~~_:_ — ~ 1 ■ 1 Neal Armstrong & Co. BALTIIOEE AID HOLLIDIY STS. Baltimore, Md. COVERING 25,000 Square Feet DEVOTED TO THE SALE OF OUR GOODS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Slielf..^-\.M7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Dress Goods. Silks, Satins, etc Mourning- (lood -India Linens i Goods. Ginghams, Law ^ Shawls, Wraps, ano iveauy-niaue Suits. Linen Ulsters and Rubber Water- proofs for Ladies. I Cloths, Cassimeres, etc. Muslin Underwear, Chemise, Night 1 Dresses, Drawers, Skirts and I Corset Covers. Linens, Table Cloths, etc. Sheetings, lilankets. Comforts and Spreads. 1 Cotton Goods and Mannels. I Hosiery,Glovesand Handkerchiets Neckwe.u- fur Ladies. eries, Fringes, Pas- buttons, Pins, Nee- id Rain Umbrellas, t *P^ NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, f iiimw lAi. ^' y^d LERCH BROTHERS, (Successors to AUGUSTUS LERCH,) MANUFACTUllEKS OP I HARNESS j^^ TRUNKS, &c. ITos. 155 and 157 West Pratt Street, BALTIMORE, MD. PAPER of 6very description may be had at Uo. 40 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE. SALCSROOCDS AND OFFICE- OF John A. Dushane & Co.'s "W^ooci"b±3iLe DVn±ll, CaILec3-03::L±ai IMIxll, Eagle 3yL±ll. Average Daily production of Paper 50,000 POUNDS HTHE^ — H m yj 1 H'^— HTOtBRLTIMOREN GIVING LOCATION OF THE MOST RELIIBLE MERCANTILE HOUSES OF THE CITY, IN DIFFERENT LINES OF BUSINESS, TOGETHER WITH PLACES OF AMUSEMENT,. &C. JAS. NOBLE MORSELL, Publisher. BALTIMORE; PRINTED BY WHITE & GRAHAM, 20 SECOND ST. 1882. JsJo. Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 18H'2, by .I.vs. Noble Mohsell, In tin- Office ot the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN i»issa^ RICH JEWELRV, AND STERLING SILYERW/IKE, MARBLE CLOCKS, BRONZES, &C. A SPECIALTY, 229 W. BALTIMORE ST., Cor. CHARLES, b.a.IjTI3vi:oi^:h3_ Hcnne:gc.n, bates & co. The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. CO^JTE-NTS. ♦♦♦ American Building 6t Amusements 35 Banks 27 Battle Monument 23 Bay and Coastwise Steamers ; ,59 Cemeteries 55 CityHall ir City OflBcials g Courts 49 Educational Institutions 51 Fire Alarm 31 German Correspondent Building 45 Hotels ig Index to Advertisements 65 libraries 17 Passenger Depots 15 Post Office • 13 Public Buildings 57 Public Halls 51 Public Parks and Squares 17 Railroad Ticket Offices 15 Rates of Fare for Hacks 25 Table indicating ditference in time between Washington and principle Cities, 39 Telegraph Offices 15 The Sun Iron Building 29 United States Mails 41 United States Officials 13 WhaiTes, Location of T 47 EUjm. BUTLER MERCHANT TAILOR. 53 H]1N0¥ER ST., BALTIMORE, MD, A FIT C4UARANTEED. wi. 1. woei & C0. 296 W. Baltimore and 1 M. Liberty Street, ZMZanrL-u-f ao'bTxx'ex's o± "^^■?' .•£oVir # HOT Jim FURNACES, Wimm FILA(DE IHEA'iriEIRS, STOVES AND COOKING UTENSILS, Foundry, Baltimore, Md. 9 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. REGISTER OF CITY OFFICI/ILS. Mayor, . . . Hon. Wm. Pinkney Whyte. OFFICE, CITY HALL. CITY REGISTER, JOHN A. ROBB. OFFICE, CITY HALL. CITY COMPTROLLER, JOSHUA VANSANT OFFICE, CITY HALL. CITY COUNSELLOR, JOHN P. POE. OFFICE, CITY HALL. CITY SOLICITOR, THOMAS W. HALL OFFICE, CITY HALL. CITY COMMISSIONER, .... THOMAS S. WILKINSON. OFFICE, CITY HALL. CITY COLLECTOR, HENRY S. TAYLOR. OFFICE, CITY HALL. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, GEORGE W. BENSON, M. D., Commissioner. A. ROBERT CARTER, . . . Secretary. OFFICE, CITY HALL. FIRE DEPARTMENT, . . JOHN M. HENNICK, Chief Engineer. OFFICE, CITY HALL. POLICE DEPARTMENT, OFFICE, CiTY HALL. GEO. COLTON, President JOHN T. GRAY, MarsMl. lO ESTABLISHED INI IS20. JOSEPH THOMAS & SON, Factory: Leadenhall, near Montgomery St. Warerooms: 32 Park Ave. BALTIMORE. Branch Office: 1.320 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D, C. W:, 'oKKlu'o'&SAWiHG WORKS -• fellll.i:„. MANUFACTURERS OF BUILDERS' MATERIAL, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, BRACKETS, &c. CHURCH FURNITURE, PEWS, PULPITS, ALTAR RAILS, GALLERY FRONTS, *tc. Walnut Doors, Mantels & Trimmings for Dwellings Jewels, Banisters & Hand Railing, OFFICE AND BANK FURNITURE, HARD WOOD LUMBER, WALNUT, POPLAR, ASH, OAK, &c. Alex/inde^R Dodd & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Saddleri/; Harness, Collars TRUNKS. SATCHELS, &C. Uo. 263 West Baltimore Street, Corner of Hanover, CITY HALL^HOLLIDAY, FAYETTE, NOKTH AND LEXINGTON STS. Strangers visiting our city are cordially invited to examine our elegant Stock of DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY, / ■^ ^^ /"^ ^ ^ im^rn i^ SILVER PLATED WARE, &c. We take pleasure in^ showing these Goods whether you purchase or not. JUSTIS&./qRMIGER, No. 195 West Baltimore Street. 12 SWINGS & Bailey PUBLISHERS, irt.$i!te ill Slalliiiti^ 262 WEST BALTIMORE- STREET, THE LARGEST STOCK OF LAW, CLASSICAL, MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOKS m mimm mmmm In the City, and offered for sale at lowest prices. BLANK BOOKS made to order and Ruled to any Pattern, so iliai Public Officers, Banks and others can have their wanzs supplied promptly with good substantial work at m.oderate prices. The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. THE POST OFFICE. The Post Office is located in the Government Building, bounded bj' Second, Gay and Lombard Streets. Tlie Office is open for tlie delivery of letters and sale of stamps from S a. m. to S p. m. Registered Letter and Money Order Depart- ments from 9 A. M. to 4 p. m. Postmaster's Room from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Oftlce is open on Sundaj^ from 8.30 A. M. to 10 a. m. Revenue Stamps of all denomina- tions for sale at the Stamp Window. Five deliveries are made daily, (except Sunday,) by Letter Carriers at 7.30, 10.30 and 12.30 A. m., and 2.30 and 4.30 p. m. Collections are made daily from the street letter boxes, as follows : 5 a. m. and 9 p. M. On Sundaj' but one collection is made, from 4 to S p. m. Letters are also collected and delivered at the principal hotels. UNITED STATES OFFICALS. Collector of Customs — Edwin H. Wkbstkr, Post Office Building. United States Marshal — John M. McClintock, Office U. S. Court House, Fayette and North Streets. Collector of Internal Revenue — C. Irving Ditty, Office Post Office Building. United States Commissioners — Isaac Brooks, Jr., G. Morris Bond, R. Lyon Rogers, Office 54 West Fayette Street. Postmaster — Harrison Adreon, Post Office Building. U. 8. Assistant Treasurer — Francis M. Darby, Post Office Building. Commissary U. S. Army — Col. J. McL. Taylor, 51 S. Sharp Street. Quarter- Master U. S. Army — Chas. W. Foster, W. Fayette Street. 