F PS 2826 »/ .S6 G6 '^ Copy 1 326 36 1 U i BRICKS AND MOODY, BEFXHER, TALMAGE, .EO, AND ALL THE WORLD , AND WOMAN TOO, THEIR tlA.T ::? nta Claus said : WORK FOR IT. [MORTALITY AND ETERNAL LIFE. , and find Heaven and Paradise; immortality an this our good old Mother Earth ; as Nature, and Nc any other Home, or abiding place for the immortc / •ROF. J W SIIIVFLEY, The Tiue Messiah. toy, aribbou, a throne," • ur victor's head ; tie same: — it," \NTA Cl.AUS SAID. 6. utellect pier -iug afar, f each plauei .iud star," tit to have lauded hiB uamc, and blackoucd Jiia fame. I d, " 'till the truth vou shall own." ; " he could go it aioue." i is, your church, your God and his sed, to obliviou have goue, | mortal— alouc iu thy seed it sbail be You uiustwork for it; That's what Old Santa Claus said. 8. To eat of the fruit of the Tree of Eternal Life; To drink of the waters, of the river of eternal life; *Tis no myth, no phantom as told iu the fables'of old ; 'Tis the kiss of love, the elective flash of soul to soul ; As the deariioudH flash iu the lijfht of the suu. As tlie lightnings Hash lu the tluiuder storm; The life immortal, 'tis flashed through thy soul, Iu the kiss of the anare', that k^epeth the gates, The gates of the Holy Cit>ythe New Jerusalem, Whose streets are Jasper, Sapphire, pure gold ; The fruit of that kiss, the fruit of that love; 'Tis the little babe, the V^irgiu Murv, tnc sweet Jesus; And when your Church, your Creeds, your God, and h "Mens Sa.xi.et In. CJorxaore Sa.xxo Creo. " GOLvDEm BRICKS FOR THE LITTLE CHILDREN, AND MOODY, BEECHER, TALMAGE, JOSEPH COOK, POPE LEO, AND ALL THE WORLD OF MANKIND, AND WOMAN TOO, TO PUT IN TPIEIR What Old 8aiifa Claus said: "YOU MUST WORK FOR IT.' DEC 20 1882 ^„..%l.(,.i,'/*; THE LIFE IMMORTAL, OR IMMORTALITY AND ETERNAL LIFE. * You must be born again as a little child, and find Heaven and Paradise; immortality and Eternal Life here in this life, upon the face of this our good old Mother Earth ; as Nature, and Na- ture, God has not provided any other way, nor an)' other Home, or abiding place for the immortal souls, the immortal spirits of man. y Yours Truly, PROF. J. W. SHIVF-LEY, The True Messiah. 1. If you are but a little child— at wurk or pliiy ; Be ueiii aud clcau, aud -io to school every day. If you wish 10 be iiood, aud wise, aud great' — A royal rriiict, a FriucesH, or a (^"eo. And sit upou aTbroue, lu royid robe of slute, He &urt- your slate, aud books are iu your sack, Aud baug yuur hat aud cloak upuu tbc rack. II viclor you ever wish lo be, Vou must uevi;r idle sit. To Iea|> NiagfA'e cntiiruct. You iiiusL paddle your owu cauoe. Aud ilrag your on a sled as up bill you go. *' If the pri/.e he but a toy. a ribhou, a Ihroue," A royHl diadem for your viLlor'e bead— ffhe muitoj J8 over the same : " If the prize bu biit a toy, aribbou, a throne," A royal dindcm for your victor's liead ; The moiro, 'tis evi:r the same: — " Vou uiuel work for it." That's what old Santa Ci.aus saii>. " When KfplT,wiili iutellect pier -iug afar, .Discovered the lawn of each pliii.i:( lud Blnr/' Aud I'oclor'^ whi'Oughl to have buKlcd his uanie, Derided hie Icaruiu^, and hlnckeued hia fame. " I cau wait," ho replied, " Hill the truth you shall own." For he felt in hi« iicart " he could go it aloue." Aud wheu your <-.reedR, your church, your dod aud hi Sou, Are withered, au-l biased, to obtiviou have goue, This truth — thy lite imiiiorlnl— ulou That's what old Santa Ci.aus saii>. 11 you waut old Sauta Claus, To call ou Cbri&iinaseve, Aud leave a ihousaud pretty thiugs, For the merry, happy Christmas day. Just say what sbuU it be : Sweet dolls, hate, cloaks aud dressee, Silks, satiuf*, or n chiua set of tea; Gold aud silver plate, or a sweet cottage home, A broad douiaiu.a royal oiansiou. Fruits, flowers— fields of graiu aud cattle; Greeubacks, gold and silver, pearls aud diamonds, lubillious, like the sauda ol the sea, "If the prize bo but a toy, a ribbou, a throue," A royal diadem for your victor's head. The mottoi.i6 ever the same:— *' You must work for It," That's what old Suuta Claus said. yi-^f^ To be a great painter or a poet, Aud staud ou a piuocle of lair-e, "With Michael Augelo, Kaphael,orUubeuetiu .Or with Demosthouec. aud Cicero- Flash like the tiery glciim, ^^/ ^<^i ~^*^ Of a comet in the Hoaveus afar, ff /^/^ Like Jupiter, the God of the Stars, Sbiue supreme, etorual iu the heaveus, aud go It alone. "If the prize be but a toy, a ribbou, a throue," A royal diadeii for your victor's head ; The iiiotlo,il8 ever the same :— " You must work for i1." That's what ouj Santa Ci.^ussaji>. " Wheu the great Gallileo pruciainicd tbc world," In a regular orbit, was ceaselcsely whirled, i /L_ Aud got not a convert for all of his paius, &IXL But only dorisiou, aud prisou aud chains, " It moved tor all that," wab his unswerving tone, For he knew like the earth, he coutd go it aloue. -* As the grast'.tbe plant, the vine the tree, The beast of the earth, the fowls of the air, the fish of the soa, Their life inamortat alone in their seed it shall be, And lor uiau- tbis truth, 'tie over the same ; Tbv life, immortal, alouo iu thy seed it shall be; nil \TUIMieO, iu thy seed it nhail be I ■> n^A nf ih*.