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THE GENEALOGY AND DESCENDANTS OF LUKE FISH, Sr. IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FROM 17 6 TO 19 4 3 COMPILED BY DAVID FISH, A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1904. c sf .f< \0[° <-l ■e> 3 j PREFACE The Pishes, whose genealogy is given in these pages, are said to be the de- scendants of a family of that name who, emigrating from Normandy with William the Conqueror, landed in England in 1066. That the Fishes settled in the North of England is highly probable, not only from the fact that history records how William the Conqueror suppressed up- risings in the North of England in the years 1068 and 1069, harassing Northum- berland, and again in 1070, driving back the Scottish King, but also from the fact that several of the older members of the Fish family given here were born in Carlisle, in the County of Cumberland, which is situate in the North of Eng] and which is familiarly known as the "Bord( r City." For six generations o*f the Fish family it is said that the eldest son had been named Luke, and, strange as it may seem, each had married a woman whose christian name was Margaret. This cus- tom, however, was broken by Luke Fish, Jr., born in Carlisle, England, Ma} 22, 1787. He married a woman by the name of Mary, and their eldest son was christened William, though their fifth child was named Luke Sidney. Little is known about the ancestors of Luke Fish, Sr., and the only one of the family of which he was a member, of whom anything is known, was Mary Fish, his sister, who was born in Stan- wix, Carlisle, England, in the year 1756. She was unmarried, and taught a private school in Stanwix up to the time ad- vancing years compelled her to relin- quish the work. She died in 1848, in her 93d year. Although the Fish family is scattered over all the seas, it is not recorded in these pages that there were any whales among them, though there were many schools of little Fishes. INDEX TO PORTRAITS Page Ashworth. Mary, mother of Sarah Ann Fish 66 Ashworth, William, father of Sarah Ann Fish 66 Catharine, wife of William Fish 5 David, son of Nicholas Fish 60 David Harrison, son of David Fish... 64 Dickensheets, John Dillman, husband of Jane Fish 77 Edward, son of Luke Fish, Jr 28 Edward, son of Luke Fish, Sr 51 Edward Charles, son of David Fish ... 63 Edward Duncombe, son of Nicholas Fish 55 Elizabeth, daughter of Luke Fish, Jr. 18 George Washington, son of Luke Fish, Jr 42 Hannah, daughter of Luke Fish, Jr... 46 Hannah, wife of Edward Fish 50 Hannah, wife of Nicholas Fish 53 Hannah, daughter of Nicholas Fish.. 71 Isabella, daughter of Nicholas Fish.. 68 James, son of Luke Fish, Jr 39 Jane, daughter of Nicholas Fish 58 Jane, daughter of Edward Fish 76 Dawson Frederick, son of Nicholas Fish 70 Louise Jane, daughter of William Fish 8 Luke, Jr., son of Luke Fish, Sr 2 Luke Sidney, son of Luke Fish, Jr... 26 Margaret, daughter of Luke Fish, Jr.. 15 Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Fish.. 59 Margaret, wife of Richard Fish 73 Margaret, daughter of Edward Fish.. 75 Mary, daughter of Nicholas Fish 56 Mary Jane, daughter of Luke Fish, Jr 33 Moorhouse, James, great-grandfather of Sarah Ann Fish 67 Nicholas, family of, son of Edward Fish 52 Richard, son of Nicholas Fish 69 Richard, son of Edward Fish 72 Richard Ashworth, son of David Fish. 65 Sarah Ann, wife of David Fish 61 William, son of Luke Fish, Jr 4 William, son of Nicholas Fish 69 William Nicholas, son of David Fish.. 62 LUKE FISH, SR. Luke Fish, Sr., was born in the year 1760, in Stanwix, Cumberland County, England. Nothing definite is known about his parents, except that his mother, whose maiden name was Margaret Ruth- erford, came from the Borderland, a name given to the immediate vicinity of the old Roman wall that divided Eng- land from Scotland. Luke Fish, Sr., mar- ried Margaret Smith, who was born in London, England, of aristocratic parents. Luke was a carriage maker— a work- ing man— a fact which did not please her p irents, and because she insisted on mar- rying him they disowned her. Though it was a mesalliance, Luke mad.' her a good home and living, and they were happy i igether. Her parents were never reconciled. She died in England in the L804. Luke Fish. Sr.. cami to Amer- ica, where he died in Shelby County. Ohio, January 22, 1844, aged 84 years. Their children are: — 1— MARGARET, who was born in England, and who died at Dalston. near Carlisle, England, aged '■','■ years. She was unmarried. 2— LUKE, JR., born M ly 22, 1787, in i "arlisli . England; died October 19, 1866, in Shelby County, Ohio, aged 79 years. 3— WILLIAM, born in England, and a tailor by trade. He came to America, but sometime afterward all trace of him was lost, as he . ceased correspondence. It is said he was shot in Canada, and it is not known whether he left a fam- ily or not. 4— JOHN, who was born in England, and who died in England while yet -young. 5— HANNAH, born in England in the year IT'jT. and died on January 1, 1S39, in Shelby County, Ohio,' at the age of 12 years. She was un- married. 6— EDWARD, born in England March 24. 1802; died December 3, 1880, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, aged 84 years. LUKE FISH, JR. Luke Fish, Jr., was the second child of Luke, Sr., and Margaret Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, May 22, 17S7. He was twice married, and by his first wife, Mary Graham, who was born in Carlisle, England, April 11, 1T95, and died in Shelby County, Ohio, April IS, I chimney corner such books as he could obtain. He worked on WILLIAM FISH the farm, and learned to weave on the handloom at home, making clothing for the family, until he was twenty years of age. Leaving the farm about 1835, with only a suit of jeans and little money, he went to Dayton, Ohio, to enter upon life's struggles, where he found work in a. woolen mill. Wool was exchanged for yarns, jeans and flannels. He remained in Dayton until 1839, when he moved to his father's farm in Shelby County, Ohio. Revived work in the mills induced Wil- liam to go to Dayton again in 1841, re- maining there till 1847. when he went to Springfield, Ohio, working in a woolen mill eleven hours a day. Times were hard on account of the panic. Seventy- five cents a day was called good pay then, and money could not be had. Then fol- lowed the cholera scourge, William being stricken, but lived to bless the name of Mary Buvinger, who took his family to her home in Dayton, providing for them through 1 1 1 ■ ■ Winter. William's CATHARINE FISH (nee BUVINGER) knowledge of the loom and woolen busi- ness, and his integrity, obtained for him the confidence of Christopher Slagle, of London, Ohio, who put him in charge of a mill he had erected. Thence he moved in the Spring of 1S50 and began his career as a business man. Being success- ful, and desiring to branch out, he re- turned to Springfield in the Spring of 1854. Renting a place, with machinery, from Charles Rabbits, he, with the assis- tance of his older children, began working stocking yarn the first year, running day and night. In 1855 he entered into part- nership with Mr. Rabbits, under the firm name of "Rabbits & Fish," but dissolved it to branch out further, and in February, 1859, moved to Dayton again, taking with him his own machinery. The sign: "Wil- liam Fish, Dayton 'Woolen Mill"— was known far and wide. He continued the business up to the time of his death, which occurred on January 15, 1867, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he had gone for treatment for paralysis. He was buried in the Fish lot in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. He was a good Christian, temperate in all things, and generously gave to the church, the poor, and to the many calls made upon him during the Civil War of 1861 to 1865. He was a staunch Republican and an Anti-Slavery man, and often assisted runaway slaves to escape by the "underground railroad." William was married in Dayton, Ohio, on October 17, 1837, to Catharine Buvinger, who was born in Hanover, Pennsylvania on July 18, ISIS. She was about seventeen years of age when she moved to Ohio with her parents, traveling by canal boat and stage, the only means of transporta- tion at that time. She endured bravely the ups and downs of her married life, always hopeful, and withal a good Chris- tian wife and mother. At the death of her husband she continued his business, with the aid of two eons-in-law, until 1S72, when she closed it out and went to Cli veland, Ohio, April 7, 1S73, with her four youngest children. She died in the full faith of a Christian hope on Jan- uary 5, 1890, in Cleveland, Ohio, and was buried in the Fish lot in Woodland Cem- etery, Dayton, Ohio. Their children arc: 1— MARY, born July 9, 1838. 2— LOUISE JANE, born July 10, 1S40. 3— HENRIETTA MATILDA, born February 6, 1S42. 4-LUTHER STOCKTON, born De- cember 3, 1843. 5— AMANDA, born May 22, 1S46. 6— ORANGE SCOTT, born Jan. 2, 1848. t 7— SARAH ELIZABETH, born Jan- uary 31. 1850. 8— MARTHA WASHINGTON, born January 24, 1852. 9— OLLIE BELLE, born Aug. 12. 1854. 10— JESSIE LEOTA, born Oct. 18, 1856. 11— ALMON BARNES, born May 17, 1859. MA BY FISH was the first child of William and Catharine Fish, and was born in Dayton. Ohio, on July 9, L838. She was married at Springfield, Ohio, on December 13, 1S57, to Benjamin KautT- man, a woolen manufacturer, who \v;is born in Springfield, Ohio, on October is, 1834. Their children are:— 1— ANNA VIRGINIA, bom in Spring- field, Ohio, October 10, 1858; died in Columbus, Ohio. January 5, 1892. 2-HARRY WILLIAM, born in Alpha. Ohio. August 13, 1865; died there April 3, 1867. 3— BENJAMIN FREDERICK, born in Alpha, Ohio. February 27. 1867. 4— MARY LOUISE, bom in Alpha. Ohio. January 26, 1869. 5— OWEN ALBERT, born in St. Mary's. Ohio, September 9, 1873. 6— JESSIE MATTIE BELLE, born in St. Mary's, Ohio, Sept. 4, 1876. BENJAMIN FREDERICK KAUFF- MAN was the third child of Mary Fish and Benjamin Kauffman, and was horn in Alpha, Ohio, February 27, 1867. He was cashier for seventeen years of the James Leffel Water Wheel Company, of Springfield, Ohio. He was married at Cleveland, Ohio, April 30. 1901, to Fanny Maude Mattison, who was born August s. 1866, in South Shaftsbury, Vermont. Their only child is:— 1— FREDERICK MATTISON, born in Springfield, Ohio, June IS, 1902. MARY LOUISE KAUFFMAN was the fourth child of Mary Fish and Benjamin Kauffman. and was born in Alpha, Ohio, January 26, 1869. She was unmarried. OWEN ALBERT KAUFFMAN was the fifth child of Mary Fish and Benja- 8 min Kauffman, and was born in St. Mary's, Ohio, on September 9, 1873. He was the general superintendent of the James, Eeffel Water Wheel Company, of Springfield, Ohio. He was unmarried. JESSIE M. B. KAUFFMAN was the sixth child of Mary Fish and Benja- min Kauffman, and was born in St. Mary's, Ohio, on September 4, 1876. She was engaged in gymnastic work as Phy- sical Director, She was unmarried. LOUISE JANE FISH was the second child of William and Catharine Fish, and was born near Sidney, Shelby County. LOUISE JANE FISH Ohio, on July 10, 1840. She was married at Meadville, Pennsylvania, Elder O. T. Ongley performing the ceremony on October 16, 1859, to George Klock Nellis, who was born near Clockville, Madison County, New York, on January 24, 1826, and died in Chicago, Illinois, on May 8, 1902. He was a photographer and was in business in Chicago for several years. Their only child is: — 1— MINNIE, born March 25. 1861. MINNIE NELLIS was the only child of Louise Jane Fish and George Klock Nellis, and was born in Dayton, Ohio, on March 25. 1 S*»l . She was married in Chicago, Illinois, on May 24. 1883, to Dr. Albert Ellsworth Froom, who was born in Belvidere, 111., on Nov. 2". 1861. He was a self-made man. Engaged in the Chicago Post Office, lie earned his way through college, and has been very suc- cessful as a physician. Their children : — 1— ALBERT NELLIS, born in Chi- cago, Illinois, April 16, 1884. 2— MARG1 ER] fi: LOUISE, born in Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 22. 1885. 3— HELEN GENEVIEVE, hum in Chicago, Illinois, May 7. 1888. 4— MAT KATHERINE, born in CI go, Illinois, November 22. 1889. 5— EDGAR ALBRIGHT, born in Chi- cago. Illinois. July 1;. 1892. HENRIETTA MATILDA FISH was the third chil 1 of William and Catharine Fish, and was born in Dayton, Ohio, February 6, 1842. She was married in Dayton, Ohio, on October 29, 1863, to Chai Henry 1 b who was born in Ashtabula, Ohio, April 2.:. 1S38. He was a bookkeeper in Dayton for several years tnd then moved to Ashtabula. Ohio, where he died on a farm May 7. 1887. Henrietta Matilda married a second time, in Cleveland. Ohio, on Feb. 8, 1893, to Amory Warren Woodbury, who was born in Leominster, Massa- chusetts, on April 24. 1827. He was a re- tired property holder, and died in Spring- field, Ohio, on November 3. 1899. Henriet- ta Matilda's only child, by her first hus- band, was:— 1-ROLLA FOREST, born May 17, 1866. ROLLA FOREST COOK was the only child of Henrietta Matilda Fish and Charles Henry Cook, and was born in Davton, Ohio. May 17. 1866. He was a car- penter contractor and builder, and was 10 married in Ashtabula, Ohio on Septem- ber IS, 1893, to Amoret Munsell, who was born in Ashtabula, Ohio, on June 18, 1864. Their only child is:— 1— RUTH LEOTA, born June 1, 1895, in Cleveland, Ohio. LUTHER STOCKTON FISH was the fourth child of William and Catharine Pish, and was born December 3, 1843, in Dayton, Ohio. He received a common school education, working in his father's woolen mill during his vacation months. He served two years in the Union Army, War of the Rebellion, in the First Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery, enlisting July 22, 1863. for three years or during the war. His regiment was marched overland from Covington, Kentucky, to Knoxville, Ten- nessee, during the Winter of 1863-4. re- lieving General Burnside's forces imme- diately after the raising of the Confed- erate siege of that place. The regiment was assigned guard duty there, in the forts, during the greater part of its time of service. In the Fall of 1864 his com- pany was detailed as guard on a con- struction train to repair the railroad be- tween Loudonville and Chattanooga, de- stroyed by the Confederate General Wheeler. He received an honorable dis- charge at Nashville. Tennessee, July 13, 1865, by reason of the close of the war. Returning home, he engaged with his father in business. Luther Stockton Fish was married on November 22, 1866, to Agnes Marietta Sherwood, who was born August 1. 