14 QEOESl QHIPMAN I CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in if, MATCHES, Cordage, Demijolms, Cotton Twines, &c. Sole Agents for Ager's Yeast Cakes, CORNEE CALVERT AND LOMBARD STS. BALTIMORE, MD. ^mJM. J.EOLYLAUD'S ^' -', 2^ GALLERY OF ^ Itijlapiixlg^ Zmffimm\ ^ 229 & 231 W. Baltimore St. ^^'//'/'ff,m^^:r::. n; I'l ;:.;:.\c^,^^.^.^\V^ " Cor. Ciuu-lcs St. BALTIMORE. PORTRAITS IN OIL, PASTEL AND CRAYON, PHOTOGBAPHG IN WATER COLORS,_ INDIA INK. Etc. Porcelain Miniatures, and all kinds of Fine Artistic Work. JEfe^Copying of Old Pictures of Deceased Friends matte a specialty. Best Cabinets $3 00 per doz. Low prices, good work Having" one of the most extensive and well appointed Galleries in the country, I guarantee work that cannot be excelled. Every Negative is finely and artistically re-touch1':i), producing great delicacy of complexion. JSi-jyWe guarantee satisfaction. j[fejy"PIcase call and see specimens of work. 15 The Visitors* Guide to the City of Baltimore. PASSENGER DEPOTS. Baltimore and Ohio — (Camden Station) Howard, Camden and Eutaw Streets. Northern Central — (Calvert Station) Corner Calvert and Franklin Sts. Baltimore and Potomac — (Calvert Station) Corner Calvert and Frank- lin Streets. Pennsylvania — (Union Depot) North Charles Street. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore — (President Street Station) Corner President Street and Central Avenue. Western Maryland — (Hillen Station) Corner Hillen and Exeter Sts. RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. Pennsylvania — N. E. Corner Baltimore and Calvert Sts. Baltimore and Ohio — S. E. Corner Baltimore and Calvert Sts. Western Maryland — 122 West Baltimore St. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Western Union Telegraph Company — Office, S. W. Corner Baltimore and Calvert Sts. Branch Offices: Barnum's Hotel; Howard House! 39 South Street; Calverton Hotel; Wilhelm's Hotel; Abbot Iron Works, Canton; President Street Station; Jackson's Wharf, foot of Bond Street; Calvert Station; Mount Vernon Hotel; N. E. Corner Baltimore and Calvert Streets; 78 Light Street Wharf; Stock Exchange; 32 South Street; Gay and Lombard. American District Telegraph Company — General Office, S. W. Cor- ner Baltimore and Calvert Streets : Branches, 364 West Baltimore Street, and 108 Franklin Street. i6 liw. mmiM & S0I IMPOR.XERS OF CARRlAGIi4Nl) SADDLERY 180 WEST B/qLTIffiORE- STREET, T n^^ H TIN JKNKINS, "^ :D JKNKINS, JR. I E, AUSTIl ALFREI ROBERT H. JENKINS, j T. MEREDITH JENKINS j 17 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. __ PUBLIC PARKS AND SQUARES. Dniid Hill Park — On Madison Avenue extended, accessible by ter- minable City Railway Lines. Patterson Park — East of Patterson Park Avenue, between Baltimore and Gough Streets. Riverside Park — West Street near third. Canton Square — Canton Avenue, Canton, Lancaster and Patuxent Sts. Franklin Square — Corner West Lexington and Calhoun Streets. Harlem Square — Edmondson and Harlem Avenues and Gilmor and Calhoun Streets. Hermitage Sqiiare — Montgomery and S. Sharp Streets. Jackson Square — On Fayette Street, between Broadway and Wolf St. Lafayette Square — Corner Lafayette Avenue and Republican St. Madison Square — Corner Chase and Eden Sts. Maryland Square — On W. Fayette, between Payson and Fulton Sts. Momanent Square — Calvert Street, between Lexington and Fayette. Mount Vernon Square — Mount Vernon and Washington Places. Union Square — W. Lombard, between Strieker and Gilmor Streets. LIBRARIES. Peabody Institute Library — Corner Mount Vernon Place and Charles Street. This Library contains 53.000 volumes and is open from g A. M to 10 P. M to all, being entirely free. The books are not taken from the building. P. R. Uhler, Librarian. Mercantile Library Association — Corner Charles and Saratoga Streets. This Library contains 29,000 well selected volumes and is open for members generally from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. John W. M. Lee, Librarian. Maryland Institute Library — Baltimore Street, opposite Harrison. This Library contains 17,000 volumes, and is open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Alex. F. Lusby, Librarian. Law Library — (Under the control of the Library Company of the Baltimore Bar) — Monument Square, corner Lexington Street. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., except Sundays and Legal Holidays. Contains 7,000 volumes. Daniel T. Chandler, Librarian. So7cth Baltimore Mechanics^ Library Association — Montgomery St., west of William. Contains about 1,200 volumes. Open from 7 to 10 P. M. I) 1^ A iS IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 25 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, 47 NORTH EUTAW STREET. Tlie only Exclusive Tea and Coffee House in Baltimore. Call and see our process of Roasting Coffee. MARDEN'S SCALE FACTORY, Hay, Coal, Cattle, Platform and Counter JESSE MARDEN, 55 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. ^9 The Visitors' Guide to th* City of Baltimore. HOTELS. American — N. W. corner Calvert and Franklin Streets. ^Barmcm's City — Corner Calvert and Fayette Streets. Calvert House — Corner Calvert and Pleasant Streets. CaJverton — Calverton Road. The '' CarroUtoir — Baltimore Street, near Light, and corner Light and German Streets. City Hall^ig North Holliday Street. Clarendon — S. W. corner Pratt and Hanover Streets, Eagle — 132 Hillen Street. Eutaiv Honse — N. W. corner Baltimore and Eutaw Streets. Franklin — 50 Hillen Street. Franklin House — N. W. corner Franklin and Howard Streets. Gardner s — 8 South High Street. General Wayne — N. W. corner Baltimore and Paca. Gibbons' — S. W. corner Howard and Saratoga Sts. Guilford House — 47 Mount Vernon Place. Guys (European) Monument Square. Howard House — 5 North Howard Street, near Baltimore St. Maltby House— ^o. 176 to 186 W. Pratt Street. Mansion House — N. W. Cor. Fayette and St. Paul Sts. Miller's- S. W. corner Paca and German Streets. Mount Vernon — 81 W. Monument and 44 Cathedral Streets. Niagara House — 113 Camden Street. Northern Central — 125 North Calvert Street. Pennsylvania House — 158 Franklin Street. Pepper's — North Holliday Street, opposite City Hall. St. James — Corner Charles and Centre Streets. Three Tuns — S. W. corner Pra<^t and Paca Streets. Union — Corner Pratt and Charles Streets. United States — 69 President Street. Western Maryland — 37 Pennsylvania Avenue. emeeF ESTABLISHED IN 1866. «V The first House in the City to make a SPECIALTY and KEEP A Full Line of Ladies' Entire Outfits, LINEN, CAMBRIC AND COTTON CHEMISES, NIGHT DRESSES, DRAWERS, SKIRTS, Camasoles, Corset Covers, Aprons, &c., &c. SUITS, CLOUKS AND ROBES, CHILDREN'S Dresses, Cloaks, Corsets, Aprons, Bonnets, Chemises, Drawers, Skirts an Night Dresses. INFANTS' Nainsook Robes, Dresses, SHps, French Aprons, Lace, Merino and Silk Hats and Caps, Merino Sacques, Knit Sacques, Shirts, Socks, Caps and Turbans, Baskets, Embroidered Merino and Flannel Shawls. CLOAKS AND DRRSSES OF I^ADIES* OWN MAXERIAL MADE UP TO ORDER IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS, At Popular Prices, and In the I^atest Styles. E. N. SPENCER, No. 69 Lexiii^'loii St. (6 Doors west of Charles St.) BALTIMORE, MD. 21 S, HAMILTON CAUGHY. N, W. CAUGHY. NOAH WALKER & CO, lo AVASHINGTON BUILDING. IBoltliifioi-e, ]\rfii*yljiiiF.S, HORSH COVRRS. WHIPS. B/IGS. SATCHCLS. VALISES, 277 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, THE Battle Montv.knt, Mi.NriMExr Si.uAitE. HUGH SISSON & SONS, :^i MONUMENTS, TOMBS, CEMETERY CURBING. MANTELS, TILE, FURNITURE SLABS & COUNTERS, Salesroom, 140 W. Baltimore Street, STEAM MARBLE WORKS AND YARD-CORNER OF NORTH AND MONUMENT STREETS. ESTABLISHED 184-5. HIRSHBERG, HOLLANDER & CO. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FRENCH AND ./^(DERICAN Window, Enameled and Colored P/IINTS, OILS, YAKNISPIES, *p|^'*p^ WTf*^ ^"^^'^T^ f^ f^ "^ 'w^'^^rn t^fsi J=p^M^ yL j W^ _jM _Hj ^ v^ 1 1 ^ ^^ w} ^ AND PAINTERS' AND ./IRTISTS' SUPPLIES, S. E. Corner Pratt and Hanover, And 240 West Pratt Street, BALTIMORE, MD. We keep a complete line of COLORS DRY, in OIL, and in JAPAN, suitable for House, Sign, Coach and TVesco Painters, Artists, Grainers, &c. SEND FOR SPECIAL CATALOGUE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Johnston's Dry Sized Kalsomine, lSi:W VORK KISP AMKlv PAIIST COltSPAT^V, Hirshberg Manufacturing Co.'s Strictly Pure White Lead. Send for Sample Card (if Colors. 25 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. RATES OF FARE FOR HACKS. Steamboats and Railroad Stations — To or from any Steamboat or Rail- road Station, to any hotel or private house in any part of the city, one passenger 75 cents. For each additional passenger, 25 cents; each trunk, box or bag sufficently large to be strapped on, 15 cents No charge for small parcels put in the carriage. City — From any one point within the City limits to another, one passen- ger, 75 cents. For each additional passenger, 25 cents. Time — For one hour, $1.50; each additional hour, $1. Same rates for fractions of an hour, but no charge for less than quarter hour. Evening and Night — For Hacks taken from the Stand to any part of the city, from May i to September 3, inclusive, after 8 p. m for a single passenger, 75 cents. If more than one, each 50 cents. Like sum for returning. From October i, to April 30, inclusive, after 7 o'clock, p. m., the same. No charge for baggage. General Rules — i. Additional allowance for Carriages only when sent from Stand, 25 cents. 2. Children over 10 years half price, under 10, no charge. Police are enjoined to enforce these rules. 0. HERRING, SONS & CO. ESTABLISHED 184-5. Manufacturers of FE-NNSYLY/INIA BRUSSELS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Carpeting, OilCloths & Mattings 39 N. HOWARD STREET. BRANCH STORE, ¥all Papers, Window Shades, Mosquito lets, 425 W. BALTIMORE ST., Near Green, BALTIMORE, MD. 26 SITZLEE BEOTHEES, IMPORTERS OF NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, hosiers; underwear, &c. 273 W. BALTlSVaORE ST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 67 NORTH HOWARD STREET, A. G. Hutzlor, Ohas. G. Hutzler. David Hutzler ■\ FRED. WALPERT & CO. Steamed Curled Hair, BRISTLES AND IllSK BEDDING, MATTRESSES. &c. \o. 28 X, GAY ST., liAl.TIMORE. HAIR FACTORY, Baltimore County. HUSK FACTORY, 48 HcKim St. 27 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. BANKS. All Banks arc open daily from lo A. M. to j P. M., except Sundays and Legal Holidays. Bank of Commerce — 26 South Street. Broadway Savings Bank — 63 South Broadway. Central Savings Bank — S. E. cor. Lexington and Charles