PS 3505 .U935 D4 1911 Copy 1 THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE THE DEVIL IN THE cheese' ''_,.«r4 >. A (Ur>'.. \A/.^ i J ^ ■ ^ PS 3505 \^ II ©C(,0 ^3764 CHARACTERS OF THE CAST : The Devil Pray C. Quigley, owner and originator of Quigley's Canned Goods James Chard Pointell Murphy-Jones Mrs. Quigley Goldina Cassandra Quigley Harriet Diana Quigley Dennis Agamemnon Quigley Belinda Andromache Quigley Josiah Hercules Quigley Miss Jemima Bledsoe, English governess Lizzie Linnell, Mrs. Quigley's maid Chubbock, Quigley's man Longmaid, Chard's 2nd man Father Petros Stephanos Constantinos Thermopolos Monks, Girlhood Friends, College Men and Rabble SYNOPSIS OF SCENES : ACT I The Monastery of Meteora ACT II In Goldina's Head ACT III Scene I — In Jimmie's Head Scene II — The Monastery of Meteora ACTL The srene is laid in the Monastery of Meteora m Greece, on the top of a rock, which rises precipitously 400 feet above the valley. At the back on a high paved terrace is an enormous wooden derrick, and tackle and net used f@r lifting pas- sengers from the base of the cliff, A low wall surrounds the terrace, made of the crudest masonry, running from U, L, to \], R, and then down to L. R, At the left is an old weather-beaten tower with a doorway. Further up stage is an arch, while at U. R. is another stone building with a rough door. There are vines on the walls. At the right is a low, square basin for water set in. the floor. Over the wall at back is a panoramic view of the sur- rounding country and hiils far below the Monastery, As curtain rises twenty monks are discovered unpacking crates of Quigley*s Canned Goods and a box of Parmesan Cheese, It is raining hard, but the monks are oblivious. The rain stops and the sun comes out. The rope is violently shaken at the back. Enter Father Petros, the head of the Monastery. He is a bustling, ineffectual priest of fifty-six. There is mixture of bland urbanity and ferocious dignity about him. THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE Petros. To skeenee! Qufgley. Mr. Quigley, edtho. Embros! {The last vestige of the packing is hastily removed, then while some of the monks lower the net, others with rags on their feet shuffle back and forth over the flagging in a long line with their hands on each other s shoulders singing a monotonous dirge,) Petros. Ipocleenetee stilpnos ee pateres mou ke ipete. "Mr. Qufgley and family." {Exit Petros.) Monks {bowing). Malista. "Mr. Quigley and fam- ily." {Enter Jimmie Chard in net. He is swung in over the parapet. He sits Turkish fashion and appears to be an attractive youth of about twenty, full of self-confidence and ease.) Monks {bozving politely). Mr. Quigley and family. Jimmie. Oh, but I'm not "Mr. Quigley and family." My name is Chard, James R. Chard. Monks {politely). Mr. Quigley and family. Jimmie. My name is Chard, I tell you. C-h-a-r-d. Who is the head of this monastery? I should like to speak to him. I'm in a great hurry, for Mr. Quigley is almost here. Monks {pricking up their ears at the word" Quigley") . Ah, malista. Eph aristo poly, Mr. Quigley. Jimmie. Greek! Gosh! Do you mean to say you can't speak English? What am I going to do? Monks. Malista, Mr. Quigley and family. Jimmie. Do you mean to say not one of you knows a word of English? Here, you look like a likely fellow. {He seizes Constantinos by the shoulder, who nearly faints from fright.) Constantinos. Oiky, oiky. Pater Petros, Pater. Petros. [6] THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE JiMMiE {holding him by the shoulder), I'm not going to hurt you. But I want to be a monk for one week — while the Quigleys are here and CoNSTANTiNOS, Me pheethesthe ! Me pheethesthe! {Enter Petros hastily in a gorgeous robe,) Petros. Oh, Mr, Quigleyl Was Constantinos bad to you? {To Constantinos,) Constantinos, exo, exo, Amesos, JiMMiE {delightedly), English] I'm afraid it was I that was bad to Constantinos, He couldn't understand a word I said, Petros. No, I am the only one who can speak the English in the monastery. But, welcome, Mr. Quigley and the family. But where is the family? He did not come? JiMMiE. I am not Mr. Quigley, My name is Chard, James R. Chard. {Pointing down the valley.) If you look over the cliff you will see a cloud of dust chasing along the road. That's Mr. Quigley, Monks {bowing), Malista, Mr, Quigley and family. Petros. Oh, you are the family, then? JiMMiE {easily). No, not guilty, I merely want to join the monastery for one week. Petros {slowly). Then you are not here. No one is here but Mr. Quigley and family. He said so, and paid so, JiMMiE. Then how can you be here? Petros. I am Father Petros of the Greek Church of the Monastery of Meteora. JiMMiE. Precisely. Well, I want to be a monk of the Greek Church for one week, too. Now,, I'll give you something for your monastery, to make it worth your Mobile, Mr. Quigley loves jokes. Tomorrow at break- [7] THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE fast I shall suddenly appear and Mr. Quigley will be delighted for he thinks me in Jericho. Petros {scratching his head). You think