LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. S5ZIZ &wJ~£tep(ffi !ftt- Shelf aSSJJ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. "American Forests." ByProLP.P.Schotzka, 6 . Author and Proprietor, -< No. 6n Twenty- fifth Avenue South. Minneapolis, Minn. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by P. P. SCHOTZKA, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. A conntry without a tree on her face, Is to be compared to an empty space. Their alarming disappearance and the fact that they are mostly given up to unscientific management convinces the author of this treatise of the fate, which sooner or later, must befall our once so magnificient primeval forests and urges him with earnest desire to do his part towards preventing the approaching calamity. Seventeen years ago he sent a memorial to Congress, calling attention to the importance of forests and the necessity that the government should take the subject in hand and prevent their wanton destruction, and although his efforts were unavailing, also his lectures upon the same subject in after years, he still adhears to his ideas and is convinced that it is the duty of every citizen to pay more attention to a subject, the importance of which has been up to the present time so inexcusably neglected. The author of this book understands the management and culture of forests, as he has received a thorough education thereof in one of the best academies of forestry in Germany, and added to this a vast amount of prac- tical knowledge during many years of actual service. Thousands of trees which have been planted under his direct supervision bear testimony that the task of replacing partly destroyed forests can be successfully accom- plished. The condition and management of our old forests must implore every citizen that under the present system their existence is endangered, since their mission is unappreciated, and their usefulness and absolute necessity unacknowledged. But the time is coming when the consequences of the present management -will be apparent to all, and the punishment merited for their ruthless destruction be meted out. Then the proverb, "Want and necessity generally grade the road for the better" is verified, as then the teachings in regard to their value will receive the attention of all; but then it will be too late! Nature will not change her laws. The same consequences which accrued after the destruction of forests in other coun- tries must follow in our own. This is a lesson for us. As a people it be- hooves us then to examine the matter thoroughly, to acquaint ourselves with the true condition of our forests and learn their sufficiency and de- ficiency for present and future demands. In the following pages the author endeavors to publish such facts, make explanations and lay down such rules as he considers most essential for a better system of management, and which shall lead to a more thor- ough appreciation of the benefits of forests, and he cherishes the hope that everybody who loves his country may, while reading this treatise, have a due appreciation of the writers earnest desire and efforts to serve the country. Any informatian upon the subject will be cheerfully given, and correc- tions and additional facts for the following editions thankfully received by THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTORY. Agriculture*, horticulture and arboriculture are all parts of one great . hole, namely : cultivation of the soil, and its various productions upon which the prosperity and existence of mankind depends. Agriculture leads the van of this three-fold group, being the funda- ' mental element of wealth and national advancement. Fertility of soil, variety of climate and wise selection of grains and plants, combined with energy, enterprise, skill and industry on the part of the inhabitants are sure guaranty of the prosperity of any country. The farmer limits his efforts to the cultivation of those crops which are the best adapted to the soil and climate of his region. The gardener must know the entire list of vegetables, fruits and flowers without reference to latitude or longitude, and consequently their growing and cultivation must be more or less scientific. The attempt of scientific development oi the husbandmans art in many of its branches dates back only half a cen- tury. Previous, both agriculture and horticulture have been conducted upon the "Virgillian System;" adherence to blind custom rather than by intelligent investigation and judicious experiments. The first book in the English language which treats of the relations oi agriculture and chemistry was published in 1795, and its teachings, though containing some truths, are absurd when viewed in the light of present attainments. No accurate analysis of vegetable life and structural develop- ments was made until the year 1810, and as late as 1838 the Goettingen Academy offered a prize for a satisfactory answer to the question, "Whether the ingredients found in the ashes of vegetables are essential to growth." The last half century has placed agriculture upon a true scientific basis, and since then the advance has been simply wonderful. But it is a startling fact that one of the most essential factors in secur- ing these achievements has been almost, if not wholly ignored. Science, 60 active ana aggressive in particular directions, turned its face from one that would lead it to most valuable results. The question as to what effect the forests have upon the cultivation o.t soil, the quantity and quality of its products, and upon the health and com- forts of the inhabitants is scarcely suspected. The Bureau of Agriculture at Washington has made some efforts in the direction of preserving the present area and extending the forest culture. The secretary of Interior has attempted to prevent the wanton destruction of growing timber on the public domain, and uiged new settlers upon the open prairie to plant trees. But all this was more of an experiment, empiri- cally, that is, not scientifically, with only incidental, one might say, acci- dental reference to the well known and established laws of nature. The time has certainly arrived for full and intelligent consideration of this subject, and if the eyes of the nation are opened to its vital impor- tance, the people will demand proper attention to it, as it is a well estab- lished faet that the forests of a country should cover from one quarter to one third of its whole area, if that country shall be healthful and its climate salubrious, fulfilling all the conditions under which agriculture maybe suc- cessful. The extent, location and distribution of forests must also be taken in careful consideration. Every state and territory, every county and town- ship should have its due proportion, if the utmost benefit to the entire nation is intended. In this we are all interested, as money can build and beautify a castle but cannot create a grand and majestic tree. In Europe this has become of such importance that the governments have assumed control of the forests and established special bureaus in charge of competent officers, who after long and thorough apprenticeship, have graduated in the science of forestry. Thereby the forests been made the means of promoting the health and fertility of the country, and a source of increased revenue to the government. The United States needs similar legislation. An intelligent oversight and authoratitive control by competent men may secure us the benefits to be derived from a proper management of the timber, yet within the control of the government. Equal causes produce equal results or equal consequences. This is the undisputable law of nature, approved in all ages and shown by the history of every nation as well as every individual. The statesman therefore, as well as the political economist, in fact every wise and intellec- tual business man, bases his calculations upon the truth of the above law. It is therefore a wise practice and policy to consult in new undertakings, those who perfectly understand the subject and be guided by their advice, especially in the culture of trees. The population of the United States have so far enjoyed, even if not generally appreciated, such a surplus and abundance of forests and their products, that a thoughtless and reckless destruction of them has by no means and under no circumstances been considered rts anything improper. Farsighted men have formed the "American Forestry Congress" and every citizen who has the welfare and p osperity of the country at heart should thank that body for their laborious task, viz : "That the care of the forests of the country should be placed in the hands of the government, and where practicable, in the hands of the state governments, so that their total destruction and thereby the diminishing of agriculture, health and com- merce may be prevented." Let us not think that the country has a sufficient area stocked with forest trees, but let us remember the time needed for their development and also follow the rule by which Europe is guided : "That a careless treat- ment of the forests can lead in a few years to such a condition of the same, .hat the best forester cannot relieve them during a century." AMERICAN FORESTS. CHAPTER I. CONSEQUENCES OP DEFORESTING. The dangers arising from destruction of forests are not exaggerated, if compared with the descriptions of ancient historians and the researches of travelers of a later date. Robin, Peron, La Perouse and others have graphically described the fearful consequences which have followed such wholesale destructions on the Island of Trinidad, Martinigue, St. Domingo, Mauritius