cO\*. J'. 'l^\'Vc^ ;#' >,;= "<%. ^♦^ "s^^ ^'i - K iVs'^^ A-^. r. ^ %: ^c5^ %1 ' .^^ X^ ^^ r^iSi^ ^^" ;€^^V; ^> ^^.^0^ r.^ ^r ^^. ^ ^-,^Z7^- O^ r^ ^- o.V S^ 0« '^^^ ■^C^ ^:^S'^- "^0^ .^ %: y'^2%^' ^^ v'^^C:^'," of^ -%. ^ NP * vay8 passionately attached, though my father en- deavoured to discourage this propensity, considering It, (as is too frequently the case) but an introduc- tion to a life of idleness and dissipation, and hav- ing been remarked for ray singing at church, which was regularly attended on Sundays and festival days by the scholars, Mr. Morthrop, my iriend Rice's uncle, used frequently to request me t.o sing ; he was always pleased with my exhibitions of this kind, audit was no doubt one of the means that secured me so gracious a reception at his house. A number of other gentlemen in the place would sometimes send for me to sing at their houses, and as I was not a little vain of my vocal powers, I was much gratified on receiving these invitations, and accepted them with the greatest pleasure. Thus passed away the two happiest years of my life, wiien my father, thinking that 1 had re- ceived a sufficient education for the profession he intended me for, took me from school at Donning- ton in order to apprentice me to Doctor Mason, a surgeon of eminence at Reasby, in the neighbour- hood of the celebrated Sir Joseph Banks. With regret did I part from my school acquaintance, particularly my friend Rice, and returned home with my father, on a short visit to my family, preparatory to my inteuded apprenticeship. The disinclination I ever had fell for the profession my father wished me to pursue, was still further in- creased on my retuin. When a child I v^as al- ways fond of being in the shop, among the work- men, endeavouring to imitate what I saw them do; this disposition so far increased after my leav- ing the academy, that I could not bear to hear the least mention made of my being apprenticed to a surgeon, and I used so many entreaties with my father to pursuade him to give up this plan and learn me his own trade, that he at last con- iented. More fortunate would it probably have been for me, had I gratified the wishes of this affectionate parent, in adopting the profession he had chosen for me, than thus to have induced him to sacrifice them to mine. However it might have been, I was at length introduced into the shop, and my natnral turn of mind corresponding with the employment, I became in a short time uncommonly expert at the work to which I was set. I now felt myself well contented, pleased with my occupation, and treated with much affection by my father, and kindness by my step-mother, my father having once more entered the state of matrimony, with a widow much younger than himself, who had been brought up in a superior manner, and was an aroia* ble and sensible woman. B 3 10 Aboata year after I had commenced this appren- tieship, my father finding that he could carry oq his business to more advantage in Hull, removed thither with his family. An event of no little importance to me, as it in a great measure influ- enced my future destiny. Hull being one of the best ports in England, and a place of great trade, my father had there full employment for his numer- ous workmen, particularly in vessel work. This naturally leading me to an acquaintance with the sailors on board sQme of the ships : the many re- markable stories they told me of their voyages and adventures, and of the manners and customs of the nations they had seen, excited a strong wish ia me to visit foreign countries, which was encreased by my reading the voyages of Captain Cook, and some other celebrated navigators. Thus passed the four years that I lived at Hull, where my father was esteemed by all who knew him, as a worthy, industrious, and thriving roan. At this period a circumstance occured which aS'orded me the opportunity I had for some time wished, of gratifying my ioclinatioa of going abroad. . Among oar principal customers at Hull, were the Americans who frequented that port, and from whose conversation, my father as well as myself formed the most favorable opiDion of that coud- 11 try, as affording an excellent field for the exertions of industry, and a flattering prospect for tlie esfab* lishment of a young man iu life. In the summer of the year 1802, during the peace between Eng- land and France, the ship Boston, belonging to Boston, in Massachusetts, and commanded h» Captain John Salter,^ arrived at Hull, whither she came to take on board a cargo of such goods as were wanted for the trade with the Indians, on the North-N^est coast of America, from whence after having taken in a lading of furs and skins, she was to proceed to China, and from thence home to America. The ship, having occasion for many repairs and alterations, necessary for so long a voyage, the Captain applied to my father to 60 the smith's work, which was very considerable. That gentleman, who was of a social turn, used often to/ call at my father's house, where he passed many of his evenings, with his chief and second mates, Mr. B. Delouisa and Mr. William Ingraham, the latter a fine young man of about twenty, of a most amiable temper, and of such affable manners, as gained him the love and attachment of the whole crew. These gentlemen used occasionally to take me with them to the theatre, an amusement which I was very fond of, and which my father rather encouraged than objected io, as he thought it a good means of preventing young men who are naturally inclined to seek for something to amuse them, from frequenting taverns, ale-houses, ami 12 places of bad resort, equally destructive of the health and morals, while the stage frequently fur- Dishes excellent iessoas of morality aad good conduct. In the evenings that he passed at my father's. Captain Salter, who had for a great number of years been at sea, and seen almost all parts of the world J used sometimes to speak of his voyages, and observing me listen with much attention to his relations, he one day when I had brought him some work, said to me in rather a jocose manner, John, how should you like to go with me"? 1 answered, that it would give me great pleasure, that I had for a long time wished to visit foreign countries, particularly America, which I had been told so many fine stories of, and that if my father would give his consent, and he was willing to take me with him, I would go. I shall be very glad to do it said he, if your father can be prevailed oii to let you go, and as I want an expert smith for an armourer, the one I have shipped for that purpose Bot being sufficiently master of bis trade, I have DO doubt that you will answer my turn well, as I perceive you are both active and ingeDious, and OQ my return to America I shall probably be able to do something much better for you in Boston ; I will take the first opportunity of speaking to your father about it, and try to persuade him to coDseut. He accordingly the next evening that he 13 called at our house, introduced the subject : my father at first would not listen to the proposal. That best of parents, though anxious for my advan- tageous establishment in life, could not bear to think of parting with me, but on Captain Salter's telling him of what benefit it would be to me to go the voyage with him, and that it was a pity to keep a promising and ingenious young fel- low, like myself, confined to a small shop in Eng- land, when if I had tolerable success, I might do 80 much better in America, where wages were much higher and living cheaper, he at length gave up his objections, and consented that I should ship on board the Boston as an armourer, at the rate of thirty dollars per month; with an agreement that the amount due to me, together with a certain sum of money which my father gave Capt. Salter for that purpose, should be laid out by him on the North-west coast Jn the purchase of furs for my account, to be disposed of in China for such goods as would yield a profit on the return o^the ship; my father being solicitous to give me every advan- tage in his power, of well establishing myself in my trade in Boston, or some other maritime town of America. Such were the flattering expectations which this good man indulged respecting me. Alas! the fatal disaster that befel us, not only blasted all these hopes, but involved me in ex- treme distress and wretchedness for a long period after. 14 The ship having undeT-gone a tliorough repair and been well coppered, proceeded to take on board her cargo, which consisted of English cloths, Dutch blankets, looking glasses, beads, knives, razors, &c. which were received from Holland, some sugar and molasses, about twenty hogsheads of rum,^ including stores for the ship, a great quantity of ammunition, cutlasses, pistols, and three thousand muskets and fowling pieces. The ship being loaded and ready for sea, as I was preparing for my departure, my father came to me, and taking me aside, said to me with much emotion, John, I am now going to part with you, and heaven only knows if we shall ever again meet. But in whatever part of the world you are, always bear it, in mind, that on your own conduct will depend your success in life. Be honest, industrious, fru- gal, and temperate, and you will not fail, in what- soever country it may be your lot to be placed, to gain yourself friends- Let the Bible be your guide, and your reliance in any fortune that may befal you, that Almighty Being, who knows how to bring forth good from evil, and who never deserts those who put their trust in him. He re- peated his exhortations to me to lead an honest and christian life, and to recollect that I had a father, a mother, a brother, and sister, who could not but feel a strong interest in my welfare, en- joining me to write him by the first opportunity that should offer to England, from whatever part IS of the world I might be in, more particiiiarly on my arrival iu Boston. This 1 promised to do, but long unhappily was it before I was able to fulfil this promise. I then took an affectionate leave of my worthy parent, whose feelings, would hardly permit him to speak, and bidding an alTectionatc farewell to my brother, sister, and step-mother, who expressed the greatest solicitude for my fu- ture fortune, went on board the ship, which proceeded to the Downs, to be ready for the first favourable wind. I found myself well accommo- dated on board as regarded my work, an iron forge Slaving been erected on deck ; this my father had made for the ship on a new plan, for which he afterwards obtained a patent ; while a corner of the steerage was appropriated to my vice bench, so that in bad weather I could work below. On the third day of September, 1 802, we sail- ed from the Downs with a fair wind, in company with twenty-four sail of American vessels, most of which were bound home, I was sea-sick for a few of the first days, but it was of short continuance, and on my recovery I found myself in uncommonly fine health and spirits, and went to work with alacrity at my forge, in putting in order some of the muskets, and making daggers, knives, and' small hatchets for the Indian trade, while iu wet and stormy weather I was oc- 16 €upied below iu Cling and polishing theni. This was my employment, having but little to do with sailing the vessel, though I used occasionally to lend a hand in assisting the seamen in taking io and making sail. As I had never before been out of sight of laud, I cannot describe my sensations, after I had recovered from the distressing eflfecfrs of sea-sickness, on viewing the mighty ocean by which I was surrounded, bound only by the sky, while its waves rising in mountains, seemed every moment to threaten our ruin.. Manifest as is the hand of Providence in preserving its creatures from destruction, in no instance is it more so than on the great deep; for whether we consider in its tumul- tary motions the walery deluge that each moment menaces to overwhelm us, the immense violence of its shocks, the little that interposes between us and death, a single plank forming our only security, which, should it unfortunately be loosened wefuld plunge us at once into the abyss, our gratitude ought strongly to be excited towards that super- intending Deity who in so wonderful a manner sustains our lives amid the waves. We had a pleasant and favourable passage of twenty-nine days to the Island of St. Catherine on the coast of Brazils, where the Captain had de* termined to stop for a few days to wood and water. This place belongs to the Portuguese. On entering the harbour we were saluted by the fort which we 17 retarned. The next day the Governor of the Island came on board of us with his suite ; Captain Salter received him with much respect and invited him to dine with him, which he accepted. The ship remained at St. Catherine's four days, during which time, we were busily employed in taking ia wood, water, and fresh provisions, Captain Salter thinking it best to furnish himself here with a full supply for his voyage to the North- West coast, so as not to be obliged to stop at the Sandwich Islands. St. Catherine is a very commodious place for vessels to stop at that are bound round Cape Horn, as it abounds with springs of fine water, with excellent oranges, plantains, and bananas. Having completed our stores we put to sea, and on the tweaty-fifth of December, at length passed Cape Horn, which we had mAde no less than thirty-six days before, but were repeatedly forced back by contrary winds, expriencing very rough and tempestuous weather in doubling it. Immediately after passing. Cape Horn, all oar dangers and ditHcultles seemed to be at an end; the weather became fine, and so little labour was ne* tjessary on board the ship^ that the men soon reco- vered from their fatigue and were in excellent npirits. A few days after we fell in with au Eng- lish South Sea Whaling Ship, homeward bound, which was the only vessel we spoke with on C 18 our voyage. We now took the trade wind or monsoon, during which we enjoyed the finest wea- ther possible, 80 that* for the space of a fortnight we were not obliged to reeve a topsail or to make a tack, and so light was the duty and easy the life of the sailors during this time, that they appear- ed the happiest of any people in the world. Captain Salter, who had been for many years in the East-India trade, was a ^ost excellent seaman, and preserved the strictest order and disci- pline on board his ship, though he was a maa of mild temper and conciliating manners, and disposed to allow every indulgence to his men, not inconsistent with their duty. We had on board a tine band of music, with which on Saturday nighty, when the weather was pleasant, we were accustomed to be regaled, the Captain ordering them to play for several hours for the amusement of the crew. This to me was most delightful, especially during the serene evenings we experi- enced in traversing the Southern Ocean. As for myself, during the day I was constantly occupied at my forge, in refiUiag or. repairing some of the iron work of the vessel, but principally in mak- ing tomahawks, daggers, &c. for the North West coast. During the first part of oar voyage we saw scarcely any fish, excepting some whales, a few 19 •harks, and flying fish ; but after weathering Cape Horn ue met with numerous shoals of sea por- poises, several of whom we caught, and as we had been for some time without fresh provisions, I found it not only a palatable but really a very excellent food. ' To one who has never before seen them, a shaol of these fish presents a very striking and singular appearance ; beheld at a distance com- ing towards a vessel they look not unlike a great number of small black waves rolling over one another in a confused manner and approaching with great swiftness. As soon as a shoal is seen all is bustle and activity on board the ship, the grains and the harpoons are immediately got ready, and those who are best skilled in throwing theni take their stand at the bow and along the gunwale anxiously awaiting the welcome troop as they come, gamboling and blowing around the vessel, in search of food. When pierced with the har- poon and drawn on board, unless the fish is in- stantly killed by the stroke, which rarely happens, it utters most pitiful cries, greatly resembling those of an infant. The flesh cut into steaks and broiled, is not unlike very coarse beef, and the harslet in appearance and taste is so much like that of a hog, that it would be no easy matter to distinguish the one from the other; from this circumstance the sailors have given the name of the herring hog to this fish; I was told by some of the crew, that if one of them happens to free itself from the grains or . C 2 20 harpooos, when sfnick, all the others, attracted by the blood, immediately quit the ship and give chase to the wounded one, and as soon as they overtake it immediately tear it in pieces. We also caught a large shark, which had followed the ship for several days with a hook which I made for the purpose, and although the flesh was by no means equal to that of the herring hog, yet to those destitute as we were of any thing fresh, I found it eat very well. After passing the Cape when the sea had become calm we saw great numbers of Albatrosses, a large brown and white bird of the goose kind, one of which Captain Salter shot, whose wings measured from their extreraitieft fifteen feet. One thing, however, I must not omit mentioning, as it struck me in a most singular and extraordinary manner. This was, that oa passing Cape Horn in December, which was mid* summer in that climate, the nights were so light, without any moon, that we found no difficulty whatever in reading small print which we fre- quently did during our watches. In this manner, with a fair wind and easy wea« tber from the 28th of December, the period of our passing Cape Horn, we pursued our voyage to the Northward until the 12th of March, 1803, when we m%de Woody Point in Nootka Sound on the North-west Coast of America. We immediately stood up the Sound for Nootka, where Captain 21 Salter Bad determined to stop in order to supply the ship with wood and water before proceeding up the coast to trade. But in order to avoid the risque of any molestation or interruption to his men from the Indians, while thus employed, he proceeded with the ship about five miles to the Northward of the village, which is situated on Friendly Cove, and sent out his chief mate with several of the crew in the boat to find a good place for anchoring her. After sounding for some time, they returned with information that they had dis- covered a secure place for anchorage, on the Western side of an inlet or small bay at about half a mile from the coast, near a small island which protected it from the sea, and where there was plenty of wood and excellent water. The ship accordingly came to anchor in this place, at twelve o'clock at night, in twelve fathom water, muddy bottom, and so near the shore that to prevent the ship from winding we secured her by a hauser to the trees. On the morning of the next day, the 13th, seve- ral of the natives came on board in a canoe from the village of Nootka, with their king, called Maquina, who appeared much pleased on seeing OS, and with great seeming cordjality, welcomed Captain Salter and his officers to his country. As I had never before beheld a savage of any nation, it may readily be supposed that the novelty of their C 3 22 appearance, so difTerent from any people that I had hitherto seen, excited in me strong feelings of surprize and curiosity. I was, however, particu- larly struck with the looks of their king, who was a man of a dignified aspect, about six feet in height and extremely strait and well proportioned; his features were in general good and his face was rendered remarkable by a large Roman nose, a very uncommon form of feature among these peo- ple; his complexion was of a dark copper hue, though his face, legs, and arms were, on this occa- sion, so covered with red paint, that their natural colour could scarcely be perceived, his eye-brows were painted black in two broad stripes like a new^ moon, and his long black hair, which shone with oil, was fastened in a bunch on the top of his head and strewed or powdered all over with white down, which gave him a most curious and extraordinary appearance. He was dressed in a large mantle or cloak of the black sea otter skin, which reached to his knees, and was fastened around his middle by a broad belt of the cloth of the country, wrought, or painted with figures of several colours ; this dress was by no means un- becoming, but on the contrary had an air of savage magnificence. His men were habited in mantles of the same cloth, which is made from the bark of a tree^ and has some resemblance to straw mat- ting, these are nearly square afid have two holes in the upper part large enough to adroit the arms-^ 23 they reach as low as the knees and are fastened round their bodies with a belt about four inches broad of the same cloth. From his having frequently visited the English and American ships that traded to the coasts Maquina had learned the signification of a num- ' ber of English words, and in general could make himself pretty well understood by us in our own language. He was always the first to go on board such ships as came to Nootka, which he was much pleased in visiting, even when he had no trade to offer, as he always received some small present, and was in general extremely well treated by the commanders. He remained on board of us for some time, during which the captain took him into the cabin and treated him with a glass of rum ; these people being very fond of distilled spirits, and some biscuit and molasses which they prefer to any kind of food that we caa offer thenL As there are seldom many furs to be purchased at this place and it was not fully the season, Capt* Salter had put in here not so much with an expec- tation of trading as to procure an ample stock of wood and water for the supply of the ship on the coast, thinkiog it more prudent to take it oa board at Nootka, from the generally friendly disposition of the people, thaa to endanger the u safety of his men in sending them on shorie for that purpose among (he more ferocious natives of the north. With this view, we immediately set about getting our water casks in readiness, and the next and two succeeding days, part of the crew were sent oo shore to cut pine timber, and assist the carpenter in making it into yards and spars for the ship, while those on board were employed in re- fitting the rigging, repairing the sails, &c. when we proceeded to take in our wood and water as expe- ditiously as possible, during which time I kept my- self busily employed in repairing the muskets, making knives, tomaxes, &c. and doing such iron work as was wanted for the ship. Meantime more or less of the natives came ojj board of us daily, bringing with them fresh salmon with which they supplied us in great plenty, re- ceiving in return some trifling articles. Captain Salter was always very particular before admitting these people on board to see that they had no arms about them, by obliging them indiscriminately to throw off their garments, so that he felt perfectly gecnre from any attack, Ob the 15th the king came on board with seve- ral of his chiefs ; he was dressed as before in his magnificent otter skin robe, having his face highly painted, and his hair tossed off with the white down which looked like snow ; his chiefs were dressed in 2& mantles of the coantry cloth of its natcural colour, which is a pale yellow ; these were ornamented with a broad border, painted or wroaght ia figures of several colours, representing naen*s heads, va- rious animals, &c. and secured around them by a belt like that of the king from which it was distin- guished only by being narrower : the dress of the common people is of the same fashion, and differs from that of the chiefs in being of a coarser tex- ture, and painted red, of one uniform colour. Caj^tain Salter invited Maquina and his chiefs to dine with him, and it was curious to see how these people (when they eat) seat themselves (in their country fashion, upon our chairs) with their feet under them crossed like Turks. They cannot endure the taste of salt, and the only thing they would eat with us was the ship bread which they were very fond of, especially when dipped ia molasses, they had also a ^reat liking for tea and co£fee, when well sweetened. As iron weapons and tools of almost every kind are in much request among them, whenever thsy came on board they were always very attentive to me, crowding around me at the forge, as if to see in what manner I did my work, and in this way became quite familiar, a circumstance, as will be seen in the end, of great importance to me. The salmon . which they lirought us furnished a most deliciooi treat to. 26 Bien who for a ]ong time had lived wholly on salt provisions excepting such few sea fish as we had the good fortune occasionally to take. We in- deed feasted most luxuriously, and flattered our- selves that we should not want while on the coast for plenty of tVesh provisions, little imagining the fate that awaited us, and that this dainty food was to prove the unfortunate lure to our destruction I On the ]9th, the king came again on board, and was invited by the Captain to dine with him. He had much conversation with Captain Salter, and in- formed him that there were plenty of wild ducks and geese near Friendly Cove, on which the Cap- tain made him a present of a double-barrelled fowl- ing piece, with which he appeared to be greatly ple&sed, and soon after went on shore. On the 20th we were nearly ready for our depar- ture, having taken in what wood and water we were in want of. The next day Maqaina came on board with nine pair of wild ducks, as a present, at the same time be bronght with him the gun, one of the locks of which he had broken, telling the Captain that it wsispeshak, that is bad. Captain Salter was very much offended at this observation, and considering it as a mark of contempt for his present, he called 27 the king a liar, adding other opprobrious term*, and taking the gun from him, tossed it indignantly into the cabin, and calling me to him, said, * John, this fellow has broken this beautiful fowling piece, see if you can mend it :' On examining it I told him that it could be done. As I have already observed, Maquina knew a number of English words, and unfortunately understood but too well the meaning of the reproachful terms that the Cap- tain addressed to him. He said not a word in reply, but his countenance sufficiently expressed the rage he felt, though he exerted himself to sup- press it, and I observed hira while the Captaia was speaking, repeatedly put his hand to his throat, and rub it upon his bosom, which he ^afterwards told me was to keep down his heart, which was rising into his throat and choaking him. He sooa after went on shore with his men, evideatly much discomposed. On the morning of the 22d, the natives came off to us as usual with salmon, and remained on board ; when about noon xMaquina came along side, with a considerable number of his chiefs and tiien in tliejr canoes, who after going through the customary examination, were admitted into the sh?p. He had a whistle in his hand, and over his face a very ugly mask of wood, represeai*rig the head of some wild beast, appeared to be remarkably good humoured and gay, and whilst his people sung 28 and capered about the deck, entertaioiDg us with a variety of antic trick and gestures, he blew his whistle to a kind of tune which seemed to regu- late their motions. As Captain Sailer was walking on the quarter deck, amusing himself with their dancing, the king came up to him, and inquired when he intended to go to sea? He answered to- morrow. Maquina then said, * you love salmon — much in Friendly Cove, why not go then and catch some?' The Captain thought that it would be very desirable to have a good supply of these fish for the voyage, and on consulting with Mr. Delouisa, it was agreed to send part of the crew on shore after dinner with the seine, in order to pro- cure a quantity. Macquina and his chiefs staid and dined on board, and after dinner the chief mate went oflf with nine" men in the jolly-boat and yawl, to fish at Friendly Cove, having set the steward on shore at our watering place, to wash the Cap- tain's clothes. Shortly after the departure of the boats, I went down to my vice bench in the steerage, where I was employed in cleaning muskets. I had not been there more than an hour, when I heard the men hoisting in the long boat, which, in a few minutes after, was succeeded by a great bustle and confusion on deck T immediately ran up the steerage stairs, but scarcely was my head above deck, when I was caught by the hair by 29 #ne of the savages, and lifted from my feet; for- fuaately for me, ray hair being short, and the rib- bon with which it was iied slipping, I fail from his hold into the steerage. As 1 was falling, he struck at me with an axe, which cwt a deep gash in my forehead, and penetrated the skull, but in conse- quence of his losing his hold, 1 luickily escaped the full force of the blow; which, otherwise, would have cleft my head in two. I fell, stunned aod senseless, upon the floor — how long I conti- nued in this situation I know not, but on recover- ing my senses, the first thing that I did, was to try to get up , but so weak was i, from the loss of blood, that I fainted and fell. I was, however, soon recalled to my recollection by three loud sliouts or yells from the savages, which convinced me that they had got posession of the ship. It is impossible for me to describe my feelings at this terrific sound. Some faint idea may be formed of them by those who have known what it is to half waken from a hideous dream and still think it real. Never, no, never shall I lose from ray mind the impression of that dreadful moment. I ex- pected every instant to share the wretched fate of my unforluBate companions*, and when 1 heard the song of triumph, by which these infernal yells was succeeded, my blood ran cold in my veins. Having at length sulSciently recovered my senses to look around me, ait»ir wiping the blood from my D 30 eye»^, I saw that the hatch of the steerage was shut. This was done as I afterwards discovered, by order of Maquina, who on seeing the savage strike at me with the axe, told him not to hurt me, for that I was the armourer, and would be useful to them in repairing their arras : while at the same time to prevent any of his men from injuring me, he had the hatch closed. But to me this circumstance wor« a very different appearance, for I thought that these barbarians had only prolonged my life in order to deprive me of it by the most cruel tortures. I remained in this horrid state of suspense for a Tery long time, when at length the hatch was open- ed, and Maquina, calling me by name, ordered me to come up. I groped my way up as well as I was able being almost blinded with the blood that flowed from my wound, and so 'veak as with difficulty to walk. The king, on perceiving my situation, ordered one of his men to bring a pot of water to wash the blood from my face, which having done, I was able to see distinctly with one of my eyes, but the other was so swpllen from my wound, that it was closed. But what a terific spectacle met ray eyes : six naked savages, stand- ing in a circle around me, covered with the blood of my murdered comrades, with their daggers uplifted in their hands, prepared to strike. I now thought my last moment had come, and recommended my soul to my Maker. 