Book_^ • 7 K ^ e:^ SHOEMAKER'S BEST SELECTIONS For Redwdi.ig's and Recitdwtions Nos. I to 27 Now Issued Paper Binding, each number, . . . -30 cents Cloth •• " "... 50 cents Teachers, Readers, Students, and all persons who have had occasion to use books of this kind, concede this to be the best series of Speakers published. The different numbers are compiled by leading elocutionists of ihe country, who have exceptional facilities for secur- ing selections, and whose judgment as to their merits is invaluable. No trouble or expense is spared to obtain the very best readings and recitations, and much material is used by special arrangement with other pub- lishers, thus securing the best selections from such American authors as Longfellow, Holmes, Whittier, Lowell, Emerson, Alice and Phoebe Gary, Mrs. Stowe, and many others. The foremost English authors are also repref-iented, as well as the leading French and German ^vi-iters. This series was formerly called '*The Elocutionist's Annual," the first seventeen numbers being published under that title. While the primary purpose of these books is to suppV the wants of the public reader and elocutionist, nowhcTe else can be found such an attractive collection of interesting short stories for home reading. Sold by all booksellers and newsdealers, or mailed upon receipt of price. . The Penn Publishing Company * 923 Arch Street, Philadelphia Xincoln tbe patriot A Program for Lincoln's Birthday. By Alice M. Kellogg. Decorations.— The character of tlie celebration should strike a patri- otic note. Let the triune colors be prominent in flags, bunting, pennants, draperies. Lengths of cheese-cloth cut into three widths, and fastened with rosettes, make a pretty festoon at the cornices ; or they may be carried from the centre of the ceiling to the four corners in a series of radiating lines. Small flags may be distributed as badges, and waved during the singing uf a patriotic song, flags mounted like banners may be used as screens and placed before the stove, wood-box, etc. Little girls in white dresses spangled with blue stars, with red sashes about their waists, may perform any little offices for the teacher. Ushers may wear shoulder sashes of red, white, and blue ribbons. A large portrait of Lincoln should be in a prominent place, the frame overhung with a flag. Fh(jtographs and engravings that pertain to Lincoln's history may be pasted on card- board and fastened to the walls. Music. — All the well-known patriotic songs are introduced in the pro- gram. Distribute copies of the words among the audience, and let every- one present participate in this feature of the exercises. The Riverside Song Book, "Liberty Bell," "Song Patriot," "Centennial Collection." and " Patriotic Songs of America," furnish songs in the spirit of the occa- sion. Sousa's instrumental marches are inspiriting for an opening num- ber, and the new " El Capitan " and " Rasmus on Parade." Lincoln the Patriot. {Place these zvords in a conspicuous position npon the blackboard or zvall.) 1. Opening march on the piano and singing of " America." 2. Recitations for thirteen pupils, ''Lincoln the Patriot." a. A Second Father of his Country. — Ray Palmer. b. The typical American, pure and simple. — Asa Gray. Acknoivledgments. — Through the courtesy of Charles Scribner's Sons lines from R. H. Stoddard's Poems are used'; through Houghton, Mifflin & Company, extracts from Mrs. I'helps-^\'ard, J. R. Lowell, W'hittier, and Maurice Thompson. Copyright, 1897, by E. L. tv. i.logg & Co., New York. 2 LINCOLN THE PATRIOT c. Washington was the Father, and Lincoln the Saviour, of his Country. — H. L. Daives. d. A patriot without a superior, his monument is a country preserved. — C. S. Hai-rijigtoii. e. Patriot, statesman, emancipator, his name is immortal, and his memory will be cherished through all the advancing ages. — W. H. Gibson. f. His wisdom, his accurate perceptions, his vigor of intellect, his humor, and his unselfish patriotism are known to all. — Cyrus Noi'tJirop. g. A patriot without guile, a politician without cunning or selfishness, a statesman of practical sense rather than fine-spun theory. — Andrew SJicruian. h. Next to Washington, the Father of our Inde- pendence, stands Abraham Lincoln, the martyr of our Union, in the line of our Presidents. — Philip Schaff. i. He was a patriot who was ever willing to make personal sacrifices for his patriotism.. — Abrain S. Hcivitt. j. Under the providence of God he was, next to Washington, the greatest instrument for the preser- vation of the Union and the integrity of the coun- try; and this was brought about chiefly through his strict and faithful adherence to the Constitution of his country. — Peter Cooper. k. Abraham Lincoln stands out on the pages of American history, unique, grand, and peculiar. As honest, unselfish, and patriotic as Washington, he was his superior as an orator and logician, and dealt successfully with larger and graver matters. — Willard Warren. I, A man of great ability, pure patriotism, un- selfish nature, full of forgiveness to his enemies, bearing malice toward none, he proved to be the man above all others for the great struggle through LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. 