BP *?* ' .Yd y LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 095 504 5 Hollinger PH8.5 Mill Run F3-1957 A "»TH6 * • Primary Laws of Thougf IDENTITY. CONTRADICTION. '0° MAR 189! AFFIRMATION. -APPLIED, BY John J. Van Nostrand, CHICAGO, ILL. 1891. COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR. IG.HT & LEONARD CO , PRINTERS. 4 ^ o^ s^ ^ A THEORY OF THE THE THREE PRIMARY LAWS OF THOUGHT. Identity THE Intelli Regulati Static aspect— Consciousness Contradiction Negative and separative DIFFERENCE Static aspect— Doubt Dynam ic aspect— Irradiat ion Feeling — the idea Impression— the reality Static aspect — Sensibility Influence — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and Aggregative Pain Pleasure Static aspect — Fear Hope — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Aversion Desire — Dynamic aspect THE COSMICAL. Nature — the idea Constitution — the reality Static aspect — Existence Experience — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative The Unknowable Static aspect— The Absolute Dynamic aspect — Negation Positive and aggregative The Knowable The Relative — Static aspect Identification — Dynamic aspect The Unknowable The Unrelatable Static aspect— The. absolute Negation — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Intemperance Religion Static aspect — Delusion Faith — Static aspect Static aspect — The Implicit Dynamic aspect — Trouble Consolation — Dynamic aspect Dynamic aspect — Contradiction The Knowable— Me idea The Real — the reality Static aspect— The relative Identification— Dynamic aspect Positive and aggregative The Positive The Explicit — Static aspect Affirmation — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative The Negative Static aspect — The Implicit NTAL CONSTITUTION. OIAL. the idea the reality Association — Dynamic aspect DIVERSITY IN UNITY. Positive and aggregative Agreement Belief — Static aspect Restriction — Dynamic aspect Will — the idea Expression — the reality Static aspect— Disposition Conduct — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Liberty Static aspect— Anarchy Dynamic aspect — Waste Positive and aggregative Freedom Order — Static aspect Economy — Dynamic aspect THE PHYSICAL. Rhythm — the idea Government — the reality Static aspect — Vibration Equilibration — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Dissonance Static aspect — Derangement Dynamic aspect — Discord Positive and aggregative Consonance Adjustment — Static aspect Harmony — Dynamic aspect Power — the idea Changeability — the reality Static aspect — Matter Motion — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Separation Aggregation Static aspect — Energy Force — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Dissolution Evolution — Dynamic aspect Form — the idea Relationship — the reality Static aspect — Quality Continuity — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Variability Static aspect — Incongruity Dynamic aspect — Abuse Positive and aggregative Uniformity Correspondence — Static aspect Utility — Dynamic aspect COSMICAL. Nature — the idea Constitution— the reality Static aspect— Existence Experience— Dynamic Aspect Negative and separative The Unknowable Static aspect — The Absolute Dynamic aspect — Negation Positive and aggregative The Knowable The Relative — Static aspect Identification — Dynamic aspect COSMICAL. The Unknowable — the idea The Unrelatable— the reality Static aspect — The Absolute Negation — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Intemperance Religion Static aspect — Delusion Faith — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Trouble Consolation — Dynamic aspect COSMICAL. The Knowable — the idea The Real— the reality Static aspect — The relative Identification— Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative The Negative The Positive Static aspect— The Implicit The Explicit— Static aspect Dynamic aspect— Contradiction Affirmation— Dynamic aspect COSMICAL. Nature — the idea Constitution— the reality aspect — Existence Experience — Dynamic aspect Stati Negative and separative The Unknowable Static aspect — The Absolute Dynamic aspect — Negation Positive and aggregative The Knowable The Relative— Static aspect Identification — Dynamic aspect Static aspect- The Unknowable The Unrelatable •The absolute Negation— Dynamic aspect The Knowable — the idea The Real— the reality Static aspect — The relative Identification — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative The Negative Static aspect — The Implicit Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Intemperance Religion Static aspect — Delusion Faith — Static aspect Static aspect — The Implicit Dynamic aspect — Trouble Consolation — Dynamic aspect Dynamic aspect — Contradiction "When a doubt is propounded, you must learn to distinguish, and show wherein a thing holds, and wherein it doth not hold. The not distinguishing where things should be distinguished, and the not confounding, where things should be con- founded, is the cause of all the mistakes in the world. "' — Selden. Positive and aggregative The Positive The Explicit — Static aspect Affirmation — Dynam ic aspect PHYSICAL. Rhythm — the idea Government — the reality Static aspect — Vibration Equilibration — Dynamic aspect Dissonance Consonance Static aspect— Derangement Adjustment — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Discord Harmony — Dynamic aspect Rhythm is the highest conception of Economics. It represents nature's first effort at saving, the highest and most general form of government. Its function being the minimizing of the range of fluctuation— equilibration. The great ocean currents effect temperature rhythm. Speculation effects price rhythm. The great ocean currents and speculation are respectively physical and social correspondences, the former being an invariable direction for the latter. PHYSICAL. Power — the idea Changeability — the reality Static aspect— Matter Motion— Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Separation Static aspect — Energy Dynamic aspect — Dissolution Positive and aggregatire Aggregation Force — Static aspect Evolution — Dynamic aspect Fun -Grant Allen. illeat Gravitation Light Cohesion Electricity Chemical affinity ; PHYSICAL. Form — the idea