and other places. Instead of the luxurious vegetation which once abounded, result- ing from the warm, moist and voluptuous climate, are now only seen naked recks and bare hills. The dewdrops, fogs and refreshing showers have given place to hurricanes and cyclones. • Phcenicea and other provinces of Asia and Africa, once the graneries of Europe and inhabited by a prosperous and happy population, are now little more than arid deserts. Their glory has departed together with their forests. Chouseul Goufher vainly searched the dominion of ancient Troy for the Scamander River; its bed had dried up after destruction of forests. With the diminishing of forests in Spain, the water supply has been reduced, while in Italy the climate has become colder. Australia furnishes another example and the Government, recognizing the cause, is taking steps to apply a remedy by tree planting. The valley of the Durance, in the southern part of France, is endanger- ed of becoming a stonefield for the same reason ; the growth of Olives and Grapevines being retarded for want of shelter and moisture. Switzerland gives numerous similar examples. * In Iceland agriculture was no longer successful after the departure of forests and the steppes of Russia, which were formerly fertile, are now deserts. But on the other hand the cultivation of trees in Scotland, France and other countries plainly shows the great blessings which forests are. Egvpt has a perceptible increase of rainfall, since trees have been plant- ed on a large scale. Those facts need no comment and all arguments to the contrary must faili —10— CHAPTER II. CAUSES OP THE DECREASE OP OUR FORESTS. WHAT CAUSES REDUCED OUR PRIMEVAL FORESTS TO THEIR PRES- ENT NARROW LIMITS. Ignorance, carlessness, selfishness and the idea that so vast a forest area could ever be exhausted or perceptibly diminished in size, have been the main causes of their destruction. The weapons used have been the axe of the woodman and fire; es- pecially the latter, as the work of the former, was, formerly hardly visible. The savage Indian done his part toward the burning of forests; he started the fire carlessly, and at other times to drive the game from certain wood- ed districts. Control over the elements having been entirely lost, areas have been swept away, filling even the souls ot the savages with ter- ror. Laterly, the squatter has set fires in order to clear tracts of land foT agricultural purposes and as the soil has not yielded the expected returns; he left. The lawful settler imitated the squatter in order to dispose of a super- abundance of wood. As immigration has increased from year to year, the war against the. forests has been continued in a degree proportionate to the growth of tho population. The gigantic old trees are gone, after having withstood the winds and storms of centuries. If this clearing had been conducted with wise and correct principles, it would have been perfectly proper, as it was necessary to make place for farms and the building of towns and cities. But if some tracts of forrests had been spared, what a blessing they would be to those who are now settling upon the naked prairie. Cities and towns have arisen from the ashes of the forests, great industries have been developed, the demand for —11— wood has increased in all directions, and it has been taken, wherever most plentiful and easily to be obtained. The late war caused terrible havoc among the forests, as in many parts of the country they were cut down by the armies to prevent the possibility of surprise by the enemy, and fires were set to cover the rear of retreating enemies and to serve as obstacles to the pursuing troops, and great fires like those at Chicago and Boston, have destroyed whole townships of for- rest. But let the causes of destruction be what they may, it is an undisputed fact that they were made in many cases on a basis altogether too broad, and that the prosperity of many states is on that account lessened. Trees grow very slowly and if cut too rapid their number will be gradual- ly diminished, and they must finally disappear altogether, wherever this process is continued. If left to the sole care of nature for a period of one thousand years, she would in that length of time hardly be able to erase the footprints of human's attack by replacing the forests to their original condition. The government still holds in possession extensive tracts of land which are mainly covered by forests, but to expect that the whole country could be supplied with wood from those alone is an illusion, the fallacy of which it would not take long to prove. Upon the farmer and land owner rests the necessity and duty for the planting of trees and the renewing of forests, by devoting a certain por- tion of land to their culture. It is the duty of the government, as well as of state governments, to support the farmer in this undertaking in every possible way, and protect him by wise and effective laws and by actual as- sistance, such as instructing him in forest culture, exempting Ins forest land from taxation and by the most stringent laws in regard to prairie and forest fires. A beginning in this direction has been made, even if only up- on a small scale, by different states, and their good example should be fol- lowed by all states and the government. —12— CHAPTER III. FORESTS JN THEIR PRESENT AND FUTURE STATE. In chapter I are shown the benefits derived from forests and also the consequences which have followed their destruction or even the rendering of their extent too small as compared with the area of a country. What an erroneous idea predominates in regard to the extent and inexhaustability of the forests of this country, will now be considered and for a more correct understanding of the subject, the forests will be devided into five classes. 1. Extensive areas, covered with trees, called "Second or Third growth." The entire or almost entire disappearance of this kind of forests is naturally and unavoidably a question of the near future. Each order, family and species of trees has a time when it comes to maturity, after which it must die. If the deciduous trees have been cut down before reaching their maturity, the stumps or roots will send fourth new shoots which will in turn grow into trees, and until the original stump has reached maturity of the first tree cut down, no matter how often these shoots may be cut, others will grow to take their places. But just, or at least nearly as soon as the stump has arrived at maturity, the formation of young shoots at once ceases and parent and offspring die together. The absurdity that cutting of succesive growths can be carried on for an unlimited period is fully appar- ent. It is not in unison with the workings of nature, consequently these forests will disappear. 2. Another class will occupy our attention, namely : those whose ranks are being annually thinned to supply our every day wants for timber and fuel. Their roots and stumps when not too old naturally send fourth new shoots, but very seldom do they grow to any size, as the cattle which are constantly grazing in these woods eat up all the young sprouts, avoid injury being done in this manner, divide the woodlands so that the boundaries of the annual cuts may lead from North to South. Young plants, especially evergreens, must be protected from the sun and from frost by the planting of rapidly growing and hardy plants, which may be cut down after those which they have to protect are able to shelter them- selves. Blight takes place on trees forming orchards from the same cause as in others and therefore the planting with them of some hardy forest trees- which form large tops, but do not shade them too much are recommend- able. 4. Damages by Wind. The different quarters from which winds blow give the forester little opportunity to protect his forests against their dam- aging influences; he may guard them from injury from the local prevailing winds, but igainst those which sometimes occur, as thunder storms, hurri- canes and cyclones, where the direction from which they may come is un- certain and purely accidental and cannot be determined by any rule protec- tion can hardly be given. Those species of woods; where the roots run near the surface and which do not possess a tap root, such as Spruce, Fir and the like, should never be so exposed to receive the direct force of these winds. To avoid this there- should always be planted on the boundries of forests several rows of such trees as drive a good tap root, to break their force to a considerable extent and at least to render the damage much less than it would be without this protection. The recommendation for preserving forests from the attacks of insects by mixing Evergreen with deciduous trees will work well as a preventative against harm being done by heavy winds. 5. Damage by Snow. Young, or middle aged Pine or Spruce forests,, especially when too much crowded, suffer mostly from snow. The damage is done by its pressing upon and breaking down their tops and branches. This may be successfully prevented by thinning out the young trees or planting at places where heavy snowfalls are of frequent occurence, so that the branches, being further apart, may not offer to the snow so large an aera upon which to settle. 6. Damages by Water. Damage is done both by standing or stag- nant water, and also by running water. Standing water harms the forest by spoiling the soil and rendering it unfit for the growth of trees, making it sour and converting it into swamps, producing by evaporation, low tem- perature in its vicinity, and occasioning late and early frosts Drainage is the only remedy in such places or filling up, so as to get surface drain- age. Running water does harm in many ways. 1. By washing away the soil and uprooting the trees. 