Bulletin No. 45. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. ;4'^ ANALYSES OF CEEEALS COLLECTED AT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, AND COMPARISONS WITH OTHER DATA. BV HARVEY W. ^A/^ILEY, Chief of the Division of Chemistry. WASHINGTON: G^OVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1895. Itenograph tes pyr--5-i Book: Wki Bulletin No. 45. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (I DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. •. C, April 17, 1805. Sir: I submit for your inspection a compilation of analyses of typi- cal cereals exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, and request that it be published as Bulletin 45 of the Division of Chemistry. Kespectfully, H. W. Wiley, Chemist. Hon. J. Sterlings Morton, Secretary. 3 COI^TE^TS. Page. Preparation of the samples j^ Determination of moisture 8 Determination of ash 8 Determination of ether extract 8 Alternate method for ether extract 8 Estimation of nitrogen 8 Reagents 8 Apparatus 9 Mauijinlation 10 Moist ghiten 10 Dry gluten 10 Crude liber 10 Notes on methods of analysis 11 Description and analyses of harlej" 13 Notes on analyses of barley 16 Buckwheat 19 Description and analyses of buckwheat 20 Notes on analyses of buckwheat 21 Maize (Indian corn) 22 Description and analyses of maize 23 Notes on analyses of nuiize 25 Oats 26 Description and analyses of oats 27 Notes on analyses of oats 30 Rice 31 Description an d analyses of rice 32 Notes on analyses of rii^e 34 Rye 35 Description and analyses of rye 30 Notes on analyses of rye 38 Wheat 39 Description and analyses of wheat 40 Discussion of wheat analytical data 49 Characteristics of the wheat grain 51 Mean data calculated from the analyses of samples exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition 53 Approximate typical composition of domestic samples taken frcm the data given in the preceding pages 53 TYPICAL CEREALS. COMPOSITION OF CEREALS EXAMINED FOR THE JUDGES OF AWARDS AT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. By direction of the Secretary of Agriculture, tlie Division of Chem- istry x^laced at the disposal of the authorities of the World's Columbian Exposition the laboratory at Jackson Park, Chicago, for the purjiose of assisting in the determination of the value of food products in competi- tion for awards. Early m July of 1893 the author was directed to take charge in person of this work, and to assist the judges in their labors in every possible way. For some reason the committee of jurors on cereal products did not get to their work as promptly as was expected. Instead of having the samples ready for analysis the latter part of July, it was not until September that .the analytical work could be begun. The number of samples, therefore, which could be examined was very much less than had been expected. In addition to the regular force of the Division of Chemistry detailed for the work, the valuable assistance of one of the jurors, Mr. Frank T. Shutt, chemist of the experimental tsirms at Ottawa, Canada, was secured in the laboratory. On account of the late date at which the analytical work was com- meuced,itwas found impracticable to do the whole of it at the Chicago laboratory. An arrangement was therefore made with the jurors to use only certain data of the analyses in giving the awards. By this arrangement the analyses were to be finished in the laboratory at Wash- ington. The data which were submitted to the jnrors, and which were determined in the laboratory at Chicago, were the weight of 100 kernels, the percentage of moisture, tlie percentage of albuminoids, and the per- centage of ash; while the data which were obtained at the Washington laboratory subsequently were the percentages of dry and wet gluten in the wheat and wheat flours and the percentages of ether extract and the fiber. The starches and other carbohydrates were calculated in the usual way by diflerence. The methods of analysis pursued were, with one or two minor changes not affecting the results except in the way of securing more 7 8 rapid work, those adopted by tlie Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Inasmuch as many who will receive this bulletin do not have access to these methods, they are given below : PREPARATION OF THE SAMPLES. Samples of cereals are ground in a small mill until they pass a sieve with a half- milliineter mesh. DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE. Two grams of the snbstance in a flat-bottomed aluminum dish are dried ior live hours at the teniperatuie of lioiling water. Experience has shown that after this time no further loss of Aveight takes place. DETERMINATION OF ASH. Char from 2 to 3 grams of the substance and burn to whiteness at the lowest pos- sible red heat. If a white ash can not be obtained in this manner, exhaust the charred mass with water; collect the insoluble residue on a filter, burn, add this ash to the residue from the evaporation of the above aqueous extract, and heat the whole to a low redness till the ash is white. DETEimiNATION OF ETHER EXTRACT. Extract from 2 to 3 grams of the substance dried as for the determination of the moisture, with anhydrous and alcohol-free ether, for sixteen hours. Dry the extract, by exposure to the full heat of boiling water, to constant weight. ALTERNATE METHOD FOR ETHER EXTRACT. In determining hygroscopic water, as above, continue the drying until the loss of weight in thirty minutes is reduced to 1 milligram or k-ss; extract the dried snb- stance for sixteen hours as directed, dry again, and give loss of weight as ether extract. Anhydrous ether. — To prepare the anhydrous alcohol-free ether required for estima- tion of fat, take any of the commercial brands of ether, wash with two or three successive portions of distilled water, add sticks of solid caustic soda or potash until most of the water has been abstracted from the ether. Carefully cleaned metallic sodium, cut into small pieces, is now added until there is no further evolu- tion of hydrogen gas. The ether thus dehydrated mustbe kept over metallic sodium, and should be only lightly stoppered in order to allow any accumulating hydrogen gas to escape; and it may be drawn off with a pipette as required. ESTIMATION OF NITEOGEN. REAGENTS. (1) Acid. — (a) standard hydrochloric acid, the absolute strength of which has been determined by precipitating with silver nitrate and weighing the silver chlorid, as follows : To any convenient quantity of the acid to be standardized add a solution of silver nitrate in slight excess and then 2 c. c. of pure nitric acid of 1.2 sp. gr. ; heat to the boiling jioint, and keep at this temperature for some minutes, but without violent ebullition, and with constant stirring, until the precipitate assumes the granular form. Allow to cool somewhat, and then pass the fluid tlirough the asbestus. Wash the precipitate by deeantatiou, Avith 200 c. c. of very hot water, to which have been added 8 c. c. uitric acid and 2 c. c. dilute solution of silver nitrate containing 1 9 gram of the salt in 100 c. c. of water. The washing by decantation is performed by adding the hot niixtnre in small qnantities at a time, and beating np the precipitate well with a thin glass rod after each addition. The pum]» is kept in action all the time, but to keep out dust during the washing the cover is only removed from the crucible when the Huid is to be added. Put the capsule and i)recipitatc aside, return the washings once through the asbestos so as to obtain them quite clear, remove them from the filter and set aside to recover excess of silver. Rinse the receiver and complete the washing of the precipitate with about 200 c. c. of cold water. Half of this is used to wash by decantation, and the remainder to transfer the precipitate to the crucible with the aid of a trimmed feather. Finish washing in the crucible, the lumps of silver chlorid being broken down with the glass rod. Remove the second filtrate from the receiver and pass about 20 c. c. of 98 per cent alcohol through the precipitate. Dry at 140' to 150°. Exposure for half an hour is found more than sufficient, at this temperature, to drj'^ the precipitate thoroughly. Or (?