71 M3II l?)oT i ' U[d^"'^.^^f^^'' ■ ' ^^ • '-4 ^tks^^r^^^^'^^^A^m Lb 1 ^^^^^^^^Bi Class AlTA i'liESEXlKD nv Jntrnbirrtuitt ?HIS BOOK, representing, as it does, many hours of earnest work, the expenditure of much time, and pa- tient delving into all of the genea- logical records to be found at the present time bearing upon this subject, is dedicated to my son, Richard Losee Harrington. I trust his life may be one of usefulness to society, and that the records of his life's work mav reflect credit upon the Harrington family in general and upon himself and the writer of these few intro- ductory remarks in particular. EUGENE W. HARRINGTON. Dated, Buffalo, New York, November 1st, 1907. (BmtnUisitnl ^nnxh of % l^arnugtott iFamtIg in Ammtu, UST TWENTY-TWO years from the time when the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth — to wit — in the year 1642 — Robert Harrington, an Englishman by ^r/^Ses^WV^ birth, came to Watertown, ]\Ias- JCSl^^^ sachusetts. Mr. Bond, in his History of Watertown, written in 18G0, (to which I am indebted for much valuable information), speaks of Robert Harrington as a probable kinsman of Thomas Hast- ings, one of the very earliest settlers of Massachusetts, and a freeman of Watertown. He says: "His name is the last on the list of proprietors made out in 1642-44. He then owned a homestall given him by Thomas Hastings. This gift renders it prob- able that he was a kinsman of Deacon Hastings." In 1649 he married Susanna George, who was born in 1632, and died July 6th, 1694. He died May 17th, 1707. On the 27th of May, 1663, Robert Harrington was admitted a freeman, and was thereafter chosen as selectman of Watertown for the years 1679, 81, 82, 83, 85, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and the year 1700. It will thus The HARRINGTON FAMILY be seen that he took an active interest in the affairs of the town in which he hved and died, and that no better evidence can be obtained as to the value of his ser\ices than is shown by the fact of his hav- ing been so continuously chosen selectman for almost twenty years prior to his death. From all of the data, it is quite certain that Robert Har- rington, when he came to Watertown, was a poor man, and that the first property which he owned was that given to him by Thomas Hastings about the year 1644. At the time of his death, he was possessed of a considerable estate, and the inven- tory filed with his will shows him to be the owner of six hundred forty-two and one half acres of land; the appraised value of which is seven hundred seventeen pounds. In his will, which is dated January 1st, 1704, he mentions his sons John, Daniel, Benjamin, Samuel, Thomas, Edward (to whom he gave his homestead), and his daughters Susanna Beers, Mary Bemis, and Sarah Winship. Mr. Bond mentioned the name of Richard Har- rington, who lived there as early as 1643, and says that he has failed to discover any record of the mar- riage of Richard Harrington, or that he left any child- ren him sur\dving. It may, therefore, be taken as rea- sonably certain that the Harrington family of America started with Robert Harrington of Watertown as the original ancestor. 6 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Mr. Hudson, in his History of Lexington, also says : **The name of Harrington is found in almost every town in New England, and it is probable that most, if not all of them, descended from, or, at least, were relatives of, Robert Harrington of Watertown. He had a numerous family, who were widely dispersed. He came from England, where many of his children were born." As Hudson's History of Lexington was written eight years after Dr. Bond's History of Watertown, he was enabled to find many records of our family, showing its relation to the early history of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the State of Massachusetts, which Dr. Bond was, perhaps, unable to secure. In addition to making reference to particular members of the various branches of the Harrington family, I have concluded that it is best to furnish a complete record of the family, as shown by the genealogical register of Mr. Hudson and Dr. Bond, and to supplement this record with the data which I have been able to obtain as a result of most patient research, all of which, though in some instances disconnected, will afford every member of this family some opportunity, at least, of discovering with reason- able certainty their antecedents, and furnish them a basis from which to start in the compilation of personal family records for the guidance of future generations. 7 The HARRINGTON FAMILY George Harrington, from whom our Lexing- ton Harrington descended, was probably a son or brother of Robert. He married Susanna , and had, as was common in those days, a large family of thirteen children. He resided in Watertown. Two of his grand- children settled in Lexington. 2 Susanna, born August 18, 1649; married February 9, 1661, John Cutting. 3 John, born August 24, 1651; died August 24, 1741. 4 Robert, born August 31, 1653; probably died young. 5 George, born November 24, 1655. He be- longed to Captain Wadsworth's company, and was killed by the Indians at Lancaster, 1675. 6 Daniel, born November 1, 1657; admitted freeman 1690. 7 Joseph, born December 28, 1659, admitted freeman 1690. 8 Benjamin, born June 26, 1662; died 1724. 9 Mary, born January 12, 1664; married about 1680, John Bemis, and had fourteen children. 10 Thomas, born April 20, 1665; admitted free- man 1690. 11 Samuel, bom December 18, 1666. 12 Edward, born March 2, 1669. 13 Sarah, born March 10, 1671; married November 24, 1687, Joseph Winship, of Cam- bridge. 14 David, born June 1, 1673; died March 11, 1675. 8 The HARRINGTON FAMILY John Harrington, married November 17, 1681, Hannah Winter, daughter of John Winter, Jr., of Watertown, but afterwards of Cambridge Farms. She died July 17, 1741, and he died August 24, 1741, in that part of Watertown now Waltham. 15 Hannah, born August 9, 1682; married April 29, 1703, Eleazer Hammond, of Newton. 16 John, born October, 1684; married April 12, 1705, Elizabeth Cutter, of Cambridge Farms. 17 Mary, born May 11, 1687; married March 8, 1709, Thomas Hammond. 18 Lydia, baptized March 2, 1690. 19 James, baptized April 2, 1695. 19^ Patience, baptized October 10, 1697. Daniel Harrington, married October 18, 1681, Sarah Whitney. She died June 8, 1720, and he married, second, October 25, 1720, Elizabeth, widow of Captain Benjamin Garfield, and daugh- ter of Mathew and Anna Bridge, of Cambridge. 20 Daniel, born February 24, 1684; died young. 21 Robert, born July 2, 1686; married Novem- ber 15, 1711, Anna Harrington. 22 Daniel, born July 10, 1687. 23 Jonathan, born March 21, 1690; married February 28, 1724, Elizabeth Bigelow. 24 Joseph, born February 4, 1691. 25 Sarah, bom October 28, 1693; married June 11, 1711, Nathaniel Livermore. 9 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 16 16 6 21 John Harrington, married April 12, 1705, Eliza- beth Cutter, then of Cambridge Farms, but now of Lexington, where he settled. His name appears upon our records for the first time in 1713, when John Harrington appeared before the selectmen, and offered on certain conditions to give the right of way across his land. His residence must have been easterly of Hancock Hill, near the residence of the late Joseph Fiske. He died November 29, 1750. Some articles in the inventory of his estate show the fashions of the day — " Leather britches, a new dark wigg, sundry old wiggs, yarn leggens, pistols, warming pan, wooden plates." 26 Richard, born September 26, 1707. 27 Moses, born January 6, 1710, died January 11, 1787. 28 Henry, bom January 8, 1712. 29 John, born March 22, 1714; died August 29, 1750. 30 Hannah, baptized in Watertown, February 20, 1715. 31 William, born February 4, 1717; died Sep- tember 28, 1717. 32 Abigail, born December 4, 1718; married March 1, 1738, John Palls, of Townsend. 33 Caleb, born July 13, 1721; died 1747. Robert Harrington married November 15, 1711, Anna Harrington, of Watertown, daughter of Samuel and Grace Harrington. He was a 10 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 21 16 26 blacksmith, and settled in Lexington on the main street, near the present residence of P. P. Pierce. His name first appears upon our church records in 1712, when Samuel Harrington was baptized, his father Robert owning the covenant. He was chosen a fence viewer in 1713, so he must have been a permanent resident at that time. He died February 5, 1774, aged 89, and she died October 16, 1777, aged 85. He was cousin to John, who came to Lexington from Watertown about the same time. These two were the ancestors of the numerous family of Harring- tons which afterwards appear on our records, 34 Samuel, born July 28, 1712; died September 29, 1712. 35 Samuel, born April 15, 1714. 36 Anna, born June 2, and baptized in Water- town, June 10, 1716. She married her cousin, Rev. Timothy Harrington. He was settled at Swanzey, N. H. That towai was destroyed by the Indians, April 2, 1747, and he was the next year settled at Lancaster, Mass., where he died May 17, 1778. 37 Robert, born April 26, 1719; married Abi- gail Mason. 38 Jonathan, bom May 21, 1723. 39 Grace, baptized December 4, 1729; died April 10, 1759, unmarried. Richard Harrington married Abigail . He resided on Adams Street, near where George F. Chapman now resides. 11 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 26 16 27 40 Ebenezer, born March 16, 1733; probably died young. 41 Thankful, born January 16, 1734; died un- married. 42 Thaddeus, born September 9, 1736. En- rolled in Captain Parker's Company, 1775. 43 Hannah, born March 8, 1738. 44 Ephraim, born March 2, 1739; died October 20, 1742. 45 Nathan, born December 25, 1740. 46 Ebenezer, born March 16, 1743. 47 Solomon, born January 27, 1746; died No- vember 12, 1750. 48 Stephen, born May 23, 174S. 49 Simeon, born July 8, 1750. 50 Seth, born October 30, 1752. 51 Abigail, born August 9, 1754. Moses Harrington married Martha who was admitted to the church June 2, 1734. We learn by tradition that he had several chil- dren, though the records are silent upon the subject. He died January 11, 1787. It is said that he had Moses, Betsey, and Caleb, the latter of whom was the Caleb Harrington who was killed on the Common on the 19th of April, 1775. He is said to have been about twenty- five years of age at the time of his death. Bet- sey married first, Ebenezer White, and, second, Thomas Cutler. 12 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 16 V 28 28 Henry Harrington married June 4, 1735, Sarah Laiighton, daughter of Deacon John and Sarah Laughton. She died in childbed, May 16, 1760, and he married, second, Abigail , the widow of Ebenezer Blodgett. She lived to a great age, and was a woman of great peculiar- ities, Henry Harrington resided under the hill, near the residence of Mr. Hutchinson. He died December 25, 1791, aged 80; she died Jan- uary 23, 1820, aged 94. 52 Sarah, bom September 17, 1735; married May 28, 1755, Thomas Winship. 53 Henry, born August 27, 1737; married Octo- ber 25, 1759, Ruth Blodgett. 54 Jeremiah, born about 1741; married Decem- ber 21, 1769, Sarah Locke. 55 John, born about 1743; married Mary \^'ootten. 56 Jonathan, bom about 1745; married Ruth Fiske. 57 Thomas, bom about 1748, married Lucy Perry. 58 Elizabeth, born September 17, 1750; mar- ried Nathan Mimroe. 59 William, bom March 18, 1752; died June 20, 1778, in smallpox hospital. 60 Moses, bom March 22, 1754; married Mary Reed. 61 Mary, born April 19, 1756; married Newell Reed, of Worcester Precinct, October 16, 1777. 62 Ebenezer, born May 15, 1760; married September 4, 1788, Mrs. Sarah Johnson. 13 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 21 37 37 Robert Harrington married Abigail Mason, daughter of Daniel and Experience Mason, of Newton. They were admitted to the church in Lexington, August 11, 1745. She died August 25, 1778, aged 57, and he married April 16, 1781 , widow Chloe Trask. He died May 30, 1793, aged 74. He filled many tovm. offices, and bore the dignified title of Ensign Harrington. He was one of the selectmen in 1752, and was re- elected to that station some twelve or fourteen years, and was chairman of the board in the eventful period of the Re^'olution, when many important duties devolved upon him. He was also many years a magistrate, and represented the to\Mi four years in the General Court. 63 Thaddeus, born September 9, 1736; married September 20, 1764, Lydia Porter, of Worces- ter. 64 Daniel, born May 25, 1739; married Anna Munroe. 65 Annaritte, baptized August 12, 1744; prob- ably died young. 66 Betty, bom May 23, 1745; died October 27, 1745. 67 Elizabeth, bom September 6, 1747; married Samuel Smith. 68 Abigail, bom December 23, 1749 ; died young. 69 Abigail, bom August 9, 1754; married Dr. Davis Fiske. 70 Abijah, bom February 7, 1761; married first, Polly Raymond; and, second, widow Locke. 14 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 21 28 38 38 53 Jonathan Harrington married August 1, 1750, Mrs. Abigail Dunster. She died June 30, 1776, and he married second, Mrs. Lydia MuIIiken, widow of Nathaniel Mulliken. He died Septem- ber 14, 1809, aged 87; and she died November 13, 1783, aged 57. He was several years select- man, and was one of the committee of corre- spondence in 1778, in the midst of the Re\'olution. He was a true son of liberty, and was found on the 19th of April at the post of danger. 71 Rebecca, born February 17, 1751; married August 31, 1769, Edmund Munroe. 72 Mary, born April 11, 1753. 73 Anna, bom February 19, 1756; married April 21, 1778, Cally Newell. 74 Jonathan, bom July 8, 1758; married Novem- ber 19, 1777, Sally Banks. 75 Charles, bom November 15, 1760; died December 24, 1761. 76 Charles, born March 24, 1763; married December 18, 1786, Mary Brown. 77 Solomon, bom February 22, 1766; married Polly Bent. 78 Peter, baptized July 26, 1772; married Lydia Loring. Henry Harrington married October 25, 1759, Ruth Blodgett, daughter of Joseph Blodgett. They were admitted to the church June 2, 1763. He was a soldier in the French War in 1756 and 1758. 15 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 28 53 54 54 79 Henry, born May 25, 1760; married March 13, 1783, Ainity Pierce. 80 Rebecca, bom July 12, 1762; married Amos Stickney, of Tewkesbury. 81 Samuel, born October 3, 1764; married Aug- ust 27, 1788, Mary Stimpson. 82 Isaac, born August 11, 1766; married Polly Farrer, of Lincoln. 83 Sarah, bom May 16, 1769; died unmarried. 84 Polly, born August 10, 1771; married John Dunkley, of CharlestoT\Ti. 85 Ruth, born August 30, 1773; married Novem- ber 20, 1793, Robert Mullett, of West Cambridge. Jeremiah Harrington married December 21, 1769, Sarah Locke, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Locke, bom August 23, 1746. She died January 12, 1813; he died December 11, 1818. He served in the French War in 1762. Tradition says he had three daughters, but there is no record of their birth. Sally Harrington, one of them, married December 30, 1793, Edward Blacking- ton, of Cambridge. 86 Joseph, born February 16, 1770; married Lucy Russell. 87 Benjamin, bom May 4, 1772 ; married October 1, 1792, Elizabeth Frost, of West Cambridge, and moved to Bedford, where he died. 88 Jonathan, born October 27, 1777; married November 10, 1799, Ruth Britten, of Shrews- bury. He died June 9, 1821. They resided in Medford. ^ 16 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 28 28 55 55 56 56 John Harrington married December 3, 1763, Mary Wootten, daughter of John Wootten, an Englishman. Captain Wootten was a ship- master, and made twenty-two voyages to Sur- inam. He was of Captain Parker's company, and met the British on the 19th of April. He was subsequently a lieutenant in the militia. He moved with his family to Deering, N. H., about 1783. His children, being young, left town with him. 89 Abigail, bom March 3, 1763; married 1781, William Munroe, Jr. 90 91 92 93 94 Sarah, born February 17, 1766. John, bom February 1, 1770. Stephen, bom November 22, 1774. William, born November 21, 1779. Rebecca, bom May 3, 1781. Jonathan Harrington married, February 13, 1766, Ruth Fiske, daughter of Dr. Robert Fiske, by widow Grover. After the death of her hus- band, she married, February 18, 1777, John Smith, of Boston. He was one of the gallant band who stood forth in defence of freedom on the 19th of April, 1775, and was one who fell that morning, a victim to British oppression. He was about thirty-two years of age at the time of his death. 95 Jonathan, bom October 25, 1766; died October 14, 1776. 17 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 28 28 57 57 60 60 Thomas Harrington married Lucy Perry, of Bedford, July 4, 1771. We find no record of his family except the birth of one child. He is said to have ''moved into the country." What time he left Lexington we cannot say; his name is upon the tax bill in 1776, but is omitted in 1778. 96 Elizabeth, bom December 19, 1773. Moses Harrington married, April 28, 1774, Mary Reed, daughter of William and Susanna Reed. They were admitted to the church, June 15, 1776. She died October 22, 1822, aged 71. He was one of the minute men who served with the gal- lant Parker at the first dawn of Independence. 97 Sarah, baptized, August 25, 1776; married Thaddeus Hall, of Chelmsford. 98 Mary, baptized June 21, 1778; married November 30, 1792, Joseph White. 99 Caleb, bom July 6, 1779; went to Charles- to"UTi, married Dorcas Frost. 100 Betsey, bom April 26, 1782; died unmarried. 101 Moses, born May 2, 1785; died unmarried May 11, 1821. 102 William, born September 7, 1789. 103 Oliver, bom April 26, 1791; died in the poor- house, unmamed, October 25, 1834. 104 Edmund, born February 21, 1794; left town and never returned. 18 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 28 37 62 62 63 63 Ebenezer Harrington married September 4, 1788, Mrs. Sarah Johnson. She died November 29, 1819, aged 65. He died May 7, 1846, aged 86 . 105 Ebenezer, born June 22, 1789; died un- married. 106 Hannah, bom February 24, 1791; married Pierce, of Acton. 