a,V <^ * <"««* <= 'V '"+ «* v : Oo, OO' W • v>" ^ -. • + £[ l* y "K 'ft \P - /I- ■>- \ s% ^•v "%. ^ .v ^. .0 0. : ,y °o v vw ; °o V ^ V ^ 00 s O-* "A. . " 1 •W x ; *- / V \v \^' '^ /= . -^ ■''''' : ■» .«* ^' % v - : ^>^' ■^ ;-r Abraham, G ge, Portrait of 485 Adams, Geo. I.., Portrait of U'Jl Alberty, W. N., Portrait of 604 Allen, David, Portrait "f. 741 Ames, H.C., Portrait of 654 Ames, J S., Portrait of 698 Apple; Honumeat 481 Armstrong, Thomas, Portrait of 807 Avon, In. Otis, Portrait of 219 Baker; George E., Portraitof 014 Barker, Levi, Portrait of 096 Barry, Simon, Portrait of 11.10 Beach, J. Howard, Portrait of 478 Bell, T. .\., Portrait Of 1165 Boyd, Tin. mas Y., Portrait of 48(1 Brady, Ii. \\\, M.D., Portrait of .' 214 Brodhead, L. W., Portraitof. .. 1056 Brodhead, Chas n. Portrait of 1161 Brodhead, Thomas, Portrait of nu-l Brooks, Ezra, Portrait of 608 Hi"--. William, Portraitof 887 Bunnell, Henry, Portrait of 826 Bunnell, J. K., Portrait of. 827 Bunnell, '/.. M. P., Portrait of 605 Burcher, John, Portrait of 486 Burns, Heed, Portraitof 216 Butler, Albert, Portrait of 613 Bush, P. M„ Portrait of. 111114 Bush. Lewis, Portraitof 1005 Case, in- Portrait of 591 Clnmh, Crare Epis. opal, of II -dalr 4Ua L'liurcli, Methodist EpLs. opal, of Ilonesdale 406 Ohnrch, Methodist Episcopal,'of Stroudaburg 1177 Chnn-h, Prrshvt'-rian, of Stroudsburg 1178 Church, St. John's Roman Catholic, of Hoi lale 408 Church, The First Presbyterian, of Honesdale 4111 Church, The Old Stone 1094 Clark, Perry A., portrait of .,7.i Cliff, George E., Portrait of 802 Cobb, C. 8., Portrait of 775 Cole, P. ,1., Portrait oi 367 Collins. Lucius, P ait of 572 Conklln, John, Portrait uf 516 Coolbaugb, A v . Portrait ol 1108 Coons, Sidney, Portrait of 329 Court-Houae, Pike County 8:16 Conrt-House, Wayne County 12ti Davis, William, Portrait of 996 Hay, Lewis, Portrait of 610 He Pny, Eobt. P., Portrait of 11511 Dillon, G. B., Portraitof 529 Dimmick, Samuel E., Portrait of 175 (111 or OppU-ltr pa;.'.' Dimmick, w. II., Portrait of 17n Dingman, A. C, Portrait of 218 Doherty, J. J., Portrait of. 412 Dorflinger, Christian, Portraitof 823 Douglass, II. II., Portrait of 62* Douglass, Bobbins, Portrait of 628 Dunning, .1 II , Portrait of 141 Dueinberro, 0. A., Portrait of 209 Early, Hallock, Portrait of. 748 Bldred, N. B., Portrait ..f 157 l-'aa (/. Charles, Portrait of (ill Ferguson, W. L., Portraitof. lit. h. ,1. Ii., Portrait of 251 P. oil,.. Chas. M., Portrait of 1124 Fulmar, Philip F., Portrait of 924 ■• odrich, P.O., Portrait of 755 ciami.-, Lorenzo, Portrait of 869 Greene, Giles, Portrait of 788 Greenwald.A. 0., Portraitof 1172 Ci.-iiier, Henry, Portrait of 693 Gltl I 0., Portrait of 865 Hackett, C, s , Portrait ..f 745 II. -. P.. Hi P, Poll. all of 391 Hani, Thos. J., Portrait of. 382 Hamlin. Butler, Portrait ..1 772 Hamlin, K. w., Portrait of 609 Hamlin, William E., Portraitof 797 Hannes, Rodney, Portrait of 204 II. inn.-. Budolph, Portrait of 2n7 Bartwell, William, Portraitof 479 llo.i.ll.v, John It, Portraitof 074 Bolbert, I. Ii., Portrait of 636 Holbert, William, Portrait of 962 Holliushead, S. S., Autograph of 1157 llollinslieud, Mra.Jeann.tti-, Portrait of 1158 Holmes, 8., Portrait of 998 11. .nek, Nathan, Portrait of 981 Herd. 1', Wilson, Portraitof. 11||2 Hutchinson, M. L., Portraitof 1202 I nd 1. 1 ii Costumes 25 Indian Relics 42 Irvine. Charles, Portrait of 477 Jackson, Jno., Portrait of : 482 Jadwin, CO., Portraitof 437 Justin, Jehiel, Portrait of 627 •Keen, .1. I.., Portrait of 556- Kelly, S. A., Portrait of 217 Kenner, David, Portrait of. 442 Kimble, George W., Portrait of. 677 Kilgour Blue Stone Co., Works ol 970 Kilgour, John F., Portrait of 969 King, B. K., Portrait of 7:15 ILLUSTRATIONS. On or OI»p"Ml'' pa;:.- Kistler, Chas. E., Portrait of. 1209 Kistler, M. M., Portrait of 1"29 Kniglit, W. P., Portrait of. 030 La Bar, H. M., Portrait of. 942 Lantz, Jackson, Portrait of. 1012 Le Bar, A., Portrait of 1007 LeBar, .7. Hepue, Portrait of 1083 Lester, Orrin, Portrait of 000 Locomotive, The First 238 Loder, A. W., Portrait of 1200 Loomis, E. W., Portrait of 580 Manning, James, Portrait of >"7 Map, Historical, of Pennsylvania 2 Map of Indian Orchard Tract 338 Map, Outline, of Monroe County 982 Map, Outline, of Pike County 830 Map of the Schoonover Tract 838 Map of United Tracts '. 338 Map, Outliue, of Wayne County 110 Maps, Topographical M37 McAvoy, Paul, Portrait of 668 JI. Ilium, v, Thomas M., Portrait of 1104 Miller, William, Portrait of. 000 Millhum, James, Portrait of 700 Moras, L. \V„ Portrait of 770 Mott.II. S., Portrait of 803 Mumfor.l, James, Portrait of. 720 Mumford.W. W . Portrait of 731 Nelson, W. JI., Portrait of. 639 Osborn, Geo. B., Portrait of. 295 Penniman, F. B., Portrait of 380 Penwarden, William, Portrait of 073 Perham, S. G., Portraitof 663 Peters, Charles l: , Portrait of. 948 Petersen, Charles, Portrait of. 41" Preston, Paul S., Portrait of .">20 Puterbaugh, I. T.. Portrait ..f 1033 Kansberry, Michael, Portrait of 1196 Reed, Dwight, Portrait of 208 Reiner, John, Portrait of. 079 Rhodes, T. W., Portraitof. 1128 Ridgeway, Thomas J., Portraitof OGC On or opposite Rollinsou, A. J., Portrait of. Rowlaud, G. II.. Portraitof Schwarz, R. F., Portrait of. Scndder, Isaiah, Portraitof Seeley, Richard L., Portrait of Shafer, John I)., Portrait of Sheard, George, Portrait of SboholaGlell Hotel Shohola Glen Silk Mills Shull, Jos. H., Portraitof Shipmaster. Henry, Portrait of Skinner, Calvin, Portraitof. Smith, B. I'.., Portraitof Smith, J. R., Portrait of Staples, R. S., Portraitof. Starbird, Irvin, Portrait of Stevens, Nicholas, Portraitof Strong, E. P., Portrait of Stroud, Daniel, Portrait of Swingle, Simon, Portrait of Tegeler, C. T., Portrait of Torrey, Jno., Portrait of Tyler, Israel, Portrait of Van Dusen, Henry, Autograph of Wagner, George, Portrait of. Wallace, Jno., Portraitof Ward, BliaeO., Portraitof Watts, William. Portrait of. Wayne County GlassWorks, Blowing Department, Dortlinger&Soiis .. \\..!kr, Culling Ili-partment, Dortlinger .V Sons Wayne County Glass Works, Dorflinger & Sons Wesley Water Cure Westbrook, John C, Portraitof. Westbrook, J., Portrait of Westbrook, II. II.. Portrait of Weston, W, W., Portrait ..f Wl I.i, Karl, Portrait of Wilson, Henry, Portraitof ■ Woodbridge, How-el, Portraitof Yale, Norman, Portrait of Young, Coe F., Portrait of. HISTORY OF THE Counties of Wayne, Pike and Monroe, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. CHAPTER I. The Aboriginal Inhabitants— The Delawares or Minsis— Their Chiefs — Indian Nomenclature. Actual knowledge of the Aboriginal people who inhabited the region from the lower waters of the North River to the Chesapeake, and the vast wilderness now comprised in the thickly populated, wealthy states of New Jersey, New- York and Pennsylvania, may be said to date from 160!>, when, upon September 15th, Henry Hudson sailed, in his little ship the Half Moon, up the royal river which bears his name, and rode at anchor in the majestic tide just above the Highlands. The Indians whom lie there met were the Lenni Lenape, who afterwards came to be commonly called the Delawares. Full of simple sublimity and lofty poetry was the conception these savages first formed of the strange white-faced men in dress, bearing and speech different from their own, who came in the winged canoe to their shores. In their as- tonishment they called out to one another, "Be- hold! the Gods are come to visit us!" They at first considered these hitherto unknown beings as messengers of peace sent to them from the abode of the Great Spirit, and wel- comed and honored them with sacrificial feast- and with gifts. Hudson recorded that above the Highlands " they found a very loving people and very old men, and were well used." The Lenni Lenape handed down the tradition of their reception of the Dutch upon the Hud- son and the island where it came about that New York was built, and always maintained that none of the enemy — the Irocjuois, or Five Nations — were present, though they sent for their friends, the Mohicans, to participate in the joy of the occasion. Hudson touched the extreme northern and eastern portion of the country occupied by the Lenape. The Iroquois, the other great branch of the Algonquin race, occupied the region of the upper Hudsou, upon its west shore, and their villages sparsely dotted the wilderness northward to the St. Lawrence, and westward to the great lakes, but from the lower waters of the Hudson, southward and westward through- out the territory included in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, the forest-covered hills and plains constituted the land of the Lenape, and their nation was centralized upon the river Delaware and its affluents. The Lenni Lenape, as they called themselves or the Delawares 1 as they have been very 1 The name ' Delaware,' which we give to these people is unknowu in their own language * * they thought the whites had given it to them in derision but they were reconciled to it, on being told that it was the name of a great white chief, Lord de la Warre, which had been given to them and their river. As they are fond of being named after distinguished men, they were rather pleased, con- sidering it as a compliment. — Heckewelder. The Dutch called them Mahikandeos ; the French, Abenakii. 1 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. commonly and erroneously denominated by many writers, claimed great antiquity and superiority over other aboriginal nations. Indeed the name Lami Lenape signifies " the original people " — a race of human beings who are the same that they were in the beginning, unchanged and unmixed. They asserted that they had existed from the beginning of time, and many Indian nations, the Miamis, Wyan- dots, Shawanese and more than twenty other tribes or nations admitted their antiquity and called them " Grandfathers." Their own tradi- tion of the advent of the nation upon the Delaware and the eastern sea-coast is poetical and interesting and not entirely unsupported by evidence, (which however it is beyond the scope of this work to adduce). The legend runs that a great many hundred years ago, their ancestors had dwelt in a far away country beyond the Father of Waters — the Mameesi Sipu, or Mis- sissippi — and near the wide sea, in which the sun sank every night. They had, very long- before tiie white men came to their country, traveled eastward, seeking a fairer land, of which their prophets had told them, and as they neared the western shore of the great Missis- sippi they had met another mighty nation of men, of whose very existence they had been in ignorance. These people they say were the Mengwe or Iroquois, and this was the first meeting of these two nations, destined to remain in the east for centuries as neighbors and ene- mies. They journeyed on together, neither in warfare nor friendship, but presently they found that they must unite their forces against a common enemy. East of the Father of Waters they discovered a race called the Al- legwi, occupying a vast domain, and not only stronger in number titan themselves, but equally brave and more skilled in war. They had, indeed, fortified towns and numerous strong- holds. The Allegwi permitted a part of the emigrating nations to pass the border of their country, and having thus caused a division of their antagonists, tell upon them with great fury to annihilate them. But the main body of the allied Mengwe and Lenape rallying from the first shock, made resistance with such des- perate energy that they defeated the Allegwi, and sweeping them forward as the wind does the dry leaves of the forest, they invaded the country, and during a long and bloody war. won victory after victory, until they had not only entirely vanquished, but well-nigh exterminated them. Their country, in which their earth fortifications remained the only reminder of the dispersed nation, was occupied by the victors. After this both the Mengwe and the Lenape ranged eastward, the former keeping to the northward, and the latter to the southward, until they reached respectively the Hudson and the Delaware, the latter of which they called the Lenape Wihi&buek, Upon its banks, and in the wild region watered by its tributaries, they found the land they had journeyed in quest of from the setting sun. Whether ornot we believe as a whole this legend, 1 it is a fact that the two nations were located as described when the first accurate knowledge of them was obtained by the whites. The Iroquois usually called the Five Nations, because consisting of the confederated tribes of the Mohawks, Senecas, Cayugas, Onoiidagaa and Oneidas, becoming about 1712, by the in- corporation of the refugee Southern tribe of Tuscaroras, the Six Nations — were almost con- stantly at war with their neighbors the Lenape or Delawares. The Delawares were divided into nations in much the same manner as their northern ene- mies. Of these the most notable were the branches of the Turtle or Unamis, the Turkey or Unalachtgo, and the Wolf or Minsi (cor- rupted into Monsey). While the domain of the Delawares extended from the sea-coast between the Chesapeake and Long Island Sound back beyond the Susquehanna to the Alleglienies and northward to the hunting-grounds of the Iroquois, it seems not to have been regarded as the common country of the tribes, but to have been set apart for them in more or less dis- tinctly-defined districts. The Undmis and Unalachtgo nations, subdivided into the tribes 1 by many this tradition of the emigration of the Lcnni Lenapi is believed to have a solid foundation in fact, and the Alkgvn are regarded as being the Mound-Builders, whose vast works are numerous along the Mississippi, the Ohio, and their tributaries. X THE ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS. of Assnnp/iil;.*, Mains, <_'hic1ieiiialagomeka was on the Pohopoco, in Eldred town- ship, Monroe County. See chapter II. nearly as large as ever in 1755. Of the Moravian brethren and sisters there were about twenty living upon the west side of the Lehigh. They fondly hoped that their little mission colony and the Christian Indian vil- lage might flourish and become a permanent abode of peace, but destiny ruled otherwise, and while they were enjoying a sense of almost complete security they were suddenly and terribly aroused by an Indian attack which swept the little frontier dot of civilization com- pletely out of existence, and left more than half their number slain. This massacre was doubtless attributable to French machinations or at least to the Indians who had warmly espoused the French cause and there is no convincing evidence that Teedy- uscung was so far treacherous to the people from whose faith he was an apostate, as to take an active part in planning or executing the as- sault. His hands, however red with blood of other victims, were probably not stained by that of his former Moravian friends and spiritual advisers of the place where he was baptized only five years before. 2 Loskiel says of the period preceding the massacre : "The Indians in the French interest were much incensed that any of the Moravian Indians chose to remain at Gnadenhutten and determined to cut off the settlement. After Braddock's defeat the whole frontier was open to the inroads of the savage foe. Every day dis- closed new scenes of barbarity committed by the Indians. The whole country was in terror; the neighbors of the Brethren forsook their dwellings and fled ; but the Brethren made a covenant together to remain undaunted in the place al- lotted them by Providence." 3 The attack was made late in the evening of November 24th by a large body of Indians ; the Mission house was fired and while the glare of the flames lit up the gloom of the surround- ing forest, from which the stealthy savages had come, eleven of the inmates perished by the tomahawk ami rifle or were burned to death in the building which had been their shelter and home. The house being consumed the murder- See sketch of Teedyuscung i Loskiel, Vol. II. p. 163. chapter 1 THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1763. ous horde set fire to the barns and stable, and thus destroyed all of the corn, hay and cattle together with much other property within them. The Meeting house (Gemein haus) a grist and saw mill, a store building and numerous out houses were also burned and all of the portable property of value that was not destroyed was carried away as spoil. 1 The Indians at the mission on the opposite side of the river were alarmed by the firing and shouts of their savage brothers and offered to attack the enemy without delay, but being ad- vised to the contrary by the missionaries who had escaped, they all fled into the woods. 2 The people of Bethlehem had seen ihe lurid glare beyond the Blue Mountains and had been in an agony of suspense in regard to the fate of their brethren. They apprehended that evil news would be brought to them, and were in a measure pre- pared for the tidings borne by a breathless mes- seuger between midnight and morning. During the following day it was confirmed by one after another of the poor people who had barely escaped with their lives, and had fled in terror from the fire-illumined scene of murder. By night eight of the white people and about forty of the Indian converts had reached Bethlehem and from this time on, lor several days the people of the Lehigh Valley were precipitately pushing southward into the older and larger settlements to escape the savage hordes they im- agined might at any instant come upon them. They were filled with the wildest alarm and many came with scarcely clothes enough upon their backs to protect them from the cold, while all were entirely destitute of the means to obtain the necessities of life. There was a general he- gira from all that part of the valley north of the Mountains and nearly all the people below, as far down as the Irish settlement, left their i The total financial loss of the Moravians at Gnadenhut- ten, November '24. 17")".. as sworn to before Justice Timothy Rorsfield at Bethlehem, February -I. 1756, was 61638 19s. 8d and of the destruction of the Indian town on the op- posite side of the river, January 1, 1756, the amount of damage was sufficient to make the grand total of loss nearly £21 - Loskiel, Vol. 11. p. 165. homes. The Moravians at Bethlehem and Na- zareth and the citizens of Easton extended to these panic-stricken and destitute people, every kindness in their power. The Brethren kept their wagons plying to and fro between Bethle- hem and points eight or ten miles up the mail, bringing into their hospitable town the woman and children who had become exhausted in their flight and sunk by the way. The Provincial authorities had failed to read in Braddock's defeat a warning of the danger that was imminent, but the butchery on the Lehigh and the abandonment of the valley brought them to an appreciative sense of the condition of the frontier and they sought at the eleventh — perhaps we may say the twelfth — hour to atone for their remissness of duty. Their measures were two fold. They eudeavored to pacify the Indians, and at the same time hastened to put the Province on a war footing, by organizing troops and building a line of defenses along the frontier. Early in December 1755 Governor Morris decided to summon the Indians to a conference and he entrusted the diplomatic delivery of his message to Aaron Depui, Charles Brodhead and Benjamin Shoe- maker, all of the- county of Northampton, but the effort toward pacification was abortive. By a letter from James Hamilton to Governor Morris dated Easton, December 25, it appears that Depui was then still at home, sick and it was not probable that he would be able to carry the message to Wyoming, so that he " believed the Expectation of the Treaty would fall to the ground" — and it did. The action taken toward the protection of the frontier, which we shall speak of fully in proper place, was more effective than the measures to bring about conciliation, and it ushered into the arena of military life, for a short career, one of the most illustrious characters in the civil his- tory of America — Benjamin Franklin. But in the meantime had occurred the first organized Indian invasion of the Minisink country — the first active hostility in which Tee- dyuscung's hand was exhibited. This was the strong-concerted assault upon the Brodheads, on the site of East Stroudsburg (then known as Dansbury and included in the bounds of Smith- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. field), aud the series of attacks upon other set- tlers, chiefly within the limits of the present Monroe County, though the general incursion extended also into what is now Pike County ; and its effects were felt still further north, in Wayne County, and along the Delaware in New Jersey and New York. Upon the morning of the 11th of December 1755, a large body of Indians, variously esti- mated at from one to two hundred, suddenly ap- peared at Daniel Brodhead's settlement. Here, besides Brodhead and his several stalwart sons, lived several other families, either in the imme- diate vicinity or a few miles away. Ephraim Culver had built a mill upon the Brodhead tract this very year and was living there. So also was Francis Jones. Not far away were the McMichaels and the Carmichaels, while Jasper Payne 1 had only a few days before vacated the mission-house, which had been built on the west side of the Analoming Creek, where it is now crossed by the iron bridge in Stroudsburg. Apprehension of danger had been the cause of his removal, and it was fortunate that he had yielded to his fears, for otherwise he would doubtless have fallen a victim to the Indians. The savages fiercely attacked the Brodhead house, but the master and his sons had barri- caded it, and they made a vigorous defense, for they were well armed, accustomed to the use of the rifle, and, having had reason to fear an attack, they were as well provided to with stand it as any single family, within the walls of a log house could be. The Indians did not succeed in surprising any members of the household, nor could they steal up to fire the building, for eyes and rifles commanded every approach. The Indians were only made more fierce by meeting this strong resistance, and they patiently besieged the house, in the mean- time, fireing the barn and other outbuildings, < Sil- ver's mill, and the mission house, and sent small bands to tall upon the other settlers in the re- gion. All day long, mingled with the sound of the crackling flames at Brodhead's, resounded the demoniac yells of the besieging savages and 'He was a native of Twickenham, England, and, after his removal from Dansbury, became the landlord of the Sun Inn, at Bethlehem. the reports of near and distant firing. It was a perilous time for the inmates of that little log house, surrounded by a hundred or more infu- riated Indians, in an almost unbroken forest, literally upon the frontier, and far beyond the hope of succor from the larger settlements; but, if the courage of the small domestic garrison ever failed, their enemy did not know it, and they were obliged to disperse without glutting their thirst for blood. It was supposed that some of the Indians were killed by rifle-shots from the house, and it is not improbable, as the Brodhead boys were famous marksmen ; but if any were killed it could not be definitely ascer- tained, for the Indians, as is well known, had a custom of carrying their fallen from the field. The Culvers and Francis Jones, who was living with them, fled, and none too soon, for looking back when only a few miles away they saw their dwellings and the mill both in flames and the forms of men moving about the burn- ing buildings. Thus were saved from the tomahawk and scalping knife eight persons, for the Culver family consisted of Ephraim, the father, Elizabeth his wife, Ephraim, Jr., and four girls. Together with Jones they journeyed southward through the forest with all possible haste, not knowing but that they might be pur- sued, and at length reached Nazareth where they were domiciled in the famous Whitefield House and remained for some time." Jones was for a considerable period an inmate of the " Rose Inn." 3 The alarming news of the attack on Brod- heads was carried to Easton, Philipsburg and other settlements by messengers who spread consternation among the scattered people along their paths, and indeed created great alarm in the places mentioned whose citizens did no1 think themselves sufficiently remote to be be- yond the reach of so large and determined a band of hostile Indians as was reported in Smith- field. 1 " Friedensthal and its St.ciuka.deil Mill ; a Mo Chronicle,'' hy Rev. William C. Reichel, p. 27. 3 "A Red Rose from the Olden Time" (the Rose Inn), by Maurice C. Jones, p. 21. The Francis Jones, above re- ferred to, subsequently returned to Smithfield, entered the Provincial service and was posted at Dietz's, near the Wind Gap. THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1763. 37 1 .luliii McMichael, Henry Deysert and Job Bakehorn arrived in Easton from the scene of the outbreak, upon the 12th of December, and made a deposition of what they knew, which was sworn to before Justice William Parsons. As it forms a contemporary account of the first hostile demonstration of the Indians in the territory which is our especial province, and contains some items of information not hereto- fore given, it is reproduced as follows: "Thel2th day of December, 1755, personally ap- peared before nie, William Parsons, one of bis majes- ty's Justices of the Peace, for the county of North- ampton, John McMichael, Henrj Deysert, James Tidd and Job Bakehorn, Jr., who, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, did depose and declare that yesterday about three of the clock in the forenoon two Indian men came from towards Brod- bead's house, who fired on these deponents and several others, who returned the tire and made the Indians turn oil'; and the said deponents, James Tidd and Job Bakehorn, further say that as they were going round the stack yard of the said McMichael, where they all were, they saw, as they verily believe, at least four In- dians on their knees, about twenty [lurches from the stack yard, who fired at these deponents. And these deponents further say, that they were engaged in the manner aforesaid with the Indians at least three quar- ters of an hour; and these deponents, John McMich- ael anil Henry Deysert, further say that they saw the barn of the said Brodhead on fire about nine of the clock in the morning, which continued burning till they left the house, being about four in the afternoon, and that they heard shooting and crying at Brodhead'a house almost the whole day, and that when they left McMichael's house the dwelling house of the said Broadhead was yet unburnt, being, as they supposed, defended by the people within. And these deponents James Tidd, and Job Bakehorn, further say, that they did not come to McMichael's house until about three in the afternoon, wlien they could sec the barn and barracks Of the said Brodhead on tire; and these de- ponents further say, that they did not see anyone killed on either side, but James Garland, one of their company, was shot through the hand and arm, and •tits "Henry McMichael, " Henry Deysert, " Job Bakehorn, "Sworn at Easton, December 1:2, 1755, before me. "WlLIilAM Parsons." Iii another deposition sworn to at Philipsburg on the same day as the foregoing, before Henry Cole, by a young mail who fled from the scene, it was stated that the Indians, as near as he could estimate, were about one hundred iu num- ber and " were in white people's clothing, only a few match coats." As late as December 'iotli James Hamilton, writing to Governor Morris from Easton, where he had gone on a government errand, says, — " We found the country under the greatest Conster- nation and every thing that has been said of the dis- tress of the Inhabitants, more than verified upon our own view. The country along the river is absolutely deserted from this place to Brodhead's, nor can there lie the least communication between us and them, but by large parties of armed men, everybody being afraid to venture without that security. So that we have had no accounts from there for several days. " Brodheads was stoutly defended by his sons and others till the Indians thought tit to retire, without being able to take it or set it on fire, tho' they fre- quently attempted it. It is thought several of them were killed in the attacks, but that is not known witli certainty." 1 On the same day that the trooping horde surrounded and penned in the Brodheads and put to flight the Culvers and other settlers of the vicinity, a small band dissevered itself, and striking westward through the forest in search of isolated settlers whom they could murder and scalp, came to the new farm of Frederick Hoeth, 2 on Pocopoco Creek (in what is now Polk township of Monroe County). The family at this frontiersman's was gathered about the supper- table, unmindful of their approach- ing doom, when the ludians arrived. The house was new and the crevices between the logs had not been "chinked." The Indians, steathily approaching and thrusting their guns into these cracks, poured a murderous fire upon the utisuspecting inmates. Two persons fell — Hoeth himself dead — and a woman wounded. Several more shots were fired, and then all who could do so ran out of the house with the forlorn hope of effecting their escape. The Indians immediately set fire to the house, baru 1 Col. llec, vol. vi., p. 704. * Hoeth was a baker by trade, from Zweibrucken. He immigrated in 1748, and with his wife, Johanette, was among the members of the Philadelphia congregation of Moravians in 1 749. He purchased seven hundred acres of land on the Pocopoco Creek in 1750 and removed there with his family in 1752. 38 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and grist-mill. Hoeth's wife ran into the bake- house, which was also set on fire. The poor woman ran out through the flames, was very much burned, and in a mad effort to relieve her agony ran into the stream, where she died. The Indians drew her out and mutilated the inanimate corpse ina horrible manner — "cutting the belly open and used her otherwise inhu- manly," — said one who had cotemporary knowl- edge of the facts. 1 Three children were burned, one daughter was killed and scalped and two or three more were carried away into captivity. One of the Indians was killed and another wounded in this attack, but how is not stated in the brief cotemporary accounts of the affair which the old colonial documents afford. Several families in the vicinity narrowly escaped the fury of the party who murdered the Hoeths. The Moravian records contain mention of one of them— a poor Palatine and his wife who arrived, famished and exhausted, at Friedensthal upon the 13th of December. It was late at night when word was brought the man that the Hoeths had been slain and their home burned. There was not a moment to be lost, and so, taking his wife upon his shoulders as she lay in bed (she had hut lately given birth to a babe) he fled for his life, 2 as scores of others did, from all the sparsely settled region round about. Nearly cotemporary with the last described atrocity was the affair at Philip Bossert's, at the locality now known as Bossertsville (in Hamilton township, Monroe County). One Mulhausen, a Palatine, while breaking flax on Bossert's farm, was shot through the body by an unseen Indian, receiving a wound which, it was feared, would prove fatal. One of Bos- sert's sons, running out of the house on the re- port of the gun, was shot by the enemy in sev- eral places, and soon died. Hereupon old Philip appeared upon the scene of action, and ex- changed shots with one of the attacking party, 1 John Michael Hute's deposition, swore to before William Parsons, at Eastou, December 12th, 1755,— two days after the murder. Hute was from near Hoeth's settlement. See Col. Rec. Vol. II. 2 " Friedensthal and its Stockaded Mill," by William C. Reichel, p. 23. striking him in the small of the back, and send- ing him away evidently much injured. He, himself, however, received a flesh wound in the arm. At this juncture some of Bossert's neigh- bors came to the rescue, and the five remaining Indians (for there had been a war party of six) made off. Mulhausen was taken to the Frie- densthal Mill and received surgical treatment, but the poor man died on the 3rd of March fol- lowing (1756). About the same time a party of savages min- ing down the Delaware valley destroyed An- drew Dingman's house, in what is now Dela- ware township, in Pike County. These attacks it must by no means be sup- posed were all that occurred in Northampton County, above the mountains, in the latter part of 1755. In fact they did not form a tenth part of the sum of bloodshed and burning and pillaging with which this unhappy region was afflicted. Of the greater number of murders which occurred in this desultory but demoniac frontier war no records have been preserved. Isolated cases of barbarity were lost sight of in the common consternation which prevailed throughout Northampton County, and, indeed, through all inhabited portions of the Province down to within a distance of twenty miles from Philadelphia ; for while few murders were com- mitted south of the mountains, the people there were constantly apprehending the fate which had overtaken their' northern neighbors. Teedyuscung's followers came down from Wyoming and the North Branch of the Sus- quehanna, lay concealed in the " Great Swamp " of Pocono — which then, instead of years after- wards, should have received its fitting name, the "Shades of Death " — and stole stealthily down upon the small exposed settlements, precisely as beasts creep at night from the covering dark- ness of the jungles, in other lands, to satiate their appetite for blood. Blow after blow fell upon the defenceless people, whose "planta- tions," as they then were commonly called, sparsely dotted the great wilderness of northern Northampton. Camp-fires gleamed through the forest from the Delaware to the Susquehanna, and ever and anon the more lurid flames which de- voured frontiersmen's homes lit up scenes of sav- THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-H :<9 age carnage which almost affrighted nature itself; but they died away in the solitude of the wood- covered valleys and hills, and left only dumb evidences of devastation and murder, in the charred timbers of the cabins and mutilated human remains, which often lay until torn as- under by the beasts and carrion birds and dis- solved by the elements. So good an authority as the Secretary of the Province at the close of this year, 1 755, in a paper' read before the Council, said : "During :ill of this month, (December) the Indians have been burning and destroying nil before them in thecountj of Northampton and have already burned fifty houses hen', murdered above one hundred Per- sons and arc still continuing their Ravages, Murders and Devastations A have actually overrun and laid waste a great part of that County, even as tar as within twelve miles of Eaaton. * * This is a brief accounl of the progress of these Savages since the 18th day of October, on which day was committed the lirst Inroad ever made by Indians upon this Province since its first Settlement, and in consequence hereof all our Frontier Country, which extends from the River Patowmac to the River Delaware, not less than one hundred and fifty miles in length and between twenty and thirty in breadth, hut not fully settled, has been entirely deserted, the Houses and Improvements reduced to Ashes, the Cattle, Horses, ( irain, Goods A; Effects <>f the Inhabitants either destroyed, burned or carried off by the Indians. Whilst the Poor Planters, with their Wives, Children and Servants, who could get away, being without arms or any kind of Defence have been obliged in this severe season of the year to abandon their Habitations naked and without any sup- port, and throw themselves on the Charity of the other Inhabitants within the Interior Parts of the Province upon whom they are a heavy Burthen. "Such shocking Descriptions arc given by those who have escaped of the horrid Cruelties and indecencies committed by these merciless Savages on the Bodies of the unhappy wretches who fell into their Barbarous hands, especially the Women, without regard to Sex Or Age as far exceeds those related of the most aban- doned Pirates; Which has occasioned a general con- sternation and has struck so great a Panic and Damp upon the spirits of the People, that hitherto they have not been able to make any considerable resistance or stand against the Indians." As one after another the savage strokes of 1 "A Brief Narrative of the Incursions ami Ravages of the French & Indians in the Province of Pennsylvania," read by the Secretary to the Provincial Council, Dec. 29, 1755. Col. Records, Vol. VI., p. 766-68. death and destruction fell upon the exposed set- tlements, the people who escaped fled to Easton and the Moravian towns, which became literally asylums for these distressed people, driven from their homes. The precipitate evacuation of the country be- gan on the night of the Gnadeuhutten massa- cre and received a fresh impetus with every ap- pearance of the savages. Every day during the last months of the year, some poor, terrified, travel-worn fugitives were received in the older and larger settlements. " They came," says one chronicler, " like hound-driven sheep, a motley crowd of men, women and children — Palatines, many of them, with uncouth names ; some ol them, as we read, ' with clothes not lit to be seen of mankind ;' and some with scarce a sufficiency of rags to cover their nakedness." And so it came about that, upon the 29th of January, 175(i, there were almost five hundred refugees in the Moravian settlements alone — two hun- dred and fifty-three at Nazareth, fifty-two at Gnadenthal, forty-eight at Christians' Spring, twenty-one at " The Rose Inn" and seventy- five at Friedensthal. Of this number two hundred and twenty-six were children.- The year had closed gloomily enough, for even the Moravian settlements, far below the mountains, had been threatened, and their inhabitants had good grounds for apprehending that the threats would be carried out. The country north of the mountains was almost completely deserted, and there were evidences of devastation in nearly every locality, which, at the opening of the year, had shown only signs of peace and pros- perity springing up where had fallen the first footprints of civilization. But during this time of terror the provincial government (as heretofore indicated) had not been idle, and the best measures possible for protecting the frontier had been resorted to. Governor Robert Hunter Morris had, in con- junction with the council, taken action toward placing the province on a war footing immedi- ately after the massacre at Gnadenhutteu. It was then that Benjamin Franklin, metaphori- cally at least, doffed the philosopher's gown and Friedensthal. By William C. Reichel, p. 22. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. donned the soldier's garb, becoming oue of the chief agents of the governor in planning and executing measures for the defense of the fron- tier. He was appointed early in December, 1755, and he lost no time in undertaking the work entrusted to him. He arrived at Bethle- hem upon the eighteenth of the month, with Commissioners Hamilton and Fox, escorted by Captain Trump's company of fifty men from Bucks County, whose " arms, ammunition and blankets, and a hogshead of rum for their use, had been forwarded to Easton in advance." Franklin divided his time between Easton and Bethlehem, making his headcpiarters at the latter place from the 7th to the 15th of January. He was to secure the erection of several forts in a line of extend from the Delaware to the Susquehanna, on a line north of and parallel to the Blue Mountains, and to raise troops to gar- rison them. " I had no difficulty," he says in his autobiography, " in raising men, having soon five hundred and sixty under my com- mand." These soldiers or minute men were comprised in the following companies, viz. : Captain William Parson's company, twenty- four men, and McLaughlin's detachment, twenty men, from Easton; Captains Trump's, Aston's and Wayne's, of fifty men each (except the last, which contained fifty-five), from Bucks County; Captain Volck's (or Foulk's) company of forty- six men from " Allemangel " (now Lynn town- ship, of Lehigh County); Captain Trexler's company of forty-eight men, from townships of Northampton (now in Lehigh County) ; Cap- tain Wetterholt's company of forty-four men from the same region ; Captain Arndt's, of fifty men, from Bucks County; Captains Craig's, Martin's and Hay's companies, from " the Irish settlement," in Northampton County ; and Cap- tain Van Etteu's company of thirty men, from Upper Smithfield. Besides these, there was a company of sixty men from New Jersey, under command of Colonel John Anderson, and no doubt a number of smaller bodies of which no record has been preserved. Some of these companies served without pa} - and furnished their own arms and ammunition, but most of the men received about six dollars per month and subsistence. Immediately after his arrival at Bethlehem, Franklin reported, by letter, to Governor Mor- ris as to what he found there, and indicated his plans for the protection of the frontier. Speak- ing of the region which is the especial field of this work, he said — " I have . . allowed thirty men to secure the township of Upper Smithfield " (the region now in- eluded in Pike County), " and commissioned Van Et- ten and Hinsliaw (Hyndshaw), Captain and Lieuten- ant.'' The sage, a little later, sent Captain John Van Etten, whom he calls " Yanetta," the fol- lowing interesting letter of instructions, in which, among other things, he makes mention of a reward offered for Indian scalps : " At Bethlehem, in the County of " Northampton, January 12, 1756. "To Captain Vanetta, of the township of Upper Smithfield— " You are to proceed immediately to raise a com- pany of Foot consisting of 30 able Men, including two Sergeants, with which you are to protect the in- habitants of Upper Smithfield, assisting them while they thresh out and Secure their Corn, and Scouting from time to time, as you judge necessary, on the outside of the settlements, with such of the Inhhab- itants as may join you, to discover the Enemy's Ap- proaches, and repel their attacks. " 2. For the better Security of the Inhabitants of that District, you are to post your men as follows: Eight at your own house. Eight at Lieutenant Hin- shaw's ; Six with a sergeant at Tishock ■ , and Six with another Sergeant at or near Henry Coot- racht's ; and you are to Settle Signals or Means of Suddenly alarming the Inhabitants, and convening your whole Strength with the Militia of your District on any necessary Occasion. " 3. Every man is to be engaged for one month, and as the Province cannot, at present furnish Arms or Blankets to your Company, you are to allow every man enlisting and bringing his own arms & Blanket, a Dollar for the use thereof over and above his pay. " 4. You are to furnish your Men with Provisions, not exceeding the Allowance, mentioned in the Paper herewith given you, and your reasonable Accounts for the same shall be allowed and paid. " 5. You are to keep a Diary or Journal of every day's transactions, and an exact Account of the Time when each man enters himself with you, and if any Man desert or die you are to note the Time in your Journal, and the Time of engaging a new Man in his Place, and submit your Journal to the inspection of the Governor when required. " 6. You are to acquaint the men, that if in their ranging they meet with, or are at any time attacked THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1703. by the Enemy, and kill any ot' them, Forty Dollars will be allowed and paid by the Government for each Scalp of an Indian enemy so killed, the same pro- duced with proper attestations. 1 "7. You are to take care that your stores and pro- visions lie not wasted. " 8. Ii' by any Means you gain Intelligence of the Designs of the Enemy, or the March of any of their parties toward any part of the Frontier, you are to send advice thereof to the Governor and to the other Companies in the Neighborhood, as the Occasion may require. " !i. You are to keep good Order among your Men, and prevent Drunkenness and other Immoralities, as much as may be, and not Suffer them to do any In- jury to the Inhabitants whom they come to protect. " 10. You are to take Care that the Men keep their Arms clean and in good Order and that their Powder be always kept dry and fit for Use. " 11. You are to make up your Muster Roll at the Mouth's End in order to receive the Pay of your Company, and to make Oath to the Truth thereof be- fore a Justice of the Peace, and then transmit the same to the Governor. 2 " B. Franklin." The frontier defenses which Franklin was called upon to establish, as before intimated, were to consist of a line of forts from the Dela- ware to the Susquehanna, but his responsibility appears to have been confined to those from the Lehigh eastward. He personally superintended the construction of Fort Allen upon the right bank of the Lehigh (where Weissport, Carbon County, now stands), and he exercised control over the location of Forts Norris, Hamilton and Hyndshaw, all three in what is now Mon- roe Count)', the last near the Bushkill, about a quarter of a mile from the Delaware. Brod- head's house at Dansbury, (ou the site of East Stroudslmrg) and Samuel Depui's, on the Dela- ware in Smith field township, at the mouth of Mill creek were also stockaded. The line of defense was also extended up the Delaware by the New Jersey people, while some block-houses were built along the same 1 Similar information was furnished by Franklin to Cap- tain Isaac Wayne in a letter or order written in January, 1750. '' You are," lie says, "to inform the men of your company that they shall receive a reward from the Govern- ment of forty pieces of right for every Indian they shall kill and scalp in any action they may have with them which I hereby promise to pay upon producing the scalps." — Penn. Archives, Vol. ii. p. - r )42. 2 Penn. Archives, Vol. ii. 546-47. river in Orange and Sullivan Counties, New- York, and. one on the Pennsylvania side of the river in what is now Damascus township, Wayne County. This was at the mouth of Calkin's creek, and it was built by Moses Thom- as and Simeon Calkins and their sons, who were si | natter settlers there. During the latter part of the Indian war of 1755— 170-i, after the Connecticut settlers had located in this vicinity, t lie Indians gave them some trouble, ami mur- dered at least one of their number. None of these forte, or block-houses, above Fort Hyndshaw were erected under the general plan for the defense of the frontier, which was undertaken by the Pennsylvania authorities. Those along the east bank of the Delaware, in the Minisink region, were established by the New Jersey government, upon the representa- tion of Judge Abram Van Campen, he having repaired in 1756, after the murders in North- ampton County, to Elizabethtown, for the pur- pose of acquainting the provincial authorities of the defenseless condition of the frontier. ( )f the forts within the territory of which we here treat, it is probable that Fort Hamilton, on the site of Stroudsburg, 3 was the first one built. Franklin writing to Governor Morris, December 18, 1755, says: "Captain Wayne tells me that Trump expects the first fort will be built next week." Captain Trump undoubt- edly built it, and he had command of it for a time, and was there with a body of men as early as January 15, 1756/ Upon that date, we are told by a trustworthy Moravian historian/' "a company of refugees set out from Bethlehem for the mountains, to look after their farms and cattle. Among them being- Christian Boemper, — a son of Abraham Boem- per, and son-in-law of Frederick Hoeth, who :: The fort occupied ground which can now be best located by the statement that it is in the rear of Judge Samuel S. Dreher's law office, on Elizabeth or Main Street. ' While the men of Captain Trump's company were en- gaged in building the fort, and probably for some time aft- erward, they were supplied with bread baked in a large family oven at Nazareth, detachments being seat down from the fort regularly to convey it to their hungry com- rades. "A Red Rose from the <~>lilen Time." (The Kose lnu.) edited by William C. Reichel, p. 16. 5 Win. C. Reichel, in " Friedensthal," p. 25. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. had bee urdered a month before,— and Adam Hold, his servant, a Redemptioner. The party and some soldiers who escorted them, fell into the hands of the Indians, near Schupp's Mill, Hold alone escaping with asevere flesh wound in the arm The killed, according to Captain Trump, were Christian Boemper, Felty Hold, Michael Hold, Lawrence Kunckle and four privates of his company, then slt,<1 inclusive — and after the expiration of (hat period, was oc- casionally occupied by soldiers. Forts Hamil- ton and Nori'is appear to have been garrisoned during the same period that troops were kept at Fort Allen. Fort Hamilton, which we have shown was built late in L755 or in January 1706 was visited June 24th, 1756 by James Young, " Commissary General of ye Musters" who made a general tour of inspection to all of the frontier posts of Northampton and Berks Counties. In his journal he says: "At 4 A. M., sett out from Bossarts, at 6 came to Fort Hamilton at about seven miles from Bossarts, a good wagon road, and the land better than any I have seen on the No. side of the mountain. Fort Hamil- ton stands in a corn-field by a farm-house, in a Plain and Clear country. It is a square with 4 half Bastions all Very ill Contrived and finished ; the Staccades open six inches in many Places, and not firm in the ground and may be easily pulled clown. Before the gates are some Staccades drove in the Ground to Cover it which I think might be a great Shelter to an Enemy. I therefore ordered to pull them down : I also ordered to fill up the other Staccades where open." " The Provincial Stores" on hand at Fort Hamilton, were " 1 Wall Piece, 14Gd Muskets, 4 wants repair, 16 Cartootch boxes, filled with Powder and Lead, 28 lbs. Powder, 30 lbs. Lead, 10 Axes, 1 Broad Axe, 26 Tomhaukes, 28 Blankets, 3 Drawing Knives, 3 Splitting knives, 2 adses, 2 Saws, 1 Brass kettle." "I found here a Lieut, and Eight men. 7 were gone to Easton with a Prisoner, Deserted from Gen. Shirleys Kegt. ' " In April 1757 it was arranged that "the long frontier between Susquehanna and Dela- ware was to be defended by Col. Weiser's Battalion and all the forts reduced to three" — of which Fort Hamilton was to be one, with a garrison of one hundred men. Colonel James Burdwho visited the Fort in says in his Journal, "It is a very poor stockade, with one large house in the middle of it, and some fami- lies living in it." This Fort was named after James Hamilton of the Governor's Council. FortNorris, located near the present west line of Monroe County in Polk township on II oeth's Creek, now called Big Creek — was Penn. Archives, Vol. ii. p. 079. THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1763. probably the third fori built in the Lehigh — Delaware region, (Fort Hamilton being con- sidered the first and Fort Allen at Gnaden- lmtten, the second). It was built early in 1756 ami was Darned after Isaac Norris, speaker of the Provincial Assembly. The earliest descrip- tion of it which has been preserved is that given by Commissary General James Young, who visited it in June 1756, and says in his Journal under date of the 23d : " At 8 A. M., set out (from the Lehigh Gap) for Fort Norris 5 first 6 miles a good wagon road, along the foot of the North Mountain, the other seven miles hilly and stony — passed three plantations on the road, all deserted and houses burnt down. At 11a. M., came to Fort Norris; found here a Sergeant commanding 21 men, the Ensign with 12 men out ranging the woods towards Fort Allen, the Captain at Philadelphia for the people's pay since 16th; other Sergeant at Easton ou furlough since 20th. This fort stands in a valley about midway between the North Mountain and the Tusearory, 6 miles from each, on the high road towards the Minisink ; it is a square about eighty feet each way, with 4 half bastions, all very completely stockaded and finished, and very defenceable ; the woods are clear 400 yards around it ; ou the bastions are two Swivel guns mounted ; within is a good barrack, a guard-room, store- room and kitchen, also a good well. At 1 o'clock the Ensign with twelve men, returned from ranging the woods — had seeu no Indians. Mustered the whole, 34 in number — stout, able men ; the arms loaded and clean, the cartouch boxes filled with 12 rounds per man. Provisions, a large quantity of beef, very ill cured, standing in tubs ; a quantity of biscuits and flour and about fifty gallous of rum." The Provincial stores on hand were "thirteen good muskets (and many more not very good) 38 cartouch boxes, 100 pounds of powder, 300 pounds of lead, 112 blankets, 39 axes, 3 broad axes, 80 tomahawks 6 shovels, 2 grubbing hoes, 5 spades, 5 drawing knives, 9 chissels, 3 adzes, 3 hand-saws, 2 augers, 2 splitting knives" — a very well supplied armory and tool-house. Fort Norris appears to have been in all respects a model frontier post. Its commander was Captain Weatherhold or Wetterholt, a very competent officer. Young states that on his arrival at the fort the Captain hail gone to Philadelphia. He had started and gone a few miles when he was overtaken by a messenger and being told of the presence of "ye Com- missary General of ye Musters" at his post, returned. He proposed to go with Young to Depui's where he informed him his lieutenant and twenty-six men were stationed, and thither we follow them, stopping as they do at Bosserts, (which was a place of rendezvous and defence, most of the time during the Indian war, though not a regularly established fort,) and making with them a detour to Fort Hyndshaw. "At 3 ]-. St., (June 23, 1756) says the Journal, we set out from Fort Norris. ... At 6 i'. M., we came to Philip Bosserts, 1 a fanner 12 miles from Fort Norris. Here we stayed all night. In our way to this house the road very hilly and barren. Past by three Plantations Deserted and the Houses Burnt down. In Bosserts house are 6 Families from other Plan- tations." It was near here that Peter Hess, Nicholas Coleman and one Gottleib, were killed in Feb- ruary 1756 by a party of Indians, supposed to have been led by Teedyuscung in person. Hess' body was found in the woods two miles from Bosssert's on the 25th of June, when Young stopped there on his return trip. From Bossert's Young went to Fort Ham- ilton early in the morning of the 24th of June, but, as we have already seen that post through his eyes, we pass on. The same morning, still accompanied by Captain Weatherhold, the com- missary, went to Samuel Depui's, but as the lieutenant had not made out the muster-roll, he turned his steps northward and journeyed up the Delaware to Fort Hyndshaw, which he says in his journal, " is ten miles higher up the river." He says that there was "a good, plain road from Depui's and many plantations, but all Deserted aud the houses Chiefly Burned." Fort Hyndshaw, says Youug, " is a Square 70 feet each way, very slightly Stoccaded. I gave some directions to alter the Bastions, 1 See chapter on Hamilton township, in Monroe County. u WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. which at present are of very little use. It is clear all around for 300 yards, and stands on the banks of a large creek and about /, mile from the river Delaware, 1 and I think it a very important Place for the Defense of this frontier. At 3 P.M. I mustered the people and found them agreeable to the Lieut. 's Roll, Regu- larly enlisted. . . . Found at this fort Lieut. Jas. Hyndshaw with 25 men. He told me the Captain, (Van Etten) with 5 men, was gone up the River yesterday and did not expect him back before two days. They had been informed from the Jerseys that 6 Indians had been seen and fired at the night before 18 miles up the River." The Provincial stores here were "11 good muskets, 14 rounds of powder and lead, for 30 men, 4 pounds powder, 30 blankets." Young ordered more powder and lead to be sent up from Fort Norris. It may be added that the colonial records mention that the Fort was further supplied with ammunition from Eastern, by Colonel William Parsons, in August, 175(>." Captain John Van Patten, it may be re- marked, appears to have commanded at Fort Hyndshaw until as late as June 14, 1757, when he received orders from the governor to remove to Fort Hamilton. On the 19th he left Fort Hyndshaw with all the baggage, and arrived safely at Fort Hamilton the next day. Lieutenant Hyndshaw came to the place seven days later, with a conflicting order from Colonel Weiser, giving him command of Fort Hamilton, but Van Etten appears to have remained there. Just a mouth after Young's visit (July 24, 1756), Captain A 7 an Etten wrote from Fort Hyndshaw of a collision with the Indians two days before : "On the 22" J , about fifteen miles from this fort, he sent out a sergeant and 4 men to guard some farmers in their harvest. They had an interview with some Indians who 1 Authorities almost unanimously agree that the exact site of Fort Hyndshaw was on the hill in front of Jacob Place's hotel. It is said that there are still — or were in 1880 — indications that the fort was thus located, in the marks upon the large maple-trees at the right of the road, after entering it from the river road, these marks being supposed to be the sears left by balls fired from :i swivel gun in the fort. |j 2 See also Peim. Archives (Appendix, p. 379.) from their conversation (especially after a recent murder had been mentioued) excited suspicion and ran off. Van Etten fired at one, only par- tially wounding (sic) him with shot ; Another Indian running off, 9 guns were fired at and killed him." This appears to have been one of the few instances of wanton killing of the Indians by whites. But we return to Commissary Young to gain a first glimpse of Fort Depui, 3 the only one of the posts in the region north of the mountains remaining to be described. He came back to this place on the evening of the 24th of June, and in his Journal says : "At 7 P.M. came to Saml. Depui's, Mustered that part of Captain Weatherholt's company that are sta- tioned here, a Lieut, and 26 men, all regularly en- listed for G months, as are the rest of his company. Bound Depui's house is a large square, but very slight and ill contrived, stockade, with a swivel gun mounted on each corner. Mr. Depui was not at home, his sou, with a son of Mr. Brodhead, keeping house. They expressed themselves as if they thought the Province was obliged to them for allowing this party to be in their house ; also made use of very Arrogant Expres- sions! 'I' the Commissioners and the People of Phila.,in General." . . . There were reported here only thirteen good muskets, but that number represented only those included in " Provincial Stores," and doubtless many of the men on duty here, as well as at the other forts, had brought with them their own trusty rifles. Tt is quite possible that YToung's unfavorable report on Depui's may have been influenced by pique at the manner in which he was received. Col. James Burd, who visited the fort on Search 2, 1758, tells quite a different story about it, viz. : "This is a very fine plantation, situate upon the river Delaware. . . . There is a pretty good stockade here and four swivels mounted, and good accommodations for soldiers. . . . Found here twenty -two good men, fifty pounds of powder, one hundred and twenty -five pounds of lead, no flints, a 3 Depui's was visited immediately after the breaking out of the war, in January, 1750, by Captain Isaac Wayne, who went there in command of some soldiers by order ot Benjamin Franklin, and thence retired to Nazareth. The Stockade was possibly constructed under Wayne's super- vision. THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1763. 45 great quantity of beef. I suppose eight months' pro- visions for a company, plenty of flour at the mill, about 300 yards off." Soldiers were kept at Depui's during the continuance of active Indian hostilities, and in February of 1760, Ensign Hughes was there with twenty-three men, and Mr. Depui was acting as commissary. 1 The forts within the territory, which is the province of this volume, have now all been de- scribed. Those westward of the Lehigh and extending to the Susquehanna, and those along the New Jersey frontier, were similar in size and general characteristics. There were other places of defence — forts, block-houses and stock- aded dwelling-houses in Northampton County, at the Moravian settlements and elsewhere. Of the lesser forts there was one at the Lehigh Gap, and one at Wind Gap, and several farm- houses below the mountains were designated as places of rendezvous in case of danger. At these a few soldiers, under a subaltern officer, were frequently to be found, as, for instance, at a farm-house at the Wind Gap, Young, in 1756, met seven men under one of Captain Weatherhold's ensigns. Together these forts and block-houses consti- tuted quite a formidable barrier against the in- cursions of the Indians. The most important function which the forts served, however, was to afford permanent places of living and retreat for the soldiers, who, acting as rangers, discov- ered the presence of lurking bands of savages, and, in a large measure, prevented surprises, such as those which cut off the frontier in habi- tants in 1756 and threatened to depopulate the whole country. The soldiers of these little gar- risons at Forts Hyndshaw, Depui, Hamilton and Norris also performed very valuable ser- vice in protecting the settlers while harvesting and securing their crops. Notwithstanding the establishment of the forts and the presence of troops all along the bor- der, and notwithstanding the fact, that peace negotiations were entered upon and a treaty actually effected in 1756, numerous murderous incursions were made by the Indians during that irenn. Archives, Vol. V11I., P. 040. and the succeeding years down to 1763, espe- cially in 1757. These were not so much of a part of general hostile demonstration as the former attacks, but were carried on for the must part by small, disconnected, predatory bauds. Sunn after the first outbreak of Indian hostil- ities messengers were despatched to Teedyuscung with an invitation to meet his friends, the chil- dren of William Penn, and to tell the causes of his alienation from them. An appeal was also made to the Six Nations to lift up their authori- tative hand and stay the destroyer. These measures ultimately proved effectual for Teedy- uscung met Governor Morris in treaty at East- on, for the first time, in July, 1756, Governor Denny, in November of that year, and again in November of 1757, but it was not until October 26, 1758, that a general treaty of peace was en- tered into. It was during the course of these negotiations, says a historian of Pennsylvania,- that Teedyus- cung, the Delaware chief, succeeded — by his el- oquence, by the weight of his personal charac- ter, and by the firmness and cunning of his di- plomacy — in redeeming his nation, in a ureal de- gree, from their degrading subserviency to the Six Nations; and also in securing from the propri- etary government, in substance if not in form, some acknowledgment and reparation for the wrongs done to his nation by the subtleties of the Indian " walk," and by calling in the aid of the Six Nations to drive them from the forks. He would scarcely have succeeded in securing these advantages, had lie not been assisted and advised at every step by the Quakers and mem- bers of the Friendly Association, who were de- sirous of preserving peace and of seeing justice done to the Indians. They suggested to Teed- yuscung the propriety of having a secretary of his own, (Cliarles Thompson, Esq.,) to take minutes of what was said and done in council. This was to prevent that convenient forgetful- ness which often seized the proprietary secreta- ries whenever the proprietary interest required it. This measure was strenuously resisted both by the governor and George Croghan, but firm- ly insisted upon by Teedyuscung. The fir-i 'Sherman Day in " Historical Collections of Pemi-vh,! 46 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROK COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. council was held in July, 1756 ; but as the par- ties were not fully prepared, and the attendance was small, the more important business was de- ferred until autumn. On the 8th of November 1756, the Indian tribes, Delawares, Shawanese, Mohicans, and Six Nations, represented by their principal chiefs and warriors, met Governor Denny, with his council, commissioners, and secretary, and a great number of citizens of Philadelphia, chiefly Quakers. Great pomp was observed on these occasions. "At three o'clock," says the record, " the governor marched from his lodgings to the place of conference, guarded by a party of the Royal Americans in front and on the flanks, and a detachment of Col. Weiser's provincials in subdivisions in the rear, with colors flying, drums beating, and mu- sic playing— which order was always observed in going to the place of conference." Teedyus- cung, who represented four tribes, was the chief speaker on the occasion. " When the governor requested of him to explain the cause of the dissatisfaction and hostility of the Indians, he mentioned several, — among which were, the instigations of the French, and the ill usage or grievances they had suffered both in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. " Winn the governor desired to be informed what these grievances were, Teedyuscung replied, ' I have nut far to go far an instance : this very ground that is under me (striking it with his foot) was my land and inheritance, and is taken from me by fraud When I say this ground, I mean all the land lying be- tween Tohiccon creek and Wioming, on the river Sus- quehanna. I have not only been served so in this government ; but the same thing has been done to me as to several tracts in New Jersey, over the river.' The governor asked him what he meant by fraud f Teedyuscung answered, 'When one man had formerly liberty to purchase lands, and he took the deed from the Indians for it, and then dies — after his death his children forge a deed like the true one, with the same Indian names to it, and thereby take lands from the Indians which they never sold, — this is fraud; also, when one king has land beyond the river and another king has land on this side — both bounded by rivers, mountains, and springs, which cannot be moved — and the proprietaries, greedy to purchase lands, buy of one king what belongs to another, — this likewise is fraud.' " Then the governor asked Teedyuscung whether he had I n served so? He answered, 'Yes— I have been served so in this province ; all the land extend- ing from Tohiccon, over the great mountain, to Wio- ming, has been taken from me by fraud; for when I had agreed to sell land to the old proprietary by the course of the river, the young proprietaries came and got it run by a straight course by the compass, and by that means took in double the quantity intended to be sold ; and because they had been unwilling to give up the land to the English as far as the walk extended, the governor sent for their cousins the Six Nations, who had always been hard masters to them, to come down and drive them from the land. The English made so many presents to the Six Nations, that they would hear no explanation from the Delawares; and the chief (Connassatego) abused them, and called them women. The Six Nations had, however, given to them and the Shawanese the country on the Junia- ta for a hunting ground, and had so informed the gov- ernor ; but notwithstanding this, the latter permitted the whites to go and settle upon those lands. That two years before, the governor had been to Albany to buy more of the lands of the Six Nations, and had described their purchase by points of compass, which they did not understand — including not only the Ju- niata, but also the West branch of the Susquehanna, which the Indians did not intend to sell ; and when all these things were known, they declared they would no longer be friends to the English, who were trying to get all their country from them.' "He assured the council that they were glad to meet their old friends, the English, to smoke the pipe of peace with them, and hoped that justice would be done to them for all the injuries which they had received." This conference continued nine days, and at the close a treaty of peace was concluded be- tween the Shawanese and Delawares and the English. The governor also offered to satisfy them for the land in the Forks and the Mini- sinks, but as many of those concerned in the land were not jiresent, that question, at the sug- gestion of Teedyuscung, was adjourned, and was fully discussed at a subsequent council held at Easton in July, 1757. The old deeds were called for, but could not till be produced. Teedyuscung was well plied with liquor, and it was with great difficulty that the Quakers could keep him in a proper state to see clearly his own interest, and resist the powerful in- trigues of Colonel Croghan with the Six Na- tions to weaken his influence. It was at length agreed to refer the deeds to the adjudication of the kingand council in England, and the cpies- tion was quieted for a time. Another council was held at Easton, in the summer of 1758, having for its object more espe- THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1763. 47 daily the adjustment of all differences with the Six Nations, as well as with the other tribes. All the Six Natious, most of the Delaware tribes, the Shawanese, the Miamis, the Mohicans, Mon- seys, Nanticokes, Conoys, <&c, were represented ; in all, about five hundred Indians were present. The governors of Pennsylvania and New Jer- sey, Sir William Johnson, Col. Croghan, Mr. Chew, Mr. Norris, and other dignitaries, with a great number of Quakers, also attended. Teed- yuscung, who had been very influential in form- ing the council, acted as principal speaker for many of the tribes ; but the Six Nations took great umbrage at the importance which he as- sumed, ami endeavored to destroy his influence. Teedyuscung, however, notwithstanding he was well plied with liquor, bore himself with digni- ty and firmness, refused to succumb to the Six Nations, and was proof against the wiles of Col. Croghan and the governor. The council con- tinued eighteen days. The land questions were discussed — especially the purchase of 1754. All causes of misunderstanding between the Eng- lish and the Indians being removed, a general peace was concluded on the 26th of October. At the close of this, as at nearly all the other treaties, stores of rum were opened and the In- dians present, as usual, soon exhibited its worst effects. Another council was held at Easton in 1761, concerning the Delaware settlement, at Wyoming, in which Teedyuscung took an ac- tive part. Aniline, the hostilities in the region of which we treat, not heretofore alluded to, and occur- ring for the most part in a period later than has yet been entered upon, were the attacks upon the Marshall family, the capture of the Kellers, the second attack on Bosserts, the killing of Sower and Klein, the burning of Brodhead's house, and several small skirmishes in the vi- cinity of Forts Hamilton, Hyndshaw and Depui. The Indians appear never to have forgiven or lost sight of Edward Marshall, the champion of the " Walking Purchase" 1 of 1737, by which they were cheated out of their hunting grounds. He lived south of the mountains, about where See tbe preceding chapter. the village of Slateford now is, and as early as 1 748, seven years before the Indian war began, they had attacked his family and neighbors, and killed one of his sons. When the war broke out Marshall and his family, after being once attacked, moved across the river into New Jer- sey, but they returned in the Spring of 1756, and their home was again attacked by the sav- ages in the Spring of 1757. A party of sixteen Indians appeared before the house one day, while Marshall was absent, and began firing up- on all who were in sight. They shot a daugh- ter as she was attempting to escape, but though she was pierced from hack to breast by a rifle ball, she succeeded in getting away, and event- ually recovered. They took Marshall's wife, who was not in a condition to make a rapid flight, and after leading her some miles away, killed and scalped her, and left her body in the woods. Thus Marshall suffered for his remark- able feat performed for the benefit of the Pro- prietaries, and for which he was never paid. He himself escaped the vengeance of the Indians, and although he had some hair-breadth escapes from death at their hands, lived to be an old man, and died a natural death. In April, 1757, one Casper Countryman (or Gundryman) a lad of about seventeen years, was killed ami scalped within three hundred yards of Fort Hamilton. Captain John Van Etten with seven men went down from Fort Hyndshaw, on the 21st, the day after the mur- der, and gave the body burial. On the 25th of April, Van Etten sent Ser- geant Leonard Denn and two men down to Depui's for provisions. They were waylaid by a hand of Indians, and when within two miles from Depui's, Denn was shot and killed. His comrades fled and, reaching the fort ( I [yndshaw), gave warning of the presence of Indians, where- upon, we are told, " The drummer beat an alarm and the neighbors all gathered into the fort. 2 Van Etten and seven men went immediately to the scene of the attack, and found the body of the Sergeant, "scalped and entirely stripped, and shamefully cut, so much so that his bowels -John \nn Ellen's Journal, appendix of Kupp's History of Northampton, Lehigh, Carbon, Monroe and Schuylkill counties, p. 430. 48 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. were spread upon the ground." A wagon being procured from Depui's, the body was taken there, guarded during the night, and on the next day given " Christian burial." Other murders were committed about the same time by small lurking bands of savages, as appears from letters written by Mayor Par- sons, of Easton, to Governor Denny, enclosing depositions taken by him. We quote from one made by Michael Roup : " The 24"' of April, 1757, appeared before me, Wil- liam Parsons, Esq., &c, Michael Roup, of Lower Smithfield, Northampton County, . . and did de- pose and declare, That his neighbor, Philip Bozart, being at Fort Norris last Saturday week, heard a let- ter read there, which was dispatched by Major Par- sons to acquaint the garrison that he had received in- formation that some enemy Indians intended shortly to conic and attack the inhabitants at and about Minisinks, and to desire them to be on their guard, winch was soon made known to all the neighboring inhabitants . . That on Friday morning last, John Le Fever, passing by the houses of Philip Bozart and others, informed them that the Indians had murdered Caspar Gundryman last Monday evening ; whereupon this deponent went immediately to the house of Philip Bozart to consult what was best to be done, their houses being half a mile apart. That they con- cluded at last for the neighbors to collect themselves together, as many as they could, in some one house. And this deponent further saith, that he immediately returned home and loaded his wagon, as fast as he could, with his most valuable effects, which he car- ried to Bozart's house; that as soon as he bad un- loaded bis wagon, he drove to his son-in-law's, Peter Soan's bouse, about two miles, and loaded as much of his effects, as the time and hurry would admit, and took them also to Bozart's, where nine families were retired; that a great number of the inhabitants were also retired to the houses of Conrad Bittenbeixler and John McDowell; that Bozart's house is seven miles from Fort Hamilton and twelve from Fort Norris- And this deponent further saith, that yesterday morn- ing (the 23d of April), about nine o'clock, the said Peter Soar) and Christian Klein, with his daughter, about thirteen years of age, went from Bozart's house to the house of the said Klein, and thence to Soan's house to look after the cattle and bring more effects. That about half an hour after the above three persons were gone from Bozart's, a certain George Hartleib, who had also tied with his family to Bozart's, and who bad been at his own house, about a mile from Soan's, to look after his creatures and bring away what he could, returned to Bozart and reported that he had heard three gnus fired very quick, one after another, towards Soan's place, which made them all conclude the above three persons were all killed by the Indians. And this deponent further saith, that their little com- pany were afraid to venture to go and see what had happened that day, as they had many women and children to care for, wdio, if they had been left might have fallen an easy prey to the enemy. And this deponent further saith, that this morning nine men of their neighborhood armed themselves as well as they could and went towards Peter Soan's place in order to discover what had become of the threa persons ; that when they came within about three hundred yards of the house they found the bodies of the said Soan and Klein lying about twenty feet from each other, killed and scalped, but did not find Klein's daughter. Soan was killed by a bullet, which en- tered the upper part of his back and came out at his breast. Klein was killed with their tomahawks. "The nine men now immediately returned to Bo- zart's and reported as above. Deponent was not one of the nine, but remained with the women and chil- dren ; that the rest of the men desired deponent to come to Easton and acquaint the justice with what had happened; that the nine men did not think it safe to bury the dead, &c." An account of the killing of several men, soon after the foregoing occurrence, is afforded by George Ebert, who was taken prisoner at the same time, but, escaping, returned in June, and made a deposition of the facts upon the 20th before Parsons at Easton. He said (in sub- stance) that on or about the 2d of May hist (1757) he, with about eighteen armed men, went ' with two wagons from Plainfield township to assist the inhabitants of Lower Smithfield, who had a few days before been attacked by the In- dians, and some of them murdered, to bring off some of their best effects ; that about noon of the same day they came to the house of Conrad Bitten bender, to which divers of the neighbors had fled. Here one of the wagons, with about ten men, among them Ebert, halted to load up the poor people's household goods, anil the rest of the company, with the other wagons, were sent forward about a mile to the house of Philip Bozart, to which place others of the neighbors had fled, with such of their effects as they could in their confusion carry. Ebert, Conrad Bit- tenbender, Peter Shaeffer, John Nolf, Jacob Roth, Michael Kiersfer, one Keins and another man (whose name Ebert forgot) then went into the woods about two miles to seek their neigh- bor's horses, and were returning with them, when they were attacked, about half a mile THE INDIAN WAR, 1 755-] 763. from Bittenbender's, by fifteen Indians, who fired upon them, killed Bit ten bender, Jacob Roth and John Nolf (as the deponent believed), and took Peter Shaeffer, who had received two flesh wounds, and himself, Ebert, prisoners, and set off immediately lor the north. On the evening of the next day they fell in with another party of about twenty-four In- dians, who had Abraham Miller and his mother and Adam Snell's daughter prisoners, and that night they marched on together as far as Dia- boga (Tioga), where they separated, the other prisoners, with the exception of Abraham Mil- ler, being taken away and never afterward seen by Ebert. When they had gone about a day's journey beyond Tioga, the Indians, on encamp- ing, loosed the two prisoners, whom they had before bound every night, and finding them- selves at liberty, Miller and Ebert made their escape in the night. They fled to Tioga, where they were concealed for four weeks by French Margaret, and then, on her advice, made their way homeward. They were assisted and di- rected on their way by all of the Indians "this side" (southward) of Tioga (which proves that Teedyuseung's followers were now observing peace, and that the Indians who were carrying on hostilities at this time were of other tribes, directly in the French interest), and they finally arrived at Fort Hamilton, after about seven weeks' absence. Parsons also forwarded a letter about the time this deposition was taken, giving an ac- count of a large body of Indians attacking and burning Brodhead's house (which, it will be borne in mind, was the scene of the first attack in this region, in 1755) and the killing of one Tidd. This was an affair which occurred on the 2:5rd of June, 1757. Captain John Van Etten, formerly of Fort Hyndshaw, had then recently taken command of Fort Hamilton, and we find the following in his journal 1 concerning this attack : " In the morning, near eleven o'clock, the fort was alarmed by some of the neighbors, \vho had made their escape from the 1 Captain Vau Elten's Journal. Rupp (Appendix), pp. 43(3, 437. enemy. Five of them in company, near Brod- head's house (a mile from the fort), seeking their horses, in order to go to mill, were fired upon by the enemy, and they said that one of them, John Tidd, by name, was killed. Where- upon I immediately drafted nine men, myself making the tenth, in as private a manner as possible, and privately went back into the mountains in order to maki Liscovery, giving strict orders to those left to tire the wall piece to alarm us, if any attack should be attempted on the fort in my absence. There were but six men left at the fort. Coming in sight of said house, on the back side, I perceived some smoke arise near the house; then traveling about a quarter of a mile, in order to surround them, we heard four nuns, the first of which was much louder than the rest. I expected the fort was attacked; whereupon we retreated about a quarter of a mile, and hearing no more guns, my counsel was to go to the house; but my pilot, who was well acquainted with the woods, thought it best to place ourselves in ambush, for they would come that way, he said. As we ascended the mountain in order to place ourselves, we saw the house in a blaze, and the pilot thought best to retire a little nearer between the house and the fort, where we might have a better view; and in the re- treat we heard fourteen guns fired as quick in succession as one could count. Then we placed ourselves in two companies, the better to way- lay them. The party that was nearest between the house and the fort saw twenty-seven en- deavoring to get between them and the fort. I, with the other party, saw five more coming on the other side; we found that we were dis- covered, and likely to be surrounded by a vast number; wherefore we all retreated, and got between them and the fort ; then halting, they came in view. I then challenged them to come, and fired at them; and although at a considerable distance, it was generally thought one of them was killed, by their squalling and making off. Then we all returned to the fort. Immediately upon our return, a scout of thir- teen men from the Jerseys, wdio were in search of Edward Marshall's wife, who was killed some time ago, came to the fort, being led there WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. by seeing the smoke and hearing the guns fired, who all seemed forward to go after the Indians, when I, with nine men, went out with them ; but having got some distance out, they would go to the house to see whether the said man (meaning Tidd) was killed. Being come, we found him killed and scalped; his body and face were cut inhumanly. There were also some cattle lying dead ou the ground." The next day Tidd was buried under the direction of Captain Van Etten. The ravages of the Indians were continued during the summer and fall. Bozart who had made a brave stand and whose house had been a place of refuge for the neighboring inhabitants as we have seen, was finally forced to fiee below the mountains. Even that region was not ex- empt from invasion, and several raids were made there in the fall of 1757. Among others who suffered there were the Kellers of Plain- field township, Northampton County, afterwards settlers within the present limits of Monroe. On the 15th of September their home was sud- denly surrounded by Indians, while the head of the family, Joseph Keller, was away and his wife and two sons, Joseph and Jacob, were captured and borne away to Canada, the attack- ing party being one of the tribe attached to the French. Mrs. Keller was in captivity until 1760, when she secured her liberty and made her way to her husband and family. Joseph Keller also was restored to his home, but not until after seven years had elapsed. ' After 1757 the cases of Indian atrocity were few and isolated, yet there was a constant fear that the scenes of the preceding years would be repeated. Troops were kept upon the frontier and in 1758 there were almost four hundred men on constant duty in Northampton County. Captain Van Etten, at Fort Hynd- shaw, had thirty men, under his constant com- mand; Captain Craig, at Fort Hamilton, had forty-one; Lieutenant Weatherhold, at Hind- head's, had twenty-six; Ensign Sterling at Tietz's (sometimes called Teed's) house, at the Wind Gap, had eleven ; Captain Orndt, at Fort 1 The family settled in what is now Stroud township, Monroe County. (See chapter upon that division.) Norris, had fifty, and there were various other bodies of from five to sixty meu at other posts. There were no soldiers located at Depui's dur- ing the early part of this year and the family appears to have had considerable ground for alarm and made an appeal for assistance. Early in June a wandering band of Indians, acting under the management of the French, came down the Delaware and created great consternation among the inhabitants. It was feared that the lower Minisink would be invaded, but it escaped that calamity. A letter from Samuel Depui to a friend of the Governor reflects the general feeling of fear that prevailed at this time and gives information concerning some affairs that occurred up the river, — "Smithfield, June 15, 1758— at Night. "Inclosed, I send you Captain Bull's letter to me, from Fort Allen, with an acct of Indians supposed to be on their way to this part of the Frontiers or Minisinks, which is much to be feared will prove most fatal to this part, as it is at present the most De- fenceless. The bearer of Mr. Bull's letter in Cuius me that he saw 11 Indians between this and Fort Allen, but he Luckily made his escape. To this he is willing' to be qualified (sworn). I hope Dr Sir you will be kind enough to take his qualification, and Dransmitt it to his Honour our Governeur with a state of our present Defenceless circumstances, interceding for us by imploring his honor to aid and assist us as much as in his power, as your influence I humbly apprehend is Great and yourself well acquainted with our Defenceless Situation. Much mischief has been done in the Minesinks some time ago of which I be- lieve you are by this time acquainted. Last Thursday the Indians began to renew their Barbarities by kill- ing and scalping two men and slightly wounding another in the Minesinks, and this morning we heared the Disagreeable news of a Fort being taken at the upper end of the Minesinks by a party of In- dians said to be 40 in number. The white men it is said belonging to that Garrison were Fanners, and were out on their plantations when the Indians tired on them and killed them, whereupon the Indians marched up to the Fort and took all of the women and children captive and earned them away, and last night the Indians stole a ferry Boat at a place called Wallpack ; and brought from the Jersey shore to this side a large number of Indians, as appeared by their Tracks on the sand banks ; so that we are in contin- ual fear of their approach. I wish we may be able t<> Defend ourselves against them until it be in his Honour's power to assist us under God, he being our protector, and I make no doubt from the Fatherly care his honour has been pleased to exercise over us THE INDIAN WAR, 1755-1763. 51 since his succession to the province, that he will be willing to acquiesce with your reasonable and just sentiments. . . .1 "Samuel Dupui." Nearly five years of almost uninterrupted peace ensued between 1758 and the summer of 17tio, when " the last act in the drama of the French and Indian War " was inaugurated by the mighty Ottawa chieftain, Pontiac. While the region of which we treat — the territory now included in Monroe, Pike and Wayne Counties — was faraway from the chief theatre of that war, it is indisputable that the several incursions of the Indians directed against the people of that region were brought aboutthrough the sympathy of disaffection, engendered by Pontiac's scheme. The last act in the local war was a brief, but not a bloodless one. The Indians made their ap- pearance in Smithfield and they struck a savage 1 blow in Whitehall (now in Lehigh County), subsequently attacked Captain Weatherhold's command, which had been organized to punish them, on the Lehigh, at John Stentou's, and sent marauding bands against numerous isolated settlements, among them that on the Upper Dela- ware, in what is now Damascus township, Wayne County, and along the east bank, in Sul- livan County, New York, a region which had only six years before received (upon the Pennsyl- vania side) its first settlers. 2 The ensuing mouths were months of harass- ing anxiety for the inhabitants of the older set- tlements, who had known the terrors of Indian war in 1755-56-57, but they promptly took steps towards strengthening themselves for the apprehended onslaught. The troops had been for the most part withdrawn from the forts and block-houses, and the people, rejoicing in the sense of security and freedom, had actively re- sumed the avocations of peace. But now all was changed ; Bethlehem, long quiet, again re- sounded with the tramp of soldiery ; there was a stir in Easton, Allentown and all of the lesser villages of the Northampton frontier, while everywhere throughout the threatened region the inhabitants again took up arms, formed military companies (where they were numerous 1 Penn. Archives, Vol. III., p. 424. 2 See the following chapter and also the chapter on Da- mascus township, in the Wayne County history. enough) and resorted to all of the precautions they had learned to practice during Teedy- uscung's war. In Smithfield a military company was formed, with John Van Campen as captain — for which there was fortunately little service and no actual war. A record of the organization of this vol- unteer company, in the form of a memorial to the provincial authorities, has been preserved and is of interest. It reads as follows : " Lower Smithfield 1" September 1763 " To the Honorable James Hamilton Esq r Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania : "We the within Subscribers inhabitants residing upon the frontiers of the Province of Pennsylvania in the County of North Hampton do from divers re- ports and information and from the Different accounts we have from the Ohio, that the Savages Is commit- ting their Cruel barbarities, we have the greatest Rea- son in life to Expect these Savage Indians will ex- tend their cruel barbarity as farr as our places ; as we are in no Order of defence, but ly intirely open to the mercy of Those Barbarous Savage Indians who de- lights the shedding of innocent blood, and for the diffence of any Attempts which might be made of the like, a number of us have formed and enjoined Ourselves under articles In a associated independent Company, as loyal subjects to our king and country, Heady and willing to defend What ever attempts those barbarians might make upon our settlements for which we have thirty of Us unanimously chosen Mr. John Van Campen as Captain, Mr. Joseph Wheeler as Lieutenant and Cornelius Van Campen Ensign, and your humble Petitioners pray your honor will be pleas to Commission the aforesaid gentlemen, Unani- mously Chosen for our officers, and likewise your pe- titioners Pray your honor will pleas to Grant us your assistance in Carrying on so loyal a design, and your Petitioners will ever pray " Benjamin Shoemaker Mycal Sly Elijah Shoemaker Benjamin Foster William Smis Benjamin Van Campen Nicholas Depui Jonathan Hunlock James Higerman John Canterman Benj. Shoemaker, Jr Henry Bensil Moses Shoemaker Charles Deloy William Clark John Chambers Leonard Weser Benjamin Oney Charles Holmes Peter Hains John Camden Isaac Vanormen Benjamin Hains Joseph Hains William Devore William Carrell John Fish James Ewel Samuel Hyndy Garret Shoemaker " :: s Penn. Archives, IV. p. 120. 52 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The apprehended attack was not made. The settlers upon the upper Delaware did not escape so lightly as those in the Minisink region, and, indeed, sustained a very heavy stroke. As we have already seen, a block- house was built at the mouth of Calkin's Creek (in the present boundaries of Damascus town- ship, Wayne County) in 1755, and Joseph Skinner had fallen a victim to the Indians there as early as 1759 or 1760. The savages appear, however, to have had no general enmity toward the Cushutunk settlers or those on the opposite bank of the river, and they escaped molestation during the dark period in which the inhabitants of the lower part of Northamp- ton County were constantly scourged. They lived beyond the limits of the lands of which the Delawares claimed they had been deprived by fraud, and tiny had secured, in 1754, a more or less clear title to their lands from the Six Nations. 1 Still it is probable that the Dela- ware followers of Teedyuscung, if not wholly responsible for the attack on Cushutunk and ( Jochecton, and the settlements on the east side of the Delaware down to the Lackawaxeu, were at least concerned in it. The chief had been killed by or at the instigation of some of the Six Nation Indians, on April 19, 17G3, and his disaffected people, released from his re- straining influence, may have very naturally looked upon the extinction of the white settle- ments placed, by Croquois influence, upon lands which they themselves claimed to own, as a legitimate mode of retaliation. Beyond this, they were actuated by a general thirst for blood. However probable or improbable these con- jectures may be, it is a fact that the Indian party who marched against the Cushutunk set- tlement came from Wyoming by way of the Lackawaxeu, and thence up the Delaware, hop- ing, no doubt, to hem in the inhabitants and cut off communication between them and the people of the Minisink region southward — the region around aud below the site of Port Jervis. The time of the attack was the fall of 1763. The settlement on the Pennsylvania side of the river then included about thirty log houses, a i See i lie follow ing chapter. block-house, and — according to some authori- ties — a grist and saw-mill , and there were a much larger number of houses upon the New York side of the river, extending from opposite the cluster of habitations at Cushutunk — from Cochecton, N. Y. — quite down to the Lacka- waxeu. The people of Cushutunk, being ap- prised of the approach of the war-party by fugitives from below, and warned to prepare for an attack, repaired to the block-house at the mouth of Calkin's Creek, and made prepa- rations to stand a siege. Besides the women and children, there were but three persons in the immediate vicinity of the block-house — Moses Thomas, Sr., Hilkiah Willis, who had come up with his family from Narrowsburg, and one Witters. The Indians did hot make an attack as soon as had been apprehended, and the people were thus thrown off their guard. The enemy had reached the neighborhood, however, and the woods were full of skulking savages. Suddenly they appeared near the little fort, and in the first onslaught Thomas and Willis, who had been out on a reconnoissance, were killed. Witters succeeded in reaching the block-house, and he and the women and children then bravely defended it, and by subterfuges led the Indians to think that it contained a far more formidable garrison than was the case. Witters sent a boy, Moses Thomas 2 (second) to the neighborhood northward to inform the people of approaching danger, and the)- fled through the wilderness to Esopus (Kingston). He also sent two boys, Elias Thomas and Jacob Kenny, neither of whom was over eleven years of age, to the Minisink region for aid. All day and all night long the little garrison, consisting of several women and children and one man, Wit- ters, stood at the loopholes of the block-house, guns in hand, and watched their stealthy foes moving about the besieged house under cover of the trees and bushes and the darkness. Once they tried to fire some straw, which had been stacked against or near the side of the house, and almost succeeded, but the Indian who at- tempted the deed fell, before he accomplished it, 'This was the Moses Thomas who was killed in the bat- tle of the Lackawaxen, or Minisink, July 22, 1779. See chapter upon the Revolution. SETTLEMENTS ON THE UPPEE DELAWARE. :»3 a victim to Witter's rifle. This intimidated the other Indians to such a degree that, as the siege seemed hopeless, they made preparations to move off. They did not do this, however, until they had secured the body of the dead Indian and burned all of the undefended buildings. Upon the second day men came up from the Minisink in canoes, the boys having reached there safely and given the alarm. The dead bodies of Thomas and Ellis were buried and the survivors taken down the river, where they were safe from any repetition of the attack, which had so nearly proved fatal to all. It is said that when the party set off in the canoes an idiot child was left behind, notwithstanding the entreaties of its mother that it should be taken, and that the bones of this child, so cruelly abandoned, were subsequently found near the block-house and buried. 1 Several settlers between Cochecton and Nar- rowsburg were killed and a number of houses burned while the Indians were making their way up the river. There were living at the time in this locality a few peaceable Indians called Cushutunks, who condemned this unpro- voked attack upon the whites, and promised, in case of another incursion, to assist the settlers. It was the outbreak of 17(33 which led John Penn, a grandson of the good William, he being Lieutenant-Governor of the province, to offer, in 17G4, a large bounty for Indian scalps. This action is sometimes erroneously alluded to as the first offer by the English of money pre- miums for the killing of their savage enemies; but, as a matter of fact, Benjamin Franklin made a similar proposition to pay for scalps nine years before, 2 though he fixed the bounty at only forty dollars, about one-third of the sum offered by John Penn, and did not make it apply to females and children, as did the latter. The bounties announced by Penn were: "For every male above the age of ten years captured, 1 Quintan's " History of Sullivan County, N. Y." The au- thor says that the remains of Thomas ami the girl were laid hare a few years since by the washing of the river, and reburied by Moses Thomas (third). 2 See Franklin's letter to Captain John Van Etten— ante, this chapter — and also note lo same mentioning the instruc- tions to Captain Isaac Wayne concerning scalp bounties. $150; scalped, being killed, $134; for every female Indian enemy and every male under the age of ten years captured, $130 ; for every female above the age often years scalped, being killed, $30." Happily the Indian war was concluded before the promulgation of this inhuman scalp bounty, and an era of peace inaugurated, which was not broken until the War of the Revolution opened ; and the struggling colonists, in addition to fighting the soldiers of the crown, had to watch the powerful Six Nations, who were incited to frequent hostilities by the machinations of t he British and Tories. Then, again, the settlers in Northern Northampton — in the region now included in the three counties which form the subject of this work — suffered the frequent asperities and terrors of Indian war. CHAPTER V. Connecticut Men Settle on the Upper Delaware — Cushu- tunk, Wyoming and Wallenpaupack, or " Lackaw:u-k'' Settlements— The " Pennamite War." While the Minisink, first settled upon the Pennsylvania side in 1727, had received small hut constant accessions of population from the Water Gap to the site of Port Jervis, and had a fixed and quite numerous population by the middle of the eighteenth century, the region of the Upper Delaware, or at least its west hank, and all of the territory between the Wallenpau- pack and the Lackawaxen on the south and the New York State line on the north — -a region practically commensurate with the present county of Wayne — was still a pristine wilderness, its soil untouched by the white man's foot, its forests unscathed by his axe and " clearing fire." It was the disputed hunting-ground of the Lenni Lenape, or Delawares and the Iroquois or Six Nations, but the civilized race had not yet con- tested with the savage, its ownership or pos- session. But in the year 1757 — just thirty years after the first, authenticated settlement of the Lower Pennsylvania Minisink — in June, when nature had arrived at the full sumptuousness of life, even as it had for countless years of im- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. memorial, unhistoric time, a little settlement was indented upon the eastern border of this vernal- clad, unknown land. The strokes of the axe resounded along the river and through the dusky aisles of the forest, and soon the smoke curled upward from tlie stick and stone chimneys of a half-dozen small, rude, log cabins. The settlers were Daniel Skinner 1 and his sons and possibly a few others, from the town of Preston, New London County, Connecticut. Cushu- tunk, as they called their settlement, after an Indian village then existing, or said by tradi- dition to have existed at this locality, was a mere dot of civilization, made with the most humble beginning, and containing three years later, according to good authorities, Jess than thirty families. Insignificant as it was, however, in numbers and in individual importance, this little frontier outpost involved momentous issues. It was the first, the pioneer settlement of the Connecti- cut people within the boundaries of Penn's pro- vince, — the initial movement in that general and systematic intrusion which resulted in the settle- incut of Wyoming and Wallenpaupack, or " Lackawack," the establishment of a Connec- ticut county on Pennsylvania soil, a deter- mined effort to dismember the State, and all of the varied acts, the dissension and strife and bloodshed of what has been commonly called the "Pennamite War." Cushutunk and Wyoming were established under the auspices of two separate companies, both of which originated in Connecticut, and were actuated by a common purpose — the colonization of Northern Pennsylvania under the claim that it was covered by the Connecticut 000 Acres. " Here follow the names of some of the committee who are also proprietaries, viz. : Fiteh, son to the present Governor of Connecticut; Isaac Tracey, Benijah Geers, Gebish Fitch, John Curtius, Elisha Tracey, clerk; Benijah Parks, Peebody, Survey- or ; Moses Thomas, Hezekiah Huntington, Esq., late Governor; Stephen Kinney, Robert Kinnsman, John Burchard. " Here follow the names of some of the settlers: Stanton, Trim, Daniel Skinner, Simon Corking, who hath been a Justice and Lieutenant in Connecticut (a busy fellow and a ring leader), Holly, John Smith, John Corkins, Jedediah Willis, Jedediah Willis, Jr., James Adams, Benjamin Ashley, Nathan Chapman, Doctor Payne, Kellick. That having given these people previous Notice that we had something of importance to deliver to them, about a dozen of them assembed in one of their Houses, where Mr. Gordon addressed them to this purpose ; That the Governor of Pennsylvania being SETTLEMENTS ON THE UPPER DELAWARE. 6] informed that some people from Connecticut had pre- sumed to settle themselves on lands at Cushietunk, within his Province, but without his knowledge or permission, and as yet not purchased from the Indians, had sent us (declaring who we are) to enquire if said Information was true, and if we found any person there to warn them off immediately ; Which Mr. Gordon (after claiming as well those Lands at Cush- ietunk as the large Tract by said Government of Con- necticut, laid out and surveyed on Susquehanna, as the undoubted Right and property of the Honoura- ble the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania) accordingly did. To this it was answered that they claimed under the Connecticut Government & the Indian purchase, and that they would hold their Lands until it was decided by the highest Authority in whom the true title was vested. " Dated the fifteenth day of October, Annoque Do- mini, 1760, " Aaron Dupui. " Lewis Klotz. " John Mook. "Lewis Gordon.'* 1 Richard Peters, writing to Sir William John- son, February 12, 1761, pointedly sets forth the condition of fear and disquietude that the settle- ment and the scheming of the intruders had caused. "The Connecticut people," he says, "are making their grand push both in England, for a new Grant from the King, and in this prov- ince, for a forceable Entry and Detainer of the Iudian Lauds, on no other pretence than that their Charter extends to the South Seas, and so, like Mad Men, they will cross New York and New Jersey and come to kindle an Indian War in the Bowete of this poor Province. . . . The Governor has wrote you at large on this wicked revival of the Connecticut Claims, and I wish either you or General Amherst cou'd fall on some means to have it laid aside ; for it toill breed a Civil War among owr Back Inhabit- ants, who are sucking in, all over the Frontiers, the Connecticut poison and Spirit, and will Ac- tually, in my Opinion, go into Rebellion in the opening of the Spring." 2 The Governor, upon February 20, 1761 (" And in the first year of the reign of our Sov- ereign Lord, George the Third,") issued a pro- clamation to the trespassers at Cushutunk, en- joining all to immediately depart. It read, in part, thus, — Col. Kec., Vol. viii. p. 564- '■ Peuu. Archives. Vol. IV., ] " Wliereas, Divers persons, the National-born Sub- jects of his Majesty belonging to some of our neigh- boring colonies, have lately come into this Province and without Licence or Grant from the Honourable Proprietaries, or Authority from the Government have presumed in a body to possess themselves of and settle upon a large Tract of Land in this Province, not yet purchased from the Indians, near Cushietunck, on the River Delaware and in the parts of Northampton County, and are endeavoring to pursuade and invei- gle many of the Inhabitants df this and the neigh- boring Provinces to Confederate and join with them in their illegal and dangerous Designs, and to assist in settling and holding the said Lands by strong Hand ; "And Whereas, the Delaware Chief Teedyuscung hath made a very earnest and formal Complaint and Remonstrance to me against the said Practices, in- sisting that the intruders shall be immediately re- moved by the Government to which they belonged, or by me, and declared if this was not done, the In- dians would come aud remove them by force and do themselves justice, with which he de- sired they might be made acquainted beforehand that they might not pretend Ignorance, which has been since accordingly done by my order, " Wherefore, as well to assert the just Rights of the Proprietaries of this Province to the said Lands, and to preserve the peace and friendship which is now so happily restored and subsisting between us and the Indians, and prevent the terrible consequences that must necessarily arise, by their carrying into Execu- tion their Threats of removing by force the Intruders (if the said Lands, as also U< warn and prevent any of the Inhabitants of this province from being unwarily drawn in to join the said intruders in their intended design of making settlements in the said Indian Country, I have judged it proper, by and with the Advice of the Council, to issue this proclamation, hereby Strictly requiring and enjoining in his Majesty's Name all and every Person and Persons already settled or residing on thesaid Lands, immediately to depart and move away from the same ; and do hereby forbid all His Majesty's Subjects of this or any other Province or Colony, on any pretence whatever, to intrude upon, settle or possess any of the said Lands, or any other of the Lands within the Limits of this Provice not yet purchased of the Indians, as they will answer the contrary at their peril and on pain of being prose- cuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law. And I do hereby also strictly charge, enjoin and require all Sheriffs, Magistrates, Peace Officers and all other His Majesty's Liege people within this Province to exert themselves and use their utmost Endeavors to prose- cute and bring to Justice and condign Punishment all offenders in the premises." 3 1 Col. Rec, Vol. VIII. p. 66G-56V WAYNE, PTKE AXI> MONROE COUNTIES PENNSYLVANIA. Prior to the issuance of this proclamation (February 10th) Governor Hamilton wrote a letter to the Governor of Connecticut, in which he bitterly complained of the settlers, and urged him to use his influence for their with- drawal ffom the province. Teedyuscung, who, as we have seen by the Governor's proclamation, seriously disapproved of the continuance of the settlement at Cushu- tunk, again, in the spring of 1761, strongly urged its ellaeoment. At Easton, on April li, 1761, with other Delawares, in conference with Lieutenant-Governor Hamilton and Richard Peters, he said (through an interpreter), — - " Brother : you may remember that when I was here in the Fall of the year, I informed you that some New England people were settling the Indians Lands, neara place called Cushietunck, and expressed a great deal of uneasiness at it. You told me that you had likewise heard something of il and had sent the Sheriff and Magistrates of the county bordering on these lands to the place with orders to see what was doing and to warn any persons off whom they should find settling there. ... I have not heard anything from you since that time and our People are become so uneasy at this new settlement that several of them are moved away to other places, and these now present are come on purpose with me to hear what you have to say about this affair." . " The reason why we were so uneasy is this : About three weeks ago, Robert White came to our town with Thomas Kiug, one of the Six Nation Indians, and told us that they had been at Cushietunck among these People, and that Sir William Johnson had sent to warn them off if they intended to settle there ; If only to trade there lie desired that they would use the Indians well, and give them no offence ; but they made very light of it and said they would not regard either what Sir William Johnson should say, nor the Governor of Pennsylvania, nor the Magistrates, but only what should come from their own Governor. They said that they had bought the land from some Indians who were at the last treaty at Easton, and would settle there. They said, likewise, that in the Spring, when there should be plenty of Grass, they would come and settle the Lands at Wyomink, and that Thomas King had given them leave to settle the Wyomink Land, and if the Indians who lived there should hinder their Settlement, they would fight it out with them and the strongest should hold the Land. Robert White added that they told him that they should be four thousand strong in the Spring and would all come to Wyomink. "Robert White told us further that they kept continual watch for fear the Indians should shoot them." 1 Teedyuscung being asked how many Robert White found there, said that there were reported by him thirty families. Shortly after Teedyuscung's complaint was made, the Lieutenant-Governor sent James llyndshaw (of Bushkill) to Cushutunk to ob- serve what was going on there and ascertain the temper of the venturesome Quakers. He set out upon his journey April 16 (1761),andjhaving re- turned, made report of it upon the 29th. Accord- ing to this report he reached Kuykendal's tavern ''on or near the River Delaware, at Mackhacka- mack, in Sussex County, West New Jersey," upon the second day of his travel, and there met one Halbert, who said that he was from Connec- ticut and was going with his family to live at Cushutunk. He learned from Halbert that some nf the Indians living upon the Delaware, at (li- near Cushutunk, (and of whom the New Eng- enders, it was alleged, had bought their lands), had sent word to Teedyuscung that if he or his followers should make any opposition to the Connecticut people settling either at Cushutunk or Wyoming, they (the senders of the message) would join with the new-comers and settle them there by force. Upon arriving at Cushutunk, Hyudshaw " put up at the house of Moses Thomas, one of the principal Men of the Settlement, and saw over the door an Advertisement, signed Moses Thom- as, giving notice to all the Inhabitants of the Settlement that they were to meet at his, the said Thomas' house, on the Monday follow- ing, in order to Chuse a Magistrate and their other Officers for the ensuing Year, and also to consult on other Affairs relating to the Settle- ment." Thus early was the institution of the New England "Town-Meeting" established in this pioneer settlement. It happened that Moses Thomas was not at home, and the agent of the Pennsylvania government found him " at work at a new erected Mill for grinding Corn." Thomas said that he " wondered the Lord Penn should send up there a proclamation threatening them with the Indians ; that he was settled there under a 'Col. Kec, Vol. VIII., p. 595. SETTLEMENTS ON THE UPPER DELAWARE i;:; Connecticut right, which he thought a good one ; but, it' it should prove otherwise, he would take and hold his Land under the Lord Peiin, it being all one to him." Some Indians who were present told Hyndshaw that if the Gover- nor of Pennsylvania did not send the settlers away, that they would drive them out by force He learned that there were quite a number of houses in the settlement, but saw only four. In Moses Thomas' house he " observed that there were a great many Families, the Beds lying as thick on the Floors as they commonly do in a Hospital." A block-house of good size was in process of construction, which the settlers said was for pro- tection against the Indians, and they intended getting some swivel guns to mount in it. On returning to Kuykendal's the agent met in all fourteen men armed with guns, who told him that they " were going with Captain Tracey, one of their head men, to settle at Cushie- tunck." Information was received from these men to the effect that another town had been laid out about eight miles westward of Cushutunk, that "lots for a town" had been laid out " at a place called Leighwackson, 1 within a Tract of Land bought of the Indians by the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania and surveyed for them in 1749, and that they intended to settle it in like manner under the Connecticut right." These reports the people on their way to Cushu- tunk had learned from the Indians, who also reported that the settlers had marked the trees for a distance twenty miles back from the Dela- ware." On Sept. 16, 17(51, Lieutenant-Governor Hamilton, having in the mean time heard from the Governor of Connecticut, who, however, did not offer to recall the subjects of his govern- ment from the disputed territory, as he had been requested, and receiving the protest of the Six Nation Indians that they had never sold the lands in question, issued a second proclamation, simi- »Thc locality here referred to as "Leighwackson" was the same" at which, in 1774, was made the Wallenpaupack settlement, sometimes called " Lackawack,'' from its prox- imity to the Lackawaxen. Of this name, '• Leighwackson " was a corruption or careless rendering. 2 Col. Rec, Vol. VIII. p 612-614. lar to his first, enjoining the Cushutunk settlers to depart and forbidding others to intrude. 1 This proclamation had just as little effect uj the imperturbable " Yankees " as the former one. In the spring of 17(>2 John Jennings, sheriff of Northampton County, contemplating the arrest of the Cushutunk people, sent John Williamson up to gain intelligence of the number living there and other particulars, and Williamson, executing his commission, duly made a report on June 18th, which showed the sheriff, among other things, that the trespassers held him in contempt, and were as defiant as ever. Wil- liamson's report reads as follows : "Hi Families are settled on the river; their whole settlement extends 7 miles. "Their head man is named .Moses Thomas, lives in ye 2' 1 settlemt ; his Brother lives \ mile from him and is named Aaron Thomas, lives in ye I" settlemt, "3d Settlemt. Isaac Tracy owns a saw-mill. Christopher Tracy. Jonathan Tracey, their cousin, lives with Christo pher. » ith Isaac Tracey. Do Do Brothers. Reuben Jones I .Moses Kimball Levi Kimball .lames l'ennin. Daniel Cash. " ilh Sill, ml. Nathan Parks. Tyler. Cummins. " There are in all 40 men — told him they held their Lands under N. England — have laid out a Town four miles to the West of them, on a Body of line Laud, on a Branch running in Lackawaxcn 1 — threatened if any Sheriff came to molest them they wou'd tie a Stone about his Neck iV Send him down to his Governor, they knew the woods well and would poo them over 3 for 1." . . . " Was informed by them that the land held good for oil miles Up the Dela- ware; said their agent had lately returned from England and brot news that there was no doubt of getting tlie Land for Connecticut. Some have got 4 or 5 acres of Indian Corn, some '■'<, some '2; no wheat. Live in pretty good Log 1 houses, covered with White Pine Shingles or Boards. Vast quantities of that kind of Timber there, very tine. . . . Said it wou'd be hard to hurt them, shou'd fall on those "Col. Rec, Vol. VIII. p. 663-664. 'This was probably a "town " only in tlie Connecticut sense, or a tuwnslap as it would be called in Pennsylvania. It was, undoubtedly, one of the several townships surveyed by the Delaware Company. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA who sent them — were in genera] scarce of provisions, especially bread — get their corn in canoes from Mini- sink." 1 The first settlement at Wyoming was made in the spring of 1762 — if, indeed, settlement it could be called in which the men, after plant- ing, and, perhaps, securing some of their crops, retired to their Connecticut homes for the winter. In the following spring, however, they came back prepared to establish themselves permanently, bringing their stuck, household goods and, it is probable, all that they pos- sessed. But their hopes were doomed to early and sudden blight. The Delaware Indians, who claimed the lands on the Susquehanna and Delaware, embraced in the ( ionnecticut charter, averred that they had never sold any of their possessions on the former river, though they admitted that some of their lesser chief had, in an irregular way, granted a title to those on the Delaware, and they complained bitterly of the presence of white men upon these lands, which, they as- serted, had been " bought from under their feet " of the Six Nations. The provincial au- thorities were constantly beset with applications to have the trespassers removed, and there were not wanting evidences that the Indians would take the matter in their own hands if the au- thorities did not intervene. Such was the con- dition of the Indian mind when Teedyuscung, king of the Delawares, was burned to death in his cabiu on the night of April 19, 1763. While this deed was unquestionably committed by his Indian enemies, either by or through the influence of the Six Nations, Indian cunning ascribed the murder to the New England people. The people of the dead chief now be- came clamorous for the removal of the settlers, and several times importuned the government to drive them from the valley. The Governor having, in June, 17ii:i, received fresh complaints from the Indians at Wyoming that the Connecticut trespassers were still obsti- nately prosecuting their settlement on the lands there and at Cushutunk, thought proper, on the 2nd of that month, to issue a third proclamation Perm. Archives, Vol. IV. p. 83-84. requiring those intruders forthwith to remove from the lands. He also appointed James Bind and Thomas McKee, Esqs., justices of the peace, and gave them written instructions to pro- ceed to Wyomiug,and having convened thepeople settled there, publicly to read the following pro- clamation ; to use the utmost endeavors, by expostulations and arguments, to prevail on them to relinquish their scheme of settling the lands there, and to depart peaceably without delay ; otherwise to cause some of its principals to be apprehended and carried to the " Goal " at Lancaster: " By the Hon. James Hamilton, Esquire, Lieuten- ant-Governor and Commander in Chief of the Prov- ince of Pennsylvania and the Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware. " A Proclamation " Whereas persons, the natural born subjects of His Majesty, belonging to some of the Neighbor- ing Colonies have, without any License or Grant from the Honorable the Proprietaries of this Prov- ince, made several Attempts in Bodies to settle upon a large Tract of Laud within the limits of this Province not yet purchased from the Indians, lying at and between Wyoming on the Susquehanna and Cusbietunck on the Delaware and in the upper part of Northampton County and have called the inhabit- ants to their aid in holding the lands ; And whereas the I Maw a res, and other tribes of Indians and also the Six Nation Indians have repeatedly made complaints and Remonstrances to me against the said Practices and Attempts, and insisted that the Intruders be removed by the Government to which they belonged, or by me, aud declared that otherwise they would remove them by Force, and do themselves Justice, but de- sired that the Intruders might be previously ac- quainted therewith; And Whereas Notwithstanding I have already issued two Proclamations to apprise the said Intruders of their Danger and to forbid their settling on the said lands and strictly enjoining those who had already settled to depart; yet I have lately received Information and fresh Complaints from the Indians that divers persons do still persist in their said Design and are now actually settling on the said Land about Wyoming and Cushietunck. Wherefore, In order to procure the Peace and Friendship be- tween us and the Indians and to prevent the carrying in execution of such threats, from which I fear the Indians cannot longer be restrained, as also again to warn any of the inhabitants of this Province against aiding the Intruders, I have judged it proper, before using Force, by and with the advice of Council, to is- sue this Third Proclamation, requiring in His Majes- ty's name all persons already settled on the Lands to depart. And do hereby forbid all his Majesty's Subjects SETTLEMENTS ON THE UPPER DELAWARE. to intrude upon any Lands within the Province not yet purchased of the Indians. And hereby strictly charg- ing all Sheriffs, Magistrates, Peace officers and other people within this province to exert themselves to bring to Justice and condign Punishment all Offend- ers in the Premises. "Given under my hand .... at Philadelphia, the second day of June, 1763. "James Hamilton. " By Hi* Honor's Command, " Joseph Shippen, Jr., " Secretary. " God save the King." ' This proclamation, like those directed exclu- sively against Cushutunk, availed nothing. The few Connecticut people at Wyoming unfortu- nately did not heed it. The Indians were sullen. A storm was portending, and upon the 15th of October (1763) it suddenly broke. The Indians, without the slightest warning, raised the war-whoop and fell with fury upon the defence- less village. About twenty men were killed and scalped, and those who escaped a horrible death — men, women and children — fled to the mountains, and after long wandering in the wilderness, destitute of food and almost desti- tute of clothing, found their way to older settle- ments and eventually to their Connecticut homes. 2 This was the first massacre of Wyom- ing — not a part of the Pennamite War, but an example of Indian ferocity in the resentment of leal or imagined wrong. The government sent soldiers to the scene of the massacre, but they found the valley deserted by the Indians. After this terrible experience no attempt was made by the Susquehanna Company to settle Wyoming until 1769. In the meantime the proprietary government had fortified itself witl a deed from the Six Nations and other Indians of all that portion of the province, not before bought, which lay in the limits of the Connecti- cut claim. This was procured at the treaty held in 1768. 3 And now commenced in earnest the strife, foot to foot and hand to hand, for the occupation of the lovely valley of Wyoming and, practically, for the possession of that part of Pennsylvania between the forty-first and 'Colonial Records, Vol. IX. pp. 27, 28. 2 Miner's " History of Wyoming", p. 54. 5 See Chapter III. 7 forty-second parallels of latitude — the struggle known in history as " the Pennamite War." To give an adequate history of this long, event- ful contest between the Pennsylvania and Con- necticut immigrants would alone require a volume, and, for that reason and the fact that the leading events of the war occurred on terri- tory of which it is not our province to treat in this work, we attempt only such a brief analysis of important general movements as is necessary to a proper understanding of local events which come within the field which is our subject. Each party, at the opening of the year 1769, was pretty well prepared to assert and defend its claims. There had been action upon each side something like that of two armies in the field as they prepare to meet for a stubborn cam- paign. Of the Susquehanna Company's party which determined to effect the planting of a colony at Wyoming, Captain Zebulon Butler, a hero of the French and Indian War, was by common consent regarded the leader, if not actually clothed with official power. There were a number of other strong characters among the Connecticut adventurers, and they were not wanting in friends and adherent-; within the limits of Pennsylvania. InSmithfield, on the Delaware (now in Mon- roe County), as heretofore shown they had active sympathizers, and in several other localities they possessed strength which they could and did rely upon. Miner says of Smithfield that " a number of its principal inhabitants united with the Connecticut people and entered heart and hand into their cause. The aid afforded by these Pennsylvania allies was of the utmost importance to the new colony. Benjamin Shoemaker, one of the Executive Committee, was from this settlement. John McDowell, a wealthy, high-toned Cameroniau Scotchman, became a true friend to the Yankees. With Highland zeal he espoused their cause." With subsequent events in mind, he adds : " His granaries and purse were ever tendered to the sufferers with a ' Highland welcome.'" 4 " On the other hand " continues the author from whom we have just quoted, "the Pro- 'Miner's " History of Wyoming," p. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. prietaries designated their leaders and marshal- ed their forces for the contest." Charles Stewart stands forth most conspicuously upon their side. With him were associated Captain Amos Ogden and John Jennings, high sheriff of Northampton County. These three consti- tuted the chief executive directory to conduct the proprietaries' affairs at Wyoming. To them a lease for a hundred acres of land at Wyoming had been issued, on condition that they should establish an Indian trading-house upon it and defend the valley from encroach- ment. Other lands had been sold on the express condition that the buyers should defend them with arms, if necessary. These lessees with several followers were first upon thy ground, arriving there in January, 1769, and taking possession of the improve- ments from which (he Connecticut settlers had been driven in 1763. The forty persons selected by the Susque- hanna Company to found a colony arrived at Wyoming on the 8th of February, and found Stewart and his party in possession and well fortified in a block-house at the mouth of Mill Creek. The Connecticut party took possessii f another piece of ground, built temporary huts for shelter, and adopted measures which cut the Pennsylvanians off from communication with Philadelphia or the surrounding country. Og- den and Stewart had been warned of the coming of the Yankees by one of the Van Campens, 1 on the Delaware, and had sent to Philadelphia for reinforcements, leaving but ten men in their garrison. As several days elapsed and no aid came, he had recourse to stratagem to effect what he did not dare try by force. He accordingly sent a polite note to the Con- necticut men inviting some of their leaders to his house, under pretext of effecting an ami- cable negotiation concerning their respective titles, and when Isaac Tripp, Vine Elderkin and Benjamin Follett came over, Sheriff Jen- nings arrested them and took them to Easton, where they were thrown into jail. Their com- panions could have rescued them, but abstained from making any demonstration through fear 'Chapn of endangering their safety. They were bailed, released and returned to Wyoming. The Yankees increased their settlement after this, and Sheriff Jennings learning of it, went up in March, accompanied by Lewis Gordon, Aaron Depui (of Smithfield) and Henry Hooker, three justices of the peace, and, after breaking their way into a barricaded house, arrested the whole number present (about thirty), and marched them to Easton, as prisoners. They were bailed and returned to Wyoming, where, in April, they were met by a company of two hundred men, sentout from Connecticut. Having now considerable strength, they built a fort, and near it twenty log houses pierced with loop-holes, and now they seemed secure against the Pennamites, and for a time they were. Sheriff Jennings, who, with Ogdeu, had been for a time absent from Wyoming, assembled as many men as they could induce to fol- low them and proceeded to Wyoming, where they arrived on May 24th ; but they found the enemy too numerous and too well fortified to justify an attack upon them, and returned to Easton, whence Jennings sent the rather dis- couraging information to the Governor that he " did not believe it possible to raise a force in the county strong enough to dispossess them, they being, by account, upwards of 300 able- bodied men." Two other and larger parties were subsequently sent out, to one of which, commanded by Sheriff Jennings, furnished with a large quantity of arms and provided with an iron four-pound cannon, the Yankees finally capitulated, after Colonel Durkee, one of their leaders, had been captured. Articles were drawn up, by which it was agreed that the greater number of the settlers should leave the country, a few remaining to harvest the crops, and in a few days over two hundred did depart for Connecticut. But they had no sooner left than a party, led by Ogden, began an indiscriminate plundering of the settlement. Cattle, sheep and swine, and property of all kinds, was taken possession of, carried to the Delaware and sold, and the men who had been left, seventeen in number, being thus deprived of the means of subsistence during the winter, were also com- pelled to return to their friends in New England. SETTLEMENTS ON THE UPPER. DELAWARE. Thus the scheme for settling Wyoming was again thwarted. The Yankees, however, were not long inac- tive. In February, 1770, in connection with a number of people from Lancaster, they again appeared upon the ground, and tiny easily took possession of the fort, which had only a small garrison. Ogden remained at the place, with a number of his men, fortified in a block- house, which was besieged, and he was obliged to capitulate, and, with his followers, depart from Wyoming, after which his house was burnt in retaliation for the deeds he had committed the year before. This was in April, and in September following, after Governor Penn had issued a proclamation warning the Yankees to depart from Wyoming, Ogden led an armed party against his late victors, took several of them prisoners as they were engaged, unprotected, at their farm-work, and finally captured the fort, after killing a number of their garrison. Cap- tain Butler himself would have been bayoneted by the attacking party after they had gained an entrance had it not been for Captain Craig, wdio commanded a detachment of Ogden's men. During this siege the Wyoming men attempted to send messengers to Cushutunk, but the paths were watched by Ogden's scouts, who captured them. From this time on until 1 77.'^, when a brief peace ensued, there was almost constant warfare at Wyoming, the parties rapidly alternating in ascendency, sometimes one and sometimes the other being in possession. A matter of interest in connection with these affairs, and which pertains more particularly to the territory which is our province in this work, was the appointment of Garret Brodhead and John Van Campen, of Smithfield, as jus- tices of the peace to aid in enforcing law at Wyoming in 1770. At a council held in Philadelphia on the 3d of March in that year, the Hon. John Penn and others being present, we find that "The board, having con- sidered the present state of the intrusion and settlements made by the Connecticut people on the proprietary lands within this province, were of the opinion that if two prudent persons living in the north part of Northampton County were immediately vested with the authority of magis- trates, it would greatly conduce to the preserva- tion of the peace and better execution of the orders of the Government, from time to time, in defeating the measures of those people and checking the progress of their scheme of settle- ment on the lands at Wyoming and on the Delaware" — and the Governor accordingly ap- pointed the two men named. The same John Van Campen was engaged in guarding the roads east from Wyoming to cui off communication to or from New England in the summer of 1771. He raised a company for that purpose, at the request of Lewis Gor- don, and wrote that "On Friday, the 9th of August, he went up along the Delaware towards Minisink, and by Saturday evening collected nineteen men, and marched them as far as his own house, and proceeded Sunday to Pauley's " (the vicinity of the Rayinondskill, in Pike County). He sent a party of six men " to lay on Sheholey (Shohola Creek) road from Wioming to the Delaware, to prevent expresses going that way to New England." The Smithfield or Stroudsburg settlements were frequently resorted to by the Wyoming people for the purpose of obtaining supplies, when, through the vicissitudes of warfare, they were despoiled of their crops, or prevented by Pennamite sieges from sowing or harvesting them. Thus in the month of February, 1773, the provisions at the Wilkes-Barrc settlement were so nearly exhausted that live persons were selected to visit the friendly Scotchman, John McDowell, and other sympathizers in the region of Stroudsburg. In Miner's " Wyoming," John Carey, a lad of sixteen years, is mentioned as one of these five men, and we know from other sources that John Shaw (afterwards a settler within the present limits of Monroe County) was also of the party. " The distance was fifty miles through the wilderness ; numerous streams, in- cluding the deep and rapid Lehigh, were to be crossed. Had these been frozen over, so as to be passable, their toils would have been sen- sibly mitigated, but the ice had formed on each side, many feet from the shore, leaving in the centre a deep-rushing flood. Stripping naked, tying their clothes and sacks on their heads WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and shoulders, cutting a way through the ice from the shore to the open stream, and from the stream to the opposite shore, they waded through, dressed themselves, and found warmth in marching rapidly. Arrived at the good old Scotchman's and sending in to make their errand known, Mr. McDowell came out, rub- bing his hands in glee, bade them welcome, but in his Scotch dialect, broad as his benevolence, told them he had a house thronged with com- pany on the occasion of his daughter's wedding. Among the guests were magistrates and others, 1 whose enmity was to be dreaded, if they knew a party of Yankees were within reach, but McDowell gave directions that they should warm themselves noiselessly at an out- house, then take shelter in the barn, where comfortable blankets were spread on the mow, a most royal supper sent them, with spirits and wine ; their sacks were filled with flour and their pockets with provisions. The four men took each an hundred pounds, young Carey seventy-five, and welcome was their return to their half-famished friends at Wilkcs-Barre." 2 Similar visits, for a like purpose, were fre- quently made to McDowell's. The peace which prevailed in 1773 was taken advantage of by the Connecticut people to per- fect their organization and prosecute their plans for possessing and holding jurisdiction over their claim. In that year the government of Connecticut, which, up to that time, had left the Susquehanna and Delaware Companies to manage their own affairs, decided to make its claims to all of the lands within the charter, west of the province of New York, and in a legal manner to support the same. Commis- sioners were appointed by the General Assem- bly of C lectieut to negotiate with the pro- prietaries of Pennsylvania and to make a final settlement of all boundaries and claims in dis- pute. Having received their full powers, these commissioners, in December, 1778, proceeded to Philadelphia, and opened an amicable dis- cussion of all pending issues with Governor Peim and the Pennsylvania Council. They 'The Brodheads, Depuis and Van Campe probability, present <.n thia festal occasion. ' Miner's " History of Wyoming," p. 141. returned, however, without accomplishing their mission, and immediately afterwards, in Janu- ary, 1774, the General Court of Connecticut, in pursuance of* the policy of exerting the au- thority of the colony, passed an act by which the country extending from the River Delaware westward fifteen miles beyond Wyoming, and in extent north and south the whole width of the charter bounds, was erected as a county named Westmoreland, aud annexed to Litch- field County, Conn. Under the influence of the general peace which had ensued, and the resolute policy adopted by Connecticut in extending the au- thority of her jurisdiction over the territory in dispute, the immigration idea was greatly stim- ulated, and settlers began to throng into the lands of the Susquehanna and Delaware Com- panies. The Wallenpaupack or " Lackawack " set- tlement was made in that year (1774) in what is now Palmyra township, Pike County, and as it was within the boundary of the territory which forms our subject, and also an important settlement, we shall give a detailed account of it. First, however, it may not be amiss to state that the encouraging aspect of the affairs of Wyoming as early as 1772 had induced some individuals to locate, in the summer of that year, in the general region of the Lackawack settlement (northern Pike County). In proof of this not commonly known fact we find that there was laid before the Provincial Council, June 20, 1772, a letter from Charles Stewart, bearing date of Easton, June 17th, in which the writer acquainted that body with the substance of a message from Garret Brodhead to the effect that "a considerable number of Connecticut people were forming a Settlement on the Pro- prietaries' manors at Shoholy and Lechawaxin, and other places on the River Delaware, within Pennsylvania." The Governor, by the advice of the Council, directed thereupon that a pro- clamation be drawn and published, commanding the intruders, in His Majesty's name, to evacu- ate their illegal settlement. 3 Col. Rec, Vol. X., p. 50. SETTLEMENTS ON THE UPPER DELAWARE. The Wallenpaupack settlers, or at least the majority of those who composed the colony, arrived early in 1774. It is possible that a few may have been on the ground in 1772, at the time that Garrett Brodhead made mention of intrusion upon the Lackawaxen and Sho- hola. The men composing the settlement, so far as their names have been preserved, were Uriah Chapman, Esq., Captain Zebulon Par- rish, Captain Eliab Varnuni, Nathaniel Gates, Zadok Killam, Ephraim Killam, Hezekiah Bingham, John Ansley, Jacob Kimble, Enos Woodward, Isaac Parrish, John Killam, Elijah Winters, John Pellet, Sr., John Pellet, Jr., Abel Kimble and Walter Kimble, all of whom returned to the locality after the War of the Revolution, and the following who did not return, some of whom were killed, viz. : Joshua Varnum, Doctor Amos Parks, Silas Parks, David Gates, Jonathan Haskell, William Pel- let, Charles Forsythe, Roger Clark, Strong, James Dye, Nathaniel Washburnc, Joseph Washburne, Fry, James Hal let > Jasper Edwards aud Reuben Jones. As if in designed and marked defiance of the proprietaries, this body of men selected for their settlement the Wallenpaupack Manor, which had been surveyed October 14, 1751, upon a warrant dated November 25, 1748, "for the use of the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania." 1 This was a tract of twelve thousand five- hundred acres situated almost entirely in what is now Palmyra township, Pike County, though a portion of it is on the north side of the stream, in What is Paupack township, Wayne County. The original settlement was wholly upon the south side of the stream. The location had been favorably regarded as early as 17 done, the Creator had breathed upon the bosom of nature there the benison of eternal peace. The massacre of Wyoming thrilled the world with horror. What, then, must have been the feelings of those people who had reason to think they might at any hour meet with the same fate which had extinguished the lives of the four hundred settlers in the beautiful valley? The whole border was filled with tint wildest alarm, and a fever of fear took possession of the people even as far down the country as Bethlehem and Eastori. Flight was the only recourse for the few terror- stricken survivors. Yaiu efforts were made to concentrate the settlement at Forty Fort, but the tide of panic had already set in, and by night of the day of battle fugitives were flying in every direction to the wilderness. It was a wild, chaotic, precipitate hegira. All was con- fusion, consternation, horror. The poor, terri- fied people, men, women and children, scarcely thinking or caring whither their trembling footsteps led, if they could only escape the sav- age enemy and cruel death, fled onward into the wilderness and night. The general direction pursued was towards the Delaware and the Stroudsburg settlement. Every passage into the forest was thronged. On the old Warrior's WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Path there were, says Miner, in one company, nearly a hundred women and children, with but one man, Jonathan Fitch, to advise or aid them. The forlorn flight led into and through the " Dismal Swamp" or " Shades of Death," as it was then, and is sometimes even to this day, called. This was the wet, marshy plateau of the Pocono and Broad Mountains, an area included now in Monroe, Carbon and Pike Counties, surrounding the headwaters of the Lehigh. Over the greater part of this singularly wet table-land there was a dense growth of pines and a (angled, almost impenetrable undergrowth, the whole interspersed here and there with ex- panses of dark, murky water, swarming with creeping things, even as the matted forest abounded with wild beasts. It was through this desolate, seemingly inter- minable swamp that the fugitives from Wyo- ming, by day and night, made their toilsome way to Stroudsburg, and some by way of the Wind Gap to the lower settlements. Children were born and children died in that terrible forced march through the "Shades of Death." One infant that came into the world in this scene of terror and travail was carried alive to the settlements. At least one which died was left upon the ground to be devoured by wolves, while the agonized mother went on. There was not time, nor were there means, for making even a shallow grave. One woman bore her dead babe in her arms for twenty miles, rather than abandon its body to the beasts, and it finally found sepulchre in a Ger- man settlement which she reached. The flight had been so precipitate that few had an oppor- tunity to secure provisions from their homes, and for two or three days the greater number lived upon whortleberries, which fortunately grew in abundance that season — the manna of that wilderness. Some wandered from the path and were lost, some died from their wounds, some from exhaustion, but the ma- jority of that distressed, straggling band of refugees reached the Stroudsburg settlement after traveling sixty miles, and were tenderly cared for until they could goto their old homes or find new ones. Many made their way to their native Connecticut. One band, consisting of a single man and twelve women and children, were cared for by Colonel Stroud, and given a passport by him, recommending them to all whom they might meet in journeying destitute toward their homes. The document, of which a copy has been pre- served, read as follows : "Permit the bearer, Sergeant William Searle, with twelve women and children in company with him, to pass unmolested to some part of the State of Connec- ticut, where they may be able, by their industry, to obtain an honest living, they being part of the un- happy people drove oflf from Wyoming by the Tories and Indians, and are truly stript and distressed, and their circumstances call for the charity of all Chris- tian people ; and are especially recommended by me to all persons in authority, civil and military, and to all Continental officers and commissaries, to issue provisions and other necessaries for their relief on the road. "Given under my hand at Fort Penn, July-14, 1778. "Jacob Stroud, Colonel." ' Upon the evening of the very day that the butchery occurred at Wyoming — July 3, 1778 — Wallenpaupack had a narrow escape. The officer in command, to try the temper of his troops, caused a false alarm of danger to be made. Movables were hurriedly carried into the fort, the whole force of the settlement was collected and the arras prepared for use. Just as the noise and clamor caused by the alarm was at its height, a body of sixty Indians and Tories from the neighborhood of Cochecton approached from the direction of Wilsonville to within half a mile of the fort. They told some prisoners afterwards captured that their object was to drive away the cattle belonging to the settlers. The noise and confusion at the fort, however, induced them to believe that the New York Indians under Brant had attacked the settlement, and as Brant had given them dis- tinct orders not to interfere with Wallenpau- pack, they withdrew, burning, however, as they retreated, a grist-mill, at what is now Wilson- ville, owned by Joseph Washburn. The reception, on July 4th, of the news of the Wyoming massacre caused a stampede from this settlement. When the tidings were re- ceived Captain Zebulon Parrish, his son Jas- Appeniiix, Miner's Wyoming, p. 4-J THE WYOMING MASSACRE. 81 per and Stephen Kimble went down to the Lackawaxen, a short distance above the month of the Wall en pan pack, for the purpose of giv- ing the alarm to Benjamin Haynes, David Ford and James Hough, who lived there with their families; but these three men on this errand of mercy fell into the bauds of the same body of Indians and Tories who had been hovering about the fort. They were carried to the State of New York and retained as prisoners until the close of the war. Stephen Parrish and Reuben Jones were also taken prisoners about this time. Both were subsequently returned and Jones lived many years in Wayne County. In the mean time all had been activity at the settlements. The people prepared as rapidly as possible for flight, and before sunset on the night of that 4th of July the poor people were on their way to the Delaware. A number of the women and children who were sick were transported in carts. They were put on beds on the bottoms of the carts and thus moved comfortably. The men walked or rode horse- back, driving their cattle before them, and car- rying as many of their portable goods as pos- sible, and thus the strange and mournful caval- cade moved away from their homes, scarcely knowing whither they were goiug, but direct- ing their steps towards safety. They traveled the whole night and the greater part of the next day, and found themselves at a point about three miles from the site of Milford, upon the old Wyoming road. They intended to pass the night here, but becoming fearful that they were followed by the Indians, re- sumed their weary march, and did not again halt until they had reached the eastern side of the Delaware. From here some went to Con- necticut, and some located on the Delaware, the majority, however, going to Orange County, New York, where they remained until after the war. In August following four young men, John Pellet, Jr., Walter Kimble, Charles Forsythe and Uriah Chapman, Jr., returned to the Wal- lenpaupack to cut hay upon the rich bottom- lauds, and while engaged at their work were attacked by Indians, who had probably come there anticipating their return. Chapman was 9 wounded (and carried the ball until his death, fifty-one years later), but all succeeded in getting to the fort, which was still standing. The next day they left the scene of their dangerous labors. Most of the settlers also fled from Cushutunk after the Wyoming massacre, but the Tylers, Thomases, John hand and Nathan Mitchell remained. Nearly all of those who fled re- turned in the spring of 1779. During the fall of this year (1778) Brant, the celebrated Mohawk chief, who held the commission of a British captain, appeared in the Minisink at the head of about one hundred Indians and Tories, confining his atrocities, how- ever, to the settlements north of the Neversink. Some neighbors returning from a funeral were surprised by a party in ambush and sev- eral of their number killed. Jeremiah Van Auken, a school-master, was dragged from his school and murdered in the presence of the children assembled. An incident is related in connection with the killing of Van Auken, which shows that Brant was not devoid of the feelings of humanity, and which would seem to furnish negative evidence to the question long iu dispute as to whether he was in command of the Indians at the Wyoming massacre; especial- ly if we concede (what is quite possible) that he was not personally present with such of his de- tached forces as committed atrocities in the val- ley. " After the murder of Van Auken, the school- master, some of the boys at the school were cleft with the tomahawk; others fled to the woods for concealment; while the little girls stood by the slain body of their teacher bewildered and horror-stricken, not knowing their fate, wheth- er death or captivity. W r hile they were stand- ing in this pitiable condition, a strong, muscular Indian came along, and with a brush dashed some black paint across their aprons, bidding them hold up the mark when they saw an In- dian coming, and it would save them, at which he plunged into the woods and disappeared. This was Captain Brant, and the little girls of the school were safe. The Indians, as they passed along and ran from place to place, saw the black mark, and left them undisturbed. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The happy thought, like a flash, entered the minds of these little sisters, and suggested that they should use the mark to save their brothers. The scattered boys were quickly sought, and the girls threw their aprons over the clothes of the boys, and stamped the black impression upon their outer garments. They, in turn, held up the palladium of safety as the Indians pass- ed and re-passed, and were thus saved from in- jury and death, to the unexpected joy of their parents. Brant had received a Christian educa- tion, and it is not improbable that when he saw this array of youthful pupils, old memories of boyhood crowded his mind, and constrained him to stay the hand of slaughter." James Van Auken, an uncle of the school-teacher, was killed at the same time. The raid in the Upper Minisink had the ef- fect of striking terror through the whole valley down to Smithfield and Easton. Robert Levers wrote from the latter place to the Executive Council, under date of October 17(1778) that :— "An express is just this moment come from Col. Stroud's, bringing the melancholy accou .t that the Tories and Indians in the upper part of the Mine- sinks, in York government, are burning and destroy- ing all before them. It is said the enemy are six hundred s'rong and that the Tories join them every hour. It is not to be doubted that ihey will be in this State very soon, and the inhabitants above are all moving and in the greatest distress and confusion. By a letter I hav« seen this morning from Capt. Alex- ander Patterson at Col. Stroud's, stationed as Quarter- master, it is mentioned that they have neither military stores or provisions, so that if they should suddenly attack that part of this county, destitute of help as they are, the country must fly before the enemy." 1 A little later, October 24th, Major Samuel "VVestbrook wrote that he had seen two persons, who had conversed with some of the party with Brant, " in Doing the mischief att Peainpack and to my sorrow I acquaint you it has struck the People in general with such fear that they are moving away from the upper end of the Minesink very fast, If there is not some Means Taken To Stop the Enemy, the whole of the Inhabitance will move from this Place, and, if so, pray what will be Cousiquence? Ruin and destruction will Emediately follow." 2 'Penn. Archives, Vol. VII. pp. 15-16. 'Fenna. Archives Vol. VII. p. 63. Colonel Stroud, about this time, wrote to the Council from Fort Penn the following account of the condition of the frontier and suggestions for guarding it from Indian ravages : — " Fort Penn October the 25 th 1778 "Dear Sir " I heare send with the Bearer the Copy of Two Men's Oathes and by other sircumstanees as wee can fully Learn, That the Indeons and Toreys are gon up to Coshishton with their Plunder and Expect there to get more Reinforsments and to be Down Emedi- ately on us ; perhaps when you see the oathes of these people that was sworn at Minesink, you may not fully persieve why These Toreys that is there spoke of stays in them woods, but I will relate a little fuller, a great part of these Toreys that has been seen theire is persons that has there Wives and fameleys and Relations, and indeed Correspondence in the set- tlement, and I am apprehensive That the Councyl and your Honour Dos not persive how this settlement and Wyoming Lyes, as Wyoming can be of no service to us as a frunteer from the Indeons and Toreys from (Josishton and Cook house, and That Quarter if you please to Take the map and Look in that there, you may see that Wyoming with a small party hardly able to keep That fort can be of any Safety to us from up Delowar, as these Indeons That we feare will fall on us will come down Delowar River with Cnowes down to the mouth of Mahaughkamack Creek which is just above Our settlement as they did Last or perhaps they may come a little Lower as they may find Con- venient as I know of nothing to prevent them ; for I assure you there is very few people Left above Manuel Gonsaleses mill which is 12 miles from My house, and Back of me, between me and the great Swamp, there is no settlement but the bare woods, now if it Can be thought Best not to have the frunteer heare, I could wish the Councyl in their wisdom would point out the place. Indions is not like our other Eunemys, that we can live with them and abought them, but where they have there Camp for they Distroy all ; and as for the other ace' that wee sent with Esq r Van camp, the oath of that Woman, the Indeons come neer the time she spoke of, and had it not been for the high Weatters they would have done much more Mischief, for there was nothing to hinder them, for it was Two Days after they was gon before the Malitia could be collected all : So I must Leave the Matter with you and the Councyl. Hoping you will do at this Distressing time something for us and to give us Relief, as wee have our eyes on you, as wee have no other place to apply to for Relief " I am Sir your very umble serv't " Jacob Stroud " 3 It became evident very early in the spring of 3 Penn. Archives, Vol. VII. p. FORT PEXN. 1779 that Indiau hostility was to undergo no abatement, and as the season progressed the people of Upper Northampton, in common with those along the Jersey shore and in the Never- sink region of New York, were more direfully harassed than ever before, or, in fact, than at any time during the war. Early in the spring of this year five young men who had returned to the Wallenpaupack settlement to make maple sugar — Ephraim, Jeptha, and Silas Killam, Walter and Ephraim Kimble — were attacked by Indians and nar- rowly escaped with their lives. Not long after this occurrence a straggling band of Indians came suddenly upon the fort at Dingman's. 1 One of Andrew Dingman's sons, Isaac by name, chanced to be outside the fort, and seeing his danger, endeavored to reach a place of safety. But the unfortunate youth was too late. One of the savages, springing from a place of concealment, fired upon him, mortally wounding him. The marauders then withdrew. The remains of the young man were secured and buried on the Jersey side of the river. The burial took place under the cover of a cannon, mounted in a fort 2 erected opposite the barricade at Dingman's. Consternation spread throughout the locality. Many of the settlers fled from their homes, seeking places of safety. Below Dingman's was a stone house, built by Col. John Rosencrans, of New Jersey. This house was vacated, but escaped destruction. Be- tweeu this house and the fort at Deckertown stood a log structure, occupied by Hendriek Decker, brother-in-law to Dingman's wife. On the morning succeeding the death of Isaac Ding- man a body of Indians attacked this building. The family, consisting of eight persons, fled at the approach of the savages, and made a frantic effort to reach the fort at Deckertown, about one-fourth of a mile distant. The war-whoop rang out on the still air, and lent strength to the terrified fugitives. The savages pursued them hotly, firing upon them as they ran. Two of the family fell ere the fort was reached — Henry and David Decker — and their reeking scalps swung from the girdles of two of the yelling pack as they came in sight of the fort. Foiled in their work at this point, they continued their march below the fort, where they fired upon a settler named Jacobus Van Gorden, breaking his thigh with a musket-ball. They did not succeed in capturing him, however, and he was spared further injury. Brandt, 3 the most distinguished Indian personage of his time, now came upon the scene. He had appeared casually and with small bands, it is true, in 1778, but he came in 1779 at the head of a large organized force. After the incursions of 1778 in the Mamakating and Upper Minisink regions, Count Pulaski with a battalion of cavalry was stationed there for the protection of the frontier, but in February, l The attack on Dingman's has usually been supposed to have occurred in 1770, but that is a manifest error. It was in 1779. ■' "Old Fort." 3 The character and career of this great chief are worth more lhan a passing notice. Joseph Brandt, the Mohawk chief, was born in Ohio in about 1712, and died November 24, 1807. He was frequently spoken of as a Shawnee by birth and only a Mohawk by adoption, and it has also been said that he was a son of Sir William Johnson. Having taken a part in the campaign of Lake George in 1735, and in various sub- sequent, eonflicls, he officiated after Sir Wra. Johnson's death as secretary of Col. Guy Johnson, Superintendent- General of the Indians, and when the American Revolution began, lie was instrumental in exciting the Indians agaiust the colonies. His presence at the battle of Wyoming is doubtful, though he took part in thai of Cherry Valley and other sanguinary engagements. He was received with great distinction on his tour to England in 1786 and was attached to the military service of Sir Guy Carleton in Canada. He opposed the confederation of the Indians, which led to the expedition of General Wayne, and did all he could to prevent peace between the Indians and the United States. He was, however, zealously devoted to the welfare of his own people, and conspicuous for his efforts to prevent the introduction of ardent spirits among them. He was a brave warrior and noted for his ability, as testified by his correspondence. During his stay in England he col- lected funds for a church, which he built in Upper Canada. He there also published the " Book of Common Prayer" and the "Gospel of Mark" in Mohawk and English. He spent the latter part of bis life at Burlington Bay, near the head of Lake Ontario, where he built a house for himself on a tract of land conferred upon him by the British government. Brandt's personal appearance and manners, added to his acknowledged abilities, gave him great power over his followers. His bearing was haughty and his language often insulting. He was tall and rather spare ; generally wore moccasins elegantly trimmed with beads ; leggings and breech-cloth of superfine blue; a short, green coat with two silver epaulets, and a small round laced hat. 84 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1779, he had been ordered to South Carolina and this region was again left unprotected. It is probable that Brandt was soon informed of this condition of things, for he made his ap- pearance in July. The battle of the Lackawaxen, or, as it is often called, the battle of the Minisink, ensued from this invasion and was the largest and most important engagment that took place in or near the region that forms the field of this history. As a matter of fact, it did not occur on Penn- sylvania soil, but at a spot immediately con- tiguous, in New York, a little plateau opposite the mouth of the Lackawaxen (which flows into the Delaware in Pike County). Brandt's forces made their way southward very stealthily, considering their number, and appeared in the vicinity of what is now called Cuddeback, near the line of Orange County, on the 19th of July (1779). Some of the people succeeded in reaching the block-houses, others took refuge in the woods, while many were murdered and their houses burned. The murders were committed quickly and Brandt's followers hastily retreated to Grassy Brook, a small tributary of the Mongaup, a few miles up the Delaware, where a portion of the command had been left. Some of the In- dians must have passed farther down the valley and committed depredations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The tidings of an Indian in- cursion, always alarming and fast flying, seem on this occasion to have been carried on the wings of the wind down to Smithfield and Easton and even over to Allentown,on the Lehigh, and the people everywhere were filled with consterna- tion. Some idea of the general alarm is con- veyed by the correspondence of the time. Col. John Wetzel wrote President Reed, of the Executive Council, from Northampton (Allentown), under date of July 22d, that lie was just in receipt of an express from Col. Stroud informing him that he hourly expected an at- tack from the Indians, " there being a large body of them (the numbers not yet known) at the Minisinks, and that they had got down as far as Aaron Frandenbur's, in ye Jerseys, and they have burnt his house and barn and taken some prisoners there." Col. Stroud bitterly complained that he lacked ammunition, but Col. Wetzel could send him none from Allen- town, as his supply was exhausted. 1 Upon the same date as the foregoing John Van Campen wrote President Reed, from Lower Smithfield, that he had on that morn- ing returned home from the Minisink, " at which place," ... he says, " I was the spectator of great Distress's, of many families left bare and destitute of all necessaries of life, who lived formerly in the midst of Plenty. . . . The people, in general, are all fled in Forts Both sides of the River. The Distress is very great in our parts and adjacent Neigh- bours. . . . Col. Jacob Stroud acts the part of a Brave officer, with a few of his Neighbors, who Scouts in the woods with him. . . . We have applied to our Lieutenants sundry times for relief, but none yet came." 2 Van Campen, writing again to the President (probably upon July 23d), says : " By express this morning we are informed the Enemy are Legally (formally) Encamped at Willes Mill (probably Wells' Mill at the site of Milford), and Grinding all the Grain that was in the mill and what they can collect in Defiance of all the Forces that can be collected at present." He also says that on the day before they had taken three prisoners in Jersey, and killed twenty head of horned cattle and all the horses of Morgan Desheay in Pennsylvania. He con- cluded his letter by saying that he has no doubt, unless speedy relief be sent to supple- ment the small forces they can gather, they will not be able to save " the poor people that are Fled into Forts For the Preservation of their Lives." 3 Reverting to the battle and the events that led to it, it may be stated that the greater num- ber of the fugitives from Minisink fled to Goshen, and as soon as the first of them arrived and gave intelligence of the presence of the enemy, Dr. Tusten, the colonel of the local militia, issued orders to the officers of his com- mand to meet him at Minisink on the following day with as many volunteers as they could pos- IY1111. Archives, Vol. VII. Penn. Archives, VII. 573. Tenn. Archives, Vol. VII FORT PENN. 85 sibly raise. The order was promptly obeyed, and a body of one hundred and forty-nine men met their colonel at the appointed rendezvous at the time designated. Early in the morning they pushed forward toward the Neversink. We quote from one who has been a careful stu- dent of the subject :' At the place now called Finchville, on the east side of Shawangunk Mountain, they had breakfast, and were supplied with some pro- visions for the campaign. After the long and weary march of that day, following the trail of the retreating foe, they encamped for the night at Skinner's Mill, about three miles from the mouth of Half-way Brook. On the morning of the 22d they were joined by Col. Hathorn, of the Warwick regiment, with a few men, and he, being the senior officer, took command. Advancing to Half-way Brook (now Barry - ville), they came upon the Indian encampment of the previous night, and it was evident that Brandt was near. In order to ascertain his exact position and his contemplated place of crossing the Delaware, Captains Tyler and Cuddeback were sent forward. Tyler was soon shot, and, after a short delay, caused by his death, Col. Hathorn advanced, and as soon as he saw the main body of the enemy leisurely approaching the ford, near the mouth of the Lackawaxen (some had crossed and others were crossing with the plunder), he left the Indian trail and turned to the right, intending by a rapid march over the hills to intercept Brandt at the ford. The wily Indian had discovered his pursuers, and anticipating their object, marched his forces quickly up a ravine, thereby placing himself in the rear of Col. Hathorn, and preventing about fifty of his men, who had fallen behind in the march, from joining him. And now we have the contending forces in close proximity to each other. 2 The Ameri- 1 From this point our narrative is condensed from an ad- dress delivered by Hon. William J. Groo, of Middletown, N. Y., on the one hundredth anniversary of the battle. 2 The field of the battle of the Lackawaxen must here be described. It is situate in what is now the town of High- laud, county of Sullivan and State of New York, and in cans, numbering about ninety, occupied the small plateau nearly opposite the mouth of the Lackawaxen, a ledge of rocks which formed the southerly boundary of the battle-field. lots number sixteen and seventeen in the seventh division of the Minisink Patent. By an air line the distance of the field from (lie village of Barryville, in the town of High- land, is two hundred ami eighty-eight chains, or three and three-fifths miles, and about four and one-half miles by the usual route of travel. From Lackawaxen it is distant about one and one-fourth miles by road, and is elevated above the level of the Delaware River at that place not less than five hundred feet. The field itself is a plateau formed by a ledge of rock, most of which is covered by earth to a depth sufficient to support the growth of shrubbery. The edges of the ledge present a projection towards the southeast, southwest and northwest, and when viewed together form, most nearly, a semi-circle. Toward the southeast the face of the ledge is somewhat broken, fifteen to eighteen feet high, and may be ascended or descended without much difficulty. Towards the southwest it is in part composed of broken rock, while another part exhibits a steep hill some twenty-five feet in height. Towards the northwest the face of the rock is very nearly perpendicular, quite solid, about fifteen feet high, and it was at its base that, it is fully believed, Colonel Tusten and the wounded under his care were tomahawked after the Indians gained the advantage. A little northwesterly from the central point of the pla- teau, a hill rises to an extent of thirty or forty feet, ex- tending towards the northwest and northeast, but towards the southeast terminating in a manner so that from one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet of level surface re- mains between the foot of the hill and the southeast brink of the ledge. The ground occupied by the white people in the battle is from a quarter to half an acre in extent, and is the west- erly proportion of the plateau, while the Indians and Tories occupied the part east, the hill above mentioned and the level ground extending around and behind the southeast- erly point of the hill. The imperfect breast-work of the whites, so hastily erect- ed, may still be traced, and as late as 18o9 was so distinct as to leave no doubt of its direction and extent, or the ground occupied by those it was intended to shield. — J. W. Johnston. Hon. George H. Rowland, of Rowland's, Pike County, Pa., in an address delivered upon the field of battle speak- ing of the doubt that existed in some minds as to whether the battle was fought on this ground, says, — "That this is the exact spot on which the battle was fought there is no doubt, from the fact that there are men upon the ground to-day who were here when the bones of the slain were gathered and taken to Goshen and interred with imposing ceremonies. Again, there are those sfill living who have visited the ground with men who partici- pated in the battle. " Having lived all my life in this vicinity, I have sought after particulars with some pains. Some thirty-seven years WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The Indians and Tories came up from the ravine to the northward, and extended their line around to the west. The battle really began about eleven o'clock, by the Indians advancing from the north, but they were promptly repulsed and held in check while some of the men hastily threw up a sort of breast-work of sticks and upturned stones, about one hundred and fifty feet from the southerly extremity of the plateau. The loca- tion of this defensive line was, but a few years ago, distinctly marked. At this juncture Brandt's voice was distinct- ly heard within the American lines, calling upon those of his forces who had crossed the Delaware to return ; and soon thereafter Ha- thorn's men, who had been formed into a sort of hollow square, were nearly surrounded. In- dians appeared in all directions, but in greatest numbers towards the north and west, and con- ago I closed the eyes of Absalom Gonklin in death at the age of eighty. He was over fifteen years old at the time of the battle. . . . The old man lived with my fatner at the time of his death, and never tired of telling me how they were compelled to leave their rude homes and descend the Delaware River in a canoe on account of the Indians becoming threatening, only a short time before the battle. How they stopped on the Pennsylvania side of the river, opposite Minisink; how his father joined the militia in pursuit of Brandt; how they fought until late in the after- noon of a very hot day without water ; when their am- munition became exhausted they were compelled to re- treat — his father running to the Delaware at Otter Eddy, swimming the same and making his way back to his fam- ily. How they soon moved back ; how he had gone to the battle-ground with his father and saw the bones of those who died." Again Brandt, who at and after that time held a com- mission in the British army, on a certain occasion in New York City, after peace was declared, gave his version of the battle, in brief, like this : He said the whites took a position on an elevated pla- teau with a small round hill on their left ; that before bringing on a general engagement he sent out a while flag, which was met by one from our side; that he . . . told our men they had better surrender and he would treat them as prisoners of war ; that his force was far superior to ours, and if a general battle was brought on, he would not be able to restrain his savage warriors ; that while thus in parley a bullet came whistling by his side and cut his sword-belt ; that he then threw himself from his horse, retreated t.> his men and drew them up for buttle. Be that as it may. there is no doubt our men occupied this half-acre of ground, with rude breastworks of stone, logs and brush hastily thrown up. cealing themselves behind rocks and trees, ad- vanced from time to time, as opportunity offer- ed, and thus a running fire was kept up. At every weak point Brandt directed his efforts, but without avail. Colonel Hathom, while guarding every point in the line, as far as pos- sible, gave strict orders to his men to reserve their fire until it could be made effective. Thus the ammunition, which was lamentably short, was carefully husbanded. As the day wore on, Brandt became disheartened, and was about to abandon the conflict and withdraw from the field , when the death of one of the most effec- tive militiamen, who had for hours successfully guarded a point towards the northwesterly point of the line, and near where Colonel Tusten was with the wounded, gave the Indians and Tories an opportunity to break through. Amid deaf- ening yells, they came pouring through this opening in such numbers that further resistance was impossible, and the brave men who, for six long hours, without water, under a burning July sun, with insufficient ammunition, had successfully defied an enemy many times out- numbering them, fled from the field soaked with the blood of their comrades. Colonel Tusten being, as we have seen, a physician and surgeon, was at this time, as he probably had been during the greater part of the engagement, attending to the necessities of the wounded behind a cliff of rocks. He and the seventeen disabled men under his care were at once set upon and killed. Others who were wounded, and some who were not, were pursued and dispatched. Some died of their wounds, so that we may safely conclude that not more than thirty of the ninety who were in the engagement survived. What be- came of the fifty men who were isolated from the main force history does not record. The loss of the enemy has never been ascertained, but was undoubtedly much greater than that of the patriots. 1 ■The one hundredth anniversary of the battle was cele- brated at Lackawaxen, or rather upon the field opposite that village, and also at Goshen, N. Y., July 22, 1879. At the battle-field a monument was dedicated and an in- teresting programme of exercises rendered before a large audience. The introductory address was delivered by .1. W. Johnston and then followed Prayer, by Bev. J. B. Wil- SULLIVAN'S MARCH. S7 The names of the .slain upon the American side, so far as they have been preserved, were as follows : Colonel Benjamin Tusten, Captain Bazaliel Ty- ler, Ensign Ephraira Masten, Adjutant Nathaniel Fitch, Captains John Duncan, Samuel Jones, John Little, Ensign Ephraim Middagh, Captain, Benja- min Vail, Lieutenant John Wood, Gabriel Wisner, Stephen Mead, Nathaniel Terwilliger, Ephraim Fer- guson, Robert Townsend, Samuel Knapp, James Knapp, Benjamin Bennett, William Barker, Jacob Dunning, Jonathan Pierce, James Little, Joseph Norris, Gilbert S. Vail, Joel Decker, Abram Shep- pard, Sheppard, Nathan Wade, Simon Wait, Talmage, John Carpenter, David Barney, Gamaliel Bailey, Moses Thomas, Jonathan Has- kell, Abram Williams, James Masher, Isaac Ward, Baltus Niepas, Eleazer Owens, Adam Enibler, Sam- uel Little, Benjamin Dunning, Daniel Reed. A word should be said about the leaders of the little American armv, brave, but unfortu- Col. Benjamin Tusten was born on Long Island in 174:», and, consequently, was thirty- six years old at the time of the battle. His father moved into Orange County when the son was but three years old, and settled about three miles from the village of Goshen. Youug Tusten, after a thorough academic education, studied medicine, and became a prominent and successful physician and surgeon. He con- tinued the practice of his profession, having the confidence and esteem of the entire community liams; Ovation, by Hon. Wm. J. Groo ; Addresses, by Hon. A. C. Butts, J. W. Johnston, Hon. George H. Rowland, Hon. Thomas J. Lyon; and a Poem, by Ezra F. Calkin. Esq. Anaceount of these exercises, together with copies of the addresses and a history of the battle by J. W. Johnston, were afterwards published in a pamphlet. At Goshen a salute of thirteen guns was fired at sunrise, and at half-past nine o'clock forty-four guns were fired in honor of the forty-four who fell under the tomahawk of Brandt and his men. At the same time the village hells were tolled, all flags were displayed at half-mast and a procession a mile and a half long marched through the streets. Not less than ten thousand persons were in the place. Harrison W. Manny, president of the village of Goshen, delivered an address of welcome. Ex-Judge James W. Tay- lor, of Newburgh, presided and made an address. An ora- tion was delivered by the Rev. Dr. J. Ilalstead Carroll, of Newburgh. Speeches were made by State Assessor James A. Briggs, of Brooklyn, and Chas. H. Winfield, of New York. The monument was wreathed with flowers, and many public and private buildings were decorated. in which he lived to the time of his death. He did not live to witness the independence of the colonies. Colonel (afterward General) John Hathorn, was, at the time of the battle, about the same age as Col. Tusten and Brandt. He lived at least forty-three years after the engagement, and was present at the laying of the foundation of the monument at Goshen, Orange County, N. Y., on the 22d of July, 1822, which per- petuated the fame of the fallen in the battle, and he made an address on that occasion. He served several terms in the State Legislature and the National Congress. It has been averred by some writers that the Pennsylvania militia took part in the battle of the Lackawaxen, but this is an error. Captain Bazaliel Tyler and Moses Thomas, to be sure, were Pennsylvanians — from the neighborhood ofCushutunk — but there were few, if any, others in the battle from the Pennsylvania side of the river, and, certainly, no organized force. Sev- eral forces of men appear to have set out in pur- suit of the Indians, but not to have come up with them ; for John Van Campen, of Lower Smith- field, wrote, on July 22d, to President Reed, of the Supreme Executive Council, informing him that Captain Shymer, with one hundred and seventy men had, that morning, at ten o'clock, marched across the Delaware with intent to " head the enemy off at the Lackawaxen," and also that one hundred and five men, under the command of Major Meeker, of the State of New York, were in pursuit of the savages. Sulli van'sexpedition against the Indian strong- holds on the North Branch of the Susquehanna had in the mean time been undertaken and accomplished, and thus Wyoming was in some measure avenged, and the Indians were so cowed that they made no more large incursions into the settlements. It was on June 18, 1779, that General Sul- livan left Easton with two thousand five hun- dred men en route to chastise the Indians in the Wyoming Valley. His route lay through Mon- roe County. 1 The first day he went as far as ■The sketch of Sullivan's route from Easton to Wyoming furnished by William S. Rees. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Heller's 1 tavern, about two miles below the Wind Gap (afterwards known as Lever's). On the second day he marched through the Wind Gap, and passed about half a mile east of what is now " Ross Common," coming into the val- ley (below Saylorsbiirg) near the Indian Springs, passiug what is now Saylorsburg and Brinker's (now Sciota), and thence marching in a nearly direct line to Learn's (called then Lame's and Lanier's, now the village of Tannersville), where he camped the second night. From Learn's he went up the westerly branch of the Pocono Creek, by Scott's Run, to " Camp Chowder," 2 at or near the mouth of White Oak Run (at which place there was afterwards a tavern kept by a man by the name of Zabrieski, and known at that time as Zabrieski's, but for the last fifty years known as " White Oak Run "). From White Oak Run the army passed over " Birch Hill," 3 crossing Birch Run and Mud Run. Soon after crossing Mud Run they came to a knoll, or small round hill, and encamped, and sent back to Fort Peun (Stroudsburg) for provisions, and lay there sev- eral days making a road through a swamp at the northwestern base of the hill while waiting for provisions from Fort Penn. Sullivan named the two places respectively " Hungry Plill " and " Hell's Kitchen." On the hill a tree was marked by letters cut in it, "HUNGRY HILL," and one in the swamp, "HELL'S KITCHEN," in letters about two inches in size, by peeling the bark off the tree about half-way around and cutting the letters in the solid peeled wood. As the bark grew over the letters it was cut away by different ones, so as not to cover the letters from view by new- formed wood and bark. The tree on the hill has been broken by the wind. About thirty or thirty-five years ago the tree in the swamp was broken down in a storm, and Frederick P. Miller, who kept a hotel a few miles west of 'Called Millard's in most of the accounts of Sullivan's march. 2 It was said that trout were so plenty that the army made a chowder of them, and, consequently, called the place Camp Chowder. 3 While Oak Run passes along the foot of Birch Hill on the southeast, and Birch Run on the north and northwest at the base of the hill. " Hell's Kitchen " (now Tompkinsville), i a block out of the tree with the letters on, and had it on the mantel in his bar-room for some time, when the late John Newton Stokes, of Stroudsburg, purchased it from him and sent it to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, where it is at present. 4 While at Hungry Hill one of Sullivan's sol- diers died, and was buried by the side of the road, on the crest of the hill, and the grave is plainly to be seen by all passers, being indicated by the mound and a large stone at the head of the grave. The army crossed the Tunkhauna Creek at or near the present site of Tompkinsville, and a few miles farther west crossed the Tobyhanna at an island, where afterwards there -was a tavern or hotel kept by a man named Levers. One or two of the old apple-trees at the place are to be seen at this day. About two and one- half miles west of the Tobyhanna Creek (after crossing Tobyhanna Branch and Deep Run) the army passed around the south side of " Locust Ridge," a large round hill or mountain, which can be seen from a distance in almost any direc- tion (in fact, can be seen from a point on the " Godfrey Hill," about two miles from Strouds- burg). At Locust Ridge, close to the Sullivan road, there is a grave, with a stone mound, said by some in early days to be the grave of one of Sul- livan's men, and by others to be the grave of a man named Everitt (a Pennamite), killed in the fight at Locust Ridge between the Yankees and Pennamites, in 1784. About four miles west of Locust Ridge Gen- eral Sullivan crossed the Lehigh River, a short distance below the mouth of Trout Creek, from what is now Tobyhanna township, Monroe County, into the township of Buck, Luzerne County, and between three and four miles from the Lehigh in a northwesterly course, struck the road leading from the Wyoming Valley to the Wind Gap (in what was called the " Shades of Death," which extended from the Lehigh ; It was said years ago by the old settlers that Gen. Sul- ci's son, a lad of about seventeen years of age, was with : general, and that he cut the letters in both trees. SULLIVAN'S MARCH. 89 River to and west of Bear Creek, in Luzerne County), which on the surveys and drafts was generally designated as " The road from Shupp's to Wyoming, or Old Shupp road." The plan' where Gen. Sullivan came on the Shupp road was at the location of Buck's tav- ern, — now Baumont, Luzerne County, — three miles from "Lehigh Falls" (at what is now Stoddartsville.) On the 1st of duly, preparations having all heen made, the army left Wilkesbarre to ascend the North Branch. As we have before said, the force consisted of twenty-five hundred men, many of them sharpshooters, and was followed by a train of two thousand pack-horses. It was the bravest sight which the Susquehanna Val- ley had ever seen. One hundred and twenty floats had been collected to assist the army in its passage up the North Branch. As they passed the fort which Captain Spaulding had rebuilt mutual salutes were passed, and the col- umn pushed on through the wild woods to Tioga Point. At that place he was joined by an aux- iliary body under General Clinton (father of De Witt Clinton), and together the united forces — consisting of fifteen hundred riflemen, thirty- five hundred of the other arms, four six-pounder and three three-pounder guns — proceeded on the campaign, with one month's provisions laden on their pack-horses. The Indians believed it impossible that a regularly-appointed army should reach them in their fastnesses and destroy their towns, but soon they saw their mistake. Then, in the presence of actual dan- ger, they collected their warriors, and, accept- ing battle near where Elmira, New York, now stands, they fought with the utmost bravery and desperation, but it was of no avail; they were utterly defeated and fled in a panic, leav- ing their fields and villages unprotected before the victors. The women and children fled in crowds to the protection of Fort Niagara, and the warriors made no further stand, except to harass the avenging columns from places of con- cealment along the march, and even in this manner they could inflict but slight damage on the whites. The day of reckoning and of retribution had come. Their corn-fields were totally destroyed, their villages burned, and 10 themselves, cowed in spirit and stripped of all, forced to seek food and protection with their British allies. Having thus struck the blow which forever destroyed the Iroquois confeder- acy, and accomplished the object of the cam- paign, General Sullivan once more turned his face towards the southeast, and moved his col- umn, by easy marches, back to their starting- point in Northampton County. The following eulogistic review of General Sullivan's operations is taken from ( 'hastilleux's •' Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale," vol. ii. p. -lit;. " Til whatever manner this ex- pedition was set on foot, which took place in 1779, after the evacuation of Philadelphia and the diversion made by d'Estaing's squadron, the greatest difficulty to surmount was the long march to be made through woods, deserts and morasses, conveying all their provisions on beasts of burden and continually exposed to the attacks of the savages. " The instructions given by < teneral Sullivan to his officers) the order of march he prescribed to his troops, and the discipline he had the ability to maintain, wotdd have done honor to the most experienced amongst ancient or modern generals. It may fairly be asserted that the journal of this expedition would lose nothing in a comparison with the famous retreat of the ten thousand Greeks, which it would resemble very much, if we could compare the manoeuvres, the object of which is attack, with those which have no other than the preservation of a forlorn army. "General Sullivan, after a month's march, arrived without any check at the entrenched camp, the last refuge of the savages; here he attacked them, and was received with great courage, insomuch that the victory would have been undecided had not the Indians lost many of their chiefs in battle, which never fails to in- timidate them, and they retreated during the night. The general destroyed their houses and plantations, since when they have never shown themselves in a body. However slight and in- sufficient the idea may be that I have given of this campaign, it may nevertheless astonish our European military men to learn that General Sullivan was only a lawyer in 177"), and that WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in the year 1780 he quitted the army to resume his professiou, and is now civil Governor of New Hampshire." General Sullivan returned by the same route upon which he went to Wyoming, and halted at Brinker's (in Hamilton township, formerly Fen- nersvilh', now Sciota) several days, waiting forhis wagon-train, which took the Shupp road and came down through what is now Chestnut Hill town- ship, by way of Shupp's. Both of those roads (Shupp's and Sullivan's) are plainly indicated in many places, where they had been dug out against side hills, and also by belts of yellow (or pitch) pine trees across the barrens on the Pocono Mountain. The old Shupp road is plainly seen on the spur of the mountain, east of the Gap and turnpike, and forty-five years ago the Indian path, at the Sullivan road, could be clearly seen in places. Both roads were made near old Indian trails. The capture and escape of John Hilborn ' formed one of the most notable occurrences of the Indian War of the Revolutionary period. Of this we have quite a minute and circumstan- tial account, 2 which we give at length, partly 1 John Hilborn was one of the trustees who fixed the site for the seat of justice for Wayne County at Bethany, and erected the first county buildings there. He and his two brothers, Joseph and William, had the charge of and performed much of the work in first opening the State road, called the "North and South road," in 1788, from Pocono Point, through the western part of the county, to the north line of the State, with a branch road to Har- mony, and in opening, in 1792, the State road from Struudshurg, via " Bloomingrove Farm" and " Union Sugar Co.," property to Equinunk and Stockport. This last-men- tioned road was known as the " Hilborn road," and in the erection, in 1708, of the " Six Northern Townships " (then so called), it was made the boundary line between Palmyra and Lackawaxen townships. In 1791 John Hil- born settled with his family on the Susquehanna flats, at the mouth of Cascade Creek, in Harmony township — now Susquehanna County. In making their journey to this new home, his wife traveled all the way from Strouds- burg, a distance of one hundred and ten miles, on horse- hack, and carried an infant child in her arms. Mr. Hilborn died at Harmony in April, 1826, in the eighty -fifth year of his age. 2 The sketch is contributed by Luke W. Brodhead, who derived it from Paul S. Preston, who, in turn, had the facts from the journal of his father, Samuel Preston, of Stockport, Wayne County, written in 1787. It appears that in June of that year the father, Samuel Preston, was a guest at the house of Colonel Jacob Stroud, of Strouds- because of its intrinsic, and partly because of its illustrative interest. "Mr. Hilborn and his few scattered neigh- bors had, in their isolated condition, become apprehensive of the danger of a sudden attack by the Indians, and had agreed to keep each other informed on what was taking place, by communicating as frequently as possible. Among these neighbors was John Price, a relative of Hilborn's, who lived seven miles above, on the north branch of the creek. "One morning in the early part of June, 1770, an old woman came running down the stream in great distress, saying that her son's family were all killed or taken prisoners by the In- dians, herself only escaping. This family re- sided on the west branch of the creek, though I am unable to give the name. "Mr. Hilborn set out immediately to give the warning to John Price. On his way, after ascending a hill, he saw the house in flames from which the family had been captured. Pro- ceeding in the direction of Mr. Price's, and when about one mile from the burning dwell- ing, on ascending another hill, he found him- self suddenly surrounded by five Indians, all armed with guns, who demanded his surrender ; seeing no possibility of escape, he felt that he must submit to whatever conditions they might be disposed to exact, and resolved to do it with as good grace as possible. They then informed him (as they all spoke tolerably good English) that if he would give a solemn promise not to attempt to escape, they would spare his life ; if not, they would kill him on the sjjot. He made the promise, and, as will appear, kept it faithfully during the entire period of his cap- burg, and on the morning of the 16th lie, in company with John Fish, went to see John Hilborn, who lived seven miles up Brodhead's Creek. Mr. Preston, as also Mr. Hilborn, were members of the Society of Friends. They reached the house about, noon, and were kindly received by Mr. Hilborn and his brother, whom Mr. Preston repre- sents as worthy men, and the owners of a large property and mill, where they manufactured pine lumber, which was then in great abundance, and hauled it some seven or eight miles to the Delaware River to be rafted. During his stay Mr. Preston received from Mr. Hilborn a detailed narrative of his capture and his subsequent adventures with the Indians, which is here related in as condensed form as possible, without omitting incidents of interest. SULLIVAN'S .MARCH SI tivity. They then hound a heavy burthen on his back and ordered hi in to march. Soon after they passed in sight of John Price's house, where a halt was made. The Indians ques- tioned Hilborn closely as to who lived there, what sort of a man he was, whether he was rich, etc., and also whether he kept a gun. He answered truthfully all their questions; that Price was a peaceable, quiet man, that he was not rich, that he kept a gun, as every one did, to supply himself with game, that he took no part in the war, etc. After an excited talk of considerable length they concluded to pass by the house of Mr. Price and spare him for the present, to the great relief of Mr. Hilborn. He discovered that all the family whose house they had burned were in company except one little boy, who, on account of his loud cries — as he some time after learned — was killed at the house. They made rapid marches all the way to the North Branch of the Susquehanna, cross- ing many streams of considerable depth, which they were obliged to wade, and proved a cause of much suffering to the women and children, who became greatly fatigued and at times nearly exhausted. They crossed the Susque- hanna above the mouth of the Tioga, and found the former deep and difficult of passage, so much so that two of the young girls were only saved from drowning by the extraordinary efforts of Mr. Hilborn. He seems to have had great sympathy for this captive family, consist- ing of the mother and four or five children, affording them all the relief possible in their tiresome journey, and encouraging them, when- ever opportunity afforded, with comforting words ; and they were greatly endeared to him, confirming our observations of all similar expe- rience in life, that community of suffering makes the sufferers kin. After crossing the Susquehanna the Indians seemed to feel them- selves out of danger of pursuit, and their marches were thereafter much easier. A little girl of the captive family became a great favor- ite with all the Indians, and was treated with much kindness, they doing everything possible for her comfort on the journey, promising her many things on their arrival at their home in Shenango, telling her many times that she should have plenty of milk, etc. But what seemed very remarkable in view of the care and consideration bestowed on this child, was the fact, that they frequently showed her the scalp of her little brother, killed at the house, the sight of which caused her to wee]) bitterly. "After crossing the river, a few short inarches brought them to the place where their ea noes were tied up ; why they were not left on the opposite side of the river on setting out with their expedition, Mr. Hilborn could not under- stand. They placed him in one of the canoes with the larger portion of the party, and under guard, ordered him to pole it up the stream, which he did the whole distance to Shenango. They frequently went ashore, and on one occa- sion the old Delaware Indian, who seemed to act the part of a chief, went out hunting and killed a large buck. On his return he ordered two Indians, young men, with Mr. Hilborn, to go and dress the deer and bring it in. One of these Indians was a Delaware, a large, coarse man, the other a genteel young Mohawk, who had on several occasions before shown kindness to Mr. Hilborn. The Delaware was surly and overbearing and ordered the young Mohawk to dress the deer, which he undertook, but not succeeding very well, they soon engaged in a quarrel in their own language and finally in a desperate fight. The Mohawk, though the younger, was the more active and proved the conqueror, compelling the Delaware to finish dressing the deer. '•'On the arrival of the party at the Indian settlements at Shenango, Mr. Hilborn found himself ipiite ill from exposure, and nearly exhausted. He was compelled to perform a great amount of severe labor for the Indians, and imposed an additional amount on himself in his efforts to relieve his fellow-captives. In this condition he learned to his horror that he was required to undergo the severe ordeal of running the gauntlet. " The arrival of the party seemed soon to be generally known at the different Indian towns near, as a large and jubilant crowd was soon collected, composed mainly of women and chil- dren, who were to be Mr. Hilborn 's torment- ors, and who seemed eager to engage in the 92 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA sport of lashing the poor captive. Two long lines were formed, composed of women and children armed with whips and clubs, through which Mr. Hilborn was to pass. The young Mohawk, of whom mention has been made, stood by silently watching with evident dis- pleasure the preparations for this humiliating method of torture, so universally prevalent among his people, feeling that the prisoner in his present condition was unable to endure the punishment. Mr. Hilborn was ordered to start at a given signal ; he attempted to run as well as he could, but had proceeded but a few paces when the brave and generous young Mohawk broke in the ranks and arrested his further progress ; the confusion that ensued lasted but a moment, as he boldly announced his determination, and right from custom, to offer himself to run in place of the sick captive. He was accepted, and ran the whole course; not- withstanding his remarkable agility, he was severely punished, but he endured it without a word of complaint and apparently with stoical indifference. The young Mohawk continued (lie friend of Mr. Hilborn throughout his cap- tivity and was always kind and considerate towards him. "During his stay at Shenango the Indians received intelligence of General Sullivan's in- tention of coming up the Susquehanna to de- stroy their towns and growing crops ; this in- formation produced the wildest excitement, and on the part of some of the warriors, exhibitions of violent rage. " They had a large body of the best of laud under cultivation, with the prospect of an abundant harvest of Indian corn, beans, etc., and the thought of having it destroyed was a natural cause of anxiety. "About the time of receiving intelligence of the movements of General Sullivan they were holding a council in reference to an expedition to the settlements on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, to be commanded by the cele- brated ('apt. Brandt and Capt. Montour. Hil- born was informed of this contemplated expedi- tion by his friend, the young Mohawk, who seemed to be privy. to all that was taking place. He expressed Ins fears for the fate of Hilborn should this expedition be attended with unfavor- able results, and also iu case General Sul- livan's army should make its appearance. The prisoners in either case would be treated badly. Hilborn now for the first time made efforts to obtain for himself and his companions release from captivity, and for this purpose had an interview with the old Delaware chief who took him prisoner. He made no attempts at mis- statement, for he found the old man exceedingly shrewd and any efforts to deceive him would lie fruitless. He told him that he was a Quaker, that he had taken no part in the war, that it was against his religious principles to fight, etc, and that the women and children could do them no harm ; but all his arguments were in vain ; the only reply was that, "all the Yankees have the same story." Yet they treated him with more consideration after this interview. His employment was now, and had been for some lime, to attend to the cultivation of the growing corn. (As is well known, General Sullivan in a tew weeks from this time rendered desolate this whole region of country, destroying forty villages, some of them containing as many as a hundred houses, together with 160,000 bushels of corn, leaving scarce a trace of vegetation on the surface.) " Mr. Hilborn, now finding that he could not purchase his freedom by entreaties, laid a plan for his escape. He concluded to take a canoe at night and quietly push down the Susquehanna until morning, and then hide the craft in the mouth of some creek, while he watched from an elevated position to ascertain if he was pursued; if so, to take his chauces by land, and if not, to again take the canoe and at night make his way down the stream. In plan- ning his escape his mind became greatly exer- cised, for notwithstanding the promise made on the day of his capture was not voluntary, having been extorted from him at the peril of his life, and therefore not strictly binding, yet when he came to make the trial, he could not with a clear conscience disregard the pledges he had given and falsify his word ; yet the plan of escape was deemed practical, and he had many opportunities for putting it in execution. On one occasion he was sent some distance tor LACKAWAXEN AND RAYMONDSKILL. water; a strong impulse to regain liis freedom suddenly took possession of him, and he drop- ped his camp-kettle and began to run. After going about half a mile he again thought of the promise on which his life had been spared, and as speedily returned to the camp with the water. " Capt. Brandt was arranging now for his in- tended expedition against the settlements on the West Branch of the Susquehanna. " Hilborn heard from his Indian friend his opinion of the high character of the Mohawk chief, whom lie described as the greatest man among the Indian nations; that he had been educated in New England, had since been in London in company with Guy Johnston, and now held a commission under the crown, and that he was noted as much for his humanity as for his bravery. Mr. Hilborn now resolved to call on Brandt and state his case as well as he could. He found him in his tent, seated at a table, writing, and dressed in a calico wrapper. He was received with great politeness, and Capt. Brandt acted towards him more like an English gentleman than an Indian chief. He listened attentively to what Mr. Hilborn had to say, and seemed to have much sympathy for him, but finally told him that as he was a prisoner of the Delawares, he could not interfere for him, as he was a Mohawk. Yet Hilborn believed that the interview was of service to him, for it was ordered soon after that he should be sent to Niagara and delivered to the English there. "After bidding farewell to his generous Indian friend, he was conducted through the Genesee country, where he saw large bodies of beautiful land under cultivation by the Indians. " From Niagara he was ordered on board a ves- sel to be sent to Quebec. In passing down the St. Lawrence the water was exceedingly rapid and the navigation appeared dangerous. The vessel was conducted by a Frenchmau with much skill, and he arrived safely in Quebec in just two months from the time he was taken prisoner. Here he was under no restraint and seemed to be left to take care of himself. He was now hungry, moneyless and almost naked. In this extremity he applied to an Irish colonel in the British service for relief. The colonel listened to the relation he gave of himself, and, to Hilhorn's surprise, loaned him monej ei gh to purchase a tolerably decent suit of clothes and something to eat. " He now made effort to obtain employment, by which he might support himself for the present and discharge his obligation to the generous colonel. Happening to mention to him that he was a miller by trade, he at once seut him to a mill of his own on the opposite side of the river, to work for a time on trial. In this new situation he did everything in his power to show his gratitude by furthering the interests of his employer. He made several alterations, re-dressed the stones, etc., and after a little tiine'had the mill doing better than it had ever done before. The colonel was greatly pleased and soon after made him superintendent of the whole business of purchasing grain, sel- ling the flour, as well as attending to its manu- facture, the sale of flour amounting to about £100 per week. He remaiued in this situation over a year, but with constant longing to return home; yet no opportunity was afforded. He at length made known his desire to the colonel, who seemed very reluctant to part with him, and offered to give him whatever wages he might in reason ask, if he would remain. " But seeing he had his heart set on getting to his home, the colonel geuerously procured a passage for him in a transport abeut to sail for New York. They sailed by the Newfound- land fisheries, when the captain receiving infor- mation of a French fleet lying off the coast, they put iuto Halifax. He remained in Nova Scotia a considerable time, when he again took pas- sage and was finally landed in New Jersev, somewhere near Amboy, from which place he walked to his father's house, in Makefield, aud from thence to his home on Brodhead's Creek, having been away just two years from the time of his capture." The family captured with Mr. Hilborn were all released and returned safely home, excepting one of the children, who died at Niagara. The battle of the Raymondskill, or, as it is sometimes called, the battle of the Conashaugh, occurred the year following the battle of the Lackawaxen or Minisink. Of this engagement we have a carefully preserved traditional report 94 WAYNK, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and a o 'temporary account which agrees sub- stantially with it, and give place to both, as no narrative of the fight has ever appeared in the public prints. Old James Philip McCarty, who was " re- deemed " by Daniel Westiall (that is, he sold his time to pay his passage), was brought by the latter up to New Jersey. He started a clearing on the Pennsylvania side, up the Raymondskill (Pike County), and had stock over there. One rainy day in April, 1780, McCarty crossed the Delaware ami went up to his clearing to look after his horses. He was riding his horse when it started and gave a snort. McCarty looked and discovered an Indian. He ro"de on, how- ever, trying to appear as if he did not see him, but, when he got out of sight, he slipped from the horse and ran across the creek and down near its mouth, where he crossed it again on a foot-log, and followed down the Delaware under cover of the bank to the usual place of crossing, opposite the stone fort in New Jersey. Here he hid in the brush and waited for some one to come across for him, for he concluded that his people would become alarmed on ac- count of his absence and look for him. His brother John became anxious about him towards nightfall, and, in company with Sam Helm, started across the river from the fort, to look for him/ As McCarty saw them coming, he stood up, and Sam Helm, mistaking him for an Indian, immediately drew up his rifle and fired. The ball hit McCarty in the shoulder; then they saw what they had done and carried him across to the fort. He told them about seeing the Indian, and Captain Peter West- brook immediately began to make preparations to reconnoitre the Pennsylvania side in force next day. lie received reinforcements from the Pennsylvania side ; Lieutenant Ennis was along and Captain Van Etten. They crossed from the fort the next morning and thought they would find the Indians on Powwow Hill, an elevated little plateau, at the mouth of the Raymondskill. Part of the men went up over the hill and the rest of them went up the Ray- mondskill. Those that crossed Powwow Hill found two Indians, and Sain Helm shot and wounded one of them badly. (Years after- terward they found the skeleton of an Indian in a cleft in the rocks not far away, and they supposed it was that of this wounded Indian, who had hidden away and died there.) They worked their way up the mountain and came together, and followed the Indian trail, single file. When they had reached Bastian Spring, where there is a bluff at the right, they were tired upon by the Indians, who were in ambush. The captain and about one-third of the men in front stood their ground, while those in the rear broke and fled. The men who fought dropped behind trees and returned the tire of the Indians. Abram Westbrook, who was a young man, kept close to his uncle, the captain, and fired away with his gun, but he noticed that the Indian he had selected did not fall. The captain looked around and saw that they were alone and that the Indians were trying to surround them. He told his nephew to load his gun and then they started to retreat. They had not run far when they came to a thicket, and there they parted, Abram taking one side and the captain the other. Abram reached the Delaware and crossed with the other fugitives, who had rendezvoused there. Sam Helm was shot through the fleshy part of both thighs, but waded down the Conashaugh, supported by two men, vfho carried a stick that he leaned on. Lieutenant Ennis was killed and twelve others, and a number were wounded. The place to which they retreated is below Cave Bank, and is called Death Eddy to this day. They went up in force the next day and found ( 'aptain Westbrook killed and scalped near the thicket where he separated from young Abram Westbrook. The dead were taken up and buried in the old Minisink burying-ground, and cedar posts were placed at their heads. These posts remained for years and some persons now living remember seeing them. There was an Indian burying-ground not far from where the battle was fought, on the side-hill back from the Delaware, and that region was sacred ground to the Indians. If the forces under Westbrook had stood their ground they might have defeated the Indians, but they were under no discipline, and, being suddenly attacked, every man appears to have looked out for him- LACKAWAXKN AND RAYMONDSKILL. !i:, self. Abrarn Westbuook was ouly about nine- teen when the battle was fought, and he kept close to his uncle, fancying that he would be safer with him. The gun which he used was a borrowed one, aud he afterward found that the barrel was crooked, which accounted for his poor shots during the fight. 1 The cotemporary account which we cull from the musty and little-known pages of the Colonial Records, appears in a letter from John Van Cam pen to President Reed and fixes the date of the battle of the Raymondskill on April 21, 1780. It will be notified that it disagrees in details with the account already given, but in the main supports it. "Lower Smith field, April tin- 24th, 17*0. " Honored Sir : " In hope my last by Mr. Mixer is come to hand, informing you of the Incursion of the Indians at the house of Manvel Gunsaleyes. I herewith inform your honor of their later attempts. James McCarte, with his family, was removed to the Jersey. On the 20th Instant Iris sons went to their home to feed the Cattle, Discovered Signs of Indians, returned to the Jersey immediately, and acquainted Major Westbrook and Captain Westbrook (with) the signs they had Discovered. They sent immediately for some of their best men and Crossed the River that night, and about sunrise the morning following Diseovered the Indians Nigh the Baron and began the attack ; the number of the Enemy is supposed to ha about four- teen ; the Major received no Damage with his party ; the Indians retreated to the woods ; the Major was re- inforced by Captain Vannatten with three of his sons & Son in Law. Pursued the Indians by the Blood, and about two miles came up with them. As it is, without Doubt three of them was wounded. Renewed the attack, Drove the Indians in a few minutes ; they Ran to the edge of a thick woods. Captain Vannat- ten maintained his ground with his few men, the Major with his men also. Captain Westbrook's men left him at the first fire from the enemy in the Woods, which was the ruin of the whole ; but the ground maintained for some time and the retreat secured by the Major & Vannatten ; kill'd and missing on the part of the Major aud Vannatten ; Captain West- brook missing; not yet found; Benjamin Ennis kill'd, son in law to Captain Vannatten; Richard ' This is the first time that an account of tins battle has ever been fully given. B. A. Westbrook collected the facts from "Long Ben" Westbrook, a son of Abram Westbrook, and Philip McCarty, a son of Old Philip McCarty ; and Ed- monrt Lord's recollection-* of wloil Sam llclin lul'l him agree with the account as here given. Rosekrans kill'd and two more wounded. Of the enemy kill'd, two found, one an officer, appearing by his Dress, found in his pocket a regular Journal from the first of March "until the 16th Inst. ; as ap- pears by his journal there is three hundred and Ninety marched from Niagari (Niagara), divided into Different parties; the Officer was a White man. " Respective Sir : " I'me now under Difficulties of mind; what the Event will be God only knows; the People are De- termined to Evacuate the Country, as there appears no Prospect ot Belief by the Militia. " I am, Sir, with Due Respect, " Your Most Huble Servt, " John Vancampen. " P. S.— The said McCarte where the attack began is about two miles Below Well's Ferry, 2 on the Banks of Delaware. "Capt. Vannatten lives in Delaware township, one mile below McCartc's.'™ Aland the time of the Hilborn capture by the Indians, there were several other persons either made prisoners or murdered by the Indians in what is now Monroe ( lounty. Emmanuel Salle- day, who lived on the Ransbury place, three miles from Stroudsburg, with his family, were made captives and taken to New York State, hut subsequently released and returned to the Minisink. Emmanuel Gunsolus (or Gonzales) and his daughter were taken from their home near Bushkill and conveyed to Niagara, where the lather was compelled to run the gauntlet. The Learn (or Lamer) family were surprised and several of them killed, 1 and Colonel Stroud, of Fort Penn, was bitterly complained of by Robert Levers, of Easton, in letters to the Council, it being alleged that he would notseud men to protect them, because lie judged Learn to be a Tory. It was also about this time that a small hand of Indians came down upon the Middle Smith- field settlement, near the " Kechout," on the Bushkill, and lying stealthily in ambush, suc- ceeded in accomplishing a murderous design. William Courtright and Charles McGinnis went at evening to a pasture owned by the former to turn out some horses, and as they let 2 This Well's Kerry was at the site of Milford, Pike County. 3 Col. Rec, vol. viii. p. 202, 203. * See the chapter on Pocono township for a full accounl WAYNE PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. down the bars, three Indians sprang out of the hushes and captured them and the animals they led. They speedily fled with their prisoners northward (following a route coinciding with the present Coolbaugh road northward to the saw-mill). When they had gone about five miles McGinnis became fatigued, and his captors, not being able to make him travel as fast as they desired, halted, deliberately painted themselves, as was their custom when about to commit a deed of blond, and killed him with their toma- hawks. This occurred in the wilderness, at a place in the northern part of Middle Smithfield, ever since called " McGinnis' Barren." After taking his scalp they marched on and reached a point about twelve miles farther north at sun- down, and encamped in a large swamp. Court- right, unperceived by the Indians, had been breaking twigs along the route, and, unknown to the Indians, a party of rescuers were follow- ing as fast as possible the trail thus indicated. The pursuing party, Robert and Benjamin Hanna and William Sanders, came up with them about the time they halted. They crept cautiously close to them and just as one of the savages was kneeling and about to strike fire with a flint and steel, they fired. Two of the Indians fell and the third sprang away like a startled deer into the fastnesses of the swamp. Courtright jumped to his feet and ran towards his deliverers exclaiming " Thank God, I am a free man!" The Indian who was running for his own freedom turned quickly, however, and fired at ( lourtright, the ball breaking his thigh. Rescuers and rescued remained near by during the night and on the following day the wounded man was carried home on a blanket suspended between the two horses which had been re- covered. The place of this occurrence, about three miles south of the High Knob, in Pike < lounty, is known as the " Big Indian Swamp." Courtright finally died from his wound. A family named Shoemaker, residing near Jacob Nyce's place, above Bushkill, was at- tacked, the father and son were killed, and the daughter, " Yonaohv," then seven years of age, taken prisoner. In the exchange of prisoners she was returned and afterwards married a Mr. Cortright. Such incidents as the foregoing were of frequent occurrence, and the whole country was kept in a state of continual terror. The provincial authorities were in constant communication with the local officers, Colonel Stroud, of Fort Penn, and others, and always manifested sympathy, while they furnished all of the aid in their power. President Reed, of the Executive Council, writing to Colonel Stroud, under date of Aug- ust 3, 1779, says, — "The distress of your County by the late Incur- sions of the Indians has given us very great Concern, and the more so as we understand the militia, having got into some Confusion, do not render the services that might be expected. We are sorry to find that some mistaken opinions you have formed on the mode of their being called out & of the Appointments of the Lieutenants have had a great share in this Evil. As you are now most probably experiencing the sad Effects of such Mistakes, we shall not add to your Pain by dwelling upon them, but desire you to con- sider the Effects & Consequences, which cannot be other than the Ruin of your outer settlements & im- poverishment of the County itself. As you . . . possess a good share of the Esteem & Confidence of the People, I shall hope and do recommend it to you as the best Service you can perform to your Bleeding country to do away as far as possible the Effects of former Opinions & strive, by a general Concurrence with the other Gentlemen in the militia, to give them vigour & Efficacy, encouraging and promoting a spirit of Fidelity & Obedience to the Laws as calcu- lated to afford the best Relief and Security against the dreadful calamity." ; ( >n April 7, 1780, the Council received letters from Colonel Stroud, Depui, Van Campen and others, representing the condition of distress north of the mountains, in Northampton < loun- ty, the need of ammunition, etc. President Reed wrote to Col. Jacob Stroud, April 11, 1780, telling him that he had received his favor by Mr. Kortright and expressing sym- pathy with him in his distress. "We have," he says, "as the first step of relief, delivered Mr. Kortright two hundred pounds of powder, eight hundred lead and five hundred flints, which will be delivered by him to Mr. Kack- lin, lieutenant of the county, to he forwarded to the places most wanted. . . . We have also directed Colonel Kacklin to order out Penn, Archives, Vol. VII. p. 613. LACKAWAXEN AND RAYMONDSKILL. a class of the militia on tour of duty, to inarch up to your township with as little delay as possible." He expressed but little faith in the efficacy of such measures, however, and urged the encour- agement of the young men to form parties " to strike the enemy near home and give them the alarm for their own safety," saying, " we would gladly support and promote such a measure and have therefore authorized the lieutenant of the county to offer fifteen hundred dollars for every Indian or Tory prisoner taken in arms against us and one thousand dollars for every Indian scalp." l Colonel Stroud thanked the President for the aid and encouragement extended in a letter dated " April ye 17." It was not from actual Indian hostilities alone that the people suffered. The asperities of life in small ways were very great. The inhabitants of the regions remote from trade centres suffered from absence of many of the commonest-neces- saries of life. Heavy demands were made upon the country for supplies for the army. The cattle were all driven away to Bethlehem, Philadelphia and other points, and so the people had little or no meat but such as the frontiersman's rifle could procure. Tallow was, as a matter of course, equally scarce, and the people in many instances had recourse to a bush called the caudleberry-bush to obtain the material for candles. The stems and twigs of this bush, cut in small fragments, were boiled in a kettle, when a peculiar wax or grease arose to the surface, which was carefully skimmed off, and, when a sufficient amount was procured, formed into candles by dipping or molding. The candles were of a delicate green color and gave a pale, but clear light. This serves as a fair illustration of the expedients to which the people were driven to provide the commonest An extreme scarcity of salt was a more seri- ous deprivation during Revolutionary times than would at first be imagined. It brought from eight to twenty dollars per bushel and oftentimes was not to be had for any price. A plant, of the fern species, was used by many families as a substitute, but poorly answered the purpose, though it made meat and vegeta- bles more savory and palatable than they would be without its application. Concerning this matter of the scarcity of salt, there has been preserved an old letter of Colonel Stroud's, which shows how difficult it was to procure it and also how scarce were some other commodities, — "Lower Smithfield, October the 16th, 1779. " Col. Matlack : " I must Beg of you if it is in your power to assist me in geting again 27 and t bushels of salt that I had engaged and paid for last April to Abbe James, but being alarmed with the Indeons so that I could not Send for it, and looking on it safer than it would be at home, as I did not know but every day wee should be drove off, I had ingaged all the salt to my nabours that allways this several years have had their supplyes from me. If anything should be wanting to Inform any Gentleman, Mr. Abbe James will be able to give a full information. I spoke to His Ex- cellency the President and he told me I should have Some if not all, I now have sent my Team for the Salt and as the President has so much business on hand to take his attention, I must Beg of you to Take the Troble to forrowd the matter. The salt was taken by the Committee, and what Line that now Lies in now is unknowing to me, as I live so far off, and as we Live so far of we Dont stand any Chance of getting Salt to what others Doe that Lives near Town, and as for Sending flouer down, we cant do it now as the army has been abought hear, and has Taken all our grane, 2 &c., that unless it is a few that have a little yet. Any Troble you are at I shall be Ready and willing to pay you for and be very much obliged to you, besides I dont know of any other man at this time I can apply to but you. I am Sir " Your very umble Servant " Jacob Stroud." Penn. Archives, Vol. VIII. p. 176. During 1781-82 two companies of soldie Captain Philip Shrawder's rangers and Captain Johanues Van Etten's veterans, who had been in the field in 1777 and fought at the Brandywine — were kept on duty in the region north of the mountains, and, in conjunction with Colonel Stroud's men at Fort Penn and small informally banded bodies, kept the Lower Mini- sink free from depredations. Farther up the valley, however, the depreda- tions of the Indians were still continued in 1782, and the Pennsylvania side was almost deserted, 1 This allusion is evidently to Sullivan's army. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. as the following petition from some of the inhabitants in New Jersey shows : "Minisink, 10 December, 1782. "His excellency Governor Livingston ami the Bon- orable Legislative Council and General Assembly of New Jersey. "Gentlemen we the inhabitants of the frontier of the county of Sussex beg leave to present our petition to the Honorable Legislature of the State. The In- habitants who formerly lived on the Pennsylvania Side of the river opposite to us have Principally left their farms and moved into Jersey and other places to escape savage cruelty. These Inhabitants was formerly a considerable guard to us, but now there is nothing to stop the Enemy hut the river which is Fordible in a grate Number of (daces a considerable part of the year Particularly in Harvest and other times when the Enemy can do us the Greatest Damage. The Situation of this country and the man- ner in which the Savages Carry on the War like a Thief in the Night renders it impracticable to de- pend on Hie Mali tia for Security, for before they can lie collected the mischief is done and the Enemy secure in the Wilderness. Numbers of us havefriends ami near relatives who have been torn from their familys and connections and are groaning under cruel Savage Captivity. These labour under the sad remembrance of having experienced the Truly Shocking Spectacle of Seeing there Dearest Connec- tions Murdered and Scalped before there Eyes and we have grate reason to fear we shall share the same fate unless some move be adopted for our security We therefore most earnestly pray that a law may be passed by the Honourable Legislature before they adjourn for raising a company of about Eighty men Properly officered and to be Stationed here for our Protection the Ensuing Campaign." The signatures to this petition have not been preserved, but it was forwarded the day of its date to the Governor of New Jersey. The petition is valuable chiefly as showing the deplorable condition of the Pennsylvanians along the Delaware River from the mouth of the Lackawaxen to Fort Hyndshaw. The Delaware had been the frontier line, and the Pennsylvanians, being on the west side of the river, were to New York and New Jersey what a picket line is to an army. This sturdy band of Pennsylvania pioneers maintained the unecpial contest during all those dark and bloody years when Brandt and his Indian and Tory followers were ravaging the country. After the disastrous defeat at the battle of Lackawaxen or Minisink and the murder of Jeremiah Van Auken, the school-teacher at Carpenter's Point, together with the destruction of everything in that vicinity by fire, followed by the defeatat the Raymondskill, with the constant incursions, murders and annoyances from skulking Indians, it was no wonder that the picket line of lVnnsylvanians had with- drawn. But finally the dawn began to break, the long war drew to a close. Upon the 19th of October, L781, Cornwallis' forces — seven thou- sand two hundred and forty-seven British and Hessian soldiers — surrendered at Yorktown, and by a swift courier the news was borne to Congress at Philadelphia, the messenger arriv- ing there on the evening of the 23d; and the sentinels, when they called the hour of the night — "ten o' the clock and all is well" — added, " and Cornwallis is taken," This news, which' spread rapidly through Pennsylvania and the other colonies, brought the long-suffer- ing inhabitants to a realization that they were at last, even if an impoverished, an independent people. Though the armies remained for some time in the field, the war had really ended. Preliminary articles of peace were ugrced to between Great Britain and the Confederation of Colonies November :!(), 1782, and the definitive treaty was concluded at Paris upon the 3d of September, 1783. Tims closed the Revolution, but upon the frontier its animosities and asperities died sul- lenly and slowly away, like the last, lingering reverberations of thunder in the passing of a mighty storm. Peace came ;d last — like the warm sunshine after long and dreary winter — ■ and with it began a new life throughout the land. CHAPTER VII. End of the Peunamite War — Northampton County at the Close of the Century— Land System— First Effort for Erection of a New County. The Revolution being at an end, and the danger of Indian invasion over, the settlers be- gan to return to Wyoming and the lesser col- onies of Wallenpaupack and Cushutunk, still END OF THE PENNAMITE WAR. 99 claiming their lauds under Connecticut title. Pennsylvania, as ever before, viewed with great displeasure the growth of a colony within her limits which refused to recognize her authority, and applied to the Continental Congress, re- questing the appointment of a tribunal to de- termine the matter in dispute. Congress accordingly appointed a board of commissioners to adjudicate the question, and provided that it should meet at Trenton, where the parties were notified to attend. The State of Connecticut appointed as its representatives Messrs. Dyer, Johnston and Root, and on the part of Pennsylvania there appeared Messrs. Bradford, Reed, Wilson and Sergeant. After a deliberation of five weeks the board, on the 30th of December, 1782, pronouuced the opinion that the State of Connecticut had no right to the lands in controversy, and that all of the lands lying within the charter bounds of Pennsylva- nia, " now claimed by Connecticut, do of right belong to the State of Pennsylvania." This was what was known as the " Trenton decree." The people of Wyoming, says Chapman, 1 considered the question before the board merely one of jurisdiction, and that it did not affect in any degree the right of soil. They acqui- esced in the verdict, therefore, and regarded themselves as holding title under Connecticut, but as amenable to the laws of Pennsylvania. " We care not," they said, " under what State we live, if we live protected and happy." It Mas now recommended by the General Assembly that commissioners should be ap- pointed to go to Wyoming, examine into the state of the country, act as magistrates and recommend what measures the government should adopt in regard to the settlers, and such commissioners were duly appointed and directed to attend there on April 15, 1783. The guard of Continental troops having been withdrawn, it was ordered, on March 4th, that Captain Philip Shrawder's company, of Northampton County, and Captain Thomas Robinson's be ordered there to " take proper measures for sustaining the post and protecting the settle- ment." Shrawder arrived first, on March 21st, 1 Chapman, p. 134. LofC. took possession of the fort and renamed it " Fort Dickinson," in honor of the president of the Supreme Executive Council. The inhabitants now discovered, by the con- duct of the troops and the report of the com- missioners, that the government of Pennsylva- nia regarded the Trenton decree as having de- cided not only the question of jurisdiction, but the right of private property also, and they dis- covered that the troops were present, not simply for the purpose of guarding against the common enemy, but also to protect the Pennsylvania claimants in possession of their lands. What has been called the u Third Peunamite War " now commenced. It was in reality the beginning of the end of the general conflict be- tween the Pennsylvanians and the Connecticut people. There was constant contention, but no violeuce or overt acts were committed until May, 1784, when the troops were ordered to disarm the Connecticut settlers who had resisted the mandates of the alleged " mock tribunals " of the Pennsylvania magistrates. Under this pretense one hundred and fifty families were turned out of their dwellings (many of which were burned), and, reduced to destitution, they were compelled to leave the valley. Thus came about another hasty evacuation of Wyoming. The people thus driven from their homes proceeded on foot through the wilder- ness, by way of the Lackawaxen, to the Dela- ware, a distance of about eighty miles. " Dur- ing this journey," say Chapman and Miner, " the unhappy fugitives suffered all of the mis- eries which human nature seems capable of en- during." " It is probable," says Miner, 2 " that the ostensible reason for compelling the exiles to this route (the Lackawaxen), the fear lest their old friends at Stroudsburg should afford them aid, was not without weight." One of the fu- gitives, describing the flight, says, " It was a solemn scene; parents, their children crying for hunger, aged men on crutches, all urged forward by an armed force at our heels." The first night they encamped at Capouse, the second at Cobb's, the third at Little Meadow, the fourth : Miner's Wyoming, p. 340. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. at Lackawack, the fifth at Blooming Grove, the sixth at Shohola, and on the seventh they arrived at the Delaware, -where the people dispersed, some going up and some down the river, some continuing on their way east and some going back to make another effort to secure their homes and lands. They fought again to retain their possessions, and considera- ble bloodshed ensued in July, 1784, in engage- ments between the soldiers and the Pennsylva- nians on one side and the Connecticut people upon the other. As of old in the Pennamite conflicts, victory perched first upon one banner and then upon the other. It is beyond our scope in these pages to follow the varying vicissitudes of this war. One item in it, how- ever, is of local interest. A considerable force, ordered out to quell the riots at Wyoming, was quartered for a time in that part of Northampton which is now Monroe County. The Council, in session at Philadelphia, July 29, 17S4, resolved, "that the peace and good order of government are interrupted by sudden and dangerous tumults and riots near Wyoming, in the county of Northumberland, for the sup- pression of which the immediate aid of the militia is expedient and necessary." It was also resolved, " That the Lieutenant of the county of Northampton be directed to draw forth a detachment of three hundred Infantry and twelve or fifteen Light Dragoons properly offi- cered and equipped from the militia of said county." A portion of the command was under Colonel Nicholas Kern. The names of the officers of his command were as follows : Lieutenant-colonel commanding;, Nicholas Kern ; Majors, Henry Alshouse and John Nelson ; Adju- tant, Lawrence Erb; Quartermaster, Peter Overshimer; Sargeant Major, Jno. Barnet ; Quartermaster Sergeant, Henry Spering. Captains of companies, Adam Clen- deneris, John Bitter, Jacob Clader, John Santee, Ja- cob Balliet, Lewis Stacher, John Van Etten, Timothy Jeyne, Christopher Keller and Benjamin Schoon- hoven. Captain Philip Shrawder, 1 in May, 1784, was 1 Captain Shrawder was an exceedingly methodical and painstaking man, and kept, a record of his militia company in a huge folio volume (now owned by Luke W. Brodhead), in command of a company attached to the First Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, then com- manded by Major James Moore, and the men in his company, there is every reason to be- lieve, were, with perhaps a few exceptions, the same whom he led to Wyoming in August, 1784, under Col. Nicholas Kern. Following is the roster: Captain, Philip Shrawder; First Lieutenant, John Armstrong ; Second Lieutenant, Andrew Henderson ; First Sergeant, Michael Knight ; Second Sergeant, James Melviu ; Third Sergeant, John Kilby ; First Cor- poral, John Griffey ; Second Corporal, Jacob Stoner ; Drummer, John Brown ; Fifer, George Burnett. Privates. George Alexander. John Lessly. Wm. Armstrong. Daniel McMullen. Thomas Brown. Claudius Martin. John Burrage. Daniel MoLoskcy. Christopher Bigner. David McCartney. James Butler. Peter Miunick. Jonathan Burwell. Patrick Norton. John Clark. Edward Nelson. Anthony Curshong. George Rhecroft. Conrad Dressel. Christopher Riley. Patrick Dunlevy. John Phil. Steel. Frederick Fisher. Ezekiel Shelcott. Thomas Garvin. Andrew Shafer. Daniel Gridley. John Smith. Henry Harpoole. Moses Swartwood. Conrad Hoffner. William Shewell. George Heflinger. John Tom. John Henry Hesser. William Thomson. David Jacobs. Henry Vogelsong. Thomas Jennings. Thomas Williot. William Kelly. A considerable portion of Col. Kern's force was provided for at the inn and on the premi- ses of James Logan, in what is now Stroud township. 2 which he evidently procured for that purpose, but which be subsequently made a common-place book, recording many interesting documents, such as early assessment lists, resolutions relating to the Pennamite War, etc. (the more valuable of which are preserved in this work), as well as literary extracts, recipes, etc. He makes a sum- mary of the officers engaged in the Wyoming expedition, but gives no roster of his own men for August, 1 784, which would indicate that the list was identical with those given fov the months preceding, the latest of which, prior to August, 17b4, (May) is here copied. 1 See chapter on Stroud township, Monroe County, for an account of James Logan and his tavern, the second one north of the mountains. END OF THE PENNAMITE WAR. 101 John Van Cam pen, Esq., was appointed commissary to furnish provisions, which he did at the rate of ten pence half-penny per ration. Logan rendered an account to John Van Campen, commissary, which has been preserved, and affords interesting reading. 1 1 The following account (with the matter above given con- cerning Kern'3 forces) is contributed by Luke W. Brodhead : £ t. d. "July 28, 1784, To 568 pounds of Bread 6 19 6 " 7 Sheep ((:• 15 shillings 5 .1 " " 12 gallons Rum delivered at 6 shil., is- sued to the volunteers Yankee Intru- ders (probably lneunt to say, to suppress Yankee htinuim) 3 12 " " " cash to . lamb Miner to going express.... 7 6 the ' 2 do Spirits to the officers 14 ■ 18 Bushels of ground Rye and sent after, to support the volunteers when lying at Locust Hill and on the road to Wyoming. 11 1 9 Bush. Rye chnpped to feed tho horses when out on public Business 2 14 ' Pasturing; Iloisesand cut straw. & ' Cash paid to Jonas Suteiiy for going Express to Bullocks 7 ' Cash paid tnlVnj. YanderinaiU for dam- ages when the Horses broke into his Hats 15 ' Six Quires of Paper ' Expenses at Wyoming when out u pmvhasine, fur the Militia ' Expenses going to Wyoming for myself and others 1 Cash paid for Mutton ' " " to Melchior Bossard Four gallons of Rum for the Wounded.. Not to forget four head of cattle uf Bos- My sou going Express to town five 15 My own time and expenses when out upon purchasing Cattle 1! My own team entered into the Service from here to Easton and from there to Wyoming was kept constant a hauling from there till the 24th of this instant, and found my own Feed and driver at one Pound ten Shillings per day, which Two teams sent from here to go to Easton to bring up Flour, and brought it as far as Heller's, and was taken back to Easton again and brought up another Load and was gone four Day6, and found their own feed at £1. (). 0. per day ; they brought their Load as far as John ' My two-horse team going to Brinker's, and from there with loads to John Learn three times, they being gone four days at 15 Shillings per day comes to ; ' My son goiDg Express to town five The entire force raised by the Supreme Ex- ecutive Council for the suppression of disturb- ances in Wyoming was under command of Col. John Armstrong. An advance guard under Major Moore was assembled at Learner's or Learn's. The Yankees had previously dis- patched Capt. John Swift, with thirty picked men, to meet, dislodge and defeat them before they could reach the valley of Wyoming. An engagement ensued at Locust Fudge 2 on the second day of August, in which Jacob Everett, one of Moore's men, was killed, and several others wounded on each side. In Miner's " History of Wyoming " it is stated " that the Yankeys affirmed that Logan (the tavern- keeper), a mulatto, was under Patterson (Alex- ander) with a company of thirty men raised on the Delaware. A rude old song spoke of Logan :" "The 20th of September We marched the rebel route ; From Easton to Wyoming, To drive the Yankeys out. The wary dogs and savage beasts Would rather steal than show their face. " We halted all at Romig's, Our forces to review ; Our chief commander Logan Encouraged thus his crew — ■ ' Brave lads,' he cried, ' who steals the most, He shall obtain the highest post.' " James Logan had, of course, nothing what- In the foregoing there is a first and second account ag- gregating £159 8*. Following this is the wagoner's account, in which Con" rad Grubb, George and Henry Stacker, Christopher Kel- ler, Melchoir Bossard, James Logan and Clarke Winans were employed in hauling flour and provisions to Jacob Brinker's, Nicholas Ernfield's, John Learn's and to Wyoming. In the forage account of the militia light horse, hay, oats, etc., are supplied to the following-named persons : " To Jacob Heller, Capt. John Brisbin, Capt. Shrawder and company, John Hollenback, hay for 80 nights and 621 qts. oats, John Hollenback for Col. Kern, 2 nights hay and oats, John Hollenback for Robert Levers, Esq., John P. Shott for Col. Wilson, Lawrence Erb to hay & oats fur- nished Colonel Kern, the adjutant & 2 light horse, John Learn for L. Horn hay & oats, John Learn U Bush Rye, do. to supper and grog, do supper for men, Jacob Brinker C meals &c." ■' Locust Ridge is on the old Sullivan road, near the south bank of the Lehigh, three or four miles east of Stoddartsville. 102 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ever to do with the expedition, but his presence before or after the engagement, as an excited and perhaps officious follower of the train, gave rise to the above ridiculous doggerel. On the arrival of Armstrong's force (in- cluding Col. Kern's) at Wyoming hostilities ensued in that much-troubled valley, and they were continued during the year and later. The years 1785 and 1786 did not exhibit any abatement of the controversy between the rivals. Col. John Franklin became the leading spirit among the Connecticut claimants, and Col. Timothy Pickering appeared as the chief champion of the Pennsylvania cause. A plan Avas formed for carving a new State from Penn- sylvania, to include the old county of West- moreland and all of the territory claimed by Connecticut, and thus wrest Wyoming from the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. Col. Ethan Allen, of Vermont, appeared upon the scene as one pledged to furnish means and men for the dismemberment of Pennsylvania. This bold and dangerous scheme was frustrated simply by the erection of Luzerne County on Sept. 25, 1786, thus affording an apportunity for the people to have a direct representation in the Assembly and to state their grievances, and, in a large measure, shape their own affairs. This county included all of the Connecticut set- tlers, except those at Lackawack or Wallen- paupack and the few on the Delaware, princi- pally at Cushutunk. In March, 1787, the inhabitants proposed a compromise, in effect that if the commonwealth would grant them the seventeen townships which had been laid out, and in which settle- ments had been made prior to the " Trenton decree," they would relinquish their claim to all other lands within the limits of the Susque- hanna purchase ; what were known as the " certified townships" were thus secured to the settlers ; but while most of the inhabitants were within these townships, there were others scattered here and there who had bought rights of the Susquehanna and Delaware Companies and made improvements upon their locations. There were quite a number of this class within the present limits of Wayne and Pike Counties. Another class of people dissatisfied with the compromise were the Penusylvanians to whom the State had previously sold a portion of the lands, and who did not wish, very naturally, to be dispossessed of them. Such was the effect of the opposition that the next year the compro- mise act was suspended and afterwards repealed. The conflict was continued. In 1795 "the Intrusion Law" was passed, warning off all settlers not applying for land under a Pennsylvania title. On April 4, 1799, an act for offering compensation to the Pennsyl- vania claimants of certain lands within the " certified townships" was passed and was known as the compromising law. On February 16, 1801, an act supplementary to the " Intru- sion Law" of 1795 was passed, authorizing the Governor to issue a proc'amation, forbidding all future intrusions and requiring all who had •ntruded to peaceably withdraw. The State had, in 1799, appointed commis- sioners to adjust the conflicting claims of the Pennamites aud " Yankees, " to examine all of the claims, fix the amount each Connecticut settler should justly pay the State to perfect his title, and, on the other hand, the sum that the State should pay to those who were compelled to relinquish the lands they had bought from the State. The commission performed its duties fairly, but many persons were dissatisfied. On April 6, 1802, au act of Assembly provided "that no conveyance of land within the counties of Luzerne, Lycoming and Wayne shall pass any estate, where the title is not derived from this State or the proprietaries, before the 4th of July, 1 776." The law was promulgated by procla- mation of the Governor May 1, 1802, and from that time whatever "right" Connecticut claimants may have had, it was the veriest folly to defend it. But many persons still scorned all overtures from the State aud firmly believed in the validity of the Connecticut title. They pro- posed to hold their claims in spite of all. Public feeling ran high. The newspaper con- troversy was heated and it seemed as if armed conflict must again occur. In fact, the Gover- nor again contemplated calling out the militia of the State to enforce obedience ; but milder meth- ods finally prevailed, and the long-vexed ques- tion was eventually settled by amicable means. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY AT THE CLOSE OF THE CENTURY. 103 Much of thecredit for the peaceable solution of the problem and the adjustment of differences by bloodless means was due to the Quakers, or Friends, who were among the largest land- owners under the Pennsylvania title in the disputed territory. Major Jason Torrey, of Wayne County, who was agent for many of these owners, seems to have exerted quietly a beneficent influence at a critical juncture. In his memoir, written by his son, Rev. David Torrey, D.D., occurs the following apropos to this subject : " It was on March 1, 1803, just about three years after the commission of adjustment was appointed by the Governor, and when about two years of resistance on the part of the Con- necticut settlers to the awards of that commis- sion had wrought up the controversy between them and the authorities of the State almost to the point of a violent and bloody conflict, that Mr. Torrey writes to his parents from Phila- delphia as follows : " When I left home last Monday I expected to be absent four weeks. I now expect to be at home a week from this day. "The urgency of my return is occasioned by an interference between the landholders and the Executive of the State, relative to the Connecti- cut settlers in Luzerne. The Governor has proposed sending a military force, and we (i. e., the landholders and Mr. Torrey) are for bring- ing them to an amicable settlement. " In this I flatter myself with some success ; at least sufficient to avert a civil war with them. " For the last twelvemonth I have taken the position of a mediator between the landholders and the intruders. Both parties have embraced my proposals and it now remains to put the plan in operation. " The law knows no such thing as compro- mise between the injured and the offender. To punish the one and restore to the other are its only means. But when the offender acknowl- edges his crime, comes forward with an honor- able restitution and allies himself by strong ties of interest to the party he has inj ured, the Ex- ecutive may forgive the injury, and even pro- mote and encourage the measure. " The mission upon which I am now engaged will decide the fate of the Connecticut settlers, who are under a Connecticut claim. If they treat for a purchase, they may, from intruders — violators of the laws of the State, and of the United States — become valuable citizens and good members of society. If these terms are rejected, force will speedily compel them, and they may be exterminated from the country." It was not until three years later than this period, in 1806, that a final settlement was made through agents of the two classes of land- owners. Then the " Penuamite War " was a thing of the past, but personal prejudices and animosities prevailed for at least a generation afterwards. In old Northampton County, after the close of the Revolution, there was a rapid advance- ment in population and prosperity. Settlers began to throng into the great region north of the mountains, lands were cleared and every year witnessed an improvement in values. Some facts as to the condition of the country in Northampton, north of the mountains, are afforded by the general return of taxable prop- erty for the year 1796. According to this re- port, the number of acres of improved land in the townships which then embraced practically the same territory as that now included in Wayne, Pike and Monroe Counties was as fol- lows : Chestnut Hill 12,513 Delaware 7,887 Lower Smithfield 15,443 Middle Smithfield 11,225 Upper Smithfield 8,756 The value of the taxable property in these five townships, as rated by the commissioners, was as follows : Chestnut Hill 113,709.00 Delaware 15,305.33 Lower Smithfield 22,436.35 Middle Smithfield 16,241.00 Upper Smithfield 15,610.93 Slavery existed in Northampton (in common with the rest of the State) until after 1800, though its gradual abolishment was commenced by the passage of an act by the Assembly on March 1, 1780. Following is a record of the slaves held in WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1780 in that part of Northampton County lying north of the mountains, as copied from the register then made : John Van Campen, farmer, Lower Smithfield, four, —Dick, aged 36; Peter, 32; Joseph, 8 years and 9 months ; Suekey (female), 4 years and 10 months. Benjamin Van Campen, farmer, Lower Smithfield, five, — Dyon (female), 29 years and 8 months; Pom- pey, 33 ; Roger, 9 years and 4 months ; Judah, 2 years and 11 months; Leah, 10 months. William Smith, farmer, Delaware, three, — Joseph, 13 years; Bythinia (female), 10 years. Walter Berry, farmer, Hamilton,— Ellich (Alleck), 30 years. Rohert McDowell, farmer, Hamilton, one, — Dick, 10 years. Jane Shoemaker, Hamilton, one, — James. Nicholas Depui, farmer, Smithfield, two, — Abra- ham, 28 years, and Thomas, 30 years. Jacob Stroud, tavern-keeper, Smithfield, four, — Jack, 35 years; Briss, 32 years; Robin, 26 years; Isaac, 6 years. Morgan Duche, farmer, Delaware, four, — Abby (female), 25 years ; Ben, 7 years ; Dinah, 5 years ; Quannine, 2 years. Garret Brodhead, farmer, Smithfield, one, — John, 75 years. Thus it will be seen that in Northampton County, north of the Blue Mountains, the region now included in Monroe and Pike Counties, there were in the year 1780 twenty six slaves. The lands in the wilderness region of North- ampton, as we have heretofore intimated, were eagerly sought for by capitalists and small purchasers who intended to cultivate the estates they procured. Long before this the proprietaries had mani- fested a peculiar fondness for the lands in the northeast corner of the State, in what is now Wayne County, and there were more " Manors" located there than in any other region so remote from Philadelphia. There are no less than six- teen within the present limits of the three counties which form our subject, and of these all but two or three are in Wayne. The query arises : Did not the proprietaries locate these many manors (in a comparativly poor region, so far as natural resources go) with a view to securing, as it were, a kind of donble title to the soil, and, in some sense, of fortify- ing this corner of the province against Con- necticut intruders? However this may have been, the fact remains that no less than fifteen manors were surveyed for the Penns in what is now Wayne and Pike Counties. There were in the former county the " Amsterdam and Rotter- dam " Manor, of two thousand seven hundred and seventy acres, in Lebanon township; "Safe Harbor" (Equinunk), two thousand two hun- dred and twenty-two acres ; " Damascus," four thousand three hundred and ninety acres, at the confluence of Cashe's Creek aud the Delaware ; " William Penn, Jr.," five thousand two hun- dred and fourteen, between the waters of the Lackawaxen and Equinunk Creeks ; " The Meadows," three thousand and thirty-two acres, on the east side of the Moosic, on the waters of the Lackawaxen ; the " Mill Seat," nine hun- dred and ninety-nine acres, on the south branch of theEquinuuk;" Duck Harbor," five hundred and ten acres, on the Little Equinunk ; " Fox Harbor," on the east branch of the Lackawaxen ; " Pleasant Garden," twenty thousand nine hundred and forty-eight acres, on Big Middle Creek ; " Sandy Run," one thousand two hun- dred and eighty acres, on the east branch of the Lackawaxen; " Brewer's Den," three hundred and twelve acres, on a branch of Equinunk Creek ; " Shohocking," in Buckingham town- ship ; " Elk Forest," eleven thousand five hun- dred and twenty-six acres, on the waters of the Lackawaxen and Big Middle Creek; and another unnamed. The " Wallenpaupack " Manor was partly in Wayne, but principally in Pike, and consisted of twelve thousand one hundred and fifty acres. It was laid off in 1748. A small manor (the only one in Monroe County) included Lake Poponoming and bore that name. These manors were surveyed from 1748 to 1769, the greater number of them in 1763. Of far more benefit to the country was the purchase of lands by individuals. Some quite distinguished persons became proprietors and some very extensive tracts were bought. In 1774 Samuel Meredith and George Clymer began purchasing wild lands in Dela- ware County, N. Y., in what is now West Vir- ginia and in the territory now included in Schuylkill, Pike, Monroe, Lackawanna, Luzerne, LAND SYSTEM. 105 Wyoming, Bradford, Sullivan and Susquehanna Counties, and between 1790 and 179(3, iu what i.s now Wayne, they bought about fifty thousand acres. What was known as Belmont Manor be- gan on the Moosic Mountains, near the site of Waymart, and extended north along the range to what is now Hine's Corners, in Preston township. It was twenty odd miles in length and about two in width and contained about twenty-six thousand acres. The other portion of the great estate was purchased as follows : From Robert Morris, Philadelphia (financier of the Revolution), seven thousand one hundred and twenty-seven acres, one hun- dred and nineteen perches, for nine thousand five hundred aud sixteen dollars ; from William Lane, Philadelphia, eight hundred and seventy- nine acres and seventy-three perches, for two thousand five hundred dollars ; from John Mes- ser, of Lancaster, two thousand seven hundred and seventy acres and thirty perches, for eleven thousand one hundred and eighty dollars (Penn- sylvania money) ; from Samuel Stanton, three hundred acres, for one thousand five hundred dollars; from Tench Coxe, Philadelphia, nine hundred and fifty-eight acres, twenty-eight perches, for four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, aud other tracts in various parts of the county, completing the aggregate of fifty thousand acres from various persons. Meredith owned the Amsterdam and Rotter- dam Manor, in Lebanon, and many tracts in Mount Pleasant and Preston. Upon his death these descended to his heirs or devisees, and Thomas Meredith, his son, took charge of the lands. Calvely Freeman, Esq., was his sur- veyor. In 1830, Mr. Meredith moved to Lu- zerne County, and Mr. Meylert, a Frenchman, took charge of the Meredith lauds, and was suc- ceeded by Michael Meylert. The Elk Forest tract, in Old Canaan, became the property of Joseph Fellows, of Geneva, N. Y., who made Hon. N. B. Eldred his agent, who was succeeded by Hon. Wm. H. Dimmick, Sr. Moses Killam, Esq., divided the tract into one hundred or two hundred acre lots. Upon this subject of lands in Wayne and Pike Counties and the Pennsylvania laud system we quote and condense from Phineas G. Goodrich, an excellent authority, because for half a century a surveyor. ' Mr. Goodrich says, — "The General Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the 27th day of November, 1779, passed 'an act for vesting the Estate of the late Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, in this Commonwealth ;' in the preamble whereto it is set forth, ' that the claims heretofore made by the late Proprietaries to the whole of the soil contained within the charter from Charles II. to William Pent) can- not longer consist with the safety, liberty and happiness of the good people of this Common- wealth, who, at the expense of much blood aud treasure, have bravely rescued themselves and their possessions from the tyranny of Great Britain and are now defending themselves from the inroads of the savages.' The act did not confiscate the lands of the Proprietaries within the lines of manors, nor embrace the purchase- money due for lands sold lyiug within surveyed manors. The manors, in legal acceptation, were lands surveyed and set apart as the private property of the Proprietaries. "The titles to all lands sold and conveyed by William Penu or his descendants were confirmed and made valid. But the title to all lands in the Commonwealth, which had not been sur- veyed and returned into the land-office, on or before the 4th of July, 1776, was by said act vested in the State. This act provided that the sum of one hundred and thirty thousand pounds, sterling money, should be paid out of the treasury of this State to the devisees and legatees of Thomas Penn and Eichard Peun, late Proprietaries, and to the widow and relict of Thomas Penn, iu such proportions as should thereafter, by the Legislature, be deemed equitable and just, upon a full investigation of their respective claims. No part of the sum was to be paid within less than one year after the termination of the war with Great Britain ; and no more than twenty thousand pounds, nor less than fifteen thousand pounds should be payable in any one year. The land-office was begun by William Penn, and many features of the office, story of Wayue County," by Fhineas G. Goodrich. km; WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. as it was in his day, remain to the present time. " A land-office by and under the act of 9th of April, 1781, was created under the Common- wealth, its officers consisting (if a secretary of the land-office, receiver-general and surveyor- general. By an act uf the 29th of March, ISO!), the office of receiver-general was abolished, and liis duties were discharged by the secretary of the land-office ; and by the act of the 17th of April, 1843, tliis latter-named office was discontinued, and the duties pertain- ing thereto were performed by the surveyor- general. By the Constitution of l<> degrees west, and in other parts of the county, in divers other directions. Samuel Baird may have laid a few warrants, but George Palmer, as before said, originally surveyed and located most of the lands in Wayne County, and his work was well done. Anthony Crothers was his successor. It is contended that he never came into the county, and that all his pretended surveys were made by sub-deputies, or made by bis own fireside, and were called ' chamber surveys.' At any rate there were many of them found to be very inaccurate. The north assumed by the original surveyors was not the true polar north, but had a western declination therefrom of about two and a half degrees. "It was once, if it is not now, a common be- lief that the large land-owners realized greai ft irtunes from the sale of their wild lands, which was not the case. If to the price paid for the lands were added the yearly taxes for forty or fifty years, and the compensation made to agents for watching them, and finally surveying and selling them, the lands cost their owners more than they realized from them, and sometimes double. Hon. James Wilson, judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, owned more lauds in Wayne County than any other man. He died in 1798, and his lands were sold under a mortgage, and his heirs found his WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. estate diminished, rather than enlarged, hy his land investments. " Judge Wilson's lands upon the Paupack were purchased by Samuel Sitgreaves, of Eas- ton, who sold them to the settlers at a very low price. Other lands taken up by Wilson, in Sterling, Salem, Canaan and other parts of the county, fell into the hands of Thomas Cadwal- ader and Edward Tilghman, of Philadelphia. Henry Drinker, of the same city, owned the most of the lands in Dyberry and many tracts in Manchester and Buckingham. " The person who obtained a warrant was called the warrantee. Upon paying the State treasurer the legal price of the land, and the office fees, $4.50, the warrant was sent to the county surveyor, whose business it was to sur- vey the land within six months, make a draft and description, and, upon being paid for his services, make a return to the land department. Then the warrantee, upon paying $10 to the land department, would receive a patent for his land. Then, if he had the first warrant, the first survey and the first patent, the title was secure. The land department, for many years past, has required the applicant for a warrant to make oath before a justice of the peace, of the proper county, touching the condition of the lands as to its improved or unimproved state, and proving the same by a disinterested witness, on his oath made before two justices of the peace. The act of April, 1850, provided for the election in that year, and every third year thereafter, of one competent person, being a practical surveyor, to act as county surveyor." By 1794 the population of Northampton above the Blue Mountains had so increased that the people began ambitiously to seek the erection of a new couuty. The first effort in this direction of which any knowledge is at- tainable was made chiefly through the ef- forts of the people living immediately north of the mountains, in 1794. A petition then circulated (the date only being preserved by Francis J. Smith's peculiar custom of weav- ing day, month and year into the flourishes of his signature) is here given. " To the Honorable, the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. "The petition of the Inhabitants of Towamensing, Chestnut Hill, Hamilton, Lower Smithfield, Mid- dle Smithfield, Delaware, Matlack and Upper Smith- field townships, in Northampton County, Most Re- spectfully Sheweth "That your Petitioners experience a grievious & almost unsupportable inconvenience from crossing the mountain called the 'Kittatiny or Blue Mountain' & traveling at every Season of the year to attend on courts of Justice as Jurors, Witnesses, &c, — some of your petitioners residing nearly one hundred miles distant from Easton, the present Seat, of Justice of Northampton County. "That, on account of the multiplicity of business in the courts of Justice, causes are greatly retarded & Witnesses & Suitors obliged to attend every Court for two, three and sometimes four or more years before a trial can be had, which is extremely ruinous to iln.se citizens who are thus unfortunately necessitated to attend at the very great Distance which most of your Petitioners live from the county town, or place (if transacting couuty business. "That there are living in the remote parts of said county upward of three hundred persons who ought to be Taxable, but who have never yet paid any taxes imr performed any military service, all of whom may be made good & obedient citizens & many more may be induced to become improvers of the unimproved lands, amongst us, your Petitioners, if the disadvan- tages of our remote situation from the seat of Justice and place of transacting public business were done away with. " Your petitioners therefore earnestly pray and humbly expect that the advantages of an influx of settlers on the unimproved land in the aforesaid re- mote part of said county, the civilization of upward of three hundred families already within the remote part of said county A added to this the serious and pecu- liar hardships which your petitioners are continually exposed to on account of the great length of bad roads they have to travel to the present metropolis of said county & on account of the unreasonable delays and enormous expenses they are frequently exposed to, oc- casioned by the multiplicity of Business and their re- mote situation from the Seat of Justice will be irre- fragable reasons to induce the Legislature to erect the said townships into a separate county & your Pe- titioners pray the Honorable Legislature to erect the said Townships into a new & separate county and to appoint commissioners to ascertain the proper place for public Buildings, &c. And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. " John Starbird, James Holliushead, Jacob Stroud, John Bush, James Boys, James Bush, ( 'has. MeNair, Peter De Cousard, Leonard Full, John Clark, Thomas Ashton, Jr., John C. Walfinger, Thomas Scotland, Edward Durham, FIRST EFFORT FOB THE ERECTION OF A NEW COUNTY. John Huston, John Fish, Abraham Wirman, ( iarnt Brodhead, James Bush, Jr., Aaron Depui, Peter White, George White, Alexander Fleming, John Law, Peter Conrad, Levi Courtright, .lames V;im I lemark, Peter Blue, Jr., George Heller, William Drake, Franeis J. Smith, Daniel Wheeler, John Brodhead, Richard Bush, Jr., I laniel Shoemaker, Jr., G. Ganter, Garbor Saubor, Moses Chambers, Cornelius Depuy, Nicholas Mussel, John Crissebark, 1 John Carson, John Dolman, John Jayne, Joseph I'ennell, Unbelt Patterson, Abraham Van Camp (en), Jacob Brown, Samuel Fleming, Richard Shaw, John De Long, Sr., Flias Long." A copy of the foregoing petition and presum- ably circulated at the same time, is among the papers collected by Luke W. Brodhead. To it are appended the signatures of the following persons: Jacob Postens, Elias Pierce, William Thysham, Isaac Seely, Abraham Bennett, James Shelby, Coenraught Cline, (Con- rad Kline?), Abraham Salt'or, Peter Delagruse, Daniel Shoemaker, Jr., John Shaw, Richard Shaw, Jr., Aaron Wood, George Houser, J. De Long, Jr., Elijah Shoemaker, Samuel Brodhead, George Spragel, John Morgan, David Heller, Bart Bartleson, J. Heller, N. Cornell, John Tuck, Levi Drake, John Kurtz, Abram Tilbury, Daniel Williams, John Van Dermark, Daniel Koons, Moses Van Dermark, John Hauser, Christopher Filker, Daniel Britten, Isaac Van Norman, >■ Frederick Miller, John Tilbury, M. Montaine, Jacob Williams, John Swartwood, Francis Al. Smith, Thomas Swartwood, Dirck Van Vliet, David Casebeer, David Williams, Wm. Haines, John Bush, Isaac Winans, Jacob Hendrickson, John Gold, Jacob La Bar, Benj. Schoonover, 'These blanks represent names which Thomas Hisem, David Smiley, Philip Long, John Spencer, Mark Ransberry, John Gay, John'Lee, Thos. Gay, J. Smith, Wm. A. Patterson, Richard Postens, John Alexander, Samuel Van Norman, Fred'k. Eishard, Nicholas Bush, Charick Van Vleete(V Piatt Smith, Abraham Cousard, Ja s Wathon. Sqnir Marple, Derick Tilbury, Thomas Dillonselner, Jacob Latin, Jacob Winans, John Staples, Jacob Kirkendall, James Titter, James Wheeler, John Smith, Jr., Henry Ransberry, .Toll n Baker, Philip Schafer, David Fish, Isaac Morgan, ^ Benj. Decker, Elijah Montany, Philip Moran, liet)Jacob Brown, Jr., I laniel Karlson, Abram Smith, Joseph Lee. It is worthy of note that the majority of the people who signed this petition — the first for a new county north of the mountains of which we have any knowledge — were the last of all, between the present line of Northampton and the boundary of New York State, to secure the coveted boon. They lived in that region immediately north of the Blue Mountains which remained attached to the mother-county for forty years later, or until the erection of Monroe County, iu 1836. The people farther north were more fortunate, for the very fact that they were so far removed from the seat of justice gave them the earlier benefit of a separate county organization, and thus Wayne was brought into existence on March 21, 1798, as the third county set off from old Northampton. 2 1 These blanks represent names which are illegible. 2 Northumberland was erected in 1772, Luzerne in 1786. The other counties of which Northampton (erected from Bucks March 11, 1752) was the original mother were Sus- quehanna, erected in 1810; Schuylkill, in 1811 ; Lehigh, in 1812; Pike (from Wayne), in 1814; Monroe (from Pike and Northampton), 1836 ; Wyoming, 1842 ; Carbon, 1843. HISTORY OF. WAYNE COUNTY CHAPTER I. Civil History — Erection from Northampton— County Seat Removals— The Celebrated Court-House War— County Officials, 1798-1885. The county was named in honor of the celebrated General Anthony Wayne — commonly known as "Mad Anthony" — one of the chief heroes of the Revolution, and no less distin- guished as the vanquisher of the Western In- dians in 1794. Wayne was born at East Town, Chester County, Penn., January 1, 1745, and died at Presque Isle (now Erie), December 15, 179G. He was buried there; but in 1809 his remains were removed to Radnor Church, near Waynesborough, Pcnn. (vicinity of Philadel- phia), where a monument was erected by the Pennsylvania .Society of the Cincinnati. County Erection — Contests for Seat of Justice. — Wayne County, original ly embrac- ing all of the territory now comprised in Wayne and Pike and the northern part of Monroe, was erected by an act of Assembly passed March 21, 1798, in which its boundaries were described as "Being all that part of Northampton County lying to the northward of a straight line from the West end of George Michael's farm at the River Delaware, in Middle Smith field town- ship, to the mouth of Trout Creek on the Le- high, adjoining Luzerne County." 1 ( )f the trustees named in the act, whose duty it was to fix the site of the scat of justice for the new county, Samuel Stanton resided in what is now Mount Pleasant township, near Belmont; Samuel C. Seely, in what is now Milford; Daniel Stroud, at Stroudsburg, and ' Smith's Laws, Vol. III., pp. 316-319. A I nam Ham and John Mulhallen below the mountains. They eventually designated Mil- ford as the county seat, but not until strong efforts had been made in behalf of other loca- tions. Stanton was represented as favoriug the selection of Milford because he wanted to bring about the organization of a new county, to in- clude the northern part of Wayne and north- eastern part of Luzerne (now Susquehanna), in such proportions as to make Mount Pleasant the approximate centre, and thus presumptively the seat of justice. As an inducement to the selection of Milford, a proposition was made by John Biddis to convey to the trustees grat- uitously fifteen acres of land, a part of which it wits proposed should serve as a site for the public buildings, and the residue be laid out in lots, the sale of which should aid in covering the cost of such buildings. In pursuance of this proposition Biddis executed a deed bearing date of November 1, 1798, by which, for the nominal consideration of one dollar, he con- veyed to the trustees fifteen acres of land in Milford; but the deed was not acknowledged until January 16, 1799, nor entered for r id until February 27, 1799, one month before the law was passetl removing the seat of justice from Milford. The selection of Milford had greatly dissatis- fied the mass of the residents in the northern part of the county, and at the next session of the Legislature application was made for the passage of a law authorizing a change of the location. Notwithstanding the strong opposi- tion by the friends of Milford, an act was passed April 1, 1799, declaring that from and after that date the seat of justice should cease to be at Milford, and that the courts should be OUTLINE MAP WAYNE COUNTY Corrected bv & Collins WAYNE COUNTY. Ill held at Wilsonville 1 "until public buildings should be erected within lour miles of Dyberry Forks " (the confluence of the Dyberry and west branch of the Lacka waxen, in the present bounds of Honcsdale borough). The trustees were John Hilborn, of Willingborough, Lu- zerne County (now Harmony, Susquehanna County), John S. Rogers, of Mount Pleasant, John Buntin g, of Canaan, John Brink, of Mil- ford, and Ebenezer Jayne, of Middle Smith- field. They obtained a connected map, showing the Location of all lauds within four miles of Dyberry Forks, with the names of the several ' The arguments made agaiust the removal of the county seat from Milford were many and varied. They are well summarized in the protest addressed to Governor Mifflin by a number of Milford lot-owners who lived in Philadel- phia, which document was found by Dr. William H. Egle among the State papers in Ilarrisburg, and is here copied from the original : "His Excellency Thomai Mifflin, Esq r ., Governor «f tlw Stale of Pennsylvania. Mlntse !i<>nr i'.i rrlha r//. " A Bill has passed both Houses of the legislature of this State for the removal of the Seat of Justice from the Town of Milford, County of Wayne, to an interior spot in the County, which the Subscribers, proprietors of Lots in said Town are well assured is contrary to the wishes of a majority of the Inhabitants, and that the removal will be of essential injury to the local Interests of the county, and to the growing Commercial connection with Philadelphia. They beg leave to state their reasons : "1st. The removal of the Seat of Justice from Milford, where the Commissioners first fixed it, has been attempted thro the influence of a very few proprietors of Land in the upper district, and who reside in this City. It has not even been wished for by the Inhabitants of that District; but, on the contrary, a remonstrance has been presented from a considerable number of them agaiust a removal. "'2nd. The number of Inhabitants in the lower Town- ships, agreeably to the statement of the Assessors, lately presented to the Senate, amounts to as much as two to one, or more, against the removal. •'3rd. The Town of Milford is at the point of intersec- tion of a number of great roads, leading from the eastern States to the thickly-settled parts of this State, and is ad- vantageously situated for Commerce with Philadelphia. It has been considerably improved from the full assurance of the Seat of Justice being fixed there, and from present appearances will be much more rapid in its advancement than any other spot in the County. "4th. We take the liberty to suggest that it is not so much the central situation of the Town in the County that ought to influence in a decision upon this question, as the present population and prospect ; And we suffer no wrong in asserting that the advantages, in these respects, are greatly in favor of Milford. " 5th. That in consequence of the nomination of Milford owners with whom they communicated, ashing for statements of the best terms on which they would grant a site for a county seat on their respective tracts. The titles to some of the tracts within the prescribed limits were in dis- pute between adverse claimants, so that a clear title could not at once be given. Replies, with propositions, were received from mauy of the owners ; lint the terms of two were so much more favorable than any of the others, that they only were deemed worthy of especial con- sideration. One of these was from Edward Tilghman, of Philadelphia, proposing to give (by the Trustees) as the Seat of Justice, considerable pur- chases have been made of Lots, Contracts entered into for buildings, and large quantities of materials purchased. ••Gth. That such have been the spirited and generous exertions of the Lot-holders that Subscriptions to the amount of upwards of 4000 Dlls. has been made, and the contract entered into for erecting the public buildings free of any Charge or Tax on the County in respect thereof. " We respectfully submit the above to your Excellency, and earnestly request you will take the subject into your serious consideration, and reflect that the removal of tho Seat of Justice, however profitable it may be to a few in- dividuals, will be a very serious injury and inconceivable inconvenience to a great majority of the Inhabitants of the County. "We therefore pray that we may be heard on the occa- sion. • Robert II. Dunkin, John Phillips, Rebecca Learning, Wikoff & Harrison, Henry Sparks, Jr., Samuel Dufrield, Conrad Hause, Thomas Proctor, William Coats, William Dean, Jr., Tho. Kennedy, Morda Jones, Isaac Jones, James Whatcheall, Jas Boyd, Anthony Vanderslice, Henry Vanderslice, Matheas Iveeley, Joshua Tyson, James Simpson, Andrew Eppli, Budd & Bartrarn, George Marchley, John Shee, II. George 1,1. ..yd, Arch. McCall, William Lawrence, Isaao Lloyd, James Pant, Chris. Wiltberger, William Duncan, Caleb Hughs, James Hart, - Joseph Hint, William Geisse, Elizabeth Wiltberger, John Mason, Job Butcher, David Callagban, William Bourge, William Lintau, Peter Dolphin, Francis Adames, John N. Ilagenan, George Hugh, Benjamin Johnson, Jesse Shoemaker, John Jarvis, Andrew Young, John Young, John Baruet, Haul. Miller, Melchoir Laren, Elisha Gordan." 112 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. one thousand acres of land for a site for public buildings and a county town, to be located on his tract between Dyberry Forks and the set- tlement on Cherry Ridge. This was consid- ered a very liberal proposition; but it was no less so than that of Henry Drinker, a large landholder, also of Philadelphia. He ottered one thousand acres to be selected by the trus- tees from his body of ten thousand acres of laud lying between Dyberry Creek and the West Branch of the Lackawaxen. With his proposition, lie informed the trustees that cav- eats had been entered in the Land Office against the issuance to him of patents for his land; but he was assured by the best legal counsel that his title was good, though it would require a little time to get a decision of the Board of Property, who were then hearing the ease, and to have his patents issued. This proposition was regarded more favorably than Mr. Tilgh- man's, except for the delay required to have the title perfected. BkTIIANY AS THE COUNTY SEAT — FlBST Court-House. — After waiting until Novem- ber, application was made to the trustees by Judge Preston and others to proceed at once and set the stakes for the site of the court-house on Mr. Tilghman's land, as it was urged a long period might pass before Mr. Drinker could obtain patents. The trustees, however, reported that they were " nut yet ready to act." Early in May, 1800, Mr. Drinker wrote to Judge Preston and several others, giving information that the Board of Property had decided against all the objections made to his title, and had directed that patents should be issued to him for his twenty-four tracts. This afforded the trustees an opportu- nity to choose between the two most favorable offers made to them, and on the 15th of May they met and resolved to proceed to the selection of a site for a county-seat, and, accompanied by Jason Torrey, whom they had appointed their clerk, and several gentlemen who manifested a deep interest in their decision, and some of whom decidedly favored the Cherry Ridge, or Tilghtnan location, tiny proceeded to view the lands offered them, and subsequently to vote on a choice between the two sites ; Mr. Jayne voted in favor of the site on Mr. Tilghman's land ; Mr. Brink refused to vote, and Messrs. Hilborn, Rogers and Bunting (all Friends or Quakers) voted in favor of the site on Mr. Drinker's land, where Bethany now is. On the next clay, May 16th, the trustees selected the precise locality for erecting a court-house, in the unbroken virgin forest, and marked it by a large stake driven into the ground at a point from which the surface sloped gently in all directions, except the northwest. On the 2d of June they met at the site selected and adopted plans for a court-house and jail, and decided upon the location of a public square and the courses and widths of some of the principal streets, in accordance with a plan for a town, which they adopted, and in which provision was made for two hun- dred and fifty-four house-lots and one hundred and sixty-three out-lots. Thus the beginning was made. On June 10th a number of the residents of the neigh- boring settlements assembled and put up a log house on the public square, to be used as a boarding-house by the workmen while erecting the public buildings. On June 13th, to relieve themselves as a body from attending to the erection of the county buildings, the trustees authorized John Bunting and John »S. Rogers to act for them in superintending the building and making such other improvements as were deemed advisable. At the same time Jason Torrey was engaged to lay out the town and prepare maps of it. Mr. Bunting was directed to go to Philadelphia and obtain money and supplies of provisions, nails, etc., to enable them to proceed at once with the building without waiting for the proceeds of the sale of lots. The supplies thus procured were to be sent to Easton, by boats upon the Delaware, and from there transported in wagons to their destination. The trustees also made application to the non- resident owners of land located in the northern part of the county for aid in paying the trustees named in the original act erecting Wayne County, according to the provisions of that act.' 1 Tlif amount raised and paid to the former trustees under requirement of the net of April 1, 1 7 '. ' '. I , was $871.58. WAYNE COUNTY. 113 Advertisements of a sale of lots in the town of Bethany, for thus the county-seat was named, were sent to be published in Philadelphia and Easton on -June LOth. The sale was to corn- menceon September 8th, at Wilsonville, which, it will be borne in mind, was the temporary seat of justice. The carpenters began hewing timber for the frame of the court-house August 12th. The diffi- culty of procuring sawed Lumber was so great (by reason of there being no saw-mill nearer than I u- dian < Orchard, ami few and poor roads for trans- porting it), that not only the main timbers of the frame, but the studding and rafters were also hewn upon the spot. On September 5th the frame of the court-house was raised and ii was inclosed before winter. It was one and a half stories in height, and thirty six feel in length by thirty-two in breadth. As lime could not lie procured for plastering, the inner walls and ceilings were all ceiled with pine boards Work was all done by the day, subsistence being provided by the trustees tin- all employees, as there were no houses near at which board could be obtained. Co ion laborers received fifty cents per day and board, and mechanics seventy-five cents to oue dollar per day, with board. The trustees met at Wilsonville, September 8th, and duly opened the public sale of lots. They had a map of the town of Bethany, drawn on a large scale, on which certain lots were designated as reserved for various purposes. The jail lot fronted westwardly, fifty feet on the southeastern corner of the public square. Three lots of fifty feet front each, where the Presbyterian Church now is, and extending westward from the Main Street, were reserved for church lots. Next north of these, ami, like them, three hundred feet in depth, were five lots reserved for school purposes. With these ex- ceptions, die lots were offered to the highest bidder. The sales were continued from time to time, until the aggregate amount of money re- ceived reached two thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars, one hundred and thirty-three house-lots and one hundred and one out-lots being purchased by about seventy persons^ at prices ranging from a few cents to twenty -seveu dollars each. Among the first purchasers were John Brodhead, John Conkiin, Reuben Skin- ner, ( Jeorge Parkinson, Thomas Shields, Thomas Potts, Thomas Moore Edwards, John Ross, Daniel Stroud, Theodore Woodbridge, L. Col- lins, Jason Torrey, Jesse Drake, Oliver Tyler, Moses Tyler, Thomas 15. Dick, William North- rip, Jacob Schoonover, Edward London, Leon- ard Labar, John Connett, .1. Conkwright, ( Ihristopher Snyder, William Barnes, John Hil- born, John B unting. Samuel Stanton, Daniel Skinner, Moses Brink, Nathan Skinner, Mor- decai Roberts, Isaac Prink, Abraham Bickley, Henry Drinker, William Williams, Philip Culp, Lliphalet Kellogg, Samuel Preston and Daniel Stevenson. A deed from Henry Drinker, dated August 30, 1800, conveying to the trustees 999 acres, lot! perches, was received and entered. The conveyance was specified as made to the trus- tees, "in trust for the use of the county of Wayne, and upon the further trust that they shall lay out said tract in proper town and out- lots, and convey to the county commissioners such of said lots as they shall fix on, for the purpose of erecting a court-house, jail ami of- fices for the sate keeping of the records, and sell at public auction so many of the lots as they may sec proper, and appropriate the money re- ceived for the purpose of erecting the necessary buildings — and for no oilier -purpose whatso- ever" A jail building and residence for the sheriff or jailor was erected upon the lot provided for that purpose in the summer and autumn of 1801. It was nearly square, thirty-two by thirty-six feet, and a story and a half in height. It was constructed of hewed timber, ten inches square and laid up like the logs in a cabin. There were two small prisons upon the ground- floor, and the remainder of that floor and the chambers were for the convenience of the jailor's family. The walls and floors of the prisous were constructed of ten-inch hewed tim- ber and covered inside with seasoned hard wood plank, securely spiked to the timbers. In the rear of* and adjoining the prison building was a prison-yard, about thirty-five feet square, one side of which was formed by the building, and 114 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. the other three of hewed timbers, set upright in the ground, dowelled together and standing ten feet above the surface, with t lie tops of the timbers armed with barbed and pointed spikes. In the second floor of the court-house two rooms were partitioned off for county offices, one of which was for the use of the county com- missioners and treasurer and the other for the prothonotary and register and recorder. The lower floor was entirely occupied by the court- room, except a small vestibule and a stair-way to the offices. The buildings were so far completed at the time of the September term of court in 1 SO 1 that the trustees gave notice to the county commissioners and the judges that they were ready for the accommodation of the court ; but the judges declined to remove the courts and offices to Bethany " until lawfully assured thai the buildings were completed." This action of the judges indicated a dis- position to prevent the removal and, if neces- sary, to raise technical objections; therefore, to carry out more completely the duties imposed upon them, the trustees, on the 2d of January, 1802, executed and delivered to the county commissioners a deed conveying to them and their successors the public square, including the court-house upon it, the jail lot and jail. The motive for refusing to hold the courts at Bethany soon became apparent. At the next session of the Legislature an application was made to have them moved back to Mil ford and there to remain permanently ; another to have them alternately held at Milford and Wilson- ville, in connection with which was a proposi- tion to have annexed to Wayne County a portion of Luzerne which is now included in Susquehanna. The latter bill, as before the Legislature contemplated to annex to Wayne that part of Luzerne east of a line extending from the twenty-eighth milestone on the New York State line, southward ten miles, and then southeast about thirty miles to the line of Wayne. This proposed annexation was in accordance with a plan devised and advocated by Samuel Stanton, and was to be followed, if it was successful, by an act erecting a new county with Mount Pleasant central within it, in order that it might be made the county- seat. 1 The annexation scheme entirely failed. The people of the northern townships strongly re- monstrated against the removal, urging the great injustice it would involve, as they had been required by act of Assembly to repay the moneys expended by former trusties, and also the moneys paid to those trustees for lots in Milford sold by them at auction — and they had actually paid the sum of $871.58. They pro- tested, further, that the present trustees had, under authority of the Legislature, sold and conveyed a great number of lots in Bethany, 1 Apropos of this scheme, the following petition for the erection of "Hebrok" County is of interest. It is un- dated) : "To the honourable the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly now sitting. "The Petition of the Subscribers, Inhabitants of the northeastern parts of Luzerne County, that adjoins the County of Wayne, most humbly sheweth : "That your Petitioners are greatly agrieved with the distance they have to travel to the Seal of Justice at Wilkesbarre, in which distance the Roads are very rough and mountainous, being also iutersepted with the two large Streams of Tunckhannunk and Lackawana, over which there is no Iiridges erected; that, the said Streams, unless in tinfes of very low Water, are not fordable, by which reason your Petitioners, if Summoned to Court as Suitors, Witnesses or Jurors, cannot attend at times of high Water, and are thereby debared the Priveledge of the Courts of Justice. "And inasmuch as we understand that the Six upper Townships of Wayne County, as they are seperated from" their Seat of Justice by an extensive Barren from thirty to forty Miles wide, are about praying your honourable Body to redress their Grievances by erecting the said six Townships north of the Barrens into a seperate County, that they may have their Seat of Justice in a central Situ- ation, — "We, therefore, most humbly pray your honourable Body that we may be annexed with the said six upper Townships of Wayne County into a seperate County, by a Line begiiiing where the Koad from Sheholy to Lackawana crosses the County Line, & riming thence North forty-five Degrees West, untill it strikes the State Line, may be the division Line between us and Luzerne County, and that the new County may be called Hebron, and that George Palmer ,\ Daniel Sti .1, Esq's, of Northampton County, and Samuel Preston & Thomas Sheilds, Lsc|>«, of the County of Wayne, and John Tyler, of Luzerne County, may be the Commissioners appointed by Law to perform the customary duties of establishing the Seat of Justice, "And your Petitioners, in duty bound, shall ever pray.'' WAYNE COUNTY. 115 and had expended in improvements and the construction of public buildings over $4500. The Legislature was convinced it would not be right or constitutional to make the perma- nent removal which had been asked for; but, on the 5th of April, 1802, an ad was passed providing for a temporary removal, viz., that the seat of justice should from that date he transferred from Bethany to Milford, and the courts held at Milford "for three years, and no longer." While this act nominally removed the courts from Bethany, it really removed them fromWil- sonville, for none had been held at the former place, owing to the refusal of the judges to go there, as has been heretofore stated. Three of the judges resided mar Milford, and the re-location of the seat of justice there was not displeasing to them. The May term of tin urts in 1802 was held there. By the terms of the act of April 5, 1802, the aci of April 1, 1799, by which the seat of justice was located at Bethany, was suspended for three years, and thus the trustees were prevented from making any more sales of lots during that time, to raise funds for reimbursing them- selves for what they had advanced or had procured from others to put the buildings in readiness for occupancy. They and their friends suffered considerable embarrassment. To relieve them in some measure from their unfortunate, but not blamable, predicament, the Legislature passed an act February 11, 1803, authorizing the county commissioners to settle the accounts of the trustees and pay them whatever balance was found i\uv, to them, and also to receive a conveyance from them of all the unsold lots in Bethany and to sell the same for the benefit of the county. In accordance with this provision, the trustees, on the 9th of May, BSD.'!, executed a deed conveying to the commissioners one hundred and twenty house-lots'and sixty-two out- lots in Bethany, being all not previously sold. From this time the powers of the trustees were vested in the commissioners, who sold at various times, for the benefit of the county, all of the lots conveyed to them except those reserved as church and school lots, eight in all, which, on September 10, 1810, were conveyed in trust to trustees to serve as sites for a house of worship and a school-house. The residents of the northern part of the county and those wdio had purchased lots and built in Bethany indulged the hope that at the expiration of the " three years and no longer " for which the courts were removed to Milford, they would be transferred to the place prepared for them without further opposition. They were removed, but not till after the friends of Milford had made a strong struggle to retain them. In the winter of 1804-5 the opponents of Bethany's interests made another application to the Legislature, asking that the courts should be continued permanently at Milford. This was again strongly remonstrated against by the resi- dents of the northern pari of the county and the friends of Bethany, and so many members of the Assembly were convinced that it would not only be unjust, but unconstitutional, that the measure was defeated by a large majority. The " three years and no longer " having ex- pired, before the time for the May court in 1805, that term was held in Bethany on the 6th of the month, and was the first court ever held there. Judges Biddis and Brink occupied the bench. As the carpenters were engaged in fin- ishing some details of their work in the court- room, the courts were held for the first day in the large east room, in the house of Jason Tor- rey, but after that the court-room was used. The progress of affairs was now smooth enough tor about four years. Then the people of the lower part of the county made another effort to wrest away little Bethany's pride and prop. They applied to the Assembly to have the seat of justice removed to some locality near the territorial centre of the county. This was op- posed not only by the citizens of the northern townships, but by many at and near Milford, but their opposition availed nothing, for on the 19th of March, 1810, an act was passed, entitled " An act for the removal of the seat of justice of Wayne county from Bethany to a place at or near the centre of said county." l Under authority of this act, the Governor ap- pointed as commissioners, to fix on the exact Smith's Laws, Vol. v. pp. 125-127. 116 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. location, Jeptha Arrison, James Clyd and Abra- ham Levan. These commissioners made their report, dated August 21 and 22, 1810, in which they say they " have fixed on the cleared field west of the house commonly called ' Bloom- ing Grove House,' and situated on a tract of land called 'Blooming Grove Farm,' owned by Nicholas Kern and Henry Spering, as a fit, proper, central and convenient place for the site of the scat of justice for the county of Wayne." They also reported that they had received fr Kern and Spering a conveyance to tli m- missioners, in fee-simple, of thirty seven town- lots, including the site for the court-house, in the town of Blooming Grove, laid out on the cleared field alluded to; and also a bond for the payment, to tl immissioners, of the sum of four hundred dollars — one-half to he paid when the court-house should he under roof and the other half when it should he finished. The place thus selected was where the old road from Milford to the Paupack settlement crossed the Blooming Grove Greek, and is within the present limits of I 'ike ( lounty. The location was unsatisfactory to a large majority of the citizens of the county, and ar- rangements were made to give a distinct expres- sion to their dissatisfaction at tin 1 genera] elec- tion the next October. The opponents to re- moval put in nomination for county commis- sioner Ahisha Woodward, known to he opposed to the removal, and the advocates of such re- moval put in nomination a candidate known to he in its favor. The campaign was ener- getically conducted on both sides, and resulted in a victory for the opponents of the removal scheme, by a very large majority. 1 The commissioners met on October 30, 1810, Moses Thomas and George W. Nyce, of 1 Jason Torrey, in a letter to li is parents, dated October 14, 1810, says: " The strife in our election for a commis- sioner just held, was especially governed by the opinion of the people respecting the seat of justice. The county elec- tion has just been canvassed and the result declared, show- ing that we succeeded by a majority of more tlian tiro i„ ,, tu- rn electing a commissioner opposed to the removal — hence we feel safe that no public money will he spent for erecting public buildings at that place" — i.e., Blooming Grove, which lie writes "has been the solitary residence of a single family, in a poor log house, for over thirty years." the old hoard, being present, and Ahisha Wood- ward, the new commissioner elected to succeed Dan Dimmick, Esq., whose term had expired, being sworn in, a full hoard was effected. Ap- plication was made urging the board to levy a tax for a building fund to erect public buildings at Blooming Grove, and claiming that by the provisions of the act providing for the removal of the seat of justice they were required to do so. After deliberation they adopted and placed on their record the following carefully prepared minute and resolution in answer to the applica- tion : " At a full meeting of the board they proceeded Co examine the act of Gen' Assembly passed al last session for the removal of the seat of Justice from Bethany to Blooming Grove, & utter carefully and attentively perusing the whole Act, they cannot Bud any provision therein which, by positive expression or line construction, enjoins on them a duty to levy a tax upon the County at the present time & under the present circumstances, for the purpose of erecting public buildings at 1'.' Grove. "The com 1 believe that the Act was passed by the beg. under a reliance upon the sufficiency of grants which would be made to the County to cover all, or at least a principal part, of the espouses which would occur to the I'u. in consequence of a removal of the seat of Justice. They believe that the duties en- joined on them by the 4th Sec. of the Act have a special allusion to an appropriation of the monies to be divided under the provisions of the 2d anil .".il Sections j and that the liberty granted by the fifth Sec. to levy a tax for the purposes therein mentioned was mainly intended as a provision against any casual deficiency of the other funds, and to secure a means of fulfilling engagements which might he made in ex- cess of funds to discharge them. But they cannot believe that it was the intention of the Leg. that, in case of a general failure of the provisions of the 2d .'id & 4th (sections, that the liberty granted in the 5th Sec. should he construed as a mandate, and (hat the rate of taxation which has been so much complained of as grievous, and which has so frequently produced a severity of treatment to Treasurers, Collectors .\; Commissioners, should be increased by an addition of \ of its amount, and be continued until the excess shall produce a fund adequate to the expense of the public buildings. This opinion the Com™ consider to he strongly supported by the whole tenor of the Act as well as by a reference to other acts for fixing the seat of Justice in new counties. IheComra' believe that if the finances of the County were in a condition to warrant the measure, they might with legal pro- priety proceed to the levying and collecting of monies as a fund for erecting public buildings, and as soon as WAYNE COUNTY. :t sufficient fund should be thus collected, that they might proceed to the application thereof to that pur- pose; but while the County is annually subjected to a heavy tax, without being able to discharge its just and necessary expenditures, which, after the most vigorous exertions in collecting taxes, there remain many orders on the treasury unpaid, while the | r juror and laborer is compelled from his necessities t<> sell his hard-earned wages to some speculator at a discount of from twelve to twenty-five pei cent.; while the traveler is put in jeopardy h\ the failure of bridges the Co. wants funds to repair; and while, with the best efforts and the strictest ecoi y, the Comm r 'are able hut gradually to retrieve the credit of the County, they cannot consider that there are any existing circumstances or advantages to tin' County which would result from forcing a fund for the ereeti f public buildings at 1'.. Grove which would hear any comparative weight in counterbalanc- ing the evils which would necessarily follows pursuit of the measure. "Therefore, Resolved that they do not levy a tout ih< ensuing year far (he purpose >>f erecting public building) ui Blooming Grove." Affairs <>k Wayne am> Pike. — No effort of any moment was made to remove the county-seat, from Bethany to the southern pari of the county, alter the foregoing action of the commissioners ; but those who had been in favor of Milford began to urge in a more friendly manner those who had stood by Beth- any to consent to a division id' the comity a.s a measure which would accommodate each section with a county-seat, and put an end to further contest and rivalry between them. In 1813 many of the friends of Bethany, after consider- ing the matter, assented to having application made at the next session of the Assembly for a division of Wayne County and the erection of a new county from its southern portion. It was agreed that, if the people of Milford and the surrounding region should ask for such new county, to be bounded northerly by the Lacka- waxen River, to the mouth of the Wallenpau- pack Creek and up that creek to the forks of the west and south branches thereof, and up the west branch thereof (which now divides Salem and Sterling townships) to the line of Luzerne, the inhabitants of the region remaining in Wayne would not oppose the application for division. But before the time for the Legisla- ture to act had arrived, the advocates of the new county ami of Milford's interests desired a change in the proposed boundary, so that a new county should extend up the Delaware to the " Big Eddy," and then be bounded by a straight line to the mouth of the Wallenpau- pack Creek and thence up that stream, as before proposed. They argued that such increase of river-froni would leave Milford equidistant, in direct lines, from the northern and southern boundaries of the new county, while by going no further up the Delaware than to the Lackawaxen River, Dingman's would be very nearly equi- distant from these boundaries, and that place might be advocated as the site id' the county-seat. The men acting for the northern part of Wayne consented to having the new county extend up the Delaware to Big Eddy, provided the divi- sion line should follow the south branch of the Walleiipaupaik to the North and South road, and thence extend west to the line of Luzerue ( ountv. This differed from the boundary first proposed in that it gave to Wayne all of Sterling town- ship, as that township was originally erected, in exchange for that pari of Pike County lying north of the Lackawaxen, and, considering the quality of the lands, it was then considered an exchange advantageous to Wayne, though it made the form of Wayne rather too long for its breadth. The Assembly, on March 2G, 1814, passed an act, containing twenty-three sections, entitled " An act erecting a part id' Wayne County into a separate county." Some of the provisions of that act which pertain directly to Wayne County are here given. — ' Section I provided "that all of that part of Wayne County lying south and east of a direct line from the lower end of Big Eddy, on the Delaware River, to the mouth of the Walleiipaupaik Creek, and thence up the same to the main forks thereof, thence up the south branch to where the most southerly branch crosses the North and South road, and from thence due west to the line of Luzerne County, be, and the same is hereby declared to be erected, into a new county, henceforth to he called Pike." Section "> provided that taxes heretofore levied on property in Pike, and unpaid, may be collected by the commissioners of Wayne County. 1 For i In.- full text of the act, see History of Pike County, ('banter I. 118 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Section 6 required (he commissioners of Wayne to make out a statement by the second Monday of No- vember (1814), showing the amount due on taxes theretofore levied, and the amount of money in the treasury, and from the sum of these to deduct the amount of debts owing from the county, and to pay one-half of the surplus thus found to the treasurer "I Pike County, the payment, however, to he made no faster than the taxes should be collected. Section '.1 authorized John K. Woodward to run and mark the line between the two counties, com- mencing on the second Monday of September, at the Big Eddy, and running from thence according to the true intent and meaning of the act. His com- pensation was fixed at three dollars per day, with the necessary expenses, to lie paid out of the treasury of Wayne County. Section Id enacted that where the division line divided a township, the part thereof which remained in Wayne should be a separate township, ami the part in Pike a separate township, each to retain its original name until altered by the court. Section 14 required the Governor, after the 1st of June following, to appoint three commissioners tn fix on a site for a seat of justice for Pike County, as near the centre as circumstances would allow. " Provided, however, that if the inhabitants of Mil- ford, and others, shall, before said 1st of June, sub- scribe and pay in, or give security for payment thereof, to the commissioners of Wayne County, a sum not less than $15(10 for the use of the county of Pike, for the purpose of erecting public buildings, then the ' Centre Square ' in the town of Milford shall be the site for the seat of justice ; and, in that case, the < - missioners aforesaid shall not be appointed." Section 15 provided that in order that the county of Wayne shall, as nearly as may be, bear one hall the expense of erecting public buildings in Pike, equal to those in Bethany, the commissioners of Wayne should direct their treasurer to pay over to the treasurer of Pike, in four equal instalments, the sum of $1750. Sections L9, 20 and 21 authorized and required the sheriff of Wayne to keep the Pike County prisoners for three years, or until a jail should have been erected in Pike County. Section 22 required the commissioners of Wayne to deliver to the commissioners of Pike all maps, charts, records and papers which, of right, belonged to Pike. The first section of the act, which defines the boundaries of Pike County, was in accord with the understood wishes of the citizens of both counties, but the provisions of the fifteenth sec- tion requiring Wayne to pay to Pike, to cover one-half the cost of erecting as good public buildings in Pike as those at Bethany, the sum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars (estimating the value of the old court-house and jail at three thousand live hundred dollars), was considered by intelligent people of Wayne as very unjust. They agreed that, even if the buildings had been wholly erected with funds raised by taxation, of which the citizens and property of Pike had paid one-half, the sum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, as an estimate of one-half their present value, was unreasonable, because the old shell of a court- house and log jail did not originally cost any- thing like the value (three thousand iht- hun- dred dollars) now put upon them, although erected when there was great difficulty in trans- porting materials, and that better buildings could then (1814) be erected either at Milford or Bethany for one thousand dollars. And they argued further, that the buildings were origin- ally erected in Bethany without the use of any funds voluntarily contributed by residents of the new county of Pike, or of funds raised by taxation, of which Pike, as an integral part of Wayne, had paid her full share, but that the entire cost of those buildings had been derived directly fr property donated as a considera- tion for having the seat of justice established at Bethany, and, therefore, the people of the new county had no equitable claim to any part of the present value of those old buildings. This reasoning did not prevent the passing in Assem- bly of the manifestly unjust clause of the act, and Wayne was required to pay the one thou- sand seven hundred and fifty dollars. The statement of assets and liabilities of the original Wayne County, required by section six of the act, as made by the commissioners of Wayne, showed a balance of assets in excess of liabilities of $6960. One-half of this sum, de- ducting losses and expenses of collection, was to be paid to Pike, and that county received, as fast as collected, $2950, The injustice of the financial provisions of the new county enactment are illustrated by the fact that, in addition to the foregoing $2950, Wayne was obliged to pay Pike $1 7. r i0, thus providing her with a fund of $4700, and being left with $2950, less $1750, or only $1200, including taxes levied but not yet collected, to WAYNE COUNTY, pay the expenses of the county until the taxes for 1815 could be collected. 1 That portion of the division line between the counties, exclusive of that constituted by the Wallenpaupack, was run and marked by John K. Woodward in September, 181 1, as provided for in section nine of the act. He tirsl ran a line, without marking it, from the mouth of the Wallenpaupack to the Delaware, at Big Eddy, to enable him to calculate the true bearing between the two designated points, and then commenced at the lower end of Big Eddy and ran and marked a line on a course of S. 31° 15' W., a distance of" ten miles and twenty-three rods to the mouth of the Wallenpaupack. Then lie ran a line from where the old North and South road '-' crossed the most southerly affluent of the south branch of the Wallenpaupack in what was then called " the twelve mile woods," and ran and marked a line on a course due west, a distance of seven miles and ninety-two rods, to the Lehigh Creek, which was there the boundary between Luzerne and Wayne Counties. The erection of Pike took from Wayne all of the townships of Middle Sniithtield and Upper Smithlield, and all of Delaware except what afterwards became the south half of Ster- ling, nearly all of Lackawaxen and the larger part of old Palmyra and Salem, the line so dividing these two townships, however, as to leave sufficient territory in each county for a separate township, and they retained their orig- inal names in accordance with section ten of the act. The part of Lackawaxen left in Wayne contained about six thousand acres, all unseated land. This was attached to and became a part of Dyberry township. There was also a small triangle of about two thousand acres of unseated laud taken into Pike from the southeastern corner of Dyberry and attached to Lackawaxen in Pike. The portion of Delaware left in Wayne was attached to Salem. The area of Wayne was thus reduced from 1 [u addition to the £4700 paid 1'ikc by Wayne, the citi- zens of Milfoi'd, to secure the location of the county-seat, were required to pay at least $1500, and thus the new county secured a building fund of $0200. Voracious Pike ! 2 This old North and South road was nearly one hundred rods west of the present old turnpike road. about loot) square miles (the estimated area as originally erected) to about 7i!'_' square miles, its estimated present area; 1 The population of the original Wayne ( iounty in 1810 was U25, and in 1820, with Pike off, it was 4127, while that of Pike was 2849.* The valuation of Wayne after the erection of Tike, including land and other ratable prop- erty, as ascertained from the tax-list, was $529-,788.50. The average value of land was, according to the assessment of L81 1, $1.1 1 per acre. The public buildings at Bethany had fairly well served the purposes tor which they were intended, hut in less than a year after the sever- ance of Pike, Wayne County was left without a prison, the old log jail being burned on Janu- ary '.!•'!, 1815— Monday of court week. The immediate provision of a temporary prison was necessary, and arrangements were therefore made with D. Wilder to have two small rooms strongly partitioned off, adjoining anil in the rear of the bar-room in his public-house, to use as a prison until- a better could be provided. Prisoners were kept in the " Wilder Jail," as it was commonly called, until some time in the following year. On January 25th (two days alter the lire) the commissioners met the grand jurors and consulted them as to the propriety of building a new court-house, also of build- ing a jail to supply the loss of the old one. It was decided that one juror from each town- ship should meet the commissioners the next day, to consult further on that matter, but the minutes do not show that they did so. < )n the .">lst of January, Commissioners Spang and King were appointed a committee to visit Montrose, and procure a sketch of the building erected there in 1813, comprising a court-house, county offices, jail and residence for the jailer's family (the cost of which, as stated in the " His- tory of Susquehanna County," was $4500. 3 The total area of Wayne County after division was originally computed at o.VJ.N 10.22 acres, the proportion of first-rate land being to the entire area as 1 to 2320. A later report made by Jacob S. Davis estimated the area, including the allowance of six per cent, for roads, at 462,615 acres. ■ 1 United States t 120 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA The new county building project progressed favorably. On the 8th of February, 1815, the commissioners again met, and after careful de- liberation decided to erect a new court-house and jail in one building, including also a jailer's residence ami rooms for the county offices. A plan was adopted and notice given of the time and place for the public letting of the contract for the building. (The date fixed does nol ap- pear in the minutes.) When the proposals were received, Joseph Miller, of Bethany, was de- clared the "lowest and best bidder," and a contract was drawn and executed, by which he agreed to furnish the materials and erect and finish the building complete in all its parts. Miller commenced his work, but was so far lie- hind with his contract in March, 1*17, that an entry was made in the records, censuring him very severely lor his delay. This action, how- ever, appears to have had hut very little effect, for in 1818 he was again the subject of criti- cism, and in 1820 the commissioners despairing of bringing him to terms, made an agreement by which the work should be completed by another contractor, and the building was event- ually finished. There still remained an anxiety concerning the safety of the public records, and soon after the completion of the court-house a contract was entered into with Manning & Tor- rey for the erection of a lire-proof building on the public square, in Bethany, the upper story of which was to be fitted up as a residence at the discretion of the contractors, and occupied as they might see lit, free of rent, so long as $1450 out of the $1(15(1, which they were to receive for the building, remained unpaid. The location of the building was staked out on the 28th of March, 1823, and its erection carried on according to contract. It is still standing. Early Townships. — The act of Assembly erecting Wayne County mentions the townships of Middle Smithfield, Delaware, Upper Smithfield and Matlack as then existing within its hounds. No full record of the origin of the first three of these has been found. W. H. II. Davis, of Doylcstown, in his" His- tory of Bucks County," says, — " The earliest settlement in Bucks County, north of the Le- high, was in Smithfield township, now in Mon- roe County;" and that "the first attempt to organize Smithfield was in 174(i." " in June, 1746, the inhabitants petiti id for a township to begin at a gajt in the mountain where the Delaware river ruus through, & from thence five or six miles, on a North & by \\ 'est course; from thence to the North corner of Christoffel Denmark's plantation; & thence with a straight line to the river Delaware; >v thence tin' several courses thereof to place of beginning." < >n the hack was endorsed, ' Plan next ( 'oiirt,' and no further record is found con- cerning it." In June, 1748, another petition for a town- ship was made by the inhabitants of Dansbury and Smithfield, describing its hounds as "To extend from the river Delaware, along the .Mountain, to a < rap in the same ; thence North- erly to a large Creek commonly called Bushkill, and down the same to the Delaware, & to the place of beginning." The township was ordered to he laid out, hut no further record is found concerning it. In December, 1750, Daniel Brodhead and others petitioned for a township, " to he hounded by the Bushkill on the South, to which Creek there is the grant of a township, by Delaware on the East, and by lands belonging to the lion. 1 the Proprietaries on the North and West." The petitioners set forth that they are the remotest livers from the honorable c 't. The application was held under advisement and no further record concerning it is found. Thereafter the township of Upper Smithfield appears among the townships of Bucks ( 'ounty until the county of Northampton was erected, which included it. After such erection of Upper Smithfield the township south of the Bushkill became known a- Lower Smithfield. Delaware township ap- pears in the list of Northampton County town- ships continuously after 17(i(i, hut the record of its erection cannot lie found. In 1794 Middle Smithfield was erected fr the north part of Lower Smithfield. The fol- lowing is extracted from the court records of Northampton County concerning its erection : "On 1'2"' Aug., 1794, Sam 1 . C. Seely, John Biddis, & Hugh Foreman, who were appointed by the Court WAYNE COUNTY. 121 at April Sessions last, upon the petition of the inhabi- tants of the upper district of Lower Sinithfield Town- ship commissioners, to view the said Township, & report whether it would be expedient to divide the same, and if so, in what manner, made report: 'That a division is highly necessary, — that the division line being at the mouth of John Van Camp's Mill Creek, and that the Creek he the line, until it runs up to the tail race of said Van Camp's Grist mill, and up said Race until it strikes the West end of the Mill ; thence from the Westmost corner of the Mill, a direct line until it reaches the Saw-Mill late the property of W m . Wills, Esq.; thence a due Northwest coarse until it intersects the Northern line.' " Which report was read & confirmed by the Court Aug. 12, 1794,— November 11 th , 1704, the Court named the Township so cut off Middle Sinithfield." By the act erecting Wayne County, Middle Sraithfield township was divided, and the part thereof set off' to Wayne was to retain the original name, Middle Sinithfield. The western boundaries of all the foregoing townships were left very indefinite when they were first erected, but before the erection of Wayne County, Middle Sinithfield, Delaware and Upper Sinithfield were all understood as ex- tending westward to the line of Luzerne County. Of the erection of Matlack township no record can be found, nor any knowledge ob- tained as to its exact location. Its territory, however, was covered by the six new townships erected at the first court in Wayne in 1798. Middle Smithfield, as it existed when Wayne County was erected, extended from the Delaware River to the Luzerne County line, with an aver- age width of about five and a half miles, being bounded southward by Northampton County and northward by Delaware township. Its boundaries remained unaltered while it was in Wayne County. Delaware township also extended from the Delaware River to the Luzerne County line. It was bounded south by Middle Sinithfield; east by the Delaware River, from the mouth of the Bushkill Creek to the lower end of Minisink Is- land, some three miles below Milford ; north by a line from the Delaware River at the lower end of that island, on a course of about north eighty- five degrees west to the line of Luzerne County. In 1807 or 1808 the western half of Delaware township was set off' and formed part of Salem, then erected. No other alteration in its bound- aries was made while it continued to be part of Wayne. Upper Smithfield, as originally erected, in- cluded all the settlements in and near the Dela- ware Valley north of Middle Smithfield, but its northern and western bounds were indefinite. As settlements were extended north and west, the bounds of the township were understood also t«> extend so as to include all such settlements east of Luzerne until it covered all of the present counties of Wayne and Pike. With the movements for the erection of Mat- lack its limits seem to have been so diminished as to leave only that part of its former territory which lay southeastward of Shohola Creek, though no court record of such change can be found. Its territory conformed to such reduced boundaries so long as it remained part of Wayne County. Erection of the Six Northern Town- ships. — At the first court in Wayne County, in September, 1798, a petition with twenty-five signers was presented, viz.: "To the Hon 1 . Jacob Rush and the associate judges of Wayne County: We, the subscribers, inhabitants of the northern part of this county, desire your hon- ors to take into consideration the very great incon- venience that must arise to the inhabitants in taking assessments for taxation, and transacting all town business, by reason of our part of the county not being made into townships of a moderate size. There- fore, we hope your honors will direct the part of the county north and west of Shohola Creek be made into six townships, according to the enclosed plan of this part of the county." The prayer of the petitioners was granted, and an order made " that Samuel Stanton, Eliphalet Kellogg, Nathan Skinner, Mordecai Roberts, Jr., and Hezekiah Bingham, Jr., or any of them, be authorized to run the lines of a tract, beginning at the Delaware River, where the New York State line intersects said river, thence along said line to the line of Luzerne County, and thence along the same according to a plan of the same filed, marking all the trees with four notches on each side. The same to he laid oil' in townships and named respectively Buckingham, Mount Pleasant, Damascus, Pal- myra, Canaan and Lackawaxen." WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The plan, said to lie filed, cannot now be found, but from other maps and documents of early date it is evident it was as follows : First.— A line was drawn from the western bend u f the Delaware, near the mouth of "RoekRun," west to the line of Luzerne. The territory north of this line was to form Buckingham township. Second. — A second line parallel to the above was drawn from the Delaware near the lower end of Big Eddy to the line of Luzerne, being about eleven and a half miles south of the line of Buckingham. This was to form the southern boundary of Damascus and Mount Pleasant. Third.— A third line was drawn from a point in the south line of Buckingham eight miles cast of the line of Luzerne (parallel to the county line), southward to Delaware township line. This third line was to be the eastern line of Mount Pleasant and Canaan, and the western line of Damascus and Palmyra. Fourth. — A fourth line (following the " Hilborn Road") was drawn from the south line of Damascus southward to the northern line of Delaware township. This was to form tin- eastern boundary of Palmyra and the western boundary of Lackawaxen township. The persons appointed by the court to run the lines were none of them experienced, accurate surveyors, and their lines were not so run as to conform precisely to the plan given. Mount Pleasant was run out by Samuel .Stanton, 'and was probably first located. Damascus was after- wards run by another surveyor, and the northern and southern lines of the two townships, instead of meeting at the same point, were so run that the western corners of Damascus were near half a mile south of the eastern corners of Mount Pleasant. The south line of Mount Pleasant passed a very little north of the late residence of Asa Stanton, and the four townships of Mount Pleasant, Canaan, Palmyra and Da- mascus all cornered within one and a quarter miles of the Bethany public square. Following is an explanation of the bounda- ries of each of the six northern townships, with the changes made in them before 1815 : Lackawaxen was bounded north by Damas- cus, east by Delaware River and Upper Smith- field, south by Delaware township and west by Palmyra. In the erection of Pike County in 1814, all of this township, except about six thousand acres in the northwest part, was set off to Pike County. The part which remained in Wayne was at- tached toDyberry. Buckingham was bounded north by the north- ern line of the State, east by the Delaware River, south by Damascus and Mount Pleasant and west by the western line of the county. Its territory was diminished, in 1807 or 1808, by the addition made to Mount Pleasant ; in 1821, by the erection of Scott; and in 1826, by tl rectiou of Manchester. Thus depleted, it is left with an area of only about thirty-eight square miles. Damascus was bounded north by Bucking- ham, east by Delaware River, south by Lack- awaxen and Palmyra and west by Mount Pleasant. Its territory was diminished nearly one-half (from its western portion) by part being included in Dyberry, erected in 1803, and by Lebanon, erected in 1819. Mount Pleasant was bounded north by Buck- ingham, cast by Damascus, south by Canaan and west by the western line of the county. In L803 its southeastern part was detached to form part of Dyberry then erected; and in 1807, or 1808 its southern boundary was removed near five miles farther north, and at the same time its northern boundary was also removed a like distance north, thus giving to it the same amount of territory as when first erected. ( 'anaun as originally erected was bounded north by Mount Pleasant, cast by Palmyra, south by Delaware township and west by the western line of the county. In 1803 part of its territory in its north- eastern corner was made part of Dyberry, then erected; and in 1807 or 1808 all that part south of an east and west line, crossing the North and South Road at Middle Creek (Shaffer's), was detached to form part of Salem, then erected. At the same time its northern boundary was removed about five miles north so as to be on a line with the northern line of Dyberry township. Palmyra when first erected was bounded north by Damascus, east by the Hilborn Road, which was the west boundary of Lacka- waxen, south by township of Delaware and west by Canaan. The erection of Dyberry in 1803, took five miles in breadth from the north- WAYNE COUNTY. 123 era end of Palmyra; and by the erection of Pike County, in 1814, all that part of the town- ship cast of the Wallenpaupack was included in Pike, and became Palmyra in Pike. Townships Subsequently Erected.— Dyberry was erected at September court, 180:5, from the townships of Damascus, Palmyra, Canaan and Mount Pleasant. Its northern and southern boundaries were parallel east and west lines, one of which was five miles west of the south line of Damas- cus, and the other five miles south of the Da- mascus line. The south half of its eastern boundary was the " Hilborn Road," and the other half was a line bearing north, twelve and a half degrees west, from a point in the south line of Damascus, about half a mile west of the '' Hilborn Road," extended to a point five miles north of the south line of Damascus, and its western boundary was the eastern line of the large tract of land called" Ells Forest Tract," and an extension of those lines northward and southward to the extent of the township. As thus formed, it was about ten miles square. By the erection of Pike County in 1 Si 1 about nine square miles of the northwestern part of Lackawaxen township was left in Wayne County. This part was subsequently added to Dyberry township. Its territory lias since been greatly diminished by the erection of the bor- ough of Bethany in 1821, the township of Berlin in 1826, the township of Clinton in 1834, and subsequent additions thereto; and the township of Texas in 1837. Salem township was erected at November court, 1807, or January court, 1808. (The court-record not found). Its original bounda- ries included that part of Canaan south of an east and west line crossing the old North and South Road at Middle Creek, and also that part of Delaware township westward of a line drawn from the north line of Delaware, at the Hilborn Road, to the south line of Delaware at the old road leading from Salem to Coolbaugh's, on the Delaware River. By the erection of Pike County all that part of Salem lying east of the Wallenpaupack Creek was included in Pike. But the small part of Delaware township which was then left in Wayne was added to Salem in Wayne. It has since been largely reduced in area by the erection of Sterling in 1815, and other townships subsequently. Early Finances of the County. — A brief glance at the financial condition of Wayne County during the early years of its existence, and the difficulties that its officials had to con- tend with to keep the machinery of its organ- ization in motion, is in order before a view of the circumstances leading to the change in the location of the county seat and the erection of new public buildings. It must be borne in mind that Wayne County, as originally organized, including, in addition to its present territory, all of Pike and a portion of Monroe, had a population only equal to that of an average township of to-day, and the region now Wayne County contained but about eight hundred people, of whom Buckingham had 110; Canaan, 183; I>amas- cus, 145; Mount Pleasant, 188, and Palmyra, 179. Such a mere handful of people, scattered over a large area (if rough country, in which there were few roads for reaching the markets with the little produce they had to spare from their limited tillable acres, found the burden of taxation entailed upon them by the expenses of the new county a heavy one to bear. The first auditor's report was presented December 26, 1799, by Jason Torrey and John II. Seheuck. It was generally complimentary to the commis- sioners, and the few errors which had been committed were excused in view of the crude state of public business in the county and the lack of experience on the part of the officers. The commissioners were mildly censured for having allowed the attorney-general to over- draw his account ; but, in other respects, the board was praised for the correctness of their accounts and the economy of their disburse- ments. The report was accompanied with the apologetic statement that the auditors " having had to proceed without precedents, and the business of the commissioners being equally new to them, the examining, comparing and reducing the accounts to a settlement was ren- dered irksome, and could not be effected with that facility which, under other circumstances, might have been expected." WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The difficulty of collecting taxes is well illus- trated by the following report showing the first quota levied upon each township and the amounts paid into the county treasury : I ihabitants Tolal. Paid. Buckingham ..$50.67 $447.11 $41.38 Canaan .. 48.39 244.69 44.77 Palmyra .. 91.21 325.52 84.78 Lackawaxen .. 24.02 106.10 31.86 Damascus .. 22.26 302.35 94.60 Mount Pleasant... .. 59.81 165.46 76.48 Upper Smithfield .. 73.83 152.59 32.71 Middle Smithfield ..100.62 171.03 19.48 Delaware .. 84.92 103.55 32.52 Total $555.73 §2018.30 .*4".!».".S To this amount paid in, $459.58, was added $210.62, advanced from the treasury, making the sum of $670.20 available cash, with which the pioneers managed to cany on the affairs of the county for a period of eighteen months. The board, however, felt warranted by the large amount upon the tax collector's duplicate still unpaid, in incurring some liabilities, and drew orders on the treasury to the amount of nearly $750. The total expenditures of the county for a year ami a half were $1415.09, of which one item was $75.65 paid as premiums for wolf scalps. The first commissioners were Eliphalet Kel- logg, Johannes Van Etten and John Carson ; but the first two were in 1800 superseded by Asa Stanton and Solomon Westbrook, who, with Carson, constituted a new board, and made Eliphalet Kellogg their clerk. They received more severe criticism from the audit- ors than had their predecessors. Jason Torrey had been re-appointed auditor, and, in conjunc- tion with James Eldred and Martin Overfield, served during the year 1800. Their report was made at the February term of court, 1801, and was accompanied by a long letter from Mr. Torrey, who was prevented from being present by an accident which had overtaken one of his children. He very pointedly denounced some of the commissioners' proceedings, which, he charged, were irregular and unwarrantable. The improprieties with which they were charged were letting bridge contracts without prescribing the manner in which the work should be done or when completed; with permitting an inse- cure and unsafe structure to be put up across Middle Creek ; with paying their clerk over two hundred dollars per year, when there were competent persons in the county who would gladly perform the services for less than half that sum ; with withholding a transcript of the county tax levy from the treasurer; with al- lowing one of their number (Mr. Carson) to go to Philadelphia, and at great expense advertise in three daily papers for three months the fact of his being in that city to receive taxes on ii use- 1 led lands, and receiving a considerable amount without accounting for the same to the auditors; with subscribing for the papers al- luded to and charging the subscription and ad- vertising account and his time and traveling expenses to the delinquent tax-payers ; with withholding needed information from the treas- urer, so that he had repeatedly been obliged to refuse money offered him in discharge of taxes, and with various other misdemeanors of lesser importance. Before the report was tiled, how- ever, Mr. Torrey appended to it a note par- tially exonerating Mi-. Carson and the clerk, Eliphalet Kellogg, from the charges he had made in his letter. During the year 1800 the receipts from actual residents were shown by the auditor's report to have been $605.87, including $91.92 of arrears from the preceding year, and the payments on the taxes of unseated lands added $613.68 to that amount, making a total of $1219.55, while the expenditures were $1650.06. The auditor's report for 1802 showed a balance due the county, in the form of outstanding taxes, of $3 141.91, and this amount, the official said, would be much larger if they had any means of ascertaining the amount paid on non-residents' lands for the years 1 7!)!), 1800, and 1801. They expressed the belief that if all arrearages were collected there would be a sufficiency of funds realized to free the county from taxation for many years to come. Year by year the aggregate of taxes increased with the population, but expenses also grew, and the expenditures were in excess of the re- ceipts. In 1803 the collectors of the county paid into the treasury $676.30, and $4082.71 was received from taxes on unseated lands, but WAYNE COUNTY. 125 these amounts aggregated $2861.51 Jess than the levy. The orders drawn on the treasury footed up $7069.35, and it was impossible to redeem them all. It was during this year that the county settled with the trustees of the Beth- any tract, and drew an order in their favor of $1638.50. A considerable amount was also paid for running the lines of Dyberry township> erected that year. It was not until 1805 that the actual receipts were in excess of the disbursements, the settle- ment by the auditors in that year showing a balance in the hands of Treasurer Dimniick- Notwithstanding this improvement, the finances of the county were in a bad way and the ac- counts had got into a confusion which seemed almost beyond unraveling. An earnest effort was made during 1807 and 1808 to adjust the affairs of the county. Early in 1807 a careful examination of the accounts revealed the fact that there was no money in the treasury, while its liabilities, in the shape of unpaid orders, taxes to be refunded, etc., amounted to over $5000. The gratifying discovery was made, however, that more than $16,000 was clue the treasury from owners of unseated lands, delin- quent collectors, dilatory sheriffs, overpaid com- missioners and other officers, which, if collected, it was urged, would put the county out of debt and leave a considerable balance in the treasury. As a result of this investigation Sheriff Ab- isha Woodward was instructed to sell such unseated lands as were in arrears fin- taxes, which he did from time to time, until in 1809 the receipts from such sales had exceeded $9000. By 1811 the inconvenience and loss which had been experienced by Wayne County and by individuals, through the neglect of treasurers to furnish information to the commissioners in regard to their finances, led to the passage of a resolution requiring that official to report the condition of the treasury on the first day of every term of court. Failure to do so and the buying up of county orders at a discount, with public funds, were declared misdemeanors in office. From this time onward the financial affairs of the county steadily improved up to the panic of 1837, except that something of a hardship was experienced in 1814 and 1815 by reason of the severe and, as generally regarded, unjust provisions of the act setting off Pike county. The financial depression of 1837 was very severely felt in Wayne County. Specie payments being suspended by the State banks, the collectors found it almost impossible to receive taxes, ow- ing to the want of small change, aud early in the year the county commissioners, to obviate in a measure that difficulty, procured three thousand dollars' worth of checks of the denom- inations of twenty-five, fifty and seventy-five cents and one dollar, and put them into circula- tion. This led eventually to great loss and inconvenience, for many individuals engaged in mercantile and other departments of trade followed their example, and the county was flooded with this cheap currency, much of which being entirely worthless, caused all to be looked upon with suspicion, and thus to increase the very evil which it was designed to mitigate. That issued by the county, however, was chiefly paid to the officers of the several townships to the amount of the appropriations due them for school purposes, and most of the checks came back into the treasury through the hands of the tax collectors. 1 Removal of the County-Seat to Hones- dale. — The rapid growth of Honesdale fore- shadowed t he ultimate removal of the seat of justice from Bethany to that place. It was looked forward to for several years prior to 1840 as an inevitable result of the increasing importance of the town, but was finally effected by a sudden movement. During the legislative session of 1840-1841 the friends of the mea- sure perfected arrangements with trustworthy men in each township, who, at an appointed time, started simultaneously and rapidly circu- lated petitions in their respective districts favor- ing the passage of a removal act. These, being placed in the hands of a partisan friend of the measure in Honesdale, were hurriedly taken to Harrisburg, and the passage of the act was secured before many of its enemies in the 1 For the facts presented upon (his topic the author is chiefly indebted to the brief but judiciously written sketch of the county issued by Thomas J. Ham in 1870. 126 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. county were aware of the movement. The passage of the act was largely due to the influ- ence of Ebenezer Kingsbury, then State Senator. A strong attempt was made to kill the bill be- fore it was approved by the Governor, but it proved unavailing. The exact site of the seat of justice in Hones- dale was fixed on May 4, 1841, where the commissioners appointed by the Governor met the county commissioners, and accepted the present site, east of the public square, as a joint gift from the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company and the Torrey estate. The court-house was erected by Charles Jameson upon contract, and, upon its comple- tion, the Bethany court-house, together with certain real estate there, were sold to him for five hundred and ten dollars. The new build- ing was formally accepted November 8, 1843. The removal of the records from Bethany had been effected on the 21st of August preceding, and the first court was held in Honesdale Sep- tember 4, 1843. The building soon proved insufficient for the accommodation of the county business, and to afford more ample quarters, an additional struc- ture was erected, styled the " fire-proof." This was a brick building, in which were located the county offices. It was erected in 1856 by Beers & Heath. The present jail was erected in 1859 by Messrs^ Kelly & McAndrews, and has since been repaired. The New Court-Housb and the COURT- HOUSE War. — Even after the erection of the "fire-proof" or "county offices" building, in 1856, the court-house was noticeably insufficient for the growing demands of the county. The inadequacy of the court-room was gradually becoming apparent, and a few years later the court began to call the attention of the grand jury to the need of more suitable accommoda- tions. This body at length responded in re- ports setting forth the obvious defects of the building, and with accompanying recommenda- tions, of the following tenor : AT SEPTEMBER SESSIONS, 1807. "In regard to the Court- House, the grand jury en- tirely coincide with the Honorable Court, in the sug- gestions made on the morning of the 4th instant, and they believe the time has arrived for the considera- tion of the subject of the erection of a more substantial and capacious building than the one now occupied. The present term of court must have impressed every intelligent and thoughtful observer that the court- room is entirely inadequate to the wants of the people and the business of the county; the space so limited as to render it very fatiguing to those required to at- tend court, either as witnesses or jurors, and the con- sequent crowding of the room, and rendering the air exceedingly unpleasant,impure and unhealthy, and the accommodations of the bar and court so limited that the business cannot be dispatched, either promptly or pleasantly. Impressed with these views, which the jury believe to be correct, and so evident that they need no argument to enforce, they consider it within their appropriate sphere of duty to recommend that the County Commissioners should have this subject before them in future levying of taxes, that they may, at no distant day, be prepared to enter upon the work of erecting such a building as is required, and as shall be a credit to the enterprise and good taste of the people of the whole county." AT DECEMBER SESSIONS, 1867. "They would cheerfully adopt the recommenda- tions of the September grand jury, in relation to a new court-house, and would suggest that means be derived and carried into execution to create a fund, with which, at no distant day, the County Commis- sioners may enter upon the work of erecting a suitable and commodious court-house, which will meet the wants and demands of our rapidly growing county, and of necessity increased business." AT FEBRUARY SESSIONS, 1868. " They would further suggest, that means be derived and carried into execution to create a fund, with which, at no distant day, the County Commissioners may enter upon the work of erecting a suitable and commodious court-house, which will meet the wants of our rapidly increasing and growing county." The matter was further discussed as time went on ; but, although the need of a more commodious court-house was generally recog- nized, the people were not quite ready to in- cur the expense of its erection. At December Sessions, 1871, the grand jury, in reporting on the county buildings, said, — "They would not recommend the rebuilding, or changes and repairs, to any great extent, of the county buildings, until a future time, when the necessities would be greater, and the resources corre- spondingly larger to bear the burden of expenses." At December Sessions, 1873, the grand jury said, in relation to the county buildings, — WAYNE COUNTY. 127 " We believe them all that is necessary for the present, and we recommend thrtt the commissioners commence no new work unless absolutely necessary." At Ma}' Sessions, 1875, the recommendation for the erection of a new court-house was re- newed ; the grand jury, in a report on the county buildings, saying, — " They would further report that they have con- sidered the question of a new court-house, and do recommend that such a building be erected as soon as the financial condition of the business interests will admit." In November following, a new Board of Commissioners was elected — viz: Thomas Brown of Texas, and George Foote of Salem, Demo- crats ; and Francis A. Oppelt, of Sterling, Re- publican. During the canvass, the "court- house question " was among the issues discussed ; and, as the industrial depression commencing in 1873 was then seriously felt in the county, the prevailing sentiment was adverse to the im- mediate erection of a new building. At February Sessions, 1876, the grand jury, in reporting on the county buildings, said, — " They would further report that they have con- sidered the question of a new court-house, and do recommend that such a building be erected as soon as the financial condition of the business interests of the county will admit ; that the present building is in- adequate for the proper accommodation of the county, and that it is poorly ventilated." The court, at the same sessions, supplemented this with the following recommendation : " In view of the crowded state of the court-room, for the past year, and the manifest necessity for en- larged accommodations for the people of the county who have business in the court, as lawyers, jurors, parties and witnesses, and the very imperfect ventila- tion of the court room, we cordially approve of the report of the grand jury on this subject, and recom- mend to the County Commissioners to carry out the same by at once maturing plans and erecting the foundations of the new building the coming season. They can thus distribute the expenses through the years necessarily required for the erection and com- pletion of a new building, which shall meet the wants of and be a credit to the county, and not impose un- necessary burdens upon the taxpayers. " C. P. Waller, President Judge. " Otis Avery, ) . . T , "H. Wilson, } Associate Judges." May 11, 1876, the commissioners adopted the following resolution : " Whereas : The erection of a new Court-House has beeu recommended by four Grand Juries of this county and their recommendations approved by the court, and has also been recommended and earnestly iwged by large numbers of the citizens of the county, including many of the heaviest tax-payers; and " Whereas : No opposition has been developed in any tangible form, and a new Court-House is urgently demanded by the present condition of the county buildings, and by the growing necessity for increased facilities and conveniences in the conduct of judicial proceedings and the business of the several county offices ; and Whereas: The present time is especially favor- able for such an undertaking, both from the low price of labor and material and the desirability of giving additional employment to labor in our own com- munity : — Therefore Resolved, That in view of the circumstances herein referred to, it has become the bounden duty of the Commissioners to proceed at once to take the neces- sary steps for the construction of a Court-House suited to the wants and means of the county. " P. A. Oppelt, ") "George Foote, ' Coin's." "Thomas Brown, ) Plans were accordingly prepared, and early in July ground was broken for the new court- house. The work proceeded under the im- mediate supervision and direction of Commis- sioner Brown, who was an experienced practical builder; and at the close of the season the foundation was completed and a portion of the brick superstructure laid. The amount thus expended, as shown by the financial statement for the year, was $29,528.19, and the expendi- tures were approved by the county auditors on their examination of the matter in the following January. Meantime the public mind had become much agitated on the subject. The most exaggerated ideas as to the probable cost of the building gained credence, and the people were, very generally, apprehensive of an extravagant and unnecessary outlay. Throughout the summer the discontent increased ; and when, early in September, the County Conventions of the two parties met, it was expected that they would express some opinion and announce some policy on the subject. The opponents of the court-house formed a majority in both parties, and could easily have controlled both conven- tions had they taken the trouble to attend the 128 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. primary meetings. But, with the political habit of mind long characteristic of the American citizen, they took it for granted that party action would follow public sentiment without any action by members of the party, and that no practical measures were required to give effect to the public will. Hence, but a small proportion of either party attended the primaries, while the great majority of both remained at home, complaining that " the party " paid no attention to public opinion, and that the people had no voice in the management of their own affairs. As might have been expected, the conventions took no action on the court-house question, but gave their attention solely to the business of looking after offices. The county tickets being thus placed in the field, with no official declaration by the con- ventions (in the question paramount to all others in the popular mind, attention was naturally directed to the attitude of the candidates on this subject. Isaiah Scudder, of Bethany, and Charles W: Gilpin, of Sterling, the candidates for Representatives, and Giles Greene, of Salem, the candidate for associate judge, on the Repub- lican ticket, were known as " anti-court-house men." The Democratic party being in a majority, the views of its nominees for these offices became the subject of more anxious in- quiry. For some time these candidates main tained in public a non-committal attitude. Finally, however, they were forced into posi- tive action by the course of events. Among prominent Democrats who had at- tended the Democratic County Convention as spectators was Dr. Rodney Harmes, of Pleasant Mount. He was a pronounced " anti-court- house man," and strongly urged his party to take a decided stand on the court-house question. Disgusted with the course of the convention, he returned home, resolved that if the candidates failed to express some positive convictions dur- ing the month he Mould make an effort to se- cure more direct action by the people. The month passed with the candidates acting after the manner of their kind — hedging with a view to secure the support of each element of the party without cutting loose from the other. Meantime the public mind was in a most in- flammable condition, and struggling with in- articulate anger to make its purpose clear, and to indicate a distinct line of action. It needed only the man to determine how and when to apply the torch and fire the popular heart with a definite aim. While the situation was thus apparent to all, it fell to Dr. Harmes to take the initiative in giving voice to the popular feeling, defining the popular purpose, and direc- ting popular action. At his suggestion, an " Anti-Court-House Convention" was held in Pleasant Mount, September 27th, at which res- olutions were adopted condemning the action of the officials concerned in the erection of the new court-house, and a committee was appointed to canvass the county in behalf of the move- ment, and to report nominations for Representa- tives one week later. At the second meeting, October 4th, William M. Nelson, of Equinunk, a Democrat, and Butler Hamlin, of Salem, a Republican, were nominated for the Legis- lature. Orrin Lester, chairman, and J. F. Bass, secretary, were declared permanent officers of the organization; and the convention adjourned for one week. Mr. Hamlin declined the nomination for Representative; Frederick W. Farnham, of Hawley, was subsequently named to fill the vacancy, but he, too, declined. Mr. Nelsou went to Honesdale, and, after a con- ference with the Democratic candidates and County Committee, William A. Smith, one of the candidates for Representative, withdrew from the ticket, and Mr. Nelson was substituted. At the same time A. R. Howe, the other Democratic candidate for Representative, pub- lished a letter which was construed as an anti- court-house deliverance ; and a week later Michael Brown, the Democratic candidate for associate judge, followed with a letter of sim- ilar import. The latter, however, came too late to be effective. Messrs. Nelson and Howe were the successful candidates for the Legis- lature, while Mr. Greene, the Republican can- didate, was elected associate judge. Early in 1877 the commissioners began preparations to resume work on the court-house. As a preliminary step, they passed a resolution, January 16th, to submit to the people the question of an increase of debt under the act WAYNE COUNTY. 