1840, in Dayton, Ohio. He moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1868, and engaged in the fire insurance business. There was no issue, but they adopted an 18-months-old child, William Earl Fish, born December 5, 1878, in Cleveland, Ohio, and died November 18, 1901. in Phoenix, Arizona, and was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. He was un- married. AMANDA FISH was the fifth child of William and Catharine Pish, and was born in Dayton, Ohio, May 22, 1846. She was married in Dayton, June 30, 1867. to William Edward Tanner, who was born in Springfield, Ohio, June 7, 1844. Amanda died in Dayton, Ohio, February 25, 1885. Their only child is: — 1— EDWARD LEON, born in Dayton, Ohio, November 4, 1874. 11 ORANGE SCOTT PISH was the sixth child of William and Catharine Pish, and was born in Springfield, Ohio, on January 2. 1848. He died in Springfield, Ohio, on April 15, 1849. SARAH ELIZABETH FISH was the seventh child of William and Catharine Fish, and was born January 31, 1850, in Springfield, Ohio. She was married in Dayton, Ohio, on May 13, 1869, to Homer Anson Cook, who was born November tl, 1845, in Saybrook, Ohio. He was engaged in business as a contracting carpenter, Sarah Elizabeth died January 1, 1902, in Dayton, Ohio, and was buried in W I- land Cemetery. Their children are:— 1— KITTIE PALMER, born April 4, 1870. 2— MARY ELIZABETH, born Decem- ber 2. 1871. 3— WILLIAM HARRY, born January 4. 1874. 4— FLANK ALViX. burn November 17. 1875, in Dayton, Ohio, and died there May 15, 1892 5— CHARLES BURROUGHS, May 13, 1879. 6— LUTHER GLENN, born March 27, 1881. in Dayton. Ohio. KITTIE PALMER COOK was the first child of Sarah Elizabeth Fish and Homer Anson Cook, and was born April 4. 1870. in Dayton, Ohio. She was married on September 25, 1889. in Dayton, Ohio, to Elmer Ellsworth Maltby, a contracting painter, who was born August 25, 1862, in Dayton, Ohio. Their children are:— 1— EARL BUTTLES, born July 15. 1890. in Dayton, Ohio. 2— HOMER ANSON, born January 29, 1892, in Dayton. Ohio. 3— JESSIE ELIZABETH, born Febru- ary 27, 1897, in Dayton, Ohio 4— CLYDE ELLSWORTH, born Au- gust 30, 1898, in Dayton, Ohio. MARY ELIZABETH COCK was the second child of Sarah Elizabeth Fish and Homer Anson Cook, and was born December 2, 1871, in Dayton, Ohio. She was married on March 23, 1902, in Dayton, Ohio, to Frank Edgar Greenwood, who was born December 16, 1869, in Indian- apolis, Indiana. WILLIAM HARRY COOK was the third child of Sarah Elizabeth Fish and 12 Homer Anson Cook, and was born Janu- ary 4, 1874, in Dayton, Ohio. He was married on February 25. 1903, in Dayton, Ohio, to Anna Lapp, who was born Octo- ber 30, 1876, in Dayton. Ohio. William Harry was engaged with the Gem City Mortgage & Loan Company, of Dayton, Ohio. CHARLES BURROUGHS COOK was the fifth child of Sarah Elizabeth Fish and Homer Anson Cook, and was born on May 13, 1879, in Dayton, Ohio. He was married on December 17, 1903, in Dayton, Ohio, to Susan May Brown, who was born May 23, 1881, in Johnsville, Ohio. Charles Burroughs was engaged as an assistant superintendent at Monroe, Michigan. MARTHA WASHINGTON FISH was the eighth child of William and Cath- arine Fish, and was born in London, Ohio, January 24, 1852. She was married on September 5, 1876, to Edgar Shawke Kidder, who was born in Racine, Wis- consin, on August 25, 1855. He was cashier and credit man of the Eastern Division of the Sherwin-Williams Co. Martha Washington Fish died in Bloomfield, New Jersey, on March 3, 1903, and was buried in Bloomfield Cemetery. Their children are:— 1— FANNY HUBBARD, born in Cleve- land, Ohio, October 16, 1878; died there May 3, 1883. 2— RUTH MARY E., born in Cleve- land, Ohio, April 13, 1883. 3— CAROLINE EDGARDA, born in Cleveland. Ohio, March 3, 1885. 4— DOROTHY ELIZABETH, born in East Orange, N. J., May 28, 1887. 5— ALMON NOEL, born in East Or- ange, New Jersey, Dec. 25, 1889. OLLIE BELLE FISH was the ninth child of William and Catharine Fish, and was born in Springfield, Ohio, on Au- gust 12, 1854. She was a Christian woman, delighting in charitable work, and died in Cleveland, Ohio, on February 3, 1897. She was unmarried. JESSIE LEOTA FISH was the tenth child of William and Catharine Fish, and was born in Springfield, Ohio, on Octo- ber 18, 1856. She was unmarried. 13 ALMON BARNES FISH was the eleventh and last child of William and Catharine Fish, and was born in Dayton, Ohio. Maj 17. L859. He moved to Cleveland. Ohio, on April 7. 1873, where for the past twelve years he was employed as manager of an old established paint house. He was married Jan. 29. 1S95, in Bloomfield. N< w Jersey, to Harriette Pol- hemus Sutphen, who was born Nov. 18, 1871, in New I'treeht, L. I., New York. Her father was the Rev. David Schure- raan Sutphen, for twelve years pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church at New Utrecht. He was burn April 24. 1842, in Pluckemin, New Jersey, and died March 27, 1897, in Bio imfield, V' w J< rsey, where he was buried. He was tie d son of William .1. Sutphen and Elizabeth Los y. William J. Sutphen was lien. June 21. 1809, in Larger Cross Roads, Somerset County, New Jersey, and died .Ma\ 21. 1846, in Pluckemin, New Jersey, and was buried al Bedminster, New Jersey. E'izabeth Losey was born in 1814 in Pluckemin, New Jersey, and died in Newark. New Jersey. November 18, 1873. and was buried in Bedminster, New .l,r y. Ha rii I ;■ Polhemus Sutphen's mother, Harriette Robertson Polhemus, was the third child of Rev. Abraham 1'. lb mus and Eliza Broadhead II and was born Decembi r 18, 1842, in Hopewell, New York. The Rev. Abra- ham Polhemus. D. I>., was hern April 30, 1812, in Hallett's Cove (now Astoria), New York, and died October 28, 1857, in New- burgh, New Ynrk, and was buried in Newark, New Jersey, where he was pas- tor of the North Dutch (Reformed) Church. He was married in New York city October 7, 1835, to Eliza Broadhead Heyer, who was born July \ 1815, in New Y'ork city, and died April 29, 1901, in New- ark, New Jersey, where she was buried. The children of Almon Barnes Fish are:— 1— ALMON SUTPHEN, born January 21. 189fi. in Cleveland, Ohio. 2— CATHARINE LOUISE, born April 20, 1898. in Cleveland, Ohio. 3— DAVID SUTPHEN. born February S. 1901, in Cleveland, Ohio. LEONARD AND .MARY BCYIXGER. Leonard Buvinger, Jr., was the son of Leonard, Si\. and Mary Buvinger, and was born in Strausburg, Franklin Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, on October 25, 1792. 14 Leonard Buvinger, Sr., died July 21, 1794, and was buried in Green Castle, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Bueher. Leonard Buvinger, Jr., settled in Dayton in 1835, and built the first brick house on what was called the "Buck lot." He was a shoemaker by trade, his shop being on the house lot. He served in the war of 1812. He was married on December 14, 1817, to Mary Snyder, who was born in Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1800, and died in Dayton, Ohio, February 19, 1868. "Uncle Leonard" and "Aunt Polly," as they were called, were universally loved, not only by their children and grandchildren, but by all who knew them. They were good staunch Methodists, and their doors were always open to the needy. They had eleven children, and four sons served in the Civil War of 1861 to 1865, all surviving the conflict. Leonard, Jr., died in Day- ton. Ohio, February 16, 1870, and was buried in Woodland Cemetery. Mary Buvinger's name is a familiar one in the annals of early Methodism in Dayton, she being one of the original members of Raper Chapel. Her e.arly education was in another branch of the Christian church, but in 1827, notwithstanding bit- ter opposition from her friends, she re- solved to unite with the Methodist Epis- copal Church. She was a member of the first class meeting organized in Hanover. Pennsylvania, and passed through many trying scenes of persecution, as in that day did most of those who joined Meth- odism in that region of the country. Being the only family of German descent among the Methodists of Dayton at that time, their house was the home of the first German missionaries, as well as of the English ministers. Mary Buvinger was a faithful member of the pastor's class. Her last illness was protracted and her sufferings great, but she was always calm and peaceful, and died Feb- ruary 19, 1868, in her sixty-eighth year. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. Mary Buvinger was the daughter of Jacob and Catharine Snyder. Jacob Snyder was born in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, September 22, 1777, and died in Dayton, Ohio. July 11, 1854. He married on August 7, 1796, in Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, Catharine Reisinger, who was born at Hanover, February 14, 1777, and died in Dayton, Ohio, July 30, 1840. MARGARET FISH Margaret Fish, who was the second rhild of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, was born in Carlisle, England, November 11, 1816, and died at Sumner, Illinois, June 16 L885. She was married in 1838 to John Foster, who was born February 17, 1810, and who died February 21, 1890, in Sum- ner, Illinois. He was a carpenter by trade, MAKOAKKT FISH but afterward a contractor and builder, in Dayton, Ohio. In 1838 he moved to Sum- ner, Illinois, where he purchased a stock farm. In 1S62 Margaret secured a sep- aration from John Foster, being allowed alimony. She lived in Dayton for sev- eral years, with her brother William, and then went to Brazil, Indiana, win re she lived with her son, Orin Osco. John Foster married again, his sec- ond wife dying from injuries received by being thrown from a buggy. A few years afterward he married again, his third wife being Jennie Elkins, who was born September 24, 1849, in White County, Illinois. They had one child by the union, Martha Jane, who was born June 14, 1878, in Lawrence County, 16 Illinois. The children of Margaret and John Foster are:— 1— MARY JANE, born November 8, 1838. 2— WILLIAM THOMAS, born Septem- ber 12, 1840, in Dayton, Ohio, and died there October 2, 1841. 3— HENRY, still-born, January 3, 1842, in Dayton, Obio. 4— GEORGE, born May 26, 1843, in Day- ton, Ohio, and died there July 15, 1843. 5— ERASTUS, born January 3, 1845, in Dayton, Ohio, and died there Oc- tober 12, 1850. 6— JOHN FRANCISCO, bom February 26, 1849. 7— ORIN OSCO, born November 16, 1851. MARY JANE FOSTER was the first child of Margaret Fish and John Foster, and was born in Dayton, Ohio, No- vember S, 1S3S. She was married on Sep- tember 29, 1857, in Dayton, Ohio, to Rufus E. Motter, who was born January 30, 1831, in Richland County (since divided into two counties, he being born in the portion now called Ash!and County), near Ashland, Ohio. He was engaged in business as a miller. They lived in Dayton, Ohio, until 1861, when they mov- ed to Brazil, Indiana, where Mary Jane died on January S, 1875. Rufus E. Motter died June 2, 1893. Their children are:— 1— IDA CORA, born September 23, 1S5S. 2— JOHN EDMOND, born March 8, 1861. IDA CORA MOTTER was the first child of Mary Jane Foster and Rufus E. Motter, and was born in Dayton, Ohio, September 23, 1S5S. She was mar- ried on June 11, 1S74, to Davis M. War- ner, who was born November 13, 1848, and who died December 3, 1881. Ida Cora died in Brazil, Indiana, on January 20, 1876. Their only child is:— 1— AMANDA JANE, born and died March 12, 1875. JOHN EDMOND MOTTER was the second child of Mary Jane Foster and Rufus E. Motter, and was born March S, 1861, in Dayton, Ohio. He was married on March 29, 1893, to Ida Caroline Loy. There was no issue. 17 JOHN FRANCISCO FOSTER was the sixth child of Margaret Fish and John Foster, and was born February 26, 1849, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his brother, Orin Osco, gave up business in Rockville, Indiana, to return to the farm in Sum- ner, Illinois, given them by their father, John Foster. In 18S7 John Francisco went to Chicago, Illinois, as a bookkeeper, and then to Columbus, Ohio, where he died, May L9, 1891. He was buried at Sum- ni r, Illinois. He was unmarried. ORIX OSCO FOSTER was the seventh child of Margarel Fish and John F" and was bum November 16, 1851, in Day- ton, Ohio. He was married on Decembei 3 1896, to Jennie Elkins, who was born September 24, 1849, in White County, Illi- nois. Orin Osco lived on a farm in Law- rence County, Illinois, with the exception of a few years in Dayton, Ohio, until 19 years of age, when he went to Brazil, Indiana, to Learn blacksmith ing. He worked there two years, then went to Rockville, Indiana, and in the Fall of L875 started a carria i> there. His brother, Jolin Francisco, was a part- ner with him for tw ' three > when they sold out ,'iml wenl to farming in Illinois. Orin Osco stayed there a year, then went to Wiehita, Kansas, running a carriage repair shop until issit. On the opening of Oklahoma, April 22, 1889, he went there ami secured 160 acres. There was no issue. MARTHA JANE FOSTER was the only child and daughter of John and Jennie Foster, and was born in Lawrence Coun- ty Illinois, on June 11, 1878. She was mar- ried at Sumner, Illinois, on March 18, 1896, to Charles Congleton Webb, who was born in Lawrence County. Illinois, on .\l trch 1, 1876. Their children are. — 1— JENNIE PEARL, born at Sumner, Illinois, on October 2, 1897. 2— WILLIAM CLIFFORD, born at Sumner, Illinois, December 3, 1899. THOMAS FISH Thomas Fish was the third child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was their last child born in Carlisle, England, his birth occurring on December 2, ISIS. He died in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. November 30, 1839, aged 21 years. He was unmarried. 