2. By covering the ground with sand .and stones during the period of an overflow. 3. By keeping the trees too long under water at such a time and thereby killing them. 4. By freezing over, after a thaw has occasioned it to rise around the trees, and upon falling, leaving ice adhering to them to injure the young wood or perhaps destroy them entirely. 5. By floating ice. The forester may guard against those evils in the following manner: The banks of rivers must be kept well lined with deciduous trees, which should be cut before their weight becomes too great, as otherwise they will fall into the water doing at the same time great damage by tearing and loosening much soil, and stopping the free flow of the water. Willows and common Alders are the trees best adapted to this purpose. The beds of rivers must be kept unobstructed. All obstacles to the free flow of the water removed, and the crooked places straightened. Dams must be built in places where caves threaten to stop the water. It must also be borne in mind that places subject to over- flow should not be seeded, but planted with trees. Where floating ice is liable to do damage it is advisable to leave some wood standing a few rods from the banks to keep it within narrow limits. In these places only cut; down the larger trees and leave the smallest standing. CHAPTER XVIII. ROTATION OF SPECIES IN FORESTS. Wet and dry places, high mountains and level prairies, cold and warm climates and the difference in soil, furnish conditions under which certain species of plants thrive best, and for this reason often distinct and sharp lines between territories are abounding with certain kinds of trees. It is therefore the task of the forester to give to each tree its proper place, thus following the example set by nature in its distribution of sylvan growth. Agriculture and horticulture both teach us that crops of the same kind cannot be profitably raised upon the same land during successive sea- sons, and long ago the rule was adopted by the practical gardner not to plant the same varieties in the same places two years in succession. In the same way we find that notwithstanding, the best of care may be given to the existing kinds of trees, they will after a time, begin to lose their vigor, while new species springing up among them will do well. This change is usually from deciduous trees to Evergreens, or the reverse. It must be considered as a hint of nature that a rotation or change from one species to some other is a necessity and as profitable in the case of the forest as that of the cultivated field. With the forests, the periods between the making of such changes are long in proportion as the time before trees arrive at maturity is long, as compared with that between the planting and ripening of field crops. The length of time before the change is necessary, does not in the least degree prove the falsity that after a time — it may be after the lapse or many generations — a change of species is required. It has been noted in Prance, that a forest reproduces itself with a dif- ferent growth within four hundred years. In our own country, it is seen that, where Pines and Spruces are cut down, their places are taken by de- ciduous trees, but as to how far the necessity exists for a change is not thereby certainly proven, but still it is quite certain that this is a signal given by nature as to what should be done. —66— CHAPTER XIX. THE HARVEST. The farmer harvests his field crops when ripe and is not in doubt in regard to the proper time, but in the case of the forests it is neither so easy to determine when the right time has arrived, nor at what time it is the most profitable to cut down our wood or timber for the market. The time for harvesting forest trees is when their annual growth or gain reaches the average growth or material gain. For example, suppose the last years growth has been 1 J cubic feet per tree and the whole tree measures 50 cubic feet at the age of fifty years, it is plain that the last years growth was far above the average yearly growth, and that to cut that forest down would entail a great loss. It may be further said that if the average and the annual growth are equal it is better to wait a few years be- fore harvesting, or so long as the annual growth may come up to the average. The next point as to when to cut the forest is the requirements and conditions of the markets. If logs of a certain dimension are required, for which a much higher price is offered per cubic foot than for those of less size, it may be expedient' to allow the trees to remain stanfling until they arrive at the required dimension, even if their yearly increase is a little be- low the average growth they attained in the past, since the higher prices received for the timber will more than compensate for the loss of gain in growth. Observing the growth of the forest from year to year it is easy to find the yearly gain of trees above or below the average. A very sure sio-n. of maturity is that the tree tops are beginning to round off and the foliao-e to grow thin. An experienced forester can determine whether a forest has reached maturity at a distance from it of five miles: To discover the annual growth of a tree without first cutting it down is a matter which requires skill and mathematical knowledge. It may how- —37— ever be determined in the following manner : Cut with a chisel from the tree a portion of the wood, leaving the place cut in the shape of a right angled triangle, sitting upon its base. Upon further smoothing base with the chisel, count and measure the rings annually formed around the axis of the tree. The thickness of these will show whether the yearly growth is increasing or deminishing, and from this knowledge in regard to single trees especially if selected from an acre several of average size and make the cuts on both sides of them, at the same time counting the trees on the acre, learn the annual increse of material on each acre. It can be easily seen that these measurements cannot be made by a carpenters scale ; to do the work properly a magnifying glass is required. Care must be taken not to get deceived in regard to the annual growth by the sometimes indistinct boundaries of the rings. The formation of these rings yearly may be thus explained : (The well known fact that the annual growth takes place be- tween the bark and the growth of former years, and that the bark also has a yearly growth has no moment in the explanation.) In Spring the warmth of the sun awakens the tree to new life, the sap rises and consequently vegetation is more rapid than at any other period of the year. The sap flowing through the tree and mingling with the reserve of nourishing material secreted in the pores during the last years growth to give it a fresh start before the leaves have formed, causes the rajnd forming of new cells adjoining those formed during the last autumn. These owing to its more rapid growth are larger and more porous than those formed at that period. The wood therefore must show a difference in texture on the limits of each years growth, and hence the amount of gain is easily seen. But sometimes at the end of July or the beginning of August the rising sap takes another lively start, causing another more rapid growth to the tree and forming other cells out of proportion with those formed either in the Spring or in the latter part of the year, and which may by the inexperienced be taken as another annual limit. On this account a careful scrutiny is re- quired to prevent any mistake being made. It may also happen that drought may set in and stop all growth after which drenching rain may give a new start to vegetation. But this can eesily be determined in the annual rings. CHAPTER XX. THE FUTURE OF THE SOUTHERN FORESTS. On the question: "How long the great forests of the South, more es- pecially the most valuable portion, the long-lived pine, last?" the author- ities differ. Recent writers estimate that at the present rate of con- sumption, the Pine supply in Texas will last 250 years; in Louisana, 100 years; in Mississippi, 150 years; in Alabama, 90 years; in Georgia, 80 years; in Florida, 30 years; in Arkansas, 300 years, and in South Car- olina, 50 years. Dr. Mohr estimates that in 1880, 200,000,000 feet of lumber found outlet at Peusacola, 60,000,000 feet at Moline ; 60,000,000 feed at Tas- cagaula; 13,000,000 at New Orleans; 36,000,000 feet from Pearl River at Bay St. Louis; 12,000,0.00 feet by the New Orleans & Chicago railroad and 12,000,000 feet by the Louisville & Nashville railroad. This lumber came from the states of Forida, Mississippi, Alabama, and involved the depletion of a little over 200 square miles of forests in a single year. In every state in the South, State Forestry associations should be or- ganized. These would serve the purpose of similar societies in the North- ern states in encouraging the growth and preservation of forest trees, with the additional advantage of advertising the forest resources of the south. CHAPTER XXI. PRUNNING OP TREES. Trees, in their natural and undisturbed state which have full room for growth, the proportion between roots and branches is well balanced and developed, but in taking one up, however careful the work may be done, this proportion is more or less changed, and generally confined more to the roots than the branches. It then becomes necessary to restore them. In prunning a tree, keep the sun from shining upon the roots, inspect them and compare