129 of April 20, 1874. The valuation of property was si, 777,726. The existing debt was $22,570.49. The increase proposed was $106,000, being six per rent, of the valuation. The increase was voted on at the township elections in February, and negatived by a de- cisive majority — the vote in its favor being 1119, to 3238 against it. The triennial assessment was about to be re- vised ; and after the vote against an increase of debt, the commissioners, sitting as a board of revision, decided to raise the valuation suffi- ciently to enable them to incur the indebtedness necessary to complete the court-house, underthe act of 1874, without the sanction of a popular vote. They accordingly increased the aggre- gate valuation to $8,312,134. The revision which resulted in this increase was com- pleted March 20th; and the period fixed for hearing appeals began April 16th and ended May 4th. March 21st the commis- sioners adopted a resolution to increase the debt of the county to an amount not ex- ceeding one hundred and sixty thousand dol- lars — about two per cent, of the revised valua- tion — to be secured by bonds; with a provision for levying the tax required for payment of the interest and the redemption of the bonds. The vote on the increase of indebtedness had shown the magnitude of the opposition to the plans of tlie commissioners; and the "anti- court-house party," having thus learned its strength, prepared for action against the new project of bonding the county. An organiza- tion was quickly effected, funds were subscribed, and counsel employed, for the purpose of test- ing in the courts the right of the commissioners to proceed. Hon. E. O. Hamlin and George S. Purdy were retained, together with A. Ricketts, of Witkes-Barre, one of the most distinguished equity practitioners in the State; and May 9, 1877, a bill in equity was tiled by William Holbert and forty-six others as plain- tiffs, in behalf of the citizens and tax-payers of the county, against the commissioners. The bill set forth the action already taken by the commissioners in relation to the erection of a new court-house; the debt already incurred, and the increase proposed ; the revision of the assessment and increase of valuation ; and the intention of the commissioners to destroy the old court-hopse. it averred the illegality of these proceedings, and prayed for an injunction restraining the commissioners from proceeding further with the erection of a court-house until they were lawfully empowered so to do; from issuing bonds, increasing the county indebted- ness, or levying a tax for the erection of public buildings ; and from tearing down or injuring the existing court-house. A motion for a preliminary injunction was argued before JudgeDreher, May 14th and 15th, the counsel for the CO lissioners being Wm. II. Dimniiek, (*. S. Minor, (i. G. Waller, H. M. Seely and II. Wilson. The commissioners, in their answer, sei forth the three successive reports of grand juries, and the recommendation of the court, as their authority for the erection of a new court-house; averred that their expenditures on the new building had been duly approved by the county auditors; that the assessors had returned the taxable property far below its value, and that the valuation had been revised, raised and equal- ized, as required by law ; admitted their inten- tion to increase the county indebtedness to an amount not exceeding $160,000, including the debt already contracted, and to remove the ex- isting court-house whenever it became necessary or proper so to do ; aud denied that their action in the premises was in any manner unlawful. On the hearing, the plaintiffs proposed to im- peach the reports of the grand juries by the affidavits of various grand jurors that no such reports were made ; that they were not agreed to by twelve grand jurors; or that the affiants had no recollection of a vote on the question. The defeudants produced counter-affidavits by other grand jurors ; certified copies from the records of the Court of Quarter Sessions, showing that the reports were read and ordered by the court to be published in the county papers, and that at February Sessions, 1868, it was ordered that a copy of the report be fur- nished to the commissioners; and the affidavit of William H. Ham, then clerk of the court that he had read the reports aloud in open court, in presence of the grand jury, by direc- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tion of the court, and that in each case the president judge stated to the grand jury that the court approved their recommendation, and ordered the reports to be filed and published in the county papers. The counsel for the defense objected to the admission of affidavits by grand jurors to im- peach their own reports. The counsel for plain- tiffs, in support of such testimony, cited the act of 15th April, 1869, providing that " no interest or policy of law shall exclude a party or person from being a witness in any civil proceeding," etc., and argued that as such testimony had previously been inadmissible on the ground of public policy, the act of 1869, in removing that ground, had made the testimony admissible. It was further contended, on the part of the plaintiffs, that the record showing no recommen- dation by the court until February, 1876, there was not the concurrent action of (lie grand juries and the court which the law required ; the act of Assembly providing that " It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of any < lounty, having first obtained the approbation of two successive grand juries, anil of the Court of Quarter Sessions of such County, to cause to be erected," etc. As to the proposed increase of indebtedness to $100,000, it was contended, first, that the increase of valuation was unlaw- fully made ; and, second, that even if lawful, it was not fixed, determined and adjusted until the final revision on appeals ; hence, that " the last preceding assessed valuation," at the time of the vote to increase the debt, was that fixed by the preceding triennial assessment, $1,777,- 72(3 ; and this proposed increase of debt to $160,000 being more than two per cent, of this valuation, was therefore unlawful, under the provisions of the Constitution (Article IX, Sec- tion 8). The court, in deciding the case, held, (1) That if any fraudulent or fictitious report had been filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions, it could be corrected only by that court, and not by the Court of Common Pleas, to which the application for an injunction was made; (2) That there was no evidence of such fraud, the reports having been read in presence of the grand jury, and directed to be published. " If any juror did not agree to such report, it was his privilege then and there to make his protest, when all the jurors could have been heard, while their recollections were fresh, and the record made to conform to the facts;" that if the record, years afterward, could thus be im- peached, " there would be no safety to persons acting upon the faith of such records; and in- stead of looking among the records of the Court for the proceedings and doings of the grand jury, the County Commissioners, before they would be warranted in proceeding in the erec- tion of new public buildings, would have to interview the members of the grand jury to ascertain whether the record is correct;" (.'5) That the " interest or policy of law" intended by the act of 1869 did not include the ease of a grand juror testifying in relation to his own finding (citing Tioga v. South Creek, 25 P. F Smith t:',7); (4) That the court was not lim- ited as to time in affirming the recommendation of the grand jury, and that the law did not require the action of the court and the grand jury to be contemporaneous ; (5) That the re- vision of the assessment and increase of valua- tion were lawful and regularly made, and that "the Court cannot interfere by injunction be- cause of extravagant or unequal valuation, more especially as the law has provided a specific remedy by appeal ; " (li) That the revision of I he assessment and adjustment of the valuation were not complete until the final action of the commissioners on appeals, which was not con- cluded until May 4th, but that a loan subse- quently made, not exceeding two per cent, of the valuation as then fixed, would not be in ex- cess of two per cent, of " the last preceding as- sessed valuation," within the meaning of the act of 20th April, 1874; (7) That "if the circumstances under which the Commissioners propose to remove the old building should arise, they certainly will have the right to re- move it." But while refusing the injunction, for the reasons given, Judge Dreher called attention to the act of 9th April, 1868, which provides that "When two successive Grand Juries in any county of this Commonwealth have reported in favor of the erection or repair of public build- WAYNE COUNTY. 131 iugs, which report has been approved by the Court of Quarter Sessions, and the funds on hand in the County Treasury shall not be suffi- cient to defray the necessary expenses of the erection and repair of said buildings, it shall be lawful for the County Commissioners to borrow the money necessary, and issue the bonds of the county therefor. Provided, That before such loan is contracted the Commissioners shall pre- sent a statement of the financial condition of the county to the Court of Quarter Session.- of the county, and secure the approval of such Court for such loan." He added, — "The Commissioners have no right to con- tract a loan, or issue bonds therefor, for the purpose ot erecting a court-house, or any public building, until they have secured the approval of the Court of Quarter Sessions. They are therefore as effectually restrained from con- tracting a loan or issuing bonds for erecting a court-house, until they get the approval of the Court of Quarter Sessions, as it would be possi- ble for the Court of Common Pleas to restrain them by injunction. If they should attempt to contract a loan, or issue bonds, or to collect any special tax to pay such loan or bonds, without the approval of the Quarter Sessions, the Com- mon Pleas would enjoin them. "The matter is now with the County Com- missioners and the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, to determine what amount of loan may be contracted." May 21st — before Judge Dreher's decision was announced — the revised valuation having been reduced on appeal to $7,561,956, the commissioners rescinded the resolution of March 21st, providing for an increase of indebtedness to $160,000, and substituted a resolution limiting the increase to an aggregate of $140,000. A few days later Judge Dreher's opinion was filed, and the commissioners there- upon decided to apply to the Court of Quarter Sessions for the approval of an issue of bonds. Their petition for this purpose, presented June 2d, set forth the indebtedness already incurred in the construction of the court-house at $37,502.87, and asked the approval of a loan of $125,000, in which the existing indebtedness was included. June 8th, Judge Waller, the president judge, filed an opinion, limiting the proposed loan to $106,000, and approving of the issue of bonds to that amount— $38,000 to liquidate the indebtedness already incurred, and the remaining $68,000 to be approved "when- ever the ( lommissioners shall obtain a responsible contract for the < ipletion of the building in a proper manner" for that sum. June 9th, however, the associate judges, Avery and Greene, filed an opinion, refusing to approve the issue of any bonds or the negotiation of any loan for completing the court-house. The question was next raised, on the part of the commissioners, whether the net of 9th April, 1868, was not repealed by the act of 20th April, 1874. Though the' former act was cited by .Judge Drehei in his opinion, the ques- tion of its repeal by the latter act had not been argued, or even presented, on the hearing before him. On this point there was some difference of opinion among the counsel for the commis- sioners. The bonds had already been printed and prepared for issue, under the resolution of March 21st, and it was soon understood that they had been or were about to be placed on the market, as a loan authorized by the act of 1874. I'. P. Smith, a prominent member of the bar, decided to test the right of the com- missioners to contract the proposed loan, and June 30th filed a bill in equity in behalf of two of his clients — John Hennigan and August Hartung — -to restrain the issue of bonds and the collection of the tax levied for payment of inter- est. The commissioners, in their answer, admitted their purpose to contract a loan for the comple- tion of the court-house and to meet other neces- sary expenses of the county, and contended that they were authorized to do so, without the approval of the court, by the act of 1874. July 3d a preliminary injunction was granted against the issue of bonds and the collection of the bond tax, without the approval of the court and July 19th was fixed for hearing a motion to dissolve the injunction. Instead of waiting to argue this motion, however, the commis- sioners appealed from the decree. The case was argued before the Supreme Court at Pittsburgh, in October following, and a decision was ren- dered by the chief justice in the following terms : L32 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. "Per Curiam. — Decree affirmed, except so far as it restrains the Commissioners from levying and col- lecting county taxes, under the general system for levying and collecting county taxes, for the purpose of building a new court-house." This decided that the commissioners had authority to levy the necessary tax for building the court-house, but not to borrow money for that purpose without the approval of the court. On the opening of the political canvass, in the fall of 1877, the "Anti-Court-House Party" was strong and well organized throughout the county. It held a convention at Bethany, and placed a county ticket in the field ; Judge Avery, whose term would expire in the following Janu- ary, being nominated for associate judge, and Godfrey Stevenson, of Mount Pleasant, for treas- urer. Candidates were also nominated as usual by the two political parties. The Anti-Court- House ticket, however, was elected by an over- whelming majority. Meantime — in September — the old court- house was torn down. Arrangements were subsequently made, by which the courts were held in Liberty Hall until the close of 1878, and in Weaver's Hall from that time until the completion of the new court-house. November 7th, Thomas Brown, one of the commissioners, died. November 8th, Commissioners Oppelt and Foote adopted a resolution levying a tax of ten mills on the dollar, for the purpose of pro- ceeding with the erection of the court-house, and to meet ordinary expenses. The expenditures on the building, during the vear 1S77, as shown by the financial state- ment, Were $18,030.53. At December Term, IS 7 7, the court appointed Wm. Holbert commissioner, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Brown. Mr. Hol- bert, having been the leading plaintiff in the original bill for an injunction, was an undoubted "anti-court-house man." In January, 1878, the accounts of the com- missioners and treasurer were laid before the county auditors (P. G. Goodrich, A. K. Peek, and Eugene Dorflinger) for settlement. The auditors refused to allow the commissioners credit for county orders drawn to meet expenses connected with the new court-house after the refusal of the court to approve a loan; or to allow the treasurer credit for the payment of such orders after Nov. 24, 1N77, at which date an "Anti-Court-House Committee" had notified him to pay no more of them. These orders were printed in blue ink, to distinguish them from those drawn for ordinary expenses, and were known as "blue checks." The commis- sioners and treasurer were accordingly sur- charged with the following sums : Commissioner Oppelt 14495.61 Brown L970.85 Foot.- 3335.61 Treasurer Paul Swingle..! 1511.44 The commissioners and treasurer at once appealed from this settlement of their accounts. The issues formed on these appeals were tried at the following May Term. The personal interests of Commissioners Oppelt and Foote, as appellants, being adverse to the claim of the county which they officially represented, an application was made to the court by the "Anti-Court-House Committee" for leave to appear in person and by their attorneys, Messrs. Hamlin and Purdy, in behalf of the county; and these attorneys also asked leave to appear for the county under an authority given by Commissioner Holbert. Before the cases were taken up, however, an arrangement was made by which C. S. Minor was employed to act as attorney for the county in the proceedings, and the applications on the part of Messrs. Hamlin and Purdy were withdrawn. The appeals of the commissioners were first tried. The evi- dence offered in behalf of the county consisted of that portion of the auditor's report relating to the matters in controversy, the assessment and tax levies for 1877 and 1878, and the testimony of Auditor Peck, as to the character id' the claims which had been disallowed, and the reasons for disallowance. When the county closed, the defendants demurred to the evidence, and after argument the court directed judg- ment on the demurrer for the defendants. The appeal of the treasurer was next taken up, and as the question on which it turned had just I been decided by the court against the county, WAYNE COUNTY. 133 the jury, under the direction of the court, rendered a verdict for the defendant. At February Sessions, 1878, Commissioners Oppelt and Foote presented a petition asking for the approval of bonds to the amount of $100,000, conditioned on making a contract, to be approved by the court, for the completion of the court-house, at a total cost not exceeding that sum. A similar petition was laid before the grand jury, with the request that they take the matter into consideration, and if they thought the proposed measure advisable, to recommend it to the court. They declined, however, to take such action on it. Numerous remonstrances were presented to the court against the proposed issue of bonds, and again the associate judges declined to approve the measure. At May Sessions following, Judge Waller called the attention of the grand jury to the subject, for such action as they might think proper to take. They made a report, recommending the issue of bonds as asked for by the commissioners in February, with a pro- viso that the tax levy for the year should not exceed three mills. The associate judges, how- ever, still withheld their approval. In view of the continued refusal to approve a loan, and the depressed financial condition of the county, Commissioners Oppelt and Foote, at the suggestion of Mr. Dimmick, their coun- sel, May 14, 1878, adopted the following reso- lution : "Resolved, That the resolution of November 8th, 1877, be and the same is hereby rescinded ; and that a tax not to exceed five mills on the dollar of valuation be assessed for the year 1878, and that no further work be done on the court-house, or any contract entered into relative to the same for the present year ; and that no further request be made to the court for the approval of bonds during our term of office." In the fall of 1878 the "Anti-Court-House Party" was again in the field with a county ticket; William Holbert and William Hartwell being its nominees for commissioners, and N. F. Underwood and A. B. Gammell for repre- sentatives. Mr. Nelson, who had served a term as representative, received its support as a can- didate for the State Senate. These candidates were elected. John Riefier, one of the Repub- lican candidates, was chosen as the third com- missioner. At February Sessions, 1879, the grand jury, in reporting on the county buildings, after set- ting forth the inconveniences connected with the county offices, continued as follows: " In view of the admitted want of a proper place in which to hold the courts of the county, and the insufficient accommodations for l'rothouotary and Treasurer, the grand jury would recommend the Com- missioners (if it be at all consistent with the duty they owe to the people of the county) to proceed to finish the new court house, so far, at hast, as to af- ford the necessary court and jury-rooms, and an office for the Prothonotary's use, in as good and cheap a manner as they can." In May following the plans of the new court-house were examined by the commission- ers, various changes were indicated, and reduced estimates of the cost were made. July 3d tin; commissioners advertised for proposals to com- plete the building. July 1 5th they made a con- tract with A. S. Phillips to complete the erection of the court-house, according to the modified plans decided on, for $25,889. This included none of the interior fittings or furnishing. A subsequent agreement provided for the addition of a dome, or central tower, at a cost of three thousand dollars; and a further contract was made, under which the fitting up of the interior was done by Mr. Phillips. The date fixed for the completion of the building was April 20, 1880. The purpose of the " Auti-Court-House Party " had been to prevent the completion of the court- house, or at least to postpone it until after the close of Judge Waller's term. The party accom- plished nothing, however, by political action, except so far as the refusal of the court to approve the second application for a loan may have been due to the re-election of Judge Avery in 1877; for work on the building was sus- pended only through the impossibility of ob- taining funds with which to continue it. The " Anti-Court-House " members of the Legislatu re secured the passage of various enactments on the subject, but none of these were of the least avail in arresting operations. The "Anti-Court- House" commissioners were elected under pledges against completing the court-house — 134 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. "Pay as you go; and if you can't pay, don't go," being the motto adopted; and up to the last moment the executive committee of the party pronounced against a resumption of the work. The commissioners, however, soon recognized that the existing conditions rendered further delay highly inexpedient, and took the responsibility of proceeding to complete the unfinished building. Their action in the pre- mises was finally approved by the sober second thought of the great body of the tax-payers. The building was substantially completed at the time fixed, and court was first held in it at May Term, 1880. The commissioners then presented a petition, asking that the grand jury be instructed to make "a full and impartial examination of the work and materials, and report the facts fully to the Court." This w;is accordingly done, and a report was made by the grand jury, setting forth — "That we have examined the contracts, examined Commissioner Hartwell upon his oath in regard to them, looked at the specifications, ami made such general examination of the building as we felt war- ranted in doing. That we are none of us practical builders, and therefore do not feel justified in passing upon matters which only experts can intelligently decide. That for these reasons it would not lie just to the Commissioners, the contractor, or the people, to take the responsibility upon ourselves to pass judg- ment on so important a matter, as a contract is now on file between said Commissioners and the contractor, by which the Commissioners and the architect are to be the judges to decide in behalf of the tax-payers whether the contractor has done the work and fur- nished the materials in accordance with the specifica- tions and contract." During the two years preceding, numerous suits had been brought and judgments recovered against the county for money lent, and on the " blue checks" discredited by the county audi- tors in their report for 1877. Litigation was not to end even with the completion of the court-house. The commissioners and Contractor Phillips were unable to effect a settlement, and in August, 1880, the latter brought suit against the county, on a claim of $3000 for building the court-house dome, and of $2000 for seats and other fixtures erected in the court-room. The case was referred to arbitrators, who, November 19th, awarded the contractor the sum of $1790.13. He appealed, and subse- quently obtained a change of venue to Monroe County. There he recovered a verdict of $4400, which was afterward reduced to $4000 as the alternative of a new trial. January 13th. 1882, the matter was closed by the payment of $4413.30 in full satisfaction of debt, interest and costs. The court-house, as finished, is a fine two- story structure of brick, with granite trimmings. The ground plan is in the form of an H. with the wings on the front somewhat longer than those on the rear. The county offices, arbitra- tion room, president judge's chambers, grand jury room and law library arc on the first ll ■; the court-room, jury-rooms, judges' room, bar office, consultation room, and ladies' wait- ing-room on the second floor. The entire building is heated by steam, the furnace and boilers being in the rear portion of the base- ment. In the basement, also, are rooms for the janitor and his family. The outside dimensions of the main portion of the building are fifty- eight feet by one hundred and nine; of the front wings, thirty-five by thirty-seven; of the rear wings, twenty-two by twenty-one; giving a front of one hundred and twenty-eight feet, and a rear of one hundred and two feet. A corridor fourteen feet wide extends from front to rear, with an expansion, eighteen feet from the front entrance, octagonal in form, twenty- six feet in diameter. On opposite sides of this, two stairways lead to the front of the second floor and to the court-room ; and from a private entrance near the rear of the corridor a stair- way leads to the judges' room, bar office and rear of the court-room. The length of the court-room is eighty-nine feet, and its width fifty-three. The bar, bench, clerk's desk and jury boxes occupy thirty-two feet of the length. The judges' room is in rear of the bench; the waiting-room and jury-rooms are in the front wings; the bar office and consultation room are in the rear wings. The bar and jury boxes are elevated some eight inches above the level of the floor, and the tiers of seats in the jury boxes rise from front to rear. The seats of the audience are on a uniform level. This is a very faulty arrangement ; since a row of chairs WAYNE COUNTY. 1 1-!;") placed across the froni of the bar, when occu- pied, shuts the witness-stand out of view from at least one-half of the benches. The acoustic properties of the room, also, are exceedingly had ; what is said within the bar and on the witness-stand being best heard in the most dis- tant seats. Various plans have been proposed, and experiments tried, for improving the room in this respect, but with little success. The method most likely to be attended with favora- ble results is a reduction of the bar to the level of the Hoor, and the elevation of the seats toward the opposite end of the room. It is impossible to ascertain the exact cost of the building, with the fitting, furnishing, heating apparatus, plumbing, gas fitting, etc., etc. Samuel B. Brown, the commissioners' clerk during most of the period of construction and payment, and the man most familiar with the subject, estimates the aggregate cost at about $130,000. This sum, however, does not include expenses of litigation, costs in suits against the county, interest on unpaid claims, political profits, or wear and tear of the public temper. THE CIVIL LIST. Following appear the names of the chief offi- cials of Wayne County — so far as it is possible to ascertain them — together with the represent- atives in the National and State Legislatures. (For the judiciary, see the succeeding chapter.) Congressmen. — For the district of which Wayne has been a part — varying from time to time. Bucks, MonUjoiiierii ami Xurt/iiim/itoit (two members). 1792-97 Samuel Si fcgrea ves. 1797-1801 Robert Brown. Bucks, Montgomery, Northampton, Wayne and Luzerne (three members). 1803-1813 Robert Brown. 1 Bucks, Xorthiinijitou ami Wai/m: 1813 Robert Brown, S. D. Ingham. 1815 S.D. Ingham. J. Ross. 1817 Same. Both resigned in 1818. 1818-19 S. Moore, T. J. Rogers (to fill vacancies). Bucks, Northampton, Wayne and Pike (two members). 1821 S. Moore, T. J. Rogers. 1S22 S. D. Ingham (in place of Moore, resigned). i Elected five terms— 1803, 1805, 1807, 1809 and 1811. 1823 S. D. Ingham (with Rogers). 1824 George Wolf (in place of Rogers, resigned). 1826-27 Ingham and Wolf. 1829 S. A. Smith, P. Ihrie, Jr. 1831 H. King, P. Ihrie, Jr. Northampton, Wayne, Pike ami Monroe (one member). | ( 'arbon added when erected. | is:;:: D. 1). Wagoner. 1841-43 John Westbrook. 1843-49 Richard Brodhead. 1849 53 M. M. Dimmick. 1868-57 Asa Packer. L857 61 W. H. Dimmick. 1861-67 Philip Johnston. 2 1867-71 1>. M. Van Auken. 1871-75 J. B. Storm. Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming (April 28, 1873). 1875-77 Joseph Powell. 1877-81 Edward Overton. 1881 C. C. Jadwin. 1883 George A. Post. 1885 F. C. Bunnell. State Senators (for districts including Wayne County). — Previous to 1836 Wayne was in districts electing two Senators, and the names of those elected are not learned with cer- tainty. , Wayne, Pike 1838, 1839, In L836 the District was made of '■" < and Monroe. 1837. — E. Kingsbury, Jr., elected foi 1840 and 1841. 1841.— Luther Kidder, elected for 1842, L843 and 1844. In 1843 Xeir District of Suxijii, lionmi, W'mjne ami Wyoming. Asa Dimock was on unexpired term. IStr,.— William H. Dimmick, elected for 1846, 1847 and 1848. 1848.— F. B. Streeter, elected for 1849, 1850 and 1851. In 1850 New District of Wayne, Pike ami Monroe. No election for 1852. 1852.— E. W. Hamlin, elected for 1853, 1854 and 1855. 1855.— I. 11. Walton, elected for 1856, 1857 ami 1 858. /;/ 1857 New District of Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne. 1858.— Thomas Craig, Jr., elected for 1859, 1860 and 1861. 1861.— Henry S. Mott, elected for 1802, 1863 and 1864. 2 He died in January, 1867. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. In L864 same District renewed. 1864.— H. I'.. Beardslee, elected for 1865, 1866 and 1867. 1867.— Charlton Burnett, elected for L868, L869 and 1870. L870.— Albert G. Brodhead, elected tor 1871, 1872 and 1873. In 1871 New District of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming. 1871.— Lafayette Fitch, elected for 1872, 1873 and 1874. In 1S74 New District nf H'ai/iie and Xiist/iudtaniiti. 1874.— W. W. Watson, elected for 1875 and 1876. 1876.— Eugene Bawley, elected for 1877 and 1878. 1878.— William M. Nelson, elected for 1879, 1880, 1SS1 and 1SS2. 1882.— William M. Nelson, elected for 1883, 1884, 1885 and 1886, Representatives in Legislature. — Prev- ious to the erection of Wayne County, (1798) its territory was part of Northampton, and by the last preceding apportionment, Northampton was entitled to four members. After Wayne was erected, it was generally understood that Wayne should have one of the Representatives. The following were elected from Wayne: 1798, 1799 and 1800.-John Coolbaugh, of Wayne, was elected. 1801-2.— Richard Brodhead, of Wayne. 1803.— John Coolbaugh. 1804-5.— The people of Wayne did not agree on a candidate, and all four members were from North- ampton. 1806.— John Coolbaugh. 1807. — No member from Wayne, the people being divided. 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812 and 1813.— Daniel W. Dingman. 1814. — No member from Wayne. Pike was now erected, and Wayne and Tike were expected to have one member. 1815-16.— John Brodhead, of Pike. 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820 and 1821.— Isaac Dimmiek. of Wayne. 1822-23.— N. B. Eldred, of Wayne. 1824-25.— William Overfield, of Pike. 1826-27.— N. B. Eldred, of Wayne. 1828-29.— William Overfield, of Pike. 1830-31.— Thomas Fuller, of Wayne. 1832-33.— John Westbrook, of Pike. 1834-35.— N. A. Woodward, of Wayne. (Wayne and Pike were made a district alone, with one member). 1836-37.— Oliver S. Dimmiek, of Pike. 1838-39.— E. W. Hamlin, of Wayne. 1840-41.— John H. Brodhead, of Pike. 1842-43.— George Bush, of Wayne. 1844-45.— Richard Eldred, of Pike. 1846-47.— Pope Bushnell, of Wayne. 1848.— John W. George, of Pike. 1849.— Thomas E. Grier, of Wayne. (Wayne alone was made a district). 1850. — Calvely Freeman. 1851.— Thomas J. Hubbell. 1852. — Richard Lancaster. 1853.— F. M. Crane. 1 854.— Otis Avery. is;.;, 56.— Nathaniel W. Vail. 1867-58.— H.L. Stephens. 1859. H. B. Beardslee. I860.— A. B. Walker. 1861.-F. M.Crane. 1863-64.— William M. Nelson. (Wayne and Pike were joined in a district). 1864-65.— William M. Nelson (Wayne). 1866-67.— Lafayette Westbrook (Pike). 1868.— William M. Nelson f Wayne. 1869.— William H. Dimmiek (Wayne). 1870.— David A. Wells (Pike). L871 and 1872.— J. Howard Beach (Wayne). 1873. — William H. Dimmiek, Wayne. (He resigned and Thomas V. Boyd was elected to the vacancy.) I An apportionment under the revised Constitution gave Wayne two members, to be elected for two j ears' terms. | 1X74.— Thomas Y. Boyd ami W. W. Mumford. 1876.— William M. Nelson and A. B. How,'. 1878.— A. B. Gammell and N. F. Underw I. 1880.— Philip Ridley and James Millliam. 1882.— Philip Ridley and C. S. Gardner. 1884.— E. B. Hardenbergh and W. B. Guinnip. Sheriffs.- — Previous to 1839, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of 1790, two persons were to be elected by the people, one of whom was to be appointed and commis- sioned by the Governor. Name of Candidate Elected tr/ia Kcceieed < 'ammixsian. 1798 Richard Brodhead. 1801 Daniel W. Dingman. 1X04 Abraham Mulford. 1807 vbisha Woodward. 1810 Matthew Ridgway. 1813 Silas Kellogg. 1816 Salmon Jones. 1819 Solomon Moore. 1822 Oliver B. Brush. 1825 Joseph Miller. 1828 PaulS. Preston. 1831 Lucius Collins. 1X34 Joseph Miller. 1837 Lucius Collins. 1840 Richard Lancaster. WAYNE COUNTY. 137 1848 John Mcintosh. L846 William F.Wood. 1849 Oliver Stevenson. 1852 Thomas E. Grier. 1855 lames B. Eldred. L858 William Turner. 1861 Robert S. Dorin. 1864 Jeremiah F. Barnes. 1867 Robert S. Dorin. 1870 lohn R.Ross. 1873 E. Mallory Spencer. 1876 Perry A. Clark. 1879 Joseph Atkinson. Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, Re- corded of Deeds and Register of Wills. —Previous to 1839 these offices were part of the Governor's patronage and were sometimes all given to one person, and at other times divided between two or more persons. The limit to the term of office was usually stated in the commissions, as "until this appointment and commission shall be by me, or other lawful authority, superseded and annulled." The appointees in Wayne < Vmiitv were as in the following statement : John Broadhead, appointed by Governor Mifflin, March, 1798, to all the offices ; reappointed by Gover- nor Mckean, January, L800, to all the offices. John Coolbaugh, appointed by Governor Snyder, January, L809,to all the offices. Eliphalet Kellogg, appointed by Governor Snyder, February, 1810, to all I he offices. Sheldon Norton, appointed by Governor Findlay, February, 1818, prothonotary and clerk of court. John K. Woodward, appointed.by Governor Findlay, February, 1818, register and recorder. Thomas Meredith, appointed by Governor Heister, February, 1821, to all the offices. John R. Woodward, appointed by Governor Shultz, February, 1824, prothonotary and clerk of court; died April, 1825. James Manning, appointed by Governor Shultz, February, 1824, register and recorder. Solomon Moore, appointed by Governor Shultz, May, 1825, prothonotary and clerk of court; reap- pointed by Governor Wolf, January, 1830, prothono- tary and clerk of court ; died December, 1831. James Manning, appointed by Governor Wolf, January, 1830, register. Isaac P. Olmstead, appointed by Governor Wolf, January, 1830, recorder. George B. Wescott, appointed by Governor Wolf, January, 1832, prothonotary and clerk ; reappointed by Governor Wolf, January, 1833, prothonotary, clerk and register. Isaac P. Olmstead, appointed by Governor Wolf, January 1833, recorder. Paul S. Preston, appointed by Governor Ritner, Jan- uary 1836, to all the offices. Leonard Graves, appointed by Governor Porter, January 1839, prothonotary and clerk. John Belknap, appointed by Governor Porter, Jan- uary, 1839, register and recorder. (Both of these were to hold their offices until they were filled by election.) Prothonotaries. — This office became elect- ive in 1839; one person to be prothonotary and clerk of the courts, and another person to be register and recorder, and elected for three years. The subsequent prothonotaries, etc., were : Leonard Graves, elected in 1839, died August, 1842; Abraham Swart, appointed August 11, 1842, to lill vacancy, re-elected in 1842; Philip G. Goodrich, elected in 1845 ; Rufus M. Grenell, elected in L848; John .Mcintosh, elected in 1851 and 1854; William F. Wood, elected in 1857; John K. Jenkins, elected in I860; Henry W. Brown, elected in 1863; William H. Ham, elected in 1866 ; J. J. Curtis, elected in 1869 and 1872; Charles J. Menna, elected in 1875 and 1878; E. R.Gaylord, elected in 1881 and 1884. COMMISSIONERS. 1803 Joseph Tanner. 1804 Benj.S.Killam. 1805 Samuel Gunsalus. 1806 |^ nie i 1,, T" C n U««. t Theodore \V oodbndge ) 1808 Moses Thomas. 1809 George W. Nyce. 1813 Thomas Spangenburg. 1814 Walter Kimble. 1815 Benj. King. 1816 George Rix. 1817 David Arnold. 1827 Jesse Dix. 1828 George Bush. 1829 Jeremiah Bennett. 1831 , Jirah Mumford. 1836 Jacob Faatz. 1837 John Mumford. 1840 Amory Prescott. 1841 Richard Eldred. 1842 Phineas Howe, Jr. 1843 Alva W. Norton. 1844 Jonathan Jones. 1845 John S. Atkinson. 1846 Hiram Ledyard. 1847 Charles B. Seaman. 1847 John B. Cole. 1848 Wareham Day, full term. For two years, John B. Cole. WAYNE, DIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. 1849.. Ephraim Pullis. 1831 ... Thomas Lillibridge. 1850.. Ira B.Stone. 1837.... Thomas H. Bans. 1851.. William Oliver. L840.... Jacob L. Keen. 1852.. William N. Fisher. 1843.... Maitland A. Bidwell. 1853.. Ruben R. Purdy. 1846.... 185 1 1849.... Horace Buckland. 1865.. Daniel D. Woodward. 1852.... Ruel Hoadley. L856. Ezekiel G. Wood. 1855.... Elkanah l'atmor. 1857.. Squire Whitaker. L858.... Maitland A. Bidwell. 1868. 1881.... George Schlager. ....Jacob B. Snyder, unexpired term. 1859. William Hartwell. 1862 ... 1860. 1864.... lames B. Eld red. 1861. Riehard Henwobd. 1867.... Jacob C. Vetter. 1862.. Patrick Barrett. 1868.... ....James B. Eldred, unexpired term. 1863.. Henry Winter. L870.... James B. Eldred. 1864.. 1871.... Jacob J. < (Inner. L865.. James Drown. 1872.... Elkanah l'atmor. 1866.. 1S75.... 1867.. Thomas Ferguson. 1878.... Elkanah l'atmor. 1868.. 1881.... 1869.. Thomas Tvner. 1884.... Elkauah l'atmor. 1870.. George Hittinger. 1871.. James B. Ehlred. 1872.. L809.... Martin Boesticld. 1873.. 1874.. Oliver W. Chapman. 1813 ... 1814..., Reuben E. Purdv. 1875. .Thomas Brown (died 1877, William 1815.... Amos Tyler. 1816 George Foote, Francis A. Oppelt. 1817.... Rufus Greenohl. 1878.. John Riefler, William Holl.ert, 1S27.... Eldad Atwater. William Hartwell. 1828.... Eliphalet Kellogg. 1881.. John Williams, George W. Kipp, 1829.... Enos Woodward. C. T. Tegler. 1831.... David S. West. 1884.. 1 leorge W. Simons, John L. Sherw 1, 1836.... lames Mumford. Henry Iloff. 1837.... John Mcintosh. 1840.... Registers .\ni> Recorders. — rhe office of 1841 ... Stephen Price. register and recorder, after it became elective 1842.... James R. Keen. in 1839, was thus filled : 1843.... Eil win Foot. 1839.. John Bel knap. 1844.... 1845... Oliver Stephenson. 1841. Thomas R. Mumford. 1846 ... 1845. 1848. 1851.. 1854. 1857. H. B. Beardslee. James R. Keen. Curtis S. Stoddard. Curtis S. Stoddard. William G. Arnold. 1847.... 1848.... 1849.... 185H ... 1851.... George A. Starkweather. William N. Fisher. Charles B. Seaman. Pope Bushncll. 18(30. William G. Arnold. 1852.... Rufus M. Grennell. 1863. Michael Regan. 1853.... 1866. Thomas Hawkey. 1854.... Daniel W. Church. 1872. 1875. A. R. Howe. Charles Menner. 1855 ... 1856 ... Ephraim W. Hamlin. Amory Prescott, three years. 1857.... Silas S. Benedict. COKONEBS. 1858.... Jackson Woodward, three years. 1S04. Jabez Rock wel 1. Pope Bushnell, two years. 1813. Jonathan Jennings. 1859.... Michael Regan, three vears. 1816. Matthias Keen. Henrv W. Brown, two years. 1828. Benjamin F. Woodward. I860.... Robert A. Smith WAYNE COUNTY. 139 1861 Isaac N. Chalker. 18G2 Ephraim B. Kimble, full term. James B. Eldred, one year. 1803 J. N. Wilson, three years. B. H. Holgate, two years. 1864 Halloway L. Stephens. 1865 Newman D. Purdy. 1866 James Van Camp. 1867 A. B. Gammell. 1868 Henry K. Stone. 1869 Anderson M. Lancaster. 1870 Orrin A. Reed. 1871 Horace Buckland. 1872 William Weiss. 1873 Andrew J. Price. 1874 Elbert R. Jones. 1875 Eugene A. Dorfiinger, Albert R. Peck, Phineas G. Goodrich. 1878 Phineas G. Goodrich, Albert R. Peck, Hugh A. Lancaster. 1881 John Gilpin, William Stephens, John J. Whitakcr. 1884 Dwight R. Atkinson, Frank P. Kimble, George E. Moase. CHAPTER II. The Bench and Bar of Wayne County— A General Sketch, with Biographic. i The Courts and President Judges. — The first organization of the courts of Wayne County was made under the Constitution of 1790 ami the judiciary act of April 1:5, 1791. The Constitution established in each county "a court of common pleas, orphans' court, register's court, and a court of quarter sessions of the peace," and required the Governor to appoint, in each county, not less than three nor more than four judges. It also required a division of the State into circuits, and the appointment, by the Governor, of a president judge of the courts in each circuit. All these judges were to hold office during good behavior. The judiciary act divided the State into five "dis- 1 Judge Henry Wilson is, in a comprehensive sense, the author of this ample and admirable chapter. The sketches of Earl Wheeler, Wm. II. Dimmick (the elder), Samuel E. Dimmick and F. M. Crane, analytical as well as biograph- ical in character, are from the always able pen of one who knew them all intimately — Francis B. Several other biographies have been contributed by writers. tricts or circuits," of which the counties of Berks, Northampton, Luzerne and Northum- berland formed the Third. It also required the Governor to appoint "a person of knowledge and integrity, skilled in the laws," in each district or circuit, as president judge of the courts therein, and "a number of other proper persons, not fewer than three, nor more than four," as judges in and for each county ; and it provided that "said president and judges" should "have and execute all and singular the powers, jurisdictions and authorities of judges of the courts of common pleas, judges of the courts id' oyer and terminer and general jail delivery, judges of the orphans' courts, and justices of the courts of quarter sessions of the peace, agreeably to the laws and constitution of tliis commonwealth." The act of March 21, 1798, erecting the county of Wayne out of part of Northampton, provided that the new county should have "all and singular the courts, jurisdictions, officers, rights and privileges " to which other counties were entitled under the Constitution and laws of the commonwealth. It placed the county in the Third Judicial District, made the president judge of that district the president of its courts, and provided that the courts should be held at the house occupied by George Buchanan, in Milford, until the erection of a court-house. Hon. Jacob Rush was then president judge of the Third District, having been appointed August 1.3, 1791. He never sat, however, in Wayne, but for eight years after the erection of the county its courts were held by the associate judges. By act of March 20, 1799, a Circuit Court was established, to be held in each county except Philadelphia, by a justice of the Supreme Court, instead of the courts of Nisi Prius then held by justices of the Supreme Court. Be- sides its original jurisdiction, the Circuit Court had jurisdiction of causes, civil and criminal, removed to it from the County Courts. In March, 1809, this court was abolished. The record shows that the first court in Wayne County was held September 10, 1798, at the house of George Buchanan (spelled also, iu the record, Buckhannan and Bowhannun), 140 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in Mil ford, " Before Samuel Preston, John Ryerson, Samuel C. Seely and John Biddis, Esquires, Justices of the said court." The preamble and the first, second aud third sections of the act erecting the county were read ; also, the commissions of the judges, respectively, in the order above named, as first, second, third and fourth associate judges, and of John Brod- head as prothonotary and clerk of the courts, recorder of deeds and register of wills. Jabez Rockwell was appointed "Oyer of the Court;" four attorneys were admitted to the bar; and rules were adopted for the regulation of prac- tice. No venire having been issued, there was neither grand or traverse jury. Some business was transacted in the Quarter Sessions. Eight recognizances for appearance, on various charges, had been returned, one of which was forfeited and the others renewed. A place was designated for the confinement of debtors and other prison- ers. Fourteen persons were recommended to the Governor for licenses to keep public houses, and four applications therefor were rejected. A draft laying out the northern part of the county into six townships was approved, in compliance with "a petition subscribed with twenty-five signatures." The townships were named Buckingham, Mount Pleasant, Damascus, Palmyra, Canaan and Lackawaxen. Commis- sioners were appointed to run and mark the lines, and constables and supervisors of the new townships were appointed. A vacancy in the office of constable of Middle Smithfield was tilled. An order was made directing repairs on the bridge at Milford. These proceedings com- pleted, the court adjourned September 12th. Judge Preston was a Quaker. On the other hand, Judge Seely had been a lieutenant in the Revolutionary army ; and his judicial commission was followed, March 24, 1798, by a commission from Governor Mifflin as " Brigadier General of the brigade composed of the militia of the county of Wayne," for the term of seven years. Thus peace and war were represented side by side on the bench when the courts of Wayne County were first opened. Daniel Stroud, the first attorney admitted, seems to have had personal as well as profes- sional reasons for attendance. Among the recognizances returned was one for his appear- ance to answer a charge of assault and battery on David Litch. At the next term an in- dictment was found against him; he pleaded' "guilty, with a protestation, etc.," and was sentenced to pay a fine of one cent and the costs. This was the first penalty ever imposed in the criminal courts of Wayne County. The bench, also, had its personal difficulties.- The first writ of fieri facias issued out of the newly-created court was against Samuel C. Seely, the third associate judge, December 27, 1798, for a debt of fifty-two pounds. At September Term, 1799, Samuel Preston, the first associate judge, found himself in hot water. An attempt was made to indict him, in which the prime movers were Samuel Staunton, of Mt. Pleasant, and Thomas Shields, of Da- mascus. Their hostility grew out of the loca- tion of a road in those townships. .Indue Preston, in a letter to Henry Drinker, thus describes their efforts, and the method by which they were defeated, — "StauntoD was very busy for two days. He haunted the Grand Jury incessantly, importuning them to present me to the State's attorney for a Bill, indicting me for living with a woman without being married, and Cor the Orphans' Court to appoint trustees to bind out my children, lest I might use them ill and they become a public charge. Several of my friends in the Grand Jury informed me, from time to time, of li is pressing solicitations, and that it bad no effect with the majority of them, altho' some few of bis party, that I could name, were violently warm for it. He then tried to have me indicted for writing an in- famous libel, as be termed it, in which hq was much nearer obtaining a presentment. It was that, in a letter which I had written on electioneering subjects, I bad (juoted a passage from ' Dallas' Reports,' which they said proved McKean had condemned John Rob- erts contrary to law. I took the Book, went in among the Grand Jury, read to them the same in that as in the letter, then told them they must first indict Dal- las for publishing and McKean for recommending its being read, before they did me ; that the duty of my office required that I should endeavor to disseminate among them a knowledge of the laws and Decisions of Courts, more especially such as were there recom- mended by the man who, for his virtue and wisdom, they had selected for Governor." The charge of " living with a woman without being married " arose from the fact that Judge Preston and wife were married according to the WAYNE COUNTY. 141 ceremony — or, rather, lack of ceremony — prac- ticed by the Quakers. The judge's brethren on the bench, also, seem to have been involved in the crusade against him, for he adds, — " It was a Court of Qreat Commotion. There was every wrong thing tried to either stigmatize or put me off the Bench. All the other three Judges attend- ed for that purpose, and they intended to have had twenty-three < brand Jurymen, in order to obtain a ma- jority of twelve against me; that I clearly foresaw. Objected to S. Staunton ; he had served the Court before. John Brink and C. Jayne, Esq., the other trustees [appointed to select a county seat], prayed to have him dismissed to join their Board. There were twenty left to serve and they divided, eleven in my favor and nine against me." Thus the judge escaped for the time. At December Term, 1 799, Jonathan Butler, a justice of the peace, was indicted for "an assault and battery on the body of John Biddis, Esquire," the fourth associate judge, but was acquitted. At September Term, 1800, the difficulties in which Judge Preston had become involved culminated in two indictments against him. The first charged the Quaker judge with an assault and battery on Thomas Shields. He was convicted on this, but at the next term a new trial was ordered. The case was then removed to the ( 'ircuit ( lourt, and he was there convicted of an assault, and fined twenty dollars. The second indictment was for libels published in duly, 1799, on "Thomas McKean, Esquire, a good, peaceable and worthy citizen of the commonwealth, then Chief Justice, and now Governor thereof." In politics, Judge Preston was a Federalist and McKean a Republican; and the alleged libels were contained iu two letters written while the latter was a candidate for Governor. The first letter charged that McKean "was born in Ireland, and is now between seventy and eighty years of age, infirm, and addicted to liquor to great excess." The second referred to the case of John Roberts (1 Dallas 39), who was tried for treason before Chief Justice McKean in September, 1778, convicted, partly on his own confession, and executed; it declared the admission of the prisoner's confession contrary to law; and strongly opposed McKean's election — " For, as David said, he has blood in his shoes;" — " Meaning," averred the indictment, " that the said Thomas hail taken the lite of a man un- justly." The indictment, in this case, was signed by -Joseph B. McKean, attorney-gen- eral, instead of by the deputy for the county, as was customary. At December Term, 1800, it was removed to the ('ircuit Court, and the defendant was held in five hundred dollars bail to appear there — an unusually heavy recog- nizance for that day, and probably required because the offense was scandalum magnatwn,. Nothing more, however, appears to have been done in the case. At December Term, 1800, " Samuel CSeely, Esq.," the third associate judge, was indicted for ":m assault and battery on the body of Abraham Mulford, Esq.," a justice of the peace; and an indictment was found against Judge Seely and Jonathan Butler for " con- spiracy against Hugh Moss, Esq.," an attorney. The latter case apparently grew out of an in- dictment for barratry preferred against Mr. Ross at the preceding term, but returned ignoramus, and was complicated by an indict- ment against Mr. Boss and Abraham < 'ole for conspiracy against Jonathan Butler, preferred at December Term, but returned ignoramus. Judge Seely was also indicted at February Term, 1801, for keeping a tippling-house. At May Term, 1801, he was tried on the indictment for assault and battery, and acquitted. At the same term the indictment for conspiracy was removed [o the Circuit Court; and among the witnesses placed under recognizance to appear and testify against Judge Seely were his associates on the bench, Judges Preston and Ryerson. The final result, in the case removed to the Circuit Court, does not appear. On the indictment for keeping a tippling-house, nothing was done beyond holding the defendant to bail in sixty dollars for his appearance. The difficulty between the judge and the attorney, however, would seem to have been amicably settled not long afterward, for at February Term, 1803, Mr. Ross was one of a committee that examined Judge Seely as an applicant for admission to practice as an attorney, and reported him as duly qualified, and May 13, 1803, the judge, 142 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. having resigned his commission, was, on Mr. Ross' motion, admitted to the bar. Even George Bowhanan, the man in whose house the courts were first held, did not escape trouble. In the summer of 1800 he was charged with forgery, and held to bail in sixty dollars for his appearance at the September Sessions. The matter ended, however, with the failure of the prosecutor, John Brink, to appear when called. The courts were held in Milfordat September and December Terms, 1798, and February Term, L799. By act of April 1, 1799, the place for holding them was fixed at Wilsonville, until a suitable spoi for a county-seat should be selected, " within four miles of the Dyberry Forks of the Laekawaxen River," and public buildings erected. Accordingly, at May Term, 17W, the courts were held at Wilsonville, and for nearly three years they remained there. By act of April 5, 1802, they were transferred to Milford, to be held there for three years and no longer. At Ma\ Term, 1802, therefore, the courts were again held at Milford. Upon the expiration of the three years, Bethany had been finally fixed on as the county-seat and public buildings erected. The first court was held there May 0, ISO."), and the court-room not being quite ready for occupancy, the court sat for that day in a front room of Major Jason Torrey's residence, the judges •upying seats placed on a carpenter's work-bench. Thus "the bench," on that occa- sion, had a literal as well as a technical meaning. Thus far, the business of the courts, generally, was such as required a conscientious exercise of common sense, rather than high legal attain- ments, on the part of the judges. The term usually occupied from two to four days. But few civil suits were brought; the criminal matters were seldom of a serious character, the greater number of indictments being for intru- sion, forcible entry and detainer, assault and battery, petty larceny, and keeping tippling- houses; and the more important suits were generally tried in the Circuit Court. As popu- lation increased, however, and with it litigation, the need of a law judge in the county courts became more and more apparent, and at length measures were takeu to supply the want. By act of February 24, 1806, the State was divided into ten judicial districts; Berks, North- ampton and Wayne forming the Third. This act also provided for reducing the number of associate judges in each county to two, by leaving vacancies, beyond that number, unfilled. March 1, 1806, Gov. McKeau commissioned lion. John Spayd president judge of the Third District. Judge Spayd presided in Wayne, for the first time, May 12, 1806, and for the last time, at December Term, 1808. July <>, 1809, Gov. Snyder commissioned Hon. Robert Porter president judge of the Third District. Judge Porter presided in Wayne, for the first time, September 4, 1809, and for the last time, at Augusl Term, 1812. By act of March 24, 1812, Bradford, Tioga, Wayne and Susquehanna Counties were erected into the Eleventh Judicial District, and the Gov- ernor was required to appoint a president judge for the district, the appointment to take effect after the second Tuesday of the following Octo- ber. Gov. Snyder, October 16, 1812, commis- sioned Hon. John B. Gibson president judge of the district. Judge Gibson presided in Wayne, for the first time, February 1, 1813, and for the last time, at January Term, 1816. June 27, 1816, he resigned, and on the same day was commissioned By Gov. Snyder a justice of the Supreme Court. Meantime, by act of March 12, 1813, Lu- zerne was added to the Eleventh District; and by act of March 26, 1814, Pike County was erected out of the southern portion of Wayne, and placed in the same district. June 28, 1816, Gov. Snyder commissioned Hon. Thomas Burnside president .judge of the Eleventh District. Judge Burnside presided in Wayne, for the first time, August 2(J, 1816, and for the last time, at January Term, 1818. July (i, 1818, he resigned. More than a quarter of a century later — January 2, 184."> — he was com- missioned by Gov. Shunk a justice of the Supreme Court. By act of February 25, 1818, Susquehanna, Bradford and Tioga ( bounties were erected into the Thirteenth District, from and after the first Mon- day of July following. This left the Eleventh District composed of Luzerne, Wayne and Pike. WAYNE COUNTY. 143 July 7, 1818, Hon. David Scot! was com- missioned by Governor Findlay president judge of the Eleventh District. He first pre- sided in Wayne County August 24, 1818. No further change was made in the districl fur eighteen years, nor in the president judge- ship for nearly twenty years. By act of April 1, L836, Monroe County was erected out of portions of Northampton ami Pike, and placed in the Eleventh Judicial District. Judge Scott presided in Wayne, for the last time, at January Term, 1838. By the revision and amendment of the Con- stitution, completed February 22, 1838, and adopted by the people at the election in October following, the terms of judges of the Supreme Court were fixed at fifteen years, of law judges of the lower courts at ten years, and of associate judges at five years; and their appointment required confirmation by the Senate. The term of Judge Scott, by the provisions of the amended Constitution relating to judges then in commission, would expire February 27, 1839. His hearing was becoming im- paired, and he decided to anticipate the expira- tion of his term by resigning. March 17, 1838, he sent his resignation to Governor Ritner, accompanied with a request that the vacancy should lie filled by the appointment of Hon. Nathaniel B. Eld red, then president judge of the Eighteenth District. The Governor promised to make this appointment, if Judge Eldred would resign from the Eighteenth early enough to he commissioned in time to hold the April term of the courts in the Eleventh Dis- trict, commencing April 2d. Receiving, how- ever, neither resignation or other communica- tion on the subject from Judge Eldred, after waiting until April 7th, the Governor on that day commissioned lion. William Jessup, of Susquehanna County, president judge of the Eleventh District. Judge Jessup first presided in Wayne County April Hi, 1838. By act of April 12, 1840, taking effect from and after the 1st of the following January, Luzerne was transferred from the Eleventh Dis- trict to the Thirteenth, and Susquehanna from the Thirteenth to the Eleventh. Hon. John N. Conyngham then presided in the Thirteenth, and by this transposition the residences of Judges Jessup and Conyngham were placed within their respective districts. During Judge Jcssup's term the county-seat was removed from Bethany to Honesdale. The act for this purpose was approved February 15, 1841. The erection of public buildings occupied upward of two years, and the first court was held in Honesdale September 4, 1843. By act of April 10, 1844, Monroe was detached from the Eleventh, and united with Carbon and Schuylkill to form the Twenty- first District; leaving the Eleventh composed of Susquehanna, Wayne ami Pike. By act of April 5, 1849, Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon were elected into the Twenty-second District, and the Governor was required to appoint a president judge for the new district. Governor Johnston thereupon appointed Hon. Nathaniel B. Eldred to this position, his commission bearing date April 6, 1849. In 1850 a Constitutional amendment was adopted, making the judiciary elective; fixing the term of president judge at ten years from the first Monday of December following the election, and that of associate judge at five years; and vacating the commissions of all judges holding by appointment on the first Monday of December, 1851. At the first election, held in October, 1851, Judge Eldred was chosen president judge of the Twenty-second District without opposition. In April, 1853, he resigned, to accept the appoint- ment of naval officer in the Philadelphia cus- tom-house. A succession of contests for the judgeship followed, carried on mainly within the lines of the Democratic party, to which all the competi- tion belonged, which was not set at rest until the general election in 1S55. For the appointment to fill the vacancy caused by Judge Eldred's resignation, the most promi- nent candidate was Win. H. Dimmick, of Wayne. Win. Bigler was then Governor. In 1846, when Mr. Bigler and Mr. Dimmick were members of the State Senate, Mr. Bigler was 144 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the Democratic caucus nominee fur Speaker. Mr. Dimmick affected to support him, l>ut finally united with other disaffected Democrats and accomplished hisdefeat. This circumstai was recalled when, seven years later, Mr. Dim- mick became an applicant for an appointment in the gift of Mr, Bigler. A brother of Mr. Dimmick, also— Milo M. Dimmick, of Monroe — came forward as a candidate. Giving as the reason for his action an unwillingness to decide between the two brothers, the Governor, Aprii 29, 1853, appointed his personal friend, Georgi' K. Barrett, a comparatively young lawyer oi his own (Clearfield) county. The appointment was received most ungraciously, the prevailing sentiment being in lavor of the selection of a judge from among the bar of the district Per- sonally, however, Judge Barrett made a very favorable impression, ami during the year laid the foundation of a popularity that bore fruit later. As the election approached, the opposition on the part of leading Democrats led Judge Barrett to announce his purpose not to he a candidate. At the County Conventions Wayne declared for Wm. II. Dimmick, while Pike, Monroe and Carbon pronounced in favor of Ids brother, Milo M. Dimmick. There was. however, a formidable opposition to the latter throughout the district, and his opponents in- troduced .lames M. Porter, of Easton, as a candidate. September '20th the "regular" Democratic Judicial Conference met at Strouds- burg, and nominated Milo M. Dimmick. On the same day, another Judicial Conference was held in the same town, by representatives of the elements in Wayne, Pike and Monroe, hostile to Mr. Dimmick, at which Mr. Porter was nominated. At the -polls Mr. Dimmick re- ceived a majority of 465 in Carbon and 185 in Monroe; luit the scale was turned in favor of his competitor by a majority of 966 in Wayne and "2S in Pike, giving Mr. Porter the election by a majority of 844. In the spring of I Sao, an attack of paralysis having unfitted him for the further discharge of his official duties, Judge Porter resigned. To fill the vacancy, Gov. Pollock, March 2-"., 1855, commissioned Hon. Thomas 8. Bell, of Chester County, formerly a justice of the Supreme Court. Though Judge Hell was a distinguished jurist, and Hon. George W. Woodward, then a justice of the Supreme Court and a leading Democrat, vouched for his fealty to the Demo- cratic party, his appointment was, lor local reasons, quite as unacceptable as that of Judge Barrett had been. Early in August, 1855, Judge Barrett an- nounced himself as a candidate for the judge- ship. In the Judicial Conference he was nominated by the votes of Wayne, Monroe and Carbon. Judge Pell received the vote of Pike, and was soon afterward led to declare himself an independent candidate. He received, how- ever, hut a slender support, and Judge Barrett was elected by a majority of about three thou- sand. It was nineteen years before another contest for the office took place at the polls. In 1865 Judge Barrett was re-elected, without opposition. He had, however, never removed his family from ( llearfield, and, though claiming a nominal residence in Carbon County, to meet the requirements of the law, he seldom spent more time within the district than was necessary for the discharge of his official duties. This created much dissatisfaction, and, upon receiving the re-nomination in 1865, he declared his in- tention of complying with the law by taking up his residence in the district. He never did this, however; and his attachment to his home in Clearfield proved so strong that, rather than abandon it, he at length resigned the judgeship. This occurred early in 1870, and lie was at once re-commissioned to fill the vacancy caused by his own resignation, until the election of his successor. In September, 1870, Samuel S. Dreher, of Stroudshurg, was nominated by the Democratic Judicial Conference. The Republicans, also, supported him, and he was elected without opposition. In L873, the Constitutional Convention hav- ing adopted, in the article on the judiciary, a provision making separate judicial districts of counties having a population of forty thousand, and the population of Wayne and Pike being somewhat in excess of this number, the project of erecting these two counties into a separate WAYNE COUNTY. 145 district was broached. But Judge Dreher was held in such high esteem, and the uncertainty as to who might succeed him was such, that this measure at first received little support. At the December Term of court in Wayne, however, Judge Dreher, calling the members of the bar informally together, assured them that he should not view it as in any sense a reflection on him- self should they desire a division of the district, and expressed his wish that they should feel no constraint on the subject, so far as it might affect him. The new Constitution was soon afterward adopted, and by the judicial appor- tionment act of April 9, 1874, Wayne and Pike were erected into the Twenty-second District, and Monroe and Carbon into the Forty-third. Judge Dreher decided to remain in the Forty- third, and accordingly retained the president judgeship of that district, as provided by the Constitution. The president judgeship of the Twenty-second District should then have been filled by appointment until the beginning of the new judicial term, which the new Constitution had fixed at ten years from the first Monday of January. But the bar was divided on the sub- ject, and several candidates were presented. Unwilling to make a selection among them, Governor Hartranft made no appointment, and Judge Dreher continued to perform the duties of the office until the close of the judicial year. In 1874 another contest for the judgeship arose, which was conducted mainly on party lines. The Democrats of the district were unable to unite on a candidate; Hon. Wm. H. Dimmick (the younger) being presented by Wayne, and Hon. Daniel M. Van Auken by Pike, and each county insisting on the nomina- tion of its candidate. During the deadlock between the two counties, Hon. Frederick M. Crane, a Democrat, of Wayne, entered the field as an independent candidate, with a large sup- port, chiefly from his own party. Meantime the Republicans of both counties nominated Charles P. Waller, of Wayne. On the 13th of October, just three weeks previous to the elec- tion, Mr. Dimmick withdrew, and the Demo- cratic Judicial Conference thereupon nominated Mr. Van Auken as the candidate of the party. The contest being thus between three candidates, 17 Mr. Waller received a plurality of the votes cast, and was duly commissioned for the ensu- ing term. The vote in the district was as follows: Wayne . Pike .... Waller. Crane. 2377 1770 530 204 400 710 2581 2170 1240 Judge Waller died August 18, 1882. August 28, 1882, Gov. Hoyt commissioned Hon. Henry M. Seely to fill the vacancy ; the Republican members of the bar having united in recom- mending him, while the Democratic members, for the most part, declined to act in the matter. The vacancy having occurred within three months of the general election in October fol- lowing, Judge Seely was commissioned until the first Monday of January, 1884. In 1883 the Republicans of the district opened the canvass by nominating Judge Seely by acclamation. The Democrats again encoun- tered the difficulty they had experienced in 1874, Wayne presenting George S. Purdy, and Pike again declaring in favor of Hon. Daniel M. Van Auken. The result was a split in the Judicial Conference ; both candidates remained in the field, and Judge Seely was elected by a plurality of the votes cast. The vote in the district was as follows : Seely. Purdy. Van Auken. Wayne 2694 2820 124 Pike 516 129 865 3210 2949 989 The Associate Judges. — March 22, 1798, Gov. Mifflin commissioned Samuel Preston "to be one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the said county of Wayne; hereby giving and granting unto you, as first Associate Judge, full right and title to have and execute all and singular the powers, jurisdictions and authorities, and to receive and enjoy all and singular the lawful emoluments of a Judge of the said court," etc. The Governor also commissioned John Ryerson, Samuel C. Seely and John Biddis, on the same day and in the same form, except that their powers were given and granted unto them as 146 WAYNE, l'IKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. " second," " third " and " fourth " associate judges, respectively, in the order named. The commissions of their successors, for forty year.-, were in the same form, except that the powers of each were given and granted to him "as Associate Judge," no designation as to seniority being necessary. Since the Constitu- tional revision of 1838 the incumbent of the office has been commissioned simply "to be Associate Judge " of the court, etc. March 30, 1803, Judge Ryerson was removed from office by Gov. McKean, and March 31, 1803, Richard Brodhead was commissioned in his place. May 13, 1803, Judge Seely resigned, and on the same day was admitted to practice as an attorney. No appointment of a successor was made. Some time subsequent to February Term, 1804, Judge Preston resigned; and April 3, 1804, Gov. McKeau commissioned John Brink as his successor. Upon the retirement of Judge Preston, and the appointment of Judge Brink, all three of the associate judges were residents of Milford or its vicinity. Judge Preston, after leaving the bench, sought to become a member of the bar, but was less successful than his late associate, Judge Seely. May 8, 1805, a motion for his admission as "an attorney to the Barr" was made by George Griffin, and a committee was appointed to ex- amine him. The next day, "on report of said committee, the Court delay further proceedings until the next term." So far as the record shows, the matter ended here. In 1806, some time subsequent to February Term, Judge Biddis died. The act of February 24, 1806, having provided for reducing the Dumber of associate judges to two, by prohib- iting appointments beyond that number, his death left no vacancy to be filled. Judges Brodhead and Brink continued in office until the act erecting Pike County took effect, October 1, 1814, when, as they resided in Milford, they became residents of the new county. They occupied the bench in Wayne, for the last time, at August Term, 1814. October 14, 1814, Gov. Snyder commissioned Samuel Stanton, of Mt. Pleasant, and Abisha Woodward, of Bethany, associate judges of Wayne ( ounty ; and at the same time commis- sioned John Coolbaugh, of Middle Smithfield, and Daniel W. Dingman, of Delaware, associ- ate judges of Pike. October 18, 1815, Judge Stanton resigned. November 17, 1815, Governor Snyder commis- sioned Moses Thomas, of Damascus, as his suc- cessor. Judge Thomas remained in office for nearly twenty-five years. November 27, 1829, Judge Woodward died. December 7, 1829, Governor Shulze commis- sioned Isaac Dimmick, of Dyberry, as his successor, In October, 1833, Judge Dimmick resigned. ( October .'il , 1833, Governor Wolf commissioned James Manning, of Bethany, as his successor. By the classificaii f associate judges, made by the act of June 20, 1839, as required by the amended Constitution of 1838, the term of Judge Thomas expired February 27, 1840, and that of Judge Manning, February 27, 1842.. Governor Porter commissioned Moses Tyler, of Damascus, February 27, 1840, and Virgil Grennell, of Clinton, February 27, 1842, as the successors of the retiring judges. March 11, 1845, Governor Shunk commis- sioned ( >liver Hamlin, of Honesdale, to succeed Judge Tyler; and July 22, 1847, he re-com- missioned Judge Grennell. In February, 1848, Judge Grennell resigned. February 9, 1848, Governor Shunk commis- sioned James Mumford, of Preston, as his successor. March 12, 1850, Governor Johnston commis- sioned Paul S. Preston, of Buckingham, a son of the first Judge Preston, to succeed Judge Hamlin, whose term had expired. After hold- ing' the office for about a year, Judge Preston resigned. March 18, 1851, Governor Johnston commissioned John Torrey, of Honesdale, as Judge Preston's successor; Judge Torrey's com- mission, by the Constitutional amendment of 1850, expiring on the first Monday of Decem- ber, 1851. The first election under the Constitutional amendment making the judiciary elective was held in October, 1851. The associate judges WAYNE COUNTY. 147 then chosen were Judge Mumford and Thomas H. R. Tracy, their terms commencing on the tii -t Monday of December following. May 5, 1856, Judge Tracy died. May 15, 1856, Governor Pollock commissioned Francis B. Peimiman, of Honesdale, as his successor, until the first Monday of December following. The term of Judge Mumford expiring at the same time, James R. Dickson, of Honesdale, and Phineas Howe, of Sterling, were chosen at the October election, in 1856, for the ensuing terms. In the autumn of 1860, Judge Howe resigned, his resignation taking effect December 1st. Dr. Rodney Harmes, of Mount Pleasant, was ap- pointed his successor, and commissioned by Governor Packer until the first Monday of December, 1861. The term of Judge Dickson expiring at the same time, Butler Hamlin, of Salem, and Win. R. McLaury, of Texas, were chosen at the election in October, 1861, for the ensuing terms. In October, 1866, Phineas Arnold, of Promp- tou, and Isaiah Snyder, of Honesdale, were elected for the terms commencing on the first Monday of December following. In October, 1871, Judge Arnold was re- elected. At the same time Friend J>. Moss, of Salem, was elected, but he declined to serve. Governor Geary thereupon commissioned Dr. Otis Avery, of Honesdale, as his successor, until the first Monday of December, 1872. Judge Arnold died January 19, 1872. Jan. 27, 1872, Governor Geary commissioned Fred- erick W. Farnham, of White Mills, as his successor, until the first Monday of the follow- ing December. At the election in October, 1872, Judge Avery and John O'Neill, of Honesdale, were chosen for the ensuing terms. January 16, 1876, Judge O'Neill died. January 27, 1876, Gov- ernor Hartranft appointed Henry Wilson, of Honesdale, as his successor, and, pursuant to the ('(institution of 1873, Judge Wilson was commissioned until the first Monday of January, 1877. In November, 1876, Giles Greene, of Salem, was chosen for the ensuing term. In November, 1 s 7 7 , Judge Avery was re- elected. In November, 1881, Michael Brown, of Honesdale, was elected. In November, 1882, Lorenzo Grand is, of Honesdale, was elected. In May, 1884, in consequence of ill health, he tendered his resig- nation, to take effect June 1st. June 18, 1884, Governor Pattison commissioned Elisha P. Strong, of Starucca, his successor, until the first Monday of January, 1885. At the election in November, 1884, Judge Strong was chosen for the ensuing term. TERMS OF < !0UET. — Since the judicial organ- ization of the county frequent changes have been made in the limes for holding the courts, and the terms have been fixed in every month of the year except June and July. At the present time the terms commence on the first Mondays of March, May, October and December, and continue for two weeks, unless otherwise ordered. Since the beginning of the present year (18S6) the grand jury has met on the Monday next preceding the term. The second Monday of each month in which a regular term does not occur is designated as a motion day, at which the argument list is usually taken up, motions are heard and other matters requiring action by the court at that time are disposed of. The Bar. — Among the records of the first court held in Wayne County, the beginning of the bar is thus set forth : "September 10, 1798, on motion of Daniel Stroud, Esq., stating to the Court that he had been admitted to practice as an attorney of the courts in Northampton, and such being known by the Court here, he is admitted and affirmed an attorney of this court." Mr. Stroud then moved the admission of John Ross and William A. Patterson, of the North- ampton bar. Mr. Ross was accordingly "admit- ted and affirmed," while Mr. Patterson was "admitted and sworn." Mr. Patterson then moved the admission of Job S. Halstead, of the Northampton bar, and Mr. Halstead was "ad- mitted and sworn." At December Term, 1798, five attorneys were admitted to practice, and at February Term, 1799, three. Thenceforth admissions became less frequent. There was one at September WAYNE, PIKK -VXD MONRO E COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Term, 1799, and one at December Term follow- ing. During the succeeding three years there was one annually; in 1803, there were three; in 1804, none; in 1805, one. Some degree of caution appears to have been exercised in the admission of applicants; for at February Term, 1805, Jesse Brush, as the record shows, was "admitted on motion and argument"; and at May Term following, the application of Judge Preston for admission as an attorney, after his resignation from the bench, was unsuccessful, notwithstanding the precedent in the admission of Judge Seely two years earlier. From the beginning of 1806 until the close of 1811 there were eight admissions, and but one thereafter until 1816. In the latter year there were three; in 1817, four; and thenceforward scarcely a year passed without the admission of one or more attorneys. Dan Dimmick was the first attorney who made his home in the new county. He was a native of Connecticut; read law and was admit- ted to practice in that State; was admitted to the bar of Wayne in 1X02, and commenced practice in Milford. Most of those admitted prior to the erection of Pike were non-residents. Whether any of them had pursued their studies for the bar within the county cannot now be ascertained. The early records, in some instances, show admission "on examination and report of committee;" but this is no certain indication that the person admitted was a resident student, since attorneys from other States were subjected to some form of examination. The first to prepare for the bar within the present limits of Wayne County was Thomas Fuller, admitted in 1826. During the next fifteen years three more — Wm. H. Dimmick, Charles K. Silkman and Milton Dimmick — studied for the profession in Wayne, but only the first-named remained to practice. Though the requirements for admission were nominally sufficient, it is impossible to say how high, during this period, the standard was practically maintained. Enough appears of record, however, to show that admission, after the prescribed period of study; was not always of course. Mr. Silkman, after studying from January, 1834, to April, 1836, was recommended by the examining committee — consisting of Amzi Fuller, George W. Woodward and Ebenezer Kingsbury — "to pursue a further course of reading previous to his admission." On his next application, in November, 1837, the committee, referring to their previous re- port, added: "The applicant having complied with their recommendation, they now believe him to be sufficiently grounded iu the principles of the law to entitle him to admission, and recommend him accordingly." He was there- upon admitted, November 21, 1837. With the removal of the county-seat to Honesdale a rapid increase in the number of resident students began; and for forty-five years thereafter the admission of those who had studied for the profession within the county proceeded at an average rate of about one and a quarter annually. ( )f the two hundred and thirty-four attorneys on the court roll, but little more than one-third ever resided within the present limits of the county. Of the non-residents, some half-score habitually practiced in the courts of Wayne for a decade or more after Pike was detached, and a few for a longer period; others attended irregularly ; while the larger number appeared only on the occasion of their admission. Of those having a residence in the county, a score, or thereabouts, failing of success at the bar, found other employment, or were so largely engaged in other pursuits as to be little more than nominally members of the profession. A still larger number, having completed their preparation and been admitted, went elsewhere to begin professional life, or, having commenced practice, sooner or later found the prospect of success unsatisfactory and removed from the county. Of those who continued to follow the profession in the county, eleven died while in practice, three retired after long terms of pro- fessional labor, three became president judges, and twenty are still at the bar, more or less actively engaged in practice. Non-Resident Attorneys. — Among the lead- ing non-resident attorneys, whose practice ante- dated the division of the county, were Daniel Stroud, Samuel Sitgreaves, George Wolf, John Ross and Hugh Eoss, of Northampton; Dan WAYNE COUNTY. 149 Dimmick and Edward Mott, of Pike; and Roswell Wells ami Garrick Mallery, of Lu- zerne. Among those admitted to the bar of Wayne within a decade after the erection of Pike, were Charles Catlin, of Susquehanna, and George Dennison, Oristus Collins and John N. Conyngham, of Luzerne. Among those of a later day, were George W. Woodward, Hendrick B. Wright, Luther Kidder, Warren J.Woodward and Henry M. Fuller, of Luzerne; and Franklin Lusk, Joseph T. Richards and Wm. Jessup, of Susquehanna. Of these, George Wolf subsequently became Governor of the State; Messrs. Mallery, Collins, Conyngham, Kidder and Jessup, president judges; George W. Woodward and Warren J. Woodward, president judges, and the former also chief justice and the latter a justice of the Supreme Court. Resident Attorneys. — Milford having been designated as the place at which the courts should be held, pending the selection of a county-seat, it was naturally the point at which the bar of the new county began to establish itself. Neither the transfer of the courts to Wilsonville nor the removal of the seat of justice to Bethany made any immediate change in this respect. Not one of the attorneys ad- mitted to the bar prior to the erection of Pike County made his residence in the territory now composing Wayne. Sanford Clark, admitted at Milford in 1799, did, indeed, remove to Mount Pleasant within two years after the county was divided; but on changing his resi- dence he abandoned the profession, and took up the occupations of inn-keeper and farmer. His last appearance of record was September 18, 1816. Hence, though a resident of the county and an attorney, he was not a resident attorney. It was not until eleven years after the first court was held at Bethany — and two years after Milford was placed in another county, by the erection of Pike — that members of the bar began to make their homes within the present limits of Wayne, for the purpose of practicing law. The pioneers of the profession in the territory now composing Wayne County were Andrew M. Dorrance, Amzi Fuller and Nathaniel B. Eldred. Messrs. Dorrance and Fuller were natives of Connecticut. The former was first admitted to the bar in that State; the latter studied for the profession in Milford. Mr. Dorrance was admitted to the bar of Wayne County in April, and Mr. Fuller in August, 1816, and both thereupon commenced practice in Bethany. In the spring of 1818, Mr. Dor- rance died. Mr. Eldred was a native of Orange County, N. Y., read law in Milford and was admitted to the bar of Wayne County in January, 1817. Soon after the death of Mr. Dorrance he established himself in Bethany. For eight years thereafter Messrs. Fuller and Eldred were the only practicing attorneys re- siding in the county. In August, 1826, Thomas Fuller, a younger brother of Amzi, was ad- mitted, and opened an office in Bethany. In 1829, George B. Wescott and John D. Taylor, of the Philadelphia bar, were added to the list of resident attorneys. They were chiefly em- ployed, however, as land agents for Philadelphia owners. About the year 1831, Earl Wheeler, of the Susquehanna County bar, removed to Bethany. Some two years later Ebenezer Kingsbury, of Susquehanna County, and Charles K. Robinson, an attorney from the State of New Y'ork, were admitted to the Wayne County bar. Mr. Kingsbury had read law and been admitted to practice in Susquehanna; but he came to Wayne mainly for the purpose of taking editorial charge of the Wayne County Herald and Bethany Inquirer, the Democratic organ of the county, published at Honesdale. In 1835, Mr. Eldred was appointed president judge of the Eighteenth Judicial District, com- posed of the counties of Potter, McKean, Warren and Jefferson. In 1836, Wm. H. Dimmick, who had come from Milford and read law with Judge Eldred, was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Bethany. In the same year Mr. Wescott died. In 1837, Mr. Taylor removed from the county. In 1838, Mr. Kingsbury was elected to the State Senate for a term of four years. In 1839, John 1. Allen, who had read law in the State of New York, was admitted to practice. He was the last attorney who took up his residence in the county prior to the removal of the county-seat to Honesdale; F. M. Crane, though admitted 150 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in 1840, not making Wayne County his home until 1844. Mr. Allen, however, soon became interested in journalism and polities, and made the practice of law but a secondary pursuit. Thus, during the first quarter of a century beginning witli the admission of Mr. Dorrance, eleven attorneys commenced practice in the county. Four of them, however, — Messrs. Wescott, Taylor, Kingsbury and Allen, — were engaged mainly in other avocations, and gave little attention to professional business. At the close of this period two had died, one had re- moved from the county, one had been appointed to the bench and one had been elected State Senator; leaving in active practice but five, viz. : Arnzi and Thomas Fuller, Earl Wheeler, Charles K. Robinson and Win. H. Dimmick. The bar had grown at the net rate of one in five years. Its increase in numbers during the next quarter of a century was more rapid. Its elements, however, were continually shifting, as a large proportion of those who commenced practice sooner or later removed from the county or turned to other callings, and few of those who pursued their legal studies in the county remained long after admission. During this period thirty-one attorneys commenced practice in the county, viz.: F. M. Crane, Ira Vadakin, S. G. Throop, Frederick Saxton, Elias Griswold, Hiram Blois, C. P. Waller, R. M. Grenell, J. M. Alexander, C. S. Minor, Jacob A. Kanouse, Joseph D. West, H. B Beardslee, S. PI Dimmick, John W. Myers, James H. Norton, M. C. Tracy, G. G. Waller, Wm. Minor, Jackson Woodward, Ebenezer Richardson, Francis Drake, Henry Peet, E. O. Hamlin, George W. Allen, H. M. Seely, Marshal Wheeler, C. F. Eldred, W. H. Dim- mick, Thomas Hawkey and George F. Bentley. Three of these were also engaged more or less in journalism. Mr. Beardslee for fourteen years published the Wayne Comity Herald, giving little attention to the practice of law; and Messrs. Myers and Norton were for shorter periods connected with the same paper. On the semi-centennial of the beginning of a resident bar but eleven of the thirty-one remained in practice, viz : F. M. Crane, C. P. Waller, C. S. Minor, S. E. Dimmick, G. G. Waller, E. Rich- ardson, H. M. Seely, C. F. Eldred, W. H. Dimmick, Thomas Hawkey and G. F. Bentley. Messrs. Woodward and Drake were dead ; Mr. Beardslee was in the State Senate, and absorbed in politics; Messrs. Blois, Throop, Geo. W. Allen and Marshall Wheeler had given up the profession; and the remainder had left the county. Of the bar formed during the first quarter of a century, none remained but Judge Eldred and Earl Wheeler, — the former of whom had wholly and the latter largely retired from active professional life. During the twenty years that followed, twenty-five attorneys entered upon practice in the county, viz. : M. Regan, F. A. Dony, M. M. Thorp, H. F. Power, F. B. Brown, G. S. Purdy, P. P. Smith, W. H. Lee, L. G. Dimock, E. C. Mumford, H. Wilson, D. H. Brown, H. Greene, W. Dickinson, W. J. Tracy, J. B. Dimmick, A. T. Searle, F. M. Monaghau, (). L. Rowland, J. J. O'Neill, C. A. McCarty, M. M. Treadwell, J. J. McCarty, F. P. Kimble and M. E. Simons. Ten of these, after follow- ing the profession for a time, dropped from the roll of resident attorneys. Messrs. Regan, F. B. Brown, D. H. Brown, Dickinson, Dimmick and O'Neill removed from the county, Mr. Dony entered the ministry, Messrs Thorp and Dimock sought other pursuits, and Mr. Power, having given up the profession a few years after his admission, died in 1882. May 3, 1886, R. M. Stocker was admitted to the bar and commenced practice. Of those having a place, either transient or permanent, among resident attorneys, the fol- lowing, named in the order of their admission to the bar of the county, died while in practice, viz.: Andrew M. Dorrance, Thomas Fuller, George B. Wescott, Ebenezer Kingsbury, Chas. K. Robinson, William H. Dimmick (the elder), Frederick M. Crane, Samuel E. Dimmick, Jackson Woodward, Francis Drake and George F. Bentley. John I. Allen, George W. Allen and H. F. Power died after quitting the pro- fession. Amzi Fuller, Nathaniel B. Eldred and Earl Wheeler retired after a long period of professional labor and died a few years later. Charles P. Waller died while president judge. Henry M. Seely became Judge Waller's succes- WAYNE COUNTY. sor ou the bench. Edward O. Hamlin retired from active professional duties in June, 1885, in consequence of impaired health, after more than thirty years of labor at the bar and on the bench. The remainder removed from the county or left the profession for other employments, except the following, named in the order of their admission to the bar of the county, who are still in practice, viz.: Charles S. Minor, George G. Waller, Ebenezer Richardson, Henry Wilson, William H. Dimmick (the younger), George S. Purely, Peter P. Smith, William II. Lee, Elwiu C. Mumford, Homer Greene, Wil- liam J. Tracy, Alonzo T. Searle, Francis M. Monaghan, Orville L. Rowland, Charles A. McCarty, M. M. Treadwell, James J. Mc- Carty, Frank P. Kimble, Myron E. Simons and Rhamanthus M. Stocker. All of these reside in Houesdale, except Messrs. Richardson and Treadwell, who are residents of Ilawlev. As the resident bar formed in Wayne, after the erection of Pike, was composed at the outset of two young men but recently admitted to practice, much of the legal business of the county naturally remained in the hands of the older and more experienced law vers who had practiced at its bar before the territory was divided. But as the resident attorneys gained in numbers, in experience and in public confi- dence, the employment of non-residents grad- ually fell away, and it became comparatively rare soon after Messrs. Crane, Minor, theWallers and S. E. Dimmick came to the bar. Among the last non-resident attorneys to cease practice in Wayne were Franklin Lusk and Judge Jessup, of Susquehanna, and Judge Collins and Henry M. Fuller, of Luzerne. In practice in Wayne, Mr. Lusk had usually been associated with Mr. Crane, Judge Collins with Charles P. Waller, and Mr. Fuller with Joseph D. West. As late as September, 1854, Judges Collins and Jessup appeared, associated with C. P. and G. G. Waller, in behalf of the defense, on the trial of Timothy Grady for arson. The bar of the county, though not large, has long ranked high in professional ability. It has furnished three president judges and an attorney-general of the State. Under the rules adopted at September Term, 1798, the preparation for the bar consisted of three years' study under the direction of an attorney, or two years' study after reaching the age of twenty- one — the last year to be passed in the office of a resident attorney. A good moral character was a further requisite ; and the unanimous approval of the examining committee was nec- essary to admission. These continued the re- quirements until December Term, 1876, when the period of study was raised from two years to three, with a proviso that graduation with the degree of A. B., from any institution author- ized to confer such degree, should be deemed equivalent to one year of study. September 10, 1883, a further amendment was adopted, requiring a preliminary examination, previous to registry as a student, "in all the branches of a good English education, English composition, general history and particularly English and American history." Both preliminary and final examinations are made by a standing committee, now consisting of the three oldest members of the bar — Messrs. Minor, Waller and Wilson. Law Students. — For a long time compara- tively few of those who had prepared for the bar in Wayne County remained to practice for any considerable period; and forty years after the admission of the first resident student, those who had read law in the county composed but half of the resident bar. Thereafter the pro- portion steadily increased; and of the resident attorneys in practice twenty years later, three- fourths had studied for the profession iu the county. For twenty-five years after the admission of the first resident attorney but four students prepared for the bar in Wayne County, viz.: Thomas Fuller, Wm. H. Dimmick, Charles K. Silkmau and Milton Dimmick. Of these, only Thomas Fuller and William H. Dimmick remained to practice ; the others removed from the county. During the next quarter of a cen- tury twenty-eight pursued the study of law in the county and were admitted to the bar, viz.: Ira Vadakin, Hiram Blois, R. M. Grenell, J. M. Alexander, Joseph D. West, H. B. Beardslee, S. E. Dimmick, John W. Myers, Milton C. Tracy, William Minor, Jackson Woodward, E. Richardson, Francis Drake, Henry Peet, E. O. 152 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. Hamlin, Ara Bartlett, Albert Willis, M. J. Slocum, George W. Edgett, George W. Allen, Jason Torrey, Marshal Wheeler, Henry Box, C. F. Eldred, John P. Heath, William H. Dim- mick (the younger), Thomas Hawkey and Geo. F. Bentley. At the close of this period but six of the number remained in practice, viz.: S. E. Dimmick, E. Richardson, C. F. Eldred, Wm. H. Dimmick, Thomas Hawkey and George F. Bentley. Messrs. Woodward and Drake had died ; Messrs. Blois and Wheeler had given up the profession; Mr. Beardslee was devoted to politics, had been elected to the State Senate, and was but nominally a member of the bar; and the remainder had removed from the county. Thomas Fuller and Wm. H. Dimmick (the elder), previously admitted, had died. The years following, clown to May, 1886, witnessed a greater proportionate development of staying power among resident students. During this period twenty-seven were admitted, viz.: Geo. V. Brower, Michael Regan, F. A. Dony, T. F. Ham, H. H. Ham, H. F. Power, F. B.Brown, Wm. W. Johnson, Geo. S. Purely, Q. A. Gates, P. P. Smith, Wm. H. Lee, L. G. Dimock, E. C. Mumford, D. H. Brown, Homer Greene, John F. Wood, Wm. J. Tracy, J. B. Dimmick, A. T. Searle, F. M. Monaghan, (). L. Rowland, James J. O'Neill, Charles A. McCarty, M. M. Treadwell, Frank P. Kimble and R. M. Stocker. In May, 1886, thirteen of the number remained in practice, viz.: Messrs. Purdy, Smith, Lee, Mumford, Greene, Tracy, Searle, Monaghan, Rowland, McCarty, Treadwell, Kimble aud Stocker ; together with E. Richardson and Wm. H. Dimmick, resident students previously admitted. Messrs. Dony, Power, F. B. Brown aud Dimock had given up the profession, and the remainder had removed from the county. Of those previously admitted, S. E. Dimmick, Thomas Hawkey and George F. Bentley had died, and C. F. Eldred had removed from the ! county. The only resident attorneys in May, 1886, ' whose preparation for the bar was not made in Wayne County, were Messrs. Minor, Waller, Wilson, J. J. McCarty and Simons; and of these, Messrs. McCarty and Simons were natives of the county. Commissions of President Judges. Judges. Commissioned fruin Jacob Rush Aug. 13, 1791 John Spayd March 1, 1806 Robert Porter July 6, 1809 John B.Gibson Oct. 16, 1812 Thomas Burnside Jan. 28, 1816 David Scott July 7, 1818 William Jessup April 7, 1838 Nathaniel B. Eldred April 6, 1849 Nathaniel B. Eldred [elected] 1st Monday of December, 1851. George R. Barrett April 29, 1853 George R. Barrett [elected] 1st Monday of December, 1855. George R. Barrett [re-elected] 1st Monday of December, 1865. James M. Porter, 1st Monday of December, 1853. Thos. S. Bell March 23, 1855 Samuel S. Dreher, 1st Monday of December, 1870. Charles P. Waller, 1st Monday of January, 1875. Henry M. Seely Aug. 28, 1882 Henry M. Seely [elected] 1st Monday of January, 1884. Commissions of Associate Judges. I'll-- Commissioned from Samuel Preston March 22, 1798 John Ryerson March 22, 1798 Samuel ( '. Seely March 22, 179S John Biddis March 22, 1798 Richard Brodhead March 31, 1803 John Brink April 3, 1804 Samuel Stanton Oct. 14, 1814 Ahisha Woodward Oct, 14, 1814 Moses Thomas Nov. 17, 1815 Isaac Dimmick Nov. 27, 1829 Jas. Manning Oct. 31, 1833 Moses Tyler Feb. 27, 1840 Virgil Grennell Feb. 27, 1842 Virgil Grennell [re-commissioned] July 22, 1847. Oliver Hamlin March 11, 1825 James Mumford Feb. 9,1848 James Mumford [elected] 1st Monday of December, 1851. Thos. H. R. Tracy, 1st Monday of December, 1851. Paul S.Preston March 12, 1850 John Torrey March 18, 1851 Francis B. Penniman May 15, 1856. Jas. R. Dickson, 1st Monday of December, L856. Phineas Howe, 1st Monday of December 1856. WAYNE COUNTY. Rodney Harines, 1st Monday of December, 1860. Butler Hamlin, 1st Monday of December, 18(51. Wm. B. McLaury, 1st Monday of December, 18(31. Phineas Arnold, 1st Monday of December, 1866. Phineas Arnold [re-elected] 1st Monday of December, 1871. Isaiah Snyder, 1st Monday of December, L866. Otis Avery, 1st Monday of December, 1871 Otis Avery [elected] 1st Monday of Decem- ber, 1872. Otis Avery [re-elected] 1st Monday of Jan- uary, 1878. Frederick W. Farnham Tan. 27, 1872. John O'Neill, 1st Monday of December, 1872. Henry Wilson Tan. 27, 1876. Giles Greene, 1st Monday of January, 1877. Michael Brown, 1st Monday of January, 1882. Lorenzo Grambs, 1st Monday of January, 1883. Elisha P. Strong ..June 18, 1884. Elisha P. Strong [elected] 1st Monday of January, 1885. Roll of Attorneys. — Names of non-residents in Roman lower-case; of those who studied in the county, but commenced practice elsewhere (so far as can be ascertained), in italics; of those who gave up the profession or removed from the county after commencing practice (as nearly as can be ascertained), in small capitals; of residents who died while in practice, retired after passing the active period of life, or still remain at the bar, in CAPITALS. Attorneys. Hut.: of Admission. David Stroud September 10, 1798 John Boss September 10, 1798 William A. Patterson September 10, 1798 JobHalstead September 10, 1798 Thomas B. Dick December 10, 1798 Thomas Anderson December 10, 1798 Daniel Grandien December 10, 1798 Daniel F. Barney December 10, 1798 Sanford Clark December 10, 1798 Robert Trail February 11, 1799 Hugh Ross February 11,1799 George Wolf. February 11, 1799 Nathan Palmer September 10, 1799 Roswell Wells December 9, 1799 Peter Wicoff. September 10, 1800 George Griffin Mav 12, 1801 Dan Dimmick September 9, 1802 Samuel Sitgreaves 'May 9, 1803 Robert Wood May 12, 1803 Samuel C. Seely May 13, 1803 John Ewing September 5, 1803 Jesse Brush February 11, 1805 Elipbalet Stickney February 12, 1806 Daniel Stannard December 2, 1806 John Cross December 9, 1808 EdwardMott May 1, 1809 John L. Haight December 3, 1810 William P. Spering April 30, 1811 Francis I!. Shaw September 3, 1811 Garrick Mallery December 2, 1811 Mr. Evans November 29, 1813 ANDREW M. DORRANCK, April 22, 1816 Thomas Meredith April 22, 1816 AMZI FULLER August 26, 1816 NATHANIEL B. ELDRED [pres't judge], January 27, L817. Charles Catlin January 28, 1817 George Denison August 26, 1817 JosiahH. Miner August 26, 1817 Jesse Olmstead April 28, 1818 Oristus Collins August 23, 1819 Daniel M. Brodhead August 25, 1819 Richard Eldred August 25, 1819 John N. Conyngham August 28, 1820 John M. Read August 26, 1823 OliverS. Dimmick November 28, 1825 Benjamin A. Bidlack June 24, 1826 THOMAS FELLER August 19, 1826 William Lewis January 23, 1827 Thomas Armstrong June 11, 1828 GEORGE B. WESCOTT April 27, 1829 John I). Taylor August 25, 1829 George W. Woodward August 25, 1830 John J. Wurtz August 25, 1831 EARL WHEELER 'November 9, 1831 Thomas P. Phinney April 24, 1832 CHARLES K. ROBINSON » November Term, 1833. EBENEZER KINGSBURY > November Term, 1833. David Wilmot August 18, 1834 Lewis Jones, Jr January 20, 1835 Henry Pettibone August 17, 1885 Hendrick B. Wright June 15, 1836 WILLIAM H. DIMMICK June 19, 1836 Stephen Strong June 19, 1836 Luther Kidder August 15, 1836 Alexander T. McClintock, November 20, 1837 Charles K. SUkman November 21, 1837 Albert L. Post January 22, 1839 John I. Allen September 9, 1839 Ralph B. Little September 9, 1839 1 The date of admission is not shown by the record ; the dnte given is that of the earliest appearance as attorney. 154 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Davis Dimock, Jr ...September 9, 1839 Lucien F. Barnes ...September 4, 1856 Crosby W. Ellis .September 12, 1839 John C. Kunkle .September 14, 1857 FREDERICK M.CRANE, January 25, 1840 William H. Miller .September 14, 1857 Milton Dim mick ....January 30, 1840 A. Bushnell ....December 9, 1857 Dwight N. Lathrope ... ...September 7, 1840 Max Goepp .September 13, 1858 Edmund L. Dana ...September 1, 1841 Mil tun ./. Slocum May 3, 1859 Joseph T. Richards ..September 3, 1841 George IT. Edgett May 3, 1859 Robert J. Niven .November 29, 1841 George W. Allen May 3, 1859 H. M. Fuller ....January 31, 1842 HENRY M. SEELY [p res't judge], Septem- IraVadakin ....January 31, 1X42 ber 13, 1859. Simeon G. Throop ...September 1, 1842 Alfred Hand .... December 8, 1859 Warren J. Woodward... August 30, 1842 HENRY WILSON ...December 9, 1859 Frederick Saxton.... ....December 5, 1842 Jason Torrey Februarys, 18G0 Elias Griswold ..December 10, 1842 Frederick Fuller ...September 8, 1860 Franklin Lusk Hiram Blois ...September 5, 1843 ..September 9, 1843 Marshal Wheeler... Henry W. Box ..September 8, 1860 ..September 8, 1860 Samuel Hodgdon ...December 4, 1843 William L. Headlev ...Septembers, I860 Harrison Wright ....January 29, 1844 Charles F. Eldred... ...December 5,1860 CHARLES P. WALLER [pres. judge], Jan- John L. Gore .September 12, 1861 uary 29, 1844. P. C. Gritman ...December 2, 1861 May 2, 1844 J. Marion Alexandei ...December 2, 1844 WILLIAM H. DIMMICK, December 4, 1862 CHARLES S. MINOR. ....December 3, 1844 IraC. Mitchell ....December 6, 1862 John 15. Lafarge ....February 3, 1845 Thomas Hawkey May 4, 1804 Jacob A. Kanoise ....February 8, 1845 M. M. Dimtuick ...September 5, 1865 Joseph D. West May 5, 1845 GEORGE F. BENTLEY, February 7, 1866 ..September 3, 1845 ...December 3, 1845 Howkin B. Beardslei Michael Regan, Je... May 9, 1866 SAMUEL E. DIMMICK May 6, 1846 Garrick M. Harding ....February 7, 1867 John W. Myers May 6, 1846 John P. O'Neill ...September 3, 1867 John Brisbil) ...September 7, 1840 Mortimer C. Addoms.... .September 14, 1S07 James H. Norton ..September 9, 1840 Francis a. Dony- ....Februarys, 1869 John Shouse ...December 0, 1847 E. P.. Sturges May 6, 1869 ....February 8, 1S48 Henry Welsh Rees Davis .September 15, 1869 ...December 7, 1869 Milton C. Tracy .September 11, 1848 Edwin B. Eldred .September 11, 1848 Thomas F.Ham ...December 8, 1869 GEORGE G.WALLER September 11, 1849 Henry 11. Ham ...December 8, 1869 William Minor ...December 3, 1849 Moses M. Thorp May 4, 1884. Their chil- dren — Lizzie (wife of William II. Stanton) and MissMaryS. Waller,— survive them and reside in Honesdale. The personal characteristics of Judge Waller are thus outlined by a life-long and intimate friend : "The old log academy at Wilkes-Barre served to plant the seeds of culture in the mind of Judge Waller, and induce an aspiration after something beyond the rudiments of knowledge. He early appeared rapid in his acquisition, re- markably retentive in his powers of mind, keen in his perceptions, and sternly logical in his methods of deduction. He had a temperament that ease him an impassioned address, an im- agination enlivening his expression even in early youth, and combined therewith a judg- ment the deliberate and careful movements of which would have indicated his fitness to draw the lines, at. some future day, between the conflict- ing claims of men. He knew but little of idleness or waste of life ; and in the application of excel- lent native endowments he was constantly in the pursuit of knowledge ; ever grew in the breadth of his views of life. There seems to have been but little of the boy in him. Manli- ness of character seemed stamped upon every period of his early life, and personal dignity of bearing all remember as having marked his re- lations to men. Yet, with singular harmony, he possessed those qualities of a generous and noble nature, that prompt sympathy with the condition and experience of all others, which relieved the dignity of all hauteur and austerity, crowning his manliness with the more influen- tial traits of fellowship in the ever-changing condition of those around him. He possessed a depth of character and a breadth of view, a courtliness of true nobility, an elevation above suspecting the motives of others, that enabled him to adapt himself with equal tjrace and power of influence to any and every class in society. He was a friend to every man and every man seemed his friend. Perfectly at home in the society of children, above moodi- ness amid the invasion of unyielding disease, possessing a temperament the vivacity of which rendered the suspicion of his actual age abso- lutely beyond a possibility, hi' would have been considered, while upon the bench, one of our younger men, wearing the ermine with singular grace, an expounder of the law hardly suggest- ing by his youthful appearance the names of those whose judicial career has been associated with advancing years and hoary hairs, as upon the English bench ; but the community in which he administered, and whose interests he was called on to protect, can best testify to his integrity, his wisdom and his watchful care." Henry M. Skki.y is the second son of Col- onel Richard L. and Maria Seely, and was born in Seelyville — about a mile from Honesdale — September IS, L835. After the usual prepara- tory course he entered Yale College, and was graduated from that institution in May, 1857. He soon afterward commenced a course of legal Study in Honesdale, under the direction of F. M. Crane, and in the following year attended the Albany Law School for one term. He com- pleted his course as a student in the city of New York, and was there admitted to the bar in May, 185it. In September following, while on a visit to Honesdale, he was admitted to the bar of Wayne County. He had, however, com- menced practice iu New York, and remained there until the breaking out of the Rebellion, iu 1861. He then decided to make Honesdale his home, and removing to that place opened an office. In due time his abilities commanded recognition, and his professional acquirements, the fruit of close study, diligent research and deep thought, with his vigorous and well-disci- plined mental powers, gave him a high rank in the profession. In the summer of 1882 the death of Hon. Charles P. Waller, president judge of the judi- 102 WAYNE, PIKE A.ND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. cial district, made a vacancy on the bench. There was do division of opinion as to the choice tit' a successor. The bar of the district Looked to Mr. Seely as the man by whom it should be tilled, and those who were confessedly entitled to high consideration, had they become his competitors, were foremost in asking for his appointment. August 28th, ten days after the death of Judge Waller, he was commissioned as president judge of the district, and the va- cancy having occurred within three months of the genera] election in 1882, his commission ex- tended until the first Monday of January, 1884. On the opening of the judicial canvass, in L883, the Republicans of the district nominated Judge Seely by acclamation. The impression he had made during a year on the bench was strikingly shown in the preamble and resolution accompanying his nomination in Wayne, pre- sented by William II. Lee, one of the most prominent among the younger members of the bar, viz. : " Whereas, The people properly demand that a can- didate for the judicial office shall possess, in an eminent degree, certain qualities rightly considered indispen- sable to the due performance of judicial functions, among which are a thorough knowledge of the law, mature judgment, a judicial mind, fitted by habit and training to clearly discern and correctly apply the principles of law to the various combinations of tacts arising in forensic contests, integrity above sus- picion, rigid impartiality, and freedom from prejudice or prepossession in the discharge of his duties; "And whereas, The Hon. Henry M. Seely, now the president judge of this judicial district, having long been recognized by the bar, the bench and the public, as endowed with rare intellectual powers, strength- ened, disciplined and ripened by a collegiate educa- tion, profound study, a careful legal training and intimate association with the foremost legal minds of the State, and bearing a character above reproach, is pre-eminently fitted to perform the duties devolving on a presiding judge, "Ami whereas, Judge Seely, by the judicious and conscientious discharge of these duties during the past year, has demonstrated his possession of all the ipialities essential to a pure and enlightened judi- ciary, — a demonstration emphasized by the fact that in none of the numerous cases tried before him, in this district and in the various other districts in which he has from time to time been called to preside, has a writ of error or an appeal to the Supreme Court been taken. Therefore, " Resolved, That this convention, guided by the es- tablished precedents in older counties of the com- monwealth, of opposing changes in the judiciary, and retaining faithful and competent judges in office, presents with just pride the Hon. Henry M. Seely as a candidate for president judge, whose ability as a jurist and worth as a man have been adequately tested and amply proved; and feeling, in common with all who desire to maintain the high Standard of the judi- ciary, that the office should be lifted above the mire of partisan polities, we earnestly appeal to the citizens of this judicial district, irrespective of party affilia- tions, to give him their support at the polls.'' The nomination of Judge Seely by the Re- publicans of Pike was equally enthusiastic. Though, previous to his appointment, not so well known in that county as in Wayne, he had, during the short period for which he had occupied a seat on the bench, won a degree of respect and confidence not less than that mani- fested at his own home. The Democrats of the district were unable to unite on a candidate. Wayne presented George S. Purdy, and l'ikc claimed the nomination for Hon. D. M. Van Aukcn. Both candidates re- mained in the field, and the result was the elec- tion of Judge Seely by a handsome plurality. With unusual mental endowments, broad cul- ture and weight of character, Judge Seely, dur- ing the three and a half years that he has -\\- pied a seat on the bench, has made an admirable record. His official action lias been marked by an evident sense of responsibility and conscien- tious purpose. It has been in the highest de- gree impartial, free from personal bias, and unaffected by any consideration calculated to warp the judgment, or by any influence not legitimately entitled to weight in the determina- tion of the question before him. His analysis of a case is searching and accurate. With a profound knowledge of law, he possesses a strong innate sense of justice, and, in a huge degree, those peculiar intellectual qualities that constitute what is known in the profession as a "legal" or "judicial "mind — a mind which seizes, as by instinct, on the essential issues before it, and applies to them, with rigorous precision, the legal principles by which they are to be decided. His opinions are models of legal research and judicial logic, applied to a compre- hensive view of the essential facts. He com- mands the respect and confidence of the bar, WAYNE COUNTY. not only of Wayne and Pike, but of the other counties in which he has from time to time been called to preside ; and in an equal degree the confidence of the people. //. Attorneys in Permanent Practice. ANDREW M.DORRANCE 1 was the first attorney admitted to the bar of Wayne County after the erection of Pike, and the first to make his home and commence practice within the present coun- ty limits. He was a native of Connecticut ; but of his history, before coming to Pennsyl- vania, nothing can now be ascertained, except that lie entered Brown University in 1810, and was admitted to the bar of Windham County, Connecticut, March 31, 1815. The manner of his admission there is not without interest to the bar of the present day ; and the law student win i now faces three examiners, when a candi- date for admission, undergoes an ordeal appa- rently less severe than that encountered by Mr. Dorrance, who seems to have run the gauntlet of seventeen. The recommendation for his ad- mission was in the following language: "To the Hon. Court of Common Pleas, now in session at Windham, within and for the county o! I Windnam : "The subscribers, practicing at Your Honors barr, beg leave to represent that we have examined Mr. Andrew M. Dorrenee as a candidate for admission to practice as an Attorney at Law at Your Honors barr, and timl that lie is a young gentleman of good moral character, that lie has complied with the rules <>( tin Barr, and is in all respects well qualified. Therefore we recommend him to Your Honors for admission." This was signed by seventeen attorneys — ap- parently the entire "Barr" of the county — and on its presentation Mr. Dorrance was admitted to practice. April 15, 1816, Mr. Dorrance applied for admission to the bar of Pike County. A com- mittee appointed to examine him reported favor- ably the next day, and he was thereupon admitted. April 22, 1816, he was admitted to the bar of Wayne County, and, taking up his residence at Bethany, commenced practice. He died there April 9, 1818, unmarried. 1 Though the name, in the application for adi Windham, Connecticut, is given as Dorrenee, in the records of Wayne County it uniformly appears as ]>t, mince : hence the latter form is here adopted. Amzi FULLER, who, by the untimely death of Mr. Dorrance, became in 1818 the senior resident attorney of Wayne County, was born in Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Octo- ber 19, 1798. He was educated at the classical school of Daniel Parker, in Sharon, Conn. In I si 1 Major Jason Torrey, whose son William was attending this school, wrote to Mr. Parker, requesting him to send a good teacher to take charge of a school at Bethany. In response to this, young Fuller came, reaching Bethany May 9, 1.S14. He made an en^a^ement to teach for six months, but a severe sickness compelled him to leave his school before the close of the term. Early in 1 81 5, having regained his health, he decided to prepare for the bar. Bethany, though for some ten years the county-seat, was still without a lawyer; Mr. Fuller therefore went to Milford, and entered on the usual course of legal study in the office of Dan Dim- mick, maintaining himself, meantime, by writing in the county offices. He was admitted to the bar of Wayne County August 26, 1816, and, forming a partnership- with Mr. Dorrance, com- menced practice. Less than two years later Mr. Dorrance died, and Mr. Fuller succeeded to the practice built up by the firm, and to the small library which had been acquired. Wayne County was then a wild, rugged and sparsely populated region, distant from lines of travel, and traversed by few business thorough- fares. Lumber was the main staple of com- merce, and, as the streams by which it was sent to market were small and difficult of naviga- tion, even that was a precarious source of wealth, while its production withdrew attention from agricultural pursuits and left the general face of the country largely unimproved. The legal business of the county was small. The courts were seldom occupied for more than a week in disposing of the causes, botli civil and criminal, that came before them. Hon. 2 As to the partnership with Mr. Dorrance, referred to in the foregoing sketch, it was apparently of short dura- tion, and was prohably formed not long before the death of Mr. Dorrance. The record nowhere shows the appearance of Messrs. Dorrance and Fuller as partners. In some in- stances they appear associated as counsel, much oftener each appears alone, and in many cases they appear on op posite sides.— H. W. 101 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Nathaniel B. Eldred had just located at Beth- any, and was a rising barrister of tine manners and commanding talents, and other able lawyers came to Bethany from the adjoining counties to divide a practice which seemed but too small for the resident attorneys. Mr. Fuller's de- pendence was wholly on his profession ; he had no adventitious aids, and engaged in no other business, lie gave careful study to the few books which he possessed, and devoted his ener- gies to the faithful dispatch of the business intrusted to him. He cultivated the strictest habits of integrity, industry, temperance ami frugality, and rose rapidly to public confidence. The increase in his practice allowed him to marry and establish himself and family in ease and comfort. From being a faithful and con- scientious reader and worker, lie grew to be a sound, honest and well-read lawyer, who en- joyed unbounded confidence, and in whose hands no business ever suffered from lack of skill and patience. His credit was unbounded and he left it whole ; it is said of him that he rarely re- mained a fortnight as a debtor. To stranger and to friend alike he was exact, and ever scru- pulous in his every dealing. These qualities eminently fitted him for of- fices of public trust, but he was not an aspirant for political favor. He held but • civil of- fice, though he was reappointed to it for several successive terms. It was that of deputy attor- ney-general, and he was retained by administra- tions of varying political complexion for many years, discharging its duties with the same zeal, punctuality and skill that marked his private transactions. During his residence in Bethany Mr. Fuller's house was ever open with a ready and au ele- gant hospitality, and he had the same keen ap- preciation of the duties and privileges of social life that he manifested in his professional deal- ings. He was wide-awake and public-spirited, an ardent supporter of the schools, and alive to the interests of morals and religion. Whatever looked to the advancement of (he people had his hearty co-operation. He loved Wayne County, not only because it was the scene of his early professional struggles and triumphs, but because he felt the gratitude of noble manhood. He had mixed with its hardy, enterprising peo- ple, and they had benefited him no less than he had them. He was alive to the obligation which rested upon him from the recognition of those qualities that had given him success and competence. Late in middle life Mr. Fuller decided to re- tire from practice, and, in 1X11, moved to the house of his son, Henry M. Fuller, at Wilkes- Barre, where he became an active and valued citizen until his death. He died while on a visit to his early h in Connecticut, September 2t'>, 1817, in the house in which he was born. Mr. Fuller, after his removal to Wilkes- Darre, was not engaged in general practice, though frequently consulted in important cases. During the later years of his life three president judges resided in Wilkes-Barn — Hon. John N. Couyngham, of the Thir- teenth District; Hon. ( ieorgc W. Woodward, of the Fourth ; and Hon. Luther Kidder, of the Twenty-first. It was their custom to meet in Mr. Fuller's office and discuss with him all dif- ficult legal questions which had come before them. Judge Couyngham, in speaking of this years afterward, said that Mr. Fuller, on hear- ing the facts, in every instance stated the prin- ciples of law governing the case with such ac- curacy that the three judges never failed to concur in his view. Oristus Collins was born in Connecticut September 22, 1792. His father was Dr. Lewis Collins, one of the pioneer physicians of Wayne County. Dr. Collins removed to the county with his family about the beginning of the present century. His first residence was in that part of Canaan since erected into Salem, but in 1803 he made a permanent home within the present limits of Cherry Ridge. The son, after attending the local schools, went abroad to complete his education. He next read law, and was admitted to the bar at Owego, N. Y. Soon afterward he commenced practice in Wilkes- Barre, which thereafter remained his home until advancing years unfitted him for the active duties of his profession. He then removed to Rye, Westchester County, N. Y., and there made his home with his son, Rev. Charles J. r AYNE COUNTY. Collins. He died January 29, 1884, in his ninety-second year. He was admitted to the Wayne County bar in 1819, and for a quarter of a century after- ward was a regular attendant on its courts, ex- cept while on the bench in another county. He was one of the most prominent among the at- torneys of that period in Northeastern Penn- sylvania. In 1836 he was appointed by Governor Ritner president judge of the Second Judicial District, composed of Lancaster County. < )n the resignation of Judge Scott, of the Eleventh District, in March, 1838, Judge Eldred not resigning the judgeship in the Eighteenth District to become his successor, as had been anticipated, Governor Ritner proposed to Judge Collins a transfer to the Eleventh District, in which Luzerne County was situated. But the bar of Lancaster strongly pressing him to re- main, Judge Collins declined the transfer, and wrote the Governor recommending the appoint- ment of William Jessup, of Susquehanna County, whereupon the Governor at one m missioned Mr. Jessup. Near the close of the same year Judge < lollins was persuaded, against his better judgment, to take a step that resulted in his retirement from the bench. The amended Constitution, completed Feb- ruary 22, 18.38, fixed the term of president judge at ten years, and required the appointment to be made "by and with the consent of the Senate." It further provided that the com- missions of those " who shall not have held their offices for ten years at the adoption of the amendments to the Constitution shall expire on the 27th of February next after the end of ten years from the date of their commissions." It also declared that " the alterations and amend- ments in the said Constitution shall take effect from the 1st day of January, 1839." At the election held October 9, 1838, a majority of one thousand two hundred and twelve was given for the amendments. December 11, 1838, the uumberof votes east was certified by the Speaker of the Senate to the Governor, who, on the same day, issued his proclamation declaring that the amendments had been adopted. In view of the change of tenure, several judges — among them Judge Gibson, of the Su- preme Court, and Judge Darlington, of ( Ihester County — resorted to the expedient of resigning before the change went into effect, to beat once recommissioned, and their terms of office ex- tended as provided by the amendments. The leading members of the Lancaster bar urged Judge Collins to adopt the same course, but he was unwilling to do so, and for some time de- clined. The project, however, being seconded by Governor Ritner and other officials, he finally yielded a reluctant assent. December 2li, 1838, he resigned, and the next day was re- commissioned, to hold the office during good behavior, as provided by the Constitution of 1790. The State election of L838 had changed the political complexion of the administration ; David It. Porter, a Democrat, having been chosen to succeed Governor Ritner, who, like Judge Collins, was a Whig. The validity, after January 1, 1839, of tin m missions issued to the judges who had resigned was disputed, and writs of quo wairanto were issued out of the Supreme Court to determine the question. In the ease of Judge Darlington the court was understood to have reached a decision sustain- ing his commission, which was to be announced on the following Monday. On the Sunday preceding, however, Judge Darlington died, making an adjudication unnecessary. The case; against Judge Collins was then proceeded with, and a decision in his favor was confidently ex- pected. It was contended, in his behalf, that as the amendments did not take effect until Janu- ary, 1, 1889, they applied to all commissions then existing, and continued them in force "until the 27th of February next after the end often years " from their date. The Supreme Court, however (Justice Huston dissenting), de- cided against him, and gave judgment of ouster, holding that the judicial tenure established by the ( ^institution of 1 790 being expressly altered by the amendments, all commissions held there- under become null and void on the 1st of Janu- ary, 1839, except so far as they were extended by the amendments; that by the express terms of the amended Constitution no commissions 166 WAY'NE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. were provided for or continued in force except those existing at the adoption of the amendments; and that the date of such adoption was De- cember 11, 1838, when it was officially certified and proclaimed ; hence that the commission of Judge Collins, not having been in existence at the adoption of the amendments, was not con- tinued beyond January 1, L839, when the change in the judicial tenure took effect, and not having been issued " by and with the consent of the Senate," it had no validity under the amended Constitution. (Com. ex rel. v. Collins, 8 Watts, 331 ). The commission of Judge Gib- son was not affected by this construction, since the amendments applied in express terms to " commissions of the .judges of the Supreme Court who may he in office on the 1st day of January, 18:!!)." As to the correctness of (he decision against Judge Collins, the opinion of the liar was much divided. It was largely viewed as due to political influences, and the division of opinion, for the most part, followed party lines. After quitting the bench Judge Cillins re- sumed practice. For some fifteen years after- ward he frequently attended the courts of Wayne County, his hist appearance in a matter of any importance being on the trial of Timothy Grady, for arson, in September, 1854, when he was associated with ( '. 1'. & G. G. Waller in the defense. Thomas Fuller, a younger brother of Amzi Fuller, was horn in Kent, Litchfield County, Conn., February 26, 1804. He re- ceived a good education, and about the year 182.'] came to Bethany for the purpose of teach- ing in the "Beechwoods Academy." While thus engaged he also commenced reading law, under the direction of his brother. Having completed the prescribed course of study, he was admitted to the bar August 19, 1826. He opened an office in Bethany, and won a marked professional success. The record shows nu- merous instances in which the brothers were en- gaged on opposite sides ; the elder being dis- tinguished as simply " Fuller," while the younger was designated as " T. Fuller." Their rivalry, however, if such it may be styled, was purely professional. Thomas Fuller was a man of fine abilities and high character, and made a most favorable impression on all with whom he came in con tact. Besides pursuing his professional duties, he took an active part in polities, and in prin- ciple was a Whig. Though the district con- tained a Democratic majority of some two thousand, his personal popularity was such that he was twice elected to the Legislature, lirst in 1830, and again in 1831. With the removal of the county-seat, he changed his residence to Honesdale, and built the large house ou the corner of Second and Tenth Streets. It was scarcely completed, how- ever, when he died, and it was subsequently oc- cupied by his son, William J. Fuller. Mr. Fuller was married, September 10, 1829, to Caroline Nichols, of New York. She died March 24, 1830. October 31, 1831, he was married to Martha Robins, of New York. He died in Honesdale, December 16, 1843. His widow survived him until October 17,1864. Their children were William J. Fuller and Mary R., now widow of the late Ralph L. Briggs. The former died June !), 1884. The latter still resides in Honesdale. GEORGE I!. WeSCOTT studied law with Wil- liam Rawle, in Philadelphia, and was there ad- mitted to practice. He subsequently came to Wayne County as au agent for Philadelphia owners of lands in the county. He was ad- mitted to the bar of Wayne April 27, 1829, but appears to have given little attention to practice. In 1831 he was appointed prothono- tary, and held the office for four years. He died at Bethany November 28, 1836, aged thirty-one years. Earl Wheeler. — This veuerable man, the patriarch for many years of the Wayne County bar, died at the residence of his brother-in-law, the late Mr. Hiram K. Mumford, in Dyberry township, this county, December 30, 1873, in the seventy-third year of his age. About ten years before he was smitten with paralysis, and was soon after constrained to retire from profes- sional duties. Then commenced a very gradual declension of his physical powers, which continued to the end. His meutal faculties af times suf- fered eclipse, but generally his mind acted with WAYNE COUNTY. L67 remarkable precision, though with a slowness which was one <>t' its characteristics, even iii liis prime. On Christmas he was quite comfort- able, I nit a day or two after a change came over him, and he faded peacefully away. lie was of old Massachusetts stock, being of the sixth or seventh generation of his family in this country. Pie was horn in Montgomery, Hampden County, Mass., in August, 1802. His wife was Fanny Freeman, a sister of Calvely Freeman, late of Mount Pleasant township, this county. She wasdescended in the maternal line from Elder William Brewster, of the" May- flower " company. While Mr. Wheeler was still in childhood his parents removed to Hancock, Delaware County, N. Y. They both died there, and were buried in the cemetery on the Preston estate. situated in Buckingham township, this county. His early educational advantages were not generous, but, through great perseverance, be acquired a thorough mastery of the English language, and made large progress in the higher mathematics, in mental and natural philosophy and in general literature. As lie grew up he turned his attention to the legal profession, and entered, as a student, the office of the famous Erastus Root, at Delhi, N. Y. After a time he removed to Susquehanna County, Pa., and be- came a student under Almon H. Reed, at Montrose. He commenced practice at Dundatf. From thence he removed to Bethany, in this county, where he remained until the seat of justice was transferred to Ilonesdalc, when he changed his residence to that place. For many years he was one of the most prominent and successful lawyers at the Wayne County bar. If, in his professional career he had a blemish, it consisted in the indulgence of the phantasy that his clients were always in the right. It added to his efficiency, if it did at times elicit, a smile at his expense. Mr. Wheeler never held a public office. What chance of preferment he had (and that was not insignificant) he sacrificed by a change in his political affiliations, passing from a large ma- jority in his district over to a weak minority, be cause of strong convictions touching the matter of slavery. He was perfectly aware what the con- sequences of the act would be to himself, but he did not hesitate. As he was made up, he could not falter on any point that he conceived involved a duty to be performed. His new as- sociates subsequently nominated him for repre- sentative in Congress, but he and they under- stood that while the nomination was an honor, it was a barren one, the other side having an unusual preponderance of the voters. Whether there were in him the elements of decided success in public life, except iii Mich bin's as in- volved the pursuit of the law, is a point cer- tainly open to question; but he did not seek the opportunity to solve the doubt, and the oppor- tunity did not come to him. In his chosen EARL WIIH EL Eli. sphere his career was not, indeed, brilliant, but it was successful. lie was not a man of genius, nor yet of a high order of talent. There was no glow of imagination and no warmth of enthusiasm in his nature. He was methodical and plodding. Whatever naked common sense, with industry and tenacity, might aspire to, was within his reach ; wdiat was beyond he did not waste him- self in unavailing efforts to attain. He was a good lawyer and a judicious counselor. What the books contained he knew, and knew well. In the application of principles to particular cases, while not rapid, he was exceedingly cor- rect. The graces of eloquent speech were not WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. his, but there was a directness, an earnestness, a depth of conviction in his talk that was most persuasive and convincing. Clear, patient, la- borious, he made a large reputation, and for many years was at the head of the legal profes- sion in this county. But he had still higher claims than these upon public confidence and esteem. He was a profoundly truthful ami honest man. There was no alloy of falsehood, deceit, hypocrisy or fraud in him. [n business, in politics, in reli- gion, in social and domestic life, there was no guile found in him. Pie wore no masks. He said precisely what he meant, and squared his actions by his professions. He was never even suspected of an untruth or a dishonesty. Am- bitious of wealth, he coveted no man's silver or gold. Emulous of honors, he refused distinc- tions at the sacrifice of principle. He was as true to his conscience as the needle is to the pole. In private life his nature was child-like, simple-hearted, transparent. His domestic vir- tues were without a blemish. There was no mixture of contradictions in his composition. The image was not part gold and part clay. H' there was lacking that stateliness of manners and courtliness of phrase which are prized in fashiouable circles, there was a depth of sincer- ity, of generosity, of charitableness, that threw over his life a charm of greater value than any meretricious adornments. Resolute in following his judgment when it was once matured, he was slow and cautious in reaching conclusions. He took nothing on trust; yielded nothing to authority. He chal- lenged everything. He demanded proofs. He judged solely by what he knew. This in- stinct of timidity, of doubt, of scrutiny, rah into every department of his life, and was as observable when he committed himself to a wagon or a bridge as to a new point in law or theology. If lie rejected what other men re- ceived and cherished, he did not do so cap- tiously, or because it was pleasant for him to differ from other people. There was no obtru- sion of differences in his intercourse. If godliness really means to be godlike — if re- ligion consists in the exemplification of Truth and Justice, Love and Mercy, Purity and Rev- erence, not for their uses, as profitable to one's self, but because they are supremely good and beautiful in themselves — then Mr. Wheeler was an eminently religious man and has undoubt- edly passed to the glorification of the just made perfect lie left behind him the odorofawell- spent life, a moral character without a blemish, and a cherished recollection of true manliness and worth in the hearts of thousands who sur- vive him. CHARLES K. BoBINSON was born in Wind- ham Centre, N. Y., in 1802. lie was an uncle of ex-Governor Lucius Robinson, of New York. He studied law with Erastus Barnes in New York City, and was there admitted to the bar. He subsequently practiced in Kortright, Delaware County, X. Y., and there, in 1826, was married to Laura .Stewart, lie came to Honesdale a few years later. The date of his admission to the bar of Wayne is not shown by the record, but his earliest recorded appear- ance as an attorney was at November term, 1833. In 1840 he was appointed deputy attor- ney-general, and held the office for five years. He died in November, 1849. Ebenezer Kingsbury came to Wayne from Susquehanna County. He studied law with William Jessup in Montrose, and was ad- mitted to the bar of Susquehanna September 2, 1828. The date of his admission to the bar of Wayne is not shown by the record, but his earliest recorded appearance as an attorney was at November Term, 1833. He came to Wayne County to take editorial charge of the Wayne. ( 'on nt y Herald ami Bethany Inquirer, the Dem- ocratic organ of the county, published at Hones- dale, and devoted himself mainly to politics. In 1835 he was appointed deputy attorney-gen- eral for the county, and held the office until January, 1838. In 1837 he was elected to the State Senate, and in April, 1840, was chosen Speaker for the remainder of the year. He died about the middle of April, 1844. Hon. William H. Dimmick (1st). — Elder Thomas Diminock, the earliest American an- cestor of this gentleman, came to Dorchester, .Mass., before 1635, possibly in the company led by John Winthrop, Jr., in 1630. He was a selectman of that town. May 25, 1636, he WAYNE COUNTY. was made a freeman of the colony of setts Bay. He removed to Hingham in 1038, to Scituate the next year, and to Barnstable in 1640, where he became locally prominent. He was a son of Edward Dimmock, of Barnstable, England, the family having been conspicuous in the mother country for five hundred years. His wife was probably Ann Hammond, widow of William Hammond, ofWatertown, Mass. The name is Welch, and was originally written David ap Madoc — David, son of Madoc. Then it took the form of Dai mock, Dai being a contraction of David. Afterwards, and down to the present time, various orthographical forms were and are employed, as Dymock, Dim- mock, Dimmuck, Dimuck and Dimock. In- deed, no two of Mr. Dimmick's immediate pro- genitors spelled the name in the same way. Diversities in spelling proper names are com- mon enough in all old books and documents, but so great a diversity as is manifest in the spelling of this name is quite uncommon. The existing differences do not seem likely to be ob- literated. Each has abundant examples to sup- port it, and neither party is inclined to yield. In 1703 a man of this name was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature from Bucks County. That year his name was spelled on the official minutes Tobias Dymmoke. In L705 he was again in the Legislature, and his name was then officially written Tobias Dymock. There is no evidence attainable that he was closely related to Thomas Dimmock, of Barn- stable, Mass. Deacon Shubal Dimmuck was the second son and third child of Thomas Dimmock, and was born in Barnstable and baptized there Septem- ber 15, 1644. He was selectman in 1685-86 and member of General Court, as the Colonial Legislature was designated, at different sessions. About 1693 he removed to Mansfield, Conn., where he died, October 29, 1732, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-one years. He married Joanna Bursley in April, 1663. His son, John Dimuck, was born in Barnstable in January, 1666, and lived there until 1709, when he removed to Falmouth. He married Elizabeth Lumbert in November, 1689. Timothy Dimock was the fifth child and 19 second sou of John Dimuck. He was born in Barnstable in July, 1698, and finally located in Mansfield. He married Ann Bradford, a de- scendant of Governor Bradford, of the "May- flower" company, April 1 . r >, 1723. Deacon Oliver Dimock, eighth child and sixth son of Timothy Dimock, lived in Mansfield, about half a mile east of the present Mansfield depot. He was a deacon of the North Mans- field Church. He married Sarah Gurley, daughter of Samuel, in April, 1764. She died in 1799 and he February 10, 1823. Dan Dimmick, second son and fifth child of (•liver Dimock, was born March 1,1775, in Mansfield. He came to Pennsylvania in 1800, and studied law in Milford, and followed his profession in that village until February, 1825, whin he died, lie married Jane, daughter of .1. J. Aerts, better known as Dr. Francis Smith, of Stroudsburg, Pa. Mr. Aerts was born in Brussels, when it was the capital of the Austrian Netherlands. He was a son of X. 15. Aerts, Lord of Opdorp and Immerscele, ami was named Joseph us Jacobus Aerts. In 1771 he started for America, to join tin- colonists against Great Britain, and to facilitate travel through France, took the name of Francis Smith. William H. Dimmick, seventh child and fifth son of Dan, was horn in Milford, January 25, 1813. He was educated at Wendham, and at an early age entered the law-office of lion. X. B. Eldred, at Bethany, Wayne County, Pa., and in 1835 was admitted to the bar, and began practice with Mr. Eldred, whose first wife was his sister, and whose second wife was his cousin. Soon afterwards Mr. Eldred was appointed to a president judgeship, which he accepted, leav- ing Mr. Dimmick to profit by the large ami lucrative practice left to him. In 1842 the county-seat was removed from Bethany to Honesdale, when, in common with other mem- bers of the legal profession, he removed to the latter place, and at once was conceded high rank. In 1844 he was elected, by the Democrats, State Senator from the district composed of the counties of Susquehanna, Wyoming and Wayne. He speedily acquired influence in the Senate through his industry and abilities. The point 170 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in his legislative career, however, which excited most attention and comment was liis refusal to sustain the Democratic caucus nomination of James Buchanan for United States Senator, who was a candidate for re-election. The Demo- crats had a majority of oidy one on joint ballot, so that the selection of his successor was vir- tually in the power of Mr. Dimmick. Simon Cameron, up to that occasion, had steadily been a Democrat, and even then avowed himself to be such; but he affirmed that Mr. Buchanan was not sound on the tariff question, and, per- composed of the counties of Wayne, Pike, Monroe, Carbon and Northampton. In 1858 he was again elected representative from the same district. This must be said, that his Congres- sional service did not satisfy the expectation created by his record in the State Senate. But, then, it must be borne in mind that his health had become prematurely broken, and the final end for him was not far oft'. On August 3, 1861, he died at his residence in Honesdale, after a protracted illness, proxi- mately of dropsy, caused remotely, perhaps, by what was known at the time as the National Hotel poisoning. That was his conception of his malady. He believed and often asserted that the poisoning was an attempt by Southern radicals to remove Mr. Buchanan from the Presidency, and that he and a number of other persons incidentally became victims of the criminal endeavor, while the President fortu- nately escaped. Of course, he could not demon- strate the accuracy of his conception of the matter, for the actual facts were never authori- tatively developed ; but he adhered tenaciously to the last to that idea. Mr. Dimmick's physical frame surpassed ordinary dimensions, massive rather than corpu- lent. His head was large and his countenance open and pleasant. To outward appearances it seemed, when he came to the bar, likely to endure to extreme old age. But those bodily indications were unreal and deceptive. In the meridian of his years, he withered gradually and passed away. He never mar- ried, but left the handsome com- petency he had acquired to his youngest sister. He was a man of excellent understanding. His education, while not liberal, was sufficient for his purposes. He was proficient in his native language, using it ordinarily with con- siderable exactness and often with conspicuous force. He was not ignorant of general English literature, having a familiar acquaintance with many authors whose works have attained the rank of classics. He was a diligent student along the line of his profession, well grounded alike in elementary principles, in statutory en- tative in Congress from the Thirteenth District, I actments and in the decisions of the higher haps, on some other points. The Whig mem- bers of the Legislature took that view of the contention, or, at least, professed to take it. Mr. Cameron gave them in writing all the assur- ances they desired, and they gave him their votes for Senator. The vote of Mr. Dimmick, superadded thereto, made Mr. Cameron Sena- tor for the full term of six years, and soon he commenced a long career at Washington, which was certainly conspicuous, if not illus- trious. In 1856 Mr. Dimmick was elected rcpreseu- WAYNE COUNTY. 171 tribunals. He had a blending of capacities which made him strong with both the bench and the jury. During his life an impression prevailed, somewhat widely, that he was specially absent- minded. Stories were told illustrating his alleged forgetfulness, — one to the effect that, having occasion while at a hotel in the city of New York, to send out a garment to be repaired, he thoughtlessly left in one of the pockets a large sum of money, the discovery whereof greatly frightened the messenger, who saw in it an artifice to accomplish his ruin. Another, that while preparing to quit a Harrisburg hotel, he fastened his trunk, leaving two or three suits of clothes in a wardrobe in the room he occupied, and was oblivious to what had heroine of them until they were forwarded to him. And yet a third, to the effect that he was once engaged to marry a lady ; that the day of the wedding was fixed by mutual agreement be- tween her and him ; and that, forgetting the engagement, he failed to appear at the appointed time. These and other reports of similar nature were told in a tone sometimes of banter and sometimes of complaint. But how much fiction or how much fact entered into the com- position of them was never apparent. It was, however, palpable that he did not forget his own business welfare or the rights and in- terests which clients committed to his care. Therein he was prompt, intelligent and effi- cient. In social life he was attractive and large- hearted, full of kindly and generous impulses, with heart ever open to the appeals of the suf- fering and needy, and hand ever ready to min- ister to their necessities. There was no trace of malice in him, even towards his enemies, and his forgiveness of injuries to himself was swift and certain. His friendships once established were not lightly broken. He had scarcely reached the summit of life and the best and fullest development of his powers when the summons for his final depart- ure came. What possibilities lay in the future may readily be conjectured ; but he left behind, in the recollection of friends and in the appre- ciation of the public, enough accomplished to ensure a kindly remembrance on the part of the generation to which he belonged. Hon. F. M. Crane. — For many years this man was a conspicuous, unique and interest- ing figure in the professional, political and so- cial life of Honesdale and of Wayne County. Nature was not kind to him in respect to form and bearing. Short, thick, dark-visaged, hair long, coarse and shaggy, with eyes black, pene- trating and lustrous, and lips that smiled dis- mally, if at all, and in manner to leave a stran- ger in doubt whether the intent behind was hostile or friendly, he was decidedly repellent and forbidding in appearance and bearing. Yet, he was kind-hearted, sympathetic, generous, honest and truthful. All there was bad in him, was the appearance nature had toned upon him, and which he could neither east oil', nor quite counterbalance by the genuine and lovable qual- ities abounding in him. He had excellent intellectual endowments ; was eminently studious and reflective in his habits ; well-read in the law, and capable of instituting aud carrying forward the closest scrutiny. Perhaps he was inclined to be tech- nical, instead of resting mainly on fundamental principles and the applications thereof to cases in hand. But he was always efficient, and often exceed i ugly powerfu 1 . His educational advantages were not liberal ; only such as the common schools and academies of New England furnished in his youthful days ; but by industry and application he made up for the deficiencies to which he was subject, even in early manhood was proficient and exact in the use of his native language. He was born in Salisbury, Conn., May 12, 1815, and was nearly sixty-two years old when he died. In 1834 he went from Connecticut to Mid- dlebury, Yt. The proclivity to politics was so strong in him that the next year he was a dele- gate to the Democratic State Convention. He had then scarcely reached his majority ; but, unquestionably, he served with zeal, if not with the knowledge he evinced in his maturer years. In 1836 he came to Mount Pleasant, this county, to teach a school, for which employment he was well qualified. He was not content, 172 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and felt a desire to go West. That same year he journeyed as far as Cincinnati, seeking a place to locate permanently, but did not find it, and retraced his way as far as Carbondale. In CS:;7 he again went to Cincinnati, but returned as far as Pittsburgh, where he spent the autumn of that year. Unsatisfied, he returned to Car- bondale, determined to remain, and became a student-at-law, in the office of Lewis Jones, Esq. In 1838 he was admitted to the bar of Luzerne Cminty, and was soon regarded as one of the most promising young members of the profes- sion. In LS4(l lie entered actively into the Presi- dential canvass, on the Democratic side, and soon acquired popularity as a political speaker. And (his leads necessarily to statement and comment upon the sources of his power as a speaker, whether at the bar or before assemblies of the people. He was certainly not an orator. Neither in voice nor action was he eloquent. But he was exceedingly effective. He did not allow himself to speak until lie was fully pre- pared, and then only iu the line of his convic- tions. He was fluent, earnest, pointed, impas- sioned. What lie lacked in grace he made up by intensity of matter and method. From 1840 up to his decease he was always active in politics, but was not personally a favorite with the masses. He did not know how to win by dissimulation. In 1843 he was appointed post-master at Carbondale, which office he resigned in 1844, upon his removal to Honesdale. At once lie took high rank at the Wayne County bar, and gained an enviable reputation, not only for learning in his calling, hut for professional and personal integrity, which was never sullied by a questionable transaction. Nevertheless, while zealous and influential in advancing the political interests of friends, lie largely lacked the qualities requisite to secure his own promotion. He could neither fawn nor flatter. He was as decidedly lacking in self-assertion as he was in personal magnetism ; but, invited to accept position, no matter what, he was equal to almost any requirement or ob- ligation. In 1853 he was elected to the popular branch of the General Assembly, and served with abil- ity. He was ready, independent, forcible. He made himself conspicuous and powerful in op- posing the enforced break in the gauge of rail- roads at Erie or elsewhere. This break was insisted on, because changing freight from one set of cars to another, at particular points, fur- nished employment to considerable numbers of laborers, and so was esteemed a local benefit. Now, it seems almost impossible to comprehend that views so narrow and unworthy could have been seriously entertained, and could have found prominent and efficient advocates. Put so it was. Mr. Crane's hostility to the scheme was spontaneous and irresistible. It exposed him to the senseless imputation of being subsi- dized by railway corporations, but after his ex- position of the matter the accusal ion was inef- fectual. In 1801 he was again elected to the General Assembly by the Republicans, as a war Dem- oerat. His speeches in the canvass were among the ablest made ill Pennsylvania during the Rebellion. In 1874 an extraordinary complication oc- curred, touching the president judgeship of Wayne and Pike Counties, and at the solicita- tion of hundreds of personal and party friends, he was induced to let his name go to the people as an independent Democratic candidate for the position. His competitors were Charles P. Waller, of Wayne County, as the Republican nominee, and D. M. Van Auken, of Pike County, as the regular Democratic candidate. The contest was a bitter and exciting one. Mr. Waller received 2588 votes,'Mr. Van Auken 1 l!">7 and Mr. Crane 2176 votes. Consider- ing that Mr. Crane did not have the support of either party organization, but was sustained on- ly by his individual merits, the result was de- cidedly complimentary to him. This was the last time he was a candidate for public office ; while he evinced his old-time in- terest in political concerns, and acted with the Democrats, it was manifest he regarded his period of individual activity as closed. In social life he remained what he had always been to his intimate friends. What an amplitude of sympathy, generosity and good fellowship lay WAYNE COUNTY. 173 concealed behind the reserve which was habit- ual to him before the public ! While on the Bfcreel he appeared to be haughty, taciturn and unapproachable ; in his own home, or in the homes of his familiars, few persons contrived to he SO winsome and agreeable. Mr. Crane, in 1844, married Miss Olivia Sims, of Philadelphia. The union was a happy one but was childless. A few years before he died the deep shadow of insanity fell upon his companion, and she was removed to the Phila- delphia Asylum, where she remains. There was a touch of almost infinite care and tender- ness in his treatment of her until her absolute seclusion became imperative, and then a deep, impenetrable sorrow settled upon bis life. His home was, indeed, desolate; with no child to bear him company, with no near kindred, ex- cept a young nephew, whose tenderness was loyal and complete, his life became parched and withered. One evening a friend called at his dwelling and spent an hour with him. His mind, subdued an', mellowed by affliction, stored inexhaustibly by reminiscence ami en- riched by abundant reading and cogitation, made him especially attractive ; at the moment of parting he grasped his neighbor's hand, tears came into his eyes and be seemed the embodi- ment of desolation. The heartfelt thanks he expressed for the recognition accorded has lasted until now as a most cherished recollec- tion. On Saturday, the 6th of January, 1877, he suffered from severe pains near or in the heart. He had before experienced like attacks, which he attributed to indigestion, so that he felt no alarm at that illness. On Sunday he was still unwell, but was up and about his dwelling and went over to the Allen House. On Monday his sufferings increased insomuch that he went to bed and sent for his physician. The examina- tion convinced the doctor that there was serious trouble, but he hoped the disease might yield to treatment, for a time at least. During the day some improvement in the case was manifest, but it proved to be temporary. At seven o'clock in the evening a paroxysm of agony seized him. His nephew folded him in his arms and in a few moments all was over. Soon the traces of agony faded from his countenance, and only the repose of death remained. Charles Sherman Minor, son of Sher- man and Jerusha E. Minor, was born in Washington, Connecticut, January 11, 1817. He soon afterward removed to Koxhurv, ( !on- necticut. He there fitted for college, attending the academy in that place for six months, but for the most part pursuing his studies alone. lie entered Yale College in 1837, and was graduated from that institution in 1841. lie soon afterward went to Wellshoro', Tioga ( lounty, Pa., and for two years taught in the academy at that place, meantime studying law under the direction of James Lowrey. He then attended the New Haven Law School for one year and was admitted to the bar in New Haven. In 1844 he came to Iloncsdale, and December :!, is 1 1, was admitted to the bar of Wayne < lounty. In 1845 he formed a partnership with Earl Wheeler, which continued for one year, and thereafter he practiced alone. In the summer of 1862 he was appointed by Governor Curtin a commissioner to make the first draft for troops to (ill the quota of the State for service in the Union army, and was occupied for sev- eral months with the duties of this position. Soon afterward his health became so much impaired that he was obliged to suspend all professional labors for some time. In the fidl of 1863, hoping for benefit from a change of climate, he accepted a position in the Treasury Department at Washington. He was soon afterward sent to California on important business of the department. In July, 1864, his health being restored, he returned to Hones- dale and resumed the duties of his profession. Since 1869 he has been a trustee of the State Hospital for the Insane. Mr. Minor has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Harriet I. Bache, of Wellsboro', to whom he was married May lit, 1846. She was attacked by a malignant fever a few mouths ■ later, and died October 19, 1846. He, also, was attacked by the same malady, but recovered after a protracted sickness. March 30, 1848, he was married to Miss Nancy P. Brown, of Utica, N. Y. They have had one son — Charles Fletcher, who was drowned May 31, 1853, 174 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. when a little more than four years old — and two daughters : Harriet E. and Catherine B., both of whom reside in Honesdale. In years and experience, in professional ac- quirements, character and ability, Mr. Minor may justly be regarded as the Nestor of the Wayne County bar. He has been a life-lung student, and his professional and scholarly at- tainments are of an unusual order. His argu- ments at the bar are characterized by a lucid statement and an effective grouping of fads, a breadth of view, a scope of thought, a mastery of principles, a grasp of details, a logical pre- cision and force of reasoning rarely combined. In his view, the law is not a mere system of abstractions or artificial theories, nor yel a scheme of snares, pitfalls and traps for the ignorant and unwary; hut is essentially a science, the perfection of human reason, designed for the government of mankind on the highest attainable plane of justice and equity. As such he presents, expounds and applies it. For the practice of law as asystem of devices to perplex the understanding, — to make the worst 1 appear the Keiier cause, to promote the success of wrong and the sacrifice of right, — he has no tolerance. Hon. 8AMUBL E. DiMMICK. — Nature was gracious and bountiful to him. It gave him a handsome body, a full, sonorous and mellow •voice, easy and appropriate gesticulation, and a general contour and bearing of unusual attrac- tiveness. These accessories were of high value to him in social circles, in the practice of his chosen profession and before assemblies of the people. His presence and action largely dis- armed criticism and gave him credit and author- ity beyond the measure that would have been conceded to him strictly on the score of intellectual capacities and acquirements. He did not, in- deed, belong to that large class of men who float easily and securely in professional or pub- lic life mainly by reason of admirable physical characteristics, but he was immeasurably helped thereby, obtaining consideration and favor that would not have been yielded to him had he been of contemptible or repulsive bodily appear- ance. On the street young men would stand, as charmed, and watch him till he passed out of sight. Of the faculty of pure reason, as exemplified by Kant or Calhoun, he had not overmuch. His comprehension of first principles and power of applying them to specific cases, while not conspicuously lacking to ordinary scrutiny, upon definite measurement was comparatively mea- gre. Of imagination, and particularly in such sub-divisions thereof as wit and humor, he was manifestly deficient. In understanding — that supremest faculty for all common ends — he abounded. What special mental strength he had lav therein. This vigorous common sense was his peculiar equipment, and in his calling and way of life it was adequate to his needs. If his preliminary education had been liberal, or if he had supplied deficiencies by self-im- provement, he would have been strong even among strongest men. As he was, he com- manded an enviable position at the bar. In his student years, as in the earlier period of his practice in the courts, his application was close and uniform, and he became well-grounded in the law, and especially in law relating to corporations. He was a wise and safe counsel- or, and all the more hecause he had a completer comprehension of practical business affairs than falls to the lot of most lawyers. He succeeded remarkably well as an advocate, his evident sincerity of purpose and intense earnestness of manner producing favorable impressions and contributed powerfully to the ends he desired to attain. In the examination of witnesses it was not in his refined nature to badger or bully. In his arguments to the bench, while always clear and frequently conclusive, he often fell below the level of his reputation. Before pro- miscuous assemblies he was unquestionably the most popular orator of his era in the county, delighting even when he failed to convince and making friends for himself among multitudes whom he did not draw to the acceptance of the ideas he advocated. Yet his range of studies, aside from the law, was not ample. It was a wise conclusion to which he came, that in an age where knowledge in all departments had unprecedentedly increased, it was best to confine himself pretty closely to his chosen field of investigation. He adjudged it better to be a strong lawyer than to fritter away his powers WAYNE COUNTY. 175 on side studies, which would, indeed, enrich his elocution, but would seldom increase his effec- tiveness before judicial tribunals. He had be- fore him instances in which men, his superiors in native capacities and in educational advan- tages, had fallen conspicuously behind him be- cause their best and longest hours had been given to studies apart from professional obliga- tions and requirements, and he was careful to avoid that mistake. He remembered the in- junction of Blackstone, that "the law is a jeal- ous mistress," and he did not toy with any others. Hence he was a lawyer, a good one, and little else. But this concentration of his life had large compensating advantages. It left no chance to fail, as many versatile men do, by spreading over too broad a surface, by having a superficial acquaintance with many topics, ami a thorough and remunerative familiarity with none; who could nut convert their multifarious information into a barrel of flour for their fam- ilies, if they had most pressing need of such alchemy. Starting in life a Democrat, according to the traditions of his family, he early imbibed radi- cal views against the institution of domestic slavery. And this phase of his development was the more peculiar in that it seemed to be eccentric. He created, concerning himself, at least, a current suspicion that he had strong tendencies towards aristocracy. He made no concealment of his feeling that manual labor was menial and degrading, and that he would take no employment that was not ex- clusively intellectual. But he had an instinc- tive hatred of oppression, a genuine love of fair play, and a ready disposition to help the lowly and friendless. In 185(3 he attached himself to the Free-Soil party, led by Martin Van Buren, but after the close of that campaign identified himself with the Republicans, and became prominent in their councils and movements. The only public office of consequence he ever held was that of attorney-general, to which he was appointed by Governor J. F. Hartranft, in 1873. The duties thus devolved upon him were performed to the satisfaction of the execu- tive, and in a manner to concentrate upon him the respectful attention of prominent and ob- servant people in all parts of the common- wealth. He was, indeed, a member of the convention called to revise the State Constitution in 1872, but he did not participate in the deliberations of that body, his appointment as attorney -gen- eral assigning him to other duties. There was fulness in his social nature. He loved his family and friends cordially and with all his heart. He had, moreover, great kindli- ness for many beyond those close circles. As wealth increased in his possession, it did not con- tract his attachments nor deaden his sensibili- ties, but he remained approachable, open-hand- ed, charitable. He was a cousin to William H. Dimmick. His father was Alpheus, brother to Dan, the father of William. Alpheus was born in Mansfield, Conn., No- vember 22, 1787. He graduated at Yale Col- lege in 1810, and in 1814 was licensed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York as an attorney. He commenced practice soon after at Bloomingburg, X. Y., and continued to re- side there until his death, which occurred Jan- uary 17, 1865. He married Maria Can, of Frederick, Md., November 5, 1818. Samuel E., their second child and son, was 176 WAYNE, PIKE AND xMONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. born at Bloomingburg December 24,1822. He received such education as the scant schools of his native town proffered, and no more. In 1843 he engaged as a clerk in a crockery store in New York, and served for the space of one year. In 1844 he entered the office of his cousin, William H. DinSmick, as a student-at- law, and was admitted to the Wayne County bar .May li, 1846. He entered at once into partnership with his cousin, and continued therein until the death of the latter, in 1861. January 28, 1855, he married Miss Lucretia M. Benjamin, daughter of the late Joseph Ben- jamin, of the city of New York. His physical constitution was not robust,andhe was averse to such exercise as might have im- proved its lone Hence office life, combined with close professional labor, proved to be in- i lpatible with possession by him of sound health. When he reached the meridian of his years his bodily vitality was seriously im- paired. In this Conjuncture he accepted the at- torney-generalship, and at a time when there was an unusual number of important mon- wealth cases requiring investigation and trial. Then, too, by virtue of his office, lie was a member of the Board of Pardons, and many convicted persons were pressing cither for an amelioration or caneelment of the sentences un- der which they rested. He felt, and said, that his strength was not adequate to the burden rest- ing on him, that the most suitable place lor him was at home; hut pride and ambition conspired to keep him from following the dictates of his sober judgment. To be sure, in the trial of State eases at Harrisburg he was efficiently assisted by Hon. Wayne McVeagh, but even this superior help left him more to do than his physical strength was adequate to perform. Monday, October 4, 1875, he left home to at- tend a meeting of the Board of Pardons at Har- risburg. The condition of his health was such as to excite serious apprehensions on the part of his family and friends. His physician ad- vised against the journey. But he would not yield. His wife went with him, to care for him as far as possible. At New York he parted with neighbors who had made the trip so far in his company. To them he seemed op- pressed by a sense of his feeble condition and the premonition that he would not last to return alive. He remained overnight in New York, proceeded next day to Harrisburg, and attended a meeting of the Board of Par- dons that evening. On Wednesday he did not leave his room. The next three nights he -lip! In his chair, not being able to endure a reclining position. Pneumonia appeared. His system was too much enfeebled to make effect- ual resistance to its progress. On Monday evening he received visitors, who retired at an early hour. At eleven o'clock, alone with his wife, a change passed over him and in a few moments he was dead. Thus ceased a life, mainly uneventful, but which seemed just blossoming to an abundant fruition. < < i < > i :< . i : (i. WAIXEB, son of Phineas and Eliza Waller, and a younger brother of Hon. Charles I'. Waller, was horn in Wilkes-Lane May .">, 1821. He was graduated from Wil- liams College in 1844. After the prescribed course of legal study, under the direction of Judge Collins, he was admitted to the bar of Luzerne County in 1846. After practicing for a year at Bloomsburg, Columbia County, be returned to Wilkes-Barre and formed a part- nership with Judge CoIHds. In the fall of 1849 he came to Honesdale, temporarily, to assist his brother Charles, who was beginning to suffer in health. The next year, deciding to remain, he entered into partnership with his brother, — the firm-name being C. P. A- G. G. Waller, — and has since continued the practice of law in Honesdale. October 11, 1854, Mr. Waller was married to Lizzie J., daughter of Hon. B. S. Bentley, of Montrose. They have had two sons, who tlied in childhood; adaughter, Annie, who died in May, 1S78, at the age of fifteen; and a daughter, Bessie, born September 24, 1868. Mr. Waller has always been a hard worker in his profession. In quickness of perception, rapidity of thought, promptness of decision and power of close and continued application he has few equals. His cases show a completeness of preparation that overlooks nothing; while, at the same time, few surpass him in ready and WAYNE (Ol'XTV. 177 dextrous management when an emergency de- mands action without due preparation. With unforeseen difficulties conic swift suggestions of their remedy, and instantly-devised plans for meeting them. As an advocate, lie is earnest, forcible and effective. His statement of aca.se is often, of itself, an argument, giving it an aspect of justice and reason well calculated to carry conviction to the minds of a jury. He has the power of terse description, sententious presentation, apt illustration and pithy charac- terization—otherwise known as "the art of putting things" — in a remarkable degree. To divest a thing of the form in which lie has put it is often the most difficult task of the counsel who follow him. His discussion of evidence is marked by a marvelous memory of its de- tails ; by a logical keenness and discrimination that bring into view its most telling features, while masking its weak points ; by an ingenious construction of ambiguous testimony that devel- ops its strongest aspect ; by acute suggestions as to circumstances but indistinctly appearing, or with a bearing more or less obscure; by adroit allusions to matters lying on the border line of proof ; by shrewd and pungent criticism of counter-testimony ; — and his application of tin' law is close and pointed, marked by compact argument and a cogent presentation of authori- ties. No lawyer is less technical, but none has a firmer grasp of the substance of a cast 1 . His practice has been varied and extensive, and he has been engaged in most of the important cases, both civil and criminal, that have been tried in the county during the past thirty-five years. Ebenezer Richardson, son of Ebeuezer and Mary Richardson, was born at Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Mass., May 16, 1816. In April, 1828, he removed with his parents to Preston, Chenango County, N. Y. He was educated at Hastings' High School, in Norwich, Chenango County. March 26, 1840, he was married to Miss Holt, of Steuben County, N. Y., and in June, 1843, he removed to Mount Pleasant, Wayne County. He subse- quently read law under the direction of C. P. Waller, and was admitted to the bar December 3, 1850. He opened an office in Hawley, De- 20 cember 25th, and has since continued in prac- tice at that place. He is chiefly engaged in office business, and seldom appears in court. Jackson Woodward was ason of John K. Woodward, a younger brother of Hon. Warren J. Woodward, and a nephew of lion. George W. Woodward. He was born in Bethany about the year 1822. After reaching manhood he was largely employed in the various county offices, and while thus engaged he studied law under the direction of K. M. ( ircncll and F, M. Crane. He was admitted to the bar De- cember 7, 1850. .May 5, L853, F. M. Crane, district attorney, resigned that office, and Mr. Woodward was appointed to fill the vacancy. In October following he was elected for the full term without opposition, and in 1859 he was again elected. He died at Bethany, March 11, 1866. Francis Drake came to Wayne County from the State of New York. June 1, 1848, in connection with George M. Reynolds, he com- menced the publication of a newspaper called the National Reformer, supporting Van Buren, in opposition to Cass, the regular Democratic candidate for President. The enterprise came to an end soon after the election, and early in 1849 Mr. Reynolds removed the printing mate- rials to Carbondale, and there commenced the publication of the Lackawanna Journal. Mr. Drake afterward read law under the direction of S. G. Throop, and was admitted to the bar February 5, 1852. His practice was princi- pally before justices. In 1856 he was the Republican candidate for district attorney, but was defeated by Henry Peet, the Democratic nominee. He died in the autumn of 1859. Edward Oscar Hamlin, son of Hon. Eph- raim W. Hamlin, was born at Bethany, Wayne County, June 12, 1828. He received his pre- paratory education at his native place, under Rev. Willard Richardson ; entered Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., in advance, in 1848, and was graduated from that institution in the class of '50. He commenced reading law at Wilkes-Barrewith Hon. George W. Woodward, and finished the course of study at Honesdale, under the direction of Earl Wheeler. He was admitted to the bar September 7, 1852. After 178 WAYNE, PIKK AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. practicing for two years in Honesdale he de- cided to go West, and soon afterward settled in Minnesota. He rapidly rose in his profession, and a vacancy occurring in the judgeship of the Fourth Judicial District, he was appointed to that position by Governor Sibley. On the ex- piration of his commission he resumed practice at the bar in St. Cloud. While a resident of Minnesota, Judge Ham- lin held a high position, both professionally and socially. Being a Democrat, however, and therefore in a permanent minority, no oppor- tunity was presented for a political career ; yet he was a leader in his party, and his ability and integrity were recognized on ail sides, lie was elected the first mayor of the city of St. ( loud. On retiring from the bench he was appointed by Governor Ramsay a member of the Slate Normal Board of Public Instruction, and con- tinued to fill this position until his removal from the State. He was also appointed by Governor Ramsay a member of the Board of Regents of the State University. Soon after the outbreak of the Rebellion, in 1861, Gov- ernor Ramsay, without solicitation, tendered him a commission as major of the Seventh Reg- iment Minnesota Volunteers, but his eyesight being defective, he was obliged to decline it. In the same year he received the Democratic nom- ination for Governor, and he was subsequently a candidate on the Democratic ticket for Judge of the Supreme Court. Iu 1864 he was dele- gate to the Democratic National Convention. On the floor of the Convention he denounced the platform adopted, because it declared the war for the Union a failure ; and he was one of the four delegates who voted against it on that ground. In 1865, though a resident of Minnesota, he was nominated by the Democratic Convention of Wayne County for president judge of the Twenty-second Judicial District ; in the Judicial Conference, however, Judge Barrett was renominated. In 1873, yielding to the solicitations of his parents, Judge Hamlin returned to Wayne County and opened an office in Honesdale. In 1874 he was elected to the vestry of Grace Church, iu that borough, of which body he has since continued to be a member and the secre- tary. After a short residence at the county- seat he removed to Bethany, which has since been his home. He continued the practice of his profession in Houesdale until June, 1885, when failing health compelled him to (piit it. Judge Hamlin was twice married. His first wife was Mary A., daughter of Judge Eldred, of Bethany ; she died Sept. 27, 1868. His pres- ent wife is Ella F., daughter of 10. B. Strong, clerk of the District Court of Stearns County, Minn, lie has two sons, — Prank P., a lawyer at St. Paul, Minn., ami Warren P.., a jeweler, of Atkinson, Neb. Judge Hamlin's mental powers, culture and professional attainments arc of a superior order. His arguments at the bar were marked by wide research, acute logic, clearness of statement and accuracy in the application of legal principles, lie was among the most eloquent of advocates before a jury, presenting a case in the light of reason, equity and fair dealing as between man and man, and with rare force of argument and demonstration. His arguments were naturally, in a large measure, a reflection of the earnest- ness, high moral tone, noble sentiment and de- votion to principle, which arc prominent traits of his character. Pie commanded the respect of the bench, the bar and the people and will long be remembered as one whose influence was ex- erted to elevate the standard of the profession in every aspect. Henry Wilson, or Judge Wilson, as he is familiarly known, was born in the town of Franklin, Susquehanna County, Pa., October 7, 1834. He studied law with D. N. Lathrope, at Carbondale, and was admitted to the bar of Luzerne < Jounty in 1859. During his novitiate, and for many years after his admission, by close study and the exercise of a phenomenal memory, he acquired a most comprehensive knowledge of the law, both scientific and prac- tical, which enabled him in after-life to readily perceive the legal aspect of every combination of facts, and apply the governing principles of law with facility and accuracy. His studies were not confined to the law, but being by na- ture a student, and endowed with intellectual faculties of a high order, he acquired an unusual WAYNE COUNTY. 179 familiarity with history, politics, political econ- omy, science and literature. In 1869 Hon. C. ('. Jadwin, who had known Judge Wilson from boyhood, after several un- successful attempts to secure a suitable editor for the Honesdale Citizen, induced him to as- sume an experimental charge of that paper, which soon became permanent, and he there- upon removed to Honesdale. Forseveral years he paid but little attention to professional busi- ' ism, social and political, while numerous other productions exhibit rare powers of humor and sarcasm. Together with his varied abilities as a general writer, Judge Wilson possesses what is commonly known as a " legal mind," with an unusual fondness for professional studies, and when his legal attainments became known to his friends in Wayne County he was urged to resume practice, and finally decided to do so. He is now retained in almost every case of im- L. In September following he was mar- ried to Agnes ( '. Addoms, a step-daughter dI Judge Avery, of Honesdale. In 1883 Mr. Purdy received the nomination of the Wayne County Democratic Convention for president judge. The Democrats of Pike presented Hon. D. M. Van Auken as their nominee, and the conferees who represented the two counties were unable to agree. Both Dem- ocratic candidates remained in the field, with Judge Seely as the Republican candidate. Mr. Purdy received a majority in Wayne County, hut lack of time prevented an adequate canvass of Pike in his behalf, and the bulk of the party vote in that county was given to Mr. Van Au- ken, resulting in the election of Judge Seely by a plurality of two hundred and sixty-one. The contest had been bitter and acrimonious, but Mr. Purdy met the result with such admirable tem- per as to command the respect even of his oppo- nents. Professionally, Mr. Purdy is favorably known throughout the county. lb: is methodical in preparation, energetic and wary in management, earnest, comprehensive and strenuous in argu- ment. He investigates with peculiar care and diligence, making a close examination of the questions presented, and reducing the results to definite conclusions of law and fact. Among his prominent traits are coolness and self-posses- sion, with a steadiness of purpose and mental equipoise not easily shaken. He has taken part in the trial of various important cases and has scored some notable victories at the liar. Peter P. Smith, third child of Owen and Catherine Smith, was born in Honesdale June 2,1851. His education was obtained in the local schools. His legal studies were pursued m Honesdale under the direction of Henry Wil- son, and, May 7, 1874, he was admitted to the bar. A difficult and discouraging task lies before the young man who, in the place where his boy- hood and youth have been passed, enters upon a calling in which a large measure of public con- fidence in his professional attainments, expe- rience and sound judgment is an essential con- dition of success. Whatever his ability or acquirements, the community that has known him chiefly as a boy, untried in the duties of life, is slow to realize (hat he has become a man, with a man's capacities, powers and purposes. Such was the task to which the young attor- ney addressed himself, in the present instance, in opening an office in Honesdale upon his ad- mission to practice. Though possessing no ad- ventitious aids, the struggle on which he entered was by no means an unequal one. His prepa- ration fitr the profession had been careful and systematic, and he well understood that the period of study, so far from closing with admis- sion to the bar, was little more thai: the begin- ning of a legal education. A further course of study was marked out and steadily pursued. While yet a student, he had shown unusual readiness, capacity, and faculty of well -directed application, and with the continued develop- ment of his powers he attracted attention as a young lawyer of superior professional acquire- ments. In 187o he was elected district attorney, and in discharging the duties of this office he found opportunities which his preparation en- abled him to improve. Various cases of pecu- liar difficulty came to his hands as public prose- cutor. One of these, which came up at the WAYNE COUNTY. 183 first term of court after entering upon the office, gave rise to much comment among the profession. It was a prosecution for perjury, alleged to have been committed by the defend- ant in test i tying in an action brought against himself and another person as executors de son tort. The circumstances were such thai it was a matter of no little difficulty to draw the indict- ment properly. No precedent was to be found in the hooks, and the young district attorney, in framing the instrument, had no resource but in the application of the general principles re lating to the subject. How correctly these were applied was shown in the sequel. Messrs. Crane and Seely, in behalf of the defense, assailed the indictment as insufficient, but the court sustained it, declaring it drawn with remarkable clearness and precision. Later, in a prosecution lor arson with intent to defraud insurance companies, the district attorney was opposed by his late precep- tor, Judge Wilson, hut al'teraclose examination the latter was obliged to pronounce the indict- ments sufficient. In another instance, .Mr. Minor, the oldest member of the liar, and one of the most accu- rate of pleaders, was employed for the defense, and after the trial he complimented Mr. Smith on the skill exhibited in framing the indict- ment, adding that he had examined it very critically, with the hope of finding some flaw in it, but was unable to detect any. During his term of office he was required to deal with other cases, presenting some peculiar difficulty, in all of which his management was highly c editable. The forms of various indictments which he prepared have since been printed by a Philadelphia law publishing house, and adopted by the profession throughout the State. Atthe close of his official term lie was renominated by acclamation, but declined, in order to givecloser attention to his rapidly increasing private prac- tice. By this time his abilities had bee i widely recognized, and thenceforth his advancement in the profession was rapid and permanent. His aid was sought in numerous important eases. In the celebrated series of trials known as the " Hollisterville Cases," in 1879, he was em- ployed by the prosecution and showed ability of a high order in their management. On the trial of Benjamin K. Bortree, for murder, in December, 1880, he was engaged for the de- fense and contributed largely to the result of saving the defendant from the highest penalty of the law. ( >n the (rial of .lames 1'. Me- Oabe, for murder, In March, L886, he took the leading part in conducting the prosecution. Although the case was wholly one of circum- stantial evidence, and the defense was conduct- ed with rare ability, the testimony for the com- monwealth was so effectively presented, and its bearing argued with such convincing force, that a verdict of murder in the first degree was speedily reached. It is not in criminal cases alone that Mr. Smith's professional attainments have been ex- hibited. His practice has embraced numerous and important cases in the civil courts, besides :in office business of a varied and extensive charac- ter. In this field he has shown many of the highest qualities, both as a lawyer and an advo- cate, and his care, industry and vigilance in re- search permit nothing essential to be over- looked. He possesses, in a high degree, the characteristics that distinguish the leaders of the profession, — a ready grasp of the most com- plicated questions of both law and fact; an in- stinctive perception of the vital points in con- troversy and of the legal principles that must govern their determination ; a quick perception of the true bearing of every point, and unerring judgment in discriminating between the mate- rial and the immaterial ; patience and thorough- ness iu preparation ; tact, address and discretion in the presentation of cases ; and logical force, candor and earnestness in argument. His suc- cess at the liar has been won by his natural en- dowments, supplemented by careful, systematic and thorough professional training. His suc- cess is the more noteworthy from the circum- stance that he is the only man at the bar of the county, excepting Judge Seely, who has achieved a substantial success in the community in which he was born and reared. He has at- tained a professional eminence almost without precedent in one of bis years, under similar conditions. William Henky Lei:, oldest child of Sam- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA uel and Anna M. Lee, was born January 1, 184!), in Clinton, Wayne County. His educa- tion was begun in the local schools, followed by a thorough course of study at the Waymart Normal School and the Delaware Literary In- stitute, Franklin, N. Y. On his graduation from the latter, in June, 1871, he was awarded second honors. At intervals during bis studies be engaged in teaching. In March, 1866, he received from Rev. E. O. Ward, county school superintendent, his first teacher's certificate. In 1870 he received the ''Regent's Certificate," from the New York State Board of Regents. In 1S71 he received a county professional cer- tificate, and in 1874 received one of the first permanent certificates granted in the county. Resides teaching various public schools in the county, he taught these! 1 at Meredith Square, Delaware County, N. Y., and the Normal School at Waymart, Wayne County. He com- menced his legal studies in 1871 under the di- rection of S. E. Dinimick. In the spring of 1873 he entered the office of Wallers & Lent- ley, and remained there until admitted to the bar, December L0, 1874. He has since been admitted to the bar of Pike and Susquehanna Counties. In 187") he was appointed deputy treasurer of the county, and held the position for three years. For the past seven years he' has been attorney for the borough of Honesdale. For several years he has been successively chosen judge of election. Since his admission Mr. Lee has been active- ly engaged in the practice of his profession. He is among the best read of those who have come to the bar during the past twelve years, and is one of the most energetic and tireless workers in the profession. He is an earnest and fluent speaker and a close reasoner, and his presenta- tion of both law and fact are clear, thorough and effective. Elwin C. MuMFORD, a son of ex- Judge Mumford,was born atStarucca, Wayne County, August 8, 1851. He received a good education, read law with Wallers & Bentley and was ad- mitted September (i, 1876. In 1878 he was elected district attorney. During his term of office the trials of Mrs. Van Alstine and Benja- min K. Bortree, for murder, took place, and also the noted " Hollisterville Cases." In March, 1886, he defended John Howell, who was indicted for the murder of his four chil- dren, the result being an acquittal on the ground of insanity. Mr. Mumford is attorney for a large mercantile agency, and gives much attention to the practical application of legal methods to matters growing out of the relation of debtor and creditor. In this tield he ranks as one of the most alert and efficient attorneys ai the bar. HOMER GREENE was born January 10, 1853, at Number 1!), in Salem (now Ariel, in Lake), township, Wayne County, Pa. He is the only son of Hon. Giles Greene, of that place. He was graduated from Union College with the class of 1876, receiving the degrees of A.B. and C.E. ; and from the Albany Law School with the class of 1877, receiving the degree of LL.B. He was, at the same time, admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of New York State. In the summer of 1877 he came to Hones- dale and entered upon a course of study in the office of H. M. Seelv, Esq., and was admitted to the bar of Wayne County December 10, 1X7X. In the fall of 1881 he was elected district attorney of Wayne County, on the Republican ticket, and held that office for one term of three years, at the end of which time he resumed the private practice of the law. Mr. Greene has attained considerable emi- nence in the field of literature, and the reader is referred to that portion of the chapter upon Honesdale, which is devoted to the press and writers, where a more extended sketch of him will be found. William J. Tracy was the youngest son of Milton C. Tracy, and was born in the city of New York February 16, 1859. He studied for the bar at Columbia Law School, New York, and in Honesdale, under the direction of F. M. Crane. He was admitted to the bar May 7, 1879. He soon afterward formed a partnership with Hon. E. O. Hamlin. In 18X2 he was appointed attorney for the county com- missioners, and held the position for three years. WAYNE COUNTY. 185 Alonzo T. Searle, third son of Rev. R. T. and Emily A. Searle, was born in Berkshire County, Mass., September 13, IN."}?. He was graduated from Amherst College in 1877. Af- ter reading law for some time in Williamsport, Pa., he completed the course of study in Hones- dale, under the direction of G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the bar October 2, 1882. After admission he formed a partnership with Mr. Waller, the firm-name being Waller A Sialic Frank M. Monaghan, youngest son of Richard and Elizabeth Monaghan, was born in Honesdale May 10, 1857. He was educated in the public schools of his native place, and for several years was employed as a teacher. He read law under the direction of William H. Dimmick, and was admitted to the bar October 2, 1882. In 1884 he was elected district at- torney, without opposition. Orvilee L. Rowland, second son of Hon. George H. and Kate A. Rowland, was born in Lackawaxen township, Pike County, Novem- ber 20, 1859. His education was acquired in the local schools and at Wyoming Seminary. He studied law under the direction of H. M. Seely. He was graduated from the Albany Law School in November, 1880, and was ad- mitted to the bar of Wayne County December 4, 1882. James J. McCakty and Charles A. Mc- Carty aresons of James and Margaret Me( arty, of Canaan, Wayne County, and are natives of that township. James was born December 18, 1855. He be- gan his education in the local schools, and af- terward attended the Prompton Normal School. He was graduated from the Law School of the University of Michigan March 26, 1884, and was admitted to the bar of Wayne County October 6, 1884. Charles McCarty was born February 2'2, 1858. His education began in the local schools, and he subsequently attended Wyoming Semi- nary, at Kingston, Pa. He studied law under the direction of George G. Waller, and was ad- mitted to the bar May 10, 1883. He com- menced practice in Honesdale, and on the ad- mission of James, the brothers formed a partner- ship. On the trial of James P. McCabe for the 21 murderof Michael Reilly, at March Term, 1886, they were associated with Cornelius Smith, of Scranton, the elder brother opening the case for the defense and the younger making the open- ing argument. M. M. Treadwell, son of Nathaniel and Emeline C. Treadwell, was horn at Ipswich, Mass., September 17, 1842. He was educated in the local schools. During the Rebellion he en- tered the Union army ; enlisting in June, 1861, in the Twelfth Massachusetts volunteers. He served first as commissary sergeant, and sub- sequently as quartermaster. July 8, 1864, he was mustered out with his regiment, its term of enlistment having expired. In November fol- lowing he returned to City Point, Ya., where he was employed in a civil capacity at army headquarters until the close of the war. Some four years later he came to Wayne County. He read law under the direction of E. Richardson, in Hawley, and was admitted to the bar Decem- ber 5, 1883. He has since been engaged in practice in Hawley. Frank P. Kimble, second son of Herman N. Kimble, was born in Palmyra, Pike County, October 17, 1852. He received a liberal edu- cation, and was graduated from the State Nor- mal School, at Mansfield, in 1878. He read law under the direction of C. S. Minor, and was admitted to the bar March 3, 1886. During a part of his term of study he was employed as deputy prothonotary. Myron E. Simons, youngest son of John Simons, was born in Sterling, Wayne County, May 14, 1860. He read law with Rlakesleecfe Davies, iu Montrose, and was there admitted to practice. He came to Wayne County iu Janu- ary, 1885, and received the appointment of commissioners' clerk, which he still holds. He was admitted to the bar of Wayne County March 13, 1886. Rhamanthtjs M. Stocker, son of Albert Stocker, was born in Salem, Wayne County, October 5, 1848. In addition to the education given by the local schools, he studied for some time at the Honesdale graded school and at- tended Lafayette College for a year. For several years he was engaged in teaching, and for four years was principal of the graded school in Jer- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. myn, Luzerne (now Lackawanna) County. In 1881 he was elected register and recorder. He read law with G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the bar May 3, 1886. III. Attorneys in Temporary Practice. John D. Taylor, like Mr. Wescott, was first admitted to the bar in Philadelphia, came to Wayne County as an agent for Philadelphia land-owners, and made professional business secondary to his employment as land agent. He did not, however, prove well adapted to the latter pursuit. Though a good surveyor, under favorable conditions, and familiar with the use of his instruments in the open field, he became bewildered among the forests, hills and swamps of Wayne County, and finally gave up the agency to Stephen Torrey. He was admitted to the bar of Wayne Angus! 25, 1829. In 1834 he was appointed deputy attorney-general for the county, and held the office for about a year. In 1837 he removed to what was then the far West, and subsequently engaged in business as a broker in St. Louis. John I. Allen came to Wayne County from the State of New York. He studied law in Schoharie County, in that State, and was there admitted to the bar. He came to Wayne and was admitted to the bar of the county in 183!). He took an active part in politics, and soon became interested in journalism. January 1 , 1842, he became editor and proprietor of the Wayne Count// Herald, the Democratic organ of the county. In December, 1844, he gave up the editorial charge of the paper to John W. Myers/though still remaining proprietor, and frequently contributing to its columns. August 5, 1845, he resumed the editorial chair, but in December following sold the paper to William II. Dimmick, then State Senator. In 1846 he went to Easton, where he was connected with the Easton Sentinel for some two years. He then returned to Honesdale, where he remained for several years. In 1855 he went to Carbon- dale, and took charge of a Democratic news- paper, but in a few months the office was burned out. He again returned to Honesdale, where he remained until his death. He was accidentally drowned by falling from the tow-path bridge, at Honesdale, into the Lackawaxen, on the night of June 5, 1859. Iea Vadakix came from Susquehanna County, studied law with Earl Wheeler, and was admitted to the bar January 31, 1842. Mr. Wheeler removing to Honesdale on the transfer of the county-seat to that place, Mr. Yadakin purchased his residence in Bethany and re- mained there to practice. In 1852 he purchased a farm in Dybcrry, ami exchanged professional pursuits for the life of a farmer. A few years later he sold this property and removed to Sus- quehanna County. Simeon Gager Throop, long known in Wayne County as " Squire Throop," was born at Boswell, Conn., January 4, 1790. "When quite young he removed with his parents to Hudson, X. Y. He read law in the office of Hon. Elisha Williams, one of the most distin- guished old-time lawyers of the State of New- York. After his admission to the bar he re- moved to Chenango County, N. Y., and en- gaged in practice with considerable success. He also entered into politics with great zeal, as a supporter of Governor Clinton, and in 1816 was elected to the Legislature. In that body he proved himself an able debater, and gave evidence of marked ability in dealing with public affairs. He shared in the downfall of the Clinton wing of his party, and never again became a candidate, though still retaining much political influence in his district. He came to Honesdale in 1842, and was admitted to the Wayne County bar September 1st. After a few years of practice he yielded to the desire of the leading business men of the place and accepted the office of justice of the peace. He held this position for ten years. In 1866 he removed to Stroudsburg. He was admitted to the bar of that county, and subsequently became one of the associate judges. He died at Stroudsburg February 14, 1877. His last words were: "I have my eye on the gun — I am prepared for the discharge." Mr. Throop was a man of much ability, a good speaker, possessed of social qualities that made him highly popular and with a vein of quaint humor that made his conversation very entertaining. In habit of thought, Ian- WAYN B COUNTY. 187 guageand address he was a high-minded, genial gentleman of the old school. Frederick Saxton came from Vermont, and studied law at Montrose, under the direc- tion of Franklin Lusk. He was admitted to the bar of Wayne County December 5, 1 8 12. He practiced in Mount Pleasant for a few years. The date of his removal cannot be ascertained, except that it was later than September, 1844 ; and in 1849 he was practicing law in Carbon- dale. He subsequently returned to Wayne County, but * 1 ii I not resume practice; and some of his later years were passed on a farm in Damascus. Elias (tRIswold read law and was admitted to practice in Utica, N. Y. He was admitted to the bar of Wayne County December 10, 1842. After remaining some three years in Honesdale, he returned to his home in Central New York. Hiram Beois, son of David and Abigail Blois, is a native of Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn. He is the oldest living member of the Wayne County bar; as old, in fact, as the courts of the county, — having been born on the day ou which they were first opened : Sep- tember 10, 1798. He attended the schools of his native town uutil he was sixteen years old. He subsequently studied medicine ; and remov- ing to Wayne County in 1829, commenced prac- tice in Salem. He also engaged later in the practice of dentistry. After reaching middle life he turned his attention to law. He studied with Charles K. Robinson, and was admitted to the bar September 9, 1843. After practicing in Honesdale until 1850, he gave up the profes- sion and returned to Salem, where he still lives. RUFUS M. Grenele was a native of Clinton, Wayne County. He was a younger brother of Hon. Virgil Grenell, who, at the time of his admission, was an associate judge. He read law in Honesdale and was admitted to the bar May 2, 1844. A little more than a year afterward he was appointed deputy attorney -general for the e&unty, commencing his duties at September Term, 1845. He held this position for three years. In 1848 he was elected prothcnotary, and held the office for three years. Some two or three years later he left the county. John Marios Alexander came to Wayne County from the State of New York. He read law under the direction of Charles K. Robinson and was admitted to the bar December 2, 1844. He practiced in Pleasant Mount, and married Anna T., daughter of Eldad Atwater, of that village. In the spring of 1840 he went to Luzerne County, and practiced there for several years. He was among the early settlers of Kansas, but subsequently returned East and spent sume time in Vineland, X. J. He after- ward went to Florida, where his family now resides. He lias twodaughters — Blanche, born in Pleasant Mount in the spring of 1846, and Lizzie, born during his residence in Kansas. The latter, with her husband, George Rhodes, resides in Florida. Jacob A. Kanotjse read law in the State of New Jersey and was first admitted to practice in that State. February 8, 1845, he was admitted to the bar of Wayne County. He opened an office in Honesdale, but remained only a few months. He subsequently went to Texas, and there engaged in the business of cattle raising. Joseph D. West came to Wayne County from New York about the year 1842. He be- gan to read law with Thomas Fuller. After the death of Mr. Fuller, in December, 1843, he continued his studies in the office of Ebenezer Kingsbury. Mr. Kingsbury dying in the fol- lowing spring, Mr. West completed his prepara- tion for the bar under the direction of Earl Wheeler, and was admitted to practice May 5, 1845. Soon after coming to Honesdale he was appointed secretary of the Wayne County Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company, and held that position until the company closed its business. December 9, 1845, he was married to Harriet, daughter of Isaac P. Foster, of Honesdale. In 1850 he was the Whig candidate for the office of district attorney, but the county being strongly Democratic, F. M. Crane, the Demo- cratic nominee, was elected. In the fall of 1851 he removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. Howkin Bulkeley Beakdslee was born in Mount Pleasant, Wayne County, April 15, 1821. He subsequently removed with his par- ents to Indian Orchard, in Texas township. In October, 1845, he was elected register and re- 188 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. corder of the county. He had already com- menced reading law, first under the direction of Mr. Kingsbury and afterward in the office of Mr. Wheeler, and was admitted to the bar December 3, 1845. He practiced little, how- ever, and his attention thereafter was given chiefly to politics and journalism. About August 1, 1847, he became the owner of the Wayne Count)/ Herald, the Democratic organ of the county. James H. Norton, another lawyer- journalist, was for a time associated with him in the management of the paper. Early in 1849 Mr. Beardslee became the sole editor and pub- lisher. In 1859 he was elected to the House of Representatives. In March, 1860, Thomas J. Ham became assistant editor of the Herald. In September, 1861, Mr. Beardslee sold the newspaper establishment to Mr. Ham and Charles Menner, and for a time retired from the journalistic field. In 1862 he was elected district attorney. In 186-'] he was elected to the State Senate, and resigned the former office. In May, L869, he became indirectly interested in the publication of the Wayne County Democrat, which was at first published semi-weekly and afterward weekly. September 16, 1869, Hon. Wm. H. Dimniick, district attorney, having been nominated for representative, resigned the former office and Mr. Beardslee was appointed by the court to fill the vacancy. He held the office until December, 1870. In 1871 he re- moved to Wilkes-Barre and assumed editorial charge of the Luzerne Union, the leading Dem- ocratic organ of Luzerne County. In 1879 he retired from the Union. In 1882 he commenced the publication of the Luzerne County Herald. He died of consumption March 11, 1886, at the old family homestead at Indian Orchard, to which he had been removed a short time pre- viously, in the hope that his health might there improve. John W. Myers came to Wayne County from the State of New York. He first engaged in the newspaper business, and in December, 1844, succeeded John I. Allen in the editorial charge of the Wayne County Hercdd, tin- Demo- cratic organ of the county. August 5, 1845, he. retired from this position and Mr. Allen re- sumed the editorial chair. Meantime, Mr. Myers had commenced the study of law, under the direction of Mr. Allen, and May 6, 1846, he was admitted to the bar. At December Term, 1847, he assisted, in behalf of the com- monwealth, on the trial of Harris Bell for the murder of Mrs. Eliza Williams, Messrs. Wheeler and Minor being the senior counsel. He left the county soon afterward and sailed for the East Indies, but died on ship-board and was buried in the Indian Ocean. James H. Norton read law in Connecticut, and was admitted to the bar in Litchfield County, in that State, April 15, 1846. He soon afterward came to Honesdale, and was ad- mitted to the bar of Wayne County September 9; 1846. In 1847 he became associated with H. B. Beardslee in the publication of the Wayne County Herald, but severed his connection with that paper in 1849. At December Term, 1847, and February Term, 1848, he acted as deputy attorney general, under a temporary appoint- ment by the court, Mr. Grenell, the deputy, being for some reason unable to act. He removed from the county, as nearly as can be ascer- tained, about the year 1855. Milton Crane Tracy, the eldest son of Elias B. Tracy and Caroline Crane, his wife, was born at Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., in the year 1822. He was a lineal descendant of Thomas Tracy, who, settling at Norwich in 1660, and rearing six sons, was the original head of a family which rendered good service in founding and establishing the colony of Con- necticut ; which, at a later period, was well rep- resented in the Continental army, and which, still later, had one of its members in the first Senate of the United States. Elias B. Tracy died when his son was but ten years old, and the latter, two years after- wards, went to live upon a farm near Lime Rock, Conn., owned by a distant relative. Here he remained until nearly eighteen, working upon the farm in summer and in winter attend- ing the common school in the neighborhood. His progress in his studies was so rapid, and his love of books so marked, as to attract the at- tention of his uncle, Frederick M. Crane, through whose instrumentality, in the winter of 1840, Milton entered the academy at Pough- WAYNE COUNTY. keepsie, N. Y. His stay there was, however, very brief. Beuson J. Lossing, the historian, visited the school in the fall of 1840, and, at his wish, Milton removed to New York City to accept a position as a teacher in the Mechanics' Institute School, an academy of great reputation and high grade, of which Mr. Lossing was a trustee. Mr. Tracy taught in this institution for about three years, in a subordinate capacity, pursuing at tlic same time, outside of school hours, an advanced course of study, including all the branches usually comprised in the classical or mathematical collegiate curriculum of that day. He labored under the great disadvantage of having no instructor, but, thanks to a retentive memory and a mind naturally quick and acute, joined to habits of the closest application, he qualified himself so thoroughly that, at the close of the period named, he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts upon passing an ex- ceedingly creditable examination. At twenty-three he was appointed principal of Mechanics' Institute and held the position for two years, leaving the city in 18 Hi and re- moving to Honesdale, Pa., for the purpose of studying law with his uncle, F. M. Crane, then in active practice in Wayne County. In September, 18-18, he was admitted to the Wayne County bar, and at once entered into business with Mr. Crane. In the spring of 1849 it became necessary for him to go to New York upon some matter con- nected with his profession, and the fact of his presence in the city being known at Mechanics' Institute, some four hundred of his former pupils presented a petition, unknown to him, to the trustees of the institute, asking that measures be taken to induce Mr. Tracy to re- sume his old position as principal. The trustees were themselves exceedingly anxious to have him return, and so attractive an offer was made to him that Mr. Tracy felt constrained to accept it. He remained in charge of the institute for many years, and although a member of the New York City bar, and having a law-office there, yet the cares of the school con- sumed the greater portion of his time, which was also, to some extent, taken up with the la- bor of writing, preparing and compiling a series of school-books, that for an extensive period were adopted by the city schools, and used therein. In 1860 he removed from New York, to take charge of an excellent academy at Tar- rytown, on the Hudson, the location of which was afterward changed to Sing Sing, a few miles further up the river. In 1865 his health began to fail. Overwork, care and the strain of incessant study combined to weaken an iron constitution. In the winter of 1866 he went to Ripon, Wis., thinking that the trip would be of benefit to him, and there, at the house of an old friend, June 9, 1866, he died. His mental faculties were retained clear and bright to the last moment. Milton C. Tracy was a sincere Christian, and greatly attached to the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a member. In disposition he was kind, generous and benevolent, although by nature reserved, quiet and perhaps rather cold and stern in appearance. He was charitable beyond the bounds of prudence, and while a resident of New York was identified with and an active member of various societies and mis- sions for the relief of the poor. In habits, character and speech he was absolutely pure and correct. His greatest passion was his love of books, and his character as a lawyer was much affected by this trait. He loved the study, but not the practice of the law. Nothing was more congenial to his tastes than to intently and thoroughly study abstract principles, and no- thing could be more distasteful than the peculiar annoyances which every busy lawyer daily meets with, and of which his practice had its full share. Mr. Tracy was twice married. His first wife died in 1863. His second wife survived him. William Minor was a native of Peekskill, N. Y. After graduating from Yale College he came to Honesdale, and read law under the di- rection of his cousin, C. S. Minor. He was for some time deputy prothonotary while P. S. Goodrich held that office. He was admitted to the bar December 3, 1 849, and for about a year afterward practiced in Honesdale. His health failing, he returned to Peekskill. He died there December 28, 1853. 190 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Henry Peet was born in Bridgeport, Conn., in 1827. When nineteen years old he went to Cazenovia, N. Y., and attended the academy at that place. He subsequently engaged in teach- ing, and came to Honesdale for that purpose about the year 1848. While thus engaged he read law under the direction of Earl Wheeler. He was admitted to the bar February 4, 1852, and commenced practice in Honesdale. In 1856 he was elected district attorney, but in Is.")!), beinga candidate for re-election, he wasde- feated by Jackson Woodward. In 1863 he re- moved to Towanda, Bradford County, where he formed a partnership with Paul D. Morrow, now president judge of the judicial district composed of Bradford County. He died Feb- ruary i:>, L878. George W. Allen was a son of John I. Allen, and was born in the State of New York in April, 1838. He learned the printing busi- ness during his youth, and subsequently studied law witli ' William H. & S. E. Dimmick. He was admitted to the bar May 3, L859, and re- mained, for a time, in the office of his precep- tors. His hearing becoming much impaired, he finally gave up the profession, and resumed work in a printing-office. He left Honesdale about 18G8, going first to Baltimore and subse- quently to Newark. He returned in 1873, and died in Honesdale October 10th of that year. Marshal Wheelek was a son of Earl W T heeler. He studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar September 8, 1860. He practiced little, however, but turned his attention to civil engineering and other pur- suits. He left Wayne County about the year 1872. Charles F. Eldred was a son of Judge Eldred. He studied law partly with his father, and for a time under the direction of his broth- er-in-law, Judge Hamlin, in Minnesota. He was admitted to the bar December 5, 1860. During the Rebellion he served in a regiment known as "Scott's Nine Hundred." In 1870 he was elected district attorney. The trial of Laugendorfer for murder took place during his term of office. He removed to the AVest about 1873. Thomas Hawkey read law with C. P. & G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the bar May 4, 1864. In 1866 he was elected register and recorder. Soon after the close of his term he removed from the county. He died at Otisville, N. Y., in 1870. Michael Regan was a native of Canaan, Wayne County. In 1863 he was elected reg- ister and recorder, and while holding that office read law under the direction of F. M. Crane. He was admitted to the bar May 9, 1866. Some time after the close of his term as register and recorder he removed to Luzerne County. When last heard from he was practicing law in the city of New York. I'i;amis AsiiniY Doxy, son of Henry and Hannah Dony, was born at Dundaff, Susque- hannah County, Pa., May 3, 1841. He re- moved with his parents to Honesdale about the year 1843. He was educated at the' Staten Island Institute and Wyoming Seminary. He read law at Honesdale, in the office of F. M. ( 'rani' and H. M. Seely, and was admitted to the bar on motion of Mr. Crane, February 3, 1869. Removing then to Mauch Chunk, he practiced there for four years, during which period he was master in Chancery in the cele- brated ease of Asa Packer vs. Noble, Hammett &Co. In 1873 he returned to Honesdale. In 1874 he was appointed United States special agent, to investigate and perfect the title to the lands belonging to the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina. In April, 1875, he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is now a member of the Wyoming Annual Conference. M. M. Thorp was a native of Wayne Coun- ty. He read law with D. N. Lathrope, in Car- bondale. He was admitted to the bar of Wayne County May 6, 1870, and practiced in Waymart for some two years afterward. In 1872 he received the Republican nomination for district attorney, but declined it, and soon afterward removed to CarbondaJe. He there formed a partnership with C. E. Lathrope, and remained for several years. He finally gave up the profession aud retired to a farm in Canaan. H. F. Power was born in Honesdale De- cember 5, 1849. He read law under the direc- tion of William H. Dimmick, and was ad- WAYNE COUNTY. mitted September 5, 1871. He gave up the profession without any decided effort to estab- lish himself in practice. He died September 19, 1882. Frank B. Brown, sou of Peter P. Brown, was born in Honesdale, September 23, 1849. He studied law under the direction of C. F. Eldred, and was admitted to the bar September 5, 1871. On the 9th of December following, Mr. Eldred, the district attorney, having re- signed that office, Mr. Brown was appointed to fill the vacancy. In 1872 he was elected to the office, and held it for three years following. During his incumbency the trial of Charles Regel for murder took place, in which he was assisted by Mr. Eldred. A few years alter the expiration of his term he gave up the profession and removed from the county. Lafayette G. Dimock, a son of Asa W. Dimock, was born at Waymart, Wayne County. He read law under the direction of C. S. Minor, and was admitted to the bar December 6,1875. He opened an office in Honesdale and also practiced in Waymart for a time. He has since retired from the profession. Daniel H. Brown, sec 1 son of Isaac O. and Charlotte Brown, was born in Damascus, February 19, 1849. He was will educated, and for some time after attaining manhood was engaged in teaching. He read law with Hon. E. O. Hamlin, and was admitted September 14, 1878. In January, 1884, he formed a partner- ship with William H. Dimmick, which contin- ued two years. In March, 1886, he removed to Council Grove, Kansas. Wharton Dickinson was admitted Decem- ber 14, 1878, on a certificate of previous admis- sion to the bar of Luzerne County. He opened an office in Honesdale, but after remaining a year or upwards removed to Scranton. Joseph Benjamin Dimmick, second son of Hon. Samuel E. and Lucretia B. Dimmick, was born in Honesdale October 3, 1858. He was graduated from Yale College in 1881, and studied law in Honesdale under the direction of William H. Dimmick. He was admitted to the bar October 2, 1882, and commenced practice in Honesdale. In November, 1883, he removed to Scranton. After practicing law in that city until November, L885, he accepted the vice- presidency of the Lackawanna Valley Bank. He is also at present the president of the school board of the city of Scranton. James J. O'Neill is a son of Hugh O'Neill, of Carbondale, and a cousin of Charles B. O'Neill, of Honesdale. He studied law under the direction of P. P. Smith, and was admitted to the bar May 7, 1883. After remaining in Mr. Smith's office for some time subsequent to his admission, he removed to Carbondale, and en- gaged in practice in that city. IV. Law Graduates. Charles K. Silkman studied successively with Messrs. Robinson, Wheeler and Wescott, and was admitted November 21, 1837. No- thing is known of his subsequent history. Milton Dimmick is a native of Milford, Pike County. He studied law in Bethany with his elder brother, William II. Dimmick, and was admitted January 25, 1840. He then re- turned to Milford. His practice in Wayne County was confined to taking charge of his brother's business while the latter was attend- ing to his duties as State Senator, to which office he was elected in 1844. Ai;v Bartlett is a native of Prompton, Wayne County. He was educated at the acad- emy in Bethany, and subsequently taught school. He read law with R. M. Grenell and F. M. Crane, and was admitted to the bar May 3, 1853. He married Lucinda, a daughter of Judge Eldred, and removed to Kankakee, 111., where he commenced practice. President Lin- coln subsequently appointed him chief justice of the Supreme Court of Dakota. At the close of his term he returned to Illinois and resumed practice. Albert Willis came to Honesdale from Delaware County, N. Y., and engaged in teach- ing. He read law under the direction of Earl Wheeler, and was admitted to the bar Septem- ber 13, 1853. He soon afterward removed to Tioga County, Pa. Milton J. Sloclm is a native of Susque- hanna County. He studied law with Earl Wheeler, and was admitted to the bar May 3, 1859. He returned to Susquehanna County, 192 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. retired from the profession, and is now living in California. George W. Edgett is a native of Promp- ton, Wayne County. He read law with C. P. <& G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the bar May 3, 1859. lie soon afterward went to Texas, but remained only a short time. Pie subsequently removed to Massachusetts. Jason Torrey is the youngest of three sons of Stephen and Mary Torrey, and the only our who survived infancy. He was born in Honesdale, May 31, 1839. He read law with C. P. & G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the liar February 8, 1860. He never engaged in practice, but entered the service of the Dela- ware ,v Hudson Canal Co., and was employed mainly in connection with its land and convey- ancing business. He died at Carbondale, July 20, 1868. Frederick Fulleb came to Honesdale and entered the office of Earl Wheeler, May 1, 1860. He had previously studied ten mouths in Montrose, under the direction of F. B. Streeter, ami thirteen months in Scranton, in the office of Sanderson & Willard. He was admitted to the bar September 8, 1*60, and soon afterward removed from the county. Henry W. Box was born in England, but came to Wayne County with his parents during boyhood. He read law with William II. iV' S. E. Dimuiiek, and was admitted to the bar September 8, 1860. He subsequeutly removed to Buffalo, N. Y., where he is still en- gaged in practice. John P. Heath is a native of Honesdale, and son of the late Henry Heath. He read law under the direction of C. P. & G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the bar May 9, 1862. He removed to Hvde Park, Lacka- wanna County, gave up the profession and en- gaged in teaching. George V. Brower read law under the direction of G. G. Waller, and was admitted to the bar. May 9, 1866. He subsequently re- moved to Brooklyn, N. Y., where he engaged in practice. Thomas F. Ham and Henry H. Ham arc sons of John C. Ham, of Dyberry, Wayne Couutv. The former read law with Wallers & Bentley, and the latter with S. E. Dim- mick. Botli were admitted to the bar Decem- ber !), 1869, and soon afterward removed to Wauseoh, Ohio, where they are still engaged in practice. The former married a daughter of Isaiah Scudder of Bethany. William W. Johnson is a son of X. B. Johnson, a resident of the State of New York, opposite Laekawaxen. He read law with Wal- lers & Bentley, and was admitted to the bar September 5, 1871. He soon afterward re- moved to the West. QucsrcT A. Gates, a son of Alpheus W. Gates, was born in Scott, Wayne County, December 1!), 1847. He was educated at the academy in Deposit, Delaware County, N. Y. He read law with Wallers A: Bentley, and was admitted to the bar December 2, 1873. He at first opened an office in Carbondale, but in the spring of 1874 removed to Wilkes- Barre, where he has since continued to practice. John F. Wood is a native of Pike County. He read law in the office of William H. Dim- mick, and was admitted to the bar December 13, 1878. He soon afterward removed to the West. CHAPTER III. Medical History— Sketches of Prominent Physicians — Early Practice — Dentistry. 1 The first physician who settled in Wayne County with the intention of making it his per- manent residence was probably Doctor Lewis Collins, of Cherry Ridge. He was the oldest son of Charles and Anna Huntington Collins, and grandson of Rev. Timothy and Elizabeth Hyde ( 'ollins, of Litchfield, South Farms, Con- necticut. He was born at Litchfield October 29, 1753, and married, for his first wife, June 14, 1779, Ruth, daughter of Benjamin Root, and for his second wife, November 26, 1791, Louisa, daughter of Oliver and Anna Lyude Huntington, of Lebanon, Conn. That Doctor Collins pursued his medical studies with Doctor Seth Bird, of Litchfield, and that he wassome- 1 This chapter was chiefly prepared by Dwight Keed, M.D., of Honesdale. WAYNE COUNTY. what learned in languages, may be inferred from the following certificate, which was given him by Dr. Bird at the time of his commencing the practice of medicine, and which is yet extant: " To whom it may Concern: These may certify that the subscriber, having been personally acquainted with Dr. Lewis Collins, of Litchfield, and knowing to his having closely applied himself to the study of Languages and Medicine for several years past with judgment and good proficiency and that he hath been acquainted with the most difficult cases in Practice, Wherein he hath prescribed and administered judi- ciously. Appearing to be well qualified to enter on the Practice of Physic & Surgery, and as such I cor- dially recommend him to any People where he may incline to settle. "Certified per Seth Bird, Physician. "Litchfield, 18th May, 1776." Dr. Collins practiced for a time at Saybrook, Conn., and during the War of the Revolution was a surgeon in the Revolutionary army. From Saybrook he removed to Old Guilford, where he remained in the practice of his profes- sion until the year 1800, when he, with his family, emigrated to Wayne County, Pa., and purchased anil settled on what was then known as the Jacob Stanton place, at Little Meadows, in Salem township, where he remained until LSI):], when, wishing to locate nearer the centre of his field of practice, he bought and moved on to the Enos W r oodward farm, since known as the Collins farm, in Cherry Ridge. Here he re- sided up to the time of his death, in 1818. The doctor, as was the custom in those days, com- pounded the medicine he used and carried it about with him in his saddle-bags. His field of practice was large and the journeys to visit his patients were performed on horseback through an almost wilderness country extending to Paupack settlement, in Pike County, Ster- ling, Salem, Canaan, Bethany, Mount Pleasant and Damascus, in Wayne, and on one occasion he was called and traveled as far away as Owego, N. Y., and several times to Milford to visit the sick. Jabez Bidwell, of Salem, while chopping fallow, was struck on the head by a fall- ing limb of a tree, which fractured his skull, compressing the brain. Doctor Collins was called and saw at once the necessity of perform- ing the operation of trepanning. Not being provided with a trephine, the doctor applied to Robert Bortree, a gunsmith of Sterling and a skillful worker of steel, who, under the doc- tor's instructions, worked out and made an in- strument with which the doctor successfully performed the operation on Mr. Bidwell, who lived many years after. Dr. Collins was one of the three physicians — Doctors Mahony and Seely being the other two — who made the post- mortem examination of the remains of one Roswell, who was poisoned at Bethany by Jones, and for which Jones was hanged, it having been found that Roswell was poisoned with arsenic. But little is now known of the char- acteristics or personal appearance of DoctorCol- lins. He was of tall, athletic build, sandy complexion and something of the Roman cast of features, lie died at the house of Simeon Anslev, in Paupack settlement, having been taken with a violent fever during a visit to one of his patients at that place. Dr. Thomas J. SEELY, son of Col. Sylvanus Seely, was born at Chatham, X. J., August 27, 1786, and when his father settled in Wayne County was a boy of fourteen. lie commenced the study of medicine in 1804 with his brother, Dr. John W. Seely, who was then practicing in Greene County, Pa. He attended lectures in Philadelphia in 1807, and located at a place called Yarrington, not far from his brother. He subsequently settled at Greensburgh . In 1810 he married Hannah, widow of Dr. John Bell. He had some army experience, having served both as a surgeon and as a captain of infantry in the War of 1812, and having been present at the battle of the Thames, where the famous Tecumseh lost his life. In 1815 he returned with his family to Seely's Mills and moved into the house built for him, nosvand for many years known as the Christian Eck house. Here he continued to reside, with some short intervals of absence, until after his father's death, combining with the practice of medicine, not a very secure reliauce for income in the then sparsely-settled country, such other business in connection with his father as came to his hand. In February, 1817, he appeared as a witness in the inquest upon the body of Isaac Rozel, who was poisoned by Cornelius 194 WAVNK, PIKE AND MONROE ColWTIKS, PENNSYLVANIA. Jones. Jones was convicted of murder and executed November 15th, that year. Dr. Seely appears to have allowed his eagerness for ana- tomical research to outrun his judgment, since he was arrested and bound over for disinterring the body. What came of it all does not appear. After his father's death he returned to Greeus- burgh and resumed practice there. Some years later Dr. Seely suffered a severe injury in the head by a fall from his horse. He is said to have remarked that if a patient of his had such au injury, lie should expect him to lose his reason. This result actually ensued. When his wife observed the first symptoms of mental disorder she sent for a council of phy- sicians, one of whom afterwards told her that they consulted Dr. Seely himself, describing the case as that of some other person. His daugh- ter relates that it was not an uncommon occur- rence for him to be consulted during the entire period of his derangement, his mind having always been clear on topics of medicine and surgery. This derangement continued to nearly the end of his life. He spent many years at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bruen, in Chatham, and afterwards lived with his daughter at Evans- ville, Indiana, where he died September 4, 1865. Shortly before his death his long-beclouded reason appeared fully restored, and he passed the last few weeks in the full possession of his faculties and in the enjoyment of a firm Chris- tian faith. His eldest daughter, Cynthia Dutton, was married to Dr. William M. Chartres, a distin- guished physician of Savannah, Georgia, and died in 1860. The other daughter, Jane Wil- liamson, now lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Seely was a man of fine presence, great dignity of manner, and even during his de- rangement conspicuously gentle and courteous. Stories told of him by members of his family indicate remarkable skill and boldness in sur- gery. His wife, a little woman of steady nerves, was often called upon to assist in important operations, and elicited high praise for her cool- ness and resolution. Florence Mahony, M.D., was cotempo- rary with Drs. Collins and Seely at Bethany in 1815, and was born at Providence, Rhode Island, in 1794, of parents who came from Ireland. He had the advantages which the schools of New England at that day could give, and graduated at one of the Massachusetts med- ical colleges. He located at Bethany in 1814 for the practice of his profession. In 1816 he married Christina, daughter of Ephraim Kimble (and sister of the late Asa Kimble, near Bethany), at " the Narrows," now Kimble's Station, Pike County, and there were born to them Asa and Melcena, in 1817 and 1818, respectively. The boy lived with his uncle, Asa Kimble, until he arrived at the age of twenty-one years, sharing precisely the same advantages as his cousins in that highly-respected family. At this time he removed to Wiscon- sin, where he prospered for a time, but died in 1858, leaving a sun, Florence C. Mahony. The daughter, Melcena, had an excellent home with Mr. and Mrs. John Welden,and married Amos Townsend, of Montague, Sussex County, New Jersey, they having eight children, among whom is Florence Mahony Townsend, to whom we arc indebted for this brief sketch. After the death of his wife at Bethany, in 1821, Dr. Mahony removed to the county town of Pike, practicing far and near, frequently crossing the Delaware River into Sussex Coun- ty, New Jersey, and was very successful in his profession. It is said of him that he was a Free-Mason, and there is a biographical frag- ment of him related by J. R. Keen, Esq., a gentleman now residing in Honesdale, aged eighty-five years, who says : " When my father had a ball enter his hip by the accidental dis- charge of a gun, one of his medical colleagues was called, who dressed the wound ; but after a week or two, finding it very offensive and in a sloughing condition, the patient was carried to Bethany and was examined by Dr. Mahony, who removed from the wound the wadding of the gun, and with his finger reached the lodging- place of the ball, and by the aid of a razor in enlarging the opening secured the bullet with his finger, after which recovery was rapid." Dr. Mahony died at Milford, in 1828, universally regretted. Isaac Koosa. — This Nestor of the profession WAYNE COUNTY. 195 was born iii Orange County, N. Y., February 4, 1801 ; received his diploma to practice medi- cine and surgery in 1820; married Miss Mary, daughter of Eliphalet Kellogg, Esq., of Beth- any, June 7, 1821, and died July 31, 1837. Their son — an only child — John P. Roosa is a retired merchant and successful financier residing at Monticcllo, N. Y., aged sixty-one years, having been born in Bethany in 1824. The arrival of Dr. Roosa in the county seat of Wayne must have been a welcome one to the people there. Previously there had been no regularly educated and scientifically trained phy- sician and surgeon there, and advanced methods of treating the siek,improved surgical instruments and apparatus were now instituted to supply the place of the razor, carpenter's saw and black- smith's trephine. Fresh from a respectable med- ical institution, Dr. Roosa opened a large and beautiful office, with his name and title upon a gilded sign, the shelving filled witli neatly- labeled bottles and packages of medicine, the counter decorated with the inevitable mortar and pestle, scales, weights, etc. A spacious re- ception room was attached, where the patient could consult bis physician in seclusion, an ana- tomical room where were specimens of the art of the anatomist and the surgeon, where the medical student might pursue his dissections unmolested, and from which the curiosity seeker was usually excluded, and if occasionally ad- mitted, it was considered by him a distinguished favor. His medical libi'ary was ample and furnished with the then standard works of the profession, such as "Good's Study of Medi- cine," " Thomas' Practice," "Cooper's Surgery," " Bell's Anatomy," works of " Bichat " and " Richeraud " upon physiology, each book labeled with the printed name of the owner, containing thereon the Latin maxim " Legere et non Intelligere est Xegligere." Dr. Roosa was of the sanguine-nervous tem- perament, an accomplished practitioner of medi- cine, a skillful surgeon, ardently attached to his profession, quick to think aud act, gifted with a brilliant mind, affable and courteous to all and generous to a fault In prognosis, when asked for an opinion in a giveu case, it was his characteristic to answer positively and promjitiif, according to his actual conviction : as " Madam, I think yourchild will die ! " or " You need have no fears as to the re- sult; he will get well ! " With the masses of the people he was very popular, particularly with the farmers ; for as a veterinarian he was quite as ready to act for them as in his usual professional capacity, and wherever there was an injury or case iff sick- ness, the exclamation was, " Send for ' Rose ! '" the familiar name by which he was known. Around the domestic fireside many have been the almost marvelous tales related of him, and no greater evidence of the estimation in which he was held by his cotemporaries can be men- tioned than the fact that there are nuw residing in this county men from sixty t<> sixty-five years of age who bear tin 1 name of [saac Roosa. Du. Edwin Graves was bom in Oueonta, Otsego County, N. Y., August 1(1, 1804, of humble but respectable parents, who soon after removed to Delaware County, N. Y. In that region of country, eighty years since, the benefits of education were not so widely diffused as at present, and the subject of this sketch was indebted chiefly to his own exertion and ener- getic perseverance for so much practical educa- tion as fitted him for future usefulness, and laid the foundation for a career as honorable to him- self as beneficial to the community. Having prepared himself, he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Western New York, at Fairfield, in Herkimer County, then under the superintendence of Drs. MoNaughton, De Le Mater, Beck and others of similar repu- tation in the profession. Here his studious habits and untiring assiduity soon attracted the notice of the professors, by whom every facility was afforded the young man for a thorough school training in the healing art. It is recol- lected that at one time early in his attendance at that institution, when every dollar he pos- sessed was stolen, such was the interest felt by the faculty in his progress that he was not permitted to retire from his studies, but his expenses were generously defrayed by the professors ; nor was it till after he had entered upon the duties of his profession and accumulated means that a reimbursement was accepted. 196 WAYNE, PIKE AXD MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The date of his diploma is January *22, 1830. In possession of all the academic honors of that institution, he commenced practice in Wehawken (now Hancock), Delaware County, N. Y., in the same year, where, stimulated by an honorable ambition, he soon won for himself a high stand- ing, and there, as here, in after-years, none were too humble to command his services. In 1833 he formed a matrimonial alliance with Miss Mary, daughter of Hon. John H. Gregory, of Colchester, Delaware County, N. Y. Although they had other children, only two are now living (1885), — Elizabeth, who married Charles Torrey, of Bethany, and Mary, wife of George Searle, of Honesdale. After ten years of the most unremitting dil- igence in a laborious practice he left a commu- nity in which all regretted his removal and located in Bethany, in the hope of partially re- lieving himself from the perils and hardships of travel in a rough and broken country trav- ersed by rudely constructed thoroughfares ami often impassable streams. After the decease of Dr. Isaac Roosa, in 1837, he purchased his stock, fixtures and anatomical preparations and entered the vacant office of that gentleman, being assisted by his brother-in-law, Dr. Har- rison Gregory, now of Deposit, N. Y. They found the field an ample one, and the people ready and anxious to receive them — the time was op- portune. He now engaged in an extensive and lucrative practice, in robust health, living liter- ally in his saddle day and night. It Mas characteristic of him to assist the poor with the same cheerful and prompt readiness as the more fortunate and wealthy, exhibiting in this re- spect the higher and more liberal traits of the professional character, which, bestowing the practical blessings of skill and science upon the human family, forgets the limited views of self-aggrandizement. It was yet the fashion for the physician to furnish medicines himself for his patient, and it was proverbial among the masses that his professional charges to all were absurdly light, while he gave gratuitously of his medicines without hope or expectation of reward. In fact, it seems as if his overwhelm- ing business prevented him from registering his charges. His qualifications as a surgeon and also as a physician were unquestioned, and devoting himself entirely to the duties of a profession at all times laborious, perhaps no one labored with an energy more untiring, and with a success which could not be otherwise than gratifying to an honorable ambition. In 1841, when the county-seat was removed from Beth- any to Honesdale, Dr. Graves purchased lots on Main Street, in the latter place, built an elegant residence and office, and removed thither, Dr. Gregory remaining in the former place. Dur- ing his short life in Honesdale Dr. Graves main- tained the same elevated position he had taken in his profession, and endeared himself to the people, proving to be a worthy successor of Dr. Roosa. His manner and personal appearance were calculated to inspire the sick or injured with confidence in his reliability. In stature he stood nearly six feet, and was very erect. His habits were active, temper agreeable and equable, although rather warm when aroused. He pos- sessed a serious cast of countenance, expressive of activity and wakefulness, but was animated and cheerful when engaged in conversation. 1 1 is complexion was fair, eyes dark blue, hair dark brown, high cheek-bones, forehead high, wide and full of intellectual promise. " ' Death, that loves a shining mark,' " found him in the discharge of the duties he loved. Con- tracting a violent cold in the inclement winter weather, and continuing his exposure and exer- tion for others too long, to the neglect of him- self, pneumonia supervened, which was found to be remediless; and after a brief and dis- tressing illness of seven days, he left the scene of all his labors and anxieties on the morning of the 6th day of January, 1849, universally regretted," the community losing a councilor and the poor a friend. His wife survived him until June 16, 1873, and died, aged sixty-four years. Up to the year 1848, the period of the com- pletion of the Erie Railroad to Narrowsburg, a student in medicine in this county was com- pelled, in the face of stringent laws and the insuperable prejudice against dissections of the human body, to obtain his material by stealth WAYNE COUNTY. 197 with a coroner's jury theoretically by his side, and the verdict " guilty " staring him in the face. A medical student's life was not as luxurious then as now. He then performed more menial duties. The care of the office, the compound- ing of the medicine, collecting of bills and running of errands were some of them, but the greatest difficulty of all in his pursuit after knowledge was that disagreeable and loathsome of all necessities, the dissection of human sub- jects ; the knowledge of anatomy being the first step in his medical education, the foundation of all his future usefulness must be had at all hazards, and in no other way can it be obtained. In obtaining a subject for dissection strategy was required, and many were (he risks taken in accomplishing this end, for it was against law and popular opinion to obtain a body, and after its being secured few can imagine the danger in- curred in keeping it sufficiently long to examine it, such was the watchfulness of these prejudiced and diligent observers of the " Imps of Satan," as the medical students were termed. There are now living those who remember the daring of some of them in their endeavors to dig up a body in the distant burying-grounds ; and engaged in these enterprises are remembered the names of Lillibridge, Snyder, Stearns, Whit- ing, Fish, Mumford, Hayden, Olmstead, Reed and others, who have scaled walls and jumped fences in their pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. In 1818, when Jones was executed, an attempt was made to " resurrect" the body for dissec- tion, but the self-constituted police were on the " qui vive," and the scheme circumvented, but at the execution of Marthers, in 1829, a more successful result was obtained. Isaac Brink was detailed for guard duty at the grave, but being enticed elsewhere by a bottle of " Old Rye," the body was made to subserve the pur- poses of science. In the year 1836 a great excitement was created at Prompton, which extended to Hones- dale, Bethany, Canaan and the whole surround- ing country, and threatened mob violence for a time. At the former place the body of the esteemed wife of Levi Bronson, Esq., was dis- interred and removed to Dr. Snyder's office, in Honesdale. Some arrests were made ; the doctor and his associates abandoned the partially dis- sected woman, and the mutilated remains being restored, the parties were not further prosecuted, but by reason of the popular feeling, a residence here was no longer agreeable, and a change of climate considered desirable by all com Lined, of which they gladly availed themselves. When Bell was executed, in 1847, his body was surrendered to the students of Dr. Graves, and no objection was made by the people. Gratifying, indeed, it is to know at the pres- ent time that our deceased friends, when safely deposited in the tomb, are free from the danger of molestation by medical students, as, for a few dollars, they go to the metropolitan dissecting- rooms, and procure in a legitimate way the re- mains of poor mortality which they need. No man in the county was better known than Ebenezer T. Losey, M.D., and none knew but to respect him. His name was a household word, for he was truthful, honest, would do un- to others what he would have others do unto him, and his name has been and will be cher- ished in scores of grateful hearts, — those to whom he was endeared as the faithful friend and beloved physician. About 1830 he came to this county from Morristown, N. J., where he studied medicine after having graduated and received his diploma in New York City. Sep- tember 21, 1831, he married the estimable daughter of a prominent citizen of Honesdale, viz., Miss Lucy, daughter of Joseph B. Walton, Esq. Their children were Emeline W., Joseph W., Abbie T., Cornelius, Sarah W., Ebenezer T., Daniel W., Henry B. and Lucy M. In the early years of his professional life he was cotemporary with Drs. Roosa and Strong, and later with Strong, Graves, Gregory, Sanger, King, the Reeds and others. His kindness and warm sympathy, extending through so many years of active practice, are interwoven like a thread of gold in the joys and sorrows of some of our families, for, as a physician, he was trusted, and his patients always felt that in him they had a careful, courteous and considerate friend. He was not eminent in, nor did he profess taste WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. or desire for, surgery ; but was efficient as a phy- sician, and unexcelled as an obstetrician. In the latter branch he was often thrown upon his own resources in important cases, and was always found equal to the emergency. In appearance he was of full size, symmetrical build, and of clerical look, as he was dressed with scrupulous neatness, and wore a white neck-cloth. He possessed a pleasing counte- nance, a bearing dignified and commanding, yet, easy and natural ; was cordial in his greeting, always genial, kind-hearted and obliging, espe- cially when approached by men younger than himself in the profession. The writer of this was his patient during a terrible and protracted fever, was his professional colleague in practice for several years, and his medical attendant in his last illness ; and feels that there are no words in Dr. Losey's eulogy too strongly expressive of his manly virtues in reference to his life and character ; and can also testify to a compliment paid him by the late Dr. Sanger, upon taking leave of him, when he had been making a visit to his hospital at Black well's Island, in 1856 : "Remember me to Losey," he said ; " among all your honorable men he heads the list." It is unmistakably true that few country practitioners make more than a living by their practice alone, and that not a very sumptuous one; hence medical students mistake that they do not learn business of some kind as an ad- junct when they become located. Dr. Losey acted upon this view. In 1832 he had a drug- store, and later a farm, which lie successfully cultivated, near Honesdale. He died in Hones- dale March 9, 1870, after having passed a good, useful, exemplary life, characterized by the high- est sense of duty ; and in all relations, profes- sional and social, uprightness and purity of mo- tive were the qualities which governed him. His good deeds and an honorable name live after him. Adonijah Strong, who practiced in Wayne County from 1829 until his death, in 1879, a period of fifty years, though during the last few years he retired as far as was possible from the cares of his profession, was a native of Sal- isbury, Conn., born October 8, 1800. He was of a distinguished and ancient family, a direct descendant of Noah Strong, one of the pilgrim band of the " Mayflower," who landed on the shores of Massachusetts in 1620. His father was Martin Strong, who for many years was the president judge of the Litchfield < 'ounty courts. Adonijah was educated with a view to the adoption of the legal profession, and graduated from Yale College with a good preparatory dis- cipline. Among his father's intimate friends was Benajah Ticknor, a surgeon in the United States navy, who importuned Judge Strong to educate the young man in medicine and sur- gery, with a view to his becoming his assistant in the government service. He accordingly studied with Dr. Luther Ticknor, a brother of Benajah, and was admitted to practice by li- cense from the Massachusetts Medical Society at Litchfield, August 18, 1824. Shortly after- wards he formed a matrimonial alliance with Miss Mary A. Myers, daughter of Colonel Nathan Myers, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., to whom he was married on the 26th of October in the same year. This marriage revolution- ized his plans for the future, so far as entering the naval service was concerned, and he en- tered upon the practice of his profession at Poughkeepsie. Through the influence of Hon. Pope Bushnell, of Bethany, he removed to that place in 1829, himself and wife liv- ing for a time in Mr. Bushnell's family. In spite of considerable professional opposition, he secured a lair practice ; but seeing that it might be improved, he removed to Honesdale in 1839. On locating here he opened a drug store, and for many years did a prosperous bus- iness. His practice was extensive, but as he grew older he relinquished it to the younger members of the profession, several of whom had been his students. In his younger days the doctor took quite an interest in politics, being a pronounced and leading Democrat, He never held office, however. He united with the Pres- byterian Church, and was elected an elder in 1850, and held that office until his death. Dr. Strong was of a reserved and retiring disposi- tion, though an excellent conversationalist on subjects both within and foreign to his pro- WAYNE COUNTY. 199 fession. He was of erect person and dignified appearance, " the very beau ideal," says a friend, " of the old school physician." Dr. Luther Appley was born November 15, 1790, in Canterbury, Windom ( !ounty, Conn. His father being a tanner and currier, he learned the trade as he was growing up. He left Con- necticut and came to Hancock, Delaware County N. Y., in the summer of 1809. He followed sur- veying part of the time ; ran the line between the towns of Hancock and Colchester, Delaware County, N. Y.; taught school the following winter in Shehocken, now called Hancock. In 1810 lie commenced studying medicine with Dr. Lewis Allen, at Deposit, Delaware County, N. Y\; remained with him one year ; then came to Damascus, Wayne County, Pa., and studied two years with Dr. Freeman Allen ; was licensed to practice as physician and surgeon by a board (if physicians and surgeons November 24, 1821 ; was appointed surgeon's mate in and for the regiment comprised in the county of Wayne, by Oliver B. Brush, colonel, Jacob Schenk, lieutenant-colonel, Pope Busline], ma- jor, and received commission as surgeon's mate for the Seventieth Regiment of the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the Sec- ond Brigade of the Eighth Division composed of the militia of the counties of Northumber- land, Union, Columbia, Luzerne, Susquehanna and Wayne, from Governor Joseph I leister, dated January 29,1822. " Bethany, Feb. 24, 1829. " Dr. Luther Applet, " Dear Sir : " You are hereby appointed surgeon for the 70th Regt. Penn. Militia. " Yours Respectfully, " Nathaniel B. Eldred, " Col. 70th Regt. Penn. Militia." He was commissioned surgeon of the Seventieth Regiment, comprised in the county of Wayne, by Andrew Schulze, Governor, August 3, 1829. He was re-commissioned surgeon of the Seventieth Regiment, comprised in the county of Wayne, by George Wolf, Governor, No- vember 26, 1832. He was a member of St. Tammany Lodge, No. 83, Ancient York Ma- For his first wife he married Phebe Land, daughter of John Land. They had eight chil- dren, — William L., Maria L., Abigail R., The- odore, Theron, Lilly T., Luther and Mark. Theodore died in childhood. His second wife was Mary E. Effinger, a lady of a prominent and wealthy family from Phil- adelphia, who, as his widow, now resides in Honesdale. Two daughters were born to them, Agnes Adelaide, who died in infancy, and Ade- laide Josephine, who lived to maturity and was married very young to Luther W. Peck, son of Rev. George M. Peck, grandson of George Peck, D. D., of Wilkes-Barre, and nephew of Bishop Peck. Mrs. Peek is deceased. He moved to Philadelphia in 1838, where he resided and practiced medicine and surgery un- til December, 1*42, attending lectures at Jeffer- son College some part of the time ; returned to Damascus, Wayne ( lounty, Pa., December, 1842, and immediately commenced practicing medi- cine and surgery, and continued the practice until his last sickness. I T is death occurred Oc- tober 20, 1853. In the beginning of his practice his ride ex- tended from Damascus down the Delaware River to Lackawaxen, Pike County, Pa., and up the Delaware River from Damascus to She- hocken (now called Hancock), in Delaware County, N. Y'. ; as far east as White Lake, Sullivan County, N. Y., and west to Rileyville, Wayne County, Pa. His rule was to visit the sick at all times of night and in all kinds of weather, whether they paid or not. Dr. William L. Appley, a son of Dr. Lu- ther Appley and his wife Phoebe, was born at Milanville on the 26th of March, 1812. He commenced study with his father and after- wards attended lectures at the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons in New Y'ork (sessions of 1833-34). The following year, at the age of twenty-three, he commenced practice, being as- sociated with his father until 1837. He was zealous and successful. He said of himself upon one occasion, — " From almost life-long connection with the science of medicine and some of its eminent votaries, I have endeavored to become possessed of a fund of practical ideas and to have these based on a fair degree of com- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. mon sense, and to link them with honesty and perse- verance ; this I thought would not fail to reward me with an honorable and successful future." In 1858 he received the honorary degree of M.D. from the New York State Medical Soci- ety, and the same honor was conferred upon him by the Castleton Medical College, in Vera t. In 1867 he was elected a permanent member of the New York State Medical Society, and in 1872 of the American Medical Association. In 1851, while in the discharge of his duty, he met with an accident by which he lost his left leg or sustained injuries making necessary its amputation below the knee. In L852 he moved to Cochecton, N. Y., and during his residence there was twice elected president of the Sullivan County Medical Society and also chosen the first president of the Tri-States Medical Society. As a surgeon, he had a wide reputation and he was appointed surgeon of the Erie Railroad. During thirty-two years' practice he performed more than five hundred operations in which he had to administer chloroform. He was married three times, — in 1835 to Julia Keed, in 1851 to Harriet Wheeler, and in 1864 to Mindle Lakiu, who survives him. He died January 6, 1877. Dr. William W. Applby, a present prac- titioner at Cochecton, X. Y., and having much to do in Wayne County, is a son of the late Dr. William W. Appley, and was horn in Damas- cus township, June 24, 1847. Drs. Theron and Otto Appley are practitioners in Damascus. Dr. Urial Wright was born in the town of Windsor, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, May 15, 1790. His grandfather, Asa Wright, was an architect and planned and superin- tended the building of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. His father, Asahel Wright, subsequently graduated at that college, and after completing a medical course, was appointed a surgeon iu the United States navy, serving in that capacity until the close of the "War of the Revolution. He then settled in Windsor and raised a large family. There were eight sons, seven of whom became professional men, and all were successful in life. Five chose the medical profession. Worthington, who be- came a minister, also studied mediciue and practiced for a time, so that there were, at one time, the father and six sous in practice. Urial was the fourth son. He received an academic education, and studied medicine with his father two years, then with Dr. Asa Burbank, of Lanesboro, Mass., nine months, and with Noa- diah Swift, of Bennington, Vt., six months. In the spring of 1814 he left his home in Mas- sachusetts to commence his practice in the "Beech Woods" of Northeastern Pennsylvania, locating at Mount Pleasant. He traveled on horseback, his outfit consisting of his horse, a valise, a pair of saddle-hags and twenty-five dollars in money. His attention was directed to this point by his brother, the Rev. Worth- ington Wright, who was then laboring in Wayne County as missionary under appoint- ment of the Connecticut Home Missionary So- ciety, and who resided in Bethauy. His rides at first were long, over bad roads or no roads, sometimes being only a bridle-path marked by " blazed " trees, and his practice extended from Scott to Canaan, comprising the townships of Mount Pleasant, Preston, Clinton, Canaan, Buckingham and Lebanon, in Wayne County, and Thompson, Herrick and Clifford, in Sus- quehanna County ; but as new business centres sprang up, it became less extended but none the less extensive. By nature Dr. Wright was equipped for pioneer service. He possessed a sound mind in a sound body ; was compactly and stoutly built, with an iron constitution and robust health. Excepting an occasional attack of inflammatory rheumatism, he was never ill until his last sickness. For forty years he never lost a meal unless he was where it could not be obtained. In 1816 he was married to Jerusha Spencer, a daughter of Peter Spencer, who had settled in Preston, on the farm now occupied by Nathan A. Monroe, the same spring- that he came to Mount Pleasant. The marriage was a happy one, his wife being helpful and his home pleasant. They had a patriarchal family of ten children, one of whom died in in- fancy, and five are still living. Ilosmer, the oldest, was drowned at the age of twenty-five,being then postmaster at Pleasant Mount, and having entered into a business partnership with Henry W. Stone. William, WAYNE COUNTY. the second son, is living in Mount Pleasant and holds the office of justice of the peace ; Eliza J., wife of A. D. Higbie, of Newark, N. J.; Cath- arine S., wife of Edward M. Atwater, died in 1880 ; Ellen A., wife of Henry H. Rogers, of Danvers, Mass.; Henry C, killed at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 186.3; Charles A., died in 1860; John S., of Boston, who enlisted at the outbreak of the war for the Union, and went out as captain of Company C, Sixth Penn- sylvania Reserves, the first company that en- listed from Wayne County; and Julius C, of Scrauton, who served three years in the war. In 1828 Dr. Wright was appointed surgeon's mate by the commanding officer of the Seven- tieth Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia, receiv- ing his commission from Governor Shultze. His duties consisted mainly in granting certifi- cates of disability, exempting men from mili- tary duty in the days when militia trainings were in vogue. He had been in practice some thirty years, when, in 1845, the degree of M.D. was conferred upon him by the Berkshire Medical College, of Pittsfield, Mass. Dr. Wright's life was not marked by great achievements or remarkable incidents. He pursued the even tenor of his way, practicing his profession with remarkable fidelity and suc- cess. He possessed a receptive mind and re- tentive memory, acquiring skill by long and extensive practice, and keeping abreast of the times in the progress of medical science. He was peculiarly successful in the treatment of fevers. He responded alike to the calls of the rich and poor, and performed a large amount of hard labor, for which he received no compen- sation. He commanded the respect of all, while his affability and kindness endeared him to many, and he was ever a welcome visitor to the sick. Always self-possessed, he was calm when others were alarmed and excited, his presence often proving a benediction, and his cheerful countenance doing good like a medicine. He was a man of sound judgment aud excellent common-sense, was no speech-maker aud what he said was uttered in brief, sententious sen- tences. His moral character, like his physical structure, was sound, square and upright. In 1829 he united with the Congregational Church, 22 and in 1831, when the form of government was changed to Presbyterian, he was chosen one of the ruling elders, which office he held until his death. During the winter of 1865—66 his health began to fail, and the following May he was compelled to relinquish practice altogether, having practiced just fifty-two years. He died September 30, 1866, of dropsy of the heart, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. Dr. Erastus Wright, one of the pioneer physicians of Wayne County, was born in Windsor, Berkshire County, Mass., May 11, 1 794. When quite young he received some medical instruction from his father, who was a practicing physician in the town of Windsor ; he subsequently renewed the study of medicine with his brother, Dr. Urial Wright, of Mount Pleasant, and later with Dr. Isaac Roosa, of Bethany; he graduated at Pittsfield Medical College, and to the valuable instruction received from Professor Chester Dewey he often re- ferred ; soon after graduating he located in Salem, where he practiced medicine with almost uninterrupted success for thirty-seven years, aud at one time, for a period of two or three years, he was the only physician from the local- ity now known as Greenville, Lackawanna County, to Hawley, on the east and west turn- pike, as well as from Way mart to Stoddarts- viile, Stroudsburg, etc., on the old Belmont and Easton turnpike ; he usually rode on horse-back, with medicine in saddle-bags fastened to his saddle, and scarce a mountain-path or by-way for more than a score of miles around could be found with which he was not familiar. He had thoroughly studied the standard works of that day, which, together with extensive practice, gave him a knowledge in the diagnosis of diseases, aud the needed treatment, peculiarly his own. Some characteristic features might be named, one of which was his love for his chosen profession, that he persistently held to the close of life ; another was that he never prescribed at random, ever questioning closely, not hasty in giving an opinion, but when once given he seldom had reason to change it. Possessed of a vigorous constitution, as well as a benevolent heart, he was eminently successful in all the duties of his profession, anxious to ■> { )-2 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA relieve suffering if possible with potent reme- dies and cheerful words, thus securing 'the es- teem and confidence of many. On the 23d of February, 1825, he was married to Miss Lydia Muzzey, daughter of John Muzzey, of Brook- field, Worcester County, Mass., and his charac- ter as a Christian, moral and temperance man and uprightness as a citizen, he was often heard to say, was due largely to her godly influence. They had two daughters, — Mary Lucy, who married Rev. A. R. Raymond, Presbyterian clergyman of Salem, with their only son now residing in the dwelling formerly occu- pied by Dr. Wright; Frances Amelia, married Colonel B. T. Cook, of Franklin, Delaware County, N. Y., where they now reside. His beloved wife died October 8, I 849, aged fifty- two years ; he subsequently married Mrs. Nancy Nicholson, widow of the late Zenas Nicholson, March 15, 1854; she still lives at the advanced age of eighty-three years. Dr. Wright was re- spected by the physicians of the county, and in his last sickness, many of them manifested pro- fessional kindness and interest. At the time of his death he had been a member of the Pres- byterian Church twenty-seven years. He died rejoicing February 21, 1860, aged sixty-six years. l)n. William W. Sanger, who practiced in Honesdale from 1849 to 1853, was born at Can- terbury, Conn., August 10, 1816, and removed to Wheeling, Va. (now West Virginia), in 1836, where he commenced the study of medicine in 1842. He went to New York to attend lec- tures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1844, and graduated from that institution with credit in 1847. He served in several official positions in New York, and then was invited to supply the vacancy in Honesdale occasioned by the death ' of Dr. Graves, which he accepted. His unusually long probationary period as student in the great metropolitan centre of medical education had given him adequate preparation to perform the duties of the vocation he had selected, and an acquaint- ance with the eminent of the profession there, enabled him to come well recommended. At that period the practice of medicine in the medical centres of the nation was under- going a transition state, but it had not reached the country villages. Those marvelous agents of anaesthesia, ether and chloroform, had just come into use ; new discoveries in etiology and treatment of disease and improvements in the science of medicine had occurred, prom- ising much and predicting a glorious future for the profession. The physicians who were then in practice in Honesdale had become old, having been edu- cated when almost all diseases were designated inflammatory, and supposed to require a perturb- ing treatment called antiphlogistic, the lancet being the principal remedy — blood-letting, copi- ous, frequent and heroic. Besides, in accordance with the humoral pathology, the stomach was foul, and required an emetic to cleanse it ; or the same condition of the bowels required a cathartic. < )ften, iu the same patient and at the same time, all this bristling array of offensive weapons was used in succession. There was a popular faith, too, in the potency of drugs; they were fond of heroism and brave doses, and por- tentous appearances favored the idea of mag- nificent results. These physicians were now designated as those of the " Old School " (or old fogies), in contradistinction to the new school, and were ultimately obliged to consent to the social requirements of the age. Dr. Sanger was of the new school, a man of science, educated power, acquired skill, and acted upon the principle that disease is not an entity to be attacked and driven out of the system by violent and destructive expedients, and instead of venesections and emetico-cathar- tics, he had his fever patients sponged with water and fed with gruel. At the advent of Dr. Sanger in this county there had never been a medical organization, and he found the physicians engaged in rivalry, jealousy and competition, instead of cultivating a spirit of reciprocity and cherishing amicable relations with each other. In all his relations with them, however, he adhered strictly to the code of ethics adopted by the National Medical Association, which is now authority in our country, thus exemplifying their duty, and exacted from them a like treatment. On one occasion, upon enforcing the principle, a serious WAYNE COUNTY. result was threatened. One of his surgical patients became fretful and restless during his temporary absence, and friends called in another surgeon, who commenced removing bandages, and was caught in the act by the doctor upon his unexpected return, who exclaimed, " Sir ! you have no right here ; this is my patient, and you have no business to even look at him in my absence ! " at the same time with his strong right arm thrusting the intruder aside. A suit for assault was commenced, but good counsels afterward prevailing, the matter was quieted. There were two conspicuous elements in his nature, viz. : humor and ridicule, unsurpassed by none of his cotemporaries, the former sub- serving a practical utility, the latter a sort of harmless, mirthful spurt, which, when re versed, so as to fall upon himself, was productive of the greatest humility. The humorous element in his address was his greatest strategy, and with this he dosed his patieuts with many a pill of wisdom, cunningly sugar-coated. He ap- proached his patient with a cheerful and encour- aging demeanor, thus rendering all the moral aid to be derived as a curative agent. In relation to fees, the old school practitioners, in their rivalry, had been endeavoring to ascer- tain how cheaply they could conduct a given case of sickness, and charges were regulated with reference to future employment ; hence the tear of an extortionate bill. For a visit in town was charged a half-dollar ; and out of town the same, with twenty-five cents added for every mile of travel one way, including medicines, for a distance of four miles one dollar, and eight miles two dollars was charged. They rode on horseback, equipped with saddle-bags filled with medicines, strapped behind the rider (John Gilpin fashion), the outfit containing also a turnkey and forceps for extracting teeth, the fee for which was one shilling. On Dr. Sanger's arrival he found this state of things existing in Wayne County, and it was the subject of his sharp ridicule. He had no objection to the gratuitous distribution of medi- cal services, if such could be afforded ; but he did not like to see the medical fee disgraced by its association with a half-dollar ; and as for giving away his medicines, a physician was sim- ply foolish. This bold innovator doubled the fees at once. He adopted the plan of writing his prescriptions, to be filled by the druggist, and the medicines to be paid for by the pa- tient ; rode in his carriage, sometimes with one horse, at others with two, accompanied by his groom. He asserted that he knew nothing about teeth; "pulling teeth" was a specialty belonging to another profession. By some <>f the profession and laity it was at first predicted that the people would not. be sub- missive to such extravagance and increased charges, and that such a course could not be maintained; nevertheless, the people admired his dignity of bearing, loved his jokes, laughed at his ridicule, and the doctor was always popu- lar with them, and had no idle moments to spare. He was not a failure. In 1853 he was appointed resident physician of the Almshouse Hospital, Blackwell's Island, which position he filled for several years. While there the city authorities requested him to investigate thoroughly, and report freely, the facts relating to the social evil. Two years of assiduous effort in this direction resulted in the publica- tion of his famous book, "The History of Pros- titution." Dr. Sanger was much interested in politics and was a member of the Tammany Society, of New York. He died May 8, 1872. Hon. Rodney H.unrES, licentiate of medi- cine, was born in the town of Neversink, Sulli- van county, N. Y., on April 1, 1813. He was on his paternal side of German descent. His grandfather, Jacob Artman Harmes, was a native of Brandenburg, in Prussia, but after reaching his majority was, with a boon compan- ion, imprudent enough to travel into the do- mains of the Elector of Hesse Cassel, where he and his companion were seized and put on board of a man-of-war, transported to America, and forced into the Hessian army for the purpose of aiding England to conquer her rebellious colonies. In a short time he escaped from the Hessian army, became a soldier in the American army and served until the close of the war. After this period he married Miss Margaret Lummox, and settled in the town of Neversink, Sullivan County, N. Y. He was a very ingenious smith, and couji make locks, gun-locks, cow- 204 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. bells, traps and all edge-tools. He raised a large family, comprising three sons and seven daugh- ters, and died about 1821, aged nearly eighty years. His oldest sou, Charles Harmes, was the father of the subject of this sketch. He was a large, powerful man, and worked at various occupations, including farming, lumbering and blacksmithing. Although his education was very limited in Neversink, his native town, he was elected and served two consecutive terms as justice of the peace. He was married three stand what he read. He then became fond of reading, but owing to his inability to obtain books, and to the frequent changes of place to which he was subjected, he had few opportuni- ties to gratify his inclination. At the age of nineteen years he bargained with an uncle to live with him a year, to receive eight dollars a month for nine months' labor, and three months' schooling. His uncle was a blacksmith, and kept him busy with the bellows and sledge dur- ing the summer. Wheu the winter term of tA^vdn&t/ '%C. J CLt/M£4 times, and raised a family of twelve children. He moved to Illinois when advanced in life, and soon after died there, aged over eighty years. Rodney Harmes, the oldest son of Charles Harmes, from the time of his mother's death, which occurred when he was between eight and nine years of age, never had a permanent home until he located at Pleasant Mount, Pa. But little reliance could be placed upon the schools where he spent his boyhood days, and he was ten years old before he could rfad and under- school commenced he took his books and went to school, as he believed, according to the con- tract, with the intention of studying, in addition to arithmetic and geography, grammar, the teacher being competent to instruct in that art, an acquirement which few possessed in Sullivan County at that time. He returned to his uncle's home in the evening, and found his prospects for schooling blasted. His uncle claimed that he had not agreed to board him and permit him to attend school at that busy time in his shop. WAYNE COUNTY. The nephew, believing it to be the wisest course, continued, and completed his nine months of labor. His uncle then offered to fulfil his part of the contract during the term of the following summer school. His nephew chose to relieve him from that expense, believing, ignorant as he was, that he was more capable of teaching the female teachers of that time than they were of teaching him. He took his wages and went to another shop and worked two months, for which he received twenty-four dollars. In the month of May, 1833, at the age of twenty, with a very limited education and with less than fifty dollars, he went to Ellenville, Ulster County, N. Y., and commenced the study of medicine, Dr. Edwin Eldridge, who, in 1834 and 1835, practiced in Mount Pleasant, being his pre- ceptor. Dr. Eldridge took a deep interest in the welfare of his student, who soon became useful in his office. He was persuaded by his precep- tor to visit patients in order to speedily obtain, with his reading, some knowledge of pathology. He remained under the tuition of Dr. Eldridge about eight months, and then removed to Lib- erty, Sullivan County, N. Y., and entered the office of Dr. Blake Wales, studying under him eighteen months. During a part of this time, however, he taught school. In the fall of 1835 he went to Castleton, Vermont, and attended lectures at the Vermont Academy of Medicine for three months. He then returned to Sullivan County and entered the office of Dr. Daniel M. Angell, at Monticello, where he continued his studies until the fall of 1 836, and then taught school four months, at twelve dollars a month. At this term of school he endeavored to teach gram- mar, although he had never studied it. He then returned to Monticello for the purpose of reviewing his studies. But his preceptor was taken sick and he was compelled to have him for a patient, besides taking charge of other patients and riding occasionally to visit the sick for the other physician in the village. Finally, on the 25th day of July, 1837, he was examined by the board of censors of the Medical Society of Sullivan County, N. Y., and received his di- ploma of licentiate of medicine. Soon after he established himself in the prac- tice of his profession at Pleasant Mount, Wayne County, Pa., where he has remained engaged in his professional labors half a century. During most of this time his rides have frequently extended to a distance of from ten to fifteeu, and sometimes twenty miles, lie usually rode on horseback, both winter and sum- mer. As student and licentiate of medicine, he has practiced his profession fifty-two years, and still, occasionally, visits patients and prescribes in his office. Twice he ran a very narrow risk of having his horse slip and fall on the ice, and then rise up when his left foot was fast in the stirrup. The first time he escaped by climbing up the stirrup strap, his horse remaining quiet. The next time his horse rose up and ran, drag- ging him on the ice, but fortunately his foot loosened before he received any injury. He has been closely identified with local af- fairs in his township and county, and exerted a wide and favorable influence. Probably no man in the county is more generally known. He has held various offices of trust and respon- sibility, always performing his duties in a prompt and faithful manner. On August 3, 1S42, he was elected lieutenant-colonel of militia, and on June 13, 1845, was made colonel of his regiment. On November 24, 1860, he was appointed and commissioned associate judge of Wayne County, and served one year. He has been twice married : first, to Mary T. Miller, daugh- ter of Jonathan Miller, Esq., to whom he was united September 2, 1838. She died August 20, 1848, leaving a daughter named Catharine, born February 8, 1845, who married Adolf Charles Lempke, November 8, 1865. He died February 2, 1884, leaving two sons, namely, — George, born September 20, 1866, and Rodney, born July 10, 1868. For his second wife he married Emeline Eaton, widow of Wellington K. Eaton, and daughter of Andrew Lester, one of the pioneers of Mount Pleasant township. Of this marriage were born Rudolf Harmes, M.D., born June 30, 1851, died February 15, 1883; and Her- man Harmes, his only surviving son, born February 9, 1863, a popular teacher and studeut- at-law. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Like most of the old practitioners of Wayne County, Dr. Harmes has failed to accumulate much property, but owns and occupies a small farm at Pleasant Mount, where he is passing the remainder of what has been an active, ear- nest, energetic and successful life. Had he possessed broader opportunities, his natural ability would have insured him success in any field of labor. Such men deserve great credit for accomplishing what they do in the face of obstacles which cause many to fall by the way- side. Rudolf Harmes, M.D., son of Hon. Rod- ney Harmes, licentiate of medicine, was born at Pleasant Mount, Wayne County, June 30, 1851. From the age of five to eighteen his chief delight was (like that of his grandfather, Andrew Lester) angling, trapping and hunting, being, at the age of ten, a good marksman. His progress in acquiring an education at the district school was rather tardy ; but he admired tales of hazardous adventures and marvelous escapes, and indulged in reading that kind of literature many hours, and occasionally amused himself by looking at anatomical plates and learning the names of bones, muscles and ar- teries, thereby obtaining knowledge which was eventually of much benefit to him, although, at the time, he was of the firm belief that he would never practice medicine. In the fall of 1869, when the Pleasant Mount Academy went into operation, he com- menced studying at that institution with the de- termination of becoming, at least, an ordinary English scholar. From that time his progress was successful and speedy, and at the end of a few months he was qualified as a teacher, and the following winter taught school for a term of four months, but became dissatisfied with teaching as an occupation. He next applied himself to dentistry, an art which he soon learned, and which, with read- ing medicine, occupied his time for a few months. For the purpose of obtaining further improvement in knowledge, he again returned to his studies at the academy, and in addition to other branches, studied Latin. In the fall of 1872, he went to New York, and spent the winter attending lectures at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and the spring following returned to his father's home, with the full determination to become a phy- sician and surgeon. He spent the summer engaged with his pro- fessio.nal reading and assisting his father in at- tending patients, and the following fall — 1873 — returned to the Bellevue Hospital Medical College and attended lectures during the winter, at the same time receiving special tuition on diseases of the heart and lungs from Dr. Austin Flint. At the college commencement, the following spring, he received his degree of Doctor of Medicine, and returned to Pleasant Mount con- scious of being qualified to enter upon the duties of his profession. His father at that time had a large practice, and was desirous that his son should eventually supersede him. The popularity of the young physician, and the confidence which the people had in his ability, obtained for him immediate patronage, which he retained during one year ; but, believ- ing that he could find a more desirable, or, at least, a more lucrative practice elsewhere, he moved to Becket, Berkshire County, Mass., where, on the 28th day of April, 1875, he was admitted as a Fellow of the Massachusetts Medi- cal Society. At Becket he had, during a few months, a liberal patronage and satisfactory compensation ; but in the fall of 1876 the manu- facturing establishments in that part of the State were suspended, laborers were discharged and were leaving the place, and he found his practice too unprofitable to remain there. He then returned to Pleasant Mount, where he found his father still the chief practitioner and desirous to have him again established in the place of his nativity. He received a warm welcome from his former friends and patrons, and immediately engaged in an extensive and laborious practice, which he retained until the time of his death. As a surgeon he was confident and compe- tent, and delighted in performing operations which required good eyes and a steady hand. As an accoucheur he was not outrivaled by any practitioner in his county. He was quite a large and strong man, and occasionally, during the season of haying, would go into his father's WAYNE COUNTY. 207 field and use a scythe, where he rarely found his equal. At boxing, an amusement in which he sometimes indulged, strong men declared that they would not like to have him strike them in anger. On June 19, 1877, he married Kate Atwater, daughter of Edward M. Atwater, by whom he had a son, named Edward, born July 16, 1880, who is still living to cheer the declining years of his grandparents. gave no alarm, excepting to his father and his family and friends, but, on the 15th day of the month, when all but his father were hopeful, suddenly and apparently without warning, even to himself, he ceased breathing. The day pre- vious to his death he had, as he told his wile, a slight paralytic attack of the heart, which soon passed off. It was his father's opinion that he had sub-acute inflammation of the stom- ach, but that the real cause of his death was )&>vynlj In consecmence of au injury of his head, re- ceived by a fall when he was a boy, he was occasionally a sufferer from severe head- ache, sometimes attended with vomiting, but could not be persuaded to discontinue visiting the sick until compelled by sad necessity. But his troubles were known by only a few, for he suffered without complaining. His final sick- ness commenced the fore part of February, 1883. The attack being like pi'evious ones, paralysis of the heart. No other man in the northern part of Wayne County ever passed away so universally beloved, regretted and mourned. Dr. Dwight Reed was born in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., March 8, 1824. He is a descendent in the seventh generation of John Reed, who emigrated to this country from Cornwall, England, at the restoration of the Stuarts. He was a junior officer in the army 20H WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA of Cromwell, the Protector, aud is supposed to have left his native shores to secure greater per- sonal freedom, and because of the opposition of an older brother to his proposed marriage. He first located at Providence, R. I., then removed to Rye, New York, and finally settled at Nor- walk, Conn., where he died in 1730, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-seven years, leaving de- scendants. The intervening generations, in the line of descent, down to the subject of this sketch were represented by Thomas, John, Josiah (1st), Josiah (2d) aud Charles G. Reed. Of these, Josiah (1st) was the great-grandfather of Dr. Reed, aud emigrated from Norwalk to Salisbury, Conn., where he became the progeni- tor of the Salisbury branch of the now numer- ous Reed family. He inherited the warlike instincts of his ancestors and died at Tieonder oga while performing active service in the French and Indian "War. His son Josiah, a farmer, tanner and shoemaker by occupation, succeeded him, married aud had a large family of chil- dren, of whom Charles G. Reed, born 17!>7, was the father of Dr. Reed. The latter mar- ried Semanthe E. Bird, a descendant of Thos. Bird, who resided at Hartford, Conn., in 1(344, and daughter of Lieutenant Isaac Bird, a soldier of the Revolution, and engaged in mercantile pursuits in Connecticut. In 1832 he removed to Bethany, Wayne County, Pa., where he fol- lowed farming until his death. He had six children — Dwight Charles Bird (died) ; Egbert Garfield, who resides iu Honesdale ; William Henry, a graduated physician and druggist at Honesdale; Loranie Abigail (died); and Ellen Salome, wife of Rev. Melville Smith, a Meth- odist minister in Illinois. Dr. Dwight Reed came to Wayne County with his parents in 1832, when eight years of age. Soon after he was sent to Salisbury, Conn., where he attended the district school, a more ad- vanced institution in that old settled section than any in the pioneer country in which his father had located in Pennsylvania. He subsequently attended the Beech Woods Academy, in Bethany, where he completed his studies. In 1844 he began the study of mediciue with Dr. Adoni- jah Strong, of Honesdale, and later attended lectures in the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of the City of New York, where he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medi- cine in 1848. While in attendance at the uni- versity he was under the private instruction of Dr. William Detmold, an eminent surgeon in New York City. After receiving his degree, Dr. Reed estab- lished himself in the practice of his profession in Honesdale, where, in connection with his brother, Egbert G. Reed, he also opened a drug- store in the old Arcade building. In 1855 he disposed of his interest in the store to his brother and thereafter confined himself to the practice of his profession alone. He continued to enjoy a large and lucrative practice, taking high rank as a surgeon and general practitioner until he relaxed his energies in late years and limited his practice to certain families and cases, acting frequently, however, in con- sultation with other physicians, where his recog- nized ability and skill are deemed necessary. In surgery he has always advocated the largest possible conservatism, esteeming that surgeon deserving of greatest commendation who saves a limb rather than seeks after the establishment of a reputation in the community by the per- formance of amputation. In the practice of medicine he has not that confidence in the cura- tive influence of drugs that would be expected in a physician, but relies, more upon surround- ing his patient with favorable influences, and trusting to the vis medieatrix natura than to the nimia eura mtdirina — believing that it is eas- ier to prevent disease than to cure it. For the former he would depend upon the proper ob- servance of the laws of nature, and for the latter upon her medicines, — food, drink, exercise, sleep, air and warmth. As a man Dr. Reed holds a high place in the esteem of his fellows, and his integrity aud uprightness of character have never been ques- tioned. While sacredly respecting the creeds aud beliefs of others, he is himself non-religious, having early in life adopted the rationalistic hypothesis of life, that nature or the universe is all that exists ; that it is self-existent, or un- created, and contains inherently all the laws, forces and modes of action which produce its varied phenomena. Being asked what he M WAYNE COUNTY. 2(1!) thought of the Apostles' Creed, he replied, " I have adopted one less dogmatical, — "I believe in the Darwinian theory; in the Evolution Hypothesis ; in the Undulation of Light and the Lumiuiferous Ether — and in the Atomic Constitution of Matter." "Now then about Providence?'' "I will answer you in the words of that Priest of Science, John W. Draper, my revered instruc- tor in chemistry : 'There is no such thing as Providence, for nature proceeds under irresis- Dr. Charles A. DusiNBEKBE was born at Warwick, Orange County, New York, October 20, 1823. His father," William V. Dusin- berre, engaged in mercantile pursuits at Corn- wall-on-Hudson, and married Mary, daughter of Daniel Jessup, of Florida, Orange County. His grandfather, Daniel C. Dusinberre, was an extensive farmer near Edenville, Orange Coun- ty, and one of the early settlers of that section. Dr. Dusinberre's early education was derived by attendance at a private school taught by /^^^^ ^W tDt^ffa) tible laws. The vital force which pervades the world is what the illiterate call God.' " In politics the doctor is intensely Republi- can ; and believes the republic is to be pre- served and perpetuated only through the prin- ciples of its party. Dr. Reed married, in 1852, Caroline W., daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia Bliss, of Brattleboro, Vt. His only child is Ada Car- rie, w r ife of Louis J. Dorflinger, of Hones- dale. Rev. Jonathan Silliman, of Canterbury, Orange County, New York, in which he received care- ful instruction in the English branches of study. He subsequently served as a clerk in his father's store for several years, and then began the study of medicine with Dr. George C. Blackmail, of Canterbury, by whose advice his attention was directed to the profession. Dr. Blackmau was a prominent physician and surgeon, and subsequently filled the chair of surgery at the Cincinnati Medical College. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. While pursuing his medical studies with Dr. Blackmail, Dr. Dusinberre attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, for two winters, but owing to his father's failing health he was obliged to discontinue his studies, and go with him to Key West, Florida, in the hope that the change would prove bene- ficial to him. Returning in the spring of 1845, he taught school in Orange County for about two years, and in the fall of 1847 resumed his attendance upon the lectures of the Medical College. At this time the disease commonly known as " ship-fever," a low type of typhus fever, was prevailing to a serious extent on Ward's Island, and a call was made upon the college for medical assistance. Among the students who volunteered to go to the succor of the afflicted was Dr. Dusinberre, who soon after was stricken down with fever himself, and nar- rowly escaped with his life. After his recovery he returned to Ward's Island and resumed his labors and practice in the hospital at that place. In the spring of 1849 he was graduated as Doctor of Medicine at the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, and April 24th following was appointed to the position of temporary resident physician to the Nursery Hospital, on Randall's Island, taking the place of Dr. Win- terbottom, who was obliged to go South because of impaired health. Before receiving this ap- pointment Dr. Dusinberre was compelled to pass examination before the medical board of Blackwell's Island, his commission, upon rec- ommendation of the board, being signed by Mayor W. J. Havemeyer. He continued to occupy that responsible place until the appoint- ment of Dr. Henry M. Whittlesey as the regu- lar incumbent, and on July 1, 1849, respond- ed to the call for assistants at the almshouse on Blackwell's Island, during the terrible cholera scourge of 1849. In December of that year he succeeded his old preceptor, Dr. Blackmail, as surgeon on the ship "Constellation," one of the Kermit Line of emigrant vessels, plying between New York and Liverpool. The "Constellation" was at that time the largest packet-ship run- ning between those points. Not finding this position congenial to his tastes and aspirations, he made but one trip, and in March, 1850, lo- cated in the practice of his profession at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Soon after he removed to Rossville, Staten Island, where he practiced for five years. In the fall of 1855 he began the practice of his profession in New York City, and remained there until Juue, 1857. On March 7, 1856, while in practice in New York, he was appointed by the managers of the North- western Dispensary one of the attendant phy- sicians at that institution. In June, 1857, he bought the practice of Dr. N. F. Marsh, of Honesdale, Wayne County, Pa., and removed to that place, where he has continued to enjoy a high reputation as a practitioner of medicine and surgery for more than a quarter of a cen- tury, and where lie is held in great respect and esteem by a large circle of acquaintances. He has no special theories, aside from the general creeds of his profession, to guide him in his practice, but has always aimed to perform his professional work in a conscientious and un- ostentatious manner. For many years he has been the surgeon of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, resident at Honesdale, and held the position of pension examiner under the government, from 1865 until displaced by the change of administration, in 1885. For nine years he was a member of the School Board of Honesdale, for six years president of that body. In June, 1852, he married Eliza- beth S., daughter of Richard Conner, of Staten Island, an old family there, whose ancestors at one time owned nearly one-third of the island. He has three sons living, viz.: Henry W., editor of a newspaper at Jonesboro, Tenn. ; Charles C, residing in Honesdale ; and Richard, who is engaged in the cultivation of oranges in Florida. Consider King, M.D. (1797-1867), came from Greene County, N. Y., about 1856 and settled at Honesdale, where he practiced his profession successfully for some ten years. He was appointed and served as a member of the first board of examiners for examining army recruits at the beginning of the late Civil War at Honesdale, and died some two years after its close. Dr. William F. Denton, who practiced in Honesdale for many years, was born at War- WAYXK COUNTY 211 wick, in Orange County, N. Y., on December 15, 1815. When about twenty-one years of age he received an injury which confined him for some time, made active exercise impractica ble and eventually changed the whole course of his life. It was this which led to his studying medicine. He began reading under the direc- tion of Dr. Coe and Dr. Stanley, of ( >range County, and commenced practice at Rockaway, L. I., but in December, 1839, he came to Honesdale, where the remainder of his life was spent. His physical constitution was nat- urally weak, and he obtained so large a practice that it proved a sufficient burden to break down his health, so that he died a young man, in his forty-fourth year, on November 19, 185!t. He was the first person buried in Glen Dyberry Cemetery, Honesdale, his remains being interred upon November 21st, two days after his death. Dr. Denton had married, on June 5, 1844, Miss Mary Schofield, of Honesdale, who still sur- vives. They were the parents of four children, of whom Samuel, the eldest, died September 11, 1866, in the United States army ; Mary Emma became the wife of William Taylor, of San Francisco ; Joseph S., is a druggist of Baltimore; and William F. died in childhood. A friend who knew him well says of Dr. Denton: "As a physician lie studied all systems and followed none, . . . drew his remedies from every source within his reach, irrespective of authority, and applied them with a judgment which constituted the basis of his success. . . . In social life he was genial and companionable, and, when aroused from his habitually medi- tative mood, exhibited a remarkably fine flow of spirits and manifested a hearty appreciation of congenial qualities in others. Busied as he was in his professional life, he still found time for other pursuits, and his knowledge extended over a wide and varied range of subjects. But it was as a man that he achieved his great suc- cess. The nobility of his soul and the great- ness of heart he lived out in a life of beautiful symmetry and proportion. It was alike mani- fest in the good that he loved and the wrong that he hated. . . . No man ever faced death with more calm composure or more quiet resig- nation." J. Hawley OLMSTEAD was born in Bethany January, 1823, and was the son of Deacon Os- born Olmstead. In his youth he is remem- bered as a bright, witty, intelligent, athletic boy, the admiration of his fellows. From 1832 to 1844 he had the advantages of an education afforded by the Beech Woods Academy, of his native borough, under such instructors as Ed- mund L. Reed, Benjamin Dimock, Rev. H. C. Nash, Morley, Wood et at., and completed his literary studies at the High School of Rev. Wil- lard Richardson, commencing the study of med- icine at the end of this year in the office of Dr. Edwin Graves. He had early in life acquired a musical education, both vocal and instru- mental, and up to tli is time such was hi> social connection in his native place that at all such gatherings his presence was necessary. In the autumn of 184(5 he matriculated at the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York, attended two full courses of medical lectures there, and received the degree of M.D. in March, 1848. He com- menced practice immediately with his former preceptor in Honesdale, and married Miss Mary, daughter of E. Patmor, Esq., in 1852. In 1856 he was appointed post surgeon in the United States Army ; was stationed in Texas three years, and upon being relieved, entered into co-partnership with his brother, Dr. J. C. Olm- stead, of Dundaff, Pa. His health failing, he returned to the old family homestead at Bethany, where he died of consumption in June, 1861. His wife survived him but one year. Their only child and daughter, Mary, married James Babson. Dr. George B. Curtis was born in Beth- any February 4, 1835, and died in Hawley June 9, 1884. He was the son of Rev. H. Cur- tis, a clergyman of the Baptist Church of that place, and had three brothers and two sisters. On arriving at proper age he was sent to the schools of the different grades in his native vil- lage, completing his literary course at the Uni- versity of Northern Pennsylvania. Having decided to become a medical man, he commenced his studies with Dr. King, of Honesdale, aud after complying with the requi- sitions of the University of Pennsylvania, at 212 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, graduated at that institution in March, 1858. The same year he formed a partnership with an old aud respectable practi- tioner of Hawley, Dr. H. L. Stearns, with whom he practiced three years, then followed his profession alone until the time of his death. Dr. Curtis in 1862 married Miss Augusta Cook, daughter of John A. Cook, of Ledge- dale. They had three sons and four daughters, viz.: John H., Augustus C, Eugene, Nellie, Harriet, Margaret, Julia. The eldest, Dr. John H., is a graduate of the New York City Uni- versity, and promises to become a worthy suc- cessor of his father. Dr. Curtis was truly one of the respectable of the profession. His religious faith was that of his esteemed father, and of his character, vir- tue was the foundation and ethics the test. Guilty of no vicious habit, he was always relia- ble, always found in the same place, gradually rising in the estimation of his professional con- freres, the respect of his patients and confidence of the people. In the practice of medicine he was faithful, and in the department of surgery he performed some of the capital operations successfully. When unemployed lie was eco- nomical of his time, his leisure hours being spent in the perusal of medical journals, and he often furnished articles for them. He was a respected member of the " Tri-States Medical Society," of Port Jervis, N. Y., and at his death that body selected Dr. Dingman, of Haw- ley, his colleague and fellow-townsman to deliver a memorial address, in which Dr. Curtis is de- scribed as " considerably above the medium height, of rather a large frame, light features, light hair aud a fair complexion. His counte- nance wore a serious aud thoughtful expression, but was often lighted up with smiles during social and friendly intercourse. His manner was composed and quiet, but always courteous, and his whole deportment that of a refined gen- tleman." Abram Coolbaugh Dingman, M.D., was born at Dingman's Ferry, on the Delaware, in Pike County, Pa., September 18, 1843. His early life was spent on the home farm, where he had the usual opportunity of attending the district school, but later was*, close student at the Deckertown Academy, N. J. Inclining to the profession of medicine rather than a busi- ness life, in 1862 he borrowed some medical works from Dr. Gratton, of Monroe County, and during his leisure hours from other duties ap- plied himself to study and reading, which he continued more or less without a tutor for over two years. In 1865 he began reading medicine in the office of Dr. P. F. Fulmer, of Dingman's Ferry, took two regular courses of lectures at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and was graduated at that institution in the class of 1867. In Au- gust following, Dr. Dingman settled at Hawley, Wayne County, where his success in the diag- nosis and treatment of disease was soon fully es- tablished, and where his field of practice rap- idly widened. He has continued the duties of his profession at Hawley since, a period of nearly twenty years, and enjoys the confidence of a large circle of the most intelligent and thoughtful peo- ple in the community. He established a drug-store at Hawley upon settling there, which he has conducted in connection with his other business and general practice of medicine. He has been a member of the board of pension examiners for Wayne County since July, 1885, and of the Tri-States Medical Society, of which he was a charter member, since 1872. Since his residence at Hawley Dr. Dingman has taken a zealous interest in all local matters tending to the growth aud proper development of the place, in its educational work and civil government. For several years he has been an influential factor in the political field of Wayne; held the office of treasurer of Palmyra township in 1881 aud 1882, and was elected burgess of Hawley in February, 1885. He married, in 1876, Josephine, daughter of Joseph A. Dow, a locomotive engineer, and Mary (Homans) Dow, of Windsor, Broome County, N. Y. They have one child, Nellie Dingman, aud Mrs. Ding- man has an only sister, Annie Dow. Her pa- ternal grandfather was Rev. Joseph Dow, who settled at Mount Pleasant, Wayne County, from New England, aud who died in Susquehanna County, Pa. Her maternal grandfather was John Homans, a lumberman, of Windsor, aud WAYNE COUNTY. 213 her great-grandfather was the progenitor of the family in this country from Holland. Andrew Dingmau, the progenitor of the Ding- mans in Pike County, was born at Kinderhook, on the Hudson, in 1711, and came to "Ding- man's choice" in 1735, where he was the pioneer settler. His sou Andrew resided on the Jersey side of the Delaware, but subsequent- ly removed to Dingman's Ferry, where his father had made a beginning. He was captain man (1775-1862), only son of Andrew, inherited his father's estate at the " Ferry," and carried on the lumber business and merchandising there during a large part of his active life. He was a leading and influential man socially and politically, and a Democrat of the Andrew Jackson type. He was the first elected sheriff of Wayne County, in 1801, and the second holding the office, and served in the State Legislature from ~4, 4- c^frvV?/2^«* of a company aud served in the struggle for the independence of the colonies, and after living to see the country again engaged in a war with England in 1812, he survived many years thereafter, aud died in 1839, at the age of eigh- ty-three years. His wife was Jane Westbrook, who bore him two children, — Daniel W. Dingman and Cor- nelia, who became the wife of Daniel Van Et- ten, who resided at Connashaw, where the Van Etten family homestead was. Daniel W. Diug- | 1808 to 1814, during which time Pike County was token from Wayne, and he gave the new county its name, from General Pike, a hero of the War of 1812, aud he also gave Dingman township its name. He was associate judge of Pike County for twenty-six years in succes- sion, and was chosen one of the electors in the election of President Monroe. His wife, Mary Westbrook (1777-1852), a daughter of Benjamin Westbrook, of Sussex County, N. J., bore him children as follows : 214 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIKS. PENNSYLVANIA. Martin W.; Andrew ; Daniel W., Jr., the first Whig prothonotary of Pike County, appointed by Governor Joseph Ritner ; Cornelia, wife of Garret Brodhead, of Dingman's Ferry ; Mar- garet, wife of Abrani Coolbaugh, of Shawnee, Monroe County ; and Jane, wife of Franklin Brodhead. Of these children, only Andrew and Margaret survive in 1886, the latter being eighty-five years of age. Andrew, son of Daniel W. Dingman, was born on the homestead, on Christmas day, 1804, where he has followed farming and lumbering most of his active life. He now, at the age of eighty-one years, is hale and hearty, and his correct habits through life, his even temperament and quiet ways, together with his integrity in all the relations of life's work, have gained the esteem of all who know him. His wife, Caroline (1804-85), was a daughter of Jed ediah Say re, a large real estate owner of Deckertowu, X. J., and her mother was Elizabeth Reifsnyder, of the same place. Their children are : Mary, wife of John W. Kilsby, a farmer at Dingman's Ferry; Susan, wife of John W. Mclnnis, of Columbus, < )hio; E . Sayre, of Scrantou ; Jane resides with her brother at Hawley ; Margaret, wife of John Lattimore, of Dingman's Ferry ; Daniel AY., of Flatbrookville, Sussex ( 'ounty, N. J.; Alfred S., ofMilford; William H., of Columbus, Ohio ; Dr. A. C, subject of this sketch ; and Isaac, of Dingman's Ferry. Robert W. Brady, M.D., physician and surgeon, was born in New York City, May 31 >, 1842. He obtained his early education from ■books in the schools at Honesdale, and at the Bethany Academy. Preparatory to the study of medicine, at the age of fifteen, he entered the drug store of Reed Brothers,, at Honesdale, as a clerk, where he remained one year, and after a short residence in Scrantou, to which place his parents removed, lie returned and served as a drug clerk for one year more in the same store, with the firm of Gilbert, Palmer & Reed. At about the age of nineteen he began the study of medicine with the late eminent physician, Dr. Adonijah Strong, of Honesdale, attended two courses of lectures at the Albany Medical •College, from which institution he was gradu- ated in the spring of 1863. The late Civil War being then in progress, and the necessities of the hospitals and field service requiring all the medical aid at the command of the government, Dr. Brady accepted the appointment of assistant surgeon One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Regi- ment New York Volunteers, Eighteenth Army ('dips, under General Smith, and at once re- ported to Fortress Monroe for duty. He followed the fortunes of war as a field surgeon with his army corps until May, 1864, when he was taken prisoner at Drury's Bluff, at the time General Butler was making an at- tempt to capture Richmond. As a prisoner he served at Castle Thunder, a rebel prison at Richmond for Yankee pris- oners, for a few weeks, and was transferred to the famous " Libby Prison," where he remain- ed, in common with others enduring everything incident to that horribly and inhumanly kept rebel prison, for three months. Fortunately for him, he was exchanged at Aiken's Land- ing, went to Annapolis, and was given a fur- lough of twenty days, which he spent at home in recruiting his strength and with his friends. He returned to duty with his old regiment, in September, in front of Petersburg, Va., where he remained all winter, and until the surrender of General Lee and the fall of Richmond, and he recites marching into the latter city on the morning of April 3, 1805, when a part of the city and its three bridges crossing the James River were all on fire. After the fill of Rich- mond, General Gibbons assigned Dr. Brady to duty on his staff as medical purveyor of the Twenty-fourth Army Corps, which had been formed from the depleted troops of the Eigh- teenth and Tenth Army Corps. After a short service in this position he was mustered out of his regiment, and commissioned a surgeon of the Ninety-sixth Regiment New York Volun- teers, with the rank of major, and served the regiment in this capacity, doing provost duty through Virginia and Tennessee, until Febru- ary 1866, when he was mustered out of the ser- \ iee and returned to Honesdale. Iu January, prior to the close of his services, Dr. Brady had obtained a furlough, and at Honesdale married Miss Esther, a daughter of William (1815- Ah, /B.7ffiU*-> with tlie playful toast : " Our New York stock- holders, may they continue Stillwell and their Flowers never be less. Rev. H. A. Rowland, John Shouse, Esq., of Pike County, George G. 'Waller, Esq., and others then made brief remarks, appropriate to the occasion, and alluding to the satisfactory finishing of the work. In the fall of 1845 Paul S. Preston, Asa Kimble, Alexander Calder, E. W. Hamlin, T. H. R. Tracy, Z. H. Russell, Amory Prescott, Israel Chapman, R. L. Seeley and Edward Murray gave notice in the Democrat that books would be opened at the house of A. Calder, in Equinunk, and A. Field, in Honesdale, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the stock of the company for constructing a turnpike from Honesdale to Equinunk. The measure was practically realized. Early Mail Arrangements axd First P< >s t-< ) ffk'ES. — There were no post-offices in the vicinity of Wayne County when the county was erected, and none in what is now Wayne County earlier than 1811. The early settlers sent and received most of their letters by acquaintances traveling to where the letters were desired to go. In 1797 and 1798 residents of Mt. Pleasant directed their correspondents to address their letters to Beech Woods, Northampton County, to remain in Wilkes- Barre post-office until called for. In 1802 a mail-route was established from Lancaster, by Reading, Bethlehem and Strouds- burg, to Milford, and in December, 1803, ar- rangements were entered upon to have a " post- carrier," at private expense, to convey mail matter from Stroudsburg to Bethany and re- turn once in two weeks. This arrangement went into effect early in 1804, Jesse Walker being engaged for the service. After the removal of the courts to Bethany, as there had previously been a post-office estab- lished at Milford, mails for Bethany were sent to Milford " to be called for." In June, 1808, an agreement was entered in- to by some of the principal business men of Bethany and Milford to take turns in carrying mail matter both wavs between those towns once in two weeks, gratuitously, and the days were designated when each was to perform the service. Much pains have been taken to obtain ac- curate information about the first post-offices and mail accommodations in Wayne County, and it is believed the following statement is correct, unless in the matter of the month in which some post-offices were established. The first post-office established in Wayne County (then including Pike) was Milford, es- tablished about January 1, 1803. In 1810, as the turnpikes from Newburgh to Great Bend were being completed, a mail-route was established " from Danbury, Conn., by Fish kill Landing and New Burgh, to Chenango Point." This was designed to follow the turnpikes named. In February, 1811, post-offices were estab- lished on this route, at Cochecton, on the New York side of the Delaware, and at Mt. Pleasant, in Wayne County. John Granger was the first postmaster at Mt. Pleasant. The transportation of the mails on that route began early in 1811. A 7 erv soon after this an application was made for a post-office at Bethany, and mail service from Mt. Pleasant by Bethany to Milford, returning by Salem and Providence. Post-offices were established in May, 1811, at Bethany, with Solomon Moore, postmaster ; Lackawack (Paupuek settlement) John Ansley, postmaster; Salem, Theodore Woodbridge, post- master. Iu 1813 a post-office was established at the Narrows of Lackawaxen, with Wm. Kimble postmaster. The succeeding offices in Wayne County were : Sterling, 1810, Phineas Howe, postmaster. Mount Republic, 1819, Alva W. Morton, postmaster. Canaan, 1819, Horace Lee, postmaster (afterwards changed to Clarksville, and later to Waymart). Cherry Ridge, 1S24, Thomas Lindsay, postmaster. Palmyra, 1824, Royal Taft, postmaster. Damascus, 1824, William H. Clark, postmaster. Indian Orchard, 1828, Cornelius Coryell, postmaster. Honesdale, 1828, Charles Forbes, postmaster. Scott, 1829, G. Williams, postmaster. South Canaan, about 1829, John H. Beden, post- master. Starrucea, about 1830, David Spoor, postmaster. 220 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. Tallmanville, about 1830, Elihu Tallman, post- master. Rileyville, 1832, John C. Riley, postmaster. East Sterling, 1833, William Bortree, postmaster. Brompton, 1834, Edward Jenkins, postmaster. Priceville, 1837, Stephen Price, postmaster. Big Equinunk, 1837, Francis Walker, postmaster. Eldred, 1837, James Smith, postmaster. Paupack Eddy (now Hawley), 1837, James S. Bas- sett, postmaster. Big Eddy (now Narrowsburg, N. Y.), 1837, John Pintler, postmaster. Hill Top, 1837, John Richards, postmaster. Preston, 1838, David Underwood, postmaster. Red Rock, 1838, William Rockwell, postmaster. Summitville, 1838, Clark Gardner, postmaster. Purdyville (discontinued in 1847), 1839, R. R. Purdy, postmaster. South Sterling, 1839, Richard Gilpin, postmaster. Ashland, 1844, Isaac Doughty, postmaster. Galilee, 1848, P. P. Brigham, postmaster. Buck Ridge, 1848, William Stevens, postmaster. Hawley, 1849, H. B. Hayes, postmaster. Aldenville, 1850, I. T. Alden, postmaster. White Mills, 1850, A. M. Atkinson, postmaster. Ariel, 1851, W. L. Lesher, postmaster. East Hawley, 1852, E. Richardson, postmaster. Rock Lake, 1854, Arthur Conner, postmaster. Stephenson's Mills, 1854, Oliver Stephenson, post- Dyberry, 1854, E. B. Kimble, postmaster. Hopedale, 1855, Gottlieb F. Ochler, postmaster. Berlin Centre, 1855, John W. Seaman, postmaster. Hollisterville, 1856, Alanson Hollister, postmaster. Middle Valley, 1856, Lyman Loomis, postmaster. Purdyville (re-established), 1857, Abbot N. Purdy, postmaster. Jericho (now Lake Como), 1858, G. Wainwright, postmaster. Ledge Dale, 1858, Jesse B. Parker, postmaster. Newfoundland, 1858, George Lancaster, postmaster. Cascade, 1858, G. Stephenson, postmaster. Tanner's Falls, 1858, H. Richtmyre, postmaster. Cold Spring, 1858, J. R. Mitchell, postmaster. Milanville, 1861, J. Howard Beach, postmaster. Sand Cut, 1861, John L. Simons, postmaster. Hemlock Hollow, 1868, A. J. Roloson, postmaster. West Damascus, 1869, George Welch, postmaster. Arlington, 1870, James Osborn, postmaster. White's Valley, 1871, Joseph L. Terrell, postmaster. Shuman, 1872, H. Brunig, postmaster. Hine's Corners, 1873, M. F. Hine, postmaster. Scott Centre, 1873, A. M. Earley, postmaster. Seelyville, 1873, Gustav Smith, postmaster. Ball's Eddy, 1873, Joseph B. Stalker, postmaster. Stanton Hill (now Island Pond), 1875, S. E. Stan- ton, postmaster. Girdland, 1876, John R. Budd, postmaster. Haidee, 1876, Mary J. Tallman, postmaster. Autumn Leaves, 1876, George H. Belknap, post- master. Li/.ard Lake, 1877, W. Salsbury, postmaster. Niagara, 1878, Thomas Alexander, postmaster. Tyler Hill, 1878, David Fortman, postmaster. Carley Brook, 1879, Frederick Brunig, postmaster. After the cou.struction of the leading turnpike roads the mails and passengers were principally transported by post-coaches, until the construc- tion of the railroads in the vicinity of Wayne County, when they were very generally trans- ported on such railroads to the offices near them. Such offices as were not convenient to rail- road routes have been supplied by short cross routes either in wagons or on horseback, some daily and others varying in frequency down to weekly mails. The Delawark and Hudson Canal Company. — The value of anthracite as a heat- ing agent was first successfully demonstrated by Judge Jesse Fell, of Wilkes-Barre, in 1808, but his experiments produced not the wild excite- ment they would had the future of anthracite been foreseen, and awakened only a mild inter- est throughout the valley and induced a few individuals to look with more favor than they had previously upon the "black stuff" that cropped out along the streams and littered the soil. No coal was sold j in the country for a number of years, for although the blacksmiths learned to use it, they went to the places where it was exposed, gathered all they wanted and carried it away with as little concern as one now might appropriate dry leaves from the forest. Use of anthracite was stimulated by the scarcity of charcoal during and after the War of 1812. Colonel Hollenback, of Wilkesbarre, sent two wagon-loads of" stone coal," as it was called, to Philadelphia, a portion of which was bought by William Wurts, a merchant of that city, who, with his elder brother, Maurice, was quite favorably impressed with the novel fuel. The Wurts brothers seem to have very early real- ized that anthracite must in time become an im- portant article of commerce and determined to place themselves in a position to profit by it, for as early as 1812 we find these city-born and city-bred merchants toiliugly and patiently ex- ploring the mountain wilderness of Pennsyl- WAYNE COUNTY. 227 vania in a practical, painstaking search for the true philosopher's stoue. Following the Le- high from Mauch Chunk far up into the for- est to its very head-waters in the Pocono marsh, only to be baffled in their search for a new and unclaimed coal-field, they struck at length into the almost equally wild and sparsely settled valley in which the Lackawanna runs, and without any previous knowledge of the region, traversed it for months, seeking everywhere for traces of the buried treasure. If, with clear, prophetic vision, those men toiling through heat and cold in the dreary forest that clothed mountain and valley, braving danger and pri- vation, could have seen the busy, bustling city of Scranton and all the thriving villages of the valley, and over in the valley of the Lacka- waxen another as fair as the land can boast, all to be created by the mighty and good genii they were to liberate, they could not have la- bored more zealously and effectively than they did. Somewhere along the Lackawanna one of the Wurtses fell in with a nomadic hunter, David Nobles, who, to avoid imprisonment for debt, had fled from Wayne County and taken refuge in the woods, where he gained a precarious liv- ing with dog and rifle. Mr. Wurts aided him ■with money, employed him to hunt for him and to bring knapsacks of provisions from Canaan township, in Wayne County, and took upon a debt a small tract of wild land which he had owned. Apropos of this transaction, Hon. Paul S. Preston, of Stockport, wrote as follows in a letter to the Auburn (N. Y.) Daily Adver- tiser of January 19, 1849: " In the year 1814 I heard my father tell Maurice Wurts, in Market Street, Philadelphia, 'Maurice, thee must hold on to that lot on the Lackawanna that you took for a debt of David Nobles ; it will be very valuable some day, as it has stone-coal on it and under it. ' " After buying and obtaining the refusal of several tracts of land on which they found " black stones," the Wurtses began looking about for a route by which they could carry anthracite to the market. By measuring the distances and observing the depth and current of the streams flowing eastward from the I Moosic Mountains, they found the Wallenpau- pack and the Lackawaxen offered the best en- couragement to the plan of reaching Xew York. It was the intention of the explorers to make the greater part of their purchases in the vicinity of Providence and Capoose, but the lands there were more fertile and better culti- vated than those farther up in the valley, and their owners were unwilling to part with them for less than five dollars per acre. Hence they sought the region of the Ragged Islands and studied upon passing the mountains by Eixe's rather than Cobb's Gap, and thus it became possible for Honesdale to be developed upon the hazel and hemlock-covered ground at Dy- berry Forks. Otherwise that locality might have remained a pathless thicket until cleared for simple agricultural purposes. Another reason which influenced the projectors of this coal enterprise to choose the more north- ern outlet was the superior advantage that it possessed over the southern or Cobb's Gap route. By 1816 a small quantity of anthracite had been mined, a portion of which the Wurts brothers attempted to place in a reluctant mar- ket. Their friend, David Nobles, was engaged through the whole summer of that year in clearing Jones' Creek, a small westerly affluent of the Wallenpaupack, heading about eight miles from the mines, from logs and driftwood. When this had been done two sled-loads of coal, which had been drawn over the mountains, was loaded upon a raft and with much difficulty floated down the stream a short distance, when the frail craft was caught upon a projecting rock, whirled round in the rapid current and its precious cargo wrecked. It had been the purpose of the proprietor to steer the raft down the Wallenpaupack and the Lackawaxen to the Delaware and thence to Philadelphia. A some- what different and more successful attempt was made a little later. This time the coal was drawn on sledges over the old Connecticut road, a distance of twenty miles, to the Wal- lenpaupack, shipped on rafts to Wilsonville, thence conveyed in wagons to Paupack Eddy, and there, being transferred to arks, floated to Philadelphia. This mode of transport^- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tiou, however, was altogether too laborious and expensive to be practicable. Hence the efforts of the indomitable pioneers in the grand drama of progress were directed solely to Rixe's Gap and the Lackawaxen. The following letter to Col. Sylvanus Seely, of Seely's Mills, fixes the date when the final direction of the great scheme was determined : " Philadelphia, April 29, 1818. " Col. S. Seely : " />r,ir ,s)V.- Feeling interested in the road contem- plated to be cut from the Luzerne and Wayne County line near Rixe's Gap to Kimball's Eddy ' (which is three miles below your mill), for which an unsuc- cessful application was made to the court, perhaps a year ago, and was to be renewed last Fall, we would take it a particular favor if you would inform us, per return of mail, whether the court has granted a road to be opened on that route, and if so, say whether it is already cut or not; if not cut out, when it will be, or if it is not granted, should like to know when the next court will set, and your opinion of the prospects of obtaining a grant. " Also what sum you suppose would be sufficient to open it so as to make it a good sled road. If my im- pression is correct, yourself and others computed the distance from Kimball's Eddy to Rixe's Gap at six or seven miles, as the road would run. Please say whether this is correct. " Please also to inform us what extent of time the sledding in your neighborhood and towards Rixe's lasted for the three last winters, and what sum you should suppose it would cost per ton to cart the dis- tance of twelve miles on such a road as that would be in sledding time. " Please also to state how the freshes have been on the Lackawaxen for the last three years ; how many days in the year you suppose the water would do to run, and how many inches deep you usually run lumber down that stream, and also what length and width. " M. and W. WURTS. " P. S. — We would thank you to state what length, width and depth can run the Delaware, and what it usually costs to navigate a large raft from Paupaek Eddy to Philadelphia. " Your immediate answer to this will confer a very particular favor on your assured friends. " M. axd W. W." The Wurtses began operations with a view to using this Rixe's Gap road, and by the autumn of 1822, in spite of almost insurmountable ob- stacles, had mined nearly a thousand tons of '■At the southern end of the borough of Honesdale. coal ; but the winter was mild, the snow fall light, and they succeeded in sledding only about one hundred tons over the mountains. The road lay through Cherry Ridge township, and the coal being brought over it to White Mills, was there loaded on pine rafts and floated to Philadelphia. That city, however, was more readily accessible by the coal companies which had been fostered into some degree of strength in the Lehigh and Schuylkill regions, and the market was abandoned by the Lackawanna mine-owners, who now saw that they must reach New York if they would profitably dis- pose of their commodity, and thus arose the idea which a few years later had tangible form in the Delaware and Hudson Canal. In the meantime, in 1822, it is interesting to note that Carbondale had received its name from the Wurtses, before the spot so designated upbore upon its rocky soil a single house or cabin. The name was compounded by these gentlemen in Philadelphia, who marked upon a two-horse lumber-wagon in which they sent to the scene of their mining operations a load of tools, powder and camp paraphernalia, the le- gend " Carbondale, one hundred and forty-three miles from Philadelphia, on the Lackawanock River, Luzerne County, Penna." The driver was directed to the site of the future town by D. Yarrington, who was staying at the Mountain House, an obscure inn on the Moosic, in Rixe's Gap, and happened to remember that he had seen some strange fellows, accredited with vague notions about stone coal, digging in the woods down by the Lackawanna, and surmised that the supplies and camp equipage were designed for them. In pursuance of their scheme of ultimately reaching the New York market, and in recogni- tion of the necessity, as a preliminary step, of lessening the danger and uncertainty of sending coal to the Delaware, these gentlemen interested themselves in procuring the passage of an act by the Pennsylvania Legislature " authorizing Maurice Wurts to improve the navigation of the river Lackawaxen." The act was duly ap- proved on the 13th of March, 1823. Benjamin Wright, chief engineer of the Erie Canal, was engaged by Maurice and William WAYNE COUNTY. 229 Wurts, in May, 1823, to take measures to have a proper survey or running level carried over the country from " tide-water of the Hudson River, at the mouth of the Wallkill, up the valley of the Rondoitt and thence over to the Delaware River, and thence up the same to the confluence of the Lackawaxen to a point as near to the coal mine as possible," in order to ascertain the practicability of constructing- a canal along the route or providing a system of slack-water navigation, and fur the purpose of securing a basis for an estimation of the cost of such work. As Mr. Wright could not well dis- engage himself from his duties in connection with Governor Clinton's favorite enterprise, he deputized Colonel J. L. Sullivan and John B. Mills, two experienced civil engineers, to make the survey. During the summer and fall of 1823 the surveys were made under the immedi- ate supervision of the coal-mine proprietors, and a map of the region and the route was shortly afterwards produced to assist in awakening the interest of Philadelphia and New York capital- ists, who had no other knowledge of the obscure coal-fields than they could gain from it. This old map exhibited the main coal open- ing or mine as being one hundred and twenty- one miles from the Hudson, near the river Lackawaxen, and four or five miles from Keen's Pond, in the State of Pennsylvania, where were sundry tracts of land containing inexhaustible quantities of the best quality of stone coal. Seven localities were designated where coal had been discovered, five of them being around the log cabin in Carbondale, one below the falls, near Wagner's Gap (Archbald), and the remain- ing one on the farm of James Anderson, in Providence township, twelve miles below Car- bondale. The main or northern mine was within the present limits of Carbondale, on the eastern bank of the Lackawauna. Honesdale was unmapped because not in existence, and the site of the flourishing city of Scranton was des- ignated simply as " Slocum's." On the map Rixe's Gap opened immediately east of Carbon- dale, and through it flowed the waters of one of the feeders of Keen's Pond, " lying but four or five miles from the northern mine," and the re- port of Messrs. Wright and Sullivan continued : " The distance is capable of a good road or rail- way and probably a canal. The waters of the Lackawanock (led from some distance above the valley) may possibly feed such a one ; not only connecting the mines of these proprietors but to a greater extent of navigation, as may be ap- parent on the map." Four ponds with an ag- gregate area of six hundred acres, lying east of Rixe's Gap, in Wayne < 'ounty, were indicated upon the map as Savanna, Keen's, Stanton's and Hoadley's. It was the original plan of the Messrs. Wurts to run the west branch of the Lackawaxen section of the canal as tar up as Captain Keen's pond, and farther still if it was found that the Lackawanock could be used as a feeder. It was even originally jiroposed by these gentlemen to make Cobb's Pond (Paupack Pond upon their map) the western terminus of the canal. This body of water, fed so copiously by unseen springs as to give an outlet equal to the canal requirements of that day, lies upon the summit of the Moosic Mountain, seven miles, in a direct line, from Scranton (Slocum's of that day), and was about five miles distant from the Providence mine. The plan of utilizing it was abandoned because the coal nearest that point was considered less valuable than that at Car- bondale, and because the proprietors could de- vise uo feasible way of ascending and descend- ing the steep mountain with canal-boats — that is, no way which would not have incurred an expense fatal to their project. Railroads were then unknown in America, and the Wurtses gave consideration only to the canal system of communication. The quantity of water held in the other ponds named was calculated as sufficient " to fill a lock one hundred and eleven times a day for two hundred days." The report says, that while " the head-waters of the Vanorca Branch of the Lackawaxen all concentrate at Captain Keen's pond, the middle creek which heads even nearer the coal mine than this pond, may possibly afford a shorter and better route than the West Branch. This will be a matter of inquiry before the work commences." Whether to ascend the Lackawaxen or the Wallen paupack was a seriously and long-con- sidered problem. " The Wallenpaupack," con- WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tinues the report, " at the distance of three miles has high falls and noble water privileges. Above Wilsonville the stream is gentle and deep for fourteen miles, through a rich and well-cultivated country. Its course is parallel to the range of mountains, on the opposite or west side of which the coal district lies — the survey was carried through a gap to the southernmost or third mine, but is a point yet to be settled, whether this route or Rixe's Gap will best command this part of the coal range. It appears to me very probable that, on an instrumental examination, it will be found that the Lackawanock may be led to feed a short canal, from the mine to Keen's, and there would be water enough for any quantity of business, using the lift.'''' This lift, the use of which was contemplated, was invented by Benjamin Dear- born, of Boston, and had never been built upon a large scale, but was intended to operate on the principle of a huge elevator, with weights and pulleys, to move canal-boats up or down the sides of hills or mountains where water was very scarce, or the height to be overcome so great as to make lockage impracticable. Engineer Sullivan was the agent of the inventor, and strongly urged the adoption of the lift on the ground of its time and water-saving advantages. The proprietors thought seriously of adopting this plan for the conveyance of boats over the mountain, between Carbondale and the Lacka- waxen or "Wallenpaupack, before a railroad was deemed feasible, or even, so far as is now known, seriously considered. Another measure, which the indefatigable pioneers of the Lackawanna coal region adopted to further their great project was the publica- cation of detailed estimates of the cost of pro- ducing anthracite coal, and placing it in the New York market. They undertook to prove to capitalists that coal could be delivered in New York at $3.84| per ton. Following is their presentation of the matter : " Quarrying, now 25 cents per ton, but as the excavation will become deeper assume 37$ Hauling, the distance from four to five miles; on a turnpike road a five- horse team will perform two trips with a load of 3 tons (according to experience in Pennsylvania). The daily expense of the team will be as follows : Five bushels of oats, usual price 25 cents — say 37 J cents . $1.87-} Sixteen pounds hay for each horse is So pounds per day for team ; the usual price, »5 to $7 per ton— say $10 36 Shoeing, $1.00 per month, each horse is for the team, $60 per annum, per day 20 Driver, per day 75 Loading 50 The team will labor but 300 days and the keeping for 65 days must be assesssed on the working days — each day 48 Thus the hauling of 6 tons will be 4.16 J Per ton 69i The use of a railway will diminish the expenses probably one half. Loading coal into canal boats .10 The length of the canal is 117 miles; a boat carrying 30 tons will go to the Hudson and return to the mines in in days; her expenses will be as lollows : 3 men, 10 days, at 75 cts 22.50 2 horses, 10 days, at 5(1 cts 10.00 Expense of keeping horses 65 days, to be assessed on the working days is T2 cents per day or per trip 2.20 Shoeing, $1.00 per month, each horse is 8 cents per day 80 For 30 tons $35.00 Per ton $1.18 "The canal-boats may navigate the Hudson. A steamboat of 50 horse- power will tow 10 of them, and if double-manned, will perform the trip to New York and back in two days ; the distance 100 miles. Estimate of her Expenses. 1 captain, $30 per mo., $1.16 per day... $2.32 1 mate, $25 per mo., 96 cts. per day .... 1.92 2 pilots, $30 each, $1.16 per day 4.64 2 engineers, $30 each, $1.16 per day 4.64 2 firemen, $25 each, 96 cts. per day 3.84 6 ord. hands, $12 each, 47 cts. per day 5.64 1 steward, $15 each, 58 cts. per day ... 1.16 1 cook, $12 47 cts. per day 94 Provisions, 2 days, at $6.00 per day .... 12.00 Coal, 6 tons per trip, $3.60 21.00 For 300 tons $58.70 Perton .19i Discharging the boats per ton .10 Cost of coal delivered in New York, exclusive of tolls, is $2-64J or less than 9i cents per bushel. WAYNE COUNTY. 231 Should the canal be made upon the Kingston route it would cost $1,300,- 000, the interest on which is $78,000 Boats. — The working clays on the canal may be estimated at 200 in a year ; to deliver 100,000 tons, 220 "boats would be necessary, allowing 5 days to the Hudson, 1 day to New York, 1 day to discharge and (5 days to return. They would cost $300 each 66,000 4 steamboats of 50 horse-power for tow- ing on the Hudson at $25,000 each.. 100,00(1 Teams. — For hauling coal there would be 300 working days; the 340 canal horses would be employed 200 days in hauling, in addition to which 33 five-horse teams would be necessary to deliver 100,000 tons of coal at the landing. The cost would be 305 horses at $50 to $70, say $100 $50,500 101 wagons at $60 to $70, say 100 10,000 101 sets of harness at $40 4,040 Tools for the mines..... 2,500 $67,140 $233,140 Interest on this sum $13,988 To renew and repair this stock, an an- nual fund of 10 per cent, should be allowed 23,314 Coal yard, and expense of management 3,000 Agent at the mine and his assistant 2,000 si 22,302 Thus to pay interest on the canal and the capital employed in bringing one hundred thousand tous to market and to apply an an- nual fund for keeping up the stock of boats, horses and wagons, aud to defray the expense of coal yard, &c, &c, an income would be re- quired in lieu of tolls of $122,302 or $1.20 per ton, which- added to $2.64i will make the coal cost, in New York, $3. 84 J- per ton, less than 14 cents per bushel. As most of the inhabitants of New York burned wood, it was calculated that fifty-eight thousand tons of coal would supply the city for a year, but the mine proprietors entertained a hope that cities and towns along the Hudson and elsewhere might make the annual demand as high as one hundred and fifty thousand tous. The Lehigh region was supplying Philadelphia with anthracite at eight dollars per ton, but it was thought that the proposed canal would give the Lackawanna a great advantage over the Lehigh region, shipment from which by the river, by means of arks which could not be re- turned to the mines, was both uncertain and costly. The Wurts brothers also gave the public, in pamphlet form, estimates of the cost of con- structing the canal by sections. The Lacka- waxen section of the canal, owing to the nar- rowness of the valley and the height of the river banks, it was thought, would be the most expensive of all, and it was estimated to cost $316,380. The cost of the whole canal was es- timated at $1 ,300,000. The quantity and qual- ity of the coal in the mines was favorably ex- hibited as being " worthy of the company pro- posed to be formed." It was about this time that Professor Griscom, of New York, was en- gaged to visit the Lackawanna mines, and he made a very laudatory report upon them. Maurice and William Wurts had toiled as intelligently and as indefatigably as ever did pioneers in an enterprise ahead of its age. They had spent ten of the best years of their lives, ex- pended a vast amount of energy and the greater part of their private fortunes, and they saw that after all they had done there was no hope of final success, except through the co-operation of a larger capital aud influence than they had thus far been able to command. Hence came the suggestion of forming what is now the mighty corporation known as the " Delaware and Hudson Canal Company." This company received the initial impetus of its life through official action, when the New York Legislature passed the incorporating act, April 23, 1823, but it did not come into fully organized being until two years later. The commissioners ap- pointed by the act to incorporate the " Delaware and Hudson Canal Company " were G. B. Vroom, Philip Hone, Lynde Catlin, Jonathan Thompson, Garret B. Abeel, George Janeway and Elisha Tibbits, of the city of New York ; George D. Wickham and Hector Craig, of Orange County ; Abraham Hasbrouck and John C. Broadhead, of Ulster County. The Messrs. Wurts wrote to the commis- sioners, — " The object of the proprietors of the 2:'.2 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. mines is to consolidate the whole concern in one company, to be formed and organized under the New York Act, and to transfer to that com- pany, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon, the rights, privileges and immun- ities granted by the Pennsylvania Legislature to Maurice Wurts, his heirs or assigns, and the bodies of coal belonging to the company." The original act incorporating the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company authorized the company " to make a canal between tide-water, on the Hudson, and the mouth of the Lacka- waxen, the dividing line between the States of New York and Pennsylvania," and fixed eight cents per ton per mile as the maximum toll for transporting stone-coal by it. Maurice ^'urts, by the Pennsylvania act of March 13, 1823, which had authorized him to improve the naviga- tion of the river Lackawaxen, had been grant- ed the privilege " to levy a toll on all commod- ities passing down that river, if improved by slack-water navigation, of twelve and a half cents per ton per lock." The act incorporating the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company further provided, " That the company by this name may sue and be sued, defend and be defended, in law and equity, in all courts whatsoever, may have and use a common seal, such as they shall devise, and the same may alter and change at pleasure, and may make and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations as shall from time to time ap- pear necessary and convenient for the good gov- ernment of said corporation and the due man- agement of their property and affairs." A supplemental act, passed by the New York Legislature April 7, 1824, enlarged the capital of the corporation from five hundred thousand dollars to fifteen hundred thousand dollars; and a second supplement, obtained in Novem- ber of the same year, permitted the company " to employ five hundred thousand dollars in the business of banking and to establish a bank- ing-house in the State of New York." The projectors of the canal scheme had now a strong case with which to go into the money market. They boldly displayed their magnifi- cent scheme. They offered rich and inex- haustible mines, the exclusive command of the coal trade in the direction of New York, and a bank charter. The profits on coal, they ar- gued, would be immense if it could be delivered in New York for less than four dollars per ton after paying all charges. It was then selling for ten or twelve dollars per chaldron. In Europe, as they represented, every canal sup- ported by the coal trade had yielded an abun- dant revenue, and their stock had risen a hun- dred, and in some cases a thousand per cent. The canal would be able to transport three hundred thousand tons per annum to market when in complete operation, and the profits of a few years would replace the capital expended. Besides, it would be in the power of the com- pany to monopolize the lumber trade of the Delaware and Lackawaxen and their tributaries. They would, while diverting from Philadel- phia a rich trade, augment the tolls of the canal, and at the same time aid in the commercial aggrandizement of New York. Such were, in brief, the arguments sounded persistently and earnestly before the capitalists of the metropo- lis, and backed by figures and practical expla- nations. In the charter of the company it had been provided that " when two thousand shares of stock were subscribed and five dollars per share of one hundred dollars paid in to the com- missioners for incidental expenses, then such persons subscribing and those who may there- after subscribe to the stock of the company. . . shall be and they hereby are made and consti- tuted a body politic and corporate by the name, style and title of ' The President, Managers and Company of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. ' " The most sanguiue anticipations -of the pro- jectors were soon realized. The way had been carefully prepared and so great a furore created in favor of the scheme that capital came to its assistance finally with a rush. The whole cap- ital stock of one million five hundred thousand dollars was quickly subscribed after the books were opened, in January, 1825, and the com- pany soon afterward became legally organized. The date which is memorable as that of the complete organization of the company was March 8, 1825. The stockholders then held in WAYNE COUNTY. New York their first meeting and elected the following officers and managers : President, Philip Hone ; Treasurer, Samuel Flewel- ling ; Managers, John Bolton, Philip Hone, Garret B. Abeel, Samuel Whittemore, Hezekiah B. Pier- pout, Rufus L. Lord, Benjamin W. Eogers, John Hunter, Thomas Tileston, William W. Russell, Wil- liam Calder, Henry Thomas, William H. Ireland. Pennsylvania jealousy of foreign individuals and corporations, more than once exhibited to- wards this company, officially and unofficially, manifested itself even before the organization was perfected. "On the 4th of February, 1825, Mr. Duncan, chairman of the committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, to whom was referred the resolutions relative to foreign corporations, made his report, which attracted much attention abroad. He argued " that a corporation of this State has not the power to hold lands in mort- main without the license of this commonwealth, and that lands conveyed to trustees named in the deeds of conveyance in trust, and for the uses of the company as declared in the deeds, are subject to forfeiture." This report was significant in relation to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, and it was thought advisable to procure the passage of adeclaratory special act in their favor. This work was placed in the hands of a new character in the drama of progress. John Wurts, was sent to Harrisburg and secured the passage of a bill making it lawful for " the President, Managers and Company of the Delaware and Hudson Ca- nal Company, by and with the consent of Mau- rice Wurts, his heirs or assigns, to improve the navigation of the river Lackawaxen, and of any one of its branches, in the same manner author- ized and provided by an act entitled ' an act to improve the navigation of the river Lackawax- en,' passed the 13th day of March, 1823, and that the said company shall hold and enjoy the same, as fully and effectually as the said Mau- rice Wurts, his heirs or assigns, might or could do, &c, &c.,and it shall be lawful for the said company to purchase and hold any quantity of lands, situate within ten miles of the river Lack- awanna, not exceeding five thousand acres." Thus the company came into being with an unclouded prospect of successorship to the priv- ileges that had beeu bestowed upon the pioneer projector of the mighty work. Up to this time not a shovelful of earth had been turned toward making the canal and no definite mode of crossing the mountain barrier to the coal-mines had been decided upon. The proposed enterprise, however, had become some- thing more than a fruitful theme for discus- sion. After organizing, the first act of the board of managers was " to engage the services of that able and experienced engineer, Benjamin Wright, Esq., and as his assistant, J. B. Jervis, Esq., who had been trained to the profession under Judge Wright, and whose ample knowl- edge of its duties do equal credit to his tutor and to his own talents." To these engineers the managers submitted the report of Colonel Sullivan, founded upon the survey of Mr. Mills, requesting them to examine the several routes prepared for the canal, and in due time the engineers recom- mended the construction of an independent canal, instead of a canal in part and a slack- water navigation in the Rondout, Delaware and Lackawaxen. They advised that the locks should be constructed of stone instead of wood, as had been previously suggested. The mana- gers in their first annual report (for the year 1825) said, " This more perfect navigation affording greater facilities and less liability to interruption than the original plan, to- gether with the cost of the more permanent locks, was estimated at about one million six hundred thousand dollars." They decided on prosecuting the work according to the recom- mendations of the engineers, and adopted the valley of the Rondout in which to locate the canal. They also " concluded a bargain with the members of the Lackawaxen Company for the purchase of their coal-mines in Pennsylva- nia, and the rights and privileges in that State for the sum of forty thousand dollars in cash and a deferred stock amounting to two hundred thousand dollars," and thus the individual in- terests of Maurice, William and John Wurts were merged into the common one of the com- pany. Thirty-four sections of the canal were adver- 234 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ti.sed to be let on the 13th of July, 1825. On that day the president, Philip Hone, attended by a large concourse of citizens, delivered au appropriate address and performed the ceremony of opening the ground on the summit level, forty miles from the Hudson River. Contracts weie at the same time made for all the sections prepared for letting, and while the con tractors were preparing their tools and collecting their laborers, the engineers continued their work of locating the remainder of the line. At several subsequent periods portions of the work were let between the summit and the Hudson River, aud on the 6th of December, 1825, the remain- der of the line was placed under contract. So the great work was begun and fairly under way as the first quarter of the century came to a close. No company or corporation on the con- tinent had, under similar circumstances, ever entered upon a task of such magnitude, or one requiring so much capital, deliberation and good management to insure its successful completion. The heavy expenditures for cutting tin- canal had well-nigh exhausted the funds of the com- pany, but the State of New York, guided by the wise policy of Governor De Witt Clinton, passed a bill giving a loan of the credit of the State for five hundred thousand dollars. This was granted on the ground of public utility and in recognition of the simple merits of the company and was a very encouraging assurance of the faith of the public in the vast enterprise. The board of mauagers, being thus relieved from financial embarrassment, put forth their best efforts in pushing the work towards com- pletion, and under these auspicious conditions the canal from the narrows of the Lackawaxen to the forks of the Dy berry — the site of Honesdale — was placed under contract. Instead of extending the canal up the Lack- awaxen about seven miles towards the base of the Moosic Mountain and using the neighboring ponds for feeders, as had been proposed by Wurts after the preliminary surveys, it was de- cided, upon the fuller knowledge now obtained of the highlands, to make the forks the western terminus of the canal and to unite that point with the mines by a railroad about fifteen miles in length. " The construction and use of railroads was new in our country. Only one, of a few miles' length, near Boston, had been tested by a winter's cold and another was a temporary and imperfect work." ' In England, however, a railroad, almost ex- actly similar to that first constructed over the Moosic Mountains from Honesdale to Carbon- dale, had been built, and was in practically successful operation befoi-e the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company fully decided upon the mode of crossing the highland barrier. This was the Hetton Railroad, extending from the town of Sunderland, on the river Weir, to the Hetton collieries, in length seven miles and five furlongs. It overcame an elevation of eight hundred and twelve feet, or almost exactly the same that the Delaware and Hudson " gravity" does at present, and was operated by fixed en- gines upon planes and also by means, on the levels, of locomotives, a single one of which had drawn " a train of twenty-four chalder wag- ons containing ninety tons of coal " and in a day six hundred tons, " going nine gaits, equal to thirty-five miles, forwards and returning." The force of gravity was also taken advantage of. A profile of the Hetton Railroad bears a strik- ing resemblance to that of the Honesdale and Car- bondale Railroad. It was published in the Frank- lin Journal late in 1825 and in a Philadelphia daily newspaper in January, 1826, together with a view of the locomotive and " train of chalder wagons." Did it not suggest to the managers of the Delaware and Hudson Company the rail- road with which they surmounted the Moosic, or did it not serve to decide in their minds the adoption of a similar device ? However this may have been, the managers did decide definitely upon building a railroad in the summer of 1826, and J. B. Jervis, a trusted engineer, made a survey for it, which, after be- ing closely examined by civil engineers — Benja- min Wright and Professor Renwick — late in October was accepted by the company. The canal was completed in October, 1828, and the first small canal-boat made its slow way to the Hudson with a cargo of ten tons of o's Report, 1828. WAYNE COUNTY. 