CS 71 .H263 1908 Copy 1 (*/ inity Church. Chocowinity, Harvey Roberts Bright. Residence. Washington, N. C. Children : Annis Williams, b. June 5, 1884. Christopher Roberts, b. Aug. 26, 1885. Frederick Harding, b. Dec. 20, 1888, d. June 18. 1 88(). 16. Carolina Harding, b. July i6, 1890. Albertina von Eberstein, b. Dec. 26, 1893, d. Dec. 27, 1893. George McDonald, b. Jan. 27, 1895. Julia Harvey, b. Jan. 19, 1900. Martha Harding, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliz- abeth Ann Harding, m. May 10, 1848, Benjamin Franklin Tripp, b. Jan. 12, 1816. d. Oct. 12, 1873. Residence, \\'ashington, N. C. Children : Joseph, b. Aug. 8, 1849, ^^- -^^'^S- 20, 1852. Nathaniel Harding, b. Aug. 15, 1850. William Henry, b. Sep. 25, 1853. Robert, b. Aug. 22, 1855. Sarah, b. July 24, 1857. Elizabeth Harding, b. Aug. 29, 1859, d. Jan. 9, i860. Frederick Harding, b. Oct. 5, 1865, d. Oct. 13, i86v Nathaniel Harding Tripp, son of Benjamin F. and Martha Tripp, m. Nov. 12, 1877, Martha Eliza- beth Wooten of Pitt Co., N. C, b. Nov.. 1842. Mr. Tripp is an undertaker in Kinston, N. C. There are no children. 17. William Henry Tripp, son of Benjamin F. and Martha Tripp, m. Dec. 13, 1881, Elizabeth Rachel Mewborn, of Pitt Co., N. C, b. Jnne, 1863. She died Sep. II, 1882, and April 14. 1889, he married Cath- erine E. Bnrney, b. Oct. 28, 1867. He is farming in Beanfort Co., N. C. Children of second marriage: Jesse Bryan, b. Jan. 30, 1890. Robert Lee, b. Sep. i, 1891. Frederick Harding, b. Jnly 3, 1893. Rachel Elizabeth, b. Jnne 30, 1895. Julia Bnrney, b. Dec. 8, 1902. Margaret, b. Xpril 9, 1904, d. Sep. 25, 1905. Robert Tripp, son of Benjamin F. and Martha Tripp, m. Jan. 29, 1885, Apsley Grist Harding, daugh- ter of Benjamin F. and Winnifred Harding. Mr. 1 ripp is a contractor in \A'ashington, N. C. Children: Martha Harding, b. Nov. 20, 1885. Robert Harding, b. Nov. 21, 1887, d May 26, 1888. Georgie Bogart, b. Oct. 23, 1900. Sarah Tripp, daughter of Benjamin F. and Martha I ripp. has never married, and lives with her mother in Washington, N. C. t8. Jarvis Buxton Harding, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Ann Harding, m. Feb. ii, 1857, Eunice A. Windley in Washington, N. C. She was b. Feb. 20, 1830, d. Nov. 21, 1897. He enhsted in 1863 as ord- nance officer, 3d N. C. Regiment, Grimes' Brigade, and died of typhoid fever in Staunton, Va.. Aug. 6, 1864. Children : Mary R., b. Nov. 8, 1857, d. Jan. 6, 1865. William Thomas, b. Jan. 24, 1859, d. Sep. 14, i860. John Frederick, b. March 11. r86i. Martha T., b. Nov. J4. 1862, d. Nov. 14. 1862. Annie Buxton, b. Oct. 20, 1863. d. Sep. 18, 1868. John Frederick Harding, son of James Buxton and Eunice .\. Harding, m. Dec. 16. 1886. in St. Thomas' Church, Bath, N. C. Miriam Y. Bonner. Residence, Belhaven, N. C. Children : :Vnnie Frederick, b. Oct. 20. 1887, d. May 7, 1889. Jarvis Bonner, b. Aug. 3, 1889. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 2, 1891, d. May 8, 1894. Fitsue Ellsworth, b. Feb. 7, 1902, d May 22, 1902. Eunice Olivia, b. .\ug. 9. 1904. d. June 27. 