them with the branches, and observe how much they have been broken or torn, proceed to cut off all upon which any wounds or bruises are found in the souod wood above the injured part. The cut must be made sloping and on the under side*of the wood, so that it can- not be seen, when the tree is set upright, and will sit directly upon the soil after the tree is planted. The slanting or sloping cut gives more area to the formation of callous, out of which the roots develop. As the callous forms between the bark and wood and the roots grow right out of that in- to the ground, they would have to grow upwards first, if the cut was on the upper side of the root, and then turn and take their natural downward course. In prunning roots as well as tops or branches, be very careful not to loosen the bark, since if this is done, no callous can form, and of the branches, a portion will die. If any cut is made with the saw, immediate- ly smooth it with the knife, always cutting from the back toward the cen- ter, or axis of the root or branch. Small, young trees need no prunning of either roots or tops, except of such as have a tap root and which are intended to set out as soon as they have reached the required size. After several transplantings to the nursery cut off this root when they are two or three years old, to make the final planting more easily, which, were this not done, could only be accomplish- —70— ed with the greatest difficulty. Such trees will aferwards send their roots deep into the earth, to take the place of the missing top root ana continue to grow well. To this species belong the Oak, Hickory, etc., and if these are transplanted while very young, the top root need not be disturbed. In prunning always cut the branches so that there may be left a sleep- ing butt, which can easily be detected, to replace the branch removed. Reference must also be had to the position of the bud, that the branch growing from it may take such a direction as to improve the form of the tree. Of all branches which cross or injure each other, the inferior must be removed, and in cases where two of equal size, growing from a third main branch are crossing each other, cut off that which will injure the shape of the crown the least by its removal. After once beginning to prune in this manner, a person having a good eye and good judgement will soon learn to di-tinguish detects in the shape and how to remedy them. If a tree has two leaders which form a fork, cut off the inferior to avoid the splitting of the tree in future. Never let suckers grow up from the bottom of the tree, which injures or kills the tree. In this way we may cut off two-thirds of the branches and still pre- serve the original shape of the crown, which should be our chief aim. CHAPTER XXII. PLANTING OP TREES IN CITIES. The observer of American Cities and Villages will notice the good taste which many of our citizens possess in decorating the streets and ave- nues with ornamental and shade trees, and in surrounding their residences with emerald green turt and beautiful flowers. In fact within the limits of some cities are portions which more resemble a park than a city, and if any complaint is to be made or fault found, it is that there is in many cases, if anything too much shade and the trees too much crowded to permit their development to masterpieces of nature. It is true that although many thousands of trees are planted every year the work is too often done by incompetent persons, or those having it done are careless or not able at the proper time for planting to find those who are competent to perform it. People also often expect to get good trees for half the money which they are worth, or even if they do obtain good sound trees and plant them at the right time and in the proper manner, take such miserable care of them that they shortly die. To plant and raise trees successfully requires knowledge and practical experience, the same as any other business, and as shade trees are already growing to some extent along the streets and avenues of nearly all our cities and villages, it is an easy matter to tell what species to make use of for ad- ditional planting in these places, as the selection should be made from those which are doing the best in neighboring localities. In making the selection of a kind for a certain street or avenue, take such as are growing upon it, as nothing gives a more beautiful aspect to the street than rows of trees on both sides, uniform in appearance. In case there are no trees to serve as a guide, the following species may be chosen as being the hard- iest and best fitted for any place when well cared for. r ican Linden, American and European White Elm, Ash, White —72— and Yellow, Hard Maple, Norway and Soft Maple, Box Elder and Hack- berry. These trees are the only kinds to use in cold climates, for the pur- pose of lining streets and avenues. If forced to draw our supply from the •wild woods or forests, our aim must be to select young trees which will answer to the following points. 1. No tree should be selected which has been oppressed or much shaded by the others. 2. No tree which has equal thickness at the bottom and first branches. 3. The top must be proportioned to the thickness of the trunk. 4. In heavy clay soil, grown trees have few small roots and should be avoided if possible. 5. Trees with moss on their trunks and branches are suspicions and should find no grace in the eyes of the selector. 6. Also should trees with two equal thick tops be looked upon as unfit for our purpose. But trees with a healthy appearance, well proportioned from bottom to top and a uniform annual growth, are good trees to select, and if by tak- ing them up, the roots are proportioned to the tops and the size of the tree, they are worthy of painstaking with them. For warmer climates and the eastern states, select Silver Maple, Buck- eye or common Chestnut, Honey Locust, Magnolia or Cucumber and Um- brella tree, Sycamore or Button Ball and the Catalpa or Indian Bean. All these will not flourish in the same soils, but the preferences of the most important have already been explained in the preceding pages. Trees with a healthy appearance, well proportioned from bottom to top and showing a good uniform annual growth, are the proper kinds to select. Trees so chosen should be removed from their places with the ut- most care and the exercise of the best of judgment. The digging around the roots should be done at such a distance from the tree as to be beyond their ends, so that after prunning they may be left unbruised and without wounds. A ball of earth should be left around them and the whole tree or ball undermined. To get this seperated from the roots, bend the tree from one side to the other, so as to press it off and clear away such as is then left, with the hands. To get rid of it in this way, drive into the bal 1, perpendicularly, sharp, wooden stakes and pull them forward from the tree, thereby taking away the earth without injuring the roots, as this will give way before the stakes, and the stakes will break sooner than the roots. In transplanting trees from a long distance, it is best to have all, or nearly all the earth removed, as otherwise its weight resting on the bottom of the wagon may cause the breaking of the roots. Avoid the bruising of the bark, which will do a great, though perhaps —73— not visible injury, to the tree. In moving trees upon a wagon, arrange their roots well, filling in between and around them with earth until they are covered, and if it is practicable, setting them upright and covering the roots. This will prevent friction of the trunks with the wagon. The digging of the holes depends upon the quality of the soil. The poorer it is the larger and deeper they must be dug, and when it does not interfere with travel, they should be made in the previous autumn, so as to admit of the favorable action of the frost upon the excavated soil. For a tree two or three inches in diameter, a hole six feet in diameter and two feet deep is required, and in very poor soil it is better to make the diam- eter eight feet. If the earth taken out is not to be used again in the plant- ing, we must haul in, wherever the holes are six feet in diameter, two and one-tenth cubic yards, and when eight feet, three and three-fourths cubic yards for each. As the space between the sidewalk and the street proper, is, in cities, not of sufficient width to allow of the above given diameter, make the length of the hole greater than the width, resting assured that the roots will always grow in the direction of the good soil. 74— CHAPTER XXIII. PLANTING OF LARGE TREES AND TRANSPLANTING. Planting of trees, if carlessly done, all our previous painstaking has been in vain. In doing this work, three persons are required; one to hold the tree, one to shovel in the soil, and the third to do the planting itself. After filling the hole to the proper height with good soil, causing a little hill in the center as a stool for thetre.', set it upon this so as not to be hollow under the trunk after planted. While one man is holding the tree the planter takes hold of the roots, and being supplied by the third man with fine soil, places each seperately, according to its natural situation and place of growth, the lowest at the bottom and the highest at the top, thereby dividing and distributing them over the whole place around the trunk, taking good care of the fibre rootlets, packing the earth around each and pushing the earth under the trunk, to make sure no hollow is left there. Great care must be taken during this process to keep the tree in a ver- ticle position, as bending it