107 Simeon, bom February 27, 1793; died un- married at the South. 108 Kezia, born August 30, 1795; married April 8, 1815, Otis Locke. 109 Susanna, bom July 24, 1798; married Jan- uary 1, 1823, John Hadley. Thaddeus Harrington married September 20, 1764, Lydia Porter of Worcester. They were admitted to the church April 22, 1771. He was one of the brave men who participated in the battle of Lexington. She died January, 1821. 110 Thaddeus, born January 3, 1765; died young. 111 Fanny, born June 20, 1769; died young. 112 Arethusa, baptized October 20, 1771; mar- ried February 25, 1792, George Whitehead. 113 Fanny, baptized April 23, 1772; married June 26, 1796, Seth Reed. 114 Robert, baptized May 28, 1775; moved to Boston, died in Cambridgeport. 115 Asa, baptized May 4, 1777; went to New York. 10 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 37 64 64 116 Lewis, baptized May 30, 1779; married Sarah Dudley, of Concord. 117 Lydia, baptized March 11, 1781; married Seth Reed, husband of her sister Fanny, deceased. 118 Andrew, bom ; lived in Boston and died there, aged 44. Daniel Harrington married May 8, 1760, Anna Munroe, daughter of Robert and Ann (Stone) Munroe, who was bom August 30, 1740. She died October 19, 1811, aged 71; he died Septem- ber 27, 1818, aged 79. Daniel Harrington was clerk of Captain Parker's Company, and par- ticipated with them in the dangers and glories of the memorable 19th of April, 1775. He was a prominent man in the place, and filled various posts of honor and trust. He was selectman 1779, 1785, 1786. 119 Levi, born November 9, 1760; married July 27, 1784, Rebecca Mulliken. 120 Nathan, bom April 29, 1762; married Eliza- beth Phelps; died June 28, 1837. 121 Daniel, born October 17, 1764; died young. 122 Anna, born February 3, 1766; married Thomas Winship, and died July 13, 1821, aged 55. 123 David, bom June 10, 1768; died July 26, 1795, aged 27. 124 Grace, bom March 17, 1770; married Abner Pierce, July 22, 1792; died August 1842. 125 Betty, bom February 1, 1772; married Janu- ary 25, 1799, James Bruce, of Wobum. 20 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 37 38 70 74 74 126 EusEBiA, born January 20, 1774; died Octo- ber 5, 1775. 127 EusEBiA, born February 13, 1776; married March 7, 1800, Joseph Underwood, and died December 22, 1859, aged 82. 128 IsANNA, baptized January 31, 1779; married January 11, 1801, Timothy Page, of Bedford. 129 Lydia, baptized December 10, 1780; died un- married September 26, 1803, aged 23. Abijah Harrington married April 21, 1784, Polly Raymond. She died February 27, 1822, and he married December 14, 1823, Mary Locke, widow of Asa B. Locke. He died without issue, December 31, 1852, aged 91. Though Abijah Harrington was too young (being but 13 years of age) to take part in the events of the mem- orable 19th of April, 1775, he was attracted by the march of the king's troops, and came to the Common immediately after their depart- ure for Concord, and saw in the road where the British troops stood at the time of the firing, a quantity of blood upon the ground, and so is a good witness that the fire of the British was returned, and with effect, by the Americans. Jonathan Harrington married November 14, 1782, Sally Banks. She died July 28, 1847, aged 85. 130 Harry, born March 10, 1783. He was a sea captain, and sailed out of Providence. 21 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 38 76 76 131 Polly, bom May 23, 1786; married June 22, 1811, Payson Perrin, of Boston. 132 Abigail, bom November 13, 1787; died March 23, 1858, unmarried. 133 Pitt, bom July 6, 1790. He entered the army 1812 and never returned. 134 Jonathan, bom June 4, 1793; died March, 1856, unmarried. 135 William, born March 12, 1797; died unmar- ried. 136 More, bom June 23, 1801; died September 16, 1802. Charles Harrington married December 18, 1786, Mary Brown, daughter of Francis Brown. He died January 28, 1856, aged 93; she died Janu- ary 9, 1843, aged 77. 137 Mary, bom January 9, 1787; married June 5, 1811, Stephen Robbins, Jr. 138 Susanna, born September 4, 1789; died , 1857, unmarried. 139 Betsey, bom January 10, 1796; married Wal- ter R. Mason, lived at Cambridge, then moved to New Hampshire. 140 Charles, bom April 10, 1798; married Sarah H. Wade, September 6, 1840. 141 Elmira, born September 6, 1801; married November 28, 1824, Hazen Elliott. 142 Clarrisa, born ; married Deceni- ber 3, 1835, S. H. Elliott, brother of her sister's husband. 22 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 38 38 77 77 78 78 Solomon Harrington married Polly Bent, daugh- ter of David Bent. She died May 10, 1809, aged 40. He died May 9, 1845, aged 79. 143 Charles, born December 25, 1787. He fol- lowed the sea, where he probably died. 144 David, born January 2, 1790; married Decem- ber 6, 1810, Elizabeth Francis. 145 James, born August 4, 1792; died unmarried. 146 Solomon, born February 13, 1795; married February 6, 1820, Betsey Dudley. 147 Abigail More, born February 12, 1801; married David Constantine, and resided at Bedford. 148 Irene, born December 1, 1803; married James Haywood and resided at Billerica. Peter Harrington married Lydia Loring. He died January 23, 1816, aged 43. He lived in Lexington till about 1811, when he moved to Salem, where he dir' He was captain of the Lexington artillery, .and was promoted to the lieutenant-co lonelcy . 149 Matilda, born April 5, 1799; married Hastings, and died at Springfield. 150 Isaac B. Clarke, born September 2, 1800. He left town and died unmarried. 151 Adeline, born September 24, 1802. She resided at East Cambridge, 152 Lorenzo, born August 10, 1804. He resided at East Cambridge. 23 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 53 53 53 79 81 153 Peter, bom September 21, 1807; he died at East Cambridge. 154 Emeline, bom December 21, 1809; married Benjamin Reed, and resided in Chelsea. 155 Julian, born March 29, 1812; married Bowsway; was killed by falling downstairs at East Cambridge. 156 Elizabeth, bom ; married George Dale, and resided at East Cambridge. Henry Harrington, 3d, married March 13, 1783, Amity Pierce. They had several children. They resided first at Boston, and afterwards moved to New Orleans. 82 82 Samuel Harrington married August 29, 1788, Mary Stimpson. He probably left tOTVTi at the time of his marriage, as his name, which was on the tax bill in 1788, disappears the following year. Neither the tovm. or church records make any mention of him or his family after his marriage. Isaac Harrington married October 21, 1798, Polly Farrer, of Lincoln. He died April 2, 1863, aged 97 years, 8 months. The record of the family is very imperfect. 157 Isaac, bom March 7, 1799. He enlisted in the United States service in the War of 1812; went to Louisiana and never returned. 24 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 54 86 158 Betsey, born November 22, 1800; married Emory Garfield. He died, and she married, sec- ond, Benjamin Gleason. 159 Hiram, bom May 23, 1802; married Sarah Fiske. 160 Maria, born September 9, 1803; married Isaiah Tay, of Burlington. 161 Zadock, born ; married Almira Fiske. She died, and he married, second, Al- mira Morton; she died, and he married, third, Hannah Russell. He resided in Billerica. 162 Almira, born ; married William Alurt, and moved to Vermont. 163 Daniel, born ; married in Bil- lerica, where he resided. 164 Abel, born , married in Billerica, where he resided. 165 Sally, born ; married Richardson, moved to Andover and died. 166 Priscilla, born ; died young. 86 I Joseph Harrington married March 27, 1792, Lucy Russell, daughter of Philip Russell. He died January 12, 1829. 167 Susan, born November 23, 1792; died Decem- ber 14, 1792. 168 Joseph, born May 1, 1794; he went to Con- cord when a lad, where he married May 3, 1821, Mary Snow, and had issue. 169 John, born June 6, 1796; died June 4, 1804. 25 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 63 116 116 170 Lucy, bom November 28, 1798; married October 20, 1829, William Grover. 171 Jonas, born November 7, 1800; died Sep- tember 16, 1802. 172 Mary, bom September 19, 1803; died Aug- ust 4, 1828, unmarried. 173 Lydia, bom February 10, 1806; married February 10, 1828, Daniel Kinneston. 174 Nehemiah, born March 14, 1808; married December 11, 1845, Sophia Woodbury, of New Hampshire. He resided in Lexington. 175 Emily, bom August 13, 1810; died March 22, 1828. 176 Stephen, bom May 9, 1812; married March, 1832, Maria E. Hall, and resided in Somerville, and died January 21, 1868. Lewis Harrington married August 31, 1806, Sarah Dudley, of Concord. He died September, 1829, aged 50; she died November 10, 1858, aged 71. 177 Lucy Ann, bom married Seth S. Bennett, March 19, 1826. They moved to Providence, where she died. 178 Mary R., bom ; married William Wyman, of Worcester, resided in Medford. 179 Jonas, bom 1810; married Susan Pierce, daughter of Ebenezer and Nabby (Brown) Pierce. He died July 5, 1857; she died April 16, 1856. They left two children : first, Emma J., bom 1845; second, Oren C, bom May 31, 1851. 26 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 64 119 ; married. Elijah 180 Sarah E., bom Gossom, and died September 3, 1858. 181 Hannah M.,bom ; married George Todd, of Charlestown. 182 Cyrus D., bom 1820; married Rebecca Frost of West Cambridge where he died. 183 Frances A., bom ; married April 23, 1846, Loring S. Pierce. 119 Levi Harrington married July 27, 1784, Rebecca Mulliken, daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia. She died September 5, 1820; he died July 26, 1846, aged 86. They were admitted to the church April 22, 1787. 184 Nathaniel, bom January 3, 1786; married November 30, 1815, Clarissa Mead. 185 Nancy, bom January 3, 1788; as late as 1867, living unmarried. 186 Fanny, bom April 1, 1792; married Horace Skilton, of Bedford, October 29, 1820. 187 Rebecca, born October 28, 1794; married Daniel Hastings, of Boston, November 4, 1823. 188 Dennis, born October 7, 1796; died August 11, 1840, unmarried. 189 Hiram, born May 15, 1799; married January 22, 1825, Julia A. Lane. 190 Sophia, born August 25, 1801; married December 12, 1822, Harrison G. O. Munroe, of Boston. 191 Bowen, lK)rn August 6, 1803; married Decem- I ber 20, 1832, Elizabeth P. Ward. 27 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 64 76 120 120 140 77 Nathan Harrington married Elizabeth Phelps, of Andover. He lived many years in Worcester, then returned to Lexington, where he died September 27, 1818. 192 Betsey, bom April 27, 1788; married October 17, 1813, William Chandler. 193 Dorcas, bom June 25 1790; married Joshua P. Frothingham, Charlestown. 194 Nathan, bom Febmary 29, 1792; married Martha I. Mead. 195 Tryphena, bom August 25, 1794; died November 12, 1853, unmarried. 196 Daniel, born August 26, 1796; married Han- nah Jacobs. 197 Anna, bom November 24, 1799; married Addison Gage. December 27, 1832. He resided in West Cambridge, and was extensively engaged in the ice trade. 198 Increase S., bom September 6, 1802; mar- ried December 12, 1826, Eliza Maynard. He died February 18, 1848. 199 Abijah, bom September 3, 1804; he lived in Lexington, unmarried. 144 Charles Harrington married September 6, 1840, Sarah H. Wade, of Lowell, born September 6, 1810. He had no children. David Harrington married December 6, 1810, Elizabeth Francis. 28 The HARRINGTON F A M 1 LY 77 19 144 146 184 200 Sylvester, born May 1, 1811; married May, 1841, Mary Ann Robinson, daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Simmonds) Robinson. 201 Mary B., born January 18, 1816; married May 14, 1835, Charles J. Adams. They resided at East Cambridge, where he was the keeper of the house of correction. 202 Charles S., born November 10, 1831; died January 4, 1838. Solomon Harrington married February 6, 1820, Betsey Dudley, daughter of Nathan and Sarah Dudley, born June 1, 1798. He resided in Lex- ington, then moved to Boston, and subsequently to Brookline, where he died June 5, 1858. 184 Nathaniel Harrington married November 30, 1815, Clarissa Mead, daughter of Josiah. He died January 8, 1839, and she died February 16, 1866, aged 76. 203 Franklin M., bom June 6, 1817; has been twice married. 204 Ellen M., born July 1, 1819. 205 Edwin, born February 21, 1821; married November 27, 1845, Eunice E. More, of Sudbury, bom April 29, 1824. Tliey resided in Sudbury. 206 Clarissa, born December 8, 1822; married April 29, 1845, Samuel B. Rindge, of East Cam- bridge, where they resided. 29 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 119 119 189 191 207 Nathaniel, bom September 23, 1824. 208 Larkin, bom April 17, 1826; married Novem- ber 23, 1851, Mary W. Langley. He resided in Medford, now in New Hampshire. 209 Andrew, bom April 21, 1828; married De- cember 29, 1853, Mary J. Rainey, resided at Galesburg, Illinois. 210 Rebecca, bom June 12, 1830; died May 7, 1832. 211 Elizabeth W., bom October 14, 1833. Hiram Harrington married January 22, 1825, Julia A. C. Lane. They had three children: first and second died young; third, Hiram Augustus. He moved to lUuiois, where he died March 16, 1859. 191 Bo WEN Harrington married December 20, 1832, Elizabeth P. Ward, of Boston, daughter of William and Mary Ward, bom December 20, 1811. She died May 9, 1863, aged 51. He was a justice of the peace. 212 Mary W., bom November 24, 1834; married June 9, 1864, Gershom Swan, and had Charles Ward, bom July 26, 1866. 213 Charles B., bom January 23, 1837. He enlisted in 1861 in the Massachusetts Volunteers for three years, came home on a furlough, being in ill health, and died of disease contracted in the service, September 5, 1862. 30 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 120 120 184 194 194 196 203 203 214 William H., bom May 30, 1840. He resides in Illinois. 215 George D., born July 17, 1843. He served three years in the Army of the Potomac, in the late rebellion. Nathan Harrington married February 1, 1824, Martha I. Mead, daughter of Josiah Mead. She died June 26, 1835. He died November 14, 1843. He was a captain in the Lexington artillery. 216 Caroline M., born October 1, 1829. 217 Elvira M., bom February 18, 1832. Daniel Harrington married December 15, 1824, Hannah Jacobs. He died October 5, 1826, aged 30. She married Brooks. Franklin M. Harrington married June 2, 1847 Susan Wiley, of Ashby. She died February 20, 1858, and he married April 16, 1859, Mrs. Susan Turner. 218 Fannie W., born December 29, 1851. 219 Martha M., born December 8, 1853. 220 Ellen E., bom Februaiy 15, 1856. 31 The HARRINGTON F A M I L Y This record, taken largely from Mr. Hudson's History of Lexington, I have supplemented by a complete reproduction of the record found in Dr. Bond's History of Watertown. There are few members of the Harrington family, if any, who cannot trace their lineage to some of the earlier families whose records are here given in full. ?l|amngt0tt (^tnxn^tm, ^rrtngton, Arrittglon) Robert Harrington. His name is the last on the list of proprietors, made out 1642-44. He then owned a home- stall, "given him by Thomas Hastings." This gift renders it probable that he was a kinsman of Deacon Hastings. He was admitted fi*eeman May 27, 1663, and he married October 1, 1649 (?48), Susanna George, bom 1632, who died July 6, 1694, and he died May 7, 1707. In his will dated January 1, 1704-5 (the day before the third marriage of his daughter Susanna), he mentions his sons John, Daniel, Benjamin, Samuel, Thomas, Edward (his "youngest son," to whom he gave his homestead), and daughters, Susanna Beers, Mary Bemis, Sarah Winship; Joseph, son of "my son Joseph, deceased," and daughter-in-law Joanna Ward, late wife of his son Joseph. His inventory mentions sixteen lots of land, amounting to 642^ acres, and appraised at £717. December 24, 1684, he bought of Jeremiah Dummer, a gold- smith, of Boston, and Anna, his wife, for £90, the west or southwest half (250 acres) of the Oldham Farm, where some of his descendants have continued to reside until the present time. It was bounded west by Joseph Garfield; north by Richard Cutting, widow Sarah Fiske, and said 32 (6raur nf iluUirrt Waniiujitnu of lUatmtiuim T h e H A RRI N G T O N F A M I L Y Garfield; east by Abraham Gale and John Gale; south by Charles River. September 28, 1685, he gave to his son Joseph 55 acres of land, which he had bought of Simon Cool- edge, January 29, 1679-80, which he (S. C.) had bought of Simon Stone, and which he (S. S.) had bought of the widow and heirs of the Reverend Henry Green, to whom it had been granted by the town. It is very probable that all the families of the name of Harrington in New England are descended from Robert, of Watertown. They are very numerous and widely dispersed. There was a Richard Harrington, or Arrington, of Charlestown, in 1643; but I have not dis- covered that he left any descendants bearing his name, or that he was related to Robert. Abraham Errington, of Cambridge, admitted to full communion, March 27, 1663; married Rebecca, daughter of Robert Cutler of Charlestown. She had been admitted to full communion some time before. Children: 1, Rebecca; 2, Hannah; 3, Sarah; all baptized previous to 1660; 4, Mary, baptized January 13, 1660; Abraham, baptized November 8, 1663. I have discovered no further information respect- ing this family. 33 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 15 26 33 35 40 46 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Children op George and Susanna Harrington. 1 Susanna, bom August 18, 1649; married Feb- ruary 9, 1671, John Cutting, by whom she had seven children. He died July 18, 1689; and she married, second, April 21, 1690, Eleazer Beers, who died December 5, 1691; and she married, third, January 2, 1704-05, Peter Cloyes, of Framingham. (This Eleazer Beers was a son and the administrator of Captain Richard Beers.) 2 John, bom August 24, 1651; died August 24, 1741. 3 Robert, bom August 31, 1653; probably died young. 4 George, bom November 24, 1655. He be- longed to Captain Wadsworth's company, and was killed by the Indians at Lancaster, Febru- ary, 1675-6. 5 Daniel, bom November 1, 1657; admitted freeman April 18, 1690; died April 19, 1728. 6 Joseph, born December 28, 1659; admitted freeman April 18, 1690. 