Class _JE1L2^ ,17 Book. GopYiightFygV,^ CQPiRlGHT DEPOSm THE ASSAY OFFICE OX WALL STREET From the Report of the Director of the Mint, 1920. THE SITE OF THE ASSAY OFFICE ON WALL STREET AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE SUCCESSIVE PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND MEN IN PUBLIC LIFE CONNECTED WITH THE site; INTERSPERSED WITH SOME FAMILY HISTORY BY WILLIAM E. VERPLANCK 1921 Copyright 1921 by William E. Verplanck DEC237I 0^A03O936 ^v/v This iicarrative is inscribed to the Honorable Verne ^I. Bovie, Superintendent of the Assay Office during the period of construction of the new building, 1917-21, and the renovation after the disastrous bomb explosion on September 16th, 1920, and to Messrs. York and Sa^vj^er, architects of the new building, the narrative is also inscribed. William E. Verplanck. Mount Gulian, Fishkill N. Y. November 1921. THE SITE OF THE ASSAY OFFICE ON WALL STREET The land on which the Assay Office stands has been devoted to pubhc use or been the home of men in pubhc service for nearly three centuries. During the latter part of the Dutch Govern- ment a wall or cingel ran along the northern boundary of New Amsterdam from river to river, as a protection against the Indians, and also as some historians contend, against the aggressions of the Yankees of Connecticut of whom the burghers were equally apprehensive. The term cingel was also applied to the passage- way along the inside of the wall, details of which are shown in Stokes Iconography of Manhattan Island (published in 1918), particularly volume II, plate 87. The wall was removed soon after British rule was established by the cession of New Nether- land in 1673; for the Dutch had recaptured New Amsterdam a few years before and the little town had spread northward. Along the south side of the wall a street was laid out which came to be known as Wall Street, much as another new street of this period became New Street. This part of Wall Street, however, was a some- what shabby one for some time. Frederick Trevor Hill has written an excellent history of this street (pubhshed 1908) : "The Story of a Street." The new City Hall which the English built, under the Earl of Bellomont, Governor-General* in 1700, in place of the former one of the Dutch at Coenties Slip, was followed by the new church of the Presbyterians where the Bankers Trust Company now stands, with a belfry tower- ing over the City Hall. All this made for a gen- eral improvement of the neighborhood, but it had few private houses of importance. The * He was a reformer, and among other abuses in the Province, he took measures to suppress piracy which had greatly increased owing to the complicity of merchants and the countenance, as it was charged, of Benjamin Fletcher who had preceded him as governor. Whereupon Bellomont induced William Kidd, a man of excellent repute in New York, to head the project. Kldd, how- ever, turned pirate, having accomplices in prominent men. Al- though Kidd was eventually captured and hung at London, an inquiry into the profits and other phases of the affair was voted down in the House of Commons, and, soon after, Bellomont died. His successor was Viscount Cornbury, own cousin to Queen Anne, and he had no zeal for reform. The Memorial History of the City of New York (1892, 3 vols, illustrated) contains full and fair reviews of the colonial governors, Dutch and British. 8 fashionable part of the town then, and for some time later, was upper Queen Street, as Pearl Street was then called, particularly what is now Franklin Square. It was at the corner of Cheriy and Queen Streets that President Washington lived during his first administration. In 17(51 Samuel Yerplanck, on completing his education in Holland returned home to New York, bringing with him a rich wife from Am- sterdam. He built his house on this site; land which his father had devised to him by will. The lot extended about 75 feet along the north side of Wall Street. In the rear was the stable on a tongue of land which extended to King, now Pine, Street. On the west was a garden adja- cent to the Citv Hall. One of the bastions of the old wall had stood on the lot. Samuel's house was a large one for those days, occupying about forty feet of the front. Other prominent people now began to move into the neighborhood, Alexander Hamilton among them and Wall Street became a rival of Queen Street. Old prints exist showing the site, with the old City Hall, later Federal Hall and its colonnade over the sidewalk, where Washington was inau- gurated in 1789 (now site of the Sub-Treasury) .