to either side, when once planted, will move the roots from their proper place. After the planting is completed, the tops of the on et, or place where the roots start from the trunk, should be exactly on a level with the surrounding earth, while the level of the earth around the tree, should be one inch below the level of the original surface. Some people having the idea that if a tree is set deep, it has a better chance for receiving moisture and is less subject to drought in summer, plant from one to two feet too low. Where this is done, the trees will die of suffocation. The roots of a tree need air as well as the branches, and in order to start new ones, the soil around requires a degree of temperature fifteen degrees higher than that of the atmospheric air. Besiaes, a tree needs such mineral substances as are soluble in water, and how can the chemical process, which turns mineral matter into such a state as to render it easily digestable by the roots, take place at a depth at which the atmos- —75— pheric air with its oxygen, has no entrance ? All deciduous trees, when planted too deep, will, if they survive at all, form new roots near the surface of the ground, while the old ones will either die or cease to perforin their alloted functions. Better plant trees near the surface and even if some species require that certain sets of roots should grow to a greater depth, a growth downward will be much easier than one upward, which they would be compelled to make in order to get air, if set too deeply. If all the rules given for the transplanting of trees have been strictly followed, we may be assured of success, and if we had the control of at- mospheric and meteoroligical influences in the same degree as of the plant- ing, our work woul 1 end at this point. But under existing circumstances we must aid them in their grrwth by watering in dry weather once or twice a week, and putting around them straw, manure, &c. as mulching. This mulching should be about 8 or 9 inches in thickness and extended over the roots of the trees. TRANSPLANTING OF LARGE TREES. If there are any fine large trees which shall not remain in their present position much longer, and which are to be transplanted rather than cut down for firewood, having at least a years time in which to do the work, proceed as follows : Early in the Spring dig a ditch two feet wide at a dis- tance of two or three feet from the tree, according to its size, and extending in depth to the bottom roots, which must be cut off with an axe. This must afterwards be refilled with earth and as many branches cut from the top of the tree as can be without injuring its shape, after which it must be left standing at least until the next fall, to allow those parts of the roots which have been cut to send out rootlets by the thousand, which will after it is transplanted abundantly supply the tree with sap. If the part which was dug as a ditch in the spring be in the fall heavily covered with manure and a hole made at the new place for the tree, and the earth taken from it also covered in the same manner, it can be taken up and set theie in the winter with a frozen ball of earth around its roots. -76— CHAPTER XXIV. RAILROADS AS TIMBER CONSUMERS. In the report on forestry, Volume IV, 1884, Nathaniel H. Egleston said about the use of timber for railroad purposes as stated by correspon- dents : "During the years 1881 and 1882 our railroad system was greatly ex- tended. Poor's railroad manual gives the total mileage of track on the 1st of January, 1883, as 138,901.66. At the same rate of increase the amount of track now in use would vary but little from 150,000 miles. If we adopt this estimate it will show a greatly increased demand upon our forests for the purpose of railroad construction, beyond that indicated by the returns given in the report. It will show that for the construction of our existing roads we have used 396,000,000 ties, or the wood supjilied by 3,960,000 acres, or an area larger than that of the states of Rhode Island and Connec- ticut. Estimated that ties need be renewed on an average once in seven years, there must be drawn from the forests annually, in order to keep the existing roads in repair, 56,571,428 ties, or the timber growing on 565,714 acres. Allowing that a growth of thirty years is necessary to produce trees of proper dimensions for ties it will require 16,971,420 acres of woodland to be kept constantly growing as a kind of railroad reserve, in order to supply the annual needs of the existing roads. This constitutes an area considerable larger than the state of West Virginia and larger than the states of New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts combined, or the states of New Jersey, Maryland and Deleware with the addition of Connec- ticut. It is more than 4 per cent, of the total area of woodland in the United States exclusive of the Territories and 3 per cent, of the area in the States and Territories together." This shows the case of the present and the past. But there is another view. The increase of railroad mileage in the United States from 1873 to —77— 1882, both inclusive was 48,879 miles Oi ',ri average annual increase of 4,887.9 miles. Taking the twenty years from 1863 to 1883 tin vverage in- crease is 4,150 miles per annum. Estimating the yearly increase from January 1, 1883 to be the same for the last twenty years, there would be an addition of 41,500 miles in ten years to the 138,901 miles existing at that period making a grand total of 180,401 miles. To construct these addi- tional miles will require 10,956,000 ties annually or for the ten years 109,560,000, the product of 1,095,600 acres of woodland. Allowing thirty years as the period of growth for ties, this would add 3,286,800 acres to the timber reserve needful to keep up the existing roads, or a total of 18,995,- 570 acres. If the calculations were extended to thirty instead of ten years for the construction of new lines, then the reserve of woodland necessary to keep the existing roads in repair would be not less than 25,950,356 acres. These figures show in an impressive light the large and rapidly in- creasing demands which are made upon our forests from one source alone. CHAPTER XXV. DUTY OF THE GOVERNMENT. [By E. T. Baker, U. S. Forestry Agent.] "One of the questions propounded by the Department is, 'What should the Government do for the preservation and increase of the forests on the public domain?' To this question it may be replied that the first thing the Government should do, is to consider its forest domain as separate and apart from every other. The rules and regulations which apply to the prairie should not be made to govern the sale &c, of the timber lands. The ex- tent of the forests still belonging to the United States should be ascertained and considered separately. "To begin with, the Government should stop the wholesale spoliation of these lands by private individuals or corporations, and whatever the means necessary to this end, should be applied promptly. The Government should, as a rule, withdraw its timber lands from sale or occupancy. To sell them does not promote the settlement of the country ; it only enables some individual to obtain for his own benefit timber at less than its value. The Government should make the custody and care of its forest domain the particular charge of officers who regard the interests of the Government. These officers should have regular stations and prescribed districts of coun- try assigned them, not mere roving Commissioners. The Government should impose necessary regulations to prevent the wholesale destruction of its forests by fire. This should be done by the general Government to pro- tect and preserve its own property. Further than this, the general Govern- ment should encourage the increase of the tree area in this country. It should do this by first disseminating information. It has been shown, that the present agencies at work are not sufficient. The Government should supply the people, to some extent at least, with instruction on the great subject. It should be furnished in the shape of reports and other printed —79— matter, issued at frequent intervals in convenient form, free from discus sions remote from the points at issue before the people, and free from tech- nical terms unintelligible to the masses. The Government should establish collections, accessible to the people,, of the woods of the United States. These collections can be best made un- der the directions of the Government, and they should not be kept at Wash- ington exclusively, but at as many different points as possible. The agri- cultural colleges in the various states would be suitable depositories and where States maintain agricultural departments, the offices and rooms of such departments. Finally, the Government should make it understood that forestry and its ally, irregation, are interests which are to be fostered in common with the general interest of commerce and agriculture. In conclusion I submit, as evincing the interest our neighbors of the Dominion of Canada feel in the question of forest-preservation and as con- taining ideas of value, the following extracts from a Canadian gentleman : "A little more than one hundred and fifty years ago Europe was awak ened to the fact, that her timber supply was being gradually exhausted; the forests were either in private, municipal, or ecclesiastical hands, or so sad- dled with private rights that the states had no adequate control ot them. The consequences apparent were exploitation of miniature timber, to the serious depreciation of the yield; the consequent want of first-class tim- ber for