31 The king who. as I have already observed, knew cDough of English to make himself understood, ea tered the circle, and placing himfelf before me, ad- dressed me nearly in the following words — ^* John — I speak — you no say no — You say no- — daggers come V He then asked me if I would be his slave during my life — If I would fight for him in his battles — If I would repair his muskets and make daggers and knives for him — with several otler questions, to ail of which I was careful to answer, yes. He then told me that he would spare my life, and ordered me to kiss his hands alid feet to show my submission to him, which 1 did.-— In the mean time his people were very clamorous to have me put to death, so that there should be none of us left to tell our story to our countrymen, and prevent them from coming to trade w ith them ; but the king, in the most determined manner, opposed their w ishes, and to his favour am I wholly indebted for my being yet among the living. As I was busy at work at the time of the at- tack, I was without my coat, and what with the coldness of the weather, my feebleness from loss of blood, the pain of ray wound an4 the extreme agitation and terror that I still felt, I shooklike a leaf, which the king observing, went into the ca- bin, and .bringing up a great coat that belonged to the captain, threw it over my shoulders, telling me to drink some rum from a bottle v^hich he D 3 82 handed me, at the same time giving me to under- stand that it would be good for me, and keep me from trembling as I did. I took a draught of it, Rl'ter which, taking me by the hand, he led me to the quarter deck, where the most horrid sight presented itself that ever my eyes witnesed — the heads of our unfortunate captain and his crew, to the number of twenty-five, were all arranged in a line, and Maquina ordering one of his people to bring a head, asked me whose it was : I an- swered, the captain's; in like manner the others -were shewed me, and I told him the names, ex- cepting a few that were so horribly mangled that I was not able to recognize them. I now discovered that all our unfortunate crew had been massacred, and learned, that after getting possession of the ship, the savages had broke open the arm chest and magazine, and supplying them- selves with ammunition and arms, sent a party on shore to attack our men, who had gone thither to fish, and being joined by numbers from the village, without difficulty overpowered and murdered them, find cutting off their heads, brought them on board, after throwing their bodies into the sea : On look- ing upon the deck, I saw it entirely covered with the blood of my poor comrades, whose throats had been cut with their own jack-knives, the sa- vages having seized the opportunity while they \rere busy in hoisting in the boat, to grapple with 3^ them, and overpower them by their numbers ; in the scuflSe the captain was thrown overboard, and dispatched by those in the canoes, who imme- diately cut off his head : What I felt on this occasion, may be more readily conceived than expressed. After I had answered his questions, Maquina took my silk handkerchief from my neck, and bound it around ray head, placing over the wound a leaf of tobacco, of which we had a quantity on board. This was done at my desire, as I had often found, from personal experience, the benefit of this application to cuts. Maquina then ordered me to get the ship under weigh for Friendly Cove. This I did by cutting the cables, and^ sending some of the natives aloft 1o loose the sails, which they performed in a very bungling manner. But they succeeded so far la loosing the jib and top-sails, that, with the advan- tage of fair wind, I succeeded in getting the ship into the Cove, where, by'order of the king, I ran her ashore on a sandy beach, at eight o'^clock at night. We were received by the inhabitants of the village, men, women, and children, with loud shouts of joy, and a most horrible drumming with sticks upon thej roofs and sides of their houses, D 3 34 in which they had also stuck a great number of lighted pine torches, to welcome their king's re- turn, and congratulate him on the success of his enterprize. Maquina then took me on shore to his house, which was very large, and filled with people — where I was received with much kindness by the women, particularly those belonging to the king, who had no less than nine wives, all of whom came around me, expressing much sympathy for my misfortune, gently stroking and patting ifiy bead in an encouraging and soothing manner, with words expressive of condolence. How sweet is compassion even from savages I Those who have been in a similar situation, can alone truly appreciate its value. In the mean time, all the warriors of the tribe, to the number of five hundred, had assembled at the king's house, to rejoice for their success. They exulted greatly in having taken our ship, and each one boasted of his own particular exploits in killing our men, but they were in general much dissa- tisfied with my having been suffered to live, and were very urgent with Maquina to deliver me to them, to be put to death, which he obstinately refused to do, telling them that he had promised me my life, and woald not break his word ; and 35 that besides, I knew how to repair and to make arms, and siiould be of great use to them. The king then seated me by him, and ordered his women to bring him something to eat, wheo they set before him some dried clams and train oil, of which he ate very heartily, and encouraged me to follow his example, telling me to eat much, and take a great deal of oil, which would make me strong and fat ; notwithstanding his praise of this new kind of food, I felt no disposition to indulge in it, both the smell and taste being loathsome to me; and had it been otherwise, such was the pain I endured, the agitation of my mind, and the gloomines of my reflections, that I should have felt very little inclination for eating. Not satisfied ^^ith his first refusal to deliver me up to them, the people again became clamorous that Maquina should consent to my being killed, saying that not one of us ought to be left alive to give information to others of our countrymen, and prevent them from coming to trade, or induce them to revenge the destruction of our ship, and they at length became so boisterous, that he caught up a large club in a passion, and drove them all out of the house. During this scene, a son of the king, about eleven years old, attracted no doubt by the singularity of my appearance, came up to me ; I caressed himj he returned my attentions with ''1 36 much apparent pleasure, and considering this as a fortunate opportunity to gain the good will of the father, I took the child on my knee, and cutting the metal buttons from off the coat I had on, I tied them around his neck. At this he was highly delighted, and became so much attached to me^ that he would not quit me. The king appeared much pleased with my atten- tion to his son, and telling me that it was time to go to sleep directed me to lie with his son next to him, as he was afraid lest some of his people would come while he was asleep and kill me with their daggers. I lay down as he ordered me, but neither the state of my mind nor the pain I felt would allow roe to sleep. About midnight I was greatly alarmed by the approach of one of the natives, who came to give information to the king that there was one of the white men alive, who had knocked him down as he went on board the ship at night. This Ma- quina communicated to me, giving me to under- gtand thai as soon as the sun rose he should kill him. I endeavoured to persuade him' to spare his life, but he bade me be silent and go to sleep. I said nothing more but lay revolving in ray mind what method I could devise to save the life of this man. What a consolation thought I, what a happiness would it prove to me in my forlorn state among S7 these heathens, to have a Christian and one of my own countrymen for a companion, and how greatly would it alleviate and lighten the burden of my slavery. As I was thinking of some plan for his preserva- tion, it all at once came into my mind that this man was probably th« sail maker of the ship, named Thompson, as I had not seen his head among those on deck and knew that he was below at work upon sails not long before the attack. The more t- thought of it the more probable it appeared to me, and as Thompson was a man nearly forty years of age, and had an old look, I conceived it would be easy to make him pass for my father, and by this means prevail on Maquiua to spare his life. To- wards morning I fell into a doze, but was awakened with the first beams of the sun by the king, who told me he was going to kill the man who was ob board the ship, and ordered me to accompany him. I rose and followed him, leading with me the young prince, his bod. On coming to the beach I found all the men of the tribe assembled. The king addressed them, saying that one of the white men had been found alive on board the ship, and requested their opinion as to saving his life or putting him to death. They were unanimously for the latter : This deter- ninatiou he made known to me. Having arranged ''W^^: 38 My plan, » I asked him, pointing to the boy, whons I still held by the hand, if he loved his son, he answered that he did ; I then asked the child if he loved his father, and on his replying in the affirmative, I said, and " I also love mine. I then threw myself on my knees at Maquina's feet, and implored him, with tears in my eyes, to spare my father's life, if the man on board should prove to be him, telling him that if he killed my father, it was my wish that he should kill me too, and that if he did not, I would kill myself, — and that he would thus lose my services^ whereas, by sparing my father's life, he would preserve mine, which would be of great advantage to him, by my repairing and making arms for him. Maquina, appeared moved by my entreaties, and promised not to put the man to death if he should be my father. He then explained to his peopl* what I had said, and ordered me to go on board, and tell the man to come on shore. To my un- speakable joy, on going into the hold, I found that my conjecture was true. Thomson was there, he had escaped without any injury, excepting a slight wound in the nose, given him by one of the savages with a knife, as he attempted to come on deck, during the scu£Be. Finding the savages in possession of the ship, as he afterwards informed me, he secreted himself in the hold, hoping for some chance to make his escape — but that the In- 39 ^ian who came on board iu tiie night, approaching the place where he was, he supposed himself dis- covered, and being determined to sell his life a« Nearly as possible, as soon as he came within h^s reach, he knocked him down, but the Indian imme- diately springing up ran off at full speed. I informed him, in a few words, that all our men had been killed ; that the king had preserved my life, and had consented to spare his on the sup- position that he was my father, an opinion which he must be careful not to undeceive them in, as it was his only safety. After giving him his cue, I went on shore with him, and presented him to Maquina, who immediately knew him to be the sailmaker, and was much pleased, observing that he could make sails for his canoe. He then took us to his house, and ordered something for us t© eat. On the 24th and 25th, the natives were busily employed'iR taking the cargo out of the ship, strip- ping her of her sails and rigging, cutting away the spars and masts, and in short, rendering her as com- plete a wreck as possible, them uskets, ammunition, cloth, and all tlie priacipal articles taken from her, being deposited in the king's house. While they were thus occupied, each one taking what he liked, my companion and myself being 40 obliged to aid them, I thought it best to secure the accounts and papers of the ship, in hopes that on some future day, I might have it in my power to restore them to the owners. With this view I took possession of the captain's writing desk, which contained the most of them, together with some paper and implements for writing. I had also the good fortune to find a blank account book, in which I resolved, should it be permitted me, to write an account of our capture, and the most remarkable occurrences that I should meet with during my stay among tliese people, fondly indulging the hope that it would not be long before some vessel would arrive to release us. 1 likewise found in the cabin, a small volume of sermons, a bible, and a common- prayer book of the Church of England, which fur- nished me and my comrade great consolation in ttie midst of our mournful servitude, and enabled me, under the favour of Divine Providence, to sup- port, with firmness, the miseries of a life which 1 might otherwise have found beyond my strength to endure. As these people set no value upon things of this kind, I found no difficulty in appropriating them to myself, by putting them in my chest, which though it had been broken open and rifled by the savages, as 1 still had the key, I without much ditficulty secured. In this I also put some ^mall tools be- longing to the bhip, with several other articles, 41 particularly a journal kept by the second mate, Mr. lugiaham, and a collection of drawings and views of places taken by him, which 1 had the good for- tune to preserve, and on my arrival at Boston, I gave them to a connection of his, the honourable Judge Dawes, who sent them to his family fn New- York. On the 26th, two ships were seen standing in for Friendly Cove. At their first appearance the in- habitants were thrown into great confusion, but soon collecting a number of muskets and blunder- busses, ran to the shore, from whence they kept up so brisk a fire at theia, that they were evidently afraid to approach nearer, and after firing a Te^ rounds of grape shot which did no harm to any one, they wore ship and stood out to sea. These ships, as I afterwards learned, were the Mary and Juno of Boston. They were scarcely out of sight when Maquina expressed much regret that he had permitted his people to fire at them, being apprehensive that they v^ould give information to others in what manner they htid been received, and prevent them from coming to trade with him. A few days after hearing of the capture of the sMp, there arrived at Nootka a great number of canoes filled with savages from no less than twenty E 42 tribes to the North and South. Among those from the North were the Ai-tiz-zarts, Schoo.mad-it3, Neu-wit-ties, Savin-nars, Ah-owz-arts, Mo-watch- its, Suth-setts, Neu-chad-lits, Mich-la-its and Cay- u-quets; the most of whom were considered as tri- butary to Nootka. From tlie South, the Aytch-arts and Esqui-ates also tributary, with the Kla-oo- quates, and the Wickanuish, a large and powerful tribe about two hundred miles dwtant. These last were better clad than most of the others, and their canoes wrought with much greater skill; they are furnished with sails as well as-paddles, and with the advantage of a fair breeze^ are usually bat twenty, four hours od their passage. Maquina, who was very proud of his Dew ac- quisition, was desirous of welcoming these visitors in the European manner. He accordingly ordered his men, as the canoes approached, to assemble on the beach with loaded muskets and blunderbusses, placing Thompson at the cannon which had been brought from the ship and laid upon two long sticks of timber in front of the village, then taking a speaking trumpet in his hand, he ascended with me, the roof of his house, and began dramming or beating upon the boards with a stick most vio- lently. Nothing could be more ludicrous than the ap- pearance of this motly groupe of savages collected 43 on the shore,, dressed as they were, with their ilU gotten finery, in the most fantastic noanner, some in women's smocks, taken from our cargo, others in Kotsacks^ (or cloaks) of blue, red or yellow broad- cloth, with stockings drawn over their heads, ani! their necks hung round with numbers of powder- horns, shot-bags, and cartouch-boxes, some of them having no less thaa ten muskets a f iece on their shoulders, and five or six dagger* in their girdles. Diverting indeed was it to see them all squatted upon the beach, holding their muskets perpendicu- larly, with the butt pressed upon the sand, instead of against their shoulders, and in this position awaiting the order to fire. Mctqtjkia, at last, cal- led te them with his trumpet. to fire, which they did ia the most awkward and timid manner, with their muskets hard pressed upon the ground aa above- mentioned. At the same moment the cannon was fired by Thompson, immediately on which ihey threw ihemselves back and began to roll and tumble over the sand as if they had been shot, when sud- denly springing up, they began a song of triumph and running backward and for\vard upon the shore, with the wildest gesticulations, boasted of their exploit*, and exhibited as trophies, what they had taken from us. Notwithstanding the unpleasant- ness of my situation, and the feelings that this display ol our spoils excited, I could not avoid laughing at the strange appearance of these la- 44 rages, their awkward movements, and the sin gular cootrast of their dregs and arms. When the ceremony was concluded, Maqufba invited the strangers to a feast at his house, cod- sisting of whale blubber, smoked herring spawn, and dried fish and train oil, of which they eat most plentifully. The feast being over, the trays, out of which they eat, and other things were imme- diately removed to make room for the dance, which was to close the entertainment. This was per- formed by Maquina's son, the young prince Sat- sat-sok-sis, whom I have already spoken of, ia the following manner :— Three of the principal chiefs, drest in their otter-skin mantlei, which they wear only on extraordinary occasions and at festivals, having their heads covered over with white down, and their faces highly painted, came forward into the middle of the room, each furnished with a bag filled with white down, which they scattered around in such a manner as to represent a fall of snow. These were followed by the young prince, who was dressed in a long piece of yellow cloth, wrapped loosely around him, and decorated with small bells, with a cap on his hiead, to whjch was fastened a curious mask in imitation of a wolf's head, while the rear was brought up by the king himself, in his robe of sea-otter skin, with « small whistle in his mouth and a rattle in his band, with which he kept time to a sort of tune 45 on his whistle. After passing very rapidJy in this order around the house, each of them seateiJ him- self, except the prince, who immediately began his dance, which principally consisted in springing up into the air in a squat posture, and constantly turning around on his heels with great swiftness, in a very narrow circle. This dance, with, a few intervals of rest, was continued for about two hours, during which the chiefs kept up a constant drumming with sticks of about a foot in length on a long hollow plank, Tvhich was, though a very noisy, a most doleful kind of music. This they accompanied with songs, the king himself acting as chorister, while the women applauded eRch feat of activity in the dancer, by repeating the words, IVocash! JVocash Ti/ee ! that is good ! very good prince. As soon as the dance was finished, Maquina be- gan to give presents to the strangers, in the name of his son Sat-sat-sok-ais. These were pieces of European cloth, generally of a fathom in length, muskets, powder, shot, 6cc. Whenever he gave them any thing, they had a peculiar manner of snatching it from him with a very stern and surly look, repeating ^ each time the words, fVocash Tyee. This I understood to be their custom, and was considered as a compliment, w hich if onnitted, would be supposed as a mark of disregard for the E 3 46 present. On ihis occasion, Maquina gave away no less than one hundred muskets, the same num- ber of looking-glasses, four hundred yards of cloth, and twenty casks of powder, beside other things. After receiving these presents, the strangers re- tired on board their canoes, for so numerous were they, that Maquina would not suffer any but the chiefs to sleep in the houses ; and in order to pre- vent the property from being pillaged by them, he ordered Thompson «nd myself to keep guard, dur- ing the night, armed with cutlasses and pistols. Tn this manner tribes of savages from various parts of the coast, continued coming for several days, bringing with them, blubber, oil, herring- spawn, dried fish and clams, for which they re- ceived, in return, presents of cloth, &c, after which they in general immediately returned home. I observed that very few*, if any of them, except the chiefs, had arms, which I afterwards learned is the custom with these people, whenever they come upon a friendlp'^isit or to trade, in order to shew, on theijM^^oacb, that their intentions are pacific. '*^^:-. Early on the morning of the 19th, the ship was discovered to be on fire. This was owing to one of the savages having gone on board with a fire- brand at night ^ the purpose of plunder, som^ 47 sparks from which fell into the hold, and comiuiz- cicating with some combustibles, soon enveloped the whole in flames. The natives regretted the loss of the ship the more, as a great part of her cargo still remained on board. To my compa- nioQ and myself, it was a most melancholy sight, for with her disappeared from our eyes every trace of a civilized country •, but the disappointment we experienced, was still more severely felt, for we had calculated on having the provision to oar- selves, which would have furnished us with a stock for years, as whatever is cured with salt, together with most ©f our other articles of food, are never eaten by these people* I had luckily saved all my tools, excepting the anvil and the bellows, which was attached to the forge, and from their weight had not been brought on shore. We had also the good fortune, in looking over what had been taken from the ship, to discover a box of chocolate, and a case of port wine, which as tlio Indiana were not fond of it, proved a great com- fort to OS for some time, and from one of the natives I obtained a nautical almanack, which had belonged io the Captaiay.and vvhich was of great use to me in determining the time. About two days after, on exanilning their booty^ the savages found a tierce of rum,, with which they were highly delighted, as they have become very fond of spirituous liquors since their iatefcotirst' 48 with the whites. This was towards evening, and Maquina having assembled ail the men at his house, gave a feast, at which they drank sO freely of the rum, that in a short time, they became so extremely wild and frantic, that Thompson and myself, apprehensive for our safety, thought it prudent to retire frivately into the woods, where we continued till past midnight. On our return we found the women gone, who are always very temperate, drinking nothing but water, having quitted the house and gone to the other huts to sleep, so terrified ^vere they at the conduct of the men, who lay all stretched out on the floor, in a state of complete intoxication. How easy in this situation would it have been for us to have dispatched or made ourselves masters of our enemies, had there been any ship near to which we eould have escaped, but as we were situated, the attempt would have been madness. The wish of revenge was, however^ less strongly impressed on my mind, than what appeared to be 86 evident an interposition of divine Providence in our favour. How little can man penetrate its designs, and how frequently is that intended as a blessing, which he views as a curse. Ti}e burning of our ship, which we had lamented so much, as depriving us of so many comfoits, now appeared to us in a very different light, for had the savages got pos- session of the rum, of which there were nearly 4D twenty puachtous 6a board, we must inevitably have fallen a sacrifice lo their fury in some of their moments of intoxicatiou. This cask fortu- nately, and a case of gi-i, was all the spirits they obtained from the ship. To prevent the recurrence of similar danger, I examined the cask, and finding still ^a considerable quantity remaining, I bored ft small hole to the bottom with a gimblet, which before morning to my great joy completely emp* tied it. By this time the wound in my head began to be much bettor, so ilmt I could enjoy some sleep which I had been almost deprived of by the pain, and though I was still feeble from the loss of blood and my safferings, I found myself sufficiently well to go to work at my trade, in making for the king and his wives