7 Benjamin, born January 26, 1661-2; died 1724. 8 Mary, bom January 12, 1663-4; married about 1680, John Bemis. Fourteen children. 9 Thomas, bom April 20, 1665; admitted free- man April 18, 1690; died March 29, 1712. 10 Samuel, bom December 18, 1666. 11 Edward, bom March 2, 1668-9. 12 Sarah, bom March 10, 1670-1; died Novem- ber 28, 1710; married November 24, 1687, Joseph Winship, Jr., of Cambridge. 13 David, bom June 1, 1673; died March 11, 1675. 34 V The HARRINGTON FAMILY / (II) John Harrington married November 17, 1681, Hannah Winter, daughter of John Winter, Jr., of Watertown, afterwards Cambridge Farms. She died July 17, 1741, and he died August 24, 1741, in Waltham. 1 Hannah, bom August 9, 1682; married April 29, 1703, Eleazer Hammond, of Newton. 2 John, bom October, 1684; married April 12, 1705, Elizabeth Cutter, of Cambridge Farms (Lexington) where he settled. Children: 1 Richard, bom September 26, 1707. 2 Moses, bom January 6, 1709-10. 3 Henry, bom January 8, 1711-12. 4 John, bom March 22, 1713-14. 5 (?) Hannah, baptized in WatertoTvn, Feb- ruary 20, 1714-15. 6 William, bom February 4, 1716-17. 7 Abigail, born December 14, 1718; married March 1, 1738, John Palls, of ToTSTisend. 8 Caleb, bom July 13, 1721. 3 Mary, born May 11, 1687; married March 8, 1708-9, Thomas Hammond. Nine children. 4 Lydia, baptized March 2, 1689-90. 5 George. (?) 6 James, bom April 2, 1695. 7 Patience, baptized October 10, 1697. 8 Ann, baptized March 31, 1700; married November 10, 1720, Samuel Cutter, of Lexington. 9 Sarah, bom March 6, 1701-2. 10 Ruth, bom January 24, 1704-5; married 1725-6, Jonathan Bullard. 11 JosiAH, bom June 12, 1709. 12 Joshua, bom June 12, 1709. 35 3 15 16 17 291 18 19 301 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 61 20 23 25 74 26 ,87 27 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 91 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (II) Daniel Harrington, a blacksmith, mar- ried October 18, 1681, Sarah Whitney. She died June 8, 1720, and he married October 25, 1720, Elizabeth, widow of Captain Benjamin Garfield, and daughter of Matthew and Anna (Danforth) Bridge, of Cambridge. 1 Daniel, bom February 24, 1683-4. 2 Robert, bom July 2, 1685, a blacksmith; married November 15, 1711, Anna Harrington (47) and settled in Lexington. Children: 1 Samuel, born July 28, died September 12, 1712. 2 Samuel, bom April 15, 1714. 3 Anna, bom June 2, baptized in Watertown, June 10, 1716; married Rev. Timothy Har- rington, her cousin (143). She died in Lancaster, Massachusetts, May 18, 1778. 4 Robert, bom April 26, 1719, of Lexington, by wife Abigail had, 1 Daniel, bom March 26, 1739; married May, 1760, Anna Munroe, of Lexington, and had : 1, Levi, bom November 9, 1760. 2, Na- than, bom April 29, 1762. 3, Daniel, born October 17, 1764. 4, Anna, bom February 3, 1766. 5, Daniel, bom June 10, 1768. 6, Grace, bom March 17, 1770. 7, Betty, bom February 1, 1772. 8, Euse- BiA, born January 20, 1774; died October 5, 1775. 9, EusEBiA, bom February 13, 1776. 36 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 33 38 39 97 29 30 31 32 2, Bette, bom May 23, 1745. 3, Elizabeth, bom September 6, 1747; married February 12, 1766, Ebenezer White, of Lexington, son of Joseph and Mary. 4, Abigail, bom December 23, 1749. 5, Abigail, bom August 9, 1754. 6, Abijah, bom Febmary 7, 1761. 5 Jonathan, bom March 21, 1722-23; mar- ried first, Abigail , and married second, February 13, 1766, Ruth Fiske. 1, Rebekah, born February 17, 1751; married August 31, 1769, Edmund Munroe, of Lexington. 2, Mary, born August 11, 1753. 3, Anna, born February 19, 1756. 4, Jonathan, bom July 8, 1758. 5, Charles, bom November 15, 1760; died March 24, 1761. 6, Charles, born March 24, 1763. 7, Solomon, born February 22, . 8, Jonathan, bom October 25, 1766. David, born July 10, 1687. 4 Jonathan, born February 2, 1689-90; died 1730; married February 28, 1723-4, Elizabeth Bigelow, and had one child, Elizabeth, bom April 14, 1726; married 1752, Ebenezer Park- man, of Westboro. 5 Joseph, lx)rn February 4, 1690-1. 6 Sarah, born October 28, 1693; married Jan- uary 11, 1710-11, Nathaniel Livermore, by whom she had one child, Sarah, born October 2, 1711. He died February, 1712, and his widow married, second, April 8, 1723, Ebenezer Stone, of Newton. 37 The HARRINGTON FAMILY (II) Joseph Harrington married November 7, 1688, Joamia Mixer. He died December 3, 1690, leaving one child, and his widow married Decem- ber 20, 1693, Obadiah Ward, of Sudbury. Will dated November 28, 1690, proved April 1, 1691. Inventory £123. 7 33 103 34 8 35 111 36 37 119 38 39 10 40 131 41 42 1 Joseph. (II) Benjamin Harrington married December 10, 1684, Abigail Bigelow. She was a member of Sudbury Church, 1709-10, whence she was admitted to the church in Weston, where she died January 12, 1754, aged 90. 1 Benjamin, bom October 2, 1685; died 1768. 2 Abigail, bom March 1, 1688-9; married July 17, 1718, John Myrick, Jr., of Weston. 3 Isaac, bom February 2, 1692-3. 4 Thankful, bom September 29, 1701; mar- ried March 27, 1723, Josiah Livermore, of Weston. (II) Thom-^s Harrington married April 1, 1686, Rebecca, widow of John White, and daughter of John Bemis. Will dated March 27, proved April 6, 1712; Inventory (real estate) April 4, 1712, £399. 1 Ebenezer, bom June 27, 1687. 2 Susanna, bom November 17, 1688; married May 25, Joshua Kendall, and had, 38 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 141 143 11 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1, Susanna, bom March 22, 1711-12. 2, Joshua, baptized June 12, 1715. 3 Rebecca, born 1690; married May 25, 1714, Simon Tainter. Six children. 4 Thomas, bom January 14, 1691-2. 5 George, bom August 31, 1695. (II) Samuel Harrington married, first, October 6, 1691, Grace Livermore. She died November 28, 1703, and he married, second, March 14, 1704, Mary, widow of John Warren, and daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Shattuck) Brown. He probably resided at Hatfield, and was admitted freeman 1678-9. 1 Anna, (?) married November 15, 1711, Rob- ert Harrington. 2 Grace, bom August 26, 1694; married Decem- ber 28, 1718, Ebenezer Fiske, of Lexington. 3 Elizabeth, bom March 6, 1695-6; married March 28, 1716, Isaac Bowman, Esq., of Lex- ington. 4 Abigail, born July 24, 1698; died November 5, 1728; married John Ball. 5 Prudence, born July 24, 1701; married October 27, 1720, Jolin Estabrook, of Lexing- ton. Eight children. 39 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 12 165 168 185 190 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 (II) Edward Harrington married, first, March 30, 1692, Mary Ocington ; and he married, second, May 24, 1727, Anna, widow of Jonathan Bul- lard, of Weston. 1 Mary, bom January 2, 1692-3; married De- cember 7, 1710, Daniel Rogers. He died Novem- ber 5, 1711, and it was probably his widow, Mary Rogers, who mamed, January 3, 1716-17, Joseph Grant. 2 William, born November 11, 1694; died February 27, 1751-2. 3 MiNDWELL, born June 19, 1697; died October 14, 1700. 4 Joanna, bom August 16, 1699; married May 25, 1720, John Tainter. Eleven children. 5 Edward, bom June 17, 1702; died December 6, 1792. 6 Samuel, bom August 3, 1704. 7 Nathaniel, bom June 25, 1706 graduated from Harvard College 1728. Long knowTi as "Master Harrington." 8 Francis, bom June 11, 1709; married Novem- ber 16, 1736, Prudence Steams, and moved to Grafton, afterwards of Worcester, where she died 1751, and he had a second wife, Deborah, who died April 20, 1799, aged 84. He died July 18, 1793, aged 84. Francis Hamngton (prob- ably a son of the preceding) died in Worcester, April 6, 1768, aged 31. 9 Susanna, bom September 9, 1711; married, November 25, 1731, Samuel Bamard. 40 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 (III) George Harrington married November 15, 1711, Abiel Parker, daughter of James Parker, of Groton. She died May 25, 17 — . 1 Abigail, born March 21, 1712-13; married September 31, 1732, Thomas Slaton, of Weston. 2 Hannah, born February 16, 1714-15; died April 30, 1740; married (published August 24), 1735, William Whitney. 3 Abiel, born April 9, 1717. 4 George, bom March 16, 1717-18; married Janu- ary 1, 1740-1, Rebecca Allen. He was probably the George Harrington who married September 2, 1764, Betsey Smith, of Waltham. Children: 1, Ephraim, born April 17, 1742, in Weston. 2, Sarah, bom August 3, 1743. 3, Ebenezer, bom in Brookfield, September 8, 1745. 5 Thankful, born January 25, 1719-20; mar- ried April 20, 1738, Richard Cutting, of Wal- tham, and had seven children. After his death, she married March 15, 1770, Samuel Livermore, Esq., being his fourth wife. She died November 4, 1772. 6 Mary, born March 27, 1722; married 1751, John Headley, of Weston. 7 Grace, born March 12, 1723-4. 8, Joshua, bom February 28, 1725-6. 9 Lydia, born February 14, 1727-8. 10, Phin- ehas, lx)rn March 1, 1729-30; died the following January. 11 Phinehas, born March 1, 1730-1; died Feb- ruary, 1734. 12, Ruth, bom April 8, 1732. 13 Prudence, bom November 27, 1734. 41 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 26 27 27 200 74 75 76 77 79 81 83 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 (III) JosiAH Harrington, of the West Precinct (Waltham), married May 20, 1730, Dinah Flagg. 1 HuLDAH, baptized September 25, 1731. 2 Dinah, baptized May 20, 1733; died Septem- ber 30, 1759; married Deacon Elijah Livermore. 3 Elijah, baptized November 17, 1734. 4, Tabitha, baptized September 11, 1737. 5 Elizabeth, baptized April 15, 1739. 6, Jo- siAH, baptized May 11, 1740. 7 Hannah, baptized November 22, 1741. 8, Jeremiah, baptized July 29, 1744. 9 Sarah, baptized May 11, 1746. 10, Jemima, baptized January 24, 1748. 11 Anna, baptized July 2, 1749. 12, Mary, baptized September 15, 1751. 13 Silas, baptized May 21, 1752. in- (III) JosiAH Harrington, of Waltham, married Elizabeth •^ i h^U.\l/ilij 1 Elizabeth, baptized May 20, 1733. 2, Sarah baptized May 12, 1734. 3 Elizabeth baptized January 18, 1726. 4, Lucia, baptized August 14, 1737. (Ill) Daniel Harrington, married October 18, 1705, Elizabeth Warren and moved to Marlboro. 1 Daniel, bom 1707. 2 Isaac, bom May 6, 1709. 3 Samuel, born 1714. 42 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 31 34 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 (III) Joseph Harrington, a blacksmith, mar- ried September 15, 1714, Martha Hastings. 1 Sarah, born August 13, 1719. 2, Thomas, born November 20, 1721; died soon. 3 Thomas, born December 26, 1726. 4 Ruth, born March 5, 1728-9; married April 25, 1753, Jonas Bond. 5 Sarah, born July 25, 1733; married May 18, 1755, Thomas Winship. 6 Martha, bom August, 1736; married 1761, John Stearns. 7 Elizabeth, baptized October, 1736; (?) mar- ried October 14, 1756, Henry Coggin,of Sudburj'. (Ill) Joseph Harrington, of Weston, married Lydia . 1 Priscilla, born April 24, 1717; admitted to full communion August 22, 1736, married June 3, 1739, Ephraim Sanger, of Concord. 2 Jabez, born September 21, 1720; married June 25, 1753, Abigail Smith. Children: 1, Abigail, born January 13, 1754. 2, MiCAH, bom June, 1757. 3, Lydia, bom and died April, 1759. 4, Elizabeth, bom May 21, 1761. 5, Ephraim, born April 4, 1763. 3 MiCAH, bom December 15, 1722. 4 Elisha, born March 3, 1724-5; by wife Tab- itha had son Elisha, bom July 1, 1766, who married March 31, 1785, Lydia Cummings. 48 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 36 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 5 Adino, bom June 6, 1727, of Weston; mar- ried May 18, 1749, Esther Hastings. He died June 18, 1753; and his widow married Thomas Hale, of Natick. Children: 1, Justus, bom October 5, 1750. 2, Lucy, bom October, 1752; married March 27, 1788, Isaac Lovewell, who settled in Livermore, Maine, and had three children, who died in childhood. 6 Nathan, bom October 7, 1729. 7 Lydia, bom August 21, 1732; married Decem- ber 30, 1758, Edward Hastings. (Ill) Benjamin Harrington, of Weston, mar- ried, first, Grace Allen, who died January 6, 1729-30; and he married, second, June 27, 1730, widow Lydia Warren, who died August 21, 1761; and he married, third, June 30, 1762, Ruth Guild, of Sudbury. 1 Grace, bom August 1, 1714; married May 10, 1734, Isaac Gregory, of Weston. Eight children. 2 Sarah, bom September 26, 1715; married February 20, 1739-40, John Warren, Jr. 3 Jonas, bom April 3, 1717, died October 25, 1807, aged 90; of Weston; married December 23, 1742, Elizabeth Bond. She died May 16, 1811, aged 86. 1 Abijah, bom December 1, 1743; married October 26, 1769, Sarah Livermore- 44 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 38 116 117 118 119 120 121 119 120 2 Thaddeus, born August 16, 1745. 3, Mary, bom March 27, 1747; died August 31, 1765 4 Silas, bom July 21, 1749; died August 28, 1765. 5 Benjamin, bom September 7, 1751; died January 8, 1766. 6 Lucy, bom February 20, 1757; died Decem- ber, 1765. 7 Amos, died January 15, 1846, aged 92, unmarried. 8 Grace, bom January 13, 1759; had by Boyce, a son, Daniel, bom about 1777, illegitimate. She died December 1, 1827, aged 69, unmarried. 4 Abigail, bom January 26, 1719-20; married April 3, 1746, James Stimson. 5 Mary, bom July 12, 1722; married (pub. April 27), 1751, Stephen Randall, of Waltham. 6 Anna, bom August 26, 1726; married Janu- ary 30, 1745-6, Jonathan BuUard. 7 Benjamin, bom June 23, 1731; died 1734. 8 Benjamin. (?). (Ill) Isaac Harrington, of Weston, married May 13, 1720, Susanna Allen. 1 Isaac, bom November 19, 1722; died 1727. 2 Moses, born August 31, 1724; of Weston; married March 2, 1749-50, Mary Gregory'. Children: 45 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 41 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1 Moses, born May 23, 1750. 2 Silence, born December 28, 1752; married May 30, 1779, Elisha Gibbs, of Princeton. 3 Isaac, bom July 11, 1754; (?) married January 8, 1778, Mary Parmenter. 4 Jesse, born May 8, 1756; married (pub. December 8, 1781) Mrs. Abigail Richardson. 5 Joel, bom May 18, 1758; married (pub. August 12, 1780), Mary McNaire. 3 Thankful, bom February 28, 1728-29; mar- ried (pub. April 25), 1750, John Guild, of Walpole. 4 Susanna, bom April 7, 1730. 5, Tamar, bom March 6, 1731-2; died February, 1734. 6 Isaac, born September 7, 1734; died 1737. 7 Stephen, bom February 4, 1739; married July 21, 1769, Sarah Hastings. 8 Jason, born January 26, 1741-2; married March 29, 1760, Abigail Leadbeater. Children: 1, Priscilla, bom May 12, 1760. 2, Daniel, bom March 30, 1762. 3, Prest. (?), bom April 25 1764. 4, Jacob, born Febmary 4, 1766. 5, Obadiah Swift, bom May 26, 1769. 6, Su- sanna, bom June 3, 1770. 9 Isaac, Jr. (?). (Ill) Ebenezer Harrington, admitted to the church of Waltham March 27, 1709, and to that of Framingbam, June 15, 1718; Selectman of Framingham, 1742; married February 3, 1707-8, Hepzibah Cloyes, daughter of Peter and Sarah Cloyes, of Framingham. His will was proved April 8, 1754. 46 r h e H A RRI N G T O N F A M I L Y 284 44 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 141 1 Sarah, born December 8, 1708; baptized in Waltham, March 27, 1709. 2 Rebecca, born December 12, 1713. 3 Thomas, born November 18, 1715. 4 Ebenezer, born March 8 1716-17. 5 Joshua, born October 11. 1718; married January 11, 1743, Sarah Nurse, and married, second, October 3, 1751, Betty Bent. Chil- dren: 1, John, bom September 2, 1752. 2, Sarah, bom January 14, 1754. 3, Joshua, bom September 13, 1755. 4, Hannah, bom August 21, 1759. 6 Susanna, bom September 16, 1720. 7, Hep- zibah, born April 10, 1722. 8 Elias, born February 17, 1724-5. 9, Phin- EHAS, born October 6, 1728. (Ill) Thomas Harrington, married first, Abi- gail Rice, and settled in Cambridge, where she died March 4, 1717. He returned to Waltham, and had a second wife, Mary. His will, dated Waltham, January 31, 1739, proved October, 1750, mentions wife Mary, sons Thomas (of Shrewsbury), Timothy, and Daniel (residuary legatee). The bequest to Timothy is as follows: "I give and bequeath to my son Timothy Harrington the sum of tliirty-four pounds (besides what I have been out in school and college learning for him) to be paid by my son Daniel," etc. He was Innholder 1719 to 1737. 47 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 248 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 1 Thomas, born in Cambridge, September 29,1713. 2 Timothy, bom January 30, baptized February 5, 1715-16, in Cambridge, (bom February 10, N. S.); graduated from Harvard College, 1737; and settled as pastor of Lower Ashuelot (Swan- zey), New Hampshire. That to\\Ti was destroyed by Indians, April 2, 1747, and he was installed in the church at Lancaster, Massachusetts, November 16, 1748. He married, first, Anna Harrington (30). She died in Lancaster, May 19, 1778, and he married, second, Anne, widow of Rev. Matthew Bridge, of Framingham. He died December 18, 1795, and his widow died in Framingham May 12, 1805. Children: 1 Henrietta, bom in Lexington, 1744; mar- ried John Locke, of Templeton, a brother of Rev. Samuel Locke, D.D., President of Har- vard College. 2 Arethusa, bom in Lexington, 1747. 3 EsuBiA, bom in Lancaster, May, 1751; married Paul Richardson, of Lancaster, after- wards of Winchester, New Hampshire. 4 Timothy, bom September, 1753; graduated from Har\'ard College, 1776; a physician, of Chelmsford; died February 26, 1804, leaving an only son, Rufus,who died in Boston about 1808. 5 Thomas, bom November, 1755, a deacon, living in Heath, Massachusetts, 1826. 6 Anna (?Mary), born 1758; married Dr. Richard Perkins Bridge. He died August 22, 1797, aged 40, and his widow married Dr. Joshua Fisher, of Beverly. 7 Other children died in infancy. 48 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 242 45 316 150 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 L49i 150 3 Daniel, bom in Waltham, January 15, 1720- 21; died April 16, 1763. 4 Abigail, born January 12, 1726-7; died 1730. (Ill) George Harrington married December 5, 1715, Hepzibah Fiske. She died March 26, 1736. 1 Hannah, born July 31, 1716; married in Sud- bury, September 10, 1735, AVilliam Whitney, Jr., of Weston. 2 Elisha, bom August 27, 1717; died 1719. 3, Abigail, bom October 4, 1718. 