* * New York Mirror, 1830, vol. VII. Also Stokes Iconography of Manhattan Ishmd, plates in vol. I. 11 Samuel Verplanck had held office under the British government and was one of the Gover- nors of Kings, now Columbia College, where he took his degree in 17.58 with seven other students in the first graduating class. He was also one of the founders of the Chamber of Commerce. When the Revolution opened, and, by the way, open resistance to British rule began in Xew York before the Battle of Lexington, in the en- gagement at Golden Hill in 1774, (site of Gold and John Streets), Samuel Verplanck espoused the cause of the colonists and was a member of the Committee of Safety, a body of citizens chosen to take charge of the city government upon the seizure of the public buildings in 1775. His wife, on the other hand, leaned to the Brit- ish side, and during its occupation of New York, Sir William Howe, then in command, with other officers were often entertained at the Verplanck mansion. As souvenirs of the visits Mrs. Ver- planck was given a tea-set of fine china and two paintings* which are still preserved by her de- scendants. Sir William Howe was relieved early in the war by Sir Henry Clinton who prosecuted the campaign against us with great vigor. Sir * By Angelica Kaufifmann, a native of Switeerland who went to I-ondon in 1766 and became distinguished as an historical and portrait painter. 12 D ==• William was quite a different man from his able and energetic elder brother, Admiral Lord Howe, who had made an attempt to effect a reconcilia- tion with the colonies before hostilities began. A portrait of Samuel Verplanck by Copley is owned by Matilda C. Verplanck at Fishkill, N. Y. In 1822 Daniel C. Verplanck, only son and heir of Samuel, reluctantly sold the Wall Street front of the property to the Bank of the United States. The price, $40,000, was deemed a large one at that time. He had been a member of Congress, and later judge of Dutchess County, where, after the sale, he went to live at Fishkill on the Hudson River in a house known as Mount Gulian, built a century earlier. The adjacent land, several thousand acres in extent, had been bought of the Wappinger Indians in 1683 by his ancestor jointly with Francis Rombout, the In- dian deed having been confirmed by patent of James II. A portrait of D. C. Verplanck by Copley, Boy tvith a Squirrel, is owned by the author. In the next year, 1823,* the Branch Bank of the United States was built upon the site, and this building in 1853 became the Assay Office, and property of the United States, after the char- ter of the Bank had expired under the veto by * The year of President Monroe's famous "Doctrine." 15 President Jackson of the bill renewing it. The building was recently removed to make room for the present building. The Bank of the State of New York and Bank of Commerce had owned the property" in turn between 1836 and 1853. The corner-stone of the bank was laid April 17, 1823, and is now a mural tablet in the new build- ing. The inscription is: The Corner Stone of the Branch Bank or THE United States was laid this 17th day of April 1823. Isaac Lawrence. President. Robert Lenox. David Gelston. Cornelius Ray. Isaac Wright. James Bogert Jun". Edward H. Xicoll. Walter Bowne. Campbell P. White. William B. Astor. Henry Kneel and. John Haggerty. Peter Harmony. Morris Robinson. Cashier. >- Directors. 16 GULIAX C. VERPLANCK Born 1786. Died 1870 From a drawinj: by Paul Dusgan at tlie Century Club. The fa9ade of the former building is also pre- served at the Metropolitan Museum. The Bank of the United States was then in a flourishing state under the second charter of 1816 of a twenty-year term, with Nicholas Biddle of Philadelphia its president, elected in 1823; but dark days came in 1829 in President Jackson's first administration. At that time D. C. Ver- planck's son, Gulian Crommelin Verplanck was a member of Congress. He had been born on this site and spent his youth there. On the death of his wife in Paris, soon after his marriage, he returned to New York after a sojourn in Eu- rope and entered politics, and was soon sent to the Assembly for several terms. In 1825 he was sent to Congress by the Democratic party as the former Republican party of Jefferson had now become known. He never remarried, and his two sons were brought up by his sister. He re- mained in public service for more than fifty years of his life. Jackson, taking advantage of some abuses in the management of the bank called for the repeal of the charter. Its advocates retorted by passing a bill renewing it for twenty years. Verplanck, who favored the bank, urged delay, pointing out that the charter would not expire until 1836. 