseph Bradford, married Aug. 15, 1723." 10 Robbing. Their deaths are not recorded in Mansfield, nor are their gravestones to be found there. Their children were born in Mans- field. The following list is taken . from Mrs. Susan Whitney Dimock's excellent reprint of the Town Records of Mansfield. Children : i. Temperance, 8 b. Apr. 21, 1741. ii. Simon, b. Mar. 11, 1714. 5. iii. Timothy, b. Dec. 2G, 1745; resided in Rockingham, Vt. iv. Joannah, b. Jan. 23, 1747-8. v. Wycom, b. Apr. 8, 1750. This name (which is nearly illegible in the record) is printed " Wilcome" in Mrs. Dimock's book, but the deed of Wycom Clark of Mansfield to his " Honored Father Eben- ezer Clark of Mansfield," dated June 14, 1777, gives the correct name, that of his grandmother, Abigail Wicom. He quit claimed to his father his right in certain lands given to his mother Ann Clark by his grandfather Timothy Dimmick. vi. Abigail, b. Feb. 28, 1752. vii. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 10, 1754; supposed to be the Ebenezer Clark who was in the " Lexington Alarm," serving 25 days ; was private in the company of Capt. Experience Storrs of Mansfield in Col. Israel Putnam's regiment, from May 8 to Dec. 16, 1775, and lost his gun in the battle of Bunker Hill. He bought land in Rockingham, Vt., in 1780; admitted to the church there, Jan. 22, 178G; was ap- pointed to assist in setting the Psalm and leading in singing, July 10, 1784; and made public confession of the sin of intemperance, Nov. 21, 1790. viii. Daniel, b. May 6, 1756. ix. Anna, b. May 0, 17.v.t. x. Eunice, b. May 11, 1761. xi. Jonathan, b. May 20, 17C3. xii. Maey, b. May 7, 1765. xiii. Solomon, b. Oct. 7, 1767; in 1707, resided in Paris, Herkimer Co., N. Y. 5. Timothy 5 Clark {Ebenezer* Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Mansfield, Conn., Dec. 26, 1745, and baptized in the Second Church, Jan. 7, 1 74")— (;. The next record found is in Mansfield town rec- ords : " Timothy Clark and Amy Woodworth, daughter to Jedediah Woodworth, of Lebanon, were Joyned in Marriage Novern r y e 2'J th A.D. 1764." Amy Woodworth was baptized in the First Church of Lebanon, Nov. it, 174(3. The names of her parents are not given, but the date indicates her identity with the wife of Timothy Clark. Records of Lebanon do not show her father's parentage, and, as there were several Jedediah Woodworths* in Lebanon, it has been * The Woodworths of Lebanon were descended from Walter Woodworth of Scituate, Mass., through his son Joseph, who removed to Little Compton, R. I., and later to Lebanon, Conn., with his two sons, Joseph and Jedediah. Jedediah Woodworth of Lebanon, who served in Gen. Putnam's regiment in the campaign about Boston in 1775, was probably nearly related to Amy Woodworth. 11 found impossible to trace the exact line of descent. Timothy Clark was not quite nineteen years of age at the time of his marriage, in 1764, and his wife was probably about a year younger. It is not known where they lived for a few years after marriage, but it is the tradition among their descendants that their two eldest children were born in Connecticut, and the third in Grafton, then called Thomlinson, Vt. For a number of years before and after the Revolution the younger branches of many Connecticut families set- tled in towns in New Hampshire and Vermont, in and near the valle3 r of the Connecticut river. This is especially true of towns in the northern part of Connecticut. Windsor, Lebanon, Wind- ham, Ashford, Mansfield and Woodstock made notable contributions to the population of the growing towns along the northern frontier. Timothy and Amy Clark were among the first to join in the tide of emigration that was setting northward. They settled for a short time in Grafton, Vt. This was in the year 1768, when the town was almost wholly a wilderness. Here in April, 1769, their third child was born, said to have been the first male child born in Grafton. They soon removed to the adjoining town of Rockingham, Vt., which at that time had a population of 225 persons. Aug. 6, 1771, Timothy Clark, then of Rockingham, sold his real estate in Grafton, consisting of 40 acres of land in lot No. 9 in the sixth range, to Abner Songer. In town meeting, Mar. 25, 1772, he was chosen one of the assessors of Rockingham. At the same time it was " Voted to Let out y e Minister's Lott to the highest bidder. Tim Clark bid it of." Directly after the battle of Lexington, tidings were brought to the towns in southeim New Hampshire and Vermont. A band of patriots was gathered from towns on both sides of the Connecticut river, and on the morning of Apr. 21, 1775, started on their hurried journey to the scene of conflict. In this band there were several prominent residents of Rockingham, and among them were Timothy Clark, David and John Pulsipher, and William Stearns. Remain- ing in Cambridge, these and other recruits were organized into a company under the command of Capt. John Marcy, and formed part of Col. James Reed's regiment, which took an active part in the defence of the rail fence in the battle of Bunker Hill. Timothy Clark held the rank of drummer in Capt. Marcy's company, took part in the battle, and served from May 7 to Aug. 10, 1775. (N. H. State Papers, Vol. 14, p. 104.) The town records of Rockingham show that he was one " of those that marcht to Ticonderouge." June 23, 1777, he took " the oath of fidelity to be true to the United States of America." Mar. 3, 1778, he "took the oath agreeable 12 to the Constitution." His name appears on the " Freemen's Boll " of Rockingham. In town meeting, Mar., 1777, he was chosen tithing man, in Mar., 1779, constable and collector, and in Mar., 1781, petit juryman. In 1799 he attended the Supreme and County Court. Although not a member of the first church, he was evidently an attendant with his family, as the inventory of his estate, shows that he owned " 1 pew in the North Meeting house in Rockingham," valued at s20. His administrator, Timothy Clark, Jr., conveyed, Mar. 4, 1815, to An- drew Dunn "a certain Pew in the meeting or Town House described as follows, it being the North West Corner Body Pew in the lower floor, said pew not numbered, said property belonging to the Estate of Timothy Clark deceased in Rockingham." Feb. 5, 1777, Timothy Clark bought from Col. Benjamin Bellows, of Walpole, N. H., who was an original proprietor of many pieces of real estate in Rockingham, about 90 acres of land in Lot No. 10 in the 8th Range. The original deed is still in the possession of Miss Julia A. Clarke of Saxton's River, who is believed to be the only surviving grandchild. May 1, 1778, he bought from Colburn Preston 6 acres, being part of Lot No. 11 in the 7th range. He made his home for the rest of his life upon this land, which was situated upon the road leading from Saxton's River Village, along the east side of the grounds of the Vermont Academy, to the old town of Rockingham, and about one-half mile from the latter place. The house which he built, and in which he lived, is still standing, west of the road and at a little distance from it. He kept possession of part of this farm as long as he lived, and the in- . «_a ventory of his estate includes ,*% f £ /O i J / /Aj forty acres in Lot No. 10 in the 8th range, and an acre and a half in Lot No. 11 in the 7th Range, facsimile is of a signature made in 1792. The circumstances attending the death of Timothy Clark are some- what obscure. In the winter of 1812-13 he went with his wife to Hancock, Vt., to visit his daughter Mrs. David Eaton. It is the tra- dition in the family that he left his wife there and continued his jour- ney to northern Vermont or New York, where his son Simeon was serving in the 11th U. S. Infantry. If the correct date of Simeon's death at Burlington was Jan. 3, 1813, he may have gone to care for him or to secure his effects. In any event, he was taken sick in Hancock on his return from the army, and died there in the latter part of Feb., 1813. He was buried in the North Hollow Burial Ground in Rochester, Vt., where his grave, though not marked by a w ^r i "->*a-\v...." ^i. ?% THE TIMOTHY CLARK. JK.. HOUSE NEAR SAXTON's UIVEK, VT. Built 1812. THE TIMOTHY CLARK HOUSE AT KOCKINGHAM, VT, Built 1778. I 13 stone until 1904, has been identified at the right of that of his son Jonathan Rogers Clark, and close beside it. A slate tablet with a suitable inscription has been erected by a descendant, to mark both graves, an illustration of which appears in these pages. After his death, his widow Ama (or Amy) Clark was taken home by her eldest son, Timothy, and cared for until her death, which occurred about Jan. 4, 1818, when expenses of the funeral were charged. Her granddaughter, Miss Julia A. Clarke, who re- members her slightly, says that she was buried in the cemetery back of the Old Church, but the grave was unmarked and cannot now be identified. In addition to Timothy Clark's military service in Capt. John Marcy's company at Bunker Hill and at Ticonderoga, as already described, further service is shown in the volume of " Vermont Revolutionary Rolls," printed by the State of Vermont in 1904. He served from Sept. 27 to Oct. 20, 1777, in a detachment of a company consisting of five men, from Rockingham, " commanded by Lieut. Charles Richards in Col. William Williams' regiment of militia" (p. 43). Col. Williams' regiment is elsewhere described as having been engaged at this time " on an expedition to Ben- nington," and may have been present at the surrender of Burgoyne. Timothy Clark also served seven days as ensign in Capt. Jonathan Holton's company of Rockingham men, having marched sixty miles, " in the Alarm in Oct. 17, 1780 " (p. 198). This service was ren- dered immediately after the Indian raid upon Royalton, Vt. Again, he appears in 1782 on the " Pay Roll of Capt. William Simonds' company, Col. Bradley's regiment, raised to assist the sheriff to go to Guilford," having served four days and marched forty miles (p. 608). Timothy and Ama Clark had eleven children, whose births were recorded in Rockingham town records, Vol. 4, p. 52. Children : 6. i. Margrett, 6 b. Mar. 9, 1766; m. May 5, 1785, John Ripley of Rock- ingham. 7. ii. Timothy, b. Apr. 9, 1767; m. Dec. 28, 1794, Sarah, dau. of Maj. Silas Burk of Westminster, Vt. ; cl. in Rockiugham, Sept. 19, 1848. 8. iii. Jonathan Rogers, b. Apr. 12, 1769; m. Sept. 14, 1795, Betsy Green of Rockingham ; cl. in Rochester, Vt., in 1812. 9. iv. Eunice, b. Sept. 13, 1772; m. Abel Fletcher. 10. v. Daniel Randall, b. Apr. 9, 1775 ; m. Lucy Clafiin ; d. in Rochester, Vt., Nov. 19, 1848. 11. vi. Ama, b. Feb. 10, 1779; m. Feb. 18, 1800, David Eaton of Westmins- ter, Vt. 12. vii. Jedediah, b. Aug. 8, 1781 ; m. in 1804, Elizabeth Stearns of Graf- ton, Vt. ; d. in Hermon, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1850. 14 13. viii. Anna, b. Aug. 17, 1784; m. Apr. 23, 1809, Solomon Pulsipher of Rockingham. ix. Simeon, also called Simon, b. Apr. 1, 1787 ; enlisted as Simon Clark, as a private in the 11th U. S. Infantry, aged 25 years, June 10, 1812; d. in Burlington, Vt., Jan. 3 or June 3, 1813 (Records of U. S. Pension Office) ; was a drummer; unmarried. x. Ebenezer, b. June 29, 1790; enlisted May 3, 1813, in the 31st regi- ment U. S. Infantry, in the War of 1812, as a flfer; d. in service the same year; unmarried. In the settlement of his estate, on file in the Probate Office in Rockingham, Vt., Timothy Clark, ad- ministrator, charges " Jan^ 1814 to time & Expenses in going to Chadague four Corners 180 miles 14 Days to find & get the prop- erty of Eben r Clark Deceas 4 as Adm r 33.80." 14. xi. Solomon Bradford, b. July 21, 1793; m. Mar. 24, 1819, Clarissa Houghton of Rockingham. SIXTH GENERATION. 6. Margaret 6 Clark ( Timothy? Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John? Richard 1 ) was born in Connecticut, March 9, 1766, and died in Berkshire, Vt., July 12, 1806. She removed with her parents about 1768 to Grafton, Vt., and soon after to Rockingham, Vt. She was married in Rockingham, May 5, 1785, to John Abbe Ripley, who was born in Windham, Conn., in 1762, and died in Montgomery, Vt., March 8, 1848. He was son of Charles and Tabitha (Abbe) Ripley of Windham, and a descendant in the sixth gen- eration from William Ripley, who emigrated from Hingham, England, in 1638, and settled in Hingham, Mass. His granddaughter, Miss Margaret Clark Ripley of Randolph, Vt., states that he was a Revolutionary soldier and sailor, having served at the age of sixteen on the Brig Marquis de Lafayette, and later in the army. He often related incidents of his life in the army. His descendants have been mainly respectable farmers and dairymen in Franklin County, Vermont. Children : i. Lydia, 7 died unmarried. ii. John, m. Hannah Brown. Children: I.Charles. 8 2. Lucretia. 3. Julia. 4. William. iii. Desire, d. July 11,1871; m. Henry Chamberlain. Children: 1. Willard. 8 2. Annie. 3. John. 4. Butler. 5. Hubbard. 6. Di- antha. 7. Sibyl. 8. Anson. 9. Maria. iv. Joshua Webb, b. Nov. 3, 1794; d. in Randolph, Vt., Mar. 20, 1871 ; a fanner in Highgate, Vt.; m. Rhoda Johnson. Children: 1. Paschal P., 8 b. in Highgate, Vt., in 1832; d. in 1893. He was a Union soldier, and served as a musician in Co. K, 3d Regiment Vermont Volunteers ; was editor and owner of the Orange County Eagle, published in Randolph, Vt. He m. Miss B. Scully of Bur- lington, Vt., and had seven children, four of whom, daughters, are now living. 2. Margaret Clark, b. in Highgate, Vt. ; resides in Randolph, Vt. ; unm. She has contributed this record of the Ripley family. v. Amy, b. Aug. 3, 1797; d. in Franklin, Vt., Mar. 24, 1850; m. James Johnson, a farmer, and resided in Franklin. Children : 1. Daw- son. 8 2. Rachel. 3. Desire. 4. Henry. 5. Elihu. 6. Joshua. 7. Almira. 8. Rhoda. vi. Eunice, b. May 12, 1800; d. in Highgate, Vt., Dec. 1, 1827; m. Nathaniel Johnson, a farmer, in Highgate. Children : 1. Solo- mon. 8 2. Charles. 3. Franklin. 16 vii. Benjamin, b. in 1802; d. in Montgomery, Vt., June 30, 1861; a blacksmith in Berkshire, Vt. Children: 1. Olive. 6 2. Amy. 3. Ehnira. 4. Elizabeth. 5. John. 7. Timothy 6 Clark (Timothy? Ebenezer* Richard, 5 John? Richard 1 ) was born in Connecticut, April 9, 1767 ; was taken to Grafton, Vt., by his parents in 17G8, and to Rockingham, Vt., in 1770 or 1771, and resided there the rest of his life. He was a prominent citizen in the part of the town known as " Saxton's River," living about a mile from the village called by that name, on the same road with his father. He was an active member of the Universalist Society in Saxton's River Village, and was one of the church committee in 1841. Nov. 23, 1792, he bought 100 acres of land in lot No. 13, in the 11th range, of Dr. Asaph Fletcher of Cavendish, Vt., to which he afterwards added about 25 acres, bought Nov. 14, 1811, of Roswell Bellows. These two purchases formed the farm on which he lived the rest of his life and on which he erected the cottage-house in which three generations of the Clarke family have lived, and which is now the home of his daughter, Miss Julia A. Clarke, and his grandson, Joseph Clarke. This is the second house built on the farm, the first house in which he lived for a few years having been situated a few rods north of the present. June 17, 1844, in his old age, he conveyed his farm of 12G acres to his son Albert, who gave a bond to care for him and his wife Sarah during their lives and to furnish a suitable support to his sisters, Lucinda and Julia Ann, so long as they remained single. Timothy Clark was married Dec. 28, 1794, to Sarah Burk, daughter of Major Silas Burk of Westminster, Vt., who was born July 8, 1778, and died May 2, 1851. He died Sept. 19, 1848, and was buried in the ceme- tery in Saxton's River Village. Children, born in Rockingham : i. Timothy, 7 b. Oct. 8, 179G; went to Boston before 1821; m. Mahals ; engaged in business, and died in a few years without children. 15. ii. Silas, b. July 15, 1798 ; a physician in Wiudhara and Townsend, Vt. 16. iii. Sarah, b. Nov. 11, 1800; m. Rev. Erastus Willard. 17. iv. Charles, b. Dec. 27, 1802; a physician in Townsend, Vt. v. Mary, b. April 21, 1805; d. aged 33; m. Osborne Marsh, and had one child, Mary C., 8 b. Sept. 7, 1838, who after her mother's death lived with her grandfather, Timothy Clark, in Rockingham, and has since lived for many years in Concord, N. H. vi. Lucinda, b. Aug. 26, 1807; d. in Rockingham, Aug. 30, 1885; unm. 18. vii. Joseph, b. Mar. 23, 1810; resided in Westminster, Vt. 19. viii. Benjamin, b. Mar. 20, 1813; resided in Algona, Iowa. ix. Julia Ann, b. May 2, 1815; resides on the old homestead near Saxton's River Village, Vt. 20. x. Albert, b. June 13, 1817; resided in Rockingham. 17 8. Jonathan Rogers 8 Clark ( Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard* John,' 1 Richard 1 ) was born in Grafton, Vt., April 12, 1769; removed to Rock- ingham, Vt., with his parents in 1770; was married Sept. 14, 1795, to Betsy Green of Rockingham. Aug. 16, 1800, with his brother-in-law, David Eaton, he bought 100 acres of land in Rochester, Vt., and lived there afterwards in the part of the town known as " Rochester North Hollow." He died in 1812, having been struck by a falling tree while taking part in a chopping bee in aid of a widow. His widow Betsy married Jona- than Lamb of Rochester, and died Aug. 23, 1853, aged 74 years. Jonathan and Betsy Lamb had one son, Freedom Green Lamb, who was born Jan. 5, 1822, and died Dec. 18, 1852. Children : 21. i. Randilla, 7 b. Jan. 26, 1796; m. William Goodno (formerly Goode- nough) of Rochester, Vt. 22. ii. Amy, b. in 1798; m. James Morris of Rochester, Vt. iii. Jason, b. in 1800; d. in Rochester, Vt., Oct. 25, 1826; unm. 23. iv. .Solon, b. Jan. 26, 1802; d. in Salisbury, Vt., Dec. 2, 1885. 24. v. Jedediah, b. Dec. 20, 1804; d. in St. Albans, Vt., Mar. 27, 1876. 25. vi. Abigail, b. Feb. 22, 1806; m. Daniel Goodnow of Rochester, Vt. vii. Marcia, b. in 1808; d. young. viii. Ovid E., b. in 1810; d. May 19, 1832. 26. ix. Simon, b. May 24, 1812; d. July 29, 1868. 9. Eunice 6 Clark (Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 5 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt, Sept. 13, 1772, and died in Rochester, Vt., in 1846. She married Abel Fletcher, a farmer, who purchased a lot of 25 acres of land in Rochester, Dec. 29, 1790. They lived on the road leading from the valley of White river to Rochester North Hollow. Abel Fletcher died in Rochester in 1845, aged 81 years. Children : i. Emily, 7 b. July 6, 1802; d. Jan. 12, 1879; m. as his second wife Samuel Brooks of Middlebury, Vt. No children. ii. Samuel, b. in 1804 ; d. in Rochester in 1849 ; unm. iii. Anna, b. in 1807; d. in 1867; m. Dec. 18, 1841, to William Andrews, who was b. in Barnard, Vt., and d. in Rochester, Sept. 30, 1860. Two children, b. in Rochester: 1. Emily, 8 b. April 12, 1843; re- sides in Middlebury, Vt. ; twice married : first, in 1875, to Josiah Watson; second, in 1879, to Jed Varney. Four children: 1. Clifford 9 Watson. 2. Harry Varney. 3. Grace Varney. 4. Lucy Varney. 2. Charles E., b. Nov. 5, 1845; resides in Rochester; m. Aug. 7, 1870, to Persis Spencer. Five children : 1. Blanche Emily. 9 2. Charles Fred. 3. Guy William. 4. Roy. 5. Anna Belle. iv. Amy, b. in 1809 ; d. in Rochester in 1888 ; a deaf mute. 18 10. Daniel Randall* Clark (Timothy, , 6 Menezer,* Richard, 6 John, 11 Richard 1 ) was bora in Rockingham, Vt., April 9, 1775. His early days were spent in his native town. May 22, 1806, he bought land in Roches- ter, Vt., part of Lot 18, Right 1, east of the river, to which he added, Dec. 8, 1807, 50 acres " north and west of the mill brook, being part of Lot 19, Right 1." On the land thus acquired he lived and worked at his call- ing as a farmer, until he was too old to do so any longer. He then moved into a house on one corner of the land and finally removed with his sons, Daniel R. and Solomon B., to a farm in the neighborhood, where he died, Nov. 19, 1848. He married Lucy Claflin, daughter of James Claflin, of Hancock, Vt., who died May 22, 1860, aged 73 years. Children : i. Daniel Randall, 7 born in Rochester, March 29, 1807 ; married Dec. 15, 1847, to Emily Gleason, of Rochester. He was a farmer and resided in Rochester till 1849. From 1849 to 1835, he lived in Braintree, Vt., and then for a few years in Granville, Vt., after which he returned to Rochester, where he died March 21, 1878. His widow now resides in Hancock, Vt., at the age of 86 years. They had one child, Abbie De Ette, B born in Granville, Sept. 20, 1855, married March 4, 1885, to W. H. Harlow, of Hancock. One child, Emily Arvilla, 9 boru in 1886. Mrs. Harlow was divorced from her husband in 1895, and married, second, June 10, 1896, Azro D. Martin, of Hancock, where they now reside. 27. ii. Solomon Bradford, born in Rochester, March 12, 1810 ; died in Monroe Centre, 111., Jan. 17, 1870. iii. Lucy, born about IS 14 ; married William Kinsley of Monkton, Vt. ; lived for a time in Rochester and then removed to Middlebury, Vt., where she died, between I860 and 1870. Children : 1. Elizabeth, 8 married Homer Daggett, and resided when last heard from in Litchfield, Minn. 2. Annette, died young in Middlebury. iv. Clarissa A., born in Rochester, Nov. 1821; resided in Rochester and Middlebury till about 1861, then in Cornwall, Vt., where she married Isaac Stearns of that town. They resided several years in Goshen, Vt., and then removed to Brandon, Vt., where both died in March, 1901. v. Ambrose E., born in Rochester in 1823; died Sept. 13, 1864, aged 41 years, 7 months; resided in Rochester and Granville ; married Loraine Bemis. No children. vi. Retire Trask, born in Rochester in 1824; about 1840 or '41, went to Lowell, Mass., where he worked in a machine shop; died in Lowell, Nov. 30, 1851 ; married Elizabeth Foster of Johnson, Vt. One child, Julius C., s whose last known residence was Minne- apolis, Minn. vii. Achsah E., born in Rochester in 1827; after 18 or 20 years of age lived in Lowell, Mass., where she died, Aug. 10, 1853; unmarried. viii. Cordell A., born in Rochester in 1830 ; died in Lowell, Mass., July 16, 1852 ; married John Harris ; one daughter, who was adopted after her mother's death by a family named Carr. ± 19 11. Ama 6 (or Amy) Clark (Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard* John, 7 Richard}) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Feb. 10, 1779, and died in Granville, Vt., Jan. 28, 1847. She was married in Rockingham, Feb. 18, 1800, to David Eaton, of Westmiuster, Vt., son of Asa Eaton, who was born in Ashford, Conn., March 16, 174G, and was married in Ashford, Nov. 5, 1772, to Abigail Goodale. Soon after their marriage David Eaton and his wife removed to Rochester, Vt., where, in 1801, he pur- chased 100 acres of land, being the whole of Lot 13, Range 1, Division 2. Later, in 1810, they removed to Hancock, Vt., and continued to reside there and in Rochester and Granville, where he died Feb. 16, 1837, aged 59 years. It was in their house that her father, Timothy Clark, died in February, 1813, on his return from a visit to the army in Northern New York. David Eaton, according to the inscription on the Eaton monument in the cemetery at Rochester North Hollow, was " a believer in the final holiness and happiness of all men." He was a blacksmith by trade and at the time of his death was living in the village of Granville. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eaton were Universalists in their religious faith. Mr. Eaton is de- scribed as a small man with keen black eyes and rather dark complexion, very ambitious and energetic in his trade and a neat and careful penman. Mrs. Eaton was a patient invalid for many years, rarely known to smile, but a good converser, fond of company and having many friends. She would often ask her granddaughter Ellen to read to her from the Bible, always from the New Testament. Children : Betsey, 7 b. Feb. 17, 1801 ; m. Harvey Shipman. Harriet, b. July 25, 1802; m. Thomas B. Martin. Ovid, b. in 180-4 ; d. at the age of 9 months. David, b. Sept. 29, 1805; m. Sarah E. Perry. Achsah, b. Jau. 6, 1807 ; m. Bela R. Perry. Timothy Clark, b. April 9, 1809 ; d. June 28, 1883. Abigail, b. April 5, 1811; m. Marshall Martin. X 34. viii. Lucius, b. Aug. 7, 1814; m. Lucy Cleveland and Catherine Plymp- tou. ix. Freedom, b. Jan. 10, 1817; d. June 23, 1848. 1 2. Jedediah 8 Clark ( Timothy 5 Ebenezer* Richard* John,' 1 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Aug. 8, 1781, and died in Hermon, N. Y., where his son Leonard Eliott lived, Feb. 6, 1850. He resided in Rocking- ham and in Roxbury, Vt., removing to the latter town about 1818. The following extract from Rockingham town records is of interest: " Rockingham 18th June 1807. I the subscriber do not agree in religious opinion with a majority of the Inhabitants of said Town of Rockingham. Jedediah Clark." 28. i. 29. ii. iii. 30. iv. 31. v. 32. vi. 33. vii 20 Persons subscribing a statement like the above,' known as " the religious test," were excused from supporting the town church. Jedediah Clark was married, in 1804, to Elizabeth Stearns, of Grafton, Vt., who was born April 6, 1784, and died in Roxbury, Vt., May 30, 1834. Ten children, the first seven born in Rockingham, aud the rest in Rox- bury : i. Harriet, 7 b. March 5, 1805; d. Oct. 29, 1S38; unmarried. 85. ii. Thbophilus Flagg, b. July 17, 1807; d. Nov. 11, 1871. iii. Eliza, b. July 10. 180!); d. Aug. 22, 1835; unmarried. 3G. iv. Leonard Elliott, b. March 7, 1811 ; d. Aug. 24, 1876. 37. v. Ebenezkr Bradford, b. May 2, 1814; d. June 7, 1887. 38. vi. Jedediah Stearns, b. March 31, 1810; d. July 28, 18S2. vii. M.viiala B., b. April 1, 1818; d. Oct. 11, 1894; unmarried. viii. Permelia, b. May 9, 1820; d. Feb. 20, 1891; m. Dec. 1G, 1S40, to William B. Freeman, who was born in Brookfiehl, Vt., July 7, 1817, and died in Potsdam, N. Y., Jan. 2(3, 1S95. Two children: 1. Edward C., s b. Feb. 12, 1843; d. Feb. 22, 1854. 2. Sarah El- len, b. Sept. 23, 1815; m. Oct. 30, 1895, to William Matterson. 39. ix. Simeon Tyler, b. Oct. 28, 1822; d. July 19, 1887. x. Sarah, b. July 9, 1825; d. Nov. 29, 1844; m. Samuel Batchelder of Braiutree, Vt. No children. 13. Anna Clark ( Timothy, 6 Ebenezer* Richard* John, 2 Richard}) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Aug. 17, 1784. She was married April 23, 1809, to Solomon Pulsipher of Rockingham, who enlisted in the army in the War of 1812 and died in the service, of pneumonia, following measles. She afterwards married Nathaniel Cushman of Rochester, Vt. Her only child died young. She died in Rochester, July 13, 1846, aged 62 years, at the home of Col. T. B. Martin. 14. Solomon Bradford 6 Clark (Timothy 6 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John,- Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., July 21, 1793, and died near Wadliam's Mills, Essex Co., N. Y. He was married in Rockingham, March 24, 1819, to Clarissa Houghton of that town. He served in the United States Army in the War of 1812. A few years after his marriage he removed to the State of New York and settled on a farm about nine miles from Essex and three miles from the village of Wadliam's Mills. Here he spent his life as a hardworking far- mer and here he and his wife died. His farm is still known as the "Brad Clark place." His descendants live mainly in Essex County, N. Y., near the west shore of Lake Champlain. Children : i. Sophronia, 7 d. unmarried. ii. Louise, m. Davis. Her son, Martin B. Davis, lives in Eliza- bethtown, N. Y. 21 iii. Amy, m. Bullis. Her son, Charles Ballis, lives in Lewis Centre, Essex Co., N. Y. iv. Sarah, m. Cross. Her son, John Cross, lives at Wadham's Mills, Essex Co., N. Y. v. Mary, d. unmarried. vi. Caroline, d. unmarried. vii. Cleopatra, m. Edward Soper, and lives in Lewis Centre, Essex Co., N. Y. Mrs. Soper and Miss Julia A. Clarke, of Rockingham, Vt., are the only surviving grand children of Timothy Clark. Her son, Henry Soper, lives in Essex, N. Y. viii. Bradford, married and had three children. He resided at one time in Woodstock, Vt. ix. Charles, died about 1893. He married Nancy S. Charron, of Lan- caster, N. H. Their son, Herbert J. Clark, resides in Essex, N. Y., and is a merchant. He has furnished most of this history of his grandfather's family. SEVENTH GENERATION. 