Streets. Chesapeake Bank — S. E. cor. North and Fayette Streets. Citizens National Bank — Cor. Hanover and Pratt Streets. Commercial and Farmers National Bank — Cor. Howard and German Streets. Eutaw Savings Bank — S. E. cor. Eutaw and Fayette Streets. Farmers and Merchants National Bank — N. W. cor. Lombard and South Streets. First National Bank — 8 South Gay Street. Franklin Bank — 15 South St. opposite German Streets. German- American Bank — 173 South Broadway. German Bank — Cor Baltimore and HoUiday Streets, up stairs. German Savings Bank — Baltimore Street, opposite Pearl. Howard Bank — N. \V. cor. Howard and Fayette. Maryland Savings Bank — 1551 \V. Baltimore Street. Merchants National Bank — S. W. cor. Gay and Second Streets. Merchants and Manufacturers Bank, corner Baltimore and Liberty Sts. Metropolitan Savings Bank — N. E. cor. Calvert and Lexington Streets. National Drovers and Mechanics Bank — N. W. Cor. Fayette and Eutaw Streets. National Exchange Bank — 4 South Sharp St. National Farmers and Planters Bank — Cor. South and German Streets. National Marine Bank — N. E cor. Gay and Second Streets. National Mechanics Bank — S. E. cor. Calvert and Fayette Streets. National Union Bank of Maryland — Fayette St. east of Charles. Old Town Bank — Gay and Exeter Streets. Peoples Bank — Cor Baltimore and Paca Streets. Safe Deposit and Trust Company — 9, 11 and 13 South Street. Savings Bank of Baltimore — N, W. cor. Gay and Second Streets. Second National Bank — 147 South Broadway. Third National Bank — 31 South Street. The National Bank of Baltimore — N- E. cor. Baltimore and St. Paul Sts. Traders National Bank — Cor. Light and German Streets. Western National Bank — 162 W. Fayette Street. 2S JOHN P. SHRINER & CO. Successors to JOHN D. HAMMOND & CO. Saddle, Harness, Trunk AND Collar 2Icmiifactizrers, WHOLESALE AND Rl-TAIL, 349 W. BALTIMORE & 106 GERMAN SIS. Xliree Ooors Hast of EwtaAv, BALTIMORE, MD. Jno. H. Williams & Co. S. W. Cor. Howard and Baltimore Streets, Baltimore, Md. Brass Founders and Machinists, MANUFAOTrREKS OF get»je:rai, sorxHKRK agei^ts for HAI^GOGK Ii:tfSFIRATOR GO. And DciilerH in PIPE OF ALL KINDS, PLUMBING MATERIALS, &c. Holland & Thompson's Oline Compound. Paten! Sioiit TimhI Lul)ri(^atnraii(l Oil (^iips, CKAKiSIIYDKAl'LlC (;()\1':R\()RS forSTl-.AM i:X(;iM-S. 29 ^'^ THE SUN lEOX BriLDIX.,, (••IIXKR BALlIMOUr. AXl) SoUTH STKEKTW. SADDLERY HARDWARE. GEO. N. COACKE.NZID & CO. IMLrORXERS ENGLISH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC -'S]1DDLERY>HI1RD¥11RE^- 18 S, CHRRLES ST, 3 floors below German St. BALTIMORE. --y: GNER'S^- (A H ^J H ^;- * RESTAURANT AND 190 WEST PRATT STREET,^ -^BflLTlMORE^ T///s /\is/iniraiil is the Oldest and most extensive in its Aeeoiuiiiodatioiis of\iuy in tlie City. The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. FIRE ALARM TELF.GRAFH STATIONS. F'or Kire Alarm, Police Purposes and for the Recovery of L,ost Cliildreii. Keys are left with the occupants of buikUugs lu the vlclultj' of each Fire Alarm Box. The members of the Police force also possess Keys. nox. Z,OCATIOK. 1 12 Baltimore and Gay. 121 Exchange Place and Commerce St. 123 Pratt and Gay. 124 South St. and Bowly's Wharf. 12.5 Patterson and Cable. 13 Pratt Street Bridge. 131 Buchanan's Wharf and Sugar Refinery. 132 Dugaa's "Wharf and Wood St. 134 Concord St. and Eastern Ave. 135 Drawbridge, foot of Falls. 136 Foot Union Dock. 14 No. 3. Engine House, Lombard & Exeter. 141 President St. and Canton Ave. 142 Bank and Exeter. 143 Pratt St. and Central Ave. 14.5 Baltimore ST. and central Ave. 15 EASTERN POLICE STATION. 151 Caroline and Lombard. 152 Broadway and Pratt St. 153 Cai-oline St. and Canton Ave. 1.54 Caroline and Thames. 156 Broadway and Thames St. 16 No. 5 Engine House, Ann St. near Gough. 161 Ann Street and Canton Ave. 162 Thames and Wolfe. 163 Baltimore and Wolfe. 164 Bank and Washington. 17 11 Engine, Patterson Park \: Eastern -Av. 171 Chester St. and Canton Ave. 172 Liiml)ard St. and Patterson Park Ave. 173 Alice Anna and Burke. 18 Chesapeake and Boston. 181 Canton and Elliott. 18 Bay Viev\^ Asylum. 21 Gay and Saratoga. 2i2 No. 1 Truck House, Harrison St. 213 High and Low. 214 Exeter and Fayette. 215 Douglass and .\isquith. 216 .Jefferson and Als(|uilh. 23 :\Iullikln and Eden. 231 .TflTerSdU and Bund. 232 Fayette and Bond. 234 Ann and Orleans. 235 Castle and Monument. 236 Fayette St. and Collington Ave. 24 No. f. Engini' House, Gay and Eusor. 241 Front and Hillen. 242 Madison and Forrest. 243 Monument and Eusor. 245 Penitentiary. 25 Constitution and Eager. 251 Eager and Eusor. 252 Greenmount Ave. and .John St. 253 Harford and Central Aves. 254 Grernmount and Boundary .\ves. 2i; Gay and Madls(jn. 261 Chase and Eden. 262 Broadway and (iay St. 263 Camline and John. 27 No. 9 Engine, Madison & McDonough. • 271 N. E. Police station, Chew and Durham. 272 Blddle and Wolfe. 28 Scheutzen Park, Belalr Ave. LOCJ-TIOJ^. 3 No. 4 Engine House, City Hall. 31 Pleasant and Calvert. 312 Clay and Park. 313 Charles and Franklin. 314 Howard and Franklin. 315 Monument St. and Plover alley. 316 Monument and North. 317 Sun Office. 32 7 Engine, Euta,w st. and Druid Hill Ave. 321 Franklin and Greene. 322 St. Mary's Seminary, Paca street. 323 N. \T. Police Station, Pennsylvania Av. 324 Preston St. and Druid Hill Ave. 325 Lanvale and McCoUough. 326 McMechin St. and Penna. Ave. 327 McMechin St. and Madison Ave. 34 Eager St, and Morton Alley. 341 Blddle and St. Paul. 342 Hoffman and Cathedral. 343 Charles St. Bridge. 345 Charles St. and Boundary ave. 35 Biddle and Garden. 351 Eutaw Place anil Dolphin street. 352 Mosher and Bolton. 353 Mt. Koyal and Boundary Aves. 36 13 Engine, Fremont st. and Myrtle ave. 361 Pearl and Saratoga. 362 Chatsworth and Franklin. 