>) standard sulphuric acid the absolute strength of which has been deter- mined by precipitation with barium chlorid and weighing the resulting barium suljihate. For ordinary work half normal acid is recommended, i. e., acid containing 18.2285 grams of hydrochloric acid or 24.5185 grams sulphuric acid to the liter; for work in determining very small amounts of nitrogen, one-tenth normal acid is recommended. In titrating mineral acids against ammonia solutions, use cochineal as indicator. (2) Standard alkali, the strength of which, relative to the acid, has been accurately determined. One-tenth normal ammonia solution, i. e., containing 1.7051 grains of ammonia to the liter, is recommended for accurate work. (3) .S«Zj>/i((;/c rtc/rf, specific gravity 1.84, free from nitrates and also from ammo, nium sulphate, which is sometimes added in the process of manufactun; to destroy oxids of nitrogen. (4) Metallic mercury or mercuric oxid, prejiared in tiie wet way. That jtrepared from mercuric nitrate can not be safely used. (5) Potassium pcrmanfjanate finely pulverized. (6) Granulated zinr, ])umice stone, or 0.5 gram of zinc dust is to be added to the contents of the fiasks in distillation, when found necessary, in order to ])revent bumping. (7) Potassium sulpliid. — A solution of 40 grams of commercial potassium suli)hid in 1 liter of water. (8) Soda. — A saturated solution of sodium hj^drate free from nitrates. (9) Indicator. — Solution of cochineal prepared as follows: Tincture of cochineal is prepared by digesting and freiiuently agitating 3 grams of pulverized cochineal in a mixture of 50 c. c. of strong alcohol with 200 c. c. of distilled water, at ordinary temperatures, for a day or two. The solution is decanted or filtered through Swedish paper. APPARATUS. (1) Kjeldalil digestion flaslcs of hard, moderately thick, well-annealed glass. These flasks are about 22 cm. long, with a round, pear-shaped bottom, having a maximum diameter of 6 cm., and tapering out gradually in a long neck, which is 2 cm. in diameter at the narrowest part, and flared a little at the edge. The total capacity is 225 to 250 c. c. (2) Distillation flasks of ordinary shape, of 550 c. c. capacity, or preferably flasks of the same capacity of well-annealed glass and of pear-shaped bottom, for both diges- tion and distillation, fitted with a rubber stopper and a bulb tube above to prevent the possibility of sodium hydrate being carried over mechanically during distillation. The bulbs are about 3 cm. in diameter, the tubes being of the same diameter as the condenser and cut oft" oblicjuely at the lower end. The bulb tube is adjusted to the condenser by a rubber connection. 10 MANIPULATION. (1) 37ie digestion. — From 0.7 to 3.5 grams of the substance to be analyzed, according to its proportion of nitrogen, are brought into a digestion flask with approximately 0.7 gram of mercuric oxid or its equivalent in metallic mercury and 20 c. c. of sulphuric acid. The flask is placed in an inclined position, and heated below the boiling point of the acid for from five to fifteen minutes or until frothing has ceased. If the mix- ture froth badly, a small piece of paraffin may ))e added to prevent it. The heat is then raised until the acid boils briskly. No further attention is required till the contents of the flask have become a clear liquid, which is colorless, or at least has only a very pale straw color. The flask is then removed from the frame, held upright, and, while still hot, potassium permanganate is dropped in carefully and in small quantities at a time till, after shaking, the liquid remains of a green or purple color. (2) The distillation. — After cooling, the contents of the flask are transferred to the distilling flask with about 200 c. c. of water, with a few pieces of granulated zinc, pumice stone, or 0.5 gram of zinc dust when found necessary to keep the contents of the flask from bumping, and 25 c. c. of potassium-sulphid solution are added, shaking the flask to mix its contents. Next add 50 c. c. of the soda solution, or sufficient to make the reaction strongly alkaline, pouring it down the side of the flask so that it does not mix at once with acid solution. Connect the flask with the condenser, mix the contents by shaking, and distil until all ammonia has passed over into the stand- ard acid. The first 1.50 c. c. of the distillate will generally contaiil all the ammonia. This operation usually requires from forty minutes to one hour and a half. The distillate is then titrated with .standard alkali. The use of mercuric oxid in this operation greatly shortens the time necessary for dio-estion, which is rarely over an hour and a half in case of substances most diffi- cult to oxidize, and is more commonly less than an hour. In most cases the use of potassium permanganate is 5 o m o O>0COSC-i-IC^^U5Cp.2 00 t^ cs to i-HOO _ o o C 3J fci OSOOCiC-OOOOOrt COCOCO^^^CQ**"^ lO CI Jl —■ -; t . , O >0 If5 Irt lO in c~ CI t^ (M ' o ci lowt-ocoiciraooo s r z: £ M o Q ^ ® g ^ a a a -TO aS ^3^ .'3 • "d '^' -p^ M'^lOfflt-OOOSO-^ COCOCCCOCOCOCOtt-^ <0 CI ll"* ~^CT c t~o o cq O CI 00 t:~ in 1 ^ O li^ O lO in -*t> N o griJlO r* ■>* "»# I— * JC "^ CO "^ CO ■* ^ ■>!<■* •* in cq ^ 1 o* Is. II 11 fci-^ .« 00 Oi a ^ C5 •-' CI »0 Irt 1* _ in a> 3v CO ".* t~ „ CO |2 ooo o -* 00 O CI — 1 CO r-l •— ' O O — 1 ,-1 •"• c C3 ^ II ^cqcj cj ci .-< ci ci ci ci ci ci 1 "■^"" 1 ci CI ca ci P.* 1 e 1 ■ 00 re o ift o o in CO 00 CO o CO CO CO ?? CO m oo i Oi S m ■g o« (M 03 m o) GO o^ co ■.* 00 o -o 32 •-* M o ; N drt dood 35 d d d 00 OS oj o ci II d -= 3 S-iin .-H ^« ftn 1 .^^ :d (M OO ^ CO in lO CO t- O -H O Cl CI C'l 1 <= 1 .2 6 "^ ^ o o> 03 Cl O t~ Cl O t- CO OS to CO C£ t~ CO 00 ''^ -H rH ^ o6 d d d d 00 d OJ d d d o c ^. c 1 "^ 1 S = '"' ^"""^ " ^ r 1 So^ utno o t- Ift O CO m t- o ca O 00 00 C5 Ol c o 1 2 i 00 C3S ^ lO t^ CO in — 1 CO in —• t r OS "^ OS IM 00 CO O Cl I>CO 00 -* -^ CO -^ T]i .r^S CJ CI CI O CI '^ -.* in »n CO CI- o i^ i ^oo O 1 1 -^^ « o 1 ^ O ■B in gw 00 CD i .^ ! d ro CO 1 c o So -- ^ " i in . 1 1 -* UO Ift in 5 £ c -J & il -s d • ^ t- c •Is: ' 6 t ^1 '•a (5 .o c a P ' ^ C3 r 5 1-:; K 5^; a: 75 w ^^££ ^ o c t JD a o CS c8 -< 'a 1-; • ft c 2 z ^ Z O - i 1 ^ * -s g z z 4) ■J ^ 5 p p: o • 00 o 5 u , ■So » ^ S W ft. : § 1 c o o c ? c c c COOOOJC c C tH • n in o o lO »A ki" -^-* .*ir c I ir r= o o 1-s?^ t-1 2 ureau of wards No. ifi ; 5 C-1 lO CO O IN CO -^ oo -IC c 5 OC 2 C5 00 00 Ci CJ 05 C c- oo c 00 t-OSOJO S ^ ca S O CO CO CD S CO COCO cr 1 "^ I— 1 1- H F- 1 PQ « 15 1 a H -^ 1 1.0 ■.; ; to to I- rf in CO ^ O OSOiCl^lOrri- — CO'*^0.~^«)»OOr3^I- 0> (M C» -,. - a c-« 3 S 3 l- 1 CO o 1 1 ,-( r- ii^ 1 c;« > t in to to lO ■* M CO 00 ■* rH JO Id ■* CQ « ■* T* CO in ri f -* || -^ || ij, || -i, | Ol o < O 1 ci iMcaeacMWN-HcqNNiNWNcae^eMWjir ' "II " "If o t- !• t- inintr-Mioot- = oi:~i>ot~i.'5in cio oil o 1.- iif- 1 r-l f s o CTj CO ir-oco «0) to X oio 001- o .-• =: r-i in K-h ji o •a»moo-*o»to-*QOtoltoir m llt-ilioj ) fl MCilC -1 li ,n llo>ll^ 1 UO c ^ O O 00 -JD -M C) O X OJ O tM 00 to C^l O O O lO O 7 in ^. 1 ^ to 00 r- < c 1 -' 1 '-' 1 t-ir a: fl lOt-co-wcOi-ii-iQOco'aiosi-cooootOio-*-* en to "^"^ e-ir c oj --; = o-Joioiw-^-^r-'^ jS) ® p 6 g c o T « % 1 «.ij fc: fe i 6 p ?-«="" OC ^ +i ^•C Ji C Si; S5 « w O M r-) S C3 K h^ 3 QWa;:q P ; o ' ; ■% C8 S'^ OS ct O S ■? c SB .; 1 6 M D a "3 r. a o 6r > c 't c c II- % r id « M * II CO II OOO 1 CO II CO 1 6S •io . . . ^ cr 11 ^CV ci II oici.. U ci rp r3 ^ijoco eo£ CO (E sate £ II c= CO O CO 1 cc CO f? Ji 1 ■•^OS '-ItO CO in O -*c o> o- II t-o^ Ico II ,r. 1 ^ too Ol 00 to 00 o- t~c^ OS 00 II inco o- C- 00 ^ ^ ^ ,-H ,— ^ 1 rn'c. r-< il — T-i rH 1— ^ n^ I (^ II II \ 4) . ■kS O lO JT^ 1.- 00 t- O! I~ 00 1 ir II ost^c ""^iTf^l « t- l-H 0-» o co t- II oc- ;c [ >« 1 5S o- d r- d ! 1 d 1 1 d d c d II o " 1 ir II II -M O CO (M C^ cq oc ■*«: O rH (M>-i t- CO 1 CO 05 o c ^ II CO j^ ^ ^ ^ — rH li OJC OS 1 d d ^' - -i lid 1 1- ^" ftn II II 1 ^ »iO 005C in 1 C' CO IT ! (Mr(ICV OS rH .2© «OJ OOC^OC c» i^ 1 "" j OOrH^ CO 1 CO S r-J iJ CJ .- ^ CO c^ d i.o. ci co'cv iri ci 1-1 -^t 1 So ® 1% CO O (M Cf >n c o oc -f ll o ro o c jH llos ! gSSS^ M< o c in f- CD cr o M f- Ol ^c^ OS 1' o 1 •" fl C^ • • • ®=« t. J; CO CO CO c^ CO (M coo- co li o- (N CO C^ (M II CO 1 ^o^ O 1 II 3 "3 CO COtt HT" -B 1 1 (? 2po o II 'S 1 lO^ CO eo «: t:;^i "I _i_ % r +3 J2-l^ CS ^ g^g "i "p ,y ^ C3 5 5 - ^ ©"g © o o a 0? r- «} a u a '^ i. 1= 1 c a. S s St: a cS"^ .^t3 r Cl.> D, c< o 1 csS CS c« z c; >^t»HB ■vE 1-5 K (^ 1 d o s «3 o _o IK 1-^ J cS "S O ■^ c- Xi O 5 c > I ■2 1 t^ o •< 1 .1 c3 3 c •2 5 s^ 2 ll £ 3 O ? c 5 -S^ '5 t ^ *« S - la o 2-w' a a (D « O C li i. 5 Kg rr c a ^ h. o . 1^ jg'd 50i~ 00 a IT i-lC\ COrJlo ^r 1 ureau of wards No. ►ntor-ot ) O -( CO 1 W CS 1 21 NOTES OX ANALYSES OF BUCKWHEAT. The samples contaiuiug the largest and smallest grains were both from Canada, 100 kernels weighing 3.400 and 2.203 grams, respectively. In regard to size the samples from Indiana were the most uniform, each of the individual samples being very near the mean in weight. The percentage of moisture is remarkably uniform in all the samples, the maximum being 13.14 per cent in a Canada sample and the minimum 11.75 per cent in a sample from Michigan. In respect of albuminoids the highest percentage, 11.90, was found in an Indiana, and the lowest, 9.19, in a Minnesota sample. In oil content the highest was a Canada sample with 2.62 per cent, and the lowest, also from Canada, with 1.31 j)er cent. The extremes in regard to the other constituents will be found by inspecting the table given below. In regard to the indigesti- ble fiber, it should not be forgotten that the hull of the kernel was ground with the flour, and this fact explains why the indigestible fiber of the buckwheat flour is so much higher than that of ordinary cereals. In the table which follows are found the maxima, minima, and means for domestic samples and those from Canada from the World's Fair exhibits compared with the mean data as given in Jenkins and Win- ton's compilation of American feeding stuffs and in Kouig and Dietrich's tables of the constitution of foods: Table of maxima, minima, and means. Domestic: Maxima Minima Means , Canada : Maxima Minima Means , Jenkins andWinton (10 anal- yses) : Means Kduii;: Means of 14 analyses Columbian Exposition sam- ples : Means of 10 analyses Weight of 100 kernels. Grams. 