4 John, bom December 14, 1719; of Waltham; married November 13, 1740, Sarah Bamard. 1 John, bom February 28, 1742-3. 2 Sarah, bora November 20, 1744; died January 19, 1771; married October 9, 1766, Captain Isaac Gleason, of Waltham. Three children. 3 William, bom Febmary 6, 1745-6; died August 2, 1763. 4 Caleb, baptized December 11, 1748. 5 Abraham, bom 1750; grave in the Harring- ton lot, Weston Cemetery; fought in the Bat- tle of Lexington and Concord. 6 Isaac, bom January 21, 1753; died Janu- ary, 1754. 7 Elizabeth, born November 12, 1754; mar- ried June 18, 1778, Samuel Home, of South- bo ro. 49 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 151 152 154 155 156 157 8 Submit, born February 18, 1757. 5 Lydia, born February 12, 1720-1. 6, Elisha, bom November 19, 1722. 7 Seth, bom June 22, 1724. 8 Benjamin, born September 29, 1725; mar- ried October 5, 1749, Elizabeth Pierce. He died December 31, 1788, aged 64; and she died October 22, 1794, aged 66. Children: 1 Benjamin, bom April 29, 1750; married July 8, 1785, Eunice Garfield. 1, Paul, born September 6, 1785;. 2, Eu- nice, born May 17, 1788. 3, Seth, bom February 22, 1790; died 1849. 2 Paul, born June 28, 1752; drowned June 24, 1771. 3 Joel, born October 31, 1754; died March 28, 1805; married January 8, 1784, Abigail Fiske. Children: 1, Abigail, born December 19, died De- cember 29, 1784. 2, Joel (twin), bom De- cember 19, died December 29, 1784. 3, Joel, bom May, 2, 1786; married in Weston, April 1, 18 — , Jerusha Perry, and had, 1, Amos P., born July 15, 1809. 2, Charles P., bom February 27, 1811. 3, Albert, bom May 9, 1813. 4, Caroline, bom May 11, 1816. 5, Sarah, bom July 13, 1819. 4, Abigail, bom July 4, 1788. 5, Louisa, born May 4, 1791; mxarried January 21, 1810, John Viles. 6, Alice, born October 4, 1794. 7, Melinda, and 8, Almira (twins), born February 22, 1799. 9, Lydia, bom January 15, 1802. 60 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 158 159 54 56 160 162 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 4 Eunice, born August 3, 1758; married May 25, 1779, Eliphalet Warren. 5 Solomon, bom July 3, 1765; married April 26, 1796, Hannah Pierce. Children: 1, Lydia, bom October 24, 1797. 2, Ruth, bom June 26, 1799. 3, Hannah, bom April 19, 1804. 4, George W., bom July 2, 1806. Moved to Illinois. 9 Sarah, bom October 21, 1727. 10, Seth, bom September 25, 1728. 11 Mercy, bom February 7, 1730. 12, Eunice, born October 30, 1733. 13 Susanna, bom January 9, 1735-6. (Ill) William Harrington married October 7, 1725, Anne Spring. She died May 18, 1770. 1 William, born August 17, 1726; died 1744. 2 Anna, bom August 13, 1728; married April 26, 1753, John Fall. She, as widow, was dis- missed to the church in Templeton, September 24, 1780. 3 Mary, baptized December 24, 1732. (Ill) Edward Harrington married December 15, 1731, Anna Bullard. She died October 6, 1771, aged 56. 1 Mary, baptized July 23, 1732. 2 Moses, bom October 22, 1733; married April 22, 1757, Mary Peirce. 61 The HARRINGTON FAMILY T 171 172 173 175 176 177 178 179 3 Edward, bom May 22, 1735; a captain in the Revolution; died at Ticonderoga, September 23, 1776; man-ied April 1, 1756, Anna Lawrence. 1 Edward, bom May 20, 1758; married October 15, 1778, Susanna Wellington. Had one son, Edward, baptized March 4, 1781. 2 Susanna, bom November 23, 1759. 3, Lucy, baptized August 9, 1761. 4 Susanna, born April 24, 1764. 5, Jacob, bom August 23, 1772. 6 Jacob, bom October 14, 1775. 4 BuLAH, bom June 11, 1737; married December 5, 1759, Captain Abijah Child. Eleven children. 5 Grace, bom February 23, 1739-40; married August 24, 1758, Samuel Sanger. Seven children. 6 Jonathan, bom January 12, 1741-2; mar- ried December 20, 1764, Grace Hagar, and be- tween 1767 and '69 mioved to Shrewsbury. She died October 1, 1778, and he married March 10, 1779, Catherine, daughter of Ross Wyman. He returned to Watertown, where he died, in conse- quence of working in Charles River in cold weather. Children: 1, Grace, bom in Watertown, September 30, 1765. 2, Lydia, born in Watertown, March 20, 1767; married Moses Livermore. 3, Susanna, born in Shrewsbury, January 22, 1769. 4, Anna, bom September, 1770. 5, Sarah, bom August 28, 1772; died August 1, 1775, 6, Jonathan, bom March 10, 1780. 7, Sarah, bom Febmary 15, 1782. 8, Wyman, bom Febmary 11, 1784. 9, Ephraim, bom in 52 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 180 181 57 182 183 185 186 187 Watertown, September 24, 1786. 10, Kath- ERiNE, bom March 29, 1789. 11, Leonard, bom April 27, 1791. 7 Phinehas, bom January 30, 1745-6; died soon. 8 William, bom January 9, 1746-7; married February 12, 1777, Esther Bemis. About 1790, he moved to Lunenburg. 1 Hannah, bom December 1, 1777. 2, Eli- jah, bom July 11, 1779. 3 William, bom December 25, 1781. 4, Polly, bom September 5, 1783. 5 Betsey, born November 16, 1785. 6, Isaac, bom November 2, 1787. 7 LucRETiA, born September 8, 1789. 8 Jonathan Bemis, born in Lunenburg, September 23, 1792. 9 Phinehas, bom December 8, 1748; married March 19, 1778, Thankful Bemis. Children: 1 Lucy, born May 23, 1778. 2, Joel, bom October 4, 1780. 3 Edward, born November 19, 1782; and others. 10 Anna, bom December 20, 1749; married February 12, 1767, Jonas Coolidge, Jr. 11 Mary, baptized August 23, 1752. 12, Su- sanna, baptized May 11, 1755. (Ill) Samuel Harrington, of Waltham, mar- ried October 19, 1725, Sarah Warren. 1 Samuel, baptized May 19, 1728. 2 Mary, baptized May 19, 1728. 53 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 58 93 IrUnG^J, 190 191 192 193 194 198 200 201 (III) Nathaniel HARRmoTON ("Master Har- rington") married, first, August 4, 1747, Mary Kemball. She died July 15, 1760, and he mar- ried, second, March 29, 1762, Rebecca Clarke. 1 Mary, bom May 18, 1748; married October 6, 1773, John Stimson. 2 Nathaniel, bom August 1, 1750; graduated from Harvard College, 1769; a physician; died in Jamaica. 3 Peter, bom May 4, 1752; married Febmary 9, 1775, Anna Hammond. Children: 1 Samuel, born July 1775; married March 29, 1801, Polly Fiske. 2 Nathaniel, bom September 21, 1777. 3 Anna, bom December 12, 1779. 4 Peter, bom December 28, 1782. 4 Catherine, bom August 26, 1755. 5, Charles, bom May 19, 1759. (IV) Isaac Harrington married February 16, 1730, Miriam Eager, daughter of Zerubbabel and Hannah (KenlyJ Eager, of Marlboro, and settled in Grafton. In advanced age he lived with his son, Isaac, of Shrewsbury, where he died June 1, 1782, and his widow Miriam died February 12, 1801, aged 88. 1 Isaac, a sea captain, of Shrewsbury; married Hannah, daughter of Jacob Whipple, of Grafton. He was for many years a Selectman; a Repre- sentative, and a member of the Convention that 64 The H ARRI N G T O N F AM I LY 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 ratified the Constitution of the United States. He died July 8, 1805, and his wife Hannah died January 25, 1804, aged 66. 1 Adam, born 1759; of Shrewsbury; married August 14, 1781, Lucretia Bigelow, daughter of Samuel Bigelow, Jr. He died of small- pox, November 12, 1792, and his widow married Captain Martin Newton, 1794. 1 Hannah, born April 26, 1782; married 1800, Dr. Silas Wheelock. 2 ZiLLAH, bom August 23, 1784; married 1808, Col. Daniel Harrington (271). 3 Isaac, bom May 18, 1790; died Febru- ary 23, 1843; married 1809, Rhoda, daugh- ter of Samuel Smith. Children: 1 Samuel Smith, bom April 25, 1810. 2 Elbridge Gerry, born January 3, 1812; married Susan Harrington (270-3). 3 Isaac Sylvester, bom December 17, 1813. 4 Nancy Eliza, born December 18, 1815; married Daniel Harrington (264). 5 Charlotte Lucretia, born May 22, 1818; married William Bartlett. 6 Adam Lorenzo, bom December 20, 1820. 7 Clarendon Augustus, born May 8, 1822. 4 Lucretia, bom March 13, 1793; mar- ried 1811, Henry Cary. 2 FoRTUNATus, bom April 22, 1764; a justice of the peace of Shrewsbury'; married Anna Harrington, daughter of Samuel and Anna 66 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 (Bingham) Harrington, of Grafton. He died January 24, 1841, and she died January 23, 1832, aged 63. 1 Anna, married December 31, 1818, Gard- ner Wheelock, of Worcester. 2 Adam, bom January 13, 1799, a Justice of the Peace; married 1829, Emily, daughter of Nathaniel Lakin, Esq., of Paxton. 3 Mary, bom January 7, 1801; married April 29, 1823, Lewis Taylor, of North- bridge, and died in Worcester, October 14, 1840. 4 JuBAL, born February 3, 1803; graduated B. U. 1825; studied law; married Lucretia Keyes, and settled in Worcester. 5 Oliver, bom June 30, 1805; married April 4, 1828, Eliza, daughter of Dr. Silas Wheelock. (See Harrington 203.) 3 JuBAL, bom October 28, 1769; died in Bos- ton, October 20, 1802, unmarried. Phebe, married 1762, Samuel Whitney. 223 (IV) Samuel Harrington, of Waltham (prob- ably a son of Daniel and Elizabeth, of Marlboro (94) ; married May 28, 1737, Lydia Ball. He was Selectman seven years, 1763 to 1774. He died September 19, 1807, aged 95, and his widow died October 19, 1808, aged 94. Children: 1 Abigail, bom May 6, 1738; married Septem- ber 11, 1760, Captain Abraham Peirce. 66 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 224 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 2 Lydia, bom June 7, 1740. 3, Mary, born May 16, 1742. 4, Anna, born April 16, 1745. 5 Samuel, born July 21, 1747, of Waltham; married December 22, 1774, Lucy Coo ledge. 1, Lydia, bom April 9, 1776. 2, Samuel, born May 23, 1778. 3, Lucy, bom October 26, 1782; married September 23, 1802, Jona- than Smith. 4, Betsey, born August 2, 1786. 5, Amasa, born November 12, 1791. 6 Solomon, born February 25, 1748-9; died February 7, 1759. 7 Mary, bom April 16, 1754; married May 30, 1776, Samuel Bigelow. 8 Grace, bom July 20, 1756; married Novem- ber 18, 1784, Abraham Peirce. 9 Esther, born September 1, 1758; died October 6, 1794; married October 19, 1779, Amos Har- rington (246). 10 Lucy, born September 16, 1761; married January 1, 1782, Warham Gushing. ( ) Jonas Harrington, of Watertown (lineage not ascertained), married April 2, 1724, Abigail Steams. About 1732 he moved from Watertown to Weston. 1 Patience, born January 17, 1724-5; married (pub. March 25), 1749, John Warder, of Nich- awoag (Petersham). 2 Eunice, bom August 26, 1726; married Feb- ruary 6, 1744-5, Nathaniel Parkhurst. The HARRINGTON FAMILY 150 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 3 Abigail, bom May 28, 1728. 4 Mary, bom March 8, 1729-30; married in Waltham, July 27, 1749, Josiah Bigelow. 5 Elizabeth, bom January 10, 1731-2; mar- ried June 18, 1753, John Fiske. 6 Noah, bom in Weston, July 10, 1734. 7 Ruth, bom March 27, 1736; married October 14, 1756, John Parmenter, of Sudbury. 8 Solomon, bom April 23, 1738; died 1750. 9 Jonas, bom September 21, 1740; married (pub. January 11), 1766, Jane Bent, of Sudbury. Children: 1 Abigail, bom April 14, 1767; married April 13, 1786, Michael Bent. 2 Martha, born April 11, 1769. 10 Sarah, bom May 1, 1742; married January 21, 1762, Increase Leadbeater, of Weston. (IV) Daniel Harrington, of Waltham, mar- ried Hannah . He died April 16, 1763, and his widow married January 22, 1765, Samuel Livermore, Esq. She died December 31, 1765, aged 44. 1 Daniel, bom December 20, 1741; died soon. 2 Abigail, bom January 14, 1743; married October 25, 1759, John Whitehead, of Wal- tham. Four children. 3 Daniel, bom April 30, 1744; died soon after. 58 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 244 245 246 247 4 Daniel, born July 12, 1750; a militia captain of Waltham; married April 9, 1772, Anna Cool- idge. They were dismissed to Lincoln, Decem- ber 31, 1780, where he died August 6, 1818, and she died January 30, 1846, aged 94. Children: 1 Anna, born August 31, 1772. 2, Amos, born November 28, 1785. 5 Hannah, born July 28, 1753; married Novem- ber 4, 1773, Joel Smith, of Weston. 6 Amos, born November 28, 1755, of Waltham. A Revolutionary soldier; married October 19, 1779, Esther Harrington (230). 1 Amos, bom March 22, 1780; married November 24, 1811, Polly Hammond. He married, second, December 14, 1815, Anna Brown. Children: 1, Nancy Ann, bom December 26, 1816; married McGee, of Nova Scotia. 2, Jane, born July 14, 1818; died March, 1847, unmarried. 3, Martha, born March 1, 1820, unmarried. 4, Lydia Brown, bom February 1, 1825. 2 Sherry, born December 10, 1782; died August 29, 1797. 3 Daniel, baptized August 17, 1783; died October 13. 4 Esther, bom January 18, 1785; married November 28, 1805, Andrew Nelson, of Boston. 5 Polly, born October 5, 1786. 6 Daniel, baptized September 28, 1788. 7 Nabby, baptized December 15, 1789; died January 9. 8 William, bom May 3, 1791. 69 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 142 248 249 250 251 252 9 Hannah, born June 23, died October 2, 1793. 10 Almira, bom October 8, 1794. 7 Phinehas, bom August 2, 1756 (?6). (IV) Thomas Harrington married in Watertown August 27, 1737, Grace Warren, and settled in Shrewsbury, where he died April 15, 1791, aged 78. 1 T DMAS, born December 23, 1737; died September 10, 1745. 2, Jonathan, born Jan- uary 15, 1741. 3 Jonathan, bom February 11, 1742; died September 11, 1745. 4 Elijah, born January 27, 1745, of Shrews- bury; married 1780, Mary Warren, of Upton. He died March 8, 1818, and his widow died 1828, aged 80. 1 Lydia, bom November 8, 1781; died June 12, 1810, unmarried. 2 Warren, bom October 15, 1783; died April 5, 1832, of Shrewsbury; married August 14, 1808, Martha, daughter of Lewis Smith. Children: 1 Mary, bora August 4, 1809. 2, Eunice, bom April 16, 1812. 3, Nathan Smith, born January 29, 1815. 3 Elijah, bom April 7, 1786, of Shrewsbury; married January 17, 1810, Elizabeth, daughter of Silas Wheelock. Children: 60 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 1 Samuel, born April 20, 1810. 2, Lucy, born March 7, 1812. 3, Jane, born March 30, 1816. 4 Mary, born January 4, 1789. 5 Susanna, bom January 18, 1791. 6 Timothy, bom April 15, 1794; died young. 7 Henrietta, baptized January 22, 1797. 5 Grace, born April 11, 1747; married 1780, Moses Newton. 6 Abigail, born December 16, 1749 7 Esther, born January 1, 1753; married 1776 Simeon Bruce. 8 Thomas, born March 23, 1756; died December 20, 1834, a captain of Shrewsbury; married October 14, 1784, Hannah, daughter of Deacon William Knowlton. She died March 8, 1793. Children: 1 Thomas, born March 13, 1785, a captain of Shrewsbury; married 1805, Relief, daughter of Asa Mixer. She died February 3, 1816, aged 27, and he married 1817, Abigail Har- rington (277). 1 Thomas, born June 1, 1805; died October 7, 1817. 2 Sarah Nelson, born March 11, 1807; married 1828, Darv\-in Knowlton. 3 Charles, born December 11, 1808, of Slirewsbur}''; married August 19, 1829, Salena, daughter of Abel Wesson, of Graf- ton. Children: 1, Charles Albert, born May 21, 1830. 61 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 2, Thomas Frederick, born October 30, 1833; died 1834. 3, Daniel Frederick, born March 5, 1835; died soon. 4, Sarah, Amelia, born March 15, 1836. 5, Thomas, lx)m February 6, 1839. 4 Hannah, bom August 11, 1811; married February 23, 1832, William S. Knowlton. 5 Daniel, bom December 21, 1815; mar- ried Nancy Eliza Harrington (209). 6 Eli, bom May 4, 1817; married Sarah, daughter of Abner Snow, of Grafton. 7 Maria, born January 2, 1820; married Levi Jennison Hemmenway. 2 Hannah, born May 2, 1786; married 1802, Lewis Pratt. 3 Grace, bom September 18, 1789; married 1804, Asa Mixer, Jr. 9 Jonathan, born May 18, 1759; died April 6, 1842; of Shrewsbury; married 1783, Sarah, daughter of L. Nathan Pratt. She died Febru- ary 16, 1813; aged 49, and he married 1814, Mrs. Susanna Pennimann, of Charlton, who died November 17, 1825, aged 51. 1 Martin, born January 3, 1784; of Shrews- bury, afterwards of Grafton; married 1808, Lucinda, daughter of Joseph S. Temple. 1 Harriet Rebecca, bom September 11, 1809. 2 James Henry, bom April 19, 1812. 3 Susan, married Elbridge Gerry Harring- ton (207). 4 Walter, bom July 16, 1816. 5 Lucinda, bom March 2, 1819. 62 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 2 Daniel, born November 2, 1785; a Colonel of Shrewsbury, married 1808, Zillah Harring- ton (204). He died in Illinois, 1844. 1 Adam, born January 1, 1809, of Shrews- bury, married May 16, 1830, Nancy, daugh- ter of Abell Wesson, of Grafton. Children: 1 Nancy Rosillah, bom October 17, 1831. 2 Harriet Maria, bom April 28, 1835. 3 Georgiana Amelia, born February 16, 1837. 2 Henry Henderson, born October 24, 1811; married Cornelia, daughter of Rufus Wesson, of Worcester. 3 Miriam, born January 24, 1819; married Rufus Wesson, Jr., of Worcester. 4 Hannah Rozan, bom May 9, 1822; mar- ried Lutlier H. Temple. 3 Luke, born February 17, 1788; married May 6, 1815, Sarah, daughter of Daniel Smith, and had Caroline, born September 15, 1815. 4 Abigail, bom December 7, 1789; married 1817, Captain Thomas Harrington (260). 5 Emery, bom October 18, 1791, of Shrews- bury; married 1813, Fanny, daughter of Tim- othy Townsend. She died April 18, 1819, aged 26, and he married November 24, 1825, Lucy Bartlett, daughter of Abraham Monroe. She died in Grafton, whither he had moved, and he married April 6, 1830, Elizabeth Rob- inson. Children: 63 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 1 Alanson Townsend, born October 13, 1813. 2 William Harrison, born December 26, 1814. 3 Nathaniel, born July 21, 1816. 4 John, bom July 4, 1818. 5 Andrew Jackson, son by his third wife. 6 Adam, born October 20, 1793; died Novem- ber 12, 1811. 7 Schuyler, bom April 17, 1796, of Shrews- burj^; married November 22, 1818, Sophia, daughter of Stephen Johnson. Children: 1 Catherine Sophia, bora February 15, 1819. 2 Stephen Johnson, died October 1821; age one year. 8 Jesse, bom January 16, 1801; went to Pittsfield. (290). 9 Relief, bom February 8, 1803; married 1827, Dexter Harrington. 10 Calvin, bom October 24, 1808; married December 9, 1830, Anna, daughter of Abra- ham Monroe. He died in St. Louis, 1842. 11 Salem, bom August 19, 1815; married Parker. 12 Jackson, bom December 10, 1816; married Carpenter. 10 Daniel, bom September 3, 1761; of Shrews- bury; married December 22, 1788, Relief, daugh- ter of Aaron Smith. He died February 22, 1823, and she died February 15, 1844, age 77. 