363 George and Fremont. 364 No. 4 H. &L. House, Blddle St. ;-37 Lafayette and Arlington aves. 371 Mosher and Gilmor. 372 Patterson ave. and Strieker St. 38 Fremont st. and Pennsylvania ave. 381 Presstman and Gilmor. 382 Madison and Boundary aves. 39 Pennsylvania and Boundary aves. 4 Calvert and Baltimore. 41 Fayette and St. Paul. 412 Baltimore and Hanover. 413 Salvage Corps. Liberty st. near Fayette. 414 German and Howard. 415 Baltimore and Eutaw. 416 Green and German. 417 Green and Portland. 42 No. 2 Truck House, Paca St. 421 WESTEitN Police Station. 423 Baltimore ani>i.i cnvx\v-» mo.^ uv:^s asvma 33 GOODYEAH'S HUBBEH HOUSE, N. E. Cor. Charles and ]3altimore Sts. 224 and 226 W. Baltimore Street. 34 W-tUM CARP Eli- S, McBOWttl & m. ARE DAILY RECEIVING NEW PATTERNS IN Axminster, Berlin and Eeal Persian CARPETS AND RUGS WOVEN IN ONE PIECE. French Moquettes, I^xtra Ouality Axminsters, Wiltons, Royal Velvets, Brussels and Tapestries, I\ NEW COLORINGS AXD AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Ixtra Heavy English Oil-Cloths, THREE-PLY TAPESTRY INGRAINS, Extra two-ply Carpets, Rngs, Mats, Etc., Etc. A Visit of Inspection will amply Repay. LIGNUM, the New Floor Covering. 264 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. OPPOSITE HANOVER STREET 35 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. FIRE ALARM STATIONS— C^;///V^?/^^. BOX. LOCATIO]^. 5 5 German and Light. 51 Pratt and Light. 512 Charles and Lombard. 513 Pratt and Sharp. 514 Pratt and Eutaw. 310 Ostend and Warner. 52 No. 2 Engine House, Barre St. .521 Camden and Charles. 523 Eutaw and Conway. 53 10 Engine House, Columbia ave. 531 Fremont and Columbia. 532 Barre and Warner. 53+ Kldgely and Hamburg. 54 SOTTTHEUN POLICE STATION, Sharp St. 541 Eutaw and Henrietta. 542 Eutaw and West. !>6 Leadenhalland Hamburg. 5til Leadenliall and Osteud. BOX. LOCATION. 6 (i Calvert and Lombard. (>1 Liglit and Lee. f)12 Montgomery and William. G13 Hughes and Covington. 62 Light and Cross. 021 Cnissand Covington. (>3 Light and Gittlngs. 64 Light and Heath. 65 Hanover and Wells. 67 Hanover and .Jephson. 7 No. 12 Eng. Fort av. and Johnson St. 71 Fort av. and Burrough st. 72 Covington and Donaldson. 73 Fort av. and Dry Dock. 8 8 Nicholson and Hull. \MLiSBMIiNTS. Academy of Music — Howard Street, between Franklin and Monu- ment Streets. Ford's Grand Opera House. — Corner Fayette and Eutaw Streets. Front Street Theatre — Variety and Dramatic — Front Street, near Gay Street. Holliday Street Theatre — HoUiday Street, opposite City Hall. Monmnental Theatre — Baltimore Street Bridge. ESTABLISHED IS52. JOEL GUTCQAN & CO. Importers and Dealer;* in ^^SILKS-L/ICESeHOSIERY* DRESS GOODS AND SUITS, WRAPS, TRIMMINGS, UNDERWEAR, {;L0VKS. HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS, &£• 30, 32, 34 AND 36 NORTH EUTAW STREET, 36 ESTABLISHED 1816. CHAS.SIMON&SONS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ^^=' -^ ■# '^=— ■'-' ' ^--W No. 63 NORTH HOW/1 RD STREET, Would call attention to their splendid assortment of DRBSS GOODS, BLACK .yq.ND FANCY SILKS, LIMEMS, DAMASKS, EMBROlDI-Kil'S, LACI-S AM) IIOSIHRV, THOMPSONS' GLOVE FITTING AND THE BEST IM- PORTED CORSETS. THK BKSX ASSORTMENT OF MOTjni^INa GOODS IN THE CITY. 37 JANBMEY & CONGDON, Successors to GOODYEAR RUBBER CO., BaUiinore. Miniufuctiuvr.-i' Ayentx and Diohrx in (nry disci ijil'iaii of GOODYBAKS RUBBER GOODS, Jlo. 8 N. CHARLES STREET, BALTINURE, JIB. 38 PQ r r T ^ C/0 (Ixq f=^ J I ~ I CD C3 c/i ^ iM^ m w [-a r GO r ^> o or. oo )— H l—H <: o H o E Oh o 39 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. JOHN B. PIET & CO. BALTIMORE. Steam Power Printers, PUBLISHERS Am STATIONERS. Indicating Difference of Time between Washington and Principal Cities. Wliexi the Clock is 12, noon, at Washiitsrton, it is at Albany, N. Y :2.r3 p. m. Annapolis, Md 12.02 " Atlanta, Ga ri.30 a. m. Angusta, Me [2.29 p. m. Baltimore, Md 12.02 " Bangor, Me 12.33 " Boston, Mass 1 2.24 " Buffalo, N. Y 11.52 A. M. Cairo, 111 11. 12 " Cape May, N. J 12. oS p. m. Charleston, S. it. 43 a. m. Chicago, 111 11.17 " Cincinnati, O 11.30 " Colvimbia, S. C 1 1 -44 '' Columbus, O 11.36 " Denver, Col lo.oS " Des Moines, Iowa 10.53 " Detroit, Mich 1 1 .36 " Dover, Del 1 2.06 p. m. Fort Wayne,- Ind 1 1.27 a. m. Frankfort, Ky i r.29 " Galveston, Texas 10.49 " Harrisburg, Pa 1 2.01 p. m. Hartford, Conn 12.17 " Indianapolis, Ind i r.24 a. m. Jackson, Miss. ri.07 " Key West, Fla 11. 41 " Knoxville,Tenn 11.32 " Leavenworth, Kan 10,49 " Little Rock, Ark 10.59 " Louisville, Ky 11.26 " Lynchburg, Va 1 1.51 " Memphis, Tenn. ... 11.07 Milledgeville, Ga 11.35 '• Milwaukee, Wis 11.16 a. m. Mobile, Ala 11. 16 " Montgomery, Ala 11.23 " Nashville, Tenn 11. 21 " New Haven, Conn 12.16 p. m. New Orleans, La ii.oS a. >i. New York, N. Y 12.12 p. m. Niagara Falls, N. Y 11.52 a.m. Norfolk, Va 12.03 p- m. Omaha, Neb 10.44 a. jr. Philadephia, Pa 12.07 p. m. Pittsburg, Pa 1 1.48 a. jr. Portland", Me 1 2.29 p. m. Portland OregJO OHAI^HRS I]V ciiijvjl, aLjiss, AlVD Mi^i^imm^rifc \;:..- ms?x^*^^D?\ JBLMI v^'' ¥/▼/* v%2*'\rMir m!z;^^# lSl;S\ »^1 AIVO MAI>JUFACTUIt.ERS OF ^^^- AWWWWW i^'^fflp/^li^' '1 No. 26 I.IGIIT STRFJ-T, E^^LTiivnoi?.^. 