15. Silas 7 Clarke {Timothy, 5 Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was bora in Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1798; was educated in the Vermont Academy of Medicine, Castleton, Vt., in the class of 1824; began practice in Windham, Vt., and later removed to Townsend, Vt, where he died Nov. 20, 1831. Dr. Silas Clarke married Abigail Everett of Boston, daughter of David and Jemima (Haven) Everett, and granddaughter of Elias Haven of Dedham, Mass., who was killed in the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775.* She was born May 31, 1804, and died in Warner, N. H., Sept. 9, 1853. Their children were : 40. i. Silas Anderson, 8 b. in Windham, Vt., June 17, 1826; resides in Passaic, N. J. 41. ii. David Everett, b. in Windham, Vt., Oct. 19, 1827; resides in Concord, N. H. 42. iii- Martha Abigail, b. Mar. 29, 1830; m. Erastus George. 16. Sarah 7 Clarke (Timothy? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Nov. 11, 1800, and died in Douai, France, Oct. 4, 1844, of consumption. She married Rev. Erastus Willard, son of James and Amy (Atherton) Willard, who was born in Lancaster, Mass., July 4, 1800. When a lad he removed with his parents to Saxton's River Village, Vt. ; worked on the farm in summer and at- tended school in winter ; was fitted for college by his pastor, Rev. Joseph Elliott; graduated at Waterville with high rank in 1829; studied at New- ton Theological Seminary, and was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in Grafton, Vt., Oct, 30, 1833. In 1835 he was sent as a missionary to France by the Board of Baptist General Convention, and with others es- tablished a school for the education of native preachers for the Baptist ministry in Douai, of which he had sole charge after 1839. In November, 1844, soon after the death of his wife, lie returned to America; in May, 1846, went again to France, and in 1850 removed the school to Paris and carried it on, in spite of great opposition from the government, till 1856, when he returned to America to live. After preaching for a time as a * See Hudson's "History of the Town of Lexington," p. 212; also, " Dedham, Mass., Historical Register," vol. 2, p. 120. MISS .JULIA A. CLARKE. CHAIM.KS CLARKE, M. I>. REV. TIMOTHY CLARK EATON. 23 missionary among the Ottawas in Kansas, he became pastor of the First Baptist Church in Salem, N. Y., was taken ill in December, 1870, and in the following September went to Newport, R. I., where he died Dec. 29, 1871. These facts are taken from a memorial sermon preached in Salem by his son-in-law, Rev. C. E. Barrows of Newport. He pays a high tribute to Mr. Willard's character and abilities as a scholar, thinker and preacher. He was strong in his convictions, independent and fearless. He was simple in his tastes, fond of nature, very observing, and found relief in gardening, which was his recreation. Children : i. Harriet, 8 b. Sept. 22, 1834 ; d. Mar. 13, 1883 ; taught in Mrs. Buell's school in Providence, R. I.; m. Rev. C. Edwin Barrows, D.D., for nineteen years pastor of the First Baptist Church in Newport, R. I., who was b. Dec. 11, 1831, and d. Dec. 2G, 1883. No chil- dren. Their monument is in Newport Cemetery. ii. Charles, d. in Douai, France, Mar. 27, 1840, aged 3 years. iii. Sarah, b. in Douai, France, Jan. 19, 1839; d. iu Newport, R. I., Oct. 5, 1877. She was a teacher of languages iu Wellesley Col- lege, and died from overwork. 17. Charles 7 Clarke {Timothy, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John , 3 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Dec. 27, 1802. He studied medicine in the Vermont Academy of Medicine in Castleton, and with his brother, Dr. Silas Clarke, in Townsend, Vt. He intended to settle in the State of New York, but on the death of his brother in 1831 decided to remain in Townsend and succeed to his practice. He had a large and suc- cessful practice, extending for miles in all directions. For many years he was clerk of the Baptist Church of which he and his wife were members, was town treasurer, and trustee of the Leland and Gray Seminary. He was married July 4, 1832, to Hannah F. Ober, daughter of Ezra Ober of Townsend, who was born in Jamaica, Vt., April 6, 1810. Her mother dying when Hannah was very young, she was taken by her father at the age of a few weeks to Townsend. Dr. Clarke died in Townsend, Jan. 13, 1883, and his wife died Aug. 8, 1885. Children : i. Henrietta Sarah, 8 b. Dec. 29, 1833; m. David Everett Clarke of Concord, N. H. (See No. 41.) ii. Silas Burke, b. in Townsend, Feb. 4, 183G; educated iu the Leland ' and Gray Seminary; employed for a time in the Rollins Drug Store, Concord, N. II. ; in 18(i8 went to Philadelphia to attend the College of Pharmacy; after completing the course returned to Townsend, and carried on the drug business till the disastrous fire of 1894; unm. iii. Emily Ann, b. July 17, 1838; d. at the age of 18 months. 43. iv. Charles Wayland, b. Oct. 6, 1840 ; resides in Concord, N. H. 24 v. John Henry, b. Dec. 22, 1843 ; d. in the West, April 5, 1891 ; studied medicine with his father, also in Boston ; then assisted his father in practice in Townsend, Vt. ; afterwards removed to Michigan; unra. vi. Hannah Agnes, b. Jan. 22, 1846; m. Aug. 4, 1869, to William W. Bemis of Boston. They had four children : 1. Blanche Aynes, 9 b. Dec. 19, 1870. 2 and 3. Alice Clarke and Annie Louise, twins, b. Oct. 29, 1875. Alice Clarke d. Nov. 8, 1893, and Annie Louise d. Feb. 6, 1877. 4. Florence Tracy, b. Nov. 28, 1878. Mrs. Bemis d. and Mr. Bemis m. as his second wife, Oct. 11, 1888, Henrietta Burke Clarke, dau. of David E. Clarke of Concord, N. II. They have no children. W. W. Bemis is son of Aaron Bemis, b. May 13, 1800, d. Jan. 2, 1890, and Julia (Duttou) Bemis, b. Oct. 6, 1813, d. Feb. 5, 1876. He was b. May 14, 1842; served in the Union Army in the 16th Regiment Vermont Volunteers, and is now a dry goods' salesman for C. F. Hovey & Co., Boston, and resides in Swampscott. vii. George Leland, b. in Townsend, Vt., Oct. 24, 1848; is a farmer and nurse in Jamaica, Vt. ; was m. in Townsend, Dec. 5, 1881, to Martha Frances Stark, dau. of Joshua and Abigail Stark of Ja- maica, and great grand niece of Gen. John Stark of the Revolu- tionary Army. Children: 1. Edith Mae, 9 b. in Fairfield township, Palo Alto Co., Iowa, Dec. 7, 1882. 2. George Joshua, b. in Ja- maica, Vt., April 12, 1885. viii. Frank Albert, b. Mar. 11, 1851, in Townsend, Vt., where he has resided the greater part of his life. Of late years he has been a . nurse; nam. 18. Joseph 7 Clarke {Timothy, 6 Timothy, 6 Ebenezer,* Richard, 3 John, 3 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., March 23, 1810. About 1843 he settled in Westminster, Vt., on the farm south of the village that had belonged to his grandfather, Major Silas Burk, and spent the rest of his life there as a farmer. He died in Westminster, Nov. 16, 1888. He was married March 31, 1846, to Mary Eliza Willard, daughter of Samuel and Betsy (Morrison) Willard of Westminster, who was born in Springfield, Vt., Nov. 25, 1823. She now resides in Westminster with her brother, Henry A. Willard. They had no children. Mr. Clarke was an honest, hospitable and kindly man, satisfied with a quiet and useful life as a farmer. 19. Benjamin 7 Clarke ( Timothy, 6 Timothy, 6 JtJbenezer,* Richard, 8 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., March 20, 1813, and died in Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa, March 21, 1884. He was married in 1834 to Rhoda H. Ranney, daughter of Calvin Ranney of Westminster. He worked at his trade as a blacksmith in the West parish of Westminster till 1857, when he removed to Iowa and secured a tract of government land ten miles south of Algona. He worked at blacksmithing for about three years, after which he devoted himself to farming and the development of 25 his land, of which he made an excellent farm. In August, 1880, his wife died, and afterwards he made his home with his only child and daughter, Mary, 6 who married 0. F. Hale, a civil engineer, of Algona. A notice of him in a local paper says : " His circle of friends was large ; enemies he had none. He was a man who had a pleasant word for every one he met ; genial and kind ; moderate in his opinions, but firm in his convictions." 20. Albert 7 Clarke (Timothy* Timothy, 6 Ebenezer? Richard, 5 John* Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., June 13, 1817, and died in Rockingham, June 22, 1897. He was a farmer, and lived upon the family homestead near Saxton's River Village, caring for his parents in their declining years and for his unmarried sisters. He was married in Westminster, Vt., March 2, 1854, to Ann Woodbury Crafts Willard, daughter of John Crafts, and widow of Dighton Willard of Westminster. She was born in Boston, Aug. 16, 1828, and died in Saxton's River, Vt., May 26, 1871. Children, born in Rockingham : i. Joseph, 8 b. Dec. 9, 1854. With the exception of a few years, he has followed the occupation of farming. He resides on the old homestead in Rockingham with his aunt, Miss Julia A. Clarke ; is num. 44. ii. Harriet Woodbury, b. Aug. 8, 1860; d. Dec. 30, 1902. 45. iii. Charles Timothy, b. Jan. 7, 1862; resides iu Bellows Falls, Vt. 21. Randilla 7 Clark (Jonathan Rogers? Timothy, 6 Ebenezer? Rich- ard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Jan. 26, 1796, and died in Rochester, Vt., Dec. 4, 1870. She was married Nov. 5, 1816, to William Goodno of Rochester, Vt., who was born Dec. 1, 1794. He was son of Caleb and Polly (Shipraan) Goodenough and brother of Daniel Goodnow, who married Abigail Clark, sister of Randilla Clark. Children, born in Rochester, Vt. : 46. i. Sylvester William, 8 b. Dec. 31, 1819; d. May 10, 1873. 47. ii. Olive G., b. Jan. 31, 1821 ; m. Charles F. Hale. 48. iii. Aurora, b. March 10, 1823; m. John Milton Greene. 49. iv. Kittredge Haven, b. Feb. 17, 1826; d. Sept. 12, 1894. 50. v. Owen Jason, b. Jan. 28, 1829; d. April 28, 1851. 51. vi. William Artemas, b. Nov. 20, 1833; d. Nov. 30, 1899. 22. Amy 7 Clark (Jonathan Rogers? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard}) was born in Rockingham, Vt., in 1798, and died in Roch- ester, Vt., in 1838. She married James Morris, son of Chester and Bet- sey Wales Morris, who was born iu Wilbraham, Ct., and removed with his parents in 1804 to Roxbury, Vt., and later to Rochester, Vt. After mar- 26 riage they lived for a few years in Bangor, N. Y. In 1832 they lived in Middlebury, Vt., and afterwards removed to the vicinity of Potsdam or Malone, N. Y. After the death of Mrs. Morris, in 1838, he removed to Ohio and thence to Battle Creek, Mich., where he died. ' Six children : i. Amanda, 8 died when about one year old. ii. Chester Wales, b. in 1825; resided in 1875 in Tiffin, Ohio, un- married. iil. Jedediah Clarke, b. in Bangor, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1827; d. in Roch- ester, Vt., Aug. 10, 1890 ; married by Rev. Geo. S. Guernsey, Sept. 22, 1851, to Lucy Ann Bemis, who was boru in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 25, 1832, and died in Bethel, Vt., Nov. 5, 1888. Children : 1. Jennie Amy 9 b. in Granville, Vt., April 19, 1856; d. in Roches- ter. Vt., June 3, 1880. 2. Carrie Lorraine, b. in Granville, Vt., June 6, 1859; d. in Rochester, Vt., Dec. 4, 1864. 3. Eva Julia, b. in Rochester, Vt., Nov. 2, 1866 ; has contributed this record of her grandmother's family ; m. in Rochester, Oct. 28, 1889, to David M. Fales; children: 1. Blauche Evelyn, 10 b. in Brandon, Vt., Nov. 10, 1890; 2. Edward Clark, b. in Brandon, Vt., Oct. 17, 1892; 3. Bertha Amy, b. in Brandon, Vt., Aug. 19, 1894; 4. Ella Ruth, b. in Rochester, Vt., May 12, 1903. iv. Esther J., d. in Rochester. Vt., May 30, 1S79; ra. first, Carter; one child, Julia, 9 died in Rochester in 1866 ; m. second, Henry Howe of Rochester; three children : 1 . Hattie, 9 m. March 23, 1877, to William Scribuer, and had four children. 2. Mary. 3. Henrietta. v. Charles Greene, b. in Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 1832; in 1876 re- sided iu Battle Creek, Mich., and had one son, Lauren, then 13 years old. vi. Jane Elizabeth, d. iu Orange, Mass., May 18, 1876; m. A. Wilbur Ford. Five children : 1. Wesley A., 9 b. iu Granville, Vt., Oct. 1855; m. first, in Orange, Mass., Nov. 1876, to Ella Howard, who died leaving two children, Howard M., 10 b. Sept. 12, 1877, and Margret E., b. Nov. 22, 1891; m. second, Nov. 11, 1896, to Emma J. Humes. 2. Julius II., b. iu Granville, Vt., April 1, 1858, re- sides iu Orange, Mass. ; m. May 26, 1880, to Ida E. Cheney, and has two children, Susie E., 10 b. Sept. 8, 1882, and Dean W., b. March 14, 1886. 3. Minna, b. in Granville, Vt., June 4, 1860; m. in Orange, Mass., June 3, 1880, to Waldo French; has three children : Ralph W., 10 b. May 11, 1883; Leroy W., b. Feb. 2, 1888; Helen F., b. June 10, 1903. 4. Frank, b. and d. in Granville, Vt. 5. William H., b. in Granville, Vt., Dec. 13, 1865; d. iu Orange, Mass., Dec. 12, 1881. 23. Solon 7 Clark {Jonathan Rogers? Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard* John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., Jan. 26, 1802, and died in Salisbury, Vt., Dec. 2, 1885. He spent his life in Rochester, Hancock, Granville and Salisbury, Vt. He was a man of good ability, character SOLON CLAKK. MK8. RANDILLA (CLABk) GOOIXNO. SOLOMON lillADFOUD CLABK, Son of Daniel Randall. JEDEDIAH CLAKK, Sim of Jonathan Rogers. 27 « and property ; had often held town office and served in the General As- sembly. He was married Aug. 15, 1830, to Harriet E. Patrick, daughter of Joseph Patrick, who was born July, 1808, and died Aug. 19, 1892. Their graves are in the North Hollow Cemetery in Rochester, Vt. Children : i. Elsea Elmea, 8 b. in Rochester, March, 1832; d. March 12, 1833. 52. ii. Betsey Eaton, b. iu Granville, Feb. 27, 1834; m. Lucius D. Le- land. iii. Angeline Adelaide, b. in Rochester, Dec. 31, 1838; d. Aug. 21, 1848. iv. Solon Patrick, b. in Rochester, May 20, 1844; d. Dec. 6, 1867; was a prosperous merchant in Salisbury Village; unmarried. His grave is in Rochester North Hollow. 53. v. Harriet Elvira, b. in Granville, Vt., Sept. 4, 1840; m. Dr. George Rollin Thomas. 24. Jedediah 7 Clark {Jonathan Rogers* Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Rich- ard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt„ Dec. 20, 1804, and died at the home of his son, Col. Albert Clarke, in St. Albans, Vt„ March 27, 1876. He was a farmer and shoemaker. He was an industrious and un- usually uice farmer, a great reader, and possessed a very bright mind, with some taste for music and poetry. At the age of twenty-one he was present at the laying of the corner stone of Bunker Hill Monument, where he saw Lafayette and the Revolutionary Veterans and heard Daniel Webster's Oration. In 1840, he was a member of the Vermont Constitutional Con- vention, and occasionally held town office, but generally preferred private station and devoted himself to the education of his sons and the improve- ment of his farms and stock. He was married in January, 1837, to Mary Woodbury, daughter of Daniel Woodbury. She was a descendant of John Woodbury, of Salem, Mass., who was sent by Governor Endicott on a mission to England. Her mother was also a Woodbury, and her grandfather and great grandfather, both named Peter Woodbury, served in the Worcester County regiment in the Revolutionary Army, the latter as captain. Jedediah Clark and his wife resided in Rochester and Granville, Vt. In April, 1843, they returned from Granville to Rochester and there their sons were brought up and there the mother died, Dec. 7, 1862, while her twin sons, Albert and Almon, were in the army. Children : 54. i. Dean, 8 b. in Royalston, Vt., while his parents were visiting there, Oct. 22, 1837 ; resides in Boston. 55. ii. Albert, b. in Granville, Vt., Oct. 13, 1840; resides in Boston. 56. iii. Almon, b. in Granville, Vt., Oct. 13, 1840; d. in Rensacola, Fla., May 1, 1904. 28 25. Abigail 7 Clark {Jonathan Rogers, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer? Rich- ard* John? Richard 1 ) wa3 born in Rochester, Vt., Feb. 22, 1806, and died there June 5, I860. She was married in Rochester, Sept. 10, 1833, to Daniel Goodnow, who was born in Rochester, Sept. 9, 1809, was edu- cated in the schools of the town, resided there and died there Aug. 26, 1892. They had one child : 57. i. Omri Elverton, 8 b. iu Rochester, Oct. 3, 1836; resides iu Ames, Iowa. 26. Simon 7 Clark {Jonathan Rogers, 6 Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John," Richard 1 ) was born May 24, 1812, and died July 29, 1868. He was a carpenter in Rochester, Middlebury and Salisbury, Vt. He was married May 5, 1833, to Maria Pinney, who was born Jan. 4, 1811, and died Nov. 9, 1867. He was one of the brightest of the family, an excel- lent mechanic and a musician of no mean ability, playing several instru- ments, but preferring the clarinet. He often played with his eldest son, Ovid, who was a violinist of wide local repute and a lifer in the army. Eight children : i. Ovid, 8 b. June 2, 1834; d. Jan. 16, 1893; m. Olive Taylor, of Lei- cester, Vt. He was a musician in the 5th Vermont Volunteers. ii. Lauren W., b. Jan. 22, 1838; m. May 7, 1871, to ; resides in Manchester, Oklahoma. iii. Frances, b. Oct. 4, 1839; d. March 25, 1865. iv. Hayden, b. Sept. 10, 1842 ; d. Jan. 1900. v. Alma J., b. May 20, 1844; m. June 9, 1868, to James C. Hart. Resi- dence, until recently, Watsonville, California; now Manchester, Oklahoma. vi. Jane, b. April 14, 1847; d. Oct. 29, 1847. vii. Jane, b. Dec. 4, 1848; d. Dec. 23, 1852. viii. Ella M., b. March 25, 1851; d. Sept. 1874; m. July 4, 1871, to Frank P. Edgerton. One child, Allie Aurora, 9 b. May 31, 1872; in. Dec. 1, 1S97, to Arthur Almeron Briggs. Residence, Brandon, Vt. Two children, Ella Myrle, 10 b. Dec. 8, 1898 ; Frank Edgerton, b. April 12, 1902. 27. Solomon Bradford 7 Clark {Daniel Randall? Timothy? Eben- ezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., March 12, 1810, and died in Monroe Centre, 111., Jan. 17, 1870. He lived till 1849 in Rochester and Goshen, Vt. ; from 1849 to 1853 in Braintree, Vt., and from 1853 to 1856 in Rochester. He then removed to Monroe Centre, 111., and resided there and in adjoining towns until his death. He was twice married ; first, in 1835, to Emily S. Hoisington, of Alex- ander, N. Y., who died Feb. 6, 1838 ; second, in 1839, to Eliza Ann Hoi- sington, of Alexander, N. Y., who died May 1, 1853. 29 Four children : 58. i. William Adams, 8 b. in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 29, 1836; resides in Monroe Centre, 111. 59. ii. Ervin Elias, b. in Goshen, Vt., Aug. 27, 1839; resides in Delphos, Kansas. 60. iii. Charles DeWitt, b. in Rochester, Vt., Nov. 24, 1841; resides hi Minneapolis, Kansas. iv. Lucius Eaton, b. in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 20, 1843; removed to Illinois with his father in 1856. Enlisted in the Union Array in 12th Illinois Cavalry, and served for some time until discharged for wounds from hospital at Alexandria, Va. He studied medi- cine in Rockford and Chicago, 111., and practised for a time in Sandwich, 111. He d. in Rockford, 111., Dec. 3, 18G9. He m. Frank Fitch of Rockford and had one daughter, who died young. 28. Betsey 7 Eaton (Amy 6 [Clark'] Eaton, Timothy? Ebenezer? Rich- ard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Feb. 17, 1801, and died in Newfield, N. J., March 30, 1885. She was married in Rochester, May 30, 1822, to Harvey Shipman, son of Edmund and Rebecca (Bigelow) Shipman, who was born in Worcester, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1800, and died in Newfiekl, N. J., Aug. 5, 1879. Both Harvey Shipman and his wife were teachers iu early life, and were especially interested to give their children the best schooling within their reach. His regular occupation was farm- ing in Rochester, Granville and Royalton, Vt. After the removal of then- son, Clark B., to Newfield, N. J., in 1868, they lived in a house which they had built on a small piece of land taken from the old farm, until age required a change. In 1876 they removed to Newfield, to live with their daughter, Mrs. Lee, and on his first night's sleep there Mr. Shipman had a stroke from which he never recovered. In his early days he was active in the militia and had the rank of captain. Children : i. Harvey Eaton, s b. in Rochester, Vt., Feb. 7, 1823; d. in Fulton, Wis., Oct. 11, 184G, while on a visit at the home of his father's brother. He had been a school teacher. Was unmarried. ii. Betsey Aurora, b. in Rochester, Vt., April 1, 1825 ; d. in Rochester, Vt., May 7, 1833. 61. iii. Clark Bigelow, b. in Rochester, Vt., June 1, 1831; resides in Lewistown, Montana. iv. William Rollin, b. in Granville, Vt., March 28, 1834; d. in Gran- ville, Vt., March 22, 1836. 62. v. William Rollin, b. in Granville, Vt., May 4, 1836; is Professor of Rhetoric and Logic in Tufts College, Mass., and Dean of the College of Letters. 63. vi. Sarah De Ette, b. in Royaltou, Vt., May 20, 1838; m. Edwin Os- car Lee. vii. Louisa Janette, b. in Royalton, Vt., Jan. 11, 1841; d. iu Roches- ter, Vt., Jan. 18, 1860. 64. i. 65. ii. 66. iii. 67. iv. v. 68. vi. vii 30 29. Harriet 7 Eaton (Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard* John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Hancock, Vt., July 25, 1802, and died in Rochester, Vt, Feb. 13, 1853. She was married, Dec. 4, 1823, to Col. Thomas Brown Martin, of Rochester, who was born in Rochester, Dec. 26, 1800, and died in Stanstead, P. Q., April 11, 1882. He was son of Major Thomas Brown Martin, who was born in 176G and died in Roch- ester, Sept. 3, 1809, and his wife, Nancy Wood, who was born Feb. 10, 1770, and died in Rochester, Oct. 25, 1852. Col. Martin spent most of his life in Rochester. He married, for his second wife, Feb. 2, 1860, Hannah Hubbard Chaf- fee, daughter of Abel and Susannah Thatcher Hubbard and widow of Amos B. D. Chaffee. She was born April 25, 1815, and died Jan. 20, 1871. Children : Mervin, 8 b. Aug. 29, 1S24 ; d. June 3, 1865. Harriett, b. Jan. 6, 1826; m. William True Hubbard. Abigail Alma, b. Feb. 20, 1828; m. Alouzo N. Briggs. Tho.mas Brown, b. Jan. 20, 1830; resides in Hancock, Vt. David Eaton, b. April 5, 1832; d. April 20, 1S75; resided in Roch- ester, where he was employed in a store; was twice married, but had no children. Oscar George, b. Nov. 18, 1834; resides in Rochester, Vt. Eugene Rollin, b. Oct. 3, 1840; d. March 20, 1860. 69. viii. Calphurnia Aurora, b. Sept. 29, 1842; m. John Wesley McDuffee, M.D., of Stanstead, P. Q. ix. Emkroy Orlenna, b. April 16, 1846; m. Feb. 1, 1887, to David Jay Etz, a farmer, who was boru in Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1838. They reside on " Fair View Farm," Mendon, Vt. No children. 30. David 7 Eaton (Amy "'' [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Rich- ard, 5 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 29, 1805, and died in Leicester, Vt., April 18, 1894, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harriet A. Alden, with whom he lived after the death of his wife in 1884. After marriage he settled in Warren, Vt., but in a few years removed to Granville, to care fur his father, who had been stricken with paralysis. He was a prominent citizen, trusted by his townsmen, and was often called upon to settle business controversies and to act as executor or adminis- trator of estates. He represented Granville and Rochester for several years in the Legislature. He was a Whig in politics till the formation of the Republican party, and afterwards a strong Republican, voting for every nominee of the party for the Presidency. His interest in the cause of freedom in Kansas led him to go to that territory at the time of the struggle of 1856 and 1857 and assist in making it a free State. In the spring of 1858, after returning from Kansas, he removed to Champaign Co., 111., and re- sided there for seven years. In 1862, when his sons, Henry A. and Eugene E., serving in the Union Army, were severely wounded in the battle of 31 Gettysburg, he went from Illinois to their assistance, and accompanied them to the hospital at Bedloe's Island, in New York harbor, and then to Brattleboro, Vt., where they were mustered out. They returned with him to Illinois and remained there until their recovery. The younger son was too badly disabled for further service, but the elder son, Henry A., re- enlisted, with his father's approval, and fell in the battle of Poplar Grove Church, Va. The -rest of Mr. Eaton's life, after his return from Kansas, was spent in Hancock, with the exception of about three years in Roches- ter, Vt. He was a Universalist in his religious faith, and assisted in build- ing the Church of that denomination in Rochester. His funeral occurred in the church in Hancock, and he was buried at the side of his wife and near his parents in the burying ground at Rochester North Hollow. He was married in Hancock, Vt., Dec. 27, 1832, to Sarah Elmina Perry, who was born in Westminster, Vt., Feb. 4, 1813, and died in Hancock, Vt., June 17, 1884. Children : 70. i. Elliot David, 8 b. in Warren, Vt., Nov. 22, 1833; resides in Han- cock, Vt. 71. ii. Ellen Sarah, b. in Granville, Vt., May 11, 1835: m. Lyude Earl Farnsworth. iii. An infant son, b. in Granville, Vt., March 9, 1837; d. March 20, 1837. 72. iv. Henry Augustus, b. in Granville, Vt., Nov. 8, 1838; killed at Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30, 1864. 73. v. Eugene Edgar, b. in Rochester, Vt., June 23, 1843; resides in Maiden, Mass. 74. vi. Harriet Adelia, b. in Granville, Vt., Dec. 19, 1845; m. Julius Ward Alden. vii. Julia Annette, b. Nov. 21, 1848; d. Dec. 5, 1848. viii. Clarence Julian, b. in Rochester, Vt., Dec. 30, 1850; d. Sept. 12, 1852. 31. Achsah 7 Eaton (Amy 6 \_Clark~] Eaton, Timothy? Ebenezer? Rich- ard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Jan. 6, 1807 ; died in Hancock, Vt., April 11, 1889 ; married in Westminster, Vt., Jan. 1, 1833, to Bela Ransom Perry, son of John and Lucy (Edgell) Perry, who was born in Westminster, Vt., July 23, 1804, and died in Hancock, Vt., April 7, 1872. He lived in Westminster till his marriage, when he removed to Hancock and settled on the farm on which he lived for the rest of his life. His parents removed to Hancock with him and died there, his father in 1833 and his mother in 1853. Mr. Perry was a quiet man, attentive to his business and not desiring public office. Yet he held various town offices and twice represented the town of Hancock in the Legislature. After his death his widow continued to reside with her eldest son on the family homestead. 