Relationship — the reality Static aspect — Quality Continuity — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Variability Uniformity Static aspect — Incongruity Correspondence — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Abuse Utility — Dynamic aspect " The Pythagoreans make good to be certain and finite, and evil, infinite and uncertain. There are a thousand ways to miss the white, there is only one way to hit it." — Montaigne. The distinguishing characteristic of Nature is Uniformity; that of Human Nature is Variability. Bach elemental social factor has its special physical correspondent, and, when found, is a positive revelation indicating the course to be taken by the social. Heat and Wealth are correspondences, and so are Utility and Truth. PHYSICAL. Rhythm — the idea Government— the reality Static aspect — Vibration Equilibration — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Dissonance Static aspect — Derangement Dynamic aspect — Discord Positive and aggregative Consonance Adjustment — Static aspect ' Harmony' — Dynamic aspect Power — the idea Changeability — the reality Static aspect — Matter Motion — Dynamic aspect Form — the idea Relationship— the reality Static aspect — Quality Continuity — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Separation Aggregation Static aspect — Energy Force — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Dissolution Evolution — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Variability Uniformity Static aspect — Incongruity Correspondence — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Abuse Utility — Dynamic aspect SOCIAL. Intellect — the idea Regulation— the reality Static aspect — Consciousness Association — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative DIFFERENCE AGREEMENT Static aspect— Doubt Belief— Static Aspect Dynamic aspect— Irradiation Restriction— Dynamic aspect 10 SOCIAL. Peeling — the idea Impression— the reality Static aspect — Sensibility Influence — Dynamic aspect Negative and separativi Pain Static aspect — Fear Dynamic aspect — Aversion Positive and aggregative Pleasure Hope — Static aspect Desire — Dynamic aspect SOCIAL. Will— the idea Expression — the reality Static aspect — Disposition Conduct — Dynamic Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Liberty Freedom Static aspect — Anarchy Order — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Waste Economy — Dynamic aspect Disposition here means the general arrangement of nerve fiber, nerve center and other conditions of the brain, which being influenced tend to refer the matter to the intellect for a direction, or pathway, for its conduct until such pathway, by practice, has become capable of automatic conduction, i. e. independent of consciousness. The highest positive form of expression is that form of restraint which tends to the recognition and respect of all the rights of others — Freedom. The highest negative form of expression is that which tends to the disregard of the rights of others by operating against restraint — Liberty. Liberty and Freedom, instead of being synonymous, are as pure contrasts as Pain and Pleasure or up hill and down hill. The confusion arising from a disregard of the requirements of the second law of thought — contradiction — is beyond comprehension, iu this instance. 12 SOCIAL. Intellect — the idea Regulation— the reality Static aspect — Consciousness Association — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Difference Static aspect — Doubt Dynamic aspect — Irradiation Positive and aggregative Agreement Belief — Static aspect Restriction — Dynamic aspect Feeling — the idea Impression — the reality Static aspect — Sensibility Influence — Dynamic aspect Will — the idea Expression - the reality Sialic aspect — Disposition Conduct — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Pain Static aspect — Fear Dynamic aspect — Aversion Positive and aggregative Pleasure Hope — Static aspect Desire — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Liberty Static aspect — Anarchy Dynamic aspect — Waste Positive and aggregative' Freedom Order — Static aspect Econo m y — Dy » a m ic aspect Axiom — An Act is an Impression and an Expression. Algebraic Rule Used in Natural Philosophy. gives — gives + + X + gives -+ — X + gives — Substitute signs of the rule for divided factors of Impression, and Expression, of same quality, placing them in corresponding positions. The result illustrates the fact that this formula is in strict agreement with the law of continuity — positive verification. By this formula it will be seen that Feeling and Will treat an Act qualitatively, i.e. determining whether it shall be good or bad. The Intellect affects an act quantitatively — determines how good or how bad it shall be. 13 Gambling — the idea Zest — the reality Static aspect — Hazard Appetency — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Positive and aggregative Occupation Recreation Static aspect — Vocation Diversion — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Care Enjoyment — Dynamic aspect IS TOIL ALWAYS ENNOBLING? " Do you play cards? " asked the minister of the three-card inonte man. " No," said the gambler, gravely, " I work with them." — Somerville Journal. Gambling seems to be an elementary social factor, and is due to appear when and where a force needs re-creating. It is popularly regarded in its negative aspect only. Hazard invests every undertaking with a zest which appears as an appetence, and this appetence incites to renewed activity — a re-creative manifestation. L4 Wealth — the idea Exchangeability— the reality Static aspect— -Value Reciprocation — Dynamic aspect Negative a?id separative Positive and aggregative Embargo Commerce Static aspect — Monopoly Competition — Static aspect Dynamic aspect — Deprivation Development — Dynamic aspect i 15 Mind— the idea Education— the reality Static aspect — Experience Relation — Dynamic aspect Negative and separative Ignorance Static aspect — Uncertainty Dynamic aspect — Retardation Positive and aggregative Knowledge Composure — Static aspect Guidance — Dynamic aspect (\ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IfllMlllliIIIIIIMMIIIUI* 021 095 504 5 Hollinger PH8.5 Mill Run F3-1957 021 095 504 5