64 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 18 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 HoLLOWAY, born May 8, 1789, of Shrews- bury; married Charlotte Merritt, of Charl- ton. Children: 1 Elizabeth, born November 17, 1818. Barnard, bom December 14, 1820. HoLLOWAY, bom June 10, 1823. Prentiss W., bom April 29, 1826. Charlotte, bom March 5, 1831. Francena, bom September 9, 1835. Pamelia, bom October 21, 1839. Henry, born April 18, 1791; died young. Elizabeth, born November 16, 1793. Henry, born September 10, 1796. Relief, born October 4, 1798. Daniel, bom February 23, 1802, of Shrews- bury; married April 21, 1825, Mary, daughter of Daniel Smith. Children: 1 Angeline a., bom March 13, 1827. 2 Daniel S., bom January 3, 1831. 3 Aaron G., bom May 23, 1836. 7 Dexter (probably born in Charlton, where his father lived a short time and returned) married 1827, Relief Harrington (281). He died March 18, 1828, aged 22. (IV) Richard Harrington, of Lexington; mar- ried Abigail . Children: 1 Thankful, bom January 16, 1733-4. 2 Thaddeus, bom September 9, 1736; married September 20, 1764, Lydia Porter, of Wo bum. Children: 66 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 20 294 295 297 299 301 302 303 304 306 308 310 1 Thaddeus, bom January 3, 1765. 2 Fanny, bom June 20, 1769. 3 Thaddeus, bom February 11, 1770 (?70). 3 Hannah, bom March 8, 1737-8. 4 Ephraim, bom March 2, 1738-9; died October 30, 1742. 5 Nathan, borai December 25, 1740. 6 Ebenezer, bom March 16, 1742. 7 Solomon, bom January 27, 1745-6. 8, Ste- phen, bom May 23, 1748. 9 Simeon, bom July 8, 1750. 10, Seth, bom October 30, 1752. (IV) Henry Harrington, of Lexington; mar- ried Sarah . Children: 1 Sarah, bom September 17, 1735. 2 Henry, born August 27, 1737; married October 25, 1759, Ruth Blodgett, bom August 29, 1735, daughter of Samuel and Mary. Chil- dren: 1 Henry, bom May 28, 1760. 2, Rebecca, born July 12, 1762. 3 Samuel, bom October 3, 1764. 4, Isaac, bom August 16, 1766. 5 Sarah, bom May 16, 1769. 6, Polly, bom August 10, 1771. 7 Ruth, bom August 30, 1773. 66 The HARRINGTON FAMILY UH 311 312 313 315 316 317 320 ( ) John Harrington, of Lexington, (lineage not ascertained); married December 3, 1761, Mary Woo ten, and had 1 Abigail, bom March 3, 1763. 2, Sarah, bom February 17, 1766. ( ) Jeremiah Harrington, of Lexington, (lin- eage not ascertained); married December 21, 1769, Sarah Locke (?), bom August 23, 1746, daughter of Joseph and Sarah. Children: 1 Joseph, bom February 16, 1770. 2, Ben- jamin, bom May 4, 1772. 3 Jonathan, born October 27, 1777. ( ) Abraham Harrington, of Weston, bom 1750; married November 5, 1776, Anna Russell. Children: 1 Abel, bora February 13, 1777. 2, Anna, born February 19, 1779. 3, Sally, bora December 20, 1780. 4 Enoch, born February 19, 1783. 5, Eliza- beth, bom July 1, 1785. W The HARRINGTON FAMILY Having provided in the foregoing pages a full and complete genealogical record of the family from the original ancestor, Robert Harrington, up to the present time, it will, perhaps, be somewhat interesting to show the connection of the Harring- ton family with the history of our country, and to point out those who have taken conspicuous part in public affairs, or whose names receive par- ticular mention by reason of some particular fact that has come to light during the patient research of the writer into the subject under consideration. Reference has already been made to Robert Harrington, as the original ancestor, and of the position which he occupied as selectman of the town of Watertown for so many years. The next ones in line whom we consider worthy of particular mention are Henry Harrington of Lexington, known as No. 28 in the foregoing record, and Daniel Harrington, No. 64, who were promi- nent in the movement for liberty in 1776, and whose names were signed to the Massachusetts Bay Colony Declaration of Independence of that year. In those days, it required courage to become publicly identified with a movement of this char- acter, and when each of the men who signed that memorable document declared "Before God and the world, that they would be true to the cause of liberty and to each other," they were enrolling 68 The HARRINGTON FAMILY themselves as opposed to the government and the poHcy of the mother country; and, as such, were subjecting themselves to probable punishment upon the charge of treason to Great Britain's cause. Ju^yr^^ The HARRINGTON FAMILY A facsimile of the signatures of that document is shown on the preceding page, as the same is found in the historical archives of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts tliis day. All through the stirring times antedating the draft- ing and signing of the Declaration of Independence; in all the agitation that took place in the New England States, the name of Harrington is found prominently identified with, and is ever recorded as being loyal to, the cause of freedom and colonial independence. On the Commons at Lexington, Massachusetts, today is a boulder, placed there as a monument to the *' minutemen, '^ who fought so gallantly under Captain Parker on the 19th of April, 1775, and inscribed thereon, are these words: STAND YOUR GROUND. DON'T FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON; BUT IF THE BRITISH WANT WAR, LET IT BEGIN NOW. These were the memorable words of Captain Parker, the leader of this gallant band of men; and a statue to his memory has been erected, and now stands at the head of the Lexington Com- mons. 70 The HARRINGTON FAMILY In Captain Parker's company there were, all told, one hundred thirty men. Of this number, the record discloses a fact of which every member of this family of ours may well feel proud ; to wit : That eleven members of that company were Har- ringtons. Among them were: Clerk Daniel Har- rington, Thaddeus, Jonathan, Jonathan, Jr., John, Moses, William, Jeremiah, Thomas, Caleb, and Jonathan, 3d. It was at this memorable Battle of Lexington, occurring on the morning of April 19th, 1775, the next morning after the famous ride of Paul Revere from Charlestown, that Jonathan and Caleb Harrington both lost their lives. In the Lexington Cemetery, which is located but a few hundred feet from the Lexington Commons, may be found today the graves of sixteen of our ances- tors; and a visit to this peaceful spot cannot fail to fill the mind of every living member of our family with a feeling of righteous respect for the memory of those who are there buried. The visitor to Lexington, who places himself in the hands of the guides, who are there ever ready to point out the many places of historical interest in and about this exceedingly historical spot, will be shown what is called the " Old Har- rington House," standing just one side of the Commons; and among the picture postal cards 71 The HARRINGTON FAMILY that have been provided of these various points, none are more sought after than that of the home of Jonathan Harrington, the last survivor of the War of the Revolution, and a cut of which will be found on the following page. That the patriotic impulses of Henry Harrington, the signer of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Dec- laration of Independence, were inherited by his sons, is amply demonstrated by the fact that five of them — to wit, Jeremiah, John, Moses, Jonathan, and Thomas, five brothers — stood shoulder to shoulder at the battle of April 19th, 1775, and con- tinued to serve under Captain Parker for some time afterwards. Jonathan Harrington, No. 74, born July 18, 1758, was scarcely sixteen years of age, at the time of the outbreak of hostilities at Lexington on the morning of April 19, 1775. He died March 27, 1854, at the very advanced age of 95 years, eight months and 18 days. Up to the time of his death, he related, with wonderful clearness, the stirring events of his earlier life. He said he was aroused early that morning by a cry from his mother, who said : " Jonathan, get up, the regulars are coming, and something must be done. '' Jonathan was a fifer. He arose, went to the place where the patriots were gathering, and was with the company on the approach of the British. He 72 Crxtuqtmi. iHaBiuuhuHrttii The HARRINGTON FAMILY continued to participate in the events of the Revolutionary War, and was ever afterwards treated with much respect and attention by the whole community where he resided up to the time of his death. The death of the last survivor of the Battle of Lexington produced a marked sensation in the whole community. The Governor ordered out the Davis Guards of Acton, and the Concord Artillery, to do escort duty at his interment. Such was the public feeling that General Jones invited his brigade to be present on the occasion, and several other companies, not belonging to the brigade volun- teered — all anxious to show their regard to the memory of one who had come down from a generation of patriots, and had stood for many years as the sole surviving representative of the first battle of free- dom in America. The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Honorable Council, and a great part of the legislature of the State of Massachusetts, which was then in session, honored the event by their presence. As Mr. Hudson says, and referring to the death of this patriot: "The spectacle was truly imposing. *' Following this, Mr. Hudson closes his reference to Jonathan Harrington and his life with the following remarks: "The history of the world furnishes no case more striking or sublime than this! Thousands 73 The HARRINGTON FAMILY of persons of all ages and conditions in life, flock together from one common impulse, and with one general feeling! What motive actuated the vast concourse and brought them to Lexington at that time? The season of the year was uninviting, the traveling bad, and the day inclement; and everything external would seem to forbid any gathering of the people in large numbers in the open air, — but still they came. And for what purpose: Not to obtain any direct advantage personal to themselves — not to witness any feat of art, listen to any distinguished orator, or par- take of a sumptuous feast — not to behold any distinguished lord or prince from a foreign country, or any celebrated statesman from our own — not to greet a living friend surrounded with wealth and splendor, or to follow in the funeral train of a deceased President or high officer of state. No — they came to worship at the shrine of Liberty — to show their respect to the memory of a humble and unpretending individual, who had stood for years the sole representative of that body of freemen who rallied for their country on the 19th of April, 1775. '* The records of the War and the Navy Depart- ments show the participation of several Harring- tons in the War of the Rebellion; and it would, indeed, be a pleasure to refer to each of them, did space permit. 74 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Among them, however, are found the name of the writer's father, Andrew Benjamin Harrington, a Hneal descendant of Thomas, No. 57, the son of Henry, No. 28, who was a member of the Twenty-fourth New York Cavalry and who served during the latter part of the war, and was present at Appomattox, when the great Confederate army under Lee laid down their arms and surrendered to General Grant on that beautiful morning in the spring of 1865. Another one of this great family, who participated in that war for the abolition of slavery was Dr. Devillo W. Harrington, who died in the city of Buffalo, New York, in November, 1905. Dr. Harrington when a boy enlisted in the First New York Dragoons, served three years, and after the war took up the study of medicine. He located in Buffalo, where he acquired a lucrative practice for the period of about thirty-five years, accumu- lated a large property, and commanded the respect and admiration of all who knew him. He was well known as an exceedingly public-spirited citizen, and during the great G. A. R. encamp- ment here in Buffalo, in 1897, he entertained at his own expense the surviving members of his entire regiment. He has two brotliers still living, one of whom, George Harrington, is one of the best and most 75 The HARRINGTON FAMILY prominently known citizens of Wyoming County in this state, where he has resided for many years. So far as the writer has been able to ascertain, none of this line of Harringtons have left them surviving male children, so that upon the death of those who still survive, this branch of the Har- rington family will become extinct. Early in 1776, Thomas Harrington, No. 57, left Lexington, and moved into what is now the State of Connecticut. A year or so later he left Connecticut and took up liis home in Chenango County in the State of New York. His wife was Lucy Perry, of Lexington, whom he married in 1748. There were born to Thomas Harrington and his wife nine children, namely: Elizabeth (who died in infancy), Benjamin, Solomon, William, Hezekiah, Ezekiel, Thankful, Polly, and Ann. At the same time that Thomas Harrington came into Chenango County from Connecticut, John Harrington came to the same county from Vermont. John Harrington left him surviving children, Joshua, John, Hillamon, David, Polly, and Rebecca. One of these sons married Thankful Harrington, a daughter of Thomas; and one of their sons, Thomas W. Harrington, now resides in the town of Greene, Chenango County, New York. At 78 The HARRINGTON FAMILY the age of eighty, Thomas W. Harrington is an exceedingly well preserved man, and tells, with great clearness, of his grandfather John on his father's side and his grandfather Thomas, on his mother's side. We have here another instance of Harrington marrying Harrington, and there are many of such instances to be found in the record of the family as heretofore set forth in detail. The father of Thomas W. Harrington, of Greene, N. Y., was Joshua Harrington, born in 1782. He married Thankful Harrington, daughter of Thomas and Lucy Perry. The father of Joshua was John Harrington, who came from Vermont, with two of his brothers, and settled in Chenango County; and the children of John Harrington were, Joshua, Polly, John, Hillamon, Rebecca, Eber, and David. Thomas W. Harrington's wife was Betsey Hin- man. Their children were Anice, born May 7, 1851, and who now lives in Oklahoma; Lida, born July 30, 1853, now living at Binghamton, N. Y.n Jane, born September 10, 1855, now residing at Greene, N. Y., and Edward, born August 19, 1860; died in Oklahoma, June 1, 1906; and, Alice, who died at Greene, N. Y., in 1871. Little is known of the descendants of John Harrington, further than the information herein given. It is probable that their children and 77 The HARRINGTON FAMILY grandcliildren are now to be found in Chenango County and the counties adjoining in the State of New York. In Chenango County the name of Harrington is exceedingly well known, and our people have been closely identified with the history of this county. In 1804, Ezekiel Harrington, the great-grandfather of the writer, sold his homestead on the Chenango River to Benjamin Harrington, and a deed shows this transfer was put on record in the office of the county clerk of Chenango County at that time. Adjoining the old homestead is a tract of land containing about two acres, which has been dedi- cated for cemetery purposes. In this cemetery may be found a headstone over the grave of Ben- jamin Harrington, showing that he was born in 1788 and died in the year 1866. He had a son, George Harrington, also buried in this peaceful spot, and the inscription on his headstone shows that he was born in 1827 and he died in 1901. George Ralph Harrington, a grandson of Ben- jamin, now resides upon the farm where his grand- father lived and died, and is at this time the father of four children — one of w^hom, I trust, may con- tinue to live in this beautiful spot to perpetuate the Harrington name in the Chenango Valley and retain the old homestead of his earlier ancestor. 78 The HARRINGTON FAMILY One of the very pleasant recollections of the writer's life will ever be in the visit to the town of Greene in Chenango County on a beautiful afternoon in August, 1906, and the meeting there of Thomas W. Harrington, and the visit to the old Harrington homestead. In this connection I wish also, and at this time, to make reference to the assistance rendered me by Charles W. Grey, assistant cashier of the Juliand Bank at Greene, N. Y. Residing in the town of Greene may also be found Reade E. Harrington, Eugene A. Harring- ton, and other representatives of the writer's branch of the Harrington family; all of whom have been exceedingly kind in assisting me in establishing a complete record of our branch of the family. Benjamin Harrington, born April 14th, 1788, married Mary Smith, August 26th, 1810. He died July 4th, 1866. His wife, Mary Smith, was born at Troy, Pa., October 4th, 1791, died June 12th, 1864. Their children were: Cynthia Harrington, born July 12th, 1811; di; d April 2d, 1893. Sally Harrington, born August 22d, 1813; died July 28th, 1837. Mary A. Harrington, born April 17th, 1825; died April 8th, 1882. 