32 Three children : 75. i. Mary Luresa," b. in Hancock, Vt., Dec. 16, 1833; m. Dr. Charles Carroll Smith. 76. ii. John Harvey, b. in Hancock, Vt., Sept. 9, 1836 ; resides in South Northfield, Vt. 77. iil. Hiram Riley, b. in Hancock, Vt., Jan. 28, 1842; resides in Han- cock, Vt. 32. Timothy Clakk 7 Eaton (Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timothy? Eben- ezer? Richard? John? -Richard 1 ) was born in Hancock, Vt., April 9, 1809, and died at East Oakland, Cal., June 28, 1883. He entered on his life work at an early age and, as was often the case in those days, with scanty preparation through school or professional study. By what means he was directed to the ministry is not definitely known. Although of active tem- perament, he was less rugged than his brothers ; and there was a tradition in the family that while he was suffering from what long threatened to be a permanent injury, caused by jumping barefoot on a sharp stub, which left fragments of bark in the wound, he made a vow with himself to serve seven years any one who would effect a cure. After many remedies had been tried in vain, he was taken to the celebrated Dr. Twitchell, of Keene, N. 11., who gave him for twenty-live cents a box of ointment that in due time produced a perfect healing and delivered him from the fear of per- manent lameness. The cure was so simple and seemingly so dispropor- tionate to the affliction, that the impressionable boy looked upon it as a miracle and could do no less than pay his vow by entering the Lord's ser- vice. The story sounds like one made to fit the circumstances, for the young preacher's zeal and tireless energy were marvellous. To preach the gospel of God's unfailing and boundless love was his one desire, the service to which all his powers were consecrated. He did not tarry long in his native State, but turned to the great and ever-receding " West." He preached wherever he could get a hearing. If a place afforded sufficient promise, he remained to organize a parish, and perhaps to build a church, always doing missionary work in the surround- ing region. The history of a dozen years or more is implied in the fact that his six children were born in as many parishes and in four States. The death of his wife, in I860, gave new direction to his after labors. She was a woman of rare loveliness, of refined and Christian character, devoted to her husband and children. " She has left a dear husband," says the obituary, " to whom she commended her six dear children for earthly watch-care." Most faithfully did he fulfil the sacred trust. He remained unmarried, and all his subsequent labors in the ministry were chiefly determined by the needs of his children. He returned with most of them to his kindred in Vermont, where for a while they were at school, and he journeyed up 33 and down the State as he found opportunity to preach. The West, how- ever, was their home, and in Illinois, in Iowa, and in Kansas, sometimes on a farm, sometimes in a town, he made a home for them or they for him, until at last he died while on a visit to those who had found their abiding place on the Pacific Coast. The affection with which he was cherished by his children to the close of his life was the imperishable witness and spontaneous return of parental love and devotion. It was through his fine and sensitive nature, through depth and sincerity of feeling, through his exemplification of the " gospel of love," rather than through strong intellectual qualities, that he was sustained for more than fifty years in the Christian ministry. He was not a great preacher, in the ordinary acceptation of the term. He was not born for controversy, al- though he fearlessly declared the doctrine of universal salvation in count- less places where the message was regarded with horror and encountered bitter opposition ; and it may well be that his manner of presenting the new truths was none the less effectual and lasting. Even the tones of his voice, in his best days, were eloquent with appeal and persuasion. Few men were more loving or more beloved. The possibilities of development from such humble beginnings as for many years it was his privilege to establish, may be illustrated by an inci- dent, which at the same time is so characteristic of Mr. Eaton's methods and personality that it may close this account of his interesting half century as a clergyman. In the early years of his ministry, while he was preaching in Chatauqua Co., N. Y., he held service at a place called Salem Cross Roads. He preached from the text: "We love Him because He first loved us," and of course set over against the current belief in the endless punishment of the wicked the doctrine of God's infinite love. At the close of his service a superannuated Methodist preacher in the congregation rose to his feet, trembling with wrath, and said, "That young man is an emissary of the Devil, he is the Devil's preacher, and it is a damnable heresy," with much more of a similar sort. Mr. Eaton made no extended rejoinder, but gave no- tice that he would be there again in four weeks and would preach on the scripture passage that the opponent cited in proof of the doctrine of endless misery. There was present a Methodist class leader with his wife and four sons, from ten years of age down, and this man, after conferring with his wife, at the close of the meeting, invited the preacher to their house to spend the night. There was singing and praying and examining of the scriptures until past midnight, the preacher earnestly praying for greater light and a broader faith and more of the good Master's forgiving mercy and charity. In the morning he sold the class leader several theological books from the stock which he always carried, and when the four boys came to bid him good bye, he left in the hand of each a silver quarter. 34 At the end of the four weeks many people assembled, for it was a neigh- borhood in which opposition to the young preacher's views was intense, and it was thought he would be put down by the venerable clergyman who had previously attacked him. At the close of Mr. Eaton's sermon, how- ever, the opponent, accepting the invitation to reply, instead of considering the arguments that had been advanced, indulged in a half-hour's tirade against the preacher, his denomination, and his doctrines. " He was so abusive," says Mr. Eaton in a letter written forty years afterwards, from which this account is chiefly taken, " that I made no rejoinder, but, asking the congregation to search the scriptures and judge for themselves, was about to close the meeting, when Mr. Pullman" (the class leader before referred to) "rose and requested the privilege of speaking. It soon ap- peared that in four weeks he had advanced far into the light of God's truth. For forty minutes he spoke in a calm, clear voice of the great change in his religious sentiments and of the joy and happiness he experi- enced in a knowledge of the nobler views of God — His moral government, man's duty and final glorious destination. He said it was the happiest period of his life, and the believers in the great salvation were encouraged by his conversion and by the influence he gave to our cause through his unsullied life and example. Under the blessing of God it was a great tri- umph for me to be the humble instrument in His hands of bringing him into our faith, whose sons also were influenced in forming their characters by my labors at that time." The oldest and the youngest of the four sons became eminent preachers in the Universalist denomination, Rev. Royal H. and Rev. James M. Pull- man, D.D. The other sons, Albert and George M., became even more widely known in connection with the palace car. " More than twenty-five years afterwards," continues Mr. Eaton, "I called by appointment at the office in the railroad station, and when I asked if Mr. Pullman was there, he heard my voice and exclaimed, ' I will furnish you with a ticket, for you gave us the first quarter of a dollar we ever had.' " " How much influence I had in introducing the incipient stage of a re- ligious character, or of laying the foundation of the millionaire, I know not. I could refer to many similar instances of persons embracing our faith, but none more significant in its happy influences." The fit conclusion of this long story is a quotation from a letter written by Mr. Eaton from California only a few weeks before his death, in which he speaks of " the crowning excellence of my visit thus far," " the unex- pected happiness of meeting, in San Francisco, Dr. J. M. Pullman and George M. Pullman, whose father's house was ever a welcome house to me in my early ministry," " these good brothers, endeared to me by the ies of unbroken friendship of more than forty years." Contributed by Prof. W. R. Shit-man. 35 Rev. T. C. Eaton was married in Chatauqua Co., N. Y., May, 1839, to Sarah De Ette Nelson, who died in Urbana, 111, March 19, 1860. Six children : i. Julia J., 8 , b. in Fredonia, N. Y., March 13, 1840; d. in Minneapo- lis, Kan., May 29, 1881; m. in Urbana, 111., Sept. 24, 1860, to Jerome B. Hutchinson, liveryman, son of Jonathan and Mary Der- ickson (Aydelott) Hutchinson, who was born in Hamilton, O., Jan., 4, 1829. Residence, Omaha, Neb.. Two children : 1. Mary De Ette, 9 b. in Champaign, 111., Aug. 26, 1864. 2. Charles Eaton, b. in St. Joseph, Mo., July 31, 1867. 78. ii. Charles Herbert, b. in Hancock, Vt., Jan. 1, 1842; resides in Barnard, Nodaway Co., Missouri. iii. Helen C, b. in Newark, 0., Jan. 12, 1844; m. in La Fayette, Ind., June 2, 1870, to Theodore McMechan, dentist, son of Dr. James G. and Eliza (Winton) McMechan, who was born in Dayton, Ind., Dec. 19, 1841, and died in Crawfordsville, Iud., Dec. 17, 1895. Residence, Crawfordsville, Iud. One child : Maud, 9 b. in Craw- fordsville, Iud., July 14, 1872. 79. iv. Joseph Colville, b. in Marietta, O., Dec. 31, 1847; resides in Oak- land, Cal. 80. v. Emma De Ette, b. in McConnelsville, O., June 2, 1850; m. "William Clay Price, vi. Grace Nelson, b. in Crawfordsville, Ind., April 2, 1857; m. at Ottumwa, Iowa, Oct. 8, 1875, to Walter David Crawford, a rail- road conductor, who was born in Business Corner, Iowa, Oct. 24, 1853. He is son of Dr. James Crawford, who died in December, 1879, and Candace Crawford, who died in October, 1902. Both parents are supposed to have been born in Ohio. Children: 1. Clyde Clark, 9 b. in Ottumwa, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1877. 2. Charles Eaton, b. in Trenton, Mo., April 19, 1886 ; d. in San Rafael, Cal., Dec. 9, 1900. 33. Abigail 7 Eaton (Amy* \_Giar¥\ Eaton, Timothy*' Ebenezer, 4 JRich- ard, 3 John 2 Richard 1 ) was born April 15, 1811 and died May — 1859. She married ■ Marshall Martin, brother of Thomas B. Martin, who married her sister Harriet. He was born in 1809; was a farmer in Han- cock, Vt. ; and died in 1844, as the result of an injury received in moving a building. Children : 81. i. Homer Marshall, 8 b. in Rochester, Vt., Oct. 14, 1833; resides in Thetford, Vt. 82. ii. Carlos Roscoe, b. June 29, 1835; d. in Foo Chow, China, Sept. 6, 1864. iii. Timothy Clark, b. March 22, 1837; d. unm. in 1865. iv. Lucius Eaton, b. Jan. 13, 1S39; drowned June 10, 1861, in Connec- ticut River, while attending the Methodist Seminary in Newbury, Vt. v. Adelaide Achsah, b. March 30, 1841 ; resides in Middlebury, Vt. unmarried. 36 vi. Alma Abigail, b. March 30, 1841 ; d. at the age of six months. 83. vii. Alma Abigail, b. in Granville, Vt., June 4, 1842 ; m. George Henry Kendall. 84. viii. David Thomas, b. July 26, 1844 ; resides in Columbus, Neb. /.. 34. Lucius' Eaton (Ami/ 6 [Clark~] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Rich- ard* John," Richard 1 ) was born in Hancock, Vt., August 7, 1814, and died in Philo, 111., March 10, 1880. He was an ardent admirer of the Trans- cendental School of authors and lived for three months with the Commu- nity at Brook Farm, in West Roxbury, Mass. Later he joined the asso- ciation known as the "North American Phalanx," in Monmouth County, N. J., and lived there for eight years before and after his marriage. In the fall of 1854 he removed to Champaign County, 111., of which he was one of the pioneers, and lived to see the prairie developed into a garden spot, the abode of peace and plenty. His occupation was that of black- smith, mechanical engineer and farmer. He was useful in his day and generation, upright, warm-hearted and progressive, always ready to lend a hand to those in need and greatly beloved by Lis children, kindred and friends. He was twice married, first in New York City, Dec. 23, 1848, by Rev. Thomas L. Harris, pastor of the First Christian Church, to Lucy Cleveland, daughter of Er and Polly (Hanley) Cleveland, who was born in Hector, N. Y., and died in Philo, 111., June 11, 1865; second, in Ur- bana, 111., Aug. 14, 1866, to Catherine Elizabeth Plympton, daughter of Joseph and Betsey Plympton, who was born in East Boylston, Mass., Aug. 7, 1829, and died in Philo, 111., March 25, 1881. Children of Lucius and Lucy (Cleveland) Eaton : 85. i. Herbert, 8 b. at North American Phalanx, Monmoutb Co., N. J., Oct. 14, 1849; resides in Raymond Township, 111. 86. ii. Ernest, b. in North American Phalanx, Feb. 9, 1851 ; d. at Norman, Oklahoma Territory, April 20, 1900. 87. iii. Edith, b. at North American Phalanx, Sept. 1, 1S53; m. Isaac Stuart Raymond. 88. iv. Ada Mary, b. in Philo, 111., Oct. 12, 1856; m. Ralph Allen. Children of Lucius and Catherine Elizabeth (Plympton) Eaton : v. Caroline, b. in Philo, 111., June 2, 1868 ; d. in Philo, 111., March 21, 1869. 89. vi. Lucy Maria, b. in Philo, 111., Feb. 21, 1871; m. William Michael Hanson. 35. THEoniiLUS Flagg 7 Clark (Jedediah, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer^ Rich- ard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., July 17, 1807, and died in Bridgewater, Vt., Nov. 1 1, 1871. AVhen about 1 1 years of age he removed with his parents to Roxbury, Vt. He was a farmer in Roxbury, and after 1843 in Bridgewater. He was married in 1836 to Mary Ann Taylor, who was born in Cavendish, Vt., June 18, 1813, and died in Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 8, 1881. 37 Their children were : 90. i. Francis Gray, 8 b. April 17, 1838; resides in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ii. Charles Flagg, b. Nov. 2, 1839 ; a farmer in Cavendish, Vt. ; m. Victoria Adams of Cavendish ; no children. iii. Eliza Jane, b. May 10, 1843 ; d. Sept. IS, 1854. iv. Ann Elizabeth, b. March 23, 1848; d. Sept. 9, 1881. v. Walter Theophilus, b. March 15, 1859; a farmer in Bolker, No. Dakota; m. Cora Russell ; no children. vi. Ella Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1862; m. Stone and resides in Bran- don, Vt. ; no children. 36. Leonard Elliott 7 Clarke (Jedediah, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Rich- ard, 3 John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., March 7, 1811, and died in Hermon, N. Y., Aug., 24, 1876. He was married in 1834, to Calista M. Warner, who was born in Williamstown, Vt, Jan. 25, 1808, and died in Hermon, N. Y., April 28, 1893. She was daughter of Luther Warner (born in Putney, Vt., Oct. 25, 1772, died 1849) and Content (Scott) Warner, (born in Putney, Vt., April 29, 1775, died May 29, 1837). Leonard E. Clarke was a farmer in Roxbury, Vt., for a few years after his marriage, then removed to De Kalb, N. Y., and about 1850 to Her- mon, N. Y., where he spent the rest of his life as a farmer. He served for a long time during the war of the Rebellion in the 142d New York regiment. Children : 91. i. Elliott Allen, 8 b. in Roxbury, Vt., Jan. 3, 1835; resides in Her- mon, N. Y. 92. ii. Ethan Alphonso, b. in Roxbury, Vt., Dec, 4, 1836; resides in Hermon, N. Y. 93. iii. Dayton Perry, b. in De Kalb, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1840; resides in Montpelier, Vt. iv. Laura Maria, b. in De Kalb, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1846; resides in Her- mon, N. Y. ; unmarried. 37. Ecenezer Bradford 7 Clark (Jedediah, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard 3 John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., May 2, 1814, and died in De Kalb Junction, N. Y., June 7, 1887. He was a farmer in Roxbury, Vt., whither his parents had removed about 1818. In 1848 or '49 he removed to the State of New York and lived for many years on a farm in Canton hi that State. He was married in November, 1837, to Rosina Spalding, who was born in Roxbury, Vt., Feb. 6, 1820, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emeline Poole, hi North Russell, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1899. .Children : 94. i. Alonzo Bradford,* 5 b. in Roxbury, Vt., Dec. 28, 1839; resides in Cleveland, O. ii. Edgar S., b. in Roxbury, Vt., March 9, 1844; enlisted with his brother, Alonzo B., in the 142d New York Vol. Inf. and died of typhoid pneumonia in Nelson Hospital, Yorktown, Va., June 11, 1863. 38 95. iii. Emeline, b. in Roxbury, Vt., March 26, 1847; m. Joseph Poole, iv. Lemuel M., b. in Canton, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1855; resides in De Kalb Junction, N. Y. ; is a manufacturer of sash, doors, blinds, mould- ings, etc., and a dealer in lumber. 38. Jedediah Stearns 7 Clark (Jedediah, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer.* Rich- ard* John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rockingham, Vt., March 31, 1816, and died in Parishville, N. Y., July 28, 1882. He removed with his parents to Roxbury, Vt., about 1818. In 1841 he removed to Hermon, St. Law- rence County, N. Y., and lived there as a farmer until 1870, when he moved to Norwood, N. Y. There he kept a grocery store and also car- ried on a farm till 1875, when he retired from active business and removed to Parishville, N. Y., where he spent the rest of his life. He was a man of strong religious faith from his youth, and a member of the Baptist Church in Hermon. His wife was a member of the First Baptist Church of Parishville. He was married March 17, 1841, to Charlotte A. Mott, daughter of Abraham and Charlotte (Smith) Mott, who was born near Berkshire, Vt., March 29, 1822. They had six children, five of whom were born in Her- mon, N. Y., and the youngest, Harold S., in Canton, N. Y. Children : Jason Almeron, 8 b. May 23, 1842; d. May 23, 1901. Simeon Levondo, b. May 11, 1844; resides in Parishville, N. Y. Floha Amelia, b. Nov. 16, 184S ; m. Dr. Henry T. Hammond. Charlotte Florence, b. Dec. 18, 1851; d. Oct. 3, 1893; m. Simon Myers, of Norwood, N. Y. One child, Blanche, 9 b. Oct. 22, 1882 ; a school teacher in Norwood, v. Harriet Elizabeth, b. May 1, 1S56; d. Dec. 2, 1894; m. Fred C. Royal of Chicago, 111. Three children, Harry 3 and Jessie, living with their father in Chicago, and a child who died iu infancy. 99. vi. Harold Stearns, b. July 15, 1859 ; resides in Parishville, N. Y. 39. Simeon Tyler 7 Clark (Jedediah,* Timothy, 5 Ebenezerf Richard, 3 John," 1 Richard 1 ) was born in Roxbury, Vt., Oct. 28, 1822, and died in Potsdam, N. Y., July 19, 1887. He was a Union soldier and served for a long time in the 92d New York Infantry. He was a chairmaker by trade. He married Rebecca B. Wilson, who was born Feb. 15, 1826, and died April 18, 1878. Five children : i. Clifton, 8 died in infancy. ii. Sarah, died in infancy. iii. Harlie, b. Feb. 12, 1855; d. in Norwood, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1896; in. Elizabeth Potter of Norwood. One child, Ernest B. 9 , b. June 24, 1883 ; resides in Potsdam, N. Y. iv. Nellie B., d. in Potsdam, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1895, aged 26; unmar. v. Boyd, resides in Potsdam, N. Y, ; married; no children. 96. i. 97. ii. 98. iii. iv. EIGHTH GENERATION. 40. Silas Anderson 8 Clarke (Silas, 1 Timothy? Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Windham, Vt.. June 17, 1826. He resides in Passaic, New Jersey, where he is Clerk of the Passaic Dis- trict Court. He writes that his education was " mostly in country com- mon schools in the States of Vermont aud New Hampshire," and that his occupations in life have been " largely with mercantile and manufacturing businesses in Massachusetts, New York State and New Jersey." He was married in Manchester, N. H., Nov. 9, 1858, to Lorinda Alver- son, daughter of Simon and Lucretia Alverson, who was born in Bombay, N. Y., May 30, 1834. Children : i. Martha H., 9 b. in Methuen, Mass., Sept. 1, 1859; d. Nov. 13, 1859. ii. Henry Wilder, b. in Ipswich, Mass., March 20, 1862; has spent most of his life in Passaic, N. J. ; since July, 1894, has lived three years in Newark, N. J., and nearly seven years in Bloomfield, N. J. ; is employed iu a clerical capacity in New York; with his wife is a member of the Episcopal Church; m. at Succasunna, N. J., July 17, 1894, to Bertha Lee Thompson, daughter of William Clarke and Emma Caroline Thompson, who was born in Ralston- ville, N. J., Dec. 30, 1867. Children: 1. Henry Clifford, 10 born in Newark, N. J.. Oct. 25, 1895. 2. Homer Thompson, b. in Newark, N. J., Aug. 12, 1897. 3. Howard Arthur, b. in Bloomfield, N. J., Oct. 20, 1899. 4. Warren Alverson, b. in Bloomfield, N. J., Feb. 2G, 1902. iii. Harriet Alverson, b. in Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 29, 1863; m. at Passaic, N. J., Sept. 26, 1895, to Rev. Warren Roberts Neff, son of John and Christiana Neff, who was b. in Boonville, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1865; removed to Passaic, April, 1866; educated there in public schools (1871-79) ; employed as clerk in a manufacturing concern in Passaic (1879-89) ; further educated at Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J. (1889-'91), and in Wesleyan Uni- versity, Middletown, Conn., (1891-'95) ; admitted to membership in Newark Annual Conference of Methodist Episcopal Church, April, 1895 ; has been stationed as pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Milford, Pa. (April, 1895— April, 1900), of the Browne Memorial M. E. Church at Jersey City, N. J.), (April, 1900— April, 1904) and of the De Groot M. E. Church at Newark, N. J., April, 1904. One child : Warren Herbert, 10 b. in Milford, Pa. , July 3, 1898. 40 iv. Warren Everett, b. in Methuen, Mass., June 20, 1870; m. at Pas- saic, N. J., Oct. 21, 1895, to EttaL. Watson, daughter of Benjamin S. aud Louise Watson, who was born in Passaic, N. J., July 20, 1872. One child: Everett Watson, 10 b. at Passaic. N. J., Jan. 23, 1897. 41. David Everett 8 Clarke (Silas, 7 Timothy, 6 Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Windham, Vt., Oct. 19, 1827. After the death of his father, in 1831, he went to live with his grandfather, Timothy Clark, at Saxton's River Village. In May, 1846, he entered the employment of H. A. Newhall, a dry goods' merchant, in Concord, N. H. In 1852 he began business in Concord for himself and continued in business there as proprietor till 1890, when he retired from active work. He has resided in Concord since entering business, in 1846, and is highly esteemed there for his culture, his bright wit and his genial and hospitable disposition. His favorite pastime for many years has been the game of checkers, of which he is an expert player. He was married Nov. 15, 1853, to Henrietta Sarah Clarke, daughter of Dr. Charles and Hannah F. (Ober) Clarke of Townsend, Vt., who was born Dec. 29, 1833. Five children, all born iu Concord : i. Charles Everett, 9 b. Nov. 13, 1857; d. Aug. 3, 1801. ii. George Haven, b. June 6, 1859 ; educated in public schools of Con- cord ; then went into the dry goods' business with his father and became a partner. Finally decided to study medicine and gradu- ated from Tufts College Medical School, in Boston, in the class of 1902 and is now in practice in Allston, Mass. While in college was president of his class in Senior year, chaplain two years and once president of the Medical School fraternity, Alpha Kappa Kappa; unmarried. iii. Henrietta Burke, b. Feb. 11, 1861 ; m. as his second wife William W. Bemis, of Boston, whose first wife was Hannah Agnes Clarke, daughter of Dr. Charles Clarke of Townsend, Vt. [See No. 17.] iv. Emily Ann, b. June 20, 1863 ; resides with her parents in Concord. v. Helen Currier, b. Aug. 22, 1868. 42. Martha Abigail 8 Clarke (Silas, 7 Timothy? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born March 29, 1830. She was married in Concord, N. H., in 1851, to Erastus George of Fisherville, N. H. Her husband died about 1862, and she afterwards lived in Concord. She died Oct. 13, 1878. Two children : i. Ellen Mather, 9 b. in Warner, N. H., in 1852 ; m. in Nashua, N. H., Sept. 1, 1870, to James Albert Shattuck of Concord, N. H. She resides in Newburyport, Mass. I>AVII> EVERETT CLARKE. FRANCIS GRAY CLARK. MISS HARRIET WOODHURY CLARKE. WILLIAM ADAMS CLARK. CAPT. DAYTON P. CLARKE. 41 ii. Erastus Baldwin, b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., May 14, 185G. After the death of his father he removed with his mother and sister to Concord, N. H. From the age of ten to eighteen he lived with an uucle in Westminster, Vt. ; then was employed as clerk in a store in Concord, N. H., for two years. He was then a salesman in Boston till 1879 ; was in Chicago from 1879 to 1883, and then entered the employment of Jordan, Marsh & Co., in Boston, re- maining with them for twenty years. In 1903 he entered the em- ployment of R. H. Stearns & Co., in Boston, and still remains with them. He was m. Nov. 25, 1885, to Miss Emma Elizabeth Tessler of Boston. 43. Charles Wayland 8 Clarke ( Charles? Timothy, 6 Timothy, 5 Eb- enezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Townsend, Vt., Oct. 6, 1840. He was educated in the Leland and Gray Seminary. In January, 1859, he removed to Concord, N. H., and in April, 1859, entered the store of Clarke & Currier, dealers in dry goods and shoes. In 1868 he bought out a boot and shoe business and entered into business for himself. He is still the head of the firm of C. W. Clarke & Son, one of the oldest firms on Main Street, Concord. For twenty-six years he has been deacon and for the past twenty years clerk of the Pleasant Street Baptist Church. He received a good musical education and was organist of the Church for many years. He has been a mason since 1862 and a member of the Eu- reka Lodge. He was married May 1, 1865, to Clara Francis Browne, who was born in Concord, N. H, March 24, 1841. Children : i. Charles Browne, 9 b. in Concord, April 17, 1870; educated in the public schools of Concord, and after graduating entered his father's stox^e and is now a member of the firm. He is a member of the Eureka Lodge of Free Masons and is a member of the Board of State Game and Fish Commissioners. He has been twice married : first, Nov. 11, 1888, to Mary S. Abbott. Children : 1. Buth™ b. July 4, 1890. 