3.383 c2. 350 3.119 3.400 2.203 2.951 3.069 Moisture. Per cent. 613.00 cll.75 12. 15 13.14 12.12 12.69 12.60 14.12 Albumi- noids. Ether extract. Per cent. . Per cent. all. 90 rt2. 43 6 9.19 61.74 10. 75 2. 11 11.38 10.94 11.12 10 11.32 2.62 1.31 1.93 2.20 2.01 2.06 Crude fiber. Per cent. a 12. 45 C9.57 10.75 10.77 9.09 10.16 8.70 14.32 Ash. Per cent. 62.23 a 1. 63 1.89 1.94 1.57 1.73 2.77 1.85 Carbo- hydrates. Per cent. 664.14 a61.01 62.33 62.96 62. 06 62.36 64.50 54.86 62.34 a Indiana. 6 Minnesota. c Michigan. Comparing the analyses made with those given by Konig and Die- trich we find again that in the foreign samples the percentage of water is very much higher than in those of domestic origin. The indigest- ible fiber is also markedly higher and, as a consequence of the high percentages of moisture and indigestible fiber, the digestible carbo- hydrates are remarkably low. Buckwheat is a cereal which has received little attention from analysts, and the data at hand for comparison are therefore limited. A typical American buckwheat should have approximately the follow- ing composition: Weight of a hundred kernels, 3 grams; moisture, 12 22 per cent; alburaiuoids, 10.75 per cent; oil, 2 per cent; indigestible fiber, 10.75 i)er cent; asli, 1.75 i)er cent; digestible carbohydrate's, 62.75 per cent. MAIZE (INDIAN CORN). For some reason the number of samples of maize oifered for analysis by the judges of awards was very small, and the great maize-producing States of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri, as well as many ^hei's, are not represented at all in the samj)les analyzed. The few samples which were received, however, were of very fine quality and may be taken as fairly representative of the best maize products of the localities repre- sented. The former work of the Department in the analysis of samples of maize is very comprehensive. The bulletins in which the results of these analyses were printed — viz, Il^os. 1, 4, and 9 — have had a wide circulation, and have been taken as containing the data necessary to form an estimate of the character of the maize products of this country. The deficiency, therefore, in the samples offered for analysis at the World's Columbian Exposition can be supplied by referring to the analyses made at a former period. This deficiency is not due to any lack of samples which were on exhibition, but simply to the failure of the judges to deliver the samples for examination. By reason of the fact that it was imj^ossible to make an analysis of all the samples exam- ined by the judges, it Avas deemed best by them to select only those which were peculiarly typical. While this was practiced with other cereals with reasonable success, for some reason they failed to apply this rule in the case of the samples of maize, and therefore the largest maize- producing regions of the United States are unrepresented. The detailed analyses of the samples delivered to the chemical laboratory follow. 23 V. o 2g5; ; S S H' 00 oi 2SS r-; CO -I in 71.75 71.56 72.96 72.27 71.19 70. 35 73. 26 OS t- g d d d OS OS d d 00 os os ^« Ri 1 Moist- ure. tss C<1 Ift 00 O ITS O 00 c? « o 00 .-1 o in -* OSlOrH rHH"* oo] COOt~IMrHHiin ^fl" CO OOmrHrHrHt-O OS OS M o O cs" o" d cs o (NrHrn rHl OsddrHrHrHrH ^ig Ill u in -c in o 00 -M o -T X in o -T c: i- o 1.'". TO n :o '- f-H CO CD OS O OSIM cot- CO o ooocorscorHO H< ss f, ccioinoQO-* CC t- Qo CD 01 X I- rH OS in c- OS CO -* I-' !C x ci « 1 CC ■* r; CO CC TT CO t- CD i.c 00 C4 i <= S: * ■; 2 ;3; s -rfCCH^ ** rH?tCOCOH"COCT3 |:-?p -» • . 1 .... • • • 1 : ; So in • lOM 1 ccmi^ • rHCDod coin in •CDinin ; 1 i ^ -§ ^ : : : 1 : 6 » 1 to 3". O 1 ' ! ; ; 1 ; CO -r l- 1 , , 1 , %u • o o i o o =■ ■ o o m 00 o o ■ o in L- 1 • s"^ o cs t- CO o i~ o ; . cq 1 ; 1 «>.o ;«i^ ; 1 ■ I ! fc^ ' I • ■ '• a ; . . V o i ; • i : ! :_: : : _^ . X • • ....... • ;;..- ^ © ■ ^ • • 'C a > be £^ 'f^ ^ =» * ^ agi'.y«.2o • 1^1 • c-^; : a? ; ; ; ©III j? : : : pi< ; : ; : : : : : i : : • : ^ s ; : ! ^ . . , • • 5j . , . tt) . , . es - * ' * IB ; — , , ■ CO 05 (M t- CO 00 C^ i-H 1— 1 rH -= °s ^2^ Bureau of awards No. ^ O .Tjl CD OS rH 05 =^1 o t> lo ft,"^ '"' I-l rt r-( ja o ^ o; o CO 00 " 1 1^ CO CO w2 S ft M o to 00 in CR l! in OS 'S V. S girf-,: T|i 00 II CO ; 00 I' CO ■^=J 5^(M(M !!_ -^11 -* ||C.||C 00 ■m^'5 "C CO 1 1 ■ co' II 5 i © en ; j II 1 : II . ■o <-• 1 r— O s =* ■5 CI 00 I O 11 "e [ til a- »=con j_ ^ 11 ■ i .£ "C Oj (2 5 c _c _ p. o o p O :. o H t'i s d o a m' 6 J pa •5 c S 2 t^ c3 rr< s c 1 0. t, s tC «H o >j5 « c a- c 5 S H H 1 ^ (-1 3 g 5 c S <5 "n c c a a • ~2P « g ■^l "c "n ^"3 ^ o "o o w H H C« C" j; ^ cc c l-i M p^ f2i 25 NOTES ON ANALYSES OF MAIZE. lu regard to tlie more important constituents, the chief variations noted in the domestic products are as follows : In regard to moisture, both the largest and smallest content AA^ere found in sam])les from Indi- ana. In regard to the size and ^A•eight of the kernels, the finest sample Avas from Kentucky, in Avhich each grain Aveighed nearly half a gram. The smallest reported was a Wisconsin sample, but this being one of pop corn could not be compared with the others. The next smallest sami)le aa'As from Indiana, 100 kernels Aveighing only o.').045 grams. In albuminoids Kentucky furnished the sample haA'ing the largest quantity and Indiana the smallest. A sample from Kentucky contained the highest percentage of oil and one from Indiana the lowest. The extreme variations in other constituents can be seen from the table beloAv. Of the foreign exhibits, the sample containing the heaviest and largest kernels was from Ncav South Wales, and the one containing the smallest and lightest from Bulgaria. In moisture the Bulgarian sample occupied first pos ition and one from New South Wales the last A sample from the Argentine ]\epid)lic contained the laigest percent- age of albuminoids and one from j^ew South Wales the smallest. A sample from New South Wales had the highest and one from Bulgaria the loAvest content of oil. Following is the table of comparisons of maxima, minima, and means of the samples analyzed from the Colum- bian Exhibition. Table of maxima, minivia, and means. Domestic com: Maxima Minima Means Foreign corn : Maxima Minima Means Means of samples from the United States exhibited at the Columbian Exposition ( 1 8 analyses) Means of i'oreifjn samples ex- hibited at the Columbian ExjiDsition (2 analyses) .. .. Means of former analyses of the Department of Agricul- ture: United States Northern States Southern Slates Middle West Par AVest Pacific Slope Jenkins and AVinton (208 analyses) Kiinig — Mean composition of samples from various lo- calities: Miscellaneous origin (137) Italian sam])les (24) American samples (80) . . . Dent corn (U9) Sugar corn (27) Southeastern Europe (19). Southwestern Eurojie (8) . Weight of 100 kernels. Gramg. a 48. 312 (■10.608 38. 979 e 46. 487 /18.428 28. 553 (/') 36. 474 37. 320 40. 659 32. 457 37. ,528 27. 900 Moisture. Per cent. h 12. 32 69.58 10.93 n2.60 elO.43 11.71 10.93 11.71 0') 10.04 9.98 8.90 12.33 9. .50 9.78 10.90 13.35 13.13 10.02 10.14 8.70 14.53 12.47 Albumi- Ether noids. extract. Per cent. Per cent. an 55 . a5.06 bS. 58 b2.9i 9 88 4.17 i/ll 55 C4.85 e 9. 80 /4.02 10 72 4.51 9.88 4.17 10.72 4.51 (i) 0') 10 39 5.20 10 64 5.11 10 95 4.9t 10 89 4.97 10 43 5.30 8 14 6.40 10 50 5.40 9. 45 4.29 10. 26 3.84 10 17 4.78 9 36 4.96 11 43 7.79 9 42 4.13 8 84 5.80 Crude fiber. Ash. Per cent. Per cent. 6 2 6 1. 55 d\ a 1.19 1.71 1.36 /2.20 el. 57 1.87 1.71 1.87 (J) 2.09 1.41 1.72 2.22 2.47 2.07 2.10 2.29 2.88 1.67 2.21 2 86 2.34 4.16 <7l.80 /I. 26 1.54 1.36 (I) 1.55 1.54 1.37 1.43 1.55 1.48 1.50 1.29 1.95 1.40 1.47 1.81 1.39 2.06 Carbo- hydratei , Per cent. b 75. 07 a 68. 97 71.95 C71.85 (768.02 69.65 71.95 09.65 0') 70.69 71.32 72. 06 C8. 16 70.75 72.13 69.60 69.33 67.72 68.63 68.65 02.76 69.37 65.79 n Kentucky. b Indiana, c AA'^i.sconsin dNew Hampshire, e New South AVales. Bulgaria . j 114 analyses, g Argentine Eepvablic. h 1211 analyses. i 202 analyses. 