F 139 .S45 Copy 1 a eeing l^as^fjington'* OCr -7/9/5 Copyrighted and Published by B. S. REYNOLDS COMPANY 1202 D STREET, Northwest, WASHINGTON, D. C. THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL is one of the largest and stateliest buildings in the world. It is 751 feet in length and 350 feet in width, covering three and a half acres. The statue of Freedom on the dome towers 307 feet above the esplanade. ©CI.A41{)9aO U. S. CAPITOL, EAST FROM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. This view of the National Capi- tol, as seen, form the Library of Congress, gives one an idea of the symmetrical and pleasing architectural beauty of the Capitol Building. THE HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES, U. S. CAPITOL, is a legislative chamber unsurpassed in the world. The Speaker's desk is of chiseled white marble. THE SENATE CHAMBER, U. S. CAPITOL, is a spacious hall lighted by a ceiling 26 feet above the floor. In the wall niches are busts of the former Vice Presidents of the United States. THE SUPREME COURT ROOM, U. S. CAPITOL, was designed by Latrobe after Greek mod- els. The chair of the Chief Justice is in the center, with those of the eight Associates on either side. Ranged about the walls is a series of busts of former Chief Justices. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS cost $6,000,000. The Library is here seen from the Capitol. The dome and lantern are finished in black copper, with panels gilded with a thick coating of gold leaf; cresting of the dome terminates in a gilded finial representing the torch of Science ever burning. HALL OF COLUMNS, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, is in stateliness of design and richness of decoration, the culmination of the architectural achievement of America, THE WHITE HOUSE has been the home of the Presidents from the time of John Adams to the present. The building is of Virginia freestone, painted white. THE EAST ROOM, WHITE HOUSE, Is the State Parlor, used for official receptions and other public functions. The decorations are in white and gold. In this room may be seen the famous cut glass chandeliers. PUBLIC ENTRANCE 1 O WHITE HOUSE. This view shows the East Entrance to the White House, which was added in 1902. It is used by the public, who are admitted daily, and by guests invited to receptions and other State functions. THE UNITED STATES TREASURY is here seen from Pennsylvania Avenue. The solidity of the massive building is in keeping with its office as a treasure house the Bank of the Nation. The total length is 450 feet and the vvridth 250 feet. THE STATE, WAR AND NAVY BUILDING ranks as one of the largest and most magnificent office buildings in the world. It has 500 rooms and two miles of marble corridors. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE is one of the famous streets of the world. It Is the route of the Inauguration Day procession from the Capitol to the White House. NEW UNION STATION AND COLUMBUS MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN. The Union Station was built by the United States Government and the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The building, of white granite, is 760 feet in length and 343 feet in width. The cost of the Land, Building and Terminal Improvements was $18,000,000. THE MAIN WAITING ROOM, UNION STATION, is 220 x 130 feet in area, with a height of 120 feet; the circular window in each end is 7 5 feet in diameter. THE PASSENGER CONCOURSE of the Union Station is notable as being the largest room in the world under a single roof. It is 760 feet in length, comprises I I 0.200 square feet, and would hold an army of 50,000. THE SENATE OFFICE BUILDING is consliucled of white marble and contains suites of offices arranged for each Senator. It is connected with the Capitol by underground passages through which rapid transit cars are run for use of the Senators. Cost about $4,000,000. THE CITY POST OFFICE, adjoining the Union Station, is a magnificent structure of white marble. The building cost $3,000,000. THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Pennsylvania Avenue and Fourteenth Street, is of white marble. It contains the executive offices of the District of Columbia. PANORAMA OF WASHINGTON, LOOKING WEST FROM ( charm in this prospect, loolcing west from the dome of the Capitol. I ITOL TERRACE. The beauty of ihe city presents itself with special e center of the picture may be seen historic Pennsylvania Avenue. THE NEW NATIONAL MUSEUM, situated in the Mall, is a massive and dignified structure of granite, being larger than any other government building except the Capitol. The Museum contains the Government coUectiona froni all quarters of the globe. THE OLD NATIONAL MUSEUM, which is under the direction of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, is supported by annual appropriations of Congress. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, wilh is towers and pinnacles, seen a,„.d ihe green fol: age of the Mall, makes an attractive picture. Founded in 1646 by James Smithson. THE AUDITORS' BUILDING, situated in the Mall, is used to house the auditing forces of the following Government Bureaus: State, Navy, Treasury, Interior, General Supply Committee, Inter- nal Revenue and others. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, located at North Capitol and H Streets, .a the largest and finest printing office in the world. Cost $2,000,000 and the entire plant about $16,000,000. All Government documents are printed here. DUPONT CIRCLE. This beautiful circle, named in honor of Rear Admiral Samuel Francis Dupont, is situated in the heart of the residential section of Washington. In the center may be seen the life size statue of Admiral Dupont. VIEW EAST FROM WASHINGTON MONUMENT. This view, taken from the top of the Washington Monument, shows the New National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Old National Museum, Capitol, Library, House and Senate Office Buildings and Union Station. THE PAN-AMERICAN UNION is maintained by the twenty-one American Republics, includ- ing the United States, for the development of Pan-American Commerce, friendship and peace. This new building, completed in April, 1910. cost $1,000,000. THE CUSTIS-LEE MANSION at Arlington, Va.. was the home of George Washington Parke Custis, adopted son of Washington. It was afterward the home of Colonel Robert E. Lee, whose wife was Mary Custis. MEMORIAL CONTINENTAL HALL is the only buUding in the world built and planned by women. It is the home of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This beau- tiful white marble building cost over $500,000. raiiiiiir 'M. ^MS=SSSSSSS^^^9 n 1 THE PATENT OFFICE ranks first among the bureaus of the Interior Department. have been over 1,600,000 applications filed since the organization of the office. The U. S. CAPITOL, WEST FRONT. The Capitol is distinguished for its commanding situa- tion and majestic proportions. It is set amid grounds whose extent and arrangement add much to the architectural effect. VIEW NORTH FROM WASHINGTON MONUMENT, shows the White House, Treasury, and State, War and Navy Building in the foreground, while in the distance may be seen the north- west residential section of Washington. THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART. founded by William F. Corcoran in 1869. possesses valuable collections of paintings, sculptures and other works of art. HOME OF WASHINGTON, MOl N i VERNON, VA. shore of the Potomac, 16 miles south of Washington. irginia GEORGE WASHiNGTON'S BEDROOM, Mr. VERNON, VA. This is the room in which Washington died. The becis.tad, cha r, the mahogany table, are as they were at the moment of his death. On the chair lay the open Bible from which Mrs. Washington had been reading to him. WASHINGTON'S TOMB at Mt. Vernon, \'a., is a plain brick structure. The marble sar- cophagus of Washington is seen within on the right; that of Martha, his wife, is by its side. THOMAS CIRCLE, showing Ward's Statue of General George H. Thomas, erected by the Society of the Army of the Cumberland; the Luther Memorial Church, in front of which is the Statue of Martin Luther. Fourteenth Street is on the left, Vermont Avenue on the right. THE PENSION BUILDING is the largest brick building in the world. At the inauguration balls 18,000 people have gathered within its vast court. THE SOLDIERS' HOME is for men of the rt_-guUr /\rmy honorably discfiargcd after 20 years of service, or disabled by wounds or disease. The Scott Building, of white marble, here shown, is named in honor of General Winfield Scott, founder of the Home. THE NEW BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, overlooking Potomac Park Basin* is one of the finest of its kind in the world. All paper currency is printed here. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii 014 310 518 0(