3 which the nation had to pass to place itself among the greatest in the family of nations. His fame will grow brighter as time passes and his great work is better understood. — U. S. Grant. 1)1. The more the smoke of party strife clears away, as we recede from the times of Abraham Lincoln and the civil war, the grander does the form of the Martyr President stand forth as the representative of sagacious statesmanship and un- sulh'ed patriotism. — John Avery. 3 Singing of " Hail, Columbia! " 4. Recitation, " To the Spirit of Abraham Lin- coln." (The Reunion at Gettysburg twenty-five years after the battle.) Shade of our greatest, O look down to-day ! Here the long, dread midsummer battle roared, And brother in brother plunged the accursed sword ; — Here foe meets foe once more in proud array, Yet not as once to harry and to slay, But to strike hands, and with sublime accord Weep tears heroic for the souls that soared , Quick from eartli's carnage to the starry way. Each fought for wliat he deemed the people's good, And proved his bravery with his offered life. And sealed his honor with his outpoured blood ; But the Eternal did direct the strife, And on this sacred field one patriot host Now calls thee father, — dear, majestic ghost ! — RicJiard Watson Gilder. 5. Composition, "The Boyhood of Lincoln." (The cabin in which Lincoln was born, February 1 2th, 1809, consisted of one room with a door but no window, and open cracks through which the winds, rain, and snows of winter, and swarms of mosquitoes in summer, could easily penetrate. It was the home on a clearing near Hodgcnsville, Ken- tucky, where Abraham's father had taken up land 4 LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. for a farm. With his elder sister Abraham went to school, and in order to study at night he tied together spicewood bushes and burned them for light. His mother taught him all she knew of the Bible, fairy tales, and country legends. Moving to an uncleared tract in Indiana in 1816, young Abra- ham was set to work to clear a field for corn, and to help in the home building. Besides his own f-firm work, carpentry, and, he was a ' ' hired boy " on neighboring farms, where he re- ceived twenty-five cents a day. As a ferryman on Copyright; From " Century Book of Famous Americans." By permission of the Cen* tury Company. the Mississippi, going to and from New Orleans, Lincoln gained his earliest experiences of life. His entire reading as a boy — not books of his own — were the Bible, ^sop's " Fables," " Robinson Crusoe," "Pilgrim's Progress," a " History of the United States," Weems's " Life of Washington," and the " Statutes of Lidiana." He pored over the biography of the First President with astonishing fervor, and many years afterwards, when addressing the Senate of New Jersey at Trenton, referred to the impres- sion it had made upon him. " I remember," he said, ' ' all the accounts given of the battle-fields and strug- gles for the liberties of the country, and none fixed LINCOLN TUB PATRIOT. 5 themselves upon my imagination so deeply as the struggle here at Trenton. The crossing of the river, the contest with the Hessians, the great hardships endured at that time, all fixed themselves on my memory more than any single Revolution- ary event. I recollect thinking then, boy even though I was, that there must have been something more than common that these men struggled for." Other books from neighbors within a circuit of fifty miles Lincoln borrowed and devoured, not only by reading but by copying long extracts, using boards as a temporary repository when his paper and copy- books gave out.) 6. Recitation, " One of the People." A laboring man, with horny hands, Who swung the axe, who tilled his lands, Who shrank from nothing new, But did as poor men do ! One of the People ! Born to be Their curious Epitome ; ■* To share, yet rise above. Their shifting hate and love. Common liis mind (it seemed so then), His thoughts the thoughts of other men: Plain were his words, and poor — But now they will endure ! No hasty fool, of stubborn will. But prudent, cautious, pliant, still; Who, since his work was good, Would do it as he could. No hero, this, of Roman mould ; Nor like our stately sires of old ; Perhaps he was not great — ' But he preserved the State ! i 6 LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. O honest face, which all men knew ! O tender heart, but known to few ! O Wonder of the Age, Cut off by tragic Rage ! —R. H. Stoddard. 