18 ELIZABETH FISH Elizabeth Fish was the fourth child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born near Dayton, Ohio, on March 18, 1821, be- ing their first born in America. She died in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on December 30, 1891. She was mar- ried in 1841 to Hiram Bull, who was born near Bellbrook, Greene County, Ohio, on ELIZABETH FISH March 7, 1818. When four years of age his father died, leaving him with his mother, with whom he remained on the home farm until he reached his majority. In 1839, after becoming of age, he went to > Shelby County to look after the land fti's father had entered in 1810, and began improving it, building himself a log cabin in the woods for a home. Hiram and Elizabeth were both members of the Methodist Protestant Church and wor- shiped under great dimculity at thar. time, having to travel to church on horse- back. Often could they both be seen rid- ing their horse, old Nell, with a sheep- skin for a saddle and flax spun rope for 19 a rein. Hiram was a resident of Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, for six- ty years and owned a farm of 240 acres. He died there on June 8, 1899. Their chil- dren are: — 1— NATHAN STIPP. born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, April 12, 1843. 2— FRANCIS MARION, born October 10, 1845. 3— MARY CATHARINE, born Janu- ary 17, 1847. 4— ERMINA TOWNLEY, born Octo- ber 7. Ms. 5— JOANNA MORRIS, born Novem- ber :i. 1850. 6— JAMES MADISON, born in Township, Shelby County, Ohio, Novi mb< r is. is:,:;; died there Sep- tember 14, 1854, 7— WILLIAM ORANGE, born in Or- ange Township. Shelby County, ohio, June 11. L857. FRANCIS MARION BULL was the second child of Elizabeth Fish and Hi- ram Bull, and was born in Orange Town- ship, Shelby County, Ohio, on Octobi 1845. He was engaged as a farmer. He served in the Civil War. having enlisted on February 16, 1864, in Company E, 71st. O. V. I., for three years, or during the re- mainder of the war. He underwent many hardships, was at the siege of Atlanta, Georgia, and many others, when shot and shell fell like hail. After the war was declared over he was sent to the Gulf of Mexico and to Texas, being dis- charged in 1865. He was a charter mem- ber of Plattsville Lodge and Kirkwood Lodge of Odd Fellows, and a membi i oi Neal Post, G. A. R. He was married on November 8, 1866, to Mary Ena Belle Ap- plegate, who was born in Green Town- ship, Shelby County, Ohio, on December 12, 1845. Francis Marion Bull died in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on February 17, 1904. Their children are: 1— JESSE HIRAM, born October 7, 1867. 2-CHARLES CLAYTON, born No- vember 12. 1868. 20 3— NETTIE GRACE, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, December 6, 1870; died there Au- gust 25, 1872. 4— OLLIE ENA, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, August 25, 1872; died there April 26, 1875. 5— HATTIE LAVENA, born April 2, 1874. 6— BERTIE EDWARD, born in Or- ange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, April 3, 1876. 7— MARION LEE, born November 2, 1877. 8--MELLIE ELIZABETH, born No- vember 16, 1879. 9— EMERSON OSCAR, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, August 9, 1881; died there Septem- ber 24, 1882. 10— FREDERICK KNOX, born in Or- ange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, February 4, 1883; died there March 4, 1883. 11— CLIFFORD ARNOLD, born in Or- ange Township. Shelby County, Ohio, April 26, 1884. 12— CARRIE MAY, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, April 10, 1887. JESSE HIRAM BULL was the first child of Francis Marion and Mary Ena Belle Bull, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on Octo- ber 7, 1867. He was employed as an en- gineer in the roller plate mills at Youngs- town, Ohio He was married on October 18. 1888. to Mary Alice Carey, who was born in Careysville, Ohio, on April 16, 1865. Their children are:— 1— OLA, born in Clinton Township. Shelby County, Ohio, August 25, 1889. 2— FAT MORLAND, born in Mead- ville, Pennsylvania, December 23, 1893. 3— LADONA, born in Clinton Town- ship, Shelby County, Ohio, Feb- ruary 8, 1897. 21 CHARLES CLAYTON BULL was the second child of Francis Marion and Mary Ena Belle Bull, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on No- vember 12, 1868. He was a carpenter and contractor. He was married on Decem- ber 12, 1889, to Ho Eldora Carey, who was born in Careysville, Ohio, July 30, 1870, and was a sister of Mary Alice Ca- rey, who married Jesse Hiram Bull, a brother of Charles Clayton Bull. Their children are:— 1— OSCO EDWARD, born in Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio. January 4. 1891. 2-RUBY CARET, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, August 29, 1897. HATTIE LAVKXA BULL, was the fifth child of Francis Marion and Mary Ena Belle Bull, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on April 2, 1874. She was married on August 24, 1901, to George Mentges, who was born in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. March 24, 1866, and was in business as an under- taker. He was also the inventor of a newspaper folder, the demand for which compelled him to run his works day and night. There was no issue. MARION LEE BULL was the seventh child of Francis Marion and Mary Ena Belle Bull, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on No- vember 2. 1877. He was a machinist by occupation and was employed by his brother-in-law, George Mentges. Marion Lee Bull enlisted and served in the Span- ish-American War. He was enrolled June 20. 1898, in Company L, Third Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, for three years, or during the war, and on his discharge papers are the words "honest and faith- ful." He was mustered out October 26, 1S98, and was married on February 14, 1899, to Sarah Elizabeth Danford, who was born in Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on June 11, 1882. Their children are: — 1— DADORA MARIE, born October 27, 1899. in Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio. 22 2— CLEORA MARGARET, born March 12, 1901, in Clinton Township, Shel- by County, Ohio. MELLIE ELIZABETH BULL was the eighth child of Francis Marion and Mary Ena Belle Bull, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on No- vember 16, 1879. She was married on No- vember 7, 1899, to Henry Michle Roth, a farmer, who was born at Fryburg, Au- glaize County, Ohio, on May 16, 1874. Their children are: — 1— JOHN FRANCIS, born in Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio, August 20, 1900. 2— HAROLD JOSEPH, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, January 26, 1902. MARY CATHARINE BULL was the third child of Elizabeth Fish and Hi- ram Bull, and was born in Orange Town- ship, Shelby County, Ohio, on January 17, 1S47. She was married on July 4, 1866, •fro John Dillon, of Miami County, Ohio, and in the year 1868 they mutually agreed to separate. Mary Catharine died in Shelby County, Ohio, on March 13, 1875. Their only child is:— 1— BENJAMIN ERASTUS, born June 19, 1867. BENJAMIN ERASTUS DILLON was the only child of Mary Catharine Bull and John Dillon, and was born in Or- ange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on June 19, 1867. He was married by the Rev. Mr. Hale on June 7, 1903, to Dellie Maud Wikoff, who was born in Liberty Township, Adams County, Ohio, on De- cember 11, 1873. She was the daughter of James and Mary E. Wikoff. Among his Grandfather Bull's records 'the fol- lowing entry was found: "Benjamin Erastus Dillon. Application by Hiram Bull, to Probate Court, to have name changed to Benjamin Erastus Bull." This was granted, but in 1900 Benjamin Eras- tus had it changed back to Dillon by an application to the Probate Court of Shelby County, Ohio. Although he re- ceived eighty acres of home farm from his Grandfather Bull, he followed the occupation of a carpenter. 23 ERMINA TOWNLEY BULL was the fourth child of Elizabeth Fish and Hiram Bull, and was born in Orange Town- ship, Shelby County, Ohio, on October 7, 1848. She was married on April 7, 1870, to Joseph Franklin Applegate, a brother of Mary Ena Belle Applegate, who married Francis Marion Bull, a brother of Ermina Townley Bull. Jo- seph Franklin Applegate was born in Green Township, Shelby County. Ohio, on February 25, 1849. He was a farmer. Their children are:— 1— ROLEY CLIFFORD, born in Shel- by County, Ohio. April 11. 1871; died in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on March 1, 1875. 2-ERASTUS FLEETWOOD, born September 8, 1ST.' 3— FORKS'!" EDNEY, born March 28, 1874. 4-EDWARD JUDSON, born January 3, 1S77. 5— CHARLES CLIDE, born in (Maim.' Township, Shelby County, Ohio, July 26, 1879. ERASTUS FLEETWOOD APPLEGATE was tlic second child of Ermina Townley Bull and Joseph Franklin Applegate, and was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on Septi mber 8, 1872. He was married in -Mi- ami County, Ohio, on December 12. 1899, in Daisy Amies Cooper, who was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on January 24, 1882. Their children are:— 1— DON B, born in Orange Township, Shelby County. < ►hio, March 26, 19m i 2— EARL JUDSON, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, September 5, 1901; died in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio, September 25, 1902. FOREST EDNEY APPLEGATE was the third child of Ermina Townley Bull and Joseph Franklin Applegate, and was burn in Green Township, Shelby County. Ohio, on March 28, 1874. He was married on April 14, 1S97, to Emma Elizabeth Darst, who was born in Salem Township, 24 Shelby County, Ohio, on April 10, 1873. Their children are:— 1— ROBERT AUGUSTUS, born in Per- ry Township, Shelby County, Oftio, October 18, 1897. 2— HELEN MARGUERITE, born in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio, February 23, 1900. 3-LULAH PEARL, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, January 4, 1903. EDWARD JUDSON APPLEGATE was the fourth child of Ermina Townley Bull and Joseph Franklin Applegate, and was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on January 3, 1877. He served his country in the Philippines, was sick in Manila three months, laid in California ninety-nine days, and lingered about a month at home, where he died May 11, 1901, aged 24 years. JOANNA MORRIS BULL was the fifth child of Elizabeth Fish and Hiram Bull, and was born in Orange Township. Shelby County, Ohio, on November 3, 1850. She was married on November 9, 1871, to John Findley Meighan, who was born in Monroe Township, Warren County, Ohio, on November 6, 1849. Their children are:— 1— MINNIE BELL, born November 2. 1872. 2— WILLIAM FRANKLIN, born Sep- tember 4, 1876. 3— EDNA MAE, born May 17, 1SS6. MINNIE BELL MEIGHAN was the first child of Joanna Morris Bull and John Findley Meighan, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on November 2, 1872. She was married on November 6, 1890, to Denton James Simes, who was born in Orange Township, Shel- by County, Ohio, on December 24, 1866. Their children are: — 1— JOHN WILLIAM, born in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, October 9, 1891. 2— BERTHA MAY, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, November 10, 1893. 25 3— GEORGE LANTY, born in Orange Township. Shelby County, Ohio, April 2, 1897. WILLIAM FRANKLIN MEIGHAN was the second child of Joanna Morris Bull and John Findley Meighan, and was born in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on September 1. 1876. He was mar- ried in 1897 to Bertha Mabel Gilbert, who was born in Brown Township, Miami County, Ohio, on August 6, 1875. Their only child is: — 1— HELEN GERTRUDE, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, February 24, 1899, and died tin re February 18, 1900. EDNA MAE MEIGHAN was the third child of Joanna Morris Bull and John Findley Meighan, and was born in Spring- Creek Township. .Miami County, ' May 17. 1886. She was educated in the Hi:-:li School at Piqua, and was an ac- complished musician She was unmar- LUKE SIDNEY FISH Luke Sidney Fish was the fifth child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born near Dayton. in Montgomery County, Ohio, on March 31, L823. He was married on May 23, 1849, to Isabella Voress Higgins, who was born at Read- Hamilton County, Ohio, on Septem- ber 19, 1828, and died near Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, on June 11, 1857. Luke Sidney Fish married again on September 30, 1858, to Sarah Jane Patton, who was born near Lexington, Kentucky, on June 16, 1827, and died near Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, on July 31, 1892. There was no issue by his second wife. His children, by his first wife, are:— 1— RALPH LUDLOW, born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, Juno 27, 1851, and died there Feb- ruary 3, 1S57. 2— WILLIAM ALEXANDER, born September 15, 1852. 3— GEORGE GOODLOW. born March 4, 1854. 23 4— THOMAS MILTON, born May 21, 1855. 5— ANNA BELLE, born April 23, 1S57. WILLIAM ALEXANDER FISH was the second child of Luke Sidney and Isabella V. Pish, and was born in Or- ange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on LIKE .SIDNEY FISH September 15, 1852. He was married on December 28, 1871, to Elizabeth Adaline Server, who was born in Green Town- ship, Shelby County, Ohio, September 11, 1855. Their children are: — 1— BABY FISH, still-born, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, August 15, 1872. 2— ROLANDUS, born in Sidney, Shel- by County, Ohio, August 15, 1872. ROLANDUS FISH was the son of William Alexander and Elizabeth Ada- line Fish, and was born in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, August 15, 1872. He married Anna Emily Merrill, who was born in Manhattan, Kansas, January 14, 1874. Their children are:— 1— BERTRAM, born November 5, 189(5, in Deriver, C_lor„do. and die 1 ther November 6, 1896. 2— BABY FISH, born March 10, 1898, in Denver, Colorado, and died there March 11, 1898. 3— MARY AXITA, born December 31, 1900, in Denver, Colorado. 4-HARLEY ALBERT, born Decem- ber 1, 1902, in Denver, Colorado, and died there February 6. 1903. 5— HELEN MARIE, born November ]:;, 1903, in Denver, Colorado. GEORGK GOODLOW FISH was the third '-nil 1 of Luke Sidney and I bella V. Fish, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on M irch I. 1854. He was married on Feb- ruary 6, 1879, to Brazell Hannah Max- well, who was born in Perry Township, Shelby County. Ohio, on March 24, L853. Their only child is:— 1— BERTHA .MILDRED, burn actober 26, 1880, in Circleville, Pickawaj County, Ohio. THOMAS MILTON FISH was the fourth chill .if Luke Sidney and [sa- bella V. Fish, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on May 21, is.".."