bracelets and other small ornaments of copper or steel, and in repairing the arras, mak- ing use of a large square stone for the aavil, and heating my metal in a common wood fire. This was very gratifying io Maquina, and his women particularly, and secured me their good wiiL In the mean ti'rae great numbers from the other tribes kept continually flockipg. io Noolka, bring- ing with them in exchange for the ship's plunder such quantities of provision, that notwithstanding the little success that Maquina met with in whaling this season, apd their gluttonous waste, always 50 eating violent a blow in his face with his fist as to knock him down. The sensation excited among the sava- ges by an act, which was considered as the highest indignity, and a profanation of the sacred person of majesty, may be easily conceived. The king was immediately acquainted with it, who, on coming in and seeing his son's face covered with blood, seized a musket and began to load it, determined to take instant revenge on the audacious offender, and had I arrived a few moments later than 1 did, my companion would certainly have paid with his life for his ra^h and violent conduct. I found the utmost difficulty in pacifying Maquina, who F 2 66 for a long time after could not forgive ThompsoG^ but would repeatedly say, " John, i/ou die — Thompson kill,*' But to appease the king was not all that wa8 necessary. In consequence of the insult offered to their prince, the whole tribe held a council, in which it was unanimously resolved that Thompson should be put to death in the most cruel manner. I however interceded so strenuously with Maquina, for his life, telling him that if my father was killed, I was determined not to survive him, that he refused to deliver him up to the vengeance of his people, saying, that for John's sake they must consent to let him live. The prince, who, after 1 had gu€-- ceeded in calming his father, gave me an account of what had happened, told me that it was wholly out of regard to me, as Thompson was my father, that his life had been spared, for that if any one of the tribe should dare to lift a hand against him in anger, he would most certainly be put to death. Yet even this narrow escape produced not much effect on Thompson, or induced him to restrain the violence of iiis temper. For not many weeks after, he was guilty of a similar indiscretion, in striking the eldest son of a chief, who was about eighteen years old, and according to their custom was consi- dered as a Tyee, or chief himself, in consequence of his having provoked him by calling him a white 67 slave. This afiFair caused great commotion in tho village, and the tribe was very clamorous for hij» death, but Maquina would not consent. I used frequently to remonstrate with him on the imprii dence of his conduct and beg him to govern his temper better, telling him that it was our duty since our lives were in the power of ihese savages, to d(t nothing to exasperate them. But all I could say oti this point availed littfe, for so bitter was the hatft he felt for them, which he was no way backward in manifesting both by his looks and actions, that he declared he never would submit to their insults, and that he had much rather be killed than be obli- ged to live among them, adding that he only wished he had a good vessel and some guns, and he would destroy the whole of the cursed race ; for to a brave sailor like him, who Lad fought ihe French and Spaniards with glory, it was a punishment worse than death to be a slave to such a poor, ignorant, despicable set of beings. As for myself I thought very differently. After returning thanks to that merciful Being who had in 80 wonderful a manner softened the hearts of the savages in my favour, I had determined from the first of my capture to adopt a^ conciliating conduct towards them, and conform myself, as far as was in my power, to their customs aud mode of think- ing, trusting that the same divine goodness that Jbad rescued me from death, would not alwav^ F 3 6& sufifer me to languish in captivity among these heathens. With this view, I sought to gain their good-will by always endeavouring to assume a cheerful countenance, appearing pleased with their sports and buffoon tricks, making little ornament» for the wives and children of their chiefs, by which means I became quite a favourite with them, and' fish-hooks, daggers, &c. for themselves. As a farther recommendation to their favour, and what might eventually prove of the utmost importance to us, I resolved to learn their lan- guage, which in the course of a few months resi* dence I so far succeeded in acquiring, as to be able in general to make myself well understood. I likewise tried to persuade Thompson to learn it, as what might prove necessary to him. But he refused, saying, . that he hated both them and their cursed lingo, and would have nothing to do with it. By pursuing this conciliatory plan, so far did I gain the good-will of these savages, particularly the chiefs, that I scarcely ever failed experiencing kind treatment from them, and was received with a smile of welcome at their houses, where I was always sure of having something given me to eat, whenever they had it, and many a good meal have J had from them, when they themselves were short of provisions and suffering for the want of them. 59 And it was a common practice with me, when we had nothing to eat at home, which happened not unfrequently during my stay among them, to go around the village, and on noticing a smoke from any of the houses, which denoted that they were caoking, enter in without ceremony, and ask them for something, which I was never refused. Few nations, indeed, are there so very rude and unfeel- ing, whom constant mild treatment and an atten- tion to please, will not mollify and obtain from some return of kind attention. This, the treatment I received from these people, may exemplify, for not numerous, even among those calling them* selves civilized, are there instances to be found of persons depriving themselves of food to give it to a stranger, whatever may be his merits. It may perhaps be as well in this place to give a description of Nootka; some accounts of the, tribes who were accustomed to visit us; and the manners and customs of the people, as far as I hitherto had an opportunity of observing them. The village of Nootka, is situated in between 49 and 50 deg. N. lat. at the bottom of Friendly Cove, on the West or North-west side. It con- sists of about twenty houses or huts, on a small hill, which rises with a gentle ascent from the shore. Friendly Cove, which affords good and secure anchorage for ships close in with the shore? 60 i« a small harbour of not more thaa a quarter or half a mile in length, and about half a mile or three quarters broad, formed by the line of coast on the liast, and a long point or head land, which extends as much as three leagues into the sound, in nearly a. Westerly direction. This, as well as I can judge from what I have seen of it, is in general from one to two miles in breadth, and mostly a rocky and unproductive soil, with but few trees. The Eastern and Western shores of this harbour, are steep and in many parts rocky, the trees growing quite to the water''s edge, but the bottom to the North and North-west is a fine sandy beach of half a mile or more in extent. From the village to the North and North-east extends a plain, the soil of which is very excellent, and with proper cultivation may be made to pro- duce almost any of our European vegetables ; this is but little more than half a mile in breadth, and is terminated by the sea-coast, which in this place is lined with rocks and reefs, and cannot be ap" proached by ships. The coast in the neighbour- hood of Nootka is in general low, and but little broken into hills and vallies. The soil is good, well covered with fine forests of pine, spruce, beach and other trees, and abounds with streams of the finest water, the general appearance being the same for many miles aroaRd. 61 The village is situated on the ground occupied by the Spaniards, when they kept a garrison here ; the foundations of the church and the governor''s house are yet visible, and a few European plants are still to be found, which continue to be self- propagated, such as onions, peas, and turnips, but the two last are quite small, particularly the tur- nips, which afforded us nothing but the tops for eat- ing. Their former village stood on the same spot, but the Spaniards finding it a commodious situation, demolished the houses and forced the inhabitants to retire five or six miles into the country. With great sorrow, as Maquina told me, did they find themselve-j compelled to quit their ancient place of residence, htkC with eqrar jay did iiiey repossess themselves of it when the Spanish garrison was ex- pelled by the English, The houses as I have observed are above twenty in number, built nearly in a line. These are of different sizes according to the rank or quality of the Ti/ee, or chief, who lives in them, each hav- ing one, of which he is considered as the lord. They vary not much in width being usually from thirty-six to forty feet wide but are of very different lengths, that of the king which is much the longest beiug about one hundred and fifty feet, while the smallest which contain only two families do not ex- ceed forty feet in length, the house of the king is. also distinguished from the others by being higher. 62 Their method of building, is as follows : they erect Id the ground two very large posts at such a distance apart as is intended for the length of the house. On these, which are of equal height, and holiowed out at the upper end, they lay a large spar for the ridgepole of tlie building, orif the length of the house requires it, two or more, supporting their ends by similar upright posts ; these spars are some- times of an almost incredible size, having myself measured one in Maquina's house which I found to be one hundred feet long and eight feet four inches in circumfereace. M equal distances from these two posts, two others are placed on each side, to form the width of the building; these "^re rather siiC'tSKMS'i/ the ui^^-as^- &a ik in like manner spars, but of a smaller size, having the upper part hewed flat, with a narrow ridge on the outer side to support the ends of the planks. The roof is formed of pine planks with a broad feather edge, so as to lap well over each other, which are laid lengthwise from the ridge-pole in the centre, to the beams at the sides, after which the top is covered with planks of eight feet broad, which form a kind of coving projecting so far over the ends of the planks, that form the roof, as com- pletely to exclude the rain. On these they lay large stoned to prevent their being displaced by the wind. The ends of the planks are not secured to the beams on which they are laid by any fastenings 63 «o that in a high storm I have often known all the men obliged to turn out and go upon the roof to pre- vent them from being blown ofT, carrying large stoues and pieces of rock with them to secure the boards, always stripping themselves naked on these occasions whatever may be the severity of the weather, to prevent their garments from being wet and muddied, as these storms are almost always accompanied with heavy rains. The sides of their houses are much more open and exposed to the wea- ther, this proceeds from their not being so easily made close as the roof, being built with planks of about ten feet long and four or five wide, which they place between stancheons or small posts of the height of the roof, of these there are four to each range of boards, two at each end and so near each other as io leave space enough for admitting a plank. The planks or boards which they make use of for building their houses, and for other uses, they procure of different lengths as occasion re- quires, by splitting them out, with hard wooden wedges from pine logs^ and afterwards dubbing ttiera down with their chisels, with much patience, to the inickness wanted, rendering them quite smooth. There is but one entrance ; this is placed usually at the end, though sometimes in the middle as uas that of Maquiua's. Through the middle of the building from one end to tlie other, runs a passage 6i of about eight or nine feet broad, on each side of which, the several families that occupy it, live, each having its particular fire place, but withoutany kind of wall or separation to mark their respective limits; the chief having his apartment at the upper end, and the next in rank opposite on the other side. They have no other floor than the ground ; the fire place or hearth consists of a number of stones loosely put together, but they are wholly without a chimney, nor is there any opening left in the roof, but whenever a fire is made, the plank immediately over it is thrust aside, by means of a pole, to give vent to the smoke. The height of the houses in general, from the ground to the cen- ter of the roof does not exceed ten feet, that of Maquina's was not far from fourteen ; the spar forming the ridge pole of the latter was painted in red and black circles alternately, by way of orna- ment, and the large posts that supported it had their tops curiously wrought or carved, so as to re- present human heads of a monstrous size, which were painted in their manner. These were not, however, considered as objects of adoration, but merely as ornaments. The furniture of these people is very simple, and consists only of boxes, in which they put their clothes, furs, and such things as they hold most valuable; tubs for keeping their provisions of spawn and blubber in; trays from which they eat; baskets for their dried fish and other parposes, and bags made of bark matting, of which they also make their beds, spreading a piece of it upon the ground when they lie down, and using no other bed covering than their garments. The boxes are of pine, with a top that shuts over, and instead of nails or pegs, are fastened with flexible twigs; they are extremely smooth and high polished, and sometimes ornamented with rows of very small white shells. The tubs are of a square form, se- cured in the like manner, and of various sizes, some being extremely large, having seen them that were six feet long by four broad and five deep. The trays are hollowed out with their chisels from a solid block of wood, and the baskets and mats are made from the bark of trees. From bark they likewise make the cloth for their garments, iu the following manner : — A quantity of this bark is taken and put into fresh water, where it is kept for a fortnight, to give it time to completely soften ; it is then taken out and beatea upon a plank, with an instrument made of bone, or some very hard wood, having grooves or hol- lows on one side of it, care being taken to keep the mass constantly moistened with water, in order to separate, with more ease, the hard and woody from the soft and fibrous parts, which^ when completed, they parcel out into skeins, like tiiread. These they lay in the air to bleach, and G 66 afterwards dye them black or red, as suits their fancies, their natural colour being a pale yellow. In order to form the cloth, the womep by whom the whole of this process is performed, take a cer- tain number of these skeins, and twist them to- gether, by rolling them with their hands upon their knees into hard rolls, which are afterwards con- nected by means of a strong thread, made for the purpose. Their dress usually consists, of but a single gar- ment, which u a loose cloak or mantle (called Kuisack^ in one piece, reaching nearly to the feet. This is tied loosely over the right or left shoulder, go as to leave the arms at full liberty. Those of the common people are painted red with ochre, the better to ke6p out the rain, but the €hiefs wear them of their native colour, which is a pale yellow, ornamenting them with borders of the sea otter skin, a kind of grey cloth made of the hair of some animal which they procure from the tribes to the South, or their own cloth wrought or painted with various figures in red or black, repre- senting men's heads, the sun and moon, fish and animals, which are frequently executed with much skill. They have also a girdle of the same kind, for securing tfiis mantle, or Kutsack, around them, which is in general still more highly ornamented, and serves them to wear their daggers and knives 67 .ia. Iq winter, however, they sometimes make use of aa additional garment, which is a lund of hood, with a hole in it for the purpose of admitting the head, ^d falls over the breast and batk, as low as the shoulders; this is bordered both at top and bottom with fur, and is never worp, except when they go out. The garments of the women vary not essentially from those of the men, the mantle having holes in it for the purpose of admitting the arms, and being tied close under the chin, instead of over the shoulder. The chiefs have also mantles of the gea otter skin, but these are only put on upon extraordinary occasions; and one that is made from the skin of a certain large animal, which is brought from the South 'by the Wickanninish and Kla-iz- zarts. This they prepare by dressing it in warm water, scraping oif the hair and what flesh adheres to it carefully with sharp muscle shells, and spread- ing it out in the sun to dry, on a wooden frame, 80 as to preserve the shape. When dressed in this manner, it becomes perfectly white, and as pliable as the best deer's leather, but almost as thick again. They then paint it in different figures, with such paints as they usually employ in decorating their persons: these> figures mostly represent human heads, canoes employed in catching whales, &c. This skin is called Metamelth, and is probably G 2 68 got from an animal of the mouse kind, it is highfy prized by these people, is their great war dress, and only worn when they wish to make the best possible display of themselves. Strips or bands of it, paint- ed as above, are also sometimes used by them for girdles or the bordering of their cloaks, and also for bracelets and ancle ornaments by some of the infe- rior class. On their heads when they go out upon any ex- cursion particularly whaling or fishing, they wear a kind of cap or bonnet in form not unlike a large sugar loaf with the top cut off. This is made of the same materials with their cloth, but is in general of a closer texture and by way of tassel has a long strip of the skin of the Metamelth attached to it, covered with rows of small white shells or beads. Those worn by the common people are painted entirely red, the chiefs having theirs of differant colours. The one worn by the kiug and which serves to designate him from all the others, is longer and broader at the bottom ; the top, instead of being fiat, having upon it an ornament in the figure of a small urn. It is also of a much finer texture than the others, and plaited or wrought in black and white stripes with the representation in front of a canoe in pursuit of a whale, with the harpooner standing in the prow pre- pared to strike. This bonnet is called Seeya-poks, Their mode of living is very simple — their food 09 consisting almost wholly of fish, or fish 8pawn fresh or dried, the blubber of the whale, seal, or sea- cow, mascles, clams, and berries of various kinds', all of which are eaten with a profusion of train oil for sauce^ not excepting even the most delicate fruit as strawberries and raspberries. With so little va- riety in their food, no great secret can be expected io their cookery. Of this, indeed, they may be said to know but two methods viz. by boiling and steaming, and even the latter is not very frequent- ly practised by them. Their mode of boiling is as follows : Into one of their tubs, they pour water sufficient to cook the quantity of provision wanted. A number of heated stones are then put in to make it boil, when the salmon or other fish are put in with- ont Rny other preparation than sometimes cutting off the heads, tails and fins, the boiling in the mean time been kept up by the application of the hot stones, after which it is left to cook until the whole is nearly reduced to one mass. It is then taken out and distributed in the trays. In a similar manner they cook their blubber and spawn, smoked or dried fish, and in fine, almost every thing they eat, no- thing going down with them like broth. When they cook their fish by steam, which are usually the heads, tails, and fins of the salmon, cod and tjalibut, a large fire is kindled, upon which they place a bed of stones, which, when the wood G 3 70 is burnt down, becomes perfectly heated. Layers of green leaves or pine boughs, are then placed upon the stones, and the iish, clams, &c. being laid upon them, water is poured over them, and the whole closely covered with mflt?, to keep hi the steam. This is much the best mode of cooking, and clams and muscles done in this manner, are really excellent. These, as I have said, may be considered as their only kinds of cookery ; though I have, in a very few instances, known them dress the roe or spawn of the salmon and the herring, when first taken, in a dififerent manner; this was by roasting them, the former being supported be- tween two split pieces of pine, and the other having a sharp stick run through it, with one end fixed in the ground ; sprats are also roasted by them in this way, a number being spitted upon one stick; and this kind of food, with a little salt, would be found no contemptible eating even to an European. At their meals they seat themselves upon the ground, with their feet curled up under them, around their trays, which are generally about three feet long by one broad, and from six to eight inches deep. In eating they make use of nothing but their fingers, except for the soup or oil, which they lade out with clam shells. Around one of these trays, from four to six persons will seat themselves, constantly dipping in their fingers or clam shells^ Tl one after the other. The king and chiefs alone have separate trays, from which no one is permitted to eat with them, except the qieen, or principal wife of the chief, and whenever tie king or one of the chiefs wishes to distinguish any of his people with a special mark of fav'oar on these occasions, he calls him and gives him some of the choice bits from his tray. The slaves eat at the same time, and of the same provisions, fareing in this respect as well as their master?, being seated with the fa- mily, and only feeding from separate trays. Whenever a feast is given by the king or any of the chiefs, there is^a persoii who acts as a master of ceremonies, and whose business it is to receive the guests as they enter the house, and point out to them their respective seats, which is regulated with great punctiliousness as regards rank; the king occupying the highest or the seat of honour, his son or brother sitting next him, and so on with the chiefs according to their quality ; the private persons belonging to the same family being always placed together, to prevent any confusion. The women are seldom invited to their feasts, and only at those times when a general invitation is given to the village. As whenever they cook, they always calculate to have an abundance for all the guests, a profu- gioo ia this respect being considered as the highest 72 luxury, much more is usually set before them than they caa eat. That which is left in the king's tray, he sends to his house for his family, by one of his slaves, as do the chiefs theirs, while those who eat from the same tiay, and who generally belong to the same fainily. take it iiome as commoa stock, or each one receives his portion, which is distributed on the spot. This custom appeared very singulaii to my companion and myself, and it was a most awkwaul thing for us at first, to have to lug home with us, in our hands or arms, the blnbber or fish that we received at these times, but we soon became reconciled to it, and were very glad of an opportunity to do it. In point of personal appearance the people of Nootka are among the best looking of any of the tribe^ that I have seen. The men are in general from about five feet six to five feet eight inches in height; remarkably strait, of a good form, robust, and strong, with their limbs in general well turned and proportioned excepting the legs and feet, which are clumsy and ill formed, owing no doubt to their practice of sitting on iliem, though I have seen in- stances in which they Uere very well shaped, this defect is more particularly apparent in the women, who are for the most part of the time within doors, and constantly sitting while employed in their cook- ing and other occupations. The only instance of deformity that I saw amongst them was a man of 73 dvvarfish stature ; he was thirty years old and but three feet three inches high, he had however no other defect than his diminutive size being well made, and as strong and able to bear fatigue as what they were in general. Their complexion, when freed from the paint and oil with which their skins are generally co- vered, is a bi'own, somewhat inclining to a copper cast. The shape of the face is oval; the features are tolerably regular, the lips being thin and the teeth very white and even; their eyes are black, but rather small, and the nose pretty well formed, being neither flat nor very prominjMit ; their hair is black* long and coarse, but they have no beard, completely extirpating it, as well as the hair from their bodies, Maquioa being the only exception, who 8u3"ered his beard to grow on his upper lip, in the manner of raustachioa, which was considered as a mark of dignity. As to the women, they are much whiter, many of them not being darker than those in some of the Southern parts of Europe. They are in general very well looking, and some quite handsome, Maquina's favourite wife in particular, who was a Wickinninish princess, would be considered as a beautiful woman in any country. She was un- commonly well formed, tall, and of a majestic H I appearance ; her skin remarkably fair for one of these people, with considerable colour, her features handsome, and her eyes black, soft, and lan- guishing; her hair was very long, thick, and black, as is that of the females in general, which is much softer than that of the men ; io this they take much pride, frequently oiling and plaiting it carefully into two broad plaits, tying the ends with a atrip of the cloth of the country, and letting it hang down before on each side of the face. The women keep their garments much neater and cleaner than the men, and are extremely mo- dest in their deportment and dress ; their mantle, or Kutsack, which is longer than that of the men, reaching quite to their feet, and completely en- veloping them, being tied close under the chin, and bound with a girdle of the same cloth, or of sea otter skin around their waists; it has also loose sleeves which reach to the elbows. Though fond of ornamenting their persons, they are by no means so partial to paint as the men, merely colouring their eye-brows black, and drawing a bright red stripe from each corner of the mouth towards the ear. Their ornaments consist chiefly of ear-rings, necklaces, bracelets, rings for the fingers and ancles, and small nose jewels, (the latter are, however, wholly confined to the wives of the king or chiefs,) these are principally made out of copper or brags. 