Whil-e Winged. Rearer^ of RirHiday Joy r* . i 1 1 i i i i 1 1 t rm 1 i i 'WS i-WINGED BEARERS OF P CD ^^TT^-v-i-ve^ -&> £-£' _[)IRTHDAY JOY. -:ssoms, rest you Beautiful bi os$ f>ay, if £j set you free, Qre you roam afar will you carry Ol areetmg of love for me? Pole) in your soft wljite bosom Bne little tender 1l?ougbt, I 'or part witl? it, till In safety You give it \\)q dear one sougbt ? ILL you fly witb never a way ring Straight wbere I bid you go, ,or pause for tbe sunbeams wooing, Ron follow tbe brooklets flow'? Kon joyous sbail be your welcome, Klowers so wondrous fair, /ben at the journey s ending You fold your wbite wings tbere. CpHEN spread your wings to tbe morning,