ship building and other important works; the destruction of seed- ling trees by cattle, resulting in a scanty crop of low bushy trees. In a word, the area was being gradually contracted and the annual yield reduc- ed so much by mismanagement and neglect that it fell below the annual consumption ; capital stock was being strengthened on a condition under which the utter exhaustion becomes a mere question of time. Austria, Germany and France rose to the emergency ; they extinguished private rights, introduced state control and demarcated the areas to be maintained as permanent forests. Germany reserved a third of her total area as forests. Austria a triffle less. And France nearly a fourth. Their aim was to increase the timber production to the highest capacity of the reserved area, and to limit annual exploitation to annual increment. Forest management in all these countries is now a great state of in- dustry, scientifically conducted. It is under the control of a specially trained department. The remedial measures exercised an important bear- ino- on the well being of the countries named and what is more to the pur- pose, the undertaking has proved remunerative. The timber and other for- est products yield a revenue leaving a margin of profit on all costs, includ- ing rent of the land. In America, both the States of the Union and Provinces of the Domin- ion have already passed the stage at which remedial measures were intro- —80— duced in Europe, our population is growing at a rate unparalleled in the past, and secondly, because the whole interior ot the North American con- tinent depends now, and must continue to depend upon the Atlantic and Pacific states for the great bulk of its timber. The saddest feature in the American timber problem is that the peo- ple have not yet shaken oft' the old tradition that, "timber land is worth the value of the land, less the cost of clearing." The stock of American tim- ber is now so reduced, that if artificial causes were not at work, to keep down prices, there is not an acre of timber land on the North American continent that could not be sold for the amount which it would cost to re- produce it. These artificial causes referred to are on the surface. England, with her wealth of iron and coal, favored by her insular position and laro-e for- eign tradf , did not trouble herself about growing timber, as lono- as she could supply herself from the supposed inexhaustible supplies of northern Europe, cheaper than she could grow it. She consequently supplied her- self from Sweden and Norway, which possessed large natural forests cost- ing nothing. Europe was a first-rate customer to these countries and in due course North America began to compete for a share of the trade, the market was overstocked and prices fell to the narrowest possible margin on cost of bringing the timber to market. In the struggle, Sweden and Norway have damaged their nat- ural forests, and are now organizing measures for restoring them at about three times the price at which they sold their natural crop. As a conse- quence, America has the monopoly of the English trade, an enormous home demand is being rapidly developed, and her stocks are undero-oino- such rapid exhaustion that, with holding supplies, she could command prices undreamed of by the most visionary. But in the face of tljese facts the government of the United States and the Dominion, have the control of private parties who, in spirit of competition, go on flooding the markets to their own and the national detriment. Good Pine timber requires a century for its development. There is as much timber now growing on the American continent as, with proper management and restriction of exploitation to ascertain annual increment would avert a severe timber famine. But if the problem is not soon grap- pled with, America will ere long be dependent on Europe for her timber supjDlies. The position is too critical for temporizing or half measures. The dif- ficulty can only be met by the resumption by the State of untrammekd control of its remaining forests. This is an heroic measure, but nothino- less would save the country. It would be costly, but the most pecuniarilv profitable investment the state ever ventured on. The problem is so grave -81— as to demand the most careful consideration of the ablest advisers of the union and dominion government and much would be gained, if the two would operate harmoniously on a prearranged basis. If the programme I have suggested were adopted conjointly by the union and dominion governments, existing stocks held back and felling stopped for three years, to work of private stocks and let the demand make itself felt, prices would go up with a bound and I do not think they would stop far short of $200 per mile, American quotations. At such rates the remaining forests, instead of hastening to extinction, would be permanently revenue producing, besides yielding a fund to meet the costs of a measure of forest administration commensurate with the fu- ture requirements of the continent. CHAPTER XXVI. The following paper read by the author before the convention of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, in Madison, held in February, 1881, will prove that he kept a watchful eye upon the subject at all times; it reads as follows: THE TASK BEFORE THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OP THE COUNTRY IN THE NEAR FUTURE. No one will deny the influence of our Agricultural Societies in the good results realized from the farms of the country, but we cannot help ad- mitting that one branch necessary to successful farming as well as to health and prosperity of the country has been so far sadly neglected, and this is the forests of the country. We are aware that the National Agricultural Department in Washing- ton has made several efforts to have the government take the preservation and restoration of the forests in hand, and that the Secretary of the Interior authorized by Congress, has adojited some means to prevent the cutting down of the forests in the territories. But all this is not sufficient for the preservation of that extent of forests which is needed for agricultural and manufacturing purposes. The forests should cover from one quarter to one third of the area of a country if that country is to be healthy and fitted to fulfil the conditions under which agriculture may be carried on with success. And not only is the extent of the forests to be consideied. We must also take into account their proper distribution over the face of the country if we would secure the utmost possible benefit to its inhabitants. The shel- ter and the humid healthful atmosphere of the forests in the far western territories have no effect upon the inhabitants of Wisconsin or New York. As the time between the planting and harvesting of forest trees is be- —83— tween eighty years for Pine and from two to three hundred years for white Oak trees, it is of great importance to select for arboriculture those soils ot the country where no other crops could possibly be produced, and limit the cost of first planting to the lowest possible figures. When we consider that some soils are in reality not fit for agriculture and have to be termed on the assessors list and on the maps as uncultur- able land, would it not be a welcome sight to see young forests springing up in such places, and though growing slowly, benefitting the surrounding agricultural districts with a humid atmosphere, shelter against high winds, and against changes of temperature, frequently so sudden and so disas- trous? In Europe the various governments have found it necessary to make the care of forests a particular subject of consideration and legislation, and have created special bureaus under the management of competent men, who . had to serve a long apprenticeship, graduate in the art and science of forest culture, and who have made the forests a source of revenue to the govern- ment amounting to millions of dollars from the poorest soil of that country. While the direct net income of these forests is counted by millions, their in- fluence upon health and agriculture can not be estimated. And when we consider the rapid increase of population in our own country, the wants and requirements already made upon the forests, and the present comparitive scarcity of timber, it is easy to see that here also similar measures will soon have to be adopted. It will perhaps be objected that in the vast area of these states the mil- lions of acres of woodland still remaining will be sufficient for all the wants of the country for years to come. But it must be remembered: — 1. That this abundance of wood is found just in those parts of the country where it is least needed, and that in consequence of the expense to bring so bulky an article as timber to the centres of demand, it is com- paratively valueless where produced and is for the most part left to fall be- fore the axe of the settler. 2. That two-thirds of the timber left to us is of such quality as to be only fit for fuel. 3. That in the census and tax statement a large area is classed as woods without deserving this classification. 4. Tha: Chicago alone employes a capital of f 80,000,000 in the lum- ber trade and that hundreds of thousands of acres of timber are annually sacrificed. 