75 highly polished, and of various forms and sizes; the nose jewel is usnatly a sraail white slieil or bead suspended to a thread. The wives of the common people frequently wear for bracelets and ancie rings, strips of the country cloth or skin of the M^tameith painted in figures, and tbo^e of the king or principal chiefs, bracelets and necklaces, consisting of a number of strings of Tfe-waw, an article much prized by them, and which makes a very handsome appearance. This Ife-waw^ as they term it, is d kind of shell of a dazzling whiteness, and as smooth as ivory, it is of a cylindrical form, in a slight degree curved, about the size of a goose quill, hollow, three in- ches in length, and gradually tapering to a point, which is broken off by the natives, as it is taken from the water; this they afterwards string upon threads of bark, and sell it by the fathom; it forms a kind of circulating medium among these nations, five fathoms being considered as the price of a slave their most valuable species of property. It is prin- cipally obtained from the Aitizzarts, a people living about thirty or forty miles to the Northward, who collect it from the reefs and sunken rocks* with which their coast abounds, though it is also brought in considerable quantity from the South. Their mode of taking it has been thus described to me : — To one end of a pole is fastened a piece of 76 plank, in which a considerable nunnber of pine pegs are inserted, made sharp at the ends; above the plank, in order to sink it, a stone or some weight is tied, and the other end of the pole suspended to a long rope; this is let down perpendicularly by the Jfe-waw fishers in those places where that sub- stance is found, which are usually from fifty to sixty fathoms deep. On finding the bottom, they raise the pole up a few feet, and i;e8, of which there was a number saved, fell a tree in less time tiiaa Ihey could have g;one round it with their chisels, siill they cotiid aot be persuaded to ttsalie Use of them. After hollowing out their canoes, which they do very neatly; they fashion ihe outside, and slightly barn it for the purpose of removing any splinters or small points that might obstruct its passage through the water, after which they rub it over thoroughly with rushes or coarse mats, in order to smooth it, which not only renders it almost as smooth as glass, but forms a better security for it from the weather ; this operation of burning and fubbing down the bottoms of iheir canoes, is prac- tised as often as they acquire any considerably 86 Jegvee of roughoess from use. The outside, hf this means, becomes quite black, and to complete their work, they paiot the inside of a bright red, with ochre, or some other similar substance ; the prows and sterns are almost always ornamealed with figures of ducks, or some other kind of bird, the former being so fashioned as to represent the head, and the latter the, tail; these are separate pieces from the canoe, and are fastened to it with small ilexible twigs or bark cord. Some of these canoes, particularly those employ- ed in whaling, which will hold about ten men, are ornamented within about two inches below the gun- wale, with two parallel lines on each side of very small white shells, fanning fore and aft, which lias a very pretty effect. Their war canoes have no ornament of this kind, but are painted en the out- side with figures in white chalk, representing eagles, whales, human heads, &c. They are very dexterous in the use of their paddles, which are very neatly wrought, and are live feef long, w'ith a short handle, and a blade seven inches broad in th6 middle, tapering to a sharp point. With these they will make a canoe skim very swiftly on the water, with scarcely any noise, while they keep time to the stroke of the paddle with their gongs. With regard to these, they have a number which 87 they sing oa various occasions ; as wa*,* whaling. and fishing,' at their marriages and feasts, and at ■public festivals or solemnities. The language of the most of these appears to be very different, in many respects, from that used in their common conversation, which leads me to believe, either •that they have a different mode of expressing them* selves in poetry, or that they borrow their songs from their neighbour; and what the more particu- larly induces me to the latter opinion is, that whenever any of the Newchemass, a people from the Northward, and who speak a very different language, arrived, they used to tell me that they expected a new song, and were almost always sure to have one. Their tunes are generally soft and plaintive, and though not possessing great variety, are not defici- ent in harmony. — Their singing is generally accom- panied with several rude kinds of instrumental music ; among th.e most prominent of which is a kind of a drum. This is nothing more than a long plank hollowed out on the under side and made quite thin, which is beat upon by a stick of about a foot long, and renders a sound not unlike beating on the head of an empty cask, Vut much louder. But the two most favourite instruments are the * A specimen of one of their war songs will be found at the end of this work. 88 rJittie aod the pipe or whistle; these are however oaly used by the king, the chiefs, or some particu- lar persons ; the former is made of dried seal-slun, so as to represent a fish, and is filled with a num- ber of small smooth j)ebbles, it has a short handle and is painted red. The wnistle is made o$ bone, generally the leg of a deer, it is short but emits a very shrill sound. They have likewise another kind of music, which they make use of in dancing, in the manner of castanets, this is produced by a number of muscle or cockle shells tied together and shaken to a kind of tune, which is accompa- nied with the voice. Their slaves, as 1 have observed, form their most valuable species of properly. These ajc of bo'h sexes, being either captives taken by them- selves in war, or purchased from the neighbouring tribes, and who reside in the same house, forming as it were a part of the family, are usually kindly treated, eat of the same food, and live as well as their masters. They are compelled however at times to labour severely, as not only all the menial offices are performed by them, such as bringing wa- ter, catting wood and a variety of others, but they are obliged to make the canoes, to assist in build- ing and repairing the houses, to supply their mas- ters with fish, .and to attend thera in war and to fight for them. 89 None b!it the king aod chiefa have slaves, the tammon people being preveated from holding them f^ilher from their inability to purchase them, or. as I am rather inclined to think from its being considered as the privilege of the former alone to have them, especially as all those made prisoners in war belong either to the king or the chiefs, who have captured them, each one holding such as have been taken by himself or his slaves. There is probably however some little distinction in favor of the king, who is always the commander of the expedition, as Ma- <^uina had nearly fifty, male and female, in his house, a number constituting about one half of its inhabitants, comprehending those obtained by war and purchase, whereas none of the other chiefs had more than twelve. The females are employed principally in manufacturing cloth, in cooking, collecting berries, &c. and with regard to food and living in general have not a much harder lot thaa their mistresses, the principal difference consisting, in these poor unfortunate creatures being considered as free to any one, their masters prostituting them vrheneverlhey think proper for the purpose of gain. In this way many of them are brought on board the ships and offered to 4he crews, from whence an opi- nion appears to have been formed by some of our navigators, injurious to the chastity of their fe- iimles, than which nothing can be more generally untrue, as perhaps in no part of the world is that virt'je more prized. I 90 The houses at Nootka as already stated, are about twenty, without comprising those inhabited by the Klahars, a small tribe that has been con- , quered and incoporat^d into that of Nootka, though || they must be considered as in a state of vassalage as (hey are not permitted to have any chiefs among themj and live by themselves in a cluster of small houses at a little distance from the village. The Noolka tribe which consists of about five hundred warriors, is not only more numerous than almost any of the neighbouring tribes, but far exceeds them in the strength and martial spirit of it« people; and in fact there are but few nations within a hundred miles either to the North or South but are considered as tributary to them. ^ In giving some account of the tribes that were accustomed to visit Nootka, I shall commence at the Southward with the Kla-iz zarts, and the Wick- ininish, premising that in point of personal appear- ance there prevails a wonderful diversity between the various tribes on the coast, with the exception of the feet and legs, which are badly shaped in almost all of them from their practice of sitting on them. The Kla-iz-zarts are a numerous and powerful tribe, living nearly three hundred miles to the South and are said to consist of more than a thousand war- riors. They appear to be more civilized th^a any of 91 the others, being better and more neatly dresseJ, more mild and affable in their manners, remarkable for their sprightliness and vivacity, and celebrated for their singing and dancing. They exibit also greater marks of improvement in whatever is wrought by them; their canoes though not superior to those of Nootka in point of form and lightness, are more highly ornamented, and their vrcai'ona ' and tools of every kind have a much higher finish and display more skill in the workmanship- Their cast of countenence is very different from that of the Nootkians, their faces being very broad, with a less prominent nose and smaller eyes, and the top of the head flattened as if it had' been pressed dowa with a weight. Their complexion is also much fairer, and their stature shorter, though they are well formed and strongly set. They have a custom which appears to be peculiav to them, as I never observed it iu any of the other tribes, which is to pluck out not only their beards, and the hair from their bodies, but also their eye- brows, so as not to leave a vestige remaining. They were also in general more skilful in painiing and decorating themsclvesj and I have seen some of them with no less than a dozen holes in each of their ears to which were suspended strings of small beads about two inches in leoglh. Their language is the same as spoken at Ncotki, but their pronuscialion is much more hoarse and guttural. These people i 2 9^ sre not coly very expert ia whaling, but are great banters, of the sea otter and other animals, witlv which their country is said to abound, and the Meta- Bielth a large animal of the deer hind, the skin of which I have already spoken of, another of a light grey colour, with very fine-hair from which they jriacufacture a handsome cloth, the beaver, and a species of large wild cat, or tyger cat. The Wickinnish, their neighbours on the Norfh, are about two hundred miles from Nootka. They area robust strong and warlike people, but consif dered by the Nootkians.aa thei» inferiors in courage. This tribe is more numerous than that of Nootka, Rmounting tobetw-een s'ix and seven huudred warri- or?. Though* not so civilized as the Kla-iz zarts aQ(i less skilful in their manufactures, like them Ihey employ themselv'es in hunting as well as ia Tf haling and fishing. Their faces are broa^ but less •so than the Kia-iz-zarts, with a darker complexion, and a much less open and pleasing expression •! countenance, while their heads present a very diffe- tent form, being pressed in at the sides and length- ened towards the top, somewhat in the shape of a sugar loaf. These people are very frequent visitors at Nootka, a close friendship subsisting between the two nations, Maquina's Jtrcomah, or Queen». Y-ya-iintla-no^ being the daughter of the Wickinni- nish kins:. \ 93 The Kla-oo-quates adjoiaiug them on the NortI* are much less numerous, their force not exceeding four hundred fighting men ; they are also behind them in th« arts of life. These are a fierce, bold, and enterprizing people, and there were none that visited Nootka, whom Maquina used to be more on bis guard against, or viewed with so much su^pici- on. The Eshquates are about the same number; these are considered as tributary to Maquina : • Their coast abounds with rivers, creeks, and marshes. To the North the nearest tribe of any importance is the Aitizzarts ; these however do not exceed three hundred warriors. In appearance they greatly resemble the people of Nootka, to whom they are considered as tributary, their manners, dress, and style of living also being very similar. They resile at about forty miles distance op the sound. A con- aiderable way farther to i\)e northward are thd Cai/uqueis', these are a much more numerous tribe thaft that of Nootka but thought by the latter to be deficient in courage and martial spirit, Maquina having frequently told me that their hearts were a little like those of birds. There are also both at the North and South many other intervening tribes, but in general small in number and insignificant, all of whom as well aa the above mentioned speak the sarae 94 ■■ language. Bat the Newchemass who come from a great way to the Northward, and from some distance inland, as I was told by Maquina, speak quite a different language, although it is \?ell understood by those of Nootka. These were the *i08t savage looking and ugly men that 1 ever saw, their complexion being much darker, their stature shorter, and their hair coarser, than that of the other nations, and their dress and appearance dirty in aa extreme. They wear their beards long like Jews, and have a very morose and surly countenace. Their usual dress is a Kootsuk made of wolf skin, with a number of the tails attached to it, of which I have seen no less than ten on one garment, bang- ing from the top to the bottom ; though they some- times weara similar mantle of bark cloth, of a mach coarser texture than that of Nootka, the origioal of which appears to be the same, though from their Tery great filthiness it was almost impossible to dis- cover what it had been. Their mode of dressing their hair also varies es- sentially from that of the other tribes, for they suffer that on the back of the head to hang loose, and bind the other over their foreheads in the man- lier of a jQUett, with a strip of their country cloth, ornamented with small white shells. Their wea- pons are the CheetooUh^ or war-club, which is made from whale bone, daggers, bow and arrows, and a Kind of spear pointed with bone or copper. 95 They bronght with them no furs for sale exceplmp: a few wolf skins, their merchandize consisting principally of the blacli shining mineral called pel- peth, and the fine red paiat which they carefully kept in close mat bags. s:ome small dried salmon, clams, and roes of fish, with occasionally a little coarse matting cloth. They were accustomed to remain a much longer time at Ncotka than the other tribes, in order to recover from the fatigue of a long journey, part of which was over land,, and on these pccasioos taught their son^s to our savages. The trade of mo»t of the other tribes with Noot- ka, was principally train oil, seal or whale's blub- ber, fish fresh or dried, herring or salmon spawn, clams, and muscles, and the yama, a species of fruit which is pressed and dried, cloth, sea otter skins, and slaves. From the Aitizzarts, and the Caynquets, particularly the former, the best I-whawand in the greatest quantities was obtained. The Eshquates furnished us with wild ducks and geese, particularly the latter. The Wickininish and Kla-iz-^arts brought to market rcany slaves, the best sta otter akins, great quantities of oil, whale sinew, and cakes of the y 110 olher, which was thought by the savages a most superb dress. This was a Kootsuk or mantle, ^ fathom square, made entirely of European vest patterns of the gayest colours. These were sewed together, in a manner to make the best show, and bound with a deep trimming of the finest otter- skin, with which the arm-hoicv^ were also bordered; while the bottom was farther embellished with five or 8*/x rows of gilt buttons, placed as near as possi- ble to each other. Nothing could exceed the pride of Maqaina when he first put oa this royal robe, decorated like«the coat of Joseph, with all the colours of the rainbow, and glittering with the buttons, which as he strutted about made a tink- ling, while he repeatedly exclaimed, in a transport of exultation, Klezo shish Katsuk — wick kum atack Nootka. A fine garment — Nootka can't make them. Alaqoina, who knew that i\^e chiefs of the tribes who came to visit us, had endeavoured to per- suade me \o escape, frequently cautioned me not to listen to them, saying that should I make the attempt, and- he were to take me, he should cer- tainly put me to death. While here he gave me a book in which I faund the names of seven persons belonging to the ship Manchester, of Philadelphia, Captain Brian, viz.r— Daniel Smith, Lewis Gillon, James Tom, Clark, Johnson. Ben and Jack These men. as Maquina informed me, ran away from the Hi ship, and came to hira, but that six of theni s&ou after went off in the ni^ht, with an intention to j^o to the Wickinninish, but were stopped by the E?h- quiates, and sent bacii to him, and tliat he oi-dered them to be put to death ; and a most cruel death it was, as I was told by one of the natives, four men holding one of them on the ground, and forcing open his mouth, while they choaked him by ram- ming stones down his throat. As to Jack, the boy, who made no attempt to go off, Maquina afterwards sold him to the Wickin- ninish. I was informed by the princess Tuqua, that he was quite a small boy, who cried a great deal, being put to hard labour beyond his strength by the natives, in cutting wood and bringing water, and that when he heard of the murder of our crew, it had such an effect on him, that he fell sick and died shortly after. On learning the melancholy fate of this unforturate lad, it again awakened in my bosom those feelings that I had experienced at the shocking death of my poor comrades. The king finding that I was desirous of learning their language, was much delighted, and took great pleasure in conversing with me. On one of these occasions, he explained to me his reasons for cutting off our ship, saying that he bore no ill will to my countrymen, but that he had been several times treated very ill by them. The first injury of 112 wWcli he had cause to complain, was done him by A Captain Tawnington, who commanded a schooner which passed a winter at Friendly Cove, where he was well treated by the inhabitants. This man taking advantage of Maquina's absence, who had jgone to the Wickinninish to procure a wife, armed himself and crew, and entered the house where there were none but women, whom he threw into the greatest consternation, and searching the chests, took away all the skins, of which Maquina had no less than forty of the best; and that about the same time, four of their chiefs were barbarously killed by a Captain Martinez, a Spaniard. That goon after Captain Hanna, of the Sea-Otter in consequence of one of the natives having stolen a chisel from the carpenter, fired upon their caooes which were along side, and killed upwards of twenty of the natives, of whom several were Tijee^ or chiefs, and that he himself being on board the vessel, in order to escape was obliged to leap from the quarter deck, and swiifi for a long way under water. These injuries had excited in the breast of ?»Ia- quina, an ardent desire of revenge; the strongest passion of the savage heart, and thDugh many years had elapsed since their comu.ission, still they were not forgotten, and the want of a favourable opportunity alone prevented him from sooner aveng- 113 ing them. Unfortunately ior as, the long wished for opportunity at length presented itself in our ship, which Maquina finding not guarded with the usual vigilance of the North West Traders, and feeling his desire of revenge rekindled by the insult offered him by Captain Salter, formed a plan for attack- ing, and on his return, called a council of his chiefs, and communicated it to them, acquainting them with the manner in which he had been treated. No less desirous of avenging this affront offered their king, than their former injuries, they readily agreed to his proposal, which was to go on board without arms as usual, but under different pretexts, in great numbers, and wait for his signal for the moment of attacking their unsuspecting victims. The execution of this scheme, as the reader knows, was unhappily too successful. And here I cannot but indulge a reflection that has frequently occurred to me on the manner in which otfr |ifeople behave towards the natives. For though they are a theiviah race, yet I have na doubt that many of the melancholy disasters have principally arisen from the imprudent conduct of some of the captains and crews of the ships em- ployed in this trade, in exasperating them by in- sulting, plundering, and even killing them on slight grounds.' This, as nothing is more s^^cred with a savage than the principle of revenge, and no L 114 people are so impati^^nt under insult, induces them to wreak their vengeance upon the first vessel or boat's crew that offers, making the innocent too frequently suffer for the wrongs of the guilty, as few . of them know how to discriminate between persons of the same general appearance, more especially when speaking the same language. And to this cause do I believe, must principally be ascribed the sanguinary disposition with which these people are reproached, as Maquina repeatedly told me that it was not his wish to hurt a white man, and that he never should have done it, though ever so much in his power, had they not injured him. And v/ere the commanders of our ships to treat the savages with rather more civility than they sometimes do, I am inclined to think they would find their account in it ; not that I should recom- inend to them a confidence in the good faith and friendly professions of these people, so as in any .degree to remit their vigilance, but on the contrary, to be strictly on their gaard, and suffer but a very few of ihem to come on board the ship, and aditit sot many of their canoes along side at a time; a precaution that would have been the means of pre- venting some of the unfortunate events that have occurred, and if attended to, may in future, pre- serve many a valuable life. Such a regulation too, from what I know of their disposition and wants, would produce qo serious diflSculty is tradiifjg with 115 the savages, and they would soon beco«e perfectly reconciled to it. Among the provisions which the Indians procure at Tashees, I must not omit mentioning a fruit that is very important, as forming a great article of their food. This is what is called by them the Yama^ a i^pecies of berry that grows in bunches like currants, upon a bush from two to three feet high, with a la rge^ round and smooth leaf. This berry is black and about the size of a pistol shot, but of rather an oblong shape, and open at the top like the blue whortle berry. The taste is sweet, but a little acrid, ftsd when first gathered, if eaten in any great quantity, especially without oil, is apt to produce cholics. To procure it, large companies of women go out on the mountains, accompanied by armed men, to protect thera against wild beasts, where they frequently remain for several days, kindling a fire at night, and sheltering themselves under sheds constructed of boughs. At these parties, they collect great quantities. I have known Maquiua's queen and her women return loaded, bringing with them upwards of twelve bushels. In order to pre* serve it, it is pressed in the bunches between two planks, and dried and put away in baskets for use. It is always eaten wilh oil. Of berries of various kinds, such as straw ber- ries, raspberries, black berries, &c. there are great L 2 1 lie qnantities in the country, of which the natives ape very fond, gathering them io their seasons and eaU ingthem with oil, bat the yaina is the only one that they preaerve. Fish is, however, their great article of food, as almost all the others, excepting the yama, may be considered as accidental. They nevertheless are far from disrelishing meat, for instance, venison and bear's flesh. With regard to the latter, they have a most siagular custom, which is, that any one who eats of it is obliged to abstain from eating any kind of flesh fish whatever, for the term of two months, as they have a superstitious belief, that shorJd any of their people after tasting bear's flesh, eat of fresh salmon, cod, Ac. the fish, though at ever so great a distance off, would come to the knowledge of it, and be so much offended thereat, as not to allow themselves to be taken by any of the inhabitants. This I had an opportunity of observing while at Tashees, a bear having been killed early in December, of which not more than ten of the natives would eat, being prevented by the prohibilioa annexed to it, which also was the reason of my comrade and myself not tasting it, on being told by Maquina the consequences. As there is something quite curious in their ma- nagement of this animal, when they have killed one, I shall give a description of it. Aftor wdl 117 cleansing the bear from the dirt and blood, with which it is generally covered when killed, it is brought in and seated opposite the king ia an upright posture, with a chief's bonnet, wrought in figures on its head, and its fur powdered over with the white down. A tray of provision is then set before it, and it is invited by words and gestures to eat. This mock ceremony over, the reason of which I could never learn, the animal is taken and skinned, and the flesh and entrails boiled up into a soup, no (fart, but the paunch beiug re- jected. This dressing the bear, as they call it, is an oc- casion of great rejoicing throughout the village, all the inhabitants being invited to a great feast at the king's house, though but few of them, in conse- quence of the penalty, will venture to eat of the flesh, but generally content themselves with tlieir favourite dish of iierring spawn and water. The feast on this occasion was closed by a dance firora Sat-sai-sak'Sis, in the manner I have already de- scribed, in the course of which he repeatedly shifted his mask for another of a difl'erent form. A few days after a second bear was taken, like the former by means of a trap. This I had the cu- riosity to go aud see at the place where it was caught, which was in the following manner. On the edge of a small stream of water iu the mounr. I. 3 118 tains, which the salmon ascend, and near the spot where the bear is accustomed to watch for them, which is known by its track, a trap or box about the height of a man's head is built of posts and planks with a fiat top, on which are laid a number of large stones or rocks. The top and sides are then carefully covered with furf, so as to resemble a little mound, and wholly to exclude the light, a narrow entrance of the height of the building only being left, just sufficient to admit the head and shoulders of the beast. On the inside, to a large plank that covers the top, is suspended by a strong cord a salmon, the plank being left loose so that a forcible pull will briag it down. On coming to Us. usual haunt, the bear enters the trap, and in en- deavouring to pull away the fish, brings down thd whole covering with its load of stones upon its head, and is almost always crushed to death on the apot, or so wounded as to be unable to escape. They are always careful to examine these traps every day, in order if a bear be caught, to bring it immediately, for it is not a little singular, that these people will eat no kind of meat that is in the' least tainted, or not perfectly fresh, while, on the contrary, it is hardly possible for fish to be in too putrid a state for them, and I have frequently known them when a whale has heen driven ashore, bring pieces of it home with them, in a state of ollensiveaess insupportable to any thing but a crow. 119 and devour U witli high pelisb, eoDfiideriog it as pre- feraUle to that which is fregh. On the morniDj of the ISib of Deceaiber, com- nveticed what to us appeared a most singular farce. Apparently without any previous notice, Maquina discharged a pistol close to bis son's ear, who im- mediately fell down as if killed, upon which all the women of the house set up a most lamentable cry, tearing bandfals of hair from their heads, and ex- claiming that the prince was dead, at the same time a great number of the inhabitants, rushed into the house armed with their daggers, muskets, &c. enquiring the cause of their outcry, these