2. Charles Franklin, b. Sept. 27, 1893; d. Sept. 29, 1898. Second, April 4, 1901, to lone Emily Bell, who was b. April 4, 1879. ii. Sarah Hannah, b. in Concord, April 2, 1873; m. Nov. 28, 1895, to Fred Wharton Dudley of Concord, who was b. Aug. 27, 1873. Mr. Dudley is Superintendent of the Concord District of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York. 44. Harriet Woodbdry s Clarke {Albert? Timothy? Timothy? Eb- enezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born near Saxton's River Village, Vt., Aug. 8, 1860, and died Dec. 30, 1902, at the homestead of her grand- father, Timothy Clark, where she was born. She early manifested an unusual musical talent. She spent her girl- hood on the homestead farm and there drew inspiration from the sounds of 42 nature, the songs of the birds and the murmur of the brook flowing through the valley near by. At a very early age she would sing the popular melody " Dixie," with surprising strength and correctness. At the age of nine she began singing in the choir of the Baptist Church at Saxton's River, standing on a pedestal made of hymn books. Even then, in her solo work, her voice was remarkable for its purity and sweetness of tone. Her talents as a singer made her widely known through the region where she spent her youth. Later years of hard study in Boston and elsewhere followed. Testimonials from many of the best artists in New England and other parts of the country speak in the highest terms of her ability as a singer. At musical festivals and conventions she was a well known favorite and will long be remembered for her clear, perfectly cultivated and admirably true, sweet voice. From 1888 to 1898 she was soprano in the choir of the First Unitarian Church, Walnut Street, Brookline, Mass., doing much concert work in the meantime. She was a member of the famous Cecilia Club of Boston, and at their rehearsals she was occasionally assigned as soloist. Her voice blended so perfectly with that of her choir contralto, Miss Ellen Louise Woodbury, that they were long inseparable and were chums. Miss Wood- bury is now a director of music in the Boston public schools. Miss Clarke's sunny disposition and personal attractiveness won for her a wide circle of friends. Being naturally of a frail physique, her health became impaired. An attack of pneumonia left her lungs in such a weak condition that she sought the climate of Colorado, where she sojourned two years, followed by a winter in Florida. But her decline continued and, yearning for the old home and friends, she insisted on returning to Saxton's River, where she quietly fell asleep at the home which she so dearly loved, beloved and mourned by all who knew her. 45. Charles Timothy 8 Clarke (Albert," Timothy? Timothy? Eben- ezerf Richard? John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born near Saxton's River Village, Vt., Jan. 7, 1862. He spent his boyhood on the family homestead with his father and was educated in the public schools of Rockingham. At the age of nineteen he went to Boston and entered a private hospital, a branch of the Massachusetts General Hospital. He was connected with this insti- tution for five years, and soon after leaving it began the study of the profes- sion of dentistry. He was in the dental office of Kidder & Breed, in Bos- ton, for a short time and later with Dr. A. J. Parker of Bellows Falls, Vt. In 1886 he entered the Boston Dental College, now known as the Tufts Dental College, and in 1888 began the practice of dentistry in his native town. He has continued in active practice to the present time with the exception of one year spent in Massachusetts and on the coast of Maine, and is now settled in Bellows Falls, with a branch office in Walpole, N. H. BLANCHE ACiNES BEMIS. KI.OKENCE TRACY BEMIS. MARION HEKTIIA CLAKKE. MARIE WOODBURY CLARKE. GRACE MARTHA GOODNO. AL15KRT CI.AKKK liOODNOW. GEORGE NICHOLS GOODNOW. HAROLD DEAN KENT. MILDRED ARLINE KENT. 43 He was married in Providence, R. L, Aug. 16, 1886, to Mina Amerette Steadman, daughter of Dr. John Abraham Steadman, of Moncton, New Brunswick, a Baptist clergyman and later a practising physician in George- town, Maine. She was born in Wolfville, Arcadia, Feb. 6, 1860. Their children are : i. Marion Hertiia, 9 b. in Saxton's River, Vt., on the old homestead, Feb. 22, 1890. ii. Marie Woodbury, b. in Alstead, N. H., Jan. 21, 1895. 46. Sylvester William 8 Goodno (Randilla'' [Clark'] Goodno, Jona- than Rogers, 6 Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard, 6 John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Dec. 31, 1819, and died in Granville, Vt., May 10, 1873. He was a farmer in Rochester and Granville, Vt., and also carried on a saw mill. He was married, March 25, 1841, to Cynthia Lovinia Geer, daughter of Elias and Lovinia (Paul) Geer, who was born in Wells, Vt, Aug. 22, 1819, and died in Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 10, 1894. Eight children, the three eldest of whom, Vanlora De Etta, William Harrison and Henry Ransome, died young and the three following were named for them : i. Vanlora De Etta, 9 b. in Rochester, Vt., Aug. 29, 1852 ; m. May 7, 1872, to Albert Hill; resides in Keene, N. H. Two children: 1. Eva Blanche™ b. Nov. 10, 1875; d. Feb. 12, 1877. 2. Maude Winona, b. Nov. 12, 1880; m. Nov. 16, 1901, to George W. Cav- erly, of Keene, N. H. ii. William Harrison, b. in Rochester, Vt., Jan. 3, 1854; resides in Montpelier, Vt. He has been twice married: first, Jan. 1, 1880, to Mary Blair, by whom he had one child, Fred Harris, 10 b. Nov. 25, 1S80; and, after her death, second, Nov. 3, 1884, to Lizzie Gee, by whom he has nine children : 1. Floyd Eastman, b. Aug. 27, 1885; 2. Raymond William, b. Aug. 13, 1890; 3. Beryl Bamona, b. May 9, 1892 ; 4. Sylvester Alberton, b. Dec. 19, 1893 ; 5. Ned, b. Aug. 19, 1895; 6. Viola Gfeneive, b. March 5, 1897; 7. William Earle, b. May 25, 1899; 8. Mary Alice, b. Jan. 8, 1901; 9. Richard Francis, b. Oct. 10, 1904. iii. Henry Ransome, b. in Granville, Vt., Nov. 26, 1856; d. in Water- bury, Vt., March 12, 1899; uuniarried. His illness aud death were caused by over work while securing an education. iv. Viola Josephine, b. in Granville, Vt., Nov. 23, 1862; resides in Montpelier, Vt. ; m. Oct. 27, 1879, to Clark E. Billings. One child, Earle Leslie, 10 b. Sept. 7, 1881. v. Jennie Geneive, b. in Granville, Vt., Sept. 9, 1867; resides in Montpelier, Vt. ; m. Bingham Marvin. Two children: 1. Mer- rill Morton, 10 b. March 2, 1897. 2. Viola Alice, b. March 22, 1901. 47. Olive G. 8 Goodno (Randilla 1 [Clark'] Goodno, Jonathan Rogers? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., 44 Jan. 31, 1821, and died in Stowe, Vt., Feb. 20, 1902. She was married, Oct. 2o, 1841, to Charles F. Hale, a farmer, in Stowe, Vt., who was born in Tunbridge, Vt., Sept. 22, 1815, and died in Stowe, Aug. 20, 1897. They resided, after marriage, in Stowe. Children : i. Adelaide D. 9 , b. June 19, 1S42; m. to Orlo C. Perkins, a farmer in Stowe, Vt. She d. in Roseburg, Oregon, April 19, 1882. ii. George A., b. Oct. 16, 184:J ; d. March 23, 1889; a farmer; m. Helen Owen, iii. Randella O., b. March 28, 1848; a milliner in Amherst, Mass.; m. Aug. 20, 1880, to Mirick N. Spear, iv. Owen C, b. May 21, 1853; a contractor and builder in Chicago; married. v. Isabella M., b. Juue 10, 1855; d. March, 1898. 48. Aurora 8 Goodno (R 7 [Clark] Goodno. Jonathan Hor/crs, 6 Timothys Ebenezer* Richard* John, 2 Richard}) was bora in Rochester, Vt., March 10, 182;!, and died July 25, 1890. She was married Feb. 24, L846, to John Milton Greene, son of Charles and Lois (Hall) Greene, who was born in Pittsfield, Vt., March 9, 1820. He is a farmer and now resides in Randolph, Vt. They had ten children, the eldest of whom was born in Pittsfield, Vt., and the remaining nine in Rochester, Vt. Children : i. Alphonzo M., 9 b. March 7. 1847; d. Nov. 18, 1848. ii. Ransom Alphonzo, b. Oct. 11, 1818; educated in Randolph State Normal School and St. Lawrence University: is a Universalist clergyman in Lowell. Mass., where he has been pastor since 1877. He was married Oct. 18, 1875, fco Hattie M. Clifford. They have one child, Vernon Lorenzo} b. July 5, 1890. iii. Romanzo Eliot, b. March 22, 1850; d. July 17, 1883. He was a fanner in Granville, Vt. He was married May 7, 1874, to Mary E. Ball, who now- resides in Bethel, Vt. They had one child, Edith Mary, 10 b. July 21, 1S75. iv. Lorenzo M., b. Oct. 14, 1852; educated in Randolph State Normal School and Vermont University ; a physician in Bethel, Vt. ; State Senator from Windsor County, Vt., and Secretary of Board of Supervisors of Insane; m. April 2, 1873, to Ella Durkee. Two children: 1. Harley 31.}° b. May 10, 1874. 2. Otto V., b. May 14, 1880; educated in Vermont University and Baltimore Medical School; a physician in Bethel, Vt. ; m. Feb. 24, 1904, to Kathe- rine Bascom. v. Lovinzo L., b. Sept. 9, 1854; educated in Randolph State Normal School and St. Lawrence University; a Universalist clergyman in Hudson, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 15, 1879, to Jennie Martin. One child, Bansom A. 10 , b. June 5, 1881 ; educated in Vermont University and Baltimore Medical School; a physician in Palmer, Mass. Is Assistant Surgeon in Massachusetts Hospital for Epileptics in Palmer. 45 vi. Olin D., b. Sept. 21, 1856; educated in Randolph State Normal School and Vermont University ; a physician in Bethel, Vt. ; m. March 4, 1879, to Emma Bell. One child, Mabelle S. 10 b. Feb. 28, 1880. vii. Orlix R., b. June 9, 1858 ; a farmer in Randolph, Vt. ; m. Dec. 26, 1882, to Edna Morse. Two children : 1. Aurora, 10 b. March 29, 1891 ; d. May 26, 1891. 2. Ethel, b. July 14, 1896. viii. Omri E., b. May 19, 1860; a farmer in Glen Cove, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 1, 1885, to Isie Chadwick. Two children : 1. Karl E., 1 " b. Aug. 13, 1888. 2. Loren C, b. June 12, 1903. ix. Geraldine 0.,b. March 13, 1863; d. Oct. 19, 1900; m. June 30, 1883, to Frank Twitchel. One child, Hattie L., w b. July 29, 1885 ; d. June 1, 1900. x. Nettie A., b. April 2, 1865 ; m. Feb. 8, 1887, to Bert D. Chadwick. 40. Kittredge Haven 8 Goodno (Randilla 7 [ Clark] Goodno, Jona- than Rogers, 6 Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Feb. 17, 1826, and died Sept. 12 2 1894. He was a farmer in Rochester. He was married Sept. 12, 1854, to Anna E. Eaton. Children : i. Addie E. 9 m. Sept. 5, 1877, to Edward S. Whittaker, of Rutland, Vt., now Deputy Sheriff of Rutland County. They have two chil- dren, Earl C., 10 b. April 13, 1884, and Anna Marian, b. Sept. 3, 1S87. ii. Owes, d. Sept. 14, 1889, aged 32 ; m. Angie Slack of Norwich, iii. Samuel, d. Sept. 28, 1861, aged 3 years. 50. Owen Jason 8 Goodno {Randilla'' [_ Clark] Goodno, Jonathan Rogers? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Roch- ester, Vt., Jan. 28, 1829, and died April 28, 1851. He was a farmer in Rochester. His early death was caused by rheumatism of the heart. He was married in Rochester, Vt., Feb. 2, 1850, to Annis Geer, who was born in Wells, Vt., Nov. 26, 1829, and died Nov. 11, 1900. After ber husband's death, she married, May 24, 1857, Azel Falkenbury of Whitehall, N. Y., who is still living at the age of 84 years. By her second husband she had two children, Nellie, born in 1867, and Smith, born Jan. 23, 1878, died April, 1879. Annis Geer was sister of Cynthia Geer, who married Sylvester Goodno. Owen J. and Annis Goodno had one child : i. Edna A., 9 b. in Rochester, Vt., Jan. 7, 1851; ra. in Rochester, April 15, 1871, to Otis H. Chadwick, a farmer, of Hancock, Vt. In 18,74 they removed to Whitehall, N. Y., and now live in Sandy Hill/N. Y. Five children : 1. Frank C., 10 b. March 13,1872; a stationary fireman in the Union Bag and Paper Factory, in Sandy Hill; unmarried. 2. Jennie E., b. Sept. 29, 1875; unmarried. 3. Owen J., b. Sept. 12, 1878; a fireman in Union Bag and Paper Factory, Sandy Hill; in. Feb, 22, 1897, to Amy Hills of Granville, Vt. ; three children ; Harold, 11 aged 6 years ; Marion, aged 2 years, and Edna, aged two months. 4. Annis M., b. June 9, 1880; m. 46 June 11, 1898, at Whitehall, to Truman Barber of Granville, Vt. ; d. March 19, 1899. One child, Beatrice A., 11 b. March 17, 1899; lives with her graudmother in Sandy Hill. 5. Boy A., b. Jan. 24, 1890. 51. William Artemas 8 Goodno (Randilla 7 [ ClarJc~\ Goodno, Jonathan Rogers* Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard^'was born in Roch- ester, Vt., Nov. 20, 1833, and died Nov. 30, 1899. He was a farmer in Rochester. He married, Oct. 15, 1855, Martha E. Thatcher of Granville, Vt. Three children : i. Mary Olean, 9 b. Dec. 6, 1856; unmarried. ii. Dana Orlin, b. Sept. 25, 1858; a druggist and dentist in Rochester, Vt. ; m. Jan. 22, 1890, to May Belle Austin, of Rochester. One child: Grace Martha, 10 b. Dec. 13, 1892. iii. Almon Elverton, b. April 19, 1877; a fanner in Rochester, Vt. ; unmarried. ~rl. Betsey Eaton 8 Clarke (Solon, 1 Jonathan Rogers? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., Feb. 27, 1834. She resides in West Salisbury, Vt. She has given a farm to the town of Rochester for a poor farm and a tract of land in Salisbury for the benefit of the public library. She was married in January, 1867', to Lucius D. Leland, son of Clemous Leland, of Chester, Vt., who was born August 2G, 1822, and died suddenly in his dooryard, Nov. 26, 1890. Children : i. Solon Patrick, 9 !). Dec. ^27, 1868; is a successful farmer on the home farm in West Salisbury, Vt. He was m. Jan. 28, 1903, to Mrs. Effle Thomas, ii. Harriet Alzlna, b. Oct. 3, 1873; m. Oct. 13, 1892, to Fred. L. Kent. They reside in Randolph, Vt., where he is a mechanic. Children: 1. Harold £>.'", b. May 16, 1894. 3. Mildred A., b. Sept. 2, 1897. 53. Harriet Elvira 8 Clarke (Solon? Jonathan Rogers? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., Sept. 4, 1840, and died in Moukton, Vt., May 12, 1883. She was married, June, 1869, to Dr. George Rollin Thomas of Bristol, Vt. Dr. Thomas has retired from practice and carries on a large dairy farm in Monkton Ridge, Vt. He is son of George and Caroline (Barnum) Thomas and was born in Monkton, Vt., Sept. 18, 1840. He was married, second, to Mrs. Ellen L. Finney. Children : . i. George Clark, 9 b. in Monkton, Vt., Aug. 20, 1874; a farmer in Monkton; m. Nov. 16, 1898, to Ruth Octavia Lane. Two sons, ii. John W., b. in Monkton, Vt., Sept. 27, 1878; unmarried; lives with his father. 47 54. Dea.n 8 Clarke (Jedediah, 1 Jonathan Rogers, 6 Timothy , 5 Ebenezer* Richard* John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Royalton, Vt., Oct. 22, 1837. After receiving an academical education in Rochester and Randolph, he studied medicine at the Medical College in Castletou, Vt., and at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. But he was prevented by ill health from graduating and has never practised. He resided for many years on the Pacific Coast and has since lived in Boston, engaged in literary pursuits. His health has always been delicate. He has been twice married : first, in Sudbury, Vt., in 1863, to Harriet Horton Bardy, who died after some years, and, second, in Paw Paw, Mich., to Jennie S. Shilling, who has since died. He has had no children. Early in life Mr. Clarke became interested in the phenomena and phi- losophy of Spiritualism and was for many years a popular lecturer on the subject. Ill health compelled him to abandon speaking, but he has con- tinued to write at intervals. He Las occasionally acted as associate editor of the " Banner of Light," in Boston. During his life he has had many discussions, usually with clergymen, and has always emerged with credit. His writings embrace many poems, mostly ethical and spiritual, but he has never collected them in a volume. One of them, a song on " The Old North Hollow," appears in this record, having been sung at the dedica- tion of the Memorial to Timothy Clark. He was generally regarded by his fraternity as a leading exponent of their cult ; was chosen as State Missionary by the Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania State Associations, and by the National Association to represent it at an international congress assembled in Paris under the aus- pices of the Universal Exposition of 1900, to which he went. His lecture tours extended over thirty-seven of the States and into British Columbia, and, although his cause was not a popular one, he was everywhere treated with courtesy by the secular press, whose editors often interviewed him and reported his lectures or opened their columns to his prose and poetical con- tributions. His articles have appeared in more than fifty American jour- nals and some of them have been copied into English books and journals. An instance of the force of his oratory when highly inspired, occurred at Paw Paw, Mich., in 1889. He was addressing an audience of 1500 people upon "The Equality of Human Rights," and they became so en- thusiastic that three times they arose to their feet and cheered him vocife- rously. x\mong a hundred who congratulated him at the close, Old Sojourner Truth, a distinguished colored anti-slavery advocate, timidly came to him saying, " Chile, I'm an ole woman, and have been to lots of conventions, have heard lots of speakers, Garrison, Sumner, Phillips, and lots more," and then she added, with great vehemence, " and you beat 'em all"! But he was always too modest to push himself, and, if it be per- 48 mi issible to compare small things with great, it may be said of him, as Kip- ling said of General Roberts " 'E's little, but Vs wise, And 'e does not advertise." 55. Albert 8 Clarke (Jedediah, 1 Jonathan Rogers* Timothy? Eben- ezer, 4 Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., Oct. 13, 1840. He spent his boyhood on a farm in Rochester, Vt., graduated at Barre Academy, Vt., in 185!', and studied and practised law in Montpelier, Vt.) from 1859 to 1865. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the 13th resriment Vermont Vol. Infantry, was thrice promoted, commanded his company at the battle of Gettysburg, and captured cannon and prisoners. He was Colonel on the staff of Governor Dillingham of Vermont in 1865, and member of the Vermont Senate in 1874. He was president of the Ver- mont & Canada R. R. Co., just before its consolidation with the Central Vermont, about 1883, and while in St. Albans bore a leading part in the most noted railroad and political controversy that ever occurred in that state, and which lasted more than ten years. lie was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1896, '97, and '98, and Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means ; a delegate to the National Republican Convention in 1892, and Judge Advocate General, G. A. R., in 1897. He was in 1904 chosen Vice-Pres- ident of the Society of the Army of the Potomac. He was a member of the United States Industrial Commission in 1899 and 1900 and its chair- man in 1901 and 1902. This commission was composed of live U. S. Sen- ators, five Representatives, and nine appointees of the President. It issued nineteen volumes, containing more than 17,000 closely printed pages, made recommendations to Congress and to the several State legislatures, and its work is regarded by economists and statesmen throughout the world as of great value for reference. He was editor and most of the time proprietor of the St. Albans, Vt. Messenger from 1868 to 1880; was on the staff of the Boston Daily Adver- tiser from 1883 to 1885, editor and manager of the Rutland. Vt.. Herald from 1886 to 1889, and editor of the Home Market Bulletin, now the Pro- tectionist Magazine, since 1889. He is author of many lectures and ad- dresses on economic and kindred subjects. He received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth College, in 1888. For the past fifteen years he lias been secretary and manager of the Home Market Club of Boston, the largest protective tariff organization in the United States. He resides in Boston, and in January, 1905, was chosen President of the Vermont Association, the largest of the State societies in that city, his predecessors having been Henry O. Houghton, the famous publisher ; Wal- bridge A. Field, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court ; Alanson < o < 49 W. Beard, State Treasurer and Collector of Customs ; Alden Speare, President of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Associated Board of Trade ; William E. Fuller, eminent Judge of Probate at Taunton ; Edgar J. Sherman, Attorney General and Judge of the Superior Court, and Josiah H. Benton, lawyer and author and member of Board of Trustees of the Boston Public Library. Col. Clarke was married in Rochester, Vt., Jan. 21, 1864, to Josephine Briggs, youngest daughter of the late Hon. E. D. Briggs. Beside a son, who died an infant in 1867, they have had two children : i. Josie Caroline, 9 who died in 1879, at the age of ten years. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. in St. Albans, Vt., April 21, 1872 ; m. Nov. 29, 1902, to Samuel Williams, Jr., and resides in Philadelphia. They have one son, Langdon, 10 b. Sept. 3, 1903, who is in direct line of descent from Rev. John Williams, of Deerfleld, Mass., who was captured by the Indians and taken to Canada in February, 1704; also from Samuel Williams (Harvard, 1761), afterwards Hollis professor in Harvard, LL.D., of Oxford and Edinburgh Univer- sities and the first historian of Vermont. Charles K. Williams, son of Samuel and great grandfather of Langdon, was Chief Jus- tice of Vermont and afterwards Governor, in 1850-52. His son, Samuel Williams, was Secretary of Civil and Military affairs in Vermont during the Civil War, afterwards Treasurer of the Cen- tral Vermont Railroad, and has been in the wholesale marble trade in Philadelphia for twenty-five years. His wife, Lucy Cram ton, was cousin to the late Hon. John W. Cramton, of Rutland, Vt. 56. Almon 8 Clarke (Jedediah, 1 Jonathan Rogers* Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., Oct. 13, 1840, — a twin brother of Albert — and died in Pensacola, Fla., May 1, 1904. He was brought up with his brothers on his father's farm in Rochester, Vt. He studied medicine with his brother, Dean, at the Medical College in Castleton, Vt., in the office of Dr. William M. Huntington, in Rochester, and at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, from which he gradu- ated in medicine in 1862. August 11, 1862, he was commissioned by Gov. Holbrook assistant surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Infantry with the rank of first lieutenant, and at once entered active service. He participated, with his regiment, in most of the great battles of the Army of the Potomac, such as Mine Run, Winchester, Cedar Creek, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundred, where he was knocked down by an exploding shell while dressing a wound, and the battles in front of Petersburg, in March, 1865. He kept close to the firing line, where he could give first attention to the wounded men, and became noted for his skill in surgery, performing many difficult feats in hospitals. April 5, 1865, he was appointed surgeon of the First Vermont Cavalry, with the rank of Major, and served till the close of the war in the Third Cavalry division, commanded by Major-Gen. G. A. Custer, and rode with them in the advance in the great review at 50 Washington. By his geniality, kindliness, though tfulness and prompti- tude, he gained the respect and love of officers and men. After the war he removed to the West and practised medicine for twenty- nine years in Sheboygan Falls and Sheboygan, Wis. He became Profes- sor of Physical Diagnosis in the Milwaukee Medical College, president of the Wisconsin State Medical Society and Surgeon of the National Home for Disabled Veterans of the Civil War, a very large institution in Mil- waukee. He resigned his position at the Home in 1902, on account of ill health, from which he had suffered since the war, and removed to Pensa- cola, Fla., where he resided until his death. His remains were taken to Sheboygan for burial and were interred in Wildwood Cemetery, with military honors. Dr. Clarke was a clear and forcible speaker, and author of valuable arti- cles upon medical subjects. He had also a vein of poetry and had written occasional verses showing humor and poetical feeling. He was an enthu- siastic member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and a charter member and Commander of G. A. R. Post 187, of Sheboygan. He was married in Milwaukee, in 1868, to Emma Josephine Adams, who survives him, and resides with a niece in Chicago. They had no children. 57. Omri Elverton 8 Goodnow. {Abigail" [Clark] Goodnow, Jona- than Rogers, 5 Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Oct. 3, 183G. He was educated in the common and select schools of his native town and has been a farmer there and in Ames, Iowa, where he now resides. He was married in Rochester, July 3, 18G0, to Susan Eliza Tilden, who was born in Rochester, Oct. 3, 1837, was educated there in the common and select schools, and died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 25, 1895. Two children : i. George Frederic, 9 born in Rochester, Nov. 15, 1863 ; educated in Iowa Agricultural College at Ames, Iowa, and in the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. He resides with his family in Wau- kegan, 111., and is a consulting engineer and general manager of the North Shore Gas Company. He was married in State Center, Iowa, Aug. 21, 1889, to Anna Nichols, who w T as born in Lisbon, 0., April 18, 1863, and was educated in Iowa Agricultural College. Children : 1. Albert Clarke, 10 b. in Dedham, Mass., June 7, 1890. 2. George Nichols, b. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Feb. 4, 1898. Mrs. Goodnow is second cousin of the late Senator Marcus A. Hauna of Ohio, and her youngest son strikingly resembles him. ii. Harry Clarke, born in Lebanon, N. II., July 11, 1875; educated in the graded schools of Ames, Iowa, and in Iowa Agricultural Col- lege; a farmer; married Aug. 10, 1899, to Carrie Belle Zenon, who was educated in the common schools of Franklin Township, Iowa. Children : 1. Gladys Fern, 10 b. Aug. 23, 1900. 2. George Frederic, b. Feb. 3, 1903. AUTHl'l: I.. ( I.AI.'K. A I. MUX KI.VKIi'l'OX GOODNO. Ml;s. MAIiV ELIZ A I5K III (CI.AUKK) WILLIAMS. GEOKGE FREDERIC <;(>(>MXo\Y RKV. RANSOM Al.I'lloNSO 6KEEHK, 51 58. William 8 Adams Clarke (Solomon Bradford, 1 Daniel Randall, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 29, 1836. Was brought up in Rochester and Braintree, Vt. ; was educated in the district schools and in West Randolph Academy. He re- moved in October, 1854, to Monroe Centre, near Rockford, 111., and has resided in that vicinity to the present time. After teaching school for a few terms he went into farming and carried on that business till March, 1891, when he retired. He resides in Monroe Centre. He was married July 2, 1856, to Mary E. Bennett of Monroe Centre. Four children : i. Florence A., 9 born Aug. 11, 1857; m. Robert William Holmes of Monroe Centre, 111. Eight children: 1. Leroy H., 10 b. Jan. 6, 1879; m. Feb. 11, 1903, to Maude E. Atchison. 2. Marion E., b. July 12, 1880; m. Feb. 3, 1901, to John Hildebrand. 3. Ella C, b. June 29, 1882. 4. Beatrice A., b. March 9, 1884. 5. Edwin B., b. Jan. 10, 1886. 6. Ralph J., b. Sept. 26, 1887. 7. Bernice, b. Jan. 24, 1890. 8. Avis, b. July 2, 1893. ii. Ella E., born Nov. 23, 1860; died at Dayton, Wash., Dec. 28, 1898. Married L. S. Covey. Five children, — all but the youngest re. side in the state of Washington ; Hazel with her grandparents in Monroe Centre. 1. May E., 10 b. Nov. 1, 1882; m. Nov. 6, 1900, to Charles Chapman. 2. Harry A., b. July 9, 1885. 3. Pansy, b. April 9, 1888. 4. Pearl L, b. May 15, 1891. 5. Hazel A., b. March 15, 1896. iii. Arthur L., born in Monroe Centre, 111., Feb. 10, 1865; educated in the district schools and in Northern Illinois Business College, Dixon, 111. ; resides in Monroe Centre, III. ; married Jennie Moon, of Monroe Centre. One child : Dorian E., 10 b. July 12, 1892. iv. Ralph H., born in Monroe Centre, 111., May 1, 1870; died Sept. 1, 1870. 