CS 71 .F231 1902 Copy 1 1 COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR. THE FARLEY, FAIRLIE, FARLO FAMILY, THEIR ORIGIN. HISTORY AND GENEOLOGICAL RECORD, FOR 1300 YEARS FROM A, D. 600 TO 1900 WITH HERALDRY AND ARMS, BY ^ • . RANDOLPH W, FARLEY, NASHUA. NEW HAMPSHIRE. U. S. A. 1902. > » [the li»»< AKY C^M GON ORESS, \^^ FtB 25 1902 ^-^/^ icLKS* «^>^<^ li- 7 ^ -^0 CO FY • ■ n- J o FARLEY, FAIRLIE, FARLO FAMILY HISTORY. After a i)erio(l exteiulinji; over twenty years of ( aicful research aiiil stuil\- of (iM F.ni:lisli ivcorils of llie elevenlli, t w clftli ami lliii'- teeiitli ceiitiirie.-, I lia\e traeetl tlie Farley family hack lliirteeii hundred years lt> A. D. (100 when KiiiL;: Joar N'idfadiiie the ijreat Skaanian kin*; rei,<>neear our name in the twentieth century. This darl or Duke of Normandy had three sons; IJichaid, li,)l»ert, and Walter, all ixun in the tenth century. IJobert lieing his liroiher's vassal succeede; named fruiii tin.' slii]i that hroiiifht tln'm uver. Tliis was the first Farley born on American soil. Geori^e landed at Boston ill i(t4(> and hccaine the ancestor urpose I desire every one interested to have my circular. Send in your address with one dollar to me to insure you against mistake and soon as the articles appear you will receive the ])aper for a year payable in advance. I desire more ])articulaily ail legends, traditions, and anecdotes any one can tell of the members of their family. This is to be no dry record of simply when the Farley was boi-n, married and died, Imt one of thrilling interest. Don't fail to make a scrap book of this record that future generations yet unborn in your family may know all about their ancestors. Randolph W. Farley, Xashua, N. H., LT. S. A. FARLEY HERALDRY, ARMS AND CREST. 'I'lic IiKMlion whert'on William de Falaise started the buildini; of his t-astlo oil iIk' ruins of the IJoiiiaii \'illa in ln7"J ami later known as Farleigh Castle, was a famous huutiiiii" ii;rouml in Saxon times, heino- covered with an undergrowth of ferns, hence the name Faern- laei;a. In this covert were found staus, antelopes, wild boars and other irame wliich tlie expert Inmter killed by throwing a sliort spear uv dart picrciiiu,- the neck. Ilis descendeiits in the twelfth and thirteenth i-enturies when Arms ivachcd their highest state of popular- ity, adopted the antelope with the sliort spear piercing the neck as their Crest in commemoration of the above facts. Thor's liammer and Odin's drinking horn are symbols of their earlier religion when they were w()ishi])ers of these Scandinavian gods. The Kaxen was workeagan altar stoo