were im- mediately followed by two others dressed in wolf skins, with masks over their faces representing the head of that animal; the latter came in on their hands and feet in the manner of a beast, and takina' up the prince carried him off upon their backs, re- tiring in the same manner they entered. We saw nothing more of the ceremony, as Maquina came to us, and giving us a quantity of dried provision^ ordered us to quit the house and not return to the village before the expiration of seven days, for that if we appeared within that period, he should kill us. At any other season of the year such an order would by us have been considered as an indul- gence, in enabling us to pass, our time in whatever 120 way we wished, and even now, famished as we were, with sufficient provision for that term, it was Dot very unpleasant to us, more particalarly Thompson, who was always desirous to keep as much as possible out of the society and sight of the natives, whom he detested. Taking with as our provisions, a bundle of clothes, and oar axes, we obeyed the directions of Maqaina, and withdrew into the woods, where we boilt oarselves a cabin to shelter us, with the branches of trees, and keep- ing up a good fire, seeared ourselves pretty well from the cold. Here we passed the prescribed pe- riod of our exile, with more content than much of the time while with them, employing the day in reading and praying for our release, or in rambling around and exploring the country, the soil of which we found to be very good, and the face of it, beau- tifuHy diversified with hills and vallies, refreshed with the finest streams of water, and at night en- joyed comfortable repose upon a bed of soft leaves, with our garments spread over us to protect us from the cold. At the end of seven days we returned, and found several of the people of A-i-tiz-zart with their king or chief at Tashees, who had been invited by Ma- qaina to attend the close of this performance, which I now learnt was a celebration, held by them an- nually, in honour of their god, whom they call Quahootze, to return him their thanks fpr.his past, 121 aud itnplore his future favoca. It termiuated oii the 2l8t, the day after our return, with a most ex- traordinary exibition. Three naea, each of whom had two bayonets run through his sides, between the ribs, apparently regardless of the pain, traver- sed the room, backwards and forwards, singing war songs, and exulting in thi* display of finn- ness. On tb^ arrival of the Soth, we could not but call to mind, that this being Christmas, was in our country a day of tiie greatest festivity, when oajr fellow countrymen assembled in their churches, were celebrating the goodness of God, and the praises of the Saviour. What a reverse did oar situation offer — captives in a savage land, and slaves to a set of ignorant beings, unacquainted with religion or humanity, hardly were we permitted to offer up our devotions by ourselves in the woods, while we felt even grateful for this privilege. Thi- ther with the king's permission, we withdrew, and after reading the service appointed for the day, sung the hymn of the Nativity, fervently praying that heaven in its goodness, would permit us to celebrate the next festival c/f this kind in some Christian land. On our return, in order to conform as much as was in our power to the custom of our country, we were desirous of having a better snpper than 122 asaal. With this view we bought from one of the natives, some dried clams and oil, andarooteaN led Kleisupf which we cooked by steaming, and found it very palatable. This root consists of many fibres, of a bout six inches long, and of the size of a crow quill. It is svveei, of an agreeable taste, not unlike (he Quanoose, and it is eaten with oil. The plant that produces it I have never seen. On the 31 st, all the tribe quitted Tashees for Cooptee, wither they goto pass the remainder of the winter, and complete their fishing, taking off every thing with them in the «ame manner as at Nootka. We arrived in a few hours at Cooptee, whick is about fifteen miles* and immediately g«t about covering the houses, which was soon com- pleted. This place, which is their great herring and sprat fishery, stands just within the mouth of the river, on the same side with Tashees, in a very narrow valley at the foot of a high mountain. Though nearly as secure as Tashees from the winter storms, it is by no means so pleasantly situated, though to us it was a much more agreeable resi- dence, as it brought us nearer Nootka, where we were impatient to return, in hopes of finding some vessel there, or hearing of the arrival of one near. 123 The first snow that fell this season, was the day after our arrival, on New- Years ; a day that like Christmas, brought with it, paiuful recolleclioiis, but at the same time led us to indulge the hope of a more fortunate year than the last. Early on the morning of the T(h of January, Maquina took me with him in his canoe on a visit to Upquesta, chief of the A.-i-tiz zarts. who had invited him to attend an exhibition at his village, similar to the one with which he had been enter- tained at Tashees. This place is between twenty and thirty miles distant up the sound, and stands -on the banks of a small river aboui the size of that of Cooptee, just within its entrance, in a valley of much greater extent than that of Tashees; it con- sists of fourteen or fifteen houses, built and dispos- ed in the manner of those at Nootka. The tribe, which is considered as tributary to Maquina, amounts to about three hundred warriors, and the inhabitanis, both men and women, are among the be»t looking of any people on the coast. On our arrival we were received at the shore by the inhabitants, a few of whom were armed with muskets, which they fired, with loud shouts and exclamations of TFocash^ wocash. We were welcomed by tbe chief's messenger, or master of ceremonies, dressed in his best g;armeat8j 124 with his hair powdered with white down, and hold ing in his hand the cheetoolth, the badge of his office. This man preceded us to the thief's house, wliere he introduced and pointed out to us our re- spective seats. On entering, the visitors took of their hats, which they always wear on similar oc- casions, and Maquina his outer robes, of which he has several on whenever he pays a visit, and seated himself near the chief. As I was dressed in European clothes I became quite an object of curiosity to these people, very few of whom had ever ssen a white man. They crowded around me in numbers, taking hold of my clothes, examining my face, hands and feet, and even opening my mouth to see if I had a tongue, for notwithstanding I had by this time become well acquainted with their language, I preserved the strictest silence, Maquina on our first landing having enjoined me not to speak, until he should direct. Having undergone this examination for some time, Maquina at length made a sign to me to speak to them. On hearing me address them in their own language, they were greatly astonished and delighted, and told Maquina that they now perceived that I was a man like themselves, except that I was white and looked like a seal, alluding to Boy blue jacket and trowsers, which they wanted 125 to persuade me to take off, as they did not like their appearance. Maquina io the mean time gave an account to the chief,^of the scheme he had form- ed for surprising our ship, and the manner in which he and his people had carried it into execution, with such particular and horrid details of that tran- saction as chilled the blood in my veins. Trays of boiled herring spawn and train oil were soon after brought in and placed before as, neither the chief or any of his people eating at the same time, it being contrary to the ideas of hospitality enter- tained by these nation?, to eat any part of the food that is provided for strangers, always waiting un- til their visitors have finished, before they have their own brought in. The following day closed their festival with an exhibition of asimilar'*kind, to that which had been given at Tashees, but still more cruel; the diffe- rent tribes appearing on these occasions to endea- vour to surpass each other in their proofs of forti- tude and endurance of pain. In the morning twenty men entered the chief's house, with each an arrow run through the flesh of his sides, and either arm, with a cord fastened to the end, which as the per- formers advanced, singing and boasting, was for- cibly drawn back by a person having hold of it. After this performance was closed, we returned to Cooptee, which we reached at midnight, our men M 126 keeping iitne with their songs to the stroke of their paddleF. The natives now began to take the herring and sprat in immense quantities, with some s^almon, and there was nothing tut feasting from morning till night. The following is the method they employ to take the herring : A stick of about seven feet long) two inches broad, and half an inch thick, is formed from some hard wood, one side of which is set with sharp teeth, ma^e from whale bone, at about half an inch apart. Provided with this instrument, the fisherman seats himself in the prow of a canoe, which is paddled by another, and whenever he comes to a shoal of herrings, which cover the water in great quantities, he strikes it with both hands upon them, and at the same mo- ment turning it up, brings it over the side of the canoe, into which he lets those that are taken drop. It is astonishing to see how many are caught by those who are dexterous at this kind of fishing, as they seldom fail when the shaols are numerous, of taking as many as ten or twelve at a stroke, and in a very short time will fill a canoe with them. Sprats are likewise caught in a similar manner. About the beginning of February, Maquina gave a great feast, at which^were present not only 127 all the inhabitants, but one hundred persona from A-i-tiz-zart, and a number from VVickinninish, who had been invited to attend it. It is customary with them to give an annual entertainment of this kind, and it is astonishing to see what a quan- tity of provision is expended, or rather wasted on such an occasion, when they alwayg eat to the greatest excess. It was at this feast that I saw upwards of an hundred salmon cooked in one tub. The whole residence at Cooptee presents an almost uninterrupted succession of feasting and gorman- dizing, and it would seem as if the principal object of these people was to consume their whole stock of provision before leaving it, trusting entirely to their success in fishing and whaling, for a supply at Nootka. On the 25th of February, we quitted Cooptee, and returned to Nootka. With much joy did Thompson and myself again find ourselves in a flace where, notwithstanding the melancholy re- collections which it excited, we hoped before long io see some vessel arrive to our relief, and for this Ave became the more solicitous, as of late we had become much more apprehensive of our safety, in consequence of information brought Maquina a few days before we left Cooptee, by some of the Cayuquets, that there were twenty ships at the northward, preparing to come against him, with M 2 128 an intent of desiroyiag him and his whole tribe, for cutting off the Boston. Thia story, which was wholly without founda- tion, and discovered afterwards to have been in- vented by these people, for the purpose of dis- quieting him, threw him into great alarm, and notwithstanding all I could say to convince him that it was an unfounded report, so great was his jealc,asy of us, especially after it had been con- firmed to him by some others of the same nation, that he treated us with much harshness, and kept a very suspicious eye upon us. Nothing indeed could be more unpleasant than our present situa- tion, when I reflected that our lives were altogether dependent on the will of a savage, on whose ca- price and suspicions no rational calculation could be mad«. Not loBg after our return, a son of Maquina'a sister, a boy of eleven years old, who had been for some time declining, died. Immediately on his death, which was about midnight, all the men and women in the house set up loud cries and shrieks, which awakening Thompson and myself, so disturbed us that we left the house. This lamentation was kept up during the remainder of the night. In the morning, a great fire was kindled, in which Maquina burned in honour of the deceased, ten fathoms of cloth, and buried with him tea 129 fathoms more, eight of I-\vha\v, four prime sea" otter sking^ and tv70 small trunks, containing our unfortunate captain's clothes and watch. This boy was considered as a Tyee or chief, being the only son of Tootooschj one of their prin- cipal chiefs, who had married Maquina's sister, whence arose this ceremony on his interment •, it being an established custom with these people, that whenever a chief dies, his most valuable pro- perty is burned or buried with him; it is, however, wholly confined to the chiefs, and aippears to be a mark of honour appropriate to them. In this in- stance Maquina furnished the articles, in order that his nephew might have the proper honours ren- dered him. Tootooch, his father, was esteemed the first war* rior of the tribe, and was one who had been parti- cularly active in the destruction of our ship, having killed two of our poor comrades, who were ashore/ whose names were Hall and Wood. About the time of our removal to Tashees, while in the enjoy- ment of the highest health, he was suddenly seized with a fit of delirium, in which he fancied that he saw the ghosts of those two men constantly stand- ing by him, and threatening him, so that he would take no food, except what was forced iuio his mouth. A short time before this he had lost a daughter of abo«t fifteen years of nge, which M 3 130 aSEiicted him greatly, and whether his insanity, a disorder very uncommon amongst these savages, DO instance of the kind having occurred within the memory of the oldest man amongst them, proceeded from this cause, or that it was the special interpo- sition of an all-merciful God in oar favour, who by this means thought proper to induce these bar- barians still further to respect our lives, of that for hidden purposes, the Supreme Disposer of events sometimes permits the spirits of the dead to revisit the world, and hauut the murderer, I know not, but his mind from this period, until his death, which took place but a few weeks after that of his son, was incessantly occupied with the images of the men whom he had killed. This circumstance made much impression upon the tribe, particularly the chiefs, whose uniform opposition to putting us to death, at the various councils that were held on our account, I could not but in part attribute to this cause, and Ma- quina^ used frequently in speaking of Tootoosch's sickness, to express much satisfaction that hi-s hand« had not been stained with the blood of any of our men. When Maquina was ffrst informed by his sister, of the strange conduct of her husband, he imme- diately went to his house, taking us with him; suspecting that his disease had been eaused by u», 131 and that the ghosts of onr countrymen had been called tMlher by as, to torment hirn. We found him raving about Hall and Wood, saying that they were peshaky that is, bad. Maquina then placed gome provision before him, to see if he would eat. On perceiving it, he pat forth his hand to take some, bat instantly withdrew it with signs of horror, saying that Hall and Wood were there, and would not let him eat. IMaquioa then pointing to us, asked if it was not John and Thompson who troubled him. fVikj he replied, that is, no, John klushish — TJiompson klushish — John and Thompson are both good; t>.ea turning to me, and patting me on the shoulder, he made signs to me to eat. I tried to persuade him that Hall and Wood were not there, and that none were near him but ourselves : he said, I know very well you do not see them, but £ do. At first Maquina endeavoured to convince him that he saw nothing, and to laugh him out of his belief, but finding that all was to no purpose, he at length became serious, and asked me if 1 had ever seen any one affected in this manner, and ivhat was the matter with him. I gave him to understand, pointing to his head, that his braia was injured, and that he did not see things as for- merly. Being convinced by Tootoosch's conduct, that 132 we liaJ no agency in his indispositioo, od our re- turn home, Maquina asked me what wfts done in my coantry in similar cases. I told him that such persons were closely confined, and sometimes tied up and whipped, in order to make them better. After pondering for some time, he said that he should be glad to do any thing to relieve him, and that he should be whipped, and immediately gave orders to some, of his men to go to Tootoosch's house, bind him, and bring him to his, in order to undergo the operation. Thompson was the per- son selected to administer this remedy, which he undertook very readily, and for that purpose pro- vided himself with a good number of spruce branches, with which he whipped him most severe- ly, laying it on with the best will imaginable, while Tootoosch displayed the greatest rage, kick- ing, spitting, and attempting to bite all who came near him. This was too much for Maquina, who, at lengh, unable to eiodure it longer, ordered Thompson to desist, and Tootoosch to be carried back, saying that if there was no other way of curing him but by whipping, he must remain mad. The application of the whip produced no bene- ficial effect on Tootoosch, for he afterwards be- came still more deranged; in his fits of fury some- times seizing a club, and beating his slaves in a most dreadful manner, and striking and spitting 133 at all who came near him, till at length hia wii'e> no longer daring to remain in the house with him, came with her son to Maquina's. The whalmg season now commenced, and Ma- quina was out almost every day in his canoe, in pursuit of them, hut for a considerable time, with no success, one day breaking the staff of his har- poon, another, after having been a long time fast to a whale, the weapon drawing, owing to the breaking of the shell, which formed its point, with several such like accidents, arising from the imper- fection of the instrument. At these times he always returned very morose and out of temper, up- braiding his men with having violated their obliga- tion to continence preparatory to whaling. In this state of ill humour ho would give us very little to eat, which added to the women not cooking whea ■the men are ^way, reduced us to a very low fare. Jn consequence of the. repeated occurrence of similar accidents, I proposed to^ Maquina to make him a harpoon or foreganger of steel, which would be less liable to fail him. The idea pleased him, and in a short time I completed one for him, with which he was much delighted, and the very next day went out to make a trial of it. He succeeded with it in taking a whale. Great was the joy throughout (he village, as soon as it was knowm 134 that the kiag had secured the whale, by notice from a person stationed at the head-land in the offing. Ail the canoes were immediately lannched, and, furnished with harpoons and seal-skin floats, has- tened to assist in buoying it up, and towiug it in. The bringing in of this fish exhibited a scene of universal festivity. As soon as the canoes appeared at the month of the Cove, those on board of them singing a triumph to a slow air, to which they kept time with their paddles, all who were on shore, men, women and children, mounted the roofs of their houses, to congratulate the king on his suc- cess, drumming most furiously on the planks, and exclaimiag IVocash — wocash Tyee. The whale on being drawn on shore, was imme- diately cut up, and a great feast of the blubber given at Maquina's house, to which all the village were invited, who indemnified themselves for their lent, by eating as usual to excess. I was highly praised for the goodness of my harpoon, and a quantity of blubber given me. which I was permit- ted to cook as I pleased, this I boiled in salt water with some young nettles and other greens for Thompson and myself, and in this way we found it tolerable food. Their method of procuring the oil, is to skim it from the water in wnich the blubber is boiled, and 135 ; when cool, put it up into whale bladders for use, ! and of these I have seen them so large as, when ! filled, would require no less (haa five or six men to carry. Several of the chiefs, among whom were Maquina^s brothers, who after the king has caught the first whale, are privileged to take them also, were very desirous, on discovering the superiority of my liarpoon, that I should make some for them, but this Maquina would not permit, reserving for himself this improved weapon. He however gave me directions to make a number more for himself which I executed, and also made him several lances, with which he was greatly pleased. As these people have some very singular observ- ances preparatory to whaling, an account of them }'. will, I presume, not prove uninlerestvng', especially as it may serve to give a better idea of their manners. A short time before leaving Tashees, the king makes a point of passing a day alone on the mountain, whither he goes very privately early in the morning, and does not return till late in the evening. This is done, as I afterwards learned, for the purpose of singipg and praying to his God for success in whal- ing the ensuing season. At Cooptee the seme cere- mony is performed, and at Nootka after the return thither, with still greater solemnity, as for the ne.xt two days he appears very thoughtful and gloomy, scarcely speaking to any one,, and observes a most rigid last. On these occasions, he has always a J36 broad red fillet made of bark, bound around his head, in token of humiliation, vvilh a large branch of green gpruce on the top, and his great rattle in his hand. In addition to this, for a week before commencing their whaling, both himself and the crew of his canoe observe a fast, eating but very little, and going into the water several times in the course of each day (o bathe- singing and rubbing their bodies, limbs and faces with shells and bushes, 80 that on their return I have see« them look as though they had been severely torn with briers. They are likewise obliged to abstain from any com- merce with their women for the like period, the latter restriction being considered as indispensible to their success. Early in June Tootoosch, the crazj chief, died. On being acquainted with his death the whole village, men, women and children, set up a loud cry, with every testimony of the greatest grief, which they continued for more than three hours. As soon as he was dead, the body, according to their custom, was laid out on a plank, having the head bound round with a red bark fillet, which is with them an emblem of mourning and sorrow. After laying some time in this manner, he was wrapped in an otter skin robe, and three fathoms of I-whaw being put about his neck, he wa« placed in a large coffin or box of about three feet deep, which wag ornamented on the outside with two 137 row'8 of the small white shells. la this, the most valuable articles of his property were placed with him, among; which were co less thaa tweuJy-foar prime sea otter skias. At night, which is their time for ialerriag the dead, the coffin was borne by eight men with two poles, thrust through ropes passed around it, to the place of burial, accompanied by his wife and family, with their hair cut short, in token of ^rief, all the inhabitants joining th« procession. The place of burial was a large cavern on the side of a hill at a little distance from the village, in which, after depositing the coffin carefully, all the at- tendants repaired to Waquina's house,, where a cumber of articles belonging to the deceased, con- sisting of blankets, pieces of cloth, &c. w ere burned by a porsoii appointed by Maquina for thai purpose, dressed and painted in the highest style, with his head covered with white do.»D, who, as he puts in the several pieces, one by one, poured upon them a quantity of oil to increase the fiame, in the intervals between, making a speech and playing off a variety of buffoon tricks, and the w hole closed with a feast, and a dance from Sat-sat-sak-fiis, the king's son. The man who performed the cereniony of burning on this occasion, was a vc^ry siugular character, Hrimed Kinncdinmots. lie w as held in h;g!i esti- N 138 matioa by the kiag, though only of the commoD class, proba1)ly from his taleat for mimicry and baf- foonry, and might be considered as a kind of king's jester, or rather as combining in his person the character of a buffoon with that of master of cere- monies and public orator to his majesty, as he was the one who at feasts always regulated the places of the guests, delivered speeches on receiving or returning visits, besides amasing the company at all their entertainments, with a variety of monkey pranks and antic gestures, which appeared to these savages the height of wit and humour, but would be considered as extremely low by the least polished people. Almost all the kings or head chiefs of the principal tribes were accompanied by a similar character, who appeared to be attached to their dignity, and are called in their language, Climmer- habbee. This man, Kinneclimmets, was particularly odious to Thompson, who would never join in the laugh at his tricks, but when he began, would al- most always quit the House with a very surly look, and an exclamation of cursed fooll which Maquina, who thought nothing could equal the cleverness of his Climmer -Jiabbee, used to remark, with much dissatisfaction, asking me why Thomp- 800 never laughed, observing that I must have had a very good-tempered woman indeed for my mother, as my father was so very ill-natured a man. 139 Amoog those performances that gained him the greatest applause, was his talent of eating to ex- cess, for I have known him devour at one meal, no less than seventy-five large herrings; and at another time, when a great feast was given by Maquina, he undertook, after drinking three pints of oil by way of a whet, to eat four dried salmon, and five quarts of spawn, naixed np with a gallon of train oil, and actually succeeded in swallowing the greater part of this mess, until his stomach became so overloaded, as to discharge its contents in the dish. One of his exhibitions, however, had nearly cost him his life; this was on the occasion of Kla- quak-ee-na^ one of the chiefs, having bought him a new wife, in celebration of which he ran three times through a large fire, and burned himself in such a manner, that he was not able to stir for more than four weeks. These feats of savage skill were much praised by Maquina, who never filled to make him presents of cloth, muskets, &c. on such occasions. The death of Tootoosch increased still more the disquietude which his delirium had excited among the savages, and all those chiefs who had killed our men, became much alarmed, lest they should be seized with the same disorder, and die like him; more particularly, as I had told Maquina, that I believed his insanity was a punishment inflicted 140 on him by Quahooize^ for his cruelty in murderiug two iDoocent niea, who had Deveriojured hira. Oursitctafion had now become unpleasant in l!.e extreme. The summer was so far advanced, that we nearly despaired of a ship arriving to our relief, and with that expectation, almost relinquished the hope of ever having it in our power to quit this savage land. We were treated too with less in- dulgence than before, both Thompson and myself being obliged, in addition to our other employ- ments, to perform the laborious task of cutting and collecting fuel, which we had to bring on our •boulders from nearly three miles distance, as it consisted wholly of dry trees, all of which, near the village, had been consumed. To add to this, we suffered much abuse from the common people, who, when Maquina or some of the chiefs were not present, would insult us, calling U8 wretched glaves, asking us where was our Tyee or captain, making gestures sigoiiying that his head had been