my LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 433 303 2 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered JUST PUBLISHED! An Interesting and Very Valualsle Book, The Fire Lands Pioneer, New Series, Volume One; Published by the Fire Lands Historical Society, whose headquarters are in the Whittlesey Building, Norwalk, Ohio. This exceedingly interesting Volume is now ready for distribution to members and subscribers, and can be had by calling for it at the oftiee of THE NORWALK CHRONICLE or of C. E. Newman, in Norwalk. We herewith give the Constitution of the Fire Lands Historical Societj'', a table of Contents of this New Volume of the Pioneer, and the Death List since last Publication. The Society under its new incorporation gives promise of a long and useful life. Every Wide Awake Citizen in Huron and Erie Counties S hould B ecome a Member at Qncl It costs but s^ONE DOLLAR,^3 To join the Society and get the New Volume; or 50 cents will pay for the book alone, containing 1C8 pages of interesting reading matter. For full information, or to join the Society and get the book, ©r to get "The Pioneer" without membership, call on or write to F. R. Loomis or C. E. Newman, Norwalk, O. Remember that the price of the book alone is 50 cents, or membership and book is only $1.00. It is hoped that there will be a large addition to the membership list. The Norwalk Chronicle Print. THE FIRE LANDS PIONEER. Contents— New Series, \o\. I. RECOIUXS AND I'KOCEEDINU.-;. Page. OUicer.i of the Society ^ Preface ■ 5 Incor|)oration. ^ AiiuuhI Mcetins, 1878." ' Quiuterl y .Meeting, 1878 ^ AniHutl .AIcetiiiK. 1879 10 Quiirterly .'Meeliiig, 1879 12 Amuial Meeting, 1880 1:^ Aniuml Meeting, 18S1 14 .Special Meeting. 1881 15 ADDRESSES. The My.-itcry of Atlantis IT Second Historical Period of the Fire Lands • • 36 The InHiicnee of .Jurisprudence 47 The Four Pioneers— .Stone, Lane, Root and AVa tson t^- IlISTOllICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Jlcthodism in the Fire Lauils 71 A lloniancc of the (ireat Ilel)eHion 78 Rhyme of the Happy Farmer 02 A Loiit Chapter in Early History 9'5 Early I'ioneer Movements J>8 IIIcrhI Ma rri.-ig'i Ceremonies W Tlie Rattle of Winchester lOO Reminiscences of the War of 1812 101 The AlerttMnh .■ lOlt Legend of Fort Avery. 115 B10(iItAPHIES AND MEMOIRS. Riv. Alfred Newton. D. D 122 John .Seymour 127 Mrs. Sarah T. Scymmir 121 Joseph M. Roi.t .. ..129 D.. JohnTifft -.131 Dr. Wni. F. Kiltrrdgo . . LSI Dr. (}eorgc (}. Raker 132 Mrs. Mary A. Raker 13'i Mrs. Charlotte Merry ... . 131 Rev. Samuel Marks 137 Miss ('atharine (iiiilup 1 (1 Shepherd Patrick 141 Mrs. Pheho Williamson ^ 143 Oran Rowland 143 Henry Adams . 141 Agur and A. B. iloyt 114 James White 115 James Arnold 146 Mrs. Rachel Andrews. 14o Samuel Doud . . , 14<) Daniel Mallorj- 148 Mrs. W. R. Iloyt 149 Leonard R. (iurley, D. D 14i) EdH-anl D. D 1-50 Julia Ann McCurdy 150 .lames D. Knai)p 1.51 Mary A nn Vredenburgh l-?>2 Alfred Minuse 15:3 Elizabeth 0. Sherman 15.3 Capt. Daniel Dibble 154 Judge 1'. .'^ears . V>i Mrs. Hester Smith 1S4 Woodward Todd Wi Da\ id Conger 155 ."^amuel Rirdsall 155 Mrs. lietscy B. Fay 156 Mrs. Hannah Reed 15(j Edward E. llusted 157 Mrs. Sabra J. Wilco.v ^ 157 Mr.«. Esther Wileo.xsoa 157 Mrs. Harriet Rurt 157 Mary A. Chapin 1.57 Sally Hine 157 Voluey I5o\crstock. J57 Carlos Colton 157 Al vin T. IJartow jg^ Mrs. Abia .f. Harris jc^ Harrv (^ 25s Jacob Stevens jgjj Lewis Keeler jgj (tilbcrt Wood jjg Henry IJuekinghara ■^^^ llov E. Pundersou igi Pardon Wilson 1^., Mrs. Esther Wilbur [[] .Sally Marvin Keeler Mrs. Fanny Foster ("^ahin O. ('haffee , D. A. Raker [[['" Calvin C. Parsons Constitution Dkith Li3T 162 163 164 164 165 165 16(5 l'i7 DEATHS SINCE LAST PUBLICATION. NAMES. AGE. PLACE. DATE OF DEATH. Abbott, Walter 0. Arnold. Alfred Bott. Mrs. ('atlifriiifc Boalt, Mrs. C. L. Covert. Syhanus rase, William Canfield. Mrs. C.C. Bnrt. Mrs. Harriet Brewster, Leonard Bloomer, (Jeorse Bli.. Eaton. Richardson Fay. Mrs. Lue.v Fiteh. Mrs. Eliza Felt. .-Vmos Fitch, .Jtihnathan (Gardner, Maria (Jre^'-ory, Mrs. William , 1S79. October 9. 1S79. Auffust 2t), 18-SO. November 4, 1874. November 15, 1881. February 20, 1S.S2. November 11. 1S79. July 20, 1881. January 6. 18S0. October 2S. 1*S0. February l:j. 187S. September ti. HSl. April 1881. January 18S1. January .']0, 1SS2. March 2S, 1879. F'ebruary 1878. Alareh 22, 1882. October 18, 1879. March 18. 