235 inferior coal in that month. In the month fol- lowing a fleet of ten boats similarly laden passed in solemn procession as the pioneers of a mighty traffic. The railroad was planned to transport five hundred and forty tons of coal per day, or one hundred and eight thousand tons per year, of two hundred working days, and it was expected that the new mode of shipment would surpass any sledge or wagon method upon a turnpike, however good. Prior to the building of the railroad twenty or thirty teams were engaged in conveying coal from the mines to the canal in loads of from one to two tons each. The cost was $2.20 per ton when sledges were used upon the snow and $2.75 when wagons were em- ployed. This slow and tedious means of trans- portation made the coal cost the company a total of §5.25 at tide water. Only seven thou- sand tons found its way to market during the year 1829 — considerably loss than is now carried over the same route in a single day. The railroad, which was commenced in 1827, was completed in the summer of 1829. Over its imperfect track, constructed of hemlock stringers and laid with strap-rails (soon to be fully described), the first load of coal passed on October 9, 1829, to the amazement and delight of the people along the line. It was drawn on the levels by horses and moved on the planes by gravity and the power of stationary engines. This was just two months and a day after the trial trip at Honesdale of the "Stourbridge Lion," the first locomotive that ever turned a wheel in America (of which an account appears later). Even with the aid of the railroad worked to its utmost capacity the company was, in the sec- ond year of its operation (1830), only able to carry forty-three thousand two hundred tons of anthracite over the mountain. In other winds, the entire amount of coal transported during the year 1830 was less than can now be moved in four days, for a shipment of twelve thousand tons in twenty-four hours is not beyond the present capacity of the road. The railroad, as originally constructed, was very different from the present gravity road, and, although it connected the same terminal points, much of the old track was located on lines quite widely removed from the line now and for many years past used. As a matter of gratification to those most intimately interested in the history and workings of the road, and to those who live along its line, as well as for the benefit of the antiquarian, we preserve a min- utely circumstantial account of the road as first built. Starting from the mouth of the mine at Car- bondale, the railroad commenced with a short inclined plane 300 feet long, ascending 30 feet (or one foot in 10), which was operated by horse- power. From the head of this plane the grade was near the natural surface of the ground a distance of 2000 feet to the foot of Steam Plane No. 1, ascending in that distance 45 feet (or 1 foot in 44). This grade was so heavy that it required one horse to each car carrying three tons of coal. The foot of Plane No. 1 was where passengers by the gravity road take the cars in Carbondale, and was at an elevation of 87 feet above the canal in Honesdale, and 1057 above the tide level. In ascending Plane No. 1, a distance of 2000 feet, the grade was about 1 foot in 12, over- coming an elevation of 170 feet. This plane was located parallel to and along the north- western side of the turnpike to Honesdale. From the head of Plane No. 1 the track was nearly level for 600 feet to the foot of the next plane. Plane No. 2 was 2600 feet long, as- cending 130 feet (or 1 foot in 20). This also was parallel to and along the western side of the turnpike. From the head of No. 2 the track was nearly level 2600 feet. This level part of the track crossed the turnpike, reaching the foot of Plane No. 3, on the southeast side of the turnpike, at the foot of the hill called " No. 3 Hill," about li miles from the foot of No. 1. Plane No. 3 was 2550 feet long, ascending 210 feet (or 1 foot in 12) ; then the track was near level 400 feet to the foot of Plane No. 4, which was 1800 feet long and ascended 150 feet (or 1 foot in 12). From the head of No. 4 the track was nearly level 2000 feet to the foot of No. 5, at Racket Brook, some fifty rods below the company's reservoir dam. Planes 3 and 4, and the level between 4 and 5, were located alon«- the south- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. eastern side of the turnpike, and as nearly paral- lel thereto as the meanderings of the turnpike would admit of. Plane No. 5 was 2500 feet long, ascending 208 feet to a point on the mountain, about a half-mile from the turnpike and within Wayne County. The head of this plane was the high- est point reached, being 1915 feet above tide, and 945 above the canal in Honesdale. From the head of No. 6 was the level called "Summit Level," 9250 feet long (or If miles), extending to the head of Plane No. 6 on a descending grade of 8 feet to a mile; and crossing the turnpike about f of a mile west of the present " light track " summit. When Horatio Allen ordered for the Dela- ware and Hudson Company the first three loco- motives ever brought to America, it was ex- pected that one of them would be used on this summit level. " Plane No. 6 " was 4300 feet long, descend- ing on the eastern side of the mountain 349 feet (or 1 in 12i). A few hundred feet from the head of this plane the track crossed the Honesdale turnpike. From the foot of No. 6 was 400 feet of track, nearly level, to the head of Plane No. 7. This plane was 1500 feet long, and descended 120 feet (or 1 in 1H) to the level at Way mart. This point is 452 feet higher than the canal in Hones- dale, and 1422 feet above tide level. From the foot of No. 7 was the long or " Six- mile Level," descending 264 feet (or 44 feet in a mile) to the head of Plane No. 8, at Prompton. The route of the present track for loaded cars, from the middle of Plane No. 6 to the head of No. 8, at Prompton, is very nearly on the same ground as the original road, and, with the ex- ception of the part between the D. Blandin place and the canal basin, is the oidy part which is on the original route. The head of Plane No. 8 was at the point where passengers going toward Honesdale take or leave the cars, on the hill in Prompton. From this point the plane extended 1444 feet, and descended 70 feet (or 1 in 20J) to the west branch of the Lackawaxen, at the lower end of the Prompton flat. From the foot of Plane 8 was the " Four- mile Level, " extending to the canal basin in Honesdale, and descending 106 feet (or 26J feet per mile). The track was constructed along, and near to, the northern (or left) bank of the west branch of the Lackawaxen, passing through what is now the Seelyville mill pond, along the northern side of and very near to Seely's saw-mill, and the Foster's tannery buildings — and close along the river side of the turnpike across the Blandin flat, and from there to the basin near the site of the present track. The entire length of the railroad from the mines at Carbondale to the basin in Honesdale was sixteen and seven-eighths miles. At the time the road was built it was calculated to af- ford ample facilities for transporting one hun- dred thousand tons of coal per year, that quan- tity being deemed as great as it was needful to provide for. A plan of construction was adopted, designed to accomplish the object sought, with as little outlay as practicable. As at least nine-teuths of the entire distance was through unbroken forests, where timber could be very cheaply obtained, all heavy embankments for grade were dispensed with, and as far as practicable, without too short curves, heavy excavations were avoided. When the grade was more than four feet above the natural surface, trestle work of timber was generally used, and in some parts where the grade was still nearer the sur- face, wooden posts were placed upright in holes dug in the earth three feet or more in depth, and broken stones filled in around the posts — the tops of the posts being sawn off at the proper height to receive the cross-ties upon which the rails were to rest. In other cases where the grade was near the surface, the cross- ties, which were usually ten feet distant from each other, were supported by stone piers under each end. Upon these cross-ties were placed wooden rails of hemlock timber, generally six inches in thickness and twelve inches in height, and either twenty or thirty feet long, so as to extend across two or three of the spaces between the cross-ties. These rails were made fast to the cross-ties by wooden keys, or wedges, and in WAYNE COUNTY. such position that the space between the rails should be just the width of the gauge adopted, which was about four feet three iuches. Upon the top and at the inner edges of these rails, flat bars of iron, two and a half inches wide and half an inch thick, were laid and made fast by large screws through holes for that purpose in the iron bars. After a little experience the hemlock rail was found to be too soft for a firm bed for the iron bars, and strips of beech two inches thick and three to four inches wide were spiked to the top of the hemlock rail, and the iron bars fastened upon those beech strips. After a very little time the use of screws to fas- ten the iron bars was discontinued, and iron spikes used instead. A stationary steam-engine was used for a motive-power at each of the five long planes on the western side of the mountains, which, by means of a long chain extending the entire length of the plane, drew up three to five loaded cars, and at the same time letdown a like num- ber of empty cars. The three planes descending toward Hones- dale were worked by gravitation, without the use of steam, — by having the descending load- ed cars draw up the ascending empty cars at- tached to the other end of the chain, and the velocity of their motion was controlled by the use of friction brakes upon the shaft of a large upright fan-wheel. It was originally expected to make use of locomotive power on the three long levels, known as " Summit Level," "Six-mile Level" and "Four-mile Level," and to use horses on the other levels between the planes. Three locomotives were made for the com- pany in England under directions of Horatio Allen, and brought to New York to be so used, but on the trial of one of them, the track was found too weak to admit of their use with safe- ty ; and the use of horses was thus made ne- cessary on those levels also. On the Summit Level one horse could not draw more than two loaded cars at a time. On the Six-mile Level (between Waymart and Prompton) the grade was such that loaded cars desceuded by gravity, and cars were provided for a sufficient number of horses to ride, with each train, to draw the empty cars back — one horse being thus able to return four empty cars. These horses became so accustomed to riding down the grade that when, by reason of ice on the rails, the cars required force to propel them, some of the horses clearly showed an un- willingness to go upon the track and draw the cars in that direction. Ou the Four-mile Level (between Prompton and the canal basin) the grade was such that one horse could draw five loaded cars down, and the same Dumber of empty ears back. The Four-mile and the Six-mile Levels had such a branch or side-track for a short distance near the centre, so that cars moving in one di- rection could pass' those going in the oppo- site direction, and at these branches were the boarding-houses for the car-runners. One of these boarding-houses was near the present residence of Jacob L. Keen, and was kept by Warren Dimock, and the other was oppo- site the present residence of Henry L. Phillips, and was kept by George M. Keen. A very few years' experience with the use of chains for conveying the loaded cars upon the planes convinced the managers of the road that some material, less liable to break than the chains then in use, must be substituted for them. Each train of loaded cars passing over the road was liable to be wrecked by the fail- ure of any one of some one hundred and fifty thousand links composing the chains upon the several plaues, and many such accidents oc- curred. To remedy this, heavy hemp ropes, the strands of which had been saturated with tar, were introduced, instead of the chains, and thereafter such accidents were very infrequent. This short experience also demonstrated that the use of horses to draw loaded cars up so heavy a grade as that of the short section ex- tending from the mine to " Plane No. 1" was unnecessarily expensive. To remedy this, a plane to be operated by water-power was constructed in 1837, fourteen huudred feet long, and ascending from the mouth of the mine nearly eighty feet, and from the head of this plane a new track fifteen hun- dred feet in length, to the foot of Plane No. 1, was laid on a grade descending one foot in two 238 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. hundred and fifty. This improvement reduced the cost of transportation on that short section at least two cents per ton. The "Stourbridge Lion" — The First Locomotive in America. — The first locomo- tive that ever turned a wheel in America was placed upon this railroad and made its trial trip on August 8, 1829 (as heretofore mentioned). Horatio Allen (still living — 1886 — and a resi- dent of South Orange, New Jersey, aged eighty- six years) was directly instrumental in causing the locomotive to be built and brought to the railroad of the Delaware and Hudson Company, and he was its engineer on the occasion of its trial trip. Numerous accounts have been written of this locomotive and its initial trip, all differing in tin-; " sToi-ur.i;iix:i: i.imn. some minor detail, but agreeing in essentials. The one which we here present is founded in the main upon an article which appeared in the Honesdale Citizen in 1881, and was writ- ten upon information received from Mr. Allen, and authoritatively indorsed by hirn when com- pleted. The article alluded to states that Mr. Allen " was a civil engineer by profession, and had been engaged in the survey of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal — first on the 'sum- mit' division, and afterward between the Dela- ware River and Honesdale. Having completed his duties, he resigned his position and quitted the theatre of the company's operations. He had heard of the success of George Stephenson with the locomotive, and was convinced that the transportation lines of the future would be operated with the new motor. He accordingly decided to visit England and master the methods there employed in constructing and operating railways. John B. Jervis, chief engineer of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, learning of his purpose, commissioned him to purchase in England the iron for the railroad between Honesdale and Carbondale, the chains to be used on the inclined planes, and three locomotives to be run on the railroad levels. The rails were to be flat, with oblong, counter- sunk spike-holes. Their manufacture was a new industry. Mr. Allen devised a mode of making the rails, but most, if not all, of the iron-workers in this country to whom he sub- mitted his plan pronounced it impossible of execution. In England, fourteen of seventeen iron-masters also declared it imprac- ticable. He finally contracted for the manufacture of the rails at Merthyr-Tydvil, in South Wales. When offered for delivery, however, they were in an unfinished condi- tion, and so ill adapted to the pur- pose that he refused to receive them, maintaining that they were not in conformity with (he contract. The manufacturers, on the other hand, contended for a different construction of the contract, and declined to do anything further to them. Mr. Allen thereupon went to Wol- verhampton, in England, and made a new contract with a manufacturer at that place. Here he presented his plan of manufacture; it was approved and adopted, and in a short time the rails were finished, complete in every par- ticular. In due time they were shipped, and formed the first track of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. The English manufacturers continued to use Mr. Allen's method of manu- facture ; and though the inventor might have secured all its advantages by taking out a patent, he was content to give it to the world without any reward. The chains for the railroad planes were made in Liverpool, aud after being tested under Mr. Allen's supervision were sent to Honesdale and put into use. They failed, how- ever, to answer the purpose satisfactorily, giv- WAYNE COUNTY. ing way so often as to cause considerable dam- age, and making it necessary to keep portable forges passing along the line of the road to repair the broken links. They were finally superseded by Manilla ropes, and the latter in turn gave place to the wire cables now in use. " It was in the autumn of 1827 that Mr. Allen went to England. The leading purpose of his visit was the investigation of the railway system and the locomotive. Various experi- ments had been made during the previous quarter of a century, resulting in the gradual improvement of the locomotive and track. In 1804 a steam carriage, designed by Richard Trevethick, was tried on the tramway at the Merthyr-Tydvil iron-works, five miles in length. It was found incapable, however, of ascending anything beyond a very moderate inclination. In 1811 a locomotive was placed on the Wylam colliery tramway, near Newcastle, which suc- ceeded in overcoming a somewhat heavier grade. Up to this time it was considered necessary, in ascending an inclination, to employ a cog-wheel on the locomotive, working in a toothed rail on the road-bed, to secure the necessary hold and prevent the driving-wheels from slipping on the track ; but the increased friction coun- terbalanced all the supposed advantages of this method. The experiment of constructing an engine with levers projecting behind, and strik- ing the ground alternately, like a pair of legs, was then tried, but proved unsuccessful. In 1814 George Stephenson, who was then em- ployed at Killingworth Colliery, built a loco- motive which ran successfully with smooth tires ; and the next year he built another, to which he added the steam blast, thereby greatly increas- ing its steam-making power. Other improve- ments were devised, and the working parts materially simplified during the year following. A few years later he constructed a railway, eight miles long, for the Hetton Colliery, which was opened in 1822, stationary engines being employed at the heavy grades, and locomotives on the remainder of the road. Immediately afterward, Stephenson commenced the construc- tion of a railway for the transportation of coal from Darlington, in Durham, to the shippiug port of Stockton-upon-Tees, a distance of six- teen miles. So slight was public confidence in the capabilities of the locomotive at this time that it was with great difficulty that the act of Parliament authorizing this road was so modi- fied as to permit the use of locomotives through- out its whole length, instead of stationary en- gines, as at first contemplated. The mad was opened September 25, 1825, and Stephenson's locomotives were found to surpass all expecta- tions. "Mr. Allen spent several weeks on the Stock- ton and Darlington Railway, examining every point, and becoming thoroughly acquainted with the construction of the locomotive. The engines there used, though in advance of any- thing previously built, were still very imperfect. The fire-box consisted of a cylinder inside the boiler, with a Hue passing through to the smoke- stack. Notwithstanding Stephenson's success, the battle in behalf of the steam carriage was by no means won. While Mr. Allen was in England, the Liverpool and Manchester Rail- way was in process of construction, and whether it should be operated by locomotives or station- ary engines was a question still hotly debated. The most eminent engineers pronounced against the locomotive, and a committee appointed to consider the subject reported in favor of station- ary engines. It was resolved, however, to make a practical test, and a reward was offered for a steam carriage that should meet the require- ments of the road. Pending this controversy, Mr. Allen decided on locomotives for the Dela- ware and Hudson road, and three were built under his direction, with some improvements on existing engines, among which was the re- moval of the fire box from the boiler, and its location underneath. "In the autumn of 1828 Mr. Allen returned to America. . Shortly afterward one of the locomotives arrived. This was set up in New York, its body resting on blocks and its wheels clear ; and in this position its working was ex- hibited to the directors of the company, by E. Dunscomb, on Water Street. 1 In due time the 'The arrival and exhibition of the locomotive in New York was thus commented upon by the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer: . . . "We yesterday attended the first exhibition of a locomotive engine called ' The Lion,' 240 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COI'NTTES. PENNSYLVANIA. others arrived. In the following summer, the canal being opened, and the railroad to Carbon- dale in operation, one of the locomotives built at Stourbridge, England, by Foster, Rastrick & Co., and named the " Lion," was forwarded by boat to Honesdale. On its arrival it was placed on the railroad track alongside the canal, and prepared for running, under the direction of Mr. Allen. It was a large and cumbrous affair, compared with the engines of the present day of the same power. The locomotive and tender were both four-wheeled, with spokes and felloes of wood, and iron tires and wheel centres. The locomotive was without a cab, the cylinders were upright, and a walking-beam on each side ap- plied the motive-power to the wheels. The first trip was made August 8, 1829, in presence of a large crowd, which had assembled to witness the novel spectacle. Predictions of failure were not wanting ; the breaking down of the track, which was built largely on trestles or piles, was es- pecially apprehended ; and there was little in- clination on the part of those present to trust themselves on the new vehicle. Mr. Allen, declaring that if there was any danger he was ready to meet it, and that it was not necessary to sacrifice any other life than his own, took his place alone, and set in motion the first locomotive ever run in the western hemisphere. The point of departure, as testified to by eye-witnesses of the trial trip, who have since resided in Honesdale imported by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, to be used upon their railway. On Wednesday the engine just imported was placed upon exhibition, and was unan- imously attended by gentlemen of science and particular intelligence. The steam was raised by the Lackawaxen (Lackawanna) coal, and sustained (although there was no friction) at between forty and fifty pounds to the inch. Pleased as we were, however, with the engine, we were much more pleased with the practical demonstration offered of the importance and usefulness of the coal which the company propose to bring to market. It is now reduced to a certainty that the Lackawaxen (Lackawanna) coal will generate steam in sufficient quantity to answer all the purposes to which it is applied, and this fact is not only of great importance to the company, but it is worth millions to our State." The Dundaff Republican, on July 23, 1829, announced the arrival in Honesdale of " The Lion" in an enthusiastic editorial, saying among other things that the locomotive " would run four miles an hour " and that " in a few days the whole would be set in motion." and maintained an acquaintance with the place through all its changes, was at a point opposite the old Methodist Episcopal Church building, and near the ' Beers ' house. The track con- sisted of large hemlock timbers, laid on cross- ties, and with flat iron bars — subsequently known as the ' strap rail ' — spiked next the inner edge. The reason which has for many years been accepted for the subsequent abandon- ment of the locomotive is that this track was found too light for it to run with safety. At the time of the trial trip, the timbers and ties, though securely connected, had become warped, and in some places raised from the ground, by exposure to the sun, and the track presented a surface somewhat irregular. As the 'Lion' passed over it, the weight pressed everything underneath firmly down to its place on the road- bed, with no little creaking and groaning. Be- yond this, however, Mr. Allen saw uothing to indicate that the track Mas unequal to the re- quirements of the locomotive. The ' Lion ' proved to be all that the engineer had expected. After running at a fair rate of speed as far as Seelyville — the greater portion of the track then being on the northern bank of the Lackawaxen — the engine was reversed, and the ' Lion ' re- turned to the dock at Honesdale, having met with no accident and encountered no difficulty. The trial trip was thus "completed, and the locomotive was pronounced a success. 1 1 " On the fith of October, 1829— less than sixty daysafter the trial of the ' Stourbridge Lion' — the competitive test of locomotives at Liverpool took place, four locomotives being entered for trial. On this occasion, the ' Rocket ' built by George Stephenson and his son, won the prize ; attaining an average speed of fourteen miles an hour, and a maximum speed of twenty-nine miles under the most favor- able conditions. Less than a year later— Sept. 15, 1830 — the Liverpool and Manchester Railway was opened ; and on this occasion Stephenson's ' Rocket ' ran fifteen miles at the rate of thirly-six miles an hour. This settled the railway question. Notwithstanding tt.e cold shoulder given to the ' Stourbridge Lion,' it was obvious that the locomotive was to become, as Mr. Allen had foreseen, the railroad motor of the future. Experiments in this country rapidly followed. Mr. Allen, after leaving Honesdale, took charge of the construction of the South Carolina Railroad, connec- ing Charleston, S. C, and Augusta, Ga. Under his direc- tion a locomotive was built at West Point, N. Y., named the ' Best Friend of Charleston,' and placed on the road Nov. 2, 1830 This was the first one built, and the second WAYNE COUNTY. " Mr. Allen remained in Honesdale for three weeks after this experimental trip, daring which time he made some improvements in the loco- motive, and tested them on the track. After his departure, however, the ' Lion ' was for some reason abandoned. Subsequently, the change in the road, by which the cars were made to run by gravity, rendered the locomotive no longer necessary ; and in the course of time the ' Lion ' was dismantled and reduced to the state of scrap iron." During the trial, or just after it had been made, a small cannon, a six-pounder, which had been captured from the British, was used to voice the enthusiasm of the crowd more em- phatically than was possible by other means. Upon its second discharge it shattered the arm of Alvah Adams, who was one of the gunners. This accident, so far as is now known, was the only one of the day. 1 Some details of the construction of the " Lion" are given, not as of any particular value, but as information that may be of interest to the cu- rious. The boiler of the locomotive is at an iron shop in Carboudale, and the tires of the wheels and the circles for stiffening and strengthening the spokes are in the office of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, in Honesdale. The tires are four feet in diameter, exclusive of the flanges, which project three-quarters of an inch on all sides. The breadth of the tire on the inner side, next to the felloes, is four inches, one placed on the track, on this continent. The South Carolina Railroad, one hundred and thirty-five miles in length, was opened in 1833. It was then the longest con- tinuous railroad line in the world ; and it is described by Mr. Allen as the first one ever constructed primarily for passenger travel — the pre-existing roads having been built mainly for the transportation of coal and merchandise. Railroads were at the same time projected and pushed forward in other portions of the country. On the 4th of .July. Is2s, the construction of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was commenced at Baltimore. In May, 1830, fifteen miles of the road were opened ; but i'. was nearly a year before the locomotive superseded horse-power in its operation." 1 The same cannon was used for firing a salute at the fun- eral of Captain Joseph Loeven, of the German Artillery (and of Company C, One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment, P. V. A.), in 1807, and bursting, wounded Benjamin Looris and Anthony Bocs. and on the other side (or tread) three and one- quarter inches, exclusive of the flange, which is three-quarters of an inch. The tire is formed of two plates or bands of wrought iron, welded together, the inner one being one-half inch thick, the outer one three-quarters of an inch, making the entire thickness of the tire, exclu- sive of the flange, one and one-quarter inches. The tread of the tire is flat, not conical or taper- ing, as now usually made. The thickness of the felloes was not more than three and one-half inches, nor less than three inches. Each wheel had an iron circular plate surrounding the hub, placed on each side of the spokes, — the outer diameter of which was about twenty-six inches, the breadth of each plategenerally two and one- quarter inches, but wider on one side, to receive the crank pin. These plates were connected by cross-plates five inches long, placed on each side of each spoke. The wooden spokes (twelve in each wheel ) were, where passing through that circle, five inches wide lengthwise of the hub, and two and one-eighth inches in thickness. An iron half-inch bolt passed through each spoke and both plates of the circle. The crank pin, or journal, was attached to this stiffening circle, the centre of such crank pin being twelve and one-quarter inches from the centre of the hub, making the sweep of the crank twenty-four and one-half inches in diam- eter. The hubs, felloes, spokes and filling be- tween the spokes, in the space where the crank pin was attached, were all of oak timber of best quality, and were painted a bright red. The felloes were about four inches wide, and from three to three and one-half inches in thick- ness or depth, and the spokes were two and one-eighth inches thick, and five inches wide where the driving power was applied. The diameter of the hub was about ten inches, and the spokes about fifteen inches in length. When the canal and railroad were both in perfect working condition the company had by no means overcome all obstacles. In 1 829 they had to encounter an adverse feeling caused by the acknowledged inferior quality of the surface coal they had sent to market. This brought the Lackawanna anthracite into ill repute, and rival operators were not slow to take advantage 242 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of the situation and endeavor to crush the new rival by circulating stories that the whole de- posit in the Delaware and Hudson Company's lauds was useless as a fuel. Much was said, too, of the perishable character of the road and canal, and the early bankruptcy of the corpora- tion was predicted. The company, under the pressure of these combined disadvantages, did, in fact, become seriously embarrassed, and all hopes of declaring dividends were abandoned for a time. " More than this, the cry of mo- nopoly was arrayed against the corporation at a time when the shares, first costing one hundred dollars each, had been six or seven years on the hands of the stockholders without yielding a single dividend, and had therefore in effect cost about one hundred and forty dollars per share, could actually be bought in the market at the time for about forty-eight to fifty dollars per share, or half what it had originally cost." For a time apprehension was rife, and the dissolu- tion of the company was only averted through the action of Philip Hone. With Messrs. Wurts, Holmes, Talbot, Tileston, Post, Hal- stead, Calder, Bryan, Chancellor Kent and other managers, he was called to attend an urgent meeting, to be held one Sunday, at the Old City Hotel, in New York, to determine whether the company should be dissolved or continue in its career. After mature delibera- tion it was decided that on the following morn- ing, no matter what the results might be, the company must close its doors. Mr. Hone, after the adjournment of the meetiug, reflected upon the distress which the failure would bring, resolved, if possible, to avert it, and the next morning before ten o'clock raised the whole sum necessary to save the company and handed it to the president without security. The year 1831 did not open very auspiciously. The credit of the company was still depressed and the sale of coal was insufficient to advance its credit or sustain its expenses. John Bolton had succeeded Philip Hone as president and in 1831 he gave place at the annual election to John Wurts, a prominent lawyer of Philadel- phia and member of Congress. The other offi- cers chosen at that time were : Treasurer, John H. Williams ; Managers, Philip Hone, James Bryan, William Calder, Thomas Tileston, Wil- liam M. Halsted, John Hitchcock, Samuel Reynolds, William Wheelwright, William Worrell, John Wurts, Allison Post, William Bradford, James Ruthven. The new board set about the work of restoring the credit of the company and rectifying the wrong impression that had gone abroad about its coal. The stock- holders, at a meeting March 23, 1831, author- ized them to borrow on the credit of the com- pany and a pledge of its property a sufficient sum to discharge its debts and prosecute its business. A loan of three hundred thousand dollars was effected from the State of New York, which, when it matured, in 1849, was promptly paid, and this freed the company, for the time being, of embarrassment. The company now began in a systematic way to educate the public in the matter of using anthracite, and their efforts were well repaid, for they succeeded in intro- ducing it in a very large number of manufacto- ries. Its use in generating steam on land pre- ceded, by several years, its general introduction in steamboats, and it was not until 1835 that its merits were fully demonstrated as an agent in the production of steam for navigation pur- poses. In that year a new steam ferry-boat, built for the purpose and fitted up with Dr. Nott's patent tubular boilers, using Lacka- wanna coal, made a trip of fifty miles up the Hudson with a party of gentlemen on board, and showed speed equal to that of any boat on the river. Dr. Nott had been engaged for sev- eral years, under the direction of Maurice Wurts, in carrying on experiments to bring about this result. Messrs. H. Nott & Co. sub- sequently made a contract with the Delaware and Hudson Company to run a passenger steamer upon the North River with no fuel but Lackawanna coal, and they were, in considera- tion for the benefits so accruing to the company, made the owners of one thousand shares of its stock at par. The large amount of coal sold and distributed gratuitously by the company in 1832 developed the fact that there were not enough miners in the country to mine the coal demanded, and many were brought from abroad. But still, " in 1835 miners were so scarce in Car- bondale that they were able to make their own WAYNE COUNTY. 243 terms." " In 1836," says the managers' re- port, " to guard against a short supply of coal and other evils consequent upon a general want of miners, . . . the company sent out an agent to secure additional ones," but owing to the great demand in England, only a few could be induced to come to this country. For fifteen years the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company struggled against almost all conceivable adverse circumstances and did not obtain a financial success until 1840. Interest had to be paid upon the debt, mine roads opened and repaired, the railroad, with its cumbersome machinery and antiquated engines kept in work- ing order, and the damage which floods wrought in the canal made good. But three great causes were now working in favor of the company, viz. : the introduction of coal upon steamboats, the demonstration of its practical usefulness in the manufacture of iron, and the diminution of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's supply to the market, through the partial obliteration of their slack- water navigation by floods. James Archbald figures as an important char- acter in the history of the company's progress. He came into the service of the company very soon after the railroad over the mountain was begun, and in 1829 he was made superinten- dent and resident engineer by J. B. Jervis. He was destined to work very material changes and improvements in the road and to place it prac- tically in its present condition. In 1836-37 he constructed new planes at Carbondale, greatly facilitating the movement of coal-cars. Prior to that time the track between the planes had been level and the cars had been drawn upon it by horses, but Mr. Archbald devised the plan of giving it a slight descent and taking advantage of the force of gravity to ruu the cars from one plane to another. In 1841 one hundred and ninety-two thou- sand two hundred and seven tons of anthracite was transported over the company's lines, but that amount being far beyond the ordinary working capacity of either the canal or railroad, the managers adopted a plan for enlarging the former and making important improvements in the latter. Instead of the single track, with turnouts, by which the cars could pass at cer- tain points, a " loaded " and a " light," or re- turn track, entirely independent of each other, were constructed, the location, as well as the en- tire arrangement of the road, was changed and water-power and machinery took the place of horses, which were found too slow and expen- sive. Engineer Archbald, in his report to John Wurts in 1847, says: "After careful consider- ation and examination of the ground over which we had to go, in order to be fully satisfied of its fitness for what would be required, I pro- posed the present plan of road; which, though entirely novel in its arrangement for the return of empty cars, received the sanction of the Board and was adopted." These improvements were begun in 1842 and for the most part com- pleted in 1844, though minor ones have been made since, altogether increasing the carrying capacity of the road over thirty-fold. The im- provements made between the years specified cost $328,890.46. Simultaneously with the remod- eling of the road, the canal was deepened one foot, so that boats of forty or fifty tons could as readily pass through it as tweuty-five-ton boats could in the original channel. In 1852 the second enlargement was completed and in 1866 it was again enlarged for boats of one hundred and fifty tons. It was while the work upon the railroad al- luded to was in progress that the company decided to extend the line to White Oak Run (now Archbald), and this was the signal for the outbreak of a most unreasonable and virulent hostility. The opposition to the extension of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's railroad into the central part of the valley was originally based largely upon an unreasonable fear of monopoly, but the war which ensued and raged with the utmost fury eventually drew into and entangled with the issue the conflicting interests of several rival corporations and am- bitious individuals, and involved also the vexed and rancorous strife for the carving of a new county from the northern part of Luzerne. Of this contest it is beyond our j>rovince to treat, for it belongs rather to the history of Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties than that of Wayne. Suffice it to say that the asperities of that long 244 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and bitter fend have been softened by the lapse of years, and that whatever its abiding results, they have not materially affected the condition of the great corporation whose history is here outlined. In the mean time the practical work of the company was carried calmly and successfully on. Improvements were made from time to time, as they were demanded, and in the years 1847-49 especial preparations were made to accommodate the increased traffic caused by the construction of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's gravity railroad from the mines to Hawley, by which coal was first shipped in 1850. In 1846, to avoid the delay formerly exper- ienced in crossing the Delaware River by means of a dam, the company commenced the erection of two wire suspension aqueducts, which were completed in 1849, and opened for navigation in May. They were constructed on the plan of the Pittsburgh suspension aqueduct, the first of the kind in the world, and were designed by Mr. John A. Roebliug, the engineer of the former, acting with Mr. R. F. Lord, chief engineer of the Delaware and Hudson. The trunks which held the water were com- posed of timber and plank, well joined and caulked, and suspended from two wire cables, one on each side. The cables rested in heavy cast-iron saddles surmounting stone towers four by six feet square, and rising four feet above the tow-path. The trunks were wide enough for two boats to pass, and on each side of the channel was a tow-path. The masonry was of the most durable and compact graywacke, which constitutes the principal formation of the valley of the Upper Delaware, and was so con- structed as to insure it from damage by the heavy floods and ice that so often prove destruc- tive at this point in the river. The cables were each made in one length from abutment to abutment, and were protected by close wire wrapping heavily coated with paint and varnish. The anchorage of each was by heavy chains secured to plates of cast-iron six feet square. The following table, exhibiting the principal dimensions at the Delaware aque- duct, will be of interest : Length of aqueduct with extensions 600 feet. Number of spans 4 Length of span varies from 131 to.. 142 feet. Width of trunk at water-line 19 feet. Depth of water 6 feet6in. Weight of water between abut- ments 1950 tons. Weight of water in one span 4872 tons. Diameter of wire cables 8J inches. Number of wires in each cable 2150 Total weight of cables and anchor- age 190,000 pounds. Ultimate strength of each cable.... 1900 tons. Hydraulic cement masonry in abutment, piers and anchorage. 7688 cubic yds. During the winter the general enlargement of the canal was also vigorously prosecuted. Fifty-seven of the enlarged locks were made one hundred feet long between quoins and given fifteen feet width of chamber, while during the succeeding winter the remaining locks were improved, so that in 1880 the canal was ade- quate for the passage of boats loaded with oue hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty tons of coal. By the provisions of the act incorporating the company, passed March 1.3, 1823, the State of Pennsylvania reserved the right after the ex- piration of thirty years to resume the rights, liberties and franchises, on certain terms and conditions specified in the eighteenth section. The subject became one of considerable discus- sion in the Legislature as the expiration of the period, on March 13, 1853, approached, and on the 8th of January, 1852, the committee of the House to whom the matter had been referred reported that if the State did exercise its right of resumption, it must pay the company for the Pennsylvania section of the canal the sum of $1,246,437.63, that being the difference between the amount of tolls received and the cost of construction and repairs. In this conclusion the board of managers did not concur, but on the contrary they argued that even if the right of resumption, by the State, did exist, the amount paid must be much larger. Finally, on the 30th of April, 1852, a bill was passed which was in effect a total and unconditional surrender by the State of its right of resumption, if any such she had, and a perpetual extension of the franchises of the company. In 1854 the company was deprived of the valuable services, of Maurice Wurts, who died WAYNE COUNTY. 245 on the 29th of December in that year, at Phila- delphia. He had been identified with the company for more than thirty years, and with the great project from its inception, and to him more than to any other one man its wonderful success was due. Wm. Musgrave, another ef- ficient officer, the vice-president of the company, died in April, 1856. John Wurts, after twenty-seven years of de- voted service, resigned his office as president on March 15, 1858, and his resignation was ac- cepted by the board with the greatest reluctance. Thus the pioneers and projectors, those who had borne the brunt of the struggle and finally brought the company to a solidly established prosperity, passed from the field of action, and the work was taken up by others. Thus far the company had had but three presidents, — Philip Hone, from 1825 to 1826 ; John Bolton, from 1826 to 1832 ; and John Wurts, from 1832 to 1858. George T. Olyphant was elected as Mr. Wurts' successor and the latter gentleman retained a position in the board of managers until 1861. He died in Rome, Italy, on the 23d of April in that year. The other officers elected for the year 1858 were, — Vice-President, Robert Soutter, previously chosen in 1856; Treasurer, Isaac N. Seymour ; Secretary, James C. Hartt ; Managers, John Wurts, Silas Holmes, Wm. S. Herrimau, Chas. N. Talbot, Lora Nash, Edward J. W r oolsey, George T. Olyphant, Robert Ray, Daniel Parish, Samuel B. Schietfeliu, Abiel A. Low, Robert L. Ken- nedy, John David Wolfe. During this year the company's railroad was extended from Arch- bald, seven miles down the valley, at an expense of three hundred thousand dollars, and within the next two years was extended to Scranton. A great lawsuit between the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company and the Pennsylvania Coal Company, which had been several years in progress, and in which the former sued for ad- ditional tolls, was concluded in 1863. The de- cision rendered awarded the Delaware and Hud- son Company five cents additional toll for every ton of coal transported on the canal since July 28, 1853, the aggregate of the amount, with interest, being about three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. R. F. Lord, of Honesdale, resigned his posi- tion as chief engineer of the company's canal on the 1st of January, 1864. He had entered the service of the company in 1826, and the man- agers felt it to be a pleasant duty to bear testimony to the zeal, ability and faithfulness with which he had for a period of nearly forty years discharged every trust committed to him. Thomas Dickson, who entered the employ of the company as superintendent of the coal de- partment in 1860, was made general superin- tendent in 1864, vice-president in 1865 and president in 1869. In 1866, R. Manville, who had for a long period been a trusted employe of the company, was made superintendent of the railroad department, a position which he still fills, and Coe F. Young was appointed to the position of canal superintendent, to which Asher M. Atkinson succeeded when Mr. Young was meritoriously advanced to the office of general manager in 1869. With these and other efficient officers in the managing and executive departments, the company not only sustained its past prosperity, but entered suc- cessfully upon new and broader fields of action. The Albany and Susquehanna Railroad was acquired by perpetual lease of the property and franchises at an annual rental of four hundred and ninety thousand dollars, on the 24th of February, 1870, and the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad, with its branches, on the 1st of May, 1871, while the New York and Canada Rail- road was built soon after. President Dickson, on the opening of that great branch of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company's Railroad, in November, 1875, thus summarized the pro- gress of the company's business : ". . . In 1830 the total product (of the mines) was forty-three thousand tons, and in 1860, the year of my entering the service of the company, the product had reached five hundred and forty-one thousand tons ; the present year it will be three millions; in 1860 the company had a produc- tive capacity of not to exceed six hundred thou- sand tons per annum, had one hundred and eight miles of canal and twenty-three of rail- road ; its productive capacity is now four mil- 2+6 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. lions of tons per annum, and in addition to the canal, it owns and operates seven hundred miles of railway, besides some two hundred miles of underground railway in their mines, and while the capital stock has been increased from time to time, until now it reaches twenty millions, the increase of product and of the business has been much larger in proportion." The fiftieth anniversary of the company was marked by the erection, in New York City, of a massive and magnificent fire-proof building, situated on the southeast corner of Cortlandt and New Church Streets. The foundation was laid in 1874, and the edifice known as the •"Coal and Iron Exchange Building" com- pleted and occupied in January, 1876. The rebuilding of the coal road by James Archbald, which left it substantially in its present condition, with a carrying capacity of three million tons per annum, has heretofore been spoken of. The arrangement of planes and " levels," with the length of each, the height of the former and fall of the latter, with the elevations above tide-water, are as follows : 1,479 1,648 119.39 1,435 238 105.95 1,310 556 115.53 1,320 239 131.02 1,294 209 13(1.00 1,253 216 110.19 1,410 1,S09 101.61 1,257 4,895 104.15 1,369 242 1,320 100 1,342 1,193 1,463 ",2,194 Si 1194.14 16.07 1178 07 1284.02 1.51 1282.51 1398.04 5.28 1392.76 1523.78 2.67 1521.11 1651.11 2.00 1649.11 1759.30 2.10 1757.20 1858.51 15.79 1843.02 1947.17 43.58 1903.79 117.61 1786.18 4.97 1781.21 116.87 1064.34 2.82 1661.51 114.75 1540.77 14.48 1535.29 119.114 1415.65 430.65 985.00 029 1,312 14,238 7,879 6,673 10,572 194.50 102 55 1 74.05 164.02 185.70 126.18 66.45 55.87 89.72 54.76 9.71 6,809 1,760 137.72 1,068 2,630 234.43 295 3.31 1,565 133.95 74,281 1020.30 1,140 78.19 14,214 171.59 418 40.00 22 8,800 81.30 ... 1,352 124.45 23 9,329 ... 1,402 122,50 24 4,790 ... 1,080 25 8,248 ... 1,803 26 552 ... 27 25,673 28 ... 1,008 ... 28 2,137 Pocket 640 101.70 161.20 158.42 71.75 92.30 77.89 40.37 68.82 4.60 206.26 18.05 1179.50 1053.32 1155.87 1089.42 1204.07 1208.20 1372.22 1282.50 1468.20 1413.44 1551.16 1541.45 1775.88 1772.57 1906.52 886.22 904.41 792.82 832.82 751.52 875.95 798.06 920.56 880.19 981.89 913.07 1074.27 1069.67 1228.09 1021.83 1093.40 1074.75 The total length of the road from Scranton to Houesdale is thirty-one and thirty-two one- hundredths miles, and the total length of the light track from Honesdale to Olyphant (foot of G) twenty-nine and ninety-four one hun- dredths miles, making the total of the main line sixty-one and twenty-six one-hundredths miles. With branches the total length of track is eighty-seven miles. The company employ in the operation of its " gravity " railroad, twenty-seven double en- gines, most of which are either sixteen or eight- een by thirty-six inch cylinders. The number of boilers is one hundred and seventy; of loco- motives five. The shipments of coal from the mines, for each year from the time the canal was opened WAYNE COUNTY. 247 to 1885, are exhibited in the following table, which is also suggestive of the slow but con- stant and comparatively uniform development of the company's prosperity : 1829 7,00(1 1857 .... 480,677 1830 43,000 1858 .... 348,789 1831 54,111") 1859 .... 591,000 1832 84,600 I860 .... 499,568 1833 ... 111,777 1861 726,644 1834 4:i,7i«i 1862 .... 644,100 1835 90,000 ... 103,861 1863 .... 828 150 183(1 1864 .... 852,130 1837 ... 115,387 1865 .... 759,699 78 207 . 1,391,674 1839 ... 122,3(10 1867 .... 1,507,487 ... 148,470 ... 192,270 1868 .... 1,091,870 1841 1869. 1,626,391 1842 ... 205,253 1870 2,318,073 1843 ... 227,605 1871 .... 2,011,333 1844 ... 251,005 1872 2,930,767 1845 .... 273,435 1873 .... 2,752,596 1840 ... 320,000 1874 .... 2,300,417 1847 ... 386,203 1875 3,053,817 1848 ... 437,500 1876 1,997,545 ... 454,240 ... 432,330 1877 .... 1,893,315 1850 187S .... 2,045,041 1852 ... 497,839 1880 .... 3,047,594 185:-; 1881 3,661,792 1854 ... 438,407 1882 3,719,322 1855 1883 4,097,218 1856 ... 499,650 1884 3,986,377 Following is a list of the managers, officers and department superintendents of the company from 1825 to 1885: Presidents: 1825, Philip Hone; 1826, John Bolton ; 1832, John Wurts ; 1858, George T. Olyphant; 1869, Thomas Dickson ; 1884, Robert M. Olyphant. Vice-Presidents: 1845, Isaac L. Piatt; 1849, John Ewen; 1851, William Musgrave ; 1857, Robert Sout- ter ; 1866, Thomas Dickson ; 1882, Robert M. Oly- phant ; 1884, Coe F. Young; 1885, Le Grand B.Can- non. Assistant Presidents: 1874, Harwood V. Olyphant; 1876, Robert M. Olyphant. Managers: 1825, Garrett B. Abeel; 1867, John J. Astor, Jr.; 1867, John L. Aspinwall ; 1825, John Bolton; 1831, James Bryar ; 1832, William Branford ; 1834, Joseph Bayley; 1841, Henry Brevoort, Jr.; 1825, Lynde Catlin; 1826, William Calder; 1833, Edward Colman ; 1837, Don Alonzo Cushman ; 1860, Le Grand B. Cannon ; 1862, John J. Crane ; 1868, Thomas Cornell ; 1835, Robert Dyson ; 1866, Thomas Dickson; 1834, John Ferguson; 1852, Daniel B. Fearing; 1866, O. De F. Grant; 1825, Philip Hone; 1825, John Hunter; 1825, Abraham Hasbrouck ; 1831, John Hickok; 1831, William M. Halstead ; 1838, William C. Hickok ; 1841, Silas Holmes; 1842, Irad Hawley; 1844, William S. Herriman; 1845, Cyrus Hickok; 1859, James M. Halsted; 1868, W. J. Hoppin ; 1826, William H. Ireland; 1 858, Robert L Kennedy; 1825, Rufus L. Lord; 1833, William & Lee; 1841, Daniel Lord, Jr. ; 1842, Jacob R. Leroy; 1857, Abiel A. Low ; 1873, J. Pierpont Morgan ; 1846, Howard Mott ; 1848, Lord Nash; 1837, Josepli Otis; 1852, George T. Olyphant; 1873, Robert M. Oly- phant; ' 1825, Hezekiah Pierrepont; 1832, Allison Post; 1834, Isaac L. Piatt; 1855, Daniel Parish; 1825, William W. Russell ; 1826, Benjamin W. Rogers; 1832, Samuel Reynolds; 1832, James Ruth- ven; 1840, John Rankin; 1853, Robert Ray; 1833, Philemon Starr; 1834, Joseph Sands; 1841, Aquilla G. Stout; 1857, Samuel B. Schieffelin ; 1859, John Schenck ; 1870, Isaac N. Seymour ; 1825, Jonathan Thompson; 1826, Thomas Tileston; 1826, Henry Thomas; 1833, Knowles Taylor; 1845, Charles N. Talbot ; 1864, James R. Taylor ; 1830, Myndert Van Schaick ; 1825, George D. Wickham ; 1825, Maurice Wurts; 1826, Samuel Whittemore; 1831, John Wurts; 1831, William Worrell; 1831, William Wheelwright; 1852, Edward J. Woolsey ; 1858, John D. Wolfe; 1873, George C. Ward; 1842, Henry Young. The following managers have beeu elected since the foregoing list was compiled : 1875, Roberts. Hone and James Roosevelt; 1877, Levi P. Morton ; 1880, Adolphus Hamilton and Abra- ham R. Van Nest ; 1881, Hugh J. Jewett and David Dows: 1884, Benjamin H. Bristow; 1885, John A. Stewart. Treasurers : 1825, John Bolton ; 1826, Samuel Flewelling; 1832, John H.Williams; 1845, Isaac N. Seymour; 1869, Charles P. Hartt; 1873, James C. Hartt. Assistant Treasurer : 1885, Charles A. Walker. Secretaries : 184^2, Isaac N. Seymour; 1848, Gilead A.Smith; 1855, James C. Hartt; 1866, Richard H. Nodyne; 1871, Daniel Wilson; 1873, George L. Haight ; 1883, F. Murray Olyphant. General Sales Agents: 1866, James C. Hartt; 1873, Rodman G. Moulton ; 1885, James C. Hartt. General Sales Agent, Western and Southern Sales Department: 1869, Joseph J. Albright. General Managers: 1869, Coe F. Young; 1885, Horace G. Young. Assistant General Manager: 1883, Horace G.Young. Coal Department Superintendents: 1866, E. W. Weston ; 1874, A. H. Vandling. Pennsylvania Division Superintendent: 1866, R. Manville. Canal Superintendents : 1866, Coe F. Young ; 1869, A. M. Atkinson ; 1884, L. O. Rose. 1 Retired in 1874 ; was re-elected in 1883. 24S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Boadout Department Superintendents : 1873, A. H. Vandling; 1874, A. Osterhoudt; 1877, S. S. ~mith. General Agent Real Estate Department : 1874, E. W. Weston. Superintendent Albany and Susquehanna and Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad Department: 1873, H. A. Fonda. Chief Engineer Albany and Susquehanna and Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad Department : 1873, C. W. Wentz. President and Superintendent New York and Canada Railroad Department : 1873, Isaac V. Baker. On January 1, 1875, the Northern Railroad Department was created, consisting of the Al- bany and Susquehanna Railroad and branches, Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad and branches, and the completed portion of the New York and Canada Railroad. It was divided into two divisions, viz.: Saratoga Division, embracing the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad and branches, and the New York and Canada Railroad and branches ; and the Susquehanna Division, em- bracing the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad and branches. The superintendents placed in charge were as follows : Saratoga Division, Theodore Voorhees, Troy, N. Y. ; Susquehanna Division, C. D. Hammond, Albany, N. Y. November 1, 188o, both divisions were placed under the charge of C. D. Hammond, as superintendent of the Northern Railroad De- partment. Chief Engineers Northern Railroad Department: 1875, C. W. Wentz ; 1885, A. J. Swift. The managers and officers of the company at present are as follows : Board of Managers. — Abiel A. Low, James if. Hal- sted, Le Grand B. Cannon, James R. Taylor, John Jacob Astor, Thomas Cornell, Robert S. Hone, James Roosevelt, Abraham R. Van Nest, Hugh J. Jewett, David Dows, Robert M. Olyphant, Benjamin H. Bristow. President, Robert M. Olyphant, New York City ; Vice-President, Le Grand B. Cannon, New York City ; Treasurer and General Sales Agent, James C. Hartt, New York City ; Assistant Treasurer, Charles A. Walker, New York City ; Secretary, F. Murray Olyphant, New York City; General Manager, 1 Horace 1 Coe F. Young, appointed general manager in 1869, held that office until July, 1885, when he resigned, and his son, Horace G. Young, appointed assistant general manager in 1882, was, on the 30th of September, 1886, promoted to fill the vacancy. G. Young, Albany, N. Y. ; General Agent of Real Estate Department, E. W. Weston, Providence, Pa.; Superintendent of Coal Department, A. H. Vand- ling, Providence, Pa. ; Superintendent of Pennsyl- vania Division, R. Man vi lie, Carbondale, Pa. ; Sales Agent Southern and Western Department, Joseph J. Albright, Scranton, Pa.; Superintendent Canal De- partment, L. 0. Rose, Honesdale, Pa. ; Superin- tendent Rondout Department, S. S. Smith, Rondout, N. Y. ; General Sales Agent Western and Southern Sales Department, Joseph J. Albright, Scranton, Pa. ; Superintendent Northern Railroad Department, C. D. Hammond, Albany, N. Y. The result of the business of the company for the year ending December 31, 1884, one of general depression, was as follows : Tons. Tons. Coal produced at the mines of the company.. 3,362,(179. Hi Transported for others... 623,097.04 Total tons 3,986,377.00 The gross receipts were... $16,879,021.06 Expenses 11,549,871.40 Less taxes, interest and rentals Leaving net earnings Or a fraction over 6| percent. $4,829,149.60 3,341,055.53 $1,488,094.07 A condensed balance sheet for the same year exhibited the following figures : Assets. Canal Railroad and equipment Real estate Mine improvements Mine fixtures and equipment Boats, barges and steamboats Coal-yards and fixtures Lackawanna and Susquehanna Railroad Cherry Valley, Sharon and Albany Railroad New York and Canada Railroad Lackawanna Palace Car Company Mechanicville and Fort Edward Rail- road Schenectady and Mechanicville Rail- road Telegraph lines Supplies on hand Coal on hand Advances to leased lines Miscellaneous assets, viz. : Bonds ■6,339,210.49 6,468,683.96 9,325,365.89 2,388,709.02 403,708.29 617,889.09 172,889.94 1,022,938.15 300,000.00 3,597,074.48 28,300.00 51,927.88 211,527.85 14,734.80 1,611,253.96 892,804.36 1,502,789.59 148,608.59- <^^r > />7^k: WAYNE COUNTY. 249 Stocks as follows : Albany and Susque- hanna Railroad, 8540 shares $854,000.00 Rensselaer and Sara- toga Railroad, 16,- 077 shares 1,607,700.00 Delaware and Hudson Canal Company 6161 shares 616,100.00 Sundry stocks 145,650.84 3,223,450.84 Advances on coal 698,125.80 Cash 1,122,648.20 Bills and accounts receivable 1,701,164.30 $41,843,804.98 Capital stock $23,500,000.00 Bonds : 1891 $5,549,000.00 1894 4,829,000.00 1917 5,000,000.00 15,378,000.00 Interest and dividends payable Janu ary, 1885 Depositors Dividends and interest unclaimed Surplus or dividend fund $41,843,804.98 Coe F. Young, for many years the general manager of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, is a descendant of an old English family, of Scotch extraction, whose representa- tives emigrated to this country at an early period in its history, and settled in Connec- ticut, where they became identified with the pioneer development of that State. There was born William Young, his paternal grandfather, who left his native State and early established himself in Orange County, N. Y. His sou, Isaac Young, was the father of the subject of this sketch and a farmer by occupation. He was a man of excellent judgment and great force of character, and not only engaged in till- ing the soil, but drew contracts and deeds, and acted as the adviser and business confidant of many of his friends. He married Sarah Rob- bins, a native of Orange County, and had a family of seven children, of whom Coe F. Young was the sixth and only surviving mem- ber. The latter was born near Mount Hope, Orange County, N. Y., May 15, 1824. His 25 early education was obtained at the district schools of his locality, and was completed at the Kingston (N. Y.) Academy, and the semi- nary at Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y. When only thirteen years of age he began the performance of the duties of life by driving on the tow-path of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, as so many of our successful and prominent men have clone. Before he at- tained his majority he served as a clerk in the store of Thomas W. Cornell & Co., at Eddy- ville,Ulster County, N. Y., and subsequently with their successor, Martin J. Merchant. Soon af- ter, the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company began enlarging the canal, and the construction of the Erie Railway was undertaken. With the ambition of youth, and the energy and busi- ness sagacity that has since characterized his life, he resolved to profit by the opening trade and removed to Barry ville, N. Y., where, in connection with Calvin P. Fuller, he estab- lished a store, the firm doing business under the name and style of Fuller & Young. In the spring of 1852 he bought of Major Cornell a half-interest in the canal freight line between New York and Northeastern Pennsylvania. The firm of Thomas Cornell & Co. was organized, and Mr. Youug removed to Honesdale, Pa., where he has since resided. After five years he became, by purchase, the sole proprietor of the line, and operated it alone for seven years longer. At that time the transportation facili- ties of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany included only the canal and gravity railroad, and the mines of the company were only being moderately worked. On January 1, 1864, at the solicitation of George Talbot Oly- phant, president of the company, and Thomas Dickson, general superintendent, Mr. Young entered the service of that company as superin- tendent of the Canal Department; and in 1865 the Rondout and Weehawken Department was placed under his supervision. In 1869 Mr. Olyphant resigned as president of the company and was succeeded by Mr. Dickson. Mr. Youug was then made general superintendent, and, after three years, became general manager, a position in which he served until the death of Mr. Dickson, in July, 1884, when he was elected 250 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. vice-president and general manager of the com- pany, Robert Olyphant being then, as now, the president. This responsible executive position was occupied by liira until October 1, 18S5, when he resigned, and Le Grand B. Can- non was made vice-president, and his sou, Horace G. Young, general manager. Besides his connection with the affairs of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, Mr. Young has sustained a very intimate relation to the general development and improvement of the locality in which he so early made his home. In 1863 he purchased nearly ten thousand acres of land a few miles north of Honesdale, including the tannery property at Tanner's Falls, which he still owns. He is the president of the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad, having succeeded James H. Ramsay, and vice- president of the Cherry Valley and Susque- hanna Railroad, and of the Schenectady and Waynesburg road, both under lease to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. He has been president of the Honesdale National Bank for several years past. He is a man of strong convictions, positive in his nature, of rare executive ability and of sterling integrity. It is not improper to say that the rapid devel- opment and successful manipulation of the affairs of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, in this section, is due to his broad and comprehensive management, and is the result of his conscientious and intelligent per- formance of his official duties. During his management the productive coal capacity of the company has been increased from eight hundred thousand tons annually to four and one-half millions, and the railway appendages of the company have all been added. By close and attentive reading and study he has acquired an education far in advance of what his school advantages afforded, and has become a thor- oughly self-educated man. He entertains liberal views upon religious subjects, but supports with a free hand the schools, churches and other elevating institutions of his day, and is held in general respect and esteem by a large circle of friends. He married, January 17, 184!), Miss Mary A., daughter of Peter Cornell, of Ron- dout, New York, and has four children living. Of these, Cornelia Alice is the wife of George W. Barnes, now of Colorado ; Horace G., by profession a civil engineer and a graduate of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, N. Y., is the general manager of the company, aud resides at Albany, X. Y.; Edwin is a graduate of Yale College, and of the Columbia College Law School, New York, and is the attorney of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, liv- ing at Albany ; and Mary Augusta is the wife of Joseph B. Dickson, of New York, youngest son of the late President Dickson. Horace G. Young, above mentioned, was ap- pointed general manager of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company on September 30, 1885. The Honesdale Citizen, speaking of this appoint- ment, editorially, says, — " While there is a cordial recognition of the new official's experience and proved ability as amply vin- dicating this appointment, it is not without a certain element of unexpectedness, due to the contrast in years between the appointee and his predecessor. To compare a civil with a military career, it is much like the selection of the youthful Bonaparte to command the army of Italy ; and it is not too much to predict that a further parallel will be found in successful re- sults. The new general manager was born in Hones- dale, January 26, 1854. After due preparation for college, he entered the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, at Troy, N. Y. There he received a thorough scientific course, and was graduated with honor. In 1879 he entered the Delaware and Hudson service as assistant to the general manager. Here, bringing to the task the scientific acquirements gained at the Poly- technic, aud with the valuable counsel of the general manager in their application to the work in hand, he rapidly mastered the complicated details of railroad and canal operations. In July, 1882, he was promoted to the position of assistant general manager, and took in special charge the Northern Railroad Department. This embraced the Albany and Susquehanna road, the New York and Canada, the Rensselaer and Sara- toga, the Duanesburg and Schenectady, the Utica, Clinton and Binghamton, and the Cherry Valley Branch, with upward of six hundred miles of track ; and of these roads he was practically the superin- tendent. In this position he proved himself a thor- oughly practical railroad manager, of unusual energy, judgment and administrative ability. His success in the direction of this department was fully appreciated by the Delaware and Hudson directory, and the most conclusive proof of a practical recognition of his mer- its is seen in his appointment to the position so long and so ably filled by his father. This confidence in his ability rests on a substantial basis, and in the bril- WAYNE COUNTY. 251 liant career on which he has entered he has the best wishes of a host of friends." Jacob B. Fitch, of Hawley, is one of the oldest employees of tiie Delaware ami Hudson Canal Company, having been in its service forty- one years. His father, Benjamin Fitch, a native of Connecticut, served as lieutenant under General Brown, in the War of 1812, and while commanding his company at the battle of Bridgewater, was wounded in the side while bearing aloft the cc-lors of the regiment, which requiring many weeks to perform. He returned finally to Sherburne, N.Y., where both himself and wife are buried. She died in 1846, leaving children, — Jacob B., subject of this sketch ; Sarah A., wife of Hollis Rowland, of Sher- burne ; Thaddeus S., resided in Sherburne, and came to Hawley, Pa., in 1843, with his older brother, Jacob B., and now resides in Honesdale ; and Sanford C. Fitch, of Rockford, 111. At the time of the death of his father, Jacob B. Fitch was only thirteen years of age, having .,''•' G' ; , jgm^' ultimately caused his death in 1832, at the age of forty-five years. After peace was declared, he went to Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., where he married Content M. Fox, whose par- ents had removed from the same vicinity in New England in which the Fitches resided. After his marriage he was still officially connected with the army in Connecticut, and he accom- panied the army afterwards to Council Bluffs, Mo., with his family, and returned the entire way with a team, a long and tedious journey, been born November 22, 1818. Being the eldest of the family, and very little means of subsistence being left at his father's death, much devolved upon the mother and himself by way of providing for the support of the family. Al- though young in years, he possessed a resolute will and knew that industry and economy must be carefully practiced in the management of their affairs. He met the obstacles incident to straitened circumstances and earned by his own labor the money to support the family for WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. many years. On September 23, 1841, he mar- ried Lucy (1821-68), a daughter of James and Sibyl (Curtis) Aldrich, of Sherburne, N. Y., and began keeping house, taking his mother to his own home. Jacob had during these years learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner. In 1843 he came to Wayne County, Pa., for the purpose of working at his trade; but finding an opportunity to enter the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, himself and brother engaged with that company and began building locks and doing general carpenter work. After two years he was made foreman of the construction and repair department on a part of the Pennsylvania Division of the canal, and from 1846 to 1849 he was at Lackawaxen, engaged in the construction of the aqueducts at that place, and feeders of the canal . In the latter year he settled with his family at Hawley and continued in charge of the same work for the company until the death of T. H. R. Tracy, the superintendent of the Pennsylvania Division of the canal, in 1856, when Mr. Fitch was se- lected to fill this vacancy, and until the fell of 1884, the time of his resignation on account of ill health, a period of forty-one years since his first engagement with the company, he has been a trusted and efficient employee and official whose honor and integrity in all his business relations are beyond reproach. He has during this time erected several residences for the company, en- gaged in lumbering, and he erected his present residence, on the southeastern slope of the Lacka- waxen, at Hawley, in 1850. Mr. Pitch has spent an active life and sought to do his part well. His opportunities when a boy for book knowledge were very limited ; yet, in after-years, he largely made up this deficiency by reading. He is a man of practical ideas, good judgment, fine physique and correct habits, and has won his way to a competence by his own personal efforts. While a young man he was fond of military life. He enlisted at the age of sixteen years in an artillery regiment; served as orderly-sergeant, adjutant and subsequently as colonel, commanding his regiment on general training-days during the old militia gatherings in Chenango County, 2s. Y. He has been a member of the society of the Presbyterian Church and contributed liberally to church and kindred interests. His children are Lewis B., a member, secre- tary and treasurer of the Skaneateles Paper Company, at Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Sila A., mar- ried, first, B. F. Martin, of Livingston County, X. Y., and after his death became the wife of Prof. L. A. Freeman, of Palmyra, N. Y., who is now superintendent of the schools of Shenan- doah, Pa. The Pennsylvania Coal Company's Gkavity Railroad from Dunmore, in Lacka- wanna County, to Hawley, in Wayne (of which town it was the creator, just as the Delaware and Hudson Company was the cause of Hones- dale's existence), was built in 1849-50 and has ever since been in active operation until super- seded by the Erie and Wyoming Railroad, in the fall of 1885. The company absorbed the powers and privi- leges of several other organizations before it secured strength enough to carry out the pur- pose of its creation and become a powerful agent in the marketing of Lackawanna coal. Two charters, approved by the Legislature April 16, 1838, granted the authority of the State to the organization of the Washington Coal Company and the Pennsylvania Coal Company. The former was composed of citi- zens of Honesdale, prominent among them be- ing William H. Dimmick, Esq., had a capital of three hundred thousand dollars and was em- powered to hold two thousand acres of land in the coal basin. The other company had au- thority of similar character and extent, and actually commenced the mining of coal, though on a small scale, in Pittston township, and planned to reach the Delaware and Hudson Canal by a railroad at a point on the Lacka- waxen. Nothing of note was accomplished for years, and the charter of the Washington Coal Company, after lying idle for nine years, was sold to William and Charles Wurts and others, of Philadelphia, in 1847. In 1 846 the movement toward connecting the mines in the vicinity of Scranton with the canal, and thus seeking the Eastern market, brought about the incorporation of the Luzerne and Wayne County Railroad Company, vested with WAYNE COUNTY. 253 power to build a railroad from the Lackawanna to the Lackawaxen. The act of incorporation appointed a large board of commissioners, of whom those residing in Wayne County were Richard Lancaster, Russell F. Lord, Zenas H. Russell and T. H. R. Tracy. Before this company manifested organic life, however, its charter, as well as that of the "Washington Coal Company, obtained from the Wurtses, were, under an act of April 1, 1849, merged in the Pennsylvania Coal Company, which afterwards also absorbed the rights of the Wyoming Coal Association, chartered February 15", 1851. This comptany then enlarged its possessions by purchase of large tracts of laud in certified Pittston township, on the Susquehanna, and in Providence and Dunmore, on the Lackawanna, and prepared to build a double-track gravity railroad from Pittston to the Lackawaxen, by way of Cobb's Gap, forty-seven miles in length. Ground was broken fortius road in 1847, but not much practical work Mas done until 18-48, and the track was finished in May, 1850, substantially as it has since been operated, the planes and levels remaining unchanged, except in some unimportant particulars. The mouth of Middle Creek was fixed upon as the place of touching the canal and there the thriving village of Hawley grew up as a result of the opening of this new route from the coal-fields, and in time the same enterprise which gave it origin linked it with the main line of that great trunk railroad, the Erie, and still fur- ther fostered its growth. The railroad traverses the Moosic range at one of its most rugged and picturesque regions, and has been noted as oue of the most remarka- bly attractive passenger routes in Pennsylvania or the Eastern States. Still, it is as a coal-ship- ping road that ninety-nine one-hundredths of its successful ness has been attained, and as a suffi- cient proof of that, stands the fact that it has paid for years dividends of twenty per cent, and sometimes even thirty per cent, upon its stock. In 1850 it was estimated that the road car- ried 111,119 tons of coal, and in 1879, the amount was computed as 1,372,739 tons. Mr. John B. Smith, of Dunmore, has been engaged as master mechanic and general superinten- dent of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's Rail- road for many years, and to him is due in a large measure the practical success which it at- tained. The road was abandoned in the tall of 1885, under the provisions of the contract for the building of the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad — a locomotive road — now in opera- tion. The Erie Railroad, although not actu- ally touching with its main line the soil of Wayne County, skirts a long distance its eastern border, separated from it only by the narrow channel of the Delaware, and affords marked advantages of travel and transportation to its people. An outline of its history is therefore here given. It is interesting from the fact of its very early inception, if for no other reason. As early as 1825 (the Erie Canal having been opened in 1824) the New York Legislature di- rected that a survey for a " State road " should be made at public expense through the south- ern tier of counties from the Hudson River to Lake Erie. The unfavorable profile exhibited by the survey, which was duly made, the dis- cordant views and interests, resulted in the aban- donment of this particular project, but the subject, in a general way, continued to occupy the atten- tion of many public-spirited and enterprising men. After several ineffective efforts had been made, the New York and Lake Erie Railroad Com- pany was incorporated by the Legislature on the 24th of April, 1832, with power "to con- struct a railroad from the city of New York, or some point near, to Lake Erie, to transport per- sons and property thereon and to regulate their own charges for transportation." Up to the time of the incorporation the question as to whether animal or locomotive power should be used on the contemplated railroad was an open question, vigorously argued pro and con. A road for locomotives, it was commonly conceded, must cost from twelve to fourteen thousand dol- lars per mile, while one for horses could be built for five or six thousand dollars per mile, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and as it was a portion of the latter plan to al- low individuals to use their private conveyances upon the road, it was argued that the company would be at no expense for engines, carriages, etc., should that project be adopted. Let the reader imagine for himself what the Erie Kail- road would be as a toll tramway ! By the time that the company was incorporated, however, something approximating to the modern locomo- tive railroad had been decided upon. In the summer of 1832 a reconnoisance or preliminary examination of the country through which it was proposed to build the road was conducted under the authority of the govern- ment of the United States, by Colonel De Witt Clinton, Jr., and it resulted in presenting strong inducements for obtaining a complete and ac- curate instrumental survey. In 1833 one mil- lion dollars was subscribed to the capital stock, and the company organized in August of that year by the election of officers and directors. A year passed, during which the company did not receive enough from its stockholders and others to make a survey, aud in 1834 the aid of the State was invoked and the Legislature passed a bill appropriating fifteen thousand dollars for that purpose. Governor Marcy appointed Benjamin Wright, Esq., to conduct the survey. During the year he and his assistants made a survey of the whole line, four hundred and eighty-three miles, and as the work was done under the authority of the State government, the report, estimates and maps of Judge Wright were deposited by him with the secretary of the commonwealth. Much had been said in the Legislature and many of the public prints to discourage the undertaking ; but the results of the State survey were so favorable as to dis- pel all reasonable doubts as to the feasibility of the improvement, and measures were taken to advance the project. Subscriptions were stimulated to so great au extent that the capital stock of the company was increased to the hand- some amount of over two million three hundred and sixty-two thousand dollars. In 183(5 the entire route was re-surveyed, a portion of the road located and work upon it commenced, but the financial stringency which began to be felt in that year, and intensified in the panic of 1837, compelled a suspension of operations until 1838. In that year the Legis- lature granted to the company, in aid of its con- struction of the road, a loan of the credit of the State for three million dollars. At the session of the Legislature in 1840 the loan bill was further amplified, and this, together with the collections on the stock subscriptions, enabled the company to vigorously prosecute the work. The first portion, a section of forty-six miles, from Pier- mont to Goshen, was put in operation on the 23d of September, 1841. But the following year complicated embarrassments, arising from the nature and amount of its indebtedness, made it necessary that the business of the company should be placed in the hands of assignees, and it was not until May 14, 1845, when the Leg- islature passed an act releasing the State claim, that the outlook again became propitious. Then the directors entered with a new feeling of con- fidence upon the work of resuscitating the pro- ject and presented a plan to the public which placed the work in a position to be successfully completed. In response to their appeal for as- sistance, the merchants and business men of New York soon subscribed the sum of three millions dollars to the capital stock. Work was re- commenced and successive portions of the road were put in operation from time to time. The opening of the main line as far as Binghamton, N. Y., occurred December 27, 1848, and in the spring of 1851 (May 14th), " amid the firing of cannon that reverberated through all of the southern tier of counties, and the shouts of hun- dreds of thousands of the inhabitants, who lined the road at all stations," the entire route was formally opened to travel and traffic. Two trains of cars passed over the line on that mem- orable occasion, " bearing the President of the United States, Daniel Webster aud a large and noble company of the most distinguished citizens of America as guests of the gratified and justly proud directors of the road, from the Hudson to Lake Erie." 1 For a short distance along the Delaware, in Pike County, the main line of the Erie is upon Pennsylvania soil. For the right of building 1 Lossing. WAYNE COUNT V. ii>:> and maintaining it there the State has charged the company ten thousand dollars a year. A trustworthy newspaper writer has given the following interesting account of the man- ner in which the rails for the Erie Railroad were procured and delivered along the Dela- ware and a great iron company thereby built up in Scranton. " When the New York and Erie Railroad was originally built, rails made of English iron, and cost- ing the company eighty dollars a bar, were used from New York to Otisville. In the straitened financial circumstances of the company in that day, the work must have stopped if opportunity had not offered for obtaining iron cheaper. In 184f! the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, which had been organized at Harrison, now Scranton, in 1843, by the Scranton*, was struggling against great difficulties for success. In the first year named the Erie Company made a contract with the iron company for twelve thousand tons of iron rail for the Delaware and Susquehanna Divisions, to be made and delivered at the mouth of the Lackawaxen River during the years 1847-48. The fulfillment of this contract, against obstacles that ordinary men would have failed to conquer, gave the iron company the first step toward that great emi- nence and importance it now boasts, and the railroad company was saved from bankruptcy and ruin, as it was enabled to open its road to Binghamtou four days ahead of the time required by law. The first fifteen hundred tons of the iron were delivered at Lackawaxen in the early part of 1847. It was carted in wagons to Archbald, Pa., and thence by the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company's railroad to Honesdale, and from thence to Lackawaxen by canal. The Erie agents there took charge of it and delivered it by canal at Port Jervis, and it was laid from there to Otisville. Owing to the delay the Erie was sub- jected to in gaining entrance into Pennsylvania at the ' Glass-House Rocks ' above Port Jervis, speed in delivery of the iron was required. An arrangement was made with the iron company for the delivery of the balance of the iron at different points along the route. Hundreds of teams were put to work, and the iron was carted over the rough, hilly roads of Luzerne (now Lackawanna) and Wayne Counties to Nar- rowsburgh, Cochecton, Equinunk, or Lordville, Stock- port, Summit, and Lanesboro'. Thus a simultaneous laying of the rails took place along the required dis- tance, and the railroad company was saved and the iron company made." It is a popular misapprehension that the Erie Company originally contemplated building their road through the valley of the Lackawaxen — that the valley was a part of the route first de- cided upon, and was abandoned because of the opposition of the people. Such is not the fact. The charter of the road originally provided that the road should be built wholly in New York, and no amendment was made to the charter un- til it was found necessary to build a portion of the line along the Delaware in Pennsylvania. The company asked permission to come into the State, of the Pennsylvania Legislature, in 1845. But the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company thought it was the purpose of the Erie to run a branch into the Lackawanna Valley and compete with it in the coal trade, and it further thought that the only practicable route then open was through Cobb's Gap. Under inspiration of these views, the Delaware and Hudson company, through William H. Dimmick, one of its attor- neys, who was elected to the State Senate in 1844, defeated the railroad company's bill, and the managers of the company organized the Washington Coal Company (now the Pennsyl- vania Coal Company) and secured the route through Cobb's Gap. In 1846 the Erie re- newed its application to the Pennsylvania Leg- islature. The Delaware and Hudson Company, having secured itself, withdrew opposition and the identical bill defeated the year before was Much of the lukewarmness of the people of the Lackawaxen, and nearly all of the opposition that was manifested by them at the time the Erie sought to come into Pennsylvania, grew out of the fact that the company did not ask to come their way. They thought that if the ap- plication was defeated, the company would be compelled to seek the route by way of the Lack- awaxen, and that the Legislature of New York would at length give way on that point rather than defeat the enterprise. The availability of the route was afterwards thoroughly considered by the Erie managers, and was twice surveyed, but while it was admit- ted that it would shorten the route by about seventeen miles, the consideration that the road was already built along the Upper Delaware and that it must be maintained, overweighed what- ever of advantage wag promised by the more direct route by Honesdale and the Lackawaxen or Dyberry. The time may come, howev* r, 250 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. when the Erie Company may feel constrained to make use of this short cut across the corner of Pennsylvania. HONESDALE BRANCH OF THE ERIE THE Jefferson Railroad. — In 1851 a number of the citizens of Honesdale, being desirous of ob- taining railroad communication with the outer world, secured a charter for building what was with a purpose vaguely denominated the Jeffer- son Railroad. The authorizing act was passed by the Legislature April 28th, and appointed Earl Wheeler, Esq., Charles S. Minor, Esq., Francis B. Penniman and Benjamin B. Smith as commissioners to receive subscriptions and organize a company to be called the Jefferson Railroad Company, under the general railroad law. This chartered organization was to have the right to build a railroad from any point on the Delaware River in Pike County, by the best route through that county and the county of Wayne, and terminating in the county of Susquehanna at the New York State line. Au effort to get the Erie Railroad Company to build the whole or a portion of the line failed ; the Jefferson Railroad Company remained prac- tically inert, aud nothing was accomplished for more than ten years. The commissioners and the Erie Company, however, both had the pro- posed line surveyed. In 1862-03 the Pennsylvania Coal Company built along the Lackawaxen from Hawley to the Delaware, connecting with the Erie at Lack- awaxen Station, and leased the line to the Erie Company. Ou March 18, 1863, a supplement to its charter was passed, giving the Jefferson Com- pany the right to build a " branch " — so-called — from the Moosic summit (in Susquehanna County) to Carbondale. Work upon the line was not begun, however, until 1869, though Charles S. Minor, Esq., had in the mean time se- cured the right of way. The pseudo-branch was finished in 1870 by the Jefferson Company — the Delaware aud Hudson Canal Company furnish- ing the money — and shortly after its completion the line was leased to the Erie, under a lease which is still in effect. About 1864 the Jefferson Company raised capital aud issued bonds for building along the line which they had originally contemplated, from Honesdale to Hawley, thus, making, with the road built by the Pennsylvania Coal Com- pany, a continuous line from Honesdale to Lackawaxen, and placing the former town in direct connection with the Erie. Members of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, in individual capacity, took much of the stock. Among the people of Honesdale most promi- nently identified with the project at this period aud later, were Judge C. P. Eldred, Samuel E. Dimmick and Zenas H. Russell. It was not until May 6, 1867, that actual work was begun on the line, but it was then pushed forward witli rapidity, and on June 23, 1808, the first locomotive run over the line and steamed proudly into the quiet town, where the first locomotive in America made its trial trip, thirty-nine years before. On July 10th, fol- lowing, the first passenger train ran into Hones- dale. On July 13th passenger trains (mixed with freight) began running regularly, aud on November 23, 1868, trains composed entirely of passenger cars began running, and have since continued uninterruptedly, affording the people of Honesdale and the dwellers throughout the valley of the Lackawaxen excellent facilities for travel, and a close connection with the Erie to and from New York aud other points. The road upon its completion was leased to and has since been operated by the Erie Com- pany. E. B. Hardenburgh has been for a long period the efficient conductor upon the Hones- dale Branch. No attempt has ever been made to connect, by an independent line over the Moosic range, the two railroads built under the charter of the Jefferson Company, and it is probable that none ever will be made, for the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's Gravity Railroad, from Honesdale to Carbondale, is a sufficient connecting link. WAYNE COUNTY. 257 CHAPTER V. Agricultural Societies — The Farmers' Institute. 1 The Agricultural Societies of Wayne County. — " Furius Cresinus, an emancipated Roman slave, having obtained from his small estate much larger crops than his more wealthy neighbors from their vast domains, they became so envious that they charged him with employ- ing enchantment to attract to his grounds the products of their fields. Having been sum- moned by Spurius Albinus, and being fearful of condemnation, he introduced into the Forum, as the tribes prepared to vote, his robust, well-clad family, his agricultural implements, his heavy mattocks, his ingeniously constructed plows, his well-fed oxen, and then exclaimed: 'Behold, Roman citizens, my magic ! But I am still unable to show you, or to bring into the market-place, my studies, my constant vigilance and my unceasing labors ! ' Scarcely had he finished when he was absolved by public ac- clamation." Not less true is it now than when the elder Pliny put the foregoing historical incident upon record, in the early days of the Christian era, that only by study, vigilance and incessant labor can the husbandman hope to achieve the high- est degree of success in the development and cultivation of the soil. This fact is so patent, and is so often demonstrated, that there is no longer any danger that exceptional prosperity will be attributed to witchcraft, or even luck. The best methods, the best seed, the best blood, the best machinery, the best exercise of brain and muscle — all these, combined with the best conditions of soil and climate, can only be ex- pected to produce the best results and insure to the modern farmer, as to the ancient Roman slave, full granaries, thriving cattle and a well- fed family. Out of this knowledge was developed the Ag- ricultural Society and its kindred associations. 'Nearly the whole of this chapter was written by Thomas J. Ham, Esq., editor of the Wayne County Iler,ild t and for many years secretary of the society. The account of the Farmers' Institute was furnished by Hon. N. F. Underwood, of Lake Como. At first they were simple conferences between neighboring tillers of the soil and keepers of flocks and herds, in which, through mutual re- lations of experience, the acquired knowledge of one became the property of all, whether as to the avoidance of erroneous or the adoption ot correct methods. These casual and informal gatherings finally became regular and eventu- ally provided for their perpetuation by organiz- ation under forms of written constitutions and by-laws. As the centuries passed, their unques- tionable advantage to the State in general be- came so apparent as to lead to the passage ot laws not only encouraging and fostering, but in many cases subsidizing them at the common expense. Our own county has always pursued a wise and liberal policy in this respect, and the Key- stone stands pre-eminent among the States for the intelligent and practical interest she has ever taken in the welfare of the farmer and the promotion of his interests. To what extent her beneficent laws in this direction have affected the material prosperity of AVayne County, and through what agencies they have been brought to bear, the writer has accepted the task ot showing in the course of this chapter. When AVayne County was set off from North- ampton, in 1798, it was for the most part a wilderness. The primeval forest covered its hills and lined the streams which flowed through its valleys. Even as late as 1810, when the Legislature was asked to erect from its territory the county of Pike, the prayers of the petitioners cited as a reason for their request " the unin- habitable region over which they were obliged to travel" to reach the county-seat at Bethany. At intervals during the last quarter of the eighteenth century isolated families, and, in rare instances, little colonies, of squatters and settlers had quietly crept in from New England, New Jersey and the southern part of our own State, and located on the Delaware and its tributaries, but the population was still so sparse and scattered as to leave the county in a practically undeveloped state. The opening up of the lands to actual settlement, upon easy terms, through purchases from the State Land Office or large landholders, the location of the seat of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. justice within four miles of the territorial centre of the new county, and finally the incursion of a band of sturdy, industrious and exceptionally intelligent pioneers, naturally began to bear good and tangible fruit. By 1810 the Great Bend and Cochecton and Bethany and Ding- man's Choice turnpikes were built, and in the following year the Belmont and Easton turn- pike was chartered. Before that time the road from Mount Pleasant to Stockport was finished, and a few years later the Belmont and Ogh- quaga put in traveling condition. All of these highways played important parts in the develop- ment of the county. Some of them were thoroughfares, not only for the accommodation of local settlers, but for the use of through travelers to and from the lake country and the seaboard cities. They were the veins and arteries of the new country, through which life and business pulsated, and by which energy was taught and ambition stimulated among our people. Along their courses, and upon laterals built to connect with them, immigration settled. Little clearings developed into fine farms, houses clustered into hamlets, villages of considerable pretensions sprang into existence. For many years, however, after the erection of the county its chief industry was not that of farming. Splendid timber of nearly every variety covered its territory, and the Delaware River furnished a natural thoroughfare whereby the product of the forests could be conveniently and profitably floated to market either sawed or in the log. Incidental to the lumbering trade, or perhaps more properly regarded as branches of it, were various manufacturing enterprises. Tanneries were built wherever great bodies of hemlock bark could be easily and cheaply obtained. Pot and pearl-ash factories were started in the hardwood regions. Sugar-making from the maple was extensively carried on. Glass fac- tories created a considerable demand for wood, and at later dates establishments fur the manu- facture of umbrella and parasol handles, clothes- pins, bed-frames, etc., have contributed no small share to the extermination of our timber as well as to the employment of our people. It has only been within the past twenty years that our county — as a whole — has made rapid prog- ress in agriculture. During that period her advance has been as phenomenal as her previous progress was slow. There can be little doubt that while the gradual abandonment of the lumbering and tanning branches of business, from exhaustion of raw material, has so released labor and turned it into its natural channel — the cultivation of the broad acres which under- laid the forests — as to contribute largely to this result ; the influence of the several agricultural societies which have from time to time existed in the county, has also been potent and benefi- cent in bringing to our farmers that information as to the proper treatment of lands, culture of fruits, care of stock, etc., which has insured their success and resulted in their present pros- perity. The popular impression that the present Wayne County Agricultural Society is the only organization of its kind which has ever existed within her borders is a very erroneous one. Nearly a hundred years ago a quantity of ma- ple sugar, made in what is now Manchester township, was sent by Samuel Preston and John Hilborn to Henry Drinker, at Philadelphia. He forwarded a box of it to George Washing- ton, and received in reply a letter in which the President wrote : " And being persuaded that considerable benefit may be derived to our country from a due prosecution of this promis- ing object of industry (the manufacture of maple sugar), I wish every success to its cultivation which the persons concerned in it can them- selves desire." Mr. Drinker, who was a large land-owner in this county, at once had a little book printed setting forth the pleasures and profits of the sugar industry, and shortly after- ward set about organizing a society which was to be called " The Union Society, for promoting the manufacture of sugar from the maple tree and furthering the interests of agriculture in- Pennsylvania." The society's attention, it was further set forth, should be " primarily and principally confined to that purpose and to the manufacturing of pot and pearl ashes." This society was organized in Philadelphia in 1792, and had among its trustees and shareholders not only Mr. Drinker and other large land spec- ulators, but some of the most prominent men in WAYNE COUNTY. 259 the country, including the United States treas- urer, two signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, Dr. Benjamin Rush, judges of the United States Supreme Court and others of equal note. Its capital stock was fifteen hun- dred dollars, which was expended for three thousand acres of land in Manchester township. Four years later it was disbanded. An inven- tory of its effects taken at that time will give some idea of the extent of its operations. There were on hand thirty-seven potash kettles and twelve hundred sap troughs. Thirty-eight acres of land had been cleared and three houses and a saw-mill built. The concern was solvent, but had not been sufficiently profitable to warrant its continuance, and its personal prop- erty was sold to Mr. Drinker and his agent, Mr. Preston. Notwithstanding the clause in its title pledging the association to a furtherance of the interests of agriculture, its immediate in- fluence upon that industry was, in all probabil- ity, not very apparent. Still, as it brought large tracts of land into market, which have since become among our most profitable farms, it doubtless had an indirect bearing upon hus- bandry sufficient, at least, to warrant its being mentioned as the initial society of its kind in the county. As has been said, it was along the line of the principal roads constructed through the county that the most rapid advancement in the develop- ment of farmlands was made in the first and second decades of the present century. In 1801 there were thirty houses or settlers' cabins, and fifty-four taxables in Mount Pleasant township, which then included parts of Dyberry, Preston and Clinton, which townships have also been more or less sub-divided since their erection. In 1822, owing to the opening of the thorough- fares before referred to, the number of taxables in Mount Pleasant, shorn as it had been in the mean time of more than half of its territory, was two hundred and seventeen. Increase corre- sponding to these figures, though perhaps not quite so rapid, had occurred in other towns, no- tably Canaan, Salem, Paupack and Damascus. These inhabitants occupied good farms along the turnpike centering at Mount Pleasant village and Belmont, a short distance west. Bethany, the county-seat, had become quite a thriving place, with five stores, commodious hotels and a printing office. Among the earliest settlers in the village was Solomon Moore, a young man of superior education and exceptional public spirit. He was the first postmaster and one of the first merchants of Bethany. In 1819 he was elected sheriff of the county and iu 1827 prothonotary, in which office he died in 1831. While engaged in his store and discharging his duties as sheriff he was brought into contact with most of the farmers of the county, and took every occasion to impress upon them the advisability of organ- izing an agricultural society. He was seconded in this movement by Jacob S. Davis, then com- missioners' clerk and deputy treasurer, and who afterwards became treasurer of the county. Mr. Davis came to Bethany from Paupack settlement in the early part of the century. He was an excellent carpenter and worked at his trade for some time, but the superior education he pos- sessed and his fine social qualities, which in- cluded a good knowledge of music, soon began to assert themselves and he rapidly worked into public prominence. In November, 1822, he became the editor and co-publisher of the AV- pvbUcan Advocate, in which connection he re- mained until January, 1830, when the name of the paper was changed to the Bethany Inquirer, with his former partner, William Sasman, as editor. During Mr. Sasman's management of the Inquirer, Mr. Davis was a voluminous con- tributor, his writings including an interesting, though somewhat imperfect, " History of Wayne County," which ran through many numbers, aud was designed for subsequent publication in book-form. Notwithstanding Mr. Davis' gen- eral popularity, he happened to have a wife with Xantippe's personal characteristics, and about 1814 or 1815 she left his bed and board. He tried hard to induce her to return, among other efforts writing her an affectionate letter, in which he promised to overlook the past, and pictured the happiness that might be in store for them. The lady with whom the absconding spouse was living testified during the divorce proceedings which followed, that Mrs. Davis, on receiving the epistle, inquired as to the indorsement placed by the grand jury on rejected bills of indict- 200 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONEOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. merit. Being told, she simply wrote " ignoramus " on the back of the letter and returned it to her husband, whose experience in the county offices had made him very familiar with technical legal terms, and by whom the hint as to the inadvisa- bility of pressing his suit was taken without the necessity of " a kick " to give it emphasis. Other prominent advocates of the agricultural society scheme were Sheldon Norton, father of E. K. Norton, of Clinton, and his brother, Alvah W., Judge Samuel Preston, Major Jason Torrey and Levi C. Judson, father of the author, E. Z. C. Judson, better known as " Ned Bunt- line." This agitation for a society was com- menced in 1819, but took no practical form uutil after the passage of an act by the Legisla- ture on the 20th of March, 1820, which pro- vided that " as soon as the board of commission- ers and two-thirds of the grand jury of any county in the commonwealth shall agree in writing under their respective hands that a so- ciety shall be established within the same, it shall be lawful for twenty or more inhabitants of any such county, fifteen of whom shall be practical and actual farmers, to sign an agree- ment promising to pay to the treasurer of said society, so long as he shall remain a member thereof, the sum of one dollar each or more, an- nually, for the purpose of paying rewards for promoting or increasing the culture of sugar from the maple or sugar tree, or any other sub- stances, the extraction of salts from ashes of vegetables, the introductiou of any new grain, grass or root into cultivation, the raising the greatest quantity of grain, grass or roots on any given quantity of ground, the invention of any new and useful utensils in husbandry, the raising and manufacturing of wool, hemp and flax in greater quantities or improving the value thereof, the introduction of mineral or other measures, the improvement of the breed of horses, black cattle, sheep or hogs, the making of butter or cheese in any given quantities, or any improve- ment in all or every of aforesaid articles, and cause such agreement to be filed in the office of the prothonotary, whereupon such society shall become a body politic and corporate in deed and in law, with rights, etc., and be entitled to have from the county treasury annually the sum of fifty dollars for every member which said county is eutitled to elect to the House of Representatives." In compliance with this law the Wayne County Agricultural Society reached the point of actual organization at Bethany, on the 17th of November, 1821. Its original members were, — Thomas Schoonover. Elijah Dix. Jason Torrey. Solomon Moore. Jonathan Jennings. Homer Brooks. Samuel Preston. Benjamin Wheeler. Amos Polly. Oliver Hamlin James Manning. Isaai' Dimmick. Jacob S. Davis. Abisha Woodward. John K. Woodward. Daniel Bunting. Levi Green. David Kennedy. John Mumford. Sheldon Norton. Alvah W. Norton. L. C. Judson. Pope Bushnell. Bethuel Jones. Amzi Fuller. Eliphalet Wood. Thomas Spangenberg. The first officers of the society were Solomon Moore, president ; Jacob S. Davis, secretary ; and John K. Woodward, treasurer. All of these were at the time holding important county offices. The first fair was held in Bethany, on the 12th of November, 1822, and proved to be for the times an interesting exhibition. The quaint little county town was full of people, and the taverns, at least, did a thriving busi- ness. There was no charge for admission, so there was no prospect of an overflowing treas- ury, but it is to be presumed that the parties interested in the enterprise cared little for that if the outcome of their movement should be a general improvement in the agricultural status of the county. The total expenditures, including premiums, were one hundred and seventy-two dollars. These were provided for by the regular contributions of members, sixty- four dollars; donations, eight dollars, and county appropriation, one hundred dollars. In order to raise even this sum, it would appear that the society must have construed the law pretty liberally. By the act of March 20, 1822, the House of Representatives was fixed at one hundred members, the ratio of apportionment at twenty-one hundred taxables, and North- ampton, Wayne and Pike were to elect three WAYNE COUNTY. 261 members, the return judges to meet at Easton. As the entire population of Wayne County in 1822 was but little over forty-two hundred, it is clear that she could not fairly be regarded as entitled to more than oue of the three members apportioned to the district, and hence to but fifty dollars of the county fund ; but from the fact that the society was permitted to draw one hundred dollars annually, it seems evident that population rather than taxable inhabitants must have been made the basis of the demand. When the question of the election of officers came up in 1822, Major Jason Torrey was occupying the present A. B. Gammell property, and hav- ing recently fenced in the lot, had planted it with potatoes, which, though themselves grow- ing finely, were badly hampered by a luxurious growth of weeds. His name was suggested for president, but the brusque (Quaker, Sam. Pres- ton, the first associate- judge of the county, pro- tested that a man who had developed such a crop of weeds as that ought not to be at the head of an agricultural society, and Mr. Moore was re-elected. The second fair of the society was, at the urgent request of the Mount Pleasant members, held at the public-house of Enoch C. St. John (now John Reilly's hotel), in that township, on Tuesday, November 4, 1823. The domestic exhibits were made in the school-house. Con- sidering the condition of the county, the prem- ium list was comprehensive and the prizes ex- tremely liberal. Its first item reads : " For the best stud horse, worth at a fair value not less thau $250 $10.00" From this may be inferred the general range of premiums for live-stock. There was no classification of pure bloods or grades, strains or breeds sixty years ago. There were no prizes for heifers, or lambs or poultry. En- couragement was mainly given to stallions, working oxen and steers, rams and breeding swine. What were then regarded as good yields of cereals and vegetables may readily be gleaned from the premiums offered for excep- tional crops. For instance — " For the best crop of Indian corn raised on an acre, not less than 70 bushels, $6 ;" " For the best crop of hay on an acre, not less than three tons, $7 ;" " For the best half-acre of potatoes, not less than two hundred bushels, $5 ;" " For the best quarter acre of turnips, not less than fifty bushels, $4;" " For the best tenth-acre of car- rots, not less than fifty bushels, §4 ;" and so on. Corresponding prizes were offered for the best acres of winter and summer wheat, rye and oats, quarter-acre of barley and half-acre of flax. The list of premiums under the head of " Domestic Manufactures " is decidedly inter- esting as showing the character of household work the matrons and misses of that day were engaged in. There is a noticeable absence of rewards for crochet work, crazy quilts, em- broidery and kindred finery, but there is, in- stead, a generous recognition of the more sub- stantial and useful products of the dainty fin- gers of our grandmothers. The following ex- amples are from the list : For the greatest quantity of grained maple sugar made at one sugar-camp $4.00 For the best specimen of cheese, not less than thirty pounds 2.00 For the best and most butter made from one cow in ten successive weeks 2.00 For the best ten yards of woolen fulled cloth 4-4 wide, manufactured by one family (dressing excepted) from wool raised by the claimant 5.00 For the best ten yards domestic casimere .... 4.00 For the best ten yards of Hannel 7-8 wide made from claimant's materials 3.0O- For the best ten yards linen sheeting 4-4 wide . 3.00- For the best ten yards of linen diaper 2.00 For the best two pairs of woolen stockings. . . 1.00 For the best three sides sole and three sides upper leather, each 3.00 For the best pair of boots 2.0f> For the best plow 5.00 For the best machine for the dressing of flax without rotting 5.00 Twenty-five dollars were set apart for pre- miums for articles of peculiar merit, to be awarded at the discretion of the directors. Ani- mals offered for premiums were required to be owned or raised within the county, and com- petitors were obliged to make affidavit of their ownership for six mouths previous to the fair, and produce proof of the ages of their respective animals. No animal having taken one premium was eligible to another at any subsequent ex- -202 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. liibition, "except for qualities different from those for which the former prize was awarded." Competitors for premiums ou implements of husbandry, and on manufactures, were required to prove, on oath, the facts relating to the fabrication of the articles exhibited, and their property in the same, and all articles of domestic manufacture (excepting the machine for dressing flax), to be entitled to premiums, must have been wholly made within the county. The directors of the society were evidently not wholly devoid of gallantry. The last clause of its rules and regulations runs as follows : " No premium will be awarded for articles that, are not above mediocrity, nor to others than members of the society, who shall have paid all arrearages, females excepted." The Mount Pleasant exhibition was hardly as satisfactory as its predecessor, and it was de- termined that the next fair should be held at Bethany. In the mean time it appears that the quaint objection to Major Torrey's presidency had lost its force, for the announcement of the " Third Annual Agricultural Fair, Exhibition of Domestic Manufactures and Cattle-Show, to be held in the Borough of Bethany, on Tuesday, the 2d of November, 1824," which appeared in the Republican Advocate, February, 6, 1824, is signed by Jason Torrey, president, and Sheldon Norton, secretary. John K. Woodward was still retained as treasurer. By this time there began to be mutterings of discontent among certain property-holders at the increased taxation required to maintain the society. The times were hard and every addi- tional mill was regarded as a burden. There were hints that the requirements of the law under which the society took its charter had not been strictly complied with. The com- missioners were reluctant to sign checks for the annual grant, and Major Torrey was obliged to advance fifty dollars from his own purse, which amount was not paid him by the county for many months afterward. The remaining fifty dollars for th% year 1824 was paid to Treasurer Woodward, on November 2d, the day of the fair, upon his urgent representation that the amount was needed to meet the pledges of the society. The only change made in the officers for 1825 was the election of Amzi Fuller (commissioners' counsel) to the position of treasurer, in place of Mr. Woodward. His duties were not arduous, as during that year the society was disbanded. The payment of fifty dollars to the new treasurer is the last trace of its existence that can be found on the records or evolved from the memory of " the oldest inhabitant." The money was doubtless used to cancel what- ever debts the association may have had, and the well-intended scheme was allowed to die and remain buried for nearly a generation. The operation of the act under which it was organ- ized was restricted to a period of eight years, and its provisions were repealed by limitation in 1828. For the following nineteen years, or at least until the sumer of 1847, there appears to have been no agitation for a revival of an agricul- tural society within the county limits. In- terest in husbandry had not died out, however, with the demise of the old as- sociation, and the local papers maintained throughout well-edited farmers' columns, to which Pope Bushuell and other prominent tillers of the soil contributed timely and instruc- tive articles. Meanwhile the county continued to increase in population and its farm lands to augment in acreage and value. The completion of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's works brought with it a large influx of people and a consequent improvement in the market for the products of the soil. A new demand sprung up for better stock, more prolific seed, more scientific modes of culture, and finally this sentiment crystallized into a call for a meeting to consider the propriety of organizing a new society. It was held at the court-house in Honesdale, on Thursday, September 9, 1847. It was court week, and in those days the town was overflowing with people at the quarterly sessions of the County Courts, so that a well- attended meeting was assured. Farmers from all parts of the county were present, and a free interchange of views as to the expediency of forming such an association was had. The re- sult was in favor of the movement, and a com- mittee was appointed, with Hon. E. W. Ham- lin, of Bethany, as chairman, to draft a consti- WAYNE COUNTY. tutiou and by-laws for the government of the society, ami to present them to an adjourned meeting to be held at the court-house during the December Term. Mr. Hamlin declined the position assigned him, and Pope Bushnell, of Dyberry, was substituted. He called the com- mittee together at the Mansion House on the 6th of December, and submitted the plan for the organization and management of the society, which he had drawn up. It was adopted, and a general meeting of the friends of the scheme was held at the court-house on the following evening (Tuesday, December 7, 1.S47), when an organization was effected, with the following board of officers : Richard L. Seely, president; James Manning and Moses Tyler, vice-presi- dents ; Charles P. Waller, corresponding secre- tary ; Samuel E. Dimmick, recording secretary; Stephen D. Ward, treasurer ; E. W. Hamlin, Richard Lancaster, James Mumford, Paul S. Preston, Daniel Blandin, Lucius Collins, Zenas H. Russell, John Mcintosh and James R. Dickson, managers. It is interesting, as show- ing the exceptionally high standing of the officers thus chosen, to note that Colonel Seely and Mr. Russell were, respectively, for many years presidents of the Honesdale Bank ; Messrs. Manning, Tyler, Preston, Mumford and Dick- son, associate judges ; Mr. Waller, president judge of the Wayne and Pike District; Mr. Dimmick, attorney-general of the State ; Messrs. Lancaster, Preston, Collins and Mcintosh, sheriffs ; Mr. W'ard, cashier of the Honesdale Bank ; and Mr. Blandin, collector of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company. The constitution of the society provided that semi-annual meetings should be held on the first Monday in May and the third Wednesday in October, at the last of which dates the annual fair should be held. At a meeting of the execu- tive committee, held on the 9th of February, 1848, an address to the farmers of the county was agreed upon, to be published in connection with the announcement of the first fair, the time for which was fixed for Wednesday, Oc- tober 18th. It was stated in the advertisement, that on the day of the exhibition the society would meet at the court-house at two p.m., at which time addresses might be expected and the business of the association would be trans- acted. The objects of the society were set forth in rather high-sounding terms, as follows : "The advancement of agriculture, the me- chanic arts, horticulture and domestic and rural economy in Wayne County." There appears to have been a noticeable backwardness on the part of farmers to take hold of the enterprise with the enthusiasm which the executive com- mittee anticipated, and their disappointment found expression as follows : . . . " It is not an organization designed tor the exclusive benefit of those originally associated with it ; the ob- ject, tar beyond this, is the advancement of the general good of our county. It is for this that the society works, audit is not presumed that any individual who has or who may become a member is prompted in doing so by a desire only to make private gain out of it farther than a realization of a proportion of the benefit accruing to the community of which he is a member. From the apparent backwardness of the great mass of our citizens it is feared mistaken views are entertained in reference to the society. We can- not believe it is from a want of a proper public spirit. It is nut the individuals in most cases who obtain the premiums for the best horse, or cow, or crop that re- ceive the greatest benefits from the operations of the society. It is often at great expense that animals of superior blood are introduced, yet the community shares the advantage ultimately. He who produces a superior crop by a successful experiment is not more the gainer for the small premium the society offers than the community around him, who thereby acquire a knowledge of the process without the trouble and risk of making the experiment. Imme- diate and exclusive personal interest, or dollars and cents considerations, are not in accordance with the spirit and object of the society." The first semi-annual meeting was held on Mon- day evening, May 8, 1 848. The board of managers then submitted a statement of the affairs of the society, from which it appeared to be in a flour- ishing condition and with sufficient means pro- vided to insure the financial success of the first exhibition. The precise figures were : Life members, 12; yearly members, 59, — total, 71. Amount paid into the treasury of the society since its organization, §174; disbursements, $18.89 ; balance in the treasury, $155.11. The cost of membership was one dollar per year. The payment of ten dollars into the treasury secured a life membership, and twenty-five dol- lars constituted the donor a " patron " of the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. society. The Hon. William Jessup, who was then the presiding judge of this district, deliv- ered an address to the assembled farmers, urg- ing the practicability and importance of intro- ducing agricultural science into common schools as a regular branch of instruction. He alluded to the wonderful discoveries which had lately been made in other departments of science, and contended that the improvements in agricultural knowledge had been equally surprising. He regarded farming as the most important of all human pursuits, as upon it all other callings, and eveu the existence of the race, depended. Hence he believed that the youth of the coun- try, the great majority of whom must necessa- rily be engaged through life iu agriculture, should be as thoroughly educated in agricultur- al as in other sciences. The efforts and arguments put forth by the executive committee to awaken a general inter- est in the organization met with a fair degree of success. The first fair was held under somewhat discouraging circumstances, yet it was regarded as an entirely satisfactory exhibit. The day was very stormy and disagreeable, notwithstanding which the attendance of farmers from all parts of the county was epiite as large as had been an- ticipated. Citizens of all pursuits manifested great interest in the proceedings of the day. The meeting at the court-house was highly satisfac- tory. Rev. Abel Barker, Pope Bushuell and C. S. Minor were the speakers. After the ad- dresses Judge Dickson moved the appointment of a committee to select officers for the ensuing year. The committee reported the following, and their report was adopted : President, Paul S. Preston ; Vice-Presidents, James Mum ford and Ezekiel G. Wood ; Corresponding Secre- tary, Charles P. Waller ; Recording Secretary, Samuel E. Dimmick ; Treasurer, S. D. Ward ; Managers, Zeuas H. Russell, Alexander Calder, George Goodrich, J. P. Darling, Pope Bushuell, Oliver Stevenson and Daniel M. Eno. Among the prize-winners at this fair was Hon. Pope Bushnell, of Dyberry, who took the first prem- ium on spring wheat, his yield being twenty- three and a half bushels to the acre. Iu his statement as to the cultivation of the crop, Mr. Bushnell gave the following interesting partic- ulars : " The land was originally timbered with beech and maple, which was full of brush. Burnt in the spring of 1818 and corn grown that year among the logs. In the spring of 1819 the ground was cleared of logs and sowed with spring rye. In the fall of the same year it was harrowed and sowed with winter rye. In the spring of 1821 a plough was for the first time used on my farm. The laud was ploughed and planted with corn. Since that time it has been every year planted and cropped with wheat and corn, and has never failed of producing a good crop." At a meeting of the society held at the court-house on the 1 2th of December following, Mr. Bushnell was made its president in place of Mr. Preston, who de- clined the honor tendered him. Judge Jessup delivered an interesting address, the result of which was the adoption of measures looking to the organization of farmers' clubs throughout the county. The second annual fair, held on the 17th of October, 1849, was well attended, despite the inevitable storm which prevailed. The show-grounds for live-stock, around the court-house, were at an early hour well occupied by a creditable display of animals of im- proved quality. The court-room gave satisfac- tory evidence of the interest awakened among the ladies in the success of the exhibition. In the artistic department Judge Seely, then Mas- ter Heury M. Seely ; chief clerk of the Patent- Office, Colonel F. A. Seely, then Frank Seely, and others who have since filled prominent positions here and elsewhere, were among the successful competitors. The new board of officers elected were E. W. Hamlin, president; Lucius Collins and P. W. Lerch, vice-presidents; Thomas H. R. Tracy, W. R. McLaury, John Torrey, Aaron Loomis, Henry Welch, Amory Prescott, Oliver Stevenson, Sylvester E. North and Thomas Clark, managers. The old secretaries and treas- urer were retained. The exercises in the court- room included addresses by Messrs. Bushnell and Welch, which were well written and were listened to with marked attention. The next meeting of the society was held at the treasurer's office, February 9, 18-50. It was addressed by Rev. George D. Miles, of Wilkes- Barre, Judge N. B. Eldred, Alexander Calder and Pope Bushnell. Mr. Miles dwelt upon the WAYNE COUNTY. 2(15 moral influence of agriculture on society, and showed that the prosperity of communities was in direct ratio to the advancement of agriculture. Judge Eldred introduced in his remarks com- ments on the diligence of the agriculturists of Dauphin, Cumberland and other central coun- ties, and expressed the opinion that if the farm- ers of Wayne would use the same care, their farms would produce equal, if not superior, crops. Mr. Calder drew a comparison between the farmer and the lumberman, showing the superior independence of the former. Mr. Bushuell contrasted the condition of the Ameri- can farmer with the husbandman of Europe. An executive committee was appointed, with Judge Tracy as chairman. The committee met at the treasurer's office on the 24th of Septem- ber, and perfected arrangements for the third fair, fixing the time at October 16, 1850. The court-house and adjoining yard was determined upon as the place for the exhibition, and it was decided that an admission fee of "one shilling" should be charged all except members and ladies. A large committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions in aid of the society, and an auctioneer selected to sell all articles exhibited which the owners were willing to dispose of. The fair was held at the appointed time, and was somewhat of an improvement on its prede- cessors. Among the premiums awarded was one for a set of artificial teeth to Dr. Otis Avery, " having a newly-invented hinge in the room of the awkward fixture heretofore in use, and an air chamber on a new and improved principle, warranted by the depositor." Dr. Avery also received favorable notice for a sample of gold foil manufactured by himself. Addresses were delivered by Mr. Hamlin, the president, and Pope Bushnell, Esq. The follow- ing officers were chosen for the ensuing year : President, Hon. N. B. Eldred ; Vice-Presidents, Virgil Grenell, Dr. E. T. Losey ; Correspond- ing Secretary, Pope Bushnell ; Recording Secre- tary, Oliver Stevenson ; Treasurer, S. D. Ward, with a full board of managers. Mr. Hamlin's address was so eloquent and instructive, it was requested for publication by a committee of the leading citizens of the county, and it appeared in the Wayne County Herald of October 31,1850. 26 On the 21st of January, 1851, the Pennsyl- vania State Agricultural Society was organized at Harrisburg. A convention for the purpose was held in that city, and Hon. George W. Woodward, a native of this county, and one of the most prominent citizens of the State, was made its chairman. Delegates were present from nearly all of the counties of the common- wealth. A constitution was adopted, and a memorial to the Legislature prepared, asking for a charter. On the appointment of the per- manent officers of the society, Mr. Woodward was made honorary vice-president. The first member of the organization to represent our present senatorial district was the Hon. William Jessup, of Montrose, formerly our president judge. The next meeting of the Wayne County Society, held May 6, 1851, was an important one. Judge N. B. Eldred occupied the chair and delivered an appropriate address in exposition of the object of the meeting, stating that it was for the purpose of taking steps to secure to the society the benefits of the law passed at the last session of the Legislature relative to County Agricultural Associations. By this law, which is still iu force, county societies are authorized to receive annually from the county commis- sioners a sum equal to the yearly contributions of their members, not to exceed one hundred dollars. Steps were also taken to make the society an auxiliary to the State organization. The president was authorized and directed to appoint a committee of one in each township in the county to induce farmers and others to be- come members of the local organization, which he proceeded to do forthwith. During the evening Hon. George W. AVoodward addressed the meeting. He gave an interesting account of the state of agriculture in Pennsylvania, alluded to the efforts of great minds then being made to strip the science of its drudgery, and spoke of the great good to be derived from the formation of the State Agricultural Society, provided county associations, and farmers generally acted in con- cert with it. After the address Judges Tracy, McLaury and Mumford were appointed a com- mittee to make arrangements for constituting the Wayne County Agricultural and Mechanic Arts Society an auxiliary to the State Association. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. As au experiment, and to satisfy the clamor of a number of farmers who had come to the conclusion that Honesdale was being unwarranta- bly favored, the next exhibition of the Wayne County Society was held at Waymart, ten miles from the couuty-seat, October 15, 1851. The usual premiums were awarded. At the meet- ing of the executive committee the constitu- tion was so amended as to permit the annual fair to be held one week later for the future. The society was addressed by the president, Hon. N. B. Eldred, and Pope Bushnell, Esq. William R. Stone was chosen president for the ensuing year; Gabriel Howell and Henry Welch, vice-presidents ; Samuel E. Dimmick, corresponding secretary ; and Jackson Wood- ward, recording secretary. S. D. Ward was re- tained as treasurer. But little change was made in the board of managers. The attendance at the fair was rather meagre, and the executive board determined upon Honesdale as the place for the next exhibition. At a subsequent meet- ing the fair was fixed for Wednesday, October 20, 1852. It was largely attended, and the display of stock and other articles was unusual- ly fine. Among the premiums awarded was one for a sewing-machine, invented and exhib- ited by Dr. Otis Avery, which was described in the report as " very ingenious." It is worthy of remark that the doctor subsequently sold his invention, and on the 12th of May, 1854, sailed for England with the purchaser and his finan- cial agent (a Mr. North), in order to introduce the machine in that country ; the impression prevailing then that the extended preparations in progress for a general European war would create a demand for soldiers' clothing and bring the invention into immediate requisition. Un- der the provisions of the new law, before re- ferred to, the society received this year one hun- dred and forty-one dollars from the county treasury. The May meetings of the association having been discontinued, the date for the next fair was fixed at this time. The first Wednes- day in October, 1853 (the 5th), was decided upon, ami a committee was appointed to procure a tent for the use of the society, the accommoda- tions afforded by the court-house being re- garded as inadequate. Oliver Stevenson, then sheriff, was chosen president for the ensuing year; Russell F. Lord and Virgil Grenell, vice-presidents; Abraham Swart, correspond- ing secretary ; E. B. Burnham, recording secre- tary ; and S. D. Ward, treasurer. Abiratn Winton was continued as general agent. Mr. Swart declined the office tendered him, and Marshal Wheeler was substituted as correspond- ing secretary. His report of the fair of 1853 was very full and interesting, bristling with practical hints and sensible strictures upon the shortcomings of the judges in the several de- partments. His report concludes as follows : " All together the last has been the best fair ever held in the County. It is, however, earn- estly hoped that next October will beat this. The hints given to certain committees have all been made for the good of the Society, and free from any ill will. Will they be taken and acted upon ? If 'yes' be the answer, then we shall soon have fairs in this County not to be equaled in the State." The officers selected for 1854 were C. P. Waller, president ; Z. H. Russell and Virgil Grenell, vice-presidents; Marshall Wheeler, corresponding secretary; and E. (). Hamlin, re- cording secretary. During the December Term of court, 1853, a large meeting, called under the auspices of the society, was held at the court- house. It was addressed by Judges James M. Porter and William Jessup. The fair of 1854 was held October 4th. It was a very satisfactory exhibition, and the at- tendance was unusually large. At one o'clock in the afternoon the regular business meeting of the society was held. It was addressed by E. F. Stewart, Esq., of Easton, Pa., and J. W. Fowler, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Edward O. Hamlin was appointed a committee to draw up and publish an address to the citizens of Wayne County on the importance of the Agricultural Society to them, and William H. Dimmick was invited to deliver the annual address in 1855. The following officers were chosen for the com- ing year : President, Captain Aaron Flower ; Vice-Presidents, Hon. N. B. Eldred and Samuel Allen ; Corresponding Secretary, E. O. Ham- lin ; Treasurer and General Agent, Abiram Winton ; Managers, George G. Waller, W. R. WAYNE COUNTY. 267 Stone, John Carr, Piatt Darling and Gabriel Howell. In submitting his report the secretary, Hon. E. O. Hamlin, took occasion to compli- ment Miles L. Tracy, Thomas J. Ham, William H. Ham, Jason Torrey, Robert N. Torrey and William Henry Stone for services both on the day of the fair, and also in preparing the pro- ceedings for publication. The exhibition for 1855 was held on Wed- nesday, October 17th. The day was unusually fine and the attendance very large. Among the more notable premiums awarded was one to Mrs. Sarah Benjamin, aged one hundred and ten years, for the best specimen of tow cloth and yarn. The president, Captain Flower, was unable to be present, and Samuel Allen, one of the vice-presidents, acted in his place. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year : President, Thomas H. R. Tracy ; Vice- President, C. P. Waller and Gabriel Howell ; Corresponding Secretary, Charles Avery ; Re- cording Secretary, Wm. H. Ham ; Treasurer, Elkanah Patmor ; Managers, G. G. Waller, P. W. Lerch, Henry Bishop, Lucius Collins and Abiram Wintou. It was decided that the fair for 1856 should be held two days instead of one ; but it so fell out that no exhibition was held at all. One of the provisions of the by- laws of the society was that the sum total of the premiums offered in any one year should not exceed three-fourths of the money in the treasury. When the time arrived for advertis- ing the premium list for 1856 the treasurer re- ported that he had been unable to secure the balance in the hands of his predecessor, and that hence there was nothing in the exchequer available for the purposes of the society. The new board of officers made several attempts to secure a settlement with the derelict agent, but without success, and they were finally obliged to abaudou the idea of a fair. The annual meeting was held, however, on the 1 7th of Oc- tober at the office of the president, C. P. Wal- ler, and committees were appointed in every township and borough in the county to secure subscriptions in aid of the society. A new list of officers was elected, as follows : President, L. L. Demiug ; Vice-Presidents, Myron Jakway and Jacob L. Keen ; Corresponding Secretary, Charles Avery ; Recording Secretary, William H. Ham ; Managers, P. W. Lerch, Henry Bishop, Lucius Collins and Abiram Winton. The date for the next fair was fixed for the first Wednesday and Thursday in October, 1857. But the society had received its death-blow. When the subscription committee tried to re- awaken an interest in the association, with a view to a resumption of the annual fairs, they were met with expressions of distrust in the manage- ment and a general fire of adverse criticism which soon drove them from the field. The extreme stringency of the money market also had a depressing effect upon the effort to raise funds by voluntary subscriptions. The panic of 1857 was one of the most disastrous in the history of the country, and Wayne County suf- fered her full share of the trouble. The reports of the agents of the society were of such a dis- couraging nature as to completely dishearten the board of managers, and before the time ap- pointed for the eighth exhibition the project had been totally abandoned. While the society was in existence it accomplished much good for the stock-raisers and farmers of Wayne. Its officers, as a rule, were selected from among the very best citizens of the county. It awakened a commendable spirit of competition among our husbandmen, and the strife to obtain the best seeds and the purest bloods became general. Its collapse just in the period of its greatest use- fulness was an event to be sincerely deplored. Of the present Agricultural Society of Wayne County, although it has had an un- interrupted and successful history of a quarter of a century, neither the limits of this article will permit nor do the necessities of the case require so detailed an account as has been given of its predecessors. Its inception may be traced to an editorial article which appeared in the Wayne County Herald of October 31, 1861, in which, after dwelling at considerable length upon the benefits to be derived from such in- stitutions, the writer (who was afterwards for twenty-two years secretary of the society) says, — "... We suggest that the Agricultural and Mechanic Arts Association of this County, which, forsome reason WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. was allowed to go down some years since, be revived, in order that these evidences of improvement may be brought more plainly into public notice, and our agriculturists stimulated to still greater efforts to make their business profitable. Several leading- farmers with whom we have conversed express their readiness to take hold of the matter, and there is no reason why it should not be done at once. Officers might lie elected this fall, and all other necessary steps taken to insure a successful, beneficial and creditable fair next year. Let us hear from our farmer friends in the back townships, and if the suggestion meets with general approval, we are ready to lend our influence to get the institution fairly started at the earliest possible day." The next issue of the paper contained a for- mal call for a meeting of those favorable to the resuscitation of the Wayne County Agricultural and Mechanic Arts (Society, at the court-house in Houesdale, on Monday evening, December 2, 1861, when such measures would be taken to that end as should seem advisable. The call was signed by A. Flower, E. R. Jones, E. H. Clark, Wm. F. Wood, C. P. Haller, H. R. Stone, Wm. Hartwell and Thomas Ham. Of those public-spirited meu, only W. F. Wood and E. R. Jones are now living. The meeting was held pursuant to the call and was attended by a large number of the leading farmers of the county. Hon. E. W. Hamlin, of Bethany, was called to the chair. The vice-presidents were E. R. Jones and Chauncey Denting, and C. P. Tallman, now a respected octogenarian, of Preston, was chosen secretary. Its deliberation resulted in a determination to organize a new society rather than to resuscitate the old one, and a committee of five, consisting of Samuel Allen, C. P. Waller, Ephraim Pulis, A. Flower and E. W. Hamlin, was appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws for the government of the proposed association. An auxiliary commit- tee of one was selected in each township, to co- operate with the central committee in furthering the success of the movement. On the 1st of January, 1862, the committee (Wm. H. Ham having been added thereto) met at the Allen House, and, after consultation, ap- pointed Mr. Ham a sub-committee to prepare a charter for the society. On the 15th another meeting was held at the Allen House, when the committee reported a constitution drawn up iu full and signed by fifty-two of the leading citizens of the county as corporators. It was adopted and ordered to be presented to the court for confirmation. February 24, 1862, the charter having been granted, the corporators met at the Allen House and organized the first board of officers, agreeably to its provisions, as follows: President, Hon. E. W. Hamlin ; Vice- President, P. W. Lerch ; Secretary, Wm. H. Ham ; Treasurer, S. D. Ward. The constitu- tion provided for a managing board of fifteen directors, the terms of five of whom should ex- pire every year, and the vacancies thus created be filled by an annual election. The first board of directors was elected and classified as follows : For one year— S. K. Vail, E. H. Clark, A. K. Hoxie, E. K. Norton, William Hartwell. For two years — E. W. Hamlin, Sam'l Allen, E. R. Jones, P. W. Lerch, Orrin Lester. For three years — A. Flower, C. P. Waller, Ephraim Palis, W. H. Ham, A. B. Walker. The stock of the society was placed at rive dollars per share, and committees were appointed in the several townships to secure subscriptions for the same. Subseiptently Nelson D. Allen was made general agent of the society for the sale of its stock, and a large proportion of the three hundred and fifty shares disposed of dur- ing the first six mouths were sold by him. March 13, 1862, the board of directors met at the Allen House and adopted by-laws for the government of the society. At this meeting a committee was appointed to locate a favorable site for exhibition grounds, and receive propos- als for the sale or rent of same. The work im- posed upon this committee proved to be impor- tant and arduous. It eventually involved not only the selection of suitable grounds for the annual fairs, but the inclosing of the same, the construction of a half-mile track for trials of speed, the erection of convenient and commodi- ous buildings for exhibition purposes, officers' rooms, etc. They worked with a will, how- ever, and by the time fixed for the first exhibi- tion, had everything fairly in readiness. The grounds selected comprise twenty-two acres and eighteen and one-half perches of level bottom land, situate about midway between Bethany WAYNE COUNTY. and Honesdale, on the Dingman's Choice turn- pike, and a mile and a half from the corpora- tion limits of the county seat. It is a beautiful spot in the summer and autumn. On either side rise high hills covered with dense forests, which, at the usual season for the holding of the exhibitions present a combination of colors of the most charming description. Skirting the grounds on the east is the sparkling Dy- berrv Creek, which, joining the west branch at Honesdale, forms the Lackawaxen. Looking south, the graceful spires of the Honesdale churches are seen towering toward the sky. ( )n the north the roads branch, one winding up the picturesque valley of the Dyberry, and the other climbing the steep hills to Bethany. At their junction, on an elevated plateau, command- ing a full view of the grounds, is situate the hostelry of Martin K. Kimble, which was the life- Long residence of his fath er, the original owner of the tract, and one of the sturdy pioneers of Wayne. The society at first leased the grounds for a term of five years, at a rental of seventy-five dollars per year, with the privilege of purchase at any date within that period, at the price of eighty dollars per acre. Having occupied it under the lease from April, 1862, to April, 1867, the society bought it outright on the 17th of April, 1867, paying to Messrs. E. B. and (i. AY. Kimble, the owners, SI 769.25, agreeably to the terms of the contract. The fence in- closing the tract was built under contract by William F. Wood, and cost seven hundred and fifty dollars. The buildings, sheds, stalls, etc., were erected at various times, at an aggregate expense of about three thousand dollars. It was the intention of the directors to procure a tent for use at the first fair, and through the agency of Judge Dickson, then living in Phil- adelphia, a large second-hand canvas was pur- chased of the old circus firm of Gardner & Hemmings, for which one hundred and sev- enty-five dollars was paid, but which, unfortu- nately, did not reach Honesdale until after the exhibition. It was used at several subsequent fair.-, and found very convenient, but finally be- coming tattered and dilapidated in appearance, passed into the hands of the junk dealer. The grounds presented an animated appearance dur- ing the summer and fall of 1862. There was much to be done to put them in order, and many stockholders of the society and friends of the movement turned in with a will to do it. " Frolics " were frequent, the refreshments for which were generously prepared by the ladies, and the best of spirits constantly prevailed. A grand picnic within the inclosure wound up the series of gatherings which had accomplished so much. It was a most enjoyable party, and was regarded as a happy augury for the future of the society. The first fair was held on Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, October 7, 8 and 9, 1862. Tlie weather throughout was delightful and the attendance quite as large as could have been ex- pected, taking into consideration the state of the country, then in the midst of civil war. The exhibition itself was entirely satisfactory. A notable incident connected witli this fair is wor- thy of record here. As the date fixed for the exhibition approached, it was discovered that, owing to the advance in the market value of gold and silver coin, the great bulk of specie had disappeared from circulation, and that, even if a sufficient amount of it could lie obtained for the use of the ticket-agents in making change at the gates, the very considerable premium at which it was held would make its use in ex- change for bills an expensive luxury. In this emergency the secretary bethought him of a plan to meet the difficulty. He caused a large number of tickets to be printed "good for 5 cents," "good for 10 cents," and so on. These, signed by the secretary, were used freely during the fair, and found to be a great convenience. These cards were the pioneer "shin-plasters," which subsequently came into such general cir- culation during and subsequent to the war. Af- ter the exhibition the society had several hun- dreds of dollars, face value, of them printed ou bank-note paper, and, until they were finally all redeemed, they passed current among the mer- chants and tradesmen of this section. During the first year of the society's existence the extraordinary outlays required for buildings, track, tent, premiums, etc., were so much in ex- cess of the income from sales of stock and re- ceipts at the annual fairs, it was found necessary 70 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. to provide the needful funds by loans. These were readily obtained from the bank and private indi- viduals at the ordinary rate of interest. One of the first to accommodate the society in this di- rection was the venerable widow of Judge Na- thaniel B. Eldred, of Bethany, who furnished the board of directors with one thousand dollars and allowed it to remain in their hands for sev- eral years. The cash required for the purchase of the grounds was mainly raised by subscrip- tion at the time. Directors E. W. Hamlin, E. G. Wood, Richard Henwood and C. P. Waller canvassed Honesdale for that purpose and secured eight hundred dollars within two days. Small- er amounts were obtained in the same manner in outlying townships. The soliciting com- mittees were named on the 14th of March, 1807, and by the 1st of April the required cash was in the treasurer's hands. At this time it first appears to have occurred to the managers of the society that they were entitled, under the State law, to an annual appropriation of one hundred dollars from the county treasury. The point being suggested, Mr. Hamlin was appointed a committee to look into the matter. He reported at a subsequent meeting that he had been unable to find any such law in the statutes of Pennsyl- vania, and that, in answer to a communication from him on the subject, the secretary of the Monroe County Agricultural Society had writ- ten that he was not aware of the existence of such a provision in the acts of the commonwealth. The law was afterward found, however, and a formal demand for one hundred dollars per year for the seven years' existence of the society (in- cluding 1868) made upon the Board of County Commissioners. By agreement a case stated was submitted to the court as to the county's liabil- ity, and a decision rendered, Judge George R. Barrett presiding, in favor of the association. Under it the society received seven hundred dol- lars from the county treasury in 1868, and has been paid one hundred dollars per year from the same source ever since. In March, 1867, a movement was inaugurated in the board of directors which finally resulted in securing a handsome yearly addition to the funds of the organization. A committee was appointed to draft an additional section to the act known as the " Susquehanna Dog Law," ex- tending the provisions of the same to the couuty of Wayne, and providing that the surplus funds accruing from its enforcement should be appro- priated for the benefit of the Wayne County Agricultural Society. This amendment, pre- pared by the late Judge Waller, was, largely through the influence of the Hon. J. Howard Beach, who was then in the legislature, and had been president of the society, passed, and received the Governor's signature. It was not until 1876, however, that the society received any direct benefit from the act. The county declining to pay over the surplus, as required by law, on the 3d of January of that year Messrs. Hamlin, Whitney and Secretary Ham were appointed a committee to look after the interests of the soci- ety in the premises. As a result of their inves- tigation of the condition of the " dog fund," made during the annual settlement, five hundred dollars were checked from the surplus to the benefit of the association. July 28, 1877, one hundred and twenty-five dollars were so paid; December 3, 1867, six hundred dollars; January 5, 1878, six hundred dollars, and in January, 1879, three hundred dollars. The law as to the appropriation of the surplus was then changed, the school fund becoming the benefi- ciary. The tax on dogs was, however, so re- duced in the same enactment that sufficient moneys have never since been collected to dis- charge the claims for sheep damages, to say nothing of the accumulation of a surplus. In addition to the regular annual fairs of the society, which have been held in every consecu- tive year since 1862, the society has, from time to time, opened the grounds for trials of speed, stock sales and other purposes of interest to the farming and stock-raising community. Many public meetings have also been held at the court- house in Honesdale, under its auspices, and farm- ers' clubs organized in accordance with its sugges- tions. It was the custom, for several years, to provide for an annual address on some agricul- tural topic, to be delivered on the fair grounds during the exhibitions, and a great deal of prac- tical information was thus imparted to the thousands in attendance. Among the speakers on these occasions have been Horace Greeley, WAYNE COUNTY. Bayard Taylor, Hon. George R. Barrett, Wil- liam L. Headley and others of note. Most of the addresses were subsequently printed, either in the newspapers or in pamphlet-form, and given an extensive circulation throughout the county. In the malter of printing the society has ever pursued a liberal policy, issuing a pamphlet every year, and, by all other available means, seeking to awaken and continue the interest of the people in its success. In 1870 a somewhat extended historical sketch of the county, writ- ten by the secretary — Thomas J. Ham — was printed in connection with the society pamphlet and distributed gratuitously to every farmer in Wayne. The annual fairs have invariably been cred- itable, so far as the merits of articles on exhi- bition were considered ; but the attendance has fluctuated greatly on account of stormy weather and other unavoidable circumstances. Since its organization the financial transactions of the society have aggregated about one hundred thousand dollars. The following is a complete list of the per- sons who have been directors of the society since its organization, in the order of their elec- tion : S. K. Vail. E. H. Clark. A. K. Hoxie. E. K. Norton. Wm. Hartwell. E. W. Hamlin. 1 Samuel Allen. 1 E. R. Jones. P. W. Lereh. Orrin Lester. Aaron Flower. Chas. P. Waller. 1 Ephraim Pulis. Wm. H. Ham. A. B. Walker. J. Howard Beach. S. D. Ward. N. A. Munroe. Virgil Gavlord. E. G. Wood. John McFarland. Isaac N. Chalker. Henry Jennings. R. P. Patterson. Tims. ( 'harlesworth. W. N. Alberty. John Male- Dr. Jos. Jones. Thos. Y. Boyd. Henry Ball. J. D. Blake. Horace Weston. 1 M. B. Allen. Jos. Atkinson. George Fitze. John F. Lee. Allis Whitney. John Jackson. Robert N. Torrey. George E. Moase. H. H. Webb. E. B. Gager. Augustus Hartung. - Wm. Stephens. Perry A. Clark. W. H. Fitze. Richard Webb. Richard Henwood. Geo. W. Kimble. Ezekiel Reed. 1 R. R. Bryant. Geo. Sandercock. 1 G. H. Bunnell. J. W. Seaman. A.R. Peck. Ensign Egelston. L. G. Clearwater. D. M. Eno. J. E. Woodmansee. Henry Hartung." Philip R. Murray. J. J. Fulkerson. E. P. Jones. E. H. Ledyard. S. H. Vail. The following table shows the officers of the society, chosen at the annual elections, from its organization in 1862 to this date (1886) : 1862.— E. W. Hamlin, president; P. W. Lerch, vice-president; W. H. Ham, secretary ; S. D. Ward, treasurer. 1863.— E. AV. Hamlin, president; P. W. Lerch, vice-president; Isaac F. Ward, secretary; J. Mcin- tosh, treasurer. 1864.— E. W. Hamlin, president; 0. P. Waller, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1865.— E. W. Hamlin, president; C. P. Waller, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1866. — C. P. Waller, president ; E. R. Jones, vice- president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1867.— E. W. Hamlin, president ; E. R. Jones, rice- president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1868.— E W. Hamlin, president; E. R. Jones, vice- president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1869.— E. W. Hamlin, president; E. R. Jones, vice- president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1870. — J. H. Beach, president ; E. R. Jones, vice- president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1871. — J. H. Beach, president ; E. R.Jones, vice- president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1872. — Dr. Joseph Jones, president ; E. W. Ham- lin, vice-president; Thos. J.Ham, secretary; Thos. J. Ham, treasurer. 1873— E. W. Hamlin, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; F. W. Grenell, treasurer. 1874.— E. W. Hamlin, president ; W. N. Alberty, vice-president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; J. K. Jen- kins, treasurer. 1875.— E. W. Hamlin, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; J. K. Jen- kins, treasurer. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1876.— E. W.Hamlin, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1877.— E. W. Hamlin, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1878— E. W. Hamlin, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1879.— E. W. Hamlin, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1880— J. Howard Beach, president ; \V. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thus. J. Ham, secretary; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1881.— J. Howard Beach, president ; W. N. Alberty, vice-president ; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1882.— J. Howard Beach, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1883.— J. Howard Beach, president ; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1884.— J. Howard Beach, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary ;. James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1885.— J. Howard Beach, president; W. N. Alberty, vice-president; Thos. J. Ham, secretary; James B. Eldred, treasurer. 1886.— W. N. Alberty, president ; Geo. E. Moase, vice-president ; N. F. Underwood, secretary ; J. M. Bauman, treasurer. Many of those who have faithfully served the society in the capacity of directors are now in their graves. The association sustained an irreparable loss in the death of Samuel Allen, whose labors in its behalf were untiring. The minutes of the organization contain many de- served tributes to the memory of Messrs. Alien, Hamlin, Waller and others who were among its founders and active friends. The society has a present membership of four hundred and fifty, holding eleven hundred and seventeen shares of stock. In the opinion of the writer, the beneficial influence of this organization cannot be over- estimated. It is not too much, at all events, to assume that, to the degree to which Wayne County farms and Wayne County stock are su- perior to those in localities with equal natural advantages, but remote from the stimulating influence of competitive exhibitions, is the Wayne County Agricultural Society to be credited for the present prosperity of our farmers. The following statistics, taken from the cen- sus reports of 1850 and 1880, tell their own story of Wayne County's advancement during the intervening period of thirty years. We may add, that never during that time was her pro- gress in the agricultural line so great as has been the case since 1880. This assertion will be amply corroborated by the statistics of the enumeration to be taken two years hence, — Wayne. 1850. 1880. Improved land (acres) 59,569 173,285 Number of farms 1,340 3,586 Valueof farms $2,188,166 $8,392,507 Value of farm implements and machinery $103,046 $332,298 Number of horses 1,603 5,544 Number of mules 2 96 Number of milch cows 3,963 14,199 Number of working oxen 2,276 1,572 Number of other cattle 5,339 19,294 Number. of sheep 10,963 19,543 Number of swine 3,535 7,734 Value of live-stock $381,536 $1,150,097 Wheat raised during year (bush.) 6,177 7,114 Rye raised during year (bush.)... 27,285 34,764 Corn raised during year (bush.).. 50,577 171,664 Oats raised during year (bush.).. 96,094 278,985 Buckwheat raised during year (bush.) 60,786 142,966 Wool (lbs.) 28,928 90,261 Potatoes (bush.) 130,338 310,792 Butter (lbs.) 391,814 1,423,753 Hay (tons) 25,380 64,616 It is estimated that not less than an average of five thousand head of cattle have been driven out of Wayne County yearly for several years past. Correspondingly large shipments are annually made to the city markets of butter, eggs, apples, potatoes, turnips, honey and other farm products. The present officers of the Wayne County Agricultural Society are: President, W. N. Al- berty ; Vice-President, George E. Moase ; Sec- retary, Hon. N. F. Underwood ; treasurer, J. M. Bauman. Mr. Underwood has also for some years represented the society in the State Board of Agriculture. It is with a degree of, we hope, pardonable pride that we reproduce from the minutes of the last meeting for the election of officers, held February 22, 1886, the fol- WAYNE COUNTY. 273 lowing resolutions. Mr. Beach having posi- tively declined a re-election as president, and Mr. Ham having announced a similar deter- mination as to the office of secretary, on motion of Mr. Woodmansee, it was "Resolved, That iu consideration of the efficient and faithful services in the Chair of the retiring Presi- dent, J. Howard Beach, extending over a period of many years, lie is entitled to the sincere thanks of this Board, and they are hereby tendered, and this action ordered to be spread upon the minutes of the Society." And on motion of Mr. Beach it was unani- mously declared that, — " Whereas, Thomas J. Ham has served the Wayne County Agricultural Society as Secretary to the entire satisfaction of the Board of Directors and of all the stockholders for the last twenty-two years, therefore be it "R&olved, That in view of the eminent fitness and ability displayed by him for the position which he has so long filled, and the faithful manner in which he has performed the duties of his office, we deeply regret that he feels constrained through personal con- siderations and the press of other duties to decline the re-election unanimously tendered him. "Resolved, That a vote of thanks lie hereby tendered Mr. Ham, and that this action of the Board be spread upon the minutes of this Society and furnished the County papers for publication." It remains only to be said, in conclusion, that the society is in excellent hands, and only re- quires the sincere and active support of the formers of Wayne to insure for it in the future as successful and useful a career as it has had in the past. Wayne County Fakmeks' Institute. — The first County Farmers' Institute ever held in Wayne County, or, as is believed, in Pennsyl- vania, was held at Honesdale, February 1 and 2, 1883. The subject of holding such institutes had been agitated to some extent in the State Board of Agriculture for a year or two previously, and while some of the members of that body favored the idea, it was not thought best by the majority of them that the board should undertake anything in that line. N. F. Underwood, then representing the Wayne County Agricultural Society in that body, thinking that something of the sort might be done, and some good accomplished for the farming interests of the county, without outside assistance, conferred with a number of the leading and public-spirited farmers of various parts of the county, and found so many ready and willing to give the project their countenance and assistance, that it was agreed that a call should be issued, and an invitation extended to farmers and others who might feel interested, to meet at the date above-named. Among those most active in rendering assist- ance were E. K. Norton, of Clinton ; Hon. A. B. Gammell, of Bethany ; T. J. Crocker, of Damascus ; J. E. Woodmansee, of Buckingham ; C. E. Kilpatrick, of Preston ; J. T. Stocker, of Salem ; Hon. E. O. Hamlin, of Bethany ; and B. B. Smith, of Honesdale. The county papers rendered valuable assistance by printing the call for the meeting gratuitously, calling attention to the s;ime editorially and publishing full re- ports of the proceedings. Among the papers read were, " Fruit Culture in Wayne County," by E. K. Norton ; " Thoroughbred Stock," by J. E. Woodmansee ; " Dairy Interests," by C. E. Kilpatrick ; " Root Crops," byA.B. Gammell ; etc. Spirited discussions followed the reading of the essays, and addresses were also made by Hon. E. O. Hamlin and Professor H. B. Lar- rabee. County Superintendent Hon. A. B. Gammell was chosen president, and R. M. Stocker, then register and recorder of the county, was elected secretary, The attendance was much better than had been anticipated, numbering on the second day at le^st one hun- dred, and all felt that the meeting was an un- qualified success. It was resolved to hold a similar meeting in 1884, and a committee to arrange for the same was elected, as follows: N. F. Underwood, A. B. Gammell, E. K. Norton, J. Howard Beach, J. T. Stocker, P. W. Collins and J. E. Woodmansee. The institute of 1884 met in Honesdale, in February. E. K. Norton was elected president and B. B. Smith and J. C. Birdsall, vice-presi- dents- C. E. Kilpatrick was chosen secretary. Essays were read as follows : " Fertilizers and Their Action," by Professor J. M. Dolph, prin- cipal of Honesdale schools ; " Chemical Constitu- ents of Plants," by Professor Henry A. Smith, 274 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of Honesdale ; " Best Breeds of Sheep for Wayne County," by J. C. Birdsall, of Seeleyville ; "The Grazing Lauds of Wayne County," by N. F. Underwood ; " Fruit Culture, Planting and Varieties," by T. J. Crocker ; " How shall we prevent the ravages of the bot-fly (Estrun Bovis) ? " by P. G. Goodrich, of Bethany. These and other subjects were fully discussed, and the question, " Can a farmer run in debt for a farm in Wayne County, and pay for it out of the proceeds of the same? " brought out a great variety of opinions. The attendance at this meeting was good, though not quite equal to that of 1883. Again Wayne County took the lead, by the Farmers' Institute of 1884 naming the first Monday in May, of that year, to be observed as " Arbor Day" in said county. This antedated the proclamation of Governor Patti- son, who named April 17, 1885, as Arbor Day for the State, by one year, and we are gratified to be able to state that it was quite generally ob- served in the county, and that many hundreds of shade and ornamental trees are now growing which were plauted on that day. It was decided to hold another institute in 1885, and a committee was named to arrange for it, consisting mostly of the former committee, with Hon. A. B. Gammell as chairman. An effort was made to secure some outside lecturers. Major Alvord, of Houghton Farm, N. Y., was applied to to assist, and a day was named for the meeting. He could not come on that day, and the meeting *vas postponed one week, or until February 8th. Again he was unable to come, and by this time the snow had become deep, and the traveling difficult, many of the roads being- blockaded with drifts. Quite a goodly number, however, managed to get to the meeting, and as none came merely out of curiosity, the meeting was not second in interest to those previously held. N. F. Underwood was chosen chairman, and D. M. Eno and A. B. Gammell, vice- presidents. Theodore Day, of Dyberry, read an essay on " The Insect Enemies of the Apple- Tree." William Stephens, of Bethany, explained his method of rutabaga culture. The subject of public roads and road-making machinery was considered at some length, and this dis- cussion brought forth practical and profitable fruits during the present season, by leading to the introduction through the county of quite a number of improved road-working machines whereby the roads have been greatly improved, at much less cost than by the old methods. Judge Henry M. Seely, of Honesdale, delivered a very interesting address in the evening. " The Best Breed of Cows for Wayne County " was duly considered, and brought out many points of interest. Other subjects received attention, and again the first Monday in May was ap- pointed as " Arbor Day," the date named by the Governor beiug too early for this latitude. A committee was again named for an institute in 1886. The Legislature of 1885, upon re- commendation of the State Board of Agricul- ture, appropriated one thousand dollars annually for the next two years to enable the State Board to send competent assistants to these in- stitutes upon application. CHAPTER VI. Educational Matters in General— The Law of 1834— Teachers' Institutes — County Superintendents ' The first movement tending to the popular- ization of the schools was made in 1810, under the school law of the year previous. The school law of 1809 was meagre in its provisions and secured only a slight advance towards the admirable, but by no means perfect, present system of education, though it was the initial step in the direction of making the schools common, — i.e., public, free to all. Prior to that time but a few schools existed in the county. At the beginning of the cen- tury Wayne County consisted of six sub-divi- sions, or townships; but it was larger then than now, and the whole of one of them (Lacka- waxen) and a considerable portion of another (Palmyra) were included in territory now in 1 This chapter is in some measure based on the report of County Superintendent D. G. Allen for 1877, but is materially enlarged by the introduction of matter princi- pally upon the County Teachers' Institutes, obtained from various other sources. For a particular account of the various individual schools the reader is referred to the several local chapters. WAYNE COUNTY. Pike County. It is probable that in the four townships which lay wholly within the present limits of Wayne — Buckingham, Canaan, Damascus and Mount Pleasant — and the fifth, Palmyra, largely within those limits, there were not more than five schools, or one to each township, though Canaan is known to have contained more than one in 1802. Mount Pleasant had a school as early as 1794, Damascus probably much earlier, and Salem certainly not long after. John Tyler, who taught in Mount Pleasant in the winter of 1799-1800, is said to have been the first male teacher in the couuty ; and Mr. Woodbridge, author of the old geography, who taught in Salem in 1808 or before, was, perhaps, the first educator in the county who was the possessor of marked scholarship. Schools were opened in the various centres of settlement as fast as the number of families became sufficiently large to give them support, and by 1810 there were not far from a score of very humble places of learn- ing in the couuty. The schools were of the most primitive char- acter. Instruction in them was usually limited to " the three R's : Reading, 'Kiting and 'Rithme- tic," and the latter beyond the " rule of three " was considered a wonderful achievement. The buildings were usually rude log structures, though at least one framed school-house was erected in the couuty by 1804, in Mount Pleas- ant. Many years later than that, when consid- erable progress had been made, the average school-house was still a most dismal and unin- viting building. It was " about 16 x 24 feet and seven feet high, without paint or plaster, with clap-boards agape to catch the winds of winter, and the few 7x9 panes that were left were rattling from their decayed sash. The desks consisted of boards pegged up against the side of the house and the benches were made of slabs, having the exterior or round portion of the log down, supported by four straddling wooden legs, driven into auger-holes and stick- ing above the top of the bench like hatchet- teeth. These benches were planed on the top by the tardy process of friction. Their height was apparently determined without any refer- ence to the size of the scholars who were to occupy them. In the majority of cases the scholars reversed the ordinary practice of stand- ing up and sitting down. They literally sat up and stood down, their heads being higher while sitting than standing." The schools were all supported entirely by private subscription until the law of 1 801 * be- came the opening wedge which gradually made a place in them for the poor at public expense, and eventually brought about the system of defraying by taxation the entire expenses of educating all children. The law made it oblig- atory upon the county commissioners to col- lect, through the assessors, the names of all the children whose parents were too poor to pay for their schooling. Such children were to be al- lowed to attend the subscription schools, the teachers were to make out their bills for tuition, stationery, etc., and when the same had been approved by the trustees of the school or three respectable citizens, they were to be presented to the commissioners and sworn to. Orders were then drawn on the county treasurer for the amount of each. Under this law the assessors in Wayne County returned twenty-seven poor children in 1810, twenty-nine in 1811 and two hundred and thirty-five in 1834, which was the last year the law was in force. The first money expended under the law was in 1811, when §34.67 was drawn by Robert Beardslee and Hannah Forbes. The entire amount drawn in the county during the operation of the law — that is about twenty-four years — was not far from two thousand dollars. The law created an unpleasant and unrepublican feeling of caste in the school and community. Many parents kept their children from school rather than to have their names entered upon the " poor list," and many children of the poor refused to go to school because of the taunts which were flung at them on the ground of their being " county scholars." This condition of things was remedied by the law of 1834, which created the common-school system and made taxation the basis of its sup- port. It was made optional for a township to accept or reject the provisions of this law by a vote at the regular election, and in many por- tions of the State the law remained therefore 27(5 .WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. inoperative for many years, but to the credit of Wayne County, the law was at once adopted in all of its districts, and it is a significant fact that to-day its educatioual status is far ahead of that of some counties which tardily adopted the law of 1834. Under the requirements of the law, a joint convention of the county commissioners and one delegate from each school district was called to meet at Bethany to arrange for the inaugura- tion of the new system. The following dele- gates responded : Earl Wheeler, J. Monroe, Paul Preston, George Welch, Samuel Heddeu, Elisha Lincoln, Truman Wheeler, Rufus Gre- nell, Andrew Davison, David Kimble, Oliver Hamlin, Edward Bortree, Charles Forbes and John Ball. Among other business, these com- missioners and delegates levied a county tax for school purposes of $3000. The .State ap- propriation was $407.09, making a total of $3407.09. The following inspectors, — two from each township, — whose duty it was to inspect the schools and examine the teachers, were appointed under the provisions of the law, viz.: Rev. Joel Campbell, John Torrey, Henry Bartlett, George Wurts, Rev. Henry Curtiss, Thomas Fuller, Richard L. Seely, John Belknap, James Mumford, Jr., Peter Sherman, Warner M. Pres- ton, Alexander Calder, George Kellam, Jacob W. Welch, Luther Appier, George S. Young, John Lincoln, Joseph Bass, Charles Wheeler, William R. Stone, Sheldon Norton, David S. West, Isaac Brown, Andrew Davison, Enos Woodward, Harvey Purdy, Jonathan Richard- son, Phineas Howe, Jr., Erastus Wright, Phin- eas G. Goodrich, Gershom Williams, Lemuel Mallery. The term of service of these inspectors ex- pired the following year, and their duties then fell upon the school directors elected in accord- ance with the law. In 1836 the delegate meeting was abandoned and the duties of the delegates were thereafter, as now, discharged by the directors, in whom was thus merged the powers originally possessed by commissioners, delegates and inspectors. In 1837 the State appropriation was increased to $1372. Thus gradual improvement was made in the support of the educational forces, and the schools slowly increased in the measure of their effectiveness. There is no record of a building-tax prior to 1854, and we are informed that until then school-houses were erected by private contribution. The County Sri'ERiNTEXDENTS. — The year 1854 marked the beginning of a notable era of advancement. Not only were taxes then levied for building school-houses, but the county su- perintendency was created, a system of exam- ining and granting certificates to teachers was founded, and the cause of education was enhanced by making it compulsory that schools should be kept open at least four months before receiv- ing the benefit of the State appropriation. Be- sides these measures of improvement, Teachers' Institutes, presently to be treated of at length, came into existence and materially stimulated an interest in the best educational methods. The first person on whom was conferred the honor of the responsible position of county su- perintendent of instruction was John F. Stod- dard, who was chosen to fill the office in 1854. The salary was at that time only five hundred dollars per annum. Professor Stoddard, who was a distinguished educator, and exerted a strong influence for good on the schools of Wayne County, died near Newark, N. J., on August (5, 1873. The subsequent holders of the office were, — 1859. S. A. Terrell. 1877. D. G. Allen. 1866. E. O. Ward. 1878. H. B. Larrabee. 1869. J. E. Hawker. 1884. J. H. Kennedy. As soon as teachers were subjected to a uni- form examination by the county superintend- ent, the necessity of training-schools was made evident, and to meet the demand, the Wayne County Normal School was organized in 1855, at Prompton, with L. H. Gibson as principal. This school has since been in operation nearly every year, under Superintendent S. A. Terrell, F. P. Kimble and others. There being no State Normal School in the district including Wayne (No. 4, embracing also the counties of North- ampton, Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Luzerne), the community has had to look to the higher schools of the county for its teachers. The Hol- listerville Normal School, the High School of WAYNE COUNTY. Mount Pleasant and the graded schools of Honesdale have performed good service in fitting young men and women for the pro- fession. Institutes. — Teachers' Institutes had then- real inception in Wayne County in a meeting, or "association," held at Bethany, in November, 1853. It was not termed, though it was, in fact, an institute. It was announced, or called, by the following, which appeared in the Honesdale Democrat, under the heading of " Education," upon October 5, 1853 who were named " The Trustees of the University of Northern Penn- sylvania, feeling deeply interested in the advancement of Common School as well as Academic education, and believing one of the most effectual means of se- curing proper attention to this subject is the establish- ment of Teachers' Associations for the mutual benefit and encouragement of Teachers themselves, as well as for awakening in the minds of the people generally a deeper interest in respect to the improvement of com- mon schools and a higher respect for the teacher's profession, propose to hold such an association in the village of Bethany, to commence on the 1st of Novem- be next and continue three days. To this association they would invite all the teachers of the County and of the adjacent counties, together with all others who may feel an interest in its proceedings. . . . " Lectures will be delivered on various literary and scientific subjects, among which we may mention the following: " Dr. John B. McMunn, of Middletown, N. Y., on English Grammar. " Charles W. Sanders, A.M., of New York, on Read- ing and Elocution. " Mr. Edward Brooks, on Botany and Vocal Music. " D. Jerome Jones, A.B., on History. " Prof. Justin R. Loomis, formerly of Waterville College, on Geology and Philosophy. . . ■ " There will also be lectures on Mathematics, Nat- ural Philosophy and the Art of Teaching. Prof. J. F. Stoddard will devote his attention to the interests of the Association, and will lecture on such subjects as circumstances may require. During the Session there will be a discussion on the defects of the present System of Education and the best means of improv- ing it. The establishment of a County Teachers' As- sociation will also come up for consideration. " P. G. Goodrich, Secretary. " N. B. Eldeed, Chairman. " Bethany, Oct. 5th, 1853." The convention was carried out practically upon the programme announced, Professor G. Stoeubly and Pope Bushnell, Esq., delivering addresses in addition to the in advance. The first County Teachers' Institute, denomin- ated as such, was held in Honesdale in October, 1S54, by County Superintendent John F. Stod- dard, who was assisted in making preparations for it by a committee consisting of William H. Ham, G. A. Fuller and Miles L. Tracy. In- terest in the proposed meeting was awakened by the following announcement published several weeks in advance in the local newspapers : " In view of advancing the cause of education, the teachers, school directors and friends of education of Wayne and the surrounding counties are cordially invited to attend a Teachers' Institute to be held at the court-house in the village of Honesdale, commencing on Monday at ten o'clock A.M., October 23d, and to continue until Friday afternoon of that week. "The object ofthe institute is to bring the teachers to- gether for mutual improvement and to create a regular- ty organized Teachers' Association which'shall enkindle more of a spirit of brotherhood among the teachers themselves and tend to their advancement in science,, literature and the art of teaching. Efforts will be made during the meeting to give such instruction in the branches of study usually taught in our schools as is calculated to render teachers worthy of a certifi- cate, -nid to prepare them to enter the school-room with the prospect of doing their patrons more efficient service as instructors. "A general demand is made for qualified teachers. Several applications have already been made by di- rectors of the county for teachers whose services are worth from twenty-five to thirty dollars per month. Many of the school directors have assured me that they will be present during the latter part of the week for the purpose of engaging teachers for their winter schools. . . . and that they will permit all teachers whose schools are in session during the week of the institute to dismiss them to attend it, without los9 of time. " The recently enacted school law, which imposes many duties upon teachers, directors, etc., will re- ceive such attention as will prove advantageous to patrons and taught. " The gentlemen who will lecture to or address the institute, so far as we are able to announce at present, are as follows : "Rev. E. 0. Ward, F. B. Penniman, Dr. C. Cutter is expected to be present, E. Brooks, C. S. Minor, Esq. "Lectures will be given on reading, arithmetic, geography, grammar, the art of teaching, etc. Topics pertaining to school government, school-houses, boarding round, etc., may come up for discussion, iu which it is hoped all members of the Institute will participate. 27* WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. " Teachers will be subject to do expense, the people of Honesdale having generously tendered their hos- pitality to the teachers of the county, pleased to as- sist in elevating the standard of education. Ladies will be accommodated with board in private families in preference to gentlemen ; still we hope to be able to accommodate all, as the provision already made ap- pears ample. . . " Wm. H. Ham, ") Committee "G. A. Fuller, of " M. L Teaoy, ) Arrangements. "It is hoped that every individual designing to teach either in the winter or summer will not fail to attend this Institute. . . " Your Obedient Servant, "J. F. Stoddard, " County Supt." The programme was carried out substantially as announced, and the institute was generally regarded as an agreeable success, the attendance of teachers and others interested in education being very large. The secretary, William H. Ham, reported that eighty-two teachers were present. As these instructors of thirty-odd years ago were the representative ones of the county, and those from whom many of the men and women now iu middle life obtained the rudiments of their education, we present the entire list, together with the location of each individual, — Adelia Justin, Riley ville ; Mary Beadle, Mary H. Robinson, Joanna C. Palmer, Maria Henshaw, Beth- any ; Fannie Blois, Mary J. Swartz, ( (live Power, Mary H. Schoonover, Isabel Brown, Clara Hubbell, Honesdale; Charlotte Ellis, Herrick ; Ellen E. Bush, Margaret Baxter, Ann C. Monroe, Mary A. Brooking, Jane T. Brooking, H. Sulina Bush, Mary Harrison, Ann E. McDermott, Lucy M.Gates, Mount Pleasant; Ann M. Dibble, Texas ; Alice Morgan, Rebecca Cle- ment. Fannie James, Sarah Jones, Salem ; Delphine Adams, Lebanon ; Mary M. Keen, Mary E. Rogers, Martha Munson, Way mart ; Geo. B. Curtis, Eden vale; Charles Torrey, James Reed, Bethany ; W. Van Sickle, Jeremiah Regan, South Canaan ; William Brown, William Orchard, William Schoonover, Honesdale ; P. F. Dix, John F. Hyer, George W. Hyer, Rockdale ; Rebecca L. Writer, Cherry Ridge; Eliza Surrene, Scott; Caroline Brisack, Manchester; Caroline Knight, Mary E. Knight, E. P. Knight, A. Gardner, Stockport ; Sylvina Fletcher, Margaret J. Tobin, Emily V. Star- bird, D. Crosby, Adeline G. Laking, Preston ; Augusta Cook, Ledgedale; Ruth E. Terril, Hill Top; Mary A. Lord, Susan H. Longstreet, Hawley ; Sarah J. Lee, Martha Catterson, Francis A. Bortree, Mary E. Catterson, Sterling; Julia Curtis, Edenvalc; Sarah Collins, Jonesville; Harriet Sterling, Lauretta Stearns, Harriet Stearns, Irene J. Stearns, Eldred ; Lucy Phelps, Dyberry ; Angeline Swingle, Canaan ; Mar- tha A. Writer, Cherry Ridge ; Jeremiah Rogers, Ca- naan ; Oliver M. Fleming, Paupack ; William C. Knight, Stockport ; Darwin C. Cook, George T. Cook, Ledgedale; Nelson J. Gates, Mount Pleasant; Giles H. Lyon, Herrick; Maurice Bortree, East Ster- ling; J. K. Hotchkiss, Susquehanna Depot; Paul McAvoy, Jr., Henry Connelly, Samuel Stanton, Rock- dale. In 1855 three institutes were held, one be- ginning March 7th at Pleasant Mount, one March 12th at Salem, and the third September 11th at Way mart. The latter appears to have been the regular County Institute. There was a Wayne County Teachers' Asso- ciation in 1861, and a meeting of that body was held in the academy at Promptou on October 29th, remaining in session three days. There were sixty teachers present. The officers elected for the year were : President, Rev. E. O. Ward ; Vice-President, Rev. D. Brundage ; Secretary, W. H. Schoonover ; Treasurer, James B. Torrey ; Executive Committee, Charles L. Wheeler, C. W. Torrey, J. E. Hawker, Thomas Hawkey, Stephen Brundage, Ellen Tomlinson, H. Moriah Schoon, Harriet Stearns, Harriet E. Burns. In 1862 the session of this associ- ation was held at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Hawley. In 1866, upon November 12th, what was denominated as the "First Annual Institute " convened at the Presbyterian Church at Waymart. It remained in session four days, and before adjournment a " Teachers' Association " was formed, of which J. E. Hawker was elected president; William H. Lee, secretary ; and A. W. Sinnock, treasurer. All of these institutes were held without the aid of any State appropriation, but on April 19, 1867, the value of the annual meetings of teachers having become generally recognized, a legislative act was passed compelling the county school superintendent to hold one each year and providing for the appropriation of from sixty dollars to two hundred dollars for the support of each one. Under this law the institutes have flourished and become from year to year a more and more potent factor in the advancement of the common schools. The institutes of 1867, WAYNE COrNTV. 279 1868 aud 1869 were held respectively at Waymart, Hawley aud Honesdale, with in- creasing interest and attendance. Each year the instruction by lectures and other means has been made more ample and practically valuable, until at present the institute is in effect an excel- lent normal school. The teachers of the county in 1874, as repre- sented at the institute of Xovember 16th-20th, of that year, were the following : L. A. Barnuni, Honesdale ; Sheldon Norton, Alden- ville; E. C. Foster, Honesdale; F. A. Whitlock, Honesdale ; C. M. Bushnell, Bethany ; North F. Oris, Beech Pond ; W. H. Dee, Honesdale ; F. D. Barry, South Sterling ; D. H. Brown, Waymart ; J. B. Wil- liams, South Sterling; J. W. Nolen, Cherry Ridge; J. E. Tiffany, Pleasant Mount; C. D. Brooks, Beth- any; J. G. Morse, Starrucca; W. B. Guinup, Nar- rowsburgh ; Lewis W. Seely, Honesdale ; Ira W. Swingle, South Canaan ; Joseph Pritehard, Pleasant Mount; M. E. Bortree, Sterling; J. W. Bucking- ham, Waymart ; Sidney Mum ford, Pleasant Mount; William R. Longstreet, Prompton; Marcus Peak, Long Eddy ; F. A. D, 1862. Henry S. Potter, must, in Aug. 10, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Dec. 22, 1862. John Pinkerton, trans, to 54th Regt. P. V. July 4, 1864 ; veteran. Daniel N. Peet, must, in March 39, 1864; missing in action at Cloyd Mountain, W. Va., May 9, 1864. Emil Pillard, must, in June 28, 1861. James E. Riley, must, in July 29, 1S61 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Nov. 1, 1863. M. L. Sheppard, disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 3, 1863. William Swingle, must, in March 30, 1864 ; trans, to 54th Regt. P. V. July 4, 1864. Sharp L. Swingle, must, in Oct. 25, 1861; trans, to 54th Regt, P. V. July 4, 1864. Archibald H. Stewart, must, in July 20, 1861 ; killed at Fredericksburg Dec. 13, 1862. Asa Simmonson, missing in action at Cloyd Moun- tain, W. Va., May 9, 1864; veteran. Joshua R. Thomas, must, in April 4, 1862; trans, to Vet, Res. Corps July 1, 1863. Edward Towusend, must, in Sept. 19, 1861 ; must, out Sept. 30, 1864. Albert Walter, must, out with company- Henry Wortman, must, in June 28, 1861; must, out with company. George Warner, must, in July 17, 1861 ; trans, to 33d Regt. P. V. Joseph < i. Wagner, must, in March 31, 1864 ; trans, to 54th Regt. P. V. July 4, 1864. Selden A. Woodruff, must, in July 16, 1861 ; trans. to 54th Regt. R. V. July 4, 1864. Friend Watrous, must, in Aug. 10, 1861 ; trans, to 54th Regt. P. V. July 4, 1864 ; veteran. Albert A. Wright, must, in June 13, 1862; trans, to 54th Regt. P. V. July 4, 1864. 288 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Henry White, must, in July ly Governor Curtin. Soon af- ter J. William Hofmann and Thomas S. Mar- tin, of Philadelphia, were appointed lieutenant- colonel and major. Subsequently Major Mar- tin was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Eleventh Regiment, and John B. Smith, of Pittstou, was appointed major. The regiment remained in Camp Curtin until spring. On March 8, 1862, the organization still being in- complete, having hut eight and a half compa- nies, left Harrisburg for Washington, reaching there on the 9th inst., remaining at Fort Al- bany till April 4th. From there it proceeded to Budd's Ferry, on the Lower Potomac, and was there engaged in guarding government prop- erty. On the 24th it embarked for Acquia Landing. On the 21st of May the regiment removed to Potomac Creek, to guard the rail- road bridge. On the 27th it proceeded to Fred- ericksburg and encamped on the left bank of the Rappahannock, it was occupied iu doing guard duty until the 9th of August, when it was as- signed to Doubleday's brigade, McDowell's corps. On the 28th, in an engagement with the enemy, near Gainesville, in which the Fifty- sixth was engaged, Captain George Corman, of Company F, was killed, and Colonel Meredith was severely wounded. Lieutenant-colonel Hofmann immediately assumed command. On the following morning the division moved to Manassas Junction. At 2 p.m. the division moved back to within a mile of the scene of the conflict. Here a regiment was required to hold the enemy in check, while the troop deployed to the left. The Fifty-sixth was ordered forward. The regiment held its ground until ordered to retire Captain Osboru and Lieutenant Mum- ford were wounded in this skirmish. It accom- panied the division in the campaign in Mary- laud ; was in the battle of the 16th and 17th of September, at Antietam, and suffered but little loss. ( In issing the Potomac with the brigade, on the 30th of October, it was ordered to Union to the support of Pleasanton's cavalry, and on the 2d of November was ordered to drive the enemy from the town. In this engagement the regi- ment lost five killed and ten wounded. Prepa- rations were now being made for the Freder- icksburg campaign. On December 9th, the command was at Brooks' Station; on the 12th crossed the Rappahannock; on the loth re- crossed the river and encamped and remained un- til the 25th. On the 8th of January Lieutenant- Colonel Hofmann was promoted to colonel, Col- onel Meredith to brigadier-general, ami ( lap- tain George B. Osborn, captain of company A, was promoted to lieutenant-colonel. On the 28th of April the regiment moved on the Chancellors- ville campaign. On the 29th an effort was- made to lay a pontoon bridge across the river at Pollock's Mill. The enemy's sharpshooters rendered it impracticable, unless driven from their position. To effect this, a storming-party was sent across in boats, and the Fifty-sixth was deployed as skirmishers on the left bank of the river. In this demonstration two were killed and seven wounded. On the 25th of June the march towards Gettysburg was commenced, and the regiment reached Frederick on the 28th, arriv- ing at Emmettsburg on the :30th. The brigade led the advanceof the First Corps, and the Fifty- sixth was second in the brigade column. As the head of the column arrived at the front, the regiment was the first to get iu position, and as the enemy, at the moment advancing, was with- in easy musket-range, it was immediately or- dered to fire, which opened the battle. Briga- dier-General Cutler then in command of the First Division of the First Corps, says, in a letter dated November 5, 1863, to Governor Curtin, " In noticing in the papers to-day an 294 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. account of the proposition tor a National Ceme- tery at Gettysburg, for the men who fell there in July last, I am reminded that I have ne- glected a duty which I owe to one of your regi- ments — the Fifty-sixth and its brave com- mander, Colonel J. William Hofmann. That regiment was in the Second Brigade of the divis- ion, and was at that time under my command. It was my fortune to be in the advance on the morning of July 1st. When we came upon the ground in front of the enemy, Colonel Hofmann's regiment got in position a moment sooner than the others, the enemy advancing in line of bat- tle within easy range. Being a few paces in the rear of Colonel Hofmann, he turned to me and inquired, ' Is that the enemy "? ' My reply was, ' Yes.' Turning to his men, he com- manded, ' Ready, right oblique, aim, fire ! ' and the battle of Gettysburg was opened. The battle on the soil of Pennsylvania was opened by her own sons, and it is just that it should become a matter of history. I desire to say to your Excellency that the Fifty-sixth is one of the very best regiments in the service, and Col- onel Hofmann, without qualification, one of the best officers, brave, faithful and prompt, and I hope you will cause proper measures to be tak- en to give that regiment the credit, which is its due, of opening that memorable battle. Lieu- tenant Gordon, of Company B, and seven men were killed ; Captains Burrett and Flyn and Lieutenant Hubler and sixty-one men wounded. Seventy-eight missing was the loss of the regi- ment at Gettysburg. In an engagement on the 2d, at Culp Hill, the regiment lost two killed and had three men wounded. During the movement on Mine Run the regiment sustained a loss of five men wounded. On the 6th of February the regiment under command of Ma- jor Jack participated in the demonstration at Raccoon Ford. On the 10th of March it was granted a veteran furlough. Returning on the 20th, then Same the memorable Wilderness campaign. In the engagement at Parker's Store, May 4th, the regiment sustained heavy loss in killed, wounded and missing. It fought determinedly at Laurel Hill in connection with the Ninety-fifth New York. From the 11th of May the regiment shared the fortunes of the army until it crossed the James River, on the 16th of June. On the 17th it faced the foe near the Black Water road, and in this assault Captain Mumford fell at the head of his regi- ment. The regiment participated in the advance to the Hatcher's Run, on October 27th, and to Hickford, on December 5th. It destroyed sev- eral miles of the Weldon Railroad on the 8th. On the 13th the regiment encamped at Lee's Mills, where it remained until February 4, 1865. In the mean time Colonel Hofmann had been brevetted brigadier-general, and Lieutenant- ( 'olonel ( )sborn colonel. ( )n the 23d of Decem- ber Colonel Osborn was discharged, his term of service having expired. Captain Burritt had been discharged on November 21st, on account of his numerous wounds, and Lieutenant Healy, on January 7th, on account of failing health. On December 26th, Major Jack was promoted to Lieutenant-colonel, and Lieutenant Henry A. Laycock to major. The regiment participated on the 5th and 6th of February in the second engagement at Hatcher's Run. A month later General Hofmann and Lieutenant-Colonel Jack were discharged, their terms of service having expired. Major Laycock and Captain Black were promoted to colonel and lieutenant-colonel respectively, Captain Michaels to major. The regiment shared the perils and honors of the final campaign, which brought the Army of Northern Virginia to surrender, and on the 1st of July was mustered out of service at Phil- adelphia. Colonel George B. Osborn was born March 22, 1836, at Windham, Greene County, N. Y., and was the son of ( iernsey and Ann Maria (Hollister) Osborn. Deacon Nathan Osborn, born July 13, 1763, at W r atertown, Conn., the paternal grandfather of the subject of our sketch, was a farmer, and with Rebecca, his wife, born February 8, 1764, at the same place, removed to Greene County, N. Y., in the year 1800. He served in the War of 181 2-1 4, and rose from the ranks to be major of his regiment. He had thirteen children (eight sons and five daughters), of whom Gern- sey Osborn was born at Windham, on January 22, 1806, and married Ann Maria Hollister (born at Rensselaerville, Albany County, N. V., WAYNE COUNTY. 295 on March 13, 1809), in the town of Cairo, Greene County, N. Y., on January 22, 1828, who bore him four sons, — Bennet, Lewis A., George B., and Gernsey, Jr. On the maternal side the grandparents of Colonel Osboru were Jessie Hollistor, horn at Sharon, Conn., and Ann Ma- ria, his wife, born at Salisbury, Conn. He was a farmer, and moved from Sharon to Renssel- aerville, Albany County, X. Y., about the year 1805. They had four children, — one son and X. Y., Kingston Academy, X. Y., and West Bloomfield, X. J., and having attained his four- teen tli year, began to learn the tanner's trade under his father's eyes, succeeding so well (and ac- quiring the reputation for energy and thorough- ness which has since been so marked a part of his character) as to be made the foreman of the tan- nery which his father undertook with Major Strong, at Starrucca. In this capacity we find him at the breaking out of the Rebellion <^». three daughters, — of whom Ann Maria married Gernsey Osboru, as above stated. Gernsey Osboru was engaged in the tanning business in Greene, Sullivan and Ulster Coun- ties, X. Y., until 1849, when he removed to Starrucca, Wayne County, Pa., where he was connected with E. P. Strong (now Judge Strong) in the tanning interest until 1862, when he sold out and removed to Xew York, where he now resides. His third son, George B., received a liberal education at Xapanock, Ulster County, and until the defeat of our army at the first bat- tle of Bull Run, upon receipt of news of which disaster he and his brother-in-law, Oliver Mumford, commenced at once to recruit a com- pany, and entered the service on August 2, 1861, being assigned as Company A, of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Colonel S. A. Meredith), then being organized in Camp Curtin, at Harrisburg — George B. Osborn with the rank of captain, and Oliver Mumford as first lieutenant. Joining the Army of the Po- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. totnac the regiment was put in the First Brigade of the First Division of the First Army Corps, which now bears upon its tattered flags in the State Capitol at Harrisburg, the record of twenty- eight battles. George B. Osborn served as captain of Com- pany A over one and a half years, and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel of his regiment, the Fifty-sixth; was detailed in 1863 to act as assistant inspector-general of the division in which was his regiment, and in such capacity served on the staff of General Cutler until he was wounded, and then on the staff of General Wadsworth until the death of that accomplished officer ; also on the staff of General G. K. Warren, commanding the Fifth Corps, and on the staff' of General S. W. Crawford, commanding the Third Division of the Fifth Corps, where he re- mained until the expiration of his term of ser- vice, December 24, 1864. He was engaged in twenty-six battles, and was made brevet-colonel United State- Volun- teers for bravery on the battle-field. We at- tach a certain interesting letter from his colonel and old commander, General Hofmann, of Phil- adelphia, in further tribute, and excerpt a few lines from other letters written to him. General H. A. Morrow says : " I have known you for nearly three years, and know you to be a sol- dier sans peur et sans reproche, a gentleman of conciliating and engaging manners, and a pa- triot wholly devoted to the good of the service. You carry into your retirement the respect, con- fidence and best wishes of every officer in this division, and to those of us who have kuown you longest and best you are endeared by many as- sociations, the memory of which can perish only with our lives." General S. AY. Crawford says : " I desire to assure yo\i of the unqualified satisfaction I have ever had with you as an of- ficer of my staff and a soldier of my command. Faithful in the office, fearless and devoted in the field, you have served the country and the cause with an unvavering fidelity to the end of your term, and you leave the service with the esteem, the confidence and the respect of your comrades, whose object, I trust, will be to emulate your example." General J. W. Hof- mann writes under recent date as follows : " My Dear Colonel, I take great pleasure in recalling your services in the field during the war fur the preservation of the Union, and bear testimony to the courteous and gentlemanly intercourse that existed between you and those serving with you; the satisfactory manner in which you dis- charged the general duties that devolved upon you as a line-officer, field-officer and staff-offi- cer, and your gallant conduct on the many fields of battle, conspicuous among this, your cool, self-possessed conduct on the memorable field of Gettysburg, on the morning of .Inly 1st, when we first discovered the enemy in front of Seminary Ridge. The close official and pleas- ant personal relations that existed between Generals Cutler, Wadsworth, Avers and others, upon whose staff you served, justifies me in say- •iug their verdict coincides with my own. " I recall your presence in the long, exhausting march from Fredericksburg to Cedar Mountain, in August, 1862; in the actions at Sulphur Spring and Rappahannock; in the battles of Gainesville and Groveton and second Bull Run, August 28th, 29th and 30th; your wounding in the latter battle, and a letter received from your brother under date of September 17th, inform- ing me that you had left home to rejoin the regiment, against the judgment of the surgeon ; your arrival a few days thereafter and resuming your duties; your participation in the action at Union, Va., November 2d and 3d ; in the bat- tle of Fredericksburg; the battle of Chancellors- ville; the decisive battle of Gettysburg; the march into Virginia after the Army of the Po- tomac had for the second time driven its adver- sary across the Potomac River ; my detail on special duty ; your assumption of the duties of commander of the regiment during the subse- quent operations to October, and your detail as a staff-officer on the staff of the division com- mander. I recall your presence as such in the action at Mine Run ; in the movement on the Rapidan, in the winter of 1863-64 ; through- out the campaign in the following spring, from the Rapidan down to the James River, with its almost inseparable battles of the Wilderness, Alsop's Farm, Spottsydvania, Xorth Anna, Tol- opotomoyandBethesda Church, unsurpassed for gallantry and heroism, and the sanguinary sac- WAYNE COUNTY. 297 rifices entailed upon the participants. And again in the assault of the enemy's works be- low Petersburg, June 18th, when Captain Mum- ford fell while gallantly leading the regiment in the assault, and in the subsequent operations in- cidental to the siege of Petersburg. I testify to all this with great pleasure. Renewing my ac- knowledgments to you for the support received from you on all occasions when you were under my command, and for the courteous manner in which you discharged the delicate duties of a staff-officer while serving upon the staff of ray division commanders, I am very truly yours, J. W. Hofmaun, brevet brigadier-general United States Volunteers, (late colonel Fifty- sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volun- teeers). To Brevet-Colonel George B. Osborn, United States Volunteers, (late lieutenant-col- onel Fifty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Vet- eran Volunteers.") Returning home from the war in 1865, Col- onel Osborn spent a year in the oil regions near Marietta, Ohio, and another in the manufacture of hoop-skirts with his oldest brother in New York City, following that by selling goods for wholesale jobbing houses. In 1870 he removed from New York to Starrucra, and during the next three years was engaged in the mercantile business with his brother in law, W. W. Mum- ford, at the end of which period he became partner with Major E. P. Strong in the lum- ber and mercantile business, and so continued for twelve years. In 1886 he erected a steam factory at Star- rucca, for the manufacture of umbrella and par- asol sticks, chair stuff, etc., in which he employs from twelve to fifteen hands steadily, and is building up a handsome business to the ad- vantage of the county. Colonel Osborn was married to Miss Matilda E., daughter of the late Hon. James Mumford (a sketch of whom is contained in this volume), on August 2, 1859, and has one daughter and an adopted son (child of Daniel and Hattie Cargill, both deceased). Company A. George B. Osborn, capt., must, in Sept. 15, 1861 ; wounded at Bull Run Aug. 29, 18(i2 ; pro. to lieut-col. March 1, 1863; to brev.-col. Dec. 2, 1804; disch. Dec. 25, 1S64. 28 Oliver Mumford, capt., must. inOct. 2, 1S(>1 ; wounded at Bull Run Aug. 2!), 1862; pro. to 1st lieut. ; to capt. March 1,1863; killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Charles E. Baker, capt., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; pro. from priv. to 1st sergt. ; to lstlieut. April 11, 1863 ; to capt, June 19, 1864; must, out Dec. 3, 1864. Rums W. Raymond, capt., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; pro to 1st lieut. Dec. 30, 1864; to capt. June 4, 1865- must. out with company July 1, 1865. Benjamin C. Stoddard, 1st lieut., must, in Oct. 2, 1S61 ; pro. from 2d to 1st lieut. June 4, 1865 to capt. Co. K June 17, 1865; veteran. Eben'r F. Wheeler, 2d lieut., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 disch. Dec. 18, 1862. Samuel A. McFall, 2d lieut., must, in Oct. 23, 1861 pro. to q.m.-sergt. ; to 2d lieut. April 1, 1863 ; to 1st lieut. and q.m. June 4. 1864. Edson Williams, 1st sergt., must, in Feb. 12,1864; pro. from sergt. to 1st sergt. April 1, 1865 ; must. out with company July 1, 1865; veteran. Newell F. Reynolds, 1st sergt., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; discharged on surg. certif. Abner B. Palmer, sergt., must, in Feb. 12, 1864; must, out with company July 1, 1865 ; veteran. John Knapp, sergt., must, in Feb. 12, 1864 ; pro. to sergt. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865; veteran. Isaac Trausue, sergt., must, in Oct. 31, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. June 2, 1862; re-enl. Feb. 18, 1864; pro. to sergt. April 1, 1865; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Henry A. Belknap, sergt., must, in Oct. 29, 1861 must, out Nov. 11, 1864, cxp. of term. William R. Surrine, sergt., must, in Oct, 2, 1861 killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862. Stephen F. Garlow, sergt., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 disch. on surg. certif. Andrew Archer, sergt., mast, in Oct. 2, 1861. John S. Trausue, sergt., must, in Oct. 14, 1861 ; disch. for wounds received at South Mountain Sept. 14, 1862. Porter Avery, corp., must, in Feb. 12, 1864; pro. to corp. April 1, 1865 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865 ; veteran. David H. Fink, corp., must, in Oct. 19, 1864 ; pro. to corp. April 1, 1865 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Henry Brush, corp., must, in Feb. 12, 1864 ; pro. to corp. March 1, 1865; must, out with company July 1, 1865; veteran. Henry Day, corp., must, in Feb. 12, 1864; pro. to corp. May 1, 1864; must, out with company July 1, 1865; veteran. Adelbert Dix, corp., must, in March 30, 1864 ; pro. to corp. May 1, 1865 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Richard J. Carr, corp., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif., 29s WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Joseph A. Trausue, Corp., must, in Oct. 31,1861; disch. on surg. certif. C. H. Whittaker, corp., must, in Oct. 22, 1861 ; must. out exp. of term. Wallace Early, corp., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; must, out exp. of term. Orrin Wheeler, mus., must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. May 7, 1862. Privates. Samuel Ardany, must, in Oct. 3, 1864; drafted; must. out July 1, 1865. Abraham Allen, must, in Sept. 2, 1862; disch. by G. 0. May 31, 1865. Rodman H. Burrows, must, in March 30, 1864: must. out with company July 1, 1865. Joseph Buchanan, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Israel Buchanan, must, in March 30, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 13, 1865. Danford Barman, must, in March 30, 1864; disch. by G. 0. June 17, 1865. William Bressler, must, in Oct. 4, 1861 ; captured at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. George H. Burman, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. James Black, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. May 20, 1862. Amos Bullard, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. April 4, 1862. James Buchanan, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. ccrtf. April 4, 1862. Hiram Buchanan, disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 1, 1862. David Burman, died at Camp Curtin Jan. 25, L862. William Brown. Henry Buchanan, must, in Nov. 10, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Arthur E. Blayham, must, in Feb. 24, 1862; killed at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. Albert F. Boardman, must, in March 1, 1862; not on muster-out roll. Joseph Callahan, must, in March 17, 1865 ; drafted ; must, out July 1, 1865. William Cochran, must, in March 17, 1865 ; drafted ; must, out July 1, 1865. John Coil, must, in Aug. 20, 1864; disch. by G. O. May 31, 1865. Thomas Coil, must, in Aug. 20, 1864; disch. by G. 0. May 31, 1865. Charles Coil, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; disch. by G. O. May 31, 1865. Frederick L. Course, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Martin Curly, must, in Oct. 16, 1861 ; must, out Nov. 1, 1864, exp. of term. Edgar N. Cobb, not on muster-out roll. George Cook, disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 1, 1862. W. H. Chamberlain, disch. on surg. certif. John L. Ca-sidy, must, in Oct. 21, 1861. Isaiah Dawson, must, in Feb. 11, 1865; substitute; must, out July 1, 1865. Andrew Dunn, must, iu Oct. IS, 1861; not on muster-out roll. Nelson A. Earley, must, in Oct. 16, 1861; must, out Dec. 19, 1864, exp. of term. Stephen T. Edict, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville, Va., Aug. 28, 1862. Robert Evans, must, in Feb. 9, 1862. Archibald Foster, must, in Oct. 2, 1861. George V. Gress, must, in Mar. 30, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. June 12, 1865. D. Gibson, captured ; died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 29,1864; grave 7223. J. Griffin, captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., Oct 10, 1764; grave 10,615. Chester W. Gillett, must, in Oct. 22, 1861 ; disch. for wounds reed, at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. Peter Griffin, must, in Oct. 19, 1861; not on must.- out roll. Hiram Geer, must, iu Feb. 17, 1862; absent, in hos- pital at must. out. Win. Garlow. Jacob Housman, must, in Aug. 5, 1864; must, out with company July 1, 1865. J. A. Hildebraud, must, in Mar. 17, 1865; drafted; must, out July 1, 1865. John Harriger, must, iu Mar. 15, 1865; drafted; ab- sent, sick, at must. out. Isaac Hine, died at Camp Curtin Jan. 20, 1862. Isaac B. Hill, disch. on surg. certif. Nov. 27, 1861. Pardon Hill, must, in Oct. 22, 1861; disch. on surg. certif. April 4, 1S62. Oscar F. Hoffman, must, in Oct. 15, 1861 ; killed at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. Bennett Hufteln, must, in Oct. 9, 1861 ; not on musk- out roll. George Hulce, must, in Feb. 11,1862; diedatAcquia Landing, Va., May 18, 1862. Calvin Hatch, must, in Oct. 2, 1861; not on must- out roll. W. R. Iddings, must, in April 12, 1865; absent, sick, at must. out. C. S. Jones, must, in Mar. 15, 1865; drafted; must. out with company July 1, 1865. J. C. Johnson, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Levi Kifer, must, in Mar. 15, 1865; drafted; must. out with company July 1, 1865. Ira Knapp, killed at Petersburg, June 10, 1864 ; vet. J. W. Kinsbury, killed at Petersburg, June 19, 1864. Thomas Knapp, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; wounded and captured at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. John Knapp, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. Charles Karing, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; killed in action at WeldonR, R., 1864. Elias T. Kingsbury, must, in Oct. 22, 1861 ; not on must. -out roll. WAYNE COUNTY. Henry Kifer, must, in Mar. 15, 1865. Wm. Lee, must, in Feb. 12, 1864; must, out with company July 1, 1865. J. L. Logue, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; must. out with company July 1, 1865. Eli Lee, must, in Mar. 30, 1864; absent; sick, at must. out. Zard Lee, must, in April 19, 1864 ; died at Starrucca, Pa., July 8, 1865. Walter 8. Lloyd, must, in Oct. 12, 1861; disch. on surg. eertif'., May 20, 1862. Lewis Labar, must, in Oct. 31, 1861 ; dischar. for wounds reed, at Hull Run, Aug. 29, 1852. Edward Lake, must, in Nov. 11, 1861 ; killed at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. Wm. P. Labar, must, in Jan. 1, 1862; disch. for wounds reed, at Gainesville, Aug. 28, 1862. Wm. W. Labar, not on must.-out roll. Cyrus Lanichan, must, in Feb. 15, 1862; noton must.- out roll. Wm. C. Mortimer, must, in Mar. 15,1865; drafted; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Perry Meldbury, must, in Dec. 5, 1861 ; disch. for wounds reed, at 2d Bull Run. Samuel McMillen, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; must, out with company July 1, 1865. David McLane, must, in Mar. 15, 1865; drafted; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Philip McNelius, must, in Mar. 30, 1864; absent, sick, at must. out. Win. Mclntyre, died April 7, 1862; buried in Mil. Asy. Cem., Washington, D. C. James Mclntyre, must, in Mar. 1, 1862. John Nye, must, in Mar. 15, 1865; drafted; must. out with company July 1, 1865. Chambers Nail, must, in Mar. 15, 1865; drafted ; ab- sent, sick, at must. out. D. Palmer, died April 24, 1864 ; buried in Mil. Asy. Cem., Washington, D. C. Lewis Perkins, must, in Oct. 22, 1861. Peter G. Putnam, not on must.-out roll. Levi Potter, must, in Jan. 23, 1862 ; not on must.-out roll. Samuel Royer, must, in April 12,1865; subst.; must. out with company July 1, 1865. Benjamin J. Read, must, in Oct. 3, 1864; drafted; must, out July 1, 1865. John Rider, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; must. out July 1, 1865. Samuel Rider, must, in Mar. 15,1865 ; drafted; must. out July 1, 1865. Eri Randolph, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; must. out July 1, 1865. Daniel Race, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; # must. out July 1, 1865. Adam Robbins, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted ; wounded Mar. 31, 1865; absent at must, out. Daniel Rider, must, in Mar. 15, 1865 ; drafted; must, out July 1, 1865. George Raymond, must, in Feb. 10, 1862; disch. on surg. eertif. H. J. Robinson, must, in Mar. 6, 1862 ; disch. on surg. eertif. May 6, 1862. Wm. Stine, must, in Jan. 27, 1864 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865; vet. Henry Shepherd, must, in Mar. 17,1865; drafted; must, out July 1, L865. Jacob Shank, must, in Mar. 17, 1865 ; drafted; must, out July 1, 1865. George Schofield, must, in April 12, 1865; subst.; must, out with company Julyl, 1865. J. L. Stanton, must, in Oct. 3, 1864; drafted ; must. out July 1, 1865. Benj. E. Saxbury, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch., date unknown. Paul Simpson, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; not on must.- out roll. Isaac Storor, must, in Oct. 22, 1861 ; disch. on surg. eertif. Wm. H. Sillick, must, in Oct, 22, 1861; not on must.- out roll. Ralph Springstein, must, in Nov. 6, 1861 ; pris. May 6, 1861, to Feb. 24, 1865; must, out Mar. 1, 1865. Alanson C. Surrine, must, in Oct. 14, 1861 ; disch. on surg. eertif. May 6, 1862. James Snediker, must, in Nov. 11,1861; disch. on surg. eertif. Aug. 25, 1862. George T. Straus, must, in Jan. 24, 1862; disch. for wounds reed, at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. Milton Sillick, must, in Feb. 4, 1862 ; disch., date un- known. Samuel S. Taylor, must, in Oct. 16, 1861 ; pris. May 6, 1864, to Feb. 24, 1865; must. outFeb. 28, 1865. Gilbert Thompson, must, in Sept. 2, 1862 ; disch. by G.O.May 31, L865. George Taylor, must, iu Oct, 2, 1861 ; killed at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. James Taylor, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; died at Camp Curtin Nov. 30, 1861. Arthur Tompkins, disch. on surg. eertif. Nov. 20, 1861. George W, Tickner, must, in Oct. 22, 1861; captured at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. Calvin S. Taylor, must, in Oct. 21, 1861 ; disch. on surg. eertif. Otis Traverse. John Varner, must, in Mar. 17, 1865; drafted; must. out July 1, 1865. C. S. Wright, must, in Mar. 30, 1865 ; must, out with company July 1, 1865. Aaron B. White, died Sept. 8, 1862 ; buried at Alex- andria, Va. ; grave 241. John H. Worth, died Sept. 15, 1862 ; buried in Mil. Asy. Cem., Washington, D. C. Albert N. Wood, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; killed at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. Lumau Washburu, died at Camp Curtin Dee. 2, 1861. 300 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Orrin P. White, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; died of wounds reed, at 2d Bull Run. * George N. Wheeler, must, in Oct. 2, 1861 ; disch. by S. O. May 19, 1862. E. M. Whittaker,must. in Jan. 1,1862; disch. Feb. 25, 1865. Samuel Whipple, must, in Feb. 17, 1862 ; captured at Bull Run Aug. 29, 1862. George R. Wheeler, must, in Oct. 1, 1861 ; disch. on surg. cert if. John Young (2d), must, in Nov. 7, 1861 ; absent, on detached duty, at must. out. John Young (1st), must, in Nov. 7, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Sixty-seventh Regiment. — Company C of this regiment was from Wayne and two other companies from Monroe County. (See military chapter of that county for a sketch of the regiment.) Company O. (Mustered out July 14, 1865.) Hiram T. Stark, capt., must, in Nov. 15, 1861 ; pro. from sergt. to 1st licut. Feb. 15, 1865 ; to capt. June 24,1865; must, out with company; veteran. Lyman T. Borcher, 1st lieut., must, in Nov. 15, 1861; pro. to capt. Co. B Dec. 26, 1862. Thomas F. Borcher, 1st lieut., must, in Dec. 26, 1862; pro. to 1st lieut. Jan. 30, 1863; must, out Jan. 4, 1865. Horace P. Warfield, 1st lieut., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; pro. from 1st sergt. to 2d lieut. April 4, 1865; to 1st lieut. June 24, 1865 ; must, out with company. Horace O. Thayer, 2d lieut., must, in Nov. 15, 1861 ; pro. from sergt. to 2d lieut. July 8, 1862 ; must, out March 12, 1865, exp. of term. Thomas Davey, 1st sergt., must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; pro. to 1st sergt. July 1, 1865; must, out with com- pany; veteran. John R. Babcock, sergt., must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; pro. to sergt. Feb. 18, 1865; must, out with company; veteran. Melville D. Barnes, sergt., must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; pro. from corp. May 16, 1865 ; must, out with com- pany; veteran. F. H. P. Cramplin, sergt., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; pro. from corp. May 16, 1865; must, out with com- pany ; veteran. John W. Newton, sergt., must, in Dec. 12, 1861; pro. from corp. July 2, 1865; must, out with company; veteran. William H. Van Kirk, sergt., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; pro. from corp. May 16, 1865 ; must, out with company; veteran. John M. Boyd, sergt., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; must. Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Tunis Hardenberg, sergt., must, in Dec. 30, 1861; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Eliphalet W. Warfield, sergt., must, in Dec. 30, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 18, 1864. David >S. Charles, sergt., must, in Dec. 24,1861; trans. to Co. B Mar. 4, 1864; veteran. Graham Watts, sergt., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; pro. to q.m. -sergt. May 16, 1865; veteran. Edwin Solmon, corp., must, in Dec. 12, 1861; pro. to corp. May 16, 1865; must, out with company; veteran. George S. Chase, corp., must, in Nov. 8, 1862; pro. to corp. May 23, 1865 ; must, out with company ; veteran. Francis Bates, corp., must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; pro. to corp. May 23, 1865 ; must, out with company ; veteran. Henry J. Swift, corp., must, in Mar. 8, 1862; pro. to corp. June 23,1865; must, out with company; veteran. Charles Hen wood, corp., must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; killed at Cedar Church, Va., Oct. 19, 1864; buried in Nat. Cem., Winchester, lot 10 ; veteran. William T. Hall, corp., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; died at Annapolis, Md., Nov. 2, 1862. Ezra Clift, corp., must, in Sept. 12,1862; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. Henry James, corp., must, in Sept. 23,1862; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. John H. McMillen, corp., must, in Dec. 30, 1861 ; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. B. W. Warwick, corp., must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; must. out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Privates. Nicholas Andrews, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Nevil Arthur, must, in Dec. 12, 1861. Franklin Arnold, must, in Dec. 12,1861; disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 17, 1864. David W. Bates, must, in Dec. 30, 1861 ; absent, sick, at must, out; veteran. William H. Bates, must, in Dec. 12, 1861. Jacob Beagle, must, in Mar. 21, 1862 ; disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 29, 1864. Abram H. Barnes, must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 15, 1863. Robert Boyce, must, in Nov. 25, 1861 ; pris. June 6 to 14,1863; must, out Dec. 24, 1864, exp. of term. Oscar Bates, must, in Dec. 30, 1861 ; trans, to U. S. Signal Corps July 11, 1862. William Crago, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; must, out with company; veteran. George Canfield, must, in Nov. 14, 1861 ; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864; buried in Na- ty>nal Cemetery, sec. A. O. Chamberlain, must, in Oct. 9, 1862; killed at Win- chester, Va., June 16,1863; buried in National Cemetery, lot 17. Charles W. Canfield, must, in Nov. 14, 1861 ; died at Annapolis, Md., Sept. 11, 1862. WAYNE COUNTY. John S. Clems, must, in Sept. 12, 1862. Edw. R. Campfield, must, in Dec. 12, 1S61; must, out Dec. 31, 1S64, exp. of term. Edward Cross, must, in Nov. 25, 18G1 ; disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 5, 1862. James Flanigan, must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; must, out with company ; veteran. Michael H. Fletcher, must, in Nov. 25, 1861 ; died at Annapolis, Md., Nov. 25, 1862. Andrew Faatz, must, in Dec. 12,1861; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Erastus R. Foster, must, in Sept. 8, 1862; disch. by G O. June 20, 1865. Lowell Goodenough, must, in Dec. 12, 1861. Charles H. Graham, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Cartirge Haggerty, must, in Dec. 12, 1861. Frederick Hitchcock, must, in Dec. 30,1861; must. out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. John W. Hayes, must, in Sept. 8, 1862; trans, to Vet Res. Corps April 1, 1865. James A. Hawkins, must, in Dec. 12, 1861; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Oct, 29, 1863. James Jackson, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864. John James, must, in Dec. 30, 1861; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Frederick James, must, in Dec. 12, 1861; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. David C. Lathrop, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; died at Annapolis, Md., Aug. 25, 1863. Matthew Maudsley, must, in Sept. 8, 1862; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. James McKeon, must, in Dec. 30, 1861 ; killed at Win- chester, Va., June 15, 1863. Addanega C. Niles, must, in Sept. 8, 1862; killed at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864. Miner Olmstead, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; must, out Dec. 31, 1864; exp. of term. Newell Phelps, must, in Dec. 30,1861; disch. on surg. cert. May 15, 1862. John Puderbaugh, must, in Nov. 25, 1861 ; disch. on surg. cert. June 18, 1862. John J. Quick, must, in Nov. 4, 1861. James E. Regean, must, in Dec. 13, 1861; must, out with company; veteran. James Spry, must, in Dec. 12, 1861; must, out with Co.; vet. George Scambler, must, in Dec. 12, 1861; killed at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 ; veteran. James Simpson, must, in December 12, 1861 ; died May 15, 1864, of wounds reed, at Wilderness, Va. Richardson Simons, must, in Dec. 31, 1861 ; must. out Dec. 2, 1864, exp. of term. Walter Spry, must, in Sept. 8, 1862; disch. by G. O. June 29, 1865. Charles K. Spry, must, in Sept, 26, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. JohnG. Turtle, must, in Dec. 12, 1861; disch. on surg. certif. March 13,- 1X64. Thomas Vercoe, must, in Dec. 13, 1861; trans, to Veteran Res. Corps. John M. Wheatcraft, must, in Dec. 12, 1S61 ; must. out with company ; veteran. Elias Walters, must, in Dec. 12, 1861. Lucian S. Warfield, must, in Dec. 30, 1861. Alfred Wood, must, in Dec. 30, 1864 ; disch. on surg. certif. May 15,1862. Rufus R. Wiles, must, in Sept. 8, 1862; disch. by G. 0. June 20, 1865. Jacob Young, must, in Dec. 14, 1861 ; must, out Dec. 31, 1864, exp. of term. Sevent y-s i : v E N in 1 1 va ; i M e n t. — Portions of Companies G ami H of this regiment were from. Wayne. The Seventy-seventh was rendezvoused ;it Camp WilUins, near Pittsburgh, where it was organized, under command of Colonel Freder- ick S. Stumbaugh, in October, 1861. On the 18th of that month it was embarked on trans- port steamers, and proceeded down the Ohio to Louisville, Ky., in company with the Seventy- eighth and Seventy-ninth Regiments of the Pennsylvania line, these three regiments form- ing a brigade, commanded by Brigadier-General James S. Negley, of Pittsburgh. From Louis- ville the brigade marched south along the line of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and remained encamped for a considerable time at a camp called " Camp Negley," iu honor of the brigade commander. While here the Seventy- seventh was detached from the brigade and as- signed to the Fifth Brigade of the division commanded by General Alexander McD. Mc- Cook, the other regiments of the brigade (com- manded by Brigadier-General Thomas J. Wood) being the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Indiana and the Thirty-fourth Illinois. This brigade, with the army of General Buell, marched southward into Tennessee, and arrived at Nashville on the 2d of March, 1862. Soon afterwards the Seventy-seventh, with the other forces of General Buell, continued the south- ward march, moving towards a point on the Tennessee River, where the forces of General Grant and the Confederate army under General Albert Sidney Johnston were approaching each other, and where, on Sunday, the 6th of April, they joined in the great battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburgh Landing. On the evening of the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 5th (the same time when the Army of the Po- tomac, under General McClellan, arrived in front of Yorktown) the advance of General Buell's corps reached Savannah (nine miles below Pittsburgh Landing, on the Tennessee), and bivouacked there for the night. On the fol- lowing morning Buell heard the roar of the distant battle, and hurried his troops forward witli all possible speed. The division of Gen- eral William Nelson led the advance, and pushed on without halt until late in the after- noon, when it reached the right bank of the Tennessee, opposite the place where General Grant's hard-pressed battalions were engaged in the desperate fight, contesting every inch of ground, yet slowly retiring towards the river. When the succoring division came up opposite the scene of conflict, its brave yet rough old commander sent an aide across to report to General Grant, with this message: "Tell him," said he, "that General Nelson is here with ten thousand fighting men and no d — d cowards!" this last remark being caused by the sight of a large number of fugitives from the fight skulk- ing behind the bluft' bank of the river. " Tell General Nelson," said General Grant to the aide, " that our men seem to be doing pretty well ; but we shall be glad to see him over here." The division was promptly crossed and placed in position, enabling the Union forces to hold their ground firmly against the last des- perate assaults of the Confederates. During the night the gunboats in the river kept up an incessant cannonade, throwing their huge shells over the heads of the men of Grant's army and into the Confederate lines beyond. In the morn- ing of the 7th the battle was renewed, and the Con- federate forces were driven back at all points, though they held their ground most stubbornly and fought for hours with the greatest despera- tion. Other troops of Buell's command had arrived in the mean time, and among them the brigade in which was the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, which came up by steamboat from Savannah. At about nine o'clock in the morning it marched upon the field, and was immediately under fire. For six hours after its arrival the battle raged with the greatest fury. The regiment repelled a desperate as- sault of cavalry, and was in the front line in the final charge which drove the enemy from the field and ended the conflict. For about a week after the battle the regi- ment remained on the field near Pittsburgh Landing, then moved several miles to a new camp. About four weeks later it moved with the army towards the enemy's strong position at Corinth, Miss., in the expectation of a gen- eral attack upon the works at that place ; but they were occupied without resistance, the Con- federates having evacuated. Upon the fall of Corinth, General Buell's army marched back to Nashville ; the Seventy-seventh, with its bri- gade, passing the entire summer on the route, which was from Corinth up the valley of the Tennessee to Bridgeport, Ala., thence north- ward, by way of Stevenson, Cowan, Decherd, Manchester and MurfreesboroUgh, to the capi- tal. Here it had a little rest, being ordered northward on the rapid march with Buell's forces to intercept the Confederate General Bragg, who was marching on Louisville, Ky. Buell's forces arrived on the 26th of September, and on the following day the Seventy-seventh encamped in the suburbs of the city. On the arrival of General Buell's army at Louisville, General Bragg faced his forces southward, and marched back towards Tennes- see. Buell followed witli his army, leaving Louisville on the 1st of October. The Sev- enty-seventh, moving with the left wing, passed through Stanford and Nicholsville, Ky., skir- mishing with the enemy at Claysville, Law- renceburg and other places, but not being pres- ent at the general engagement near Perryville, October 8th. It reached Nashville, Tenn., iu the last part of October, and remained there and in that vicinity for two mouths, taking part in a minor engagement at Lavergne on the 27th of November. On the 26th of De- cember it moved with the army towards Mur- freesborough, near which town the great battle of Stone River was fought on the 31st of De- cember and 1st and 2d of January. The Sev- enty-seventh was on the left of the division of General R. W. Johnson, which occupied the extreme right of the army, the position of the regiment being partly iu a cedar thicket and WAYNE COUNTY. partly in a cotton-field, with the enemy near and directly in front. In this position it lay during the night of Tuesday, December 30th. The battle was opened by Hardee's (left) corps of the Confederate army, which made a furious assault soon after daylight on the 31st, while the battery horses of Johnson's division were being taken to water. In a few minutes twen- ty-seven guns out of Johnson's five batteries were in the hands of the Confederates, and the three divisions of Johnson, Davis and Sheridan (comprising McCook's army corps) were in re- treat in some disorder across the cotton-field towards the shelter of a cedar wood in the rear. The Seventy -seventh, with some other troops, rallied, made a counter-charge and recaptured the guns of Edgerton's battery, which, how- ever, were soon after again taken by the en- emy, and the regiment, compelled to relinquish its temporary advantage, was finally driven across the field and through the woods to the vicinity of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, where the troops were rallied and a new liue established by the commanding gen- eral, Rosecrans. This line, strengthened by slight breast-works, was held through the day against repeated attacks by the enemy. Several attacks were also made on Thursday, January 1st, and the artillery fire was incessant during that day ; but no very decided advantage was gained on either side. The forenoon of Friday passed in comparative quiet ; but about the middle of the afternoon the Confederates at- tacked with great fury on the left of Rosecrans' line, gaining an advantage at first, charging across Stone River, and causing the Union troops to recoil at that point; but they rallied at once and drove the enemy back across the stream. From that time the conflict raged until after dark, resulting in the complete rout of the Confederates, who retreated through the town of Murfreesborough and along the turn- pike road towards Shelbyville. Through the entire battle of Stone River the Seventy-seventh behaved with great gallantry and steadiness, for which it was highly com- plimented by General Rosecrans. Soon after the battle it encamped near Murfreesborough, where it remained until the general advance of the Army of the Cumberland, June 24, 1863. In the advance a Confederate division (Cle- burne's) was found in a strong position at Lib- erty Gap, where a heavy fight resulted on the 24th and 25th, ending in the retreat of the enemy. The Seventy-seventh was one of the charging regiments, and sustained severe loss in the engagement. The enemy retired to a strongly-intrenched line at Tullahoma, but evacuated it on the ap- proach of the Union army, and retreated to Bridgeport, Ala., and thence into Northern Georgia. The Union army followed in pur- suit, the Seventy-seventh with its division ar- riving at Bridgeport, on the Tennessee River, on the 31st of August. Crossing the river, it moved to Trenton, Ga., thence up Lookout Valley to Valley Head, then across the moun- tain to Broomtown Valley, on the road to Rome, Ga. ; but before reaching the latter place the progress of the column was arrested by the intelligence that the enemy was menacing the left of General Rosecrans' army, with the evi- dent intention of giving battle to that part of the line (which was separated from the extreme right and more than thirty miles from it) and of making a desperate attempt to re-occupy Chattanooga ; and, finally, that Longstreet's corps, having been detached from the Army ot Northern Virginia, was already on the south side of the Savannah River, and moving by rail, with all possible speed, to join Bragg's army at Lafayette, Ga. Upon receipt of this intelligence the Seventy-seventh, with its divi- sion and the other commands of the Union army, moved rapidly back over the mountain and down the valley by the same route over which the advance had been made, and again crossing the mountain lower down towards the Tennessee, entered the valley known as Mc- Lemore's Cove on the 17th of September. After some fighting at that place, the Seventy- seventh, with its division, moved by way of Dug Gap, Pond Spring and Gordon's Mills, and arrived on the field of Chickamauga on Saturday, the 19th of September, and soon af- terwards became hotly engaged in the great battle which was fought there on that and the following day by the Union army under Gen- 304 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. eral Rosecrans and the Confederate forces under Bragg, reinforced by Longstreet's corps from Virginia. Near the close of the first day's fight at Chickarnauga the regiment charged, with its brigade (Willich's), and gallantly drove the enemy in its front, but in the exultation of the moment advanced too far, and while in that ex- posed position, just at dark, was attacked by a heavy body of the enemy (who had been rein- forced at that point). The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and Seventy-ninth Illinois, being in the most advanced and exposed position, fought desperately against overwhelming odds ; but after a hand-to-hand struggle in the twilight gloom they were overpowered, and seventy en- listed men of the Seventy-seventh taken pris- oners, as were also several of the company offi- cers and all the field officers of the regiment, who remained prisoners till May 1, 1864. Many of the privates of the regiment who were captured in this fight died in the prison-pen of Andersonville. The remnant of the regiment (those who es- caped capture in the evening of the 19th) fought in the battle of the second day at Chickamauga under command of Captain Joseph J. Lawson, of Company C. The battle resulted in defeat to the Union army, and on Saturday night (Sep- tember 20th) the Seventy-seventh, with the other commands, withdrew from the field of disaster to Rossville, Ga., and from there, on Monday night and the early morning of Tuesday, re- treated to Chattanooga. After Chickamauga the regiment saw no more of fighting during the year 1863. In October it moved from Chattanooga, crossing the Tennessee, and marching by the " Bob White road " to Jasper, Tenn., where it arrived on the 26th. Thence, crossing the Tennessee to Shell- mound, it moved up the river to Whiteside's, Ga., where it remained during the winter, and where a considerable number of the men re-en- listed as veterans, and the strength of the com- mand was largely increased by recruits from Pennsylvania. In the spring and summer campaign of 1864 the Seventy-seventh fought at Tunnel Hill on the 7th of May, at Rocky Face Ridge on the 8th, in several minor engagements from the 9th to the 13th, at Resaca, Dallas, Ga., at New Hope Church, at Kingston, Ga., at Keuesaw Mountain (where it lost heavily in killed and wounded), and at Peach Tree Creek, July 20th. It also fought in the subsequent actions around Atlanta, including the battles of Lovejoy's Sta- tion and Jonesborough. After the fall of Atlanta, when the Confed- erate army under General Hood suddenly crossed the Chattahoochee into Alabama and marched towards Nashville, with the evident intention of assaulting and capturing that city, General Sherman detached a strong force from his army at Atlanta, and placed it under com- mand of General George H. Thomas, with or- ders to march in pursuit of Hood, give him battle and thwart his designs. The force was composed of the Twenty-third Corps (General Schofield) and Stanley's (Fourth) Corps, of which latter the Seventy-seventh was a part. The regiment arrived on the 3d of November at Pulaski, Tenn. About the 25th it moved to Columbia, where the enemy was found in heavy force and strongly posted. A severe en- gagement resulted, in which, on the 29th, the Seventy-seventh took a conspicuous part. Dur- ing the following night the regiment moved to Franklin, Tenn., where it fought bravely in the great battle of the 30th, being at one time almost entirely surrounded by the enemy, but escaping from its exposed position by the exer- cise of the highest soldierly qualities. Again, in the great and decisive battle of Nashville, the Seventy-seventh took a prominent part in charging the Confederate works on the 15th of December, and on the following day exhibited still greater gallantry in attacking one of the enemy's strongest positions, moving forward under a most destructive fire of canister, cap- turing a battery and driving the Confederates in its front in utter and irretrievable rout. The loss of the regiment in this battle was heavy in killed and wounded, among the former being Lieutenant Alexander T. Baldwin, Company C. The Confederate army, completely defeated and routed at Nashville, fled southward into Alabama. Among the Union forces which pursued was the Seventy -seventh, which marched WAYNE COUNTY. rapidly to Huntsville, Ala., but there abandoned the pursuit and remained through the succeed- ing winter. About the middle of March, 1865, it marched to East Tennessee, where it was joined by five new companies. About the last of April the regiment returned to Nashville, where it was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps. In June it left Nashville, and passing down the Missis- sippi by boat to New Orleans, went into camp at Plaine Chalmette (General Jackson's old battle-ground of 1815), where it remained nearly a month ; then embarked and proceeded by sea to Indianola, Texas, arriving there on the 27th of July, and immediately afterwards marching to Green Lake. Afterwards it moved to a camp near Victoria. It remained iu Texas until the early part of December, 1865, when it moved to Indianola, where the men were embarked, and proceeded by sea to Philadelphia. Arriv- ing there on the 16th of January, 1866, they were duly disbanded, and returned to their homes and the vocations of civil life. FIELD AND STAFF. Stephen N. Bradford, major. Company G. Henry Stern, capt., must, in Oct. 11, 18(51 ; pro. from 1st lieut. April 17, 1863 ; resigned Sept. 9, 1863. George H. Stevens, sergt., must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; pro. to sergt. March 1, 1863 ; captured at Chicka- mauga, Ga., Sept. 19, 1863 ; died at Anderson- ville Oct., 1861. Aaron K. Pruden, corp., must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; died at Stevenson, Ala., July 14, 1862. Privates. Thomas Borcher, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch., date unknown. Joseph Bryant, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; must, out Oct. 11, 1864, exp. of term. Andrew M. Clark, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. April 11, 1862. Edwin B. Cavil, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch., date unknown. Geo. B. Carr, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch., date un- known. Silas W. Gerry. Jacob Hauser, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; died at Nash- ville, Tenn., June 14, 1862. Ezekiel Hoyt, must, in Oct. 24, 1861. Andrew Jordan. William Jordan. Samuel W. Lovelass, disch., date unknown. 29 Thomas Monk, must, in October 11, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. June 2, 1862. Charles Monk, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. July 21, 1862. John J. Monk, must, in Nov. 13, 1861 ; died at Shi- loh, Tenn., May 10, 1862. Charles N. Miles, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch., date unknown. James McKeeu, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; captured at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19, 1863 ; died at An- dersonville Aug. 24, 1864; grave 6702. John Pierce, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch-, date un- known. William Pierce, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch., date unknown. Charles S. Schultz, must, in March 25, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out. John Schoonover, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch., date unknown. Commodore Thorpe, must, in Nov. 13, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. June 14, 1862. Philo A. Wilmot, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; must, out Oct. 18, 1864, exp. of term. Butler A. Ward, must, in Oct. 11, 1861. Richard Ward, must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Nov. 18, 1863. Company H. John Grison, lieut., must, in Oct. 11, 1861 ; pro. to sergt. May 1, 1865; to 2d lieut. Sept. 1, 1865; must, out with company Dec. 6, 1865 ; vet. Samuel Burhight, sergt., must, in Nov. 13, 1861 wounded at Jonesboro', Tenn., Sept. 1, 1864 ; pro. to corp. March 1,1866; to sergt. May 1, 1865; disck. by G. 0. Oct. 18, 1865 ; vet. Frank Hollenback, must, in Oct. 14, 1861 ; disch. April 25, 1866, to date Nov. 10, 1862. Privates. Joseph Bennett, must, in Oct. 14, 1861 ; disch. March 21, 1866, to date Nov. 15, 1862. Edward Baily. Thomas Clark. Martin Denslow. Lewis Denslow. Augustus Fitzes. Arnold Hendricks, must, iu Oct. 14, 1861; disch. April 14, 1866, to date Nov. 10, 1862. John C. Pearce, must, in Oct. 15, 1861 ; disch. April 25, 1866, to date Nov. 10, 1862. Andrew Tuttle. Benjamin Wooduey, must, in Oct. 14, 1861 ; disch. May 4, 1866, to date Nov. 10, 1862. Eighty-fourth Regiment (Three Years' Service.) — The Eighty-fourth Regiment was re- cruited under the direction of William G. Murray, in the counties of Blair, Lycoming, Clearfield, Dauphin, Columbia, Westmoreland WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and Wayne. The men rendezvoused at Camp Crossman, near Huntingdon, and subsequently at Camp Curtin. Recruiting commenced early in August, and in October an organization was effected by the choice of the following field officers : William G. Murray, colonel ; Thomas G. MacDowell, lieutenant-colonel ; Walter Bar- rett, major. On the 31st of December the regiment was ordered to Hancock, Maryland. Here it was armed, crossed the Potomac and proceeded to Bath, where a portion of the Thirty-ninth Illinois, with a section of artillery, Lieutenant Muhlenberg, was posted confronting theenemy. Colonel Murray, assumed command ; an engagement took place and the regiment lost one man. The Eighty-fourth was posted suc- cessively during the winter at the North Branch Bridge, at the South Branch Rridge, and at Paw Paw Point, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The regiment participated in the engagement at Winchester, and on March 23d, while charging the enemy at the head of his men, Colonel Murray was struck in the fore- head by a minnie ball and instantly killed. ( hit of two hundred and sixty of the Eighty-fourth who, went into the battle, twenty-three were killed and sixty-seven wounded. Colonel Murray, Captain Patrick Gallagher and Lieu tenant Charles Reem were killed. After the- battle the Eighty-fourth, under command of Major Barrett, was assigned to provost duty iu the town of Berryville until May 2d, when it joined in the general advance up the valley and proceeded to Fredericksburg. From Port Republic the division marched to Alexandria. On the 25th of June Samuel M. Bowman, of Columbia County, late major in the Fourth Illinois, was commissioned colonel, Major Barrett promoted to lieutenant-colonel and Adjutant Thomas H. Craig to major. In July the regiment joined Pope's army, and was engaged in the battle of Cedar Mountain on the 9th of August. On the 14th it joined in pursuit of the enemy to the Rapidan, and particpated in the movements of the army until the regiment arrived within the de- fenses of Washington, and at that time had scarcely seventy men in its ranks fit for duty. In consequence of its severe losses it was ordered to light duty at Arlington Heights, where it re- mained until the Antietam campaign. In the mean time it had been recruited up to its full standard, Colonel Samuel M. Bowman com- manding. About the middle of October it re- joined the army. In the campaign which fol- lowed, it continued in General Whipple's inde- pendent division. Under General Hooker the army was reorganized, and the Eighty-fourth constituted a part of the Second Brigade of the Third Division, Colonel Bowman commanding. In the Chancellorsville campaign, in the en- gagement on the 3d of May, this regiment suffered a loss of two hundred and nineteen killed, wounded and missing. Captain Jacob Peterman was killed ; Captain C. G. Jackson, Lieutenants William Hays, Albert Stineman, John R. Ross, Geo. S. Good and Assistant Surgeon John S. Waggoner, severely wounded. The regiment participated in the operations of the brigade on the morning of the 4th, when Gen- eral Whipple was killed. The Eighty-fourth then became a part of General Carr's brigade of the Second Corps. On June 11th Colonel Bow- man was ordered to special duty, and never afterwards rejoined the regiment. Major Melton ( )pp had been promoted to lieutenant- colonel, Captain George Zinn to major. Upon the return of the army to Virginia the regiment was engaged at Wapping Heights on July 24th ; Thoroughfare Gap on the 10th October; at Freeman's Ford on the 13th ; at Bristoe Station on the 14th, and again on the 19th ; at Kelly's Ford on November 7th ; at Jacob's Ford on November 27th ; at Locust Grove on the 28th ; at Mine Run on the 30th, losing four men mortally wounded, five slightly wounded, five missing, and one officer, Lieutenant Good, captured. The regiment participated in the Wilderness campaign. On the Oth of May the fighing proved disastrous to the Eighty-fourth. Colonel Opp received a wound in the right lung, proving a mortal hurt; the loss to the regiment being severe. It participated in all the engagements iu this campaign until the 31st of May. On June 14th they crossed the James River and engaged in operations of the siege of Petersburg. On the 27th of July it recrosscd the James and had part in the engagement at WAYNE COUNTY. 307 Deep Bottom. In October the men whose term of service had expired were mustered out and the veterans and recruits were organized in a battalion of four companies. On the 13th of January it was consolidated with the Fifty- seventh Pennsylvania ; upon the consolidation Lieutenant-Colonel Zinn became colonel. The Fifty-seventh was finally mustered out of ser- vice on June 29, 1865. A portion of Company I was from Wayne County. The names of the men follow : Company I. Officers: Captain, John R. Ross. Second Lieutenant, Hiram F. Willis. Sergeants, Justice Lukens, Cheater T .Jackson, Dan- iel L. Brown. Privates . Howard D. Avery. Jacob N. Bingham. Orren D. Bingham. Eliphalet W. Brush. Virgil Bingham. Lot J. Branning. Truman Bingham. William Bone. Daniel C. Boyer. Samuel H. Byers. Demetrius Barnhart. Wayne Campbell. Leartus Campbell. John Clements. Judson Davey. James Davis. Frank Dudenheffer. Daniel Elmore. William Frampton. John W. Frampton. Joseph M. Gavitt. John T. Guthrie. Charles Gearhart. • John Hogeucamp. WillianiS. Hoffman. Jacob Keesler. Levi Keesler. David Lake. David McGowen. James Mosher. John Mosher. Andrew J. Mosher. George Marks. George W. Marks. Andrew J. Marks. John L. Markle. John P. Myers. Virgil Mitchell. Amos T. Mitchell. Edwin North. William Olver. Levi Ostrander. George C. Parsons. John Poulter. George Rogers. David Sutliff. Joseph S. Sutliff. Jerome S. Kinner. Bradley Sherwood. Jesse Scott. William Scott. George Taylor. Samuel C. White. Arsannus White. James F. Wright. Samuel Williams. George Welton. Henry D. Wood. Moses A. Wood. George Wagoner. Walter Barrett. John R. Gaston. [aaac Frampton. John Charles. James Rue. Samuel II. Hulse. J. Lukens. S. Frampton. Ephraim Haynes. Dennis Magher. Samuel IT. Boyer. Malcom Dodge. One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment (Second Heavy Artillery). — Two batter- ies — C and E — of this regiment were chiefly from Wayne. The One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment was raised under authority granted in October, 1861, by the War Department to Charles Angeroth, of Philadelphia, to recruit a battalion (afterwards extended to a regiment) of heavy artillery. Recruiting was commenced at once, and proceeded rapidly. The regiment was organized in the early part of January, 1862, with Col. Charles Angeroth, Lieutenant- Colonel John H. Oberteuffer, and Major Wm. Candidus as its field officers. On the 25th of February the regiment (ex- cepting Companies D, (i and IT, which had previously been placed on duty at Fort Dela- ware, below Philadelphia) was ordered to Wash- ington, and upon its arrival was reported to General Abner Doubleday, by whom it was as- signed to duty in the fortifications north of the city. The three companies from Fort Delaware rejoined the others on the 19th of March, and for more than two years from that time the regiment remained in the Washington defenses north of the Potomac. On the 26th of March, 1864, it was transferred to the Virginia side, and placed to garrison Forts Marcy and Ethan Allen, near the Chain Bridge. 1 On the opening of the spring campaign of 1864 the regiment was ordered to the front, and accordingly embarked at Washington on the 27th of May, and proceeded to Port Royal, on the Rappahannock River, where it arrived on the 28th. From that place it marched across the country, and joined the Eighteenth Army Corps, under General W. F. Smith, at Cold Harbor, on the 4th of June. There it was formed into three battalions in order to secure greater facility in manoeuvring. These battal- ions, with the Eighty-ninth New York Regi- ment, formed the Second Brigade in the Second Division of the corps. 1 At that time the regiment had increased by recruiting to about thirty-three hundred men, and a new regiment, designated as the Second Provisional Artillery, was formed from its surplus by order of the War Department. The new regiment was organized April 20, 18G4, and was sent into the field as a part of the Ninth Corps. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Moving with the army across the James River, the regiment took its position in the lines investing the city of Petersburg, and dur- ing the months of June, July and August per- formed constant and severe duty in the trenches from the Appomattox River to the Jerusalem plank-road, being in that time reduced from an effective strength of eighteen hundred and thirty-six to less than nine hundred. This number was increased early in September by an accession to its ranks of about four hundred men, the remnant of the Second Provisional Artillery Regiment, which had originally been formed from its surplus strength. On the 20th of September the regiment moved with the Army of the James across the river, and took part in the operations which re- sulted in the capture of Fort Harrison, and in which the First and Second Battalions sus- tained a loss of over two hundred in killed, wounded and prisoners. The regiment remained in its position near Fort Harrison until the 2d of December, when it was ordered to Bermuda Hundred, its term of service being then within about a month of its close. At that place a large number of tin 1 men re-enlisted as veterans ; these, with the recruits who joined, amounting to over two thousand men. The regiment, however, was not called on to do much more fighting. After the evac- uation of Petersburg by the enemy it was ordered to duty in that city, and after the sur- render of Lee's army the several companies of the Second were distributed through the lower counties of Virginia to maintain order, and re- mained on this duty till the beginning of 1866. On the 29th of January in that year it was mustered out of service at City Point, Ya., and was soon after transported to Philadelphia, where its men were discharged on the 16th of February. Battery A. Edwin E. Blake. John Brooks, E. H. Wright. Warreu Amos, A.M.Harding. Jessup Brooks. Battery B. Enos Potter, David T. Abbey. Matthias Haag. Philemon Gillett. Dwight Chapman. Battery C. (Battery mustered out January 29, 1866.) Joseph Locven, capt., must, in Feb. 10, 1862; disch. Oct. 3, 1862. C. A. Dunkelberg, capt., must, in Dec. 1,1861; pro. from priv. to sergt, Dec. 21, 1261 ; to 1st sergt. ; com. 1st lieut. Battery E, 189th Regt. P. V., April 30, ISC. I; not must,; to 1st lieut. Oct. 6, 1864; to capt. Jan. 26, 1865; must, out with battery; vet- eran. Erhardt Feidler, 1st lieut., must, in Jan. 16, 1862 ; trans, to Battery B. William Haines, 1st lieut., must, in Jan. 24, 1862; pro. from sergt. to 2d lieut. Oct. 6, 1864 ; to 1st lieut. Nov. 26, 1864; disch. Aug. 6, 1865. Decatur Holbert, 2d lieut., must, in Feb. 10, 1862; disch. Aug. 22, 1862. John Rupert, 2d lieut., must, in Jan. 18, 1862; pro. to corp. Feb. 25, 1864; to sergt. Sept. 1, L864; to 1st sergt. Nov. 25, 1864; to 2d lieut. June 17, 1865; must, out with battery; veteran. Louis Klein, c|. in. -sergt, must, in Dec. 26, 1861; disch. Dec. 25, 1864, exp. of term. Casper Schuff, sergt., must, in Dec. 26, 1861; pro. to sergt. Dec. 25, 1864 ; must, out with battery ; veteran. Jacob PfeifFer, sergt., must, in Jan. 19, 1862; pro. to sergt. Dec. 25, 1864 ; must out with battery ; veteran. Frederick Stolte, sergt., must, in Jan. 19, 1862; pro. to sergt. .Ian. L»"', 1865. Joseph Bishop, sergt ; must, in Dec. 14, 1861 ; pro. to corp. Nov. 1, 1865 ; to sergt. Nov. 16, 1865; must, out with battery Jan. 29, 1866. John Balles, sergt., must. in. Jan. 29, 1862; disch. Jan. 28, 1865, exp. of term. Milton Lillie, sergt., must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 25, 1864, exp. of term. John Schilling, sergt., must, in Dec. 26, 1861. Thomas Hibbert, corp., must, in Sept. 24, 1863; pro. to corp. May 30, 1865; must, out with bat- tery, Jan. 29, 1866. Martin B. Hunter, corp., must, in Feb. 24, 1864 ; pro. to corp. Jan. 29, 1865 ; must, out with bat- tery. John Aekerman, corp., must, in March 8, 1864 ; pro. to corp. June 18, 1865; must, out with battery. Charles D. Ball, corp. John Simper, corp. , must, in Sept. 7, 1863; pro. to eorp. July 1, 1865; must, out with battery. Jabez Hide, corp., must, in Dec. 31, 1861 : disch. Dee. :;it, 1864, exp. of term. Samuel F. Cromwell, corp., must, in Oct. 30, 1862; disch. Oct, 29, 1865, exp. of term. John Ottens, bugler, must, in Dec. 15, 1861 ; must, out with battery. WAYNE COUNTY. Private). Stephen Bauer, must, in Jan. 19, 1862; must, out with battery. Thomas Barnes. John Benny, must, in Feb. 27, 1864 ; must, out with battery. George W. Bittinger. George Bridenbacker, must, in Jan. 14, 1862. Gilbert Barnes. John Blockberger, must, in Jan. 14, 1862. John Baldauff. William Bloeser, must, in Dec. 31, 1861; not on mus- ter-out roll. Ephraim Bidwell. Cornelius K. Correll, must, in Jan. 24, 1862. Frederick Cook, must, in June 27, 1862. David Compton, must, in Jan. 24, 1862 ; not on must. out roll. James Cavanaugh, must, in Oct. 1862 ; substitute ; not on must.-out roll. James Cully. Anthony Davenport, must, in Jan. 21, 1864 ; must. out with battery. William Doebelman, must, in Jan. 14, 1862;disch. Jan. 13, 1865, exp. of term. George B. Davis, must, in Feb. 23, 1864 ; disch. by G. O. June 29, 1865. Irileb'k Deeckman, must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; not on must.-out roll. Martin Foster, must, in Feb. 27, 1864; must, out with battery. Francis Flatterbach. George Fenimore, must, in Feb. 17, 1864; must, out with battery. Anthony Ferris. John L. Funk, must, in Feb. 26, 1864; must, out with battery. Perry H. Fuller, must, in Feb. 27, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 29, 1865. William A. Fenimore, must, in February 15, 1864 ; trans, to V. R. C; disch. by G. O. November 2, 1865. Matthew Griessen, must, in Nov. 26, 1861 ; not on must.-out roll. Bartholomew Gredlein, must, in Feb. 26, 1864 ; must. out with battery. William I. GibbB, must, in Jan. 24, 1862 ; disch. Jan. 23, 1865 ; exp. of term. Chauucey Goodrich, must, in Feb. 8, 1862 ; disch. by G. O. May 31, 1865. Henry Greiner, must, in Feb. 29, 1864 ; disch. on surg. certif. Nov. 11, 1865. Louis Gelwicks, must, in Oct. 20, 1862. Henry Gerstenberg, must, in Dec 26, 1861 ; not on muster-out roll. John Hesse, must, in Dec. 5, 1861 ; must, out with bat. ; vet. Casper Herch, must, in Dec. 6, 1861 ; must, out with bat. ; vet. Peter Herdman, must, in Dec. 12, 1861 ; must, out with bat. ; vet. Samuel E. Haines, must, in Aug. 14, 1863; must, out with bat. William Haines. Charles Holley, must, in March 30, 1864; must, out with bat. Ludwig Herman. Charles Howe, must, in Jan. 14, 1862; disch. Jan. 14, 1865, exp. of term. A. M. Henshaw, must, in Feb. 27, 1864 ; disch. by G. O. Dec. 28, 1865. John P. Heitman, must, in Jan. 24, 1862; not on muster-out roll. George Holzknecht, must, in Jan. 24, 1862; not on muster-out roll. John Hartwick, must, in Feb. 27, 1864; not on mus- ter-out roll. Henry Hartwick, must, in Feb. 27, 1864 ; not on muster-out roll. Jacob Hull, must, in Feb. 29, 1864 ; died at Phila., Pa., April 6, 1864. Edmuud Inch, must, in Feb. 29, 1864 ; must, out with bat. William H. Kent, must, in Feb. 29, 1864 ; must, out with bat. Andrew Kohlus, must, in Feb. 27, 1864 ; must, out with bat. Peter Korbel, must, in Jan. 29, 1862 ; disch. Jan. 28, 1865, exp. of term. Charles Kaufman, must, in July 28, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 29, 1865. Herman Krone, must, in Nov. 2, 1862 ; disch. Nov. 1, 1865, exp. of term. Ferdinand Klein, must, in Jan. 14, 1862; not on mus- ter-out roll. Henry Klein, must, in Jan. 29, 1862 ; not on muster- out roll. Peter Loeven, must, in Dec. 31, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 30, 1864, exp. of term. Henry Langguth. Thomas Leonard, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 29, 1865. Ernst Lemnitzer, must, in Feb. 7, 1862; disch. by G.O.June 29, 1865. John F. McLaughlin. William Oestreicher, must, in Nov. 26, 1861 ; must. out with bat. William Orth, must, in Feb. 27, 1864; disch. by G. O. May 19, 1865. George Ordnung, must, in Feb. 27, 1864 ; not on muster-out roll. Henry J. Pierce, muat. in Jan. 15, 1862 ; must, out with bat. ; vet. Joseph Proebstle, must, in Dec. 31, 1861 ; not on muster-out roll. Philip Reinning, must, in Jan. 29, 1862; disch. Jan. 28, 1865, exp. of term. Almon Rhodes. 310 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. John Iiosshirt, must, in Dec. 26, 1861. John Killing. John Reif, must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; not on the muster- out roll. George Reinning, must, in Jan. 20, 1862; not on muster-out roll. John Roach, must, in Feb. 2, 1864 ; not on muster- out roll. James Stackhouse, must, in Jan. 21, 1S64; absent, sick, at must. out. Henry Shupper. Jacob Schilling, must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 25, 1864, exp. of term. Nicholas Shear. William Snyder, must, iu Jan. 14, 1862; disch. Jan. 13, 1865, exp. of term. Mark Stevens. Nicholas Schick, must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; not on muster-out roll. Edward Teaubuer. James Yandemark, must, in Jan. 21), 1862; must, out with bat. George W. Vanosdoll. William Van Buskirk, must, in March 22, 1864; must, out with bat. John Short. Calvin Vaneberg, must, in Jan. 24, 1862; disch. Jan. 23, 1865, exp. of term. Sofioski Tyler. Charles Vandemark, must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; disch. by G. O. July 1, 1865. Abram Vandemark, must, in Dec. 31, 1861 ; not on muster-out roll. Frederick Willie, must, in Dec. 26, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 25, 1864, exp. of term. George M. Wilson. Stephen Wells, must, in Jan. 24,1862; disch. Jan. 23, 1865, exp. of term. Henry Williams. W. H. Wenmouth, must, in Jan. 29, 1862 ; disch. Jan. 28, 1865, exp. of term. George Whiteman, must, in Oct. 30, 1862; died at Washington, D. C, Nov. 11, 1865. John Willie, must, in Nov. 16, 1862. Peter Wurm, must, in Jan. 14, 1862 ; died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Sept. 25, 1864. Leonard Yeager, must, in Feb. 17, 1864; must, out with bat. ; vet. Battehy E. John Kellow, sergt., must, in Dec. 24,1861 ; Lstlieut. in Bat, B, 2d Prov. Art,, from April 28 to Aug. 26, 1864; captured; disch. by S. 0. March 12, 1865 ; vet. Hugh F. Rutledge, sergt., must, in Dec. 25, 1861 ; pro. to corp. Jan. 1, 1862 ; to sergt. Oct. 1, 1862; must, out with battery Jan. 29, 1866; vet. Samuel Griffith, artificer, must, in Nov. 26, 1861 ; must, out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866 ; vet. James M. Austin, wagoner, must, in Nov. 14, 1861; must, out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866. Privates. Ransom Barhight, must, in Nov. 20, 1861 ; died at Fort Saratoga, D. C, Aug. 21, 1862; buried in Mil. Asy. Cem. Jonathan Bond, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; not on niust.- out roll. James H. Bryant. Richard Barrett, must, in Nov. 21, 1861 ; absent, wounded, at must. out. Andrew Bubser, must, in Aug. 2, 1862 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Dec. 29, 1863. John A. Cummiskey, must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; died at Philadelphia May 6, 1865, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va. ; vet. Jacob Conklyn, must, in Dec. 14, 1861 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Dec. 29, 1863. John Cole, must, in Oct. 7, 1862 ; disch. Oct. 6, 1865, exp. of term. Daniel Daniels, must, in Aug. 21, 1862; disch. by G. O. June 24, 1865. George F. Davis, must, in Dec. 21, 1863; must, out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866. Angus Douglas, must, in Sept. 17, 1862 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Cops March 3, 1864. Emanuel Fisher, must, iu Dec. 24, 1861 ; missing at Chapin's Farm, Va., Sept. 29, 1864. Michael Galvin, must, in Dec. 10, 1861 ; must, out with bat. Dec. 29, 1866 ; vet. Adam Good, must, in Sept. 6, 1862 ; disch. by G. O. June 24, 1865. William Hassitt, must, iu Nov. 29, 1861 ; prisoner from Dec. 14, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865 ; must, out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866. William Hambley, must, iu Dec. 10, 1861. Bailey Hendricks, must, in Dec. 10, 1861 ; disch. Jan. 17, 1865, exp. of term. William H. Haskins, must, iu Sept. 16, 1862; disch. by G. O. June 24, 1865. William Hill, must, in Feb. 27, 1864; must, out with bat, Jan. 29, 1866 ; a vet. of Mexican War. Richard W. Kellow, must, in Sept. 18, 1862 ; disch. by G. O. June 24, 1865. James \V. Kimble, must, in Aug. 21, 1862; disch. by G. O. June 24, 1865. John Loveless, must, in Dec. 21, 1863; must, out with bat, Jan. 29, 1866. John O'Leary, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 16, 1864, exp. of term. Mathias McEwen, must, in Nov. 30, 1861. Charles R. Miles. David Moylan, must, iu Dec. 2, 1861 ; must, out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866 ; vet. Samuel Matthews, must, in Dec. 24, 1861 ; disch., Ian. 19, 1865. William H. Newman, must, in Dec. 10, 1861 ; must. out with bat, Jan. 29, 1866 ; vet. WAYNE COUNTY. 311 Henry Nelmes, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; captured ; died at Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 12, 1864. James Newman, must, in Dec. 3, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 31, 1864. Nathaniel W. Porter, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 28, 1864, exp. of term. Andrew J. Rutledge, must, in Dec. 25, 1861 ; pro. to corp. May 1, 1864; to sergt. July 1, 1865 ; must. out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866. George Rohring, must, in Aug. 21, 1862 ; killed at Petersburg, Va., Aug. 5. LS64. Isaac H. Smith, must, in Feb. 29, 1864 ; must, out with bat. Jan. 29 L866. Henry D. Smith, must, in Nov. 26, 1861. Daniel Schoonover. James Shanley, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; diBch. Dec. 16, 1864, exp. of term. Joseph Schimmelfenge, must, in Dec. 14, 1861 ; must. out with bat. Jan. 29, 1866. Hiram Slack, must, in Nov. 20, 1861. James Tobin, must, in Jan. 6, 1862 ; died at Phila- delphia, Pa., July 21st, of wounds receivedat Cold Harbor, Va., June 5, 1864. Henry Ward, must, in Dec. 16, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 16, 1864, exp. of term. Jehiel Justin. John Johnson. Jonathan M. Jaycox. E. W. McFarland. Jonathan M. Jacob. One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Reg- iment. — Company A, of this regiment, was re- cruited principally, and K partially, in Wayne County ; Companies C, D and H in Clinton ; G in Butler, and Company I in Bradford. The men rendezvoused at Camp Curtin,and on Au- gust 25, 18G2, a regimental organization was effected. The field officers were Henry M. Bossert, colonel ; Joseph B. Kiddoe, lieutenant- colonel ; Charles W. Wingard, major. Soon after its organization it was ordered to Wash- ington. On the 31st of August it was assigned to General Hancock's brigade, Seventh Division, Sixth Corps, then marching through Washing- ton, after the defeat at Bull Run, and about to enter on the Maryland campaign. The regi- ment participated in the engagement at Cramp- ton's Gap, in South Mountain. They were then ordered to Harper's Ferry, engaging in the bat- tle of Antietam. It was then ordered to do guard duty at Camp No. 4, on the Potomac. When Stuart with his cavalry made his raid in- to Pennsylvania, it was sent with the brigade in pursuit. Near the close of October it was or- dered to Washington. When the army reached Fredericksburg it was again ordered in the field, Colonel Bossert being placed in command of a brigade composed of his own regiment, four regiments from New Jersey and one from New York, and was charged with the guarding of the lauding at Acquia Creek and the railroad leading to Fredericksburg. On January 20, 1863, it was ordered to the front. On March 14th Colonel Bossert was honorably discharged, Lieutenant-Colonel Kiddoe promoted to succeed him. It afterwards participated, under Hook- er, at Chancellorsville. About the middle of May, the term of enlistment being about to expire, it was ordered to Harrisburg, and was mustered out June 1st. Company A. (Mustered in Aug. 20, 1862, unless otherwise noted. Mustered out as company June 2, 1863.) J. M.Buckingham, capt., must, in Aug. 23, 1862; must, out with company. George H. Teeter, 1st lieut., must, in Aug. 24, 1862 ; must, out with company. Paul Swingle, 2d lieut., must, in Aug. 24, 1862 ; re- signed Dec. 17, 1862. William H. Bidwell, 2d lieut., pro. from 1st sergt. Feb. 15, 1863 ; must, out with company. C. H. Mendenhall, 1st sergt.. pro. from sergt. Feb. 14, 1863 ; must, out with company. Michael Brunson, sergt., must, out with company. Henry Vaughn, sergt., pro. from priv. Feb. 14, 1863; must, out with company. Robert W. McStraw, sergt, pro. from corp. Oct. 10, 1862 ; must, out with company. William Ammcrman, sergt., pro. from corp. Dec. 6, 1862 ; must, out with company. John W. Cobb, sergt., died at Washington, D. C, Dec. 5, 1862. Sylvester A. Adams, corp., must, out with company. Samuel C. Chumard, corp., must, out with company. James L. Brown, corp., must, out with company. Buell D. Pease, corp., must, out with company. Orsom Graham, corp., must, out with company. John A. Watrous, corp., must out with company. Enoch Cornell, corp., pro. to corp. Oct. 10, 1862 ; must, out with company. Albert Van Gorder, corp., pro. to corp. Dec. 6, 1862 ; must, out with company. Privates. Thad. L. Adams, must, out with company. Henry N. Adams, must, out with company. Warren Ames, must, out with company. Thomas J. Buckland, must, out with company. 312 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Daniel Brunson, must, out with company. Leonard Brunson, must, out with company. John W. Bidwell, must, out with company. David S. Bishop, must, out with company. George W. Bidwell, must, out with company. Ervin Benjamin, must, out with company. Benj. F. Bidwell, died at Washington, D. C, April 16, 1863 ; buried in Mil. Asyl. Cem. Daniel Curtis, must, out with company. Nathaniel B. Curtis, must, out with company. Horace A. Chapman, must, out with company. Lewis L. Craimer, disch. on surg. certif. Dec. 3, 1862. David C. Conklin, disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 3, 1863. Joseph P. Clark, disch. on surg. certif. April 3, 1863. Herman Carr. Charles Dickens, must, out with company. AVilliam G. Dickens, must, out with company. Vine De Ruy, Jr., must, in Aug. 22, 1862; must, out with company. Silas E. Elmendorf, must, out with company. Eichard S. Evans, must, out with company. Joshua Euslin, must, out with company. Charles Fowler, must, out with company. Chester Goodrich, must, out with company. Sylvester J. Hinds, must, out with company. Thomas Hibbard, must, out with company. William Harris, must, out with company. Nathan Hand, died at Philadelphia, Pa., April 6, 1863, Henry Haffler. James L. Kennedy, must, out with company. Ebenezer Kirkum, must, out with company. Thomas Kennedy, died at Washington Dec. 5, 1862 ; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Benjamin C. Loudon, must, out with company. Francis P. Longstreet, must, out with company. Luther C. Loring, must, out with company. William R. Longstreet, must, out with company. Jesse T. Mann, must, out with company. Marvin Morgan, must, out with company. Andrew P. Mann. Richard E. McMinn, disch. on surg. certif. April 3, 1863. Joseph Nash, disch. on surg. certif. March 12, 1863. Peter F. Osborn, must, out with company. Darius Proper, must, out with company. Anthony Potter. Andrew J.Rollison, must, out with company. Layton Smith, must, out with company. William B. Swingle, must, out with company. Oscar S. Sisco, must, out with company. John T. Snook, must, out with company. Thomas A. Simonson, must, out with company. Denis Swingle, must, out with company. Milton Shaffer, must, out with company. John F. Swingle, must, out with company. Eugene Smith, disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 14, 1863. William S. Shearer, died at Belle Plain, Va , March 13, 1863. Stewart Swingle. William Upright, died at Belle Plain, Va., March 11, 1863. Robert M. Van Gelder, must, out with company. George W. Walker, must, out with company. Byron L. Wilcox, must, out with company. Daniel E. Winfield, must, out with company. Denis Wetherell, absent, sick, at muster out. Charles Winkman, must, out with company. James Webber, must, out with company. Daniel H. Weigel, must, out with company. George O. Wise, must, out with company. Christ. E. Wilbur, died at Washington December 3, 1862; burial record, Dec. 17, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Company K. (Company must, out June 1, 1863.) Henry S. Tallmadge, 1st lieut., must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. John Q. Humphrey, 2d lieut., must, in Nov. 28 , 1 862 ; must, out with company. Witson Lord, Privates. James Avery, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. William Avery, must, in Aug. 17, 1862. Thomas A. Bell, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. James H. Billings, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. David Bracie, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; died at Phila- delphia, Pa., Jan. 10, 1863. Peter Bunts, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. William H. Bariger, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must. out with company. Robert B. Chambers, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must. out with company. E. P. Christian, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. James R. Cole, must, in Aug. 17, 1862 ; must, out with company. James Coddington, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. Samuel E. Cobley, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. William Ellsworth, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. David Gillen, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. Eldad Geer, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. Emmett Gibson, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. Frederick Hall, must, in Aug. 28,1862; must, out with company. William Hemstead, must, in Aug. 2.S, 1862; must, out with company. WAYNE COUNTY. 313 Jesse Hathaway, must, iu Aug. 17, 1862; died at Hagerstown, Oct. 21, 1862; buried in National Cemetery, Antietam, Md., sec. 26, lot D, grave 382. Elias Jones, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. Abram S. Knapp, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. Valentine Knight, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. David C. Kingsbury, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must. out with company. George Lester, must, in Aug. 2S, 1S62; absent, sick. at must. out. Stephen Lord, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. Alton Lestet, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; must, out with company. Benjamin Lester. Diouysius Lord, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. Charles Lester, must, in Aug. 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. David E. Martin, must, in Aug. 28, 1862; wounded at Chanceilorsville, Va., May 4, 1863; died at Philadelphia, Pa., June 3, 1863. George Mogridge, must, in May 28, 1862 ; absent, sick, at must. out. Job Price, must, in May 28, 1862; must, out with company. Thomas Shimar. Joseph R. Treat, must, in May 28, 1862 ; absent, in hospital, at must. out. William P. Taylor, must, iu May 28, 1863; must, out with company. William Tyler, must, in May 28, 1862; must, out with company. Harvey Watson, must, in May 28, 1862; must, out with company. Edgar Weed, must, in May 28, 1862 ; must, out with company. Samuel Wainwright, must, in May 28,1862; must. out with company. One Hundred and Forty-first Regi- ment. — Seven companies of this regiment were raised in Bradford County, two in Susquehanna and one in Wayne County. On August 29, 1862, the regiment organized at Camp Curtin, with the following officers : Henry J. Madin, colonel ; Guy H. Watkins, lieutenant-colonel ; Israel P. Spaulding, major. The command im- mediately moved to Washington. About the middle of September the regiment was assigned to the First Brigade, General Robinson command- ing. It joined the army in its movement to Warrenton ; also with Burnside towards Fred- ericksburg, and participated in the engagement at the lower crossing of the Rappahannock. In the Chanceilorsville campaign it followed with the brigade and shared in its perils, and in the engagement on the 3d of May it sustained a loss of two hundred and thirty-four, either killed, wounded or missing. Lieutenant-Colonel Wat- kins was severely wounded and fell into the enemy's hands. On the 11th of June the regiment started on the Gettysburg campaign, and in the action on July 1st suffered a severe loss, probably greater than any regiment engaged. At the morning call one hundred and ninety-eight answered ; of the number, one hundred and thirty-six were either killed, wounded or missing. The regi- ment participated in the fall campaign, and was engaged at Kelly Ford, Locust Grove and Mine Bun, losing a number of men, Lieutenant James Vanauken being among the killed. On the 3d of May the regiment entered on the spring cam- paign, as a part of the Fourth Division of the Second Corps, and in the engagements at Plank- Road and Po River, from the 5th to the 18th, the losses were nine killed, ninety-eight wound- ed and twenty nine missing. In the general movement on the 18th at Petersburg the regi- ment was engaged ; Lieutenant-Colonel Wat- kins was killed, and nine men wounded. The regiment, uuder the command of Major Tyler, participated in the operations upon the Weldon Railroad, in the advance toward Richmond, the battle of Sailor's Creek, Major Horton now being its commander, and on the 28th of May, 18(35, was mustered out at Washington, D. C. Company G. (Mustered in August 25, 1862, except when otherwise noted. Company mustered out May 28, 1865.) James L. Mumford, capt., must, in Aug. 26, 1862 ; killed at Chanceilorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Joseph Atkinson, capt., must, in Aug. 26, 1862 ; wounded at Chanceilorsville, Va., May 3, 1863 ; pro. from 1st lieut. Dec. 5, 1863 ; disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 11, 1865. William T. Lobb, capt., must, in Aug. 26, 1862 ; pro. from sergt. to 1st lieut. Sept. 27, 1864; to capt. February 18, 1865 ; wounded at Tolopoto- moy, Va., May 31, 1864 ; must, out with company. Chas. M. Ball, 2d lieut., must, in Aug. 26, 1862; com. 1st lieut. May 5, 1863; not must. ; disch. Dec. 9th, for wounds received at Chanceilorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. 314 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. J. T. R. Seagraves, 1st sergt, wounded at Chaneel- lorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; pro. to 1st sergt May 1, 1864; com. 1st Iieut. Jan. 8, 1865; must. out with company. James N. Terwilliger, sergt., wounded al Gettys- burg, Pa., duly 2, 1863; pro. to sergt. May 1, 1864; musfcoul with company. James N. Thorp, sergt., pro. to sergt. Feb. 1, 1864; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863, and at Wilderness May 5, 1864; absent, in hos- pital, at muster out. Joseph E. Williams, sergt., pro. to Corp. Feb. 1, 1864; to sergt. May 1, 1804; must, out with company. William Muir, sergt., com. 2d lieut. Dee. 9, 1863; not must.; diseh. March 26, 1864, for wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 6, 1863. Richard F. Taggart, sergt., trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 7, 1863. David B. Atkinson, sergt., wounded at Chancellors- ville, Va., May 3, 1863, and at Petersburg June 18, 1S64; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 1, 1865. Charles Williams, Corp., pro. to Corp. Feb. 1, 1S64; wounded Feb. 5, I860; must, out with com- pany. Franklin A. Dix, corp., wounded at Gettysburg July 2, 1863 ; must, out with company. George E. Weaver, corp., pro. to corp. Feb. 1, 1864; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864 ; must. out with company. Hugh Brady, Corp., pro. to corp. May 1, 1864 ; must, out with company. Levi Thayer, corp., pro. to corp. Oct. 1, 1864; must. out with company. Edward Wells, Corp., wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., .May 3, 1863; pro. to corp. Oct. 1, 1864; must, out with company. Thomas Marshall, corp., pro. to corp. Oct. 1,1864; must, out with compauy. Robert C. Clark, corp., wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May ::, 1863 ; must, out with company. Theodore Fuller, corp., wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863 ; diseh. by S. O. Oct. 9, 1863. George H. Tryon, corp., wounded at Gettysburg July 2, 1863; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps' April 28, 1864. Daniel Ballard, cor))., wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863, and at Petersburg June 18, 1864; trans, to 36th Co., 2d Battalion, Vet. Res. Corps, Dec., 1864 ; diseh. by G. O. June 29, 1865. William Kellam, Corp., killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1862. James E. Bagley, corp., killed at Poplar Grove Church Oct. 2, 1864. John Ogden, corp., killed at Boydton Plank-Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. David J. Richmond, musician, must, out with com- pany. Frederick Salmon, musician, must, out with company. Privates. George 8. Barnes, wounded at Spottsylvania Court- House, Va., May 12, 1864; must, out with com- pany. George E. Babcock, must, out with company. Edward F. Boswell, wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; must, out with company. Thomas Bates, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; diseh. on surg. certif. Feb. 1, 1864. Nathaniel Belknap, diseh. by G. O. May 15, 1865. Lucius ('. Barnes, wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps April 28, 1864. Alonzo Benjamin, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Elory Bunnell, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. John Bullard, died May 12th, of wounds ftceived at Wilderness, Va.,May, 1864. Samuel M. Bates, trans, to Co. C, 57th Regt. P. V., May 28, 1865. John ('air, captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864 ; must, out with company. William L. Cole, trans, to Vet. Res. Corps March 7, 1864. Robert A. Couch, trans, to Co. C, 57th Regt, P. V. Michael Daly, wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864 ; absent, in hospital, at must. out. .lames Dekin, diseh. on surg. certif. July, 1863. Malcolm Hodge, diseh. on surg. certif. Jan. 17, 1863. George M. Day, wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps March 6, 1864. Ezra Dexter, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Jonathan E. Elmer, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Anson R. Fuller, wounded and captured at Chancel- lorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; must, out with com-. pany. Edw. F. Farnham, killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Daniel C. Frier, died May 19th, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va,, May 3, 1863. Leroy D. Goodwin, missing in action at Auburn, Va., Oct. 13, 1863. William H. Heath, must, out with company. William Harvey, wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863, and at Wilderness May 6, 1864; absent, in hospital, at must, out, Henry B. Hall, must, out with company. Isaac M. Haycock must, out with company. Francis E. Holley, missing in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Bruce Jones, diseh. Dec. 17, 1863, for wounds received in action. Robert King, diseh. on surg. certif. Jan. 9, 1863. James Lindsay, absent on detached service at must, out William C. McCrary, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.,. July 2, 1863 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 22, 1864 ; diseh. by G. 0. July 6, 1865. WAYNE COUNTY. 315 Henry W. MeKaue, died May 7th, of wounds received at Chaneellorsville, May 3, 1868. Arthur O'Hara, disch. on surg. certif. Oct. 1, 1862. James Ogden, missing Nov. 6, 1862. William Pope, wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864; must, out with company. Richard T. Pierce, disch. Sept. 6, 1864, for wounds re- ceived in action. M. C. Rosencrantz, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 18(33; mast, out with company. Martin Reynolds, disch. on surg. certif. Dec. 11, 1802. Frederick M. Reeves, disch. on surg. certif. Dec. 2, 1862. David Radeliff, trans, to 57th Regt. P. V. Henry Row, trans, to Co. D., 57th Regt. P. V. Oliver Skinner, trans, to Randolph's Battery, R. I. Art., .Ian., 1863. David Shannon, must, out with company. Henry Smith, disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 5, 1863. Lafayette Smith, disch. on surg. certif. April 6, 1803. John H. Smith, wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 18, 1865. Linus F. Sutton, disch. on surg. certif. March 17, 1865. William Stone, wounded at Chaneellorsville, Va., May 3, 1803, and at Wilderness May 6, 1864; trans, to Co. P., 18th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, Dec, 1804; disch. by G. O. June 27, 1865. Gilbert B. Stewart, pro. to principal musician Dec. 31, 1804. William K. Segraves, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863 ; trans, to U. S. Navy May, 1864. William Short, died December 20, 1802, buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. J. H. Schoomaker, killed at Chaneellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Charles E. Smith, trans, to 57th Regt. P. V. Joseph Stalker, trans, to 57th Regt. P. V. Richard R. Tamblyn, wounded at Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., May 12, 18(34 ; must, out with company. Sobiskie Tyler, disch. on surg. certif. Dec. 21, 1862. William Tamblyn, killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Charles H. Williams, must, out with company. Austin Welton, wouuded at Austin, Va., Oct. 13, 1863; disch. by G. O. May 16, 1865. Euos Williams, disch. by G. 6. June 5, 1865. Francis Wells, must, out with company. Mieajah Wise, must, out with company. John B. Walker, prisoner from May 28, 1864, to May 11, lso.->; disch. by G. O. May 26th, to date May 10, 1805. Thomas Walton, disch. on surg. certif. Aug., 1863. Albert Wagner, disch. Feb. 17, 1864, for wounds re- ceived in action. Henry B. Wilber, trans, to Co. H., 24th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, March 0, 1864; disch. by G. O. July 25, 1865. Noah White, wounded at Chaneellorsville, Va., May ::, 1863. Grin Wilcox, killed at Chaneellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Manford Whitaker, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, L868. Nicholas Wander, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Delos Woodward, killed at Chaneellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. George S. Wells, trans, to 57th Regt. P. V. Henry Wilber, trans, to 57th Regt. P. V. One Hundred and Sixty-second Regi- ment. (Seventeenth Cavalry.) The One Hundred and Sixty-second Regiment of the Pennsylvania line — otherwise the Seventeenth Cavalry — included in its organization one com- pany (M) of men raised principally in Wayne County, and having for its first commanding officer Captain Coe Durland, afterwards lien- tenant-colonel. The colonel was Josiafa II. Kel- logg, previously a captain in the First United States Cavalry. The regiment was recruited in the summer and autumn of 1862. On the 25th of Novem- ber it left its rendezvous, near Harrisburg, and moved to Washington. December 22d it went to Occoquan, in the vicinity of which three companies remained some days, frequently skir- mishing with the enemy. < )n the 5th of Janu- ary, 18(3-'}, the detachment rejoined the regiment at Stafford Court-House, and the Seventeenth was made a part of the Second Brigade of the First Cavalry Division. In the Chaneellorsville campaign Companies C and I were on escort duty with General Meade, and during the battle were engaged in the transmission of orders. In June, 1863, the regiment, with other troops, un- der Buford and Gregg, operated along the Rap- pahannock, and frequently skirmished with the enemy. In the Gettysburg campaign the di- vision of which the Seventeenth was a part was under the command of General Buford, and at the commencement of the battle held the enemy at bay during four hours, till the arrival of the First Corps. It was afterwards efficient in pre- venting the attacks of flanking columns of the enemy. In the fall campaign of 1863 the Sev- enteenth, with the other cavalry, was very act- ive and efficient in thwarting the movements of the wily rebel chief. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. During the winter of 1863-64 the regiment was engaged in picket duty, and in February of that year a detachment went, under Captain Spera, with General Kilpatrick in his raid on Richmond. In the brilliant cavalry operations under General Sheridan during the summer and au- tumn of 1864 the Seventeenth bore an active part, and was often in action, but space will not permit a detailed mention of the engagements in which it participated. Captain Spera, of Company C, who had on many occasions shown himself a brave and efficient officer, was, on the 10th of August, 1864, promoted to the office of major. He had the honor to accompany Gen- eral Sheridan on his famous " ride," as the fol- lowing account will show : "... General Sheridan then ordered Major Spera to take twenty men, with the best horses, from the escort and follow him, as he was going to move lively to the front, the remainder of the escort being di- rected to report to General Forsythe and Colonels Thorn and Alexander, to do what they could in stemming the tide of fugitives. On the way up the pike towards Newtown the crowds of men and wag- ons thickened until the multitude became almost a jam, so much so that it was impossible to keep the pike, and General Sheridan struck off to the left of the road, dashing through fields and over fences and ditches. He spoke to few, occasionally crying out, ' Face the other way, boys ! ' A chaplain was met, mounted on a mule, who seemed importunate to speak with the general, and beckoned him to stop, but the general told him to face about and ride along if he had anything to say. But the mule-mounted chaplain was soon left behind, with his story untold. On arriving upon the field the general struck to the right of the road, where were Generals Wright, Getty and members of his own staff, one of whom remarked, 'General, I suppose Jubal Early intends driving you out of the valley.' ' What ! ' exclaimed Sheridan, ' drive me out of the valley ! Three corps of infantry and all my cavalry ? I'll lick him before night.' With a lion heart he set to work disposing his forces, and by nightfall he had redeemed his promise." In the winter of 1864-65 the regiment had its quarters near AVinchester, and was employed in picket and scout duty. On the 24th of February, General Sheridan commenced the campaign of 1865, which terminated with the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox. Dur- ing this campaign the Seventeenth sustained, to the last, its well-earned reputation. Gen- eral Devin said, in his farewell order to the Seventeenth : " In five successive campaigns, and in over threescore engagements, you have nobly sustained your part. Of the many gal- lant regiments from your State, none has a brighter record, none has more freely shed its blood on every battle-field from Gettysburg to Appomattox." Company M. (Mustered in September 22, 1862, unless otherwise noted. Company mustered out June 16, 1865.) Coe Durland, capt, must, in Sept. 27, 1862 ; pro. from 1st lieut. Oct. 23, 1862 ; to maj. Nov. 20, 1862. Chas. C. Brown, capt., must, in Oct. 23, 1862 ; pro. from 1st lieut. Nov. 20, 1862; disch.on surg. certif. Feb. 18, 1869. James Ham, capt. must, in Oct. 23, 1862 ; pro. from 2d to 1st lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 ; to capt. May 9, 1863 ; died April 4th of wounds received at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Frederick J. Skeels, capt., pro. from sergt. to 1st sergt. Nov. 3, 1863; to 2d lieut. July 22, 1864 ; to capt. June 9, 1865 ; diseh. by G. O. June 20, 1865. Wm. C. Freeman, 1st lieut., pro. from q.m. -sergt. to 1st sergt. Aug. 1, 1863 ; to 1st lieut. Nov. 1, 1863; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. James Brannon, 2d lieut, pro. from 1st sergt. Nov. 21, 1862; com. 1st lieut. Feb. 21, 1865; not must.; diseh. on surg. certif. Aug. 19, 1863. James B. Wood, 2d lieut., pro. from 1st sergt. ; disch. on surg. certif. Oct. 6, 1863. James Keen, 2d lieut., must, in Oct. 8, 1862 ; pro. from sergt.-maj. June 10, 1865; must, out with Co. K, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav. Aug. 2, 1865. Lafayette Bolkorn,- 1st sergt., pro. from 1st sergt. to q.m.-sergt. Nov. 6, 1864; to 1st lieut. July 1, 1864; pris. from Sept. 24, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. June 9, 1865. Erhard Miller, q.m.-sergt., pro. to corp. May 29, 1863; to sergt. Aug. 24, 1862; to q.m.-sergt. July 1, 1864; must, out with company. Nicholas Miller, com. -sergt., pro. to corp. March 8 1863 ; to sergt. Nov. 3, 1863 ; to com.-sergt. July 1, 1864 ; must, out with company. William H. Watson, sergt., pro. to corp. Aug. 24, 1862 ; to sergt. July 1, 1864 ; pris. from Oct. 11, 1864, to April 20, 1865 ; must, out with company. Franklin P. Cooper, sergt., pro. to corp. Aug. 30, 1862 ; to sergt. Feb. 1, 1863 ; must, out with com- pany. Peter C. Johnson, sergt., pro. to corp. Nov. 3, 1862 ; to sergt. Nov. 15, 1864; must, out with company. George T. Spettigue, sergt., pro. to corp. July 1, 1864; to sergt. Nov. 15, 1864 ; must, out with company. Ovid H. Coleman, sergt., disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 1, 1863. WAYNE COUNTY. 317 N. S. Schoonover, sergt., wounded at Raccoon Ford, Va., Sept. 16, 1861 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps. Henry W. McMullin, sergt,, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. Chaun. P. Andreas, sergt. pro. to Corp. May 21, 1863; to sergt. Aug. 24, 1863 ; killed at Shepherdstown, W. Va., Aug. 25, 1864. Edmund M. Clark, sergt., died at Acquia Creek, Va., March 22, 1863. John G. Griggs, sergt., pro. to corp. May 29, 1863; died at Fort Ethan Allen, Va., Sept. 9, 1863. John L. Cotton, corp., pro. to corp. Nov. 1, 1862 ; 1863 ; must, out with company. Joseph L. Stanton, corp., pro. to corp. November 1, 1863 ; must, out with company. Charles J. Fox, corp., pro. to corp. Nov. 15, 1864; must, out with company, Edwin E. Belknap, corp., pro. to corp. Nov. 15, 1864 ; must, out with company. Henry C. Goodrich, corp., pro. to corp. Nov. 15, 1864 ; must, out with company. George C. Brown, corp., pris. from Sept. 24, 1864, to March 20, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. June 12, 1865. Horace Jenkins, corp., pro. to corp. July 1, 1864; pris. from Sept. 24, 1864, to March 20, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. June 9, 1865. Henry A. Lampson, corp., pro. to corp. Nov. 15, 1862 ; mis. from Sept. 24, 1864, to Feb. 25, 1865; disch. by G. O. June 22, 1865. John W. Headley, Corp., disch. on sing, certif. Feb. 17, 1863. Bruce R. Woodward, Corp., disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 17, 1863. Henry J. Tarble, corp., pro. to corp. Aug. 24, 1863 ; to hospital steward Oct. 4, 1863. Alvin E. Gleason, corp., must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; kill- ed near White House, Va., June 20, 1864. James Northcott, corp., died Oct, 17th of wounds re- ceived at Newton, Va., October 11, 1864. Ebenezer Losey, bugler, must, out with company. John T. Fox, bugler, must, out with company. Gabriel S. McKinney, blacksmith, must, out with company. Jacob Leybold, blacksmith, must, out with company. William Senthen, saddler, must, in March 17, 1864; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. Franklin Brown, saddler. Privates. Nicholas Amos, must, in March 4, 1864 ; must, out with Co. M., 2d regt. Pro. Cav., Aug. 2, 1865. George Bennett, must, out with company. Gordon D. Babcock, must, in Sept. 5, 1864 ; must, out with company. Adam Bloom, must, in Sept. 17, 1864 ; must, out with company. George W. Bartle, must, in Sept. 16, 1864 ; must, out with company. Charles H. Bartleson, prisoner from September 24, 1864, to March 2, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. June 5, 1S65. Andrew Baker, must, in Sept. 17, 1864; wounded at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. June 28, 1865. Alva Bryant, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps December 2, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 28, 1865. James E. Bull, must, in Oct. 20, 1862; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Prov. Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. John A. Bennett, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Prov. Cav. Aug. 7, 1865. John Bedell, must, in Oct, 20, 1S62 ; must, out with Co. M, 2nd Regt. Prov. Cav., April 7, 1865. John E. Blandin, must, in Feb. 29, 1864; must, out with Co. M, 2nd Regt. Prov. Cav. April 7, 1865. John S. Branning. George H. Chapman, must, out with company. Peter R. Collum, must, out with company. John E. Cook, must, out with company. Jerome Curtis, must, out with company. George Case, must, out with company. Thomas Cornell, trans, to Vet. Res. Corps March 15, 1865. Edgar A. Cobb, trans, to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. Orson Case, must, in Oct. 20, 1862. Franklin Dunshee, must out with company. Martin V. B. Dann, must, out with company. I David Denslow, must, in Sept. 5, 1864 ; must, out with company ; died at Alexandria, Va., June 23, 1865 ; grave 3254. William Davis, must, out with company. John Dewa, must, in Sept. 24, 1864; must, out with company. Daniel W. Darling, disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. John P. Dean, must, in March 30, 1864. William Elliott, must, out with company. George V. Elliot, must, out with company. Martin V. Elliot, must, in Sept. 17, 1864 ; must, out with company. Washington Fitz, must, out with company. David Gaylord, trans, to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. John Griswold, must, in March 30, 1864; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt Pro. Cav., August 7, 1866. Abraham Graham, must, in Oct. 20, 1862; died at City Point, Va., July 25, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery. Adam Hard wick, prisoner from Sept. 24, 1864, to April 20, 1865 ; must, out with company. Robert A. Headly, disch. by G. O. May 23, 1865. James B. Headly, trans, to Vet. Res. Corps ; disch. by G. O. June 26, 1865. Jacob D. Hoover, must, in April 7, 1864 ; disch. on surg. certif. Nov. 11, 1864. Andrew C. Hedglin, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; disch. on surg. certif. Nov. 29, 1864. Peter C. Hunter, disch. on surg. certif. George M. Hunter, trans, to U. S. army Nov. 5,1862. HIS WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Francis D. June, must, out with company. William E. Justice, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must out with company. William E. Justice, diaoh. onsurg. certif. Jan. 5, 1864. Erastus C. Jordan, killed at Newtown, Yu., Oct, 11, 18(i4; buried in National Cemetery, Winchester ; lot 18. Hubert Klink, must, out with company. James H. Kimble, absent, on detached service at muster out. James Kelly, traus. to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. Isaac Kip, must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; trans, to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. Tyler Kimble, trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Nov. 20, 1863 ; disch. by G. 0. Sept. 22, 1865. Henry M. Lavo, must, out with company. Samuel Lanharr, must, in Sept. 19, 1864; must, out with company. Andrew J. Lenox, must, in October 19, 1862; trans. to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. Jacob Miller, must, out with company. Andrew Maines, must, in Sept. 29, 18G2 ; must, out with company. Munson J. Mitchell, must, in Oct. 1'!. 1862 ; must, out with company. Hezekiah Myers, must, in Sept. 16, 18ii4; must, out with company. John Maley, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; must, out with company. Ansel Merrill, must, in Oct, 20, 1862 ; disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 1, 18(13. Daniel Malony, died at Washington, D. O, of wounds received near Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., May 27, 1864 ; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. William E. Martin, died at Alexandria, Va., July 21, 1863 ; grave 881. Edward H. McCartin, must, in Sept. 17, 1864; must, out with company. John McGraw, must, in Oct. 12, 1864 ; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. Matthew McKenna, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; not on muster-out roll. Joseph Newhart, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; must, out with company. James M. Nash, must, in Sept. 16, 1864 ; disch. on surg. certif. Dec. 24, 1864. Verdine E. Odell, disch. on surg. certif. March 17, 1864. William H.Osborne, must, in Nov. 28, 1863; pris. from May 31, 1864, to April 30, 1S65 ; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Prov. Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. Charles Pethick, must, in Oct. 8, 1862 ; trans, to Co. C, 19th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, July 1, 1863 ; disch. by G. O. July 13, 1865. Joseph Rook, must, in Sept. 17, 1864 ; must, out with company. Huble Rounds, trans, to Vet. Res. Corps ; disch. by G. O. July 8, 1865. John Ryan, must, in March 9, 18(14; disch. on surg. certif. Oct, 27, 18(34. Almon Rhodes, trans, to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. Warren Ricks, died at Winchester, Va., Oct. 18th ; burial record Oct. 11, 1864, of wounds received at Newtown Oct. 11, 1SC4; buried in National Ceme- tery ; lot 18. Simpson Smith, must, out with company. Lucian E. Stanton, must, out with company. George Simpson, must, out with company. Charles M. Schrader, must, in Sept. 17,1864; must. out with company. Daniel Statler, must, in Sept. 16, 1864 ; must, out with company. Adam W. Shirey, must, in Sept, 19, 1864; must, out with company. Jacob Shrader, must, in Sept. 17, 1864 ; must, out with company. Jonathan Shapley, pris. from Sept. 24, 1864, to March 10, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. June 9, 1865. William Shatzer, must, in Sept. 16,1864; disch. by G. O. June 20, 1865. Charles Seely, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; must out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. James L. Shelters, must, in Oct, 20, 18(12; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. Francis Seely, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav. Aug. 7, 1865. Earl Sherwood, must, in March 30, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 14, 1865. David Seybold, died at Frederick, Md., July 18, 1863 ; buried in National Cemetery, Antietam ; section 26, lot E, grave 510. Smith Strong, must, in Sept- 5, 1864; captured at Newtown, Va., Oct. 11, 1864 ; died at Richmond Jan. 9, 1865. Martin Thompson, must, in Sept. 19, 1865 ; must, out with company. Patrick Tighe, trans, to U. S. army Nov. 5, 1862. Everal E. Tennant, must, in March 30, 1864; disch. by G.O. June 19, 1865. John Taylor, must, in March 30, 1864 ; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro.Cav., Aug. 7, 1865. James M. Turner, must, in Oct. 11, 1864; must, out with Co. M, 2d Regt. Pro. Cav., Aug. 7, 18(15. Richard Uglon, must, out with company. Isaac F. Valentine, must, in Sept. 17, 1864 ; must, out with company. Gilbert B. Valentine, must, in Sept. 24, 1864; must. out with company. John T. Valentine, must, out with company. George Vanosdel, disch. by G. O. June 8, 1865. L. W. Van Deusen, must, in Oct. 20, 1862 ; disch. on surg. certif. April 1, 1863. David Van Kleek, disch. onsurg. certif. Feb. 17, 1865. Thomas L. Woodward, must, out with company. William Waltman, must, iu Sept, 6, 1864; must, out with company. WAYNE COUNTY. James White, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; must, out with company. William 0. Walker, must, in Oct. 3, 1802 ; absent, sick, at muster out. William J. Wilson, must, in March 4, 18(34 ; disch. July 29th, to date July 16, 1865. Edward Wright, must, in April 9, 1864. Nathan S. Young, absent, on detached service, at muster out. One Hundred and Seventy-Ninth Reg- iment. — The troops comprising this regiment (nine months' service, drafted militia) were from the counties of Berks, Lancaster, Pike and Wayne. They were organized in companies at periods ranging from October 23, 1862, to the 6th of December. On December 8th an organization was effected, with the following field officers : William H. Blair, colonel ; Dan- iel M. Yost, lieutenant-colcnel ; William H. Yerkes, major. Soon after the organization it proceeded to Fortress Monroe, and thence to Yorktown. It did little else than garrison duty until the last of July, when it joined the move- ment with General Dix up the Peninsula. Upon its return to camp it was ascertained Lee had invaded Pennsylvania, and, though its term of service was about to expire, by the unani- mous vote of the men, their further services were tendered to Governor Curtin as long as it should be needed for the defense of the State. The of- fer was accepted, but by the time the regiment had reached Washington the rebel army had retreated to Virginia. It was accordingly or- dered to Harrisburg, and was mustered out on July 27th. Company D. Captain, Holloway L. Stevens. First Lieutenant, Frank W. Gager. Second Lieutenant, Horatio D. Bennett (resigned), and Thomas M. Corrigan promoted to second lieu- tenant. Sergeants, Jacob Rosenkranse, Henry Ball, William Kerr, Elber W. Howe, Alva Bennett, William Jones. Corporals, John McGraw, Frederick M. Gaylord, Norman E. Spencer, Joseph B. Masters, Arad Lakin, Charles F. Purdy, Samuel Hacker, Horace Butler. Musicians, David Edwards, Almerou R. Howe. Privates. Lorenzo Ames. Justice Brunson. Edward Ammerman. William Bigart. Philip Bartow. Ferd. Bartholomew. Henry Bartow. Maldon Bennett. Conrad Buntry. Solomon Bishop. Horace Blandin. Robert Kelley. Alfred Chatman. Squire Kimble. Asa Cramer. Abraham Knapp. Stephen G. Costin. John Kerneghan. Cornelius Connor. George W. Leonard. Patrick Carleu. Francis Miller. Patrick Clark. George E. Miller. Henry Dix. Butler E. Mitchell. Hiram Dibble. Headley Myers. David S. Doyle. Newton Moore. L. F. Deming. John McGrath. Enos Enslin. Bernard Nevin. William Edwards. John Osborne. William Furgeson. Jacob Perry. Thomas Furgeson, Jr. Enos Potter. Harvey Fields. Malvin Peck. Philip Frederick. David Patterson. Peter C. Fisk. Daniel Sampson. Solon Fletcher. Leonard Shaffer. John Frivoley. John 11. Smith. George Freeman. William Simmons. Samuel Goodman. Samuel Stanton. Elbert Goodrich. Thomas Swartz. Rufus Griswold. H. C. Snedeker. Hershel Hull. S. L. Spangenberg. Darius Howell. Frederick Stinard . John W. Howell. Clay Spangenberg. Thaddeus Howell. Merntt Turner. Elisha K. Howell. Joseph Tonis. Charles Harris. Ira Utt, Samuel Harrier. A. E. Wheeler. Edward Haling. Herman J. Wheeler. John Jay. Vitalis Wandler. Byron E. Jones. Michael Welsh. Thomas C. Woodward. Company E. Company E of this regiment, composed en- tirely of Wayne County men, was mustered into service at Philadelphia, November 4, 1862, and served ten months, doing guard and provost duty in Philadelphia city and county, princi- pally at the Chestnut Hill Hospital. The roll does not appear in Bates' " Pennsylvania Vol- unteers," but, as here presented, is taken from the Houesdale Citizen, of February 9, 1882: Captain, George W. Hubbell. First Lieutenant, Charles D. Mahone. Second Lieutenant, William Bayley. First Sergeant, Andrew J. Shields. Second Sergeant, M. D. L. Keen. Third Sergeant, Alexander Correll. Fourth Sergeant, George M. Keen. Fifth Sergeant, Darius W. Wilcox. Corporals, Emmett Bennett, James H. Robins, William H. Jones, Dwight Chapman, Hamlet H. 320 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Tyler, Levi Spangenberg, Walter W. Walford, An- drew J. Wells. Privates. George B. Appleman. John Andrews. Milton Armstrong. George M. Arnold. John M. Bayley. Elmer J. Blandin. Jacob Bryant. Reuben T. Brainard. Roswell Brooks. Oscar W. Brooks. Albert J. Bate. Harvey Bronson. Henry Boults. Orrin Barnard. William Cruse. Moses Cole. John Carbine. John Corliss. George W. Carlton. Jackson Chadwick. Nicholas Conklin. Wm. W. Conklin. Wm. Coleman. Minor M. Dimmick. Adiah Drake. Wm. H. Drake. Elihu M. Dwight. James Dobsou. Joseph Detrick. Francis Drake. Peter Eckerson. Philemon Gillett. Emory Gilpin. Ezra Gillett. Erastus Hedgelon. Wells S. Hubbard. George Huested. George W. Hall. Christian Halker. Francis Kidson. Wm. Lancaster. Thos. J. McConnon. James Musgrove. John Maines. Henry Moules. C. W. Monniugton. Joshua Neville. Wm. Ogden. James N. Pulis. Ludlow B. Rockwell. Hiram J. Rockwell. Barney Roarke. Alvadore N. Rust. Wm. Smith. Elliot Skeeles. Milo E. Swingle. John Smith. Homer B. Spoftbrd. Asa S. Swingle. Charles K. Spry. Thomas M. Steward. Chas. P. Sloan. William J. Terwiliger. James H. Wood. Joseph Wartous. William J. Wilson. William Wetherill. Charles F. White. Joseph F. White. John Whitworth. Scattering Men in Pennsylvania Regi- ments. First Pennsylvania Artillery (Forty-third Regiment). Company A. Byron Steenback. Company I. Jonathan H. Bigelow. Fifty-second Regiment. Company C. C. A. Beehn. Company H. Henry Griner. Stephen Bidwell. Abram Griner. Leonard Torpin. Howard M. Bunting. Martin Groner. Richard M. Clift. Company K. Oliver Sears. Reuben Sears. Josiah Sears. Fifty-third Regiment. Company D. Samuel Henderson. Nelson Dowe. Seventy-sixth Regiment. Company E. O. W. Chapman. Lewis K. Cole. John Jay. Adonijah B. Drake. J. H. Buckland. John F. Bass. Company F. David E. Wilcox. Abel S. Chittenden. Stephen Clemo. John M. Ray. Joseph Monroe. Alonzo O. Mumford. Company I. George Frace. One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment. Company T. Charles Avery. Thomas Bryant. Howard M. Bunting. Jacob Keifer. George Gay. Fourth Cavalry. Charles O. Ellis. Hiram Sutliff. Reuben Wood. Albert Miles. John White. Michael Hickey. Ninth Cavalry. Willard E. Greeley (band). Company H. Henry Hendricks. Thirteenth Cavalry. Company L. Sergeants, Isadore Kastner, Robert Tennant, Geo. Wooir, John Uban, Orrin Butts, Wm. Brotzman, Chauncey Bidwell, Samuel Cross, L. D. Gimblet, Hiram Ehrgood, Wm. Eckard. Corporals, T. T. Dickerson, Andrew Stevens, Elias Pickering, Henry Simpson, Wm. Surplice, Henry Weed, Wm. Wickham, Charles Waltz, John Simpson, Philander Hines, Daniel Bortree, Horace T. Case. Eighteenth Cavalry. Company A. Elisha Gray. Morton Brandamore. James Fox. One Hundred and Fifty-second Regiment. (Third Pennsylvania Artillery). Company A. Daniel Leonard. Charles Niles. James A. Minor. Warren Rockwell. Silas E. Buckland. Dwight Buckland. Company C, E. A. Bigelow. WAYNE COUNTY. Company D. Daniel Curtis. I. Wright Swingle. Company F. D. R. P. Smith. Tracy Smith. Lewis Griffin. Walter H. Walford. Dennis Gallagher. Henry W. Adams. Charles Hulse. John Rosenbaum. -Walter Evans. < bmpany G. Darien Blackmor. John H. Groner. Jacob Martin. Lewis Kelly. Lewis Quick. Francis F. Beard. George F. Hendricks. Newell F. Deming. John B. Allen. Daniel P. Lamberton. Company M. Charles Lloyd. J. M. Rockefeller. Company — . Wm. Howell. Arnold Lloyd. Henry Thurston. William McCully. Two Hundred and Third Regiment. Company K. George Pierce. Martin H. Pierce. MEN IX NEW YORK REGIMENTS. Twenty-fourth New York. William Cole. Twenty-fifth New York Cavalry, Company C. Horatio Hadsell.' First New York Engineers, Company A. Alvin Lester. Charles Bessemer. Company C. Andrew Jaycox. Chester Dillon. Company I. Abraham Teeple. Theophilus Todd. Alvia Gifford. Wm. Mogridge. Jeremiah Young. Frederick Reeves. Alson Lester. New York Excelsior Regiment. John Plaskett. Fifteenth New York Regiment (Engineers). (Mustered in Sept. 16, 1864; mustered out June 13, 1865.) Sergts. C. H. Mills (pro. to corp. Feb. 1, 1865, to sergt. May 31, 1865) ; William D. Curtis, W. H. Bidwell. Reuben T. Ames. James A. Bigart. George Bidwell. John Dils. George Frisbie. Elbert Goodrich. James Hazen. John Killam. Edward W. Moore. John Mitchell. Almond Butler Mitchell. Henry Masters. J. Wesley Pierson. Levi Powell. James A. Powell. Albert Shaffer. Abel Swingle. Ezra Swingle. Albert Sheldon. Thomas Watson. Wheeler. Company H. James H. Powell. Company K. Samuel Found. J. S. Martin. Company L. Wesley N. Pierson. Albert Sheldon. George Forest, Sylvester Swingle Henry Masters. Thomas Sharp. Company M. George E. Lester. Andrew Jackson. Benjamin Lester. R. T. Ames. Thomas ( ;. Watson. E. W. Moore. Charles H. Mills. A. R. Swingle. Wm. D. Curtis. T. F. Wise. George Forrest. John Mitchell. W. N. Pierson. R. T. Ames. Charles H. Mills. Adam John Dills. Henry Masters. Ezra Swingle. Abram Swingle. Thomas Watson. Albert Goodrich. George M. Bidwell. Tip. Bidwell. Thomas W. Sharp. John Bigart. Edward Moore. John Kellam. Urbin Megargel. Oakley Megargel. Sylvester Swingle. Powell. Battery L Daniel Wetherill. Geo. M. Bidwell. Amos K. Brooks. John M. Bidwell. Stephen H. Coston Samuel W. Upright. E. A. Smith. L. T. Smith. James Miner. Battery M. Jacob Perrv. Hiram L. Stone. Fiftieth Regimext New York Volun- teers (Stuart's Exgixeers), Company F. — This company enlisted at the beginning of the war and was largely made up of Wayne County men, whose names and places of residence fol- low, — Captain, Porteus C. Gilbert, Honesdale. Orderly-Sergeant, Charles H. Peiltz, Honesdale. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Sergeants, Samuel R. Blois, Salem ; William D. Brooks, Bethany. Corporals, Chester B.Wilbur, Salem ; Joseph W. Buck-land, Salem; Stuart O. Lincoln, Rileyville; Henry Mcintosh, Equinunk; Robert Pettie, Hones- dale; Daniel Carpenter, Starrucca. Privates. Thomas Benney ; Harvey Bishop, Honesdale ; Geo. W. Bittenger; Charles Bersimer; Isaac Broadshaw, Jr., Honesdale; James Bass; George Buckland ; Jas. F. Comfort, Tanner's Falls ; Philip M. Comfort, Tan- ner's Falls; Peter Cauley, Tanner's Falls; Michael Costello, Honesdale; David Cassidy, Mt. Pleasant; Samuel Cliff, Mt. Pleasant; Michael Connelly, Mt, Pleasant; William Cory, Salem ; Theophilus L. Car- penter, Starrucca ; Isaac Crago, Salem ; John A. Dodge, Damascus ; James F. Davall, Equinunk ; William Fisher, Bethany; William Fox, Honesdale; Alvah Gifford ; George H. Goodsell, Preston ; Abner G. Hill, Equinunk; William H. Holdren, Hawley; Winans Holdren, Hawley; William Haines: Abram Hunt, Preston; Havilah Justin, Rileyville ; Edgar Layman, Rileyville: Alson Lester; Stuart O. Lincoln, Rileyville; George Lamonte, Mt. Pleasant; Herman Ludwig; Duncan McArthur, Damascus ; Owen Mc- Intire, Honesdale; Samuel G. Mapes, Honesdale; James W. Mains, Mt. Pleasant; Thomas Murray' Rileyville; Edgar Mead, Bethany ; Oliver Osborn| Honesdale; Thomas J. Pearce, Waymart; David Pearce, Waymart ; George R. Penny, Mt. Pleasant; W. H. Pollock, Damascus ; Jefferson Rodney, Pau- pack; Abram Rollison, Paupack ; Lyman M. Rollison, Paupack; Frank Robinson, Rileyville: James Sher- wood, Equinunk; James Smith, Mt. Pleasant; Sam- uel C. Smith, Tanner's Falls ; Mark Stephens; John S. Tuttle, Bethany ; Alexander Travis, Paupack ; Ed- ward Teubner; Lyman Woodruff, Paupack; Geonre W.VanOsdal. Fifty-second New York Engineers. First Lieutenant, Henry Mcintosh. A. G. Hill. James Sherwood. Joel Hill. Ianthus Bass. Fifty-fourth New York Regiment. Sullivan Hawley. Thomas Hardy. William Mogridge. Peter ( Isborn. Edwin Mogridge. Fifty-sixth New York Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel, Rockwell Tyler, of Damascus. ' 'ompany E. Nicholas O. Major. Company F. Frank G. Alberty. Company G. Peter Stewart. Company Captain, John Ed. A. Hollenbeck. John H. Couklin. Samuel Divine. Lewis Roberts. Jacob Hunt. Samuel Conklin. Wm. H. Prosser. Thos. H. Parsons. Geo. S. Parsons. Amos J. Bush. Francis L. Bush. Arthur Frame. John McArthur. H. I. Ross. L. N. Mosher. Gideon Tyler. Nicholas Conklin Amasa Conklin. Amos Turner. Frank Brush. Hiram G. Major. Benjamin Boults. Cornelius Lee. John Bond. Joel Hill. Wm. Conklin. Company L. Captain, Henry P. Kellam. John K. Brown. William H. Wilcox. Tracy Southworth. John Conklin. Nathaniel Taylor. Nathaniel Tyler. A. C. Kellam. William Mahlor. Nelson Conklin. Amos Turner. Andrew P. Brown. R. P. Kirby. Stephen Jones. Levi Jones. Frederick Alberts. John S. Billings. Wm. D. Kellam. David L. Kellam. Joseph L.iyton. Chas L. Billings. Jacob March. Charles C. Williams Ellis Jones. Howard Conkling. William Mogridge. Amos Tyler. Ira Valentine. < reorge 1\. Tyler. Oliver D. Tyler. Martin V. Tyler. One Hundred and Forty-third New York. Lieutenant, A. C. Kellam. PhiloC. Billings. James Brown. Jeremiah Creamer. George II. Conklin. . Nelson P. Knapp. Sandwith D. Kellam. William Knapp. George W. Osterhout. William Robinson. William Tyler. Nathan W. Thomas. Paul P. Price. Cyrenus Dodge. William Conklin. Henry P. Kellam. H. C. Porter. Paul Merrell. Weston D. Skinner. Harrison Conklin. Robert Merrell. John II. Barrett. John Todd. Peter Kellam. ne Hundred and Forty-fourth New York. (Ellsworth Avengers). Company A. James W. Garlow. William Garlow. Elias Garlow. Gilbert Spencer. Aaron Travis. George Wheeler. Nelson Mayo. David Faucher. Stephen Thomas. Asbury Cook. Aaron Anderson. WAYNE COUNTY. Company < '. Alexander A. Ayres. Daniel T. Spragne. Company F. John H. Reside. Com/, any E. Captain, William Plaskett, (pro. to major). Jasper Lord. Valentine Knight. Samuel E. Quick, Jr. Paul P. Knight. James Mack. Job Price. George E. White. George W. Wood. A. C. Hathaway. Henry Knight. Alson Lester. Charles Bessemer. William Jansen. Henry Price. Charies H. Cole. Albert Cole. John P. Cole. John B. Cole. David Cole. Charles Cole. Benjamin Jones. Heury Plaskett. Men in New Jersey Regiments. Fourth New Jersey Light Artillery, Bat- tery D. Corporals, Alfred Kimble, Thomas Whittaker, John Ammerman, Frank Wilcox. Lewis Coryell. John Bassett. George Gill. Fred Neubauer. Ninth New Jersey Infantry. Eli Burritt. John Burritt. Third New Jersey Cavalry, Company F. Harry Karslake. Frederick Zahn. John Williams. United States Regulars. Twelfth Regiment. Lieutenant James H. Lord and John Meneser were in the Twelfth United States Infantry. Fifth United States Artillery. Solomon W. Sampson, enl. Sept. 5, 1861 ; pro. to corp. and gunner Nov. 1, 1861 ; disch. March 18, 1863, on serg. certif. Havens. Robert Thomas. Havens. Aruzi Bryant. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. There were about fifty men in the Fourteenth Regulars, from Wayne County, during the Re- bellion. The following t have been able to obtain Franklin A. Engle. Thomas B. Engle. William H. Swartz. John Barnes. Andrew Swingle. George Compton. Elijah Shaffer. all the names we Isaac Newton. Jonathan Emery. James Helmes. John Isby. W. Cordner. J. Flanigan. R. Stanton. Artemus Swingle. Sylvester Wheeler. W. Simpson. Cornelius F. Bate. A. L. Bryant. John IS. Kauff'man. Charles Kautl'raan. Anthony Loftus. Ellis Roberts. Win, Truscott. Prescott R. Gorman. James Wallace. Robert McClain. William Rolston. Ezariah Chapman. Elbert Polley. Thirteeenth Independent United States Artillery. Company B. John W. Taylor. John W. Thomas. John A. Leonard. Chas. M. Surme. Navy. — Wayne County's representatives in the United States Navy, during the Rebellion, were : Honesdale — Lieut. Com., C. W. Tracy ; Engineer, Wm. Skelton ; Quartermasters, Robert A. Barclay,, J. W. Kessler and Alexander Barnet. Prompton — Warren D. Keen. Henry White. The only representative from Wayne County in the United States colored troops, during the Rebellion, was William Adams, of Dyberry. Militia of 1862. Twenty-fourth Regiment. (Organized September 20, 1862 ; discharged Septem- ber 22, 1862.) Field and staff. Colonel Russell T. Lord. Jr. Company A. Captain, Samuel Allen. First Lieutenant, William Matthews. Second Lieutenant, Henry H. Roe. First Sergeant, Charles D. Mahone. Sergeants, David W. Robertson, Jacob S. Miller, Marshal Wheeler, Oscar Hole. Corporals, Charles W. Torrey, William Bayley, Stephen G. Cory, Frank A. Seely, Gilbert E. Cooper, Stephen C. Brush, Thomas Charlesworth, Frederick Miller. Privates. Geo. W. Adams. Wm. Breede. John Bassett. William D. Brandon. Wm. F. Birdsall. John R. Blowens. Wm. H. Bryant. Peter J. Coie. Lewis Cole. N. Colberth. William A. Case. William Connolly. Nathaniel Dennis. J. E. Dart. Abram Dutcher. L. C. Fuller. Martin Foster. L. N. Goodenough. George Giller. Polhemus Hoagland. Thomas W. Hambly. A. B. Lacey. A. J. Miller. George W. Miller. D. H. Mumford. James Miles. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. John S. Pullis. Henry Peet, Herman Rodgers. Andrew Rodgers. Peter Runk. James J. Rude. Ludlow B. Rockwell. John B. Rockhouse. Michael Stager. Samuel C. Stanton. Lewis Taylor. Coridon L. Whitney. Henry C. Welch. John Whitaker. Daniel Wonacott. Herman J. Wheeler. Company C. Captain, Miles L. Tracy. First Lieutenant, James R. Knapp. Second Lieutenant, William H. Reed. First Sergeant, John Edgett. Sergeants, Hiram J. Conger, Andrew J. Shields, Sidney J. Foss, Henry M. Seely. Corporals, B. S. Watrous, Isaac G. Rulis, Richard H. Tobin, Perry H. Fuller, Thomas H. Dickson, William H. Ham, William H. Dimmick, Henry Atherton. Musician, Thomas H. R. Tracy. Privc Frederick E. Adams. Percy Bentley. Elmer Blandin. Alfred Brown. Robert W. Brady. Janson Brundag. George Bunnell. Edward G. Baker. James Carney. George M. Cole. Lewis Coryell. Edwin D. Coston. Andrew J. Carroll. Frank W. Dony. Frank A. Dony. Newell F. Deming. Samuel K. Dodge. John S. Eno. George Foster. Herman H. Fisher. George Frace. Benjamin F. Frailer. Lewis Glasser. John Goldsmith. George W. Hall. John P. James. Harry Karslake. Frederick J. Keen. Albert Kimble. Jacob S. Lowden. David Lewi. Valencount S. Lillie. Horace Meuner. Thomas Monk. Isaac Male. James M. Nichols. John Owen. Edward A. Penniman. James H. Pinckney. Seih W. Powell. George S. Payne. Philip Robinson. Albert Russell. Charles Speicher. David Swinton. William H. Stone. Frederick Shopland. William Simpson. William B. Stevens. Abram G. Sherwood. Levi Sherwood. Thos.B.Sandercock. Abram Samuel. Daniel Schoonover. Thomas Scully. Frederick Saunders. Otto Taubuer. Charles R. Texido. Oscar Terrell. Jason Torrey. Henry F. Torrey. Frederick White. Isaac F. Ward. William Wilbur. John W. Welch, Jr. Cran. J. White. Henry Williams. George M. Wood. Company K. Captain, Lewis B. Fitch. First Lieutenant, William E. Nichols. Second Lieutenant, George A. Clearwater. Sergeants, Charles V. Taft, Thomas Whittaker, Peter Bishop, Oscar Truman. Corporals, Ralph Wilburn, M. W. Simons, Milton Turner, Herschel Hull. Musicians, James H. Williams, Howard M. Thorp. Privates. Thomas W. Kellam. William M. Ludd. Matthew Louery. John Lillie. William Meixel. David Martin. James McMuller. John Nunian. Ezra B. Pellett. Wallace W. Pellett. William T. Rockwell. Charles Richardson. John P. Roberts. William Rouback. Charles Schartz. Isaac Slenker. Thomas Tighe. Henry H. Tyler. Rush K. Warner. Marcus Williams, of the Twentv-fourth Mil- Henry Armkest. Jackson Armkest. James W. Artman. Patrick M. Barrett. Cornelius Bingham. Henry Ball. Milles Boder. Dighton Daniels. Edmund Daniels. David H. Decker. Aaron J. Darrah. James Duncan. Nelson Easterline. Harry Freethy. James F. Finerty. William Finerty. Patrick Fahy. John D. Gosh. Adam Hurling. Ransom B. Holmes. [Companies A, C and K itia served eight days.] Militia of 1863. Thirty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment. Adjutant of the regiment, Henry H. Roe, of Honesdale. Company B. Captain. Wm. Matthews. First Lieutenant, John Edgett. Second Lieutenant, Henry M. Seely- Sergeants, George C. Palmer, Charles Torrey, Wm. Brady, Horace Weston, Alex. Barnet. Corporals, Eli Burritt, Robert N. Webb, Josephus K. Turner, Richard Hambley, Earl W. Parsons, Hor- ace T. Menner, Adelbert S. Rowley, Lewis Coryell. Musician, T. H. R. Tracy. Privates. George M. Cole. Wm. H. Coyne. George Dony. Joseph Fox. John Bassett. Ulysses T. Beers. Leroy W. Belknap. Theodore W. Bennett, George W. Brown. John J. Brown. Julius Bussa. John G. Betts. Andrew Boy son. Wm. A. Case. O. H. Cannon. John Carr. Hugh Connor. (leorge Gill. John Gill. Lewis Glasser. Linus N. Goodnough. Horace M. Greeley. Jeremiah W. Gibson. T. W. Hambley. Patrick Hanley. Francis Hawkey. WAYNE COUNTY. 325 Isaac H. Heemans. Polhemus Hoagland. Einmett Hurd. Erwiu Jones. Henry Karslake. Alfred Kimble. Friend Lasher. Elias Levy. Valencourt S. Lillie. Michael Manger. James W. Manning. George Nelson. E. H. Palmer. Wm, Randolph. Albert L. Rowley. [This company served thirty Frederick Saunders. Lewis Schuetz. Albert Shaffer. John Shapland. AVm. H. Stanton. Wm. B. Stevens. Win. H. Stone. Otto N. Teaubner. Thos. F. Torrey. Robert Tralles. Isaac F. Ward. H. C. Welch. John W. Welch. Charles Webber. John H. Wood, ■six days.] Twenty-eighth Regiment, Company B. Second Lieutenant, Henry F. Atherton. Privates. Henry F. Torry. George Foster. [These men served thirty-nine days.] CHAPTER VIII. Leading and Characteristic Industries— The Tanning Inter- est— Lumbering— The First Raft Sent Down the Dela- ware — Bee-Keeping. Agriculture is, of course, the leading indus- try of Wayne County, and it is treated of to some extent elsewhere. The peculiar and prominent industries next in importance may be said to be lumbering, tanning and bee-keeping. The tan- nery interest has been a very large one and is still of considerable importance. It is also one of the oldest industries carried on in the region. Previous to 1830 there were but three tanner- ies in Wayne County. One of these was located in Canaan township and managed by Samuel Rodgers ; another was situated in Mount Pleas- ant, and owned by Asa Smith ; the remaining one was located in Bethany, under the supervis- ion of Deacon Olmstead. The business of these tanneries was of a purely local nature, both the raw material being procured and the finished leather disposed of in the immediate vicinity. In 1826 Major Jason Torrey visited Montrose for the purpose of attending to some business relating to the Milford and Owego turnpike. While there he was favorably impressed with the prospects of a town to be built at the west- ern terminus of the Delaware and Hudson Ca- nal. By explaining to Isaac P. Foster, a di- rector of the Milford and Owego turnpike, the probable business opportunities of this prospect- ive town, he induced Foster to go there and commence business in company with himself. The following year Foster came to Dyberry Forks, erected a shanty and opened a store. This store was located on the " point " opposite the head of Third Street. At that time Samuel Kimble had cleared a small space in the vicinity of the present site of the National Hotel, on Sec- ond Strest, where he and his family lived in a log house. With this single exception, all the laud below the West Branch, comprising what is now the larger portion of the borough of Honesdale, was a wilderness. Above the Lack- awaxen Major Torrey endeavored to effect a clearing. With this object in view, a gang of men, under the superintendence of Jonathan Bidwell, were employed by him to cut down the forest. At the time of the erection of the store there was only one building in the immediate vicinity. This was a large, barn-like structure, also situated on the " point," built and used as a boarding-house for the wood-cutters. Mr. Torrey's residence was in Bethany. While pur- suing his business at Dyberry Forks he occupied oue corner of this building for an office. This building was afterwards converted into a house for public worship, and was known as the " Old Tabernacle." The celebrated Lorenzo Dow, during a visit to Honesdale, occupied its pulpit. In a district so sparsely populated the sale of " store-goods " was exceedingly limited. This fact led Mr. Foster to the conclusion that some other business was necessary for his financial suc- cess. Having been engaged in the manufacture of leather in Montrose previous to his removal to Wayne County, he naturally looked around for a favorable location for a tannery. A suitable site one mile farther up the West Branch was selected, and, in company with Ezra Hand, D. P. Kirtlaud and John F. Roe, he at once com- menced the erection of the necessary buildings. The required machinery was also procured, aud in 1830 the tannery went into active operation. For many years this was the leading and most flourishing leather establishment in this portion of the country. By means of the Delaware and WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Hudson Canal, Smith American and other hides were brought to the tannery and finished leath- er taken to the New York markets. The entire region was covered with hemlock timber, the bark of which could be procured at a very little expense. This rendered tanning a very profitable enterprise. During the sleighing sea- son, when the price of leather was high and the canal frozen over, both leather and hides were transferred to and from New York on sleds. Mr. Foster, seeing that the enterprise was a suc- cess, purchased the interests of his several part- ners and conducted the business himself, in con- nection with his store, which he removed to a more convenient location. He subsequently as- sociated with him his sons, who, after his with- drawal, succeeded him. In 1871 Wayne County ranked first of all the counties of the United States in the value of her leather manufacturing interest. For many years it had the largest tannery in the world within its boundaries. In 1870 the aggregate business of the several tanneries in the county was estimated at three million dollars. The following is a statement of their transac- tions for the year 1869, which was not consid- ered a peculiarly favorable one, as several tanneries were burned and others were undergo- ing repairs : E. Beach & Son, Damascus $] 1.6,829 L. H. AMen, Clinton 181,478 E. P. Strung, Wayne (Starrucca)... 210,310 Young & Cornell, Dyberry 1 98,1 1 1 2 A. E. Babcock, Preston 141,253 Burgmuller & Co., Scott 99,022 J. T. & W. Cromwell, Palmyra 119,339 S. N. Darby, Damascus 49,683 H. Drake & Sons, Berlin 94,.">44 Jones & Wales, Buckingham 119,910 Foster Bros. & Co., Texas 50,794 B. G. Morss, Sterling 22:j,419 H. K. Nichols & Co., Mt. Pleasant . 49,241 L. A. Robertson it Co., Cherry Ridge 285,721 Weston, Rockwell & Co., Manchester 144,419 Brunig & Bro., Texas 39,148 F. H. Rockwell, Oregon r,^,:;4;, L. B. Richtmyer, Manchester 115,761 Samuel Saunders, Texas 11,553 Total $2,312,781 During the i't^w succeeding years the tanning industry assumed even larger proportions, until the failure of bark in the neighborhood, and the extra expense incident to obtaining it from a distance, rendered the manufacture of leather more profitable in other locations, where bark was easily obtained. From that time to the present the tanning industry has steadily de- clined and in 1884 there were five tanneries in the county. These employed one hundred and forty-five persons, to whom they paid fifty-one thousand four hundred and ninety dollars. The value of the product has decreased from three million dollars in 1870 to four hundred and seventy thousand dollars in 1884. And at the present date all but two or three of the tanner- ies are abandoned. Large fortunes were accum- ulated by all engaged extensively in the busi- ness. When the removal of the tanneries was necessary, many tanning firms from this county opened tanneries in other counties, where they still conduct the leather business. The lumber interest in Wayne County fol- lowed closely in the footsteps of the leather manufacture. Although a leading branch of industry in all well-timbered districts and the principal support of many persons, yet in places like Wayne County, where the bark is desired and used, the lumber interest is much more quickly and largely developed. For the suc- cessful operation of the tanneries, large quanti- ties of bark were required. This could only be obtained by felling numerous trees. The utili- zation of these trees cut down for their bark re- turned a good profit. The conversion of so many trees into boards and other timber rend- ered saw-mills a necessity and very soon many were erected. For three-quarters of a century after the first settlements on the banks of the Delaware River were effected by white men, heavy forests cov- ered the entire territory comprising what is now Wayne County. At the beginning of the pres- ent century patches of clearing began to be in- terspersed here and there with the dense woods. The different shades of the foliage of the trees clearly demonstrated the fact that some were de- ciduous aud others evergreen. The woods were composed of tall, straight trees of different WAYNE COUNTY. 327 varieties,not arranged promiscuous] y, but grouped iu parcels of various sizes containing sonic par- ticular species. In some places underbrush was thickly grown, making it almost impene- trable, while elsewhere for many acres the woods were entirely destitute of undergrowth. Iu the southeastern part of the county the growth of vegetation was distinct and regularly arranged. Several species of shrubs predomi- nated. The trees grew in small groves, consist- ing principally of chestnut, oak, hemlock and pine. " Open Woods" was the name given to this district, and in contradistinction the other part of the couuty was called " Beech Woods." The forest for many years was the greatest source of wealth to the county. White and yellow pine, oak, chestnut and hemlock were pro- cured from the open woods ; the " Beech Woods " furnished cherry, whitewood, white pine, bass- wood, black and white ash, curled and spotted maple, hemlock and beech. The first timber raft sent down the Delaware was unquestionably set afloat by Daniel Skinner, of Damascus, in the year 17H4. He conceived the idea of lashing together a number of the splendid pine trees for which that region was famous, and floating them to Philadelphia, where he felt assured they would find a ready market for use as masts of vessels. He imme- diately set about putting his idea to a practical test, and at length, after much labor succeeded in starting his venture down the river, he, with an assistant following in a canoe, for the purpose of piloting the craft through in safety. The enterprise proved a failure. After floating some distance in safety, the raft ran upon an island, and all the efforts of Mr. Skinner and his assistant to dislodge it proved unavailing; they were finally obliged to abandon it and return to their homes. Not easily discouraged, however, Mr. Skinner soon made another and mure successful venture. Having constructed his raft upon better principles and rigged it with oars, he again cast off his lines and swung out into the stream, taking to himself the responsible position of steersmau, and employ- ing a neighbor, named Josiah Parkes' to man- '. Josiah Parkes took out a win-rant iu his own nauie for one hundred and fifty acres of Stockport flats, which he age the forward oar. After trifling mishaps the pioneer craft reached Philadelphia and was advantageously disposed of, its navigators re- turning to their homes in triumph. Mr. Skiu- uer was immediately dubbed " Lord High Ad- miral of the Delaware," and his companion "Boatswain Parkes," by which titles they were ever after recognized. .losiali Parkes was the grandfather of "Big Billy" Parkes, known to raftsmen of recent times as a man of uncommon strength, as he was of unusual size. Josiah Parkes' title of " Boatswain " or " Bo'son Parkes" was confirmed by the fact that he served in that capacity on board of Admiral A T ernon's fleet at the taking of Havana. His brother was also on board the same fleet, and went to England with it on its return there and became a very distinguished man, being pro- moted to an Admiralty in the British navy. Since the first raft was safely floated to Phil- adelphia by Mr. Skinner to 1870, it is esti- S^^ mated that at least two billion feet of lumber have been navigated to market. Most of this commanded what was considered a good price at the time when it was sold, but which is scarcely ten per cent, of the present value. So it can easily be seen that the county would be much wealthier with its standing growth of timber than it became by disposing of the lum- ber years ago. Seventy-five years ago the principal export timber was pine. About one-fourth as much hemlock as pine was marketed at that date. Considerable change, however, has taken place since that time, and within the past fifteen years ninety per cent, of the lumber manufactured or shipped to market in the log is hemlock. The introduction and use of circular saw- mills in the forests of the county gave a won- derful impetus to the lumber trade. Mr. Murray erected the first circular saw-mill about thirty-five years ago. It was situated at Ket- schall, and operated by John J. Merrill, of Beech Pond. The next one was erected in Lebanon township by Mr. Treat. Others fol- lowed rapidly, until in 187U there were fifty in sold to Colonel Hooper, of Trenton, for a barrel of rum. Stockport, formerly called Tockpollock, was years ago the headquarters of the lumbermen on the Delaware. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the county, some of which were run by steam- power. In 1870 there were consumed in sawed tim- ber, square timber, piling and logs, at home and by export, 101,250,000 feet of logs of the several varieties. Ninety per cent, of this total was hemlock, which, at the average price of eleven dollars per thousand feet, brought to the county an aggregate sum of §1,115,000, out of which, however, a large amount must be de- ducted for expenses. From 1860 to 1876 there were aunually felled in the forests of Wayne County 100,000,000 feet of timber. From that time to the present the amount of timber cut has steadily declined. As the scar- city of the timber became greater the value of the lumber increased. There were in 1884 twenty-seven saw-mills in the county, operating on an average one hundred and seventy days annually. For the operation of these mills one hundred and forty -eight persons were employed, who received as wages §68,117. The number of feet of timber decreased from 101,250,000 feet cut in 1870 to 12,600,000 feet in 1884. In May, 1886, the last merchantable tree in the hemlock forests, that for more than a quar- ter of a century supplied the mills on Dyberry Creek, was felled. The name of William Kimble is necessarily connected with the de- struction of this forest. His lather was one of the early settlers in this region, and he at an early age became acquainted with a woodman's life. In 1860 he drove the first log cut in this region. Since that time he has not missed a day's log-driving on this creek, and doubtless with feelings of regret piloted to its destina- tion the last log that will ever be run on this stream to Dyberry mills. The destruction of the hemlock woods in this county has materially affected the water supply, many large streams having become almost dry within the past decade. There is now one planing-mill in the county. This mill gives employment to seven men, who for their labor receive annually three thousand six hundred dollars. The mill consumes nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand feet of timber. The product is valued at five thousand one hun- dred dollars. The manufacture of textile fabrics has be- come an industry of considerable importauce in Wayne County. The favorable conditions for manufacturing afforded by an excellent water- power promise to replace the saw-mills with manufactories of this nature. There are now in the county five establishments manufactur- ing textile fabrics ; two manufacture silk goods, two woolen goods and one yarn. The two silk- goods establishments employ three hundred and fifty persons, to whom they pay an annual sum , >f si ;< ),000. The value of the product of these mills is §250,000. The woolen goods manu- factories employ fifty persons, to whom the annual sum of §11,800 is paid. The value of their products is §52,000. The yarn-mill em- ploys but seven persons. The product of this mill is valued at §2100. There are eighteen grist-mills in the county. These mills employ twenty-eight men and pay them the annual sum of §9231. The daily con- sumption of these mills is 5051 bushels. They annually mill 6976 bushels of wheat and 399,- 098 bushels of other grain ; 3140 barrels of flour are annually manufactured by these mills. The three iron foundries of the county em- ploy twenty-three men, to whom the annual sum of §9100 is paid. The daily capacity of these foundries is three tons. According to the industrial statistics of 1884 for Pennsylvania, there are sixty-five manufac- tories in Wayne County. These factories em- ploy 1244 persons, to whom they annually pay §394,703. In addition to these there are many minor industries not mentioned. Bee-keeping has within a few years grown to be an extensive and profitable industry, as is evideuced by the single fact that one mau has in a certain season shipped as much as thirty- five tons of honey from the county. This man was Sidney Coons. It would perhaps be fairer to say that his large shipment represented the production of the bee colonies owned by his sons as well as his own. We have no record as to when the honey bee was first introduced into Wayne County or by whom. According to all accounts, there were no honey bees in North America in advance of the WAYNE COUNTY. white men ; they were first imported from Europe and became the forerunner of the white men, and the red men called them the " white man's fly." They probably have been kept in a domesticated state from the time the first settlements were made in the county. They were kept in conical straw and log hives and later in the box hive and the honey obtained was known as box or cap honey. To obtain the honey from the in- terior of the hive the keepers resorted to the sulphur pit. In the year 1854 W. L. Hazen, of Bethany, took quite an interest in the bee business. He made some improvements in bee-hives and pro- duced a large quantity of box honey. In the year 1878 he built a boat and shipped his honey to Philadelphia. For four years, he shipped from one to three thousand pounds in that way. George W. Leonard commenced keeping bees in the movable comb-hive in 1867, and intro- duced all the modern improvements. He ob- tained the Italian bees in 1873 and in a few years increased his stock to one hundred colo- nies. He had from that time up to 1885 kept from one to two hundred and fifty colonies or hives. From 1875 to the present time he has averaged five thousand pounds of honey a year. He says there are five hundred colonies kept in movable comb hives south of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad and about the same number kept in the box hive. Number of colonies south of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad : Geo. W. Leonard, Lake 200 Chas. Mills, Lake 14 George Tisdell, Lake IS George Ramble, Lake 7 Leroy Pelton, Salem 100 Mr. Mitchel, Salem 74 George Myers, Salem 30 Robert Bonear, Cherry Ridge 40 There are others that have two or three swarms each. Sidney Coons & Sons are the largest bee- keepers in Wayne County. They made thirty- five tons of honey in 1885. Alvin Purdy and John Bunnel, of Texas, had their bees all de- stroyed by a contagious disease called " foul brood." It extended westward through Dy- berry and Damascus, producing great havoc. The principal honey and pollen producers or flowers, in rotation, as they bloom, are the alder and willow the first of the season, which pro- duce pollen only. Next is soft maple, which usually blooms the 25th of April and produces both pollen and honey. Then comes the hard maple, which produces both pollen and honey, but not so abundantly as the soft maple. The wild cherry and fruit blossoms yield pollen and honey. Next comes the dandelion, which yields pollen and honey. The wild gooseberry yields abundantly, but is not very plenty. Then comes the sorrel, which yields both pollen and honey. On the 25th of May the raspberry begins to bloom and the flow of honey is so great in the vicinity of large bark peelings and briar patches that tons of it go to waste for the want of bees to gather it. For several weeks the bees are allowed to partake of this flower. It is secreted at all hours and in all kinds of weather and is the most reliable honey producer in the county. Next comes sumach, which yields honey and large quantities of pollen. Then comes silk or milk weed, which yields honey abundantly. Next is basswood, which yields abundantly in favorable weather, and lasts until about the 20th of July, which ends the season for white honey in Wayne County. Then comes a scar- city of honey material for about three weeks. Next in order bloom the dark honey produc- ing plants. Buckwheat is the first and yields a dark, pungent honey. Then comes the golden rod, which begins to bloom the 15th of August, and yields honey until the close of the season, along with fire weeds and the aster. In dry seasons in October the aphis make their ap- pearance on the leaves of the beech and alder, and exude a saccharine substance which is col- lected by the bees. As winter food for the bees it proves unwholesome. The atmospheric changes have much to do with the flow of honey. The plants secrete the most honey in warm, showery weather and a humid atmosphere. Sidney Coons, residing near Honesdale, in Texas township, has done as much, if not more, than any other man in Pennsylvania to bring bee-culture to a great state of perfection. He has given this subject such attention by reading WAYNE, PIKE, AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. authentic works, and by studying the nature and habits of the different varieties of the honey bee, as to multiply five-tbld the results of the busy lire's labor, over its most successful work of a quarter-century ago, and now real- izes on an average from each swarm, one hun- dred pounds of section honey annually, above the amount required to keep them, as compared with twenty pounds when he first began bee- culture. Both himself and sons are large dealers in bees and honey, the latter of which they ship by car-loads to New York and Philadelphia. Altogether the father and four sons own now one thousand swarms, comprised of the " pure Italian," " pure black," a native of this coun- try, and the "hybrid," a cross between the others. He bought his first swarm of Ital- ian bees in North Carolina many years ago, but the majority of his stock are the "native blacks." Mis taste for the apiary was early cultivated at home, when he was accustomed to see his father work among his bees, but it was not until 1857, when he settled in Wayne County, at Riley ville, that he began to follow bee-culture as a business. He was born in the town of Broome, Scho- harie County, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1821, reared on the home farm at that place, and attended the district school. By the death of his father when Sidney was twenty years of age, the re- lief of an encumbered property and the care of the family devolved upon him. After four years he sold out the farm and settled at < ones- ville, in the same county, where he remained until his removal to Lebanon township, Wayne County. For twenty years .Mr. Coons was en- gaged in lumbering and farming, in Lebanon, but in 1S83 he retired largely from both, and re- moved to his present place, where his time is mostly taken up with the care of no less than a hundred swarms of bees. He is the inventor of different kinds of hives now in use, which are a great improvement over the old-fashioned ones, being so arranged that the honey can be removed without disturbing the bees. He married, in 1847, Mary Jane, daughter of Martin B. and Wealthy (Tupper) Thomas, who was born June 23, 1822. Her parents were natives of Salisbury, Conn., and settled in Schoharie County, N. Y., where they died. She had two brothers, — Jeremiah and Erasmus D., now deceased, — and has two sisters. — Sarah, wife of Ira I tesilva, of Gilboa, and Per- sis Thomas, of the same place. Their children are Theodore E. Coons, a bee-keeper at Tanner's Falls; Rolland L. Coons, a bee-keeper and farmer in Damascus township ; Clarence D. Coons, a large farmer and bee-keeper near Equinunk ; and Fletcher S. ( 'ooiis, a bee-keeper and farmer of Mount Pleasant township. His father Abraham Coons (1795-1841), married Almina (1805-57), daughter of Picket Wood, of Schoharie County, N. Y. She died in Saratoga, N. Y. His grandfather, Jacob Coons, of German origin, resided in Middle- lung, N. Y. ; afterward removed to Ohio, thence to Illinois, where he died at his son's residence at the great age of one hundred years. His family mostly went with him. Sidney Coon's brothers anil sisters are Al- bert, died in Illinois; Ambrose, died in Ohio; Addison, resides at Bloomington, 111.; Eme- line, died at the age of twenty ; Harriet, the wife of Daniel Black, of Cohoes, N. Y. ; and Adeline, wife of Rodney Wilcox, who resides at the same place. CHA PTER IX. Description — Topography — Geological Notes — Soils — Streams, Lakes and Fish. Wa yxe County forms the extreme northeast corner of Pennsylvania. From the New York State line its eastern boundary is the Delaware River down to Narrowsburg, or Big Eddy, a distance of forty-five miles. Thence the boun- dary line between Wayne and Pike runs south thirty-one and three-quarters, west ten miles twenty-three poles, to the mouth of the Wal- lenpaupack, and thence up that stream and its south branch to where it is crossed by the old North and South turnpike, a distance of about forty miles; thence seven miles, ninety-two poles west to Lehigh Creek; thence up that stream six miles ; and thence due north along WAYNE COUNTY. Lackawanna and Susquehanna Counties to the New York State line, a distance of forty-eight miles and two hundred and seventy-four poles; and thence along the State line due east a dis- tance of six and three-eighths miles to the Del- aware. Its area, according to figures based upon the best surveys, is 462,615 acres, or 722.8 square miles. The surface of the county throughout the greater portion of its area is exceedingly ir- regular. Viewed from the highest land, — the Moosic Mountain range, which extends along the western line, — the succession of hills, as far as the eye can reach, appears not unlike the billows of the ocean ; but if one were to leave this mountain stand-point and travel across the county iu almost any direction, he would find the surface resembling a " chop sea." The level stretches are few and far between. This quality or condition of the country makes the prospect a very pleasing one in almost any por- tion of Wayne. As the scene is almost every- where diversified with the sharp contrast of highly cultivated fields and lands almost as wild as the}' were before the white man came, varied by long, sweeping slopes and abrupt de- clivities, and the whole well watered by beauti- ful streams and dotted with lakes, innumerable beautiful landscapes are afforded. There is scarcely any portion of Pennsylvania in which the pastoral and the picturesque are so inti- mately commingled as in Wayne County. The greatest elevation in the county is the Moosic range, heretofore alluded to. This va- ries in height (above tide-water) from two thou- sand to two thousand two hundred feet. At a point near the junction of the Wayne County line with the east and west Hue dividing Sus- quehanna and Lackawanna Counties it is not over nineteen hundred and fifty feet high, but farther north, to beyond Mount Pleasant, the altitude varies from two thousand and fifty to two thousand one hundred feet. Still farther north the height increases until it culminates in Ararat peak, which is two thousand six hun- dred and fifty feet above tide-water, and the second highest elevation iu the northeastern part of the State. The least elevation above tide-water in the county is in Damascus township, at the level of the Delaware, where the height is but 765 feet. The elevation of Hawley is 860 feet; of Hones- dale, 983 feet; of Prorapton, 1089 feet; of Waymart, 141.">.14 feet; of the Moosic sum- mit (where crossed by the gravity railroad), 11)47.17 feet. Outline of Geology — Soils. — From a brief account of the geology of the county, written by Professor I. C. White (the author of that volume of the State Report treating of Susquehanna and Wayne Counties) we condense the following : "The rocks of the county belong principally to one system, viz.: what the geologists have termed the Catskill, since these same strata make up the great bulk of the Catskill Mountains in New York State. The main characteristic of the system is the abundance of red materia/, in the shape of red shale and red sandstone, the red color being always due to per-oxide of iron disseminated through the rocks, or shale as the case may be. Inter-stratified with the red shales are found frequent layers of gray or greenish current bedded sandstones, often finely laminated and forming excellent flagging material. The base of this system is seen only in Susquehanna County, and in that only along the Susquehanna River and the lower portions of the streams which flow into it, where one hundred to two hundred feet of Chemung rocks may be seen. "No valuable minerals or metals willever be found in these rocks, and the pretended discov- ery of gold and silver by the ' practical miners ' in several portions of the district is only a pre- tence by which impostors have managed to se- cure free board and pocket money at the expense of their deluded victims. The only mineral in quantities of any value in the county is the coal found in the edge of Clinton. " With the exception of a few acres in eastern Clinton, there are not and could not be any workable coal-beds in any portion of the county. The reason is that from the Carbondale region the rocks that hold the coal rise toward the east, north and west at a very rapid rate, varying from five hundred to one thousand feet to the mile for about three miles, so that this shoots WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA all the coal-beds far above the tops of the highest hills and mountains, and when such peaks as Elk Mountain, Ararat and Sugar Loaf would have to be a thousand feet higher than now to catch any valuable beds of coal in their summits, it can very readily be seen by any one that there is no prospect for new coal dis- coveries in Wayne, since the summits of these mountains are even now nearly one thousand feet higher than the general level. It is possi- ble and extremely probable that the greater por- tion of the county was once covered with the same coal-beds that occur in the vicinity of Scrauton and Carbondale, but have been worn away and lost through the tremendous erosion of the Glacial epoch, and that of all previous and subsequent ages. The Scrauton Valley coals were saved from this wasting process be- . cause they were folded downward far below the general level in the shape of an inverted arch, and have thus escaped destruction in part, " The Bradford and Oil Creek oil horizons un- derlyallof Wayne County, but it is extremely doubtful whether any number of drillings would reveal the oil itself. The few that have been made resulted in failure." Of the soils of the county Mr. White gives the following account, with some practical sug- gestions concerning their improvement, and for the dissemination of this knowledge we can better afford space than we can for a long tech- nical description of the geology of the country : " The soils of the county," says he, " have been largely derived from the decomposition of rocks in situ, since the hill-slopes are generally so steep that the Drift is seldom found remain- ing on them except in scattered patches. The Cat skill system furnishes almost all of the sur- face rocks in this district, and the soils have been largely derived either from their gradual decay or trituration by glacial action. " The red slates of the ( 'atskilt have proba- bly contributed more to the formation of the soil than any other part of it, and it is the uni- versal testimony of the farmers that the 'red shale soils ' are generally stronger and richer than any others. The amount of alkalies in the shale doubtless accounts for the fertility of its soil, since the quantity of lime and phosphoric acid is not sufficient to have any marked influ- ence for good. But while the red shale soils are usually the best in the district, it is equally true that only in isolated patches and in favorable localities are there any really first-class soils within the county. The great body of the sur- face is covered by a thin sandy soil of very little natural fertility, and except in the vicinity of swamps, where a great thickness of decayed vegetable material has accumulated, and along- some of the larger streams, where the Drift de- posits are extensive, there is not much land within the district that will produce abundant crops until it has been fertilized artificially. The hill-slopes are steep and the surface gener- ally rugged. Excellent crops of grass grow on almost any of the soils. "The great need of the soils is lime, and the more sandy soils are furnishing it. There are no pure limestone strata in the Catskill series, but there are a great many layers of impure calca- reous conglomerate or breccia interstratified with the shales and sandstone of this series. Huge fragments of this kind of rock lie scattered about over a large portion of the district, black- ened by exposure to the air. " These ' Nigger-heads ' contain from ten to sixty-five per cent, of lime, and might often be burned to great advantage for lime manure. Many of the farmers have noticed the fact that the grass grows greener and richer near them, their lime being dissolved out by every shower to enrich the surrounding soil. But very few farmers have the least idea that these rocks contain enough lime to be of any service for burning. Mr. Scheuk, of Cherry Ridge, is per- haps the only resident of the district who has tried a kiln, and he reports that the good effect upon his crops has been more marked than when he used the best stable manure. " These boulders are so thickly strewn over some portions of Wayne County as to be a se- rious nuisance. Two birds could be killed with one stone — the land cleaned and the soil manured — by breaking up and burning them into lime. Even those of them least rich in lime might be turned to account, if farmers in clearing their lands would only build and burn their log- heaps over and around these rocks. By WAYNE COUNTY. this means they would get such a roasting that the smaller ones would slack down, while a large coating of lime would fall away from the larger ones after every such operation." Streams, Lakes and Ponds. — The drain- age of the whole county may be, in general terms, described as eastern, — that is, into the Delaware, — for the territory lies wholly on the eastern slope of the great water-shed, which is divided by the Moosic. This water-shed is, however, split into northern and southern slopes, and so it happens that very few of the streams have an actual eastward course. The subordinate divide or ridge from which these minor slopes descend curves toward the south- east, running in a direction rudely parallel with the course of the Delaware, and, six to ten miles west of it, finally terminates in a nar- row ridge at the river, near Lackawaxen. The streams which flow from the northern and eastern slopes of this subordinate water- shed are small. Beginning at the north, they are Strawder's, Chehocton, Rig Equinunk, Lit- tle Equinunk, Hollister's, < 'asbe's and Calkin's Creeks. Mast Hope Creek drains a portion of Berlin township through a corner of Pike County into the Delaware. The Lackawaxen, the main stream of the county; drains the eastern slope of the Moosic water-shed, and the southern and western slopes of the curving subordinate divide, of which mention has been made. Its drainage basin constitutes about two thirds of the area of Wayne County. It has been extremely useful as an outlet for lumber and other pro- ducts, and by its banks have been built a canal and railroad which have superseded it as car- riers. It is not ouly the most important but the most historic stream in the county. 