cut ofiT, and that (hey would do the Uk^ to us; though they generally took good care nt guch times to keep well osit of Thompson's reach, as they had more than once experienced, to their cost, the strength of his fist. This conduct was not only provoking aod grating to our feGiings in the highest degree, but it convinced us of ths ill dispr,- 141 sitioa of these savages towards as, and rendered us fearful lest they might at some time or other per- suade or force Maquijaa and the chiefs to put us to death. We were also often brought to great distress for the want of provisions, so far as to be reduced to collect a scanty supply of muscles and limpets from the rocks, and sometimes even compelled to part with some of our most necessary articles of clothing, in order to purchase food for our sub- sistence. This was, however, principally owing to the inhabitants themselves experiencing a great scarcity of provisions this season; there having been, in the first place, but very few salmon caught at Friendly Cove, a most unusual circumstance, as they generally abound there in the spring, which- was by the natives attributed to their having been driven away by the blood of our men, who had been thrown into the sea, which with true savage inconsistency, excited their murmurs against Ma- quiua, who had proposed cutting off our ship. Re- lying on this supply, they had in the most incon- siderate manner, squandered away their winter stock of provisions, so that in a few days after their return, it was entirely expended. Nor were the king and chiefs much more fortu- nate in their whaling, even after I had furnished Maquina with the improved weapon for that pnr-. N 3 142 pose; bat four whales havinfr been taken during the season, which closes the last of May, including one that had been struck by Maquina and escaped, and was afterwards driven on shore about six miles from Nootka, in almost a state of putridity. These afforded but a short supply to a population, includ- injj all ages and sexes, of no less than fifteen hun- dred persons, and of a character so very improvi- dent, that after feasting most gluttonously whenever a whale was caught, they were several times for a week together, reduced to the necessity of eating but once a day, and of collecting cockles and mus- cles from the rocks for their food. And even afteT the cod and halibut fishing com- menced, in June, in which they met with tolerable 'success, such was the savage caprice of Maquina, that he would often give us but little to eat, finally ordering us to buy a canoe and fishing implements, and go out ourselves and fish, or we should have nothing. To do this, we were compelled to part with our great coats, which were not only import- ant to us as garments, but of which we made our beds, spreading them under as when we slept. From our want of skill, however, in this new em- ploy, we met with no success; on discovering which, Maquina ordered us to remain at home. Another thing, which to me in particular, proved an almost constant source of vexation and disgust, end which living among them had not in the least 143 reconciled me to, was their extreme filtbiness, not only in eating fish, especially the whale, vviien in a state of offensive putridity, but while at their meals, of making a practice of taking the vermin from their heads or clothes, and eating them, bj turns thrusting their fingers into their hair, and into the dish, and spreading their garments over the tubs in which the provision was cooking, in order to set in motion their inhabitants. Fortunately for Thompson, he regarded this much less than myself, and when I used to point oat to him any instance of their fiithiness in this respect, he would laugh and reply, Never mind John, the more good things the better. I must, however, do Maquina the justice to state, that he was much neater both in his person and eating than were the others, as was likewise his queen, owing no doubt to his intercourse with foreigners, which had given him ideas of cleanliness, for I never saw either of them eat any of these animals, but on the contrary they appeared not much to relish this tast.e in others. Their garments, also, were much cleaner, Maquina having been accus- tomed to give his away when they became soiled, till after he discovered tiiat Thompson and myself kept ours clean by washing them, when he used t/> make Thompson do the same for him. Yet amidst this state of endurance and disap- poiatment, in heariag repeatedly of the arrival of ships at the north aod §outh, most of which proved to be idle reports, while expectation was almost wearied out in looking for them, we did not wholly despond, relying on the mercy of the Supreme Being, to ofier up to whom our devotions on the days appointed for his worship, was our chief consoIatioQ and support, though we were some- times obliged, by our task-masters, to infringe upon the Sabbath, which was to me a source of much regret. We were, nevertheless, treated at times with much kindness by Maquina, who would give us a plenty of the best that he had to eat, and occa- sionally, some small present of cloth for a garment, promising me, that if any ship should arrive within 9 hundred miles of Nootka, he would send a canoe with a letter from me to the captain, so that be might come to our release. These flattering pro- mises and marks of attention, were, however, at those times when he thought himself in personal danger from a mutinous spirit, which the scarcity of provisions had excited among the natives, who, like true savages, imputed all their public cala- mities, of whatever kind, to the misconduct of their chief, or when be was apprehensive of an at- tack from some of the other tribes who were irri- tated with him for cutting off the Boston, as it had prevented ships from coming to trade with 145 them, and were consfaotly alarniiag him wilh idle stories of vessels that were preparJDg to coino against him, and exterminate both him and his people. At such times, he made us keep guard over him both night and day, armed with cutlasses and pistols, being apparently afraid to trust any of his own men. At ontf time, it .was a general revolt of his people that he apprehended; then three of his principal chiefs, among whom was his elder bro- ther, had conspired to take away bis life; and at length, he fancied that a snriall party of Klaoo- quates, between wjiom and the Noolkians, little friendship subsisted, had come to Nootka, under a pretence of trade, for the sole purpose of murdering him and his family, telling us, probably to sharpea our vigilance, that their intention was to kill m likewise; and so strongly were hia fears excited on this occasion, that he not only ordered us to keep near him armed by day, whenever he went out, and to patrole at night before hi^ house while they remained, but to coniinue the same guard for three days after they were gone, and (o fire at ona and at four in the morning, one uf the great guns to let them know, if, as he suspected, they were lurking in the neighbourhood, that he was on bis guard. While he was tha?j favourably disposed towards 146 us, I took aa cpportunity to inform him of the ill treatment that we frequently received from his people, and the insults that were offered us by some of the stranger tribes in calling us white slaves, and loading us with other opprobrious terms. He was much displeased, and said that his subjects should not be allowed to treat us ill, and that if any of the strangers did it, he wished us to punish the offenders with death, at the same time directing ns, for our security, to go constantly armed. This permission was soon improved by Thompson io the best advantage; for a few days after, having gone to the pond to wash some of our clothes, and blanket for Maquina, several Wickinninish who were then at Nootka, came thither, and seeing him washing the clothes, and the blanket spread upon the grass io dry, they began according to custom, to insult him, and one of them bolder than the others, walked over the blanket, Thompson was highly incensed, and threatened the Indian with death if he repeated the offence, but he, in contempt of the threat, trampled upon the blanket, when drawing his cutlass, without farther ceremony, Thompson cut oflf his head, on seeing which the others ran off at full speed; Thompson then gather- ing up the clothes and blanket, on which were the marks of the Indian's dirty feet, and taking with him the head, returned and informed the king of what had passed, who was much pleased, and highly 147 commended his conduct. This had a favourable effect for us, not only on the slranger tribrs, but the inhabitants themselves, who treated us after- wards with less disrespect. In the latter part of July, Maquina informed me that he was going to war with the A-ij.charts, a tribe about fifty miles to the south, on account of some controversy that had arisen the preceding summer, and that I must make a Dumber of daggers for his men, and cheetoolths for his chiefs, which having completed, he wished me to make for his own use a weapon of quite a different form, in order to dispatch his enemy by one blow on the head, it being the calculation of these nations on going to war, to surprise their adversaries whiie asleep, — This was a steel dagger, or more properly a spike, of about six inches long, made very sharp, set at right angles in an iron handle of fifteen inches long, terminating at the lower end in a crook or turn, so as to prevent its being wrenched from the hand, and at the upper, in a round knob or head, from whence the spike protruded. This instrument I polished highly, and the more to please Maquina, formed on the back of the knob, the resemblance of a man's head, with the mouth open, substituting for eyes, black beads, which I fastened in with red sealing wax. This pleased him much, and was greatly admired by his chiefs, who wanted me to make similar ones U8 for.them, hut Maquina would not suffer it, reserr- iag for himself alone tins weapon. When these people, have finally determined on war, Ibey make it an invariable practice for three or four weeks prior to the expedition, to go into the water five or six times a day, when they wash and scrub themselves from head to foot with bushes in- termixed with briars, go that their bodies and faces will often be entirely covered with blood. During this severe exercise, they are continually exclaim- ing, " Wocash Quakootzej 7 eechamme ah uelth^ uik-etish tau- ilih — Kar-sab-m aiem as — J Vik-sish to hauk matemas — / ya-ish kah shittle — As-smoo- iish warich matemas ;'''' which signifies g(!od or great God, let me live — Not be sick — Find the enemy — Not fear him — Find him asleep, and kill a^reat many of them. During the whole of this period, they have no in- tercourse with their women, and for a week, before setting out, abstain from feasting or any k:cd of merriment, appearing thoughtful, gloomy, and morose, and for the three last days, are almost constantly In the water, both by day and night, scrubbing and lacerating themselves in a terrible manner. Maquina having iiiformed Thompson and myself that he gliould take us \\ith him, was very solicitous that he should bathe and scrub cur- selves in the sunie way with them, teliing me that 149 it would harden our skins, so that the weapons of the enemy would not pierce them, but as we felt no great inclination to amuse ourselves in this manner, we declined it. The expedition consisted of forty canoes, carrying from ten to twenty men each. Thompson and my- self armed ourselves with cutlasses and pistols, but the natives, although they had a plenty of Eu- ropean arms, took with them only their daggers and cheetoolths, with a few bows and arrows, the latter being about a yard in length, and pointed with copper, muscle shell, or bone: the bows are four feet and a half long, with strings made of whale sinew. To go to A-y-cl^rt, we ascended from twenty to thirty miles, a river about the size of that of Tashees, the banks of which are high and covered with wood. At midnight, we came in sight of the village, which was situated on the west bank, near the shore, on a steep hill difScult of access, and well calculated for defence. It consisted of fifteen or sixteen houses, smaller than those at NooS ka, and built in the same style, but compactly placed. By Maquioa's directions, the attack w^s deferred until the first appearance of dawn, as he said that was the time when men slept the soundest. At length all being ready for the atlatk, we 150 landed with the greatest silence, and going around 80 as to come apoo the foe in the rear, clambered up the hilJ, and while the natives, as is their custom, entered the several huts, creeping on all fours, ray comrade and myself stationed ourselves without, to intercept those who should attempt to escape, or come to the aid of their friends. 1 wished if possible, not to stain my hands in the blood of any fellow creature, and though Thompson would gladly have put to death all the savages in the country, be was too brave to think of attacking a sleeping enemy. Having entered the houses, on the vvar-whoop being given by Maquina, as he seized the head of the chief, and gave him the fatal blow, all pro- ceeded to the work of death. The A-y-charts being thus surprized, were unable to make resis- tance, and with the exception of a very few, who were so fortunate as to make their escape, were all kilUd or taken prisoners ou condition of becoming slaves to their captors. I had the good fortune to take four captives, whom Maquina, as a favor, permitted me to consider as mine, and occasionally employ them in fishing for me; as for Thompson, who thirsted for revenge, he had no wish to take any prisoners, but with his tutlass, the only weapon he would employ against them, succeeded in killing seven stout fellows, who came to attack bim, an act which obtained him great credit with 151 Maquina and the chiefs, who after this, held him in much higher estimation, and gave him the appellation of ChehieUsama-har^ it heing the name of a very celebrated warrior of their nation in anci- ent times, whose exploits were the constant theme of their praise. After having put to death all the old and infirm of either sex, as is the barbarous practice of these people, and destroyed the buildings, we re-embark- ed with our booty in our canoes, for Nootka, where we were received with great demonstra- tions of joy by the women and children, accompa- nying our war song with a most furious drumming on the houses. The next day a great feast was given by Maquina, in celebration of his victory, ♦which was terminated as usual with a dance by Sat-sat-sak-sis. Repeated applications had been made to Maqui- na, by a number of kings or chiefs, to purchase me, especially after he had shewed them the harpoon I had made for him, which he took much pride in, but he constantly refused to part with me on any terms. — Among these, the king of the Wickinninish was particularly solicitous to obtain mcj having twice applied to Maquina for that purpose, once in a very formal manner, by sending his messenger with four canoes, who as he approached the shore, decorated in their highest O % 152 sty^e, with the white down on his head, &c. declared that he came to buy Tooteyoohannis^ the name by which 1 was known to them, for his master, and that he had brought for that purpose four young male slaves, two highly ornamented ca- noes, such a number of the skins of metamelth, and of the quartlack, or sea otter, and so many fathoms of cloth and of i-whaw, while as he mentioned the dif- ferent articles, they were pointed out or held up by his attendants, but even this tempting oiTer had no influence on Maquina ; who in the latter part of the summer, was again very strongly urged to sell me by Ulatilla, or as he is generally called Machee Ulatilla, chief of the Klaizzarts, who had come to Nootka on a visit. This chief, who could epeak tolerable English, had much more the appearance of a civilized man, than any of the savages that I saw. Reappeared to be about thirty, was rather small in his person, but extremely well formed, with a skin almost as fair as that of an European, good features, and a countenance expressive of candour and amiableness, and which was almost always brightened with a gmile. He was much neater both in his dress and person than any of the other chiefs, seldom wearing paint, except upon his eye-brows, v/hich after the custom of his country, were plucked out, and a few strips of the pelpelth on the lower part of his face. He always treated me with much kindness. 163 was fond of conversing with rae in English and iu his own language, asking me many questions relative to my country, its manners, customs, &c. and appeared to take a strong interest in my fate, telling me, that if he could persuade Maquina to part with rae, he would put me on board the first ship that came to his country; a promise, which from his subsequant conduct, I have good reason to think he would have performed, as my delive- rance at length, from captivity and suffering was, under the favour of divine providence, ' wholly owing to him, the only letter that ever reached an European or American vessel, out of sixteen that I wrote at different times, and sent to various parts of the coast, having been delivered by him in person. So much pleased was I with this man's behaviour to me while at Nootka, that I made for him a Cheetoolth, which I burnished highly, and engraved with figures; with this he was greatly delighted, I also would have made for him a harpoon would Maquina have consented. With hearts full of dejection and almost lost to hope, no ship having appeared off Nootka this season, did my companion and myself accompany the tribe on their removal in September, to Tashees, relinquishing in consequence, for six months, even the jemotest expectation of Telief. Soon after our establishment there, Maquina O 3 154 informed me, that he and his chiefs had held council both before and after quitting Nootka, in which they had determined that I must marry one of their women, urging as a reason to induce me 1o consent, that as there was now no probability of a ship coming to Nootka to release me, that I must consider myself as destined to pass the remainder of my life with them, that the sooner I conformed to their customs the better, and that a wife and family would render me more contented and satisfied with their mode of living. I remon- strated against this decision, but to no purpose, for he told me that should I refuse, both Thompson and myself would be put to death, telling me however, that if there were none of the women of his tribe that pleased me, he would go with me to some of the other tribes, where he would purchase for me such a one as I should select. Reduced to this sad extremity, with death on the one side, and matrimony on the other, I thought proper to choose what appeared to me the least of the two evils, and consent to be married, on condition, that'as I did cot fancy any of the Nootka women, I should be permitted to make choice of one from some olher tribe. This being settled, the next morning by day light Maquina with about fifty men iu two canoes, set oat with me for A-i-tiz*zart, taking with him a quantity of cloth, a number of muskets, sea otter 166 skins, &c. for the purchase of my bride. With the aid of our paddles and sails, being favoured with a fair breeze, we arrived some time before sun set at the village. Our arrival excited a general alarm, and the men hastened to the shore, armed with the weapons of their country, making many warlike de- monstrations, and displaying much Zealand activi- ty. We in the m£an time remained quietly seated in ourcaooes, where we remained for about half an hour, when the messenger of the chief, dressed in their best manner, came to welcome us, and invite us on shore to eat. We followed him in procession to the chief's honse, Maquina at our head, taking care to leave a sufficient number in the boats to pro- tect the property. When we came to the bouse, we were ushered in with much ceremony, and our re- spective seats pointed out to us, mine being next to Maquina by his request. After having been regaled with a feast of herring spawn and oil, Maquina asked me if I saw any a- mong the women who were present that I liked, I immediately pointed out to a young girl of about seventeen, the daughter of Upquesta^ the chief, who was sitting near him by her mother. On this Ma- quina making a sign to his men, arose and taking me by the hand, walked into the middle of the room, and sent off two of his men to bring ihe boxes containing the presents from the canoes. In the mean time Kinneclimmets, the master of ceremo- 166 nies, whom I have already spoken of, made himself ready for the part he was to act, by powdering his hair with white down. — When the chests were brought in, specimens of the several articles were taken out, aud shewed by our men, one of whom held up a musket, another a skin, a third a piece of cloth, &c. On this, Kinneclimmets stepped forward, and addressing the chief, informed him that all these belonged to me, mentioning the number of each kind, and that they were oflFered to him for the pui chase of his daughter Eu-stoch-ee-ex' qua, as a wife for me. As he said this, the men who held up the various articles, walked up to the chief, and with a very stern and morose look, the complimentary one on these occasions, threw them at his feet. Immediately on which, all the tribe, both men and women, who were assembled on this occasion, set up a cry of Klack-ko-Tyee, thai is, Thank ye chief. His men, after this ceremony, having returned to their places, Maquina rose, and in a speech of more than hall an hour, said much in my praise to the A-i-tizzart chief, telling him that I was as good a man as themselves, differing from them only in being white, that I was besides acquainted with many things of which they were ignorant; that I ki\ev/ bow to make daggers, cheetoolths, and harpoons, and was a very valua- ble person, whom he was determined to keep always with him ; praising me at the same time for the goodness of my temper, and the rnanner in which 167 I had conducted myself sioce 1 had been with them, observing that all the people of Nootka, and even the children, loved me. 9 While Maqaina was speaking, his master of cere- jnoni'es was continually skipping about, making the most extravagant gestures, and exclaiming IVocash. When he had ceased, the A-i-tiz-zart chief arose amidst the acclamations of his people^ and began with setting forth the many good qua- lities and accomplishments of his daughter; that he loved her greatly, and as she was his only one, he could not think of parting with her. He spoke in this manner for some time, but finally concluded by consenting to the proposed anion, requesting that she might be well used and kindly treated by her husband. At the close of this speech, when the chief began to manifest a disposition to consent to our union, Kinneclimmets ai;ain began to call out as loud as he could bawl, Wocash, cutting a a thousand capers and spinning himself around on his heel like a top. When Upquesta had finished his speech, he di- rected his people io carry back the presents which Maquina had given him, to me, together with two young male slaves, to assist me in fishing. These, after havmg been placed before me, were by Ma- quina's men taken on board the canoes- This ceremony being over, we v^ere invited by one of 158 the priacipal chiefs to a feast, at his house, of Klussamit^ or dried herring, where after the eating was over, Kinneclimmets amused the company very highly with his trtciis, and the evening's en- tertainment was closed by a new war song from our men, and one in return from the A-i-tiz-zarts, ajc- companied with expressive gestures, and wielding of their weapons. After this our company returned to lodge at Up- questa's, except a few who were left on board the canoes, to watch the property. In the morning I received from the chief his daughter, with an earnest request that I would use her well, which I promised him; when taking leave of her parents, she accompanied me with apparent satisfaction on board of the canoe. The wind being a-head, the natives were obliged to have recourse to their paddles, accompany ibg them with their songs, interspersed with the ^yitti- cisms and buflfoonry of Kinneclimmets, who, in his capacity of king's steersman, one of his functions which I forgot to enumerate, not only guided the course of the canoe, but regulated the singing of the boatmen. At about five in the morning, we reached Tashees, where we found all the inhabi- tants collected on the shore to receive us. We were welcomed with loud shouts of joy, and excla- maliofli of Wocash, and the women taking my 159 bride under their charge, conducted her to Maquina's house, to be kept with them for ten days; it being " an universal custom, as Maquina informed me, that no intercourse should take place between the new married pair during that period. At night Ma- quina gave a great feast, which was succeeded by a dance, in which all the women joined, and thus ended the festivities of my marriage. The term of my probation being over, Maquina assigned me as an apartment, the space in the up- per part of his house, between him and his eider bro- ther, whose room was opposite. Here 1 establish- ed myself with my family, consisting of myself and wife, Thompson, and the little Sat-sat-sak-sis, who had always been strongly attached to me, and now solicited his father to let him live with me, to which he consented. This boy was handsome, extremely well formed, amiable, and of a pleasant sprightly disposition. I used to take a pleasure in decorating him with rings, bracelets, ear jewels, &c. which I made for him of copper, and orna- mented and polished them in my best manner. I was also very careful to keep him free from vermin of every kind, washing him and combing his hair every day. These marks of attention were not only very pleasing to the child, who delighted in being kept neat and clean, as well as in being dressed off in his finery, but was highly gratifying 160 both to Maquina and his queen, who used to ex- press much satisfaction at my care of him. In making my domestic establishment, I deter- mined, as far as possible, to live in a more com- fortable and cleanly manner than the others. — For this purpose, I erected with planks, a partition of about three feet high, between mine and the, adjoining rooms, and made three bedsteads of the same, which I covered with boards, for my family to sleep on, which 1 found much more comfortable than sleeping on the floor amidst the dirt. Fortunately I found my Indian princess both amiable and intelligent, for one whose limited sphere of observation must necessarily give rire to but a 4cw ideas. She was extremely ready to agree to any thing that I proposed relative to our mode of living, was very attentive in keeping her garments and person neat and clean, and appeared in every respect, solicitous to please me. She was, as I have said, about seventeen, her person was small, but well formed, as were her features, her complexion was, without exception, fairer than any of the women, with considerable colour in Ler cheeks, her hair long^ black, and rriuch softer than is usual with them, and her teeth small, even, and of a dazzling whitecess, while 161 theexpression of hor couateuauce, indicated sweet- ness of temper and modesty. She would, iodeed, have been considered as very pretty in any country, and excepting Maqaina's queen, was by far the handsomest of any of their women. With a partner possessing so many attractions, many may be apt to conclude, that I must have found myself happy, at least comparatively so ; but far otherwise vvas it with me, a compulsory marriage with the most beautiful and accomplished person in the world, can never prove a source of real happiness; and in my situation, I could not but view this connexion as a chain that was to bind me down to this savage land, and prevent my ever again seeing a civilized country; especially, when in a few days after, Maquiqa informed me that there had been a meeting of his chiefs, in which it