79 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Lydia Harrington, born February 6tli, 1817 died May 23d, 1888. William S. Harrington, born June 8th, 1819 died September 24th, 1900. Francis B. Harrington, born March 5th, 1821 died September 30th, 1846. Rosamond Harrington, born December 28th 1822; died June 18th, 1824. George N. Harrington, born June 8th, 1827 died June 21st, 1901. Salphronius Harrington, born March 2d, 1829 died December 18th, 1900. Sally Harrington was married to Ira French of Castle Creek, N. Y., May 21st, 1834. They had one son, Dwight L. French, who was born in 1835; studied law, and is now living in Lisle, Broome County, N. Y. Another son. Dr. Salphronius French, was born in 1837, and is now living in Amsterdam, N. Y. Dr. French was educated at Binghamton Academy, and studied medicine with his uncle, Dr. S. H. French, at Lisle, N. Y., in 1857. He attended medical college in New York City for one year and graduated from the Albany Medical Col- lege in 1859. From 1860 to 1862 he was engaged in the practice of his profession with his uncle at Lisle, N. Y., and in July of the latter year he be- so The HARRINGTON FAMILY came a member of the One Hundred and Ninth New York Volunteers as assistant surgeon, with the rank of first heu tenant. He served until 1864, when he was honorably discharged from the ser- vice because of ill health. In 1871 he moved to Amsterdam, N. Y., where he now resides. Dr. French has taken a promi- nent part in the affairs of the town in which he has lived for so many years, being president of the Amsterdam Savings Bank and of the Free Library Association. His wife was Miss Mary A. Hurd, of Colesville, N. Y. They were married in 1868, and have one child, Charles E. French, who is now treasurer of the Amsterdam Savings Bank. Whether or not Dr. French inherited from his father, Ira, or from his mother, Sally Harrington, the several qualities of which the writer finds him possessed, and which has done much to make him one of the leading citizens where he has so long resided, it is a fact, nevertheless, that he has these many qualifications, and we shall claim that the blood of the Harrington family has contributed to the production thereof to some extent. Cynthia Harrington was married to Dr. Sal- phronius Henry French in 1834. Dr. French was a practicing physician at Lisle, N. Y., for many years. 81 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Mary A. Harrington married Daniel Smith, and they had one son, Benjamin Smith, who was for many years a practicing attorney at law in the city of Binghamton, N. Y. Lydia Harrington married a surveyor, living at Lisle, N. Y., by the name of John Ingerson. William S. Harrington was for many years a well-known teacher in Chenango County, and in later years took up the occupation of farming. He married Maria Bradley, September 7th, 1843, who died at Greene, N. Y., in 1881. He after- wards, and in 1886, married Lucy M. Wheeler. By his first wife he had children: Eliza E. Har- rington, Francis Harrington, Alice Harrington, and Eugene A. Harrington. Eliza E. Harrington married a man by the name of Winter, and is now living in Ohio. Francis Harrington married Hattie Squire of Chenango Forks, and they are now living at Cort- land, N. Y. They have three children; to wit. Fred, Ray, and Mary. Alice A. Harrington married E. M. Spencer, of Greene, N. Y. Their children are Herschell Dorsey Spencer, who now resides at Boston, Mass. ; Vina Spencer Seymour, and Mildred Spencer, of Greene, N. Y. Herschell Dorsey Spencer was born at Greene, N. Y., Aug. 5th, 1877, and is therefore thirty 82 The HARRINGTON F A M I LY years old at the present time. He is a graduate of Hamilton College, holding at the time of his graduation the Elihu Root Fellowship; he also was a student at the University of Gottengen, in Ger- many, for about a year, and at Cornell University for a like period. For four years Mr. Spencer was connected with the Patent Department at Wash- ington as an examiner, and now holds a lucra- tive position in the Patent Department of the United Shoe Machinery Company, at Boston. Mr. Spencer's name will be found grouped later on in this volume with other prominent members of the Harrington family who have been prominent in professional and in scientific research and have been shown to be graduates of the colleges and universities throughout the country. On the seventh of September, 1904, being the twenty-eighth anniversary of the marriage of his father and mother, Mr. Spencer was married to Cornelia Emma Juliand, of Greene, N. Y. INIrs. Spencer comes from one of the oldest of the Che- nango County families — her ancestors being among the early pioneers of that county, and at all times commanded the highest regard of the people of Greene Township, and, in fact, the whole county where they were known. The Juliand Bank at Greene takes its name from one of Mrs. Spencer's ancestors, and it is 83 The HARRINGTON FAMILY to Charles W. Gray, the cashier of this bank, that the writer is indebted for much assistance in trac- ing out the different Hues represented by the numer- ous Harringtons residing in Chenango County. Eugene A. Harrington Hves on his father's old homestead in the town of Greene, N. Y. He married Louise Copeland, of Greene, N. Y., and they have one daughter, Eva. Francis B. Harrington married Frances Newell, of Parker, Broome County, N. Y. George Nelson Harrington, who always resided upon the old Benjamin Harrington homestead on the Chenango River, married Maria A. Aldrich, November 5th, 1857. They had three cliildren: Mary Harrington, Alfred Lynn Harrington, and George Ralph Harrington. Mary Harrington married Ira D. Carley, of Lisle, N. Y., and they have three children: Dwight, Anna, and George. Alfred Lynn Harrington, died at the age of twelve years, and George Ralph Harrington, a grandson of Benjamin Harrington, still resides on the old homestead. He married Elizabeth A. Beadle, of Smithville, N. Y., January 31st, 1900. They have four children. Of the other children of Thomas Harrington, the only sons were (in addition to Benjamin) Solo- mon, Ezekiel, and Hezekiah. 84 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Solomon moved from Chenango County to Lyn- don, Chautauqua County, N. Y.; from there to Ohio, and then to Logansport, Indiana, where he died without issue. Hezekiah left Chenango County when quite young; went west and into Canada, and was never heard from afterwards. It is very probable that he met an untimely death. The daughters were Thankful, Polly, and Ann. Thankful Harrington married John Harrington, and she was the mother of Thomas W. Harrington, who now resides at Greene, N. Y. Polly Harrington married Isaac Emery, the father of Stephen Emery. Stephen Emery is now an exceedingly well preserved man, seventy-six years of age, and resides at Logonier, Indiana. Anna Harrington married William Straight. One of their children was named Anna Straight, and she in turn became the wife of Stephen Emery, hereinbefore referred to. Ezekiel Harrington, son of Thomas, and the great grandfather of the writer, left Chenango County about 1804. He was born in 1779; mar- ried October 11th, 1808, Lydia Cotton, who was born February 10th, 1785; died November 20th, 1874, aged eighty-nine years, nine months, and ten days, and had children: 86 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 1. Daniel, born July 10th, 1810, died 1877. 2. Chauncey Harrington, born December 28th, 1812, and who died when twelve years old. 3 William, born March 9th, 1815. 4. Anna, born December 9th, 1817. 5. Ezekiel Burdette, born May 12th, 1820; died August 14, 1894. 6. Almeron, born December 25, 1822, and who is still living. 7. Azuba, born November 12th, 1825. 8. Lydia, born August 17th, 1828. Married Jared Tyler, died about 1852. Daniel Harrington married Sarepta Hill, and had children : Chauncey, who died at the age of four years. Andrew Benjamin, born October 23d, 1845. Olive, born , who married Amasa Buck. Emeline, born August 19th, 1832, who married Joel B. Jewett, September 24th, 1848. Alice and Lodica, both of whom died when they were young. Andrew Benjamin Harrington is the sole sur- viving male member of his father's family. He has lived at Alexander, Genesee County, New York, for thirty-five years; has been one of the deputy sheriffs of the county for nearly twenty years, and is highly respected by all who know him. He 86 The HARRINGTON FAMILY married Adell Perkins September 13th, 1864. This marriage took place when young Andrew was but nineteen years old, and when he was home from the army on a sick furlough. After the mar- riage, he returned to his regiment and continued in active ser\dce in the War of the Rebellion up to the time of the surrender of Lee at Appomattox in April, 1865. They had three children: Eugene W. Harrington (the compiler of these statistics) was born in the town of Bethany, Genesee County, on the 30tli day of May, 1866. Having acquired a public school education, he began teach- ing school at the age of sixteen in the year 188;2. He devoted several years to teaching and finally took up the study of law at the Law Department of the Buffalo tjniversitv in 1891. In 1893 he graduated, and was admitted to the bar in 1896. Since then he has devoted his time to the practice of his profession and to literary work. He mar- ried June 25th, 1885, Clara L. Losee, who resided in the town of Darien, Genesee County, N. Y. Their only child living is Richard Losee Harrington, born November 15th, 1886. Their in- fant son, Benjamin Eugene, born June ^Tth, 1888, died August 17th, 1888. Clara Harrington, the only daughter of Andrew B., born August 11th, 1870, and 87 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Daniel E. Harrington, born August 30th, 1873; married Flora M. Moulton, August 20tli, 1893. Children; Ruth, born February 16th, 1899, and Wade Benjamin, born May 28th, 1907. Upon coming to Genesee County, Ezekiel Har- rington purchased of the Holland Land Company one hundred sixty acres of land in the town of Bethany. Prior to his death, he divided his land and property, giving to his sons Daniel and Bur- dette and his daughter Azuba (who married Cor- nelius Vader) the whole of the one hundred sixty acres. Bom in 1779, he was sixty-eight years of age at the time of his death, which occurred in 1847. He was buried at the West Bethany Cemetery, together with his wife, their infant son Chauncy and their daughter Lydia. Ezekiel Burdette Harrington married Angeline Wicks, and had Charles Harrington, Theresa Har- rington, born June 19th, 1850; Joseph E., born May 24th, 1847, and Viola. He died August 14th, 1894. Almeron Harrington (familiarly known as "Uncle Jack") moved to Ionia, Michigan, where he has always been engaged in farming. He is at this writing eighty-four years of age and active. He married Orpha Wicks. Children of Almeron Harrington. There were five: Leonard, Ellen, Alfred O., Guy, and Ella. 88 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Leonard participated in the Civil War, and was wounded in the last battle, just before General Lee surrendered. He died from the effects of his wound ten days later. Ellen died at a very early age. Guy married Emily Snyder. They had two children, Clay and Cleve, the former of whom died when a small child. They live at Ionia, Michigan, with Mr. Harrington's father, on the old homestead. Ella married Daniel Sittz. They have one son. Jay. Alfred O. married for his first wife, Susan Bene- dict. They had four children: Maud, Claude, Clair, and Bessie. Claude Harrington served in the Cuban War, and after the war married Florence Bookner. They now reside at Seattle, Washington. Maud died at a very early age. Clair married Ida Eckert. They now live in Belding, Mich. Bessie married Glenn Lee. They now live at Lowell, IVIich., having one son, Russell G. Lee. Alfred O. Harrington's second wife was Clara Clifford, and they have one child, a boy, Lee C. Harrington. Azuba Harrington married Cornelius Vader. She died in the year 1901, and her husband still survives her at the age of eighty-nine years. For many 89 The HARRINGTON FAMILY years, and up to about the year 1895, they Hved upon the old homestead on the Town Line Road between Bethany and Alexander. Their children are James Vader, who is married and lives at Alexander, N. Y.; William Vader, who is married and lives at Attica, N. Y. ; Earl, who died about 1890; and Myrtle Vader, who married George Garrett, of Alexander, N. Y., where they now reside. Before her marriage Mp*tle Vader taught school in Genesee County for several years, being possessed of much ability as a teacher. Anna Harrington was married to Hiram Free- man, January 1st, 1835. Their children were William Delois Freeman, who died January 16th, 1852; Daniel Lafayette Freeman, who died October 20th, 1892; Lydia Freeman, who died at the age of thirteen; Almeron Freeman, and Lenora Han- nah Freeman, born January 8th, 1845. Soon after the death of Hiram Freeman, Anna, his widow, married Chauncey H. Stone, in Milwaukee, Wis- consin, in 1845. Their cliildren were Emily, Augusta, Nellie M., and Cora Adell. Chauncey H. Stone was born in Asburnham, Mass., December 21st, 1818. Lenora Hannah Freeman was born January 8th, 1845; married James Willson Dickinson, born Janu- ary 9th, 1846, who died November 16th, 1902. Children: Leon Dickinson, born July 26th, 1870. 90 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Ellen Lenora, born in IVIilwaukee, Wis., September 24th, 1873; married Axel Soderling, October 5th, 1899. the ceremony being performed by Bishop Samuel Fellows. By the second marriage of Anna Harrington to Chauncey Stone, there were born children, Emily, Augusta, Nellie, and Delia, all of whom except Emily are now dead. The only surviving daughter of Chauncey and Anna Stone is Augusta Lavina, who man-ied Joseph E. Harrington, at Greenfield, Wisconsin, January 14th, 1873. Their only child is Clarence Elmo Harrington, born 1874; married in Sep- tember, 1903, to Emily M. Thompson. The only male representative of the family of Daniel, the son of Ezekiel, is Richard Losee Har- rington, the son of the writer. Upon him will rest the responsibility of perpetuating our branch of this time-honored family, and may the guid- ance of a kind Providence aid him in the perform- ance of the duties of his trusteeship. James Harrington, who lived at Lebanon, Co- lumbia County, N. Y., about the year 1800, married for his first wife, Harriet . They had three children: 1, David; 2, Henry; and 3, SoPHRONiA. By a second marriage to Lydia , he had five children, to wit: 4, Burr; 91 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 5, Hamilton; 6, Samuel; 7, James; and 8, Alonzo. 1 David Harrington (1) married, and had children: 9, William; 10, David; 11, Albert; 12, Ed- ward; 13, Henry; and 14, Mary. 2 Henry Harrington (2) married for his first wife, Snyder, and their children were: 15, Emily; 16, Antoinette; 17, Harvey; 18, Henry; 19, A. Wood; 19^, D wight. By a second marriage to Polly Bear, he had: 20, J. Charles; 20^, Josephine; 21, Edward B.; and 22, Mary. 3 SopHRONiA married Hiram Phillips. They had one son, Edwin Phillips, who graduated from West Point, became an officer in the United States Army, and died in Mexico. 4 Burr Harrington was drowned in the Detroit River. 5 Hamilton Harrington was married and lived at AVaterloo, N. Y. He left him surviving a son and a daughter, now living at Waterloo, N. Y. 6 Samuel H. married and now lives at Waterloo, N. Y. He has a large family. 7 James Harrington moved to Michigan. Had three children: James, Sidney, and Mary. 8 Alonzo Harrington married and lives at New Leb- anon, N. Y. 9 William (son of No. 1) married and had children: 23, Herbert; and 24, William. 10 David went South and was never after heard from. 92 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 11 Albert married and now lives at Springfield, Mass. Has two children, a son and a daughter. 12 Edmund died at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. 13 Henry also died at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. 14 Mary married a Mr. Marvin, of Lockport, N. Y. She died, leaving a daughter, Mary Marvin, her surviving. 15 Emily Harrington married Day, and moved to a place near Lansing, Michigan. She died leaving children. 16 Antoinette Harrington married Joseph Slayton, of Lockport, N. Y. She died leaving children, Henry and Fanny. 17 Harvey Harrington married, lived, and died at Howell, Mich. He left three children^ — all of whom reside at Howell, Mich. 18 Henry Harrington married Hannah I. Davis, and lived at Orangeport, Niagara County, N. Y. They are both dead, leaving them surviving five children, to wit: 25, Louis K.; 26, Dr. Frank A.; 27, John H.; 28, Charles M.; 29, Albert P. 19 A. Wood Harrington married Harriet Foyn. He lived and died near Niagara Falls, N. Y. Their children were Alice, Grace, Augusta, and Milton. 19^ Dwight Harrington married Sabina Parker. They both lived and died at Gasport, N. Y. Their children were: 30, Eva; 31, Nettie; 32, Wil- liam H; 33, Daniel H; 34, Harry. 20 J. Charles Harrington is married and lives at Lockport, N. Y. He has four children. 98 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 20 J Josephine married George Silsby; lives near Howell, Mich., and has two daughters. 21 Edward B. Harrington, an attorney at law, lives at Tonawanda, N. Y.; is married and has three children. 22 Mary H. Harrington married Robert Pierson, and is now living at Lockport, N. Y. They have no children. 25 Louis K. Harrington married Flora Freeman, and they live at Gasport, N. Y. Their only son, Harold H., is living at home. 26 Frank A. Harrington married Carrie Ortolan. He took up the study of medicine, graduated from the Medical Department of Buffalo University, and is now practicing in the City of Buffalo, N. Y., with offices at 31 Franklin Street. They have five children, to wit: 27 John H. Harrington married Maud Cleggett, and now lives at Kansas City, Mo. 28 Charles M. Harrington married Mary Bossett, and lives at 595 Ashland Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. He is the junior member of the firm of Romer & Harrington, attorneys at law, with offices in the Erie County Bank Building. They have five children, to wit: Henry B., Ralph M., George L., Ruth, and Mary. 29 Albert P. Harrington married Flora E. Pease, and resides upon the old Harrington homestead at Orangeport, N. Y. They have children: Helen, Dorothy, and Carrie. As to the original ancestor, James Harrington, no authentic trace can be found. It is very prob- 94 The HARRINGTON FAMILY able that he was one of the three brothers spoken of by Thomas W. Harrington, as coming from Vermont. One settled in Chenango County; one in Otsego County, and it is very probable that the third one is the James of Columbia County. Members of the Massachusetts family were con- stantly drifting westward, and, no doubt, James Harrington was a descendant of one of the Massa- chusetts Harringtons. Benjamin Harrington, of Vermont, married Theodosia , about the year 1760. One of the children was a son, Gardner Harrington. Gardner Harrington came from Pownal, Ver- mont, about the year 1798. He married Harriet Franklin, of Block Island. Gardner Harrington died at West Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., in 18S0. His wife died in 1863. They had eight children, to wit: Daniel, born May 1, 1810; died February 20, 1899. Nelson, born April 7, 1812. Hannah, born July 2, 1814. WiLLL\M Henry, born May 16, 1816. Erastus, born Januarj-- 10, 1818. David, born May 29, 1819. Benjamin, born August 14, 1826. Theodosia, bom October 17, 1828. 