1 Long 1 The Lackawaxen is very frequently mentioned in this work, especially in the general history and Chapter IV. of Wayne County (on Internal Improvements). Hon. George H. Rowland, who lives upon the banks of the stream, has summed up as follows the legislative enactments concern- ing it : ''In 1771 the Lechawaxen (as it was then called) was declared a public highway by the General Assembly up to the falls thereof (wherever that might have been) ; I think it must have had reference to the falls near Hawley. In 1791 the General Assembly appropriated two hundred and a public highway, it has recently been by law released from serving in that capacity and it is probable that in a few years its waters will be largely used as a motive-power for great manu- factories. The principal affluents of the Lackawaxen are the Dyherry, which empties into it at Hones- dale ; the Middle Branch, which comes in at Hawley ; and the Wallenpaupaek, which flows from the southwest, and reaching it just below MiddleCreek, pours a considerable torrent into it over the cliffs of Paupack Falls. This is the most picturesque stream of the county, and has many falls and dashing rapids, varied by darkling, quiet pools. It flows a tortuous course, often between precipitous banks, along a rock-fretted channel, and again placidly through broad but- ton) lands. The hikes of Wayne County form one of its most remarkable physical features and chief beauties. There are no less than seventy-six lakes and ponds within the limits of the county, some clustered about the heads of the streams and others having no visible inlet — in fact, immense springs. These lakelets vary in size fifty pounds for the improvement of the navigation of the Lechawaxen, and authorized the Governor to appoint com- missioners to contract with parties to do the work. " Again, by act of February 1, 1808, the Lackawaxen (in this act it is first spelled as we now spell it) is declared a public highway from the falls thereof to Dybery Forks and thence up the Dybery and West Branch to the great falls of its respective branches. " By act of March 26, 1814, the west branch of the Lackawaxen from Colonel Seely's mills to Silas Kellogg's, in Mt. Pleasant township, was declared a public highway. " By act of the 13th of March, 1823, Maurice Wurts was authorized to built a slack-water navigation from Wagner's Gap, in the county of Luzerne, to Iiix, Gap in the county of Wayne, and thence to mouth of Lackawaxen, in such a manner that boats and rafts might descend at least one day in seven, unless impeded by ice or high water, with channel not less than twenty feet in width, and boats of not less than ten tons' burden. " In 1825 an act was passed authorizing the above corpora- tion to connect with the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, that had been incorporated by the State of New York. " By act of 1826 the slack-water navigation was changed to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Campany, and the Company authorized, if they preferred it, to build a canal and to take water from the Lackawaxen and other streams, but required to discharge it into the Delaware River at or near the mouth of .he Lackawaxen River. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. from one to ODe hundred and fifty acres. Prof. White says: " Many of them are surrounded by dry banks of gravel extending down to the water's edge, with no streams draining into them and only a narrow channel cut down through the gravel heap for the outlet. Of course such ponds can only be fed by springs rising from the bottom. Others again have small feeding streams, and are often surrounded by a great expanse of swamp or marshy lands, thus indi- cating the probable greater expanse of the water in the past. " The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company has taken advantage of these ancient drained lake basins to secure a constant supply of water for their canal from Honesdale to the Delaware River, during the dry seasons of summer and fall. By throwing high dams across the narrow outlets of several lakelets tributary to the Lack- awaxen, the surplus, rainfall of winter and spring is caught and stored up to be grad- ually let out through wickets in the dams when needed in the summer." These lakes and ponds are most numerous in Preston township, where there are no less than eighteen. The following interesting facts con- cerning the location, depth and height above tide of these lakes is given by Hon. N. F. Un- derwood, a resident of the township : Como Lake (147.", feet A. T.) at village of Lake Como; depth, 24 feet; has two considerable inlets; outlet into Equinunk waters. Tapper Twin, one-half mile north of Como ; no in- let ; outlet into Lower Twin ; depth, 68 feet. Lower Twin, one-fourth mile southeast of Upper Twin ; outlet into Equinunk ; depth, 62 feet. Lax/, rn Spruce, one mile south of Como; no inlet ; outlet into Como; area, 30 to 35 acres ; marshy on side next to Como Lake, with large swamp extending to within one-fourth mile of the latter. Sly, one-fourth mile southeast of Spruce ; no inlet ; outlet into Equinunk ; depth, 59 feet ; area, 60 to 70 acres. Long, one and a half miles south-southwest from Como ; no inlet ; outlet into Equinunk ; depth, 52 feet. Seven-Mile, one mile south-southwest from Como; one considerable inlet; outletinto Equinunk ; depth, 22 feet ; area, about 75 acres. Ooxtown (A. T. 1950 feet), one and a half miles northwest from Preston Centre; no inlet ; outlet into Starrucca Creek ; depth, 47 feet ; area, 80 to 90 acres. Westt rn Spruce (A. T. 1.960 feet), one-half niileaouth- I west from Preston Centre; small inlet; outlet into Starrucca Creek; depth, 21 feet; area, about 75 acres. Both this and Coxtown have comparatively low sur- j roundings. The shallow ones have comparatively level j floors, sometimes exhibiting only a foot or two of variation in two hundred or three hundred yards. The water in the deeper ones is very clear, while in the shallow ones it is colored like swamp water, their bottoms consisting of soft, vegetable mud to an unknown depth. Without doubt the filling-up process now going on in them has converted many former lakes into the present swamps, and greatly re- duced the size of others. Those not previously mentioned in Preston Big Hickory Pond 1950 Little Hickory Pond 2000 Bone 2 1 Independent Pond 1950 Pointed Pond 1975 Five-Mile Pond 1975 Belmont Lake, 1950 Chehocton Pond 1775 Beaver Pond — In the other townships of Wayne County are the following : Blevntiun. Keet. Four-Mile Pond, Scott — Island " " 1800 Lizard Lake, Buckingham 1250 Preston Lake, " — Dillon's " " - Adams " " 1300 Carr's " " 1425 High " " - Belmont " Mt. Pleasant 1950 Bigelow " " — Mud Pond " — Rock Lake " KiOO Miller's Pond " — Upper Woods Pond, Lebanon 1500 Lower " " " 1450 Duck Harbor " " 1350 Rose " " — Niles " " — Cline " Damascus — Galilee " " — Swag " •' Laurel Lake " 1265 Gorharn Pond " — Spruce " Oregon — WAYNE COUNTY. :;:;:> Elevation, Feet. Lovelace Pond, Oregon — Mud " " — Lower Wilcox " " — Upper " " " — Day " " — Cranmer " in Dyberry tp — First Pond (Glass Factory) " 1460 Second " " 1475 Third " '• — Jenning's Pond " — White Oak" in Clinton tp 1375 Elk " " — Mud " '■ _ Martwick's " " — Perron's " " — Stanton " in Canaan tp 140(1 Keen's " " 1820 Hoadley's " " — Curbs' " in S. Canaan tp — Kizer's " " — Cadjaw " in Cherry Ridge tp 1295 Clark's " " 1395 Sand " " 1350 Bunnell's " in Texas tp 1100 Dorfliuger's Pond " 1250 Beech " in Berlin tp 1320 Williams' " " li'S."> Ridge " in Palmyra tp 1800 SwampBrook" " ,1100 Purdy's " in Paupack tp 1350 Long " " 1400 Jones' " in Salem tp 1425 Marsh " " 1400 Bidvvell " " 14:H(t Fish. — What has been said of the lake- and streams of the county leads, naturally, to a few remarks upon the fish which are so plentiful in them. First of all is that aristocrat of the water, — the handsomest and gamest of all the species, — the trout. Formerly, they were very numerous. Thirty or forty years ago a man was not thought much of an angler who could not go out and fill his creel — or, more probably, as creels were not then much used, get a string so long that it dragged the ground — in a few hours. In 1840. they abounded in the Wallenpaupaek, Middle Creek, Dyberry and Lackawaxen, ranging from nine to sixteen inches in length ; but a few years later the liquor from the tanneries and the saw-dust from the mills so polluted the water, and the pickerel became so numerous, that the trout vanished from all of these streams, excepting their head- waters. Many of the small streams have yet a few trout. The Wanguni, Five-Mile, the head-waters of the Dyberry and the creeks in the northern part of the county are now the principal trout- producing streams ; hut they are fast diminish- ing, even in these waters, and unless they are restocked will soon entirely disappear. The most common among the highly-prized fish at present are the black bass and pickerel, both strangers to the waters of the county until brought in by enthusiastic fishermen. The black bass were first introduced in 1868 by A. W. McGown. The pickerel were brought to the county about 1836, when the principal ponds in the county were stocked. Sand Pond was stocked in 1836 by Aaron Curtis and his father, of Canaan township. It was stocked with bass in 1868 by A. W. McGown. It also has perch, catfish and eels. They are the native fish, and excepting the eels, are in all of the principal ponds in the county. These are not in the lakes that empty into the Paupack, as they cannot ascend the falls; the young fry are below the falls in countless numbers, but none above. Elk Pond was stocked with bass iu 1868 by A. W. McGown. It also has pickerel and perch in its waters. Upper Woods has bass, pickerel and perch. It was stocked with bass in 1868 by A. W. McGown. In 1840 trout were quite plenty in it. Mr. P. G. Goodrich says that he caught one there that weighed three pounds and six ounces, but the pickerel soon ex- terminated them. White Oak Pond has bass, pickerel, perch and trout in its waters. This is the only pond in the county that has trout in it, and their time is short, as it has been stocked with bass and pickerel within the last few years. Keen's Pond has bass, pickerel and perch, the bass running in from Elk Pond. Beech Pond contains bass, pickerel and perch. Mr. Merrill said the bass were put in the summer of 1885. The pickerel were introduced many years ago. Jones' Pond was stocked witli pickerel, in 1836, by a number of the old settlers who re- sided near the pond. It was stocked with bass, in 1875, by James A. Bigart. It was stocked with land-locked salmon, in 1877, by S. L. Dart. He also put in five :;:;i; WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. hundred lake trout the same year. He says there has never been one caught or seen since, to his knowledge. It is the opinion of some that they are in the deep water and have never been fished for properly, but they probably were destroyed in a short time by the pickerel, as they were very plenty in the pond at that time. In seems incredible that they could remain there these eight years and not one of them be seen or caught. Biddell Pond contains bass, pickerel and perch. Trout were quite plenty in it about 1836, but it was stocked with pickerel at that time by some of the old settlers, and the trout could not hold their own against the pickerel, and were exterminated. Bass were put in this pond about 1875 by A. W. Mc- Gown. Stanton Pond is well supplied with pickerel and perch, ami so also are many of the lesser ponds of the county. ' A special law enacted in 1870 protects the black bass of Wayne County from the angler except during specified seasons. It provides that : "From aud after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to take, catch or kill, by any means or device whatsoever, fish commonly known by the name of black bass in any of the waters, lakes, ponds or creeks of Wayne County during the months of March, April, May aud June in each and every year ; nor shall it be lawful for any per- son or persons to fish in said waters at any time with any kind of nets, seines, baskets or bags, nor to use in any way what is commonly known as ' Cocculus Iudicus ' or any other vegetable or mineral substance in said waters, for the purpose of stupefying or poisoning fish in order to catch or destroy them." It was provided " that any person offending against this law should, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor 1 The facts concerning fish were supplied by li. C. Leon- ard, of Middle Valley. It is a fact not well known, even in Wayne County, where he resides, that Mr. Leonard is the champion fly-caster iu the United States He was a winner at. the tournaments in New York in ISSli, 1883, 1884 and 1885, in the hitter year casting one hundred and twenty- five feet (with a salmon rod) and ninety-two feet single- handed. Iu previous years lie made nearly as good re- cords. more than fifty dollars, with costs of prosecu- tion for every such offense, one-half of said tine to go to the prosecutor and the other half to be paid to the treasurer of the township in which such offense shall have been committed, for school purposes only ; and in default of the payment of said fine, undergo an imprisonment in the county jail of said county for a term of twenty days. Provided the prosecution shall be commenced within sixty days after the of- fense is committed." CHAPTER X. the borough of honesdale. Title of the Site of Honesdale — The " Indian Orchard " and Schoonover Tracts. — Honesdale is built upon portions of two tracts of land, which were known as the Indian Orchard and Schoonover patents, the former passing from the proprietaries of Penn- sylvania to Colonel Jonas Seely in 1765 and the latter.from the State to William Schoonover iu 1803. The former, a prominent citizen of Heading, Berks County, and an officer in the provincial service during the French and In- dian War (sometimes called in Eastern Penn- sylvania Teedyuscuug's War), on being relieved of his command near the close of the struggle, petitioned the proprietaries for a large tract of land, pledging its early settlement as an induce- ment for the issuance of the grant. His ap- plication was favorably receivethjbut it was not until the 30th day of July, 17!*o, that a war- rant was issued to him, or rather to the survey- or-general, James Scull, giving him authority to survey the lands for Seely. The conditions, briefly stated, were that ten thousand acres of land were to be surveyed to and for Jonas Seely, iu one or two tracts, on or near the north branch of the " Lackawaksin " ('reek, in North- ampton County, " beginning about a mile above the forks of that creek and going on or near to a Tract there of eight hundred acres," which had been surveyed for the proprietaries' use ; that there should be surveyed aud set off for the proprietaries ten acres for every hundred WAYNE COUNTY. :J37 acres of the tract, " at least of equal value and Goodness with the Rest;" that the grantee should pay for every hundred acres thereof five pounds " sterling money of Great Britain," one- half within six months and the other within eighteen months after the return of the survey; that the grantee should settle the tract within three years ensuing after the date of the war- rant, unless there should be " rupture or war with or interruption by the Indians," in which case the condition should he complied with in a reasonable time not exceeding three years after the termination, and it was further provided and agreed if the latter stipulation should not be fully complied with, the residue of the lands not settled should revert to the proprietaries and remain " for. their use as fully and effectually as if the warrant had not been granted." It was not until February, 1769, that .lames Scull made return of the survey executed under the authority of the warrant just synopsized. In his return all the land surrounding the tract was described as " vacant," with the exception of the proprietaries' manor, which adjoined it upon the east. The northwestern corner of the tract was a birch tree on the hillside a little south of the old burial-place in the present bor- ough of Ilonesdalc, and the northern boundary extended from this point in a northeasterly di- rection for a distance of a little more than four miles, into what is now Berlin township. The bulk of the tract as surveyed lay in the form of a square, with its southern limit a little below- Indian Orchard, aud the remainder was includ- ed in a strip about three-fourths of a mile broad and nearly three miles long, extending down the Lackawaxen on each side of the stream to a point some distance below White Mills. The tract was returned as comprising eight thousand three hundred and seventy-three and one-half acres, with an allowance of six per cent, for roads. The name of the tract, " Indian < )rchard," by which it was known in all subsequent con- veyances, was given to it owing to the fact that within its bounds was included the famous ap- ple orchard below Honesdale on the Lackawax- en, originally planted by the Indians. The obligation which Colonel Seely entered iuto to cause the settlement of the tract by thirty families was not fulfilled, nor does it appear even to have been undertaken, and yet the tract did not revert to the proprietaries. Ill fortune overtook the enterprising first owner of the site of Honesdale and of the Indian Orchard tract, and he was obliged to part with it. In March, 1 77!), he conveyed the tract, reserving one thou- sand acres at the north end, to Colonel Mark Bird and dames Wilson (a lawyer of Philadel- phia and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence) in fee as tenants in common. Colonel Bird, who was a conspicuous character in Pennsylvania during the Revolutionary pe- riod, soon after released and conveyed his share to Wilson, who, eventually, also secured the thousand acres reserved by Colonel Seely. Mr. Wilson not long afterwards paid into the receiv- er-general's office U^t>7 •">*. If/., the amount of the purchase, and on the 16th of November, 1781, a patent for the tract was issued to him under the seal and authority of the Supreme Ex- ecutive Council of the province, being signed by William Moore, president of that body, and at- tested by T. Matlack, secretary. < )thcr creditors of < lolonel Seely had, howev- er, in the mean time taken measures to secure their claims against him, and having obtained judgments, had entered them of record in North- ampton County, of which it should be borne in mind the territory of Wayne was then a part. In March, 1790, the Indian Orchard tract was sold by Sheriff George Groff, of Northampton County, as the property of Jonas Seely, on an execution issued at the instance of Isaac Levan, in the interest of the estate of Governor James Hamilton, deceased, and William More Smith, an attorney of Montgomery County, became the purchaser. But Wilson was not disposed to lose his title without a struggle, and on the 18th of March, 1790, when the sheriff was about to ac- knowledge in open court the deed to Smith, Joseph Thomas, Wilson's attorney, arose and asked for a rule to show cause why, upon James Wilson's paying to the representatives of Ham- ilton's estate his contributory part of Colonel Seely's debt to said Hamilton, a deed should not be made by the sheriff to the said Wilson, as the best and highest bidder. The court ruled that Mr. Thomas " take nothing by his motion," 338 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and, consequently, the 29th of April the deed was acknowledged to Smith, in whom the title to the tract was invested for about a year. William Hamilton, of Bush Hill," Philadel- phia (nephew of .Tames), received a deed for the property from Smith on the 14th of April, 1791, the consideration being nine hundred and five dollars lawful money of Pennsylvania, who held it until his death, in 1813, after which Ja- son Torrey became the agent for the lands in Wayne County belonging to his estate. A — The Schoonovee Tract. B — The Indian Or- chard Tract. C — The United Tracts. Sunn after William Hamilton became pos- sessed of the property clearings began to be made upon some of the adjoining tracts, and settlers encroached upon his domain. After the erection of Wayne County, in 1798, and especially after the removal of the seat of justice to Bethany, this tract of laud lying, as it did, near the county-seat, and along the main road to it from the south, naturally appreciated con- siderably in value. At this time the better por- tions of it were in possession of half a dozen in- dividuals, either as squatters or under contracts with James Bell, Mr. Hamilton's agent and at- torney. Three years later Bell's authority was revoked, and it became necessary tor the parties holding under him to deal directly with the owner, which they did. On the 1st of .March, 1810, deeds were acknowledged by William Hamilton for portions of the Indian Orchard tract, to Benjamin Kimble, Walker Kimble, Stephen Kimble, Dan Dimmick, Jonathan Brink and Mordecai Roberts. He, to the last named man, transferred the site of Honesdale, or rather its southern half, as a portion of a tract of one hundred and fifty-two acres and fifty perches, the con- sideration for which was the modest, though then sufficient, sum of $229.08. The lot was described in the Aw\ as " All that certain tract or piece of land situate on the waters of Lacka- waxen creak, Wayne County, State of Pennsyl- vania, bounded as follows: Beginning at a Hemlock tree, the original northwest corner of the old Indian Orchard tract ; thence north six- ty-six and a half east one hundred and nineteen perches, to a heap of stones; thence south twenty-three and a half east eighty-two and three-quarters perches to a stone; thence north sixty-six and a half east seventy-five and a half perches to a post ; thence south twenty-three and a half east thirty-eight, twenty-four perches to a stone; thence by Stephen Kimble's land south sixty-five and a half west seventy-six perches to a stone; thence south twenty-three and a half east eighty-three and three-quarters perches to a post ; thence by the said Stephen Kimble's land south sixty-six and a half west seventy-eight perches to the place of beginning, containing 152 acres, 58| perches, with the usual allowance of six per cent, for roads, being a part of a large tract of land known by the name of Indian ( )rchard." Mordecai Roberts, a farmer, between the " Narrows " and the mouth of the Lacka waxen, held the land for twelve years (doing nothing, in the mean time, towards its improvement, except cutting oft" some of the heaviest timber) and then sold it to his son, Mordecai Roberts, Jr., of Dyberry township, for the nominal sum of WAYNE COUNTY. 339 one hundred dollars. He, in turn, sold the trad to Samuel Kimble, on June 30, 1823, the consideration being sixteen hundred dollars. Mr. Kimble bought the property with a view of clearing it up and engaging in farming, and at once set to work chopping, to accomplish that intention. His purchase included all of the land embraced in the present borough limits, below, or south of, a line drawn east and west through the public square and extended a short distance on each side of the borough lines. In 1825 he had partially cleared a few acres and erected a small plank house at a point on Second Street, as the town is now laid out, and here was residing, in the first house erected upon the site of the now thriving and beautiful town, when the operations of the Delaware and Hud- son Canal Company were begun. The project- ors of that great enterprise were sufficiently far- sighted to anticipate that a town would be built up here, at the western terminus of their canal and the eastern terminus of their contemplated railroad over the mountains, and they were, as a matter of course, anxious to obtain possession of Kimble's land. It being represented to him by the company's agents that the canal basin would be located beyond the limits of his pur- chase, and that the passage of the canal through his farm would be very detrimental to his in- terests, and also being advised by some of his friends to sell, he finally, on the 19th of Septem- ber, 1827, conveyed to Maurice Wurts, of Phil- adelphia, all of his land lying west of the Lacka- waxen, comprising "one hundred and seven acres, fifty-nine perches strict measure," Kimblereserv- ingthe right to maintain a dam across the river. The consideration was one thousand dollars in cash, a sum which seemed so small when active operations had been begun on the lands he dis- posed of and their true value was foreshown, that Kimble bitterly repented the transaction. On the 15th of October, 1827, Maurice Wurts sold the parcel of land to "the President, Managers and Company of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company," for the sum of four thousand dollars. By them it was laid out in building- lots (except such portions as they reserved for their own use), and from that company all ti- tles to lots in Honesdale, south of the line here- tofore referred to, have been accordingly de- rived. The chain of title to that portion of the town north of the centre of the public square remains to be described. It is much simpler than that pertaining to the southern part. The Sehoonover tract of over four hundred acres was surveyed on a warrant dated the 12th of March, 1803, to William Sehoonover, and a patent for it was issued to him on the 27th of January, 1804, in which it was called " Mon- mouth" and described as containing four hundred and thirty-nine acres and thirty-nine perches. He was from New Jersey and had settled on the Dyberry Hats, about a mile above the con- fluence of the Dyberry Creek and the West Branch, in 1791 or the following year. His occupancy of the place was undisturbed for about ten years, but finally other persons who had obtained warrants from the commonwealth began to make their surveys and attempted to effect his removal on the claim that he was in- fringing on their territory. .Jason Torrey, who was then doing an im- mense amount of surveying, soon discovered that Mr. Schoonover's settlement far antedated the titles of the rival claimants, and advised him to take out a warrant and have the bound- aries of his land definitely fixed and the title secured. This, after considerable persuasion, he author- ized the surveyor to do for him. The consid- eration for this service on the part of Torrey was agreed upon in advance, and was to be one- haif of the tract secured. After it had been accomplished and the patent secured the ques- tion came up as to the division of the land. Sehoonover naturally desired to retain that por- tion of the patent on which his clearing and house stood, and it was decided that Torrey should have the lower or southern portion, but as this part was poorer land than the northern, some of it being rocky and some of it marshy, the line was so run as to allow him about forty acres more than half. The deed for this por- tion of the laud was executed by William Sehoonover and Susannah, his wife, on the 23d of April, the professional services of the grantee being rated as consideration for the land to the 340 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. amount of five hundred dollars. This deed de- scribed the possession as " a certain tract, or par- cel of land . . . containing two hundred and fifty-nine acres and twenty-nine perches and al- lowance of six per cent, for roads, being part of an entire original tract of four hundred and thirty-nine acres and thirty-nine perches and allowance, surveyed on a warrant to William Schoonover," etc. This included all of the lands now within the borough limits north of a line drawn from east to west through the mid- dle of the public square. Torrey, who was then living at Bethany, made no attempt to improve the tract for over twenty years, but endeavored several times to sell it, particularly in 1817 to Benjamin Jenkins, who preferred to locate where Prompton now is and pay a greater price than was asked for the Honesdale property. ' Thus Torrey remained in possession until the locality was selected as the terminus of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, and he then platted the northern portion of the village and placed his lots in the market, ultimately realizing from their sale a handsome profit. 2 Beginning of the Town. — As soon as it became apparent that the " Forks of Dyberry " was to be the terminus of the canal, operations were begun for the building of a town. It ap- pears that for a time it was Jason Torrey's expectation that the head of the canal would be located upon his land, and that he and tin- company should co-operate in laving out the town. Indeed, a contract to that effect was entered into between Mr. Bolton, the president of the company, and himself, which only needed ratification by the board of directors. They failed to approve it. The head of the canal was fixed on the lauds south of Mr. Tor- rey's, which, as heretofore stated, had been bought by Mr. Wurts and conveyed to the company, and hence each of the parties began separate improvements, and two distinct hamlets 1 Memoir of Major Jason Torrey, by Rev. David Torrey, U.D., p. 100. 2 The deed history of Honesdale as here given is chiefly derived from a series of articles by Thomas J. Ham, Esq, which appeared in his newspaper, the Wayne County Her- ald, in 1880. came into existence, which were not merged for many years. To Mr. Torrey belongs the honor of making the fust break in the wild, almost impenetrable rhododendron and cypress thicket which clothed the site of the now thriving borough. The Kimble house, to be sure, was in existence, but that was not erected with a view toward fur- ther improvement. There was none other nearer than Schoonover's, when Stephen Tor- rey, acting for his father, superintended the erection of a boarding-house in the fall of 182b" for the prospective laborers who were to be on the ground the next season. This building, on the point between the West Branch and the Dyberry and about a hundred feet from each, in after-years came to be known as the " Taber- nacle," from the fact that religious services were held within it. It was kept as a boarding-house by William R, McLaury, who was thus the first person to commence housekeeping in Hones- dale. (He died at his residence, near the bo- rough, on March !i, 1881.) The next season (1827) vigorous operations were commenced in the way of clearing, north of the creek, and Jason Torrey surveyed and laid out his portion of the town. Half a mile up the West I '.ranch his son Stephen constructed a dam and built a saw-mill, which was in ope- ration early in 1S2S, and sawed the lumber for many of the first houses in the new settlement. The Forbes House, now the Wayne County House, was erected and taken possession of by Charles Forbes, and the Foster House was built across the street. I. I'. Foster ami Jason Tor- rey opened the first store in May, 1827, and were succeeded by Foster and John F. Roe in March of the following year. The engineers of the canal company surveyed and laid out the portion of the town south of Mr. Torrey's land about the same time that he was engaged in platting the northern part. From this time on improvements were car- ried forward with something like a rush, for gangs of men were 'set at work by the canal company, and tradesmen and citizens began to flock to the place. Speaking of a period a little later, the Rev. Henry A. Bow land thus pictures the prosperity which the great work of internal WAYNE COUNTY. :;il improvement brought to the locality and sur- rounding country, — ' "The work was completed; coal began to float down the canal towards the sea-coast and a tide of immigration to set back through the same channel into this almost wilderness. Laborers, mechanics and merchants flocked in and established themselves along the line of the public work; and when those who had gained something from their industry pre- ferred a different life, they purchased wild lands, sub- dued them by the plow and devoted themselves to agricultural pursuits." ' The settlement was named Ilonesdalc in honor of Philip Hone, first president of the canal company, one of the chief promoters of the enterprise and " the courtliest mayor New York ever saw." As has been before said, several years elapsed before the two settlements, planted respectively on the lands of Jason Torrey and of the com- pany, grew together. They were commonly termed the "upper town" and the "lowei town." The first step toward filling in the gap which separated them was the erection of Cor- nelius Hendricks' residence (where S. (i. Cory now lives), on Third Street, thai being the first house north of Ninth Street and below the West Branch. This was in 1833. There were then twenty houses, including the " Tabernacle," north of the stream mentioned. About this time the first edifice of the Episcopal * Ihurch was erected on the site of the present one by Charles Jameson. Prior to that time (he so- ciety worshipped in the upper story id' the build- ing still standing on the southeast corner of Main ami Sixth Streets. The post-office was then in the building now occupied by John Rehbein, and the postmaster was Thomas T. Hayes, who, although he had office under Jack- son, was a stanch Whig. A mail was brought daily from Rileyville by a two-horse wagon, and tri-weekly from Carbondale. The merchants of that time (1833) were: — above the bridge, or in the " uppertown," Edward Mills, Thomas T. Hayes, Hand, Kirtland, Roe &Co.; and below the bridge were Hastings Frisbie (where the Stanton building now is), Z. H. Russell, Daniel B. Wilcox, Delezene & 1 Uev. Henry A llowlaml in Thanksgiving sermon, 1801. Beach, St. John & Perkins, F. R. Marshall, Calvin Earl and Edward Murray, the last three being located along the tow-path of the canal. The Early Residents. — The beginning of the town has already been outlined, some of the early settlers being incidentally mentioned, and the following list is, therefore, in some measure, a recapitulation, though most of the names have not heretofore been given. The list shows the order in which taxable residents arrived, from 1827 to 1831, inclusive,— 1827.— Daniel Blandin, Charles Forbes, Stephen W. i lenung. 1828.— Alanson Blood, Jacob B. Bidwell, James L. Blackington, John Capron, Isaac 1*. Foster, Leonard Graves, Thomas T. Hayes, Edward Mills, Hiram Plum, John F. Roe, Zenas Russell, Russell Spencer, Timothy N. Vail, Russell Whitney. 1829.— Horace Baldwin, Simeon S. Chamberlain, Calvin Karle, Nathaniel B. Eldred, Henry Hering- ton, Stephen Kelly, Martin Kellogg, Solomon Z. Lord, Ebenezer T. Losey, William Moak, John Os- borne, Benjamin Rouse, Mary Stewart (widow), Abra- ham J. Strvker, Stephen Torrey, Daniel B. Wilcox, Joseph B. Walton. 1880. — Nelson Blood, Levi Bronson, Augustus Brown, Alonzo Bentley, Mortimer Chamberlain, Cal- vin Earle, Hastings Frisby, Ezra Hurlburt, Howell W. Hollister, Charles Jamison, Albert Jamison, Elias J. Kent, Jabez Lovejoy, David M. Mapes, Alexander Murray, Edward Murray, Henry Merwin, Elkauah Patmor, William C. Rose, Thomas L. Reese, Benoni I!. Salmon, Christopher It. Smith, Manus Thompson, John Torrey, Abiram Winton, Hoel Wakefield, Al- vah Wheeler. 1831. — Nathaniel Bartlett, Russell Blowers, Abel Barnes, John Bolts, William J. Cressy, John Callo- way, William Chamberlain, William W. Culver, Henry H. Farnum, Jacob W. Griswold, Ezra Hand, James Hughes, Jonas Hanscomb, Samuel Kellogg, Brooks Levo, Russell F. Lord, James Morris, Chris- topher L. Morris, James .Manning, John Maron, Seneca Mayhew, Jacob Moore, Levi T. Prescott, Jeremiah Piatt, William Parminter, Charles K. Rob- inson, Julius Richards, George Stratton, Abram A. Stryker, George N. Styles, Silas Stephens, John Tyler, Phineas L. Tyler, Thomas H. R.Tracy, John B. Jervis. Others speedily followed, and in 1833 the prominent residents of the infant town were as billows : Rev. James Campbell. R. F. Lord. Rev. James H. Tyng. S. Z. Lord. E. Patmore. Z. H. Russell. D. Tarbox. A. H. Farnham. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. A. W. Brown. F. W. Farnham J. M. Blackington. A. Wheeler. R. Taylor. .1.1). Delezene. E. Mills. .1. H. Perkins. C. Forbes. ('. Karl. E. Hnrlburt. P. L. Tyler. S. W. Genung. E. .1. Kent. A. Blood. Dr. E. F. Losey Thos. Ham. R, Spencer. S. Stevens. L). Beers. J. F. Roe. Jason Torrey. J. P. Foster. John Torrey. S. Brush. A. Winton. 1). B. Wilcox. E. Hand. G. Farnham. I>. 1'. Kirtland. J. Sanders. Win. Orchard. B. D. Beach. S. North. D. B. St. John. I. T. Haves. E. R, Marshall. I. N. Hayes. E. Murray. H. B. Hayes. G. Stratton. C. Hendrict. J. Calloway. A.J. Strvker. J. B. Walton. H. Frisbie. M. A. Bidwell. J. Morris. 0. limes. 1). Cory. Dr. .1. Snyder. W.Moak. H. Plum. ('. F. Clark. S. S. Chamberlain. J. Kelly. T. \V. Vail. (.'. K. Robinson. T. L. Reese. ( '. Jameson. Dr. B. H. Throop. J. Hanscum. T. H. R. Tracy. B. B. Salmon. Isaac P. Foster, who is set down in the tore- going list as arriving in 1828, really became a resident in the preceding year, hut was not upon the tax-list until the year mentioned. He was destined to become one of the most active business men of the town. He was one of the proprietors (in company with Jason Torrey) of the first store, and, with John F. Roe, opened the second, as heretofore stated. In later years, with Roe, D. P. Kirtland and Ezra Hand, he was a pioneer in the tanning industry, which became an immense one in Wayue County. 1 He soon became the sole proprietor of the first tannery and carried it on for many years, as he also did his mercantile house. He was one of the original members of the Presbyterian < 'lunch and one of its most zealous and exemplary adherents, but was forced, when the slavery question assumed definite form, to retire from his office as ruling 'See Chapter VIII. elder, because he wasan Abolitionist. He lived to see the entire membership of the church, with, perhaps, two or three exceptions, adopt and uphold his views in regard to the wrong of slavery. He assisted in the organization of the first temperance society in Wayne County. He was an agitator on all moral topics, and his zeal in championing his convictions, however un- popular, was fully equaled by his benevolence. Deacon Foster, as he was commonly called, was born in Quogue, in the town of Southamp- ton, Long Island, Match 28, 1788. He went to New York in 1810, in quest of employment, and to Montrose in the same year. There he remained until he came to the " Forks of Dy- berry," in 1827. In 1812 he married Miss Mary Howell, who bore him sixteen children, among whom was I. N. Foster, the well-known merchant of Honesdale. Deacon Foster died in the borough on November 18, 1876, in his eighty-ninth year, full of years and full of honor. Stephen \V. Genung also came to the settle- ment in 1827, and was the first blacksmith here. With his brothers, Ira and Lamock, he had settled in what is now Berlin township prior to 1822, and had owned a saw-mill at Genungtown. He spent all of the remainder of his days in Honesdale, and was a much re- spected citizen. He and his eldest son, Ezra, laid out an addition to the town upon the beau- tiful, gently-sloping hill, to the southwest. His other sons were Elisha, Merwin and Amzi. George Genung, station agent of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, is a son of Ezra. Alanson Blood, who is mentioned as arriv- ing in 1828, began business as a cabinet-maker with his brother Nelson, who died and was buried at sea in 1837, while on a voyage from New ( trleans to New York. In 1829 he built the dwelling-house on Upper Frout Street, which he ever after occupied. He was born in Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., March 26, 1806. October 9, 1830, he married Chloe Stone, who was born in Milford, Otsego County, N. Y., and died here June 10, 1882. He died September 12, 1885, in the eightieth year of his age. His residence here extended over the long period of fifty-seven years. WAYNE COUNTY. 343 "Mr. Blood was a person of excellent sense, a skillful and reliable workman, and thoroughly upright in all affairs. His success, measured simply by financial accumulations, was not large. and, primarily, because honest himself, he could not believe that all other men were not so. Hut he liuilt up a character which steadily com- manded universal indence ami esteem. " Long before his wife died he was touched by paralysis, and thereupon commenced a certain decay of his mental as well as his physicial powers. He could not realize that the partner of his life was dead. He imagined that her absence was caused by a visit to distant relatives, and that she would come hack again to hear him company as in former years. At length he failed to recognize even his children and grand- children, hut still the consciousness that his wife was absent, and the expectation that she would soon return, remained as a comforting halluci- nation. That indistinct and wavering recollec tion of his beloved wife was the last trace of memory in him." The late Mrs. Baker was a daughter. Two daughters are living, — Mrs. E. A. Penniman and .Miss Mary Blood. John F. Hoe came from Long Island in 1828 and kept store with I. P. Foster in the old Tabernacle building, which stood near the forks of the river. He kept store in the Tabernacle about a year and then moved to a building now used as a dwelling, on the corner of Main and Park Streets, just opposite the Wayne County House. In 1833 he built the house and store where he now lives. He gave up active busi- ness in 1878, but is still living — the oldest resi- dent of the borough. About ten years after coming here he married Ruth Saver, of Mon- trose. He has a son, Henry, and two daughters — Mrs. \V. W. Weston and Mrs. H. M. Atherton. Zenas 11. Kussell was another arrival of 1828. He came from Madison ( Jounty, X. Y., where he was born July 2, 1806. Very soon after his arrival he opened a store, and he continued in the mercantile business for many years. On the incorporation of the borough he was elected a member of the Council, anil he served in that capacity about half of the time until his death. He was very active in bringing about public improvements. He was elected a director of the Honesdale Rank in 1836, vice-president in 1 856 and president in 1863. Mr. Kussell was married, September 17, 1830, to Lucy Ann, daughter of Charles Forbes, the pioneer pro- prietor of the Wayne County House. He died May 15, 1878. His wife is still living. They had three children — Henry Z., Mrs. Robert J. Menner and Mrs. Win. H. Dimmick. Stephen Brush came, in 1828, from Fairfield < 'ounty, ( 'onn., and resided here until his death, in January, I860, aged sixty-eight years. He united with the Presbyterian Church in 1829 and was chosen ruling elder the following year. John Kelly, a native of Ireland, arrived in 1828 and went immediately into the service of the Delaware and Hudson (anal Company, in whose employ he remained for thirty-two years. He was afterwards a contractor on the Hones- dale Branch of the Erie Railroad. He was much interested in local affairs and served some time in the Council. He died March 28, 1880, aged eighty-two years. He had three daughters, the wives of Michael, Edward and the late James Brown. Thomas 11. H. Tracy, who came here in 1829, was born in Connecticut, and while yet in his childhood moved, with his parents, to Columbus, Chenango County, New York. His father was a farmer and blacksmith, dividing his time between his agricultural labors and those at the anvil, and his mother a true wo- man, performing the duties of her daily life with fidelity and affection. His youth was passed on the farm and in his father's shop, and his education limited to such rudimentary instruction as was afforded by the common schools of that day. His prompt, liberal and earnest public spirit placed his sound judgment and excellent business sense at interest for the benefit of his fellow-citizens, and much that tended to the prosperity of the town was born of his forethought and enterprise. Soon after coming to Honesdale he was appointed super- intendent of the Pennsylvania Section of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, a post which he occupied until his death, which occurred May 4, 1856. Throughout his entire administration he so combined justice to the company and gen- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. erosity towards its employees that he constantly enjoyed the confidence and respect of both. He was identified with the -porate existence of the borough almost from the beginning, and was for many years its chief burgess, and an active partisan of whatever should promote its prosperity. In 1856 be was chosen one of the associate judges of the county, and the discharge of his duties un the bench was marked by the same earnest appreciation of responsibility and desire to do equal justice to all, that marked his life as a private citizen. He had a son. Miles L. Tracy, who i- deceased. The wife of Judge Henry M. Seely is a daughter. Rnssell F. Lord was one of the early comers and one of the original engineers and managers of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. His brother, Solomon Z., long in the employ of the company at Hawley, was cotemporary in arrival. Charles P. Clark was among the early arri- vals and one of the first school-teachers of the settlement. Edward Murray, one of the earliest settlers, was born in the county of Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1788. He emigrated to America in early manhood in 1809 ; re-visited his native < ntrv in 1819, and remained there one year, return- ing to his adopted country in LS2(). He came to Honesdale when the town was in its infancy. He helped to complete the Delaware ami Hud- son ( 'anal, and immediately upon its completion commenced boating, and thus was one of its pioneer boatmen. He sold various kinds of goods along the canal, hence the title " Captain." He maintained a good standing in business for thirty years. In 1846 his chief clerk, Mr. Henigan, in- ventoried his property and pronounced it worth one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, regard- less of cash on hand, the amount of which was not known. He had many reverses, mostly caused by fires, which induced him to sell most of his real estate in Honesdale. Mr. Murray, to say the least, was a remarkable man. Al- though not educated, his good judgment and business tact enabled him to transact and carry on his large business enterprises successfully. He always subscribed to public enterprises, and was especially very liberal in hiscontributions for reli- gious purposes, no matter what profession or sect. He bought and paid for the land upon which now stands the Irish Catholic Church, and the old grave-yard in Honesdale. In his later years he removed to his farm in Cherry Ridge, and there he died duly J, 1868. He was twice married, both of his wives being daughters of Martin O'Reilly, of Cochecton. The second, Mary, is still living. Mr. Murray was the father of four children, one of whom is Philip It. Murray, county treasurer. Joseph I!. Walton came to Honesdale in the fall of 1829 and took charge of the Dela- ware and Hudson office as collector. He was prominently identified with the Episcopal Church from its organization, in 1832, until his death, in 1848. He was born in Ira, Rutland County, \'t., in 1785, but removed to Cherry Valley, X. Y., when a child and subsequently to ( Jooperstown, where he served as sheriff. William W . Parmenter, of Poundstock, Cornwall < lounty, England, came to the village in 1831, and lived here until 1854, when he removed to Ohio, where he died in 1882. Ezra Hand, long prominently identified with the business interests of the borough, came in 1832. lie resided here until his death, in 1ST"). His widow still survives, as docs also a son, H. C. Hand, who is connected with the Savings Hank. William Turner, who, as a boy, drove the horses which first brought the directors of the Canal Company by boat to Honesdale, came to the place and entered upon the business of build- ing boats with James Pinckney in 1832, He afterwards started^ boat-yard at Leonard's mill, and some years after Mr. Pinckney's death married his widow. He was elected sheriff in 1858. His death occurred in 1884. Elkanah Patmore, who came from < >r- ange County, N. Y., in 1830, was the first wagon-maker in the town and carried on that business for many years. He held the office of coroner for a long period and was also a justice of the peace. David Cory and his .son, Stephen G., were among the early comers and the latter worked for a time for Mr. Patmore. Stephen G. Cory WAYNE COUNTY. :-U5 came to this county in 1822 and lived with an uncle in what is now Texas township, until the settlement of Honesdale was begun. After learning the wagon-making trade of Patmore, he carried on the business for himself and built the shop at the corner of Second and Twelfth Streets, which he carried on until about 1870, since which time it has been leased. He is still living. His father remained a resident of Honesdale until his death, in 1864. John D. Delezene and his son, Joseph C. (who is still living and one of the oldest resi- dents of the borough), came from New York City in 1833. The former was the first merchant who ever started a dry-goods store above Chatham Street, in the metropolis, opening at Grand and Allen Streets in an attic, in 1821 or 1822. Shortly after coming to Honesdale he bought out the house of Hand, Kirtland, Roe & Co., at the site of the Herald office, and began a partnership with Benjamin B. Beach. Jn later years he became a cartman and was killed by a runaway in 1851. His age was fifty-eight years. Joseph C. Delezene has been engaged in merchandizing and other lines of business during the greater part of his life in the borough. David Beers, commonly called "General" Beers, came in 1833. He was born in Morris County, N. J., and was a soldier in the War of 1812. He died in December, 1879. Mrs. S. G. Cory and Mrs. Bassett were daughters of " General " Beers. David Tarbox, who was among the early set- tlers, was the first justice of the peace. Gilbert Knapp, who came in 1834, from Sullivan County, N. Y., to Seelyville, and a few years later to Honesdale, opened the first hardware store here in 1847, and carried it on with A. II. Bowers, A. H. Neal, O. N. Spet- tigue and several other partners until he sold to his son Charles, in 1884. Moses B. Bennett, a native of Bernardstown, Mass., came to the borough in 1834 from Port Jervis, X. Y. He was born in 1810 and died March 2, 1879. Two sons now reside in Honesdale. Whitman Brown, a native of Rhode Island, who came in 1835 and was for thirty years an employe, in a trusted position, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, was killed on one of the planes of the Gravity Railroad in 1865. Samuel Dean, who was one of the pioneers and had led an eventful life, died here in 1870, in his eighty-seventh year. He was a seaman in the United States service in 1812, and in 1815 was one of the crew of the " Northumberland," selected by the British to transfer Napoleon to St. Helena. Stephen D. Ward came to the borough in 1839, entered at that time the Honesdale Bank as a clerk and became cashier in 1842, which position he held until his death, in 1874. B. B. Smith, of whom an extended biography appears in the department upon educational history, came also in 1839. William Reed, who was born in Salisbury, Conn., July 5, 1802, came to Bethany in 1832 and to Honesdale in 1840. He was engaged in the mercantile business with John F. Roe until 1870, and died in 1879. Edmund Power, a comparatively early comer, was a native of Grinstead, England, born September 12, 1785. He died in Decem- ber, 1858. His son, of the same name, has long been a merchant of the borough. Cornelius Hornbeck, who was long active in business affairs, came to Honesdale in 1841, as did also Isaiah Snyder and his brother Asa. They engaged in merchandizing and the former carried on a store here until recent years. He was elected associate judge in 1866. He died in Harrisburg in 1886, aged sixty-five years. Henry Ward Stone, another prominent mer- chant, came to the borough in 1846 from Mount Pleasant, whither he had come in 1818 from Guilford, Conn., where he was born in 1791. He devoted himself exclusively to his store un- til 1850, when he purchased a tannery at Beech Pond, which, with different partners, he carried on until 1867, when he disposed of his interest aud retired from business, from that time until his death, in 1881, living at the home of his son-in-law, Judge C. P. Waller. Mrs. H. C. Hand and Mrs. E. F. Torrey were his daughters by his wife, Catharine W. Niven, of Newburgh, N. Y., whom he married in 1823. 3 46 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Many other prominent old-time residents of the borough will be found mentioned, and, in some cases, the subjects of extended notices in other chapters of this work and other depart- ment of this chapter. Washington' Irving and Irving Cliff. — The rugged and picturesque cliff rising three hundred and eighteen feet above the waters of the Lackawaxcn, and forming the boldest and most beautiful object in the landscape of the re- gion, was named in honor of Washington Irv- ing, and will serve for all time as a reminder of the gentle and graceful man of letters, who "needs no monument" save his works. Irving visited Honesdale in the summer of 1841 ' (not in 1844), in company with the directors of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, among whom were his especial friends, Philip Hone and Mr. Brevoort. It is not probable that the great author was here on July 4, 1841, as has been asserted by some, but that the time of his visit was later in that month, for he wrote a letter from Hones- dale under date of August 1, 1841, which ap- pears in the collection of his miscellaneous writings, and is reproduced in these pages. Fur- ther than this, the best account of Irving's visit, and the only circumstantial one, from Rev. Wil- lard Richardson, does not mention an exact date, (as would undoubtedly have been the case had the day been the anniversary of independ- ence,) and does not speak of any large or public celebration, but of an informal visit to the cliff' and " Ladywood Lane " by a few gentlemen, — those named, besides the author of Knicker- bocker, being Messrs. Hone, Brevoort and Rich- ardson. The account of Irving's visit and of the ap- plication of his name to the cliff, furnished by Rev. Mr. Richardson, who, in 1841, had a school in Honesdale, is as follows : " I wou> not there, in 1844, but was at the time of his visit in 1841, in company with the directors of the Del. & Hud. Canal Co., and took him in a buggy around Honesdale and up to Bethany. ■It has been averred and pertmneinusly argued by Dr. H. Hollister that the visit was upon the 4th of July, 1844, but that 1S41 was the year of the visit has been fully proven. " The next day he and Philip Hone and Mr. Bre- voort visited my school and addressed the young ladies and gentlemen. "We then strolled across the Dyberry, to a shady avenue named 'Ladywood Lane' by Mr. Irving. " We had a lively time, and much pleasantry about Mr. Irving having climbed those rugged rocks the day before. 2 We came to a spring, and as I had a cup, a toast was called for. I gave — "'Ladywood Lane— christened by the author of Knickerbocker, who will be remembered as long as an American lives, or a Dutchman smokes his pipe or drinks his beer.' " The cup was then handed to Mr. Irving, who gave — '• ' Honesdale — a memento of an enterprising man of an enterprising age.' "The cup was then passed to Mr. Hone, who gave — '"Irving's Cliff— the dignified and sleepless guardian of Honesdale, made famous by the weary footsteps of one who has charmed the world with his writings.' "The cup was then handed to Mr. Brevoort, who gave— " ' [eving's Cliff and Living — the dignity of the one and the fame of the other destined to last until rocks shall melt and authors be no more.' " The road christened by Mr. Irving as " La- dywood Lane " is the old abandoned turnpike which passed along the east side of Dyberry Creek and through what is dow Glen Dyberry Cemetery, and the spring referred to was the "rock spring" in the cemetery, which still pours forth its refreshing waters. Irving's letter from Honesdale heretofore al- luded to reads as follows : "Honesdale, August 1, 1841. " My Dear Sister : " I write from among the mountains in the upper part of Pennsylvania, from a pretty village which has recently sprung into existence as the deposit of a great coal region, land which is called after our friend, Philip Hone, who was extremely efficient in directing enterprise into this quarter- I came here along the Delaware and Hudson Canal, which extends from the Hudson River, near the Catskill Mountains, upward of a hundred miles into the interior, traversing some of the most beautiful parts (as to scenery) of the State of New York and penetrating the State of Pennsylva- 2 In view of Irving's ascent of the cliff the " day before," the pleasant occurrences of which Mr. Richardson writes, it may be inferred that the cliff was then named. Some writ- ers upon this much-disputed topic say that the name was conferred by James M. Porter upon that occasion. WAYNE COUNTY. 347 niaj I accompanied the directors of the Delaware and Hudson Canal in their annual visit of examina- tion. Among the directors are Philip Hone and my friend Brevoort. I do not know when I have made a more gratifying excursion with respect to natural scenery, or more interesting from the stupendous works of art. The canal is laid a great part of the way along romantic valleys, watered by the Rondout, the Lackawaxen, &c. For many miles it is built up along the face of perpendicular precipices rising into stupendous cliffs with overhanging forests, or jutting out into vast promontories, while on the other side you look down upon the Delaware, foaming and roaring below you at the foot of an immense wall or embank- ment which supports the canal. Altogether it is one of the most daring undertakings I have ever witnessed, to carry an artificial river over rocky mountains, and up the most savage and almost impracticable denies ; |ahd all this, too, has been achieved by the funds of an association composed of a handful of individuals. For upward of ninety miles I went through a constant succession of scenery that would have been famous had it existed in any part of Europe ; (the Catskill Mountains to the north, the Shawangunk Mountains to the south, and between them lovely valleys, with the most luxuriant woodlands and picturesque streams. All this is a region about which I had heard nothing — a region entirely unknown to fame ; but so it is in our country. We have some main routes for the fashionable traveler, along which be is hurried in steamboats and railroad cars; while on every side extend regions of beauty, about which he hears and knows nothing. Some of the most en- chanting scenes I have beheld since my return to the United States have been in out-of-the-way places into which I have been accidentally led. " Washington Ikvinc;." Incorporation — Civil List of the Bor- ough. — The village of Honesdale was incorpor- ated as a borough under an act passed January 28, 1831, the first section of which read as fol- lows: "Sec. 1. That the village of Honesdalc, in the county of Wayne, shall be and the same is hereby erected into a borough, which shall be called the Borough of Honesdale, and shall be bounded and limited as follows, to wit : Begin- ning at the most southern corner of the first lock upon the Delaware and Hudson Canal, below the basin at the head of the canal; thence by a course south sixty -seven degrees west twenty-four rods to the western line of the In- dian Orchard Tract; thence by the said line and an extension thereof north twenty-three degrees three hundred and forty-six rods to the line of the farm late Levi Sehoonover's ; thence by the last-named line north sixty-seven de- grees east one hundred and five rods to Dyberry Creek ; and thence southward by Dyberry Creek to its junction with the West Branch of the Lackawaxen River and by the Lackawaxen to the place of beginning." Section 2 provided that the " inhabitants of the borough, entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, having resided in the borough at least six months immediately pre- ceding the election, and within that time paid a borough tax (if such tax shall have been assessed), shall have power, on the second Friday of May next, to meet at the house of Charles Forbes, inn-keeper, in the said borough, and annually thereafter, at such convenient place in the said borough as shall have been fixed upon by the by-laws of the corporation for that purpose, and then and there, between the hours of one and six in the afternoon, elect by ballot one respect- able citizen residing therein, who shall be styled the chief burgess, one other citizen who shall be styled the assistant burgess, and five citizens to be a Town Council ; and shall also elect, as aforesaid, one citizen as high constable," etc. 1 Tin' election was duly held Friday, May 13th, at the hotel of Charles Forbes, and resulted in the choice of David Tarbox as chief burgess, D. B. Wilcox as assistant burgess, Thomas T. Hays, Russel Spencer, T. M. Vail, Alanson Blood and Flam Woodward members of the Town Council, and Isaac P. Foster high con- stable. Upon the Kith of May, the day being the first Monday after the election, the Council held their initial meeting at th« house of David Tarbox, elected as their president Thomas T. Hays, and made the following appointments of minor officers, viz. : Town Clerk, John F. Roe ; 'The act from which the foregoing is taken constituted in its entirety the borough charter. It has been, from time to time, supplemented by other acts, viz. : Act of April 15, 1835 (P. L. 371); of March 7, 1840 (P. L. 77); of June 13, 1840 (P. L. 6011) ; of April 8, 1848 (P. L. 385) ; of April 21, 1852 (P. L. 384) ; of May 7, 1855 (P. L. 471) ; of February 12, 1862 (P. L. 20) ; of March 22, 1866 (P. L. 290); of March 9, 1867 (P. L. 377); of April 12, 1869 (P. L. 875); of March 27, 1872 (P. L. 589), anil by some others. 34S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Treasurer. Zenas H. Russel ; Street Supervisor, Charles Forbes ; Clerk of the Market, Alonzo Bentley ; Collector, Leonard Graves. The first fathers of the new borough, upon the conclu- sion of their brief primal meeting, adjourned to meet at the house of A. G. Waldrou on the 30th of May. The second meeting was more extended aud more important than the first. The Council passed several ordinances, called in its records "acts," and transacted some other business. It is probable that this session nearly exhausted the zeal of the body, for no record of further proceedings, except of two meetings of unim- portant character, appears until 1832, when the annual election was held. The Council was extremely economical. The first ordinance engrossed upon the record, en- titled " An Act for the compensation of the Bor- ough officers " provided " That the compensa- tion of the several officers erected by virtue of an act entitled ' an act to erect the village of Honesdale. . . into a Borough,' shall be six cents for every day necessarily spent in the execu- tion of the duties of their respective ojfic'es." " An Act to prohibit horse-racing " was the title of the second ordinance passed. It read as follows : " Be it ordained . . . that from and after the fifteenth day of June next all rac- ing, running, pacing or trotting of horses, mares or geldings, for money, goods or chattels, shall be and are hereby declared to be common nui- sances and offenses against the Borough of Honesdale, and the authors, parties, contrivers and abettors thereof shall ' of twenty dollars for each and every such offense." "An ordinance prohibiting puppet shows" was the title of the third enactment. It de- creed " That from and after the fifteenth day of June next all puppet shows, jugglery, slight of hand performances, rope or wire dancing, Balancing or other Mountebank feats and such performances and exhibitions are hereby for- bidden and prohibited in this Borough." It was to be the duty of the high constable " to make diligent enquiry after such exhibit- ' The words '• be tiued the by error of the clerk. probably olllilled ors," who, upon a warrant issued for the pur- pose, should be brought before the chief bur- gess, and, upon conviction, be fined ten dollars for each and every offence. Other ordinances prohibited the running at large of swine, exhibitions of fire works,— "rock- ets, fire balls, crackers," — etc. The third and final meeting of the year was held at David Tarbox's house on June 20, 1831. Ordinances were passed prohibiting the burning of shavings, straw, etc., in the streets, and prohibiting horses and cattle from running at large. It was resolved at this meet- ing, " That a letter be addressed to Mr. John Torrey by the president, requesting Mr. Torrey, in his travels to Easton, Philadelphia, etc. (as we have understood he is going to those places soon), to obtain such information as he can, conveniently, respecting the arranging and lay- ing out of streets, the proportions of the side- walks with the breadth of the streets and such other information with regard to the regulations of Boroughs, as he shall deem necessary." Herein appears the earliest official action tend- ing toward the beautifying of the town— a work which has ever since been well carried on. It is worthy of note in this connection, that in 1847 the borough authorities ordered that "two or three hundred shade-trees should be set out, with proper protection, in the public square and burying-ground." In 1S5:! the borough had so far progresed towards its present condition of embowered beauty that it had by actual count (made by some painstaking person) in its streets and park fourteen hundred and ninety-one shade-trees, of which three hundred and fourteen were upon Third Street. Commenting upon this fact in his paper almost a quarter of a century ago, Francis B. Penniman said, — " We watch the growth of these trees from year to year, not only with pleasure, but with pride, for they are destined to be as well one of the chief ornaments of the town as a source of comfort and delight." CIVIL LIST. 1831. — Chief Burgess, David Tarbox ; Assistant Burgess, D. B. Willcox; Council, Thomas T. Hays, Russel Spencer, T. M. Vail, Alanson Blood, Elam Woodward ; High Constable, I. P. Foster. 1832. — Chief Burgess, David Tarbox; AssistantBur- WAYNE COUNTY. 349 gess, J. B. Walton ; Council, Leonard Graves, Jabez Lovejoy, Charles Jameson, A. H. Farnham, D. B. Willcox ; High Constable, Stephen Brush. 1833. — Chief Burgess, Jason Torrey ; Assistant Bur- gess, J. B. Walton ; Council, D. B. Willcox, A. H. Farnham, Abiram Winton, Charles Forbes, David Tarbox; High Constable, William Moak. 1834.— Chief Burgess, J. B. Walton ; Assistant Bur- gess, Charles Forbes; Council, John Torrey, Isaac D. Foster, Z. H. Russell, George Stratton, Thomas S. Rees ; High Constable, A. B. Brown. 1830.— Chief Burgess, J. B. Walton ; Assistant Bur- gess, Thomas T. Hays ; Council, Abiram Winton, Da- vid St. John, T. H. R. Tracy, D. P. Fuller, E. Kings- berry, Jr. ; High Constable, Jonas Hanscom. 183(5. — Chief Burgess, J. B. Walton ; Assistant Bur- gess, Charles Forbes ; Council, T. H. R. Tracy, J. M. Blackington, Stephen North, Jr., Hasting Frisbie, John F. Roe ; High Constable, William Moak. 1837.— Chief Burgess, Charles Forbes ; Assistant Burgess, E. Kingsbury, Jr.; Council, J. B. Walton, D. P. Fuller, David Tarbox, Elkanah Patmore, Ed- ward Mills; High Constable, William Moak. 1838.— Chief Burgess, Charles Forbes ; Assistant Burgess, John D. Delezene ; Council, James M. Blackington, M. A. Bidwell, N. M. Bartlett, J. F. Snyder, Elkanah Patmore ; High Constable, P. Kar- low. 1839. — Chief Burgess, John D. Delezene ; Assistant Burgess, A. Prescott ; Council, Elkanah Patmore, John Neal, Ezra Hurlburt, Aaron Greene, Charles Jameson ; High Constable, James Morris. 1840.— Chief Burgess, J. B. Walton ; Assistaut Bur- gess, David Tarbox ; Council, John Neal, T. H. R. Tracy, D. H. Gibbs, Horace Baldwin, Thomas I. Hub- bell ; High Constable (no record). 1841. — Chief Burgess (no record) ; Assistant Bur- gess (no record) ; Council, Charles Jameson, D. 0. Skinner, Charles R. Robinson, John F. Roe, I. W. Arnold; High Constable (no record), 1842. — Chief Burgess, A. H. Farnham ; Assistant Burgess, Elkanah Patmore ; Council, Thomas I. Hub- bell, Ezra Hurlburt, Thomas H. Tracy, John Kelly, Charles Jameson. 1843. — Same as preceding year. 1X44. — Chief Burgess (no record); Assistant Bur- gess (no record) ; Council, J. B. Walton, O. Hamlin, James A. Hendrick, Elias Stanton, W. H. Dimmick ; High Constable (no record). 1845. — Same as preceding year. 184(J. — Same. 1847.— Chief Burgess, A. H. Russell ; Assistant Bur- gess, J. W. Arnold ; Council, William Turner, John F. Lord, Stephen Torrey, Samuel E. Dimmick; High Constable, E. Tryon. 1848.— Chief Burgess, A. H. Russell; Assistant Burgess, S. D. Ward; Council, same as preceding year. 1849. — Chief Burgess, A. H. Russell; Assistant Burgess, S. D. Ward ; Council, William Turner, Thomas Ham, John F. Lord, Stephen Torrey, Samuel E. Dimmick ; High Constable, E. Tryon. 1850.— Chief Burgess, T. H. R. Tracy; Assistant Burgess, R. M. Grenell ; Council, Z. H. Russell, Ezra Hurlburt, John Kelly, Wm. Turner, Stephen Torreyl High Constable, E. Tryon. 1851.— Chief Burgess, T. H. R. Tracy ; Assistant Burgess, Alliz Whitney ; Council, William Turner, Zeuas H. Russell, Stephen I). Ward, Samuel E. Dim- mick, James R. Dickson ; High Constable, William H. Dimmick. 1852.— Chief Burgess, William II. Dimmick; As- sistaut Burgess, Myron Jakway ; Council, William Turner, Samuel E. Dimmick, James R. Dickson, Zenas H. Russell, Stephen D. Ward ; High Constable, E. Tryon. 1853.— Chief Burgess, Simeon G. Throop; Assist- ant Burgess, Ezra Hurlburt; Council, John Kelly, E. B. Burnham, John Y. Sherwood, Henry Dart, Isaiah Snyder ; High Constable, Joseph Garry. 1854.— Chief Burgess, Earl Wheeler; Assistant Burgess, Coe F. Young ; Council, William Turner, Zenas H. Russell, Stephen Torrey, Samuel Allen. Sam- uel E. Dimmick; High Constable, Joseph Garry. 1855. — Chief Burgess, F. B. Penniman ; Assistant Burgess, H. B. Beardslee; Council, Zenas H. Russell, William Turner, Stephen Torrey, Samuel Allen, Samuel E. Dimmick ; High Constable, Stephen G. Cory. 185(5. — Chief Burgess, Coe F. Young; Assistant Burgess, James R. Dickson ; Council, William Tur- ner, Zenas H. Russell, Samuel Allen, Stephen Torrey, Samuel E. Dimmick; High Constable, John Gray. 1857. — All same as the preceding year. 1858. — All same except Thomas Ham, Assistant Burgess, in place of Dickson. 1859. — Chief Burgess (no record) ; Assistant Burgess (no record); Council, Zenas H. Russell, Samuel Al- len, Charles P. Waller, Stephen Torrey, Samuel E. Dimmick ; High Constable, Benjamin Sherwood. 1860. — Chief Burgess, Coe F. Young; Assistant Burgess, Charles Petersen ; Council, Zenas H. Rus- sell, M. B. Bennett, William W. Weston, Charles P. Waller, Samuel E. Dimmick; High Constable, Ben- jamin Sherwood. 1861. — Chief Burgess, Coe F. Young; Assistant Burgess, Stephen G. Cory ; Council, Zenas H. Rus- sell, M. B. Bennett, Edwin F. Torrey, Charles P. Wal- ler, Samuel E. Dimmick; High Constable, Benjamin Sherwood. 1862.— Chief Burgess, Coe F. Young; Assistant Burgess, Charles Petersen ; Council, Samuel E. Dim- mick, Zenas H. Russell, M. B. Bennett, John O'Neill, Edwin F. Torrey ; High Constable, Benjamin Sher- wood. 1863.— Chief Burgess, Charles P. Waller; Assistant Burgess, John F. Lord ; Council, H. B. Beardslee, James Brown, William Matthews, Henry F. Roe, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. William H. Ham; High Constable, Benjamin Sher- wood. 1864. — Chief Burgess, Elias Stanton ; Assistant Burgess, H. B. Hamlin ; Council, Zenas H. Russell, Gilbert Knap]), J. M. Bauman, Elias T. Beers, W. W. Weston ; High Constable, Benjamin Sherwood. 1865.— Chief Burgess, Coe F. Young; Assistant Burgess, John K. Jenkins ; Council, Gilbert Knapp, B. B. Smith, Martin Bowman, Egbert G. Reed, W. W. Weston .; High Constable, John Gray. 1866.— Chief Burgess, Miles L. Tracy; Assistant Burgess, Henry H. Roe; Council, B. B. Smith, W. W. Weston, J. M. Bauman, Egbert G. Reed, Gilbert Knapp ; High Constable, Benjamin Sherwood. 1867. — Chief Burgess, Miles L. Tracy; Assistant Burgess, Abraham Samuels ; Council, Isaac N. Fos- ter, Horace A. Woodhouse, B. B. Smith, Stephen U. Cory, Egbert G. Reed; High Constable, Henry Car- man. 1868— Chief Burgess, Charles P. Waller ; Assistant Burgess, Robert J. Meuner ; Council, Isaac N. Foster, Gilbert Knapp, B. B. Smith, Samuel Allen, Edwin F. Torrey ; High Constable, Henry B. Hall. 1869.— Chief Burgess, Stephen G. Cory; Assistant Burgess, L. Grambs ; Council, Gilbert Knapp, Wil- liam Weiss, W. W! Weston, John O'Neill, Charles Tompkins ; High Constable, Henry B. Hall. 1870. — Chief Burgess, Miles L. Tracy; Assistant Burgess, Isaac N. Foster; Council, John O'Neill, William Wefferling, John Brown, Thomas Charles- worth, William B. Holmes ; High Constable, Henry B. Hall. 1871.— Chief Burgess, Miles L. Tracy ; Assistant Burgess, Henry Grambs; Council, John O'Neill, William Wefferling, John Brown, Isaac N. Foster, Ensign Egleston ; High Constable, Henry Gray. 1872. — Chief Burgess, John K. Jenkins ; Assistant Burgess, Michael Brown ; Council, John O'Neill, William Wefferling, William H. Ham, Robert N. Torrey, Isaac N. Foster; High Constable, E. Pat- more. 1873. — Chief Burgess, John K. Jenkins ; Assistant Burgess, J. M. Bauman ; Council, Asher M. Atkin- son, John O'Neill, William Wefferling, Edwin F. Torrey, George S. Purdy ; High Constable, Henry ( tray. 1874. — Chief Burgess, James R. Knapp ; Assistant Burgess, J. M. Bauman ; Council, Asher M. Atkin- son, William Wefferling, Charles Tompkins, Lorenzo Grambs, Samuel B.Haley; High Constable, Henry Gray. 1875. — Chief Burgess, Henry J. Tarble ; Assistant Burgess, ; Council, Asher M. Atkinson, Samuel B. Haley, William Wefferling, Lorenzo Grambs, Charles Tompkins. 1876. — Chief Burgess, Charles Petersen ; Assistant Burgess, Coe Durland ; Council, L. Grambs, Samuel B. Haley, J. M. Bauman, Asher M. Atkinson, Wil- liam Wefferling; High Constable, Henry Gray. 1877.— Chief Burgess, Samuel B. Haley ; Assistant Burgess, George M. Genung ; Council, Charles Peter- sen, J. M. Bauman, John F. Clark, Robert N. Torrey, Asher M. Atkinson. 1878. — Chief Burgess, James N. Kesler ; Assistant Burgess, E. H. Clark, Jr. ; Council, Robert N. Torrey, M. B. Bennett, John F. Clark, Isaac N. Foster, John Brown ; High Constable, E. B. Wood. 1879. — Chief Burgess, Samuel B.Haley; Assistant Burgess, William Linderman ; Council, H. T. Men- ner, John Brown, Isaac N. Foster, Thomas Finerty, J. M. Bauman ; High Constable, William H. Prag- nall. 1880.— Chief Burgess, Samuel B. Haley; Assistant Burgess, Henry Grambs ; Council, Isaac N. Foster, John Brown, Henry Ball, H. T. Menner, Thomas Finerty ; High Constable, William H. Pragnall. 1881. — Chief Burgess, Lorenzo Grambs; Assistant Burgess, E. H. Clark ; Council, same ; High Consta- ble, same. 1882.— Chief Burgess, Frank Herzog ; Assistant Burgess, James H. Pinckney ; Council, same ; High Constable, same. 1883.— Chief Burgess, Thomas Charlesworth ; As- sistant Burgess, ; Council; same; High constable, same. 1884. — Chief Burgess, Reed Burns; Assistant Bur- gess, ; Council, same ; High Constable, same. 1885. — Chief Burgess, William Muir; Assistant Burgess, John M. Lyon ; Council, M. B. Allen, C. L. Whitney, John F. Clark, Jacob F. Katz, S. J. Fos- ter ; High Constable, William H. Pragnall. Other officers have been appointed or elected by the Council ; chief among them are the clerks and treasurers, who in succession have been as follows : TREASURERS. 1831. Zenas H. Russell. 1832. Thos. T. Hayes. 1833-34. Same. 1835. David St. John. 1836. John F. Roe. 1837. Edward Mills. 1838-39. Elk. Patmore. 1840-41. Steph. D. Ward. 1842-43. Horace Tracy. 1844-17. O. Hamlin. 1848-50. Steph. Torrey. 1851-52. S. D. Ward. TOWN 1831. John F. Roe. 1832-34. Edw. Mills. 1835-37. E. Kingsbury, Jr. 1838. M. A. Bidwell. 1839. Charles Jameson. 185,3. Henry Dart. 1854-63. Z. H. Russell. 1863. Wm. Mathews. 1864. Zenas H. Russell. 1865-68. B. B. Smith. 1869. Wm. W r eiss. 1870-74. W. Wefferling. 1875-76. L. Grambs. 1877. Chas. Petersen. 1878-84. John Brown. 1885. S. J. Foster. LERKS. 1840. Thos. J. Hubbell. 1841. Z. W. Arnold. 1842-43. T.J. Hubbell. 1844-47. W. H. Dimmick. 1848-49. S. E. Dimmick. 1850. R. M. Greuell. WAYNE COUNTY. 351 18.31-63. S. E. Dimmick. 1 1871. Isaac N. Foster. 1863. Win. H. Ham. 1872. Wm. H. Ham. 1864. W. W. Weston. 1873. George 8. Purdy. 1865-67. E. G. Reed. 1874-76. S. B. Haley. 1S68. Edw. F. Torrey. 1877-78. R. N.Torrey. 186'.). W. W. Weston. 1879-84. H. T. Menner. 1870. W. B. Holmes. 1885. M. B. Allen. Fire Department and Fires. — The first fire in Honesdaleof which there is any record, and certainly the first of any consequence, oc- curred in the summer of 1840. It was quite a disastrous fire — the more so from the fact that the people were destitute of any apparatus for fighting the flames, and without organization other than possibly a " bucket brigade." The loss occasioned by the lack of proper utensils led the citizens to consider their situation, and they came to the conclusion that the town should possess a fire-engine with which to meet future emergencies. A petition was consequently drawn up and presented to the Council, setting forth this view. The first names upon this petition were those of John F. Roe and Alanson Blood, and it contained many more signatures of the then prominent property-holders and active citizens. The Council appointed T. H. R. Tracy and T. J. Hubbell a committee to act in the matter, but they were unwilling to do so until they had tested the spirit of the people. They recommended that a memorial, authorizing the purchase of an engine and other apparatus, be circulated among the citizens for the recep- tion of their signatures, which was accordingly done. It was duly signed by two hundred and nine out of the two hundred and forty-four tax-payers of the borough. Now the pas- sage of a law authorizing the Council to borrow fifteen hundred dollars was found necessary, and was secured. The preliminary steps hav- ing been thus taken, Joseph Neal, cashier of the Honesdale Bank, and Mr. Tracy were ap- pointed a committee to make the purchase,; but they failed to do so, perhaps because they could not borrow the money needed on the credit of the borough. The matter was dropped and it was not until October, 1842, that John D. 1 Mr. Dimmick was town clerk or secretary of the Coun- cil from May 10, 1844, to May 4, 1863, except one year, 1853, when E. B. Burnhnm was elected, and he then served in Burnham's place. Delezene was appointed to go to New York and make the long delayed purchase. On November 22d he reported that he had bought a machine for seven hundred dollars. The hand-engine " Deluge " was duly received by a fire company of the same name, which had in the mean time been organized, and of which John D. Delezene was the foreman. It had to be repainted, and the company thought it necessary to procure resplendently decorated buckets and provide themselves with uniforms before they made a public demonstration, and so it was not until some time in 1843 that the little hand-engine was dragged out of its house and through the streets before an admiring populace, by a long line of red-shirted firemen. It was not king before the "Deluge" came to share the glory of the " Rescue." Such was the beginning of the Honesdale Fire Department. Eventually other and larger hand-engines were procured, and it was many years before they were superseded by the steamers. The frequent occurrence of fires in the sum- mer of 1853 led the citizens to take measures for protection, through the better organization of the Fire Department. At a meeting held July 1 1 th, there were present Colonel R. L. Seely, Stephen C. Cory, H. B. Beardslee, S. F. Dim- mick, C. P. Waller, S. E. Dimmick, F. B. Pen- niman, Rev. Mr. Rowland, F. M. Crane, Esq., William Turner and many others. It was re- solved " that a committee of five be appointed, with William Turner as chairman, to form a Fire Company to take charge of one of the engines, and that a like committee, with S. ( i. Corey as chairman, be appointed to form another, to take charge of the second engine, and that it be recommended to the Town Council to give the control of the engines and directions thereof at fires to said companies, when so formed, subject to such regulations as the companies may adopt under the approval of the Council." A. Farnham was appointed as chairman of a committee to organize a hook-and-ladder com- pany, and others were appointed to solicit citi- zens to become active or honorary members of the fire organization, those choosing to belong 352 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. to the latter class to pay the sura of two dollars each per annum towards its support. The de- partment was organized on this basis. In is 7 5 was purchased the first of the two steamers, a Silsby, for which the sum of four thousand seven hundred dollars was paid. This was placed in custody of the Protection Fire Company, which then disposed of its hand engine. Fires have been of quite frequent occurrence in the borough, and several of them have been verv destructive. The first of which we have any details happened one night early in De- cember, 1 844, and was the largest which had occurred up to that time. It originated iu the store of Mr. A. .1. Thorp, whose entire stock of goods was destroyed. The building belonging to Messrs. Dimmick & Cummings was totally destroyed, as were also others owned by N. M. Bartlett (occupied as a store by R. H. More), E. Rogers and George Brown. A blacksmith- shop and lime-house adjoining one of these were torn down to keep the fire from communi- cating with a large building owned by J. P>. Delezene and occupied as a store and dwelling by Messrs. I. & O. Snyder, which at one time was in great hazard. A supply of water being obtained, it was put entirely out of danger, but the Messrs. Snyder suffered severely, probably to the amount of one thousand dollars, by the re- moval of their goods into the street. A card published iu the Democrat after this fire shows more completely who were the sufferers and affords grounds for the inference that they did not suffer very badly ; for few of the signers were mentioned in the newspaper account of the fire: " We, the undersigned sufferers by the late fire in this Borough, avail ourselvesof the earliest opportunity of communicating our expressions of gratitude to all persons present, for their timely exertions to rescue and preserve property ; and also to the ' Rescue Fire Company ' we return many thanks for their im- portant services. "Honesdale, December 9, 1S44. " R. H. More. U. V. Wheeler. E. Rodgers. Bennett & Cummings. I. & O. Snyder. Bennett & Sutton. A. J. Thorp. John J. Allen. W. H. Richmond. Wm. H. Dimmick. N. M. Bartlett. M. & H. O'Neill. R. M. Bartlett. S. V. Stiers. John Connolly. George Brown." During the night of Friday, April 25, 1851, one of the most destructive fires that ever oc- curred in the town broke out in the building owned by Edward Murray, and situated on the west side of Front, just south of the intersec- tion of Eighth Street. At this time the fire ap- paratus of the town consisted of one hand-en- gine, and the effective service that it might do under favorable conditions was limited by dis organized effort. How the fire originated was never known. About half- past ten o'clock at night flames were discovered bursting from the roof of the building, and before the alarm had been communicated to a large part of the cit- izens, a most destructive conflagration had gained headway. It happened, too, that at this time some repairs which the canal basin was undergoing were incomplete, and when the engine was brought to the scene, nearly half an hour was consumed in waiting for a water sup- ply. Meanwhile the flames were spreading in every direction, and the few lines of buckets which the more self-possessed citizens estab- lished were insufficient, even to save the goods and merchandise piled up in the streets. Men, women and children ran frantically hither and thither, watching the flames lick up fully one- third of the mercantile establishments of the town, and cover the heart of the town with blackened ruins. The engine at last got water, was manned by scores of eager citizens, and the stream direct- ed against the southern advance of the flames, held them in check, and saved further destruc- tion. Some sixty-four persons suffered losses by the fire, and the amount reached over one hun- dred and twenty-five thousand dollars, only about fifty-five thousand dollars id' which was covered by insurance. To the northward, the flames communicated only to an adjoining build- ing ; but they crossed Front Street, and swept southward, on both sides of the avenue, to raid- way between Sixth and Seventh Streets. On the south side of Eighth Street, between Front and Second, everything was destroyed ; and on both sides of Seventh, between Front and WAYNE COUNTY. Second, all was burned except a dwelling-house belonging to Isaiah Snyder, on the southeast corner. Most of the property destroyed was only partially covered by insurance, if covered at all. The losses were as follows : A. Strong, $2500; Fox & Van Osdale; Edward Mur- ray, $3000; J. &T. Grady, $2500; Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, warehouse, $6000; M. Mores, $1200; S. Z. Lord, $2000; J. D. Delezene, $3000; A. Cummings, $1200; Wil- liam Weiss, §500; Bowers <& Co., $6500; Isaiah Snyder, $3500 on building, $14,000 on stock ; Isaiah Snyder, two shops and ware- house, $500; Reuben Berry, $200; William Shend, $200; John Goldsmith, $200; Peter Miller, shops, $1000; Francis Con ley, $400; Lord & Dimmick, building, $1400 ; Hornbeck & Keator, $4000 ; Asa Snyder, building, $1000 ; Thomas Cornell, Empire Block, $6000; Wil- bur & Patmore, $0500, including loss of packet " Fashion" and line-boat " Daniel "Webster ;" I. P. Foster & Sons, $2500 • West & Plumb, $1000; Knight & Van Kirk, $600; John Hazen, $400; Johnson & Chittenden, $5000; Thomas E. Rogers, $1500; G. W. Delezene, $1400; G. W. Deverill, $400; Mr. Center, $150; Mr. Potter, $150 ; .Masonic Lodge room, ; C. H. Rogers, $500 ; Canal Basin bridge, $300; S. G. Tliroop, $500; Richard Henwood, $3000; Dr. Roskopf, $500; Mr. Brown, $200 ; M. B. Bennett, $1200; Bennett & Moore, $4500; G. P. Heap, $1200; Mr. Wonthall, $2000; W. H. & S. E. Dimmick, building, $1200; Mrs. Harrison, $1200; Mrs. Powell, $1200; Philip Slochbour, $3000; Mrs. Stunner, $1600; M. Levy, $2000 ; Thom- as Cornell, $2000; Mrs. Murray, $600; Stone & Graves, $1000; Malone's smithy, $300; McLaughlin, wagon-shop, $300; S. G. Throop, law-office, $150; Mrs. Wilcox, J. B. Dennison, A. & E. Reed, Barnes & Harlen, Charles Schhv ger, Mrs. Loomis and many others, suffered damage by having their property wet or stolen. At five o'clock on Sunday morning, December 26, 1852, a fire broke out in the second story of Mr. Isaiah Snyder's store on Front Street. The flames made rapid progress and soon reached the store of Messrs. Strong & Stilson, adjoining. Two fire-engines were brought into service and were worked with great efficiency, while the forcing pump of the Delaware and Hudson Company was also brought into re- quisition. The flames were speedily brought under control and prevented from entering Edward Murray's block, immediately con- tiguous, though the stores mentioned were entirely consumed. The building in which they were kept was the property of Dr. A. Strong, aud was valued at about two thousand one hundred dollars. Mr. Snyder's loss was about seven thousand dollars over and above insurance, which was ten thousand dollars, and Messrs. Strong & Stilson's absolute loss was about fifteen hundred dollars. The origin ot this fire was a mystery. Early in the morning of July 12, 1S53, a fire occurred on Sixth Street, which consumed a cabinet-shop, a blacksmith-shop, a large stable for the accommodation of canal horses, building known as Military Hall and an extensive bakery. The cabinet-shop belonged to C. P. & G. G. Waller, and was occupied by two Ger- mans. All of the other buildings belonged to Mr. George Briteubacher, whose loss was from four thousand dollars to five thousand dollars. The fire was supposed to be the work of an in- cendiary, and an arrest was soon after made upon the charge of arson, but the person so charged was not convicted. The stables on Second Street, in the rear of the Mansion House, were burned on Friday morning, September 22, 1853. The fire caught accidentally in the livery stable of Allis Whit- ney, and six horses belonging to him were burned to death. He had no insurance and suffered a loss of fifteen hundred dollars. From Whitney's stables the fire spread to the hotel and stage stables, but from these all of the property was removed. An incendiary fire occurred at five o'clock on the morning of Monday, December 18, 1853, in the store and stable of Hannigan & White, on Front Street, which entirely destroyed the building, and also the dwelling, store and stable of George Whitney, occupied by Thomas Coyne, the buildings owned by James Moylan, and occupied by several tenants, and badly damaged the property of Frederick R. Marshall. The 354 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. total loss was about ten thousand dollars, one- half of which was sustained by Hannigau <£ White, who lost not only their buildings and stock of merchandise, but four valuable horses, harness, hay, grain, etc. There was no doubt that this fire was the work of an incendiary. Two unsuccessful attempts to burn other build- ings were made by the miscreants the same morning. The house and stable of Mrs. Hughes and the German hotel and bakery kept by William Wefferling were burned on Sunday night, Sep- tember 23, 1854, causing a total loss of more than five thousand dollars. Only a i'ew days later, September 30th, a fire occurred in the lower part of the town, which was known to be of incendiary origin, the Delaware and Hudson watchman having seen two men run from the building just as the fire broke out. The fire was first seen in a barn owned by William Finnerty from which it spread in several directions, de- stroying various dwellings and other buildings. The Council offered a reward of one thousand dollars for the detection of the incendiaries. A fire which broke out in the stable of Mr. Schrifer, on Front Street, April 11, 1855, spread quickly beyond control, both north and south, there being no water in the canal basin, and de- stroyed Francis Von Beck's store and stable, the former occupied by Mr. Schrifer as a grocery; M. A. Bidwell's building, in which were two stores occupied by John Hannegan and Mrs. A. Miller, and some dwellings ; M. & J. O'Neil's store and stable; E. M. Genung's blacksmith-shop, and the building owned by John Kelly and James Baker, in which were the stores of J. & M. Brown and William Hol- land, and a number of families residing in the upper rooms. The aggregate damage was not less than ten thousand dollars, almost entirely covered by insurance. The fire was universally believed to be the work of an incendiary. Another disastrous fire broke out in a large building known as Cornell's Hall, located on Front Street, near the canal basin, on the even- ing of December 3, 1855. The flames were first discovered in a long passage about six feet wide that ran between two stores and correspond- ed to the entrance to the hall, and almost as soon as the alarm was given the fire burst out and spread in every direction. The firemen were on hand promptly, but their labors were directed chiefly at saving buildings to which the flames had not already communicated. The damage done amounted to about thirty thousand dollars ami the principal public hall of the town was destroyed. This was owned by T. Cornell & Co., and the building which contained it had been completed only three years before, at a cost of seventy-five hundred dollars ; it was insured for five thousand dollars. Among the other sufferers were P. W. Sloehbouer, $2000, $500 insurance; Judah Levi, $5000, uninsured; John Grady, $5000, insured; T. Cornell & Co., warehouse, .§40(t; Hard, Gil- bert & Palmer, hides, $5000 ; S. G. Throop, $1000; Patrick Burns, $100; Miss Langes, $900, insured ; G. L. Cooper, $1600, insured. Several other properties were injured. ( )n Wednesday following the fire Timothy Grady, Michael Grady and Patrick McCasey were arrested on the charge of incendiarism and held in three thousand dollars bail each to an- swer for setting fire to Cornell's Hall. About four o'clock on the morning of August 12, 185(3, a fire broke out in Russell's Hall, and spread rapidly in both directions. The building and contents were destroyed. The building was the property of Z. H. Russell and cost two thousand dollars, about half of which was covered by insurance. The upper floor con- tained the lodge-rooms of two orders of Odd- Fellows, and each lost two hundred dollars. J. H. Dunny, the Mansion House, Mr. Peterson, Thomas Hocker, G. W. Deverell and Hand & Kirtland were all losers, but had some insur- ance. On Tuesday evening, May 16, 1871, at about a quarter of eight o'clock, as the row of build- ings from Reed's Arcade on the south to the lateral basin of the canal on the north were, as usual, thronged with customers, fire was dis- covered in the rear of the second story of Aaron Cummings' building. It spread rapidly and, although the engines were soon on the ground, caused a damage of over one hundred thousand dollars. The sufferers were Judge Isaiah Snyder (the best and largest store in town), on building WAYNE COUNTY. and goods, to theaniount of $48,000; R. J.Menner &Co ,011 stock, $8000; MissLavinaDimnrick,on building, $2000; A. Cummings, on building ami goods, $500(); Knopp & Jenkins, on build- ing and stock, !?14,00U ; Gilbert Knapp, $8000; W. W. Weston & Co., $10,000 ; W. W. Wes- ton, personally, $10,000; F. H. Rockwell, on household furniture, $2000 ; Salmon & Dele- zenne, $1500 ; Freeman, Barents & Co., $1750, and numerous others in smaller amounts. On December 12, 1871, occurred another fire which destroyed the Commercial Block, a hand- some brick structure, erected two years before by W. B. Holmes, upon the east side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Delaware and Hud- son Company's offices. The origin of the fire was unknown. Mr. Holmes' loss was approxi- mately twenty-one thousand dollars, one-third of which was upon the building and two-thirds upon his stock of groceries. J. M. Bauman, who owned one-half of the block, lost about seven thousand dollars, and Hartley & Rogers, who kept a hardware-store in that portion of the block, suffered to the extent of twelve thou- sand dollars or thereabouts, which was nearly covered by insurance. Durland i- tal stock should be one hundred thousand dol- lars, in shares of fifty dollars each, to be dis- posed of by auction, at not less than par, to the highest bidder, but no purchaser to be allowed to take more than twenty shares, or one thousand dollars, on one bid ; the entire capital to be paid in before commencing busi- ness and the bank to pay to the State a bonus of five thousand dollars, and at least eight per cent, on all dividends declared. The number of directors was fixed at thir- teen. The records of the bank show that it was organized for business in November, 1836, by the election of Richard L. Seely, Isaac P. Foster, Zenas H. Russell, Joseph B. Walton, John Torrey, A. D. Williams, Thomas T. Hayes, Ephraim W. Hamlin, Edward Mills, Daniel P. Kirtland, Alexander H. Farnham, Joseph Benjamin and John Roosa as directors. These gentlemen were all annually re-elected and continued to serve as directors until No- vember, 1844, with the following exceptions : At the election in November, 1838, Thomas Fuller was elected in the place of John Roosa, and, as E. W. Hamlin had been elected to the Legislature, and was thereby ineligible as a di- rector, Butler Hamlin was elected in his stead ; but, in November, 1840, E. W. Hamlin was again elected in place of Butler Hamlin. Upon the organization of the board Richard L. Seely was chosen president, and John Neal, of the Moyamensing Bank, Philadelphia, was appoint- ed cashier. The first meeting of the board of directors, after being fully organized, was December 24, 1836, and Thursday morning of each week was designated as the time for sub- sequent regular meetings ; and Ebenezer Kings- bury was appointed notary. January 17, 1839, Stephen D. Ward was appointed clerk. Octo- ber 31, 1842, John Neal resigned as cashier and Stephen D. Ward was appointed in his stead. On the 8th of April, 1843, an act of the Legislature was passed, rendering directors (ex- cept the president) who had served four years successively ineligible to a re-election until after being " out " one year. The precise object of the law does not ap- pear, but the rigidity with which it was ob- served indicates the very high regard that was felt toward the " combined wisdom at Harris- burg," even in those days. The records of the bank do not show that any election for directors was held in November, 1843, but it was allowed to go by default and the old board continued to serve. In November, 1844, however, that the majesty of the law might be vindicated (and a legislative committee avoided), a new board was duly elected, consisting of Richard L. Seely, Ezra Hand, Stephen Torrey, Albert H. Russell, Gaylord Russell, Josiah WAYNE COUNTY. 357 Foster, Butler Hamlin, Anizi Fuller, Henry M. Fuller, William H. Foster, N. B. El- dred, Joseph B. Walton, Jr., and J. C. Gunn. These gentlemen immediately qualified, and, at their first meeting, adopted a resolution re- questing the members of the old board to meet with them regularly to advise in relation to the business of the bank, aud that the president and cashier be a committee to make discounts. The year of "outing" having expired, in November, 1845, a new board was elected, as follows : Richard L. Seely, Zenas H. Russell, Isaac P. Foster, E. W. Hamlin, John Torrey, Daniel P. Kirtland, Ezra Hand, Joseph B. Walton, George F. Knapp, Jeremiah C. Gunn, Amzi Fuller, Daniel Blandiu and Jos. Benjamin. November, 1846, the above were all re-elect- ed, and in March, 1847, the legislative restriction as to the re-election of old directors was repealed so far as related to the Honesdale Bank. November 26, 1846, Ezra Hand tendered his resignation as director, which was accepted, and T. H. R. Tracy was chosen by the board to fill the vacancy. November, 1847, the above directors were re-elected, with the exception of Henry M. Fuller in place of Amzi Fuller, deceased, and Ezra Hand in place of Daniel Blandin. November, 1848, the old board were all re-elected, and also in November, 1849, with the exception that James Archibald was chosen in place of Joseph B. Walton, deceased. Aj>ril 5, 1849, the Legislature passed an act extending the charter fifteen years from the expiration of the present charter, and requiring the bank to pay a further bonus of two per cent, (two thousand dollars) to the State treasurer, and not to become a law until accepted by the stockholders. December 27, 1849, the stockholders re- solved to accept the charter. January 17, 1850, apian and specifications for a new banking-house and cashier's residence were reported, and the proposition of Colonel Richard L. Seely to erect it for six thousand five hundred dollars was accepted. Messrs. Z. H. Russell, Isaac P. Foster, Thomas H. R. Tracy and the cashier were appointed a build- ing committee. November 18, 1850, the old board were all re-elected. January 2, 1851, the board held their first meeting in the new banking- house. This was the same one now occupied ; prior to this they had occupied the building now owned and occupied by Dr. Charles Brady, and the banking-room was the small front-room of that building. November 17, 1851, the following were elected directors for the ensuing year: R. L. Seely, Isaac P. Foster, Zenas H. Russell, John Torrey, Daniel Blandin, D. P. Kirtland, Ezra Hand, W. H. Foster, Gaylord Russell, Butler Handin, George F. Knapp, Joseph Benjamin and Jeremiah C. Gunn. At the election November 1 3, 1 852, R. L. Seely, I. P. Foster, John Torrey, Z. H. Russell, D. P. Kirtland, J. Benjamin, J. C. Gunn, Thomas Sweet, R. F. Lord, Daniel Blandin, Nicholas Overfield, Edward O. Hamlin and Henry M. Fuller were elected directors. November 21, 1853, the old board were re-elected, and Novem- ber 20,1854, they were all re-elected, with the following exceptions : Samuel E. Dimmick in place of Joseph Benjamin, William H. Foster in place of Nicholas Warfield, Stephen Torrey in place of Henry M. Fuller aud Ephraim \V. Hamlin iu place of Edward O. Hamlin. For the past three years Ephraim W. Ham- lin, having been elected to the State Senate, had been ineligible as a director. March 16, 1855, an act was passed author- izing (by a vote of the stockholders) an increase of capital to §200,000, subject to a bonus to the State of $2000, aud at a stockholders' meeting April 5, 1855, it was resolved to so increase the capital ; but at a subsequent meeting, held May 1, 1855, it was " resolved to increase the capital only $50,000 at this time." November 19, 1855, the old board were re-elected for the ensuiug year, and November 17, 1856, the old board were all re-elected, with the exception of Gaylord Russell in place of Stephen Torrey. September 26, 1857, the board was advised that the Philadelphia banks had all suspended specie payments, involving the suspension of the other banks in the State, and unanimously re- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. solved not to suspend as long as the New York City banks did not suspend. They were enabled to do this from the fact that their principal reserve balance was kept in New York, and their Philadelphia account was comparatively small, while nearly all of the banks of this State kept their balances in Phila- delphia, and of course were obliged to suspend with Philadelphia. October 13 and 14, 1857, the New York City banks were obliged to suspend, but the records of the bank do not show that any further action was taken by the boards in regard to the matter, or that any demand was made upon them for specie that was not honored, and if they did not formally suspend after the suspension of the New York banks, it was simply because no demand was made to afford any occasion for suspension. At the elections held November 16, 1857, and November 15, 1858, the old board were re-elected. November 21, 1859, the following persons were elected directors for the ensuing year, viz. : R. L. Seeley, Z. H. Russell, John Torrey, D. P. Kirtland, R. F. Lord, J. P. Foster, J. C. Gunn, S. E. Dimmick, E. AY. Hamlin, W. H. Foster, Daniel Blandin, Franklin A. Seely and Gaylord Russell. November 19, 1860, and November 18, 1861, all of the above were re-elected. The Bank's War Record. — The threatening clouds which had been gathering in darkness and power in our horizon at length burst with fury over Fort Sumter on the 12th of April, 1861, and the surrender of the garrison on the 13th of April excited a strong patriotic feeling throughout the North, with a determination to put down the Rebellion. The Legislature of Pennsylvania being then in session, on the 13th of April passed a war bill, appropriating half a million of dollars for the purpose of equipping the militia of the State, and the Governor soon after called for volunteers. April 20, 1861, a public meeting of the citizens of Honesdale was held at Liberty Hall, in response to this call, and a finance commit- tee was appointed, of which S. D. Ward was made treasurer, to receive and disburse funds contributed for the support of the families of those who should volunteer. At the next meet- ing of the board after the citizens' meeting, the following appears upou the records of the bank : "April 25, 1861, it was unanimously resolved that the Honesdale Bank hereby subscribe one thousand dollars to the fund now being raised in Wayne County for assistance to the families of those of our fellow- citizens who shall volunteer from this county for their country's defense, — the amount to be paid to S. D. Ward, treasurer of the Finance Committee, ap- pointed at a public meeting held on the 20th inst.'' June 20, 1861, an application was laid before the board from the State treasurer, requesting a subscription to the State War Loan, and on motion, — " Resolved, That the cashier be and is hereby in- structed to take five thousand dollars of said loan." August 7, 1862, the board met to consider the proposition of advancing funds, not exceed- ing ten thousand dollars, to pay a bounty of fifty dollars to each person who should volun- teer to make up the quota of Wayne County in the twenty-one regiments of volunteers required of Pennsylvania, under the recent call of the President of the United States, as specified in the proclamation of the Governor of the State, and as the county commissioners of Wayne County proposed to issue to those who would advance the funds for that purpose bonds or certificates of indebtedness bearing six per cent. interest, in the name of the county, subject, however, to the same being legalized by the Legislature, it was ou motion unanimously " Resolved, That the Honesdale Bank hereby agrees to subscribe and pay to the Treasurer appointed by the Commissioners to receipt and pay out said fund, an amount which shall be equal to what all of the citizens of Wayne County shall, in their individual capacity, subscribe and pay to said Treasurer towards said fund." August 13, 1863, the cashier was authorized to forward one thousand five hundred dollars to the committee of the banks of Philadelphia for the purpose of paying the miljtia of the State, called out by the Governor to repel invasion. In addition to the foregoing the bank was a liberal subscriber to all of the government loans from the time the first loan was offered to the public to the final closing out of the " four per cents.," and for the placing of these bonds WAYNE COUNTY. 359 (the four per cent.) in the hands of the people it was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury a government agent. Colonel Richard Lewis Seely, one of the organizers and the first president of the Hi >nes- dale Bank, was a son of Dr. John W. Seely and grandson of Colonel Sylvauus Seely (of whom notice appears elsewhere^ He was born in Greene County, Pennsylvania, December 23, 1796. About 180.°, his father and family removed to Holland, near Warren, Trumbull Co., O. When a young man he was commissioned colonel in the Ohio militia, and so received the title by which he was so well known through his life. In June, 1X24, he first came to Wayne County, Pennsylvania, to look after property of his recently deceased grandfather, and in August, 1825, he came again to Wayne County and settled upon that property, at what was then known as " Seely 's Mills," now Seelyville. He was married, August 17, 1828, to Maria, daughter of Major Jason Torrey, of whom a sketch has been already given. He was a man of great energy of character and public spirit. He exerted himself to the utmost to foster such enterprises as would tend to develop the resources and promote the prosperity and growth of the community. (This will appear from the history of Seelyville, as found in this volume.) Without ability to interest himself financially in the construction of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, which so greatly served in an early day to open up this region, his willing heart, ready hand and per- sonal influence did much to facilitate the pro- gress of this work. He was prominent in the movement which resulted in the chartering of the Honesdalo Bank in 1836, and as president of that bank, from its organization until his death, contributed largely toward fixing the safe, conservative, financial policy which carried it safely through all business crises, and gave it an established and almost national reputation. He took an active part in the organization of the Honesdale Academy (chartered in 1838), tlie property of which was subsequently donated to the borough for public school purposes. March 7, 1832, he was commissioned justice of the peace by Governor Wolf, and continued in that office for several years. He united with the Presbyterian Church October 11, 1829, and was chosen ruling elder in that church October 15, 1842, which office he held during the remainder of his life. In the spring of 1S47 he removed from See- lyville to the borough of Honesdale, where he continued to reside until his death, Dec. 8, 1863. December 8, I863,the bank sustained a great loss in the death of Colonel Richard L. Seely, who had been its only president. since its organi- zation, in 1836, and on the 31st of December, 1863, ZenasH. Russell was unanimously elected president, and John Torrey was unanimously elected vice-president in place of Mr. Russell. March 17, 1864, the cashier laid before the board the voluntary resignation of Horace C. Hand, teller of the bank (after a service as clerk and teller of nearly sixteen years), to take effect March 31st, to enable him to enter into active business. The Honesdale National Bank. — On the 10th of November, 1864, pursuant to pre- vious legal notice, the stockholders of the Hones- dale Bank convened at the banking-house to consider whether it was advisable to convert the Honesdale Bank into a National Banking Association under the general bankiug laws of the United States. It was unanimously resolved to make the change, and on the 1st day of De- cember, 1864, the stockholders aud directors of the Honesdale Bank unanimously adopted the articles of association and organization certificate WAYNE, PIKE, AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. of " The Honesdale National Bank," with a capital of one hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars, with authority to increase the same to not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, under the provision of the lOthSection of the National Bank Act. The articles of association also provided that the following persons, directors of the Honesdale Bank, should be the directors of " The Hones- dale National Bank : " to commence business, was received, bearing date December 24, 1864, and it was unanimously resolved by the board that " as Monday will be observed as a legal holiday, the Honesdale National Bank will commence business on Tuesday, January 3, 1865." On the 10th of January, 1865, an election for directors of the Honesdale National Bank was held, at which all of the old directors were elected except Daniel Blandin, who was succeeded by tfSS^HJplgfc- Zenas H. Russell, John Torrey, Isaac P. Foster, Jeremiah C. Gunn, Ephraim W.Hamlin, Win. H. Foster, Daniel P. Kirtland, Daniel Blandin, Samuel E. Dimmick, Franklin A. Seely, Henry M. Seely. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Honesdale Bank, held December 29, 1864, the certificate of the Comptroller of the Currency, | authorizing " The Honesdale National Bank i Benjamin, and at a meeting of the new board, held January 12, 1865, it was unani- mously resolved to increase the capital stock of said bank from one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to three hundred thousand dollars, and that a stock dividend of thirty-three and one- third per cent., or fifty thousand dollars of said increase, be made to the present stockholders. WAYNE COUNTY. 361 July 6, 1865, Coe F. Young and Edwin F. Torrey were appointed directors to fill the vacancies occasioned by the resignation of Jos. Benjamin and Franklin A. Seely. January 9, 1866, the following persons were elected directors for the ensuing year : Zeuas H. Russell, John Torrey, Isaac P. Foster, Jeremiah C. Gunu, Ephraim W. Ham- lin, Daniel P. Kirtland, Wm. H. Foster, Henry M. Seely, Samuel E. Dimmick, Coe F. Young, Edwin F. Torrey, and were continued by re- election as directors during the year 1874, when a vacancy was occasioned by the death of Daniel P. Kirtland, which was filled on August 6, 1874, by the appointment of Henry Z. Russell. January 14, 1875, the old board was re- elected, with Henry Z. Russell in place of D. P. Kirtland. On the 14th of October, 1875, another vacancy was occasioned in the board by the death of the Hon. Samuel E. Dimmick, in Harrisburg, while attending to his duties as attorney-gen- eral of Pennsylvania. This vacancy was not filled until the annual election, January 11, 1876, when the other members of the board were re-elected, and Mr. Elias Stanton in place of Hon. Sam'l E. Dimjuiek. November 18, 1876, another vacancy oc- curred in the death of Isaac P. Foster, who had been connected with the bank ever since its or- ganization, and which vacancy, instead of filling, the stockholders, at their annual meeting, Jan- uary 9, 1877, so amended the by-lawas to make the board of directors consist of ten stockholders instead of eleven, and at the annual election, held that day the ten surviving directors were re-elected. January 10, 1878, the old board were re-elect- ed, but as Zenits H. Russell, on account of failing health, and John Torrey, on account of impaired hearing, both declined re-election to the office of president and vice-president re- spectively, on motion, Coe F. Young was unanimously elected president and Henry M. Seely vice-president. May 11, 1878, another vacancy in the board was occasioned by the death of Zeuas H. Rus- sell, who had been connected with the manage- ment as a director since its first organization, in November, 1836, as its first vice-president from July 17, 1856, to December -11 , 1863, when he was elected president to fill the vacancy occa- sioned by the death of Colonel Richard L. Seely, and which lie held without interruption until he retired on account of failing health, January 10, 1878, only four months and a day before his death. This vacancy was not filled until the annual election, January 14, 1879, when the old board were re-elected and Robert J. Menner vice Zeuas H. Russell (deceased). January 13, 1880, old board all re-elected, but on March 8, 1880, another vacancy was occasioned by the death of William H. Foster, which was filled on the 25th of March by the election of Horace G. Young. January 11, 1881, the old board was all re-elected, and Horace G. Young vice William H. Foster (deceased). January 10, 1882, the old board was all re-elected, viz : C. F. Young, John Torrey, E. W. Hamlin, J. C. Gunn, Henry M. Seely, E. F. Torrey, H. Z. Russell, Elias Stan- ton, Robert J. Menner and Horace G. Young. January 9, 1883, and January 8, 1884, the old board was all re-elected except that in the latter year Hon. Henry M. Seely, having been elected president judge of this judicial district, declined re-election as vice-president and also declined to qualify as a director. January 10, 1884, on motion, Henry Z. Rus- sell was unanimously elected vice-president in place of Hon. Henry M. Seely, and February 7, 1884, Edward O. Hamlin was unanimously appointed a director in place of Judge Seely. On April 3, 1884, another vacancy in the board was occasioned by the death of Hon. E. W. Hamlin, the last but one of the directors who have been connected with the management of the bank since its first organization, in De- cember, 1836. July 10, 1884, the cashier presented to the board the following statement : " The dividend declared to-day is the fortieth semi- annual dividend of five per cent., declared by the Honesdale National Bank. " Our charter expires by limitation December 1, 1884. During our existence as a National Bank we have earned and paid to our stockholders, including the dividend of to-day $600,000.00 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. We have now on hand of surplus and profits 135,(550.4!) Net earnings as National Bank 8735,650.49 During the same time we have paid State and National taxes amounting to. 102,864. 1 •". Making gross earnings after payment of all expenses $838,514.62" On motion, Messrs. John Torrey, Henry C. Russell and E. F. Torrey were appointed a committee to take such steps as are necessary for the extension of our charter. October 2, 1884, the committee reported, through E. F. Torrey, that they had forwarded to the Comptrol- ler of the Currency, under date of October 1st, the application of stockholders representing four thousand nine hundred and ten shares of the Honesdale National Bank, that the sixth article of the articles of association of said National Banking Association be so amended as to read as follows : " This association shall continue until close of business, December 1, a.d. 1904, unless sooner placed in voluntary liquidation by the act of its shareholders owning at least two- thirds of its stock, or otherwise dissolved by authority of law," which action was on motion approved, and the committee discharged. December 4, 1884, the cashier presented to the board the renewal certificate of the Comp- troller of the Currency extending the charter for twenty years, or until December 1, a.d. 1904. January 13, 1885, at the annual meeting of stockholders held for the election of direct- ors, the by-laws were so amended as to make the board of directors consist of nine stockholders instead of ten, leaving the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. E. W. Ham- lin unfilled and re-electing the surviving direc- tors, so that the directors and executive officers of the bank to-day are as follows : Directors. John Torrey since November, 1836 Jeremiah C. Gunn " " 1844 Coe F. Young " July 6, 1865 Edwin F. Torrey " " 1865 Henry Z. Russell " August 6, 1874 Elias Stanton " January 11, 1876 Robert J. Menner " January 14, 1879 Horace G. Young since March 25, 1880 Edward O. Hamlin " February 7, 1884 Coe F. Young, president; Henry Z. Russell, vice-president; Edwin F. Torrey, cashier; Samuel J. Foster, teller ; Grant W. Lane, clerk. The Wayne County Savings Bank was organized November 1, 1871, under a charter granted by the State Legislature, with an au- thorized capital of one hundred thousand dol- lars, of which fifty thousand dollars was paid in. At the first election of directors and offi- cers the following were chosen, to wit : Wm. W. Weston, Wm. H. Dimmick, Isaac N. Fos- ter, Richard Henwood, Wm. Wefferling, Robt. J. Menner, Lorenzo Grambs, Wm. H. Ham and Gilbert Knapp. President, Wm. W. Wes- ton ; Vice-President, Wm. H. Dimmick ; Cash- ier, Horace C. Hand. The present board of directors is as fol- lows : Wm. AY. Weston, Isaac N. Foster, Lo- renzo Grambs, George G. Waller, Wm. Weffer- ling, H. J. Conger, J. Howard Beach. Presi- dent, Wm. W. Weston ; Vice-President, Isaac N. Foster; Cashier, H. C. Hand ; First Teller, H. S. Salmon ; Second Teller, Wm. J. Ward. The last annual statement furnished to the audi- tor-general, shows the deposits to be $722,943, and the total assets $816,265. The building in which the bank is located was built especially for it, and was first occupied November 1, 1875. The success of this financial institution has been almost wholly due to the energy and sound business judgment of Mr. Weston, its first and present president, William W. Weston is a son of the Rev. Horace Weston, born at Simesbury, Hartford County, Connecticut, in 1792, and who re- moved to Ulster County, New York, in 1814. He early became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was the pioneer preacher of that denomination in the western part of Ulster, and in Sullivan County, extending from Ellenville to Monticello. The distance cov- ered by his ministrations comprised about fiftv miles, and his labors were arduous and trying. Owing to the severity of his ministerial tasks his health finally gave way, and he was com- pelled to locate, which he did, at Ellenville, Ulster County, New York, about 1826. In 1829, as the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- WAYNE COUNTY. 363 pany was about beginning operations, he began the manufacture of stone-ware at Ellenville, and engaged in that secular occupation until his death, in 1848, although he performed min- isterial functions at irregular periods until the close of his life. He supplied stone-ware along the entire length of the canal as tar as Scranton, and as Eastern Pennsylvania was then rapidly devel- oping under the operations of the Delaware and children, seven are still living, including Caro- line, wife of Rev. ¥m. G. Wiggins, of Pater- son;William W., Daniel, who resides in Hones- dale, Minerva, wife of H. Y. Lazar, of Chicago Elnora, wife of George H. Dutcher, Ellenville Marilla, wife of N. T. Childs, of Binghamton New York; and Loren, who also resides in Chi- cago. William W. Weston was born at Ellenville, New York, November 7, 1828. He received Hudson Canal Company, he finally decided to locate at Honesdale, Wayne County, and in the spring of 1848 purchased land with a view to establishing a branch factory at that place. But " man proposes but God disposes," and the exe- cution of his plan was prevented by his death from fever, in July of that year. His wife was the daughter of Daniel Briggs, of Wawarsing, Ulster County, New York, one of the early settlers from W r estchester County. Of eight only a common-school education, and at fifteen years of age entered the employ of his father in the manufacture and sale of stone-ware. Upon the death of the latter, in 1848, jmrsuant to the plan and advice ©f his father, he commenced the erection, at Honesdale, of the factory con- templated. The building was finished in the fall and winter, and in the spring of 1849 he began to manufacture at that place. He took charge of the new factory himself, while his 364 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. brother looked after the Ellenville plant. In 1854 he placed his brother Horace in charge of the works at Honesdale, and he himself em- barked in mercantile pursuits, dealing in heavy goods, such as flour, grain and provisions, and, in connection with C. W. Requa and Smith Requa, under the firm-name of Requas & Wes- ton, operated a line of canal-boats from Albany, New York, in connection with a store at Ellen- ville and one at Honesdale. This plan of operations continued until the spring of 1857, when the building of the Erie Railroad made a change necessary, and the firm dissolved, the Requas taking the canal business and the Ellenville store, and Mr. Weston the Honesdale business. Since that time he has carried on the mercantile business alone, with the exception of five years, during which period his brother Loren was associated with him. In 1867, in connection with Hoyt Brothers, of New York, and F. H. Rockwell, of Hones- dale, he operated a tannery at Little Equinunk for seven years, the firm being known as Wes- ton, Rockwell & Co. He subsequently dis- posed of his interest to Hoyt Brothers, of New York. In 1873 he, with others, organized the Honesdale Glass Company, which has since been in successful operation, with Mr. Weston as vice-president and manager. In addition to these enterprises he has been active in other di- rections, and closely identified with all move- ments tending to develop the interests of the community in which he resides. He was one of the organizers of the Wayne County Savings Bank in 1871, and has since been president of that institution. He has taken an active inter- est in church work, and is a member of the Honesdale Presbyterian Church. His first wife, whom he married October 1, 1857, was Anna E., daughter of Deacon Isaac P. Foster, of Honesdale, who passed away September 1 5, 1876. His present wife, Mrs. Mary E. Weston, is a daughter of John F. Roe, an old resident of Honesdale. His children born of the first marriage were Nellie, (who died in infancy,) Bessie B., Harriet Rowland (wife of H. S. Battin, of Chicago), William Foster, Charles Wesley and George Childs Weston. Inventions. — That the borough has not been lacking in inventive ability is readily ap- preciated when one takes into consideration that here was first worked out the problem of the sewing-machine and here lived a man who later achieved a great success in the same line ot mechansm, and whose name was given to one of the many machines now in use — the Secor. More than fifty years ago, in the mind of Dr. Otis Avery, originated the first plan for con- structing a sewing-machine for the relief of bur- dened seamstresses. After years of vigilant at- tention and almost constant toil he accomplished the solution of the problem which he had im- posed upon himself. His machine made a much stronger seam than any of the later ones, and the examiners at the World's Fair, in 1853, awarded him the highest premium for the best seam. So much tact and skill were demanded, however, for the working of his machine that it failed to meet the popular demand. The Avery machine, patented in 1852, was thus spoken of by the New York Tribune in December of that year, — " Dr. Avery's machine was first exhibited here at the recent fair of the American Institute. It is com- pletely original, its features and arrangements not be- ing borrowed from those of other inventors. It oper- ates with two needles and two threads, which it inter- locks in something like a tambour stitch. We have examined its work with great care and have cut every other stitch on one side of the [cloth and still have found the seam quite as strong as any other having none of the defects of the ordinary tambour stitch. It uses more thread than either of the other American machines, but less than the French, In respect to the rapidity of the work, we think there is no great difference. The great advantage of Avery's machine are its more simple mechanism and its greater cheap- ness. For household use these are of great import- ance." The Avery machine sold for twenty-five dol- lars ; the others at from fifty to one hundred and twenty-five dollars, that of the Wilson be- ing the former and the Singer the latter amount. The doctor's machine was introduced by r him in England in 1854, and also sold to Louis Napoleon. A company was formed in New York for manufacturing this invention, but lacking suf- WAYNE COUNTY. ficient enterprise and strong rivals being in the field, its wares were superseded by others more ably pushed upon the market. At the time Dr. Avery was laboring to per- fect his machine so as to bring it into use, a lad by the name of Jerome B. Seeor was living in Honesdale, whose father was a gun-smith. He exhibited a high degree of mechanical ingenuity, which was encouraged by his father, and in time he became the deviser of several useful appli- ances and mechanisms. He was called to the work of improving the Singer sewing-machine, which he did so effectually that the company manufacturing and controlling its sale became the wealthiest in the United States. While thus engaged Mr. Secor was impressed with the idea that, by proceeding on his own foundation, he could elaborate a machine that would surpass in utility either of those in use, and acting upon this thought, he eventually brought out the familiarly known Secor sewing- machine. In Juue, 185(3, Marshall Wheeler invented au automatic governor for marine steam-en- gines, that was regarded as a very valuable de- vice by the best authorities of the country. It consisted of some simple mechanism to regulate the opening and closing of the throttle valve by means of steam pressure. Hiram Plum, in 1858, invented a machine for turning tool handles. manufactures. Wood's Planixg-Mill — The Old Axe Factory. — The ground ou which is located Wood's planing-mill is one of the oldest manu- facturing sites in Honesdale. In 1832 Cornelius Hendricks bought ten acres of land, including this site, and also secured the right to the water- power of the Lackawaxen, and established there an axe and scythe factory. After a few years the property was sold by the sheriff and bid in by S. G. Cory for thirty-two hundred dollars, for Daniel Hendricks, an Eastern gentleman, for whom the manufactory was carried on by James Hendricks and one Cottrell. Again the estab- lishment was sold to David Beers, S. G. Cory and I. J. Bassett, who fitted up the works for wood-turning, and rented them to Ten Eyck Depui. This was in 1857, and a year later we find Eliphalet Wood associated with Mr. Depui and carrying on the first planing-mill in Wayne County. In 1857 Mr. Wood assumed the sole ownership of the mill, and when he died, in 1860, it was sold to E. T. Beers, Wil- liam Reed and David Beers, who carried it on under the firm-name of Beers, Reed & Co. In 1864 B. L. Wood bought out Mr. Beers, but the style of the firm was not changed. In 1874 Wood and Beers bought out Reed, and the business was then conducted by them until 1880, when Wood became the sole proprietor. Up to that time water-power had been used, but Mr. Wood introduced steam. Mr. Wood carries ou a saw-mill, planing-mill and sash and blind factory. He sends much lumber to the Stephensons, the car builders in New York. Honesdale Flouring-Mili.. — This estab- lishment dates from 1838. It was built bv J. C. Gunn & Co., the unnamed partners being Richard L. Seely and John Torrey. The mill was finished, and the first wheat received for grinding in November, 1839. Mr. Gunn was the practical miller, anil the control of building and operating the mill devolved upon him. He made it a success from the start, and maintained the reputation of the establishment steadily from year to year. In 1849 he withdrew from the firm, and as Mr. Seely had previously retired, John Torrey remained the sole proprietor. Mr. Torrey leased the mill successively to various parties, and finally, in 1876, to Peter J. Cole, who has since operated it and made many im- provements. It is now supplied with the best improved milling machinery, and is second to no establishment of its kind in Northeastern Pennsylvania. J. C. Guxx, who may justly be considered the founder of the above industry, is descend- ed from a family of English extraction, which early emigrated to this country and es- tablished themselves in Connecticut. Simeon Gunn, the father of J. C. Gunn, was a farmer by occupation and removed from Bedford, Conn., where he was born, to Lee, Oneida County, N. Y., where he passed the greater part of his life engaged in agricultural pursuits. He married Rhoda Ann Burton, daughter of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Jeremiah Burton, a native of Connecticut, who performed active service in the Revolutionary War, and who also located in Oneida County, N. Y. Their children were Jeremiah C. (our subject), Phebe (who married William Burton and resides in Iowa), George (who died at Fox Lake, Wis., November 26, 1879) and Eunice A. (wife of Frederick Farnham, of White Mills, W r ayne County). J. C. Gunu was born in Woodbury, Conn., July 31, 1804. His boyhood was passed upon his father's farm in Oneida County, N. Y., dur- ing which time he acquired an ordinary English education at the district schools of the neigh- borhood. At an early age lie developed a taste for the milling business, and set himself to work to acquire a kuowledge of the mechanical con- struction and operation of a mill. He subse- quently operated a mill at Bowmanville, Canada, and at various other places, and in 1834 re- moved to Utica, N. Y., where he had charge of the City Mills, owned by Rutgers B. Miller, for four years. In the fall of 1838 he was solicited by Rich- ard L. Seely and others of Houesdale to erect a mill at that place, and at once went to work to break the ground and prepare the way for millwrights, who arrived from Vermont in May, 1839. The mill was completed and set in operation in November of that year, and was owned by Richard L. Seely, John Torrey and J. C. Guun, who did business as Gunn & Co. Colonel Seely subsequently withdrew from the concern, but the remaining members of the firm continued to operate the mill until 1849. After that time the old concern was dissolved, and Mr. Gunn devoted his attention to private business. He has proven successful in all of Jiis ventures, and has acquired a comfortable es- tate by the exercise of that persistency of pur- pose, energy and integrity of character which is the only basis upon which a substantial and lasting success can be established. Mr. Gunn has been a director of the Hones- dale National Bank since 1844, and has always taken great interest in that institution. Ever since he located in Honesdale he has been a consistent member of Grace Episcopal Church, -was a member of the building committee on the erection of the present church edifice, in 1853, to which he subscribed liberally, and for thirty- eight years has represented the church in the Diocesan Conventions of. Pennsylvania, which met at various places. He was a warm sup- porter of the war for the preservation of the Union, assisted actively in the enrollment and fitting out of the various companies raised in Wayne County, and accompanied the first com- pany to Harrisburg. He spent three days upon the battle-field at Gettysburg, picking up and car- ing for the (lead and wounded and assisting in alleviating the sufferings of those who fell in their country's cause. After the close of the war himself and his wife were among the most active of those through whose patriotism and energy the beautiful monument, which now stands in the public park, was erected to the memory of those who had proven in their deaths the truth and beauty of that saying of Horace, dulce et decore est pro pakria mori, — it is a sweet and becoming thing to die for one's country. Mr. Gunn married, February 25, 1835, Ach- sah Melissa, daughter of Rev. Whiting Gris- wold, who died while pastor of the Presbyter- ian Church at Hartwicke, Otsego County, N. Y. His widow, whose maiden-name was Achsah Tyler, of Harford, Susquehanna County, Pa., subsequently became the wife of Major Jason Torrey, of Wayne County, and the mother of two sons — James, a young man of more than ordi- nary promise, who died at the age of sixteen, and Rev. David Torrey, D.D., a well-known native of Wayne County, resident at Casenovia, N. Y. Peter J. Cole, the present proprietor of the Honesdale Mills, is a grandson of Peter Cole, a native of Sussex County, N. J., where the Cole family has been prominently repre- sented since an early period. In 1813 he re- moved to Wayne County, Pa., where he took up government lands, to which he subsequently added by purchase, until he had acquired about one hundred and thirty acres. He was one of the pioneers of the county and a man of indus- trious habits and good character. He married a lady by the name of Schoonover, and had two children, — Josiah, an only son, and a daughter, who married Charles Kimble, formerly of WAYNE COUNTY. Wayne County, and who removed to Michigan in 1836, where her descendants still reside. Josiah Cole was sixteen years of age at the time of his father's settlement in Wayne County, and was a valuable aid to him in his pioneer enterprises. Upon the death of his father he succeeded to the ancestral glebes and spent his life in agricultural labor. He was an influential and useful man and occupied various township offices in Texas township, where the I in Texas township, Wayne County, Pa., Feb- ruary 14, 1827. He was reared upon the farm, attending the district schools during the winter season, and subsequently completed his education at the University of Northern Penn- sylvania, Bethany, Wayne County. From 1844 until 1853 he taught district school in the win- ter. After his marriage (in March, 1852) the family tract was divided between his brother and himself, and he engaged in farming until family seat was established. He married Char- lotte Brown and had four children, — Eliza A., who became the wife of Reynolds Cole, for- merly of Sussex, but later of Wayne County, a civil engineer on the Delaware and Hudson Canal ; Eleanor S., who married Charles H. Peck, of Preston township ; Peter J., the sub- ject of this sketch; and Lewis K., who was wounded at Fort Fisher during the late war and died in Wilmington Hospital. Peter J. Cole was born on the old homestead, 1864, when he removed to Honesdale, the county-seat, and operated the large flouring- mill at that place for Edwin F. Torrey. He continued in this relation until 1876, when he bought the stock and good- will of the concern, and has since operated the mill on his own ac- count. It is calculated to do both merchant and custom-work, and, under Mr. Cole's man- agement, has enjoyed a wide reputation. The latter is recognized as one of the successful business men of Honesdale, and is a man of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. character and influence. He has long been an active and useful member of the Honesdale Baptist Church, assisted in the erection of the present house of worship, and lias been a mem- ber of the board of trustees and a deacon of the church for many years. His first wife, whom he married in March, 1852, was Mary E., daughter of Rev. C. C. Williams, at that time pastor of the Baptist Church of Honesdale, of whom was born Mary E., wife of Herbert E. Gager, of Lebanon township. His first wife died Janu- ary 9, 1853. On November 9th of the same year he married Rebecca, daughter of John H. Brown, of Darby township, Delaware County, Pa., by whom he had five children, all of whom are living, — viz., Frank E., who is with Bab- bitt & Co., soap manufacturers, of New York ; Henry W., engaged in the milling business with his father ; Anna A., Nettie J. and Bertha A. Cole, residing at home. The Honesdale Iron Works were started in 1841 by Gilbert Knapp as a foundry and machine-shop. He took into partnership his brother-in-law, Andrew J. Bowers, and after a short time sold his own interest to Zara Ar- nold. The works were burned, but subsequent- ly rebuilt, and in 1847 passed into possession of Knapp, Bowers A: Neal. James F. Knapp af- terwards bought the property, and took into partnership Thomas Charlesworth, the firm- name being Knapp & Charlesworth. They carried on the works up to 1876, when they failed and Gilbert Knapp again became their proprietor and operated them until 1883, when he sold out to M. B. Allen, the present owner. William Skelton carried on a machine-shop and foundry for a short time subsequent to 1860. M. F. Van Kirk's Stick Factory, in which are manufactured umbrella and parasol sticks, cigar boxes, etc., has been carried on by him since 1856. The business has been in ex- istence in Honesdale since 1832, its pioneer having been L. T. Presscott, who was followed by Captain Emory Presscott and one Phillips, who brought it down to Van Kirk's time. Breweries. — Krantz's, or the " upper brew- ery" was started in 1853 by George Burkhart. After passing through the hands of numerous persons it became, in 1868, the property of August Hartung and Peter Krantz. Up to this time the brewery had been a small affair, but the new proprietors made extensive im- provements in 1869, 1872 and 1874. The part- nership was dissolved January 1, 1883, Mr. Hartung becoming sole proprietor. A year later Peter Krantz bought the stock, and renting the buildings, operated the brewery on his own account. He produces about five thousand barrels of beer per annum and also brews ale in considerable quantity. The brew- ery is run by steam-power and contains all of the best modern appliances and apparatus. John Guckenberger's brewery, known as the "lower brewery," was bought by him in 1883. It was started in 1857 by John Heinicke and eight or ten years later sold to Jacob Lauer, who carried it on for many years and erected the present brick structure. Mr. Guckenberger has made many improvements since taking pos- session of the property and now, with steam- power applied in the most improved ways, the brewery has an output of five thousand barrels of beer and two thousand of ale per year. Diim.axi), Torrey & Co.'s Boot and Shoe FACTORY is one of the most extensive and prosperous manufacturing establishments of the borough. It was started in 1868 by Colonel Coe F. Durland and Robert N. Torrey, over the present stores of W. B. Holmes and \V. H. Krantz. In 1872 Andrew Thompson became a partner, and the firm moved into its present quarters, a building erected by Mr. Torrey, at the coiner of Front and Tenth Streets. This building is three stories in height, and fifty by ninety feet. The specialties of manufacture are men's, boys' and youths' kip and calf boots, and women's, misses' and children's oil grain calf and kip shoes. The firm also carries a line of fine goods for the jobbing trade. About seventy-five hands are employed, and the value of the manufacture is not far from three hun- dred thousand dollars per year. The goods find a market all the way from New York to Oregon. Glass-Cutting ;. — An interesting industry is the manufacture of rich cut-glass, which has been carried on by T. B. Clarke, of Meriden, WAYNE COUNTY. 36i» Conn., since March, 1884. He employs about forty men. The process is exactly like that in vogue at Dorflinger's White Mills Works, of which a full description appears in the chapter upon Texas township. Glass decorating is carried on here also by N. A. Ray & Co., who established themselves in this business in 1885. Furniture was first made in the borough in 1829 by Alanson Blood, an old-time " cabinet- His successor was Lorenzo Grambs (of whom we give a sketch). Mr. Grambs, or Judge < irambs, as he is now commonly known, came to Houesdale in 1851, and worked a few months for Conger, and the latter then retiring, Grambs started in business for himself where Menner's store now is. He began in a small way, and gradually worked up to the management of a large and lucrative business. From 1860 to 1879 he manufactured and dealt heavily, em- ~7~ ^^> -*-*— -r^&isi) maker," of whom mention is made elsewhere. He continued at his trade until recent years. John Brown engaged in the business in 1850, and removed into the building now occupied by him, in 1869. John Loercher and Moore & Rittenhaus have also been engaged in this trade. Manufacture of Cigars and T< >ba< ;c< ». — The pioneer in this line of manufacture was John N. Conger, who began some time between 1835 and 1840. ploying fifteen or twenty men in the former line. Quite recently he retired, placing his business in the hands of his sons. His son George, in company with A. Eber- hardt, established the cigar manufactory now successfully carried on by the latter alone. Lorenzo Grambs was born at Fischbach, Bavaria, January 28, 1825. His parents were John and Margaretta Grambs, who emigrated to this country in 1839, with their three sons, — Frederick, who subsecpiently died in California ; 370 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Lorenzo, the subject of this sketch ; and George, who resides in Scranton, Pa. The father was by trade an architect, and soon after landing in this country located at Rondout, N. Y., where he followed his vocation. In 1 840 he resided in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and later in Rochester and New York City. In 1848 he purchased a farm in Sullivan County, N. Y., which he tilled for a number of years, anil finally removed to Honesdale, Wayne County Pa., where he diedinl879. Lorenzo Grambs was fourteen years of age at the time of the family emigration to this country. He had already received an excellent common- school education in his native land, and being in poor circumstances at the time of his arrival in America, he was obliged to enter upon the performance of the ordinary duties of life at once. His first month's work was in driving on the tow-path of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, between Rondout and Hones- dale. In 1840 he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a shoemaker, but not finding the occupa- tion congenial, continued at it only one year. He then went to Rochester, where he labored at brick-laying and masonry, and then to New York City, where he learned the trade of a cigar-maker, and worked as a journeyman for three years. In 1846 he was married, and established business for himself in Delancey Street, New York. Here he remained until 1849, when, at the breaking out of the gold- fever that year, he sailed for California around Cape Horn. By an accident on ship-board his leg was broken, and he was confined two months in California, but later proceeded to the gold-mines, where he worked until 1851. Hav- ing acquired about two thousand dollars' worth of gold-dust, he located in Honesdale, Pa., on May 1, 1851, and for a year worked at his trade as a journeyman for John N. Conger, of that place. He then started in business for himself, and has since successfully engaged in the manufacture of cigars and the sale of tobacco and cigars at that place. The firm, as at present constituted, consists of Judge Grambs and his son Edward G., and is known as L. Grambs & Co. During the period that Judge Grambs has resided in Honesdale he has been closely iden- tified with the growth of the place, and held various positions of trust and responsibility. On August 5, 1859, he was commissioned, by the Governor, inspector of the Second Brigade, Tenth Division Uniformed Militia of Susque- hanna and Wayne Counties, with the rank of major. In 18G2 he was elected treasurer of Wayne County, and filled that office for two years. He has also served as chief burgess of Honesdale, as a member of the Town Council and treasurer of the borough. He was elected in 1882 associate judge of W r ayne County, and duly commissioned by Governor Hoyt on December 13th of that year, for five years from January, 1883. He also resigned, however, in June, 1884, and was succeeded by Judge Strong, of Starrucca. He was one of the organizers of the Wayne County Savings Bank in 1871, and has since served on the board of directors of that institution. He has also been prominently connected with the cause of Odd-Fellowship in Wayne County, and is a past-officer of that order. In 1873 he visited the old country accompanied by Thomas J. Ham, of the Hones- dale Herald. He has always been interested in church-work, and for twenty years was con- nected with the German Lutheran denomina- tion of Christians, but is at present a regular attendant of the Presbyterian Church. Judge Grambs was married, June 30, 1846, in New York City, to Kunigunda Rech, daughter of Adam Rech, a native of Unterlang- enstadt, Bavaria, and has had a family of eigh- teen children, of whom twelve are now living, viz. : Sophie D., Bertha M. (who married William H. Krantz, of Honesdale), George J. (who lives at Honey Brook, Pa.), Henry W. (who resides in Dakota), Tilly M., William J. (connected with the United States Geological Survey), Edward G. (of L. Grambs & Co.), Lorenzo O., Frank G., August B. (in his father's store), B. Louis and Albert A. Grambs. Boat Building in Honesdale and Wayne County. 1 — Although the grass grows luxuriantly in most of the boat-yards on the line of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Corn- By William H. Ham. WAYNE COUNTY. pany, the time was when they were the busiest spots in our county. Owing to the practice of the company latterly to build their owu boats at Rondout, N. Y., the ship-caulkers' occupation hereabouts is nearly gone, and from being as at present, a lost industry, it will soon become a lost art. The building of the canal (1825 to 1828) called for a large number of laborers and mechanics, and its effect in stimulating all branches of business, directly and indirectly, extended far beyond the strip of canal from Honesdale to Pike County on the line of the Lackawaxen. Its western terminus being located, a town necessarily grew up about it, which was ap- propriately named in honor of the president of the corporation to which it owed its existence, and we understand that a mutual admiration between Philip Hone and his namesake, Hones- dale, was ever kept up. The canal was first opened in 1828, and was intended to hold four and one-half feet in depth of water ; but, owing to the nature of the ground in many places and weakness of the banks in others, it was found impossible to realize these expectations, and consequently the few boats used that year in bringing up supplies of iron, engines and the like, and to carry back coal, were with great difficulty poled, pushed and pulled up and down with cargoes of from ten to twenty tons each. The one hundred and eight locks on the line of the canal were made at first seventy-five feet long and nine feet wide. As the canal was soon strengthened and deep- ened to five and a half feet, boats were built carrying fifty tons. During the years 1848 to 1853 the locks were enlarged to one hundred feet in length and fifteen feet in width and the depth of water made six feet, admitting boats of one hundred and fifty tons burden. The number of boats required to do the trans- portation upon the canal grew rapidly as the mining facilities increased. In 1829 a dozen of the little tubs were sufficient to carry off the seven thousand tons of coal delivered at Hones- dale, but the next year six times the number were in use, and in 1833 three hundred boats worked hard to get away with one hundred and eleven thousand tons. In 1834, owing, per- haps, to the business check given by the cholera in 1832 to all industries, the transportation dropped down to forty-three thousand tons, the same amount as in 1830. The lost ground was more than recovered, however, by 1837, when the financial panic sent the figures down to seventy-eight thousand tons in 1838. Since then the tonnage has mounted steadily upwards, the production of the Lackawanna coal being in 1840 one hundred and forty-eight thousand tons ; in 1845, two hundred and seventy-three thousand tons ; 1850, four hundred and thirty- two thousand tons; and 1855, five hundred and sixty-five thousand tons. From 1855 to 1860 was another depressed period, and the produc- tion remained about stationary, 1860 showing but five hundred thousand tons. In 1850 the Pennsylvania Coal Company began transporting their coal from the mines at Pittston to Haw- ley, where their own boats received it and carried it down the canal to tide- water, averaging year by year about the same number of tons as the Dela- ware and Hudson. Since 1860 the business has steadily grown until the gross tonnage often crowds closely upon two millions of tons. The small or fifty-ton boats generally were built for from four hundred to five hundred dollars each. The one hundred and twenty-five ton scows, or " lemon squeezers," built in two parts and hinged in the middle, were worth about one thousand dollars, while the boats of the same capacity, which were decked over so as to go upon the Hudson River, brought from fourteen hundred up to eighteen hundred dollars, as the price of gold fluctuated up and down from 1862 to 1870. The boat-builders of the early days had no easy life of it. They worked from sunrise to sunset up to 1848, when the ten-hour system was adopted, and often the emergencies of the business would require, during the repairing season, the use of lanterns before day and after nightfall. Your boatman having two horses to feed, wages running on and his larder to supply, wants to keep his boat in motion every possible moment ; consequently, he is always in a hurry to have his repairs completed. In former times, and, indeed, down to within ten years past, the boat-builders were pretty sure of steady work WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. at good wages, building new boats in the win- ter and repairing old ones in the summer, but of late, as stated, the new work being done at Rondout, the workmen have nothing to do win- ters and consequently drift off into other occu- pations, where they remain. When the canal was young, saw-mills were few and far between and were generally such little, short-waisted concerns, that the builders preferred sending out into the woods hereabouts for long oak logs, which were brought into the boat-yards, raised by a windlass upon high benches or " horses" and then sawn into the re- quired planks by two men with a whip-saw, one standing upon the log and the other upon the ground. The limbs of the oaks furnished the "knees" or "crooks" and the little saw- mills furnished the scantling. The frame or skeleton was erected on the keel and the planking spiked on; then came the bracing, knee-fitting, bolting, caulking, cabin and paint, and the vessel was launched upon sliding ways into the canal, the occasion generally draw- ing a crowd of people to witness the event. Good boat-yard sites are not common, as there must be a space fairly level upon which to build new boats. Near enough to the canal for launching, and connected with it, must be a place where a dry-dock can be built so as to be filled with water from the canal, allowing a boat to float into it when full and also permit- ting, when the gates are closed, the egress of the water under or away from the canal, leav- ing the boat high and dry upon the stocks, where the workmen can get at it for repairs. AVhen the business was flourishing such sites were held at high prices ; now they are but a burden and a care. A boat-yard " gang" was generally limited to about the number that could find steady work at repairing during the summer. In the winter months they built as many new boats as they could, or were able to contract for, which num- ber was generally from three to six. Ship-building and boat-building requires the same kind of skill ; in fact, the sharper turns and bends upon the latter are more difficult to man- age than the long lines of the ship. Naturally, when the canal was first opened and boats were required, the ship-carpenters from New York and other seaports sought opportunities upon it, and in general they became the first owners of the boat-yards. The first that came to Hones- dale was a man by the name of Rowland. He was followed in 1830 by a Mr. Silkworth, who built boats, and Mr. James Pinkuey, who re- paired them, but who afterward purchased Mr. Silkworth's interest and continued the whole business for many years. His dry-dock was located on the same spot now occupied by the Delaware and Hudson dry-dock, at the lower end of the basin. There being but little room for building at that point, the new boats were put up at the lower end of Main Street and were launched into the river. Mr. Pinkney also had a dry-dock at Leonardsville, a mile be- low Honesdale. The late Thomas Ham enter- ed Mr. Pinkney's employ in 1833, and the late William Turner a few years later. Mr. Pink- ney losing his health in 1841, his business was conducted by Mr. Ham in one of the yards and by Mr. Turner in the other. In 1842 Mr. Horace Tracy took the " basin" dock, and Mr. Turner acted as his foreman until 1848, when the dock was leased to him until about 1870. Mr. Turner's foreman for many years was Mr. William Pragnell, whose father built some of the first boats used on the canal in Rondout, in 1828 or 1829. Mr. Pragnell leased the new dock opposite Fourth Street when that point was made the lower end of the basin, but when the lock and dock was changed to its present site it was leased to Hoyt & Bishop, after- ward to Bishop & Haley, and latterly to S. B. Haley. In 1843, Thomas Ham built a way- dock, or slides, in the Lackawaxen, near the Guard Lock, some of the old timbers being yet discernible, where he continued the business until 1862, when he sold the property to Wil- liam H. Ham, his son, who also became the purchaser of the flat adjoining and upon which he built the dry-dock opposite Kimble's mill. Up to 1863 all the work, such as getting planks to proper width and thickness, planing the edges to proper bevel, dressing knees, drilling iron and the like, had been done by hand. The high price and scarcity of labor, however, and the greatly increased demand for boats during WAYNE COUNTY. 373 the war, induced Mr. W. H. Ham to avail him- self of the water-power upon the premises. He put up a mill alongside the grist-mill, twenty-four by one hundred and twenty feet, running a railroad from the yard through its centre, and, with the aid of heavy planers, saws, drills and the like, was enabled to turn out greatly increased quantities of work, reaching in 1868-139 sixty-odd boats for the year, suf- ficient in number to nearly fill the present basin, and which, if placed in line, would extend more than a mile in length. Since then the same, or a similar system has been adopted in the com- pany's yard, at Rondout, where they now turn out about forty boats per year, being about equal to the present requirements of their busi- ness. Mr. Andrew Coar now occupies the dry-dock, but the flat that once was covered with boats in process of erection has been used for years as a base-ball ground. Mr. Christopher C. Lam, who graduated from Mr. Turner's yard, purchased the dock at Leonardsville and for many years carried on a successful business in building and repairing, but he, like the rest, has grown weary watch- ing his lonely dock, and has moved himself and family into more cheerful quarters in Honesdale. The Pennsylvania Coal Company had the most of their boats built off from the line of the canal, mostly on the Susquehanna at Lewis- burgh and Northumberland, but they have gen- erally managed to keep Mr. Levi Barker pretty steadily employed for the past thirty years on their docks at Hawley. Mr. Jno. Baisden, a couple of miles below Hawley, has also contrib- uted a fair share of the boats to the canal. It may well be believed that the building of three thousand boats in the past forty years at a cost of nearly five millions of dollars, the lumber for which was largely taken from Wayne and Pike Counties, added much to the prosperity of this section, as it necessitated quite au army of mechanics, woodsmen, sawyers, teamsters, blacksmiths, wagon-makers, harness- makers, boarding-house-keepers, tailors, mer- chant? and the like to do the work. The in- dustry may return to us some day, for the con- ditions for building boats are, as ever, better here than elsewhere upon the line of the canal. The lumber, the mills, the docks are still here, and the boats, when built, are close by the cargo they are to take away. Thomas Ham, who was long and prominent- ly identified with this business, was born at Limsworthy, Kilkhampton parish, Cornwall, England, on the 25th day of December (Christ- mas day), 1805, and died at his farm residence at Seelyville, near Honesdale, February 21, 1886. His parents, William and Ann Ham, were respectable farmers, the maiden-name of his mother being Ann Barrett. Other fami- lies with which he was closely allied by blood and marriage were Greenway, Rogers, Lyle, Yeo and others of local prominence, the record of whose long and honorable residence in Cornwall is written on hundreds of tombstones in Kilkhampton and Launcells. At an early age the subject of this sketch was apprenticed to learn the business of carpenter and cooper with a relative, Mr. Philip Green- way, of Kilkhampton. He patiently served a term of seven years, at the end of which time, being a thoroughly competent workman, he purchased the business at Butsper, then carried on by the late John Upright, who died some years since at Bethany, in this county. On the 5th of May, 1830, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Bellamy, daughter of Humphrey and Grace Bellamy, of Jacobstown parish. The ceremony was performed in the beautiful church in Kilkhampton, where he had been christened, and the baptism of the young pair's first child, the late Mrs. John E. Dudley, born June 26, 1831, was solemnized at the font of Launcells Church, in the adjoining parish. About this time an emigration fever broke out in Cornwall, and many of Mr. Hani's friends and acquaintances left their homes to seek their fortunes in America. Several of them located in and near Honesdale. In June, 1832, Mr. Ham joined the tide, sailing in a packet ship from Plymouth with his wife and child, and accompanied by several members of his wife's family. Landing in New York in Au- gust, in the very height of the cholera epidemic I of that year, they hastened into the country, 374 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. reaching Honesdale via the Hudson River to Rondout and thence up the Delaware and Hud- son Canal. Soon after his arrival Mr. Ham was employed by Bentley, Humphreys & Ber- ger, building contractors, to erect a mill for Nathan Skinner, at Cocheeton Falls, on the Delaware, a short distance below Miknville. He spent the winter of 1832-33 in that work, returning- to Honesdale in the spring of 1833, where lie first found employment in the turning factory of the late Amory Prescott, and soon afterward as a carpenter on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, under the late Judge Phineas Arnold and his brother David. He remained in the company's employ for three years. In the mean time Messrs. Pinckney & Rowland had established boat-yards and dry-docks in Hones- dale, and in 1836, after having had a little ex- perience in the yards of Silkworth A- Bloomer, he accepted a situation under Mr. James Pinck- ney, a thoroughly competent ship-carpenter. About 1842 Mr. Ham and the late William Turner commenced building boats fur Mr. Pinckney by contract, which association was kept up until some time in 1843, when Mr. Ham rented what was known as the Leonards- ville Dock, now owned by C. C.Lane. Two years later he built a dock for himself on the bank of the Lackawaxen, directly opposite the foot of Main Street, and for many years carried on a large and fairly remunerative business, be- ing finally succeeded, in 1862, by his son, W. H. Ham. About 1855, in company with Mr. Turner, he bought the well-known Kimble Mill property, including all of the land lying between the plank-road and the river and canal, from the covered bridge to a point some distance below the mill. The mill was thoroughly over- hauled and fitted up with improved machinery, and under the charge of Hon. Thos. E. Grier, now of Pittston, did for some years a very profitable business. Mr. Ham ami Mr. Turner were both individually largely engaged in boat- building and repairing during this time, and in 1856 they opened a wholesale and retail Hour, provision and grocery-store on lower Main Street, which was a fairly successful venture. This branch of his business having been aban- doned in 1859, Mr. Ham devoted himself to, and for the most part has lived on, his farm situate near Seelyville and purchased by him shortly after he arrived iu this country. L T p to 1864, however, with the exception of two or three years, his residence was continuously in Honesdale. In 1834, while working for the company, he purchased a lot on Fourth Street, and as indicative of his natural energy of char- acter and versatility in mechanical gifts, it may lie recalled that he dug the cellar for his house with his own hands, hewed the timber for the frame, made the lath and shingles and built and plastered the dwelling from cellar to garret. In that house his sons William H. and Thomas J. were born. He subsequently sold the place to Thomas Kellow and bought himself a lot adjoin- ing that occupied by Mr. Pinckney, near the covered bridge, where he erected the cottage which was the home of the family for more than a quarter of a century, aud where his younger sons, — ( lharles W. (who died in child- hood), Robert W. (of the firm of G. White ct Co.) and Frank A. — were born, and where his wife died, universally beloved and mourned, on the loth day of March, 1867. In politics Mr. Ham was an active and un- compromising Democrat. He never had a desire for office, but took the keenest personal interest in the promotion of his friends. From time to time he filled some important local positions, such as member of the Town Council, burgess, etc., always discharging the duties faithfully and satisfactorily. He was repeatedly elected a dele- gate to county conventions, and in all ways open tohitu sought to advance the interests of the party to which he had allied himself. Mr. Ham's continuous residence in Hones- dale for fifty-three years justly entitles him to a place in these records, not only as one of the pioneers of the borough, but as one whose active and honorable business career, covering nearly the whole period of the town's existence, could not fail to leave a beneficial impress upon the material interests of its people. Charles Forbes (who was the father of Mrs. Zenas H. Russell) had the honor of being the first keeper of a public-house in Honesdale. He WAYNE COUNTY. 375 came to the infant village in 1827 with his family, and became landlord of what is now the Wayne County House, and remained in that capacity until a short time previous to 1840. His successor was Henry Wright, but he was superseded in 1841 by Aaron Green. C. M. Wise was landlord in 1842, and N. Hill in 1844. In the following year Henry Dart took the house and he carried it on in an admirable manner for quite a term of years. Others who presided over the fortunes of the hotel were Foster & Seely, Hazelton, D. ( >. Jones, William H. Cushman, Messrs. Eldrcd, Skeels, Braman, Henry Brown and E. Reed. John Brown became the owner of the property in 1859. Messrs. E. Reed and Henry Ball became the landlords in 1865, and the latter has for several years conducted the old hotel alone in a manner which extensive patronage indicates is approved. The Mansion House, which stood where Petersen's store now is, was the second hotel. It had various landlords, among them Thomas L. Reese and Major Eliakim Field, who was a very popular Boniface and widely known. David Abel purchased the property of Field in July, 1846, and not long afterwards the house was destroyed by fire. The Union Hotel for many years occupied the site of Liberty Hall building. It was called, for a number of years, the Jakway House, after its landlord, Myron Jakway. Among its earlier hosts were A. J. Stryker, Henry Green, Mr. Crawford and Jerome 15. Case; and, after Jakway's time, which expired in 1858 or 1859, William J. Fuller was for a short time landlord. Miles L. Tracy became the owner of the property about that time, and erected upon the advantageous site Liberty Hall. The Sliter House occupies an old hotel site. The original house upon that ground was a small tavern, built by Captain Hiram Plum about 1835. Its best known early landlord was Augustus Sacket, by whose name the house was generally known. Others in succession were Mr. Murray, Joseph Barton, of Way- mart, and Patrick Burns. Thomas Coyne fin- ally became the owner and landlord, and was succeeded by his son Michael, who erected the present brick building in 1876. W. J. Sliter, whose name the house now bears, became proprietor in 1883. The Kiple House, once well known, but now a thing of the past, was built by Robert W. Kiple in 1862. It was, several years since, bought by M. B. Allen and eon verted into stores. The Allen EOUSE, the chief place of enter- tainment for the " wayfarer and the stranger," in the borough, was built by the late popular Samuel Allen — a prince of landlords — in 1857, and opened withagreat reception in June, 1858. The building is substantial, spaeious ami con- veniently arranged. In 1862 Mr. Allen asso- ciated with himself in the management of the house his son, M. B. Allen, who afterwards took the house under a lease. Samuel Allen, however, was again the landlord from 1873 until his death, in 1875, after which M. B. and W. R. Allen became joint managers of the house. In 1878 M. 15. Allen bought the entire property. He has since been the landlord and a popular and progressive one, too. He built an addition to the house in 1881, and has introduced many improvements. Tin; National House was built in 1868 by William Weaver, who was its landlord until his death, in 1873. It was then kept for a time by his widow, and latterly has been car- ried on by his sons, John H. and Otto Weaver. [rving Cliff Hotel. — The eligibility of Irving Cliff as a site for a summer hotel had entered many minds in the past few years, and often been casually spoken of, but it remained for William H. Dimmick, Esq., to carry into practical execution the project which others had only dreamed of. The large, handsome, sub- stantial structure which, from its vantage- ground, over three hundred feet of sheer ascent above the waters of the Lackawaxen, now over- looks the beautiful borough and a vast expanse of the fields and "hills of Wayne," is the re- sult, for the most part, of his enterprise and energy. The huge building was commenced iu August, 1884, and completed almost exactly a year later. In April, 1885, a stock company was organized to assume ownership of the pro])- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. erty. This company, incorporated under the laws of the State, consists of George G. Waller (president), Elias Stanton, William W. Weston, Robert J. Menner, August Hartung, William H. Dimmick, William G. Schenck (New York City), H. Z. Russell (treasurer), and Homer Greene (secretary.) The Irving Cliff Hotel and lands adjacent is now in the control of this cor- poration, which will, doubtless, after overcom- ing some difficulties, put the house into the suc- cessful operation which its excellent situation and ample accommodations warrant the antici- pation of. Gas Works. — The Honesdale Gas Com- pany was chartered May 17, 1854, the corpora- tors being Richard L. Seely, Henry Dart, E. W. Hamlin, F. M. Crane, F. B. Penniman, H. B. Beardslee, R. M. Grenell, T. H. R. Tracy, R. F. Lord, James R. Dickson, Win. H. Dim- mick, Isaiah Snyder, William Crane and H. B. Hamlin. 'At a meeting on June 26th, at Jak- way's Hotel, F. M. Crane, Esq., was elected president ; James R. Dickson, treasurer ; and F. B. Penniman, secretary. The stock of the company, amounting to thirty thousand dollars, was taken by R. F. Lord, T. H. R, Tracy, F. M. Crane, W. H. Dimmick, S. E. Dimmick, Charles P. Waller, G. G. Waller, Coe F. Young, Richard L. Seely, John Torrey, James R. Dickson and Francis B. Penniman. On the 12th of May, 1855, the company concluded a contract with S. R. Dickson & Co., of Schuyl- kill County, for the construction of gas works at a cost of thirty thousand dollars, to be com- pleted by December. The contract was sub- stantially carried out, and the company oper- ated the works until 1881, when they were leased to A. O. Granger & Co., of Philadelphia, who have since supplied what is termed water gas. Private gas works were built by John Torrey before the public works were commenced, and he successfully lighted his house and office for about three years, but the works were burned in L858. Water Supply. — Honesdale's water supply is from the Glass- Factory Pond and the First and Second Ponds in Dyberry. The first movement towards the introduction of water was made in 1850, when an act was passed incorporating a company for that purpose, consisting of the leading citizens of the place. The movement was not at once successful, but finally the project was realized and a supply of good, pure water brought into town. The pipe system has been gradually extended until it ramifies pretty thoroughly through the thickly-settled part of the borough. The stock of the com- pany is now almost entirely owned in Wilkes- Barre by one or two individuals. The Teleuraph was first introduced to Honesdale, in 1842, by Ezra Cornell, who ran a single line of wire from Montrose to Carbon- dale, thence to this borough and on to Nar- rowsburg. In 18(31 Honesdale was put in telegraphic communication with Scranton via Carbondale. In 18(32 Charles Petersen ran the first wire owned by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company — an experimental line from Hones- dale to Lackawaxen — obtaining permission from the superintendent, R. F. Lord. It proved successful, and its great value being immediately recognized, it was quickly extended to Rondout, on the Hudson, and then west to Carbondale. Mr. Petersen has been superintendent of the company's lines ever since. THE PRESS. WITH SOME ACCOVNT OF WRITERS IN HONESDALE AND ELSE- WHERE IN THE C'Ol'NTY. Damascus, the scene of the earliest organized settlement in Wayne County, was also the lo- cality in which the first printing-press was set up, but there is no logical connection between these facts. Probably no particular reason other than its easy accessibility influenced the proprie- tor of the pioneer printing-press to locate it in Damascus. He was one Daniel A. Wilson, who came from Dutchess County, N: Y., as early as the spring of 1811. Doubtless he intended to publish a newspaper, but he did not do so and his intention is only attested by traditional in- formation that he issued a prospectus for one and printed a half-sheet specimen to accompany it, in 1811. It was to be called The Organ of the Woods, had it ever become an entity, and the fact that it did not is undoubtedly to be at- WAYNE COUNTY. 377 tributed to lack of sufficient patronage by the few scattered and poor settlers of the region. Wilson's printing-office was near the ferry, where is now the Cochecton bridge. It was primitive and meagrely supplied with type and the appliances of the art, and still the proprie- tor was able to secure and execute some work, for it is known that in October, 1811, he was employed by the county officers to print for them two hundred and fifty treasurers' deeds, fifty blank bonds and five hundred jurors' sum- mons. His press was of the kind known t<> old printers as the " Ramage," one of the best of the early varieties of hand-presses. It had two wooden posts about two or two and a half feet apart, connected near the top by a strong wooden beam, to which was secured the iron nut (or cylinder screw) for the thread of a strong iron screw to work in perpendicularly. The lower end of this screw was attached to the " platen," which presses the paper upon the type when printing, and the swinging of the hand- lever, attached to the screw thus raised or dropped the platen at pleasure. Ink was ap- plied to the type by hand, with buckskin balls stuffed with wool and secured to wooden handles. In the latter part of the winter of 1811-12 Wilson engaged David Wilder, of Bethany, to transport the press and the type and appurte- nances of the office to the county-seat. Asa Stanton, then a boy and living with his parents in Bethany, assisted in the removal and informed Mr. John Torrey that the whole establishment was transported from Damascus to its new loca- tion on pack-horses. ■ It is clearly ascertained that in March, 1812, the printing establishment of Mr. Wilson was in Bethany, with Increase Hinshaw as printer, and occupied a small building erected for a shoe-shop, which stood where the Dr. Roosa building now stands. Soon after its removal to Bethany it became the property of Jason Torrey and Solomon Moore, who were mer- chants. On the 14th of March, 1814, Torrey & Moore dissolved partnership, and in their agreement of dissolution it was stipulated that the " printing-office " should be taken by Mr. Moore. The first newspaper in Wayne County — The Wayne County Mirror — was issued here in Bethany, the then busy, flourishing county-seat, on the 7th of March, 1818. The printing es- tablishment about the first of the year had passed into the ownership of James Manning. He associated with himself a partner, for the paper appeared as owned and edited by Man- ning & Leonard Loomis, and was printed by Increase Hinshaw, in their employ. The Mirror was printed on good paper and was made up of four columns to the page without head or col- umn rules. It was a folio, about one-quarter the size of the present Wayne County Herald, but its price was fully as large as that of the more ample publications of to-day — "$2.00 per annum, exclusive of postage, payable in advance." The first issue set forth, in addition to the foregoing, the following information for patrons : "Advertisements not exceeding one square inserted three times for a dollar; every after continuation twenty-five cents ; larger ones in proportion. " No paper will be discontinued until arrearages are paid up. " Letters to the editors must be post paid." Mr. Loomis withdrew before the close of the first volume, and the paper was continued by J. Manning. The length of time he continued its publication is not ascertained, but it evidently did not continue longer than the year 1821 ; for in the summer of 1822 the citizens of Bethany decided to try again to publish and maintain a weekly paper in Bethany. An as- sociation was formed for the purpose, and John K. Woodward, Ephraim Torrey, Jr., and Jacob S. Davis, were made a committee, or managers of the association, to edit and arrange for the publication of such a paper, to be called the Republican Advocate. The old press and types were procured from J. Manning, and William Sasman, a young, thoroughly-trained printer, who had recently completed his apprenticeship in Philadelphia, and whose parents had removed from Philadel- phia, and then resided in Dyberry, was engaged to do the printing. The Advocate was a folio sheet (four pages), the printed surface on each page being ten and one-half by seventeen and 378 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. one-half inches The first number was issued on the first Friday in December, 1822, At the end of the first year Jacob S. Davis purchased the press and types, and he and W. Sasman continued the publication of the Re- publican Advocate. For how many years it was thus continued has not been ascertained ; but the printing-office having been removed to a room in Mr. Davis' house, and a large ad- dition made to the assortment of type, Davis & Sasman continued to do "job printing" until November, 1829. On the 29th of No- vember, 1829 (which, if the Advocate was thus long continued, was the close of its seventh volume), Mr. Davis sold out the printing es- tablishment and all its appurtenances to Mr. Sasman for six hundred dollars. Mr. Sasman immediately made arrangements for the publication, in Bethany, of a weekly paper to be called the Wayne Inquirer. The first number was issued on the 12th of January, 1830, the size of tin' printed page being ten and one-half by seventeen inches. In the sec- ond volume the size was increased toeleven and one-half by seventeen inches. The Enquirer was thus published by Mr. Sasman a little more than three years, or until about March, 1833, when Sasman sold out the Enquirer to Peter C. Ward and Asa G. Dimock, who had a few mouths previously commenced the publication in Honesdale of the Wayne County Herald, soon to bespoken of at length. The old ' ■ llamage press" subsequently lie- came the property of Paul S. Preston, but the time when he purchased it is not ascertained. In September, 1834, it was in Bethany, and Earl Wheeler then proposed to publish a weekly newspaper there, the first number of which was to be issued in the last week in September. In politics his paper was to " oppose executive usurpation." He did not obtain sufficient as- surances of support to warrant its publication. The Wayne County Herald came into ex- istence in 1832, and it is therefore the oldest newspaper in the county. The frequent changes in its name, style, ownership and editorship and its vicissitudes of fortune during the early period of its career make a marked contrast with the long continued proprietorship and even prosperity and unwavering policy of its later years. In the summer of 1832, as will appear by a glance at the foregoing matter of this chapter, the only newspaper published in the county was the Wayne Inquirer, a Democratic journal, printed at Bethany, by Wm. Sasman. During that summer Peter C. Ward, formerly of New Milford, Susquehanna County, but then a resi- dent of Honesdale, arranged with Asa G. Dimock, of Montrose, a practical printer, to be- come a partner with him in the enterprise of publishing at Honesdale a weekly newspaper to be independent in politics. They procured a new press and type, and under the firm-name of Ward & Dimock, upon the -5th of October, 1832, issued the first number of a paper called the Wayne County Herald. The office of publication was in the south part of the building next north of John F. Roe's store. Early in 1833 they purchased from Sasman the Inquirer, and merging it with, the paper they had established, called it The Wayne County Herald and Bethany Inquirer, which, as the county was strongly Democratic, they made an organ of the party. In March, 1833, Mr. Dimock purchased the interest of Mr. Ward and took, as a new partner, Leonard Graves, of Honesdale, and, under the firm-name of Graves & Dimock, they •ontinued the publication of the Herald until the close of 1833. During the autumn of that year E. Kings- bury, Jr., of Montrose, purchased the paper, and, in connection with Isaac Fuller, a practical printer, also of Montrose, after procuring a new press and type, issued it under the firm-name of Kingsbury & Fuller. They published their first paper on January 3, 1834, as Vol. I. No. 1, thus beginning a new series of volumes, but the name of the paper was continued as formerly, viz.: The Wayne County Herald and Bethany Inquirer. They occupied the same office as Ward & Dimock. The size of their printed page was thirteen and one-half by eighteen inches. Mr. Fuller states that it proved a very unprofitable enterprise to him, and at the end of their first volume, January, 1835, he retired. WAYNE COUNTY. 37» and the entire establishment was left under the charge of Mr. Kingsbury, and he (Mr. Fuller) is unable to give with accuracy any of its sub- sequent history. E. Kingsbury, Jr., continued the publication from January, 1835, as editor and proprietor, until early in 1838, with the title of the paper and the size of the printed page unchanged. On the 1st of April, 1836, Mr. Kingsbury contracted for the purchase of the lot on Main Street, next south of the store late ffm. Reed's, and erected thereon a small building two stories high, the lower Moor of which was Ids business office, and the second floor used as a printing office for the Herald. This building, long known as the " Herald Office Building," was lately occupied by H. Metzger as a drinking saloon, and was destroyed by the large fire in the spring of 1885, which originated in it. In the early mouths of 1838 the name of Warren J. Woodward appeared as that of editor, but the name of the proprietor or pub- lisher was not given. This was soon followed by another and more extensive change, where- by on May 1, 1838, a second new series was commenced, and the name of John H. Steek & Co. is given as publishers, but the name of the editor is not given. Probably Mr. Kingsbury was the" Co.," of the firm of John II. Steek & Co." In October, 1838, Mr. Kingsbury was elected to the Senate for a term of four years, and in November he gave uotice that " he had placed his unfinished business in the hands of Thos. J. Hubbell, who would have charge of the same during his absence in Harrisburg." Early in 1840 the name of Thos. J. Hubbell appeared as editor of the Herald, but no name was given of either publisher or proprietor. The title of the paper and the size of page re- mained unchanged, but the style of type for printing the title was altered. On the 22d of September, 1840, a third "new series" was commenced, with Thos. J. Hubbell editor and publisher. The size of the printed page was enlarged to fifteen and one-half by nineteen and one-half inches, a new and larger type intro- duced, and the words and Bethany Inquirer in the title printed in very prominent, heavy-faced black letters. On the 1st of January, 1842, a fourth new series was commenced, with John I. Allen as editor and proprietor. The size of the paper remained the same as under Mr. Hubbell's enlargement, but the title-page was changed by leaving out the words and Bethany Inquirer. Thus with the first number of the tenth year of the publication of the Herald it commenced its fifth series of volumes. Mr. Allen continued as editor and publisher through 1844. In December, 1844, he relinquished the editorial charge to John W. Myers, but re- tained the proprietorship of the paper. Articles subsequently inserted as editorials, which were written by him, had the signature of " A." ap- pended to them. Mr. Myers soon after had the aid of Charles E. Wright as associate editor and printer, and they continued in charge until the end of July, 1845. On the 5th of August, 1845, the Herald again appeared under the editorship of John I. Allen, witli a card from Messrs. Myers & Wright, stating that circumstances render it necessary for them to resign the editorial charge of the paper. Mr. Wright continued as printer under Mr. Allen. In December, 1845, another change occurred. Mr. Allen came out witli a long valedictory, announcing the termination of his connection with the Herald, both as editor ami proprietor. In a subsequent card he stated that he sold out the press, type and material to William H. Dimmick, and the Herald building and lot to Charles E. Wright. The paper was thereafter issued with the name of C. E. Wright as editor and publisher until about the 1st of August, 1847. In the papers of May and June, 1847, is the business card of " James Norton, attorney-at- law, office in the Herald office." About the 1st of August, 1847, H. B. Beardslee became the owner of the entire con- cern, including press, type, materials, office and lot. For a short time thereafter the Herald was published anonymously, or without in- formation to its readers as to the name of either editor, publisher or proprietor. Soon thereafter the names of Beardslee & Norton were given as editors, but no publishers were named. WAYNE, PIKE AXD MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. In the issue of the loth of March, 1848, the names of Beardslee & Norton were given as publishers. For how long a period Mr. Nor- ton was thus associated in the editorship has not been ascertained, but in the early part of 1849 the name of H. B. Beardslee alone is given as the editor. From such copies of the Herald as have been accessible it is inferred that Mr. Beardslee was the sole editor, publisher and proprietor from this date until 1860. In March, 1860, the name of Thomas J. Ham is given as assistant editor, and H. B. Beardslee, publisher. In 1860 Mr. Beardslee enlarged the paper, making printed surface of each page fifteen and a half by twenty-two inches. In September, 1861, Charles Menner and Thomas J. Ham became the proprietors and publishers, and under the partnership name of Menner & Ham edited and published the Her- ald four years. They enlarged the paper to seventeen and a half by twenty-four inches of printed surface on a page. In September, 1865, Mr. Ham purchased the interest of his partner, and has since that date published the paper as sole editor and proprie- tor. May 14, 1868, he further enlarged the sheet, making the printed surface on each page nineteen by twenty-five and a half inches — being just double the size as issued in 1834. Mr. Ham has now been connected with the paper as editor and proprietor about twenty-five years consecutively. We follow the account of the Herald with biographical sketches of the late H. B. Beardslee and Thomas J. Ham, its best known editors. Howkin B. Beardslee was born in Mount Pleasant township May 28, 1820. His father, Bulkley Beardslee, was a New England man of remarkable force of character, who came to Wayne County in its early days, and soon became one of its leading citizens. He married Lucretia, daughter of Walter Kimble, ;i sturdy pioneer, and shortly after the birth of Howkin, having bought the property of his father-in- law, removed to Indian Orchard, where for forty years or more he carried on an extensive business in lumbering and farming, in the mean time filling several local offices of import- ance, among them that of county commissioner. Howkin proved to be a bright boy, and was given such educational advantages as the county at that time afforded. At a suitable age he entered the law-office of Charles K. Robinson, and in due time was admitted to the bar. Soon afterward he was elected district attorney, then register and recorder, and it was while serving in the latter capacity — in 1847 — that, in company with J. H. Norton, he purchased the Wayne County Herald. He subsequently bought Mr. Norton's interest in the paper, and continued its editor until September, 1861, when he sold the establishment to Menner & Ham. While proprietor of the party organ Mr. Beardslee was a political power in the county, and he was entitled i'airly to all the influence and esteem he gathered up. The elements of his power were not obscure. True, he was not an orator. Before assemblies of the people he was not specially effective. There was no charm of manner nor brilliancy of rhetoric in his speeches. He was not an elegant writer. What he accomplished was in virtue of his character, which eminently fitted him to guide and control. Both his intellectual and moral perceptions were clear. He had strong convic- tions, and never hesitated to pursue the course his convictions pointed out as right and proper. He did not ask what other people thought, or what inconveniences particular lines of policy might involve. He was ready to make almost any sacrifice rather than yield or evade a point he conceived to be funda- mental. Of course, such attributes made him obnoxious to opposing partisans, while they made him deservedly strong with his associates and followers. They felt he was not actuated by mercenary motives; that his judgments, per- haps instinctive rather than the product of elaborate cogitation, were just and safe, meas- ured from the stand-point he occupied ; and, consequently, that his leadership, instead of being degrading, was essentially elevating. This quality of chieftainship that was in him was inexplicable to men of lower organi- zation than that which made him conspicuous. Despising moral elevation, particularly in poli- WAYNE COUNTY. : j .si tics, they had no accurate rule by which to measure him, and hence rated him much below his actual merits. This blunder was inevitable to men who rate expediency as the wisest guide of conduct. To them his power and influence were inexplicable ; but his potentiality was none the less real. In both branches of the Legislature, in competition with men possessed of more brilliant mental gifts, he readily ac- quired and steadily held the same ascendency he maintained at home. He was almost continuously a member and frequently chairman of the Democratic County Committee, and was sent to nearly all of the conventions and conferences, State and district, in which Wayne was entitled to representation. Twice he received the county indorsement for Congress, but failing to secure the conference ratification, was never elected to that body. He received, however, many substantial proofs of the confidence of his party in his integrity and ability and its appreciation of his services. He acted as deputy for Treasurers Chase and Seaman, and was appointed postmaster at Honesdale by President Buchanan. In 1859 he was elected to the State Legislature. In 1863 he was elected to the State Senate, and in 1869 was appointed district attorney to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Hon. W. H. Dimmick. One result of these activities was that the legal profession became distasteful to him, and he ceased to pursue it. He gave himself up to journalism as a life-work. But therein he was kept at disadvantage by the serious impairment of a physical constitution at best not robust ; but nevertheless executed a large amount of work. In 1871 he removed to Wilkes-Barre, hav- ing purchased an interest in the Luzerne Union. In 1883 he dissolved that connection, and started the Luzerne County Herald. His health was not adequate to the burdens he carried. Domestic bereavements followed. In January, 1886, he was constrained to relinquish business. In February he came over to his old home at Indian Orchard, where he expired on March 11th. He was buried, near his parents, in the rural cemetery which is a conspicuous feature of that vicinage. Thomas J. Ham was the third child of Thomas and Elizabeth Bellamy Ham (of whom see sketch elsewhere), and was born in Hones- dale, February 20, 1837. His elementary ed- ucation was received in the district schools taught by the late Benjamin W. Dennis and William G. Arnold, after which he was sent to the Honesdale Academy, and subsequently to the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, Pa. Being a pupil at the academy when the late B. B. Smith relinquished its management, he accepted a position in the new book-store of the latter, and for some time, in connection with his du- ties as clerk, pursued his studies under the di- rection of that thorough educator. When fif- teen years of age he spent one winter as teacher of a district school at Beach Pond, after which he re-entered the academy, where he remained for about one year, his hours out of school being spent as a clerk in the Honesdale post- office. In 1853 he entered Wyoming Seminary, and while in that institution defrayed a consid- erable proportion of his expenses by acting as private secretary to the principal, Rev. Dr. Reuben Nelson, and teaching the writing class- es. In June, 1855, the second commencement honor was accorded him — that of writing the colloquy for the annual exercises. In 1856 he was given charge of the mercantile business of his father and partner, in which position he re- mained for three years. During this period he spent his spare moments in writing for newspa- pers and periodicals, including the Wayne County Herald, and in 1860, on the election of Hon. H. B. Beardslee to the Legislature, he accepted an engagement as assistant editor of that journal, at the same time filling a clerkship in the Honesdale post-office under the late Hon. Isaiah Snyder. In 1861, with the change of administration on the accession of President Lincoln, he visited Prince Edward's Island with a view to locating there in the practice of jour- nalism, but returned in the fall, and in Septem- ber, in company with Charles Menner, who had been for many years foreman of the office, purchased of the late Hon. H. B. Beardslee the Herald printing establishment. In 1865 he bought Mr. Menner's interest, and since that date has been sole editor and proprietor of the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. paper. Mr. Ham is a writer of unusual talent, versatility and range of attainments, bringing to his profession a mind broadened and enriched by extensive travel both in Europe and Amer- ica. In the various fields that engage the at- tention of the journalist he has won distinction and success, and under his management the Herald has held high rank, both as a local jour- nal and political organ. His ability is widely known in the newspaper world, and he has Mr. Ham has ever been an ardent Democrat, and for the past quarter of a century has been almost continuously a memberof the Democratic Executive Committee of the county, besides be- ing frequently a delegate to the county conven- tions, district conferences and State conventions of the party. He held the office of bank as- sessor for the Senatorial district for three succes- ive terms immediately preceding the change in the law for the collection of the tax on banks. had frequent opportunities of forming a con- nection with the editorial staff of some of the leading metropolitan publications, but has uni- formly declined them, though acting as an oc- casional contributor. He was the pioneer in the field of historical research in Wayne County, and in 1870 published an outline of local history of much interest and value, a sum- mary of which was embodied in Dr. Egle's " History of Pennsylvania," published in 1876. In 1874 he was nominated for the Legisla- ture in the Wayne and Pike District. Local dissensions between the Democracy of the two counties, however, originating in 1871, and fol- lowed in 1873 by an almost fatal difference, broke out in open rupture soon after his nomi- nation. A portion of the Democracy of Pike placed E. B. Eldred, of that county, in nomi- nation as an opposing candidate, and this di- vision of the party vote proved fatal to Demo- WAYNE COUNTY. cratic success, Thomas Y. Boyd, of Wayne, the Republican candidate, being elected by a small plurality. With these exceptions, and occasional local preferment, he has never held nor sought political office. For twenty-two consecutive years, Mr. Ham has been secretary of the Wayne County Agri- cultural Society, and for nine years lias also been its treasurer. In these positions he has shown an efficiency that has contributed much to its success. March 5, 1863, Mr. Ham was married to Laura E., daughter of the late Zachariah Pad- dock, D.D. Eugene P., aged twenty-one, and William W., aged fourteen, are the surviving children of this union. A daughter, Lizzie, died in 1871, in the fourth year of her age. Appended are two specimens of Mr. Ham's verse, — THE FAITHFUL HEART. An eagle, soaring to the sky, Feels in his breast the archer's dart; He flutters, wounded, down to die: So sinks my heart ! The thrush, forsaken by his mate, Shrinks from the gleesome flock apart, And silently bewails his fate : So pines my heart! The timid deer stops in the chase : He bleeds from ev'ry cruel smart ; No more for him the wild-wood race : So bleeds my heart ! The famished camel sees, at last, Oases green or Arab mart ; Yet sinks he 'neath the Simoon's blast : So longs my heart ! The faithful bound falls on the sands ; His blow defies the healer's art : He crawls and licks the smiter's hands : Thus true my heart ! Let eagles die, and throstles mourn ; The deer no more from hunters start : Oh ! perish all ; but do not scorn My faithful heart ! NOTHING IN VAIN. I stood amid a throng. There came A wrinkled crone adown the street; Unknown to me the poor thing's name, Or whither bent her ill-shod feet. I only saw her weary form, Her down-cast eyes, her furrowed cheek ; Her shoulders, bent by many a storm, Her trembling footsteps, slow and weak: I noted how the well-dressed crowd Withdrew their skirts to pass her by ; I caught the insults of the proud ; I heard the poor old mother's sigh. Then hot within my heart I felt The fires of scorn and anger glow : Why thus, thought I, has Fortune dealt ? Why should the saints be martyred so? I had no gift of gold to dole — A hard and pinching life I live — And so I gave the poor old soul A smile — the best I had to give. 'Twas little, and it cost me naught : Think you the smallest gifts are vain ? I know that simple impulse brought The richest blessings in its train. For, though the gray-haired mother took No seeming notice of my eye, A low " (toil bless you for the look I " She whispered, as she passed me by. And since that day 'tis mine to know — Through something sacred in me stirred — That the Eternal Book will show The martyr's grateful prayer was heard. Reverting from the present, whither we have followed the Herald, to the cotemporaries of its youth, we find them upon the Whig side of politics. An abortive attempt was made to start a Whig journal in May, 1836, when a prospectus was issued by E. C. McCray, of Doylestown, to publish the Wayne Telegraph, in Bethany. It was to advocate the election of Harrison and Granger for President and Vice- President. A sufficient number of subscribers was not secured to encourage him to commence its publication. In the summer or autumn of 1837, as the Herald, which was conducted wholly in the in- terest of the Democratic party, was the only paper published in the county, Paul S. Preston decided to have a paper published in Bethany which should sustain the policy of the Whig party. He either had previously procured, or then procured, a supply of suitable type, and arranged with Richard Nugent, an experienced WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. printer, who, with Richard Mogridge,' (a nephew of Mrs. Preston), were to publish a paper en- titled The Wayne County Free Press and Beth- any and Honesdale Advertiser. The first number was issued on the 2d of January, 1838. The size of the printed page of the Free Press when its publication was commenced was only twelve and one-half by eighteen inches, being as large as could be printed on the old Ramage press. In July, 1838, Mr. Preston procured a new press, and the size of the page was then increased to fifteen by nineteen and one-half inches. Mr. Nugent continued in charge of the paper to the end of the second volume, January, 1840, when he went to Stroudsburg. The Free Press was then published by William F. Rogers, with P. G. Goodrich to assist in the editorial depart- ment. In April, 1840, the publication office of this paper was removed to Honesdale, and located in the old hotel building where Liberty Hall now stands. During the Presidential campaign of 1840 it was active and efficient in the support of Gen- eral Harrison, who was elected. In the formation of President Harrison's Cabinet, Francis Granger was made Postmaster- General ; and in June, 1841, he appointed Mr. Rogers postmaster of Honesdale, and the emoluments of that office together with those of the newspaper enabled him to continue the publication of the Free Press. President Harrison died a few weeks after his inauguration, and Vice-President Tyler succeeded him as President. Mr. Tyler soon thereafter affiliated with the Democrats, and changed his entire Cabinet, giving the office of Postmaster-General to Charles A. Wicklitfe, who, in October, 1842, removed Mr. Rogers from his office of postmaster, and appointed a Democrat in his stead. The publication of the Free Press thereafter ceased. The Beechwoodsman was the successor of the Free Press. In November, 1842, Edwaid L. Wolf, of Easton, a sou of ex-Governor Mogridge died in Philadelphia, March 21, 1858. Wolf, arranged to join Mr. Rogers, and they issued a prospectus for publishing, in Hones- dale, a paper to be called The Beechwoodsman, to be independent in politics. Under the name of Rogers & Wolf they commenced its publi- cation on January 1, 1843, and so continued it until the spring of 1844, when Mr. Rogers withdrew, and Mr. Wolf alone continued its publication a few months longer, and it was then suspended. At the outbreak of the late war Mr. Rogers raised the Twenty-fifth Regi- ment of New York Volunteers, marched to the front from Buffalo, and afterward became brigadier-general of volunteers. He still re- sides in Buffalo. This paper was published from the same office that had been occupied by the Free Press. Mr. Preston furnished the press and types for both the Free Press and Beechwoodsman as long as they were published ; and without doubt he made greater effort and expended more of capital to sustain a Whig paper in this county than any other citizen of Wayne County. The Honesdale Democrat, which by process of evolution became the Citizen of the present, was issued first in 1844 as a Democrat-Whig journal. After the nomination of Clay and Frelinghuysen by the Whig Convention, in 1844, as their candidates for President and Vice- President, it was deemed advisable by some of the active Whigs of Wayne County to have an arrangement made by which articles in the in- terest of their candidate could be placed before the people, and a committee was appointed to make arrangements for that purpose. The Herald was then published by John I. Allen as the Democratic paper. The committee entered into negotiation with Mr. Allen for the use, each week, for six months, of not exceeding two columns of his paper, in which he should print such articles as the Whig Committee should furnish, but none of these articles to be abusive in style. The sum to be paid to Mr. Allen was agreed upon, and the committee supposed the contract satisfactory on both sides. But when the terms of the contract were written out to be signed by the parties, Mr. Allen insisted on being allowed to use his discretion as to the printing, in his paper, of the articles thus WAYNE COUNTY. furnished to him. This resulted iu the entire failure of the proposed arrangement, and the committee recommended that an etfort be made immediately to have a Whig paper started. Mr. Francis B. Penniman, then of Bingham- ton, N. Y., was recommended to them as a suit- able person to conduct such a paper, and a messenger was at once sent to Binghamton to lay the matter before him and request him to come to Honesdale and see what could be done. His visit to Honesdale resulted in his conclud- ing to issue a prospectus immediately, for the publication, in Honesdale, of the Honesdale Democrat, to commence in September. To indemnify him against loss for the first year, conditional subscriptions were made by sundry of the patrons, amounting, in the aggre- gate, to several hundred dollars, and Mr. Pres- ton agreed that for that year his press and type might be used for the printing without charge The room used for the printing was the lower floor of R. H. Dunning's building, on Main Street, third door above the Honesdale National Bank, and second door below what is now C. A. Cortright's store. The first number of the paper was issued on the 17th of September, 1844, the printed sur- face of each page being fifteen by twenty and a half inches. It contained a brief but character- istic declaration of the editor's views in the fol- lowing " SALUTATORY. " Custom has made it necessary for an editor, at the commencement of his labors, to state what prin- ciples he will advocate, and what measures uphold. I shall do so briefly. "lam a Democratic Whig in thought, feeling and purpose. The distinctive measures of the Whig party are, in my opinion, essential not only to the pros- perity of the country but the perpetuity, of its institu- tions. So believing, I shall use all fair and honorable means to commend them to the acceptance of my readers. " I shall aim to make the Democrat a useful family paper — a welcome visitor to all circles. "A stranger to all but a few of the inhabitants of this county, it does not become me to say more of myself. The public will make its own judgment of my course as an editor, as time shall afford oppor- tunity. " F. B. Penximax. "Sept. 17, 1844." 36 After the close of the first year Mr. F. B. Penniman continued to edit and publish the Democrat on his own responsibility until the close of the thirteenth volume, and he had the credit, among his Whig contemporaries, of mak- ing it as respectable and efficient as any coun- try paper in the State, and, in fact, in giving it a prominence and weight in moulding public opinion and affairs such as is seldom equllled by a journal outside of a State metropolis or political centre. The editor exercised the same ready, wide knowledge, the same devotion to principle and the same clear, incisive quality in writing which years afterwards became better known when he was the editor of the Pittshmr/h (rnzctte, and a man of marked force in State and national politics. In 1856 Mr. Penniman purchased the build- ing in which his paper was printed, and it re- mained the publishing office of the paper until the removal into the office now occupied as the ( Uizen office. At the commencement of the fourteenth vol- ume, on the 2d of September, 1857, his sou, Ed- ward A. Penniman, who had, in his father's office, been obtaining a thorough knowledge of the art of printing, was admitted as a partner in the business, and the fourteenth volume was published by F. B. Penniman & Son. At the close of the fourteenth volume, on 25th August, 1858, E. A. Penniman purchased his father's interest in the concern and became sole proprietor, editor and publisher, and so continued, with no change in the name or size of the paper, until January, 1864. On the 18th of January, 1864, he changed the name of the paper to The Republic, and enlarged it by in- creasing the length of each column one inch, making the printed surface of each page fifteen by eleven and one-half inches, and it so con- tinued to June, 1 868. To this date all the printing had been done on the press purchased by Paul S. Preston, thirty years previously, for use in Bethany. In June, 1868, a large addition was made to the capital invested, in office material for print- ing, and a new, larger and greatly-improved power press was procured, and a larger assort- ment and greatly-increased stock of type and WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA other material purchased. On the 18th of that mouth the name of the paper was again changed to the Wayne Citizen, and the size of the sheet increased to twenty-eight by forty-two inches, and the printed page to nineteen and one- quarter by twenty-five and three-quarters inches, which are its present dimensions. When C. C. Jadwin and S. A. Terrel erected their brick stores on the corner of Main and Eighth Streets, in 1868, an arrangement was While undergoing several changes of name the paper has remained entirely unchanged in political tone, espousing Republicanism as a natural progression from Whig principles. Francis Blair Penniman, the founder, and for many years the editor, of the Democrat (now the Citizen), is a representative of the seventh generation of a family which settled in New England over two hundred and fifty years ago. His paternal ancestor, James Penniman, born S^yiuyT^a^L: made with them to furnish large and convenient rooms on their second floor for the publication of the Citizen, and on the 1st of May, 1869, the publishers removed into the rooms thus pro- vided. On the 12th of June, 1873, the name of the paper was ouce more changed to the Honesdah Citizen, and it has since been edited and pub- lished under that title by Henry Wilson and E. A. Penniman. in England in the year 1600, arrived, with his wife, Lydia, in Boston, in 1628. He was one of the first men of the colony, not merely in the chronological sense, but in steady independence of thought and principle, in power of action and in worth and prominence of character, for he was one of the fifty men proscribed by the Gen- eral Court, May 17, 1637, in what is known his- torically as the Antinomian controversy, — one of the fifty men whom Bancroft characterizes as WAYNE COUNTY. :;s7 " the first apostles on this continent of the right qf private judgment in matters of religion," — and he was one of the founders of Braintree and the town of Mendou. 1 'Of the first generation of Mr, Penniruan's ancestors in America was James .Penniman, who was born in England in 1600, and settled, with his wife, Lydia, in Boston, in 1028. Admitted a freeman March 0, 1031. He was one of the fifty men proscribed by the General Court, May 17, 1037, in the Antino- mian controversy, led by Anne Hutchinson, of which Ban- croft gives a full account in the first volume of his his- tory. (He says those fifty men were the first apostles on this continent of the right of private judgment in mat- ters of religion.) Soon after that proscription ho, William Cheesebrooke, Alexander Winchester and Richard Wright made a bargain with the General Court, whereby they sur- rendered their lands in Boston for the right to lay out a new plantation, ten miles square, between Dorchester and Plymouth, to be known as Braintree. From this town were afterwards set off the towns of Quincy, Holbrook and Randolph. James settled in the part now known as Quincy, and at his death left three tracts of land, one of which passed to John Adams, the year of his marriage, and in the old house, still standing, was born his son, John Q. Adams. May 10, 1643, he was appointed justice of the peace for Braintree. "Colonial Records," vol. iv., Part I., p. 455, states that he, with Gregory Belcher, Theo- dore Mekins, Robert Twelves and Peter Bracked were the men to whom permission was given to lay out the town of Mendon. He died December 26, 1004. Will dated De- cember 18, 1004, and probated January 1, 1665. Second Generation. — Deacon Joseph Penniman, fourth child of James and Lydia, born in Braintree August 1, 1639. Married, in 1604, Waiting Robinson, daughter of William Robinson, of Dorchester. She died August 20, 1690, and, May 10, 1693, he married Widow Sarah Stone, daughter of Deacon Samuel Bass, of Braintree. He died November 5, 1705, while his wife, Sarah, survived to be one hundred years old. Third Generation. — Moses Penniman, fourth child of Joseph and Waiting, born iu Braintree February 14, 1077. Married Mary . His will dated July 19, 1718, proved August 28, 1718, and provides for son Moses to be brought up at college. Fourth Generation.— Moses Penniman, sixth child of Moses and Mary, born in Braintree June 1, 1715. He was married, April 17, 1737, by Rev. Dr. Cutler, of Christ's Chutch, Boston, to Rebecca Edmunds. Fifth Generation.— William Penniman, fifth child of Moses and Rebecca, born in Braintree July 10, 1743. He was married, June 12, 1769, by Rev. William Walter, of Christ's Church, Boston, to Catharine Hivell. He died in North Adams, Mass., 1809. Sixth Generation. —William Penniman, third child of William and Catharine, born in Braintree April 12, 1771. Married, December 6, 1801, Arethusa Parmenter, daugh- ter of John Newton Parmenter, of Chester, Mass. She died August 17, 1837. He died January 10, 1856. Seventh Generation. — Francis B. Penniman. On his mother's side, Mr. Penniman is de- scended from Robert Parmenter who was horn in England in 1626, and immigrating to Amer- ica, settled in Braintree in 1648, and was ad- mitted a freeman May 2, 1650. 2 His parents were William Penniman (of the sixth generation from James) and Arethusa Parmenter, his wife (of the sixth generation from Robert Parmenter). They were .married December 6, 1801, and resided at Utica, X. Y., where our subject, their fourth son, \v;is bora November 13, 1812. The boyhood and youth of Francis B. Pen- niman were spent in his native town, and in 1826, when he was fourteen years of age, he en- tered a printing-office (Hastings it Tracy's) and began in the humblest way the career he was to follow, actively and long and effectively. In 1834 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and was 2 On his mother's side Francis 1 as follows : First Generation. —Robert Parmenter, born in England in 1626. Admitted a freeman May 2, 1650, after settle- ment in Braintree, which was in 1648. He married Leah Sanders, daughter of Martin Sanders, of Braintree. He died June 27, 1095, aged seventy-four years, and she March 24, 1700, aged eighty-six years. Smmd Generation. — Deacon Joseph Parmenter, first child of Robert and Leah, born in Braintree, October 22, 1058. Married Mary Marsh, November 17, 1075. He fell dead in the pulpit, during Sunday service, February 20, 1737, aged eighty-two years. Third Generation. — Benjamin Parmenter, fourth child of Joseph and Mary, born in Braintree, September !i, losi. He married Hannah Newtown, daughter of Ephraim New- town, of Milton, Mass. Fourth Generation.— Benjamin Parmenter, son of Benja- min and Hannah, born in Braintree, December 10, 1712. Married, May 25, 1747, Hannah Bigelow, of Weston, Mass. Fifth Generation. — John Newton Parmenter, son of the last Benjamin and Hannah, born in Newport, R. I., in 1742. Married, first, October 25, 1704, Lydia Baldwin, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Baldwin, of Winchen- den, Mass. She was born January 10, 1740, died Novem- ber 29, 1773. Second marriage, September 27, 1774, Han- nah Abbot, of Chester, She died March 2, 1802. Third marriage, February 19, 1806, Dolly Blair, of Blandford. He died December 6, 1828. Sixth Generation. — Arethusa Parmenter, daughter of John X. and Hannah Abbot, his second wife, aud Win. Penniman, the second. She was born February 13, 1778 ; married December 6, 1801 ; died, August 17, 1837. Seventh Generation. — Francis B. Penniman, fourth son of Arethusa Parmenter and William Penniman, her husband. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. engaged for a number of years mainly in book and job printing. The Oberlin Evangelist, (organ of the Oberlin Institute), the Ohio Ob- server (organ of the Presbyterian Synod of the Western Reserve) and The Agitator (one of the earliest anti-slavery newspapers), were, how- ever, for a considerable period, issued simul- taneously from his presses. In 1844 he came to Honesdale and, as we have already seen, established the Democrat, which was an advocate of Whig doctrines and principles, and was ultimately rechristened the Citizen. Mr. Penniman soon became an active and aggressive force in politics and although only the editor of a small weekly paper in an unimportant town, his ability and zeal won recognition and commanded respect in far wider circles than those which limit the in- fluence of the majority of men similarly sit- uated. He became a factor successively in county, Congressional and State affairs, merely through the natural expansion of the circle of his public accpiaintance and a constantly in- creasing knowledge of his convictions, com- prehensive grasp of leading public questions, and his general intellectual strength. To the influence he exerted through his journal — and many of its issues during the momentous years preceding and during the great Civil War con- tained editorials no whit below those of the metropolitan press, in form or thought — he added that of a popular public speaker, and one who, unlike many, hail thoughts to pro- mulgate as well as words to utter. Notwith- standing his intimacy with politics and politi- cians, his constant activity, the power he ex- erted through his journal and from the plat- form, he never held, and probably never de- sired to hold, political office, unless that of the associate judgeship of Wayne County, to which he was appointed by Governor Pollock, on May 15, 1856, might, by a stretch of propriety, so be denominated. But he was frequently called upon to fill positions of trust and honor, some of them involving difficult and delicate duties. Thus he was appointed by Governor Johnson, in January, 1851, a member of the committee for Pennsylvania, to facilitate the International Exhibition at London ; was appointed by Gov- ernor Curtin, on March 6, 1862, a trustee of the State Lunatic Hospital, at Harrisburg, and reappointed by Governor Curtin in 1865, and by Governor Geary in 1868 ; upon the crea- tion of the Board of Public Charities, was made a member thereof, in December, 1869, and held various other similar stations. He was a dele- gate to the Whig National Convention in 1852, and to the first Republican National Conven- tion in 1856. He was on the Republican Electoral Ticket in 1860, and helped to cast the vote of Pennsylvania for Abraham Lin- coln. Just after the close of the war, in 1865, he entered upon a period of greater activity, and a work involving more labor and responsibility, than he had before experienced. He then be- came one of the owners and the editor-in-chief of the Pittsburgh Gazette, which, under his able management, absorbed the rival Commercial and achieved a higher reputation than it had ever before or has ever since enjoyed. While pre- siding over the editorial interests of the Ga- zette he was unquestionably one of the leading forces in the politics of Pennsylvania. He per- formed a tremendous work, journalistically and as a platform speaker, and under the strain, too great to be borne by any man, his health became so impaired that he found it necessary to relinquish all employments in which he was engaged. This he did in October, 1870, and since then he has lived in Honesdale, in com- fortable retirement, relieved hj occasional exer- cise of pen and voice, as inclination suggests. When Mr. Penniman retired from the Pitts- burgh Gazette, it was written of him in that journal : "Among the eminent journalists of this State none have been more deservedly prominent for intellectual power or dignified courtesy, and none more dis- tinguished for the range and compass of subjects with which he was conversant, and the fullness and accuracy with which he discussed them." A competent critic at that juncture wrote of him : " When writing he concentrated his whole mind on his subject, and in his treatment of it explored its profoundest depths, with every possible aspect avail- able and familiar to him. He was always ready to discuss all topics with the pen of a master." WAYNE COUNTY. 3S9 Both as writer and speaker Mr. Pennitnau seems to possess that peculiar facility and felicity of expressing his thoughts which is happily characterized in the homely colloquial saying, " he can say anything that he wants to," — whether treating of the simplest facts or dis- coursing in realms of abstract thought, either with tongue or pen his command of language — of exactly the right language — is really phenom- enal. And he has usually had things to say which were worthy of going forth on the wings of the best words. Mr Penniman was married early in life- May 11, 1835— to Jane W. Broad well, daugh- ter of Ara Broadwell, of Utica, N. Y., who is still living. Their children are Edward A. (one of the owners and'editors of the Honesdale Citizen), Francis B. Penniman, Jr., and Mary (wife of W. K. Dimock). The next in order of succession of the papers started in Honesdale was the Tribune, a small, four-page weekly, each page being about eight by ten inches. It was edited by Peter H. Miller (colored), and the first number issued on 14th February, 1847. Its publication was con- tinued but a short time. Peter H. Miller af- terwards went to Port Jervis, and in January, ■ 1850, started the Port Jervis Express, a small sheet, which was the first newspaper published in that town. In April, 1848, George M. Reynolds and Francis Drake issued a prospectus for publish- ing in Honesdale a paper to be called The Weekly Gutter and Wayne County Reformer. The first number was issued on June 1, 1848, and entitled The National Reformer. In politics it advo- cated the election of Van Buren for President in opposition to Cass, the regular Democratic nominee, and in opposition to General Taylor, the Whig nominee. They had their own type, etc., but the press-work was done in the office of the Democrat. It was published until after the Presidential election, and discontinued in De- cember, 1848. Mr. Reynolds removed the type and other materials to Carbondale and started a Whig paper, then called the Lackawanna Jour na 7, tin- first number of which was issued on the 19th of January, 1849. Mr. Drake died in Honesdale in 1849 or 1850. Mr. Reynolds removed West, and died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1880. The New Dawn was a weekly newspaper started in Honesdale in 1852 and was edited and published by M. H. Cobb. The first num- ber was issued December 1, 1852. Mr. Cobb had his own type, etc., but the press-work was done in the office of the Herald. When started it claimed to be independent, or neutral, in politics, and was so conducted until after the Democratic nominations were made for the election in 1853. It then became the advocate of the election of James M. Porter as president judge, in opposition to M. M. Dim- mick, the regular candidate of the Democrats. It was during that campaign a spirited paper and efficient as a party organ. Soon after the election (at the close of its first volume) it was discontinued, and Mr. Cobb removed the type to Wellsboro', in Tioga County, and started the Tioga Agitator. In February, 1859, a German paper was started in Honesdale, entitled the Honesdale Wochcnbtatt. It was edited by Carl Schmidt, and the first number was issued on the 26th of February, 1859. The size of the sheet was twenty-eight by thirty-eight inches. The fourteenth number of the paper stated that the late editor (C. Schmidt) had run away, and that his real name was Christian Nonnen- macher. L. Grambs, C. Petersen, F. Schuller, J. Ap- pert and W. Seaman were made a committee to arrange for continuing the publication. Charles K. Beardslee, of Texas, was put in charge as editor and publisher. No. 26 contained his valedictory. Charles Kolbe then became its manager, and it was continued under his supervision a little more than a year. The eighty-sixth number informed its readers that as the paper had suf- fered greatly from the neglect of Mr. Kolbe, it would thereafter appear under the management of Morris M. Wiseman. It was continued under his charge to number 103. After this it was edited and managed by A. Ludwig for a few months, and then, for want of support, in 1861, publication was finally sus- pended, and Mr. Ludwig removed to Scranton WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. to conduct a German paper there. The paper was printed by or under the supervision of Charles R. Beardslee. In September, 1863, the press and other printing materials were removed by Mr. Beardslee to Hawley to be used in start- ing the Hawley Free Press. In March, 1866, the press and types, which had been returned to Hawley to publish the Hawley Free Press, were removed to Honesdale and again put to use there in starting the Eleventh District Monitor. It was edited and published by F. A. Dony and J. H. Dony, and in politics claimed to be Democratic. The first number was issued March 24, 1866, and it was continued until December 13, 1867. It was folio in form, each page being sixteen by twenty- one inches. F. A. Dony is now a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and J. H. Dony a clerk in the War Department in Wash- ton. The Semi- Weekly Democrat was started in Honesdale by Leroy Bonesteel in 1869. The first number was published on May 28th, and it was thus continued until 22d October, 1869. It was a four-page paper, each page measuring thirteen by twenty inches. In October, 1869, directly after election, it was changed to a weekly publication, and its size enlarged to twenty by twenty-six inches per page, being just double its previous size. Mr. Bonesteel continued as its manager until December 20, 1870, when he sold out to A. P. Childs. It was continued under Mr. Childs' management until April 28, 1871, when Rich- ard Sandy became associated with him, and under their joint names it was published until 25th of August, 1871, when Mr. Childs with- drew. From that date to the end of 1871 it seems to have been published anonymously. On the 5th of January, 1872, the name of Mr. Sandy again appeared at its head, and was thus continued to May 3, 1872, when its last number was issued. The Honesdale Morning Chronicle was the first, last and only venture in the way of a daily newspaper ever attempted in Honesdale. E. H. Mott, now of the New York Sun and the taleuted teller of its widely-quoted and pictur- esque Pike County lies, was the editor and pro- prietor. The size of each printed page was nine and one-half by twelve inches. The type- setting and press-work were done in the Herald office, the first number being issued September 5, 1876, and the last December 20th of the same year, making just one hundred numbers. No- vember 6th the name of the paper was abbrevia- ted to the Morning Chronicle. It was a newsy and sprightly journal, but its owner was com- pelled to abandon its publication owing to a lack of support and encouragement by the citi- zens of Honesdale. The Wayne Independent. — In the au- tumn of 1877 very many of the citizens of Wayne County were greatly dissatisfied with the decision of the county commissioners to proceed at once to the erection of a new court- house, especially upon so large and expensive a plan as they had adopted. The people thus dissatisfied, which comprised nearly all of the people of Wayne County, outside of the bor- ough of Honesdale, and many within the bor- ough, after consultation on the subject, decided to oppose and, if practicable, prevent, the erec- tion of so costly a building, unless the matter was first submitted to, and approved by, a vote of the people; and to enable them more easily to keep informed of the state of the case, and to encourage them to persevere in their opposition, it was concluded to issue a weekly newspaper, that should give voice to the people in this and in other matters pertaining to the general wel- fare of the county, wherein the farmers and others dwelling in the rural districts might be heard in relation to all matters affecting their interests as members of the body politic of Wayne County, with especial reference to the appropriation of the moneys drawn from them by taxation. To this end arrangements were made with B. F. Haines, who was then pub- lishing the Herald at Hancock, N. Y., to re- move to Honesdale, and publish a paper to be called The Wayne Independent. Rooms for a printing-office were engaged in the brick store building of J. M. Bauman, and the first 'num- ber of the paper was issued on the 7th of Feb- ruary, 1878, as a seven-column folio, each page being fifteen and one-half by twenty-one and one-half inches. WAYNE COUNTY. Its office of publication was soon afterward removed to the building erected by A. B. Mil- ler for a hotel, and in 1882 the office was again removed to the Peterson & Smith building, where it now remains. Miles Beardsley, of Cold Spring, N. Y., be- came associated with Mr. Haines in February, 1879, and so continued until January, 1881, when he left, and the entire management has since devolved upon Mr. Haines. After the English ancestry. His earliest paternal an- cestor to emigrate to this side of the Atlantic settled at Salem, Mass., in the seventeenth century. About the same time his first maternal ancestor in this country, a sea-captain, settled on Gardiner's Island, near New York. About 1735 several of the descendants of these early families removed to Orange County, N. Y., where they were among the pioneers of that now TVa^y-' 9? yVWo^e^ first volume the paper was enlarged to an eight- column folio, and in 1882 it was again enlarged to a nine-column folio. The paper has been progressive in every way since its first estab- lishment in the county, and has so faithfully and ably represented the cause of the people that it has constantly increased in circulation and public favor. It now has a circulation of two thousand four hundred copies weekly. Benjamin Franklin Haines, the editor of the Wayne Independent, is descended from an populous and interesting section of country. Among these early settlers were the ancestors of the subject of this sketch. His father, R. R. Haines, was a Quaker, and a hard-working and industrious farmer, a great reader, intelligent, pious, gentle in disposition, but possessed of great firmness of character. He married, in April, 1844, Mary F. Goldsmith, of Colden- ham, N. Y., and immediately removed to Mary- laud, where he purchased a farm in Montgomery County, in that State, twenty miles up the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Potomac River, from Washington, D. C. His wife, who accompanied him, was an intelligent Christian woman, possessing an exceedingly cheerful disposition, and a heart filled with kindliness and affection. Her presence in the home ever cast a bright halo around it, and no matter how dark the cloud was that hovered over the family, she always saw the sun shining behind it, exposing to view the silver lining of hope and bright anticipation. There were born to her two children, — a daughter, Susie A. Haines, and Benjamin F. Haines, to whom this sketch is inscribed. The elder Haines continued to engage in agricultural pursuits in Maryland until the breaking out of the late Civil War, at which time the strong feelings incited by the conflict compelled him to leave the scene of violence and disorder. During the summer of 1861 the Union troops entered the neighborhood, and in November of that year General Banks, with forty thousand men, encamped between the Potomac River and Mr. Haines' farm. After remaining about two weeks the army moved up the river on the Maryland side, leaving the neighborhood behind exposed to the incursions of the Virginia guerrillas. Mr. Haines, being a pronounced anti-slavery man, and known to entertain strong Union sentiments, thereupon disposed of his horses, cattle and grain to General Banks' quartermasters, and packing his most valuable goods in boxes, aided by two friendly neighbors, started on the night of De- cember 12, 1861, on his journey northward, in two wagons, one conveying his household .goods and the other his family. After thirty miles of travel by this method a station on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was reached, whence the family left fortheNorthin safety, and there spent the remaining years of the war. In May, 1866, the father died, and was buried in the Goodwill Church Cemetery, Orange County, N. Y., three miles from the place where he was born. Not wishing to return to Maryland, the members of the family disposed of the farm there after the close of the war, and remained in the North. Benjamin F. Haines, as has been intimated, was born in Darnestown, Montgomery County, Md., October 2, 1849. He was early inured to a life of labor and hard work, and from the time he was able to handle a hoe was com- pelled to labor industriously on the paternal farm. His early schooling advantages were ex- ceedingly limited, but careful educational train- ing at home, supplemented by attendance at a private school, taught by a Massachusetts lady, named Merriam, in connection with the planta- tion of John L. Dufief, a wealthy planter of his neighborhood, put him in possession of the fundamental principles of a sound English education prior to the removal of his father to the North. In the autumn of 1866 he entered the academy at Montgomery, N. Y., and in 1868 was graduated from that institution, passing an examination by and receiving a diploma from the regents of the Albany University. After teaching school a short time in the town of Hamptonburg, Orange County, N. Y., he was tendered and accepted a situation as purser on a passenger and freighting steamer, the " Isaac P. Smith," running between Savannah, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla. In 1870 the steamer was taken off the route, and the owner secured places for nearly all the members of the crew, the position of assistant purser on a transat- lantic steamer being offered to Mr. Haines. But, owing to the solicitation of his mother, he determined to abandon a sea-faring life, and re- turning home, decided to adopt the profession of journalism as his life-work. He served a three years' apprenticeship at the printer's trade in the Republican and Standard office, at Montgom- ery, N. Y., and in 1874, having contributed articles to various journals, in the mean time be- came editor of the Hancock (X. Y.) Herald, at that time owned by an association. After successfully managing the paper for a year he became its owner by purchase, and continued its publication until January, 1878. At that time, being urged by many prominent citizens of Wayne County, Pa., among them being Hon, W. M. Nelson and George S. Purdy, Esq., to establish a paper at Honesdale, the county-seat, in opposition to the project of building a new court-house at that place, he removed there, and in the middle of January, 1878, he issued the prospectus of the new paper, and on the WAYNE COUNTY. 393 morning of February 7, 1878, just at the break of day, the force, editor and all, having worked all night, the first copy of the Wayne Independ- ent was given to the world. It was a small, seven-column quarto, but what it lacked in size it made up in force, piquancy and enthusiasm. The paper began with a subscription list of nine hundred, and its career has since been marked by a healthy, steady growth. In 1879 it was increased iu size to eight columns, and in 1884 to a nine-column quarto, its present size. The circulation in 1886 is a little over twenty-four hundred copies. Besides doing the entire work of his own paper, he is a regular contributor to the columns of the New York Herald and Philadelphia Times. Mr. Haines is still the owner and editor of the Independent, and one of the representative newspaper men of Northeastern Pennsylvania. He wields a graceful and facile pen, making his points with force and precision, and managing the executive or business part of his paper with rare skill. He lays no claim to brilliant endow- ments, gifted literary talents or superior abilities in any direction, but has achieved his present place in life by persistent labor and close appli- cation. He rejoices in his early home-training, and in the fact that his success is due to the rigid industry to which he was early inured, and to the guidance of scrupulously devout and thoroughly practical Christian parents. He has not abandoned the industrious habits of earlier years, but may be found in his office, surrounded by his assistants, early and late. He is a man of abstemious habits, regular and systematic in all that he does, of strict integrity and of wide influence in the place in which he has established his home. May 25, 1875, Mr. Haines was united in marriage to Mrs. Dr. James Low, nee Margaret Eager Millspaugh, of Montgomery, N. Y., a woman of superior qualities, a most careful housekeeper and admirable home-maker. The economy and systematic routine of her manage- ment are the foundations on which the beauty and serenity of her home rest, and in it the simplest and most spontaneous hospitality dwells. Various Writers of Poetry and Fic- tion. — Wayne County has been prolific of writers out of all proportion to population, educational advantages and literary stimulus or " literary atmosphere." They have, as a rule, been writers of poetry of the minor class, and several of them have displayed a very high order of merit. One of these writers (Emma May Buckingham) says, — "AUTHORS OF OLD WAYNE. " There is something in the sterile soil of old Wayne which favors the growth of talent and literary cul- ture, judging from the number of authors who have been raised in this county. '"Stella, of Lackawanna,' nee Harriet Hollister, now the widow of the late L. Watres, of Scranton, was born and educated iu Hollisterville. She ranks high as a poetess, and is a contributor to several newspapers and periodicals. (She was born January 27, 1821, in Salem, and is the daughter of Alanson Hollister.) " Dr. H. Hollister, her brother, and author of the history of Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties, is a native of Wayne. David W. Belisle, of Camden, N. J., and editor of the Saturday Evening Express, also author of 'The Parterre,' a volume of poems, a novel and 'The History of Independence Hall anil Its Signers,' published in Philadelphia in 1859, and other works written conjointly with his gifted wife (nee Orvilla Gleasou, of Wayne County), was a resi- dent of Paupack township, this county. " Hon. Truman H. Purdy, of Sunbury, Pa., a law- yer of note and ex-member of the State Legislature, the author of a two-hundred page poem, entitled ' Doubter,' and many short poems, is a native of Pau- pack, Wayne County. Mr. Purdy was educated at Lewisburgh, Pa. This University conferred upon him the title of A.M. Mrs. Harriet Purdy Cochrane, of 925 Melon Street, Philadelphia, nee Harriet Purdy, was raised and educated in Purdytown, Paupack township, and is one of Wayne County's most gifted children. She is the author of a beautifully written book en- titled ' Drift from the Shore of the Hereafter,' a work issued in pamphlet form by Anvil & Co., Philadel- phia, in 1883, who writes under the nom de plume of 'Amaranth.' Alma Calder (now Mrs. Johnson, of New York City), of Equinunk. Alma Calder is a talented as well as popular writer, and indisputably one of the authors of the 'Saxe Holm Stories.' She is the daughter of the Rev. Alexander Calder." Besides the writers mentioned iu the forego- ing remarks, there are quite a number of others. Mary Ashby Townsend has sung sweetly of the " Hills of Wayne," and written a most plaintive lyric, entitled "A Woman's Wish," both of :?H4 WAYNE, PIKE AND MON1I0E COrXTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. which we reproduce. It is to be regretted that nothing of interest can be learned of this writer, for a few facts concerning one who can write such meritorious verse as " The Hills of Wayne " should be preserved among the people of the county she has expressed such love for. Most widely and well known among the wri- ters who are natives of Wayne County is Homer Greene, Esq., the author of " What my Lover Said," " My Daughter Louise," " Kitty," and many other poems, and of the very realistic and touching story of " Dick, the Door Boy," — an episode of life in the anthracite coal region — the prize story of the Scran ton Truth, published in its issue of Christmas, 1884. This is the chief example of Mr. Greene's ability in prose com- position, and notable as its merits are, it cannot be regarded as testifying so strongly to his genius as do his poems. These have already won for him no small measure of fame, and must constantly bring more, for no fugitive poems have more constantly occupied the news- paper corners, and appealed stronger either to the popular heart or critical brain than have " What my Lover Said " and two or three others of his productions. They are chaste and dainty in diction, delicate and subtle— the very essence of poetry. We reproduce them further on in these pages, anil give here a brief bio- graphical sketch of the author. Homer Greene was born at No. 19, in Sa- lem township (now Ariel, in Lake township), Wayne County, January 10, 1853. He attended the district school until thirteen years of age, and in the spring of 1867 went to Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., to attend the Riverview Military Academy, and remained there two years, hold- ing a position both years in the " honor grade " among the first three. In the summer of 18(59, he entered' the corps of civil and mining engi- neers of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, with headquarters at Pittston, Pa. He remained there until the winter of 1871-72, doing land surveying, railroad engineering, mining engi- neering and drafting. In the spring of 1872 he entered the engi- neering class of '74 at Union College, Schenec- tady, N. Y., and was graduated with the degree of C.E. in the springof 1874, and immediately entered the class of '76 for the purpose of com- pleting a four years' course in the Scientific Department; was graduated in June, 1876, with the degree of A.B. At graduation he took the first Blatchford prize medal for oratory, the first < 'larke prize, the first president's prize and the second Ingham prize for essays on literary subjects. In the fall of LS76 he went on the "stump" in Wayne County for the Republi- can Presidential ticket. In November, 1876, he entered the Albany Law School and was graduated therefrom with the degree of LL.B. in 1877, and admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the fail of 1877 he began a course of study under H. M. Seely, Esq., at Honesdale, and was admitted to practice in the court of Wayne County at December Term, 1879, In 1881 he was elected district attorney on the Republican ticket by a majority of sev- enty-eight, the Democratic majority for State officers the same year being over five hundred, and all other Republican candidates for county offices being defeated. His first literary effort was a story entitled " The Mad Skater " published in Mayne Reid's magazine Onward for June, 1869. While at college he was correspondent for the New York Evening Post, Alfa mi/ Evening Journal, Albany Argus and Troy Whig. He has con- tributed in poetry and prose to the New York Evening Post, Christian Union, The Continent, Lippineotfs Magazine and The Critic. Mr. Greene was married September 20, 1883, to Matilda E. Gilbert, who died August 22, 1 884. On the 30th of June, 1886, he was married to Miss Catharine F. Gaines, of Albany, N. Y. Emma May Buckingham was born in Paupack, Wayne County, Pa. She early evinced a desire for an education, studied faith- fully at home and in the district school, and, after teaching a select school in Salem (now Lake township) for a year, entered Wyoming Semi- nary in 1855. She graduated at the close of her second year. Another year was occupied in study in Fair Haven Seminary, New Haven, Conn., in art studies, which were continued a year longer in Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston, Pa. WAYNE COUNTY. :;'.i;, In 1860 she accepted a situation in the Ha- zelton (Pa.) graded school, where she remained seven years, when ill health induced her to re- sign her position. She subsequently taught in the city of Scranton, in Westbrook Academy, Connecticut, and also in the Honesdale graded school — three years each in the last two places. While teaching in Honesdale she completed her first book, entitled " A Self-Made Woman ; or, Mary Idyl's Trials and Triumphs," a work of three hundred and forty-three pages, which was published by the firm of S. R. Wells, now Fowler A; Wells, of 753 Broadway, New York. The first edition was issued during the winter of 1874, and before the close of that year it reached its third editiou, and a seventh edition will soon be printed. The book was very fa- vorably received, both by the press and public. In 1877 her second book, a poetical romance entitled " Pearl : a Centennial Poem," was issued by the same publishers. It was very favorably received, and a third edition is already needed. The notices of the press were kind and compli- mentary without an exception. A miscellaneous collection of poems, for a companion volume to " Pearl," was published by S. R. Wells & Co. in 1878. It is named after its leading poem " The Silver Chalice," and contains eighty pages. It also received a very wide, as well as flattering, notice from the press throughout the United States, and has reached its third edition. Miss Buckingham's fourth book, a seaside story, " Parson Thome's Trial," was published in 1880 by George W. Carleton & Co., of Madison Square, New York. This work con- tains three hundred and sixty-four pages. It is the authoress' favorite of all her printed com- positions, and, like her other works, although wearing the garb of fiction (as far as names of characters and places are concerned), is drawn mainly from real life and actual circumstances. This book was popular from the first. The notices and reviews from the American press, as well as the press of Great Britain, — for" Parson Thome's Trial " was published also by S. Lowe & Co., in London, England, — were exceedingly favorable. This book has also reached several editions. We copy the following extracts from the National Press. — Ed. A temperance poem entitled "Am I My Brother's Keeper? " will soon be issued in pam- phlet form for the benefit of the Wayne County temperance work, and the author is at present engaged on a new work entitled " Lilian : A Sequel to ' A Self-Made Woman.' " Emma May Buckingham is a contributor to the I'amxylvania School Journal, the New York Phrenological Journal, The Wayne Independent, as well as many popular magazines and period- icals. She has won a reputation as an essayist on .esthetic educational matters, moral culture and temperance reform. The subject of the above sketch resides with her widowed mother in Hamliiiton, Wayne County, Pa. Her ambition is to do better work in the future, to win a reputation as an American writer of both prose and poetry. Other than these writers of whom more or less extended mention has been made, there are several others, who, if not natives of Wayne County, have been of its people and well known among them. L. Carroll Judson, author of "Lives of the Signers of the Declaration " and " the Moral Probe," was an early settler in Bethany, and for a number of years principal of the academy there. His son, the well known Col. E. Z. C. Judson, the well-known story writer, spent his youth in Bethany. Belinda Cramer was for several years a fre- quent contributor of verse to the local papers and sometimes to the metropolitan press and magazines. " Lucy Linden," or Mrs. Dr. W. W. Sanger, for a number of years a resident of Honesdale, was a prolific ami meritorious writer of both prose and verse. Rev. Henry A. Rowland, long time pastor of the Honesdale Presbyterian Church, was the author of two popular religious works, " Light in a Dark Alley " and " The Way of Peace." Harrison Gray Otis, Jr., of Boston (a grand- son of James Otis, of Revolutionary fame), who long made his summer home in a rambling old house, still standing, in Bethany, was a very frequent contributor to the Wayne County Her- ald, under the nom de plume of "Sito," — a re- I version of Otis. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Marshall Wheeler (now of Warren, Pa.), while in Wayne County, wrote " The Lost Hunter Found," and "My Ada." M. H. Cobb, now of the Philadelphia Mint, and formerly editor of the New Dawn, at Honesdale, wrote considerably in verse while here, and so also did D. W. Belisle, now of the Camden (N. J.) Democrat, and so also did J. Willis Westlake (now a professor in the State Normal School at Millersville) when he lived a few years ago at Seelyville. Appended are poems by Homer Greene, Mary Ashby Townsend and Harriet Watres (ne'e Hollister) or " Stella of Lackawanna." Of Mr. Ham's verse two examples have already been given. WHAT .MY IAIVHH SAIH. By the merest chance, in the twilight gloom, In the orchard path he met me ; In the tall, wet grass, with its faint perfume, And I tried to pass, but he made no room, Oh I tried, but he would not let me. So I stood and blushed till the grass grew red, With my face bent down above it, While he took my hand as he whispering said — (How the clover lifted each pink, sweet head, To listen to all that my lover said ; Oh, the clover in bloom, I love it!) In the high, wet grass went the path to hide, And the low, wet leaves hung over ; But I could not pass upon either side, For I found myself, when I vainly tried, In the arms of my steadfast lover. And he held me there and he raised my head, While he closed the path before me. And he looked down into my eyes and said — (How the leaves bent down from the boughs o"er head, To listen to all that my lover said. Oh, the leaves hanging lowly o'er me!) Had he moved aside but a little way, I could surely then have passed him ; And he knew I never could wish to stay, And would not have heard what he had to say, Could I only aside have cast him. It was almost dark, and the moments sped, And the searching night-wind found us, But he drew me nearer and softly said — (How the pure, sweet wind grew still, instead, To listen to all that my lover said ; Oh, the whispering wind around us !) I am sure he knew when he held me fast, That I must be all unwilling ; For I tried to go, and I would have passed, As the night was come with its dew, at last, And the sky with its stars was filling. But he clasped me close when I would have fled, And he made me hear his story, And his soul came out from his lips and said — (How the stars crept out where the white moon led, To listen to all that my lover said ; Oh, the moon and the stars in glory !) I know that the grass and the leaves will not tell. And I'm sure that the wind, precious rover, Will carry my secret so safely and well That no being shall ever discover One word of the many that rapidly fell From the soul-speaking lips of my lover; And the moon and the stars that looked over Shall never reveal what a fairy-like spell They wove round about us that night in the dell, In the path through the dew-laden clover, Nor echo the whispers that made my heart swell As they fell from the lips of my lover. MY DAUGHTER LOUISE. In the light of the moon, by the side of the water, My seat on the sand and her seat on my knees, We watch the bright billows do I and my daughter, My sweet little daughter Louise. We wonder what city the pathway of glory, That broadens away to the limitless west, Leads up to — she minds her of some pretty story And says: "To the city that mortals love best." Then I say : " It must lead to the far-away city, The beautiful City of Rest." In the light of the moon, by the side of the water, Stand two in the shadow of whispering trees, And one loves my daughter, my beautiful daughter, My womanly daughter Louise. She steps to the boat with a touch of his fingers, And out on the diamonded pathway they move; The shallop is lost in the distance, it lingers, It waits, but I know that its coming will prove That it went to the walls of the wonderful city, The magical City of Love. In the light of the moon, by the side of the water, 1 wait for ber coming from over the seas ; I wait but to welcome the dust of my daughter, To weep for my daughter Louise. The path, as of old, reaching out in its splendor, Gleams bright, like a way that an angel has trod : I kiss the cold burden its billows surrender, Sweet clay to lie under the pitiful sod ; But she rests, at the end of the path, in the city, Whose " builder and maker is God." WAYNE COUNTY. I could not call her by the name Her Quaker mother gave her; Unwilling were my lips to frame, For one like her, a wonl so tame, With neither salt nor savor. But, somehow, as I dreamed of her, Neglecting Kent and Chitty, To mind and heart would still recur One name, and that was — Kitty. A name some flitting fancy wrought, I know not why nor wherefore, It came to dwell with me unsought, Yet ever to my mind it brought One face and form, and therefore On many a marge of legal brief, In many a careless ditty, On tinted sheet and printed leaf, I scrawled the name of — Kitty. I wrote to her one day, but why I do not now remember; I know I dared address her, " My Dear Kitty," and in swift reply, All in the glad September, Came friendly note, and, at the close, Than written word more witty, A pictured kitten in repose, The sign and seal of — Kitty. This name I gave her to her face. Her lips did not reprove me; It fitted her with dainty grace. And — strange the name should win the r Thenceforth she learned to love me. And sweet the joy I find in this, While all the world I pity, That none with me may share the bliss Of calling her my — Kitty. THE HILLS OP WAYNE. Ye hills of Wayne! ye hills of Wayne! In dreams I see your slopes again — In dreams my childish feet explore Your daisied dells, beloved of yore, In dreams with eager feet I press Far up your heights of loveliness, And stand a glad-eyed girl again Upon the happy hills of Wayne ! I see once more the glad sunrise Break on the world's awakening eyes, I see once more the tender corn Shake out its banners to the morn. I see the sleepy valleys kissed And robbed of all their robes of mist, And laughing day is queen again Of all the verdant hills of Wayne. I bind about my childish brow The bloomy thorn tree's scented snow. I see, upon the fading flowers, The fatal fingers of the hours. I see the distant village spire Catch on its tips a spark of lire, As in my dreams the sun again (iocs down behind the hills of Wayne. The cow-boy's coaxing call across The meadow comes, ''Co-boss! Co-boss !" And milky-oilored cattle lift Their hoofs among the daisy drift. The day is over all too soon, And up the sky the haunted moon Glides with its ghost, and bends again Above the wooded hills of Wayne. Ah ! I have laughed in many a land And I have sighed on many a strand, And lonely beach, where written be The solemn scriptures of iln sea. And I have climbed the grandest heights The moon of midnight ever lights, But memory turned from all again To kneel upon the hills of Wayne. Ye hills of Wayne ! ye hills of Wayne ! Ye woods, ye vales, ye fields of grain ! Ye scented morns, ye Muc-eyed noons! Ye ever unforgotteu moons ! No matter where my latest breath Shall freeze beneath the kiss of death, May some one bear me back again To sleep among the hills of Wayne ! A WOMAN'S WISH. Would I were lying in a field of clover, Of clover cool and soft, and soft and sweet, With dusky clouds in deep skies hanging over, And scented silence at my head and feet. Just for one hour to slip the leash of Worry, In eager haste from Thought's impatient neck, And watch it coursing, in its heedless hurry Disdaining Wisdom's call or Duty's beck. Ah! it were sweet, where clover clumps are meeting And daisies hiding, so to hide and rest ; No sound except my own heart's sturdy beating, Rocking itself to sleep within my breast. Just to lie there, filled with the deeper breathing That comes of listening to a wild bird's song! Our souls require at times this full unsheathing — All swords will rust if scabbard-kept too long! WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. And I am tired — so tired of rigid duty, So tired of all my tired hands find to do ! I yearn, I faint for some of life's free beauty, Its loose beads with no straight string running through ! Ay, laugh, if laugh you will at my crude speech ; But women sometimes die of such a greed, Die for the small joys held beyond their reach, And the assurance they have all they need. 'Mid the heart-breaks of life conic and see, come and see What the world holds for me. Modest-roofed and low-walled is the nest where I hide, From the roughness outside. Suing the doer softly shut, that no treacherous feet Tread this restful retreat. Push the bolt, lest a breath from the simoon of sin Flutter stealthily in. Draw the blinds, that we see not the Bhipwrecka that float The bold sea-main ;— or note, How great gales rend the sails, and the rocks cringe with fear — (July warm winds breathe here. Could the sunshine of morn touch with heaven's own kiss Fairer harbor than this ? Hark ! the legions that wait on the mandates of hate, Pause and press at the gate. But so homely a threshold, so humble a nest, They but scorn to molest. Marvel not that I love these low walls; incomplete, With a world at my feet Were life's gifts, if no sheltering wall 'twixt my soul, And the breakers' wild roll. Over the dust of a century's dead, Hushed be our laughter, and mufHed our tread ; Voice no loud anthem ; we stand where they stood- Kinsmen, that hallowed the turf with their blood : Soft as the strains of a lute o'er the sea, Let the deep chords of our symphonies be : Noiseless the foot-fall, and low-bowed the head, Over the dust of a century's dead. Who has not shuddered, with cheek ashen pale, At the appalling and soul-thrilling tale, Traced o'er the page of a weird long-ago, With the deep pathos of measureless woe? Who never traversed — though seas roll between — Cool-breathing wildwood, and shadowed ravine, Where rang the war-whoop, and bended the bow, Of a red-handed and treacherous foe ? Curls the blue smoke from a home so apart, That never quickened a throb of the heart, O'er the dire story of rapine and wrung. Blighting our beautiful Valley so long? Stretches a solitude — gloom-girt and far — Where glows a sunbeam, or glitters a star, That never caught from the night-wailing blast Hints of our tragic and terrible past'.' As clears the mist from the forehead of night, Brightened the sky ; see! what sparkle, what light, Over the green slope of meadow and hill. Where the wild roses are nodding at will : Over the river that moaned in its flow Twice fifty perilous summers ago, When, by its tide, in the sunset's low fires, Fell, with slow torture, our fiend-hunted sires. Down the far centuries — winding their way 'Mong the gray vapors of time — shall the clay, Tenderly wrapped at the granite's pure feet, Be all forgot in life's hurry and heat '.' No, sob the waves from the muse-haunted shore ; No, sigh the forests, with arms drooping lower; Nor may the years — swift as eagles above — Purge the red stain from the Valley we love. Over a century's historic dust, This be our legacy, this our proud trust — That no invading and arrogant tread Press the dear turf folded over our dead : And the sweet tide of each incoming spring To our fair homes no disloyalty bring: This be our legacy, this our proud trust, Over a century's love-hallowed dust. A song was mine in other days, With rose-buds in my button-hole, And eyes with passion all ablaze, And love-fires raging in my soul ;— All for a girl with ruby lips, And cheeks with dimples always coming;- But not the same — oh, no — that now You hear me humming. WAYNE COUNTY. Tune shaped itself, I could but sing, Kegardless quite of rule or rote ; For youth was such a glorious thing, And love had birth in every note; And all the grand-spread world was mine, With airy schemes and castles plenty ; And then f knew it all. you see, What fools at twenty ! My tune is changed ; pray look at me ! No more the splendor of cravat ; Or foot that minced so daintily, Or hair pomatumed, and all thai : But stout and stoic, with my locks By snows of many winters grizzled : And if I breathe a song at all, 'Tis, somehow, whistled. And yet not in the merry mood Of those old, sentimental days, When Hope-birds chirped in every wood. And set my foolish heart ablaze: But at the rise and fall of stocks, And general craze of half our species O'er some new quagmire, said to teem With golden fishes. I fought the world; the world struck back, And laid me prostrate on the field, With all my music hushed : alack ! What may the weaker do but yield? My notes are promises to pay : And I am out of tune completely ; Who would imagine that my voice Once piped so sweetly'.' With rosebuds in my button-hole! It seems a hundred years, or more, Since passion all my senses stole, And 1 crooned love-songs o'er and o'er; All for a girl with dimpled cheek, Just born for my entire enslaving : Ha! ha! no witchery like that Now sets me raving. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. The First Presbytekian Chuecb (Hones- dale, Pa.) — That portion of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania now known as Wayne County began to be settled during the latter half of the last century. The emigrants were of all races, and from different sections of the country. Those from New England, New York and New Jersey predominated. In the year 1800 the territory now called Wayne County, so named in honor of General Anthony Wayne, contained about eight hundred inhabitants. The earliest efforts to make provision for the religious wants of the inhabitants of the county were made by the Baptists. In the spring of 1791 Mr. Samuel Stanton came from Preston, Conn., and located as the first settler in what is now called the town of Mount Pleasant. He and his wife were free communion Baptists. Others of the same faith joined them from time to time, chiefly from New England. In the spring of 17!).'] the public worship of God was commenced in this settlement. Having no minister of the gospel to preach for them, they lead and listened to printed discourses. In July, L795, at the request of Mr. Stanton, Rev. David Jayne, a minister of the Baptist denomi- nation, born in Goshen, N. Y., in 1750, visited the place and preached to the people. This was probably the first sermon ever preached in what is now known as Wayne County. On the 28th of June, 1796, a free Communion Baptist Church was organized, consisting of six members. In 1800 Rev. Ephaphras Thompson became resi- dent pastor of this church. This county was, from time to time, visited by ministers of the Congregational and Presbyterian order. In 1 7! >7 Rev. Daniel Thatcher,a missionary of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, visited this region. He administered (lie sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper July 9th of that year, to the members of the church of Mount Pleasant. In the spring of 1812 Rev. Worth- ington Wright, a missionary from Connecticut, came to Wayne County and spent the summer preaching at its different settlements. In the autumn he accepted a call to settle in the county. On the 26th of May, 1813, he was installed over the Congregational Church in Salem and Palmyra. His congregation consisted of sub- scribers residing in Salem, Palmyra, Canaan and Dyberry. His residence was at Bethany. In 1815, having lost his wife and his health having partially failed, he asked a dismission and left the county. On the 26th of January, 1814, a Congrega- tional Church was organized in Mount Pleasant by Rev. Worthington Wright and Rev. Ebe- nezer Kingsbury, both of whom were mission- aries sent out by the Connecticut Missionary I Society. It was organized with seventeen mem- 400 WAVNE, ITKE AX1> MONROE COUXTIE8, PENNSYLVANIA- bers. In 1831 this church changed its form of government and became Presbyterian, which form it still retains. Its first pastor, after it became Presbyterian in form, was Rev. Henry A. Boyce, installed July 8, 1835. In the years 1823 and 1825 Maurice Warts obtained acts of incorporation and succeeded in forming the Delaware and Hudson Canal ( lompany. When it became known that the valley in which Honesdale stands would be the termination of the canal and of the railroad to the Lackawanna coal-fields, population began to conic in. The people who had gathered here soon began to feel the need of- religious instruction and religious institutions. The record of the earliest effort to supply this want this church has still in its possession. It consists of a subscription paper drawn up by Edward Mills, to which are ap- pended the names and subscriptions of various individuals who resided in Honesdale and its vicinity. It is as follows : "The subscribers, inhabitants of Honesdale and vicinity, being desirous of obtaining and enjoying a preached gospel in the neighborh 1, and believing it to be a means well calculated to promote social and individual happiness, and, at the same time, of adding greatly to the respectability of the place, do agree to pay the amounts respectively affixed to our names to Joseph L. Kellogg, Edward Mills, Isaac P. Foster, Committee of the Presbyterian Society in this place, for the purpose of employing Rev. Joel Campbell to labor one-halt' of the time, for the term of one year, commencing the 1st day of January, 1829, and ending the 1st day of January, 1830, or for such portion of the time during the year as there may be funds sub- scribed, provided an arrangement can be made with Mr. Campbell to perform the above-named labor ; if not, then to be applied as compensation to such other evangelical gospel minister as the Committee shall employ. " (Dated) Honesdale, Dee. 23rd, 1828." This paper is signed by the following individ- uals, subscribing various sums : Alanson Blood, Edward Mills, Elam Woodward, Albert Jones, David St. John, Chas. P. Clark, Preserved Hind, David P. Stark, Levi Schoonover, Jos- eph Skinner, Benjamin Staysa, Timothy C. Staysa, Orrin Hind, Christopher Beardsleo, Thomas Young, Geo. W. Dickenson, Joseph L. Kellogg, Samuel H. Benedict, Isaac P. Foster, Leonard Graves, J. B. Jervis, Charles Forbes, William C. Rose, Revillo C. Hatch, Timothy B. Jervis, Charles Bartlett, John McMillan, Ira Tripp, Russel Spenser, Timothy N. Vail, Alvah Adams, Stephen Torrey, Thomas T. Hayes, William Schoonover, Z. H. Russell, Joseph Spangenburg, John Malony, Jeremiah, Howell,* 'harlesW. Smith, ( 'has. McStraw, Ham- ilton Bonner, Rich. L. Seely, Amos Y. Thomas, JohnCapron, Russel F. Lord, Asa Tony, Alonzo Bentlev, John Young, Stephen Kimble, Joab \V. Griswold, Horace Baldwin, Josiah Lam- phier, Stephen Brush, Nelson Blood, Allen G. Plum, Alvah Wheeler, Samuel Smith, Benja- min Garrett, Charles Comstock, Maurice Wurts, J. B. Mills, Sidney T. Robinson. With the funds obtained by this subscription the services of Rev. Joel Campbell were secured for half the time. He came down from Beth- any during the year 1829 and preached every Sabbath afternoon for the inhabitants of Hones- dale and vicinity. During the forenoon of the Sabbath a meeting was held and printed ser- mons read. On the 11th of February, 1829, this church was organized in the boarding- house, which was afterwards enlarged and known as the Tabernacle. The following clergy- men were present at the organization : Rev. Joel Campbell, of Bethany; Rev. Thomas Grear, of Milford ; Rev. Burr Baldwin, of Montrose; Rev. James Adams, of Dundaff j Rev. Adam Miller, of Harford. Rev. Mr. Grear opened the meeting with prayer and de- livered a discourse from 2 Corinthians 5: 20, — " Now then we are ambassadors for Christ ; as though God did beseech you by us ; we pray you, in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." After the sermon Rev. Joel Campbell pro- ceeded to organize the church. The following persons produced certificates from their respect- ive churches : Isaac P. Foster and Mary Foster, from the church of Montrose ; Horace Baldwin and Olive P. Baldwin, from the church of Dundaff ; Stephen Torrey and Rebecca Schoon- over, from the church of Bethany ; Lucy Forbes, from the church of New Bedford, Mass.; Charles P. Clark, from the church of Canter- bury, Conn. ; Joseph L. Kellogg, from the Central Presbyterian Church, New York City. These nine individuals were organized into a WAYNE COUNTY. Hil Church of Christ, designated " The First Pres- byterian Church of Honesdale." The meeting was closed with singing, and prayer by Rev. Adam Miller. At the first communion after the organization of the church Maurice Wurts, John Littlejohu and John B. Mills were re- ceived into membership on profession of their faith. Religious services were at first held in a small school-house, located a little back of John Browu's residence. This school-house was built in 1828. Afterwards an upper room in the store-house of Messrs. Russell & Wilcox was fitted up and for a time used for divine service. This building then stood by the canal, near the basin bridge. It was afterward removed and used for dwelling purposes. The building on the point, which had been erected in 1826, and occupied as a dwelling and boarding-house, having been vacated, it was arranged for relig- ious services. It was originally built sixteen by forty-eight feet, with a single roof. Early in 1830 it was enlarged by an addition of exactly the same dimensions as that of the original building. When thus enlarged, and furnished with pulpit and seats, it was known as the Tab- ernacle, and was used for religious purposes till the summer of 1837. It was in this building, when used for boarding purposes, that the first sermon ever delivered in Honesdale was preached, by Rev. Gideon N. Judd, D.D. This church obtained its charter June 28, 1830. The contract for the erection of the building that gave place to the present church edifice is dated March 3, 1836. It was built in the summer of 1836 and was dedicated to the service of God July 20, 1837. Its size origi- nally was forty-five by sixty feet. In 1848, the edifice having become too strait for the congre- gation, it was enlarged. The edifice, in its in- creased dimensions (forty-five by eighty-two feet), was inclosed in the autumn of this year and, enlarged and beautified, was opened for worship in July of the following year. The present commodious brick edifice, sixty- five by eighty-six feet, was dedicated June 25, 1868. The first pastor of the church was Rev. Joel Campbell. He was installed September 16, 1830, and remained pastor till September 27, 1835. During a portion of the interval elaps- ing between the pastorate of Mr. Campbell and the next regularly installed pastor, Rev. Wat- ters Warren preached as stated supply- Rev. Joshua Bascome Graves was called to the pastorate November 28, 1837. He was in- stalled January 30, 1838, and remained pastor till September 29, 1842. Rev. Henry A. Rowland, D.D., was called to THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. the pastorate March 23, 1843. He was installed June 15, 1843. The pastoral relation between Rev. Dr. Row- land and the church was dissolved December 20,1855. Rev. Thomas H. Skinner, Jr., was called to the pastorate March 18, 1856; was installed in June, 1856, and remained pastor till June 29, 1859. The pulpit services were conducted by various supplies till 1861, when Rev. Charles Seely Dunning assumed the duties of the pastorate. He was installed June 25, 1861, and remained pastor of the church for nineteen years. Rev. H. C. Westwood, D.D., was installed in July, 1881, and dismissed by Presbytery in the autumn of 1883. The present pastor, Rev. H. H. Swift, came to the church in April, 1884. The following individuals have been ruling 402 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. elders of the church : Isaac P. Foster, Horace Baldwin, Joseph L. Kellogg, Stephen Torrey, Stephen Brush, Solomon Z. Lord, James S. Bassett, Ebenezer Kingsbury, Richard L. Seely, Horace Tracy, William Reed, John P. Darling, Stephen D. Ward, Adonijah Strong, M.D., Miles L. Tracy, Henry M. Seely, Stephen G. Cory, William B. Holmes, Horace ('. Hand, John Ball and Andrew Thompson. The Sabbath-school had its origin in a meet- ing held in the school-house April 11, 1828. The inhabitants of Houesdale met to consider the propriety of establishing a Sabbath-school. Mr. Isaac P. Foster was appointed chairman of the meeting and Mr. Amzi L. Woodard secre- tary. It was voted unanimously to organize such a school. The following persons were ap- pointed to draft a constitution : Messrs. .Stephen W. Genuug, Stephen Torrey and Joseph L. Kellogg. The committee reported a constitution, which was adopted, and the school was organized April 13, 1828. The following individuals have been superintendents : Joseph L. Kellogg, Stephen Torrey, Ebeuezer Kingsbury, Horace Baldwin, Willard Davis, Solomon Z. Lord, Benjamin C. Baldwin, Stephen D. Ward, Geo. G. Waller, Henry M. Seely, W. B. Holmes, G. F. Bentley and Andrew Thompson. In addition to this central school, there were organized and sustained, by the members of this church, other schools in adjoining settlements. At Prom ptou (where there is now a Presby- terian Church), Indian Orchard, Berlin, Seely- ville (where is now one of the most flourishing schools in the county), White Mills, Long Ridge, Cherry Ridge, the Glass-Factory, north- west of Bethany, and at other destitute places Sabbath-schools were, at different periods, sus- tained, and in some of these places for a course of years. The mission school of this village was organized May 29, 1859, by Isaiah Snyder, and has done a noble work. This school was but recently disbanded. During the fifty- seven years of its existence this church has had a membership of ten hundred and twenty in number. It has now enrolled thiee hundred and fifty-seven members. The church has bad its periods of internal strife, earnest and trying, of conflicting opinions, aggravated and intense, its periods of deep perplexity and darkness, and yet, on the whole, has an honored history. The earliest church organization in this place, it has been one of the pillars of the truth in this com- munity. In the Bible Home and foreign mis- sionary causes and Sabbath-school agencies it has borne an honorable part, having contributed to home and foreign missions alone during the past ten years nearly fifteen thousand dollars. The church has always liberally responded to all just claims upon her, and has nobly done her part of the work of the church at large. Earnest men and devoted women have never been wanting from the earliest history of the church to the present time. Frequent and powerful revivals have marked its history, giving a new impulse to the spiritual life, and aug- menting the number of its membership. It has given three men to the Christian ministry, — Chauucey Burr Goodrich, David Torrey, D.D., and Stephen Torrey, ordained as an evangelist November 9,1885, on his seventy -seventh birth- day. The property of the First Presbyterian So- ciety, including the church, chapel and parson- age, situated north of the Public Square and extending from Second to Third Streets, is prob- ably worth sixty thousand dollars. Rev. Henry A. Rowlaxd, D.D. — During the twelve years and a half intervening between May 7, 1843, and December 16, 1855, there did not exist in Honesdale, or elsewhere in Wayne County, a larger or more attractive per- sonality than this gentleman. Of a large frame and uncommonly fine bodily appearance, with lustrous blue eyes which seemed to reflect the depths of the soul behind them, a massive head, and lips overflowing with joyance, he was always and everywhere a notable personage. In him blended two eminent lines of ancestry. His father, Henry Augustus Rowland, a grad- uate of Dartmouth College, and his grandfather, David S. Rowland, a graduate of Yale College, were successively ministers of the First Congre- gational Church of Windsor, Conn., where lie was born November 19, 1804. By his mother's side he was connected with the celebrated divine and metaphysician, Jonathan Edwards. He was also descended from Rev. John Warham, WAYNE COUNTY. 403 the first minister of Windsor, Conn., who had been " a famous minister in Exeter, the capital of the county of Devon," in England, and was " one of the principal fathers and pillars of the churches of Connecticut." Windsor is the oldest town in Connecticut, having been first settled in 1635 from Dorches- ter, in Massachusetts. As early as 1633 the Plymouth people came up the river and estab- lished there a trading-house or factory. Re- ports of the fertility of the soil in the Connec- ticut Valley, aud of the adaptation of the country to plantation and trade, attracted settlers across the wilderness. In September, 1636, the Rev. John W r arham, who had been pastor of the church in Dorchester for six years, re- moved to Windsor, most of his parishioners having preceded him. The Rev. Henry A. Rowland, of whom we are here principally concerned, entered Yale College in September, 1819, at the age of fifteen years, and graduated in 1823, the youngest of a class of seventy-two members. January 7, 1821, in his sophomore year, he made a public pro- fession of religion and joined the College Church. In 1824 he entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass. In 1827 he was licensed to preach by the Hampden Congrega- tional Association of Massachusetts. In 1830 he was chosen pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville, N. C, and November 24th of that year was ordained by the Presbytery of New Y r ork. Early in 1834 he was invited to the pastorate of the Pearl Street Presbyterian Church in the city of New Y"ork, and was in- stalled April 17th of that year. January 7, 1843, he resigned this charge and accepted a call from the Presbyterian Church in Hones- dale, over which he was installed May 7, 1843. This relation continued until December 16,1855, when he accepted a call from the Park Street Presbyterian Church of Newark, N. J. In 1859 his health became seriously impaired, and he went to Boston, Mass., for relaxation, and there he died on the 4th day of September of that year. He was buried at Newark some days later. While Dr. Rowland resided in Honesdale, he published a number of books, entitled to wit : " On the Common Maxims of Infidelity," " The Path of Life," " Light in a Dark Alley " and " The Way of Peace." These volumes were received with much acceptance by the re- ligious public, and one of them certainly was adopted by the American Tract Society, and ran through many editions. His pulpit discourses appealed eminently to the reason, but were not formal or scholastic. In construction they were simple, bold, forcible and impressive. Sometimes, perhaps, the minor graces of style were sacrificed to energy of ex- pression or the supposed aptness of an illustra- tion. As a newspaper correspondent he was excep- tionally successful. If there was a humorous or picturesque aspect to any matter or thing he had under treatment, he was sure to find it and portray it with the finest possible effect. The touch of his satire was delicate and most effec- tual. The social qualities had large development in him. He was fond of innocent fun and frolic; nor did these attributes, as he exercised them, militate against the soberer ministrations of the clerical profession. He did not wear a mask in matters pertaining to religion or to any other topic, but was always natural, easy, open and graceful, and, hence, was always ac- ceptable to those with whom he mingled in society. The love of nature was strong in him, and his favorite pastimes closely associated him with his horse and his fishing-rod and fly. Once in the woods, or along the margin of a trout stream, or on the spacious bosom of a lake, what an exuberance of joy aud delight there was in him ! The memory of such times, run- ning back through more than forty years, are to the writer hereof among his most charming reminiscences. Nor was his joy and rejoicing of a selfish type. He certainly wanted happiness for him- self, as altogether desirable ; but he had a de- light superior to all personal gratification, and this consisted in making other people happy, unceasingly at his own pecuniary cost. His beneficences, executed with infinite grace and tenderness, have been recalled to my recollec- tion by needy recipients, with evident emotion, 404 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. forty years after the benefactions were deliv- ered. When Dr. Rowland went from Honesdale he left a void as palpable as if half the borough territory had fallen in. Rev. Henry Dunning was born in Wall- kill, Orange County, N. Y., January 31, 1828. At the age of thirteen he was hopefully converted to God, and soon after professsed his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He entered Williams College at the age of eighteen, from which he was graduated in 1848. He entered the Union Theological Seminary in 1849, from which he was graduated in 1852. He commenced his ministerial labors as the stated supply of the Presbyterian Church of Binghamton, N. Y., and after a year of this service he accepted a position as instructor in Hebrew at the Union Theological Seminary, which he continued to occupy until the spring of 1857, when he was married to the only daughter of Rev. Henry White, D.D. In the following April he began preaching in the First Presbyterian Church, Franklin, Delaware County, N. Y., where he continued to labor for three years. He was regularly or- dained November 4, 1858. He was called to the church of Honcsdale, Pa., in 1861, where he labored as pastor for nineteen years, when his health failed, and he felt obliged to resign his charge. In 1881, his health being im- proved, he took charge of the Presbyterian Church of Kingston, Pa., as stated supply, and continued to labor successfully in this position for three years, when failing health again com- pelled him to cease pulpit work. He had just settled in a new home in Metuchen, N. J., when the call cam; to him to "come up higher." He died June 1, 1885, and his remains, being brought to Honesdale, were interred upon the 3d, in Glen Dyberry Cemetery. From a paper prepared by a committee of the Lackawanna Presbytery we quote the fol- lowing concerning this well-known minister : " Dr. Dunning was a successful pastor. He would have been a success in any work to which he elected to give his powers; but his tastes and his culture fitted him especially for a professor's chair. He was always a wise counselor in ecclesiastical courts. His judgment on any subject to which he had given attention had weight with his brethren of the Pres- bytery, but he had no love for Presbyterial discussions and only took part in them under pressure. The magnetism of this dear brother who now rests from his labors, that was felt by all that came close to him, was not in his attainments as a scholar and his elo- quence as a preacher ; rather was it in the breadth and variety of his culture. It was in the simplicity, modesty and unselfishness of his character, and his broad, catholic spirit that embraced the world. While the beloved pastor of the Presbyterian Church ot Honesdale, he was recognized by good men in all societies and in every walk of life as a man of God. This was apparent at his funeral, when for the time being all denominational lines were effaced. Jews and Gentiles closed their shops. The Catholic priest of the village sat with the brethren of the Lacka- wanna Presbytery in the pulpit during the funeral services in the church, and stood with them at the grave where our brother will rest until the resurrec- tion of the great day." Rev. W. H. Swift was born in Geneva, N.Y., Feb. 2, 1848. About thirty years ago his parents moved to Port Jervis, Orange County, N. Y., and three years later removed to Union- ville, in the same county, where Mr. Swift's boyhood days were passed. He entered Am- herst College, Amherst, Mass., in the fall of 1866, and was graduated in 1870, and immed- iately entered Union Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1873. In 1874 he was ordained and installed the first pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church, at Wilkes- Barre, Pa., where he remained for ten years, when he accepted a call to the First Presby- terian Church of Honesdale. His parents were New England people, and his wife, Lizzie J. Watson, whom he married in 1873, was from New York. He is a man of ability and thorough convictions, and expresses himself with all the positiveness and convincing force of one who believes in the soundness of his positions. Grace Episcopal Church. — The first meeting with reference to the organization of an Episcopal Church in Honesdale was held at the house of Mr. Charles Forbes, February 13, 1832. The first clergyman who officiated was the Rev. James H. Tyng (brother of the late Dr. S. H. Tyng), who severed his connec- tion with the parish January 20, 1834. The parish was admitted into union with the Dio- WAYNE COUNTY. 405. cesan Convention May 18, 1833, under the name of " Dyberry" Parish, embracing "Grace Church," Honesdale, and " Truth Church," Bethany. By the authority of the courts of Wayne County, from and after December 13, 1853, this parish is known by the name, style and title of the " Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry of Grace Church, Honesdale," the titles Dyberry Parish and Truth Church, Bethany, being dropped, the latter congregation having become extinct in 1840. The first church building was consecrated October 31, 1834, by tlic Right Rev. Bishop Onderdonk. The corner-stone of the present church was GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. laid by the Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, June 23, 1853 (Rev. Richard B. Duane, rector); the new church building was consecrated by Bishop Potter, August 2, 1854. On that occasion morning prayer was read by the Rev. S. F. Riley, rector of the Church of the Nativity, Philadelphia, and Rev. J. L. Maxwell, rector of St. Paul's Church, Trenton, X. J., Rev. Dr. Winslow, of Staten Island, assisting in the lessons. After the consecration the society voluntarily voted an increase in the salary of the pastor, Rev. Richard B. Duane. In the evening a sermon was delivered by Rev. F. S. Wiley, the former rector. The building was designed by Henry Dudley, of the firm of Hills A: Dudley, New York, and the builder was Henry Heath, of Honesdale. The dimensions of the structure are : Outside, fifty by eighty-nine feet ; inside, forty-two by eighty-four feet. The Sunday- school and lecture-room, in the basement, are forty-two by thirty-four feet. The windows were furnished by Doremus, of Orange, N. J., and the bell (an "F"), weighing one thousand five hundred pounds, was from the foundry of Junes & Hitchcock, Troy. The stone spire of the church was designed by Mr. Dudley in keeping with the architecture of the edifice, and was built by the family of Zenas H. Russell, in the year 1879, as a memorial. The edifice cost, exclusive of the spire, but including furn- ishings, about fourteen thousand dollars. The church building being damaged by fire March 20, 1883, and subsequently repaired and improved, at a cost of about seven thousand five hundred dollars, was reopened November 21, 1883, communion being celebrated and a sermon delivered by Rev. F. D. Hoskins, a former rector, then of Swedesboro', N. J. The Northeastern Convocation of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania was in session in Hones- dale at the time, and a number of clergymen were in attendance, among them being the following : Rev. Henry L. Jones, Rev. C. H. Kidder, Wilkes- Barre; Rev. J. P. B. Pendleton, Rev. J. P. Cameron, Rev. William Kennedy, Scranton ; Rev. E. A. Enos, Towanda ; Rev. W. H. Piatt, Oarbondale ; Rev. Mr. Koehler, missionary to deaf mutes; Rev. F. I). Hos- kins, Swedesboro', N. J. ; Rev. J. W. Paige, Sharon Springs, N. Y. ; Rev. William McGlatthery, Norris- town; Rev. E. P. Brown, Troy. The rectory adjoining the church was finished in 1875. Following is a list of the rectors of the parish : Rev. James H. Tyng 1832 to 1834 Rev. Thomas West 1834 to 1835 Rev. Jno. Alborger 1835 Rev. John L. McKim 1836 to 1838 Rev. Walter E. Franklin.. 1838 to 1842 41 10 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Rev. O. E. Shannon 1842 to 1848 Rev. W. T. Smithett 1848 to 1849 Rev. F. S. Wiley 1849 to 1850 Rev. Richard B. Duane...l850 to 1858 Rev. Uriah Scott 1858 to 1861 Rev. S. B. Dalrymple 18<31, died Oct. 27, 1863 Rev. F. D. Hoskins 1864 to 1866 Rev. G. C. Bird 1866 to 1870 Rev. O. W. Landreth 1871 to 1873 Rev. Albert C. Abrams....l874, died May 20, 1875 Rev. E. P.Miller 1875 to 1879 Rev. T. F. Caskey 1879 to 1881 Rev. Henry C. Swentzel...l882 to 1885 Rev. George C. Hall 1886, present rector Methodist Episcopal Church. — The his- tory of the initiatory of " Methodism" in Hones- METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. dale is the old story of the ubiquitous " circuit- rider," holding occasional meetings in a "pri- vate dwelling," a public hall — any place that could be secured — organizing a class, attach- ing the same to the " circuit," which class be- comes the nucleus of a church of recognized influence. Such was its history prior to 1834, at which time the corner-stone of the first house of wor- ship erected by the " Methodists " was laid, on a site presented by Jason Torrey. This edifice was unpretentious, but served its purpose well. The community it accommodated was a mere village of a few houses, with its promising future. The characteristic vigorousness of " Method- ism " of that date distinguished it here, and its growth fully kept pace with the development of the thriving borough. During the year 1845 the "meeting-house" was enlarged one-half its original dimensions. Its history for the succeeding quarter of a cen- tury was characteristic of the spirit and record of universal " Methodism " of the same period — vigorous, fruitful, advancing. It now became apparent that the necessity was upon the society to change the site to a location better accommodating the community, now grown to a borough of some thousands of people, and also erect a house more commodious and in keeping with private tastes and public improve- ments. Consequently a large lot, corner of Second and Eleventh Streets, on which was a commodi- ous dwelling, was purchased, and, in the spring of 1872, work preparatory to building thereon was begun. July 4, 1872, the corner-stone of the present beautiful edifice was laid, with appropriate ser- vice, Rev. J. M. Reed, D.D., one of the mission- ary secretaries of New York, delivering the address. The building is a fine brick structure, trimmed with stone, and in its exterior attractive, an ornament to the town which is distinguished for its pleasant physical features and artificial adornments. Its interior is most commodious for all manner of church-work. The first floor is partitioned into class-rooms, pastor's study, ladies' parlor, primary Sunday-school class- room, general chapel (which makes a dining- room of unsurpassed convenience and pleasant- ness) and kitchen, furnished with stoves and table crockery. The second floor is an inviting auditorium, of seating capacity for six hundred comfortably, and, with added seats, many more. A large and pleasant parsonage, supplied with water and gas, stands on the same lot. The history of the society for the ten years immediately following the conclusion to build is the record of a most crushing financial struggle, WAYNE COUNTY. 407 caused mainly by the universal depression of the finances of the country during these years. The church is valued at some fifty thousand dollars and the parsonage at some four thousand dol- lars, with a prospect that at no very remote date the entire indebtedness will be canceled. The enterprise was inaugurated during the pastorate of Rev. J. O. Woodruff, and completed during the pastorate of Rev. H. M. Crydenwise. Its present membership numbers three hundred and fifty ; its Sunday-school nearly four hun- dred. The records of the beginnings of " Method ism" in Houesdale contain the names of such men as Father Genung, Mary Stewart, Derial Gibbs, John Griffin, Thomas Pope, William Parmenter, Thomas Hawkey, David Tarbox, Henry Heath, Thomas Kellow, Richard Spry, O. Hamlin, James Birdsall, Sr., Richard Dony, R. Webb, R. Henwood and others, to whom the succeeding generations owe a debt of gratitude. The long list of praiseworthy pastors reads very nearly in the order as follows : Agard, Conover, Rowe, Mumford, Blackwell, White, Reddy, Owens, Barker, Cook, Mitchell, Harvey, Wyatt, Gidings, Olmsted, Tryou, Mead, Pad- dock, Cole, W. J. Judd, Woodruff, Crydenwise, Van Cleft, Harroun, Richardson and the present incumbent, W. L. Thorpe. The present board of trustees are John Bone, John Blake, D. L. Kennedy, B. F. Haines, J. C. Birdsall, Thomas Crossley, P. S. Barnes, E. H. Clark, W. P. Sehenck. Present Sunday- school superintendent, J. R. Brown. The Roman Catholic Church. — The first traces of the Catholic Church in Wayne County are found in the forests of the northern town- ships. Some half-dozen of the early pioneers in Mount Pleasant were Catholics and the sec- ular department of our history records the names of these enterprising farmers and their earlier followers. The Delaware and Hudson Canal brought a few Irish families to Houesdale in 1820, but up to the enlargement of the canal their num- ber was inconsiderable. These were dependent on the zeal of priests residing at such remote places as Troy, Utica and Buffalo for the minis- trations of religion. On horseback, their chapel packed into capacious saddle-bags, these de- voted men started out from their homes in search of the scattered children of their church. Along bridle-roads through unknown forests, lodging in the primitive log cabin or railroad shanty, sharing the coarse food and rough beds of the sons of toil they came to console the Irish exiles and preserve the faith of their children. The writer of this sketch long enjoyed the friendship of two of these devoted fathers. One of them, Father Shanahan died a dozen years ago at St. Peter's Church, in New York City, where his name will long be in benediction. He was a man of profound and varied learning, who, despite his missionary work, found leisure to utilize a large and valuable library, which he bequeathed to his namesake, the Bishop of Harrisburg. His home was at Troy, on the Hudson, whence he made long and tiresome excursions, as early as 1830, through Otsego to Cooperstown, down the valley of the Susquehanna, along Sullivan County among the scattered Catho- lics in the adjoining State of Pennsylvania, through Orange County and along the west shore of the Hudson back to Troy. The regis- try of the baptisms and marriages he performed is preserved at St. Peter's Church, in Troy, erected by him, and which was long the only church there. The other early missionary referred to was Father Walter Quarters, who subsequently erect- ed the first church in Jersey City, and after- wards the first cathedral at Chicago, of which his brother William was first bishop. He sub- sequently, on his brother's death, in 1848, returned to the diocese of New York, where he erected the first church at Yorkville, where he died full of years and the garnered fruits of a zealous life. His first field of labor was at Utica, then an obscure village in the interior of New York, from which he penetrated Northern and West- ern New York and along the southern tier of counties, searching out also the Catholic settlers in the adjoining State. St. John's Church at Utica, built by him, preserves the record of his functions in this county. Subsequently Buffalo became a centre of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. missionary labor and the priest from there visited this county about 1835, and the record of his ministry is to be sought at the Church of St. Louis. The rapid growth of the church at these great centres in New York compelled the pas- tors to remain at home, so that between 1835 and 1840 the county was indebted to missionary zeal from Philadelphia, Easton and Friends- ville, in Susquehanna County, at which places must be sought the record of the baptisms and marriages performed by the visiting mission- aries. ST. JOHNS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. In 1842 the mining interests of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company had attracted •quite a number of industrious Catholics to Car- bondale, and the tanneries in Wayne County had become each a centre of profitable industry, .-and aggregated a considerable number of Catho lies. These induced the bishop of Philadel- phia to send them a resident pastor, with Car- bondale for a centre, and assigning one Sunday in the month to Honesdale and the other Catholic settlements in Wayne County. Rev. Henry Fitzsimmons of Carbondale was the first pastor of the Catholics of Wayne •County, and on his appointment, in 1842, he erected the first church at Honesdale, which was subsequently extended on both ends to meet the wants of the growing Catholic population. Three years later (1845) Honesdale was erected into a separate parish, and Rev. P. Prendergast was appointed its first pastor. Up to this time the marriage register was kept at Carbondale, whilst the baptisms were recorded at Honesdale, but after the advent of the resi- dent pastor both were kept at Honesdale. Father Prendergast, for reasons we shall specify further on, stayed less than two years, and was sucseeded by Rev. James Malony in the memor- able year of 1847, the famine year, when that immense influx of able-bodied men and women sought every field of remunerative labor, and the industries of Wayne County attracted their own share of it. The Erie Railroad, where work had been suspended, recovered from its torpor; the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany enlarged their water highway threefold ; the Pennsylvania Coal Company was projected, with Hawley for the centre of its enterprise ; the tanneries were greatly extended, and agri- culture promoted, and as a consequence the labors of Father Malony were made correspond- ingly oppressive. He enlarged the church at Honesdale and erected the steeple. It was he who built the present church at Hawley in 1850, and in addition to his pastoral labors at Honesdale, and from Deposit to Port Jervisalong the line of the two States, he responded promptly to the calls of the sick and the dying. Some, idea may be formed of his labors from the register of St. John's Church, which records two hundred and ninety-three baptisms for the year 1851. Early the next year his exhausted frame yielded to an attack of malignant typhoid, and in April, 1852, he was called to receive the rewards of a short but faithful ministry. On the death of Father Malony, Dr. O'Hara, now bishop of Scrantou, was put in charge of Honesdale, and was assisted by Father Kenny ; and German Catholics beginning to settle here, Father EtthofFer made them an occasional visit, as did Father Sharle, from Pottsville. Towards the fall of 1852 Rev. James Power was put in charge, and soon after Rev. Father Whitty was sent to assist him, especially in WAYNE COUNTY. 409 caring for Hawley and the Rock Lake districts, which by this time had grown into permanent importance. The next year Father Whitty was put in charge of Scranton, just emerging into notice, whilst Father Daniel Kelly replaced him as assistant priest at St. John's, Honesdale. In the summer of 1854 Rock Lake and the tan- ning villages in the northern part of the county were set aside from Honesdale, and Father Shields was placed in the new charge. He stayed but a few mouths, when it reverted to Honesdale until the appointment of Rev. Father Delanave to that mission. He being an Italian and unable to speak the English lan- guage intelligibly, of course, accomplished noth- ing, and was relieved of the charge by Bishop Wood on the occasion of his first visitation, in the summer of 1864, when Rev. Thomas Bre- hony was sent to replace him. Delanave per- sisted in hanging around the settlements for a a long time, to the no small embarrassment of the new incumbent. But Father Brehony was possessed of more than an ordinary amount of patience, and despite the obstacles he encoun- tered, he set to work to improve and advance the spiritual and material interests of his first charge, for hitherto he had been only assistant priest. How he succeeded the two commodious and tasty churches of the district attest. These he relinquished in the fall of 1870, and trans- ferred, free of debt and well furnished, to his successor, the present incumbent, Rev. John Judge, of Rock Lake, on his assignment to a new charge in Susquehanna County. Hawley continued in charge of St. John's, Honesdale, over a year after the separation of Rock Lake. But the enlargement of the Delaware and Hud- son Canal and the increased shipments of coal by the Pennsylvania Coal Company had pro- portionately increased the number of laborers, so that in the summer of 1855 it was found necessary to release Honesdale of its care, and make it the centre of a new district, having all Pike County and Paupack, in Wayne, for its limits. Rev. Michael Filon was transferred from Lancaster County and placed in charge of the new parish. He was untiring in his efforts to elevate the morale of his populous charge, and was more than ordinarily successful. On the opening of the Honesdale Branch of the Erie Railroad he erected the little church at Lacka waxen, which then gave promise of an importance it has not realized. In the summer of 1864 he was transferred to Philadelphia, and Hawley reverted to the care of Honesdale until a Father McCollum was sent there. He was dismissed in 1869, when Hawley again became dependent on Honesdale until the appointment, in the fall of 1870, of the present incumbent, Rev. J. P. O'Mally, who has already erected neat frame churches at Ledgedale, Milford and " White Mills," where the Dorflinger Glass Works founded a flourishing village in 1863, which has grown and continues to grow in population and prosperity, affording a hope that it will tic long become the centre of religious activi- ties. Honesdale remained in charge of Rev. James Powers until 1855, and he was succeeded in the four following uneventful years by Rev. J. Ahem, removed early in 1857, when Rev. P. J. O'Brien was appointed pastor. He re- mained until April, 1859, when he was trans- ferred to Wilmington, Delaware, and the present incumbent, Rev. J. J. Doherty, was transferred from Towanda Parish to St. John's, Honesdale. Up to this the successive incumbents at Houesdale stayed too short a time to effect any appreciable elevation of the religious tone of the laboring people, who, after haviug completed the construction of the canal, settled down there to operate it. Canal towns are proverbially centres of dissipation. There bad whiskey cir- culates, and officers of the law are intimidated by the political power of its vendors from any effort towards its restraint. Homeless men and vagrants resort to canal towns for congenial companionship and idle occupation. Dancing- houses, too, abound there, and the lively tunes of burst bag pipes enhance the attraction of the " bar," and the saloon-keepers grow defiant of decency, ready to resent all secular or religious interference. The works at Honesdale were, besides, unfavorable to the active restraints of religion. One after another, the pastors appointed to WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Honesdale found it a very pleasant parish — to leave, and they were but too glad to enjoy that pleasure just as soon as they could do so with- out exposing themselves to the imputation of cowardice or indecent haste. The Catholic Church, as we observed else- where, was a stranger in the land, and it had been preceded by a very bad reputation; and the new-comers were naturally regarded as ex- ponents and representatives of its creed and culture. And here were men born and reared in the church utterly defiant of the decencies of civil and social life and the restraints of law, desecrating the Sunday in debauch, drunkenness and public riot; their haunts echoing yells and profanities; their leaders growing rich, some on their recklessness and intemperance, whilst others drove a profitable " brokerage " in their votes, and others again openly impeached the pastors or sent around the whisper that priests were not above paltry embezzlement, and whilst souls might be safely enough entrusted to their charge, they ought not be implicitly trusted with " higher goods." No oue can be surprised that a church so ignobly represented was without honor in the community, that the traditional hostility to its creed and its clergy was intensified one hundred fold, and that Honesdale became prominent amongst the other communities of Eastern Pennsylvania for its antipathy to the Catholic Church. Other towns viewed it with jealousy or fear ; at Honesdale it was below contempt. Its place of worship was relegated to Texas, its people to Shanty Hill, where its pastors were ignobly lodged in a cabin, and came and went away un- honored and unknown to the rest of the com- munity. It must not be inferred from this that there were no true representatives of the church at Honesdale, for there were hundreds. The great bulk of the settlers were orderly, but some one has remarked that " a hornet will agitate a whole camp-meeting ; " so a few tur- bulent, riotous meu will bring reproach ou an entire community of upright, virtuous people. It is not necessary to go back eons of ages to discover the troglodyte man : he is cotem- porary with all the ages and numerous as ever to-day. Wherever vegetation exists, there weeds will spring up spontaneously, and all they ask is to be let alone ; so, in all communities of meu vices will pullulate, and all they ask is "to be let alone/' The rapid chauges of pastors at Hones- dale gave the vicious element all the immunity from repression it required, until it became openly defiant when first subjected to restraint, and howled like famished wolves around the pastor who first effectually resisted the spoliation of the fold. In 1859 the present incumbent, John J. Doherty was transferred from Towanda to Honesdale, and it became apparent at once that he came to stay. He purchased his own residence in the centre of the town; he supplied his own horses, car- riages and the other comforts and conveniences of the affluent without any appeal to his people and it was evident their penury would not re- pel, nor the slander and contumely of their leaders intimidate him. We dare not indulge in eulogy, and we trust it maybe long before an "obituary" may record the trials and triumphs of the last quarter of a century of Father Doherty's pastorship at Honesdale; but we may, without impertinence, recall an interview with him shortly after his settlement here. It had reference to a flagrant social grievance that we — there were three of us, all living yet — thought we could readily redress. His reply was substantially this, — "Gentle- men, I am a young man, but I have been taught by sad experience the futility of attempting to force social or moral reforms on any people. There are few men wholly free from illusions, and their cure is not to be effected by abusing them, but by disabusing them. This will take time and much patience." This gives a clue to his methods, and ex- plains his wonderful success in suppressing vice, and gradually ridding the community, to a great extent, of the human vermin that infested in- dustrious communities, as pickpockets do crowds to despoil the incautious or confiding. We never heard him indulge in rant or in- WAYNE COUNTY. vective, much less did lie ever, under any pro- vocation, descend to vituperation. He un- masked vice whilst ignoring its presence, and thus cured its victims without subjecting them to the pain of moral cautery. He persuaded men of the profitableness of right living and compared self-indulgence to " scratching the itch." The man who would enjoy this life, to say nothing of the future, must accustom himself to the discipline of self- restraint. He often urged men in the enjoy- ment of God's gifts to exhibit gratitude to the Giver, by at least forbearing to abuse them to His dishonor. After years of such practical preaching, emphasized by example, it would be strange if men failed to be disabused of low views of life and the delusions of pleasure, and if in time they were not led to prefer "the straight lines of duty to the curved lines of beauty." We close this hasty epitome of the Catholic Church in Wayne County with a brief summary of the result of Father Doherty's labors in the last quarter of a century, leaving details of re- mote results to future historians. The church, as a church, has emerged from obscurity into recognized pre-eminence as a restraining and elevating moral power. The people are sober, frugal, industrious, self-disciplined, respectable and respected; the youth are educated and contribute a respectable quota to professional careers, law, medicine aud divinity. The Catholic Church is architecturally unsurpassed in this end of the State, and its massive stone walls and rich stained-glass window- attest the munificence of the pastor who designed and car- ried on the work during three years at his own expense, before appealing for a dollar to the people. The interior decorations corre- spond with the magnitude and solidity of the exterior, and the choir, composed of amateur members, frequently attracts all the lovers of music to its rendering of the most elaborate compositions of the great masters. The Catholic population attending St. John's Church, at Honesdale, has varied but slightly in a quarter of a century, and may be set down in round numbers at two thousand. The neighboring settlements dependent on Honesdale for religious service have greatly decreased, and some have entirely disappeared in that time. Twenty-five years ago the tan- neries at Cherry Ridge, at Smith Hill and Al- denville had, in the aggregate, over one hundred families, but all are long since abandoned, from the exhaustion of the hemlock bark within ac- cessible distances; and the one yet operated, at the falls of Dyberry, will have exhausted its bark within a year, and will then also be abandoned, whilst the number of Catholics settled on farms is gradually diminishing. Twenty -five years ago they numbered about seventy families within a radius of eight miles from Honesdale; to-day they do nut exceed fifty- six families, and several of these very poor. It is also evident that the sons and daughters of the more opulent farmers do not take kindly to agriculture, but as they grow up they seek more congenial and remunerative occupations in towns. At Honesdale itself the Catholic population is about stationary ; for though the Irish are no less prolific there than elsewhere, their chil- dren, as they grow up, are forced to migrate in search of a career, and very few content them- selves with the precarious pursuits of their parents. But we are not called upon to prophesy, so we leave the future of the church in Wayne County to future historians. John Julius DOHEKTY, the subject of this sketch, was born at "Dungrood Castle," a small freehold property his father, Julius Do- herty, had inherited in Yale Sharlow, in the County Tipperary, Ireland, on November 20, 1820. His father's youth was mainly spent with his mother's family in England, whither she removed on her husband's death, and where he acquired a taste for scientific agriculture and landscape gardening, rare at that day. On his return to Ireland he followed that occupation for a living, his patrimony being too small to maintain him and his family, which rapidly increased in numbers. His career involved oc- casional removal, and a residence more or less protracted, according to the magnitude of the improvements be was engaged to oversee. He was always accompanied by his family, 41: WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. who were thus brought into familiar relations with families of the lauded gentry by whom he was employed, and who made it as pleasant as they could for the stranger during his stay. This imparted a cosmopolitan character to the subject of our sketch very uncommon with his countrymen. Wherever his father resided he punctually attended the best classical and math- ematical schools, and his father declined engage- ments wherever such schools were not accessible, be familiarly called, to distinguish him from other Johns, profited by his opportunities, and how readily he entered into the self-reliant spirit of our country, is evinced by the fact that in the winter of 183(3, whilst a lad, racy of the soil, he engaged with Mr. Adams, chairman of the district, to teach the public school at Adamsville, now a station on the Albany and Susquehanna Kailroad, ten miles from Albany, before lie had quite reached his sixteenth year. and he preferred engagements on estates in Kerry to much more lucrative ones elsewhere, because of superior opportunities for higher education. Hence he remembers schools and schoolmates in the city of Limerick, soon after at Lestowell, then at Tralee, then after three years' absence at Lestowell again, and then after two years back again to Limerick before coming to America in the summer of 1836. How abundantly John Julius, as he used to The following year, 1837, he was offered better pay, and took charge of the somewhat aristo- cratic school at Coeymau's, making his home at the opulent mansion of Colonel Abraham Ver- planck, whose family occupy high social posi- tion in the State. In that year he was entered as a law student at Albany, and the next year (1838) he took the moreconvenient school at Watervliet, making his home at Colonel Lansing's hospitable mansion. WAYNE COUNTY. At the close of that year he had his name transferred from Albany to the New York bar, on being engaged at Elmwood Hill Academy, in the neighborhood of the city, to teach the Greek language and book-keeping. This was a somewhat famous school at that day, especially for Southern students. The principal, Professor Russell, was an intimate friend of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stewart, who almost invariably visited there Sunday even- ings. The next June, at the opening of the vaca- tion, he was seized with typhus fever, through which he was watched with a father's care by Dr. William O'Donnell, subsequently coro- ner of the city, whose son, John O'Don- nell, has achieved prominence in the State. On his recovery he communicated to Bishop Hughes, just invested with the administration of the diocese, his desire to embrace the eccle- siastical state, and was immediately seut by him to Mount St. Mary's College, Maryland. But partially restored to health, it taxed all his remaining strength to reach the college at the opening of studies, where he arrived on August 14, 1839. The bracing mountain air, pure water and varied recreations restored him to health, but he never recovered to the one hundred and sixty-four pounds scale he turned before the attack of typhus fever. At that institution he was classed or associa- ted with several young men who have since made their mark in secular aud ecclesiasti- cal careers. Amongst the latter we may name Bishop McFarland, of Hartford ; Bishop Loughlin, of Brooklyn ; Archbishop Elder, of Cincinnati; Bishop Cowray, of Albany; and a host of others equally eminent in the American Church. College life is uneventful except for the students, so the subject of our sketch passed his days and years in the studies appertaining to his chosen career, whilst at the same time teaching Greek, Latin, history or mathematics, as the faculty of the college as- signed him, thereby incurring no obligation to any particular diocese, and retaining the right to select his field of future labor. In 1843 the late Cardinal McCloskey was relieved of the presidency of St. John's Col- I lege, at Fordham, and another old student of the Mountain was appointed to preside, and at his request Bishop Hughes called upon the old college for a contingent to sustain the new fac- ulty, and amongst them the subject of this sketch. The mortality amongst his cotemporaries at St. John's College has been very great, for he remembers but three who survive, and these are Father Harrigan, of Binghamton ; Rev. George McClosky, of Louisville ; and Monsig- nor Quinn, of New York. In 1844 the bishop of Cincinnati called him to orders, and in April he was ordained " dea- con," and the next month priest, and attached to the Cathedral, then the only English-speak- ing Catholic Church in the city. Besides him- self there were only two other priests, Rev. Fathers Collins and Purcell, to serve it, and these had not seldom to ride sixty miles into the country on horseback, to attend the dying members of the church. The restraints of city life soon began to tell unfavorably on his health, and through the medium of his friend, Father Edward, to whom the bishop would refuse nothing, he procured a chauge to the country. This was faciliated with the bishop in view of the return of Father Wood, subsequently archbishop of Philadel- phia, who had recently been ordained priest at Rome. Father Doherty was released from city work, which was always uncongenial, and Massillon, in the northern part of the State, was named as his field of labor. It was a desolate field — no church, no house, no money, nothing but a portable chapel and a pair of saddle-bags, but no horse nor saddle — yetby August 15th, four months after his arrival, he had erected a solid stone church, with a par- sonage under the same roof, which Bishop Pur- cell dedicated on that festival, and the same day transferred Father Doherty to Canton, made vacant by the return of the incumbent to Europe. Within five miles was a French colony, in charge of Father De Goesbriand, now bishop of Burlington, Vt., where were many English- speaking people ; many, too, were scattered in 414 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the Western Reserve ; indeed his field extended twenty-five miles in a radius from Canton, and southward over fifty miles. It comprises to- day ten parishes and as many pastors. There was a strong mutual attachment be- tween the people of Canton and their young pastor, which was growing year after year as he made their church respected by his personal and intellectual eminence. In 1848, however, on the division of the diocese of Cincinnati, he found himself remanded to the new diocese of Cleveland, and, in common with others of the English-speaking clergy of the diocese, he sought and obtained a canonical exeat. He has often since questioned the inadequacy of the cause that impelled that course, since it unmoored him, and for awhile set him adrift amid unforeseen perils. But youth and inex- perience are usually self-reliant, and priests, as other men. must pay the price for wisdom. A public meeting convened at the court-house, Congressman Starkweather, chairman, and Judge Lynch, secretary — conveyed to him com- plimentary resolutions and expressions of re- gret. Under obligations to no diocese, he could lawfully choose his field of labor, Bishop Fitzpatrick had just bought a Uni- tarian Church in Purchase Street, Boston, and at once tendered the rectorship of it to Father Doherty, through a mutual friend, before he had yet fully withdrawn from Canton. It was accepted and on its dedication to St. Vincent he assumed the charge, in which lie was assisted gratuitously by Father Shaw, re- cently converted at Rome and ordained by Bishop Fitzpatrick. He resided at the bishop's house, and of his cotemporaries there survives to-day one — the present Archbishop Williams. The others were Hardy, Manahan and O'Brien. A. Bran- son was always a Friday guest at the bishop's hospitable board, where all were amused and instructed by the logical sparring of the learned bishop and his illustrious convert. Whilst the novelty lasted the new life was not irksome, but soon the old repugnance to the city re- turned upon him, and he began to long for the green fields and the soft roads and shady lanes of the country. The sights and scenes in cellar and garret filled him with disgust and chafed upon his temper. He availed himself of every opportunity to leave the city, and made missionary excursions as far as Xew Hampshire. He it was who bought the commodious site of the Augustiuian Church, at Lawrence, whither, on learning his discontent with city life, the bishop wished to transfer him. Indeed, the Catholic Almanac of 1849 locates hira at Lawrence. And there he would have located, but that the aged missionary, Father French, brother to Bishop French, was the incumbent there ; and, although feeble, he felt himself competent to discharge its duties, and Father Doherty de- clined to intrude on the venerable father or trespass on what he regarded his rights. So, although the Catholic Almanac so re- ported in 1840, he never accepted the appoint- ment. The next year, appreciating his prefer- ence for country life, the bishop reluctantly acquiesced in his wish for a change from the city, and Father George Reardou was trans- ferred to Cambridge from Worcester, whence he attended Saxonville, Framingham, Spring- field, Palmer and Ware, and Father Doherty was sent to succeed him. In one sense the change was gratifying. The country was pleasant and the educated people whom he met during his short stay social and liberal. The location was central, and he had often for guests the genial Bishop Fitzpatrick and his successor, the present arch- bishop of Boston (then Father Williams, whose friendship he continues to enjoy), Dr. Manahan, the ponderous O. A. Brownson. Bishop Hughes made his house a stage ou the way to Montreal, and Thomas Darcy Magee came there to reconcile a slight misunderstand- ing ; and Dr. Early, the president of the Wor- cester College, and subsequently of Georgetown, frequently assisted him on Sunday. But he encountered a formidable foe and his special aversion, the whiskey interest, which, as he is accustomed to say, " fattens on famine and the moral carrion it generates." He was full of fight and inexperience, and, by what he himself to-day doubtless would re- WAYNE COUNTY. 415 gard intemperate invective, provoked a des- perate resistance, which soon defiantly turned upon him to overwhelm him with obloquy. It would greatly exceed the limits of this sketch to detail this brief episode in Father Doherty's career. During the whole of the year 1851 he was harassed with prosecutions, which were peculiarly annoying by the mode of procedure, which was by " primary attach- ment ;" and, besides, every attorney of the court was e.v-ojficio a magistrate, which afforded all the opportunity mercenary or malignant people could require to drag their victims into court. Mr. George Roberts, of the Boston Daily IHmes, in the leading editorial of Wednesday morning, June 25th of that year, thus records their com- plete defeat, — " We must honestly confess that we see in the allegations against Rev. Mr. Doherty nothing which he has not triumphantly refuted." It was then they transferred their assaults to the newspapers. He declined that interminable extra-judicial tribunal of ribaldry and rant, and, consulting his own and others' peace in- dispensable to religion, he acquiesced in his friends' advice and transferred his services to Philadelphia, where his old friend, Father Newman, of Pittsburgh, had just been conse- crated bishop. He was immediately appointed to Chambers- burg Parish, vacated by the transfer of Dr. Leitner to Columbia, and entered upon his duties June 24, 1852. It then embraced < ai- lisle, Waynesboro' and Concord, but not one vendor of liquor within its limits. He found the people and the climate of Chambersburg congenial. Here he speedily recovered the elasticity of spirit, somewhat impaired by his brief, but severe, struggle, and soon forgot assaults and assailants in the tranquil pursuit of his ministry. His literary taste found field for cultivation. He became an active member of the Young Men's Literary Society, which then embraced such men as Judge Nill, Alexander MeClure, William B. McClelland, G. Sharp, G. Brewer and several others who have since made their impress on political and literary life in the State. Whilst there he built the neat brick church at Concord, and had it dedicated to our " Lady of Refuge," by Bishop Newman (who was attended by Doctor Hayden, of Bedford, and Father Myers, of Baltimore), on the 15th of August, 1853. Ten years after leaving Chambersburg, Father Doherty revisited it as the guest of Colonel Hoskinson, and received an ovation from all its ministers, and literary people crowded the church to hear and see him, and called upon him at the house of his host. In June, 1855, the parish of Towanda becom- ing vacant, the bishop tendered it to Father Doherty, and, although growing yearly more attached to the place and people, he accepted it, and immediately entered upon his duties there. He found Towanda a vast parish ; and it is to- day, although dismembered, and two others formed from it. Yet, during four years he toiled there unre- mittingly, not seldom riding fifty miles a day on horseback and never did he take a day's va- cation. Neither did he ever utter a word of complaint to his friend. On the contrary, in 1859, when a vacancy occurred at Honesdale, Bishop Newman thus writes to Father Doherty from Heading: " Altho' when I visited you lately, you ex- pressed a willingness to remain at Towanda, yet I deem it proper to offer you Honesdale. It is the best at present in my gift, and much easier than your present parish. If you accept, please inform me promptly, for I am anxious to fill it." The intimation of his friend's wish was enough, and Father Doherty, although endeared to the place and people by many ties, proceeded to settle up his affairs, and within two weeks, in July, 1859, assumed the pastorship of Honesdale and its missions. Hitherto his stay was too brief to make any perceptible impression on the community. His youth and secluded habits, if nothing else, kept him an unknown factor; on his arrival at Honesdale, in his thirty-eighth year, he retained the boyish look of twenty years. Here he set- tled down to his life-work about the age that most men develop into usefulness and success. By that time they get chastened by disap- pointments and mature into a noble manhood, 416 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. if the material be there. He found vices and vicious practices entrenched in the habits of people, but he had learned the folly of firing the corn-crib to exterminate the rats, so he set himself to stay the sin and spare the sinner, with what success may be seen in the history of the Catholic Church, to which we refer our readers. The Baptist Church. — Prior to 1842 a number of persons in Honesdale had become converts to the Baptist faith, but they had for the most part joined the Bethany Church, and none had been organized in Honesdale. In the spring of 1842 Elders Lewis Raymond, H. Curtis and D. F. Leach made an effort to bring into existence a local church, and for that pur- pose a council was convened at the call of the Bethany Church, which duly assembled at Bethany on April 10th, delegates being present from Damascus, Clinton, Mount Pleasant, Cooperstown, N. Y., and Ten-Mile River. The church was organized by this council, with the following constituent members, viz. : Franklin Davall, Harry Wheeler and wife, Charlotte Wheeler, Harlan D. Fuller and wife, Sarah B. Fuller, John Garrett, Jr., and wife, Patience Garrett, John Chope, Hezekiah Mattesson, John Shopland, Albert H. Russell, John Gray, Richard L. Ward, Runnells Cole, Asa Cran- dall, D. P. Bunnell, Susan Stryker, Laura Robinson, Parthenia Bunnell, Sarah Murray, Elizabeth Jackett, Clarissa McMullen, Eliza A. Cole, Eleanor Cole, Harriet Bunnell, Almira Burnett, all from the church at Bethany ; Parks Baird and his wife, Sarah Ann Baird, from the church at Damascus ; and Phrebe Davall, from the church at Mount Pleasant. Sarah Harris was admitted by letter on April 14th, and was the first person so received. It was not until the next year (1843) that the society secured a settled pastor, the Rev. D. L. McGear. The first trustees elected were D. Bun- nell, R. L. Ward, E. Mapes, F. Davall and H. Wheeler. The first clerk was H. A. Mattesson, and the treasurer Franklin Davall. For the first three years the society worshipped in the old Tabernacle and in other places, but as early as June 17, 1843, it was decided to pro- cure a lot on which to build a church. On De- cember 29th following the trustees were author- ized to purchase the lot opposite Stephen Cory's shop, on Second Street. The church, still in use, was finished in July, 1845, and dedicated upon the 30th of the month. About the same time a Sunday-school was organized. Following is the succession of pastors who have served this church : 1843 D. L. McGear. 1843 D. D. Gray. 1846 G. S. Bailey. 1846 A. G. Smith. 1847 T. O. Judd. 1850 C. C. Williams. 1853 Zelotes Grenell. 1856 Joseph N.Fohvell. 1858 L. O. Grenell. 1866 Samuel H. Mead. 1867 H. B. Gamer. 1871 Walter Gallant, 1875 James A. Mets. 1882 A. H. Bliss. The deacons, in the order of their succession, have been as follows : 1843 S. L. Deming. 1843 J. A. Patmor. 1S45 H. A. Mattesson. 18^5-55 F. Davall. 1855-60 Eliphalet Wood. I860...-. Joseph A. Hubbard. V. Grenell. 1863-65 Peter J. Cole. 1865-67 H. W. Kaliseh. 1882 Peter J. Cole. William H.Haskin. Francis West. The present trustees are B. L. Wood, P. J. Cole, William A. Gaylord, William H. Haskin and B. F. Fraley. St. John German Lutheran Church. — The congregation was organized in 1845 and im- mediately proceeded to erect a small house of worship, which was superseded in 1849 bv the larger edifice still in use. The church is in a flourishing condition and has a membership of two hundred and twenty-five. Connected with the society is a parochial school, which is at- tended by about seventy pupils. The school building is in the rear of the church. The society also owns a parsonage on Second Street, and a lot fifty by one hundred and fifty feet. The first pastor of this church was the Rev. WAYNE COUNTY. 417 C. Sans, who served from 1845 to 1847. Since the expiration of his pastorate the succession of ministers has been as follows : G. Zeumer 1847-49 J.Goetz 1849-59 F. A. Bauer 1859-66 J. Heller 1866-68 F. F. Wilken 1868-72 O. Telle 1872-78 F.A. Herzberger 1878-80 G. F. Woeruer 1880-84 Th. Heischmann 1884-85 Eobert Conrad 18S5- The German Catholic Congregation, of Honesdale, was organized about 1853, when Father Caspar Muller became its pastor. From 1858 to 1863 the Rev. P. C. Nagel, of Wilkes- Barre, attended to its spiritual wants. Under his supervision the church was built at the present site, corner Fifth and Second Streets, and dedicated in 1800, after the old edifice on Sev- enth Street had been destroyed by fire. He also bought about two acres of land for a cemetery, from Mr. Schoonover. Rev. Francis Buthe was assigned to the rec- torship in the spring of 1863, and remained at the head of the congregation until the time of his death, in 1878, when he was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. William Dassel. Rev. F. Buthe introduced the Sisters of Chris- tian Charity to teach the children of the paro- chial school. A handsome school building was erected through his exertions, the upper floor of which was occupied by the Sisters as a dwell- ing. Since then the congregation has acquired the property adjoining as a residence for the teach- ers. There has been also an addition of thirty feet made to the church, which has been frescoed and otherwise beautified at a considerable out- lay. The Hebeew Congregation. — In the spring of 1849, William Weiss, the first pioneer Jew, publicly known as such, settled in Hones- dale, where he still resides. Two months later a family, Waller by name, bought property in the upper part of the town, where they lived until some years ago, when they followed their children to California and there the aged couple died. That same summer Michael and Lewis Mil- hauser, John Goldsmith, Julius Bach and J. Tanhauser, Jacob Libsez and J. Wiseman immi- grated. In September of that year they associated themselves into a congregation numbering nine men, and held their first public prayer-meeting at the home of Mr. Waller, who furnished the room for the purpose. The following year came Samuel Frankel, who was ever a leading member of the congregation " House of Israel," until hisdeath, in 1881. With Mr. Frankel and family came his three brothers-in-law, familiarly known to this day as the three old bachelors, the Sam- uel Brothers. Shortly after Abe Bernstein came ; also three cousins, Levy by name, having settled here, two daughters of Jacob Levy married two brothers by the name of Freeman, who, with their fami- lies, still reside here, the old folks having passed away. That year the congregation bought a plot of ground for a burial-place, near what now constitutes Gleu Dyberry Cemetery, the first burial being that of a child of S. Levy. Since then many of the old settlers rest there in family lots, 'neath the shade of trees planted by the hand of pioneer Weiss, and under modest tomb-stones with Hebrew and English inscrip- tions. Soon after the congregation rented and fur- nished a large room fora synagogue, and engaged Rev. Mr. Kuttner as the minister and parochial teacher. With the minister came the desire for building a house of worship. Although the Jewish fami- lies were few and in moderate circumstances, some very poor, each one pledged himself to furnish not less than fifty dollars apiece either of his own means or to raise the sum by sub- scription. The Rev. Mr. Kuttuer's earnest efforts were crowned with success. The Delaware and Hudson Company, through the intercession of the lateR. F. Lord, liberally donated a building lot for the purpose. Mr. Lord not only subscribed from his private means for the building, but when shown the plan for the church without a tower, a church- bell not being customary, and the congregation unable to furnish further funds, Mr. Lord pre- 41 S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. vailed on the committee and offered a ten-dollar bill additionally in the name of his good wife, if they add the tower, which they eventually did. The citizens of the different Christian denominations aided liberally, and the few Jews soon built and consecrated the little church to the worship of God and the instruction of their children. Since that time the Revs. Kuttner, Heilbronn, Bergman, Gabriel, Landau, Fass (who died here), Kaiser and Bloch have suc- cessively officiated as rabbi of the limited num- ber of Jewish families who have come and gone during these years, and at present the con- gregation, consisting of less than a score of families, is under the guidance of the Rev. J. Kahn. Of the earlier settlers, William Weiss, Samuel Brothers, Lewis Milhauser, the Freeman Brothers and the Katz Brothers are still resident. The congregation above men- tioned is the German-Jewish congregation gen- erally known as the " Beth-Israel." During the past few years a number of Polish and Russian Jews have settled in Texas town- ship, across the river from Honesdale. Although in reduced circumstances, they soon formed a congregation and fitted up a place of worship and school for themselves. EDUCATION. The Early Schools. 1 — The first school- house in Honesdale was located ,i short distance east of the corner of High and North Third Streets. It was afterwards used for stable pur- poses and has long since been demolished. The work of education was opened by Lewis Pes- tana, in the spring of 1828. He was succeeded in the fall by Charles P. Clark, who continued to teach during the winter. About the same time M. A. Whitney opened a school in the " Lower Village." The next school was in the " Upper Village," and was conducted by Miss Vary Ann Garrett. Meanwhile Mr. Clark had been succeeded by Mr. Wells, and he, in turn, by M. A. Bidwell, who had charge of the school for several years. The other private schools of the town will he mentioned further on. i The history of the Honesdale schools was principally prepared by Edgar Jadwin. The act " To establish a General System of Education by Common Schools," which became a law April 1, 1834, was promptly adopted by the people of Honesdale. It provided for the election of six school directors, who were to hire teachers and super- intend other matters relating to the schools In 1836 they were authorized to levy taxes for educational purposes. The first board of direc- tors for the Honesdale School District held its first meeting July 18, 1835, and proceeded at once to make arrangements for opening a public school. They rented the Honesdale Academy from its board of trustees and retained control of it for three years. A list of the directors and of the teachers in the public schools from that time to the present, complete so far as the records show, is appended to this sketch. The board would occasionally delegate one of its members to hire a teacher. When that was done and the name of the teacher was not afterwards recorded, which fortunately was rarely the case, a vacancy must necessarily occur iu the list. In 1836 two additional schools were estab- lished, one in the "Upper" and the other in the " Lower Village." For several years after the introduction of the common-school system teachers were required to provide school-houses at their own expense. The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company deeded the lot on Second Street below Sixth (where the Lower School-house now stands) to the school directors in 1838 for a consideration of one dollar, and what was long known as the '•Old Red School- House " was erected there. This was insufficient to meet the wants of the Lower Village as the town grew, and in 1849 was replaced by the present building. The first school in the Upper Village owned by the board was located on the west side of Main Street, a little south of Thirteenth. In 18 17 the hoard bought a lot on the north side of Thirteenth Street, about midway between Main and East Streets, and moved the building there. They rented a room of E. Fields, in 1840, for the school in the Centre Village. In the fall of the following year they rented the basement of the old Methodist Episcopal WAYNE COUNTY. 419 Church for the same purpose, with the privilege of holding it for eight years. Four years later they bought from the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company a part of lot No. 20, bounded westerly by Third Street, northerly by lot No. 21, easterly by the west bank of the Lacka waxen River, southerly by the southerly half of lot No. 20, and had a school- house erected on it immediately. This was used continuously until 1861, when both the house and lot were sold, one-half to S. E. Dim- mick and the other to the Wayne County com- missioners. At the same time the Upper School- house was sold to John Thomas. The board divided the Honesdale School District into three sub-districts in LS42, as follows : First or North District, all above the Lackawaxen Bridge ; Second or Middle Dis- trict, between the Lackawaxen Bridge and Canal Bridge on the lateral basin ; Third or South District, all below the Canal Bridge on the lateral basin. An extra public school, called School No. 4, was held in Captain Murray's building for part of the time from 1850 to 1854, both inclusive. A petition from the teachers in 1856, request- ing that every Saturday be given to them as a holiday, was not granted then, as it was deemed inexpedient by the board. It must, however, have been granted soon after, for the records of a few years later show that there was then no school on that day. The course of study followed in the schools up to 1861, excepting, of course, the Honesdale Acadamy, varied with the attainments of the teacher, but the standard studies were reading, spelling, writing, arithmetic, elocution, elements of English grammar, with occasionally geog- raphy, history and higher mathematics. The old academy building, which was built in 1833, was rented in 1835 to the school board, who used it as a district school-house for three years. The need of an institution which would furnish a higher education than the district schools gave had begun to be felt, and the Honesdale Academy, of which an account ap- pears at the close of the public school history, was opened. The academy being discontinued in 1861, the building was sold at sheriff's sale, and bid in by the school board. The Honesdale Graded School was organized and commenced May 8, 1861, with Professor C. B. Shaw as principal. During the summer the building was repaired and the basement fitted up for use. The Lower School was re-opened in 1864 as a branch of the graded school, and continued almost uninterruptedly until 1879, since which time it has been closed. In 1867 the rear addition was built and the academic department reseated. Professor Leroy R. Fowler, L. II. Barnum, John M. Dolph ami < icorge W. Twitrnyer have successively occupied the position of principal. Professor L. H. Barnum re-graded the school throughout in 1873. With the exception of an additional grade in the primary department, three years later, the system then adopted has remained unchanged. The Franklin Lyceum Association presented their entire collection of twenty-eight hundred books, together with their furniture, to the | school district, in 1878, on condition that the district assume their debts, which amounted to about two hundred and twenty-five dollars. The interior of the school building was further altered to provide a room for the library. In accordance with the State law the secretary of the school board is librarian, and the principal of the school acting librarian. Since the transfer of the library to the district many new books have been added to it by gift and purchase. It is open weekly, and every resident of the district is allowed the use of the books gratis. The school building was furnished with steam- heating apparatus in the summer of 1880. In 1885 it was again renovated, and the rooms of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades reseated. At present the school is in a most prosperous condition, under the management of Professor George W. Twitrnyer. [We may remark here that Professor Twit- rnyer was born at Zion, Centre County, Pa., June 9, 1849. He obtained his education at the public schools of Centre County 420 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and the Central Normal School. He com- menced to teach school before he was nineteen years old, and has taught ever since. He was princial of the McEwenville Academy two years, and organized and graded the public schools of Watsontown, Pa., where he remained four years, during which time lie received the degree of A.M. from Franklin and Marshall College. He accepted the position of principal of Honesdale Graded School August 1, 1884, and has managed the school from that time until now with marked ability.] In addition to the circulating library, the school is provided with a large reference library, a geological collection and valuable collections of philosophical and chemical apparatus. A student, in order to graduate, must attain an average grade of seventy-five outof a possible hundred in reading, drawing, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, phy- siology, geology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, English literature, rhetoric, algebra, geometry, (six books), plane trigonometry, book-keeping, botany, United States history and general his- tory. The study of Latin is elective. Those who take it can go through Allen & Green- ough's Latin grammar, and read Leighton's Latin lessons, four books of Caesar's De Bello Gallico, six books of Virgil's JEneid and three orations of Cicero. Scholars in the primary department receive a daily calisthenic drill in a room fitted up for that purpose. The graduates of the school have recently formed an Alumni Association, numbering over sixty members. Besides the schools already mentioned, there have been others in Honesdale which were established from time to time as there was de- mand for them. In 1833 Mrs. M. A. Bidwell and Elizabeth Waldron taught in the Old Tabernacle at the junction of the West Branch and the Dyberry. Caroline Waldron also taught a select school. The Honesdale Female Seminary was founded in 1838, and continued for a short time. Its teachers were Miss Clara Tyler and Mrs. Horace Tracy. Rev. David Torrey conducted a college pre- paratory school in 1848-49. A select school was kept for many years in the house on the south side of Tenth Street, be- tween Third Street and the river, now occupied by F. C. Keen. The Misses Lane, Miss Ann Rodgers, Miss Mary Williams, Miss Bonner, Miss Snyder, and Miss Jeanette Stone were teachers in it at different times. Miss Waterbury, Mrs. Tracy, Miss Mennen- hall, and the Misses Lanterman taught in a building on the east side of Second Street, be- tween Eighth and Ninth, where H. T. Whit- ney's house now is. Among others who have presided over select schools in Honesdale were Miss Estella G. Cook, Mrs. C. Deming, Mrs. A. J. Dennis, Miss Fanny Dusinberre, Mrs. J. M. Edgett, F. P. Galpin, Miss Gustin, Miss Lizzie Hart, J. E. Hawker, W. H. Hodgson, W. E. Hur- ley, Louisa C. Keen, Miss Abbie Losey, Prof. Ludwig, Miss Mary Marsh, C. B. Shaw and Miss Tomlinson. In 1870 a school building was erected on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and East Streets, and a private school kept there from 1870-75 inclusive, the teachers being Miss Nel- lie Sanderson, Miss Annie C. McFadden and Miss Kate M. Hand. The school was reopened in 1882, with Miss Munro as teacher. She was followed by Miss Mills, who also taught for one year. The use of the Lower School-house was grant- ed in 1862 to Rev. J. J. Doherty, who had a school conducted there for some time. He was again allowed the use of it in 1875 for a night- school. A school was conducted for many years in the Jewish synagogue by the rabbi, but it is closed at present. Besides the graded school, there are now in successful operation in Honesdale a kindergar- ten under the charge of Miss Lottie E. Peter- sen, a parochial school under the control of the German Lutheran Church and another under the control of the German Catholic Church. The following is a list of the directors of the Honesdale School District from 1835 to 1885, inclusive, with the dates of the commencement and expiration of their terms of office : WAYNE COUNTY. 421 July 18, 1835.— M. A. Bid well, Charles Forbes, H. Fribie, I. D. Taylor, T. N. Vaill, P. Wentz. August 8, 1835.— E. Kingsbury,* vice I. D. Tay- lor. March 28, 1836.— N. M. Bartlett, Stephen North, Jr., J. F. Roe, vice H. Fribie, E. Kingsbury, P. Wentz. June 1, 1837.— A. H. Farnhain, John Torrey, J.B. Walton, vice N. M. Bartlett, Charles Forbes, T. N. Vaill. May 11, 1838. — Aaron Greene, C. K. Robinson, vice M. A. Bidwell, J. F. Roe. ' September 12, 1838.— J. F. Roe,* lice S. North, Jr. June 20, 1839. — No directors elected at spring elec- tion ; J. F. Roe,f* A. H. Famb.am.-f-* May 19, 1840.— H. Baldwin, J. S. Bassett, M. A. Bidwell, Oliver Hamlin, A. Strong, vice A. H. Farn- ham, Aaron Greene, J. F. Roe, John Torrey, J. B. Walton. November 1, 1840. — Z. W. Arnold,* vice M. A. Bidwell. May 19, 1841.— J. S. Bassett, f C. K. Robinson, f Z. W. Arnold, f May 19, 1842.— J. C. Delezenne, H. Tracy, vice H. Baldwin, A. Strong, Z. W. Arnold, f May 14, 1843.— A. H. Farnham, J. F. Roe, vice O. Hamlin, H. Tracy. May 15, 1844. — Ezra Hand, Charles Jameson, Abram Swart, vice J. S. Bassett, J. C. Delezenne, C. K. Robinson, J. F. Roe.f May 28, 1845.— B. W. Dennis, vice Charles Jame- son, Z. W. Arnold.f June 24, 1846.— A. H. Farnham,-]- A. Swart.f May 26, 1847.— R. M. Grenell, William Orchard, vice Ezra Hand, J. F. Roe, P. G. Goodrich* vice A. H. Farnham. May 12, 1848.— B. W. Dennis,f J. F. Roe, vice P. G. Goodrich, W. F. Wood, vice Z. W. Arnold, J. Woodward,* vice J. F. Roe. March 31, 1849.— Ezra Hurlburt,* A. G. Plum * vice A. Swart, J. Woodward. June 4, 1849.— Henry Dart, vice A. G. Plum, Ezra Hurlburt.f June 7, 1850.— A. G. Plum, E. L. Wolf, vice R. M. Grenell, William Orchard. June 9, 1851.— A. Strong, vice B. W. Dennis, W. F. Wood.f June 6, 1852.— B. W. Dennis, vice Henry Dart, Ezra Hurlburt.f February, 1853.— M. A. Bidwell,* vice B. W. Den- nis. June 10, 1853.— M. A. Bidwell,f George F. Knapp, vice A. G. Plum, E. L. Woli'.f 1854.— E. T. Beers, J. R. Dickson, vice A. Strong, W. F. Wood, M. A. Bidwell.f 1855.— C. S. Minor, J. B. Moore, B. B. Smith, vice J. R. Dickson, E. Hurlburt, E. L. Wolf. June 11, 1855.— Henry Peet * vice B. B. Smith. 1856.— Henry Peet, G. G. Waller, vice M. A. Bid- well, G. F. Knapp. February 25, 1857.— W. H. Foster,* vice Henry Peet. May 1, 1857.— S. E. Dimmick* vice W. H. Foster. May 30, 1857.— E. T. Beers, t W. H. Foster,! Henry Heath, vice S. E. Dimmick. June 9, 1858.— W. G. Arnold, W. H. Ham, vice C. S. Minor, J. B. Moore. June 1, 1859. — No directors elected at spring elec- tion. J. D. De Witt* vice E. T. Beers, G. G. Wal- ler.*! May 30, I860.— E. T. Beers, R. L. Briggs, L. D. Tryon, vice J. D. De Witt, W. H. Foster, G. G. Wal- ler, Henry Heath. t 1861.— F. M. Crane, vice L. D. Tryon, W. H. Fes- ter, E. Patmor, vice W. G. Arnold, W. H. Ham, S. A. Terrel,* vice F. M. Crane. May 21, 1862.— John Torrey, William Weiss, vice E. T. Beers, S. A. Terrel. May 2, 1863.— S. E. Dimmick,* vice R. L. Briggs. June 10, 1863.— Charles Menner, William Weffer- ling, vice R. L. Briggs, Henry Heath. June 14, 1864.— Aaron Cummings, J. C. Delezenne, vice W. H. Foster, E. Patmor. June 6, 1865.— H. B. Hamlin, vice John Torrey, William Weiss.f June 6, 1866.— Charles Menner.fS. A. Terrel, vice William Weffcrling. June 4, 1867. — Aaron Cummings,t C. A. Dusin- berre, vice J. C. Delezenne. June 3, 186S.— Rufus Cushman, H. A. Woodhouse, vice H. B. Hamlin, William Weiss. June 9, 1869.— Charles Menner,*f S. A. Terrel.*f June 7, 1870.— Aaron Cummings,t Charles Menner,f S. A. Terrel, C. A. Dusinberre,t S. A. Terrel,+ vice Aaron Cummings, C. A. Dusinberre. January 2, 1871.— W. H. Foster,* vice Charles Men- June 5, 1871.— Rufus Cushman,t W. H. Foster,! C. W. Spencer, vice H. A. Woodhouse. 1872. — Aaron Cummings,t O. C. Jadwin, vice W. H. Foster. June 11, 1872.— Henry Wilson* we Rufus Cush- man. June 3, 1873.— J. C. Delezenne, vice S. A. Terrel, C. A. Dusinberre,! William Weiss, vice H. Wilson. 1874.— Thomas Charlesworth, W. H. Ham, vice C. W. Spencer, William Weiss. April 8, 1875.— C. W. Spencer,* vice W. H. Ham. 1875.— Aaron Cummings,t C. C. Jadwin.f C. W. Speneer.f October 4, 1875.— William Muir,* vice J. C. Dele- zenne. June 6, 1876.— William Muir,f C. W. Spencer,f vice C. A. Dusinberre, B. L. Wood, vice C. W. Spen- cer. October 30, 1876.— Isaac Ball,* vice Aaron Cum- 422 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. June 5, 1877.— Isaac Ball,f William Weiss, vice Thomas Charlesworth, B. L. Wood.f 1878.— W. B. Holmes, vice Isaac Ball, C. C. Jad- win. f 1879.— William Muir,f C. W. Spencer.f 1880.— H. J. Tarble, M. L. Tracy, vice William Weiss, B. L. Wood. 1881.— H. J: Conger, S. B. Haley, vice W. B. Holmes, C. C. Jadwin. 1882.— Wflliam Muir,t C. W. Spencer.f 1883.— H. J. Tarble.f M. L. Tracy .f January 14, 1884.— C. C. Jadwin* vice M. L. Tracy. 1884.— H. J. Conger.f vice C. C. Jadwin, S. B. Haley,f C. C. Jadwin, t vice H. J. Conger. 1885. — Reed Burns, Thomas Crossley, vice William Muir, C. W. Spencer. [Those marked with an asterisk (*) were appointed by the board. Those marked with a dagger (f ) were re-elected. When not otherwise stated, directors as- sumed the duties of their office on the first Monday in June.] The following is a list of the officers of the Honesdale School Board from 1835 to 1885, inclusive : 1835.— Charles Forbes, president; M. A. Bidwell, secretary. 1836.— Charles Forbes, president; M. A. Bidwell, secretary. 1837.— Stephen North, Jr., president; J. B. Walton, secretary ; J. F. Roe, treasurer. 1838.— J. B. Walton, president ; C. K. Robinson, secretary ; A. H. Farnham, treasurer. 1839.— J. B. Walton, president; C. K. Robinson, secretary ; A. H. Farnham, treasurer. 1840. — A. Strong, president; C. K. Robinson, secre- tary ; H. Baldwin, treasurer. 1841. — Horace Baldwin, president ; C. K. Robinson, secretary; Oliver Hamlin, treasurer. 1842. — H. Tracy, president ; J. C. Delezenne, secre- tary ; Oliver Hamlin, treasurer. January, 1843. — J. S. Bassett, president. 1843. — A. H. Farnham, president; J. C. Delezenne, secretary ; J. S. Bassett, treasurer. 1844. — A. H. Farnham, president ; Abram Swart, secretary; Oliver Hamlin, treasurer. 1845. — A. H. Farnham, president; Abram Swart, secretary; Oliver Hamlin, treasurer. 1846.— A. H. Farnham, president; Abram Swart, secretary ; J. F. Roe, treasurer. 1847.— A. H. Farnham, president; Abram Swart, secretary ; J. F. Roe, treasurer. 1847-— Z. W. Arnold, president. 1848.— B. W. Dennis, president; Abram Swart, secretary ; It. M. Grenell, treasurer. 1849.