CS 71 .G668 1902 °^ ' • • • \» ^0* a .» A ** «5 C • o° ^ JF % .0° 4 V tV^j. .M* V. V. ° **tf22*?- % V H lV ^ „^ o « « "^ X- v ++ ^ V ^ V' /»- >> "^ ^ v .? \ C-340 270 [EW YORK LIBRARY , LENOX AN» 0ONDATI«l«. 1902 Sorl)om0 of ^atounck, JH0.00. •/ in, in-. selectman and assessor.! ( Ihildn i. Thomas, 1 d. Dec. 15, 1867, aged B3 years, 3 mos. and 10 days;§ m. !)■■<•. il\ lsii, Hannah [Jtley, dau. of James and .Mary [jtley, b. 1 onn., d. Aug. L9, 1863, aged 69, bur. at Claremont, Minn. ii. Si san, in. (pub. Nov. 27, 1806) Nathan Taylor, iii. John. bap. Feb. LO, 1 iv. Sally, bap. March 24, 1805; il. March 1. ls::ii, aired 37. § v. De Lafayette, bap. March _>i. 1*05; d. Dec. r.i, 1873, aged 79, in Barre; m. Lucinda Flagg. 3. Josiah 6 Gorham (Stephen,* Josi ah, 8 Joseph, 3 John 1 ), born in Hard- wick, June 12, 1760; died in Richmond, Me., April 2, 1849; mar- ried in Edgecomb, Me., Aug. 21, 1 -do, Martha Leeman, of North Edgecomb, Me., bom 1782, died in Dresden. Me., .May 14-, 1859, aged 77. || Josiah Gorham made application for a Revolu- tionary War pension, April 1. 1818, at the age of 58, residence Kdgccomb, Me., and a pension was allowed for three years' actual service as fifer in the Massachusetts troops, H and he was placed on pension roll March 25, 1819. After Ids death, his widow received a pension.** He wrote, before his death, an account of his Revolu- tionary service, which is quoted below.it This is in the possession of his grandson, Mr. Charles F. Gorham, of Richmond, Me. In L843, Josiah and his wife moved from Edgecomb to live with their Mm Joseph, at Richmond, Me. ( bildren : i. S i iin i \.' b. Nov. 8, 1802. ii. Daniel, b. June 2, 18044} * Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. vi., p. 645. t Barre < lentennial, p. 257. t Paige's Hist, of Hardwick, Mass., p. 385. Gravestone in 10th Dist. Cemetery, Barre, Mass. record of Josiah Gorham and his family was furnished by his grandson, Mr. Charles I'. Gorham, of Richmond, Me. *. Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. vi., p. 647. •• Pension Records, Washington, l>. C. ft" Enlisted in the Continental Army, the month of March 1777 in the 7th M Commanded i>\ Col. [chabod Alden. in Capt. Benja. Warren's Company. Joined the troops al Albany after the surrender of General Burgoyne. The Spring following our Regt. was d tached from th de and 3enl on to Cherry valley (about seventy mfles from Albanj ), w here we resided for the space of eleven months, ilth of N<>\ 177s we had a severe battle with the British Tories and [ndians, when we had the misfortune to lose our Col., Lt. Col. taken prisoner, and a considerable number of Officers and soldiers shared the same unhappy . hut iii spite of them we maintained our ground, kept the fort ami gained the victory. The spring following we had orders From Genl. Washington to join Genl. Sullivan who was about to march through the Indian country, (viz. the G tesee and Seneca tribes, where we burned and destroyed forty odd settlements of Indians, with tin loss of few men, when we returned we "had orders t arch to M est Point, 1\ ing on Hudson River in the state of N. "i ork, where we i >ok our winter quarters. Soon after Lt. Col. John