1903. LsRAEL Harding, son of Nathaniel and l^lizabeth 19- Ann Harding, m. in 1865, at Chocowinity, X. C, Carolina \^irginia Hnghes, daughter of John F. and Alartha PhilHps Hughes, b. Jan. 17, 1828, d. Nov. 21, 1866. Israel Harding was at first a farmer and car- penter, but through his interest in the church work at Trirnity Chapel, N. C, he began to look towards the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Study- ing pri\-ately under the direction of the Re\'. N^. C. Hughes, he was ordered deacon by Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson in St. James' Church, Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 21, 1856, and priest by the same bisho]) in Grace Church. Morganton, N. C, July 12, 1861. During his long ministry he served the parishes and missions at the following places, all in N. C. : 1857-59, Zion Church, Beaufort Co., St. Thomas', Batli, and St. John's, Durham's Creek, St. John's, Pitt Co., St Paul's, above, St. John's, Pitt Co., St. Paul's, Swift Creek, Craven Co., and Pantego, Beaufort Co.: t86i. the same, except St. John's, Pitt Co. ; 1862-65, St. Timo- thy's, Wilson, and St. Paul's, Greenville; 1866-71, Trinity, Beaufort Co.. St. Paul's, Greenville, St. John's, Durham's Creek, St. Paul's, Swift Creek, and the mission at Aurora; 1871-73. St. Paul's. Beaufort, Carteret Co.: 1873-81, Trinity, Beaufort Co.: St. John's, Durham's Creek. St. John's. Pitt Co.. St. 20. raul's, Craven Co., and the mission at .Vurora ; 1881. St. Mary's, Kinston, Holy Innocents', Lenijir Co., St. John's, Pitt Co., and after 1888, missions at La- Grange, Snow Hill, Farmville, Trenton and St. lliomas', Craven Co. He built with his hands not only altars and furnishings for some of these churches, but planned and partly built some of the churches. Thus for thirtv-five years he gave his labors incessantly U) the work of the Gospel in Eastern Xorth Carolina. He married as his second wife, 2^Iay, 1875, Mrs. Susan Mary Patrick, widow of his cousin Henry Patrick. There were no children by this second marriage. She was a woman of strong religious faith and character, surx'iving him until Feb., 1908. She spent the last vears of her life in Kinston, N. C. The children of Israel Harding's first marriage are: \\\ilter Herbert, b. July 20, 1856. Martha Elizabeth, b. Oct. 15. 1857. Israel b. June t, 1859, d. Dec. 24. i860. John Ravenscroft, h. June 30, i860. Fannie, b. about 1862, d. in early childlioorl. William, b. about 1863, d. in babyhood. Carolina Virginia, b. Nov. 13, 1865. \\'alter Herbert H.\ri)ING, son of Israel and Carolina V. Harding, was educated in Trinity School, 21. Chocowinity, N. C, and at 17 began a three years' apprenticeship in Laurinburg, N. C, as a raih'oad machinist. Having finished that course he became a raih-oad engineer, and for a number of years has been so engag'ed in N. C, Va., and Alabama. Present resi- dence, Montgomery, Alabama. He m. Dec. 18, 1884, Laura Anna \Miite of Kinston, N. C, b. Aug. 6, 1867. Children : Ruby Graham, b. Dec. 5, 1885. Israel Hughes, b. Nov. 13, 1888. Bernice Miller, b. May 26, 1890. Carolina Hines. 1). Jan. 22, 1892, d. March 6, 1892. Nathaniel, b. May 22, 1894. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1897, d. April 26. 1900. Sallie Green, b. Dec. 2, 1902. John Ravenscroft, b. .Vug. i, 1904. Katherine, b. Oct. i, 1905. Martha Elizabeth EIarding, daughter of Israel and Carolina V. Harding, was educated at Trinity School. Chocowinity, N. C, and St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. She m. April 2y , 1880, Rev. Nicholas Collin Hughes, Jr., son of Rev. N. C. Hughes, D. D., 00 Chocowinity, N. C. llcr husband assisted his father in the work of Trinity School, Chocowinity, X. C, and after the death of the Rev. Dr. Hughes, followed him as principal. This position he held until the final close of the school in the summer of 1908. Residence, Chocowinity, N. C, Children : Carolina Virginia, b. April 27, 1881. Nicholas Collin, b. Jan 29, 1883. Israel Harding, b. July 5, 1884. Adeline Williams, b. April 17, 1886, d. Oct. 29, 1888. Baby, b. and d. April 29, 1887. Susan Mary, b. Sep. 20, 1888, d. July 29. 