59. Ervin Elias 8 Clark (Solomon Bradford,'' Daniel Randall, 6 Timo- thy 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Goshen, Vt., Aug. 27, 1839. He was educated in the common schools of Rochester, Vt., and in Mt. Morris Seminary, 111. He served in the Union Army in Co. D, 11th Illinois Infantry. He is now a dealer in grain and coal in Delphos, Kansas. He has been twice married; first, in June, 1862, in Ogle County, EL, to Amelia A. Robbins ; second, in June, 1882, in Abilene, Kansas, to Mary F. Truex. Children : By first wife : i. Charles H., 9 born in Ogle County, 111., March 31, 1863; resides in Delphos, Kan. ; married Emma Ferris. One child, Lois, 10 b. Sept. 15, 1902. ii. DeEtte A., born in Ogle County, 111., Sept. 27, 1865; resides in Monroe Centre, 111. ; married George R. Holmes. Children: 1. Flora Esther, 10 b. Dec. 12, 1886. 2. Charles Ervin, b. Aug. 20, 1888. 52 By second wife : iii. Eunice, b. Jan. 29, 1884. vi. Eula, b. June 30, 1886. v. Bradford, b. March 14, 1889. iv. Gertrude, b. Jan. 31, 1893. GO. Charles DeWitt 8 Clark {Solomon Bradford? Daniel Randall, 6 Timothy? Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Nov. 24, 1841. He enlisted in the Union Army at Rockford, 111., April 20, 1861 ; re-enlisted at the close of three months in the 12th Illi- nois Cavalry ; was wounded near Winchester, Va., in 1862; served to the close of the war. His brother Lucius told their cousin Albert at Fairfax Court House, Va., in 18G3, that when Charles was wounded they were to- gether in a charge. Seeing him fall from his saddle, Lucius halted to help him, but Charles waved his hand and said, " Go on, boy, I am not much hurt," and Lucius resumed the charge, returning to his brother when it was over. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in Chicago in 1867 and is now a physician in Minneapolis, Kansas. He was married at Rockford, 111., Sept. 28, 1865, to Lorain M. Merry- field. Children : i. Rolla M. 9 b. in DeKalb, 111., Feb. 7, 1868; in. Elva Chapin. Chil- dren : 1. Carroll D., 10 b. Jan. G, 1898. 2. Eugene 31., b. July 1, 1899. 3. John F., b. April 24, 1904. ii. Daisy, 1). July 1G, 1871 ; married W. T. Perry. One child : William C., 10 b. March 12, 1900. 61. Clark Bigelow 8 Shipman (Betsey 1 [Eaton'] Shipman, Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 6 Ehenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., June 1, 1831. In early life he was a teacher; then a farmer in Royalton, Vt. In 1868 he removed to Newfield, New Jersey, where he was a market gardener till 1882, when, with his son, Henry Eaton, he went to Montana, reaching his present home in the Judith Val- ley, June 1. He was one of the first white settlers in that region. He was joined by his two elder daughters the same year, and several years later by his wife and the other children, when it had become certain that the settlement would be permanent. He took with him to his new home only a team, a few tools and provisions for a few months. His supply of provisions for the first winter was fortunately increased by two buffaloes which he shot Nov. 28 of that year, the first and last wild ones that he ever saw. Going on the mountain with a neighbor to cut poles he saw among the foot hills some animals which he suspected to be buffaloes. Though not much of a sportsman, he borrowed his neighbor's gun, de- scended to the neighborhood of the game and killed two with three shots. In order to save the meat, he and his neighbor skinned them during the night with dull jackknives. He has been a successful farmer and rancher, 53 and beginning with little has reached a position of independence. He re- sides in Lewistown, Montana. He was married in Royalton, Vt., Nov. 6, 1855, to Augusta Fanny Perham, daughter of John and Sally (Whitney) Perhain. Her father was a farmer in Vermont. Six children : i. Winifred Augusta, 9 born in Royalton, Vt., Oct. 11, 1856; married in Lewistown, Montana, Dec. 5, 1887, to Nicholas Erickson, sou of Sivert and Anna Margaret Erickson, who is engaged in mer- cantile business in Montana. Three children, all born in Lewis- town, Montana : 1. Anna Margaret, 10 b. Dec. 9, 1888. 2. Gratia Shipman, b. April 2, 1891. 3. Gertrude Winifred, b. July 27, 1892. ii. Gratia, b. in Royalton, Vt., March 17, 1859 ; died at the age of one week, iii. Gertrude Janette, b. in Royalton, Vt., Feb. 19, 1860. iv. Rebecca Maria, b. in Royalton, Vt., Dec. 20, 1862. v. Henry Eaton, b. in Royalton, Vt., Nov. 24, 1866; a civil engineer and rancher in Montana; m. in Lewistown, Mont., Oct. 9, 1904, to Susan Grace Martin, daughter of Oscar G. Martin of Roches- ter, Vt. vi. Margaret Maud, b. in Bethel, Vt., Aug. 25, 1875. 62. "William Rollin 8 Shipman {Betsey 1 \_Eaton~] Shipman, Amy 6 [ Clark~\ Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard* John," 1 Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., May 4, 1836. When two years old he moved with his parents to Royalton, Vt., where his boyhood was spent on his father's farm. He attended district school in winter until he was fifteen, and in summer until he was old enough to be of service on the farm. From fif- teen to nineteen he worked at farm work in the summer, taught school in the winter and attended Royalton Academy " off and on." In 1855 he entered Middlebury College at the age of nineteen, having acquired, by leading this healthful and industrious life during his youth, the blessing of a sound mind in a sound body and an unusual experience of real life, as well as a rare capacity for persistent mental labor. He partly supported himself through Middlebury College by teaching winters and working summers, and easily took a high rank in a class which included a number of men since distinguished. After graduating in 1859 he took charge of an academy in South Woodstock, Vt.', and remaining there four years raised it from a decayed to a prosperous condition. The year 1863-64 he devoted to soliciting funds for a modern academy to be located in Ver- mont and controlled by the Universalist denomination of the State. He was successful with others in raising the needed funds, and in the year 1870 Goddard Seminary in Barre, Vt., was opened to pupils. Prof. Ship- man has guarded the interests of the Seminary with watchful care, having been president of the Board of Trustees for many years and member of the Executive Committee from the beginning. 54 Early in 1864 he was offered and declined the "Walker Special In- spectorship " in Tufts College, but later in the year accepted the profes- sorship of Rhetoric, Logic and English Literature, which he has held con- tinuously to the present time. Since 1900 he has been Dean of the Col- lege of Letters. In February, 1865, he was ordained in Vermont as a minister of the gospel. He has never taken charge of a parish, but has supplied pulpits to a considerable extent in addition to his college work, and has also delivered many miscellaneous addresses. He holds the de- grees of A.M. from Middlebury, 1862, of D.D. from St. Lawrence Uni- versity, 1882, and of LL.D. from Tufts, 1890, and Middlebury, 1900. He is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and also of the Union Lodge, F. and A. M. of Middle- bury, which he joined when in college. In January, 1905, he was chosen Chaplain of the Vermont Association of Boston. In June, 1899, he was granted leave of absence for one year, which he spent in travel, giving three months to a Western trip and going twice abroad. His second visit to Europe, extending to Spain and Greece, was the special gift of many college friends. He is a Republican in politics and a Universalist in religious faith. He has incidentally shown his kindly and helpful spirit and his unwearied in- dustry by his work in gathering the materials for the history of the de- scendants of his grandmother, Mrs. Amy Clark Eaton, for this sketch. He was married in Somerville, Mass., July 28, 1868, to Martha Frances Willis, daughter of Rev. John Howard and Charlotte (Gleason) Willis. After many years of illness she passed away, July 6, 1894. Children : i. William Willis, 9 b. in Somerville, Mass., Nov. 22, 18G9 ; d. in Som- erville, Mass., Jan. 25, 1879. ii. Albert Eaton, b. iu Somerville, Mass., Mar. 22, 1876; spent two years in college, and then entered business ; is a salesman in a piano house in Boston; was m. Feb. 6, 1902, to Bessie Gaylord Fowler, daughter of Franklin and Beatrice (Gurney) Fowler, of Boston. No children. 63. Sarah De Ette 8 Shii\man (Betsey* [Baton'] Shipman, Amy 6 [Clark] Baton, Timothy, 5 Bbenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Royalton, Vt, May 20, 1838. In early life she was a school teacher. She was married in Rochester, Vt., March 7, 1860, to Edwin Oscar Lee, son of Chester and Lydia (Crouch) Lee, of Vernon, Vt., a farmer and surveyor. In 1871 they removed to Newfield, N. J., and in 1889 returned to Vernon, Vt., where they now reside. Beside being a farmer and surveyor, he has been a school teacher, has been superintendent of schools in Vernon for several years, was school trustee for some years in New Jersey, and since returning to Vernon has been clerk of the school board for seven years 55 from the beginning of the town system. He has been active in the Grange, and has been lecturer of Vermont State Grange for three years. Children : i. Edwin Massena, 9 b. in Vernon, Vt., June 21, 1862; educated in the engineering department of Tufts College; is a civil engineer ; is at present in Gardner, Mass. Is unmarried. ii. William Shipman, b. in Vernon, Vt., Aug. 21, 186-1. He joined a company that went from NeAv Jersey to establish a colony in Mexico, and died soon after arriving, in Topolobampo, Mex., May 27, 1887. iii. Bertha, b. in Vernon, Vt., Aug. 5, 1866; m. in Vernon, Sept. 1, 1892, to Frank Edward Aldrich, son of James Proctor and Mary Jane (Stevens) Aldrich, of Northfleld, Mass. Mr. Aldrich is a carpenter, farmer and lumber dealer in Northfleld, where they re- side. Six children, all born in Northfleld, Mass. ,1. Chester Lee, 10 b. July 20, 1893. 2. Mary De Ette, b. Aug. 9, 1895. 3. Jesse Ed- mund, b. May 5, 1897. 4. Jennie Bertha, b. July 5, 1899; d. Oct. 27, 1899. 5. Helen Marie, b. Jan. 25, 1902. 6. William Frank, b. April 23, 1904. iv. Chester Harvey, b. in Newfleld, N. J., Dec. 5, 1873; resides with his parents in Vernou, Vt. ; is unmarried. 64. Meryin 8 Martin {Harriet 1 \_Eaton~] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard* John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Aug. 29, 1824, and died in Rochester, June 3, 1865. He was a far- mer and lived for many years in Granville, Vt. He was married in Roch- ester, May 23, 1852, to Harriet Palmer Barnes, daughter of Gideon and Matilda (Cady) Barnes, who was born in Woodstock, Vt., June 30, 1826, and died in Randolph, Vt., March 17, 1902. Children : i. Abbie Isabel, 9 b. in Granville, Vt., May 22, 1853; d. in Rochester, Vt., May 18, 1862. ii. Clarence Eber, b. Sept. 23, 1854; a farmer in Hancock, Vt. ; m. in Pittsford, Vt., Feb. 22, 1881, to Ellen Jones, of Hancock, Vt., who was born in Lincoln, Vt., Nov. 6, 1854. Three children, b. in Hancock: 1. Balph Joseph, 10 b. A pril 19, 1886. 2. Vera May, b. Nov. 23, 1891. 3. Iva Harriet, b. Feb. 20, 1899. iii. Adella Angie, b. in Rochester, Vt., Aug. 22, 1857; m. in Roches- ter, Sept. 3, 1884, to William Allen Jones, of Braintree, Vt., now a farmer in Randolph, Vt. He is son of Joseph and Mary Dow (Davis) Jones, and was born in Lincoln, Vt., Nov. 6, 1854. Four children: 1. Frank Dyer, 10 b. in Braintree, Vt., Nov. 18, 1888. 2. Grace Martin, b. in Randolph, Vt., Nov. 27, 1891; d. in Ran- dolph, Sept. 23, 1892. 3. Ruth Delia, b. April 13, 1896. 4. Boy Allen, b. April 13, 1896; d. April 18, 1896. iv. LeRoy Freedom, b. in Rochester, Vt., June 13, 1860 ; a resident of Rochester; m, March 25, 1884, to Carrie Emma Flanders, daugh- ter of John and Cathrine McClintock Flanders, who was born Feb. 19, 1864. Three children, born in Rochester, Vt. : 1. Floyd 56 D., b. May 3, 1893. 2. Fleda Harriet, b. Feb. 6, 1895. 3. Lisle John, b. Aug. 28, 1902. 65. Harriett 3 Martin (Harriet -7 [Eaton] Martin, Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 6 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Roch- ester, Vt., Jan. 6, 1826. She was married Jan. 6, 1853, to William True Hubbard, son of Abel and Susannah (Thatcher) Hubbard, who was born in Rochester, Dec. 8, 1824. Mr. Hubbard is a farmer in Rochester North Hollow. Children, born in Rochester, Vt. : i. Emma Viola, 9 b. Oct. 13, 1853; m. Aug. 28, 1875, to Frederick "Wil- liam Eaton. Children, born in Rochester: 1. Anna Ethel, 10 b. Sept. 29, 1876. 2. Frederic Lynn, b. May 28, 1878; d. July 30, 1879. 3. Samuel Garjle, b. Oct. 4, 1881. 4. Mary Erline, b. Aug. 10, 1883. 5. Emma Luthera, b. April 15, 1885; d. April 28, 1885. 6. Bessie Enola, b. July 18, 1886. 7. Vera Harriett, b. Feb. 2, 1890. ii. Ida Leora, b. Dec. 15, 1855; unmarried. iv. Alma Enola, b. Feb. 10, 1859; d. April 18, 1901; m. June 16, 1880, to Alfred Whitcomb Gove. 66. Abigail Alma 8 Martin (Harriet'' \_Eaton~] Martin, Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Roch- ester, Vt., Feb. 20, 1828. She was married March 31, 1857, to Alonzo Newell Briggs, son of Noah and Phoebe (Bixby) Briggs, who was born in Plymouth, Vt., March 17, 1822, and died in Granville, Vt., Dec. 5, 1891. Mr. Briggs was a farmer in Granville, where his widow now lives. Oxit* chi d : i. Eugene Fayette, 9 b. in Plymouth, Vt., Jan. 12, 1858; resides in Granville, Vt. He was m. May 30, 1880, to Bertha Millie Hub- bard, daughter of Rufus M. and Mary N. [Ford] Hubbard, who was b. in Granville, May 30, 1862. Five children, born in Gran- ville : 1. Mary Abbie, 10 b. April 26, 1881; m. April 21, 1903, to Robert Percy Briggs, son of Frederick Augustus and Juliette Re- becca (Cowles) Briggs, who was born in New York City, Oct. 2, 1875. 2. Martin Eugene, b. Aug. 13, 1885. 3. Leda Alice, b. March 10, 1888. 4. Alton Bollin, b. March 11, 1891. 5. Raymond Alonzo, b. July 14, 1894. 67. Thomas Brown 8 Martin (Harriet' [Eaton] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John 2 Richard 1 ) was born Jan. 20, 1830. He is a farmer in Hancock, Vt. He was married Dec. 25, 1855, to Frances Elmira Richardson of Rochester, Vt., who died July 28, 1868. Children : i. Nellie, 9 b. Dec. 5, 1857 ; m. Nov. 28, 1882, to Alba Childs, who was b. Dec. 26, 1848. They reside in Hillsboro Bridge, N. H. One child : Antoinette L., 10 b. Feb, 22, 1885. 57 ii. Hattie E., b. Dec. 3, 1859; m. Sept. 1G, 1880, to Charles H. Par- menter, who was b. Feb. 20, 1857. They reside in Henniker, N. H. Eight children : 1. George M. 10 , b. Jan. 14, 1882. 2. Chester A., b. Aug. 20, 1883; d. Feb. 23, 1886. 3. Wilbur J., b. April 16, 1885. 4. James A., b. Feb. 21, 1887. 5. Clarence L.,h. Sept. 16, 1890. 6. Leon F., b. Dec. 5, 1892. 7. Electa F., b. March 17, 1895. 8. Florence L., b. Nov. 18, 1900. iii. Eugene L., b. Nov. 19, I860: twice married; first, Feb. 20, 1883, to Minnie Leonard, who d. Oct. 16, 1889; second, May 15, 1893, to May Esty, of Ludlow, Vt. They reside in Granville, Vt. Childreu: 1. Harriett L., 10 b. Dec. 3, 1883. 2. Baymond, b. Aug. 20, 1898. iv. Fred Thomas, b. Nov. 11, 1862; m. June 29, 1887, to Lottie Leon- ard of Gaysville, Vt., who was b. in Gaysville, April 2, 1865. They reside in Rochester, Vt. One son: Fay J. 10 , b. March 31, 1892. v. William S., b. Aug. 29, 1866; m. Bertha Thompson, who was b. in Ontario, Canada, Aug. 20, 1862. They reside in Hancock, Vt. Five children: 1. Arthur T. 10 , b. Nov. 1, 1891. 2. Mervin W., b. May 1, 1893. 3. Eugene E., b. July 3, 1896. 4. Harvey T., b. May 23, 1899. Clifford B., b. Feb. 13, 1903. vi. Frances, b. Feb. 13, 1868 ; m. Oct. 5, 1891, to Ace Bean of Rutland, Vt., who was b. June 15, 1860. They reside in Rutland. Three children: 1. Baymond B. 10 , b. June 18, 1894. 2. Wilfred L., b. Aug. 24, 1896. 3. Frances M., b. Aug. 20, 1900 ; d. Sept. 20, 1901, 68. Oscar George 8 Martin {Harriet 1 \_Eaton~] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard,* John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Nov. 18, 1834. He is a farmer in Rochester, Vt. He has been twice married: first, Jan. 11, 1859, to Mary Chaffee, daughter of Amos Brown Drury Chaffee, of Rochester, and his wife Hannah Hubbard Chaffee. She was born Sept. 25, 1837, and died Aug. 4, 1864. Amos B. D. Chaffee died Aug. 10, 1848, aged 37 years, 8 months. His wife Han- nah Hubbard Chaffee was born April 25, 1815, and died Jan. 20, 1871. They were married Dec. 2, 1833. Oscar G. Martin was married, second, May 15, 1870, to Susan Hubbard Campbell, who was born Feb. 12, 1848. She is daughter of John Wood Campbell, who was born Oct. 16, 1823, and died Sept. 1, 1898, and his wife Susan (Hubbard) Campbell, who died Feb. 15, 1848, aged 19 years. Children : i. Blanche Mary, 9 b. March 26, 1871 ; m. Sept. 26, 1894, to Carl Her- bert Eaton, who was b. in Rochester, May 3, 1869. Two children : 1. Mildred Martin, 10 b. July 6, 1895. 2. Marjorie Louise, b. June 20, 1896; d. Sept. 26, 1896. ii. Guy Carlton, b. June 17, 1S72; d. Sept. 6, 1878. iii. Carl Claton, b.May 6, 1874. iv Ray Eaton, b. Oct. 14, 1875. 58 v. Susan Grace, b. Dec. 28, 1877; m. at Lewistown, Mont., Oct. 9, 1904, to Henry E. Shipman, sou of Clark B. Shipman. vi. Alida Louise, b. June 20, 1879; d. at age of one month. vii. Calphurnia Aurora, b. Dec. 25, 1880; m. Aug. 9, 1904, to Frank Joseph Hanna, of Ticonderoga, N. Y., son of John and Anna Hanna, who was b. Nov. 2, 1882. viii. Thomas Brown, b. June 19, 1882; d. May 23, 1893. 69. Calphurnia Aurora 8 Martin {Harriet 1 [Eaton'] Martin, Amy* [ Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezerf Richard* John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born Sept. 29, 1842. She was married in North Adams, Mass., Dec. 6, 1863, to John Wesley McDuffee, M.D., son of Daniel McDuffee, Jr., and Caro- line Clarke, his wife. He was born in Baniston, Quebec, April 8, 1838, and died in Stanstead, Quebec, Sept. 27, 1899. He was a practising phy- sician for thirty-nine years, living most of the time in Stanstead, where his widow now resides. Children : i. Louis Philippe, 9 b. in Derby, Vt., Nov. 19, 1867. ii. Mary Emeroy, b. in Derby, Vt., May 25, 1872. iii. Harriet Abigail, b. in Derby, Vt., May 3, 1875. iv. Edith Isabel, b. in Stausteacl, Quebec, May 25, 1884. 70. Elliot David 7 Eaton {David, 1 Amy* [Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, i Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in AVarren, Vt., Nov. 22, 1833. He was raised in Rochester, and when a young man went to Illi- nois with the family, but after some years returned to Rochester and finally removed to Hancock, where he now resides. He is a farmer. He was married, June 23, 1868, to H. Celestia Griswold, of Weybridge, Vt. Children : i. Carl Herbert, 9 b. in Rochester, Vt., May 3, 1869; resides in Han- cock, Vt. ; m. Sept. 26, 1894, to Blanche Mary Martin, of Roch- ester. Children : 1. Mildred Martin, 10 b. July 6, 1895. 2. 31arjorie Louise, b. June 20, 1896 ; d. Sept. 26. 1896. ii. Pearl Henry, b. in Rochester, Vt., April 13, 1871 ; resides in Han- cock, Vt. 71. Ellen Sarah s Eaton {David, 1 Amy 6 [Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer,* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., May 11, 1835. She was married, Jan. 1, 1857, to Lynde Earl Farnsworth, a farmer, of Fremont, 111., who was born in Westford, Chittenden Co., Vt., Nov. 5, 1831, and died in Portis, Kansas, March 27, 1901. Mrs. Farns- worth resides in Butler, Washington. Children : i. Walter Eaton, 9 b. in Fremont, 111., Nov. 2, 1858; a farmer and stock raiser in Portis, Kan. ; m. in Osborne, Kansas, March 5, 1887, to Harriet Olive Dedman, who was born in Illinois, Feb. 9, 59 1856. Children : 1. Ellen Eaton, 10 b. March 27, 1889. 2. Wil- liam Lynde, b. Feb. 14, 1891. 3. Walter Montgomery, b. Nov. 11, 1894; d. Feb. 11, 1895. 4. Donald Mc Call, b. Jan. 21, 1897. ii. Henry Earl, b. in Fremont, 111., Jan. 17, 1861; resides in New- kirk, Oklahoma; m. in Newkirk, Oklahoma, Feb. 16, 1898, to Minnie Maud Smith, who was born in St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 16, 1876. Children: 1. Karl Marx, 10 b. Aug. 17, 1899; d. June 13, 1903. 2. Esther Fay, b. March 28, 1901. 3. A daughter, b. April, 1903. iii. Minnie, b. in Fremont, 111., Dec. 23, 1862 ; was a successful school teacher before marriage; m. in Waldo, Kansas, May 5, 1892, to John W. Manners, a farmer, who was born in New Jersey, Aug. 27, 1851. They reside in Lucas, Russell County, Kan. Children: 1. John William, 10 b. Aug. 15, 1893. 2. Earle Bunkles, b. Dec. 9, 1895. iv. Herman Pearl, b. in Philo, 111., May 22, 1865; d. June 7, 1879. v. Blanche Alma, b. in Philo, 111., Aug. 6, 1867: m. in Osborne, Kansas, April, 1887, to William H. Creamer, an extensive farmer and stock raiser who was born in Pennsylvania, Aug. 26, 1862. They reside in Portis, Kan. Children; 1. Ethel Pearl, 10 b. Jan. 12, 1888. 2. Jessie Earle, b. July 25, 1889. 3. Forrest Herman, b. Nov. 11, 1893. 4. Hazel Belle, b. March, 1897. 5. Cecil Clifton, b. Aug. 1, 1899. vi. Charles Leslie, b. in Augusta, Kansas, Sept. 16, 1869; a stock farmer in Oakley, Logan County, Kan. vii. Arthur Victor, b. iu Augusta, Kansas, Aug. 25, 1873 ; a school teacher, now residing in Washougal, Clarke County, Washington. viii. Maud Violet, b. in Franklin, Lincoln Co., Kansas, Feb. 14. 1878; was a successful teacher before marriage; m. in Butler, Wash., to Charles Butler, who was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., Feb. 8, 1861. He was for ten years a soldier in the English army, in India ; now a farmer and gardener in Butler, Wash. Childreu : 1. Anna Crystal, 10 b. July 13, 1899; d. June 26, 1901. 2. Eugene Arthur, b. June 5, 1901. 3. Crystal, b. March 24, 1903. 72. Henry Augustus 8 Eaton (David, 1 Amy 6 [ GlarJc] Eaton, Timo- thy, 5 Ebenezerf Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., Nov. 8, 1838. He graduated at Middlebury College, Vt., and intended to study law. During the Free Soil contest, and soon after his eighteenth birthday, he responded to the call from Kansas and remained there until the issue between Freedom and Slavery was decided. Thoughtful and eager for knowledge from his youth, he secured a liberal education, largely by his own exertions, graduating with much honor from Middle- bury College in 1862. He at once enlisted for nine months in Company A, 16th Vermont Volunteers, and was the unanimous choice of his com- pany for captain. The regiment took part in the last two days of the bat- tle of Gettysburg, occupying an important position in the line. There he distinguished himself by remarkable coolness and an almost reckless brav- 60 ery, until severely wounded. At the expiration of his service, and even before he could move with safety, he zealously worked in Bethel, Vt., to raise a company for three years' service in the Seventeenth Vermont regi- ment, and was again elected captain. The regiment shared in the terrible battles of the Wilderness and was almost annihilated. Captain Eaton had been detached from his command to serve as commissary, and afterwards as aid on Gen. Griffin's staff. At his own request he was relieved to return to this regiment, of which he had command during the absence of the wounded colonel. At the battle of Poplar Grove Church, Virginia, Sept. 30, 1864, he was killed while leading his men. Not lon^ before the battle he had been commissioned major, and shortly after, before his fate was known, he was made lieutenant colonel. His heart was with the defenders of the Union, and he was ready to die in the discharge of duty. Everywhere his faith- fulness and ability secured confidence. As an officer, " his eye was quick and accurate; his self-possession never forsook him; his fidelity was un- questionable and his ardor never cooled." His name, with the names of forty other Rochester soldiers who gave their lives to their country, is in- scribed on the soldiers' monument in that town, and the Grand Army Post is named for him. It is the testimony of all who knew Colonel Eaton that he was nearly faultless. He had no bad habits ; he was pure in heart ; he loved his fellow-men ; he was as modest as he was brave. Such a char- acter was worthy of the heroic age in which he lived and the great cause for which he died. 73. Eugene Edgar 8 Eaton (David,' Amy* [Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard* Join).- Richard 1 ) was orn in Rochester, Vt., June 23, 1843. lie was educated in the public schools and academies in the vicinity of his native town. He studied law, graduating from Harvard Law School in L868, and was admitted to the bar in Rutland, Vt., in the same year. He was in the office of Col. \Y. G. Veazey, and assisted him as Supreme Court reporter, and after a brief practice in Kansas and Col- orado, removed to Massachusetts in 1*7*. He opened an otfice in Boston and made his residence in Maiden, lie still resides in Maiden, where he was a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1892 and 1893. He was married in 1*71 to Luriette Avery, of Wakefield, Mass., and has no children. He had the good fortune to serve as First Sergeant of his brother's com- pany, A, Sixteenth Vermont Volunteers, which was one of the regimeuts of Stannard's brigade that made the famous flank movement against Pick- ett's column in the repulse of Longstreet's assault at Gettysburg, July 3, LSi'i'l. Near the close of that encounter he was fearfully wounded, a shell tearing out a portion of his neck and shoulder. But he clung to his rifle, approached his Colonel and saluted, and modestly asked permission to go to the rear. " You shall have it, my brave fellow," replied Colonel Veazey 61 (who when he was Commander in Chief of the Grand Anny of the Re- public related the event to Col. Albert Clarke, who has contributed this sketch) " and if you are not able to go alone I will send a man with you." But the plucky sergeant thought he could go alone and he went, until he fell from loss of blood and was picked up by an ambulance. He and the captain were taken to the same hospital aud were before long watched over and attended by their father, who had come on from Illinois. He did not recover in time to re-enter the service, and so resumed his studies. 74. Harriet Adelia 8 Eaton {David, 1 Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timo- thy, b Ebenezer, 4 Richard,* John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Granville, Vt., Dec. 19, 1845. She was married, Jan. 15, 1885, to Julius Ward Alden, of Leicester, Vt., who was born in Leicester, Aug. 26, 1843, and is a farmer and carpenter in that town. They have no children. Mrs. Alden has been much interested in gathering materials for the history of her branch of the family. 