., lb- was marri.d un I ).-,•, n il>.-- 2\ ivs;;. to Mary Elizabeth Robinson, win. was born in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, on November :*. 1854. She .lie. I in Green Township, Shelby County. Ohio, on March 6, 1885, in giving birth to a son, who sur- vived her thirteen days, and was never christened. ANNA BELLE FISH was the only daughter and fifth child of Luke Sid- ney and Isabella Y. Fish, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on April 23, 1857. She was mar- ried on December 28. 1876. at her father's home, to Eleizar Fin Henry, born in Per- ry Township, near Sidney. Shelby County, Ohio. August 15. 1849. They lived in Ohio until the Spring of 1S85, when they moved to Kinsley, Kansas, living there until April. 1886 when they moved to Benton- ville, Benton County. Arkansas, where they now live, and where Eleazar Fin Henry has been engaged in the real es- tate business for over sixteen years. There was no issue. 28 EDWARD FISH Edward Fish was the sixth child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born near Dayton, Ohio, on August 7, 1825. He moved north of Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, and worked on his father's farm until his marriage on July 25, 1847, to Charity John, who was born in Madison County, Indiana, on April 21, 1825. They moved in 1857 to Madison County, In- diana, north of Chesterfield, where they bought a farm of SO acres, living there EDWARD FISH until 1871, when they sold out and bought a place west of Moonsville, in Madison County, Indiana, where Charity Fish died on December 8, 1877. Edward Fish married again on March 17, 1884, to Mar- garet Montague, but there was no issue by the union. Edward Fish died west of Moonsville, in Madison County, Indiana, on August 29, 1894. The children of Ed- ward and Charity Fish are: — 1— GEORGE WASHINGTON WEB- STER, born October 30, 1849, near Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, and died there September 22, .1850. 2— WILLIAM SCOTT, born July 6, 1851. 29 3— JAMES EDWARD, born August 18, 1853. 4— LUKE ORANGE, born April 26, 1855. 5-CHARLES WESLEY, born Decem- ber 15, 1858. 6— HANNAH JANE, bom October 1, 1860. 7— MORRIS JACKSON, born July 26, 1863, in Madison County, Indiana, and died there October 8. 1863. 8— SUSAN MARIETTA, born No- vembi r 2, 1864, in Madison County, Indiana, and died there April 3, 1871, from the effects of a burn by falling in a kettle of syrup. WILLIAM SCOTT FISH was the sec- ond child of Edward and Charity Fish, and was bom July 6, 1851, north of Sid- lay. Shelby County. Ohio. He moved with his parents in 1857 to Madison C ty, Indiana. He was married on Septem- ber 3, L877, to Jane Riley, who was born in Madison County, Indiana. November 8, 1852. William Scott Fish died March 1, 1894. Their only child is:— 1— CORNELIA PHNER, born Septi ber 23, 1878. i ' iRNELIA PHNER, who was the only child of William Scott and Jane Fish, was born September 23. 1878. She was married on July l, 1896, to Wallace Stuard, who was horn in Putnam County, Indiana, September l, J^7::. There was no issue. JAMES EDWARD FISH was the third child of Edward and Charity Fish, and was born north of Sidney, Shelby County. Ohio. ,m August 18, 1853. In the year 1857 he moved, with his parents, near Chester- field. Madison County, Indiana. At the age of 15 he was hired to David Butler Sims, with whom he worked on the farm during the Summer and attended school in the Winter for a period of eight years. He went home for one year, and farmed with his father. He was married on February 23, 1880, to Maria Malishia Snider, who was born in Dela- ware County, Indiana, on March 24, 1863. Their children are:— 1— CHARITY JANE, born April 14. 1882. 2— AMANDA ESTHER, born April 4, 1S84. 30 3— WILLIAM EDWARD ALBERT, born November 4, 1886, in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. 4— ELIAS PERRY, born August 20, 1889. in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. 5— CLARK WESLEY, born April 15, 1891, in Daleville, Delaware County. Indiana. 6— JAMES LESLIE, born September 18, 1894, in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana, and died there September 25, 1896. 7— RAMON HAROLD, born June 19, 1897. in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. 8— CARROLL FOSTER, born Febru- ary 15. 1900, in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. CHARITY JANE FISH was the first child and daughter of James Edward and Maria Malishia Fish, and was born northwest of Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana, on April 14. 1882. She was mar- ried December 1, 1901, in Daleville, to Ward Beecher Lemon, who was born east of Daleville, in Delaware County, Indiana, on April 27, 1874. Their only child is: — 1— MABEL LUCILLA, born October 11. 1903, in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. AMANDA ESTHER FISH was the sec- ond child of James Edward and Maria Malishia Fish, and was born northwest of Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana, on April 4, 1884. She was married on Feb- ruary 23, 1902, to John Martin Rinker, who was born in Jay County, Indiana, on .May 22. lssl. Their only child is:— 1— EMORY ALLEN, born June 17, 1903, in Delaware County, Indiana. LUKE ORANGE FISH was the fourth child of Edward and Charity Fish, and was born April 26, 1855, in Shelby County, Ohio. He moved with his parents in 1857 to a farm in Madison County, Indiana. He was married on December 15, 1879, to Laura Belle Lemon, who died September 8, 1902. She was the mother of thirteen children, among them being five pairs of twins. Their children are:— BABY, girl, born Sept. 13, 1881, south of Moonsville, Madison County, Indiana; died aged 1 day. 31 2— VALENTINE EDWARD, born Sep- tember 13, 1881, south of Moons- ville. Madison County, Indiana. 3— MINNIE BELLE, born December 20, 1882, in Daleville, Delaware County. Indiana. 4— JURY, born December 20. 1882, in Daleville, Delaware County. In- diana. 5— CHARLES NELSON, born April 29, 18S4. in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana. 6— JAMES HENRY, born January 23, 1886, in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana. 7— ROSETTA. born January 23, 1886, in Anderson, Madison County, In- diana. 8— EVA LINK, born June 13, 1890, in Anderson, Madison County, In- diana. 9— LUKE ORANGE, born January 3, L893, it! Anderson, Madison County, Indiana. 10— ARTHUR, born March 15, L895, in Anderson, Madison County, In- diana. 11— ALBERT, born March 15, 1895, in Anderson, Madison County, In- dian i. 12— STELLA, born October T. 1898, in Anderson, Madison County, In- diana; died April 12, 1904. 13— HAZEL, born October 7, 1898, in Anderson. Madison County, In- diana. Jt'RY FISH was the daughter of Luke Orange and Laura. Belle Fish, and was born December 20, 1882, in Daleville, Del- aware County, Indiana. She was married on June 17. 1901, to Bernard Maddon, who was born in Richmond, Indiana. July 19, 1S72. Their children are:— 1— HELLEN KATHERINE. born Oc- tober 10, 1902. in Anderson, Madison County. Indiana. 2— MILDRED MARIE, born October 1, 1903. in Anderson, Madison Coun- ty, Indiana. CHARLES WESLEY FISH, was the fifth child of Edward and Charity Fish, and was born December 15, 1S5S, in Rich- land Township, Madison County. Indiana. He married, on August 5, 1SS5. Ruth Ann 32 Nealis, who was born in Hancock Coun- ty, Indiana, on December 5, 1867. Their children are:— 1— CHARITY ANN, born June 14, 1886, in Richland Township, Madison County, Indiana. 2— AMANDA MARIA, born Decem- ber 30, 1887, in Richland Township, Madison County, Indiana. 3— SOLEY, born January 20, 1890, in Richland Township, Madison Coun- ty, Indiana. 4— JOHN EDWARD, born October 13, 1893, in Richland Township, Madi- son County, Indiana. 5— MARY BELLE, born March 20, 1896, in Richland Township, Madison County, Indiana. 6— ROBERT HUGH, born August 15, 1898, in Richland Township, Madi- son County, Indiana. 7— HULDAH CATHARINE, born Feb- ruary 3, 1901, in Richland Town- ship, Madison County, Indiana. 8— ERNEST OTTERBIN, born May 13, 1903, in Richland Township, Madi- son County, Indiana. HANNAH JANE FISH was the sixth child of Edward and Charity Fish, and was born October 1, 1860, near Chester- field, Madison County, Indiana. She was married on November 21. 1882, to Miles Noble, who was born August 8, 1862, near Alexandria. Madison County, Indiana. Their children are:— 1— NETTIE ORDAIN, born March 17 1884. 2— JESSE ELMER, born June 7. 1886, near Valley Falls, Jefferson Coun- ty. Kansas. 3-BENTON ORAL, born April 8. 1893, in Anders-on, Madison County. Indiana. 4— BABY NOBLE, a girl, unnamed, born January 14. 1901, in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, and died there on January 16, 1901, being only two days old. a— JOHN ONEY, born June 4, 1903, in Anderson, Madison County, Indi- ana. 33 NETTIE ORDAIN NOBLE was the first child of Hannah Jane Fish and Mil's Noble, and was born March 17. 1884, near Alexandria, Madison County, Indiana. She was married on July 3, 1900, to Charles Smith, who was born in Howard County, Indiana, April 5, 1SS0. Their only child is: — 1— FLORENCE JEANNETTE, born January 2, 1902, in Pendleton, Mad- ison County, Indiana. MARY JANE FISH Mary Jane Fish was the seventh child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was Augusl L5, 1827, at Dayton, Ohio. She was married in Sidney, Ohio, on MARY JANE FISH June 18, 1S4S, to the Rev. Rhodes Ran- dolph, who was born in Ridgeville, War- ren County. Ohio, on June 17, 1S24. They moved to Indiana in September, 1863, lo- cating: at Antioch, now Andrews, where they lived for thirteen years, after which they purchased a farm in Polk Town- ship, near Harlansburg, and lived there until 1898, when they located on a tract near Warren. Two years afterward they 34 went to Huntington and built a residence on Cline Street. Rev. Rhodes Randolph was an active member of the Methodist church all his life, having joined the church when seventeen years of age. For thirty-two years he was a licensed preacher, having received his pulpit cre- dentials from Bishop Ames at a Con- ference held in Huntington in 1871. He died August 30, 1903, in Huntington, In- diana, and was buried in Riverside Ceme- tery, at Andrews, Indiana. Their child- ren are: — 1— MARGARET ELIZABETH, born September 22, 1849. 2— SUSAN PENINAH, born August 24, 1853. 3— CHARLES ROSS, born July 19, 1856. 4— WILLIAM BUTLER, born Novem- ber 12, 1858. 5— LIDA JANE, born March 24, 1861. 6— GEORGE WINTRODE, born De- cember 14, 1862. 7— JOHN WESLEY, born April 2, 18S5. MARGARET ELIZABETH RAN- DOLPH, who was the first child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, was born September 22, 1849, in Sidney, Shel- by County, Ohio, and died April 10, 1903, in Powhattan, Brown County, Kansas. She married James Harvey Adams, who was born in Rockville, Park County, In- diana, on March 18, 1842. He served in the Civil War in Company E of the 47th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, of the Army of the Mississippi, which operated from Island No. 10 to the Gulf of Mexico. He was enrolled at In- dianapolis on October 24, 1861, by Cap- tain Wintrode, and was duly mustered into the military service of the United States, at Indianapolis, December 13, 1861, for the term of three years, by Lieu- tenant Eby. He was mustered out on Oc- tober 23, 1865, as sergeant. He was 48 days in the rifle pits in the siege of Vicks- burg. and though always at the front during the time of his service he had no hospital record. James Harvey Adams (in d March 17, 1904. at Kansas, City, Kansas. Their children are: — 1— SCHUYLER RANDOLPH, born August 11, 1868. 35 2— IX A MAY, born September 11, 1S73. 3— ORA ROSCOE, born October 25, 1875, 4— MARY EMMA, born May 17, 1878, in Antioch (now Andrews), Hunt- ington County, Indiana. She died May 8, L879, in Leroy, Michigan, and was buried at Andrews, In- diana. 5— CHARLES HENRY, born Novem- ber 25, 1883, in Raker. Kansas. SCHUYLER RANDOLPH ADAMS was the first child of Margaret Elizabeth Randolph and James Harvey Adams, and was born August 11, 1868, in Anti- och (now Andrews), Huntington County, Indiana. He married Elizabeth Ann Marriott, who was born in Blairton. Can- ada, on June 12. 1867. He was employed as a locomotive fireman. Their chiM are:— 1— ALVA CECIL, b irn December 2C, 1896, in Powhattan, Brown County, Kansas. 2— IXA .MAY. born June 4, 1S98, in Litchfield, Illinois. 3— MART MAURINE, born July 31, 1S99, in Bloomington, Illinois. IXA MAY ADAMS was the second child of Margaret Elizabeth Randolph and James Harvey Adams, and was born September 11, 1873, in Antioch (now An- drews), Huntington County, Indiana. She married Clarence Zimmerman, a black- smith and wagon maker, of Powhattan, Kansas, who was born April 22, 1868, in Mt. Pocono, Monroe County, Pennsylva- nia. Their children are: — 1— ALTA MURIEL, born March 23, 1S95, at Powhattan, Brown Coun- ty. Kansas, and died August 1, 1895, at Powhattan, Brown County, Kansas. 2— DAXIEL ARYEL, born February 12, 1897, at Powhattan, Brown County, Kansas. 3— VIVIAN IONE, born October 31, 189S, at Powhattan, Brown Coun- ty, Kansas. 36 ORA ROSCOB ADAMS was the third child of Margaret Elizabeth Randolph and James Harvey Adams, and was born October 25, 1S75, in Antioch (now Andrews), Huntington County, Indiana. He was a conductor on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. He mar- ried Carrie Effa Springer, who was born in Phillipsburg, Phillips County, Kansas, on December 17, 1881. Their only child is: 1— HARVEY OLIVER, born April 9, 1902, in Horton, Kansas. SUSAN PENTNAH RANDOLPH was the second child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, and was born August 24, 1853, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. She married John Quincy Adams, who served in the Civil War as a private in Company H, Ninetieth Regiment of In- diana Volunteers. He was enrolled at Indianapolis, on November 2, 1864, and was duly mustered into the military service of the United States at Indianapolis, on the same day, by Captain Dunn, and was mus- tered out on June 15, 1865. He died on April 3, 1875, in Andrews, Indiana, from the effects of exposure contracted during service. John Quincy Adams was a brother of James Harvey Adams, who married Margaret Elizabeth Randolph, a sister of Susan P. Randolph. Susan P. was married a second time to John Albert Fisher, born at Mt. Etna, Indiana, July 5, 1862. There were two sons by her first marriage. Her children are:— 1— MELA r IN HARVEY, born April 18, 1S73, in Antioch (now Andrews), Huntington County, Indiana. He was unmarried. 