poQ\{ Hrall J<6rit County, jy\^\QW(\ -.■•.••• <• V V ' ROQK H/ILL LflNb firJnFROUEnENTC^ G. M. Sharp. President. J, L, Taylor, Secretary. Geo. M. Warfield. Fuller & Co.. TREASURER- f N3INEE.RS PERRY Fuller. Manager. ROCK HnLL, KENT COUNTY, 0x2 Office : M^R YLnND. LAW BUILDING BALTIMORE, MD. 1 <-^-:. ■ ■' -■'■' -'1 ■■'■^^^^ ^^--''■' PRCSS OF GUGGENHEIMER, WEIL &. CO BALTIMORE, 1 093 V^' 5o An6vv7er ihe T jbestions which naturally arise, as to : :9 WHERE IS ROCK HALL . . » • - HOW TO REACH IT . . . WHAT ARE ITS ADVANTAGES HE SUBMIT THE FOLLOIVING : Rock Hall is situated on the "Eastern Shore" of the Chesapeake bay, near the mouth of the Chester river, about eighteen miles due east of the city of Baltimore. To reach Rock Hall by water you board one of the steamers of the Chester River Steam- boat Company, at their pier No. 7 Light street, Baltimore, and steam down the Patapsco river between the ships of all nations, passing the V. S. military reservation (Fort McHenry) on your right, and the great industry of Steelton on your left. Quaint old Fort Carroll will be passed just before reaching the historic spot. North Point, at the mouth of the river. Then due east across the bay, between the lights on Man-of-war Shoals and Seven-foot Knoll, until the famous Swan Point Oyster Bar is reached, which you round, and drop anchor in the best and most secure harbor on the Eastern Shore— about 1 hour and 40 minutes from Baltimore. In a few months Rock Hall will be the terminus of the Baltimore & Delaware Bay R. R., which is completed to Chestertown. only twelve miles distant, and has daily trains running THE LANDING between Clayton (which is on the great Pennsylvania system) and Chestertown. When this is finished Rock Hall will be the natural outlet for th.e entire Eastern Shore, and with a fast express boat across the bay passengers and freight from all points on the Eastern Shore will arrive in Baltimore from one to four hours sooner than by the present system. The extension of the Baltimore & Eastern Shore R. R. from Easton to Chestertown (by the way of Centreville), connecting with the road at Rock Hall, will add greatly to both the passenger and freight traffic. The advantages of the harbor at Reck Hall were known to our fc)refathers, for during the last century and the early part of this, luitil the event of railroads, it was the suitable harbor for the Eastern Shore. Washington in his diary speaks of s])ending the night at Rock Hall, on his way from the North to Annapolis to resign his commission as Commander-in-Chief of our armies, and taking passage on a packet-boat which made regular trips between the two points. ® ® ® i'»J^Vi ® ® KtSIDENCE OF WALTER SKERWIN. ESQ. ROCK HALL. I^oct EhW {5 ^ Summer ^^ He^IlK I(esorL POPULAR FAVOR WILL FOLLOW PUBLIC NOTICF. .... The Eastern Shore of Maryland undoulitedly possesses many climatic advantages. In the lower peninsular the temperature during the winter is comparatively mild and the atmosphere remarkably clear and bracing. Indeed it would seem that Mother Nature had predestined this particular locality as a winter resort, but while the intentions of Mother Nature may be excel- lent something more is necessary before the place, with its countless advantages, can rise to the position to which nature may have designed it. It must first be brought into public notice, and popular favor will soon follow. HOW C.\NNES .\ND MENTONE BECAME KNOWN. The climate of Cannes, the renowned winter resort in the south of France, is no finer now than it was before Lord Brougham accidently visited it a few years ago. built a house there and brought the place into notice. The patronage of Biarritz, by the Emperor Napoleon III and the Empress caused the place to grow apace, hotels and villas being built all along the cliff, and. towards the close of his reign, it was beyond all question the most brilliant seaside resort in ^'"'rTs worthy of note that the peninsular of Maryland possesses extraordinary advantages as a health station. It is one of the few places that offers to one class of invalids the attraction of a comparativelv mild and moderately dry climate in winter, and to another class excellent sea-bathing in summer. There is no reason, therefore, why, if properly aided by art. it should not be crowded with strangers during both the winter and summer seasons. The watering places in the .south of England, though much inferior in point of climate to the Eastern Shore of Maryland, are resorted to all the year round; but the class of patients visiting them during the win'ter season is a very different one from that which is found at them in the summer. A MODKKATK SIMMI.K CI.IMATK. It is generally supposed that the climate of the peninsular is intolerably hot in midsummer, but this is an assumption which is not justified by the facts. The heat of summer ,s not by any means oppressive; on the contrary, the temperature is so modified by the south and south- east winds, passing over large volumes of salt water, that the extremes of temperature are nothing like so great as at many mountain resorts where the thermometer wdl freque.Uly register over "bloodheaf at mid-day and but little above -free/.ing" at night. The mornings and evenings on the E,astern Shore are usually cool and charming, during most of the summer, f'T^*. -^ ^■■IHl^HKv 1 1- r *■ ^■. •-'• ''^^^r-v' ..''v>..-jid i- 1 (l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^lBi^ft^^^^^^Mfl TAVERN CREEK. and no one who has not visited the locality at that season can form a notion of how enjoyable the climate really is. The richness of the verdure and the luxuriance of the vegetation mark it as a spot rich in climatic. The Maryland State IJoard of Health reports that, ''The J'laslern Shore of Maryland is the healthiest part of the coast from Maine to Florida." Dr. Chancellor, in an article published in the great medical journal, the Tiniis and Kcxis/ii; September 17, 1S92 (which letter will be found in full in appendix), writes: "'That the jicninsular of Maryland, known as the l{astern Shore, a large area of which is really a few feet above the sea level, furnishes one of the best atmospheres to persons suffering with pulmonary affection and liay fever to be found in the world." K '? The Rock Hall Land and Improvement Company : Several gentlemen, realizing the climatic and natural advantages possessed b}- the Eastern Shore, organized this companj' for the purpose of helping nature and putting some of this prop- erty on the market. Rock Hall, Kent county, was selected as their seat of operations for the following reasons: Its proxiinity to all the ,i^riat Enstirn centres of population. Its accessibility. Its healthfulness. Because it had the l>est and nearest harbor to Baltimore on the east shore of the Ches- apeake Bay. On account of its virgin forest. Its beach for bathing is unsurpassed. Because the natural oyster beds give work to hundreds. The fishing industry is large. It is the centre of the great fruit and vegetable district. Hecause of its great natural beauty and picturesqueness. Because of the sport afforded in duck-sfiooting and fishing. 4 5 6 7 ,S 9 10 I 1 A STREET SCENE-ROCK HALL. The company owns 175 acres of land in the centre of a peninsula formed by Swann and Rock Hall creeks, which is partly covered by virgin forest. This gives shade combined with the water, which produces both a novel and beautiful effect. All these points have been used to an advantage by the landscape engineers who subdivided the property. Streets. — All streets are from 60 to 100 feet wide, with 12 to 25 feet parkings, the road- ways of which are graded with special reference to drainage and will shortly be shelled, making a smooth, noiseless street. W'ALKS. — The walks are from 12 to 25 feet wide, with a footway from j; to 5 feet wide, leaving a large parking on both sides of the walk. Sewerage. — A scientific system of sewerage will be constructed in the best manner throughout the whole property, having connections for each lot. Water Srppi.v. — The purest water will be obtained by driving artesian wells deep down into the ground. These wells will be connected with a pipe system which will distribute the water over the property for domestic and fire purposes. Trees. — All the trees planted by the company have been selected by scientific l:)otanists, and planted along the parkings or streets to give both shade and picturesque effect. Lots. — The standard lot is from 50 to 150 feet to a 20-foot alley, (which is twice the size of an average city lot), while many run as large as 100 x 250 feet, which, wnth the large parking •^ -^^*^:-7i.i III '^^' -fj'— 1 A^ WASHINGTON INN -ROCK HALL. given free by the company, will insure an abundance of light and air. The street plan makes the number of corner lots unusually large. The Hotel. — The company is building a modern hotel with all conveniences, furnished throughout with new and artistic furniture, which will be run under skillful management at a moderate cost. The hotel is near the shore and close to a large grove of magnificent shade trees, which form the park. The Shore — Which dame nature has left a perfect one for bathing, has been fitted up in a beautiful manner; it being entirely free from all the dreaded undertow of the Atlantic. The smallest child or weakest invalid can here enjoy all the pleasures of salt water bathing without any of its dangers. Boating.— The company has arranged that a number of safe sailing and row boats, with trained crews, will always be on hand to take parties fishing, crabbing, or picnicing to the many safe and romantic spots near the hotel. Fishing. — The fishing is unsurpassed, and we think no better recommendation need be given than the statement that many of the native inhabitants make good livings for themselves and families with the hook-and-line. WESLEY CHAPEL, Ckabbing. — From early summer until late in the fall crabs abound in large quantities, the soft-shell and deviled being standard dishes instead of delicacies. Game. — Within easy access of the hotel there are many excellent ducking shores, and quail and small game are plentiful in the surrounding country. Drives and Rides. — Nowhere in the proximity of large cities can one allow his family to drive with such ease of mind. The absence of rough and rugged hills, and the dreaded '"trolley," combined with good roads and many points of interest to visit, make driving and riding a prolonged pleasure. A good livery stable will be run in connection with the hotel. Churches — St. Paul's Episcopal Church is just a pleasant driving distance and it is worth a visit to the county to see it. Built in the 17th century, surrounded by magnificent oaks, it makes a picture which pen cannot describe. Wesley Chapel, the Methodist church, while not so old, is a beautiful structure with well-kept grounds. There are also Catholic, Baptist and Seven-Day Adventists churches and chapels in the neighborhood. Fri'it. — Rock Hall is the centre of the foremost Eastern Shore fruit district, more peaches being .shipped via the Chester river lioats than by any other lines plying between the Eastern .Shore and Baltimore. Ill conclusion, we quote from Dr. Chancellor's book on the East Shore of Maryland some of the reasons \ou should come to Rock Hall for a home, or for the summer: Because you will live in a temperature pleasantly warm for eight months in the year; (2) in an air moderately dry, rich in oxj-gen. of excessive purity and constantly in motion: (3) in a large number of clear, sunn}' days and comparatively few days of rain or fog; (4) in a rich and luxuriant vegetation, flourishing as in a subtropical climate: (5) in the possibility of almost daily promenades and drives in the open air; (6) in its unrivalled dietetics and cuisine: and (7) finally, in its proximity to the great centres of population. If you wish to visit Rock Hall, or learn further about its advantages, call at the company's office, L.\w Biii.DiNG, B.M.Ti.MORK. We will always be glad and willing to take you over and furnish information. Send for illustrated pamphlet and map. Address ail coniniunicatiou.s to Pi:kkV I'TI.LI'R. Manaogk Rock Ham. Land and iMrKovK.MiCNT Companv. I, AW Btll.DINC,, Bai.timoki;, Ml). RESIDENCE OF ,DR A. P. SHARP-ROCK HALL. THH EASTHRX SHORE OF MAKVLAXI) AS A HHALIH KHSOKT FOR CONSUMPTIVES By C. W. chancellor. M.D., Secretary of the Maryland State Board of Health. LORD HACON was the first to recommend elevated situations as being conducive to health, owing, as he thought, to the ' purity of the air in such situations. lu support of this theory he cites the rising grounds of Arcadia and .ICtolia. and other parts of Crirecc. whcrt the inhabitants are reported to have lived long. The celebrated f'allas also informs us that in a province of Russia he saw many old people in the elevated districts, whereas in the plains of that very neighborhood they were tuit distinguishction is concerned. In point of health certain low lands of Italy were superior to either the mountains of C.reece or the elevated districts of Russia, for in the 76th ycarof the Christian era. when a census <»fthe people was made, there were 265 persons bevond 100 yearsof age in that part of Italy which lies between the I'o and the Ai>penines. Sir James Clark says, that consumption is not a common disease in either I'isa "or Venice, but it fre- quently exists in the elevated districts of the country. Top<»graphical peculiarities do not always account for the ]>redomiuent characteristics of climate, nor convey to the mind of the casual observer a correct appreciation" of their sanitary influence. Thus it might be rationally inferred, Irom the marshy aspect which surrountls the city of Venice that intermittent fever and bronchial affections would be the prominent diseases of the place, whereas it is. in truth, the resort of such as have el.sewhere imbibed the pernicious poison of these disorders. Dr. Scoresby Jackson says. "In the early stages of consumption and in some chronic bronchial aft'ections Venice may be recommentled." The Kirgis Steppes, of Asia, which is below the level of the sea. enjoys almost complete immunity from consumption: and from'statistics furnished by a number of intelligent physi- cians and other persons, it is safe to assert that the peninsular of Maryland, known as the "Kastern Shore," a large area of which fs only a few feet above the sea level, furnishes one of the grandest atmospheres for persons suffering with pulmon- ary affections to be found in the world Many physicians )>racticing in this section of the State testify that consumption IS an exceedingly rare disease among the native residents, and that in all forms' of bronchial affections the climate is very generally beneficial, especially in cases where there jirevails preat irritability of the bronchial mucous membrane. Nothing IS more common than to meet with bronchial diseases which, after having been benefitted by a short residence on the East- ern Shore, are aggravated by a visit to the high lands, and again relieved by a return to "this localitv. In incipient con- sumption the Eastern Shore of .Maryland may be considered the most favorable i>lace of residence in .\merica. .