75» Mary Lurena 8 Perry (Achsah 1 [Eaton'] Perry, Amy 6 [Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Han- cock, Vt., Dec. 16, 1833. She was married in Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 17, 1862, to Dr. Charles Carroll Smith, sixth child of Ransom and Lydia (Burch) Smith, who was born in Sharon, Conn., June 11, 1830. Dr. Smith spent his boyhood on a farm, attending district school part of the year. At the age of eighteen he began teaching wiuters, continuing to work on the farm in the summer. He attended the State Normal School in New Britain, Conn., one term. In August, 1855, he entered the Green Mountain Liberal Institute in South Woodstock, Vt., and remained there nearly three years. In the spring of 1859 he entered Middlebury Col- lege, and graduated with his class in August, 1862, having been out of college part of the time engaged in teaching. August 30, 1862, he en- listed as a private in Co. E, 14th Regiment Vermont Volunteers ; served at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1 to 3, 1863, his regiment holding the centre of Stannard's brigade ; and was discharged at Brattleboro, Vt., July 30, 1863, on expiration of his term of enlistment. After recovering from typhoid fever contracted in the service he began the study of medicine at Burlington, Vt., in the Medical Department of the U. V. M., and gradu- ated in June, 1865. He soon entered the citizens' hospital at Flatbush, L. I., as one of the medical staff. In May, 1866, he settled in the prac- tice of medicine in the village of Gaysville in Stockbridge, Vt., and has remained there to the present time. He has been selectman several times and has held other town offices. He has been connected with the public schools as prudential committee and town superintendent, and was a mem- ber of the county board of education at the time of the change from the 62 district to the town system. He represented the town in the legislature of 1872 and 1884, and was state senator in 1890. Thanks are due to Mrs. Smith for her active interest in securing the facts necessary for the sketch of the branch of the family to which she belongs. Three children, born in Gaysville Vt. : i Ransom Perry, 9 b. July 1, 1867; d. April 12, 1871. ii. Mabel Gertrude, b. Oct. 5, 1872; m. in Gaysville, Vt., Sept. 6, 1894, to Otis Henry Culver, eldest child of George Nelson and Diana Louise (Aiken) Culver, who was born in Gaysville, Vt., Nov. 1, 1862, Mr. Culver moved with the family to "Woodstock, Vt., in 1875, and to Iowa in 1876. He was educated in the public school of Gaysville, in the Des Moines (Iowa) High School, in Mitchell Seminary, Mitchellville, Iowa, and in the University of Minnesota. Taught in Minneapolis Academy in 1882, and then was principal of Jamestown, No. Dakota, High School for two years. In 1885, engaged in the newspaper business in Murray, Northern Idaho, and has continued iu that and similar business in Spokane Falls, Seattle, Fairhaven and Friday Harbor, Wash., to the present time. In 1897 was appointed deputy collector of cus- toms, having charge of the custom houses at Roche Harbor and Friday Harbor. He resides at the latter place, where he owns and publishes a county newspaper. Children: 1. Evelyn Louise, 10 b. in Whatcom, Wash., Nov. 11, 1895. 2. Leda Gertrude, b. in "What- com, Wash., Sept. 11, 1897. 3. Carroll Nelson, b. in Friday Har- bor, Wash., April 7, 1904. iii. Leda Flokian, b. Sept. 20, 1S76; graduated from Goddard Semin- ary, Barre, Vt., in 1896, and has since been eugaged in teaching; resides with her parents In Gaysville. 76. John Harvey 8 Perry (Acksak 1 [Eaton'] Perry, Ami/ 6 [Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 8 John,- Richard 1 ) was born in Han- cock, Vt., Sept. 9, 1*36. He is a farmer; has lived in Hancock, North- field and Middlebury, Vt., and now resides in South Northfield, Vt. He is studious and domestic in his tastes ; has not sought nor accepted public office, but is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. He lias been married three times ; first, in Rochester, Vt., Dec. 2, 1858, to Martha Elizabeth Ball, eldest child of Mason and Elizabeth (Benton) Ball, who was born in Granville, Vt., March 17, 1840, and died in Han- cock, Vt., July 7, 1862; second, Feb. 8, 1864, to Mrs. Eliza (Benton) Flanders, who was born in Braintree, Vt., Sept. 16, 1840, and died in Hancock, Vt., Feb. 10, 1888; third, May 10, 1903, to Mrs. Mary Louise Fletcher, daughter of Samuel and Eliza (Messer) Garvin, who was born in Johnson, Vt., May 13, 1842. Children, by first wife : i. Susan Eliza, 9 b. in Granville, Vt., Dec. IS, 1859: m. iu Maiden, Mass., July 22, 1882, to Herbert Judson Andrews, third child of 63 Edmund Elonzo and Lucy Ann (Benjamin) Andrews, who was b. in Berlin, Vt., May 28, 1860. He is a commercial traveller, at present with Delano, Potter & Co., and resides in Maiden, Mass. One child, Louise Perry™ b. in Maiden, Mass., Mar. 8, 1884. ii. Jennie May, b. in Hancock, Vt., Feb. 22, 1862 ; m. in Chester, Iowa, Dec. 14, 1888, to Frederick F. Joubert, son of Antoiue and Juli- enne (Laramie) Joubert, who was b. in the Province of Quebec, Aug. 1, 1863. In 1864 he removed with his parents to Vermont, where he grew to manhood. He attended graded schools and high school in Northfield, Vt., and Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt., and graduated from Western Normal College, Shenandoah, Iowa. After working four seasons as a farm laborer, he went to Iowa in 1883 to seek employment as a teacher, and has since been engaged in that work, chiefly as principal of public schools. He has taught in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, No. Dakota and "Wash- ington, and is now principal of graded school in Friday Harbor, Wash. Children: 1. A son, 10 b. in Aurora, 111., April 30, 1891; d. in Aurora, 111., May 3, 1891. 2. Lloyd Perry, b. in Malvern, Iowa, June 9, 1892. 3. Stanley Smith, b. in Wilder, Minn., Jan. 10, 1895. 4. Julian Paul, b. in Miuneapolis, Minn., Aug. 23, 1897. 5. Mahlon Culver, b. in Mayville, No. Dakota, Nov. 14, 1899. 77. Hiram Riley 8 Perry (Achsah" [Eaton~\ Perry, Amy 5 [Clark'] Eaton, Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Han- cock, Vt., Jan. 28, 1842. He enlisted Sept. 1, 1862, in Co. E, 14th Regi- ment Vermont Volunteers, and served with his regiment in the battle of Gettysburg, where he was twice wounded. He was discharged July 30, 1863, at the expiration of his term of enlistment. With the exception of about three years spent in mining in Colorado, he has been a farmer in Hancock, Vt., where he now resides. He has several times held the office of lister, selectman and school director, and has served as road commissioner for five years. He represented the town in the general assembly in 1880. He was married, June 20, 1876, to Lucy Jane Small, daughter of Sum- ner B. and Lucy Ann (Bagley) Small, who was born in Hartland, Vt., Feb. 28, 1855. Five children, born in Hancock, Vt. : i. Floyd Hiram, 9 b. Dec. 16, 1877. ii. Ethel Mary, b. Sept. 9, 1879 ; m. June 9, 1898, to Charles Julius Stockwell, third son of James Parker and Emily Abigail (Gleason) Stockwell, who was born in Rochester, Vt., Oct. 21, 1872. Mr. Stockwell was for several years a successful teacher in the public schools of his native town and vicinity, but for some years past has been a dealer in general merchandise in Hancock, Vt., where he now resides. Three children: 1. Charles Lawrence, 10 b. in Randolph, Vt., June 24, 1899. 2. Mary Claudine, b. in Hancock, Vt., Dec. 31, 1900. 3. Doris Edna, b. in Hancock, Vt., Feb. 23, 1903. iii. Eugene Hakvey, b. May 17, 1882. iv. Llewellyn Earl, b. May 11, 1883. v. Hugh Henry, b. June 9, 1886. 64 78. Charles Herbert 8 Eaton ( Timothy Clark 1 Eaton, Amy [Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer,* Richard? John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Han- cock, Vt., Jan. 1, 1842. He lived with his parents in Fredonia, N. Y., Newark, Marietta and McConnelsville, 0., Indianapolis and Crawfords- ville, Ind., and Urbana, 111. In 18G1 he was sent to South Woodstock, Vt., to scbool. He enlisted at Woodstock in September, 18G2, in Co. B, 12th Regiment Vermont Volunteers. He was present at the battle of Get- tysburg, July 1-3, 1863, His regiment guarded a train-load of prisoners to Baltimore, then returned to Vermont and was mustered out. In the win- ter of 1863-64, he taught school in Illinois ; in 1864 carried on a farm with bis brother, Joseph C, in Cbampaign Co. ; in the winter of 1864-'65 attended a Commercial School in Chicago ; in 18G5 learned the carpen- ter's trade in Des Moines, farmed again in 1867, then built a house in Chi- cago, and was employed there for a year as shipping clerk. He then re- moved to Nodaway Co., Mo., where he was married and carried on a farm with his brother. He was a farmer and carpenter in Kansas and in Atchi- son Co., Mo., till 1883, when he bought a farm in Nodaway Co., Mo., which has been the family home to the present time. In 1889 he was em- • ployed by his brother-in-law, Wm. C. Price, in Oakland, Cal., and from 1893 to 1898 was with his brother, Joseph C, at the mine of the latter in British Columbia. Since 1898 he has resided on his farm in Missouri. He was married in Nodaway Co., Mo., May 8, 1870, to Nancy Eliz- abeth Turner, daughter of Morgan and Sarah Turner, who died in Nodaway Co., Mo., May 24, 1899, aged 46. Children : i. Sarah Helen, 9 b. in Barnard, Nodaway Co., Mo., May 19, 1871 ; was a school teacher till November, 1903, when she entered her broth- er's store in Barnard as a clerk. ii. Julia Elizabeth, b. in Cloud Co., Kan., Feb. 21, 1873 ; m. in Nodaway Co., Aug. 19, 1891, to Ulysses Ireby Willson, son of David and Car- oline Willson, of that place. Children : 1. Ethyl, 10 b. in Nodaway Co., Sept. 19, 1894. 2. Paul, b. in Nodaway Co., March 11, 1897. iii. Clark Morgan, b. in Cloud Co., Kan., May 10, 1874; d. in Chilli- cothe, Mo., Feb. 23, 1893, while attending school there. iv. Joseph Colville, b. in Atchison Co., Mo., Feb. 9, 1876; a farmer in Nodaway Co., Mo. v. Charles W., b. in Atchison Co., Mo., Jan. 29, 1878; a farmer in De Kalb Co., Mo.; m. in Nodaway Co., Oct. 26, 1902, to Edna Marie Hubbard, daughter of William and Lea Hubbard. One child : Harold Jlaurice, 10 b. in De Kalb Co., Mo., Sept. G, 1903. vi. George Robeiit, b. in Atchison Co., Mo., Feb. 6, 1SS0; manager of Eaton & Boleu Mercantile Co., in Baruard, Mo. vii. Emma De Ette, b. in Atchison Co., Mo., May 0, 1882; studied music two years in Maryville, Mo., and two years at Harden College, Mexico, Mo., and is a teacher of music. viii. Netta Grace, b. iu Nodaway Co., Mo., Oct. 26, 1S84. ix. Henry Clay, b. in Nodaway Co., Mo., March 18, 1887. 65 79. Joseph Colvilee 8 Eaton ( Timothy Clark 7 Eaton, Armf [ ClarF] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Mari- etta, O., Dec. 31, 1847. In early life he was a farmer in Illinois and Mis- souri. Later he was in mercantile business in Spokane, "Wash. His busi- ness there was destroyed by the great fire of Aug. 4, 1889. He started business again in a tent, but was again burned out Dec. 31, 1889, and financially ruined. He then decided to take up the business of mining and prospected through Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. After encountering much hardship and privation in the Spring of 1892, in ascending the Slocan River to Slocan Lake in British Columbia, wading the whole distance with three others and towing a boat with provisions and blankets, he bought an interest in the White Water Mine, of which he became manager and principal owner. The mine was very productive, employing 125 men and paying dividends during his own- ership amounting to $194,000. In 1898 he disposed of his interest for a large sum and retired with a fortune to Oakland, Cal, where he still re- sides, enjoying his well-earned ease, and generously sharing his good for- tune with others. He has lately completed a residence for himself in a pleasant part of the town. He was married in East Oakland, June 9, 1898, to Katie Marsh, who was born in Chicago, 111., July 3, 1861. She is daughter of Charles Carroll Marsh, attorney-at-law and Colonel of the 20th regiment Illinois Volun- teer Infantry in the Civil War, who was born in Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1829, and his wife, Harriet Cooley, who was born in Enfield, Conn., May 18, 1829. They were married in Oswego, N % Y., Jan. 3, 1854. 80. Emma De Ette 8 Eaton (Timothy Clark 1 Eaton, Amy 6 \_Clarlc~] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer i Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Mc- Connelsville, O., June 2, 1850. She was married in Clarinda, Iowa, July 19, 1869, to William Clay Price, who was born in Savannah, Mo., March 30, 1850. He is son of William A. Price, who was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., and his wife Elizabeth Earl, who was born in Kentucky, both de- ceased. Mr. Price went from Missouri to Iowa, Kansas and California ; thence to Tuscarora, Nevada, where he became a very successful mine manager and merchant. He was drawn to Bakersfield, Cal., by the oil excitement, and is now (1904) a large dealer in oil lands and products in Los Angeles, Cal. Children : i. De Ette, 9 b. in Clarinda, Iowa, April 19, 1871 : m. in East Oak- land, CaL, Nov. 1, 1898, to Herbert Thomson, a clergyman, who was born in Crawfordsville, Iud., Oct. 10, 1872. He is son of Ev- erett B. Thomson, a clergyman, who was born in Crawfords- ville, Inch, Dec. 6, 1843, and died in the same place, Aug. 10, 1899, and Ms wife, Katherine E. Tnttle, who was boru in Rockaway, N. Y., April 3, 1850. One child, Everett Clay, 10 b. in Pasadena, Cal., March 16, 1902. ii. Edward Colville, b. in Minneapolis, Kan., Sept. 1C, 1879; has a walnut ranch in Southern California; ra. in East Oakland, Cal., June 18, 1903, to Estelle Jane Lundy, who was born in San Fran- cisco, Cal., May 12, 1878. She is daughter of David Lundy, a merchant, who was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, Feb. 25, 1849, and died in East Oakland, Cal., Oct. 22, 1889, and his wife, Jemima Lundy, who was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, Feb. 12, 1848. They were married in San Francisco, Cal., May 11, 1875. One child, Buth Elizabeth,' 10 b. in Santa Barbara, Cal., May 6, 1904. iii. Ruth, b. in East Oakland, Cal., April 7, 1888. 81. Homer Marshall 8 Martin {Abigail'' [Eaton'] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Rochester, Vt., Oct. 14, 1833. He has been a farmer the greater part of his life, and resides in Thetford, Vt. He has been twice married : first, in 1860, at White River Junction, Vt., to Lucia Wilmot, daughter of Val- entine and Louisa (Sleeper) Wilmot, who was born in 1837, and died July 18, 1865; second in April, 1806, at Hartford, Vt., to Sylenda Seaver, daughter of Calvin and Sophia (Eastman) Seaver, of Norwich, Vt., who was born July 29, 1845. Children : i. Juna Adeli.a, 9 b. Aug. 4, 1861; long a school teacher in Chicago, now residing in Thetford, Vt. ii. Lucia, b. July 18, 1865; d. Jan. 20, 1896; m. in Union Village, Vt., Jan., 1886, to William Porter Ladd, of Thetford, Vt. , sou of George and Louisa (Porter) Ladd, of Thetford, who was born Oct. 19, 1861. He is now living on a pineapple plantation at Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Two children: 1. Ruth Frances, 10 b. Jan. 11, 1887. 2. Helen Marjorie, b. Oct. 25, 1889. iii. Homer Bey, b. Jan. 30, 1867; at one time engaged in the banking business near Columbus, Neb., and now has a sheep ranch at Deer Trail, Colorado; m. at Columbus, Neb., June 27, 1901, to Mary Henry, daughter of Robert and Mary L. Henry, of Columbus, who Avas b. Jan. 18, 1876. One child: Mary Sylenda, 10 b. Jan. 18, 1903. iv. Linn Seaver, b. May 11, 1870; a merchant at Cornlea, Neb. ; m. at Thetford, Vt., April 28, 1897, to Nettie E. Clark, daughter of Ar- thur Wilbur and Mary (Cameron) Clark of Thetford, who was b. Oct. 13, 1875. Two children : 1. Marjorie May, 10 b. Aug. 20, 1899. 2. Carl Eaton, b. July 20, 1902. v. David Lee, b. Oct. 26, 1876; now a traveling salesman, living at York, Neb. ; m. at York, Neb., Aug. 26, 1902, to Gertrude Nisser, daughter of Gustav and Aifva Nisser of York, who was b. in Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 20, 1881. 67 82. Carlos Roscoe 8 Martin (Abigail 1 [Eaton] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard* John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born June 29, 1835. He was educated in the Methodist Seminary in Newbury, Vt. He was a clergyman and a missionary in China, where he died, in Foo Chow, Sept. 6, 1864. He married Mary Elizabeth Allen, who was born Feb. 1, 1838, and died in West Berkshire, Vt., May 13, 1903. Two Children : i. Edward Homer, 9 b. in Foo Chow, China, Feb. 9, 1861; a physician in Middlebury, Vt. He was m. in Georgia, Vt., Oct. 18, 1882, to Ida May Hinckley. Six children : 1. Edward Homer, 10 b. Aug. 7, 1883. 2. Carlos Sumner, b. Aug. 13, 1884. 3. Harold Hinck- ley, b. Jan. 20, 1887. 4. Mabel, b. Sept. 16, 1888. 5. Marjorie, b. May 12, 1891. 6. Mildred, b. July 18, 1898. ii. Lucius, d. Sept. 6, 1864, at the age of one and one-half years. His death occurred on the same day as his father's, and he was buried in the same grave. 83. Alma Abigail 8 Martin (Abigail 1 [Eaton] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy," Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Gran- ville, Vt., June 14, 1842. She resides in South Strafford, Vt. She was married, Oct. 28, 1862, to George Henry Kendall, who was born Feb. 28, 1833, and died June 29, 1902. He was son of Josiah Kendall, born March 7, 1798, died Feb. 11, 1856, and Bedora Wells, his wife, born April 2, 1799, died Aug. 4, 1875, both of Strafford, Vt. Children : i. Herbert Carlos, 9 b. Oct. 22, 1863; d. Aug. 5, 1865. ii. Jennie Adelia, b. Dec. 22, 1865 ; m. May 17, 1884, to Arthur Luman Judd, of Strafford, who was b. Nov. 24, 1863. Seven children : 1. Blanche Lydia, l0 b. Aug. 20, 1885. 2. Luman Arthur, b. Dec. 12, 1886. 3. George Marshall, b. Oct. 4, 1888; d. April 25, 1890. 4. Florence Mildred, b. Nov. 19, 1890. 5. Martin Kendall, b. Jan. 14, 1893. 6. Mary Delia, b. March 2, 1895. 7. Margery Delia, b. Nov. 21, 1896. iii. Mary Dora, b. March 31, 1870; m. Nov. 30, 1892, to Charles H. Brown, of Strafford, who was b. April 25, 1866. Six children: 1. Dora Alma, 10 b. Dec. 4, 1893. 2. Charles Eaton, b. Aug. 6, 1895. 3. George Kendall, b. Aug. 12, 1897. 4. Marian Jennie, b. Sept. 6, 1899. 5. Nell Grace, b. Jan. 31, 1902. 6. Charlotte Belle, b. May 3, 1904. iv. Fannie Adalina, b. Aug. 28, 1878; resides in South Strafford, Vt. 84. David Thomas 8 Martin (Abigail 1 [Eaton] Martin, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy 5 Ebenezer, , 4 Richard, 3 John 2 Richard 1 ) was born July 26, 1844. He is a physician in Columbus, Neb. He was married in Clark's, Neb., March 1, 1877, to Lucy George, daughter of Frederick and Susan P. George, of that place. 68 Children, all born in Columbus, Neb. : i. David Thomas, 9 b. Jan. 13, 1878; a physician and surgeon in Co- lumbus, Neb. ii. Lucy H., b. Oct. 4, 1880; a bookkeeper in Chicago, 111. iii. Susan P., b. Nov. 17, 1882; a nurse in Clarkson Memorial Hospital, Omaha, Neb. iv. Homer M., b. April 21, 1885; a student in Creighton Medical Col- lege, Omaha, Neb. 85. Herbert 8 Eatox {Lucius' Eaton, Amy 6 [ Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard*) was born at the North American Phalanx, Monmouth Co., N. J., Oct. 14, 1849. He removed with his pa- rents to Champaign Co., 111., in 18-34; graduated from the University of Illinois in 1874; has been a printer and editor, but is now living with his children on a farm in Raymond township, Champaign Co., 111. He was married in Philo, 111., Nov. 19, 1881, by Rev. B. F. Hyde, to Grace Eva Baker, who was born in Bellefontaine, Logan Co., O., June 10, 1862, and died in Bloomington, III., April 2, 1900. She was daughter of Reuben Baker, who was born in German township, Clark Co., 0., Dec. 15, 1819, and Susan Kienborts, his wife, who was born in Springfield, Clark Co., O., June 8, 1831. They were married March 15, 1849. Children : i. Amy Pearl, 9 b. April 21, 1883. ii. Howard Lucius, b. Feb. 5, 1888. iii. Berenice Loveday, b. March 5, 1896. iv. Ralph Parker, b. Aug. 5, 1898. 8G. Ernest 8 Eaton {Lucius 1 Eaton, Amy 6 [ Clark] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born at the North American Pha- lanx, Monmouth Co., N. J., Feb. 9, 1851, and died at Norman, Oklahoma Territory, April 20, 1900. He removed with his parents to Champaign Co., 111., in 1854 ; graduated from the University of Illinois in the class of 1875, and was for several j^ears publisher with his brother Herbert of " The Signal" in Champaign, 111. He was one of the first settlers at the opening of Oklahoma Territory, April 22, 1889. He was married, Jan. 10, 1882, to Josephine Ella Clift, daughter of Perry P. and Hester (Reynolds) Clift, who were born and married in Oliio. She was born in Urbana, 111., March 20, 1861. Children : i. Bertha Fay, 9 b. in Champaign, 111., Nov. 3, 1883. ii. Frank Clift, b. in Champaign, 111., Sept. 25, 1887. iii. Leland Ernest, b. in Cashion (formerly Downs), Logan Co., Ok- lahoma, Dec. 1, 1900. 87. Edith 8 Eaton {Lucius' 1 Eaton, Amy 6 \_Clai-k~] Eaton, Timothy 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born at the North American Phalanx, Monmouth Co., N. J., Sept. 1, 1853. She was married in Philo, 69 111., Oct. 27, 1875, by Rev. W. G, Pierce, to Isaac Stuart Raymond, who was born in Newton, Union Co., O., Jan. 29, 1849. He is son of Na- thaniel Raymond, who was born in Mt. Vernon, N. H., Sept. 19, 1811, and died in Champaign, 111., May 12, 1890, and Melissa Stuart, his wife, who was born at Ballston Spa, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1818, and died in Raymond township, Champaign Co., 111., June 5, I860. Mr. Raymond came to Illinois in 1864. He graduated from the Uni- versity of Illinois, in the class of 1872, — the first class to graduate from that institution. He took the course in civil engineering, but has always been a farmer. He resides in Raymond township, Champaign Co., 111. He is serving his twelfth year as supervisor of Raymond township, and is also health officer and overseer of the poor. He has been school trustee of the township for thirty years and has recently been re-elected for three years. He was elected trustee of the State University in 1892, and served six years. He is deeply interested in agriculture, has done good work in the Farmers' Institutes, and has been president of the Champaign County Institute for the past six years. He is president of the First National Bank in Philo, and is interested in several other banks. His home farm in Raymond township comprises six hundred acres. Thanks are due to Mrs. Raymond for collecting materials for the sketch of the family of her father, Lucius Eaton. Children : i. John Eaton, 9 b. in Raymond township, Champaign Co., 111., Nov. 19, 1876. ii. Ruth Cleveland, b. in Raymond township, June 8, 1878. She graduated from the University of Illinois in 1899. She was m. Oct. 17, 1900, to Warren Edmond Haseltine, who was born at " North Prairie " M. E. parsonage, Ohio township, Bureau Co., 111., June 14, 1873. He is son of Theodore Harris Haseltine, who was son of William B. and Sarah (Woodruff) Haseltine, and was b. in Middletown, Vt., Feb. 12, 1837, and his wife Mary Eliza- beth Edmond, who was daughter of Samuel S. and Betsey (Cogs- well) Edmond, and was b. in Griswold, Conn., Feb. G, 1833. His parents were m. at Clark Seminary, Aurora, 111., June 23, 1865. Warren E. Haseltine attended North Western University three years and the University of Illinois two years, making the study of chemistry a specialty. He is superintendent and head chemist in Jobbins' glyceriue factory in Aurora, 111. One child : Tlieo- dore Raymond, 10 b. in Aurora, 111., Sept. 28, 1901. 88. Ada 8 Mary Eaton (Lucius' Eaton, Arm/ [ Clark'] Eaton, Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Eichard, 3 John,' 2 Eichard 1 ) was born in Philo, 111., Oct. 12, 1856. She was married in Philo, 111., Sept. 3, 1879, by Rev. W, G. Pierce, pastor of the Congregational Church in Champaign, to Ralph Allen, who was born in Seekonk, Mass., April 15, 1854. He is son of Jonathan Bow- ers Allen, born in Warren, R. I., Aug. 1, 1821, and his wife, Harriet Maria 70 Horton, born in Providence, R. L, Ang. 31, 1823. Jonathan B. Allen was son of Paschal Allen, born in East Providence, P. I., formerly See- konk, Mass., May 4, 1782, and Eloise Bowers his wife, born in Somerset, Mass., June 12; 1788. Harriet M. Horton was daughter °i Sji£phe n Hor- ton, born in Rehoboth, Mass., Jan. 11, 1793, and Harriet Msrria- Brown, his wife, born in Newport, R. I., April 1, 1797. Ralph Allen located with his parents in Delavan, 111., March 1, 1867. He graduated from the University of Illinois in the class of 187G. He has always been a farmer since his marriage, and resides on his farm in Dillon township, Tazewell County, 111., where ten children have been born to them : i. Edith Louise, 9 b. June 24, 1880; a graduate from the University of Illinois in the class of 1903. ii. Paschal, b. Sept. 24, 1881 ; in the junior class in the University of Illinois. iii. FredwhwtEaton, b. Dec. 9, 1883; resides in Lawrence, Kan. iv. Jonathan Bowers, b. Mar. 24, 1886. v. Ralph, b. Jan. 3, 1889. vi. Lucy Elizabeth, b. July 22, 1891. vii. Harriet Horton, b. April 7, 1894. viii. Hester Ada, b. April 7, 1894. ix. Theodore Raymond, b. May 17, 1898. s. Grace Eloise, b. Aug. 26, 1901. 89. Lucy Maria 8 Eaton (Lucius 1 Eaton, Amy 6 \_Clark~] Eaton, Timo- thy? Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John,' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Philo, 111., Feb. 21, 1871. She was married in Raymond township, Champaign Co., 111., June 6, 1897, to William Michael Hanson, son of Michael and Mary (Dolan) Hanson, who was born in Boston, Jan. 8, 18G9. His father was born in Scotland and his mother in Ireland. His father died soou after coming to America and his mother soon followed, and the family letters and papers were destroyed. He came to Illinois at the age of thirteen and found a good home with Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Busey of Sidney. He has charge of a general store in Sidney. One child : i. Elizabeth Eaton, 9 b. in Sidney, 111., May 17, 1899. 90. Francis Gray 8 Clark (Theophilus Flagg, 1 Jedediah, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Richard, 3 John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Roxbury, Vt., April 17, 1838. He removed to Bridge water, Vt., with his parents in 1843 ; was educated in the common schools, and attended an academy in South Wood- stock, Vt., for several terms, till the Spring of 1859, when he entered Barre (Vt.) Academy, of which Jacob S. Spaulding, D.D., was principal. He entered Middlebury College in 1860, and remained there till the summer of 1862, when he enlisted in Company G, Sixteenth Regiment Vermont 71 Volunteer Infantry. He served for about a year and was actively engaged with his regiment in the Gettysburg campaign. Gen. Stannard's brigade, to which the Sixteenth Vermont belonged, took a conspicuous part in the third day of the battle of Gettysburg, and aided in repulsing Pickett's charge by precipitating themselves on his right flank. Mr. Clark was first lieutenant at the time, but, as the captain was disabled, he was in command of the company. Returning home, he rejoined his class after a year's absence and gradu- ated in 1864. In the Fall of that year he took charge of Chester (Vt.) Academy, but on January 4, 1865, enlisted for a second time in the Twen- ty-sixth New York Cavalry, which was stationed on the northern frontier to prevent incursions from Canada. He was mustered out at the close of the war in June, 1865. He at once began reading law in the office of Gen. F. W. Hopkins, then clerk of courts at Rutland, Vt. In May, 1866, he entered the law office of Gen. Peter T. Washburne of Woodstock, Vt., and was admitted to Windsor County bar in December, 1866. He decided to remove to the West, and settled in Belle Plaine, Benton Coun- ty, Iowa, where he practised law successfully for several years, and in 1872 and 1873 was sent to the legislature. In November, 1876, he removed to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and has resided there to the present time, engaged in the practice of law. • The firm is " Clark & Clark," his eldest son, Charles Francis Clark, being junior partner. Francis G. Clark was married, first, in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 5, 1865, to Harriet N. Newton, who was born in Rochester, Vt., April 14, 1839, and died in Kenosha, Wis., Sept. 28, 1892. Mrs. Clark was a woman of large attainments in scholarship and a very successful teacher before her mar- riage. Mr. Clark was married, second, Sept. 1, 1896, to Mary Virginia Loy, of Cedar Rapids. Francis G. and Harriet N. Clark had six children, as follows : i. Charles Newton, 9 b. in Gaysville, Vt., Oct. 24, 1867; d. Jan. 21, 1869. ii. Maud, b. iu Belle Plaine, March 4, 1869 ; m. Feb. 20, 1900, to Rev. John Russell Henderson, a Congregational minister, now (1905) settled in Princeton, Minn, iii. Charles Francis, b. in Belle Plaiue, Aug. 13, 1871 ; graduated at Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and at Law Department, State University of Iowa; a lawyer in partnership with his father. He was m. Nov. 29, 1900, to Elizabeth Besler. iv. Paul Newton, b. in Belle Plaine, May 15, 1876; graduated at Coe College ; is engaged in the publishing business in Chicago. He was m. Nov. 1899, to Kate Armstrong. v. David Flagg, b. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1879 ; graduated at Middlebury College, Vt. ; a civil engineer, employed by the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, vi. Robert Lane, b. in Cedar Rapids, June 25, 1882; now (1904) pur- suing a course in dentistry in Iowa State University. 72 91. Elliott Allen s Clarke {Leonard Elliott,' 1 Jedediah? Timothy. 5 Ebenezer? Richard? John.' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Roxbury, Vt., Jan. 3, 1835. He removed to New York State with his parents at an early age, and is now a wheelwright in IIerrnon,'*N. Y. During the War of the Re- bellion he was orderly sergeant of Company A, 106th New York Volun- teers, and served to the close of the war. taking part in all the battles of his regiment except the last battle of Petersburg. Pie was married, Oct. 8, 1858, to Isabel Evaline Green. Children : i. May Estelle, 9 b. Nov. 27, 1859 ; m. Sept. 3, 1881, to Almon Fellows Buttei'fleld. Both deceased. One child, Helen Clarke, 10 b. July 1, 1882; m. Dec. 31, 1002, to Ernest Jay Rude, of Hermon, N. Y. ii. Sidney Allen, b. March 29, 1862 ; a painter in Little Falls, N. Y. ; m. first, Sept. 8, 18S4, to Nellie Hart, by whom he had one child, Bernice May 10 ; second, Nov. 4, 1894, to Helen Wallace. iii. Leon Elliott, b. April 18, 1869; a jeweler at De Kalb Junction, N. Y. ; m. April 11, 1889. to Bridget Crowley. Three children: 1. Louie May, l0 b. Nov. 8, 1890. 2. Eva Grace, b. Aug. 1, 1895. 3. Verna Evaline, b. Aug. 3, 1900. 92. Ethan Alphonzo 8 Clarke (Leonard Elliott," Jedediah, 6 Timo- thy? Ebenezer? Richard, 3 John.' 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Roxbury, Vt., Dec. 4, 1836. He is a wheelwright in Hermon, N. Y. He was married, Feb., 1859, to Ermina Leonard. One child : i. Inez Celestia, 9 b. Oct. 31, 1861 ; m. Sept. 3, 1879, to William Johns. One child, Hazel Evangeline, 10 b. May 18, 1885. Mr. Johns is postmaster in Hermon, N. Y. 93. Dayton Perry 8 Clarke (Leonard Elliott,' Jedediah? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in De Kalb, N. Y.. Dec. 15, 1840. When nine or ten years old, he removed with his parents from De Kalb to Hermon, N. Y., and resided there till about eighteen years of age, attending the public schools and teaching several terms. At the age of eighteen he went to Northfield, Vt., to attend the academy in that place. After being in the academy about a year, he taught several terms of school in Roxbury, Vt., and had begun to study law in the office of his cousin, Col. F. V. Randall of Northfield, when the war broke out. He enlisted at once in Co. F, Second Vermont Regiment, and served for three years, and dur- ing that time was promoted to the rank of captain. His record as a soldier was highly honorable. He was awarded a medal of honor by the Secre- tary of War for gallant conduct under fire at the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. He commanded the Second Vermont Regiment during the battle, which lasted for eight hours and was one of the bloodiest actions of the War. 73 Captain Clarke was married Sept. 11, 1865, to Mary Kent, with whom he became acquainted while teaching in Roxbury, Vt. She is daughter of "William and Martha Kingsbury Kent, and was born in Warren, Vt., June 14, 1842. They resided for a short time after marriage in St. Albans, Vt., where Capt. Clarke was engaged in business as a merchant. They soon removed to Montpelier, Vt., which has since been their home. Here he carried on business for a time as a merchant, afterwards was id the em- ployment of the Lane Manufacturing Company, and for the past twenty years has carried on a shop for carriage, sign and house painting. Children : i. Louie Agxes, 9 b. May 18, 1866; a teacher by profession, and at present (1904) preceptress in the Academy at Barton, Vt. ii. Grace May, b. Aug. 4, 1873 ; resides with her parents and teaches private classes. 94. Alonzo Bradford 8 Clark [Ebenezer Bradford? Jedediah, 6 Timo- thy, 5 Ebenezer? Richard* John,- Richard 1 ) was born in Roxbury, Vt., Dec. 28, 1839. He removed with his parents in 1848 or '49 to Canton, N. Y. August 30, 1862, he enlisted in the 142d Regiment New York Vol. Inf., and served throughout the W 7 ar. He was discharged June 7, 1865. Sep- tember 29, 1864, he received a gunshot wound in his right thigh, during a charge made on Laurel Hill, Va., near Richmond. As a result of the wound he was confined in hospital about six months. He writes that he was in eleven general engagements. Since the War he has been a farmer, a contractor in railroad-building, a lumberman in Wisconsin and Minne- sota, a miner in Colorado, and a sheep farmer in Montana. About six years since he spent a year with friends at his old home, and then removed to Cleveland, 0., where he now resides. He was married in De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Nov. 15, 1857, to Eveline Maud France. Children, born in Canton, N. Y. : i. Ella Elexor, 9 b. Sept. IS, 1859; m. March, 1872, to George Wash- ington Crane, a dairy farmer, of Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he now resides. Thirteen children: 1. Gene G., 10 b. Jan. 26, 1874; m. and has three children. 2. Carrie A., b. April 17, 1876; m. George Newman. No children. 3. Lillian 31., b. July 1, 1877; m. AV alter Brooks; has two children. 4. Emma E., b. Jan. 17, 1879 ; m. James Welsh, and after his death m. his broth- er, John Welsh. One child by each husband. 5. Cora 31., b. April 26..1880; m. E.Welsh. One child. 6. Freeman B., b. Jan. 8, 1882; now attending college. 7. Claude B., b. Nov. 13, 18S3; now attending college. 8. Bessie J/., b. May 13, 1886; now in High School. 9. Bertha A., b. March 10, 1888; d. at the age of two'years. 10. Benjamin H., b. Oct. 10,1892. 11. Cecil B., b. Aug. 23, 1897. 12. Dewey A., b. Jan. 23, 1899 ; d. at the age of four months. 13. Floyd, b. in the spring of 1901. 74 ii. George Henan, b. June 9, 1861; resides in Watertown, N. Y. ; a machinist; m. Nov., 1888, to Emma Babcock, of Watertown; one child, Bessie, 10 now eleven years old. iii. Elnora Capatolia, b. May 16, 1869; m. at Oswego Falls, N. Y., June 27, 1889, to George Washington Duggan, of East Hornells- ville, N. Y., who is now an excavator and grader, residing in Cleveland, O. Two children : 1. Claude, 10 b. Aug. 9, 1891. 2. Ma- rie Bernice, b. Oct. 6, 1898. 95. Emeline s Clark (Ebenezer Bradford," Jedediah? Timothy? Eben- ezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Roxbury, Vt., March 26, 1847. Her parents removed when she was a year or two old to Canton, N. Y., and she has spent her life there and in that vicinity. She now re- sides in Canton. She was married, Aug. 22, 1869, to Joseph Poole, a far- mer, who was born in Gouverneur, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1836, and died in hos- pital in Ogdensburg, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1893. Children : i. Berton, 9 b. in Canton, N. Y., June 10, 1870; is member of the firm of Poole Brothers, manufacturers of butter aud cheese, in Can- ton; m. Aug. 28, 1900, to Flora I. Moore, of North Russell, N. Y. Children: 1. Dorothy Louise, 10 b. Dec. 1,1901. 2. Gertrude, b. Dec. 2, 1903. ii. Forrest, b. in Canton, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1873; in partnership with his brother in Cauton ; m. Aug. 30, 1899, to Sadie White, of North Russell, N. Y. iii. Lotta M., b. in North Russell, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1883; m. Aug. 26, 1903, to Vernon C. Clark, of North Russell, a manufacturer of butter aud cheese. 96. Jason Almeron 8 Clark (Jedediah Stearns? Jedediah? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard 1 ) was born in Hermon, N. Y., May 23, 1842 ; died May 23, 1901 ; a farmer and a consistent member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. He resided in Hermon, N. Y., till about 1876, when he removed to Parishville, N. Y,, where he resided until his death. He was married, Jan. 1, 1863, to Emily Taggart. Five children : i. Clifton, 9 b. Jan. 26, 1864; d. May 29, 1883. ii. Clinton J., b. May 9, 1866; resides in Parishville, N. Y. iii. Gertie, b. Jan. 10, 1874; d. Dec. 13, 1871. iv. Pearl, b. Sept. 30, 1877; is in Syracuse University, N. Y. v. Jessie, b. Jan. 19, 1881; resides in Potsdam, N. Y. 97. Simeon Levando 8 Clark {Jedediah Stearns? Jedediah? Timothy? Ebenezer? Richard? John? Richard}) was born in Hermon, N. Y., May 11, 1844. He was educated in the district aud select schools of the day, and at the age of nineteen taught school in the winter. In the summer of 1864 he was working on a farm for his father. Sept. 5, 1864, he enlisted in Battery E, First New York Light Artillery, and on the 7th started for 75 the front, arriving on the Weldon Railroad about Sept. 20. He served in front of Petersburg from that time till the close of the War, part of the time in Fort Wadsworth and the rest outside of the line in front of Peters- burg. He was discharged from service June 5, 1865. After his marriage, in 1865, he resided in Canton, N. Y., carrying on a farm in summer and teaching school in winter. April 1, 1871, he removed from Canton to Parishville, N. Y., where he conducted a drug store until Nov. 1, 1876, when he sold his drug business to engage more fully in the manufacture of lumber and butter tubs, in which he had already embarked in a small way. He carried on this business alone until Nov. 1, 1888, when he took his son, Pliny James Clark, into partnership. They have since carried on the same business together and employ about 200 men working in their mills in Parishville, and cutting logs in the winter in the woods a few miles from Parishville for their output for the next season. Mr. Clark is a member of the First Baptist Church of Parishville, and has been superintendent of the Sunday School since 1890. He has been twice married: first, Aug. 24, 1865, to Mary E. Keeler, daughter of Ephraim and Ann (Metcalf ) Keeler of Spencerville, Out., who was born in Spencerville, May 12, 1844, and died in Parishville, Sept. 15, 1891 ; and second, June 7, 1893, to Mary Keeler Berry, of North Lawrence, N. Y., daughter of William Keeler of Ontario and Rosannah (Banks) Keeler, of Denmark, N. Y., who was born in Augusta, Ont., March 31, 1845. Children, by first wife : i. Charlotte Ann, 9 b. June 10, 1866; cl. in Los Angeles, Cal., July 30, 1895; m. May 27, 1893, to Walter F. Parker, of Los Angeles. No children. ii. Flint James, b. Oct. 28, 1867; in partnership in business with his father in Parishville ;. in. Feb. 15, 1900, to Eva Sophia Cole, of Parishville. One child : Walter Simeon, 10 b. May 26, 1902. iii. Ernest Simeon, b. Sept. 11, 1871; d. May 27, 1882. iv. Earl Keeler, b. Jan. 13, 1878; d. March 30, 1880. 98. Flora Amelia 8 Clark (Jedediah Stearns, 7 Jedediah, 6 Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard? John, 2 Richard 1 ) was born in Hermon, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1848, and died in Parishville, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1899. She was married in Norwood, N. Y., about 1870, to Dr. Henry Theodore Hammond, of Lawrence, N. Y., and resided in Chase's Mills, N. Y., till his death, which occurred March 11, 1892. She then removed to Parishville, N. Y., where she spent the rest of her life. Six children, born in Chase's Mills, N. Y. : i. Archibald Valentine, 9 b. Feb. 14, 1872; resides in Stark- weather, North Dakota. ii. Mabel Maud, b. April 18, 1874 ; resides in Norfolk, N. Y. ; m. June, 1891, to William Mein, of Louisville, N. Y. One child : Edward, 10 about two years old. 76 iii. Eva Amelia, b. Sept. 17, 1877; resides in Keeseville, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 24, 1903, to Burton Boom. iv. Gertrude May, b. April 1, 18S0; m. Jan. 7, 1899, to George San- ford, of Parishville, N. Y. One child, Simeon T., 10 b. Oct. 1(3, 1901. v. Ernest J., b. Aug. 30, 18S2 ; a stenographer ; resides in Parishville, N. Y. vi. Myrtle M., b. Feb. G, 1890; resides in Massena, N. Y. 99. Harold Stearns 8 Clark (Jedediah Stearns? Jedediah* Timothy, 5 Ebenezer* Richard, 3 John,' 2 -Richard 1 ) was born in Canton, N. Y., July 15, 1859. He removed in 1875 to Parishville, N. Y., where he carries on a retail grocery store. He was married Aug. 17, 1882, to Frank C. Robin- son. Children : i. Ethel, 9 b. Dec. 2, 1884. ii. Earl, b. Sept. 30, 1886. iii. William H., b. Aug. 14, 1893. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 9. That Ebenezer Clark learned a trade is shown by a deed on record in Salem, Mass., dated before his removal to Mansfield, Conn. In this deed of land in Rowley, he describes himself as " chairmaker, of Ipswich." It is not unlikely that he practised this trade in Mansfield. Page 11. In " New Hampshire Provincial Papers," Vol. 7, pp. 596-597, there is a list of officers and men who were paid for the loss of equipment and clothing in the battle of Bunker Hill. Timothy Clark was paid £2-4 for the following articles lost in the battle : 1 grate coat, 1 tite coat, 1 good shirt, 1 good Drum, 1 tumpline [or pack-strap]. The return was signed by Captain John Marcy. Pa2e 16. Benjamin 7 Ripley m. Olive Wilson. Page 24. Benjamin 7 Clarke was married in 1834 to Rhoda Harlow Ranney, daughter of Calvin and Anna (Root) Ranney, who was born at Westminster West Parish, Vt., March 29, 1809, and died on the farm ten miles south of Algona, Iowa, Aug. 15, 1880. They had one child : i. Mary Seymore, 8 b. at Westminster East Parish, Vt., Jan. 30, 1839. She resides with her second husband in Sioux City, Iowa. She has been twice married: first, at Alcona, Iowa, April 12, 1860, to George Perry Steele, a tinsmith, son of Stearns and Ann (Perry) Steele, who was b. Jan. 3, 1838, and d. at Algona, Dec. 15, 1860. They had one child, Georgianna Perry, 9 b. at Saxton's River Village, Vt., July 21, 1S61 ; d. March 23, 1898; m. July 20, 1878, to George Stewart, son of George and Mary (Clarke) Stewart. She left seven children, all of whom are living. The two eldest, daughters, are married and one of them has one child. Their names are : 1. Mary Jayne, 10 b. May 21, 1879; in. Hale. One child, Gladys, 11 b. Sept. 12, 1899. 2. Georgie Louise, b. June 27, 1881; m. L. Tipton; resides in Armstrong, Iowa. 3. James William, b. Jan. 12, 1883. 4. John, b. Sept. 5, 1886. 5. Nellie Ada, b. Nov. 4, 1888. 6. Minnie Viola, b. April 19, 1892. 7. Guy Berton, b. July 27, 1895. Mary S. Clarke was rh. second, March 13, 1866, to Oscar F. Hale, a civil engineer, then residing in Algona. He is son of Daniel Moses aud Ada M. (Aid rich) (Pool) Hale, and was b. in Scioto County, Ohio, April 1, 1839. They have one child, Cora Ada, 9 b. Jan. 12, 1867; m. Sept. 25, 1888, to Cornelius Ihmels. Two children : 1. Frank Seymore, 10 b. Jan. 12, 1890. 2. Albert Hale, b. Sept. 22, 1902. 78 Page 44. Adelaide D. 9 Hale was married July 16, 1869, to Orlo C. Perkins. George A. 9 Hale was married Nov. 19, 1865, to Helen Owen. Children: 1. Charles E., 10 born July 16, 1866; resides in Waltham, Mass. 2. Bertha, born July 18, 1868 ; died Aug. 4, 1884. 3. Walter, born April 15, 1872 ; resides in Stowe, Vt. 4. Claude, born Aug. 29, 1874; died April, 1893. Owen C. 9 Hale was married June 30, 1873, to Julia H. Ar- nold. Children : 1. Pearl K, 10 born March 20, 1880. 2. Harold C, born Jan. 9, 1885. NOTE ON THE CLARKE HOUSE IN ROWLEY, MASS. There is some uncertainty as to when the old Clarke house in Rowley, an engraving of which from a recent photograph forms the frontispiece of this volume, was built, or by whom. It appears by deeds on record in Salem that John Clarke, son of Richard the immigrant, in 1712 deeded his property to his three sons — Jonathan, Judah and Richard. To Jonathan he gave the easterly part of the house he (John) lived iu and the use of one half of the cellar. To Judah he gave the land on which his (Judah's) house stood, and par- cels of lands elsewhere. To Richard he gave " one and one-half acres of land on which said Richard's house now stands." Afterwards Jonathan deeded to his son Moses one half of the house in which he lived, situated on Bradford Street ; also land lying westerly of Prospect Hill. As the house now standing bears internal evidence of having been part- ly built at different times and for two families, it may well be the one built by John and occupied by him and his son Jonathan and later by Jonathan and his son Moses. If this is correct, the date of its erection must have been between 1675 and 1700. It may, however, be the house built by Richard, 3 because it stands upon al| acre lot, and this is the only lot conveyed by John to his children which answers that description. Richard was a man of growing means and family and may have added to his original house. It is tradition in Rowley that the house of Richard, the immigrant, which was probably of logs and with a thatched roof, stood a few rods west of the present house and upon the same 1| acre tract. As Richard 1 appears to have disposed of most of his property to his children, John and Esther, before he made his will iu 1G73, and did not leave any real estate by will, the 1| acre tract that he obtained from Thomas Elathorpe between 1643 and 1661 is beyond a doubt the lot on which the house now stands, although no record of the conveyance has been found. If the house was built by Richard, 3 the time must have been prior to 1712. The heavy oak timbers, the massive chimney and fireplaces and the lean-to or low slant of the roof on the back were equally characteristic of the last quarter of the 17th or the first quarter of the 18th centuries; but some large bullets found by the present owner in a partition which he was changing indicate the earlier period. AN ANCESTRAL TABLET DEDICATED. Interesting Family and Neighborhood Gathering at Rochester, Vt., August 30, 1904. [From the Randolph ( Vt.) Herald.'] An event of more than ordinary interest took place in Rochester North Hollow, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 1904, when the Clarke, Eaton and Goodno families gathered for a reunion and picnic. A general invitation had been extended to the people of Rochester, Hancock and Granville, and upwards of 400 assembled to participate in the pleasures of the occasion. An interesting feature of the occasion was the dedication of a tablet in the North Hollow burial ground to the memory of Timothy Clark, a soldier of the Revolution, and Jonathan Rogers Clark, who lost his life in a charity bee in LSI 2. Long before the li ;e appointed, a large concourse assem- bled at the cemetery. After an hour or two of pleasant intercourse, Col. Albert Clarke, secretary of the Home Market Club, Boston, called the peo- ple to order. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. Frank E. Adams, of Rochest. r. Col. Clarke related the circumstance of finding the grave of his great-grandfather, only a year or two ago, and said that this gather- ing was the result of that discovery, A quartette consisting of Milo M. Ball, Edward Morse, Will A. Chaffee and Fay Webber sang the >¥ Star Spangled Banner." Col. Clarke read the inscriptions on the tablet, and explained that, al- though the place where they were assembled abounded in memorials of departed friends, the present occasion was not for mourning but rather for rejoicing and for thoughts upon services and sacrifices for the country. After the exercises at the cemetery, the company repaired to the picnic ground under the trees at the Four Corners, mar by. Very complete prep- arations had been made by the people of North Hollow for promoting the comfort and pleasure of the company. A table 108 feet long had been provided, a platform for speaking erected, and arrangements for the care of horses had been made. Those who could not be accommodated at the tables disposed themselves in little groups at convenient points. Food was abundant, as nearly everyone had contributed something to the supply. After dinner Col. Clarke called the company to order and expressed his thanks to all who had aided in the movement. Letters were read from several who expected to be present but were unable to do so. Among them were Prof. W. R. Shipman of Tufts Col- lege, Frank G. Clark of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, aud Dr. C. D. Clark of Min- neapolis, Kansas. STOM i; AT THE i.KA VF.S OK II Moll IV CI, ARK AN l> JONATHAN ROGERS (LA UK, IX TIIK NORTH IKU.I.OW BURIAL GROUND, ROCHESTER, VT. INSCRIPTION'S: .1 imathan Rogers ( 'lark Sim of Timothy Born in ( rrafton Vermont April 12 17(59 Died in Rochester in 1812 bj accident from a falling tree while performing a work of charity For ancestry and descendants see historical sketch in the Rochester Public Library Erected by a descendant and dedicated at a family and neighborhood reunion 30, 1904 Timotln icd in Hancock Vermont February 1813 while returning from the Ann\ in Northern New York where three of his sons were in the service and two lost their lives He was in the Rattle of Hunker Mill in Colonel James Reed's regiment and in the Ticonderoga campaign of 1777 81 Col. Clarke said that improvements were to be made in the cemetery. Timothy Clark was not the only Revolutionary soldier buried here. There were Amos Chaffee and Kiles Paul, and perhaps others. Rochester has the unique distinction of having furnished more soldiers in the Civil War than any other town of the same population in the United States. The soldiers' monument stands as a perpetual reminder. There were four only sons from Rochester who were killed in battle. In introducing Mr. Thomas Bellows Peck, of Walpole, N. H., Col, Clarke said of himself that he did not know enough to trace out the line, but he did know enough to find the right man to do it. Mr. Peck said that it was rather a dangerous experiment to ask a dry genealogist to make an after-dinner speech, but he was not much of a genealogist anyway. He undertook to trace out his mother's family and made a book, and ever since had been trying to get people to buy copies. An ancestor possessing strong traits of character transmits them to his descendants. Timothy Clark was a man of such character. History does not tell us that he was a religious man, but he was a righteous man. He had the qualities needed by a pioneer — courage, enterprise and staying power. The same qualities have been displayed by his descendants. They have been a race of patri- otic soldiers and pioneers. Many of them served their country in the war of 1812 and in the War for the Union, and very many have been pioneers in the settlement of the Middle States and the far West. Many of the settlers in Vermont came from Massachusetts and Connecticut. Thev left records behind them in those States, but brought none with them. Hence it is sometimes extremely difficult to trace their ancestry. The search for the ancestry of Timoth}' Clark, undertaken at the request of Col. Clarke, occupied nearly two years, and was extremely interesting. It involved much hunting in the records of towns in Connecticut. He proved to have been a native of Mansfield, Conn., and a descendant, through his father, Ebenezer Clark, from Richard Clarke, one of the first settlers of Rowley, Mass., in 1639. The family was honorable in itself and was connected by marriage with the best families in Northern Connecticut and Eastern Mas- sachusetts. Timothy Clark was one of the first settlers of Grafton, Vt., and a few years later of Rockingham, Vt. He served, as a drummer, in a New Hampshire regiment in the battle of Bunker Hill, and with Vermont men at Ticonderosfa. Col. Clarke said that his brother, Dean, took so much interest in the occasion that he had written a poem for it. The poem was sung by the quartette to the tune of "The Old Oaken Bucket." It is an interesting coincidence that the tune chosen was written by Samuel Woodworth, a de- scendant of Walter Woodworth of Scituate, Mass., who was likewise the ancestor of Amy Woodworth, wife of Timothy Clark, and great-grandmother of Dean, the writer of this song, who did not then know the relationship. The poem was as follows : 82 THE OLD NORTH HOLLOW. How dear to our hearts are the scenes of our childhood, When after long absence their sight we renew : The grand old Green Mountains, their mantle of wildwood, Whose varied rich colors enchant our fond view; A peaceful green valley where nature reposes, Where thrift and contentment in modesty dwell, As lovely as that which was promised to Moses — The dear old North Hollow we all love so well. The grand old North Hollow, the mountain-girt Hollow. Whose voices and echoes retain their old spelL Our sturdy old grandsires discovered this Hollow And opened its fields to the light of the sun ; Their labors our fathers were eager to follow, Completing the clearings which they had begun. No longer we see those dear, honest, old neighbors, They've gone like the trees which obeyed them and fell: But here are the scenes, and the fruits of their labors, The homesteads whereon their descendants now dwell. Ancestral North Hollow, our kindred's home Hollow, Our bosoms with pride for your pioneers swell. 