2- JOHN QUINCY, born June 12, 1875, in Antioch (now Andrews), Huntington County, Indiana, and died October 12, 1900, in Hunting- ton, Indiana. He was unmarried. CHARLES ROSS RANDOLPH was the third child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, and was born July 19, 1856, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. He was a contractor and builder. He married Cyrena Ellen Starbuck, who 37 was born in Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana, on February 23. 1856. Their only child was: — 1— LULU CLAIR, born April 29, 1890, in Afton. Indian Territory, Chero- kee Nation. WILLIAM BUTLER RANDOLPH was the fourth child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, and was born No- vember 12, 1858, in Sidney, Shelby County. Ohio. In 1SS7 he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the Ninth Indiana Conference, but had to discontinue the work in 1889 on account of a compli te breakdown in health, which occurred at Fountain City. As a result of this he was given a supernumerary relation I i the North Indiana Conference and at the time of his death, on February 1<*. 1904, at Logansport, was a superan- nuated member of the conference. Before his death, he was engaged in secular pur- suits, being a commercial traveler. As boy, man and minister he was always pleasant, and in the pulpit energetic and aide, being gifted in prayer and sermon- izing. He was a member of the Ben Hur fraternity. The obsequies took place in Huntington. Indiana, on February 13, the Rev. Mr. Runkle, of Marion; the Rev. Mr. Guild and the Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Huntington, officiating. He was in- terred at Mt. Hope Cemetery. William Butler Randolph was married In 1885 to Laura Anne Miller, who was born Feb- ruary 3. 1862. in Markle, Indiana. Their children are: — 1— EOLA FERN, born February 12, 1886, in Mt. Etna, Huntington County, Indiana. 2— FOSS BUTLER, born February 15, 1889, in Knightstown, Indiana. 3— PAUL MILLER, born May 8, 1895, in Marion, Indiana. LIDA JANE RANDOLPH was the fifth child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, and was born March 24, 1861, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. She married Oliver Nathan Snider, born De- cember 5, 1854, in Mt. Etna, Huntington County, Indiana. He taught in the public schools of Huntington County for a peri- 38 od of seven years prior to engaging in business as a grocer. Their only son was:— 1— WILBUR RANDOLPH, born Sep- tember 6, 1891, in Harlansburgh, Huntington County, Indiana. GEORGE WINTRODE RANDOLPH was the sixth child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, and was born De- cember 14, 1862, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. He was Superintendent of the Had- ley Industrial School for Orphan Girls, near Indianapolis, supported by the Women's Christian Temperance Union of the State of Indiana. He married Caro- line Shipps, who was born March 5, 1871, in Arcadia, Indiana. There was no issue. JOHN WESLEY RANDOLPH was the seventh and last child of Mary Jane Fish and Rhodes Randolph, and was born April 2, 1865, in Antioch (now Andrews), Huntington County, Indiana. He married Elizabeth Thrasher, born February 15, 1871, in Roanoke, Indiana. Their only child is:— 1— BEULAH MAUDE, born February 4, 1893, in Roanoke, Indiana. JAMES FISH James Fish was the eighth child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born on a farm near Dayton, Ohio, on August 28, 1829. He .moved to Shelby County, Ohio, with his father, when a boy in his teens, where he helped to clear a large farm near Sidney. James Fish mar- ried while there, and lived on his father's farm for several years. In 1860 he mov- ed near Sumner, Lawrence Coun- ty, Illinois, living there six years, when he returned in the Spring of 1865 to his old home at the urgent re- quest of his father. He lived there two years, and on the death of his lather moved in 1S68 to near Troy, Miami Coun- ty, Ohio, where he died on May 5, 1902. James Fish married on October 12, 1854, Mary Denman, who was born near Fletcher, Miami County, Ohio, on October 27, 1834. She was a school teacher, and previous to her marriage was engaged as a milliner. She was a woman 39 of more than ordinary education for that period, and was known as a most devout Christian and church worker, and held a JAMES FISH life membership in a Missionary Society. Shi died near Troy, Ohio, on May L3, 1893. Their children are: — 1— FLORA AGNES, bom November 23, 1S55. 2— FRANK LEOTUS, born November 12, 1S58. 3-JOHN CLARENCE, born May 25, 1S60. 4— CHARLES ALBERT, burn July 26, 1S62. 5-RUFUS, born November 24, 1864. 6— WILLIAM AYERS, born June 21, 1868. 7— JAMES EDWIN, born August 12. 1870. S— ELMER, born August 1, 1875. FLORA AGNES FISH, who was the first and only daughter of James and Mary Fish, was born near Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, November 23, 1855, and died in Troy. Ohio, October 17, 1898. She mar- 40 ried Henry Conklin, who was born Oc- tober 2, 1847, in Troy, Ohio. There was no issue. FRANK LEOTUS FISH was the sec- ond child of James and Mary Fish, and was born near Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, on November 12, 1858. Very early in life he went to Illinois, where he lived six years on a farm on the prairies, and returning- to Ohio, was engaged on a farm till he was 21 years of age. After that time he was a clerk in the retail grocery business for thirteen years, and later was employed for many years as a traveling salesman for a house in Dayton, Ohio. Frank Leotus Fish was married in Troy, Ohio, to Nanna Maria Armstrong, who was born in Tippecanoe City, Ohio, on March 30, 1S63. After finish- ing- at school she was a clerk in Troy and Cincinnati, and previous to her mar- riage was a milliner. Their children are:— 1-CLARA ARMSTRONG, born May 30, 1S8S, in Troy, Ohio. 2— GLADYS LEOTA, born February 1, 1897, in Dayton, Ohio. JOHN CLARENCE FISH was the third child of James and Mary Fish, and was born near Sumner. Lawrence County, Il- linois, on May 26, 1S60. He was engaged in business as a feed and cornmeal mer- chant. He married Jane Hetzler, born near Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, on December 2, 1865. Their children are:— 1— WILLIAM ROY, born January 9, 1889, near Troy, Ohio. 2— RUFUS EARL, born June 22, 1893, near Troy, Ohio. 3— FREDERICK J, born May 30, 1896, near Troy, Ohio; died in Troy, Ohio, April 2, 1901. CHARLES ALBERT FISH was the fourth child of James and Mary Fish, and was born near Sumner, Lawrence County, Illinois, on July 26, 1862. He was engaged in business as a farmer near Troy, Ohio. He married Rosa Belle Iddings. who was born in Troy, Ohio, on August 28, 1865. Their children are:— 1— ALFRED JAMES, born December 16, 1893, in Celina, Ohio. 41 2— WALTER IDDIXGS, born Septem- ber 4, 1900, in Troy, Ohio. RUFUS FISH was the fifth child of James and Mary Fish, and was born near Sumner, Lawrence County, Illi- nois, on November 24, 1S64. He received his education in the country schools and followed the occupation o.! a farmer un- til 2S years of age, when he moved to Troy, Miami County, Ohio, and there entered the employ of the principal grain merchants as weighmaster, a position he held for eleven years, relinquishing it on being elected superintendent of the Knoop children's Home of Miami County, Ohio. which position he now holds. The home contains about sixty children. He mar- ried Mary Jane Walker, who was born near Piqua, Miami Countly, Ohio, on May 19, 1863. They had no issue, and therefore it was fitting they sin mid look after the children of the county. WILLIAM AYERS FISH was the sixth child of James and Mary Pish, and was born near Trey. Miami County, Ohio, on June 21, 1S68. He was accidentally killed at that place on .March 26, 1880, being only 12 years of age. JAMES EDWIN FISH was the seventh child of James and Mary Fish, and was born in Miami County, near Trey. Ohio, August 12, 1870. He moved from Troy to Dayton, Ohio, on October 20, 1890. He was employed as a grocery clerk for four years and afterward as a wholesale clerk until leaving Troy, when he accepted a position as wood- worker in Dayton, Ohio. James Ed- win served four years in the Ohio Na- tional Guard as sergeant, and has an honorable discharge, his papers being signed by the martyred President, Wil- liam McKinley. He was married in Day- ton. Ohio, on October 18. 1896, to Jennie Archer DeVore, who was born in Neoga, Illinois, on March 29, 1871. Their children are:— 1— ELLWOOD JAMES, bom in Day- ton, Ohio, July 15. 1897. 2— ROBERT EDWIN, born in Dayton. Ohio, October 27, 1898. 3— RAYMOND CHARLES, born in Dayton, Ohio, July 31, 1901. 42 ELMER FISH was the eighth and last child of James and Mary Fish, and was born on a farm four miles north- west of Troy, Ohio, on August 4, 1875. He was for some years the foreman of the McKinnon Dash and Hardware Manu- facturing Company, of Troy, Ohio. He married Elizabeth Longendelpher, born January 29, 1874, on a farm four and a half miles northwest of Troy, Ohio. Their only child is: — 1— WILBUR, born on a farm near Casstown, Ohio, July 20, 1897. GEORGE WASHINGTON FISH George Washington Fish was the ninth child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born in Dayton, Montgomery GEORGE WASHINGTON FISH County, Ohio, on February 22,. 1832. .He was married on October 28, 1S54, to Amanda Douglas Buchanan, who was born in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, on May 28, 1832, the ceremony tak- ing place at the home of her parents, David and Mary Buchanan. George Washington Fish served one hundred 43 days in the Civil War, in Company K of the 134th Regiment of Ohio infantry. The term of his enlistment was short, but it was distinguished by memorable events in the Valley of the Shenandoah, on the Peninsula, in operations on the James River, around Petersburg and Rich- mond, in the battle of Monocacy, in the entrenchments at Washington, and at other important points, and was honor- ably discharged on December 15, 1864. He moved to Wood County, Ohio, in May, 1867, it then being a dense forest, except .i small plot of ground on which they built a log cabin. The log cabin is still then as an old landmark. Amanda Doug- las Pish died al Des'hler, Henry County, Ohio, on March \ i^m;. and George Wash- ington Fish died at the same place on March 1. l v :d. Their children are: — 1— MARY BELLE, born November IT, 1855. 2— ANASTASIA ERNESTINE, horn September 22. 1857. 3— JESSE LINCOLN, burn August 9, 1859. 4— NETTIE PERDITA, born July 28, 1862. 5— LULU IONA, born November 24, 1865. MARY BELLE FISH was the first child of George Washington and Amanita Fish, and was horn in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, Nov. 17. 1S55. She married on March 8, 1878, to Nathan- iel Henry LMshong, who was born in Harrieonville, Fulton County, Pennsyl- vania, January 19, 1851. At the time of their marriage Nathaniel Henry Dishong was a farmer, but in February, 1898, he and his family moved to Toledo, Ohio, where he went into business for himself, establishing a meat market. Their chil- dren are: — 1— QUEENIE WINIFRED, born May 23, 1878. 2— EVA GRACE, born September 11, 1883. 3— MYRTLE DESSIE. born October 25, 1885, in Wood County, Ohio. 4— NETTIE GERTRUDE, born Janu- ary 6, 1888, in Wood County, Ohio. 5— GEORGE HENRY, born November 17, 1890, in Wood County, Ohio. 44 QUEENIE WINIFRED DISHONG was the first child of Mary Belle Fish and Nathaniel Henry Dishong, and was born in Wood County, Ohio, on May 23, 1878. She was married on July 15, 1896, to Wal- ter Lavan Westlake, who was born in Millbrook, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, on September 15, 1871. He was a tool dresser by occupation. Their children are:— 1— BABY WESTLAKE, at Kilgore, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1897; was stillborn. 2— GRACE ROENA, born March 13, 1899. in Wesley, Venango County, Pennsylvania. 3— KENNETH, born July 21, 1900, in Glade Mills, Butler County, Penn- sylvania; died there March 1, 1901. 4— MARGARET BELLE, born Janu- ary 26, 1902, in Glade Mills, Butler County, Pennsylvania. EVA GRACE DISHONG was the second child of Mary Belle Fish and Nathaniel Henry Dishong, and was born in Wood County, Ohio, on September 11, 1S83. She was married on April 2, 1902, to John Franklin Wheeler, who was born in Wap- akoneta, Auglaize County, Ohio, on July 6, 1880. He was manager of the Deshler Electric Light Company. Their only child is: — 1— HERBERT LAVAN, born April 7, 1903, in Deshler, Henry County. Ohio. ANASTASIA ERNESTINE FISH was the second child of George Washington and Amanda, Fish, and was born in Or- ange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on Sept. 22, 1857. She was married on No- vember 25, 1880, to Frank Marion Shaff- stall, who was born in Portage, Wood County, Ohio, on September 13, 1857. She died on January 17, 1881, in Deshler, Hen- ry County, Ohio. There was no issue. JESSE LINCOLN FISH was the third child of George Washington and Amanda Fish, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on Aug. 9, 1859. He died in Deshler, Henry County, Ohio, on Dec. 27, 1880. He was unmarried. NETTIE PERDITA FISH was the fourth child of George Washington and 43 Amanda Fish, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio., on July 28, 1862. She was unmarried. LULU IONA FISH was the fifth and last child of George Washington and Amanda Fish, and was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, O., on Nov. -4, 1865. She was married on August 19, 1SS2, to Frank Marion Shaffstall, who was born in Portage, Wood County, Ohio, on September 13, 1857. He was engaged in farming. Their children are:— 1-GEORGE LINCOLN, born May 19. 