18S]. October 2J, H81. Ajiril 2, 1875. November -SO, 1881. September 2, 1881. December 12, 1876. May 24. 18S0. August fi. 1S79. July 2:!, 1878. March 24, IKSI. February 26, HSl). February 15, 1S80. January 1882. 1881. December 1, 1S78. March 8, 18S2. June Zi, 1878. 18S0. February 10, 1879. May 2;i, 1880. 1879. September 28. 1879. 1880. February n, 1S81. September 2:5, 1881. 1881. February 29. 1,880. April 12, 1881. July .81. 1878. Jaauary Zi. 1871 Constitntion of the Fire Lands Historical Society. Article l. This Society shall be called The Fire Lands Historical Society. Art. 2, Its objects are to collect, preserve and publish in proper form, historical information, and especially the facts constituting the full history of the Fire Lands and adjacent parts of Ohio; to obtain and preserve an authentic account of their resources and productions, of their natural and archaeological relics, curiosities and antiquities, and other scientific and historical collections. Art. 3. Its officers shall be a Pres- ident, one Vice President for each county in the Fire Lands, a Corres- ponding Secretary, a Recording Secre- tary, a Treasurer, a Biographer, a Librarian and Custodian of Relics, and a Board of Directors and Trustees composed of seven members, includ- ing the President and Recording Sec- retary of the Society who shall also act as President and Secretary of said Board, and four of the members of which shall be a quorum for the trans- action of business. Art. 4. The said officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Society, and shall hold their several offices for one year and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified; and vacancies in office occurring between the Annual Meetings shall be filled by the Board of Directors and Trustees. The Treasurer shall give bond for the faithful performance of his trust, in such sura and with sureties as said Board may approve. The officers shall perform the duties which usually per- tain to their respective offices. The Vice-Presidents shall represent the interests of the Society and collect historical material for it within their respective Counties. The Board of Directors and Trustees shall have the general charge of the business and property of the Society, and shall also act as a Publishing Committee. Art. 5. The office, records and col- lections of the Society shall be kept at the City of Norwalk, where the An- nual Meeting of the Society shall be held on the third Wednesday in June, unless for any year it be otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors and Trustees; and Quarterly or Special Meetings of the Society may be held at such times and places as said Board may direct. Art. G. Any person may become a member of the Society by signing its Constitution and paying into its Treasury as an Annual Member, the sum of one dollar yearly in advance, or, as a Life Member, the sum of five dollars in advance. All members shall be entitled to one copy each of all new publications of the Society issued during the first year of their member- ship, and by the payment of an addi- tional five, making it ten dollars, in advance, a Life Member will also be entitled to one copy of all numbers of The Fire Lands Pioneer^ published since September, 18(31, and at the time of such payment owned and for sale by the Society, and of all its future publications. Honorary Members of it may be elected by vote of the Society. Art. 7. One-half of all payments for membership, and all net proceeds from the sale of the publications of the Society, not so included in mem- berships, shall be set apart to sustain the publications of the Society, and together with all funds contributed for such purpose, shall be used for that purpose only, and shall be known as 7'Ae Catharine Qalhip Publication Fund, and shall be in charge of the Board of Directors and Trustees. Art. S. This Constitution may be altered or amended at any Annual Meeting of the Society, by a vote of two-thirds of the members voting; provided that no amendment shall be considered, unless it shall have been presented in writing at the next pre- vious Annual or Quarterly Meeting of the Society. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 433 303 2 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered