(?-• E 202 .5 .028 C42 1911 Copy 1 Ay g-ffiams MtiXtxw iRpHfrtif (illjatrtrr National #nrtpt0 Sattjlytpra Am^matt l^ptijtluttan 1911-1912 ffllrpplanii Excbani^e West. Res. Hist. Soc. 1315 .5" T {n WESTERN RESERVE CHAPTER DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ARTICLE I Name The name of this Chapter shall be the Western Re- serve Chapter. ARTICLE II Government This Chapter, like every Chapter, is governed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Society, which, however, permit the enactment of further, but not con- flicting By-Laws, for the local government of each Chapter. ARTICLE III Membership Section 1 Any woman wdio is of age and "Who is de- scended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loy- alty, rendered material aid to the cause of Independence, as a recognized patriot, as a soldier or sailor, or as a civil officer in one of the Colonies or States, or the United Col- onies or States," is eligible to membership in this Chapter; provided the applicant is acceptable. Sec. 2 She must apply to the Registrar for two of the application blanks that are furnished by the National Societj'. These blanks must be filled out in duplicate and each one must be signed by three members of the Western Reserve Chapter who can vouch for the acceptability of the applicant. They must then be returned to the Regis- trar accompanied by the entrance fees and dues for the current year. Sec. 3 If the Registrar finds the applicant eligible, she shall present the name to the Board of Management, as a committee of safety, to be acted upon. If elected, the application blanks must then be signed by the Regent, Secretary and Registrar, and by the latter, transmitted to the Registrar General for the approval of the National Board of Management. The applicant will be notified by the Registrar of the action taken upon her papers. Sec. 4 An applicant who is a member of another Chapter must send to the Registrar the transfer card of the National Society, endorsed by one member of the Western Reserve Chapter and accompanied by a copy of her membership papers. Her' name will be balloted upon at the next meeting of the Board of Management. Sec. 5 A member of the Western Reserve Chapter wishing to be transferred must apply to the Registrar for a transfer card and a copy of her membership papers. ARTICLE IV Fees and Dues Section 1 Six dollars shall accompany each applica- tion for membership. Of this amount two dollars is the initiation fee of the Chapter, two dollars the annual dues 2 of the Chapter, one dollar the initiation fee of the National Society and one dollar the annual dues to the National Society. The annual dues of the Chapter are two dollars, and with the annual dues to the National Society (one dollar), must be paid to the Treasurer m advance, on or before the twenty-second of February. The fees and dues of non- resident members shall be those prescribed by the National Society. Sec. 2 Any member who is delinquent in her dues shall be notified by the Treasurer on the twenty-third of March and the twenty-third of September. If she remain in arrears after the first of December, two notices having been sent, her case shall be referred to the Board of Management for consideration at its next meeting. If she remain in arrears twelve months, her name shall be dropped from the Chapter roll and the Treasurer of the National Society shall be so notified. Sec. 3 The payment of thirty-five dollars at any one time constitutes a life membership in the Western Re- serve Chapter. For those already annual members, this payment must be made within three months after the date on which the annual dues are payable. ARTICLE V Officers Section 1 The officers shall consist of the Regent, two Vice-Regents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian and Custodian of the Flag. Sec. 2 These officers and such assistant officers as may be necessary, the Past Regents who are members of the Chapter, and an Advisory Board, composed of seven 3 members of the Chapter, shall constitute a Board of Man- agement. Sec. 3 The Regent, the Vice-Regents, the Corres- ponding Secretary and three members of the Advisory Board shall be elected in May of even years. The Record- ing Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer, Custodian of the Flag, and four members of the Advisory Board shall be elected in May of odd years. The Historian shall be elected in February of odd years. They shall hold office for two years and until their successors have been elected and in- stalled. All officers elected at the annual meeting in May shall assume their duties at the September meeting. No one shall hold two offices at the same time or the same office more than two years consecutively. This shall not apply to the Treasurer, who may be re-elected at the pleasure of the Chapter. Serving to fill a vacancy shall not be considered any part of a regular term. Sec. 4 The assistant officers shall be elected by the Board of Management. ARTICLE VI Duties of Officers Section 1 The duties of officers shall be such as usually appertain to their offices, and they shall have such other duties as hereinafter may be imposed. Each officer shall report at the business meetings, and shall report in full at each annual meeting. All reports shall be made in writing and shall be handed to the Secretary immediately after being read. An officer expecting to be absent, shall place in the hands of the Regent such books and papers as shall be necessary for the transaction of business of that meeting. The Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar shall verify their lists of members quarterly. Sec. 2 The Regent shall convene and preside at all the meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Man- agement, and appoint the place of such meetings with the concurrence of the Board of Management. She shall have general direction and management of the business of the Chapter, including the appointment of committees, and of all standing committees she shall be a member ex-officio. She shall sign all official certificates or docu- ments, all contracts or obligations of the Chapter, and all warrants drawn on the Treasurer for money appro- priated by the Chapter or the Board of Management. She shall receive on election, from each retiring officer, all property belonging to the Chapter which pertains to her office, and shall deliver the same to each newly elected officer, with full instructions regarding her duties. And she shall perform from time to time such other repre- sentative duties as may be imposed upon her by the Board of Management. Sec. 3 The Vice-Regents, in their order, shall perform the duties of the Regent, in case of her absence or dis- ability, or when called upon by the Regent. Sec. 4 The Recording Secretary shall keep a register of all the members of the Chapter, recording all transfers, deaths, resignations or changes in the membership from any cause, shall record and preserve the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Management; have charge of the seal, charter, By-Laws and records; and sign all warrants on the treasury for money appropriated by the Chapter or the Board of Management. The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all the correspondence of the Chapter and of the Board of Man- agement, when not otherwise definitely assigned; give notice of all meetings as directed by the Regent; give notice to all officers of orders or votes affecting them; no- tify promptly the Vice-President General in charge of organ- 5 ization and the State Regent of the election of Chapter officers and delegates to the Continental Congress, all such notices to be given with full names. Sec. 5 The Treasurer shall collect the dues and de- posit all moneys belonging to the Chapter in such bank as the Board of Management shall direct; disburse money only on an order signed by the Regent and Secretary; keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements, as well as a list of members with the local and National numbers, in which must appear the record of all trans- fers, deaths, resignations, or changes in the membership from any cause and report these changes promptly to the Treasurer General; send the dues and tri-ennial reports as prescribed by the constitution of the National Society, and the fees and dues of applicants for membership when their papers have been accepted by the Board of Manage- ment; send the required notices to delinquent members; and submit the year's report to the Auditing Committee before presentation at the annual meeting. The Treas- urer's books shall be closed May first. Sec. 6 The Registrar shall keep a register in which the name of each member of the Chapter shall be recorded, with the date of her election, her National number, her Chapter number, and the names of her ancestors, who gave Revolutionary service. In this shall also be recorded all resignations, transfers, marriages and deaths. She shall apply to the Registrar General for and have the cus- tody of all application blanks. She shall furnish two ap- plication blanks to any woman desiring to become a mem- ber of the Chapter and shall receive the same again when they have been properly filled out. It shall then be her duty to verify the services of ancestors therein stated; to certify to the Board of Management the names of all eligible applicants; to forward to the Registrar General such applications as may be approved by the Board of Management, at the same time sending to the Treasurer of the Chapter the fees and dues which must be received with each. application. She shall notify applicants of their election or rejection, return the money to such as are not accepted, and place on file each duplicate containing the proofs upon which membership in the Western Reserve Chapter has been obtained, when it is returned from the National Board of Management. On these she shall enter on the blank spaces left for that purpose, any further record of the members, and shall, at once, notify the Regent, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as the Treasurer General, of any addition to or changes in the membership. Sec. 7 The Historian shall keep a record of all his- torical, commemorative and social events. She shall be the chairman of the committee to make the yearly program. Sec. 8 The Custodian of the Flag shall have charge of the flags belonging to the Chapter, and display the same on all proper occasions. On the death of a member, if so desired by the family, she shall carry to them the Memorial Flag, the Chapter's emblem of sympathy and mourning. ARTICLE VII Board of Management Section 1 The Board of Management shall recom- mend plans for promoting the objects of the society; con- sider and prepare business; authorize the expenditure of unappropriated money in the treasury for the current ex- penses of the Chapter; have power to fill all vacancies in office, shall judge of the qualifications of applicants for admission when presented by the Registrar, and approve the same; and shall perform such other duties as may be necessary. Sec. 2 The Board of Management shall not take ac- 7 tion upon the name of an applicant at the same meeting at which her name is presented; when taken the ballot shall be secret; three negative ballots shall prevent favor- able consideration. ARTICLE VIII Committees The standing committees shall serve for one year, and shall be as follows: 1 Patriotic Education i Lectures and General Education ii The National Flag iii Independence Day Celebration 3 Children of the Republic i Executive ii Visiting 3 Music 4 Proving the Services and Marking the Graves of Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Qeveland and vicinity. 5 Wheel and Distaff Guild 6 American Monthly Magazine 7 Genealogical Library 8 Genealogical Research 9 Reception of New Members 10 Ways and Means 11 Auditing And such other committees as may be found necessary for the transaction of business. ARTICLE IX Delegates to the Continental Congress This Chapter is entitled to be represented by its Re- gent and one delegate for each one hundred members. 8 Alternates shall be elected for the Regent and for each delegate. Only members who have paid their dues for the fiscal year are entitled to representation. ARTICLE X Meetings Section 1 Business meetings shall be held on the second Friday of November, February and May, at 2 P. M. Sec. 2 Literary and social meetings shall be held on the second Friday of September, October, January, March, and the fourteenth of June (Flag Day), the hour to be determined by the program committee. A patriotic church service shall take the place of the December meet- ing. Sec. 3 The order of exercises at business meetings shall be: Call to order Salute to the Flag Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting Recommendations from the Board of Management Reports of officers and committees Reading of letters and communications Unfinished business New business Adjournment Sec. 4 The annual meeting shall be held the second Friday of May at 2 P. M. The order of exercises shall be : Call to order Salute to the flag Annual report of the Secretary Annual report of the Treasurer Annual report of the Registrar Reports of committees 9 Election of officers and members of the Advisory Board Miscellaneous business Adjournment Sec. 5 Delegates and alternates to the Continental Congress shall be elected at the February meeting. Sec. 6 Special meetings shall be called by the Secre- tary when directed by the Regent or the Board of Man- agement, but no business shall be transacted except that included in the call. Sec. 7 At all meetings twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 8 Nominations and elections shall be by ballot. A majority of votes shall elect. Those present and voting shall constitute an election. Sec. 9 The Board of Management shall meet the Wednesday after election, and at a convenient day preced- ing each business meeting of the Chapter, and at the call of the Regent. One-fourth of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE XI Amendments These By-Laws may be amended at any regular busi- ness meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote, the proposed amendment having been read at a previous meet- ing and notice thereof having been mailed by the Secre- tary to each member of the Chapter, at least five days before the meeting. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 460 134 2 #