1883, in Wood County, Ohio. 2— MEARLE DOUGLAS, born No- vember 20, 1886, in Wood Countv, Ohio. 3— FLORENCE CATHARINE, born September 30. 1891. in Wood County, Ohio. GEORGE LINCOLN SHAFFSTALL was the first child of Lulu Iona Fish and Frank Marion Shaffstall, and was horn near Deshler, Henry County. Ohio, on May L9, 1883. He followed the life of a farmer, and was married on July 3. 1903, to Mabel Dubbs, who was born in Mil- ton Center, Wood County. Ohio, on April 5, 1880. Their only child is:— 1— MERLE RICHARD, born Decem- ber 21, 1903, in Jackson Township, Wood County, Ohio. HANNAH FISH Hannah Fish was the tenth child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, on July 16, 1S34. She was married on October 7, 1852, to Robert Webster Clay Buchanan, Sr., a farmer, who was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, on August 8, 1830. He was a private under Captain David B. Rine- hart, Company K, of the 134th Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, and was enrolled -May 6, 1864, to serve one hundred days, and was a charter member of Lodge No. 520, Free and Accepted Masons, of Desh- ler, Ohio, being it's Worshipful Master during the years 1882 to 1886. He moved to Wood County, Ohio, in 1867, and lived in a log cabin, surrounded by woods, but which is now cleared for miles around. 46 He died in Wood County, Ohio, on Octo- ber 9, 1900. Their children are:— 1— GEORGE LUKE, born August 25, 1S53. 2— MART ROSALTHA, born Decem- ber 29, 1855. 3— HANNAH MARGARET, born May 29, 185S. 4— IDA MAUDE GASTON, born June 29, 1860. HANNAH FISH 5— ELIZABETH JANE, born Febru- ary IS, 1S63. 6— MINNIE ELLANORA, born De- cember 26, 1865. 7— JOHN DAVTD, born Oct. 11, 1869. 8— ROBERT WEBSTER CDAY, JR., born December 15, 1872. GEORGE LUKE BUCHANAN was the first child of Hannah Fish and Robert Webster Clay Buchanan, Sr., and was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on August 25, 1S53. He died in Deshler, Ohio, on De- cember 26, 1881. He was unmarried. MARY ROSALTHA BUCHANAN was the second child of Hannah Fish and 47 Robert Webster Clay Buchanan, Si\, and was born in Shelby County. Ohio, on December 29, 1855. She was married on April 17, 1873, to John Farquharson, who was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on November 18, 1848. Their children are:— 1— BRUCE, bum March 24, 1874. 2— ROBERT, horn in Wood County, Ohio, March 23, 1S76. 3— MAGGIE MAUDE', born in Wood County, Ohio, September 17, 1879. 4— GEORGIE. born in Wood County, Ohio. Much 15, 1884; died in Desh- ler, Ohio. March It. lss5. 5— DON DOUGLAS, born in Wood County, Ohio. S< ptember 9, 1886. 6— Oi'AI* LKXOKA, born in Wood County, Ohio, December 8. iss.s; died in Di s-hli r, <>., August 31, 1889. 7— CHARLES WEBSTER, born in W I County. Ohio. November 13, L890; died in Deshler, Ohio, Septem- bi r 7, 1892. 8— DOROTHY, born in Wood County, Ohio. November 16, 1807. BRUCE FARQUHARSON was the first child of Mary Rosaltha Buchanan and John Farquharson. and was born in Wood County, Ohio, March 24, 1874. He married Lizzie Ann Powers, who was born in Deshler, Ohio, on September 27, 1876. Their children are: — 1— LEORA ROSALTHA, born in Desh- ler, Ohio, December 29, 1896. 2— JOHN ROBERT, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, No- vember 26. 1898. 3— ANDY McKINLEY, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, No- vember 6, 1900. 4— TEDDY, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1902. HANNAH MARGARET BUCHANAN was the third child of Hannah Fish and Robert Webster Clay Buchanan, Sr., and was born in Shelby County. Ohio, on May 29, 1858. She was married on April 4, 1882, to Albert Arlington McFadden, a mail carrier, who was born in Portage, Wood County. Ohio, on December 23, 1854. Their children are: — 1— INA MAY, born May 12, 1SS3. 4S 2— NOAH EARL, born in Wood Coun- ty, Ohio, August 28, 1884. 3— GEORGE WEBSTER. born in Wood County, Ohio, April 9, 1886. 4— RILLA PEARL, born in Wood County, Ohio, March 6, 1888. INA MAY McFADDEN was the first child of Hannah Margaret Buchanan and Albert Arlington McFadden, and was bom in Wood County, Ohio, on May 12, 1883. She was married on July 27, 1901, to George Wright Myrice, who was born near Portage, Wood County, Ohio, on April 27, 1878. IDA MAUDE GASTON BUCHANAN was the fourth child of Hannah Fish and Robert Webster Clay Buchanan. Sr., and was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on June 29, 1S60. She was married on June 29, 1S82, to John Van Horn, by occupation a car- penter, who was born near Grand Rapids. Wood County, Ohio, on June 23, 1857. Their children are:— 1— VERNON BLAINE, born in Wood County, Ohio, August 3, 1884. 2— DARREL D, born in Wood County, Ohio, June 9, 1886. 3— IDA MAUDE, born in Wood Coun- ty, Ohio, January 23, 1888. 4— GLEN AUBREY, born in Wood County, Ohio, June 5, 1890. 5— NELLIE BERYL, born in Wood County, Ohio, February 16, 1S94. 6— BESSIE GRACE, born in Wood County. Ohio, Nov. 5. 1901; died near Deshler, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1902. ELIZABETH JANE BUCHANAN was the fifth child of Hannah Fish and Rob- ert Webster Clay Buchanan, Sr., and was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on February IS, 1863, and died in Wood Coun- ty, near Deshler, Ohio, on November 11, 1895. She was married on January 14, 1886, to William Alford Lyle, a farmer, who was born in McConnelsville, Morgan County, Ohio, on November 4, 1861. Their children are:— 1— GLADYS ELDANORA, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, August 13, 1886. 2— MADGE WILMA, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, Feb- ruary 10, 1889. 49 3— ROBERT EMMET, bom in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio. Sep- tember 8, 1892. 4— JENNIE, born in Wood County. near Deshler, Ohio, October 20. 1895 MINNIE ELLANORA BUCHANAN was the sixth child of Hannah Fish and Robert Webster Clay Buchanan, Sr., and « ' born in Shelby County, Ohio, on De- cember 26, 1865. She was married in ( >cto- 1m r, 1890, to Elijah Turner Kline, a far- mer, who was born near Shawtown, in I'm nam County. Ohio, August 3, 1861. Their children are: — 1— GEORJGE RAY, bum July 25, 1891, in Wood < 'ounty, neai Di shier, i i 2— JENNIE VERA, born April 26, 1893, in Wood County, near Deshler, O. 3— FAY HOBSON, born April 24, 1898, in Wood County, near Deshler, O. 4— ROBERT 1 >.\I.K. born De :. L9, in W 1 County, near Deshler, O. 5— FORESTER EDWARD, born Maj 1, 1903. in "Wood County, neai Deshler. Ohio. JOHN DAVID BUCHANAN was the seventh child of Hannah Fisli and Rob- ert Webster Clay Buchanan. Sr.. and wa born in Wood County, Ohio, on Uctobei 11. 1869. He was a farmer by occupation, and was married on December 25. 1895, to Ella Mabel Fought, -who w r as born in .Martin, Ottawa County, Ohio, on May 12, 1S7S. Their children are:— 1— LAURA GLADYS, born in T< mple, Clare County, Michigan, Novem- bi r 26, 1896. 2— ELSIE LEAH, born in Toledo. O., Feb. 17, 1901; died in Wood County, near Deshler. O., Aug. 4, 1902. ROBERT WEBSTER CLAY BUCHAN- AN, JR., was the eighth and last child of Hannah Fish and Robert Webster Clay Buchanan, Sr., and was born in Wood County, Ohio, on December 15, 1S72. By occupation he was a thresher and farmer. He was married on February 7, 1895, to Ella Elnora Price, who was born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, April 20, 1878. Their children are:— 1— BURLEY CALVIN, born in Wood County, near Deshler, O., Sept. 12. 1895; died there June 15, 1898. .50 2— MABEL PEARL, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, July 30, 1899. 3— ROBERT WEBSTER CLAY, 3D, born in Wood County, near Desh- ler, Ohio, December 27, 1901. 4— GEORGE CRAWFORD, born in Wood County, near Deshler, Ohio, July 3, 1903. HANNAH FISH (nee CARRIOK). HENRY FISH Henry Fish was the eleventh child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born in Dayton. Ohio, August 24, 1836. He died in Dayton, Ohio, September 6, 1836, being only thirteen days old. SARAH FISH Sarah Fish was the twelfth and last child of Luke, Jr., and Mary Fish, and was born in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, May 28, 1838. She died August 12, 1S3S, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, being but two months and fifteen days eld. 51 EDWARD FISH Edward Fish, who was the sixth and last child of Luke, Sr., and Margaret Fish, was born in England, March 24, 1802, and died in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, December 3, 1886, aged 84 years. On the day he arrived in the United States he declared his intention of be- coming an American citizen. For many years he was officially connected KliWAKK FISH with the educational institutions of the district in which he lived. He married Hannah Carrick. who was born in Eng- land January 25, 1797, and died in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, April 12, 1881, aged s! years. She was the daughter of Nich- olas and M irgaret (nee Whitfield) Car- rick, who were born in Northumberland County, England. Their children are:— 1— NICHOLAS, born December 9, 1822. 2— JOHN, born September 4, 1827. 3— RICHARD, born March 9, 1829. 4— MARGARET, born November 3, 1835. 5— JANE, born March 8, 1838. b-l V ~ -^ o t >. J "i :l. '- v. J fa . i •as •7" t: " if. v- — — ^ — i 9 " i 53 NICHOLAS FISH Nicholas Fish, who was the first child of Edward and Hannah Fish, was born in England, December 9, 1822, and died at 9 East Tower Street, Carlisle, England, September 9, 1865, aged 43 years. He was' early put to work as a weaver, having a handloom in the house in which he lived, and in later years was employed as a pattern worker in Dixon's factory, West Tower Street, Carlisle. He was a man of great strength of character, and HANNAH FISH (nee L.OSH) !'ii- many years was in regular attend- ance at the Bible Class conducted by the Dean of Carlisle. His death occurred un- der very pathetic circumstances. ±113 daughter, Margaret, was taken sick with typhoid fever, being too ill to be removed from home, while four other children, Mary. Jane. David and Isabella, were taken to the hospital with the same fever. While they were there, he died at home. The only likeness of Nichula-^ Fish was an oil painting, lifesize, exe- cuted especially for his father in Ameri- ca, and though sent from England with a friend of the family, it never reached its destination. Nicholas Fish married 54 Hannah Losh, born March 10, 1824, in Cockermouth, England. She was a worthy mother of a large family. During the life of her husband she was the main source of supply for all his "bobbins," working the spinning wheel while nurs- ing her children or attending to her household duties, and often sitting at the loom herself. She struggled hard to give her children a common school education, denying herself many of the necessities of life in order to do so. In looks Hannah Fish was a splendid old woman, but grander still in character, and was an ideal and good Christian mother. She died in Padiham, Lancashire. England, on April 4, 1904, aged 80 years. Their children are: — 1— EDWARD DUNCOMBE, born Oc- tober 21, 1844. 2— MARY, born December 6, 1845. 3— JOHN, born September 19, 1847. 4— JANE, born September 2, 1849. 5— MARGARET, born August 30, 1851. 6— DAVID, born November 11, 1853. 7— ISABELLA, born March 2, 1855. S— RICHARD, born December 25, 1856. 9— WILLIAM, born November 3, 1858. 10— LAWSON FREDERICK, bom De- cember 2, I860. 11— ANN, born February 3, 1864. 12— HANNAH, born March 14, 1865. EDWARD DUNCOMBE FISH was the first child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, Oc- tober 21, 1844. He received a common school education and was apprenticed when about 15 years of age to the printing and lithographing business. Be- fore he had finished his apprenticeship his master was declared a bankrupt, re- leasing Edward Duncombe, who went to Liverpool, England, as a turn-over ap- prentice, where he succeeded in getting employment with a Arm publishing a daily list of stock quotations. It was Edward Duncombe's duty to go to the Exchange for the quotations, and he was often requested to write a few lines giving the condition of the market for the clay, which were the means of se- curing for him a place in a broker's office, and eventually being placed on the Exchange as a buyer and seller for the house of Colonel Tilney. On the death of Colonel Tilney, Edward Duncombe, because he was not taken in as a part- ner, started business for himself as a stock and share broker on April 15, 1882, with an office in 15 Hackin's Hey, Liver- pool, and was successful up to his un- timely death. Crossing from Liverpool to Birkenhead on the underground rail- way that tunnels the River Mersey, he was accidentally killed at the Birken- head side while on his way home, De- cember 31, 1S95. He was a Liberal in pol- itics, and took an active part in the for- BDWARD DUNCOMBE FISH mation of the Liberal Club in the Old Chester Road Music Hall, Birkenhead. As a member of the Wesley Chapel in that town he joined in the various move- ments connected with church life, es- pecially taking an interest in the Wes- ley Literary Society, before which he read several papers on natural history. Edward Duncombe was also a member of the Birkenhead Literary and Scien- tific Society and the Liverpool Field Na- turalists' Society, frequently lecturing to the farmers in South West Lancashire on insect pests and how to deal with them. He was Vice-president of the Liverpool, England, Entomological So- 56 ciety in 1884, and as Vice-president of the Tranmere Rovers' Football Club he gave it unstinted support. He married Caro- line Hutchinson, who was born July 14, 1846, in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. She was a daughter of a Liverpool Cus- tom House Officer. Their children are:— 1— ANN, born September 7, 1869, in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. 2-iHENRY JOHN, born Aug. 16, 1871, in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. 3— THOMAS HERBERT, born August 20, 1873, in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. 