— B. W. Dennis, president ; W. F. Wood, sec- retary ; R. M. Grenell, treasurer. 1850.— W. F. Wood, president ; E. L. Wolf, secre- tary ; Ezra Hurlburt, treasurer. 1851.— W. F. Wood, president ; E. L. Wolf, secre- tary ; Ezra Hurlburt, treasurer. 1852.— W. F. Wood, president; E. L. Wolf, secre- tary ; Ezra Hurlburt, treasurer. 1853.— W. F. Wood, president ; E. L. Wolf, secre- tary ; Ezra Hurlburt, treasurer. 1854.— M. A. Bidwell, president; E. L. Wolf, secre- tary ; Ezra Hurlburt, treasurer. 1854. — George F. Knapp, secretary. 1855.— M. A. Bidwell, president; C. S. Minor, sec- retary ; G. F. Knapp, treasurer. 1856. — Henry Peet, president; C. S. Minor, secre- tary; G. G. Waller, treasurer. 1856.— J. B. Moore, president. 1857. — J B. Moore, president; C. S. Minor, secre- tary ; G. G. Waller, treasurer. 1858.— W. H. Foster, president; W. G. Arnold secretary ; G. G. Waller, treasurer. 1859.— W. H. Foster, president; W T . G. Arnold, secretary ; Henry Heath, treasurer. I860.— L. D. Tryon, president; W. G. Arnold, sec retary ; Henry Heath, treasurer. 1861. — E. T. Beers, president; R. L. Briggs, secre tary ; Henry Heath, treasurer. 1862 — W. H. Foster, president ; R. L. Briggs, sec retary ; Henry Heath, treasurer. 1863. — Wm. Weiss, president; Chas. Menner, sec retary ; H. C. Hand, treasurer. 1864. — Wm. Weiss, president; Chas. Menner, secre tary ; J. C. Delezenne, treasurer. 1865. — Wm. Weiss, president ; Chas. Menner, secre- tary; J. C. Delezenne, treasurer. 1866. — Wm. Weiss, president; Chas. Menner, si tary ; J. C. Delezenne, treasurer. 1867. — Wm. Weiss, president ; Chas. Menner, secre- tary ; S. A. Terrel, treasurer. 1868.— C. A. Dusinberre, president; Chas. Menner, secretary ; S. A. Terrel, treasurer. 1869. — C. A. Dusinberre, president ; Chas. Menner secretary ; S. A. Terrel, treasurer. 1870. — C. A. Dusinberre, president; Chas. Menner secretary ; S. A. Terrel, treasurer. 1870. — Aaron Cummings, secretary. 1871.— Aaron Cummings, president; Rufus Cush- man, secretary ; S. A. Terrel, treasurer. 1872.- — C. A. Dusinberre, president; C. W. Spencer, secretary ; S. A. Terrel, treasurer. 1873. — C. A. Dusinberre, president; C. W. Spencer, secretary ; Wm. Weiss, treasurer. 1874. — C. A. Dusinberre, president; W. H.Ham, secretary ; Aaron Cummings, treasurer. 1875.— C. A. Dusinberre, president ; C. W. Spencer, secretary; Aaron Cummings, treasurer. 1876. — O. C. Jadwin, president: C. W. Spencer, sec- retary ; Aaron Cummings, treasurer. 1876.— B. L. Wood, treasurer. WAYNE COUNTY. 1877.— C. C. Jadwin, president; C. W. Spencer, secretary; B. L. Wood, treasurer. 1878.— C. C. Jadwin, president; C. W. Spencer, secretary; B. L. Wood, treasurer. 1879. — C. C. Jadwin, president; C. W. Spencer, secretary ; B. L. Wood, treasurer. 1880. — Wm. Muir, president ; C. W. Spencer, secre- tary ; W. B. Holmes, treasurer. 1881.— Wm. Muir, president; C W. Spencer, secre- tary ; M. L. Tracy, treasurer. 1882.— Wm. Muir, president; C. W. Spencer, secre- tary ; M. L. Tracy, treasurer. 1883. — Wm. Muir, president; C. W. Spencer, secre- tary ; M. L. Tracy, treasurer. 1883.— S. B. Haley, treasurer. 1884.— Wm. Muir, president; C. W. Spencer, secre- tary ; S. B. Haley, treasurer. 1885. — Reed Burns, president ; Thomas Crossley, secretary ; H. J. Conger, treasurer. The treasurer was not always a director. The following is an alphabetical list of the teachers in the public schools of Honesdale from 1835 to the establishment of the Graded School in 1861, with the schools and years in which they taught : No. Name. Teas. 2. Adams, A. A 18G0 2. Adams, Thaddeus 1854-55 2. Allen, Mr 1855 2. Arnold, Miss 1847 1. Arnold, W. G 1842-43 3. Baker, G. R 1840-47 2. Beakes, H. J 1848-49 3. Beardslee, A 1853 1. Beers, Simeon 1846 1. Blackington, Miss 1849 4. Bloiss, Miss 1854 3. Bidwell, M. A 1854 2. Box, Henry 1858-59 3. Brooking, Mary J 1857-58 2. Brooking, Mary J 1858 2. Brown, Mr 1855 1. Bush, Miss H. C 1856, '57, '58 3. Church, D. W 1845 1. Cobb, Mr 1851-52 2. Condit, Mrs 1800 3. Cook, A. G 1845 2. Cook, A. G 1846 2. Corbyn, Miss A. L 1843-44 1. Corbyn, Miss A. L 1844-45 2. Corey, Mrs 1859 2. Cummings, Miss 1844 3. Curtis, Mr 1854 1. Darby, Edward ' 1850-51 2. Darling, Maria 1843 2. Davis, Willard 1840-41 3. Dennis, B. W 1845, '40, '47, '48, '49, '50, '51, '52 2. Durand, Mr 1855 2. Edgett, G. W 1857-58 1. Elderkin, Mrs 1847 2. Fairchild, J. N 1853, '54. '55, '56 1. Farrow, Miss 1839, '40, '41 1. Genung, A. W 1841^2 4. (iiddings, Mr 1852 3. Goodrich, C. B 1838, '39, '40, '41, '42 3. Goodrich, U. B 1842-13 2. Grant, F. C 1849 1. Ham, W. H 1854 2. Hamlin, Harriet 1843 2. Hamlin, Henrietta 1848 1. Hamlin, L. W 1858^59 3. Harris, Samuel 1857 2. Hawker, J. E 1800-01 (?) Hawley, Mrs. M. A 1830 1. Heath, J. P 1800-01 1. Eoolihan, J. S 1854, '55, '50, '59 (?) Kellogg, Miss A 1836 1. Ketchum, Harriet 1843 1. Leighton, E 1S43-44 2. Lewis, Louisa M 1842, '43, '44 2. Longstreet, Miss 1846-47 4. Losey, Jos. W 1854 1. Losey, Miss 1859 2. McKeen, C. T 1844 2. Miller, W. H 1841-42 1. Mumford, Miss 1840 2. Mumford, Oliver 1850-57 2. Myers, J. W 1845 1. Niles, Miss L. B 1847-48 2. Palmer, Miss 1848 2. Pearson, Charles 1838-39 4. Pease, H. H 1850-51 1. Peet, Henry 1849, '50, '51 3. Pritchard, Mr 1854, '55, '56 1. Spaulding, Abigail 1836-37 2. Stearns, Irene 1 1857 3. Stearns, Miss L 1856 3. Stillson, A. J 1849 1. Stillson, A. J. 1850 3. Swart, Mary J 1857 2. Swartz, Miss 1856 3. Turner, J. C 1854-55 3. Turner, J. C 1860-01 3. Turner, Ruth E 1800 1. Welsh, George 1854-55 (?) Wentworth, Mrs. P. A 1830 2. Williams, 1) 1835-36 2. Willis, Albert 1849, '50, '51, '52, '53 1. Willis, Spencer 1852-53 The following is an alphabetical list of the teachers in the Honesdale Graded School from 1861 to 1885, inclusive, with the years in which they taught : 424 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Alden, W. W 1883, '84, '85 Allen, Olive 1877, 78, '79 Atkinson, Melissa 1868 Avery, Eunice.. .1878, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84 Avery, Thomas J 1883, '84, '85 Ball, Sadie 1885 Barnum. L. H...1872, '73, '74, '75, 76, 77, 78 Belden, Miss 1867 Belding, E. J 1862, '63 Birdsall, G. H 1863 Brown, Maggie 1S77, 78, 79 Brownscombe, Jennie 1868 Buckingham, Emma M 1871, 72, 73 Bullard, L. E 1869,70,71 Bush, Miss H.C 1861, '62, '63 Butler, Wm. F...1879, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, '85 Butterfield, Miss H. A 1861, '62, '63 Cady, Dora 1880, '81, '82, '83 Case, E. J 1864, '65, '66 Church, Mary 1870, '82, '83, 84, '85 Cole, Sarah A 1865 Collins, S. A 1863, '64, '6.", Cook, Estella G 1877, 78, 79, '80, '81 Coyle,Mannie 1877, 78, 79 Crago, Lizzie 18S5 Cummings, M. H 1870,71 Darling, Jennie 1871, 72, 73, 74, 75; 76 Dennis, Mrs. A. J 1873, 74. 75, 76, 77 Dolph, John M..1878, 79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84 Drummond, A. M 1866, '67 Eno, Lillie G 1884, '85 Fowler, L. R 1867, '68, '69, 70, 71, 72 Galvin, Rose 1874, 75, 76, 77 Gilpin, Elsie J 1881, '82, '83, '84, '85 Grenell, Lizzie J 1867, '68 Gustin, Emma 1862 Hand, Charles W 1878, 79 Hand, Kate 1875, 76, 77 Hillis, Susie 1877, 78 Hodgson, W. H 1866, '67 Hollister, Miss F. E 1863, '64 Hoyt, Mary A 1868, '69 Jay, Mary 1879, '80, 'SI, '82, '83 Keen, Louisa C 1864, '65, 'm, '67, : (ji>, '69 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 77, 78, 79, '80, '81 '83, '84 Keeney, Agnes 1877, 78 Kepler, Julia 1881, '82 Kiefer,J. D 1885 Langley, Mary 1868, '69, 70 Lawrence, Georgia 1867, '68, '69, 70 Longstreet, Sadie 1874, 75, 76 Marsh, Mary M 1863, '64, '65, '66, '67 Matthews, M. B 1867, '68, '69, 70 Matthews, Minnie 1873, 74, 75, 76 Mclntire, Libbie 1883 Miller, Helen 1878, 79, '80, '81 Miller, Julia 1885 Monaghan, F. M 1879, '80 Mott, Mary 1871, 72 Mudgely, Mary 1872 Mumford, C. G 1865 Palmer, Isabella E 1866 Parmenter, M. S 1868 Parsons, W. H 1863, '64 Parsons, Edwards 1862, '63, '64 Patmor, EmmaM 1861, '62, 71, 72, 73 Purdy, Maria L 1869, 70, 71 Reury, Jennie 1881, '82 Reynolds, Louisa 1873, 74, 75 "Robertson, Jennie 1884 Rood, John S 1879, '80 Schoonover, Wm 1861, '62 Scott, Ella 1876, 77 Scott, Sarah E 1870, 71 Shaw, C. B 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65, '66 Shaw, Mrs. C. B 1863, '64, '65 Spencer, Rena 1876, 77, 78, 79, '80, '81 '82, '83, '84, '85 Stanton, Lizzie J 1874, 75 Stevens, Miss L. J 1873, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 Stoddard, Lizzie M 1867, '68 Sutton, Clara T 1875, 76, 77, 78, 79, '80 '81, '82, '83, '85 Terrell, Ruth E 1867, '68, '69, 70, 71 72, 73 Thorp, Amanda 1877, 78 Tomlinson, Miss 1865, '66, '67, '68 Tryon, Mary E 1866, '67 Turner, F. E 1869, 70, 71 Twitmyer, Geo. W 1884, '85 Weiss, Minnie 1883, '84, '85 Willsea, Mrs. S. A 1870, 71, 72, 73 Wing, H. S 1871, 72, 73 Woodmansie, Elma 1881, '82 Yonker, Hannah 1884, '85 The Ronesdaee A< adem y. — This, the most important educational institution which the town ever possessed, besides the graded schools, was organized in 1833, and the old academy build- ing was erected in that year, on the site of the present school building. The original board of trustees in 1833 was composed of J. B. Wal- ton, J. Neal, A. H. Farnum, J. D. Delezenne and S. W. Genung. No effort appears to have been made to conduct an academy here until 1838, the building being rented by the trustees to the school board from 1835 to that time and used by them as a district school-house. In 1838 the trust eeg, however, opened an academy, with Henry Seymour, A.B., a graduate of Am- herst College, as principal. He was followed WAYNE COUNTY. by Professors Morse, Willard Richardson, B. B. Smith, C. N. Todd and John Proctor, John Proctor, J. H. Sinclair, May & Lott, Lott, Ter- rell & Briggs and Briggs alone. In 1853 the old building was removed to the east side of Third Street, between Tenth and Eleventh. It has since been used as a residence, and is now occupied by Mrs. George Bent ley. The same year the main part of the present building was erected, F. B. Penniman and Charles C. Waller raising the money for the enterprise. When completed there was a debt of about two thousand dollars hanging over the new building, toward the cancellation of which the following subscriptions were made: John Torrey, $400; Russel F. Lord, §300 ; T.H.R. Tracy, $250; Richard L. Seely, $250; James R. Dickson, $250; S. D. Ward, $50 ; S. E. Dimmick, $50, and others stood ready to con- tribute the residue. The May term, 1853, was opened in the new building, ('. N. Todd and John Proctor being the associate principals, with a corps of assist- ants, including Mrs. C. F. Tracy, Miss Abbie R. Knight, Miss C. L. Scott and Mr. Godfrey Stoeubly. The trustees at this period were R. L. Seely, T. H. R. Tracy, S. D. Ward, S. E. Dimmick, James R. Dickson and F. B. Pen- niman. The academy was conducted epiite successfully, under the various principals heretofore named, until 1861, when it was discontinued, and the building was sold to the school directors for twenty-three hundred dollars. As a matter of interest to many readers, we give a partial list of the pupils of the old acad- emy during the years 1844-45-46, when B. B. Smith was principal. The names were selected from his books and are chiefly those of resident pupils, — Joseph Gust in. Warren Seely. Franklin A. Seely. Thomas Swingle. Miles Swingle. David H Winton. Edward McLaury. James W. Baker. Anson Wheeler. William H Ham. 41 George W. Allen. Fred. W. Kirtland. Win. H. Hurlburt. Enos Williams. James W. Williams. James R. Knapp. Walter W. Weston. Samuel Fields. John Bassett. Hornback Bassett. John Edgett. Joseph W. Losey. Henry Conks in. ThmiKis Farnham. E. A. Penniman. Charles Wright. Charles Skinner. John Patmore. Theodore Patmore. Edward Kingsbury. Edward Murray. Emeline Losey. Elvira Munson. Mary P. Hand. Martha A. Harrison. Mary A. Brown. Frances Rowland. Eliza Wheeler. Mary Wheeler. Betsey A. Ham. Russell Clark. Henry H. Rue. Judson S. Wickham. Annie E. Foster. Helen Graves. Clinton Graves. Eliza Kirtland. Eliza Wilcox. Frances Wilcox. Amanda Plum. Caroline Hurlburt. Sarah Mcintosh. Susan Mcintosh. Julia Preseott. Mary Preseott. Mariette Blandin. Elizabeth Patmore. Henry Sehofield. Thomas Orchard. Eliza J. Gustin. Geo. W. Delezenne. Horace C. Hand. Enoch Tuthill. Meeds Tuthill. Oliver D. Gustin. Alfred Hand. Seth W. Powell. Edwin F. Torrey. Wellington W. Blood. Carlos Robinson. George Harrison. Jeremiah Hawker. Isaae 1'arminter. Simeon Beers. Corydon L. Whitney. Lueena C. Reed. Julia Strong. Mary Strong. Helen Mason. Jane Hamlin. Henrietta Hamlin. Louise Avery. Alfred Pascoe. Hobart Hamlin. Edmund M. Clark. Charles C. Brown. Abram Swarts. Geo. W. Hurlburt. Samuel R. Blois. Martin Avery. Charles Webber. Lorin P. Smith. Ellen Foster. Chas. H. Panni titer. Stephen Kimble. Isaac Wheeler. William Matthews. Mary Jane Ward. George Foster. Anna Rowland. Mary Roe. Abigail Roe. Helen I. Blood. Mary Fuller. Win, J. Fuller. Saiah Winton. Mary Cooper. Henry M. Seely. Albert Blandin. Thomas J. Ham. Baldwin Losey. Jane Swarts. Emmons Blandin. Joseph Eade. The late Benjamin B. Smith, the longest serving, ablest and best-known principal the academy ever had, was a descendant of an old Connecticut family long settled at or near Litchfield, where his father, Sylvester Smith, was born. In early life the latter took up his residence at Whitestowu, Oneida County, N. Y., where he remained for a time, and then removed to Franklin, Susquehanna County, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. Pa., where he married Polly Bates, of Great Bend, and passed the remainder of his days. He was one of the pioneers in the wild sectiou in which he located, and led a life of busy in- dustry in clearing up and developing the land which he was about to reclaim from nature, and devote to the uses of agriculture and husbandry. Amid such surroundings Benjamin B. Smith was born in August, 1815. He was early sub- not remain long enough to cover the entire curriculum, but afterwards, upon examination and in consideration of his actual proficiency in learning, he was granted his degree as though lie had taken the regular course. About this period he engaged in teaching at Dundaff, Sus- quehanna County, for several years. In 1839 he came to Honesdale as a student in tho acad- emy, and in 1841 became principal of the institution, in which position he continued for £* 9m &*2J^2&tf jected to severe toil upon his father's farm, and his educational advantages were decidedly limited. Being fond of study and anxious to acquire a thorough education, he finally entered the academy at Harford, Susquehanna County, where he received excellent academic instruc- tion, and soon after engaged in the occupation of a teacher in the district schools of the county. By still closer study and industrious preparation, he fitted himself for admission to Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. He did ten years, with marked success, and with the earnest appreciation of the friends of the school. In 1851 he deemed it advisable to withdraw from the academy, and to adopt another voca- tion. He purchased a book-store in Honesdale, and thenceforward until his death, October 28, 1885, his store was recognized as one of the successful permanent establishments of the place. During all this time, however, he was unceasingly active in other directions. He WAYNE COUNTY. 427 maintained his familiar acquaintance with mathematics and classical literature, and acted as the private instructor and tutor of many of the young men of Honesdale. He purchased a farm near Honesdale, and labored considerably upon that. He took an active interest in the temperance cause, and his voice was frequently heard upon the rostrum in favor of the aboli- tion of all privileges for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages. As early as 1853 he adopted radical views in relation to the doctrine of human slavery, and though opposed by the majority of his friends at that period, he helped to organize an anti-slavery party, and zealously propagated their views until their final triumph, in 1863. He was a member of the Honesdale Presbyterian Church, and took a deep interest in church-work. Later on his investigations into the mysteries of science led him to see an apparent contradiction between nature as it existed and as the dogmas of the church declared it had been created, and he fell into some disfavor with the more zealous and narrow-minded of his brethren ; but never did he abandon his faith in God, his belief in the life beyond the grave, in the certainty of the doctrine of rewards and punishments after death, nor in the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Probably the strongest characteristic of Mr. Smith's nature might be described as earnest and fearless seeking after truth, great inde- pendence of thought and investigation and an inflexible determination to indorse and be faithful to the doctrines and creeds which he believed to be true. His integrity as a man was never questioned. Devoted to his family and friends, faithful in the performance of all good works, honest in thought and action, he leaves behind him that greatest of all riches, a good name, and a memory which those who are nearest to him may hold in reverence. Mr. Smith married, December 9, 1841, Betsey Hannah Brush, daughter of Deacon Stephen Brush, of Honesdale. Of his three children, but two attained to years of maturity, viz. : Carrie A. and Henry A., a teacher by occupation, who died, September 29, 1885, while principal of the academy at Whitney's Point, New York. The latter married Jennie C. Reury, of Honesdale, who, with their only child, Bessie H. Smith, reside in Honesdale. societies. Honesdale Lodge, No. 218, Free and Accepted Masons. — The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, assembled at Philadelphia, Sep- tember 4, 1843, granted a warrant to hold a Masonic lodge in the borough of Honesdale, Wayne County, Pa., to be called Honesdale Lodge, No. 218, and appointed John I. Allen Worshipful Master; Daniel O. Skinner, Senior Warden ; Richard Lancaster, Junior Warden ; Joseph B. Walton, Treasurer; Jeremiah C. Gunn, Secretary — and the said lodge was duly constituted, and the above-named officers in- stalled, by Daniel Burrell, Worshipful Master of the Milford Lodge, by virtue of a dispensa- tion from the Grand Master. At first there was no suitable place for a lodge- room, and the meetings were held in the lower part of the town, until Mr. Zara W. Ar- nold erected a building near the bank, the upper part of which was fitted up for Ma- sonic purposes, where the meetings were held for a number of years, after which John A. Patmor erected a large building, called Empire Block, and the upper story of said building was fitted up for lodge-rooms, and, when finished, the lodge was removed to that place, and the hall properly dedicated with the pleasing reflec- tion that, in view of the ample and commodious accommodations, added to the tasteful and sym- bolic arrangements, it was considered a perma- nent location. But, unfortunately, the lodge had not been settled to exceed two years, when, on the night of April 25, 1851, a destructive fire broke out in a building near by, which raged with such fury that all access to the lodge-room was cut off ; consequently, the char- ter, regalia, furniture and, worst of all, the rec- ords of the lodge (including the records of Freedom Lodge, No. 147, organized at Beth- any in the year 1816), were consumed, so that there was not the least vestige remaining. There being no insurance, it was a total loss, and the lodge was left without a warrant and in a penniless condition. Meetings 42S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUJNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. were held from time to time for the pur- pose of consulting as to the best means to be taken for reinstating the lodge. In the mean time a statement was forwarded to the Grand Lodge, which not only renewed the char- ter without fee, but donated considerable aid be- sides. This action of the Grand Lodge, together with contributions received from various lodges and brethren, enabled the lodge to resume work under the old warrant, reissued by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, under date of June 4, 1851, and on the date of October 2, 1851, the lodge commenced to hold regular meetings in Odd-Fellows' Hall until permanent quarters could be procured. August 26, 1852, a suit- able hall was leased of James H. Sutton, the lodge having this place until July 1-1, 1859, when more roomy and convenient apartments were rented from Charles Petersen. Early in 1869 the lodge removed its hall from the Peter- sen building to what has since been known as Masonic Hall,— a fine brick structure, with mansard roof, — having been constructed and arranged specially for Masonic purposes throughout the entire third story. In its mem- bership and general personnel Honesdale Lodge, No. 218, Free and Accepted Masons, presents a long list of the solid yeomanry of the county of Wayne, aud under the sods of the hills and val- leys sleep numbers of those early members of the mystic shrine, who, in the early days of thicket and forest, rode many miles through unbroken woods to attend lodge-meetings. Among the number of those who have held im- portant positions in the lodge the greatest num- ber of years may be mentioned the names of Charles Menner and Dr. James W. Kesler, the former having occupied the secretary's chair from 1855 to 1865 ; the last-named the same position from 1870 until the present time. Anthony Wayne Chapter, No. 204, H. R. A., was instituted May 7, 1866, with Thomas E. Grier, Robert J. Menner, William Turner, William H. Dimmick, Gilbert White and Jacob K. Palmer as charter members. Of these, only two — Messrs. Menner and White — remain among the present members. The succes- sion of officers, from and including the first, with the dates of their election, have been as follows : M. E. High Priests.— Thomas E. Grier, May 7, 1866; Robert J. Menner, December 17, 1867; Wil- liam Turner, December 26, 1866; Henry J. Tarble, December 1, 1868, re-elected December 21, 1869 ; Samuel B. Haley, December 13, 1870; Charles 0. Brown, November 28, 1871 ; Henry J. Tarble, Febru- ary 18, 1873, re-elected December 9, 1873, and No- vember 24, 1874; Horace T. Menner, December 14, 1875, re-elected December 5, 1876; Gilbert White, January 22, 1884 ; J. Oscar Terrel, December 2, 1884. Kings.— Robert J. Menner, May 7, 1866, re- elected December 26, 1866 ; Henry J. Tarble, Decem- ber 17, 1867 ; C. C. Brown, December 1, 1868; Robert A. Smith, December 21, 1869 ; Win. H. Stanton, Decem- ber 13, 1870; Robert A. Smith, November 28, 1871, re-elected February 18, 1873, December 9, 1873, No- vember 24, 1874, December 14, 1875, and December 5, 1876 ; J. O. Terrel, January 22, 1884; H. G. Keeler, December 2, 1884. Scribes.— William Turner, May 7, 1863; Henry J. Tarble, December 26, 1866 ; Gilbert White, Decem- ber 17, 1867 ; William H.Stanton, December 1, 1868; Samuel B. Haley, December 21, 1869; C. C. Brown, December 13, 1870 ; Horace T. Menner, November 28, 1871, re-elected February 18, 1873, and Decem- ber 9, 1873 ; Samuel K. Dodge, November 24, 1*74, re-elected December 14, 1875 ; Gilbert White, De- cember 5, 1876 ; John Bone, January 22, 1884,— re- elected December 2, 1884. Tret is a, rers. — Charles Petersen, December 26, 1866, re-elected repeatedly to December 5, 1876 ; Henry J. Tarble, January 22, 1884, re-elected December 2, 1884. Secretaries. — Charles Menner, December 26, 1866; J. O. Terrel, December 17, 1867 ; J. M. Wood, De- cember 1, 1868; William Turner, December 21, 1869; Rufus Cushman, December 13, 1870; Charles Menner, November 28, 1871, and re-elected five terms, the last being December 5, 1876 ; Samuel K. Dodge, January _"_', L884, and re-elected December 1, 1884. Following is a list of the members who have been exalted to the chapter, those who have ceased to be members, either by death, with- drawal or otherwise, being designated by a * : Chas. C. Brown* (May John McFarland.* 8, 1866). John J. Spencer* George W. Farrer.* Frederick Schlund.* Charles Petersen. Russell F. Lord, Jr.* Dwight Reed.* Jacob Samuels. Thomas Brown.* Rev. F. Wm. Heller* Charles Menner.* Horace T. Whitney. Robert W. Kiple.* Henry H. Roe. Abram Samuels. Henry Ball. Robert A. Smith. Horace T. Menner. Joseph Zahn. Samuel B. Haley. John Bone. P. C. Johnson.* WAYNE COUNTY. Rufus Cushman* J. Oscar Terrel. Wm. S. Birdsall. Henry W. Brown.* Henry J. Tarble. Aaron B. Lacy.* John M. Wood* W. N.Alberty. Joseph R. Mitchell.* Jacob Lauer.* Daniel W. Church.* C. A. Dusinberre. James Keen.* Samuel Allen.* Fr'klin H. Rockwell.* Wm. H. Stanton. Otto Foedisch.* James Bush,* Almeron R. Howe.* John W. Brown. Samuel K. Dodge. Wm. Bone. Wyman Kimble. George Foote.* Charles M. Betz. Oscar T. Chambers. Elbert P. Jones. Harry B. Synar. Robert A. Ferber. George W. Burnside. H. G. Reefer. The stated meetings of the chapter are held on Tuesday evening of every month succeeding the full moon. Freedom Lodge, No. 88, I. O. O. F., was instituted August 28, 1856. The first officers were Henry Kuttner, N. G.; John Bone, V. G.; James Fox, Sec; William Weiss, Treas. The lodge had then about ten members. October 1, 1885, it had fifty members, and the cash on hand was $1382.08, and that invested $1000— making $2382.08. The present officers are Joseph Williams, N. G. ; Alfred Willmarth, V. G.; George L. Eck, Treas.; Otto Teaubner, Sec. Lackawaxen Encampment, No. 30, I. O. 0. F., was instituted September 29, 1873, with the following officers : John Gerry, C. P.; Wil- liam Weaver, S. W.; George Bond, J. W.; F. A. Brown, Scribe ; John Loercher, Treas. The present officers are F. S. Martin, C. P.; William Varcoe, H. P.; John Meyer, S. W.; T. Schil- ling, J. W.; John Loercher, Treas.; George L. Eck, Scribe and D. D. G. P. Irving Lodge, No. 491, K. of P., was or- ganized October 31, 1883, with a membership of forty-eight, of which number forty-two re- ceived the Knight's rank, two received rank of Esquire and four received rank of Page. The officers elected for the first term were W. E. Greeley, C. C.; Thomas J. Ham, V. O; C. W. Spencer, P.; C. E. Foster, M. at A.; C. M. Betz, M. of Ex.; E. H. Clark, M. of F.; T. E. Calloway, K. of R. and S.; C. E. Knapp, 1. G.; F. W. Jenkins, O. G.; S. F. Cory. There have been nineteen additional members initiated into the lodge since the night of organ- i ization, eighteen of whom received the rank of Knight and one the rank of Esquire, making a total membership at present of sixty-seven. The following officers were serving in November, 1885 : C. M. Betz, P. O; S. B. Haley, C. C.;: R. W. Ham, V. C; P. E. Lowe, P.; J. L. Kopp, M. at A.; T. E. Calloway, M. of F.; C. F. Meyer, M. of E.; S. B. Brown, K. of R. and S.; Harvey Welch, O. G. The representative to Grand Lodge and District Deputy is Thomas J. Ham. The lodge has not been called upon for sick benefits since its organization. Lodge meets every Wednesday evening. Out. J. P. Ham Post, No. 108, G. A. R., Department of Pennsylvania, named after Cap- tain James P. Ham, of Company M, Seven- teenth Cavalry, who was killed in the service, was organized November, 1880, Dr. R. W. Brady being made Commander (formerly sur- geon during the war); Capt William T. Lobb, Chaplain; W. E. Greely, Senior Vice-Com- mander; Charles E. Baker, Junior A r ice-Com- mander; Legrand Wright was made Adjutant ; Lieut. R. W. Torry, who served with much credit as quartermaster of the One Hundred ami Forty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers, was made Quartermaster of the Post, with H. T. Prouty as his Sergeant ; Joseph E. Williams, Officer of the Day ; J. E. Ball, Of- ficer of the Guard. There were twenty-eight charter members ; among them was Col. Coe Durland, who went to war as captain Company M, Seventeenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cav- alry, and was made colonel of the regiment for meritorious conduct; discharged at close of the war with rank of brigadier-general. In 1881, J. W. Kressler was elected Com- mander of Post ; Charles Finch, Senior Vice ; Joseph Fox, Junior Vice ; H. B. Hall, Chap- lain ; J. E. Williams, Officer of Day ; John Ballis, Officer of Guard ; W. E. Greely, Adju- tant ; Hon. Henry Wilson, Quartermaster, with Tray Justin as Sergeant. December 1, 1882, Isaac H. Ball, lieutenant Company C, Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers (Reserves), was made Commander ; James E. Williams, Senior Vice-Commander; Thomas Medland, Junior Vice-Commander; Joseph WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Fox, Officer of Day ; William T. Lobb, Chap- lain j Charles Myres, Quartermaster; R. W. Brady, Sergeant; H. B. Hall, Officer of Guard; Charles E. Baker was appointed Adjutant. December, 1883, Charles W. Tracy, who was educated at West Point and rose to the position of lieutenant-commander in the United States navy, was made Commander of Post 198 ; J. E. Williams, Senior Vice-Commander ; John Ballis, Junior Vice-Commander; Charles F. Myres, Quartermaster; J. W. Kressler, Sur- geon ; W. T. Lobb, Chaplain ; W. E. Greely, Officer of Day; John E. Cook, Officer of Guard ; Comrade Katz was made Quartermas- ter-Sergeant ; Graham Watts, Adjutant. December, 1884, Captain Charles E. Baker was made Commander ; John Ballis, Senior Vice-Commander; Samuel Found, Junior Vice- Commander ; Charles Myres, Quartermaster ; Captain W. T. Lobb, Cha"plain ; W. E. Greely, ( >mcer of Day ; John Cook, Officer of Guard ; H. B. Hall, Adjutant. Post numbers eighty- two members. Many of our comrades have been laid away to rest since our organization began. ' One that we shall all remember as a comrade, though not a member of our Post, has fought his last battle. The Post has had con- tributions, by an appreciative community, of money that has been used for the relief of suf- fering and indigent comrades. Among the members of the Post are some who are not short in this world's goods, and who contribute largely when it is required. AmoDg the num- ber are Comrades Henry Tarble, Coe Durland, R. W. Brady, J. W. Kressler, Charles Myres, Commander Katz and William Mure, who is ever ready with his influence and money to fur- nish any needed amount. Company E, Thirteenth Recimext, Third Brigade, Natioxae Guards of Pennsylvania, was organized August 23, 1878, with George F. Bentley, captain ; D. R. Atkinson, first lieutenant; H.G.Young, second lieutenant; W. H. Stanton, first sergeant; Charles W. Hand, second sergeant ; W. E. Greeley, third sergeant; X. B. Shuman, fourth sergeant; William Bone, fifth sergeant. Corporals : Andy Schooumaker, Graham Watts, J. A. Krapt, L. V. Hunt, S. J. Foster, W. L. Dunn, George J. Grambs and I. S. White. Privates : Calvin Brown, Lewis F. Bishop, Joseph A. Bodie, Judson W. Bunnell, William H. Brown, C. D. Brooks, Levi L. Demming, Henry T. Dolmetsch, Jr., S. O. Downes, Wil- liam H. Foster, William M. Foster, Clarence E. Foster, Homer Greene, W. C. D. Genung, Henry Giehl, F. A. Galpin, William Haley, Edward M. Heroy, F. W. Jenkins, George R. Lasher, Luke S. Levy, William R. Longstreet, Frank M. Mahone, F. W. Mayhew, F. McMul- len, Jno. Miller, Joseph Oldorf (musician), W. J. Pragnell, August J. Rehbein, R. D. Reed, H. Z. Russell, D. J. Richmond, C. E. Salmon, H. S. Salmon, Jacob W. Schubel, C. W. Sut- ton, Frank Salmon, L. D. Spragle, Isaac E. Tibbetts, William J. Tracy, George H. Whit- ney, George E. White, William D. Wood, L. F. Wefferling, Jno. F. Wood, William J. Ward. In 1879 the following persons joined the company : Charles W. Babbetts, Dr. William H. Cummings, A. C. Lindsay, William T. Moore, Charles Mahone, W. H. Perham, C. H. Rockwell, Jno. H. Torrey, Frank E. White. In 1880: Stephen A. Addyman, M. A. Ball, W. T. Butler, Jno. D. Blake, Charles H. Finch, R. W. Murphy, H. N. Miller, F. W. Renwarden, Alden Rounds, C. L. Raimer, C. E. Seely, F. M. Sherrerd, John O. South- ard, J. V. Starnes, H. B. Welch. In 1881 : N. C. Kirk, E. J. Pethic, William A. Quinney. In 1882 : J. A. Burket, R. C. Bodie, George S. Baker, G. S. Barnes, Jacob Fass, J. W. Kim- ble, Allen Lawrence, Ed. Mahone, Wal- lace McMullen, James O. Reid, F. J. Tolley. In 1883: Egin Henry. In 1884: Jno. W. Broad, H. H. Budd, A. Britenbaker, G. C. Conzelman, Jno. B. Dennis, W. G. Faatz, W. M. Gardner, E. D. Goodenough, Thomas W. Hawker, Jno. M. Hayward, Frank O. Hauke, J. L. Kopp, J. Kauskey, H. J. Keenan, G. W. Lane, O. L. Rowland, W. W. Roscoe, G. P. Rogers, S. S. Sprukes, R. M. Stocker, Jno. F. Shimer, Grant S. Tallman. In 1885: B. C. Bryant, W. G Ball, H. L. Eade, W. J. Gregory, George C. Justice, J. M. Krug, F. P. Kimble, James Kanskey, H. B. Reed, A. V. Seaman, M. E. Simons, F. Kroll, F. Zauner. The present officers (1885) are : Henry Wilson, THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED BY MRS. DR. MARY E. APPLEY, WIFE OF THE EMINENT PHYSICIAN, DR. LUTHER APPLEY, IN MEMORY OF HERSELF AND LOVED ONES, HONESDALE, PENNA- WAYNE COUNTY. 431 captain ; George H. Whitney, first lieutenant; L. D. Spragle, second lieutenant; Sergeants, Deniing, Sherrard, Ward, Mahone, Quinney ; Corporals, Tracy, McMullen, Blake, Rowland, Baker, Broad, Gardner, Stocker. The com- pany has attended seven encampments — the first camp was a regimental eucampme'nt, at Long Branch, August, 1879; second, division encampment, at Philadelphia, August, 1880; third, encampment at Wilkesharre, August, 1881, being a brigade encampment. Shortly after coming home from his encampment Cap- tain Bentley died. He was a good disciplinarian and commanded the respect and willing obe- dience of his company. He was proud of his company and they reciprocated in their admir- ation for their captain. After Captain Bent- ley's death, Lieut. Atkinson was made captain, and William H. Stanton, first lieutenant ; W. E. Greey, second lieutenant; Graham Watts, orderly sergeant. The fourth encampment was a division encampment at Williamsport, 1882, company under command of Lieutenant Stanton, who was always careful for the comfort of his men ; fifth, Lewistown, brigade encampment, 1883; Captain Atkinson resigned in 1884. He is a crack shot, being one of the American team that shot against the British team, at Creed- moor, September 15, 1882 ; his score was one hundred and fifty-six out of a possible two hun- dred and ten, he being fourth of the American team. The term of five years having expired, numbers did not re-enlist and the company be- gan to go down till February, 1884, when en- listments began again. In searching for a cap- tain, Henry Wilson, the efficient editor of the Honesdale Citizen, and a veteran of the late War of the Rebellion, was chosen, and under his careful management the company is again in good condition. The sixth encampment was a division encampment at Gettysburg. The boys took pleasure in searching out the points of in- terest on this historic ground, — Gulp's Hill, the National Cemetery, Little Round Top, Semi- nary Ridge. The cupola of the seminary, to which some of us ascended and overlooked the field as it presented itself to the eye of General Lee, will never be forgotten by the boys. The seventh was a brigade encampment at Mount Gretna Park, near Lebanon, Pa. The com- pany first had the hall over the foundry for an armory; it now occupies Liberty Hall for that purpose. Dr. Cummings became brigade-sur- geon, with the rank of major. Colonel H. M. Boies commanded the Thirteenth Regiment at its first organization ; it is now commanded by Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, a veteran of the late war. The company attended the Bi-Centen- nial at Philadelphia in 1882; also the inaugu- rations of Presidents Garfield and Cleveland. Generals Sherniau and Sheridan have expressed their admiration for the Pennsylvania militia, and at the inaugurations above referred to they marched in heavy marching order and were considered to be an excellent body of troops by those well capable of judging. BURIAL-PLACES. In the early history of Honesdale, interments- were made on the banks of the Dy berry, near its junction with the Lackawaxen. Afterwards Jason Torrey gave the plot of laud now known as the old Methodist Episcopal Church burying- ground to the " Burgess, Assistant Burgess and Town Council of the borough of Honesdale, their successors and assigns forever," for burial pur- poses. The first interment took place Septem- ber 11, 1830, the remains being those of Ernes- line, the first wife of the late Dr. Ebenezer T. Losey. Soon after, the bodies that had been buried near " the point " were removed to the new cemetery. The deed for the above land was dated Bethany, April 26, 1834, and was witnessed by Richard L. Seely. It was entered of record July 23, 1839. The consideration was one dollar. Glen Dyberry Cemetery. — This burial- place, lying between the banks of the placid, tree-embowered Dyberry and the rugged, wooded hill eastward from the stream, is one of the most beautiful to be found in the country. Its situation is peculiar. It is within two scpiares- of the principal street of the borough, and yet is completely hidden from that street and from the town by the peculiar ridge (shaped like an inverted canoe), extending along the Dyberry, and by the dense growth of native trees. The grounds are tastefully laid out, enriched with WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. evergreens and deciduous trees and shrubs, through which shady walks and drives wind in all directions about the well-turfed, carefully- kept plots, each sacred to some home circle. The entrance to the cemetery is by a bridge .over the Dyberry. The stream forms a gentle but everlasting line of demarkation between the little cities of the living and the dead, and its dark waters flow on peacefully as the waters of Lethe. The cemetery was originated by a company organized under the provisions of a State char- ter, granted January 2(1, 1854. The act named .as incorporators Russell F. Lord, Thomas H. R. Tracy, Samuel E. Dimmick, John Torrey, Stephen Torrey, Richard L. Seely, James R. Dickson, Francis B. Penniman, Zenas H. Rus- sell, John F. Lord, Amory Prescott, Richard Henwood, James M. Brookfield, Eliphalet Wood, M. A. Bidwell, Rufus M. Grenell, Sol- omon West, Charles Tehlager, George Bretten- bacher, Oliver Hamlin, Charles P. Waller, Wil- liam R. McLaury, Germain L. Keator, Henry Dart, Samuel Allen, H. B. Beardslee, Stephen D. Ward, William Turner and Coe F. Young. The organization was duly perfected and named the Honesdale Cemetery Company. At a meeting of the incorporators held on Febmary 11, 1854, Thomas H. R. Tracy was chosen chairman and F. B. Penniman secretary ; Messrs. C. P. Waller, Richard L. Seely, Samuel E. Dimmick, Samuel Allen and Coe F. Young Mere appointed a committee to draft by-laws. For some time the company remained in a condition of partial activity and transacted no business which was deemed worthy of mention in its minute-book. In the winter of 1858-59, however, its affairs were energetically pushed, and by February 18, 1859, forty shares of stock had been subscribed, at one hundred dollars each, by the following persons: R. F. Lord, 4 ; John Torrey, 4; R. L. Seely, 4; Z. H.Russell, 2; Stephen Torrey, William F.Wood, Coe F. Young, J. K. Patmor, Isaiah Foster, I. P. Foster, William H. Foster, F. B. Penniman, W. W. Weston, M. L.Tracy, W. J. Fuller. .Tames R. Dick- son, William R. McLaury, E. F. Torrey, D. P. Kirt- land, Ezra Hand, B. B. Smith, William Reed, M. B. Bennett, Eliphalet Wood, C P. Waller, John Mcin- tosh, F. M. Crane, S. D. Ward, C. Hornbeck, R. Hen- -ivood, each one share. On March 5, 1859, at a meeting held at F. B. Peuuiman's office, Z. H. Russell presiding, Messrs. Waller, McLaury, Smith, Ward and W. H. Foster were appointed a committee to examine various tracts of land, with reference to their availability for cemetery purposes. This committee reported, at a meeting held on the 2d of the following May, that parcels of land were offered by H. B. Beardslee (forty acres for $2000), D. Schoonover (fifteen acres, at $150 per acre), G. Russell (quantity not stated, at §100 per acre), Gilbert and Patmor (indefinite quantity, at $200 to $300 per acre), John Tor- rey (eighteen acres at $2400). At a subsequent meeting it was decided to test the choice of the members in regard to location of the cemetery. This was done by ballot, and the Torrey tract received a majority of three votes overall of the other proposed sites. Mr. Torrey having in the mean time abated his price for the land four hundred dollars, it was agreed that it should be purchased for two thousand dollars. At the meeting of May 2, 1859, Russell F. Lord had been elected president and R. L. See- ly, Eliphalet Wood, William H. Foster, Zenas H. Russell, William R. McLaury and F. B. Penniman managers. Under these officers the purchase of the land was confirmed and steps were immediately taken for laying out the cemetery, inclosing it with a wall, except along the Dyberry, building a bridge over that stream, making various improvements and generally beautifying the grounds. Much of this work was carried on under the immediate supervision of F. B. Penniman and Stephen Torrey. The first grave was opened in the new ceme- tery for the reception of the body of Dr. Wil- liam F. Denton, who was buried November 21, 1859. On the evening of Friday, November 25, 1859, services inaugurating the opening of Glen Dyberry Cemetery were held at the Pres- byterian Church, Rev. Dr. Scott, of that church, Rev. Uriah Scott, of the Episcopal, and Rev. Mr. Grenell, of the Baptist Church, making addresses, and Mr. F. B. Penniman appearing on behalf of the board of managers and deliver- ing an informal address. The first public sale of lots was held on WAYNE COUNTY. 433 Saturday, November 26th, when forty-nine lots were sold. Russell F. Lord obtained the first choice, bidding fifty dollars for the privilege. In Glen Dyberry are buried the following soldiers, the greater number of whom, as will be noted, were engaged in the War for the Union, 1861-65 : David Beers, a soldier of the War of 1812. Joseph D. Simpson, a soldier of the War of 1812. Banajah Haskins, a soldier of the War of 1812. Corporal Joseph Sehofield, Duncan's United States Artillery, Mexican War. Captain James Ham, Company M, Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Captain Charles C. Brown, Company M, Seven- teenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Sergeant William H. Hurlburt, Company C, Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves. Sergeant Edmund M. Clark, Company M, Seven- teenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Sergeant William T. Hall, Company C, Sixty- seventh Pennsylvania. Serge-ant William H. Van Kirk, Company ( ', Sixty- seventh Pennsylvania. Corporal James Northcott, Company M, Seven- teenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Dr. J. M. Starnes, assistant surgeon, Eleventh Missouri Cavalry. Thomas Benncy, Battery (', Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. John Benney, Battery C, Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. Martin tinnier, Company H, Fiftv-second Penn- sylvania. Thomas J. Firth, Company B, Third Pennsylvania Reserves. L. B. Sherwood, Company I, Eighty-fourth Penn- sylvania Volunteers. Frederick Zahn, Company F, Third New Jersey Cavalry. Albert L. Rowley, Company L, Fifteenth New York Heavy Artillery. George M. Cole, Company B, Thirty-fifth Pennsyl- vania Militia of 1863. Andrew J. Dennis, Company K, Eleventh United States Infantry. William W. Valentine, Eighth Pennsylvania Militia of 1862. Robert Barclay, of the United States Navy. John B. Lisk, Company G, Third New York Ar- tillery. John Sehofield, United States Volunteers. H. T. Justin, Company C, Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves. David J. Richmond, Company G, One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania. 42 A. R. Howe, Company D, One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania. George Britenbaker, Battery C, Second Pennsyl- vania Heavy Artillery. Riveudale Cemetery.— This burial-ground, opened in 1885, lies immediately north of Glen Dyberry, and may in time rival its beauty. It is the property of a corporation. Joseph Nochals, who formerly owned the land, made some improvements upon it with a view of establishing a burial-ground, but sold it to W. A. Gaylord and Henry J. Tarble in 1883. At the May Term of court, 1885, a charter was granted to the Riverdale Cemetery Company, which consisted of H. J. Tarble, president ; P. J. Cole, treasurer; F. P. Kimble, secretary ; J. J. Curtis and \V. A. Gaylord. To this company Messrs. Tarble and Gaylord deeded the property on May 16, 1885, the consideration being five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. The capital stock is divided into one hundred and twenty shares at fifty dollars each. The grounds have been laid out by Mr. Robin- son, of New York, former overseer of Green- wood Cemetery, and it is the intention to im- prove them as rapidly as possible and to sell plots. The German Lutherans, the German Catho- lics and the English Catholics also have bury- ing-grounds. In the German Catholic Cemetery are buried Captain James Loeven, William Blesser, John G. Holzknecht, Frederick Stolte and Nicholas Shearer (all of Company C, One Hundred and Twelfth Pennsylvania Volunteers) Alexander Maier and Frederick Krong. In the German Lutheran Cemetery are the graves of Caspar Havrich, of Company C, One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Henry Languth. In the old Catholic burying-grounds lie the remains of John Baker, of Company C, Sixth Reserves. Soldiers' Monument. — The most conspicu- ous object in the beautiful little park or public square is a monument reared to perpetuate the names of Wayne County men who fell in the War of the Rebellion. Measures were taken toward the rearing of this monument before the 434 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. war was really ended, and it was one of the first erected in the State. A meeting to organize the Monument Association was held June 1, 1865. The president was Coe F. Young; the Vice-Presidents, Otis Avery and Z. H. Rus- sell ; and the Secretaries, J. C. Delezenne and E. F. Torrey. F. B. Penniman read articles of association agreed upon by the Ladies' Aid Society and addresses were delivered by Rev. J. J. Doherty, F. D. Haskius, C. S. Minor, Esq., L. F. Borcher and G. G. Waller, Esq. The society was then organized by the election of the following officers : President, Mrs. John Torrey ; Secretary, Mrs. Sophia Russell ; Treas- urer, Mrs. S. D. Ward ; Managers, Mrs. J. C. Gunn, Mrs. Ezra Hurlburt, Mrs. John R. Watts, Mis. Kussell F. Lord, Mrs. S. E. Dimmiek, Mrs. Richard Heuwood, Mrs. James Birdsall, Mrs. Samuel Allen, Mrs. L. O. Grenell, Mrs. William Seaman, Mrs. F. B. Penniman, Mrs. L. Soergel, Mrs. C. F. Young, Mrs. C. S Minor, Mrs. Stephen Torrey, Mrs. Aaron Cuni- mings, Mrs. J. C. Delezenne, Mrs. Patrick McSone. The society of which these ladies were repre- sentative members carried on the movement for the erection of a soldiers' monument indefat- igably, and raised money by various means — by subscription, by the holding of fairs and festi- vals and by the sale of the products of their unwearying fingers. A very large number were interested and active supporters of the project, but there were three who, by common consent, are awarded especial credit for the work that was accomplished. They were Mrs. F. B. Penniman, Mrs. J. C. Gunn and Mrs. J. C. Delezenne. The corner-stone of the monument was to have been laid September 4, 1866, but as the Council did not decide upoh the location, it was deferred until July 4, 1867. On that occasion the late Mrs. Ezra Hurlburt, whose son died in the service, was awarded the honor of breaking the ground. The contract for the monument was entered into with Joseph B. Leach, of Brooklyn, in August, 1868. The dedication of the monument took place September 9, 18611, Governor John W. Geary being the speaker. Rev. C. S. Dunning presided over the meeting, which was very large. The dedication service was very impressive. A great throng of people were in the streets and the public square and a procession paraded in the afternoon. The monument thus secured by the patient work of the ladies (at a cost of over five thou- sand dollars) and dedicated in the presence of a great assemblage by the Governor of the State, is of Quincy granite, is pedestal in form and surmounted by an excellent bronze figure, life- size, of a soldier at parade rest. The height is about fourteen feet. The inscription and names of the fallen soldiers are as follows : 1869. THIS MONUMENT WAS ERECTED BY THE LADIES' MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION OF WAYNE COUNTY TO THE MEMORY OF OUR DEAD WHO FELL, " That Government of the people, hy the people, and for the people, should not perish from the earth." Capt. James L. Mumford. J. H. Bryant. H.C. Palis. G. Srambler. J. J. Thorp. R. Barhight. C. Thorp. J. Markle. W. Rix. E. Jordan. D. Seibold. J. G. Griggs. A. Graham. D. Palmer. G. Palmer. A. F. Elmendorf. S. E. Elmendorf. 0. K. Stears. S. F. Davall. J. E. Chubb. 1. Thomas. J. Wallace. C. N. Bagley. D. Howell. O. Wolf. S. Gilcrist. S. H. Cross. J. H. Simpson. T. Noddin. W. E. Martin. R. Martin. H. McKane. M. Rollison. A. Rollison. W. Holdron. J. L. Reed. G. Compton. N. Warder. D. Freer. W. Kellum. N. G. Hand. J. Johnson. T. Bourke. N. Foy. R. Kirtz. M. Devitt. L. Cole. E. Haven. J. D. Simpson. P. Ennis. J. Kraughan. J. McLaughlin. J. C. Anthony. D. Wall. H. Buchanan. I. Knapp. Z. N. Lee. W. Brotzman. H. Case. H. Kinney. C H. Munroe. WAYNE COUNTY. G. H. Hoover. G. H. Palmer. A. K. Pruden. E. S. Huiteln. J. Shiever. N. J. Simpson. N. Thorp. J. H. Wilds. B. Pell. G. W. Simpson. W. Hunter. D. Woodward. G. Pell. A. C. Starbird. A. Benjamin. D. Darling. J. Simpson. J. W. Smith. W. W. Valentine. A. J. Darling. O. Gillett. J. H. Worth. E. Taeubner. J. Hull. S. Bidwell. W. Short. C. Neihart. C. M. Griffis. H. Bidwell. J. Ogden. F. Wilcox. P. P. Knight. F. Bidwell. J. Ogden. A. S. Ludwig. W. Randall. E. Bidwell. J. Nnrthcott. F. Metzger. R. Humphrey. S. Peet. S. Hines. E. E. Fisher. D. Martin. W. Brooks. J. Keifer. G. Metz. J. O'Niel. O. Brooks. J. H.Belknap. H. Nelmes. M. Kingsbury. J. Mann. O. Chamberlain. W. F. Hurlburt. A. B. Hall. G. Hathrill. T. C. Brigham. D. Burton. T. Coddington. T. Bryant. V. D. Brigham. D. S. Charles. A. Martin. W. Tamblyn. H. B. Wood. W. Carney. J. W. Waller. D. C. Lathrop. W. E. Dodge. < r. Frace. J. Elmer. M. Stevens. J. Lukens. G. M. Cole. H. C. Wright. G. H. Stevens. D. L. Brown. H. Price. F. 0. R. Benjamin. I). Maloney. G. D. Parsons. J. Broun. I. J. Bradshaw. E. W. De Reamer. C. T. Jackson. W. H. Giffurd. G. M. Grotevant. S. Strong. J. A. Dodge. L. Bailey. D. Howell. T. Clark. J. W. Frampton. L. N. Purdy. E. G. Belknap. T. J. Firth. 1. Frampton. C. Haines. G.W. Warner. A. Little. G. Parsons. H. West. E. W. Freeman. F. Marshall. H. Conklin. H. Lynch. J. B. Hauser. N. G. Hurd. J. Cole. G.J. Price. A. L. Chittenden. H. Nye. J. M. Gavett. J. Hathaway. J. B. Muzzy. W. Surplice. J. R, Garton. A. B. Hathaway. 0. Wilcox. J. E. Dart. J. J. Rude. Capt. Jami ;s Ham. W. T. Hall. A. D. Stark. E. M Clark. J. Tobin. G. Oitnung. J.McKeon. F. Zahn. E. Dexter. J. E. Bagley. E. J.Bunnell. Capt. Oliver MUMI'ORR E. YV. Farniiani. H. J. Borchers. Lieut. H. F. Willis. Lieut. A. E. King. C. Henwood. D. Avery. D. Lake. G. G. Andrews. J. Baker. A. E. Gleason. D. McGowan. A. J. Swingle. J. B. Karslake. A. Niles. W. C. Bently. J. J. Cummiskey. D. B. Torrey. W. J. Thomas. W. S. Hoffman. L. Spangenberg. T. Beuney. J. Best. J. Jackson. J. J. Monk. A.Broat. J. D. Hamlin. G. W. Welton. C. P. Andreas. M. V. Tyler. E. Torpyn. M. Wood. A. L. Rowley. B. Lord. I. Crago. J. Markle. D. Carpenter. J. Jones. R. Clift. B. Sherwood. H. A. Thurston. E. Jones. W.Cory. W. Rhodes. B. S. Menvin. J. Price. J. Bronson. J. Brigham. N. J. Van ( )rden. N. Tyler, Jr. J. E. Taylor. P. G. Griffin. J. W. Cobb. J. Hauser. G. A. Tavlor. H. Shaffer. J. M. Easby. S. D. Ward. H. Whittaker. S. H. Thomas. J. N. Stevens. G. W. Haynes. D. Reynolds. S. Dobson. J. C. Rockwell. G. D. Slocum. E. Lake. H. T. Angel. F. Baird. G. Seely. 0. S. Hoffman. E. 0. Polly. N. Wilbur. J. T. Whittaker. T. Newman. H. Nicholson. A. H. Stewart. T. Sterling. W. Surrine. D. Dickius. L. Crone. R. Whitney. S. H. Thomas. C. Dickins. A. Jordan. H. Keersey. W. C. Thomas. G. W. Dickins. J. Elmore. C. H. Cole. I. Hill. J. Dickins. M. L. Denslow. J. Hardwick. S. W. Jayne. T. Kennedy. D. A. Denslow. 436 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. R. Harford. A. Colbath. E. S. Bayley. H. J. Wheeler. R.Buunell. J. Emery. L. Slote. L. Burleigh. A. Mattison. D. Mattison. G. W. Marks. A. J. Marks. D. Sutliff. M. Hickney. W. Cole. J. G. Boss. D. Dibble. B. Boults. J. Bray. O. Tyler. W. H. Wilcox. C. Lees. J. S. Sutlitt'. J. F. Wright. E. O. Haines. A. Huffman. J. S. Marricle. J. G. Ross. D. Brazee. N. P. Knapp. N. T. Andrews. J. F. Jackson. O. L. Bath. G. S. Brown. G. P. Enslin. J. S. Kennedy. E. Lake. A. Clock. W. Upright. J. F. Barnes. D. Swingle. A. London. T. Woodward. J. Helmes. B. Curtis. EL Brigham. G. Foler. J. A. Adams. D. Catterson. P. Swartz. L. Apjilemau. J. Cauth. S. Shearer. E. Cramer. L. Jordan. J. Rollison. C. A. Weed. H. Harrison. G. W. Brown. J. Tobee. J. Adams. J. H. Schoonmaker. Memorial Fountain. — The fountain in the public square is a memorial of the national centennial, and, like the soldiers' monument, is the result of woman's work. On the 4th of July, 1876, a society, which had been organized for the purpose of establishing this memorial, inaugurated the movement by securing sub- scriptions to a fund for the building of the fountain and gave an entertainment for the benefit of the same. Mrs. H. M. Seely was president, Mrs. Robert J. Menner secretary and Miss Carrie Petersen treasurer, while other active members of the society were Mrs. Wil- liam H. Dimmick, Mrs. J. J. Curtis, Mrs. Ben- nett, Mrs. Dunning and Miss Anna Wilbur. The work of raising funds was carried on as fast as possible, but with many disadvantages, and the fountain was finally finished and for- mally delivered to the Town Council on July 4, 1879. It cost about eleven hundred dollars. The Celebration of the National Centennial. — The one hundredth anniver- sary of American independence was fittingly observed in Honesdale. The celebration prop- erly began on Suuday evening, July 2, 1876, by a union service of the Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Episcopal congregations in the park, the large audience using the platform and seats erected for the 4th. Revs. J. A. Mete, A. J. Van Cleft, E. P. Miller and C. S. Dun- ning conducted the services, the latter gentle- man preaching the sermon, taking for his text Psalm 147 and 20th verse: "He hath not dealt so with any nation." It was a most learned, patriotic and able discourse, and was listened to with marked attention and deep in- terest by the large numbers in attendance. The entire congregation united in singing " Corona- tion," " Hold the Fort " and " America," with deep feeling and emotion. On the 3d preparations were elaborately made for the observance of the following day. Public and private buildings, stores and resi- dences were decorated with evergreens and bunting, and in the evening the citizens gener- ally prepared for illuminating their residences and places of business. At nine in the evening a torch-light procession began its march through the streets, and the night, or the greater portion of it, was given up to various enthusiastic dem- onstrations. The morning of the 4th was announced by the firiug of the old cannon upon Irving Cliff, and at eight o'clock the national colors were flung to the breeze from a lofty staff, raised the day before on the same height. About the middle of the forenoon a procession began to march the streets. It consisted of various civic and military organizations, a body of soldiers of the late war, several allegorical representations, bands of music, etc., the whole under the mar- shalship of Colonel Coe Durland. At the court-house the procession broke ranks, and the exercises of the day were then com- menced in the park. The American Hymn was first sung, and prayer was then offered by Presiding Elder L. W. Peck. Hon. E. 6. Hamlin read the Declaration of Independence and H. M. Seely, Esq., delivered the oration. Rev. C. S. Dunning pronounced the benedic- tion and the great audience slowly dispersed. A free dinner was provided in the court-house, WAYNE COUNTY. and, although " a whole ox and four sheep had been roasted, four thousand clams baked" and an immense quantity of other food prepared, the banquet proved insufficient to meet the demand. The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal Church and < >f the Fountain Memorial Society also served dinners and supplied immense crowds. The remainder of the day and the evening were oc- cupied with various celebrations and festivities, and it was late in the night when the crowd, Jeremiah the emigrant ; 2d, Robert; 3d, Robert; 4th, John ; 5th, Henry B. Jadwin, father of C. C. Jadwin. The first four generations were planters ; and Henry B. was the first that chose a different occupation. He left his native State and located in Canaan, Wayne County, Pa., in the year 1830. In 1832 he married Alice G. Plumb, of that place, a daughter of Ezra and Hannah Plumb, from Litchfield County, Conn. Mr. Jadwin moved to Carbondale estimated to be the largest ever assembled in the borough, was wholly dispersed. Cornelius C. Jadwix is a descendant of Jeremiah Jadwin, who came to America about the year 1683 and located on the peninsula formed by the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. Jeremiah was accompanied to the colonies by his brothers Joseph and John. Joseph settled in New York, and John settled in Virginia. The line of descent from Jeremiah Jadwin to the subject of this sketch is as follows : 1st, where he passed the remainder of his life, dying in 1876, at the age of seventy-three. Of his eight children, six are now living, — Orlando H., the oldest son, is a wholesale druggist in New York City ; Cornelius C. is a druggist at Hones- dale, Pa. ; Henry B., Charles P., John S. and Thomas S. are druggists living in Lackawanna County, Pa. Cornelius C. Jadwin was born at Carbondale, Luzerne (now Lackawanna) County, Pa., March 27,1835. He attended the public schools of 438 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the place until he was twelve years of age, when his father took him from school to assist him at his trade. He worked with his father until he was eighteen years of age. During these six years of labor he spent his spare moments in close study, overcoming obstacles which would have crushed a boy of less natural ability and force of char- acter. At the age of nineteen he was elected a teacher in the Carbondale schools. He was the two hundred and eighty-seventh person ex- amined in Luzerne County, under the new public-school law, by the first county superin- tendent of that county, and obtained the seventh first-class certificate granted by him. He taught school four years, during which time he and his brothers, Orlando H. and Henry B., purchased a book-store in Carbondale, and added a drug department, which business was conducted under the name and supervision of O. H. Jadwin ; here Cornelius C. took his first lessons in theo- retical and practical pharmacy. At the age of twenty-three he left the avocation of teaching, and having sold his interest in the drug and book business to his brother, O. H. Jadwin, lie entered the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company as a civil engineer, first carry- ing the axe and chain. At the end of three months he was promoted to the head of a party, and remained in the employ of the company until he took a position as mining engineer with Jones & Co., at Olyphant, Pa. During this time he purchased a half-interest in a con- tract for furnishing coal to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, from a mine in Arch- ibald. A general strike took place, and fearing that his venture would not terminate profitably, he sold his interest and returned to Carbondale and took charge of his brother's (O. H. Jad- win) drug-store. May 8, 1862, he and O. H. Jadwin bought the drug business of Purdon & Seely, at Honesdale, Wayne County, Pa., and commenced business under the firm-name of Jadwin & Bro. This store was under the sole supervision of C. C. Jadwin, and continued as a partnership business until November 1883, when C. C. Jadwin purchased his brother's in- terest and became sole proprietor. In 1869 Mr. Jadwin and S. A. Terrel built the block, on the corner of Eighth and Main Streets, known as the Masonic Hall building, now occupied by them. In 1866 Mr. Jadwin became associated with J. M. Crarv, of Liberty, N. Y., now of Hackensack, N. J., in the compounding and sale of Jadwin's Subduing Liniment. Since that time they have compounded and sold several other medical preparations, which, like the liniment, have become celebrated. In politics, Mr. Jadwin is a consistent Re- publican, and since 1865 he has been very active and influential in the management of the affairs of the party in Wayne County, having acted for several years as chairman of the County Committee, and having been delegate to the County Conventions, and also representative or Senatorial delegate to State Conventions. Since 1872 he has been a member of the local Board of Education nearly the whole time, and for several years was president of that body. In 1880-he was elected a delegate to the National Convention of the Republican party at Chicago, and the same fall was elected to represent the district composed of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Wayne Counties in the Forty- seventh Congress. In Wayne County he ran eight hundred and twenty-eight votes ahead of Garfield for President, receiving eighteeen thou- sand two hundred and twenty-three votes in th» district, against thirteen thousand six hun- dred and two for Robert A. Packer, Democrat, nine hundred and sixty-six for J. Burrows, Greenback candidate, and two hundred and sixteen for L. Smith, Prohibitionist. He made a consistent and honorable record in Congress, familiarizing himself promptly and thoroughly with the processes of legislation, zealously guarding the interests of his constitu- ents, writing and replying to about seven thou- sand letters during his term. He was a member of the committee on the revision of the laws and on war claims. In 1882, by virtue of the traditionary custom of his party, a renomina- tion to Congress was due to Mr. Jadwin, but through the machinations and devices of ambi- tious members of the party, who lulled his suspicious by assurances of fidelity and the certainty of his renomination, he was defeated, and Colonel Edward Overton, of Bradford County, was nominated. Mr. Jadwin's Wayne WAYNE C( IUNTT. 439 County friends bolted this nomination and re- convened their County Convention, and put him in nomination as an Independent candidate. The result was that Mr. Jadwin received 9101 votes, Colonel Overton 5675 and George A. Post, of Susquehanna County, the Democratic candidate, 11,555 votes and was elected. Jad- win received more votes than Overton in Brad- ford and four times as many as he did in Wyoming, and Overton only had one hundred and twenty votes in Wayne County, where Mr. Jadwin ran one thousand one hundred and two votes ahead of his ticket. This was considered by all his friends a sufficient vindication of his record and a well-deserved rebuke to the unfair methods by which he had been deprived of the nomination. In 1867 Mr. Jadwin originated the scheme and raised the subscription for the publication of the Honesdale Citizen and was chosen as one of the five managers of the paper, and remained in charge until it passed under the full control of the present editors. He married Lottie E., eldest daughter of Ezekiel G. Wood, of Seely- ville, April 7, 1864. He has one sou, Edgar Jadwin, who, having received his appointment and passed examination in June, 1886, is now a cadet at West Point, and three daughters, — Louise, Grace and Sophie Jadwin. Charles Petersex, son of Iven and Johanna D. (Kloker) Petersen, was born at Copenhagen, Denmark, November 15, 1826. Having received a good common-school educa- tion, at the'age of fourteen he was entered as an apprentice to learn the trade of a watch- maker, with his father. After the death of the latter, November 10, 1843, he completed his apprenticeship with a man named Steinmetz, in Copenhagen, and in 1848 left that place and worked at his trade in Berlin, Prague (in Bo- hemia) and Vienna. He participated in the Revolution of 1849, at Vienna, and when the government troops took possession of the city, left for Switzerland, where, for two years, he was a pupil of the celebrated Jules Jurgen- son. While there, through the instrumentality of his former preceptor, Mr. Steinmetz, he was granted a stipendium by the Danish government to enable him more closely to study the principles of watch-making, in the general interests of the trade. In I 851 he resolved to seek the shores of the New World, and arrived in New York the same year, bearing letters of introduction to several of the large wholesale houses of that city. He at ouce received offers of employment from several establishments, but fearing that he would not learn to speak the English lan- guage as quickly in the city as in the country, he accepted an offer from Moses CummingSj of Honesdale, Pa., extended through Nichols, Goodwin & Co., and arrived in that place in the fall of 1851. Six months later, in 1 852, he proposed either to buy Mr. Cummings out ot- to start business for himself! His proposition was accepted, and he became the owner of the stock, good-will and fixtures of the establish- ment, by the payment of seven hundred and fifty dollars. For a few months his brother Herman was in partnership with him, the firm being known as Petersen & Brother, but he subsequently became the sole owner, and has since carried on the watch-making and jewelry business on an extensive scale, on his own ac- count. He erected his present commodious store in 1856. In 1858 Mr. Petersen became identified with a movement for re-building the old Cornell telegraph line, which sixteen years before had been operated between Carbondale, via Hones- dale, to Narrowsburg and New York, and in 1862, by permission of Chief Engineer R. F. Lord, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany, he built the first line that company owned along the canal between Honesdale and Ron- dout. He afterwards extended the lines along their railroads, and has ever since held the po- sition of superintendent of the Telegraph De- partment of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, in the Canal Department, and on the Pennsylvania Railroad Division of their rail- way system. The Honesdale Bell Telephone Company was organized in August, 1882, under license of the American Bell Telephone Company, of Boston, Mass., the stockholders being J. Merrihew, of Philadelphia, H. L. Storke, of New York, Richard O'Brien, of Scranton, and Mr. Peter- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sen. As superintendent of the company, the latter at once began the erection of the lines. In March, 1883, the plant was transferred to the Hudson River Telephone Company, and is now in successful operation, with fifty-four subscribers, under the management of Mr. Petersen as superintendent. In addition to his close connection with the business interests of Northeastern Pennsylvania, many years of Grace Episcopal Church, and is held in general respect for his integrity and up- rightness of character. He married, at Chaux de Fonde, Switzerland, June 11, 1851, Char- lottie A. C. Roth, the offspring of the marriage being Carrie L. A. Petersen, Lottie E. A. Pe- tersen and Ida Maria Petersen, deceased. Of the four brothers of Mr. Petersen, two, Herman A. and Alexis, came to this country, and car- z^c£z> SLf^>. ble citizens. His first wife was Sarah Bronson, whom he married in 1832. He was united to his present wife, Mrs. Jenett P. Judd, on Nov. 22, 1865. David Kenner, one of the oldest and best- known residents ofWayue County, was horn at Albany, N. Y., January 24,1812. His par- ents were Joseph* and Rachel (Hollenbeck) Kenner, the former of whom was a native of Kinderhook, X. Y., and by occupation a farmer. In 1816 Joseph Kenner removed from Albany to Cortland County, N. Y., taking* his attainable by a farmer's son at that early period. At the age of seventeen he purchased his time from his father, as was the wont in those days, and entered the employ of William Walter, a farmer in his neighborhood, for whom he had winked more or less for several years previously. He subsequently worked on the farm of Dr. Jones, in the same locality, and upon attaining his majority went to Syracuse, N. Y., where he clerked for Elihu Walter, then doing business as a tallow-chandler. At the expiration of a year lie entered the hardware store of Elam WAYNE COUNTY. 443 Lyons & Sous, of the same city, where he remained about a year. Soon after he removed to Wilkes- Barre, Pa., where he drove the stage between that place and Tunkhannock, for Miller Horton. In August, 1 834, he married Emma, daughter of Daniel Weddeman, of Providence Luzerne County, and again resumed stage- driving, this time between Providence and Mil ford, a distance of some sixty-three miles. In the summer of 1835 he bought grain for Daniel Searles, of Montrose, and in the win- ter the same year engaged in lumbering, at Lennox, Susquehanna County, for William Hartley. In the spring of 1836 he removed to Carbondale, Pa., where he entered the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, and where he remained for four years. In the spring of 1840 he settled at Honesdale, Pa., where he was furnished two canal-boats by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, which he ran himself for one year between Honesdale and Rondout, N. Y. He afterwards kept the boats running, but himself worked the borough road of Honesdale. For a number of years prior to the building and corporation of the Erie Rail- way Mr. Kenner operated a freight line be- tween Honesdale and New York, having a number of teams on the road, and, after the completion of the road to Goshen, N. Y., he operated the same line between that point and Honesdale. In this connection he often pur- chased goods for others, acting as agent, and collecting money frequently. In 1843 he pur- chased a farm of one hundred acres in Cherry Ridge township, of Asher Woodward, John Harvey and the widow Pern, and located thereon. There he continued to reside for thirty-three years, during which period he not only engaged in farming, but, with a certain restless activity which has characterized his entire life, occupied himself with other aifairs. When the Erie Railroad was being built, in 1847, he furnished beef to the company for their employes from a point below Xarrowsburg to Calicorn. He also furnished food supplies to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Haw- ley, in 1848 and 1849. He dealt largely in pork, as the partner and agent of farmers in his old home in Cortland County, and bought and sold stock and horses in large numbers, as well as buying wool for Birdsall Brothers, woolen manufacturers, of Seelyville, dining the late Civil War. In the spring of 1876 Mr. Kenner took up his residence in Honesdale, where he now lives. He sold his farm in 1878 to John and William Blake, the later of whom now occupies it. Hi& chief occupation in 1885 is investing money and looking after his other varied interests. He has never aspired to public office, but has filled various township offices, and for three years served as collector of Cherry Ridge township. He has been a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Honesdale since about 1860, and associated in its erection, but is liber- ally inclined toward other denominations, and is a contributor to the support of the Methodist Episcopal Society of that place. He contributes freely, yet not ostentatiously, to the poor and distressed, and is a supporter of all worthy agencies for the development of the community. His life has been an active, energetic and suc- cessful one, and illustrates in a forcible degree the possibilities of advancement in our Ameri- can society to those who, though of humble origin, are endowed by nature with the energy and capabilities necessary for success. Mr. Kenner's first wife died December 26, 1883. He was united to his present wife, Miss Ellen, daughter of William and Henrietta (Kizer) Spangenberg, of Lake township, on January 1, 1885. CHAPTER XI DAMASCUS TOWNSHIP. The peaceful hills of Damascus township slope gently to the southeast, furrowed by many a shining brooklet that empties its clear waters into the Delaware, which river forms the eastern boundary of the township. Manchester lies to the north, Berlin south, and westward are Leb- anon, Oregon and Berlin, all of them born of its ample area. At the village of Damascus, Cash's Creek, one of the principal streams, empties into the Delaware, while three miles 444 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. below, at Milanville, Calkins' Creek makes its debouche. Hollister's Creek drains the north- eastern portion of the township, and the lesser streams are tributaries to one of these three affluents. The natural ponds are Duck Harbor, which is partly in Lebanon, Laurel Lake, Cline, §wago, Gorham and a number of smaller ponds. Most of the land is rolling, arable and with .soil of good quality, and as there are few very high hills, it is easily cultivated. The least productive portions are a portion of a hill iu the northeastern end, called Conklin Hill, and a strip commencing below Milanville, and stretching southward to Big Eddy, on the Delaware. At the time of its establishment, when Wayne County was set off from Northampton, in 1798, Damascus included all the territory now em- braced in the townships of Lebanon, Oregon and parts of both Dyberry and Berlin. It was then the largest township erected, and, in spite of subsequent excisions, remains so to-day. As it is territorially the most important, so its history is more interesting than that of sister townships, since along its eastern limits were made the first settlements in the county, and its pioneers were the vanguard of the Connecticut civilization, which, while acting as a menace to the tranquil rule of the proprietary government, and entailing animosities that were not unat- tended with bitterness, cruelty and hardship, was an important factor in opening up the rich and fertile fields of Northeastern Pennsylvania. A broad and comprehensive view of the early ■events and theirsynchronological relation to the settlement of adjacent regions has been given iu the preceding chapters, where also some of the detailed history prior to the erection of Wayne County has been necessarily referred to. In the present chapter, which is designed to be more specific, a grave obstacle to connected narration is met in the obscurity of many early dates, of which there remains no record. The actors in the early scenes have been dead many years, and left behind them only foggy tradition find fragmentary family records that are limited and contradictory. So far as possible, personal recollection has been supplemented by corrob- orative evidence from public records, but in spite of much labor, few of the family histories are as complete as the writer desired to have them. Although there is no authentic account of any settlement at Cushutunk before that of the Del- aware Company, in 1757, a traditiou among the descendants of Moses Thomas has it that he lo- cated on the Thomas farm as early as 1750, and was engaged as an Indian trader. Thomas was an Englishman of pluck and enterprise, and afterwards became one of the leading spir- its of the settlement. From what little is shown of his character by his after-history, he seems to have been possessed of those qualities of hardi- hood and adventure that might have prompted him to seek this remote outpost of colonial civ- ilization independently ; it is quite probable he was in Cushutunk as early, if not earlier, than the settlers of whom there is more definite rec- ord. A manuscript written by Nathan Skin- ner, giving a history of the Skinner family, con- tains the most that is known concerning the de- tailed history of the settlement. From this it appears that Daniel Skinner, the father of the author, was boru at Preston, Windham County, Conn., and was one of eight brothers and sisters, children of Joseph Skinner. These were Benj- amin, Timothy, John, Abner, Haggai, Calvin, Joseph, Martha and Hulda. The manuscript then goes on to say : " At exactly what time Daniel Skinner came to Damascus we are at present unable to say, but we find from a cer- tain writing that he was at the place where George Bush afterward resided, then called the ' Ackhake place,' on the 4th of September, 1755. His father was one of the twelve hundred Yan- kees that made the great Indian purchase ot July 11th, 1754, and under this purchase and another under a section of the colony of East New Jersey, the Skinner family came into the country to seek their fortunes and make settle- ments. " Daniel bought of his father twenty-five acres of the Ackhake place, for which he paid five pounds, current money of the Province of New York, September 11th, 1755. He also assisted in laying out a town, the centre of which was about six miles from the river, near WAYNE COUNTY. 445 where John Barnes now lives on the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike, and in selecting a lo- cation tor a meeting-house, and a lot for the minister, William Rice was, I presume, the sur- veyor. After this Daniel Skinner made his home principally at the Ackhake place until after his father was killed. l " Buckskin shirts and checked Manuel shirts were altogether the fashion in these days, and, as the skins could be had very cheap from the Indians where he resided, and the flannel of the Yankees where he came from, he became a ped- dler of these articles throughout the settled parts of Pennsylvania and New York, and formed an acquaintance with most of the inhabitants of both States. " After his father was killed, and his step-moth- er had returned to her residence in Connecticut, which was, I presume, about the year 1759, he took up his residence in Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey. This appears from an old deed of Timothy W r ints, of Canterbury, to Daniel Skin- ner, of Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey, for half a right in the Delaware Purchase, for which he paid four pounds sterling. This is dated January 2, 1 760. On the 20th of February, in the same year, he paid Alpheus Gustin, one of the proprietors, five pounds for one-fourth of a right in the Delaware purchase, lying on both sides nf the river, ' one hundred acres thereof being in the middle township.' On the 26th of the following July he paid forty pounds to Ben- jamin Skinner, of Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey, for a half-right in the Susquehanna pur- chase, which right Benjamin bought of Joseph Skinner, one of the proprietors. 'The reasons for the murder of Joseph Skinner are not apparent. The Connecticut title came from the Iroquois, while the New York proprietors had bought of the natives of the region. Shortly after Mr. Skinner brought his fam- ily to Cushutunk, accompanied by others of the settlers, he went to the confederated tribes to make some amicable adjustment of the differences, and on his way back was killed by some unknown person. As he did not return to the settlement his wife, concluding that he had been mur- dered, went back to her old home in Preston. Subsequent- ly his body was found, where he had been shot on the banks of a small stream, just above the residence of Hon. James C. Curtis, and was identified by a prayer-book, on the fly-leaf of which his name was written. " This year (176'0) he became a sailor, and made a voyage to several of the West India is- lands; on his return, March 1st, 1761, he mar- ried u widow by the name of Richardson, who had one daughter, Phcebe, by her first husband, and at tins time about seven years old. He then moved to a place called Munbroekeu Stude, and after remaining there about eight months, went to New Windsor. Early in the spring of 176S we find him on the same Ackhake place where his father had settled. It was this year that he made his first experiments in rafting. While he had been a sailor he learned the value of pine for masts and spars, and about this time con- ceived the plan of running some spars down the Delaware to Philadelphia. He had a quantity of excellent timber on his place, and he got out and put into the river a number of sticks suit- able for ship-masts. These he put adrift, follow- ing them with a canoe, but they soon ran aground on some rocky islands in the channel, and he had to abandon this method and return home. Notwithstanding his failure he persevered, and with much labor got into the river six large masts of equal length, through the ends of which he cut a mortise about four inches square,, into which was fitted what was termed a spindle of white oak. In the ends of these, pins were driven, to keep them from slipping, and the timber thus fastened together he called a raft. To each end of it he pinned a small log, cross- wise, and into the middle of this drove a per- pendicular pin about ten inches long, on which the oars were hung, and being thus rigged, he hired a very tall Dutchman to go with him a& fore-hand. He arrived safely at Philadelphia with this raft, and sold it to the mast-makers with good profit. This was the first raft ever navigated on the waters of the Delaware River, and was about the year 1764. Shortly after- ward he made a larger raft, on which Josiah Parks went as fore-hand, and in consequence of the success that attended both ventures, others soon embarked in the same business, and, after a time, rafting became general from the Cook House (Deposit) to Philadelphia. Daniel Skin- ner, having constructed the first raft, was styled 'Lord High Admiral' of all of the raftsmen on the Delaware, and Josiah Parks was named -146 WAYNE, PIKE AND .MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA * boatswain. ' These honorary titles they re- tained during their lives." Even in this sparse settlement, numbering scarce a score of souls, we find that jealousy and greed played their parts, and came near driving the pioneer raftsman and his family from the river. The manuscript relates that in the spring of 1767, Nathaniel Evans, Abraham Ross and Phineas Clark lived in a house on the site of that which Judge Tyler afterward built for his son, and Skinner lived on the flat about eighty rods from where George Bush now lives. Evans, Ross and Clark conspired to unite and drive Skinner out of the country, so they could have the whole flat to themselves, and the right of cutting and rafting the timber that grew upon it. Skinner had his brother Haggai living with him, and as both were resolute men who would not give up their rights without a struggle, anx- ious as they were for a monopoly of the flat, the conspirators feared to put their plans into exe- cution. The feeling against Skinner and his family was shared by the wives of his rivals, and, from subsequent events, it seems that the women were the strongest advocates of summa- ry ejection vis et arma. They dared attempt what their spouses lacked courage to venture, and, taking advantage of a time when the men had all gone rafting, indulged in a purely fem- inine struggle, of which the family chronicler has given an account not only quaint and amus- ing, but virile with a touch of human nature that is internal evidence of its fidelity to the eventful life of the early days. " It was one pleasant afternoon in May," he records, " when all nature was bright and smiling, that an attempt at disposession was made by these ladies, whom I shall designate by the titles by which they were known in after- years. Aunt Sarah was Nat Evans' wife; Aunt Hulda that of Abraham Ross; and Mrs. Clark the wife of Phineas Clark. These notable and economical wives, lamenting the want of cour- age in their husbands, held a consultation to consider how they might drive Skinner from the country, and have the whole flat and the privilege of rafting the lofty pines thereon to themselves, and thus it came about that Aunt Hulda said to her companions, ' If tin 1 Skin- ners can be driven off, we can move into their house ; Ross and Evans will help Clark, and they will soon put up a house for you at the end of the flat.' " ' Yes,' said Mrs. Clark, ' All very good, but here we are fretting about the inactivity of our husbands, when we have the power to put ourselves in possession without their assistance. We are all stout women, and Skiuner's wife, you know, is a little bit of a thing, and Phcebe but a child. If I am not mistaken, they are both very cowardly, and all we have to do is to put their things out and ours in. If they resist, I will hold Mrs. Skinner. Once in, we will have full possession.' " The business was accomplished in their own estimation, and accordingly, without further delay, they went to work to put the scheme into execution. When they came to the house they found Phoebe with the three children, — Reuben, about five ; Daniel, three ; and Lillie, an infant of two months old. Mrs. Skinner had gone a short distance on some errand. Finding the premises in this favorable condition, they antic- ipated no resistance and fancied themselves al- ready in possession of the coveted acquisition. But alas ! how deceptive are human efforts, founded on our own calculations. They did nut know that they were fishing for a tartar. (' Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things?' — Psalm ii. 1. 'Because the people's hearts are waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and under- stand with their hearts' — Mat. xiii. 15.) Be- fore I can convey any adequate idea of this affair, it is necessary to describe the character of those who are about to engage in one of the greatest conflicts ever recorded. " Aunt Hulda and Aunt Sarah were sisters of Uncle Moses Thomas, who was killed at the famous battle of Lackawaxen, and daughters of Moses Thomas, who was killed by the Indians at Cochecton, in November, 1762. At this time Aunt Hulda lived in the block-house with her father and mother. Her father went out to look for the Indians at the same time the Indians were looking for him, and they shot WAYNE COUNTY. 447 him and another man by the name of Willis, at the mouth of the brook, so that Aunt Hulda and a sister then about seven years old, who, in process of time became Aunt Hannah, had to supply the places of two men and hold their muskets in the loop-holes to defend the fort. It was thus they became warriors ;' Aunt Sarah and Mrs. Clark were stout women and both noted for their Amazonian character. But, ■ the battle is not to the strong, nor the race to the swift.' Skiuner's wife was a small women, very quick in motion, sprightly and determined. When her temper was up she feared nothing. Her mother died when she was a child, and being very poor, she was brought up in the family of a physician. Her father went into 1 From the account given by Quinlan in " Tom Quick," there seem to have been but three men in the neighbor- hood at this time. The? were Moses Thomas (1st), llilkiah Willis and a man named Witters, to whose care a large number of women and children had been committed. The hlock-house, which stood but a few feet from the river, was well supplied with arms and ammunition, and had it been slocked with provision, a small garrison could have bidden defiance to the savages. There had been some reports of hostile Indians, but it was not supposed they were near, and in the morning Willis directed his two sons to go to his farm and winnow some buckwheat which had been thrashed the day before. The lads complied rather un- willingly, and soon returned and reported I he approach of the savages. Supposing it was only a ruse lo avoid the task to which they had been sel, Willis and his companions at first paid little attention to their story ; but the boys were so vehement in their protestations, that at last the three men went out to reconnoiter, while the women and children retreated to the block-house. Thomas and his two companions proceeded rather incautiously down the river about half a mile, when they came upon the Indians, who were in a turnip patch. As the scouts came over a slight rise above the patch, the marauders caught sight of them and immediately fired. Thomas was killed instantly aud Willis fell badly wounded. Witters escaped and fled to the block-house, where the women had fled in great ex- citement on hearing the firing. Witters knew that the fate of the women and children depended upon his sagacity and courage, and realized that it would be impossible for him to cope with the foe unless he could keep them at bay until assistance arrived. He at once dispatched Moses Thomas (2d), then but a little lad, to warn the settlers above the block-house of the impending danger and ask their immediate aid. The boy, fleet of foot, reached his destination in safety, but found that the alarm had pre- ceded him. The settlers had heard the guns of the In- dians and sought safety in the woods, making the best ot their way toward Esopus. Meanwhile, Witters rallied the women, and when the Indians came to the block-house, a the army against the French, and was killed at Cape Breton in May, 1745. She remained with the doctor until she was between fourteen and fifteen years old, and was always so em- ployed as to keep her faculties, both corporeal and mental, in active operation, so that she was prepared to take her own part. She was said to be very beautiful, and in consequence had many admirers. She finally married a man by the name of Richardson, and bare him a daugh- ter called Phtebe. About 1755 Richardson went into the army and was killed at Brad- dock's defeat. After this his widow lived with a married sister until March 11, 1761, when she became tlie wife of Daniel Skinner. " Now that I have described the champions whose process decided the fate of St. Tammany musket protruded from every loop-hole, while the single brave man in the little stockade gave orders in a loud military tone to an imaginary force of soldiery. He gave orders to shoot every Indian that approached the fort, and by his capital mimicry awed the savages into the belief that the garrison was a strong one, and intended to defend the block-house to the last extremity. The Indians cowered under the cover of a green bank, aud challenged the gar- rison to come out and fight in open field, but received in reply only scornful laughter and an occasional telling shot from Witter's unfailing rifle. Thus the deception was kept up until near evening, the Indians having determined upon a regular siege. A new source of uneasiness then presented itself to the gallant Witters. A quantity of hay had been carelessly left quite near the block-house, and he became convinced that the savages would take advantage of the darkness to fire it, and burnout what they supposed to be a strong force. In this he was not mistaken, for about dusk he noticed an Indian stealthily crawling toward the hay. Witters gave a signal, which he had pre- viously arranged with the women, and every gun in the block- house sent a broadside, and the brave sprang to his feet with a yell of pain and fell dead. This so intimidated the besiegers that they recovered tlyB body of their com- panion, and after hastily interring it, retreated toward Calkins' Creek. Elias Thomas (2d), and Jacob Denny, two lads under eleven years of age, had been sent to Mini- sink to ask aid, and a party of soldiers was sent to the rescue. When they arrived at the blockhouse, it was found that the canoes which had brought them would not accommodate all the rescued party and that one must be left behind. Among the party was a women who had an idiot child, and the soldiers decided that the girl should be the one to remain. In vain did the poor mother plead to be left with her unfortunate child. She was not allowed this consolation, but was forced into the canoe, where she hid her face in her hands to screen the sight of the deserted one and drown its inarticulate cries of woe with her own 448 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Flats, we will return to the field of battle. Phcebe was about thirteen years old at this time, a stout girl, possessed of some of her mother's spunk. As the besiegers advanced, Aunt Hul- da carried out some of the things ; Phoebe car- ried them back. Aunt Hulda throws out others, and when Phoebe attempts to restore them to their places, Mrs. Clark attempts to hold her, but Phoebe, by a trip of the foot which she had learned of the Yankee boys, brought her heavily to the floor, catching her by the hair, commenced to wring her neck, as she has seen them do that of a fowl This treatment, together with the fall, so far disabled Mrs. Clark that she seemed quite lifeless. At this^stage of the proceedings Mrs. Skinner ar- rived, and seeing Phoebe thus engaged, ran to take her off her prostrate adversary ; but Aunt liulda, supposing Mrs. Skinner intended to fight, knocked her down with a stone, cutting a free-flowing gash in her head, and then, catching her by the hair, called upon Aunt Sarah for help. Phcebe, who had by this time rendered her opponent harmless, sprang to her mother's assistance, and was immediately at- tacked by Aunt Sarah. " Now the battle commenced in earnest, each having a single opponent. I shall not tell of their many collisions ; suffice it that the belliger- ents were soon without c^aps or hair. There is no knowing how long this fight would have continued, nor what would have been the result of it, had it not so happened that where Skin- ner's wife was engaged there was a small pail of ashes, which she thought might staunch her bleeding head. She grasped a handful for this purpose, but, instead of applying it to her head, she crammed it into the mouth and eyes of Aunt Hulda, and, perceiving the effect, she instantly repeateol the dose. Now, as her mouth and eyes were well charged with this substance, Aunt Hulda could neither see nor scold, and was, of course, entirely unqualified to continue the con- flict. As soon as possible she made her escape in search of water, leaving Mrs. Skinner to turn her attention to Phcebe and Sarah, who were both exhausted by this time and had come to an armistice till they could get their breaths. Mrs. Clark, too, had recovered and came for- ward suing for peace. Shortly afterward Aunt Hulda returned from the river, where she had been to wash the ashes out of her eyes, and all sat. down to talk over the matter and arrange the preliminaries of peace. Each lamented that she had lost her cap and hair, and each consoled herself that the others had equally lost. Greed and revenge were both cooled down and reason ouce more assumed dominion, each party hav- ing found by experience that there was no pleasure in having the hair pulled, and that they who pull hair must expect to have hair pulled in return. (' With what measure ye mete it shall be measured unto you again.' — Matt, vii. 2. ' He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity.' — Rev. xiii. 10. ' For all that take the sword shall perish by the sworol.' — Mat. xx vi. 52). Under these considerations none were anxious to renew the fight. All were losing precious blood from the ends of their nasal organs, and the wound on Mrs. Skinner's head was still bleeding profusely. What a sub- ject for a painter ! Five respectable ladies, all without caps, bald-headed, their clothes in tat- ters and covered with blood and dust ! Thus they sat for a few minutes, gazing ruefully upon themselves and on one another, and then, with one accord, they went to the river and applied the waters of the Delaware, not to wash away their sins after repentance, but to remove the grime from their faces and stanch the crimson rivulets that still trickled from their cuts and wounds. While thus employed, the besieging ladies explained their object in the attack, their prospects and motives haol it succeeded, and, ac- knowledging their wrong, prayed for forgive- ness and promised reformation. On this Mrs. Skinner sent Phoebe, who had suffered least by the conflict, to the house with orders to put on the tea-kettle, bake a Johnny-cake, boil some potatoes, roast some drieol eels and cut up some jerk. This she accomplished in due season and the meal was placed upon the table, around which these ladies seated themselves and partook of the dainties with cheerfulness and harmony. The attacking party exonerated themselves as best they could, throwing the blame on their neighbors, A. B. and C, ami entered into a covenant of friendship that was never afterward WAYNE COUNTY. 449 violated. Aunt Sarah and Mrs. Skinner lived within half a mile of each other for many years and always in perpetual harmony." From a document still on file in Northamp- ton County, it appears that a warrant was is- sued by William Allen, dated June 4, 1761, di- recting the sheriff to arrest Daniel Skinner, Timothy Skinner, Simeon Calkins, John Smith, Jedidiah Willis, James Adams, Irion Adams and others for intruding upon the Indian lands about Cochecton without leave. This, I imagine, was the reason that prevented Skinner from moving to Cochecton immediately after he was married. On Christmas day, 1771, many of the inhabitants collected at the house of Nich- olas Conklin, where they met a number of In- dians, among whom was a Tuscarora chief, called Captain John. This Indian had become troublesome in consequence of drinking too much rum, and was flourishing a knife, with which he had already gashed the arm of one man. Daniel Skinner and his brother, Haggai, were present, and, turning to the latter, Captain John ordered him to give him another drink. This he refused to do, and Daniel Skinner told the Indian he had already had too much. At this the Indian stepped forward to Skinner and struck at him. Skinner, warding off the blow with one hand, knocked down his assailant with the other, and, after having secured the knife, held him until a cope was procured, and he was tied so as to prevent further mischief. This soon sobered him, and when he was liberated he was very friendly, expressing his gratitude to Skinner for preventing him from doing any more mischief and offering to pay for what he had done. He laid all the trouble to the rum he had been foolishly drinking, and, taking- Skinner by the hand, told him he would always respect him and remember him as a special friend, because he had refused to give him rum. Thus the affray was ended ; pale face and red man were on amicable terms and it was supposed by all present that such was to be the end of the affair. Such would have been the case had there been none of those littlcd -so tiled animals in the neighborhood, " Who pine to hear the voice of truth proclaim A neighbor's virtue, or another's fame." 43 Whenever the transaction was afterwards mentioned, Skinner was applauded, especially by the Indians, who always spoke in his praise and said lie was the greatest and best man in Cochecton. Sometime in May, 1 77 12, how- ever, he received the following in a letter from James Welsh, in Upper Smithfield : " Easton, 17 April, 1772. "Mr. James Welsh: "Inclosed you will receive a Warreut against Dan- iel and Hagga Skinner For beating and wounding several Indian Cheats of the Oneida, Tuskarora and Mohiekan Indians, which in its consequences may involve the provence in a bloody ware with those In- dians unless the aforesaid Daniel and Hagga Skinner are brought to eondine punishment : according to law: You are commanded to precede to Coshethton taking witli you a sufficient strength and bring them before me to answer for their miss conduct and irreg- ular proceedings And this you are by no means to neglect or Fail at your peril And I do Further re- quire that you will execute the said Warrent within the space of'Forteen days From the time you receive it and make returns of your doing therein after its execution to me without delay it being by the express orders of the Governor and Council. " Your humble Sert. " Lewis Gordon. "Mr. .lames Welsh, constable in Upper Smithfield." This same letter directed him to bring Nat. Evans 1 without fail. This was a difficult task, as there was no authority within forty or fifty miles, and Skinner knew that Evans, having been the cause of the trouble, would not go wil- lingly. Now, Evans, having discovered what he supposed to be a valuable mine, Skinner agreed with a blacksmith by the name of Cooley to try Evans' ore. According to the plan, Evans was to fetch his ore in the night and work the bellows, while Cooley attended to the fire, in order to get a sufficient heat to do the melting. This was carried out, and while they were thus employed, Skinner and his brother, Haggai, rushed in upon Evans, and, with the assistance of Cooley, bound him, put him into a canoe and started down the river in search of a justice of the peace. The next day they found Abraham Nathaniel Evans was a mischief-making fellow and a to the residents of the valley. . . . He un- doubtedly made himself so obnoxious that Cochecton was not a pleasant locality to him, and left.'' — Quinlan. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Van Auken, before whom Evans made this deposition : " Sussex | Eastern ) County j Jersey J " This Deposition of Nathaniel Evons taken before me Abraham Vanauken one of his Majesties Jus- tices of peace for the province and County aforesaid This deponent being duly sworn on the holy Evan- gelest of Almighty God saith that near the last of February 1772 one Joseph Ross and Aaron Thomas both of Shochorton 1 did imploy him to carry a letter to the Tuskarores Cheiff Capt. John in order to rais an insurrection on some or all the inhabitnts of Shochorton and said Indians : which said letter the said Nathaniel Evons did also at the request of the Indians carry to the Governor of Pennsylvania and did also receive a letter From the Secretary of Penn- sylvania directed in answer to said Indians Which letter the said Evons did direct to Capt. John and further this deponent saith not. Given under my hand and seal 21st May 1772. "Abraham Vaxaiken." After obtaining this deposition they let Evans go, and proceeded to Easton, having previously obtained the following letter of recommenda- tion : " To All Whom it May Qmeerne: "Knew ye that Daniel Skinner whome is com- plained of For abusing the Indians did settle with said Indians last winter before that any complaint was made to the Cheat's as can be easily proved by the Indians themselves and others and the Indians is free and willing that he should stay and improve his land as he has done before and it is something likely it was out of some ill will that the Complaint was made against Daniel Skinner and his brother Hagga as consequently it will appear and as fur the quarrel that hapened on Christmas day the said Skinners were peacable together and some other people at Nicholas Conklin's when the Indians themselves was something in liquor and began with said Skinner for to give them some Rum and said Skinner would not and the Indian was out of humor and struck said Skinner and the said Skinner struck said Indian back again and it came to some head the Indian stabed one man and after the Indian came to himself he acknowledged he was in the wrong and said he would make satisfaction For the damage he had done and would not have ben any more noise about it if it had not ben for Nathaniel Evons as the Indians say This we can attest to Coshethton May 10 1772. " Nicholas Conklin " John Lassley "Elizabeth Coxkux " William Conklin." 1 Both of these men lived at Cochecton. The name Shochorton has not been met with elsewhere. " To oil irhome it .Vni/ Coiicearne : " Whereas we the subscribers are informed That Nathaniel Evons has entred a Complaint to Governor Pen against Daniel Skinner For his abusing some (Indians). " This is to certify that we know of no abuse given by said Daniel Skinner to the Indians at any time And we further certify that Daniel Skinner as far as we know him to be an Honest industrious and peaca- ble man both to his neighbors and the Indians This we the subscriber do Certify to the Gentlemen it may concern. "Minesink May. 5th 1772. " Abraham Westbrook Lanes Westbrook Abraham Skinner Martines Westbrook Garret Decker Antony Daykau Benjamin Depui Yohanas Decker Thomas Hoyter Abr'm Vanauken, Esq Isaac Vantoyle Neamiah Paterson Johan Mideaugh Nicholas Conklin Samuel Gunsales Phineous Cleark Abraham Vanauken Ruben Cooley Lemuel Westbrook Robert Land." " When Skinner arrived at Easton and pre- sented himself and his papers to the proper authorities, he found no one to prosecute the complaint, and, of course, was honorably dis- charged. He returned to pursue his business as before, but soon discovered that his family would not be safe at Cochecton, and, being dis- couraged in many efforts to obtain a permanent title, he concluded to quit the country and try his fortune in some other place. His brothers, Timothy and Abncr, had purchased land from Henry Wisner, of Goshen, called the Shungank Kill Meadows, their titles dating from Decem- ber 13, 1767, and during the six years they had lived there, the title had not been disputed. As Wisner had in the same tract about seven hun- dred acres unsold, he (Skinner) purchased it for £300 lawful money of New York. This deed is dated June 15, 1773, at which time Skinner's family were living on the premises of his broth- er Timothy, having moved from Cochecton some time in the latter part of November, 1772. The cause of his leaving Cochecton was as fol- lows : " About the year 1770 he concluded to take a title from Pennsylvania, and accordingly got a survey of oue hundred aud forty acres of land, and petitioned to the Governor to give him a grant for the same. This was opposed WAYNE COUNTY. 451 by James Hayes, who was what was then called a ' land jobber,' — that is one whose business it istofindatractofland and make out a description stating where the vacant land could be found ; this was called locating. Skinner having had his land surveyed under the Yankee title, it was not difficult for Hayes to locate it, and as there were many who wanted the same location, it would sell for a large sum. Under these con- siderations. Hayes opposed the grantto Skinner, and in order to sustain his position, made some false statements relating to Skinner's character. The Governor and Council inquired into these, and ascertaining their falsity, gave Skinner a patent dated May 3, 1775. " While he had lived in Shawangunk his daughter Phoebe became the wife of Garshim Smith, and immediately after receiving the patent, accompanied by Smith and his wife, Skinner returned to Cochecton. Smith was a carpenter, and went with him to build the house. Skinner united with Bezaleel Tyler and bought the Hollister place. They built a saw-mill on Hollister Creek, and he put up his new house, into which he calculated to move his family about the 1st of May, 1777, or as soon as his wife should be sufficiently recovered to bear the fatigue of the journey, she having been put to bed on the 4th of April. About this time the Committee of Safety, pursuant to complaint made by the people that had moved from Co- checton, sent their mandate to a number of the inhabitants to appear and show cause why they should not be imprisoned. . . . This was sometime in April, 1777, and among those who were summoned were Francis Little, Robert Land and Bryant Kane. 1 Kane, anticipating that he would sent to jail, kept out of the way, but Little and his family and Land and his 1 A short time before the breaking out of the Revolution, Bryant Kane made a contract for a farm on the east bank of the Delaware, near the Cochecton Falls — the same premises afterward occupied by Charles Young. Above him wa3 the house of Nicholas Conklin, and Robert Land lived opposite. Land and Kane were both Tories. When summoned, Kane sought safety among the Indians, and afterward participated in their atrocities. Quintan thinks he was the same person ns the Carney Kane mentioned in Stone's "Life of Brant." wife appeared to answer. Nicholas Conklin was called as a witness against Land. Mrs. Laud shook her fist in his face, and called him a number of opprobrious epithets, but notwith- standing her tirade, Land was condemned to prison, but he eluded the vigilance of his captors and made his escape. Mrs. Land learned that a scouting-party was to come up the river shortly, and hurried home, took her infant, then about three months old, and with her eldest son, then about nineteen, drove their cattle into the woods to keep them out of the way of the scouts, and did not return until the next day. During the night Kane's family was killed and that ot Land visited by the Indians, who came up while all the occupants were asleep. At Land's house were two young women, — Phrebe, about thirteen, ami Rebecca, about fifteen, — and two boys, — Robert and Abel, the latter about seven- teen. The Indians came to the house about daylight, and going to the bed where the girls f were sleeping, waked them by tickling the soles of their feet with the point of a spear. Captain John, a chief of the Tuscaroras, who has before been referred to, was in the habit of visiting their house, and was quite friendly. The youngest girl, supposing he was their visitor, held out her hand and said, ' How do you do, Captain John.' The Indian asked her if she knew Captain John, and she told him she did, but that now she saw she was mistaken. He said they were Mohawks, and that they had come to drive the people from the country, but that she might put on her clothes and go as soon as possible and warn the people, that they might not all be killed. Accordingly, she crossed the river and went first to Bryant Kane's and found them all dead except one little girl, who, still living, was wallowing in her blood in a clump of bushes where she had been scalped. Seeing this, she ran up the river to Mitchell's and gave the alarm, and then returned home. Meanwhile the Indians had bound her brother Abel and taken him with them, without doing any other mischief. They went up Calkins' Creek and were there met by a party of Co- checton Indians, who were friends of the whites and also to the cause of liberty. These used all 452 WAYNE, PIKE AND MOXKOE ('( HT.NTI ES, PENNSYLVANIA. their endeavors to bring Abel back with them, but not succeeding, they left him after inquiring what had been done, and being told that the Indians had a woman, some children and a very tall man. "The friendly Indians at once hastened to the river to confirm this report, and arrived at Land's house just as Mrs. Land and her son John returned. The latter, with the friendly Indians and what whites and other Indians lie could muster, started in immediate pursuit, and overtook the maurauders at Ough Quagua, where both sides formed in battle array. A talk was called for, and by mutual consent the gun-muzzles were dropped. After considerable wrangling, it was agreed that Abel should go back, but that he should first run the gauntlet. This he did with a speed that astonished every one present. He did not receive more than half a dozen blows, and none of them were severe. The pursuing party then returned t<> Cochecton. As soon as the Skinners heard of the murder of Kane's family, and the capture of Abel Land, they crossed the river, and took refuge in the woods, where they were afterwards joined by the wife and children of Nathaniel Evans. All of them remained here until matters became more settled. " About this time some of the inhabitants left the country and a few remained. Joseph Ross was commissioned by Colonel Hooper to take charge of the Indians, whose chief was called Minnotto, and these, together with the whites, concluded that, as the affairs of the Gov- ernment then existed, there could be no place of greater safety for them than at Cochec- ton. They made an agreement of mutual pro- tection, the Indians agreeing to watch the move- ments of unfriendly tribes, in consideration for which the whites were to assist the Indians in case of an attack on them. Relying on the se- curity of this arrangement, the whites went on with their farming, feeling safe in their remote- ness from the seat of war and their poverty. But as their crops matured, the delusion was dispelled, and they found that they became ' dangerous to the cause of liberty.' Robert Land, who had been a colonial justice of the peace, had escaped, as has been before narrated. Francis Little was set at liberty on parole. Solomon Decker, John Lassley, Grashon Smith and Daniel Skinner had fled for safety to a more settled part of the country. The crops they had left behind them were growing and bid fair for a beautiful harvest, There was at this time living in a place called New Tain- many, one of the old settlers at Cochecton, named Bezaleel Tyler, called Captain Mush by the Indians. This man assumed to himself the title of captain, and having extensive connec- tions all like him in indigent circumstances, to whom the stock of provisions accumulating about Cochecton would be a great acquisition, he found no difficulty in persuading them to join his command. These, together with others, had the sanction of the Committee of Safety at Paupack, from whence they marched for Co- checton on an old Indian path, until they came to the mouth of Ten-Mile River, where it does not appear they did any mischief. From that point they murdered, burned and plundered all that came in their way without opposition, until they came in sight of Big Island, where they discovered a party retreating before them, from which one man on horseback rode directly towards them, calling to them not to shoot, as he was one of the Minnotto's men. His name was Handy, 1 and he was well known to most of the company, and especially to Captain Mush, who shot him down as soon as he was within range, took his horse and left him where he fell. With the horse he overtook Nathan Mitch- ell, in the Benekill, a little above the lower point of Big Island, and made him a prisoner. He was in full Indian dress. 2 The rest of the 1 Handy lived in Cochecton before the war ; he had been disappointed in a love-affair, and to prevent a repetition of his sorrows, had emasculated himself. He was a poor out- cast, and half-witted, and spent most of his time riding about and imagining he was a man of some consequence. Quintan, in his "History of Sullivan County," states that Handy was riding a stolen horse, the property of a Whig of Mamakating, at the time he was killed, and that the animal was recognized by some one of the company, and his fate was sealed. ,J Mitchell had remained at Cochecton because his wife would not go away without her father, whose friendship for the revolting colonies was suspected. Mitchell was disguised as an Indian, to escape being fired upon by the savages lurking about, the bush. WAYNE COUNTY. 453 company continued to retreat across the island and then across the river to Skinner's Flat, from the upper end of which they passed to Ross' and made a stand. Tyler's company pursued as far as Skinner's house, and then making a stand, sent forward a small party to ascertain how many Indians there were at Ross'. The latter called over to the Indians, and in reply received a message to the effect that there were enough to give Captain Mush a good reception. When this was reported, it was concluded that it would not be safe to advance any farther, so after plundering Skinner's house, and hiding what they could not conveniently carry away, the scouts set fire to it and retreated to the river. " When they came to Big Eddy, they dis- covered John Land and a man by the name of Davis coming up the river in a canoe. They had been' to Ten-Mile River to mill. Captain Tyler and most of his company being well ac- quainted with these men, called to them, saying that they wanted to inquire about the capture and recapture of Laud's brother Abel. They declared most solemnly that they would do no harm ; but Davis was suspicious of their inten- tion and at first declined going over. There were in the company a number of young men who had been mates with Land, and who, as he supposed, were on friendly terms with him, knowing no reason why they should be other- wise. He had not seen them for a long time and was anxious to talk over the affairs of their former friendship. Among them were John Conkling, William Tyler and Joseph Thomas, most of them about his own age. Captain Tyler, Moses Thomas and most of the others had belonged to the same neighborhood, and so, after considerable persuasion on the part of Land, Davis consented and they went over to the company. As soon as they were on shore they were seized, and their hands were tied be- hind their backs. They remonstrated, and re- minded them of the treachery, and of the prom- ises they were breaking. John Conklin an- swered by saying that " There was policy in war," and Moses Thomas by cocking his gun and putting it to John Land's breast, and say- ing that he would shoot him if he could obtain the leave. Land was very stubborn, but Davis was humble, and plead earnestly that he might be permitted to see his wife and little buy once more, stating that their whole dependence was on him, and that the grist in the canoe was all they had ; that if they took this, and carried him to jail, his family would inevitably perish, all of which they well knew, fur they were well acquainted with both him and his circumstances. Notwithstanding the prize was small, yet it was too valuable to them to part with for pity or humanity's sake ; so they put one of their company on board of the canoe to take it to Minisiuk and drove their prisoners before them. When they arrived at Minisink they held a council in order to abuse their prisoners, com- mencing with John Land, because he was the youngest, and his feelings were most easily ex- cited. They demanded of him how many wo- men and children he had murdered, and when to this he gave no answer, they put a rope around his neck, threw it over a limb, and hauled him up. After he had hung a few min- utes, they let him down and asked the same question. He then said that he had never killed, nor never had a desire to kill or hurt, women or children, and, as they well knew, the implied accusations were false and malicious. This provoked them, as might have been ex- pected, and they immediately jerked him up again. This would have been his last time, had not some of his old play-fellows wanted to tantalize him a little more. They continued alternately to hang him and abuse him until their exertions had exhausted their strength, and there were none willing to pull the rope again. They- then left him to anticipate what might follow in the morning, and he, with the others was taken to the log jail and shackled and handcuffed for safe keepiug. This ended ( laptain Mush's first scout at Cochecton." As may be seen from the above narrative, there was much bitter dissension to divide the few settlers that remained at the Cushutunk settlement during the Revolutionary War. By reason of its peculiarly isolated and exposed position on the route generally pursued by the hostile tribes in their incursions into New York State, and its contiguity to the war-path that led WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. to the most restless Indian camps, it could hardly have escaped disastrous visitations; but the hard- ships of both Whig and Tory were much increased by the excesses of each, — acts that added to the intensity and hatred of the time, and gave rise to mutual charges and recriminations and polit- ical antipathies that have come down to the present. The exodus that marked the begin- ning of the war removed not only the Whigs, but a number of the British sympathizers, who abandoned their property and went within the King's lines, where some of them found per- manent homes. The Whigs took their families to places of safety and then returned, either as scouts or to gather the crops that stood unhar- vested. They found that the few who had re- mained, and who had professed neutrality, had destroyed or appropriated their property. They, doubtless, practiced some cruelties in return, and a vengeful spirit was engendered which dis- criminated but little between friend and foe. Skinner and the few neighbors who remained to brave the dangers of the dark days relied on the alliance they had formed with the friendly Indians for protection against marauding bands, but did not expect to suffer at the hands of their fellow-pioneers. Though there was no suspi- cion that he was in any way disloyal, his prop- erty was burned and pillaged, so that it is not surprising that there is a trace of bitterness in his narrative, as given above. As is always the case in border warfare, many deeds, prompted by personal hate or private grievance, were committed in the name of patriotism ; and such may have been the murder of one Cooley, who was executed by Captain Tyler's company. Unknown to all, he had come up the river to Cushutunk early in the war, and asked permis- sion to remain with several individuals. As he told rather an unsatisfactory story, he was refused a welcome and wandered on until he came to a deserted cabin near Little Equinuuk, where he found an asylum. Here he led a harmless life amid the solitudes, supplying his simple wants from wood and stream. History does not record whom he had offended, and tra- dition is misty as to the manner in which he unconsciously provoked his death, but certain it is that he had been guilty of no crime for which he was dragged from his humble retreat and brought before the scouts. A brief consul- tation decided that he should die then and there. In vain did a few contend that it was wrong to kill him without a formal conviction by a competent tribunal ; vain were his frantic appeals for life ; deaf were the ears that heard his prayers and blind the eyes that saw his tears. Begging piteously for a moment's grace, he was shot even where he knelt, and his blood mingled with the stream. The minority of the company declared openly that it seemed to them a deed of murder, and that if such were the work necessary they would cease to be scouts. Thus red with blood and torch was the history of Cushutunk during the Revolution. But at last the clouds broke ; the war was over and spectral memories stalked back into the dark past, as there dawned the bright prospect of peace and security. Once more the farmer was safe at the furrow, and the wood- man's axe swung free among the pines, where the scalping-knife was no longer to be feared. The people were still poor, but they went to work with a will to retrieve their ill-fortunes of preceding years. Lumbering was the most promising source of gain, and many en- gaged in it at the expense of agriculture, be- cause of its returns in ready money. Though the ventures were generally successful, some- times the rafts were wrecked on their way down the river, or the floods did not come at the usual time, and, as the people were poor, any contingency that prevented returns from their industry at the usual time caused general suffering. The milling was done at Minisink, and when a freshet of long duration prevented them from obtaining flour and meal there was much of kindness and good- will. Says one author, 1 " Without hesitation they divided their hist crust with the starving and trusted in Provi- dence for the next. So great was the scarcity of food at times, that women and children, after traveling for miles through the forest to pro- cure food, upon receiving a few ears of corn, would gnaw the raw kernels from the cobs like famished animals. An old gentleman, who had 1 Quinlan, in bis " Sullivan County." WAYNE COUNTY. 455 been a witness of these scenes, while relating them wept like a sorrow-stricken woman." The homes of the pioneers were of the rudest construction, as appears from the following from Mr. Skinner : " My father's house at Cushutuuk — or rather the place where we stay- ed, for it consisted of a few logs thrown to- gether and covered with bark — was for several years the principal stopping-place. There were but few houses in Cochecton where a traveler could be lodged on a somewhat primitive floor. Some remained with us two or three days, others as many weeks. In those days there was no way to get to Cochecton except by pushing a canoe thirty-five or forty miles up the river, or by traveling the same distance on an Indian path, where a carriage could not be drawn. Yet many found the way to Cochec- ton by the power of feet and legs or the strength of hands and arms." The progenitor of the Skinner family was Joseph Skinner, who came from Connecticut in 1755. He had eight sous, viz. : Daniel, Ben- jamin, Timothy, John, Abner, Haggai, Calvin and Joseph; and two daughters, Martha and Huldah. Daniel Skinner settled at Ackhake, or St. Tammany, and had six children, viz. : Reu- ben, Daniel, Jr., Joseph, William II., Nathan and Lillie. Reuben, the first son, married Polly Chase, the widow of Joshua Clark, of Long Island, aud settled on his father's place. He or- ganized the first Masonic lodge in the county, and named it St. Tammany's Lodge. In 1801 he was assessed as owning two houses, twenty acres of improved land and a slave valued at fifty dollars. He was also a merchant, inn- keeper and justice of the peace, and the pos- sessor of a span of horses and two cows, his entire taxable valuation being five hundred and fifty-two dollars. His children were Daniel O. Skinner, formerly a resident of Honesdale; Anna, the wife of George Bush ; Hulda, the wife of Jacob P. Y'erkes; and Nancy, who married George Kinney. Daniel Skinner, Jr., married Hannah Bur- leigh, of Wayne County. His only child was Ira D. Skinner, who also left one son. Joseph, the third son of Joseph Skinner, married Mercy Delop, of Litchfield County, Connecticut, and their children were Courtland, Daniel K., Sarah, Susan (the wife of Horace Belknap), Polly (the wife of Jacob Mitchell) and Matilda (who first married Charles Young, and afterwards became the wife of Nathan Y'erkes). William H,the fourth son of Joseph Skinner, married for his first wife Elizabeth Gray, of Orange County, N. Y., and of this union there were born John, Elijah, Milton, Martha (the wife of Calvin Tibbets), Dulcinna(the wife of William Kcllum) and Ardacea (who married a Thompson). William H. Skinner's second wife was a widow, Fannie Thompson, and by this marriage were born David, Henry, William H., Jr., Elizabeth (the wife of Samuel Haydn), Kate and Annie. Nathan Skinner, the writer of the history which has been quoted, married Sarah Calkins, and his children were Col. Calvin Skinner (to whom the writer is indebted for many of the following notes on the early settlers), Albro, Oliver I., Charles O, Heli, Serenna (the wife of Oliver Calkins, Jr.), Amanda (the wife of Jesse D. Thomas), Olive (the wife of John Tyler) and Zilla (who married William Stephens). Lillie Skinner, Joseph Skinner's first daugh- ter, married John Land ; Marcey, the second daughter, became the wife of Reuben Hancket ; and Sarah, the youngest, married John Conk- lin. One of the early settlers whose descendants became prominent in the annals of the township was Bezaleel Tyler, who came from Connecti- cut with the Skinners and Calkinses, and settled above Cochecton. He was a brother-in-law of Simeon and John Calkins, and had twenty-one children, all of whom arrived at maturity, and most of whom were soldiers in the Revolution- ary War. Captain Bezaleel Tyler, who was killed at the battle of Lackawaxen, was one of his children. He had previously married, and settled on Hollister's Creek, where, with Daniel Skinner, he built a saw-mill, the second in Damascus township. He also assisted in the erection of Daniel Skinner's house, which was burned by the Indians in 1777. His children were John, Moses, Oliver, Elam, Phoebe and Abigail. John married Jane Fanoy and had 456 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. seven children, viz. : Iiezalcel, Muses, Benja- min, Oliver, Sally (the wife of James Ross, Jr.), Abigail (the wife of Jesse Drake, Jr.) and Lydia (who married Moses, a son of ( )liver Calkins, of Big Eddy). Oliver, the second son of Captain Bezaleel Tyler, married Elizabeth Comfort. His oldest son was John, but who the others were is not known, the family moving to Dryden, New York. Moses, the third son, married Sarah Ross, a daughter of James Ross, Sr., and John R. Ross was one of his sons. One of his daughters married Elias Calkins, of Barry ville. Elam, the fourth son, was killed in youth ; Phoebe, one of the daughters, married Joseph Thomas ; while Abigail, the other, became the wife of Joseph Mitchell. Nathan Mitchell, who was a prominent figure in the early history of the settlement, always lived on the New York side of the Del- aware. Hiswifewas Betsy, the oldest daugh- ter of Captain Ross, and Abraham, one of his sons, moved to liilevville, where he married Polly Smith. James, another son, lives at the homestead, and Nathan, Jr., lived at Rock Run. He married Anna, daughter of James Brown, and two of his sous were Stephen and Elias. Nicholas Conklin was of Dutch descent, and came from Ilaverstraw May about 1755-56, locating on the New York side of the Dela- ware. He had three sons, — William, John and Elias. The latter was an Indian doctor, and lived a wild, roving life, so that little is known of him. It is uncertain whether he married and left descendants or not. William Conklin married a daughter of Brink, and had seven children. They were Nicholas, John Paul, William Eli, Elias, Abby (wife of James Brink, of Milford), Hester (wife of Squire Mosh), Rachel (wife of Jesse Tyler), Christine and Elizabeth. John Conklin, afterwards known as Judge, was one of Captain Tyler's company at the bat- tle of Lackawaxen; married Herzilla Fanoy, and was the father of five children, — Benjamin, William, Joseph, Jane (the wife of David Brown), and Sarah (the wife of Charles Little). Moses Thomas, who has already been referred to, came from Philadelphia with his brother Aaron, in 1755, to establish a block-house at Milanville, on the flats just above the mouth of Calkins' Creek. They were both sent by the pro- prietaries to look after the Penn interests, and, if possible, prevent the further occupancy of the lands by Connecticut settlers. They ful- filled their mission, but afterwards became per- manent settlers, and their descendants inter- married with the Yankee families they came to restrain. Moses Thomas had two sons, — Moses, Jr., and Elias, — and three daughters, — Hulda, who married Abram Boss; Sarah, the wife of Nathan Evans ; and Hannah, who married Ol- iver Calkins. Aaron was also the father of a good family — six children. His sons were Joseph and Benjamin, and his daughters, — Pol- ly, the wife of Solomon Decker; Charity, who was twice married, and had a number of chil- dren by each husband; Rachel, who married Jerry Lilli ; and Elsie, the wife of a man named Howe. Moses Thomas, Jr., was one of ( 'aptain Tyler's company and was killed at the battle of Lackawaxen. He left four children. His daugh- ters were the wives of Reuben Decker, Abraham Burnes and one of the Calk i uses ; and his son Moses, who was an infant at the time of the bat- tle, located on the Delaware. David Youngs was a Scotchman, who emi- grated from Easton before the Revolution, ar- riving about the same time that Moses Thomas did. Youngs did not find a convenient place for settlement on the Pennsylvania side of the river, and located in New York State, just op- posite Big Island. His wife was an English woman, and claimed to be of royal blood, on the ground that she was a natural child of George III. Mr. Youngs had five children, — David, Thomas, John, George and Isabella, who married Charles Tyler, and afterwards settled on the original Tyler property. David built a grist-mill, which afterwards passed into the hands of his brother. George Thomas mar- ried Abigail Thomas, and settled ontheLassley place, just below the Cochecton Falls. John's wife was the granddaughter of John Lassley, and they lived on the Y'oungs place for many years, afterwards moving to Smith Hill, where both died. George married Hannah Wheeler, and lived and died on Tvler Hill. WAYNE COUNTY. 457 John Lassley moved into Damascus soon af- ter Youngs and Thomas did, , and took up a tract adjoining that of Aaron Thomas. lie married Sarah Tyler, and had three children, — Cornelius, .Sarah (the wife of Parks Baird) and Betsy (Mrs. Salisbury). Mr. Lassley was a Revolutionary soldier, and served throughout the entire war. Simeon Bush was one of the original settlers, and came with theCalkinses and Skinners. He was a half-brother to the Tylers, and married Hannah Smith, of Orange County, during the Indian War. His sons were George, John and Eli, and his daughters, — Kesiah, who became Mrs. Nicholas Conklin; Polly, the wife of •lames ( 'arrvheart ; Wadie, who married Charles Drake; Eleanor, the wife of Isaac Mills ; and Abbie, who died single. Simeon Bush made out the assessment list of 1801, which is quoted elsewhere, and was a man of much prominence in the township. George, the eldest son, was also a man of mark. He was born in Damas- cus in 1791, and served as county commissioner in the early part of this century. In 1842 he was elected to the Legislature, and served for two years; he died in 1872, leaving several children, and a wife who was the daughter of Reuben Skinner. Robert Land was a son of Samuel Land, an Englishman, who first settled near Wilming- ton, Delaware, where he took up a tract on White Clay Creek, which he afterwards (in 1G84) disposed of to John Cann. In 1763, Land was sent to Cushutunk as a justice of the peace under the colonial government. He was a man of enterprise and perseverance, and his wife who was a Scott, was a woman of uncom- mon endurance and ability. He settled on the property now owned by Colonel Calvin Skin- ner, at Milanville, and it was from that home that Mrs. Land went in the spring of 1777, when the Mohawks visited Calkins' Creek, murdered Bryant Kane's family and carried off Abel Land. A short time previous to this, in accordance with the recommendations of the Continental Congress, a Committee of Safety had been formed at Cochecton, and as Land had been in the service of the King, an order for his arrest as a Tory was made. It was served, and he was condemned to incarceration at Paupack, pending a trial for his Royalist pro- clivities. In some way he eluded the vigilance of his captors, and escaped, after which he kept within the English lines until the Revolution was ended, ami then went with his daughter and son Ephraim to Canada. John Land remained behind and settled ou the homestead, taking out a patent for four hundred and thirty acres. He married Lily, the oldest daughter of Daniel Skinner, ami had eleven children. They were Phoebe, who mar- ried Dr. Luther Appley ; Lily, the wife of Dr. Ereemau Allen ; Mercy, the wife of William Appley, of Connecticut ; Marilla, who married Jesse Calkins, and settled on the Narrowsburg turnpike ; Maxamila, the wife of John Burcher, near Eldred ; Polly, who married a Stuttenburg, and moved to Wisconsin ; Rebecca, the wile of James Louden, of Honesdale ; Robert, who married a daughter of Jesse Welles, and settled at Beaver Brook ; William and John, who went to Canada ; Mascal, who went to Wiscon- sin, and afterwards to California, where he died. Joseph Brown emigrated from New Jersey about 1790, and was for many years a well- known farmer. He had one son, Joel, who was the father of Rev. Isaac Brown, a Baptist clergy- man ; Joseph ; Enoch ; Esther, who married a Ketchum; Fannie (Mrs. G. Lord); and Eleanor. Daniel Bush came from Stroudsburg about 1795, to make his home with Captain Jesse Drake for a time. Young Push was a sur- veyor and millwright, and was also more than ordinarily handsome and attractive. Across the Delaware lived Nathan Mitchell, and Bush saw and loved his oldest daughter, Hannah. He married her and settled on the Wayne County side, though he afterward moved to New York, and was the first justice of the peaceat Cochecton. His children were Thomas A., Joseph, John, Amos, Sarah (Mrs. Cotton) and Jane. Rev. Enoch Owens came to Damascus about 1790, aud settled above Cochecton. He mar- ried a daughter of Silas Tyler, aud afterward located on land belonging to Stephen Mitchell. His children were Netus, James, Silas, David, Israel, Sylvan, Abigail (Mrs. Mertha Massey), Polly and Heziah. 453 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Captain Jesse Drake moved from Wilkes- Barre about 1790, and settled on the Delaware, in the place above referred to. He had married the widow Chapman, relief of Moses Thomas, killed at the battle of Lackawaxen, and had four children, — Christina, who married Jona- than Lillie ; Martha, the wife of James Mitch- ell ; Charles and Jesse. Thomas Shields, to whose enterprise and generosity the village of Damascus owes mnch of its prosperity, was a sou of James Shields, and was born in Newlin township, Chester County, in June, 1743. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to John Bayly, a goldsmith of Philadelphia, to learn that trade, and it was stipulated in the indenture that the term of his apprenticeship should not cease until nine months after he had become of age. After completing his term Mr. Shields carried on business on his own account for a number of years, and accumulated considerable money. About 1785 he commenced to invest in wild lands in the northern part of Northampton County. He soon owned between thirty and forty thousand acres, most of his tracts lying between Dyberry Creek and the Delaware River, in Lebanon, Damascus, Oregon and Berlin town- ships. Among the lands he thus acquired was the old Damascus Manor, which he purchased from John and Richard Peun, on the 6th of Febru- ary, 179.5. The tract contained four thousand three hundred and ninety acres, and gave him the ownership of all the land fronting on the Delaware, between the old Skinner place (late George Bush's) and the Judge Thomas home- stead, a distance of five miles. Immediately after purchasing this manor he selected as a site for his residence a spot where the village of Damascus now stands, and soon afterward removed his family from Philadelphia. A saw and grist-mill were completed on Cash's Creek, near its mouth, as early as 1796, and other buildings soon fol- lowed. Here it was that Moses Calkins brought over the ice, from Philadelphia, the first burr- stones used in the county. The place was known as Shields' Mills for a while, though the owner always called it by the name given by the pro- prietaries twenty years before. Mr. Shields was active in devising plans, and liberal in assisting in anything that would lead to the settlement of the country, and his policy promoted rapid growth. He was made president of the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike, and when the eastern end of the road was constructed, in 1806, he laid off a range of village lots fronting on it, and extending back some two hundred feet to other streets. During the year following Mr. Shields executed two deeds, one for a Baptist Church lot and the other for a school, and there are other substan- tial tokens of his enterprise in the village. His residence at Damascus ceased about 1811, when he moved back to Philadelphia, where he died in 1820. He left four children,— Robert, Thomas, John and David, most of whom lived and died in Philadelphia. Derrick Lukens emigrated from Bucks County about 1796, being one of those who came with Thomas Shields. Mr. Lukens had married Polly North, and brought one child with him. His children were John N. ; Titus D. ; Betsy, who married Dr. Allen, and after- wards R. Hank ins; Polly, the wife of Rev. Isaac Brown ; Margaret, the wife of Colonel O. B. Brush, at one time the sheriff of Wayne County ; Sally, who married Joseph L. Par- sons ; Hannah, the wife of John F. Avery ; and Nancy, the wife of Tunis Willsey. William Monnington came from Philadel- phia, about the same time that Lukens did, and settled on a four hundred acre tract, now occu- pied by Stephen Yerkes. Aided by his sou John, of Philadelphia, Mr. Monuington built the saw-mill at Damascus, and his other sons, James and Nathan, worked there. Besides these children he had a son Israel, who died without issue, and four daughters, — Mrs.Souders and Mrs. Vandergrif, who remained in Phila- delphia, and Polly, who married William Tyler, of Tyler Hill, and Becky, the wife of Judge Thomas. George Brown came from Haverstraw Bay about 1800, and after the death of his first wile, who was a Lassley, married Eleanor Decker. His eldest daughter was the wife of Jeremiah Lillie; Sabra, the second daughter, ! married Joseph Holbert; Mahalia was the wife WAYNE COUNTY. of William Oweus. The sons were George W. and Daniel, the latter afterwards lived at Bay- ard's Pond. Daniel Brown, a brother of George, lived at Hog Island, in the Delaware, and is remembered as the man who brought the first wagons to Milanville. Jonathan Yerkes brought his family from Willow Grove, Bucks County, about 1 800, and took up a four hundred acre tract which he bought of Thomas Shields. He built both a grist and a saw-mill on Calkins' Creek about 1810. His suns were Joseph, Titus, Jacob P., Nathan L., Sebastian J. and David. He had three daughters, — Mary A., who married E. B. Clark ; Margaret ; and Hannah, the wife of Ira Sherwood. Michael Brannan came from Newburgh, prob- ably about 1809 or 1810, and settled below the Cochecton Falls. He married Hannah An- derson, a granddaughter of Aaron Thomas, and had nine children, — Oliver ; Polly, who mar- ried Stephen Youngs ; Lydia, the wife of Ste- phen Wright; Lorette, the wife of Charles D. Lovis ; Hannah J., who married Lemuel Brown ; Charity (Mrs. Budd) ; and John, Moses and Lot. .Arehbald McCollam was an Irish patriot, who settled near Benjamin Conklin, on the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike. He had one son, Neal, who settled at Galilee, and a daughter, who married William McAvery, of Mount Pleasant. Samuel Bennett came from New Jersey about 1812, married Sally Layton, and settled near Belmont. He served as constable in 1825, and was otherwise prominent in the township. Samuel and Euos Headen came from the same State about the same time, and Samuel remained to become a valued citizen. He married Olive Hurd. Enos married Phoebe, a daughter of Silas Tyler, and moved to Ohio several years afterward. Oliver B. Brush, who was sheriff in 1822, emigrated from Connecticut in 181(1. For two years he taught school in Damascus, making his home with Nathan Skinner. When the War of 1812 broke out, he volunteered, and served witli great credit. After lie returned he married Margaret, a daughter of Derrick Lukens, by whom he had three sons, — Elipha- let, Oliver B., Jr., and Joseph L., all of whom live at Tyler Hill. After the death of Sheriff Brush his wife married Stephen Mitchell, and one daughter, the wife of Warren Yerkes, was born of this union. James Boyd came from Frankford, near Philadelphia, about 1808, being brought by the Dufnelds, and settled on Damascus Manor, near Thomas Youngs. He volunteered in t lie same company with SI leriff Brush, and served until 1814, when he returned to his adopted residence. He had seven children, two of whom lived in Warren County and two in Wayne. Hon. Thomas Y. Boyd, one of the latter, bought the Tymerson Mills, nearEldred, many years ago, and has since been largely in- terested in the lumber business. He is a man of much enterprise and public spirit, and has twice represented the county in the Legisla- ture. Alexander Rutledge, a native of Ireland, moved into Damascus and settled on the Hun- ter lands, on the road leading from the Union settlement to the " old Gate house," as the Ben- jamin Conklin place was called, about 1812. His children were Ann (the wife of James Monnington), Alexander, Edward, Christo- pher, John and William. William Keesler came from Haverstraw Bay about this time, and settled on the bank of the Delaware, near Skinner's Eddy. He had mar- ried a daughter of Cornelius Bolts, and had three sons, — John, Jacob and Jesse. He was also the father of several daughters, who all married early settlers. The family is widely connected. Elijah Clark, who appears on some of the early assessment lists, came from Connecticut about 1814, and resided in the township for about fifteen years. He married Mary Ann, the daughter of Jonathan Yerkes, and had several children, among whom were Romaine, Dorinda, Lorette and Sidney. The family moved to Michigan in 1829. William Burcher came from England about 1815, and settled at first in Mount Pleasant, where he remained for two years. He then re- turned to Damascus, where he has since resided. 460 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. His children were John ; Samuel ; Sarah, the wife of Warren Dimmick, of Mount Pleasant • Betsy, the wife of Joseph Yerkes ; Helen, the wife of Titus Yerkes ; and a daughter who married a Kramer. Horace Belknap moved from Shehawken about 1820, and married Susan, a daughter of Joseph Skinner. Belknap located at the Bal- com settlement, and had six children, — Joseph, Kinney; Charles Callista ; wife of Caleb Sehenck, of Cherry Ridge ; Mary, (Mrs. French): and Laura, the wife of William Quick, of Port Jervis. William Bonesteel came from Greene County, New York, but moved to Damascus from Sul- livan County in 1850, and bought the Manor Mill. He married Rachel Rouse. Leander and Leroy were his only children that lived to manhood. Leander married Mrs. Ennis, of Damascus; Leroy married Mary E., a daughter of S. K. Vail. William Bonesteel died in 1869, aged sixty-two. Eli Beach was born in Cairo, Greene County, New York, and after reaching his majority en- tered the employ of Captain Edwards, the first tanner in the United States under the present system, at Hunter, New York. After engag- ing in the tanning business on his own account in several places, in connection with Loren An- drews, he bought Rock Glen Tannery, at Mi- lanville. Mr. Andrews' interest was subse- quently bought by J. Howard Beach, a son of Eli, and the establishment was run for many years under the name of E. Beach & Son. Mr. Beach was a man of much enterprise and pub- lie spirit, and occupied a prominent place in the community. He was a justice of the peace, and filled other township offices to the satisfaction of all. While a resident of New York State he was the captain of a militia company, and was always known as " Captain." His wife was Miss Mary A. Gay, and their children were Hon. J. Howard Beach, Watson E. Beach, Mrs. H. L. Nichols and Mrs. Conner. Captain Beach died in 1877, aged seventy- two. James Smith, who settled at Eld red in 1821, and was the first postmaster there, was from New York State. He married Eunice, a daugh- ter of Deacon Loring Parsons, and had only two children who grew to manhood. They were E. H. Smith, of Bethany, and L. P. Smith, of Damascus. Milanville is the name now given to the hamlet that has grown up partly on the track first settled by Robert Land and others, men- tioned in the foregoing history. At the time Land was living there Joseph Skinner had set- tled at " Ackhake," and during the same year that he is recorded as living there Timothy Skinner and Simeon Calkins built a saw-mill, and " a sort of a grist-mill " on Calkins' Creek, nearly opposite the north end of the Beach tannery. They at first intended to locate the saw-mill on the river-bank, and with this in- tention dug a race from the old dam just above the tannery nearly to the spot now- occupied by Skinner Brothers' saw-mill. It was a consider- able undertaking for those days, and great was their disappointment, when, after some months' labor, it was completed and the water let in, to find that the light, sandy soil, through which it passed a portion of the way, would not stand the pressure of the water, and the race w r as use- less. After several vain attempts to patch it up, the first selected location of the mill was abandoned, and the site referred to adopted. Both of these mills, though small, and fitted with very primitive machinery, answered the purposes of the pioneers until burned in the In- dian raid of 1777. Several decades afterward another attempt was made to use the old race and this was partially successful. The portion of the excavation between the dam, and a few rods below A 7 olney Skinner's residence, was through firm soil, and it was decided to locate a saw-mill there. This was done, and the mill was used until the present mill near the tannery was built. Portions of this second mill stood until a few years ago, and the foundation walls are still standing. The course of the old race can be easily traced at present, though a road passes through its lower end. On the flat above Colonel Calvin Skinner's is the site of the old fort, or block-house, built by Simeon Calkin and Moses Thomas, in 1755, a short time after the mills were built. During the past century the waters of the Delaware WAYNE COUNTY. 461 have made very perceptible inroads on the flat, and the place where the block-house stood is now but a few feet from the water's edge. Half concealed in the low bushes that overrun the spot is a well that was once inside the stockade, and served to slake the thirst of the brave little band, composed chiefly of women and children, that held the savages at bay on that autumn day when Thomas and Willis were surprised and killed. The house where Brant Kaue's family were murdered in the following year stood on the New York side of the river, about midway between the site of the block-house and Colonel Skinner's residence. No trace of it now re- mains, nor, indeed, is the precise spot where it stood perfectly certain. The tannery, which of late years has given an impetus to Milanville, was started in 184!) by David Clemmcnts, James Horton and Robinson. After a very short time Clem ments succeeded to the business, and ran it until 1854, when he sold out to Captain Eli Beach and Loring Andrews. Mr. Beach was a tanner of wide experience and much enterprise, and he at once made changes that greatly improved the quality of the product, and the business began to improve from the time he took hold of it. Changes were made in the method, and addi- tions to the plant erected, so that its capacity was greatly increased. Subsequently Mr. An- drews' interest was bought out by Hon. J. How- ard Beach, and the firm became Eli Beach & Son. The senior member of the firm died in July, 1877, and was succeeded by his sons, who still conduct the establishment. A store was opened in connection with the tannery and has been maintained by the firms ever since. Until 18(51 Damascus was the nearest post-office, but in that year an office was established at Milanville, with J. Howard Beach as the postmaster, an office which he still holds. In 1832 Alonzo Bently and Jacob Burger, of Philadelphia, built a saw-mill just below the Cochecton Falls, and secured lumber rights over a large tract of land adjacent. Three years afterward the mill was carried away by the high water. Subsequently the timber rights were leased to Nathan Skinuer, and the tract is now controlled by the Skinners, who have large lumbering interests in the vicinity. The Skinner Brothers' mill was built in 1882, with W. W. Williams as millwright, and has a capacity of ten thousand feet of boards per day. Its saws and other machinery are driven by a thirty horse-power engine, and the boilers, by recent improvements, are heated by burning saw-dust. The builders and present owners are Volney and Milton L. Skinner, sons of Colonel Calvin Skinner, both of whom have beeu prominently identified with the lumber inter- est of the Delaware for many years. Milanville is delightfully situated and abounds in picturesque scenery, so that it is already gaining popularity as a summer resort. The hamlet has several stores, blacksmith and wagon-shops and a school-house in which there is a Sabbath-school held. Regular service is sometimes conducted there from the Damascus charges. 1 >amascus Village. — In the foregoing his- tory of the township the story of the village has been nearly all related. The early settlers of this portion of the Delaware Valley located on both sides of the river, and, as will be seen hereafter, the enterprises and interests of Da- mascus and Cochecton were nearly identical, and the leading spirits were men from both sides of the river. Prior to the advent of Thomas Shields the old manor property was unbroken forest, except, possibly, some unim- portant clearings made by one or two " squat- ters," of whom no record but dim tradition re- mains. The Cushutunk settlement, extending for a number of miles up and down the river, must have had its centre of population about Milanville, where all the small interests of the weak colony centred. Here the earliest mill was located, and here the settlers came to have their coarse grists ground, to get advances of ammunition and provisions on skins they were curing or lumber they had ready to raft, and transact such other small business as their sim- ple pioneer life made necessary. Reuben Skin- ner had the first tavern, and if strangers had penetrated the forests, and come to the frontier for adventure and speculation, they stopped 4fi2 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. with him, and if mail left at Easton, " to be called for," was for any of the settlers, the fact would be there reported by the returning rafts- men and Durham boaters. This old tavern was built on the site of the building burned by Captain Tyler, and was opened to the public soon after the Revolution. The purchase of the manor, in 1795, brought about a change in the state of affairs. Thomas Shields, the new proprietor, was a man of much energy and enterprise. He had come into the wilds of Northampton County to develop a new country, induce settlers to locate, appreci- ate the valueof his recent acquisition in land and dispose of the property at a good profit. While a shrewd business man, who had built up a fortune from small beginnings, he was not with- out public spirit, and took immediate steps to promote the general welfare of the settlement. He brought with him from Philaaelphia a number of skilled mechanics, and within two years after he had selected his place of resi- dence a saw and a grist-mill were running merrily near the mouth of Cash's Creek. In connection with these, he bought lumber and such little grain as there was over the needs of actual consumption, and gave in exchange staple goods from Easton and Philadelphia. Several years before this Ebenezer Taylor had located on the other side of the river, and com- menced mercantile business, and thus Damascus became the centre of supplies. During the next ten years it shared with Cochecton the interests of the settlement. Charles Irvine, a native of Ireland, who had fled from the oppression of the English government under the younger Pitt, had come to the latter town as a school- master, and having organized a stock company, built the first frame house in the town for a school-room. It was there that many of the earlier settlers of the second generation made their first timid steps in the rugged path of knowledge. So, too, there were religious meet- ings there, and other adjuncts of prosperity, and the establishments of one village or the other sup- plied the wants of the people for miles around. After the completion of the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike Mr. Shields laid out the village plot, ami a year afterward, in 1807, deeded lots for church and school.. Three years later John Duffle started the first hotel in Da- mascus village. Soon afterward William Tyler opened a hotel in the building now occupied by Warren Tyler, and after running it for a few years, moved to Tyler Hill. In 1815 the building occupied by'Duffle was burned, and a year later Charles Drake opened his house that ran for many years. The first temperance tavern in Wayne County was that kept by George Bush, who married Ann Skinner. He was the sou of Simeon Bush, and was bom iu Damascus in 1791. His par- ents were among the pioneers, and his early advantages were small. Pie was trained as a river steersman, and after following this for a number of years he bought the Lush farm, af- terwards occupied by his son, and married Annie Skinner. Iu 1818 he bought a property on Skinner's Eddy, which he opened as a hotel, creating no little excitement among the rafts- men by announcing that no intoxicants would be sold on the place. Iu that day liquor was sold everywhere, and its use to excess was not considered more than a slight impropriety. Mr. Bush thought differently, however, and, what was a still greater surprise, his tavern be- came one of the most popular on the river. He took a prominent position in the public affairs of his time, and represented Wayne and Pike Counties in the Legislature in 1842-44. He died in 1873. When Thomas Shields gave up his residence in Damascus he sold his mills and what re- mained of his land to an association or partner- ship known as " the Manor Company." It was composed of Moses Thomas, Charles and Jesse Drake, Moses and Bezaleel Tyler and Simeon and George Bush. The mill dam was located on the site of the one now used by Leroy Bonesteel, but the mill itself was farther down the stream. Charles Drake, who lived where W. W. Tyler now has a store, rented the mill of the Manor Company, and operated it for many years. Finally, iu 1841, the tract on which it was situated was sold to Walter S. Vail, and the mill, which had become old and worthless, was torn down, and the dwelling now occupied bv Frank Baker was erected en its site. WAYNE COUNTY. 4G3 The Deed of a grist-mill was soon felt, and in 1850 William Bonesteel and the Manor Com- pany, or what remained of it, built a new mill just below the dam. About the time it was completed a fire broke out and destroyed every- thing except the wheel and mill-stones, but it was soon rebuilt. Subsequently it passed into the hands of William Bonesteel, who bought out the other partners, and after his death, into the hands of his son, Leroy Bonesteel, the present proprietor. The mill has three run of stone, and is driven by both steam and water-power. In 1825 Loring Parsons and Henry Dibble erected a carding-raachine, fulling-mill and cloth-dyeing establishment at Damascus. It was about a mile west of Cochecton, on the property now occupied by Mr. Cromwell. Although small, and designed for custom-work only, it did a thriving business, for in those days the spinning-wheel was a familiar object in every farmer's kitchen. In about 1832 it passed into the hands of R. T. Parsons, who subsequently disposed of it to J. T. Bush. The business was abandoned about 1865. The first store in Damascus was opened by Walter S. Vail about 182(3, aud was located mi the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike, quite near the river. In 1831 Hiram Bennett and Hon. D. B. St. John were taken into partner- ship, and the firm-name was Walter S. Vail & Co. This was kept up for three years, and then Bennett sold out, the other partners carry- ing on the business in their own name for a year. Then Charles Irvine bought out St. John's in- terest, and afterwards Vail sold his to W. W. Tyler. The firm then became W. W. Tyler & Co., and remained so until 1856, when Irvine sold to James S. Vail, and Tyler & Vail was the style adopted. In 1858 Vail retired, and after Tyler had conducted the business alone for a year he disposed of it to Philip O'Riley, of Oregon, with whom Charles Irvine was asso- ciated for a year and a half, under the style of Charles Irvine & Co. This was succeeded by T. & P. O'Riley, which lasted until 1881, when A. J. Cuddeback became proprietor, and re- mained so until 1884, when the business was abandoned. W. W. Tyler built a saw-mill on Cash's Creek, just opposite his present place of busi- ness, in 1859, and it has since been in operation. It is a small aflkir, with an up-and-down saw, and is only used at present to get out square timber. In 1866 Mr. Tyler opened the store he now occupies in the old Charles Drake house. Post-Office and Mail Facilities. — It is probable that the first letters to the early set- tlers at Damascus were sent by messenger, either by the Durham boats from Easton and Phila- delphia or by such travelers as might be journeying into the Minisink region. In 1803 a post-office was established at Mil- ford, to which the mails were brought once in two weeks, the route being from Lancaster, by Bethlehem and Stroudsburg, to Milford. After that, letters were sent to Milford " to be called for." On the completion of the turnpikes from Newburgh to Great Bend, in 1810, a mail-route was established from Danbury, Conn., via Fishkill Landing and Newburgh to Chenango Point, and a year later a post-office on this route was established at Cochecton. This, of course, gave Damascus a mail service that was adequate to the demands of the times, aud it was not until 1824 that the need of an office on the Pennsylvania side of the river was greatly felt. In that year an office was established, and William H. Clarke was the first postmaster. He was succeeded by Dudley B. Clark, and then, in 1826, Walter S. Vail was appointed. He served until 1849 or 1850, when the office passed into the hands of N. W. Vail, who kept it until 1855, the date of Charles Irvine's ap- pointment. After two years James S. Vail was made postmaster, aud held office until 1859, when he gave place to W. W. Tyler, wdio served until 1866. The next appointee was Mark Apley, who resigned in 1873, at which time W. W. Tyler, the present incumbent, was reappointed. The West Damascus post-office was estab- lished in 1869, with George Welch as post- master. Several years later he gave place to Mrs. Mary Mitchell, thepresent incumbent. St. Tammany's Lodge. — Little or nothing is now known of this organization, except that it was instituted at a very early period, and that Nathan Skinner was a 464 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. prominent member, and tilled a number of offices in it. The records and jewels were burned thirty years ago, and those who were among the constituent members are in their graves. An edition of " Harris' Discourses," an early Masonic publication, contains a list of subscribers, and in it the following names are credited to St. Tammany Lodge, No. 83 : George B. Guinniss, Reuben Condit, Jesse Drake, Nathan Monington, Joseph Guinniss, Jacob Tyler, Dudley B. Clark, George Bush, Noah Philips, Silas Tyler and David Guinniss. The Damascus Academy, which for mere than a quarter of a century has been the leading educational institution of this portion of the Delaware Valley, has been attended by many vicissitudes, and, during that period, has stood high on the hill of success and progress, and again so low in public esteem as to nearly suc- cumb to financial embarrassment and failure. Neglect and indifference, which never keep dates and records, the warp and woof of his- torians' work, make some of the earlier informa- tion meagre, though enough is obtainable to trace the progress of a well-defined effort, among a few leading spirits, to secure good educational advantages in this portion of the Delaware Valley. The subject of building an academy was first discussed by some of the leading citi- zens some thirty-seven years ago, and resulted in rather an unsatisfactory meeting to consider the matter, called at the Presbyterian Church on the evening of August 18, 1848. The pro- positions then laid before the citizens were not received with favor, though the seed was sown by a few strong advocates, and it matured soon afterward, when a second meeting was held in the Baptist Church, at which proper measures were taken to forward the project and a com- mittee was appointed to select a site. When the location was decided upon, a third meeting, also at the Baptist Church, appointed a com- mittee to buy a piece of land containing one acre from Charles Drake for two hundred dol- lars. It was the site that had been previously selected, and was a portion of the old Damascus Manor. This meeting also selected a board of trustees, consisting of Moses Thomas, Moses Tyler, John Mitchell, Webster Sutliff, James C. Curtis, E. S. Page and Walter S. Vail, and another committee was empowered to solicit subscriptions of stock at five dollars a share, and secure a charter. Subsequently it was re- ported that a sufficient amount had been sub- scribed, and Moses Tyler was elected president of the board, with Charles Irvine as secretary and treasurer. The latter drafted the charter, which was obtained in 1849, and incorporated the institution as the Union Academy of Damascus. The necessary arrangements for the erection of the building were soon made. Joseph Tyler laid the foundation, and Cogswell Gordon, }he architect, with the assistance of Joseph M. Brigham and Abraham Tyler, succeeded in com- pleting the structure during the summer of 1849, The total cost of the building was one thousand and fifty dollars, which was considered really more than the improvement was worth. At a meeting of the trustees, held March 9, 1850, it was decided that the first term should begin on the first Monday of the succeeding May; that the fall and winter terms should commence on the 20th of September, and con- tinue, with one week's vacation through the holidays, until the 20th of March, 1851. Rev. A. M. Calkin was employed as the first princi- pal, and during the first term the attendance was so large that it became necessary for him to obtain a lady assistant. He also took the academy for the second term, in September, 1851, but was released at his own request, and James L. Appley was employed in his stead, commencing work in the spring of 1851, and continuing until the following July, when Mr. Calkin returned. He remained this time until the close of the scholastic year in 1856, when he was succeeded by Wheeler Mitchell, who taught for five months, and gave place to W. A. Newton, of Narrowsburg. The latter rented the academy for one year, during which time he succeeded in getting the rental reduced from forty to twenty-five dollars, and was re-elected in March, 1859, for a second year. After his departure the academy remained closed for a time. It had been a financial fail- ure, and no one seemed willing to guarantee the amount necessary to secure a principal. How- ever, in October, 1861, Misses McClogan and WAYNE COUNTY. Vaughn opened the school, only to give it up after a few months, and- be succeeded by C. J. Lain, who also remained but a short time. In February, 1862, John Cairns came, remaining until April, 1865, when R K. Scudder was secured for one year. L. D. Tyler took the principalship in 18(3(5, and had a large patron- age ; but he remained only a short time, and was succeeded by Miss Bush, whose stay was like- wise transient. During the latter part of the year 1870 the academy was closed, and an at- tempt was made to buy up the stock and con- vert the school into a private property, but it was unsuccessful, and shortly afterward J. A. Mc- Laury opened the school with fair prospects of success. He remained for six years, doing ex- cellent work, and building up the reputation of the school,'and was succeeded by L. W.Tyler (2d), was taught one term and gave place to W. W. Fletcher in 1877. He was assisted by W. J. Turner. The next principal was Rev. R. J. Kellogg, who was also pastor in the town at the time, and after he went to serve other charges, Frank Tuthill taught for some months. S. D. Barnes, the next principal, remained for two years and his first term had not closed before the necessity for a new building Mas manifest. When he took the school there were but eleven pupils, but the number increased steadily, and soon the stockholders decided upon better facilities. On June 19, 187!), a new board of trustees was elected, consisting of C. E. Beach, J. M. Page, L. Bonesteel, Marcus Appley, J. T. Tyler, W. J. Bush and W. W. Tyler, and upon organization Charles E. Beach was elected president, and Leroy Bonesteel secretary. This was the first decisive move- ment toward a new building, although some of the more energetic stockholders had been plan- ning and estimating the cost of the contem- plated improvement and soliciting subscriptions to a new fund. To this latter there were gen- erous responses from Hon. J. Howard Beach, Mrs. D. M. McCollough, J. M. Page and others. A proposition to cut down the trees with which the academy tract was covered, and sell the lumber, excited violent opposition, but was finally carried, and a part of the lumber was made use of in the new building, while the 45 rest was rafted to Philadelphia, and sold at a good profit. The work of rebuilding was com- menced in July, 1880, and was completed in the following January. The building has a frontage of seventy-two feet, and is twenty-four feet deep. It is two stories high, with a Gothic roof, and is surmounted by a well-proportioned cupola sixty-five feet high. There are two airy study -rooms, each twenty-seven by thirty- three feet, and a number of recitation-rooms and other conveniences for the systematic conduct of a large school. The first term of the new academy began December 3, 1879, and at its close Mr. Barnes resigned. He was succeeded by T. N. Glover, who remained two years and then gave place to Isaac R. King, who closed his engagement in June, 1885- Since that time no one has been selected. Damascus First BArxiST Church. — The fact that Thomas Shields, the purchaser of the Damascus Manor, was an ardent Baptist led to the church of that village being the first in the county to own and occupy a meeting-house. The edifice was erected by Mr. Shields about the year 1800, and was deeded, together with the lots on which it stood, in trust, for a reg- ular Baptist Church and society, when organ- ized. In the fall of 1820 Rev. John Smitzer visited Damascus and vicinity, but was not invited to preach there because of his close communion views. He called at the residence of Mr. Ste- phen Mitchell, however, and had an earnest conversation with Mrs. Mitchell, who had once belonged to the same church with him, and to this may be traced the beginning of the Damas- cus Baptist Church. Early in the following autumn Mr. Smitzer again visited the village, and soon afterwards twelve persons were or- ganized as a regular Baptist Church. A coun- cil of recognition was convened at Damascus, August 26, 1821, and nineteen persons — five males and fourteen females — were recognized, seven of them being baptized in the Delaware River. On the 8th of September Jonathan Yerkes was chosen church clerk, and in No- vember Isaac Brown made deacon. The church was admitted to the association in 1822. In March, 1826, Mr. Smitzer resigned his WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. charge. During the first year lie had supplied the Damascus Church once a month, devoting the remaining time to Bethany and Canaan, and during the subsequent years of his pastorate lie had divided his labors between Bethany and Damascus. Although destitute of a regular pastor, the pulpit was supplied by Rev. Enoch Owen, a resident and constituent member, until Rev. Horace Jones commenced his labors, in May, 1827. He remained until 1830, when Rev. Charles II. Hubbard was called, and served un- til 1834. Mr. Robert C.Brisbane, a licentiate, supplied the pulpit for a time during Mr. Hub- bard's absence. In 1832 a new church edifice was erected, and was dedicated on the 7th of November. Mr. Hubbard resigned in February, 1834, and there was no stated preaching until April, 1835, when Rev. Juuito Bixby was chosen for the fourth pastor. In December, 183(3, while visit- ing some friends in Susquehanna County, he died suddenly and once, more the pulpit was vacant. During the interim of nine months John T. Mitchell, a licentiate, supplied the charge, and in November, 1837, Rev. Joseph Currin was called. His pastoral relation lasted until April, 1839, and at this time the membership had increased to eighty. Rev. Henry Curtis commenced his labors, as the sixth pastor, in May, 1839, dividing his work between Damascus and Bethany. During his pastorate much work was done in settle- ments adjacent and the foundations of other congregations were laid. Under his ministra- tions a church was organized at Callicoon, N. Y., with twenty-one members, chiefly dismissed from the Damascus Church. Mr. Curtis resign- ed in February, 1849, leaving the church with one hundred communicants. Rev. John T. Mitchell was then engaged for six months as stated supply, and was followed by William C. Ulyat, a licentiate, who supplied the desk for eight or ten weeks. Mr. Mitchell was then employed again, until Rev. Truman O. Judd became the seventh pastor. The Baptist Church of West Damascus was constituted during his pastorate. Mr. Judd re- signed his pastorate and retired from the associ- ation in May, 1852, being followed by Rev. Andrew Hopper, who' served until 1854. Rev. John C. Shearman was his successor, and sup- plied the church once in two weeks up to 1855, when his entire services were secured. Abijah M. Calkin, who had been for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church, offered himself at a covenant-meeting about this time, and was baptized. Subsequently he was or- dained to the Baptist ministry, and, in 1857, succeeded Mr. Shearman as pastor. During the year 1855 the congregation, which had become a most prosperous one, pur- chased a lot on the west bank of the Delaware, a few rods below the church, and erected a tasteful parsonage. A great revival took place in 1856, after a series of meetings lasting for ninety days, and the membership was swelled to one hundred and thirty. In the year 1857 the semi-centennial celebration of the Abing- ton Baptist Association was held in this church. Mr. Calkin remained pastor of the church until November, 1866, " beloved by all." The pulpit was then supplied by T. F. Smith for a mouth, commencing October, 1867, and then he was ordained and received a unanimous call. In July, 1877, delegates were appointed to a convention called at Port Jervis for the pur- pose of considering the formation of a new as- sociation on the line of the Erie Railroad ; and in August of the same year the church with- drew from the Abington Association and joined the new organization. During this year the congregation purchased additional land for a Imrving-ground, at a cost of one thousand dollars. Mr. Smith's pastorate closed in April, 1873, and, after an interval of a year, Rev. Walter Gallant begau his labors, April 12, 1874. During the interval that elapsed be- tween these two pastorates the church edifice was rebuilt and refurnished at a cost of six. thousand dollars. It was dedicated June 2, 1874, the services being participated in by the following miuisters : Rev. J. R. Remsen, Alden- ville, Pa.; Rev. William McKinney, Port Jer- vis, N. Y. ; Rev. J. R. Angel, Damascus ; Rev. W. P. Hellings, Scranton; Rev. E. M. Blan- chard, Addison, N. Y. Mr. Gallant resigned WAYNE COUNTY. 467 in December, 1875, and in May, 1876, was succeeded by Rev. I. N. Earl. In October, 1874, the church withdrew from "The Orange and Sullivan Association." The labors of Mr. Earl closed the following April, and in Septem- ber, Rev. J. A. Bakewell was called, serving until April 1, 1880. F. H. Cooper supplied the pulpit the following summer, during which the church resolved to ask admission into " The Wayne Baptist Association," which received it August 25, 1880. Rev. S. N. Wescott became pastor the next October, and continued to serve until 1882, and was succeeded by Rev. C. H. Fitzwilliam, the present pastor, October 14, 1883. The Second Damascus Baptist Church was an offshoot from the First Church, and was composed originally of persons who lived chiefly in adjacent neighborhoods situated some six miles from the village meeting-house. For some years prior to the separation of the two congregations Rev. J. T. Mitchell had been stated supply, holding service in the neighbor- hood school-house. The nucleus thus formed was soon strong enough to have an independent existence, and, on December 19, 1851, at a council composed of brethren from the churches of Clinton, Callicoon, Honesdale and Lebanon, letters of dismission were granted to eleven persons, — seven males and four females. The sermon of recognition was preached by Rev. Henry Curtis. The infant church chose Rev. John T. Mitchell for its pastor, and he served acceptably until his death, which took place in the summer of 1856. He was immediately succeeded by Mr. John H. Dodge, a licentiate, and also one of the constituent members of the church, who acted as stated supply. He had served the church prior to this time, having occupied the pulpit in the autumn of 1862, during which time the regular pastor and most of his family were prostrated by severe illness. An interesting Sabbath-school and Bible-class were sustained, and the church was active in benevolent work of every kind. In October, 1857, Rev. Newell Callender was called, and, soon after his acceptance, commenced a series of protracted meetings in which he was assisted by Rev. E. A. Harris. At the close of these, forty-nine were baptized and admitted on pro- fession of faith, and the church was much strengthened. The Damascus Methodist Episcopal Cnri;< ii. — The Damascus Circuit was organized in lS-'il, and the ministers, until 1843, were from the New York Conference. The first class was organized at Milanville, and was led by John Tyler. Other appointments during the early history of the circuit were at St. Tammany, Galilee and Conklin Hill. The early records of the circuit are quite deficient, and the following list, though contain- ing the names of all the pastors that could be obtained, is necessarily incomplete. They were Reverends Law, Silliman, Faulkerson, Smith, Webster, Hibberd, Barns, Ferris and Perkins. Some of the most prominent members of the church during the early history of the circuit were Geo. Bush, Judge Tyler, Jesse Bush, Benjamin Tyler, Calvin Tyler, Joseph Sutliff. Until 1857 the respective classes worshipped in a Union Church, at Cochecton. During that year the Methodists withdrew, selling their interest to the Presbyterians, and built a church in Damascus village, mi the site now occupied by the present edifice. This was during the pastorate of Rev. E. W. Brecken- ridge. The first cost of the church was one thousand six hundred and five dollars. In 1874 during the pastorate of Rev. J. R. Angel, the church was rebuilt, at a cost of about six thousand dollars. The parsonage was built by Rev. N. S. Reynolds. The following, in the order named, have served the charge since the building of the church in 1859 : Reverends E. W. Brecken- ridge, C. White, M. Swallow, D. Williams, S. Earner, J. L. Rase, P. D. Clark, N. S. Rey- nolds, J. Underwood, J. R. Angel, R. J. Kel- logg, M. D. Fuller, A. W. Cooper, A. W. Loomis and A. C. Oliver. The Presbyteriax Church of Cochec- ton, though located in New York State, is sup- ported largely by residents of Damascus town- ship, with which its history is closely identified. The society to which it belongs was organized on March 9, 1812, in the school-house at " Co- checton Settlement," by the election of Oliver WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. H. Calkins, Simeon Bush, Moses Calkin, John Conklin, Elias Conklin and Ebenezer Witter as trustees, Ebenezer Witter and Bezaleel Calkin presiding at the meeting. In August following, Rev. Charles Cummins, of Florida, N. Y., preached at Uoohecton, and admitted to church membership the following persons : Simeon Bush, John Conklin, Elias Conklin, Ebenezer Witter, Hannah Bush, Molly Skinner, Char- lotte Conklin, Jane Tyler, Hannah Jones, Mar- tha P. Richards, Eleanor Taylor, Hannah Wit- ter, Hulda Conklin, Eleanor Bush and Elizabeth Brown, and the organization of the church was completed by the selection of Ebenezer Witter, Simeon Bush and John Conklin as ruling elders, and Ebenezer Witter and Simeon Bush as deacons. The archives of the church covering the period previous to 1840 have not been preserved, Only the names of a few of the early pastors have been preserved. Among those who min- istered to the infant church were Revs. Charles Cummins, Benjamin Van Keuren and James Petrie. At a meeting held on the 8th of March, 1 839 — presided over by Moses Calkin and George Bush — Moses Calkin, Jarad Irvine, Alexander A. Irvine, James C. Curtis, Charles Young, Nathan Skinner, Charles Drake, George Bush and Walter S. Vail were appointed trustees of an organization known as "The Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal Society of the Town of Cochecton ; " and a subscription paper to raise a building fund was started. The neces- sary amount was soon pledged, and, on May 6th, Moses Calkins deeded the church lot to the trustees for two dollars. The deed con- tained a proviso according the Presbyterians the right of buying out the Methodists at the ex- piration of ten years, by paying what had been contributed by the latter denomination. The contract for the church edifice was signed in June of the same year, and the building completed, at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars, on January 28, 1840, the dedication taking place on the 20th of the following month. It was afterwards determined by the trusters that the building should be occupied by the Presby- terians and Methodists every alternate week, and that it might be opened to other evangelical denominations when the owners were not using it ; but that it should not be "occupied by any denomination for the purpose of preaching or lecturing on the abolition of negro slavery, or the formation of any society connected with abolition in its present and popular sense." On the 29th of April, 1855, the Presbyte- rian portion of the society reorganized as " The First Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Cochecton, in connection with the General Assembly of the Old School Presbyterian Church of the United States of America." Walter S. Wail, Charles Irvine, Robert T. Par- sons, William McCullough, Ellery T. Calkin and James C. Curtis were chosen trustees, and during the ensuing twelve months the title of the Methodist element was extinguished, and the building became the exclusive property of the Presbyterians. Subsequently it was im- proved, furnished with a bell and organ and other conveniences for worship. The clergy- men who have served the church as pastors and as stated supplies areas follows: George K. McEwen, from 1840 to 1841; William Riddle, 1842 to 1843; John Mole, 1845 to 1847; William Hunting, 1851; G. K. Mar- iner, 1852 and 1853; Thomas Mack, 1853 to 1859 ; Erastus Seymour, 1860 to 1864 ; Theron Biittain, 1864 to 1875. In 1876 Rev. George E. Northrop took the charge, and, in 1880, was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Murdoch, the present pastor. The following persons have served as elders in the church : Ebenezer Witter, Simeon Bush, James Jackson, Hiram Dibble, Moses Calkin, Robert T. Parsons, James McArthur, Abijah M. Calkin, Ezra F. Calkin and Silas C. Beck- with. On the 5th of September, 1857, nineteen members were dismissed from this church to form the First Presbyterian Church of Damas- cus, mentioned elsewhere. The church is now in a prosperous condition. The Cochecton Bridge Company. — In the early part of the present century the ques- tion of a toll bridge over the Delaware River between Damascus and Cochecton was much agitated, and, in 1817, a sixty years' charter was granted to the Cochecton Bridge Company, in which the following incorporators are men- WAYNE COUNTY. tioned : William Tyler, Benjamin Conklin, Moses Thomas, Moses Calkins, Oliver H. Cal- kins, Joseph Mitchell and William Brown. The first commissioners (now called directors) were William Brown, Benjamin Conklin, John Conklin, Oliver H. Calkins and Francis Craw- ford. Two years later, in 1819, the first bridge was built by Major Wheat. It had but one pier, and was so unsubstantial in its construction that it was never used, and fell of its own weight soon after completion. Its collapse does not seem to have shaken the faith of the stock- holders in Major Wheat, however, for in the spring of 1820 he moved to Cochecton and commenced work on another bridge, with two piers, Garrett Tymerson having charge of the carpenter work. This was completed in 1821, and the bridge company having complied with the terms of the charter, became regularly in- corporated and secured a toll franchise. James Jackson, who was the first secretary and treas- urer, paid the first dividend of two dollars a share, which was declared June 1, 1827. This " Wheat Bridge," as it was always called, stood until the spring of 1846, when the western pier was undermined during the high water, and fell, together with the Pennsylvania and middle spans. A charter for a ferry was at once obtained, and as soon as a scow could be built, Albert Smith was employed as ferryman. Subsequently the ferry was leased by Thomas O'Reilly, who managed it for some time ; afterwards it came again into the hands of the bridge company, and Lukins Brush was in charge. A contract for a new bridge was made with Thayer & Benton, of Springfield, Mass., in the spring of 1848, the price to be ten thousand dollars, of which seven thousand five hun- dred dollars was to be paid in cash, and the balance to be in bridge stock. An assess- ment of fifty per cent, was made to meet the cash payment, and soon after the work was commenced the contractors failed, and made an assignment of the material on hand to the com- pany. Joel C. Benton was employed to com- plete the bridge, and it was opened for travel in the winter of 1847-48. During the next spring this bridge also collapsed from structural weakness, and the New York span fell to the shore, but was not carried away. Soon after- ward, the New York pier was rebuilt, and a new span was put in place by the company, which seemed to have had enough of contracts, and hired its men by the day, putting Elihu S. Page in charge of the work. This bridge, which had three piers, was opened in the winter of 1849-50. More trouble occurred in the spring of 1851, when the Pennsylvania span of the Benton bridge, which had been retained in re- building, fell of its own weight, and was car- ried away. Recourse to the ferry was once more had, and Bateman S. Mitchell took the helm. No move was made until 1854, when Webster Sutliff and Edward Bloomfield built the pres- ent Pennsylvania pier, using the material of the old middle pier, and swinging the stones across by means of an immense derrick. A contract was also made with Solon Chapin, of Easton, for building the two western spans, the eastern span, built by the company, being still stand- ing. This bridge was opened in 1854, and stood until the great flood of 1857, when the whole valley of the Delaware was swept by a fearful freshet. The ice, which had been un- usually thick, gorged at Cochecton Falls, and piled up to such a height that the bridge was lifted from the piers, and carried oft' when the gorge went out. Once more Ferryman Mitchell and his flat- boat did duty, a wire-rope ferry being im- provised. Meanwhile steps were taken to se- cure another bridge. Many of the stockhold- ers had tired of the continual assessments to which they had been subjected, and agreed to assign their stock to those who were still willing to make further investment, provided a new bridge was opened for traffic within two years from November, 1858. Captain Eli Beach, who was a moving spirit in the project, secured this pledged stock, after some difficulty, and a contract was made with Solon Chapin to com- plete the present bridge by the 1st of Febru- ary, 1859. The terms were complied with, and the present structure, which is higher than any of its predecessors, was opened in due time. Since then it has but once given any trouble ; that was in 1872, when it was discovered that the middle span had settled somewhat, but the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. necessary repairs were made without interrupt- ing travel. Galilee, which lies in the northern part of the township, was settled later than the middle and southern portions, the pioneers here being the Conklins, Tylers and Keeslers of the second generation, and the Sutlifls, Rutledges and others. Already there is the nucleus of a fine village, with a church, post-office, smith, wheelwright-shop, a Grange hall and several stores and other buildings. The first post-office was established here in 1848, with Philip P. Brigham as postmaster. He served until 1 809, when Joseph Sutliff succeeded him, and held office until 1871, when the post-office was abol- ished. Its re-establishment took place in July, 18X4, and David W. Berry, the present incum- bent was appointed postmaster. The mail is tri-weekly. A Methodist Episcopal Class was established in Galilee in 1840, with Joseph Sutliff as the first leader. The first members enrolled were Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. David .Sutliff, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sutliff and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Marks. About this time regular preach- ing was commenced, the supply being from the Beach Pond Circuit. The pastors who have served the congregation, with the order of their succession, are as follows: Rev. William Silsby, Rev. Barnes, George Porter, Charles Perkins, Young, Ferris, Erastus Smith, Morris Carrie, E. W. Breckenridge, Minor Swallow, Silas Barner, David Williams, Peter Clark, Charles White, C. E. Taylor, James Race, N. S. Reynolds, James Underwood, Joseph Angel, M. D. Fuller, A. W. Cooper, A. W. Loomis. In 1870 a church edifice, which cost about two thousand dollars, was erect- ed, the fund being raised by subscription, and ser- vice is held there regularly, twice in three weeks. There is also a flourishing Sunday-school. The early settlers about Galilee included some of the families concerning whom details have already been given. Webster Sutliff, seems to have been one of the first to make any industrial improvements. He built a saw-mill on Galilee Brook, about 1825-26, the same one that is now owned by Joseph Sutliff. The latter located in Galilee about 18135, and had six children. They were Polly (Mrs. Sim- eon Bush); Susan, the wife of James Monuing- ton; Catherine, the wife of Albert Burton; Joseph R. ; Emily, the wife of L. F. Tyler ; and Anna V. (Mrs. Henry Hendricks). David Sutliffcame from New York about 1830, and settled on the Galilee and Damascus road, on the place he still occupies. His children are Joseph S., Hiram B., Olive (Mrs. D. W. Berry), Lyman K., Martha (Mrs. G. O. Hitchcock) and Mary (wife of George Wilmer). Hiram Brigham was an early settler who came from New York State. George is his only surviving child. Philip Brigham, a brother of Hiram, came from Oswego County in 1835, bringing with him a wife and child. His sons are James, A. S. and Orin W. Brigham, and Virgil, who was taken prisoner at Deep Bottom, and died with- in the Confederate lines. The only daughter is Francis, the wife of Julius Keesler. In 1883, Philip P. Brigham and David Sutliff both cele- brated their golden weddings, within two months of each other. Calvin Marks, a son of Jacob Marks, of Conklin Hill, settled near Hiram Brigham. He had several sons, two of whom were killed in the Civil War. One son, Horace, still sur- vives. The Wilcoxes were also early settlers, but all of the family are now dead or have moved elsewhere. Patrons of Husbandry. — Damascus Grange, No. 405, Patrons of Husbandry, was organized at Galilee in December, 1874, with the following officers : Master, Horatio Had- sall ; Overseer, Benjamin Lewis ; Lecturer, Walter J. Bush; Secretary, Sophia E. Brig- ham ; Steward, Albert Marks ; Assistant Stew- ard, Frank Bush ; Chaplain, Philip P. Brig- ham ; Gate-Keeper, Aaron S. Brigham ; Ceres, S. V. Brigham; Flora, Sophia E. Bush; Po- mona, Mary E. Keesler ; Lady Assistant, Aman- da Marks. The present membership of the Grange is about forty. Tyler Hill is a pleasant village about three miles west of Damascus, which owes its first importance to the enterprise of Israel Tyler, who built a saw-mill on Woodruff Brook inanv WAYNE COUNTY. 471 yearsago. In 1852, M. F. Vau Kirk, now of Honesdale, who had been running' an umbrella stick factory at Seelyville, moved his machin- ery to Tyler Hill and located near the saw-mill, which had then fallen into decay. He erected a substantial building to be used as the stick factory, and also rebuilt the saw-mill, which he used in getting out his lumber. He remained there for five years and then sold out to Tenyck Dupuy, who operated the business until 1872, when it was bought by Israel Tyler. The lat- ter gentleman had built a grist-mill on the site of the old saw-mill, in 1857-58, that had added much to the business of the place. The mill has three run of stone driven by an overshot wheel with eleven feet radius, and runs on cus- tom-work. Mr. Tyler also added a planing- mill to the saw-mill plant and otherwise im- proved the business, which was run in connection with his store at the village. The store was started by William Fortnam in 1848, and was sold to John Mills andW. W. Tyler two years later. After a short time Israel Tyler secured Mills' interest. Mr. Fortnam built a new store a little farther up the village about this time, and shortly afterward it was bought up by Mr. Tyler. At the latter's death, his sons, M. and L. D. Tyler, succeeded to the business. They have since erected a fine store- room. In 1875 a post-office was established at Tyler Hill, and William Fortnam was appointed the postmaster, which office he still occupies. The village has several shops and other con- veniences, and preaching is occasionally held there in the school-house, although there is no organized congregation. Several of the residences are quite handsome, and all of the buildings display excellent taste. Dakbytown takes its name from N. S. Darby, who ran a tannery there for many years. The business was commenced by Charles and Webb Horton and George Knapp, who built the tan- nery in 1851-52, and ran it under the style of Horton & Co. for a few years. This firm also ran a store in connection with their business. They afterwards sold out to Mr. Darby, who operated the tannery until 1876, when the sup- ply of bark in the neighborhood was about exhausted. There is nothing done in the place at present. Branningville.— There is a pleasant and thickly-settled neighborhood about Branning- ville, which takes its name from John D. Bran- ning, who built a mill there in 1860. As early as 1830, David Guinnip came from Narrows- burg and took up a tract of wild land there. In 1832 he built a saw-mill and commenced clearing up the fine timber lands that shut in the brook. At this time his nearest neighbors were the Calkinses, and most of the region for several miles aiound was densely covered with hemlock. The good price that lumber then commanded, and the ready market for bark af- forded by the tannery, twenty years later led to the rapid improvement of the lands, and the vicinity contained some of the best farms in the county. The grist-mill which Mr. Branning built is now in the hands of O. R. Packer, and does a good custom business. It has three run of stone and is driven by an overshot wheel with arms of ten feet radius. A store was formerly run in connection with the mill, but this has been abandoned during the past few years. In February of the present year a post-office, known as Atco, was established, and O. R. Packer was appointed postmaster. There is a prosperous school there, and twice a month preaching is supplied from charges of the various denominations at Narrowsburg. Boyd's Mills. — The settlement in the vicin- ity of this hamlet owes its existence chiefly to some mills that were built a short distance apart, some forty years ago. In 1843, Truman S. Tymmerson and Hiram Willis erected a saw-mill which was known as " Tvmmerson's Mill." It was operated by its founders until 1867, when Joseph Wood and Thomas Y. Boyd bought out the business and rebuilt the mill, with steam as a motive-power, shortly after. Mr. Wood died in 1877, and his partner suc- ceeded to the business, which has largely in- creased under his judicious management. The present capacity of the mill is about twenty- five thousand feet per day, and a dozen meu are employed at the works. The post-office, which was then Eldred, was 472 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. established in 1837, with James Smith as the first postmaster. He served uutil 1846, and was succeeded by William Hartwell. The latter gave place to Willis Sherwood in 1850, and, two years later, Thomas Y. Boyd was ap- pointed and served until 1865. He was fol- lowed by John Comfort and Henry J. Lounds- berry, who each had the office for one year, and in 1867, William H. Teglercame in, remaining until 1869. Mr. Boyd was then reappointed and held office until September, 1874, when he gave place to John Orr, who served until June, 1882. During his term the name of the office was changed from Eldred to Boyd's Mills. Mr. Boyd was reappointed in 1882 ; C. P. Tegler, the present incumbent, in 1885. In 1881 a grist-mill with one run of stone was built by Mr. Boyd, who also conducts a store and several other branches of business. In 1836 John Leonard built a saw and cider-mill on the north branch of Calkins' Creek, and operated it for ten years. It was then sold to Captain Eli Beach, and in 1850 passed into the hands of Wood & Boyd. In 1859 Isaac Love- lass purchased a half-interest, and acquired the entire ownership in 1880. William Crocker has a blacksmith and wagon factory near this mill. The first store was established by Comfort & Godfrey, in the spring of 1858, in a building which stood on the site of the one now occu- pied by the commodious establishment of ex- County Commissioner C. P. Tegler. Jabez Stearns, a son of Joseph Stearns, who was one of the earliest settlers in Mount Pleas- ant, took up a tract of land on the north side of the north branch of Calkins' Creek in the early part of this century. Under, great dis- advantages he succeeded in obtaining a good education, and afterward devoted his energies to giving the same great boon to his children. There were six of these, — viz., David W., Polly, Harriett E., Laurette, Irene and Francis. Sev- eral of them afterward became identified with the educational interests of that and other sec- tions of the county. William Hartwell moved from Hartford, Conn., in 1830, and settled about one mile north of Boyd's Mills. He was prominent both as the postmaster of the hamlet for several years and as an active citizen. He died quite sud- denly in 1880. Mr. Hartwell was a county commissioner at the time of his death, and had been an energetic man who made his influence felt throughout the whole region. His finely- improved farm is now occupied by his son-in- law, J. S. Burcher. On the farm of D. W. Wilcox, another of the pioneers of this section of the township, is the largest elm-tree in the county. Its height was, before it was prostrated by a severe storm on the 27th of June, 1876, one hundred and twenty-six feet ; its breadth at the top, eighty feet ; its circumference, three feet from the ground, twenty-four feet eight inches. A portion of the tree was hollow, and after it blew down much honey was found in the cavities. The trunk still remains where it fell, and bids fair to last a century. Stephen Wood, who came from the eastern part of Connecticut, located near Eldred in 1837, and was an active pioneer. Joseph Wood, his son, is widely known as a leading lumber- man, and was a member of the firm of Wood & Boyd. Hiram Willis and Truman Tymmerson came in about 1843, and took up lands here. Soon afterwards Tymmerson built the saw-mill, which gave the first name to the locality. Both have since moved to New York State. James Smith settled near what was after- wards Tymmerson's Mills, in 1824, and, after clearing up a farm, went into the lumber busi- ness and erected a saw-mill in 1 840, and be- came prominent in the early developments of the place. Hedied in 1858. Loring P. Smith, a sou of James, is exten- sively engaged in dairying and fruit-growing, and has an improved ridge-farm, a part of which he devotes to wool-growing, at which he has been very successful. He was probably the first male child born in the vicinity. Lewis Crocker came to this locality in 1858, and engaged in blacksmithing. He also cleared up a farm, in the centre of which stands the Union Church Mr. Crocker died in 1873, and his farm is now controlled by his son, Thomas J. Crocker, who is one of the most extensive horticulturists in the locality. His orchards WAYNE COUNTY. 473 contain all the leading varieties of fruit that will grow in this region, and he has done much to interest others in this profitable branch of farming. William H. Crocker, another son of Lewis, is also engaged in fruit-culture, as well as wool and stock-raising and dairying ; and William Eighney also gives much attention to these pursuits. John Burcher, who, in his eightieth year, is still bright and active, settled here in 1820, and has reared a family of considerable size. Three of his sons — William, James and Titus — are now deceased, while John and Joseph oc- cupy farms near by. Among the other prominent settlers were Alexander Roger, in 1833; Levi Little, in 1836; Miles Sherwood, in 1838; Alva Noble, in 1834 ; David Orr, in 1855 ; and many others. The Union Church at Eldred was erected in 1854, at a cost of about twenty-five hundred dollars, most of which fund was raised by sub- scription, so that there is little or no debt on the edifice. It is used, jointly, by three congre- gations, — the Presbyterian, the Methodist and the Baptist, — though there is no regular organ- ization of the latter faith. In connection with the church there is a well-kept cemetery, which, like the edifice, is used by all denomi- nations. As early as 1842 there was a Presbyterian organization at Eldred, and, although it was not a special church, there was preaching every second or third Sunday, the pulpit being sup- plied from the Presbyterian Church at Cochec- ton, of which the congregation was then a branch. In September, 1857, Rev. Thomas Mack presided at a meeting which perfected the organization of the Presbyterian Church of Damascus. At that meeting James McArthur, Hiram Willis, John Orr and William McAr- thur were made ruling elders, and the follow- ing rueuibers were enrolled : James McArthur and Agues, his wife, Margaret McArthur, Claudius Mclntyre, Jane Mclntyre, AVilliam McArthur and Nancy, his wife, Alexander McArthur and Ann, his wife, Hiram Willis and Eleanor, his wife, Caroline E. Pelton, John Lovelass, John Orr, James Orr and Catherine, his wife, Ann- Lovelass, Eliza Orr and Wil- liam Lovelass. Since the organization of the church the fol- lowing have been pastors: Thomas Mack, Erastus Seymour, Theron Brittain, George E. Northrup and Samuel Murdoch, the present pastor. Service is held every second or third Sunday in the month, and the church is a branch of the Presbyterian Church of Cochec- ton. In connection with the Union Church is the Eldred Cemetery, a well laid-out plot, sur- rounded by a substantial stone wall, a hand- some iron gateway separating it from the main road. The grounds slope pleasantly to the eastward, and were first used as a denomina- tional burying-ground. The first interment was that of Margaret McArthur, July 8, 1858; the second, that of James Smith, on the 27th of August following. At present many monu- ments and well-lettered tomb-stones mark the resting-places of hundreds who have passed away. ( )ne of the first schools in Eldred was the old block school-house, near where the Union Church now stands. It was built shortly after 1836, and Miss Emily Stearns was the first teacher. In 1850 the present school-house was built, and the attendance there has been stead- ily increasing. The Christian Church. — The people of Damascus township, at Boyd's Mills, were attracted to the plea for primitive Christianity as presented by Orrin Noble, of Ohio, and Elder Z. W. Shepherd, of Providence, Lack- awanna County, Pa. At different times during the years 1869 and 1871, which, together with a series of meet- ings, held iu October, 1872, by Elder L. B. Hyatt, of Lock Haven, assisted by N. P. Laurence, of Scrauton, Pa., resulted in the immersion of Thomas J. Crocker, William H. Crocker, Florence Crocker, David Taylor, Mrs. David Taylor, William Garritt, Clark Wood, Homer C. Noble, Sarah Lovelass, Florence Lovelass and Lizzie Walker. On behalf of the above-named persons, the hand of welcome was extended to Charles Bart- lett, Christopher C. Tegeler, Mrs. William H. 474 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Tegeler, William Eighney, Mrs. William Eigh- Dey, Charles B. Noble, Eliza Xoble, William Noble and Abbie Skinner. From time to time others were added, until at the present there are sixty-five members enrolled. The church has no house of its own, but worships in a Union Church building, in which the members share by contributions with the [general population of the neighbor- hood. Elder C. W. Cooper, of Providence, Pa., after which it was without a regular pastor for some time. The present pastor, Elder C. E. Wells, of Troy, N. Y., has been with the church four years. By his zeal the church is being strengthened and much good accomplished. Hence, the Christian Church here has a bright future before her. Three of her former pastors — L. B. Hyatt, .'«^Lv v i, This building is mentioned iu another part of this volume. The following gentlemen have served as pastors : Z. W. Shepherd, of Scrauton, Pa., one year ; S. B. Hyatt, of Kingston, Pa., one year ; G. W. Headley, about one year; J. J. Harvey, of Lewisburgh, Pa., two years ; J. W. Low- ber, of Providence, Pa., two years ; Charles W. Cooper, of Providence, Pa., six months ; E. E. Orvis, of Scranton, Pa., one year ; D. W. Kinter, of Stillwater, Columbia County, Pa., paid the church a few visits, accompanied by J. J. Harvey and E. E. Orvis — have gone to their reward, together with several of the original members. The church has suffered greatly from oppo- sition and religious intolerance, but she has carefully guarded against retaliation. This, together with the unanimity of her members, has maintained a steady increase in numbers and influence. Its present officers are C. E. Wells, pastor ; William Eighney, Charles No- ble, elders ; William H. Crocker, deacon ; Thomas J. Crocker, church clerk. WAYNE COUNTY. 475 BIOGRAPHICAL. ISRAEL TYLER. Among the prominent families of Wayne County, whose representatives are descended from the early settlers, none has filled a more important place in the local annals of the county than the Tyler family. Bezaleel Tyler, the first of the name to come to this section, was from Connecticut, and the ancestor of the now numerous family of that name. His settlement was contemporaneous with that of the first settlers. He married Sarah Calkins, a member of another pioneer family, and had a large family of children, of whom fourteen attained to years of maturity, viz. : Hannah, Bezaleel, Sarah, Silas, Paul, Abigail, Timothy, Nathaniel, William, Charles, Mary, Rebecca, Zuriah and Amos. Of these, William was the father of Israel, to whom this sketch is chiefly dedicated. He married Mary Monnington, and his chil- dren were Israel, Raymond, Alfred, Freeman, Sally (who married Cortland Skinner), Eliza (who married Kinney Skinner) and Emeline (wife of David Fortnam, of Tyler Hill). The eldest son, Israel, was for many years one of the influential and prominent residents of Damascus township, and lived at Tyler Hill. There he engaged extensively in farming and lumbering, operated a saw-mill and planing- mill, and kept a general country store. No man in the township has borne a more promi- nent relation to its material development, nor sustained a higher representation for integrity and correct business methods. He was a warm supporter of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Damascus village, and assisted in the erection of the church edifice at that place and the academy. He was no seeker after office, but led a simple, unostentatious life. He died in 1874, leaving his sons, Moses and Lorenzo D. Tyler, as his business successors. He married Lavina, daughter of Moses Tyler, a descendant •oi another branch of the same family. CALVIN SKINXER, The Skinner family is one of the oldest in Wayne County, and was early identified with the settlement of the northern section lying along the Delaware River. Joseph Skinner, the first settler, came from Connecticut and was one of the original pur- chasers of land from the Indians. His son, Daniel, was also one of the pioneers of Damas- cus township, and called his plantation on the river, St. Tammany, where he passed his days in farming pursuits and in lumbering, running the first raft that ever went down the Delaware River to Philadelphia. His son Nathan was the father of the sub- ject of this sketch, and married Sarah, daughter of Oliver and grand-daughter of John Calkins, one of the original Connecticut settlers, who lo- cated on the New York side of the river, oppo- site Damascus. The mother of Sarah Calkins was a sister of Moses Tin >mas, who was killed at the battle of Lackawaxen. After residing on the old Calkins homestead for a number of years, Nathan Skinner removed to the neigh- borhood of Milanville, Damascus township, Wayne County, where he passed the remainder of his lite in agricultural pursuits, and lumber- ing. He was for many years a justice of the peace, and a man of character and influence. He was also the first settled surveyor of Wayne County, and held a captain's commission in the State militia. His brother Reuben was the first justice of the peace commissioned in Wayne County. Colonel Calvin Skinner, who is the oldest living native-born citizen of Wayne County, was born November 15, 1799, on his grand- father Daniel's farm, in Damascus township. His early life was passed in attendance at the district schools, where his education was ob- tained, and in assisting his father in his farm- ing and lumbering occupations. At the early age of twelve years he accompanied a raft, la- den with lumber, to Philadelphia, and from that time until 1861, a period of fifty years, went regularly each year down the Delaware, on a similar mission. About 1820 his father removed to Cochecton, and Colonel Skinner re- mained on the farm at Milanville, where he still resides in a house built by his father in 1815. He has led an active and industrious life, characterized by the strictest integrity, and WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. is one of the last connecting links between the pioneer development of Wayne County and the new era of manufacturing and agricultural prosperity upon which it is now entering. Al- though at the advanced age of eighty-six years, he has a wonderfully retentive memory, and is one of the best informed men in the county upon the early events that characterized its set- tlement, and upon the lives and habits of its first settlers. He has held the various town- CHAELES IRVINE. Charles Irvine was born in Cochecton, Sulli- van County, N. Y., April 8, 1814, and was the seventh of eleven children of Charles and Weighty Calkin Irvine, of that place. In 1825 his parents moved to Selin's Grove, Snyder County, Pa. A few weeks later, July 23d, the whole family was seized with fever, of which the father died. In September of the same year the mother, in 8KINNE ship offices of Damascus, and in the early train- ing-days took a prominent part in the martial displays that attended the turning-out of the militia, and was colonel of the Seventieth Regi- ment of the Second Brigade and Eighth Divi- sion of that body. He married, in 1820, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Lillie, of Damascus town- ship, and has had a family of twelve children, of whom eight are now living, namely : Calista ; Leila, wife of Charles Drake ; Volney; Martha; Weston D. ; Octavia, widow of Edward Fen- wick, of Matamoras ; Abigail, wife of Walter Illrnan, M.D. ; and Milton L. Skinner. with her family, returned to Cochecton, and al- though but nine years old, Charles drove an ox- team back, his only companion being a sick brother, dependent on him for care. The rest of the family, having horses, arrived three days earlier. Ten years later he entered the store of Hiram Bennett & Co., at Damascus, Pa., as a clerk under Walter S. Vail, one of the junior part- ners. The next year he made a more perma- nent engagement with W. S. Vail and D. B. St. John, they having bought Mr. Bennett's in- terest. In November, 1844, he associated him- OL*- JL WAYNE COUNTY. 477 self in business with the Hon. X. W. Vail, now of Middletown, N. Y., the new firm buy- ing out Vail & St. John, and continuing busi- ness until 1855, when W. W. Tyler succeeded Mr. Vail in the firm. The following year Mr. Irvine disposed of his interest to J. S. Vail. Nearly five years later, in 1860, he formed a partnership with T. & P. O'Reilly, their store being on the same ground where he first entered the mercantile business nearly forty years before. The next year he finally retired from the busi- ness and engaged in the management of various important interests with which he was con- nected. In these, as in all his business affairs, he was eminently successful, adding to his al- ready acquired property by judicious invest- ments after he had retired from active life. Mr. Irvine was a man of quick and clear perceptions, liberal and progressive views, strict integrity, admirable business methods and en- terprise, of warm impulses and sympathies and superior judgment. He was recognized as one of the most useful citizens of his locality, for, unlike many others, he remained where he had been successful and spent his life with those who patronized him when in business. His education was that given by the common school, which, with the general literature of the day and the long contact of an active, observant and receptive intellect with the world, resulted in a mental growth and an extent of information that won for him the respect and confidence of the community. Mr. Irvine was married, Octo- ber 9, 1844, to Allamanda, daughter of Charles and Weighty Bush Drake. Two sons and a daughter were born to them. Clarence, the oldest, died in infancy ; Frederick A., at the age of nineteen. The mother and daughter survive him. He was closely identified with the interests of the Presbyterian Church of Cochec- ton, of which he was for several years a member and one of its main supporters. He passed away after a brief and sudden illness, October 17, 1885. .1. HOWARD BEACH. Mr. Beach was born at Pike Pond, Sullivan County, N. Y., June 17, 1836. His grandfather, James Beach, was a native of Litchfield County, Conn., but at an early day removed to Cairo, Greene County, N. Y., where he engaged in farm- ing and lumbering. At this place was born Eli Beach, the father of our subject, who became an apprentice in the tanning business to Col. Edwards, of Cairo, and soon after his marriage erected a tannery at Pike Pond, where he cleared off a large tract of land and carried on the tanning business for a number of years. He subsequently removed to the State of Maine, where he followed the same occupation, on the Kennebec River, for six years. He then re- turned to Cairo, where he engaged in agri- cultural pursuits for some time, and then for five years operated a tannery at Callicoon, in Sullivan County, New York, in partnership with Charles Horton, the firm being known as Horton & Beach. In the year 1854 he pur- chased of David Clements a tannery property at M'hat is now Milanville, in Damascus town- ship, Wayne County, Pa., including large tracts of wild land in that section. Here he carried on a large and successful business for many years, being one of the pioneers of that section, and associating himself with its general develop- ment. He died in 1876, at the age of seventy- two years. He was a man of superior business qualifications, strict integrity and excellent judgment. He exerted a commanding influ- ence among his neighbors and associates, fre- quently acted as their adviser and counsel, wrote contracts and deeds and often held a fiduciary relation to his friends. His wife was Mary A., daughter of Ephraim Gay, a former resident of New England, who also lo- cated in Greene County, New York. Six chil- dren resulting from the union attained mature years, — namely : Matilda Connor ; J. Howard ; Charles E., a merchant at Cochecton, New York ; Mary, wife of Mark Appley, of Damas- cus ; Adelia, wife of Henry K. Nichols, of Col- orado ; and Watson E., engaged in the banking business at North Flat, Nebraska. J. Howard Beach passed the earlier years of his life in Cairo and in the State of Maine, in both of which places he enjoyed the advantages of a common-school education. He subse- quently attended the academy at Monticello, WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. N.Y., and completed his higher education at the Union Academy, at Damascus. After finishing his educational course he learned the tanner's trade under the supervision of his father. In 1858 he purchased the interest of Loren An- drews, of New York City, who was then in partnership with his father at Milanville, and became a partner himself, the new firm being known as E. Beach & Son. This business con- sumed his place in the firm, and the business is still carried on under the old firm-name by J. Howard Beach. The latter is also a partner in the firm of Charles E. Beach & Co., mer- chants, at Cochecton, and has been extensively engaged in the lumber business on his own account. He is also a member of the firm of Nichols, Beach & Co., who carry on a large cattle business in Nebraska. He is treasurer and ' 70?2rz^a^c& /^/j2^L^r) nection continued until the death of his father, in 1876, and near its close was carried on under the sole management of J. Howard Beach. It em- braced not only the extensive tanning opera- tions of the concern, but, in connection there- with, the store at Milanville, and the cultiva- tion of that portion of the land of the firm that had been cleared and devoted to the uses of ag- riculture. Upon the death of Eli Beach his wife as- manager of, and a large owner or stockholder in the Cochecton Bridge Company over the Dela- ware River, between Cochecton and Damascus ; president of the Wayne County Agricultural Society, of which he has been a director since its organization ; a director in the Wayne County Savings Bank, at Honesdale, and holds the office of postmaster at Milanville. In politics he is a consistent and ardent Democrat, and is one of the most influential members of WAYNE COUNTY. the party in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He has been a member of the State Central Com- mittee, and a member and chairman of the Count)' Committee of Wayne County on many occasions. He has held various local offices, and in 1871 was chosen to represent Wayne and Pike Counties in the State Legislature. He was nominated and re-elected to the same office iD 1872, the Republican party making no nomin- ation against him. He is a man of generous im- mascus township, and has the reputation of having cleared as much land with his own hand as any of the old residents of the town- ship. He was a native of Haverhill, N. H., where he was born March 14, 1813. His edu- cational advantages were extremely meagre, and he was compelled at an early age to support himself. He removed to Connecticut, and for a number of years drove a truck between Hartford and New Haven. On April 8, 1838, WILLIAM IIAirrWKLL. pulses, liberal and kind-hearted, and occupies a high place in the respect and esteem of his neighbors and friends. He married, July 1, 1884, Mrs. D. McCollough, a daughter of Elihu Page, and a representative of one of the early and prominent familiesof Sullivan County, N. Y. She is a lady of many excellencies of character, and presides with dignity and grace over the hospitable home at Milanville. WILLIAM HARTWELL. Mr. Hartwell was for many years recognized as one of the most industrious farmers of Da- he married Eliza J. Nettleton, a native of Mid- dlesex County, Conn., and in October, 1841, came to Damascus township, Pa., where he bought of George Wilcox a portion of the farm now occupied by his only child, Jane E. Hartwell, and her husband, John L. Burcher, where he engaged in farming and lumbering for many years. He was a man of frugal habits, great industry, firm in his convictions, and a regular attendant and subsequent member of the Pres- byterian Church. Eor a great many years he rafted his lumber down the Delaware River to Philadelphia. His wife died January 12, 1879, 480 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COPNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. and he afterwards married again and took up his residence in Honesdale, where he died De- cember 28, 1881. His daughter married John L. Burcher, of Damascus township, in 1865, and now occupies the homestead-residence of her father, erected by him in 1867, in the southwestern section of Damascus township. Their only son, William E. Burcher, was born June 29, 1865, and is en- gaged in farming pursuits with his father. pioneers of the township, and being a poor man, without capital, was compelled to labor ardu- ously for others in clearing up and subjecting to the uses of agriculture the wild section of country in which he located. In later years he worked some leased land on his own account, but his living was necessarily a precarious one. Thinking to improve his circumstances iu life, he made a journey to Michigan, but returned in no better financial condition, but with his Z&*. /W3~r . tablisk a home for himself in the then wild sec- tion of Wayne County, Pa. He purchased seven hundred acres of land of his father-in- law, Jacob Wager, in the northern part of Da- maacus township, where there was scarcely a tree cut or a clearing made, erected a small house, built a mill and entered upon the life of a lumberman, conveying the products of his industry on rafts to Philadelphia, which he has continued to do ever since. tial men of his section, and is held in gen- eral respect. He is a Democrat in politics and has held the offices of school director and super- visor a number of years. He married, in 1853, Mary C, daughter of Ja- cob W r ager, of Damascus township, and has had ten children, of whom seven areliving, namely, — Lvdia (wife of John J. Canfield, of Damascus), Hannah (wife of James Rowan, of Manchester), George C, Jane, Addison, Joseph and Gertrude. <£e4). vW^cX^vvW Twice his mill was burned, but he rebuilt, the present one in 1883, one of the first steam saw-mills in that section of Wayne County and capable of cutting twelve thousand feet of tim- ber a day. He also operates a grist-mill at the same point. In October, 1870, while engaged at his work, he met with a serious accident, and was compelled to have one of his arms amputated. He is one of the most industrious of the many lumbermen of Damascus township, and has cleared up a large tract of valuable land. He is recognized as one of the successful and influen- JOHN BURCHER. Of all the old families of Damascus township,. Wayne County, Pa., none is more numerously represented or more highly respected than the Burcher family. John Burcher, to whom this sketch is inscribed, was born at Westminster, London, England, September 27, 1803. His grandfather, John Burcher, after whom he was named, worked at the trade of a carpenter in England, and is said to have done work for King George III. William, father of John, was also by trade a carpenter and joiner, but emigrated WAYNE, PIKE AND .MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. to this country in 1807 as agent for a friend in England, and bought of Tench Coxe a thousand acres of land in Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, Pa. Owing to the death of his principal, he was obliged to take the land him- self, and after clearing about fifty acres of it, found it necessary to release it. He then bought fifty acres of land of Robert Mason, of Mount Pleasant, for which he was to pay by building Mason a house and barn. who married Warren Dimmick, of Herrick, Wayne County ; Helen, who married Titus i Yerkes and removed with him to Michigan; I John, our subject ; and Samuel, who died nine days after his father, in December, 1839. John Burcher assisted his father in clearing up the homestead in Damascus, and after his death added largely to it. His present tract comprises nearly four hundred acres. He also bought and cleared most of the two hundred €&<-«§L. . ' John uriiciiKi:. He also lost this property through not receiv- ing the deed, after performing the services. In 1819 he bought two hundred acres of land of a Mr. Salter, in Damascus township, and in the year following brought his family from Eng- land and located at Mount Pleasant, residing there about ten or twelve years. He died in 1839, after having led an industrious and useful life. His wife, whom he married in England, was Betsey Passmore, by whom he had six chil- dren, — Mary, who became the wife of Aden Cramer, of Mount Pleasant ; Elizabeth, who married Joseph W.Yerkes, of Damascus ; Sarah, and twenty acre farm occupied by his son, Wal- ter V. Burcher, and also engaged extensively in lumbering, having rafted down the Delaware to Philadelphia for over forty-two years. He erected his present residence in 1842, and that occupied by Joseph Burcher, his son, in 1874. He pur- chased and cleared portions of other farms in Damascus, and is one of the oldest and best known of the early settlers of Wayne County who came to this wild region and carved out homes for themselves and their children from the primeval forest. He has been a member of the First Baptist Church of Damascus since WAYNE COUNTY. 487 1835, assisted largely in the erection of the very beautiful church edifice, and for a long period served on the board of trustees. To the pas- tors of the church he has been a true friend ; to his home they were ever welcome, and no one has contributed more liberally to their support than he. John Burcher married, July 14, 1825, Max- imilla, daughter of John Land, one of the original settlers of Damascus. She was born April 2, 1807, and died June 8, 1879. She was a woman of many excellencies of character, a worthy helpmeet, good wife and faithful and devoted mother, and was a consistent member of the Baptist Church during the same period as her husband. Their children were William P., died June 26, 1873; Lydia M., died August, 1878; Samuel, farming in Damascus; Phebe T., who married Jonathan Yerkes, of Damascus ; Caroline, residing with her father as house- keeper ; Walter V., John L. and Joseph I., farmers in Damascus; James P., who died May 15, 1884; Titus C, died May 30, 1867; and Avis, died June 19, 1877. John Burcher's life has been one continued struggle from a boy. When only ten years of age it was a common thing for him to walk over stones and stumps for three or four miles — there were no roads then — with a bushel of rye on his back, to the mill, and subsequently, when clearing his farm, he worked day and night, keeping one team in the barn whilst working the other, and it can be truly said that no resident in Wayne County has endured more hardships or worked harder than the subject of this sketch. His home was always open to the stranger as well as the friend, and there is scarcely a family for twenty miles around but at some time has partaken of his boundless hospitality. Man and beast were alike cared for. His unobtru- sive benevolence will never be known until around the throne in heaven the Master shall say unto him, "Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me." He is a man of sterling integrity. It is a daily saying, in speaking of Mr. Burcher, " Un- cle John's word is as good as his note." As a politician he was never a blind follower of party, preferring to vote for the man whom he considered would best serve the interests of his couutry. And now in the evening of his long, useful and active life, he is beloved by all, hated by none, and when the summons shall come calling him to his reward, "A great man in Israel will fall " and hundreds will gather at his tomb to pay the last token of respect to the memory of a truly noble and generous citizen. CHRISTOPHER T. TEGELER. Mr. Tegeler was born in New York City, April 24,1846. His parents were Win. H. and Catherine (Tennant) Tegeler, the former a cabinet-maker by trade, who engaged in the furniture business in New York City for many years. In April, 1854, he removed his family to Damascus town- ship, Wayne County, Pa., and located them on a farm which he purchased of Thomas Shields. He himself remained in business in New York for some time, but subsequently removed to Damascus, where' he passed the remainder of his days. In 1865 he bought the store prop- erty of J. H. Lounsbury, at Eldred, in Damas- cus township, and engaged in trade until his death, in 1871. He left two children, Christo- pher T. and Frederick W., the latter a farmer in Damascus township. The former was eight years of age at the time that he came to Damascus township with his parents. He had already attended the pub- lic schools of New York City, and after a further attendance at the district school in Da- mascus, completed his educational course at the academy at Monticello, New York. After clerking for a year in his father's store he en- gaged in farming and lumbering for a number of years, selling his lumber along the Delaware to be rafted down that water route to Phila- delphia. In March, 1880, he embarked in trade at the store (his present location) at Eldred. Besides carrying on the usual busi- ness of a country store-keeper, he has dealt largely in cattle and stock throughout Wayne County, and has been the agent for the Cham- pion Mower and Reaper for eleven years. He 488 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. also owns the form formerly belonging to his father, near Eldred, and is thus still identified with the agricultural interests of his township. He has been prominently identified with the inter- ests of the Democratic party in Wayne County, served as a school director in Damascus town- ship for three years, and in 1881 was elected a member of the Board of County Commissioners for the usual term of three years. He was ap- pointed postmaster at Boyd's Mills, Septem- and officially connected with, the Delaware Lodge, No. 561, F. and A. M., since 1874, and as administrator of the Jarrett P. Yerkes estate and committee of the estate of Frank McCol- lum, his ability in their successful management is recognized. He married, December 4, 1868, Amelia M., daughter of James Lovelass, of Damascus, who died in August, 1873, leaving three children, — Wilhelmina E., Grace and Amelia Tegeler. His present wife, whom he ber 24, 1885, and reappointed November 27, | 1885, there having been considerable opposition to the removal of the office to Mr. Tegeler's store at Eldred, where it now is. He has al- ways been interested in all movements tending to develop and improve the locality with which he has been identified since boyhood, and is held in general respect. He is a member, and was for several years a deacon, of the Christian Church, at Eldred. He has been a member of, married in 1874, is Fannie A., daughter of C. B. Noble, of Damascus. Her children are Hattie, Charles B., Beulah and Luella Tegeler. Joel G.Hill is a descendant of Silas Hill, who was an early settler of Otsego County, •N. Y. His son Alpheus, father of Joel, in 1848, removed to Equinunk, Wayne County, Pa., bringing his wife, Elmira, daughter of Cul- WAYNE COUNTY. ver Gillette, of Otsego County, and two sons, Abuer G. (now residing in Tioga County, N. Y.) and Joel G. Hill, with him. He engaged in farming and lumbering at Equinunk until 1864, when he removed to California, where he now lives. His son, Joel G. Hill, was born in the town of Lawrence, Otsego County, August 1, 1845. He was reared at Equinunk, Wayne County, and received a common-school education at that place. In 1863 he responded to his country's call for volunteers and enlisted in the Fiftieth Regiment of New York Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Spauldiug. He served in the engi- neer corps in front of Petersburg and elsewhere, in the building of forts and intrenchments, and was present at the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. After the close of the war he returned to Equinunk and worked for Holbert & Branningfor four years, in the lumbering business at that place, and, in 1869, entered the employ of Isaac Young, who owned a large tract of land in the northern section of Damascus township. Two years later he purchased fifteen hundred acres of this land, including a saw-mill and dwelling-house, and entered into the lumbering business on his own account. At that time only about twenty-five acres of his land was cleared, while he now has a good farm of seventy-five acres reclaimed from the condition of primeval nature and devoted to the purposes of agriculture. He built a grist-mill in 1881 and a cider-mill in 1882, and now gives employment to a number of men and has developed quite a little settlement around him. He is engaged in farming, lumbering, in carry- ing on the mercantile business in the store which he found it necessary to establish and in opera- ting his grist aud cider-mills. He conveys the products of his mill to Phil- adelphia on rafts aud has been making regular trips down the Delaware for that purpose since he was nine years of age, with the exception of the time he served in the army. He now has about eight hundred acres of land left of his original purchase, and is one of the most popu- lar and highly esteemed residents of his town- ship. He has uniformly declined to accept po- 47 litical office, and has no ambition in that direc- tion. He married, June 17, 1873, Mary J., daugh- ter of Thomas and Margaret Flynn, of Man- chester township, and has had four children, all of whom are living, viz., Lewis G., John A., Harris G. and Myra A. Hill. CHAPTER XII. THE BOROUGH OF BETHANY. The legislative act of 1798, which erected the new county of Wayne, named trustees who were authorized to select a place for a county- scat, and Milford was their choice, though this location of the courts proved very unsatisfac- tory to the majority of the people in the county. At that time Milford was one of two principal settlements, using the word in its broad sense to signify not only the few centrally hunted houses that composed the village, but also the scattered pioneers' cabins within a radius of mauy miles that were tributary to it. In this sense, Milford included all the settlements along the Delaware, while Stantonville was the centre for the populatiou of the western part of the new county. Travel was much impeded by the absence of roads, and the location worked great hardship on the Stantonville settlers, who were obliged to make long circuits through an almost unbroken wilderness, to attend to the smallest legal matters. There was much dis- satisfaction, and the pressure brought to bear upon the Legislature of 1799 caused it to pass an act directing a re-location of the county-seat within four miles of " Dyberry Forks," as the site of Honesclale was then designated, and that the courts should be held at Wilsonville until the permanent county-seat should be decided upon, and suitable county buildings erected by the trustees named. During the few mouths next ensuing, the probable choice of the trustees much agitated the sparse populatiou scattered along the valleys of the principal streams, and Indian Orchard, Cherry Ridge, Seely's Mills and other locations had their advocates. Pro- 490 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 2)Osals to furnish laud for the county town were sent in by the owners of various tracts, and in those of Mr. Tilghman, who owned land in Cherry Ridge, and Mr. Drinker, who had twenty-four tracts of four hundred acres each, lying between the Dyberry and the West Branch of the Lackawaxen, were made offers of any contiguous one thousand acres of land, if the county buildings were erected upon a portion of the gift. On the 15th of May, 1800, the trustees, accompanied by Jason Torrey, who •was agent for the Drinker lands, went out to view the various lands offered. Esquire Stan- ton and George Levers, who were also of the party, are recorded in Mr. Torrey's journal as having urged the selection of Cherry Ridge. It is presumable that Mr. Torrey favored the Drinker tracts, as he had located them for the owner, and afterward received four hundred acres near the site of the county town for his services. The vote was three to one in favor of the Drinker tract, and on the following day, May 16th, a stake to designate the site of the court-house was driven in the presence of many witnesses, and the proceedings were entered on the minutes, duly subscribed to, and witnessed by all present. The broad slope selected was then covered with virgin forest ; deer bounded through its shadowed runways, stately elk stood listening in the long aisles beneath its hardwood trees, and buds were swelling on the rhododendron copses where now fair fields stretch up to peaceful Bethany amid the hills. The selection of the trustees was most gratifying to the settlers about Stantonville, and satisfactory to those in Salem and Paupack, and all were most anxious that the county-seat should be fixed there without delay. The friends of the location at once sent to Philadelphia to obtain money and supplies on their own credit, that the work of clearing and erection might proceed without awaiting the more tardy action of the authorities to pro- vide the necessary fuuds. On June 2d, the trustees met Mr. Torrey on the spot selected as the site of the new buildings, and examined a plan he had drawn for the court-house and jail, and eight days afterward the settlers in the vicinity were called together to assist in put- ting up a log house to shelter the mechanics and laborers employed in the constructive work. This was the first building erected in Bethany. The work of surveying the thousand acres, which later on was deeded to the county, fol- lowed. There were laid off two hundred and fifty-four house-lots to form the town, and one hundred and sixty-three out lots, of five acres each, adjacent to and surrounding the town. A contract between the trustees and Walter Kimble, of Indian Orchard, who was to furnish the sawed lumber, was drawn on the 9th of August, and the work of erection commenced soon after. The building was thirty-six feet front and thirty-two deep, and a large log jail, disconnected from the other buildings, was built near by. The jail was afterwards de- stroyed by fire, while, in 1816, when the second court house was erected, the old one was moved to the west side of Wayne Street, where it is still used as a store. A healthful impetus had been given to the town, and it commenced to grow rapidly. With- in a few months after the first tree had been filled there were acres of fallow about the spot where the trustees drove the stake, and several houses were under way. There were three families at Bethany in September, 1801, and in December of that year Jason Torrey moved from Stantonville, making the fourth. A sudden check was given to the growth of the place by the adverse action of the Legisla- ture, which, in February, 1802, yielded to the importunities of the people of Milford, and re- moved the county-seat to that place " for three years and no longer." This was the cause of much financial embarrassment to those who had advanced money for public improvements, with the expectation of being more than repaid by the business derived from the sessions of the courts and the appreciation of property that must necessarily follow the prosperity of the village. Building ceased, business was depressed, and there was much uncertainty and anxiety as to whether the same influences that had succeeded in getting the courts once more in Milford would not be successful in keeping them there at the expiration of the three years. During the fol- lowing winter an attempt to induce the Legis- WAYNE COUNTY. 491 lature to repeal the obnoxious act proved abort- ive, and the people settled down to the hard labor of clearing their blackened fallows, and awaited the term of removal to expire. But there was some private enterprise. In Decem- ber, 1802, arrangements were made for a " post," once in two weeks, from Stroudsburg, the near- est post-office, and the next year a school was started. Relieved from the pressure of business which was incidentto the courts, the people found time, too, for religious meetings, and the foun- dations of two strong churches were laid, so that the period was not altogether unprofitable. The First Death. — It was on the 2Gth of May, 1803, that John Bunting, Jr., the son of Esquire John Bunting, was found drow-ned at Seely's Mills, a fact which made the settlers aware that they had no burial-place available. Lots for such a purpose had been set aside from the Drinker lands, and were in the hands of the trustees; but the act which had remanded the county-seat to Milford had also suspended their powers, and they could not make a legal deed of the lots intended for school, church or grave- yard. Under the circumstances there was a very natural unwillingness to make an inter- ment on lands that might possibly revert to their grantor. In this emergency an agreement was made between Jason Torrey and Esquire Bunting to use, as a private burying-ground, the rear end of a fifty-foot lot which adjoined the cemetery plot and was owned by Mr. Tor- rey. Here it was that young Bunting was buried, on the 27th of May, 1803. The lot was inclosed with a neat board fence, and there being no other ground set apart for such use, it was for several years used by all families in the vicinity having occasion to bury the remains of deceased friends. These facts will explain why the families of so many of the early settlers were interred in that ex- treme southern corner of the Bethany Cemetery grounds. Subsequently the rear part of the church lots and school lots were appropriated for use as a burial-ground. Soon after the death of John Bunting, Jr., his mother visited friends in New Jersey, and ou her return brought with her some strawberry plants, and, under the impulse of a fond moth- er's love, she carefully planted them mi the grave of her son. These plants flourished, and the seeds of the delicious fruit were scattered by birds in various parts of the cleared fields in and around Bathany, so that in a few years all the meadows within a mile or two were largely stocked with these Bunting strawberries. They differ from any of the other wild-grow- ing varieties, in that they are white, are free from acidity, and in being plucked from the plant, separate entirely from the hull, like a black- berry. While the Bunting strawberry was soabund- ant in the vicinity of Bethany, and did not ex- ist in other parts of the county, the grass fields in the other settlements were well-stocked with wild-growing varieties of the red strawberry, which, being more hardy, have nearly supplanted the Bunting strawberry. Some of the latter, however, are still growing in the grassy fields around Bethany. The Return of the Courts. — The very positive refusal of the Legislature of 1801-5 to alter or amend the act that limited the re- moval of the courts to Milford for three years, and this in the face of very strong influences from the latter place, brought about a restora- tion of the county-seat to Bethany in the spring of 1805. As soon as this was assured, in antici- pation of the event, Mr. Jason Torrey had com- menced building his house in the summer of 1804. The building was hurried to such com- pletion during the winter that it was opened as a hotel on the first court week, and the court itself was convened in the east front chamber, the first day of the session. It was at this time that Hon. John Biddis, president judge, and Hon. John Brink, associate, occupied chairs on a carpenter's bench, a literal "Bench of Judges," and the jurors sat on rough plank seats below. At that term the grand jury ignored three bills, and found one true indictment for assault and battery. The subsequent attempts of the people in the lower part of the county to re-locate the county-seat, the refusal of the county commis- sioners to entertain the legislative proposition to erect county buildings at Blooming Grove, and other matters pertaining to the early civil history of the county, have been referred to at 402 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. length in the chapters devoted to those topics, and it is proper here to write only of those de- tails that were intimately connected with the history of Bethany as a village. In spite of the dissatisfaction of those who lived below "The Barrens," as the region between the Delaware River and the Wallenpaupack Creek was called, and the sharp animadversions that it bred, the town continued to increase in size and healthful prosperity. At this late date, when most of the actors in these early scenes have passed away, it is impossible to give minor events in their exact elironology ; but the principal changes of the first few years are substantially summed up in the following paragraphs : It has already been stated that John Bunt- ing's hotel was one of the first buildings. Soon afterward the red store north of Judge Man- ning's was erected, and about the same time Sally Gay built a small house below Dr. Scud- der's ; John Bishop built on the Bunnell place; James Woodney finished a house and other im- provements were made near by. From 1802 to April, 1807, John Bunting, then a venerable man, had a small room in his tavern fitted up witli a little stock of goods, and this was the beginning of mercantile business. A most ju- dicious, accurate and indefatigable collector of local history 1 has kindly furnished the writer with the following hitherto unpublished inter- view with one of the earliest residents: " My earliest recollections date to when the only- houses in Bethany were the Henderson place, then called the Bunting house, the Drinker place ,the Ma- jor Torrey house, the court-house and old log jail, and the dwellings of Sally Gay, James Woodney, John Bishop and David Bunnell. Mr. David Wilder built his house in 1809. Captain Charles Hoel came from New Jersey and built a little house near where Ham- lin's now stands. Benjamin Raymond, a New Yorker, located near where you turn to go to the old glass factory. After Solomon Moore dissolved partnership with Major Torrey, he built a store where Oscar Hamlin now is ; Alva Flint, of Connecticut, but more lately of Salem, located opposite. After Mr. Wilmot had built his first house he exchanged properties with Captain Hoel. Mr. Miller, who succeeded John Bunting, sold to Eliphalet Kellogg, and erected the house where Mrs. Scudder now resides. Thefirst res- ident lawyer of Bethany was Mr. Oliver Bush, of Mr. Thomas J. Ham, editor of the ll<»ii:*tlulr llemhl. Damascus ; he settled soon after the courts had been removed from Milford the second time. Judge Isaac Dimmick and his brother Ephraim were teachers, and both taught in the old court-house. Isaac built the house now occupied by Mrs. Butler, and I remember that he had a stove in it, which was the wonder and admiration of all the neighborhood. Up to that time nobody about Bethany or in Wayne County, so far as I know, had used anything except fire-places. The old log jail was used several times as a residence. Major Torrey lived there first ; afterwards, when the school-house was built, Judge Eldred and Jacob S. Da- vis, both of whom were just married, were living there. After the academy was built, Judge Eldred bought the old school-house, built an addition to it and lived there for some time. He finally sold it to Mr. Bald- win, a hatter, and a brother-in-law of Mr. Hamlin, who taught the latter his trade. Its next tenant was Esquire Little, who occupied it as a residence, and also carried on a leather and harness business there. Joseph Miller sold his place to Judge Eldred, and Walter Weston bought the old court-house building, and moved it to where he now keeps store on Wayne Street. The first printing-office, that of Mr. Manning, was near his late residence, in a house afterwards oc- cupied by E. Hadfield. The Spangenburg house was built by Major Torrey." With this rapid growth of the village, there was also an influx of settlers to the country round about, and farms were purchased and cleared up, and people of all occupations kept busy by the thrift and industry that were rapid- ly crystallizing into substantial improvement. Soon after the return of the courts, in 1805, a letter from Jason Torrey states that " the place is thronged with people seeking situations for settlement, and I conceive the place has a pref- erence, when considered under all its advant- ages, to any of which I have knowledge." The First Murder in the County oc- curred at Bethany on the evening of October 18, 1808, and the following account of it is from a letter written four days afterward. As will be seen from a reference to this tragedy in the chapter on South Canaan, the actors were men between whom a feud had long existed, and the death of Tice was the culmination of a series of petty quarrels extending over several years. The letter runs as follows : " Bethany, October 22, 1808. "On the evening of the 18th instant a horrid mur- der was committed in this town. A battalion of militia had been drilling on the square and in the WAYNE COUNTY. 4n the town plot of Bethany three lots were set aside and designated as " the church lots." They were not sold by the trustees in whom the title to the Drinker grant was vested, but by them were conveyed to the county commissioners, together with the county property and the un- sold residue of the nine hundred and ninety- nine acres donated for the town of Bethany. On the 10th day of September, 1810, the county commissioners conveyed these three lots tn Jason Torrey, Abisha Woodward and Isaac Dimmick as trustees. "To be held by said trustees as a site for erecting thereon a house for divine worship, for the use of the inhabitants of the Town of Bethany, or such of said in- habitants who, together with other inhabitants in the vicinity, shall associate for the purpose of erecting, and shall erect thereon, a church or meeting-house for publick Divine Worship, and a burying-ground for the use of the inhabitants aforesaid." Thus, coeval with the organization of the town, was provision made for the spiritual welfare of its people, and there was then due by Rev. Elias ( 50(1 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. recognition of the necessity for more than tem- poral prosperity. The ground thus set apart as " God's Acre " was soon hallowed by human clay, but beyond the interment elsewhere referred to, the purpose for which it was set aside was not achieved until some years afterwards. During- the same year the first religious meet- ing was held in the town, and the first sermon was preached. Early in 1805 the inhabitants were favored with occasional preaching by missionaries and other ministers of the Methodist, Baptist, Pres- byterian and Congregational Churches, and the seed was sown that afterward bore much fruit ; but few seemed interested, the Sabbath was openly disregarded and profaned, and vice pre- vailed to an alarming extent. In 180G and 1807 Elder Peck, of Mount Pleasant, visited Bethany regularly once a month, and in Janu- ary, 1 809, under his ministration, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered for the first time in the town. This service was held at the house of Jason Torrey. Other services, the details of which are given in the history of the churches under whose auspices they took place, followed, ami there was a better religious atmosphere in the town. In May, 1812, Rev. Worthington Wright, a Congregational missionary from Connecticut, came into Wayne County and preached at differ- ent settlements. After he had labored for a few months, it was proposed that he become settled as pastor of the Congregational Societies of Salem, Palmyra, Dyberry and Canaan, for a period of four years, dividing at least one-half his time be- tween these towns, and devoting the other half to labors in destitute portions of the county. Subscriptions were accordingly circulated for Mr. Wright's support, and the result was communi- cated to a meeting of the subscribers on Decem- ber 22, 1812. Residents of Dyberry had subscribed $162 ; of Salem, $42.50; of Palmyra, $25; of Ca- naan, $27.50,— in all, $257, a fund ample for the purpose. The sums which were variously subscribed by residents of Bethany and vicinity were as fol- lows : Jason Torrey $21) E. Kellogg 15 Isaac Diinmick 10 Solomon Moore 8 Randall Wilmot.: 2 Benj. Doughty 2 Ephraim Dimmit* ... 5 Charles Hole 5 Caleb Hole 2 Amos Polly 2 Peter Smith 2 David Wilder 4 Ephraim Torrey 5 Abisha Woodward.... 10 Isaac Seaman 2 R. Beardslee 2 John Woodward 5 A Ion. Stryker 5 Jacob Schenk 2 Enos Woodward 2 Timothy Gustin 4 Thomas Lindsay 2 Lewis Collins 10 Isaac Brink 2 Aaron French 1 Moses Sampson 1 Stephen Kimble 2 Walter Kimble Benj. Kimble 2 Charles Kimble 2 Aug. Collins 2 Total . .*102 Oeorge Seely & Bro. . 8 Sylvanus Seely 6 Isaac Oakly 2 Cooper Osborn 2 | Those in Palmyra were, — Hcz. Bingham 5 Jos. Atkinson 2 John Pellet 4 Jonathan Brink 1 Eph. Kimble 4 Simeon Ansley 8 Leonard Labar 2 Oeorge Labar 2 Total $25 Robert Rupett 2 | In Canaan, — Thos. Starkweather.. .5.00 Asa Stanton 3.00 Charles Stanton 1.00 James Carr 1.00 Silas Woodward 1.00 Jesse Morgan 2.00 Conrad Swingle 4.00 In Salem, — Jos. Woodbridge ...$10.00 Seth Goodrich 0.00 A. Woodbridge 0.00 Jesse Miller 3.00 Wm. Woodbridge... 5.00 Elijah Weston 3.00 Oeorge Morgan 1.00 John Folia 5.00 George Rix 3 00 Samuel Davis 50 Fred. Swingle 1.00 Total. ..s-.J7.5u Wm.HoIlister.. Ashbel Miller... Henry Stevens. Heury Harmcn Total 3.00 2.50 3.00 1.00 In these subscriptions it was conditional that Mr. Wright should reside in Bethany or Dy- berry township, and the Salem subscribers ex- pressed a willingness to double their subscrip- tions of $42.50 if he would make that township his home. The following resolution was passed by the meeting : " Wliereas, It appears from the subscriptions pro- duced that a sum has been pledged adequate to the object of procuring the settlement of Mr. Wright; therefore be it " Resolved, that a committee of five be appointed to address the Connecticut Missionary Society on the WAYNE COUNTY. 501 subject, and to aegotiate with Mr. Wright in relation (il his proposed settlement." The committee consisted of Jason Torrey, of Bethany ; Dr. Lewis Collins, of Cherry Ridge ; Joseph Woodbridge, of Salem; and Asa Stanton, of Canaan. On the following day Mr. Wright accepted the invitation conditionally to the con- sent of the Missionary Society, and this was given. His installation took place May 26, 18 13, the services being held in the court-house at Bethany, in the presence of a large assemblage. He took up his residence in Bethany and served the congregations in his charge for two years, during which time he purchased lot No. Ill, where Mrs. Groff afterward lived, and erected a dwelling. He also contracted for sixty-four acres of land, now included in the Charles G. Reed farm, and commenced an improvement. In 1815 his wife died, and as his eye-sight had begun to fail, he resigned his charge, relin- quished the ministry and left the county. During the three years following, the church was without a pastor, and the services were de- sultory, depending upon the advent of some missionary from adjacent stations. The desire for regular services did not die out, how- ever, and in 1817 two hundred and eighty-eight dollars was subscribed as an annual contribu- tion to secure the services of Rev. Gresham Williams, then of Springfield, N. J. The negotiations fell through, notwithstanding the anxiety of the people for a settled minister. In 1818 the Sabbath-school, elsewhere spokeu of, was established, and a week later, on the 26th of July, Rev. Thomas Camp, a missionary of the Presbyterian General Assembly, commenced preaching at Bethany and holding social meet- ings during the week. His labors brought about a religious revival, and Rev. Gideou N. Judd came to assist him. The people became much attached to Mr. Camp, and in September a sub- scription was circulated and pledges to the amount of four hundred dollars were secured for two-thirds of his time. This subscription was so worded that it seemed to imply an in- dependence from all ecclesiastical control, and was declined by Mr. Camp, as injudicious for both people and pastor. He strongly ail vised the Christians to connect themselves with some recognized church organization. This su^vs tion was acted upon, and after a free discussion of the form of church government most desired, it was concluded to organize a Presbyterian Church. On Tuesday, September 22, 181 8, Rev. Phineas Camp, assisted by Deacon John Tyler, of the Congregational Church of Ararat, organized the First Presbyterian Church of Bethany, with the following constitutional mem- bers : John Bunnel. Delia Gleason. Gideon Langdon. Nancy Bunnel. Erastus Gleason. Mary Day. Virgil M. Dibold. Asuba Langdon. Achsah Torrey. Betsy Hole. Sally Bushnell. In all, eleven members, — four male and seven female. Virgil M. Dibold was chosen ruling elder, and, the next day after the sermon, was set apart by prayer to the duties of his office. On the Thursday and Friday following still safer fruit was born of Mr. Camp's labors, and the following perso of faith : were received on pro- Mrs. R. Schoonover. Louisa Collins. Philena Collins. Klias Day. Mary Day. Pope Bushnell. Abigail Day. Nancy Blandin. Polly Wilmot, Jason Torrey. Lidia Mussey. Spencer Blandin. Ephraim Torrey, Jr. James Houghton. Christianna ( r. Kaatz. William Torrey. Betsy S. Raymond. Mrs. Irene Gleason was admitted to fellow- ship by a letter from Harmon, N. J., making iu all twenty-nine members, to whom the Lord's Supper was administered on the follow- ing Sabbath, in the court-house, in the presence of a large audience. Mr. Camp departed the next day, and for nearly a year the infant church was left without other ministrations than those of an occasional visiting preacher. On the 5th of June, 1819, Messrs. Loring Parsons, Jason Torrey and Pope Bushnell were chosen as ruling elders, and on the following Sabbath, Loring Parsons and Betsy, his wife, Thomas S. McLaughy and Margaret, his wife, Lorenzo Collins, Olive Woodward, Mary Kel- logg, Frelena Brooks, Eli Henshaw and Abi- 502 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. gail, his wife, and Lucy Ross were admitted on profession of faith. Thus, without a settled minister, this church in the wilderness gradually increased in numbers and gained the confidence of the community. At this time it had forty members. As yet the church had not been formally or- ganized and placed in the care of any Presby- tery, and at a meeting on the 4th of September, 1819, a few clays short of one year after the organization of the church, a committee, com- posed of Gideon Langdon, Pope Bushuell and Erastus Gleason, was appointed at a congrega- tional meeting to prosecute a call to Rev. Gres- ham Williams and Jason Torrey, Virgil M. Dibold, Pope Bushuell, Jacob S. Davis and Amzi Fuller were selected to prepare articles of association. On the 10th of September in the same year the session, with the moderator of the Hudson Presbytery, presented an application to place the church under the care of that body, and it was duly received. Mr. Williams accepted the call and was installed as pastor on the 26th of February, 1820. His salary was six hundred dollars per annum and two-thirds of his time was to be devoted to the Bethany Church, and the remaining third to that of Mt. Pleasant. In May following the first trustees of the Bethany Church were chosen. They were Ben- jamin Jenkins, Solomon Moore, Jason Torrey, Pope Bushnell and Stephen Day. Mr. Wil- liams remained pastor a year and a half, during vrhich time the membership of the church in- creased to sixty-one. At the expiration of this period the relations were dissolved and the church was once more without a minister until 1824. Up to this time the desire for a church edifice had been freely expressed, though it had not been deemed advisable to attempt to realize it. During the next two years the subject was more fully agitated, and in 1822 a meeting was called to take definite steps in the matter. Committees to confer for the site of the church-lots, to circu- late subscriptions and to obtain plans for the proposed edifice were appointed, and subsequent- ly reported favorably. Tn January, 1823, it was reported that the subscriptions amounted to two thousand one hundred and ninety-six dol- lars, principally in labor and materials, and that more could be relied on when the paper had been more completely circulated ; that a conference had been held with the leading spir- its of the Baptist and Methodist Churches, and that those congregations were willing to relin- quish their claim to the church lots for a price to be fixed by arbitration. Subsequently Amzi Fuller, James Manning and Jacob S. Davis, none of them members of any of the denomina- tions concerned, fixed the value of the lots at fifty dollars each, and this arbitrament was ac- cepted, it being stipulated that the Presbyterian Church organization should pay to each of the other congregations fifty dollars when the latter desired to build a church edifice. Thus the front part of the church lots came iuto the pos- session of the Presbyterian Church while the rear half was leased as a public burying- ground. The amount due the Methodist soci- ety was paid by Jason Torrey, individually, in November, 1836, and that due the Baptists raised by subscriptions in 1841. The framing of the church was raised on the 19th and 20th of August, 1823, but the exte- rior of the edifice was not completed for several years. In the spring of 1824, aided by the Domestic Missionary Society of New York, the congrega- tion engaged Rev. Daniel Young to preach one year. His health failed and he was not able to remain but a few months, so that in October Rev. E. W. Goodman was secured. As Bap- tists and Methodists each had preachiug regu- larly once in two weeks, it was difficult to ar- range the hours of service, and in 1825 a tem- porary floor and seats were put in the meeting- house, so that it could be used in warm weather, and the second story of the academy building was fitted for occupation in the winter. Subse- quently the second story of the fire-proof build- ing was similarly arranged. During the pas- torate of Mr. Goodman the church was sadly distracted by internal feuds and cases of discip- line, although some additions were made to its membership. During his term the charter of the church was granted, the articles of asso- ciation having remained for nearly five years in WAYNE COUNTY. 503 Philadelphia awaiting the approval of the Su- preme Court, after they had been adopted by the congregation. Mr. Goodman's term ex- pired in May, 1827, and hits engagement was not renewed. Soon after his removal Mr. Joel Campbell, a theological student at Auburn, vis- ited the church and remained four weeks, and in October following, when be had been licensed, he was engaged as stated supply. He was in- stalled as pastor in December. In February, 1821), the Presbyterian Church of Houesdale was organized, and he divided his labors be- tween the two charges until 1830, when he was installed as pastor of the latter church. In 1831 Rev. Lyman Richardson commenced labors in Bethany as a stated supply and continued a year. The church was then without a minister until July, 1835, when Rev. Alfred Ketchum was engaged. He was stated supply until Septem- ber, when his installation took place. The first effort to raise funds to complete the church edifice had failed, and a congregational meeting was called to consider the matter. A subscription that should be obligatory when the sum amounted to one thousand dollars was cir- culated and, at a meeting in December, 1835, the deficiency of sixty-four dollars was made up by additional contributions. The building was at once completed and the dedication took place December 27, 1836. The cost up to this time was $3560.61. The first pew-rental took place February 11, 1839, and the amount realized was two hundred and thirty-six dollars. Mr. Ketchum's pastorate ended in September, 1838, and in February, 1841), Rev. William Toby be- came stated supply, remaining until 1810. Rev. Jeremiah Miller was then called, but was never installed as pastor. He remained supiply until 1844. Rev. Seth Williston next supplied the pulpit, until June, 1845, and was succeeded by Rev. J. J. Slocum, who remained until January 1 , 1 847. Rev. John Male then filled the pulpit for three months, after which it was vacant until Rev. Albert Worthington commenced his labors, in 1850. Rev. William S. Smith succeeded him in 1852, and was stated supply for three months. On October 1, 1853, the present pas- tor, Rev. Elias O. Ward, was called, and under his ministrations the church lias triowu both in strength and grace. Id 185 4, and again in 1872, the church edifice was repaired and reno- vated. Fine trees have been set out and the property enclosed. The number on the church rolls is over three hundred and fifty names, and the present membership is about eighty. The following persons have been ruling elders since the organization of the church : Virgil M. Dibol. Jason Torrey. Pope Bushnell. Loring Parsons. Thos. S. McLaughy. Augustus Collins. Eli Henshaw. Ephraim Dimmick. Samuel Bartlett. Solomon Langdon. Nathan Kellogg. Elijah D. Bunnell. Ethel Reed. Edwin S. Day. Joseph Bodie. .lames B. Ward. Luther C. Fuller. Sumner K. Isham. John Sipperl. Dinglet Henshaw. Theodore Day. Rev. Elias ( ). Ward, who, for nearly a half century has been a minister of the Presbyterian Church, and for the past thirty-three years pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Bethany, Pa., was born at Chatham, Morris County, N. J., February 5, 1810. He removed with his parents from Chatham to Bethany in 1825, and for a few years worked there at the trade of a hatter. Early religious influences im- pressed him, and in 1832 he began studying for the ministry with Rev. Preston Richardson, of Harford, Susquehanna County, Pa., under whose tutorship he was prepared for college, and entered the second term of the Freshmen ( 'lass at Hamilton, in 1834. He was graduated from this institution in the Class of 1838, and in September of the same year entered the The- ological Seminary at Auburn, N. Y., from which he was graduated after the usual course of three years study. On September 16, 1841, he was licensed to preach at Great Bend, and four days thereafter preached his first sermon at Harford, where he had begun his studies nine years before. On October 4th following he preached as a candidate in the Presbyterian Church at Dundaff, was accepted, and remained as pastor of that church for twelve years. During his incumbency as pastor he labored faithfully in every good work in the interest of the church, and soughi to promote and foster Christian unity. He saw his labors success- :>y- &K?G>*nU,l raim worked on the home farm and attended the district school for a few months during the winter season. He was delicate in health while young and in consequence of this, unable to avail himself of even all the then meagre op- portunities for an education from books, but this he partially made up by study at home, so that on reaching manhood he had secured a good knowledge of the elementary branches. At berry, from Chatham, N. J., in 1816. She was born in 1804 and resides in the house in 1886 where herself and husband began house- keeping sixty years ago, and where their many friends celebrated with them their fiftieth anni- versary and golden wedding. Her hospitality through life, her kindness of heart, her charity and good works and her identification with moral influences aud religious work in the com- 51(1 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. munity are numbered among her many virtues. In L840 Mr. Hamlin entered the mercantile business in Bethany and continued in trade un- til IS. r )2, since which time he has been engaged only in agricultural pursuits so far as his private interests have been concerned. Notwithstanding the unpropitious commence- ment of Mr. Hamlin's career, and the disad- vantages of a limited education and feeble con- stitution against which he was forced to strug- gle, it is doubtful whether Wayne County has ever produced a more useful and honored citizen or one the impress of whose lite will be longer felt, not only in the community amidst whom his lot, was cast, but among the generations who shall follow them. For the past fifty years scarcely a concerted movement for the moral or intellectual improvement of our people has been inaugurated with which he has not been in active sympathy if not indeed its originator. His name gleams like a golden thread through the records of all the temperance organizations which had an existence in the county, and is linked with every step in advance taken by the church of which he was a communicant and in whose official board he was senior warden at the time of his death. Nor was his desire to advance the interest of the community confined by any means to their spiritual welfare. We have before us as we write the report of a meet- ing held in Honesdale in February, 1834, to consider the necessity for the establishment of a bank in this place, whereat Mr. Hamlin was appointed one of a committee to defend resolu- tions embodying a statement of the needs and claims of the community in this direction, to accompany the application to the Legislature for a charter. The Honesdale bank, as the re- sult of this movement, was incorporated in 1836, Mr. Hamlin being chosen one of its first board of directors, a position which he continued to hold until his death. He entered heartily into the movement for the building of the Jefferson Branch to Honesdale, and was personally instru- mental in disposing of a large proportion of the stock issued by that corporation to raise the necessary funds. Among the farmers of the county he has been for many years held in the highest esteem, being regarded as the father of the Wayne County Agricultural Society, which he was largely instrumental in establishing, and of whose board of directors he was from its organization in 1801 to the date of his decease either an active or honorary member. On his re- tiremeni from the presidency of the society a few years since his associates in the board adopted a series of resolutions expressive of their appreciation of his services, and presented him with an elegant gold-headed cane, appro- priately inscribed, as a token of their personal regard. In politics Mr. Hamlin was always a pro- nounced and consistent Democrat. That he was a trusted and honored member of the party may well be inferred from the fact that he was repeatedly called to head its ticket in important elections, and invariably led it to an overwhelm- ing victory. He was appointed postmaster at Bethany in 1820 and retained the office until elected to the State Legislature in 1838. On the 8th of January, 1832, he accepted the dep- uty treasurership under Richard Lancaster, serv- ing one year, when he was himself appointed county treasurer and filled the office for two years. He then served as deputy for two years under Thomas Mumford, and two years more under Thomas Clark. In 1838 he was elected to represent Wayne and Pike Counties in the Legislature, and was re-elected in 1839, serving until July, 1840, including the session made memorable by the famous " Buck-Shot War." In 1840 he again accepted the position of post- master of Bethany and held the office until his election to the State Senate in 1851. He was twice nominated for Congress by the Democracy of Wayne and Pike Counties, but was defeated in conference by what were always regarded as underhanded and inexcusable alliances between the delegates from Northampton and Carbon and Northampton and Monroe Counties. While in the Legislature Mr. Hamlin's course was always conspicuous for his devotion to the inter- ests of his constituents. When a senator he secured the passage of a bill increasing the cap- ital of the Honesdale bank from one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand dollars. fbi' a<| was vetoed by Governor Bigler, but through the influence of Mr. Hamlin the bill WAYNE COUNTY. was passed over the veto and became a law. He was also largely instrumental in crowning with success the effort of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company to retain their charter as amended in 1852, a service which was never forgotten by that corporation, and whose bene- fits to this community can hardly be over-esti- mated. Mr. Hamlin possessed a strong and well- balanced mind, sound judgment, and a large measure of administrative ability. His course in all matters demanding his attention was al- ways carefully considered, and it was uniformly marked by a sterling common sense and an arj- plication of practical methods and considera- tions which contributed in a high degree to the success attending the various enterprises in which he was engaged. He was known as one of the most public-spirited men in the com- munity, and was looked to as a leader in every measure tending to the public good. He was generous, unselfish, of inflexible integrity and in every positition and relation of life com- manded absolute confidence. Many years ago he united with the Protestant Episcopal Church, and amid the varied labors of a long and active life he maintained a consistent Christian char- acter. The only surviving child of Ephraim AY. Hamlin is Hon. Edward O. Hamlin, of Beth- any, whose sketch may be found in the law chapter of this volume. CHAPTER XIII. BERLIN TOWNSHIP. On the 27th of November, 1826, many citi- zens living in the eastern part of Dyberry joined in a petition to the court then sitting at Bethany to erect a new township bounded by lines therein specified, since the condition of the roads and the location of the election house was such as to cause the petitioners great inconve- nience in the exercise of their rights as citizens. On the same day the court appointed .bison Torrev, Bulk ley Beardslee and Jacob S. Davis a committee to view the proposed new territory and report on the advisability of a division, and submit a dividing line for approval. On the following day, the report was submitted, and the court directed the excision to be made, and the new township to be called Berlin. The first township officer of whom there is any record, is Lawrence Camfield, who was sworn in as constable, April 23, 1X27. Ih 1846 its area was diminished by the excision of Oregon and left tin' township bounded on the north by Oregon and Damascus, east by Pike County, south by Palmyra and Texas, west by Texas and a small portion of Dyberry. The divide between the drainage areas of the Delaware River on the east and the basin of the Lackawaxen passes through the township from north to south, and the surface is watered by a number of brooks, and broken by several natural ponds. While in contour the topogra- phy conforms to the general character of the adjacent regions, it is not broken by any very high hills, and is, for the most part, excellent (arming country, with plenty of red shale soil and some rich alluvial deposits. There arc, however, some sterile lands near the Adams pond. ■ The chief streams are the tributaries to the Mast Hope anil Beardslee's Creeks, and the Holbert Brook, and the ponds are Long, Beech, Adams, Open Woods and a portion of Catchall. The early settlements of the township took place in the northern portion — then nearly the centre — at Beech Pond, Berlin Centre and along the ridge known as " Smith Hill," which extends into Oregon township. The earliest assessment list extant is that for the year 1829, which contains the following taxables : Lester Adams. .Stephen Bunnell. Samuel Camfield. John Cressuian.~ William Carr. Andrew DavidsuD. Hiram Divine. John Garrett. Jeremiah Garrett. John Garrett, Jr. Benjamin Garrett. William Howe^ Abraham Kimble Thomas Lindsey. James Lovelace. Robert Lovelace. Jesse I). Lillie. James Myers. Charles M. Lillie. Hugh McCrandle. Thomas McWilliams. Charles McStraid. Thomas Melony. Augustus II. Rogers. Peter Pull is.| Abraham I. Stryker. Henry Pullis. Samuel Smith. Charles W. Smith. Frederick Smith. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Peter Smith. Amos Y. Thomas. Henry Smith. Amory Thomas. John Smith. Ephraim Torrey. Joseph Spangeiilmrg. John Youngs. Elijah Schoonover. Samuel Smith was probably the first settler in what is now Berlin township, and located on the ridge that has since borne his name, about the close of the last century. He was of Ger- man extraction, though born in Canada, and emigrated to Pennsylvania accompanied by his three oldest sons. In 1801 he was assessed in Palmyra township as the owner of two build- ings valued at teu dollars, and five acres of improved land. He also owned two horses and two neat cattle. Pour years later he had in- creased his improved land to thirteen acres, and subsequently cleared up a fine property. Plis children were Peter, John, William, Frederick, Henry, Sarah (who became the wife of Samuel Camfield and settled at Berlin Centre), Clarissa (the wife of Daniel Wickham, and afterwards of Washington Brown), Betsy (who married James Myers), Susan (the wife of James Young) and Eleanor (who married Asa Maloney). Humphrey Bellamy came from Cornwall, England, in 1832, and settled in this township, lie married Grace Hicks, and was the father of nine children — Margaret (who married Edward Marshall, of Beech Pond), Grace (the wife of William Tamblyn, of the same place), Robert, Elizabeth (the wife of Thomas Ham, of Texas), Tl ias, Charles, Mary (the wife of George Sandercock, of Cherry Ridge), Arabella (who married first William Male and afterward Shepherd Warfield). The progenitor of the family was killed by a falling tree in 1845. The same tide of English immigration that populated the eastern portion of< >regon township also bore some of the earlier settlers to Berlin, and the fertile farms about Beech Pond were, many of them, taken up by the better classes of ten- antry from Cornwall and Devonshire. Among those who commenced on the west side of the pond, in 1830, were William Olver and the Tamblyns, all from the same neighborhood in Cornwall. Mr. Olver took up a good tract of land and raised a sturdy family. His wife was Ann Bryant and their children were Mary, the wife of Jonathan Tamblyn ; Ann, the wife of Aaron Pullis ; Sarah, who married Edward Babcock; Thomas and Richard. Most of them moved West, where they left numerous descendants. Jonathan Tamblyn, whose farm was one of the earlier ones, moved West after a few years' residence. William, his brother, lived near the Methodist Church. He maried Grace Bellamy, but had no children. John Olver came also from Cornwall, in 1831, and, after working a short time at the old glass-factory, near Bethany, settled near Long Pond, where he died some years ago. Before his emigration from England he had married Sarah Ainger, and their children were Thomas, John, William (who lives near Bethany), Richard (who resides on the home- stead), Edmund, Elizabeth (the wife of Wil- liam Deckover, of Wilkes-Barre), Sarah (who married C. P. Treverton, of Beech Pond), George, Francis (who died near Bethany), James A., Daniel, Amos, Moses (who left a widow at Long Pond), and Joseph, who resides with his brother at the homestead. William Spry, who settled about the san e time, near the pond, and about a quarter of a mile from the village, still lives on his original location. He married Ann Tamblyn and their children were Tamizen, the wife of Dr. J. A. Baldwin; Ann, who married J. C. Male; Elizabeth, the wife of Daniel Olver; James and Jonathan. The two last-named married and went west. Edward Marshall, another Englishman, set- tled where his son Edward now lives, in 1831. Edward, Sr., married a Ballemy and had five children, — lohn, Edward, Robert, Thomas and Grace, who married Charles Barnes. Oren Park- came from Delaware County, N. Y., about the time Ilonesdale was settled, but, after a brief residence, returned to his na- tive Stale. In 1835 he came once more to Pennsylvania, and settled where he now lives at Berlin Centre. He married Achsah M. Bid- well and had a number of children. Those who survive are Josephine, the wife of Frank Mills, and Irwin D. Park. WAYNE COUNTY. 513 The Garretts were early settlers in Berlin and were also of English birth. Benjamin jnarried Virtue Tripp, of Lackawanna Valley, ami had Alice, Sarah (the wife of Daniel Bul- lock), Minerva (the wife of William Dunnell), Smith, Jeremiah and Isaac. John Garrett was born in England in 179"), and came with his parents to this country when he was six years old. The family settled in Philadelphia, from which place he moved to Bethany fifteen years later. Subsequently he settled on Smith Hill, where he died in 1877, aged seventy-nine. Mr. Garrett married Patience Albro in 1829, and left five children, — John S., Shepard, Curtis, Elizabeth (the wife of Mark Compton) and l/niee (the wife of Nobles Lyman). Jeremiah Garrett married Betsy Tripp, and his children were Milliceut, Myron, Benjamin and Lydia, who married a Parmenter. John S. Cressman came from New Jersey early in the history of Berlin Centre. His children were John S., Jr., Ann E. (who married Elijah Adams), Daniel, Cathariue (the wife of Edwin Smith), Oliver (a resident of Pike County), and Miranda, the wife of Jacob Smith. C. B Seaman, who lived to lie the oldest citizen of Wayne born within the county, spent the closing years of his life in Berlin ( Vntre and died there in 18wego turnpike was the only road through to the trad he had taken up, and his nearest neighbors were the Kimbles, at Indian Orchard, and one or two families at White Mills. Mr. Bishop remem- bers distinctly when he attended the first reli- gious meeting held at Walter Kimble's, and also gatherings at Daniel Kimble's and Corne- lius ( 'oiryelle's. The first regular preacher he ever listened to, except at Bethany, was Elder Peek, of Mt. Pleasant. The first school his children attended was held in the old plank school-house at Indian Orchard, and a Mr. Normand was (heir teacher. This was main- tained by subscription. Mr. Bishop lives with one of his sons, on the farm he cleared so many years ago. [ndustrial Growth. — Ephraim Torrey, who, as has already been stated, was the first settler at Beech Pond, built a saw-mill at the outlet in about 1820. This was the first mill in the township, and ran for many years after his death. Fine timber covered all the hills, and as the number of settlers increased lumbering became very profitable. In 1840 Asa ( orwin came from the Delaware lumber regions and took several contracts. In a year or two he erected a saw- mill. About 1845 George Wells put up the lower mill, as it has been since known ; and, in course of time, sold it to R. 8. Olver, who converted it into a circular mill about LS68. 'flic steam mill, which stands on the upper side of the road, was built by S. Swift in 185(1. Lark was then plenty, and during this same year Friend and Otho Burr built a tannery. They ilid not run it very long, however, and the property passed into the hands of one Smith, who sold if to Henry W.Stone and Horace Drake. This firm increased the capacity of the business considerably, and also built a large store, now occupied by George Olver. After- wards Mr. Stone sold out his interest to Drake & Sons, who continued operations until the' firm became financially embarrassed in 1878-79, when the tannery was finally closed. It was a two-hundred vat plant, and paid very hand- somely during the war. Its abandonment has been of great disadvantage to the prosperity of Beech Pond. The saw-mill at Berlin Centre was built by John and Frederick Smith about 1831, and three or four years later the same firm put up another mill jusl below the first. Still another mill was erected by John Garrett in 1835, and for fifteen or twenty years all did a thriving business. In 1850 all three were rebuilt and enlarged, Oren Park being the millwright. At present they are doing very little, business being limited by the scarcity of lumber. The saw-mill at the outlet of Adams' Pond was built by Stephen W. Genung about the time that Beech Pond began to do such a flour- ishing lumber business, and was for some years one of the busiest mills in the township, the lumber being hauled from the mill through ( latchall settlement to the Delaware River. The collection of dwellings that sprang up about the mill was called Genungtown. Later the place was sold to William Holbert, now of Equinunk, who made substantial improvements and pursued the lumber business on a large scale, so that the place became a thriving settle- ment. As lumber grew more scarce and busi- ness declined, the mill was sold to James Wil- liams, who operates it on a small scale at pres- ent. It is about two miles south of Beech Pond. As (he opening of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, which gave an impetus to the settlement of the country all about Honesdale, was of especial benefit to Berlin township, so the com- pletion of the Erie Branch from Lackawaxen was in some respects a disadvantage. As Honesdale sprang rapidly into existence, the Big Eddy turnpike was built, and subsequently converted into a plank-road — an admirable highway over which all (he travel between Honesdale and New York, via Narrow sbuig, passed. The tide of travel thoroughly opened up the country, supplied it with good taverns and threaded it with much better roads (ban those of the adjacent townships. A plank-road was built from near the residence of the late Bulkley Beardslee to Mast Hope, now called Pine Grove, and other similar projects made it WAYNE COUNTY. 515 a most active township two decades ago. But railroad connections directed the travel in other directions, the busy taverns were abandoned, the tannery closed, the lumber was exhausted and saws stopped, and the Berlin of to-day is only a fairly rich agricultural district with memories of former activity. The first post-office in Berlin township was Ashland, and was established in IS It, with Isaac Doughty as postmaster. lie was followed by George Drake, who gave place in turn to Jesse Wood, E. W. Warfield, R. S. Olver, Dr. Edwin Crocker, George A. Drake, R. G. Cor- win, William S. Robbins and George Olver. The name of the office was changed to Beech Pond many years ago. In 1855 a post-office was established at Ber- lin Centre and John W. Seamans was the post- master, lie was succeeded by Charles B. Sea- man, who in turn gave place to Frederick Smith, during whose term the office was abolished. Soon after the post-office at < Jarley Brook, Ore- eon township, was established, and there most of the residents of this region receive their mail. The First Baptist Church, of Smith Hill, was organized on Saturday, February I It, 1849, when a meeting of the inhabitants of that part of Berlin, known as SmithHill, assembled in the school-house to consider the propriety of procur- ing a suitable .site for a meeting-house. ( lharles A. Seaman was chairman, and A. Silsby, secre- tary. The meeting adjourned after appointing the following committee to tix upon a suitable location: John Smith, Jonathan S. Bidwell, Jacob Smith, Nathaniel Reed, Jonas Mills and Benjamin Garrett. On March 1 7th, this com- mittee reported in favor of a site on the lands of John Smith, and the recommendation was adopted. John Smith, Benjamin Garrett and Elder Andrew Hopper were appointed a build- ing committee to collect subscriptions and material. This meeting also passed resolutions, naming the church and authorizing it to be used "for all religious denominations having their tenets based upon the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrines of repent- ance, baptism, regeneration and a future state of rewards and punishments." The building was completed during the following summer, and was dedicated September I I, is I!), Elder Gray preaching the dedicatory sermon. ()n September 30th, of the same year, at a meeting held after 'ning service, resolutions in favor of the organization of a congregation to be known as the First Baptist Church of Berlin were adopted, and Jonathan S. Bidwell and Jonas Mills were appointed a committee to call on Bethany Church for the proper dismis- sals. The members for whom the committee secured letters were as follows: Jonas Mills, Clarissa Brown, Mary Brown, Olive Brown, Betsy Myers, Jonathan S. Bidwell, Elizabeth Bidwell, Dorcas Garrett, Eleanor Malony, John Smith, Eleanor Smith, Jacob Smith, Almerson Beard, Julia Thomas, < 'atharine Young, Charles 15. Seaman, Boxy Seaman, Betsy Garrett, Milli- cent Garrett and Virtue Garrett. The council of recognition was held on Thursday, October 25, 1849, delegates from Bethany, Honesdale, Damascus, Paupack Eddy and Ten Mile River being present. Rev. J. T. Mitchell was appointed moderator, and Deacon C. M. Hayden, clerk,'and Reverends D. E. Leach, Andrew Hopper, Henry Curtis, M. M. Everts and J. T. Mitchell took part in the services. Rev. Andrew Hopper became the first pastor, dividing his time between it and the churches at Bethany and Lebanon. He remained until 1850. In May, 1851, Rev. J. P. Stalbird, having settled at Smith Hill, accepted pastoral charge of the church. He resigned in April, 1853, and was succeeded by Rev. Sanford Leach, who remained a year and also resigned. Rev. Newell Callender followed, and remained until a oil was extended to Rev. Edward Hall, in May, 1804. In August, I860, a branch was established at Pigeon Roost, with preaching every fortnight, alterna- ting with the Methodist mission at that point. Rev. A. J. Adams was the next pastor and remained until 1875, when Rev. Samuel Metz was called to give one third of his time at Pigeon Roost. Rev. David W. Halstead next occupied the pulpit, and after him, Joseph F. Bennett was stated supply. Jonas Mills was called in November, 1878, and served until 1880, when Rev. L. H. Goodnuff, the present incumbent, assumed pastoral charge. WAYNE, PIKE ANT) MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. BIOGRAPHICAL. JOHN CONKLIN. The earliest mention we can find of the family from whence the subject of this sketcli has sprung occurs prior to the Revolution, when two brothers left the old home, on Long Island, and started upon the sea of life. One of these brothers settled near the Hudson River, below Albanv,N. Y. .while the second located in < >range married Samuel Dolan; George S., born 1825; Matilda, born 1827, married Schaeffer Mender- shott ; Clarissa, born L829, married Nicholas Simonson; Jacob, born 1832; David !>., born 1835. Nathaniel Seudder learned the trade of a tan- ner and currier, and in early manhood removed to Newton, Sussex ( lounty, N. J., where he car- ried on that business over thirty years and en- joyed the confidence and respect of a widely-ex- County, N. Y., and from these progenitors the large families bearing this name in the localities mentioned have come. The third brother, Na- thaniel, remained on Long Island and engaged in the fishing business. His children were Elizabeth, Hannah, Nathaniel, Abraham and John. The son, Nathaniel, born August 1, 1788, married Elsie Van Auken, born January 22, 1794, and had children as follows: Abra- ham, born 1815; John Franklin, born 1816; Hannah, born 1818, married George Conklin ; Nathaniel, born 1819; Elizabeth, born 1821, married Simon Marshall; Susan, born 1823, tended circle as an upright, honorable man and neighbor. He died August 28, 1X46, and was survived by his widow until October 11, 1873. John F. Conklin was born at Newton, N. J., on November 23, 1816, and attended the dis- trict school until of sufficient age to help his father in the tannery. When about seventeen years old, finding the business was not to his desires, he left home and came into Wayne County, at once finding an opening with the late Mr. Z. H. Russell, who engaged his services during the following seven years in rafting and running lumber down the Delaware River. In WAYNE COUNTY. 517 this employ he developed considerable ability, and in 1840 made arrangements with Messrs. Hornbeck & Cator, also with Mr. Elias Stan- ton, to superintend their heavy operations in the same line, — i. <>., taking the lumber, timber, etc., down the river to a market and there dis- posing of it to the best advantage. The repu- tation established by Mr. ( 'onklin while so en- gaged was that of a man of sound judgment and strictest integrity, and during the connection of eleven years with these gentlemen he was favored with their entire confidence and countenance, which ended only with their decease. In 1851 he purchased certain timber lands in the county and became interested on his own account in cutting, rafting and selling the products, in which he continued until the spring of 1862, meeting with good success, lie then accepted the appointment as steward of the county alms- house, and acted in such capacity eight years, at the end of which period he declined to remain longer, having desire to attend to a farm pur- chased in 186(3. Some time after this, however, his old friend, Z. H. Russell, pressed upon him the superin- tendence of the turnpikes, which, after being entered upon, took the next nine years' time, when, being strongly urged by warm friends, he again accepted the stewardship of the county almshouse, and in 1882 entered upon his third four years' term. In this position he has been an unqualified success and receives the good words of all without regard to party, the in- mates particularly having a high regard for the man charged with their care. From his youth up Mr. Conk] in has been a close student of men and things, and in his connection with county affairs has succeeded in making two blades of grass grow where one grew before. On first assuming the duties he found twenty tons of hay was the regular product of the farm ; when he resigned in 1870 the crop was sixty-five tons of hay, be- sides heavy crops of grain. After an absence of twelve years he returned to find the crop re- duced to forty-five tons, and has again raised the production to sixty-five and seventy tons of hay, the acreage being the same throughout. A Republican by conviction, he has never asked office from his party, though a regular and con- sistent worker. He was made a Mason in 1838, holding membership in the Damascus Lodge, which went down after the Morgan excitement. This honorable fraternity he again joined, under the new constitution, in 1846, and has retained connection since in Howard Lodge. Mr. ('onklin married, on May 12, 1842, Miss Auzebia, daughter of Henry and Amelia (Kimble) Bishop, who was born March 7, 1823. Henry Bishop was born in Bethany in 1796, the son of John Bishop, the earliest settler, and is now, in his ninetieth year, living in this ( Ber- lin) township. From this union was born one child, a girl, which died before naming. In 1845 they adopted Martha Youngs, then three months old, and in 1852 adopted Frances Kel- lam, then three years of age. These children they raised as loving parents, educating and finally marrying them to worthy helpmates: Martha to Isaac D. Riemer, of Berlin township. Four children have come from this union, — Au- zebia, Frederick, Harry and Florence. Francis married William Hankins, of Sullivan County, X. Y., and has borne him five children, — Na- thaniel, Nellie, Margaret, Reeves and Samuel. Though never identified with any particular church organization, Mr. Conklin has been a generous friend to all and his aid and support have been given to religious and educational matters quite freely and ever without regard to denomination or sect. CHAPTER XIV. BUCKINGHAM. 1 This was one of the original townships, its boundaries when first established being the State of New York on the north and east, Damascus on the south, and Damascus and Mount Pleasant on the west, thus having an extensive length on the Delaware River of about thirty miles, and average width of about nine. Scott was created from the northern portion in 1821, Manchester from the southern portion in 1826. A portion of it was taken for the for- By George W. Wood. 518 WAYNE, IMKH AND MllMKiK COUNTIKS. I'KNXSV LVAN1A. mation of Preston in 1828. Thus contracted, it has an extent of about fourteen miles on the Delaware, with an average width of aboui six. Its present boundaries are Scott on the north, Shrawders or Balls Creek separating the two ; New York on the east, the Delaware River separating ; Manchester on the south, Big Equinunk Creek dividing; Lebanon, Mount Pleasant and Preston on the west. The highest point in it is some fourteen hundred feet above tide water. Its surface is very uneven. For its whole extent on the river rises the river hill, rugged and often precipitous, but with occa- sional indentations of bottom land. Much of the river hills have been stripped of timber. Fire has often followed the axe ; as a consequence there are stretches of unsightly " lire-scald," through which the rocks grin hideously as if to mock' man's cupidity. Hack from the river is alternate hill and vale, with perhaps three- fourths of the land susceptible to cultivation. Of the small lakes which are so liberally scattered through northeastern Pennsylvania, the town- ship has six, viz. : Lizard Lake, High Lake. Adams Lake, Preston and Nabby's, and Pork Mountain. Its streams are the Big Equinunk, Shrawders, Shehawken, Toppoloek and Pall ('reeks, and their tributaries. Originally its hills and valleys were covered with timber, large tracts being covered mostly with hemlock. Along the river and on the Equinunk Creek was considerable pine. Little of either remain. Tanneries and lumbermen have clone their work effectually. Of the deciduous trees every variety found in Northern Pennsylvania exists. These, too, are disappearing with a rapidity, which can but create grave apprehensions when the future needs of the people are considered, as well as the almost assured climatic effects of denuding a region of its timber. The soil on the uplands is a loam with a stiff clay subsoil, the last too often quite too near the surfaci — better adapted to grazing than the growing of cereals. On the river bottoms the soil is a sandy loam, underlain by gravel. The traveler through the township will notice that while nature has with- held in richness of soil and has heaped up rocks, and scattered stone quite too plentifully, she has compensated by giving lavishly of her choicest gifts in springs of bright, pure water. Water which for cool excellence is no where excelled. Of the aboriginal dwellers here, scarcely any traces remain. Xo burial-places are known. No trails. With the passing away of the early settlers, tradition and reminiscences of the In- dian measurably ceased. The first permanent settlement was without doubt at Stockport, where Samuel Preston, Sr., located in 1790.' We gather from a document now in possession of the descendants of Mr. Preston that there were whites in the township prior to 1792, but from the tenor of the docu- ment (which was written by Anthony Butler, as agent for the Pcnns, in 1791) we infer that those who were here, were depredators, upon the timber of the region. Prior to the settle- ment of Mr. Preston, at Stockport, Josiah Parks had become owner of what is now known as the Stockport Plats, or at least one hundred and ninety acres thereof. Not realizing the value of these lands, he sold them to Mr. Preston for a consideration as insignificant as that for which Esau sold his birthright. Judge Samuel Pres- ton who settled at Stockport, as already stated, in 1790, was born in Buckingham township, Bucks County, Pa., and his lather, Paul S. Preston, was also born and reared in Bucks County. The family were Quakers, and the progenitors of the American branch of the family came over with Pcnn. He acquired the title of the land owned by Parks. Before us is an order written, in 1788, by Jacob West, to George Ross, certifying that he (West) had dis- posed of " that tract of land on Topolic (a por- tion of the Stockport lands), to Mr. Samuel Preston," and relieving Boss from further care of the same. Mr. Preston entered into partner- ship with Mi-. Henry Drinker, of Philadelphia. Drinker owned large tracts of land in the county, particularly in Buckingham and Damas- cus. Of these Mr. Preston had a general super- vision. Previous to his locating at Stockport ' See the sketch of the Preston family, by Francis B. Penniman, at the close of this chapter, quite different in many respects, from Mr. Wood's account, but not at variance with it in matters of fact. WAYNE COUNTY. 519 he had looked through Luzerne ami part of Wayne County for an eligible site for a town, to he built under the patronage of Drinker. Drinker was pleased with a situation on the Susquehanna River, now in Susquehanna County. Mr. Preston assisted in layiDg out, and starting the young town, calling it Har- mony, then preferring Stockport, he located there. A road was cut through from Stockport to Harmony, and men from Harmony assisted in commencing improvements at Stockport. Mr. Preston gave the name Stockport to his chosen location, and Buckingham to the township, Dames which seemed as heir-looms to the Pres- ton family, and cherished as having been the original home of the family in England. Evi- dently he was a man of enterprise and force of character, and possessing a liberal education. Improvement at Stockport went forward briskly under his management, This is shown by the assessment of 1806, which shows that he then had one hundred and thirty acres of improved land and three mills, two saw and one grist- mill. At this period, people have but a faint conception of the difficulties encountered, and the obstacles to be overcome by the early settlers of this region. All merchandize, machinery and implements were procured with much labor, much of it being brought up the Delaware in Durham boats. It was certainly twenty years after settlement was begun at Stockport, before there was any road through from the Hudson to this portion of the Delaware Valley. Mr. Preston remained single until 1795, when he married Mercy Jenkins, of Dover, Dutchess County, N. Y. The marriage took place at Stockport, ami with Quaker ceremonials, but it having taken place " out of meeting," they were declared no longer members of the Society ol Eriends. Work went steadily forward on the Stockport plantation. Orchards were set out, and some of the trees planted before the com- mencement nf the present century are standing yet, and bid fair to stand at the dawn of the next. Many anecdotes are extant, which well illustrate Mr. Preston's eccentricities. Letters, documents, etc., written by him, evidence a strong vigorous hand and a clear logical mind. His autograph affixed nearly a century since, stands in as bold relief, ami as strongly marked, as the famous sign manual of John Hancock. One document possesses especial interest from its showing how he became possessed of Equinunk Manor. It appears that the Penn heirs, were allowed, in consideration of their proprietary rights, to hold certain tracts of land through the Stale. We infer that the State, on the forma- tion of the State government, confirmed them in the ownership, i. e., if certain regulations were complied with, the principal of which was that they (the proprietary manors) should be resur- veved and returns thereof made prior to July 4, 1776. Certain it is that Anthony Butler, as agent for the Penns, earnestly entreated Mr. Preston to take charge of the Proprietory Manors in this section, naming the different ones, but urging mine strongly the care of the Eipiinunk Manor, which he represented as having been trespassed upon by parties who were stripping it of timber. Mr. Preston reluctantly consented, and Butler executed power of attorney (copy of which taken from therecords a( Easton is before the writer). This gave to "Samuel Preston, Gentleman, of Stockport, Pa.," full power to evict all tres- passers, to have the lands rcsurveyed, in short, to have full supervision of the same. Equinunk Manor contained two thousand two hundred and twenty-two acres lying on the Delaware, embracing the mouth of Equinunk Creek, then on both sides of the creek for a distance of two miles from its mouth. Mr. Preston, says, in his memorial, that he found at Equinunk "several acres cleared, in part by Indians and people living on it, being a rendezvous and home for persons in the practice of stealing timber. Here they supported and kept their teams, and my endeavors to stop them in their evil practices were but little regarded." In February, of 17!ll, he represented to Butler the condition of affairs, and at the same time stating that he would be glad to purchase the manor at a reasonable valuation. Butler assured him he should have it as soon as he could be justified in selling it, at the same time desiring him (Preston) to try to buy the possession right of the trespassers, failing in which to eject them. Act- ing under these instructions, Preston bought WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. possession of the trespassers, had more land cleared, fences built, yet to protect the property was obliged to keep men there to care for it, Butler assuring him that as soon as he could get a valuation of the manor from George Pal- mer, who had surveyed the tract, he would arrange for the transfer to Mr. Preston. Seeing Palmer soon after at Easton, he obtained from him the following : "The Proprietaries manor at Equinunk containing 2222 Acres and allowances, contains to the best of my recollection about 200 Acres of bottom land along the creek, in many places badly gullied Worth 20 s. per Acre £200 2022 Acres on the hill, stoney land. The hills next the river when surveyed were finely timbered with pine timber, which I believe is now nearly all destroyed, worth 2 ». per Acre 202.4 1:4112.4 "Easton, March 25th, 1701. " ( rEORGE l'AI.MER." Mr. Preston continues: " I then wrote But- ler what I had done, and that if the title to the manor was indisputable, that I would take it at Palmer's valuation, and at the same time of ex- penses incurred in obtaining possession, and of matters pertaining to the survey of the other manors. In his reply he was totally silent as to the Equinunk Manor." Having already been to considerable expense in caring for the manor, for which Butler showed no disposition to reimburse him, and becoming apprehensive that in some way John Nicholson, Esq., of Philadelphia, was likely to become owner of this land, he wrote to Philadelphia requesting that search be made in the land office for the date when the survey of the Equinunk Manor was made, and when returned to the land office. The reply as follows : " Proprietaries 2222 Acres on the West side of the River Delaware, including mouth of Equinunk Creek, called ' Safe Harbor,' Surveyed the 23d, 25th, and 26th day of December, 1773. Returned Nov. Sth, 1770." This was certainly three years later than the Act of Assembly specified. Learning this, Mr. Preston immediately wrote to have these lands entered for himself. Going soon after to Phil- adelphia he called on Butler with the view of effecting an amicable arrangement, but could do nothing with him, not even receiving " civil treatment." Mr. Preston therefore purchased the Equinunk Manor of the commonwealth. He further shows the duplicity of the Penns, and their agent Butler, by the statement to the ef- fect that " on the 1 9th of November, 1779, the Proprietaries presented a memorial to the Leg- islature mentioning, that by a law of the State, such of their manors as were not returned on or before the 4th of July, 1776, were escheated to the State and praying relief in the premises." Prayer not granted. In conclusion, Mr. Pres- ton says : " I have a long unsettled account with Mr. Butler, but wish it had been with a gentleman furnished with good manners and candor, of which he appears to be very desti- tute." This matter has been dwelt on at length, from its being considered of especial in- terest, as affording an insight into the policy of the Penns, as well as showing how the young commonwealth regarded the family and treated their claims. No doubt the Penns were noto- riously disloyal, while professing to be friends and supporters of the struggling Republic' To return to the settlement at Stockport. While giving much of his time toother affairs, Mr. Preston pushed forward improvements here. But space allowed will not permit the 1 The implication is often made that Judge Preston be- came possessed of much of his land in a questionable man- ner, i. e., from tax sales, &c. In the documents kindly furnished us by Miss Preston, are several letters written by Mr. Preston to parties informing them that he had at treasurer's sales bid in certain tracts designating them, and naming sum paid, at the same time stating how and for how long they were redeemable. It is difficult to see any great wrong-doing in this. Pi is also insinuated that he wronged the Drinkers. Be fore us is a document showing that some difference existed between him and Henry Drinker, and that five men were appointed to appraise the property at Stockport, Before us is the original valuation of all the real estate and per- sonal property to the most insignificant articles. Total of real estate, twenty-two thousand six hundred and ninety- nine dollars. Personal property at Sl".i22.0O. Work com- pleted and signed by the appraisors on the 15th of Decem- ber, 1S12. With this and proper accounts it is hard to see how the Drinkers could have been wronged to any great extent. The Drinkers seem to have been uniformly unfortunate in their operations in the county. It could not have been entirely Judge Preston's fault. WAYNE COUNTY. 521 dwelling too long here. Considering how largely he was connected with other matters, it is a matter of surprise that he (Pres- ton) should have found much time to devote to Stockport. He was interested in and had a sort of supervision of the " Union Sugar Com- pany's" undertaking in Manchester, and had a road cut through from Stockport to the Com- pany's location. He frequently journeyed to Philadelphia, to his old home in Bucks County. Either of these was as formidable an undertaking as a voyage to Europe is at present. He was ap- pointed the first associate judge of the couuty in 1798. For a long time liis mail was received from Mt. Pleasant. A post-office was estab- lished at Stockport, in 1S20. Before the writer is a letter from R. J. Meigs, postmaster-general, to Mr. Preston, informing him of the establish- ing of the office and of his (Preston's) appoint- ment as postmaster. Mail matter then came by way of the Newbury turnpike to Mt. Pleasant, thence to Stockport. To the early settlers in this section Stockport was indeed a haven of refuge, and many were the needy who looked for, and found assistance here, in dark and try- ing hours. From the commencement labor was in steady demand at Stockport, and the settlers were often glad to resort there to obtain supplies in ex- change for labor. Judging from all the infor- mation obtainable it is easy to conclude that Mr. Preston earnestly desired that the region in which he had located should be settled and im- proved. To promote this he gave every en- couragement possible to those who settled near him. A few aged people in this vicinity yet speak of him, hut not disparagingly. His house was noted for the liberal hospitality shown to the many who frequented it. John Knight came with Mr. Preston to Stockport in 1789. He was then eleven years old. He evidently lived with the Prestons for some years and married Rebecca Jenkins, a sister to Judge Preston's wife. He first settled in Buckingham, on Shrawder's or Ball's Creek. He appears in the assessment of 1806, as own- ing three hundred and thirteen acres of land and one horse. Subsequently he settled opposite Stockport His sons were William, Daniel, 61 John, Richard, George and Charles. They were all highly respected citizens. Charles only of the family is living. Abram Dillon came into the township with Judge Preston. He settled on the river, about half way between Equinunk and Stockport. Here he cleared a large and valuable farm. He reared a family of five sons, viz. : John K., William, Hamlet, Hamilton and Abram, and two daughters. John K. and William lived and died on the old homestead. George R. and Robert, sons respectively to John R., and William, are now owners and occupants. Two of the sons, Hamlet and Hamilton, are yet liv- ing in the State of New York. No family in the township has been more highly respected than the Dillons. North of Stockport the first settler was Ben- jamin Owens, at the mouth of Shehawken Creek. The writer can learn nothing of his antecedents. He was succeeded there by Thomas Travis, who cleared there a large farm. He was suc- ceeded by his son, Thomas Jr., who was unfor- tunate in business, and the farm passed to other hands. Benjamin Sands located near Travis. He appears in the assessment of 1806, as owning a mill. This was on Shehawken Creek, a short distance from its mouth. His descendants yet live in the town of Hancock, N. Y. Thaddeus, Paul and Ezra Newton were certainly early settlers, as all of them appear in the assessment of 1806, as farmers, Thaddeus and Paul being assessed for a mill. They located on the west branch of the Delaware, opposite what is now the village of Hancock, N. Y. That they were good citizens, we infer from the fact that they are yet spoken of with reverent respect by those who knew them. Ezra Newton, Jr., yet lives on a portion of the old homestead. The New- tons were from Massachusetts. Thomas Holmes settled on Shehawken Creek, about one mile from the Delaware, in 1816. He was very eccentric, yet a man of considerable en- ergy and perseverance. He cleared here quite a farm, and built a saw-mill. He died, leaving a fine estate to his family, but lawyers and crafty manipulators have absorbed it. Blaekall W. Ball settled prior to 1806, at the mouth of Shrawder's Creek, Ball's Eddy receiving its WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. name from him. He was a Quaker, and from the vicinity of Philadelphia. He also had a saw-mill. Subsequently the farm was owned by James More, now by his son, Ciay V. More. At what is known as Little Falls, George W. Hubbell settled at an early period. He is mentioned as being a wheelwright. John Barrager settled prior to 180G,ou the river between Dillons and Stockport. One of his sons, George, is still living in the township. Abiel Squires came into the county at an early date, probably about 1800. He lived for some time with Judge Preston at Stockport. About 1810 or 1812 he, with Thaddeus New- ton, started and for some time maintained a distillery, near Little Falls. His son, Mr. Jus- tin G. Squires, informs the writer, that his father was making money at his distillery, but after running it a few years he, for sonic reason, abandoned it altogether. This was the first and only venture in the distillery business in this part of the county. After abandoning the distillery, Squires located at Lizard Lake, some four miles from the Delaware. The situation there is well described in a letter written in June of 1799, by Jason Torrey, Esq., to Blackall W. Ball, at whose request Mr. Torrey had explored the lands. The land is described as being excellent in quality; the fine water-power, etc., are graphically dwelt upon. He says : " The road from Stockport to Sus- quehanna passes within one mile of the land. Affixed to the letter (or copy of letter), is a draft of the tract, and the attest that said tract had been surveyed in November, 1793, to Blackall W. Ball. Signed Anthony Crothers, D. S. Daniel Broadhead, Surveyor General. Evidently Ball was not struck with the advan- tages of the location, but settled, as stated be- fore, at Ball's Eddy. Mr. Squires, however, at a later date, thought the situation a desirable one, and located there, built a saw-mill, and cleared a large fine farm, and lived there un- til his death. The property is now owned by M. I). Wheeler, Esq, of Hancock. Jonathan Jones settled near the mouth of Shehawken Creek, on the place where Benjamin Sands commenced. He was an esteemed citi- zen, being for a long time a justice of the peace, and once county commissioner. His son, Frank M., lives on the homestead; anoth- er, S. Perry, near. A daughter, Mrs. Theodore Murray, also lives in the township. They are worthy descendants of a good stock. On Kingsbury Hill, some two miles from the Delaware and four from Hancock, N. Y., are some fine farms, and good society, composed chiefly of descendants of those who first located there. The first to permanently locate there was a Mrs. Kingsbury, a widow with a large family of children. She came there from Con- necticut, in 1816. She had a large family of children, Elias, the oldest, being a young man. There were no improvements, no roads, and the nearest neighbor two or three miles away. Nevertheless, the family dropped into the forest home; and, although the howl of the wolf was their nightly music, and the yell of the panther often awoke the e ho of the hills, and though hardships, unremittent toil and privation were daily with them, yet they had come to stay. Thomas Kingsbury, Esq., one of our most es- teemed citizens, lives now on the farm where his mother settled. He is the last of the family living in the township. Descendants of the others live in this and adjoining townships. Mr. Abel Belknap, from Stillwater, N. Y, were the next, settling there in 181 7. 1 Mrs. D. B. Belknap, a daughter of Abel, resides with her husband on the farm where the father set- tled. D. B. Belknap and George H., worthy residents of this neighborhood, were from Chenango County, N. Y. After Abel Belknap and prior to 1820 came on to the Hill, John Hoffman, Abel and David Whelpley. None of them nor of their descendants I'emain in the township. The Woodmansees, Gideon, James, and Thomas, natives of Connecticut, settled in 1818, on the Stockport Road, some six miles from the Delaware. Among the settlers in the township prior to 180(3 were the Coles. Three of them, viz., Nathan, Peter, and Joseph, lived in the present 1 The writer is under obligations to this estimable lady for interesting facts touching the early settlement on the Hill, and matters of general interest. WAYNE COUNTY. 523 limits of Buckingham. They have left numerous descendants in this and adjoining townships. In returning to "the place of beginning," as surveyors have it, we may mentally come over to the west part of the township, striking the Equinunk Creek at High Lake. No settlement was attempted in this part of the township until as late as 1840 About this time several fami- lies of Irish settled here. It was, at as late a period as that, an uninviting place in which to locate. There was no road through to the Dela- ware, or good ones in any direction. John Gary was one of the first. He settled near High Lake. His son John lives now on the farm on which Cary settled. Within a few years many other families of Irish dropped in. About High Lake, the Clunes, McGraths, Kanes, Gilchrist, and Murphy. South of this, about Fork Moun- tain Pond and Crooked Creek, the McGarys, McKennas, Connelys, Flannigan, Rourk, Ken- nedys, and others. As a rule, they came with little but their muscle ; but by patient industry and economy, they now possess good, comfort- able homes, many being in affluent circum- stances, and are good, law-abiding citizens, — constant in their attachment to their Church, and in their undying love for the Green Isle of Erin, yet ardent in their attachment to the country of their adoption. The chance sojourner among them will long remember their open- handed hospitality. Coming down the Equinunk Creek it is found that one Hubbard Wainwright located about one and a quarter miles from the river, on the flat near the junction of the Creek with its south branch, over sixty years since. He made some little improvement here, and was engaged in lumbering. He was killed accidentally within a few years after settling. It appears that some parties had dropped in between Wainwright and the river. Evidently they were nomads, and dropped out, and their names are forgotten. Extended notice has already been given of Judge Preston's becoming owner of the Equi- nunk manor, and of his making some improve- ments here, building a mill, &c. But for some reason, but little in the way of improvements was carried forward here before 1830, when Mr. Alexander Calder saw the place, and saw at once the advantages it possessed for lumber- ing, etc. Mr. Calder was a minister of the M. E. Church, and in his journeyings as an itinerant he became acquainted with Mr. Israel Chap- man, then of Andes, Delaware County, N. Y. Through the representations of Mr. Calder, Chapman was induced to remove to Equinunk. Prior to the removal, however, they jointly purchased the entire Equinunk manor of twenty- two hundred and twenty-two acres, the most of which lay within the present limits of Buck- ingham. Soon after the purchase, both re- moved here with their families, and commenced improvements. First they built a saw-mill on the Manchester side of the Creek. Soou after this they commenced the erection of a tannery on the small stream called (from the proposed tannery) Factory Brook, the site of which is some fifty rods from the Delaware. The tan- nery was to be of stone. Considerable work had been done, the foundation laid, and the walls raised to quite a height, when an apple of discord fell into the concern. Work was aban- doned on the tannery, and for years its walls stood defying the elements. A division of the land was then effected, Mr. Calder being awarded the portion on the river and on both sides of the Creek for a distance of about half a mile from its mouth ; Mr. Chapman that part lying above on the Equinunk Creek. (Further mention will be made of Mr. Calder in the chapter on Equinunk.) After the division, Mr. Chapman located on the portion awarded him, about one mile from the Delaware. He was in every respect a re- markable man. His strong points were tireless industry and indomitable perseverance. He was sincere in his professions, unyielding in his convictions, earnest and forcible in his denunciation of every species of vice, immorality and wrong, and thoroughly honest. Though confronted by many difficulties, he set resolutely to work, built one saw-mill about two miles from the river, at a later period another about half a mile; cleared a large and valuable farm, erected good buildings, and he passed to the control of his children in 1852 a valuable property. He 52-t WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. died in 1854 at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Hamlet Dillon, at Conklin, N. Y. Men- tion should have been made that, notwithstand- ing the multiplicity of his cares and labors, he for many years preached to the people of the vicinity. He had four sons and five daughters. Three of each survive him, one son, John W., residing in the township. A large portion of the farm is owned and occupied by Mr. Thomas Tyner, a genial son of Erin, who was at one time one of the commissioners of Wayne County. The lower portion of the Chapman farm is owned by F. R., T. J. and William Holbert. This brings us back to the Dela- ware. In the necessarily brief retrospect of the township past, there has been much which must remain unnoticed — many names of those now living in the township on whom it would be pleasant to dwell. Of such citizens as J. E. Woodmansee, George W. Sherman, George Wainwright and many others the writer would make especial mention would the limits of the work allow. ROADS. — Much uncertainty exists as to when the first roads were laid out and by whom. It is certain that before 1790 a road had been cut through from Stockport to Harmony on the Susquehanna. This was un- der the direction of Judge Preston. From the letter of Jason Torrey to Blackall W. Ball we may infer that it touched the Shehawken Creek within one mile of Lizard Lake; thence over hill and dale to Harmony. A road was cut through from Stockport to Mount Pleasant prior to 1820. None of the present residents know who surveyed it. This was an import- ant road to people on the Delaware, for it was by this they reached the Newbury Turnpike and Bethany, the county-seat. The road from Stockport to Equinunk along the river was opeued at an early period. From the best in- formation obtainable, it is safe to assume that it was opened as early as 1806, as was also the road leading from Stockport to Shehawken Creek and beyond. The only post road in the township at present is that from Equinunk to High Lake, semi-weekly ; Michael Spratt, carrier. One from Hancock to Lake Como and Preston, daily. Sunshine, on Shehawken Creek, is sup- plied by this route. Another from Hancock to Autumn Leaves, on Kingsbury Hill, semi- weekly ; D. B. Belknap, carrier. Religious Matters. — It would be quite impossible to fix a date or name a place where the first religions meeting was held, or whose was the first preaching. The Prestons were Quakers, a peculiarity of which sect is that they do not care for much preaching. The early set- tlers in the township being forced to a constant struggle to care for the material, had but little time to bestow to the spiritual. No doubt itin- erants came in occasionally from Shehawken (now Hancock) as well as from other places. The first preacher of whom there exists an au- thentic account as being hired to preach regu- larly in the township was Rev. Levi Tucker, a Baptist minister located at Deposit, N. Y. He was hired by the people of Kingsbury Hill as early as 1828. He preached there with great success for some time. A number of conver- sions followed his preaching, the converts meet- ing with Baptist Church at Deposit. He finally went from Deposit to Philadelphia, from whence he went to Egypt as a missionary, from which field he went to his reward. In 1831, the Rev. Charles Hubbard, of Bethany, came to preach statedly at Kingsbury Hill, and in November of that year organized the Buckingham Baptist Church, with twenty-eight members, among whom were the Belknaps, Kingsburys and others. This was certainly the first organized church in the township. Has never had a church edifice. The organization still exists, but in conjunction with a similar one in Scott. History of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Lake Como will belong to Preston. History of .Meth- odist Episcopal Church at Equinunk will be given in the chapter on Equinunk. The Irish in the southwestern part of the township are, with the exception of one family, devoted ad- herents of the Catholic Church, their church edifice being in Mount Pleasant township. Schools. — The first school-house in the township was built near Stockport, about 1808. The first teacher's name not obtainable. A school was established near the mouth of She- WAYNE COUNTY. 525 hawken Creek, in 1825. In 1828 another near the Woodmansees. A school was established on Kingsbury Hill, in 1832; taught by Miss Berthia Jones, at one dollar per week. Part of the time she had as many as ten scholars. Some bills which the writer finds among some papers kindly loaned him by Miss Ann Preston indi- cate the names of some of the early teachers, and give some insight into the amount paid for teach- ing. Of the teachers we find the names of James Woolley, Sarah Abbott, Harriet Hubbell, Cas- sandra Lukiu, Olive Chapman, Theodosia New- ton and Berthia Jones. Men seemed to have received about eleven dollars per month ; fe- males from one to two dollars per week. There is no date to show what the action of the town- ship was on the school-law of 1834. The town- ship has never been formally divided into dis- tricts. Schools are named after their several localities. All the school-houses now in the township have been built under the present sys- tem. There are at present ten school -houses, but two or three really good school-buildings; all of wood, the most expensive one costing six hundred dollars. Xumber of pupils, two hun- dred and eighty. Industries.— The first saw-mill in the town- ship was built by Judge Preston at Stockport, soon after his locating, probably as early as 1 7!)2. Very soon after he built a grist-mill. Both grain and saw-mills have been maintained there until the present time. Mention has been made of the building of a distillery by Abiel Squires and Thaddeus New- ton, and of its being discontinued. The building rotted down, and no distillery has existed since in the township. An axe-factory was built by the Messrs. Pres- ton at Stockport, in 1847. The business was first carried on by Thomas Coon & R. S. Dorin. Subsequently by Ira Snyder. Burned down in 1865. Another axe-factory was built at Equi- nunk in 1866 or 1867. The first tanning ever done in the township was by Thomas Holmes, on Shehawken Creek. The tannery was run in a small way and a prim- itive manner. It was burned down in 1867; rebuilt by Cole Brothers, of Equiuunk, in 1876, and burned two years later. In 1849 a tannery was built at High Lake by Ezra Brown and Isaiah and I). C. Scudder. Brown withdrew in about three years. In 1856 Isaiah Scudder conveyed his interest to Scudder & Bates. Subsequently Scudder & Hates sold to the firm of Deegan & Wrede. This firm failed to make the business a success, and for some years no business was done in the tan- nery. In 1866 Ed. Jones and It. Wales, under the firm name of Jones & Wales, commenced business there. Alter a few years it passed into the hands of Stout Bros., of New York. The fatality which attends old tanneries overtook it in 1880, when it was burned. Its capacity was two thousand sides per year. In 1870 William Holbert and John. D. Browning, under firm name of Holbert & Browning, built a tannery near Equiuunk Creek, and about half a mile from Equinunk. After a few years Browning dropped out of the. concern. It is now owned by William Hol- bert. Capacity, three thousand sides. There are three chemical works in the town- ship. These are establishments for converting wood into acetate of lime, wood naphtha and charcoal. The first was built, in 1880, by Finch & Ross, of Binghamton, N. Y. About two thousand cords of wood are used per year. It has twelve retorts. The next was built in 1882, and run by the Equinunk Chem- ical Company. It has eight retorts, and con- sumes about twelve hundred cords of wood per year. The third was built in 1882 by the Ball's Eddy Chemical Company, limited. It has six retorts, and uses about one thousand cords of wood per year. The kinds of wood used are beech, birch and maple, (hard and soft.) The factory of Messrs Finch & Ross is on Shehaw- ken Creek, about one mile from the Delaware ; the Equinunk Chemical Works, at Equinunk ; the Ball's Eddy, at Ball's Eddy. There is a very small margin for profit at present in the business. There are works for wood-turning about two mi'es from Lake Como, doing a small busi- ness. They were constructed in 1865, and are owned now by H. A. Williams. There is a planing-tnill and machine-shop at Equinunk, built in 1880, by L. W. Lord, the present proprietor. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. There arc at the present time eight saw-mills in the township. While their united capacity would probably be seven million feet of lum- ber per year, they do not, through lack of material saw one-half that amount. To be brief, the supply is cut off. At the present time there is not a foot of lumber to spare from the township. Post-Office. — The first post-office estab- lished in the township was at Stockport, in 1820, Samuel Preston, Sr., postmaster. Mails were received from Mount Pleasant for a num- ber of years. After the completion of the Erie Railroad, mails came by that route and were delivered at the station on the opposite side of the Delaware. The office was kept by the Preston family until 1870, when it was removed to the New York side of the Delaware. A post-office was established at Kingsbury Hill, in 1870, under the name of Autumn Leaves. D. B. Belknap was the first, and is the present, postmaster. Mails are received from Hancock, N. Y. Another was established on Shehawken Creek, about two miles from Hancock, N. Y., under the name of Sunshine, in 1882, John Terwilleger, postmaster. Mails received from Hancock, N. Y. A post-office was established at High Lake in 1853. BIOGRAPHICAL. THE PRESTON FAMILY. ' For a century this family has been as prom- inent as any other in the annals of this county, and has been noted for intelligence, probity, purity, charitableness and enterprise. The founder of it was Samuel Preston, a Quaker, from Bucks County. He was certainly here in 1789, and probably before engaged as a surveyor and conveyancer for Henry Dein Kee, of Philadelphia, one of the original pro- prietors. Of his ancestors what little know- ledge we have is mainly through communica- tions he made in his life-time to John F. Watson, author of " Annals of Philadelphia," By Francis B. 1'enmman. published in 1830, anil by him embodied in that work. In these communications Samuel Preston states that the Christian name of his grandfather was Amos, and that he was living near the Delaware at or before the first coming of William Pcnn in 1(382. There is a tradition in the family that he either came with Penn or very early under Penn's auspices, but no historic confirmation of this domestic tra- dition is attainable. Many Quakers were set- tled in and near Burlington, N. J., before 1681. Proud, in his "History of Pennsyl- vania," mentions that thirteen Quaker marriages were celebrated at Burlington before that date- He further states that on the Pennsylvania bank of the Delaware, and particularly at the falls thereof, and at Bristol and contiguous places Quakers were established as early as at Burlington. In a foot-Dote he gives the names of a number of these persons. So far as defin- itely appears, Amos Preston may have been one of these post Penn Quakers. Who or what the wife of Amos was Samuel did not inform Watson. He, however, gives several particulars concerning her, that she died in 1774, and was then one hundred years old, making her eight years old when she first came ; that she was living with Swedes atNeshaminv, where that event occurred ; that she was present with Swedes and Indians to welcome Penn when he landed at or near where Philadelphia now is; that Penn was present at her wedding, at or near Pennsbury ; that she spoke the language of the Indians living thereabout ; that she and Amos resided with the Swedes after their marriage at Wicaco, and that he made up frocks, trousers and moccasins for the Swedes, those people adhering to the national fondness for skin dresses ; that after Penn's coming the Swedes through these fifty years before soon lost their distinction and existence as a separate race ; that the Wicaco settlement was bu rnt out by being surrounded by fire, and that upon invita- tion of friendly Indians Amos and his family went to Buckingham, in Bucks County, to live, and that the wife served as interpreter at the negotiation of a treaty with Indians at Halle- Konck. Upon this showing it must have been during Penn's second visit to Pennsylvania ^L/Jy^^ WAYNK COUNTY. 527 in 1699, that the marriage happened, his brkle being then twenty-five years old. Samuel mentions, in Watson, only one child of his grandparents, and that was Paul, his own father. This Paul married a woman whose Christian name was Hannah, and this is about all the family records disclose relative to him. In Watson, Samuel mentions that Paul, his father, was present in some capacity, in 1756, at Easton, when Lieutenant-Governor William Denny made a treaty with the Indians, and that Benjamin Franklin was there as adviser of the Governor, and that a memorable display of wit and humor happened between those high per- This is essentially all that can now be gleaned as to the first two generations of these Prestous in this commonwealth. Coming down to Samuel, the founder of the family in Wayne County, the essential facts are all known and attainable. He was a man of excellent natural mental capacities ; well educated ; strong in mathematics, and an exact surveyor and con- veyancer. He could not have failed, with his endowments, of attaining conspicuity and power whether his lot had been cast upon the outskirts of civilization or in one of its crowded and brilliant centres. His correspondents among public men were numerous, and he carefully preserved all letters. Goodrich, in his History, states that Samuel made frequent journeys to Bucks County ; that he brought merchandise up the Delaware River in Durham boats, pro- pelled by setting poles, except in ascending Foul Rift, and other swift waters, the boats were drawn upwards by long ropes extending to the shore. His original thought was to locate on the Susquehanna River, and he laid out the village of Harmouy, a few miles above the present village of Susquehanna. Drinker was princi- pally concerned financially in that project. Then Preston resolved to fix himself permanently on the Delaware, which he did by contracting for the domain which he named Stockport. The township in which that domain is situated he called Buckingham, after the township from whence he came in Bucks County. He farther projected and made a road from Stockport, by way of Cascade, to Harmony, under the belief that it would become an important line of travel between East and West. He erected the first mills in Buckingham township, and, before 1806, cleared and brought under cultivation one hundred and thirty acres of land. He did much in various ways to promote the settlement of the region. Upon the erection of the county of Wayne he became its first associate judge, and at the December Sessions of 1798 charged the first grand jury impanneled therein. He was as notable in personal appearance as he was vigorous and incisive in mental organ- ization. Much above the average stature, as years increased upon him he ordinarily walked with a long staff of hickory wood, and presented an unusual configuration. In speech and writ- ing there was force, piquancy and aggressive- ness in whatever proceeded from him. As an illustration, it may be recalled that in 1799, when Thomas McKean, then Chief Justice, was a candidate for the office of Governor, Preston wrote letters to certain persons denouncing him as unfit for public station, and this with so much directness and force that McKean had him in- dicted for libel. Preston faced the matter with characteristic boldness, and obtained an acquittal from the traverse jury. Samuel Preston, son of Paul and Hannah, was born in Buckingham, Bucks County, Pa., June 17, 1756. Bucks County was named Buckingham by Penn, and was one of the three original counties established by him in 1682. The borough of Bristol was first called Buck- ingham. September 1, 1796, Samuel Preston married Marcia Jenkins, daughter of Valentine and Marcia Jenkins. She was born in Dover, Dutchess County, N. Y., October 14, 1763, and died at Stockport June 12, 1835, aged seventy- one years six months and nine days. He died at Stockport December, 8, 1831, aged seventy- eight years and six months. Samuel and Marcia Preston's children were : 1. Paul Samuel, boru at Stockport, August 24, 1796. He married Henrietta M. P. Mog- ridge June 11, 1818. He died September 8, ]S7;l, and she August 8, 1875. 2. Hannah and Samuel (twins), born at 52s WAYNE, PUKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA Stockport, December 21, 171)7. He died un- married, April 15, 1871, aged seventy-three years, three months and fifteen days. Hannah married Mr. Randall, and they will be referred to farther on. 3. Warner Mifflin, born at Stockport, March 2, 1802. He died, unmarried, at Philadelphia, March 25, 1873, aged seventy-one years and five days. Paul S. Preston became early the owner of Stockport by purchase. He married Maria, a daughter of Samuel R. Mogridge, who came from England and settled in Manchester town- ship. She was a remarkable woman, some years older than her husband, and outlived him a number of years. Industrious, frugal, hospitable she never forgot the poc >r and needy. She brought up fifteen orphans. Paul was a man of uncom- mon natural abilities ; was well educated ; accu- mulated a library of substantial books; wasaterse and felicitous writer, abounding in information ; a brilliant, witty and versatile correspondent ; and as thoroughly honest and truthful a man, even to his own hurt, as ever lived. As characteristic of him, it may be stated that one autumn, in the early time, seed-rye was scarce in the district about Stockport, while the Preston granary was full. One day a man drove up, having a good wagon and span of horses, and asked Paul if he had rye in store. Paul answered that he had. The man inquired the price, and upon being told said he would take a certain quantity. Paul inquired whether he had the money to pay for it, and whether he was the owner of the horses and wagon. The man answered that he had money to pay for all he wanted, and was owner of the team and vehicle. Then rejoined Paul, "You cannot have rye of me, for you have money to pay and a team and wagon to go where you will and get what you require, whereas many of my neighbors have no seed rye, no money to buy it with and no horses and wagons to go for it if they had money with which to pay ; and they must have what rye I can spare." Warner acquired quantities of timber land, much of which he retained till his death. Sam- uel was content with less. Neither Warner nor Samuel married. They lived at Stockport with Paul. Samuel took charge of the farm and stock; AVarner in the main of the lumber, and Paul looked after the grist-mill and other mat- ters that did not fall under the supervision of his brothers. Paul had two children, both daughters,— Gu- lielma (so called in honor of William Penn's first wife, nee Gulielma M. Spriugett), who married Allen K. Hoxie, dying a few years later, leaving three children, a boy and two girls, and Ann, who never wed- ded. Upon Paul's death he bequeathed one undivided half of Stockport and its belong- ings to his wife and the other half to his daughter Ann, then his only surviving child. Upon the death of his wife she bequeathed her half of the estate to Ann. The Preston brothers, as part and parcel of inherited Quakerism, as well as by instinct and upon conviction, were opposed to slavery. Upon the organization of the Republican party Paul contributed to the direction of its move- ments in his section of the State. Samuel was a declared abolitionist ; devoting much time and money to running slaves off on what was known as the under-ground railroad. Warner was less impulsive, and heuce less demonstra- tive in the advocacy of his views. Paul, in 1828, was sheriff of the county; in 1835 he was clerk of the courts and register and recorder, and later still he became associate judge, but not liking the office resigned it. Paul's death was sudden. The week before he had been in Honesdale some days, had paid taxes mi unseated lands. He went home on Satur- day. On Monday he went to post-office, mailed letters, asked for a quantity of postage stamps and while the postmaster was getting them fell back and expired. Hannah Preston married Benjamin Randall, an Englishman. She and her husband are dead. They left two sons — Benjamin Randall, Jr., and Peter Randall — and a daughter, who married J. A. Pitcher. This daughter was a favorite of her uncles. The Preston name, so far as relates to the family in this county, is destined to extinction. There is no male descendant of Samuel Preston, the founder thereof. His daughter is represent- WAYNE COUNTY. ed by the Randall group. Of his sons Paul alone married, and he left no son. His eldest daughter, Gulielma, married A. K. Hoxie, who now lives in Iowa, and has with him his only son, Paul Preston Hoxie. Gulielma, the eldest of Hoxie's daughters, married Denison Crary, who now holds Stockport under lease from Ann Preston, the owner. He has a number of chil- dren. Etta, the other daughter of Hoxie, married Warner P. Knight, who died in 1884, leaving her with six small children. She has making all due allowances for the frailties of human nature, truth compels me to say that I shall never look upon their like again." GEORGE R. DILLON*. The first man bearing this family name in Wayne County was Abraham Dillon, who was born in Bedminster township, Bucks County, July 11, 1770, and removed to Wayne County in 1797, taking up a large tract of land situa- ted halfway between Equinunk and Stockport, purchased a dwelling-house in Middletown, j N. Y., and removed thither to procure educa- tional advantages for her family. While the Preston name has thus disappeared from the Wayne County branch the flavor of the Preston reputation is likely to remain as a fragrant tradition for generations to come. Goodrich in his history truly declares, — " Knowing as I do, the moral, social and intel- lectual excellencies of the Preston family, and 52 which latter place had just then been com- menced by Judge Samuel Preston an old time acquaintance of the new settler. He was mar- ried to Miss Ester Bascom, who was born on April 18, 1780. Their children were as fol- lows, viz. : (1) William, (2) John K., (4) Cal- vin, (6) Abraham, (8) Hamilton, (5) Hamlet, (7) Martha (Lloyd), (3) Rebecca (Baker), (9, Electa (Cole). Mr. Dillon engaged in farming and lumbering and was quite successful. He 530 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. was an upright, earnest man, and died Decem- ber 8, 1850. His wife died November 4, 1825. John K. Dillou was born December 23, 1800, and followed his father's example by launching out in lumbering operations. On June 14, 1827, he married Miss Lura Read, who was born December 23, 180G, in Delaware town- ship, Delaware County, N. Y. Their union was happy and resulted in the birth of (1) Chester H., born May 7, 1828, married to Delilah D. Hicks, and on her decease to Helen Rood. (2) Rebecca, born November 8, 1830, married to Chester Rood. (4) Julia, born Jan- uary 21, 1835, married to George McKune. (3) George R., born March 17, 1833. In con- nection with his eldest brother William, John K. Dillon erected the saw-mill at the mouth of Dillon's Creek, Wayne County, on Delaware River, about the year 1840, and commenced to cut the lumber which was obtained from their extensive lands. They carried on a large and prosperous business until the dissolution of partnership August, 1856, when George R. took the interest of his father in the mill. He afterwards attended to the farming erf Ins lands and was a highly respected and valued citizen. His death occurred on February 7, 1872, and his widow followed him April 4, 1880. George R. was sent to the district schools some several years, and when in his eighteenth year attended the Franklin Academy, Delaware County, N. Y., where he remained two terms increasing in breadth of culture. In his twenty-first year he returned to the home- stead and jobbed in lumbering and bark opera- tions besides managing the mill business, con- tinuing in this associated with his uncle, Wil- liam Dillon, for some years and subsequently with his cousin Robert, the son of William, until January, 1876, when he sold out the manufacturing department and entered upon his present work of lumbering and farming. For over thirty years he has rafted and run lumber down the Delaware River to various large towns below, making a specialty of cut lumber to Philadelphia and bark to Chester, Pa. Through a long business career his reputation has been high, and to-day his character is unas- sailable. An honorable, upright and progres- sive man, lie has the hearty respect and esteem of the citizens without regard to party affinity. He was elected by the Republican party of his township to the responsible office of supervisor, in which he served three years. Always a strong partisan from fervent belief in the prin- ciples of the Republican party, he has never- theless held aloof from political offices, though frequently proffered them. Married to Miss Louisa, daughter of Daniel and Sophia Ann (Pierce) Knight, on October 3, 1860, their union was blessed in the birth of one child, a son, Ralph, on April 23, 1879. This true helpmeet and loving mother was not spared to enjoy the family relation many years, succumbing to the insidious disease consump- tion on March 4, 1885 (Inaugural day of Presi- dent Cleveland). Together with his wife, Mr. Dillon had been prominent and valued members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church at Stockport since 1876, and in 187'J he was elected steward, and still fills such responsible duties. The Knight family have been representatives of the highest grade iu Delaware County, N. Y., since the early days, and several of its members have been promi- nent in business and manufacturing circles, and they still occupy an honorable position before the community, being universally respected and esteemed. WAESEE PRESTOX KNIGHT. Born in Delaware County, N. Y., opposite Stockport, Wayne County, Pa., on Januarv 8, 1846. When the late Judge Samuel Preston remov- ed from Philadelphia to the then wilds of W'ayne County, he brought with him a young lad named John Knight, the son of old family friends in the Quaker City. This lad, being adopted into the family, grew up in such con- nection and married twice, — first, Rebecca Jen- kins, by whom he had two children, William and Daniel ; and second, Hester Sands, who bore him Richard, John, George and a number of others who died young. The family homestead was on the New York side of the Delaware River, opposite Stockport, //s WAYNE COUNTY. and here Richard Knight married Cassandra Lakin, whose sou, Warner Preston, was the only child attaining youth. After the death of this lady Mr. Knight was united to Mrs. Deborah Gardiner, the mother of Hon. Charles L. Gardiner, (member of the Pennsylvania State Legislature 1883-84,) and partner for many years with the subject of this sketch. Mr. Richard Knight was one of the most, prominent lumber operators along the river, known everywhere as a man of worth and integrity. About 1853 the family moved to Equinunk, where Warner P. Knight ob- tained the education afforded by the common schools and was then sent to the Delhi (X. Y.) Academy one year, during the war. While in attendance there, party feeling was running high, and the scholars generally voiced the sen- timents of their parents. One, a Southern lad, exhibited a secession flag, which, being shortly observed by our subject, was torn to pieces and stamped upon as an emblem of treason. He was afterwards placed at the Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N. Y., where he completed a liberal education. On returning to Equinunk he commenced his mercantile career as a clerk in the store of Mr. C. F. Rockwell, and followed that by en- tering business in partnership witli his step- brother, under name of Knight & Gardiner, which firm continued until 1873, when upon the death of Judge Paul S. Preston, the grand- father of his wife, he removed to Stockport, to superintend the extensive business interests of Miss Ann Preston. In this connection he re- mained until his early demise on March 3, 1885, consequent upon a too close application to the large and complicated business interests he had in charge, lumbering, mill, store, etc., in which he established a high reputation for business capacity, great energy and earnest in- tegrity. It is said of him as of but few men, that so implicitly was his reputation relied upon by purchasers of rafts, of timber and lum- ber shipped by him, that purchase was made without so much as an iuspection on their part. A large employer of labor, he was generous and kind, always recognizing right endeavor and aiding with both money and counsel whenever called upon by worthy subjects. Mr. Knight early affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and was a member in good and regu- lar standing of Hancock Lodge and Shehawken Chapter, No. 258, R. A. M. He was also a charter member of Equinunk Lodge, Knights of Honor, and belonged to the Independent Or- der of Good Templars. On February 14, 1872, he was married to Miss Henrietta M., daughter of Allen K. and Gulielma (daughter of Hon. Paul S. Preston) Hoxie, born at Summer Hill, Cayuga County, N. Y. The children of Allen K. and Gulielma Hoxie are as follows : Paul Preston, married Nora Washburn, and, with two children, resides at Raymond, Iowa ; Elma Ann, married Den- nison Crary, now residing, with eight children, at Stockport, Pa.; and Henrietta M., married as above stated. From this union were born seven children, viz.: Henrietta M., born November 14, 1872; Richard, born March 4, 1875; Samuel Pres- ton, born December 5, 1876; Anne, born November 4, 1878; Elma, born April 20, 1880; Harold, born October 28, 1881; Ruth, born August 2, 1884. Recognizing the immense value of a liberal education and desiring to afford her young fam- ily advantages hardly obtainable in the vicinity of their birth-place, Mrs. Knight purchased a home in the beautiful city of Middletown, N. Y., and removed there during December, 1885, proposing to remain at least during their early youth. CHAPTER XV. EQUINUNK. 1 The place derives its name from the Equi- nunk Creek, which here unites with the Dela- ware. The Indian name, " Equinunk," is said, traditionally, to signify "The Trout Stream." Certainly a name it well deserved. 2 The little 1 By George W. Wood. 2 In documents written as early as 1778, the pla called "Safe Harbor." WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. village which has grown up here, almost en- tirely from the lumber and tanning industries, has been built without much regard to reg- ularity or appearance, and the traveler viewing it from the cars on the Erie Railroad, which runs at the base of the hills on the opposite side of the Delaware, views it as a straggling, ill- conditioned hamlet ; but the traveler first seeing it as he comes over the mountains from the di- rection of Honesdale, especially in the summer, considers it very attractive both as to location and general appearance. It is built up ou both sides of the creek, hence has the distinction of being in two townships, Buckingham and Man- chester, probably the larger portion being in the last named. It is entirely on the " Equinunk Manor," especial mention of which was made in the his- tory of Buckingham. The Delaware (which the writer thinks the most beautiful river in America) makes here an abrupt turn, thus forming at the base of the Equinunk Rocks, a deep quiet eddy, where the clear pellucid waters seem to rest from their course of life and beau- ty, to the sea. Looking up the stream from many points on the Manchester side a vista of quiet landscape beauty presents itself, which can scarcely be surpassed. A stretch of some two miles of the river with the island known as Equinunk Island, is before one. Viewed in the summer, when the hills are clad in verdure down to the water's edge, the island clothed with green, with occasional trees flinging their branches out over the water, cattle standing in the river and seeming to enjoy not the comfort only, but the quiet beauty, and all in repose and quiet, unbroken except by the roar and rush of occasional trains passing on the rail- way, the scene is one of rare loveliness and beauty. The first white man of whom there is an au- thentic account as living at Equinunk, was Josiah Parks, a native of New London, Conn. The life of this man, if properly written, would read like a romance, giving, as it would, ac- count of thrilling adventures, with examples of heroic purpose, patient eudurance and unwav- ering devotion to his country. The limits of this article will allow but a brief sketch. He was born in 1 745. When quite young he served on board an English man-of-war. Here he distinguished himself for bravery, and was made boatswain, hence the appellation, which went with him through lite, of" Boatswain," or in the common render- ing, " Bosen Parks." Leaving the navy, he first settled in Ulster County, N. Y., where he lived when the American Revolution began. With true patriotic ardor he entered his coun- try's service, choosing a most dangerous branch of service, that of a scout, his field for prac- tice lying between the Hudson and the Dela- ware, a region infested by loyalists, and their less savage allies, the Indians. An account of his adventures here would give his name a place with that of Murphy, Quick and others, to whom the country owes so much, but of whom it knows so little. At some period during the Revolution, and prior to the massa- cre of Wyoming, he came with his family to Equinunk, reaching it by way of the Dela- ware, agaiust the strong current of which he pushed a canoe containing his family and worldly goods. Beaching Equinunk, he lived for some time in a sort of cave in the Equinunk Rocks. People are living here yet, who well remember the place, but vandal hands have long since obliterated every trace of it. Still following his occupation of scout, he became the especial object for the vengeance of the Tories and Indians. He was once taken prisoner by them, but while they were enjoying the pros- pect of roasting him, he escaped. Finally, being warned by a friendly Indian of a plan to destroy him and his family, he again took to his canoe and the Delaware, and in the night with the river high and filled with floating ice, he went down the stream to the fort at Cochec- ton. While he was here he learned of the intended attack on Wyoming. With only a pocket com- pass to guide him, he went over the mountains to Wyoming, to warn the inhabitants. Arriving there, he was arrested as a spy, but fortunately, people were there who knew him, and who vouched for his integrity, and he was released. But his warning was unheeded, except by two or three families. These he piloted through to WAYNE COUNTY. 5:;:; the Delaware. 