Brooks was made Col. and took the command ot the 7th Mass. • and Capt. Wm. Mills of Capt. Warren's Company. Thus 1 continued in the Bervice d i war as I enlisted. The remainder part of the time (as near as I can ' I was in the Mate _\ . Jersey and N . York, where we had the happy news that Pi toe \\ i- ratifyd. and was discharged June llth at New Wineor 1783." Nothing further is known of these children. t+ ++ iii. Salome, b. March 2, 1807; d. Sept. 7, 1892, aged 85; m. William Moffatt of Boston. iv\ Johx, b. 1809.* v. Joseph, 8 b. Sept. 2, 1811; d. June 8, 1S93, aged 82; m. Oct. 9, 1836, Elizabeth Mayers, of Dresden, Me., who d. June 28, 1889. He settled in Richmond, Me., and in 1852 moved to West Dresden, Me. Children : 1. Josiah Bodney, b. Oct. 12, 1838. 2. Chirks Frederic, b. April 5, 1840. 3. Salome Moffatt, b. June 24, 1843. 4. Frances Ella, b. April 2, 1848. 5. Joseph Llewellyn, b. Sept. 21, 1855. vi. Silas, b. 1813; lost at sea, 1845, aged 32; m. in Boston, t Sept. 11, 1841, by Rev. Jethro Howe, Wealthy Wright, b. in Corinth, Vt., Feb. 18, 1810; d. Aug. S, 1806. Child : Charles Edward, b. Aug. 6, 1842 ; lives in St. Johnsbury, Vt. vii. Elkctra, b. 1814; d. Nov." 2, 1860, aged 46; m. John Duffy of Boston. Child : Martha, d. April 27, 1S60, aged 23. viii. Hannah, b. April 10, 1817; d. March 14, 1891, aged 74; m. Albert Moultou of Oakdale, Cal. ix. Betsy, b. 1819; d. in infancy. x. Eli, b. 1821 : d. Dec. 10, 1853, aged 32. xi. Lois, b. 1825; d. Jan. 2, 1851, a.ged 26. Josiah 5 Gorham wrote a letter to his brother John, from Edgecomb, Feb. 11, 1838, a facsimile of part of which accompanies this article. This extract proves that Barnabas Gorham was a brother of Josiah. Below are given some other extracts from this letter,! which is in the j^ossession of Mrs. Edward Capehart of Newport, R. I., a great granddaughter of Barnabas Gorham. 4. Stephen 5 Gorhaji (Stephen, 4 Josiah, 3 Joseph, 2 John 1 ), born July 19, 17C.2; died Jan. 7, 1825, aged 62; married Nov. 6, 1798, Lettice Thurston, who died April 22, 1831, aged 55, daughter of Samuel Thurston. If He wa^ a private in Capt. Adam Henry's Co. of guards, Jan. 9 to April 4, 1779 ; also in Capt. Timothy Paige's Co., Col. John Rand's Regt., July 5 to Oct. 10, 1780.§ Jan. 17, 1825, Lettice Gorham asked that her son Hiram should administer upon the estate of his father, Stephen Gorham of Hardwick.|| Children :T i. Hiram, 6 b. Aug. 30, 1799; d. April 15, 1880, at Worcester; m. Nov. 26, 1829, Mary M. Taylor, dau. of Sylvanus Taylor, ii. Lewis, b. March 15, 1801; d. Jan. 20, 1808, at Springfield; m. Oct. 15, 1827, Mary G. Whitman of Providence.** iii. Sally Weston, b. April 20, 1803; d. Dec. 19, 1857; m. Nov. 28, 1837, as his third wife, Beals Thomas, b. June 29, 1781, d. Aug. 24, 1854. Child : Sarah Jane, b. Sept. 21, 1840. ft * Nothing further known of him. t Boston Records. J "I often consider that it is owing entirely to the mercy of God that he has pleased to lengthen out our lives to such an advanced age, while he has cut down those of our family who were much younger than ourselves, and has permitted us, even the two eldest of the family, to grow old together. ... I am sorry that I can not hear