'Twas here that our parents toiled hard and provided Good homes where we grew up to manhood's estate, And sad was the day when the children divided, And each for himself went to battle with fate. Those years of hard labor from March to December, To raise our own living and something to sell, Each farm boy and girl too will always remember, And to the grandchildren their hardships will tell. The stony North Hollow, the wall-fenced old Hollow, The tough-soiled old Hollow where no manna fell. Our parents believed in a school education, Tho' scant was the book lore possessed by themselves; They well knew that knowledge ennobles the station Of him who with brawn for his livelihood delves; And fondly they thought that some child rarely gifted Might shine where earth's great ones supposedly dwell; So o'er the long roads, often bleak and high drifted, The dear old red schoolhouse we poured to pell-mell. O high-souled North Hollow, the school-lighted Hollow, Of some of whose scholars Fame's tablets now tell. And now to the scenes in the valley before us We bid a reluctant but cheerful "good bye." Ere long we shall go to the parents who bore us, Whose beautiful home is in realms upon high. 83 But ne'er we'll forget the dear lovely old Hollow, Where many long years it was joyous to dwell, And oft will return as the swift-flying swallow Comes back to the nest where he broke from his shell. dear old North Hollow, the blessed old Hollow, The tears dim our eyes as we bid you farewell. At the conclusion of the singing Mr. A. K. Harvey called for three cheers for the poem, its author and the singers, and they were given right heartily. Rev. Ransom A. Greene was next introduced as one who had been pastor of one of the largest churches of Lowell for 27 years. Mr. Greene said he wished to express his personal sense of deep obligation to Col. Clarke for the work he has done. It takes great perseverance and patience to trace out an ancestral line. We are gathered today on sacred ground. It is sacred in a double sense. It is sacred because it is God's land, and sacred because of the associations connected with it. The interests of many of us are in other States. When vacation comes my face turns in this direc- tion as home. Our forward look is not one of doubt and despondency. We look into faces, we clasp hands, we hear voices of the olden time. The future is one of hope. Col. Clarke said that a census of the company indicated that 400 were present. Why cannot we consider ourselves the 400 ? By request, " The Star Spangled Banner " was sung again. Hon. Eugene E. Eaton of Maiden, Mass., was introduced, with a refer- ence to* his gallant service at Gettysburg. The occasion was one of great joy to him. He was glad that so many of his old friends were alive and blessed with prosperity. " I was so ignorant that I did not know the name of my great-grandfather, Timothy Clark. He was of the bone and sinew of the State — a sturdy son of the soil." He paid a high tribute to Col. Clarke, who had done much to educate the people of Massachusetts and of the nation in things pertaining to material prosperity. Mr. Ernest Chase expressed the thanks of the assembly to all who had planned and helped to make the occasion so successful. The audience joined in the singing of " America " and soon separated, with the hope that at no distant day the pleasant experience might be re- peated. INDEX OF PERSONS DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD CLARKE, OF ROWLEY, MASS. Aldrich, Chester Lee, 55 Helen Marie, 55 Jennie Bertha, 55 Jesse Edmund, 55 Mary De Ette, 55 William Frank, 55 Allen, Edith Louise, 70 Frederick Eaton, 70 Grace Eloise, 70 Harriet Horton, 70 Hester Ada, 70 Jonathan Bowers, 70 Lucy Elizabeth, 70 Paschal, 70 Ralph, 70 Theodore Raymond, 70 Andrews, Anna Belle, 17 Blanche Emily, 17 Charles E., 17 Charles Fred, 17 Emily, 17 Guy 'William, 17 Louise Perry, 63 Roy, 17 Bai-ber, Beatrice A., 46 Bean, Frances M., 57 Raymond R., 57 Wilfred L.. 57 Bemis, Alice Clarke, 24 Annie Louise, 24 Blanche Agnes, 24 Florence Tracy, 24 Billings, Ernie Leslie, 43 Briggs, Alton Rollin, 56 Ella Myrle, 28 Eugene Fayette, 56 Frank Edg'erton, 28 Leda Alice, 56 Martin Eugene, 56 Mary Abbie, 56 Raymond Alonzo, 56 Brown, Charles Eaton, 67 Chailotte Belle, 67 Dora Alma, 67 George Kendall, 67 Marian Jennie, 67 Nell Grace, 67 Bullis, Charles, 21 Butler, Anna Crystal, 59 Crystal, 59 Eugene Arthur, 59 Butterfield, Helen Clarke, 72 Carter, Julia, 26 Chadwick, Annis M., 45 Edna, 45 Frank C, 45 Harold, 45 Jennie E., 45 Marion, 45 Owen J., 45 Roy A., 46 Chamberlain, Annie, 15 Anson, 15 Butler, 15 Diantha, 15 Hubbard, 15 John, 15 Maria, 15 Sibyl, 15 Wiilard, 15 Childs, Antoinette L., 56 Clark, 1 A , Clarke, } Aar0n ' 7 Abbie De Ette, 18 Abigail, 4 7, 8 Abigail, 5 10 Abigail, 7 17, 25, 28 Achsah E., 18 Albert, 7 16, 25 Albert, 8 27, 48, 49, 52, 61, 80,81, 82,83 Alma J., 28 Almon, 27, 49, 50 Alonzo Bradford, 37, 73 Ambrose E., 18 Ama, Amy Amv 7 (Jonathan Rog- ers*), 17, 25, 26 Amy 7 {Solomon Brad- ford*), 21 Angeline Adelaide, 27 Ann Elizabeth, 37 Anna,* 10 Anna, 6 14, 20 Arthur L., 51 — — — ■— — — -j - — a ' I 6 12 13 19, 54 Clarke (continued) Benjamin, 3 7 Benjamin. 7 16, 24, 77 Bernice May, 72 Bessie, 74 Betsey Eaton, 27, 46 Bovd. 38 Bradford, 7 21 Bradford, 9 52 Caroline, 21 Carroll D., 52 Charles 7 ( Solomon Brad- ford 6 ), 21 Charles 7 ( Timothy*), 16, 23, 40 Charles Browne, 41 Charles De Witt, 29, 52, 80 Charles Everett, 40 Charles Flagg, 37 Charles Francis, 71 Charles Franklin, 41 Charles H., 51 Charles Newton, 71 Charles Timothy, 25, 42, 43 Charles Wayland, 23,41 Charlotte Ann, 75 Charlotte Florence, 38 Clarissa A., 18 Cleopatra, 21 Clifton, 8 38 Clifton, 9 74 Clinton J., 74 Cordell A., 18 Daisy, 52 Daniel, 10 Daniel Randall, 6 13, 18 Daniel Randall, 7 18 David Everett, 22, 23, 24, 40 David Flagg, 71 Dayton Perry, 37, 72, 73 DeEtte A.. 51 Dean, 27, 47, 49, 81 Dorian E., 51 Earl, 76 Earl Keeler, 75 86 Clarke (continued) Ebenezer, 3 7 Ebenezer, 4 7, 8, 9, 10, 77, 81 Ebenezer,* 10 Ebenezer, 6 14 Ebenezer Bradford, 20, 37 Edgar S., 37 Edith Mae, 24 Eliza, 20 Eliza Jane, 37 Ella E., 51 Ella Elenor, 73 Ella M.. 28 Ella Mary, 37 Elliott Allen, 37, 72 Elnora Capatolia, 74 Elsea Elmea, 27 Emeline, 37, 38, 74 Emily Ann. 5 23 Emily Ann, 9 40 Ernest 15., 38 Ernest Simeon, 75 Ervin Elias, 29, 51 Ethan Alphonzo, 37, 72 Ethel, 76 Eugene M., 52 Eula, 52 Eunice, 5 10 Eunice, 6 13, 17 Eunice, 9 52 Eva Grace, 72 Everett Watson, 40 Flora Amelia, 38, 75 Florence A., 51 Frances, 28 Francis Gray, 37, 70, 71, 80 Frank Albert, 24 George Haven, 40 George Henan, 74 George Joshua, 24 George Leland, 24 Gertie, 74 Gertrude. 52 Grace May, 73 Hannah. 7 Hannah Agnes, 24, 40 Harlie. 38 Harold Stearns, 3S, 76 Harriet, 20 Harriet Alverson, 39 Harriet Elizabeth, 38 Harriet Elvira, 27, 46 Harriet "Woodburv, 25, 41, 42 Hayden. 28 Helen Currier, 40 Henrietta Burke, 24,40 Henrietta Sarah, 23, 40 Henry Clifford, 39 Henry Wilder, 39 Herbert J., 21 Clarke (continued) Hester, 2 6, 79 Hester, 3 7 Homer Thompson, 39 Howard Arthur, 39 Inez Celestia, 72 Jane, 28 Jason, 17 Jason Almeron, 38, 74 Jedediah. 6 1:?, 19, 20 Jedediah, 7 17, 27 Jedediah Stearns, 20,38 Jeremiah, 7 Jessi .', 71 Joannah, 10 John, 2 6, 79 John, 3 7 John, 4 7, 8 John F., 52 John Henry, 24 Jonathan, 3 7, 79 Jonathan, 4 7 Jonathan, 6 10 Jonathan Rogers, 13, 17,80 Joseph, 3 7 Joseph, 7 16, 24 Joseph, s 16, 25 Josie Caroline, 49 Judah, 2 6 Judah, 3 7, 79 Judah, 4 7 Julia Ann, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25 Julius C 18 Laura Maria, 37 Lauren W., 28 Lemuel M. r 38 Leon Elliott, 72 Leonard Elliott, 19, 20, 37 Lois, 51 Louie Agnes, 73 Louie May, 72 Louise, 20 Lucinda, 16 Lucius Eaton, 29, 52 Lucy, 18 Mahala B., 20 Marcia, 17 Margaret, 13, 15 Marie Woodbury, 43 Marion Hertha, 43 Martha, 2 6 Martha, 3 7 Martha Abigail, 22, 40 Martha 11., 39 Mary, 2 6 Mary, 3 7 Mary 4 {Ebenezer 3 ) , 7 Mary 4 (Jonathan 3 ), 7 Mary, 5 10 Mary 7 (Solomon Brad- ford), 21 Clarke (continued) Mary 7 (Timothy*), 16 Mary Elizabeth, 49 Mary Seymore, 25, 77 Maud, 71 May Estelle, 72 Mercy, 7 Moses, 7,79 Nellie B., 38 Ovid. 28 Ovid E., 17 Paul Newton, 71 Pearl, 74 Permelia, 20 Pliny James, 75 Ralph H., 51 Randilla. 17. 25 Retire Trask, 18 Richard. 1 5, 6, 79, 81 Richard, 3 7, 8, 79 Richard, 4 7, 8 Robert Lane, 71 Rolla M., 52 Ruth, 4 7 Ruth, 10 41 Sarah, 3 6 Sarah 7 (Jedediah 6 ), 20 Sarah 7 (Solomon Brad- ford 6 ), 21 Sarah 7 (Timothy 6 ), 16, 22 Sarah, 8 38 Sarah Hannah, 41 Sidney Allen, 72 Silas, "l 6, 22, 23 Silas Anderson, 22, 39 Silas Burke, 23 Simeon, 12, 14 Simeon Levando, 38, 74, 75 Simeon Tyler, 20, 38 Simon, 4 7, 8 Simon, 6 10 Simon, 7 17, 28 Solomon, 10 Solomon Bradford, 6 14, 20 Solomon Bradford, 7 18, 28 Solon, 17, 20, 27 Solon Patrick, 27 Sophronia, 20 Temperance, 10 Theophilus Flagg, 20, 36 Thomas, 8 Timothv,M0, 11. 12, 13, 19, 47. 77, 80, 81, 83 Timothv, 6 12. 13, 14, 16, 21, 40, 41 Timothy, 7 16 Verna E valine, 72 Walter Simeon, 75 Walter Theophilus, 37 87 Clarke (continued) Warren Alverson, 39 Warren Everett, 40 William Adams, 29, 51 William H., 76 Wyrom, 10 Covey, Harry A., 51 Hazel A., 51 May E., 51 Pansy, 51 Pearl L, 5 1 Crane, Benjamin H., 73 Bertha A., 73 Bessie M., 73 Carrie A., 73 Cecil B., 73 Claude R., 73 Cora M., 73 Dewey A., 73 Emma E., 73 Floyd, 73 Freeman R., 73 Gene G., 73 Lillian M., 73 Crawford, Charles Eaton, 35 Clyde Clark, 35 Creamer, Cecil Clifton, 59 Ethel Pearl, 59 Forrest Herman, 59 Hazel Belle, 59 Jessie Earl, 59 Cross, John, 21 Culver, Carroll Nelson, 62 Evelyn Louise, 62 Leda Gertrude, 62 Davis, Martin B., 20 Duggan, Claude, 74 Marie Bernice, 74 Eaton, Abigail, 19, 35 Achsah, 19, 31 Ada Mary, 36, 69, 70 Amy Pearl, 68 Anna Ethel, 56 Berenice Loveday, 68 Bertha Fay, 68 Bessie Enola, 56 Betsey, 19, 29 Carl Herbert, 57, 58 Caroline, 36 Charles Herbert, 35, 64 Charles W., 64 Clarence Julian, 31 Clark Morgan, 64 David, 19, 30 Edith, 36. 68, 69 Ellen Sarah, 19, 31, 58 Elliot David, 31, 58 Emma De Ette, 8 35, 65 Emma De Ette, 9 64 Emma Luthera, 56 Ernest, 36. 68 Eugene Edgar, 30, 31, 60, 61, 83 Eaton (continued) Frank Clift, 68 Frederic Lynn, 56 Freedom, 19 George Robert, 64 Grace Nelson, 35 Harold Maurice, 64 Harriet, 19, 30, 35 Harriet Adelia, 30, 31, 61 Helen C, 35 Henry Augustus, 30, 31,59, 60 Henry Clay, 64 Herbert, 36, 68 Howard Lucius, 68 Joseph Colville, s 35, 64, 65 Joseph Colville, 9 64 Julia Annette, 31 Julia Elizabeth, 64 Julia J., 35 Leland Ernest, 68 Lucius, 19, 36, 69 Lucy Maria, 36, 70 Marjorie Louise, 57, 58 Mary Erline, 56 Mildred Martin, 57, 58 Netta Grace, 64 Ovid, 19 Pearl Henry, 58 Ralph Parker, 68 Samuel Gayle, 56 Sarah Helen, 61 Timothy Clark, 19, 32, 33, 34, 35 Vera Harriett, 56 Edgerton, Allie Aurora, 28 Erickson,Anna Margaret, 53 Gertrude Winnifred, 53 Gratia Shipman, 53 Fales, Bertha Amy, 26 Blanche Evelyn, 26 Edward Clark, 26 Ella Ruth, 26 Farns worth, Arthur Victor, 59 Blanche Alma, 59 Charles Leslie, 59 Donald McCall, 59 Ellen Eaton, 59 Esther Fay, 59 Henry Earl, 59 Herman Pearl, 59 Karl Marx, 59 Maud Violet, 59 Minnie, 59 Walter Eaton, 58 Walter Montgomery, 59 William Lynde, 59 Fletcher, Amy, 17 Anna, 17 Emily, 17 Samuel, 17 Ford, Dean W., 26 Frank, 26 Howard M., 26 Julius H., 26 Margaret E., 26 Minna, 26 Susie E., 26 Wesley A., 26 William H., 26 Freeman, Edward C, 20 Sarah Ellen, 20 French, Helen F„ 26 Lerov W., 26 Ralph W., 26 George, Ellen Mather, 40 Erastus Baldwin, 41 Goodno, 1 t , ]• -n . r r, , ' v Addie E., 45 Goodnow, J Albert Clarke, 50 Almon Elverton, 46 Aurora, 25, 44 Beryl Ramona, 43 Dana Orlin, 46 Edna A., 45 Floyd Eastman, 43 Fred Harris, 43 George Frederic, 9 50 George Frederic, 10 50 George Nichols, 50 Gladys Fern. 50 Grace Martha, 46 Harry Clarke, 50 Henry Ransome, 43 Jennie Geneive, 43 Kittredge Haven, 25, 45 Mary Alice, 43 Mary Olean, 46 Ned. 43 Olive G., 25, 43,44 Omri Elverton, 28, 50 Owen, 45 Owen Jason, 25, 45 Raymond William, 43 Richard Francis, 43 Samuel, 45 Sylvester Alberton, 43 Sylvester William, 25, 43, 45 Vanlora De Etta, 43 Viola Geneive, 43 Viola Josephine, 43 William Artemas, 25,46 William Earle, 43 William Harrison, 43 Greene, Alphonzo Mi, 44 Aurora, 45 Edith Mary, 44 Ethel, 45 Geraldine O., 45 Harlev M„ 44 Karl E.. 45 Loren C, 45 Lorenzo M., 44 Lovinzo L., Rev. 44 88 Greene (continued) Mabel S., 45 Nettie A., 45 Olin D., 45 Omri E., 45 Orlin R., 45 Otto V., 44 Ransom Alphonzo, 9 Rev., 44, S3 Ransom A., 10 44 Romanzo Eliot, 44 Vernon Lorenzo, 44 Hale. Adelaide D., 44, 78 Bertha, 78 Charles E., 78 Claude. 78 Cora Ada, 77 George A., 44, 78 Gladys. 77 Harold C, 78 Isabella M., 44 Owen C, 44, 78 Pearl E., 78 Randella 0., 14 Walter, 78 Hammond, Archibald Val- entine, 75 Ernest J., 76 Eva Amelia, 76 Gertrude May, 76 Mabel Maud, '75 Myrtle M., 76 Hanson, Elizabeth Eaton, 70 Harlow, Emily Arvilla. 18 Haseltine, Theodore Ray- mond, 69 Hill, Eva Bhmehe, 43 Maude Winona, 43 Holmes, Avis, 51 Beatrice A., 51 Bern ice, 51 Charles Ervin, 51 Edwin R., 51 Ella C. 51 Flora Esther, 51 Leroy H., 51 Marion E., 51 Ralph J., 51 Howe, Hartie, 26 Henrietta, 26 Mary, 26 Hubbard, Alma Enola, 56 Emma Viola, 56 Ida Leora, 56 Hutchinson, Charles Eaton, 35 Mary De Ette, 35 Ihmels, Albert Hale, 77 Frank. Seymore, 77 Johns, Hazel Evangeline, 72 Johnson, Almira, 15 Johnson (continued) Charles, 15 Dawson, 15 Desire, 15 Elihu, 15 Franklin, 15 Henry, 15 Joshua, 15 Rachel, 15 Rhoda, 15 Solomon, 15 Jones, Frank Dyer. 55 Grace Martin, 55 Rov Allen, 55 Ruth Delia, 55 Joubert, Julian Paul, 63 Lloyd Perry, 63 Mahlon Culver, 63 Stanley Smith. 63 Judd. Blanche Lvdia, 67 Florence Mildred, 67 George Marshall, 67 Luman Arthur, 67 Margery Delia, 67 Martin Kendall, 67 Mary Delia, 67 Kendall, Fanny Adalina, 67 Herbert Carlos, 67 Jennie Adelia, 67 Marv Dora, 67 Kent, Harold D., 46 Mildred A.. 46 Kinsley, Annette, 18 Elizabeth, 18 Ladd, Helen Marjorie, 66 Ruth Frances, 66 Lee, Bertha, 55 Chester Harvey, 55 Edwin Mnssena, 55 William Shipman, 55 Leland, Harriet Alzina, 46 Solon Patrick, 46 Manners, Earl Runkles, 59 John William, 59 Marsh, Mary C. 16 Martin. Abbie Isabel, 55 Abigail Alma, 30 Adelaide Achsah, 35 Adelia Angie, 55 Alma Abigail, 36 Alma Abigail, 2d, 36, 56. 67 Arthur T„ 57 Alida Louise, 58 Blanche Mary, 57, 58 Calphurnia Aurora, 8 30, 58 Calphurnia Aurora, 9 58 Care Claton, 57 Carl Eaton, 66 Carlos Roscoe, Rev., 35, 67 Martin (continued) Carlos Sumner, 67 Clarence Eber, 55 Clifford R., 57 David Eaton, 30 David Lee, 66 David Thomas, 8 36, 67 David Thomas, 9 68 Edward Homer, 9 67 Edward Homer, 10 67 Emeroy Orlcnna, 30 Eugene E., 57 Eugene L., 57 Eugene Rollin, 30 Guy Carlton, 57 Fay J., 57 Fleda Harriet, 56 Floyd D., 55 Frances, 57 Fred Thomas. 57 Harold Hinckley, 67 Harriett, 30, 56 Harriett L., 57 Harvey T., 57 Hattie E., 57 Homer Bev, 66 Homer Marshall, 8 35,66 Homer M., 9 68 Iva Harriet, ■">■"> Juna Adelia, 66 LeRoy Freedom, 55 Linn Seaver, 66 Lisle John, 5(i Lucia, 66 Lucius, 67 Lucius Eaton, 35 Lucv H„ 68 Mabel. 67 Marjorie, 67 Marjorie May, 66 Mary Sylenda, 66 Mervin, 30, 55 Mervin W., 57 Mildred, 67 Nellie, 56 Oscar George, 30, 53, 57 Ray Eaton, 57 Raymond, 57 Ralph Joseph, 55 Susan Grace, 5 3, 58 Susan P.. (is Thomas Brown, 8 30,56 Thomas Brown, 9 58 Timothy Clark, 35 Vera Mav, 55 William S.. 57 Marvin, Merrill Morton, 43 Yiola Alice 43 McDuffee, Edith Isabel, 58 Harriet Abigail, 58 Louis Philippe, 58 Mary Emeroy, 58 McMechan, Maud, 35 Mein, Edward, 75 -tC. 89 Morris, Amanda, 26 Carrie Lorraine, 26 Charles Greene, 26 Chester Wales, 26 Esther J., 26 Eva Julia, 26 Jane Elizabeth, 26 Jedediah Clarke, 26 Jennie Amy, 26 Lauren, 26 Myers, Blanche, 38 Neff, Warren Herbert, 39 Parmenter, Chester A., 57 Clarence L., 57 Electa F., 57 Florence L., 57 George M„ 57 Leon F., 57 James A., 57 Wilbur J., 57 Perry, Ethel Mary, 63 Eugene Harvey, 63 Floyd Hiram, 63 Hiram Riley, 32, 63 Hugh Henry, 63 Jennie May, 63 John Harvey, 32, 62 Llewellyn Earl, 63 Mary Lurena, 32, 61, 62 Susan Eliza, 62 William C, 52 Poole, Barton, 74 Dorothy Louise, 74 Forrest, 74 Gertrude, 74 Lotta M., 74 Price, De Ette, 65 Edward Colville, 66 Price (continued) Ruth, 66 Ruth Elizabeth, 66 Raymond, John Eaton, 69 Ruth Cleveland, 69 Ripley, Amy, 7 15 Amy, 8 15 Benjamin, 16, 77 Charles, 15 Desire, 15 Elizabeth, 15 Elmira, 15 Eunice, 15 John, 7 15 John, 8 15 Joshua Webb, 15 Julia, 15 Lucretia, 15 Lydia, 15 Margaret Clark, 15 Olive, 15 Paschal P., 15 William, 15 Royal, Harry, 38 Jessie, 38 Sanford, Simeon T., 76 Shipman, Albert Eaton, 54 Betsey Aurora, 29 Clark Bigelow, 29, 52, 58 Gertrude Janette, 53 Gratia, 53 Harvey Eaton, 29 Henry Eaton, 52, 53, 58 Louisa Janette, 29 Margaret Maud, 53 Rebecca Maria, 53 Sarah De Ette, 29, 54 Shipman (continusd) William Rollin, 29 William Rollin, Prof., 29, 50, 54, 80 William Willis, 54 Winifred Augusta, 53 Smith, Leda Florian, 62 Mabel Gertrude, 62 Ranson Perry, 62 Soper, Henry, 2 1 Steele, Georgianna Perry, 77 Stewart, Georgie Louise, 77 Guy Burton, 77 James William, 77 John, 77 Mary Jayne, 77 Minnie Viola, 77 Nellie Ada, 77 Stockwell, Charles Law- rence, 63 Doris Edna, 63 Mary Claudine, 63 Thomas, George Clark, 46 John W., 46 Thomson, Everett Clay, 66 Twitchell, Hattie L., 45 Varney, Grace, 17 Harry, 17 Lucy, 17 Watson, Clifford, 17 Whittaker, Anna Marian, 45 Earl C, 45 Willard, Charles, 23 Harriet, 23 Sarah 23 Williams, Langdon, 49 Willson, Ethel, 64 Paul, 64 OTHER PERSONS MENTIONED. Abbe, Tabitha, 15 Abbott, .Mary S., 41 Adams, Emma Josephine, 50 Frank E., Rev., 80 Victoria, 37 Aiken, Diana Louise, 62 Alden, Julius Waul, 31, 61 Aldrich, Ada M., 77 Frank Edward, 55 James Proctor, 55 Allen, Jonathan Bowers, 69, 70 Mary Elizabeth, 67 Paschal, 70 Ralph, 36, 69 Alverson, Lorinda, 39 Lucretia, 39 Simon, 39 Andrews, Edmund Elonzo, 63 Herbert Judson, 62 William, 17 Armstrong, Kate, 71 Arnold, Julia 11., 78 Atherton, Amy, 22 Austin, -May Belle, 40 Avery, Loriette, 60 Aydelott, Mary Derickson, 35 Babcock, Emma, 74 Bagley, Lucy Ann. 63 Baker, Grace Eva, 68 Reuben, 68 Ball, Martha Elizabeth, 62 Mary E., 44 Mason, 62 Milo M„ 80 Banks, Rosannah, 75 Barber, Truman, 46 Bardy, Harriet Horton, 47 Barnes, Gideon, 55 Harriet Palmer, 55 Barnum, Caroline, 46 Barrows, C. Edwin, Rev., 23 Bascom, Katherine, 44 Batchelder, Samuel, 20 Bean, Ace, 57 Beard, Alan son W., 49 Bell, Emma, 45 lone Emily, 41 Bellows, Benjamin, Col., 12 Roswell, 16 Bemis, Aaron, 24 Loraine, 18 Lucy Ann, 26 William W., 24, 40 Benjamin, Lucy Ann, 63 Bennett, Mary E., 51 Benton, Eliza, 62 Elizabeth, 62 Josiah II., 49 Besler, Elizabeth, 71 Bigelow, Rebecca, 29 Billings, Clarke E., 43 Bixby, Phoebe, 56 Blair, Mary, 43 Blake, Johanna, 7 Boom, Burton, 76 Bowers, Eloise, 70 Boynton, Caleb, 7 Hannah, 7 Ruth, 7 Bradford, Ann, 9 Joseph, 9 Bradley, Col., 13 Briggs, Alonzo Newell, 30, 56 Arthur Almeron, 28 E. D., Hon., 49 Frederick Augustus, 56 Josephine, 49 Noali, 56 Robert Percy, 56 Brooks, Samuel, 17 Walter, 73 g rown ' 1 Charles H., 67 Browne, J Clara Francis, 41 Hannah, 15 Harriet Maria, 70 Burch, Lydia, 61 Burk, Sarah, 13, 16 Burk (continued) Silas, Major, 13, 16, 24 Busey, Simeon, 70 Butler, Charles, 59 Butterheld, Almon Fellows 72 Cady, Matilda, 55 Cameron, Mary, 66 Campbell, John Wood, 57 Susan Hubbard, 57 Caverly, George W., 43 Chadwick, Bert D., 45 Chadwick (continued) Isie, 45 Otis IL, 45 Chaffee, Amos, 81 Amos Brown Drury, 30, 57 Hannah Hubbard, 57 Mary, 57 Will A., 80 Chamberlain Edmund, 9 Henry, 15 Chapin, Elva, 52 Charron, Nancy S., 21 Chase, Ernest, 83 Cheney, Ida E., 26 Childs, Alba, 56 Clatiin, Lucy, 13, 18 James, 18 Clark 1 A1 . . „ r,, , V Alice, o, 6 Clarke J Arthur, 66 Caroline, 58 Mary, 77 Nettie E., 66 Vernon C, 74 Cleveland, Er, 36 Lucv, 19, 36 Clifford, HattieM., 44 Clift, Josephine Ella, 68 Perry P., 68 Cole, Eva Sophia, 75 Coller, John, 8 Cooley, Harriet, 65 Covey, L. S., 51 Cowles, Juliette Rebecca, 56 Crafts, Ann Woodbury, 25 John, 25 Cramton, John W., Hon., 49 Lucy, 49 Crane, George Washmgton, 73 Crawford, Candace, 35 James, 35 Walter David, 35 Creamer, William H., 59 Crouch, Lydia, 64 Crowley, Bridget, 72 Culver, George Nelson, 62 Otis Henry, 62 Cushman, Nathaniel, 20 Custer, G. A., Gen., 49 Daggett, Homer, 18 91 Davis, Mary Dow, 55 Dedman, Harriet Olive, 58 Dillingham, Gov., 48 Dimmick, Ann, 9, 10 John, 9 Timothy, 9, 10 Dimock, Susan W., 10 Dolan, Mary, 70 Dresser, John, 7 Lydia, 7 Dudley, Fred Wharton, 41 Duggan, George Washing- ton, 74 Dunn, Andrew, 12 Durkee, Ella, 44 Dutton, J ulia, 24 Earl, Elizabeth, 65 Eastman, Sophia, 66 Eaton, Anna E., 45 Asa, 19 David, 13, 17, 19 Frederick William, 56 Edgell, Lucy, 31 Edgerton, Frank P., 28 Edinond, Mary Elizabeth, 69 Samuel S„ 69 Elathrope ) rr., c nn Elithorp } Thomas > 5 '79 Elliott, Joseph, Rev., 22 Ellsworth, Jeremiah, 7 Endicott, Gov., 27 Erickson, Anna Margaret, 53 Nicholas, 53 Sivert, 53 Esty, May, 57 Etz, David Jay, 30 Everett, Abigail, 22 David, 22 Fales, David M., 26 Falkenbury, Azel, 45 Nellie, 45 Smith, 45 Farnsworth, Lynde Earl, 31, 58 Ferris, Emma, 51 Field, Waibridge A., 48 Finney, Ellen L., 46 Fitch, Frank, 29 Flanders, Carrie Emma, 55 Cathriue McClintock, 55 John, 55 Fletcher, Abel, 13, 17 Asaph, 16 Ford, A. Wilbur, 26 Mary N., 56 Foster, Elizabeth, 18 Fowler, Bessie Gaylord, 54 Franklin, 54 France, Eveline Maud, 73 Freeman, William B., 20 French, Waldo, 26 Fuller, William E., 49 Garvin, Mary Louise, 62 Samuel, 62 Gee, Lizzie, 43 Geer, Annis, 45 Cynthia Lovinia, 43, 45 Elias, 43 George, Erastus, 22, 40 Frederick, 67 Lucy, 67 Susan P., 67 Gleason, Charlotte, 54 Emily, 18 Emily Abigail, 63 Goodale, Abigail, 19 Goodno, 1 Goodnow, I Caleb, 25 Goodenough, J Daniel, 17, 25, 28 William, 17, 25 Gove, Alfred Whitcomb, 56 Green, ) t> . , , „ r, > Betsey, 13, 16 Greene, ) " Charles, 44 Isabel Evaline, 72 John Milton, 25, 44 Griswold, H. Celestia, 58 Guernsey, George S., Rev., 26 Gurney, Beatrice, 54 Hale, Charles F., 25, 44 Daniel Moses, 77 Oscar F., 25, 77 Hall, Lois, 44 Hammond, Henry Theodore, Dr., 38, 75 Hanley, Polly, 36 Hanna, Anna, 58 Frank Joseph, 58 John, 58 Marcus A., Sen., 50 Hanson, Michael, 70 William Michael, 36, 70 Harlow, W. H.. 18 Harris, John, 18 Thomas L., Rev., 36 Hart, James C, 28 Nellie, 72 Harvey, A. K., 83 Haseltine, Theodore Harris, 69 Warren Edmund, 69 William B., 69 Haven, Elias, 22 Jemima, 22 Henderson, John Russell, Rev., 71 Henry, Mary, 66 Mary L„ 66 Robert, 66 Hill, Albert, 43 Hills, Amy, 45 Hinckley, Ida May, 67 Hoisington, Eliza Ann, 28 Emily S., 28 Holmes, George R., 51 Robert William, 51 Holton, Jonathan, Capt., 13 Hopkins, F. W., Gen., 71 Hopkinson, Jonathan, 6 Horton, Harriet Maria, 70 Stephen, 70 Houghton, Clarissa, 14, 20 Henry O., 48 Howard, Ella, 26 Howe, Henry, 26 Hubbard, Abel, 30, 56 Bertha Millie, 56 Edna Marie, 64 Hannah, 30 Lea, 64 Rufus M., 56 Susan, 57 William, 64 William True, 30, 56 Humes, Emma J., 26 Huntington, William M., Dr., 49 Hutchinson, Jerome B., 35 Jonathan, 35 Hyde, B. F., Rev., 68 Ihmels, Cornelius, 77 Johns, William, 72 Johnson, James, 15 Nathaniel, 15 Rhoda, 15 Jones, Ellen, 55 Joseph, 55 William Allen, 55 Joubert, Antoine, 63 Frederick F., 63 Judd, Arthur Luman, 67 Keeler, Ephraim, 75 Mary, 75 Mary E., 75 William, 75 Kendall, George Henry, 36, 67 Josiah, 67 Kent, Fred L., 46 Martha Kingsbury, 73 Mary, 73 William, 73 Kienborts, Susan, 68 Kilbom, Abigail, 7 Hannah, 7 Joseph, 7 Kimball, Abigail, 7 King, Hezekiah, 9 Kinsley, William, 18 Ladd, William Porter, 66 92 Ladd (continued) George, 66 Lamb, Freedom Green, 17 Jonathan, 17 Lambert, Thomas, 8 Lane, Ruth Octavia, 46 Laramie, Julienne, 63 Lee, Chester. 54 Edwin Oscar, 29, 54 Leland, Clemons, 46 Lucius D., 27, 46 Leonard, Ermina, 72 Lottie, 57 Minnie, ~>7 Loy, Mary Virginia, 71 Lundy, David, 66 Estelle Jane, 66 Jemima, 6Q Manners, John W., 59 Marcy, John, Capt., 11, 13, 77 Marsh, Charles Carroll, 65 Katie, 65 Osborne, 16 Martin, Azro I)., 18 Jennie, 1 1 Marshall, 19, 35 Thomas Brown, Col., 19, liO, 3d, 35 Thomas Brown, Major, 30 Marvin, Bingham, 43 Matterson, w illiam, 20 McDurl'ee, Daniel, 58 John Wesley, Dr., 30, 58 McMechan, James G., 35 Theodore, 35 Mein, William, 75 Merryrield, Lorain M., 52 Messer, Eliza, 62 Metcalf, Ann, 75 Moon, Jennie, 5 1 Moore, Flora I., 74 Morris, Betsey Wales, 25 Chester, 25 James, 17, 25 Morrison, Betsy, 24 Morse, Edna, 45 Edward, 80 Mott, Abraham, 38 Charlotte A., 38 Myers, Simon, 38 Neff, Christiana, 39 John. 39 Warren Roberts, Rev., 39 Nelson, Sarah De Ette, 35 Newhall, 11. A, 40 Newman, I ieorge, 73 Newton, Harriet N., 71 Nichols, Anna, 50 Nisser, Aifva, 66 Gertrude, 66 Gustav, 66 Ober, Ezra, 23 Hannah F., 23, 40 Ordway, James, 6 Owen, Helen, 44, 78 Parker, A. J., Dr., 42 Walter F., 75 Parmenter, Charles H., 57 Patrick, Harriet E., 27 Joseph, 27 Paul, Kiles, 8 1 Lovinia, 43 Peck, Thomas Bellows, 81 Perham, Augusta Fanny, 53 John, 53. Perkins, Orlo C, 44, 78 Perry, Ann, 77 Bela Ransom, 19, 31 John, 3 1 Sarah Elmina, 19, 31 W. T., 52 Pickard, Elizabeth, 7 Pierce, W. G., Rev., 69 Pingree, Jane, 7 Pinney. Maria, 28 Plympton, Betsey, 36 Catherine, 19 Catherine Elizabeth, 36 Joseph, 36 Poole, Joseph, 38, 74 Poore, John, 6 .Mary, (i Porter, Louisa, 66 Potter, Elizabeth, 38 Preston, < Jolburn, 12 Price, William A., 65 William Clay, 35, 64, 65 Pullman, Albert, 34 George ML, 34 James M., Rev., 34 Royal IL, Rev., 34 Pulsipher, David, 1 1 John, li Solomon, 14, 20 Putnam, Israel, (Job, 10 Randall, F. V., Col., 72 Ranney, Calvin, 24, 77 Rhoda Harlow, 24, 77 Raymond, Isaac Stuart, 36, 69 Nathaniel, 69 Reed, James, Col., 11 Reynolds Hester, 68 Richards, Charles, Lieut., 13 Richardson, Frances El- mira, 56 Ripley, Charles, 15 John Abbe, 13, 15 William, 15 Robbins, Amelia A., 51 Ephraim, 9 Robinson, Frank C, 76 Rogers, Ezckiel, Rev., 5 Richard, 5 Root, Anna, 77 Royal, Fred C, 38 Rude, Ernest Jay, 72 Russell, Cora, 37 Sanford, George, 76 Scott, Content, 37 Scribner, William, 26 Scully, B., 15 Seaver, Calvin, 66 Sylenda, 66 Shattuck, James Albert, 40 Sherman, Edgar J., 49 Shilling, Jennie S., 47 Shipman, Edmund, 29 Harvev, 19, 29 Polly, *25 Simonds, William, Capt., 13 Slack, Angie, 4 5 Sleeper, Louisa. 66 Small, Lucy Jane, 63 Sumner B., 63 Smith, Charles Carroll, Dr., 32, 61, 62 Charlotte, 38 Minnie .Maud, 59 Ransom, 61 Soper, Edward, 21 Songer, Abner, 1 1 Spalding, Rosina, 37 Spaulding, Jacob S., Rev., 70 Spear, Mirick X., 44 Speare, Alden, !!> Spencer, Persis, 1 7 Stark, Abigail, 24 John, Cen., 24 Joshua, 24 Martha Frances, 24 Steadman, John Abraham, Dr., 43 Mina Amerette, 43 Steams, Elizabeth, 13, 20 Isaac, i 8 William, 1 1 Steele, George Perry, 77 Stearns, 7 7 Stevens, Mary Jane, 55 Stewart, George, 77 Stockwell, Charles Julius, 63 James Parker, 63 Storrs, Experience, Capt., 10 Stuart, Melissa, 69 Taggart, Emily, 74 Taylor, Mary Ann, 36 Olive, 28 Ruth, 8 93 Tessler, Emma Elizabeth, 41 Thatcher, Martha E., 46 Susanna, 30, 56 Thomas, Effie, 46 George, 46 George Rollin, Dr., 27, 46 Thompson, Bertha, 57 Bertha Lee, 39 Emma Caroline, 39 William Clarke, 39 Thomson, Everett B„ 65 Herbert, 65 Tilden, Susan Eliza, 50 Tipton, L., 77 Truex, Mary F., 51 Truth, Sojourner, 47 Turner. Elnathan, 9 John, 9 Morgan, 64 Nancy Elizabeth, 64 Sarah, 64 Tuttle, Katherine E., 66 Twitchell, Dr., 32 Frank, 45 Varney, Jed, 17 Veazey, W. G., Col., 60 Waldo, Shubael, 9 Wallace, Helen, 72 Warner, Calista M., 37 Luther, 37 Washburne, Peter T., Gen., 71 Watson, Benjamin S„ 40 Etta L., 40 Josiah, 17 Louise, 40 Webber, Fay, 80 Wells, Bedora, 67 Welsh, E., 73 James, 73 John, 73 White, Sadie, 74 Whitney, Sally, 53 Whittaker, Edward S., 45 Wicom, Abigail, 7, 10 John, 7 Willard, Dighton, 25 Erastus, Rev., 16, 22, 23 Henry A., 24 James, 22 Mary Eliza, 24 Samuel, 24 Williams, Charles K„ 49 John, Rev., 49 Samuel, 49 Williams (continued) Samuel, Jr., 49 William, Col., 13 Willis, John Howard, Rev., 54 Martha Frances, 54 Willson, Caroline, 64 David, 64 Ulysses Ireby, 64 Wilmot, Lucia, 66 Valentine, 66 Wilson, Olive, 77 Rebecca B., 38 Winthrop, John, Gov., 5, 6 Winton, Eliza, 35 Wood, Nancy, 30 Woodbury, Daniel, 8, 27 Ellen Louise, 42 John, 27 Marv, 27 Peter, 27 Woodruff, Sarah, 69 Wood worth, Amy, 10, 11, 13, 81 Jedediah, 10 Joseph, 10 Samuel, 81 Walter, 10, 81 Zenon, Carrie Belle, 50 CONTINUATION OF RECORD. In making entries on these blank pages, it will be well to begin each by referring to the printed page upon which the record of the family concerned is given. For example : Continued from p. , and then note the birth, marriage or death, with date and residence, of the person, being careful to make the parentage unmistakable. In this way each family can keep its own record complete and note changes in other branches whenever reported. This continuation will be of inestimable value to future generations and will make possible and easy a more extended genealogy at some time hereafter. \ s MAY 1 19C5 m\i m