5. That Michigan and Wisconsin, the main pine timber states, which had ten million acres of the finest timber before the main settlement began have only about two million acres left, and this at the present rate will be cut down in about five years. —84— 6. That according to the census of 1860 the value of the lumber im- provement in the United States was $3,322,520,000. All this had been cut from the soil and most of it within thirty years previous, and nothing has been done to replace it. 7. That there are five hundred thousand artisans in wood in this coun- try and if we estimate the value of their labor at $1,000 each per annum, we have an aggregate of $500,000,000 worth of wood annually consumed as raw material for their use. 8. That it takes one and one-third acres on the average to produc*. one cord of wood yearly. 9. That it takes three hundred acres for the production of wood sui ficient to build and keep up one mile of railroad year by year. 10. That the United States sends $11,000,000 per annum to Canada for timber, while millions of acres of land capable of producing the finest timber are laying waste in our own country. 11. That the farmer from year to year cuts down vast forests to en- large his fields, and only saves what will suffice for his domestic uses and seldom that. 12. That the population of the country is daily increasing, the wood consuming industries are developed year by year to larger dimensions, and hundreds of miles of new railroads are added annually to those already in operation, and in general, that while the wood producing area has been greatly reduced, the demands upon the wood have multiplied, and since the larger area has been so greatly reduced in supplying the smaller demand how will the smaller area supply the larger consumption ? From the above facts it is evident, that unless measures are speedily taken to replace by plantation, the supplies consumed in the destruction ot our old forests, there will be an actual famine for wood in this country within the next thirty years. Can this matter of forest culture be sefely left to private enterprise ? A period from eighty to two hundred years is required for the growth and maturity of valuable forest trees. Now, if so many neglect to plant fruit trees and grape vines, the product of which they can enjoy in a few years, will they plant forest trees, whose completed growth they will never see ? To carry on the culture of forest trees successfully, it is also neces- sary that extensive regions should be devoted to it, for the trees that from year to year are ready for the woodman's axe, are necessarily a considera- ble distance apart. In small, isolated areas there could not be an econ- onomical adaptation of the means to the end. Forest culture can only be carried on upon a large scale. But there is still another reason why the supply of timber cannot b e left to private parties. There is needed for the profitable growth of forest —85— trees a scientific and technical knowledge which few farmers have it in their power to acquire. This knowledge, so far as it is not purely scien- tific, must necessarily be traditional. It cannot be acquired by personal experience. The mistakes of one year cannot be discovered as in the case of ordinary farm crops, by the immediate results, for the tree's life out- measures man's. The cultivator sees his error, if at all, when it is too late to remedy it. In Germany therefore, where these facts are^ully appreciated, the for- ester has to undergo a special scientific and technical education. He has to serve a long apprenticeship. The culture of trees and the management of the forests becomes the business and study ot his life. From all this and numerous other reasons, it is evident that upon the government rests the necessity and duty of providing against the antici- pated deficiency in the supply of timber, by initiating and controling the plantation of new forests as well as the preservation of the old. It is not neceseary to cite the disastrous consequences which have oc- cured in those parts of the globe where the destruction of forests has taken place, and which have been described by travelers in a most alarming manner. They are doubtless as familiar to others as to myself. In 1869 I sent a memorial to congress in respect to the destruc- tion of the old forests. I have not changed my opinion on this subject since and believe that it cannot be refuted. I hope that all farsighted men will share it with me and assist me in my patriotic recommendation. — 80— MEMORIAL. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives^ of the State of Minnesota., St. Paul. The undersigned, animated by the conviction, that the subject here treated is of a most important nature for our State and well worthy your attention and thorough consideration, lays the same most respectfully before your Honorable Body, the subject is: THE FORESTS OF THE STATE. Experience teaches, that the majority of the people of this State as well as of the whole country are ignorant of the necessity of having at least one- quarter to one-third of the whole area of a country covered with forest tree growth, if that country is to be healthy and its climate salubrious, to fulfill the conditions, under which agriculture may be carried on with the assur- ance of success. To overcome this ignorance and apathy and to convince the general public and especially the farmers of the importance, necessity and bless- ings of the forests for each country as servants and agents to carry out na- tures great plans, I have endeavored to lay down in a treatire such facts and truth, which are according to experience and science in unison with the workings of nature in regard to forests. As the forests upon the public land are by far not sufficient, even if left for the production of timber for all future time and are not so distribut- ed over the fctate to benefit agriculture and the general wellfare uniformly, it is left to the farmers to produce the surplus. It becomes therefore the duty of the people and Legislature to give him all the inducements in their power and open all resources for his instruction in the art and science of forest culture to avoid failures in his noble undertaking for the benefit of the State and the country. The consequences which have followed the distruction of the forests in other countries are too serious to be visited upon and repeated in this pros- perous land and it cannot be denied that the sudden changes of temperature, the severity of climate, the frequent occurrances of high floods and the sometimes long lasting droughts we now endure were not formerly known in this country, and the hurricanes and cyclones, which sometimes break loose upon sections of this country, dealing destruction and death in their path, are of late origin with us and are a warning signal to stop and not ruin the country by deforesting it in the crazy hunt after the almighty dol- lar. Equal causes have equal results, such occurances took place in all those countries, where the forests have been ruined. This, your Honorable Body, is a subject in which every inhabitant of —87— the country should be interested personally and individually and the nar- • rowest selfishness as well as the most kindly and broadest philanthropy and patriotism should lead us to due consideration of it and then to the adop- tion of such measures as will adequately provide for the improved condi- tion of the forests and thereby to the material prosperity of our State and commonwealth. The memorialist most respectfully recommends for your wise and in- telligent legislation the consideration of the following points : 1. The distribution of a book among farmers and land owners, treat- ing upon this subject in a digestible language for everybody. 2. To encourage and animate farmers to plant trees, especially such, which will fulfil the requirement of the market and will have a market value for the owner when matured. 3. Advice and instructions as to the fitness of their soil for certain kinds of trees, &c, by a competent professional. 4. The same advice in regard to treatment of already existing groves of trees. 5. The establishment of experimental stations, where to try new and more useful varieties. 6. The pushing and bringing the forests gradually to such places which are not fit for the production of farm crops, especially hills, moun- tains or to places with poor soil, &c. 7. The planting of shade trees along roads and all places, where noth- ing else can be profitably produced, so as to make use of every foot of J and. 8. The ascertaining of the area of existing forests in the State and their condition and nature. 9. The improvement of the forests as well as the farm land by drain- age, where necessary. 10. The printing of condensed annual reports for distribution among farmers. &c, containing the experience made during the ye..r, etc. 11. The passing of strict laws against fire, cattle and men. 12. Petitioning Congress to transfer the public land to the State, while the State in return pledges to maintain the same, or turn it into for- est growth for all future time. Hoping that your Honorable Body will give that attention to this sub- ject, which the importance of the same deserves. Very Kespectfully, Minneapolis, January, 1887. P. P. SCHOTZKA. — 4B8 — CHAPTER XXVII. TREES PER ACRE. Rows Apart, Feet. 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 llowing tabl i gives the nuj nber oi trees on an acre, at various Plants Apart in rows, Feet. Number of Plants. Rows Apart, Feet. Plants Apart in rows, Feet. Number of Plants. 