«iwra. 1 Like the suu, eiei nal iu the IleHveiis atar; Shall e%'cr shiue < >u, " aud ^o it alone." If the prize be b' it a toy, a ribbou, a ihroiic, A roval diadeu f< ir you victor's head, The motto, 'tis ei 'er the same : "You mviot work lor it." That's what o u\> Santa Claus said. You must work for it; That's what Old Santa Claus said. To eat ol the fruit of the Tree of Eternal Life; To driuk of the waters, of the river of etorual life; 'Tis DO myth, no phantom as (old in the lableslot old ; 'Tis the kiss of love, the elective flash of soul to soul ; As the doamondH flash in the light of the sun. As the ligliluingis flash lu the thunder storm; The life immortal, 'tis flashed through thy soul, In the kiss of the au^ci, tliat k^epeth the gates, The gates of the Holy CilV/the New Jerusalem, Who've streets are Jasper, Sapphir:*, pure gold ; The fruit of that kiss, the fruit of that love; 'Tis the .iitle babe, the Virgiu Marv, tin- sweet Jefcua; Aud when your Church, your Creeds, your God, aud hia " SiSS; —^ — / By the Rwral, Itn perial, Eternal Throne, Of the OnmipeMieut God— Old Time, We stand wrapeil iu magic thought, Peeling through iho ceaslessly sweep and role, Of I lie uuuumbcred ajres as I hey flit us by, Like myth and phanloin? iu the early dawns;- The Sun of Lit;ht--tlie God of 1 ife; Leaps up — 8 fier>', burning Jove, In the easierusky afar. ■'Sl'xIU'^, Uoru," ibuudcred loud his victor's horn. At) over all the eiirtli, aud lake, aud sea, aud river. In goldou,-«9«l cloude — the germs, the seeds of life, He scattered far and wide from his goldeu quiver : rijy life, immortal — alone in thy seed it shall be," Willi Virgil, Uoiucr, Sliakefpeare, Milton or Moore:— ^Ktur thuuilercd, »uil tcUoed Iroin the Heaveus, ibe Earit i aud the Sea. *' It the prize be but a toy, a ribbon, a throne," A royal diadem for your victor's head ; The moiio, 'tis everthe same: " You must work for It," That's what Old Santa Claus said. 7. We stanil by ih« gates of the Holy City; The gates are all IJuby and Pearl ; The streets. Jaspfr, Sappliiie, Ituby, pure (Jold. The Temple, Alabaster, Sapphire, Kuby, Topa/. ;— The "Sauctuui Sauctornin ;" tbc Holy of Holies; The Throne of our God, 'lis a Diamoud, an Opal, pure Gold; The pereuuial f)untaiu, the River of Life ; Clear as crystal— eternal life, the life immortal, Aloue in that, Tuni pic ; alouo in (hat City ;-- £ <^ Lterual itsfluot; eternal its ebb — aud Us flow; As the dianjDUCs llusb in the light of the sun ; As the liKhiiiiu^s flat^^ in the thunder storm; The life imiiioral— 'ti& fla.slicd through thy soul, *'If the prize btbu( a toy, a ribbon, a throne." A royal diadcii'lor your victot's head; t^Ve'motto 'lis iver the same. Are wiihered and blasted, to oblivion are gone; This truth, like the Sun, shall ever shiue ou, ^ ■• Aud with •'■illilfo, Kepler aud Jupiter, the God of the Stare, Go it J.^uK. "If the prize be but a loy, a kiss, a ribbou, a throne," A royal diadem for your victor's head, The motto 'tis ever the same, "You must work for it," That's what Old Santa Claus said. To write this thought, this truth. On every door aud window, arch and luantlo, On post and pillar, temple, church aud spire, Print and stamptit, ou every human heart and soul. Thy uHiiie aud fame immoriallzed, literual as the Stars of Heaven shall be, 'Twuuld set the human heart aud soul on fire ; Purge and purity ; resurrect, redeem aud save Every huuiau soul, Then eat the fruit of the tree of eternal lite; Aud ilriiik the waters of the river of eternal life; Ouly when clctir as crystal, sap|ihire, diamond, pure gold Eternal its flood, eternal its ebb, and its flow. As the diamonds flash in the light of the sun, As the lightning* flash iu the Ibuuder storm, The life immortal shall AhhIi through thy soul, Aloue in the kiss of theaiigcl. that keep iho gates— The gates of the Holy City— all ruby and pearl ; And when your Church, your Creeds, your God, and bis Sou, Are withered aud blasted, to obUvinu have gone. This trnih like (he sun shall ever shiue on ; And our lite immortal, "Alone in our sons, aud daughters it shall be," If the prize bo but a toy. a ribbou, a throue, A royal diadem for your victor's head. The motto 'tis ever the same, "You must work (or it," That's what Old Santa Claus said. •%■■'■> ,. -•■ ^r*'9y Y''ourB (ruly, PROF. J. W. SHlVELt.y. The True Messiah. (Copyright 1882, by Prof. J. W. Shivoloy, of Saratog Springs, N. Y.), for his aweet little daughter. Miss Maev Olca Suivklgy, to speak in school. Hollinger C pH 8.5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 988 398 A • HoUinger Corp. pH 8.5