from David, Eli and Eleazer and Challis. You must inform me something about them the next time you write, if you can. ... I feel a great anxiety to see the place of my nativity "and all that hinders is the scarcity of money, or nearly all that hinders, for I am far advanced in years, yet I think 1 'could perform the journey as my health is very good, but 1 have reason to fear I shall never see old Uardwick again, but still I live in hopes that I shall." i Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. vi., p. 649. | Worcester Probate Records, Doc. 24871. H Paige's Hist, of Hardwick, p. 385 ; Thurston Gen., 2d ed., p. 12S. ** Vital Record of R. I , Vol. x, p. 317- ft Descendants of William Thomas, p. 75. 6 iv. Luodtoa, b. March 15, 1805) d. Feb. 28, 1370. v. (in -in: Field, b. March 16, L807; d. Dec. 19, 187-1: m. Nov. 20, 1832, Sarah R. Baker. Children: I. Charles />., b. May 11, 1838. 2. Mary Ellen, b. April 11, 1843. \i. Josi i-ii \V\i:i:i s. i>. March 2 i . 1809; d. -Inly 18, 1855, at Springfield, Mass.; no.* Sarah N. Rogers, Nov. 11. 1814, dau. of Thomas and Emily Richmond Rogers, vll. William OeiiAN.t b. Oct. 10, 1811 ; d. Jnne 29, 1812. Till. Wiiii \m < >-m w. b. Sept. 19, 181 1 ; d. Not. 7. 1869, at Athol, Mass. Amherst < College, 1838. i Sec ■• Northampton Antiquities," p. 307.) ix. Elbkidge, l>. April 8, 1818; 'l. at Worcester, Not. 19, L858. .">. Silas 8 Gorham (Stephen,* Josiah, 8 Joseph, 2 John 1 ), horn April 19, 1764; died .Inly 23, 1829, aged •',:,; married Nov. 11. 17.-1, Cynthia Hanmer4 Silas Gorham was a priTate in (apt. William Mills's ( <».. Lieut.-Col. John Brooks's Regt, enlisted March 27, 1781, for 8 years.§ He was liTing in Lyndon, Vt, in 1810,|| but moved from there to DanTille, Caledonia Co., \ ;.. when- he died. I \\< estate was settled June 1 ~, 1 830.1 - N "" children are mentioned, there being no property to distribute. Silas (en-ham made appli- . .iiion lor a Ke\ olutionary War pension, April 7, 1818, at the age of •"'•"-. residence Danville, \'t.. ami a pension was allowed for 17 months' actual service as a private in the Massachusetts troops. Alter his death, hi- widow made application and received a. pi nsioii.** August L8, 1829., Sila-'s daughter, Cynthia' 1 P. Hanley, wrote to her uncle Josiah Gorham, at Edgeoomb, giving the date of her father's death, and describing his last illness. The closing part of the Letterft is quoted below. 6. Joseph, 8 GoRHAJd (Stephen,* Josiah,* Joseph? John 1 ), born Feb. 13, 1 7 • '- 1 1 ; died .Ian. ,s, 1810, aged 53JJ; married Ruth Underwood. He resided in Kane. Mas-. His will, dated Barre. Mass., Nov. 11, 181*. mentions wife Ruth and son Jjason.§§ Child: i. Jason. '■ b. in Ilanlwick. Mass.; d. in Barre. May 23, 1881, aged 84 ; m. (l)July 12, 1827, Anna Newcomb, b. Jan. 13, 1804, d. April 9, 1828; m. (2) Ruth Phelps of Ware. Mass.; in. (3) Elizabeth Jenkins of Barre. who d. March 21. 1895, aged 85. He was an assessor, a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Senate from Barre, ami a director in the Barre Bank.