26 Comparing the means of the analyses of American samples with those of foreign origin, yve are again struck with the excess of moisture in the foreign samples. In those from southwestern Europe are found 4 per cent more moisture than in samples of domestic origin. Among the samples grown in the United States, those in the Middle West, viz, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, etc., contain the largest amount of moisture, while those grown in the arid region have the smallest amount. Of the domestic sami)les exhibited at the World's Fair it was found that the mean content of water was 10.93 per cent, nearly 1 per cent higher than the mean of former analyses of the Department. The weight of 100 kernels was a little more than that before found, and this is not a surprising fact, inasmuch as it would be natural for exhibitors to send not only the largest ears but also the largest grains to the Exposition. The percentage of albuminoids in the domestic World's Fair samples was surprisingly low, being about 0.75 per cent less than was found in the work done a few years ago. On the other hand, the percentage of digestible carbohydrates was about one point higher than that obtained in the former work. In the above table will be found a convenient comparison of the means of maize analyses from all parts of the world. The typical American maize should have approximately the following composition: Weight of 100 kernels, 38 grams; moisture, 10.75 per cent; albuminoids, 10 i)cr cent; oil, 4.25 per cent; fiber, 1.75 per cent; ash, 1.50 per cent; digestible carbohydrates, 71.75 per cent. OATS. In the United States, oats are used chiefly for cattle food, and the amount devoted to the manufacture of oatmeal is small compared to the total production. For this reason it seemed advisable to make the analyses on the unhulled samples. The high percentage of crude fiber and ash, therefore, which is found in the analytical tables is due to the fact that the hull was ground with the grain. Former investigations of the Department, recorded in Bulletin No. 9, show that the proportion of kernel to the husk for the United States is as 7 to 3. In the Western States the proportion of kernel is relatively higher and in the Southern States relatively lower. One hundred samples of the hulls of oats, representing all parts of^ the United States, were found to have the following composition: Per cent. AVater 5.22 Ash 5.59 Soluble carbohydrates and undetermined 68. 83 Indigestible fiber 17. 88 Albuminoids 2. 48 Taking this average composition of the hulls and the proportion of kernel to husk as the basis of computation, it will be possible to calcu- late the average results for each locality in terms of the kernel alone. In the following table are contained the results of the analyses of the World's Fair samples arranged by States and foreign countries : 27 S _^ •00 CO jao i hB2 fci 0 o e ■» 1 ■a- .Si « « A « « 1 CO CO c^i w re C00SCl'^05(MOO CaOiftCOC^W(NCMi-tCO osi>eocooooco cooocococo-^-^coift-^ ro o W 00 "^ m iO o u) o lo ift in t- (M ift L- I> O (O rH CO CO Co' -^ Tji oooooor^oocoxoo f-* rH O N -* N 0> ' •-*cocoo!<0"^ino'*o OOltOrHC^i-tCStCint* ooocoocO'* t> - >1 p S5 CO 00 OOO lO '^r t-- t^ CO M c>i ci (N ro* (N CO O CO O o OS en 00 o: o in c^j w « t^ I i> t'- lO 00 t- Tj» C^CMC4C^(M CD O OO 00 lO -"qn "* ■* ?o o ooooco — » g O fl o o « • .a -^ ^ a e> 1-1 i-i N o» 00 00 i-i t» eo ci CJ t-' 00 00 IC ift »C Ift o CJ CO CO CO ^ !N t~ O CI O CD lO ^ 00 CO odoONoirH Irt OC C5 t- iri •<* -* CO "* lO ■* 00 05 r-l »H CO O ^ C^ TjltO 00 t-l •- OJ t-i o oa CJIO'*CO o 00 —■ CO M i-H t--^ OS c? op c4 CO* N M CO o oot- o d -* CO kO ?D Irt Ift CO f^'-^ or; P3 ■£ Oca ^^ wW mP P :« O ^ r: -« : c ^ 2; g " m ■a 5'^ * ?! C cc c - H 3 I' CS O S ^ 9 2 «-" tii est; B o O tH . fO o o C?10rH(nO>Oi-(!MCO'^ ^ ift CO fOO CO CO CO CO CO ■^ CO m ?D l> C C5^ OOOOiO«OCOt^OO Q IB (M O to C^ 00 Tl > b- Ci t- CO t*- X lA ^ kA kA lA O ^ ro o t— o «0 Oi 2 ■* CO e ; t ^ ceo o J O t^ t^ o; (M i o 00 re ad o 05 t>oo — i n ir. r^ ST. C-] C-1 .-I CO in ce cs CO o O CO -if t- co .-< to -* ■* o oo j to t^ CO ^ t^ »rt in m iri ic in 00 I^ 00 1-1 00 (N N c4 Ci; N (M* CI c] oi ^ F-I0050 t~ ■^ "^ "^ CC "^ OJ t^ t~ o fri ci ci -+ ci CO CO (M CO CT CO iHO -# 0!t-CO C5 r^ r^ ■
  • 2 O 0> C5 05 W 1— * CO CO t> m 00O5 t-00 o o ooaci CO IN coino CO '^Ji i-t t* CM 1-1 ^^ T-* C>1 O to -+ in t^ in tn ^ .* C3 00 1* i~ i^ in * CO C'l !M Cl CO CO MC2 .-< t- CO Ci " C! J) cs ! a S 5 a , c s c o ^W * ^ « 05 ^^ ■ 5 •'J • <- dW d « o n ci -3 o o 00 iH CM CO Til 0> t~CO lOU OOt-OSCM CO com CO CO PQ S inco t-ooo50 O 03 05 05 03 O oo -^in CM -^ r-(i-l t^ O CO t- -K Tft in 1^ 00 OS CM C^ C^l C lie I c^ t^ lO fM ic r^ • o t- — oc d ;d c: CO • oi r- ir^ ;S lA m o • iT^ o 00 ^ X — i 00 c^' t^ r; i> --o CO »o o o o iri lO o o o ;5 o Oi Oi -^ 00 00 t^ C^ -^ O « « »ft C^ OS 35 t^ lO OC ^ 00CSC^Ca«-tOiC^t:^GOOSCS c-i ?j ro ri CO ^i CO s-i s^ ^* c4 ift r* m t> r* c* t^ t-roi>cr300__^OrH O Ci N Oi oi :2.3i 1-J OOOOC<1COCOCO- rs -^ 05 in 31 ' o :o 00 !M ?» ro 00 no I- I> -^ 35 in 31 • l- O 7Q 35 O (M ;0 COG^CO'co'cOCQCO-^CO « ti a O cS «> (5a^ oo o o oo ^3 • 00 CO -^ M ift iH in ffioototoooino M'5 W> S "^ d oPh N-tl -M Ei5 S a"© «; o is o q go o «!a ^ ^ d-5 M I! tDa a o SM : ' u u cs o a.y 2=; ^ bf' ! W seg : a c3 . 'a>-l d a rt an? OOOOlftiftOO fe .'I ^H OH 03^ J w ^ j2 *» o "^ w 55 ■*/ (w c A a 01; I' o • J- .3 5 ." JS- IB t, D 9 ^ a-= a a -3 ^"^ ^ © — ^ .a ^ o.a-3 tH-tj 0_« a'w? ^ o M se «r ^ os:a>'^ a ^g ^ ^^ :^^ :^<^ .2 65^ uQ^ a *^ . • (u » . ^j - ij a a H e CDOOfMOCOi-imcO OOOSO^C^irO^lCfOrHi— I r-li-KMC^CMC'JC^C^ICOt^O CD 00 35 C^l -^ (M CO OO CDCDCDt>>t-0000CO oooooooo -M CO-HCO-^t-iO:D(MrHOCO O IM CO CO CO CO -rr '* lO h- lO CO 00 ■^-P-f-Tt-h-'tf-K-t'TfC'l^ t^ OOOOOOOOXOOOOOOOCMO 30 NOTES OX ANALYSES OF OATS. For conipjiriug the results of these analyses with those heretofore made by this Department and in other places the table of maxima, minima, and means is inserted below. Table of maxima, minima, and means. Weight of 100 kernels. Moi.sture. Albumi- noids. Ether extract. Crude fiber. Ash. Per cent. a 16. 65 6 8.57 12.07 Per cent. C4.37 /2.47 3.46 15.65 8.52 11.39 3.29 2.71 2.92 11.92 3.35 1.38 2.15 9.50 3 10.58 3.29 10.25 3.29 9.93 11.01 9.18 9.33 3.18 3.23 3.26 2.99 Carbo- hydrates. Domestic oats: Maxima Minima Moans Canada: Maxima Minima Means Means of World's Fair sam- ples (72 analyses) Means of samples previously analyzed by Department of Agriculture — hulled — (179 analyses) Means' of Jenkins and Win- ton (30 analyses) KoTiig— mean composition of samples from various local- ities : Miscellaneous (377) Middle and nortli Ger- many (31) Southern and southwest- ern Germany (16) Austro-Hungary (14) France (196): United States (22) Grams. a 3. 891 rf2.038 2.918 4. 253 2.791 3.364 h 2. 507 Per cent. a 13. 02 e7.87 10.06 11.63 8.52 9.46 9.96 6.93 11 Per cent. Per cent. il5. 65 6 6.14 d 9. 10 « . 93 12.15 4.33 12.11 12.45 13.39 11.85 13.50 12.11 12.78 10. 68 11.8:! 14.31 11.80 10.06 10.82 11.36 11.41 9. .52 10.11 5.56 3.79 4.73 5.30 5. 30 5. 84 3.46 6.24 Per cent. d61.44 (753.70 58.75 61.98 57. 61 59.69 58.28 G7.09 59.70 58.37 58.23 58. 12 56.40 02.47 68.61 a Washington. 6 Kansas. c Wyoming. d Illinois. eOhio. / Pennsylvania. gr Michigan. AiUnhulled. In discussing the comparative results contained in the above table, it will be noticed at once that the samples examined at the World's Fair contained much less water than those reported by Konig. These samples were almost wliolly of domestic origin, and thus show that the oats follow the other cereals which have been mentioned in having a less quantity of moisture when grown in the United States. The per- centage of indigestible fiber also appears to be somewhat larger than of other sets of samples. This may be due to the fact that naturally the largest and finest looking kernels would be selected for exhibition and the hulls of these kernels would be correspondingly developed. In the samples formerly examined by the Department of Agriculture we find the same striking deficit in moisture that has been noticed in the other cereals and the consequent increase in the percentage of other constit- uents, notably albuminoids and oil. It must not be forgotten, however, that these samples can not be compared with the other sets in the series, because the hulls of the kernels were removed before the analyses were made. Taking into consideration all the data at hand, it may be said that the typical oats of the United States may be described as follows : One hundred kernels of the unhulled oats will weigh 3 grams and will consist of 2.1 grams kernels and 0.9 gram hulls. The sample would contain in its normal state 10 per cent of water, 12 per cent of albumi- 31 noid matters, 4.5 i^er cent of fat, 12 per cent of indigestible fiber, 3.5 per cent of ash, and 58 per cent of starcli and otlier soluble carbohydrates. RICE. It is rather difficult from the data accessible to draw any valuable conclusions in regard to the composition of rice. This cereal may reach the analyst in three different states, viz, unhuUed, hulled, and j)olished. He may also have occasion to examine the broken fragments produced in polishing and hulling, the waste in manufacture, rice bran, and other i)roducts. The most important of these products are the unhulled and polished rice — in the one case the product as it comes from the thrasher and in the other as prepared for the kitchen. The number of samples of all kinds delivered by the judges for analysis was only 28, of which only a few were domestic samples. The composition of these sampies, arranged by classes and countries, is shown in the table on the following page. 32 ir CO If II r cr CO CO to ««: 1 irf >rf >r lO irj 1.0 oti> »^ 1 .a 11 irt «o tc i ■= 11 « II 1 J3 »c ^ ^ ■* •^ " IP I' ji OJ II (M 0=0 «« OJ ■* c^ Tl II « -* l; -T3 i-CC II 06 00 •^ ^■« »^ 1! ^ •u oc CO r- CV « II 00 2 5> « ^ tH c OC c3 1 c ;- >5 c 1- J^ c ri ^ P ,5 -d o.S c 2 ^ >, a c i tc C 2 "^ tj D c f:^ C f^ (* H 1 ro o:j u ?