19 Nevertheless the bill was passed, sent to the President in 1832, and received his veto. All ef- forts to override it failed. The Bank War was on. Another source of bitter contention at this per- iod w\is the attitude of South Carolina toward the tariff. Verplanck, as chairman of the Com- mittee of Ways and Means, had brought in a bill for a substantial reduction of duties which had the support of the President and of the Demo- cratic party, except the Calhoun faction, who threatened on the part of South Carolina, open resistance to the Federal Government unless the whole principle of a protective tariff was dis- avowed. They became known as Nullifiers. Whereupon Jackson dispatched General Scott to Charleston to support the collector in the event of obstacles being put in the way of col- lecting the revenue. It looked like war. A com- promise was at length effected under the leader- ship of Henry Clay and other Whigs and an ex- cuse was thus afforded for not proceeding to extremities. Another controversy which caused even more rancor in Jackson's administration was due to Mrs. Eaton, wife of his Secretary of War. Now tlie Democratic party, outside of South Carolina, 20 S)c^^li^v/ir^^^i€.^^^^Z^ DEWITT CLINTON Born 1769. Died 1828 From a silhouette at the University Club. .'T-1 ANDREW JACKSON Born 1767. Died 1845 From a silhouette at the University Club. as a rule supported the President, yet changes in the Cabinet were frequent. Taney became At- torney-General in place of Berrien, and Van Buren gave up the State Department to Living- ston to become Minister to Great Britain. These were some of the changes which had excited com- ment and which scandal attributed to Mrs. Eaton.* The wives of the Calhoun faction as well as some other ladies refused to associate with her. The President, however, zealously espoused her side, for her husband was an old and intimate friend, and the storm raged. Old Hickory triumphed in the end and preserved his popularity notwithstanding the new enemies which were made by the removal of deposits from the Bank of the United States, after his reelec- tion. Jackson's administration was marked by main- tenance of friendly relations with Great Britain, and the settlement of long-standing disputes with France, Portugal, and Kingdom of Naples. He had the satisfaction of seeing the election of his friend Van Buren to the Presidency in 1836 over Harrison, White and Webster. Verplanck, with others of his party, became * In Martin Van Buren, by Edward M. Shepard (Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899), this episode is treated at some length. Vide pp. 181-184. 25 alienated from the Jackson wing of their party over the affair of the United States Bank, an in- stitution which he had consistently favored. Ac- cordingly, at the end of his fourth term he retired from Congress. The enactment of a law greatly enlarging the copyright of authors, secured through his efforts while in Congress, was the oc- casion of a public dinner given him by the citi- zens of New York, at which Washington Irving presided. In 1834 the citizens of New York were per- mitted for the first time to choose their mayor. While under both Dutch and English rule the mayors of cities were elected by the citizens, the Constitution of 1777, by which the Province of New York became a State, deprived them of that privilege and conferred the power upon the Coun- cil of Appointment, a body of State officers, cre- ated in 1801, when the governor was stripped of that and other powers. This body soon fell under the domination of a small group known as the Albany Regency. Among its early members were Martin Van Buren, Benjamin F. Butler, William L. Marcy and Silas Wright. The Society of Tammany, or the Columbian Order, to give the corporate name by its charter of 1805, put in the field as candidate for mayor, Cornelius Lawrence, while Gulian C. Verplanck, 26 DANIEL WEBSTER Born 178:3. Died 1852 From a silliouette at the University Club. also associated with that bodj^ but fallen out with it over the United States Bank affair, was nom- inated on a sort of non-partisan, or citizens ticket, as it would be called today. The campaign was conducted with vigor and excitement and resulted in the election of