1889. Paul, b. Sep. 12, 1889, d. Jan. 26, 1890. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 29, 1890. Robinson, b. July 18, 189T, d. Oct. 22, 1891. John Ravenscroft Harding, son of Israel and Carolina Virginia Plarding, was educated at Trinity School, Chocowinity, N. C, and at the Academy, New- bern, X. C. Was graduated from Union College, Schenectady, X^ Y., 1883, taught in Kinston Academy one year, and was graduated from the General The- ological Seminary, Xew York City, 1887. Ordered deacon in Christ Church, Raleigh, X. C, by Rt. Rev. 23- Theodore B. Lyman, LL. D., July 3, 1887, and priest by the same bishop in Trinity Church, Asheville, N. C, May 6, 1888. Assistant minister, Trinity Church, Asheville, N. C, 1887-88; rector St. James' Church and School, Macon, Mo., 1888-89; assistant. Church of the Messiah, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889-91 ; rector Grace Church, Lyons, N. Y., 1891-94; rector Trinity Church, Utica, N. Y., 1894. Residence, Trinity Rectory, Utica, N. Y. Member Utica Theological Club; Alumni Asso- ciation, L^nion College; Alumni Association, Gen. Theo. Seminary ; Delta Phi Fraternity ; Pres. Standing Committee, Board of Examining Chaplains, Deaf Mute Commission, Diocese of Central New Y(^rk. Re- ceived degree of D. D. from Union College, 1887. M. Oct. 20, 1887, Katherine Rountree, daughter John M. Rountree of Chicago. Mrs. J. R. Harding d. Oct. 15, 1908. Children: Natalie H., b. Aug. 31, 1888. d. Dec. 25, t888. Madeleine Huntington, b. June 28, 189T. Katherine Rountree, b. Oct. 7, 1894. Carolina Virginia PL\ri)ING, daughter of Israel and Carolina Virginia Harding, was educated in Trinity School. Chocowinity, N. C, and the Academy, Kinston, X. C. ^T. Charles E. Perkins, assistant dis- trict attorney, Phila(lel])hia, Pa.. June 12, 1895. Resi- 24- dence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : Mary Edwards Perkins, b. May i6, 1898, d. April 22, 1899. Infant son, b. and d. Feb. 8, 1900. Frederick Harding, son of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth Ann Harding, b. at Chocowinity, N. C. He enlisted in the Confederate army in Beaufort Co., X. C,. May 20, 1861, Swindell's Company. He was sub- sequently made captain of Company K, 3d North Caro- lina Cavalry, and the 42d Regiment. He was assigned to Barringer's Brigade, was in the engagement at Plymouth, N. C, and in active service in the battles around Richmond, Va. He surrendered with General Johnson near Durham, N. C, just after Lee's surren- der at Appomattox. After the war he settled in Piti Co., N. C, and m.arried Aug. 10, 1865, Mary Louisa Noble, daughter of Jesse Noble. She was b. Oct. 9, 1842, and d. June 29, 1897. Frederick Harding was a farmer and merchant until his death. Children : Jesse Noble, b. Dec. 20, 1867, d. Dec. 26, 1867. Annie Buxton, b. July 14, 1869. Richard Henry, b. Jan. 14, 1871, d. July 31, 1872. Sarah Elizabeth, b. June 16, 1872. :^Iary Eliza, b. Aug. 3, 1874. Martha Virginia, b. June 17, 1876. 