>• r- M H M cs 1 to to t^ CO OS p^ to* t-^ IC CO i-H M 01 1— 1-1 O 00 C5 o — c»i 1-5 r-i r-i CJ CT (^^ t~ in cc CO T'l : d t~ «■! t^ IM IM 00 lOM CO o: o 00 r-i CJ J'i r-i O5 0D t- O 00 o; t' to ct »n c*;::=: a 5 ^ cj o ^*~^ 6 oHbS - a,* o I s J a:'^ = c: . J mH WHi-5» r-l(M CO C-l CO -0< in Lj 33 . _, _ in to -* 00 ,_, to-n CO Od to 1 -^ CO O coos to to 35 CO C5 ■* -- t~in CO OS OS t- s t- 1^ t- 00 000000 M tH •* -^ to 00 n •* to lo Ti CO Oi-H M CO Tjl CO CO to n •9 'Jl ■* o il II 1 ■^1 t~ p >n t~ o CI NtO c>i to = 'ji iMin -^ -* . 'S'CO CO o to c- s s r-l(M rH -WrH-^O in \^.^. o 1 !3 ii CO CO 00 II lloo 1 m c^ OJ 1 OJ t~->J"COCO ' 11-- 1 03 c~ 00 OS 00 in inintoto in in m in 1: 000 09 1 1 1- o> 00 rH 00 1 in t~ ^ in 1 -* CO in CO ll «co to l| 03 M c>: 3^ o> ei >o ^ = CO to 00 — CO rH •"• M — M — M M M M r o 1 o o \ +j o in 1 -* 1 s •n : 'w * I a • rt • "« .^ rt -5 . o-^ i. '^ ; =3 fl a • 5 bo o o ta o o o c c tx -§-§ •3 rs-^-^-: 3 -S-^ "^•^ 1 & s 1 . : tn ? * : (- ^ Ph ph ■• : "• ^ : < P i i B O ^ 1 1 3 o a ; g : ? r c ) c 1 ;: 5 3 1-5 a 9 • 5 ■ a ; 5 i .2 "u ja 31 a J P Hi S =i :S .r-^a ^ ^ 4 ;0 . 1^ . : i : : .2 : • . : '^ : 1 1 -2 ; a -2 2 ^ i Iftfl: 2 1 i • . cs m t2 "^ tM tM t' ^ - 2 = 1 i a a 5^.= L^ Q .to f :=3 \ S> (0 4 1* « « ;2 -^ — . a a 3 a 1 ° sy 3 a-M m'^mwS; '.^• -'^ '^ "=> : S O ^< H (^ t' CO CO CO •»j fH O CX) .-I OS CO V l> 00 00 -^ OS OS *i m m t— o w b- C i-H '^ O CO 1-1 -— ' ^ Ci ci r-i 1-i Ca C^ ~ 00 ■* 05 lO O IM « to -* lO --I rH -* ^ lO ift o Cs t— rc y iTi lO OS OS t^ i-H !-. ^ ,-; i-J 00 t> t-t- rH »-l OS OS OS CO OS (N « C^ '^ t> fHOCO r-iOSCOCQ O09OO C^^ t' 00 CO 05 0S O O OS 00 ci ^ i-! in i~ O •<* 00 1-Hrt OS OO OS fl 00 M Tjl CI C-l oso co'c^' 1-1 ci OS C£S os' o o s« h; oo t* ;•: t> ;^ > -i; P- C; P-- H r- C/3 fl © p ^^ M.' I 5^^ c; - C "5 5 0) 'r3 &: = pa oai ^vi g +^ rt B P^ 3 O -H -^ L^ t* « i-H C^ OS O (M CO t- t> "^ C^ (M CM CD O C^ GO 00 00 .-I tMCO 00 CO 00 '^I'lO i 37 in Q t> 00 ■>* 11 ^ c- 1 1 *• H n O l- ■ » -* e i r^ oj -* II -; ^ t- c- <9 t -llt- t' ^ : 1 n ira 00 II c^ 1 jq . ' o> O 00 l| <» C2 1 'r' _ ^ ^p^ - 1 C5 O iO 1 00 a ' ^ IM t- 1 1 O *" ^ 1 CJ c4 rt jl (M 1 N ir J lO 1- ^llolloo « m 1 rt t- |] -* 1 t~ ^ 1 d 1 -t o Ii !rq 1 o *" e- ~i "~ 1-1 t- 1 -x Uo c c» n rH 1 N rH e- 1 ■* o -* ^ t- I in ev ci ei c ci oi c 1 -.■is 1= g s f c > ■^ P- ^ K "a e c 03 -i > J 1 1 J 1 s 1 •r & 1 2 fS •2 =3 Ph M £ g T 1 s a 5 i « c 1 3 c ^ O o o '^ H c a^ ^ 1 c a c c IT 03 IT (N e^ p- ~ c~ o- "fl o- oc IM ^ a 00 CM CO 1 38 NOTES ON ANALYSES OF RYE. For a comparison, the data collected by former analyses of the De- partment, and in the works already noted, follow : Table of maxima, minima, and means. KTE. Domestic : Maxima Minima Means Foreign : Maxima Minima Means Means of World's Fair sam- ples: Domestic samples (18) All samples (20) Means of previous analyses by the Department (57 sam- ples) Means given by Jenkins and AVinton (6 samples) Means given by Kiinig: Miscellaneous (173) Springrye(ll) North Germany (27) South Germany v3G) Sweden (3) All Germany (63) Weight of 100 kernels. Grams. a i. 201 a 1. 932 2.493 e 3. 417 / 2. 031 2.724 2.493 2.516 2.070 Moisture Per cent. a 11. 45 a 9. 54 10.62 / 14. 10 e 10. 74 12.42 10.62 10.77 8.67 11.60 n. 15 12 14.84 12.31 14.29 13.37 Albumi- Ether Crude Ash. noids. extract. fiber. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. a 18. 99 6 2.30 C2.50 a 2. 41 d 8.40 a 1. 16 a 1.65 a 1.71 12.43 1.65 2.09 1.92 /12.25 el. 61 /2.25 /1. 95 e9.28 /.37 el. 75 el. 88 10.77 .99 2 1.92 12.43 1.65 2.09 1.92 12.26 1.58 2.08 1.92 11.32 1.94 1.40 2.09 10.60 1.70 1.70 1.90 10.81 1.77 1.78 2.06 12.90 1.98 1.71 1.93 11.01 1.70 2.17 1.97 12.04 1.98 2.73 1.91 8.50 2.29 1.47 2.11 11.52 1.84 2.45 1.94 Carbo- hydrates. Per cent. d 75. 36 a 63. 61 71.37 e 74. 74 / 69. 08 71.91 71.37 71.42 72.50 70.21 68.11 69.78 67.97 71.34 68.88 a Illinois. 6 New York. c New Hampshire. d Oregon. e Spain. /Brazil. We see again, in the comparison of the means, the greater dryness of the United States ryes. This is, as has been the case heretofore in the cereals already mentioned, especially marked in the analyses made a few years ago by the Department. In the World's Fair samples the difference i.s le.ss marked, the percentage of moisture being almost as high as in the foreign samples. The United States ryes are also distinguished by their smaller ker- nels. Even the samples on exhibition in Chicago, which were presum- ably those of the finest and plumpest kernels, were not nearly so large as the kernels of the foreign samples. They were, however, distinctly larger and heavier than the kernels analyzed here a few years ago. In the percentage of albuminoids the United States samples are fully equivalent to those of foreign origin and in their mean com- position their other constituents do not differ greatly from those of standard varieties abroad. The cultivation of rye is not verj^ exten- sively practiced in the United States and that which is grown is used chiefly for the manufacture of whisky and for cattle food, and not for bread making, as is the case in Europe. A typical American rye would have approximately the following com- position: Weight of 100 kernels, 2.5 grams; moisture, 10.50 per cent; albuminoids, 12.25 percent; oil, 1.50 per cent; fiber, 2.10 per cent; ash, 1.90 per cent; digestible carbohydrates, 71.75 per cent. 39 WHEAT. The number of samples of domestic wheat submitted for examination by the judges of awards was 10(3. These samples were distributed among the various States, as ibllows : Colorado, 5 samples; Illinois, 22 samj)les; Indiana, 8 samples; Iowa, 1 sample; Kansas, 28 samples; Kentucky, 4 samples; Maine, 1 sample; Michigan, 6 samples; ^Missouri, 1 sample; Montana, 2 samples; Nebraska, 5 samples; New York, 8 samples; North Carolina, 2 sam- ples; Ohio, 3 samples; Oregon, 11 samples; Pennsylvania, 12 samples; South Dakota, 8 sam])les; Washington, 11 samples; West Virginia, 5 samples; Wisconsin, 5 samples; Wyoming, 7 samples. Of foreign wheats the total number of samples oflered for examina- tion was 62. These samples were distributed as follows: Argentine Eepublic, 5 samples; Australia, 4 samples; Bulgaria, 1 sample; Canada, 49 samples; Costa Eica, 2 samples; Spain, 1 sample. The results of the analyses are recorded in the following tables: 40 05 ^: ift o cct^ CO *^ OS C' in 1— I cs i^ c^ j o o ci i-H ^1 1— 00 c^ w X re 00 i-o M ^ o u^ CC' cc cs ^ 'rj' in c: cr* oi 00 OS 05 C5 00 o 00 00 o 05 ri o* c: o o cs to ci ^1 11 w15 s ® <" « o t- o o: 55 ~ CO I- t^ rH r-i J" CO CI M M cc .o o o to »-( -KJ CC Irt 00 O N . CC O '^ OS '^ g 3 t^ t- as t- U 03 OD ^ 00 i*i (M tft t^ CI IC « ;c cs to l^ l~ J; CJ ci cj cj c) «0 I-I05 t~ d ||i-; ci .-^ r-J s-i _ftH ^' ^t QC OC in CO ^ n t'- o re X j^ in c^i ci -^ re t* ■«* T-tcoo.-H»r^r:?ocociinoift^in^t^»ooooo-^ CD in CDCO-^-^-^-^C rH CO om»-'(Ot^'^t^OOC;L^OO-r:OCO-rfOOOCI 00 m cO'-Hciooocot^co-t- -00 — CO-MOOOOO t^ t- t- t- CS I- l^ l~ I- o t~ t- c- 1- 1- t- o 'Cicib-ooo — »ni:^00f-i''*:cesmcoc ci cj cJ ci ci Co' cj ci ci CO CO ci cj CO in coa5ir>osoccoe;co-*-^'oc50ot~»mc4Ci-« CO OS coinooi^ooiniAincDinciCiOOcot^coininin -H i-I i-i i-i r-I r-i i-< r-< — < r-i r^ «■ r-i r^ CJ Ci r-I r^ t-- i-I i-i >— ■ cocoot.ooooocoi.'^inocooococooooooin o o o 00 CO CO o C5 X ci t^ ro c; r-H c) c; CO C] ci ?i »-H .-i o o" o F-J ^ ci o --^ f-- .-^ L-^ CO ^ •-- CO —• -- ci 'S "- i2 3 ;m CO t^ f-i c*5 i rH CD to t- rl ^ O 33 O 0> 00 m eociciocco — cDt-ost-mt^oopcouoco CO incit-cooj c-cc^-HCiOsincorHC-ooo Oci*--cicic4o5cocio6o6o6t--c--c;05cicicico 05 c; c: o CO o 4 r-i — ■ c; o oo 5 •* lO -H ri Cl t- i^ cs i^ 00 ro Ci o CI CI CO o — if^ i-o r^ -^ -t 1^ t^ c»cooccsi-oooxco-r — ooi^C)cO'-incor-40it^cscociinr-.cou:r^-Tt^--i'm'tM - OS Ci ocoiOroooo>'— iinro-'i'mt— oomoor-ooii^co -Tjtor—t-t^i^-cisiooooc:'— ■'— t-t^oco 41 ifi l.*» OS •-» t- »ft t- ® cooooooosoi O^DinOOOi-tCDQO cocorci-icoiftot- CJ C-J (M W t> t^ 'O t- L* t*- 00 » m CC CO ^- OS a I- oo 00 CO t'- CO t^ t— t* »* m o t* o ift ci w ci w ci w ci rt* C5 O X u- OC 'V CO X o ir^ 00 o "* t^ in ^ t.-^ ^ I* c: t:^ "-f -t C-. — . O X S-. 00 rl ooo 05 -H OS C^ OS 00 r- Tft M CO CM rO CO « CO 00 00 00 CO r^OO coooo6ot-oso6c^o=Jco(>ii-ico'cio> co^ cococoMooc^rac^c^ioococ^rococic^CM mcm csoo>»noi-i-'C-;o-*oc;coc^ic-t CO CO 1— > cj -M c-i OS 7 I- o f-H -f c; ^- OS n o 1M -t" ?o iT^ >.-: t- ^ CO l"-XOSOSCSCDX«-.OOOC5asOOSCi - in r'- r^i ci i* o -m :^j o lo o ci o in c^ ci o o Ift CI 00 Cl r: O I- CO 1-" CJ lO CO .