he would be ' — delighted ? JiMMiE. Yes, and he will probably make you a pres- ent because you were in the joke with me, Petros. You think so? But he — ^he said ''family'" and I said *V^s." JiMMiE. That's all right, I'm practically in the fam- ily. There, the rope is shaking. Petros, Oh, Mr. Quigley is here again I Gureedzete strevlee, {They lower the net.) Oh, if you are the family it would be all right. But^ — no {He shakes his head.) JiMMiE, Well, I am engaged to his eldest daughter, Goldina Cassandra Quigley, so I should think that Petros {very obsequious). That is different. His daughter, oh, that is different. JlMMlE {hastily taking off his shoes, socks and coat). Thanks, awfully! I assure you, Mr. Quigley will appreciate it. Now please get me a dressing gown. Petros. Constantinos. Agate afton andros khotay mantheas. Go with him. JiMMiE. By the bye, a boy from Larissa is coming up here with a wire. He has red hair and his name is Para- pagopolos. Petros. He cannot get up here with a wire. It is 400 feet. The net. JiMMiE. Oh, he will use the net. The wire is for me. Petros. Why a wire? JiMMiE. Telegram; message from America, and you will give it to me without a word to Mr. Quigley. [8] THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE Petros. Malista, I hope Mr, Quigley will be pleased, JiMMiE. Now, Constantinople, I'll go to my room, Petros, Gureedzete strevlee. JiMMiE. You might carry mj^ coat. Here they come. {He dashes off at [/, L., Constantmos stumbling after him in terror^) Const ANTiNOS, Oiky, oiky, {Exit^) ( The Quigley family are drawn up and they resemble fish in a net. On the bottom is Chubbock, Quigley's man. He is almost squashed, his eyes are bulgy and he breathes with difficulty. Do the left is Mrs. Quigley, a stout, helpless, though constantly complaining woman of fifty-three., impotent yellow hair and youthful clothes of the ''dernier cri.'" To the right is Pointell Murphy- Jones, who is face down in the net. He is extremely British-looking and wears a shvrt military moustache. On him sits Goldina Cassandra Quigley, She is dark, with rather classical features. At present she is quite unconscious of him she is sitting on, and is gazing skywards with a certain cx)ntemptuous yet resigned indignation, like Madame du Barry in her tumbril. On top sits Pray C. Quigley, He suggests a hen during a setting. He is dressed in a light, flannel suit, waterproof and a sun helmet. Every one looks wet. The humming of voices iS heard like the rumblings of a coming squall before the net is pulled up over the parapet.) Chubbock. Ooch] Ooch! Fve lost my breath. Quigley. Is that you, Chubbock, I hear *'ooching"? Chubbock. Yes, sir. Vm scrapin' the hedge of this 'ere precipice with my stomach, sir Quigley. Sh! There are ladies present. Chubbock. Pardon me, sir, but Fm playin' the part of keel to this 'ere craft and I ain't used to it, I9J THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE Mrs. Quigley {faintly). How soon do we land? 1 never shall get over this, Petros {stepping forward). Welcome, Mr. Quigley and family, Quigley, Thank you. Petros. Oh, the pulley is not right for a moment, Mrs. Quigley. And we are in danger of dropping? Petros. We drop you, right away, on the pavement. Quigley. It's all right, Mrs. Quigley. It's all right. He means he's going to land us. Mrs. Quigley. And I've got to be kept here dan- gling over the clifE until he makes up his mind. And even step-ladder heights afEect me. Jones. I say, would you mind taking your elbow out of my eye,, Goldina? GoLDiNA. Pardon me, Mr. Jones. Quigley. What are you mistering him for? His name is Pointell Murphy-Jones. Mrs. Quigley. Is the rope strong? I have never known anything so depraved and barbaric as this. Petros. Thermopolos, embros ee strevlee. Thermopolos. Malista. {The monks hurry.) Mrs. Quigley. Is the rope strong? Petros. Not very. It broke last week gone Tuesday. Mrs. Quigley. Merciful heavens! Do you hear that, Mr. Quigley? Quigley. Fm not deaf. Mrs. Quigley. And it's nothing to you if we all break our necks. {She screams.) Oh, there it goes. Petros. It is all right. You are here, Mr. Quigley and family. I am sorry you were up in the air so long. [10] THE DEVIL IN THE CHEESE {1 he net sinks onto the parapet followed by an enormous grunt.) QuiGLEY, Is that you, Chubbock, I hear grunting again ? Chubbock, Get off, get off! I'm busted, Mrs, Quigley, I think I've fainted, QuiGLEY, Who is that wriggling below ? Is that you again, Chubbock? You forget your place. You're a man- servant, not an earthquake, Mrs. Quigley {trying to get out of the net).. Oh, I'm all caught in the net. Will you examine my foot, Chubbock? Chubbock, What's wrong with it, ma'am ? Mrs. Quigley, I don\ know, but It won't come out, Chubbock, It's all right now, ma'am. Pull away. The button was wedged, Mrs, Quigley. Oh, I never hope to go through such an experience again. And I am soaked to the skin by that terrible rainstorm, Jones. Could I ask you to move, Goldlna? I'm most "uncomfortable. {Mrs. Quigley seats herself on the floor up stage.) GoLDiNA. To the contrary, I fin