1 After this he returned to Equi- nunk, but was again obliged to leave. Again he returned and soon after peace came, and the occupation of Parks was gone. After the war, he built a house on Equinunk Island, which it was then reasonable to suppose, belonged to Pennsylvania. He cleared a portion of the island and alternately cultivated the land, hunted and followed the river as a pilot, at which he became celebrated. He seems to have been improvident or unfortunate, and remained poor. Notice is made in the sketch of Buck- ingham of his having owned the Stockport Flats. He died in 1829. He has numerous descendants in the valley of the Delaware. One of his daughters, Mrs. Prudence Lakin, lived to the extreme age of one hundred and nine years; retaining her memory and mental powers until past one hundred. A great niece visited her when one hundred and six years old, and hearing Equinunk spoken of, remarked that she supposed " Equinunk had changed some since she saw it last." ( )n the niece asking how long since she saw it, she re- plied, " ninety years." Of his descendants, one, a highly esteemed and cultured lady, Mrs. A. W. Cole, resides at Equinunk, in sight of the place where her great- grandsire braved the privation and dangers of the picket line of civilization. It appears from the correspondence between Anthony Butler and Samuel Preston in 1790, that there were whites here prior to that, and subsequent to the location of Parks. But no names are given, and the inference is, that they were lawless char- acters, intent only on getting the timber. Prior to 1 806, one Sylvester Roylston lived here, but nothing is known of his antecedents, or what became of him. Judge Preston had built a saw-mill here prior to 1806, and it is presumed that Roylston was in his employ. In 1822 Christopher Teeple came here from near the Delaware "Water Gap. He built a house on what was known as " The Point," 1 One of the families thus rescued was the Fullertons, of which Judge Fullerton, of New York, is a representative. Another was the Whitakers, of whom there are numerous representatives in this county, and at and near Deposit, N.Y. about fifty rods north of the mouth of Equinunk Creek. In 1832 he removed to the Union set- tlement in Manchester. In 1831 Alexander Calder and Israel Chap- man bought the whole of the Equinunk Manor. Mention is made in the sketch of Buckingham of their commencing a tannery and of the divi- sion of the lands, etc. Mr. Calder was a na- tive of Greene County, N. Y., his parents having come there from Scotland a short time before his birth. He always possessed a warm regard for the land of his fathers, and was in- tensely Scotch in thought and feeling. At an early age he was ordained as preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church and gained re- nown as a revivalist, and was noted for his earnest, fiery eloquence, masterly logic and rapid flow of language. He belonged at one time to the New York Conference, afterward the Oneida. After commencing business at Equinunk, he still remained in the ministry, being last stationed at Sydney Plains, N. Y. After the division of the lands between him and Chapman, noticed in the chapter on Buck- ingham, he engaged in business at Equinunk, and was noted for his restless energy and un- flagging industry. For many years he kept a store, and, at the same time, was largely inter- ested in lumbering and farming. His wife was a Miss Affie Waldrou, also of Greene County, N. Y., a most estimable woman, and one whose "children rise up to call her blessed." Eight children — four sons and four daughters — were born to them, all of whom reached man and womanhood. But a sad fatality seemed to follow the sons. James H., the eldest son, a young man of great promise and probity, was stricken down by death soon after entering upon what promised to be a successful and use- ful busiuess career. Alexander, the third son, left his home in the summer of 1856, and over his ultimate fate hangs a mournful uncertainty. The presumption is that he perished with Walker in his ill-starred Nicaraguan expedi- tion. Levi B., while returning from Califor- nia iu 1865, died at sea. Joseph W., while en- gaged in railroad enterprises in Texas, was shot down by desperadoes in the streets of Dallas in September of 1878. Amelia, the eldest daugh- 534 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tor, is the wife of the Hon. AY. M. Nelson. Myriam, the third daughter, is the wife of H. N. Farley, Esq., both residing at Equimink. Carrie, the second daughter, is the wife of Mr. Charles Knight, of Hancock, N. Y. Alma, the youngest, is the wife of Mr. H. J. John- ston, of New York City. She is an authoress of considerable note. All are ladies of culture and refinement and real excellence of character. The writer, feeling that Mr. Calder ami his family were the pioneers of actual improvement at Equinunk, has given to them what he would otherwise feel unwarranted space. To conclude, it may be added that Mr. Calder died in 1879, aged eighty-one years, and the writer feels that it does no injustice to his memory to add that then ended an earthly existence of unrest. His was a life of ceaseless activity. By nature very irascible, he was easily irritated and annoyed. He was very tenacious in his views and un- yielding in his convictions, and terribly in earnest in his denunciations of the liquor traffic and kindred evils, equally so in his advocacy of all that tended to elevate and purify society. Herman Matthew and his son Aldrich W. came to Equinunk from Greene County, N. Y., in 1834. In 1835 they commenced building a mill near Dillons, on the Delaware. They had the dam completed on a portion of the stream which ran west of an island. An ice freshet came, and their dam, contrary to all philosophy and experience, was moved up stream some dis- tance, and they abandoned the enterprise. A. W. next bought the mill which Calder & Chapman had built at Equinunk and yet re- sides at Equinunk. In 1847 Isaiah and D. C. Scudder, of Prattsville, N. Y., came to Equi- nunk and commenced building a tannery, com- pleting it in 1848. They were men of energy and perseverance. Quite a number of people came at about the time they did from Pratts- ville and vicinity ; others were attracted by the labor and business the place afforded. About the time the tannery was completed the New York and Erie Railroad was completed through the Delaware Valley. This gave a fresh im- petus to business, and Equinunk soon grew to about all that it is now or is ever likely to be, un- less new resources are developed. Subsequently Isaiah Scudder sold his interest in the tannery and removed to Missouri. Returning from there he took the tannery again, sold it in 1865 and removed to Bethany in this county. At this writing we learn that he has removed to Orange County, N. Y., a good citizen for any community. D. C. Scudder is living at Elmira, X. Y. The first hotel built in the place was by John Lord, known, to distinguish him from half-a-dozen other John Lords, as " Long John." Among those who early located here were Colby and A. C. Teed, Runsom Cole, Levi Felter, Morris Eldred, James Calder, Richard Knight and others. Some of these re- side here yet, while others have gone to the shadowy land. William M. Nelson, of whom an extensive sketch appears at the close of this chapter, located here in 1854, his wife, as already men- tioned, being Amelia, daughter of Mr. Alexan- der Calder. Equinunk has no municipal regulations sepa- rate from the township in which it is situated. It has about three hundred inhabitants, has four stores, two hotels, grist-mill, blacksmith-shop, wagon-maker and undertakers'-shop, planing- niill and various other industries. The first laid-out road to the place was that between it and Stockport. There is much un- certainty as to the date of its survey, and no one knows who was the surveyor. The road up the Equinunk Creek was extended by de- grees, as the needs of the people settling upon, or lumbering upon it, made it necessary, but was not laid out and worked through until 1845. The road from Equinunk to Long Eddy and Little Equinunk was not laid out until 1840. After the Scudders established themselves here, they were mainly instrumen- tal in getting a fairly good road laid out and worked through to the " Union," and another on the Manchester side of the creek to inter- sect, a half-mile from the river, with the road up the Equinunk Creek. As to the first religious meeting or preaching at what is now Equinunk, the same uncertainty exists. From all the writer can learn, he in- fers that Mr. Calder preached the first sermon WAYNE ('( >UNTY. ever preached iu the place. As mentioned in the chapters on Manchester and Buckingham, this region, as far down as Long Eddy, was for many years attached to the Hancock, N. Y., charge of the Methodist Episcopal Church New York Conference, and itinerants from there labored through this uninviting field. In 1854 the Equinunk Methodist Episcopal Church was established, with something like one hundred members. This included the So- ciety at the " Union," and also at Stockport. The first minister settled here was William J. Ives. His successors, as far as can be learned, have been Revs. Blakey, Ferow, Birch, Powell, Krogan, Roe, Gamble, Van Keuren, Heroy and Carpenter, the present incumbent. Present membership of the church about one hundred and eighty. The society has a comfortable church edifice and parsonage, which, together, cost about three thousand five hundred dollars. No other church organization exists here. Some twelve years since a small Episcopal So- ciety was organized, but the number and means of the members would not admit of regular ser- vices here. The people depended for many years upon Hancock, Honesdale and Mt. Pleasant for phy- sicians. A Doctor Tingley settled here about 1847 or 1848 ; he left iu 1857. Resides now at Newark, N. J. The next was Dr. George S. Redfield, a native of Delhi, N. Y., a graduate of Geneva Medical Institute. Located here in 1852. Was fairly successful as a physician until 1857, when he engaged in the lumber business. After a short time, in the mercantile business, in 1861 he entered the army as first- lieutenant in Company G, Forty-fifth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. He resigned in 1862. In 1863 he again entered the service as a captain, and was with Sherman in his famous " March to the Sea." After the war he located at Conklin, N. Y. He returned to Equinunk in 1875, remained here until 1884, and now resides at Conklin, N. Y. The next to locate here was Dr. William H. DeLong, a native of Herkimer County, N. Y. A graduate of University of Albany. He entered the army in 1862 as a private, and at the end of the war was dis- charged as assistant surgeon. He located at Equinunk in 1868, was very successful as a practitioner, and remained here until 1874. He resides now at Emporium, Cameron County, Pa. Dr. Frank P. Hough, a native of Wyom- ing County, Pa., a graduate of Jefferson Medi- cal College, Philadelphia, located here in 1884. A mill for grinding grain on a small scale was erected here about 1850. The first saw- mill was built by Samuel Preston, of Stockport, in 1804. It was built on the Manchester side of the Equinunk Creek but a few rods from the river. No trace of it excepting a portion of the raceway by which the water was brought to it, remains. The next saw-mill was built by Messrs. Calder & Chapman in 1833. This was a few rods above where Preston built. It passed into the possession of A. W. Matthews, and was torn down a year or two since. The Scudder Brothers tannery was built in 1847 and 1848. Business was dime under the firm name of I. & D. C. Scudder. In 1856 Isaiah Scudder parted with his interest to D. C. Scud- der and Joseph Bates; firm known as Scudder & Bates. In 1859 Isaiah Scudder again became owner, and continutd so until 1865, then sold to H. & L. B. Richlmyer. This firm after a few years sold to Munson Sherwood and D. Crary, who soon closed out their interest to William Holbert. It was burned down in 1875. Its capacity was two thousand five hundred sides per year. A factory, for the making of ex- celsior, also a feed-mill were erected in 1881, on the site of the tannery. It was burned in October, of 1885. In 1866 J. D. Dillon and C. H. Cole built an axe factory on Factory Brook. It became the property of M. M. Hedges, and was burned in 1867. Another was built in 1875 on the site of the other, by Cole Brothers, of Equinunk. It was burned in 1877. In 1880 L. W. Lord erected a planing-mill and machine-shop on the site of the burned axe factories. He continues to own and run it. In 1883 a hub factory was built on the site of the Matthews saw-mill, by J. G. Halbert. The business did not pay and was discontinued. A Lodge of Good Templars was organized in 1868. After a precarious and stormy existence, it died in 1874. It was reorganized in 1879. 53(1 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA In June, of 1881, a Lodge of Knights of Honor was established with a membership of twenty. Present membership, forty-five. Con- dition, healthy. In 1882 Lieutenant George P. Scudder, Post No. 340, Grand Army of the Republic was es- tablished. It now has a membership of seventy, and is in a flourishing conditiou. A post-office was established in 1833. Alexander Calder was appointed postmaster. Mails until 1848 came from Honesdale semi- weekly ; after 1848 via the Erie Railroad daily. Mr. Calder was postmaster until 1853, when D. C. Scudder was appointed and the office was taken to the Manchester side. In 1857 W. M. Nelson was appointed and it was returned to Buckingham. In 1861 C. F. Rockwell was ap- pointed and again it went to Manchester. Mr. Rockwell continued postmaster until he closed out his business in 1865, when Mr. Richard Knight was appointed. He held the office until his death, in 1882, when C. L. Gardiner was appointed. He being elected as representative in the fall of 1882, H. N. Farley was appointed. He is the present incumbent. It became a money order office in July, 1884. The public schools of the place are included with those of the two townships. For many years the place was noted for the amount of lumber run clown the Delaware from it. Year after year the banks for half a mile were covered with piles of sawed lumber, while every available foot of ground for many rods from the river was covered with logs. Then with the early spring time there came from the " Beech Woods " and other places hard-handed and stalwart yeomen, eager to " raft and go down the river." Then for weeks there would be a general racket of shouting, swearing and whipping and slashing of unfortunate teams as they hauled logs through the mud to the river. Though there was mud everywhere out of doors, frequent storms incident to the season, the river rushing on swollen water, in short a general dampness prevailing, yet the average raftsmen had a dryness which could scarcely be satisfied. " Steersmen " or pilots were in great demand, and made about their own terms. " Going down the river," had for those who became accustomed to it a strange fascination, though there was some danger with much discomfort through exposure to storms, and often se- vere labor through the day. Then the land- ing at night to find such accommodation as could be had. Not more than one raft is run now to fifty ten years since. Very soon there will be none. Then old " steersmen " and raftsmen will wander along the river when there is a " fresh," as disconsolate as lost souls along the " Styx." Railroad facilities are afforded the place by the New York, Lake Erie and Western Rail- road Station, Lordville, one mile distant. A substantial suspension bridge across the Dela- ware at Lordville facilitates intercourse. BIOGRAPHICAL. ISAIAH SCUDDER. Isaiah Scudder's paternal grandfather,Captain William Scudder, of Welsh extraction, served in the Revolutionary War, in defense of the Colo- nies. While out on a scouting excursion he was taken prisoner by the British. He assisted in burning a British frigate on Long Island Sound, and is said to have replied, when asked if he was not sorry for having done so much damage, " No, I am sorry I did not do as much more." His wife was a Wood, and with his family he settled in Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, in 1801, from Westchester County, where the family had resided since its settle- ment in this country from Wales. He had four sons, — Philetus, Jotham, Obadiah Smith and David Scudder. Obadiah Sm ith Scudder was born in West- chester County, New York, in 1778, and mar- ried Peace Corbin, an estimable young Quaker woman of Dutchess County, New York, in 1801. He located in Roxbury, New York, where he was a blacksmith and farmer, and where he died in 1830, four years after the death of his wife. Their children were Benja- min, born in 1802 ; Ii-eneus, born in 1805 ; Samuel, born in 1807 ; Isaiah, born March 26, WAYNE COUNTY. 537 1808, subject of this sketch ; Anna, burn in 1810; Daniel C, born in 1811 ; Rebecca, born in 1813; Micaiah, born in 1815 ; Abraham, born in 1817; Abigail, born in 1819, and Johu, born in 1821. Isaiah Scudder, a native of Roxbury, was in boyhood a diligent and studious scholar, in the district school at home, which afforded him his early book-knowledge. He was fond of mathe- His mechanical genius has been turned to prac- tical account in the patented invention of machin- ery, which still boars his name. In the deep and abstruse subjects of scientific investigation, he has ever been an interested and critical stu- dent. He also seemed intuitively and naturally to comprehend the subject of medicine and to be able to diagnose disease, and although he never gave physic his regular attention, as a <3^^^^^^-Qy^t^^^^ matics, in which he early became proficient, and his love for the study has made it a pleasant recreation from all the care and toil of an active business life. His original manner of analyzing and solving, even the most intricate problems, has astonished and delighted college professors and teachers of mathematical science. They have long recognized him as being one of the best mathematicians in Northern Pennsylvania. study, he practiced very successfully for many years among his friends gratuitously, and in consequence thereof, was known as " Doctor Scudder." Inclining to a business, rather than a profes- sional life, at the age of eighteen, in 1826, he apprenticed himself to the veteran tanner, Col. Zadoc Pratt, of Prattsville, Greene County, Xew York, where he remained in that capacity WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. until he had fully mastered the trade, and after- ward as a reliable and trusted foreman, until 1844, when he succeeded to Col. Pratt's busi- ness, having for his partner his brother, Daniel 0. Scudder. They continued the business there until 1847, when they bought the site and bark- lands, at Equinunk, Wayne County, Pa., con- sisting of some two thousand acres, upon which they erected the Equinunk Tannery, in which they began operations the following year. From this tract of land they cut timber which they rafted down the Delaware, and bark for use in their tannery, employing in the tannery and out about one hundred men. In 1849 they built the " High Lake Tan- nery," seven miles up the Equinunk Creek, at a point in the woods called Brownsville, but which, a few years later, was called High Lake, and still bears the name. In 1856 Isaiah Scudder sold his entire inter- est in these tanneries and lands to Joseph S. Bates, a son-in-law of his partner, D. C. Scud- der, and that firm, " Scudder & Bates," con- tinued the business. Upon being relieved of this business, Doctor Scudder removed to Nodaway County, Missouri, with the intention of making there a permanent home. With this object in view he made pur- chase of one thousand one hundred acres of roll- ing prairie land, embracing a fine homestead fin- his family. But the panic of 1857 so af- fected the interests of the new tanning firm, as to make necessary the return of Doctor Scudder, and his resumption of the work at the Equinunk Tannery, in 1858. Here he remained until 1866, when he disposed of the property to H. and L. B. Richtmyer. The upper, or " High Lake " tannery had been sold to Degen & Wrede in 1856. The "Doctor" had now spent some forty years in the tanning business, and was the ac- knowledged head of that large interest so ex- tensively carried on in that part of the State. To him was accorded the reputation of produc- ing as good, if not the very best sole-leather in the market. On his retirement from business he purchased a village farm in Bethany, Pa., and subsequently a dairy farm in Orange County, New York. Members of his family are settled upon each place, and make pleasant and comfortable his homes as he elects one or the other. Doctor Scudder has led an active business life, and by honesty of purpose, persistent effort, indefatigable industry, judicious management and integrity iu all his business relations, he has earned a competency — a just reward of faith- ful labor. From early manhood he has been a consistent and honored member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, serving as class-leader and steward through a long series of years. Christian min- isters were always sure of a cordial welcome to his hospitable home. With a liberal hand he has responded to the call of the poor and needy. To all worthy local enterprises he has contrib- uted commensurate with his means. A man of strong mind, good judgment and of marked individuality, though his life has been largely given to business, he has always kept pace with local and national affairs, and accord- ingly as he thought proper he has identified himself with the great political parties of his time. He was a Democrat until 1852, when he cast his vote for the AVhig candidate, General Winfield Scott, and upon the formation of the Republican party in 1854—56 he allied himself to it, to which principles he has since adhered. On January 10, 1833, at Prattsville, New York, he married Margaret Hadsell, a woman of rare excellence and Christian character, who died at Bethany, Pa., in August, 1876. Their children are Harriet A., married at Equinunk, Pa., July 2, 1855, to Charles F. Rockwell, of Milford, now a resident of Honesdale, Pa. They have two children, a son and a daughter. Julia M., married to Henry S. Richtmyer in 1856, and died in 1872, at Bethany, leaving a son and a daughter. Libbie P., married July 26, 1858, in Missouri, to Dr. J. M. Starnes, who served as surgeon of the Eleventh Missouri Union Cavalry during the late civil war, and who died at St. Louis, Mo., January 22, 1864 ; his remains are buried in Glen Dyberry Cem- etery, at Honesdale, Pa. His widow and daugh- ter reside in last-named town ; a son lives at Bethany. Benjamin F., married Elizabeth Ste- venson, at White Cloud, Mo., and they reside WAYNE COUNTY. 539 in Colorado. Isaiah Scudder, Jr., married La- vinia Varcoe, and lives in Otis ville, New York. Charlotte A., married at Bethany, in 1869, to Thomas F. Ham, of the law-firm of H. H. and T. F. Ham, of Wauseon, Ohio, where they now reside. Homer A., married Libbie Ham, and resides at Wauseon. Florence R., married to Hon. William B. Guinuip, ex-member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, residing in Damascus township, Wayne County, Pa. tained in the family as valuable mementos of the past), in which rank he served until the close of the Revolution, and was honorably discharged at Washington's headquarters in the town of Newburgh, N. Y. Colonel Nelson died in New- burgh, Orange County, N. Y., whither he had removed after the close of the war. He was twice married, and of his children, Henry, the only son by his first wife, was the father of Senator William M. Nelson. Henry Nelson, ?T- ?n- . ^^— w HON. W. M. NELSON. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Henry Nelson, was born in Massachusetts about 1760, and, animated by an ardent love of country, en- listed shortly after the battle of Bunker Hill, when but sixteen years of age. For bravery and ability he was promoted through the various grades of office until his appointment as colonel (the parchment commissions for the two ranks of captain and colonel have ever since been re- ~> born at New Windsor, Orange County, N. Y., April 14, 1788, married in 1810 Azubah Mail- ler, who was born at Cornwall, in the same county, September 16, 1791. They had six children, of whom William Mailler Nelson was the youngest. Shortly after his marriage the trouble with the mother country culminated in an appeal to arms in 1812, and he, inheriting the spirit of his father, enlisted and served in the company commanded by Captain Belknap, 54(1 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of Newburgh. His active service was more particularly identified with events occurring iu New York and Canada, aud at the close of the war he was honorably discharged and returned to Newburgh, where he followed carriage making some thirty years prior to his death in 1858. His wife died in 1841 at Newburgh. William Mailler Nelson was born at New- burgh October 14, 1826, and obtained his early book knowledge in the district schools, where he acquired a good acquaintance with those branches which are of the greatest value in a practical career. Being of a religious turn of mind from his youth, he united with the M. E. Church at fourteen years of age, and devoted much of his spare time during his minority to the reading of theological works. In 1848 he had become so proficient in the knowledge of the Scriptures that he was accepted by the Church as a local preacher, and in this capacity served as a supply for one year on the Sugar Loaf cir- cuit, New York Conference, and subsequently on the Sullivan County circuit. In 1850 he joined the New York Conference of the M. E. Church, and for some four years, until his health failed, labored as a minister of the gospel. In 1854 he married R. Amelia, daughter of Rev. Alexander Calder, of Equinunk, Wayne County, Pa., and located at that place, where he engaged in general mercantile trade, which he carried on successfully for some twenty years. For six years, during the administrations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan, he was postmaster at Equinunk. Whether in a public or private ca- pacity, Mr. Nelson has ever been busy, either for himself or others. He is president of "The Equinunk Chemical Company," which was established in 1882 at that place for the manu- facture of pyroligneons acid from ordinary cord- wood. The works consist of four furnaces and eight iron retorts, holding about a cord of wood each, for the dry distillation of the wood, and turn out about a half-ton of acetate of lime per day, besides the wood-naphtha and large quanti- ties of charcoal. In the fall of 1862 he was elected on the Democratic ticket a member of the State Legislature from Wayne County, and by re-election served through the sessions of 1863, '64, '65, '66, '69, 77, and '78, and was the caucus nominee of his party for Speaker of the House in 1865. In the fall of 1878 he was elected to the State Senate from the Twenty- sixth District, comprised of Susquehanna and Wayne Counties, and by re-election in 1882 is now serving his fifteenth year of public life, — bespeaking the confidence of his constituents, — comprising a district largely Republican. During his first term in the House, the contest between General Simon Cameron and Hon. Charles R. Buckalew for United States Senator was ex- ceedingly earnest. Strong efforts were made aud large sums of money used by the partisans of General Cameron to overcome the Democratic majority of one on joint ballot, and secure his re-election, but Mr. Nelson could not be induced by any consideration to become a party to cor- ruption, and Mr. Buckalew received the election. His record in the Legislature on all questions coming before that body relative to the sale of intoxicating liquors is clearly defined and unim- peachable, and his position has never been changed from that first assumed as a champion of prohibitory measures. Firm and unyielding in character and disposition, his abilities long since placed him foremost in the ranks of those endeavoring to put a legal stop to the liquor traffic and the evils growing out of it. Being in the Legislature during the war, he was the representative of the soldier as well as of the people, and as a war Democrat, his voice and vote were invariably given for the success of the Union cause. He strenuously advocated the measure allowing Pennsylvania soldiers in the field the right of suffrage. He contributed in every way in his power to aid those who en- listed, and he shared largely in the sympathies of the volunteers from his section, whose fami- lies still remember his generosity as a merchant, while their friends were at the front. Recog- nizing the value of proper railroad communica- tions, Mr. Nelson in 1863 revived the charter for the Jefferson Railroad, and subsequently at various times added such supplements to it as made it in the interest of the coal companies to build the road from Carbondale to Lauesborough, on the Erie Railroad, which has since become a Northern outlet for coal through to Canada, in connection with the Albany and Susquehanna WAYNE COUNTY. 541 Railroad, and added vastly to the wealth and value of his senatorial district. At the Demo- cratic State Convention held in Harrisburgh in 1882, Senator Nelson was one of the nine can- didates for Governor of Pennsylvania, and re- ceived a very complimentary vote. Seeing, however, the tide of the Convention drifting to- wards Robert E. Pattison, the present Governor, he withdrew on the fifth ballot, and his friends, led by Thomas J. Ham, of Honesdale, went over to Pattison, who was nominated on the sixth ballot. There seems to be but one senti- ment among all classes relative to Senator Nel- son's public career, and he enjoys the confidence and respect of his constituents in a wonderful degree, being often referred to as the man in public life for many years without spot or blem- ish on his escutcheon. At home he is known as a man of public spirit and enterprise; a generous contributor to all charitable, benevolent and chunh work, and a practical friend to the poor. A writer conversant with Senator Nelson's ca- reer says of him : "Among Mr. Nelson's note- worthy characteristics are his benevolence, stead- fast adherence to friends, magnanimity towards enemies, cheerfulness in disposition, kindness of heart, and fixedness and honesty of purpose. In mi wise has his life, either public or private, been a mystery. Elevation to important trusts never raised him above his fellows. The hum- blest can approach him and feel at home in his presence. Though deep, he is transparent; though strong, he is gentle ; though decided and pronounced in his convictions, he is tolerant to- ward those who differ from him, and patient under reproaches ; and even to those who are not acquainted with him his public acts and ut- terances indicate a clear idea of his strength of character and personality." Although Senator Nelson is evidently a man in delicate health, he is now in his sixtieth year, with apparently even chances for several years more of natural life. His friends would gladly wish they might be many. He still holds the relation of a local deacon in the M. E. Church, in good and regular standing, preaches occa- sionally, in the absence of the pastor, at camp- meetings and on public occasions, and his ser- vices are considered almost indispensable at the funerals of his friends and neighbors. He is found on the right side of all moral issues, both in public and private life. He has no children of his own, but has adopted a niece of his wife. The following extract is from an editorial in the Philadelphia Daily Times of June 23d, re- viewing the retiring State Senate of 1886, and pays a high compliment to Senator Nelson : " This district is always Democratic when William M. Nelson is the Democratic candidate, and that has happened most of the time lately. It is naturally Republican on a full vote, but both counties are of the Independent type, and a man of Nelson's stern integrity and independence just about suits them. If he should be a candidate again, his election would be more than probable; if not, the district would be doubtful, with chances in favor of the best candi- date." CHAPTER XVI. CANAAN AND THE BOROUGHS OF WAYMART i AND PROMPTON. Canaan was an original township established 1798, and then included Salem, which was set off in 1808. From the northern part was formed Clinton in 18.">4. Waymart Borough was formed from the northwestern corner in 1851, and a portion of the eastern side of the township was added to Cherry Ridge. Upon the erection of that township the remaining terri- tory was by an order of the court, February, 1852, divided into Canaan and South Canaan As now constituted it is bounded on the north by Waymart and Clinton, south by South Ca- naan, east by Prompton, Texas and Cherry Ridge, west by Lackawanna County. Its popu- lation is fivehundred and seventy-six. Its geolog- ical formation is principally Catskill sand stone, except in the range of the Moosic Mountains, which form the western portion of the town- ship, .vhere can be found the Pocono Sandstone, Red Shale and Pottsville Conglomerate, the outcrop of the Northern Anthracite coal fields. At several points north of Rix's Gap, in this range, traces of iron may be found, but not in paying quantities, south of this gap. Traces of i The history of the township and of Waymart Borough are by Charles MeMullen. 542 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. copper and lead have also been found. The general elevation of the township is about four- teen hundred and fifty feet above the tide. At Far View, the new summer resort of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company, the highest point of the Moosic range is reached at an ele- vation of two thousand seven hundred and forty feet, from which point one of the finest views in the State is obtained. The general surface is hilly, the soil a clay loam, from which excellent crops of hay, oats, buckwheat, corn and potatoes are raised. Nearly the whole of the township is good grazing laud, and the in- habitants are paying considerable attention to stock raising. The whole is well watered by numerous small streams and ponds^ the latter being Hoadleys, Stantons, J. L. Keas and J. B. Keens. The Belmont and Easton turnpike, built in 1820, passes through the township north and south, the Milford and Owego built in 1815 north and south, and the Honesdale and Clarksville, built in 1831, passes through the northern part. The Gravity Railroad, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, passes through the township. Settlement. — An assessment made by John Bunting, in 1798, shows but twenty-nine tax- ables, viz. : John Bunting, farmer ; Henry Curtis, farmer; Wil- liam Cooper, farmer; Moses Dolph, farmer; George Emstin, blacksmith; Robert Freeland, farmer; Wil- liam Harrison, farmer ; Clement King, mill-wright ; Chester Kimble, mason; Edward London, farmer; Elisha Potter, weaver ; Hansure Swingle, farmer ; John Swingle, farmer; Jane Swingle, farmer; Con- rad Swingle, farmer ; Asa Stanton, inn-keeper : John H. Shank, gentleman ; John Shaffer, farmer ; Gabriel Sutts, farmer ; Ephraim Vannorman, farmer ; Joseph Wheateroft, farmer ; Edward Wheateroft, laborer; Adam Wagoner, farmer ; John Woodward, farmer ; Enos Woodward, farmer ; Asahel Woodward, farmer; Silas Woodward, farmer ; Samuel Wheateroft, farmer. Canaan Corners was for some time in the earlier history of the county a noted stage sta- tion, it being the intersecting point for stages from Easton and the South to Belmont and Southeru Central New York, and those from New York and the East to Montrose, Owego, Western New York and the Lake country ; large droves of cattle, sheep and hogs were also driven over these mads. Much of the personal history of the town- ship must necessarily be included in the history dt' tin' townships formed from this. ( 'aptain George Rix rerhbved--fTOm New Loudon, Conn., in the summer of 1780, bought a large tract of land about one mile west of what is now Canaan Corners, on the east slope of the mountain, made a small clearing and built a log cabin. In the spring of 1801 he walked back to New Loudon, married a young lady by the name of Benjamin and brought her on horseback to his new home, the furniture of which he had made with his own hands. Four daughters and one son were born to this pio- neer couple. Two of the daughters, after reach- ing young womanhood, died the same day. Phoebe married Minor Lee, and is still living in Wisconsin. Roxie married Alexander Mc- Millian, and lived on a portion of the old homestead until her death. The only son,. George, Jr., born in 1804, married Clarissa Whitman in 1828, and lived upon the home- stead until his death, December 10, 1869. His witlow is still living in her eighty-fourth year. George Jr., had two children. Warren, who. gave his life for his country October 11, 1864, after whom the Grand Army of the Republic Post7~aTW T aytual'l, wkTname^~aScn^£?T) wno married J. B. Keen, and is still living. The house on the Milford and Owego turnpike, now occupied by W. A. Thorp, was built by Captain George Rix in 1816. f ITarveyTerkins, born at Woodbrldge, Conn., November 6, 1797, came to Canaan February 5, 1821, married Caroline Fobes, daughter of John Fobes, Esq., January 6, 1822, and built his house on the Milford and Owego turnpike about one half mile west of Canaan Corners. He was a carpenter and builder by trade and assisted in building most of the frame houses in the early settlement of the township and also built the first Methodist Episcopal Church at Honesdale and the first hotel at Carbondale. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins lived in the house in which they began housekeeping in 1823 until her death, May 14, 1884, nearly sixty-two years. They had seven children — Thomas, born July 3, 1823, died July 30, 1865; Emily, born March 30, 1826, died May 24, 1850^ WAYNE COUNTY. 543 Nathan, born January 21, 1829, died Decem- ber 30, 1874 ; Abner, born September 10, 1832, died January 21, 1851 ; Ann E., born Novem- ber 20, 1836, died October 12, 1877 ; George, born January 7, 1842; and Lucretia, born April 9, 1847, are still living. Mr. Perkins is well preserved and bids fair to live for years to come. John Fobes, Esq., came from Connecticut to Canaan in 1808, and settled a few rods west <avis. 1857. -Burgess, George M. Keen; Clerk, A. I!. Edgctt; Treasurer, W. W. Snow ; Council, A. B. Ed- gett, G. W. Hall, W. W. Snow, Alexander Conyne and V. M. Keen. 1858.— Burgess, George M. Keen ; Clerk, II. A. Woodliouse; Treasurer, Lucius Walter; Council, William Jenkins, L. B. Johnson, W F. Hurlburt, G. W. Hall and II. A. Woodhouse. 1859.— Burgess, (leorge M. Keen; Clerk, II. A. Woodliouse; Treasurer, Lucius Walter; Council, Phineas Arnold, Lucius Walter, (i. W. Hall, Wilmot Carr and II. A. Woodliouse. I860.— Burgess, Alonzo Tanner; Clerk, II. A. Woodliouse; Treasurer, Lucius Walter; Council, Phineas Arnold, Isaac Osborn, Lucius Walter, R. W. Carr and II. A. Woodliouse. 1861.— Burgess, William Hoyle; Clerk, Erastus Skccls; Treasurer, Abraham Lade; Council, Abraham Eade, William Wcbley, William Sehrinkliizen, Eras- tus Skeels and James Shafer. 1862.— Burgess, R. W. Carr; Clerk, I'liincas Ar- nold; Treasurer, Phineas Arnold; Council, I'liincas Arnold, William Wcbley, I. Ilanlwick and L. Wal- ter. 1863.— Burgess, William C. Hoyle; Clerk, I. Me- Minn; Treasurer, I'liincas Arnold ; Council, I'liincas Arnold, William Wcbley, J. Karswick, ,1. Mc.Minn and (I. W. Hall. 1804.— Burgess, L. B. Johnson ; Clerk, L. E. Rich- ardson ; Treasurer, Alonzo Baty ; Council, L. E. Richardson, L. B. Johnson, William Boyle and Wil- liam Bryant. 1805.— Burgess, Phineas Arnold ; Clerk, E. Skeels ; Treasurer, William Hoyle; Council', L. E. Richard- son, William Hoyle, John Woodward, Alonzo Tanner, Lucius Walter, E. Skeels and P. W. Porter. 1806. — Burgess, I'liincas Arnold; Clerk, A. Conyne; Treasurer, V. M. Keen ; Council, P. W. Porter, George Alvord, V. M. Keen and Alexander Conyne. 1807.— Burgess, R. W. Carr; Clerk, P. C. Johnson ; Treasurer, R. W. Carr; Council, P. W. Porter, W. R. Longstreet, James Shafer and P. 0. Johnson. 1808.— Burgess, Wilmot Carr; Clerk, P. V. John- son; Treasurer, V. M. Keen ; Council, Rockwell Bunnell, V. M. Keen, Deliverance Woodward and P. V. Johnson. 1809.— Burgess, Thomas Nichols; Clerk, R. J. Knapp ; Treasurer, A. Conyne; Council, A. Conyne, 1'. W. Porter, B. Bunnell and K. J. Knapp. 1870.— Burgess, Thomas Nichols; Clerk, 1'. W. Porter; Treasurer, Alexander Conyne; Council, W. W. Snow, John Schoonover, Alexander Conyne, P. C. Johnson and 1'. W. Porter. 1871. — Burgess, Thomas Nichols ; Clerk, R. J. Knapp j Treasurer, R. W.Carr; Council, R. W.Carr, John Woodward, William Hoyle and R. J. Knapp. 1872.— Burgess, Thomas Nichols; Clerk, R. J. Knapp; Treasurer, R. W. Carr; Council, R. W. Carr, William Hoyle, Dclcvan Woodward, Robert Barclaj and R. J. Knapp. 1873.— Burgess, Aaron B. Lacy ; Clerk, R. J. Knapp; Treasurer, R. W.Carr; Council, R. W.Carr, Roherl Barclay, Thomas Nichols, (leorge Alvord and li. J. Knapp. 1874.— Burgess, Thomas Nichols; Clerk, R. J. Knapp; Treasurer, R. W. Carr; Council, R. W.Carr, C. N. Alvord, J. dm Barton, Delavan Woodward and R. ,1. Knapp. 1875.— Burgess, P. W. Porter; Clerk, Charles H. Sears; Treasurer, L. 10. Richardson ; Council, R. W. Carr, W. W. Snow, L. E. Richardson, John Wood- ward and James Burnes. 1876.— Burgess, < leorge W. Alvord ; Clerk, Charles A. Sears; Treasurer, R. W. Carr; Council, P. W. Porter, R. W. Carr, Justus Sears, R. A. Ilcadly and Arlon llcndrick. 1877.— Burgess, John S. Bartron ; Clerk, William Karslake; Treasurer, L. E. Richardson; Council, L, E. Richardson, N. C. Alvord, R. B. Spencer, Robert Thompson and R. H. Pearce. 1878.— Burgess, R. W. Carr; Clerk, 0. H. Sears; Treasurer, W. W. Snow; Council, William Hoyle, Robert Bellamy, W. W.Snow, Di G. Allen and John Short, 1879— Burgess, R. W. Carr; Clerk, C. H. Sears; Treasurer, W. W. Snow; Council, William Hoyle, 1). aud Charlie. Angeline A., born November 12, 1853; married Charles MeKinney; children Alice deceased, Genevieve, Garfield. Adelbert and Martha. Delia Ann, horn in 1856, died April 12, 1860. CHAPTER XVIII. CHERKY RIDGE TOWNSHIP. A PETrnoos to erect a new township from portions of Texas, Canaan and Palmyra, was laid before the Court of General Sessions on December 6th, 1843, and John Mcintosh, Ralph Case and Phineas G. Goodrich were ap- pointed viewers. On the following day, they came into court and made a favorable report, recommending the creation of a new township by a line beginning at the southeast corner of Canaan township and extending to the mouth of Wampum or Sand Pond Creek, and from thence along the line between Texas and Pal- myra five hundred and forty perches, thence to the mouth of Cajaw Pond, thence due west to the east line of Canaan, thence south to the north line of Salem, thence to the place of beginning. This report was confirmed nisi, and continued to the April term, before which time several remonstrances were filed. They did not avail, however, and the final confirma- tion took place on April 30, 1844. Subse- quently it was discovered that a mistake had been made in running the township lines, and the boundaries were changed to their present courses. The township thus erected is bounded on the north and northeast by Texas, on the south- west by Palmyra and Paupack, on the south by Lake, and west by South Canaan and Canaan. The surface includes much of a high uudulnting plateau, that is free from the abrupt hills that are characteristic of the country to the south and west of it, and a large part of the land is cultivatable, though south of Middle (.'reek, the surface is rougher and less inviting. Sand and Cajaw Ponds, both of them picturesque sheets of water are in the township, ami Middle Creek and Collins, Stryker and Pond Brooks drain the hills and afford several good water- powers. Originally the hills were covered with a tine growth of hard wood, and the township takes its name from the abundance of cherry lumber that was felled iu it. Early Settlement. — An opening in the woods seems to have been made in the Cherry Ridge si une time before the organization of the comity, but the exact date at which the first settlers commenced their clearings can not be ascertained. It was probably but a l\-\v years after the close of the Revolution, for a number of the pioneers of the township are known to have been soldiers in both that and the Indian War which followed. About 1704, Benjamin King went from the Paupack settlement and located on the Schenck farm, remaining there tin- two years, after which time he went to Mount Pleasant. It is supposed that at this time Enos Woodward, with his sons and Colo- nel H. Schenck commenced permanent im- provements, though the date of their first loca- tion must have been before this. The first assessment for Canaan township was made out by John Bunting, in 1709, and this shows that the Woodwards had made a good-sized opening in the woods. Enos is set down as having fifty acres of improved land and one hundred and seventy-five acres that were unimproved ; John had seventeen acres that were cleared and three hundred and eighty-three that remained in forest; SU as we! Asahel had each twenty acres of improved ami three hundred and eighty acres unimproved, wdiile the farm of Colonel John H. Schenck was made up of forty acres of cleared and four hundred of uncleared land. It is probable that prior to the date of this assess- ment, the settlers had been joined by Daniel Davis and Abraham Stryker. The former located on the place now occupied by H. L. WAYNE COUNTY. 5ii7 Philips, on the Milford and Owego turnpike, where he kept a tavern for many years. All of these settlers took up their lands under the impression that the legal title to them was vested in Connecticut, and they were not apprised of their mistake until several years after. Dr. Collins was one of the first to learn of it. He had bought out Enos Woodward's improvement for a few dollars, and gone on clearing the laud. Under the Pennsylvania proprietorship the lauds were warranted by Edward Tilghmau, and the latter put them in the hands of Jason Torrey, who was his agent. As soon as Dr. Collins became aware that he was only a " squatter," he saddled his horse and rode to Philadelphia, where Mr. Tilghman then lived, and made a payment of three huudred dollars on the tract that he had se- cured from Woodward. He had one of the first legal titles in Cherry Ridge. The fact that Enos Woodward was the first settler is proven by no less competent a witness than his brother-in-law, Benjamin King. The possession taken of these tracts under the do- main of Connecticut, led to considerable litiga- tion in after years, and in one of the cases, King was called as a witness relative to some early event. It is a matter of record that he then stated, that they had better ask Enos Woodward, because the latter came into the country six months before he did. Mr. Wood- ward was a conspicuous figure in the early history of this township, but left it about the beginning of the present century, aud became more closely identified with the Wallenpaupack settlement, to which he returned. He was a native of Massachusetts, and was one of the company of New Euglanders that went to Wallenpaupack in 1774. He was also a soldier in the revolution, and afterwards participated in several fights with the Indians. He is de- scribed as having been a man of tall stature and fine bearing, strict in his views, kindly in man- ner, and straightforward in all his dealings. His sons were William and Ansil, who went south, and settled near Lexington, Ky., and were the ancestors of the Woodward family in that state, Abisha, who married a daughter of Jacob Kimble, and located at Bethany, John, who located on the Jordan place, adjoining Dr. Collin's farm, and Ebenezer, who lived where Perry Clark now resides. The history of Abisha will be found in the chapter of Bethany- John was a quiet and unobtrusive man who ended his days in Cherry Ridge. He married' Sarah Caywood, and had eight children, Elam, Asher, Enos, Amasa L., Keziah C, Daniel D., Sarah C, and John. Ebenezer married Sabra Chapman, and their children were Arthur, Benjamin, Joseph, Phoebe, Polly, * diver, most of whom accompanied their parents to Michi- gan in 1849. Daniel D. Woodward is now one of the oldest living settlers in the township. He married Sarah Ann Rogers, and by her had Mary Ann, Francis aud Thomas. By his second wife Francis D. Stanton were born, Sarah E., Harlan B., Alice L. and Franklin P. Colonel John H. Schenck was a native of Sussex County, N. J., aud had inherited con- siderable property in Orange County X. Y., through his wife. Shortly after the breaking out of the Revolution he mortgaged his farm to equip a regiment, which he led to the front. Although he was made a colonel, he was so poorly remunerated for his services that he was not able to redeem his property, and, in 1705, or 1796, he removed to Cherry Ridge and bought out the improvement of Benjamin King. Colonel Schenck married a Miss Benton, and his children were Magdalene (wife of Apol- ' los Davis), Abigail and Gertrude (wife of Jo- seph Ames, of Canaan). About the commence- ment of the present century, Colonel Schenck moved to New Jersey and Jacob took the home- stead. He married Sallie Davis, and their children were Phoebe, John J., Margaret, Henry V., Caleb B., Harriet (wife of Judge Giles Greeu, of Ariel), and Sarah (wife of Perry Brown. After the death of his father, Henry inherited the homestead and married Jane C. Taylor, by whom he had Sve children, and, after her death was united to Laura D. Smith, of New York State. Abraham I. Stryker, who is mentioned as one of the early settlers, moved from the neighborhood of Easton, about 1801. He bought a large tract of land south of the Enos Woodward farm, which is now occupied by 568 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Isaac and Francis Bouear, and lived there for many years, late in life moving to Honesdale, where he died in 1846, aged seventy-four years. His children were Betsy (Mrs. Martin Kellogg), Lydia (Mrs. Dr. Stearns), and Abra- ham A., a resident of Damascus. Dr. Lewis Collins, who is noted quite fully in the medical chapter, bought out the Wood- ward improvement. He was born at Litchfield, Conn., and married a daughter of Oliver Hunt- ington, of Lebanon. Their children were Au- gustus, who located on the Charles Reed place, in Dyberry ; Oristus, who was a practising attorney at Wilkesbarre, and afterwards presi- dent judge of Lancaster County ; Lorenzo, who owned a farm in Cherry Ridge ; Abner, who settled in Salem ; Alonzo, of Jefferson, Lacka- wanna County ; [Philea, wife of Virgil Dibol, of Ohio; Lucius, twice sheriff of Wayne County, and for many years justice of the peace, in both Bethany and Cherry Ridge townships ; Decius, who died in Salem ; Huntington, who was a mill-wright, and built half of the mills in this section, and is still living with Lewis S. Collins, Esq., Theron and Aretius. Augustus married Fannie Webster, of Man- chester. His children were Claudius and Ann .1., wife of Professor D. G. Eaton, of Packer Institute. Nancy Jewett, of Wilkes-Barre, was the wife of Oristus and his son is Rev. Charles J. Collins, of New York City. Wallace Col- lins, of Cherry Ridge, is the son of Lorenzo Collins and Sarah Sassman. Abner married Hannah Jones, and his children were Philander W., of Salem ; Lvsander, of California ; Eliza- beth, wife of Alfred Harding, of Salem ; Julia A., wife of Thomas Cook, of the same plac3 ; and Hannah, Mrs. Warren Slocum, of Scrau- ton. Lucius married Sophia Sassman, and their children were Lewis S., Franklin and Worth - ington. The former is the owner of the home- stead, and had been a valued citizen of the township ; the others are dead. Decius married Elizabeth Sassman and was the father of Mrs. N. A. Hilbert and Miss Sophia Collins, both of Scrauton. In 1828, John Kirby came from Orange County, N. Y., and settled on the old Babylon pike, where he bought a tract of land. His children were Silas H., William, Charity, Jane (Mrs. David Whitney), Martha (Mrs. Henry Baker), Susan (Mrs. Clarence Reynolds), Mary, Robert P., John and Parmelia. Robert P. lives on the homestead, and has three children. John Kirby was in the War of 1812, and died in 1865. Francis, Thomas and Isaac Bonear were from England, and settled on some of the Stryker property about 1835. Francis married Cynthia Kirby, and had eight children. Thomas mar- ried Sophia Taylor and had seven children, and Isaac was wedded to Cordelia Roberts, and his three children live near the old place. Joseph Varcoe came from Cornwall, England, in 1835, and settled adjoining the Bonears. He married Elizabeth Doney,and left two sons, Davis, who lives in Lackawanna county, and William H., who lives at the homestead. The latter married Elsie Bonear. John R. Hoadley, who has a fine farm at Hoadley's Crossing, was a son of John P. Hoadley, of Canaan. He located in Cherry Ridge in 1839, having been united in marriage to Laura Hoadley, a grand-daughter of Silas Hoadley, of Connecticut. They have no children. In 1848 J. S. Kimble, a grandson of Walter Kimble, of Indian Orchard, located on Collins Brook, where he built a saw-mill which is still in operation.. He has five children most of whom are married and live in the vicinity. Henry Ilof, who is one of the commissioners of Wayne County, came from New York City with his family in 1849 and settled on the Milford and Owego pike. He has three grown children who have marrried and settled near him. There was quite a little settlement of Eng- lish people at the upper end of the township, and among the first to arrive was George San- dercock, who came from Cornwall, England, in 1849, and, after living a year or two on Smith Hill, located on the South road. He had five sons and two daughters. The latter are mar- ried and live West. Of the sons, William is a resident of Honesdale and Jack carries on a store at A rial. John Male located on the farm adjoining Mr. WAVNE COUNTY. 569 Sandercock in 1851. He also came from Corn- wall, and has prospered. His two sons, Isaac and John, live with him at the homestead. The latter is town clerk. John Toms, who occupies a farm near by, is also a Cornishman, having come to this country in 18-3(3. He married Martha A. Swingle, of Cherry Ridge, and has two sons and a daughter, all of whom live at the homestead. A year after Mr. Toms came John Richart, a native of Germany, settled near the Robinson tannery, where he remained until a few years ago, when he moved to his present location on the old South road. Eben H. Clark located on the McLaury place, at Clark's Corners, in 1842. He married Maria G. Williams, and his children were Maria J. (wife of Jeff. I. King, of Honesdale), Perry A. (who was elected sheriff of Wayne County in 1877), Susan S. (wife of John S. Eno, of Brewsters, N. Y.), E. H. Clark (the present sheriff of Wayne County) and Emily E. (wife of William M. Sandercock, of Honesdale). The elder Mr. Clark was for many years a well-known hotel-keeper of Cherry Ridge. Thomas Jordan, who died in October, 1868, aged sixty-seven, was born in England and came to this country in 1828, settling in Cherry Ridge on the place which still bears his name. He was prominently identified with the inter- ests of the township, and is a conspicuous figure in its early history. Mrs. Catherine Cowling was also an early settler. She was born in the parish of St. Issey, England, and came to this country with her first husband, Thomas Matthes, locating in Cherry Ridge. After his death she married Thomas Cowling, who had come to this country about the time she did. Samuel Darling, who lived to be ninety-one years old, was one of the early residents of this township and occupied the farm that afterward passed into the possession of theSchencks. Mr. Darling died in 1858, leaving a number of children, most of whom have removed from the county. The following names appear on the assessment list of 1847, the third taken after the erection of the township : Bonear. Leonard. Isaac Bonear. Oliver P. Brierly. Robert Brown Thomas Bonear. William P. Burch. Samuel Booton. Horace Belknoff. Joseph Belknotf'. Richard Butcher. Richard Burk. Patrick Brod. Lorenzo Collins. Michael Collins. Theron Collins. Lucius Collins. Thomas Caligor. Lewis Crocker. Arthur Collins. William Conway. Michael Collins. Oristos Collins. Decius Collins. Daniel Cortor. Michael Courtney. Patrick Clark. Aaron Curtis. Eben H. Clark. Edward Doncher. Donald Dorlin. Anson Doboner. Wilmot Driscol. Peter Decker. Thomas Dolond. Elias Drake. Samuel Darling. John P. Darling. Martin Edgerton. Daniel Edgar. John Gramp. Charles Gramp. Henry Gramp. Detrick Gredlin. John R. Hoadley. John Harvey. John Harsh. Thomas Hard. Milo Hoff. Thomas Host. George W. Hobbs. Thomas Hasset. Jacob S. Kimble. David Kirby. William Kirby. John Kirby. Jonas Kirby. David Kenner. Sylvester Knowlton. William Reap. David Reap. Moore. William Batz. Charles McStrow. James Murray. John McGuire. Hugh Murray. Edward Murray. Domine McDonald. Isaac M. Moore. John McCaffery. McCortz. Wm, R. McLeary. Willard Maynard. John Moon. Murphy. Susan McLean. John Murphy. Chris. McCorraick. John O. Sullivan. Phelo Porter. John L. Phelps. Alvin Purdy. John Magran. Edward Magran. Simon H. Plum. Samuel Berton. Robert James. Apollos Schenck. Henry V. Schenck. Stephen Shorster. Abraham A. Striker. John Silapont. William Silapont. John J. Schenck. Caleb Schenck. Daniel Smith. Joseph Swingle. Jacob Schenck. Isaac R. Schenck. David Trull. John Torrey. William Upright. Joseph Varcoe. Thomas Vancomp. Richard Varcoe. Nathan F. Vancomp. Willard West. Charles A. Washburn. Abiram AVinton. Daniel Woodward. Charles Wilson. John Writer. Isaac Writer. Benjamin N. Writer. Asher Woodward. Isaac S. White. John Wagner. Frederick Wagner. Matthew Writer. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. John Lockwood. Adiah Wilson. Edmond Reap. Thomas Wilson. Thomas B. Lindsay. Koads, Towns and Post-Offices. — None of the first roads in this township were regu- larly laid out, and many of them were made by enlarging old trails. One of the first went from the Stryker place, past Enos Woodward's to See- lyville and Bethany. This is supposed to have been the road that Colonel Sylvan us Seely made when he moved his family to Seelyville, in 1805. The Salem and Bethany Road crossed Middle Creek near Middle Valley, and joined the road to Bethany. There was still another road that went from the Stryker place to Ste- phen Kimble's mill, at Tracey ville. This crossed the Milford and Owcgo pike, near Mrs. Mor- gan's. Still another went from the Purdy set- tlement to Stryker's, Schencks', Waymart and the Moosic Mountain. None of these were ever surveyed, and most of them were vacated as soon as the county roads were put through. When the stages on the Milford and Owego pike commenced to run, a post-office was estab- lished at the Darling farm. This was about 1824, and Thomas Lindsey was the first post- master. He served until 1838-39, when Wil- liam R. McLaury succeeded him, and the office was moved to Clark's Corners. Major Mc- Laury was in office until 1842-43, when Eben H. Clark was appointed. Dr. A. B. Sloan came in about 1849, and a year later Lewis S. Collins bought out the store and became postmaster. He continued until 1857, when John J. Schenck was appointed, and served until 1875. William Sandercock, the present incumbent, then went into office, and appointed Perry A. Clark his deputy. The post-office at Middle Valley was estab- lished in 1856, and Lyman Loomiswas the first postmaster. He served until I860, when Lewis S. Collins came in, and remained in charge of the office for eight years. He was succeeded by L. A. Robinson, who served until 1883, when William Box, the present postmaster, was ap- pointed. Both these offices are reached by a daily mail, which is carried in the Hamlinton stage. One of the earliest taverns of which there is any record is that kept by Daniel Davis, though when he first commenced to keep a public-house there were so few roads, and fewer travellers, that his place was hardly a tavern in more than name. Apollos Davis succeeded him, and Thomas Lindsey and Major McLaury also had taverns. As soon as the stages commenced run- ning, almost every house along the road kept travellers, aud many of them had regular 1 n dustrial Growth. — About the beginning of the present century Abraham I. Stryker built the first saw-mill in Cherry Ridge township. It was on the stream that has since been known by the builder's name, and was located opposite where Isaac Bonear now lives. The second mill in the township was built and constructed by Dr. Lewis Collins, on the farm where Perry A. Clark now lives. He intended to dig a ditch from Cajaw Pond and make it empty into the Stryker Brook, but the owners of the pond re- fused to let him have the water. The mill was then moved to Rining's place. In the year 1800 Daniel Davis made the first leather ever manu- factured in Wayne County. He had but one vat, and the quantity produced was very small, though much sought after by the settlers, who pronounced it of excellent quality. Subsequent- ly several others tanned a little, with indifferent success, and, until 1850, the business amounted to nothing. In that year L. A. Robinson came from New York aud started a tannery at Mid- dle A'alley, which soon grew to be the largest in the State at that time. It was a three-huudred- and-sixty-five-vat plant, and employed from eighty to a hundred men. The annual disburse- ment for wages was about one hundred thousand dollars, aud from six to eight thousand coi'ds of bark were consumed. George Robinson, the father of L. A., came into the business soon after it started, and the style of the firm was L. A. Robinson & Co. In April, 1871, the establish- ment, which at this time was the largest in Northeastern Pennsylvania, was burned, togeth- er with ten thousand sides of leather, entailing a loss of fifty thousand dollars, covered by in- surance. The tannery was re-built and ran un- til 1883, when the supply of bark in the sur- 1 rounding country was found to be nearly ex- WAYNE COUNTY. hausted, and the works were closed. In 1885 the property was sold to Michael Stahl. It was again burned in 1884. Schools and Churches. — The first school in Cherry Ridge was a little log building within thirty rods of the residence of H. V. Schenck. Mr. Huntington Collins states that he can re- member it cpiite distinctly. Nancy Ainsley was the first teacher, and was employed there about 1810. She was succeeded by Betsy Bircher, and a year later Robert Beardslee took charge. Oristus Collins and Joel Ames were also em- ployed there. At present the township con- tains a number of good common schools, all of which are well equipped and largely attended ; that of Middle Valley was one of the most flourishing in this section until the tannery closed. About 1812 Elder William Purely came from Paupack with his rifle on his shoulder to hold the first religious meeting at A. I. Stryker's. After this he used to come quite frequently, and the meetings were held at Dr. Collins' and other houses in the neighborhood. Later there was regular preaching at the school house, and among those who supplied the pulpit were Dr. Avery, Rev. Abel Barker and others. As the town- ship grew more prosperous the question of a church edifice was agitated with good effect. In 1849 a subscription was started by Lucius Col- lins, and three hundred and twenty-four dollars were raised. The old paper, now in the pos- session of Lewis S. Collins, Esq., contains the following names : Lucius Collins. E H. Clark. Henry V. Schenck. Isaac M. Moore. Thomas J. Lindsey. Benjamin N. Eider. Charles Wilson. Isaac B. Rider. David Kenner. Andrew Anderson. Thomas Bonear. Jacob Kimble. Lorenzo Collins. Michael Collins. H. L. Collins. Decius Collins. Stephen Sharpsteen. Daniel D. Woodward. Antus Collins. Albert Burgess. Theron Collins. The amount of these subscriptions which were from the residents of the township was oue hundred and ninety-seven dollars. To this amount one hundred and twenty-seven dollars was added by residents of Honesdale, who were Horace Tracey. J. S. Bassett. John F. Lord. J. C. Gunn. Charles P. Waller. William Reed. John Mcintosh. Isaiah Snyder. William F. Wood. Hand & Kirtland. Hiram Blois. Mr. Moore. Earl Wheeler. R. F. Lord. William H. Dimmick. S. D. Ward. John Kelly. M. Wallace. G. H. Russell. Stephen Torrey. Farnham Bros. A. Field. Adonijah Strong. John H. Crandall. Thomas H. R, Tracey. William Shouse, Cornelius Hornbeck. (Wilsonville). Richard L. Seely. This Union Church, owned by the Presby- terians and Methodists, was erected in 1849, at a cost of above $550. The church, since that time, has undergone some repairs and has been enlarged. There is no debt upon the church property. For several years it has been used exclusively by the Methodists. Cherry Ridge Circuit of the M. E. Church was organized in July, 1852. The first pastorwas Mar- cus Carrier. There were three appointments, Cherry Ridge, Cherry Valley and Middle Creek. The pastors in order since the organization of the circuit have been Marcus Carrier, Charles White, Joseph Madison, Charles Smith, Alosi Johuson, William Sillsby, N. S. Reynolds, I. T. Walker, Cromwell Pierce, David Williams, Stephen Cramp, Richard Varcoe, J. H. Taylor, Olmstead, George M. Peck, J. L. Wells, J. B. Sweet, A. C. Olver and R. M. Pascoe. BIOGRAPHICAL. DR. LEWIS COLLINS. Dr. Lewis Collins (1753-1818) a native of Litchfield, Conn., settled in Salem, Wayne County, in 1800, where he resided until 1804, when he bought two hundred acres of land in Cherry Ridge township, of Edward Tilghman, of Philadelphia, and rode on horseback the en- tire distance to make a bargain for the land ami get his deed. He had bought out the right of Enos Woodward, the " squatter " on this land, previously. He erected a barn on the property in 1812, now standing in 1886, and during the 572 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. remainder of his life made some other improve- ments, and cleared off a portion of the land. He was buried in Panpack graveyard, having died in that vicinity, caused by a cold, in conse- quence of falling through a bridge with his horse and getting wet, while on one of his pro- fessional trips attending patients. A further sketch of his life may be found in the medical chapter of this volume. His first wife, Ruth Root, died in Connecticut, leaving one son, ship; Abner (1795-1875, a farmer, who re- sided in Lake township ; Alonzo, born 1796, resided in Luzerne County Pa. ; Philena (1798— 1855), the wife of Dr. Virgil Dibol, resided in Ohio when she died; Lucius (1799-1875); Decius (1801-1870), a farmer in Salem ; Hunt- ington, born in 1803, a millwright, has followed that business throughout this part of the State, and has built over two hundred saw-mills ; he resides on the homestead ; Theron, (1805-1870) Augustus Collins (1790-1829) who was a far- mer, and died at Bethany. His second wife, Louisa (17(33-1858) a daughter of Oliver Huntington, was a native of Lebanon, Conn. His children by this marriage were, — Oristns (1792—1884) a lawyer, who practiced his pro- fession at Wilkesbarre, was for one term pre- sident law judge of Lancaster County, Pa., and died at Rye, N. Y. ; Lorenzo (1794-1878), a farmer, lived and died in Cherry Ridge town- was a farmer in Cherry Ridge ; Aretus, born in 1808, was a wheelwright, and died in the same township. Lucius Collins, sixth son of Dr. Collins, mar- ried, in 1825, Sophia (1800-1866), daughter of John Sasman, a native of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, who settled in Dyberry township in 1819. He began keeping house after his mar- riage in Bethany, where he served as constable, was elected sheriff of Wayne County in 1831, WAYNE COUNTY. 573 served one terra and was re-elected to a second terra in 1837. In 1840 he purchased the home- stead property in Cherry Ridge township of his brother Oristus, and that year built the present residence. In 1841 he removed there with hig family, and made the old homestead farm his residence until his death. Both himself and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church at Bethany, and after their removal to Cherry Ridge, he gave the ground upon which a Union Church by the Presbyterians and Metho- dists was erected, and continued to encourage and support religious work all his life. He was a man highly esteemed by his fellow-citi- zens, for his good judgment, integrity and un- impeachable character, in all the relations in life. His only child who reached mature years is Lewis S. Collins, a man well known in Wayne County. He was educated at the old Beech Woods Academy, at Wilkesbarre and at Hones- dale. He was always fond of mathematics, early gave his attention to the study of survey- ing and took instruction from Charles A. Col- lins, of Wilkesbarre, a graduate of Williams College. He succeeded to the homestead by purchase in 1866, where he has since resided. He has surveyed throughout Wayne County for thirty years, was deputy sheriff under Sheriff Eldred, book-keeper for L. A. Robertson & Co., tauners, at Middle Valley for six years, was elected county surveyor of Wayne in 1853, re- elected in 1874 and holds the office in 1886. He was elected a justice of the peace of his township in 1875, and by re-election has held the office since, a period of eleven years. He has an adopted sister, Fannie J. Bennet, but was never married. JOHN R. HOADLEY Was born in what is now South Canaan township, October 21, 1817. His father, John Price Hoadley, and Wareham Day, a brother- in-law of John Price, came from Branford, New Haven County, Conn., about 1810 and settled in Canaan township, Wayne County, Pa., and soon after this Abraham Hoadley, the grandfather, and his wife, Olive Price, also settled there from the same place, and they made their journey the entire distance on horseback. Abraham Hoadley lived to be some seventy- five years old, but the death of his wife occurred several years earlier. Their children were John Price, Lucretia (was the wife ofWareham Day), Abbey, Charlotte, Miles and /Louisa (who" first married Mr. Forbes, and after his death n Mr. Weed. John Price Hoadley died in 1 822, aged about thirty years. His wife, Sarah Rogers, survived him, sold the farm upon which they had settled and, on account of ill health, engaged in milli- nery business near Waymart, which she carried on for several years. She died in Canaan township in 1843. John R. Hoadley was their only child, and was but five years old at his father's death. On account of the ill health of his mother and the embarrassed condition of matters at his father's death, as soon as possible, he was obliged to care for himself. At the age of fourteen he be- gan life for himself, and determined that if energy and industry, with his best judgment, would be a means of success, he would serve every honorable end to carve out a fortune for himself. He received four dollars per month from William Sampson for his first season's work on the farm, and the same fall went to live with his wife's grandfather, Silas Hoadley, in the same township. The following spring he en- gaged with Luther Hoadley, son of Silas, to work for him until he should reach his majori- ty, for one hundred dollars and a suit of clothes. He was let off from this bargain a little before the end of the time, but with full pay, and for two years he worked in a turning factory in Cherry Ridge. When he felt he could do this work for himself he, in 1841, started a turning- factory of his own at what is now " Hoadley Station," on the new road of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, which he carried on until 1847. About this time this company located and built their Gravity Road from Hawley to Pittston. For one year Mr. Hoadley assisted their engineer in locating the railroad, and in this work he showed such interest and calcula- tion that the company engaged him to look after 574 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the saw-mills and lumber business located on Middle Creek. He superintended the lumber interests of their four saw-mills, one of which was located at " Hoadley Station," for some ten years or over, when the company gave him general snperiutendance over all their timber lands, comprising several thousand acres in Wayne County, which place he has filled since to the entire satisfaction of the company. In 1861 he purchased of the company seventy-one of the peace in 1859 and served three terms of five years each, when he declined the office. In 1884 he was again chosen to fill this office, which he now holds, in 1886. Although not identified as a member of any church, he is a liberal contributor to religious interests, and has ever sought to promote the best welfare of the community. He married, in 1845, Laura, eld- est daughter of Luther Hoadley (died in 1872) and Sophia Sampson (who died in 1877, JyL.fi.ti C-(^l/ ^ acres of land, upon a part of which " Hoadley Station " is built, and in 1866 erected his pres- ent residence. Mr. Hoadley is a man of cor- rect habits, good judgment and sterling charac- teristics, and while he has been a resident of Cherry Ridge township he has been called upon to serve the people in an official capacity for many years, and has filled the office of school director, overseer of the poor, and on the board of election. He was first elected justice aged eighty-two years). She was born in Ca- naan township, where her parents resided, in November, 1823. Luther Hoadley was the son of Silas Hoadley, who also came from New Haven County, Conn., and were among the early settlers of old Canaan township. The other children of Luther and Sophia Hoadley were Ann (was the wife of Baldwin Lee, of Canaan township), James B. (a farmer in the same place) and Harriet (was the wife of Dun- WAYNE COUNTY. 575 can Cameron, of Carboudale). The two sisters, Ann and Harriet, are both dead. John R. Hoadley and wife have no children. PERRY A. CLARK. His paternal grandfather, Clark, (after whom lie was named) resided near Jewett City, New London County, Conn., and was a fanner. For a short time he resided in Dutchess County, X. Y., but returned to his old home- Thomas J. Lindsey, died in Honesdale, and two sons served in the war of 1812. Another son— Eben Harris Clark, (1810—1879) a na- tive of Dutchess County, N. Y., while a young man came to Greenfield, Pa., in 1832, and the same year married Maria E. Williams (1810 — 1862) who was born near Jewett City, Conn. She had come to Dundaft', Pa., to live with her sister Mrs. Thomas J. Read. Her father was Captain Williams who followed the sea and ^w^S^yc stead where he died about 1825 at the age of seventy-five years. He served in the Revolutionary war, and was in the Colonial army when the British took New London. His old gun or musket used when he was a soldier, fighting for the inde- pendence of the Colonies, is a relic of the past, and is owned by the subject of this sketch — his grandson. One daughter, Mrs. Reuben Brown, died in Cherry Ridge township ; another, Mrs. commanded a ship. He died on the sea. Shortly after his marriage he sold his farm and removed to Carboudale where he remained until September, 1842, when he settled in Cherry Ridge township, at what is now Clark's Coiners. Here he rented the hotel for a few years and then purchased the property together with thirty acres of land. At this time this hotel, or inn as they were called in the early days, was a regular stopping place on the old WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA stage turnpike from Milford, Pa., to Owego, N. Y., and where several stages changed every day, and replaced the weary steeds with a fresh relay of horses. Mr. Clark enlarged his hotel, added one hundred and twenty acres of land to his first purchase, making one hundred and fifty in all and kept a public house until his hotel was burned in June, 1877. He was a man well read in public matters, a staunch member of the Democratic party, and for most of the time he was officially identified with Cherry Ridge township as its supervisor, school-di- rector or held other official place. He was hospitable as a landlord, esteemed as a citizen, and conducted all his business upon the prin- ciple of integrity and justice. He married for his second wife Julia Cole, widow of the late Mr. Fanning, who survives him and resides at Worcester, Mass. His children are: — Maria J., born November 17, 1840, wife of Fred'k I. Keen, a liveryman at Honesdale ; Perry A. ; Susan S., born August 31, 1843, wife of John S. Eno, superintendent of the Borden Milk Condensing factory of Putnam County, N. Y. ; Eben Harris, Jr., born November 6, 1845, elected sheriff of Wayne County in 1882, served one term, and deputy sheriff in 1885; Emily E., born July 4, 1850, wife of William M. Sandercock, in the lumber business at Hones- dale. Perry A. Clark, eldest son of Eben Harris and Maria E. Clark was born at Carbondale, Pa., April 2, 1842. He was educated in the district school at home, at the Normal school at Prompton, and at the Honesdale Academy, and for four winter terms was a teacher. While at school in Prompton he was drafted as a nine months man, in the first state draft, but being under age, did not leave home, but in the fall of 1864, being drafted for one year he ob- tained a substitute who went to the front in his place. Mr. Clark succeeded to the home- stead property by purchase from his father, and built his present pleasant farm residence in 1878. For nine years in succession he was deputy under the following sheriffs: R. S. Dorin, John R. Ross, and E. M. Spencer, and in the fall of 1876 he was elected sheriff of Wayne County and served one term, when he returned to the homestead, and until 1886 — the time of writing this sketch — has been engaged in improving his farm. He has been some- what active in political matters, and besides be- ing identified with the deputy and sheriff's office for twelve years, he has served his township as assessor, clerk and collector. He married May 6, 1880, Annie Eliza, widow of the late Rev. Stephen T. Cramp, a Methodist clergyman. She was born at live, England, February 25, 1843, and was the daughter of James Oliver, a saddler and brush- maker. Her parents died when she was young. She came to this country in 1865, and was first married on October 2, of that year. She has one child, Stephanie L. Cramp, by her first husband, and by her second marriage, one daughter, Amy E. Clark. CHAPTER XIX The surface of this township is moderately uneven, divided into two valleys running north and south, the western being the one through which the old Belmont and Easton Turnpike used to run, now kept up simply as a township road. The Moosic range practically bounds the western portion or line of the township, though its extreme limit lies along what is now Lackawanna and Susquehanna Counties (for- merly Luzerne, up to the line of Susquehanna County). The Moosic range is underlaid with deposits of coal of good quality. 2 The old "coal road" laid out by Thomas Meredith, who owned large tracts of coal land all along the western base of the Moosic, is still in exist- tence. This road was built by "bees," the neighbors all turning out to assist. This is the i By H. P. Haight, Esq. 'The writer places on record the prediction that coal will yet be found on the eastern slope, and mines be opened which will be worked as successfully as those on the west- ern slope at " Forest City." WAYNE COUNTY. 577 road leading from where Henry B. Curtis now resides, and over to where the " city " now is. It was largely through the efforts of Mr. Meredith that the Oquaga road was built, run- ning from Belmont to Laneboro', the under- lying principle governing these operations being to develop the coal lands of Mr. Meredith and put a stop to the movements of the Dela- ware and Hudson Company, which began to assume, as he looked at it, the shape of monopolizing all the coal lands of that region. From causes not necessary to explain, it did not prove a success. This was in 1814. About two years previous a state road was laid out along the eastern base of the mountain, which was to connect Philadelphia with Owego, and is the one on which Chauncey Davenport, Uriah Colbath, William Ogden, Maurice Roche and others now reside. That part from where the road leaves, to intersect the old Belmont and Easton, was long ago abandoned. The eastern or Lackawaxen Valley begins at the " divide " where the Moosic range separates the two valleys, in Mount Pleasant township, running thence southeasterly till it meets the West Branch at Prompton. Clinton has a population of one thousand by the census of 1880, and holds its own very well, no material changes having occurred to lessen or increase it. The township was formed from parts of Canaan, Mount Pleasant and Dyberry in 1825, by "order of court," the name being suggested by Judge Scott, Rufus Grenell, David S. W T est and Virgil Grenell being appointed, the first as assessor and the last two as assistant Early Skttlers. — The settlers were mainly from Connecticut. Prominent among them was Michael Grenell, a soldier of the Revolu- tion, who died in Clinton February 12, 1858. He was born at Saybrook, Conn., March 20, 1752. He served under Putnam, and was a pensioner of the government at eight dollars per month. He was singularly methodical in his habits, devoting a portion of each day to its appropriate duties — labor, recreation, devotion, rest — permitting no one duty to interfere with another. When the statue of King George, which stood in Bowling Green, at the foot of Broadway, New York, was torn down in, 1776, and when the news of the Declaration of Inde- pendence was received there, Mr. Grenell took a hand in its destruction and assisted in making the occasion a " lively " one. He voted for Washington at each presidential election till the year of his death. His son, Deacon Rufus Grenell, resembled him in many ways, being systematic,temperate, scrupulously honest, deeply religious, living and dying a member of the Baptist Church. His active participation in everything to advance its spiritual and temporal interests made his death a great loss to the church and the community, of which he had been for half a century a valued member. In the direct line of descent was the deacon's son, Hon. Virgil Grenell, now a resident of Fel- ton, Kent County, Del., who was also promi- nent in the settlement of the affairs of the township at its organization. He was elected a member of the convention to amend the consti- tution of the commonwealth in 1836. He was also commissioned by Governor Porter as asso- ciate judge for Wayne County to fill out an unexpired term, April 25, 1842 ; again July 5, 1842, for a regular term ; and again by Governor Shunk, July 22, 1847. He was also a member of the Board of Revenue by appointment of Governor Bigler in 1852 ; was elected treasurer of the county in 1856, and was county auditor when elected to the convention. These ap- pointments and elections came to Mr. Grenell unsolicited, evincing the regard in which lie was held by the people among whom he had lived so long. The judge built the house where F. M. Gaylord now resides, and moved into it in 1824, residing there constantly till 1865 or 1866, when he removed, with his wife, son Miron and wife, daughter Ann and one or two grandchildren, to Felton, Kent County, Del., where he now resides at the age of eighty-seven, surviving his wife, who died in 1885. She was Miss Harriet Gaylord, sister of Mr. Giles Gaylord, father of Milo, F. M., Henry C, Remus M., Lewis, William A., Ella and Helen Gaylord, all married and at present liv- ing. Mrs. Davenport, the widow of Austin Davenport, who was, for a number of years, 578 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. a justice of the peace of the township, and mother of Chauncy Davenport, is now liv- ing, in the eighty-fourth year of her age, is a sister of Judge Grenell and resides on the old homestead of her husband with her son. Mr. Gaylord's monument stands in the little church-yard of the Baptist Churclf, a short distance from the tannery built by Colonel Pratt. His widow, Mrs. Joanna Gaylord, survives him. She was a constituent member of the Baptist Church (which consisted of but sixteen mem- bers), and of the Mount Pleasant branch of the Peck family. To follow the genealogy of the Grenell family would require more space than can be given. Some of the old settlers of course have a history, but, as it is not particularly identified with the township, beyond a simple residence, it hardly seems to require extended notice. " Uncle Sylvester " E. North, however, must not be left without a slight tribute to his mem- ory. He was born in Connecticut, December 6, 1792, and died in this township March 3, 1883, his wife, Amanda, preceding him by six years and five months, having died October 3, 1856, at the age of sixty years, four months and fifteen days. " Uncle North " was an ar- dent Democrat of the old school, and it was his pride to refer to the fact of never having taken, or given, any of the government "shin-plas- ters," and about the last act of his life, before succumbing to his fatal sickness, was to present to Mrs. Haight, as a token of his regard, a silver dollar, which he had kept since the year he became " of age." When he settled on the land now owned by Virgil G. Gaylord, Esq., it was a wilderness. Here he pitched his tent, began to wrestle with the difficulties incident to that kind of life and when the messenger came he was ready. He had cleared up a beautiful and fertile farm and left it for his adopted son and daughter to enjoy. The fruit- trees, which had yielded in the years which had passed, so bountifully under his fostering care, had been matured from the seed. His memory is very precious with those who knew him best. What is said of "Uncle North" applies with equal force to Mrs. North. They left no chil- dren. Ashbel Stearns sleeps in the little cemetery of the Baptist Church with his wife near, and at the left of the entrance. They were both among the early settlers and he was fond of relating incidents of life in the woods, when he had to " blaze " his way through the forest to Wilkes- barre some forty miles to have a grist ground, and how when an infant, cradled in a sap- trough, while his mother was boiling sap in the woods, a large bear began to make affectionate demonstrations on that sap-trough and contents, when a few gourd fuls of boiling sap gave a different aspect to the proceedings. In a book now in the possession of Edward Nortoi', Esq., entitled " Annals and Eamily Record of Winchester, Conn., with Exercises of the Centennial Celebration on the 16th and 17th days of August, 1871," by John Boyd, the family record of all the settlers of Clinton, of the Grenell, Norton, Loomis and Griswold branches is given fully and completely, and any reference to them here is simply a resume of that record, except so far as they were identified directly with incidents of its development and subsequent history. In the fall of 1812 a few small openings had been made and log houses built, scattered along the State road from Belmont to Colonel Stan- ton's, some twelve miles. In the summer of 1813 Levi Norton and a few others associated with him built a saw-mill on the stream between where now stands the Clinton Centre Baptist Church and the place where A arou Wheeler's blacksmith shop now is, the sills of which are still visible in the bed of the stream, fairly well preserved. This was the first saw-mill built in the township. At this time, independent of the paths through the wilderness, there were few roads. What is now the " White Oak " road crosses the Lackawaxen river just above where the Baptist parsonage now is. This road was used till 1818, when Levi Norton built a saw- mill on the outlet of the White Oak Pond, just in front and a little to the right of the present residence of Mr. John Martwick, and over this road hauled his lumber to the Dy- berry, near the Asa Kimble place, and rafted it to Philadelphia. Previously, however, a road had been built WAYNE COUNTY. which is the one beginning near the " Randall place," and on which now reside Orson Case, Esq. (who had held the office of justice of the peace for a number of years and is one of our most enterprising and substantial citizens), Mr. Joshua Stanton, Jonathan Dolph, Mr. Belden Buckland (another old-time Democrat, like " Uncle North," and one of the best citizens of the township, one who had never solicited a vote for himself, but had many times held po- sitions of trust and responsibility through the partiality of his numerous friends), Patrick Cog- gins, " Squire " Jonathan Burns (who had met with more accidents and losses and come out of them safer and with better pluck than any man from Tipperary to Ballinasloe), and so on, by the way of the " old glass factory," (of which, by the way, in a few years at most, there will be not one stone to indicate where once was a large establishment, employing a great many hands,) to Bethany, the then county seat. In 1820 a mail route was established from Easton to Mount Pleasant, and a post-office located where Francis F. Norton resides, then the residence of " Uncle Alva " W. Norton, who was made postmaster, and the office called Mount Republic. Mr. Norton held this posi- tion till 1851 or 1852, when the tannery was built, diverting the business from that part of the township, and through the influence of Col- onel Pratt, who had been a member of Con- gress from Greene County, N. Y., the office was removed to where it now is, with Julius T. Alden as postmaster. Mr. John Storm, grand- father of Hon. Jonathan B. Storm, member of Congress from Monroe, then in this Congres- sional district, had the contract for carrying the mail once a week on horseback, but some- times it was carried on foot. A young man by the name of Loosman was the next carrier. The Belmont and Easton turnpike was comple- ted in 1821, and a few years afterwards a line of coaches was put on, and it became quite a thoroughfare. A hotel was kept in the building now occupied as a residence by Mr. Heury B. Curtis, and was a great resort of drovers on their way from Great Bend and all that region to Easton and Philadelphia, then the great objective points. Uncle Alva, as he was familiarly called, was a man of fine abilities, and as civil engineer had surveyed a good share of the lauds of Clin- ton and adjoining townships. He was the son of Levi Norton, who came to Clinton in 1812 and " foreclosed " on five thousand acres of land in Wayne County. He gathered an un- mixed " Yankee " settlement around him and died January 21, 1823, aged sixty-four. The family of Levi (his wife was Olive Wheeler, born in Bethlehem, Conn., September 19, 1759, married to Mr. Norton January 21, 1783, and died May 25, 1838), were Warren W., who was the father of Hiram and Sidney M. ; Alva W. (Uncle Alva), who was born August 10, 1791 and died in 1875 ; Sheldon, born Novem- ber 26, 1793, died September 15, 1838; and the father of Edward K., familiarly known as " E. K." — K. for Kirby, after an old friend of the family. Sheldon was one of the first clerks of Wayne County, and married Harriet, daugh- ter of Grenell Spencer, of Winchester, Conn., September 14, 1818. He died September 15, 1838. He was agent of the American Sunday School Union (headquarters in Philadelphia,) and the history of his life would fill a good- sized volume. As there were no railroads in those days he travelled through the southern and western states thousands of miles on horse- back. Uncle Alva was one of the old-time hard- shell Democrats till the Fremont campaign, when he made his home with the Republicans, and remained with them until his death. He died as he lived, a sincere Christian, respected by all who knew him and was a member of the Baptist Church for over fifty years. Uncle Alva always insisted that he organized the first Sunday-school in Clinton in 1813. Judge Grenell says, speaking of going to school, etc., " Three of us boys went three miles every day to school; this was in 1815. In 1816Sheldon Norton taught school in our neighborhood ; in the fall of 1817 I taught school in Mt. Pleasant town- ship ; in 1814 my father — that's Deacon Rufus — organized a Sunday-school in his house. Most of the children and young people in the neigh- borhood attended through the summer. The one ' Uncle Alva ' speaks of as organized by him 580 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in 1813 I have no knowledge of." Of course there are no official records to harmonize dates, etc., but in either event it is highly creditable to Clinton that it had a Sunday-school in 1813 or 1814. Mrs. Davenport (the judge's sister) and himself are the only ones now living who attended the Sunday-school at their father's. In the spring of 1822 Deacon Grenell bought two hundred acres of land, of which the site of the tannery, saw-mill and other build- ings, now the church, parsonage, etc., occupy a part, and in the summer and fall of that year built the saw-mill, a portion of which still re- mains, near the county bridge, which is between it and the tannery. The judge took fifty acres of the purchase, also built a small house into which he and his wife moved. In 1824 he built the house which F. M. Gaylord now oc- cupies, living there till they removed to Dela- ware in 1866. The next year after this mill was built, the road which crosses the Lacka- waxen, near where is now the Baptist parson- age, was changed to where it now crosses over the county bridge. ■ The first settlers were succeeded largely by people who had emigrated from England, prominent among whom were Rev. Henry Cur- tis, a minister of the Baptist church, and his wife, who, immediately preceding his purchase of the farm on which he lived until his death, in August, 1867, lived in Bethany, and owned the mansion built by Mr. Jacob S. Davis, who was county treasurer when Bethany was the county-seat. Mr. Curtis was born at Ellston, Leicestershire, England, October 8, 1800. Mrs. Curtis (Eliza Banning) was born October 9, 1801, at Reading, Berkshire, England, and died May 26, 1879. Married March 13, 1824, in New York, Rev. John, father of the late Rev. Wm, R. Williams, officiating. She was of a family of five sisters and one brother, Alpheus Ban- ning, all but her being residents of New York and Brooklyn, though but one at present sur- vives her. Her sister married one Van Tassel, of an ancient family of Tarrytown, N. Y., mentioned in Diederich Knickerbocker's " History of New York." Sarah married Mr. John W. Avery, one of the old time merchants of New York, who still survives her and is vice-president of the old East River Bank. Mary, the wife of Mr. Jas. Lock, of the Brooklyn savings-bank ; and Caroline, of New York — all deceased but Mrs. Lock. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were the parents of Mr. Henry B., Euphemia P., John J., Dr. George R., Julia A., and Eugene K. The last named lives on and owns the old homestead at Eden vale, Clinton township, a " vale" of rare beauty and great fertility. Dr. George P. was a physician of superior ability, and his death, which oc- curred June 9, 1884, in the fifty-first year ot his age, was a great loss, not alone for his schol- arly attainments and skill, but his beautiful Christian life. John J. is a book-agent for the publishing house of A. S. Barnes & Co., of New York, and lives in Honesdale. Dr. Geo. B. died in Hawley. Thomas and William Olver and their fami- lies, living at or near where they first located, in what was then Dyberry, but in the straight- ening of township lines Thomas was brought into Clinton ; James and Wm. Giles, W T illiam Bates, Henry Gurumoe, father and son and sev- eral others came from Cornwall, England, — all citizens of whom any community could be justly proud. In the year 1849-50 Colonel Pratt, who had accumulated quite a fortune in tanning at Prattsville, Greene County, N. Y., furnished the means, and a large tannery was erected which used eight thousand cords of hemlock bark per year. The business was carried on with varying success till about 1882, when it was abandoned altogether and the timbers are being sold to work up into smaller buildings, barns, etc., and fire wood. The site, with quite a large tract of land, was purchased of Messrs. Grenell & Foster, who, in company with A. O. Hanford, since dead, had carried on the business of manufacturing shovel handles. Mr. E. K. Norton, of the firm, retired to con- duct a large farm, since widely known as the " Ridge Farm." Judge Grenell also engaged subsequently in farming, and finally moved to Delaware and Mr. Hanford removed to Car- bondale, entered into the employ of the Dela- ware & Hudson Canal Company and died there. WAYNE COUNTY. The sudden demand for bark induced the owners of bark land to slaughter the timber right and left, and millions of feet were left to rot where they fell ; it proved a sad blow to the prosperity of the township — a waste of so much valuable timber which, if it could have been disposed of as fast as peeled, would have resulted in a vast accretion to the wealth of the township. However, the inhabitants, with indomitable enterprise and patience, have outlived this drain upon their prosperity, and it is a pleasant thing to note that they have re- covered from it, and to-day it would be diffi- cult to find a community more intelligent and prosperous than to be found in Clinton. There are no records of any Indian tribes having made " Headquarters " here, though evidences of their having been here on their expeditions from the Delaware across the coun- try to Great Bend, are quite numerous. Mrs. Louisa Curtis, daughter of the late Francis Griswold and wife of Mr. H. B. Curtis, has in her possession a number of Indian relics; stone pestles with which they pounded their corn ; spears, arrow-heads, etc., all ploughed up on their farm. Among the hardiest of the pioneers may be mentioned Francis and Horace Griswold. There were other members of the family ; among them Sedato and Orrin. Francis cleared up the land which now includes the farms of Mr. H. B. Curtis ; the old homestead, now occupied by Mr. Fred. Bucklisch, who married the widow of Mr. Griswold's son, Homer, who is the estimable daughter of Mr. Charles Van Meter, now of Susquehanna County. Mr. Loomis married the second daughter of Mr. Griswold, and built a very elegant house there- on, a striking peculiarity of which is, that the interior is finished of the wood grown on the farm ; giving a finish equal to any of the finest imported, and the balusters are made of about the last material one would expect — Sumac. Nathan resides upon another farm, aud has also erected an exceedingly tasteful house, finished in about the same manner and material, except the balusters. All these farms were cleared and made to increase an " hundredfold," through the indomitable will aud faithful, steady and persistent labors of Mr. Griswold, whose memory is very grate- fully cherished by the community in which he lived and by the people of the Baptist Church, of which he was a deacon for many years. He died September 8, 1809. His brother, Horace, came from Massachu- setts in 1810, to Butternuts, Otsego County, N. Y., and subsequently to Harmony, Susquehan- na County, this State, and finally to Clinton, where he resided till the time of his death, which occurred March 3, 1880, aged seventy- nine years. He married a Miss Fliza McKnight, a Vermont girl. They had six children, Ashur, Robie, Maiden, Mrs. V. G. Gaylord, John and one other. John enlisted under Captain James Ham, Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was in the engagements at Winchester and Cedar Run. The entire Griswold family were remark- ably hardy and active. Horace died a member of the Baptist Church. In the raising of the "bents" of the tannery frame, the strength manifested by him was simply marvelous, and was the means of preventing the death of about a dozen persons. When one of the " bents " had got to that point where it was impossible to raise it another inch, and it was almost cer- tain death to let go, Horace appeared on the scene, took in the situation at a glance, jumped to the assistance of the men, and with his giant strength carried it over the centre of gravity, then, with a yell, " Set her up, boys," up it went to its place. The old " Election House " was the school- house of what now is the Independent district, and was such from the organization of the township in 1825, till the spring of 1853, when F. M. Crane, Esq., read a bill to change the location to its present. The original place was more central, but the present more populous. Hotels in the township, as a rule, were not financially or morally a success, except the one on the old Belmont and Easton, which has only existed for more than fifty years ; there have been but two. One was the tavern kept by Mr. John Belknap, and subsequently by a Mr. Hicks, and stood at the corner of the road opposite the " Ned Buntline " house. Afterwards the property passed into the hands of Mr. Jus- 582 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tus Sears, who occupied it as a residence, and finally exchanged properties with Mr. Alexan- der Conyne, of Prompton. Mr. Conyne then opened it again as a public house, under the name of the Clinton Hotel. He was accident- ally killed by a tree falling on him in the win- ter of 1879. Shortly afterwards it was closed as a hotel. Mrs. Conyne and her sons carried on the farm till 1884, when about noon one day the building was discovered to be on fire, and burned to the ground. The property passed into other hands, and Mrs. Conyne, with her children, went west. The other hotel was kept by a Mr. Rhodes, in the building iioAv occupied by Mr. George Moore as a private res- idence. He also carries on a blacksmith shop, and has been fairly successful in his business. There has been but one grist-mill in the township. This was built in about 1853, now run by Mr. J. W. Bunnell, the immediate su- pervision being in the hands of Mr. Adna Clark, whose reputation as a superior miller has been established a great many years. A small tannery was built on the " Perrine " property at the bend of the Lackawaxen, near the residence of Mrs. Grace Giles, which is di- rectly opposite the Baruch B. Bunting property. This tannery was carried on as an " upper leather" tannery for several years, from about 1826 when it burned down. Part of the foun- dation is in existence yet, beneath the surface. Mr. William Giles purchased this property, on which his widow now lives, of Mr. John Torrey, and lived there from that time till his death, except a short period immediately preceding, when he lived in the house on an ad- joining property, which he owned, and which was burned to the ground one day about noon. The little house immediately south of the creek and raceway of the grist-mill, and about seven acres of land, now owned by Mrs. George Wil- marth, was offered for sale for two hundred and fiftv dollars, and stood there several years waiting for a purchaser. No one seemed willing to in- vest at that price, when it was withdrawn from sale for about a year and again offered at seven hundred dollars, and found a purchaser in a short time. This seemed to stimulate prices of real estate in this vicinity for a while. The old tannery property of Colonel Pratt, that is, the farm property and buildings, have been sold to different parties. The grist-mill to Mr. I. W. Bunnell, who has added to it a cider-mill ; some to Mr. George Moore and An- drew Daark. The farm and mansion formerly occupied by Mr. Henry J. Alden were purchased in 1884, by the Messrs. Fleming, for about four thou- sand five hundred dollars ; this includes, besides the farm buildings, the building erected and used for 'many years as the "tannery store," in which the post-office is kept, and has been, ever since its establishment, except a very short time when Mr. Ralph Case was post-master. He had it removed to the old " Dr. Strong store," then occupied as a general store, but now used as a barn and stable by Mr. George Moore. Mr. J. T. Alden was the first post-master. When he left and removed to Little Falls, N. Y., he was succeeded by his brother, who re- tained the office till Mr. H. J. Alden took an interest in the business (except about a year, when Mr. Ralph Case was post-master). He. died about 1862, when H. P. Haight was ap- pointed, and has held it till the present, with the exception of a couple of years, when Mr. H. J. Alden was appointed, but he having pur- chased an interest in a tannery at Herrick Cen- ter, Susquehanna County, it was again handed over to Mr. Haight, who is the present post- master. The office originally was a " special " office, receiving its mail from Prompton in a " saddle- bag" under contract with H. P. Haight to carry it once a week for twenty-five dollars a year. It was practically a daily mail, as the teams hauling hides and leather to and from the tannery transported it free. The compensation was subsequently increased to fifty dollars a year, till finally Mr. Bass, of Mt. Pleasant, carrying the mail via Bethany, daily made a detour, taking the Aldenville office in for the compensation allowed, and, after a time, it was made a daily route as it now is. In the line of manufacturing establishments, those mentioned were the only ones, with a few minor exceptions. A saw-mill owned by " Boss " Thomas, a steam-mill, was run for a few years ; WAYNE COUNTY. r,s:; one built by Mr. Augustus Loomis is now in existence ; one owned and run by Orson Case, Esq., purchased from the estate of Mr. Amos Denslow, is still running quite extensively ; there was another on "The Flats" below the grist-mill, owned by Stone & Graves, of Hones- dale, ami run by Robert Taylor. Nothing but a few stones of the foundation are now visible. Still another, owned by James and Amzi Burns, and subsequently by Mr. H. C. Gaylord, has been abandoned. There is one now,- iii_aid±iacL.QftgE*tipn hw m * 1 by J. L. Keene & Co. A cider-mill run by a small stream from the base of the Moosic, built by Mr. H: B. Curtis, has been, within a year, converted to other use by Mr. Curtis' son, George, quite an ingenious lad, who got from different persons the parts of an engine, boiler, etc., put them together, guided only by his own natural mechanical love of machinery, and now having learned the trade, has made a success in grinding meal, feed, etc., largely interfering with more pretentious establishments. There have been no lodges or secret societies except one of " Sons of Temperance," which ex- isted about a year, and was started in the house of B. B. Bunting, subsequently transferred to the upper room of Mr. Stephen L. Bunting's old "Curiosity Shop;" and one held in the hall of the upper story of Mr. Anson Wheeler's house, in 1863 or 18G4. The old curiosity shop of Mr. Bunting was an " institution " sui generis. Himself one of the most ingenious beings, he had accumulated a stock of material, including musical instru- ments, parts of clocks, watches, buz-saws, jig- saws, band-saws, wheels, cranks, parts of ploughs and all farming implements, wagons, sleighs, stoves, wind-mills, etc., etc. Stephen L. Bunting was born in 1841, and died where his widow still resides, September 4, 1877. The old house where his father lived, stands in the lot on the path to the Maple Ford, about a hundred rods away, since torn down. He was the son of John Bunting, and both lie in the little church yard near the Bap- tist parsonage, near the northeast corner. " Milo John " has no monument to mark his grave, but his memory is treasured by his old neigh- bors and friends as having bestowed on him that too rare gem, an honest heart. Of the family of John, there were five brothers. John Baruch Bunting, who, in his late years, became a preacher in the Baptist Church, who had a natural shrewdness and ready wit which he used as oc- casion offered, with considerable tact, in his travels over the country, sometimes in his own conveyance, but quite as often on foot, carrying Bibles, religious works and tracts. He is buried, and a neat monument marks his resting-place (erected by the Central Baptist Church, of Clinton), in the little cemetery there. Of the remaining brothers and sisters, there were Daniel D., who owned the farm now owned by the present justice of the peace, David Hop- kins (since succeeded by the election of A. R. Peck, Esq., February, 1886). He died there March 9, 1872, sixty-one years old. Children : — Apollos, who with his brother John, built the little tannery on the Perrine place ; Abija, a carpenter ; Patience, who married David Saunders ; Eunice, who married Squire \V. June and moved West ; Sally, who married Pierce Sloan, who owned the prop- erty now owned by Mr. George Moore ; and Sylvah, who married Norman Weaver, who owned the farm uow owned by Mr. William Monaton, and lived near the site of Mr. Mona- ton's present residence. They now are all dead. Of the Olver family, independent of their de- scendants, Thomas, born in Cornwall, England, died December 6, 1875, and with his wife, who died January 22, 1885 (sixty-one years), rests in the graveyard near the parsonage. He was a sturdy, conscientious, upright citizen ; Wil- liam still lives a prosperous and highly esteemed member of the coinmuuity, just across the line in Dyberry. Heman Arnold, a brother of Hon. Phineas Arnold, associate judge of Wayne County, owned the farm which Michael Dvvyer now owns, and died there about the seventieth year of his age, in 1858. William Weaver owned the farm now in the possession of Patrick Low of Tanners Falls, but not occupied by him (Mr. Low). On the road leading from the" White Oak " past the 584 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. " G " house, used to be a log cabin occupied by one McLaughlin, widely, if not pleasantly known, as the "Dog's Nest," and along in 1848 to 1852, standing in the woods, now cleared away. After the tannery had got fairly at work this was a great resort for the hands. Whiskey could be had there which made the wilderness howl nights and Sundays, and with the barking and yelping of a dozen big dogs, more or less, made it necessary, even if it was back in the woods, to abolish it. Mr. James Giles, born in Cornwall, England, came to this country in 1842, and after a few removals, located where he now resides on the White Oak road overlooking the White Oak Pond. His old house was partially destroyed in the great whirlwind in 1851, which uprooted large trees, blew down fences and leveled the Baptist Church. He subsequently built a new and larger residence to meet the requirements of an increasing family, and made a comfortable home, clearing up with great labor and patience, a large farm. Mr. Giles possessed, to a large degree, the esteem of the people among whom he located. In March, 1865 (the 6th), his family was most grievously afflicted, four children were taken down with the " black" fever, John G, aged fifteen ; Albert M., thirteen ; Laviua E., twelve ; and Ocena, five years old ; all were buried the same day. Another son, William L., ten years old, died from the same disease, April 0, his lather and step-mother, Mrs. Mary, who resided with them, soon followed, on the 11th day of May, 1865, and Thomas, the father, October 21, 1865, leaving to the family only three persons, Mr. James Giles and one son, Ralph, all of these are still living. Silas McMullen, who formerly owned the farm now owned by Mr. John Martwick, was the father of a bright family of children. Wil- liam, who resides in Carbondale ; Charles, who lives in Waymart ; and two or three others. He died September 29, 1860, aged fifty-one years ; the result of an accident from being caught in some of the machinery of one of the stationary engines on the Delaware and Hudson Gravity road. Henry Gummoe, Sr., the head of a family, died December 2, 1875, aged seventy years. He built the house and owned about twelve acres of land, now occupied by Daniel Rutaw, and was from Cornwall, England. He was methodical in every thing he undertook ; his services were in constant demand as a wall- layer. Those fortunate enough to employ him knew that if he laid the wall it was good for a century. His son, Henry, still lives, a prosper- ous farmer, with hand and heart open to Chris- tian charity and kindly feelings to all. He married Miss Elizabeth Crago, whose mother died in the fall of 1884, in the eighty-fifth year of her age, a woman of sterling worth and an humble Christian all her life. The Crago family were residents in Dyberry, but it may not be improper to here mention the affliction which overtook the family, inasmuch as so many of them sleep in Clinton, "the sleep that knows no waking." This is the record. In 1885, December 5th, Alary, eleven years ; De- cember 12th, Ella, nine years ; December 17th, Nettie, four years ; December 18th, Sara, eigh- teen years ; December 22d, Thomas, forty-eight years, the father. In 1874, February 9th, ( 'atharine, thirty-seven years, the mother. Levi H. Alden, Sr., who was the partner of Colonel Pratt in building the tannery, died at the residence of his brother-in-law, George L. Morss — since dead — near Carbondale, August 5, 1850, aged sixty-seven. . Amanda (Tuttle) Alden, his wife, survived him till March 7, 1854, and died in Clinton in the house where Mr. Fleming now lives, sixty-one years old. H. P. Haight has the clock now which was part of the furniture of their beginning at house- keeping in Greene County, N. Y. Colonel Pratt's history, as a whole, does not prop- erly belong in Wayne, Pike and Monroe, yet part of it does. The colonel invested some of his money here, and if he had made his residence here it would have stimulated enter- prises in this county that have been slumbering for years and years, and even now await the hand of a Colonel Pratt, or one of that kind to bring them to light. He was generous as sun- light, systematic as Governor Marcy, and gentle as a child. The colonel subsequently sold his interest in the Clinton property to his son-in- WAYNE COUNTY. law, Hon. Colin M. Ingersoll, of Hartford, Conn., but Mr. Ingersoll finding the practice of law was more congenial to his taste sold his interest to the remaining partners, and never visited Clinton again. After J. P. Alden with- drew Hon. James Dickson, of Honesdale, was taken in as a partner. Simon J., the father of David and Willis W. Hopkins, died September 9, 1870, aged forty- one years. He was practically a self-educated man, witli remarkable native talent, which was largely improved by observation. ( )f that family Samuel went West; David, a brother, who now resides in Parkridge, N. J., was pro- minent in many of the interests of the New York and Erie Railroad during the time when Fisk and Gould were its leading spirits, and afterwards began the publication of the Ameri- can Sentry, a Greenback organ of considerable snap in New York. William, another brother, is a farmer, now living near the old homestead of the late Thomas Olver. Fisher Case, and his son, Ralph, both lie in the Baptist burying-ground. Ralph was for many years in the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Company, having charge of the com- pany's reservoirs in the township and vicinity. Ralph was singular in his way, a keen observer of men and things, and was postmaster under the administration of Marshal Jewell, and kept the office in the store of Sidney Norton. Mr. Case died in the " Perrine" House. He owned the farm and built the house now owned by Mr. Edward Moran. In the line of dealers in general merchandise, now retired, Edward Gaylord was the first, keeping store, in what is now the " Mill- house," from 1849 to 1851 ; afterwards the " Tannery-store " was started, D. W. Em- mons and William Gilmore being the principal dealers ; this store has been kept by Judge Dickson, Jr., and L. H. Alden, and is now kept by C. H. Wilmarth, though the building is owned by the Messrs. Fleming. The grist-mill has been under the manage- ment of Mr. James W. Fowler (father), James (the son), George and Aaron, belonging to a family of seven or eight sons, all millers, and good ones too. (James, the son, married Celia, 57 daughter of William Bates, Sr. ; George, mar- ried Eva, daughter of William Olver ; and Aaron, married Maria, daughter of Rev. J. R. Remsen, pastor of the Baptist Church.) Sub- sequent occupants of the mill were Mr. Gabriel Howell and Mr. Adam C. Clark. Mr. Howell was from South Canaan, and Mr. Clark from New York. Luther Ledyard, " Uncle Lute," owned and lived on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. George Genther, and was quite prominent in the politics of the township. He was born in Brooklyn, Conn., in 1794. His remains were interred on the farm where he died. His wife, Roby, rests by his side. She died April 4, 1880, aged seventy-eight years and sixteen days. Daniel Arnold, father of Henry and Charles, and of Milo Gay lord's -wife, owned and lived on the farm now owned and occupied by Milo. From the elevation at the north of his resi- dence a couple of hundred yards, a view is ob- tained, which, in extent and beauty, is hardly equaled from any point on the Catskills or the blue ridge of the Alleghanies. Mr. Arnold died in 1873, aged eighty -three, and was buried iu the cemetery of the Central Baptist Church, Clinton. Asa Stanton, who killed, in Warren County, the elk whose antlers have been in possession of the family for half a century, died July 7, 1883, aged ninety-three. William Giles was fifty-four at the time of his death, June 14, 1872. William Bates, Sr., lies beside his wife, Mrs. Betsey Bates, by the side of the main avenue, about midway of the cemetery. They were the parents of Samuel, William, Stephen, John, Robert, Thomas, and besides, the daugh- ter heretofore named, Emma, wife of William Turner, of Clinton. Mr. Philip Kennedy now owns and occupies the old homestead. John, the grandfather of John, killed the first elk that was killed in Wayne County. Reuben Peck, the father of Albert Peck, Esq., who resides on the old homestead, and is one of the most estimable citizens of the town- ship, and of E. M. Peck, now a resident of Carbondale, holding a very responsible position 586 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONUOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. with the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany, died January 13, 1870, seventy-one years old. His wife, Sally Ann, died October 29, 1875, aged seventy-four. She was the daugh- ter of Benjamin King, of Mount Pleasant township, one of the old settlers there. Julius T. Alden, of the firm of Pratt & Al- den, and the oldest of a family of three broth- ers, also head of the firm of Alden & Cum- in ings, leather dealers in New York, was born in Windham, Greene County, N. Y., Febru- ary 18, 1821, and died at Little Falls, Herk- imer ( 'ounty, N. Y. He married Miss Roxy, the daughter of Carleton Emmons, of Oneonta, N. Y., and the .sister of D. M. Emmons, now of Huntington City, W. Y., who built the house now occupied by C. H. Wilmarth, aud which has been occu- pied successively by Francis Olver. The township has within its bounds several artificial reservoirs, — the "White Oak," " Long," " Elk," " Mud" and " Swamp," col- lectively holding a vast amount of water, util- ized in periods of low water in the Delaware and Hudson Canal, to keep up the supply for floating the company's boats to tide water at Rondout, N. Y. In the purchase of privi- leges for these reservoirs, — dams having to be built, considerable management had to be at- tended to, — parties in the interest of the com- pany, assuming that small dams only would be erected, and, in consequence, privileges for flowing would be purchased for a mere nomi- nal sum. Notably was this the case in the leasing of the White Oak Pond, which it was said would be set back by a dam only twelve feet high, securing thus the privilege, aud if required, the right to Hood lands which it was deemed impossible to cover. The dam now measures twenty-six feet, making quite a differ- ence in the amount of water. Samuel T. Saunders purchased what is known as " the Island," a high point of land which the "White Oak" surrounded when shut back. When he died it came into possession of his son George, who, with his mother, wife and children, now occupy it. These reservoirs, or lakes, afford some very fine fishing, having been " stocked " by some of the lovers of that sport. McKnowu introduced the black bass, while others, as George S. Purdy, Esq., sup- plied the streams with trout. Mr. Erastus Loomis formerly owned the farm now occupied by Mr. Rude. He married Miss Mehitabel, sister of John Bradshaw and James Muzzey, she died several years since, and he still survives her, and is living with his brother, Hiram, at his tasteful mansion, about a mile north of the church, well preserved, and with a remarkably retentive memory, a moving encyclopaedia of incidents connected with the early history of the township. Newel Callander, once pastor of the Baptist Church, lived in the house now uearly adjoin- ing the mansion of Mr. Loomis (H. P). Sidney Norton before he built where his son Myron and his mother reside, lived on the noitheast corner of the road leading past Howard Bunt- ings, and where it intersects the old Belmont and Easton turnpike. George Kingsbury lives on the farm where his father, Joseph Kings- bury, lived so many years and where he died. George was a great hunter in his day, and it is necessary only to mention bear or fox in his presence to awaken reminiscences of Clinton in its primitive days both instructive and enter- taining. He married Mrs. Mary, the widow of James E. Belknap, whose sons, John and Harry, made an honorable record in the late Civil War, both losing their lives in the service. James was the brother of John, a relative by marriage of Hon. Nathaniel B. Eldred. Henry Greiner, who was a soldier, lives on the farm adjoining the one occupied by Mr. John Belknap, and is the son of William Greiner, who formerly owned the farm now oc- cupied by Mr. John P. Pithick. William sub- sequently moved to Seelyville, and died there. Henry's brother, Frank, who married a daugh- ter of Mr. William Giles, died several years ago. Mr. S. Benedict, late proprietor and editor of the Carbondale Advance, bought a part of what is now the farm occupied by the widow of Michael Moran, aud built a house on it which was burned. He then went to Carbondale, and subsequently sold his property in Clinton to Mr. Moran, who occupied it till his death which occurred in 1886. WAYNE COUNTY. 587 Samucl Walker, a great hunter, lived in a house standing nearly opposite the carriage house of Mr. E. H. Curtis. He went West, became <|iiite a prominent personage, and died there in July, 1886. His wife was Maria, daughter of Mr. Jacob Faatz, largely engaged in the erection and conducting the business of the " Old Glass Factory " in Dyberry. West- wardly from thence over the high lands and off to the left, south from the " G." House lives Moses, the son of William Cole, one of Clinton's best farmers and citizens, at present an honored member of the Board of School Directors, which has given to Clinton a system of Common Schools second to none in the county outside the graded schools. The Lackawaxex Turnpike was char- tend by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, July 16, 1828, and an election of officers was held at Belmont, September 28th of that year, with Rufus Grenell, president; Jacob S. Davis, treasurer; and L. C. Judson, secretary. The latter was the father of " Ned Buntline." The following were elected as managers : Harry Mumford, Luther Stark, Thomas Slayton, John Crater, Levi C. Judson, Fisher Case, Virgil Grenell, Daniel Bunting, Seth Haydeu, Ben- jamin Jenkins, Richard L. Seely, father of Hon. H. M. Seely (President Judge) and late president of the (now National) Honesdale Bank. Governor David R. Porter, November 28, 1839, appointed Austin Davenport, Francis Griswold and David S. West commissioners to examine said turnpike road ; and on the recommendation of the commissioners licensed the president, managers, etc., to erect gates for the collection of tolls from all persons traveling on the turnpike with horses, cattle, carts and carriages. This turnpike began at the Cochec- ton and Great Beud Turnpike near the village of Belmont, ran along the west branch of the Lacka waxen River, past what is now Alden- ville, and intersected the Honesdale and Clarks- town Turnpike at Prompton, a distance of fourteen miles and two hundred and fourteen rods. After an existence of twenty-six years, it was surrendered to the several townships through which it passed in 1866. CHURCHES. — -There have been four church buildings erected in the township, the oldest be- ing the Central Baptist, organized November 10, 1831, though the members living in the vicinity who had withdrawn from surrounding churches, met to consider the propriety of organizing themselves into a separate church October 23d of that year. Their first church building was completed and opened for public worship in the autumn of 1846. This house being destroyed by a cyclone July 25, 1851, a new one was erected on the same site and dedicated January 21, 1855. This made two that were built up to that time. For a number of years previous to the constitution of the Baptist Church at Aldenville, the place had been occupied as an out station by pastors of the Baptist Churches of Bethany, Clinton and Honesdale. The labors of Rev. Henry Curtis had been abun- dant and continuous. A flourishing Sabbath- school had been organized and sustained by the Baptists. Prayer-meetings were held and March 1, 1855, a "Council of Recognition " was held in the school-house at which Rev. Zelotes Grenell was moderator and E. L. Baily, clerk, and with sixteen members was constituted the regular Baptist Church of Aldenville. In February. 1856, Mr. Curtis became pastor, and on the 9th of July of that year, the church building costing fifteen hundred dollars was dedicated. Its present pastor, Rev. James R. Remsen, was installed in May, 1871. In 1880, the 25th year of its existence was celebrated with appropriate services. This made the third church building erected in the township. The plot of ground immediately in front of the church was deeded to the trustees of the Alden- ville Baptist Church and their successors in office The lot on which the church stands was purchased from the tannery firm for one hun- dred dollars. The Methodist Episcopal Church was com- menced later than the Baptist, but owing to the burden placed upon the latter in erectiug two churches so soon and thus delaying the comple- tion of their house, the Methodist Episcopal opened their house first, the Baptists, mean- while, worshipping in the school-house. To the labors of Messrs. Thomas and William WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Olveraixl Mr. Charles Manaton are mainly due the erection of the neat and roomy church building. It is supplied with an Estey organ. It has had some able ministers. The lot on which it stands was donated to it by the tannery firm, and is of the same dimensions as the Baptists' lot adjoining, seventy-five by one hun- dred and fifty feet. It was repainted in the autumn of 1885. This was the fourth church edifice erected in the township since 1845. Schools. — In the spring of the present year the question of discontinuing the Independent school district began to be agitated, — W. C. Norton, of the " Ridge Farm," and his brother- in-law, Mr. E. H. Ledyard, being actively en- gaged in favor of its being discontinued, while Mr. Harrison, on whose land the school-house still stands, William Rude, L. F. Norton, W. W. Davidson, — son of J. K. Davidson, Es■_' WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. many skirmishes and battles), Jane E., George W. (who served three years in the Fourteenth Pennsylvania Calvary, and saw and took part in many a hard fought battle), Orson, Jr., Malvina, Louisa, Jerome (who also served in the Union army a year and saw active service), Henry and Sarah. Orson Case, Jr., of whom this sketch is written, commenced working with his father for wages when but fourteen years old, which may be said to have been his start in life. He learned the mill-wright trade and followed it several years. We next find him running saw- mills at different points in Pennsylvania and New York. When twenty-two years old, with the money he had saved he purchased forty acres of his father's farm near Hop Bottom winch he kept until 1864, when he sold out, and with his family came to Wayne County and bought of Amos Denslo, the saw- mill and farm he now owns. He has rebuilt the house, built out-buildings and many rods of stone wall. The fine fruit his family now enjoy is the result of his skill and perseverance in budding, pruning and planting trees. When a small hoy he many times escaped well-deserved punishment at his mother's hands by hiding under the bee-hives. He then learned that they would not sting him, and formed an attachment for the little workers which has grown stronger witli advancing years. In 1866 he purchased a few swarms of bees in the old style hive and began raising them. For eight years he kept on in the old way of bee culture, and then commenced to make them and their habits and culture a study. He bought and studied works on bee culture, and found that the successful handling of bees was a science, and that the more he watched and studied, the more he admired them. He built a bee-house, and changed his old hives for the most improved make until he now has a hun- dred of the best pattern of hives, no two of which are painted alike. In addition to deriv- ing a vast amount of pleasure from the culture of honey bees, he has made it a financial suc- cess, and intends to keep his swarms up to an even hundred. Mr. Case has always been a Democrat, and has taken an active interest in his party in Wayne County. He has been a delegate to the county conventions at different times, and has held minor township offices. He is now holding his second term as justice of the peace. He is and has been for eight years a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and has taken two degrees of the Star Lodge Chapter and Knights Templar. Mr. Case, his wife and daughters are members of the Baptist Church of which he is now trustee. On the 13th day of July, 1S64, he was joined in marriage to Miss Orpha A. Alden, who was born in Windsor township, Broome County, N. Y., January 13, 1842. Mrs. Case is of English origin. Her grand- father, Benjamin F. Alden, came from Great Barriugton, Mass., and settled in the wilderness in Windsor township. Benjamin F. married Hannah Graham, who bore him the following children, — Barnabas, Timothy, Benjamin F., Jr., Sophronia, Naomi, Saloma (twins) and Almida. Barnabas married Margaret Snyder, and their children were Eliza, Jane, Timothy P., Philip H, John C, Almaretta, Sophronia J., Hannah P., Lydia A. and Orpha A. Mr. and Mrs Orson Case's children are Effie E. (born March 30, ] 867), Sherman A. (Novem- ber 13, 1869, died March 30, 1873) and Bessie O. (September 1, 1873, died October 30, 1873). HENRY GKKINER was born in Dyberry township, Wayne Coun- ty, Pa., on the 28th day of October, 1833. His ancestors came from Germany about 1820 and settled in Lackawanna County, Pa., at a place called Newton. The first to settle as above set forth was Paul Greiner, Henry's grandfather. He lived for a time in Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, then emi- grated to St. Clair County, Michigan, where he passed the remainder of his days. His chil- dren were Henry, William, Jackson, Christian, Hannah and Sophia. Of the sons Henry moved to Holmes County, Ohio, in 1845, where he died, leaving a family of children. Jack- sou and Christian went with their father to Michigan where their descendants still reside. William, the father of our subject, was born in Germany and came with his father to this coun- try when but eight years of age. He learned WAYNE COUNTY. 593 the glass-blower's trade and worked in the Bethany Glass-Factory. He finally left the glass-works and moved on to a farm he pur- chased in Clinton township, in Wayne County. He lost a thousand dollars by the failure of the glass-works, which made paying for his farm a difficult task, and a task his children were, as soon as old enough, called upon to assist in. He died in Seelyville, Wayne County, in No- He was an ardent Republican as were all his brothers, though the father was a Democrat. Fired with patriotism, Henry early in the sum- mer of 1861 joined with others in the attempt to raise a company in their vicinity, but failing in so doing and feeling that his country needed the services of her young men he enlisted about, October 15, 1861, in Company H, Fifty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. 7€A 7 ^AjU^t/A^ veniber, 1881. He married Miss Charlotte Greiner, who bore him children as follows : Henry, William F., Abram, Jackson, Mary E. and Julia E. Henry grew to man's estate iu Clinton township, receiving only such education as could be obtained by a few months' attend- ance at the winter schools of his neighbor- hood. The quiet life of a farmer which was being led by young Henry was ended, when, in 1861 the slaveholders' rebellion broke out. The regiment was soon sent to the front and saw hard service. Among the many battles and skirmishes participated in by our subject were Lee's Mills, in April, 1862 ; Williamsburg, May 5, 1862 ; Chickahominy, May 19, 1862 ; Seven Pines, May 24 to 26 (inclusive), 1862; Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862; Bottom Bridge, June 27 and 28, 1862; White Oaks Swamp, June 30, 1862; Carter's Hill, July 2, 1862. Becoming completely disabled by sickness while 594 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. at Yorktown, he was discharged December 6, 1802, and returned to his home in Wayne County where lie remained till February 15, 1804, when, feeling that more men were needed to crush the rebellion, he enlisted in the Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery,afterwardscalled a Provisional Regiment, and nearly cut to pieces in the Wilderness Campaign. In this campaign Henry took part in the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Coal Harbor and in the long and arduous siege of Petersburg, Va. In making a charge at Petersburg his company lost all its commissioned officers and all its non- commissioned officers but one, and out of one hundred and fifteen men only forty were left for duty. His regiment was on the picket line the night Lee's army retreated from Petersburg and Henry and his comrades were the first to learn of the retreat. The regiment was one of those which took possession of the city, and here he remained until December 6, 1865, when to save his life he was honorably discharged and reached his home a physical wreck. He has partly recovered his health but will never be a strong man again. In 1867 he purchased the farm on which he now resides. The house and part of the outbuildings he has built, and here he intends to spend his days. In politics lie is an ardent Republican and one of whose Repub- licanism there is never any doubt. He has never cared for office and has held only minor township offices. In the month of February, 1867, he was joined in marriage to Miss Eliza- beth A. Giles, who was born in Clinton, March 21, 1846. She is the daughter of William and Grace (Matthews) Giles, both of whom were born in England. Mr. Giles came to this country in 1841 and worked on a farm near Honesdale by the month and thus obtained a start in life. He, in partnership with his brother James, bought the farm now owned by the lat- ter, his part of which he sold to his brother and then bought one on his own account. He died on the farm now owned by his wife, near Al- denville. His father and mother, Thomas and Elizabeth Giles, came from England after Wil- liam did and settled in Wayne County, where they passed the remainder of their days. To Henry Greiner and wife have been born the fol- lowing children: Lottie I. (born March 15, 1869), Gracie M. (born May 1, 1870) and Charles F. (born December 9, 1871). CHAPTER XX. DYBERRY TOWNSHIP. THERE is nothing in the county records to show the exact time at which Dyberry was erected as a separate township, and the proceed- ings of the court, the names of the viewers and other details have been lost. It was probably erected in the spring or summer of 1804, since the first assessment was valued at a joint meet- ing of the assessors from the townships of Buck- ingham, Damascus, Dyberry and Mount Pleas- ant, held at the house of Elijah Dix, in the latter township, December 7, 1804. Dyberry was the first township taken from those erected in the excision of Wayne from Northampton County, and there has always been some dispute as to the origin of its Dame. Tradition, as handed down through Mrs. Isaac Brush, has it that a man named Dyberry was one of the early settlers, and built a cabin on the east branch of the creek. His was the first death in the new township, and it was named in his honor. Another version of the story is that in Dey's clearing there grew some rare berries, of much the same variety as "the Bunt- ing Strawberry " mentioned in the chapter on Bethany Dey's berry patch, soon became a noted place, and when the township was erected, the name Dyberry was given to it. Both traditions have their supporters, and to one may be given as much credence as to the other. Dyberry drew its original territory from the townships of Damascus, Palmyra and Canaan, but has been much reduced in area by the sub- sequent erection of Berlin and Texas from por- tions of it. It is at present bounded by Mount Pleasant and Lebanon on the north, eastwardly by Oregon, on the south by Texas and on the west by Canaan and Clinton. Its soil is varied and of good quality, and its beautiful hills roll gently to the northward, broken by many brook- lets and several ponds. It combines scenery WAYNE COUNTY. 505 to be found in few townships; with a wonder- fully salubrious atmosphere, and is traversed by good roads. The main streams are the Dy- berry and its tributaries, which drain the east- ern portion, and Jennings' Brook, that lies in the western section. In the northwest the hills slope away to Long Pond, and Third, Second and First, or Jennings' Ponds are in the west- ern portion. From the latter most of the Honesdale water supply is derived. Early Settlement. — Those who first set- tled in the present limits of the township were doubtless led there by the fertility of the soil and beauty of the country, but after Bethany had been selected as the county-seat, the settle- ment became, in a measure, perripheral and progressed rapidly. Hence it is that there seems to have been a constant and unceasing tide of immigration during the first two decades of the present century. After that, Honesdale at first divided and then usurped the new comers. A man named John Kizer seems to have been the first settler, but where he came, or whither he went is not now known. In 1797 he com- pleted a hut on the place where John Nelson now lives, and into this Thomas Spangenburg moved in 1798. He had moved from Sussex County, New Jersey, bringing his wife and household goods in a rude vehicle, to which lie had a single ox harnessed like a horse. He had made two trips to this section before, the first being in 1794. His memory of the early days was very vigorous, and a short time before his death, in 1864, he dictated his history to Phineas G. Goodrich, Esq., through whose courtesy the original manuscript has been placed in the writer's hands. As portions of it have never been used, the narrative is given almost entire : " I was born in Sussex County, New Jersey. When I came into Wayne County — or what is now Wayne County — for the first time, in 1794, I crossed at Mon- roe ferry, two miles below Milford. At the latter place there were but two or three houses. The first house west of Milford was an old stone tavern, built by Andrew Bray ; next the old Lot tavern, then seven miles to Shohola farms; next Blooming Grove, there Uriah Chapman, Esq., lived; there I stopped a week to hunt ; then I came to the Narrows, where Ephraim Kimble, St., the father of Asa Kimble, lived. There I found William Schoonover, the father of Daniel, Levi, Jacob and Simon Schoonover. Levi Schoonover, born that year, was the first white child born on the Dyberry. I then came on to Wil- sonville. Several men lived there who were at work on a factory at the mouth of Paupack. The next place was Paupack Eddy ; there lived Ruben Jones, an enormously large tall white man, and his brother, Alpheus, and their sister, Widow Cook. Elisha Ames lived on the David Bishop farm. I next came to the Benjamin Haines place, since known as the Jonathan Brink place; then to the Walter Kimble farm, now owned by Bulkley Beardslee; from there I came to Tracyville. There was an old tub mill to grind corn, built by Israel Kelley, which had been deserted. Any- one who had anything to grind went and ground it. Then I followed a path over the east side of Irving Cliff and came down to where Daniel Schoonover lives. " This, as I said, was in 1794, and in October of 1795, Walter Kimble sent for me to score square tim- ber. I came up and worked till about Christmas, when I went back to New Jersey. I came back again in 170fi, and helped to get out the timber for the saw mill, in which Jacob Kimble was the principal owner, remaining until they put up the peat-stack. The water wheel was made by a Mr. Manning. We had a hard job to raise the mill, which was the first built above Wilsonville. At this we had no courts, and the nearest justice was John Brink, Esq., afterwards As- sociate Judge. The next winter I went back to New Jersey. In the spring of 1797 I came back andi worked for Walter and Benjamin Kimble for twelve dollars a month, doing all kinds of work, and returned again in the fall to New Jersey. I was married to Susan Head ley, January 2, 1798, and on the 9th of February, the same year, came up with an ox team and moved into a hut that one Keizer had built in 1797, on the place now occupied by John Nelson. Samuel Smith built on the other side of the Van Dusen Place, and Conrad Pulis built on the old Pulis place. Richard Nelson built against the Big Eddy. They came the same night I did. That was the year Wayne County was set off, and the first court was held at Milford. The sheriff took for jurors whom he pleased, and they received no pay. That year the county was organized into eight mili- tia companies, and an election was held at Watson- ville to choose officers. John H. Schenck was elected Lieut.-Colonel ; Ephraim Killam, major of the first batalion ; Samuel Stanton, major of the second batalion; William Chapman, captain of Pal- myra ; Ephraim Kimble, captain of Lackawaxen ; Jesse Drabe, captain of Buckingham ; John Tiffany, captain of Mount Pleasant ; Asa Stanton, captain ot Canaan; Edward Doyle, of Buckingham; Silas Woodward, of Dyberry ; I was elected ensign under Woodward. There was another election in 1800, at which I was elected captain of the Dyberry Com- pany. I was re-elected several times. r.«"M5 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. " In 1798 there was only one election district in Wayne County, and that was at Elijah Dix's, in Mount Pleasant. There was no road at this time ex- cept by a trail marked by topped bushes and barked trees. I went there in 1799 to vote for governor. Two went from Cherry Ridge and three from Dyber- ry. Only forty-five votes were cast in the whole county. The next election district was at Wilson- ville. "I killed in Bethany one elk, two wolves, four bears and thirty-seven deer, and I killed all but the deer before 1800. My oldest daughter, Betsy, was born on the Nelson place in 1799, and is the wife of John Raymond, Esq., of Scranton, Pa. In 1800 I moved upon and bought the land which is now the farm of widow Mary Stephens. My daughter, Cath- arine, was born in 1803 ; my son, John S., in August, 1812; and Esther, in December, 1820. My second daughter, Phoebe, was burned to death by the acci- dental and sudden destruction of my house by fire ; she was thirteen years old at the time. I moved to Bethany in 1817, and kept a boarding house for many years." Esquire Spangenburg was bom in Sussex County, N. J., June 17, 1775. His father was a near relative of the Moravian minister Span- genburg, who came from Germany with his flock ou the same ship which brought John and Charles Wesley, on the first visit. He had been educated for the law, and gave his son the best education he could afford. It was this that made the latter a prominent figure in the early history of the county. In 1806 he was elected a supervisor of the township, and served with John Woodward. He was also a constable for four years. In 1811 Governor Snyder ap- pointed him a justice of the peace, and he held this office for, with the exception of one year, up to the day of his death — fifty-two years ; during this time he married one hundred and sixty couples. He was also county auditor, county commissioner and county treasurer. He died April 8, 1803, having had thirteen children, nineteen grandchildren aud twenty great-grandchildren. Conrad Pulis, who is mentioned in the above narrative, was a thrifty German, who had come from the sunny Khiueland but a short time be- fore. He had married a sister of Richard Nel- son, and the two settled on adjacent tracts and cleared up fine farms. Mr. Pubs' sons were Abraham, Peter, Henry, William, Ephraim, Aaron and John, and his farm was below Day's bridge, ou the Dyberry. Just below him, and on the Big Eddy, Rich- ard Nelson settled. He had five sons, — Peter, John a bachelor aud an expert lumberman, who inherited the homestead ; Charles, for many years a well-known steersman on the Delaware River; Stephen, who located in Lebanon town- ship and died there in 1872, aud James, an early settler at Girdland, who afterwards moved to Nebraska. The daughters of Nelson were Eliz- abeth, who married Henry Brown ; Eleanor, the wife of William Balkcom ; Emily, wife ot Osborn Mitchell ; Catharine, wife of Robbins Douglass; Rhoda, wife of James Harvey. The latter-named moved to Warsaw, Indiana. One of the early settlements on the west side of the Dyberry was that of Jonathan Jennings, who commenced near the mouth of Thomas Creek, about 1799. Here he resided for some years, and then removed to the farm now occu- pied by Hiram G. Chase. Mr. Jennings was for many years crier of the courts, and held a number of township offices. His son, Henry Jennings, was a justice of the peace, and it was he who exchanged the homestead with Mr. Chase. The place is now owned by the daugh- ters who survived him. Among the pioneers who came into this por- tion of Wayne County when it was an unbroken wilderness, and wrested from the head of the forest a living and a home, was William Schoon- over. Hs emigrated from New Jersey about 1791-92, and settled on Dyberry flats, about a mile above the junction of the W'est Branch and the Dyberry Creek. Here he built a log house and in course of time cleared a small farm. It was a work of much labor, and in 1804 he had ploughed but eight acres. At this time he had two horses and two cows, and the valuation of his property was but four hundred and eleven dollars. His occupancy of the place was undis- turbed for about ten years, when other parties obtained warrants from the commonwealth and began to make their surveys. Finally an at- tempt was made to eject Mr. Schoouover, on the ground that he was a trespasser on the property of other patentees. Jason Torrey, who was the surveyor of all this section at the time, WAYNE COUNTY. 597 has avowed that such was not the case, and that Mr. Schoouover's settlement far antedated the titles of the rival claimants. For this reason lie urged Mr. Schoouover to take out a patent and have his property secured and the boundary lines definitely settled. It was finally agreed that Mr. Torrey should do this for him, in con- sideration of one-half of the tract so secured. The survey was made May '1 1, 1 803, and a pat- ent was issued on the 27th of January following. In April next a division of the tract came up, and Mr. Sehoonover decided to retain the por- tion on which his dwelling was located. As the lower portion was rocky, and a portion of it low and marshy, the line was run so as to allow Mr. Torrey forty acres more than the warrantee. Mr. Torrey had charged five hundred dollars for his services in obtaining the patent, and this became the consideration for the lower portion of the tract, which was conveyed to him by a deed dated April 23, 1804, executed by William Sehoonover, and Susannah his wife The resident taxables of Dyberry at the time it was set oif were, — William Adams. Conrad Pulis. John Bunting. William Robinson. Abram Brink. Thomas Sehoonover. Isaac Brink. William Sehoonover. John Bishop. Thos. Spangenburg. Lewis Collins. Andrew Showers. Jacob Crankwright. Samuel Smith. John Caywood. Isaac Seamans. Samuel Chestnut. Sylvanus Seely. Joseph Catheart. George Seely. Daniel Davis. Moses Sampson. Samuel Davis. Jacob Sehoonover. Peleg Edwards. Jonas Sayers. Benjamin Haines. Jason Torrey. Jonathan Jennings. Ephraim Torrey. Walter Kimble. Thomas Phillips. Benjamin Kimble. Daniel Vincent. Stephen Kimble. John Woodward. Charles Kimble. Ebenezer Woodward. Abram Longhair. James Woodney. Leonard Labor. William Williams. John Malaria. David Wilder. Abram Walfbrd. Jesse Yarnell. William Nortrip. Amos Yarnell. Richard Nelson. Mathias Corless. Isaac Oakley. Cornelius Sehoonover. Jacob Hole, or, according to the modern or- thography, Hoel, was born in New Jersey, and moved to Dyberry township in 1813, settling on the place now occupied by Henry Borcher. He was a man of ingenuity, and, from the com- mon blue stone of a ledge near his cabin, fa- shioned the first grindstone in that portion of the township. It is still preserved on the farm of Henry Borcher. Mr. Hoel married Phoebe Leonard, and had seven children. The eldest, Lewis, now lives with Miss Bates, and is referred to in the history of Oregon township. Charles, the second son, was also a resident of that township until 1846. Seely died in youth. Daniel, located in Mount Pleasant. Betsy M. married William Adams, and Phoebe A. is the wife of Peter Pulis. The Hoels built a number of mills, and were closely iden- tified with the early history of the town. Philip Thomas was one of the early settlers, who commenced on the road leading from Bethany to Seely ville, prior to 1804, on the farm afterward occupied by Albert Butler. He was a carpenter, and had a fifty-acre tract, ot which only ten acres were ploughed in 1804. He had several children, but none of his fa- mily are now living. Gideon Langdon moved into Dyberry about 1815, settling on the farm where Thomas Hocker afterward lived. He was soon fol- lowed by his sou Solomon, and later, Jonathan T., another son, located in Bethany. He had a number of children, and one of his daughters was the first wife of Lewis Day. The family removed to Montrose, Susquehanna County r many years ago. Philemon Ross was one of the Connecticut settlers, who arrived in 1815, and made a clear- ing on the farm where his son David now lives. He married a daughter of Pliny Muzzey, of Clinton, and had a number of children, most of whom have removed to other States. In 1817 he was one of the freeholders of the town, and as such presented a bill of twelve dollars for warning twelve indigent persons to remove, with their families, lest they become a charge on the town. " Although there was no law to jus- tify such inhuman ostracism," says a chroni- cler," 1 " it had become a custom in some places, and it was claimed that custom made law." Iistory of Wayne County. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The bill and the usage were alike denounced in very vigorous language by Pope Bushnell, who at that time had just come into the town- ship, and the bill was not paid, while thereafter the custom fell into desuetude. Eliphalet Wood came from Duchess County, N. Y., in 1816, and located on the farm after- ward owned by Michael Moran, on the West Branch. He bought out Oliver White, who had settled there some years before. The place is in Clinton, though it is said to have been reckoned Dyberry in the early days. Mr. Wood had a number of children, among whom were Jesse, Enos, Luman, Charles, Eli- phalet, John N.j Ezekiel G., William E., Jane, wife of Hon. Phineas Arnold ; Abigail, wife of Elias B. Stanton ; and Mary, who died young. About 1816 Captain Homer Brooks moved from Vermont and settled near Hon. Pope Bushnell. He was there married and had a large family. The eldest son, Ezra Brooks, lives west of the homestead, and carries on a large farm. A'irgil Brooks, of Lebanon ; Major E. Brooks, deceased ; Horace D. Brooks, of Susquehanna County ; and William Brooks are all his sons. Lephe, the wife of Lyman Gleason, Esq., is the only daughter, now a resident of the county. Lucy, another daugh- ter, married Barney Bunnell, and survived him. She lives in Newark, N. J. Hiram K. Mumford, a son of Thomas Mum- ford, of Mount Pleasant, bought the old glass works property in January, 1856. He had married Maria, a daughter of Royal Wheeler, of Hancock, Delaware County, and his chil- dren were Duane H. (who died during the war at Chattanooga), James R. (who died in youth), Lucinda M., Lucian O. and Mary S. (who re- sides at the homestead). Hiram K. Mumford Weeds- port, Cayuga County, N. Y., where he now re- sides ; Christopher is a resident of Bethany ; Stephen lives in Honesdale ; Nicholas died in Michigan in 1814, and the daughters live near the glass works. The exact date at which Eli and his brother Increase Henshaw came to this township is un- certain ; but they both appear on record in 1816, and it is probable that they came from Connecticut about that time. Both were men of much ingenuity, and Increase was a painter who was employed on some of the early build- ings of Bethany, of which village he was at times a resident. His brother lived on the farm afterwards occupied by Joseph Arthur, and had a son, Dwight Henshaw, now living in Bethany. Judge Isaac Dimmick moved to Bethany from Orange County, N. Y., about 1816, and bought the farm afterwards owned by Edwin Webb. He was a man of much ability, and was for four years an associate judge of the county. He married a daughter of Hon. Abisha Woodward. Phineas Coleman and Daniel Bunting were early settlers on the West Branch, and were probably the first. They located in the town- ship during the second decade of the present century and left numerous descendants, most of whom have scattered. Moses and Seth Haydn came soon afterwards ; both were men of mature years and brought their families with them. Seth Haydn died in 1845, aged sixty-four years. Stephen Day came from Chatham, Norris County, New Jersey, and in 1816 settled on a farm that had been started by Isaac Brink. Day arrived during the " cold summer" that was so memorable to the early settlers. He bought three hundred acres from Colonel Sylvanus Seely, on the east side of the Dyberry, where his son, Lewis, now lives. Stephen Day married Polly, a daughter of Benjamin Bunnell, and their children were Jane, who married Moses Ward, the father of Rev Elias O. Ward, of Bethany ; Elias, who moved to Ohio, and from thence to California, where he WAYNE COUNTY. 599 died ; Barney, who married Emeline, daughter of Sheriff Solomon Jones, and settled on the Dyberry ; Mary, wife of Levi Ketchem, of Bethany; Benjamin, who moved to Ohio; Damaris, the widow of Hon. E. W. Hamlin, of Bethany; Edwin who died near the homestead, and Lewis who at an advanced age still keeps up the place. The latter is an expert taxider- mist and has a fine collection of birds and animals which he shot himself. His specimens include a number of rare, and some species that are now nearly extinct in Wayne County. He has been twice married ; the first time to Nancy Langdon, of Mt. Pleasant, and afterwards to Maria Dabron. No children were born of either union. Captain John Bunnell, a soldier in the Revolution, ami for many years a pen- sioner, because of wounds received during his gallant conduct at the battle of Princeton, was led to emigrate from New Jersey in 1816, and joined his relative, Stephen Day, in Wayne County. He had married Nancy, a sister of Stephen Day, while the latter had wedded Polly Bunnell, a sister of the Captain. Bunnell's Pond, now in Texas township, was named for him, and at its outlet he erected a saw-mill at an early date. His children were Julia, wife of Rev. Mr. Babbett, a Presbyterian minister at Binghamton, X. Y. ; Barnv, who settled in Dyberry township and afterward died at Orange, N. J. ; Polly, who married a Wood, and died in Dyberry ; Joan, the second wife of Captain Brooks, and Elijah, who never married. Pope Bushnell, son of Gideon Bushnell, was born in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., Eebruary 11, 1789. In June 1812 he married Miss Sally Hurlbert, one of the noted triplet daughters of Gideon Hurlbert of Goshen, Conn., and on the 12th day of the same month was drafted to serve against Great Britain, and mustered into the ranks upon the following day. He came to Wayne County in 1817 and purchased a contract which had been made the year previous by Joseph Daw, (father of Mrs. Tallman, wife of C. P. Tallman, of Preston Township) for the sale of an hundred acre tract, lying one mile north of Bethany. For more than sixty years Mr. Bushnell was one of the most prominent and influential citi- zens of the county. He was elected Captain of a company of militia in 1820, commissioned by Governor Hiester as Major of the First Bat- talion of the Seventieth Regiment of Pennsyl- vania militia in 1821, and appointed Justice of the Peace by Governor Finley in 1824. Be- sides holding various town and municipal offices he was once elected treasurer of the county, once county-commissioner, and twice chosen to represent the legislative district com- posed of the counties of Wayne and Pike in the State Legislature. In boyhood he attended the common schools of his native town, and studied for a short time at an academy at Granville, N. Y., con- ducted by the celebrated Professor Salen Town. A student by nature, he supplimented the meager education of youth by a long and labo- rious course of reading and study. He had a strong and rugged intellect; was unyielding in his position, and a ready and forcible speaker and writer. His contributions to the local and metropolitan press upon .agricultural, political and historical subjects were characterized by a clearness of thought and felicity of diction seldom found in the writings of men engaged in the marts of trade. Mr. Bushnell was ever, during the period of his activity, a conspicuous character in every movement, and an advocate of every measure, which promised to aid the inhabitants, or de- velop the resources of his adopted county. It was largely due to his efforts that the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company secured a right of way through a portion of the county, and he was no less zealous in the attempt to obtain a like privilege for the New York and Erie (New York, Lake Erie and Western) Railroad Com- pany. For the efforts which he made in behalf of the latter company, he was publicly mobbed. But he lived to see the hostility and prejudice which he engendered among the people he sought to serve, turned to regret and enlarged confidence and respect. He died on the 19th day of January, 1881, in tlie ninety-second year of his age. His wife Sally Bushnell survived him nearly two years, and died on the 11th day of January, 1883, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. at the advanced age of ninety-four years and nine months. His family consisted of three sons and three daughters, the only survivor of whom is Sidney Norton Bushnell. William Miller, a native of Pittston, Lu- zerne County, came into Wayne in 1821, and settled upon the Esquire Thomas Spangenburg farm, where he lived for three years. He then bought of Cabel Hoel, the farm adjoining that of Jacob Hoel, and Homer Brooks, where he still resides, in his eighty-sixth year. He mar- ried Evelyn, a daughter of Daniel Schoonover, and had a number of children, among whom were Elizabeth, wife of Henry Palmer ; Jacob Miller of Honesdale ; the late Simon S. Miller ; Benj. F. Miller of Prompton ; Jane, wife of Wm. Kint; John W. Miller; and Evelyn, wife of Wm. Williams. William Bryant was the first Englishman who came from Cornwall County, England, and settled in Wayne County, Pa. He left England when a young man, in the spring of 1819, and landed in the City of Philadelphia the latter part of May. By accident he got ac- quainted within a few days after his arrival in Philadelphia with a Mr. Salter, who lived in that city and owned large tracts of wild land in Wayne County. After listening to Mr. Salter's description of the fertility of the soil, the health- fulness of the climate and the easy acquirement of sufficient land for a farm and home, Mr. Bryant left Philadelphia and arrived in Bethany in June of the same year. A few days after his arrival here he was em- ployed by Major Torrey, who lived in Bethany, as a common laborer on a farm. He was well pleased with the country, and wrote home to his brother in England to come and join him as soon as possible. Thomas, his oldest brother, left England the nest spring, paid his passage to New York, but by some miscalculation of the officers of the ship and the adversity of the wind they were compelled to land at Baltimore. He walked most of the way from that city to Bethany, arriving at the latter place early in the summer of 1820. Thomas was immediately employed by Faatz & Greely, who were manu- facturing window-glass near the First Pond, in Dyberry township. Thus they labored for a few years until they had acquired sufficient to , buy each a good farm. Thomas's situated one and a half miles and William's half a mile from | the borough of Bethany, in the township of Dyberry. Then followed Walter Bryant in 1827, Joseph in 1828, and Jonathan and wife in 1831, all of whom bought land in Dyberry township for future homes. In 1829 Mr. Wil- I Ham Olver, who married Ann Hill Bryant, in England, a sister of the Bryant brothers, came to this country and settled in Berlin township, near Beach Pond. Thus was the road opened for the emigration of other Cornwall English- men, until Wayne County hills are dotted with the best English farms in the State. Joseph A. Hubbard, of Salisbury, Conn., settled in Dyberry in 1826, and was a j>rosper- ous farmer for many years, bringing up a large family. In 1859 he moved to Seelyville, and died there in 1878. Hon. A. B. Gammell came from Caledonia County, Vt., in 1839, and settled on the Captain Prescott farm, on the Bethany and Mount Pleasant turnpike. In 1865 he bought the old Torrey property, a portion of Charles Torrey's estate, where he now resides. Mr. Gammell was elected a representative in 1878. He married Catherine Bryant and has three chil- dren. Hiram K. Mnmford, a son of Thomas Mum- ford, of Mount Pleasant, bought the old glass- works property, in 1856. He had married Maria, a daughter of Royal Wheeler, of Han- cock, Delaware County, and had five children, — Duane H., the oldest of whom, died at Chattanoo- ga while serving in the Federal army. The others were James R., who died in youth ; Luciiula M., Lucian O., and Mary S. The latter lives at the homestead. H. K. Mnmford died in 1884, aged seventy-four. The Gleason family was commenced by Joseph, who located near where his son, Lyman, now lives about 1830. His other children were Alnis, killed in the Civil War ; Willard, Henry and several daughters. His widow is now a resident of Honesdale. Schools. — The earliest school in Dyberry township was in the village of Bethany, and is WAYNE COUNTY. 601 mentioned in the chapter devoted to that place. After 1804, several schools were maintained at private expense in different parts of the town- ship, but little or no record of them remains. At first there were no school-houses, and the sessions were held at private residences ; later, better provision for education was made. Eli- jah Bunnell taught a school in Captain Bun- nell's old log house in 1820. It was attended by the Pulis, Nelson, Caleb Hoel, and Day families. Others of a similar character were maintained in adjacent neighborhoods, the teachers being hired by several families, who shared the expense pro rata. After the passage of the school law of 1834, which was immedi- ately ratified by Wayne County, the ereetion of public school buildings took place rapidly. Most of them were built by generous contribu- tions of labor and material from the people living near, and the township now boasts of eight buildings that will compare favorably with those of adjacent portions of the county. The school tax for the current year is about twelve hundred and fifty-eight dollars, which includes the pay of seven teachers and inciden- tals. The present Board of Directors consists of D. M. Kimble, president ; William T. But- ler, secretary ; C. P. Bunnell, treasurer ; W. E. Pethick, John P. Hacker, and J. I. Bates. The First Glass Works.— In 1810 Chris- topher Faatz, Sr., Adam Greiner, Jacob Hines, Christopher Hines, Nicholas Greiner, and Chris- tian Faatz, all Germans, who had been em- ployed in the glass works of Frankfort-on-the- Main, decided to start a window-glass manufac- tory near the residence of Charles Faatz, about a mile and a half west of Bethany. Christian Faatz had emigrated from Germany in 1802, and located a small factory at Philadelphia, but his capital was too limited to make it a success. He was then joined by the others, most of whom were connected by marriage and otherwise, and decided to carry the enterprise into the wilder- ness. The spot selected was entirely surrounded by woods. The building of the works occupied some time, and was only accomplished by hard labor, most of which was performed by the members of the firm. The stones with which the arches of the furnace were fashioned were obtained in the Moosic Mountain, and the clay for the melting pots was brought from Phila- delphia by wagons and sleighs. The plant was a small affair, with a capacity for but a few of "metal" per day, and the material was drawn chiefly from localities near at hand. The pro- duct was good, however, and compared favora- bly with that produced elsewhere in those days. It was marketed in Wilkesbarre, Newburg and Philadelphia, from which points the goods ex- changed by the firm for labor performed at their works were obtained. Lack of sufficient capital and the heavy cost of transportation at last brought about failure, and the place passed into the hands of James Manning and Jacob Faatz. This firm was also unsuccessful, aud after a short time gave up business. The works then stood idle for some time, during which the em- ployees, which had numbered between twenty and thirty, devoted their energies to clearing up farms adjacent. In this way the enterprise proved very beneficial to the township. In 1829 Jacob Faatz and William Greeley again put the plant in operation, the capital being fur- nished by Augustus, a brother of William Greeley. This firm ran for thirteen years, and was then succeeded by Stebbins, Smith & Sloan. This firm lasted a few years, and was succeeded by J. Sloan, Jr., who in 1845 announced that he was making glass that "did not rust nor de- compose," and was equal to the product of any American factory. Three years later, in another advertisement in the same paper — the Demo- crat— he states that he has not sufficient capital to make glass unless there is a demand for it, and offers to " supply merchants and others by barter, in order to keep the works running." On December 18th of the same year one of the ovens in the drying house took fire between four and five o'clock in the morning, and ten ovens filled with dry wood added to the blaze, which consumed the entire building, and was with difficulty prevented from spreading to the rest of the plant. The loss was small, but it necessitated the stoppage of the works for the season. The proprietor never recovered from this suspension, and as the works at Traceyville had been completed, the enterprise near Bethany was abandoned. The property l'emained in the 602 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. hands of William Greeley until 185G, when it was bought by Hiram K. Mumford, of Mount Pleasant. Industries. — -The present territory of Dy- berry contains the sites of but few of the town- ship's early industries. They with one or two exceptions were located in what has since be- come portions of other townships, and are re- ferred to in the chapters devoted to them. The mill at the outlet of the first pond was built by Abraham Brink, who came from Monroe County, Pa., at an early date, probably about 1800. It was on the premises afterward owned by Thomas O'Neill, and in the assessment of 1807 was valued at four hundred and sixty dollars. The mill was a very primitive struc- ture, with a single run of stones brought from the hard quartz rocks of the Moosic Mountains. This comprised the entire plant, and the pio- Deers were glad to take their coarse meal with- out bolting. The story goes that when one day, a visitor from the city asked the miller why he did not put in bolting machinery, and with sly humor the latter replied, "Our people don't want it, most of the meal is bolted after it has been cooked." This was the mill of which Pope Bushnell used facetiously to say that " it ground wheat so that it was almost as good as rye." A saw-mill was afterwards erected below the grist-mill, and a large amont of lumber was prepared there. Afterward, the property was sold to Colonel William Greeley, who ran both mills, until he sold out to Mr. O'Neill, the present owner. At an early day August Collins had a saw- mill near the present fair grounds, aud soon after, a Mr. Jacques had a wagon-shop and a water-wheel which ran a small saw for making churns and doing light jig work. In 1821 Stephen Day built a saw-mill where Bates' grist-mill now stands, and for many years it was kept in active operation. Elias Day ran it for a time and then sold to James Boland and Edwin Day. The mill was abandoned about 1845. During that year, Ezra Brooks built what was afterwards known as the " Blinn Mill," taking its name from a subsequent owner, James Blinn. The latter afterwards sold it to Hand & Kirtland, and they, in turn, disposed of it to Coe F. Young. The latter, in com- pany with William Kimble, rebuilt it in 1863. It ran for four years after that, and was aban- doned on account of the scarcity of lumber in the vicinity. An up and down mill was built on the Dy- berry by John Bates, in 1849, and in 1854 was bought by William, a son of Asa Kimble, who improved it by putting in Emerson patent saws. His business increased rapidly, and in 1878 he again increased the capacity of the j>lant by erecting a steam-mill near by. It is driven by a forty horse power engine and has a capacity of fifteeen thousand feet per day, while the water- mill with recent improvements can produce nearly as much. Both these mills have passed out of Mr. Kimble's hands, and are now owned by Elias B. Stanton, of Honesdale, though the former proprietor manages them. In 1869 and 1870 R. S. and J. I. Bates erec- ted a grist-mill on the site of the old Day saw- mill above referred to. It has two run of stone and is employed entirely on custom work, doing a thriving business. The firm became J. and J. I. Bates in 1867, and still retains that style. What is known as " the Gleason Mill " was built by Elias B. Stanton and William Kimble in 1871, on the site of a saw-mill erected by a man named Gleason, many years ago. The saws in the new mill were kept busy for ten years, but are not now used. The mill is owned at present by Mr. Stanton. Tanner's Fales. — The foundation of the extensive tannery and lumbering business now carried on at Tanner's Falls by Coe F. Young, of Honesdale, was laid in 1851, by Barnet Richtmyer, who then purchased a large tract of land and rebuilt upon the site of the saw-mill that Jason Torrey erected about 1830. As soon as the mill was in running order, lum- ber for the construction of the tannery was sawed, and in 1853 the first hides were "slip- ped." An enlargement of the plant followed the successful business of the first year, and the tannery soon had one hundred aud seventy vats and a capacity of fifty-two thousand hides annually. Mr. W. N. Alberty, of Albany County, N. Y., became associated with Mr. WAYNE COUNTY. Richtmyer, as his general manager in 1855, and since that time has held the position under the other proprietors, displaying much execu- tive ability. In 1862, Thomas Watson & Co., of New York, bought out Mr. Richtmyer and ran the business for a year, at the expiration of which they sold to Coe F. Young, the pres- ent owner. At this date. 1863, the real pros- perity of the place began. Mr. Young brought into the business not only plenty of capital but broad, liberal ideas and much enterprise. The tannery plant was at once much improved, and the method of conducting the business made more systematic. Up to this date a large pro- portion of the wages of employees had been paid in goods, at a store started by Richtmyer soon after he commenced. The plan had proved here, as has it elsewhere, unsatisfactory to em- ployer and employed alike. Mr. Young rented the store and paid cash wages, and the credit system, which had injured the business, was abolished. In 1864 the saw-mill was converted into a circular mill, and had its capacity materially increased. Lath-making machinery was also added. It has since turned out as much as three million feet of hemlock per annum, but at present is doing comparatively little. On March 1, 1881, a fire broke out in the bark mill and the entire building was destroyed, entailing a loss of nearly fifty thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars of which was not covered by insurance. The tannery was at once rebuilt, and has since been running full capacity. The property includes a number of dwellings for the employees. The hamlet of Tanner's Falls comprises a post-office, and a school-house, where religious services are occasionally held, besides a smithy and the general store, run by R. J. Menner & Co., of Honesdale. The post-office was estab- lished in 1856, Henry Richtmyer being the first postmaster, and having the office in his store. In 1859 he was succeeded by his brother, Lewis Richtmyer. The latter was succeeded by J. R. Mitchell, in 1863, and he in turn gave place to Theodore A. Corby, in 1869. The present incumbent, Mr. W. N. Alberty, suc- ceeded Mr. Corby in 1875. William Nelson Alberty, superintendent and paymaster of the tannery and mill works at Tanner's Falls, Dybcrry township, Wayne County, was born in Albany County, X. Y., November 26, 1831. He learned the trade <>i' a blacksmith with his father and worked with him until 1856, when he engaged as book-keep- er for Barnt Richtmyer, then owner of the large tannery at Tauner's Falls. He continued in this position until 1858, when, by his good judgment in matters of business relating to the concern, having won the confidence of his em- ployer, he was made general superintendent, and put in sole charge of the business. His fidelity to his trust, his ability in the manage- ment of the business, and his honorable and proficient methods of dealing with employees, have made him the almost indispensable man of this large business, and the successive firms who have come into possession of the concern, — Thorn, Watson & Co., Young & Cornell, and later CoeF. Young as sole owner, have retained him as their superintendent in full charge. Thus Mr. Alberty has been identified with this business for thirty years, and for twenty-eight years sole manager. He has served as school- director, but has always refused all other official honor, although often tendered it by his towns- people. He married, in August, 1854, Hester A., daughter of Joseph and Catherine (Keator) Corby, of Binghamton, N. Y., by whom he has four children, viz: Kate, Frank E., May and Maud Alberty. His father, Peter S., born January, 1804, married Maria Groom (1805-1877), by whom he had six children, — Edgar, of Dyberry, a blacksmith ; William Nelson, Frank, a black- smith at the Falls ; Amanda, wife of Nelson Bloodgood, of Sullivan County, N. Y"., a farmer and lumberman ; Mary, wife of Nelson Miles, a mill-wright, of Wilkesbarre, and Alida M., wife of Lewis Wynkoop, a carpenter, of Bing- hampton. Peter S. Alberty followed his trade as a blacksmith at Potter's Hollow, Green County, N. Y., uutil 1862, and removed to Tanner's Falls, where he continued the same business until 1879, when he retired from active labor. His grandfather, Frederick Alberty, 604 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. also resides at Potter's Hollow, and his father was the emigrant of the family from Germany. The first religious services held at Tanner's Falls were under the auspices of the Presbyter- ian Church at Bethany, and were conducted by Rev. Elias Ward, of that village, about 1859. In 1870 the Methodist Church began to hold services, and Rev. Mr. Prichard supplied the charge. It is now on his circuit, but service is not regularly conducted. office up to the time of his death, in 1880. His son, A. K. Kimble, succeeded him, and is the present incumbent. Beside the shop, the village has a hotel, store and the grist-mill of Jared J. I. Bates, and is a thriving place. Haines Post-Office, which was named in honor of Benjamin F. Haines, editor of the Wayne Independent, was established in the western part of Dyberry township, May 18, 1886, with C. W. Bodie as post-master. %a-.3MW% Dyberry Post Office. — One of the ear- liest residents here was Ephraim B. Kimble. He was the second child of Asa and Abigail Kimble, who lived near the Fair Grounds, and were pioneers of the township. He married Miss Amelia Schoonover, and, in 1849, moved into the house now occupied by Robert Bates. Here he resided for five years, building the hotel property meanwhile, and erecting the wagon-shop in which he wrought during the rest of his life. In 1854 he received an appointment as post- master from President Pierce, and held the BIOGRAPHICAL. ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE BUNNELL, Third sou of David Bunnell, was born at Beth- any, July 6, 1813, and obtained his education from books in the schools of his native place. He was engaged at home on the farm, and worked for others in the vicinity of his home, until June 27, 1839, when he married Clarinda, a daughter of John Bonham (1790-1853) and Sarah Hamlin (1790-1882), of Mount PL WAYNE COUNTY. township. Her father was a native of New Jersey, and came with his parents to that town- ship when the country was new and quite un- settled. He was a member of the Methodist Church and a class-leader. Her paternal grand- father was Zedekiah Bonham, one of the early settlers of Mount Pleasant township. Her mother was the eldest child of Harris Hamlin and Rue Easton, natives of Connecticut, who settled in Salem township in 1801, a sketch of whose lives may be found in this volume, and of the timbered part of it. He was an intelli- gent and representative farmer, and erected commodious buildings on his farm. He never sought political preferment, but with the family of his father and brothers, belonged to the old Whig party, and he was identified with the Baptist Church at Honesdale. He was firmly fixed in the principles of justice and right to all, and while by his industry and energy he carved out a fair competence for himself, he was always ready to lend a helping hand to a sister of the late Butler Hamlin, of Salem, and of the late Hon. Ephraim W. Hamlin, of Bethany. Mrs. Bunnell was born March 7, 1816. The same year of his marriage he pur- chased, with his father and brothers, some seven hundred and fifty acres of land, a part of which is in Dyberry township, alluded to before in the Bunnell sketch. Mr. Bunnell made his homestead on this part of the tract thus pur- chased, and in due time brought it under a good state of cultivation, aud made large clearings those in need. He was a man of correct habits and of sterling integrity. The homestead was occupied for a time by his son Oliver, but in 1886 his son Oscar farms it. He died at the premature age of forty-four years, and his widow survives, in 1886, and resides mostly on the homestead. His children are : Oliver, a retired merchant of Honesdale; Elory, enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was killed at the battle of Gettysburg in 1863, aged twenty-one (506 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. years ; Amelia, wife of Ulysses Beers, a of Houesdale ; Martha J., wife of Alva S. Keyes, a merchant at Gravity, Lake township, whose father, Danforth Keyes, settled in Wayne County from Connecticut ; Helen M., deceased, was the wife of Thomas Bines, of Warren, Pa.; Oscar, assessor of Dy berry township, resides on the homestead, and Almira, wife of Charles E. Mills, a machinist, residing at Ariel, Wayne County; Eugene P., died an infant. A sketch as many interesting incidents of a personal na- ture. His parents, Peter and Elizabeth (Ward) Miller, natives of Plaiufield, Pa., both died and were buried at Pittston, where his father carried on blacksmithing. His maternal grandfather was of American birth, but his maternal great- grandfather was a native of Germany. His paternal grandfather was also born in Germany. He was the eldest child and the only one who settled in Wayne County. The other children of David Bunnell and other members of the family may be found in the History of Texas Township. WILLIAM MILLER. William Miller, born at Pittston, Luzerne County, Pa., February 8, 1800, is one of the oldest living residents of Wayne County, in 1886, and well preserved in mind and able to give much of the early history of the locality where he resides, in Dyberry Township, as well were, Elizabeth, Margaret Ann, Margaret, Sa- rah, and Benjamin, all of whom died in Pittston. William learned the trade of a blacksmith with his father, and remained at home until he reached his majority. Leaving his native place at the age of twenty-one, he worked for one year on the public turnpike, near Houesdale, and in the lumber business, but unfortunately for him, his employer was sold out of every- thing he had, and consequently young Miller lost his year's wages, leaving him as he had WAYNE COUNTY. started out in life, without money. He engaged for the next year with William Schoonover, of Dyberry Township, to work his farm on shares, and at the close of the year, not only had a part of the produce raised on the farm, but had formed the acquaintance of his daughter Eva- lena, whom he married March 11, 1823. She was born May 5, 1808, was a devoted member of the Methodist Church, a kind and affectionate wife and mother, and died February 26, 1884. Her parents, William and Susannah Schoonover, came from New Jersey and took up government land in the township, and were among its early settlers. For two years after his marriage he farmed Thomas Spangenberg, Esq.'s farm, and in 1826 engaged with Halsey Lotrop, at Bethany, in his furnace in the manufacture of plows, where he remained for two years, followed by one year working at his trade, at that place. In 1829 he bought seventy-five acres of land, where he has since resided in Dyberry Township, to which he has since added as much more. This land he has mostly cleared of its original forest, has brought under a good state of cultivation, and has erected suitable farm buildings thereon. For over forty years Mr. Miller has been a member of the Methodist Church, and a supporter of church interests. He was supervisor of the township for three years, and school director for nine years. During his early manhood he was noted for his physical strength and his swiftness of foot, and his vigor, even at the age of eighty-six years, outside of his bodily infirmity, bespeaks a well-developed body and complete organization in his earlier years. He is cared for in his de- clining years by his grand-daughter (Nettie M., wife of Thomas J. Edsall), who takes care of his farm. His children are,— Elizabeth M. (1824-82), was the wife of Henry Palmer of Dyberry ; Susannah S., died young ; Jacob S., born 1828, a farmer and superintendent of the cemetery at Honesdale; Simon S. S. (1830-64), was a farmer in Oregon Township; Benjamin F., born 1832, a farmer, resides in Prompton ; Julia S., died young ; John W., born in 1836, is a farmer in Dyberry: Andrew Jackson, born in 1839, a farmer in Oregon Township ; Mary Jane (1841- 66); George W. (1844-73), resided at home, and was accidentally killed by a falling tree ; Evaline S., born in 1847, wife of William Wil- liams, a merchant of Honesdale. EZRA ISROOKS. Captain Homer Brooks (1782-1864), one of the first permanent settlers of Dyberry town- ship, a native of Connecticut, came from Mul- berry, Vt., in 1818, and bought of Mayor Jason Torry, agent for William Drinker, one hundred acres of land, about two miles north of Bethany, on which he erected a log house. Returning to Mulberry the next year he removed to his new home with his wife, Freelove (1783-1845), daughter of Esop Thayer, and six children, and at once began clearing off the forest and fitting his land for cultivation. He brought with him a yoke of oxen, a span of horses, one cow and his faithful dog. A resolute disposition and a will to carve out a home in this new country, together with the above-mentioned stock, made up his possessions. He agreed to pay seven hundred dollars for this wilderness tract of land, which in time, after many years hard labor, was paid. He was one of the men who early en- gaged in the lumber business in Dyberry, and, with his older sons, carried it on in connection with their farming for fifty years. He was a man of stroug characteristics, and highly es- teemed by his townsmen, was supervisor of the township and held other positions of trust in the gift of the people. He was captain of a com- pany of militia during the days of general training, prior to 1850. The minutes of the Fifty-Seventh Anniversary of the Abington Baptist Association, contain the following: " Deacon Homer Brooks served the church in Bethany faithfully, was endowed with sterling excellencies of character, very much esteemed by the whole community, and a steady and use- ful member of the church. He was baptized by Elder H. Curtis. The feelings of his heart were most tender and affectionate, his judgment clear aud his adhesion to the church and to the principles of the doctrine of Christ remained unchanging. Bethany Church and congrega- tion are deeply indebted to him for the erection WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of their meeting-house, and for saving it from subsequent liabilities." His second wife was Joanna Bunnell, now deceased. His children by his first wife are : Lucy, wife of Barney Bunnell, of Dyberry, died in Newark, N. J., in j 1885; Alvira, wife of Gordon Graves, ofi Bethany, died in Chicago in 1877; Flavilla, wife of Kockwell Bunnell, died in Prompton in 1870; Virgil, settled in Lebanon township where he now resides, and Ezra, who resides I (Dayton) Barnes, who was born in Connecticut, October 22, 1813. Her parents were natives of Connecticut, removed to Coventry, Chenango Co., N. Y., in 1818, where they resided until their death. Her father died in 1875, aged eighty- nine ; her mother in 1845, aged sixty-one. Their children are Hannah, deceased ; Nancy L. Sa- bra, the first and third of whom reside in New York State, and two sons, Edward and Gilbert, who reside in Dyberry. 4^^ &~trt*Cj one mile west of the old homestead ; Major E. i resided on the homestead until his death, in 1876 ; William Drinker is a mechanic of Homer, N. Y. ; Lepha S., wife of Lyman Gleason, a farmer and lumberman in Dyberry, died in 1882 ; Horace resides at New Milford, and Ortenca Maria is the wife of Mathew Watt, of Wilkesbarre Pa. Ezra Brooks, second son of Deacon Homer Brooks was born in Mulberry, Yt., September 11, 1812, and married on Christmas eve, 1836, Nancy L., daughter of Daniel and Mehitabel Ezra Brooks resided at home until twenty- three years of age. After two years he pur- chased fifty acres adjoining the homestead for five hundred dollars, upon which was a small frame house with one room. He cleared the greater part of his laud, and has added to it, by purchase, ninety acres more. In 1847 he built his present residence, and he erected his com- modious barns and planted most of his orchard. In 1842 he built, in connection with his father, a saw-mill near Dyberry Falls, and ran it for sixteen years. In all Mr. Brooks has been en- WAYNE COUNTY. in the lumber business for fifty-three years, which he began as early as 1828, with his father. His first work was scoring and hewing wharf timber, which he run in single rafts, called a " colt " down the Dyberry and Lackawaxen, thence down the Delaware In- putting four single rafts together, called a " double Delaware," to Philadelphia. This great raft was manned by four men, and aver- aged to reach its destination in three days. Mr. Brooks and wife are closely identified with the Baptist Church at Bethany. He has sung in the choir of that church for fifty-four years, has served as chorister for forty years, been a member since seventeen years of age and trustee since his father's death. He has served as supervisor, and in other official relations, of Dyberry, and is known as one of its sterling citizens. Ever since he has been a resident of Dyberry he has taken pastime in hunting, and in the early days was rewarded almost invaria- bly with the game that then abounded in the forest, such as deer, foxes and wolves. The children of Ezra and Nancy L. Brooks are Lucy M., wife of Augustus A. Ballon, a farmer of Dyberry, and Frederick N. Brooks who married Mary L., daughter of Milo Bedell, and farms the homestead. LEWIS DAY. Lewis Day, the only surviving sou of Ste- phen and Mary (Bonnel) Day, was born in Chatham, Morris County, N. J., June 25, 1813, and resides on Dyberry Creek, in Dyberry township, on the farm upon which his parents settled, with their family of nine children, in 1816. Stephen Day (1769-1865) purchased three hundred acres of land for his homestead, and, with his sous, began clearing off the forest; but, before he had much passed his fiftieth birth- day, he became afflicted with rheumatism, and for about forty years prior to his death was un- able to do much manual labor. He was a man of strong Christian sentiment, and both him- self and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church at Bethany, at which place they were buried. He spent much time during his later years in the study of the Bible, and read it 50 through many times. His wife (1772-1 S42), a woman devoted to her family and to the church, was of German extraction. He was of English origin, was a man of correct habits, and reached the remarkably great age of nearly ninety-six years. The eldest son, Elias, settled ou one hundred acres of this land, and, with his father, built a saw-mill, about 1823, on the present site of the Bates grist-mill. He afterward settled in Ohio, and subsequently in California. The youngest sou, subject of this sketch, farmed the balance of the original purchase, and with his own hands cleared nearly all of the present improved land. On account of his fa- ther's affliction the care of the farm and all business matters devolved upon him, and, with that perseverance and resolution characteristic of his whole life, he so managed affairs as to close out all indebtedness on the place and make it the permanent homestead of the family. Lewis Day is a man of modest and unassum- ing ways, industrious and judicious, and it may well be said of him " that lie ranks among the intelligent and thrifty farmers of Wayne County." Mr. Day's sketch would not be complete without referring to his hunting proclivities. He is known throughout the county and this part of the State as a great hunter and a good shot, and whenever he has had leisure during the proper season he has been on many hunting excursions, and successfully made bear, deer, and other wild game acknowledge man's su- premacy over all other animals. He has a rifle, purchased in 1840, with which he lias killed one hundred and thirteen deer, and the one hundredth one he presented to Rev. E. O. Ward, of Bethany. He has frequently killed three deer in one day and wounded a fourth, but never laid four at his feet as the result of one day's sport. He is a supporter of the church at Bethany, and interested in the progress and development of all enterprises tending to foster good citizen- ship and educate the rising generatiou. His first wife, Nancy J., a daughter of Gideon Langdon, of Dyberry, whom he married No- vember 6, 1838 ; died September 3, 1866, aged WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA fifty-five years. His present wife, whom he married April 7, 1870, is Margaret Maria, a daughter of John and Martha Dabron, who settled in Damascus township from Sullivan County in 1863. The children of Stephen and Mary Day, in the order of their birth, are, — Jane (1790- 1871), was the wife of Moses Ward, of Beth- any, and mother of Rev. Elias O. Ward, of the CHAELBS FAATZ. Charles Faatz, son of Christian, and grandson of Christopher Faatz, was born Oc- tober 7, 1829, on the place where he now re- sides, and where the family first settled soon after they came from Saxony. Christopher Faatz and Jacob Hinds, natives of Saxony, emigrated to Philadelphia in 1808, and, being unable to pay their passage money, served two JjajiM $#*r same place ; Elias, born 1792; Barney (1794- 1856) settled in Ohio, where he died ; Harriet (1796-1804) ; Benjamin B., born in 1798, re- sided in Ohio and reared a family, but died in New Orleans. He had one son, who was shot by the Indians ; another son, Benjamin B. Day, Jr., is president of the Washington Ter- i ritory Senatorial Council, in 1886. Mary J. (1801-1862) was the wife of Levi Keteham, of Bethany. Damaris, born in 1804, is the widow of the late Hon. Ephraim W. Hamlin, and re- sides in Bethany, in 1886 ; Edwin S. (1810- 1866), and Lewis Dav. years after their landing to repay the amount due. Fortunately for Christopher Faatz, he was bound to a glass manufacturer of the city, a business he had learned in his native country, and he soon showed his master that he was a proficient glass-blower. At the end of his ser- vice, he rented the glass manufactory, and in due time saved money enough to send for his wife,— Elizabeth Hinds, sister of his compan- ion, and his two children, Christiana and Chris- tian, and bring them to Philadelphia. Soon after the arrival of his family, he be- came manager of the glass- works at Rockville, WAYNK COUNTY 611 ou the Delaware, and afterwards at Woodstock, N. Y., where he remained until 181(3, when he and Jacob Hinds removed to the western part of Dyberry township, Wayne County, pur- chased some six hundred acres of woodland, and erected a glass manufactory, which was carried on by Faatz & Hinds and other firms until the glass interest was transferred to Hones- dale. Christopher Faatz and wife were Lutherans in Dyberry township ; Stephen 8., a glass-blower, resides in Honesdale; Nicholas died in Michigan, and was a farmer ; Caroline is the wife of Joseph Bodie, one of the old residents of Dy- [ berry township. The eldest daughter, Christiana, was the first wife of Nicholas Greiner, and after his death the wife of Henry Downing, a land agent, and I died in Dyberry. ! The eldest son, Christian (1798-1868), was ^Jh.a,L in religious persuasion, and traveling ministers held their meetings in their house, until many years afterwards, when a school-house was erected, and served for a place of worship. He died in 1828, aged sixty years. His wife sur- vived him, and died about 1850. Their other children, born in this country were : Charles, a glass-blower, of Weedsport, N. Y. ; Jacob, a glass-maker, died near Prompton, in 185(3 ; Christopher, a glass-cutter and farmer, resides some twelve years old when he came with his mother to Philadelphia, and at once began to learn the business of a glass-blower, and con- tinued with his father in this business as long as he carried it ou, and was manager for other firms afterwards, in that place and at Dundaff. He succeeded to one hundred acres of the orig- inal purchase of land, most of which he cleared and prepared for crops, and erected buildings thereon. He was a man of correct habits, led 612 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. an honorable and useful life, possessed sterling characteristics and sought to fulfil the full du- ties of a father and good citizen. He was a strict adherent of the Lutheran doctrines, and had all his children baptized in his own house. He was self-sacrificing, tenacious of principle and right, aud labored for the good of others. He was frequently selected to fill the highest offices in the township, and every trust confided to his charge, whether of a public or private nature, found in him a noble exponent of hon- esty and integrity. His first wife was Matilda (1799-1844), daughter of Abraham and Sally Brink. His second wife, whom he married in 1845, was Catherine, widow of George Hopkins, of Clinton township, by whom he had one daughter, Hattie, wife of William Varcoe, of Damascus. His third wife, was Sarah Tripp, whom he married in 1852, who bore him one child — Sarah, wife of William Griffis, of Car bondale. The children by his first marriage are : Lucinda, widow of George Payne, of San- dusky, Ohio ; Jacob, of Wood County, Ohio ; Betsy, wife of Sumner Isham, of Dyberry town- ship ; Nancy deceased, was the wife of John Shirmer, of Seelyville ; Mary deceased, was the wife of William Stiles, and resided in Clinton township ; Charles ; George, a farmer of Oregon township ; Andrew, a farmer in South Canaan ; Adeline, widow of Simon Hopkins, of Clinton, and Edward, who resides on a part of the or- iginal purchase. Of this large family of children, Charles Faatz succeeded to the homestead of his father, and has spent his life as a farmer. He has served his township as supervisor, school director and assessor, and is its treasurer in 1886. He has been identified with the Bethany Methodist Church since 1853, was steward of the church during that time, class leader for many years, and for the past fifteen years superintendent of the Sunday-school. His wife, Clarissa, born August 27, 1831, married May 6, 1851, is the daughter of George and Catherine (Bunting) Hopkins, before named. Her father was a na- tive of Winfield, Conn., and settled in Clinton township, Wayne County, while a young man. He was a silk weaver by trade, but followed farming in this county. He died in 1833, aged sixty-four years. Her mother died at the age of fifty-six, in 1851. Their children are: Samuel, died in Kansas, in 1885, aged sixty- four ; David, an inventor, resides in New York; Simon, died in 1870; George, a builder in Philadelphia ; Ann Elizabeth, wife of William Olver, of Dyberry, Clarissa, and Julia M., wife of William Box, of Dyberry. The children of Charles and Clarissa Faatz are : Lillie, wife of Martin Balkcom, of Dy- berry ; Cora O, wife of Phene Bodie, of Dy- berry ; Jasper H., and Judson B. Faatz. ALBERT BUTLER came from New Hartford, Litchfield Coun- ty, Conn., in 1840 and settled on eighty-five acres of land one mile south of Bethany, in Dyberry township, upon which he resided and which he farmed until a few years since, when he retired aud settled in Bethany, where he now resides, in 1886. He is a carpenter by trade, and has worked at this business, as well as farm- ing, since his removal here. He has been identi- fied with Dyberry township as school director, assessor and clerk, taken an active interest in lo- cal matters, and as a member of the Methodist Church he has served as trustee and recording steward. He was born March 9, 1814 ; mar- ried, in 1838, Harriet (1816-66), a daughter of Orin and Harriett (Pettibone) Cadwell, who for a time resided at Simsbury, Hartford Coun- ty, Conn., until he was married and then, in Xew Hartford, whence she left with her hus- band for Wayne County, Pa. Her father died in the West; her mother is living, in 1886, at Bristol, Conn., at nearly ninety years of age. The children of Mr. Butler by this marriage are Susan Jane (wife of Henry O. Hurlburt, a jeweler in Philadelphia), Celia Augusta (wife of William A. Gaylord, prothonotary of Wayne County) and William T. Butler, residing on the homestead farm and a teacher. By his second marriage, in 1870, to S. Melissa, a daughter of Jonathan D. aud Mary (Cramer) Simpson, he has one son, Albert S. Butler. She was born May 5, 1843. Mr. Butler's father, Jared, was a farmer and resided in Litchfield County, where he died WAYNE COUNTY. 613 about 1860. His mother, Eunice, a daughter of Thomas Couch, of Norfolk, Conn., died in 1837. Their children are Timothy (died at Colebrooke, Conn.), Almon (died at his brother Albert's), Albert (subject of this sketch), Wil- liam (died in Iowa), Merriman M. (died at Colebrooke), Jared Sullivan (resides at Nor- folk, Conn.), Alia (married a Mr. Allyn) and Laura (the wife of Nathan Starr Corrington, of Cook County, 111. His grandfather, Jared Butler and wife, Elizabeth Doggester, were farmers and reared their family at Norfolk. He died there in 1822, s3^c&^ aged seventy-five years. The paternal great- grandfather of Albert Butler was Nathaniel, and the family is of English origin. Jonathan Drake Simpson (1792-1860), a native of Chatham, N. J., was the son of Isaac Simpson, a native of Holland, who served in the Revolutionary War. His mother's family name was Drake and their church relation Presbyterian, of which he was a member in his younger days. At the age of eighteen he enlist- ed and served as a drummer in the War of 1812, at Sandy Hook, and after his discharge he served in the New Jersey State militia as first lieutenant. He learned how to carry on a grist-mill and was well practiced in Mahogany veneering sawing, at which business he worked until about 1822, when he was asked to locate at Seely's Mills (now Seelyville), Wayne County, Pa., and take charge of the newly erected grist-mill at that place, which he attend- ed for many years. Soon after settling at See- lyville he bought a large tract of land, compris- ing most of the hill-sides in view of that promising mill site, but entering largely into the lumbering business, the spring's floods swept his stored logs and lumber suddenly away and left him deeply in debt. He was a man highly esteemed by all who knew him. In 1827 he married, at Seelyville, Mary Cramer (1809- 67), a Christian woman and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for over forty years. Their children are Ann Eliza, Helen Amanda, Mary Emily, Susan Beach (died in Iowa) Carolina Elizabeth and S. Melissa Simp- son. One son, Jonathan Drake Simpson, loyal to the Union cause during the late Civil War, served with the Northern troops, was taken prisoner and confined in a rebel prison where he is supposed to have died. He left a widow and one child — Lotta Simpson. HENBY VAN DEUSEN. Henry Van Deusen (1794-1868) and his wife, Louisa Dobel (1798-1879), daughter of John Dobel, both natives of Great Barrington, Mass., came from that State in 1833, with their three children, and settled in Dyberry town- ship, Wayne County. There they spent the remainder of their lives. They were interred in the cemetery at Honesdale. The A^an Deu- sens resided for a time on the place now owned by Mr. Bullock. The father gave it to his sons, and subsequently bought the farm of one hun- dred and twenty acres on the Dyberry, upon which he erected the present residence, the prop- erty being owned in 1886 by his daughter, Mrs. George E. Baker. Henry Van Deusen was one of the most esteemed and substantial citizens of the township, a man of temperate and correct habits, of strong mind and good judgment, and WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of sterling integrity in all his business re- He had a good English education, and his written papers drawn by himself, together with his methodical and business-like way of keeping his accounts, attest not only his general intelli- gence but somewhat of his scholarship. He was an attendant of the Episcopal Church before coming to Wayne County, and interested in matters of church afterwards, but there being children of Henry and Louisa Van Deusen are Mark, born May 4, 1823, married Sarah E., eldest daughter of George E. Baker, mentioned in this sketch, and resides in Oregon township, where he is closely identified with its interests, and has served as school-director and supervisor ; George H. (1829-1883), served his township as supervisor, was a good citizen, resided on the homestead with his sister, and there died, un- married, and Carrie E. Van Deusen, wife of & ^O £ e^^ no church here then, he never united with any religious denomination, although he represent- ed the highest type of morality and was a con- tributor to religious work. His father, Isaac I. Van Deusen (1767-1831), was a farmer and tanner, at Great Barrington, and married Christina Spoor (1705-1830), by whom he had the following children : Nicholas, died in Illinois; Henry, Catherine(1791-1874), was the wife of Isaac Wheeler, of Victor, N. Y., and left a family of children at her death. The George E. Baker, residing on and owning the Van Deusen homestead. Mrs. Louisa (Gobel) Van Deusen's mother was Elizabeth Griswold. Mark Van Deusen's children, the only persons of the third generation in Wayne representing the Van Deusen family are Frank, Carrie E., Hat tie, George and Leslie Van Deusen. WAYNE COUNTY. GEORGE E. BAKER. George E. Baker, born May 22, 1822, in Rhode Island, on the line between that State and Connecticut, came with his parents, Ezra Baker (1790-1881) and Elizabeth (Bennett) Baker (1792-1879), in 1831, and settled near Rileysville, in Lebanon township, Wayne Coun- ty, where Virgil Brooks now resides. The parents resided in that Ideality the remainder of their lives, were much esteemed citizens, zeal- ous supporters of the Free 'Will Baptist Church, and raised their children under religious instruc- tion and influence. They were interred at Ki- leysville. Their other children were Elmira, died at the age of thirteen years and Stephen, a twin brother with George E., resides in Oregon township ; George, grandfather of George E. Baker, resided in Rhode Island, and married Phebe Taylor, a sister of William Taylor, father of Mrs. Jehiel Justin, of Lebanon. He was a well-read man, and although a farmer by occu- pation, was a somewhat public man, and repre- sented his constituency in the State Legislature He died about the year 1840, aged sixty-eight years. George E. Baker early learned what hard work meant, but had the usual opportunities of the district school, which he improved. His life-work has been that of a farmer. He first married in 18415, on New Year's day, Emily E. (1825-1873), daughter of John and Millany (Huntington) Lincoln, of Lebanon township, formerly from Connecticut. By this marriage he had children, viz : Sarah E., wife of Mark Van Deusen, before mentioned ; Harriet A. (1848-1885), was the wife of George W. Kim- ble, now of Dyberry township ; Lydia J., wife of George A. Kimble, of Oregon township ; Marcia M. and Lucy E. (twins), the former, wife of Nicholas Humbley, and the latter, wife of Frank Kimble, both of Oregon township. For his second wife Mr. Baker married, Decem- ber 20, 1883, Carrie E., only daughter of Henry and Louisa (Dobel) Van Deusen, heretofore mentioned. She was born June 20, 1831, and was, therefore, two years old when her parents came to Wayne County. They reside upon the Van Deusen homestead, on the Dyberry Creek. Mrs. Baker regrets that she has no picture of her father to insert in this work, but has fur- nished his autograph for engraving herein. CHAPTER XXI. LEBANON TOWNSHIP. ' Lebanon is bounded on the east by Damas- cus, south by Oregon and Dyberry, west by Mount Pleasant, north by Buckingham and Manchester. It contains about thirty-seven square miles. A large portion of it is covered with woods ; the hemlock, ash and basswood is mostly gone. The principal timber is hard and soft maple, beech, birch, black and white ash, basswood and hemlock with pine and spruce in swamps. Some butternut, chestnut, hickory and elm. The surface of the township is generally uneven ; some parts are very rough, ledges and detached rocks covering a considerable portion of the hillsides, especially along the larger streams. The general course of the streams is south. Near the northern part of the township, a ridge called Laurel Ridge runs nearly east and west, dividing the waters of the Delaware and Dyberry. The soil produces good crops of com, oats, buckwheat and potatoes. Somegoi «1 crops of wheat and rye have been raised, but the soil is better adapted to grazing than tillage. In the northeast corner is a lofty hill called " Big Hickory." In a ledge of rocks on lands of James Gethin, some beautiful specimens of quartz have been found and in a cultivated field near by, Mr. Gethin frequently plows up small quartz. Upper Woods Pond is a noted resort for fishermen. At the Lower Woods Pond the Delaware & Hudson Company have a reservoir for feeding the canal. These with Duck Harbor comprise all the ponds of much size in the township. Early Settlers. — Commencing at the west line of the township on the Newburgh turnpike one finds the old Stevens place. Silas Stevens from Vermont took up lands on both sides of the turnpike about 1810 and commenced keep- 1 The data concerning this township was gathered, and the chapter was mostly written by Philo S. Bass. 616 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ing tavern in 1812, which business he continued most of his life. He was succeeded by his son William, who some years ago disposed of his real estate to Robbins Douglass. Silas Stevens appears to have been of an inventive turn of mind. At one time he constructed a churning machine to run by water. He also built a threshing machine setting up a perpendicular post in the barn so that it would turn around. In this lie placed a horizontal shaft which would also revolve ; this he filled with pegs reaching the floor ; he then spread the grain in a circle around the upright, hitched a horse to the outer end of the shaft and started, but how much grain he threshed is not known. He married Esther Merrill. Their children were Alfred, Merrill, William, Malby and Palina, (Mrs. Benajah Carr). The next farm on the east, on the south side of the road was that of John Douglass, also of Vermont and a brother-in-law of Stevens. His wife was Sybil Merrill. He died many years ago and was succeeded by his only son Eobbins, who died 1876. There are two of his daughters still living, Mrs. Seth Yale of this town and Mrs. John Rutledge of Damascus. Bobbins Douglass was succeeded by his son Gates H, who resides on the old homestead. The next farm on the north side of the road was that of Joseph Bass, who came from Wind- ham County, Conn., in 1815. His wife was Lucy Gager. He died in 1843, leaving four sons : Thomas H, Jason G., John W. and Gilbert P. Bass. The latter who lives upon and owns the old homestead is the only living member of the family. The next settler on the east was David Gager, who came from the same place and with Joseph Bass, whose wife was a sister of Gager's. Gager cleared up his farm. There are two of his sons still living in Wayne County, Horace W., of Lebanon and Edwin B., of Dyberry. On the south side of the turnpike, opposite the Bass farm, Elisha Lincoln settled in 1817. He lived upon the farm until 1837 when he moved west. P. S. Bass, the only son of G. P. Bass, owns the front of the farm and Francis Halligan the rest. The next farm on the east and opposite the Gager farm, John Lincoln, a brother of P^lisha, settled in 1817. In 1823 he settled on the farm now owned by his son-in-law, Hiram Wright ; he kept a hotel for many years, and was postmaster at Rileysville a long time. He had three sons, — John, Steadman and Giles ; and two daughters, — Mrs. H. Wright and Mrs. George Baker. Mrs. Wright is the one living in this township at present. Mr. Lincoln died at the residence of H. Wright in 1867 ; the Lincolns were from Connecticut. P. S. Bass lives upon the front of the old farm of John Lincoln, C. H. Scudder owning the rear. The next farm on the north side of the road was settled by George Parkinson early in the present century. He was probably the first settler in West Lebanon, as his old house was the only one upon the old road, which at this point ran half a mile north of the turnpike. The old place has passed through many hands ; the Robinsons, Stephen Hoyt, P. G. Goodrich, Esq., J. Stacy and others being its owners. It is now owned by C. H. Scudder and William Murphy. Opposite the Parkinson place Benajah Carr settled about the year 1814 ; the land was given him by his father. Carr cleared up his farm, sold out to C. H Scudder and went West in 1849. None of the family remain in the town- ship. Passing on, the next place on the south side of the road is the Wheatcraft farm, settled by Edward Wheatcraft, of Frederick, Md., about 1803. The farm is now owned by G. H. Douglass and Charles Bennett. Opposite the Wheatcraft farm Willet Carr, a brother of Benajah Carr, located. He sold out to Walker Harrison and moved to Preston township, on the farm now owned by J. L. Sherwood. Turning to the north, between the Parkinson and W. Carr farms, and passing on we find William Murphy on the west side of the road owning a part of the old Parkinson farm. Be- yond him on the east side of the road lives Matthew Lestrauge, owning a part of the Harri- son farm, which was cleared by Jesse Harrison, a son of Walker Harrison. Galen Wilmarth and Michael Moran owned and lived upon it previous to Lestrange. Off the road, east of WAYNE COUNTY. 617 Lestrange, Edward Morau settled about forty years ago. In 1884 he sold to James B. Megivern and bought the Ralph Case farm in Clinton. On the west side of the road lives Michael Lestrange, on a farm cleared by his father, Patrick Lestrange, who now resides in Mount Pleasant. Passing on north we come to the farm cleared by Thomas Morau, now de- ceased. It is now occupied by his sun and widow. Moran and Lestrange came here about forty years ago. The next place is one settled on I iv Patrick Rogers about thirty years ago. Rogers and his wife have been dead some years. His sons remain upon the farm. Passing on we find P. O'Neill, Peter Hughes and Thomas MeKeuna, who have recently settled here. Going south from the turnpike, on the road be- tween the B. Carr and Wheatcraft farms, and south along the road leading to Honesdale, we find Samuel Latourette, for many years a resi- dent on the farm originally taken up by Sey- mour Spafford ; still passing on south we find on the east side of the road a farm taken up by Lister and John Spafford, owned more recently by John Latourette, and at present by Francis Cunningham, of Herrick Centre, Susquehanna County. Farther south on the. west side of the road is Benjamin E. Gager, and ou the east side is Nelson Latourette. Still farther on, and on the west side of the road is James Gethin. The three last named have cleared up their farms within the last few years. ( )n the east side of the road is an old place first taken up by John W. Bass, who chopped down twenty-five acres of timber. He sold his interest in the place to one Perkins, who left it about 1837, when Peter Latourette became the owner. It is now owned by his grandson, George Latourette. South of this to the south line of the township is an unbroken wilderness. David Spafford made a commencement off the road west of S. Latourette, on the laud now owned by the latter. Seymour Spafford was a cousin of the other three. John and David married daughters of Joseph Bass. Lester married an Arnold, of Prompton. John Spafford left one son, Joseph B., now an en- gineer at Carter's factory, Providence, Luzerne County ; and three daughters, — Mrs. M. Silsby, Mrs. William Love and Mrs. John Fordham. John Spafford died at Mount Pleasant some years ago, David went to Michigan, where he died, and Lester died near Stockport, N. Y. Returning to the turnpike and passing on east beyond the W. Carr place, on the north of road, we come to the farm first settled by one Simons, who built a house on it and was burned out. He removed to Susquehanna Couuty, where some of his descendants still reside. This farm is owned by heirs of John Wilmarth, son of Galen Wilmarth. Benjamin Wlieeler and Philo Spencer, of Mount Pleasant, married Simons' daughters. East of Simons place, on the north side of the road, lives Horace W. Gager on a farm owned by Elijah Gillett. Joining this ou the east are lands taken up by Hugh Gammell, of Vermont, who for his second wife married a sister of Gillett's. Gammell must have been here as early as 1810, for in 1813 he had an orchard set out, now owned by E. E. Yale, son of J. E. Yale. Opposite Gam- mell'a a man named Duncan commenced and put up a house of hewn logs, but never fiuished it. Peter Latourette before named settled on it next, and he sold to Joseph Bennett, who died there. Charles Bennett, his son, now owns the farm. James F. Yale married a daughter of J. Bennett, and Ezra E. Yale another. Below the Bennett farm, on the south side, is a farm formerly known as the Quinett place, from Francis Quinett, who once lived there, but at present occupied by the widow and son of John E. Yale. Nearly opposite this place, but a little farther east, the father of John and David Howell, late of Mount Pleasant, was located be- fore 1813. The next farm on the east, lying on both sides of the turnpike, was cleared up by Seth Yale, who came from Connecticut to Mount Pleasant iu 1806. In 1813 he settled here. He was once county commissioner and for many years justice of the peace, and as such he never had an appeal taken from his decision. He always counseled settlement rather than law. He had more hair-breadth escapes than any hunter in the vicinity. At one time having shot an otter on the ice at " Lower Woods Pond," in going after it the ice broke with him WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and he went into the pond. The ice kept break- ing with him until nearly exhausted, he put his wet mittens on the ice as tar as he could reach, and when they froze fast he drew himself out, then getting some poles and brush he con- structed a bridge and thus secured his otter. His wife was a daughter of James Bigelow, of Mount Pleasant. He died at Honesdale in 1858, leaving the following children, — Seth, James F. (since deceased), Norman, John E., Ezra E., Clayton, Eliza, Tryphena and Mary. John E. Tryphena and Mary have since died. Philo Sherwood married Tryphena; G. P. Bass, Eliza ; Mary died unmarried. Ezra E. owns the lands south of the road, and Clayton the north part of the old homestead. East and adjoining the Seth Yale farm on the north side of the road live Edward Kernan and P. Coffey, on land originally settled by Captain Asa Yale, a Revolutionary soldier and uncle of Seth Yale. He came about 1817-18, went back to Connecticut on a visit and was drowned on his way back to Pennsylvania. Going on east about a mile and a quarter we find Shieldsboro, so-called from Robert Shields, a son of Thomas Shields, the great laud-holder; having built a saw-mill here in 1828, he placed two of his sons in charge of the property, but after a short time they left for a (to them) more congenial clime. The property is now owned by John H. Cassidy, of Damascus, brother of Lewis C, attorney-general of Penn- sylvania, but the mill is operated by E. Stan- ton, of Honesdale. Opposite, on the south side of the road lives S. Wilmarth, a black- smith. East of this on the south side of the road, is Seth Yale, son of Esquire Yale. He settled on this place about fifty years ago. His wife is a daughter of John Douglass. Passing on east and turning south on the middle Lebanon road we first find Albert Belknap, a son of Josiah Belknap, who cleared up the farm. Belknap married a daughter of J. Douglass for his first wife, and Alice Green as his second. South of this is the farm of Abial Brown, which was first taken by Josiah Bennett, and south of this latter is Jehiel Jus- tin also on Bennett land. Justin is an eastern man, settled here in 1839. Passing along the road south we find on the west side of the road a farm belonging to the heirs of Lewis Kreit- ner, first settled by Bailey Hendricks. Pierce Handel! lived there at one time. Farther south mi both sides of the road is the farm of Jackson Latourette, a son of John Latourette. This place was taken up by James Balkcom, ( 2 ) who cut the timber on twenty-five or thirty acres, when he sold out to one Hezekiah French, who built the house and barn. He was succeeded by Matthewsou, and he by G. cv T. Mitchell. The next farm south of the Latourettes is that of Frank Robinson, who succeeded his father, James Robinson, who settled there about forty years ago. This farm was formerly owned by Rev. Curtis Stoddard. The next farm south is one formerly owned by Calvin R. Niles, but at present by E. E. Avery, who married a daughter of Niles. Below this we find John Robinson on the farm settled upon by John Pulis, who went west. The next farm is owned by heirs of Ezra Brown, a sou of Henry Brown, a soldier of 1812, and the next was settled upon by Henry Brown aforesaid and is, at present, occupied by W. H. Palmer. Henry Brown married Betsy Nelson. He died in 1877 and left one daughter — Mrs. Fred. Hub- bard. Passing the Brown farm a short dis- tance and turning to the left the old farm of Ephraim Pulis, now owned by his son Spencer M., comes in view. E. Pulis was once county commissioner, and for some years a justice oi the peace. The next farm going east is owned by Richard Arthur and was formerly owned by Aaron Pulis. The next is Wm. Ridd's and the next is the Henry Avery farm. The two last named farms were taken up by one Lewis Payne in 1825. Returning to the turnpike and turning east we come to a farm commenced by Nathan Yerkes, but cleared up and im- proved by Wm; Adams, formerly of Delaware County, N. Y. He was a natural accountant and penman, many years assessor and secretary of the school board. His wife was Matilda Stark. He and his wife have been dead some years. They left two sons, George and Henry. The old farm is now owned by Lucy Belknap, daughter of Josiah Belknap. The next farm east and on the south side of the road is where WAYNE COUNTY. (119 John Lincoln, before mentioned, settled in 1823. It was formerly occupied by a Mr. Forbes, and before that by a Mr. Losey. It is at present owned by Hiram Wright. Lincoln's wife was Millany Hutchinson. Nearty op- posite is Homer Brooks, a son of Virgil Brooks, on a farm formerly owned by A. B. Lacey, now of Oneonta, X. Y. Just east of Brooks is the Presbyterian Church and Rileys- ville school-house. The farm east of H. Brooks, and lying on both sides of the turnpike, is the old John C. Riley place. Riley commenced here about sixty-five years ago. He kept hotel and store. The farm has passed through many hands, and is now owned by H. C. Stevenson. Opposite Stevenson's is Dr. S. A. Kelley, and east of Kelley is Owen Gilroy. Below him, on the east side, is John Taylor, a black- smith. The next building is the Methodist Episcopal Church ; the next the store and dwelling of S. H. & N. W. Vail, sons of S. K. Vail, deceased. East of Vail's store, on the north side of the road, is Stephen Hopkins, a son of Judah B. Hopkins, of Rhode Island, who settled on the south side of the road about fifty years ago. The farm is now owned by Clarence, a son of S. Hopkins. Avery and Wilcox were on the place before Hopkins. East of Hopkins is George Blair, on the south side of the road, Mrs. C. Rice and E. Rice, on north side ; W. S. Vail owns a farm formerly owned by Adam Kniver. East of this is a farm owned by heirs of the Samuel K. Vail, who came from Orange County, N. Y., about twenty-eight years ago. This farm was first settled by Joseph Thomas, afterward by J. C. Riley, who kept tavern, and later by Abraham Mitchell. East of the Vail farm, on north side of turnpike, lives Linus X. Goodnough, and on the south side is William Atkins. At this point a road leads south to the Girdland. On this road we find the farms of George Atkins, Henry Dennis, Christian Blokberger, in the Girdland we find Peter Knorr, August Schweighofer, B. Gredlein, Xeville Holgate (P.M.), C. Erhardt and others, who have set- tled in this vicinity within twenty-five or thirty years. Xear the Hamlin Mill place are John Erwin, John Tamblyn, Osborn Mitchell and his two sous, John J. and Monroe. Osborn Mitchell is a son of Abraham Mitchell, before mentioned. Near this point the road through the Girdland intersects the road leading from Rileysville to Honesdale. Turning north, the first farm that is passed was formerly owned by Arthur G. Niles, who moved to Nebraska. It is now owned by the widow of S. M. Keesler. North of this is A. R. Bishop, on a farm form- erly owned by Aner Treat. Farther north is a farm formerly owned by Stephen Nelson, de- ceased, and north of this, on the west side ot the road, is George Bishcp. This farm was taken up by John Wilmarth, the father of Galen and Seba Wilmarth. Nearly opposite is the farm of Stephen Pulis, originally taken up by William Balkcom. Balkcom left one son, D. W. M. Balkcom and two daughters. Mrs. Stephen Pulis and Mrs. S. O. Lincoln. Next, on west side of the road, is a farm once the pro- perty of James Balkcom (2), subsequently owned by Elijah Budd, but now by the heirs of D. W. M. Balkcom. Adjoining this on the north is tin- farm cleared up by Daniel Balkcom, who died in 1873, and left one son, D. W. The farm is now occupied by Charles Balkcom, son of D. W. North of this, and on the east side of the road is the farm taken up by James Balkcom (1), who came from Massachusetts with his three sons, — James, Daniel and William. The farm is now owned by Daniel W., only son of Daniel Balkcom. James Balkcom (2), married for his first wife Sabra Davidson (2), Widow Bicknell (3), Vashti Gleasou. He left two sous, — James, living in Oregon township ; La- fayette, living in Nebraska, and one daughter, Mrs. W. S. Vail. North of the two last named farms is the farm of Virgil Brooks, being on both sides of the road. This place was formerly occupied by Jacob Mitchell, none of whose family are left in the township. North of this place was Ezra Baker, an Eastern man, who left two sous, George and Stephen. The farm is now owned by Virgil Brooks. At this point a road leads east ; the first farm upon it was taken by Abra- ham Bennett, of Orange Couuty, N. Y., who married a Ross. He left three sons, — Abra- i.'tl WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ham, Alva and Joseph R., and three daughters. Milton Balkcom now owns the farm. East of this, on south side of road, is Joseph Bennett, on a farm taken up by Jason G. Bass, son of Joseph Bass. He died in Kansas City, Mo. His family are all in the West. He married (1), Marcia Spafford, and his second wife was Har- riet Purdy, a sister of Abbott Purdy, Esq. On the north side of the road is a farm once oc- cupied by J. Baird, afterwards by Israel Owens, later by James Blair, and at present by Her- bert E. Gager, son of Horace W. Gager, de- ceased. Beyond this is the farm of Brice Blair. The road here turns to the north and leads to the turnpike near W. S. Vail's. Returning to the Balkcom road, and going north on west side of the road, we find the farm of Libbie Tomlinson, daughter of Michael Tomlinson, who formerly owned it. On the east side of the road is a farm taken up by Stephen Tyler, now owned by S. O. Lincoln. North of this, on the west side of the road, is a farm once owned by Charles Col born, more re- cently by William W. Mamy, and at present by J. Dawson Askins. North of this, on the west side of the road, Joseph Wilmot, from Rhode Island, settled. It is now a part of H. Stevenson's farm. William J. Stoutenberg once occupied the eastern part of the Stevenson farm. Crossing the turnpike, going north, we find O. C. Sears on the farm owned by his father, Miles Sears. Beyond is a farm cleared up by Sidney Coons, now occupied by Henry Hartman. At Tail's store a road leads north, on which are located the farms of Philip Mar- ring and R. Henderson. We believe that we have given the names and location of the old settlers as correctly as can be ascertained at the present time. The original settlers have passed away, their de- scendants were young when they came here, and so in some cases it is difficult to correctly lo- cate some of the pioneers of this township, but the foregoing it is thought is substantially cor- rect. First Events — The first birth in the town- ship was that of John Wheatcraft, son of Ed- ward and Rebecca Wheatcraft. The first marriage in which both parties lived in the township, was that of Benajah Carrand Palina, a daughter of Silas Stevens, E. Wheat- craft and Gibson Parkinson were married pre- vious, but their wives were natives of Mt. Pleasant, being daughters of John Rogers. The first death was that of the mother of Gibson Parkinson. The first frame house was either upon the Yale or S. K. Vail farm, but supposed to be the latter. They were both built before 1810, which is as early as we have good authority for statements. Roads. — The road from Rileysville to Jacob Welch's, in Manchester, and thence to Equi- nunk was laid out in 1823 — viewers, David Gager, Elisha Lincoln, Seth Yale and John Kellam. The Justin road was laid out in 1836 — E. Lincoln, Seth Yale, D. Gager, William Adams and William Balkcom, viewers. The road starting on the turnpike at the corner of lands of Walter Harrison and George Parkin- son, thence to the Delaware River at the mouth of Big Equinuuk Creek, was opened in 1838 — Warner Preston, Sr., D. Gager, John W. Bass, Seth Yale and William Dillon, viewers. The turnpike was for a long time the mail route. The mail was carried in the four-horse coaches which ran each way daily. To name the dif- ferent drivers would be impossible, but a few will suffice, — Job Cox, Joe Coit, Nick Daw and last but not least Hiram Wright, commonly called " The Judge," now a resident of this township. To him belongs the honor of driving the last four-horse coach over the route. Religious Matters. — The first preaching was at the house of Joseph Bass, and according to the best information, was by Rev. Mr. Bur- roughs, a Methodist, of Connecticut, and father of Hon. Urbane Burroughs, of Susquehanna County. At what time a class was organized is unknown, but a society was formed with Joseph Bass as class leader and licensed exhorter. The class, as far as can be learned, consisted of J. Bass and wife, E. Wheatcraft, Sr. and Jr., and wives, David Spafford and wife and five or six members of the Harrison family. Among the different Methodist Episcopal ministers who have labored here were the following : Joseph Castle, Stocking, Rodgers, Ellis, William WAYNE COUNTY. 621 Reddy, Charles Perkins, R. S. Rose, Peck, C. V. Arnold, Brownecom, N. Warren Everett, G. W. Leach, J. Durham, Blake, Thomas Warnock. B. F. Larrabee, of Jackson, is the present in- cumbent. The first church building erected was the Presbyterian Church, at Rileysville, in 1850. It is a neat wooden building of sufficient size to accommodate about three hundred persons and cost about two thousand dollars. Rev. Mr. Worthington was the first minister in charge. In 1853 Rev. E. O. Ward, of Bethany, assumed pastorship and continued to fill the position until about 1875, since which time there has been no regular minister. Messrs. Foster, Hay- maker, Phipps and Martin, students of Prince- ton Theological Seminary, have each spent one summer's vacation here. Revs. E. ( ). Ward and S. Torrey have held occasional services. The membership at one time amounted to twenty- five, but deaths and removals have reduced the number to about ten or twelve. In 1872 the Methodist Episcopal Church at Rileysville was built at a cost of twenty-eight hundred dol- lars. Schools. — The first building erected for school purposes was at Rileysville, on land of J. C. Riley, about the year 1828. At West Lebanon, a house was built about two years later. Previous to that time unoccupied houses or parts of those that were occupied had been used for school purposes in the winter, and sometimes barns were utilized in the summer season. Sarah Bass, daughter of Joseph Bass, was the first teacher at West Lebanon, and Fanny Huntington, a sister of Mrs. John Lin- coln, was at Rileysville about the same time. Action of Township on the School Law of 1834. — The following occurs in the minutes of the proceedings of the board of school di- rectors of Lebanon school district, Wayne County, Pa. " Agreeably to the requisitions of the acts of Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 1st day of April, 1834, to establish a general system of education by common schools, an election being held at the house of John C. Riley on the 19th day of Sep- tember, in the year aforesaid, for the purpose of electing six directors of common schools, when, after counting the votes, it appeared that the following persons were duly elected : for one year, S. K. Dodge, Robbins Douglass ; two years, W. Adams, E. Lincoln ; three years, Samuel Wenzell, Daniel Balkcom. William Adams was chosen president, S. Wenzell secretary, Daniel Balkcom treasurer and E. Lincoln dele- gate." There were only two districts at first, known as the east and west districts. We find the following entry : " Aug. 27th, 1835, Direc- tors Wm. Adams, Elisba Lincoln, Jesse Harri- son & S. Wenzell, visited the school in the west division, kept by Miss Keziah Day, and found the same to be conducted under a strict discipline and good moral principles, and contains 38 Scholars from 3 to 14 years of age, 30 of which are in reading and writing, the remainder in Spelling, &c, the Said School having been kept open 4 months at 5 dollars per month," also, August 30th, directors Adams, Lincoln, W. J. Stantenberg and Wenzell " visited School in Eastern division kept by Miss Louisa Smith, and found it to be conducted as the one above Stated, to contain 30 Scholars from 3 to 14 years of age, 25 of whom are in reading and writing, the remainder in Spelling &c, the School having been taught 5i months at 4 dol- lars per month." The school-houses at this time were owned by stockholders. On October 28, 1836, a com- mittee reported that they were unable to have the property turned over to the directors upon reasonable terms, and the committee were dis- charged. On October 2, 1839, a committee con- sisting of Robbins Douglass, Silas M. Stevens and David Gager, were appointed to attend to the local affairs of the west school. When a candidate for the school presented himself for ex- amination Douglass and Stevens commenced the examination, then turned him over to Gager, who commenced at the alphabet, having him read " b-a, ba," etc., until he came to " ci " which he read c i " ki." " Yes," said Gager, " c-i, ki der, kider you can go." The district has at various times been subdi- vided to accommodate the school population, but atpresent contains four districts and a joint school with Oregon. At the close of the school year, 1885, there were one hundred and twenty-two 622 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. different names ou the list ; average daily atten- dance, seventy. The school-houses are all frame buildings and cost about three hundred dollars on an average. Physicians. — Dr. Sanford A. Kelly located at Rileysville in 1876. Although comparatively a young man he has built up a large practice in this and other towns. He came here from Hop- bottom; Susquehanna County. About 1878 Dr. Howard Noble, from Da- mascus, located at Rileysville. He soon re- moved to Clyde, ()., but is now at Mount Pleas- ant, Pa., where he has a good practice. Post-Offices. — The office at Rileysville is an old office. J. C. Riley, Thomas Anderson, Giles H. Lincoln, John Lincoln, D. W. Balk- corn have severally held the office. S. H. Vail, is the present incumbent. The office at Cold Spring was established in 1858. J. R. Mitchell Thomas Fulton and P. S. Bass have 'had the title of postmaster, and E. C. Douglass at pres- ent holds the office. J. C. Riley and Charles Col born at different times in the earlier days of the township kept a store at Rileysville. S. H. & N. \V. Vail keep a general store at Rileysville now, and R. Douglass, a son of Robbins Douglass (deceased), keeps a grocery store on the old David Gager (arm. Mills, Manufactories, Etc. — The first mills built in this township were a saw-mill and grist-mill built by George Parkinson ; it is probable they were built about the year 1810, as Seth Yale removed from Mount Pleasant to Lebanon, in order to be nearer a grist-mill ; but he had only one grist ground before the mill was destroyed by fire. No grist-mill has been built in the town since. The mills were located about a quarter of a mile below the outlet of the Lower Woods pond. In the year 1828, ! Robert Shields built a saw-mill at what is now | known as Shieldsboro. The property has passed through different hands and is now owned by John H. Cassidy, of Damascus, but operated by Elias Stanton, of Honesdale. Some thirty-five years ago Stearns, Brothers & Dart ran a shop for the manufacture of shovel- handles, in connection with the mill. About the year 1845, Barker & Page, a New York j firm, built a steam mill on the west line of the town on the Newburg turnpike for manufac- turing oars for ship boats. Their works burned down twice and were rebuilt and run until the ash timber within reach was used. Notwith- standing their fires they were successful in a financial point of view. The next saw-mill was built by George N. Hamlin upon Big Brook, where he did a large, but not a very paying business, as he failed, and took the advice of Horace Greeley. After the mill built by Parkinson was burned a man named Gibbon put up a factory for turning wooden-ware, but not meeting with success, left between the going down of the sun and the rising thereof. BIOGRAPHICAL. G. H. AND BOBBINS DOUGLASS. John Douglass (1773-1842), a native of Vermont, and Silas Stevens, his brother-in-law, a native of the same place-, settled near Cold Spring in Lebanon township, and across the line in Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, in 1811. Stevens preceded Douglass, and bought quite a large tract of land, and upon Douglass' arrival let him have one hundred acres of this tract — the part in Lebanon town- ship, located on the Great Bend and Newburgh turnpike, reserving to himself the land in Mount Pleasant township adjoining. John Douglass began clearing off his land, and made what improvements he could before his dealh. He also engaged largely in teaming to New- burgh on the Hudson, as that was the only route in those early days to convey goods, and the products of this new country to New York. Before leaving Vermont he had married Sybil Merrill (1774-1863), and had a small family of children. She was an exemplary Christian woman— a Methodist in religious persuasion — and reared her large family of children to guard carefully the principles of morality, virtue and right in all the relations of life. Both were interred at Rileysville. Their children are Robbins Douglass (1801-1876); Electa mar- WAYNE COUNTY. i;i':; ried Jacob Stocker ; Nancy was the wife of i John Rutledge, of Damascus; Clarissa is the: wile of Seth Yale, of Lebanon township ; Julia married Josiah Belknap, of Lebanon ; Eliza wife of Jesse Belknap, of Tompkins County, X. Y. ; Manila, wife of David Belknap, of the | same place ; and Fanny, wife of William \ Balkcom, of Lebanon. Of this large family of children only Nancy and Clarissa survive in 1886. men. He gave his active life to the improve- ment of his property, except as he was called upon to fill official place in the township of Lebanon as supervisor, school director and other places of trust in the interest of the people. He adhered to the principles of the old Whig party, and allied himself to the Re- publican party at its birth in 1855, ardently supporting its nominees for place. His first wife, Hannah Balkcom (1805-1833), V 0&S -T&k / ;iiiNs norui.A- Robbins Douglass, only son of John and .Sybil Douglass, inherited one hundred acres of his father's real estate — the original homestead — and in 1833 built the present residence, now occupied and owned by his son, Gates H. Douglass, together with most of the out-build- ings. He added by purchase during his life some three hundred and fifty acres of land, a part of which is situate in Mount Pleasant township, which at his death was divided among his children. He was a man of firm j convictions, of unblemished character, good I judgment and esteemed by his fellow towns- I bore him children — Hannah S., born in 1824, is the widow of the late John E. Yale, a farmer in Lebanon; Fanny M. (1826-1862), was the wife of Edwin Gager, of Damascus ; Sally R., born in 1828, is the widow of Benjamin Hol- gate, of Damascus ; John was a farmer on a part of the homestead, was married and left one son ; Robbins born in 1833, is a merchant and farmer at Cold Spring, near the old homestead. By his second wife, Catherine Nelson, he had the following children : Gates Horatio, born February 18, 1839 ; Emily Eliza, born in 1842, wife of Henry Stevenson, a farmer of Rileys- 624 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ville ; Martha Jane (1845-1883), was the wife of Lowell Goodenough, of West Lebanon ; Rhoda Samantha, born in 1846, is the wife of Jacob Welch, of Mount Pleasant ; and Clark Hanil (1849-1808), unmarried, resided on the homestead. The mother of these children was born in Dyberry township in 1808, and since the death of her husband, has resided mostly with her brother, John Nelson, now deceased, provements thereon. His wife, Bridget Wheeler (1776-1825), bore him the following children : Elizabeth was the wife of Henry Brown, a farmer of Lebanon, where both died ; John (1800-1884) never married and resided on the homestead ; Rhoda was the wife of James C. Harvey, of Indiana, where both died; Eleanor was the wife of William Balkcom, of Lebanon, where both died and are buried in the Rilevs- 4*t^l4 0*yUj but now resides with her only surviving brother, j Charles Nelson, on a part of the old Nelson homestead on the Dyberry, in the township of the same name. Her mother was a sister of Conrad Pulis, a native of Germany, and an early settler in Wayne County. Catharine | Nelson's father was Richard Nelson (1770- 1826), settled on the Dyberry in Dyberry township, opposite the " Big Eddy," in 1798, where he owned some two hundred acres of land, most of which he cleared and made im- i ville cemetery ; Catherine the wife of the late Robbins Douglass, noticed herein ; Peter re- sided on the homestead and never married ; Stephen married and settled in Lebanon where he died ; James, a farmer in Nebraska ; Emily, wife of Osborn Mitchell, a farmer of Lebanon ; and Charles, born November 5, 1819, unmar- ried, and resides on apart of the old homestead. Gates Horatio Douglass succeeded to three hundred and fifty acres of the homestead property upon his father's death, a part of WAYNE COUNTY. 025 which is one hundred acres of the original Stevens purchase in Mount Pleasant township, to which he has added other real estate. Be- sides carrying on his farm, he has engaged largely in lumbering and marketing bark for the past twenty years, reaching anuually some five hundred cords of bark, which he markets at Tanner's Falls at a price ranging from five to six dollars and a half per cord. He is a thorough-going and thrifty farmer and busi- ness man, and has served his township as supervisor and school director. He married, in 1861., Catherine Rutledge, who was born September 7, 1841. Their children are, Cora Edith (wife of Fletcher Coons, of Mount Pleasant), Warren Edmund, Alonzo R. (died young), Mary Catherine and Stella Blanche, who also died in infancy. Alexander Rutledge, the grandfather of Catherine Rutledge, came from Ireland in 1803, and first settled near Co- checton, and soon after settled in Damascus, where lie reared a family of five sous and four daughters, and then died. Her parents, Alex- ander Rutledge (1799-1865) and Mary Ann Latourette (born in 1809) resided in Damascus, where her mother now survives in 1886. Mary Ann Latourette, was the daughter of Peter and Rebecca (Moore) Latourette, the former a blacksmith by trade, who came from New York, where he was born, to Orange County, and thence, in 1822, to Lebanon, where he was a fanner and where both himself and wife died at the age of eighty-five years, and were buried at Rileysville. The Douglasses are of Scotch origin and the Latourettes of French extraction. SETH YALE. Seth Yale (1786-1856), a native of Hartford, Litchfield County, Conn., and his brother Nor- man, sons of Lieutenant Ezra Yale, of the Revolutionary war, came from that State on foot to Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, Pa., in 1806, where they remained several years. Another brother, Elijah, came to Penn- sylvania in 1811, and both himself and Norman enlisted for seven years to serve in the war of 1812, and both died in the service soon after its close. Their only sister, Lydia, married John 60 Bigelow. Seth made the acquaintance of Betsy Bigelow (1787-1862), a daughter of James aud Mary Bigelow, of that township, whom he mar- ried in 1808, and in 1812 bought some two hundred and sixty acres of land in Lebanon township, situate on the Great Bend aud New- burgh turnpike, about one mile east of Cold Spring, for which he agreed to pay five dollars per acre, upon which was a two-story frame house and two acres of cleared land. This place was their future home, and is, in 1866, the property of their suns, Clayton and Ezra E., it having remained in the family since Seth Yale and his wife met the obstacles incident to pioneer life with resolution and patient industry, and carved out a pleasant home for themselves from this wilderness tract of land. In due time the original forest gave way to the relentless wood- man's axe. Broad fields of grain and grass showed the result of their well-merited efforts, and they were known by all who formed their acquaintance and enjoyed their society as a couple well calculated to fight the battle of life together. In 1832 he erected the present resi- dence of Clayton Yale, which, for the time it was built, will vie with any homestead residence in the township ; and as his crops demanded, and his means were sufficiently adequate, he erected also from time to time commodious barns and outbuildings. Seth Yale grew into good favor with his fellow-townsmen for his in- tegrity of purpose in life's pursuits, and he was accounted a man of sterling qualities, who honored only justice and right. He possessed a mild disposition, a fixed purpose, and a dis- criminating intellect. He was conservative in his opinions, and guarded carefully the princi- ples of morality and paternal affection. For thirty years he served as justice of the peace in Lebanon township, was a Whig in politics, and died about the time of the birth of the Re- publican party. Both himself and wife were buried in the Presbyterian cemetery at Pleasant Mount, She was a devoted Christian mother and wife, and did her part well in rearing their large family of children. James and Mary Bigelow were nat : ves of the town of Spencer, Worcester, Ma,->s., the latter born on the 6th and the former born on the 7th of June, 1762. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. They lived together fifty-nine years, and were separated by death only a few hours, reaching the age of a little upwards of four-score years, and being buried together at Pleasant Mount, Wayne County, to which township they removed in 1808, where they spent their lives as farmers. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and entering the army at the age of fifteen, he served in a regiment of Massachusetts militia, under Colonel Michael Jackson, until its close! One wife of Benjamin Fletcher, a farmer near by ; and Thursa was the wife of Richard Belong, of Bradford County, Pa. The children of Seth and Betsey (Bigelow) Yale are : — Seth, born in 1811, a farmer in Lebanon township, has two children ; James P., born in 1812, a farmer in Susquehanna County, Pa., has three children ; Eliza J., born in 1815, is the wife of Gilbert P. Bass, of Lebanon, and has two children ; Lydia T. (1816-1856) was the wife of Philo Sher- tM tstynaK/ son, John Bigelow, a farmer, died in Mount Pleasant township in 1 884. Another son, James H., married Mary Ann Muzzey, and died only a few years since. His daughters were : — Sally was the wife of John Tiffany, of the same place ; Tryphena was the wife of Jonathan Miller, a blacksmith, of the same place ; Tryphosa was the wife of Clayton Rogers, who resided in the same township until his children grew up, and then removed to Wisconsin ; Pattv was the wood, a miller on the Wyalusing, and at her death left nine children ; Norman, born May 3, 1818, never married; John E. (1819-1885) was a farmer in Lebanon, and died, leaving five children; Patty J. (1822-1828); Mary M. (1824-1873) never married; Ezra E., born in 1827, and Clayton Yale, born in 1832, both farmers, and each owning a part of the home- stead property. Ezra has no children, and Clayton has five children. WAYNE COUNTY. 627 All these sons and daughters in early life learned the useful lessons of industry and economy, and themselves and families may be safely ranked among the substantial and highly respected families of Wayne County. The sons have borne their share of the public bur- dens of their township, and several of them have held the highest places of trust within the gift of their fellow-townsmen. Norman, third sou, herein noticed, has always resided on the Through reverses in business his father met with loss, and his family was obliged to meet the obstacles incident to straitened circumstances, and get a livelihood as best they could. Thus at the tender age of thirteen years, Jehiel began learning the trade of a blacksmith, which not suiting his taste, he at the age of fourteen years abandoned to learn shoemaking, which formed his main business for many years thereafter, especially during the winter months. With a homestead, although he has owned real estate adjoining. He has served two terms as justice of the peace, and held other official places iu the township. The family has not departed from the political faith of their father, and have been members of the Whig and Repub- lican parties. JEHIEL JUSTIN. Jehiel Justin was born in Canterbury, Windsor County, Conn., March 3, 1803. 4sCAUs?X view to better wages and a more active employ- ment, he learned the trade of a mason with his brother-in-law, Havilah Taylor, and following three years service, worked one year as a journeyman, and one year afterwards on the Hudson, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. On Novem- ber 27, 1828, he married Caroline Jane, a daughter of William Taylor (1774-1811) and Berthier Handell (1776-1840), of Brooklyn, in the same county in which he was born. She was born October 8, 1809. After his marriage WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. he bought two hundred and thirty-six acres of land in Oregon township, Wayne County, Pa., for three hundred and fourteen dollars ; built a log house for himself, and one also for Ezra Baker, father of George E. Baker, of Dy berry township. The next year, February 14, 1830, he settled on this property with his wife, and thus transported from New England to this wilderness, the new couple were really settled to carve out a home and competency for them- selves. It may here be said to the credit of Mrs. Justin, that from that clay until the writ- ing of this sketch — fifty-six years afterwards, she has been a help-meet indeed, and done her part well in rearing her family and staying up the hands of her husband when dark days and depression hovered around their early home, and in after years when she saw her husband, four sons and son-in-law, all leave their homes to fight for the preservation of the Union in the late Civil War. After two years residence on this land, he sold it to his brother, Nathan, and bought a tract at Seelyville, which, however, he did not move on to. About this time he purchased from the State and obtained a patent deed through the late Hon. E. W. Hamlin, some four hundred acres of land at twenty- eight cents per acre, in Dyberry township, a part of which he sold to Captain Homer Brooks and a part to Joseph A. Hubbard, and another part to Harry Brown. Mr. Justin only owned this land some four years, and during this time carried on the lumber business. After a residence in Honesdale for some three years, where he worked at his trade as a mason, he, in 1840, bought his present farm of one hundred and thirty-six acres in Lebanon township, then a wilderness tract. This laud he mostly cleared many years ago, planted apple orchards, and in 1853 completed his present residence, which supplanted the old log house. During his entire business life, he has in connection with his farming, worked at his trade — extending through a period of nearly half a century. He was one of the early members of the Masonic fraternity in Wayne County, and connected with the lodge at Honesdale, of which he is still a member. Filled with that loyalty and love of country, for which his New England fore- fathers shed their blood to save and make inde- pendent, Mr. Justin, upon the breaking out of the late Civil War, was ready to give his ser- vices to restore the Union, although then nearly sixty years of age. He enlisted in the fall of 1861 in the Second Pennsylvania Heavy Ar- tillery, and served as cook for nine months, when he was honorably discharged and advised to return home on account of his age. His- eldest son, William E. Justin, enlisted iu 1862, and served in the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company M, under Captain Ham, who was killed at Dinwiddie Court-House. He afterwards served under General Sheridan, and was in the battles of Beverly Ford, Chaneellors- ville and Cedar Creek. During their skir- mishes with guerrillas he was taken prisoner near Lovettsville, but after two days released and rejoined the ranks, but never did active service in battle again. He remained until honorably discharged at Clouds Mills, at the close of the war. A second son, Howard Tracy Justin, enlisted iu 1862, and served in the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, Company C. He was wounded at the battle of Fredericks- burg iu the leg, which destroyed his foot, and was the cause of his death in 1886, at the age of forty-seven years. Havilah T. Justin, another sou, served throughout the M'ar in the Fiftieth New York Engineer Corps, and in 1886 resides at Lake Como, Wayne County. A fourth son, Edwin G. Justin, enlisted toward the close of the war for one year, was at the battle of Petersburg and saw the surrender of General Lee to General Grant. He resides at Warren, Pa. Other children are, — Charles Ferdinand, George Emmons, Susan (1830-1856) married David Lacey ; Phebe Taylor is the wife of Abial Brown, of Rileysville; Hannah Delilah, wife of George Hamlin, of Indiana ; Emily T. married Professor Bruce Jones, of Jamestown, N. Y., who served throughout the late war in the One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, was wounded at Chancellorsville. William aud Berthier Taylor's other children are,— Havilah, who married , a sister of Jehiel Justin, subject of this sketch ; Oliver Putnam, of Scituate, R. I.; Phebe, Lydia, wife of Leonard Cady ; Mary, wife of WAYNE COUNTY. Moses Waldo ; Olive, wife of Amasa Steer, of Brooklyn ; one son, William, died in the army ; Hannah, wife of William Carver, of the same place, who lost a son in the late war. His father, Nathan Justin, a native of Canter- bury, Conn., married Susan Brainard (1781- 1844), and resided on Sterling Hill, Conn., until Jehiel came to Pennsylvania, where the mother removed with him and resided here until her death. She was buried at Rileysville. The father followed the family after many years, and died in Lebanon, October 16, 1856, aged eighty-five years, and was buried by the side of his wife. Their other children were, — Lura Louisa was married to Stephen Piper, and died in Tompkins County, N. Y.; Nathan took up his home in Kansas, and Lydia died young. Mr. Justin's paternal grandfather was of French origin, and his paternal grandmother of English birth. For nearly three-score years, Jehiel Justin and wife have lived together, and are in 1886 numbered among the esteemed old people of Wayne County. She has been a very active woman, and spent much of her spare time from household duties at the arduous work of weav- ing different kinds of wearing material. She has some years woven some eight hundred yards of cloth, and averaged six hundred yards an- nually, and even at her advanced age, during the past five months she has woven by hand three hundred and twenty-five yards of flannel and one hundred and four yards of carpet. CHAPTER XXII. MAXCIIKSTKK. This township, originally a portion of Buck- ingham, was created a separate township in 1826. Its boundaries on the north and east, are the State of New York. On the south and west, Damascus and Lebanon townships. Its extreme length on the Delaware River (which divides it from the State of New Y r ork), is four- teen miles, with an average width of six miles. The Equinunk Creek divides it from Buckiug- i By George W. Wood. ham, to Crooked Creek, that stream then divid- ing to Lebanon. On the south a small stream known as Rock Run divides it from Damascus for a short distance, then arbitrary lines from Damascus and Lebanon. Its streams are the Equinunk and Little Equinunk Creeks, and Cooley Brook with their tributaries, one of which is Salt River. The description of the surface of Buckingham will apply without change to this township. It has a like stretch of forbidding river hill, with somewhat less bot- tom lands. It contains more of what may be termed barrens ; noticeably in the southern part, and on Cooley Brook. Like Buckingham, its hills and valleys were originally densely cov- ered with timber. It has, however, been more thoroughly stripped of its hemlock, and hence has a greater area of valueless lands. The qualities of the land are much the same. The first white man of whom we have au- thentic records as dwelling in the township was Josiah Parks, of whom particular mention is made in the sketch of Equinunk. A tradition exists to the effect, that a man named Cooley dwelt on the Delaware at the mouth of the little stream known as " Cooley Brook," prior to and during the Revolution, and that he was a malignant tory. At the close of the war some of the Whigs in the vicinity, to whom Cooley was especially obnoxious, made him a neighborly call, reminded him of his villainies, and with swift retributive justice and swifter bullet took his life, and buried him upon a small island in the Delaware, known since as "Cooley." This comes down though the fami- lies of the Mitchells and Tylers who dwelt on the Delaware contemporaneously with Cooley. The Union Sugar Company. — It is cer- tain that an abortive attempt to settle upon and improve a portion of the lands of Manchester, was made not later than 1793, under the auspices of the "Union Sugar Company," an association composed of prominent citizens of Philadelphia. The objects and aims of the association are best set forth in the " Plan," or document drawn up for the purpose of procuring subscribers to the enterprise. This " Plan " (a copy of which made by Judge Samuel Preston in 1792 is before the writer), very specifically gives the 030 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. objects of the association, and the motives influ- encing the originators of the scheme. The substance of the " Plan," is as follows : First, " To establish the credit, and profit of certain lands in Pennsylvania, so as to render them beneficial to the State and inhabitants." Second, " These lands are of a rich quality, and abound in that species of maple which affords sugar, and with many others which afford potash in large quantities." Third, It is hinted that there are already " settlers on these lands, who are either ignorant, or destitute of the means of cultivating them, or of extracting sugar from the maple, or salt (potash) from other trees, to the best ad- vantage." Fourth, " To spread the necessary knowledge on these important articles of agri- culture and manufactures through the State, subscribers agree to purchase three thousand one hundred and twenty acres of land of superior quality, situate on the waters of the Little Equinunk Creek, about three miles from the Delaware, and one hundred and sixty miles from Philadelphia. The capital to be divided into sixty shares, the price of each share to be fifty pounds, one-half to be paid within one month after the subscription is full, and a treasurer appointed, and the remainder within one year. The lands thus purchased to be known as the Union Farm." Fifth, "The im- provement of it by clearing fields and meadow grounds, planting orchards, purchasing and raising stock, and erecting suitable buildings, as also the manufacturing of sugar 1 and potash, are to be committed to an agent to be appointed by the managers, who are to be chosen by the stockholders." Lastly, "The profits which arise from the cultivation of the soil, as well as from the manufacture of sugar and potash, are to be divided among the stockholders." The instrument bears date " Phila., 8 mouth (Aug.) 23, 1792." Among the stockholders, the heaviest subscribers were Henry Drinker and Samuel Simpson, eight shares ; Jeremiah War- der, Parker & Co., six shares; John Fields, 1 Judging from the prominence given to -'sugar" mak- ing, the founders of the association no doubt had views similar to those held by a canny Scot, who settled in the State of New York. " If," said he, " I find it profitable, I sUall follow it the year round," Thomas Stewardson, Samuel Pleasants and Samuel M. Fox, each four shares. Then fol- low the names of twenty-six gentlemen, who are subscribers for one and two shares each. Among them appear names which Americans hold in reverent regard. Notably Samuel Meredith, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush and others. The total subscribed was three thous- and pounds (computed by Pennsylvania cur- rency, eight thousand dollars). The first board of managers consisted of Timothy Pick- ering, Henry Drinker, Samuel Pleasants, Samuel Hogdon and Samuel M. Fox. Henry Drinker was made treasurer. The lands the association arranged to purchase consisted of eight tracts and contained collectively three thousand one hundred and thirty-three acres. They lie on both sides of the Little Equinunk Creek. It appears, from papers found, that one John Kinsey was appointed agent and that he resided on the property, but there is no data to establish the exact time when the improvements were commenced, nor by what route the first supplies and implements were brought to the land. An Act of Assembly, passed April 10, 1792, had appropriated one thousand pounds sterling to open a road from Fort Peun (Stroudsburg) to the Narrows of Lackawaxen, and thence be- tween the Delaware and Lackawaxen to the " Portage " (road from Stockport to Harmony). At the next session a further appropriation of four hundred pounds sterling was made to improve the road. No doubt the road was opened in 1792, thus affording, when there was snow, a route by which the supplies could have been transported. Another, and much used route was by nature's highway, the Delaware River. It is certain that at an early day con- siderable quantities of merchandise, machinery, implements, etc., to meet the wants of the peo- ple who were dropping into forest homes on the upper Delaware, was brought up the river in "Durham Boats." Mr. Goodrich, in his "His- tory of Wayne County," says the kettles, etc., for use of the " Union Sugar Company," were brought in this way. This is by no means un- likely. It would have been no formidable undertaking to have made a passable road from WAYNE COUNTY. C31 the mouth of the Little Equinunk Creek, for a distance of three or four miles, to where im- provements were begun. No memoranda exists to show what success attended the manufacture of sugar and potash in 1793 and 1704. But on the first of January, 1795, the agent, *Kin- sey, made an inventory which shows the follow- ing improvements made on the land, viz. : twenty-eight to thirty acres cleared, eight acres ready to log, seven acres girdled, and that fifty- six apple trees had been set out. Also, that a saw-mill had been erected, with dam and race complete ; further, three dwellings, two stables, a smith shop, corn-crib and other out-buildings. Of personal property, the inventory gives one horse, four pair of oxen, one cow, tools, farm- ing implements. It also mentions forty sugar kettles, stone-troughs, casks, sap-troughs, etc., for sugar making. In May, of 1795, Kinsey as " present agent, by and with the consent of Samuel Preston for the owners," entered into contract for the clearing of from ten to twenty- five acres of land during the ensuing summer at thirteen dollars and thirty-three and one-third cents per acre. This seems to end Kinsey's agency. Benjamin Willets seems to have had temporary charge, under Samuel Preston, after Kinsey. In November, 1795, the managers laid before the stockholders a paper declaring " it inexpedient to further prosecute the work," and stating that the amount already expended exceeded the capital by about fourteen hundred pounds sterling, which sum had been advanced by the treasurer, Henry Drinker, and they recommended a sale of the property and a dis- solution of the association. In March, of 1796, Willets notified Mr. Preston that he must soon leave unless supplied with food. Two months later the personal property (except the kettles) were sold by vendue, there being some thirty purchasers. The sum realized from the sale was two hundred and eight pounds seven shil- lings and six pence. The premises were soon left without any responsible person in charge. The improvements rapidly depreciated. The buildings rotted away, and nature asserted her sovereignty, covering the fields again with forest. The early settlers in that portion of Manchester lying near, long knew the place as the " Union Meadows." But meadow, orchard and buildings finally altogether disappeared, and at this writing scarcely a person in the re- gion could tell where the buildings were. The site of the fields was indicated by the dense growth of young and thrifty timber covering them. To resume, since writing the sketch of the Union Sugar Company, the writer has been over a portion of the site on which the improve- ments were made. There are a few acres of alluvial on the creek which was cleared by the company, now owned and worked by John G. Bloom, an honest German. On this land stands two or three patriarchal apple trees. A little further up the stream indications of the dam built, and of the race-way which brought the water to the mill, are easily traced. The stock- holders lost the entire eight thousand dollars of capital paid in, the assets not being sufficient to pay one-third of the liabilities in excess of the capital. Henry Drinker held the title for the lands in trust for the Union Company, but coidd not sell them without consent of the stockholders. After Mr. Drinker's death, an act of Assembly, passed March 8, 1833, authorized the sale of the land by the executors of Henry Drinker, the proceeds of such sale to be applied first, to pay the debt due the Drinker estate, and the balance, if any, to he distributed among the shareholders. The lands were sold at auction in November, 1833, and were bid in by James L. Biddle for eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars. Mr. Biddle at once reconveyed the property to the executors of Henry Drinker. The lands were afterwards sold by the heirs of Mr. Drinker for a much larger sum, yet the proceeds would not cover one-third of the bal- ance due from the Company to him (Drinker), including taxes and interest to time of sale. Thus it will be seen that the experiment was unprofitable to all concerned. The stockhold- ers lost all invested. Mr. Henry Drinker and his heirs more heavily than any other. Nor can it be claimed that the experiment tended to the advantage of this region by directing emi- gration thereto. No doubt the stockholders looked to their own personal advantage and profit, yet the motives actuating them were cer- (132 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. taiuly laudable, and it is to be regretted that lpss attended their enterprise. Early Settlers. — Other people were cer- tainly living- on the Delaware within the present limits of Manchester as early as 1800. Nathan Mitchell built a saw-mill at Rock Run but little later than this. Before the writer is a list (found among the papers of Judge Samuel Preston) of names of famjlies living on the 1 )elaware, between ( Jochecton Falls and the forks of the river, at Shehawken, eighty-nine in all, as early as 1807. The list comprises those living on both sides of the river. Among the names appear those of James Lord, Jonathan Adams, Joseph and William White, Abner Lane, Simon Peter Cole, Adam Niven and John Sim- mons, all of whom, careful inquiry has satisfied the writer, lived within what is now Manchester. John Kellam settled at Pine Flat in 1816. Between this and 1820 he was followed by his brothers Jacob, Peter, Jeptha, George and Wil- liam. Jacob, George and Jeptha settled within the present limits of Manchester, William in Damascus, Peter on the Lackawaxen. The family were from near Milford. They were all men of energy and push — men who believed in keeping well up to the front in the race of life. Jacob settled on the Delaware above the mouth of the Little Equiuunk Creek, where he cleared a large farm. In 1827 he was assessed for sixty acres of improved and five hundred and sixty of unimproved land. The large farm he ■cleared, with the necessary buildings, orchards .and miles of stone wall attests his energy. The lack of common prudence, however, left his fine estate somewhat encumbered, and dying intestate, litigation followed, and most of the property passed to lawyers and courts, little re- maining to his heirs. Nine of his eleven chil- dren, are yet living in the vicinity. Most of the farm is owned and occupied by Warner P. Adams. John Kellam, in 1 827, was assessed for ninetv acres of improved land. He died at the ad- vanced age of ninety years. The large real estate owned and improved by him passed entirely out of the family. George Kellam settled at Pine Flat, where he engaged extensively in farming, lumbering and mercantile business. He was very eccentric ; he left a large and, for the times, a fine mansion; never married, but dwelt in solitary state. He died at an advanced age the victim of a maniacal melancholy. The mansion and farm are now owned and occupied by Joseph Ross. Jeptha reared quite a family, most' of whom yet live in Manchester. Nathaniel Tyler settled at the extreme lower end of Pine Flat, at an early period. He ap- pears in the first assessment as a farmer ; he died within the last decade. From the best data obtainable it appears that Simon Peter Cole settled at the Cole Flat as early as 1805. Two of his sons, Isaac and Emanuel, appear in the first assessment as farmers. Through want of attention to titles, they lost their improvements and land and left the township. Emanuel settled in Sullivan County, N. Y.,and was there killed in an affray by one Adams. Two of his sons reside now in Manchester. Harrison, a farmer, and Anion W., a blacksmith and respected resident of Equiuunk. James Lord settled on the Delaware about two miles below Equinuuk, as early as 1807. Here we may mention that the progenitor of the numerous families of Lords living in this vicinity was an Englishman who came to this section at an early date. But little concerning him is obtainable. In 1836 James sold his property on the Delaware to W. Weston, Esq , and removed to the pond bearing his name, where he cleared a large farm and where he died at an extreme old age. Some of his family still own the farm. About three miles from Equinunk is the neighborhood long and widely known as the " Union." Some of the farmers are on the highest lands in the township. Settlement here was made about the year 1813. The first set- tlers were from Manchester, in England, hence the name of the township. Among these, and probably the first, was Samuel R. Mogridge, who left England in 1812. He landed at Que- bec, and, after considerable difficulty (England and the United States being at war), reached Philadelphia and thence came to Manchester in 1813. Before us lies a letter written by John Warder, of Philadelphia, in 1813, addressed to Samuel R. and Alexander Mogridge. From WAYNE COUNTY. 633 the tenor of the writing it appears that Warder owned twenty-seven tracts of land in what is now Manchester. These lands had been sur- veyed in 1809 by Jason Torrey. The Mog- ridges were to have general supervision of the lands and in the western portion were to select compact tracts for which he (Warder) was to give them a lease, rent free, for fourteen years. The other of the twelve tracts in the western di- vision was to be sold, if possible, by the Mog- ridges, and the proceeds arising from such sale to be used in the improvement of the laud leased to them. On these lands Samuel R. set- tled. We find no further trace of Alexander. That Mr. Mogridge unflinchingly nut the diffi- culties attending a settlement in the wilderness, far from roads or any of the conveniences of civilized life, is shown by the assessment of 1827, which gives him thirty acres of im- proved and seventy of unimproved land. Those who remember him speak of him as an honest man and good citizen. Long since he passed to his rest, and the grass has long been green over him, very near to where his toil brought smiling fields from wild forbidding forest. His only living descendant in this section is Miss Ann Preston, of Stockport, daughter of the late Paul S. Preston ; his mother having been a daughter of Mr. Mogridge. Near Mr. Mogridge's settled very soon a num- ber of his countrymen. Jacob W. Welch came in 1813. He was a very intelligent and industrious man. He was assessed in 1827 for seventy-five acres of improved land. He left, at his death, a fair property to his sons, Henry and George. The latter is dead. Henry is an attorney at Hancock, N. Y. Mr. William Parks owns and occupies the old farm. Samuel Price, James Carter and Thomas Todd were among those who settled in that neighborhood, forming what was first known as the " Union English settlement," afterwards abbreviated to " The Union." In 1820 there dropped in upon Mr. Samuel Mogridge his nephew, Mathias Mogridge, then a youth aged about eighteen. He was talking when he walked into his surprised uncle's house, and he kept right on talking, except when sleeping, until the universal silencer, Death, stopped him on the 17th of September, 1885. He is entitled to more than a passing notice. Born in London in 1802, when very young he was taken on board an English man-of-war. The vessel on which the young Briton served was one of the fleet which carried Englishmen to disaster and defeat at New Orleans. Return- ing to England, he went next in the " North- umberland," when it carried the Corsican At- tila, Bonaparte, to St. Helena. Being dis- charged from the navy lie came, in 1817, to America, and, in 1820, to Manchester. Here he located in the wilderness. By his industry he cleared up a farm. Here he reared a family of six children, and here, very near the scene of his labors, he rests. He was a good citizen, an honest, upright man. He was remarkable for his conversational powers. He never wearied of talking. He possessed a wonder- fully retentive memory and an inexhaustible fund of anecdote and reminiscence. He would start off on an anecdote, to illustrate which he would commence another ; this, in turn, needed supplementing. Thus, when the first was completed, a dozen or so had been told, and the end seemed further off than ever. On the oc- casion of the first World's Fair in London, he returned for a visit to his native country, and astounded the people there by his unceasing talk. He was celebrated there as the " talking Yankee. His son, Mathias, Jr., lives on the old homestead. At an early date two brothers, named Smeed, built a mill on the Little Equinunk Creek, at what is now as " Braman's." The mill subsequently came into the possession of Mr. George Kellam, who also erected a grist- mill at the same place. After many changes, the property came into the hands of Mr. Hamilton Braman, the present proprietor. A saw-mill and a factory for turning is still main- tained there. Many of the other early settlers of the town- ship are worthy of especial mention. Christo- pher Teeple, who came from the vicinity of the Delaware Water-Gap, in 1822, and located first near the mouth of Equinunk Creek, from whence, after a few years, he removed to the Union, where he cleared a large farm, which 634 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROK COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. is now in possession of his sons, Christopher, Jr., and Abraham. The eldest, William F., yet lives in the township, and is widely known as " Finn Teeple, the Deer-Slayer." It is safe to assume that there is not a man now living in Northeastern Pennsylvania who has made the havoc among the wild beasts of the forest that Finn has. He has hunted over almost the entire county. Pike County, as well as Delaware County, N. Y., has heard the crack of his rifle, and to some denizen of the forest it was the crack of doom. He has kept no record of deer, bear and wolves he has killed, but it is safe to declare that the number of deer would reach into the thousands. Many a time has he driven Bruin from his lair, and followed hi in like a remorseless fate. The howl of the wolf was music to Finn, yet he tells the writer that he never met that terror of our forests, the pan- ther. Had he done so, we may be sure the panther's fate would have been like that of Roderick Dim at the hand of Fitz-James. His whole life has been given to hunting. He has sold thousands of dollars' worth of game and peltries, but is something poorer to-day than though he had never owned a rifle or a trap. Occasionally we meet him yet, stalking over the country, trap or rifle in hand, lamenting, like " Leather Stocking," over the destruc- tion of the forest and the disappearance of the game. Another noted character was William Tyler, familiarly kuown as " Rock Run Tyler." He was born in the adjoining county of Sullivan, N. Y., his immediate progenitors being among the earliest settlers on the Delaware. As a farmer and lumberman he was noted for his energy. He cleared a large farm in that por- tion of the township known as the " Tyler Woods," and was celebrated for the large rafts which he got out, and ran down the Delaware. He was unfortunate in business, and with age came the loss of his property, but he retained great physical vigor till past four-score, and piloted large rafts down the Delaware when past seventy-four. He was a member of St. Tammany Lodge, of F. & A. M. which was instituted at Damascus in ante-Morgan days. The craft kindly cared for him in his last days. Two sous and three daughters yet live in the township. He died in 1876, aged eighty-six. In 1840, Thomas, Robert and Nesbitt Gregg, settled in the forest in the extreme southern part of the township. They were natives of Ireland and have proved excellent citizens. Large fine farms attest their industry anil im- mense families of sons and daughters their value as settlers in a new country. The writer's feelings would induce us to treat individually of many who have been, and are yet residents of the township; who have by their industry subdued the forests, and shaped the interests of the community, but the limits of a work of this nature will not allow it. Anthony H. Lloyd, Gideon P. Chase, John aud Peter Lord, Patrick and Richard Osborne, Moses and Oliver Billings, David Lay ton, the Dennys, Giffords, and many others have passed the besl years of their lives in the township, and have given to it years of toil. Many of them yet reside amid the scene of their labors, while others have been called "from labor to refresh- ment." The first birth of a white child in the town- ship was no doubt that of a daughter born to Josiah Parks and wife, in the rude shelter of a cave in the rocks at Equinunk, some time be- tween 1776 aud 1782. Doubtless in our country's history many like events occurred. The road mentioned in the sketch of the " Union Sugar Company," as having been built from Fort Penn through to the " Port- age," evidently passed through a corner of the township ; hence was the first road laid out in the township. In 1830 a road was laid out along the Delaware from Damascus to Little Equinunk. Name of surveyer not obtainable. Other roads were laid out from time to time as the needs of the people made them necessary. Religions Matters. — In the early settle- ment of the township the people were too widely scattered to be able to do or effect any organized religious work. We judge, too, that the people, either from lack of inclination or want of time, gave little attention to spiritual matters. As the population increased, the gospel came fitfully to the people. No date can be given for the first religious services. About WAYNE COUNTY. 153ft 1X27 the Methodist Episcopal Church mani- fested its usual zeal and enterprise by sending itinerants into this section. Later it was made a part of the Hancock, N. Y., charge. Who the early ministers were who labored in this uninviting field, we cannot learn. No regular church organization was ever effected in the township. A society of the Methodist Episco- pal Church was formed about 1840 at the " Union." It belonged to the Hancock charge until a separate charge was created at Equi- nunk, when it became a part of that charge. A church building was erected there in 1854 — a plain but substantial building, sufficiently com- modious for the wants of the community. Probably as much attention is given to religious matters as in any similarly situated community. In the township there are probably two hun- dred nominal members of Protestant churches, the majority Methodists, and forty or fifty Catholics. SCHOOLS. — A state of ignorance exists through the township as to when, where and by whom the first school was established. A school was certainly established in the " Union" as early as 1827, but it is impossible to ascer- tain how it was established or maintained. No doubt it was at first altogether at the cost of the community. A school was established in like manner at about the same time in the vicinity of Little Equinunk. The township cannot be said to be divided into districts. .School-houses have been built where needed, and are designated by name of locality. There are ten schools, with two hundred and sixty scholars, and two passably respectable school- houses. The other eight are a disgrace to a civilized community. In building them the time-honored custom of building school-houses where they would be most out of the way, and where the land on which they were built j could not possibly be put to any other use, has ; been carefully followed. Mills, Tanneries, etc. — -The credit of building the first saw-mill may be divided be- tween Samuel Preston, of Stockport, and Nathan Mitchell. 1 Each built at the extreme limits of the township — Preston on the big Equinunk, near its mouth; Mitchell at Rock Run, both as early as 1805. The first Sfrist- mill in the township was built by George Kcllam at what is now known as Bramans. The first tannery was built in 1848 by Isaiah and Daniel C. Scudder, under the firm name of I. & D. C. Scudder. Sole leather only was manufactured. It had a capacity of about two thousand five hundred sides a year. After many changes of owners, it finally became the property of William Holbert. It was burned down in 1875. Another was built at Little Equiuunk in 1857 by S. D. Wood and Aaron and Calvin Van Benschoten; firm known as Wood iv- Van Benschoten. Capacity, two thousand eight hundred sides a year. After several changes it became the property of Hoyt Brothers, of New York. It was burned down in 18711, was rebuilt at once, and ran until 1881, when work in it was discontinued, bark being no longer obtainable. There have been as many as fifteen saw-mills in the township. There is a factory for turn- ing wood at Bramans, owned by Rothchilds, of New York. A Post-office was established in the " Union," and called Priceville. Matthias Mogridge was the first postmaster. Mail reached it from Equinunk. It was discontin- ued in 1871. A post-office was established at Bramans in 1882; Hamilton Braman, post- master. Mail reaches it from Hankins, N. Y. Bee-keeping has lately become one of the in- dustries of the township. Several quite exten- sive apiaries are maintained. The population of the township in 1870 was 1269; in 1880, 1326. Manchester deserves especial mention for the prompt and ready re- sponse it made to every call for men during the Rebellion, and that matter is dwelt upon at length in the military history of the county. 'The writer considers it strange that when writing of the first saw-mill that he should have ignored the one BIOGRAPHICAL. JOSEPH (J. HOLBERT. Joseph G. Holbert was born at Lackawaxen, built by the " Uu as 1794. Sugar Company," certainly as early WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Pike County, Pa., December 14, 1850, eldest I son of William and Emma (Poole) Holbert. William Holbert, who was born in the Con- necticut Valley in 1755, came to Pennsylvania I about 1770, and located on the Delaware River in Montague township, Sussex County, N. J., also owning land on the Pennylvania side at the point since called Holbert's Bend. Shortly after making a home he and his wife, Mary, I small in stature, their sons, Joseph and Benja- min, were the reverse, being tall and bony men. Benjamin, born December 15, 1781, and Mary Rider, his wife, born July, 1783, settled on the river opposite, and had thirteen children, of whom Joseph G. was the third, born March 2, 1803. Lumbering has always been a large in- terest with the family, each succeeding genera- tion following the steps of the parent, and ^-M^i^r were captured by Indians at Indian Orchard, near Honesdale, and kept in captivity near Cochecton, N. Y. After a somewhat protracted confinement they escaped from their savage captors and went down the Delaware to Mini- sink, where they stayed until the close of the very frequently enlarging the field of opera- tions. Joseph G. married Sabra Brown, December 24, 1824, who bore him nine children, five sons and four daughters. William was the eldest son, and on the death of his father, May conflict enabled them to return to their home. 14, 1848, when but eighteen years of age was William Holbert died April 30, 1819, his wife placed by the will in charge of the entire film- surviving him until June 27, 1834. Both very | ilv affairs. WAYNE COUNTY. 637 About 1862, in company with John D. Bran- ning, of Damascus township, Wayne County, he purchased some seven or eight thousand acres of land, part now called Duck Harbor and the other part Equinunk. He commenced at once active operations, and is undoubtedly en- titled to be called the father of the immense lumber interest which has since become so im- portant an item for the county. Joseph G. Holbert was placed in the district school, and after imbibing the instructions there presented, was sent to Lowell Commercial Col- lege, from which institution he was graduated with honors December 7, 1866". Still dissatis- fied, he went to Monticello, N. Y., Academy some time, from whence he entered a practical business career with his father, July 3, 1869, who had in the meantime removed his home to Equinunk. Under such valuable training he rapidly acquired full acquaintance with the de- tails and necessities of business. In.1876 he removed to Camden, N. J., and erected large lumber mills under style of Holbert's & Branning, still in operation as Stanton & Bran- ning, change being effected by the retirement of our subject, in 1878, at which time he bought the Equinunk tannery property and launched out upon au active and aggressive business ca- reer. For several years he spent his winters in Equinunk anil summers in Philadelphia, look- ing after lumber interests, and in 1882 erected the Excelsior factory and grist-mill, and on April 1, 1883, commenced to build the Hub factory. Misfortune overtook the enterprise, a fire on October 13, 1885, cleaning out the grist- mill and Excelsior factory, which had been en- larged some few months previously to more thau double the former capacity. With strong faith and energy he set to work to rebuild, and to-day, December 2, 1885, the works are ready to be started again. Strictly a business man, and entertaining the belief that a business man's attention should be devoted to such matters, he has declined politi- cal preferment, although in 1876 his name re- ceived a highly complimentary vote at the Republican caucus of Wayne County for nomination for sheriff Desirous of protecting the interests of his township lie consented to serve as auditor for some years, and his co-op- eration has been of great value. On June 11,1873, he was united to Miss Maria, daughter of the late Munson Sher- wood, and their union has been blessed with three children, — Lue Verne, born July 25, 1874 ; Claude, bom May, 1876, died March, 1877 ; Edith, born January, 1879. CHAPTER XXII Thts township is the second in size in Wayne County. It is situated in the western part ot the county, and is bounded on the north by Preston, on the east by Buckingham and Leb- anon, on the south by Dyberry and Clinton, and on the west by the Susquehanna County line. A part of the original township was taken in 1828 to form a part of Preston, and a por- tion taken in 1834 to form a part of Clinton. The surface is uneven and broken up into hills and valleys, while the scenery is unsurpassed for beauty and variety. It has, by some, been aptly termed the Switzerland of Northern Penn- sylvania. The highest elevation is the Moosic Mountain, which rises to a height of from twenty-one hundred to twenty-two hundred feet above tide. Most of the land is fertile, the hills being cultivated to their tops. The Lack- awaxen and Dyberry are the principal streams. They flow southward, and, with the Johnson, a tributary of the Lackawaxen, drain nearly all of the township, the water finding its way to the Delaware. The water of a small portion of the western part flows into the Lackawanna, and thence into the Susquehanna Valley. The natural ponds are Rock Lake, Bigelow Lake, and Howe's Pond. Near the sources of several of the streams were originally located wide level stretches of marsh and pond ; occupied by beaver. These have been dammed and the water stored for the use of the Delaware and Hudson Canal. Belmont Lake, Hankins Pond, By J. H. Kennedy, County .School Superintendent. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. and Miller Pond have been thus formed. The rocks belong to the Catskill series, except along the plateau of the Moosic range, in the western [ part of the township, where the lower section, I the carboniferous formation, occupies the sum- j mits of the highest peaks. A striking geologi- cal feature of this section is a curious conglom- erate which is found in large blocks in different parts of the township, and which occurs in situ in one locality only, near the public school- house in Pleasant Mount, where it covers about one half of an acre. This has been named by Prof. White, of the State Geological Survey, the Mount Pleasant Conglomerate and is identical with the great cliff rock at Prospect View, on Elk Mountain in Susquehanna ( 'ountv. The matrix is a dark coarse sand and is tilled with numerous angular, white and reddish quartz pebbles about the size of a chestnut. The soil is chiefly a sandy loam, but red shale prevails in various places. The whole partakes of the gritty character of the Catskill group. The surface was originally covered with a heavy growth of timber. The trees were mostly beech, maple and hemlock, with some ash, basswood, cherry and elm, interspersed. This timber is nearly exhausted, and, in consequence, the sup- ply of water from living springs is measurably diminished. Indians. — There are no evidences that this was the home of any Indian tribe. No trace of battle-ground or permanent village is found, still there are abundant indications that it was once occupied by them as a hunting-ground. The deer and beaver made this region a rich field for the red hunter. Large numbers of ar- row-heads made of flint, and mortars and pes- tles, for grinding corn have been found. Traces of Indian encampments have been noted near the head waters of the Dyberry. An Indian trail or path ran through this place, which connected the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers. It is said to have presented the appearance of being much traveled, and traces of it were dis- tinctly seen and followed by the early settlers. The femur, or thigh bone, of a man who must have been of gigantic stature, was some years since, ploughed up, on the farm of J. J. Fulk- ersou, two miles north of the village of Pleasant Mount. Near by was also found a light hatchet made of stone, which, from its delicate structure, could not have been used as a weapon, but rather must have been designed as the insignia of rank. The inference is, that here some na- tive chieftain, alone in the solitude of the dark- ening forest, paid the last debt of nature. Settlement. — The land comprising this township was bought of the "Six Nations." in their" General Council" at Fort Stanwix, now Rome, N. Y., on the 5th of November, 1768, by the heirs of William Penn. In 1774 a lot of land, comprising three hundred and twenty-two acres, upon which a part of Pleas- ant Mount village now stands, was bought of the proprietaries by Christopher Hager. This lot passed through several hands, when in June, 1789, it was purchased by Mr. Samuel Stanton, who became the first actual settler. He was from Preston, New London County, Conn., and came here as a surveyor in the em- ploy of William Cooper, agent for Thomas, Franklin, William and Andrew Craig; land- holders. In addition to the above-mentioned lot, he bought of the agent on June 30, 1789, three thousand acres, and in 1790, according to a note in the township records in his own hand- writing, " built a house and cleared some land." The cabin was situated a few rods east of the old Belmont and Easton turnpike, near the present residence of Henry W. Mumford. It was made of small logs and poles, covered with bark, without windows. The door and floor were made of slabs split from logs. It was twelve by fourteen feet on the ground, and had but one room. 1 The furniture consisted of a white-pine table, a chest of drawers with legs, two bedsteads, four splint-bottom chairs, a trammel for the fireplace, a looking-glass, a few dishes, some pewter plates and basins ; also some trenchers. On the 10th of April, 1791, Mr. Stanton brought his family, a wife and two children, from Harmony, on the Susquehanna River, through the woods to this place. During the following summer he succeeded in raising a scanty supply of provisions, which he hoped Whale/: ry of Mount Pleasant WAYNE COUNTY fi39 with proper care would last through the winter. He cut a supply of hay for a yoke of oxen and two cows, on a beaver meadow, two miles away. This he intended to draw home during the win- ter. A daughter, Polly Stanton, was born on the 26th day of August, 1791. She was the first white child born in the township. The Stantons enjoyed the company of a few settlers, to be mentioned hereafter, who had come on Without their families to make improvements, preparatory to moving in the following year. They all left in the autumn, however, and the Stanton family were alone in 'the wilderness. Their nearest neighbor was fourteen miles away, and the road liable to be blocked by snow. Much has been written regarding the sufferings and privations of this heroic family during the -rigorous winter which followed, but want of space compels us to abridge the narrative. Ex- posure and a fractured ankle confined his wife to her bed; soon she was tossing in the delirium of fever. Her infant child, five months old, also sickened. The mother's fever had destroyed its natural food. The cows afforded no substi- tute. It rapidly declined under sickness and hun- ger. Thestock of provisions was nearly exhausted. The potatoes had been frozen by the unex- pected severity of the winter. Stanton de- nied himself in order to eke out the scanty sup- lily. His children were placed on short allow- ance. Finally they were reduced to the last meal. He divided the last morsel of food be- tween the two little children, the mother did not realize their condition, and then kneeling before God, prayed for deliverance. He arose from his knees and, going to the door, heard a dog chasing an animal down the opposite hill, from where the village of Pleasant Mount now stands, to the Lackawaxen. Seizing an old musket, which had long been useless, he ran down to the stream, where he found an elk at bay. So intense were his emotions that he re- peatedly snapped the old musket, but of course without effect. A hunter soon came down the hill and shot the elk. On learuiug the condi- tion of Mr. Stanton and his family the hunter, Mr. Frederick Coates, and his companion, a Mr. Church, emptied their knapsacks of palatable food for them. A part of the elk was roasted, but before the flesh was fully cooked Mr. Stan- ton, as a starving man, devoured it, To the kindness and frequent visits of these hunters, and also of Mr. Asa Stanton, a cousin who had recently settled near Waymart, he was indebted for many comforts, and the restoration of his wife and infant child to health. Mr. Stanton preserved the horns of this elk as a memento of God's mercy to him and his family while in a sick and starving condition. Afterward, when he kept a public-house, he had them nailed upon the top of his sign-post, and frequently related to visitors and travellers the story of his suffer- ing and deliverance. In a few years he began to prosper. He built a frame house and barn near where the residence of George Mutnford now stands, where lie kept a hotel until the Coohecton and Great Bend Turnpike was constructed. This drew the travel away from him. He then built on the turnpike opposite Thomas Mumford's, where he kept a public-house until he sold his prop- erty and removed from this section. He took a prominent part in public affairs, and was in- strumental in securing the act for the Cochec- tou and Great Bend Turnpike. The building of such a road was then considered a greater achievement than is now the construction of a railroad. He received the appointment of jus- tice of the peace in 1796, while this region was a part of Northampton County. When Wayne County was organized he was appointed one of the commissioners to locate the county-seat and erect the court-house and jail. In October, 1814, he was appointed associate judge, which office he held while he remained in this part of the State. Toward the close of his life he removed with his family, except one daughter who was married to Thomas Lillibridge, Esq., to the headwaters of the Allegheny River, in the western part of the State. He had been appointed a commissioner of a State road in that section. Business growing out of this office called him to Harrisburg. On his return he stopped at Bellefonte, Centre County, to visit his friend, Judge Burnside. Here he was taken sick, and though every effort was made to re- store him to health, he rapidly declined, and after a few days' illness died, April 15, 1816. 640 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. None of his descendants are now found in this township. Judge Samuel Stanton was tall, broad- shouldered, but rather sparely built. His com- plexion was light, eyes blue, hair and whiskers light brown. He was of the nervous tempera- ment, and very sanguine and earnest in what- ever enterprise he was engaged. He was for the times in which he lived a man of the high- est culture. His memory was remarkably good, and he grasped and retained whatever he read ; which is said to have been more than two thou- sand volumes. His address was easy, and his nature sociable. He was a devout Christian, and was a member of the Free Communion Baptist Church, but was in fellowship with Christians of all denominations. The members of his own church held their meetings in his barn. In 1797 the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered for the first time in this township, at his house, by the Rev. Daniel Thatcher, a Presbyterian Missionary, to nine professed Christians of different denominations. He wrote poetry, both secular and religious, and some rhymes which are recorded upon the town-book are so intimately connected with the early history of the township that they are here given. "The Golden Age oi'Mouut Pleasant, from 1791 to 1796, while eighty-two miles from Easton, the seat of justice ; there was no law put in force but the law ol forbearance, having no law, the people were a law unto themselves." "Secluded here from noise and strife, We lead a quiet, peaceful life. No loungers here with poisonous breath, Nor doctors here to deal out death. " No trainings here nor such like trash, To waste our time and spend our cash ; Nor town-meetings to choose our masters, To make us slaves and breed disasters. " No priest sends round his man for pay, Because that he did preach and pray ; Eor we believe that grace is free To all who wish to taste and see. " No jockey merchants here prevail, To trust their goods, then send to jail ; Nor fiddling strolling players dare Infest the place, our youth to snare. " Some slaves to forms may now require, Have you no court-house, jail, or squire ? While all are honest and sincere, What need of court or prison here! " Have we a cause to settle? then, We leave it to judicious men, To search the matter well, and we To their just judgments do agree. " The noise of war, or the excise, Does neither vex our ears nor eyes ; For we are free from every tax, And stay at home and swing the ax. " Our corn we pound, our wheat we boil, Thus eat the product of our soil. Sweet independence here does reign, And we've no reason to complain. " Yet we, like others, still look on Till we shall get our mill to run ; Then we'll not pound nor boil again, But live in style like other men. " From sheep we make our clothing warm, In which we face the wintry storm ; They likewise give us meat and light, To feast by day and see by night, " Do we want meat? then we kill Elk, deer, or bear, and eat our fill. , Sometimes we've fowl, and sometimes fish, But rarely meet an empty dish. " Here healing herbs and roots do grow, And sugar-juice from maple How. Molasses, vinegar, and beer, Are made from sugar orchards here. " Sometimes we live on pork and peas. Then milk and honey, butter, cheese — Plain food and exercise agree To make us happy while we're free." ' His religious poetry was of a more elevated character. He wrote about fifty hymns which breathe the spirit of true devotion. One entitled " The Complainer Reformed" is written as though it were his own experience, and was con- sidered worthy of place in a collection of relig- ious hymns used by the Free Communion Baptist Church. The hymn consists of twelve stanzas. The following are the second and ninth and are sufficient to give the character of the production ; and the sentiments of the author. " Of ev'ry preacher I'd complain One spoke through pride, and one for gain, Another's learning small. WAYNE COUNTY. This spoke too fast and that too slow One prayed too loud, and one too low, The others had no call. "Now I can hear a child proclaim The joyful news, and praise the name Of Jesus Christ my King. I know no sect, Christians are one. With my complaints I now have done, And God's free grace I sing." Mr. Stanton commenced actual work as a settler in June, 1790. When he moved in with his family the following spring as before related he was accompanied by Mr. Silas Kellogg, who, with two hired men, was to commence on a tract of three thousand acres, which he had bought in the south part of the township. He was from Ballston, Saratoga County, N. Y., and had intended to settle in Otsego County but was induced to come here by the flattering description of the country given by agent William Cooper. He made his first clearing in that pleasant valley on the Lackawaxen, east of the present residence of Mr. Richard Mills. During the season he and his men cleared and sowed to wheat fourteen acres of land. Mr. Kellogg was obliged to go witlfhis ox-team to Harmony, then a distance of twenty-eight miles, and thence down the Susquehanna to Great Bend to procure the seed. He carried provisions for himself and two men from Great Bend upon his back, and says that in climbing the hills beneath his heavy burden his vision became double, so that he was obliged to sit down till his regular sight was restored. ! This season Elijah Dix and his son Elijah, a boy of eleven years came from Wil- liamstown, Mass., into the township and made improvements which will be noticed hereafter. In an address to citizens of Mount Pleasant, March 5, 1849, Mr. Kellogg says, — " All the inhabitants of Mount Pleasant in 1791 were Mr. Stanton, his wife, and two children, Mr. Dix and boy, myself and two hired men. The per- plexities we met with in making a beginning were more than I dare undertake to describe ; for in these days of cultivated farms and good roads, the stories of the sufferings of those who remember the times when the farms were a forest, and the roads were unmarked may perhaps be regarded by some as mere- ly the offspring of the imagination." Whaley, History of Mt. Pleasant. Concerning this year, Mr. Stanton wrote in the town book as follows : "This summer at any heavy work, such as raising log houses, we were able to raise six hands. Ami considering ourselves so strong, we undertook opening a road toward the Great Bend, some south of where the turnpike was made afterward." At the close of the summer all but Mr. Stan- ton and his family left for the winter. Their sufferings have already been related. The next spring, 1792, Mr. Kellogg returned. lie was ut this time but twenty-four years of age and unmarried. He was an enthusiast upon the subject of western emigration. He pos- sessed a strong constitution and an active, intel- ligent mind. He was ambitious of success and confident in this his first great enterprise. His plans were extensive, and he entered upon their execution with firm expectations of carrying them to a successful issue. On January 1, 1795, he was married to Mary, daughter ot'Mr. Jirah Mumford. This was the first wedding in this township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ezekial Sampson, of Delaware County, N. Y. It is said that every man, woman and child in the town was present and all accommodated in one room. Mr. Kellogg was elected Sheriff in 1813, serving one term. He was not successful in his business enterprises at first. He was obliged to sell most of his land at a sacrifice, and in consequence about 1830 he removed with his family to Preston township. On the 5th of March, 1849, he was presented with an easy chair by the citizens of Mount Pleasant, as a token of remembrance of his sufferings and privations as one of the first settlers, and a mark of respect for his virtuous old age. The venerable Col. Rodney Hannes, then a young man of thirty-six years, made the presentation speech, which was replied to by the " old pioneer." He grew very decrepid the last part of his life, and was confined to the house for a year or two before his death, which occur- red August 15, 1853, at the residence of his son, the late Mr. Jirah Kellogg, in Preston. He was eighty-six years of age when he died. He was the father of nine children, viz.: Azor, Mary, Sally, Deborah, Esther, Julia, Jirah, Caroline, Harriet. Their descendants are amonti' 642 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the leading business men of the county. His eldest daughter, Mary, svas the mother of the late Judge Warren J. Woodward and of the late Jackson J. Woodward, Esq., of Honesdale, and also of Dency, wife of Dr. Olmsted, of Dundaff. Azor is living in Valparaiso, Indiana, at an advanced age. Deborah married a man named Bostwick, and is now living in Walton, N. Y. His son Jirah died at the old place about a year ago. His grandsons, Azor and Edward, occupy the old Kellogg homestead. Elijah Dix, one of the early settlers of Mount Pleasant, came from Williamstown, Mass., in 1791. He bought a few hundred acres of land and built a log house a few rods south of the present residence of Henry Spencer, Esq. This house served as a residence, a school- house, a meetingdiouse and also for an election- house. It stood a few feet west of an old well, which is yet in use ; but a few traces of the site remain. In 1798, when Wayne County was set off from Northampton, the polls for the third elec- tion district of Wayne, which included all of the present Wayne and about one-half of Pike, were opened in this township at this house. Voters came here from the Wallenpaupack and north of Shohola Creek. They came up the Laeka- waxen to where Honesdale now stands and which was then a dense wilderness, thence by marked trees through Bethany, and so found their way to Mount Pleasant. Citizens on the I >elaware came by bridle paths. Here for the first time the scattered inhabitants of this exteu- sive district met to choose the State and county officers. After building and clearing some land Mr. Dix and his son returned to Massachusetts to spend the winter. The following spring he moved in with his family, wife and eight chil- dren, and occupied the house. Here he lived until 1802, when he built the house which yet stands on the farm now owned by Miss Jennfe Moase. He had been a man of some wealth but lost most of it through the depreciation of Continental money. He came here to provide a future home for his family. He was an hon- est, industrious and worthy man. He died at his home, April 27, 1826. His wife died June 18, 1819. He had nine children, viz. : Benja- min, Elijah, David, Hannah, Margaret, Joseph, John, Jesse, Ursu'a. Benjamin married Lucy Stearns, and cleared land and built upon the farm now owned by William Wright, Esq. He had five children, most of whom died young. He died suddenly March 22, 1805. Elijah began upon the farm and built the house now owned and occupied by Mr. Austin Crater. David moved to Ohio where he married, grew rich and died. Mar- garet married Major Luther Stark. Joseph lived and died upon the farm now owned by Mr. Dewitt Denio. John cleared and lived upon the farm now owned by his grandson, F. M. Dix, one mile north of Pleasant Mount Village. B. F. Dix, of Mount Pleasant, is also a grand- son of John Dix. About the last of February, 1792, Captain John Tiffany, of Attlebury, Mass., a soldier of the Revolution, with his wife and three children stopped here on his way to the Nine Partners, now Harford. (The Nine Partners was so named because nine of the Tiffany family were in partnership there.) Pleased with the locality he concluded to settle here. He purchased the farm now owned by Mr. Milton Spencer^ and built first, a log house, and then the house now in use on the farm, which is the oldest building now in use in the township. His wife was a descendant of the Douglas family, of Scotland. He died in 1825. He had six children, viz. : Chandler, John, Fanny, Gardner, Leonard and Ruth. The last three were born in Mount Pleasant. All married and removed from the township except John, who married Sally, daughter of James Bigelow, and cleared the farm now owned by his grandson, Winfield Tiffany. He died in 1854. He was deacon of the Baptist Church, of Mount Pleasant. He had eight children, viz. : Mary, Sally, Hiram, Sally, Minerva, John S., Thirza and Oliver. The many descendants of Captain John Tiffany are among the most wealthy and enterprising citizens of the township. On the 5th day of March, 1792, Mr. Jirah Mumford and son, Thomas, in company with Mr. Joseph Stearns and two sons, James and Otis, all from Tolland County, Conn., arrived at Stantonville, as this settlement was then WAYNE COUNTY. 643 called, on their way to the Nine Partners. Pleased with the locality, they concluded to set- tle here. Mr. Mumford built a log house about three rods southwest of the present residence of his grandson, Henry Mumford. Near the close of the season he returned to Connecticut, while Mr. Stearns moved in his family, wife and eight children, and occupied the cabin built by Mr. Mumford. The next spring he moved his fam- ily into Mr. Dix's house, and during the sum- mer following cleared some land and built a log- house on the farm now owned by Mr. Noah Chittenden. This cabin was situated a few rods west of the present residence of Mr. J. N. Mon- roe. On this farm he spent the remainder of his life. John Stearns, a son of Joseph Stearns, settled on the farm now known as the James Partridge farm on the Stockport road. Here Jabez Stearns, the first male child born in the township, was born June 18, 1793. He lived to be over eighty years of age and died in Damascus township. The late Ash bel Stearns, of Clinton, and the late E. I. Stearns, of Hones- dale, were sons of Joseph Stearns. Few, if any, of his descendants now live in this township. As the spring of 1793 opened Jirah Mum- ford returned from Connecticut with his family, wife and four children, and occupied the house which he had built the previous summer. He was a tanner by trade and erected a small tan- nery near his house. In 1795 he completed the first saw-mill and grist-mill in the township. They were located where Mr. J. W. Fowler's saw-mill now stands. The grist-mill was about twenty feet scpiare, and contained one run of stones about three feet in diameter, and one bolt about seven feet long The meal was taken by hand and poured into the bolt, which the miller turned with a crank. The saw-mill would, under favorable conditions saw about seven hundred feet per day. Mr. Jirah Mumford built the Mumford hotel at Belmont. Mr. Mumford, who was one of the most enterprising of the early settlers died January 22, 1826. He reared a family of twelve children, viz: Mary, Jirah Jr., Thomas, John, Deborah, Sally, Harry, Lillibridge, Koxy, Thankful, Minor and Amelia. Mary, as before stated married Silas Kellogg; Jirah, Jr., married Polly haker; Judge James Mumford, the pro- genitor of the Mumford family of Starrucca, was a son of Jirah Mumford, Jr.; Thomas married Theodosia Carr, he was president of the Ochcpiaga Turnpike Company and kept the Mumford hotel at Belmont. The late Thos. L. Mumford was his son. John married Thomo- sia Rogers and settled upon the farm now owned by Mr. Francis James; Deborah married John Clough of Boston ; Sally married Samuel Rogers; Harry married Sarah Tanner and set- tled on the farm now owned and occupied by his son Alonzo; Lillibridge married Deborah Sherwood and moved to Susquehanna County ; Roxy married Eber Dimock of Susquehanna County; Thankful married Amos Rogers and went West; Minor married Ada Lyon and lived on the old homestead. He died in 1867. George Mumford and Henry Mumford are sons of Minor Mumford. Amelia married Elias Lillibridge (her cousin). Joseph Tanner, from Preston, Conn., broth- er-in-law of Samuel Stanton moved into the settlement this spring. He had but one child. His purchase included most of the present vil- lage of Pleasant Mount, but lying mostly north of it. He built about one half a mile north of the village on land now owned by Dr. Rod- ney Harmes and where the main road, east and west, now running through this village was originally constructed. An old well marks the site. In 179o he built the first frame house, one half mile north of the village by a cluster of apple trees, on land now owned by Mrs. David Lake. The apple trees and an old well mark the site. Here the first store was opened under the firm of "Tanner and Granger" in 1806. In 1808 he built the first house in the Village of Pleasant Mount. This he used as a dwelling, a store, and an office. He also built a two story hotel near it. These buildings stood where the Episcopal parsonage now stands. They were burned in 1811. He theu built the house now owned and occupied by Hosmer T. Wright. Joseph Tanner was the first Just- ice -of the Peace after Wayne County was or- ganized. Before his death he lost most of his property. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. This year Amasa Geer built a log-house by the large spring on the side-hill west of the village on land now owned by Ira Nichols. •Iambus Barrager also moved in. These re- mained but a few years. During the last week in May of this year the late Major Jason Torrey, then a young man of twenty years, came here from Williams- town, Mass. He commenced clearing some land four miles east of this village on the farm of the late James O'Neill. Soon after he was employed by Mr. Baird of Philadelphia to survey some land ou the Lackawaxeu. He continued in this employment during the sum- mer seasons, spending his winters in Philadel- phia or Williamstown, until 1707. In June of this year he built a log-house on land cleared four years before. During this summer his brother Samuel was with him. In December he went to Williamstown after his wife, whom he had married the preceding January. They arrived and occupied the log house February 11, 1780. Here he resided until 1801, when he removed to Bethany. Jason Torrey was closely identified with all the public enterprises of the township during his residence in it. In 1794, David Kennedy, Sen., 1 from Tol- land County, Conn., moved into the settlement. He built a log house where the house of Rupert Tiffany now stands On this farm he lived until his death, July 28, 1827. His wife, Eunice Lester, died August 26, 1826. They had seven children each of whom lived to an advanced age, cleared and owned a large farm and died in the township, viz : (1). Robert married Elizabeth King and lived on the farm now occupied by his son, Robert M. Ken- nedy, Esq. (2). Eunice married Benjamin King, Esq. (8). Sally married Andrew Lester and lived on the place now occupied by Frank Lester. (4). Nathan married Pamelia, daughter of Stephen King, and lived on the farm now owned by his son, Robert H. Kennedy. (5). David, Jr., married Rhoda Stearns, and lived with his father on the Kennedy homestead, lately owned by his son, David L. Kennedy, and now the property of Mr. J. S. Tiffany. (6). Nancy mar- ried Jonathan Wilber, and lived on the farm now owned by Orrin Lester, Esq. (7). Charles married Sarah Bass, and lived where his son, Porter Ken- 1 The writer is a great grandson of David Kennedy, Sen. nedy now resides. The descendants of the Kennedy family are very numerous in the township. Mr. Jacob Van Meter came here on his way from Salem County, N. J., to Western New York. He decided to settle here and purchased the farm, and built the house where his son, the late Charles Van Meter lived, and which is now owned and occupied by James O'Neill. Jacob Van Meter, Jr., was the first adult person who died in the township. He died in the fall of 1796. John Conrad Ewaldt moved in with his family this year, but did not remain long. Samuel Rogers and family also came this year, but remained but a short time. In 1 795 Mr. John S. Rogers, from New Jersey, a Quaker, purchased and settled with his family, con- sisting of eight children. He built upon the farm since known as the Paul O'Neill place, where he kept a tavern during his life. His sons settled near him ; Samuel a little way east of his father, where William O'Neill now lives ; Amos west, on the hill, where the late Paul O'Neill, Jr., resided; Clayton lived on the farm now owned by the family of the late Godfrey Stevenson, where he kept a tavern. This year Mr. Joseph Stevenson, also from New Jersey, bought and built near the octagon stone school-house, on land now owned by Mr. Frank W. Gager. He had six children, the oldest of whom was over twenty-one years of age. Three of his sons, — James, Isaiah and Daniel lived and died in the township. James lived on the place now owned by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, known as Steven- son's Mills. Oliver Stevenson, son of James Stevenson, formerly sheriff' of Wayne County, owned a grist-mill here, which was burned a few years since. On this farm the Delaware and Hudson Company have since built the large reservoir known as Hankins' Poud. Isaiah Stevenson lived east of his father, on the place now owned by Albert Miller. The late Godfrey Stevenson, formerly treasurer of the county, was his son, also the venerable Arthur Stevenson, now living in the township. Daniel Stevenson lived on part of the place now owned by Maiden Bennett, in the south part of the township. Harvey Stevenson and Joseph Stevenson, of Waymart, were his sons. WAYNE COUNTY. 645 ' Seymour A Ilea came this year and bought Amasa Gcer's farm ami improvement. He sold in 1800 to Rev. Epaphras Thompson, a Baptist clergyman from Bristol, Conn., who, in 1801, sold the same to Ichabod Stark, from Bristol, Conn., who lived on it until his death, which occurred in 1820. 1 Luther Stark, his son, sold part of the place to the late Thomas Brown, and years after the remainder to Samuel Chittenden, of New York, who still owns it. The late David Stark was a son of William Luther Stark. Kis descendants are living in the town- ship. This same year Abram Cramer came here from the south part of the county. He bought a place and built his house of hewn logs, south of the present residence of ( )rlando Kelly, on land now owned by Henry McAvoy. A part of the house is still standing (the oldest in the township.) David Cramer, who owned the farm known as the " Cramer Place," on the Bethany turnpike, was a grandson of Abram Cramer. Some of the Cramers still reside in the township. Elijah Peck, from Connecticut, moved his family into the settlement this year. He built a log house on an old road which was con- structed north of the present Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike, on the farm now owned by his son, Hiram Peck. He became a Baptist clergyman, and was known as an ornament to his profession. He died here in 1835. He had thirteen children, eight of whom were sons. Elijah, Jr., lived north of his father's place, where his son Solomon now lives, died in 1875. W T illiam lived where N. R. Kennedy now lives. Reuben owned what is now known as the "Peck farm," in Clinton. Joseph lived on the farm now owned and occupied by Thomas O'Neill. Lewis lived about one-half mile south of the Cochecton turnpike, on place owned by Henry Kennedy ; died in Clinton. Of his daughters, Sallie married James Tanner. Mira married Jesse Dix. Betsy married Je- rome Case. Joanna W., widow of the late Giles Gaylord, of Clinton, is still living ; W. A. Gaylord, the present prothonotary, is her Manuscript of Major Luther Stark. 1796. Benjamin King, originally from Rhode Island, came from the Paupack settle- ment. He purchased the farm now owned by Wellington Moase, on which he lived for about twenty years. He married Eunice Kennedy. He was county commissioner, 2 and for many years justice of the peace. He died June 15, 1860, aged eighty-three years. He had seven children, viz. : Cynthia married Peter Sherman. Sally Ann married Reuben Peck. Hawkins married Mary White. Lucinda married Par- mer Tallman. Durinda married David Clough. Robert married Minerva Tallman. Benjaman, Jr., married Juliaette Dix. Pamelia married Squire Crater. All of these reared large fami- lies, and were conspicuous in the early history of this and adjacent townships. Robert and Benjamin live in Starrucca borough. Charles King, a carpenter, brother of Benja- min, Sr., settled east of his brother, on land now owned by William P. Kennedy. Stephen King, another brother, located further east, on the same road, and later built the house and cleared the farm now known as the "Demming place," at the corner below W. P. Kennedy's residence. The house in which he died is still standing, but unoccupied. This year Samuel Meredith commenced to make improvements here. He was of an illus- trious family, and traced his ancestry to the blood royal of Wales. His father, Reese Mer- edith, came to Philadelphia in 1730. He de- voted his time to business, and it is not known that he held any public office, choosing rather to serve his country as a private citizen. In the year 1755 he formed the acquaintance of Washington, then a A r irginia colonel, which lasted through his life and that of his son. He was a signer of the celebrated " Non-Importa- tion Resolutions," and contributed twenty-five thousand dollars to feed and clothe the Ameri- can army at Valley Forge. He died Novem- ber 17, 1778. He had four children : 1, John died in infancy ; 2, Samuel ; 3, Anne, wife of Colonel Henry Hill ; 4, Elizabeth, wife of George Clymer, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. ! At the time Pike County was set ( 646 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONIioE rol NTIKS. PENNSYLVANIA. General Samuel Meredith was born in Philadel- phia in 1741, was educated at Chester. He en- gaged in business in Philadelphia under several firm names, the last being Meredith & Clymer ; it was dissolved in 1781. Mr. Meredith was an active Whig, and took a deep interest in the leading questions of the day. In November, 1765, he attended the meeting of the merchants and citizens of Philadelphia, to protest against the importation of teas and goods which were stamped. He and Mr. Clymer signed the re- solutions adopted November 7, 1765, as his father had done. On the 19th of May, 1772, he married Margaret, daughter of Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, of Philadelphia, Chief Medical Di- rector of Pennsylvania Hospital. He was chair- man of the committee of safety in 1775. When the " Silk Stocking Company " was organized, in 1775, Mr. Meredith was made major, and in that capacity took part in the battles of Tren- ton and Princeton. In October, 1777, he was commissioned general of the Fourth Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia, and took part in the bat- tles of Brandywine and Germantown. General Meredith resigned in 1778, in consequence of his father's ill health and the continued absence of his partner and brother-in-law, George Cly- mer. He was twice elected from Philadelphia County to the Pennsylvania Colonial Assembly, and from 1787 to 1788 was a delegate to the Continental Congress. In the spring of 1780 lie and George Clymer each contributed twenty- five thousand dollars to the support of the army. He was a director of the Bank of North Amer- ica, organized by Robert Morris in 1781. On the 1st of August, 1789, he was appointed by President Washington surveyor of the port of Philadelphia, holding the office until Sep- tember 30, 1789, when he received still further proof of Washington's friendship in the ap- pointment of treasurer of the United States, which office he held until October 31, 1801, serving under three administrations,?', e., Wash- ington's, Adams' and Jefferson's. From Octo- ber, 1789, to December, 1790, his office was in New York, and then was removed with the seat of government to Philadelphia, where it re- mained until 1800, when it was removed to Washington. During his long administration as treasurer, not a single discrepancy marred the entire cor- rectness of his accounts. The estimation in which he was held is evinced by the following : " Treasury Office, New York. " September 13, 1789. " Sir: — Permit me to congratulate you on your ap- pointment as Treasurer of the United States, and to assure you of the pleasure I feel in anticipating your co-operation with me in a station in which a charac- ter like yours is so truly valuable. " I need not observe to you how important it is that you should be on the ground as soon as possible. The call for your preseuce, you will be sensible, is urgent. Mr. Duer, my assistant, goes to Philadelphia to pro- cure a loan from the bank there. He will communi- cate with you, and, I am persuaded, will meet with your concurrence in whatever may facilitate the object of his mission. " With sincere esteem "I am, Sir, "Your obedient servant, " Alexander Hamilton, " Secretary of the Treasury. "Samuel Meredith, Esq., " Treasurer of the United States." His resignation and retirement were due to ill health and financial embarrassment; his private affairs having become sadly neglected during his official life: Upon it he received the follow- ing complimentary letter from Jefferson : " Monticello, September 4, 1801. " Dear Sir : — I received yesterday your favor of August 29th, resigning your office as Treasurer of the United States after the last of October next. I am sorry for the circumstances which dictate the measure to you ; but from their nature, and the deliberate consideration of which it seems to be the result; I presume that dissuasive* on my part would he without effect. My time in office has not been such as to bring me into intimate insight into the proceedings of the several departments, but I am sure I hazard nothing when I testify in your favor, that you have conducted yourself with perfect integrity and pro- priety in the duties of the office you have filled and pray you to be assured of my highest consideration. " Thomas Jefferson. " Mr. Meredith." In 1774 Meredith and Clymer commenced the purchase of large tracts of wild land in West Virginia, East Kentucky, in Delaware and Sullivan Counties, N. Y., and in the fol- lowing Pennsylvania Counties, viz. : Schuyl- kill, Pike, Monroe, Lackawanna, Luzerne, WAYNE COUNTY. Wyoming. Bradford, Sullivan and Susque- hanna, and between 1790 and 1796, about fifty thousand acres in Wayne County. In the latter year General Meredith commenced making im- provements at a place in this township, which he afterward named Belmont. In 1802 he was assessed as having sixty acres of improved laud, but as a non-resident soon after he moved in with his family and resided in a plain Goode- rich structure situated about fifty rods north of Cochecton and Great Bend Turnpike, until 1812, when he completed his residence known as Belmont, at a cost of six thousand dollars. This is situated about one mile west of the vil- lage of Pleasant Mount, and is now owned and occupied by Mr. James Fowler. Here he spent the remainder of his life superintending the settlement and development of his vast estate. What was known as " Belmont Mauor," commenced on the Moosic Mountain, west of Waymart, and extended north along the range to Hine's Corners, in Preston township. It was about twenty miles long and two miles wide and contained about twenty-six thousand acres. All that remains of the old manor is between three and four huudred acres, situated in Mount Pleasant and Preston townships, known as the " Dickinson Tract," 1 and which belongs to the heirs of Anne Dickinson, General Meredith's daughter and Sarah Maria Graham, daughter of Thomas Meredith, Esq. General Meredith was visited in his retire- ment by many of his old political associates. In person he is described as tall and command- ing, with a light blue eye ; graceful and pleasing in manner. He died at Belmont, February 10, 1817. in the seventy-sixth year of his age. On the gentle declivity of the Moosic, over- looking the beautiful valley of the Lackawaxen, lie the remains of the friend of Washington, and the first treasurer of the United States ; by his side sleeps his accomplished wife, who died September 20, 1820. A plain marble slab marks each grave. His wealthy children strangely neglected to erect a suitable monument to the memory of their illustrious father. A 1 This tract has recently been purchased of the heirs by J. J. Fulkerson, Esq., of this place. movement was set on foot by citizens of Mount Pleasant, on the 4th of July, 1877, to erect a monument to mark the site. Appropriations were asked from the State of Pennsylvania and from the General Government, but were re- fused. The project was then abandoned. General Meredith had seven children, — first, Martha, mother of the late John M. Read, chief justice of Pennsylvania; second, Elizabeth, died unmarried in 1824 ; third, Anne, mother of Hon. Philemon Dickinson, late president of the Trenton Banking Company, and also of the late Colonel Samuel Dickinson of the New Jer- sey Militia, and captain of Company E., Tenth United States Infantry ; fourth, Thomas, died in infancy ; fifth, Thomas (2) ; sixth, Margaret, died unmarried in 182(3 ; seventh, Maria, died unmarried in 1854. Thomas Meredith was born in Philadelphia, in 1779, and educated at the Pennsylvania University, after which he traveled abroad for many years; was in India and China in 1800 and 1801. Upon his return he studied law, and was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1805; to the Wayne County bar in 1812; Luzerne County bar in 1816 ; justice of the peace for Mount Pleasant in 1808. During the war of 1812 he was major in the First Phila- delphia Cavalry. He opened the first coal mines below Carbon- dale in 1824, and in the same year obtained a charter for a railroad from the mouth of Leg- get's Creek on the Lackawanna to Great Bend on the Susquehanna. The road was surveyed in 1828, but failed for want of funds. The route surveyed is nearly that taken by the northern division of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail Road. Mr. Meredith was secretary of the Belmont and Ochquaga Turn- pike Company, and of the Stockport Coal and Stone Road Company. His wife was Sarah Gibson, daughter of a New York merchant. She died in 1834. Esquire Meredith, as the settlers called him, removed his family to Car- bondale in 1830. He died at Trenton, N. J., in October, 1855, and was buried in the old Quaker burying ground in that city, near his uncle, George Clymer, the signer. He left one son, Samuel Reese Meredith, who was born in (Us WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Wayne County in 1823. Of this unfortunate but warm-hearted man nothing but mishaps could be related. About the year 1855 he was active in the formation of the Lackawanna Coal and Iron Company. This and various other enterprises in which his fortune was embarked failed, and he lost all his property. He died in poverty in the Pennsylvania Hospital at Phila- delphia, in 1865. Not a single descendant of the family is found in this township. Eliphalet Kellogg in 1796 settled on what is known as the David Sherwood place, now owned by Christopher Giles. He removed to Bethany in 1810. He was commissioner's clerk for some years, and prothonotary from 1808 to 1817. A list of the taxables in Mount Pleasant \ township in 1799, found in the township rec- ords, numbers thirty-four. There are found in this list, that have not already been mentioned, the following : Denman Coe, Enos Cramer, Jacob Crater, Joseph Cromwell, Isaac Crom- well, William Cromwell, Dainel McMullen and Nathan Rude. Jacob Crater came from Wyoming and pur- chased the farm nqw owned by his grandson, Austin Crater. He was a German. He pur- chased the saw-mill and grist-mill built by Jirah Mumford. His son, John, built a saw- mill above the one owned by his father, Abram Crater, another son, cleared the farm now owned by Thomas Jqlins. Daniel McMullep lived on the farm since known as the Peter Ryder place. James Mc- ^ Mullen and George McMullen were his sons. They were great hunters. Nathan Rude was from Connecticut, and lived east of Captain John Tiffany on the old road running east and west. The farm is now the property of Philo Spencer. He is remem- bered as a man of quick wit and brilliant at repartee. Nathan, Simeon and Reuben were his sons. His descendants are in the town- ship. About 1800, Elihu Tallman, from New Bed- ford, Mass., moved in and cleared a lot on the old road east of where Joseph Tanner lived. A few years after he bought and cleared a farm north of Joseph Dix. In 1813 he sold this to a man by the name of Hall, and bought the Godfrey Stevenson place, and also a carding- machine of Jacob Plum, who had run it. one year on the stream below where " Kennedy's Mills" now stand. He also built a saw-mill. About 1818, he sold out to Heaton Atwater and the next year moved to Preston township. The venerable C. P. Tallman, still living at Tall- mansville, is his son. Caleb Carr is mentioned in the township record in 1801. Reuben Carr married Lydia, daughter of Joseph Tanner. She died in 1811, leaving two children. Solomon West and Ben- jamin Newton are noticed in 1803. They lived on the old road, before mentioned, west of Na- than Rude, as did Silas Tanner and Henry Newton. In 1803 Andrew Lester came to Mount Pleasant from Wallenpaupack settlement. The year previous he married Sally, daughter of David Kennedy, Sr. He purchased one hun- dred acres of land on which he built a log house and barn and cleared up about forty acres, and planted a small orchard. This farm, now owned by Porter Kennedy, he exchanged with his brother-in-law, Charles Kennedy, for one now owned by his son, Orrin Lester, Esq., sit- uated two miles east of Mount Pleasant village, and occupied by his grandson, Frank Lester. Here he lived until over ninety-one years of age. He died September 29, 1869. His wife died the same year. They had eight children, viz : Eunice, Betsy, Anna, Asa, David, Sarah, Orrin and Emeline. The last two are living in the township. Emeline is the wife of Dr. Rodney Harmes. Andrew Lester was a noted hunter. Many thrilling hunting stories are told of him. Ezra Bartholomew came into the township in or about 1804. He settled in the south part of the township, on the farm long owned by his son Ralzamon, and now owned by Charles H. Bartholomew. His oldest daughter was the wife of Baxter Bicknell. After the death of Bicknell she married Elder Chase, a Bap- tist preacher. Wooster Bartholomew was a brother of Ezra, but his name does not appear in the town records until 1816. WAYNE COUNTY. About 1807 Moses Miller, from the State of New York, purchased of Silas Kellogg two hundred acres of land, since known as the " George Miller place," about four miles east of the village of Pleasant Mount, and now owned by Barney Megivern. Here he resided until his death, in 1855. He was for many years a justice of the peace. He reared a family of eight children, of whom all but one remained in the township, viz., — Ephraim, Marlin, George W., James W., Wesley, Laura, Betsy and Mary. Marlin still lives on the Bethany turnpike, east of the Red School-house. James lives east of Marlin, on the opposite side of the road. Laura married Joseph Terrell, who was for many years a merchant at White's Valley. Mary married Abram Bonham and lived on the side of the "Big Hill," east of White's Valley." Betsy married Bonham Vastbinder, and lived in the stone house where Jehiel Vastbinder now lives. In 1807 Amasa ( roodsell came into the town- ship. He lived where Nathan Sherwood now resides. The same year Truman Wheeler set- tled on the north and south road, where George Allen now lives. He was educated, and for many years a justice of the peace. He removed to the West. In 1808 Jonathan Wibber settled on a farm east of the Phoenix Baptist Church, and now occupied by Orrin Lester, Esq. He was a blacksmith. About this time Clark Tanner settled in the township. In 1808 James Bigelow, from Spencer, Mass., moved in, with his wife and family of eight children. He purchased the farms on which his grandsons, James E. and Frank M., now live. He built his house in what is now an old orchard, north of the present residence ofF. M. Bigelow. A stone chimney marks the site. James Bigelow was one day older than Mary, his wife, and lived four days after she died. They nearly reached eighty years, and died in 1842. Their children reared families, whose descendants are numerous in this vicinity. Their names are as follows : Sally, who married Deacon John Tiffany ; Betsy, who married Esquire Yale ; John, who married Lydia Yale, and lived on the Bigelow homestead ; Polly, who married Stephen Part- ridge; Patty, who married Benjamin Fletcher ; Tryphena, who married Jonathan Miller ; Tryphosa, who married Clayton Rogers ; James Howe, who married Rachel Muzzey, and cleared the farm now owned by his son, Lorenzo ; Thirsa, who married Richard Deloug. About this time (1808) William Burcher, from London, settled south of John S. Rogers, on what is now the Megivern place. He moved to the place now owned by John White, on the Bethany turnpike. In 1819 he lost his property, through a de- fective title, and removed to Damascus and purchased the farm now owned by his son, the venerable John Burcher, where he died in 1839. James Miller purchased seventy acres of land, east of his brother, Moses Miller, Esq. This place is now occupied by his son, Addison Miller. Albert Miller and James Miller, Jr., are sons of James Miller. Adam Niver settled on the Bethany road, at the top of what is known as the "Niver Hill." Daniel Roberts settled on Belmont and Easton turnpike, where Ferdinand Bartholomew now resides. Levi Geer, from Windham, Conn., cleared the farm since owned by William R. Stone, and now occupied by Harvey Ferguson. Harvey, Mar- vin, Darius, Perry and Lavina were children of Levi Geer. Joshua Geer lived on the farm of the late James Cliff, of White's Valley. Eras- mus, Erastus and Gurdew were his sons. Thomas Lillibridge married Polly Stanton, the first child born in the township. He set- tled on the place since known as the "Abbot Farm," on the Cochecton turnpike. He re- moved to the West. In the fall of 1809 Robert Ledyard, from Windham, Conn., came into the township. He occupied a house at the foot of the hill, near a noted spring, about fifty rods southwest of where the Vastbinder school-house now stands. Part of the house was used as a residence by the family of John Wrighter. Here he lived until the spring of 1811, when he went on the farm now known as the Ledyard farm, on the north and south road. He died in 1835, aged eighty. His wife, Mary Cady, died in 1843. Col) WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Of their children, John was killed in the war of 1812 ; Samuel and David went West ; Gurdew was killed by a falling tree; Luther lived and died in Clinton ; Mary married Peter Ryder : and Hiram is now living on the old place, at the age of eighty-three years. Hiram married Lucinda, daughter of Reuben Rude, and is one of the largest real-estate holders in the town- ship. 181)9. About this time Zedekiah Bonham located on the farm now known as the Hauser place, west of White's Valley. Many of his descendants now live in the township. The following are some of his children : Andrew, who lived on the Samuel Martin farm ; Amos, who lived where Joseph Allen now resides ; John, who lived on what is known as the Heth Bonham place and married Sarah Hamlin, who died in 1882, aged ninety-two years; Abram, who lived on the side of the hill east of White's Valley; Mary, who married Win. ( 'humard, of Canaan; and Harriet, who married Abram Houser, and lives on the old Bonham farm. Zedekiah Bonham built a saw-mill on the Jtr-Johnson Creek. In ISO!) or 1810 Eli Howell, a shoemaker, located here. lie is the progeni- tor of the Howell family in the township. His sons were John, a shoemaker, who at one time owned the David Doyle farms ; David, whose place was on the road south of Lewis Peck's farm, and now owned by . 1809, and served (his relative says fought) during the war of 1812 and 1814, and after the war had command at Governor's Island, in New York harbor, and at the time of his death, which occurred in the fifty-seventh year of his age, was on an extended furlough on account of poor health. He was known by 1 Goodrich. » By Dr. Rodney Harrnes. This is the first accurate and full account of the tragedy which has ever appeared in print. many in the northern part of Wayne County a few years previous to his death as a drover. We have learned from the wife of John Page, Mrs. Eliza Page (now deceased), who was living in Orange County at the time of his death, that it was a common report in the neighborhood where she resided, immediately after Colonel Brooks was murdered, that be- fore he left home, being in the store of Samuel Moffatt, merchant, and in conversation with him, he said he should go in a few days through Wayne County, Pa., as that would be his most direct route to Broome County, N. Y. Upon being asked if he intended to buy cat- tle, his answer was that he did not know ; that it depended upon circumstances. A roving- stranger (Marthers) was present and listening to the conversation, whom it was believed Brooks did not notice at the time. The next knowl- edge obtained about this wandering sharper was at Rileysville, in this county, where lie was spending his time in the style of a small pack peddler, selling cheap jewelry, trying to win small sums by juggling and petty gambling. Judging by events which soon after occurred, he was, as some people believed, and some still believe, staying at Rileysville, waiting for the arrival of Brooks, and had disposed of all of his trinkets and spent nearly all of his money when Colonel Brooks arrived there. The Rileysville tavern, nine miles west of the Dela- ware River, was a stage-house, and consequently at least two or more of the stage drivers, having the opportunity, learned and knew the condi- tion and habits of Marthers and something of his character. On the 24th day of June, 1 828, Brooks had probably driven from the Delaware River to Rileysville, where, or a little west of that place, Marthers was invited to ride with him. Mr. Eldad Atwater (still living) has, years ago, repeatedly said that not far from the middle of the day, which was a very hot day, he noticed a horse and wagon before his brother Heaton Atwater's taven, where the family of Godfrey Stevenson (deceased) now lives, and where he and his brother then lived. He asserts that the traveler tarried a long time, at least two or three hours (and here he probably dined and WAYNE COUNTY. 655 had his horse fed), ami when lie came out and started away Atwater readily recognized him as Colonel Brooks. He likewise noticed that there was a stranger with him. From Atwater's tavern Brooks drove to Belmont, a distance of four miles. From Bel- mont lie was going to travel north on the Bel- mont and Ochquaga (now Lanesborough) road, thi> being Ids most direct route through Broome County to Norwich, Cayuga County, where he expected to get money, it is said, from the bank at that place. Thomas L. Muniford, then a young man, who was hoeing in a garden on the south side of the mad, saw the two men, and heard one of them, who was sitting in the wagon, ask the other, who was on the ground, if he was going any farther with him. The re- ply was, " I do not know; I will go in and iuquire." He went into the bar room, and soon came out and said, " Yes, about a mile or two." The two men went on north and Mr. Mumford continued his labor. About one mile from Belmont, at the edge of, at that time, heavily-timbered land, it was tour miles to the next clearing and a tavern. At this place Marthers got out, ostensibly to look for a path leading west over the mountain. He looked under the wagon and named some injury or defect of it which induced Brooks to get out, and when he stooped down to examine Mar- thers struck him on his head with a stone, and repeated his blows, and finally finished his dia- bolical job by cutting his throat with a pocket- knife; and then, by some strange fatality, turned the horse suddenly around, and in less than one hour from the time of leaving was back again in Belmont. When Mr. Mumford saw him hitching the horse, not realizing that it was a man, horse and wagon which he had pre- viously seen going north, he left the garden and went into the bar room. The tavern was owned by Thomas Mumford, the father of Thomas L. The traveler remarked that it was a very hot day. and proceeded to wash himself, and while using the towel said, " I have dirtied your tow- el." Mumford replied by saying, "It was made for that purpose." Marthers then called for brandy, which was produced, and of which he took a liberal drink. He asked Mumford if there were any fast horses in the place, and if there were, to tell them (the owners) to bring them out. lie said he had a fast horse which he had bought in Virginia. From Belmont he drove rapidly west, and soon arrived at the next stage-house (now Her- rick Centre, Susquehanna County), which was kept by Sylvanus Mott. When he drove up opposite to the tavern he was recognized by a stage-driver who had learned what kind of a man he was while he was at Rileysville. The driver (whose name is forgotten), seeing him in his new and unexpected guise, hailed him, and invited him to go in and take a drink. Marthers, after a little hesitation, wi nt in, and the two indulged themselves with their po- tations. After drinking, Marthers took his watch from his pocket to ascertain the time. The driver noticed that it was a gold watch, and asked him how he had obtained it. Mar- thers replied by saying that it was not his watch, but that the watch, horse and wagon belonged to Colonel Brooks, who was to come in the stage the next day, or take some other route west, and that Brooks had given him the watch to time his speed so as not to overdrive the horse. He seemed to be in a hurry, and went out, mounted into the wagon, and drove rapidly west. As soon as he had started the driver told the land- lord, Mott, that he believed the man had ob- tained possession of the horse, wagon and watch by some criminal transaction. Mott being of the same opinion, they led out two horses and immediately mounted and rode in pursuit of him and overtook him beyond Low Lake, about one mile and a half beyond Mott's. They rode rapidly up to, and Mott passed by him, when he leaped from the wagon and ran into the woods, but immediately returned and accused them of robbery. Both Mott and the driver were now on the ground, and while Mott was holding the stolen horse, it has been asserted by some, the driver and Marthers had a clinch, and for a brief time were maintaining their claims to the disputed property by the rude logic of muscular power, in which contest the driver resolutely maintained his claim, but told Mar- thers that if he would go back to the tavern and WAYNE, PIKE ANT) MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. stay until they were satisfied that he had ob- tained the property honestly, he could then go, and do so without paying anything. To this offer Marthers turned a deaf ear and sought for safety in the wilderness. Mott and the driver not being certain that they were right, and not certain but that Marthers might yet return to the turnpike, concluded that Mott should go on with the horse and wagon about one half of a mile fur- ther to the tavern at Dimock Corners, while the driver, with all the speed he could make, should ride to Belmont and inform Mr. Mumford of the suspicions of Mott and himself, and of what they had done. When he arrived there the towel was examined and found to be bloody. Mr. Mumford said they could soon settle all doubts, for a slight shower had moistened the dust before the horse and wagon went north, which would make the wagon track plainly appear. They soon passed over the road and just at the edge of the woods, at which place the wagon had been tnrned shortly around, they found the body of Colonel Brooks lying in the bushes on the east side of the road where Marthers had dragged it. A pile of stones still marks the place. Then speedily followed the mustering of forces, and spreading the news for the purpose of arresting the criminal. Samuel Roberts, of Mount Pleasant, started off on his way to Or- ange County, to communicate the sad news to the relatives of the deceased. The body of Brooks was removed to the Belmont hotel, and Jonathan Miller, Esq., the coroner of the coun- ty, summoned twenty-four men as a jury of inquest. Mr. Minor Mumford, who lived within sight of, and but a short distance from the tavern, had heard nothing about the matter during the evening, and had retired to his bed when he was called up to mount his horse and ride to Eho, now Thompson, a distance of over ten miles. A few men watched at different places along the road during the night, and two lads, Lemuel Ogden and Saben Tucker, kept their vigils, with loaded guns, where the felon ran into the woods. A messenger went through Canaan putting up notices of the murder. But they were not needed, for the wretch had al- ready been arrested. From the west side of Low Lake, Marthers had wandered on northerly, in the dense forest, and finally, aided by the tinkling of a cow-bell, found his way to the rude habitation of Mr. James Dunn, by the side of a pond bearing his name ; six miles from the turnpike, and about nine o'clock in the evening, and without any hat, having lost it when he first ran into the woods. The account which he gave of himself was that he had been chased by robbers, and had left his property and ran to save his life. While sitting and talking he asked Dunn how far it was to Belmont or to Mott's tavern, and upon being told that it was about six miles, he sprang up from the chair, evidently, with some alarm, supposing that he had traveled double that distance from either place. This was noticed by the cannie old Scotchman, and convinced him that his guest was a suspicious character. Mr. Dunn had five sons, three of them able young men ; they retired to the chamber. Marthers was accommodated with a bed in the same room where Dunn, Sr., usually slept, but he could not sleep that night. Mar- thers was restless and tumbled about for awhile, but finally lay quiet and (at least apparently) slept. About midnight Mr. Dunn heard his dog barking very furiously ; he went quietly to a window which he raised and saw two horse- men, John Lyon and Alexander Burns. They had started from Dimock Corners, intending to make their first, which proved to be their only, call at Dunn's. They asked Dunn if a man had been, or was there. Dunn beckoned to them to go to the door, when one of them said, " Do not talk so loud, he is here." Dunn let them in at the door, and at the same time his sons rushed down from the chamber. And now the atrocious homicide, in about eight or nine hours after he had perpetrated his crime, was surrounded by six able and resolute men. Re- sistance would have been useless. Escape was impossible. His pockets were searched, and it was found that he had obtained by his crime, a gold watch and a pocket-book containing various small bank-bills amounting to twenty-nine WAYNE COUNTY. I if, 7 dollars, and specie to the amount of fifteen cents. He confessed that he had murdered Colonel Brooks, and invited all then present to come, as he termed it, to his hanging bee. They all stayed with their prisoner until morning, and then mounted and bound him upon a horse, and guarded by Lyon, Burns, John Dunn and one of his brothers, with loaded guns, he was taken to Belmont, and conducted into the room where the dead man lay, and said it was a very handsome corpse. With his hands and arms bound, and a rope around one of his legs, he was marched one mile to Pleasant Mount, where he was presented with a cheap hat, and the coroner, with a sufficient number of assist- ants, accommodated him with a ride to Bethany and to the county jail. The next day (June 26th) the people from several miles around assembled at Belmont to attend the funeral of Colouel Brooks, which was conducted by the Presbyterian clergyman of Mount Pleasant. The services were awhile delayed because no rel- ative or friend of the deceased had yet a rri ved from Orange County, and the clergyman was about to commence his duties when John J. Brooks, a brother of the deceased, and a friend, Hon. Robert Dunuiston, were seen riding down the hill from Pleasant Mount. They had finally arrived in time to attend the sad ceremony, which then proceeded, and was ended by de- positing the body of the deceased in the family cemetery of General Samuel Meredith (a Revo- lutionary hero). Let them both be remembered on decoration days. I have always been informed, by various in- dividuals, that Colonel Brooks was, in every respect, an accomplished gentleman ; uniformly clad in the finest and neatest style, and, inas- much as those who became acquainted with him esteemed him so highly, it is evident that he must have been not only courteous, but fascin- ating. The recognizance of witnesses for the com- monwealth was returned by Justice Benjamin King during the month of July, and at the August term of court, Judges Scott, Woodward and Thomas presiding, on the 26th day of the month Marthers was indicted for murder, and his trial commenced the same day and lasted four days. The lawyers engaged in the case being Benjamin A. Bidlock and N. B. Eldred for the prisoner, and Mr. Amzi Fuller for the commonwealth. On the 30th day of the month the jury rendered their verdict of guilty, and the court sentenced the prisoner to be executed on the 24th day of October following. On the day of his execution he was taken from the jail to the front of the court-house, where brief religious services were conducted, according to the best recollection of Rev. Stephen Torrey, by Rev. Joseph Castle, the Methodist preacher at Bethany. Robed with his shroud and cap, with the rope used on that occasion around his neck, with firm step he marched with the sheriff and his assistants to the gallows and there kneeled over his coffin while a final prayer in his behalf was made by the officiating clergyman. From the scaffold he addressed the assemb- lage of jieople, comprised of both sexes and all ages, attributing his vicious conduct and de- pravity to the manner in which he had been trained when young ; charging his parents with having neglected to give him a proper moral education, but, on the contrary, as having en- couraged him to practice dishonesty and theft; and that in the beginning of his vile career he had stolen pins and given them to his mother, who, instead of reproving and punishing him, seemed to be well pleased. He earnestly exhorted the young people to shun the sinful life which he had led, and there- by escape the unhappy and ignominious death which he was doomed to suffer. Mr. Page says that while Marthers was talking an un- couth babbler said that before sundown his soul would be iu hell. Marthers replied saying that before sundown his soul would be where no one in this world would know, or could tell anything about it. The sheriff, Joseph Miller, asked him if he had any complaint to make for unkind treatment. He replied, " No. You have treated me like a gentleman, do your duty, for I have shed innocent blood." The cap was then drawn over his face, then the drop, a few convulsive movements, and all was over. C.