25 Walter Frederick, b. May lo, 1878. Ernest Lee, b. July 11, 1882, d. Nov. 4, 1887. Annie Buxton Harding, daughter of Frederick and Mary L. Harding-, m. Fordyce C. Harding, son of Henry and Sue Harding. See page 30. Sarah E., Martha V. and Mary Eliza, daughters of Frederick and Mary L. Harding, are unmarried. Walter F. Harding, son of Frederick and Mary Harding, ni. Dec. 27, 1904, Sallie P. Tucker of Pitt Co. Occupation, farmer. Children : Natalie Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1905, d. Aug. 18, 1906. Jessie Tucker, b. June 15, 1907. Elizabeth Grist Harding, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Ann Harding, m. at Chocowinity, N. C, Oct. 31, 1850, Charles A. Curtis, a native of Newton, Connecticut. Mr. Curtis was a teacher at the time of his marriage and continued this work until his death in Mississippi, Sep. i, 1873. Mrs. Curtis lives in Evanston, Illinois. Children : Charles H., b. in Connecticut, Nov. 22, 1851. 26. Benjamin, 1). in North Carolina, Nov. 23, 1854. Stella E.. ]). in Connecticut, Nov. 10, 1858. Grace, b. in Evanston, Illinois, Nov. 9, 1870. Charles H. Curtis, son of Charles A. and Eliza- beth G. Curtis, moved to Florida 24 years ago from Evanston, 111., and for the last 20 years has lived in Blufton, Fla. He is an orange grower, and is also interested in real estate in Jacksonville, Fla. In the latter city he was the originator of the Volusia shell roads, which have since become so popular in Southern cities. During the fall of 1908 he married Mrs. E. C. Rust of Orange City. Fla. Benjamin Curtis, son of Charles A. and Elizabeth (j. Curtis, m. Fcl). 15. 1882, Louisa Miller, b. Sep. 16, 1862. They live on a farm near Uncoln, Michigan. Children : Stella Elizabeth. 1). March 23. i88s, d. Julv 6. i«»3. Charles A., b. Feb. i. 1885. Luelen, b. March 7, 1887, ^ May 13, 1888. Benjamin, b. Aug. 12, 1889, d. Oct. 12. 1890. Edward Eug^ene, b. lune 2, i8gi. 27. Stella E. Curtis, daughter of Charles A. and EHz- abeth G. Curtis, m. in E^'anston, 111., Aug. 22, 1882,. Rev. M. M. Bales. D. D. of Ohio, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was graduated from the North Western University, Evanston, III. He re- ceived his A. M. and D. D. decrees from the Northern 'ti' Illinois College. He had charges in the Rock River Conference of Illinois seventeen years, and is now field superintendent of a missionary society in New York- Cit}'. Residence, Evanston, 111. Their onlv child is : Grace M. Bales, b. in Illinois. May 25, 1884. She m. June 29, 1908, Leon James, a lawyer of Chicago,. 111. Residence, Evanston, Illinois. Grace Curtis, daughter of Charles A. and Elizabeth G. Curtis, m. in Evanston. III. Sep. 22, 1890, Rev. S. S. Farley of Galesburg, 111. Mr. Farley graduated from the North Western l^nivcrsity, and has been con- nected with the Minnesota Conference sixteen years. . Residence, Ortonville, Minn. Children : Donald, b. March 23, 1894. Malcolm, b. Jan. 31, 1896. Margaret F., b. Aug. 23, 1897. 2S. Henry Harding, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth jKnn Harding, was born at Chocowinity, N. C. He served in the Confederate army, and was in the battles of Newbern, Kinston and Goldsboro, and fnr six months was stationed at Battery Wagner, Va. He was made captain of Company B, 6ist Regiment, Sep., 1861, and major of this regiment Sep. 2, 1862, Cling- man's Brigade, Hoke's Division, Beauregard's Corps. He was in the battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Bermuda Htindred and was discharged under a sur- geon's certificate, Sep., 1864. After the war he settled at Aurora, Beaufort Co., N. C, and on Feb. 21, 1867, m. Susan Elizabeth Sagg. She was born March 3, J 842. Residence, Greenville, N. C. Children : William Frederick, b. Nov. 26, 1867. Fordyce Cunninggim, h. Feb. 12, 1869. Lilhan Lee, b. Oct. 17, 1870, d. Nov. 16, 1870. Franklin Carlyle, b. March 12. 1872, d. Sep. 24, 1874. Henry Patrick, b. Aug. 14, 1874. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 25, 1877. Jarvis Benjamin, b. May 8. 1879. Susan Lorena, b. Dec. 28, 1881. William Frederick Harding, son of Henry and 29. Susan Harding, was graduated from the University of North CaroHna, June, 1894, and was admitted to the North Carohna bar Sep., 1896. He is now practicing- law in Charlotte, N. C. M. Laura Lillian Long, Dec. 21, 1899. She died Oct. 28, 1904. From this union there is one child : William Knowlton, b. Feb. i. 1901. He m. again, Jan. r6, 1907, Nan Tyson Dowd. FoRDYCE CuNNiNGGiM Harding, SOU of Henry and Susan Harding, was graduated from the University of North Carolina, June, 1893, took the degree of LL. B. at the same institution, June, 1894, and was admitted to the North Carolina bar, Jan., 1895. He is now practicing law in Greenville, N. C. He m. Nov. 15, 1899, Annie Buxton Flarding, daughter of Fred- erick and Mary Harding. There is one child : Mary Louise, b. Feb. 7, 1902. Henry Patrick Harding, son of Henry and Susan Harding, was graduated from the University of North Carolina, June, 1898, and became a teacher in the public schools of his State. He was principal of the school in New Bern, N. C, and now holds a similar 30. position in Charlotte, N. C. He m., Dec. 23, 1903, Lulie Ives of New Bern, X. C, and has one child : Lucia, b. April 18, 1908. Mary Elizabeth Harding, daughter of Henry and Susan Harding-, was graduated from the North Caro- lina Normal College in 1900. and is now teaching in Greenville, X. C. Jarvis Benjamin Harding, son of Henry and Susan Harding, was graduated from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of X^orth Carolina in 1900, and is a civil engineer. Residence, Greenville. X. C. Susan Lorena Harding, daughter of Henry and Susan Harding, was graduated from the Xorth Caro- lina X^ormal College in 1904. She m.. Oct. 2, 1907, Hanniss Taylor Latham, a lawyer of Washington, X. C, where she now li\'es. Annie Patrick Harding, daughter of X'athaniel and Elizabeth Ann Harding, was Ijorn at Chocowinity. N. C. She m., Xov. 23, 1858, Rev. Stephen Chester Roberts of X'ewbern, X\ C. He was born in X^ewbern, 3^- N. C, Oct. 12, 183 1, ordained priest, Aug. 21, 1859. He served the following parishes : Trinity, Choco- winity, N. C. ; Morganton, N. C. ; Smithfield, Va. ; Columbia, Va. ; St. Luke's, Norfolk, Va. ; Emmanuel. Chestertown, Md. He died in Chestertown, Nov. 15, 1899. Children : Annie Harding, b. Nov. 18, 1859. Susan Sidney, b. May 8, 1862. Elizabeth Harding, b. Sep. 12, 1863. Mary Jones, b. Jan. 16, 1865. Frederick William, b. April 28, 1866, d. Oct. 20, 1866. John Nathaniel, b. Oct. 24, 1867, d. Sep. 28, 1903. William Henry, b. June 9, 1869, d. July 3. 1869. Julian Guion. b. Sep. 11. 1870. George Herbert, b. Oct. 9, 1873, d. May 11, 1874. Annie Harding Roberts, daughter of Stephen E. and Annie P. Rol)erts. m. Oct. 9, 1877, Colin Ferguson Stam, a druggist of Chestertown, Md. Residence, Chestertown, Md. Children : Annie Harding, b. Oct. 13, 1878. Louise Antoinette, b. Dec. 3, 1879. John Rudolf, b. July 4. 1881. Lillian Roberts, b. June 18, 1886. Donald Ferguson, b. Dec. 19, 1888. 3-2. Colin Ferguson, b. Aug. 2j , 1896. Susan Roberts, b. Aug. 27, 1896. Susan Sidney Roberts, daughter of Stephen C. and Annie P. Roberts, is unmarried and hvine in Chestertown, Md. Elizabeth Harding Roberts, daughter of Stephen C. and Annie P. Roberts, m. Sep. 14, 1893, Richard Harrison ColHns, an e(htor of Chestertown, Md. Children : Jane Harrison, b. June 26, 1894, d. Aug. 10, 1895. Stephen Roberts, b. Jan. 13, 1896. Richard Harrison, I). May 12, 1897. John Harding, b. July 28, 1898. William Salisbury, b. June 24, 1904. Mary Jones Roberts, daughter of Stephen C. and Annie P. Roberts, m. Feb. 18, 1892, Joseph Sidney .