45 German Correspondent Building, (Ji>k. Baltijuhie St. and Post Office Ave. Millinery, Fancy and Gents' Furnishing Goods, "72 Hlaixo^^ex* St3x»eeti. 46 SEXTON'S GRAND HCATER, 1880 PATTERN. Tho most powerful, economical, luililant and cheerful Fireplace Heater In the market. Perfect In Its operation, easily rcKulalcil anil a perpetual burner. Beautiful design, and handsomely finished with nickel trimming's. Has all the latest Improvements, also the principal features of the Orlfrlunl Baltimore Flreppiec Heater (patented by S.B. Sexton,) which has been before the public for nearly twenty Ave years. We also manufacture ten different patterns of BALTBMORE FIREPLACE HEATERS and a variety of Furnaces, Ranges, Cooking and Heating Stoves, EiuliiidyinfT the Latest impruvements. Office and Salesrooms, 115 W. Lombard St. Foundry, ^os. 152, 154, 156, 158 and 160 Con'wa.y St., Baltimore. N. B. & W. D. MERRYMAN, FIDLD AND G/IRDCN Also ^'>. ^ Agrkilliral Implements 85 S. CHARLES ST. BALTIMORE. MD. 47 LOCATION OF WHARVES. Abraham's — Thames Street, foot of S. Caroline Street. Atlantic — foot of Patapsco Street, Canton. Bozulys — Pratt Street, between South and Calvert. Buchanan s — from 37 W. Pratt Street. City — Intersection of Caroline and Lancaster Streets. Commercial — from 97 Thames Street. County — foot of Broadway. DonneVs — foot of Fell Street, West side. Diigan's — From 27 W. Pratt Street. Henderson' s — from 55 Fell Street. Hooper's — foot of Wolfe Street. Hughes, Quay — East end of Lee Street. Kerrs — from 47 Thames Street. Lee Street — from Light to Johnson Street, Light Street — South from Pratt Street. Long Dock — from Pratt, between Dugan's and McElderry's Wharves. McClure's — between Commerce and South Streets. Mc Elder ry s—Yx2X\. Street, West of Mill Street. O' DonnelPs — from 35 W. Pratt Street. Patterson' s — between Patterson and Commerce Street. Pratt Street — foot of South Calvert Street. Pratt's — (Iron,) Boston Street, Canton. Public— (ooX. of Wills Street. Shepherd's — foot of Broadway. Smith's — foot of Gay Street. Spear's — from 43 W. Pratt Street. Spring Garden — foot of Eutaw Street. 1845. F. Cap Paper, Record Cap Paper, Comm'l Note Paper, Letter Paper, Sermon Paper, Envelopes, Blank Books, Memorandum Books Pass Books, Copying Books, Pocket Books, School Books, Wrapping' Papers, Bags, Twines, Steel and Gold Pens, and a full line of School Stationery. 1882. Classical Books, S. School Books, Reward Cards and Tickets, S. S. Music Books, Church Music Books Hymn Books, Juvenile Toy Books, Bibles-a Great Variety, Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Books Photograph Albums, Inks and Mucilages. 151 W. PRATT ST. ^^jQ Opposite Mialtby House. 48 JOHN C. WEEMS & BRO. ]»IAI«ITKACTITR.ER.S OK AND LOUISIANA MOSS, DEAI.ERS IIV BEDDING AND BEDDING SUPPLIES. WAREROOMS, No. 112 NORTH HOWARD STREET, FACTORY, Homestead, Baltimore County. Special attention given to Renovating FEATHERS by an Improved Process. rr - - -— -^ JOBBER AM) RETAILER OF STAPLE AND FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, tojorled and Doiesffc Lipors^ Ic, 125 NORTH HIGH STREET. Goods securely packed and delivered irce of charge to Depots and Steamboat Wharves. 49 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. THE COURTS. U. S. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. FouKTH Judicial Circuit. Circuit Court — Terms, First Mondays in April and November. Hon. Hugh L, Bond, Circuit Judge ; Hon. Thomas I. Morris, District Judge ; James W. Chew, Clerk ; Archibald Stirling, Jr., Esq., U. S. District Attorney ; A. M. Rogers, As- sistant; J olin M. McCIintock, U. S. Marshal; Isaac Brooks, R Lyon Rogers and G. Morris Bond, Esq'rs U. S. Commissioners. Court Room, new U. S. Court House, corner North and Fayette Streets. District Court — Tei-ms, first Tuesdays in March, June, September and Decem- ber. Hon.Tliomas I. Morris. District Judge. The officers of this Court are the same as tlie officers of the Circuit Court. Court room, new U. S. Court House, corner North and Fayette Streets. THE CIRCUIT COURTS OF MARYLAND. EIUHTH JUDICI.^L CIRCUIT— BALTIMORE CiTV. Superior Court — Terms, Second Mondays in January, May and September, Hon- Robert Grihnor, Judge; R. T. Allison, Clerk. Court of Common Pleas — Terms, Second Mondays in January, May and Octo- ber. Hon. Geo. Wm. Brown, Judge; I. Freeman Rasin, Clerk; John B. Demp- sey. Commissioner of Insolvent Debtors. Circuit Court — Terms, Second Mondays in January, Marcli, May, September and November. Return Day, second Monday in July. Hon. Geo. W. Dobbin, Judge; James R. Brewer, Clerk. Criminal Court — Terms, Second Mondays in January, May and September. Hon. Campbell W. Pinkney, Judge ; John H. Bullock, Clerk; Chas. G. Kerr, States Attorney-; Edgar H. Gans, Deputy; John F. Hunter, Sheriff. City Court — Terms, Second Mondays in January, May and September. Hon. Henry F. Garey, Judge; Wm. F. McKewen, Clerk. Orphans Court— The Orphan's Court is in session every day (Sundays excepted) from II A. M. to I p. M., Hon. Nelson Poe, Chief Judge; Hons. I. R. Carroll, and George W. Lindsay, Associate Judges; Rob't T. Banks, Register of Wills. 50 ESXABI.ISHEO i837' J. EDWARD BIRD & CO. DIPORTERS AXD DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Ladies Wraps, ilABY-MASl SEESSES, IvOTVG IDENTIFIED AIVD SHO^VIT^G A E^WAYS A SU- PERB COEEECXIOIV OF PfiilGI ill BOlESIl fllEICS, AT LOWEST PRICES. Have made Extensive Preparations for their FALL AND WINTER TRADE, And are now showing a Stock of Goods never before equaled by them at Surprisinoly ('heap Prices. ALL &OODS aUARAIfTEEII as REPRESEIf TED Any Article not turning out as represented being cheerfully taken back and money refunded. l|^g=^ You arc respectfully invited to visit ys. J. EDWARD BIRD & CO. 213 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, 51 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. PUBLIC HALLS. Masonic I'emple, N. Charles Street, convenient to all the lines of City cars. Temperance Temple, N. Gay Street, near Baltimore St. Lehmann's Hall, N. Howard Street, near Richmond Market. Raine's Hall, corner Baltimore Street and P. O. Avenue. Broadway Institute Hall, Broadway Market, Broadway and Canton Av. Maryland Institute Hall, W. Baltimore Street, near the bridge. Turn Hall, No. 82 W. Baltimore Street. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Baltimore Manual Labor School, between Washington and Frederick roads, about two miles from the city. Baltimore Female College, St. Paul Street, near Saratoga. Notre Dame, (Convent) Aisquith Street, between Chew and Eager. McKim Free School, corner Baltimore and Aisquith Streets. St. Mary's College, (Catholic Theological Institute,) cor. Pennsylvania Avenue and Franklin Street. Loyola College, (Catholic) corner Madison and Calvert Streets. Baltimore City College, N. Howard St., adjoining Academy of Music. Eastern Female High School, Aisquith and Orleans Streets. Western Female High School, tayetteand Paca Streets. Univ^ersity of Marylai^d, (Medical) corner Green and Lombard Streets College of Ph}^sicians and Surgeons, col". Hanover and Lombard Sts. B&itimore Dental College, N. Green Street, near Baltiniore Street. Bryant, Stratton and Sadler Business College, No. 8 N. Charles Street. Baltimore Actual Business College, corner Baltimore and Charles Sts. State Normal School, No. 35 Franklin Street St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, (Catholic) situated on the "Maiden's Choice" road, near' Carrolltdn, 2j miles from the city. JAS. B. MACNEAL & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in mum^^ lit lllllf ill lillil iiii Alcoliol, Cologne and Frencli Spirits, " BUNGS, AXLE GREASE, CANS, &c. 34 S. CALVERT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD' 5« u. \^ WHOLESALE GROCERS, LIQUORS, m ' '"'^^^^^mi^'u, A-KU DEALERS IPi ^ §1 '*^Wi No. 156 W. PRATT STREET, 1 and 2 HOLLINGSWORTH STREET, 1 and 2 GRANT STREET. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. 53 No matter what kind of Clotliing you want or what amount of money you desire to pay for it, expect always to find in our immense stock just what 3^ou need. C. N. OEHM & SON, THE GREAT BALTIMORE CLOTHIERS, 230 W, PRATT ST., through to 55 HANOVER ST. 54 ESTABLISHED 1820. GADDESS BUOTHEHS, ^JfflfJ A\ 1j Bl o "Id ! ■»■' K I fi.e Comer Sharp and German Sts. Also, no S. CHARLES STREET, CIMHIEI lOEI I SPICIlHIt MONUMENTS, T/IBLETS .yq,ND HEADSTOjMES, OF NEW DESIGNS AT MODERATE PRICES. Oard-ex-s t>:y IMIaiX Solxci'beci. 55 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. CEMETERIES. Baltimore — Office 8 South Street. Baltimore — (Hebrew) Office corner Lloyd and Watson Streets. Baltimore and Brooklyn — Office 271 Light Street. Cathedral-^O^ice 77 Mulberry Street. '^ Greenmotint — Office 53 Lexington Street. Holy Cross — Office St. Patrick's Church, B roadway. London Park — Office 19 J South Street. Laurel — (Colored) Office 18 Courtland Street. Mount Olivet — Office Basement Charles Street Church. Mount Carmel — Office 187 South Broadway. St. Peters — (Catholic) Office St. Peters Church, Poppletonand Hollins Streets. *Greenmount Is Baltimore's most beautiful Cemetery, and accessible by York Road Line ol Streetcars. Person's desiring to visit any of the above Cemeteries can obtain tickets by applying at their oflaces. H. R. McNALLY & CO. Importers and Dealers In *S/IDDLEKY#HARDWyqp^* 222 W. B/lLTimORD ST. RALTIMORi:, MD. 56 DRURY& RANKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m pisd ^*«W^^^^ •f^^. mM m% COR. GAY AND HIGH STRECTS, Baltimore, Md. N. B. — All Goods carefully packed and delivered at Steamboat Wharves and Depots, free of charge. BALTIMORE ma. ;» II J iHiiaili um4 w§» Manufacturers of all the Products of 0i^I. TA Roofs and Roofiii,!)- Materials, l\aveinonts and Paving Materials, R()ofin.L( Paper, Carpet Paper, Moth Paper, Building Paper, Black (rloss \'arnish, Carl)olate of Lime and Carbolic Acid. V^HOLESALE AND RETAIL. TRADE LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. 33 CAMDEN STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. C. HART SMITH, I'rcsicKnt. 57 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Board of Trade — Office, Merchants' Exchange Building, Second Street. City Hall — North HolHday Street, between Fayette and Lexington. City Jail — East Madison Street, East of Jones Falls. Corn and Flour Exchange — South Street, corner of Wood. Court House. ( United States) — West Fayette Street, cor. of North. Court House, (City) — St. Paul Street, between Fayette and Lexington. Court House, (^Cotmty) — Corner Lexington Street, and Monument Sq. Custom House — Cor. Gay and Lombard Sts. Edwin H. Webster, Collector, office hours from 9 A. M . to 3 P. M. Law Buildings — S W. corner Lexington and St. Paul Streets. Maryland Bible Society — North Charles Street. Maryland histitute, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts — Bal* timore Street, near the Bridge. Maryland Penitentiary — Square bounded by Madison, Forrest, Truxton Streets and Jones Falls. Masonic Temple — North Charles Street, between Lexington & Saratoga. Merchants Exchange — Second Street, adjoining Post Office. Odd Fellows Hall— North Gay Street, above Baltimore. Peabody Listitute — South East cor. Monument and Charles Sts. Record Offices — South East cor. St. Paul and Lexington Streets. Weather Observatory — Corner South and Water Streets. Young Meiis Christian Association — N. W. cor. Charles & Saratoga Sts. ANDERSON BROTHERS, Importers of Hardware, COR. PRATT AND LIGHT STS. BALTIMORE. 5S ^i^ ■ i . « s ^ 4.6, - ■- •- •'n Si. '• t fl 4. 