4— GEORGE WILLIAM, born Feb- ruary 22, 1876, in Birkenhead, Che- shire, England. MARY FISH was the second child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born in Queen Street, Carlisle, England, De- cember 6, 1S45. She was married in Car- MARY FISH lisle to Thomas Barton, a bookkeeper, who was born in Preston, Lancashire, England, March 31, 1S44. They moved into Lancashire, where they lived a short time at White Lee, near Burnley, and then at Gorton, near Manchester, and afterward settled in Wigan, where they 57 began the notion and haberdashery bus- iness. Their children are:— 1— JOSEPH BRAY, born May 8, 1868, at White Lee, near Burnley, Lan- cashire, England. 2— WILLIAM EDWARD, born April 4, 1870, at Gorton, near Manches- ter, Lancashire, England. 3— DAVID, born May 24. 1872, at Gor- ton, near Manchester, Lancashire, England. 4— RICHARD, born October 31, 1874, at Wigan, Lancashire, England; died Decembe- 2. 1S75, at Wig Lancashire, England. 5— HANNAH ISABELLA, born De- cember 8, 1875, at Wigan, I. mca- shire, England. 6— RICHARD, born September 25, 187S, at Wigan, Lancashire, England. 7— JOHN FREDERICK, born May 2d, 1881, at Wigan, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8— MARGARET JANE, born Feb- ruary l. 1885, at Wigan, Lanca- shire, England. 9— KM MA CAROLINE, born June 28, 1S87, at Wigan, Lancashire, Ens- land. 10— MABEL ANNIE, born April 1. 1390, at Wigan, Lancashire, Eng- land. WILLIAM EDWARD BARTON was the •I child of Mary Fish and Thomas Barton, and was born in Gorton, near Manchester, England. April 4. 1870. He was educated in the schools of Wigan. He studied vocal music and was prin- cipal bass singer in the Wigan Parish Church choir. In May, 1894, he was ap- pointed to a similar position in the Amer- ican church in Paris, France, and later was engaged as a professor of vocal mu- sic in the Canadian College of Music, Ot- tawa, Canada. In 1900 he moved to To- ronto, Ontario, where he was appointed singing master at the Toronto College of Music and choir master at St. Mar- garet's Episcopal Church, and in 1901 he sang before an audience of 12,000 people in the Mechanics' Pavilion, San Fran- cisco. He was married on Christ- mas Day, 1S99, from the home of his uncle, David Fish, in Philadelphia, Penn- 58 sylvania, to Priscilla West, who was born in Bolton, Lancashire, England, May 30, 1873. Their only child is:— 1— DOROTHY, born September, 27, 1900, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. RICHARD BARTON was the sixth child of Mary Pish and Thomas Barton, and was born at Wigan, Lancashire. England, on October 31, 1874. He was married on October 28, 1903, to Cecelia Bartel Milward. JOHN PISH was the third child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born in the Broad Guards, Carlisle, Eng- land, on September 19, 1847, and died in the Broad Guards, Carlisle, England, on October 31, 1S48, aged thirteen months. JANE FISH, who was the fourth child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, was born JANE FISH in the Broad Guards, Carlisle, England, September 2, 1849, and died in Padiham, Lancashire, England, March IS. 1899. She married Israel Hargreaves, a cotton spin- 59 ner, born September 22, 1851, in Padiham., Lancashire, England. Their children are: 1— THOMAS EDWARD, born Feb- ruary 9, 1877, at Padiham, Lanca- shire, England. 2— DAVID, born July 2, 1SS0, at Padi- ham, Lancashire, England; died there June 11, 1897. 3— HANNAH, horn February 25, 18S3, at Padiham, Lancashire, England. ±— VIOLET (twin), born September 24, 1886, at Padiham, Lancashire, England. 5— LILLY (twin), born September 24, 1886, at Padiham, Lancashire, Eng- land. MARGARET FISH was tne fifth child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and waa born in Carlisle, England, on August 30, mai;<;akkt fish 1S51. She was deeply interested in Church work and was connected officially with the Wesleyan Methodists, and later of the Primitive Methodists, of Padiham, Lan- cashire, England, where she died No- vember 21, 1902, aged 51 years. She was unmarried. 60 DAVID FISH was the sixth child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born November 11, 1S53, in Bridge Street, Caldewgate, Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, England. He attended the Church of England Day Schools, West Walls, connected with St. Mary's Church, of which church he was a chorister for nearly two years. When about 12 years of age he was employed to sell news- papers to passengers on incoming and outgoing trains in the Citadel Station, Carlisle. Shortly after the death of his DAVID FISH father, the family moved into the North- east Division of Lancashire, locating in White Lee, near Burnley. While there David was employed in the warehouse of a cotton mill at Higham. His mother, not satisfied with her son being in a mill, sought a place for him in Padi- ham, where he learned the business of job printing, bookbinding and machine ruling, working with the same employer as apprentice and journeyman for over eleven years. During his stay in Padi- ham David obtained second class cer- tificates at the Science and Art examina- tions held by the Council on Education 61 in England. May 5 and 7, 1875, in the subjects of Physical Geography and An- imal Physiology. He became connected with the Wesleyan Methodists, taking an active part in both church and Sunday school work at Cross Bank, including the "Band of Hope" temperance organization connected with that place. He was also an active spirit in the Independent Order of Templars, occupying the responsible positions of Deputy G. \Y. C. T. for the years 1874-5-6, Visiting Deputy G. W. C. T. for the year 1877, District Superin- SAEAH AXX FISH (nee A.SHWORTH tendent of the Juvenile Branch of the Order for the Northeast Lancashire Dis- trict for the years 1877-8-9, Juvenile Tem- ple Superintendent for the years 1878-9, and Electoral Deputy G. W. C. T. for the year 1879. On Saturday, June 19, 1880, David left Liverpool, England, on the S. S. Bothnia, landing in New York on Wednesday, June 30, 1880. On arriving in America he went to Philadelphia to live, where he ob- tained his naturalization paper on Sep- tember 17. 1886. He was induced to enter politics, and ran as an Independent Re- publican candidate for Common Council, 62 in the Twenty-eighth Ward, on February 21, 1899, but was defeated. The following year, February 20, 1900, he was elected to Common Council for the term of two years. On retiring he was presented with the following engrossed resolution:— At a special meeting of Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, held April 3. 1902. the following was adopted: — Resolution of regret at the retirement of David Fish from Common Council. Whereas. David Fish, representative from WILLIAM NICHOLAS FISH the Twenty-eighth Ward, is about to sever his connection with Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, And whereas the said gentleman, having served the city with diligence and fidelity, it is the desire of Common Council to express its regret at his departure from this body; be it therefore Resolved by the Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, that it views with regret the retirement of David Fish from its midst, tes- tifying its appreciation of his service to his constituents and the city, and expressing its hope for his future welfare and prosperity; be it further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be engrossed and framed and presented to the said David Fish. GEORGE McCURDY, President of Common Council. Attest. G. W. KOCHESPERGER. Chief Clerk of Common Council. From October, 1SS2, to November, 1890. David was connected with "The Phil- adelphia Press" morning newspaper in the various capacities of "sub" composi- tor, "ad" man, "makeup" man and as- sistant foreman, and on November 6, 1890, was made foreman, which position he held for many years. He was married in Philadelphia from the home of his uncle, Richard Fish, on October 4, 1SS2. to Sarah Ann Ashworth, of Padiham, Lan- cashire, England, the Rev. Amos John- EDWARD CHARLES FISH son performing the ceremony. Sarah Ann Ashworth was the daughter of William and Mary Ashworth, and was born in Huncoat, near Accrington, Lancashire, England, on September 9, 1855. She left Liverpool on the S. S. Wisconsin, Septem- ber 23, 1882, and arrived in New York, Oc- tober 4, 1SS2. Their children are:— NICHOLAS, born July 1— WILLIAM 10, 1S83. 2— EDWARD CHARLES, born Sep- tember 21, 1884. 3— DAVID HARRISON, born Novem- ber 13. 1889. 4-R1CHARD ASHWORTH, born Jan- uary 22. 1893. 64 WILLIAM NICHOLAS FISH was the first son of David and Sarah Ann Fish, and was born July 10, 1883, on Kensington Avenue, below Clearfield Street, Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania. He was educated in the John F. Hartranft and M. Hall Stanton Schools, graduating from the lat- ter in June, 1898, and attended the Cen- tral High School for Boys for two years. At the age of 17 he began life by working DAVID HARBISON FISH in the composing room of "The Press," He was an active member of the Vesper Boat Club. EDWARD CHARLES FISH was the second son of David and Sarah Ann Fish, and was born September 21, 1884, in Moore Street. Kensington, Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. He attended the John F. Hartranft and M. Hall Stanton public schools, passing from the latter to the Central High School for Boys in June. 1899, and graduating from the Central High School in 1904 with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Economics (B. S. in E.). He was also elected Honor man of his class, and was prominent in High School athletics, being captain of both the Baseball and Football teams in 1903, and a member of the Basketball 65 team in 1904, when they won all three in- te [-scholastic championships. DAVID HARRISON FISH was the third son of David and Sarah Ann Fish, and was born November 13, 1889, in Frank- lin Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended the M. Hall Stanton school, grad- uating to the High School in June, 1904. RICHARD ASHWORTH FISH was the fourth sun of David and Sarah Ann Fish, KirilAKIi ASHWORTH FISH and was born January 22. 1893, in Frank- lin Street. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. He attended the M. Hall Stanton School. WILLIAM AND MARY ASHWORTH. William Ashworth, whose daughter was married to David Fish, was born at Houghton Barn. Altham, Lancashire. England, on March 25, 1826. He was the tenth of the eleven children of Peter and Sarah Ashworth. Peter Ashworth was born at Clough Bank, Altham. in 1782, and died at Huncoat, Lancashire, England, on July 13. 1865. aged 83 years. He married Sarah Moorhouse, who was born at Castle Clough, Hapton, in 1785, and died at Huncoat on September 13, 1867, in her 83d year. Sarah Moorhouse 66 WILLIAM ASHWORTH MARY ASHWORTH 67 was the daughter of James Moorhouse, who married Grace Riley. Mary Sagar, who was married to Will- iam Ashworth, was bom at Haugh Head, Simonstone. Lancashire, England, on March 25, 1824, and was the daughter of Hanson and Ann (nee Ormerod) Sagar. Hanson Sagar was born in 1796. at Cock- shut t Farm, Simonstone, England, and died at Lancaster, England, November james .moorhouse 19. 1S69. aged 73 years. He was the son of John Sagar, who married Mattie Barrett. Ann Sagar was born in 1796. at Read. England, and died at Haugh Head, Eng- land, August 30, 1879, in her 84th year. She was the daughter of William < irmerod. ISABELLA FISH was the seventh child i 1 Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born March 2, 1855, in Carlisle, England. In 1899 she married William Harrison, of Padiham, England, who was born May 5, 1836. in Uldale, Cumberland County, Eng- land. His father, John Harrison, was born June 18, 1805, in Dean, near Cocker- mouth, and died February 1. 1885, in Cockermou-th, England, and his mother, Ann Harrison, was born July 15, 1810, in 68 Millbeck, near Keswick, England, and clied April 1, 1882, in Cockermouth, Eng- land. There was no issue. RICHARD FISH was the eighth child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, on Christmas Day (December 25), 1856. He was engaged in the drygoods and stationery business. ISABELLA FISH He was badly shaken and cut in a rail- road accident, on Whitmonday, 1883, at Lockerbie, Scotland, on the Caledonian Railway, the serious effects of which never left him. He was unmarried. WILLIAM FISH was the ninth child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, on November 3, 1858. He was educated for a school teacher, but instead elected to enter com- mercial life and was engaged in the iron trade in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. While in Blackburn he became a member of the "Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Soc- iety," before which he delivered a lecture on Monday, December 25, 1893. on "In- sects, Their Life, Use, and Benefit to 69 KirilAKIi FISH WILLIAM FISH 70 .Mankind," giving incidents and experi- ments of a very interesting character. He was unmarried. LAWSON FREDERICK FISH was the tenth child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, on December 2, 1860. He served an appren- ticeship as a painter, paperhanger and decorator, and on becoming a journey- man, engaged in business for himself in Accrington, England. He married LAWSON FREDERICK FISH Elizabeth Agnes Ayrton, born Septem- ber 11, 1860, in Burnley, Lancashire, Eng- land, their marriage on April 29, 1886, be- ing the first celebrated in the Primitive Chapel, Padiham. Their children are:— 1— FREDERICK, born May 20, 1887, in Padiham, Lancashire England. 2— HARRY, born June 14, 1889, in Ac- crington, Lancashire England. 3— MAGGIE, born January 9, 1891, in Accrington, Lancashire England. 4— TOM, born October 11, 1892, in Ac- crington, Lancashire England. 71 5— ARTHUR, born June 30, 1894, in Accrington, Lancashire, England. 6— EDWARD DUNCOMBE, born Jan- uary 4, 1896, in Accrington, Lanca- shire, England. 7— RICHARD, born August 6. 1898, in Accrington, Lancashire, England. 8— DAVID, born March 16, 1902, in Ac- crington, Lancashire. England. A XX FISH was the eleventh child of Nicholas and Hannah Fish, and was born February 3, 1864, in Carlisle, Eng- land, where she died February 5, 1864. HA XX AH FISH was the twelfth and last child of Xicholas and Hannah Fish. HANNAH FISH. and was born in Carlisle. England, on March 14, 1S65. She was unmarried.' JOHN FISH John Fish, who was the second child of Edward and Hannah Fish, was born September 4. 