|||| • Kid ml i e nealogj . p. 261. t Paige's Bist. of Bardwick, Mass., p. ;;n.">. tEarlj Mass. Marriages, Vol. i, p. 126. : Mass. Soldiers an 1 Sailors in the Revolution, Vol. vi., p. 648. || Town Records. « Probate Records, Si Johnsburj , Vt. ** Pei onRi , Washingl m, 1>. C. ft " I have < > 1 1 1 \ on< brother and one sister thai I know are alive. Nabby died in \| id on five years ago and left a husband and seven children. Silas died at Natchez seven years ago with the yellow fever. Solomon we know not whether is alive or dead. He you know weul to the west and we have not heard from him since Silas died. Mrs. Minor's family are tolerabh well. Thej have one daughter married and she has a son. Sfou have probablj hoard of the deaths of your brother Joseph, Elnathan, Stephen, together with Uncle John's wife and Aunt Priscilla. The onee family seems fasl going to thai bourne from whence no traveller returns. 5 mother'- death I conclude you knew of." - letter is in possession of Mr Charles T. Gorham of Richmond, Me., grandson of Josiah Gorham. It furnishes additional proof that Elnathan Gorham was son of . hen of 1 lardu iek, Ma-.-. . . a\ estone in loth Dist. Cemetery, Barre, Mass. \\ orcester Probate R cords, l>oc. 24,86 |||| Barre Centennial, p. 267. 7. David 6 Gorham (Stephen, 1 Josiah* Joseph, 2 John 1 ), born June 17, 1768 ; married first, August 8, 1791, Jane Luce, (laughter of Ex- perience and Anna ( Lawrence) Luce ; married second, Anna Luce, sister of his first wife ; married third, Abiel Wickes. He resided in Barre, Mass., where he was a selectman, 181 ( J, and school com- missioner, 1814, 1818 and 1820. Children, by first wife : i. Luthera, 6 d. Sept. 27, 1847; m. in Barre, Mass., March 11, 1818, Mason Mandell, who d. July 1, 1825, son of Moses and Abigail (Mason) Mandell.* ii. Stephen, m. Mary Nutting; lived in St. Albans, Vt. Children, by second wife : iii. Sydney, m. (1) Sophia Ferguson; m. (2) Lucy D. Winchell (see Winchell Genealogy) ; lived in Plattsburg, N. Y. iv. Fanny, d. in St. Albans, Vt. v. Benjamin. vi. Eawson, d. in Buffalo, N. Y. Children, by third wife : vii. Lucius, d. young, viii. Julia. ix. Elbridge. 8. Barnabas 5 Gorham (Stephen* Josiah, 3 Joseph, 2 John 1 ), born in Lyn- don, Vt,, Sept. 18, 1777 ; killed at Sackett's Harbor in 1812 ; mar- ried, in Hallowell, Me., by Rev. Dr. E. Gillett, Oct. 15, 1802, Jane Johnson, born June 21, 1784, died Sept. 5, 1837, daughter of Benja- min Johnson of Hallowell.f Sept. 12, 1800, Thorns Peck of St. Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., Vt., deeds to Barnabas Gorham of Lyn- don, Caledonia Co., Vt, 140 acres, Lot 88, in Sheffield, Vt., for $300. The same property was deeded by Barnabas Gorham to Isaac Heath of Northfield, N. H., Oct. 20, 1800, for $350.$ Barnabas Gorham was a tax-payer in Lyndon, Vt., in 1801. § Jane Gorham was a tax-payer in Hallowell, Me., in 1826. || ChildrenH : i. Hiram, 6 b. Sept. 22, 1804, in Hallowell, Me. ; d. unm. ii. Sarah Jane, b. July 13, 1806, in Hallowell, Me. ; m. in Hallowell, March 27, 1824, by Rev. Dr. E. Gillett, Elbridge Gerry Peirce, b. Dec. 19, 1801, son of Ebenezer and Chanty (Hinds) Peirce.** Their daugh- ter, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wadley, is mother of Mrs. Sarah Wadley Capehart, wife of Edward Capehart, U. S. N. iii. Betsey, b. in Athens, Me., Nov. 11, 1808. iv. Olive, b. in Athens, Me., April 22, 1812. 