7. Readings, " Lincoln's Intellectual Capacity." a. Mr. Lincoln was not what you would call an educated man. The college that he had attended was that which a man attends who gets up at dajdight to hoe corn and sits up at night to read the best book he can find by the side of a burning pine-knot. What education he had he picked up in that way. He had read a great many books, and all the books that he had read he knew. He had a tenacious memory, just as he had the ability to see the essen- tial thing. He never took an unimportant point and went off upon that ; but he always laid hold of the real thing, of the real question, and attended to that without attending to the others any more than was indispensably necessary. Thus, while we say that Mr. Lincoln was an uneducated man, unedu- cated in the sense that is recognized at any great college, he yet had a singularly perfect education in regard to everything that concerns the practical affairs of life. His judgment was excellent, and his information was always accurate. He knew what the thing was. He was a man of genius, and con- trasted with men of education, genius will always carry the day. I remember very well going into Mr. Stanton's room in the War Department on the day of the Gettysburg celebration, and he said, '* Have you seen these Gettysburg speeches? " '* No," said \\ "I didn't know you had them." He said, ''Yes, and the people will be delighted with them. Edward Everett has made a speech that will make three columns in the newspapers, LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. 7 and Mr. Lincoln has made a speech of perhaps forty or fifty Hnes. Everett's is the speech of a scholar, polished to the last possibility. It is elegant and it is learned ; but Lincoln's speech will be read by a thousand men where one reads Everett's, and will be remembered as long as anybody's speeches are remembered who speaks in the English language." That was the truth. If you will take those two speeches now, you will get an idea how superior genius is 'o education ; how superior that intellectual faculty i^ which sees the vitality of a question and knows how to state it ; how superior that intellectual faculty is which regards everything with the fire of earnestness in the soul, with the relentless purpose of a heart devoted to objects beyond literature. — Charles A. Dana. b. Hrr possessed fewer liberal accomplishments and less culture than his predecessors at the White House . but he enjoyed great qualities w^hich they lacked, foremost the king quality of courage, physi- cal, moral, and political. — Poore. c. ] t Lincoln had lived at a time when printing \yas unknown, he would in a few years, by his prov- erbs and fables, have become mythological, like ^sop or Pilpay, or one of the Seven Wise Masters, the story-tellers of antiquity. — Emej'son. 8, Composition, *' Lincoln's Political Life." (1 he pioneer boy as he grew up began to be inter- ested in politics. With a devouring love for books, cleverness at extempore speaking, and readiness to make friends, he had worked up from country mer- chant to a lawyer and surveyor. He was elected to the Legislature, then to Congress, and was offered the Governorship of Oregon. Returning to his home in Springfield, Illinois, and liis wife and boys, Lincoln took up his law-practice again. He was i LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. nominatea unsuccessfully for Senator, and in i860, amid much opposition, he was elected President of the United States.) 9. Readings illustrating Lincoln's appearance. a. His towering figure, sharp and spare, Was with such nervous tension strung, As if on each strained sinew swung The burden of a people's care. His changing face what pen can draw .^ Pathetic, kindly, droll, or stern ; And with a glance so quick to learn The inmost truth of all he saw. — Charles G. Hal pine. b. When he left this city (Springfield, 111.) h.. was fifty-one years old. He was about six feec four inches In height; thin, wiry, sinewy, raw- boned. His usual weight was one hundred and- LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. 9 sixty pounds. His structure was loose and leathery; his body was shrunk and shrivelled, hav- ing dark skin, dark hair, — looking woe-struck. The whole man, body and mind, worked slowly, creakingly, as if it needed oiling. Physically, he was a very powerful man, lifting with ease four or six hundred pounds. His mind was like his body, and worked slowly and strongly. His head was long and tall from the base of the brain and from the eyebrows. His forehead was narrow, but high; his cheek-bones were high, sharp, and prominent ; his eyebrows heavy and promi- nent ; his jaws were long, upcurved, and heavy; his nose was large, long, and blunt ; his face was long, sallow, and cadaverous, shrunk, shrivelled, wrinkled, and dry; his ears were large, and ran out almost at right angles from his head ; his neck was trim and neat, his head being well balanced upon it. He was not a pretty man by any means, nor was he an ugly one; he was a homely man, careless of his looks, plain-looking and plain-acting. He had no pomp, display, or dignity, so-called. He ap- peared simple in his carriage and bearing. He was a sad-looking man ; his melancholy dripped from him as he walked. — IV. H. Herndon. lO. Piano music, variations upon national airs. IK Recitation, "A Tribute." The angels of your thoughts are climbing still The shining ladder of liis fame, And have not ever reached the top, nor ever will, While this low life pronounces his high name. But yonder, where they dream, or dare, or do, The " good " or " great " beyond our reach, To talk of him must make old language new In heavenly, as it did in human, speecli. —Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, 10 LiNLOL.N THE PATRIOT. 12. Essay, "Lincoln as President." — (As time wore on and the war held its terrible course, upon no one of all those who lived through it was its effect more apparent than upon the President. He bore the sorrows of the nation in his own heart; he suffered deeply, not only from disap- pointments, from treachery, from hope deferred, from the open assaults of enemies, and from the sincere anger of discontented friends, but also from the world-wide distress and affliction which flowed from the great conflict in which he was engaged and which he could not evade. One of the most tender and compassionate of men, he was forced to give orders which cost thousands of lives ; by nature a man of order and thrift, he saw the daily spectacle of unutterable waste and destruction which he could not prevent. Under this frightful ordeal his demeanor and disposition changed ; . . . he aged with great rapidity. — JoJin Hay, in ' The Century. ' 13. Readings illustrating ''Lincoln's Character- istics." a. Tender-hearted, but inflexible when occasion required; sunny-tempered, but tinged with melan- choly; simple in speech and life, but capable of eloquence and of stirring words that will live for- ever; above all else logical; brave, broad-minded, just, and true. — B7'ooks. b. There is now a letter before me in which he announces his motto in political affairs, " Bear and forbear." This self-poise, self-abnegation, and for- bearance enabled him to bring the ship of state safely through the stormy seas. — W. M. Dickson. c. He read Shakespeare more than all other writers together. He delighted in Burns. Of Thomas Hood he was also fond. He read Bryant LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. II and Whittier with appreciation ; there were many poems of Liohnes's that he read with intense rehsh. " The Last Leaf " was one of his favorites. A poem by Wilham Knox, '' Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud ? " he learned by heart in his youth, and used to repeat all his life. — JoJin Hay, d. When Mr. Frank Carpenter was painting Lin- coln in his famous picture of the Reading of the Proclamation of Emancipation, the conversation turned upon Shakespeare. "Hamlet" held a peculiar charm for the President, and he remarked, "There is one passage of the play of ' Hamlet' that is very apt to be slurred over by the actor, or omitted altogether, and it seems to me one of the choicest parts. It is the soliloquy of the king, after the murder. It always struck me as one of the finest touches of nature in the world." Throwing himself into the very spirit of the scene, Lincoln repeated from memory, with a feeling and apprecia- tion unsurpassed by any actor upon the stage, the thirty-five lines beginning: " O my offence is rank, it smells to heaven." 14. Recitation, " The First American." So, always firmly, he ; He knew to bide his time. And can liis fame aljide, Still patient in his simple faith sublime, Till the wise years decide. Great captains, with their drums and guns Disturb our judgment for the hour. But at last silence comes ; These all are gone, and, standing like a tower, Our children shall behold iiis fame, The kindly-earnest, brave, foreseeing man, Sagacious, patient, dreading i)raise, not blame. New birth of our new soil, tlie lirst American. — From LowclTs "" Covuncmoratioii Ode.'* 12 LINCOLN THH PATRIOT. 15. Recitation of extracts from Lincoln's speeches showing his national spirit. a. If I ever feel the soul within me elevate and expand to dimensions not wholly unworthy of its Almighty Architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country, deserted by all the world beside, and I standing up boldly a:.d alone, and hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors. Here, without contemplating consequences, before high Heaven, and in the face of the world, I swear eter- nal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty, and my love I — SpcccJi delivered in i8jg. b. Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, our present difficulty. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. — From h is Inaiigii ral A d dress , 1861. e. My paramount object is to save the Union, and neither to save nor destroy slavery. If there be those wdio would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it. If I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it ; and if I could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slaverv and the colored race 1 do because I believe LINCOLN THE PATRIOT 13 it helps to save the Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not beheve it helps to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe that what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I believe doing more will help the cause. 16. Singing of ''The Red, White, and Blue." 17. Recitations of " English Tributes." Patriot, who made the pageantries of kings Like shadows seem, and unsubstantial things. — R. IV. Dale {an Eiiglishuiaii). b. I shall never forget the moment when, in Lon- don, the tidings of Lincoln's death were brought to me. It seemed as if we were all afloat in the midst of a boundless ocean. — Charles F. Adams. c. A permanent English tribute to Lincoln's memory is the Lincoln Tower, adjoining Rev. New- man Hall's church in London. Half of the cost (seven thousand pounds) was subscribed wjth great readiness by the English; the other half by Ameri- cans. A stone over the entrance bears the name of Lincoln ; tvv^o class-rooms are named for Washington and Wilberforce. The spire is built in alternate stripes, witli stars between. A marble tablet gives the history of the tower and the man whom it com- memorates. d. The Old World and the New, from sea to sea, Utter one voice of sympathy and shame ! Sore heart, so stopped when it at last beat high ; Sad life, cut short just as its triumph came. — From the London Punch, 18. Reading, " Lincoln's signature." The roll containing the Emancipation Proclama- tion was taken to Mr. Lincoln at noon on the first 14 LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. day of January, 1863, by Secretary Seward and his son Frederick. As it lay unrolled before him, Mr. Lincoln took a pen, dipped it in ink, moved his hand to the place for the signature, held it a mo- ment, and then removed his hand and dropped the pen. After a little hesitation he again took up the pen and went through the same movement as before. Mr. Lincoln then turned to Mr. Seward and said: " I have been shaking hands since nine o'clock this morning, and my right arm is almost paralysed. If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it. If my hand trembles when I sign the Proclamation, all who examine the document hereafter will say, ''He hesitated!" He then turned to the table, took up the pen again, and slowly, firmly, wrote that Abraham Lincoln with which the whole world is familiar. He looked up, smiled, and said, "That will do." — Colonel Forney. 19. Recitations, '' Lincoln's Presentiments." a. On the last Sunday of his life Lincoln read aloud some extracts from ''Macbeth." Was it a prophetic spirit that made him give an impressive- ness in particular to the lines: " Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well ; Treason has done his worst : nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch him further " ? b. Mr. Lincoln may not have expected death from the hand of an assassin, but he had an impres- sion, amounting to a presentiment, that his life would end with the war. In July, 1864, he told a newspaper man that he was certain he should. not outlast the rebellion. It was a time of dissension among the Republican leaders* Maiiy of his best LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. I5 friends had deserted him, and were talking of an opposition convention to nominate another candi- date ; universal gloom was spread throughout the people. The North was tired of the war, and supposed an honorable peace attainable. Mr. Lin- coln knew it was not — that any peace at that time would be only disunion. He said: " I have faith in the people. They will not consent to disunion. The dano;er is in their beino- misled. Let them know the truth, and the country is safe," His haggard, careworn appearance called out the remark that he was wearing himself out with work. " I can't work less," he replied; "but it isn't that, — work never troubled me. Things look badly, and I can't avoid anxiety. Personally, I care nothing about a re-election ; but if our divisions defeat us, I fear for the country. The right will eventually tri- umph, but I may never live to see it. I feel a presentiment that I shall not outlast the RebelHon. When it is over, my work will be done." — Frank Carpenter. 20. Recitations for two pupils, " His Birthday, Feb. 1 2th, 1809, and His Death-day, April 15th, 1865." «. No minster bells' loud paean Proclaimed the moment when He came to earth to be an Uncrowned king of men ; No purple to enfold him, Our country's royal guest ; But loving arms to hold him. Silence ! God knoweth best ! K The way was long and cheerless, But dawn succeeded night ; That soul, so brave and fearless, Dwells evermore in light ! i6 LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. No shadows dim liis glory, Our hearts his praise resound, And history tells his story, — Our nation's king is crowned ! — Sophie E. Eastman. 