-.s WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Freeman Marthers has uniformly been de- scribed as not repulsive, but, on the contrary, as rather of prepossessing appearance. He was described by the coroner as a man about five feet and six inches in height, of florid complex- ion and stoutly built; dressed with a new super- fine broad-cloth coat, of a "brown or plum color, striped vest, drab colored cashmere pantaloons, and his shoes pumps. It may readily be be- lieved that the hat which he had lost was, of a fashion and quality, suitable to make him a well dressed man. Religious Matters. — As has already been stated the gospel was early preached in this town. The first minister who preached here was Elder David Jayne, who lived on the Tunkhanuock. This was in July, 1795, and June 28, 1796, a Free Communion Baptist Church was organized. It was constituted of six members, viz. : Samuel Stanton, Joseph Tanner, Margaret Dix, Martha Stanton, Lydia Tanner, Tamer and Rhoda Stearns. Since the spring of 1793 the regular and public worship of God has been sustained. As has already been noticed, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was first administered in 1797. Epaphras Thompson, from Bristol, Conn., was the first settled minister. He was a Close Com- munion Baptist, but united with the Free Com- munion Church and preached to them several I years. In 1806 Elijah Peck was ordained by this church as gospel minister. In 1807 Elders Thompson and Peck formed a Close Commun- I ion Baptist Church, which became very numer- ous. Both of the above-mentioned churches * disbanded many years siuce. The first Methodist Society in the township was organized in 1806 in the house of Abram Cramer. (This house is yet standing — the old- est in the township.) The first Methodist min- ister was the Rev. Atnon Owen, whose circuit extended from Wilkesbarre to the Delaware River. The first house of public worship was built in 1822. All denominations cordially united in its construction. It stood on the first road, running north and south, east of this vil- lage, on land now owned by George E. Moase. It was forty-eight by twenty-four feet and was formed by building an addition twenty-four feet square to a log school-house of the same size. It was common for people to walk seven or eight miles to attend services here. In 1830-32 the Methodist Society erected a plain and commodious house two miles east of the village, on the Bethany turnpike, on ground now- included in the Methodist burying-ground. It was dedicated on the 4th of July of that year. This building was greatly improved in 1851. This church first belonged to the Salem and Canaan Circuit, and later to the Bethany and Mount Pleasant Circuit. In 1851 it was sep- arated from Bethany, and in 1865 the present edifice was erected at Pleasant Mount village, and worship in the old church was discontinued during L. C. Floyd's pastorate. " In 1867 a part of the congregation withdrew and built the Methodist Episcopal Church at White's Valley. One pastor, residing in Pleasant Mount, has always supplied both societies. The first Methodist minister who resided in the vil- lage of Pleasant Mount was Rev. J. D. Satford. *- He occupied the house uow owned by J. H. Kennedy (the writer). Rev. R. S. Rose was first to occupy the parsonage now standing. In 1855 the society consisted of one hundred and forty-three members, and in 1885 one huudred and twenty-five members. Reliable informa- tion in regard to pastors cannot be found pre- viously to 1843, in consequence of the loss ot the old record. In that year a man by the name of Phillips was in charge; 1844, Win. Dean; 1845-46, Charles Perkins; 1847-48, Henry Brownscomb ; 1849-50, J. D. Safford and C.L. Rice; 1850, G.M. Peck and Charles Perkins ; 1851, G. M. Peck ; 1852, Thomas Wilcox ; 1853-54, Rodney S. Rose; 185.5-56, C. V. Arnold ; 1857-58, N. W. Everett; 1859- 60, Francis Spencer; 1861-62, A. Brigham ; 1863-64, N. S. Dewitt; 1865, L. C. Floyd; 1866-67, C. V. Arnold; 1868, J. Underwood ; 1869-70, J. V. Newell; 1871-72, Wm. M. Cooley ; 1873-75, G. T. Price ; 1876-78, S. H. Wright; 1879-81, S. H. Jay; 1882-84, J. B. Sweet ; 1885-86, Joseph Madison. A Congregational Church was organized in Mount Pleasant, January 26, 1814, by Rev. Ebenezer Kingsbury and Rev. Worthington Wright, who were laboring as missionaries of the Connecticut Home Missionary Society, the WAYNE COUNTY. C.V.I former being located at Harford, in Susque- hanna County, and the latter at Bethany, in Wayne County. The church was organized in the house of the late John Tiffany, sixteen members uniting in the organization, viz. : An- son Chittenden and Submit, his wife, James Bigelow and Mary, his wife, Polly Tanner, Mary Freeman, Lydia Tiffany, Edward Dim- mick and Esther, his wife, Ransford Smith and Chloe, his wife, Abijah Hubbell and Sally, his wife, Blackleach Burnt and Sally, his wife, and Ruth Buckingham. Nine united by profession and seven by letter. In 1831 the church changed its form of government and became Presbyterian. The reason of this change does not appear in the records, but it was probably for the purpose of connecting themselves with Presbytery and thus be in sympathy with the Presbyterian Churches about them. It was at first connected with the Presbytery of Hudson, afterwards with Susquehanna, then with Mou- trose, and since the reunion of the two branches of the church and the reconstruction of the Presbyteries it has been connected with the Presbytery of Lackawanna. The church was chartered in 1831 with the following charter members : Anson Chittenden. Henry W. Stone. James Begee. Jonathan Miller. Zenas Chittenden. Abel Chittenden. Urial Wright. Heaton Atwater. William R. Stone. Noah Hiscoek. Asa Smith. Jacob Eaton. John Bigelow. Wm. H. Chittenden. Anson Chittenden, Jr. The first session of the church was elected September 5, 1831, and was composed of the following members, viz. : Anson Chittenden, Esaias Wilcox, Jacob Eaton, Urial Wright, Henry W. Stone, Marshall Dimmick and Asa Smith. They were ordained by Rev. Lyman Richardson, assisted by Rev. Messrs. Joel Campbell, of Bethany ; Adam Miller, of Har- ford ; and Isaac F. Adams, of Dundaff. The church has never failed to sustain public worship on the Sabbath, and when without a minister, the services were conducted by the members, one of whom read a printed sermon. During the most powerful revival of religion ever known in Mount Pleasant, that of 1831- 32, the meetings were conducted by the lay members. About forty persons were added to the communion as the fruit of this work. For some years the church was dependent upon missiouary and transient supplies, and then stated supplies; sometimes in connection with the Bethany, aud at other times with Gib- son, in Susquehanna County. Among those who preached occasionally, administering the communion, receiving members and baptizing children, we find the names of Rev. Messrs. Ebenezer Kingsbury, Worthiugton Wright, Gershom Williams, E. W. Goodman, Mr. Thompson, Joel Campbell and Lyman Richard- son. The labors of the last-named individual, who supplied the church for some two or three years, were greatly blessed. In 183.'! a colony of thirty-one members went out from this to form what is now called the Uniondale Church, but the two have ever since been united in the support of the gospel. Rev. Henry A. Boyce was the first pastor in- stalled over these two churches. He was in- stalled July 8, 1835, and labored but a little over a year, when he was removed by death. He was succeeded by Rev. Anthony McReynolds, who was installed September 27, 1837, and remained about two years. The Rev. Daniel Higbie was the next pastor. He was installed September 23, 1841, and remained about six years, his pastorate being a very useful one. Fifty-two were received by the church during the time, the largest number in one year being in 1842, when twenty-three were added. Rev. Samuel Whaley succeeded Mr. Higbie, com- mencing his labors in March, 1846. He was installed July 7th of the same year, and labored faithfully with the church eleven years. There were four revivals of religion during his pas- torate, and sixty-three were added to the church. Since the resignation of Mr. Whaley there have been frequent changes of ministers. The next after him was Rev. Israel Bryant Smith, who commenced his labors in September, 1857, and remained about two years and a half. He was not installed. After him came Rev. Albert G. Beebee, who commenced his labors June 24, 1860, and was installed in August of the same year, and remained a little over two years. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Rev. Raphael Kessler commenced his labors October 19, 1862, and was installed November 15, 1865. He remained a little over four years, when he was compelled to resign on ac- count of failing health. Forty-four persons were received to the church during his minis- try, all but two upon profession. Rev. James B. Fisher commenced his labors in May, 1867, and remained a little more than a year and a half. He was not installed. He was succeeded by Rev. Yates Hickey, who was installed October 13, 1869, but remained only nine mouths, and was succeeded by Rev. James W. Raynor, who commenced his labors July 17, 1870, and remained two years. He was not installed. On the Sabbath after Mr. Ray- nor closed his labors, the pulpit was supplied by Rev. Adelbert J. Schlager, who was installed November 20th of the same year, and remained nearly three years. He was followed by Rev. Arthur Folsom, who labored one year, closing July 2, 1876. Rev. Joseph A. Ros- sell commenced his labors February 17, 1878, and closed May 22, 1881. He was not in- stalled. He was followed by Rev. John Lud- low Kendall, who commenced January 1, 1882, was installed May 16th of the same year, and is the present pastor of the church. In 1830 the congregation built their first house of worship in the village. In 1848 it was furnished with a beautifully toned bell weighing nearly one thousand pounds, and in 1850 was refitted and improved. It was occu- pied until June 5, 1867, when the present edifice was completed at a cost of five thousand dollars, and was dedicated on that day. Roman Catholic. — Since 1830 Irish settlers have made large accessions, and now comprise at least one-third of the inhabitants of the township. In 1835 there was a Roman Catholic Church built near where the present edifice (St. Juliana) now stands. St. Juliana Roman Catholic Church was built at Rock Lake in 1866. St. Cecelia Roman Catholic Church had been built at Hill Top the year previous, and is attended once a month from Rock Lake. Both of these churches are in a flourishing condition, with a membership of at least twelve hundred persons. The following is a list of pastors since 1842: 1842 to 1844, Rev. H. Fitzsimmons ; 1845-47, Rev. P. Pendergast ; 1848-52, Rev. J. Forbes ; 1852-53, Rev. William O'Hara, Rev. H. P. Kennedy, Rev. James Power; 1853, Very Rev. Moses Whitty ; 1854, Rev. James Power, Rev. Daniel Kelly; 1855-56, Rev. James Shields; 1857-64, Rev. C. A. Delia Nave, first resident pastor ; 1864-71, Rev. Thomas Brehony. From January 12, 1871, to the present, Rev. J. J. Judge. Episcopal. — St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Society was organized February 11, 1862. The following were elected members of vestry : George Moase, Rodney Harmes, Isaac N. Chalker, R. W. Wheeler, William Widger, Henry F. Smith, George T. Spencer, Martin Prentiss, John Dennis, John Fitz, S. B. Page, William W. Brown. The corner-stone of the church edifice in this village was laid July ] 5, 1862, by Rev. Dalrymple, of Honesdale, as- sisted by Rev. R. R. Duane, of Providence. The building was completed in 1863, at a cost of one thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars, and services were first held in it on December 25th of that year by Rev. L. M. Day, of Dundaff. The following is a list of the pastors who have been in charge of this church society : Rev. L. M. Day, Rev. Thomas Bur- rows, Rev. J. Copeland, Rev. H. C. Howard and Rev. John Scott. Baptist. — The Phoenix Close Communion Baptist Church was organized in 1864, and in 1865 the congregation bought the property on which the present church edifice stands, situated two miles east of Pleasant Mount village, on the old Cochecton turnpike. A building, which stood on the lot and had been used as a store, was remodeled and occupied as a church until the present church building was erected, in 1884. The Maple Grove Church, in the south part of the township, a branch of the Phcenix, was built 1874-77. Lutheran. — In the south part of the township, along the Clinton line, there is a settlement of Germans. They are among the most prosperous and worthy people of the township. They have a German Lutheran Church, which was built upwards of twenty years ago. WAYNE COUNTY. Schools. — The people of this township were the first in the county to rally to the sup- port of education. Without aid from the State, they erected school-houses and supported schools even in the infancy of their existence. The first school iu Wayne County was taught by Miss Lucy Stearnes in the log house of Elijah Dix in the summer of 1794. She bad twelve scholars and received six shillings per week as her wages. The first male teacher who taught in the township was John Tyler, who taught in the winter of 1799 and 1800, in a log building which had been erected and occupied by Mr. Geer, and which, being vacant at that time, was utilized for school purposes. Richard Perkins taught a school on the old road north of the village in 1801. The first log school-house was built near the present residence of Philo Spencer in 1798, but who first taught in it is not known. The first framed school-house was built in 1804, and was the first house eastward of Joseph Tanner's residence. The first term in it was taught by Truman Wheeler. In 1834 the first Board oi School Directors was elected under the school law of that year. The officers of that board were Truman Wheeler, president ; and Win. R, Stone, secretary. There are now sixteen dis- tricts in the township, containing fourteen houses of wood, one of brick and one of stone. The average school term in 1885 was six and one-fifth months, with an attendance of four hundred and forty-two scholars, who were schooled at a cost of $2017.39. Previously to 1869 no permanent provisions had been made in this town for a higher education than iliat obtained in the common schools ; but in that year E. M. Atwater, Esq., opened the school since known as the Pleasant Mount Academy, which he sustained until the spring of 1881, when it was purchased by a joint- stock company composed of citizens of this and adjoining townships. The first board of trustees, elected July 23, 1881, were Frank Spencer, president; John 1>. Breunan, secre- tary ; Geo. E. Moase, treasurer; E. K. Norton, S. G. Perham, R. H. Patterson and E. M. At- water. In 1876 a three years' course of study was instituted, which comprised, in addition to the common branches, the natural sciences, higher mathematics, physics, language, etc. Since that time ten classes, numbering in the aggregate forty -eight members, have been grad- uated from this institution. The academy has acquired a high celebrity and is deserving of a liberal share of public patronage. The follow- ing are its principals since its foundation : L. G. Dimmiek, Edwin Francis, Leroy Baker, Frank Tuthill, H. B. Larrabee, Geo. W. Phil- lips, .1. H. Kennedy and J. E. Tiffuey. Prof. James H. Kennedy, sou of Wilbur Kennedy, was born in Mount Pleasant, Octo- ber 7, 1851, and lived with his parents on the farm until he was seventeen years old, when his mother died, during which time he at- tended the district school in the winter, and worked on the farm in summer. He attended the Normal School at Prompton during the fall term of 1869, and during the following j winter taught school in Dyberry. In the fall of 1870 he attended the school at Prompton again. He then taught in the district schools of Wayne and Susquehanna Counties during six winters, laboring in summer by the month on farms, or laying stone wall to receive pay by the rod, and serving as brakeman one sum- mer on the Central Railroad of New Jersey. He then studied one year and a half under Prof. H. B. Larrabee, at the Mount Pleasant. Academy, where he graduated in the spring of 1878. From the fall of 1878 until the spring of 1881 he served in that institution as assistant and teacher of mathematics, under Prof. Geo. W. Phillips, A.M., and was then chosen prin- cipal of that academy, which position he held for three years. On the 6th day of May, 1884, he was elected superintendent of the public- schools of his native county of Wayne. He was married to Lizzie Belknap, July 21, 1872, who died in less than one year after that time. On the 19th day of August, 1879, he married Minnie Gaylord, and by her he has two daughters. ROADS. — The first road in this township was built by private enterprise aided by State appro- priation. It extended from Pocono Point, near Stroudsburg, north to the State line. It WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. was cut through in 1788-89. It followed the route of the old " Belmont and Easton turn- pike," and was called the " North and South " road. In 1791 the settlers in this town began to open a road to Great Bend, a half-mile to a mile aud a half south of the road uow known as the " Coehecton and Great Bend turnpike." There was another road early made and still in use, which left the North and South road on the east side and came up by Silas Kellogg's to Captain John Tiffany's place, now owned by Milton Spencer. From this point a road was constructed westward, running north of the village to the brow of the hill, near the present residence of William Wright; then, passing down by Mr. Geer's log house, near the large spring, previously mentioned, crossed the Lack- awaxen a few rods above the residence of K. P. Winner. Another road came up in the direction of the present Bethany road, and united with the road above mentioned just before it crossed the Lackawaxen ; after crossing they separated to accommodate two taverns at the top of the hill on the North and South road, one kept by Samuel Stantouand the other by Jirah Mumford. It was the custom of the proprietaries, and afterwards of the State, to allow all purchasers six acres for every one hundred purchased, as a compensation for roads. The Coehecton and Great Bend turnpike was incorporated in 1804, but was not completed until 1811. A large proportion of the houses on the road were taverns. The Bethany and Dingman's Choice turnpike was incorporated in 1811. It was kept in repair by moneys received for tolls. The Belmont and Easton turnpike was chartered in 1812. It opened up a direct route to Easton and Philadelphia. The State gave teu thou- sand dollars to aid in its construction. The Belmont aud Oghquaga turnpike was chartered in 1817; the Lackawaxen turnpike in 1Xl!,S. The road from Mount Pleasant to Stockport is an old one, and was laid out about 1799. M.vxrFAiTnuNc;. — As has already been stated, Jirah Mumford built a saw-mill and grist-mill in 1795, where Fowler's mill lately .stood. Benjamin King, Sr., had a saw-mill on Saw-Mill Creek, southwest of the present resi- dence of J. W. Moase. The second grist-mill was built at what is now Stevenson's Mills. The first run of burr stones used in the town- ship were put in by Noah Hiscock and Abel Chittenden about 1820. Elijah Dix, in speak- ing of the quality of work done at his mill, said : " Why, they make wheat Hour out of rye down there." About this time Eldad and Heaton Atwater erected a grist-mill, saw-mill and woolen-fac- tory where Kennedy's Mills now stand, and later Eldad Atwater put up a factory and dis- tillery near the home of the late Godfrey Ste- venson. Erastus Baker built a woolen-factory j on the Lackawaxen about 1 *;>,(>, which he con- tinued to run until his death, which occurred in 1872. Shortly after it was bought by K. P. Winner, formerly of Dundaff, who has greatly ! enlarged it, and who continues to operate it. Seth Kennedy built the saw-mill and grist- | mill now known as Kennedy's Mills. He was caught in the machinery, while oiling, and kill- ed, May 13, 1865. He had also built a card- ing-machine, which was taken down soon after his death. The saw-mill and grist-mill are now owned and operated by his son, Alexander Kennedy. Eldad Atwater, about 1840, built the mill on tin- Lackawaxen known as Fowler's Mill, which he operated for some time and then sold to E. M. Atwater, who later sold out to James Fow- ler. This mill was burned a few years since and has not been rebuilt. The industry of tanning has been carried on to a greater or less extent from the early settle- ment of the township until within a very few years, but has now nearly, if not entirely, ceased, on account of the exhaustion of hemlock bark. Jirah Mumford was the pioneer tanner, having built a small tannery soon after lie settled in the township. His son, Col. Harry Mumford, built a tannery on the Lackawaxen, in which he ' and his son, Milo Mumford, carried on thebusi- ! ness for years. About 1865 or 1866 this was bought and greatly enlarged and improved i by H. W. & S. L. Brown, who commenced doing business on a much larger scale. They failed in business in 1868, aud shortly after the tannery was bought by Ira Nichols and operat- ed by himself and son for some vears, when, on WAYNE COUNTY. i;g;-j account of the scarcity of bark, it was discon- tinued. In or about 1820 Asa Smith built a tannery and shoe shop one mile east of Pleasant Mount, which he kept in operation until his death, which occurred in 18b'2. His sons some time after discontinued the business and removed to Factoryville, Pa. James Plunket also had a .small tannery. Geo. Warner for many years had an exten- John Perham, who, at an early period in our colonial history, emigrated to this country from England, and settled in Chelmsford, Mass., in 1(364, since which time the Perhams have been numerously represented in various parts of New England. The intervening generations clown to the subject of this memoir, in his line, have been John, (2nd) Benjamin, Moses, his grandfather, and Aaron G. Perham, his father. The latter was born January 18, 1792, in ~&/.—-y. U-eJ2^io#?2^ sive wagon factory on the Lackawaxen below Baker's woolen -factory. About 1837 Ezekiel White commenced manufacturing at White's Valley, where Philip White & Son now have a grist-mill, saw-mill, stick and bed-spring fac- tory. BIOGRAPHICAL. SYLVANUS G. PERHAM. The family of which the subject of thi representative sketch is is descended from Worcester County, Mass., and in 1815 re- moved from his native State to Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, Pa., bringing with him his wife, Mary, daughter of Sylvanus Gates, of Worcester County, who also settled in Wayne County. He bought a small tract of land in Mount Pleasant, now included in the farm of his son Sylvanus, and went to work, with the other pioneer settlers of that locality, in clear- ing up land and subjecting to the uses of agri- culture what was then a heavily-timbered, wild section of country. His primitive log house WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. stood at the top of the hill, near the barn of Sylvanus G. Perham, and his later residence is still standing near by. He was an industrious and hard-working man ; so much so, that he seriously impaired his health by the severity of his la- bors, and, during the latter years of his life was unable to do much work. He died Octo- ber 10, 1830, leaving a wife and seven chil- dren, namely, — Sylvanus G. ; Lucinda, who married Hiram Tiffany, of Mount Pleasant township ; Philinda, who became the wife of George Tuttle, and now resides in Iowa ; Eliza- beth, who married Virgil Gaylord, of Clinton township ; Maria, who became the wife of Hi- ram Peck, of Mount Pleasant ; Chloe, who married Philip Cramer, of Carboudale, Pa. ; and Horatio, a farmer in Clinton township, Wayne County. Sylvanus G. Perham was the only son, save one, and oldest child of his parents. He was born in the original log house May 21, 1818, and his opportunities for securing an education were extremely meagre. Owing to the inca- pacity of his father, he was compelled to labor very hard when a mere boy, and at twelve years of age he found himself the chief support and assistant of his widowed mother. He re- mained upou the farm, working for her, until he arrived at his majority, when he took the place, encumbered by debt, and, by dint of hard work and the exercise of great persistency and economy, cleared off the in- cumbrances. Later, he purchased other par- cels of land adjoining the original farm, and now owns about five hundred acres. He has erected all the buildings which are now on the place, aud built his present tasteful and sub- stantial residence in 1862. For several years he worked as a carpenter and joiner. He be- longs to that class of old, representative farm- ers, who were identified with the first settle- ment and development of Wayne County, and who are now, one by one, passing away, leaving their families comfortably provided for, as the result of their own self-sacrifice and devotion to the principles of industry, economy, frugal- ity, thrift and integrity. He has never as- pired to public place or position, but has al- ways led an upright and honorable life, con- tributed freely to the church and other evan- gelical agencies, and endeavored to perform the duties of a good citizen. On December 24, 1843, he married Lucinda H., daughter of Daniel and Eliza (Jacks) Schoonover, of Texas township, and a member of another of the pioneer families of Wayne County. The chil- dren were Aaron G., who carries on the whole- sale coal business in New York City ; Mary E., died in infancy ; Annette O., wife of John Wesley Hull, of Mount Pleasant; Calvin P., engaged in the coal business in Hoboken ; Daniel W., a physician practicing in New York, who died April 27, 1882; Adelia M., wife of William H. Cawrse, of Mount Pleas- ant ; William H., a lawyer by profession, who died June 19, 1881 ; Carrie E.; Susan A., wife of G. Ellison Peck, of Mount Pleasant ; War- ren E., Hattie May and John Jacob Perham. PAUL mca vow Paul McAvoy was the first of the Irish settlers to locate in Mount Pleasant township. He was a native of County Down, Ireland, where he was born in the year 1799. His father was William McAvoy, a farmer and weaver by occupation, who never emigrated to this country. His children were Richard, who emigrated about 1812, and settled in Philadel- phia; Elizabeth, who married and remained in Ireland ; Sarah, who became the wife of a Mr. Lavery ; and Nancy, who married Hugh Mc- Graw, and who closed her days in Mount Pleasant; William, who also died in Mount Pleasant ; and Paul, the subject of this memoir. Mrs. McAvov, the mother, came to the United States after the death of her husband, and is buried in Mount Pleasant. Paul McAvoy learned the trade of a weaver with his father, aud followed that occupation for a number of years in Ireland. In April, 1819, he landed in this country at Penobscot, Maine, and having reached New York by steamer, walked from that city to Philadelphia. In December, 1819, he came to Mount Pleas- ant township, and settled where his son Rich- ard now resides. He erected a small house near the present residence of his son, and in a WAYNE COUNTY. r,<;5 wild and desolate region. His nearest neigh- bors were three miles distant. The original tract for which he contracted comprised one hundred acres, and he cleared up nearly the whole of it prior to his death. On February 9, 1847, he purchased of Paul O'Neill sixty-eight acres adjoining. He was a Protes- tant in religion, and a consistent and active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was an ardent supporter of the principles of lives in Geneseo, Illinois ; Christopher, who re- sides at Pleasant Mount, Pa. ; Paul, who died in 1862; William Henry, a prosperous farmer in Mount Pleasant; and Fanny A., who died in infancy. Richard married Ellen, daughter of Andrew McDermott, of Mount Pleasant, and has had fifteen children, of whom eight are liv- ing, namely : Paul, Walter, Frederick, Thomas, Fanny, Kate, Emma and Mary. William Henry married Maria, daughter of Samuel B. ^^l^T^^ the Democratic party, one of the hard-working and industrious pioneers of Mount Pleasant township, and very generally respected for his integrity and uprightness of character. He en- gaged in farming and lumbering throughout his life, and built the homestead residence in 1835. He married Susan, daughter of Alexander Rut- ledge, of Damascus township, and had six chil- dren, viz. : Richard, who occupies the home resilience in Mount Pleasant; Alexander, who 6« Williams, of Buckingham township, and has had seven children, viz. : Susan (wife of Henry Ehlefeldt, of Mount Pleasant), Carrie, Hattie, Henry, Effie, Victoria and Cecil Vane Mc- Avoy. ORRIN LESTER. Orrin Lester is a descendant of Phineas Les- ter, who settled in the year 1786 in the Wallen- paupack settlement, Pike County, Pa., and <;i;g WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. there passed his life engaged in arduous toil, and in the performance of those trying duties which fell to the lot of the early settlers of that wild region. Among his children who are best re- membered are Andrew Lester, father of the subject of this sketch ; Orrin, who resided in Susquehanna County, Pa., near Montrose ; John, who removed to the West; aud a daughter, who married Captain Arnold, an old resident of time owned by Porter Kennedy, he exchanged for one now owned by his son, Orrin Lester, situate two miles east of Pleasant Mount village, and there, with his faithful wife, he lived and " begat sons and daughters " as follows : Eunice, who married Josiah Goodsell, of Connecticut, and left descendants there ; Betsy, who became the wife of Elisha Tooker, aud now resides in Iowa : Anna W., who married Rufus Tuttle, # iroF ^pf^'i' I QMaa^l OCjZA. >AjlAj Wayne County, and father of the late Judge Phineas Arnold. Andrew Lester was born at Canterbury, Conn., May 29, 1778. In January, 1803, he married Sallie, daughter of David Kennedy, and the following month removed to Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, Pa., where he purchased one hundred acres of land, on which he built a log house and barn. He cleared about forty acres of this tract and plant- ed a small orchard. This farm, at the present of Connecticut ; Asa A. ; David K., who re- sides in Crawford County, Wis. ; Sarah M., who married Merrels Stephens, of Lebanon township, and has resided in Illinois for fifty years past ; Orrin, the subject of this memoir ; and Emeline, wife of Dr. Rodney Harmes, of Pleasant Mount. To provide for so large a family, Andrew Lester and his wife were under the necessity of exercising industry and economy. It was neces- sary to clear and cultivate his land and to sub- WAYNE COUNTY. 667 stitute a substantial farm-house and barn in the place of the original rude structures. But, while not neglecting these home duties, he paid much attention to hunting, fishing and trapping, and among the pioneers of his locality he was noted for the possession of great physical strength, unconquerable determination and for his prowess as a hunter. The forests and streams had an irresistible charm for him, and many are the stories of his adventures that have been handed down. Deer were plenty and he often supplied his family with venison, and his chil- dren can yet remember of his leading wolves home which had been caught in his traps, which he accomplished by tying their jaws together before releasing them. From such hardy parentage sprang Orrin Lester, who was born in an old log house that stood on top of the hill near where his son, Franklin P. Lester, resides, October 13, 1817. He was early inured to a life of toil and hard- ship, and found little opportunity to derive an education at the neighboring district school. At the age of eighteen he learned the trade of axe manufacturing with David Starks, of Pleas- ant Mount, and followed that business tor nearly ten years. On November IS, 1841, he married Czrena, daughter of John and Lvdia (Yale) Bigelow, and soon after bought a tract of land comprising seventy acres, now owned by Thomas O'Neill, in the eastern part of Mount Pleasant township. Having erected a log house thereon, and cleared off a portion of the land, he ex- changed it with his brother David for the old homestead property, upon which he located May 1, 1854, his father and mother living with him until their respective deaths. Upon this place Mr. Lester has spent the greater portion of his active life, engaged in farming and in the various speculations in wool and stock incident to his career. Iu 1877 he purchased the Jona- than Wilbur farm, adjoining his homestead farm, containing about one hundred and twenty- six acres, and he now resides in the mansion- house located thereon. He has always been ac- tive in politics, and ardently supported the principles and doctrines of the Democratic party. He has held all the important offices of his township, including supervisor, and in 1866 was elected treasurer of Wayne County by a ma- jority of seven hundred and thirty-one votes over his opponent, Henry W. Igler. August 3, 1842, he was commissioned by Governor David 11. Porter captain of the Tenth Company, Seven- tieth Regiment in the Third Brigade and Eighth Division of the State Militia, embracing the counties of Northumberland, Union, Colum- bia, Luzerne, Susquehanna and Wayne. He is one of the representative old residents of Mount Pleasant township, and, though now confined to a sedentary life by rheumatism, has been one of the most powerful and athletic men of his time, and, like his father, an ardent and success- ful hunter. Of his four children, John died September 20, 1861, aged nineteen years ; Catharine Em- eline is the wife of Nathan R. Kennedy, of Pleasant Mount; Orrin P. died January 22, 1880, in his thirtieth year; and Franklin P. is farming on the old homestead. CHAPTER XXIV. OREGON TOWNSHIP. 1 n 1 846 the inhabitants of the upper portion of Berlin township presented a petition to the Court of Quarter Sessions, setting forth that, because of the location of the election-houseand thecondition of the roads, they were subject to great incon- venience in the exercise of their rights of citi- zenship; they asked, therefore, that a new town- ship be erected. The court constituted Zara W. Arnold, Abiram Winton and Thomas I. Hub- bell a committee to examine the boundaries of the proposed township, and report at the next session. On February 10, 1847, this commit- tee filed a report, which was finally confirmed on the 12th day of the succeeding May. It divided the townships by a line beginning at the line of Dyberry and Texas townships, and extending along the line of lots Nos. 58, 59, 60 and 61 on the warrantee map of the county. Oregon is bounded north by Lebanon, east by Damascus, south by Berlin and west by Dy- berry. The township thus erected is one of the small- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. est in the county, ranking in size with Palmyra, Texas and Cherry Ridge, and, compared with the others, its proportional increase in popula- tion has been small. The assessment list for 1847, the first taken after the erection of the township, contained seventy-seven taxables, while that for the year 1885 shows only one hundred and seventy-five. The following were listed as taxables in Ore- gon in 1848 : David Aigaus. Edward Aigans. James Arthur. Daniel Brown. Cornelius Briinig. George Braning. John Bines. Richard Brown. George W. Brown. Lucis Brouton. Edward Boucher. Thomas Boucher. Edward Budd. Almernor Beard. William Bryant. James Bryant. Thomas Bryant. Thomas Challacomb. Walker Chubb. Cyrus Clark. Peter Davey. John Davey. Joseph Doney. Samuel Dodge. John Elison. Hartland Fuller. Trooman Goodenough Andrew Hicks. Charles Hicks. John Hicks. Robert Hicks. John Hartman. Charles Hartman. Ferris Hartman. Thomas Holt. William Hoyl. Joseph Honey. Jacob Hole. Pry Hole. James Elijah Hooker. Zenas Hamlin. Charles Hole. Zenas Hole. Daniel Hole. Jonas Kimbell. James Lovelass. Joseph May. William Miller. Stephen Marsh. Thomas Marsh. Edward Murray. Hugh McCrunnels. James McCrunnels. Benj'n. McCrunnels Thomas Harris. Charles Nelson. Samuel Oliver. William Oliver. James Oliver. John Pulis. Peter Pulis. Henry Pulis. James Piper. John Pride. George D. Smith. Simon Schoonover. Isaac Smith. John Saire. Thomas Shuman. William Scambler. Henry Scambler. John Smith. Frederick Smith. Charles Smith. John Sharp. Thomas Woodley. Richard Woodley. Henry Watts. Youngs. Immigration in Oregon has been very limited, and the present inhabitants are descended mainly from a few settlers who cleared homes for them- selves before the excision from Berlin took place. The surface of the township is a succes- sion of undulating hills that roll upward to- ward the highlands to the north, but are broken by the wood-crowned ridges which limit the water-sheds of several picturesque brooks. Very little of the first growth timber remains, and the soil, though quite stony, is fertile for a wide range of products. A number of ponds dot the hills, and good water is everywhere abundant, so that the farms are well adapted to cattle-raising and wool-groM T ing ; both occupa- tions are succeeding the lumbering, which was a prominent feature of the township's early his- tory. Oregon is all within the drainage basin of the Lackawaxen, and its streams have their origin in the township limits. Carley Brook rises near the northern boundary, and flows southwest diagonally through to join the Lack- awaxen at Traceyville, in Texas. Big Brook rises in the northwestern corner and flows into Dyberry, and Holbert Brook waters the south- eastern corner before flowing into Texas. Day, Spruce, Huck, Mud, Lovelass, Smith, Upper and Lower Wilcox Ponds lie amid its hills. Early Settlers. — The earliest settlers in what is now Oregon were pioneers from Dyberry and the mother township. Full of vigor and courage, they went into what was then a wilder- ness infested with bears and wolves, made little clearings, and attempted to wrest a living from the virgin soil. The absence of roads and the desolation of the country made the privations greater than those in the adjacent townships, and the earliest settlers returned from whence they came. The foremost pioneer of whom there remains a record was Lester Adams, who came from Berlin and made a clearing in what is known as Smith Hill. His log house stood near the road that passes the Smith Hill Methodist Episcopal Church, and one of his younger children was born there. After a few years he went back to what remained Berlin, and a further account of him will be found in the history of that township. Hugh McCrunnels, accompanied by his wife, nee Mary Williams, came from Ten Mile Run, on the Delaware, and settled on what was known as the " Gate Road," where he cleared three farms. He had two sons — Benjamin, who WAYNE COUNTY. lives at Forest City, Lackawanna County, and James. The latter lived on one of the farms for a number of years, and then removed with his family to Iowa, where he died a decade ago. Louis Hoel was a near neighbor of Mr. McCrunnels, and settled near the line of Dyberry, from which township he came. His father had been a pioneer, and Mr. Hoel, though without wife or companions, went into the woods with his axe and gun to make him- self a home. At that time deer were plenty, and an occasional elk lifted his spreading antlers over the laurel and rhododendron. Wolves barked through the forest and rain fell from the night clouds on his unsheltered head, lie commenced his clearing late in the summer, but when the snow came he was ready for the tedious winter. His log hut bore testimony to the energy with which he had worked, though it lacked a chimney. On the clay floor of his cabin he improvised a fireplace of earth and stones, and the smoke from his primitive hearth passed out through a hole in the roof. During that and several succeeding winters he subsisted on game, until the fields he had wrested from the forest brought him ease and plenty. Mr. I loci is the oldest of the surviving early settlers, and lives with Mr. William Bait, in Dyberry township. The farm now- occupied by Frank Pulis was settled by his father, Henry 1'ulis, in the spring of 1828. Henry was a son of Conrad 1'ulis, one of the founders of Bethany, and had secured a tract of one hundred and fifty acres. He had previously married Caroline Whitmore, of Scott. They had nine children^ — Margaret, wife of Lucian Goodenough; Calvin, who went South and died ; Harriet, wife of Frederick Smith ; Sarah, wife of George ( base; Samantha, wife of S. E. Bryant; Olive, wife of Lucien Hauton ; Amanda, wife of Herman Faatz; Frank and Nellie. The " English settlement," as the territory along the southeastern part of the township is called, was made during the year 1832, when •lames Piper arrived from Devonshire, England, bringing a wife and three children. He located near the Berlin line, in the eastern corner of tlic township, and the next year a number of his G5 countrymen followed his example. In a short time a small community, from which the de- scendants have gone out into the adjacent tow n- ships, was established in a radius of a mile or two. Mr. Piper left one sou, Richard, who lo- cated on the road to Beach Pond, and afterward, in 1851, was drowned at White Mills. Mrs. Jonas Mills is a daughter of James Piper, and lives at the homestead, which is one of the old- est frame houses in the settlement. Soon after this James < >liver, a Cornishman, came with his family and settled near the Piper place. He had several children, and two of his sons, George and William, reside on the tract which he cleared. Among those who were in- fluenced to leave " Merrie England" by the success that attended Mr. Piper's enterprise were Samuel Pen warden, James Challacomb and Thomas Woodley. Mr. Challacomb was the first to arrive, and remained in the settlement for some time, but finally went West. Few of his descendants remain in this section. Thomas Woodley, accompanied by his wife, his parents, Richard and Ann, a brother Richard, William Wicks and Edmund Budd, left Cornwall, Eng land, and landed in Quebec in 1832. The party came to Oregon via Lake Champlain and the canal from Rondout. Thomas went first to Seelyville, where he remained a few months, and then built a cabin near the site of his pres- ent residence at Smith Hill. He had six sons and daughters, most of whom are married and reside near the homestead. Samuel Penwarden first settled near the Wood- leys. Although the houses were but a few rods apart, dense forest intervened, and there was little companionship. The immigrants had little money and few possessions, and the winter was drawing pear; By dint of much toil Mr. Penwarden succeeded in getting his cabin com- pleted before his funds ran low, but his chimney remained unfinished and he went to work on a neighboring farm. While he was gone, in addi- tion to attending to the duties of the household, Mrs. Penwarden collected the material for the fire-place, and, assisted by her younger children, laid the chimney with soft clay, so that on his return her husband might have still greater evi- dence of her sacrifice and devotion. Of such 670 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. stuff were the pioneer women of Oregon made. Soon afterward Mr. Pen warden located on the place now occupied by Jonas Mills, and later moved to the farm recently owned by John Garret, near the Carley Brook saw-mill. Sam- uel Pen warden had eight sons, — William, who built the saw-mill on Carley Brook; Simon, a resident of Way m art ; Walter, who died in the latter place in 1883 ; Samuel, who lives in Honesdale j John H., a resident of Berlin; George, paymaster for the Pratt Oil Company, of New York ; and Richard, of Honesdale. Walter Penwarden died at his residence near Prompton, Pa., Friday morning, October 20, 1882. He was born in Devonshire, England, December 31, 1826, and removed from thence with his father, Samuel Penwarden, Sr.,to Ore- gon, Wayne County, Pa., May, 1832, when the surrounding country was a dense wilderness. He was reared amidst the many disadvantages attendant at that time. His educational advan- tages were very limited. He became an em- ployee upon the Gravity Road of the D. & II. ( lompany in the spring of 1848, and continued in their employ as a railroad carpenter most of the time, until he was disabled in consequence of his last illness, a period of about thirty-five years. After a lingering and painful illness for several months he died, from cancer of the stomach. He was a good, obedient sun, a kind, loving brother, a dutiful, affectionate husband, a generous, indulgent lather, and in neighborly kindnesses he could not be excelled. He was ever willing to render all possible aid to those in need. He was always ready to aid in every good cause. He was a quiet, unostentatious, sweet- spirited Christian man, always ready to do good when and where opportunity appeared. He was by nature a gentleman. His courtesy and politeness were but the natural expression of in- ward kind feeling and thoughtful consideration for others. In his g Iness to others, he fre- quently was unmindful of his own physical re- quirements. His funeral was largely attended, which gave evidence of the high esteem with which he was looked upon by the community. True hearts aud willing hands of a loviug wife and affectionate children administered to his wants, and made his closing days as full of cheer and comfort as possible. His lastdays were full of hope and Christian peace. He was a faithful member of the Methodist Church for seven years. He left a wife, three sons and one daughter, together with a large circle of relatives and friends, to mourn their loss. Thomas H. Dunn came from Cambridgeshire, England, in 1835, and moved into Dyberry in 1 840. While there he married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Samuel Doney, and located on the line of Oregon and Dyberry townships. In 1863 he moved on one of the farms cleared by Hugh McCrunnels, on the Rileysville road, where he now resides. He has five children living in the vicinity. In 1842 Thomas B. Shuman came from Dev- onshire, and settled on a farm just opposite Thomas Woodley, near the Smith Hill Meth- odist Episcopal Church. He had eight chil- dren, — Nora J. (Mrs. Glone), Elizabeth (Mrs. Best), Mary (Mrs. Budd), Selina, John H. (of Honesdale), Arnold J., William A. and Fred- erick A. (of Honesdale). Henry Dodge came from the East and settled on the Big Brook, near the saw-mill now occupied by G. W. Kim- ble. Mr. Dodge had a number of children, some of whom now reside in Honesdale. The homestead has passed into other hands. The next year, William Watts and family came from Barnstable, Devonshire, and located near Smith Hill. His children are Henry, William and John. Mr. Watts lived for eight years on the Amburst Wheeler place. One of his sons is in business in Honesdale. Daniel and Charles Hoel, of Dyberry, built a saw-mill on Big Brook, near the township line, in 1842, and in 1844 G W. Kimble bought it, and moved from the homestead of Asa Kimble, near Honesdale. He had married Phoebe Schoonover, and has four children, — Daniel M., Abby (Mrs. Parsons), George A. and Elbe. The latter-named live at the home- stead, which occupies a commanding site, and overlooks one of the finest farms in the town, ship. 4". A. Goodenough moved from Bethany to the farm he now occupies, on the Carley Brook road, in 1847. He married Hannah W. Tor- rev in 1830, and has six children, — Lucian H., WAYNE COUNTY. U71 Lowell L.; Lynns N. ; Emily, wife of James Davey; Eliza, wife of Franklin Carr, of Way- marl ; and Charlotte, who resides at the home- stead. .lames ( Hiver came from Devonshire in 1831, and loeated just over the Berlin line. His wife was Mary Hockady, and their children were, John ; James, drowned in 1832 ; William ; Sam- uel; Lewis; Gideon ; Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Legg); Mary C, wife of Stephen Histed ; Pru- dence, wife of John Oliver; Catherine (Mrs. Joseph May). Soon after the settlement of Bethany, Jason Torrey bought a large tract of land, lying part in Oregon and part in Lebanon townships, un- der the warrantee name of Aimer Skinner, and with a view to having it more easily cleared in the future, sent a party of men out to girdle all the large trees, that they might die. From this circumstance, the locality was known as "the Girdland." It embraces some of the best farming land in the township. Charles Torrey, a brother of Jason, was the first settler, and made a small clearing, and then abandoned the enterprise. The next settler was .lames Nelson, who took up a lot of excellent land near the Torrey place, and, after making a good clear- ing, erected a frame house, the first in Girdland, in 1848. The place was remote from society and schools, and the roads were only such in name ; Nelson became discouraged, sold out and removed to Nebraska. In 1851 Jonathan Bryant, a son of Thomas Bryant, went to Girdland, and settled on a place that had been commenced by A. B. Gam- mel, of Bethany. By his steadfastness of pur- pose and untiring energy, he overcame the obstacles that had discouraged his predecessors, and has since acquired a competency. He bought the Torrey farm, and afterwards sold it to George Croy, by whom it is at present occu- pied. Mr. Bryant has eight children, — Flor- ence (wife of William Crocker); Mary, (wife of Theodore Wall), Burton, Albert, Fred, George, Sarah and Otis. In 1850 Mark Cook came from Philadelphia, and was attracted by the fertility of the soil. He became a neighbor of Mr. Bryant, and re- mained with his family until 1870, when they returned to the Quaker < 'itv. Richard Mauds- lev was also one of the early settlers ; he is dead, and his family have moved west. William Scambler came from London in 1845, and after a six years' residence in Mount Pleasant, located on the Lebanon road, in the extreme northwestern corner of Oregon town- ship. He had three children, — II. \V. Scam- bler, who lives at the homestead ; George, who was killed at the battle of Winchester; and Mary Ann, the wife of Jonathan Bryant. James D. Bolcomb, a son of .lames Bolcomb, of Dy berry, took' possession of a farm just op- posite the Lewis Hoel place, on the Gate road, in 1857. He married Esther A. Stevens, of West Lebanon, who lived but a short time. In 1855 he led to the altar Lucy A., a daughter of Charles Hoel. No children were born of either union. Roads. — Soon after the settlement of Beth- any, in 1801, a road leading from Dyberry through to the Coehecton and Great Bend turn- pike was laid out, and was known as the " Gate Road." The exact date of its survey and the name of the engineer who conducted the work are not known, but it is probable that the route followed a trail blazed by some of the earliest settlers of Wayne County. There are also traces of a road that passed east and west through the township. Its termini are matters of conjecture to the present inhabitants; it fell into disuse many years ago. In 1823 a road was laid out from Genung settlement, through Smith's settlement, to the line of Pike County, traces of which still appear, although much of the original route has been vacated. The road from Smith's settlement to Parsons, Damascus township, was laid out in 1827, and is still used. The first viewers appointed after the erection of Oregon as a separate township were Stephen Torrey, Ezra Hulburt and Stephen G. Cory. They were directed to lay out a road through the lands of Walter Chubb, Thomas Challa- uli and others. The highway commenced at Smith's settlement, and terminated on the lands of James Smith. During the same year roads were laid out from Henry Bunnell's blacksmith shop to Smith's mill, and-adjacent to the Meth- odist chapel at Smith Hill. At present the WAYNE, I'IKB AND M0N1IOK COUNTIKS. I'KNNSYLVANIA. township is threaded with fair roads, most oi which are kept in good repair. Religious Mattebs. — The first religious services that there is any record of were held at the residence of James Piper, soon after the English settlement was commenced. The meet- ings were conducted by a Rev. Mr. Davey, who was among the first emigrants to this section. At this time there was no church or class in the settlement, and the attendance was only half a dozen. In 1851 Rev. Mr. Frost held services at the residences of Jonathan Bryant, in Gird- land, and in 1857 regular preaching at the school-house in the same place was commenced. Mrs. Bryant was the first member enrolled, and Mark Cook the second. The first class was established in 1858, with Mark Cook as leader. At the close of the first year only six members were enrolled. The three churches are known as the " Ore- gon Charge" of the Honesdale District, Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The first records obtainable show that Rev. L. C. Phillips was pastor in 1860-61. Since that time the pastors were as follows : Fred.Ulman L862 Joseph Whit ham 1863 Jonas Underwood 1864 Kichard Vasca 1865-66 Stephen Cramp 1866 Gabriel Westfall 1867 68 F. Alexander 1869 G. C.Andrews 1870 George Fritchet 1871-72 C. W. Sastell 1873-74 J. C. Colnon 1875 E. B. Scudder 1876 J. T. Burrell 1878-80 T. F. Doty 1880-82 Supply byT.J. Gates 1883-84 J. E. Allen 1885 The charge now contains one hundred and ten members, distributed as follows : Carley Brook 18 Girdlaud 42 Oregon 25 Smith Hill 25 The records of the churches are very deficient, and the date at which the buildings were erected is not definitely known. None of them are over twenty-five years old. For the past few years the German Lutherans have held occasional services in the Girdlaud School-house, but there is no organized con- gregation, and the members of the denomination are few in number. Schools. — The rude, initial-carved desks behind which a dozen children sat to listen and learn of Miss Margaret Parmenter have long since crumbled to dust, and half a mile south of the tannery, crops ripen over the spot where the old log school-house stood. In 1820, when the path to the school was only a blazed trail through the woods, she opened the first school ever held in the territory that now constitutes Oregon. After teaching several years, she was succeeded by a Miss Stevens, who, in turn, gave place to Mrs. Agin. The school law of 1834 was sustained by Wayne County, and, after that time, the teach era, who had been supported by private subscrip- tion, were regularly employed by the State. The township is now divided into four districts, and has for the secretary of directors, Captain John Kellow, the eldest sou of Thomas Kel- low, one of the early settlers of Honesdale. Captain Kellow was a valiant soldier in the Civil War, and in 1863 settled on Upper Wil- cox Pond, and has since been secretary of the board. The first school-house erected by the township was in 1848, and is located half a mile above G. W. Kimble's saw-mill. Two years afterward No. 2, better known as the "Red School-House," was built. In 1854 the Euglish settlement had grown large enough to require separate accommodations, and No. 4 was erected. The school at Girdlaud was built by private subscription a few years ago, and cost about four hundred dollars. All of the buildings are of frame, and are comfortably furnished. Manufacturing Interests. — Frederick Smith, one of the oldest settlers of Berlin township, was the industrial pioneer of Oregon. About 1840 he erected the first saw-mill within what eight years later became the township limits. It was situated on Carley Brook, near the Texas line, and is still standing, though but little used, the timber being exhausted in its immediate vicinity. The same year that Oregon '<0 sp- WAYNE COUNTY was erected as a separate township, Daniel M. Hani, E. E. Gilbert and J. K. Palmer bought a tract of a thousand acres lying on Carley Brook, and two years later erected a tannery a short distance from the township line. This gave an impetus to the prosperity of farmers in the immediate vicinity, as the hemlock bark, which before had been worthless, acquired a fair commercial value and stimulated rapid clearing. In 1856 the firm became Gilbert, Palmer & Reed, and so continued until 1.S60, when Reed withdrew, and Gilbert & Palmer carried on the business until they failed and the establishment passed into the hands of D. M. Hard. Under the firm-name of F. H. Rockwell & Co., the tannery ran until 1869, when Wefferling, Brunig & Co., the present owners, purchased it. In September of the same year the plant was burned, causing a loss of five thousand dollars, but the establishment was soon rebuilt. William Wefferling and Fred. Brunig had come from Hanover, Ger- many, a number of years before this, and had been employed in the tannery under its former owners. Both were men of parts, and of frugal habit; the industry of their early days has been rewarded by the ownership of a prosperous business. In 1852, John Riefler, a native of Wurtern- berg, came to Wayne County, bringing with him his wife, and a year later his son followed. Both went to work for Hard, Gilbert & Palmer, and for ten years Mr. Riefler was foreman of the establishment. The saw-mill which he now owns was built by his former employers, and was purchased by him and his son Henry in 18(37. Two years after this Henry sold out his interest and bought a farm near by. John Riefler was elected county commissioner on the Republican ticket in 1878, and proved a valua- ble and efficient officer. He lives in a pleasant residence near the mills, and has thirteen chil- dren, some of whom are among the business men of New York, Brooklyn and Scranton. Henry Riefler resides near by, and has four children, who reside with him at the homestead. William Penwarden built a saw-mill on Car- ley Brook, a short distance above that of Mr. Riefler, in 1856, and took possession on the 2d of July. His mill is well-improved with the latest machinery, and does a large business. He has live sons and one daughter, all living at or near his residence. Post-Offices. — There are but two post- offices in Oregon township, and both have been established at a comparatively recent date. In 1876 John R. Budd, who located in Girdland in 1870, was appointed postmaster at that place, and retained the position until 1880, when he was elected justice of the peace, and resigned. His wife was made his successor, and has held office since that time. In connection with his office Mr. Budd carries on a general store and a blacksmith-shop. The post-office at Carley Brook was created in 1879, and Fred Brunig received the first and only commission. Both of these offices receive the mail three times a week. BIOGRAPHICAL. WILLIAM PENWARDEN. Among those who came into Wayne County in the early part of the present century, to carve out for themselves and their descendants homes and fortunes, was Samuel Penwarden, Sr., who was born in Devonshire County, parish of Py worthy, England, in August, 1800. He was one of a family of twelve children, (nine brothers and three sisters), all of whom lived to be men and women. In 1822 he married Jo- hanna Chubb, whose parents resided in the same parish. Mr. Penwarden had relatives in America, and from them he received such glow- ing accounts of the New World that he deter- mined to seek a home therein. With his wife and three sons he embarked at Liverpool in April, 1832,in the sailing- vessel "Fine Snow and Dromedary," Joseph Hayden, captain, and in May arrived in New York. From New York they came to Honesdale by canal, which was then the only public means of travel between those points. Honesdale then contained few inhabitants, having only two stores, and no churches. They first lived on what was after- wards known as the Bennett farm, about six miles from Honesdale. From the Bennett 674 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. farm they moved to John Garrett's farm, and after two years again moved, this time to John Smith's farm. In 1840 he purchased of John Torrey one hundred and fifteen acres of land — a wilderness tract in Berlin township — where lie resided many years, and where his children resided until they sought homes of their own. In 1868, worn out by care and hard work, they left t lie farm and made their home with their sou William. Mr. Penwarden's example can- not hut he a lesson to the coming generations. His was a life of toil and of hardships, and his success was proof that industry and honesty will always win. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church many years and contributed generously towards its support. Mr. Penwarden's brother Richard came to America after he did, and settled near Mount Pleasant village, where he died in 1857 with- out issue. They were the only members of the family that ever came to America; hence they have but few relatives in this country, and the name of Penwarden is seldom met with. Mr. Samuel Penwarden, Sr., died September 27, 1885; his wife passed away August 26, 1869. Their children were William, born in England, September 22, 1823. Simon, born in England, October 26, 1825. He married Mary Swingle, who bore him children as follows : Gertrude, married AVm. Aunger ; Emma, married Charles Smith; Alice, married Arthur Williams; Frederick and Abel. Simon resides in Way- mart and has followed railroading and farming. Walter, also born in England, December 31, 1826, married Martha Jones. His children are George W., married Louisa Jenkins (his children are William, Bell and Harry); Jane, married Leroy Wolf; Melissa and Emma died young ; Walter, Jr., married Bridget Mahone, and had one child, Edwin. Walter, Sr., died in Promptou, October 20, 1882. lie was a carpenter for the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's Railroad, and worked for them many years. Samuel, Jr., was born in Berlin, Wayne County, December 19, 1832. He is a railroad employe and resides in Honesdale. He married Ann Sampson. His children were Fred, deceased ; Elmer, deceased ; Frank ; Hattie, deceased; Adelia and Nettie. John H., born in Berlin, February 14, 1838, married Amanda Maloney, and had two children, who died in infancy. James Edward, born in Ber- lin, February 11, 1838, died IS 12. George II'., born in Berlin, April 14, 1840, now resides in New York and is cashier for Chas. Pratt's astral oil establishment. He married Hattie Wilt, of Brooklyn. Their children were Charles and Florence. Richard ./., born in Berlin, June 16, 1844, married Jane Smith. His children were Delephene, who married Harvey Welch, and had one child, an infant ; Maggie and Joanna, both deceased. William Penwarden, the subject of this sketch, passed his early life on the new farm his father purchased in 1840, and did his share in clearing and improving the same. His edu- cation was such as could be gained by three months' attendance each winter at the district schools of his neighborhood until he was twenty. Before his majority was reached he worked out at eleven dollars per month, which was given to his father until he was of age. We next find him running a saw-mill for Henry Bunnell, at so much per thousand feet. In this slow way he obtained the means with which he began his successful business career. In 1851 he formed a partnership with Mr. Bunnell, and they purchased of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company and of Mr. Shields, of Philadelphia, one thousand acres of timber land, which included the water-power now known as the Penwarden saw-mill property. In 1856, with his own hands, he made the first clearing on what is now his home farm. The country in all directions, was an almost unbroken wil- derness, with here and there a house and small clearing. A small piece cleared, he at once put up a house into which he moved his family. Mrs. Penwarden, then young and energetic, de- clares she was never happier in her life than in those days, though they were days of unceasing toil. The same season the saw-mill was built, and work commenced. It was what is known as an up-and-down saw-mill and was manag- ed and worked by Mr. Penwarden. In 1858 the partners divided, Mr. Penwarden taking the mill and two hundred and fifty acres of land as his share. In 1870 he purchased Mr. Bunnell's WAYNE COUNTY. GT5 share for twenty thousand dollars. Since then he has bought other tracts of woodland, which lie has sold after cutting off the timber. He has cut the timber off from two thousand acres as people wanted to clear the land. He now owns one thousand acres of valuable land, two hun- dred and fifty acres of which he has cleared and on which he has built a good home and fine out-buildings. His mill was remodeled in 1867 and circular saws put in place of the old up-and- down saw. In 18S0 it was rebuilt and made as good as new, only to be burned to the ground, with no insurance, in November of the follow- ing year. A new mill was at once built and work resumed. Mr. Penwarden employs from ten to twenty hands in and about his mill which has a capacity of twenty thousand feet of lum- ber daily. He is in every sense of the word a self-made man. He commenced life with only his indomitable energy and pluck for backers, and has, by industry, integrity and good manage- ment, placed himself in the front rank of the wealthy and successful business men of his county. Since the Rebellion he has been a Re- publican, though he intends to vote in town- ship and county matters for the best man. He has been school director many years and has held other township offices. * >n the 26th day of February, L852, he was joined in marriage to Miss ( Hive Dapew, who was bom in Madison- ville, Luzerne County, Pa., December 4, 1832. Her father, Thomas Depew, was born in New Jersey, May '24, 1795, and was descended from the Holland Dutch. He married Abigail Pice whose ancestors were from Massachusetts. Miss Rice was born, July 22, 1799, and died April 20, 1883; her husband died .September 16, 1881. Their children were Lucinda, born April 23, 1817 ; Mahala, born February 1, 1819, married Lewis Schoonover, twelve chil- dren; Mcrritt, born February 17, 1821 ; Jen- aette, born June 8, 1823, married a Mr. Stal- bird, thirteen children ; Abram, born Septem- ber 12, 1825, married Elizabeth Swartz, eight children (he served all through the Rebellion in the Union army) ; William, born June 14, 1827, married Ellen Rey- nolds, three children; Levi, born March 15, 1830, married Catharine Russell, two chil- dren. (Levi enlisted in Company " K," Ninth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Capt. E. G. Drake, and was wounded in the bat- tle of Roanoke, also in the battle of Newbern from the effects of which he died ;) Olive, born Oc- tober 4, 1832 ; Simeon, born May 9, 1836; Silas, born Nov. 11, 1839, married Eliza Dun- ston, six chil dren. To Mr. and Mrs. William Penwarden has been born children as follows: Leroy D., born November 24, 1854, married Adabell Stevens, daughter of Francis and Lu- cretia (Bickwell) Stevens (children, — Nellie, born August 10, 1880 ; Leo, born in fall of 1884) : Charles Lewis, born January 1ntbe 25thday of March, 1825, he married Margaret Perry, daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Tallin) Perry. She was born April 5, 1S04, and bore him the following children : John, born December 26, 1825; Henry, born February 13, 1828, married Emily Hasken (their children were James W., Annie E., Frederick.!., Perry, William <;., Maurice and Archie II.); William (}., born in 1834 (de- WAYNE COUNTY. 677 ceased); Ann, born December 26, 1835 (de- ceased) ; and William, born July 4, 1839, mar- ried Mary S. Varcoe. GEORGE W. KIMBLE. His father, Asa Kimble, was born and lived at the Narrows, in Pike County. He mar- ried Abigail Pellet, daughter of John Pel- let, and soon afterward, about 1816, moved for many years. He died February 11, 1847. His wife passed away February 4, 1879. Their children were Nancy, Ephraim B., George W., John P., Isaac R., William and Martin. George W. Kimble was born March 2, 1821; married, November 20, 1843, Phebe Schoonover, who was born November 3, 1821. Their chil- dren were Asa, born March 12, 1845; Daniel M., born August 26, 1846; Abbie J., born February 5, 1848 ; and George A., born Jan. to Wayne County, where he bought two hundred and sixty acres of wild land in Dy- berry township, the present location of the County Fair-Ground. His youngest son, Mar- tin K. Kimble, now resides on the old home- stead. The place then had a small house and barn on it and a small clearing. He erected new buildings, set out fruit-trees, and made himself and family a good home. He held different township offices. Both himself and wife were members of the Methodist Church 6 5 J 14, 1849. Mrs. Kimble died Sept, 20, 1864. For his second wife, Mr. Kimble married Lusetta Schoonover, December 20, 1865. She was born in Lake township, Luzerne County, Pa., August 15, 1841. She has one child, Ella A., born October 11, 1868. George W. Kimble was born in Dyberry township, W r ayne County, and grew to man's estate on the home farm. He made his start in life by working an entire year and having sixty dollars in money at the end. 678 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. In the spring of 1843, in company with his brother Ephraim, he bought of Charles and Daniel Hoel the saw-mill built a year or two before on the Big Brook, in what is now Oregon township, and known as Kimble's saw-mill, and with it one hundred acres of all wild land, ex- cept about one acre cleared. For miles around there was only here and there a small clearing. The only building was a small house which stood near the mill, in the midst of a thicket of laurel. Into this house he moved with his family and commenced the work of clearing. Some of the first lumber they rafted and ran to Philadelphia market brought only six dol- lars a thousand feet, and sometimes they walked most of the way home. They accumulated property, including large tracts of land, and worked together till 1858, when they divided their property. George W. Kimble had two hundred acres of land around the mill ; but the mill, mill privilege and lum- ber belonged to both ; while E. B. Kimble had the store, blacksmith shop, etc., where Dy berry post-office now is. Ephraim died in 1880, leaving his interest in the mill to his oldest son, Isaac, and Or. \V. Kimble bought it of him. He now owns four hundred and fifty acres of land, two hundred and thirty acres cleared, with good buildings and other improve- ments, the result of his energy and industry. Mr. Kimble is a Democrat in politics and has held different township offices. He is lib- eral in his religious opinions, as he is in all his acts, and he is spoken of as one of Wayne County's most honored men, as have been the members of his family both now and in past generations. JOHN REIFLEE. John Reifler was born in Wurtemberg, Ger- many, May 2, 1832. His father, Philip Henry Reifler, was born in 1808, in the same place, as had been his ancestors for many generations* He married Katherine Bauman, who was born September 15, 1811 ; she was daughter of Jo- hannes and Barbara (Ankle) Bauman. Mr. Bauman was a mason, and worked at the trade in Gomaringen, Rtutlangeu County, Wurtem- berg, where his ancestors had long resided. Philip Reifler died in 1852. His wife is still living and resides with her son. Their children were John, born May 2, 1832 ; Henry, born January 13, 1836 ; Margaret, born June, 1839 ; Jacob, born December 14, 1842; Dorothy, born in 1848. The children are all in this country but Jacob, who remained with his mother in Germany. Henry married Catherine Slach ; children are Jane, Emma, Henry and George. Margaret married Charles Abbott ; their chil- dren are Carrie, Henry, William and Flora. Jacob married Barbara Bauman ; children are Jacob Jr., Kate, Barbara, Henry, John. Dorothy married George Younger ; children, — George, Katherine, Amelia and Mary. John Reifler learned the weaver's trade and followed it until he was nineteen years old. On the 8th day of October, 1851, in company with his uncle, Michael Reifler, and family, he left home and embarked at Bremen in the sailing-vessel "Gus- taf," and after forty-two days on the water landed in New York. The passage was a very rough as well as a long one, and their vessel came near going down. His uucle, John M. Bauman, ex-county treasurer of Wayne County, had come over the spring before and had located in Honesdale, and to that place the new-comers made their way. John was entirely out of money and had to borrow of an acquaintance in New York the means to buy a railroad ticket to Honesdale. In January, 1852, John commenced work in the Hungarian tannery, and worked at whatever was to be done until 1860, when he became foreman, a position he held nine years. In 1867, in company with his brother Henry, he bought of the tannery company the saw- mill property he now owns, and twenty-eight acres of land surrounding it. In 1869 he bought out his brother and moved into the property, where he has since resided. Mr. Reifler has also bought the Baird and Car- bon farms, and now owns a large and valu- able property. The first money he earned after getting work he sent to his father in return for money advanced for his passage. In 1882 Mr. Reifler made a two months' visit to his old home, and while there his barns and all their contents were destroyed by fire. WAYNE COUNTY. In politics Mr. Reifler was first a Democrat, but at the second election of Abraham Lincoln joined the Republican party, to which he has since belonged. He has been honored by his fellow-citizens with the office of county com- missioner and different township offices. He was elected commissioner in 1878, during the exciting times caused by what was called the Anti-Court-House Campaign. He is a member of the German Lutheran Church and has been I 1856 ; married Henry Tamblyn, children are William, Emerson and Millie. Mary Cather- ine, born June 5, 1857. Caroline D., born November 3, 1858 ; married Edmond Lee. I Matilda U., born January 29, 1860. Eliza- ] beth, born May 15, 1861 ; married Joseph j Taylor ; children — Lester, Annie B. (died in I infancy). Annie P., born May 18, 1864 ; mar- ried Eugene H. Gates. Dorothy S., born Feb- I rnary 27, 1867. Lydia, born April 9, 1868. ^*6*l ^P^/^K for many years. He married, July 24, 1853, Miss Catherine Follmer, who was born Febru- ary 6, 1830, in Duslengen, Wurtemberg, Ger- many. Her father, David Follmer, married Dorothy Relling. Her grandfather, Martin Follmer, was a farmer and owned a large farm. To Mr. and Mrs. Reifler have been born Henry, born October 10, 1851 ; married Thirsa Law- ton ; children — Nellie and Vernon. John G., born July 13, 1854. Margaret, born March 4, Charlotte F., born March 10, 1870. William F., born September 19, 1871. Annie B., born December 27, 1872. Mr. Reifler is in all that the name implies, a self-made man. Coming to this country a boy, with no one to help him to a dollar, he has by industry and good man- agement accumulated a fine property and dwelling ; and stands high as a neighbor and business man. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. CHAPTERXXV PALMYRA TiiWNslllr. Although one of the original townships, and, prior to the excision of Pike County including in its limits some of the early settlements of the Lackawaxen and Wallenpaupack region, Pal- myra as it now exists has been shorn of much of its historical interest by the divisions of ter- ritory subsequent to its original formation, and the earliest events that took place in its limits will be found classified in the history of those portions that have since been constituted sepa- rate political divisions. Upon the excision of Pike from Wayne County, in 1814, Palmyra was divided into two parts, the Wallenpaupack being the dividing line, and the portion thus set off contained the old Paupack settlement. Again, in 1850, the erection of Paupack town- ship still further limited the area, and Palmyra is now one of the smallest townships in the county. It is bounded on the north by Berlin, on the northwest by Cherry Ridge and Texas, on the southeast by Pike County and on the southwest by Paupack. The Lackawaxen, Middle Creek and the Wallenpaupack have their confluence in its southeastern portion, and the two former streams flow through it. In the western portion the drainage is by means of Swamp Brook, a rivulet that rises in Berlin. Much of the surface is too broken and hilly to be very available for agricultural purposes, though there is fertile soil of alluvial deposits along the valleys of Middle Creek and the Lackawaxen. The first settlements in all this region were in Pike County, and Wilsonville, for a short time the seat of county government, seems to have been the first hamlet of the township. Occupy- ing a position on what afterwards became the dividing line, its history is closely interwoven with that of both counties, and it is probable that the first houses built in the place were on the Pike County side. Judge James Wilson, 1 then one of the judges of the Supreme Court, was the owner of large tracts of land along the Wallenpaupack, and was led to believe that they were peculiarly adapted to the culture of flax and hemp, and that the manufacture of fabrics would be profitable. About 1792 he commenced the erection of a large factory for this purpose, at a point just above the old tan- nery site, at Hawley. While this was going up, several houses were built at Wilsonville, and it became a thriving settlement. Judge Wilson's factory was completed in due course of time, and was well built and ecpiipped. Of its size and cost nothingdefinite is known now, but it has been estimated to have cost from eight to twelve thousand dollars, and to have been from thirty to forty feet square. . It was put in operation, and did some work, but failed for want of material. Before he could realize his hopes of success the proprietor himself failed also, and the factory was sold to other parties. It was afterwards burned by Benjamin Kimble and some one else to get the iron used in its con- struction. Prior to the building of the factory, Reuben, Alpheus and Alexander Jones and a sister, who was know as Widow Cook, settled below the mouth of Middle Creek. Reuben, as elsewhere related, was captured by the Indians shortly after the battle of Wyoming, and escaped by out- running his captors in a friendly race. About the time of his settlement Elisba Ames made a clearing on what has since been known as the 1 James Wilson was one of the purchasers of Colonel Jonas Seely's interest in the Indian Orchard tract and, though he subsequently met with financial reverses, was a man of much wealth at this time. He was born in Scot- land in 1742, and educated at Edinburgh and Glasgow. At the age of twenty-four he emigrated to America, coming to Philadelphia, where he obtained the position of usher in a college. He studied law, and soon acquired consider- able celebrity. He was a member of the Provincial Con- vention of this State in 1774, and in May, 1775, was chosen a member of the Continental Congress. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and was repeatedly re-chosen to Congress. His colonel's commis- sion was obtained at the commencement of hostilities, and, in 1779, he was appointed Advocate-General of France in the United States, an office which he held for three years. He was a member of the convention that framed the Federal Constitution, and of the Pennsylvania Convention that adopted it. President George Washing- ton appointed him one of the first judges of the United States Supreme Court, and he was the first Professor of Law in the College of Philadelphia. He died at Edenten, N. C, August 28, 1798. WAYNE COUNTY. David Bishop farm, and they were probably the first settlers in Palmyra, Wayne County. Benjamin Haines (or Haynes, as it is spelled in some of the records) located on the place now occupied by George 8. Atkinson soon after this. Haines was a friend, though a despised one, of Tom Quick, the famous Indian killer, whose exploits have been the text for many stories of adventure, and who, if legend is to be given credence, was the principal of a score of atrocious murders. It is stated in another chapter that Reuben Jones was accused of the murder of Canope ; but there is another version of his death that makes Haines (he guilty one. It is related that after the close of the Revolu- tion, two Indians who had been friendly to the settlers in times gone by, appeared above the Cushutunk settlement on their way down the river to hunt and fish. They were Huycon, better known as Ben Shanks, by reason of his great height and disproportionate legs, and Canope. Canope was much esteemed by the whites, and was one of the best disposed of the Delawares. During the war both had been employed by the emissaries of George III., and when they stated that they were on their way to Minisink, Joseph Ross, of Calliooon, and Josiah Parks, of first raft fame, advised them to keep away from there, as there were a number of desperate men at Minisink, who would get into trouble with them on the slightest pretext. They particularly cautioned the Indians against Tom Quick, who was then at home. Thus ad- vised, Canope and his companion changed their plans, and, cutting across the country, went to Handsome Eddy, where they felt they would be free from molestation'. Soon after they arrived they met Ben Haines, who was seemingly very friendly, and at once invited them to stay at his house, which courtesy they accepted. The next morning Haines told them that he was going to Minisink to replenish his supplies of rum and ammunition, and bidding them take care of the family while he was gone, started down the river. He went directly to Tom Quick's house, where he found the Indian slayer, and asked him to come over to the eddy and kill them both, promising to lead the Indians into ambush so that it would be easy work. To this CO Quick readily assented, and after a plan had beeu decided on, Haines secured his supplies and returned home. It is said that he coveted the tine furs which the Indians had brought with them. Among the friends of Tom Quick was one Cobe Chambees, or Shinier (pronounced Sha- mer), and as it was deemed better to have an ac- complice, Tom selected him to assist in the murder. A day or two later they reached Haines' house, and dropped in on the family just as Haines and his guests were about to take breakfast. His crafty confederate did not greet Quick by his right name, but treated him like an entire stranger, though one who was welcome to the rude hospitalities of his cabin, and after the meal had been partaken of, Quick and Chambees passed on up the river toward White Mills, only to sneak back and wait their victims in ambush. Haines proposed to the Indians that they all go fishing, and offered to conduct them to a place where there was good sport, and they consented ; though there must have been something in his manner which excited their suspicions, for Canope first required him to give a personal pledge of protection, which Haines did most emphatically. Near where Quick and Shinier were squatting in the bushes were some rocks that ran out into the stream, and thither Ben conducted his Indian guests. After they had fished a few minutes, Canope broke his hook, and as he had no other, reclined in a comfortable position to watch the sport of his companions. This gave Quick the opportunity he wanted, and directing Shinier to aim at Huycon, he drew a bead on Canope. Shinier, who was not accustomed to do such brutal murder, was so unsteady of hand that he missed his man, while Quick sent a bullet through Canope's arm and the back of his head, inflicting serious, though not fatal wounds. Huycon sprang into the bushes and fled, while Canope rushed to Haines and claimed the promised protection. The only reply Haines made was to push the wounded Indian into the water, and snatching a pine knot to beat his brains out with it, exclaiming as he did so, " Tink, tink how you ust to kill white folks ! 'pent, 'pent." The broken faith and atrocity of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA the deed were too much even for so hardened a murderer as Tom Quick, who said as he emerged from his ambush, "Damn a man who will promise an Indian protection, and then knock him on the head." The murder caused the settlers much anxiety, and was loudly de- nounced on all sides ; but its planner and per- petrator was never punished, and it is said that in his later years he often boasted of it. Haines had several children, and Roger, one of them, afterwards lived in the upper part of the county. That Ben was a poor man is at- tested by the school records; for in 1811 his children were returned by the assessor as en- titled to the benefit of the law of 1809, which made it the duty of the county commissioner to pay for the education of the children of indigent parents. Abraham, Albram and Roger Haines were the first to enjoy schooling at public ex- pense. In 1803 Jonathan Brink moved from Mil- ford and bought the Haines place. He acquired about nine hundred acres of land, and after living there for some time sold to Joseph Atkinson. Mr. Brink had married Sabra Edwards, of Madison, and brought with him one child, Diana, who married Aaron Godfrey and afterwards Loyal Hutchings, with whom she went to Michigan. Henry, the second son of Jonathan Brink, married Zubie Ainsley, and moved to Bingham- ton, N. Y. Moses, the third son, married Ann Roberts, and lived at Lackawaxen. Lucinda Brink was the wife of Harvey Bishop, and, after his death, married Abisha Kimble. Janett was the wife of Asa Corwin, of Beech Pond ; Amy married Caleb Simmons, of Watertown, N. Y. ; Jonathan was united to Rosetta Dexter, and lives at Hawley ; Sterry married Charlotte Dexter, and lives at Honesdale, and William died single. One of the early saw-mills in the township was that erected by Jonathan Brink, on the west side of the Lackawaxen, just below White Mills. His descendants do not know the exact year when it was built, but records show that it was abandoned before 1816, and seem to poiut to 1805 or 1806 as the date when the first lumber was sawed there. About 1815 Jason Torrey, Abisha Wood- ward and Moses Killam bought a tract of land a mile from Hawley, built a frame house and called it New Castle. Here they carried on an extensive lumbering business for several years and then sold the place to Joseph Atkinson, who afterward disposed of it to Russell Daniels. The latter came from Hartford, Conn., in 1824, and married Cynthia Killam. Eight children were born of this union — B. F. Daniels (who married Victoria Dexter), George W. (who married Louisa Beemer and lives at White Mills), Ira (the husband of Margaret Atkinson and a resident of Hawley), Elizabeth (wife of Dennis Slocum), Martin (who married Mary Compton), Electra (wife of John Bassett, of Honesdale), Edward (who married Mary Bai- ley) and Dighton (who married Fannie Snyder). The last two live in Hawley. Among those who settled at Wilsonville in the early history of the place was Leonard La- bar. Just when he came or from what place he moved is not known. When the courts of Wayne were sent to Wilsonville, in 1802, he was living in a small frame house on the Pike County side of the Wallenpaupack, and after- wards, in 1830, he sold the tavern which he had been keeping and moved to Stroudsburg. There was a grist-mill built on the W r ayne County side of the creek, in 1810, which stood until 1850, when it was rebuilt by William Shouse. In 1827 or 1828 Henry Harmon built a small mill near the quarry, between Hawley and Wil- sonville, the ruins of which are still standing. It afterwards became the property of John Roberts and Nathan Fuller and was operated by them until about 1850. These same gentle- men bought theLabar property, and it was sold in 1840 as the property of John Roberts. It was bought in by W r illiam Shouse, of Easton. John B. Cole rented the saw-mill for three years and then Shouse moved to Wilsonville. Mr. Shouse had four sons, — Jacob, John, Henry and Francis. Jacob located on the Susquehanna, not far from Williamsport, after operating a few years at Wilsonville, with James Mason as a partner. John returned to Easton, as did Henry, who was the victim of a tragedy in Honesdale in 1881. Francis died at Wilson- ville. WAYNE COUNTY. The saw- mill at WilsonviUe has proved to be a very valuable property aud has been much in- creased in capacity during the past twenty years. In 1870 it was bought by William A. Colling- wood and Hon. F. W. Farnham, and in 1877 Mr. Farnham sold his interest to G. W. Mil- lard, the firm becoming Collingwood & Co. The present capacity of the mill is forty-five thousand feet per day and about seventy-five men are employed at the saws and log camps. The firm has a large store at WilsonviUe. John R. Compton moved from New Jersey in 1803 and settled on the place where Robert Dycher now lives. He was for many years a constable of the township and was a valued citizen. He had nine children — Robert (who married Caroline Wood, and settled on the old Bethany and Diugman's turnpike), David (who married Jane Evarts, of Pike County, and settled in Berlin township), Dunnin R. (who married Martha Dexter aud located in Cherry Ridge), Gehial (who married Maria Smith and settled near Hawley), Mark (whose wife was Elizabeth Garrett, and who lived at Indian Orchard), Susan (the wife of Samuel Kimble, of Honesdale), Lucy (Mrs. Daniel Rattan, of Berlin), Eliza (wife of John Cor- ryelle, of Texas) and Charlotte (now Mrs. Lo- renzo Van Buren, of Fishkill, N. Y.) David Compton lived on the farm just below John R., and was also the father of a large family. In 1846 he sold out his place to John M. Ball and John Decker. Mr. Ball was a Baptist minister from Orange County, N. Y., and was of English descent. He built or owned a saw-mill on Swamp'Pond Creek, and was the father of three sons and two daughters, most of whom are living. Henry Ball, proprietor of the Wayne County Hotel, at Honesdale, is the only one of the descendants who lives in Wayne County. Among the other early settlers of the town- ship were many whose names will be found on the assessment list given below. It was made out in 1801 by Abisha Woodward, and is the oldest one preserved among the county archives. The following names appear on the list, those who had moved in since 1800 being designated by an asterisk (*): John Ansley. Simeon Ansley. John Ansley, Jr. Joseph Ansley. Elisha Ames, 1 David Abbott. Henry Ball. Robert Bayham. Hezekiah Bingham. Moses Brink.* Stephen Bennett. Richard Beebe. 2 John Brink.* Jonathan Brink.* Thomas Brown. 3 Benjamin B. Brink. Dennison Coe. David Cady. Jesse Cady. 4 Uriah Chapman. Simeon Chapman. Win. Chapman. Jacob Cronkwright. 5 Roswell Chapman. Phiueas Coleman. William Dalton. Elias Depui* - Aaron Duffy. Charles Forseth. Jacob Gooding. Robert Hartford. Elias Hartford. Samuel Hartford. William Hartford. James Hartford. Henry Husted. Benjamin Hanes. William Holbert. Jonathan Jennings.' Reuben Jones. Alpheus Jones. Alexander Jones. John Jeans.* Ephraim Killam. Silas Killam. John Killam. Moses Killam. Abel Kimble. Ephraim Kimble. 6 Jacob Kimble. Daniel Kimble. Jacob Kimble, Jr. Walter Kimble.* Benjamin Kimble. 1 Eusebies Kincaid. Barzilla King. James Logan. Thineas Lester. Andrew Lester. Archibald Murray. John Malonia. 5 Richard Nelson, 5 Stephen Parrish. George Parkinson. George Parkinson, Jr. John Pellet, Jr. Conrad Pulis. 5 Silas Purdy. William Purdy. Amos Purdy. William Purdy, Jr. Reuben Purdy. Ephraim Purdy. Jacob Purdy. Nathaniel Purdy. Solomon Purdy. Samuel Porter. Thomas Schoonover. 5 Wm. Schoonover. 5 Thos. Spangenberg. 5 Samuel Smith. Daniel Stroud. Christopher Snyder. Jedediah Willys. Solomon Willys. Enos Woodward. Ebenezer Woodward. Abisha Woodward. 5 William Williams. William Northup. 5 The growth and prosperty of Palmyra has been chiefly confined to Hawley and its suburbs, and when these are excepted, the increase in population and improvement of farm lands does not compare favorably with that in ad- Marked " Canaan " on the list. Marked '' Minisink " on the list. ''Sold to John Malonia and left the county." "Left the county and sold to Roswell Chapma In Dyberry afterwards. 1 Assessed as a resident of Lackawaxen. 684 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. jacent townships. The early settlers were chiefly lumbermen, and when the timber was cut off, few of them remained to improve the cleared lands. Portions of the hills are still sparsely settled, and the industries of the central town, the canal and the railroads drain the farms of the most energetic young men. Its facilities for manufacturing, its fine water- powers and the rail and water-ways that pass through it are so much superior to the adapta- bility of the land for agriculture that it must become a great industrial district in the near future. Roads. — Palmyra was benefited by roads at an early date. Soon after the Joneses located at the Eddy, a road was cut from the Wallen- paupack settlement by the way of Wilsonville, that crossed the Wallenpaupack Creek by a ford near Henry Harmon's mill, and passed across the flat. There were also a number of early trails leading from the settlement to various townships near by, which, though never laid out as regular public ways, were much used by the pioneers until, by the location of other set- tlers, they became private property. Most of these trails led into the Jones Eddy road and thus connected the scattered settlers with Bethany and Milford. In 1833 a road was laid out from Paupack Eddy, through what is now Hawley borough, to intersect the Jones Eddy road near Middle Creek. This touched the Little Manor, as the place where John Neldin settled was always called. The town- ship was thoroughly opened up by the building of the Milford and Owego and Bethany and Dingmau's Choice turnpikes, and later by the construction of the Delaware and Hudson Canal. It is now threaded by good county roads and several turnpikes. Schools and Chukches.— The school at Wilsonville was probably one of the first opened in the township, and was held in an old build- ing that stood about two hundred feet from the saw-mill. Alexander Reed was one of its first teachers, and at that time he had about a dozen pupils. Here Esquire Ephraim Killam and others of the early settlers of the second gene- ration went to school. Another old school- house stands in Hawley, and is now occupied as a paint-shop by J. S. Fowler. It was built in 1823, and opened the following year. Court- land Chapman was one of the first teachers, though not the first. The building was at first merely a plank structure with a slab roof ; but afterwards, when it had been abandoned as a school, it was occupied as a dwelling, and the clap-boarding and shingle roof were added. The school law of 1834 was promptly sustained by Wayne County, and in this, as in other town- ships, schools sprang up rapidly. The old buildings were all erected by private contribu- tions of labor and material, and prior to 1854 there does not seem to have been any building tax levied, at least there is no record of any. Since that date almost all the schools in Palmyra have been rebuilt, and they will compare favorably with those of the other townships. There are four common schools in the township at present, — two on Shanty Hill, a suburb of Hawley, one at White Mills and one at Long Ridge. The value of the buildings is about one thousand dollars each, and four teachers are employed at an average salary of two hundred and twenty- five dollars. The amount of the school tax collected in 1884 was $909.84. The present directors of the township are Samuel Avery, president ; Michael Corcoran, treasurer ; John Flynn, secretary ; William Case, John Mauley and Alexander Barrett. The only churches in the township are in the borough of Hawley, and their histories will be given in the chapter devoted to that locality. CHAPTER XXVI. THE BOROUGH OF HAWLEY. The early history of Hawley is also the early history of Palmyra township, since the first settlements were made in or adjacent to the present borough limits of the town. Shortly after the battle of Wyoming, Reuben Jones, Jasper Parrish, Stephen Parrish and a son of Jacob Kimble, Sr., were taken prisoners by a band of Mohawk Indians, near the Paupack Eddy. Stephen Kimble died while a prisoner, and it was afterwards stated by Reuben Jones WAYNE COUNTY. that the lad was unable to perform some tasks that his captors assigned, and was tomahawked for his failure. This was denied by Stephen Parrish, however, who said that young Kimble died a natural death, and this version of the story is generally accepted by the Kimble family. Stephen Parrish married an Indian wife, and remained with the tribe until after peace was declared, when he settled in Paupack, and practiced as an Indian doctor. Reuben Jones remained a prisoner for nearly a year, and at last effected his escape by outrunning his captors, with whom he was having a friendly contest of speed. He was a large, powerfully built man, and was considered a fine trophy, and the boast- fid young braves were in the habit of challeng- ing him to race with them. He was shrewd enough to let them barely beat him many times, and they grew less suspicious of his escaping, after frequent experiences. One day he secretly filled his pockets with dried venison, and chal- lenged one of the swiftest runners to a decisive race. The latter readily agreed, and Jones, who had carefully husbanded his strength, distanced his captor in the first mile, and escaped. He made for the head-waters of the Delaware, and then returned to Paupack Eddy, subsisting, meanwhile, on the venison he had secreted. It was said that Jones and his companion were captured by the treachery o£ an Indian named Canope, who had always pretended to be a friend of the settlers, and after peace was concluded, Canope was secretly murdered. His death was charged upon Benjamin Haines, the Indian fighter, but the latter always denied it, and Mr. Goodrich, who was personally acquainted with many of the early settlers, says that it was always thought at Paupack that Jones was the one who punished Canope for his duplicity. So far as it is now known, Reuben Jones and his brothers, Alpheus and Alexander, and a sister, who was known as Widow Cook, were the first settlers at Hawley. They located at the Eddy, just below the mouth of Middle Creek, and were soon joined by Benjamin Haines, who settled not far from where Peter McHale now lives. This property, which has since passed into the hands of George S. Atkinson, was always known as " the Haiues : Soon after this, Robert Hanua built a mill on what was known as the " Little Manor," a tract of eight hundred and ten acres, which, a few years later, became the property of George Neldin, by whom the mill was rebuilt about the beginning of the present century. In 1810, Joseph Atkinson came from the Narrows, and was employed in Neldin's mill. He was a native of New Jersey, and, when quite a young man, had gone to the Narrows to work in a mill built there by Robert L. Hooper, and operated by Esquire Snyder, young Atkinson's grand- father. Joseph Atkinson married Anna, a daughter of Ephraim Kimble, and his children were Eunice, Elizabeth, (wife of Dauiel McFar- lan ;) Lucy, (wife of Charles Weiss,) John Ephraim, George, Asher and Ann (the wife of Joseph Soliday.) Mr. Atkinson was married a second time to Fannie, a daughter of Benjamin Kimble, and of this marriage Amelia, Margaret, Eunice, Manilla, Elizabeth, Milesia, William, Joseph and Lot were born. When Mr. Atkinson arrived at the Eddy, as it was then called, Hanna had gone away, and the only settlers were the Neldins, the Joneses and a colored man named Prince Rose, who lived in a hut across the Wallenpaupack. His wife had been a slave, belonging to Dr. Col- lins, of Cherry Ridge, and was enjoying the first years of her freedom. Rose afterwards went to Wisconsin, but his wife died in Pau- pack settlement. In 1812 John Atkinson was born at Nel- din's house, and was probably the first white child born in the settlement. In 1820 Neldin erected a large frame house, which was com- pleted in the fall, and became the headquarters for travelers on their way to the Wallenpau- pack settlement. This was the first public- house, and, though hardly a tavern in the usual adaptation of the term, answered all the pur- poses of such until a much later period. It was burned during the progress of an electiou, in February, 1827, after it had passed into the hands of Mr. Atkinson. Neldin moved to Sussex County, N. J., in 1821, leaving his property in the hands of some of his employees, and, three years later, Joseph Atkinson and David Bishot bought the mill and manor. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. During the first two decades of the present century several families settled on the opposite side of the Lackawaxen, as noted in the preced- ing chapter, and, at the time Atkinson became a proprietor, most of the settlers were in what is now East Hawley, which is not included in the borough limits. Here were the early stores and schools, and Jonathan Brink's house was a general rendezvous for the lumbermen who rafted the output of the mills to Easton and Philadelphia. The first school was held in his log barn, and he supplied such few articles of foreign manufacture as the settlers needed from his cellar and store-house, without the formal- ity of passing them over a counter. The first matrimonial event was celebrated in the settlement in 1824, just after Atkinson bought the Neldin mill, and was the marriage of Elizabeth Atkinson to Daniel McFarland. It is not known who officiated, and whether it was a civil or religious ceremony, but it was a red-letter day at the mill-house, and guests came from many miles around to help celebrate the event. The foundation of Hawley's prosperity was laid in 1826, when the first corps of engineers located then; to run the line for the Delaware and Hudson Canal. They put up a tent on the hill where the company's office now is, and camped for a week, merrily driving stakes along the river, each one making more certain the growth and activity of the town. The work of construction commenced the next year and brought large accessions to the population. Engineers, contractors and laborers spent money freely, stores sprang up and business flourished. This sudden activity gave the town an impetus that was felt for several years after the canal was finished, and had hardly died away before it was renewed and increased by the construction of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's Gravity road. Early in 1827 a large shanty for Irish laborers was built near where Mr. Barker's residence now stands, and its inhabitants were the terror of the settlers for several miles around. AVhiskey was plenty, and on pay nights frequent, and sometimes very serious, rows occurred, which the local authorities were powerless to suppress. These are the first acts of lawlessness of which there is any record, and it is to the credit of the town that the citizens finally succeeded in putting a stop to the de- bauchery, and since that time have had as quiet and orderly a town as can be found in this re- gie in. The first store in Hawley was opened by Jonathan Brink, at what is now the George Atkinson place, in the fall of 1827, and about the same time James Philips opened a store which he ran for two years, until he moved to Milford. With the building of the Milford and Owego pike a demand for hotel accommo- dations sprang up, and in 1838, Joseph Atkin- son opened a tavern near the present lower depot, which became the principal hostelry, and remained so until 1850, when the Eddy House was built, and he took charge of that. A year later he died and the hotel passed into other hands, but its palmiest days were over when he left it. He was one of the most popular land- lords in Wayne County, and no guest ever left his house without framing a wish that he might return at an early date. From 1847, the year the Pennsylvania Coal Company's road was completed, 1 business passed across the river to what is now the borough of Hawley, and the town soon surpassed in popula- tion and enterprise the hamlet that had grown up after the opening of the canal. 2 The industries noted elsewhere brought fresh accessions of labor and capital, and labor assumed very re- spectable proportions. In 1865 the Hawley branch of the Erie was built, and the facilities for the trans-shipment of coal from the Penn- sylvania Coal Company's road were much in- creased. Several miles of siding, the necessary repair-shops, depots and offices, gave employ- ment to many hundred workmen, and many of them remained to become useful citizens. An increased passenger traffic made better hotel accommodations necessary, and the importance of the town was established. The Keystone Hotel was built by William 1 See Chapter IV., general history of Wayne County. 2 In 1800, Francis Oppelt, deputy marshal for the lower part of the county reported, one thousand four hundred and fifty persons. " One year and a half ago it contained less than twenty souls ! " — Honesdale Democrat. WAYNE COUNTY. 687 Schardt in 187G, and run under his manage- ment until 1883, when he sold to Julius Scott, who soon transferred it to J. S. Ferine, of Philadelphia, the present owner. Frey & Co. leased it in January, 1885, and in August sold out to C. W. Depew, the present manager. The hotel is a substantial brick building, located in the business portion of the town. Hawley was incorporated as a borough on the 23d of January, 1884, and the first elec- tion was held on the 19th of the following month, the polls being located at the Keystone Hotel. Esquire Ephraim Kellam acted as judge and Gaston W. Ames and Isadore Kastner as inspectors. Hon. James Millham was elected burgess and George Schlager, A. Kimble, Fred. Meiseuger, H. P. Woodward, Thomas Mangan and Morveldou Plum, Councilmen. The school directors were John Winess, S. R. Evans, Isa- dore Kastner, James H. Murphey, Joseph At- kinson and John E. Mandeville. These officers served for one year, and on February 17, 1885, the following was the result of the election ; Burgess, Dr. A. C. Dingman ; Councilmen, Daniel Jacobs and R. T. Ames, for full term, and E. V. Murray for one year ; School Direc- tors, Joseph Atkinson and Mauley Oram. At the time the borough was set off from Palmyra township the joint indebtedness was $1088.61, which was divided by Hon. Henry Wilson, master in Chancery, who assigned to the town- ship $319.19, and to the borough $769.42. The present secretary of the Councils is Esquire Ephraim Kellam, a descendant of the Kellams who located in the Wallenpaupack settlement in 1774, and are mentioned in the chapters, de- voted to Pike County. Esquire Kellam moved to Hawley in 1869, and has become closely identified with the interests of the town. He is one of the justices and is a civil engineer and surveyor by profession. For many years his duties in the latter trend have brought him into intimate relations with the past, and many valuable suggestions in the history of this region have beeu made by him. The population of Hawley and its overflow into the territory just without its borough lines is about two thousand four hundred, and it is increasing in size rapidly. Its population is scattered over a considerable area, and the three streams that have their confluence there, divide it into a number of sections, each of which is a small business centre. These are connected by several fine bridges that add much to the pic- turesqueness of the town, and within a few minutes walk of the depot is the romantic Wallenpaupack, with its beautiful falls. For three miles the stream is a succession of cas cades and rapids, and there is power enough un- developed, if properly applied, to move more machinery than can be found in any manufac- turing town in New England. Just below the bridge at Wilsonville, the first fall, which is some seventy feet, occurs, and it was below this that the old saw and grist-mill of the last cen- tury was erected by Judge Wilson. A short distance below this is the Sliding Fall, a series of wonderful rapids, broken by many smaller falls. Still farther down are two cascades of about thirty feet each, and below these again the main plunge of sixty-one feet, which is uti- lized to piit in motion the machinery at the Belmont and Nelson mills. The falls of the Wallenpaupack have been a favorite objective point for tourists and excursionists for many years, and at the Belmont mill a lookout has been constructed above the bridge, from which a fine .view of the stream is obtained. Manufacturing Interests. — As has been before stated, the mill built by Robert Hanna was the first industry located at what is now Hawley. The date of its erection is not known, but it was several years before Judge Wilson made his venture with the hemp and flax-fac- tory, in about 1792. This mill was rebuilt by George Neldin, and afterwards passed into the hands of Joseph Atkinson. Neldin owned another saw-mill on Middle Creek, above what is known as the Cold Spring, just outside the borough line. This mill was built about 1818, and operated for several years. Several small smithies were started about this time, but there were no other industries, and the monument of Judge Wilson's failure stood alone, crumbling among the hemlocks, for many years. Alonzo H. Blish was the first person who at- tempted to utilize the water-power on the Wayne side of the Wallenpaupack. In 1847 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. he erected a paper-mill on the property where Taft & Piersnn's mill now stands. Several at- tempts were made to put it in successful operation, and some coarse box paper was made, but the results were unsatisfactory ; it was afterwards turned into a powder mill. This, too, proved a failure, and in 1849 the property passed into the hands of John F. Atkins, Joseph Ainsley and Charles T. Taft. Mr. Ainsley fitted it for a sash factory and planing-mill, and rented it for several years. In 1857, Atkinson, Ains- ley & Taft erected a grist-mill, which was oper- ated by Atkinson & Taft until 1862, when W. H. Crowley succeeded to the business. He continued for five years, and gave place to At- kinson, Taft & Co., who, in four years more, were succeeded by Pierson & Tuttle. This firm lasted a year, and then Taft & Pierson, the present owners, succeeded to the business. The mill is a substantial structure situated at the foot of Paupack Falls, and has dimensions of thirty-four by sixty-five feet, three and a half stories high, and is provided with all the im- proved machinery. It has three " run " of stone driven by an overshot wheel twenty feet in di- ameter. The mill does a general business in flour, feed and meal, and makes a specialty of patent process buckwheat flour, which has gained great popularity in this section. • After Judge Wilson's hemp factory had been burned, the property stood idle for a number of years, and was finally purchased by a Mr. White, who expected to erect a tan- nery there, but died before carrying out his plans. In 1848, James J. T. Cromwell came to Hawley, and bought the site from Robert Ho- gan, the executor of the White estate. The tract included thirty-six acres and the water- power. The tannery was erected the same year, and as it did a good business the plant soon grew to a one hundred and ten vat establishment. In 1857, James Cromwell sold out his interest, and the firm became J. S. & William Cromwell. Under this style it ran for twenty-six years, and employed from twenty-five to thirty men. In 1865 it was burned, and all the stock destroyed, entailing a loss of about fifteen thousand dol- lars. It was rebuilt the following year, how- ever, and operated until 1882, when Dexter, Lambert & Co. bought out the establishment and enlarged the mill property. After Joseph Ainsley gave up the planing- mill it was run by Cornelius Buckingham for a while and then was converted into a hub aud spoke-factory by John G. Diamond & Son. This firm gave place in turn to that of Crom- well & Diamond, which is at present occupying the place as a planing-mill. The first boats used on the Delaware and Hudson Canal were built chiefly at Leonards- ville and Honesdale, and it was not until 1849, when the increasing prosperity of Hawley made it an important hamlet on the line of the canal, that the boat-building industry developed here. During the summer of that year a contract for twenty boats, costing from fifteen to eighteen hundred dollars, was awarded to Levi Barker, then resident of Honesdale, and he believed that it would be more than profitable to fill it at Hawley. As soon as the water was drawn off the canal basin, in the latter place, he em- ployed twenty men, and by the time navigation opened in the spring the boats were ready for launching. The employment of so many skilled mechanics during a season when most other business was at a standstill proved of much advantage to Hawley, and subsequently the enterprise became a potent factor in the prosperity of the place. Mr. Barker has always occupied a prominent position in the industry and was also one of the early merchants of the town. Soon after he re- ceived the contract above referred to he opened the store now kept by his son-in-law, M. M. Tread well, opposite the Canal Company's office, and the establishment proved to be a convenient depot of supplies for the boatmen, with whom he built up a large aud profitable trade. Mr. Barker is a native of Morris County, N. J., from which place he went to Honesdale in 1848. He married Eliza Jacobus and had three daughters, one of whom died in infancy, the others were Mary, late wife of Gilbert Lud- ington, of New York City, and Josephine, wife of M. M. Treadwell. At the advanced age of seventy-five he is still hale and an authority on matters pertaining to the industry he established. WAYNE COUNTY fis'.i Boat-building steadily increased in importance until the construction of the Erie Branch road to Lackawaxen, at which time the Penn- sylvania Coal Company ceased to use the canal, and the demand for boats iell off. Since that time the business has steadily declined. The Hawley Glass-Works is an industry that has grown up within the last few years and be- come an important factor in the industrial pros- perity of the town, employing about oue hun- dred and sixty hands and paying out from sixty to seventy thousand dollars a year in wages. It was started in 1882 as a limited partnership, composed of Wm. F. Dorflinger, Samuel W. Weiss, Henry Z. Russell, F. C. White and Joseph Atkinson. These gentlemen bought a twenty-acre tract of land on Middle Creek aud erected works at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars. From the first the business, which is the manufacture of green and amber glass now, proved successful, and subsequent improvements were made. The establishment has now two furnaces, one of five and one ol six pots capacity, and melts about eleven tons of " metal " per day. Its store, packing and other buildings are of stone and very completely fitted up, and twenty cottages have been recent- ly erected for the employees of the works. In 1885 the partnership was dissolved and the same members were incorporated under the State laws as the Hawley Glass- Works. In 1869 J. S. Ames l' the road he ran a stationary water- wheel for drawing the cars up. the inclined plane at Station No. 15, on the-Gravity Rail- road, and for the next three years thereafter he was employed at Hawley to run the stationary 68 power there. By this time, by economy and prudence, he had saved from his earnings suf- ficient to embark in business for himself, and for five years he engaged in buying cattle and sheep in Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and at first drove them to Eastern markets, but sub- sequently shipped them by rail to New York and Boston. In 1861 he quit droving, and opened a general mercantile house at Hawley, which he has continued since, a period of 4wenty-five years. In 1872 he built his present steam gristmill in the borough, where the farmers in the surrounding country find ready sale for their grain or have it prepared for home consumption. On July 28, 1885, Mr. Ames established a private bank (the first of any bank being located in Hawley), widely ttr- g ether with the mercantile business, are mostly Goadueted-hy his son, Gaston W. Ames. About 1870 he engaged largely in the lumber busi- ness ; rebuilt one steam saw mill and one water- power sawjjnill in Paupack township, Wayne County ; purchased large tracts of timber land in Palmyra, Paupack, Lake and Salem town- ships ; and, after clearing off large quantities of the timber and manufacturing it into lumber, he sold several hundred acres of this land for farming purposes, yet retaining some two thou- sand acres to himself. His annual sales have averaged five million feet of lumber, which has been marketed mostly in Philadelphia, New ^~ York and Newark. Although only twenty- ftv«-y«ar,s in established business, JMr. Ames has-given to Hawley and surrounding country as much enterprise and labor to those classes depending upon work for their livelihood as any other citizen in the community. His hon- orable purpose in life's work, his integrity in his business and his sterling habits make him esteemed by all who know him. He married, October 26, 1854,' Harriet N. Woodward, of Paupack township, Wayne County, who was born March 7, 1836. Their children are Gaston W. Ames, merchant and banker, before-men- trened-,-- Helen Augusta ( 1 8 56 - 78 ) and Hat- tie Florine (4£75-80)?— b^k-deeeased. Mrs. Ames' father, Amasa L. Woodward (1806— 78), was a resident of Paupack township, Wayne County, and was the son of John Wood- )%•)* J \ S M k " ' 6 tf ¥- 698 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ward, of Cherry Ridge township, where Enos Woodward was one of the first settlers. Amasa L. Woodward was a cousin of the late Judge "Woodward, of Wilkesbarre, and belonged to thesame family as the late Judges Warren J. and George W. Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, whose ancestors were also among the first settlers of Cherry Ridge town- ship. Mrs. Ames' mother, Irene R. Kellam fc 060 -64), was a native of Paupack settle- Woodwardj a leading grocer at Hawley. Mrs. Ames' maternal grandfather was Moses Kel- lam, Esq. ( OTOJMjOOB) , a prominent and es- teemed citizen, who was justice of the peace at Paupack settlement for many years, and a county surveyor. • The father of Jacob S. Ames — Joseph Ames — (17UO-1K49) was a native of North Stouington, Conn., and came to Cherry Ridge township in 1814. He was a teacher, and taught here several terms. About 1815 he ,m gj^L^> ment, on the Wallen paupack, where the family settled during the early days of the county. The children of Amasa L. and Irene R. Wood- ward are Helen, deceased; Melissa, wife of John H. Ames, of Hawley ; Harriet, wife of Jacob S. Ames, subject of this sketch ; Adelia ; Robert Bruce (resides on the homestead in Paupack township, Wayne County); Moses, deceased; Ellen, deceased; and Cassius H. bought some two hundred acres of land, where Canaan Corners are now located, and there made the first clearing. Subsequently he set- tled about one mile east of the Corners, where he owned some one hundred and fifty acres of land, where he spent the remainder of his days. He belonged to the old Whig party, and most of his descendants are Republicans. His wife, Gertrude, a daughter of Colonel John H. WAYNE COUNT Y. Ii!l9 Sehenck, was born in 1793, and, in 1886, re- sides at Somerville, N. J. She is a woman of high moral character and Christian excellence, and instructed her children in all that makes true manhood and womanhood. Colonel Sehenck came from German ancestors, early settlers in New Jersey, of whom many may be found in Somerset and Monmouth Counties, in that State, and was an officer in the Revolu- tionary War. He was one of the early settlers of Cherry Ridge township, from Millstone, Somerset County, N. J., and subsequently re- moved to Canaan Corners, where he died. Gertrude Sehenck is an own cousin, on her father's side, of the late Theodore Frelinghuy- sen, who ran for Vice-President with Henry Clay on the Whig ticket, in 1 844. The chil- dren of Joseph and Gertrude (Sehenck) Ames are Erasmus D., died in Somerset County, N. J., in 187.'); Nelson W., died in Mattoon, 111., in 1883; Eliza H. Ann, first married A. j G. Anderson, of Dundee, Scotland, and, after ^his death at Dubuque, Iowa, she married Joseph Annin, of Liberty Corners, Somerset County, N. J. ; Caleb T., died at the age of fourteen years; George R., of Elk Falls, Kan. ; Clar- issa K., wife of John Clawsou, of Somerville, N. J.; Henry C, on— the-ohr homestead - in ^aTJtntH--tai3ais]up ; Jacob S., subject of this sketch ; John H., a merchant at Havvley ; Reu- ben T., in business at Hawley ; and Sarah Den- ton, wife of John Stryker, of Somerset County, N.J. The grandfather of Jacob S. Ames — Joseph Ames, of North Stonington, Conn. — was a pri- vate in the Revolutionary War, and, upon the breaking out of that memorable struggle, his patriotism led him to leave his plow and join the Continental army. ' Nearly the whole Ames family of 'North Stonington remained there and spent their lives in their native place. The Hon. E. B. Ames, ex-judge of the courts of Minneapolis, Minn., and ex-minister to Germany during President Pierce's administration, is a cousin of Jacob S. Ames, and his father was William Ames, who settled in Rockford, 111. Judge E. B. Ames was the law-partner, at Springfield, 111., of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, candidate for President of the United States in 1860. The Ames family in Wayne County, Pa., are of the same stock as the late Bishop Ames, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the religious persuasion of the family is of the same church. They are of English origin, and the Schencks of Holland extraction. JAMES MILLHAM. James Millham, merchant, of Hawley, Pa., was born near Newton, Sussex County, N. J., August 1, 1832, and is the son of John and Charity (1804-80) Roof Millham. John Millham, born May 11, 1804, near Newton, re- moved from Sussex County with his family and settled on a farm one mile east of Hawley, in Pike County, on the Milford and Bethany turn- pike, where his wife died. He was a black- smith by trade, but since his removal has car- ried on farming and blacksmithing. His children are Caroline, wife of Alexander Tuttle, of Hawley; George, of Creek lock, Ulster County, N. Y. ; James, subject of this notice ; Eliza J., wife of William Cromwell, of Haw- ley ; Mary ; Allen S., of Hawley ; and Joanna, wife of S. T. Wells, of Hawley. Morris Mill- ham, grandfather of James, died near Hawley, whence he had come from Dover, N. J., at about the age of fifty-six years. His maternal grandfather, Jacob Roof, came from Hollaud, served in the Continental army during the Rev- olutionary War, and settled in Sussex County, N. J., where he was a farmer at Paulenskill, raised a large family of children and died there. James Millham, like most of the boys of a half- century ago, started out in life without home as- sistance, but wjth resolution and a purpose to ac- complish something. He had obtained only the limited book knowledge to be gathered in the district school. At the age of twenty he began a clerkship in the store of William C. Conkling, an old and respected merchant of Hawley, where he remained for two years. He then spent a short time as clerk for Ira Daniels ; when he engaged as clerk in the store of Joseph Solliday, of Hawley, where he remained for four years. In 1857, himself and J. T. & W. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Cromwell bought out the store of Mr. Solliday, which they successfully carried ou for three years, when Mr. Millham sold out his interest to his partners, but remained with them as salesman for two years thereafter, and until 1862, wheu he was appointed by Samuel Oliver, of Easton, Pa., assistant assessor of internal revenue for a part of Wayne County. This lower branch he served on the several commit- tees — elections, compare bills, iron and coal companies, printing and elections. In 1 864 Mr. Millham opened a store for general mercantile business at the Erie depot, in East Ifawley, which, together with his lumber interests in connection with Mr. Solliday for a few years, he has continued to carry on since. ^yru^y 6L^K place was held by him until a change in the administration, in 1866, but he was reappointed in 1868 by General Selfridge, of Bethlehem, Pa., and held the office until 1870. He was elected a justice of the peace at Hawley, and served in that capacity from 1870 to 1875, and he served as school director for the year 1880. In the fall of 1880 he was elected to the State Legis- lature from his district on the Republican ticket and served one term, and while a member of the He is an active and thorough-going business man, and has identified himself with the growth and prosperity of Hawley, and interested him- self in its educational and other kindred works. In the spring of 1860 he married Mary Dun- lap, of Hawley, who was born June 17, 1842. Her father, James Dunlap, born in Scotland in 1804, and residing with Mr. Millham in 1886, was brought up in Edinburgh, where his father was a merchant ; resided in Glasgow for a WAYNE COUNTY. short time, but in June, 1821, came, via Can- ada, to New York, where he was engaged as a mason on the Croton Aqueduct. He worked at his trade on the construction of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, and since 1847 has been the mason for the Pennsylvania Coal Company at Hawley. His wife, Sarah Rexian, died in 1863, and bore him the following children : Elizabeth, wife of Andrew C. Bryden, of St. Louis ; Mary, wife of James Millham ; John (deceased) ; and Sarah, wife of Robert Bryden, of Carbondale, 111. The family resided in Hawley since Mr. Dunlap's business relations began with the Pennsylvania Coal Company. James Dunlap has a brother who came to this country with him and remained in Canada, where he carries on farming and is a large cat- tle dealer, and shipper to New York and other Eastern markets. The children of James and Mary Millham are Eva J., wife of Wilson D. Decker, of Dunmore, Pa. ; Sarah E. ; and Lucy Millham. CHAPTER XXVII. PAUI'ACK TOWNSHIP. Although composed chiefly of territory lying in the immediate vicinity of the old Wal- lenpaupack settlement in Pike County, and penetrated by pioneers almost coeval with those of the earliest townships in the county, Paupack did not have a separate civil existence until the year 1850, when, on petition of the inhabitants of the southwestern portion of Palmyra for better election facilities, the exci- sion took place at the September Term of the Quarter Sessions. By the lines then run it is bounded on the northwest by Cherry Ridge, northeast by Palmyra, southeast by the Wal- leupaupack and west by Salem and Lake town- ships. Its early settlers did not find that the land was as arable as that in adjacent townships, and its growth has been exceedingly slow. Forty or fifty years ago, when the turnpikes that passed through it were main arteries in the commercial activity of the county, its hamlets were considered important locations, destined to be towns of prominence; but the competition of Hawley and Honosdale drew its enterprises from it, and the township has naught left to depend upon but lumber, that is being rapidly exhausted, and the cultivation of its stony and not very fertile soil. Most of the lands in the northern and eastern portions are unimproved, while parts that have been cleared up along the Wallenpaupack have been allowed to grow up in brush and scrub timber. A portion of the western part of the township was in the dark and dreary swamp known as " The Shades of Death," and low, wet bottoms are common along the lake line. The township is well watered and on the streams that lead from Goose, Long and Purdy's Ponds are some good mill-sites. Through the northeastern section the Middle Creek flows, and the Wallenpaupack, which forms about one-third of the township boundary, is a deep, slow-moving and navigable stream for small steam-boats from Wilsonville to Ledgedale. Before the French and Indian War a man named Carter had settled at Wal- lenpaupack, and though he and his family were murdered and his house was burned, his place of settlement always remained a post on the route from Connecticut to Wyoming. Later a number of emigrants to the latter place located there, abandoning their first plan of going on to the lovely valley of the Susquehanna, and a log fort was erected, which served as a refuge for settlers and emigrants alike. The road to Wyoming was a path through the woods of Paupack marked by blazed trees, and it was the custom of the emigrants to send a party in advance a day's journey to the top of Cobb's Mountain, where at eventide a fire was kindled which could be seen by those in the fort, and was the signal that the advancing party had traversed the distance in safety, and would await the coming of their companions. This signaling was made the more practicable, be- cause " the oak woods," as it was afterwards called, had been quite recently burned by the Indians, and was so eleai'ed up "that a deer was visible as far as the eye could see." Silas Purdy and his family were the first settlers who located in the then unbroken wil- derness on the west side of the Wallenpaupack, having come from Kingston, N. Y., by the way 702 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of Cushutunk and the Wallenpaupack settle- ment, in what is now Pike County, in 1783. He was surrounded on all sides by dense forest, his location was isolated, and the difficulties and hardships which he and Hannah, his wife, had to endure were even greater than those which fell to most pioneers. Little by little he ex- tended the clearing on which he had erected his modest cabin and sowed the seed corn which he brought on his back from the Wallenpaupack. Farm implements were crude and unadapted to the conditions under which they had to be used, and were scarce withal. The virgin soil was broken by a rude plow borrowed from a settler at Wilsonville, and until the first crops were ripe the family lived on game, that abounded on every side. But under all the unfavorable conditions he prospered, and raised a large family of stalwart sons and capable daughters. Jacob, the oldest son, was the first blacksmith in the township, and after working at his trade for many years, emigrated to the lake country, in Western New York, at the age of forty. The second son, Ephraim, was also of a mechanical turn of mind, and built the first grist-mill, which was patronized by the settlers at Salem, Canaan and all along the Lackawaxen River. It was located at the outlet of Hallock Pond, and, although it was built toward the close of the last century, decayed timbers still mark its site. Amos and Isaac, two other sons, emi- grated to Ohio, and settled on the Connecticut ■ Reserve. Nicholas, Marshal, Fannie (the wife of S. C. Purdy) Chester (who lived at Cincin- nati) and Peter were also children of Silas. The homestead descended to the last-named, and is still occupied by his descendants. The old stone chimneys are still standing and mark the site of what was a pretentious house for that time. It was located on the old road from Milford by the way of Blooming Grove to Hezekiah Bingham's, and thence through Purdy ville to Cherry Ridge and the North and South road, which it intersected near Asa Stanton's. For many years a tavern was kept in the old house, and it was looked upon as the most important business location in tiie town- ship. Elder William Purdy, a cousin of Silas, was of Connecticut origin, having been born in Fairfield County. In 1769 he married Rachel, a sister of Silas Purdy, and soon afterward moved to New York State, residing for some time at " Nine Partners," in Dutchess County. Afterward he moved to New Marlborough, where he was baptized on profession of faith by- Rev. Jacob Drake. He settled at Pleasant Valley, and was soon ordained a deacon of the church there, and was subsequently licensed to preach. In 1793 he moved with his family to Paupack, and settled about two miles west of Silas, on lands that had been taken up two years previous. He erected a house of hewn logs, and aided by his sons commenced clearing up a farm. He immediately commenced preaching, too, and his labors soon extended to the sur- rounding settlements. A number of his own family were converted, and soon the interest in religious life was so strong that the Palmyra Baptist Church was organized, and he was made its pastor. His ministerial labors were not confined to this church and its dependencies. Following the rough road over the Moosic Mountain, he carried the Word all through the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys. He con- tinued the esteemed pastor of the Palmyra Church for nearly a quarter of a century, labor- ing without stated salary, and sustaining his family by his own exertions, and died in 1824, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. He had a family of six boys and two girls. Reuben, the eldest son, lived adjoining his father, and as a licentiate filled the pulpit in his father's absence. He was also for many years a justice of the peace, and died in 1855, aged eighty-two. His son, Reuben R. Purdy, was at one time a county commissioner in Wayne. Darius G. Purdy, another son, is the postmaster, and one of the most prominent residents of Purdyville at the present time. Solomon Purdy, a second son of the elder, occupied lands adjoining his father on the north, and was a prosperous farmer, devoted to hunt- ing and fishing, and beloved by all as a pleasant companion and excellent sportsman. He lived to be eighty years old. James, the third son, who first settled east of his father, afterwards bought a farm on the Lackawaxen, near Pan- WAYNE COUNTY. roa pack Eddy, where he spent his last days, living to be seventy. William, the fourth son, entered the Baptist ministry, and preached for many years to the church in Bethany, where he also resided. He afterwards removed to ( )hio. Ebenezer, who was the fifth son, died in the prime of life. He owned a farm near that of Solomon. Abner was the youngest in the fam- ily, and he also moved to Ohio, where he died in 1881, in the ninety-second year of his age. The Purdys had very few neighbors during the early history of the township, and for many years the family comprised nearly all the prom- inent residents. Major John Ansley moved from the Wallenpaupack settlement and located about two miles below Silas Purdy's, where he kept a hotel on the old Lake Country road. His son Mifflin inherited the property. Mif- flin was the victim of an epidemic, very malig- nant in character, that made its appearance in the township in 1831 and caused much alarm. It was at first thought to be cholera, but was afterwards known as camp fever. Briusou, a cousin of Mifflin, was also a victim. Samuel Hartford appears on the assessment list as a resident of Palmyra, but he lived in Salem, near the township line, and an account of him will be found in the chapter devoted to that township. Ambrose Buckingham, who came from Say- brook, Conn., in 1825, also settled near the line between Paupack and what is now Lake. He was one of five sisters and brothers, all of whom, with one exception, settled in various parts of Wayne County. In 1827 Mr. Buck- ingham married Miss Mahala Keller, of Salem, and exchanged his farm for one hundred acres in Paupack township. Here he resided for fifty years, and his untiring industry summoned waving fields and blooming orchards from under the shadows of the beeches. He Was a keen thinker, had clear judgment and was re- spected by all who knew him as an earnest, honest man. He died in 1877, and was buried in the family plot on the farm. His children were Jane G., the wife of A. G. Smith, of Pau- pack; Olive, who died in 1831; Fidelia, the late wife of A. B. Vandervort, of Newark, N. J. ; Susan, the wife of Major M. Wardell, of Haleville ; Jasper ; Eunice S., who married George Chapman, of Salem ; Adaline M., the wife of Louis Andrews, of New York ; Am- brose H. ; and Emma May, the latter an au- thoress, of whom mention is made in the chap- ter on bibliography. Uriah Williams, a lineal descendant of Roger Williams, lived in Paupack many years; his wife was a Hewitt, and George Williams, one of their sons, lives on the homestead. John H., another son, lives at Nobletown, and others of his children have removed West. The following names appear on one of the first assessment lists made out after the erection of the township : Easter Ansley. Hermon N. Kimble. Jonas Ansley. Benj. T. Killem. Oliver Buckingham. John Lonlasher. Cornelius Berger. Redford Longstreet. Peter Ball. David Lesher. John Bowman. M. G. Moch. A. Buckingham. John Miller. Peter Batterson. Henry McCann. David Bartron. Calvin Pellet. S. James Cole. Martial Purdy. George Colling. Garden Pellet. John B. Cole. Calvin Pellet (2d ). John Siperly. Nathaniel C. Purdy. Russell Daniel^. George Peterson. Joseph Dunkerly. Jos. C. Purdy. Stewart Dunkerly. ' S. C Purdy. Cortland Daniels. Jonah Pennell. George Daniels. Darius G. Purdy. Nelson Daniels. Reuben Purdy. Chauncy Daniels. Harvey Purdy. David Ellsworth. Abbot N. Purdy. Joseph Fowler. Reuben R. Purdy. John B. Fowler. William Reynolds. Charles Fowler. Thomas Riley. Peter C. Fish. William Randall. Richard Foster. William Shouse. Henry Gowan. Franklin Steel. Andrew Grosse. Allis Sleezer. George Groner. A. G. Smith. Charles Hall. Thomas V. Taft. Oren Hall. Jacob Tanner. Ebenezer Huff. Eli Utt, William Harris. David H. Tinny. Charles Harris. G. A. Williams." Leonard Hack. William Wilds. Robert Hand. George Wilds. Nathan G. Hand. John Williams. John Huffman. Charles Woodward. Jonas R. Sutton. Amasa L. Woodward. Isroek Killem. Samuel Wilder. Powell C. Killem. 704 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. An Indian Camping-Ground. — When the Purdys first located in Paupack there were many signs of a recent occupation of the coun- try by the red men, and relics were plenty. About one-half mile south of the farm now occupied by Sylvanus Purdy, in a retired place but a few rods from the main road, an even spot, two or three acres in extent, was cleared and made perfectly smooth. On this were found many traces of its having been a flour- ishing Indian village at no very distant date. Flints dressed for arrows, a stone broad-axe, a stone gouge, tomahawks, flint knives and bits of clay pots were scattered around the remains of clay fire-places. In one place it was evident that some of the tribe had carried on the man- ufacture of arrow-heads, and in the large piles of flint chips were found bits of all colors — varieties that abound only in remote localities. This camping-ground was elevated several feet above the surrounding flat, and ended in an abrupt natural ledge of rock, from under which flowed a large cold spring. A marked trail led to the Wallenpaupack Creek, on the bank of which stood a tree which bore the marks of In- dian axes, while on the rocks near by were traced some rude characters, which have since been obliterated by the action of the water. Along the banks of the creek many natural mortars, witli stone pestles in them, were found, and a stone pot, carefully worked from some variety of rock, not found in the vicinity, was discovered on a ledge at the falls of the Wal- lenpaupack. It was supposed to have been left there by a party of Indians who were known to have made this a temporary abode about the time that Carter and his family first settled at Wallenpaupack village, before the first pioneers crossed the Cobb Mountain, penetrated the for- ests of the Lackawanna Valley and settled at Wyoming. This statement is based upon the story of an Indian doctor, who was stopping at a tavern in Ithaca, where one of the Purdys also put up for the night. When the latter said lie was from near the Lackawaxen, the old In- dian raised his head and said, " Ugh ! me know the Lackawack before you was born." He then told the story of how his tribe had been driven from their hunting-grounds and were traveling up the river, and how they came to the falls of the Wallenpaupack, where one of the party killed a bear. They stopped to eat a portion of it, and afterward, finding elk and deer plenty in the vicinity, made it a temporary abode, camping on the spot to which reference has al- ready been made. Tradition has it that these were Delawares. Mills and Early Improvements. — One of the first requisites of the Paupack pioneers was a saw-mill, and as soon as Silas Purdy had erected his cabin of hewn planks and logs, and had enough land cleared to support his family from the scanty crops it brought forth, he com- menced the construction of the mill. Just what time this was is now unknown, but it is certain that it was before the close of the last century, and probably several years before the erection of Wayne County. The mill stood on a small stream which runs through the farm now occu- pied by Myron Purdy. The first mill was built entirely of hewn timber, and was a spout mill, the water being conducted to the driving- wheel in hollow logs, which were supported on stone piers several rods, until they entered a small head-race. This race was also con- structed chiefly out of hewn plank, and one of them is still shown as a curiosity by Mr. Malen Purdy, from whom many of these details were obtained. This mill was burned down after it had been standing but a few years, and was again built on the same general plan ; a second time it was destroyed, and it was then rebuilt as a penstock mill ; afterward it was converted into a trunk-mill, with greater capacity for sawing. As soon as the saw-mill was completed, and good lumber could be obtained, Silas Purdy erected a tavern on his farm. It was on the road leading from the Wallenpaupack settle- ment to Cherry Ridge, a much-traveled route for those days. This house was a pretentious structure for the time, and had its roof sup- ported by high stone chimneys at either end. These are still standing, a credit to the honest architecture of those days. One of them con- tains six fire-places, an oven and a smoke-house, all of them in fair conditiou. The next important improvement was the WAYNE COUNTY. 705 erection of a grist-mill on a stream running through the farm now owned by the heirs of Harvey Purdy. It was built by Silas Purely and his son Ephraim, and, with the exception of the mill owned by Abel Kimble, in Pike County, was the only one accessible to settlers for miles around. Its single "run " of native conglomerate, taken from the Moosic Moun- tain, were driven by an overshot wheel, and the coarse meal was only bolted by hand ; neverthe- less the mill was patronized by people from Salem, Cherry Ridge and even Mount Pleasant. At a later date William Purdy and his sons erected a saw-mill on a small stream which runs through the farm now occupied by B. Dingman. This mill did service for many years, and was subsequently much improved. In 1825 John Tyler built a saw-mill on the out- let of Long Pond, which became the scene of a tragedy. It was there that the owner was found hanging from a rafter one day. After his death the mill passed into other hands, and was one of many that were running in Paupack during the palmy days of the lumber trade. The mill now run by J. S. Ames & Co. was built on a tributary to the Purdy Pond, by Charles Woodward in 1855. There was also a saw-mill built at Hemlock Hollow in 1820; it was converted into a circular mill in I860, and is still in use. In 1844 E. Killam built a mill at the outlet of Long Pond, and ran it for Russell Daniels, and subsequently 'Robertson, Gale & Co. erected a steam mill northwest of it, and near the Lake township line. The later industries of Paupack are few. In 1874 Darius G. Purdy and William Hankins started an establishment for the manufacture of saw and fork handles and umbrella sticks at Purdyville, which, after running a year and a half, was destroyed by fire, and has not since been rebuilt. In 1876 D. G. Purdy erected his grist mill. It has two " run " of stone, operated by three turbine wheels — two thirty inch and one twenty-four inch. It runs chiefly on corn, rye and buckwheat for custom work. Lumbering has had a prominent place in the history of Paupack township, and has been the source of great profit. For many years the supply seemed exhaustless, and much was wasted, and it is only within a few years that the people seem to have realized that the most available timber has already been felled. It was many years after the first settlement that lumbering was begun with any degree of earn- estness ; meanwhile, farms had been cleared, and the primitive mills had been kept in motion only for the local trade. The means of marketing were poor and indirect. The roads to the Lackawaxcn made hauling very bad, and rafting on the Wallenpaupack could not be car- ried on without a second handling of timber at the falls, which did not pay. But in time the forest of magnificent pine attracted the atten- tion of the ship-builders, and as prices went up, the whirr of the saw was heard from every available mill-site. Only the best timber, clear and free from knots, was taken, and when drawn to Paupack Eddy and rafted down the river, it brought from seven and a half to ten dollars a thousand, the latter being considered an extremely good price. The lumber with which to construct the ship-house in the Philadelphia Navy Yard was obtained at Hemlock Hollow, as was also much of the timber used in build- ing the great ship of that day — the " Pennsyl- vania." The masts, which were ninety feet long and two feet in diameter at the top end, were the largest ever felled in the township, and were drawn to Paupack Eddy by twenty yoke of oxen. These great masts were fur- nished by Enos Goodrich, of Salem. Among the prominent lumbermen of the township were D. Bishop, Russell Daniels, Joseph At- kinson, Rufus Bennett, D. Biugham and M. Tyler. Most of them were residents of the township. Mr. Bishop had a mill on the Middle Creek, near No. 14 Plane, and bought of Killam, Torrey and Woodward. Russell Dan- iels purchased the trunk-mill of William Purdy, and made a number of improvements which in- creased its capacity. For several yeirs Peter Long lived at this mill and did thesawing. From him the mill received the sobriquet of " the Pete Long mill." Moses Tyler's mill has been before referred to. It was in Killam Hollow, near the Tyler Spring. Rufus Bennett did most of his lumbsring at Hemlock Hollow, where 706 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Henry Harmon then had a mill. 'Dolph Bing- ham, of Pike County, was also a prominent lumberman in Paupack, and used to camp out at " Abisha Meadow," as the Beach house was called, in remembrance of Abisha Woodward, who first cleared up a place for a cabin there. Leonard Labar, the Shouses, Eli Utt and others, whose names are mentioned in connec- tion with other townships, acquired compe- tencies before the lumber trade in the region suffered diminution. The Post-Office. — In the early history of the township the mails were very irregular, and letters for Paupack went sometimes to one place and sometimes to another. It was not unusual for those expecting mail to go to all the adjacent post-offices and make inquiries. After a regular mail route was established between Honesdale and Stirling, as Purdyville was on the road, a post-office was established there with R. R. Purdy as the first postmaster. This was in 1839 and for ten years the mails came regularly once or twice a week. Then the route was changed and the office abandoned, residents of the township having to go to Tafton, Pau- pack Eddy or into Pike County. Much dis- satisfaction was thus occasioned, and in 1857 the office was once more established, with Ab- bot M. Purdy as postmaster. In 1868 Hemlock Hollow was established and A. J. Roloson put in charge, and soon after the other office was abandoned. Mr. Roloson was succeeded by Darius G. Purdy, and he gave place to Mrs. F. M. Purdy, the present incumbent. Hemlock Hollow has two stores, and until quite recently had a hotel. There is also a mill there, a blacksmith-shop and the other small industries found in a quiet hamlet. Schools asd Churches. — The first school in Purdyville stood on the bank of the brook that flows near the residence of Mr. O. M. Flemming. It was a log structure and must have been built early in the present century. The name of the first teacher has been forgot- ten and many of those who sat on the rude slab benches have finished the lesson of life. The Palmyra Baptist Church owes its exist- ence to the labors of William Purdy, who com- menced preaching in the neighborhood of his new home soon after he located in Purdyville, in 1792. In 1800 Rev. Lebbeus Lafhrop, of Orange County, N. Y., visited the settlement and baptized Silas Purdy, Jr., Jacob Purdy, Miss Jane Purdy, the wife of William Purdy, Jr., and one other, and in the spring of 1801 Rev. Epaphras Thomp- son, of Mount Pleasant, preached there and baptized Miss Phcebe Purdy. In September of that year the Palmyra Baptist Church, consist- ing of fifteen constituent members, was recog- nized by a council convened for the purpose, and at the same time William Purdy was or- dained as pastor of the infant church. Revs. Epaphras Thompson, John Caton, of Bmok- field, N. Y., and William Bishop, of the Lacka- wanna Valley, officiated on this interesting occasion. Asa Cobb and Daniel Bowers were soon appointed deacons and the subject of doc- trine and discipline was taken up. In 1802 the church decided to hold communion with none but Baptist believers, and in the following year resolved that it was the duty of every male member who was the head of a household to hold domestic worship, and that female mem- bers ought to pray in secret. In 1 804 it was resolved to hold covenant meetings on the last Saturday of each month. The church grew and prospered, and in 1807 united with the Abington and Mount Pleasant Churches in forming the Abington Association. In 1810 the report to the association showed that there was a total membership of forty-seven-, of which thirty had been added by baptism. From the following year until 1817 it remained almost stationary, but in 1818 it shared with the other churches of the association a great revival, and the total membership was increased to sixty-four. In 1824 the pastor died and Mr. George Dobell, a licentiate, was chosen to supply the charge. This he did to the satisfac- tion of all until 1829, when he was ordained a regular pastor, a relation which he sustained until 1840. It was during this period that the " Old School " schism took place, and the dissen- sions were felt in no slight degree in the Pal- myra Church. From 1840 to 1852 the church was destitute of a pastor and stated preaching, but during the time it maintained a feeble ex- WAYNE COUNTY. 707 isteuce. Iu the fall of the latter year Rev. L. L. Still began to preach for the congregation and Rev. Henry Curtis gave an occasional ser- mon. Rev. Sanford Leach supplied them a portion of the year 1853, and in the spring the church had a- total membership of forty-two. In 1854 Rev. Newell Callender was ordained pastor, and his labors were greatly prospered. In the fall, however, eighteen members were dismissed to form a church at Jonestown, Lake township. From that time the strength of the church gradually decreased, its members uniting with other congregations that grew up in the villages and towns near by. Ill health deprived the congregation of Mr. Callender, and J. M. Ball, a licentiate, was secured as stated supply. After him came Rev. Thomas Grennell, and then Elder Henry Curtis. The last pastor was W. H. Dewell, who served the church until six or seven years ago, when regular service was given up. The Methodist Episcopal Church was com- menced as a class at Rollisontown, a small ham- let, about fifty years ago, and Nathaniel Rolli- son was the first class-leader. Who the origi- nal members were is not now known, but among them were the following, who are now living : Moses Masters, aged ninety-seven ; James Os- borne, aged seventy eight; Rebecca Rollison, aged seventy-six ; and Polly Bid well, aged eighty. The first meetings were held at the house of Urial Williams, on what is now known as the Cole farm. About 1844, John Dwight Safford began preaching in the old log school-house that had been built on the Rollison farm ten years before, and from that time the church began to grow until, during the present year, it has near- ly completed a creditable church edifice, and is filling a wide field of usefulness. Among those who have filled the pulpit were the following : Revs. William Reddy, Samuel Griffin, Aaron Gillett, Charles Perkins, William Dean, Thom- as Eilcox, William Silsbee, James B. Cooper, Blackmail, Cushman, Barnes, Welcome Smith, George W. Leach, C. V. Ar- nold, Marcus Carrier, J. A. Baldwin, Charles W. Giddings, Charles White, I. T. Walker, J. Madison, Jacob Miller, Gabriel Westfall, Henry Stantly, J. L. Race, W. H. Gavitt, Robert Em- mett Hall, M. D. Fuller, George T. Price, K. C. Gill, George W. Robinson, C. W. Blake, Sanford Swingle, Stephen Jay, J. Durham, A. B. Eckart, A. J. Va» Vleft, D. A. Sanford, Charles Lane Rice, the present incumbent, to whom the writer is indebted for these facts. The first Sunday-school in connection with this church was conducted in the old log school- house by Hiram Clements, an earnest worker from Salem. He was succeeded by Charles Potter, Joseph Moore, Daniel Brundage, Red- ford Longstreet, A. J. Rollison and George M. Bidwell. The corner-stone of the new church edifice was laid on June 20th of the present year, and a creditable house of worship is now under roof. The Free Methodist Church at Hemlock Hol- low was organized about six years ago, by Rev. G. W. Swingle, and already has a large membership and a comfortable house of wor- ship. It is on the circuit with Hollisterville, South Canaan and Jonestown, all four churches having one pastor. CHAPTER XXVIII. PRESTOS TOWNSHIP. This township, formed of parts of Scott and Mount Pleasant, April 28, 1828, was named in honor of Judge Samuel Preston, of Stockport, first associate judge of Wayne County. It ap- pears from the records that at the formation of the town it was at first proposed to call it Ara- rat ; but as it was taken mostly from Scott, which had been named from Judge David Scott, he deemed it proper to return the com- pliment, and give it the name of the first set- tler of Buckingham, the mother township of both Scott and the new township. The terri- tory thus set off has retained its integrity to the present day, with the exception of the small portion which was incorporated as Wayne bor- ough, in 1853, and is the third largest town- ship in the county. It is bounded on the north by Starrucca borough and Scott, on the east by Buckingham, on the south by Mount Pleasant, and on the west by Susquehanna County. The highlands which divide the drainage basins of 708 WAYNE, TIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers traverse it from north to south, and its topography is broken by picturesque hills and dotted lakelets of uncommon beauty. . The larger of these ponds are Shehawken, Como, Twin, Sly, Spruce, Seven Mile, Poyntell, Long, Big Hickory, Little Hickory, Five Mile, Bone, Long Spruce, Independence, Wrighter, Coxtown and per- haps some others. All of them are fed by fine springs, and give rise to streams that flow in every direction, furnishing an abundance of water-power, most of which is still unimproved. Most of the ponds were surrounded by fine timber, which could be felled on the banks and floated through the outlets to the mills below, so that the facilities for lumbering have been exceptionally good, and it was, and is still, a leading industry. The Lackawaxen has its head-waters from Independence and Five Mile Ponds; Wrighter, Coxtown and Long Spruce pour a volume of crystal water into the Star- rucca ; from Shehawken flows the creek of that name, and Poyntell, Little Hickory and Big Hickory form the Big Equinunk. The ponds lie chiefly in deep depressions on the hill-tops, and most of the streams descend rapidly, over rocky beds, broken by many abrupt falls, form- ing natural mill-sites of great value. The lake sources of the streams, moreover, make their flow constant, and the high altitude of the country makes it subject to copious rain-falls, so that an abundant water-power may be stored in these natural reservoirs, and, at slight expense, made always available. Although Ararat and Sugar Loaf Mountains are in the township, and most of the surface is a succession of rolling hills, there are few declivities that interfere with successful cultivation. The soil is fruit- ful, droughts are rare, and good crops of rye, oats, corn and buckwheat are raised, while the potato crop is always reliable and abundant. Early Settlement. — There were few, if any, settlers in what is now Preston township before the beginning of the present century. The tide of emigration moved slowly, and the first comers were those who penetrated the then dense forest only after the adjacent settlements along the river and in Mount Pleasant, where the earlier pioneers had located had been made. After the first clearings were made, the growth of the population was comparatively slow, and in 1829,when the first assessment was made by Pe- ter C. Sherman, the total number of taxables was only sixty-nine. In 1831 this had fallen to sixty-five. The following names are from that assessment, the earliest now extant : David Babcock. Widow Bennett. Jesse Corwin. Ira Cargill. Luther Chafee. Riley Case. Willet Carr. Cushman Bassett. Joseph Dow. Joseph Dow, Jr. Enos Dow. Elijah Dix. Franklin Duvall. John Dunn. Matthew Dunn. Jeremiah Flinn. Thomas Foster. Milo Frink. Francis J. Grelett. Clark Gardenier. Rufus Geer. Andrew B. Gibson. Perry Hine, Cy prion Howard. George Hall. Abraham Haynes. Benjamin King. Silas Kellogg. Jesse Mapes. Jirah Mumford. James Mumford. Joseph Margurat. James Moore. John Martin. Eleazer Monroe. William U. Norton. John Ostrander. Daniel Rose. James Simpson. John Stanton. Joseph W. Simpson. Ebeneze r Stanton. Benjamin Sampson. Henry Sampson. John Stephens. Peter Spencer. Russel Spencer. Abner Stone. David Stout. James Simpson. Peter C. Sherman. John Starbird. William Starbird. Lyman Tiler. Elihu Tallman. William Tallman. Christopher Tallman. E. Wilcox. . David Wooley. James Woodmansee. Gideon Woodmansee. Squire Whitaker. Henry Whitaker. Daniel Underwood. Gideon Woodmansee, whose name appears in the above assessment, came from Connecticut in 1816, accompanied by his brothers, James and Thomas, and all of them settled on the " Stock- port road." Gideon located on the place now belonging to John Randall, in Buckingham township ; he bought property in Preston, how- ever, and was prominently identified with the early history of the township. Mr. Wood- mansee had been a soldier in the Revolution, and had three sons, — James, Thomas and Jere- miah. The first-named inherited the home- stead, and his brothers moved to Michigan. James married Polly Underwood, and his WAYNE COUNTY. 709 children were James M., Jedediah, Samuel, Lyman, Horace, Phoebe, who married George Gates ; Susan, the wife of Alvin R. Squire ; Mary J., the wife of Joseph B. Sanford ; Hul- dah, who married W. W. Blasdell, of Jackson, Susquehanna County ; Rhoda, the wife of Jacob Martin ; and Mahala, who married William Kingsbury, of Lake Como. Rufus Geer, who was a native of Rhode Island, came from that State to Preston about 1816, and settled on the Twin Lakes, on the farm now occupied by W. J. Hemstead. His children were Harry, now of Buckingham ; Rufus, deceased ; Levi, of Orange County, N. Y.; Eldad, of Elk County ; Hiram, of Pres- ton ; Amy, the wife of Stephen P. London ; Mary, who married James Christian ; Jerusha, the wife of George G. Labar ; Lodema, the wife of William McCol lough ; Zubie E., the wife of James Cleveland. Andrew B. Gibson was brought up by a brother of Rufus Geer, who lived in Mount Pleasant township. As soon as he arrived at maturity Mr. Gibson located on the place now occupied by John McGraw, on Equinunk Creek, near the Labar mill. He married a daughter of David Wooley, and had a large family, but only one of them, Mrs. Joseph Fletcher, remains in the township. John and William Starbird were the sons of John Starbird, of Maine, who moved to Strouds- burg in 1783, and there married Hannah Stroud. His sons moved into what is now Preston in March, 1817, and John made his first clearing the following year. He was a justice of the peace for what was then Scott township, and also made the assessment there in 1823. In 1824 he built a saw-mill on She- hawken Creek. He had a family of thirteen children, all of whom grew to man's estate. William Starbird cleared up a farm in 1822, and in 1851 rebuilt the saw-mill his brother had constructed. The mill is now owned by S. T. Whittaker. David Wooley came from New York City in March, 1817, accompanied by a number of others from the same place, and settled in that part of the township known as " Little York." He had a number of children, auiona; whom were William and John, who went West ; Sarah A., who married Jedediah Woodmansec ; James and Mary Jane, who both reside in Ohio. James Moore, who was also a settler at " Little York," came about the same time as Mr. Wooley, and located near him. Mr. Moore's oldest daughter married Ezra Spencer, of Mount Pleasant ; and Eliza, another, married Jirah M. Kellogg ; Adeline is the wife of James Lord, and Cornelia married James Gibson, and lives in Illinois. Elihu Tallman, the father of Esquire C. P. Tallmau, of Tallmansville, was a native <>( Massachusetts. At an early age he was put on board a coasting vessel as cabin-boy and cook, and subsequently learned the trade of shoe- making. He first located in Saratoga, and there married in 1799, and soon after came to Wayne County, and settled in Mount Pleasant. After various vicissitudes he bought out the improvement of Samuel P. Green, on the East Branch, and also a tract of timber at Six Mile Lake (now Lake Como), where he completed a saw-mill, and hauled to Stockport the first raft of pine ever floated there, in 1820. In 1822 he bought a large tract four miles from Starrucca, known as the Krider tract, and was subsequently a prominent lumberman of the township. He had two sons, — William and C. P. The latter bought a large tract where Tallmansville now stands in 1826, built a saw-mill and cleared up a fine farm. He has been for many years a jus- tice of the peace and is a public spirited-citizen. He has been twice married, and his children are as follows : Edwin E., Addison B., Philena J., Darwin W., Eudalia J. (the wife of Addis Moore), Olive L. (the wife of Frederick D. Benedict). In 1821 Willet Carr, a uative of Hancock, N. Y., settled on the place now occupied by Amos O. Sherwood, at Preston post-office. Mr. Carr was a resident of Preston until about 1837, when he moved to Steuben County, N. Y., taking all the surviving members of his family with him. Green, one of his sons, was buried on the place. The next occupant was David Blowers, who resided there about a year and then went elsewhere. WAYNE, PIKE AND .MONROE COUNTiES, PENNSYLVANIA. On the adjoining farm James Simpson, an Englishman, who had recently emigrated, located in 1821, and the place is still in the hands of his descendants. His children were James, Joseph and John, all deceased ; Henry, a resident of Buckingham ; Mary, the wife of William Duvall ; Christina, who married Alber Barrows. Riley and E. T. Case, two brothers from Gibson, Susquehanna County, came to the township in 1821. Riley located on the farm where Samuel Decker now lives. He married Pollina Whitney, and his children were Charles, Franklin and Emily ; the latter is now married and a resident of Great Bend. E. T. Case married Mclila Dow, and their children were Olive (the wife of William Baker), Sophia (who married Ellis Tyler and then Jasper Savery), Phelene (the wife of Luther Carpenter), George, Julia, Virgil, Robert, Horace, Eva (the wife of Charles Cory), and Ella, (the wife of Edsou Barrett). Franklin Duvall was one of the settlers at " Little York," and located where Charles McCabe now lives. He had one son, William F., who lives near Preston post-office. The latter had a large family, some of whom live in Preston and adjacent townships. Peter C. Sherman was an early settler at Preston Centre, but just when he located there is uncertain. He made the township assess- ment, which has been before referred to, in 1829, and at that time had ten acres of improved land, four hundred and thirty-six acres unim- proved and a house valued at eight 'dollars. The township and general elections were held on his place for many years. The place after- wards fell into the hands of J. Carr, who dis- posed of it to C. B. Dibble, its present owner. Luther Chafee located on the farm now occu- pied by C. P. Tallman, Esq., in 1823. He married Rebecca Perkins, and his children were Hervy, Harriet (the wife of Henry Aitteny), Samuel, Joseph and Larcomb. Mr. Chafee sold his farm in 1838 and moved to Ohio. David Babcock located on a part of the farm now owned by John Clark, in 1823, and re- sided there for some vears. He afterward sold out and removed West, though some of his de- scendants still reside in the township. Deacon Peter Spencer was one of the earliest settlers and came from Connecticut. He located on the place now occupied by Nathan A. Mon- roe, and married a Miss Russell, of Mount Pleasant. Their children were Ruggles, Sam- uel, Lucretia (the wife of Silas Freeman, of Mount Pleasant), Sarah (who married William Labar, now living with her son, S. W. Labar, in the township). John Stanton, for whom Stanton Hill was named, came from Connecticut at an early date, and settled on the farm now occupied by Al- pheus Dix. He married Rhoda Tallman, and their children were Samuel ; Betsy, the wife of David Dix ; Mary A., who married Am- brose Payne, and afterwards Martin Ellis ; Henry P.; David ; Sidney ; Maxy, the wife of Jesse Haines; Eunice, who married Charles Roberts; and John. John Stephens, who was one of the first to keep a public-house in the town, was an Eng- lishman, and began early on the farm now occu- pied by Stanley H. Hine. The exact date of his settlement cannot be ascertained. The as- sessment of 1829 showed him to have two hun- dred and twenty-five acres of land, much of which was of superior quality, indicating that he had been there some time then. His first license was granted in 183d, and he kept a tav- ern as long as he lived. Abner Stone was an early settler on the Stockport road, and located just north of Sam- uel Bookings, on the farm now occupied by Henry K. Stone. He had a number of chil- dren, among whom were Albert, of Equinunk ; Hosmer, of Illinois ; Henry K. ; Sible, who married Nathan Sherwood, and then Thomas Tiner, of Equinunk ; and Lucy, the wife of Byron Freeman, of Mount Pleasant. Daniel Rose, whose name appears in the assess- ment above quoted, cleared up the farm where George Wainright now lives, and afterwards moved to Pike County, where he is mentioned more fully. Ira Cargill, who came from Connecticut, started a flourishing settlement on the road leading from the Ochquaga turnpike to Star- WAYNE COUNTY. 711 racca iu 1830. His farm, which was near Rider Poud, is now owned by Jesse Carpenter. ' Mr. Cargill was a prominent man in his day, and was several times a township officer. He has been dead many years, and left no descend- ants. Clark Gardner, who was a prominent man iu the western part of the township, was of New England origin, and located on the farm now occupied by Robert Tenant some time prior to 1830. He afterwards moved to Mount Pleas- ant township, where his descendants all reside. Nathan T. Carpenter, a native of Attleboro', Mass., took up the two hundred acre tract that he has since cleared, in 1830. He married Mary Luther, of Swanzy, Mass., and his chil- dren are Theophilus L., of Jackson, Susquehanna County ; Mary, the wife of J. F. Duvall ; Daniel, who was killed in the late war; Han- nah; and Nathan, who resides in Mount Pleas- ant. Eleazer Monroe moved from Mount Pleasant about 1830, and located on the place now occu- pied by Charles Monroe. He married Cathe- rine Roberts, and hie children were Lyman, deceased ; James and Jonathan, who live in Kansas ; Mary, the wife of Sheldon Stearns ; ami Ellen, the wife of Gilbert A. Forbes, of Honesdale. Joseph Margurat, a native of Switzerland, settled on the place now occupied by one of the Sherwoods, about 1830. He afterwards moved to Sandusky, Ohio, but left a number of de- scendants in Preston township. Mrs. Ezra Ferris is his granddaughter. George Hall, whose name appears in the above assessment, settled at Lake Como in 1830, where he married a Miss Hill. He died in 1835, and his wife afterwards married a Mr. Barrager, and lived in Buckingham township. John Martin was a Hessian, who went from Canada to Duchess County, N. Y., and from there emigrated to Wayne County. He had been in the army, and used to say facetiously that he was sent out of camp one day, and for- got to go back. He lived on a number of farms in Preston and adjoining townships. His fam- ily is scattered. Jeremiah lives in Buckingham ; Daniel is a resident of the township; David was killed in the late war; Stephen lives in Nebraska ; Mary is married, and lives in New York, as do several others of his daughters ; Julia, one of them, married James C. Menhen- nett, of Lake Como. I >avid Stout located where A. C. Wilcox now lives, near Twin Lakes. He had one sou, David, who now resides with his son-in-law, Peter Harris, of Mount Pleasant ; and a daugh- ter, Lucy, who married Ambrose Wilcox, of t he same place. Merritt Hine came from Massachusetts about 1811, and settled first in Ararat, Susquehanna County. In 1831 he moved to Hine's Corners, on the place now occupied by Philander Hine, and bought most of the land near by, selling it on easy terms, and starting a flourishing settle- ment. He married Catharine Belcher, and had a large family. His children were Julia, the wife of William Knapp ; Era; Miranda, who married D. M. Benedict; John; Royal; Phil- ander; Elena; Lorenzo; Sarah J., the wife of David Thurston ; Elizabeth B., who married Daniel Tuthill ; Mary E., who married Sidney P. Tallman, and then a Mr. Enslin ; David J. Merritt Hine was one of the champion hunters of the region, and could boast many thrilling and hair-breadth escapes from wolves and panthers. He was skilled in woodcraft, and frequently went sixty miles to Wilkes- Barre, through the then almost trackless for- ests. Francis J. Grelett was a Frenchman, who located on what is now called the George Fail- ing place, about 1831. He was a man of much education and considerable culture, and it was said that he had been an officer in Napoleon's army, and had left France for political reasons. He was one of the early teachers in Honesdale, where he gained quite a reputation as a fine mathematician, though he was somewhat eccen- tric. Alexander, the eldest of his four sons, always lived in Philadelphia ; Joseph resides at Tallmansville ; Victor went to Illinois ; L. Donot is at Lake Como. Of his daughters, Louise married Thaddeus Campbell ; Ciserine was the wife of Earl Griffin ; and Justine mar- ried and went West. Colby Chamberlain came from Virginia about 712 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1837, and located on Spruce Pond, where he took up a tract of one hundred and sixteen acres. He married Ardelia Seay, and their children were Harriet, the wife of Abner Pal- mer ; Worcester, who resides on the homestead ; Osmer; William H.; Edgar B.; Jennie, the wife of Jonathan Kellogg ; and Josephine, who mar- ried John Davis. Silas Kellogg was one of the early settlers of Mount Pleasant, emigrating there from Sara- toga in 1792. He was elected sheriff of the county in 1813, and was a prominent man in the early history of that township, under which a more extended notice of him will be found. He moved into Preston in 1837 and resided there for many years. His sons were Azor and Jirah Kellogg, and Mary, his oldest daughter, was the wife of John K. Woodward, and the mother of the late Warren J. Woodward, and of Jackson K. Woodward, deceased, of Hones- dale. Amos O. Sherwood came from Fairfield County, Connecticut, about 1837, and first set- tled at Rileyville. In a few years he took up a tract at Preston Centre, and his place has since been well known in the locality. He married Betsy Burr, and his children are Eunice, the wife of Ezra Seeley, of Connecticut ; Eben B.; Amelia, who married Marcus Moore ; Na- than J.; Eleanor ; D. B.; William H ; and Sally, the wife of Reuben Beech. Among those who arrived in the township at a later period were J. B. Sanford, who settled at Little York about 1841 ; George Wainright, who came a year later ; Omar A. Lakin, who was a grandson of Josiah Parks, of rafting fame, and came from Hancock, New York, in 1844; and John Tenaut, of Luzerne County; and John Vau Housan, of Delhi, New York, who located near Rider Pond in 1847 and 1848. Daniel Underwood removed from Connecti- cut in 1830, and located on the Stockport road, northeast of Amos O. Sherwood. He was a skillful carpenter and builder, and erected the Methodist Church in Mount Pleasant. He was the father of a good-sized family, and all of his sons have become prominent men in both town- ship and county. They were Lewis A. Under- wood, Hon. Nelson F. Underwood, who repre- sented Wayne County in the Legislature of 1880, W. G. Underwood and Preston, who re- moved to Kansas ; the daughters were Lavinia, who married James E. W'oodinansee, and lives in Buckingham, and Ann Eliza, the wife of L. E. Howard, of Hancock, New York. Daniel Underwood died in 1873, aged sixty-seven years. Early Improvements. — The first saw-mill built in the township was that already referred to at the outlet of Six Mile Pond, as Lake Como was then called. It had been commenced by Samuel P. Green, who owned a four hun- dred acre tract there, and had met with financial reverses after beginning his improvements. Elihu Tollman made his purchase of the prop- erty in 1819, and at once finished the mill, and the first raft of sawed lumber was hauled to the Stockport banks in time for the spring freshets of the following year. At this time there were no roads running north and south for many miles, except the old Stockport road, which led from the Delaware to Mount Pleas- ant, and this had only the small trees and bushes cut out, and the larger trunks so blazed as to guide the settlers on its course in deep snows. This was connected with the Cochec- ton and Great Bend turnpike by a road east from Union Settlement, in what is now Man- chester, and there were also a few private roads, about half opened. Mr. Tallman's lumber venture proved a good one, and soon others em- barked in the business, some having their lum- ber sawed, and others drawing the logs to the river to be rafted to points down the stream. In 1824 he built a saw-mill at the outlet of Stanton Pond, on the K rider tract. The mill at Tallmansville was built by C. P. Tallman in 1830, and the same year Peter C. Sherman put up a mill on Coxtown Pond, now owned by Sydney B. Bennett. At this time the circular saw was unkpown in Wayne County, and had been but barely experimented with elsewhere, and all of these mills had the old up-and-down saw ; some of them were afterwards converted into circular saw-mills. At this time there was a road marked out from Starrucea to connect with the Stockport WAYNE COUNTY. 713 road, and in some places the underbrush had been cut out, and the timber felled, but not cleared away. It passed within a mile of the Krider tract, which was soon connected with it by a branch road, and followed the general di- rection of the present county road. In the fall of 1823 a road was cut from theTallman place to Mount Pleasant, and a number of settlers located upon it. As the population increased and became more concentrated, and fallows gave place to fields of grain, the roads were im- proved, schools were established and the township assumed character and a more inviting aspect. Post-Offices. — When the first settlers locat- ed in what is now Preston township there were several post-offices in Wayne County ; the day had gone by when correspondents sent their letters addressed to " Beech Woods," to remain at Wilkes-Barre till called for, and there was a mail route from Wilkes-Barre by the way of Mount Pleasant to Bethany and Milford, returning through Paupack and Cobb's Gap. The first office established in the present town- ship limits was that at Tallmansville, and Elihu Tallman was the official in charge. He con- tinued to serve, in spite of all the changes of administration, until 1860, when Edwin Tall- man, his son, succeeded him, and has since retained the office. The Preston office was established in 1838, with Daniel Underwood as postmaster, and he, after a few years, gave place to John Stearns. J. F. Duvall and E. B. Leonard also served in turn, before the appoint- ment, in 1880, of Elizabeth Bliss, the present incumbent. Residents of the eastern part of the township first received their mail at Jericho, in Buckingham township, where George Wainright was appointed postmaster in 1858. The office was removed to Lake Como, about I860, with Lucian Horton in charge. John W. Thrall then took it ; and, in 1867, John Turner, the present postmaster, was appointed. The office has had a daily mail since January, 1878. The office at Lakin was established in 1881, with Miss Addie G. Lakin in charge ; that at Hine's Corners in 1879. N, F. Hine was the first postmaster in the latter office, and has been succeeded by L. L. Hine, E. M. Hine and W. H. Chamberlain, the present incumbent. 69 Schools and Churches. — In the early history of the township there were no schools between Mount Pleasant and Shehawken, as Hancock was then called, and few of the children had any advantages beyond those they could obtain when their hard-worked parents had time to give a little instruction in the veriest rudiments of education. As the settlers grew more numerous, and it was possible to concen- trate a sufficient number of children at one place to hold a school, teachers were hired at private expense. One of these was Truman Wheeler, and Miss Mary Wheeler, presumably his sister, also appears in the early records. In 1824, Elihu Tallman hired Miss Sarah Jane Stoddard to teach four, and part of the time five, children in an old log house on his place. The school was kept by her for three months ; and the next summer the same pupils were under the tuition of Miss Sally Kennedy. Miss Miranda Chittenden and a Mr. Hines followed, and completed a year's instruction, which, on account of the impassable condition of the roads in the winter, had to be extended through nearly two years. Each of these teachers was paid seventy-five cents a week and board, and was entertained first at the house of one subscriber, then at the next, and so on until this portion of her salary was distributed equally among the patrons of the school. It is to the credit of the township that the first money ever spent on any public improvement was for the erection of a school-house. The following account of this is from a manuscript kindly furnished by C. P. Tallman, Esq.: " It was in the spring of 1829 or 1830 that a number of us in the neighborhood where I was then living agreed to put up a building, and start a private school, and after the matter had been well talked up, a meeting was held, and we fixed upon a site on the east side of my lot, where the road then ran — a spot which is now covered by a thick grove of maples. Some of the neighbors subscribed labor, others mate- rials ; I found nails, glass and sash to the amount of four dollars and eighty-four cents, my share of the estimated cost. The building, which was soon erected, was sixteen by twenty feet, built of sound logs cut near by, and had a stone 714 AVAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. chimney at one end, in which was a fire-place that burned four-foot wood. The building was stone chinked and mossed over, so that it was much warmer and more picturesque than many of the settlers' cabins, and presented a very respectable appearance for the times. The door and floor were made of rough hemlock, and the hinges and latch were of our own rude make. The benches were slabs with sapling legs in them, and the desk boards, fastened to the sides of the house ; but everything was substantial, and good as the times afforded. The first teacher engaged was a Miss Watrous, an old and experienced teacher, who gave great satisfaction ; and some of her pupils came several miles in all kinds of weather to profit by her instruction. We paid her a dollar a week, a larger salary than was customary ; but she earned it by her earnestness, patience and faculty for imparting knowledge. Afterward, I do not remember that we ever paid more than seventy-five cents a week for a female teacher, and ten dollars a month for a male instructor." Franklin Duvall and Daniel Underwood erected a plank school-house near the residence of the latter, and it was probably the next school building put up in the township. Daniel Fletcher taught there first, about 1839. The school-house at Little York was built near the present public school building, in 1845, and was opened by Miss Sally Sanford. After that, schools increased rapidly, and there are now fourteen buildings in the township, with an average value of five hundred dollars apiece. As early as 1822 an effort was made to hold religious services within the limits of the present township ; but the location of the families, their indigent circumstances and various other con- ditions incidental to the primitive character of the settlement were such that all attempts had to be abandoned, and, as one old settler re- cords, " the Sabbaths were very loosely spent." Once in a while the various families were visited by the pioneer ministers of the Baptist and Methodist Churches, and it is possible that within five years after the date just mentioned some gatherings for public worship may have been held. Meanwhile churches had gained strength in the adjoining townships, and among their members were some of the early Preston settlers. It was some time after 1825 that John Rain, Primitive Methodist minister, came to Luther Shafer's and began to hold stated meetings, preaching and praying with great fervor, and attracting and interesting many persons. Two were baptized in the creek at Tallmansville, and soon afterward a class of thirteen was organized. But soon it was discovered that Mr. Rain had not the proper ecclesiastical authority, and he went away, and the class was given up. But the seed had been sown, interest had been awakened, and it was not long before some of the members of the old class, and some who were members of churches elsewhere, began to long for the class-meetings and the " sweet hour of prayer." This led to the organization of the Tallmansville Methodist Episcopal Church, which took place in 1831, when a flourishing class was formed, with David Wooley as leader. Some of the original mem- bers of this were David Wooley, Jane Wooley, Sarah Ann Wooley, Wm. Wooley, James Wooley, Mary Jane Wooley, Lucretia Tallman, Lucretia Tallman (2d) G. P. Tallman and others of the same family. The first ministers were Revs. Morgan Ruger, George Evans, Samuel Griffin and Samuel B. Yarrington. The church edifice was built in 1866, at a cost of two thousand seven hundred dollars, and has been since improved. The congregation is now in a flourishing condition, and maintains a well-attended Sunday-school. The Hine's Corners Methodist Episcopal Church was organized as a class in 1849, with D. M. Benedict as the first leader. The con- stituent members were D. M. Benedict and wife, Merritt Hine and wife, Royal Hine and wife, Philander Hine and wife, D. G. Hine, Elvira Hine, Elizabeth Hine, Gilbert Wheeler, Cal- vin Hatch and wife, David Thurston and wife, David Cordner and wife, James Dunn and wife. Others were soon added, and the class became strong enough to engage Rev. N. S. Dewitt as the first pastor. At this time the class belonged to the Lanesboro' charge, and Rev. Nathaniel Sartail, another pastor on that circuit, assisted Mr. Dewitt in a great revival that was an im- WAYNE COUNTY. 715 portant event in the early history of the organi- zation. This added many members, and as the congregation increased in strength and influence it was transferred to the Herrick charge. The members were chartered as a corporate body in July, 1876, with the following trustees : D. M. Benedict, D. G. Hine, N. F. Hine, Royal Hine, J. E. Fletcher, William Lee (3d), and H. W. Woodmansee. Under the pastorate of Rev. G. W. Robinson the present church edi- fice was erected, and was dedicated in the fall of 1878. ft cost about sixteen hundred dol- lars. The Stanton Hill Methodist Episcopal Church was organized about 1 855, with H. P. Stanton as the first class-leader. The constitu- ent members were Henry Stanton, Emeline Stanton, Mary A. Stanton, David Stanton and wife, Mrs. Richard McLaury and Eunice Rob- erts. Edgar Sandford and Alpheus Dix have also been class leaders. The church has been on the Lake Como Circuit, and has been served by the pastors there. The church edifice was built during the summer of 1883, and was dedi- cated on the 27th of the October following. It cost about sixteen hundred and fifty dollars. The present trustees of the church are H. P. Stanton, Frank E. Kilpatrick, S. E. Stanton, E. J. Sanford and A. R. Dix. The Preston Centre Baptist Church was an offshoot from the church in Scott township. A few of the members of the latter organization, living, as they did, away from the central place of meeting, had for some years prior to formal organization acted as a branch of the mother church, and enjoyed the ordinances of the Sup- per and baptism at their place and pleasure. In 1858, however, they finally decided to form a " district church," and a council from the neigh- boring churches of the Abington and Bridge- water Associations was convened at Preston Centre, on the 14th of April of that year, to give them fellowship as a gospel church. E. K. Norton, of Clinton, was chosen moderator and B. B. Bunting, of Aldenville, secretary. Dele- gates were present from Aldenville, Clinton, Bethany, Gibson, Jackson, Lenox, Scott and Union Churches, and Revs. William Miller, R, G. Lamb, D. H. Halstead, A. O. Stearns and Rial Tower participated in the exercises. The constituent members who were then recognized were Charles Lloyd, William Knapp, Mary Hulett, Francis Pierce, Julian A. Andrews, Esther Carr, Walter Lloyd, Archibald Lamont, William J. Lloyd, Julia Knapp, Nancy Lamont, Clarissa Benedict, Benjamin E. Saxbury, Mary J. Carpenter, Luther Carpenter, Nathan Car- penter, F. A. Lobez, Caroline Lobez, Josiah Townsend and wife, Mary Ann Townsend. When the church was admitted to the associa- tion, the following autumn, four additions to the membership were reported, making twenty- four communicants. Rev. Rial Tower was the first pastor, aiid was secured about a year after the church was organized to labor a fourth of his time for the congregation. He remained for a portion of the time during the next two years, during which Samuel W. Lloyd was licensed to preach. He supplied the pulpit after Mr. Tow- er's departure, and was succeeded by Rev. Wil- liam Tower, a son of the first pastor. A por- tion of the church records have been lost, and the only other pastors who can be learned of are S. W. Cole, Jacob Gessner, A. O. Stearns, S. E. Carr and James Pope, in the order of their succession down to the present incumbent. The church edifice was commenced in 1884, and cost about fifteen hundred dollars. It was dedi- cated by Rev. Charles Fitzwilliams, of Damas- cus, on January 22, 1885. The Lake Como Methodist Episcopal Church was built about 1863. The society had pre- viously formed a part of the circuit known as " Thompson Mission," with a preaching-place at " Jerusalem School-House." The first board of trustees consisted of John Davidge, Lyman Woodmansee and Moses Thomas. Rev. I. N. Pardee was at that time preacher in charge. Its successive pastors have been Revs. N. S. Reyn- olds, 1864-65; S. G. Stevens, 1866; H. H. Dresser, 1867-69; J. D. Woodruff, 1870; W. B.Kinney, 1871 ; David Larish, 1872-73 ; M. I). Fuller, 1874-76 ; J. H. Taylor, 1877-79 ; F. A. Douy, 1880-81 ; G. A. Cure, 1882-84; D. A. Sandford, 1885. The parsonage was built in 1866, and was first occupied during the latter part of the Conference year by the pastor and family. The name of the circuit, or charge, 716 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. was afterwards changed to Tallmansville, and in 1880 to Lake Conio. The society now has niuety members, and its Sunday-school numbers twelve officers and teachers and one hundred and forty-six scholars. Lake Como. — The history of the village of Lake Como commences in 1859. In that year Messrs. Leonard H. Allison, John Davidge, Horace H. Crary and Lucien Horton, of Han- cock, Delaware County, N. Y., bought of Dan- iel Underwood about eight hundred acres of land, comprising most of the William Cramer and Peter Henry tracts. Upon this land and upon the site of the present establishment they at once began to build a tannery. The price paid for the land purchased was forty-five hun- dred dollars. The building was finished and ready for business before the close of the season, and as soon as the necessary tenements for work- men could be made ready the work of manu- facturing sole-leather was begun. The senior member of the firm, Mr. L. H. Allison, had not long before returned from a tour in Europe, and retaining a pleasing remembrance of Lake Co- mo, in Italy, he gave to the new hamlet and the lake near it the name which it still bears. Underthefirm-uame of Allison, Davidge & Co., the tannery business and, in connection with it, a store, was carried on by the above-named partners until 18G4, when their entire interest was sold to Albert E. Babcock, who had lately closed up a tannery at Hortouville, Sullivan County, N. Y., where the supply of bark had become exhausted. Mr. John Davidge moved with his family to Lake Como as soon as their purchase was made, and remained there until the property was sold, as did also Lucien Horton, who afterward married Hattie Burr, a sister of Mrs. Davidge and Mrs. H. H. Crary. The tan- nery and three thousand cords of bark were burned in 1868, and the building was again re- built by the original owners. Afterward, in 1876, it was again partially burned, and the burned portion built anew by Thrall & Babcock. On the death of Mr. Babcock, which occurred in 1872, the property went into the hands of his wife and his daughter, Mrs. John W. Thrall, and was carried on for four years under the name of Thrall & Babcock, Mr. Thrall still managing the business as he had previously done for Mr. Babcock. In 1880 his health became so impaired that he could no longer give the establishment his attention, and the entire property passed into the hands of Hoyt Brothers, of New York. This tannery is now neariug its close, and the men who have been its owners and managers have been most im- portant factors in the history of the whole region round about it. It has consumed at least one hundred thousand cords of hemlock bark, for which fully five hundred thousand dollars has been paid in cash, and this sum has done much toward clearing up and paying for the surrounding farms, as well as pi-omoting the various public and private enterprises in the vicinity and furnishing employment to num- bers of men engaged in various kinds of labor. On the 26th day of October, 1885, Hoyt Broth- ers sold their remaining interest in the real es- tate to Hon. N. F. Underwood, reserving only the use of such buildings as might be necessary for their employes while finishing up the tan- ning business, which they expect to do in one or two years. Lake Como Lodge, No. 965, I. O. O. F. was instituted April 10, 1879. Its charter mem- bers were Jerome Underwood, Andrew MeKee, W. C. Rutledge, W. P. Lakin, D. C. Kings- bury, Z. C. Cole, H. C. Christian, Azor E. Kel- logg, Rufus London, W. O. Ferris and N. L. Woodmansee. Its Noble Grands have been, successively, Jerome Underwood, W. P. Lakin, D. C. Kingsbury, J. E. W'ooclmansee, Samuel S. Van Etten, Dr. T. A. Haugh, J. H. Taylor, N. F. Underwood, A. T. Poole, Horace Wood- mansee, G. E. Littell and E. G. Greenwood. Its membership now numbers eighty-one, and it has about fifteen hundred dollars of invested funds. BIOGRAPHICAL. IRVIN STARBIRD. The first record of the Starbird family we can find is the birth of John Starbird on March 25, 1754, at Brunswick, Maine. He left home when the call " To arms ! " was uttered on behalf WAYNE COUNTY. 717 of the Continental troops, and, having enlisted, served throughout the Revolutionary War, was wounded and afterwards mustered out when the necessity for patriotic services in the field had ended. He proceeded to Trenton, N. J., and taught school a time ; from that place reached Easton, where he again gave instruc- tion, and then located at Stroudsburg, Monroe County. Here he married Hannah Stroud (born October 10, 1763), and she bore him burg, Pa. When nineteen years of age he left home and came to Wayne County, made a home at Stockport, and bought timber from the Prestous, which he rafted down the Delaware to Philadelphia. Thus commencing a career as a lumberman, he continued to follow such busi- ness until 1854 very successfully. On Septem- ber 26, 1S24, he married Elizabeth Barrager, near Stockport, and purchased farm and timber lauds in what is now Preston township, then <=Js n^tsisn_ Qy/Lcuy-ins^cL Jacob, John, Elizabeth, William, Daniel, Peter and Franklin. He was a man of considerable education, and iu possession of his grandson Irvin is a MS. arithmetic book of good size, evidently prepared for the use of his children, full of valuable rules, examples, etc. He was engaged in farm- ing until his death, December 14, 1839, his wife surviving him until May 4, 1845. Wil- liam Starbird, the fourth child of John and Hannah, was born May 27, 1798, at Strouds- Buckingham. At one time he owned seven- teen huudred acres of land, in a solid piece, in the township, when no roads had been cut through the vast pine wilderness, and the track was traceable only by blazed trees. Here he formed a home and raised a large family of thirteen children, as follows: Ransom, Horace, Emeline V., George, Alfred O, Benjamin F., Edwin, Ann, John Q., William P., Irvin, Henry O, Caroline A. Of these, Alfred C. entered the army of the North in the Rebellion, 718 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. enlisting in Company C, Sixth Regiment Penn- sylvania Reserves, on May 31, 1861, and was discharged from the service for physical disabil- ity on July 10, 1862. He afterwards re-enlisted in a cavalry regiment. He lost his life near Washington, D. C. In 1851 Mr. Starbird put up a new mill in the extreme northeastern corner of the town- ship, which requires special mention. His boys and himself were unusually large and powerful men, and on the occasion referred to, instead of waiting the old-time " raising bee " gathering, he relied upon his family, and with two sons erected the entire structure. The mudsills were timbers sixty feet long and fourteen inches thick (still in the same position); the plates sixty feet long and twelve inches square, and all the frame timbers were twelve inches square. No ma- chinery was used in this undertaking, and the building was, until quite recently, a monument showing what brain and brawn and pluck, as personified in the Starbird family, accomplished. William Starbird was a thorough mechanic and each part of this mill, excepting the iron work, but including the wheel, was the work of his hands. He was also an athlete of renown, and many are the tales of his proofs of strength and the quickness of his eye in shooting game. In 1863 he sold some thirteen hundred acres for eighteen thousand dollars, and removed to Buckingham township, upon a large farm at the mouth of the Chehocton Creek, where he passed the remainder of his days, dying there January 20, 1881. Mrs. Starbird died March 24, 1875. Irvin Starbird, bom July 13, 1842, in this township, was educated in the district schools until his twentieth year, M'heu he commenced clearing his present farm of one hundred and eighty acres, part of the large tract of his father's, given for extra time services. The woods gave way to sturdy work, and ere long a house was built and a partner sought to make a home. This was consummated when, on Jan- uary 1, 1866, Miss Ann Z., daughter of Robert K. and Minerva H. (Tallman) King (whose family sketch is to be found in the history of Starrucca borough), became his wife. This marriage has been blessed with the following children: Ali King, born March 12, 1867; Alfred Clair, born July 11, 1868; William Robert, born February 16, 1878. In addition to which, a little girl, Bessie Mabel, born April 18, 1882, was adopted into the family October 20, of the same year. Mr. Starbird is a Republican in political mat- ters, and has been called upon several times by his party to fill offices in the township, among such being collector, assessor and school director, in which positions his services have been satis- factory. Both himself and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Lake Como, and were members of the Starrucca Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, until its disso- lution, a few years since, Mr. Starbird being the Master and Mrs. Starbird acting as Ceres. CHAPTER XXIX. STARRUCCA. « On the extreme northern boundary of Wayne, separated to some extent from the rest of the county by a range of high hills, lies the thrifty borough of Starrucca. The location is one of natural beauty, being at the head of the fertile Starrucca Valley and at the confluence of the Coxtown with the Starrucca Creek. Starrucca existed as a village or settlement nearly three- quarters of a century before the formation of the present borough, which was erected in 1853 from a portion of Scott and Preston townships, and is bounded by the above-named townships, and the township of Thompson, in Susquehanna County. Of the first settlement at Starrucca no written record remains, and tradition alone rescues from oblivion the early history of the place, and even tradition gives nothing definite as to the first settler. However, it is quite certain that the first settlement at Starrucca was estab- lished prior to 1800, and that among the early settlers — if, indeed, not the earliest — were Eze- kiel Sampson, Henry Sampson, Jesse Whit- taker, Jones West, Conrad Edick, David By J. E. Fanell. WAYNE COUNTY. 719 Spoon, James Hanford, Ogden Weed, David Benedict, James Gleason and Jirah Mumford. Nearly all the immediate descendants of the above-named pioneers have passed away. Until 1820 the nearest grist-mills were at Wilkes-Barre and Great Bend. To these places without roads, and guided only by marked trees, the people were obliged to travel for bread-studs. For very many of the articles absolutely needed, long and laborious journeys had to be made, and not until 1815 or 1818 were any places estab- lished within the settlement for supplying the wants of the people. Between the years 1815 and 1818 the first blacksmith-shop was established by Jones West, who came hither from Albany County, N. Y. In 1826 the first boot and shoe shop was opened by David Benedict, whose son, N. M. Benedict, one of Starrucca's most highly es- teemed citizens, still continues the business. In 1850 Egbert Englet established a shop for building and repairing wagons. The time of beginning other industries will be mentioned under their respective headings. The first hotel or public-house was situ- ated where now is the dwelling-house of James J. Dalton, and was kept first by David Spoor and afterwards by Thomas Carr. The second hotel was built near the present residence of M. M. Benedict, and was kept at different times by Sampson, Jesse Corwin, W. Sampson, John M. Sampson and H. Mc- Murray. In 1862 H. Johnson opened a hotel in the building afterwards purchased by W. W. Mumford, and now occupied by him as a dwelling-house. Starrucca, at present, has two well-conducted hotels, — the Starrucca Valley House, in the centre of the village, is owned and kept by Thomas Caden. This hotel is second to none in the vicinity. The Mountain House, large and commodious, is well-kept by Mrs. John Redingtou. Dr. Thomas J. Mumford was the first resident physician at Starrucca. He commenced prac- tice here in 1845. The resident physicians at Starrucca since Dr. Mumford's time have been Dr. J. P. Shaw, who came from Franklin, N. Y. ; Dr. Utter, Dr. Green, Dr. A. J. Harris, from Candor, N. Y. ; and Dr. J. C. Bateson, who at present has a very successful and extensive practice. Dr. Shaw is still a resident of Star- rucca. Growth — Incidents, Etc. — The growth of the village was very slow until 1845, the year in which the building of the tannery was begun. At this time there were but eleven dwelling- houses where the village now is. Outside the village, but within the present borough limits, some of the afterwards most prosperous and energetic citizens of Starrucca had located. Among these were Benjamin and Robert King, of King Hill. The Messrs. King came herefrom Mount Pleasant township. Both are still living and are among the most honored and trusted citizens of the borough. Little of interest occurred from the erection of the tannery, in 1844, until the formation of the borough, in 1853. The first assessment was made in 1854. The valuation at that time was $14,235.75, and the number assessed was fifty persons, as follows : Brau, George $50.00 Benedict, N. W 117.00 Chandler, Frederick B 162.00 Case, Horace 50.00 Carr, Erastus 584.75 Calender, Nelson 50.00 Englet, Peter 20.00 Finch, Ira 7.00 Grule, Charles 67.50 ' Harrison, Josiah 10.00 Howell, William 42.00 ' Henderson, Lafayette 101.50 Jayne, Eliza A 118.75 Jordan, William 50.00 King, Robert K 324.50 King, Benjamin 290.50 Lloyd, Noel 217.00 Lloyd, Frederick 83.25 Lloyd, Charles 42.00 Lahley, George 293.25 Mumford, Stephen D 60.00 Madden, John 529.50 Mumford, James 1366.25 Mumford, Josiah 661.25 Mumford, Oliver 50.00 Oles, Marlin 20.00 Osborn, Gernsey & Co 3137.00 Osborn, Lewis & Co 100.00 Peck, Thaddeus 50.00 720 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Prindle, Samuel A $262.00 Prindle, Mary 50.00 Root, Alva D 20.00 Sampson, Hiram K 124.25 Sampson, Henry 384.00 Sampson, James M 40.00 Sampson, David 27.00 Sampson, Hassadiali 721.50 Shaw, John P 146.00 Sampson, John A 87.00 Sampson, Benjamin 728.25 Sampson, Thomas S 32.00 Sampson, R. H 35.00 Smith, John H 57.00 Twanley, Win 14.00 Tenant, Robert 102.00 Wilcox, Benjamin, 27 acres 147. 25 Wainright, Timothy 148.75 Williams, H. D 125.00 Campbell, Theodore 7.00 Waller, C. P 435.00 Total valuation $14,235.75 7 mill tax. Hassadiah Sampson, I. D. Mumford, Collectors. In the fall of 1864 great damage was done the village by the bursting of the dam at the reservoir, now known as the Moore Pond. The reservoir, which is about three miles above the town, was filled suddenly by heavy rains, and when the dam gave out, the immense body of water swept down on the village, destroying much property and for a time endangering the lives of many persons. All bridges were swept away and some houses carried down the stream. The main street of the village was entirely torn up. One man, M. Dervin, narrowly escaped being drowned. Dervin and Thomas Caden, now proprietor of the Starrucca Valley House, escaped from the tannery in a boat, and when out in the current the boat capsized. Mr. Caden, being able to swim, reached the shore in safety, but Mr. Dervin not being a swimmer, would have been drowned had it not been that the ■current carried him into or against a tree-top, to which he clung until the following morning, when he was rescued by Henry Johnston, now of Carbondale, who at that time kept the hotel at Starrucca. It was a long time before Star- rucca recovered from the effects of this disas- trous flood. The completion of the Jefferson Branch of the Erie Railroad in 1870 gave new life to the industry and trade of the town. Previous to this the nearest railroad station was at Sus- quehanna, eleven miles distant. The Jefferson Branch passes through within the borough lim- its, but the depot is over the line in Susque- hanna County, and a little more than half a mile from the centre of the village. It was after the construction of this road that some of the most attractive dwelling-houses and places of business were built. Noticeable among these are the fine residences of Angus Smith, Ho- mer E. Spencer and many others, the stores of Osborn & Co., W. W, Mumford, Stone & Mumford and Mrs. Fred. Erk, the Methodist and Catholic Churches and the two hotels. August 18, 1873, occurred the death of Hon. James Mumford, one of the most successful, public-spirited and enterprising citizens of the borough. In the year 1877, Starrucca suffered another great loss— the death of Benjamin Sampson, Sr. Mr. Sampson, like Judge Mumford, was energetic, thrifty and public-spirited, always leading in anything that promised to advance the welfare of the community at large. At the time of his death he had a family of twenty- seven children, nearly all of whom still live at or near Starrucca. February 26, 1878, Mr. A. M. Lancaster, who for years had been an honored citizen, of the borough, was accidentally killed while on his way from Honesdale to Starrucca. The circumstances attending Mr. Lancaster's death were distressing in the extreme. In the fall of 1876 he labored for the election of P. A. Clark to the office of sheriff. Mr. Clark was elected and Mr. Lancaster was appointed deputy sheriff, and he removed at once to Honesdale. On the morning of the fatal February 26th he was out on official busi- ness at Starrucca. The road taken by him crossed the premises of James T. Hyatt. Mr. Hyatt at the time was chopping down a tree which stood by the side of the highway. The day was wild and stormy. Mr. Lancaster being wrapped updid not seethe chopper, and Hyatt, in turn, did not observe the approaching traveler. The wind rose suddenly, and the tree went down across the road at the very moment the WAYNE COUNTY. m sheriff was passing. Mr. Lancaster was struck by the body of the tree and instantly killed. He was buried with Masonic honors by the Great Bend Commandery, Knights Templar, of which, at the time of his death, he was a mem- ber. In the summer of 1878 a second tragedy, the famous Van Alstine case, occurred. The details of the affair are still fresh in the minds of the people of Starrucca. We have here only to record the principal points. In 1876 Van Alstine was sentenced to the State Penitentiary for an aggravated assault on a neighbor. In the summer of 1878 he was released and re- turned to his home at Starrucca, where he found his wife about to become a mother. A few weeks after his return Van Alstine died in ter- rible agony. All the symptoms and circum- stances indicated that he died from the effects of poison. His wife was arrested on charge of murder, and committed to the county jail to await trial. While in the jail she gave birth to a child. The commonwealth failed to estab- lish the guilt of the woman and she was re- leased. Van Alstine, at the time of his death resided on the premises afterwards purchased by William M. Kerr, who has improved and beautified the place, making it one of the most productive farms in the vicinity. After this there followed a whole chapter, as it were, of tragic deaths. In 1879 Charles Mayo was instantly killed in Case's mill. June 21, 1884, Dr. Daniel Utter fell down the stairs of his residence and was killed outright. October 15th of the same year Mrs. B. C. King, wife of Benjamin King, and one of the most es- timable ladies of the borough, was thrown from a wagon while on her way to Starrucca, and killed. In the winter of the same year, Peter HeufHin was killed by a falling tree. And in the following spring, W. H. Stanton, a much- esteemed resident of the place, was killed by being caught by a revolving shaft in a mill in which he was at work. All of these fatal ac- cidents happened within a radius of half a mile. At the time of taking the census in 1880 the population of the borough was six hundred. The number of taxables at present is two hun- dred and four, and the total valuation is seventy- 70 three thousand five hundred and ten dollars. In thrift, public spirit and enterprise, Star- rucca is second to no village in the county. Many improvements have been made in the ap- pearance of the place since 1883, church edifice newly roofed and repainted, streets and roads improved, and private residences enlarged and beautified. In addition to the branches of trade and indus- try mentioned elsewhere, there are three black- smith shops, one harness shop, one boot and shoe shop, one furniture store, one barber shop, one wagon shop, two meat markets, one job printing office and one manufactory of exten- sion ladders. Of the organizations not referred to elsewhere is the Starrucca Cornet Band, of eighteen members, organized in 1882, and now under the leadership of Professor S. V. Stock- man. Manufacturing and other Industries. — There is but very little to record of the man- ufacturing interests of Starrucca, until the erec- tion of the tannery, in 1884. The first mill for manufacturing lumber was built about the beginning of the present century. It was situated on the premises now owned by John Glover, and was owned by Henry Samp- son and John Crosscup. The second mill was known as the " Middle Mill," and was located nearly where now stands the saw-mill owned by Judge Strong. Soon after this numerous mills were erected, and lumbering became the princi- pal industry. The lumber, of course, was marketed at Philadelphia, and after being man- ufactured had to be hauled to the Delaware River, at Hale's Eddy, N. Y., from which point it was floated to market. When we re- member that this product had to be hauled a distance of twelve miles to the river, and then make the hazardous passage of the Delaware to Philadelphia, and that the price of lumber de- livered at Philadelphia was remarkably low, we can readily understand that this industry was very laborious and by no means profitable. Surely it must have required a hardy and per- severing people to continue it. In or about the year 1818 the first grist- mill at Starrucca was built by Henry Sampson. The site chosen by Mr. Sampson was the pic- 722 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. turesque Starrucca Falls, on the farm now owned by James J. Dalton. The old mill, the foundation walls of which remain, stood in the "weird chasm which now is spanned by the " high trestle " of the Jefferson Branch of the Erie Railroad. The shrieking locomotive does much to modernize the place, but the " Falls," with its old ruins, is Starrucca's favorite resort. The second grist-mill at Starrucca was built in 1842 by the late Judge Mumford. This mill was several times rebuilt, and finally, in 1884, was entirely destroyed by fire. At the time of its destruction it was owned by C. D. Mumford, E. C. Mumford and C. M. Keene, the latter a grandson of Judge Mumford. After the destruction of the Mumford mill Mr. H. E. Spencer erected a flouring-mill, in which he has placed steam-power and all the latest improvements. In the fall of 1844 was begun the building of the Starrucca tannery. For years this was the most important industry of this whole sec- tion. The tannery was first owned by McMur- ray, Graham & Cowan, the first two of Dela- ware County, N. Y., and the latter of Greene County, N. Y. Mr. H. McMurray, who is still living at Starrucca, began the building of the tannery. Judge Cowan, of Delhi, N. Y., was at one time a member of the firm. In 1848 the concern was sold to Hyde, Graham & Stone, and later on to Howe, Drake & Sals- bury, by whom it was sold to Major E. P. Strong. In 1863 the tannery was destroyed by fire, but immediately rebuilt. For many years the hides used at the tannery were hauled from Honesdale, and the leather, when manufactured, taken to Honesdale and shipped, by canal-boats, to New York. After the construction of the Erie Railroad, the carting was done to and from Hale's Eddy, N. Y., later from Susquehanna, Pa. Major Strong continued to operate the tan- nery until the spring of 1884, at which time it was discontinued on account of the scarcity of hemlock bark. The building was burned down in the fall of 1885. The first factory, for the manufacturing of acetate of lime, crude-wood spirits and char- coal, built in Wayne County, was the one erect- ed at Starrucca in 1876. There are now three of these factories, commonly called "acid fac- tories," at Starrucca. The first is owned and operated by the Starrucca Chemical Com- pany; the second, built in 1881, by the Susque- hanna Chemical Company ; and the third, built in 1882, by the Melrose Chemical Com- pany. None of these companies are incorpo- porated, simply operating as private business firms. All the products of these factories are obtained from wood, — beech, birch and maple. The process of manufacturing is this : The wood is placed in iron retorts, the fronts of which are carefully and securely sealed ; the back of the retort having an opening fourteen inches in diameter, to which is attached eighty feet of copper pipe. This pipe is coiled in a vat, filled with water so as to submerge the pipe. A fire is then kept burning under the retorts, thus charring the wood in the retorts and causing all fumes created by the charring of the wood to pass through the copper pipe. This condenses fumes, or gas, into liquid. The liquid is then passed to a second floor, where lime is mixed with it. The lime acts as a body wherewith to retain acid. This liquid is then transferred to stills, where the spirit is extract- ed, and the remaining portions removed to evap- orating pans, where it is reduced to an almost solid substance. From these pans it is taken to kilns, where it is dried, after which it is placed in sacks ready for market. The spirits, or liquid portion of the product, is shifted to refineries, where it is rectified, and is known to the trade as wood alcohol. At one time this was a most profitable industry, but over-pro- duction has reduced prices to such an extent that at present only a very moderate percent- age on money invested is received by those who are engaged in the business. From 1883 to 1885 the facilities for manu- facturing were increased to such an extent that in less than two years the production was more than doubled, thus overstocking the mar- ket and reducing prices to such an extent that several factories, in different parts of the coun- try, were, of necessity, closed. This relieved the market, and prices advanced, so that at the present writing the business is paying a mod- erate profit. WAYNE COUNTY. 723 To erect and equip one of these factories, of the average capacity, involves an expense of eighteen thousand dollars. The price now re- ceived for the acetate is three-fourths to one cent per pound, and for the crude alcohol, fifty to sixty cents per gallon. A very important addition to the industries of Starrucca is the turning-works, owned and operated by the Osborn Turning Company. This enterprise was originated by Colonel George B. Osborn, who is, and has always been, one of the enterprising citizens of Star- rucca. Colonel Osborn, with his characteristic thoroughness, has equipped this factory with machinery of the most approved kind, for all kinds of wood-turning. The factory is sup- plied with steam-power and employs a large number of hands. This comprises all the manufacturing interests, excepting the manu- facture of hemlock lumber, which has been con- ducted on an extensive scale, at different times, by the late Judge Mumford, Captain H. L. Stephens, N. E. Spencer & Co. and many others. Mercantile. — In 1844 Starrucca had one general store owned by McMurray, Graham & Cowan, and known by the appellation of " 7x9" store, so nicknamed because of the small size of the building. This store was situated on the site where now stands the residence of B. C. Kidder and the finely appointed millinery par- lors of Mrs. B. C. Kidder. The second store was established by S. D. Mumford. The first regular store building was erected in 1847 by McMurray, Graham & Cowan. In this build- ing the mercantile business was carried on at different periods by the following firms : L. A. Osborn & Co., Osborn Bros., E. P. Strong, "W. W. Mumford & Co. and finally Geo. B. Osborn & Co., who continued business in the " old store " until 1876, in which year they erected the store building now occupied by Quinn & Sherman. In this building, which is one of the largest, best finished and finest arranged buildings of the kind in the county, Osborn & Co. continued trade until January 1, 1885, when they were succeeded by Aldrich & Sher- man, who rented the store of Osborn & Co. for a terra of five years. The firm of Aldrich & Sherman was dissolved in September, 1885, F. S. Sherman continuing the business for a time, and in May of the present year was succeeded by the firm of Quinn & Sherman. Starrucca now has four general stores, each one of them being well stocked and doing a thriving business. The parties engaged in this branch of trade arc W. W. Mumford, Quinn & Sherman, Erk & Bundy and G. S. McMurray. Iu addition to this, there is one hardware store, two family goods stores as also the drug and book store of J. E. Farrell & Co. Schools. — The first school was kept in an old dwelling-house near the present residence of C. D. Mumford. This school is said to have been taught by Miss M. J. Stoddard. This was about 1828. The first school building was erected in 1839 on the hill where the present Protestant Cemetery is. At present there are three school buildings in the borough, — one known as the " King Hill School," another as the " County Bridge School," the third being the Starrucca Graded School building, erected iu 1882 and conducted the first year by Profes- sor Lindsay and Mrs. N. L. Woodmansee and the second and third years by Job S. Niles and Mary E. Farrell. CHURCHES. Baptist. — It is quite certain that among the earliest settlers of Starrucca borough, the Bap- tists were, by far, the most numerous. Tradi- tion says, that as far back as 1795 or 1796 ser- vices were conducted at Starrucca by an ordained minister of the Baptist . Church, Bev. Ezekiel Sampson, of whom it is related that he rode on horseback, guided by marked trees, a distance of twenty miles, to Mount Pleasant township, where he officiated at the first mar- riage solemnized in that township. The " Scott Baptist Church," a history of which is given by Bailey, in his " History of the Abington Association," published in 1863, was the original Baptist Church of Starrucca, and was formally organized November 5, 1823, at the residence of Squire Whittekar, which is almost opposite the hotel of Thomas Carr, where, years later, the first Methodist, as also the first Catholic, services at Starrucca were 724 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. held. When first organized, the society con- sisted of fourteen members. The council of Baptist brethren who came to Starrucca Bap- tist Church was composed of members of the churches at Tompkins (now Deposit), N. Y., Masonville, N. Y., Windsor, N. Y., Mount Pleasant, Pa., Damascus, Pa., and Bethany, Pa. The first person appointed deacon of this church was Jirah Mum ford, Jr., and Squire Whittekar was the first clerk. Among the first Baptist preachers who offici- ated at Starrucca were Rev. Jason Corwin, of Franklin, N. Y., Rev. John Switzer, of Beth- any, Pa., Rev. James Clarke, Rev. Elijah Peck, also Rev. Michael Fredrick, of Great Bend, Pa., and Rev. Charles H. Hubbard, of Beth- any, Pa. In 1830 the church was in a flourishing con- dition, having fifty-eight communicants, and up to 1840 continued to prosper, but during the next ten years experienced much trouble from within. Tradition has not handed down the ex- act nature of all these sorrows, but historian Bailey writes that during this period the church experienced many " painful aud peculiar " trials. In 1833 Mr. David Benedict (father of Mr. N. M. Benedict, of Starrucca) was appointed clerk of the church, and this year also the Ald- ington Association held its twenty-fifth anni- versary at Starrucca, and, according to the records, was " greeted with a hearty welcome." From 1835 to 1839 Rev. Isaac D. Jones served the society, and was assisted in his min- istrations by Revs. Henry Curtis, J. W. Par- ker and Ezekiel Sampson. March, 1839, Rev. J. J. Fuller became pas- tor, and so continued until 1843, being assisted at times by Revs. D. D. Gray and Silas Finn. In 1843 Rev. James Spencer became pastor. Elder Spencer's immoral and unchristian con- duct brought odium on the society, and in August, 1848, he was repudiated by the church and no longer allowed to officiate. From this time up to 1853 the society ap- pears to have beeu without any regular attend- ant minister, Rev. Rial Tower, Silas Finn and O. L. Hall officiating at intervals, also Rev. J. B. Wordeu. In 1853 Rev. J. W. Van Horn assumed the pastorate of the church and for a time the society grew rapidly, ninety-one com- municants being reported in 1854. However, Elder Van Horn, like Elder Spencer, soon brought sorrow to the society by his licentious- ness, and on the 17th of March, 1855, was promptly excluded from the church " for his notorious wickedness," as the annals have it. From this time up to 1861 Rev. E. C. Cook and Rev. H. Sherwood (the latter of New York) officiated occasionally. From 1861 until 1863 Rev. Elder Tower acted as pastor and was succeeded by Rev. Geo. W. Evans, now of Sherman, Pa. Elder Evans was succeeded by Rev. Geo. Howe. In 1870 the church was again agitated and disheartened by the improper (or at least so reported) conduct of its pastor, and, as in the case of Elder Spencer and Elder Van Horn, convened a council and, after due de- liberation, withdrew the right hand of fellow- ship from Elder Howe and excluded him from the church. Soon after this Rev. Mr. Addams, now of Hawley, Pa., became pastor and remained such until 1876. For some time the church was again without a pastor. In 1878 Rev. S. W. Cole was placed in charge and continued to act as pastor until 1881. Here again the church was left for a time without a minister. In 1883 Rev. S. E. Carr accepted a call from the church at Starrucca. Rev. Mr. Carr remained with the society until 1884, when he returned to Hamilton College to resume his studies. If this society has, at times, been dishonored by unworthy clergymen, it was surely honored in the person of its last pastor, "the blind preacher," Rev. S. E. Carr, who was in every acceptance of the term a Christian gentleman. His amiability, gentleness and scholarship — re- markable in one who from his sixteenth year had been entirely deprived of his eyesight — won for him the esteem and admiration of all, regardless of sect. From the time of Mr. Carr's withdrawal until the present writing the church has been once more without a pastor. Notwithstanding the fact that many of the wealthiest citizens of Starrucca were members of this society, no church edifice has been erected (however, the Baptists contributed WAYNE COUNTY. 725 liberally towards the erection of the present Methodist Church building). How long the congregation will remain without a suitable house of worship remains to be seen. No fitter words can be found, wherewith to close this article, than the concluding sentences of historian Bailey's article on the same church in 1853. " The field is still promising, and faithful brethren and sisters will, it is hoped, yet gather up their strength and gird themselves for the conflict on the scene of their former trials and triumphs." The Methodist Church. — The first authentic records of this society at Starrucca begin with the year 1838, in which year Nathaniel Lewis, a local preacher of South Harmony (now Susquehanna), Pa., came to Starrucca, and after meeting many rebuffs in his efforts to secure a suitable place for holding service, finally succeeded in persuading Thomas Carr, the inn-keeper, to allow him to preach in his bar-room. Mr. Lewis preached with so much effect that Mrs. Carr, the landlady, and her daughter, Miss Carr, were at once convinced, and soon after Mr. Carr, the landlord, declared his belief in the truth of Christianity as set forth by Mr. Lewis. For some time the preaching w r as continued in the same place, resulting in the formation of a society. Local preachers continued their labors, in which they were aided at regular in- tervals by ministers of the surrounding Meth- odist charges. This resulted in a continued increase of mem- bers, and after a lapse of time the services were transferred to the school building at that time known as the " Baptist School-House." In this building the Methodists continued to wor- ship until the erection of the first Methodist Church at Starrucca, known as the " Old Church." The building still exists, and is one of the landmarks of the village. Some years ago it was removed from its original site to the lower end of the town, and is now used as a dwelling-house. The first charter granted the Methodist Episcopal Church at Starrucca was confirmed by the Wayne County Court in December, 1853. The trustees named in this charter were C. A. Lakin, Lyman Woodmansee, Henry Sampson, C. P. Tallman and D. M. Benedict. The society continued to grow, and in 1871 the present tasty and commodious edifice was erected. In the erection of the present church the society acknowledge their indebtedness to Judge E. P. Strong for munificent aid. We append herewith a list of the regularly appointed ministers who have officiated as pas- tors of the Starrucca Methodist Episcopal Church, from the time of its formation up to the present date, — Alanson Bonjamiu 1839-40 Philo Blakeman 1841 Peter G. Bridgeman 1842-43 David Davis 1844-45 Philip Bartlett 1846 N. S. Dewitt 1848^9 C. V. Arnold 1850-51 William Shelps 1852-53 Samuel G. Stevens 1854-55 Minor Swallow 1856 Joseph Madison 1857-58 Frederick Illman 1859 Joseph Williams 1860 Geo. W. Leach & Carter Woodward.,1861 Ira M. Pardee 1862-63 N. I. Reynolds 1864-65 J. D. Woodruff. 1866 S. G. Stevens 1867 H. H. Dresser 1868, 1869-70 W.B. Kenney 1871 David Laresh 1872-73 Moses D. Fuller 1874, 1875-76 James H.Taylor 1877, 1878-79 F. A. Druay 1880-81 George A. Curl 1882, 1883-84 D. A. Sanford 1885-86 The present board of trustees consist of Dr. J. P. Shaw, William B. Stoddard, Hon. E. P. Strong, Myron P. Leach and Frank L. Van Hoesen. The Catholic Church. — The history of the Catholic Church at Starrucca is very indefi- nite as to date. Of the early Catholic inhabit- ants of the town, not one now remains in the locality. Like the first settlers of Starrucca, they have either passed away or have removed to distant parts of the country, where they can- 726 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. not now be readied. From non-Catholic sources the writer learns that up to the year 1851 services were not held regularly by the Catholics at Starrucca, but that the people were favored with an occasional visit from priests stationed at Honesdale, Pa., and Deposit, N. Y. Father O'Riley, of Susquehanna, was the first Catholic clergyman who visited Starrucca regu- larly. The first Catholic service was held in the ball-room of the old " Tom Carr " hotel (the same hotel in the bar-room of which the first Methodist service had been held years be- fore), and we are informed that the Catholics present did not number ten persons. During Father O'Riley's pastorate the society grew rapidly in numbers, and soon after his coming to Starrucca arrangements were made for the erection of a church edifice. The site was se- lected and lumber purchased, but for some reason, uow unknown, the movement fell through. Soon after this, Starrucca was taken from Father O'Riley's parish by the Bishop of Philadelphia, and attached to Banagall, in Mount Pleasant township. Rev. Father Dele- nave then became pastor of the church at Star- rucca, and in time was succeeded by Rev. Father Brehony, who, in turn, was succeeded by Rev. J. J. Judge. It was during Father Judge's pastorate the building of St. Paul's Church was begun. This was in 1871, and before the building was completed Starrucca was again made a part of the Susquehanna parish, and Rev. J. Slattery became pastor. Soon after this the church edifice was finished. For a time the congregation was attended by Rev. Father Brehony, who was succeeded by Rev. Richard Hennesey. Father Hennesey died very sud- denly in August, 1880, and from that time until the coming of Rev. P. F. Broderick the church at Starrucca was, necessarily, sadly neglected. Father Broderick again established regular ser- vice, driving to Starrucca himself, after having celebrated Mass at an early hour in the church at Susquehanna. After the departure of Father Broderick from Susquehanna, in 1883, the Starrucca Church was attended, for a time, by Rev. W. Nealon, who was succeeded by Rev. L. O'Loughlin. The church is located finely on a beautiful knoll in the centre of the village. The ground on which the church stands was donated by Judge E. P. Strong, to whom, as also to many other non-Catholics, the Catholics of Starrucca gratefully acknowledge their indebtedness for generous aid. Since 1883 the church has been much im- proved (especially so since the coming of Rev. Father O'Loughlin), and at present is one of the most attractive church edifices in Northern Wayne County. Rev. A. J. Ryan, the " Poet Priest " of Alabama, who once lectured in the church, styled it the "Parlor Church" of the diocese. societies. Starrucca Lodge No. 2903, Knights of Honor, is entitled to the honor of being the first Mutual Benefit Association organized at Starrucca. This lodge was instituted January 12, 1883, by W. G. Greely, of Honesdale, as- sisted by a delegation from the Knights of Honor Lodge at Thompson, Pa. The Supreme Lodge, Knights of Honor, granted a charter on the 30th of August in the same year, and since that time the society has made rapid progress. The membership has more than doubled, and, at the present writing, the Star- rucca Lodge, Knights of Honor, ranks high among organizations of its kind in the county. Their rooms (the Starrucca Library Rooms) are commodious and neatly furnished. The follow- ing were the first officers of the lodge : Past Dictator, C. D. Mumford ; Dictator, George B. Osborn ; Vice-Dictator, W. W. Mumford ; As- sistant Dictator, Irwin Nash ; Reporter, Andrew Koehler ; Financial Reporter, A. C. Lindsay ; Treasurer, W. T. Finch ; Guide, Calvin Utter ; Guardian, A. R. Tennant ; Sentinel, E. G. Bowel! ; Chaplain, E. J. Collyer. Starrucca Library Association, — This organization was formed September 1, 1879, with the following officers : President, Clarence G. Mumford ; Vice-President, Nelson, L. Woodmansee; Treasurer, Major E. P. Strong ; Corresponding Secretary, B. C. Kidder ; Recor- ding Secretary, James E. Farrell ; Board of Managers, Hon. W. W. Mumford, N. M. Ben- edict, Colonel George B. Osborn. Within a few months from the time of its es- WAYNE COUNTY. tablishment the society numbered two hundred and ten members, which, considering the popu- lation of the village, is somewhat remarkable. In less than one year from its formation the so- ciety accumulated a collection of a little more than six hundred volumes of choice works. Rooms were procured and neatly furnished. A librarian was appointed, a salary paid and the rooms opened to the public two afternoons and evenings of each week. During the first five years of its existence the association maintained a course of lectures and entertainments, always employing the best available talent. Among the names of those who lectured before the association, we find the following: Hon. Schuyler Colfax, ex-Vice-Pres- ident, Benjamin F. Taylor, of Chicago, General Judson Kilpatrick, John Boyle O'Riley, of Bos- ton, Anna Dickinson, and many others. Whatever the future of the association may be, this much is certain, it leaves to Starrucca as a heritage one of the finest collections of books to be found outside the county-seat, Honesdale. In the catalogue, constitution, etc., of the Library Association, printed at Binghamton, N. Y., iu 1880, we find the following : " The association gratefully acknowledge their indebtedness to the following persons for generous donations of books and other aid : Hon. Edward Overton, Towanda, Pa., Mr. L. A. Osborn, New York, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Strong, Boston, Mass., Mr. W. J. Kellam, New York, Mr. E. A. Penniman, Honesdale, Pa., Hon. George M. Beebe, Monticello, N. Y., Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Starrucca, Pa. Captain Oliver Mumford Post, No. 373, G. A. R., was mustered in September 15, 1883, and was named "Captain Oliver Mumford Post," in honor of Captain Oliver Mumford, of Star- rucca, who was killed in the battle in front of Petersburg, May 18, 1863. This organization has been the " Banner Post " among the G. A. R. Posts of the county, and includes nearly all the surviving Union soldiers who reside in the townships of Scott, Preston and Starrucca, to- gether with some who reside in Buckingham township. The post meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, in the rooms occupied by the Starrucca Lodge, Knights of Honor, and Starrucca Library Association. The first officers of the post were Colonel George B. Osborn, Commander ; J. M. Surrine, Senior Vice-Commander ; John Knapp, Junior Vice-Commander ; Calvin Utter, Officer of Day ; J. H. Smith, Quartermaster : N. L. Dow, Adjutant ; M. Cramer ; R. F. Howard, Quar- master-Sergeant ; A. A. Ayers, Sergeant-Major. The present membership is about one hun- dred. St. Paul's Branch, No. 32, C. M. B. A.— This branch of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association was instituted at Starrucca, June 12, 1886, by District Deputy Hasset, assisted by a large delegation from Susquehanna, Pa. The charter granted by the Supreme Council of the order bears date September 1, 1885. St. Paul's Branch, since its organization, has — like the Starrucca Lodge, Knights of Honor — made wonderful progress. Only a few months have elapsed to the present writing, and yet the membership has increased almost three-fold. The society meets each alternate Saturday, in the commodious branch-room at the Mountain House Hotel. The first officers of the Branch were Presi- dent, John Dougherty ; First Vice-President, M. Gilleron ; Second Vice-President, H. Or- ding ; Treasurer, James E. Farrell ; Recording Secretary, P. H. Harrington ; Assistant Secre- tary, J. J. Traynor ; Financial Secretary, J. H. Farrell ; Chancellor, S. V. Stockman ; Guard, Thomas Yates. First representative to the Grand Council of Pennsylvania, James E. Farrell ; Alternate, James J. Traynor. Post-Office. — The first post-office at Star- rucca was established upwards of fifty years ago. The records now to be found at Starrucca do not give exact dates ; neither do they give the name of the first postmaster. However, tradition says that Thomas Carr was the first postmaster, and that in 1836 the mail was carried from Deposit, N. Y., to Echo, Pa. (now Thompson, Pa.), via Starrucca, by Nathan Dean, and after- wards by S. O. Dean, who at the time of his death, in 1885, was president of the village of Deposit. In 1850 the mail-route was changed, making 728 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Lanesboro, Pa., the starting-point, and, going by the way of Starrucca, Thompson, Ararat, Jackson and Gibson, Pa., terminating at Har- ford, Pa. This route remained unchanged until the completion of the Jefferson Branch of the Erie Railroad, since which time the mail has been carried by D. T. Benedict from the rail- road station to the post-office. The names of those who officiated as post- masters at Starrucca siuce 1836 are James Cow- an, James Howe, Lewis A.Osborn, Nelson M. Benedict (Mr. Benedict receiving his commis- sion from President Pierce, and retaining the position until 1869), Colonel George B. Osborn, Henry F. Aldrich and James E. Farrell, the present incumbent. BIOGRAPHICAL. JUDGE JAMES MUMFORD. The origin of this prominent Wayne County family is somewhat shrouded by the dust of the passing centuries, although there is reason to believe it to be of Welsh extraction, inasmuch as Thomas and Peleg Mumford, two brothers from Wales, settled in Rhode Island, the coun- try of the Narragansetts, just previous to 1700. Thomas had six children, one of whom, Jirah, born 1702, married 1721, was probably the progenitor of the family. In support of this theory we find Jirah born 1747, married March 14, 1776, to Deborah Lillibridge, born 1756, moved to the smiling valley of the Connecticut in 1780, and had thirteen children, Jirah, born February 16, 1778, being the eldest son. On March 25, 1793, another removal was made, and the entire family settled in Mount Pleasant township, Wayne County, Pa., after the father had purchased land near Belmont and prepared a home for them. It would seem that Jirah was sent to Orange County, N. Y., probably to procure the education unobtainable here in those days, and on February 26, 1800, he there married Polly Baker, afterwards return- ing to Wayne County to commence lumbering. He was one of that association known as the " Nine Partners," their mill being located about two miles north of Starrucca, at the point now called Melrose. His children were Deborah (married James Dickison), John, James, Phoebe (married Joseph Hyatt), Thomas R. (a physician and county of- ficial of some prominence, who died in 1850), Stephen Decatur, Dolly Maria (married J. M. Sampson) and Sally Ann, who died young. Mary (" Polly "), one of the sisters of Jirah Mumford, was one of the participants in the first wedding in Mount Pleasant township, be- ing united to Silas Kellogg, on January 1, 1796, by Rev. Ezekiel Sampson, the pioneer pastor of Starrucca borough. His Uncle Thomas was married to Eliza Fisher, and had two children, one of whom, Thomas, born 1780, married The- odosia Carr, who bore him five children, Mary Ann, born August 9, 1811, being the youngest. Jirah Mumford, the third child of this couple, was born in Mount Pleasant township, on De- cember 20, 1805. Owing to the lack of educa- tional facilities in those early days of the county, he received but limited advantages, and has frequently said his education was obtained al- most entirely by the light of a pine knot, or seated before a blazing wood fire during the long winter evenings. When he was about nine years old the family moved to what is now the borough of Starrucca, and Jirah Mumford took up several thousand acres of land for farming and lumbering purposes, and his name appears on the tax-list of 1823 for a mill located on the Starrucca Creek proper. In this employ the youth of James was passed, and a hardy, self- reliant, energetic manhood obtained. In 1830 he bought a beaver dam, below his father's home, on which he put up a house in which he boarded the men working on his various busi- ness, ventures. On December 8, 1831, he mar- ried his relative, Mary Ann, daughter of Thom- as Mumford, before mentioned, and, aided by her wise counsel and judicious advice, was en- abled to extend his operations and increase in value and standing. Taking an interest in public affairs, he -was, in 1834, elected justice of the peace, and continued in such office until 1846, when he received from the Governor the appointment of associate judge. When, in 1850, the Constitution was amended providing for WAYNE COUNTY. the election of judges by the people, Judge Mumford and T. H, R. Tracy were the first associate judges elected, and both served until the expiration of the term, in September, 1856. In 1840 he erected the grist-mill on the stream, and in 1850 had purchased three thou- sand acres of timber land at Melrose ; hence, on the expiration of his term of office, he de- termined to devote his life to his family and the large and constantly increasing demands of band did not long survive, he dying August 18, 1873. At the time of his death he owned and operated two saw-mills and one grist-mill, and some twelve hundred acres of farm and timber land, and was employing considerable labor. He was a tender husband, a devoted father, a firm friend and kind neighbor, ever ready with aid and advice, always foremost in good works and honorable in all transactions, both public and private. business. During the next sixteen years .he engaged in cutting and manufacturing the tim- ber from his extensive tracts of land, and in 1872 sold the remaining bark to Major E. P. Strong, and the land to Bennett & Webster. Then he bought some six hundred acres, nearly surrounding the Coxtown Pond, which now is in the hands of Hon. Warren W. and Clinton D., two of his sons. On August 9, 1870, the life's journey of Mrs. Mumford came to an end and her hus- The children of Judge James and Mary Ann Mumford were twelve in number, viz. : Oliver, born December 10, 1832; Olive, born July 29, 1834, married V. M. Keene ; James L., born May 28, 1836 ; Mary Adelaide, born May 30, 1839, married Colonel George B. Osboru ; Warren W., born December 5, 1840 ; Hattie E., born April 24, 1842, married Daniel Cargill, and died June 18, 1866, leaving one child (son), Daniel C. ; Clarence G., born March 2, 1844, married Susie Avery ; Clinton 730 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. D., born November 24, 1845, married Joanna Pickering and has one child, Louis; Urban B., born November 14, 1847, married Emma Ball ; Elwin C, born August 8, 1849, married Ella Sutton and has one child, Mary A. ; and Thomas J., born August 13, 1857. Of this large family, two entered the army when the country needed their services during the late Rebellion, and gave their lives to per- petuate the Union, — Oliver, lieutenant Com- pany A, Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, being killed while leading the regiment into action at Petersburg, Va., and James L., cap- tain Company G, One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, losing his life on the field at Chancellorsville, Va. Clarence G. was one of the three months' men and went out in the State militia. Another son, Hon. Warren W., was elected to the State Legislature in 1874. Two other sons, Urban B. and Elwin O, chose the law, and are rapidly building a good name and lucrative practice in such profession, the first in Washington Territory, the latter at Honesdale, this county. Warren W. and Clinton D. are heavily engaged in business here and elsewhere. They built and still operate the Starrucca Chemical Works, which were the first of such character in the county, and are prominent factors in the prosperity of the county at large. Mary Adelaide and Thomas J. still reside on the homestead, within the limits of Starrucca borough. This sketch would be incomplete without a certain special mention. Oliver Mumford married Anne Legg, who bore him one child, whose life went out shortly after the death of the heroic father. The widow devoted her remaining years to the spreading of Gospel truths and has during the past fourteen years been located in Turkey in Europe, a highly successful missionary of the Presbyterian Church Society. One church at Philippopolis has been erected through her, and much valu- able service rendered. During the Russo- Turkish War (during all of which she main- tained her position) she adopted two children, whose father had been slain in one of the num- erous fights, and has them in this country, undergoing a course of education with a view to giving their life-work to the cause of Christianity in their native country. She it was who hung the American flag to the breeze from the window of her house in Philippopolis while the victorious Russian troops marched through the city, as was described by the corres- pondent of the New York Herald at the time. HON. W. W. MUMFORD. This gentleman, the oldest living son of the late Judge James Mumford, was born on De- cember 3, 1840, in that section of Preston town- ship which now is incorporated as Starrucca borough. When in his seventh year he was sent to the district school and remained an at- tendant upon its teachings until eighteen years old, when he went to the academy kept by the then County Superintendent of Schools S. A. Terrell and Professor Briggs, at Prompton, Wayne County. After one term's tuition there a season as teacher followed, that being succeed- ed by a course of study at the Montrose Acad- emy. In 1862, he attended the State Normal School at Millersville, Pa. While there, in 1863, the call for troops to defend the State against the rebels was made, and Mr. Mumford joined the special company raised by Professor J. P. Wickersham among the Normal students. The alarm having subsided, the company was disbanded and our subject attended Lowell's Business College, Binghamton, N. Y., for a term, on conclusion of which he returned to Star- rucca and entered mercantile business as clerk with Major E. P. Strong. His services proving valuable, at the end of one year, in 1865, he be- came partner in the business, under firm style W. W. Mumford & Co. Five years later the interest of Major Strong was purchased by Colonel G. B. Osborn and the firm became Mumford & Osborn. This continued some three years, until the death of Judge Mumford, in 1873, necessitated the retirement of Mr. Mumford for the purpose of settling up the extensive business interests of his father. This step was accomplished by the purchase of his interest by Major Strong. Dur- ing the fall of 1874 his nomination for repre- sentative of the State Legislature was made un- known to himself; but buckling on the Repub- WAYNE COUNTY. lican armor, lie entered the lists to overcome a Democratic majority and succeeded by a hand- some surplus. In Starrucca his popularity was so great that but three votes were cast against him. In the House he was placed upon three committees and served the people faithfully and well. During his membership he had deter- mined upon a future course and had erected a large store for mercantile purposes near his residence in the borough ; so upon retirement was erected and the Starrucca Chemical Com- pany was put in operation, the pioneer of an industry in Wayne County which now engages five large works, heavy capital and employs a large list of men in its various departments, making pyroligneous acid and wood alcohol from the abundant beech, birch and maple for- ests of the country. Mr. Mumford was elected school director in the spring of 1874, and recognizing the immense from the halls of legislation he at once placed a varied stock of goods in the building and recom- menced business life in 1876. About this time, having given considerable thought and atten- tion to the question of the manufacture of chemi- cals, and in company with his brother, C. D. Mum- ford, having purchased eight hundred acres of timber land, it was decided to establish works for the purpose. Associating with them a prac- tical and experienced manufacturer, the factory advantage of a liberal education, he has always given support to matters looking to the pushing forward such ability. The school-house had long been insufficient for the numbers seeking its doors, and was, in addition, old and dilapi- dated, and the energies of Mr. Mumford were turned towards remedying such defect. After several years' effort, appropriations were made and increased by subscription lists circulated by the members of the board, and by a fair under- r32 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. taken for such purpose, until a sum sufficient to cover the cost of the present handsome struc- ture (finished in the fall of 1881) was made up. At the outset it was said " no use for a larger house ; " now of the present edifice, " 'tis not large enough for all ; " still all classes are proud of the building, and the attendance has rapidly increased. On October 16, 1868, Mr. Mumford was united in wedlock with Miss Laura A., daughter of Theodore Swift, of Ulster County, N. Y., and the union has resulted in the birth of six children — Lorena, Hattie E., Jennie E., Minnie Belle, Harry W. and Iva Louise. The Swift family, formerly from Connecti- cut, have long occupied an honorable position in Ulster County, N. Y., having, for several generations, been extensive farmers and bridge- builders, the majority of the bridges in the vicinity of Gardiner having been put up by the present Mr. Swift or his deceased father. The wife's family name, Bradley, is also prominent in that couuty, identified with farming in- terests. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mumford have long been members of the Baptist Church, and their aid and support to the society and Sunday-school have always counted heavily. Mr. Mumford is connected with various secret societies ; became a member of Susque- hanna Lodge, F. and A. M., in 1866 ; of the Great Bend Chapter in 1871, and of the Great Bend Commaudery in 1872. When the lodge of Knights of Honor was organized (1882), at Starrucca, he became one of its charter members, and was its chief officer during the term of one year since then. These affiliations he con- tinued to find pleasure in, and from his various business enterprises takes time to attend their requirements. A thorough business man, he is never content unless up and doing ; as a certain sequence, is prosperous and happy. HON. E. P. STRONG Among the earliest settlers in the colonies, the ancestors of this family, emigrating from Shropshire, England, and locating in Connecti- cut, require mention. The years passed and progress was made, until, in 1785, Elisha Strong, with wife (Anna Pinneo, of French Huguenot descent) and son Jairus, moved farther west and took up a home in Greene County, N. Y. Hon. Jairus Strong, born at Sharon, Conn., May 4, 1774 (married, January 9, 1799, Dosha Bissell, of East Windsor, Conn.), became an important factor in business and political affairs, and retained large interests in mercantile and tanning operations until his death, in June, 1838, aged sixty-four years. His family consisted of ten children,— Austin, born December 14, 1799; married Elizabeth Bigelow Morss, and died March 16, 1872. Olivia, born November 3, 1801 ; married Hon. Henry Kinsley, and died October 22, 1850. Clarinda, bom Janu- .ary 7, 1804; married Loring Andrews, and died April 9, 1828. Aurelia, born May 4, 1806; married Hon. Albert Tuttle. Minerva and Maria, born March 7, 1808. Minerva, married Hon. Albert Tuttle, and died June 23, 1833. Maria, married Colonel George Robert- sou, and died April 17, 1877. Elvira, born February 10, 1810; married Dr. Josiah H. Stedman. Daniel Bissell, born July 4, 1812; married Mary Ann Peck, was colonel of the One Hundred and Sixteenth New York Militia for many years, and died May 22, 1874. Louisa, born December 1, 1814. Elisha Pinneo, born August 4, 1818. The mother of this large family died June 6, 1865, aged eighty-eight years. E. P. Strong, born at Ash- Ian, Greene County, N. Y., received his educa- tion at the common school of the district and at the Durham Academy, and in 1842 became interested in the tannery business at Wood- bourne, Sullivan County, N. Y., with his eldest brother. Retiring from this connection in 1851, in the fall of that year he was nomi- nated by the Democracy and elected to represent Sullivan County in the State Legislature. At the end of his term a home was once again made in Greene County and retained until his removal to Wayne County, Pa. On attaining his eighteenth year, Mr. Strong had entered the State Militia, becoming lieu- tenant in the One Hundred and Sixteenth yiew York Regiment, commanded by Colonel D. H. WAYNE COUNTY. 733 Snyder, of which he became major some time afterwards. After holding a commission there- in four years, he retired in 1840. In 1852, in company with Mr. Guernsey Osborne, Major Strong purchased the Starrucca tannery property, and the first-named gentleman managed the works until 1862, when Major Strong took control of the interest and made a home in the borough, as aforesaid. Shortly after the purchase above mentioned, and while honorable office, and, recognizing the strength of the opposition, made a vigorous effort to overcome the majority which they had regular- ly rolled up. In this he was so far successful that, although his opponent was elected to the position, yet it was with such a small majority (about twenty) as to leave but little room for congratulation, and afforded abundant testimony of the esteem of the citizens for the subject of our sketch. engaged in getting its affairs into running order, Major Strong was notified of his nomination for member of Congress from Greene and Ulster Counties, N. Y., but owing to the pres- sure of business affairs he could not give personal attention to the canvass and was defeated by the candidate of the Whig party, aided by the Know- Nothing branch. At the next nominating convention, in 1854, he was again the choice of his party for this On July 6, 1846, he married Caroline Peck (born March 17, 1824), who bore him Henry Peck, born June 10, 1847, married Amelia Dietrich, of Dresden, Germany, while visiting in that empire. One child, William Dietrich, born August 18, 1879, has resulted from this union, and the family are residents of Boston, Massachusetts, interested in the New England Conservatory of Music. Daniel Bissell, born July 23, 1849, chose a medical career, and after WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. through Claverack (New York) Acad- emy was educated to such end at Paris and Marseilles, France. In 1871 he located at the latter place and has since practiced there with great success, attaining a position of prominence in the medical profession of our sister repub- lic. He married a daughter of France, who lias borne him four children — Caroline Steph- anie, Mary Magdalene, Elisha Emanuel and Emma Louise (died in childhood). The death of Mrs. E. P. Strong occurred October 14, 1863, and on November 26, 1877, Major Strong was united to Estelle E., daughter of Elisha and Maria Brown, of Jackson, Susque- hanna County, Pa., who has borne him one child, Louise, born May 16, 1879. The subject of this article was engaged in mercantile business in the borough, and with- drew in 1884 after a career of some fifteen years. During a period of about thirty years he carried on a heavy business in the tanning of sole leather for the New York market and in making and shipping lumber, in which operations he necessarily employed considerable numbers of men, and through which the re- sources of the county were greatly developed and benefited. The depletion of the bark sup- ply caused the closing of the tannery in 1882. During the long business career of over thirty years' Major Strong never had a contested law- suit. It is said of him "he has always been kinder to others than to himself," and senti- ments of respect and esteem are heard on all sides. He has served in various offices to help for- ward the interests of the borough, and in June, 1884, was appointed by Governor Pattison to the position of associate judge of Wayne County, and in the following November was elected by the people to fill such office for the regular term of five years. Major Strong has largely interested himself in the dairy question and has gathered a fine herd of Jerseys and Jersey grades, while he is also endeavoring to bring the farming and dairying community to a conception of the greater proportionate value of blooded stock for such purposes. Regarding the church as a motor necessary to the well-being of civilized people, he gave to the Methodist Episcopal Society of Starrucca a plot of ground and was mainly instrumental in the erection of their building in 1871, and has since been identified with its workings. When the Catholic society became sufficiently strong to put up a building for church pur- poses, he again came forward, presented them with a piece of land and gave financial aid in the erection of their place of worship. Many years ago he joined the Masonic fra- ternity and holds membership in the Susque- hanna Lodge and Great Bend Chapter and Com- mandery. ROBERT K. KING. In the general history of Mount Pleasant township, and also of Starrucca borough, will be observed considerable mention of this family, which, originally from New England, settled in the first-named township late in the last cen- tury. Benjamin King was born in Rhode Island May 23, 1777. During early manhood he ac- companied his parents, who were blessed with a large family, to Pennsylvania, and made a home in Mount Pleasant township, as stated. On December 15, 1798, he married Eunice, daughter of David Kennedy, who was born September 25, 1775, whose family also receives proper mention in the history of their town- ship. Their children were Cynthia K., born November 24, 1799, married Peter C. Sher- man ; Sally Ann, born April 24, 1801, mar- ried Reuben Peck ; Hawkins, born May 18, 1803; Lucinda, born June 9, 1805, married C. Palmer Tallmau ; Durinda, born September 25, 1808, married David H. Clough ; Pamelia, born November 25, 1812, married Squire Crater; Robert Kennedy, the subject of our sketch ; Benjamin C, born April 15, 1818. Mr. King, in addition to farming, engaged largely in lumbering on the Lackawaxen, near Pleasant Mount village, and on the Starrucca Creek, within the present limits of the borough, and, after a long and useful life, passed away on June 15, 1860, having survived his partner, who died March 18, 1848. Robert Kennedy King, born August 27, WAYNE COUNTY. f35 1815, spent his first nineteen years on the homestead, and the following three or four years learning more of life among his surround- ings. On June 9, 1838, he was united in mar- riage to Minerva H., daughter of Elihu and Lucretia Talhnan, of Preston township, Wayne County, and three days after set out for the then far West, bringing up in McHenry County, 111., where lie began farming. Chi- cago was then but an infant, and Mr. King township, and made a home in the woods, on that beautiful elevation since known as King's Hill. For some twelve or fifteen years, until the land was cleared of its timber, he cut logs and sent them down the Delaware River to Philadelphia, to market, since which time his days have been spent upon the farm, improving it year by year, until the present handsome ap- pearance has been reached. Mrs. King also claims New England descent, um* '$.JS0'Wk £.,■•■• ^ C/Ls *r£c'7is(j' says he could have visited all the houses it con- tained in any one day desired. There were no more stores, etc., then in the future metropolis of the West than are now found in Starrucca borough, and yet the new-comers were com- pelled to go to that place from their home, forty miles north, in order to obtain household sup- plies. Tiring of this, and finding the climate very malarial, after a year's experience they re- turned East, and, in 1842, they bought property near the northwestern corner of Preston on both paternal and maternal sides. Her grandfather, Ebenezer Tallman, born at Bed- ford, Mass., removed to Utica, N. Y., and ef- fected a settlement there. He married Rhoda Akins, and had a numerous family, and many descendants still reside in that part of the beau- tiful Mohawk Valley. Elihu, their eldest son, was born March 28, 1780, and in 1799, having just been married to Lucretia Perkins, near Ballston Springs, N. Y., moved to Wayne Couuty and made a home in Mount Pleasant 736 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA township, as will be seen in the general his- tory. Their children were Rebecca P., born 1801, married David Babcock ; Rhoda A., born 1802, married John Stanton; William, born 1804 ; Christopher P., born 1806 ; Maxamilia, born 1808, married Perry Babcock; Akins, born 1810: Sidney, born 1812; Lucretia A., born 1814, married Alouzo Bennett; Oliver P., born 1817; Minerva H., born November 4, 1819, married Robert K. King, as aforesaid. The Tallman family have written that name in very strong characters upon the history of Mount Pleasant and Preston townships, having been, since the first, foremost in progressive works and in religious and educational matters. The union of Robert K. King and Minerva Tallman has been happy, and the following chil- dren came to gladden their hearth : Anna Z., born July 2, 1840; AH E., born May 22, 1842, killed at the battle of Petersburg, Va., while bravely upholding the cause of his country, June 18, 1*64; Elmer A. and Ellen A., born July 1,1844; Eunice L., born September 30, 1846 ; Clarence A. F. E. L., born August 12, 1849 ; Hector E., born November 21, 1851 ; Kate I , born March 18, 1854; Lillie Durinda, born April 11, 1857 ; Ada Alice, born June 11, 1860; Robert B., born March 19, 1863. Anna Z., married Irvin Starbird, and has borne him Ali King, Alfred Clair and William Robert. Elmer A. married Elmira Labar, who has borne him Nellie, Josephine, Minerva and Benjamin Charles. Ellen A. married Edgar Stearnes, and bore him John K. and Minnie S. After the death of Mr. Stearnes she married Henry Hill, and has borne Leona, Lionel and Pearl. Eunice A. married David H. Cole, bore him Ward R., Susie E. and Elmer D., and died July 8, 1882. Clarence A. F. E. L. married Rosa Fletcher, who has borne him Bert E. and Bird R. (twins, Bird R. since deceased), and Anna E. Hector E. married Eva M. Yale. Kate I. married Stephen L. Callender, and has borne Nelson, Everett, Leroy, Archie, Au- rora and Vida. Lillie Durinda married David H. Cole, and has borne Leonard and an infant son unnamed. Ada Adice married Wesley D. Peck, and has one child, Cora. Robert B. married Mary Temperton. This large family has been properly raised and well educated, and is a valuable factor in the growth and prosperity of the county. Mr. King for twenty-one years served the people as school director, a large part of the time being president of the board and treasurer, and his influence and example have ever been of the best, well worthy being handed down to poster- ity for their respect and emulation. CHAPTER XXX. SCOTT TOWNSHIP. At the time this township was set off from Buckingham, in 1821, it included a portion of what is now Preston ; and diminished as it has been, it is still the fourth township in point of size, and perhaps the most sparsely populated in the county. It is the extreme northern township of Wayne, extends from the Delaware River to the Susquehanna County line, and is bounded on the north by New York State, east by the Delaware River, south by Preston and the borough of Starrucca, and west by Susque- hanna County. Like the township to the south of it, its water-shed is divided, and a portion of its streamlets flow to the Susquehanna, while the greater part lies in the drainage basin of the Delaware. The chief streams are the branches of the Shehawken, Shrawder's Creek and Hemlock Creek. There are also several fine natural ponds, the largest of which are Four Mile and Island Ponds. The topography is much broken, and the country in the centre of the township lies high on the crest of the ridge that divides its two drainage areas. Much of this land is still rough and uncultivated, and there are many fine timber tracts as yet un- touched by the woodman's axe. The south- western and northeastern portions are thinly settled, and the precipitous hills that lead down to the river contain little land that is available for cultivation. Yet there are many good and productive farms in the township, and as good crops as those in any other part of the county attest how fertile are the fields of this barren- looking soil. The altitude and its increased WAYNE COUNTY. 73.7 northern latitude over other portions of the county give the township a long and bitter winter, and its short season will admit of only the successful cultivation of the more hardy crops. The region is particularly adapted to the culture of Northern fruits, and is also a good sheep-growing and stock-raising country. That it should not be a more thickly populated and a more popular township among the settlers of the present day is a matter of surprise to all who know anything of the advantages it offers by reason of its superior railroad facilities. The Erie Railroad skims its eastern border, and the Jefferson Branch of the Delaware and Hud- son system touches Starrucca. Enterprise, chiefly from New York State, has built up a thriving village in the northern portion, and industries that promise to contribute much to tin- rapid settlement of the locality are in suc- cessful operation there. The Early Settlement. — The first set- tlers in the township came chiefly from other parts of the county, where they had grown to manhood, and had been inured to the hard- ships of pioneer life. There was also a contin- gent from New York State, that crossed the line from the settlements in Delaware County, and a few from other States, who chose this as their first place of residence in Wayne County. At the beginning of the present century the township was all an unbroken wilderness, and a decade of 1800 passes before the first pioneer had penetrated its bleak hills and piny fast- nesses. Even after the first clearings had been made, and a trail through the woods connected the new outpost with the older settlements to the south, the increase was slow and discourag- ing to those that had made it their future home. Even at this late day, its hilly roads are among the worst in the county, and it is easy to under- stand how, fifty or sixty years ago, the township was isolated and inaccessible. By an assess- ment made by John Star bird, in 1823, two years after the township was set off, it appears that there were only forty-seven taxables, though a large portion of what is now Preston was then included within the limits. There were then only thirty-seven houses, with a total value of two hundred and fifty dollars ; the seven mills were assessed as worth thirteen hun- dred dollars ; fifty-seven cows, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Many of these forty-seven taxables lived in Preston, and when it was set off, three years later, the list was reduced nearly one-third. The first settler of whom there is any record was Samuel Alexander, a native of Mendon, Mass., who located first in Deposit, N. Y., and moved from there to the farm now occupied by his descendants, just over the Pennsylvania line, on the Deposit road. He married Mary Car- penter, of Orange County, N. Y., and their children were Josiah, still living at the age of eighty-six ; Elizabeth, the wife of Robert Early, who lived on the Nelson Sampson place; Elisha, still living on the homestead; Isaac, who went to Nebraska ; Charles, a resident of Sanford, N. Y. ; Abigail, the wife of Zedekiah Gardenier ; Hamilton, who went West ; and Mary, the wife of Elijah Carrier, of Winsor, N. Y. Peter Coal came from Albany during the War of 1812, and located on the farm now known as the " Courtright Place." His wife was Abigail Honian, the daughter of a Revo- lutionary soldier, and their children were John; David ; William; Sally, the wife of a gentleman named Johnson, and afterward married to a Mr. Fish ; Betsy, who married Joshua Sands ; Polly, the wife of James Lord; and Narcissa, who married Hiram Kennedy. Rev. Gershom, or " Priest Williams," as he was popularly known, claimed to be a descend- ant of Lord Townley, and was one of the Wil- liams family of Long Island. He inherited considerable wealth, and at one time owned considerable property in the vicinity of Trinity Church, as well as the largest interest in the only ferry then running between New York City and Brooklyn. Early in his ministerial career he was settled over one of the Brooklyn Churches, and served as pastor for some years. He then moved to New Jersey, from whence he came to Wayne County, and located near Scott Centre, io 1813. He had four sons, — Calvin, Philander, Melancthon and Hervey D. Williams. The latter married and remained on the homestead, and was for years the sur- 7MS WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. veyor of the town. He had four sons, — Abram Oscar H., George and Charles. There wen also two daughters in this generation, both of whom married and moved out of the county. Gershoni Williams was a college-bred man, and all of his family were educated, refined and talented people. Mr. Williams was twice mar- ried, and his second wife was the victim of a tragedy referred to further on. His grandson, O. H. Williams, was the first town clerk of whom there is any record. Uriah Smith came from Long Island about 1814, and settled near Maple Hill, clearing up the farm now occupied by B. F. Tewksbury. His wife was Sally, a daughter of Townsend Weyant, and their children were Eliza, the wife of William Dickey, who went West; John F., a resident of the township ; Lewis, who is in the West; Michael, who lives near Honesdale; Julia A., the wife of Adam Englert, a resident of the West ; Harriet, who married William H. Cushman, of Honesdale; Abigail, who also married Mr. Cushman ; and Uriah T., and Wesley T., both of whom are West. Michael and Townsend Weyant were Long Islanders, who came to Scott about 1814. Mi- chael lived on the place now occupied by Wil- liam Bowen. He had a number of daughters and the sons mentioned above. John Smith was also from Long Island, and commenced to clear up the farm on which his son, John H. Smith, now lives, in 1815. His wife was Catharine Harrington, and his children were Charity (the wife of Isaac Alexander), Elizabeth (who married Jonas Parker, and moved to Iowa), Anna (deceased), Ezra, John H. and Adeline (the wife of Wesley T. Smith.) Benajah Jayne, a brother of Dr. Jayne, of Philadelphia, who has attained world-wide no- toriety by his patent medicine ventures, located on Maple Hill about 1816, and cleared up the farm that is still known by his name. He mar- ried Polly Whitteker, and had six sons and three daughters, all of whom have gone West. Benajah Sjayue is now a resident of New York City, and will be remembered as the person who gained much notoriety, just after the Civil War closed, in connection with the custom-house frauds of New York. He was employed by the government to collect duties on all the goods that had run the custom blockade, and given a large commission. A fortune resulted. Charles and George Mateer cleared up what is known as the Conant farm, about 1820. Both married daughters of John Whitteker, and went West many years ago. Whipple Tarbox moved from Jackson, Sus- quehanna County, about 1824, and cleared up the place now owned by his son Harvey. He had seven children, — Parmelia, who married and weut West ; Mary, the wife of Lee Sparks ; Loise, who married John F. Smith; Hannah, the wife of Lewis Smith; Harvey, who lives on the homestead ; and William. John Dickson is thought to have been the first settler on Shad Pond Creek, and occupied the laud where Sherman now stands for a num- ber of years after 1820. Some of his descend- ants still reside in the vicinity. Orin Burleigh was a native of Connecticut, who cleared up the farm now occupied by O. L. Burleigh, his sou, in 1827. His family con- sisted of two sons aud three daughters. The former were O. S. and W. B. Burleigh, aud the latter were Mary, who married Abram Lord ; Chloe, the wife of Martin Gardenier; and Harriet, who married Samuel Newman. Erastus Carr, who is still a resident of the township, came from New York State in 1830, and has a large family, which has added to the valuable citizens of the township. Major Andress came from Hancock iu 1837, and located in what is now Sherman. He mar- ried Susan E. Taylor, and was the father of Nancy M. (the wife of Thomas Brown), Ame- lia J. (the wife of Wilber Brown), and William and Everett Andress. Among the prominent men of the township, and a resident of Sherman, was Dr. Alanson Raymond, who settled on the farm now occu- pied by his son, B. W. Raymond, in 1840. He was both a physician and a lawyer, and prac- ticed both professions. His wife was a sister of Rev. Anderson Reynolds, the first pastor of the Baptist Church, and his family was intelligent and well educated. His sons were Rufus, Ben- jamin, George and John. Ella, one of his daughters, married Daniel Lowe, aud the other, WAYNE COUNTY. r:!:> Elvin Scott. Dr. Raymond's widow is now the wife of A. D. Bird. William Curtis is a native of England, and moved from Honesdale to Scott township in 1845, locating on the place where he now re- sides. "He married Sarah Smith and lias a large family, some of whom have gone West. Abraham W. Ransom, also an Englishman, located first in Mount Pleasant, but afterward on the place now occupied by his son, about 1835. He has three or four married children living in the vicinity. Barnard Farrell moved from Sullivan County. He was a native of Ireland, and came to this country in ] 835, settling first in New York State. He married Ann McKenna, and their children were Catherine, Bernard C. (of Potter County), Patrick H. (to whom the writer is in- debted for much valuable material for this chapter), John A., Ann (the wife of Charles Frazier, of Delaware County, N. Y.), James E. (of Starrucca), Mary E., Joseph and Katie. Captain David Allen moved from Deposit in 1854, and settled at Sherman. He married Electa Lamareaux, and their children were Catherine (the wife of Willis Watkins), Corde- lia, Darius, Emily (who married Norman Brun- dage) and Martha (the wife of Jacob Garde- nier). Egbert H. Mills came from ( )range County in 1859, and has a large family, all of them residents of Sherman. The Bell Murder. — As has before been stated, the wife of Rev. Gershom Williams was the victim of a tragedy that is memorable in the annals of "Wayne County, and created great excitement at the time. It was at nine o'clock on the morning of Sunday, August 1, 1847, that Mrs. Williams, then a lady of about sixty, left her home to meet her Sunday-school class in the school-house a mile and a half away. Her sisters were visiting the house at the time, and were to follow her in the wagon, accompanied by Mr. Williams, an hour later, to attend church in the same building. The family lived in about the middle of the township, on the Mount Pleasant road, and where the cross-road rims a mile and a half westward and joins the Starrucca road. She went through a little patch of woods, then passed the house of John Smith, through an- other bit of woods, passed the residence of Lewis Smith, and then on into the deep woods that darkened the road for the last half-mile of her journey. The night befoi'e this, a tramp, who pretended to be a cripple, had asked permission to sleep in the barn of George Hen- derson, and the latter, with true hospitality, had taken him into the house. He remained there during the night, and left the next morning, immediately after breakfast, taking the road that led toward Williams'. An hour later he once more emerged from the woods, and went toward Starrucca. Mrs. Williams' class had no teacher that morning. When it was known that she had left her home an hour before and had not been seen since she entered the woods, an alarm was given and the forest was searched for her. Soon the body was discovered beside the road, blackened by the burned logs over which it had been tumbled. Her dress was soiled and torn, and there were deep marks of the murderous fingers that had been pressed into her throat. There were evidences of a bloody struggle, and one of her gloves and a part of her cape were gone. The tramp was suspected of her violation and murder, and was soon in custody. When he was taken before a justice, he confessed the deed and gave his name as Harris Bell. Al- though excitement ran high, he escaped lynch- ing, and was taken to the county jail at Hones- dale, where the grand jury found a true bill against him at the September Sessions. He was tried at the December Term, and a great effort was made to save his life on the ground of imbecility. This defense was ably argued by F. M. Crane, William H. Dimmick and Franklin Lusk, while District Attorney R. M. Grennell, Charles S. Minor, Earl Wheeler and John W. Myers appeared for the common- wealth. Bell was found guilty of murder in the first degree, and in spite of strenuous efforts to obtain for him a new trial, was sentenced by Judge William H. Jessup, on February 12, 1848. He was executed at Honesdale, Sep- tember 29, 1848. Industries. — The first saw-mills in the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. township were those of Gershoru Williams and Squire Sampson, and must have been built about 1820. In 1828, Joseph Saunders and Jesse Sampson erected the mill now owned by Captain David Allen, on a tributary to Shad Pond Creek, just below the village of Sherman. It has passed through the hands of many owners, and some years ago was rebuilt by Eg- bert Mills, who also added machinery for cider- making on an extensive scale. In 1855, H. W. Brandt, Jacob Schlager, Henry Brunig and William Bergmiller started a tannery at the village of Sherman. It was an extensive plant, and did a good business for many years, but finally the competition of the larger establishments in the East was too great, and it was closed about five years ago. In its place, the Scott Chemical Company was organ- ized, and now does an extensive business in the manufacture of acetate of lime, wood alcohol and charcoal. The present members of the company are H. W. Brandt, S. Schlager, R. Kessler, C. Schlager, W. S. Brandt, W. T. Finch, D. Arneke, J. Schlager. Roads and Post-Offices. — The first road built in the township was that leading from Starrucca to Deposit, which was constructed be- fore the township was set off, and the next was the one from Lauesboro', on the Susquehanna River, to Ball's Eddy, or Winterdale, as it is now called. Rev. Gershom Williams was the first post- master in the township and was appointed when the office at Scott Centre was estab- lished. He was succeeded by his son, Hervey D. Williams, who gave place to Nelson Early, the predecessor of Uriah T. Smith, the present incumbent. The post-office at Sherman was established about sixteen years ago, and Henry Brunig was the first postmaster. His succes- sors were Alansou Raymond, Marinda Ray- mond, Charles Smith, James Surine and Chas. Greenmau, in the order named. The office at Winterdale was established two years ago, and G. H. Sands, the present postmaster, was the first appointee. The Island Pond office dates from 1875; Sidney E. Stanton has held the postmastersliip since the establishment. Schools and Churches. — There is no rec- ord of any school within the township limits before 1826, when a log building for that pur- pose was erected at the foot of Maple Hill, near where Major 'Andress now lives. The first teacher there was Miss Emily Stiles, who afterward married Ogdon, the son of John W r hitteker. The next school was built in 1830. It was a little log building on the farm now owned by Henry Tarbox, and Loise Tarbox, now the wife of Uriah T. Smith, was the first teacher. It is probable that there were some private schools before either of these, but there remains no record of them now, except that one old resident remembers that he heard his father tell how Rev. Gershom Williams used to school his own children, and as many of the neighbors as cared to come in, but this as a labor of love. The same gentleman also con- ducted the first religous services in the town- ship, and prayer- meetings were held regularly at his house for many years. The churches of the township were all of late growth, because of the proximity of the churches of Starrucca and Preston. The Maple Hill Baptist Church, of Sherman, was organized July 19, 1851, in the old Jayne School-house, and had sixteen constituent members, — Deacon George Reynolds, Deacon Justis J. Jayne, Dovill Reynolds, Newell Rey- nolds, Beniah Jayne, John W. Jayne, Henry D. Jayne, Julia Reynolds, Mary Jayne, Cath- erine Jayne, Rhoda Jayne, Philena Reynolds, Miranda Raymond, Nancy Andress, Abigail Whitmore and Mary Ann Owens. The council of recognition was held August (3th following, and on the succeeding December 18th the church ordained Rev. O. L. Hall its first pas- tor. The succeeding pastors have been Revs. Anderson Reynolds, Elder Francis, Barrick Bunting, W. N. Tower, George Evans, A. J. Adams, William Carr and James Pope, the present pastor. Worship was at first con- ducted in the school-house, but in the summer of 1854 a church edifice was erected for use in common with other evangelical denominations, and was dedicated on the 1 8th of tlte October following. There are at present fifty-two com- municants. The Scott Presbyterian Church was organ- WAYNE COUNTY. ized iu 1843, with seven members, and struggled along for a number of years without a regular pastor or stated supply. But the work of min- isters from the churches of townships adjacent bore fruit, and at last the congregation was placed on a firm basis. Worship was conducted in the Baptist Church until 1874, when the present edifice was erected, and was dedicated August 1 3th. Since that time the congregation Jacobin troubles iu that country, prior to the prominence of Napoleon Buonaparte, many had left their loved " La Belle France " and sought homes in foreign lands. One of these, the uncle of this young man, had established him- self at Martinique, West Indies, and thither the father sent his son, Cornelius. Overtaken by a storm, the ship on which he sailed became a total wreck, and passengers and crew were has had a regular pastor, Rev. James M. Phillips, and now has sixty communicants. BIOGRAPHICAL. CAPTAIN DAVID ALLEN. Just after our Revolutionary War had closed large numbers of foreigners sought the shores of the New World, among them Cornelius Alleine, a native of Brest, France. During the rescued by a ship destined for Boston, Mass. Reaching that port, strong efforts were made tc- induce the stalwart young Frenchman to remain and become a citizen of the infant United States, and he concluding to do so, became a resident of Franklin County, Mass., and took up a large farm there. On this place he lived and died, in 1852, aged seventy-six. He mar- ried Susanna, daughter of James Cady, of Wor- cester, Mass., and she bore him eleven children, — six sons and five daughters — and deceased, 1870, aged ninety years. 742 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The subject of our sketch was the fourth child born in Brookline, Vt. (where the parents made a home for a few years), October 26, 1804. His boyhood was spent upon the homestead, •and his education obtained at the district school. 'When twenty-one years old he determined to go West to get rich, as he expresses it, and got as far as Deposit, on the Delaware River, and stopped. Commencing lumbering, he rapidly acquired the necessary acquaintance with the grades of timber and its manufactured products, and ere long was enabled to ship his lumber down the Delaware in rafts to the Philadelphia market. For fifty years the fall, winter and spring months were given to his lumber interests, and for that same long period his summers were devoted to mason building. In this latter de- partment much work was done and a large number of solid structures in Deposit and else- where attest the honesty of the workmanship he caused to be done. The handsome De- posit Seminary, which was burned down about the year 1856, was erected by Captain Allen, also many others of almost equal value and ap- pearance. Various town offices were held by him while residing there, in all of which his great energy and uprightness were fully shown. In 1854 he removed to Scott township, Wayne County, Pa., where he bought a farm of three hundred and fifty acres and saw-mill establish- ment, which enabled him to manufacture his timber into lumber for the markets. From this place, in 1870, he decided to depart, and the pleasant home which he had built some few vears before was prepared for the family, and in this house life has since been happily spent. On April 12, 1832, Captain Allen married Electa, the daughter of Abram Lamareaux, of Deposit, N. Y., who was born October 19, 1808, and the following children have blessed their union : Catharine Sophia, born March 1, 1833, married Willis Watkius, and has borne him one child, Charles O., who married Kate Squires, and has two children, — Sarah and Catharine. Darius Marvin, born October 12, 1834, married, 1st, Christine Howard, who bore him two sons, — Durward Mortimer and Fred. Lamareaux ; 2d, Elizabeth Gardinier, who has born him one child, David. Horace, born May 1, 1837, died August 3, 1841 ; Mary Cordelia, born August 20, 1841, married Elijah P. Rey- nolds, who had two children, — Allen and Laura, — and who died April 20, 1876. Mrs. Reynolds now resides with her father at Sher- man. Emily Augusta, born June 29, 1843, married Dr. Norman Brundage, of Sherman. Martha Amelia, born April 16, 1845, married Jacob Gardinier, and has one son, Clarence. Mrs. Allen died May 11, 1867. Captain Allen, his wife, and nearly the entire family have been for many years prominent and consistent mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church of Sherman, and the influence exerted is always for good, not only in religious, but in educational matters. During his residence in Deposit he was nomi- nated for member of Legislature, but, happily for himself, was short a few votes when the count was made. In Pennsylvania he has in- variably declined to allow the use of his name for political preferment, although always an ardent Democrat. Thoroughly progressive and never so well pleased as when doing something towards the building up of material interests and to insure the employment of labor, Captain Allen was quite earnest and influential in locating the taunery, chemical works and other interests at Sherman, and has ever evinced strong interest in the welfare of similar enterprises. To-day he stands, in his eighty-second year, compara- tively hale and hearty, an honorable example ot a stirring and valuable life, loved by the many, respected and esteemed by all. HALLOCK EARLY. During the first quarter of the eighteenth century many English families were added to the population of the colonies, and York re- ceived the addition of one of particular interest to this sketch, bearing the name of Gilbert Ear- ly, who made a home in Dutchess County. His marriage produced four sons, — Gilbert, Absalom, Elijah and Robert, — who aided largely in the clearing up of the acreage which he had taken up on making a settlement. The eldest son, Gilbert, was born there in 1755, and on reaching manhood espoused a young WAYNE COUNTY. lady named Pauline Egert, and eight children were born to the union, — William, Egert, Elijah, Robert, Gilbert, Nancy, Pauline and Almira. When Robert was an infant (in 1788) the fam- ily moved farther West and made a new home on the east branch of the Delaware. A large tract of timber was rapidly cleared away, and the entire family became interested in that im- portant and growing industry, in addition to attending to the large farm. On arrival at a ])roper age to assume such important duties, ily returned East, and made a home at Sherman, Wayne Couuty, Pa., following which Mr. Early again entered married life, Elizabeth Alexander becoming his wife and the mother of Abigail, Mary, Louisa, Nelson N. and William N. (twins). Hallock, the second child by the first mar- riage, was born June 3, 1818. The educational facilities in Pennsylvania in those early days were indeed limited, aud in most cases the par- ents esteemed the physical abilities of their ofT- Robert was united to Abigail, daughter of Michael Wolfe, of Wolfe's Hill, Bradford County, Pa., about 1813, to which county he had removed during the previous year. En- gaging in farming, he cleared considerable land, and here Electa, Hallock, Deborah, Elizabeth, Eliza Ann and an infant were born, the birth of the latter of whom cost the life of the mother in 1831. Shortly after this sad event the fam- spring of greater importance than the mental ; hence the youth of our subject was passed with- out a great deal of schooling in book-learning, but with much practical use in the department of life he was destined to follow. His deficien- cies in that regard were, however, partially overcome by a disposition to acquire knowledge, with a general aptitude towards a business ca- reer. On reaching his eighteenth year his father WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. placed him in charge of the entire business, and cutting timber, making and shipping and sell- ing its product were under his control from that time, — a strong tribute to his excellent judgment and value, — and when, at twenty-one years of age, he was sent to Philadelphia to sell the product of their mill, he was fully posted on qualities and measurements, — in fact, a thorough lumber inspector, — and made a successful trip. These points have, until the past six years, occupied his attention, and success has been achieved by thoroughness, up- rightness and his excellent knowledge of men. In 1854 Mr. Early embarked in the initial commercial venture at this place, which pre- viously had been without a name ; and, in order to give directions for shipment of goods, he gave it the name of New Baltimore, which continued to be used until a post-office was established un- der the present name of Sherman. (Mr. Early was the second man to make a home in this vil- lage, and is somewhat proud of the distinction.) Through the chicanery of his partners this venture was not a success, and he retired from it in favor of lumbering in 1857. In no sense considering himself a politician has he served the people of his township as school director, supervisor, etc., and invariably to ad- vantage and their satisfaction. He was married, May 7, 1854, to Abigail Whitmore, daughter of George Reynolds, who bore him two children, which died in infancy, and were followed by the mother on July 12, 1861. On March 30, 1862, he was united to Rosalie G., daughter of Strong Seeley, of Wells Centre, Bradford County, Pa., at one time owner of a large portion of the land upon which the city of Elmira, N. Y., is now located. The union has resulted in the birth of Willis, born March 27, 1863; and Furman M., born April 27, 1870. To add the pleasure of female child- hood to this happy family, in July, 1870, Lottie Buchanan, a babe born March 26, 1874, was, by the free consent of the mother, a resident of New York City, adopted into the home and has remained, giving and receiving joy to its occupants. Mr. Early has, from his early youth, been much interested in religious and kindred matters, and has given liberally in aid of the different associations here, when they de- sired to erect houses of worship, and in their support without regard to sect. Mrs. Early is an earnest member of the Presbyterian Church, and a generous giver to its charities, etc. The eldest son of this estimable family has received the advantage of a good education, which he aids by judicious study, and has en- gaged in teaching and in the industry of bee culture to a considerable extent. In this he is rapidly acquiring a valuable experience and reaping a gratifying reward for the outlay and patience. Mr. Early retired from active business some years ago, and now gives attention to home matters and the affairs of an extensive farm. He receives the high respect and regard of the citizens without reference to party, and is recog- nized as an honorable and progressive man, alive to the needs of the times, and at all times open to the calls for aid and counsel preferred by his neighbors and acquaintances. C. S. HACKETT. Among those sterling old New England fam- ilies which went to the then West during the early part of the present century, that of John Hackett must be mentioned. He was born in Litchfield County, Conn., about 1789, and, desirous of striking his own swath, he, in 1812, settled in Blenheim, Scho- harie County, N. Y., where he carried on a farm and hotel for many years. He first married Lovisa Choate, who bore him one child, William, and died in 1821. He subsequently married Ann D., the daughter of Cornelius Simonson, whose wife was a daughter of Tunis Rappalye, of New Brunswick, N. J. By her he had Cornelius S., Johu and Lovisa. John married Angeline, daughter of Hontice H. Couse, of Oneonta, N. Y., and has had three boys and one girl, and now resides at the latter place. Lovisa married Ellery Moredock (who was killed on the railroad at Oneonta some four years ago), and bore him one son and one daughter. The family now resides at Milford, o County, N. Y. John Hackett, the elder, removed from Scho- WAYNE COUNTY. 745 harie County to Otsego County iu 1831, and made a home at Oneonta, where he resided un- til his death, which oecurred in 1854. The eldest son, C. S., spent his youthful days at the family home; was sent to the dis- trict schools, and afterwards attended Elder Harrington's select school at Oneonta, in 1834. During the next few years, in summers he gave his attention to farming and lumbering, and in the winter seasons imparted to the dis- farni properties in the northern section of the county. He was first to recognize the moun- tainous county as a valuable dairy land, and put over twenty cows aside for such an important purpose, and his aim has ever been to improve the breed of stock throughout his circle. Much attention has been giveu to this laudable un- dertaking and great success reaped in the dairy business as a natural sequence, and his advice is considered very valuable by those interested. triet, as a teacher, such instruction as he had been gathering during his own course. In IS IS he was joined in matrimony to Caroline, daughter of Henry J. Couse, of Oneonta, N. Y., and the first two years of a long wedded life were spent upon the homestead. In 1851 he purchased property in Scott township, and at once began making a home which, from time to time, has since been improved, until now it stands one of the tastiest and most homelike The timber from his extensive tracts has been cleared off, and tin: products disposed of at the different marts along the Delaware, and the entire farm is now devoted to that which has become so great an industry in this county, — that of dairying. The pleasant home has been brightened by the following children, viz. : William H., born December 25, 1858, married Hattie Z. Smith, March 1877, who Ixire him Ethel L., and Ida S. (the father of this inter- 746 WAYNE, PIKE AND M0N110K OOI'NTIKS, PENNSYLVANIA. esting family was unfortunately killed, April 19,1881); John E., born October 12, 1864, died March 2, 1865; Ervin E., born January 23, 1868, and now attending the Waymart Academy. Some twenty-five or thirty years ago Colonel Hackett became a Mason, since which time he lias taken the chapter degree, and retains mem- bership in the ancieut and honorable order at Deposit, N. Y. A Republican in politics, his aid has largely been given in township offices, and, as in everything else in which he has been interested, his services have been strength fill and appreciated. A man of great force of character, he is an ardent friend and a clear-headed, far- sighted counselor, and consequently the people of his county largely rely upon his judgment. CHAPTER XXXI. SALEM ("land of peace") was set off from Canaan and Delaware in 1808. Sterling was taken therefrom in 1815, making the Wallen- paupack River the southern boundary. In 1876 a line was run east and west through the centre of the township, and the northern half, together with a small slice from South Canaan, were erected into a new township, called Lake; consequently Salem is bounded on the north by Lake, mi the east by Paupack, on the southeast by Greene, in Pike County, on the south by Sterling, on the west by Madison and Jefferson, in Lackawanna County. It is broken in irreg- ular hills and valleys with ridges. The creeks all flow south into the Paupack River. James' Creek is the outlet of Cobb's Pond in Lake, and forks with Potter Creek at Hollistcrville, thereby forming the Paupack. Moss ( 'nek rises in the hills of Lake, west of Jones' Pond, and flows south, through Moss Hollow, into the Paupack ; Spring Brook has its source among the hills above William Glosscnger's home, south of .lones' Luke, flows south through the historic Little Meadows, and empties into Rid- 1 By Kliamanlhus M. Stocker, Esq. well Lake ; Laurel Run, the outlet of Bidwell Lake, flows southeast through a deep gorge and empties into the Paupack above Ledgedale. The Five Mile Creek is the outlet of Jones', Allen, Dayton and Peet or Marsh Ponds, and flows southeast, entering the Paupack below Ledgedale. The Wallenpaupack, which forms the southern boundary, is composed of two branches. The West Branch, which is formed at Hollisterville, flows east between Salem and Sterling to the point where it forks with the South Branch, which rises in Monroe County and flows north between Sterling and Dreher on the west, and Greene township, of Pike County, on the east. After uniting, the stream has a smooth and slow current through the beautiful Paupack flats, where the Indians en- camped on its banks in their journeyings from Capouse and the Susquehanna Indian settle- ments, as they came through Cobb's Gap in the Moosic Mountains eastward through Little Meadows to Paupack Flats, and onward still to the Delaware River. The fact that the Indians more frequently saw the river at this point, where the current is sluggish and deep, doubt- less led them to call it Wallenpaupack, mean- ing " dead waters ; " though towards its outlet it belies its name and dashes into rapids and waterfalls, descending three hundred and twenty- five feet from Wilsonville to the place where it unites with the Lackawaxen. 2 The Ledge- dale Tannery Company ran a horse-boat for a time from Ledgedale to a point above Wilson- ville. An old Indian trail ran through Salem; because Cobb's Gap, the only natural pass in Moosic Mountains eastward, lies directly west of Salem. This pass, used by the Indians traveling eastward, has been utilized by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, the Pennsylvania Coal Company and the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad Company for the same purpose, it being the natural thoroughfare eastward for the Lacka- wanna anthracite coal-fields. Salem was origin- ally covered with a dense growth of timber, consisting of beech, birch, maple, cherry, pine, basswood, ash, and down towards the Paupack, * Lackawaxen, meaning swift waters. WAYNE COUNTY where Joseph W. Woodbridge settled, there was a tract of country covered with chestnut; but the treetliat predominated was the hemlock, which, considering its lumber and bark, is the most valuable tree produced in Wayne County forests. Underneath these trees, skirting the streams in most places, and generally wherever the hemlock was thickest, grew an almost im- penetrable undergrowth of rhododendron and laurel, giving this region the name of "The Great Swamp," which was nothing more than Ilbhe northern continuation of the swamp known as " The Shades of Death." Where the beeches and maples grew it was more open, which gave it also the name of " The Beech Woods." This "Great Swamp" extended from the Moosic Mountains on the west to the Wallenpaupack River flats on the east, unbroken except by " The Little Meadows " or Beaver Meadows, so called because years before the whites settled here beavers had built two dams across Spring Brook, one near the road and another near its mouth, thereby flowing the land, killing the timber and making the Little Meadows, which were covered with wild grass. These meadows, being on the line of the Indian trail, naturally became one of their camping-places, as Paupack flats was another. Aside from this, we have no evidence that the Indians ever had any settle ments in " The Great Swamp." They probably hunted here for deer and bear, or fished for the speckled trout, all of which were plentiful, but it was too dark and dismal even to make it a seat of their power. Here the timid deer drank from the mountain brook unmolested by man ; the screaming panther, the howling wolves, the doleful owl and the sullen bear slept securely, undisturbed by any save savages as wild as they. Towering o'er all, the sombre, solemn hemlock, lifting its head towards the midnight stars, kept eternal vigil over the dismal solitude. There was another little meadow on the Five Mile Creek, now called Dobell's Meadow, but former- ly Wright's Meadow, because Nathan Wright settled there about 1802. Here he was shut in on every side by the hemlock and rhododendron, no one living within miles of him. His wife, often utterly desolate and disconsolate, was rightly named Lamenta, and well has the poet sung, — " O solitude, where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? Better dwell in the midst of alarms Than reign in this horrible place." Such was "The Great Swamp" or the " Beech Woods," where our ancestors first pene- trated this wilderness and felled the giant monarehs of the forest, erected log cabins, cleared a piece of land on which they grew corn, potatoes, beans, rye and oats, and hunted, fished and trapped. They managed to clear enough land to have a yoke of oxen and a cow or two, possibly a horse. They kept sheep for the wool, and also raised flax, out of which the good housewife spun and wove fabrics for wear. Some of the settlers made as much as one hundred yards of linen cloth a year. The maple yielded its saccharine juice and the wild bees made honey. Joseph Woodbridge erected a distillery near a spring on the North and South road in 1804, contemporaneously with the earliest settlement of the township, but he discontinued it eight years after and the build- ing was used for a school-house. Thus did our Puritanic ancestors bring the Bible, the church, the school-house and the means of manufactur- ing rye whiskey all together. Ashbel Miller who resided where Thomas Bortrce afterwards lived, had a log hut, arranged his cabin so that he could drive a yoke of cattle through with a heavy back log. It contained one room, ten children and some whiskey, and this was a log tavern. Old settlers say people were glad to stop even at such a place after traveling all day through the wilderness. All the early settlers were in a certain sense tavern-keepers, for when houses were five or ten miles apart they could do no less than keep a belated traveler, and what they lacked in accommodations they made good in hospitality, for our New England an- cestors were a hospitable people, a trait which has not departed from their descendants. The first settlement in Salem was naturally at "Little Meadows," and we cannot do better than copy from Goodrich, who was born on this place and knows its traditions, "According to accounts given by the old settler in Paupack, a man by the name of Strong first built here in 1770. Soon after the battle at Wyoming, he, 748 WAYNE, PIKE AXli MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. with si line others, had a desperate fight with the Indians at this place: Strong and his family were all massacred, and Jacob Stanton was the only man who escaped. He fled and notified the settlers upon the Paupack of their danger. Late in the fall of 177!), Stanton came back to the place and found the Indians had burned down the house. He dug a grave, and gather- ing up the bones of the whites and Indians and placing them together, raised a monument over them. Seth Goodrich, who afterwards owned the place, would never allow the mound to be disturbed. There was a very old orchard there which must have been planted by the Indians, as Little Meadows had been a favorite rendez- vous for their hunting-parties." There is now (1885) but one tree standing of the old Indian orchard, and it alone easts its morning shadow o'er the hallowed ground which contains the sacred dust of the first settler of Salem and his savage foes. Jacob Stanton built a house and moved his wife and family to Little Meadows in 1780 or 1781, where, during his life, he kept a public-house. He and his wife were buried in the northwest corner of the orchard, near the wall. His son William Stanton, succeeded to the business, remaining until 1795, when he sold his interest to Moses Dolph, who must have been a brother-in-law, according to Goodrich. John Torrey says Samuel Preston speaks in his diary of having stopped here in 1787. Moses Dolph's deed is dated December 10, 1795. In it William Stanton sells "All his rite and possessions in the place called Stanton's place, in the Great Swamp, at Little Meadows, on the (road to the) Delaware River, containing and comprehending which both my father, Jacob Stanton, and myself at the time of his decease, or that I since have made or occupied." This deed locates a point, but attempts no boundaries, which is excusable when we remember that his nearest neighbors were eight or ten miles away, in Purdytown and Paupack settlement, east- ward. Asa Cobb certainly lived under Cobb Mountain at that time, ten or twelve miles west of him. He could claim from the centre as far as he could see, until Robert Freelaud came and built a log cabin and made an improve- ment on the opposite side of the road, about thirty rods northwest of Dolph's, on the place afterward owned by George Foote. He planted apple-trees, some of which are standing. A tragedy happened between the Dolph and Freeland families. Two of their boys were playing with guns and fell to snapping them at each other when the one in the hands of young Dolph was discharged, killing young Freeland. He was buried beside Stanton in the orchard. In 1799 John Hunting assessed Canaan township, of which Salem was a part. Moms Dolph was assessed as a farmer with two houses or buts valued at $20; one barn, $12; two horses, $70 ; seven oxen and cows, $85 ; forty acres improved land, $400 ; three hundred and sixty acres unimproved land, $340, — total valua- tion, $947. His neighbor, Robert Freeland, is assessed with one hut, one horse, one cow, twelve acres improved land and three hundred aud eighty-eight acres unimproved land, — total valuation, §421. Edward London, farmer, one house, one barn, four oxen or cows, fifteen acres improved land. Elisha Potter, weaver, one house, oue horse, three oxen or cows,three acres improved land. Samuel Wheatcraft, farmer, one house, one cow and three acres of improved land. The total number of acres of improved land in Salem in 1799 was seventy, with six huts, two barns, four horses and thirteen oxen or cows. These old settlers all had themselves assessed with four hundred acres of land with allowances for roads, which they called their possessory right. We have seen what an illimitable title Moses Dolph received, and he gave titles to about one thousand acres of land in the vicinity of his hut as good as his own. September 25, 1799, he deeded to Theodore Woodbridge and Charles Goodrich, Jr., " the south part of the lot on which I now live, and was taken up as vacant by Wm, Goodrich and deeded to Jacob Stanton and was sold to me by Wm. Stanton, the only son and heir of said Jacob, ami con- tains 400 acres, with such allowance as is given by the laws of their State for one possession right." September 4th he sells three hundred and fifty acres more to Theodore Woodbridge. October 20, 1709, Robert Freeland deeded four hundred and forty acres, " bounded east by lands of Moses Dolph, together with buildings and WAYNE COUNTY. ■in improvements," to Theodore Woodbridge, "be- ing my right by possession." In 1801 Moses Dolph sold the Little Meadows farm to Dr. Lewis Collins, wlio, in 1803, sold the same to Seth Goodrich, das. McClure surveyed, re- turned and patented this land, but Goodrich held it under his possessory title, and Justice (iil)son told him " not to lie troubled about his land." P.G. Goodrich says, " If a man erect- ed a cabin and raised grain on land lie was en- titled to four hundred acres." They certainly should have been allowed to patent the land upon which they had squatted; but the land- grabbers were early on the ground ; hence in September Sessions, 1801, we find Republica versus David Hale, Theodore Woodbridge, Jeremiah Osgood, Solomon Jones and Michael Mitchell indicted for intrusion, John Bunting; Silas Purdy and Edward London becoming sureties in the sum of one hundred dollars each ; subsequently Francis Nicholson, Josiah Curtis and Richard Tuck were brought before the grand jury for the same thing. In December Session presentments were made against Bobert Freeland, Theodore Woodbridge, Timothy Hol- lister, William Dayton and Ephraim Bidwell. The squatter jurymen began to understand the thing by this time and ignored these bills ; how- ever, these Yankee settlers were annoyed by suits until they generally obtained titles from Edward Tilghmau, the Cadwalladers and other Philadelphians who had either patented the land themselves or bid it off for taxes of others who had done so. Moses Dolph, with his large family, consisting of seven sons and four daughters, returned to the Lackawanna Valley, where many of his descendants now live. His sons' names were Alexander, John, Aaron, Charles, Reuben, Stephen, Richard and Derrick, the daughters being Polly, Ruth, Susie and Zilpha. Two of the sons of Richard Dolph live in this vicinity, Stephen resides in Lake and Orator A. P. Dolph lives off of the Chapmantown road, near Moses Masters. Ed- ward London, blacksmith, built a log cabin near the Salem Hotel some time prior to 1799. In 1801 he bought four hundred and twenty-four acres of land of Edward Tilghman at the Salem Cross-Roads (now Hamlinton), paving £23 Lis. therefor. In 1802 Edward London and his wife, Sabillah, sold this land to Charles Goodrich, Jr., for twenty-five hundred dollars; There were three Charles Goodrichs, — ('has. Goodrich, Sr., who lived in Connecticut, was the father of ( 'harles, Jr., and Seth ; and ( "harles, Jr., had a son Charles, who lived at Salem Cor- ners Chas. Goodrich built a log house above the spring which is now led out to the road east of Salem Corners, lie married Ann Bid- well, was a Revolutionary soldier and went as a substitute when he was sixteen years old. lie died in 1838, aged seventy-four. His children were Charles, who married Judith Cross and lived on the southeast, quarter of land purchased by his lather. The house which he occupied stood a. little east of the corners, on the south side of the road. The other sons, Jabez and Enos, moved elsewhere. Of his daughters, Anna married Gideon Curtis, Mary married James Hultze, Lucy married Ellery Crandall and Laura married Henry Matthews, all of whom are dead. Charles Goodrich (3d) was a great hunter. He had a steady nerve and could hold a gnn to the mark ; when hungry he could cat a deer's heart raw. He had a cabin near Roar- ing Brook, with a hole in the top as an en- trance. The Charles Goodrich farm is now owned by George W. Walker (2d), who has built a wall and otherwise improved the property. Elisha Potter settled on the old road from Paupack to Capouse, on a creek which bears his name. The county line between Wayne and Luzerne passed through his premises, leaving his house on the Luzerne side, though assessed in Salem for a number of years. He arrived in 1795, ac- cording to Hollister's history. His son Charles recently died in Paupack ; Chloe, his daughter, married Samuel Wheatcraft, Jr. Samuel Wheatcraft, Sr., settled on the hill west of Hollisterville, not far from Potter's and prob- ably about the same time with Potter. Ben- jamin Harrison, an Englishman, married Hannah Wheatcraft, one of the daughters, and obtaining title to the property which his father- in-law had squatted upon, conveyed the same to Frederick D. Sayre, who married Leonor Snook, about 1825. Nancy Woodney, another 75U WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. daughter of Samuel Wheatcraft, Sr., surpassed Doctor 'rainier in the matter of fasting, more than fifty years ago. She claimed to have fasted fifty days without either eating or drink- ing'. A book was published concerning the occur- rence at the time I >y a sister in Ohio. She imagined that she was suffering for the sins of the world. William Dayton, born in Rhode Island, brought up by Coggswell, in Litchfield County, Conn., married Anna for his first wife, and Lucena, her sister, fin- his second wife, daugh- ters of Moses and Hester Wright. Dayton and his brother-in-law, Nathan S. Wright, came together about 1796 and settled near Carey's Pond, where the former built a cabin. Shortly after Nathan S. Wright moved to Slocnm Hol- low, where he remained a few years ; then came to I (obeli's Meadows and from there moved, in 1803, to the place now occupied by John B. Walker, a mile south of Salem Corners. He was a blacksmith by trade and very useful to the early settlers in that capacity. He had four sons — .Miles, who never married ; Abel, who married Caroline Peet, and settled on the place now occupied by Sylvia Smith, his daughter, mi the East and West turnpike. Two of his sons, Albert and Eugene, were in the War of the Rebellion. Abel, a farmer, hunter and trapper, died recently, being over eighty years of age. Moses married Polly Peet and settled near his father's. He was an ingenious man and made spinning-wheels and reels and various other articles needed by the settlers; Sanford married Sally Edwards and lived on the old place for a time, when he sold and moved near his father-in-law, Thomas Edwards, where he recently died, aged nearly seventy- six. Of the girls, Lucena married Amos Brooks, and Ruth, Lyman Brooks, both farm- ers. They each lost a sou in the late war. The remaining girls. Polly, Anna and Hester, will be noticed hereafter. William Dayton moved to a place on the south side of the road, towards Purdytown, about one-half mile east of Five-Mile Creek, in 1802. He and his wife, Lucena, were good Methodists and very hospitable people. He left no kin to perpetuate his name. The old house has been demolished. About three miles north of Dayton's is a sheet of water covering about twenty acres, around which Mr. Dayton used to trap bears, and bearing his name. The trap is still to be seen in which he caught twenty-two bears and two " painters." Major Theodore Woodbridge, who bought doubtful titles of Dolph & Ereeland, as we have noticed, in 17911 and 1800, probably came into Salem about 1800. He built a house on the East and West road, about midway between Hamlinton and Little Meadows, on the north side of the same, and was the wealthiest man in the place. He was also a major in the Revolutionary War, belonged to the order of "The Cincinnati " and was often visited by officers of distinction. He built the first saw- mill in the town at the outlet of Bidwell Pond, in ISO.",, which was soon afterward burned. He then built a small grist-mill and saw-mill on Moss Creek, at what is now known as Moss Hollow. The major was active in promoting the welfare of the community. His son Wil- liam says the first religious meeting ever held in Salem was held at his father's house. He was a Congregationalist, but appears to have ac- cepted the class leadership for the Methodists. Esther Plummer, of Glastonbury, Conn , was his first wife, by whom he had four children, — Ashbel, AVilliam, Anna and Laura. He mar- ried Mrs. Hale as his second wife, and died in 1811, and was buried in the old orchard on his place. His son Ashbel married Pamelia Strat- ton and built a house, which was sometimes used by the Congregationalists for meeting pur- poses, on the Bidwelltown road, about one- fourth mile south of his father's. He after- wards moved to Luzerne County and died aged seventy -eight years. Orselia, one of his daugh- ters, married George Brown and lives on the East and West road, two and one-half miles west of Hamlinton. Chester, one of his sous, resides ou the North and South road, near the, Wallenpaupack. William married Almira, only daughter of Elijah Weston, Sen., and re- mained many years in Wayne County. He had four sons, — James, Ward, Weston and Theodore — who emigrated to Illinois, taking their father with them. In his old age he came again to WAYNE COUNTY. 7.", I Salem and lived with his daughter, Mary Jane, who married Amos Polley. He eventually re- turned to the land of his fathers in Connecticut and lived with his daughter, Eliza Peltou. He started one of the first Sunday-schools held in the township at the East School-House, about 1820, and was violently opposed to secret so- cieties. The following is taken from a Con- necticut paper : " William Woodbridge died in Portland at the residence of his son-in-law, 11. G. Pelton, aged eighty-one years and eight months. Great-grandson of Rev. John Wood- bridge, first minister settled in Hartford, grand- son of Rev. Ashbel Woodbridge, second minis- ter settled in Glastonbury, Conn., and son of Major Theodore Woodbridge, of Revolutionary fame." Anna married Clement Paine and moved to Tioga. County. She was a devoted Christian and went as a missionary among the Cherokees for awhile. Laura married a Pres- byterian minister by the name of Bascom. Joseph Woodbridge, a cousin of the major, bought four hundred acres of land of Edward Tilghman, June 8, 1801, located on the North and South road at the point where the Bidwell- town road crosses it, two miles south of I lainlin- fcon. Like his uncle, he was a prominent man in the new settlement ; was commissioned jus- tice of the peace for the Fifth District of Wayne County by Gov. Thomas McKean, January 1, 18()(i, and held the office till he died, which •niTcd in 1816. He married Ann, a sister of William Hollister, and had seven children, Eg- bert, Wells, Howel, John, PJbcnezer, Mary Ann and Eliza. The last three mentioned married and moved from Salem. Egbert, Wells and John were bachelors. They built a stone house on the old homestead. Egbert was a man of considerable influence, especially during the war. He was an ardent Republican and anti- Mason. He was three times elected justice of the peace and discharged his official duties cred- itably. The members of this singularly constitut- ed household lived to a good age, and are all dead but John, who still lives at the old place. The family is remarkable for the number of its members who became clergymen. Rev. John Woodbridge, of England, was a Wickliffitc, born in 1493. He was the first of seven gene- rations of clergymen of the same name. His grandson, Rev. John Woodbridge was banished to the continent for his Puritan principles in 1634. Rev. John Woodbridge, of the fifth generation, was a Puritan emigrant. He was one of the first ministers of Newbury, Mass., and married a daughter of Hon. Thomas Dud- ley, Governor of the colony. He had twelve children, five of whom became clergymen, and lived to see four of his grandsons candidates for the Gospel ministry. One of these grandsons was Rev. Ashbel Woodbridge, the grandfather of Major Theodore Woodbridge and Joseph Woodbridge, Esq. Josiah Curtis came to Salem in 18(10 or 1801, and located on the East and West road, about one-half mile west from Hamlinton. From an obituary written to the Advocate and Journal, by Rev. Alanson Benjamin in 1836, we extract the following: "Josiah Curtiss emigrated to Salem in 1801, being one of the four who first settled in this place, which was then a dreary wilderness and had been but a short time before traversed by the savage of the forest. Their first object was to establish the worship of God among them, that the holy Sabbath might be honored. For several years they were de- prived of hearing the Gospel preached, except they were occasionally visited by a Presby- terian missionary. Our deceased father was among the first who espoused the cause of Methodism in this country under the pious labors of Rev. Christopher Fryc In 1807 a glorious revival then took place, and he, with two others, united with the Methodist Episco- pal Church and were soon followed by about sixty others." He died aged seventy-eight. He was the first assessor of Salem after it was set off from Canaan, in 1809, and returned sixty persons assessed. His children were,sons, Gideon, Fitch 11. and Edward, and daughters Sophia, Rebecca and Marilla. 1. Gideon Curtis, a farmer, who was for many years a noted supervisor of the town, married Ann Goodrich. His children were Lorenzo, who went south ; Charles, who iives at Dunning; Josiah, who married Ann Catter- son and lives on the homestead. He is noted for his memory of dates and events. His 75- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. family consists of six children, — Emma, who married W. A. Van Sickle, lives on the old Charles Peet place. The others are John Ed- ward, Helen, George and Arthur. Almira married E. R. Jones, of Jonestown; Louisa married Jared Dennett and lives in Paupack. 2. Fitch II. Curtis was an excellent cabinet- maker. Many cherry and curl maple bureaus and other articles of furniture, made by him, are in possession of the families of Salem, and show the skill of the maker. He was one of the first Methodist class-leaders in the place, and acted as such for thirty-four years. He married Lydia Rogers and lived on the place now- owned by L. G. Clearwater. Among his ten children was Noadiah, a bachelor, who lived on the place and winked as a carpenter. He is now dead. Noadiah Curtis, Levi Powell, Thomas R. Benson and Henry Davenport were the four men from Salem who responded to Abraham Lincoln's call for seventy-five thou- sand men for three months to crush the Rebellion. Mary < Jurtis married James Powell, a substantial farmerand Methodist class- leader at Maplewood. They have one daughter, Lydia. Sarah married Am/.i Swingle and lives in Peckville. .'!. Edward Curtis was a bachelor. He lived on the old homestead with his sister Marilla, who never married. Mahala Jones and Jane Butler, two nieces, also lived with them. Ed ward Curtis was a carpenter and farmer and a very honest man. Marilla, when she died, bequeathed her property, amounting to eighteen hundred dollars, to the Salem Presbyterian Church. Rebecca married Edmund Nicholson and .Sophia married Amasa Jones. The Curtis family, taken together, are re- markable for their integrity. Michael Mitchell came to Salem about 1800. He had a log cabin opposite the camp-ground, not far from the spring, where Jairus was born in 1802. He then moved to a place below Wilkes- 1 Jarre, and from there to Spring Brook and elsewhere. He died in 1855, aged eighty, and his wife in 1867, aged ninety-one. His children are Eli, Nancy (Mrs. Daniel Landon), Salmon, Jairus, Leveret, John P., Julius, Alva and Shepherd. The Mitchells are nearly all goodsingers and inherit the happy-go-lucky disposition of their ancestor. Ambrose Nicholson says his father, Francis Nicholson, of Glastonbury, Conn., was a soldier of the Revolution, and was during the war part of the time in Pennsylvania. He married Rachael Loveland, and they had ten children. In February, LS00, he moved to Salem, and settled one mile west of Salem ( !or- ners on the East and West road. His children were Edmund, Jonathan L., Mynis, Polly, Cleora, Fanny, Zenas and Ambrose. Edmund Nicholson married a daughter of Josiah Curtis, and lived one mile southwest of Hamlinton. Zenas Nicholson was a carpenter and mill- wright. He resided on the old homestead until 1830, when he removed to Hamlinton. His first wife was Mary Goodrich. Their only son, I loratio, was a lawyer in Wilkes-I Jarre. By his second wife, Nancy Goodrich, a sister of his first wife, were children — G. Byron Nicholson, who was also an attorney-at-law in Wilkes- Barre, and Lieutenant Lyman Nicholson, who was killed at Gettysburg. Seth G. Nicholson married Mary A. Bortree. He was twice justice of the peace in Salem, had a store at Hamlinton for a number of years, and subsequently moved to Sterling. His daughter, Marian, married Ira Kellam. Frank, his son, married Mary Houck, and Rhoda is at home. Milton Nicholson married Elizabeth Potter, and lives in Kingston. Oscar Nicholson is in Lack- awanna County. Mary married John Leonard. Her children are Marion, (who married George \V. Bid well), Josephine and Byron. Emeline Nicholson married George W. Sim- ons, a merchant at Hamlinton and now (1885) county commissioner. Ambrose Nicholson, the youngest of Francis Nicholson's family, is the only one now living, aged eighty-three, in Tccuinseh, Neb. He mar- ried Minerva Fish, and lived on the old home- stead for many years. His children were Ho- bart, who died in the army ; Gilbert Nicholson, married to Mary Potter ; Austin and Emma, wdio went West. James Thomas was the next family on the west, adjoining Francis Nicholson. His chil- dren's names were Lucy, Delia and .James. WAYNE COUNTY. Timothy Hollister married Betsy Treat. He and Ephraim Bidwell came from Connecticut to Salem in the year 1800. They lodged in a hut used in a sugar camp, a mile north of Little Meadows, on the Jonestown road. Returning to Connecticut, they brought their families the next spring, when Hollister and his friend sep- arated. Hollister remained where they had broken ground, and Bidwell settled in what is now called Bidwelltown, one mile south of East school-house. Timothy Hollister was a worker aud a good fanner. In his old age he moved West. His children were Betsy, who married John Andrews, Jr. ; Nabby, who mar- ried Isaac Kellam, and lived in Paupack ; Timothy and Milla, who lived in the West; Thomas, married Hannah Andrew ; and Jemi- ma, who married Daniel Peet, Jr., who lived about one-half mile north of Little Meadows. They had twelve children, among them Solon Peet, who married Harriet Stevens, and had one son, Alby F. ; he died in the army. Abigail Peet married Mahlon Christie, a wealthy far- mer of Sussex County, N. J. Abner married Jane Howell, and resides north of Peet Pond. Rebecca married Captain Curtis, and lives in Hawley. John C. and Mynott are in the township. Ephraim Bidwell married Dorcas Andrews, sister of John Andrews, Sr. He was a Revo- lutionary soldier, served under Washington, and was present at the execution of Major Andre. He settled on the place now owned by Calvin Peck. His children were Luther, Prudence, Jabez, Sail)-, Orren, Lucy, William, Ashbel and Rachel. Luther married Polly Miller, and located one-half mile west of his father, on the cross- road from Bidwell Hill to Woodbridge's. He had six children ; one of them, named Luther, lived with Moses Wright. Prudence married Samuel Pease, who died from hydrophobia. Jabez Bidwell married Sally Daniels, and set- tled about one-half mile east of his father, on the Ledgedale road. He had a large family. Among them were Anson, who married Manda Andrews, and located east of his father ; Ephra- im, who married Elizabeth Davis and lived in Bidwelltown ; (he died in the army ; his 73 children are Wilmer, Eugene, Ella and Thom- as) ; Chauncey, married Charlotte Sheerer, is a stone-mason ; Sally, married James Stewart, who lived near his brother-in-law, Orren. Orren Bidwell married Betsey Daniels, and located near Laurel Run, about two miles from his father's, on the road towards Ledgedale, where he built a saw-mill. He had thirteen children, among them Ira, who married Eliza Wright, lived on the old place and ran the saw-mill for many years ; William Harrison, married Joel Jones' daughter, and lives in Lake township ; George, who married Marion Leon- ard, and died from disease contracted in the army; Louisa, who married Archie Smith; Mary Jane, who married Abram Simons; Manda, who married Reuben Engle ; Armenia, who married 'Gus Webster; Hiram, who married Dolly Nicholson ; and Frank, who died in the army. Lucy Bidwell married Noah Rogers, and moved to Canaan ; William Bidwell married Caroline Brown, and finally moved West ; John Bidwell, one- of their sons, recently died in Honesdale. Ashbel Bidwell married Polly, a daughter of Rev. William G rifting, a Methodist minister, who had thirteen children. He lived on the old homestead many years, and sold to John P. Landsiel, purchasing elsewhere. He had four children, — George Mclvin, who married Mary Ammerman ; John William, who married Adelia Loring; Julia, married Thomas Couklin ; So- phronius, a carpenter. Rachel Bidwell, the last of the old family, married Josiah Davis, who also lived in Bid- welltown. Their children were Solon, Byron, Roger and Loring. These facts are chiefly taken from old records kept by Polly Bidwell, who is now eighty years of age. The Bidwells are an industrious, hard-working family, and have contributed their share in clearing the farms, building walls and houses and otherwise im- proving the township. The family furnished more soldiers for the late war than any in Sa- lem. Bidwell Lake, a beautiful sheet of water covering about seventy acres, is named in their honor. Jeremiah Osgood came to Salem in 1801 754 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and settled on the North and South road, about one mile north of Hamlinton. He served four years in the Revolutionary War. He lived to be ninety-nine years old. Among his children were Jeremiah, Daniel, Joseph and Lydia. Jeremiah Osgood, Jr., married Diantha Lutz, and had four children ; Ruth, who married John Wilcox, and lived on the old place, now occu- pied by her son, Angelo Wilcox ; Merritt Os- good, who married Susan Cobb and had three children, — Ruey, Alice and Friend. Daniel Osgood married Susan Spangenberg, and had four children. John Osgood, one of the sons, married Lydia Fairchild. His son Daniel is a lawyer in Tecumseh, Neb. l>r. Joseph Osgood married Elizabeth Bartlow, and had ten children, among them Joseph Osgood, Jr., who lives near his father ; Lucy, who mar- ried Elbert Goodrich ; and Didema, who mar- ried Eugene Goodrich. Dr. Joseph Osgood was born in 1804, and is still living. He commenced practicing medicine in 1836. Lydia Osgood, the only daughter, married Ebenezer Cobb. Jesse Morgan settled between Jeremiah Os- good and Salem Corners about 1800. He sub- sequently moved to Morgan II ill, where Sam- uel Morgan afterwards lived. His son George died in Canaan, aged ninety-seven. Aaron Morgan began farming north of his brother Samuel ; subsequently purchased the northeast section of the old London lot of Charles Goodrich, Jr., and built a stone house, which is now occupied by Frederick A. Abbey. He married Ruby Rathbone. His children were Sarah, Jeanette, Lucia and Alice. Sarah mar- ried Henry Abbey. Her children are Frederick and Clark. Alice married Matthias Haag, a devoted Christian man, who was the leader of a small band of Perfectionists. Oliver Hamlin, mentioned above, married Nancy Baldwin, and kept a store and public- house in Hamlinton. He subsequently lived in Bethany and Honesdale ; was county com- missioner three years and associate judge live years. His children by his first wife were Harriet, Hannah, Hortou, Plobart and Henri- etta. Horton was a merchant in Honesdale for many years. Harris Hamlin, Jr., a farmer near Hollister- ville, married Mary Long. His children were Lyman, postmaster at Cedar Keys, Fla. ; Ruey ; and George, who married Frances Davis, and presides over the Salem Hotel, at Ham- linton. David Hale took up the place afterward oc- cupied by Daniel Peet, Jr. Dr. Lewis Collins bought the Little Mea dows place in 1801, and occupied it two years. One of his sons, Decius Collins, resided in Pucker Street. His daughter, Sophia A. Collins, is an assistant teacher in Scranton graded school, and Phimelia married N. A. Hulburt, music dealer in Scranton. Thomas Cook married Julia, a daughter ot Abner Collins, and lives on the Luther Weston place. His children are Sidney W., Dr. Lewis Cook, Ella and Stella. Seth Goodrich bought the Little Meadows place of Dr. Collins in l80-'5. He married Polly, a daughter of Phineas Grover, who led the forlorn hope at Stony Point. His children were Anson, George, Phineas and Dwight, sons; and Mary, Nancy, Sally and Rebecca, daughters. Anson Goodrich, a farmer, lived in Pucker Street, on the farm now occupied by his son Hiram. He married Eunice Andrews and had eleven children. Of his children, Julia married Stephen Clarke, who lives in Lake ; George L. married Lois Russell ; Mary mar- ried Horace Bell, the children being Frederick (merchant in Hawley), Harriet, George, Charles and Adaline ; Lucy married Lafayette Rhone and removed to the West; Sally mar- ried Charles Pelton, a farmer in Pucker Street. They have three boys, — Frank, who married Addie Walker, is a merchant in Moscow ; Florence T., who married Jane Walker, lives on the Decius Collins place ; and Leroy, who married Olive Nash, is on the homestead. Nancy Goodrich married Charles Gillett, and George, their son, lives west of Hamlinton. Hiram, who occupies the homestead, married Rachel Robinson, and Phebe Quick for his second wife. Angeline is the wife of John Bell, of Hawley. George, the second sou of the original fam- ily, married Abigail Moore, a daughter of WAYNE COUNTY. 755 Moore, Sr. He retained the Little Meadows place and dispensed the hospitalities of the old homestead in a generous manner. Having no children they adopted several ; among them, Mary Barlow, Mary Jane White, Nancy Moore and Warren Moore. George Goodrich was an elder in the Presbyterian Church and clerk of the session for many years ; also justice of the peace for a number of terms. He was one of the solid men of Salem in his day. Phineas G rover Goodrich was burn at Little Meadows in 1804. He lived on the homestead until eighteen years of age, then taught school in Salem, Paupack and Connecticut for nine : " :\ 1 w¥ s r years. In 1836' he moved from Salem to Bethany, and took charge of the county offices as clerk, under Paul S. Preston. In 1845 he was elected prothouotary and clerk of the courts for three years. He engaged in surveying in 1850, in connection with farming. He was elected county surveyor in 1856, was twice elected county auditor and served from 1874 till 1880, and, during the court-house trouble, was an anti-court-house man. He set off the townships of Texas, Cherry Pudge and Pan- pack, was appointed justice of the peace in 1865, and has held the position since. His most important work is Goodrich's "History of Wayne County," a work which future his- torians of Wayne County will depend upon to a considerable degree. He is a ready writer, something of a poet and a good story-teller. His mind is stored with folk-lore and reminis- cences of the old settlers, poetry and anecdotes. His overflowing humor and varied information have ever made him a companionable man to young and old. He married Lucia Rathbone, and both are living at Bethany. He is eighty- one years of age, has been administrator of a large number of estates, and is a trusted man in such offices. Nancy married Zenas Nichol- son for her first, and Dr. Erastus Wright for her second husband. Her family is elsewhere noticed. She is still living, with her daughter, Emma Simons, aged eighty-three. Rebecca Goodrich married Joseph Moore, Jr. She had five daughters and one son, Warren G. Moore. The Grand Army Post in Hollisterville is named in his honor. Sallie married Alanson Hollister and will be elsewhere noticed. Dwight is a bachelor. Seth f: Since then James Waite, Thomas Baker ami Ernest Stevens have held the office. John Becker was postmaster at Ledgedale a number of years. L. W. Moras now holds. Simon P. Lutz was the first postmaster at Arlington, and Merritt D. Rollison now has the office. Jerome T. Stocker was appointed postmaster of Peetona January 18, 1886, and the first mail was re- ceived February 9, 1886. The Methodist Church in Salem. — An- son Goodrich, in a letter to Dr. Peck, says: " Ephraim Bidwell and Dorcas, his wife, came to Salem — then Canaan — in the year 1800. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It was by iuvitation from Mr. Bid- well that year, or the following, that two preachers, Chambers and Polemus, held ser- vices. Dr. Peck says they came from Wyo- ming, — Chambers probably in 1801 or 1802, and Polemus in 1803." Mr. Goodrich contin- ues : " I recollect hearing Mr. Owen, Christo- pher Erye and Alfred Griffeths preach in barns, dwelling-houses and a log school-house (probably the East school-house) ; in fact, the only school-house in what is now Salem. Be- fore Bishop Asbury left Wyoming he directed Gideon Draper to spend the rest of the year in what afterward became Canaan Circuit. Mr. Draper found Major Woodbridge in his log mill, at what is now called Moss Hollow. Mr. Woodbridge was a Congregationalist of many years' standing, but not so bigoted as to decline his aid in establishing meetings for the good of the new settlement. He was a little slow to pledge himself to the new sect, but lent an ear and proceeded as he saw light. He invited Mr. Draper to partake of the hospitalities of his house, but said nothing about his having a reg- ular appointment in the place until he had heard him preach on the Sabbath. Subsecpiently Mr. Draper appointed a love feast to be held in Major Woodbridge's barn. They admitted all who wished to come, and the barn was full. Major Woodbridge, his wife and a Dutch wo- man assisted Mr. Draper. Many were awakened and the meeting continued late at night. An old raftsman, seventy years of age, was con- verted. Mr. Draper asked the major to take the names of all who wished to join the society. Twenty-two persons gave their names, and he was regularly installed as a class-leader in the Methodist Church, almost before he was aware of it." In this account we have followed Dr. Peek's " History of Early Methodism." Anson Good- rich, in his letter, says : " The first class was formed in 1807, under Gideon Draper and William Butler. Major Woodbridge was ap- pointed the first class-leader and continued in that position till his death, in 1811 or 1812. The following persons were members of the first class formed in Salem : Theodore Woodbridge, Ephraim Bidwell, Dorcas Bidwell, Harris and Ruey Hamlin, Ruey Hamlin Baldwin, Michael Mitchell, Lucy Mitchell, Catharine Hamlin Lee, Irena Potter, Dorcas Miller, Charles Good- rich, Ann Goodrich, Charles Goodrich, Jr , Timothy Hollister, Betsey Hollister, Josiah Curtis, Eunice Curtis, Gideon Curtis, Ann Curtis, Fitch H. Curtis, William Cobb, Salmon Jones, Sally Jones, Joseph Miller, William Dayton, Ann Dayton, Nathan S. Wright, La- menta Wright, Jeremiah Osgood, Ruth Osgood, Edmund Nicholson, Rebecca Nicholson and Oliver Hamlin. In 1812 we find in the steward's book kept by Henry Avery the fol- lowing additional names : Luther, Polly, Pru- dence, Jabez, Oren and Sally Bidwell, Sophia Curtis, Sally Hamlin, Lueena Wright, Polly and Joel Potter, Hannah Wheatcraft, Henry and Lucy Avery, Adrial and Achsah Andrews, Samuel Harford, John Andrews, Lucy An- drews, Lamira Avery, Benjamin Harrison. Later we find John Glossenger, Betsey Ryon, Sally Brown, Cyprian Cobb, Mary Glossenger, Nancy London, Eli Mitchell. Aiming Owen appears to have been presiding elder in 1807. He held the first quarterly meeting held in Salem in Major Woodbridge's barn. This barn stood on the south side of the road, a little east of the house. Thomas Elliott is spoken of as a preacher in 1808 on Canaan Circuit. Loring Grant ministered in Salem in 1812, according to Henry Avery's book. From Fitch H. Cur- tis and John Andrew's class-book, the recollec- tion of Jemima Peet and records in the hands of Andrew Andrews, it appears that Israel Cook preached in 1816. Ebenezer Dillitts and 700 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Robert Montgomery are mentioned. Isaac Grant preached in 1817 and 1818, Dr. George Peck in 1820, John I). Gilbert in 1821, Elisha Bibbings and Solon Stocking in 1821 and 1823, Sophronius Stocking from 1824 to 1826, John Sayre and Silas Comfort, 1826-27. Among the men that were prominent in the early his- tory of the church were Harris Hamlin, Eph- raim Bidwell, Timothy Hollister, Henry Avery and Fitch N. Curtis; later, Anson Goodrich, Hiram Clements, Andrew Andrews and Hiram Goodrich were prominent class- leaders. In 1820 Rev. George Peck was on Canaan Circuit, which then included Salem, Bethany and the region known as the Beech Woods generally. It was a two weeks' circuit, with a membership of two hundred and twenty- three and twelve preaching-places, one of them being the court-house at Bethany, three or four school-houses, the rest private houses — not one church. Dr. Peck says, after attending camp- meeting at Carpenter's Notch, Father Hamlin took his wife and child in his lumber wagon, while he rode behiud on horseback, over Cobb's Mountain to Salem, a distance of thirty miles. " He offered us a part of his house for the year and we gladly accepted it. We boarded with him a part of the time and he also kept my horse when I was at home and he refused to take any pay for all that he had done for us." The infant mentioned, twenty-five years after- ward stood before the people of Salem as their pastor — Rev. George M. Peek. Subsequently he was presiding elder over Honesdale District. Still later, he preached again in Salem, for two years. They had two preachers for a number of years, one living at Canaan and the other at Salem. The Salem man would preach in Canaan every alternate Sabbath, and the Canaan man in Salem, till 1841-42, when Paupack Mission was annexed. Shortly after there were two preachers again, — one in Salem and one in Sterling. Their arrangements were the same as between Salem and Canaan. In 1859 Ster- ling was taken off, leaving Salem with one preacher. Salem charge now has five preaching points, — Hamlinton, Hollisterville, Maplewood, LittleChapel and Bidwell Hill, — with about two hundred members, five Sunday-schools, with thirty-eight teachers and over two hundred pu- pils. There have been many revivals among them, notably in 1837-38, when Rev. William Readdy was on the charge. It started in the prayer-meetings at Bidwelltown. Aaron Gillett exhorted. The preacher did not attend often, and forty or fifty joined the church. In 1859- 60 the greatest revival occurred known in the history of the Salem Church, during Rev. Jacob Miller's pastorate, about one hundred and sixty professing conversion. The Salem Methodist Episcopal Church is the oldest of that denomi- nation in the county and the parent church of all the Methodist Episcopal Churches for ten miles around. It has contained a goodly num- ber of earnest workers, who have passed on to their reward. Benjamin Ryon, Sabin Andrews, Hiram Clements, Fitch H. Curtis, and scores of others who might be mentioned, will be remem- bered for their devotion. Their preachers are zealous, warm-hearted men, for the most part, who have waged aggressive warfare for their church. Among those who have come down to us as earnest preachers are Isaac Grant, Elder Bibbings, Solon and Sophronius Stocking, Dr. George Peck and his son, George M. Peck. The number of zealous preachers who have labored here are too numerous to mention. The first services were held in barns, private houses and school-houses. The East school-house was built about 1807 or 1808, aud the West school-house a little later. In 1815 Charles Goodrich deeded the land where the Methodist Episcopal Church of Hamlinton now stands to Gideon Curtis, Adrial Andrews, Edmund Nicholson, Charles Goodrich, Jr., and Fitch H. Curtis, evidently for school and meeting purposes, this being the lot upon which the old school-house stood. In 1829 this same land is deeded by the above grantees to William T. Noble, Timothy Hollis- ter, Anson Goodrich and Oliver Hamlin, trust- ees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Salem. In 1830 these same trustees, with the additional name of Samuel Harford, obtained a charter for the Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. A Union Church had been built on this ground and was dedicated August 18,1827. The Methodists gave one-half and the Presbyterians and Protestants the other WAYNE COUNTY. 767 half, with the understanding that the Methodist Episcopal should have the church every alter- nate Sabbath in the morning and contra in the afternoon. The Presbyterians and Protestants divided the alternate Sabbaths. One Sunday the Protestants took possession one-half hour earlier than the regular hour, when it was not their turn. The Methodists got the keys and locked them out. These difficulties culminated in a lawsuit between the Presbyterians and Method- ists, in which the Presbyterians were success- ful, when the Methodists bought out the interest of such individual Presbyterians as would sell, but Dr. Wright and some others would not sell and always claimed their rights. In 1832-33, when the Presbyterians built their church, some of the Methodists aided the enterprise. What- ever the difficulties which marred the harmony of the early church, they have long since vanished, and peace and good-will now prevails. This old Union Church was thirty-eight by forty, with two entrance doors in the south end, a pulpit between galleries on the sides and north end supported by large round pine pillars. It would seat six hundred people. The women all en- tered the west door and occupied that side of the church, the men taking the east side. Dr. George Peck preached the last sermon in the old church and also laid the corner-stone of the present Centennial Methodist Episcopal Church in 1866. The Rollisontown inhabitants built a log school-house in 1838, near the lane that (•nines to the road from Arthur Rollison's house. Before the school-house was built there M-as preaching occasionally at William Dayton's. Nathaniel Rollison was the first class-leader, as John William Bidwell is at present, They have just completed a beautiful little church, James Osborne giving the ground. It was dedicated December 19, 1885, by Rev. W. M. Hiller, Rev. J. O. Woodruffe, Rev. C. L. Pice and Rev. D. A. Sandford. Arthur Rollison, George M. Bidwell and J. W. Bidwell are the leading members. Rollisontown, Centre ville and Ledge- dale are in the Paupack Circuit. The first woods-meeting was held in Timothy Hollister's jam and the woods adjoining in 1815, accord- ing to the recollection of Abner Collius. Polly Bidwell, aged eighty, Joseph Osgood, aged eighty-one, and Sally Weston, aged eighty- two, say they were present at the first regular camp-meeting ever held in Salem, in 1818. Marmaduke Pierce was presiding elder and Isaac Grant preacher in Salem. It was held in the woods on the west side of the road, back of Adrial Andrews', near a spring. About L825 they held camp-meetings in Canaan, and the Protestant Methodists had camp-meetings near Hollisterville. The present Salem Camp-Meet- ing Association was chartered February 2, 1875, by Judge Waller. Capital stock, one thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to twenty thousand dollars. It is controlled by a board of fifteen directors chosen from the stock- holders, u Inch directors shall choose a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The stockholders purchased ten acres of ground on the south side of the road, about one-half mile west of Salem ( lorners, of A. J. Andrews, em- bracing a beech and birch grove, with a few hemlock trees scattered among them. The association have erected a rostrum or preacher's stand, a prayer-meeting tent with the prophets' rooms overhead, and a boarding-house and sandwich stand. About fifty cottages, owned by individuals, are ranged in circular form around the audience ground. The first board of directors were Rev. S. F. Wright, Rev. W. G. Queal. Rev. H. M. Crydenwise, Rev. Ste- phen Jay and Rev. Jonas Underwood ; and the following laymen : Gilbert White, Sauford Williams, A. J. Andrew, J. 1*. Mitchell, J. W. Bidwell, James Van Camp, William D.Curtis, George Williams, John H. Williams and O. H. Pease. There has been a camp-meeting held annually since the charter was granted. On John Andrews' and Fitch H. Curtis' class- book for 1816 it is written, " Be Partickular Every friday Preceding quarterly Meeting, Must be observed As a day of fasting and Prayer For the prosperaty of Zion ;" also " keep close to the Lord, keep close Class-Meetings," and they did keep close class-meetings. Sinners were sometimes admitted whom they supposed seekers ; afterward they had written permits. They have been known to reject their own members when they had not these permits. After the Protestants retired they became more 768 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. liberal in these matters. If members were ab- sent for three consecutive class-meetings they rendered a reasonable excuse therefor. Falling or losing their strength was a phenomenon of early Methodism in Salem, as elsewhere. Dr. Peck says sinners, as well as professors of religion, used to fall. He thinks it was a practice to be discouraged. There are two Protestant Churches in Salem, one at Hollister- ville, built about 1840, — and one near the town- ship line, built in 1884. Res'. Joseph Barlow and Bern B. Doty were among the first Pro- testant preachers. About 1828 Amasa Hollis- ter and wife, John Andrews, Sr., and wife, Conrad Swingle and wife, Jeremiah Osgood and wife, and John Cobb and wife organized the Protestant Methodist Church. Among the preachers were John Smith, Ambrose Abbott, James K. Helmbold and Dr. Payne. Asa Cobb, Jr., and Aaron Gillett were local preachers ; E. S. H. Cobb and Joseph Watrous were ordained elders; Joseph Watrous was president of the district at one time. ( (ONGBEGATIOSTAL-PfiESBYTEBIAN CHURCH. — A number of the early settlers were of Puri- tan Congregational proclivities, and the Con- necticut Congregationalists bad missionaries on the ground at an early date. Among these missionaries were Rev. Seth Williston, Rev. E. Kingsbury and Rev. David Harroway. It ap- pears from the old church records that a Con- gregational Church was formed in Salem, August 15, 1808, by David Harroway. The following is the list of those who united at that time: Hezekiah Bingham, Hezekiah Bingham, Jr., Joseph Woodbridge, Ashbel Woodbridge, Jesse Miller, Rachel Weston, Martha Stevens, Ann Woodbridge. Subsequently we find the names of Elijah Weston, Nancy Pellet, Eunice Bingham, Almira Woodbridge, Polly Ansley, William Woodbridge, Elijah Weston, Jr., Luther Weston. Rev. Daniel Waldo is men- tioned among the early missionaries. When they had no preacher, sermons were read. People used to remark that they would as willingly hear .Joseph Woodbridge read a sermon, as to hear a preacher. Rev. Worthing- ton Wright was the first settled pastor over the churches in Wayne County in 1812. He re- sided at Bethany. Joseph Woodb ridge con- tributed ten dollars; Seth Goodrich, six; Ashbel Woodbridge, six ; Jesse Miller, three ; William Woodbridge, five; and Elijah Weston, three. They agreed to double their subscription if the minister would live in Salem. In 1815, having lost his wife and his health failing, Rev. W. Wright asked dismission and left the county. Rev. PhineasCamp preached occasionally about 1818. The Salem and Palmyra Congregational Church was re-organized at the East school- house, February 2, 1832, as a Presbyterian Church. Rev. Joel Campbell, of the Hones- dale Presbyterian Church, was chosen moderator, and Stephen Torrey, a ruling elder of the same church, clerk. Of the old members there were the following present: Luther Weston, Elijah W r eston, Nancy Pellet, William Woodbridge, Almira Woodbridge, Polly Ansley (absent), Ashbel Woodbridge, Henry Stevens, Martha Stevens, Eunice Bingham and Dolly Roosa. Marilla Curtis and Lydia Wright were ad- mitted by letter. George Goodrich, Alanson Hollisterand Miss Arrian Corbin were admitted on profession of faith. Also Minerva T. Weston, Nancy Nicholson, John H. Bullen and Hannah, his wife, were admitted February 19, 1832. Also at this meeting Luther Weston, Elijah Weston and ( ieorge Goodrich were ordained ruling eiders by Rev. Joel Campbell. Subse- quently we find the names of John Roosa, Jared Taylor, Horatio Nicholson, Sally Hollister, Eliza Wheeler, Laura Weston, Dr. Erastus Wright, Catharine Northam, Zenas Nicholson, Margaret Adams, Edmund Brown, Jonathan B. Watrous, Matilda Watrous, Lucy Moore, Laura Matthews, Daniel Noble, Erastus Noble, Fanny Wheeler, Ambrose Nicholson, Minerva Nicholson, Ellen Andrews, Maria Woodbridge, Mary L. Raymond, Dr. Burr, Mary Leonard, Jane Butler, P. Howe, A. Howe, Mary A. Howe, Abigail Watrous, Mahala Jones, John A. Cook and family, Arselia Brown, and still later, Thomas Cook, Amos Polly, Austin M. Nicholson, John Nash, E. J. Ayers, R, M. Stacker, E. B. Polley, Lewis Cook, J. T. Stacker, James D. Stacker, Henry Cook. The Presbyterians built a church in 1833, in which they worshipped until 1852—34, when the WAYNE COUNTY. 769 present church was erected. Rev. David R. Gilmer, Rev. D. R. Dickson and Rev. Lyman Richardson supplied the pulpit until Rev. Moses Jewell was installed pastor of the church and congregation of Salem, by Rev. Adam Miller, September 24, 1833. He left March 23, 1834, and Rev. Joel Barlow preached from 1837 till 1844; Rev. Albert R. Raymond, from September, 1844, until June, 1863; Rev. E. Merriam, 1 two years; Rev. R. Crossett, two years; Rev. Samuel Hutchings, one year; and Rev. C. M. Des Islet, about three years, since which date students have supplied the pulpit during the summer. John A. Cook was made ruling elder during Rev. A. R. Raymond's time. Thomas Cook, John Nash and Austin Nicholson were made ruling elders about 1866, and Jerome T. Stocker became a ruling elder October 12, 1872. Of these, A. M. Nicholson removed to the West and John Nash joined the Methodists. As early as 1832 candidates be- fore the session, in answer to questions put by the session, "express their determination to ab .stain from the traffick and use of ardent spirits as an article of luxury." The following is a specimen of old-time discipline copied from the minutes of the session, as kept by George Goodrich, clerk. Charges had been preferred against Mr. B for unchristian conduct. The minutes say : " The Session having had two interviews with Mr. B , and lie having acknowledged that the charges were true, and has neglected to make such satisfaction as the Gospel requires, it was voted by the Session that a written notice be served on him inform- ing him that he stands suspended from all the privileges of the church until he make such satisfaction as the Gospel requires ; and as he has of late expressed a willingness to make a Public Confession of his faults, that he also be notified that an opportunity for this will be given him on the coming Sabbath or at any other Public Meeting of the church within fifteen days from this date." A notice was ac- 1 Rev. E. Merriam was a young man who had just com- pleted his studies, and was installed pastor of Salem Church, where he died, aged twenty-eight, much be- loved by his congregation for his devotion and real worth as an unassuming, scholarly man. 75 cordingly prepared and served on Mr. B , giving him an opportunity to publicly confess or stand suspended. The Episcopal Church was built in 1847. Rev. Mr. Cushman conducted service in the East school-house about 1840, before the church building was erected, Mrs. Robert Patten being the leading spirit in the enter- prise. The leading members were Robert Patten and wife, Franklin Goodspeed, John Raymond, Caleb B. Hackley, Daniel Potter, Gains Moss, Mrs. Anson Abby. Among others are Richard Evans, Russell Bidwell, George Simons, Catharine Foote, Lucy Walker. Rev. Edwin Mendenliall -' was their first rector and officiated about fourteen years. After his death Rev. Mr. Cowpland occupied the pulpit for two or three years, when Rev. R. H. Brown preached for fifteen years. There has been no rector since. The Baptist Church in Hollister- ville was orgauized in 1854-55, by Rev. Newel Callender, the prominent members being Alanson Hollister and wife, Piatt Stevens, William Hollister and wife, James Waite and wife, James Rockaf'eller, Asa Hollister and wife, M. H. Race. The Catholics had preach- ing occasionally in Ledgedale school-house from 1851 until 1877, when they built St. Mary's Church near the township line. They draw their congregations from Paupack aud East Salem. The Christians have some mem- bers who have preaching occasionally at Osgood's school-house. The Christian Church at Osgood's was organized November 26, 1866, 2 Rev. Edwin Mendenliall was born of Quaker parents, in Chester County, Pa., February 27, 1803. In 1831 he married Elizabeth Culbertson. Of their children, Elizabeth married Thomas B. Townsend, of Chicago ; Ellen married Horace A. Beal, and lives at Parkesburg, Pa. September 28, 1841, Mr. Mendenliall entered the Theological Semin- ary at Alexandria, Va., was ordained July 14, 1844, and he was shortly after sent to Salem, where he organized a parish in 1845. He made personal application to friends for assistance from Philadelphia in erecting St. John's Church, which was consecrated by Bishop Alonzo Potter, August 5, 1850. Gaius Moss was senior warden and Daniel Potter was junior warden ; F. B. Moss was leader of a volunteer choir, which, according to the testi- mony of the bishop and visiting clergymen, rendered the best music they heard outside of city choirs. — From Ellen Beat's letter. 