mSSBStM **7iv? » rv» ' ' ™ % V»". " IBam mm ■ n i H.IK M GC CC CC C£« cc «c ccc **- c cc C cc c £ c cc cC C< C. C cc cC O C C ■ c cc C<£C^ c cC «CCC cc ccccC c^ $#, & «*£ 1 ^ ^c^ § «c c <:.<. -- - <: or c cC cc c : c c: c~ «c: c c ,- c: c C< #TAWfc^#t;€rt POLITICAL &AXI&& M " I f . LONDON : *$*.;&* )ff$! rte of elegance a« thl A Sittriol Poero, ^ BvPOIYPVS, :ast of Ftnancf. STATE oj jut ADDHfi&ft to** private proceedings ak% Mart raneis burden, M< Sheridan, Letter ti policy of re Price 2/. 6 ?&v Printed by B. M'Millan, > Bow Street, Covent Garden. 5 ADVERTISEMENT. IN regard to the following excellent Satire, the Publisher has only to acknowledge, that it was first published in the Anti-Jacobin Heview and Magazine for March, and was dated 5th Febru- ary. As several gentlemen have ascribed the celebrated Poem of " All the Talents" to the author of " Elijah's Mantle" the Publisher takes this opportunity of stating, that such con* jecture is entirely without foundation. 41, Pall Mall, 4th April, 1807. THE UTI POSSIDETIS, AND STATUS QU YE Ministers of Britain's State, Form'd of all talent, good and great, Like Grot i us vers'd in treaties; What, though abroad ye marr'd the scene. Tell us what 'tis at home you mean By th* uti possidetis ? THE UTI POSSIDETIS, Is it that you possess the store Of merit that you had before You took the public duty ? If that be all the praise you want, The Opposition Bench will grant You possidetis utL But, if we judge by what is past, Say how your merit's to be classed, Where worth's, where wisdom's, seat is Made up of strange discordant parts ? None, but " the Searcher of all hearts," Can tell quid possidetis. AND STATUS QUO 4 Was patriot Virtue erst your guide, Or did ye list on Factions side, And plead her cause ? — siletis ! Maidstone's and Newgate's Rolls have nam'd The Patriot Whigs for whom ye claim'd The uti possidetis. United now in Friendship's bands, What Principle connects your hands ? Your Union's basis show : Is it the Treasury's Rosy Bed ? Or is it — that ye view with dread Your wretched status quo ? 8 THE UTI POSSIDETIS, 6 If on Finance you build your fame, To Pitt's account transfer your claim, To him — its state debetis : Last year — a woeful tale ye feign'd, Of " wasted funds, resources drain'd," A bankrupt possidetis. Courted by Fox in language sweet, Could Be neve nt refuse to treat ? Politeness would compel him : 'Tis strange, that Peace should look so queerly On men who fraterniz'd so dearly At Paris, ante Bellum. AND STATUS QUO. 9 8 Tho' favour'd Yarmouth might be coaxed, Fox was too cunning to be hoax'd — Maitland a Scot discreet is ; From such Negotiators, say, How could your Basis slip away, Your uti possidetis ? 9 When Pitt's good genius bless'd the land, No fond regard for Talleyrand Mix'd with his country's duty ; He— for his Sovereign and the Nation Reserved his high Consideration, Nor would have left — to Implication Our possidetis uti. i 10 THE UTI POSSIDETIS. 10 Allied to Pitt, in early day, Grenyille! the People mark'd your May, And deem'd you — his Achates ; With him your patriot ardour fled, But left one Maxim in its stead — Tire ut possideatis. 11 To you (their Treasury Baal), now, Whigs, neutraliz'd with Tories, bow, And croud to touch your shoe-tie : O'Connor's Friends shall praise your name, And future Paines and Hardys claim Their possidetis uti. AND STATUS QUO. 11 12 The Brissotine your hand shall kiss ! Spirit of Chatham ! know' st thou this ? Ye Pittites ! quid ridetis ? Grenvilles and Temples long ago To British Worthies gave at Stow The uti possidetis. 13 Grenville! though in your state array You number Windham, Petty, Grey, Will none of them play booty ? These Whigs are difficult to tame, They must oppose, and scout your claim To th' possidetis uti. 12 THE UTI POSSIDETIS, 14 Though pure your heart, and clean your hands, And high your rate of merit stands, Nil valet quod meretis, Some Brew'r, in rude but licens'd speech, Sans proof — that merit shall impeach, And quash your possidetis. 15 Grey, tutor'd long in Fox's school, By mild St. Vincent taught to rule > A loftier port will show ; Haply your Cabinet divide, Nor deign to leave your Tory side Their half o' th' status quo. AND STATUS QUO. 13 16 Yet Howick ! if thou'rt still the same As ere this alias grac'd thy name, What are thy merits ? tell 'era 1 Sea-Statesman thou a-sround would'st be ! ZNI*0!f. TWrdEdlife»©M - Capy fbtirtclAirwig-tkc Author-*' tion of the* former. I n O ne 1 arge Vow me 4 cl CLOPiEDI-iN, or LANGUAGE, ART, thology, Proper Names, a most World, and satisfactory Explanations, Deft* script ions of every Word that occur* in wh airciert attU^Qiodtft EtigUsfcJta Y. Handsomely printed in quart and transmitted *gratt*« ta*uch STOCKDALE\S Complete L ldWU?,of