2 «g z'- 't i «■ 7 K > fa ifi i, 'fe- , ess ^* e 2r' u O o iJ < < - ,' ^ «? i CO Ul o s i = X * £|S fO. §:l%o si/'" 59 The Visitors' Guide to the City of Baltimore. BAY AND COASTWISE STEAMERS. Atlantic Coast Line — E. K. Burgess, Agent, 73 Smith's Wharf. Baltimore and Savannah Line — J as. B. Andrews, Agent, 73 Smith's Whf. Baltimore and Newbern Line — Andrews & Co., Agts., 73 Smith's Whf. Baltimore and Havana Line — Mordecai & Co., Agents, 45 S. Gay St. Boston Line — A. L. Huggins, Agent, foot of Long Dock. Baltimore and Philadelphia Line — j Alex. Shriver Agent, 3 Light St. Whf, Baltimore and Susquehanna Line — ^J. J. Taylor, Agent, 212 W.Falls Av. Chester River Line — R. A Brainard, Agent, Pier 7 Light St. Wharf. Charleston Line — Mordecai & Co., Agents, 45 S. Gay Street. Eastern Shore Line — P. R. Clark, Agent, 105 South Street. Lower Potomac Line — 138 Light Street Wharf Maryland Steamboat Company's Line — H. B. Ensign, Pres , 98 Light St Richmond and York River Line — R. Foster, Agent, 90 Light St. Whf. Weems Line— Henry Williams, Agent, 118 Light Street. ESXABL.ISHHD 1800. G. T. S/IDTLDR & SONS, 0OPTICI/lNSAND#JEWDLERS^> 212 W. BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE. Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Opera and Field Glasses, MICROSCOPES, &c. Watches, Fine Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. 6o Imwold & Meiirixg, DEALERS IIV Mattings, Oil Clotlis, Etc. 328 W. BALTIMORE ST., N. W. Cor. Howard, B^^LTinVCOIiEl . SOLE AGENT AVERILL CHEMICAL READY MIXED PAINTS, MASURYS FINE COACH COLORS, IN JAPAN, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. » COACH. sVAR.NlSHESs- ALAlSASTIXi:, Sri'l-RIIIK TO KALSOMIM-, 173 WEST PRATT STREET, NEAR CHARLES STREET. I.iniiK.lI^ IHSCOl'NT TO TRAOK. 6i NEW AMERICAN BUILDING, COKNER BALTIMORE AND SOUTH STREETS. THE MUTUAL ? Of New York. THE LARGEST LIEE INSURANCE CO. IN THE WORLD. Send for our rates which are lower than other Companies. A new form of Policy very liberal in terms is now being issued. O. F. BRESEE & SONS, Gen'l Agts, American Building, BALTIMORE. 62 TAILORING HOUSE, COR. &AY MD MTETTE STS. NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT Tf) GI:T IX THE CLO THIIV G L I^JU, WE WILL SUIT YOU. EITHER READY MADI OR XMXj3B ■QC<3 03E1.X33E33E«. ATVO WIIvL Guarantee Satisfaction. 63 ESTABLISHEO i79^» e. f. & g. i. lAeEiizji GENERAL DEALERS IN AND Wm^#n lliit©rf®l»i Cast and Steel Tliiml)le Skeins, ENAMELED CANVAS, PATENT LEATHER, Whsels and Wheel Stock, Axles, Shafts, SPRIN(;S, CARRIAGE BOLTS, SEATS, MOSS, (WSTINGS, \'ARNISIIES, DAMASKS, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, &c. 338 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BETWEEN HOWARD AND EITAW STS. 64 x^^^^^^^5® 65 The Visitors' Glide to the City of Baltimore. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Anderson Bros., Hardware 57 Armstrong Cator & Co., Millinery Importers 3 Balto. Coal Tar Manufacturing Co. . .56 l-{alt(\ Mantel Co 67 Banks, Robt. T. & Sons, China, Glass '^c 44 Bar, L., Clothing 62 Bibb, B. C. & Son, Stoves 41 Bird, J. Edward & Co., Dry Goods. . .50 Butler, Elijah, Merchant Tailor 7 Chipman, Geo. & Co., Wood ware. . . .14 Cushings &, Bailey, Books&Stationery.i 2 Dodd, Alex, ct Co., Saddlery etc 10 Drur}^ & liankin, Grocers. 56 Duer,John tt Sons, Cabinet Hardware.43 Dushane, Jno. A. & Co., Paper 4 Gaddess Bros., Cemetery Work 54 Ganter, F. X., Show Cases 32 Gault, M. & Son, Granite Works 67 Great China Tea Co., Tea and CoflFee, 18 Gutman, Joel & Co., Silks, ttc 35 Hamill, Chas W. & Co., Silver Ware, 64 Hennegen, Bates & Co., Jewelers 6 Herring, O., Sons & Co., Carpets, &c. . 25 Hirshberg, Hollander & Co., Paints Oils &c 24 Holyland, J., Photographer 14 Hurst. Miller & Co., Boots and Shoes, Wholesale 66 Hutzler Bros., Notions &c 26 Ijams, Alfred, Groceries, &c 48 Imwold & Mehring, Carpets 60 Janney ifc Congdon, Rubber Goods. .37 Jenkins, Edward & Sons, Carriage and Wagon Repository 16 Justis & Armiger, Jewelers 11 Kinnier, George Jr., & Co., Carriages and Buggies ^ . .40 Kurtz, T. Newton & Son, Books and Stationery 47 Lawson, Rob't & Co , Saddlery, &c. .22 Lerch Bros., Saddlery and Harness.. 4 Likes, Berwanger &'Co., Clothiers,. .38 Mackenzie, C. T. & C. B., Carriage Material . . 63 Mackenzie, Geo. N., Saddlery Hard- ware 29 Macneal, Jas. & Co., Oil .51 McDowell & Co , Carpets 34 McNally, H. R. & Co., Saddlery and Hardware 55 Marden, .Jesse, Scales 18 Merryman, N. B.& W. D. Agricultural Implements 46 Meyer, L., Millinery ■ • -45 Neal, Armstrong & Co., Dry Goods. . 2 New York Mutual Life Insurance Co.6r Oehm, G. N. & Son, Clothiers 53 Piet, John B.& Co. Publishers and Sta- tioners, &c 39 Sadtier, G. T. & Sons, Opticians 59 Schultze, W. T., Barber 40 Sexton, S. B. & Son., Stoves 46 Shriner, John P. & ('o., Saddlery, etc. 28 Simon, Charles & Sons, Dry Goods. .36 Sisson, Hugh & Sons, Marble &c 23 Spencer, E. M., Ladies' and Children's Outfits 20 Stevens, Geo. O., Doors, Sash, &c 58 Straus, J. L. & Bro., Grocers 52 Thomas, Jos.& Son, Builders Material, 10 Towner, Laudstreet & Co., Rubber Goods 33 Wagner, J. & B. L., Green House Res- taurant 30 Walker, Noah & Co., Clothiers 21 Walpert, Fred, ct Co., Bedding 26 Watson, Alex. D., Paints 60 Weems, Jno. C. & Bro., Bedding, &C.48 Wilkens, Wm. & Co., Steamed Curled Hair and Bristle Manufacturers . . .42 Williams, John H. & Co., Pumps, &C.28 Wood, Wm. E. & Co., Stoves,&c 8 S. ROSENTHAL & CO. WHOLESALE .\N1) RETAIL DEALERS IN No. 76 HANOVER STRIUiT. WELL SELEirrED STOCK AT LOWEST PRICES. 67 " FLOORS OF HALLS AXD VESTIBULES, CASING OF MAXTELS, I "n "^ HEARTHS. FIREPLAIES. z ui And all desicriptioiis of Decortitive m Q. TILES. \r^ i I *BALTIM0RDc:5M/qNTDLC0.* ' I o ' M. GAULT & SON, Proprietors, No. 75 NORTH HOWARD STREET. 30 O CO d OF MARBLE, MARBLEIZED SLATE and HARD WOOD. > CO i Marble and Slate for Skirtings, Steps, Counters, &c. I f ESTABLISHED 1S32. M. GAULT & SON, OFFICE, 432 W. PRATT ST., Cor. Penn. m w \j 3X iv m It- i^ i) Pratt and Peiui Sts. Pratt near Fremont, ^^:::iz:t.: blue stone & free stones For all kinds of Building, Street and Cemetery Work. iiLDi iiMi mmim foi mi wite, WORK DONE IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. ALL KINDS AND COLORS OF SLATE. BUILDING FELTS.