96 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Daniel Harrington, the oldest son, married Sally Ann Gregory, June 11, 1837. They had three children, to wit: Henry Harrison, born October 17, 1838. Sarah Jane, bom May 26, 1844. Albert Arvin, who died at the age of five years. Sarah Jane married William J. Mann, of New Berlin, N. Y., February 16, 1871. They have two sons, Frank M. and Walter, both living at Minne- apolis, Minn. Sally Ann, the first wife of Daniel, died Decem- ber 1, 1846, and he married for his second wife, Mrs. EUzabeth Marble, November 22, 1850. To them was born one child, a son, Charles Medbury Harrington, who now resides at Minneapolis, Minn. He married Grace Ross, of New Berlin, N. Y., September 12 1877, and their only child, a daughter, was married October 11, 1905. Henry Harrison Harrington, born in 1838, died at New BerHn, N. Y., August 29, 1904. In early life he entered the legal profession, and, by reason of a marked ability, was elevated to a judge- ship in the county where he was so well and favor- ably known. He was a man highly respected, and loved by all who knew him. He married October 30, 1867, Maria T. Bearsdley, of Pitts- 96 The H A R RI N G T O N F A M I LY field, Otsego County, N. Y. To them five chil- dren were born, four of whom died in infancy. Katherine Grace, born January 16, 1879, lives with Mrs. Harrington at New Berlin. Of the family of Elijah Harrington, born January 11, 1774, the only surviving members are Benja- min, born January 5, 1803; Elisha, born July 4, 1806; Elvin, born Februar}^ 3, 1808. The children of David Harrington were William, Louis B., Delos E., Daniel, Lucy, Horatio, Mau- rice, and Martin. These last named children were the issue of David Harrington, born 1799, and Alma Card. They were married December 14, 1820. One of their sons, Daniel, born November 16, 1829, at Rockport, Ohio, married Amanda R. Bishop at Cherry Valley, Otsego County, N. Y. Their children were James Bishop Harrington, born 1857; Elida Alma, born 1863; Nettie A., bom 1866, and Charles, born December 17, 1867. Mr. James Bishop Harrington, the oldest of the children of Daniel, now lives in Buffalo, Erie County, N. Y. One of the most interesting of the various ancient records examined by the writer in the compiling of this record is an old family bible, now belong- ing to Mr. Delos F. Harrington, of Buffalo, N. Y., which was given to him by his grandfather, James 07 V The HARRINGTON FAMILY Harrington. In it are recorded births as far back as 1776, and, in fact, some of the writings are be- coming somewhat obHterated by age. This family of Harringtons starts with Spencer Harrington, who was born in Connecticut. The exact date of the birth of Spencer Harrington is unknown, but his brothers and sisters were Daniel, Stafford, Trueman, Stutley, Tryphena, and Tryphona. James Harrington, iron of Spencer, was born in Montgomery County in this State. He had a son Spencer, who was born at Akron, N. Y., in 1837, and his wife was born in the town of Virgin, Cortland County, N. Y., in 1849. Their son, Delos F. Harrington, born in 1871, now resides in Buf- falo and is well known as a thorough business man, whose integrity is of the highest order. He is prominently identified with many of the frater- nal societies of this city. Otis Harrington, a brother of Spencer, was born in Akron, N. Y., in 1835. He has a son, Judson H., who married a daughter of Mr. Henry New- man, one of the old and highly respected families of the town of Akron, N. Y. Judson Harrington is a most genial and affable man in his everyday life, and highly respected by all who know him. He has been identified with the court service of the county clerk's office of Erie County for many 98 The HARRINGTON FAMILY years, and the duties of his office have always been performed with splendid satisfaction. The following is a complete reproduction of the family record as found in the old Bible : James Harrington was bom June 20th in the Year of Our Lord 1766. Mary Harrington was born February 10th in the Year of Our Lord, 1767. Sons and Daughters of Mary Harrington. Sabrina Harrington was born December 31st in the Year of Our Lord, 1802. Jeremiah Harrington was born on the 15th day of October, 1804. Luke S. Harrington was bom December 20th in the Year of Our Lord, 1806. Chauncey W. Harrington was bom January 16, 1828. Delos W. Harrington was bom December 15, 1833. Amy Harrington was the daughter of James and Mary Harrington, and was born August 17, 1788. Ruth Harrington v as bom December 23d in the Year of Our Lord, 1790. Spencer Harrington was born March 27th in (he Year of Our Lord, 1792. Stephan Harrington was born March 28th in the Year of Our Lord, 1794. Triphosa and Triphena Harringt-n were bom March 16th in the Year of Our Lord, 179 '. Daniel Harrington was lx)rn on the ninth day of March in the Year of Our Lord, 1798. 09 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Tryphona Harrington was born on the 27th day of November in the Year of Our Lord, 1801. Chauncey Harrington was born January 16th, 1823. Spencer Harrington was the son of John Harring- ton, and was bom in the Year of Our Lord, 1792. Polly Harrington, wife of Spencer Harrington was born September fifth in the Year of Our Lord, 1794. James Harrington, son of Spencer and Polly Har- rington was born March 16th, in the Year of Our Lord, 1814. Leo E. Harrington was born January 27, 1816. Hariet Harrington was born November 3, 1814. Hiram B. Harrington was born September 3d in the Year of Our Lord, 1825. Philip Harrington was born November the twenty- first in the Year of Our Lord, 1811. The following are the deaths recorded in the old Bible: James Harrington died November 23d in the Year of Our Lord, 1813. Stephan Harrington died February 16th in the Year of Our Lord, 1813. Mary Harrington, wife of James Harrington, died June 22d in the Year of Our Lord, 1823. Amy Harrington Myers died in Trumble County in the State of Ohio, in the Year of Our Lord, 1830. Tryphosia Cleveland died . Sabrina E. , died March 11, 1826. 100 The HARRINGTON FAMILY of Soatan. ffiassarltuBftta I should feel that I had been, indeed, derelict if I fail to make special mention of the splendid assistance given me by Edwin Eugene Harrington, of Boston, in the early stages of my investigations. This public-spirited son of a patriotic ancestor is so imbued with the spirit of colonial day patri- otism that he is constantly making little journeys to the suburbs of Boston in search of new and interesting places connected with the Harrington genealogy. He is a son of Andrew Jackson Harrington, a son of Luther Harrington, and grandson of Abra- ham Harrington, of Weston, Mass., who was born September 19, 1820. From Abraham Harrington, Edwin Eugene Harrington traces direct to the original ancestor, Robert Harrington, whose grave he frequently visits. Luther Harrington married Achsah Viles, and their children were Clarence A., who married Nellie Hall, of Brookline, Mass., Edwin Eugene, who married Carrie A. Bird, of Brookhne, Mass.; Elmer Ellsworth, who died very young; Ella, un- married, and Emma, who is also dead. 101 The HARRINGTON FAMILY The following is a complete record of this branch of the family from George Harrington, who mar- ried Hepzibah Fiske. Children of George Harrington and wife Hepzibah : 1 Hannah, born July 31, 1716; married William Whit- ney, of Weston. 2 Elisha, born August 27, 1717; died young. 3 Abigail, bom October 4, 1718; married Benjamin Garfield. 4 John, bom December 14, 1719; married Sarah Bar- nard, of Waltham, Mass. 5 Lydia, born February 12, 1720. 6 Elisha, born November 19, 1722. 7 Seth, born June 22, 1724. 8 Benjamin, born September 29, 1725; married Eliza- beth Pierce. 9 Sarah, born October 21, 1727. 10 Seth, born September 25, 1728. 11 Mercy, born February 7, 1730. 12 Eunice, born October 30, 1733. 13 Susanna, bom January 9, 1735. John Harrington married Sarah Barnard. Children of John and Sarah: 1 John, born February 28, 1742; married Mary W^hitney, of Westboro, Mass. 2 Sarah, bom November 20, 1744; married Captain Isaac Gleason, of Waltham, Mass. 3 William, bom February 6, 1745. 4 Caleb, born December 11, 1748, married Sarah Miller, of Westboro, Mass. 102 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 5 Abraham, born 1751, married Anna Russell, who always claimed relationship to Lord John Russell, of England. 6 Isaac, born January 21, 1753; died young. 7 Elizabeth, born November 12, 1754; married Sam- uel Home, of Southboro, Mass. 8 Submit, born February 18, 1757, died unmarried at a great age. Abraham Harrington married Anna Russell, November 5, 1776. Children: 1 Abel, born February 13, 1777. 2 Anna, born February 19, 1779; married Elijah Fiske, of Lincoln, Mass. 3 Sally, born December 20, 1780; married Isaac Train, of Weston. 4 Enoch, born February 19, 1782; unmarried. 5 Elizabeth, born July 1, 1789; married Rev. Charles Train, of Framingham, Mass. 6 Luther, born October 12, 1781, married Achsah Viles, of Walt ham, Mass. 7 Abraham, bom 1789, married, first, Gush- ing; second, Harriet Valentine, of Hopkinton, Mass. Graduated from Harvard College Law School, Class of 1812, died 1828. 8 Isaac, born 1791. 9 Hepzibah, bom 1794; married Rev. Charles Train, widower of sister Elizabeth. 10 Elbridge, born 1798, unmarried. 11 Enoch, born 1803; married Eliza Nye, of Freeix^rt, Maine. Luther Harrington married Achsah Viles, of Wnltham , Mass. Children: 103 The HARRINGTON FAMILY 1 IsAACj married Sarah P. Whittemore. 2 Anna Russell, born October 15, 1812; married Abram G. Adams. 3 Abel, born August 19, 1819; married Sophia L. Scates. 4 Luther, bom October 12, 1817; married Emily Hagar. 5 Andrew Jackson, bom September 18, 1820; married Elmira F. Brown, of Weston. 6 John Quincy Adams, born November 8, 1822; married Abigail Jones, of Weston. 7 Charlotte, born November 22, 1824; married Jonas Fiske. 8 Henry Clay, bom November 2, 1826; married, first, Sarah E. Sanderson; second, Letitia Wiswall. 9 Abraham, bom 1829; unmarried; died young. 10 James, bom Febmary 14, 1832; married Lydia J. Scates, of Milton. N. H. James Harrington, son of Luther and Achsah; married Lydia Jenness Scates, April 30, 1854. Children: 1 Clara Lyman, born June 5, 1855. Teacher in Boston. 2 Helen Sophia, bom October 27, 1856; died July 31, 1881. 3 James Arthur, bom October 22, 1858; died October 23, 1889. 4 Lydia Jenness, died in infancy. 5 Horace Lindsay, died in infancy. James Arthur, son of James and Lydia Jenness, married Mary Evelyn Clark, of Berwick, Maine, October 27, 1886; died October 23, 1889. Child: 1 Arthur Clark, born January 25, 1889. A student in Boston University. 104 The HARRINGTON FAMILY A very interesting and authentic record of an- other branch of the Harrington family is furnished by Mrs. Tilley L. Harrington, of Smyrna, N. Y. Her letter is splendidly written, and the penman- ship, taking into consideration the age of Mrs. Harrington, is truly remarkable. It refers to the family of Stephen Harrington, who had brothers, John, Benjamin, William, Charles, and Josiah, all of whom are descendants of William, who was born in Kingston, Rhode Island. The record is given complete, and we are greatly indebted to Mrs. Har- rington for its accuracy. William Harrington, born at Kingston, R. I., married Sarah Baker. Children: 1 Stephen, bom at Kingston, R. I,, May 8, 1778; died in Sherboiime, N. Y., November 26, 1859, aged 81 years; married Abigail Sheldon, lx)rn August 26, 1791; died August 11, 1860. Children: 1 Asa, born February 28, 1809; died May 15, 1885; married Lucy Wilcox, born September 14, 1816; died January 27, 1899. Had nine children, eight girls and one boy. 2 William, born January 7, 1811; died Decmibcr 11, 1873; married Harriet BiX)oks, five children. Dr. Devillo W. Harrington, George Har- rington, Arista, Couwin, and . 3 Stephen, born July 4, 1813; died October 17, 1889, aged 76; married first, Samantlia Westgate; second, Laura Crandall. Seven children. lOi The HARRINGTON FAMILY 4 EzEKiEL, died December 4, 1897, aged 80 years; married first, Emily Alexander; second, Char- lotte Wood. Five children. 5 RoxANA, born October 15, 1819; died November 24, 1899; married James Fairchild. Two children. 6 Russell, born January 18, 1822; died December 7, 1897; married Rachell Brebee. No children. 7 Phebe, bom May 17, 1824; died September 22, 1902; married Luther Northropp. 8 Harriett, died May 6, 1849. 9 Lewis, died June 14, 1901, 72 years old; married Marietta Grain. Three sons and one daughter. 10 TiLLEY L. Harrington, born December 19, 1831; married Parthena Simons, bom June 15, 1838. Had two children now deceased. 11 Sarah, deceased. 2 John, lived in Washington County, N. Y. 3 William, lived in Canada. 4 Benjamin had two sons, Erastus and Simon. Eras- Tus lived in Fairport, N. Y. Charles lived in Pompey, Onondaga County, N. Y. 5 JosiAH, born in Rhode Island, June 15, 1787; died November 10, 1869; married Sarah Avery, May 6, 1794. Seven children. 106 The HARRINGTON FAMILY l^att. 3lBaar S. I^arrtttgtntt In the year 1841 the Mayor of the City of Buf- falo was Hon. Isaac R. Harrington. He died on the 21st day of August, 1851, leaving a widow, Amanda Harrington, who died January 1, 1874, aged 83 years. They had five children, Edmund R. Harrington, Mrs. Juliet E. Harrington Pease. Charles L. Harrington, Donald U., and Marian. The records of the Buffalo Historical Society also show that Charles L. Harrington, eldest son of Isaac, died in Buffalo, April 10, 1866, aged 53 years. Donald U., second son of Isaac, died November 7, 1851, aged 31 years. Marian, daugh- ter of Isaac, died in Detroit, November 6, 1843, aged 20. The family of Isaac Harrington attended the Central Presbyterian Church, and lived at No. 11 Court Street, where Mr. Harrington died. The writer has been unable to ascertain definitely the early ancestry of Isaac R. Harrington, but has been informed indirectly that liis ancestors came from Vermont. It mav be that he is of the family of Isaac Harrington, of Shrewsbury, Mass., who married Hannah, the daughter of Jacob Whipple, of Grafton, Mass. It is also probable that he was the son of Abraham Harrington, born in 1791. 107 The H A RRI N G T O N FAMILY The Buffalo Courier of August 21, 1851, says: *'Mr. Harrington was one of the old citizens of Buflfalo, holding the office of Mayor for the term of one year. His administration was marked by firmness and consistency. In private life Mr. Harrington was a kind and indulgent father, a charitable man, and a firm friend, and his loss will be felt by a large circle of acquaintances.*' The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of the same date pays the following tribute: "Mr. Harrington was a man of no ordinary ability. He possessed great executive talent, and has exercised no incon- siderable influence here in public affairs for the last twenty years.*' 108 The U A RR I N G T O N F A M I L Y The above-named Andrew Murray Harrington died at Jamestown, N. Y., Thursday, May 30, 1901. He was the second son of Noah Harrington and Keziah Dix, of Vermont. He was a man deeply interested in public affairs, possessing a most patriotic spirit at all times, and was highly respected by the peo- ple of Jamestown, where he lived for many years. He left him surviving his wife, Catherine, and three daughters: Mrs. Alexis Crane, Isabelle Harrington, and Sara Gertrude Harrington, all of whom live in Jamestown. Sara Gertrude Harrington, daughter of Andrew Murray Harrington, residing with her mother. No. 311 West Fourth Street, Jamestown, N. Y., has shown a considerable talent for literary work, and has written many clever stories for periodicals of the present day. The following is a record of the family of Andrew Murray Harrington, direct to the original ancestor, Robert Harrington, of Watertown, Mass. Robert Harrington, of Watertown, Mass., married Susanna, daughter of John George, October 1, 1649. Thomas Harrington, of Watertown, Mass., married Rebecca, widow of John White, and daughter of Joseph Bemis, April 1, 1686. 