-t C> CO -^ rl cicicicicici'-^cNciwcicJcociciMci CS ^ Cl ^ -^ t- O C> -M O OS CO — < ^ ci to lOXiriOiXXcccoxcocccMcoosoio ,^^„„^^Cvj^^C.jrt . ^^ ooo 1-H co^-os ooiM -fi-Hio ir^ CJ CO CO irs o i.o o X ; X ?0 lO o f-Hcocs-^-voosciifti^t-ic "I'-xo; ; ci ci ci -^* ci ci o* ci --^ •-• -^ -ji -^ o ^ CI oo iTS ^ oci o o in X o c; M ift c» OS ^ ^ F- CJ ^ loxxo-^or-co Cl I,-* CO OS l> rH .-< c-l »-S o o' o o CO o ci O ifj Cl X I- CO -t- X mxocicox-fo '*cMcoooco«— 'Xc: CO Tt CO ci CO '^ CO CO OX^OO'-'OOS CO in CO CO CO CO CO iC ocoomoooco ciiftCOuo050siftrowL'Ot-*co«-«r»t»x*f ot-osos'^rOt-CMXXXom-tO'.t-'^ cot^odGco50cicsoxcccsoco6t>t-^ci 00 00 OS ci Xiftd cor: coco.-t t ^ Cl ?1 I— '^ir:c)-r»-'i^tocociTt-<'*COCICO-*^5CliftSCOt^ cocicococcco-^cococoTroococococoro OS I-- -^ CO X »ft ■^ CO »-" -* X -f CD CO CO O O CJ ^xxcro -^rOf-i^^x-t" osx ^ r: X i.o O 1-t CO CI ^ - cocococococo coco coc3rocoi-*XOCOXOO GXOOOSOOO '«9't-tr^cO'*coco'«T-*-tcorococococo-^ — •rocococo'^ CO "^ CO CO O (.1 — r a ■ r a • • ■ : ._ ^^ ~ . . ^ M«M : WW ill a ; a K ego • o 5 *£^ s-a :Ma 2 £ a a 2-X S E .i*^ ^ ^^^.;>|^^; cS . r: o ci •-3 -Z 1-3 -5 -T : X O in iC CO 3 3 en < -2 g 3*S § cG ^ 1^ P 3 d cciji-i Ss^^HH^ h4 *«ii-3^'5'dW?^-yih-;d 5 r.M .^'-' - rt a ' £ ^ ^ J; ^ t, -— rS -^ - a "^i .- . a ■: « * ^ c: 2 ^ o M = H.s^a a - ^r p. -2 1-1 4i.- « a p m ^ — X :^ ,- H t M? - « ^---^ ® ° K f^K?=^t^COXiCOXCOX00 ^?f-ij<)ro-»j'i-o (Oi> ooojOi s ^ CO lO C5 CO t^ CI 1-H L-- CI CI CO ic m in CO t> irt ic in in no lO no CO xxocxxooxx ^C ^ r-i .1 ^ e-i ■* 1 1 *^ f-1 rH ^ -r cc N oc gll 1-" in coo oc ^ 1 CO (M t- in 1 (~ in 11 "^ 1^1 = 00:00 m •— to CO in ^1 ^ i^ -** oi "^ ^ 1 1= Ci -TO un -♦ T» ^ c- aii- X ci d ^...5.,:-. ^ cr ca c c- t- to t, ^ ■« C'l c: ^ IT ^ C t- S-J t^ —ico cr ir- rf CO to o- in in ^' ~ 00 -.o » X I> OS 000 t- t-QOOC 06 ai r-IX OS 05 ^ r-H r-: r-i r- ,^ 1-1 r-oirH i-H r-n 1— ,- ^ (N rH ^ c-i cq <) (? © • »Jra^ >n = u IT I- t- inir ^ inoq X t- t- « OT^C^ffi ■^ IM CC CO i-H in M c^ CO t- T Tf C- l:~ ^MC-iMCM CO 1 '^ c-i ?i i-i (N rl s- IM 1 ^ cilTJ s> (N c4 ^ 1 . ,j ^ S GO CS t- ^ in t- 00 0000 t- X ir in c c- II « OS 1 1> to c^ oc TftO^ t>l>OC c- 1 "^ ciiq ca ^"■-i-i-- ,- r^Aci fH i-i r- r- f- ci w e Cl- M 00 in CO o" -t ir OD- in in ^ 05 in 00 oc m t- m i> ■* 5- 13: '-^ 5"* B'o K W -* — 1 cr V ef d — ri ^ cr ci t> S rt rH r-( r- ^" fs _^ »^ t- — IT in IT t-oom t- — ir -* r- c- rt -Jt "5 «ot--»^ •^ ■V QOO CJ i-i oto to 1 , 00 ^ •-< ° S 2 d d « c^ \ ^ o- d ds>i iHod c ^ j d r .^ d O) S^" *" t-t rH t-l »-( »H *^ " 1 *" &; in cc cs c-i c- e< 00-* in 10 M to t- ^ X o- O' (M X 5 00 — 0-. cc g =; 05 !0 ro ? >* cc 00 c f-^ m cj OS 00 o: -r to C~ ■« s 1 IT 1 " t-O rt co-wti; COCn rH CO CO -* CO 1 « 1 CO -air t~ X 1 ^ : \ s ■3 P.5 s N • IT ^ ^^ ■* cq • r- 1 COIM d |S •§ U to to to to -to tote to to ^ ^ ftn : • ^ • c ■^ t" r^ ', c- .s c3 "£= • = IT to m • t- ir 1 O' -* M S ^2 5m 'CO (^ : S- CO M c- tote c ; i 1 g Oi ! ; _2 i c t4 'Z •- :-?^ (0 X i; « > w inl 2 tS Y' ill ; 1 »- o5| 5^5 ^ t [■ c s X 0" 3 _4 I i ^ _ u 1 u 5 p s -? > ?.H g I'll = 1-1 tt •IP c c J: % i 1 i 1 < C 1 1 C "S -<; c Pi « ® B <1 <0 £ 5 i « ^- » » £ e ^ © p.; =5^7 p^ '1;^!^ S"! tx? a 6 s^ m£4^K 5 p: 'SMM e-<- 'i H^P S . t^o « -rfO.- c oso ca cocv J, COff -(. in ■^ k ^B. « « .-1 r- c o-Hin l-H t-c^ OS -! c ^-5^ rHr-ICl .-1 i-ie^ " ^ ^m r-: o< 5 c to t~ 5-1 CO OS t£ -tj CO -J ffj in in t^ t- CO un to 00 in a oc -*ir CO r. 000c S cc ■* T = cr •*-! =■ S ?iNi^ (M c; cs X i-irt WiH«i-H » iftrOOiftOOOQOCO Q0irt5O^t'-O5O5T Ci OJ O Ci O OJ O rH ^ in n t^ -^ « 05 ift -* ;o irs ^- -*■ ift 1.'^ CI - .-< r-i W »-H Cvl C^l ?J •COO ^ o eooco ■ CO C3 CO N CO CO CO g ;i 00 ro ^ T*0 I-* .-( ro Nc4 Ci Oi .-( -r -^ ift 35 O ■^ COCO :d o o o ri o ro C5 CI c 00 cO'*coo:'io*-Dwc:i:oco (MCOCOOOiOC-in^-OOiTi CMrHi-«^r-tf-1i-4T-)i-^Ca,-t ^ [^ O O O O -H CS ^ fO on t* CO «-i -tJi ir- "* CO CO o roiftco-^cococoW«co'^ro M"i.Oh-OOt^-^OOOOCOOO Ci?o;oi>-cot3Q0auTj»:O'^ t* t* ir^ 4."^ t* n o t* ci t- w C0i-'F-.C^(MCOlO'-»»-t^O(M00 i-H W iH rt W pH .-I i-H fH tH OOQOCOCOCOCOiftOOCOOlO a3oocoo»ovi>oob^t>- a>t>o^o6c3oiQ6o6o6ood cot-omoo^io-i''— r* oroosc;C5t^-*N*oait^ o o o o o 1-* — * •-* ci CO ri COC^JOCh-t^Oit^^HOOOr** c:oocscsc:ci^:oocoiM o-^ooo-^utcoificoiritr- (^Tfl'^-^'^'^lrt-*-^ iH CO CO CO CO CO CO (Q 5Q (Q ^ ;q CO O lo o « m lO if5 irt »ft o lO lo © 1' t> © I'll C « 3 ■=-g<«) I -'T' - s s ►^^ .p^KH iJ s p< CO rt CM o c-i o a Ci C-l r^ T~I !M Cl CI --^ »H Wpq CO 5 a a S £.SO 6 .^^ § ^^t t; : to 0) 1 5 Pio? I __ il OOfMOi— i:rii-'CO»l:-00 .— « c^i •* -r -^ re CI t" lO »ri irt r- ( r-( CJ C^ Cl CI r-l o CO :o uo ^1 1— I rc CI OOt— C035:£':OQ0 t-^ 00 00 OC' 00 C7J O) O .-r:oc:oinr^cs--toooso OCJt-OOOOOOi-HCIOCOt— CI M CI CI CI CI CO CO CI C3 CI cocococorocooococsosci 44 f-l +5 05 n ^1 d O X CC M O -^ O .-H COt^COlOC^COXQOt^*!' 1— * O O --^ 00 O O ^ Ci O o -1< ^ t-- CC X O 05 OS 00 '-H O 1 CI i-H (M rci-H c-1 —t ri c^i rH c> 00 CI o CO O 00 I- t- 1-f tH cc CI to as q6 c: GO ^5 T-t (Moomocoot^oocooi re CO c^i c^ ro ro . O t-H OOCiClC-lCCClOi-* ;:s t^ "-t^c^OsoociiOfocc ^ o oi o6 c: o r-^ :o o -M* 00 o -H ■ i^ o o o t^ CO !» 1^ t?- o I"- r^ •4'QOCONQCOOO^ lO t- h- o r^ CO d O CO C-1 CO cc CO i> i^ t^ r^ t* t* t* M M 1*0 O lO (N -^ lO CO «D f-io CS I> «oo OS t--t-osoo cDc;»-iac '^rA .-H rHrHrHtcicJC-l^^ffqrH _Bi «jrO t- (Not- LI Mr-l(N'-i ft. •^ cs c-1 (N w ■* iro o C5 c* o im— yl> OC t-OOXOOOl^CDOOOOCO ■ lO 00 UO O CO CO O lO 00 00 00 •^UO CO -«OCOMO-*COOS rHMO-HOOiOSt-HCi ;ooooco«ocoiot- UOSODOt^COiOCO-^ (cj c^i ci (ci c4 c^i c4 !cJ cst™—QOOONOO«-tO ooooooooosooooo Ift O r^ 00 C3 t' 1-4 OS t- CS 00 cs t* t- O C^i CI Ci t^ t- O 1-1 CO O O (C^ CO CO ci c4 ci ci c^ ci c4 -i* c^i in CO CO -^ ^ C* t> t^ UO 00 00 00 CO in CO »n ifo io 00 00 CO i-i'TPi--in«— tcooi C: O -O* 00 r-^ O* 1-H OS 1-H CO -^ I- -* C* -^ rH O CO O OS CO CO t-H o (ci o OS* oi o ^*SS of-c:-+C!C-. — C5 = s o c: i~ o m — r; » X r; I- i~ s> m o t- r: o o 1."; in -p OC w — < cc rt OS 00 » m 1- ^S 05 I- M CO M CO H 05 CO m ts ^ I^ c> r; 00 M o 00 in CO 1-1 .-c I^ C> r; 'M 30 30 00 m 3C 30 (M I~ o * CO ITS iji iri -^ 2S iirs -f « CO w O OCOi-lt^X OOSOOSOSOClCi WCOOt-OOOr-ICO COCO:OCOCO'<3''*'<1* '^ ci -3 -3 -C /-J -a -3 ■« o o c; i^ 00 OS o OS CO OS CO CO cc -^ O ^H t^ 00 O in CO CO T-1 ^^ CO OS (» O t^ 00 t^ r^t^t^osososos c^ (MC CO t- 1-lN CO O II IftCOCOOSCOt^OSOSCOO t>f^''!((00O»0 CO 1 NCl'3Mc^rl^^^(^^--Hcoc■^ c^hm(MMcoco •^on>^oa»rt»r5ir^roos ; o cs QC M OOiOt-cst-r^ciot- cocoo-^rotr- -HOOi— 'CCC^(MOOCX3C O r: r-t .-I ^ I^ t^^Oir-^t-t^-t-t^W^O t^t-t>t>t>eo ># O OCD O tft O ■ -^ o o <— ' o ^ o kn o ■^ O 00 OS l.-^ CO <© l^ O* O "d^ »— * t-^ l-^ MCOCO W WCOW t> X t* 00 oooaoo 00 W 05 OS 05 CD t* X X OOOa t-5Ct^Xt>00 .-* ^ ^ CO ITS lO ITS OS 'Tf 00 00 03 !>■ CO .-H* r-i r-J 1-5 .-i ^ oi OCX t* coo OSCSO ci ci w w t^r-("*CO-Vi-HOCOC^r» N CI c^ ci oJ « o t- 10 00-<]< rl —OCl C5 H CO rj ic m 00 m (M N mt ooioif^oootrsro r?in t* t^ c^ r: to c^ f-t 00 Oi O 00 = •= M -H «o ^ c: c; -*• fc c-i o -< — M "ri m m t^ t^ m t— m O ^ « " rl 05 CM ci ci w i^ N -h' ei mm-*'m--tooir-Mr^ mooesw-^ «oeMOOoo50*WWCi -i a <0 f-l M « CM r-< O >4i ee 00 i-i OS c~ -)< 00 O 0» ■* CM O CO 00 m o '^ CD o t^ CO -'f CM ^ 00 C3 r3 m -t t^ cc o »--i ^ CO ri CO r^ ■<* so o ^ - ^H ai Ex; • -; cc .2 p;5i;:fe?; "S §i-^ 3 3 3 - a .S 2 rj -a g g bo :cc i Ml &2 1^- t; og^x.-v3 = 5S2 IS 'A § ^ -* -^ rO t* OS -H OS OS OS •-( ^2 .Us- "M^ >; ^ • ^ c; - " O -PR O IK ti 5 <) 3 ^ t>XCSOX(MX(MOSO »-i(MCDXO'* -i# -^ rf lO CS — ' r-t O OS O O O X 00 X 00 i-(i-HrHi-( (Mt>lOeOlOOrH OCO-'tX-^Xt-'^COOS lO lO lO lO » CM CO CO ic CO ir> ) CO CD CD CO CD t- CO X »n t* 00 OS i-H CM CM CO CO CO CO oo o o o o o 46 fi5 o o r^ o o ; CO 00 lO I- -"Jl eJ Or-.-H r-i •^tr-O OC^lO-fOC-ffOlCn O QC c^i I— t- O r- 1-1 rt O! O QC CO r-^ 00 00 ci "^" ro ^1 -J t* »C CC CC 00 ^ CO C^ ift TPCJ ^ CO i^J CJ (M W 00 f-1 r-H CD CC (N -M -^ 05 lO irt -T OS •^ c-i lO « CO ci o --H OS CO i> I> t- I> t- t* I> t-- t^ CD C^ CO ow W X a K *o .-^ -t« O IM '^ U OS o cs o o ^ F-J s^i rH c4cJ t^ t^ O OS o !;; CC <-i 00 00 t* ^ ci ■>J ci cj c-i H.; M I^ CO M 00 W CO O ?J CO ift ^ ^ ci -ri r-i rH ft, * CD 00 »rt r: oc ^ (M o o; in o S^ 'i! ci TJ rjJ O 00 rH .-■ rl i-l tO O0O5t^t*00 OOOJ O .-C -^ c-i rj i-i — C^-* t- CO CO 05 00 OS CO N t-a>t~mcoroooco CO O CO O 00 O O O 00 O 00 I>C^C^ Q00500 0»OCCOO-* rH,-Jo6 03030;OOi-HO:CO V c^ in 05 ^ TQ o>o6odo» ft,"' 00 <— rH rt in ' rHO d •-<" d .-< M ci s4 d c4 !s'-3's ^ -H (M 00 N O 2 » -T » r~ M ~ I- lO CO « m ^ ff^ CO CO CO -ri ' o o d »n »-4 CO CJ CO -i* c. .s J: © t f CO 1.- 00 l~ X C l~ O 1.0 c-i o CO 00 to CO CO 00 «—• to < Tf -* -^r -^ 0^ -,*< - I-C-H ^ O CO to to to Ift CO CO OS o CJ CO CO CI CO oin CO o o 5.1 sis cj: s— ^ J) 5 g ■3 =« ci t>»£ o 2 ffl « O _- >i o a a2 — t; ti C:s 2 h '^ ^S S C3 tH ■33-3 a ^ 2 c iH 2 Ji ~ a S C ej= ~ ^ ac c3 » ■^^3^ ^.2 J *0 ''A^' :-r 3 ■■%< a 3 :« ? s S 3 s t. 3 'S ^ fe .2 » p, t. fc. — I ■ CJCOCO COl>-CJC0C0C0 000 o O — •— — ' ^ — ^ ooocoo oOQOooooooooacao 47 fid r-ii-Hr-( ClC^lf>C^-^CO CO COCaCCTOW MC^ COr-ir-tC^-NW C0N«WCMCJWCO WfOOiCO M ^ H r: -^ M M c: ri CJ C") r^ t^ r-^ ci x o o c* o t^ ^ re' os c: — ^ co i.