21. Readings, *' Lincoln's Grave." Copyright, 1896, by The Century Co. From Century Book of Famous Americans." Century Company. By permission of the a. In Ihe Oak Ridge Cemetery, a mile or more outside the city of Springfield, Illinois, is the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. A marble sarcophagus stands over the grave, with the single word " Lincoln " en- graved upon a carved wreath. Above this is the sentence, '' With malice towards none, with char- ity for all." b. Years pass away, but freedom does not pass; Thrones crumble, but man's birthright crumbles not; LINCOLN THE PATRIOT. I? And, like the wind across the prairie grass A whole world's aspirations fan this spot With ceaseless pantings after liberty, One breath of which would make even Russia fair, And blow sweet summer through the exile's care And set the exile free; For which 1 pray, here, in the open air Of Freedom's morning-tide, by Lincoln's grave. — Maurice Thompsoru C. We rest in peace, where his sad eyes Saw peril, strife, and pain; His was the awful sacrifice, And ours the priceless gain. — W/iiitier, d. And him the good, the great, Crowned by a martyr's fate, What words can fitly utter forth His manly virtues and his worth? — Benjamin, e Rest, noble martyr! rest in peace Rest with the true and brave. Who, like thee, fell in Freedom's cause, The Nation's life to save. — Gil r ley, 22. Singing of '' The Star-Spangled Banner." •' Banner Days of the Republic " is an effective, patriotic exercise by Alice M. Kellogg. Thirty-seven pupils may be employed in its presentation, or a less number by curtailing the recitations. The grouping of the chief points in our na- tional history with inspiriting songs, pretty costumes, and original speeches makes an entertainment particularly appro- priate for Lincoln's Birthday. It is also adapted for Columbus or Discovery Day. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Washington's Birthday, Grant's Birthday, or Closing Exercises. Price fifteen cents. _ , " Patriotic Songs for Patriotic Occasions is a collection ot twenty-five copies each of our famous national songs (music and words) "America," "Yankee Doodle," " Hail ! Colum- bia!", "The Star-Spangled Banner." "The Red, White, and Blue.'' By interspersing patriotic recitations between the songs, an impromptu program can be held in commemoration of Lincoln's or Washington's Birthday. Visitors should be provided with copies of these songs, and join in the singing. Price in one envelope, twenty cents. Practical Elocution By J. W. Shoemaker, A. M. 300 pages Cloth, Leather Back, ^1.25 This work is the outgrowth of actual class-room experience, and is a practical, common-sense treatment of the whole subject. It is clear and concise, yet comprehensive, and is absolutely free from the entangling technicalities that are so frequently found in books of this class. Conversation, which is the basis of all true Elocution, is regarded as embracing all the germs of speech and action. Prominent attention is therefore given to the cultivation of this the most common form of human ex- pression. General principles and practical processes are pre- sented for the cultivation of strength, purity, and flexi- bility of Voice, for the improvement of distinctness and correctness in Articulation, and for the development of Soul power in delivery. The work includes a systematic treatment of Gesture in its several departments of position, facial expression, and bodily movement, a brief system of Gymnastics bearing upon vocal development and grace of move- ment, and also a chapter on Methods of Instruction, for teachers. Sold by all booksellers, or sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. The Penn Publishing Company 923 Arch Street, Philadelphia The National School OF Elocution and Oratory TEMPLE BUILDING, BROAD AND CHERRY STREETS PHILADELPHIA npHE first chartered School of Elocution in America. Thorough instruction in all branches of public reading, oratory, and dramatic art. Prepares teachers of elocution, literature and physical training. Its students and graduates occupy prominent positions in all parts of the world. By its instruction, weak voices are strengthened, bad voices made good, indistinct and faulty speech is corrected, awkwardness of manner is eliminated, con- fidence is gained, and character is developed. A faculty efficient and enthusiastic. A diploma that counts. Students helped to good positions. .Classes, day, evening, Saturday. Also private in- struction. Special classes for clergymen and profes- sional people. Illustrated catalogue for the asking. -Mrs. J. W. Shoemaker, George P. Bible, PRINCIPALS. 7/i '12