Law- rence by a very close vote — some counts made it less than a dozen ballots. About the end of the eighteenth century this country was torn by strife between the partizans of France and of Great Britain, and it was to allay such rancor that in 1789 the Society of Tammany was formed, besides its fraternal ob- jects. The founders of the Order, with branches in other states, took as an emblem a chief of the Delaware Indian tribe, who was a sage rather than a warrior. The nomenclature of the Amer- ican Indian was also followed for the officers, such as Sachem and Sagamore; meetings were called so many hours "after the setting of the sun," etc. The society soon became a power in local politics as an American party, disclaiming both France and England during their prolonged warfare which had a disturbing effect upon us. A few years later Verplanck became recon- ciled to his former party associates and was sent to the State Senate for several terms. While 29 there he took a prominent part in the Court for the Corrections of Errors and Appeals. This body was modelled upon the judicial powers of the House of Lords and consisted of the Chan- cellor, the Senators and certain designated judges of the Supreme Court. It sat in final review of causes in law and equity. In 1846 it was abol- ished by the radical constitution of that year. New Jersey still finds valuable her similarly con- stituted court. The disturbed state of Europe at this period and particularly the great famine in Ireland brought hordes of aliens into the port of Xew York, which not only increased destitution and crime but thronged the town with people who had come to the country to settle. The Federal Government having failed to take any action, the State of New York in 1847 created the Com- mission of Emigration, with Gulian C. Verplanck as president. In this work of seeing to the wel- fare of aliens and finding them homes in the West he spent upwards of fifteen years, a ser- vice which continued until the work was assumed by the Federal Government. He was also a member of boards of charity, of education, a di- rector in banks and other corporations. Besides editing an illustrated edition of Shakespeare's 30 JOHX C. CALHOUN Born 1782. Died 1850 From a silhouette at tLe T'niversity Club. plays, he made many addresses throughout the country at college commencements and elsewhere. A man of strong convictions, yet whose wisdom, tolerance and simplicity aroused universal re- spect. Nevertheless, about 1860 the general es- teem in which he was held suffered an eclipse. He had refused to join the new Republican party. While opposed to slavery and its extension into the Territories, yet he believed that its abolition was a problem for each State to solve ; much pro- gress in that way having been accomplished. He preferred to stand with Seymour, Hoffman, Tilden and others. They were one and all gross- ly misrepresented by the press during the decade 1860-1870. The rancor and partisan enmity engendered by the Civil War seem to have increased on the death of Lincoln, and the fact forgotten that the men with whom Verplanck stood at that time sup- ported the administration after Fort Sumter had been fired on, that Tammany had sent many vol- unteers to fill the armies of the north throughout the war, several of whom became officers, distin- guished for bravery and ability. Yet such has been the effect of the partisan writing of this per- iod that the men mentioned stand in a false light in what passes for history, and so strong was the feeling against them that they often suffered social ostracism. The truth concerning Ameri- can history is gradually emerging from the mists of prejudice and pro^^ncialism. What will the future historians say of the measures which the United States took to abol- ish slavery, to mention one of several evils which called for reform? Great Britain heeded her able and temperate minded statesmen and abol- ished the institution in 1834 without bloodshed, and so did France and Brazil. The United States had such moral material in both parties and in the North and in the South, but it was without a leader. The sinister alliance of the cot- ton growers of the South with the cotton spin- ners of the North stifled the conscience of the Nation during the fateful years between the Mis- souri Compromise of 1820 and its repeal. Even Webster had voted for the Fugitive Slave Law. When at length the national conscience was aroused by William Lloyd Garrison and others, it was too late ; civil