* r-^ r^ 06 r^ r-^ » t^ w r^ oo CO C^l CO CO COkO 00 S O 'Tj' ?0 — CO O lO oot^xr- cox cicooc^iiMrJ i-ir:r^fcxxi-t-* L— ;o«oixt^:o'^ t^ irtx-fxx xx t-ici-xi^^ mcs500"^r:-*» w ift ir^ lA c-i ; o o c^c^ «i O CD CO X ift X CO OS 00 ft< t-C^ t^l--X0i)CSOXO' CO OS CM t- 01 ir: o cj o ri I oi c^i CM CM c'i < t-osc^t-C0X0i xxxx coo xxox-^coiftiftmm ■-*' loooxx oro co*- i^ ooi>-t^o t^cc cooo^osx e;i-*OMXxcoco t*coow t-ri to G> "^Oi r-0»C^a3«A n lom -a-uj t-o tDOOCO ?3N CO oesosinojooit^ ;^c3=;o "Jh J«_lrt3M^,-inO s .-ipj — -< 04 i-i MCI ^ — OS ^»i rieJ-Hci — iri MC<1MIM 1— t^ cr: r: OS 1^ ^ ' I X O! t^ I^ 1.0 t-i ^- c-l ^- o ~ OS X t~ — o j,-.r-^^aO-^ ^ t^rH^O-^J"— * — . ..-rxos-JCJ tsin — t~oos tOrt cicioso .-H n -r CO X ^3 CSOC3-t-te<5«r-l Tjt -^ •»» CO r: CO Cl — • ^ — . o — to O to CO O CO CO o cococo-^ cocococo ccot^ 000 oirs-^if^w-^ m c^ i-ioooos t>-osos^ e-2 cs 2 «r: 'rt •E> :fe 3;_; St.*::- Mr •; _£ -r; ^ _r -r ic-^ JS 2 ^ y 5a^55^3^N^^^ ^ rt ^;^ : ^c CCf-^^ B cs a> P cs X :5 ::: cs— 2 c3 c^ A o o - ^ PS •.a cs-s-E a w :; ij * "C +j . c ^ *> '^ « O r^S5==t2« -£p^ : c • a — ; csH,= ~ ■ _ ^ - ° c- C s^ i a s a c3 B^ ^1." o •=c~ -sP- .c:o0.a ^-r S aco S--X c; J cs-g-S S o • ►-;,ttigMca£'^ce«3gE:s. £ -zB. i-iS. = ct:^'j «•= : O ? J ^ a £ ^' wxcsc;oc^co-*»n-^ t>O0C-CON r^O CSOSO— CJCO -i •'^ ^ ^•-; ^i5 a , rgfi. t. ca'"''3 ' pq a © ■ '^ a ^ . ® a ffi 02 ^ _. .,. _ - „ . . _ - _- _ _ . _ . - -jId mcor-x osoi-hcm CMCMCMm»cD»cocD^ X xx— *roco coco CMCDi>t-i>c^i c^icotDCDtrsoiom »ocd:cco CM C3 CM CM CM W CM CM CM CM CM CM CJ CJ Cl CM Cl t>OS C^C0i-l-^Ol0t*OCM01 OS LOCO' '«*i-) CMC0-*Or-iT-(i-)CMCMC^l iMCM C-ICMCM-*'rflTj«-^r*<->1iO . -. OCX X X X X X X X X X O CI C4 CM CS -^ ^ lOCO 0-rJ«iOCMCO^ IQ CO CSOi—iCM COiOX^X lOI>OCOCO COCO 'TtJ p2 ^ 1 o CO 00 ai O 1-1 -13 a *J CO OS to 1 w to in 00 OJ CO CO o in o rH « t-QO ft. 00 o oi CO 1 00 CO S 4) 0=0 U lOCO ft. ■* oi 00 ci 05 ^ |s ^ 1! U s s = s ^ 1 a; 1 o -a 3 1 1 . ^ t 5 - "S si ^ C3 C3 .fc;o O .a D "^ £ o H IMM lO lO Irt CO Bureau of awards No. O ■n o 49 DISCUSSION OF ANALYTICAL DATA. Amono- domesti(! samples the largest and finest kernels were found in a sample from Wyoming. One hundred kernels weighed 0.19 grams, or one-fifth of an ounce. The smallest kernels were in a samj^le from Illinois. The sample containing the most moisture, strange as it may appear, was from Kansas, and likewise the driest sample. In regard to albuminoids, Nebraska leads with a sample containing 17.15 per cent, and Oregon has the smallest portion in any sample, namely, 8.58 per cent. In respect of moist and dry gluten, the Nebraska sample showed the largest i^ercentages, namely, 39.05 and 14.05, respectively, and Ore- gon furnished a sample showing the smallest percentages, namely, 12.33 and 4.70, respectively. In the Canadian sami)les, the one having the largest kernels gave a weight of 5.335 grams, and the one having tlie smallest, of 3.242 grams per hundred kernels, respectively. In albuminoids the extremes were 10.10 and 8.23 per cent, resj)ectively; in moisture, 13.98 and 9.38 per cent, respectively; in moist gluten, 38.94 and 0.38 per cent, respectively^, and in dry gluten, 15.24 and 2.29 per cent, respectively. Of the other foreign wheats, Australia furnished the sample having the largest kernels, namely, 5.723 grams per hundred. The smallest grains were from the Argentine Kepublic, namely, 2,920 grams per hundred. The sample containing the largest percentage of moisture, namely, 12.97, was from Australia, and the one containing the smallest percent- age, namely, 8.52, from the Argentine Kepublic. In albuminoids, a sample from the Argentine Kepublic takes the -lead with a percentage of 14.53, while a sample from Australia shows the smallest amount, namely, 8.58 per cent. In moist gluten, a sample from Spain gave the largest amount, namely, 32.57 per cent, and one from Australia the smallest, namely, 18.72 per cent. Spain and Australia also afforded the maximum and minimum percentages of dry gluten, namely, 12.33 and 7 per cent, respectively. For convenience of comparison, the following table of maxima, minima, and means of the Worlds' Fair samples, compared with the means given by the previous work of the Department and by other authorities is inserted. 400— No. 45 4 50 Table of viaxivia, minima, and means. Weight of 100 ; kernels. Moist- ure. 5.335 3. 242 4.054 3.866 4.054 4.076 3.940 3. 644 4.235 Domestic : Grams. Maxima a6.]90 Minima e 2. 125 Means 3.866 Canada : Maxima Minima Means. . Foreign : ' Maxima /(5. 723 Minima 12.250 Means 4.076 Means of World's Fair sam- ples: Domestic samples (165) Canadian samples (62) All foreign samples (62) . . . All samples (227) Means of jirevious analyses by the Department: Domestic (147) United States and British America (407) Colorado (155) Means given by Jenkins and Winton : Spring (13) Winter (262) Means given by Konig: Samples of miscellaneous origin (428) Samples frcim ncirtlieast and middh(!eniKmy (90) Saiiiplessiiring wheat (81) Samples from soutii and west Germany (52) Samples spring wheat (30) Samples from Austro- Hungary (18) Samples from Russia — spring wlieat (39) England (22) Scotland (16) France (70) Denmark (4) Spain (9) Africa (34) Asia (8) Australia (4) North America (504) North America— spring(40) Per ct. b 14. 53 t7.11 10.62 13.98 9.38 11.69 rt]2.97 i8. 52 11.47 10.62 11.69 11.47 10.85 9.97 10.16 ■ 7.54 10.40 10.50 14.01 14.75 13.18 13.80 11.72 12.65 13.41 11.37 15.20 13.95 13.37 11.80 12.57 13.37 9.92 9.36 Albu- mi- noids. Per ct. C17.15 /8.58 12.23 16.10 8.23 12.25 i 14. 52 A 8. 58 12.08 12.23 12.25 12.08 12.20 12.15 12.54 12.50 11.80 10.93 11.23 12.29 I 14.95 Ether ex- tract. Per ct. d2.50 /.28 1.77 2.32 .41 1.80 i2.26 h.73 1.78 1.77 1.80 1.78 1.74 2.20 2.10 1.70 1.65 2.03 1.71 1.56 12.66 ! 1.99 17.65 10.99 10.58 12.64 9.36 12. 45 11.18 11.09 10.16 11.60 12.92 1.58 1.86 1.73 1.41 2.34 1.92 1.8a 2.10 1.39 2.07 2.15 Crude fiber. Per ct. d3.72 61.70 2.36 3.12 1.75 2.26 i2.89 A 1.87 2.28 2.36 2.26 2.28 2.35 Ash. 1.80 1.80 2.12 2.26 2.82 3.39 2.90 2 2.19 1.82 1.94 1.70 1.72 Per ct. a 2. 35 /1. 40 1.82 2 1.38 1.69 i2.04 A 1.67 1.73 1.82 1.69 1.73 ].81 2.06 1.92 1.82 1.90 1.80 1.92 2.52 1.85 2.19 1.75 1.66 1.67 1.55 1.66 1.34 1.80 1.76 1.46 Carbo- Per ct. c76. 05 Sr66. 67 71.18 75.36 65.92 70.31 /t76. 14 t67.01 70.66 71.24 70.31 70.66 71.09 Wet gluten. 71.20 72 68.01 70.01 68.61 67.96 67.93 66.84 65.74 69.21 72.77 68.92 71.40 70.04 70.84 69.47 67.98 Per ct. c 39. 05 /12.33 26.46 38.94 6.38 25.13 j 32. 57 M8.72 25.36 26.46 25.13 25.36 26.28 33.80 Dry- gluten, Per ct. c 14. 65 /4.70 10.31 15.24 2.29 9.76 J12.3? hi 9.82 10.31 9.76 9.82 10.22 a Wyoming. 6 Kansas, c Nebraska. d Pennsylvania. e Illinois. /Oregon. glowa. ft Australia. i Argentine Republic. j Spain. A Bulgaria. In the means taken from Konig as given abore the amount of water as found is given. The means of the other constituents, however, in order to secure a proper comparisiou are calculated on the supposition that tlie mean content of water is the same as that in the chief or miscellaneous table, namely, 13. S7 per cent. In the discussion of the comparative results, it will be noticed first, as with other cereals, that the content of moisture in the domestic samples is low, being about 1 per cent less than in the Canadian sam- ples and eight-tenths of 1 per cent less than in all the foreign sami^les. This remarkable dryness of cereal products appears, therefore, to be a characteristic of those grown in the United States, although the differ- ence is not so marked in the case of wheat as it is in some other cereals. In general, the size of the grains of the domestic samples is less than that of the Canadian and foreign wheats, but in the World's Fair sam- 51 pies, as might be expected, the kernels were a little larger than those examined in previous work of the Department. In respect of albuminoids, the American wheats, as a rule, are quite equal to those of foreign origin. This is an important characteristic when it is remembered that both the milling and food values of a wheat depend largely on the nitrogenous matter which is present. It must not be forgotten, however, that merely a high percentage of proteids is not always a sure indication of the milling value of a wheat. The percentage of gluten to the other proteid constituents of a wheat is not always constant, and it is the gluten content of a flour on which its bread-making qualities chiefly depend. The percentage of moist gluten gives in a rough way the property of the glutinous matter of absorbing and holding water under conditions as nearly constant as can be obtained. In general, it may be said that tlie ratio between the moist gluten and the dry gluten in a given sample is an index for comparison with other substances in the same sample. Upon the whole, however, the percentage of dry gluten must be regarded as the safer index of quality. In respect to the. content of glutinous matter, our domestic wheats are distinctly superior to those of foreign origin. They are