2 10,890 7 2 3,111 2 7,260 7 3 2,074 3 4,840 7 4 1,556 3 3,630 7 5 1,246 2 5,445 7 6 1,037 4 2,722 7 7 880 4 2,178 8 2 2,722 2 4,356 8 3 1,815 3 2,904 8 4 1,316 4 2,178 8 5 1,098 5 1,742 8 6 907 2 3,630 8 7 778 3 2,904 8 8 681 4 1,815 12 12 302 5 1,452 16 16 170 6 1,210 —89— CHAPTER XXVIII. VALUE OP THE DIFFERENT SPECIES OF WOOD AS FUEL. The following table is useful as showing the relative value of various kinds of wood for fuel, taking Shell-bark Hickory as the standard at 100. Shell-bark Hickory 100 White Elm 58 Pig-nut Hickory 96 Red Cedar 56 White Oak 81 Wild Cherry 55 White Ash 77 Soft Maple 54 Black Oak 71 Yellow Popular 52; Red Oak 69 Butternut 51 Black Walnut 65 White Birch 48 White Beech 65 White Pine 42 Black Birch 63 Lombardy Poplar 40 Hard Maple 60 -90— CHAPTER XXIX. FOREST TREES AS PROTECTORS OF FRUIT TREES IN UNFAVORABLE CLIMES. In the creation, the careful observer will find that one creature is de- pendent upon others and is bound to serve nature in the fulfillments of "her plans, to beautify the earth. That the assistant and servant is frequently badly paid by the assisted for his services is the run of the world. So is the thin, wimsy creeper, running up the majestic trunk of a tree, and while not able without such an assistant to rise even a foot from the oround that nature's servant enables that helpless creature to grow up to the very top of him, and twist his thin but strong branches around those of its giant supporter, and in many cases takes the very life out of its benefactor. Many a creeping and sucking creature thanks her existence to the support received by the trees in the forests. But the forest trees do not only show their existing qualities to nature inside of their own domain, but their beneficial influence as mentioned in other parts of these pages, extends to much farther limits, and most prob- ably are their great beneficial services as nature's assistants, not half fully known, or at least not appreciated by most of those that enjoy their bles- sings daily. The variety of the forest trees shows to the thinking man, who has • a particle of appreciation and sympathy for the beautiful forests of the coun- try, that as various as their variety, must be their services to the human family. The writer of this treatise had the opportunity to observe in the milder climate of Westchester county, New York, the following facts and beneficial influences of forest trees to fruit trees. An orchard located in a low valley near a pond or lake, protected by mountains from the north and partially from the west, exposed to the east and south sun, was in a poor condition; the trees half dead, very dwarf and here and there with an apple upon the neglected trees, while in on© —91— ■corner forest trees had grown between two apple trees belonging to the same orchard and planted with the rest of the orchard trees, but what a contrast between those two trees and those of the rest in the orchard with- out the protection of forest trees. The dwarf habit, in the desire and effort to keep up in growth with the forest trees to gain light, had been abandon- ed. The rough bark of the branches had changed to the most smooth, shin- ing and the trees were loaded with beautiful apples, for the. benefit of our game bags, as we were hunting. In Wisconsin, near Madison, a similar occur ranee was observed. A nursery for temporary use had been started at one end of the orchard, and after most of the shade trees and Evergreens had been disposed of at other places, some of the deciduous trees had been left around two orchard trees, and some Scotch fire or Spruce near the trees. The deciduous trees were two Soft Maples and one Elm, and the beneficial assistance of those trees to the fruit trees were astonishing, and in their effects fully up to those observed in Westchester, N. Y. Why not consider the above as a wink from kind Nature to assist us in those parts of the country in the raising of apples, where the realization of this task belongs almost to the impossible? The Spruce, even if planted near the trunks of apple trees, will not take much nourishment from the latter, as her roots run right underneath the surface, and the deciduous trees can be planted far enough from the fruit trees, not coming much in contact with the latter and all trees together will prevent the leaves in autumn to be driven away and the ground will be well shaded to keep the burning sun from it. The Spruce is intended for the protiction of the trunks and the deciduous trees that of the branches, and either or both can be trimmed if too much shade is produced. It is anyhow worthwhile, giv- ing this subject a little consideration, as in former times, Germany grew such an abundance of wild apples in their forest area that farmers fatten their pigs upon them and upon acorns. In taking good bye the author wishes and hopes that all who peruse these pages may arrive at the same conclusion — that of preserving and ad- vancing the forests of the country, and that each may lend his assistance to divert the calamity which must neccessarily follow the destruction of the forests. THE END. -92- *ABLE OF CONTENTS. Preface Introductory - - Chapter I. Consequences of deforesting - 10* Chapter II. Causes of decrease of our Forests - 11 Chapter III. Forests in their present and future state 13 1. Second or third growth ; 2. Groves of trees which supply the wants of farmers ; 3. Forests situated in swamps and marshes ; 3. Evergreen Forests; '5. Primeval Forests. Chapter IV. Forests as natures agents to fulfil her plans 16 1. Forests beautify the earth and improve the character of its inhabitants. 2. Forests help to sustain the relative proportion of the component properties of atmospheric air and purify it from unhealthy substances and obnoxious gases. 3. Extensive forests prevent sudden and extreme changes in the temperature. 4. Abundant forests effect climate by regulating the moisture and electricity of the atmosphere. . 5. Forests as protection against grasshoppers. 6. Forests as supplier of fuel and building material. 7. Forests as preventative of malaria, etc. 8. Forests as markets for game and fur. 9. Forests as supplier of plants for medical purposes etc. Chapter V. Treatment of Forests, so far, not destructed 19 Chapter VI. Treatment of Forests in this and other countries 26 Chapter VII. Preparing soils for seeds of Forests. 30 Chapter VIII. Selection of Seeds. 32 Chapter IX. Advantages of a Nursery. 33 Chapter X. Results from increase of population. . .'. 34 Chapter XI. Production of timber. 36 Chapter XII. Matters to be considered in forestry. 38 Chapter XIII. Selection of trees. 40 Chapter XIV. Mixed forests. 53 Chapter XV. Drainage of forests 58 Chapter XVI. The thinning of forests. 60 Chapter XVII. Damages to forests. 62 1. By Insects. 2. By heavy frosts. 3. By the Sun.. 4. By wind. 5. By snow. 6. By water. Chapter XVIII. Rotation of species in forests. 66 Chapter XIX. The harvest. 67 Chapter XX. The future of the Southern forests. 69 Chapter XXI. Prunning of trees 70 Chapter XXII. Planting of trees in cities. 72 Chapter XXIII. Planting of large trees and transplanting 75 Chapter XXI V. Railroads as timber consumers. 77 Chapter XXV. Duty of the Government, by E. P. Parker, U. S. Forestry Agent. 79 Chapter XXVI. A paper read by the Author before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, Madison, Wis 83 Chapter XXVII. Number of trees per acre, 89 Chapter XXVIIP Value of the different species of wood as fuel. 90 Chapter XXIX. Forest trees as protector of fruit trees in unfavorable climes. 91 TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned introduce themselves respectfully to all parties desiring services of below named nature, after an experience of twenty-five years, gained in most of the leading- parks of this country and in all departments of their construction, and assure those that will patronize them and engage their services, that they will not be bound to pay any ap- prentice money in the execution of their work. We offer our services for a reasonable compensation, without charging those fancy or novelty prices which are a source of discouragement for many, to secure the services of real experienced professionals. Our field of duty will be confined mainly to the following: 1. — As a foundation for all kind of improvement requires a plan to work by, we will,, when necessary, supply each party engaging our services, with a most thorough studied plan, and as a preliminary work for a plan, make the necessary survey. 2. — We will transfer such plan after adopted, upon the ground, give required grades, in general, do all work pertaining to the Civil Engineer and Landscape Gardner. 3._We will execute the work from the beginning to the end if desired. 4.— The supplying and planting of the necessary trees and shrubs, &c, shall have our full attention, and only the best of trees shall be supplied, and success guaranteed. 5.— The planning and laying out, as well as improving of Cemeteries, shall form a branch of our business. 6.— The drainage of farm and other land will be executed after the latest methods, and combined with irrigation during the dry season where practicable, possible and desired. 7.— The improvement of private parks r.nd gardens oi sriall dimensions, will receive- our attention as well as a thousand acre park. 8.— Our advice in regard to intended improvements will be cheerfully given. 9.— Parties wishiug estimates of costs of excavations or fillings to be made, will go safe if employing our services. Hoping that the public will reward us with full confidence and patronize as by sending us their orders, and direct to P. P. SCHOTZKA & CO., Civil Engineers & Landscape Gardene:i», No. 611 25th Ave. South. REFERENCES. From Central Park, New York. " Prospect park, Brooklyn, N. Y. " Albany, New York. «« West Chicago Parks, Illinois. " LaKewood Cemetery, Minneapolis. Minn. " Minneapolis City Parks, Minn., At the latter place planted besides other work, nine thousand shade and ornamental trees, with unequaled success.