\rchbell, of Chocowinity, N. C. Residence, Salisbury, N. C. Children : Sidney Harding, b. Jan. 17, 1896, d. April, 1896. Sidney Harding, b. Sep. 13, 1899. John Nathaniel Roberts, son of Stephen C. and Annie P. Roberts, was an electrician and died in Mem- phis, Tenn. M. Jan. 30. 1902, Mary Isabel Beck, of Chestertown, Md. There are no children. Julian Guion Roberts, son of Stephen C. and Annie P. Roberts, was graduated from the high school, Chestertown, Md., and entered a law office in New York City. He took special courses in the evening schools of that city, and in 1894 was graduated froni the law department of the University of the City of New York, with the degree of LL. B. He was ad- mitted to the ^Maryland bar, 1894, and a few months later to the New York bar. He is now senior member of the law firm, Roberts & Hepburn, 63 Wall St., N. Y. Member of the Masonic order, several State and patri- otic societies, a social and a church club. Residence, Nev\^ York Citv. He has never married. Annie Harding Stam, daughter of Colin F. and Annie H. Stam, m. Nov. 14, 1908, Richard S. Hooker, M. D., of Philadelphia, Pa. Nathaniel Harding, son of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth Ann Harding, was born at Chocowinity, N. C. He enlisted in the Confederate army Aug. 20, 1864, and served u.ntil the surrender. He was educated at the Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn., and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. He was ordered deacon by Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, Bishop of North Carolina, ]u\v 11,. i<^7,^ ^'T^l priest by the same bishop, Dec. 19, 34- i875- He was called lo the charge of St. Peter's Church, Washington, N. C, Sep. 15, 1873, ^^'^^^ ^"^^^ spent his entire ministry in that parish, where he is greatly admired and loved. The Diocese of East Caro- lina has honored him with the following offices : Deputy to the General Convention since 1884, Pres. Standing Committee, member Board of Examining Chaplains, Pres. of the Council, and Dean of the Con- ^•()cation of Edenton. St. Peter's Church was built under his administration, and is now one of the best equipped churches in the State, and the parish one of the most vigorous. He is also in charge of St. Thomas' Church. Bath, and Zion Church, Beaufort Co., N. C. For twenty -five years he has held the position of county superintendent of public instruction. Address, St. Peter's Rectory, Washington, N. C. M. Feb. 3, 1874, Mary Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of Rev. N. Collin Hughes, D. D., Chncowinity, N. C. Children of this union : Collin Hughes, b. Dec. 26, 1874. Frederick Harriman, b. Sep., 1876. .\deline AVilliams, 'b. Oct. 22, 1877, d. July 6, 1881. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 4, 1879. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 18, 1881. d. Aug. 2, 1883. 35- Martha, b. Nov. 15, 1882, cl. July 31, 1883. William Blount, b. Jan. 24, 1884. Robert Williams, b. Dec. 29, 1886, d. May 29, 1887. Mary Elizabeth Harding, mother of the above chil- dren, died Jan. 5, 1887, and Oct. i, 1889, Nathaniel Harding married Marina B. Handy, daughter of Ed- mund Hoyt, Washington, N. C. Children of this union : Edmund Hoyt, b. July 10, 1890. Stephen Barnwell, b. Aug. 8. 