had been determined, that as I had married one of their women, I must be considered as one of them, and conform to their customs, and that in future, neither myself nor Thompson should wear our Eu- ropean clothes, bat dress in Kutsaks like them- selves. This order was to me most painful, but I persuaded Maquina, at length, so far to relax in it as to permit me to wear those I had at present, which were almost worn out, and not to compel 'Thompson to change his dress, observing, that as he was an old man, such a changs would cause his death. P 162 Their religious celebration, which the last year took place in December, was in this commenced on the 15th of November, and continued for fourteen days. As I was now considered as one of them, instead of being ordered to the woods, Maquina directed Thompson and myself to remain, and pray with them to Quahootze to be good to them, and thank him for what he had done. It was opened in much the same manner as the former. After which, all the men and women in the viljage a^embled at Maquina's house, in their plainest dresses, and without any kind of ornaments about them, having their heads bound around with the red fillet, a token of dejection and humiliation, and their countenances expressive of seriousness and melancholy. The performances during the conti- nuance of this celebration, consisted almost wholly in singing a number of songs to mournful airs, the king regulating the time by beating on his hollow plank or drum, accompanied by one of his chiefs, seated near him with the great rattle. In the mean time, they eat but seldom, and then very little, retiring to sleep late, and rising at the first appear- ance of dawn, and even interrupting this short period of repose, by getting up at midnight and singing. The ceremony was terminated by an exhibition of a similar character to the ona of the last year, 163 0at still more cruel. A boy of twelve years old, with six bayooets ruu into his flesh, one through each arm aad thigh, and through each side close to the ribs, was carried around the room, suspended upon them, without manifesting any symptoms of pain. Maquina, on my enquiring the reason of this display, informed me that it was an ancient custom of his nation, to sacrifice a man at the close of this 8olemnity,Mn honour of their God, but that bis father had abolished it, and substituted this in its place. The whole closed on the even- ing of the 29tb, with a great feast of salmon spawn and oil, at which the natives, as usual, made up for their late abstinence. A few days after, a circumstance occurred, which, from its singularity, I cannot forbear mentioning. I was sent for by my neighbour Yealthlower^ the king's elder brother, to file his teeth, which operation having performed, he in- formed me, that a new wife, whom he had a little time before purchased, having refused to skep with him, it was his intention, provided she persisted in her refusal, to bite oflF her nose. I endeavoured to dissuade him from it, but he was determined, and in fact, performed his savage threat that very night, saying that since she would not be his wife, she should not be that of any other, and in the morning sent her back to her father. P 3 164 Thia iohaaian act did not, however, proceed from any innate cruelty of disposition, or malice, as he was far from being of a barbarous temper; but such is the despotism exercised by these savages over their women, that he no doubt considered it as a just punishment for her offence, in being so obstinate and perverse; as he afterwards told me, that in similar cases, the husband had a right, with them, to disfigure his wife in this way, or some other, to prevent her ever marrying again. About the middle of December, weleftTasiiees for Cooptee. As usual at this season, we found the herrings in great plenty, and here the same scene of riotous feasting that I witnessed last year, was renewed by pur improvident natives, who, in addition to their usual fare, had a plentiful supply of wild geese, which were brought us in great quan- tities by the Esquotes. These, as Maquina in- formed me, were caught with nets made from bark, in the fresh waters of that country. Those who take them, make choice for that purpose, of a dark and rainy night, and with their canoes stuck with lighted torches, proceed with as little noise as pos- sible, to the place where the geese are collected, who, dazzled by the light, suffer themselves to be approached very near, when the net is thrown over them, and in this manner, from fifty to sixty, or even more, will sometimes be taken at one cast. 165 Oa the 15th of January, 1805, about midnight, I was thrown into consiJerable alarm, in conse- quence of an eclipse of the moon, being awakened from my sleep by a great outcry of the inhabitants. Ofl going to discover the cause of this tumult, I found them all out of their houses, bearing lighted torches, singing and beating upon pieces of plank, and whisn I asked them the reason of this proceed- ing, they pointed to the moon, and said that a great cod-fish was endeavouring to swallow her, and that they were driving him away. The origin of this superstition I could not discover. Though, in some respects, my situation was rendered more comfortable since my marriage, as I lived in more cleanly manner, and had my food better and more neatly cooked, of which, besides, I had always a plenty, my slaves generally fur- Dishing me, and Upquesta never failing to send me, an ample supply by the canoes that came from A-i-tiz- zart; still, from my being obliged at this seasoa of the year, to change my accustomed clothing, and to dress like the natives, with only a piece of cloth of about two yards long, thrown loosely around me, my European clothes having been for some time entirely worn out, I suffered more than I can express from the cold, especially as I was compelled to perform the laborious task of cutting and bringing the fire wood, which was. rendered atill more oppressive to me, from my comrade, for P 3 166 a considerable part of the winter, not having it in his power to lend me his aid, in consequence of an attack of the rheumatism in one of his knees, with which he suffered for more than four months, two or three weeks of which, he was so ill as to be un- der the necessity to leave the house. This state of suffering, with the little hope I now had of ever escaping from the savages, begaa to render my life irksome to me, still, however, I lost not my confidence in the aid of the Supreme Being, to whom, whenever the weather and a suspension from the tasks imposed on me, would permit, I never failed regularly, on Sundays, to retire to the wood to worship, taking Thompson with me when he was able to go. On the 20th of February, we returned to our gammer quarters at Nootka, but on my part, with far different sensations than the last spring, being now almost in despair of any vessel arriving to release us, or our being permitted to depart if there should. — Soon aftei our return, as prepara- tory to the whaling season, Maquina ordered me to make a good number of harpoons for hirofelf and his chiefs, several of which I had completed with some lances, when on the 16th of March, I was taken very ill with a violent cbolic, caused, I pre- sume, from having suffered so much from the cold, in going without proper clothing. For a number of 167 hours I was in great pain, and expected to die, and on its leaving me, I was so weak as scarcely to be able to stand, while I had nothing comforting to take, nor any thing to drink but cold water. On the day following, a slave belonging to Ma- quina died, and was immediately^ as is their cus> torn in such cases, tossed unceremoniously out of doors, from whence he was taken by some others, and thrown into the water. The treatment of this poor creature made a melancholy impression upon my mind, as I could not but think, that such proba- bly> would be my fate should I die among these heathens, and so far from receiving a decent burial, that I should not even be allowed the common privilege of having a little earth thrown over my remains. The feebleness in which the violent attack of my disorder had left me, the dejection I felt at the almost hopelessness of ray situation, and the want of warm clothing and proper nursing, though ray Indian wife, as far as she knew how, was always ready, even solicitous, to do every thing for me she could, still kept me very much indisposed, which Maquina perceiving, he finally told me, that if I did not like living with njy wife, and that was the cause of my being so sad, I might part with her. This proposal I readily accepted, and the next day Maquiua sent her back to her father. 168 On pirtiog with me, she discovered much eiiio- tiou, beggiug me that I would suffer her to remaiu till I had recovered, as there was no one who would take so good care of me as herself. But vvheu I told her she must go, for that 1 did not think I should ever get well, which in tiuth I but little expected, and that her father would take good care of her, and treat her much more kindly than Maquiua, she took an affectionate leave, telling me that she hoped I should soon get better, and left her two slaves to take care of me» Though I rejoiced at her departure, I was greatly affected with the simple expressions of her regard for me, and could not but feel strongly interested for this poor girl, who in all her conduct towards me, had discovered so much mildness, and attention to my wishes; and had it not been that I considered her as an almost insuperable obstacle to my being permitted to leave the country, I should no doubt have felt the deprivation of her society a real loss. After her departure, I requested Maqui- ua, that, as I had parted with my wife, he would permit me to resume my European dress, as, other- wise, from not having been accustomed to dress like them, I should certainly die. To this he consented, and I once more became comfortably clad. Change of clothing, but more than all, the hopes which I now began to indulge, that in the course of 16U the summer I should be able to escape, in a short time restored me to health, so far, that I could again go to work in making harpoons for Maquina, who probably, fearing that he should have to part with me, determined to provide himself with a good stock. 1 shall not, however, long detain the reader with a detail of occurrences that intervened between this period, and that of my escape, which, from that dull uniformity that marks tlie savage life, would be in a measure, but a repetition, nor dwell upon that mental torture I endured, from a constant coQiiict of hope and fear, when the former, almost wearied out with repeated disappointment, offered to our sinking hearts no prospect of release, but death, to which we were cca«tantly exposed from the brutal ignorance and savage disposition of the common people, who in the various councils that were held this season to determine what to do with us, in case of the arrival of a ship, were almost always for putting us to death, expecting by that means to conceal the murder of our crew, and to throw the blame of it on some other tribe. These barbarous sentiments were, however, universally opposed by Maquina and his chiefs, who would not consent to our being injured. But as some of tlieir customs and traits of national character, which I think deserving of notice, have not been 170 menlioned, I shall proceed to giv'« an account oi them. « The ofHce of king or chief, is, with those people, hereditary, and descends to the eldest son, or in failure of male issue, to the elder brother, who in the regal line, is considered as the second person in the kingdom. At feasts, as I have observed, the king is always placed in the highest, or seat of hon- our, and the chiefs according to their respective ranks, which appear, in general, to be determined by their aflSoity to the royal family, they are also designated by the embellishments of their mantles, or Kutsaks. The king, or head Tyee, is their leader in war, in the management of which he is perfectly absolute. He is also president of their councils, which are almost always regulated by his opinion. But he has no kind of power over the property of his subjects, nor can- he require them to contribute to his wants, being in this respect, no more privileged than any other person. He has ia | common with his ctiiefs. the right of holding slaves, which is not enjoyed by private individuals, a regu- lation probably arising from their having been origi* Dally captives taken in battle, -the spoils of war being understood as appertaining to the king,-' who receives and apportions them among his several^ chiefs and warriors, according to their rank and d«- lerts. 171 In conformity with this idea, the plunder of the Boston, was all deposited in Maquiaa's house, who distributed part of it among his chiefs, according to th^ir respective ranks or degree cf favour with him, giving to one, three hundred muskets, to another, one hundred and fifty, with other things ia like proportion. The king is, however, obliged to sup- port his dignity by making frequent entertaioments, and whenever he receives a large supply of provi- sion, he must invite all the men of his tribe to his house, to eat it up, otherwise, as Maquina told me, he would not be. consider as conducting like a Tyee, and would be no more thought of than a common man. With regard to their religion — They believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, whom they call Qiiahooize^ and who, to use Maqnina's expression, was one great Tyee in the sky, who gave them their fish, and could take them from them, and was the greatest of all king*. Their usual place of worship, appeared to be the Wdter, for whenever they bathed, they addressed some, ^fl^iiifiat^iog his gestures, singing, and repeatiui^' certain vvo^s, a^ifW^WSg off the evil spirit, when the patient llPmpped up in a bear skiu, in order to produce [^rspiration. Their ^re for the rheumatisirr, or similar paio^, which I %BiW applied by Maquina, in the case of Thompsotf, to whom it gave relief, is by cutting or icarifying^the part affected. In dressing wounds, they simply wash them with salt water, and bind them up with a strip of cloth, or the bark of a tree. They are, however, very expert and successful in the cure of fractured or dislocated limbs, reducing them very dexterously, and after binding them up with bark, supporting them with blocks of wood, so as to preserve their position. During the whole time I was among them, but five natural deaths occurred, Tootoosch and his two infant children, an infant son of Maquina, and the slave whom I have mentioned, a circumstance not a little remarkable in a population of about fifteen hundred; and as respects child-birth, so light do they make of it, that I have seen their women the day after, employed as usual, as if . little or nothing had happened. The Nootkians in their conduct towards each other, are in general .-Pacific and inoffensive, and appear by no means an ill tempered race, for I do a 2 176 not recollect any instaDce of a violent quarrel be- tween any of the men, or the men and their wives, while I was with them, that of Yeallhlower, except- ed. But when they are in the least offended, they appear to be in the most violent rage, acting like so many maniacs, foaming at the month, kicking and spitting most furiously ; but this is rather a fashion with them, than a demonatratioa of malig- nity, as in their public speeches, they use the same violence, and he is esteemed the greatest orator, Avho bawls the loudest, stamps, tosses himself about, foams and spits the most. Jo speaking of their regulations, I have emitted mentioning, that on attaining the age of seventeen, the eldest son of a chief, is considered as a chiefjiim- self, and that whenever the father makes a present, it is always done in the name of his eldest son, or if he has none, in that of his daughter. The chiefs, frequently purchase their wives at the age of eight or ten, to prevent their being engaged by others, though they do not take them from their parents un- til they are sixteen. With regard to climate, th« greater part of the spring, summer, and autumn, is very pleasant, the weather being at no time oppressively hot, and the winters uncommonly mild, for so high a latitude, at least as far as ray experience went. At Tashees and Cooptee, where we passed the coldest part 177 of the season, the winter did not set io till late in December, nor have I ever known the ice, even. on the fresh water ponds, more than two or three inches in thickness, or a snow exceeding four inches in depth, but what is wanting in snow, is amply made up in rain, as I have frequently known it during the winter months, rain almost incessantly for five or six days in succession. It was now past mid-summer, and the hopes we had indulged of our release, became daily more faint, for though we had heard of no less than seven vessels on (he coast, yet none appeared inclined to venture to Nootka. The destruction of the Bos- ton, the largest, strongest, and best equipped ship, with the most valuable cargo of any that had ever been fitted for the North West trade, had inspired the commanders of others with a general dread of coming thither, lest they should share the same fate; and though in the letters I wrote (imploring those who should receive them, to come to the re- lief of two unfortunate Christians who were suflFer- ing among heathen) I stated the cause of the Bos- ton's capture, and that there was not the least dan- ger iii coming to Nootka, provided they woult) fol- low the directions I laid down, still 'l felt very little encouragement, that any of these letters would come to hand, when on the morning of the nine- teenth of July, a day that will be ever held by me in grateful remembrance, of the mercies of God, Q 3 178 while I was employed with Thompson in forging daggers for the king, my ears were saluted with the joyful sound of three cannon, and the cries of the inhabitants, exclaiming, Weena, weena — Ma- methlee — that is, strangers—white men. Soon after several of our people, came running into the house, to inform me that a vessel under full sail was coming into the Tiarbour. Though my heart bounded with joy, I repressed my feelings, andaflFecting to pay no attention to what was said, told Thompson to be on his guard, and not betray any joy, as our release, and perhaps our lives, depended on our conducting ourselves so as to in- duce the natives to suppose we were not very anxious to leave them. We continued our work as if nothing had happened, when in a few minutes after, Maquina came in, and seeing us at work, appeared much surprised, and asked me if I did not know that a vessel bad come. I answered in a careless manner, that it was nothing to me. Hovr, John, said he, you no glad go board. I replied that I cared very little about it, as I had become reconciled to their manner of living, and had no wish to go away. He then told me^ that he had called a council of his people respecting us, and that we must leave off work and be present at it. The men having assembled at Maquina's houge^ 179 he asked them what was their opinion should he done with Thompson and myself, now a vessel had arrived, and whether he had not better go on board himself, to make a trade, and procure such articles as were wanted. Each one of the tribe who wished, gave his opinion. Some were for putting us to death, and pretending to the strangers, that a dif- ferent nation had cut off the Boston, while others, less barbarous, were for sending us fifteen or twen- ty miles back into the country, until the departure of the vessel. These, however, were the senti- ments of the common people, the chiefs opposing cor being put to death, or injured, and several of them, among the most forward of whom were Yaelthlower and the young chief, Toowinnakin- nish, were for immediately releasing us ; but this, if he could avoid it, by no means appeared to ac- cord with Maquina's wishes. Having mentioned Toowinnakinnish, I shall briefly observe, that he was a young man of about twenty-three years old, the only son of Toopee- shottee, the oldest and most respected chief of the tribe. His son bad always been remarkably kind and friendly to me, and I had in return frequently made for him daggers, cheetooKhs, arsd other things, in my best manner. He was one of the handsomest men among them, very amiable, and much milder in his manners than any of the others, as well as neater both in his person and house, at 180 least his apartment, witiiout even excepting Ma- quina. With regard, however, to Maquiaa's going oa board the vessel, vrhich he discovered a strong inclination to do, there was but one opinion, all remonstrating against it, telling him that the captain would kill him or keep him prisoner, in 'consequence of his haviug destroyed our ship. When Maquina had heard their opinions, he told them that he was not afraid of being hurt from going oa board the vessel, but that he would, however, as it respected that, be guided by John, whom he had always found true. He then turned to me, and asked me if I thought there would be any danger in his going on board. I answered, that I was not surprised at the advice his people had given him, unacquainted as they were with the manners of the white men, and judging them by their own, but if they had been with them as much as I had, or even himself, they would think very different. That he had almost always experienced good and civil treatment from them, nor bad he any reason to fear the contrary now, as they never attempted to harm tho^ie who did not injure them, and if he wished to go oa board, he might do it, in my opinion with security. After refiectiug a few moraeats, he said, with much apparent satisfaction, that if I would write 181 a letter to the captain, telliog him good of him, that he had treated Thompson and myself kindly since we had been with him, and to use him well, he would go. It may easily be supposed that I felt much joy at this determination, but knowing that the least incaution might annihilate all my hopes of escape^ was careful not to manifest it, and to treat his going or staying as a matter perfect" ly indilTerent to me. 1 told him that if he wished me to write such a letter, I had do objection, as it was the truth, otherwise I could not have done it. I then proceeded to write the recommendatory letter, which the reader will naturally imagine was of a somewhat different tenor from the one he had required; for if deception is in any case warrantable, it was certainly so in a situation like our's, where the only chance of regaining that freedom of which we had been so unjustly deprived, depended upon it ; and I trust that few, even of the most rigid, will condemn me with severity for making use of it, on an occasion which alTorded me the only hope of ever more beholding a Christian country, and pre- serving myself, if not from death, at least from a life of continued suffenng. The letter which I wrote, was nearly in the fol- lowing terms : — 182 To Captain of the Bill ' Nootka, July 19, 1805. Sir, The bearer of this letter is the Indian king by the name of Maquina. He was the instigator of the capture of the ship Boston, of Boston, in North America, John Salter captain, and of the murder of twenty five men of her crew, the two only sur- vivors being now on shore — Wherefore I hope you will take care to conSne him according to his merits, putting in your dead-lights, and keeping so good a watch over him, that he cannot escape from you. By so doing we shall be able to obtain our release in the course of a few hours. John R. Jewitt, At-ntuurer of the Boston^ for himself^ and John Thompson, Sail-maker of the said ship, 1 have been asked how I dared to write in this manner, my answer is, that from ray long residence among these people, I knew that I had little to ap- prehend from their anger on hearing of their king being confined, while they knew his life depended upon my release, and that they wcJuld sooner have given up five hundred white men, than have had him injured. This will 'serve to explain the little apprehension I felt at their menaces afterwards. 