9. Elnathan 5 GoRHAiift (Stephen, 4 Josiah, 5 Joseph, 2 John 1 ), born June 10, 1778; died Sept. 11, 1821; married first, July, 1802, Jane Ayers, born May 24, 1780, died May 29, 1807, daughter of David and Jane Ayers ; married second, August, 1807, Edith Farwell, born at Chesterfield, N. H., April 14, 1790, died Feb. 29, 1816, * Notes of Miss M. L. Robinson of Lawrence, Kansas, granddaughter of Luthera Gorham. t Bible of Elbridge Gerry Peirce. t Town Records, Sheffield, Vt. $ Town Records, Lyndonville, Vt. jj Town Records, Hallowell, Me. 11 Bible of Elbridge Gerry Peirce. Maine Hist. Society, Pub., 1896, Vol. 7, page 329. ** Hinds Genealogy. ft The record of Elnathan Gorham's family is taken from the Bible in possession of Mrs. H. M. Whittemore. daughter of Benjamin and Edith Farwell ; married third, Dec. 29, 1816, Eliza Wheeler, born A-ugusf 23, 1794, died August L8, 1863, daughter of Nathan and Rachel Wheeler. ( Ihildren, bj firs! wife : i. Aims Boss,* b. In Chesterfield, X. II.. Nov. 1.1802: d. in California, Nov., 1851 ; iii. in Hardwlck, M:i>>.. 8ept. 12, 1822, Seth Hinckley, ii Not] -. b. Sept. 12, 1805; d.Oct. 2, 1821. Children, by second wife: iii. M\i:i Ann. b. A.ug. 17, 1808; d. July 10, 1883, in Bangor, Me.; m. pnb. A ] nil 8, 1830) Daniel B. Einckley of Bucksport, Me.* iv. Lloyd, b. Jan. 10, L810; d. Jan. l. L840. v. 1Iam.ii:. b. Dec.5, 1811; d. Nov. 13, 1882 ; m. (1) Wheeler; m. (2) Lysander Foristal. vi. George W.. b. March 16, 1814; d. in Bangor, Me; m. Mary Langley. vii. Sakaii E., l). Feb. 21, 1816; d. about 1849, in Bangor, Me. ; m. Thomas I. Egery. ( Ihildren, by third wife: viil. Eliza W., b. Nov. 14, 1817; d. Dec. 26, 1882; ra. June 25, 1854, Earle Clark, b. Nov. 12, 1814. Child: Jennie G., b. Oct. 16, 1856; m. April 25, 1882, Henry M. "Whittemore, b. May 30, 1849. lx. Ei win ax C, born May 18, 1820; d. in Central America, May, 1856, aged 36. Elnathan 6 Gorham settled in Chesterfield, N. H., about 1800. He was a cloth dresser by trade. About 1807, he built for a dwelling-house the present hotel in that place ;t but he removed about 1812 to Massachusetts. In a deed dated Feb. 15, 1819, the residence of Elnathan Gorham and wilt Eliza is given as Oakham, Mass. He later moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and then to Batavia, N. Y., where he died. June 3, 1822, his widow Eliza gave bond as administratrix of his estate, staling in the petition that she was of Troy, N. II., and had no children 21 years of age. J * Paige's Hist, of Hardwick, Mass., p. 385. t Hist, of Chesterfield, N. H., p. 323. X Records of Keene, N. H. t ^ 'r- H on o V " ' ^ v^ ic \3 'o . > A ° . •& A 1 -3 o ' • o. ^ ,^ v 4? *> V *° V * * » ^ - ,v ^ ■ > A* \3 - ' •« . <&. V « » „ *^> A «£ *b V" .<> y>"*. . I « .0 > h i* v ^ . ' ; A % V -A* - » - u k 0" A- ° * ° A° "^ ^ •* jft- V* -*^&*- ^ ^ W-* ^ -.llK-" /\ °ll# ^ v % : -s A • • " • ♦ "^ o^ . l " ♦ "*b A •> ° " ° * *<* V '•"' ,v ^ »"° A? V» " A «V > ^ & J" G^ > *° . » * A <* *^ ■^ 'Sis?* ^ ^, u A ° • * * A <* ' D « o - * • • » • '% ^L\ *%>. « °o ^ ** •jSfe*' ^ / *^ ■4 O^ * G*" <*, *• • * * A i* r 3SK 1 A Vv ^ ^ 'WTO' ^ V ^ ^° oW