1892, d. Aug. 12, 1892. Marina Brickell, b. Sep. 24, 1896. Collin Hughes Harding, son of Nathaniel and Mary Elizabeth Harding, was educated in Trinity School, Chocowinity, N. C, the University of N. C, and the University of Texas. He spent some time in railroad and insurance work and was engaged a year with the United States Geological Survey in Indian Territory. The study of law begun in Washington, N. C, in the office of W. B. Rodman, was later con- tinued in Denison. Texas, and the University of that State. He was admitted to the bar in Austin, Texas, 36. May 22, i89n of Stephen Fon- ville and Margaret Harding, m. Dec. 23, 1885 ; wife's name, Lena Rivers. They live in Chocowinity, N. C. Children : Nathaniel Thomas, b. Oct. 28, 1886. Benjamin Stiowden, b. Vug. 28, 1890. Arthur Iceland, b. Feb. 6, 1892. Lacy Walter, b. Nov. ti. 1894. Stephen Blake, b. June 9, 1897. Joseph Franklin Harding, son of Stephen Fon- ville and Margaret Harding, m. Sep. 15, 1892. Lukey A. Buck. They live on a farm near Chocowinity,. N. C. Children: William Joseph, b. March 16. 1894. Mattie Ethel, b. March t6. 1897. 46. Anna Amanda, b. Jan. 7, 1899. Joshua Collin, b. June 18, 1901 Stephen Jasper, b. Dec. 7. 1903. INDEX A-rchbell, Joseph S 33 Mary J., nee Roberta.. 33 Sidney 1 33 Sidneys 3 3 Bales, Stella E., nee Curtis 2 7, 28 M. M 28 James, Grace M., nee Bales 28 James Leon 2 8 Berry, Eula E., nee Harding 4U, 41 Fred Howard 41 Mary Nina 41 Nannie R 41 Roy H 41 Thomas C 41 Vera E .' 41 Walter T 41 William E 41 Bright, Albertina 17 Annis W IG Caroline H 17 Christopher R 16 Frederic H 16 George McDonald ... .17 Harvey H 16 Julia E., nee von Eberstein 15, 16 Julia H 17 Carruth A. 42 B. F 42 Elizabeth 4^ Ella Rena, nee Harding 40, 42 Emma 42 Collins, Elizabeth H., nee R,oberts . . . .32, 33 Jane H 33 John H 33 Richard H.i 33 Richard H.^ 33 Stephen R 33 William S 33 Curtis Benjamini zl Benjamin- 27 Charles A.i 2 6 Charles A.^ 27 Charles H 'AH, 27 Edward E 27 Elizabeth G., nee Harding 14, 26 Louisa, nee Miller 27 Luelen 27 Stella E 27, 28 Cutler, Annie B 11 Emily E., nee Harding. 11 James E 11 Mary E 11 Sallie E 11 Timothy E 11 Farley, Donald 28 Grace, nee Curtis.. 2 7, 28 Malcolm 28 Margaret 28 S. S 28 Harding, Adeline W 35 Abbie, nee Randolph. .. 37 Allen G 9, 11 Anna A 4 7 Anne Estelle 38 Annice J 40 Annie B., nee Harding 25, 30 Annie Bee 40 Annie F ly Annis, nee Clarke 7 Arcena E 4 6 Arthur 1 46 Benjamin 1 7 Benjamin- 4 3 Benjamin F S, 9 Benjamin H 40 Benjamin S 46 Bernice M 2 2 Bessie L 4 2 Bettie E., nee Harding.. 43 Blanche C., nee Lowery.l2 Carlton D 40 Carolina H 22 Carolina V., nee Hughes 2 Charles E 44 Charles T 4 4 Collin H 35, 86 Daniel B 40 Delilah Ann 46 Edmund H 36 Eleanor, nee Buck 13 Fannie 21 Elizabeth Ann, nee Patrick 13 Elizabeth B., nee Butler 43 Elizabeth, nee Henry.. 3 9 Ernest L 26 Ernest O 4 4 Estelle C 38 Eunice A., nee Windley 19 Eunice 19 Fitsue E 19 Fordyce C 29, 30 Franklin C 2 9 Fredericki 7 Frederick-' 13, 25 Frederick Harri- man 3 5, 37 Guy C 10, 12 Harriet B 12 Harriet E., nee von Eberstein 9, 15 Henryi 7, 8 Henrys 14, 2 9 Henry E 9 Henry H 44 Henry P 29, 30 Hester E 4 2 Hettie M 40 Israeli 7 Israels 7, 8 Israels 13. 19 TsraeH 21 Israel H 22 Israel H 42 James J 40 Jarvis Buxton 13, lij Jarvis Benjamin. .. 29, 31 Jarvis Bonner 19 Jefferson Davis 46 Jesse Bryan 43 Jesse N 25 Jessie Tucker 26 John Frederick 19 John F 43 John Ravenscrofti . .21, 23 John Ravenscroft2 2Z Joseph 3 9, 43 Joseph F 4 5, 46 Joshua C 47 Josie, nee Lewis 44 Josephine, nee Lewis... 