war ensued and many of its evil consequences are still with us. We may pre- dict that the critics of the next generation will as- sert that our reforms, for the most part both state and national, have been effected through violent methods; that we have forgotten the words of Edmund Burke in the House of Commons when prime minister: "If I cannot reform with equity 34. HENRY CLAY Born 1777. Died 1853 From a silliouette at tlip I'liiversity Club. I shall not reform at all." The history of this State affords many illustrations. As "^Ir. Dooley" once remarked, "We Americans clean house with an axe." The Volstead Law under the 18th Amendment of the Federal Constitution is the latest example. The last notable public appearance of Gulian Verplanck was on July 4th, 1867, when he made an address and laid the corner-stone of the Wig- wam of Tammany Hall on Fourteenth Street. He died March 18th, 1870, in his 84th year. His career began in the "Era of Good-feeling," with the "Clintonians"* and "Bucktails," on whom he wrote a satire in verse called "Bucktail Bards," published in 1819. Then came "Loco- focos," "Barn-Burners," "Hunkers" and "Know- nothings," to mention some of the factional or party epithets of those days, and so on down to the "Copperheads" and "Black Republicans" of the Sixties. During his life the Republican party of Jeffer- son finally adopted the name Democratic which formerly had a sinister connotation. At one time that party was known as Democratic-Republi- can — a fomi which Tammany Hall clung to. "Doughfaces," as John Randolph of Roanoke * A faction headed by De Witt Clinton, opposed by the Buck- tails. 37 stigmatized the northern members of Congress who favored the Missouri Compromise in 1820, was also often used in the political strife of the State. Soon after the death of Randolph, a dis- course on his career was delivered by request in the House of Representatives by Gulian Ver- planck. They had been fellow-members for years. A few other facts about the Bank of the United States should be noted. The main bank was at Philadelphia, which was long the financial center of the country. The first bank of Hamilton's efforts was chartered in 1791 with a capital of ten milhon dollars. The New York Branch was in Queen Street, now Pearl. In 1811 when its charter was about to expire it failed of renewal in Congress by one vote — that of the vice-president, George Clinton of New York. The financial troubles caused by the War of 1812 resulted in the recharter of the Bank in 1816, with a capital of thirty-five million dollars. On the expiration of its charter in 1836, as men- tioned, the directors obtained a charter from Pennsylvania, but the bank suspended in 1837, in the widespread crash of that year, and not long after, the bank was wound up with a total loss to its shareholders. A few years later the banking house on Wall Street became the Assay Office, as stated. /y / ^^^^c^t^^^^^^-t:^^^ MARTIN VAX BUREX Born 1782. Died 186;? From a silhouette at the University Club. It is a cause of gratification to the writer that the site of the family homestead is embelHshed by a commodious and substantial building which does credit to the architects, Messrs. York and Sawyer, and which insures the continuance of the public character of the site, evidenced as it is by the public buildings which have stood upon it, as well as by its having been the home of a family which for three successive generations gave mem- bers to the public service. The corner stone is in- scribed as follows : Building Erected 1919 William G. McAdoo Carter Glass secretaries of the treasury. Raymond T. Baker director of the mint. Verne M. Bovie superintendent of the assay office NEW YORK James A. Wetmore acting supervising architect York & Sawyer — Architects Chas. T. Wills, Inc. — Builders 41 The Assay Office, with the Mint, may be con- sidered an arm of the Federal Reserve Banking System, that long stejD which we have recently taken towards the restoration of the Hamilton bank scheme; and thus there is cause for our taking a favorable view of national politics when one considers the changed attitude of the Democratic party toward Federal Banking. We have seen President Wilson with the able as- sistance of Congressman Glass building up where President Jackson and his party tore down eighty years earlier. 42 iS^-^t^..^^ ,.i/Z^.C^,^_y:Z^ JOHN RANDOLPH OF ROANOKE Born 1773. Died 1833 From a silhouette at the University Club. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 220 553 1