1827. and died September 13, 1839, aged 12 years. 72 RICHARD FISH Richard Fish was the third child of Edward and Hannah Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, March 9, 1829. He came to America in 1852. He volunteered his services during the Morgan riots in Ohio, but was never enlisted, although he served with a body of citizens, who were engaged in an effort to capture Morgan. He married Margaret Bell, who was born in Carlisle, England, June 13, 1832. She Kh'IIARD FISH came to America in 1855, and died in Phil- adelphia, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1901, aged 69 years. Richard Fish died in Phil- adelphia, Pennsylvania, August 5, 1900, aged 71 years. Their children are:— 1-ELIZABETH, born Dec. 2, 1851. 2— GEORGE WASHINGTON, born September 14, 1S57. 3— EDWARD, born April 16, 1S60. 4— EDWARD BELL, born March 29, 1861. 5— EMMA, born June 29, 1S66. ELIZABETH FISH was the first child of Richard and Margaret Fish, and was born in Carlisle, England, December 2", 73 1851. She was married in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to David Midgley, horn in Yorkshire, England, in 1839. Their only child is:— 1— MARGARET, born May 10, 1871: MARGARET MIDGLET was the only child of Elizabeth Fish and David Midg- ley, and was born in Philadelphia. Penn- sylvania, on May 10, 1871. She was edu- ited in the public schools of Philadel- phia, graduated in 1SS8 from the Philadel- MARGARET FISH (nee BELL) phia High School for Girls, and filled the position of teacher in the Lucretia Motl Combined Primary and Secondary School from September, 1889, until June, 1897. She married George Steinman. Jr., born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on August 27, 1871. Their only child is:— 1— MARGARET ELIZABETH, born May 16, 1901, in Philadelphia, Pa. GEORGE WASHINGTON FISH was the second child of Richard and Margar- et Fish, and was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 14, 1857. He was educated in the public schools, and attended the Central High School. 74 He married Sylvania Ward, who was born April 13, 1859, in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. She was a daughter of John Spence and Emma Ward, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, formerly of Leicestershire, England. Their children are:— 1— EDNA EMMA, born January 31. 1882, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: died there August 6, 1S82. 2— RICHARD, born March 17, 1883, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 3— JOHN CHALLIS. born January 21, 1886, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 4— MARGARET, born September 5, 1888, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 5— ANNA MAY, born February IS, 1890, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died there June 29, 1892. 6—GEORGE WASHINGTON, born July 3. 1891, in Philadelphia Penn- sylvania; died there July 24, 1891. 7— SYLVANIA, born April 28, 1895, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died there July 1, 1895. 8— CLARA, born December 13, 1898, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. EDW ARD FISH was the third child of Richard and Margaret Fish, and was born April 16. 1860, in Columbus, Ohio, where he died June 14, 1S60, being short of two months old. EDWARD BELL FISH was the fourth child of Richard and Margaret Fish, and was born March 29, 1861, in Columbus, Ohio, and died July 8, 1900, in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. EMMA FISH was the fifth and last child of Richard and Margaret Fish, and was born June 29, 1S66. in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, where she died Au- gust 6, 1866, being only thirty-eight days old. MARGARET FISH Margaret Fish, who was the fourth child of Edward and Hannah Fish, was born in Carlisle, England, on November 3. 1835, and died in Brown Township. Miami County, Ohio, on December 7, 1880. She came to America with her pa- rents in May, 1S53. She was one of the most amiable of women, a most dutiful mother, and beloved by all who knew her. Margaret was married Dec. 21, 1871, to John Young, a farmer, who was born in 75 Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on January 27, 1833. Margaret was John Young's second wife. He married his first wife. Hannah Jane Beer, on May 31, 1863, and to that union two children were born. Hannah Jane died April 28, 1866. MARGARET FISH John Young became a member of the Spring Creek Christian Church January 28, 1877, and continued his membership up to his death, on .March 5, 1904. The only child of -Margaret Fish and John Young was:— 1— EDWARD DILLMAN, born March 18, 1873. John Young marrii d again cm April 11, 1882, his third wife being Calista Jane Williams, who was born in Spring Crei k Township, Miami County, Ohio, on Au- gust 2. 1845. Their children are:— 1— MYRTLE, born February 16, 18s:;. . 2-MELLIE JANE, born Aug. 7, 1887. EDWARD DILLMAN YOUNG was the only child of Margaret Fish and John Young, and was born in Brown Town- ship, Miami County, Ohio, on March 18, I s .::. He married Annie Birch, who was 76 born in Piqua, Ohio, September 24, 1867. Their children are:— 1— MAGGIE MARIE, bom in St. Mary's, Ohio, January 18, 1896. 2— JOHN RAYMOND, born in Con- over, Ohio, October 20, 1897. 3— HAZEL DELL, born in Brown Township, Miami County, Ohio, May 26, 1899. JANE FISH Jane Fish was the fifth and last child of Edward and Hannah Fish, and was born in Shadongate, Carlisle, Cumber- land County. England, on March 8, 1838. JANE FISH She came to America with her parents in May, 1853. They left Liverpool, in March, 1853, on the sailing vessel, "Rob- ert Kelley." When on the ocean a few days their ship became disabled and was forced to return to Liverpool for repairs, where she remained several days before again attempting to cross the ocean. It was an exceedingly rough voyage, the trip requiring five weeks and three days. They landed in New York, and without delay journeyed to Ohio, set- tling in Orange Township, Shelby Coun- ty. Jane Fish was married on May 1, 1856, to John Dillman Dickensheets, who was born in Bellbrook, Montgomery County, Ohio, on January 29, 1832. from Bell- brook Air. Dickensheets' parents moved to Shelby County when it was a dense t. Here they entered a farm of 80 teres, the land being obtained from the Government, and began the work of clearing. A iog cabin was first erected in the w Is. and from this primitive beginning the farm was made, each y< ir a few more acres being cleared for culti- vation. Mr. Dickensheets. who was the oldest of a family of twelve children, " a carpenter an 1 afterward was i contractor ami builder for many JOHN DILLMAN DICKENSHEETS years. He was employed by the Board ol Education to look after one of the ward schools. John Dillman Dickensheets. li- ter his marriage, moved to Burlington Iowa, where they remained one year, then returning to Green Township, Shel- by County. Ohio. On April 11. 1867, they moved to Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, where they now reside. Their children are:— 1— EDWARD FRANCIS, born Febru- ary 3, 1S57. a 2— FREDERICK ORLANDO, born Au- gust 16, 1858. 3— IDA MONONA, born Dec. 5, 1860. 4— JESSE LOGAN, born March 15, 1863. 5— JOHN MILTON, born Jan. 21, 1867. EDWARD FRANCIS DICKENSHEETS. who was the first child of Jane Fish and John Dillman Dickensheets, was born in Burlington, Iowa, on February 3. 1857, and died in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on March 12, 1858. FREDERICK ORLANDO DICKEN- SHEETS, the second child of Jane Fish and John Dillman Dickensheets, was born in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio, August 16. 1S5S. He came to Sidney, Ohio, with his parents on April 11, 1N67. and at once entered the Sidney public schools. In 1875 he entered the office of "The Sidney Journal." where he re- mained five years, holding the dual po- sition of local reporter and compositor. On May 3, 1S80, he left home to seek his fortune in the West, working as a com- positor for a time on "The Denver Re- publican" and on the reportorial staff of that paper. Frederick Orlando"s ability was so marked that in a short time he was made City Editor, and kept advanc- ing as the paper became more metropoli- tan. He was the first to hold the position of News and Night Editor, which chair he held for more than twenty years, and was known as one of the best news- paper men west of the Missouri River. He was one of the organizers and at one time vice-president of the Denver Ath- letic Club, and was also instrumental in instituting Lodge No. 17, of the Elks, in Denver. On November 29, 1883, Frederick Orlando Dickensheets married Josephine Forcburg, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden, on January 22, 1861. Their only child is:— 1— DELLA, born October 15, 1884, in Denver, Colorado. IDA MONONA DICKENSHEETS was the third child of Jane Fish and John Dillman Dickensheets, and was born on a farm in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, December 5, 1S60. She moved to Sidney, Shelby County. Ohio, with her parents when six years of age. and graduated from the Sidney High School in the Class of 1879. At the time- 79 of her death on September 4, 1900, in Sid- ney, Shelby County, Ohio, she was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, an active worker in the Mission- ary Society, a member of two social clubs, and the Order of Rebekahs and Maccabees, and was a prominent mem- ber of the Ivy Club, a literary organiza- tion. On her death, the Ivy Club mem- bers secured a volume of references and quotations, and placed it in the Sidney Public Library in her memory. Her name is inscribed on the back thereof in gold. Tlie club also presented the parents and husband and child with the follow- ing memorial, beautifully engrossed:— "IVY CLUB MEMORIAL." "To put upon memory's page a memorial I al will not fade ami soften our personal bereave- nii n!s t,i a sure] men i "This life was so blended with onrs. causing hearts t" Deal in unison like sweet music in holy diapason. "\\'e approach this tender service, asking 1 11 p. 1 1 a ju-i tribut e to a friend s > dear, who was 'in,. ,,i the brightest ami besl : in our circle; one who was always cheerful and ever mindful of the happiness of others, as well as enduring the hardships which compose 'Life's Battle March.' "Endowed with the true spirit of womanlu c! at tin- altar of h e— where her Iighl shone tlie brightest making the sweet companii n- ship of wife, ther <>r friend a heaven of hope in a st"i nn si a. "To i lie shrine of her memory v. ill we evei go t" pay our homage: to the stricken husband ami child, father, mother ami brothers we can offer only the companionship of a sympathetic heart, ever believing that the sweet blending of our lives with dear -s upon this earth is hut an earnest of what will he in the '■ a1 I thereafter. 'There is mi death: what seems s" i- transit ion. This life of mortal breath Is but a siilmiii of i he lif,. Elj sia i, Whose portals are death.' " Ida Monona Dickensheets was mar- ried on March 8, Inn:;, te George Ray Loudenback. who was born mi a farm near Urbana. Champaign County, Ohio. on March 4. 1849, wlure he remained un- til 1879, when he moved to Urbana. be- e iming a dealer in agricultural imple- ments and farm machinery. In the year 1881 he was engaged with a firm of man- ufacturers of farm machinery, with head- quarters at Hamilton. Ohio, as their travt ling representative, continuing with them for eleven years. In 1892 he lo- cated in Sidney, where he opened a gen- eral implement store, dealing in bicycles and sundries. There he soon became prominent in local politics, and in 1897 80 was elected a member of the Board of Water Works Trustees, and re-elected in 1900. In 1903 he was prevailed upon to make the rac 1 for member of the Board of Public Service, be receiving- the larg- est majority of any candidate of either ticket. Their only child is: — 1— MARGARET ANN, born May 23, 1897, in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio. JESSE LOGAN DICKENSHEETS. who was the fourth child of Jane Fish and John Dillman Dickensheets, was born on a farm in Orange Township. Shelby County, Ohio, on March 15, 1863, and moved to Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, with his parents when but four years of age. His education was obtained in the Sidney public schools. At the age of 17 he entered the office of "The Sid- ney Journal," where he remained five years. He then went to Springfield, Ohio, and after two years' experience there in job printing, he went to Denver. Colorado, where he soon became a valued reporter of "The Den- ver Republican," being advanced to Assistant City Editor. Having obtain- ed the experience desired, he return- ed to Sidney, Ohio, and began the pub- lication of "The Sidney Gazette," which he continued until November. 1898. when he disposed of his interests to ac- cept the management of the Sidney Telephone Company. Jesse Logan Dickensheets was prominently identi- fied with secret societies, being a mem- ber of Sidney Lodge No. 7S6, B. P. O. E; Summit Lodge No. 50. Knights of Pythias, and M. R. Waite Council No. 1091. Royal Arcanum. He was married on November 22, 1888, to Jennie McCas- lin, who was born in Xenia, Ohio on Au- gust 21. 1863. She was the only daughter of the Rev. Robert McCa.slin. D D., and Mary (Smith) McCaslin. The Rev. Dr. McCaslin occupied the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church in Sidney for thir- ty-one years. There was no issue. JOHN MILTON DICKENSHEETS, who was the fifth and last child of Jane Fish and John Dillman Dickensheets, was born in Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio, on January 21, 1867, and died in Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, on May 1, 1881. H 122 80 * <«> ° C wm " o BV. '..«• te. • 1 1 ^ v A V ^ V H * <£ ^ -i- V^' » l^ W* a\ A ** o * K^ ^ O <*> • - o ^ y » " » * > V o •• * V ^,1 <\ * • » » J .' ,\*2J$V. .* V \ v ° • » « v? *-> • • » \ r *>^S *A .-v ► .4 o