44. Josephine A., nee St. John 41 Julia 14 Katherine Ri 24 Katherine R2 24 Katherine 22 Katie, nee Simpson 40 Lacy W 46 Laura 9 Laura A., nee White. . .22 Laura L., nee Long. . . .30 Lawrence B 44 Leila M., nee Morris. . .40 Lena, nee Rivers 4 6 Lillian L 29 Lucia 31 Lucy B 38 Lukey A., nee Buck. . ..46 Lulie, nee Ives 31 Madeline H 24 Margaret Ann, nee Hill 45 Marina B., nee Hoyt. . .36 Marina B.2 36 Maria Louisa 3 9 Martha 36 Martha T 19 Martha V 25 Marv E., nee Hughes 35. 36 Mary Elizabethi . ..35, 38 Mary Elizabeth-' ...2d, 31 Mary Eliza 25 Mary Eber 40 Mary L., nee Noble. . . .25 Mary Louise 3 Mary M., nee Grist. ... 8 Mary R 19 Mary Susan 43 Mary Susan 4 3 Mattie E 4 6 Miriam J., nee Bonner.. 19 Nan Tyson, nee Dow(1...30 Nathaniel! 7 Nathaniel^ 14, 34 Nathaniel- 35 NathanieH 19 Nathaniel" 22 Nathaniels Nathaniel Thomas ... .46 Natalie E 2 6 Natalie H 24 Polly 8 Richard E 40 Richard H 25 Robert W 3 6 Rosa Lou, nee Jarratt. .41 Ruby G 2 2 Sallie, nee Whitehurst. . 44 Sallie G 22 Sallie P., nee Tucker. ..26 Sarah E.i 25, 26 Sarah E.2 44 Sarah F., nee Clarke. . .43 Sarah, nee Worseley. . .39 Stephen 5. 7 Stephen Barnwell 36 Stephen Benjamin . .4 0, 41 Stephen Blake 46 Stephen D 45 Stephen F 39. 45 Stephen .1 47 Susan E.. nee Sa^.^. . . .29 Susan Mary, nee Lane. .21 Thomas J.^ 43. 44 Thomas J2 Vera A 4 2 Walter F 26 Walter H 21 Wiley G.i 8 Wiley G- 'J William 21 William Alexander. ...42 William Alfred . .40 William Augustus. . . 9, 11 William B 39 William Blount 36 William Columbus 4'6 William Francis 43 William Fredericki .... 29 William Frederick2 . . . , 45 William H 40 William J 4 6 William K 30 William T 19 Winnie, nee Barr tl Winnie, nee Fields 4 4 Winnie, nee Nelson. ... 9 Henry, Kenneth G 38 Mary Elizabeth, nee Harding 35, 38 Hill, Apseley Elizabeth. .. 10 Cora May 10 Fenner B 10 Forester S 10 George F 10 Hannah, nee Harding. ..39 Henry B 10 Herbert G 10 James GrifRni 10 James Griffin- 10 James Griffin-^ 10 Mary Margaret, nee Harding 10 Mattie H 10 Samuel Nicholson lu Hooker, Annie H., nee Stam 34 Richard G 34 Howard. Charles T 45 Cora E.. nee Harding 44, 45 George G 45 George N 45 James N 45 Margaret 4.^> ONGRESS Hughes, Adeline W 2'6 Carolina V 2 3 Elizabeth 2 3 Isaac W 12 Israel Harding 23 John B 12 John R 12 Lucretia S 12 Martha E., nee Harding 21, 2z Nicholas C.i 22 Nicholas C2 23 Paul 23 Robinson 23 Sallie Nelson, nee Harding 9, 11 Susan M 23 Hull, Benjamini 15 Benjamin^ 15 Bertha, nee Welch 15 Frederick W 15 Latham, Hanniss T 31 Susan L., nee Harding 2 9, 31 Orrell, Dicey 8 Riley 8 Parsons, George E 42 Lena E., nee Harding 40, 42 Lena Everett 4 2 Richard Ewing 4 2 William Floy 4 2 Perkins, Carolina V., nee Harding 21, 2 4 Charles E 2 4 Mary E 25 Roberts, Annie P., nee Harding 14, 31 Frederick W 32 George H 3- John N 32, 33 Julian Guion 3 2, 34 Mary Isabel, nee Beck. .34 Stephen C 31 Susan S 32, 33 William H 3 2 Stam, Annie H., nee Roberts 32 Colin F.i 32 Colin F.2 33 PW« 458 995 Donald F 32 John Rudolf 32 Lillian R 32 Louise A o2 Susan R 33 Susman, Benjamin L.i . ...45 Benjamin L.2 45 Bertha R.i, nee Harding 4 4, 45 Bertha R.2 45 David J 45 Josie L 45 S. Mundal 45 Tripp, Apsley G., nee Harding 9, 18 Benjamin F 17 Catherine E., nee Burney 1!^ Elizabeth H 17 Elizabeth R., nee Newborn 18 Frederick H.i 17 Frederick H 2 18 Georgia B 18 Jesse B 18 Joseph 17 Julia B 18 Margaret 18 Martha E., nee Wooten 17 Martha H 18 Nathaniel H 17 Rachel Elizabeth 18 Robert 17, 18 Robert H 18 Robert Lee 18 Sarah 17, 18 William H 17, 18 Von Eberstein, Annis nee Harding . . . .13, 14 Carrie H 16 Emily B 16 Ernest A 15 Frederick H 15, 16 Harriet C 16 Julia H 16 Mabel De Vire 16 Sarah P., nee Brown. . .16 William H.i 14 William H.2 16