\fter all. however, it is with climates as with other things- trustworthy evidence as to what they have acct>mplishca is the most valuable. In this connection I quote from tlie opinions of meilical practitioners and others of extensive experience residing on the peninsular. THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND AS A HEALTH RESORT FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Dk. Davidson says : "Consumption, either hereditary or ac(iuired. is comparatively rare on the peninsular among the native population, and while many have come here from northern latitudes with this disease in various stapes of de- velopment, we do not know of a case that was not promptly ameliorated by the change, and in many cases the most remarkable cures have been effected in persons who were pronounced hopelessly ill." Dr. a. p. Shaki'. of Rock Hill, Kent county. Md , writes: "Most of the inliabitants of this neighborhood are engaged in the oyster and fishing business, which compels exposure to all kinds of weather, and I am surprised to find that both young and old are entirely free from the usual coughs and the pulnionarj' complaints so common in other places. During my residence of over twenty years here I have never seen or heard of a single case of consumption among the rising popu- lation, and hundreds have grown to manhood and woman- hood in the time. The question has often occurred, 'To what agent can this peculiar condition be traced?' I have made repeated experiments with ozone paper, and have never failed to find that the paper would be soon decomposed, showing that the atmosphere was heavily charged with this element, which is now being so extensively used in lung and other troubles." Hoy. C.Ko. ^V, Bisncjp, M. D.. long a leading practitioner in one of the lower counties of the Eastern Shore, informed the writer that a case of consumption occurred some years ago in the person of an old lady who resided in the town in w^hich he practiced medicine, and "so rare and unusual was the dis- ease in that locality that many persons visited the patient. from mere curiosity, to see what thev had never before seen— a case of consumption." It would seem that the climate of this peninsular derives a great deal of its value from its neutral properties; from its being neither too hot nor too cold, and from its possessing neither the irritating qualities of a drv climate nor the de- pressing ones of an atmosphere surcharged with dampness. The atmosphere of the Eastern Shore is comparativelv dry. and there are no fogs or piercing winds of anv consequence. As at Nice and other winter resorts in the so'uth of Europe, winds from various quarters sometimes sweep over the penin- sular with considerable vehemence: but they are always of short duration, and never so severe as the mistral o^ Southern France or Italy which sometimes lasts from three to nine days and beneath which organized beings of anv class shrink in dismay. Excessively cold winds are rarelv felt on the penin- sular, the westerly currents of cold winds from the Blue Ridge mountains being considerably modified bypassing over the waters of Chesapeake Bay. The warm w'inds coming from the Gulf Stream, only about fifty miles distant, find nuinter- rupted admission and exert a pefiuanent and highly beneficial influence, which cannot be overestimated, inasmuch as they serve to dry the soil and constantly bring fresh supplies of pure air, which serves to maintain the atmosphere in a health- ful condition. The average number of rainy days on the Eastern Shore is s^. and the average annual ranifaU, south of 39'^ north latitude, is 34.25 inches. In estimating climates according to their huniiditv,Viveuot, a German hydrologist. adopts the following classification: T. Dry climate, 'f ' * K-^cessiyely dry, ■' (bi / Moderately dry. 1-55% I. Relative 56-70% \ humidity. ■ Moist climate '-i' ) ^'oclerately moist, 71-85% j Relative 'h) \ Excessively moist, S6-ioo% ) humidity. THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND AS A HEALTH RESORT FOR CONSUMPTIVES. The tneaii "relative hitmulity' of the Hastern Shore, rcprc- seiititiK the amount of water contained in the air at a jjiven temperature, hcinjj about s^i, it ranks as a "moderately tlry" climate, and this is corr(ji)orated by otlier tests Iron does not rust easily and clothes dry rapidly in the open air. I.ucifer matches do not readily become soft and useless, and wearing; apparel rarely l)ecomes limp under the influence of the ordi- nary- atmosphere. There can be no doubt that the waters of Chesapeake and Delaware bays, which flank the peninsular on the west and east respectively. anland was the tlirecl result of using impure water. Certain it is. the locality is now comparatively free from mal- aria, and is, on the whole, a healthy place of fesidetice. With respect to the permanent residence of individuals, the Kastern Shore of Maryland offers many advantages. Land is cheap, easily cultivated and very productive; and. willi all. there is a ready market in either Philadelphia. Baltimore or Washington City for everything raised. The principal induce- ment for families to prefer a residence on the Eastern Shore, above most other places, are economy of living, proximity to the larpe cities of the I*;ast. the comparative facilities for the educating of children, and the easy, unrestrained and refined tone of society. .\nd nowhere can one procure the luxuries of life, such as fish, oysters, clams, crabs, terrapins, ducks, fruits, melons, berries, etc.. at so low a rate as on the penin- sular; while house-rent, the keep of carriages, horses, servants, etc.. arc in many of the towns little more than half the expense which they would be in other places. . K AN IDEAL ORCHARD. ^ \ * s^