183 for otherwise, sweet as liberty was to me, I should hardly have veotured oq so hazardous aa experi- ment. On my giving the letter to Maquina, he asked me to explain it to him. This I did line by line, as he pointed them out with his finger, but in a sense very different from the real, giving him to under- stand that I had written to the captain, that as he had been kind to me since I had been taken by him, that it was my wish that the captain should treat him accordingly, and give him what mollasses, biscuit and rum he wanted. When I had finished, placing his finger in a significant manner on my nnme at the bottom, and eyeing me with a look that seemed to read ray inmost thoughts, he said to me, '-'- John you no lie ?" Never did I undergo such a scrutiny, or ever experience greater apprehensions than I felt at that moment, when my destiny was suspended on the slightest thread, and the least mark of em- barrassment on mine, or suspicion of treachery on his past, would probaWy have rendered my life the sacrifice. Fortunately I was able to preserve my composure, and my being painted in the Indian manner, which Maquina had since my marriage, required of me, prevented any change in my coun- tenance from being noticed, and I replied with con- siderable promtitude, looking at him in my turn, with all the confidence I could muster, " Why do you ask me such a question, Tyee ? have you ever 184 known me to lie ?" " No." " Then how can yon suppose I should tell you a lie now, since I have never done it." As I was speaking, he still con- tinued looking at me with the same piercing eye, ^ but observing nothing to excite bis suspicion, he told me that he believed what I said was true, and that he would go on board, and gave orders to get ready his canoe. His chiefs again attempted to dissuade him, using every argument for that purpose, while his wives crowded around him, begging him on their knees, not to trust himself with the white men. Fortunately for my companion and myself, so strong was his wish of going on board the vesssl, that he was deaf to their solicitations, and making no other reply to them, than, '• John no lie," left the house, taking four prime skins with him as a present to the captain. Scarcely had the canoe put off, when he ordered his men to stop, and calling to me, asked me if I did not want to go on board with him. Sugpect- ing this as a question merely intended to ensnare me, I replied th*t 1 had no wish to do it, not having any desire to leave them. On going on board the brig, Maquina imme- mediately gave his present of skins and my letter to the captain, who on readiug it, asked him into tl e cabin, where lie gave him some biscuitand aglass of rum, at the same time, privately directing his 185 mate to go forward, and return with five or six of the mea armed. When they appeared, the captain told Maquina that he was his prisoner, and shouid continue so, until the two men, whom he knew to be on shore, were released, at the same time order- ing him to be put in irons, and the windows secur- ed, which was instantly done, and a couple of men placed as a guard over him. Maquina was greatly surprised and terrified at this reception ; he howe* ver, made no attempt to resist, but requested the captain to permit one of his men to come and see him. One of them was accordingly called, and Maquina said something to him which the captain did not understand, but supposed to be an order to release us, when the man returning to the canoe, it %is paddled ofif with the utmost expedition to the shore. As the canoe approached, the inhabitants, who had all collected upon the beach, manifested some uneasiness at not seeing their king on board, hut when on its arrival, they were told that the cap- tain had made him a prisoner, and that John had spoke bad about him in the letter, they all both men and women, set up a loud howl, and ran back- wards and forwards upon the shore like so many lU- natics, scratching their faces, and tearing the hair in handfuls from their heads. After they had beat about in this manner for some time, the men ran to their huls for their weapons, as if preparing to attack an invading eLeiriy, v/ijile R 186 Maquina*s wives and the rest of the women, came around me, and throwing themselves on their knees, begged me with tears to spare his life, and Sat-sat- saksis, who kept constantiy with me, taking me by the hand, wept bitterly, and joined his entreaties to theirs, that 1 would not let the white men kill his father. I told them not to afiBict themselves, that Maquina's life was in no danger, nor would th« least harm be done to him. The men were however, extremely exasperated with me, more parlicularly the common people, who came rnnning in the most furious manner towards me, brandishing their weapons, and threatening to cut me in pieces no bigger than their thumb nails, while others declared they vrould burn me alive o- ver a slow fire, suspended by my heeh. All this fury, however, caused me but little alarm, as I felt convinced they would not dare to execute their threats while the king was on board the brig. The chiefs took no j)art in this violent conduct, but came to me, and enquired the reason why Maquina had been thus treated, and if the captain intended to kill him. J told them that if they would silence the people, so that I could be heard, 1 would explain all to them. They immediately put a stop to the noise, when I informed them that ijiie captain, in confining Maquina, had done it «ilv in order to make them release Thompson and 187 myself, as he well knew we were with them, and if they would do that, their King would receive uo injury, but be well treated, otherwise he would be kept a prisoner. As many of them did not appear to be satisQed with this, and began to repeat their murderous threats — Kill me, said I (o them, if it is your wish, throwing open the bear skin which I wore, here is my breast, I am only oue among so many, and can make no resistance, but unless you wish to see your king hanging by his neck to that pole, pointing to the yard-arm of the brig, and the sailors firing at him with bullets, you will not do it, O no, was the general cry, that mast never be; but what must we do? I told them that their best plaa would be, to send TlifcnpsoQ on hoard, to desire the captain to use Maquina well till I was released, which would- be soon. This they were perfectly willing to do, and I directed Thompson to go qii board. But he objected, saying that he would not leave me alone with the savages. I told him not to be under any fear for me, for that if I could get him off, I could manage well enough for myself, and Hiat I wished him immediately on getting on board the brig, to see the captain and request him-to keep Maquina close till I was released, as I was in no danger while he had him safe. When I saw Thompson off, I asked the natives R 2 188 what they intended to do with me. They said I must talk to the captain again, in another letter, and tell him to let his boat come on shore with Ma- quina, and that I should be ready to jump into the boat at the same time Maquina should jump on shore. I told them that the captain, who knew that they had killed my shipmates, would never trust his men go near the shore for fear they could kill them loo, as they were so much more numerous, hut that if they would select any three of their num- ber to go with me iu a. canoe, when we came with- in hail, I would desire the captain to send his boat with Maquina, to receive me in exchange for him. This appeared to please them, and after some whispering among the chiefs, who from what words I o«?rheard, concluded tSt if the captain should refuse to send his boat with Maquina, the three men would have no difficulty in bringing me back with them, they agreed'to my proposal, and select- ed three of their stoutest men to convey me. For- tunately having been for some time accustomed to see me armed, and suspecting no design on my part, they paid no attention to the pistols that I had a- bout me. As I was going into the canoe, little Sat-sat-sak- sis, who could not bear to part with me, asked me, with an affecting simplicity, since I was going a- way to leave him, if the white men would not let 189 his father come on shore, and not kill him. I told him not to be concerned, for that no one should in- jure his father, when taking an alTectiouate leave of me, and again begging me not to let the white men hurt his father, he ran to comfort his mother^ who was at a little distance, with the assurances I had given him. On entering the canoe, I seated myself in the prow facing the three men., having determined if it was practicable, from the moment I found Mai|uina Was secured, to get on bbird the vessel before be was released, hoping by that means, to be enabled to obtain the restoration of what property, belonging to the Boston, Mill reme^ined in the possession of the savages, which I thought, if it could be done, a duty that I owed to ti^ owners. With feelings of joy impossible to be described, did I quit the savage shore, confident now that nothing could thwart my escape, or prevent the exejcution of the plan that I had formed, as the nrien appointed to convey and gaard me, were armed with nothing but their pad- dles. As we came within hail of the brig, they at once ceased paddling, when presenting my pistols at them, I ordered them instantly to go on, or 1 would shoot the whole of them. A proceeding so wholly unexpected, threw them into great coogter« nation, and resuming their paddles, in a few R 3 190 moments, to my inexpressible delight, I once more found myself along side of a Christian ship, a happiness which I had almost despaired of ever again enjoying. All the crew crowded to the side to see me as the canoe came up, and manifested much joy at my safety. I immediately leaped on board, where I was welcomed by the captain, Samuel Hill, of the brig Lydia of Boston, who congratulated me on my escape, informing me that he had received ray letter off Kloiz-zart, from the chief Machee Ulatilla, who came off himself in his canoe, to deliver it to him, on which he immediate- ly proceeded hither to aid me. I returned him my thanks in the best manner I could for his humanity, though I hardly knew what I said, such was the agitated state of my feelings at that moment, with joy for my escape, thankfulness to the Supreme Being who had so mercifully preserved me, and gratitude to those whom he had rendered instra- mental in my delivery, that I have no doubt, that what with my strange dress, being painted with red and black from head to foot, having a bear-skin wrapped around me, and my long hair, which I was not allowed to cut, fastened on the top of my head in a large bunch, with a sprig of green spruce, I must have appeared more like one deranged than a rational creature, as captain Hill afterwards told me, that he never saw any thing in the form of man, look so wild as I did when I first came on board. 191 The captain then asked me into tlie cabin, where I found Maquioa in irons, with a guard over him. He looked very melancholy, but on seeing me, his countenance brightened up, and he expressed his pleasure with the welcome of " Wocash John;" when taking him by the hand, I asked the captain's permission to take off his irons, assuring him that as I was with him there was no danger of his being in the least troublesome. He accordingly consent- ed, and I felt a sincere pleasure in freeing from fetters, a man, who, though he had caused the death of my poor comrades, had nevertheless, always proved my friend and protector, and whom I had requested to be thus treated, only with a vieWjOf securing my liberty. Maquina smiled and appeared mnch pleased at this mark of attention from me. When I had freed the king from his irons, captain Hill wished to learn the particulars of our capture, observing that an account of the de- struction of the ship and her crew had been received at Boston before he sailed, but that nothing more was known, except that two of the men were living, for whose rescue the owners had offered a liberal reward, and that he had been able to get nothing out of the old man, whom the sailors had supplied so plentifully with grog, as to bring him too much by the head, to give any information. I gave him a correct statement of the whole pro- ceeding, together with the manner in which my life 192 aaJthatof my coiiirade had beea preserved. On hearing my story, he was greatly irritated against Maquica, and said he ought to be killed. 1 obser- ved that however ill he might have acted ia taking our ship, yet that it might, perhaps, be wrong to judge an uninformed savage, with the same severity as a civilized person, who had the light of religion and the laws of society to guide him. That Maquina's conduct in taking our ship, arose from an insult that he thought be had received from captain Salter, and from the unjustifiable conduct of some masters of vessels, who had robbed him, and without provo,cation, killed a number of his people. Besides that, a regard for the safety of others ought to prevent his heing put to death, as I had live^ long enough with these people to know that revenge of an injury, is held sacred by (hem, and that they would not fail to retaliate, should we kill their king, on the first vessel or boat's crew that should give them an opportunity, and that, though he might consider executing him as but an act of justice, it would probably cost the the lives of many Americans. The captain appeared i& be convinced from what I said, of the impolicy of taking Maquina's life, and said that he would leave it wholly With roe whether to spare or kill him, as he was resolved to incur no censure in either case. I replied that I most certainly should never take the life of a man 19;^ who had preserved mine, had I no other reason, but as there was some of the Boston's property still remaining on shore, I considered it a duty that I owed to those who \vere interested in that ship, to try to save it for them, and with that view I thought it would be well to keep him on board till it was given up. He concurred in this proposal, saying if there was any of the property left, it most certainly ought to be got* During this conversation Maquina was in great anxiety, as from what English he knew, he perfectly comprehended the subject of our delibera- tion; constantly interrupting me to enquire what we had determined to do with him, what the captain said, if his life would be spared, and if I did not think that Thompson would kill him. I pacified him as well as I was able, by telling him that he had nothing to fear from the captain, that he would not be hurt, and that if Thompson wished to kill him, he would not be allowed to do it. He would then remind me that I was in- debted to him for my life, and that I onght to do by him, as he had done by me. I assured him that such was my intention, and I requested him to remain quiet, and not alarm himself, as no harm was intended him. But I found it extremely difficult to convince him of this, as it accorded so little with the ideas of revenge enterlaiued by them. I told him however, that he must restore all the property still in his possesaioD, belongiag to the ehip. This he was perfectly ready to do, happy taescape oq suth terms. But as it was now past five, and too late for the articles to be collected, and brought off, I told him that he must content himself to renialD on board with me that night, and in the morning he should be set on shore as soon as the things were delivered. To this he agreed, on condition that I would remain with him in the cabin. I then went upon deck, and the canoe that brought me having been sent back, I hailed the inhabitantp, and (old them that their king had agreed to stay on board till the next day, when lie would return, but that no canoes must attempt to come near the vessel during the night, as they would be fired upon. They answered, IVohOf z^oho — very well, very well. I then returned to Maquina, but so great were his terrors, that he would not allow me to sleep, constantly disturbing me with his questions, and repeating, "John, you know when you was alone, and more than five hundred men were your enemies, I was your friend, and prevented them from put- ting yoa and Thompson to death, and now I am in the power of your friends, you ought to do the same by me. I assured hira that he would be detained on board no longer tlian whilst the proper- l9o ty was released, ancl that as soon as it was done he would be set at liberty. At day break I hailed the natives, end (old them that it was iVlaquina's order that they should bring off the cannoa, and anchors, and whatever remain- ed with them of the cargo of tlie ship. This they set about doing with the utmost expedition, trans- porting the cannon and anchors by lashing together two of their largest canoes, and covering them with planks, and in the course of two hours, tliey delivered every thing on board that I could recol- lect, with Thompson's and noy chest, containing the papers of the ship, &c. When every thing belonging fo the ship had been restored, Maquioa was permitted to rettirn in his canoe, which had been sent for him, with a present of what skins he had collected, which were about sixty, for the captain, in acknowledge- ment of his having spared his life, and allowed bim to depart uniiurt. Such was also, the transport he felt when captain Hill came into the cabin, and told him that he was at liberty to go, that he threw off his mantle, which consisted of four of the very best skins, and gave it to him, as a mark of his gratitude, in return for which, the captain presented him with a new great 196 coat and hat, with which he appeared much delight- ed. The captain then desired me to inform him that he should return to that part of the coast in Novem- ber, and that he wished him to keep what skins he should get, which he would buy of him. This Ma- quina promised, saying to me at the same time, " John, you know I shall be then at Tashees, but when you come raakepozo, which means, fire a gun to let me know, and I will come down." When he came to the side of the brig, he shook me cordial- ly by the hand, and told me that he hoped I would come to see him again in a big ship, and bring much plenty of blankets, biscuit, mollasses and rum, for him and his son who loved me a great deal; and that he would keep all the furs he got for me, observing at the same time, that he should never more take a letter of recommendation from any one, or ever trust himself on board a vessel unless I was there. Then grasping both my hands, with much emotion, while the tears trickled down his cheeks, he bade me fare- well, and stept into the canoe, which immediately paddled him on shore. Notwithstanding my joy at my deliverance, and the pleasing anticipation I felt of once more behold- ing a civilized country, and again being permitted to offer up my devotions in a Christian church, I could not avoid experiencing a painful sensation on paring with the savage chief, who had preserved 197 my life, and in general treated roe with kindness, and considering their ideas and naauners, much better than could have been expected. My pleasure was also greatly damped by an un- fortunate accident that occurred to Toowinndkia- nish. That interesting young chief had come on board in the first canoe in the morning, anxious to see and comfort his ki.jg. He was received with much kindness by captain Hill, from the favourable account I gave of him, and invited to remain on board. As the muskets were delivered, he was in the cabin with Maquina, where was also the cap- tain, who on receiving them, snapped a number in order to try the lochs; unluckily on3 of them happened to be loaded with swan shot, and going off, discharged its contents into the body of poor Toowinnakinnisb. who was sitting opposite. Oa hearing the report, 1 instantly ran into the cabin, where 1 found him weltering in his blood, with the captain, who was greatly shocked at the accident, endeavouring to assist him. We raised him up, and did everything in oar power to aid and comfort him, telling him that we felt much grieved at his misfortune, and that it was wholly unintentional; this he told me he was per- fectly satisfied of, and while we dressed and bound up his wounds, in the best manner we could, he bore the pain with great calmness, and bidding me S • 198 . (arewell, was put on board one of the canoes, and taken on shore, where after languishing a few days, he expired. To me, his misfortune was a source i of much affliction, as he had no share in the mas- \ sacre of our crew, was of a most amiable character, and liad always treated me with the greatest kind- ness and hospitality. The brig being under weigh, immediately on Maquiua's quitting us, we proceeded to the north- ward, constantly keeping the shore in sight, and touching at various places for the purpose of trading. Having already exceeded the bounds I had pres- cribed myself, I shall not attempt any account of our voyage upon the coast, or a description of the various nations we met with in the course of it, among whom wer« a people of a very singular appearance, called by the sailors the Wooden-lips, They have many skins, and the trade is principally managed by their women, who are not only expert in making a bargain, but are as dexterous in the management of their canoes, as the men are else- where. After a period of nearly four months from oar leaving Nootka, we returned from the northward to Columbia river, for the purpose of procuring masts, &c. for oar brig, which had suffered consi- 199 derably in her spars during a gale of wind. We proceeded about ten miles up the river, to a small Indian village^ where we heard from the inhabi- tants, that captains Clark and Lewis, from the United States of America,, had been there about a fortnight before, on their journey over- land, and had l^ft several medals with them, which they shewed us. The river at this place, is of conside- rable breadth, and both sides of it from its entrance, covered with forests of the very finest pine timber, Hr and spruce, interspersed with Indian settle- ments. Firom this place, after providing ourselves with spars, we sailed for Nootka, where we arrived in the latter part of November. The tribe being absent, the agreed signal was given, by firing a cannon, and in a few hours after a canoe appeared, which landed at the village, and putting the king on shore, came off to the brig. — Eoquiry was immediately madeby Kinnecliramits, who was one of the three men in the canoe, if John was there, as the king had some skins to sell them if he was. I then went forward and invited them on hoard, with which they readily complied, telling me that Maquina had a number of skins with him, but tbat he would not come on board unless I would go on flhore for him. This I agreed to, provided they would remain in the brig in the mean time. To this they consented, and the captain taking them S 2 200 into the cabin, treated them with bread and molas- ses. I then went on shore in the canoe, notwith- standing the remonstrances of Thompson and the captain, who, though he wanted the skins, advised me by no means to put myself in Maquina's power; but I assured him that I had no fear as long as those men were on board. As I landed Maquina came up and welcomed me with much joy: on enquiriug for the men^^l told him that tfciey were to remain till my return. " Ah John," said he, " I see you are, afraid to trust me, but if they had come with you, I should not have hurt you, though I should have taken good care not to let you go on board of another vessel.'* He then took his chest of skins, and step- ping into the canoe, I paddled him along-side the brig, where he v/as received and treated by Cap- tain Hill with the greatest cordiality, who bought of him his skins. He left us much pleased with his receplion, enquiring of me how many moons it would be before I should come hack again to see him and his son; saying, that he would keep all his furs for me, and that as soon as my son, who was then about Gve months old, was of a suitable age to take from his mother, he would send for him, and take care of him as his own. As soon as Maquina had quitted us, we got under weigh, and stood again to the northward. 101 W'e contiaued on the coast until the eleventh of August, 1806, when having completed our trade, we sailed for China, to tlie great joy of all our crew, and particularly so \o rae. With a degree of satisfaction that I can ill express, did I quit a 'coast, to which I was resolved nothing should again tempt me to return, and as the tops of the mountains sunk in the blue waves of the ocean, I seemed to feel my heart lightened of an oppres- &:ve load* . We had a prosperous passage to China, arriving at Macao in December, from whence the Brig pro- ceeded to Canton. There I had the good fortune to meet a townsman and an old acquaintance, in the mate of an English East India man, named John Hill, whose father, a wealthy merchant in Hull, in the Baltic trade, was a next door neighbour to mine. Shortly after our arrival, the captain being on board of an English ship, and mentioning his having had the good fortune to liberate two men of the Boston's crew from the savages, and that one of them was named Jewitt, ray former acquaintance immediately came on board the brig to see me. Words can ill express my feelings on seeing him. Circumstanced as I was, among persons who were entire strangers to rae, to meet thus in a foreign land, with one between whom and myself Jt considerable intimacy had subsisted, was a plea- S 3 202 sure that those alone who have beea ia a simi- lar sitaatioa can properly estimate. He appear- ed on his part, no less happy to see me, whom he supposed to be dead, as the account of our cap- ture had been received in England some time before bis sailing, and all my friends supposed me to have been murdered. From this young man, I received every attention and aid that a feeling heart, inte- rested in the fate of another, could confer. He supplied me with a new suit of clothes, and a hat, a small sum of money for my necessary expences, and a number of little articles for sea stores on my voyage to America. I also gave him a letter for my father, in which I mentioned my wonderful preservation and escape, through the humanity of captain Hill, with whom I should return to Boston. This letter he enclosed to his father, by a ship that was just sailing, in consequence of which it was received much earlier than it otherwise would have been. We left China in February, 1807, and after a pleasant voyage of one hundred and fourteen days, arrived at Boston. My feelings on once more finding myself in a Christian country, among a people speaking the same language with myself, may be more readily conceived than expressed. In the Post Office in that place, I found a letter for me from my mother, acknowledging the receipt of mine from China; expressing the great joy of my 203 family on hearing of my being alive and well, whom they had for a long time given up for dead, and requesting me to write to them on receiving her letter, which I accordingly did. While in Boston, I was treated with much kindness and hospitality by the owners of the ship Boston, Messrs. Francis and Thomas Amory of that place, to whom I feel myself under great obligations for their goodness to me, and the assisance which they so readily afiford'< ed a stranger in distress. 204 Names of the Crew of the Ship Boston^ belonging to Boston in Massachusetts^ owned hy Messrs and T. Aniory^ Merchants^ of that place — Jll of whom, excepting two, were on the ^1d of March, 1803, bar- barously murdered by the savages of Nootka* John Sailer, of Boston, Captain B. Delouissa, Ditto, Chief Mate William Ingraham, of New York, Second Mate Edward Thompson, ot Blyih (l,ngland) Boatswain Adam Siddle, ot Hull ditto Carpenter Philip Brown, of Cambridge, (Mass. ) Joiner John Dorlhy, of Situate, ditto Blacksmith Abraham Waters, of Philadelphia, Steward Francis Duffield, of Penton, (England) Tailor John Wilson, (blackman)of Virginia, Cook. William Caldwell, of Boston, Seama» Joseph Miner, of Newport, Ditto William Robinscnj of Leigh, (Scotland) Ditto Thomas Wilson, of Air, ditto Ditto Andrew Kelly, Ditto, ditto Ditto Robert Burton, of the Isle of Man Ditto James M' Clay, of Dublin, Ditto Thomas Flatten, of Blackney, Norfolk, Eng ;. Ditto Thomas New ton, ofHull, do. l>itto Charles Bates, of St James Deeping do. Ditto John Hall, of Newcastle do. Ditto Samuel Wood, of Glasgow, (Scotland] 1 Ditto Peter Alstrom, Norwegian, Ditto Francis Marten, Portuguese, Ditto Jupiter Senegal (blackman) Ditto John Thompson, Philadelphia, Sail Maker, who escaped— since dead John II. Jewitt, of Hull, (England) Armourer, the writer of the Journal from vx hence this Narrative is taken, and ■who at present, March 18!5, resides io Middletowu, in the State of Connecticut. 205 WARSONG OF THE NOOTKA TRIBE. Commencing with a Chorus repeated at the end of each line. Hah-yee hah yar har, he yar hah. Hah-yah hee yar har — he yar hah. le yie ee yah har — ee yie hah. le yaree yar hah — ee yar yah. le yar ee [ yar yar hah — Je yar ee yee yah ! I-ye ma hi-ehill at-siah Kla-ha — Hah-ye-hah. Que nok ar parts arsh vvaw — le yie- yar. Waw-hoo naks aar hasch — Yarhah. I-yar hee I yar. Waw hoo naka ar hasch yak-queetssish ni-ese, Waw har. Hie yee ahhah. Repeated over and over with gestures and braadish- iog of weapons. NOTE. le-yee ma hi chill, signifies. Ye do not know. It appears to he a poelical mode of expression, the common one for you do not know, being, Wik- kum-(dash; from this, it would seem that they have two languages, one for their songs and ano- ther for common use The general meaning of this first stanza appears to be. Ye little know ye men of Kiahar, what valiant v^arriors we are. Poorly can our foes contend with us, when we come on with our daggers, &c. The Nootkians have no songs of an historical nature, nor do they appear to have any tradition respecting their origin. 206 A LIST OF WORDS In the Nootki0n Language^ the most in use. Check-up, Man. Klootzmab, Woman, Noowexa, Father. Hooma-hexa, Mother. Tanassis, Child. Katlahtik, Brother. Kloot-chem-up, Sister. Tanassis check-up^ Son. TaDassi8-kloots-mah> Daughter. Tau-hat-se-tee, Head. Kassee, Eyes. Hap-se up, Hair. Neetga, Nose. Parpee, Ears. Chee-chee, . Teeth. Choop, ToDgUCr Kook-a-nik-sa, Hands. Kiish-klin, Feet. •Qop-helth, Sun or Moon. Tar-toose, Stars. Sie-jah, Sky. Toop elth. Sea. Cha-hak, Fresh water. Meet la, Rain. Qaeece, Snow. Noot-chee, Mountain or hill Kia-tur miss, Earth. Een-nuk-see, Fire or fuel. Mook-see, Rock. Muk-ka tee, House. VVik No. 207 He-ho, Kak-koelth, Mah-hack, Klack-e-miss, Quart lak, Coo-coo-ho-sa, Moo-watch, Sohar, Too8ch-qua, Pow-ee, Kloos a-mit, Chap-atz, Oo-wha-pa, Chee-rae-na, Chee-men, Sick-a-miany, Toophelth, Cham- mass, Cham-mas-sish, Moot-sus, Chee-pokes, Hah-welk8, Nee-sim-mer-hise, Cbat-ta-yek, Klick-er yek, Quish-ar, Mar met ta, Pook 8hit"tle, Een-a-qui- shit- tie, Ar-teese, Ma-mook-sa mab, Yes. Slave. Whale. Oil. Sea otter. Seal. Bear. Salmon. Cod. . Halibut. Herrmg. Canoe. Paddle. A fish hook. Fish -hooks. Iron. Cloth. Fruit. 5 Sweet or pleasant to the "^ taste. Powder. Copper. Hungry. Enough. Knife or dagger. Rings. Smoke. Goose or duck. To blow. To kindle a fire. To bathe. To go to fish. A smootish check' up, A warrior Cha -alt-see klat-tar wah,Go oflf, or go away. Ma-kook, To sell. Kah-ah pah-chilt, Give me something. Oo-nah, How many. ly-ah-ish, Much. Komme-tak) I anderstaDd. 208 I-yee ma- hak, I do not UDderstand. Eni-raa-chap, To play. Kle-whar, To Jaugh. Mac kam-raah-sish, Do you want to bny. Kah ahcoh, Brio^^ it. Sah-wauk, O^e," Att-Ia, Two. Kat-sa, Three. Mooh, Four. Soo-chah, Five, Noo-poo, Six. At-tle-poo, Seven. At-lah-quelth, Eight. Savv-wauk-quelth, Nine. Hy-o, Ten. Sakaitz, Twenty. Soojewk, One hundred. Hy-e-oak, One tLoasand. FINIS. Rowland Hurst, Printer, Wakeiield. JAN 17 1956 -r^ ^AO^ * .rl''. ^^'.^^^ -t; ^.^0^ ^^^°- V » ^ • ° ^ -^ .^^ °- ^^ .^■ A- ,^0, %'' 2V <^ '-7 o^ -*/■<:;. V° ^^^0^ • ^^ -„>^. P^ V'^r;^.-^ - ^ V I' -rv^ h' ^^ ',, c u- ^• ■^^fy/. "^ .# y/^s^'V^ %, 0^ jA^r/j% ^^o^ co^ ■^^o^ o^ wo. "^ ■cP