109 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Ebenezer Harrington, of Franiingham, Mass., married Hepzebah Cloyes February 3, 1707-8. Ebenezer Harrington, born March 8, 1716-7. Isaac Harrington was a grandson of Ebenezer Harring- ton, bom March 8, 1716-7. He was a resident of Living- ston County, N. Y., and was born February 12, 1766. Noah Wheaton Harrington, born January 15, 1803; married Keziah Dix in 1826; died November 18, 1884. Andrew Murray Harrington, born May 8, 1829; died May 29, 1901; married Catherine Virginia Whitaker, May 23, 1854, at Nunda, Livingston County, N. Y. Joseph E. Harrington, residing at 107 Second Street, N. W., Washington, D. C, is in all prob- ability a descendent of that branch of the family represented by Joseph Harrington, of Lexington, who married Lucy Russell, daughter of Philip Russell, March 27, 1792. A son of Joseph and Lucy married, and moved to Baltimore, and there had several children, who are now located at Bal- timore, Washington, and other cities in that locality. As the work of compiling this record of gene- alogical facts draws to a close a feeling of sincere regret steals over me that the task is so soon done. So pleasant has it been, and so very many in- teresting things have come to light that instead of work, it has seemed but a playspell. Thorough as I have tried to be, I fully realize the imperfection that exists — and must, of neces- 110 The HARRINGTON FAMILY sity, in a work of this character; — and I only ask those who come into possession of this Httle volume that they may be charitable in their criticism, and value it for the aid it may be to them in their in- vestigations along this line, by reason of the data given of the Harrington family in the earlier days. The record discloses many interesting facts, bear- ing upon the natural characteristics of this family, of which we, as members, may well feel proud. First: As patriots in defense of the proposi- tion "That these Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent, " no family can show a record more honorable. There were eleven of them with Captain Parker, at Lexington, and of the first blood shed for the cause of liberty, that of Jonathan and Caleb Harrington was mingled with their compatriots on that memorable 19th of April, 1775. Second : When the security of the nation founded by their forefathers was endangered by the curse of slavery, again was our particular branch of this time-honored family represented in the field of action. The records of the Army and Navy show that at Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, The Wilderness, with Sherman on his march to the sea, and at the surrender of Lee before Richmond, there were stalwart sons of the Harrington name emulating the example of patriotism set by their forefathers in the days of 1776. Ill ^ The HARRINGTON FAMILY Third: In times of peace, we find them as lawyers, doctors, teachers, ministers of the gospel, artisans, and in the agricultural pursuits, perform- ing the duties of citizenship, having a righteous regard for the religion of justice between man and man, living lives of honor and integrity as sug- gested by a strict construction of the Golden Rule. May those who come after do as well. May they share with the writer a feeling of responsibility for a perpetuation of the Harrington name upon the high plane of honor where we now find it to be, and may the history of the generations yet to come write the name of "Harrington" as hav- ing been true to themselves and to their honorable and patriotic inheritance. 112 TheHARRINGTON FAMILY Harrington, Charles, Earl of, soldier, born in England, March 17, 1753; died in Brighton, England, September 5, 1829. He entered the footguards in 1769, when he was Lord Petersham. In February, 1776, as a captain in the 29th Regi- ment, he arrived at Quebec, and served in all the operations of General Burgoyne until the surrender at Saratoga, where he was that officer's aide, and car- ried his dispatches to England. He succeeded to the earldom in 1779, afterrv^ards served in the West Indies, and was promoted general in 1803. He was captain, governor, and constable of Windsor Castle. Harrington, Ebenezer Burke, lawyer, born near Lyons, Wayne County, N. Y., in 1813; died in Detroit, Mich., in 1844. He was educated in New York City, and in 1830- '31 served as reporter of the Senate of that State. He began the study of law in 1832, and compiled a digest of English and American equity cases with the aid of Oliver L. Barbour (Saratoga, 1837). In June of the latter year he was admitted to the bar. In 1837 he removed from Saratoga, N. Y., to Michigan, where he was employed with E. J. Roberts in arran- ging and indexing the revised statutes of that State. 113 The HARRINGTON FAMILY He was elected a member of the State Senate in 1839, and acted as State reporter from that year until his death. He is the author of "Harrington's Chancery Reports" (Detroit 1841). Harringtox, Joseph, Jr., clerg}Taan, born in Roxbury, Mass., February 21, 1813; died in San Francisco, Cal., November 2, 1852. He was graduated at Harvard in 1833, and became prin- cipal of the academy at East Greenwich, R. I., but at the end of six months took charge of the Haws School at South Boston, where he remained for five years. ^Miile teaching he studied theology, and in the autumn of 1839 was sent as a missionary to Chicago, 111., by the American Unitarian Asso- ciation. After his ordination as an evangelist in Boston, in September, 1840, Mr. Harrington returned to the West, and was the first to introduce the doctrines of his denomination in Milwaukee and other places. He held a pastorate in Hart- ford, Conn., from 1846 till 1852, when enfeebled health induced him to accept a call from San Fran- cisco. He sailed from New York in July of that year, but in crossing the isthmus caught the Panama fever, which resulted fatally. After his death appeared a volume of his sermons, with a memoir by William "VMiiting (Boston, 1854). 114 The H A R R I X G T O X FAMILY Harrington, M.utK Wilrod, astronomer, bom in Sycamore, 111., August 18, 1848. He was grad- uated at the University of Michigan in 1868, and has since lectured on astronomy in OberUn College, and in the Louisiana State University, Baton Rouo^e. For a year he was connected with the Chinese foreign office in Peking, and he also spent a year in Alaska. Subsequently he became professor of astronomy in the University of ^lichigan, which chair he now holds, being also director of the observa- tory. He is a fellow of the American Association for the advancement of science, and he is a mem- ber of other societies. In 1884 he established the "American Meteorological Journal," of which he in 1887 was chief editor. Harrington, S.aj^iuel >Lajcwell, jurist, bom in Dover, Del., February' 5, 1803; died in Phila- delphia, November 28, 1865. He was graduated at Washington College, Charlestown, Md., in 18"23, with the first honors of his class, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He was appointed Sec- retary of State of Delaware, in 1829, and again in 1830, and in the following year he was selected to fill a vacancy on the bench of the State Supreme Court, and became its cliief justice, holding the office until the court was united with the Superior Court. In the latter he sat as associate justice 115 The HARRINGTON FAMILY until 1855, when he was again made chief justice. In 1857 he succeeded to the chancellorship, the highest judicial office in the State. In 1849 he had been placed at the head of a commission to revise and codify the laws, and received a vote of thanks from the Legislature. During the Civil War Judge Harrington was a staunch supporter of the govern- ment, and did much to strengthen the adminis- tration of Mr. Lincoln. In 1854 he received the honorary degree of LL. D. He is the author of "Reports of the Supreme Court of Delaware'' (3 vols., Dover, 1837-44). Harrington, Timothy, clergyman, born in Waltham, Mass., in 1715; died in Lancaster, Worces- ter County, Mass., December 18, 1795. He was gradu- ated at Harvard in 1737, studied theology, and settled in 1741 as pastor of a Congregational church, in Lower Ashuelot, now Swanzey, N. H., whence he was driven by the Indians in 1747. The following year he was called to the church at Lancaster, where he re- mained until his death. It was related of him that having been in the habit, before the Revolutionary War, of praying in his pulpit for the health of "our excellent King George, " he so far forgot himself on one occasion, after the Declaration of Independence, as to lapse into the old form, but immediately added, " O Lord ! I mean George Washington. " He was one 116 The HARRINGTON FAMILY of the most pure and gentle-hearted among New Eng- land pastors, a scholar of remarkable attainments, and possessed of warm affections. He was accused of being a loyalist, and was undoubtedly opposed to the Whigs, being of the opinion that separation would ruin the colonies. In 1777 a list of proscribed persons was posted up in town meeting, to which his name had been added on motion of someone who disliked him. He thereupon arose, " his hairs touched with silver, and his benignant features kindled into a glow of honest indignation, " and baring his bosom before his people, exclaimed, "Strike, strike, here with your daggers! I am a true friend of my country. " (danalrg S^nvXtt U^rori— War nf X\]v Andrew Benjamin Harrington, age 19, en- listed December 7, 1863, for three years, as a private, 24th N. Y. Cavalry; appointed corporal, Co. H, May 31, 1865; mustered out June 26, 1865, at Clouds Mills, Va. Erastus Harrington, 22 years old, enlisted December 21, 1863, Amboy, N. Y. Was a private in Co. G, N. Y., and after l)oing mustered out in 1865, entered the regular service. 117 The HARRINGTON FAMILY Benjamin Harrington enlisted at Columbus, N. Y., age 30, Co. D, 20th N. Y. Cavalry. Chauncey Harrington, age 18, enlisted from Troy, N. Y., in Co. D, 21st N. Y. Cavalry, September 2, 1864. James H. Harrington, 23 years, enlisted from Troy, N. Y., July 18, 1864. Michael Harrington, age 19, enlisted Novem- ber 30, 1863, as private in Co. L., 21st N. Y. Cavalry. Wounded, July 24, 1864. Died at Cumberland, Md., August 19, 1864. Allen R. Harrington, age 27 years, enlisted as a member of Co. D, 22d N. Y. Cavalry, December 22d, 1863, at Livonia, N. Y. Mustered out August 12, 1865. James Harrington, 21 years, enlisted at New York, April 13, 1865. James C. Harrington, age 24, enlisted Novem- ber 12, 1863, from Urbana, N. Y., as Ser- geant, Co. G. Ransom B. Harrington, 25 years, enlisted, Rochester N. Y., November 27, 1863, as a private in Co. F. Silas N. Harrington, 16 years of age, enlisted from Rome, N. Y., in Co. C, mustered out August 1, 1865, at Winchester, Va. 118 The HARRINGTON FAMILY SI}? JFamtlo ^ttavhsi from EnglanJi I. Harrington, Baron. By writ of summons, December 30, 1324. 18 jr. Edward II. Extinct 1554. Lineage: The family of Harrington derived their surname from Haverington in the County of Cumberland, a lordship of which they were very anciently pos- sessed,but from the time of Edward I., their chief seat was at Aldringham in Lancashire, which manor was acquired by — I. Robert de Harrington, with his wife Agnes, sister and heir of William de Cancefield, Lord of Aldringham. To this Robert succeeded his son. II. John de Harrington, who in the 34tli Edward I., amongst the rest of those stout young soldiers wlio were then to attend the king into Scotland, received the honor of kniglithood, with Prince Edward, by bathing and other sacred cere- monies. 119 The HARRINGTON FAMILY In the 12th year of Edward II. he had a hcense to impark 600 acres of woodmoor and marsh with- in the precincts of his lordship of Aldringham. Summoned to ParUament as a baron December 30, 1324 to 1345. Married Margaret, daughter of Sir Richard BarUngton, and had an only son, — III. Robert, who died in the lifetime of his father, leaving issue by wife Elizabeth, daughter of John de Multon, of Egremond: 1 John, successor to grandfather. 2 Robert, from whom descended the Lords Harrington, of Exton. 3 Simon, ancestor of the Harringtons of Bishton. Lord Harrington died in 1347, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, — IV. John Harrington, second baron, sum- moned to Parliament February 14, 1348, to March 10, 1349; died 1363. Succeeded by son then in minority. V. Robert Harrington, third baron, sum- moned to Parliament August 4, 1377, during remain- der of his life. Received honor of knighthood at coronation of Richard I., and was the same year 120 The HARRINGTON FAMILY employed in his Majesty's service at Calais. Mar- ried Isabel, daughter of Sir Nigel Lorpng, K. G., and had issue: 1 John (Sir), liis successor. 2 William, successor to his brother. He died in 1405, and was succeeded by his oldest son, — VI. Sir John Harrington, fourth baron, summoned to Parliament under the misnomer of Robert, from his succession to September 3, 1417. This nobleman was in the expedition made into France in the 3d Henry V., and the next year, being retained by indenture to serve the king in those wars, he received £295 in hand toward his wages upon that account. But soon after, purpos- ing to travel in foreign parts, he declared liis testa- ment June 8, 1417, bequeathing his body to be buried wherever he should happen to die, and to Elizabeth, his wife, one half of all his silver vessels; after which he survived only a year, for the probate of that will bears the date of April 27, 1418. Leaving no issue, he was succeeded by his brother, — VII. Sir William Harrixc.ton, fifth baron, summoned to Parliament February (J, 1421, to September 6, 1439. Served as sherilF of York- shire, and was governor of the castle in the lOth Henry V. He was afterwards engaged in the wars 121 The HARRINGTON FAMILY of France in the reign of Henry V. and VI. Married Margaret, the sister of Thomas, son of Sir Robert Nevill, of Thornby, Knt., and had an only child, — VIII. Elizabeth, who died in her father's lifetime, married to William, Lord Bonville, and had a son, — IX. William Bonville, who in her right, became Lord Harrington; died in the lifetime of his father, lea\T[ng a daughter, — X. Cicely Bonville, who married first, Thom- as Grey, Marquis of Dorset, and second, Henry Stafford, Earl of Wiltshire. Lord Harrington died in 1547, leaving his grandson, William Bonville, above mentioned, his heir. Cicely BouAdlle, the daughter and heiress of Sir William, married first Thomas Grey, and she conveyed the baronies of Bonville and Har- rington to the noble house of Grey, where they continued until the attainder in 1554 of Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, when those dignities along with his grace's other honors became extinct. Reign of Mary — "Bloody Mary." Henry Grey was father of Lady Jane Grey. Arms: Sa - a - fret - argent. Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, was beheaded October 23, 1554, and, being attainted, all his honors became forfeited. 122 The HARRINGTON FAMILY n. Baron Harrington, of Exton, in the County of Rutland. By letters patent, dated July 21, 1603. Extinct, 1614. Lijieage: This branch of the ancient Harrington family, barons by merit, springing from I. Sir Robert Harrington, grandson of Sir John de Harrington, who had been summoned to Parliament in the Reign of Edward II., and second son of Robert de Harrington and his wife, Eliza- beth, daughter of and co-heir of John de Melton, of Egremond. This Robert left a son, — II. John de Harrington, who married Agnes, daughter of Lawrence Flete, Esq., of Flete, in tlie County of Lincoln, and, dying in 1421, was suc- ceeded by his son, — III. Robert de Harrington, who wedded one of the daughters of John de la Laund, and was suc- ceeded by his son, — IV. John de Harrington, who, having mar- ried Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Colepeper, acquired thereby the manor of Exton, in Rutland- shire, and fixed his residence there. He was suc- ceeded by his son, — 123 The HARRINGTON FAMILY — ^M^— — — ^i— — — ^— I I — 11 l»l I —11 I ■■■■ ■■■■■■^■^M^IM I.l.l I I I— — — — — — ^^M^— ^M— »»^ V. Robert Harrington, Esq., of Exton, who served as sheriff for the county of Rutland in 1492- 1498. He married Maud, daughter of Sir John Prisett, Knt., Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and died in 1501; was succeeded by his son, — VI. Sir John Harrington, Knt., of Exton, whose son, — Vn. Sir John Harrington, Knt., married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Moton, of Peckle- ton, in the county of Leicester. This Sir John was treasurer of the army at Boulogne, to Henry Vni. He was succeeded by his son, — Vin. Sir James Harrington, Knt., of Exton, who married Lucy, daughter of Sir William Sidney, of Penshurst, and sister of Sir Philip Sidney, K. G., by whom he had three sons, — 1 John, his successor. 2 Henry (Sir). 3 James, of Redlington, in the county of Rut- land, who was created a baronet June 29, 1611, a dignity now enjoyed by his descend- ant Sir Edward Harrington, Bart., of Redlington. Sir James died in 1592, and was succeeded by his eldest son, — 124 The HARRINGTON FAMILY IX. Sir John Harrington, Knt., who was elevated to the peerage by letters patent dated July 31, 1603, as Baron Harrington, of Exton. His lordship was tutor to the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of King James I., until her marriage to the Palatine of Bohemia, when he attended her royal highness to Germany. He married Annie, only daughter and heiress of Robert Kelway, Esq., surveyor of the Court of Wards and Liveries, and had issue, — 1 John, his successor. 2 Lucie, married to Edward Russell, third Earl of Bedford. 3 Frances, married to Sir Robert Chi- chester, K. B., and had an only daughter, Annie, married to Robert, Lord Kin- losse, by whom she was mother of Robert, Earl of Aylesbury. His lordship died in 1613, and was succeeded by his son, — X. John Harrington, second baron, at whose decease, in 1614, the Barony of Harrington, of Exton, became extinct, and his lordship's estates devolved upon his sisters, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, and Frances, Lady Chichester. 125 The HARRINGTON FAMILY IX. Seat of John Harrington, Combe Abbey, near Coventry. Seat of Duke of Bedford, Wobume Abbey. A tomb to IX made by Nicholas Stone, statuary to James I., for (IX) Sir John, wife, son and daugh- ter, by Lucy, Countess of Bedford, at Exton, cost £1,020. Arms : Sa - a - fret, ar 126 The HARRINGTON FAMILY The following is an extract from the Catholic Union and Tinies^ December 26, igoj: lEug^n? !!• I^arrtttgtnu We take pleasure in referring to that well- known lawyer and gentleman, Mr. Eugene W. Harrington, whose professional offices are located in the Brisbane Building on Main Street. INIr. Harrington is no stranger to the readers of the Catholic Union and Times or the members of the Buffalo diocese, as he has been a resident of this city for many years, and has been conspicuous, not only as a lawyer and gentleman, but in public life. Mr. Harrington is reputed to be one of the most scholarly and erudite attorneys practicing at the Erie County bar. He is a trial lawyer of note and success and has more than local fame as a pleasing orator, an art in which he has abundant oppor- tunity to perfect himself. He is frequently called upon to make addresses in public gatherings, and last Wednesday spoke before the Boot and Slioo Club of Boston on "The Electrical Development of the Niajjara Frontier." It is n-nitifvinjji: (o note that Bufl'alo men are singled out on such occasions. 127