even better than the Canadian wheats in this respect. It may be fairly inferred, therefore, that while our domestic wheats give a flour slightly inferior in nutritive properties to that derived from foreign samples, it is nevertheless better adapted for baking purposes, and this quality more than compensates for its slight deficiency in respect of nutrition, a deficiency which, however, is so small as to be hardly worth consid- ering. In this connection, attention should be called to the great influence of climate upon the quality of wheat. The best wheats grown in the United States are produced in the central-northern part of the coun- try, while the poorest are grown in the Southern States. The influence of climate and soil upon the quality of wheat has been fully pointed out by Richardson in Bulletins Nos. 1, 3, and 9 of the Chemical Division of the Department of Agriculture. The following quotation from page 25, Bulletin No. 9, will illustrate the above statement: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHEAT GRAIX. From observations in this and previous reports, it may be said that of all grain wheat is probably the most susceptible to its environment. Oats in certain directions are more variable, but in their general character are more permanent, as will appear iu subsequent pages. The inherent tendency to change which is found in all grains is most prominent in wheat. It may be fostered by selection and by modifying such of the conditions of environment as it is in the power of man to atfect. The most powerful element to contend with is the character of the season or unfavorable climatic conditions. The injury done in this way is well illustrated in Colorado, and it would seem advisable in such cases to seek seed from a source where everything has been favorable, and begin selection again. 52 Tt must be borne in mind tliat selection must be kept up continuously, and that reversion takes place more easily than improvement. It took but one season to seriously injure Professor Blount's wheats, but it will be two or more years before they have recovered from that injury. Hallett, in England, was able to make his cele- brated pedigree wheat by selection, carried on through many years, but the same wheat grown by the ordinary farmer under unfavorable conditions for a few years without care has reverted to an ordinary sort of grain. The effect of climate is well illustrated by four specimens of wheat which are to be seen in the collection of the Chemical Division. Two of these Avere from Oregon and Dakota some years ago, and present the most extreme contrast which can be found in this variable grain. One is light yellow, plump, and starchy, and shows on analy- sis a very small per cent of albuminoids; the other is one of the small, hard, aud dark-colored spring wheats of Dakota, which are rich in albuminoids. Between these stand two specimens from Colorado, Avhich have been raised from seed similar to the Oregon and Dakota wheat. They are scarcely distinguishable except by a slight difference in color. The Colorado climate is such as to have modified these two seed wheats, until after a few years' growth they are hardly distinguishable in the kernel. All localities having widely diff"ereut climates, soils, or other conditions produce their iJeculiar varieties aud modify those brought to them. The result of these tendencies to change aud reversion from lack of care in seed selection or other cause has led to the practice of change of seed among farmers. A source is sought where either through greater care or more favorable conditions the variety desired has been able to hold its own. Sometimes this change is rendered necessary by conditions which are beyond the power of man to modify. As an example. No. 10 of Professor Blount's wheats, known as "Oregon Club," a white variety from Oregon, has been deteriorating every year since it has been grown in Colorado, whereas if the seed had been supplied every season directly from Oregon the quality would have probably remained the same. In extension of this illustra- tion the fact may be mentioned that the annual renewal of the seed from a desirable and favorable source often makes it possible to raise cereals where otherwise climatic conditions would render their cultivation impossible through rapid reversion. This is particularly the case with extremes in latitude, the effect of which is not found so much upou the composition of the crop as on the yield and size of the grain. In the South, the warmer climate, together, of course, with poorer soil and cultivation in many instances, reduces the yield. A typical American wheat of the best quality should have approxi- mately the following composition : Weight of 100 kernels grams . . 3. 85 Moisture per cent.. 10.60 Albuminoids do 12. 25 Oil do.... 1.75 Indigestible fiber do 2. 40 Ash do 1. 75 Digestible carbohydrates do 71. 25 Dry gluten do 10.25 Moist glu-ten do 26. 50 To bring iuto a comparative view the means of the data obtained for American cereals exhibited at the World's Columbian Exi)osition, the following general table is given containing the data above mentioned, with the exception of those relating to rice, together with the approxi- mate typical comi)osition taken from the preceding images: 53 Mean data calculated from the analyses of samples exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition. Barley. Buck- wheat. Maize. Oats. Rye. "SVheat. Weight of 100 kernels griims jMoi.stnre per cent Albiimiuoida do. . Oil do.. Fiber do. . Ash do.. Digestible carbohydrates do. . 4.19 10.80 10.69 2.13 4.05 2.44 69.89 3.12 12. 15 10.75 2.11 10.75 1.89 62.33 38.98 10.93 9.88 4.17 1.71 1.36 71.95 2.92 10.06 12.15 4.33 12.07 3.46 58.75 2.49 10.62 12.43 1.65 2.09 1.92 71.37 3.87 10.62 12.23 1.77 2.36 1.82 71.18 Approximate typical composition of domestic samples taken from the data given in the preceding pages. "VV'eight of 100 kernels grams. Moisture per cent. Albuminoids do. . . Oil do... Indigestible fiber do. .. Ash do. . . Digestible carbohydrates do. . . 4 10.85 U 2.25 3.85 2.50 69.45 3 38 12 10.75 10.75 10 2 4.25 10.75 1.75 1.75 1.50 62.75 71.75 3 2.50 10 10.50 12 12.25 4.50 1.50 12 2.10 3.50 1.90 58 71.75 3.85 10. 60 12. 25 1.75 2.40 1.75 71.25 IISTDEX A. Page. Albuminoids, percentage, in American wheats 51 Analysis, m»^tliods 7-11 Apparatus for nitrogen determination 9 Ash, determination 8 Awards, data used in ascertaining 11 B. Barley, analyses of samples 13-15 comparison of analyses 16 description of samples 13-15 mean composition in different countries 18 notes on analyses 16, 17 table showing maximum, minimum, and mean data 17 typical American 18 valuation, for brewing 18, 19 Buckwheat, analyses of samples 20 description of samples 20 notes on analyses of samples 21 origin of samples 19 table of maximum, minimum, and mean analytical data 21 typical American 21, 22 C. Carman, J. S., assistance 12 Cereals, comparative composition 53 comjiarison of approximate typical composition 53 Climate, influence, on composition of wheat 52 quality of wheat 51 Contents 5 Corn, origin of samples 22 E. Ether extract, determination 8 Fiber, determination of crude 10 Flour, gluten content 51 Food values, for awards 12 G. Gluten, dry, determination 10 influence on bread making 51 moist determination 10 55 56 INDEX. I. Page. Indian corn, origin of samples 22 J. Jackson Park, data determined 7 laboratory, disposition 7 K. Krug, W. H., assistance 12 L. Letter of transmittal 3 M. Maize, analyses of samples 23, 24 description of samples 23, 24 notes on analyses 25, 26 origin of samples 22 table of maximum, minimum, and mean data 25 typical American 26 Moisture, determination -■ 8 low content in American cereals 50 N. Nitrogen, determination 8, 9 O. Oats, analyses of samples 27-29 composition of hulls 26 description of samples 27-29 notes on analytical data 30 origin of samples 26 table showing maximum, minimum, and mean analytical data 30 typical American 30, 31 use in United States 26 Official method, variation 11 Oil, determination 8 K. Rice, analyses of samples 31, 32 composition of typical hulled 34 polished 35 unhulled 34 description of samples 31, 32 notes on analytical data 34 origin of samples 31 table of maximum, minimum, and mean analytical data 34 Richardson, Cliftbrd, composition of American cereals 51 Rye, analyses of samples 36, 37 composition of typical American 38 description of samples 36, 37 extent of growth, in United States 38 notes on analytical data 38 origin of samples 35 table of maximum, minimum, and mean analytical data 38 use in United States 38 INDEX. 57 S. Pag« Samples, methods of taking 7 l>rei)ariitiou 8 Shutt, Frank T., assistance 7 T. Trescot, T. C, assistance 12 W. Wheat, analyses of samples 40-48 characteristics 51, 52 composition of typical American 52 description of samples 40-48 geographical distribution of sampli-s 38 milling properties 51 notes on analytical data 49-52 origi n of samples 39 table of maximum, minimum, and mean analytical data 50 '// t B "07