770 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA by Elder Henry Black, of New Jersey. The first members were James Swingle, Enos Swingle, George Edwards, David P. Edwards, Eugene Goodrich, Jeremiah Wilcox, Adnia Wilcox and Eliza Edwards. They have since added thirty-four members. C. E. Wells, pastor; Samuel Swingle and James Swingle, elders. Sunday-Schools. — Ann Woodbridge, the widow of Joseph Woodbridge, after her hus- band's death, in 1816, went to Connecticut and attended Sunday-school in Hartford, Conn., and in New York. On her return, in 1817 or 1818, she asked Sally Brown, then fourteen years of age, to notify her young friends and come to her house the following Sunday for the purpose of organizing a Sunday-school. She agreed to it and kept her promise, but not without misgivings, and was troubled all the week to know how they could have a school on Sunday without breaking the Sabbath. The next Sunday, however, Sally Brown, Laura Goodrich, Ambrose Nicholson, Malvina Potter, Betsy Hollister, Abigail Hollister and Anna Wright appeared in the Widow Ann Wood- bridge's ' log house, which stood on the corner opposite the present stone house. She had them all stand in a row and read the Testament, of which they had two or three copies. She had several John Rogers primers, containing Cate- chism and commandments, which she loaned them. Shortly after we find William Wood- bridge superintending a school at East school- house, and every alternate Sunday was spent at the West school-house. February 5, 1832, the Salem Sunday-School Society was formed at the West school-house, Zenas Nicholson being president; George Goodrich, secretary ; Elijah Watson, treasurer ; Alauson Hollister, Amos Polly, Esq., and George Goodrich, directors. They adopted a constitution and effected a regular organization, making it auxiliary to the American Sunday-School Union Society. Luther Weston, Dr. Erastus Wright, Medad Walters, Amasa Jones, J. B. Watrous, Jared Taylor, Ambrose Nicholson, Palmer Miller and Dr. 'This was probably the first. Sunday-school ever held : Wayne County. Chas. Burr were connected with that society. Hiram Clements, Thomas K. Benson, Mat- thias Haag, Sandford Swingle and John Nash have been prominent Sunday-school workers. Rev. A. R. Raymond is an excellent Bible- class teacher. Mary L. Raymond, his wife, has taught for many years. There was a Sun- day-School Association auxiliary to Wayne County Sunday-School Association organized at Salem in 1872, or about that time. Rev. C. M. Des Islets was first president and Jerome T. Stocker secretary. A number of Sunday- school conventions were held every year. There are usually ten Sunday-schools in operation in the township. The first school-house in the township was the East school-house, which stood on the cor- ner just west of Major Woodbridge's house. It was built about 1805-8 of hewn logs, with a door in the south end, a stone chimney on the west end and the teachers' desk opposite. The desks were against the wall, the sharp edges of which served as a back-rest when the pupils were not writing. The seats were thick plank, with sap- ling legs. Berkely, one of the first teachers in this school, was a college graduate and so was Rev. William Woodbridge, who taught later. Children came for five miles around to the East school. The West school was at Salem Cor- ners. The London House and Charles Good- rich's house were used for school purposes until 1814, when a frame school-house was built. There was also a school-house near Elizur Mil- ler's, made of basswood boards, for summer schools. P. G. Goodrich says he attended about 1810, Irene Potter being teacher. In 1827 a school-house was built on the knoll above L. A. Griffin's carriage shop in Hollis- terville, Phineas Howe being the first teacher. Bidwelltown school-house was built about 1838 and Daniel Gorman taught two or more years. A log school-house was built on the lane that comes from A. J. Rollison's in 1838. Tryphena Lee was the first teacher. Osgood's, Ledgedale, Centreville, No. 20, and Razor Hill schools came later. There are ten schools in Salem. Sally Hamlin Bon ham taught the first school in 1804, when she was fourteen years old. She WAYNE COUNTY. 771 received a two-dollar bill for three months ser- vice, which was placed in an open book. As she sat before the fire-place, a gust of wind blew the bill into the fire and reduced her three months' labor to smoke and ashes before her eyes. Ashbel Woodbridge, Samuel Mor- gan, Mary Ann and Egbert Woodbridge, R. G. and George Goodrich, Sally Case, Mr. Bene- dict, Jason Bradley, Timothy Morgan, John W. Gordon, Oliver Hamlin and Joseph Moore, Jr., were among the early teachers. An academy was built in Hollisterville in 1862. M. H. Race taught a number of years as did also E. J. Ay.res. It is now used for a Methodist Church. Butler Hamlin placed seats over his new store and schools were taught there by E. D. F. Brownell, R. M. Stocker and F. J. Foley. Roads. — From old records of Westmoreland County we find Esquire Tryp appointed, Octo- ber 19, 1772, to oversee men working on " Rode from Dilleware River to ye westermost part of ye Great Swamp to Pittstown." The first roads were mere bridle-paths through the forest, indicated by marked trees. Later the swampy places were bedded with poles, called corduroy roads, pole bridges being made. Nathan G. Wright signed a contract, October 8, 1818, with Samuel Morgan and Vene Lee, a committee appointed by the managers to con- struct the Belmont and Easton turnpike, to build one hundred and fifteen rods, commencing at Ann Woodbridge's, thence north one hundred and fifteen perches, to be completed September 1, 1819. They gave him six shares of stock for building it, and bound him under six hun- dred dollars forfeiture to keep it in repair. This road was a great thoroughfare for travel, and droves of cattle and sheep, amounting to a number of thousands annually, passed over it to market. The stock was gathered up north as far as the lake region of New York and driven to Easton and Philadelphia markets. The road was divided into sections about fifteen or twenty miles long, and a four-horse tally-ho coach passed both ways daily. The section passing through Salem Corners extended from Canaan Corners to Captain Howe's, a distance of eighteen miles. John P. Mitchell drove stage a number of years. The East and West road, which extended from Milford to Salem ('diners, thence through Cobb's Gap to the Lackawanna Valley, was built in 1825. At that time Hamlinton was a place of some im- portance, but the railroads have left the towns situated on hills and passed through the valleys. The oldest settlers of Salem were nearly all Revolutionary soldiers and from Connecticut. The town is more thoroughly New England than any in the county. The pioneers met many obstacles. They made logging- bees and house-raisings ; thus, by associated labor, they helped one another to clear their farms and build their houses. " There are no times like the old times — they shall never be forgot ! There is no place like the old place — keep green the dear old ["■I riends — may lleav'n -to ,|. the There are no friends like our old their lives prolong, And bring us all — life ended- throng." John Bunting assessed Canaan in 1799. It had twenty-eight taxables, five of whom be- longed in Salem. John Bunting was also the first justice of the peace. Josiah Curtis assessed Salem in 1809, after it was set off from Canaan. He returned sixty taxables. In 1810 there were fifty-seven. In 1811 fifty-four, Joseph Woodbridge and Salmon Jones assessors. In 1812 fifty-eight taxables. In 181 (3, after Sterling was formed, Elijah Wes- ton, assessor, returned fifty-four taxables, and in 1.X24 there were eighty-eight taxables. In 1880, after Lake was formed, there were sixteen hundred and thirty-five inhabitants in Salem. BIOGRAPHICAL. .It'DGE HUTLER HAMLIN. Harris Hamlin, father of Judge Hamliu, of English origin, was born in the State of Con- necticut April 27, 1767, and married Rue Eas- ton, a native of the same State, August 22, 1787, who was born February 28, 1770. They left their native State in 1801, and, with nine children, came to the then wilderness country WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of Eastou, Pa., and settled one and a quarter mile west from Salem Comers, in Salem town- ship, Wayne County. Here they built a log house in which they resided for some eight years, when they erected a framed house — the first one built in the township. Harris Hamlin was a farmer and brick manufacturer, and both himself ami wife were consistent Christians and members of the Methodist Church. Dr. Almira, Butler and Philena (who married Vol- ney Cortright). The latter is the only one sur- viving in 1886 — a widow and resides in Scran- ton, Pa. Judge Butler Hamliu, youngest son of Harris Hamlin, was born in Salem township April 17, 1808. His early life was spent on the farm at home, and, in common with the other boys during the early history of the county, he knew what hard work meant and AjujI^y- ^/tcli^Ll. Peck says of him: " He was a man of generous impulses and solid worth, an earnest Christian and a thorough Methodist." He died August 4, 1854 ; his wife died December 5, 1833. Their children are Rue, Sarah (wife of John Bonham, recently died in Wayne County at the age of ninety-four), Catherine (wife of Horace Lee, resided in Canaan, and her son John F. Lee is a farmer in the township), Ruey (the 2d, married Daniel Baldwin and moved to Minnesota; she was a talented and pious lady), Oliver, Amanda (wife of John Andrews), Harris, Ephraim W., had little opportunity for obtaining an education from books, being only allowed three months' schooling during the winter months each year, until the age of sixteen. His practical ideas in after-life, his general intelligence, his devo- tion to principle, integrity of purpose and sympathy for all worthy objects, however, be- speak how thoroughly he was educated in youth in all that made him the man so much esteemed by his fellow-citizens. For two years- following 1827 he worked at the trade of a hatter with his brother-in-law at Montrose, WAYNE COUNTY. 773 Susquehanna County, Pa., for an annual sti- pend of thirty dollars, one-half of which, by strict economy, he saved, and now had, on reaching his majority. He spent two years more as a clerk in his brother's store and post- office at ten dollars per month, when he became a partner in the concern and continued this business relation until 1837, when he became sole owner of the store, was appointed post- master and held the place with slight interruption through the various administrations and changes in political organizations until the time of his death, which occurred December 10, 1883. In 1861 he was elected associate judge on the bench with Judge Barrett. The two offices being in- compatible, he resigned as postmaster, but was reinstated upon the petition of the patrons of the office as soon as his term as judge was completed. Again, during the Presidency of James Buchan- an, he was removed for political reasons, but after a little more than a year he was reinstated during the same administration, through the petition of the patrons of the office, comprised of both political parties. Judge Hamlin's political affiliations were with the Whig and Republican parties, and as a member of those he was a safe counselor and sought to support the principles, of reform, rather than the men who represented party alone. It may be truly said that he acted justly and honestly toward all men in all the relations of life, and during his business career as a mer- chant, which continued for nearly a half-century in the same place, all who knew him accord to him sterling characteristics. Although he never united with any church organizations, he was a prayerful man, a constant and studious Bible reader and a supporter of all church work in the vicinity of his home. In 1838 Judge Hamlin formed the acquaint- ance of a Miss Sallinda Rathbone, daughter of Abel and Alice Rathbone, who came to Salem, Wayne County, that year on a visit to friends, and during the summer taught the school in the neighborhood. They were married in Oc- tober of that year, and their children who grew to man's estate are Lenora F. (wife of George A. Clearwater), Florence B. (died in 1875), Delia P., Frank B. and Charles E. Hamlin. HOWEL WOODBRIDGE Joseph Woodbridge and his wife, Ann Hol- lister, both natives of Glastonbury, Conn., soon after their marriage, December 30, 1802, set- tled in Salem township, Wayne County, Pa., on land heretofore described, a part of which remains in the family in 1885. He spent his life as a farmer, was ap- pointed the first justice of the peace in the town- ship, and held the office until his death, October 14, 1816, at the age of thirty-five years. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, and was about to engage in mercantile operations when death came so prematurely, and cut his life short.. He was identified with the pre- liminary work in organizing the Presbyterian ( Ihurch of Salem, yet he did not live to see the fruits of his labor. His wife, a woman of cul- ture and Christian fortitude, the first superin- tendent of the Sunday-school at Salem, was left with seven children, — Egbert, Wells, Howel, Mary Ann (wife of John Kelsey), John, Eliza (wife of William C. Gridley) and Ebenezer, of whom only three survive in 1885, — John, on a part of the old homestead ; Eliza, in West Candor, Tioga County, N. Y. ; and Ebenezer, at Lee Centre, Lee County, 111. Of these children, Egbert Woodbridge lived to a good age, and died November 27, 1866, having served as justice of the peace in Salem township for many years, and filled other important positions of trust. By her second husband, Joseph Moore, Mrs. Woodbridge had three children. She died July 2, 1860, aged seventy- six years. Howel W T oodbridge, third son of Joseph, born at Salem, January 28, 1808, spent a part of his early life in Connecticut and acquired a practical education. He married Maria, daugh- ter of Captain Jared Strickland, of Glaston- bury, and settled upon a part of the homestead in Salem, which he afterward inherited, and there spent the remainder of his life. Their children were Hosmer, born January 1, 1838, died December 30, 1859; Henry, born Sep- tember 5, 1840, served nine months in the late Civil War and until its close, and was killed by a falling tree July 11, 1869 ; Joseph, born January 17, 1843, served in the Second 774 WAYNK, PIKE AND MOXKOK COUNTIKS, PENNSYLVANIA. Heavy Artillery in the late war and was hon- orably discharged (he married Elizabeth Van Norsdel February 22, 1870, and resides in Melborne, Marshall County, Iowa, and have children — Minnie A., Frank H. (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), William E. and Clarence L. Woodbridge) ; Sarah Ann, born December 1, 1849, a teacher for fifteen years, resides on the homestead ; Mary W., born July 11, 1848, died at quite an advanced age, leaving as their successor their son John, who was born in Orange County, N. Y. John was a man of universal attainments. Besides conducting the old home farm successfully, he turned his at- tention to theology, and for many years repre- sented in the pulpit the doctrines laid down by the Protestant Methodist denomination. Having acquired a competency, he contributed liberally gt^t w^-y^J^- on the homestead ; Jared, born October 13, 1850, resides in Arizona Territory. Howel Woodbridge was a farmer, a highly respected citizen, and served a short time in the late Rebellion. He died August 29, 1878. His wife died April 24, 1871. C. S. COBB. C. S. Cobb kept a public-house (log tavern) for the entertainment of the traveling public. Both himself and wife, Mary (Stevens) Cobb, to all worthy local objects, and was especially generous with those in need of pecuniary aid. In politics, he was first an Old Line Whig, but subsequently became a Democrat, which he re- mained until Lincoln's administration, when he identified himself with the Republican party. He was many times chosen by the people of his township to fill positions of trust, such as justice i of the peace, etc. His wife was Mary, daugh- ter of Conrad and Lucy (Bunting) Swingle. He died August 16, 1866, aged seventy-seven years, WAYNE COUNTY. r-5 eight months and six days ; and his wife died December 13, 1874, at an advanced age. Their children were eight in number, of whom Con- rad S. was fifth in line. He was born Febru- ary 8, 1825, in Luzerne, now Lackawanna County, Pa., Jefferson township. He remained in that locality until March, 1867, engaging in farming, carpenter and joiner work, etc., and having received a good English education, also engaged in teaching school and practiced sur- March, 1877, removed to Salem township, Wayne County, Pa., and settled upon land he had purchased but a short time previously, and here he continued his active career on what was known as the Robert Patten farm, the condition of which was such as to require an immediate outlay of money and labor. Mr. Cobb has, by industry and good management, placed the premises in such a state of improvement as to be second to none in Wayne County. His e 5 Thomas Ferguson bought the place and cleared a large farm. Mr. Ferguson was a farmer and drover and county commissioner for one term. His children were George, Edward, Jolin, Thomas, Joseph, William and Margaret, wife of Nicholas Stevens. Charles Wildash located at Jericho in 1840 on the place now occupied by James Kerr. Jonathan Richardson, a carpenter by trade, from Philadel- phia, was a man of capacity. None of his descend- ants remain in the township. Levi A. Webster married Martha Munn, came to Salem in December, 1817, and remained with John Andrews, Jr., until October, 1818, when he moved into West Sterling and built the log house his son Hubbel occupies, near Webster Creek. His wife was Emaline Beardsley. Benjamiu and Daniel live in Tioga County, N. Y. Conrad D. Webster is in Hollisterville, and was constable and collector for seven years. Lucy, wife of John Conyne, lives in Carbondale, Gustavus is in Ster- ling, and Gilbert a blacksmith in South Canaan. Lewis Barnes located about one mile south of E. Hartford's, in 1818. He has a family of ten children, some of whom were in the army. Port Barnes is a noted fiddler at country dances. Robert Catterson came from Donegal County, Ireland, to Philadelphia, in 1811 and to Sterling in December, 1822. He settled on the Moscow road about three-fourths of a mile west of Noble- town and built a log cabin where John Hawk now lives. He was seventy-six and his wife Ann at his death survived until her ninety-third year. Their children were William, who married Martha Stevens and located one-fourth mile south of the homestead. He died recently, aged eighty-four; Ann, the wife of N. Stevens, who lived north of the homestead ; John Catterson, aged eighty-two, from whom the writer obtained these facts, residing west of the homestead. He says he and his wife, a daughter of Henry Stevens, were not worth twenty-five dollars when they were mar- ried. " I put up a log cabin and was just as happy as the day was long. I erected a frame next year and the high winds blew it down. We had a family of nine children, some of whom are liv- ing in the neighborhood." As the old gentleman smoked a stub of a clay pipe and talked of old times he seemed perfectly contented and happy. William Catterson, a brother of Robert, lived in Philadelphia for many years and came to Ster- ling about 1845. He bought the Enoch Noble place one half mile west of Noble Hill. Of his children, Alexander, who lives on the homestead and Isabella, the second wife of Nicholas Stevens, are all who married in Sterling The Catterson school- house was built just west of John Catterson 's house, about 1882. One dol- lar per week and board were paid female teachers. Mary Ann Cross was one of the first teachers. James Van Camp taught there about 1840. William W. Hawk came to Sterling from New Jersey and worked on the Pennsylvania Kail road for two years, when he purchased one hundred WAYNE COUNTY. :\k, and eighty acres of land near the head-waters of the streams that flow into Hartford's pond, cleared a farm and built a good house. He has one of the finest apple orchards in the county, from which he obtains from ten to fifteen hun- dred bushels of good merchantable fruit per year. Piatt Stevens located mi the farm adjoining Hawks' about 1850. Benjamin Correll came to Sterling about 1810. His children were William, Benjamin, Ervin, Elias, Theodore Alexander, Hannah, Mary, 'Emeline, Margaret, Carrie, Harriet. One winter he kept eleven deer in his cellar on potatoes and let most of them go in the spring. Benjamin Correll was born at Montrose, July 18, 1801. He married Dorothy Mettz, moved to Howetown when twenty-one years of age and became one of the pioneers of the county. When the Belmont and Easton turnpike was being built he was one of the foremen and also tilled the same position on the old Drinker turnpike when that road was constructed. He was captain of a boat owned by David Noble, used to convey lumber from the forks on the Wallenpaupack to Wilson- ville, and the first man who steered a raft over Clements' Falls, on the, Paupack creek, as also one of the first men to run the narrows on the Lackawaxen. He was miller for Robert Bor- tree and Edmund Hartford for a number of years and afterward settled on his farm at Howetown. His second wife was Mrs. Mary Stucker, who sur- vives, aged eighty-seven. He died at John Kipps', in Greene township, aged eighty-four. He had fourteen children by his first wife, nine of whom were living at the time of his death, in 1886, and left eighty-two grandchildren, eighty- four great-grandchildren and one great-great- grandchild George W. Butler, Sr., settled in Sterling about 1835, on the road from the forks to Zion Church. He married Sylva Jones, his children being Elisha J. Butler, who lives on the homestead ; Horace L. Butler, of Lake ; John Butler, of Greene ; Sally, wife of George Chamberlain, of Lehigh ; Charles, who was killed on the Allegheny Mount- ains; Manda, wife of James Hineline ; Maria, wife of Joseph Ferguson ; Angeline, wife of John L. Brown, who resides near the Paupack Forks, in Salem ; Sylva, wife of Thomas Neville; and < reorge W., Jr., lately deceased. John Phillips came from Ireland to Sterling, September 15, 1830. He took up one hundred acres of laud near Zion Church and cleared a good farm. His children were Samuel Phillips, of Clinton; John B Phillips, who lives on the John Bortree place ; Mary A., wife of Herman Bartleson ; Richard G. Phillips, who lives on the William Burtree place ; Absalom, who lives in Dreher; and George W. Phillips, who lives on the homestead. Edward Mullensford, who resided one mile east of the Howe place, died February 24, 1858, aged seventy-four. His wife preceded him eight days, aged eighty-seven, their only daughter having died only a few months before. He left one thousand dollars to the Methodist society to build a parsonage, besides several other charities. Franklin Coggins resided in Sterling, but left no descendants. Aaron Nelson, an old colored man, lived and died not far from Zion Church. He was a great fisherman. Jeremiah Bennett named Sterling, or suggested that name for the township. He was also the first assessor. Richard Lancaster was the first justice of the peace. There are six schools and four churches in Ster- ling. The Methodist class at Nobleville was formed about 1822, William T. Noble, who was an exhorter, being the first class leader. The first members were William T. Noble and wife, Charles Cliff and wife, Lyman Noble, William E. Ham- lin and wife, Simon Bortree and wife, Edward Mullensford and wife and Mary A. Mullensford. William T. Noble led the class a few years, when it was divided, and Edward Mullensford and Isaac Megargel were leaders. They were associ- ated with Salem Church till 1859, when Sterling became an independent charge. The Methodist Church at Noble Hill was built in 1848 ; Pierce Coston and Roswell Noble were the carpenters who constructed it. The West Sterling Protestant Methodist Church was organized in 1879 and the edifice built about the same time. The first class was organized in 1855, Alanson Gregory being the first class leader. Robert Catterson, Eli S. Barnes, John Wallace, Cyprian Van Gorder and James Carruth were the first members. 790 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Presbyterian Ciukch. — Rev. Joseph Barlow, the Salem preacher, ministered in Sterling about 1*37. The Presbyterians or Congregationalists were Phiueas Howe, Mary Ann Howe, Lester B. Adams, Margaret Adams and Henry Adams. During Rev. A. R. Raymond's time Gabriel Brown, Margaret Brown, Joseph Megargel, Abigail Megargel, Abram Howe, Rebecca Howe, Morilla Howe, Alexander Ore and wife, William Ore and wife, Nathaniel Martin and wife, Thomas Brown, Isabella Brown, Tryphena Howe, Almeron Howe, Tryphena Adams, James Kerr and wife, Mary H. Howe and Benjamin Correll united with the church. The church had existed as a Con- gregational Church till September, 3, 1871, when Rev. Yates Hickey, presbyterial missionary, and Rev. C. M. Des Islets, of Salem Church, re- organized it as a Presbyterian Church, with P. Howe and wife, Miss Mary H. Howe, W. M. Howe, A R. Howe, Thomas Brown, Benjamin Correll, Margaret T. Adams, Amelia Cliff, Joseph Megargel, Abigail Megargel, Tryphena Megargel and Adelbert Howe as members. Lester B. Adams had been ruling elder of the old church and Benjamin Correll was made elder of the re- organized church. The church building was erected in 1850. The pulpit had always been supplied from Salem Church till 1884, when Rev. Norman Skinner, a student from Union Theo- logical Seminary, came and preached during that summer and the summer following. He found the church in a dilapidated condition, but the congregation rallied to his support in connection with the help of Roswell Noble, Oscar Noble, Charles Stratton, the Cliffs, Stevenses, Yateses and the community generally. The building was repaired and fifteen members added to the church. The Sunday-school is in a flourishing condition under the superintendence of E. T. Bone. Zion Episcopal Church had its corner-stone laid October 2"), 1851, by Bishop Alonzo Potter, during Rev. Edwin E Mendenhall's rectorship. The wardens were Richard Simons and John Phillips. The vestrymen were Edward Cross, Charles F. Clements, Ezekiel Ellsworth, John Phillips, John H. Bortree, Richard Simons, Eras- tus Jones, James Cross, James Simons, and after- wards Charles Wildash, William Catterson, William B. Simons, Joshua Neville and Robert J. Bortree were prominent members. The early settlers of Sterling were nearly all Irish descent, and came by way of Philadelphia. Some of them came tip by the North and South State road and others ria Stroudsburg and through Monroe by the Wismere road. The Wallenpau- pack seems to have been the dividing line between the emigrants from Connecticut, who came by way of Newburgh and Carpenter's Point, and the Penn- sylvanians from Philadelphia. They founded a quiet community of peacably disposed farmers. They suffered hardships and privations, but by persevering industry have built up comfortable homes for themselves and their children. In 1880 Winter & Ball, of Jersey City, N. J., purchased what was known as the Pethic property, containing about one thousand three hundred acres, and commenced, under the superintendency of Charles H. Stratton, the erection of a mill and factory for the manufacturing of umbrella and parasol handles and other turned goods. They built a very superior factory of its kind, employ- ing twenty to twenty-five hands. Mr. Stratton, who superintended the mill for five years, pur- chased the Daniel Bortree place of B. E. Hamlin in 1886 and has gone to farming, being succeeded as superintendent by his son-in-law, F. B. Weed. Lyman Noble died recently, aged seventy-eight. He was a man of fine presence and bland in manner. He had a fine farm a little north of the village of Nobleville, and was one of the leading men of the place. John Gilpin, who also died recently, aged fifty- nine, lived still farther north on the North and South road, and had just completed a comfortable farm-house, which he was not permitted long to enjoy. He was an energetic farmer. The village of Nobleville is beautifully located on rising ground on the North and South road, among the green fields of the surrounding farms ; taken with its white residences and shaded roads, it is a very pleasant little country village. It con- tains three stores, a blacksmith shop, shoe shop, wagon shop, post-office, church and school-house. . Sterling Lodge, No. 959, I. O. O. F., was organized in September, 1879, with the following charter members : Rev. J. F. Warner, B. E. Hamlin, W. J. Wallace, Lewis Simons, George WAYNE COUNTY. E. Cliff, Willam Yates, Daniel Bortree, R W. Balckom, A. C. Angel, B. L. Deckard, William Stevens, A. C. Howe, John H. Catterson, John J. Frey, M. J. Webster, P. T. Howe, J. R. Sinuuet, S. T. Olmstead, Robert McLaiii and J. R. Osgood. The lodge is in good financial condition and meets over Hamlin's store. They contemplate building a hall for lodge purposes. 1830 came to Sterling and engaged in the Lumber business, forming a partnership with his brother- in-law, the lamented James M. Noble, whose su- perior qualities of mind and heart rendered their intimate association for a long term of years most agreeable. In March, 1840, the lumber firm of Noble & Hamlin bought the mercantile business of Wil- 4fr#.J& t ^c^; BIOGRAPHICAL. WILLIAM E. HAMLII William E. Hamlin was born in Litchfield, Herkimer County, N. Y., June 7, 1811, and came to Wayne County when his father, Dr. Asa Ham- lin, moved into Salem township, in 181(5. His brothers, the late Hon. O. J. Hamlin, Darwin Hamlin, and his surviving brother, Hon. B. D. Hamlin, had located at Smithport, McKean Coun- ty, Pa., and while still in his teens he went there with a view of making that his permanent home, but liking Wayne County best, he returned, and in liam T. Noble, and commenced merchandising, and from this time, with the exception of about two years, he continued in the mercantile business until January 1, 1879, at which time he sold his interest to his son, with whom he formed a part- nership in 1869. October 18, 1840, he married Deborah Ann Noble, of Sterling. He was com- missioned postmaster at Sterling in 1849, holding the office without interruption through all the changes of administration, and at this writing is one of the oldest postmasters in the United States, the citizens, without regard to party, recently joining in a petition asking that at Sterling no change be made. In 1854 he, with his partners 798 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in the lumber business, built the first steam mill in Wayne County, and for many years he engaged in manufacturing, buying and shipping hard-wood lumber. His industry and energy have only been limited by his ability to endure; his tastes were for, and he enjoyed most agricultural pursuits — gardening and fruit-growing — taking great pleas- ure, in hie later years, with his garden and fruit, reaping the benefits, with friends, of many hours of labor, in years gone by, in the planting and rearing of the fruits best adapted to their climate. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in early life, and has ever since been connected with it, holding for many years the various offices of the church, and supporting, by a conscientious liberal- ity, all the departments of its work. During the winter of 1884 and 1885 the health of his beloved wife failed, and in March, 1880, she, who for so many years had been his constant companion, passed from earth. His was a nature to keenly ap- preciate the loss of one of the noblest and most un- selfish, Christian wives, the influence of whose life upon himself, his children and all that knew her had been the greatest blessing. He has three children,— Harriet A., Orra J., who married the late A. R. Howe, and B. E. Hamlin. It is rare to find a person who possessed so many of the better qualities, and has been able to avoid so many of the bad. His character and conduct are. well worthy of imitation, and can be studied with profit. A conscience moulded in Christian aspiration and trained by Christian practices has been his guide; what it bids him do, he does, whether hard or easy ; what it bids him avoid, is avoided, whatever the seeming sacrifice. With good, natural endowments, and a mind well stored with knowledge derived from the pursuit of litera- ture and the best companionship, he has chosen to be a listener rather than a teacher by words. His life has been one of physical labor, performed from a sense of duty to his fellows. He has acted on the belief that some must toil with their hands, and while himself competent to ride, yet willing to walk because others choose to ride. Of ambition he has had his full share, but it was an ambition to be felt rather than seen. His devotion of his kindred, great as any loving son, brother, husband and father ever had, has not limited his good deeds and their influences on all who have come within the circle of his acquaintance. The world is bet- ter for his having lived in it. B. E. Hamlin, only son of W. E. Hamlin, in October, 1869, at the age of seventeen, left the Philadelphia High School and engaged with his father in the mecantile business, occupying the storehouse built by William T. Noble in the early history of Sterling. In 1874 the present commo- dious building was erected. The partnership con- tinued until January 1, 1879, under the firm-name of W.E. Hamlin, Hamlin it Son and B. E. Ham- lin & Co., at which time he purchased his father's interest in the business. He has been extensively engaged in lumbering, mainly in hard wood, in addition to merchandising. In February, 1883, he, with Henry Gilpin, of Pike County, made a large purchase of bark and timber land in Elk County, Pa., and the firm of Hamlin & Gilpin have since built a modern and fully equipped steam mill, and are engaged in the manufacture of hard wood lumber, they having cut from their lands about ore million five hundred thousand feet of cherry lumber that, from their siding on Pittsburgh and Western Railroad, is shipped to Chicago and the Eastern markets. NICHOLAS STEVENS. Among the early settlers of Sterling township, in Wayne County, Pa., was Henry Stevens, who came from Germany. He came to Sterling in 1800, and bought four hundred acres of wild land, on which he built a log house and which he partly cleared and improved. He became a pros- perous farmer, and the log house in time gave way for one of the finest residences in all the country around. Both he and his wife Martha lived to a great age, and died on the farm their industry and energy had redeemed from the wild- erness. Their children were Valentine, George, Jane, Nicholas, Martha, Mary, Ann and Henry. Nicholas Stevens, our subject, was born March 9, 1798, at Old Paltz, not far from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He was but two years old when his father's family moved into the woods of Wayne County, and his earliest recollections were of the howling of wolves and the sight of deer and other WAYNE COUNTY. wild game. He grew to manhood in Sterling, re- ceiving a better education than was generally ob- tained by the youth of that day. His father hired teachers to come to his house and teach his children, an advantage enjoyed by but few in those early days. Nicholas remained with his father until he was twenty-four years old, and with his father and brothers built sections of the North and South turnpike, and for their services and held only township offices. He never used tobacco in any way, and drank no liquor as a beverage, and was never heard to use profane lan- guage. Mr. Stevens married, in 1823, for his first wife, Nancy Catterson, daughter of Robert and Nancy Catterson. She was born July 28,1801, and died in 1844. Their children were Ann, born December 11, 1824 (she married Weston Wood- bridge ; children, — Clarence, who died in the army never received a dollar. Arrived at the age | above named, he commenced life on his own ac- count mi a piece of wild land on which he erected buildings and on which lie made the first clearing To this farm he added until he owned four hun- dred acres, of which he improved something over a hundred acres, and on which he resided until his death, which occurred July 28, 1880. Mr. Stevens was for a number of years preceding his death a member of the Episcopal Church. He was an ar- dent Republican for years. He was not a politician, during the Rebellion, Theodore, Emma, Mary, William and Laura) ; Henry, born June 4, 1826 ; Martha, born October 7,1828, married Jacob Rosencrans (children, — Mary and Frank) ; Robert, born December 25, 1880, married Margaret Fer- guson (children, — Alice, Everet and Clarence ; Robert enlisted in the Union army in the early part of the Rebellion, and served till spring of 1865, when he was sent home sick and soon after died) ; William J., born April 16, 1838; Nicholas D., I). .in August 28, 1835, married Arabell Burton WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. ( one child,— Wade) ; Isaac E., born April 1, 1839, married Emma Swartz ; Mary J., horn May 2, 1842, married William Percy. For his second wife, Mr. Stevens married Isabell (daughter of William and Elizabeth Catterson), who was born December 25, 18-3. To them were born Elbert G., August 2*, 1*47; married, April 10, 1871, Miss Alice McFarland, who was born January 7, 1854, in Paupack, Wayne County, Pa. (children, — Selton W., born January 24, 1872; Burten E., born August 18, 1875). In 1875 Mr. Stevens engaged in the mercantile business in Ariel, Wayne County, and is doing a prosperous business. Ernest A , born September 11, 1849 ; married, September 18, 1875, Irene M. Noble, who was born in Sterling, September 23, 1 852 ; their chil- dren are Clinton C, born July 26, 1876 ; Wilmer N., born September 9, 1877 ; Fred, born Decem- ber 25, 1881. Mr. Stevens is now a resident of Hollisterville, where he has built a new store and has just opened a general mercantile business. Atherton B., born June IS, 1857. He graduated at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, and is now practicing medicine at South Canaan, Wayne ( 'ounty, where he has a large and growing prac- tice.. William A., born June 15,1864. He is now attending Jefferson College, and expects to follow the medical profession. As stated in the beginning of this sketch, Mr. Stevens' earliest recol- lections were of wolves and other game of which he became a successful hunter. He killed two panthers and a good many wolves and bears, as well as deer and smaller game. The wolves used often in his younger days to enter his father's fields and kill their sheep ; and one of his amusements was the trapping and killing wolves. .JOHN WALLACE. John Wallace, a native of < 'ounty Tyrone, Ire- land, but of Scotch descent, is one of the thrifty and progressive agriculturists of Wayne County, Pa. He was bom March 1, 1*13, and reared on the home farm, where he assisted his father until he was nineteen years of age, when he, with his parents, embarked for America. His mother died (in board of ship, and the survivors landed in New York City June 3, 1832. His father being advanced in years, and his pecuniary possessions being limited, a double responsibility awaited young John, and, to prove himself equal to the emergency, he immediately sought employment, which was soon furnished him on the docks in New York Harbor. He subsequently removed to Orange County, N. Y., and there served four years at brick-making, when he again removed — this time settling in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he resided until April 1, 1840, at which time he pur- chased and located upon one hundred and sev- enty-six acres of land, his present homestead, in Sterling township, Wayne County, Pa. He was married in Brooklyn, N. Y.. May 2, 1837, to Mary McDevit, who was born in County Derry, Ireland, February 1, 1812. She came to America June 10, 1832. The children born of this union are Elizabeth (deceased), who became the wife of W. W. R. Gilpin; Joseph W. (deceased); Mary L. , wife of John D. Houck ; Joanna, wife of George W. Weldy ; Sarah A., wife of Henry Benjamin ; and Martha J. (deceased). Mr. Wallace, now in the seventy-third year of his age, and his wife, a little over a year his senior, are both hale and hearty, and are enjoying the fruits of a hard- earned competency, surrounded by loving chil- dren and grandchildren, and many friends who bear evidence to their meritorious traits of charac- ter. They are both members of the Protestant Methodist Church, and Mr. Wallace is an active Republican. Lieutenant Joseph W. Wallace, son of John and Mary (McDevit) Wallace, was born September 13, 1841. He spent his boyhood at home with his parents, who gave him a liberal education, thus qualifying him for the higher duties of life. He taught school for several terms, and, at the breaking out of the late Rebel- lion, was one of the first to offer his services to the Union. He enlisted April 20, 1861, in the three mouths' service, Company B, Eighth Regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry. He was regularly and honorably discharged at the expiration of the time, and re-enlisted September, 1861, in Company H, Forty-ninth Regiment of Pennsylvania In- fantry for three years or during the war. In 1864, January 1st, he availed himself of the opportunity offered to again enlist for the veteran's bounty, with an allowance of thirty-five days' furlough. He was again mustered into service and promoted WAYNE COUNTY. SOI to a first lieutenancy, which commission he held at the time of his death. He was in many of the principal engagements during the war, among which were Yorktown, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Rappahannock, etc. He was killed by a bursting shell at the battle of Winchester, Sep- tember 19, 1804. His remains were brought home and deposited in the family burying-ground at Nobletown, Sterling township, Wayne County, child, they embarked for America, and after a voyage of over two months landed in Philadelphia August 6, 1815. They remained there until the following summer, when they removed to Sterling township, Wayne County, Pa. It was here that Mr. Cliff pitched his tent, about one-half mile east of the present Presbyterian Church, in the woods, with a fixed determination to make the then almost unbroken wilderness give way to his ambi- /7^w /^4^^_ Pa. To say that he was a young man of fine I parts but feebly expresses the honor due him. He was noble, generous and brave, and the space j given him in the history of his native place is I very creditably filled. GEORGE E. CLIFF. His parents, Charles and Seline Inkpen Cliff, were born in England, — himself in Nottingham- shire, October 22, 1786, and herself in the city of London about the year 1792. Their marriage oc- curred in 1814, and the year following, with one tion. His first purchase consisted of about sixty- four acres. He subsequently bought lands contig- uous to this and when he died had acquired a competency. His chief occupation was farming. He was also a carpenter and joiner, but only worked at the latter at such times as seemed nec- essary to assist in the construction of buildings for himself and neighbors. He was a member of the Methodist Church. In politics he was a Republi- can and was several times elected to fill township offices, etc. He died in April, 1863. His wife died July 28, 1828. Their children were Selina, 802 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. Stephen, Charles F. (located in Jericho on the North and South road), George E , John Wesley, Isaac F., A. J. and Jesse O. Cliff. George E. Cliff, subject of this sketch, was born at the old homestead in Sterling township July 10, 1820. He remained at home until he reached his majority. For a couple of years thereafter he en- gaged in odd jobs, and in 1843, in company with his brother, Charles F., purchased a portion of the old homestead farm and continued with him in 1861, to Elizabeth A., daughter of George and Rachel Stevens. Her grandfather, Henry Stevens, was the first settler in this neighborhood. To George E. and Elizabeth Cliff have been born Theresa, who died in infancy, Effie S. and Ella M. Cliff. farming and lumbering pursuits until about 1858. He then sold his interest to his brother Charles and bought a portion of what was known as the Howe estate, in the same township, under Cliff Mountain. This he still owns and occupies, being successfully engaged in farming and lumbering. He is a member of the Methodist Church, a Re- publican in politics, and has held minor positions of trust. He is at present poormaster and school director. His marriage occurred November 27, CHAPTER XXXIV. LEHIGH TOWNSHIP. Lehigh Township was taken from Dreher, December 15, 1883. It is the southwestern town- ship of Wayne County, and bounded on the north by Sterling, on the east by Dreher. The township is triangular-shaped, terminating at a point west of Sand Cut. There were no settlements in Lehigh until the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western WAYNE COUNTY. 803 Railroad ran through the southwestern part of the township, and Gouldsborough Station was estab- lished at Sand Cut. In 1856 Jay Gould contracted for one acre of land of Selden Seranton, sold that contract to Jacob Coon, who was constructing a plank road from Gould's tannery to Gouldsborough Station. J. Coon sold this contract to Solomon Edwards, who with Jay Gould, William D. Brown and Peter Winnie, met to locate that acre. Pratt and Gould did not wish those parties to build at the station ; consequently Gould wrote J. L. Si- mons, of Tobyhanna, to meet him at the Sand Cut. Edwards was undecided where to build, and the matter was referred to Simons, who suggested a good location for a hotel. Edwards chose his acre, and it was surveyed to him. Gould, after he had Edwards located, said to Simons, "Now the coast is clear, go ahead and build a hotel ; Colonel Pratt will be up next week and see you." Colonel Pratt came and instructed him " to see the house built, and when he lacked funds to call on him." On the strength of this, Simons erected a large hotel at Sand Cut, which was the first house, except some workingmen's shanties, erected in the township of Lehigh. He ran the hotel twenty years, then leased it to E. L. Harvey. He also ran the stage lines and was the first postmaster and station agent. He subsequently married the woman who figured conspicuously in the building of the hotel, for there was a woman in the case, and has re- tired from active business with a big lawsuit in connection with that acre. George G. Smith came to Sand Cut in 18(52 to load lumber for W. D. Brown, of Gouldsborough. William Wallace and Abram Coon built a store opposite the Simons House about 1862 G. G. Smith is now conducting the business at this store. He is also justice of the peace. In the spring of 1863 S. H. Rhodes came to Sand Cut to superintend William Wallace's busi- ness. Afterward he became associated with E. Rosenburg, in the lumbering business. They es- tablished a store near their mills, and conducted business until 1876, when S. H. Rhodes, who had purchased Rosenburg's interest, built a store in the Sand Cut, where he is at present engaged in the mercantile business, in connection with his lum- bering. He was postmaster for a number of Simons built a storehouse which has been occu- pied by many persons. It is now used as a dwell- ing-house. G. B. Herbine also had a store in the place and was succeeded by S. S. Hager. S. A. Adams built a house which was used as a hotel for awhile, but has since been converted into a store. Mr. Adams is the present postmaster. S. S. Hager is station agent at Gouldsborough. L. L. Heller was among the the first settlers. His son, O. S. Heller, is a lumberman and .butcher, and another son, Dr. J. A. Heller, is the physician of the place. Dr. Jackson was the first physician. Sarah A. Croft was the first school-teacher, about 1865, and taught in a dwelling-house. The school- house was built in 1870. Toe Lutheran Church was erected in 1876. It whs organized by Rev. George Rhodes, its first members being O. S. Hel- ler and wife, R. E. Willard and wife, A. D. Dutol and wife, Mrs. Croft, S. H. Rhodes, Joseph Rhodes, Anna Rhodes and Mrs. Decker. The first Sunday-school was organized about 1868 by S H. Rhodes, E. M. Price, L. R. Smith and G. G. Smith, on the property now occupied by Adam Gallomer. The Gilpin brothers bought a large tract of tim- ber land at the Marsh, four miles from Sand Cnt. In 1875, or about that time, they sold the timber to Wagenhorst, who built a saw-mill. The bark was sold to Stephen Kistler. Wagenhorst became involved and the property was turned over to Kistler, who sold to Andrew Sebring for $22,500, and who had it two years and sold to John Calla- han for $34,000. Callahan employs about twenty men, likewise S. H. Rhodes about the same num- ber. Wallace employs about twelve men. Enoch Adams owns the farm formerly occupied by A. J. Pace. R. B. Decker, a shoemaker, was also oue of the first residents. There are two Sunday-schools, the Lutheran and the Union, and two schools, one at Sand Cut and one at the Marsh. The township is seven miles long to the extreme point and has Lehigh River and Clifton township of Lackawanna County on the northwest and Coolbaugh of Monroe on the south. There are about seventy voters and three hundred and fifty inhabitants. Henry Hefferly lives in the woods at the Half-Way House. The township is mostly a slashing, having been lum- S04 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. bered off of and allowed to grow up. It is quite stony, but the soil is of good quality when culti- vated. Three bears have been killed this winter of 1885 within two or three miles of Gouldsbor- ough Station. G. G. Smith, Esq., took the writer to a trap where he had caught a bear five days before. Although the land is stony, its nearness to the railroad will cause it to be improved, espe- cially in the vicinity of Sand Cut, and the future historian will doubtless see good farms in place of bear swamps and slashings. CHAPTER XXXV Dkeher was named in honor of Judge Samuel S. Dreher, at one time presiding judge of the Twenty-second Judicial District. It was separated from Sterling, September 7, 1877, and Lehigh was taken from it December 15, 1883. Dreher is a southern township of Wayne County and is bounded on the northwest by Sterling, on the east by Green and the south branch of the Wallenpau- pack, which also forms the boundary line between Wayne and Pike at this point. On the south is Coolbaugh of Monroe County, aud Lehigh town- ship is on the southwest. The early history of Dreher and Greene is closely blended, as the South Branch of the Wallenpaupack flows north between the two townships through a fine fertile valley about five miles in length and from eighty to three hundred and twenty rods in width, hemmed in by the receding hills of Dreher on the west and the hills of Greene on the east. This flat land has been known as Newfoundland, so named by Daniel Stroud, who was informed by some hunters that they had found a tract where there were no marked trees for a long distance. He investigated the matter and found one thousand nine hundred acres unsurveyed, which he called Newfoundland. After the Germans came it was called the " Dutch Flats." The southern part of Dreher was called South Ster- ling, and the northern part, where Robert Bor- tree settled, East Sterling. Mill Creek, Bortree Creek and some other runs flow into the Paupack through Dreher, and there are several tributaries from Greene, all of which have been noted trout streams. This sheltered valley once abounded in wild game and fur-bearing animals. The first white man who visited this beautiful sequestered vale was a shrewd Yankee school- teacher by the name of Denman Coe. He evi- dently came to Paupack settlement about 1794, and followed the stream to this point, and erected a cabin on a little rise of ground back of F. A. Oppelt's residence. Here he brought his family, hunted, trapped and lived a Robinson Crusoe life. He was a stern and powerful man, and for a radius of about ten miles around was " lord of the fowl and the brute." He conveyed two or three hundred dollars' worth of furs to Connecticut on his back every year. He cleared up part of the fiats, and was soon joined by William Akers, his son-in-law, Gabriel Davis, Phineas Howe and Andrew Corey. Tradition has woven a romance around William Akers' marriage with Polly Coe. William Akers, a hunter from Stroudsburg, in his rambles in the wilderness, was startled one day to find himself near a human habitation. He ap- proached to investigate. Denman Coe lived a long distance from any mill, and his daughters in turn broke the grain with a pestle and mortar. It happened that this day it was Polly's turn to pound the grain. She was but a young girl and was crying over her task. As Akers drew near he asked the cause of her grief, which she ex- plained. His heart was touched by the girl's story, and shortly after he took her to Strouds- burg and was married. But Rebecca Kayser, now nearly eighty years of age is a daughter of Wil- liam Akers, and says " that her grandfather was a stern man, and would have kicked Akers out of the cabin had he proposed the thing to him ; that her mother never used the pestle and mortar, but that her aunt was made a cripple for life as the result of that work when young." She says " her mother Mary Coe, or Polly, as she was generally called, lived in Connecticut for five years after her father came here. About 1799, when fourteen years old, she came from Connecticut on foot with her father, and carried a bundle besides. One year later her father placed her in a weaver's es- tablishment in Stroudsburg — probably at William Akers, Sr. Here William Akers married her when sixteen years old, whereat her father was WAYNE COUNTY. SI If) very angry." Abuut 1800 William Akers came to the flats and built a cabin south of his father- in-law, on the place afterward owned by Francis Rohrbacher. He built the cabin with a door so low that it was necessary to stoop to enter it. He had no chairs, no floor, no fire-place. The fire was built on the ground ; his table, some say, was a stump, but his daughter declares it was a large ash log split in the middle. He bored holes on the bark side and stuck poles in for legs, with the flat surface up. Here was born the first white child in Dreher — John Clements Akers, about 1805, named in honor of John Clements, who had recently come into the township. William Akers and his wife were known as "Uncle Bill" and "Aunt Poll." Gabriel Davis was doubtless the third settler. He came in 1802 or 1803 and erected his cabin near an excellent spring of water, where the old Bennett house stood. The wife of Gabriel Davis was William Akers' sister. Andrew Corey came with his family from Connecticut about the same time. He broke the stillness of the forest near the Tremper spring, on what was afterward the Tremper farm, at the northern and lower end of the valley, he erecting a comfortable log cabin for his family. In or about the year 1806 Rev. Gideon Draper traveled through this valley, and dined with one of the families then residing here. His repast consisted of mush and milk, and served in a squash shell, which he ate with a wooden spoon. He heartily relished his meal, and in 1807 came back accompanied by Rev. William Butler, a de- voted young man who preached only to save souls, and was much beloved. Mr. Draper was of a more excitable mind. They traveled on foot, there being few roads other than foot paths. In 1810 Bartle Bartleson, who had married Elsie, another sister of William Akers, came from Mon- roe County. He was the father of Thomas, Gabriel and Bartle Bartleson, all of whom are now living, the youngest, Bartle Bartleson, Jr., being eighty-three, Gabriel eighty-five, and Thomas, ninety or ninety-five. At the time the Bartlesons came there were but five families in the place The woods abounded in deer, bear, turkey and wild ducks, and the streams were alive with trout. John Bennett and Herman Newton came from Connecticut in or about 1814, Benjamin Beach in 181-6, William Lancaster, Jos. Williams, Win. and Isaac Long before 1820. Denmau Coe followed the old Indian trail up the Paupack, and found what was formerly called the " Big Island ' ' cleared when he came. This clearing may have been made by the Indians or caused by overflowing water. Mr. Coe and others added to the clearing till he kept seventeen head of cattle. His hay was stacked on the flats when a freshet came and carried away his fodder, so that the cattle were obliged to browse. This reverse disheartened him and caused his removal to Ohio. His children were Dudley, Ransom and Harvey, who removed to the West, and Polly, wife of Wil- liam Akers, and Ada, wife of Moses Chapman, of Paupack. Years afterwards Denman Coe wandered back to Dreher. W T illiam Akers, Sr., was an Englishman, and a weaver by trade. He came to Dreher and lived with his son-in-law, Bartle Bartleson, Sr., being ninety- nine years old when he died. His wife was Re- becca Fish, and his children were John, William, Polly, wife of Gabriel Davis, and Elsie, wife ot Bartle Bartleson. Of John Akers' children, Eliz- abeth married John Sheerer, and lives in Jefferson township, aged eighty-six, and John M. is a black- smith in Dreher. William Akers, Jr., was a great hunter, and killed panthers, bears and every kind of game. His children were Clements, who has one son in Dreher, and Rebecca, who married Frederick Kayser, who, after living in Honesdale and New Y'ork, finally settled in Greene, about one half- mile east of the Paupack. She is nearly eighty years of age and able to walk ten miles a day. She and her sister spun and wove one hundred and fifty pounds of wool in one year. Her son-in-law, Tunis Smith, killed the bear that was stuffed for the New Orleans Exposition. She has fifty grand- children and twenty-five great-grandchildren liv- ing, making, with her children, about eighty living descendants. There was not a death in the family for fifty years. Her husband died recently, their children being William F. Kayser, who lives in Delaware, Charles F., in Iowa, Mary, wife of A. B. Drake, of Stroudsburg, Julia A., wife of Tunis Smith, of Dreher, Miranda, wife of Wien Forney, an editor in Harrisburg, and Sarah E., married to Theodore Correll, who lives on the homestead. 806 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Sybil, another daughter of William Akers, mar- ried John Decker, who formerly kept tavern be- yond Tafton, in Palmyra township. Gabriel Davis sold his place to John Bennett in 1814 and moved to Salem, where his family are mentioned. Of Bartle Bartleson's children, Rebecca mar- ried John Burns, one of the first settlers in Greene township. Thomas Bartleson, who is living in Greene, worked for Abel Kimble when he built his grist mill in Paupack settlement. Abel Kimble, Uriah Kimble and Thomas Bartleson got the mill- stones out of Cobb mountain, two spans of horses being required to draw them. They cut their own road part of the way. Bartle Bartleson, Sr., and William Akers, Jr., cut the road from the north and south state road to the south branch of the Wallenpaupack. Bartle Bartleson, .Sr., settled on the place now occupied by Bartle Bartleson, Jr. Gabriel Bartleson has killed more than one hun- dred deer, and the first when a barefooted boy. Andrew Corey was a fleshy man and not very energetic. His children were Job, who was drowned in the Paupack while rafting ; Peter, who fell from the piazza of Howe's tavern and was killed ; John, who settled Coreyville, in Greene ; Polly, married to Asa Brundage ; Olive and Patty who removed from the township. John and Thomas Dickinson are assessed as early as 1809. Jacob Long settled one mile west of the Paupack. His children were George and Henry who lived in Greene ; Mary Ann, wife of Harris Hamlin, Jr. ; Elizabeth, wife of John Mitchell ; Sophia, wife of Abner Eighmey. Joseph Williams, in 1818, settled one fourth mile from the Paupack, where his son Jeremiah now lives. He was ninety-seven and his wife eighty-four when they died. His children were Martha, wife of Benjamin Sheerer ; Jeremiah married Susan Bartleson who has a large family, among them John Williams, attorney-at-law, in Stroudsburg. Herman Newton came to Dreher from Connecticut, likewise, John Bennett who bought the Gabriel Davis place in 1N14 His sons were Jeremiah and Nathaniel. Nancy Ben- nett, his daughter, taught the first school in 1812, in a school-house erected by Capt. Howe, near the residence of Denman Coe, at the rear of the Moravian parsonage. It was a square edifice, with a roof from each side running up to a point. Betsey Clements was one of the first teachers. She became the wife of Jeremiah Bennett. Nancy Bennett married Joshua Price and finally went West. Betsy, another daughter, was the wife of Ambrose Kellam. Jeremiah Bennett was the first hotel-keeper in South Sterling. He built the Lancaster saw-mill in 1819. His son Perry lived on Sugar Hill, in Greene township. Thomas C. Madden, who was a lieutenant in the late war, and is now justice of the peace, owns the property. Benjamin Beach came to Sterling from Bucks County in 1816. He lived with John Clements two years and then took up fifty acres of land on the Paupack, which he increased to one hundred and fifty acres. He built a saw-mill near his house in 1835. He was a great hunter. His son Isaac thinks he has killed four hundred deer. Benjamin Beach was seventy-five when he died. His wife was Elizabeth Rush, and his children, — Christina who married John Dunning, a sou of John Dunning, Sr., one of the first settlers in Greene ; Jonas, who died a bachelor in Greene ; Isaac, who lives on the homestead and is now seventy-seven, married Eliza Connery and raised a large family ; Eliza, wife of Johnson Dickerson, who lived in Greene ; Susan, wife of Nathaniel Oney, a great hunter ; George, of Scranton ; Ben- jamin, of Salem ; and Philena, wife of Job Bartle- son. William Lancaster, an Englishman and a car- penter by trade, first came to Sterling to assist Robert Bortree build his grist-mill in 1816. He and his son Richard came to Dreher in 1819 and bought the interest of a squatter, took up two hundred acres of land one-half mile west of the Wallenpaupack, and cleared up the place now owned by C. W. Gilpin. Richard Lancaster was a jeweler by trade. He was appointed justice of the peace in 1823, and held that position until 1840, when he was elected sheriff, and was the last sheriff during the sessions of the court in Bethany. He was also a member of the Assembly, county treasurer and county commissioner. He was at a late date again elected justice of the peace. After holding all these offices, his vote being challenged, he was unable to find his father's naturalization papers, and the Legislature passed an act legalizing his official acts. He mar- WAYNE COUNT V. 807 ried Frances Mclhvaine, his children being Richard, William, George, John (who married Amanda Barnes and lives in Greene), Franklin (in Moscow) and Hugh (who has a stick-factory and saw-mill on the Paupack). He had a shovel- handle factory in 1851 and a stick-factory in 1857, which was burned in 1885, and is being rebuilt. He started a store in 1844. The South Sterling post-office was established in 1848, with Richard Gilpin as postmaster. In 1851 Hugh Lancaster was appointed and held the office till 1885, when Josiah Whittaker was the incumbent. Robert and Christopher, two other sons of Richard Lan- caster, live in Sullivan County. Margaret Ann is the wife of Charles W. Gilpin. Richard Gilpin married Mary Bortree, sister of Robert Bortree, Sr. He came to New York from Ireland, crossed New Jersey to Eastou, and in 1810 arrived in Dreher, where he took up four hundred acres of land on the Wallenpaupack, one mile east of his brother-in-law, Robert Bortree. His oldest child, Sally, married Abraham Heazelton in Ire- land, and came to Dreher in 1820. Her children were Abraham, Richard, William, John, Thomas and Edward, sons. The daughters were Eliza (wife of William Skelton), Mary Jane (wife of William Cross) and Ann (wife of Dilworth Cross). The remaining children were Eliza (wife of Ed- ward Bortree) and Ann (wife of John Bortree). William married Sarah Bortree, among whose children were John B. Gilpin, who lives on the Ransberry place ; Mary Jane, wile of Jesse Rans- berry, who was for many years blacksmith for the settlement. Richard, Jr., who married Eliza Bennett, had the following children : Charles W. Gilpin, w r ho has been school director for twenty-six years, lives on the old Lancaster homestead and is an influen- tial farmer ; John, who was once county auditor ; Jeremiah; William R., of Greene ; Emory, of Houcktown; Lydia, wife of Isaac Barnes; Fletcher, M.D.; and James, who lives on the homestead. John Robert Gilpin lived near the Paupack and had a saw-mill on the East Branch. His son, Thomas H. Gilpin, operates a saw-mill in Greene township. Thomas Gilpin cleared a place and built a stone house now occupied by Simon Gilpin's widow. Another son, James D. Gilpin, lives in Nobletowu. John Nevins came to Dreher about 1*20, and settled two miles west of the Paupack. He and his wife were hard-working people and cleared a good farm. Their children were Bernard, a bachelor, who lives on the homestead, in the log house built by his father ; Thomas, who located west of the homestead ; Mary, who is the wife of John M. Akers ; and Jeremiah, who has been an invalid for forty years, living with his bachelor brother and maiden sister, Hannah. Simon Todd cleared a place near Lancaster. His son Charles Todd became a Methodist minister. Robert Bortree, Sr., came to Dreher in 1806, and settled what was formerly called East Sterling. It is now the northern part of Dreher. He built a grist-mill on Bortree Creek, near his place, in 1812, and had a native stone for grinding. In 18H> he secured a stone from Philadelphia. Robert Bortree, Sr., " was an open-handed, free- hearted Irishman." He and Richard Gilpin, Sr., occasionally preached to the early settlers. There are persons still living who remember the rich Irish brogue with which Robert Bortree announced the old-time Methodist hymns : "The Lord's into his garden come, The spices yield a rich perfume." " Brother John Bortree, will you start that tune ?" Mrs. Bortree was not a member of the church, and would give no heed to the old man's admoni- tions. One day a fearful wind storm arose; the old lady was terrified, and thought the world was about coming to an end. In this extremity she besought the old gentleman to pray for her. His sense of infinite justice was insulted by the propo- sition, and he replied, " Indade and I won't ; this is what I have been telling you for this forty years, and now that the devil has come, it is too late." His children were William, John, Edward, Thomas (2d) and Robert. William settled one- fourth mile northeast of the Bortree or East Sterling Church. His children were Charles ; Mary Ann, wife of S. G. Nicholson ; Samuel Bortree, who runs the grist-mill built by his grandfather ; and Daniel. John Bortree settled one-half mile north of the East Sterling Church. Edward built a stone house on a hill one-half mile west of the MIS WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Bortree Church. His children were Robert John Bortree, who settled north of Zion Church ; Richard, who lives on the homestead ; William Edward, who is on the John Clements place ; and Mary G., wife of Jabez Simons. Thomas Bortree built a house and saw-mill near his father's grist-mill, both of which have fallen to decay. He finally moved to the Ashbel Miller place, in the eastern part of Salem, on the old East and West turnpike, and kept tavern for many years. Robert settled in Greene, opposite the Robert Bortree grist-mill. Joseph Simpson located about one mile west of Robert Bortree. His sons were William, James, Abram, Thomas, John and Daniel. Josiah Whittaker, an Englishman, bought John Eck's place and started a store in South Sterling in 1861 and now has the post-office; his son, John J. Whittaker, was county auditor. When Robert Bortree went to Ireland to settle his brother Simon's estate, Robert and Thomas Cross, brothers of Edward Cross, returned with him. Robert settled about two miles south of Robert Bortree, his brother locating next him. Robert's children were Dilvvorth, Mary Jane, Ed- ward and Samuel, who died in the army. Thomas' children were Abraham and Nathan, who live in Greene; William, Mary A., wife of Simon Dil- worth; and Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Martin, who located in Dreher. Although the flats had been partly cleared by squatters, the title was vested in Abraham Singer, and George Schively, who rented the cleared por- tion to different persons. In 1828 twenty-two German families from Gundlesheim and Wein- garden came to Eastou. Charles David Wolfe, Charles Raetz and Jacob Rohrbacher bought about two thousand acres of Singer and the widow of George Schively. In 1829 Philip Krause, Charles Raetz, John A. Raetz, Michael Beeler and Magdalene Beehn came with her sons, Adam, John and Charles. Philip Heck, Christian Fri- bilie, Charles D. Wolf, Jacob Rohrbacher, Philip Able and Christof Snyder were the original colony. Jacob Heck, George A. Wolf, C. T. Heflerle, John I. Ziegler, Frederick Meyer, John Mesnart, Peter Hebberle and John Straub came later. This constituted the German settlement of Newfound- land, or the Dutch Flats. They each built a hut on the old road which ran alon>' the side hill. The Newfoundland turnpike was built in 1840. It leaves the north and south below Hartford's mill, and passes southeast, then south through the flats up the south branch of the Wallenpaupack, and thence across southwest into the north and south again at Labar's. The Germans then built on the flats along the road. They all wanted a piece of the flat land and to that end the farms were sur- veyed long and narrow, running across the road. They are from seventeen to forty-eight rods wide and four hundred and eighty-two rods long. By this arrangement each one had a portion of the flat and side hill on both sides, thus bringing their houses close together along the road, which, with stores and shops, made a farmer's village. Among them were tradesmen, such as coopers, millers, tailors, shoemakers and carpenters. They were all musical. Originally Lutherans, the Moravians at Bethlehem loaned the money, bought fifty acres of land for the minister and helped them build a church. Strangers in a strange land, it is not singular that the kindness of the Moravians won them to that faith. They built a church, in 1840, of peculiar construction. It was thirty-five by forty feet, two stories high and designed for a church and dwelling for the minister. It was built of hewn timber, about six inches thick, standing about four feet apart, with cross-pieces well braced and filled in with stone and clay in the lower stories. Withed sticks in the upper story held the clay and plaster. The new church was built about 1853. Abram Brinninger gave five hundred dollars to the Moravian Society for the erection of the first edifice. Nearly all of the German immigrants belonged to the church. Rev. Chr. Trager was the first preacher, and organized the church August 13, 1837. He has been fol- lowed in the ministry by Revs. Lambert, Seidel, Simon, Ricksecker, Smith, Oehler, Praeger, Det- terer, Nagel, Neu, Rommel and Charles Moench. There are two hundred and one members, with a Sunday-school of one hundred and seventy-five members, which the pastor superintends. When the Germans first came to the flats they lived within themselves and had little intercourse with their neighbors. An outsider admired a daugh- ter of Mr. Raetz, but the young Germans, who were jealous, caught the intruder one night as he was returning from a call on his German Dulcinea, WAYNE COUNTY. and whipped him with a butternut root, for which offense six of them were fined five dollars apiece by 'Squire Lancaster. This illibcrality has worn away, and the Germans have since intermarried with others. They are an industrious people, have made great improvements and their descendants have helped to populate Greene township and vi- cinity. ( 'harles David Wolfe, one of their leaders, was not permitted to share in the triumphs of the colony. While felling trees he was killed by an accident. His was the first grave in the German burying-ground. Mrs. Christina Wolfe found her- self a widow in a strange laud with ten children, the oldest being but seventeen, Of these children, (1) Charles D. Wolfe, Jr., married Catherine Kobacker, and settled in Greene; (2) Frederick lives in Easton ; (3) Chris tian ( !. Wolfe married Rebecca Long, their chil- dren being Oliver D. and Eliza, wife of J. R. Smith; he married Narcelia Gorman fur a second wife, their children being Leroy D. Wolfe, who has been of assistance to the write]- in preparing this sketch ; Myra, who married Prof. J. F. Doo- lev ; Adelia, wife of John A. Kipp; and Celinda, wife of R. Bartlesou ; Olin, Laura and Nellie are unmarried. (4) The fourth son was David Wolfe; then followed (5) Elizabeth, wife of James Hess ; (6) Catherine, wife of Adam Hebberling ; (7) ( Ihristiana, wife of George Waltz ; (8) Louisa, wife of Henry Buzza ; and (9) Christina, of Easton. Francis A. Oppelt came to Dreher in April, 1840, from Northampton County. He was justice of the peace for thirty years, census taker in 1850, county commissioner in anti-court-house times and a good auctioneer. His childreu are Augeline, who married Frederick Ehrhardt, a leading merchant on the flats, who commenced business in 1860 ; Caroline married Christian Lange, a store-keeper in partnership with Emier Welter, who married Mary Oppelt; Lauge was also undertaker and postmaster for a number of years ; Isadore Kast- ner, of Hawley, married Anna ; Sarah lives in Philadelphia ; William Hebberling married Cilia; Henry is unmarried ; and Edward lives in Greene. George L. Waltz started a store in Greene in 1866 and in 1868 commenced on the flats. After Charles died George continued the business alone. They also built a hotel on the East Branch in Greene. 79 Smith. Stirling Mrlhoditst Episcopal Church. — Mrs. Gilpin says "she remembers that William Akers and his wife and .Mr. Eldridge belonged to the first class. Edward Bortree was the first class- leader and after him Richard Gilpin. Rev. Ben- jamin Kellani, Elder Dobell and Rev. Mr. Purdy were among the first preachers. Sophronus Stocking organized the first class." The South Sterling Methodist Church was ded- icated January 1, L857,and is thirty by forty feet, with a stone basement anil class-rooms. It cost fourteen hundred dollars and is located on a little spur of the hill below Gilpin's. The East Sterling Protestant Methodist Church was dedicated November is, 1855. The first members were William, Edward, John and Rob- ert Bortree and John K. Gilpin. The Albright or Evangelical Church was built about 1854. The ti 1st preacher was Rev. William Mines. The first circuit preacher was Rev. J. Hess. The constituent members were George Waltz, John Krau.-e, Charles Wolfe, William Ro- backer, Christopher Kobacker, Christopher Neck and Jacob M. Schall. I>r. Dietz was the first physician and Dr. Fletcher* Gilpin the first resident physician. Wil- liam Bortree was first postmaster at East Sterling and held the office till Polk's administration, when Charles Raetz was appointed. Afterward S. G. Nicholson, who had a store where Blankenbush now resides, received the commission. About 1856 there was a post office established on the flats, called Hopedale, Rev. Mr. Oehler being the first postmaster. Charles Tremper was made postmas- ter in 1858, as F. A. Oppelt also at Hopedale. They were so close together that Mr. Oppelt relin- quished the office and East Sterling absorbed Hopedale. When Mr. Tremper failed Mr. Oppelt took it again. In 1858 H. A. Lancaster was ap- pointed postmaster of Newfoundland and this absorbed East Sterling. Afterward C. Lange held it for twenty-three years. F. Ehrhardt now holds the office. John Bortree sold goods from his house in 1812 and William Bortree had a store in his house in 1818. Wallenpaupack Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 478, was organized December 18, 1852, by D. D. G. M. Jackson Woodward. The charter members were Ezekiel Ellsworth, F. A. Oppelt, C. W. Gil- 810 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. pin, Daniel Bortree, Erastus Jones, Jacob Seig, John Uban, Thomas V. Kipp, Hugh Lancaster, Thomas Nevin, Ehrgood Wolfe. There are now about two hundred members. The lodge meets every Saturday evening. They have their own quarters and three thousand five hundred dollars in money in the treasury. Allen Megargel built a grist mill about 1825, which Isaac Megargel, bis son and heir, sold to William Ehrgood in 1830, and his son Jacob Ehrgood operates the mill now. John Haag built a steam grist-mill in 1857. L. D. Wolfe, iu his sketch, in 1878, speaks of the Wolfe saw-mill and store, Lambert Frey's shop, R. L. Sieg & Co.'s and C. W. Akers' blacksmith shop. The Hopedale Hotel was then kept by J. J. Laager ; it is now presided over by L. R. Smith. Dreher has five schools. Gabriel Brown came to Sterling (now Dreher) from Scotland in 1842 and settled two miles south of Howe's, on the North and South road. His children were George Brown, of Salem, and Thomas Brown, who lives on the homestead ; Isa- bella lived with Thomas. Thomas Thompson married Agnes and resides about one mile west of Jericho. Owl Hoot or Angel's was first occupied by Mr. Webb, after which Mr. Sperry made butter boxes and veneering, employing a number of hands. These mills burned and Angel & Kerr now run a saw-mill. There is a post-office at Angel's on the same spot. The Newfoundland Encampment, No. 219, I. O. of O. F., was instituted at Newfoundland, Wayne County, Pa., November 20, 1871. The following were the first officers ; C. W. Gilpin, C. P. ; L. R. Smith, H. 1'. ; C. W. Down, S. W. ; H. C. Lancaster, J. W. ; F. A. Oppelt, Scribe; R. B. Dunning, Treasurer ; A. H. Roemer, I. S. ; C. W. Akers, O. S. CHAPTER XXXVI. TEXAS TOWNSHIP. The erection of Texas township out of the lower portion of Dyberry took place toward the close of the year 1837, and was brought about by the difficulty, which a scattered population, remote from the place where business was transacted, experienced in conforming to the provisions of the new school law and the statutes relating to town- ship accounts. At the January Term of the court a petition, setting forth the inconveniences of the existing boundary lines, resulted iu the constitution of Warner M. Preston, Virgil Grenell and Thomas Clark a committee of viewers instructed to report at the next term of court. They were favorable to the erection of the new township, and, after the usual delay entailed by surveying and plotting, the final order for the township of Texas was made November 23, 1837. The territory thus set off included a large portion of what is now Cherry Ridge, and its northern line divided the township of Dyberry into two nearly equal portions. Thus it remained until 1843, when the excision of Cherry Ridge took place and Texas assumed its present limits. It is now bounded on the north by Dyberry and Prompton, east by Berlin, south by Palmyra and Cherry Ridge, and west by Cherry Ridge, Canaan and Prompton. Its topog- raphy is irregular, and the valleys of the Lackawaxeu and Dyberry, the streams which water it, are walled in by high hills and bold cliff's. The Lackawaxeu (lows southeasterly nearly through the centre of the township and at Honesdale is joined by the Dyberry, which flows from the north. The bottom lands on each stream are rich alluvial deposits, easily cultivated and very productive. Walled up by the cliffs, and stretching away into the adjacent townships on the east, is a large plateau many feet above the water level of the Lackawaxeu. This table land is watered by several brooks that descend rapidly to the river, and form many available water-powers for saw and grist-mills, and were powerful auxil- iaries in the early settlement of the region. The population of Texas was not large at the time of its erection, but has increased rapidly in the past two decades. The assessment taken in 1840, some two years after the township was set off, shows the following names : Robert Arnold. Samuel Barnard. Thomas Arnold. Bulkley Beardslee. Phineas Arnold. William Bate. George Alvord. Thomas Bulermy. Hiram Bishop. Hiram Bardslee. Walter Beardslee. David Bunnell. Frederick Beamer. Charles Brink. WAYNE COUNTY. 811 William Brownsoomb. Thomas Baker. James Blackington. David Blanding. Spencer Blanding. Lyman Bronson. Seth Benedict. John W. Bass. Levi Bronson. Francis Bnrnes. David Burch. William Bui ton. James Bedient. David Blowers. Decius Collins. Lorenzo Collins. Charles Clark. John Calloway. Robert Compton. Cornelius Corryelle. Lucius Collins. Alonzo Collins. Josiah Cole. William Curtice. William Conaviu. Thomas Cotweil. Isaiah D. Conyne. Zibron Case. Thomas Collins. Elias Drake. John Doney. John P. Darling. Siah R. Decker. Isaac Decker. Christopher Dailey. Samuel Darling. John C. Dunn. William Dickey. B. I. Dimmock. James David. Hiram Dible. Daniel Drake. Farnhaui & Clark. Isaac P. Foster. Foot & Knapp. Wm. L. Gainford. William Griffin. Jacob Gage. Stephen W. Gennung. John D. Graham. John H. Gill. Samuel Gasley. John R. Hoadley. Henry Heath. George Hoagland. Thomas Ham. William Holbert. Richard Henry. George W. Hall. John Harvey. Robert Hawkey. John Hazlett. Ira Hasserman. John Inch. Benjamin Jenkins, Jr. Benjamin Jenkins, Sr. Edward Jenkins. John Jenkins. Asa Jenkins. Benj. Jenkins, (3d.) John Kerby. James Kerby, Jr. David Kerby. Simeon Kimble. B. F. Kimble. Alpheus Kellogg. Jacob Kimble. John Keyes. Matbias Keen. George W. Kun. Stephen Kimble. Solomon Lyman. John Law. Thomas Lindsley. Lord, Farnbam & Tra- Asa Moon. [fey. Hopkins Moon. Thomas Matthews. Wm. P. McLaurey. David Mapes. Samuel Manchester. D. M. Mandeville. Owen McCue. John Mason. Samuel McClen. Harvey Manchester. Cornelius C. Neil. Sylvanus Osborn. William O'Brien. James Pern. William Palmer. Stephen Piper. Simon Plum. Emory Prescott. Jacob' Plum. Hiram Plum. R. W. Powell. John Patton. Henry Phillips. James Quinley. Augustus Rogers. Jabez Rocknell. Daniel Rutan. George Roney. Alfred Remer. Gay lord Russel. Thomas Reid. William Robinson. James Robinson. Jacob Scank. John I. Scank. Benson Swingle. Richard Sanguine. Ephraim Slack. Stephen Sharpstone. William Shearer. George Spragle. John W. Seeley. Joseph Spangenberg. I. D. Simpson. Cyrus Sweet. Abraham Swartz. Jesse Schoonover. ( 'barbs Smith. Justus Seers. Tinson Smith. Daniel Schoonover. R. L. Seeley. Benjamin Titsner. Jose] ib Titsner. John Torrey. Jason Torrey. David V. Twitchell. Joseph Vanco. Richard Vanco. Thomas Van Camp. Kesiah Woodward. Adiah Willson. John Woodson. Asher Woodson. Abiram Winton. John Woodward, Jr. Daniel Woodward. John Writer. Aaron Writer. Francis Whitaker. Robert Westlake. Ambrose Wboeler. Harry Wheeler. Ephraim White. Thomas Wilber. Putnam Williams. John Westlake. Daniel West. The earliest. settlement iu Texas was on the Indian Orchard, a body of land in the southern part of the township which took its name from a row of one hundred apple-trees that were planted at regular distancesalong the river-bank and a tradition among the early settlers has it that there were ninety and nine trees which bore sweet fruit and one only which every other year was covered with sour apples. At this time certain ceremonies were performed by the tribe, and the dancing-ground, a large clearing on the bauk, paved with flat stones, was the scene of special rites. The dancing- ground has long since disappeared and but one of the hundred trees remains to trail its gnarled and decrepit branches over the stream ; but now and then the plow-share, turning up the rich alluvium, brings to light broken flints and fragments of the rude implements with which the ground was strewn when by their fantastic dances the simple Indians invoked the aid of Manito, the great spirit, two centuries ago. From ' this old orchard one of the earliest grants to individual owners took its name, and the changes in the ownership and the circumstances that attended them form a part of the history of 1 The writer would acknowledge his indebtedness to Mr. Thomas J. Ham, of Honesdale, who kindly permitted the use of many valuahle original notes which he had made on the history of the Indian Orchard tract. 812 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. several adjacent localities. Early in 1763 the complaints that poured in upon the proprietary Governors and the Assembly stimulated them to take some immediate measures for the suppression of the terrible depredations of the Indians along the entire frontier line of the State. It was ap- parent that unless something decisive was done without delay the scattered whites would be driven from their homes to escape entire annihilation at the hands of the merciless savages. It was a year of terror in all the outlying settlements of the province. Upon the unsuspecting settlers at work in their fields there broke a savage tide of slaughter which wreaked indiscriminate vengeance all along the border. The whole frontier was ablaze with the torch and musket of the savage, and in the woods for some miles on either side of the Susquehanna families with their cattle sought the safety that the towns did not afford. Seven hundred men were immediately enlisted and sent into active service, protecting the settlers and especially defending during harvest those in the most exposed situations. Among the officers who were sent to recruit the " back inhabitants " was Colonel John Seeley, of Berks County, and this officer in the discharge of his duties became acquainted and favorably impressed with this sec tion of the country. After the campaign, on being relieved of his command, he made applica- tion for a large tract on the frontier, pledging its early settlement from the adjoining provinces. As it was the policy of the proprietaries to en- courage the speedy development of the province at the expense of rival colonies, his application received favorable consideration, and mi the 30th of July, 1765, a warrant in Colonel Seeley's behalf was issued to the surveyor-general direct- ing him to survey ten thousand acres, in one or two tracts, on or near the north branch of Lack- awaxen Creek, beginning about a mile above the forks of the creek and going near the tract already surveyed to the use of the proprietaries (i.e., the Wallenpaupack Manor). It was conditional that Colonel Seeley should secure thirty families of bona fide settlers on this tract within three years, or, in the event of war or other disturbing causes, within three years after the termination of such disruption. The survey, which was made by Scull, was returned in February, 1769, and all the land surrounding the tract was marked as "vacant." The northwestern corner was at a birch-tree on the hillside, a little south of "the old burying-ground," in the present borough of Honesdale. A large portion of the tract lay in the form of a square, with its southern limit a lit- tle below the old Indian Orchard, while a portion of it extended down the Lackawaxen to a point below White Mills. Colonel Seeley did not fulfill his engagement with Governor Penn in the matter of obtaining settlers, and financial embarrassment coming upon him, in March, 1779, he conveyed the Indian Orchard tract to Mark Bird and James Wilson in fee as tenants in common, excepting and reserving one thousand acres at the north end of the tract. Mark Bird released and conveyed his share to Judge Wilson soon after, and in due time the latter paid the purchase-money and obtained a patent. Meanwhile other creditors of Colonel Seeley had taken measures to secure their claims, and the tract was levied on by Sheriff George Graff, of Northampton County, as the property of Colonel Seeley, by virtue of an execution issued at the instance of Isaac Levan in the interest of the estate of James Hamilton, deceased. Judge Wilson made two unsuccessful attempts to recover possession, once taking the ease to the higher court. Nearly thirty years elapsed after Penn issued the first warrant in favor of Jonas Seeley be- fore any of the land was sold in small parcels with a view to actual occupancy. When the courts were located at Bethany, in 1805, the best portions of the tract were in the possession of half a dozen individuals, either as " squatters " or under contracts from .lames Pell, agent for Mr. Hamilton. In 1810 Mr. Hamilton acknowledged deeds for six tracts which he had sold to Walter Kimble and others, the first-named securing the portion of the property which contained the old Indian Orchard. Who was the first settler at the Indian < Orchard is now a matter of uncertainty. Tradition has it that one of the Holberts lived on the Walter Kimble place before he went there, and David Ford and James Hough both lived in the vicinity, Ford having a cabin on the west side of the Lackawaxen, nearly opposite the old mill site. WAYNE COUNTY. 813 Amoug those who came from Cochecton to the Wallenpaupaek settlement were Jacob Kimble and his two sons, Abel and Walter. Jacob was then fifty-one years of age, and his boys just at- taining manhood. They came from vigorous, self- reliant Connecticut stock, and were identified with all the varying fortunes of the settlement, endur- ing manfully the incredible hardships to which the pioneers were continually subjected. Jacob was made the ti thing-man of the settlement in 1775. Stephen Kimble, his nephew, was one of the three men who, when the news of the Wyoming massacre reached the settlement, in 1778, started, all haste, to notify the families of Benjamin Haynes, James Hough and David Ford, who lived in the vicinity of Indian Orchard and White Mills, of the catastrophe and the impending danger to the other settlements. They never reached their destination, being captured by the Indians near Paupack Falls and carried into cap- tivity, where Kimble died. Walter Kimble was a participant in the exciting events that trans- pired when the settlers attempted to return from Milford and gather their crops in 1778-79, and his adventures at that time are narrated in the history of the Wallenpaupaek settlement. The Kimbles located at the Indian Orchard shortly after the close of the Revolution. At this time Find had a cabin on the opposite side of the river, and, as he was suspected of being a Tory, was a source of terror to all the women in the neighborhood when their husbands were away from home. Ford's Eddy, which was just below his cabin, took its name from him. Walter Kimble built on what was afterwards the site of the old Beardslee house, and commenced his clearing. "Jersey" was the base of all supplies except coarse meal and the barest necessities of life, which were procurable from Milford and the Wal- lenpaupaek and Wilsonville settlements. When he found it necessary to go after his grist, his wife took refuge in a cave on the river- bauk that is now covered by the bed of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal, and there remained in safety until her protector returned. Besides Wal- ter, Jacob Kimble was the father of four other sons — Ephraim, Abel, Benjamin and Daniel. These located some on the Indian Orchard tract, and some in adjacent townships, and were among the first settlers of Wayne County. The first saw-mill at Indian Orchard was built by Walter Kimble about 1790, and was located a few rods below the cemetery. It was, of course, an up-and-down saw, and had but a very limited capacity ; nevertheless, it met the demand for lumber, and was for a number of years a profit- able investment. Ephraim Kimble married p]unice Ainsley, and was the father of William, Asa, John, Ephraim and eight daughters. Abel was united to Sibyl Conant, and their children were Uriah, Erastus, Philip, Arthur, Betsy, Clara, Sarah and Mahala. Jacob married Annie Ainsley, and of this union Mo- ses, James, Jacob, Walter and Milton were born. Benjamin's wife was Elizabeth Cole, and his chil- dren were Amelia, Fannie, Dency, Phoebe, Abra- ham, Ira, Jacob and Simon. Daniel married Jane Koss, and there were born to him Samuel, Benjamin, Daniel, Joseph, Abisha, Percy, Scott, Amanda, Milly and Lucretia. Walter Kimble was married to Betsy Jennings before he came from Connecticut, and had seven children, — Stephen, Hiram, George, Charles, Phcebe, Lucretia and Lucinda. Stephen mar- ried Catherine Davis, and lived at Traceyville, on what is known as the Oarley Brook property. He left eight children — Jacob, George, Stephen 1)., Polly, Esther, Minerva, Lucinda and Betsy. Hiram and George, the second and third sons of Walter Kimble, moved to Ohio, where they mar- ried and left many descendants. Charles, the fourth son, married Margaret Cole, and his survi- ving children are Louis, David, Esther, Lavinda, Betsy. All of them reside in Michigan. Polly, the first daughter, married Robert Beardslee, and their children were Charles, Hiram, David, Rob- ert, Lewis, Jackson and Sadie. Lucretia, the second daughter, married Bulkley Beardslee, and the children from this union were Eliza, Walter, Howkin, Bulkley, Abby, Phiebe, Andrew, Sarah and Charles. Lucinda, the youngest daughter, married a Howard, and left several children, among whom were Frank and James. In 1835 Walter Kimble sold his property to Bulkley Beardslee, and moved to Ohio, where he died. Thomas Schoonover was almost contemporary with the Kimbles. He came from New Jersey, where 814 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. he had previously married Margaret Cadrow, and settled on the Holbert farm, near the junction of Holbert Brook with the Lackawaxen. His chil- dren were William, Elijah, Polly and Margaret. William married Lizzie French, and left a number of children. Elijah wedded Rachel Bishop. Their children were Maria, Thomas, Amelia, John, George and Elijah. Polly married Lester Adams, one of the early settlers of Oregon, and their chil- dren were William, Elijah, George and Lester. Margaret married Jacob Kimble, and moved with him to Michigan, where their descendants now live. William Schoonover was one of the first settlers on the Dyberry, and took up and patented a large trait of land, which included all of the upper portion of Honesdale. Me located at the place afterward occupied by Daniel, as early as 1794, and was the father of Levi, the first white child born on the Dyberry. His descendants were Daniel, Levi, Jacob and Simon. About 17H6, Cornelius Corryelle came from Lambertville and located on the place now occu- pied by Christian Dorflinger, at White Mills. At this time he was a widower with one daughter, who subsequently married a Mr. Byles, and moved West. Mr. Corryelle was married a second time to Catherine Consaulus, and there were born of this union: John, who married Eliza Coinpton ; Sarah ; Nancy, wife of Frederick Seward ; Amelia, wife of Lyman Solomon ; and Lewis, who married Olive Bishop. Lewis Corryelle figured in a law- suit that was quite notorious during the first decade of the present century, when, in company with Daniel Kimble, he brought an action against Jonathan Prink for erecting a dam in the Lacka- waxen, just below the site occupied by White Mills saw-mill. Bulkley Beardslee came to Indian Orchard in 1811, from the home of his father, Robert Beards- lee, one of the i arly settlers of Bethany. He was married to Lucretia Kimble in 1815, and was the father of Hon. Howkin B. Beardslee, who was elected register and recorder of the county in 1 845. Afterwards he edited the Wayne County Herald, and was elected first Representative and then State Senator. Mr. Beardslee is now the editor of the Luzerne Union, a Democratic paper of Wilkes- Barre. Early in the spring of IS]:!, Peter Cole, his wife and his s >n Josiah, came from New Jersey ai d settled in the woods on what has sioce been known as Cole's Hill, one mile northwest of Honesdale. For miles around there was only dense forest, infested by wolves and bears. Assisted by his sou, who was then but sixteen years old, Mr. Cole built a cabin without windows, and hung up a bed-quilt for a door. Then he and his son went back to New Jersey to assist in the harvesting ; and Mrs. Cole was left with only a faithful dog for companionship and defense. Mrs. Cole was more than equal to the task that circumstances imposed upon her, and not only guarded the cabin, but found time to do much to increase the comfort of the male members of the family on their return several weeks after. Peter Cole was succeeded in his estates by Josiah, who had four children. One of his sons, Lewis R. Cole, was wounded at Fort Fisher, and died in the hospital in 1865 ; the other son, P. J. Cole, rents and conducts the Honesdale Mill. One of Peter Cole's daughters married Reynolds Case, and is now dead ; the other is the wife of Charles H. Peck, and resides in Preston township. Elizabeth Cole, who married Benjamin Kimble, Sr., was a sister of Peter Cole, and the mother of Mrs. Fanny Atkinson, of Paupack Eddy. Robert Beardslee settled on lands adjoining Peter Cole about 1812, and was identified with the early history of the township. He married a sister of Charles Kimble, and had two sons, Lewis and David. The family was originally from Litchfield County, Connecticut. Robert Compton, one of the early settlers in the vicinity of AVhite Mills, is a son of John R. Compton, one of the early settlers of Palmyra. Robert came with his father from New Jersey in 1838, and settled on the edge of Texas. He has four children, — Frank H, who lives at the home- stead with his family ; Edward and Mary, wife of John McCarty, both of Texas ; and Ellen D. A. Compton, who lives near Hawley. One of the oldest living pioneers in what is now Texas is Thomas Loud, who came to White Mills in 1*27 from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and was employed on the Delaware and Hudson Canal until its completion. In 1832 he married Eliza, the oldest daughter of Jonathan Brink, and of this union there were born four children, — Helen, who married Hiram Bishop, and lives at Hawley ; WAYNE COUNTY. SI 5 Janett D., now a resident of Honesdale; Ophelia, the wife of Edward Rosekranz, of Port Jervis ; Parnielia D. (Mrs. Frank Westfall), of Honesdale. Mr. Loud is now in his seventy-ninth year, and is in full possession of all his faculties. His recol- lections of early events are vivid and accurate, and much information concerning the early settlers was obtained from him. The Dyberry assessment list for 1805 shows that the lands adjacent to, and now occupied by Daniel M. Eno were assessed to Isaac Seaman, the father of Charles W. Seaman. This property was after- wards sold to Peter Smith, who in turn disposed of it to Deming & Eno. Seelyville. — It was a summer day in the year 1700 that Rev. Jonathan Seely, a clergy- man of Connecticut, who seems to have been imbued with a spirit of speculation and adventure, piloted by an Indian guide, threaded his way through the dense forests of the Lackawaxcn Valley, and from a jutting rock on the bank surveyed the picturesque wilduess of the spot where Seelyville now stands. The whilom hills of gray were emerald with the luxuriant foliage of June, and the free banners of the forest were flung from a thousand airy battlements under a perfect sky. Here the silvery stream came tumbling over the rocks, and, broken into long lines of skurring foam, fretted the fern fringes of the bank at their feet. Beyond the boisterous falls the hills stretched gently upward, laden with the forest growth of many centuries, the dense foliage of laurel and rhododeuron pressed close to the trunks of the hemlocks and pines, and the air was perfumed with the breath of half hidden wild flowers. They had come through acres of majestic solitude, where the air was silent save for the music of the birds and the crackling of the twigs under their moccasined feet, and now stood where, fifty years afterward, the murmur of the creek and the singing of the zephyr was destined to be broken by the whir of the mill-stone and the fret of the saw. Jonathan Seely is believed to have been the first white man to set foot on the virgin soil of the Lackawaxen Valley, and, accompanied by his friendly guide, he visited other localities in the vicinity.' His object, as is shown by the record 1 From a newspaper sketch by T. J. Ham. of his operations, was to secure large tracts of land contiguous to and including valuable water privileges, with a view to their greatly enhanced value, when, in the progress of time, the country should have become developed and mills of various kinds become a necessity to the growing popula- tion. Lands at Wilsonville, on the falls of the Dyberry, and those of Middle Creek and Jennings Brook were thus taken up, generally by, or in the names of, some of his children, as was the case with the Indian Orchard tract by Colonel Jonas Seely, as is elsewhere narrated. The Seelyville tract was taken out by virtue of a warrent issued to Colonel Sylvanus Seely, August, 6, 176H, and was surveyed October, 30, 1790. Thirty years afterward, 1820, tin- patent was issued. The tract was surrounded by almost impenetrable forest, and a faintly marked trail was the only route by which chattels could be transported to the location the pioneer had decided upon as his future home. Nothing daunted by the isolation of the place, and the hardships that settlement in so remote a region would entail, he went energeticlly to work. It is not accurately known just when Colonel Seely commenced his improvements, but it was probably about the close of the last century. According to the recollec- tions of Esquire Thomas Spangenburg, there were no mills in operation above Wilsonville when he first visited this part of the county, in 1 794. After Bethany was made the county seat, and lumber was required for the first buildings erected there, the mills were in operation at Seelyville. It is probable that the saw-mill was erected in 1802. It was located just below the falls, and afterwards he built a little log cabin, into which he moved his family three years later. They came from New York to the Cherry Ridge settle- ment, and from that point Colonel Seely cut a road to Seelyville which he then called "Jane Mills." The grist-mill was erected a few years afterward, and was located just below the saw- mill. The stones which did the first grinding were obtained on the top of the Moosic Mountain, and were of the hard white conglomerate that forms some of the highest ledges of that range. A portion of one of these stones is now used as a carriage-block in front of the residence of Mr. W. S. Birdsall, and the marks of the burr-pick 816 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. made seventy five years ago are still quite dis- tinct. The only lumbering that would pay at this time was the sawing of pine and hard woods. Small rafts of curled maple and cheery, containing seven or eight thousand feet each, were floated to the ground where Birdsall Bros, woolen factory now stands, and were their sawn, made into still more compact raits, and scut down to Philadelpia. Colonel Seely had a blacksmith shop, and was the leading spirit of the place, which had by this time become a prosperous settlement; but, as he devoted most, of his attention to milling and lum- bering, little was done toward the development of the agricultural resources of the vicinity. Toward the close of his lite, Colonel Seely became finan- cially involved, and at his death, in 1821, his entire estate, including the mills, was sold. There was then an interim when the growth of the village ceased, and though the mills were kept in operation, there was little sign of growth or progress. It was during this time that It L Seely, of Warren, Triun bull County, Ohio, came east on a visit, and, a year later, in 1825, returned with his father, John W. Seely, and bought the property, consisting of three hundred and thirty- six acres, for nine hundred dollars. He arrived to take possession on March 1(5, 1826, coming by the way of Cherry Ridge, over the road that Col. Sylvanus Seely had cut. This went on to Bethany, and was the only road to the mills. The uninviting isolation of the place did not dis- courage him, however, and he went briskly to work. A new saw-mill was built, and the grist- mill was repaired. His aid and advisor at this time was Jonathan 1). Simpson, and under disad- vantages that would have overpowered most men, he showed pluck and enterprise. The Delaware and Hudson Canal and the line of the railroad were located in 1827, and this infused new life into business. Hundreds of laborers were soon employed on the new work, and the products of Seely's mills were in demand. Not only was there closer and better connection with the eastern market ; but, better still, Honesdale began to flourish, and the impetus of a new town within so short a distance of the mills, made Seelyville an important location. The year 1830 brought several new enterprises. Ross, Baldwin & Co. began the manufacture of edged tools; Casper Hollenback started a small foundry ; and John H. Bowers commenced build- ing a turning-shop. These improvements, together with the saw and grist-mills, gave the place a busy aspect. The next year brought some changes : the Ross interest in the edged tool works was sold to Joseph Whitmore and the firm became Whit- more, Baldwin & Co., Col. R. L. Seely being the " Co.," early in February, and the shop was en- larged the next summer; a number of new settlers also came in. In 1832, Levi Bronson started a shovel handle factory in the loft over John H. Bowers' turning-shop, which had meanwhile been bought out by Gilbert, Knapp & Co. The firm of Thomas T. Hoyt it Co. also succeeded the firm of Whitmore, Baldwin & Co. in the tool business, and soon gave place to Burk, Story it Co. It was this year too, that Isaac P. Foster, Ezra Hand. Daniel P. Kirt.Iand and John F. Roe started a tannery on a tract of land that I. P. Foster had bought from Jonathan D. Simpson, in 1829. It was part of the Stephen Day warrant, and had been patented to Col. Sylvanus Seely. After a few months, the firm was changed, and I. P. Foster bought out the interest of his partners. He continued to run the business until 1848, when it became I. P. Foster & Sons, and so con- tinued until 1861, when Foster Brothers & Co. succeeded, in whose hands the business remained until 1874, when it was abandoned. In 1833 the old edged tool shop was torn down and Col. R. L. Seely erected a new one, thirty by thirty-six, two stories high, and leased it for ten years to Burk & Story. A few months afterwards, David Burbaiik took Story's interest, and the style was changed to Burbauk & Burk. Mr. Burbank lived in Hartford, Conn., and his interests were looked after by Abi Marsh. Early in 1834 Daniel C. and Bester Payne leased the second story of the axe factory for chawing lead pipe. The same year Jason Torrey and R. L. Seely, who commenced the manufac- ture of scoop shovels, and two years afterwards the Paynes gave up the pipe business and took charge of the shovels to finish them. Omitting a number of minor business changes, we find that in 1838, Simpson and Gill were run- ning the turning-shop, and Hand and Kirtland WAYNE COUNTY. 817 had leased the loft over the axe shop as a sash-fac- rory. D. C. White had succeeded Burbank A Burk in the tool business. A new industry was given to the place in 1841, when Leonard & Bart- lett started a pail-factory ; they did quite a busi- ness for two or three years In 1844 John H. Gill, a native of Yorkshire, England, started a foundry at Seelyville. He had come to the place many years before, and was the builder of the new mill and several other buildings in the village. This foundry is still carried on by B. F. Gill, and keeps half a dozen men employed. The year 1847 witnessed the starting of two important industries. M. F. Van Kirk and Wal- ter Knight started an umbrella stick manufactory, on the south side of the river, and ran it for several years. The firm was dissolved in 1853, and Mr. Van Kirk then moved to Tyler Hill, in Damascus township. He re-located in Honesdale.in 185(3, and is still carrying on the business there. The second enterprise was the starting of the Birdsall woolen-mill, now the most important manufactory in the place. James Birdsall, its founder, came to Seelyville in 1846, having for several years previous resided in Carboudale. He leased land of Col. R. L. Seely, and started card- ing rolls as first machinery. The mill was burned on December 24, 1850, entailing a serious loss, as there was no insurance, but a new mill, four stories high and sixty by thirty-six was soon com- menced, and Mr. Birdsall was ready for business a few months after. By good management the business continued to grow, and he was constantly making improvements until his death which oc- curred in January, 1857, when the business descended to his sons, William S. and James C. Birdsall, the present owners. When the mill was first started it used probably ten thousand pounds of wool per year, and employed ten or twelve hands ; to day it is spinning one hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds a year, and there are nearly a hundred employees on the pay roll. The mill is what is known as a " two set " mill, and manufac tures cassimeres, flannels, yarns and blankets. Colonel Seely rebuilt his saw-n ill in 1849, and the same year Christian Erk started the umbrella stick manufactory he is still running. The first firm was Erk, Merz & Co., and the machinery was in the sash and blind shop of Hand & Kirtland. This building was burned in September, 1855, and the present factory was erected on its site. This same year M. B. Bennett & Co. started a foundry and machine shop in a large frame building erected by Colonel Seely on the south side of the stream. This was occupied by various firms and finally burned, and was replaced by the substantial brick building standing at present. Seelyville has a number of other industries of more recent date. The first school in Seelyville was held in an old log building which stood on a spot now in Mr. BirdsalPs orchard, and was on the old road to Bethany. It was erected about 1835 or 1836. In 1842 the building now used by Mrs. Bissell as a residence was erected for a school house, and was occupied until the present central building was put "up, in 1858. Seelyville was at first an independ- ent school district, including a portion of Texas township, and when this was erected in 1857 Prof. G. W. Trim, now of Jermyn, Pa., was engaged to teach in the new building. He filled the position acceptably for fourteen years, and was succeeded by Miss E. J. Avery and late by W. T. Butler. In I860 the village of Seelyville was cut off from the Texas district before referred to and erected as an independent district. The average number of pupils on the roll is one hundred. The post-office was established in 1874 and G. Smith, the first appointee, is still postmaster. Tkaceyville. — Although just outside the limits of the borough of Honesdale, Traceyville had settlers long before the hemlocks and laurels at the confluence of the two branches of the Lack- awaxen disappeared before the axes of the pio- neers. The main settlements were at the mouth of Carley Brook, and at this point, it is stated on the authority of Esquire Thomas Spangenberg, there was, in 1794, a tub-mill built by Israel Kelly. So sparsely was the country inhabited at this time and so small the production of grain that the mill would not pay for the tending, and each pioneer came and ground his own corn. This old mill remained standing until the Honesdale Glass Company erected its works, and, when it was torn down, meal was found on some of the rafters that was ground perhaps during the first year of this century. In 1812 Stephen Kimble built a saw- mill on Carley Brook and ran it for many years. It was finally torn down in 1846, when Ephriam 818 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. V. White erected his axe-factory there. The latter business is one of the oldest in Wayne County, and was established soon after the summer of 1820. During that year E V. White accompanied his father, who walked from Massachusetts to Wayne County. They first stopped at a small blacksmith shop in Damascus, and after a few months located at Mount Pleasant. In 162(5 they moved to Duu- daff, and from there came to Seelyville in 1835. Three years after this a place on the road be- tween Prompton and Honesdale was selected, and here the works were carried on until 1846, when the present location was secured. The founder of the industry was succeeded by his sons Gilbert G , Joseph and C J., in 1857, under the firm name of G. White & Brothers, and the business was SO conducted until 1862, when the brothers rehired,, and Gilbert White became sole owner. In 1872 R. W. Ham was admitted to a partnership, and the style assumed was G. White & Co., the firm which is now conducting the business. The present capacity of the works is twenty dozen axes a day, and between twenty and twenty-five men are employed. About the beginning of the present century what was afterwards known as the Earl Mill was built just below where Saunders' tannery now stands. It was a very small affair, and did little until it was rebuilt by Mr. Earl in 1828. About 1849 it passed into the hands of Mr. Tracey for the Delaware and Hudson Companv, and, after the destruction of the mill, the dam was retained as a reservoir for the Canal. One of the early industries of the place was a small axe and scythe-shop, which John Bangs started near the site of the old tub-mill about 1832. It was afterwards closed, and what remained of the plant sold to the Whites. The Honesdale Glass Works had their genesis at Bethany, where Christian Faatz, one of the first glass manufacturers in this county, commenced operations in 1816. After various vicissitudes re- lated in the history of that town, the establishment passed into the hands of his son, Jacob Faatz, who removed the works to Traceyville in 1847, the first stake being driven on June 4th. During the next three years Mr. Faatz lost money, and, in 1840, Henry Dart and James R. Dickson became the owners. They made a large shipment of glass to California overland, and it was nearly a year on the way and seemed to be a dead loss, occa- sioning embarrassment which caused the works to pass into the hands of R. F. Lord and T. H. R. Tracey, who managed the business until they were succeeded by James Brookfield, who purchased the works in 1849, and engaged J. Sloan as his general manager. A number of improvements followed, and the next year Mr. Brookfield erected a store and a number of dwellings for the use of his employees. It was at this time that H. A. Clark erected a new dwelling and store, and Mr. Gilbert, of Oregon, made some improvements. Traceyville was a busy place, and during the next year the glass works employed between fifty and sixty men, and were making from eighteen to twenty thousand boxes of window-glass a year. Mr. Brookfield also had a shop for the manufac- ture of a patent pump. During the great storm of 1861 the dam of a reservoir belonging to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, far up the Carley Brook, gave way and carried the works of Mr. Brookfield into the river. For ten years nothing was done with the works, and then, under the firm name of The Honesdale Glass Works, Christian Dorflinger, W. W. Weston, C. S. Minor, William Weiss, W. II. Ham and S. A. Tyrrell bought the property and rebuilt the works. During this work of re- building, in 1873, the old tub-mill, the first indus- try of the place, was torn down to make room for one of the wings of the glass house. In former years the plant was used for the production of both bottle and window glass, but now only the latter is manufactured. The equipment consists of two five-pot furnaces, with a capacity of four tons daily, and facilities for shaping that much material, a saw-mill and a box-factory. Both steam and water-power are used, and the capacity of the works has been cpiadrupled since 1873. About one hundred and fifty hands are employed, and the annual disbursement for wages is over fifty thousaud dollars. In 1845 or 1846 Robert J. Knapp and Lewis M. Sears started a wheel-barrow-factory on Carley Brook, just above the axe-factory, and met with fair success. The business was carried on by this firm until April, 1864, when B. F. Frailey, a na- tive of Ulster County, N. Y., bought the establish- WAYNE COUNTY. 819 ment and added to the plant machinery for the manufacture of hay rakes and other agricultural implements. The establishment now consists of a large saw-mill and factory driven by Water-power, and makes a specialty of building lumber, boxes, wire mattress frames and agricultural implements. Just above the upper bridge over Carley Brook is the tannery which Samuel Saunders built in 1858. It is a thirty vat plant, and ran full capacity until two years ago, when the heavy competition of the large establishments in the New England States absorbed the profit of smaller concerns. At pic- sent, the operations are limited to the pulling and pickling of sheep-skins, and dealing in hides and calf-skins. Just below the tannery is a large reser- voir for the Delaware and Hudson Canal. In 182-2 or 1823, Benjamin F. Kimble, a son of Daniel Kimble, commenced a grist mill at Tracov- ville. It was of very primitive construction, and had one run of stone, which he brought from Easton, having rafted lumber to that point to pay for them. The mill was built almost entirely by Mr. Kimble's own hands, and its construction occu- pied him for nearly a year. In 1829, the mill was completely rebuilt, and its capacity was doubled; it did service until the new steam mill was erected. The. old mill was burned in 1881. In the full of 1868, J. I'. Kimble, a son of Asa, went into busi- ness with Benjamin F. Kimble, and that year the steam mill was built. Later on. Wyman, a son of Benjamin F., succeeded to his father's interest, and. in 1876, sold it to J. P. Kimble, the present owner. The mill has four run of stone, and is driven by a forty horse-power engine. It does a thriving custom business. Benjamin F. Kimble married Prudence Vastbinder, and his children were, Ellen .1. (Mrs. R. E. Bailey), Olive (Mrs. Jerry E. Hawker), Ben- jamin F., of Damascus, Wyman and Clarence, who live in Honesdale. Lei inahdsville owes its name to John Leonard' who settled there soon after the Delaware and Hud- son Canal was finished, and commenced the build- ing and repair of canal boats. The favorable loca- tion for this business soon led other good mechanics to locate near him, and for a number of years con- siderable business was done there. In 1835 Mr. Leonard built the dry dock, and ran it but a short time, when it passed into the hands of W. M. Tur- ner, who did a thriving business until 1851, when James Pinkney bought it. It was operated under his direction until 1866, when Mr. C. C. Lane pur- chased it and has conducted the business up to the present time. The growth of Honesdale effectually killed the prosperity of Leonardsville, and little business beyond the dock is now carried on there. One of the earliest settlers was John Whittaker, who moved from Pike County in 1835, and erected the first frame house in the hamlet, near the site of his present residence. The school-house was built in L839, and services are occasionally held thereby several of the evangelical denominations. A central figure in the history of Leonardsville, IS that of JabeZ Rockwell, whose grave is in the Methodist cemetery al Honesdale. He was born near the town of Ridgeway,< lonn., < (ctober 3, 1761. When but little more than fifteen years old, he en- listed in a regiment that was recruiting under the supervision of Benedict Arnold, in whose division he fought at the battle of Saratoga, ami was there wounded. He was afterwards transferred to a part of the army under General Putnam, near New- York City, and later went under the direct com- mand of Washington, and with him passed the winter at Valley Forge. During the following year Mr. Rockwell was wounded again, receiving a slight hurt at the battle of Monmouth, and after a short furlough returned to the ranks, and was at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. At the close of the war he returned to Connecticut, and on July 4, 1784, was married to Sarah Rundel. He emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1795, and located near the present site of Milford, in Pike County. He had seven children by his first wife, and one of them, Lewis, was the sheriff of Pike County from 1844 to 1847. Mrs. Anna Wells, the youngest child of that marriage, is still living at Milford, and celebrated her eighty-seventh birthday in March last, surrounded by all her children. In 1799 Mr. Rockwell was married a second time. Elizabeth Mulford, daughter of the third sheriff of Wayne County, becoming his bride. He had served as deputy under her father for three years. Seven children were born of this union also, some of whom are still living, Miss Sally Rockwell and Mrs. Catheiine Broden, of Stroudsburg; Mrs. Gainford, of Ellenville ; Mrs. Harrisou Valentine, of New York, Henry Wells (of Milford), Edgar and Peter Wells (of Port Jervis), Moses B. Rockwell WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. (of Milford) and ex-Treasurer Charles F. Rockwell (of Houesdale), are grandchildren of the Revolu- tionary hero. In 1824, accompanied by Samuel Whitehead and Joshua Hutchings, two companions-in-arms, Mr. Rockwell walked from Milford to New York, to see Lafayette, by whom they were warmly Wel- comed. The last years of Mr. Rockwell's life were spent in Leonardsville, to which village he moved in 1837. He died in January, 1847, and was buried with military and Masonic honors. White Mills. — The first settler of whom there is any -authentic record is Cornelius Corryelle, who came from Lambertville, N. J., and located on the farm now owned by Christian Dorflinger. He owned a large tract of land and was a man of much energy and enterprise, so that in a few years he had made a considerable inroad on the virgin forest that covered the entire region. Soon other settlers came, and, in the course of time, Daniel Kimble and Mr. Corryelle became jointly interested in the property adjacent to the site of the present saw-mill. This tract, as is stated in the records of the lawsuit before referred to, contained three acres, and was bought September 14, 1816. About the time thai the transfer took place, Jonathan Brink, who owned the property adjoining them on the lower side, erected a dam, which caused the Lackawaxen to overflow the Kimble mill site, and render valueless the improvements that had already been made on the property. The facts in the case very ably set forth and, on trial of the case at the next sessions, the plaintiffs were suc- cessful, and were awarded damages. Brink re- moved the objectionable d;un in a short time and the mill was commenced shortly after. In 182.'] Daniel Parry came from New Hope, Bucks County, Pa., and bought the mill property, completing the struc- ture which had been begun a few mouths previous. Lewis Corryelle, a son of Cornelius, was associated with him in this undertaking, the firm being 1 >aniel Parry & Co. Although the owner of considerable property, Mr. Parry did not reside in White Mills, but had for the manager of his interests Enos W Iward, who built and laid out the handsome place now occupied by Hon. F. W. Farnham. About 1854 the mill property passed into the hands of Cornelius Humbert, and in 1854 was sold to Mr. Farnham, thejjresent owner. It was then a double up and down mill, but, perceiving the great ad- vantage to be derived from the change, the new- owner converted it into a circular mill, one of the first successful ones in Wayne County, in 1857. Enos Woodward, who carried on the business for Daniel Parry, was a son of John Woodward, and a grandson of Enos Woodward, the Revolu- tionary soldier. In 1836 he erected the house on the Farnham place, and two years later was elected county commissioner, in which office he was very popular. More concerning him will be found in the chapter devoted to Cherry Ridge. Hon. F. W. Farnham came from Oxford, She- nango County, N. Y., in 1832, and in 1840 was united in marriage to Miss E. A. Gunn, of Oneida County in the same state. Three sons were born of this union, and reside near the homestead. In 1872 Mr. Farnham was appointed an associate judge of Wayne County, to till out the unexpired term caused by the death of Judge Arnold, and filled the office much to the satifaction of the people. The first frame house in the village proper was erected in 1846 by Daniel Kimble, and stands on the hill just beyond the glass works. It is now oc- cupied by Patrick Slavin. B. F. Daniels opened the first store on the place in 1854. He occupied a small building near the canal lock, and con- ducted business there for two years. The post office was established in 1850, and A. M. Atkinson was the first postmaster. The Dorflinger Glass Works.— The large and interesting industry carried on by Christian Dorflinger A* Sons at this place had its inception in 1865, the senior member of the present firm (of whom a biographical sketch is appended) being its founder. He began making glass in the fall of the year in what is known as a " five-pot furnace," and employed a small force of men. In the second year he had fully a hundred men and boys at work, and in 1867 he introduced a glass-cutting establishment, which was carried on in a small way and gave employment to half a dozen men. From the beginning even a careless observer would not have failed to notice that the proprietor of the glass works was a man of progressive ideas, for improvements were constantly made, and the capacity of the works gradually increased until the establishment was made, perhaps, the largest WAYNE COUNTY. 821 in the world. The works which have been in use for the past twenty years have just been supple- mented by new ones built in the most substantial manner, and embodying every possible convenience which a life-long study of glass manufacture, coupled with a high degree of ingenuity, could suggest. What are now called the " old works " comprise a " glass-house," in which the furnaces are located and the various forms of glassware are blown by the workmen, and a cutting room, now used for packing and other purposes. The glass- house proper is one hundred by fifty feet in dimen- sions, and contains two seven-pot furnaces, a fin- ishing furnace, and two annealing ovens. The building in which the cutting-room is located is one hundred and seventy-six by forty feet, and two stories high. There is also a three-story wing, eighty by thirty-five feet, and a building in which the great glass crucibles or pots are made, which is thirty by fifty feet. These figures give some idea of the space which has been necessary for carrying on the complicated manufacture, but the dimensions of the new works show how materially, in view of increasing business, it has been deemed advisable to enlarge the plant. The new glass" house is quite an imposing structure, fifty to sixty feet high and eighty feet long by sixty in width. A basement built of iron and Stone extends under the whole building. This house contains one eight- pot furnace, three annealing ovens and other devices essential to the work to be carried on there. The building in which the new cutting- room is located, is three stories in height, one hun- dred and sixty feet long by thirty-five in width' built in solid fashion of stone and made fire-proof throughout, There is a seventy-five horse-power engine on the second floor which turns the hun- dred or more wheels in the cutting-room, and has been made by thoughtfulness to perform some other work. To this cutting-room from whence comes the flashing, chaste and beautiful ware, which now more than ever, is fascinating the artistic and fashionable world, we shall in due time return. For the pres- ent let the reader take a glance at the genesis of glass. The process of manufacture savors a little of magic, or at least the marvelous, for who, without previous knowledge, looking at a pile of sand, another of oxide of lead, and a third of pearl ash, would imagine that such coarse, opaque, and sodden materials could be transformed by fire into the most transparent, glittering flint glass. Yet such is the fact, The workmen in the mixing room take, tor instance, six hundred pounds of sand (it is from Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and no- where else is found so good) with which he mixes four hundred pounds of oxide of lead, and two hundred pounds of pearl ash. To this compound he adds very small proportions of saltpetre, arsenic and manganese, and the whole, well stirred together, goes into one of the pots or crucibles set in a huge furnace of terrific heat. These pots hold from fifteen hundred to three thousand pounds. The mass is subjected to the influence of the roaring fire for forty hours, and then the " metal," as it is called, is ready for the deft manipulations of the skilled blowers, who hover about the furnace, and remove small portions of it at intervals upon long tubes or "blowers' pipes," something as a child might boiling sugar upon a stick. The glass blower handles his long tube as a fairy, or at least a colum- bine, does her wand, and with more of marked and marvelous result. His graceful sweeps and twirl- ings of the rod are not for appearance, but im- practical effect in giving the bit of molten glass some peculiar desired shape, dependent upon whether it is to be a bottle, a pitcher, a punch- bowl, a wine-glass, or any one of a hundred other things. He swings the tube, blows through it carefully, expanding the red-hot bubble to the proper proportion, rolls it upon an iron plate, revolves the rod while he holds a tool against the pliant mass to give it form, heats it again and repeats the process, or delicately and rapidly touches it with two or three other tools, perhaps being assisted by a "helper" in some of these rapid manoeuvres — and lo ! the shapeless lump has become a wine decanter or a salad dish, or something else of mosl graceful form. Then away it goes to the finishing furnace, and finally to the annealing fur- nace, where, with hundreds of other pieces, it is very gradually cooled by being drawn slowly from the fire through fifty or sixty feet of brick arching. The whole process is more in the nature of an ex- quisite art, with something of sorcery about it, than a trade or manufacture. Yet it is hard work, and has mure of utility in it than of the poetic or 822 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. picturesque, for the busy groups of skilled men surrounding the furnaces. Their tools are simple — a few rude iron implements, a stick, a heavy, uncouth pair of iron shears, and his blow-pipe, are all that the glass-blower needs to perform his wonders. His work must be done while the glass is hot, and so there is intense activity, relieved only by the occasional waiting for the reheating of a half-formed object. The greater portion of the glass manufactured here is white, or rather transparent. If color is desired it is made by throwing in various minerals. To produce the beautiful ruby color, which is so much admired by connoisseurs in glass, gold must he used, ami into a pot of the sand and lead and potash mixture is thrown a hundred and forty dollars worth of the virgin yellow metal. Even the construction of the puts in which the glass is made is an art and mystery, and requires knowledge and skill which only a very few work- men possess. At the Dorflinger works they are made in a long, law room — heretofore mentioned— which is kept at an equal temperature, that the great dome-shaped crucibles may become tl ion mghly seasoned or dried. The clay for their manufacture eomes principally from Germany, though an article from Missouri is used with some success. This clay, properly moistened, is kneaded in a huge, box by a man with bared feet, wlio treads it back and forth with peculiar sidelong steps, ten hours a day, for ilnee weeks. No machinery has been invented which can take the place of this odd method in giving the clay the required tenacity. Another man builds up the pots in lots of eight, very much as a rubble house is built, making his circular wall of clay a few inches high, and then awaiting the drying process before carrying the wall higher. The pots are four feet high. .It takes about three weeks to build a set of eight; often the clay is kneaded three days to heat them, and then they last but three months in the intense heat of the furnace. From the glass-house the various objects or " blanks," as the'y are technically termed — decant- ers, bottles, bowls — a hundred styles of ornamental and useful dishes are taken to the cutting-room. They have the grace of shape, but lack the lustre and brilliancy that cutting will give. A hundred workmen are ready to make them flash and gleam with prismatic light. Here again the tools are simple — the skill of the workmen everything. A long shaft, running through the narrow room, whirls a hundred wheels placed in frames down each side of the well-lighted work-shop. At each one sits an operator. Many of them are young, scarcely beyond boyhood, but young eyes are good for the kind of work that is done here. The men work in three divisious, and there are three distinct processes in the cutting. First comes the "roughing," the deep cutting or grinding of the pattern, of which the principal points have first been marked upon the glass with red paint, For this work a thin iron wheel, to which sand and water are applied, is employed. The workman needs perfect eyesight, perfect nerves and much skill of hand, for the pattern must be cut with geo- metric precision. The second process, "smooth- ing," is done with fine, stone wheels, of which, as of the iron ones, there are a great variety for different kinds of work. From the " smoothers " the arti- cles are passed to the polishers, who use wheel- brushes and wooden wheels, kept constantly smeared with what looks like yellow mud, but is in reality a compound of finely-ground oxide of zinc and lead called " putty." These leave the deeply cut lines and the facets of the glass as smooth as diamonds and almost equaling them in brilliancy i f glitter and purity of light. After careful washing the finished goods are taken to the stock or show-room, or shipped to the New York or Philadelphia market. In the show- room alluded to, in comparatively small space, may be seen from forty to fifty thousand dollars' worth of this beautiful ware, and upon a single table there is over three thousand dollars' worth. The variety of articles is almost bewildering, and there is also wide variance in the styles of cutting. There are ice cream and salad sets in the cut known as "the Parisian " vases, fancy dishes and bon bons in the " hob-nail " cut with double star, punch-bowls, etc., in the " brilliante " cut, with glass-handled ladles to match, and cut-glass, table- bells in various colore, which give forth a very musical tinkle. Special mention should be made of the Russian stem-ware and the line of elegant lamps, cut-glass throughout, with dome shades. There are also flower-vases, decanters, water bottles, jugs (the new " tusk " and " Flemish " styles par- ^^Z2- ^^— -^ WAYNE COUNTY. ticularly), cologne bottles and other vessels in almost endless profusion. These goods are com- prised in those general lines or classes known as " rich-cut table and toilet glass, " druggist's " and " lamp goods." Almost daily new designs arc brought out and new ones found for cut-glass, and the taste of the public for this elegant line of things useful and things beautiful is fast growing, so that the demand promises to be much larger than heretofore. Since 1881 Mr. Dorflinger's sons, William, Louis J., and Charles, have been in partnership with him, and each one occupies a position of prac- tical usefulness in the management of the large business. William is at the store of the firm, No. 36 Murray Street, New York, Louis J., and Charles at the works, the former residing at Honesdale. The works give employment to about three hun- dred persons, and the pay-roll amounts to ten thousand dollars or thereabouts per month, a sum sufficient to support (as it does almost entirely) the village of White Mills. Christian Dorflinger, the founder and con- tracting genius of these works, is one of the vast number of foreign birth whose energies and skill have contributed to the sum of America's pros- perity. He was born in the Canton De Bitsche, in Alsace, France, March 16, 1828. His parents were Francis and Charlotte (Clemens) Dorflinger. He early left them to join an uncle over the line in the province Loraine, city of St. Louis, where he learned the trade of glass- making in one of the largest establishments in Europe. He remained there eight years, becoming a master in his chosen art, and then, desiring a field for more in- dependent action and broader achievement, decided to come to America. This was in 1845. His father had died, and he brought his mother and other members of the family with him. They re- moved to the West, where his mother is still living, and the young man who is our subject went to Philadelphia, where he worked as a journeyman glass-blower. In 1852 he removed to Brooklyn, where he established the Long Island Flint Glass Works, a comparatively small concern, having what is known as a five-pot furnace. His first year's business amounted to thirty thousand dollars ; the third year's to fifty thousand dollars. In 1858 he built a new factory at a cost of thirty thousand dollars, and, in 1860, a second one at a cost of sev- enty-five thousand dollars. He then carried on both, and did a business amounting to three hun- dred thousand dollars per year. The latter estab- lishment, known as the Green Point Glass Works (in Brooklyn, E. I).), he still owns, and leases to E. P. Gleason. Mr. Dorflinger conducted both factories until 1863, when he sold the one first built — the Long Island works, and, with a view of partial retirement from business and of establish- ing a summer retreat, came to the picturesque banks of the Lackawaxen, and bought of Captain Fowler the three hundred-acre tract of land east of White Mills, which formed the nucleus of his present estate of about one thousand one hundred and fifty acres. This step, taken with a view of seeking rest, resulted in larger activity, and ulti- mately in the great establishment of to-day. He came out to his farm-home again in 1864, and in the spring of 1865 began building a glass-factory, in which an industry, entirely new to this half-wild region, was begun in the fall of that year. The story of the development of the works, from the first pot-furnace to their present extent, has already been told. It is a story involving the persistent applications of thorough, practical knowledge and of business acumen. But Mr. Dorflinger's en- ergies were not confined to the management of the works and their improvement. He built seven dwellings the first year that he carried on business here, erected a hotel in 1867 and his present dwelling (suggesting by its appearance the easy hospitality for which it is widely known) in 1870. Altogether, he has built in the vicinity of the factory seventy-five houses, and he has aided many of his operatives to make houses by advan- cing them money. He now owns about fifty houses. His interest in the welfare of his em- ployees has been manifested in various ways, and he liberally aided local institutions for their benefit. Mr. Dorflinger is not pronounced in politics or dogmatically assertive in religion, yet holds intelli- gent and thoughtfully-constructed opinions on these and other topics of vital interest. His energies have been largely absorbed by the building up of what is probably the largest glass-works of the kind in America, if not in the world. There is a generous proportion of domesticity in his nature, i-H WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and he has found relief from extensive and intricate business cares in the comfort and cheer afforded by his family, the oldest members of which have been for several years his aids as well as companions. He was married in Brooklyn, April 25, 1852, to Miss Elizabeth Hag-en, a native of New York. Their children are William F., Louis J., Charles H., Mary E., Nellie J., Katharine and Lottie. Churches and Schools. — It is very difficult to determine when and by whom the first religious services were held, as the gatherings were very informal, no records were made, and most of those who participated have passed to another world. Among the early workers in the field were (pre- sumably) Rev. Joseph Seely, the Methodist clergy- man first to set foot in Seely ville, Elder Peck, of Mount Pleasant, Elder Curtis, of Clinton, and Elder Chase, of Damascus. The three latter gen- tlemen were frequent visitors at Daniel and Walter Kimbles', and Cornelius Corryelle's, and on pleasant Sunday afternoons a handful of hardy men and women assembled to hear the Word of God, and listen to exhortation to a higher, holier life. Before 1811, the old plank school-house at Indian Orchard was built, and after that, meetings were held once in two months, or oftener. Mr. Henry Bishop, of Berlin, who is now in his ninetieth year, says that the meetings here were the first that he can remem- ber, except those held in private houses. This was the first school-house in the territory now included in the limits of Texas township, and Robert Beardslee was one of the first teachers employed there. This school was supported by private sub- scription, and under the school law passed in 1809, .the county commissioners were obliged to return the names of all the children whose parents were too poor to pay for their schooling, and have them taught in the regular subscription schools. The bills were made out by the teacher for the stationery he had supplied, as well as the tuition, and when this had been approved by the trustees, if there were any, otherwise by three citizens, subscribers of the school, and duly sworn to, an order for the amount was drawn by the commissioners. One of the first bills presented under this law was that of Robert Beardslee. It is for the schooling of Abraham, Altram and Roger Haynes, and tuition and board together bring the amount to $12.91. The bill is approved by Ben. Kimble, Walter Kimble and Thcpias Schoouover. It is an inter- esting fact, attested by this signature, that both names have undergone orthographic change since that time. Walter Kimble signed himself Kimbale, and Mr. Schoouover wrote his name as Schoon- hover. In 1835 or 1836, the old school-house on the road to Bethany was built on land that is now- included in the Seely orchard, at Seelyville. Who first taught there is not now known, but a number of men who have since become prominent in the county, sat on its pegged seats and wrestled with the three R's. The school-house at Leonards- ville was built in 1839, and has since been the place at which occasional religious meetings are held. Until 1857, a district school was the only educa- tional facility afforded to the people of Saelyville. This was first held in the old log school-house that stood in Col. Seely's orchard, and, in 1842, was moved to a frame building, now occupied by Mrs. Margaret Bissle as a residence. The latter build- ing was used until 1858, when the present graded school was completed. Seelyville was made an independent district the preceding year, • and Prof. W. G. Trim, now of Jermyn, was the first teacher. After serving faithfully for fourteen years, he gave place to Miss E. J. Avery, who in turn was succeeded by Mr. W. T. Butler, the present incumbent. In 1885, about one hundred scholars were enrolled. The early records of Texas school district have not been preserved, and few details of the early history of free education are known. The first election return on record is that of 1839, two years after the erection of the township, and no school directors appear in the list. The following were elected after that time : List of school directors in Texas township, from 1840 to 1876. 1840.— William R. McLaury, Benj. F. Kimble. 1841. — Russell Spencer, James Miller Harvey. 1842. — Putnam R. Williams, David Kirby, John P. Darling (for one year). 1843.— Richard L. Seely, Daniel P. Woodward. 1844. — Benj. F. Kimble, Phineas Arnold. 1845.— Daniel Eno, Daniel Blandin. 1846.— Michael O'Neil, Chapman N. Root. 1847.— Joseph C. Rundlett, David W. Hoyt. 1848.— Daniel Blanding, Levi S. Demming. 1849. — Daniel Schoonover, Ezra Genung. 1850.— Ezekiel G. Wood, Robert J. Knapp. WAYNE COUNTY. S25 1851. — David Beardslee, George Mauer. 1852.— Hiram Dibble, David Beere. 1853.— Putnam R. Williams, Ezra M. Genung. 1854.— William L. Gainford, Amory Prescott. 1855. — David Blandin, Asher M. Atkinson. 1856. — George Menna, Samuel B. Coston. 1857. — Amory Prescott, Ephraim Wbite, Robert J. Knapp (two years). 1858.— Thomas Grier, Daniel Schoonover. 1859.— Samuel B. Coston, Marcus B. Keen. I860.— W. W. Holbert, A. Prescott, 1861.— Timothy Fox, E. V. Clark. 1862.— Edward Baker, Robert Hawkey. 1863.— Amory Prescott, Walter Beardslee. 1864.— Gilbert White, Henry Winter, John Henni- gan (one year). 1865. — John Hennigan, William Dodge. 1866.— Lewis M. Sears, Walter Beardslee. 1867. — James C. Birdsall, Samuel Saunders. 1868.— John Hennigan, John Schriner. 1869.— Lewis M. Sears, J. E. Mandeville. 1870. — John Hennigan, John Gallagher. 1872. — Jacob Laus, Richard Bryant. 1873.— Eugene Dorflinger, Gilbert White. 1874. — John Hennigan, Samuel Saunders. 1875.— Robert E. Bailey, Albert B. Ward. 1876. — Wyman Kimble, Andrew Coar. The Texas school district has nine buildings, and last year five hundred and forty pupils were enrolled. The tax levied amounted to $3,310.80, of which amount, one thousand dollars was for building purposes. Twelve teachers are employed, and the township will bear a fair comparison with others in the county. The present directors are Philip Ryan, president ; Michael Heermann, Treas- urer ; J. Adam Kraft, secretary ; Samuel H. Brown, Lawrence McGuiness and Fred. Horst. BIOGRAPHICAL. DAVID BUNNELL. David Bunnell (1783-1855), a native of Middle Smithfield, Monroe County, Pa., came from Wall- pack, N. J., in 1804 and settled at Bethany, Pa. on the place now owned by William Stephens, where he erected the residence found there in 1886. On March 5, 1805, he married Parthenia Kellam (1786-1875), of Palmyra, Pike County, and re- moved to his new home at Bethany, Wayne County. He was a blacksmith by trade, and is said to have been the first of that trade to settle at that place. He cleared much of the timber from 81 bis farm, and carried on blacksinithing in the shop which be built in settling there, while he resided at Bethany. There being meager accommodations for strangers visiting the place at court-time, Beth- any being then the county seat, he used to accom- modate boarders at his house on these special oc- casions. For many years lie served as justice of the peace. Both himself and wife were members of the Baptist Church at Bethany, and their gener- ous hospitality, intelligence and support of every good work, arc remembered by those now surviv- ing, who were their neighbors. In 1839 he sold his property at Bethany, and, with his sons (Henry, Pike and John K.), bought some seven hundred and fifty acres, mostly a wild tract of land, partly in Dyberry, and partly in Texas townships, upon which he settled. For one summer he resided on the most improved part of it, where his son, Pike, afterwards resided, in Dyberry township, and he erected in 1840, the present residence of his son John K. Bunnell, at Bunnell's Pond, on another part of this tract in Texas township, to which he removed, and at the outlet of this pond with his sons, the same year he erected a saw-mill, and be- gan lumbering and clearing off their land, and fit- ting the soil for crops. Fifteen years after this David Bunnell died. His wife survived him twenty years, and died at the residence of her daughter, Eunice B., at Bethany. Both were in- terred at Honesdale. Their children are as follows : Rockwell, born April 2, 1806, survives in 1886 and resides at Prompton, Pa.; Eleanor (1807- 1843), was the wife of Isaac Olmstead and resided at Bethany; Eunice B., born January 6, 1810, now deceased, was the wife of Brooks Lavo, of Bethany ; (1811-1872) ; Zebulon Montgomery Pike (1813-1856) ; Charles F. (1815-1868), re- sided in Oxford, N. Y., where he died ; John Kel- lam, born January 14, 1817 ; Sarah E., born De- cember 11, 1820, is the wife of Rev. Gilbert Bailey, D.D., of California ; David S., born November 19, 1821, is a contractor in Philadelphia ; Harriet A., born May 21, 1824, died a young woman ; Abigail Jane, born October 9, 1826, is the widow of William Stockdale, who was a merchant of Springfield, 111. Henry Bunnell, second son of David, was born at Bethany, October 17, 1811, had the usual op- portunities for an English education, with other WAYNE, I'IKK AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. boys, at his native place, but was taught in early life that industry, economy ami a purpose in life, are necessary elements of character to succeed in business ami to make a good citizen. In 1836 he married Amanda Page, at Harford, Pa., ami for some time after his marriage resided at Montrose, Pa. About 1839 he joined his father ami brothers in the purchase of the large tract of land herein referred to, and from that time until his death made his home on a portion of it, at Bunnell's of Mr. Bunnell, got a start for his present large for- tune. During Mr. Bunnell's life- time the families were very intimate friends. Henry Bunnell was a man of large business ca- pacity, a friend to the poor man, and always ready to lend them any assistance that would better their condition, and he sought to fulfil the full duties of the citizen. He was a member of the Baptist Church at Ilouesdale, to which he gave liberally, and was active ill the work of the church. His HENRY BUNNELL. Pond. He was more largely engaged in lumber- ing than farming, and in 1860, after the great freshet that swept away the old saw-mill, he built another upon the same site, also a tannery, and he also erected the pleasant residence now occupied by his widow, adjacent to the saw-mill grounds. Many years ago he purchased a timber tract in Oregon township of five hundred acres, upon which he erected a saw-mill, and, after carrying on the lumber business there for several years, he sold the property to William Penwarden, giving him ample time for payment. Mr. Penwarden was then a man without wealth, and, by[the timely aid wife died in 1853. Their children are David Montgomery, residing at Bunnell's Pond, owns the saw-mill, and, in 1869, built a grist-mill near it on the site of the tannery, which had been built by his father about 1860, and was burned in 1869 ; Louise Priscilla, died at the age of twenty years ; George F., deceased ; Mary E., wife of Romain Bump, of Kansas; William H, deceased ; Calvin P., resides at Tanner's Falls ; and Amanda (1853- 1880), who was the wife of John Bellamy. Henry Bunnell married for his second wife, in 1855, Lydia A. Schofield, who died in 1859, leav- ing children, — Judson Willard, a merchant of WAYNE COUNTY. 827 Honesdale, and Irving Washington Bunnell, of Aldenyille, Pa. His third wife, who survives him in 1886, and causes his engraving to be placed in this work, whom he married in September 26, 1861, is Mary, a daughter of Gershom Bunnell (180-1— 186!)), and Anna ('. Bergstrasser, born in 1808, and now survives, of Wallpack, N. J., to which place Henry, father of Gershom Bunnell, removed from Middle Smithfield, Pa., with his lamilv about 1808. This Henry Bunnell was a John Kellam Bunnell, fifth son of David and I'arthenia ( Kellam ) Bunnell, was born in Bethany, Wayne County, Pa., January 14, 1817, and was the youngest of the three suns who joined their father in the purchase of the large tract of land in 1839, herein described. In common with all the children of this large family, he in early life became inured to hard work, and learned from the best of tutors — his parents — that those who succeed in life must lay brother of David Bunnell, who settled at Bethany in 1804, and their ancestry may lie further traced in an account written by Thomas G. Bunnell, editor of the New Jersey Herald, at Newton, N. J., and published iu the history of Sussex County, of that State, by Everts & Peck. Mary Bunnell was born in August, 1834, and, by her marriage to Heury Bunnell, has children, — Edward Elmer, William Fletcher, Ida Belle, Harry Horatio and Elorv Pike Bunnell. the foundation for success in their industry, correct habits, energy and good judgment. All these things John K. Bunnell observed in boyhood, and added to them such an education from books as the school of his native place afforded. He succeeded to one hundred and eighty acres of land of this purchase at Bunnell's Pond, upon which is the residence built by his father and sons in 1*40. Besides engaging in the general clearing up and improvement of this farm, and iu the con- Sl'S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. struction of suitable buildings thereon for farm purposes, he has for over twenty years past given his attention to dairying, selling the products of his dairy, iu milk, in Honesdale and vicinity. He averages to keep on this farm from twenty- five to thirty-five well-bred dairy cows, and by ex- cellent care of his stock, and good quality of fodder supplied them, he has been able to furnish his patrons the richest quality of milk. It is safe to class Mr. Bunnell along with the intelligent farmers of Wayne County in everything that per- tains to agriculture and dairying. He has served his township (Texas) as supervisor and been other- wise officially identified with its interests, and he has for many years served on the board of trustees of the Methodist Church at Honesdale, of which both himself and wife have been members for over thirty-five years. He married in 1X41, Ann S., a daughter of John and Joanna (Spettigue) Brons- combe, who is a native of Devonshire, near Corn- wall, England, born on New Year's Day, 1823. John Bronscombe (1790-1863) and his wife, Joanna Spettigue (1788-1858) came with their family to Berlin township, Wayne County, from England in 1830, resided there eleven years, and then settled at Bunnell's Pond where they died. He was a well-educated man, was a teacher for many years before coming to this country, and here, was almost invariably selected as clerk at the polls on election day, and on other occasions when accuracy, neat- ness and dispatch in business were necessary. The other children of John Bronscombe are Rev. Henry Bronscombe, an eminent clergyman of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church for forty-four years in Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth, wife of Seth G. Whiting, of Colebrook, Conn. The children of John K. and Ann S. Bunnell are Carrie Amelia, wife of Oliver W. Stanton, of Tunkhannock, Pa. ; Hattie E., wife of Henry Webb, a fanner at Bethany ; Frank C, a farmer in Texas township ; Emma E., wife of Charles R. Brady, D. D. S., of Honesdale ; and John Kellam Bunnell at home. One son, George G., born in 1844, died in 1863, and another, William B. Bunnell, born in 1X47, died in 1860. WILLIAM L. FERGUSON. William L. Ferguson was born in Barnet town- ship, Caledonia County, Vt., July 9, 1818. His father, James Ferguson, born in Glasgow, Scotland, August 16, 1771, came to Barnet at the age of thirteen years, with his mother, a brother (Alex- ander) and sister. The mother married again a Mr. Mclndoe, and resided at Mclndoes, on the Connecticut River, and died at her son Alexander's at Lyman, New Hampshire, at nearly one hundred years of age. James was a farmer in Barnet, mar- ried Margaret, daughter of Andrew Lackie of the same place, who was born July 12, 1788, and died April 14, 1878. He reached the remarkably great age of one hundred years and nearly six months, dying February 4, 1872. Both himself and wife belonged to the Presbyterian Church, and reared their children under Christian influences. Their children were James, a farmer of Barnet township Vt. ; William L. ; Alexander, a millwright, went West ; and Jennette, wife of Alexander Summers, of Barnet. William L. Ferguson was reared on the home- farm and became inured to hard work. His early education was confined to the district school. At. the age of seventeen he left home to carve out a fortune for himself, and, traveling some two hun- dred miles to the north of the White Mountains, through a wilderness country, with his pack on his back, reached Bangor, Me., where he was engaged as a carpenter on the Bangor and Old Town Rail- road for one summer in building bridges and cul- verts. He was also engaged, iu like manner, on the Boston and Lowell Railroad a few years afterwards. He further prosecuted his book education at New- bury and Concord academies, and by faithful ef- fort was soon found proficient enough to be a teacher, and taught for several terms in Vermont. In 1839 he left his native State, came to Wayne County, Pa., and for several winter terms taught school in various places in the county. As a bo; he had made the acquaintance of Miss Laura L., daughter of Oliver T. and Martha (Dutton) Spald- ing, who was born in Waterford township, Vt., June 16, 1831. Their school-day acquaintance ripened as years went on, and on December 7, 1853, they were married at Lowell, Mass., and im- mediately settled in Dyberry township, Wayne County. Here he engaged in farming and lumber- ing. He continued there in the lumber business for five years, rafting his lumber from the head- waters of Dyberry Creek to Honesdale, thence lie :ht oy WAYNE COUNTY. 829- down the Lackawaxen to its confluence with the Delaware, and via that water route to Philadel- phia, the great market for the large quantities of lumber of Eastern Pennsylvania. In 1858 he removed to Cherry Ridge town- ship, at what is now called Collins' Mills, and ship. Mr. Ferguson w:is originally identified with the Democratic party, hut allied himself with the Republican party soon after its organization. His children are Harvey H., of Mount Pleasant town- ship, and Elmer E. and Flora, at home. Mrs. Ferguson's father died in Waterford, where he had was there engaged in manufacturing and shipping spent his life, a farmer, in 1859, aged sixty-two lumber for twelve years. In 1870 he settled in J years, and her mother died four years later, at the Equinunk, and continued for fifteen years more in the same business. He was therefore engaged in the lumber trade in Wayne County for a period of thirty-two years, and is well known throughout this section of the State as an active and through- going businessman. In 1885 Mr. Ferguson settled at Seelyville and retired from active business. While a resident of Buckingham and Dyberry townships he served several terms as school director, and he also served as supervisor of the former town- age of sixty-one years. Their children areSophro- nia, wife of Nathaniel Olcott, of Concord, Vt. ; John W., of St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; Laura L. ; Cur- tis R., of Lunenburgh, Yt. ; and Martha Jane, wife of Samuel P. Kneeland, a civil engineer in the South, who served in the laying out and construc- tion of railroads during the late Civil War ; and one son, Oliver T. Spalding, Jr., who died a young man, in 1863. HISTORY OF PIKE COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Civil History — Taxables in 1814 — Erection of the County — Public Buildings — Effort to Remove Seat of Justice to Blooming Grove — Lists of County Officials. A very considerable portion of the history of Pike County is contained in the first section of this volume — the first seven chapters, which apply to the territory herein treated, as a whole, and in Chapter I. of that portion of the work devoted to the history of \\ ayne County (of which Pike was an integral part from 1798 to 1814). The county was erected by an act approved March 26, 1814, and then in- cluded a portion of what is now Monroe, and which was set off in 1836. There is some early documentary history pertaining to Pike County which is of interest, and has not heretofore been given publicity. The old township of Upper Smithfield was practically co-extensive with the county as at present constituted, and, therefore, we present the record of the earliest action tending toward the settling of that township, which contains the names of the most prominent residents in 1750. Petition for township in what afterward became Upper Smithfield. "To the whershipful (worshipful) the Judges of the Court of General Sessions, held at Newton, in the County of Bucks, the 4th day Dee., 1750. The peti- tion of the inhabitants of Minisink and others humbly sheweth, That, whereas, your petitioners in general are the remotest livers from ihe Honorable Court, and on account of the want of a road, not only the inhabitants, your petitioners, are sufferers, when . . . requires them heard down to or above Andrew Ding- man's, to whose place on Delaware there is already a road laid out, distant from the upper inhabitants about 15 miles ; and whereas, it is evident that a road, although laid out according to law, is little regarded unless included under a township, your petitioners humbly pray that there (their) case may be taken into consideration; that a road be ordered to be laid out from near Tunis Madock'sin 1 Delaware, to Andrew Dingman's aforesaid, and a township to be bounded by Bushkill on the south, to which creek there is a township, by Delaware (river) on east, and by land belonging to the . . . the N. and W. — and your pets. (petitioners). " Cornelius Van Aken. Herman Bosen Kranz. Dan'l Brodhead. John Quick. J. Swartwoudt. Samuel Dupue. Edwn. Scull. Aaron Dupue. Jno. McMichle. Cornelius Dewitt. John Pierce. Herman Bosa Kranze. John Van Etten. Derriek Bush. Temau Middagh. Andrew Dingman. "As to the twt. (township), it is ordered that the pets, (petitioners) do exhibit a Plan of the twpt., as they propose it to the next court that the court may be better judge thereof." As Upper Smithfield appears in the list ot townships in 1752, it would appear that it was erected about the same time that Northampton county was. The following petition for the division of Upper Smithfield township, which then in- cluded nearly all of Pike County, appears on the Road Book of Northampton County in 1766: " Upon the petition of divers Inhabitants of the township of Upper Smithfield, setting forth that the said petitioners labor under great inconveniences upon the account of the largeness of the said township, which renders it inconvenient and expensive for the Inhabitants to assemble upon the necessary business of the township : Praying the Court to divide the said township, and for that purpose to appoint proper per- sons to make such division, whereupon it is considered Undoubtedly " in '' should here be read \ OUTLINE MAP OF Pike County, P E X N S Y" L V A X L A . / PIKE C01 TN ,i. 831 and ordered by the court that Benjamin Shoemaker, Hanes Van Etten, William Jeans, Andrew Dingman, Emanuel Gonzales and Abraham Westbrook, or any four of them, do view, and if they see occasion, to divide said township according to the prayer of the said petition." These viewers probably favored the division, as Delaware appears among the townships there- after. The following is a list of the taxables in Upper Smithfield and Delaware townships (which then included nearly all of that part of Pike County which was then inhabited) for 1781: UPPER SMITHFIELD. Josephus Cole. John Quick. Leonard Cole. James Kosencrance. Cornelius Dewitt. Joseph Reeder. Jacob Dewitt. John Steward. Cornelius Dewitt, Jr. Joseph Shobes. Reiner Dewitt. John Van Auken. Abraham Dutcher. Levi Van Auken. Morgan Dushay. James Van Auken. Henry Decker. John Van Sickle. James Decker. Simon Westfall. Casper Edwards. James Wells. Elias Middagh. James Wells, Jr. C. H. Middagh. William Wells. Elisha Middagh. Israel Wells. William McCarty. Jchn Rvans. James Quick, Jr. Single Freemen. Herman Rosencrance. Philip McCarty. Lewis Conklin. John Van Auken. James Reeder. DELAWARE. John Brink. Benjamin Brink. Daniel Courtright. 1 Benjamin Courtright. William Castor. Henry Courtright. Henry Courtright, Jr. Samuel Decker. Andrew Dingman. Abraham Derwin. Elias Decker. Cornelius Decker. Ezekiel Decker. John Decker. Henry Decker. John Emons. Emanuel Gonsaulis. Ludwig Hover. James Mulling. William Nyce. John Rosencrance. Adam Shick. James Swartwood. Bernardus Swartwood. Thomas Swartwood. Helmas Chambers. Ebenezer Taylor. Jeremiah Vandemark. Isaac Van Cam pen. David Van Auken. Elias Van Auken. Alex. Van Gordon. Gilbert Van Gordon. James Van Gordon. Isaac Van Gordon. John Van Etten. John Scott. Widow Westfall. Ezekiel Schoonover. Single Freemen. Emanuel Van Etten. Isaac Decker, r^zekiel Decker. Levi Courtright. Abraham Decker. Abraham Van Gordon. I'|>j'it Smithfield in 1811 — the year that Pike County was organized — contained the fol- lowing t\axable inhabitants : Spelled Curtwright. Samu el Anderson. Georg)i Biddis. John Brink. William Brink. Alviu Brown. 1 George Bbhannon. 2 Francis Buirns. John BiddisL Arthur Bohannon. Ira Belknap. John Blockmark John Broadhead.. Benjamin Balie. John Brown. William Camron. Enos Cook. David Cook. John Cross. Abraham Cole. Peter Curtuto. Benjamin Carpenter. Gabriel Cory. James Barton. David Jennings. Daniel Rowley. John ,,".!!:e'- 3 Joseph Connor. William Donnelly. William Landing. Samuel Vangood. Fram Monroe. Theodore Norton. Jobias Hornbeck.,- Garrett Van Auken. John Van Auken. Solomon Van Auken. Joshua Vanzant. Wilh. Van Gordon. Jacob Van Sickle. Thomas Vansickle Henry Van Campen. David Wheeler. Samuel Whithead. Amos Wood. Meckle Wolf. John Watson. Menod Westbrook. Sanford Clark.* Thomas Gay. Justice Overton. William Patterson. John Paterson. John Poth. Jacob Quick. 5 Cornelius Quick. Henry Quick. Matthew Ridgway. Abraham Rockwell. Lucius Rockwood. Jabez Rockwood. Charles Rigway. Jonathan Rosencranse James Rosencranse. John Rurson. Hugh Ross. Jonathan Seeley. - William Stone. Henry Snoak. Henry Smith. James Shelby. Jonas Simons. Fames A. Smith. Abraham Thorn. Robert L. Travers. William Watson. John Cox. William Cox. Cornelius Cox. Catherine Conselus. Daniel Dimmick. Jacob Dewitt, Jr. Ann Dewitt. Joshua Dewitt. Joshua Drake. Alexander Ernest. John Folk. Nehemiah Huntly. Joseph Jackson. Joshua Jackson. John Johnson. Matthew Kerr. John Maforg. 6 Joseph McCarty. Henry C. Middaugh. 'Shoemaker. 2 Inn-keeper. 3 Gunsmith. 4 Attorney. 5 Justice of pence. 6 Merchant. WAYNE, PIKE AND \t] 10E COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. George Westfall. Corn. Middaugjjl Sr. Silas Wells. Williamas Middif.ugh. Abraham Wells. Samuel MateerV Abraham Westfall. James McKeecj. Simeon Westfall. Henry Mestau/gh. David Westfall. Edward MottJ Jr. Ephliet Wood. James McCarthy. Joshua Wering. Corn. Middfldigh, Jr. Jacob Westbrook. Phillip M;v kly. John Bogart. James MeCWty. Creser Bull. Wm. MeCkrty, Sr. ■George Hector, Sr. Wm. M<^ Carty, Jr. George Hector, Jr John MiKeen. Anthony Hector. Jesse M/cKean. Joseph Lord. Joseph Middaugh. David Mead. Thomias Newman. Ira Newman. Erection* of the Cotjmty. — The causes which led to the erection of; Pike County have already been set forth (in Chapter I. of Wayne County), and we therefore present here without comment, that it would otherwise need, the act of the Legislature, which brought the county into existence, approved March 26, 1814. "An Act erecting part of Wayne County into a Separate I 'llll III I/. - " Sec. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia, in general Assembly met, and it is hereby en- acted by the authorities of the same. That all that part oi° Wayne County lying South and efcst&i a di- fectfftne from the lower end of Big Eddy, on Delaware river, to the mouth of Wallenpaupack Creek and thence up the same to the main forks thereof, thence up the South branch to where the most Southern branch crosses the North and South road, from thence due west to the line of Luzerne County, be and the same is hereby declared to be erected into a county, henceforth to be called Pike. " Sec. II. And be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That the inhabitants of the said county of Pike, from and after the first day of October next, shall be entitled to and at all times thereafter, shall have all and singular, the courts, jurisdictions, offices, rights and privileges to which the inhabitants of the counties of other States are entitled by the constitu- tion and laws of this commonwealth, excepting that there shall be but two Courts of Common Pleas and general quarter sessions held in and for said county of Pike in each year. " Sec. III. And be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That from and after the first Monday of October next the Courts of Common Pleas and gen- eral quarter sessions in and for the said county of Pike shall be opened and held at such house as may he designated by the Commissioners of said county to be elected at the next general election in the town of Milford, in the county of Pike, until a Court-House shall be erected in and for said county, as hereinafter directed, and shall then be held at said Court- House. " Sec. IV. And be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That no suit or prosecution which has been heretofore commenced, or which shall be com- menced at the Courts of the County of Wayne before the first Monday of October next, shall be delayed, discontinued or affected by this act, but the same shall be completed and carried into execution by the Sher- iff and Coroner of Wayne County, as if this act had not been passed. " Sec. V. And be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That all taxes or arrears of taxes laid, or which have become due within the said county of Pike, before the passing of this act, and all sums of money due to this commonwealth for militia fines in the said county of Pike, shall be collected and re- corded as if this act had not been passed. " Sec VI. And be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Com- missioners of the county of Wayne, on the second Monday of November next, to make out a statement exhibiting the amount of taxes levied before the pas- sage of this act, and not paid in, and the monies in the treasury, collected for taxes levied as aforesaid, and shall deduct from said amount all debts due from said county at this time, and after ascertaining the surplus funds, shall direct their treasurer to pay over to the tresfsw «? the count) of x'ike, when appoint- ed, one-half thereof, deducting therefrom the lawful expense of collecting the same: provided always, that if the said surplus shall not all at that time have been received into the treasury, the said treasurer shall make payment as aforfsaid, only on such part as has been received, and shall thereafter render to the treas- urer of the county of Pike, within one year, a regular statement of all expenses for collecting, and pay over the one-half thereof, as aforesaid. "Sec VII. And be it further enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, That the sheriff, coroner and other officers of the county of Wayne, shall continue to ex- ercise the duties of their respective offices within the county of Pike, until similar officers shall be ap- pointed agreeably to law, within said county. " Sec IX. And be it further enacted, etc., That John K. Woodward be, and he is hereby authorized and required, to run and mark the division line be- tween the counties of Wayne and Pike, and shall, on the second Monday in September next, commence the said line at the lower end of Big Eddy, on Delaware river, and run thence according to the true intent and meaning of this act, or in case of the death, re- moval or inability of the said John K. Woodward, then and in such case the vacancy so caused shall be supplied by the Commissioners of the county of Wayne and Pike, for which service he shall be paid at the pike cor rate of three dollars per diem, with the necessary ex- penses, out of the treasury of the county of Wayne. "Sec. X. And be it further enacted, etc., That when the division line shall divide a township, the part of the township thus divided which shall remain in Wayne county shall he a township, and the part of the township thus divided which shall be in the county of Pike shall be a township, and each part shall retain its original name until the same shall be altered by the courts of general quarter sessions of the said counties respectively. "Sec. XI. And be it further enacted, etc., That the several election districts which shall be in the county of Pike, which were erected before the passage of this act, be and the same are hereby erected into election districts for the county of Pike, and that the townships of Salem, Palmyra and Lackawaxcn be and they are hereby erected into a separate election district, and the electors thereof shall hold their elec- tions at the house of Ephraim Kimble, in Palmyra township. " Sec. XII. And be it further enacted, etc., That the inhabitants of the county of Wayne, and of the coun- ty of Pike, shall elect members of Congress and mem- bers of the legislature of this commonwealth, and shall hold their elections in the same mode, under the same- legislations, and make return in the same manner as is directed by the laws of this commonwealth, for con- ducting and making returns of the elections of the county of Wayne ; pmriili-il a/irai/s, that the returns from the several election districts in the county of Wayne shall, instead of being transmitted directly to Easton, as heretofore, be, on the Saturday next after such election, forwarded to the Seat of Justice of the County of Pike, there to be received by a person ap- pointed in the same manner and for the same purposes as is at the time of passing this act provided by law for transmitting election returns for the county of Wayne to the Court-House in the borough of Easton. "Sec. XIII. And be it further enacted, etc., That the governor be and he is hereby authorized and re- quired, after the first day of June next ensuing, to appoint three discreet and disinterested persons, not resident in the counties of Northampton, Wayne or Lehigh, whose duty it shall be to fix upon a proper and convenient site for a Court-House, prison and county offices, within the aforesaid county of Pike, as near the centre thereof as circumstances will admit, having regard to convenience of roads, territory, pop- ulation and the accommodation of the people of the said county generally, and said persons, or a majority of them, having viewed the 'relative advantages of the several situations contemplated by the people, shall, on or before the first day of August next, by a written reportunder their hands, or a majority of them, certify, describe and limit the site orlotof land which they shall have chosen for the purpose aforesaid, and shall transmit the said report to the governor of this 82 con poii their Waynt sioners on them niation, ^ town oi'iM of June 1 surety of 1 of the count,) hundred dolli* aid of funds ft, county, then th shall be the site case the coram, pointed. "Sec. XIV. And the commissioners o be elected at the next thirty days from and a make the necessary arra erection of a court-house, courts until the said court-h erected, the commissioners ately provide for that purpi k 6 nient house in the said fcoi 01 immediately proceed to ere t a go jail in the said town of Milford, : suitable officers for the safe keeping "Sec. XV. And be it further enact, order that the county of Wayne shai may be, bs ar one-half of the expense <>i lie buildings in the county of Pike equal to >m<>, „i Bethany, the commissioners of the county of Wayne shall direct their treasurer to pay over to the treas- urer of the county of Pike, in four equal quarterly payments, the sum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. "Sec. XVI. And be it further enacted, etc., That the judges of the Supreme Court shall have like pow- ers, jurisdictions and authorities within the said county of Pike as by law they are vested with and entitled to have and exercise in other counties of this State, and the said county is hereby annexed to the eastern district of the Supreme Court. "Sec. XVII. And be it further enacted, etc, That the county of Pike, after the 1st of October next, shall be and is hereby attached to and made a part of the eleventh judicial district, and after the present year the courts of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas in said district shall be held as follows, to wit. : . . , in the county of Pike on the third Mondays of Jan- uary, April, August and November. 1 " Sec. XVIII. And be it further enacted, etc., 1 The other counties of the old eleventh district were Luzerne, Wayne, Susquehanna, Bradford and Tioga. 10E COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sals e of yhich st day in as as and , and all A county .id county, ober next. , etc., That r the sheriff, Pike to hold n in the cotn- lcli jail were at .nty of Pike, all and kept in (lose .. prison-keeper of and the sheriff of t of the county stock mile as a full compen- ,iay deliver to the jail of this act on orders drawn ke County on the treasurer i further enacted, etc., That oi iscounty of Wayne shall re- i as i vnaid, and shall provide for to law iv'iid shall be entitled to the them, . . which allowance shall I paid by the commissioners of the md out of the county stock. . provided that the nineteenth and -ions of the act should be limited in , ....ion to three years, or until the commis- sioners of Pike should certify to the sheriff that a jail was in readiness for the reception of prisoners and approved of by the court and grand jury. " Sec. XXII. enacted that it should be the duty of the commissioners of the county of Wayne to deliver to the commissioners of the county of Pike, when elected, all maps, charts, records and papers which may of right belong to the county of Pike or any office therein." The Counts. — The first court " in and for the county of Pike " was held in the house lat- terly occupied by Mrs. Lee, in a room of good size up-stairs, and the county offices were crowded into the same house. The earliest en- try that can be found upon the oldest book of records in existence is that of a court December 6, 1814, Associate Judges John Coolbaugh and Daniel W. Dingmau " being present." The case entered was that of James Wallace against John Barnes. The action was made return- able January 16, 1815. A transcript from a justice's docket was entered, showing judgment for the plaintiff of one hundred and ninety- eight dollars. At the January Term (1815) the first suit en- tered upon the docket was that of Samuel B. Stickney against William Halbert. Edward Mott, destined to be for many years a practi- tioner at the courts of Pike (and of whom a bi- ography is given elsewhere), appeared for the plaintiff, and John Cross for the defendant. The case was continued. A number of eminent lawyers practiced in the court in after-years, and sketches of them will be found in the succeeding chapter. The Pike County Court was, in many respects a peculiar one. Judge Daniel W. Dingman sat upon the bench as associate judge for a per- iod of twenty-six years, dating from the erection of the county, and his confrere, Associate Judge John Coolbaugh, held his exalted position nearly as long. The latter was commonly ad- dressed by Dingman, both in private and offi- cial capacity, by the slightly undignified nick- name of " Bub." Dingman was a very eccen- tric man, of large native intellect and great force of character, lint uneducated. Pike ( 'oiintv will never see his like again. He be- longed to an era that has passed away. Judge Dingman did not hesitate to appear on the bench in the august courts of Pike in his shirt- sleeves and with bare feet. A volume might be written upon his peculiarities, his humor, his whimsicalities and the exhibition of his strength and shrewdness. Some of his decisions and rulings were, to say the least, unique in the annals of American jurisprudence. His action in the celebrated Smithfield election board pros- ecution case, which arose in 1836 from the al- leged fraudulent return of the vote for the lo- cation of Monroe County's seat of justice, was one of the most peculiar and characteristic. 1 An often-told story, illustrative of his judicial method, which, as it is true, will bear repeti- tion, is that of the sentence which he once im- posed upon a vagabond negro, who had been imprisoned in the jail for some time on a charge of petit larceny. When he was brought into ill be found in the Monroe County division of this PIKE COUNTY. the presence of the judiciary, in the old stone temple of justice, the court and bar, after con- sultation, requested Judge Dingman to dispose of the prisoner. The judge thereupon, looking severely at the culprit, said, — " Nigger, stand up. You are charged and are guilty of the crime of larceny. You are a bad nigger. I know all about niggers. You ought to he hung, but the sentence of this court is that you be banished from the face of the earth. Go get off the face of 'the earth." " Why massa," said the darkey, " how ken 1 git off de face of dis yere earth ?" "You can go," said Dingman, "to Jersey. The sentence of tins court is that you have fifteen minutes to get out of the county of Pike and into the State of New Jersey, and if you ever come hack we will hang you." Thereupon, it is traditionally asserted the offender ran to the bank of (he Delaware and swam to the Jersey shore. Early Affairs of the Commissioners. — The county commissioners first elected — Ilezekiah Bingham, Cornelius Case and John Lattimore — held their initial meeting November 2, 1814, and after producing and filing their certificates and qualifications according to law, elected John Cross their clerk, at a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per year, and Francis A. L. Smith, treasurer. When they came to the consideration of the probable expenses of the county for the ensuing year, the board resolved to levy a tax of half a cent upon the dollar on all taxable property in the county. They theii proceeded to the ap- pointment of assessors in those townships, in which none had been elected according to law, viz. : in Palmyra, Moses Killam, Jr., with Erastus Kimble and Simeon Chapman as assis- tants ; in Lackawaxen, John Crissman, with Mordecai Roberts and Jeremiah Barnes, assist- ants ; in Upper Smithfield, Edward Mott, Jr., with Jacob Quick and George Westfall, assist- ants; in Delaware, Solomon Westbrook Jr., with Cooper Jagger and Everett Hornbeek, assistants ; Middle Smithfield, Alexander Biles, with Daniel Jaynes and Andrew Eighlenbergh, as assistants. At their meeting of November 23, 1814, tin 1 commissioners, with the assessors, under the provisions of the act passed by the Assembly April 11, 1799, made the following schedule of valuations for the purposes of taxation: "First quality of improved land, per acre... $20.00 Second quality of improved land, per acre 12.00 All other improved land, per acre 5.00 Unimproved land on seated tracts to be assessed, per acre, at the discretion of the assessors and assistants. Unseated lands in the ' barrens ' to aver- age, per acre 50 Unseated lands in the 'beech' to average, per acre 1.50 Houses, grist-mills, saw-mills, distilleries, tan-yards, ferries, manufactories of all kinds to be assessed at the discretion of the respective assessors and assist- ants. All negro and mulatto slaves, per head.... 40.00 All middling horses to be valued each one at 40.00 Oxen, per head, middling 25.09 Cows of milking si/e, per head 12.00 Judges of the court, each one 100.00 Prothonotary, etc 200.0(1 Sheriff. 100.00 Attorneys-at-law 100.00 Justices of the peace, each one 25.00 Treasurer of the county 100.00 Physicians and surgeons, each one who practices 100.00 Carpenters and joiners, shoemakers, ma- sons and bricklayers, tailors, black- smiths, glass-blowers, coopers, gun- smiths, sawyers, weavers, each one at.. 20.00 Tavern-keepers to be assessed at the dis- cretion of the assessors. Single men above the age of twenty-one years, each one 100.00 Deputy and other surveyors 100.00" The first improvement which there is any record of the commissioners making or causing to be made was the building of a bridge over Vandermark Creek, the contract for which was let August 23, 1816, to Samuel Churchill. On October 5, 1817, the commissioners — Cor- nelius Cox, Matthew Winans and William Nyce — met and proceeded to Bethany — the county- seat of Wayne, where they remained until the 10th to settle with the commissioners of that county the affairs growing out of the division in 1814. They reported a balance due Pike by Wayne County of $640.61, "besides the equal WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA- half of moneys which may hereafter he col- lected on what is termed doubtful debts." ' It appears that the commissioner's office was for a period during the early days of Pike a resort for those who would indulge in wine and wassail and ungodly glee. In 1821 an attempt was made to correct this abuse, for on January 4th of that year, the same day that Jesse Olm- stead was appointed clerk, the commissioners deemed it necessary to pass the following reso- lution : " Resolved, That the clerk, for the time heing, shall prohibit all Gambling, Drinking (illegible — probably "carousing"), etc., in the commissioners' office, but in all respects to keep the same in good order." A second resolution gives a hint as to who were the persons in part responsible for the sin that had crept into the office. It reads : " Resolved, That the said office shall not be kept as an attorney's office, excepting on business for the county." Public Buildings. — As the act creating the county provided that Milford could only be the county-seat ou condition of the payment of at least fifteen hundred dollars by her people towards the erection of public buildings, they went immediately to work and raised that sum. 2 The work of erecting the court-house was begun in 1814 and the stone building still standing and used as a jail was completed in 1815. It was substantially constructed of native boulders hewn square ou the outer side, and the thoroughness with which its walls were laid puts to shame much more recent workman- ship. The contractors were Dan. Dimmick, Jacob Quick and Samuel Anderson. At first there was no bell upon the court-house, and when the judges and lawyers and persons in- terrested were to be summoned, the sheriff mounted the cupola and blew most piercing blasts upon a huge tin horn. This was super- seded by a huge triangle, upon which the sheriff or a tipstaff dealt resounding blows that were not unmusical, and tin's, in turn, gave way in ■See the chapter on Civil History of Wayne County. 2 For a fuller account of this matter and the part boi-i by Wayne, see chapter on Civil History of that county. 1844 or 1845 to the bell which for many years announced at proper seasons that justice was about to be judicially administered. This building served as court-house and jail until 1873, when the present court-house was constructed, and the county offices were within its walls until 1851, when a small brick build- ing was erected in front of the site occupied by the present court-house. This was built under contract by George P. Heller. It served its purpose until after the completion of the court- house and was sold in 1874 to John Gaillard, who subsequently sold to H. B. Wells. It was then removed. The present handsome brick court-house, con- taining all of the county offices and a com mo- dioli.-; court-room, was built in the years 1872-7;!, the first action being taken at the February and September Sessions of court in 1871. The contract for the foundations was let to S. S. Van Auken, but afterwards rescinded and the work was done by the commissioners and sub-contractors. The contract for building was let March 2, 1872, to A. D. Brown, for $20,096. He was afterwards allowed considerable sums for extra work. The cost of this edifice as completed has been, after careful computation by compe- tent persons, fixed at about $45,000. The people of Milford raised about $1000, PIKE COUNTY. s?A purchased two town lots adjoining the public square and donated them to the county as a proper site for the building. Effort to Remove County-Seat. — The building of the new court-house was violently opposed in various ways. The project afforded an opportunity for the friends of Blooming Grove to inaugurate a movement in favor of making that place the county-seat, and a bill authorizing an election to be held relative to such a change and the erection of new county buildings was introduced in the Assembly in the session of 1871-72. A petition urging the passage of the act was signed by at least seven hundred residents of the county, though it was alleged many of the signers appended their names under the misapprehension that the purpose of the act was simply to put a stop to the erection of the new court-house. As a matter of general interest, the act is here re- produced : "An act authorizing an election to be held in the County of Pike relative to a change of the County- seat of said County and the erection of new county buildings : " IP/teww, Great dissatisfaction exists in regard to the present location of the county-seat of Pike County, and '• Whereas, Two successive Grand Juries of said county, at the February and September Sessions, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, reported in favor of and recommended the erection of a new Court-House, and " Whereas, New county buildings must necessarily soon be erected and it is desirable to locate the same in a more central and convenient place; therefore. — "Sec. 1. Be it enacted, d/c, That the qualified voters of the County of Pike shall, at their respective places of voting, on the second Tuesday of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, vote for or against the removal of the county-seat from Milford to Blooming Grove, in said County, in the following manner, to wit : All in favor of removal shall vote by a ballot on a written or printed ticket, labelled on the outside 'County-seat,' and on the in- side ' for removal ; ' and those opposed to removal shall vote by ballot with a similar label on the out- side, and on the inside 'against removal;' and the tickets thus polled shall be counted out and returned in like manner by the return judge as those for the county officers, and be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the said county, who shall also certify the number of votes polled as aforesaid in the several districts of said county to the County Commissioners, agreeably to the ninth section of the Act of June thirteenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty, relating to the election of Assessors and Assistant Assessors. "Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff of said county to give notice of said election as is now pro- vided for by law for the election of State and county officers. "Sec. 3. If the majority of votes polled shall be against removal, then it shall not be lawful for the Commissioners named in this Act to locate the county buildings at Blooming Grove, but the county-seat of Pike County to be and remain at Milford, where it now is, but in case a majority of the votes polled shall be for removal, then the county-seat of said ei unity of Pike shall be located at Blooming Grove, in said county. " Sec. 4. That in case a majority of the votes polled as aforesaid shall be for removal, John Kipp, Marcus N. B. Kellam and Jacob Klienhans, of said county, be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to select at Blooming Grove, in the said county of Pike, suitable grounds on which to erect the necessary county buildings and cause a good and valid deed or deeds of conveyance in fee simple for the same, with- out cost or expense to the said county, to be made and delivered to the County Commissioners for the use of said county whereon to erect a Court-House, jail and necessary county buildings, said deed or deeds to be approved by the President Judge of said county. " Sec. 5. That as soon as the deed or deeds for said site or plot of ground as provided for in section four of this Act shall be placed in the hands of the County Commissioners after the question of removal shall have been decided, they shall proceed without un- necessary delay to erect all the required county buildings on said site selected as provided for in sec- tion four of this Act, said Court-House to be built of brick, with the necessary fire-proof rooms or vaults for the safe keeping of papers and records, and large enough to accommodate the wants of said county, and that immediately after said buildings shall be com- pleted and approved by a Grand Jury of said county and a majority of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, the county-seat of Pike County be and the same is hereby fixed and located at Blooming Grove, and the public records shall be re- moved by the officers in charge thereof from Milford to the new county buildings at Blooming Grove. "Sec. (>. That the Commissioners of said county are hereby authorized to borrow not exceeding twenty thousand dollars for building purposes, and they are hereby authorized to issue books for the same in sums not less than one hundred dollars each at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per centum per annum, said bonds to mature in twenty years. " Sec. 7. That in the event the county-seat is re- moved to Blooming Grove in accordance with the s";s WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. provisions of this Act, then the County Commis- sioners of the sakl county of Pike are hereby author- ized, immediately after the removal of the county-seat to Blooming Grove, to sell and convey whatever right, title or interest said county of Pike may have in and to the grounds and county buildings now located in Mil ford, at public sale to the highest and best bidder, after giving due public notice of said sale, and apply the proceeds thereof to the liquidation of the bonds authorized in section six of this Act. "Sec. 8. That the County Commissioners of said county are hereby restrained and prohibited from en- larging and improving the old buildings or erecting new buildings at Milford unless a majority of the votes at the election to be held under this Act shall be against removal. " Sec. 9. That if a majority of the votes as provided for iu this act shall be for removal, and the County Commissioners shall fail to have the county buildings to be erected under the provisions of this Act under contract within sixty days after the deed or deeds for the grounds shall have been executed and approved according to the provisions of this Act and delivered to them, then the Commissioners named in section four of this Act to procure and select a location for said county buildings are hereby authorized and re- quired to carry out all provisions of this Act enjoined upon the County Commissioners as fully and effect- ually as the County Commissioners themselves could have done." Civil List of Pike Couxty. — Following are the chief officials of Pike County, and Rep- resentatives in the State Assembly, as nearly as they can be discovered : STATE SENATORS. 1861. Henry 8. Mott. I 1878. Allen Craig. 1872. Geo. H. Rowland. 1882. John D. Biddis. 1875. Charlton Burnett. | 1885. Geo. H. Rowland. REPRESENTATIVES IN LEGISLATURE. 1815. John Brodhead. 1824. Win. Overfield. 1828. Wm. Overfield. 1832. John Westbrook. 1836. OliverS. Dimmick. 1840. John H. Brodhead. 1842. George Bush. 1846. Pope Bushnell. 1849. Thos. E.Grier. 1850. John D. Morris. 1852. Henry S. Mott. 1853. Abraham Edinger. 1856. Lafay. Westbrook. [Under the provisions of the Constitution of 1874 Pike was constituted a district, and since has been represented by its own citizens.] 1858. Chas. D. Brodhead. 1862. Geo H. Rowland. 1863. Richard S. Staples. 1864. Wm. M. Nelson. 1866. Lafay. Westbrook. 1868. Wm. M. Nelson. 1869. Wm. H. Dimmick. 1870. David A. Wells. 1871. J. Howard Beach. 1872. J. Howard Beach. 1873. Wm. If. Dimmick. 1874. Edwin B. Eldred. 1876. Lafay. Westbrook. 1882. George Geyer. 1878. Carlton A. Smith. 1SS4. Milton D Mott. 1880. Wm. Westfall. PRESIDENT JUDGES. 1814. David Scott. 1853. Geo. R. Barrett. 1838. Wm. Jessup. 1870. Samuel S. Dreher. 1849. Nath. B. Eldred 1S75. Chas. P. Waller. 1853. James M. Porter. 1883. Henry M. Seely. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. 1814. D. W. Dingman. 1856. John H. Brodhead. John Coolbaugh. John Heller. 1836. Wm. Brodhead. 1861. Thos. J. Ridgway. D. W. Dingman. John Shouse. 1840. OliverS. Dimmick. 1865. George P. Heller. Wm. Brodhead. Wm. Westfall. 1843. John H. Brodhead. 1871. George P. Heller. Oliver S. Dimmick. F. R. Olmstead. 1845. Harvey Roys. 1876. George P. Heller. John H. Brodhead. Wm. Cromwell. 1847. Henry M. Labar. 1880. Edwin J. Baker. 1 John H. Brodhead. Wm. Cromwell. 1851. Henry M. Labar. 1881. Everett Hornbeck. Wm. H. Nyce. Edwin J. Baker. SHERIFFS. 1814. William Overfield, 1853. James S. Smith. 1817. John Westbrook. 1856. Johu Cornelius. 1820. P. A. L. Smith. 1859. F. R. Olmstead. 1823. Sol. Westbrook. 1862. John Cornelius. 1826 ( 'lias. B. Seaman. 1865. Chas. R. Biddis. L829 James Watson. 1868. John Cornelius. 1832 Jeffrey Wells. 1871. C. W. Dimmick. 1835. James Watson. 1874. C. A. Smith. 1838. Jno. M. Heller. 1877. W. K. Ridgway. 1841. James Watson. 1880. J. W. Van Gordon. 1S44 Lewis Rockwell. 1883. J. M. Williamson 1847 Jacob Kimble. (present incumbent). 1850. James Watson. TREAs ORERS. L815 F. A. L.Smith. 1851. Daniel Decker. 1X17 John Nye. 1853. J. H. Broadhead. 1819 Jacob Westbrook. 1855. Warren Kimble. 1821 Daniel Jayne. 1857. Wm. Westfall. 1823 James Wallace. 1859. Horace L. West. 1825 Jacob Hornbeck. 1861. William Peace. 1827 D. M. Brodhead. 1863. Wm. Westfall. 1829 Oliver S. Dimmick. 1865. Jeffrey Wells. 1831 Jacob Shoemaker. 1867. J. W. Van Gordon. 1833 Samuel Dimmick. 1869. Chas. R. Biddis. 1835 Lewis Cornelius. 1871. James W. Quick. 1837 Jno. J. Linderman. 1873. L.Rowland. 1839 M. W. Dingman. 1875. James W. Quick. 2 1841 Otto Kimble. 1878. Chas. R. Biddis. 1843 Thos. J. Ridgway. 1881. J. M. Van Aken. 1 845 Stephen Drake. 1884. Chas. R. Biddis 1847 John Heller. (present incumbent). 1849 John M. Heller. ' Elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge George P. Heller. 2 Elected for three years, under the new Constitution. PIKE COUNTY. PnoTHONOTARIES, CLERKS AND RECORDERS. 1840-41. James Nyce. 1859-60. W. Brodhead. 1814. Daniel Dimmick. 1836. Dan. W. Dingmau, Benj. Drake. A. Van Auken. 1818. Daniel Jayne. Jr., recorder. A. B. Decker. Wm. Smith. 1821. Rich. Brodhead, 1839. Henry S.Mott. 1841-42. Moses Brink. 1860-61. T.J.Dickinson. prothonotary. 1842. Henry S. Mott. Benj. Drake. Wm. Brodhead. 1821. John Brink, regis- 1845. J. C. Westbrook. James Nyce. Wm. Smith. ter and recorder. 1848. J. C. Westbrook. 1842-43. D. Burrell. 1861-62. J. W. Van Gor- 1823. Samuel Depuy. 1851. James E. Eldred. Moses Brink. den. 1826. Samuel Depuy. 1854. James E. Eldred. James Nyce. T. J. Dickenson. 1830. Chas. B. Seaman, 1857. Oscar H. Mott. 1843-44. James Simons. W. Brodhead. prothonotary. 1860, Oscar H. Mott, Moses Brink. 1862-63. Wm. Finger. 1830. Samuel Depuy, re- 1863. J. C. Westbrook. Daniel Burrell. W. Brodhead. corder. 1866. J. C. Westbrook. 1844-45. Benj. Frazier. J.W.Van Gorden. 1833. J. H. Brodhead. 1869. W. K. Ridgway. Daniel Burrell. 1863-64. George Hess. 1836. Daniel E. Lahar- 1872. W. K. Ridgway. James Simons. J.W.Van Gorden. prothouotary. 1875. J. C. Westbrook. 1 1845-4(5. W. Kimble. T. J. Dickenson. COMMISSIONERS. James Simons. 1864=65. S. D. Van Etten- 1814-15. 11. Bingham. 1827-28. John Place. Benj. Frazier. 1 teorge Hess. Cornelius Cox. M. Dimmick. lS4i>— 47. Jacob Bensley. T. J. Dickenson. J. Lattimore. F. A. L. Smith. Benj. Frazier. 1865-66. W. Brodhead. 1815-16. 11. Bingham. 1828-29. J. Wallace. W. Kimble. S. D. Van Etten. Cornelius Cox. M. Dimmick. 1S47-4.S. ,S. Wcstt'all. T. J. Dickenson. Wm. Nyce. J. dm Place. Jacob Bensley. 1866-67. J. Hornbeck. 1816-17. Cornelius Cox. 1829-30. R. Bingham. W. Kimble. W. Brodhead. M. Winans. J. Wallace. 1848-19. J. W. Hunt. S. D. Van Etten. Wm. Nyce. John Place. S. Westfall. 1867-68. H. M.Kimble. 1817-18. H. Bingham. 1830-31. J. Swartwood. Jacob Bensley. W. Brodhead. Win. Nyce. J. Wallace. 1849-50. P. McCarty. J. Hornbeck. M. Winans. R. Bingham. J. W. Hunt. 1868-69. W. Brodhead. 1818-19. G. Bowhaunan. 1831-32. Harvey Roys. S. Westfall. J. Hornbeck. M. Winans. J. Swartwood. 1850-51. H. Lattimore H. N. Kimble. H. Bingham. R. Bingham. P. McCarty. 1869-70. R. W. Hoffman. 1819-20. John Turn. 1832-33. Jacob Bunnell. J. W. Hunt. H. N. Kimble. G. Bowhannan. Harvey Roys. 1851-52. S. Westfall. W. Brodhead. H. Bingham. J. Swartwood. H. Lattimore. 1870-71. A. Griswold. 1820-21. M.Roberts. 1833-34. Benj. Hanna. P. McCarty. R. W. Hoffman. G. Bowhaunan. Harvey Roys. 1852-53. J. Hornbeck, Jr. W. Brodhead. H. Bingham. 1821-22. R. Smith. G. Bowhaunan. Jacob Bunnell. 1834-35. R. Brodhead. Benj. Hanna. H . Lattimore. S. Westfall. 1871-72. L. J. Van Gor- den. M. Roberts Jacob Bunnell. 1853-54. Ira Crissman. R. W. Hoffman. 1822-23. S. S. Thrall. 1835-36. Benj. Holbert. J. Hornbeck, Jr. A. Griswold. M.Roberts. R. Brodhead. S. Westfall. 1872-73. Ira B. Rose- R. Smith. Benj. Hanna. 1854-55. D. H.Carlton. crance. 1823-24. M. Gunsales. 1836-37. J. T. Quick. J. Hornbeck, Jr. L. J. Van Gorden. R. Smith. R. Brodhead. Ira Crissman. A. Griswold. S. S. Thrall. Benj. Holbert. 1853-56. W. T. Wilson. 1873-74. S. W. Drake. 1824-25. E. Kimble. 1837-38. M. Bingham. Ira Crissman. S. J. Van Gorden. M. Gunsales. J. T. Quick. D. H. Carlton. LB. Rosencrance. Samuel S. Thrall. Benj. Holbert. 1856-57. S. Dimmick. 1875. George Geyer. 1825-26. S.S. Thrall. 1838-39. A. B. Decker. Ini Crissman. S. D. Drake. Erastus Kimble. J. T. Quick. Wm. T.Wilson. I. B. Rosencrance- F. A. L. Smith. M. Bingham. 1839-10. Benj. Drake. 1826-27. M. Dimmick. 1857-58. A. Van Auken. 1876. George Geyer. F. A. L. Smith. A. B. Decker. S. Dimmick. E. B. Quick. Erastus Smith. M. Bingham. Wm. T. Wilson. Oliver Cressman. 1858-59. Wm. Smith. 1879. Henry De Witt. George Geyer. ' Twice since re-elected, an d the present incumbent of S. Dimmick. the office. A. Van Auken. Oliver Cressman. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1882. J. H. Newman. I 1885. James Gale. J. M. Bensley. Henry De Witt. Henry De Witt. I J. M. Bensley. COMMISSIONERS' CLEKKS. 1811. JohnT. Cross. 1853. Horace L. West. 1820. Richard Eldred. 1860. M. D. Newman. 1821. Jesse Olmsted. 1861. B. Halsey Cox. 1823. John B. Rockwell. 1862. David A. Wells. 1828. Samuel Dimmick. 1863. H. L. West. L829. Edward Mott. 1872. Charles R. Biddis. 1832. John Brink. 1875. H. L. West. 1834. William Brodhead. L876. Charles R. Biddis. 1837. Horace L. West. 1ST!). George Slauson. 1852. Edgar Pinchot. 1882. George Dauman. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. 1841. Wm. H. Dimmick. 1861. Oliver S. Dimmick 1850. Edwin B. Eldred. 1865. Lucian F. Barnes. 1852. William Smith. 1867-76. John D. Biddis 1855. D. M. Van Aukcn. 1879. John W. Nyce. 1858. John II. Vincent. COK< 1881-83. C. A. Newman ESTERS. 1845. George Biddis. 1865. Gregorie Loreaux. 1847. David W. Hagerty. 1867. Chas. C. Campbell 1850. Gregorie Loreaux. 1870. L. M. VanGorden 1852. Solomon Dunning. 1871. George Geyor. 1855. Wm. Cornelius. 1874. 11. C. Knealing. 1858. J. M. Williamson. 1877. Ralph It. Thrall. 1859. Jacob C. Westlall. 1880. James Hutchinson 1862 James W. Decker. 1883. Wm. M. Watson. CHAPTEE II. THE BENCH AND BAR. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The legal profession has had comparatively few votaries resilient in the county, a large portion of the court business having been at- tended to by attorneys from Easton, Strouds- burg, Honesdale and other places in the region. Nevertheless, Milford has been (and is now) the home of some lawyers of prominence and ability. Most active and well-known among the early attorneys was Edward Mott, progenitor of all of that name now in Milford. Edward Mott was born in the parish of St. James, Westminster, London, on October 31, 1780, and came to this country in 171)8, with his father, Edward Mott, his mother, Sarah (Beckett) Mott, and brother, William B. Mott. His father-in-law, Jarvis Beckett, at that time about seventy-five years of age, was also of the party. This old gentleman, born July 19, 1723, had enlisted in 1744 in the "Second Troop of Life Guards," then commanded by Lord Amherst, and had remained in the service forty-four years, having been discharged on a pension in 1788, as being "unfit for duty and entirely worn out," as his discharge, now in the hands of his descendants, will attest. He died December 23, I80(j, and was buried at Easton, Pa. Ed ward Mott, the elder, born May 3, 1752, was indentured, January 24, 1763, as an ap- prentice in the grocer and chandlery trade to one Wm. Horons, of Coventry, England, to which place his widowed mother, Jane (Stiles) Mott, had removed from London a short time before. At the age of twenty-one years he also enlisted in the "Second Troop of Life Guards," and served as a " private gentleman " for seven years and five months. He married Sarah Beckett, October 20, 1776', and had issue but two children, — Edward, the subject of our sketch, and William B., who settled in Phila- delphia and left almost as numerous a progeny as his brother. He came to this country pos- sessed of means, and with the intention of form- ing an agency for the sale of English hardware and cutlery. Remaining in New York until 1803, he moved to Philadelphia, and after a short stay settled in Easton, Pa., purchasing a house at the northeast corner of Second and Northampton Streets. His ancestors can be traced in a direct line from 1622, from entries in an old family Bible which he brought from England and which still remains in a good state of preservation in the possession of Mrs. Henry K. Eox, of Philadelphia, one of his de- scendants. Edward Mott studied law in Easton, Pa., and in 1805 married Faithful Slaymaker, of Easton, Pa., and moved to Milford. She died shortly after their child, Jarvis Beckett Mott, was born, March 26, 1806. About 1810 he married, second, Elizabeth Spering, daughter of Henry Spering, who, from the rank of fifer in the Revolutionary army, PIKE COUNTY'. 841 rose tn the rank of general in the War of 1812, besides holding the offices of sheriff and pro- thonotary of Northampton Couuty. By his second marriage he lia, 1857. Jarvis Beckett'Mott married Isabella Jane Henderson, May 31, 1831, and had issue, — Eliza 11. Mott, Fidelia 11. Mott, .Barton H. Mott (married Sallie Shepherd), Amos Mott, Henry Mott, Harriet A. Mott, Estelle S. Mott, Oscar Mott, Charles S. Mott. He died Janu- ary 26, 1863, at Jersey City, N. J. Henry Spering Mott, married, first, Hannah R. Bull, daughter of Crissy and Catharine Bull, of Orange County, N. Y. and had issue, — Sarah Jane Mott (died young), Jarvis Crissy Mott, John Clarence Mott (married Lizzie Efcidgway), Mary Eliza Mott (married Jacob Kleinhaus). His wife, Hannah R. Mott, died April 23, 1842, and he married as his second wife, in 1842, Delinda Peters, of Bushkill, Pike County, Pa., and had issue, — Andrew Jackson Mott (died young), Charles Peters Mott (married Marie J. Schimnel), Henry L. Mott (who died young), Samuel Dimmick Mott. Henry S. Mott died June 7, 1877, at Milford, Pa. ' Edward Mott married Letitia Ink, daugh- ter of George and Elizabeth Ink, of North- ampton Couuty, Pa., and had issue, — Elizabeth Mott (married Levi Smith), Susan Mott (married Alonzo G. Drum), Sarah Mott (died young), Mary Mott (married Thomas McIIugh), Edward Mott (died young). He died April 3, 1877, at East Stroudsburg, Pa. Oscar Harold Mott, married Theodosia 'See Milford history. ('lark, daughter of John and Ann Clark, and granddaughter of James Barton, of Milford, and had issue, — Ann Barton Mott (married Daniel A. Wells), Sarah A. Mott, Milton Dimmick Mott, Edward Charles Mott, Henry Spering Mott, Elizabeth Spering Mott, O. II. Mott was a captain in the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania Regiment during the Civil War, and died January 4,1864, from disease contracted during his service in the field. Charles Fox Mott married, first, Eliza Smith, daughter of Ludwig Smith and Mary Meehalls, of Bushkill, and had issue, — Amzi S. Mott (married Callie Landis), Agnes M. Mott (married M. S. Smith), Edward Harold Mott (married Mattie X. Valentine), Alice C. Mott (died young), Hannah E. Mott (married John M. Baldwin), William L. Mott, Bessie Mott (died young), Jessie Mott (died young). His wife, Eliza, died January 11, 1857. He married, second, 1859, Deborah A. Hall, of Philadelphia, and died September 20, L 862, at Philadelphia. Hi t (;h Ross was one of the first members of the Pike County bar and was a Methodist preacher. If his legal ability had been equal to his eccentricity, he would have been a very able man. John Thompson Cross was an early mem- ber of the bar. He was also a land speculator. His wife was Julia Ann Smith, daughter of old Francis J. Smith or De Aerts. His son, John Thomson Cross, was married to Helen M. Wal- lace, and his daughter was the second wife of C. C. D. Piuchot. Richard Eldred came to Milford about 1818, and was admitted to the bar in 1820. He married Harriet Baldwin, who is still liv- ing, aged ninety. He built a large farm-house near the Vandemark bridge in 1828, which was the finest house iu Milford at that time. He continued to practice law in Milford until 1863, when he removed to Warren County, Pa., where he died in 1865. During his practice, if any poor person that could not pay had a case, they brought it to him. He was also a major in the militia. Their children were E. B. Eldred, a lumberman in Warren ( 'ounty ; 842 WAYNE, PIKE AN1> MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Edwin Eldred, who was admitted to the !>ar in Milford, and practiced law in the western part of the State ; Everett Eldred, who died in the army ; Captain John Eldred, who organized the Buektail Rangers in Cameron County (lie was the first man that put a buck-tail in his hat; the Buektail Rangers gained con- siderable celebrity during the War of the Re- bellion ; he is now a lumberman in Wisconsin) ; Henry Eldred isinthe Treasury Department at Washington; Miranda was the wife of Dr. John Schunmel. Dan Dimmick, one of the first attorneys at the Pike County liar, was a son of Deacon Oliver Dimock 1 and Sarah (Gurley) Dimoek, of Mansfield, Conn., and was horn March 1, 1775. He came to Pennsylvania in 1800, and studied law at Milford, where he practiced the profession, after his admission as an attorney, un- til bis death, in February, J 825. He was a man of unusual strength of character and large ability. During the whole course of his professional life he maintained a high position among the lawyers of his day. Men like Mallery and Woodward, and others of their calibre, admit- ted his power and ability. Judge Mallery said of him, that he never knew a man so well cal- culated to impress a jury, and Judge Wood- ward spoke in the highest terms of his success as an advocate. He was a leading politician, and represented his district many years in the Legislature of the State. He was devotedly attached to the principles of the Democratic party, — a faith, by the way, in which all of his children, and his children's children, remained steadfast. His brother Alpheus thus wrote of him in 1825: " His calling in life was that of an attorney and advocate, in which character he had served the pub- lic about twenty years, and held, during that period, many places and offices of trust and responsibility under the State government of Pennsylvania. He was bold and forward in youth, and took and main- tained his station among the young men of his native place while unusually young. In stature he was tall and of large frame. In the latter part of his life he was corpulent and fleshy. His frame was well-pro- portioned throughout. Being not as successful in his 1 For genealogy and original forn on the Wayne County Bar. see chaptc first exertions for himself as he wished, and probably expected, he left his native State when about eighteen years of age, and went, first, to reside in the State of New York, near the Pennsylvania line. He soon turned his attention to the study of law, for the prac- tice of which he soon qualified himself and com- menced his professional labors at Milford. . . . He appeared to entertain feelings hostile to the regimen and discipline of his native place. This was probably owing to the checks and restraints laid before him when his youthful ardor could not well brook (hem. He, however, entertained much regard for the habits of industry and the means of education in las native State. He was liberal and generous, perhaps to a fault. He enjoyed the most explicit confidence in his integrity from all, and was at the head of the bar where he practiced. Not being par- ticularly acquainted with his forensic talents, I can only observe that his manner and mien were well calculated to command attention and respect. He never leaned upon quibbles and hair-breadth distinc- tions. He generally prepared his causes with much attention, and showed, while discharging his duties as an advocate, that he viewed the whole ground." He married Jane, daughter of Josephus Jaco- bus Aerts, better known as Dr. Francis J. Smith, 2 of Stroudsburg. She survived her hus- band many years, dying in March, 1842. Their children w r ere Lucinda, who was the first wife of Judge Nathaniel B. Eldred ; Sally, who married C. C. D. Pinchot ; Oliver S., of whom a sketch appears in this chapter; Dan ; Milo Melancthon, of whom a sketch appears in the Monroe County bar chapter ; Milan ; William H, of whom an extended biography is given in the chapter on Bench and Bar of Wayne County ; Milton ; and Lavinia E. Oliver S. Dimmick, for many years a lead- ing attorney at this bar and those of the neigh- boring counties, was the third child and first son of Dan and Jane (Aerts or Smith 3 ) Dim mick, and was born in Milford June 11, 1804. He read law with his uncle, Alpheus Dimmick', at Bloomingburg, N. Y., and entered practice at Milford. In 1836 he was elected to the State Legislature, and served in that position for two terms. He was afterwards chosen as associate judge of Pike County, which office he held for several years. He was the founder of the 2 For a sketch of this eccentric, but distinguished char- acter, see the chapter upon Stroudsburg. •■"See sketch of Dan Dimmick in this chapter and of J. J. Aerts or Dr. Francis J. Smith, in chapter on Stroudsburg. PIKE COUNTY. 843 flourishing village of Matamoras, and through his efforts the fine bridge across the Delaware at that place was erected. He married Maria, daughter of Jacob Horn- beck, February 19, 182(5. lie died at Port Jervis, N. Y., in October, 1877, his wife sur- viving him. Their children were Lucinda, wife of S. (). Dimmick, of Port Jervis; Milo H.; Mary, who married Lucien F. Barnes, a law- yer of Milford, deceased (they were the parents of Edward Barnes, who is now an attorney-at- law); Priscilla, deceased ; Jacob H., of Port Jervis; and William H., an attorney, living at Honesdale. 1 Milton Dimmick was born in Milford June 26, 1816, and was the eighth child and sixth son of Dan and Jane (Aerts or Smith) Dimmick. After receiving an excellent education he read law and was admitted to the bar of his native county at the age of twenty-one (1837). He continued in active practice up to the time of his death, April 3, 1851. He was a good law- yer and much-loved man. The Doylestown Democrat, shortly after his death, said of him : " We shall long remember the happy and agree- able hours passed in Mr. Dimmick's society. He was a ripe scholar, a profound lawyer and a kind and affectionate husband and father. He has not left behind him one living soul that re- calls his memory with unkind feelings." Mr. Dimmick married, in 1842, Sarah Eliz- abeth, daughter of the Rev. Edward Allen, a Presbyterian clergyman. Their children were Edward C, who removed to Honesdale and later (18(52) to Mauch Chunk, where he became an attorney ; Alice, who married J. S. Carpen- ter, of Newark, N. J.; and Kate. MILFORD BAE. Nathaniel B. Eldred was admitted No- vember 16, 1816. He moved to Bethany and became presiding judge of the courts. JESSE < fcLMSTEAD came from Connecticut and was admitted November 19, 181(5. After prac- ticing law a few years in Milford he left the place. Hon. Benjamin A. Bidlack came from 1 See Wayne County Bench and Bar. Wilkes-Barre to Milford, where he practiced a few years. He was twice a member of Con- gress and died in New Grenada, while United States minister to that republic. Daniel Mifflin Brodhead was a well- known and successful practitioner at the Pike County bar, and one of the best-known citizens of Milford of his time. He was born in 1796, probably at Kittanning, Pa. He went to school at Morristown, N. J., then studied law and began its practice at Milford. He remained there until 1832, and then removed to Phila- delphia, and engaged in the lumber trade and real estate business. At onetime he owned the American Sentinel, a Democratic newspaper of Philadelphia. In 1842 he removed to Forest- burg, Sullivan County, N. Y., and engaged in the manufacture of lumber. He was there offered the nomination as district judge by both parties, but declined office. He was a Douglas Democrat and earnest supporter of the Union cause during the war. From Forestburg he removed to Port Jervis, N. Y., in 1848, and from there he removed to Black Lake, Sullivan County, N. Y., where he had purchased an ex- tensive tract of lumber land. In ( tetober, 1 864, he died while on a visit to his son-in-law, Col. Samuel Fowder, at Franklin Furnace, Sussex County, N. J. He was buried at Port Jervis, N. Y r .' Mr. Brodhead was an able lawyer and a strong man in general intellect. He was both a safe counselor and effective pleader. He was noted for his courtesy and affability. He was a shrewd politician of decided influence.- and a patriotic citizen. He was a hospitable man, and, particularly while living in Philadelphia, entertained many distinguished men. He held intimate relations with James Buchanan, Gov- ernor D. R. Porter, Simon Cameron, Commo- dore Charles Stewart, of the United States navy, and other prominent Pennsylvanians. He was twice married. His first wife, to whom he was united just after coming to Mil- ford, was Eliza, daughter of James Barton, Esq., of that place, she being sixteen years of age, and he only about twenty. They were the parents of nine children. These were Catha- rine Elizabeth; John, a lawyer of Philadelphia; 844 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Barton; Henrietta Laura, who married Col. Satuuel Fowler, of Sussex County, N. J. ; Ed- gar, who served through the Mexican War and the Rebellion ; George, of Port Jervis; Thomas, of Philadelphia; Henry, an attorney of New York City ; and Daniel Mifflin, Jr., who was first lieutenant of the Fourteenth Regiment United States Infantry, and mortally wounded at the battle of the Wilderness. All of these children were born at Milford. Mrs. Brodhead died at Port Jervis in the spring of 1852, and Mr. Brodhead was married again, in 1854, to Mrs. Margaret E. Clinton, widow of Hon. James Clinton, of Orange County, X. Y. She died about a year previous to her husband, in 1863. William C. Salmon was born in Montrose, and read law in his native village with Colonel Lusk, where he was admitted to the bar. Shortly after September 13, 1842, he was ad- mitted to the Pike County bar, and immediately entered the active practice of his profession, which he continued until his death, in 185(3. During the time covered by his practice he was one of the ablest lawyers in the place, and lie was so regarded by the public generally, as he had a good practice. His wife was S. Augusta Clark, a granddaughter of .lames Barton, who lived adjoining the Sawkill House. Mr. Sal- ii lived on the homestead, which is occupied by his widow now. JOHN STROUSE, a lumberman from Wilson- ville, was admitted to the Pike bar, and was associate judge one term. He subsequently moved to Easton, where he became interested in iron-works and bauking, to his pecuniary loss. He died in Easton, and his widow, who was a daughter of Judge Halsey, lives with her brother-in-law, Colouel John Nyee, of Ilawley. Lucikn F. Barnes studied law with Wil- liam C. Salmon, in Milford, and was admitted to the Pike County bar about 1860, and prac- ticed his profession successfully until lie died, August 1, 1868. He was considered the most brilliant member of the Milford bar during his practice. Honorable Daniel, M. Van Auken was born in New Jersey January 15, L826, was graduated at Union College in 1852, and studied law with John B. La Forge, and was admitted to the bar in 1855, and the same fall was elected district attorney. He was elected a member of the Fortieth Congress in 18(38, and re-elected to the Forty-first Congress, receiving seventeen thousaud nine hundred and twenty-eight votes against ten thousand three hundred and twenty-three votes for John Tor- rey, Republican. In 1874 he was a candidate from Pike County for presiding judge of the Twenty-second Judicial District of Pennsylva- nia. The conferees, after balloting several thousand times, finally nominted Van Auken, William H. Dimmick permitting him to be nominated after the Wayne Count;/ Herald and the leading Democrats of Wayne County had hoisted the name of Honorable Frederick M. Crane for that office. This action produced a split in the Democratic vote, and insured the election of Charles P. Waller, the Republican candidate, by a small majority over Crane. Judge Waller died after about seven years ot his term had expired, and, in 1882, Van Auken again received the indorsement of Pike ( 'ounty Democracy for the judgeship. George S. Purdy, after a severe contest with W. H. Dimmick, received the indorsement of the Wayne ( 'ounty Democracy for the same office. The conferees representing the two contestants, after balloting a great many times, finally disagreed, and, as a result of this division, Henry M. Seely was elected presiding judge by a small majority over Purdy. Mr. Van Auken is the oldest member of the Milford bar now living. John D. Biddis, son of ('has. R. Biddis, read law with Lucien Barnes and was admitted to the Pike County bar in 1867. He was elected to the office of district attorney and held that position by re-elections for thirteen years. He was elected State Senator in 1882 for a term of four years. After serving in the two regular biennial sessions he resigned in order to accept a position in the International Revenue Department at Washington. Cornelius W. Bull is a native of Pike County and was born in Wcstlall township January 5, 1845. His inclinations in boyhood were toward a professional rather than a busi- ness life, and, although most of his minority PIKE COUNTY. S45 was spent on his father's farm, and attending the district school, both proved in his case, as in the case of many others, a sure foundation for practical ideas and a successful professional and business life. He completed his prelimi- nary education at the "Eclectic Hall," at Mil- ford, and at " Mount Retirement Academy," in Sussex County, N.J. In 1863 he began teach- ing school and for two terms taught the school in Milford. In the same year he began reading law with the Hou. D. M. Van Aukeu, of Mil- ford, and, after prosecuting his studies for four years, in connection with his school-work, he was admitted to the bar of Pike County in 1867, and at once entered upon a partnership with his preceptor, which continued until 1871. Mr. Bull then opened a law-office in Milford for himself, where he has since practiced his profession. He lias taken an active part in the political arena of his county, lias several times been elected a delegate to the State Con- vention and was once chosen a member of the State Democratic Committee. His first wife, Julia A., a daughter of John T. Cross, whom he married in 1870, died in 1871. In 1877 he married Anna H., a daugh- ter of George Nyce, by which union he had children — George R. and Jemima Bull. His father, Rosencranse C. Bull, of Holland origin, was born in Pike County June 10, 1816, and resides in Westfall township. His mother, Jemima Westfall, of French Huguenot extrac- tion, was born June 21, 1817, and is a daughter of Cornelius Westfall. Colonel John Nyce was born in Sandy- ston township, Sussex County, N. J., July 22, 1831. His father, Major John W. Nyce, fol- lowed the occupation of a farmer, and in early training-days was connected with the militia organizations of the State, where he earned his title. The son followed the routine of farm- life, attending the public schools of the day, where the foundation of his education was laid. He was united in marriage, December 28, 1853, to Martha Allen. He moved to Monroe County, and at Stroudsburg studied law with the Hon. Charlton Burnett. War having been declared, he was active in organizing men to put down the Rebellion, and went into service June 11, 1861, as second lieutenant of Company F, Thirty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves. His first promotion was adjutant of the regi- ment ; June 1, 1862, promoted major; No- vember 9th of the same, for meritorious service, was appointed colonel of the One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Militia. Mustered out with regiment August 7, 1863, at Philadelphia. The war record of Colonel Nyce was most honorable, and he carried the scars of many battles to his death. At Charles City Cross-Roads he received a sabre stroke across his right arm ; at Malvern Hill was shot through right arm and received a shell wound in the knee ; at the battle of Antietam was shot through the right lung, and injured his hip by falling from his horse when shot. The soldiers appreciated the worth of their gallant com- mander and presented him with a valuable chro- nometer, which he highly prized and always carried. Colonel Nyce returned to Stroudsburg for a few months, and, in April, 1864, came In Mil- ford with his family and entered the profession of law, having been admitted to practice in the Monroe County courts in February of the above year. He was successful, and enjoyed a large and growing business. In polities he was a Democrat, but accepted the Greenback nomi- nation for State Senator against Hon. Allen < !raig, of Carbon County, in 1878. Although defeated in the district, he polled a flattering vote in this county. He was elected chief burgess of Mil- ford a year ago (February), and was re-elected at the last local election without opposition. In the Methodist Church, of which he was a mem- ber, he was an active worker, and was superin- tendent of the Sunday-school until failing health prevented his attending to the duties. He died several years ago. Jonx II. Van Etten was admitted to the Pike County bar in September, 1870. He came from an old Pike County family. His wife is a daughter of Rev. Peter Kanouse. J.Augustus Pack was admitted December 20, 1876, and died in Milford in 1883. Harry T. Bakee read law with his brother in-law, J. Sergeant Price, in Philadelphia, ami Hon. I). M. Van Auken, in Milford, and was 846 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. admitted to the bar at May Term, 1876. He has resided in Milford since 1871, where he has a fine residence and office at Third and Ann Streets. John W. Nyce and Hamilton Armstrong were admitted to the bar September 24, 1877. M. M. Van Etten was admitted February 25, 1878. C. A. NEWMAN was admitted to the bar in September, 1880, and is now district attorney for Pike County. CHAPTER III. MILITARY — SOLDIERS IN THE WAR OF 1812 AND WAR OF THE REBELLION. Wai; of 1812-14.— There were a few soldiers from Pike County in the War of 1812, but it is impossible to ascertain the names of all. The following were chiefly from Pike and that portion of Northampton County which is now Monroe. Some whose names are included in the roster were from Lehigh County, but as it is impossible to effect a thorough separation, the entire roll is presented : Roll of Capt. John Dornblasers Com cany. Muster-roll of Captaiu John Dornblaser's company, belonging to a detachment of Northampton, Lehigh and Pike County militia, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Christopher J. Hutter. Captain, Dornblaser, John. First Lieutenant, Hush, John V. Second Lieutenant, Winters, John. Third Lieutenant,. Fenner, Frederick (elected Kith October, 1814). Ensign, Smith, David. Morrison, John W Hartzell, John. feel, Nicholas. Barret, Henry. Sergeants, Hartzell, Jacob. Fenner, Fred'k, Corporals, Stocker, Samuel Brady, William. Drumnu r, Saylor, [sane. Fifrr, Hockman, Jonas. Privates, Miller, Henry. Morris, Obed. Van Horn, Cornelius. Barr, Adam. Cooper, Joseph. Davis, William. Clark, John. Bureau, William. Arndt, Jacob. Smell, Samuel. Erie (or Ihrie), Conrad. < rower, John. Myer, Henry. Serfas, George. Serfas, John. Fisher, Dewald. Crisman, Jacob. Klinetrup, John. Oct. Mack, John. Posty, Thomas. Miller, George (disch. Oct. 17, 1814). Swenk, John. Brewer, James. Smith, Christopher. Merwine, Jacob. Huston, John. < )ct. Rinker, George. Rees, Samuel. McGammon, Alexa Strunk, Peter. Faulk, John. Ooolbaugh, Garret. Jayne, Peter. Bunnel, Barnet. Place, Jacob. Adams, John. Horman, Frederick. Winans, Samuel. Kincaid, Sylvester. Vandemark, Peter. Vanetter, Anthony. Howe, John. Impson, Robert. Vansickle, William. Steel, Isaac. Courtwright, Levi. Watson, ( }eorge. Deitz, John. Rape, George. Snyder, Peter. Ward, John. Ostertack, John. Young, John. Shafer, Joseph. Nolf, George. Hoffert, Samuel. Bunstein, Jacob. Walter, Conrad. Young, Adam. Stocker, David. Willower, George. Miller, Abraham. Wimmer, Joseph. Price, Freeman. Kehler, Leonard. Hutmacher, J. (discb. 17, 1814). Kehler, Daniel. Wineland, Christian. Stoufer, John. Stocker, Jacob. Gangwehr, Jacob. Holman, Jeremiah R Nye, Lawrence. Nye, Andrew (disch. 20, 1814). Steiner, Joseph. Miller, Daniel. Hahn, Peter. Hahn, George. Myer, George. Schick, Peter. Keyser, Jacob. Geres, Frederick. Swartwood, Jacob. Winner, John. Fisher, Philip. Crawford, John. Beard, John. Shepperd, David. bowman, John. Evans, David. Stine, John. Barr, James. Kester, Philip. Kester, Leonard. " Camp Marcus Hook, October 21, 1814. " I certify, on honor, that this muster or pay-roll exhibits a true state of the company, Regiment, Pennsylvania militia, now in service of the United States, and the remarks set opposite the names are ac- curate and just, to the best of my knowledge. "John Dornblaskr, " Captain. der. PIKE COUNTY. " I believe the above to be a correct muster, or pay- roll. "Christ. J. Hitter, " Lieutenant- Colonel < tommanding." Soldiers in the War ok the Rebellion. — The only full company of volunteers from Pike County in the Union army during the War of the Rebellion (1861-65), was Com- pany B, One Hundred and Fifty-First Regi- ment, nine months' service. ( Ink Hundred and Fifty-first Reuimkxt, C< )MI'ANY B. — The One Hundred and Fifty-first Regiment (nine months') was recruited and or- ganized in the fall of 18(32 at Camp Curtin. The commanding officer of the regiment was Colonel Harrison Allen, of Warren County, and the lieutenant-colonel was George F. McFarland, of Juniata. Companies A and C of the One Hundred and Fifty-first were recruited in Sus- quehanna County, B in Pike, F in Warren, D in Juniata, E, G, H, K and part of I in Berks, and the remaining part of I in Schuylkill. Company B was mustered into service October 20, 1862, to serve nine months. The regiment left Harrisburg on the 26th of November, 1862, and proceeded to Washing- ton, and from thence crossed the Potomac into Virginia, first camping at Arlington, and, a few days later, marching to Alexandria and Union Mills, more than twenty miles out, where it was placed on picket and the duty of watching the movements of guerrillas, who then infested that region. In February following, it was transferred from that duty, and marched to Belle Plain, where it was attached to the First Brigade of the Third (Doubleday's) Divi- sion of General Reynolds' army corps. The camp which it occupied at this place was a very exposed one, and much sickness among the members of the regiment was the result. In the Chancellorsville campaign of 1863 the regiment, with its divisions and corps, crossed the river, on the 2d of May, at United States Ford, and at once moved to the battle- ground, to occupy that part of the line from which the Eleventh Corps had been hurled by the terrific onslaught of the forces of Stonewall Jackson. During the heavy fighting on Sun- day, the 3d, the regiment was posted between Germania and Fly's Fords, confronting the enemy, and much of the time under ;i very heavy fire, but not otherwise actively engaged. This position it continued to hold through the remainder of the battle. On Wednesday, the 6th, it moved back to the north side of the Rappahannock, and encamped near White Oak Church. From this point it moved northward early in June, and marched to meet the columns of General Lee's army in its invasion of Mary- land and Pennsylvania. It reached Gettysburg on the 1st of July, just when Buford's cavalry opened the battle. The regiment, then under command of Lieutenant-Colonel McFarland, was at once placed in position on the left of the corps line, and soon afterwards moved forward into the conflict. Several changes of position followed, and regiment after regiment was forced back by the withering fire ; but the One Hundred and Fifty-first steadfastly held its place till more than one-half its number had fallen, when it, too, was compelled to retire, which it did with deliberation and in order, taking a new position in the rear of the semi- nary. This position was also found untenable, and it then retreated somewhat precipitately through the streets of the town, losing a num- ber of men taken prisoners on the way, and finally halting at Cemetery Hill, where, on its arrival, its strength was only ninety-two men, though this was soon aftewards increased by the coming in of about twenty men who had been cut off during the retreat from the semi- nary. In this new position the regiment re- mained until nearly the close of the second day's fight, when it was ordered to the support of the Third Corps ; but, in the confusion of the field, it became separated from its com- mand, and, with the Twentieth New York, which was in a similar dilemma, it moved to the left of the Second Corps and took a posi- tion which the two regiments held until the afternoon of the following day, when they moved rapidly in to help repel the final grand charge of the Confederates, which closed the battle. The services and conspicuous gallantry of this regiment in the great struggle at Gettysburg SIS WAYN'F. I'IKH AND MO.XKOK COUNTIES I'KNXSV LV A M A. were thus set forth in the report of the corps commander, General Abner Doubleday : "At Gettysburg they won, under the brave Mc- Farland, an imperishable fame. They defended the left front of the First Corps against vastly superior numbers; covered its retreat against the overwhelm- ing masses of the enemy at the seminary west of the town, and enabled me, by their determined resist- ance, to withdraw the corps in comparative safety. This was on the tirst day. In the crowning charge of the third day of the battle the shattered remains of the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania, with the Twentieth New York State Militia, (lung themselves upon the front of the rebel column, and drove it from the shelter of a slashing, in which it had taken shelter from a Hank attack of the Vermont troops. I can never forget the services rendered me by this regiment, directed by the gallantry and ge- nius of McFarland. I believe they saved the First Corps, and were among the chief instruments to save the Army of the Potomac and the country from un- imaginable disaster." The losses of the regiment at Gettysburg amounted to three-fourths of its total effective strength, — sixty-six men and two officers being killed, twelve officers and one hundred and eighty-seven men wounded and one hundred missing, out of a total of four hundred and sixty-five men and twenty-one officers, who entered the fight. Among the wounded were Lieutenant Benjamin F. Oliver, of Com- pany D, and Lieutenant-Colonel George F. McFarland, whose wound resulted in the loss of one leg (which was amputated on the field) and the severe mutilation of the other. From the field of Gettysburg the remnant of the regiment moved with the other troops in pursuit of the enemy, on the 6th of July, and reached Williamsport, Md., just as the beaten army of General Lee was commencing the pas- sage of the Potomac into Virginia. Five days later the One Hundred and Fifty-first, whose term of enlistment had then nearly expired, was relieved at the front, and moved to Harris- burg, where, on the 27th, it was mustered out of service and disbanded. Following is the roster- of the Pike County company (B) : Officers. Oscar H. Mott, capt., disch. .March 8, L863. Lafayette West brook, 1st lieut., pro. to capt. March 9, 1863. .)<>li I) H. Vincent, 2d lieut., pro. to 1st lieut. March t», 1863. Robert M. Kellogg, 1st sergt., pro. to 2d lieut. March 9, 1863. Herman Frank, pro. to 1st sergt. March 9, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., duly 1, 1*63. Stephen Hezard, sergt. Henry Cuddeback, sergt. William A. Salmon, sergt., disch. by S. O. Feb. 10, 1863. Thos. M. Beardsley, sergt., pro. from private March i», 1863; killed at Gettysburg. Henry Smith, sergt., pro. from Corp. Feb. 11, 1863; killed at Gettysburg. William Sutton, eorp., captured at Gettysburg. Ira Pellett, corp. George W. Kimble, corp. .lames Hatten, corp. Nelson De Witt, corp. Wesley Watson, corp., pro. Jan. 5, 1863. Jacob C. Schorr, corp., pro. Jan. 5, lS(i:i. Charles Hates, corp., pro. Jan. 5, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Francis E. Hazen, corp., pro. Feb. 11, 1863 ; died at Acquia Creek, Va., June 4, 1863. David Miller, corp. James S. Smith, Corp., disch. on surg. certif. April 14, 1863. Privates. Robert J. Andrews. Andrew .1. Appleman. E. C. Appleman, died at Belle Plain, Va., April 15, 1863. Jesse R. Burrus. John Blackmore. Simeon Brink. Benjamin C. Bonnell, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. John Buckingham, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Joseph A. Brickley. George Burrus, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Charles Barrell, died at Union Mills, Va., Dec. 10, 1862; buried at Nat. Cem., Arlington. Charles Blackmore, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Solomon D. Brink, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Ira B. Case. David Can field. Janson Cole. John Cortright, Jr. Wesley C. Cron. Peter Cron, wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. James P. Crone. Cornelius Case, disch. on surg. certif. April 13, 1863. Isaac S. Decker. PIKE COUNTY. George M. Decker. Benjamin Degroat. D. W. J. Dingman, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Adonijah B. Drake. Seley S. Drake. William F. Fulkerson, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Charles L. Frank, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Nelson Garris. Christian Grim. Conrad Happ. Edward R. Hazen. John Henry. Nicholas Hess. Valentine Hipsman, wounded, with loss of arm, at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Michael Hissam, wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Rush K. Kellam, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Robert A. Kayser, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Jonas Kettle. John Kleinstuber. Levi Labar. Levi Losey, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Casper Madden. Euos B. Mapes. Peter Mager. Abraham Masker, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Warren Masker, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Mordecai M. Mott. Jiimcs W. Morrison, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Samuel McCormick, died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 3, 1863. Charles M. Carter, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. James Nyce, captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. John L. Pearson, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Burnham K. Pellet. Josiah Perry. Michael B. Pitney. George W. Parr, killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Nelson Reaser, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Francis Rolle. Silas Rosencrance. Randall D. Sayre. Charles D. Schmalzler. Reuben Seig. Gilbert Shaffer. Edward Stidd. Isaac Shearer. Jacob C. Van Gorden, disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 25, 1863. Amos Van < rorden. William M. Watson. Patrick White. Ziba B. Williams. George G. Worzle. Henry P. Worzle. Joseph /.rimer, died at Belle Plain, Va., April 1, 1863. In addition to this company, many men went from Pike County in small squads, some in Pennsylvania regiments, others in those organ- ized in New Jersey, and still others in New York organizations. Of many of them it is impossible to trace or obtain any information. The names of a considerable number of these scattering men, however, in the Thirty-fifth, Forty-fifth, Sixty-seventh, One Hundred and Forty-second and One Hundred and Seventy- ninth Pennsylvania Regiments have been pro- cured and are here given : Thiety-fifth Regiment (Sixth Reserves). Company C. John S. Reed, private, must, in May 13,1861 ; killed at South Mountain Sept. 14, 1862. Forty-fifth Regiment. Company A. Peter Roach, drafted; must, in Nov. 12, 1864; must, out with company July 17, 1865. Company D. Daniel V. Drake, drafted; must, in Nov. 12, 1864 disch. March 27, 1865, by order of War Dept. Conrad Gumble, drafted; must, in Sept. 22, 1864 disch. by S. 0. June 7, 1865. Josiah Hinzey, substitute, must, in Dec. 15, 1864 must, out with company July 17, 1865. Milo S. Hobbs, drafted; must, in Nov. 11, 1864 must, out with company July 17, 1865. Daniel W. King, drafted ; must, in Nov. 11, 1864 must, out with company July 17, 1865. Orlando Kindred, substitute, must, in Dec. 16, 1864 must, out with company July 17, 1865. William L. Marcy, drafted; must, in Nov. 11, 1864 must, out with company July 11, 1865. Robert M. Martin, drafted ; must, in Nov. 12, 1864 died June 16, 1865 ; buried at Alexandria, Va. grave 3235. William M. Watson, drafted ; must, in Nov. 12, 1864 must, out with company July 17, 1865. Company I. Dwight Blackmore, drafted; must, in Sept. 22, 1864; disch. by S. n the 4th of January, 1828, the ene- mies of Jackson in Pennsylvania met at Harrisburg under the direction of John Binns. On the 8th of January following they will be overwhelmed, defeated and confounded. Packenham had his Jackson and Adams may profit by his example. If this be treason, make the most of it." After continuing for a year or more as the Eagle of the North, the name of the paper be- comes The Northern Eagle and Milford Moni- tor, under the editorship of Benjamin A. Bid- lack, in 1828. The Northern Eagle and Milford Monitor of December 11, 182il, is a five-column folio published by Francis Al. Smith. It contains an account of a public meeting of citizens of Pike residing in the northwest part of Upper Smithfield, held at the house of Nich- olas Wheeler, for the purpose of protesting against the methods by which appointments are procured, showing there were " rings " in Pike County at an early day. The meeting organ- ized by choosing Roger Allen chairman, Wil- liam Bowhannan secretary and David Kerby clerk. After an interchange of sentiment as to the manner in which appointments from the Governor are procured and candidates elected to office, a committee was appointed, consisting of Isaiah Hazen, Samuel Thomas, Nicholas Wheeler, Nathan N. Carey and Edmund Power, to draft resolutions expressive of the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sense of the meeting. In these resolutions they say "that the few in this county have adopted means to control the many. That appointments are procured and the appointed in the actual execution of their offices before it is known to the people generally that an appointment was to be made." They complain of " a well-organ- ized Intrigue." TJie Northern Eagle and Milford Monitor of July 23, 1830, Vol. III., new scries, No. 47, with Francis Al. Smith still ed- itor, says : " A gentleman who recently passed through Honesdale, a small village at the ter- mination of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, informs us that it is in a thriving condition, and bids fair to be a place of considerable busi- ness and importance. He likewise stated that he saw forty cars in one connected chain loaded with one hundred and thirty tons of coal and carrying quite a number of passengers. We do indeed wish our sister prosperity and hope she will reciprocate the feeling towards us with re- gard to our contemplated railroad." The Eagle and Monitor appears in 1831 with J. H. Westfall printer and publisher. The eagle is taken down aiul the motto is " The union of the States and the sovereignty of the States." The issue before us is Vol. V., No. 2, Milford, Pa., October 14, 1831 (whole No. '210). The paper is a five-column folio, printed on good paper and much improved in appear- ance. It contains the October elections, which show that Upper Smithfield had 184 voters, Lackawaxen 44, Palmyra 39, Delaware 95, Lehman 80, Middle Smithfield 151, Price 36,— total, 629. The paper claims that two-thirds of this vote is Democratic and that the Demo- cratic majority would have been larger had there not beeu sickness in Palmyra and Lacka- waxen to prevent one hundred voters from going to the polls. (This was the year of the great epidemic or fever that prevailed in the Paupack settlement.) The Eagle and Monitor was strongly in favor of General Jackson for a second term, and approved the course of Governor Wolf. It was opposed to the Anti-Masons, who had just nominated William Wirt, an unrenouncing Mason, for the Presidency, and Amos Ellmaker, an Anti-Mason of Pennsylvania, for the Vice- Presidency. This paper was continued for a time and possibly changed hands. At any rate its publication was discontinued. The next newspaper venture in Pike was made by C. W. De Witt, who was at that time the leader of the Whig party in Pike County. The Northern Eagle and Milford Monitor was no longer pub- lished, and there was no paper in Pike County to publish sheriff sales or to do any other ad- vertising. At this juncture several Whigs of Pike and Monroe Counties organized a joint- stock company, and Richard Nugent came down to Stroudshurg, from Honesdale, to issue the first number of the Jeffer.soii.ian, January 15, 1X40. A number of copies were dated Milford, with 0. W. De Witt's name added as one of the editors, and circulated as a Pike County paper, which, by permission of Judge Jessup and the Pike County bar, became the medium of (he legal advertising of Pike County. This condition of things continued for about four years. Richard Nugent removed to Nova Sco- tia, published a paper and got into difficulty for reflecting too severely upon some of Queen Victoria's subjects. Theodore Schoch com- nieneed to publish the Jeff'ersonian February 24, 1841, and is still its veteran editor. In 184(>-47 there was no paper in Pike County, and James J. McNally,a young printer working in Newton, N. J., believing the field a good one, purchased the material of the Goshen Sentinel office and moved it to Milford, where he started the Pike County Democrat July 14, 1849. It was a seven-column folio, of the same size as the present Milford Dispatch, and McNally claimed in his introductory editorial that it was the largest paper published in the State outside the city of Philadelphia. Ed. Mott says : " It was a very superior journal, few local papers equaling it in ability." He also announced in his salutatory that "this paper will support the principles of the Demo- cratic Republican party." He changed the name of the paper, in 1852, to the Milford Herald. Shortly after the office was purchased by John M. Heller. He placed the paper in charge of John B. Adams and Harvey Heller, his sou. This paper was remarkable under the IMKIO COUNTY. 871 management of Adams & Hellerforthe amount of labor bestowed u pon it, both mental and material. Its editorial columns were character- ized by a sprightliness, dash and clearness that gave the paper a wide reputation. Harvey Heller soon withdrew from the management, and Mr. Adams continued to edit and publish it alone. The late Lucien F. Barnes, of Mil- ford, was then editing the Tri-Skdes Union at Port Jervis, and the personal newspaper war that was waged between him and Adams for several weeks in 1853 is still remembered by the oldest residents of the county. Adams ran the Herald until 1855, when he removed to the coal regions, and the paper passed into the hands of John A. Daniels, a son-in-law of the late David Van Gordon, one of Milford's promi- nent old-time residents. Daniels, although a man of good education, was not fitted for jour- nalism, and, in 185(5, the printing-office having passed into the possession of the late Henry S. Mott, his brother, Oscar H. Mott, became the editor. The Herald, under his administration, was one of the neatest and ablest local papers in the State. Hecontinued as editor until May, 1861. Oscar H. Mott held views as to the con- duct of the paper on questions growing out of the late war different from his brother, Colonel Mott, the owner of the paper, who was then representing the Wayne, Pike, Carbon and Monroe District in the State Senate. These differences resulted in the resignation of the editorial chair by O. H. Mott and the employ- ment, by Colonel Mott, of Charles 1>. ( lolton, a veteran Pennsylvania journalist, to edit the Herald. Mr. Colton conducted the paper with ability until April, 1865, when E. II. Mott, a nephew of Colonel Mott, assumed charge and edited it until January 1, lSb'G, when the office was purchased by F. A. & J. H. Doney, of Wayne County, and J. H. Doney soon after- ward became sole proprietor. He ran the Her- ald with unvarying success until January 1, 1878, when M. I). Mott, the present proprietor, who is a son of O. H. Mott, its former editor, took charge and changed the name to the Mil- fun! Dispatch. The following is his salutatory : "As announced, this office has changed proprietors, and the undersigned will hereafter assume control. Although from boyhood we have been connected wilh the typographical art, this is our first venture as journalist, and it is with diffidence we undertake the editing of the Dispatch. We shall do our utmost, however, to give a readable paper, and, by attending strictly to business, look for a support that will enable us to enlarge and improve this journal. " Instead of the familiar faces of the Herald Coming to its subscribers in the future, its successor, the Dis- patch, will take its place, and we trust will prove as welcome a visitor. For various reasons, which are immaterial to here mention, the name of the paper has been changed. While this change has taken place, it will not affect the patrons of the Herald in the least; the volume and number will remain the same, and all who have paid up subscriptions will re- ceive the Dispatch in place nf the Herald; all adver- tising contracts will lie carried out the same; and likewise all accounts owing to the Herald will be by us collected. " In politics, it is hardly necessary to say, the Dis- patch will be Democratic. The use of its columns will beopen to that party, and it will work, at all times, for the principles and nominees of the Democ- racy. " ( lur chief aim will be to give a first-rate local family paper, so that it, will lie needless fur any to take outside papers to get home news. With the help of good correspondents there is no reason why the local page of the Dispatch should not be made to suit the most critical, and it will be gotten up with that object. "In conclusion, we return sincere thanks to many friends, in and out of the county, who have wished us success, assuring them that we shall always en- deavor to merit their tidiest approbation. "M. D. Mott." M. D. Mott still continues proprietor, and Colonel Charles N. Pine, a veteran editor of Philadelphia, is editing the paper and acting as Milford correspondent of the l'ort Jervis Ga- zette. The first number of the Northern Eagle, a paper in the interest of Lincoln's administra- tion and the Republican party, was issued February Ij, 1864, by Dr. Edward Halidav and Pettit, editors and proprietors. Dr. Halidav at that time was a wealthy man of Milford, and spared no pains or expense to make a success of the paper. His object was to convert this stronghold of Democracy to Republicanism. To that end he sent a paper to every voter in the county, and the veteran soldiers were all to have it free. He thus worked up a circulation of 872 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. one thousand copies. It was printed on the first quality of sized and calendered paper, costing at that time nine dollars a ream. Some of the best metropolitan writers were employed to contribute to its columns, George Arnold, Charles Dickson (now editor of the Binghamtcm Republican) and others of note writing its stories and poems. Colonel Thomas Picton, at that time the best general editorial writer on the New York press, wrote its leading editorials. Dr. Haliday was that year Presidential elector for Mr. Lincoln for this Congressional district. He was a large, tine-looking man of considerable ability, and waged a lively warfare against the Pike County Democracy while his paper lasted. Me inaugurated a Republican mass-meeting in Milford; had Horace Greeley present to make a speech ; hired every livery equipment in Port Jervis, and brought men from a distance to swell the numbers, and paid the whole hill himself. lie had fully adopted the views of the late Horace Greeley about Pike County, " That it was a land of Democrats ami the home of the rattlesnake, and that it contained ten gallons of whiskey to every Webster's Spelling-Book," but in his warfare against Pike County Democ- racy he was overcome by Pike County whiskey. The paper, after an interval of rest, in May, isdo, was secured by Britton A. Barnes. The paper, having no county patronage, languished and was discontinued about January 1, 1866. It was printed in the building which had formerly been used as a law -office by William Smith, where William McCarty has his store. In 1*72 E. H. Mott, who was then interested in the Port Jervii Gazette, but lived in Mata- moras, printed a paper called the Pike County Democrat. Jt was popular, but with the sale of the Gazette to other parties it was discon- tinued. The editors of the Milford papers were T. A. Wells, Benjamin Alden Bidlack, a son of Rev. Benjamin Bidlack, of Wyoming, a lawyer, twice a member of Congress and afterwards ap- pointed minister resident at Bogota, to the re- public of New Granada, now United States of Columbia, by President Polk, in 1845, and there he died. His son, Dr. Bidlack, lives in Milford. One of the best known men ever connected with the .Milford pros is Edward Ilerold Mott. He was born in Milford, Pike County, Pa., in 1845, son of Charles F. and Eliza Smith Mott. Went to Piqua, Ohio, when nine years old, and in 1856, after the Presidential election, sold on the streets there the first New York papers ever sold by a newsboy west of Cincinnati — the Tribune and the Herald. He got his copies from a subscriber who had finished reading them. He attended the common schools of Piqua for two years. After his mother's death, in 1857, returned to Milford and learned the printer's trade in the Milford Herald office. In L862 entered St. John A' Malvin's foundry in Port Jervis to learn the moulder's trade. He worked five weeks, then ran away, went to Easton on a raft down the Delaware; in Mauch Chunk got a place in the Carbon Democrat office, worked six months, went to Philadelphia and learned the job printing business ; after staying there three years he returned to Milford and edited the Milford Herald until January, 1866, then went to Scranton and became cr- editor of tin' Scranton Register; he next joined the stall' of the Honesdale Herald, bought an interest in the Port Jervis Gazette and conducted the Pike County Democrat until after the Presi- dential election of 1X72. Left the Gazette in that year. Meantime he had been sending articles to various New York papers. His first humorous sketch of special merit was "Taylor's Shot at a Ground Hog," published in the New York Sun in 1 S74 ; it made a hit. In L876 started the Honesdale Morning Chronicle. Discontinued it to devote his time to other literary work, chiefly for the Erie Pail- way Company. Remained in the company's employ for seven years, during which time he also occupied a confidential position in the office of John D. Rockafellow, president of the Standard Oil Company, and continued his gen- eral newspaper work. In 1881 he resigned his position with the Standard. Oil Company to take the general management of the Erie Kail- way Company's advertising and literary bureau, which place he left in 1883 to give all his time to more congenial work as a writer. In 1879 he had hit on the idea of Cockwood's dialect stories and carried it out in the New York Sun PIKE COUNTY. by the " Tales of the Old Settler." The large circulation with which they met gave to Pike County and Milford a wide reputation. Some of these sketches were published in book-form in 1883. The book was republished in Eng- land, under the title of "Cream of American Humor." His drunken dialect stories, "His name was Johnson" and " He wanted a Web- ster Punch," convulsed the town. Dialect is natural to him. His education is desultory, being self-acquired. In his field he is a genius. He has done all kinds of writing for the Sun, besides much important special work by assign- ment for the World, Times and Herald. Colonel Charles Ncwbold Pine, the present editor of the Dispatch, was born in Camden, N. J., November 5, 1822, but his family be- longed to Evesham, Burlington County. He was connected with the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post, when published by Deacon it Peterson, 1850-51. He served three years in the post-office at Philadelphia and in 1854 started the Jersey Blue, at Camden. In September, 1855, he removed to Illinois, and on the 28th of March, 185(3, issued the first num- ber of the Bureau County Democrat, at Prince- ton. He was appointed postmaster at that place by President Pierce in June, 1856. In August, 1858, he started the Chicago Daily Herald in the interest of Buchanan's adminis- tration, and in September, 1858, was appointed United States marshal of the Northern District of Illinois, his commission dating just three years from the day of his arrival in that State. He returned to Philadelphia in spring of 1862, edited the Democratic Leader, a campaign paper for that year, Honorable Francis W. Hughes being chairman of the Democratic State Com- mittee. Edited also the Philadelphia Evening Journal, owned by Albert D. Boileau and wrote Boileau into Fort McHenry in February 1863. Boileau recanted, repented and capitu- lated to the enemy, came home and resumed publication of the Journal with another edition, eating dirt for some six weeks, at the end of which time " the subject of this sketch " bought the establishment and ran it as long as pecuni- ary circumstances would permit — about a year. He then wrote for the Sunday Dispatch, Sun- day Mercury, and during the gubernatorial campaign of 1865 edited the Camden Democrat. In November, 1869, he was chosen editor-in- chief of The Day, a new morning paper pub- lished by a company of gentlemen, Alexander Cummings (who established the Philadelphia Keening Bulletin and the New York World) Benj. Harris Brewster, James L. Freeman, Thomas L. Scott, Lewis C. Cassidy and others, until it was bought by Mr. Cassidy and changed to an evening paper, and for several years after was editor-in-chief of the Philadelphia Record. In a year or two after, Mr. Swain sold it to Singerly, Cassidy and others, editing The Evening Day for some time also. He left Philadelphia in June, 1881, and had nothing to do with newspapers till October, 1883, when he was induced to go to East Stroudsburg on an unwise venture. Then Mr. Mott, of the Mil- ford Dispatch, having been elected to the Leg- islature, wrote Colonel Bine, asking him to edit his paper during his absence. He has remained in Mil find and continued to edit the Dispatch, believing Milford to be the most healthful and charming spot in America. CHURCHES OF MILFORD. Bartholomew Weed, a blacksmith, was the first praying man in Milford. He lived below the court-house, on the opposite side of the street, in a house with two rooms. He estab- lished a family altar and kept sacred the Sab- bath day, much to the astonishment of his neighbors, occasionally holding services at his house, where he talked to the people as best he could, which provoked derision manifested by hurling missiles at his house and singing songs. He lived here about 1813, and three or four years later moved to Philadelphia, where he was licensed to preach by the Methodists, which calling he pursued for sixty-two years, until his death in 1879, at Newark, N. J., aged eighty-six. Milford, in Weed's time and for a number of years afterward, was a godless, prayerless, Sabbath-breaking village. The Dutch Reformed Church of Minisink, established in 1773, was just across the Dela- ware, in what is now Montague, N. J., but there was an illiberal jealousy existing between 874 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COIXTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. the comparatively new settlement of Yankees, as they called them at Milford, and the old Dutch settlers, who were strongly entrenched in the Minisink, and who looked upon this new town, peopled by Philadelphians, Yankees, etc., as an invasion of their ancient rights. These invaders did not take pains to allay the feeling of disquiet produced by their presence ; on the contrary, they lured the negro slaves across the river, gave them liquor and induced them to run away from their masters. With such a feeling engendered between the communities there could be no religious communion among them, and to this day there is but one living member of the Dutch Reformed Church on this side the river at Milford, — Mrs. Caroline Wells, now aged eighty -four, who was converted, how- ever, under the preaching of Rev. Phineas Camp, a Congregationalist, who passed through about 1814, and preached among the Dutch Reformed Churches. Mrs. Wells united with the Dutch Reformed Church wheu Rev. C. C. Elting was pastor, and it is proper here to state that, as the result of the labors commenced by Rev. Phineas Camp, 1 and carried on by Elting, there were one hundred and seventeen members gathered into the Reformed Churches along the Delaware. Twenty members were received into the Minisink Church, just across the river, the first communion after Mr. Elting came to the place, and among these converts was Moses Bross, who moved to Milford in 1823, and became one of the founders of the Presby- terian Church at Milford. In 1823 Moses Bross established a prayer-meeting in the court-house by permission of the authorities, and out of this movement a Sunday-school was started. Presbyterian Church.— On September 1, 1 Rev. Phineas Camp was born at Durham, Conn., Feb- ruary 18, 1788. He graduated from Union College in 1811, and studied theology at Princeton. After complet- ing his studies he taught a. classical school in Orange County. July 15, 1817, he was ordained asan evangelist by the Presbytery of North River, and was sent into Wayne County about 1818, where he labored for a time at Bethany and Salem. He labored within the bounds of the Presbytery of Erie part of the time as an evangelist and part of the time as settled pastor ; then he moved to Dixon, 111., where he died January 30, 1868, aged eighty. 1825, so the church records runs, the citizens of the town of Milford, desirous of having the gospel statedly administered, assembled accord- ing to previous notice. Of this meeting James Wallace was chairman and Moses Bross secre- tary. It was resolved to apply to the Presby- tery of Hudson for the organization of a Chris- tian Church. Moses Bross was appointed to make the application. Sept. 16th the Presby- tery of Hudson appointed one of their number, Rev. Thomas Grier, to organize a church in Milford, Pike County, Pa. In compliance with the recpuest, on September 23, 1825, the congregation was assembled in the old stone court-house and proceeded to organize. The original members were eight in number, viz.: Muses Bross and his wife Jean, Samuel Depuy and his wife Eliza, Mitty Watkins, Elizabeth Westfall and Jacob Quick; James Wallace united with them also on profession of faith. The name by which the members wished the organization to be known was the " Church and Congregation of Milford." September 24th the first ruling orders were elected, and on the 25th ordained. The elders were James Hal- lace, Moses Brossand Jacob Quick. Decem- ber 26, 1825, Daniel Judson, John Cox, Silas Aber, Roger Allen, Thomas Hagger, Mary Watson, William Cox, Huldah Cox, Dr. Francis, Al. Smith and Margaret Smith were received into the church. April 8, 1826, Samuel De- puy, Daniel Judson and Roger Allen were chosen additional elders. The first had been a ruling elder at Middle Smithfield. The others were ordained April 9th. November 3, 1826, there were admitted to the church on profession of faith, Olive Rockwell, Anu Cole, Jane Freele, Jacob Van Auken, Daniel M. Brod- head, Oliver S. Dimmick, Solomon Newman, John Aber, Lewis Cornelius, Jonas Cart- wright, John Heller, Thomas Newman, Sarah Barton, Sarah Decker, Samuel Cox, Elizabeth Shower, John B. Rockwell, Maria Quick, Han- nah Crawford, Nancy Newman, Maria Mc- Carty, William McCarty, Eleuor Brink, Erne- line Cole, Sarah Barns, Katy I. Brink, Harriet Smith, Jas. Newman, Abraham Van Auken, .Margaret Wiuficld, Samuel Duterow, Sarah Newman, Jas. P. Barrett, Hannah Bull, Julia PIKE COUNTY. 875 Winfield, Sarah Beecher, John I. Smith, Elenor Wainwright, Joseph A. Bonnel. After the close of Rev. Thomas Grier's pas- torate a considerable interval elapsed before the church was supplied with a minister. In the month of April, 1832, arrangements were made by the congregation with the Rev. Ed- ward Allen, recently pastor of the Presbyterian congregation of Wantage, New Jersey, to sup- ply them for the space of one year. He com- menced his labors, the 1st of May following. July 7, 1832, Stephen Rose, Eliphalet Rose and Catharine A. Watson were received into the church. " In view of the low state of re- ligion in this congregation and vicinity, it was resolved that a protracted meeting be held in this place. For this important meeting the ne- cessary arrangements were made. A day >>f fasting and prayer was solemnly observed and God was pleased in a remarkable manner to own His word by a most copious effusion of the Holy Spirit. The meeting was continued for nearly two weeks, in which three services were attended daily in the church, besides frequent prayer-meetings and meetings for anxious sin- ners. Business in the village was nearly sus- pended, and every day appeared as a Sabbath of the Lord. The church became humbled. Backsliders were reclaimed, and many were hopefully brought to submit to Christ." 1 As a result of these meetings, most of the leading business men of the village were brought into the church. August 28, 1832, twenty members were added, among them Abram T. Seely, Lucius D. Baldwin, Kichard Eldred, Ducian Roys, John H. Westfall, Cyril 1 C. D. Pinchot, Samuel Dimmick and wife, Wealthy Dimmick. August 29, 1832, twelve persons were admitted to membership, among them William Bross, Josiah H. Foster and John P. Darling. During the whole of the year 1832 additions were made to the church until the principal men of the village were members. Then followed a number of years in which the session had considerable work, in enforcing church discipline. Several members were cited to answer for unchristian conduct, such as 1 Copied from the session book. hunting and fishing on the Sabbath, profane swearing, becoming intoxicated, etc. A com- mittee was also appointed to look after members who had engaged in dancing at a public ball. It would appear, however, that a large part of the members walked uprightly ; otherwise they would not have escaped the vigilance of this faithful session. January 3, 1847, Theoplulus H. Smith was ordained an elder. On Novem- ber 20, 1854, three additional elders were elected, and on the 23d ordained, viz. : Samuel Thrall, John H. Wallace and Stephen Rose. On March 4, 1872, Samuel Detrick, Ebenezer Warner, John C. Wallace and William Mit- chell were elected and ordained elders. On January 27, 1884, George Mitchell and Dr. I. S. Vreeland were added to the eldership. John H. Wallace died January 1, 1872, Samuel Detrick died May 14, 1876, and Theophilus H. Smith died July 6, 1881. Rev. Edward Allen supplied the pulpit from 1832 to 1834 and again from 1841 to 1843. He was at the same time principal of the Milford Academy. After Mr. Allen, Rev. Peter Kanouse was an occasional supply. Mr. Kanouse was a man six feet tall, and of commanding appearance. He afterward preach- ed in the West. Rev. William Townley was stated supply from August, 1834, to August, 1835. From 1836 to 1840 Rev. Ralph Bull was stated supply. Mr. Bull went from this place to Weston, Orange County, where he died. He was very popular. Next to Mr. Bull was Rev. E. Allen, stated supply in 1841- 42. Rev. William Beldin preached as supply in 1843-44. From 1844 to 1846 there is no record. Rev. Charles Miln preached as supply 1846-47. No record from 1847 to 1849. In 1849, Rev. T. S. Bradner was called as pastor and continued till 1852. From May, 1853, Rev. Isaac Todd occupied the pulpit until 1861. Rev. Isaac Todd was born near Morristown December 2, 1797. He united with the Pres- byterian Church of Morristown in 1818, was prepared for college by James Johnson and Rev. Asa Lyman, while Dr. Barnes was his pastor, and although he never indorsed Dr. Barnes' theological views, he always bore testi- mony to his Christian character and ability. He 876 WAYNE, l'IKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. graduated from Hamilton College in the class of 1827, aud at Princeton Seminary in 1830. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Sus- quehanna, at Athens, Pa., September 19, 1833. He labored at Gibson, Pa., Tuukkannock, Pa., Orwell and Troy, Pa., until 1853, when he came to Milford, where he acted as stated supply and tilled the pulpit till 1861, when he took charge of a church in Hollmanville, Ocean County, N. J., where he labored until the very day of his death, which occurred April 12, 1885, when eighty-seven years of age. His last words were, " Tell my people. — In Christ is our everlasting portion ; without Christ, eternal death." In July 18(31 Rev. R. R. Kellog was in- stalled pastor and so continued till September, 1866. On the 25th of that month he died suddenly at his residence. His funeral sermon was preached on the 27th by Rev. S. W. Mills, of Port Jervis. In January, 1867, Rev. Robert N. Beattie commenced his labors as stated supply and continued until June, 1870, when he accepted a call from the Reformed Church of Bloom ingburg. Rev. Cyrus Offer next became stated supply for one year, 1870- 71. In March, 1872, Rev. Mr. Johnson preached. In April arrangements were made with Rev. John Reid, of Princeton Theological Seminary, to supply the pulpit during the sum- mer months. He has since been pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Yonkers, N. Y. In December, 1873, Rev. L. C. Lock wood was engaged as a supply for four months. In Jan- uary, 1874, Rev. E. H. Mateer was ordained and installed pastor. Rev. E. H. Mateer was born near Altoona, Blair County, Pa., August 24, 1844. On his paternal side he is of Scotch- Irish and on his maternal of pure Scotch de- scent. He entered Washington and Jefferson College in 1867, remained there to the end of the sophomore year, when he entered Princeton at the beginning of the second term of the jun- ior year and graduated in 1871. The satne fall he entered Princeton Theological Seminary and graduated in April, 1874. Having received and accepted a call to Milford Presbyterian Church before graduating, he was ordained and installed pastor by the Hudson Presbytery June 25, 1874. Having received and accepted a call to McVeytown Presbyterian congregation, he resigned, in February, 1884, the charge at Milford, after a pastorate of nine years and niue months, the longest in the history of the Mil- ford Presbyterian Church. In the summer of 1884 Rev. Abraham Sylvester Gardiner re- ceived the unanimous call of the Milford Pres- byterian Church and is the present pastor. He was born at Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, N. Y., July 19, 1824. His father was Rev. John D. Gardiner, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Sag Harbor from 1812 to 1832. His mother, Mary L'Homniedieu, was a daughter of Hou. Samuel L'Hommedieu, of Sag Harbor, who was a grandson on his mother's side of Nathan- iel Sylvester, proprietor of the Manor of Shelter Island, N. Y.j under whose hand the perse- cuted Quakers of Massachusetts found protection, and on his father's side of Benjamin L'Hom- medieu, one of two brothers who were driven from France on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, October 18, 1685. They first found refuge in Holland, then in America. The first ancestor of the subject of this sketch on his father's side was Lion Gardiner, who came from England to Boston, Mass., and afterward to Saybrook, Conn., in 1634-35. He was a sol- dier, civil engineer and a lieutenant in the British service in Holland. At the request of Lords Say and Seal and Brook and others, he built the fort at Saybrook, Conn., for the protection of their interests and took a prominent part in the Pe- quot War. Lion Gardiner's son Ward was the first white child bom in the colony of Connect- icut, and his daughter Elizabeth, born on Gardiner's Island, the first white child of Eng- lish parents born in the colony of New York. This island contains thirty-four hundred acres and was purchased by Gardiner of the Mon- tauk Indians in 1639. Rev. A. S. Gardiner attended Clinton Academy in 1842-43, and the University of New Y r ork 1843-47, was admit- ted to the bar of the Supreme Court of New York in 1848, having read law in the office of George Wood, Esq. He practiced law at East Hampton, L. I., and Fond du Lac, Wis. During the spring and autumn of 1850-51 he was licensed to preach and ordained by the PIKE COUNTY. S77 Presbyter)' of Milwaukee, since which time he has ministered at Greenpoint a short time aud at Cold Springs twelve years. He removed to the West, settled in Roekford, 111., in 18(37, and preached at Prospect (now Dunlass), Peoria County, 111. In 1871, returning to the East, he accepted a call to Jamaica Plains, Boston, where he was installed pastor of a church of which, under direction of Presbytery, he was founder. After preaching three years he minis- tered two years for the Congregational Church at Essex, Conn.; from thence, in 1877, he re- turned West and took charge of Lena and Win- slow Churches, Stephenson County, 111., for three years. Educational considerations led him East again, to the Litchfield (N. H.) Presbyter- ian Church, but the loss of his daughter Julia Evangeline so disarranged his plans that he remained but a short time. He is now preach- ing at Milford and also supplying the old Dutch Reformed Church across the river. His wife was Caroline P. Williams. Their children were Maria, Charles H. and Julia Evangeline. The first Presbyterian house of worship was begun during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Grier, and stood where the present Presbyterian parsonage now stands. The first parsonage, on Ann Street, was built in the time of Rev. Mr. Bradner, about 1850, and the present one during the pastorate of Rev. E. H. Mateer, the corner-stone of the building being laid Sep- tember 18, 1874. The church is of brick, manufactured by John C. Wallace, aud measures over all forty-four by eighty feet. Symme- trical towers rise from the four corners, and the main tower, when completed, will be one hundred and twenty-five feet high. For several years the congregation have worshipped in the basement, a room capable of seating two hun- dred aud fifty persons, adjoining which are two smaller rooms, used for the infant class and Sunday-school library. The first religious service held in the building was a prayer-meeting, held on the evening of December .30, 1875, and the first Sunday service was held Sunday morning, January, 2, 1876. Mr. Barton was architect, Edwin McWilliams carpenter aud John Armstrong mason. Rev. Benjamin Collins was senior preacher and Rev. John K. Shaw assistant on Hamburg Circuit, which then included the western part of Sussex County from Newton to the Delaware. They crossed the river and preached at Milford occasionally. On one of these occasions Rev. John K. Shaw organized the first Methodist class in 1827-28, at the court -house probably, and, according to the recollection of old people now living, it consisted of six members, viz., — Mrs. Mary Olmsted, Mrs. John Brodhead, Mrs. Eliza Mott, Mr. and Mrs. Hand and Mrs. Sutor. David Hand was the first class-leader. Shortly after, John Brink and wife, Benjamin Drake and wife, Jonathan Doolittle and wife, Mrs. Guild and Hugh Ross (who preached occasionally and could be heard one-half mile) joined the church. The first authentic records commenced August 12, 1849. Henry Bean is mentioned as leader of the Sunday class, and among the members are Ellen Bean, Matilda Bowhannan, James Bostler, Louisa Brodhead, Emeline Brink, Marietta Burrell, Emily Blizzard, Andrew, Adrian, William and Pru- dence Christiana, Webb Courtright, Julia A. Crawford. Silas H. De Witt, Jonathan Weeks aud James Honeywell were also class-leaders. The McCartys and Newmans, Mary aud Nancy Olmsted are mentioned. Henry Wells John Dietrick, William Angle and John Aldrich are among the prominent workers at present. They have had many Methodist preachers in Milford since the days of Bartholo- mew Weed, who upheld the standard of the cross alone in 1813-15. Doubtless other zealous and worthy men have ministered to this people, but their stay was so transient, and the records so imperfect that we are unable to notice many of them. Rev. Manning Force was presiding elder of this district for four terms of four years each. He traveled down the river on one side and up on the other. Mrs. Sophia Sutor is worthy of mention. She lived across the river on the Jersey shore, and was a mother in Israel in the Milford Method- ist Church. She had been a school-teacher, was an intelligent woman, and took an active part in church work. Her house was the home of the preachers in the early days of the church. 878 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Rev. George Winsor married Harriet Olm- stead, of Milford, where he preached in 1841- 43. During his time over one hundred persons professed conversion and many were added to the church. Rev. George Winsor was born in Devonshire, England, November 13, 1813, and died in Milford, Sunday, December 28, 1884, in the seventy-second year of his age. Descend- ing from a pious ancestry, he was early trained in the principles of the Christian religion ; and learned to prize in future years the holy shrine of a mother's knee. Two years subsequent to his birth his parents moved to Bound Brook, N. J., where he toiled on the homestead with his brother and attended the village school and academy. Supplementing this instruction with private tuition he obtained some knowledge of the Classis. In 1839 he was converted at Somer- ville, under the preaching of Rev. George Hitchens. The same year, with much fear and trembling, he gave his name to the New Jersey Conference, and commenced his life-long work. For forty unbroken and successive years he responded to the Conference roll. He was sel- dom depressed to an eclipse of faith or over- joyed by outbursts of transitory feeling. Digni- fied without austerity, sociable without levity, he mingled with his brethren, giving lustre to his calling, and was never known to lower the dignity of the pulpit by unseemly remarks, but on every occasion was the affable, courteous, Christian gentleman. As a result of his earnest ministrations, one thousand nine hundred souls were hopefully converted. In 1882 he asked for supernumerary relations, returned to Mil- ford and built a residence, now occupied by his widow. There is one son living, an attorney- at-law in New York. There are about one hundred and thirteen members in the Methodist Church. The first church edifice was erected near the Delaware River, about one mile from Milford, at a point sometimes called Bridgeport. John Brink and some others thought it the probable site of a village, and it was through his and Mrs. Sutor's influence that the building was thus placed. It was erected about 1827-28, and moved up to the present site about 1836. Since then the present church has been erected. The Episcopal Church. — The Church of the Good Shepherd was organized April 3, 1871. The corner-stone of the edifice was laid in June, 1871, and the church consecrated Sep- tember 14, 1877. It was organized by the election of Edgar Piuchot, senior warden ; Ed- gar Brodhead, junior warden ; and John C. Mott, D. M. Van Auken, W. C. Broome, C. W. Dimmick, Sidney A. Hanes and M. M. Dimmick, vestrymen. The church has had the following rectors : Rev. W. B. Hooper, Novem- ber 25, 1872, served three and one-half years ; Rev. A. H. Gersner, about three years ; Rev. Samuel Edwards, between two and three years, and Rev. D'Estang Jennings, two years. There is a Sunday-school in connection with the or- ganization. Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Church was built in 1877, principally for the use of the workmen in the silver watch-case factory, and since that industry has declined, services are seldom held. Sunday-schools and Early Secular Schools. — According to the recollection of Mrs. Caroline Wells, the Presbyterian Sunday- school was organized in the old stone court- house, June 3, 1823. There were present at the first organization James Wallace, Samuel Depui, William Freel (not a professor, but a good man), Louisa Ross (a daughter of Hugh Ross, a Methodist, afterward the wife of Colo- nel Johu Brodhead, and a member of the first Methodist class), Miss Jane De Puy, Miss Car- oline Wells. James Wallace was the first superintendent. There were more than fifty children present the first Sunday. Miss Austin had the Bible-class, consisting of twenty-five pupils. The Methodist school was organized after the Presbyterian, perhaps as early as 1824. The sessions were in the afternoon, and many attended both schools. Miss Austin taught in both for a number of years. John Wallace had a Bible-class of boys. The books used were the Bible and Noah Webster's Spelling-Book. The Presbyterian Church has eighty members and one hundred and fifty Sunday-school schol- ars. The school, as at present organized, has George Mitchell as superintendent ; Miss Han- nah P. Nyce and John Warner, librarians; I'IKE COUNTY. 879 John C. Wallace, Bible-class teacher; Miss Hulda Bull and Miss Mamie Dietrick, infant- class teachers ; and Miss Blanche Crissraan, Miss Lizzie Bull, Miss Kate McCarty, Mrs. Hannah Williamson, Mrs. Josephine Bensell, Mrs. J. H. Van Etten, Miss Bettie Cornelius and Miss Lizzie Finley are the other teachers. The Methodist and Episcopalians have Sunday- schools in connection with their churches. Mrs. Caroline Wells, now eighty-four years of age, was one of the first teachers in this re- gion, and we shall give her account of these schools nearly in her own words, and in con- nection therewith reminiscences of her life. She is the only member of the Dutch Reformed Church of Minisink, on this side of the river, in Milford. Caroline Austin was born in Mon- tague, N. J. Her father was a New Englander, and her mother of Dutch descent. " I lived with my grandmother Mullin, who was Dutch to the foot, and an excellent woman. She was eighty-seven years old when she died. He used Webster's Spelling-Book, the American Preceptor, Columbian Orator, the Bible, Da- boll's Arithmetic and Murray's Grammar. Lemuel Thrall is the first teacher I went to, in 1805, at Hainesville, when I was four years old. He was a good man, and meant well. He taught me ' Now I lay me down to sleep.' I told him I didn't want to go to sleep. I told him I could learn ' Our Father ' as well as the older ones. My next teacher was Mr. Hyde. I went to school to Mr. Hamlin, in Walpack, in my tenth year. There I first heard the gospel preached by Rev. George Banghardt. He was a shouting Methodist, but I liked him because he was handsome, and he knew it. He could sing, and he knew that, too. He told stories. He would name persons that he said went to hell, and that the devil stood ready to take them. He used to scare me. We moved up to the ' Brick House,' and I went to school to Erastus Starkweather. He wrote my name and date in my geography June 10, 1810, and I said, " I thought the price was fifty cents, and here you have it 1810 ; " then he told me that was the date, which was the first time that I ever knew what a date was. I went to Mr. Drake to school in 1808-9, in Milford. He taught in a little house opposite the old court- house. My husband went to school to a Mr. Jackson, upon a hill back of the cemetery, as early as 1805-6. The early teachers were all Yankees but one, that I went to, and he was a coarse, ugly man. Some of my teachers were terribly cross and brutish. It was ignorance that made them so. The people were very igno- rant, but they were worse on the other side of the Delaware than this. Mason Dimmick was an early teacher. We had to pay two dollars per quarter for schooling. I went through Daboll's Arithmetic, commenced to teach when I was fifteen years old, and taught seven years. The last year I taught on this side, down by Dietrick's, and I had a school in Milford when I was married. Iva Burral Newman taught select school in the De Berhle house, where Mrs. Wm. Cornelius lives, for about ten years. Edward Allen and Philetus Philips taught in the academy. Mason Dimmick's nephew taught here when the free schools were first started, in 1835. " In 1815 Bartholomew West tried to preach in Milford. He went to Philadelphia after- ward, and became a full-fledged Methodist preacher. Rev. Phineas Camp preached here in 1815, and his sermon from 'The Prodigal Son ' and ' Mary hath chosen that better part ' convinced me, and at fifteen years of age I joined the Dutch Reformed Church at Mon- tague, when Rev. Cornelius C. Elting was preacher, and he was one of the old-fashioned kind. He believed in predestination, was strict in Sabbath observances and about amusements." Mrs. Wells imbibed these doctrines and believed them fully. Public Schools. — Milford since 1877 has been a special school district. It has three school-houses, all in good condition and seated witli folding chairs and desks. There are in the two primary schools eighty-four pupils, in the intermediate sixty-six and in the grammar school forty-six, making a total of one hundred and ninety-six scholars in attendance. The principals since the formatiou of the district have been as follows: 1877-78, J. S. Freeman; 1878-79, William Van Sickle ; 1879-83, Ham- ilton Armstrong; 1883-84, G. R. Smith; WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1-884-85, I. C. Taylor; 1885-86, Mrs. C. M. Blanchard. physicians. Dr. Francis Al. Smith, oldest son of Joseph us Jacobus Aerts, or Dr. Francis J. Smith, as he called himself, was born in France or the Netherlands, and probably he came to America with his father in 1877, a full ac- count of whom will be found in the history of Monroe County. Dr. Francis Al. Smith lived and died in the old Harford house, where he was interested in the publication of the Northern Eagle and Milford Monitor for five or six years. He was the first druggist in the place and one of the earliest resident physicians. He taught his wife, Margaret Quick, mid- wifery. Dr. Smith appears to have been some- thing of a politician also, as he filled the office of high sheriff of Pike County in 1821. He believed, as do some of the descendants, that there is an estate in Brussels, or near it, which belongs to the descendants of De Aerts, who claimed that his father was Lord of Opdorp and Boom, and from letters of Dr. Francis Al. Smith it appears that he made an effort to ob- tain his rights in 1821, as cited in a letter written partly in French and partly in Eng- lish, a copy of which is in the possession of Helen M. Cross and from which the follow- ing extract is taken : The letter is written from Brussels, dated April 26, 1821, and addressed to the United States Minister at Madrid, Spain. Dr. Smith complains that his uncles, James De Aerts aud Canton De Aerts, had taken all his grandfather's and Uncle Jean Baptist De Aerts' property. He wants the minister to make some search in relation to his uucle Jean, who was a soldier in the Royal Gardes Walones. He says his father, Josephus Jacobus Aerts, made the acquaintance of Dr. Franklin, and being recommended by him to Congress, was made a major in the service of the United States, and that he died in the State of Pennsylvania in 1802. He gives as a reason why he cannot go to Spain to investigate the matter, that he must return to his family in the United States, " and as it is absolutely necessary that I must attend our August court in Pike County, Pa., being the high sheriff of said county."' His children were Hannah, wife of Jeffrey Wells, who was at one time tavern-keeper at Salem Corners, Wayne County, and afterwards moved West ; and Jane, wife of Thomas Clark, hotel-keeper in Waymart, Wayne County, Pa. Dr. George F. Shotwele was one of the early physicians in Milford. He lived on Hartford Street aud practiced medicine from about 1827 till 1841. His wife was Catharine Clarke, granddaughter of James Bartou. Sheriff Wil- liamson married oue of his daughters. Dr. Du Frene practiced- medicine in Mil- ford for a number of years and finally moved to Port Jervis, where he died. Dr. A. A. Lines was a practitioner in Milford for a number of years and then removed from the place. He was a skillful physician. Dr. John Schimmel was born near Frank- fort-on-the-Main, in Germany, July 11, 1811. He graduated at Wurtzburg University and took the medical course connected with the uni- versity. He came to America iu 1833 and con- tinued his medical studies at the medical col- lege at Fairfield, Herkimer County, N. Y., where he began the practice of medicine with the late Dr. Stewart. Dr. Schimmel settled in Milford in 1837, remaining there until 1847, when he accepted a position as professor of modern languages iu the Randolph Macon College, Virginia. In 1848 the development of the disease which ultimately resulted in his death, forced him to give up this position, when he returned to Milford. In 1 854 he filled a responsible place in the United States Custom- House at Philadelphia, where he remained four years. In 1856 he returned to Milford and again commenced the practice of his profession, where he lived until his death, in 1882, aged seventy-one years. He was one of the founders of Milford Cem- etery, of which he was secretary and treasurer for sixteen years. In 1843 he married Miranda H., a daughter of Richard Eldred, who is now residing in Milford, and oue daughter, Jeanette M., wife of Charles P. Mott, a merchant in Mil- ford, resides with her. Dr. Vincent Emerson w T as born near Do- ver, Delaware, June 1, 1822. He studied medi- cine iu Pennsylvania College (Medical Depart- PIKE COUNTY. ment), graduated in 1848 and commenced practice April 1, 1848, at Willow Grove, Del., remaining there until May 1, 1859, when he removed to Milford. Here he has since been actively engaged in the practice of his profes- sion. He was one of the examining surgeons during the draft in the War for the Union. The Emersons were originally Friends, and came to this country in 1720. John Emerson, from whom Dr. Vincent Emerson sprang, settled near Frederica, in Kent County, Del., in a rich agricultural region. Dr. Emerson's first wife was Elizabeth Mar- vel, of Willow Grove. Their son, Dr. Gouv- erueur Emerson, was born in Delaware township, Pike County. " Following in the footsteps of his father, he began the study of medicine at an early age and passed a most excellent examina- tion shortly after he reached his majority. He was a painstaking student, in love with his pro- fession, and, as a result, he became a skillful physician and his services were in constant de- mand." He was kind-hearted and had a facil- ity of making and keeping friends. He died in the flower of his manhood in the thirty-third year of his age. Dr. I. B. Craft came to Milford township from New York in 1865, and died in 1880. He was succeeded in his practice by his son, Dr. Walter B. Craft, who died in February, 1886. He had an extended practice and was very charitable to the poorer class of patients. Stephen D. Wells, of Shohola, married one of Dr. I. B. Craft's daughters. Another son is a Catholic priest, or doctor, in Dakota. Dr. John Sims was assessed as a physician in 1819. A number of young physicians have practiced medicine in Milford and vicinity for short periods, but the oldest physicians prac- ticing here lived in Port Jervis and across the river in New Jersey. Among these may be mentioned Drs. Hornbeck and Van Deusen, and Drs. Rosecraus and Hunt, who lived op- posite Dingman's Ferry. Dr. W. W. Bidlack, son of Hon. B. A. Bidlack, was with his father at Bogota, United States of Columbia, S. A., when he died. He returned to the United States, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1852 and commenced practice in Luzerne County. He then traveled in Europe and Africa, where he spent two years, most of the time in Africa. From there he returned to Philadelphia and practiced medicine from 1856 till the outbreak- ing of the Rebellion, when he entered the army as a surgeon. After the war he went to Mis- sissippi, attached to a negro regiment during the reconstruction period. Returning to Phil- adelphia and Stroudsburg, he practiced medi- cine for a short time at each place, and next went as a surgeon under General Crook's com- mand in 1872, when the latter was sent to Arizona to repulse the Apache Indians. In 1874 he removed to California and practiced medicine at San Francisco and Santa Barbara. In 1883 he returned to Milford, where he is now in practice. Milford Lodge, No. 82, F. and A.M., was the first lodge in this county or Wayne. The warrant for this lodge was granted April 25, 1800. Samuel C. Seely was W. M. ; John Brink, S. W.;EliphaletKellog, Jr., J. W. The charter for the lodge was lost and the lodge became extinct. Years afterward the charter was found in New Jersey and when the present Masonic lodge was organized in Milford they petitioned to be restored to their former num- ber, but the Grand Lodge would not permit it and the old charter was surrendered to them. Milford Lodge, No. 344, F. and A. M., was organized December, 18, 1862, the following persons being present at the organization of the lodge : John C. Westbrook, John Canfield, Jeffrey Wells, Horace St. John, John Dekin, Henry S. Mott, George Wiggins, Erastus Slauson, John Mahon, Philip J. Fulmer, _John Schunell, William Cornelius, Alexander Reviere, John C. Mott, Daniel M. Van Aukeu, Eli Fuller, Jacob Kleinhaus, Thomas J. Ridgway, Philip Lee, Thomas Sharpe, Henry Stewart, John Leforge, George P. Heller, Giles Greene and others. The following were the first officers: D. M. Van Auken, W. M.; George P. Heller, S. W.; John C. Mott, J. W.; Eli Fuller, Treasurer ; William Cornelius, Secretary ; Desire Culot, S. D.; A. Reviere, J. D. John B. Newman was also a charter member. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The lodge meets every Wednesday night, on or before the full of the moon, in the hall at the Sawkill House. There are now fifty-six mem- bers. Vandeemark Lodge, No. 828, I. O. O. F., was organized in the Masonic Hall, at three p.m., April 24, 1873. For the above purpose the following grand officers were pres- ent : William Stedman, M. W. G. M.; John W. Stokes, R. W. D. G. M. pro tern..,- James B. Nicholson, R. W. G. S.; John Sharp, R. W. G. W. pro tern.; Ira Olm- sted, R. W. G. T. pro tern,.; Daniel Romaine, R W. G. C.pro tern.; S. A. J. Conkling, W. G. C. pro tern.; Tunis Rowland, W. G. U. pro tern.; Oliver E. Wheat, W. G. G. pro (em.; George Norris, W. G. H. pro tern. The applicants, nineteen in number, having presented themselves, were duly constituted a Lodge of I. O. O. F., after which the following officers were elected and installed : N. G., James H. Dony ; V. G., Thomas Armstrong ; Secretary, Henry M. Beardsley ; A. S., Frank Cooley ; Treasurer, Vincent Emerson. The following officers were appointed and installed : C, Thomas L. Armstrong; W., Henry Beam; I. G., John McCarty ; O. G., John Reasor; R. S. S., William Wood; L. S. S., Jacob De Witt; R. S. N. G., M. W. Van Auken ; L. S. N. G.. W. H Court- right ; R. S. V. G., Frederick C. Aimer ; L. S. V. G., Russling De Witt; Chaplain, Rev. Theo. D. Frazee. Highly interesting and appropriate remarks were then made by the Grand Master, William Stedman, John W. Stokes, P. G. M., James B. Nicholson, G. Sec'y and P. G. Sire, and Bro- ther Romaine, of Ustayantha Lodge, No. 143, after which a recess was declared for the pur- pose of refreshing the inuer man. The Cornelius Brothers proved themselves equal to the occasion, and about seventy of the order sat down to one of those suppers for which the Sawkill House is so justly famous. The lodge meets every Thursday night in the hall over Wallace's store, has about seventy members, and is financially in good coudition. Delaware Post, G. A. R., was brought into existence in February, 1884, chiefly through the efforts of R. B. Thrall. The following soldiers eurolled their names and were the charter or original members : E. G. Loreaux, Co. B, 179th Regt. Pa. Vols. James Bosler, Co. B, 142d Regt. N. Y. Vols. R. B. Thrall, Co. B, 2d Regt. N. Y. Vols. Jacob O. Brown, Co. D, 39th Regt. N. J. Vols. Daniel D. Rosencrance, Co. M, 18th Regt. Pa. Cav. Michael B. Pitney, Co. B, 151st Regt. Pa. Vols. Ira B. Case, Co. B, 151st Regt. Pa. Vols. Daniel V. Drake, Co. D, 45th Regt. Pa. Vols. Linford West, Co. A, 41st Regt. Pa. (Col.) Vols. William E. Sigler, Co. B. 179th Regt. Pa. Vols. John T. Armstrong, Co. B, 179th Regt, Pa. Vols. John C. Thomas, Co. C, 67lh Regt. Pa. Vols. William M. Watson, Co. D,45th Regt. Pa. Vols. John West, Co. H, 4th Regt. N. Y. Art. C. M. Leidel, Co. B, 152d Regt. Pa. Vols. M. H. Layton, Co. G, 142d Regt. Pa. Vols. G. M. Quick, Co. K, 1st Regt. N. Y. Engineers. A. S. Dingman, 1st lieut., Co. B, 179th Regt. Pa. Vols. C. Hermann, Co. B, 142d Regt. N. Y. Vols. Wesley Watson, Co. B, 151st Regt. Pa. Vols. Colored People in Milford and Vicin- ity. — The old Dutch pioneers of the Minisink brought their slaves with them, and the leading families on both sides of the Delaware were slaveholders. There are about fifty negroes in Milford, and in Port Jervis many more. They are the descendants of these former slaves and have generally left the country districts and congregated in the towns, where they serve in hotels and are ready to do odd jobs of work, but they are seldom thrifty or frugal. Some of them are more than half white. Of this char- actei arc Richard Piggery and his wife, Ros- anna, an aged couple who have a very vivid recollection of the old settlers and a very quaint way of expressing their opinion of them, views which our researches verify most strikingly. Michael Scott is their preacher here and Lewis Milligan in Port Jervis. Sister Minor, a ne- gress from Port Jervis, sometimes talks to them. " Old Black Jerry " lives in Delaware town- ship with the Widow Angle. He was born a free man, near Richmond, and wheu eight years of age was brought to Delaware by Colo- nel Brodhead. When Brodhead left, " Black Jerry " went to live with Cornelius Angle, where he stayed for forty years, and has lived twenty years with one of his sons. " Black Jerry " has never been married and is quite a character in his way. He says " he don't want no woman PIKE COUNTY. to be bossing him around." He can be seen in liis shirt-sleeves, with his breast exposed in cold winter weather. He is a very respectable did darkey and is now about eighty years of BROSS S RECOLLECTIONS OF PIKE COUNTY AND MILFORD. 1 " My father, Moses Bross, moved to Milford in 1821 or 1822, the precise date I cannot determine. At that time Milford was a small but prosperous town. The turnpike came in from the west, and the road from Carpenter's Point from the north, and the two met, as now, where Pinchot's store and Dimmick's Hotel are situated. In the town they were dignified with the name of streets, which names they still re- tain. Besides these there was a street diagonal most of the way from the top of the hill, above Bidde's Mill, to the old Court-House. The fish on the top of it did duty then, as now, as a weathercock, from which for more than three-score years it has never been re- lieved. My father lived on the point, at the Upper Eddy, immediately above the mouth of the Vander- mark Creek, and S. S. Thrall on or near the high point on the banks of the Delaware at the Lower Eddy. Both these houses were hotels devoted almost exclusively to the entertainment of raftsmen, and in the raiting season were filled to overflowing. Nearly all the residences and stores were on the two streets above named. In the triangle between them, where the academy used to stand, there was quite a depres- sion, rocky as possible, and covered with scrub oaks wherever they could find room to take root. The people were mainly from New England and the sur- rounding districts, and, like most men who settle new countries, were intellectual, enterprising and very energetic, — -just the men to achieve success wherever they might settle. "Whence was the Prosperity.— It has been said the town was prosperous; for this there were rea- sons not difficult to find. The ridges west of it for scores of miles were covered with a dense forest, much of the timber being white pine of an excellent quality. The inhabitants scattered all over these ridges, and in the valleys manufactured the pine forests into boards, planks, scantling and shingles, lath, etc., which were in due time carted to Milford and traded with the merchants. At that time the farmers in Sussex, Morris and perhaps other counties in New Jersey had become, if not rich, at least possessed of a surplus of farm products, and these they handled at Milford, and exchanged with our merchants for lum- ber to build barns and more elegant homes for their families. Any surplus that might remain was rafted down the Delaware for a market. The Milford mer- chants thus selling goods to the lumbermen, and also By Lieutenant-Governor William Bross, of Illinois. lumber to the Jersey farmers, realizing in this way a double profit, became rich, and the town was of course prosperous. The building of the Delaware and Hud- son Canal and the Erie Railway up the Delaware also made large demands upon Milford for supplies. As in the distant past the rich trade of Asia meeting at Palmyra, Venice and Genoa with the demands and wants of Europe, made them great and prosperous, but when the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope changed the traffic of the world and diverted it from its ancient channels, these great cities sank into in- significance, 80, when the canal and the Erie Railway had been built and diverted from Milford the sources of its wealth, it suffered severely. It had not then been discovered that it was one of the most beautiful and healthy summer resorts in the whole Union, and since then it has grown and prospered wonderfully, as its fine hotels, splendid streets and elegant dwellings abund- antly testify. Having compared its situation with most of those in every other State of the Union, I am sure it cannot be deprived of the proud position it has attained among summer residents from New York, Philadelphia and other cities. The high, beau- tiful plateau on which it stands, the noble Delaware laving its eastern bluff; the scores of miles of un- equaled drives, the bluffs to the north of the moun- tains, and the hills that surround it, and withal the large spring that supplies the town with water, sweet and pure as crystal, all secure Milford in the enjoy- ment of every enduring prosperity. Morals. — "While the town was very prosperous in all its early history, the morals of the people were at a very low ebb. When my father moved there from New Jersey, in 1821 or 1822, there certainly were not as many righteous men in the town as theie were in Sodom. The stores were all open on the Sabbath, and the streets were full of teams loaded with lumber from the back districts, or with those from New Jersey exchanging their produce for lumber. In fact, Sun- day was the great market and gala day of the week. Horse-racing, gambling and drinking were rife, and at general trainings, elections and other public occasions, personal encounters and black eyes were only too common. Fortunately for myself, at least. I was too young, and had too good an example and instruction at home to be anything more than a valiant spectator on all such occasions. " Our politics are now thought to be bad enough, but they are decency and honor compared with what was everywhere seen in the early days of Milford. Candidates were plenty, and as King Caucus had not yet moved upon the polls — at least he had never been heard of in Pike County — each one boldly nominated himself. Standing on the counter, notably, of the old French store was a bottle of apple-jack, old rye brandy, in fact, that could not fail to suit the tastes of the multitude, with the name of the candidate who furnished the liquor. These bottles were kept full, and the candidates, ever watchful, would meet each SS4 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. arriving voter, and with the choicest blandishments, lead him by the arm to the counter and his bottle. The quality of the fluid being high — brandy, for in- stance in proportion to the dignity and the profit of the office-hunter's seeking — so it was that the man that had the longest purse and shortest conscience was sure to be elected. " A Change for the Better. — From this sad and truthful— perchance, disgusting— picture, as presented to me when a boy, more than sixty years ago, let us turn to the great changes for the better that, a few years later, came over the town, and the causes that produced them. Before my father moved to Milford there was not a male church-member in the town, certainly not one that made himself known and his influence felt as a Christian. There was not a church of any kind whatever. My father was a man who had the courage of his convictions, and coming from the Dutch church across the river, presided over by Dominie C. C. Elting of blessed memory, his first move on the forces of the enemy was to establish a prayer- meeting, by permission, in the court-house. As a new thing it attracted attention, and my father often told of his embarrassment, and how his knees smote together, when a few of what he called the ' tall sons of Anak,' for the want of amusement, came to the meetings. In these efforts he was cordially and ably seconded by James Wallace, a leading merchant, but not then a member of any church — a most excel- lent Scotch-Irishman. Out of the prayer-meetings soon grew a Sunday-school, the first in all that country. This writer was one of its first pupils, and during his membership Matthew, Luke and John were all learned by heart, a valuable acquisition during all his subsequent history. These Christian efforts, and the success following them, induced other friends to can- vass the prospect of engaging a minister. What con- trolled the selection I do not know, but it certainly proved to be a most excellent one. How the parson was obtained is worthy of note. My father, then and never after, being blessed with much of this world's goods, borrowed a horse from Mr. Wallace, as I remember, a harness of some one else, and a buggy of another, and he and my mother went over to West- town and presented the matter to Rev. Thos. Grier. The subject was laid before the Hudson Presbytery, and it was agreed that Mr. Crier might be spared from that town one Sabbath in three, giving one-third of his services to the town of Milford. Mr. Grier was a man of splendid presence, an excellent preacher, whose earnest discussion and application of gospel truth had a marked effect upon the community. The services were held, as were all other public meetings, in the court-house. As an illustration of the habits of the time, it is here mentioned that every Friday morning, when he was expected to arrive, my father would say to me, 'William, take the decanter and go to La Forge's store and get a quart of his best brandy,' and before every meal the brandy and a bowl oi eggs would be en the table, and the Dom- inie would take an egg and some brandy for the good of his health. " My father and mother both being companionable people, they for years kept the ministerial hotel. It should be here mentioned that when the ' Tem- perance Reform ' was first agitated, Mr. Thrall, my father and many others banished liquor from their homes forever. " The ministrations of Mr. Grier were greatly blessed and the Sunday-school of which this writer was one of the first members was large and suc- cessful, and on the 25th of September, 1825, the Presbyterian Church was organized. James Wallace, Jacob Quick and my father were the first elders, with my mother and three or four other ladies as members. The court-house soon became too small for the congregation, and I well remember the earn- est conferences in regard to the building of a new church. Finally, Mr. Grier preached a sermon from the text 'Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build an house and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified saith the Lord.' — Haggai i. 8. As a result, to the mountains did the people go, and a church very respect- able in size and appointments was built on the spot where the Presbyterian parsonage now stands, and as a lad of a dozen years I, with others, held the studs at ' the raising ' while the frame was going up. To me it was always one of the most interesting buildings in Milford, for there I heard the gospel preached in its power and there was an almost constant revival, when, on the 29th of Au- gust, 1832, this writer became a member of the church. This was probably the controlling act in his personal history, for though short-comings have marked my life-work, to it I owe the small measure, morally and otherwise, of success the Lord has granted me. This remark is specially commended to all young people who may chance to read these lines. " During the time above referred to nearly all the leading people of the town had become members of the church. A more complete reformation was, per- haps, never effected, and most happily the influence of those early movements has continued down to the present. About 1830 or 1831 Mr. Grier removed to some other charge, and Rev. Edward Allen came from New Jersey, and besides supplying the church, took charge of the Academy, the building of which had followed that of the church. Under his preaching and that of his most faithful associates, George and Peter Kanouse and others, nearly all the remaining citizens were gathered into the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, the latter having been built a few years before. Many of his pupils also joined the church, and under Mr. Allen and his excellent broth- er-in-law, Dr. Alexander Linn, commenced a classical education. As to one of them, it is here remarked, it is charged that he went through Williams College PIKE COUNTY. SS5 a charity student. To some extent this is true, and for this purpose Milford furnished exactly one dollar and credit for a suit of clothes. For that dollar he handed a leading lady of the Milford Church a ten- dollar bill for benevolent purposes, and the clothes were paid for in a month or two after he graduated, in 1838. But the society to which Rev. Mr. Allen, one of the ablest teachers and preachers, and in all respects one of the best of men, introduced me and some of his other students, loaned me just $3or>. In addition to this, I taught school in Massachusetts every winter, and yet I found myself $600 in debt when I graduated. One-half of this was secured by a policy on my life, and the other was loaned me by Eastern friends. This was all paid with interest in two or three years, and the $305 were paid with com- pound interest, amounting to some $2800, by consent of the society that loaned it, to two of our colleges. I hope to be able to give two or three times that sum to our Christian benevolent and educational institutions every year during my life. For these reasons I am thankful that I was educated at all, and have no re- grets or false modesty to own that I was educated as a charity student. " In 1834 Mr. Allen had removed with his school to Liberty ville, New Jersey, and in the opening of that year, with my small wardrobe tied in an old bandan- na handkerchief swung on a stick across my shoulder, I crossed the mountain on foot and spent the summer completing as best I could my preparation for col- lege. Of course I reluctantly bade good-by to Mil- ford as a home forever. " The Bar.— The bar of Milford at this early day was composed of very able and eloquent men. Judge Scott, of Wilkesbarre, presided over the court with great dignity, with Associate Judges Dingniau on his right, and Coolbaugh on his left. Judge Dingman was an active, wiry man, and generally held a polit- ical meeting during court-week, at which resolutions were passed thoroughly commending the national and State administrations. "Judge Coolbaugh was a large, portly man and, so far as is now remembered, was very dignified and un- obtrusive. Among our Milford lawyers D. M. Brod- head stood first, a man of splendid presence, able, elo- quent and commanding the respect and confidence of the bar and the public. He afterward figured largely among the leading men of the State. Richard Eldred, O.'S. Dimmick, Edward Mott and some others de- serve more extended mention. Bethany sent us N. B. Eldred, one of the most valuable, eloquent and suc- cessful lawyers of the time. Wilkes-Barre sent us sev- eral of her most distinguished lawyers. First in learn- ing and, it is believed, in substantial character and clear judgment, was Garret Mallory, afterward a lead- ing judge in Pennsylvania. Then there were Fuller & Cunningham (probably Conyngham), and perhaps others should be mentioned. Notably among them was Benjamin F. Bidlack, a splendid man in pre- sence, learning and ability. He was captured by the second daughter of Deacon James Wallace, and settled among us. Being ambitious to become widely known, he established the first newspaper ever pub- lished in the county. It was called The Northern Eagle and Milford Monitor. Between the first two words there was a villainous picture of an eagle, which the boys, by a very easy mental process, called a 'crow.' My father was a great friend of Bidlack's and secured the position of carrier for his eldest son. As he wended his way from the house of one Milford nabob to another, with a bundle of papers under his arm, he would hear the cheerful salutation, ' There comes the Northern crow.' This would often produce a belligerent state of society between the sturdy car- rierand his fellow-urchins, and not seldom there were blows to take as well as slang to hurl at him. From this humble position he found himself half-owner of a paper in Chicago in 1S49, and for more than a third of a century he has been connected with the daily press in the city of Chicago. Mr. Bidlack was very successful. He became member of Congress, and died as United States minister resident in Columbia, in South America. "Personal Sketches.— Perhaps some personal sketches of the leading men of Milford sixty years ago may be of interest. " I will begin at the lower end of the town, where, upon the bluff, lived Samuel S. Thrall. He was a large, portly man, very kind and benevolent, and in all re- spects a good citizen. He stopped the objectionable part of the hotel business, as did my father, viz., sell- ing liquor, when temperance principles were agitated. He became an elder in the church, and was ever con- sidered one of our best citizens. James Wallace kept store nearly across the way from Mr. Thrall, where the streets fork at the top of the hill, as one then went west from Biddis' mill. He was an example of all that was dignified and good in human character. A man of medium height, sturdy frame and benevolent expression, he was a man to command the respect and the confidence of the entire community. He spent the latter years of his life on a fine farm now occupied by Mr. Bull, some two miles north of Mil- ford, on the Port Jervis rpad. He had considerable wealth, which he used as such a man is most likely to do, for the wisest benefit of his family and his fel- low-men. His two sons, John and James, were al- ways leading men in Milford, and Frank, the young- est, became a very successful and wealthy broker in New York. Colonel John N. Brodhead was a leading merchant, dealing largely in lumber, whose house was on the first corner west of that of Mr. Wallace. He was a kind and most excellent gentleman, to whom this writer was indebted when a boy for some favors that were never forgotten. He filled for many years of his later life an important position in the Treasury Department at Washington. His youngest daughter is the wife of Senator General Van Wick, of Nebras- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ka. Next west, on the south side of the street, ever to be found on his work-bench, was Henry Barnes, an industrious, pleasant, honest man, with a never- failing fund of kindly feeding which made a chat with him always agreeable and instructive. Westward, on the right-hand of the street, the nearest house to the Cornelius Hotel, lived James Barton, a marked figure among the denizens of Milford. Tall and com- manding in figure, with a fine, open, benevolent coun- tenance, and head as white as snow, easily approached by the humblest of the people, he was always popular. He was wealthy and very enterprising, building Bar- ton's grist-mill, at the west end of the town, and tak- ing an active interest, if, indeed, he was not the pro- jector and father, of the Milford water-works. These facts made the people forget, if it was ever true, that he received a pension from the English Government for services rendered during the Revolutionary War. Be that as it may, he always used his money for the good of the community among whom he lived. His family of daughters were very intellectual and accomplished women, and whose husbands were among our leading- citizens. Probably the most widely-known man Mil- ford had was Lewis Cornelius. He kept both store and hotel in the house his family still occupy. Hon- est and socially an agreeable man, he was always pop- ular. His hotel attracted custom from far and near. The first and most important requisite was that his wife and her daughters were among the very best cooks and housekeepers that could be found in the whole country, and Mr. Cornelius himself attracted the travelling public by his great size. " At his death he weighed, as I remember, six hun- dred and seventy-five pounds — probably considerably less than he would tip the beam at when in good health. But if people wanted to see him, they must give no sign that they came for that purpose, or he would at once become invisible. In spite of his im- mense size, he always kept at the head of his busi- ness, and no one could ever complain of negligence when stopping at his hotel. His son John, now dead, became sheriff of the county, and his sisters have continued the business down to the present day. Across the road lived Hon. D. M. Brodhead, above referred to, and opposite, on the main street, was the residence and drug-store of Dr. Francis A. L. Smith. With his father, then living in Belgium, near Brus- sels, he escaped during the early wars with France, and, after many startling incidents and hair-breadth escapes, they arrived in America. Being of a leading wealthy family, they did not wish their friends at home to know where they were, and so changed their names De Aerts to Smith, the nearest possible to be- ing anonymous. He was an accomplished scholar, speaking German and French fluently, and, being a man that everybody liked, he was always a leading man in the community. On the same side of the street, and opposite from Port Jervis, was the hotel of Samuel Dimmick. His active habits and close at- tention to business, and withal his great courtesy and kindness, made him a popular landlord and a good citizen. Opposite, on the northeast corner, was the residence of C. C. D. Pinchot, his house being in the rear and his store in front. He was a man of great energy and enterprise, and accumulated a large for- tune. As a member of the Presbyterian Church, he was as earnest and his influence was as widely felt in religious as in the business interests of the town. Of his sons, one has been judge and another is a leading New York manufacturer and capitalist of that city. West of the corner, on the opposite side of the street, lived Theophilus H. Smith. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, a good business man and an excellent citizen. On the west side of the street (Harford, I think it is) was the hotel of George Bow- hannon, still occupied by his daughters. Opposite was the store of John B. Le Forge. He was a large, fine-looking gentleman, and had the reputation of keeping the best and choicest goods in town. Taci- turn, yet polite and dignified, he always held a lead- ing place among his fellow-merchants. Of course he was prosperous. Sheriff James Hatson occupied the court-house. He was popular and an excellent officer. As to the old court-house, there it has stood, to my certain knowledge, for more than sixty years. Not a change outwardly, and I presume internally, has come over it, while those eloquent men who once waked the echoes within its walls have all passed away. Such is life. "Northward still, and on the same side of the street, was the ' Old French Store.' The firm was first Pinchot & Muclare, but, both these dying, it fell under the direction of Madame Pinchot and her son Cyrille. The firm from the beginning was managed with all the tact, energy and shrewdness always man- ifest in the French character. It had a marked suc- cess from the beginning, and it was believed did a larger and more successful business than any other store in Milford. Madame Pinchot was a courteous, excellent woman, whose memory is cherished by all who knew her. An only daughter, Hortense, the wife of J. C. Westbrook, of Port Jervis, a most ac- complished and excellent woman, still survives her. Westward, on the same street, lived Richard Eldred. He was a successful lawyer and a good citizen. No man ever had a better wife ' whose price is far above rubies.' I say this entirely without regard to the fact that she was the woman that handed my father the dollar to assist me in getting my education. Westward still, the house standing directly next to the bridge below and across the Vandemark Creek, stood the house of my uncle, Daniel Beecher. His wife was my mother's oldest sister. He was a well- known character, for he utilized, to the best possible advantage for himself, the tax deeds of the back ridges of Pike County by trading them oft' for goods, cattle, horses, almost anything, with the New England people anxious to become proprietors of Western ffiffi. PIKE COUNTY. 887 lands. Scarcely any one of theni ever occupied those lands, and hence the population of the county was not specially increased by his efforts. Directly below was the expensive wagon manufactory of Roys & Benton, two enterprising Yankees from Connecticut. They did a large and successful business. It was continued by John M. Heller, who afterward moved his establishment to Port Jervis. He was one of the best of men, the father of Judge George P. Heller, lor many years a leading politician and judge in the county. I should have said in the proper place he married Helen, one of the best of her sex, the daugh- ter of John H. Wallace, and lived nearly opposite and near, the Cornelius Hotel, a righteous judge and an honest man. Directly across the bridge, to the left hand, lived Hugh Ross, a lawyer and always a man of mark. The house is now occupied by Hon. D. M. Yan Auken, whose wife was his grand- daughter. " My father lived, as above stated, on the point just above the mouth of the Yandem.irk Creek. He was a tall, spare man of great energy and wide intelligence in all matters derived from books and newspapers. His knowledge of the Scriptures was accurate, and em- braced nearly every fact brought out and principle stated in Bible history. A thoroughly honest and sincerely religious man was Moses Bross. He lived a life of toil and devotion to his large family and the best interests of the church which he loved so well. Regarding the church he helped to organize, it has often been a matter of discussion in my own mind whether all his sons put together can ever have a tithe of the influence for good to which he is justly entitled. He left Milford somewhere in the sixties, and moved to Panther Brook, a mile above Shohola, where he lived till 1865, when his oldest son moved him and his blessed mother to Morris, 111. The mother died February 22, 1808, and he lived on in peace and com- fort till August 19, 1882, when he peacefully passed away, lacking but two months and twelve days of being ninety years old. Many others might and per- haps ought to be mentioned, and it may be asked, ' Had you no bad men in those early days ? ' True, we had ; but ' speak only good of the departed ' is a good rule, old as history and morals. Most of those that were worth saving, as above stated, reformed and were gathered into the churches between 1826 and the few subsequent years. ' Their works do follow them,' and the doctrines of heredity are fully illus- trated in their children, while I make no invidious comparisons among them ; yet as their fathers were, so are they — the leaders of the people among whom they live; granting that their morals are good, so will they continue to be. May I be permitted the remark, in closing, that I always visit Milford with thegreatest pleasure. Alas! the old house on the hill, where my father lived, and where all his younger children, but one, were born, was burned a few weeks ago, and the church which in my boyish days, I helped to build, and in which I joined myself with the Lord's people, have passed away, but in one heart, at least, their memory is precious. " Though Milford now contains, perhaps, ten times as many people as when I first knew it, and the resi- dences are many, and not a few of them large and elegant, there will not be a man sixty years hence who will have a more interested and pleasant memory of it than the writer of this sketch. Hon. William Bross is one of the founders, edi- tors and proprietors of The Chicago Tribune. He is among the earlier graduates of Williams and one of the distinguished alumni who have reflected lustre upon their alma mater. He was born in New Jersey, November 4, 1813, and was reared to manhood at Milford, Pa. His paternal and maternal ancestors were excellent people. He graduated with high honors from Williams with the class of 1S3S. In 1866 he delivered the alumni address, and has re- ceived numerous evidences of the high estimate in which he is held by the friends of that institution, which has conlerred upon him its higher degrees. After graduating he taught an academy in Orange County, New York, for nearly ten years, with decided success. He was a thorough classical scholar, and a student of the arts, sciences and of history. He came to Chicago in 1848, engaged in the book trade for a time, and bought out the then Prairie Herald, and continued it two years, when he united with John L. Scripps in establishing the Democratic Press, a daily and weekly newspaper, Democratic in politics up to the time of the organization of the Republican party, when he championed that cause, and was one of its ablest and most eloquent advocates, and has been since. He was the first man in the West to indorse the nom- ination of John C. Fremont for President. In 1859 he consolidated his paper with The Tribune. In 1860 he was a prime mover in securing the nomination of Lincoln for President, and was among the foremost in planning and executing the remarkable campaign which resulted in his election, and was one of his trusted and confidential advisers during his Presi- dency. In 1864 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor of Illinois, and served four years with great credit to himself and satisfaction to the people, and as presid- ing officer of the Senate was the first official in the United States to sign the resolution passed by the Illi- nois Legislature ratifying the amendment to the Con- stitution prohibiting slavery, Illinois being the first State to take action. In 1868 he visited the Rocky Mountains, and the miners on a then nameless peak, near Mount Lincoln, named it Mount Bross, in honor of him and his visit, and it bears that name to-day, made permanent by the map-maker, by official action, and by the artist. Mr. Bross has led an active, useful, and beneficent life, as teacher, journalist, statesman and citizen, and there are few men whose personal history is so in- separably connected with the history of Illinois dur- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ing his time, the annals of which he has so conspicu- ously illustrated. He will transmit a fortune and an example of how a guided mentality can assert a mas- tery over difficulties and even adverse circumstances in shaping the character and destiny of a man, if balanced by a true manhood and a high moral pur- pose. His life work is written in the history of his time. All attempts to assail his integrity have been fruitless. He has led the life of a Christian gentle- man in private and in public. He has traveled ex- tensively in this and in foreign countries, and the chronicles of his intelligent observations have graced the columns of his own paper and other publications. In 1839 he married the only daughter of the late Dr. John T. Jansen, of Goshen, N. Y., a most estima- ble lady. They have had much affliction, having buried four sons and three daughters, the last resting- place of the mortal remains of whom is marked by a beautiful monument in Rosehill Cemetery. Only one child survives, Mrs. Henry D. Lloyd, a lady of rare mental endowments, whose presence adorns polished society. Before the recent death of his father, four generations, on both sides, were represented in a group at one time, — an isolated instance of the kind, so far as is known. 1 1 The following is inserted, as it contains a condensed History of Gov Bross' family. To My Wife. MRS. MARY JANE BROSS, DAUGHTER OF THE LATE DR. JOHN T. JANSEN, OF GOSHEN, N. T. On Her Sixtieth Birthday. Bright and blessed be the coming Of thy sixtieth birthday morn. Thankful that through joys s By my side thou'st stood so long.* 'Mid old Orange hills I found thee.f There our wedded love began ; 'Mid Chicago's surging progress, Pass we most of life's short span, Scourgings oft have been our portion, Toils and sorrows bitter, deep ; Seven sweet babes in mercy sent us, Safe in Abraham's bosom sleep. J From our happy home in fire \ Drove us, life to start anew ; Worse than all the loss we've suffered. Faithless friends have stung us, too. But from sorrows look we, cheerful Down the rapid stream of time, And whate'er the Father sends us, Bowing to His will divine ; Thankful that our darling Jessie || Lives to bless our waning years, * Married October 7, 1839. J Interred at Rosehill. t Orange County, X. Y. \ October 9, 1871. || Now Mrs. Henry D. Lloyd. Has two sons, William Bross Lloyd, i bis eighth, and Henry Demarest Lloyd, Jr., in his fifth year. Cemetery. — The beautiful Milford Ceme- tery^ purchased aud laid out by an association, was dedicated on May 26, 1808, with appropri- ate exercises in the presence of a great concourse of people. The address was delivered by Lu- cicn F. Barnes, who died not long afterwards and was the first person buried in the grounds he had done so much to provide. A poem was read by John D. Eiddis, Esq., addresses were delivered by Eev. E. H. Beattie and Eev. C. S. Eymall and a choir sang several selections and a hymn composed especially for the occasion. Following is Mr. Biddis' jioem : For half a century back our fathers' bones have slept In the old orchard, where the little knot Of cluster'd pine trees have their vigils kept, Lonely, but watchful o'er the sacred spot. Nought marks the grave but the rude mound of earth,. Or tott'ring slab of marble or rough stone ; No epitaph to tell us of their worth— Thai to their deeds and time is left alone. Deserted now, this first old burying-grotind ; Uneared for now, decaying with its dead ; But many a chiseled shaft and tell-tale mound Cluster about our churches in its stead. Children and friends have fallen, one by one; Father and mother rest beneath the sod ; Their joys and sorrows felt, their journey done, And their immortal spirits with their God. But now within the small allotted space, Scarce room is left for mourning friends to tread, Who fain with loving hands would gladly grace With flowers the turf that closes o'er their dead. The cheerless wind sweeps, howling, bleak and drear ; The spectral army, only, points the sky ; And no protecting tree or hill-side's near To make the wind's loud roar a gentle lullaby. Is there nought left, when in the narrow cell We've laid our hallowed dead and o'er them weep, But for a mourning season in our hearts to tell To our own selves their past, and let them sleep? An angel to th' poor and erring, To soothe their cares and dry their tears. Joy we then to hope and labor On, while life and strength may last, Striving ever to make better. Those with whom our lot is cast. And when toils and cares are ended, With our dear ones may we sleep Side by side, until th' Archangel Wakes us never more to weep. Chicago, January 2, 1873. W. B. PIKE COUNTY. How doubly dark, how fearful would seem death, If we, who living, look beyond life's end, Were doomed to chain unto our parting breath All that in love, to life its beauties lend. Such love, as that which in a mother dwells, When weeping o'er the pillow of her child ; Or from the wife's devoted bosom swells, When her dear ones are toss'd by tempests wild. The memory of a gentle sister's thought, The fond regard that lights the lover's eye ; If with the loss of these the tomb were fraught, Our graves were all left of us when we die. We've met to-day to consecrate the spot Where some of us must find our future home ; Where each of us may choose the little lot, Wherein to rest when death shall come. Here, where yon mountain lends its grateful shade ; Here, by the side of yonder gentle river; Where Nature's self a resting-place hath made ; Here let our loved ones rest in peace forever. Here, through the pines the summer showers will weep, And through their branches birds will chirp and sing ; These hills as sentinels their vigils keep ; And from the ground will sweetest violets spring. With all that's cheerful here a solemn grandeur blends ; The stillness of the scene, yon rocks of sombre grey; And through the winding paths the funeral cortege lends A sadness fitting to the burial day. When once loved forms are mouldering to dust, Let ties of love that made their lives so sweet All centre here, and, faithful to our trust, Let us keep tenderly their last retreat. 'Tis meet that wand'ring spirits here should dwell, And through these trees the wind in sadness wail ; The gentle dove her mournful story tell, And with soft music fill the echoing vale. How better far, to feel that we and ours May sometime slumber in this lovely place, Than in the crowded churchyard where no flowers Or trees or birds our final couch can grace. There are buried in the cemetery the follow- ing soldiers, viz. : Col. John Nyce, 174th Regt. Pa. Vols. Seth Williamson, War of 1812. John Westfall, 4th Regt. N. J. Artillery. Gen. Dan Brodhead, Revolutionary War. 87 Capt. 0. H. Mott, Co. B, 151st Regt. Pa. Vols. George Royce, private, Co. C, 67th Regt. Pa. Vols. Major Richard Eldred, War of 1812. Capt. J. Everett Eldred, Co. C, 67th Pa. Vols. Jacob Scott, private in a colored regiment. Mii. ford Borough — Civil Organiza- tion. — The first election, under the borough charter was held February 1(3, 1875, when the following officers were chosen : Chief Burgess.— John C. Wallace. Town ( 'ouncil. — John Gaillard, Henry B. Wells Jacob Klaer, Peter A. L. Quick, Desire Bournique. School Directors. — Charles D. Loreaux, Vincent Emerson, John Nyce, F. H. Palmer, David A. Wells, Frederick C. Aimer. Overseers for the Poor. — Emanuel B. Quick, John B Newman. High Constable. — Thomas J. Newman. Assessor- — Chauncy W. Dimmick. Auditors. — Abram D. Brown, Benjamin F. Bennett, Edward Quick. Judge of Elections. — James H. Doney. Inspectors of Elections. — Oscar M. Brink, George Slawson. February 23, 1875, the first meeting of the Town ( Vtmoil was held in the house of John C. Wallace, burgess, who presided. Harry T. Baker was elected secretary of the Council and Samuel Dietrick was appointed treasurer. The following persons have held the office of chief burgess since that time : 1876. Desire" Bournique. | 1881. J. R. Julius Kline. 1877. W. K. Ridgway. I 1882. C. W. Bull. 1878. H. B. Wells. 1883. M. D. Mott. 1879. John Nyce. ! 1884. Geo. E. Horton. 1880. John Nyce. 1 I 1885-86. J. Hutchison. Scenery and Surroundings. — The rich and varied scenery in the region round about Milford has made the town famous and brought it into favor among artists, lovers of nature, tourists and summer sojourners in general. Pike County is a district in which nature is still fresh, wild, untrammeled, unbroken by the works of man, which, often endeavoring to increase beauty, only mar it. Large portions of the county are in as rude and rough a wilderness state as they were a hundred years ago, and this wildness forms one of the chief charms of 'John Nyce was elected and died, and Walter Newman filled the vacancy. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONRO K COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the county. Yet some portions of Pike are highly cultivated and afford a marked contrast with the wild-wood, mountainous, rocky and ravine-cleft regions. There are refreshing elements of beauty al- most everywhere in the county, from the level well-titled Delaware bottom lands to the wilderness-clad mountains in the interior. Per- haps the boldest and most picturesque scenery in the vicinity of Milford is formed by the cliffs which sharply mark the valley of the river, and form, in fact, a wall for many miles along the bottom lands. The cliff is most rugged and reaches its greatest height at a point about three miles below Milford, known as "Utter's Point," ' The road leads aloug its base, and the sight-seer cannot, without leaving it and going toward the river, obtain a satis- factory view of this towering rock wall. A very fine view is to be had from the farm-house of Mr. Warner. Of all the varied sceues of loveliness in mountain, stream and lake, there is perhaps no single feature so remarkable and popularly pleasing as the waterfalls. Of these there are many in the county (elsewhere spokeu of), but those of chief importance in the vicinity of Milford are the Sawkill and Raymondskill, the former only a mile and a half distant and the latter about three miles. It is not too much to say of these that they are among the most picturesque in the United States. Of the Sawkill Falls further mention is made, under the head of "Geology." Of the "incomparable Raymondskill," Edmund C. Stedman has written a highly poetical account, which we here abridge, — "The cockney tourist, whose first inquiry on land- ing at New York is, ' Have you any cataracts near by?' is guided to Trenton Falls, or AVatkins Glen, when he might so easily reach Milford, just off the line of travel, and satisfy to the full his ' hunger for the living wood, The laureled crags, the hemlocks hanging wide, 1 It was in this vicinity that Squire Brink, who, as a boy, was brought up by Judge John Brink, fell a distance of one hundred and sixty-nine and one-half feet and rolled sixty-three feet farther, almost incredibly sustaining only sligbt injuries. He was fourteen years of age at the time, and lived to be an old man. His portrait hangs in the Sawkill House. The rushing stream that will not be withstood, Bound forward to wed him with the river's tide.' " Close against the mountain wall is built the val- ley turnpike, a natural ' Macadam,' for the shale thrown upon it from the roadside packs down as hard and even as a mosaic floor. Far above rise the oak, maple and chestnut, birch and pine, and at intervals of every league, I say, dark gaps open like doorways in the hillside, through which the trout streams are plunging, as yet unstained and free. A land of streams, — ' Some, like a downward smoke ; Slow, drooping veils of thinnest lawn did go ; And some through wavering lights and shadows broke, Rolling a slumbrous sheet of foam below.' " But here is no swooning of the languid air, and no seeming always afternoon. It is a Morning Land, with every cliff facing the rising sun. The mist and languor are in grain-fields far below ; the hills them- selves are of the richest, darkest green ; the skies are blue and fiery ; the air crisp, transparent, oxygenated, American ; it is no place for lotus-eating, but for drinking water of the fountain of youth, till one feels the zest and thrill of a new life that is not unrestful, yet as far as may be from the lethargy of mere re- pose. " The speckled trout of this region, though not so large as their Long Island kindred, are more in num- ber; growing in weight as the fisher wanders down the current, and leaping at his fly with a lusty moun- tain vigor — a spring like the quiver of a sword-blade. " The Vandermark and Sawkill flow through the village of Milford ; lower down, and at intervals of a league, are the Raymondskill, Adams', Dingman's and the Bushkill, each with attractions peculiar to itself. The Sawkill Falls are somewhat widely known ; their grace is the despair of the painter and delight of young and old. Sawkill Glen is another beauty-spot, in the heart of Milford. " But the Raymondskill is the acknowledged mon- arch of our Milford fluviarchy. It rises miles above them all, in a vast wilderness, where the springs out- last the summer drouth and winter cold, and yield a constant torrent for its craggy bed. I have never fished upward to its source, choosing rather to think of the wild wood as perpetual, stretching into trackless westering regions, the cover of mysteries and snares. I am told that venison and bears meat repay the hunters who strike boldly out from Blooming Grove Park at fall-tide of the year. But let my reader make his first acquaintance with the Raymondskill, where it is a swift, full stream, coursing through farmers' meadows on the upper plateau. Drive thither at sun- rise of a bright, June morning, and spend a golden day, angling, if you like, along its banks. In an hour you reach the cataract and ruined dam at 'Goosey's,' below which a series of the loveliest swift-waters and miniature cascades will tempt you, by another hour's PIKE COUNTY. MH journey, within sight of the spray and sound of the roar of the greater Raymondskil] Falls. " Here is a cleft in the mountain, wide and deep, where the brook takes its grandest leaps from the higher to the lower world. The upper fall is a double cataract, higher than the broad, magnificent fall. The two are so near each other as to form one picture to the eye. I do not know the exact height of the upper or lower fall, but it is not the dimensions of a cataract that make it poetical and inspiring. All these mat- ters are relative, and, for one, I have had more pleas- ure in gazing at the Raymondskill Falls than at Ni- agara itself. " From the cliff, on the left of the dark pool below, is shaken down the filmy transparent ' Bridal Veil.' Every waterfall has a Bridal Veil, but this is the Laureate's veritable " slow-dropping veil of the thinnest lawn.' Here I will leave my angler to meditate awhile, and drink his fill of that beauty in which Weir and Beard Whittrege have loved to dip their pencils. He has still before him a mile of devious windings — filled with witching nooks — ere he can. gain the river-side, and set his feet toward Milford." GEOLOGY OF THE LOCALITY — MILFORD AND DING- 5IAN TOWNSHIPS." Milford township lies directly west from Westfall, and, like it, is bordered by the Delaware River on the south. It drains into the Delaware through Sawkill and Vandemark Creeks. Between the mouths of these streams at Milford there is a wide and beautiful terrace, whose top comes one hundred to one hundred and twenty feet above the level of the Delaware River, and makes the site of Milford the county-seat. It is a great bed of rehandled morainic dibris, and is seen along the river in an almost vertical mass one hundred feet high, in which occur boulders of Oneida conglomerate, Cor- ni/erous limestone, Hamilton sandstone, Chemung and Catskill rocks, together with much fine sand and gravel. The Drift has exerted a not inconsiderable influ- ence on the topography of this area, since a great dam of moraine thrown across the ancient channel of the Sawkill near Mr. G. Hamilton's, two and a half- miles above its mouth , caused it to seek a new outlet to the Delaware over the cliffs of the Hamilton sand- stone, and thus resulted in producing the " Sawkill Falls," where the stream passes over the high escarp- ment of the Delaware hills. In pre-glacial times the Sawkill waters, instead of going over the present falls, passed by a channel now buried with Drift, which runs from where the Milford and Owego pike crosses that stream, southeastward to the old valley in which the Milford water-works are situated, and then continuing along this old valley it received the Raymondskill near Milford, the com- From the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. bined streams finally emptying into the Delaware di- rectly under the present site of that town. This is known to be true, because the " divide " of Drift which now separates the Sawkill from the old valley is only twenty-five feet high, and because the only water carried in the old valley comes from two or three springs, and yet this valley is cut down more than one hundred feet below the level of the top of Sawkill Falls, through the same series of rocks, while the bed-rock is still concealed by an unknown thick- ness of Drift. It is simply impossible that a feeble stream, such as now flows in it, could ever have cut out such a deep, wide, valley ; and, on the other hand, it is equally improbable that the large volume of water carried by the Sawkill could rush over its steep descent for untold ages without cutting its channel down to the depth at least as great as that of small streams like Vandemark and Quick Creeks, just above. In passing up the present channel of the Sawkill, from the Delaware River, three hundred and eighty feet, A. T., there occurs a succession of cascades. The first one is one-quarter mile above the mouth of the stream, and begins at four hundred and ten feet, A. T. The rock is a dark, sandy slate (Marce/liis), and a dam thrown across its centre gives a fall of 20 feet for the mills situated just below. On above this the stream meanders through a dense grove bounded on either side by steep banks of Drift. This part of the Sawkill channel is known as the " Glen," and it forms a delightful retreat for the sum- mer borders who throng Milford every year. At the head of the Glen, and directly opposite the • main street of Milford, the Sawkill makes a second plunge of eighteen feet over a dam, and the dark-bluish, sandy slates of the Man-Hlus, dipping N. 25° W. 13'. The channel below the dam is a gorge only 30 feet wide, with vertical walls of slate, but on above this the chan- nel widens out into a considerable valley, the ancient course of the Sawkill. About one mile above the mouth of the Sawkill, and just below where the road crosses it, a gray, coarse and somewhat massive-looking sandy rock comes down, dipping ^"-l-^N. 20° W. Its bedding planes exhibit numerous irregular layers with curly or twisted structure, and it belongs to the Hamilton proper, since, just above, many bold, massive beds dip under water at an angle of 15° N. 25° W. One mile and a quarter above the mouth of the Sawkill the base of the third fall is reached at an elevation of five hundred and ten feet, A. T., or one hundred and thirty feet above the Delaware. This is a constant succession of cascades one to twenty feet high through a vertical distance of fifty feet ; and, seen from below, is one of the most fascinating views on the stream. At the top of this " Bridal Veil " fall, as it is called, the stream has cut a narrow channel through the rock 10 feet deep, but only 5 feet wide at top, so that one can easily step across the channel, even when it is much swollen. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. About one and three-quarter miles from the Dela- ware one comes to the Sawkill Falls proper, the level of the water in the pool at the base being six hundred feet, A. T. The structure of this fall is sufficient evidence to any one that the Sawkill has not always flowed over its walls. Beginning one-quarter mile up the stream from the main falls, we find the Sawkill flowing between banks of Drift, which it here cuts through, and rapid- ly excavates a long, narrow canon out of the Genesee shale. This trench is 110 feet deep where the falls begin, only about fifty feet wide at top and ten to fifteen feet at the bottom. The first descent is a fall of twenty feet in two cas- cades over the J'ossil coral lied at the base of the Gene- see ; then the stream spreads out on a broad, gently- sloping platform of gray Hamilton rock, to fall into the great abyss below in a vertical plunge of sixty feet. Leaving the pool at the base of the huge am- phitheatre here excavated, the water passes through a channel only two and one-half feet wide, with a fall of fifteen feet down into a chasm only two feet ten inches wide, but overhung with rocky walls seventy- five feet high. The fossil coral bed at the top of the large fall is a dark-blue slaty rock filled with corals, and also many fossil shells. In Dingman township the effects of the Glacial moraine in changing the course of streams is also plainly marked in for the evidence proving that the Raymondskill once emptied into the Sawkill above Milford is complete. The Raymondskill Creek now empties into the Delaware three miles below Milford, but in pre-glacial times it left its present channel 21 miles west from the Delaware, and going northeastward, descended the present valley of Mott's Run, uniting with the ancient Sawkill somewhere under the present site of Milford. That the Raymondskill once took this course is cer- tain, because an old drift-buried valley leads across from the Raymondskill near J. Brink's to the Sawkill at Milford, and at no point does it rise higher than 20 feet above the bed of the Raymondskill at Brink's. The character of the present Raymondskill channel below Brink's, is also proof of its recent origin, for it descends about 450 feet in two miles, being a constant succession of rapids and falls, with one grand leap (at Raymondskill Falls) of 125 feet. In ascending the Raymondskill from its mouth to the foot of the Raymondskill Falls, one mile above, the ascent of the stream is only one hundred feet above the Delaware. The stream, however, has cut a deep, narrow canon out of the soft Marcellus shite all the way from the foot of the falls until its chan- nel debouches into the Delaware valley. 5Haniel Decker, her first husband, who reared a family of children. Crissie Bull, her second husband, lived on part of the Rosencrans farm. They had two sons and two daughters. The first sou was named James, iu honor of his grandfather, Herman Rosen Krantz is the old form of spelling the and in accordance with the plan of all the sisters to name one child James. As a result, they were each presented with a yoke of oxen. James Bull died in youth, and the next son, who was named Rosencrans Bull, married Jennie Westfall. They resided on a farm in Milford township until recently, when, on leaving it in charge of his son, he moved to Milford, his present residence. Hannah Bull was the wife of Colonel Heury S. Mott, of Milford, and Maria Bull, another daughter of Crissie Bull's, married Eli Van Inwegen, of Port Jervis. Annchy Rosencrans was the wife of Saunders Ennis, of New Jersey, and Polly was the wife of John B. Quick. Simon Westfall located at Carpenter's Point in 1755, and was among the first settlers. He built a stone house or fort, and had also a grist- mill on the Clove Brook. It was an import- ant position and the Indians tried many times to surprise the place. This family were first attacked by Brandt iu 1779. Simon Westfall moved his household back farther in New Jersey and laid up on the hills with three loaded guns to watch his buildings. He saw the Indians firing his barn. Firing his guns at them, he fled, but they succeeded in burning all his buildings. His marriage is kept in the records of the old Dutch Reformed Church, among those whose banns had been published, as follows : " 1743, March 13. Simon Westfael, 2 young man, born in Dutchess County, dwelling in Smithfield in Bucks County, to Jannetje West- broeck, young woman, born at Mormel, dwell- ing at Menissinck, married the 17th day of April, by Peter Kuyckendal, justice of the peace." This shows that he was a resident of Penn- sylvania in 1743, but he appears to have built across the river at Carpenter's Point in 1755. He died 1805, aged eighty -seven. He had five children, of whom Simeon was the only one who settled in Pike County. He built a stone house after the Revolution on the Delaware River at a point called Sims Clip, where there was formerly a reef of rocks in the river at 1 Old spelling of Westfall. TIKE COUNTY. 00) that place, about opposite the Tri-States Rock. He was a farmer and also kept a public-house. His wife, Sally Cole, was a daughter of Benja- min Cole, of Deckertown, She buried her work-basket in the corn-field when the West- fall family left their homes on account of the Indians. After they returned she dug up the basket, which contained, among other things, a pair of shears that were in great demand in the neighborhood, as they were the only pair in the vicinity. She lived to be ninety- five years old, and often talked with her descendants about the Indian depredations. Their children were Simon, who settled in Deerpark (now Port Jervis), and kept a tavern, and David Westfall, who owned a farm of about two hundred acres where Matamoras now stands. His house stood on a knoll in "Old Matamoras," back from the Delaware about three hundred and fifty yards. He was a farmer and lumberman. He married Jemima, a daughter of Captain Cuddeback, of Deerpark. His children were Abram, Simeon, Cornelius, Wilhelmus and Jacob, sons, and the daughters Esther, who moved West, and Sally, wife of James Bennet, of Carpeuter's Point. She is now eighty-four years of age, a clear-headed, well-preserved old lady, who is familiar with the Westfall pedigree from old Simou West- fall to the present generation. Simon Westfall (2d) was a farmer and blacksmith. He lived and died at Matamoras, August 22, 1878, aged eighty-six. His wife was Sarah, daughter of Jacob Cuddeback. Their children were Abram, Sarah J. (wife of James W. Quick), Peter G. (who was killed in Canada while serv- ing as fireman). Simeon C. Westfall inherited the property where the village of Matamoras now stands, and where he at present resides. Cornelius Westfall married Huklah Cudde- back, and lived on the Delaware River in Westfall township. He was justice of the peace, and died at the age of eighty-three. His children were Jemima (wife of R. C. Bull, of Milford), Elizabeth (wife of P. G. Canfield, who lives in Sullivan County), Sarah (unmarried). Jacob C. Westfall, the only son, lived on the homestead and took his father's place as justice of the peace. George Westfall, a son of old Simeon, Sr., lived on the home- stead for many years, and later sold to Jacob Cuddeback, when he removed to the West. Tri-States R< k k and Carpenter's Pi >int. — No history of Pike County would be com- plete that did not include some account of Tri- States Rock and Carpenter's Point. Tri-States Rock is located at the point of a rocky prom- ontory formed by the junction of the Never - sink with the Delaware River. At this point a granite rock has been established by commis- sioners appointed for that purpose, where the States of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey converge. A little south of the Tri- States Rock is ( 'arpcnter's Point, so named in honor of the Carpenter family. The oldest Carpenter of whom any definite knowledge can be obtained was Benjamin, who lived on the New Jersey side of the river and kept a store, as also the ferry which bears his name. The village of Carpenter's Point, half a mile above the mouth of the Neversink, now linked to Port Jervis by a suspension bridge, held, until the opening of the Delaware and Hudson Ca- nal, in 1828, the position at present occupied by Port Jervis, as the most important place in the district, and was the centre of business for the surrounding country. Here was the post- office, the store, the mill, the blacksmith shop and the comfortable inn, where the traveler, after his tedious journey over the old turnpike, found good entertainment for man and beast. We have been thus particular to describe Car- penter's Point, although it is on the Jersey side of the river, because this ferry was the crossing- place of the old pioneers who settled in Pike and Wayne. The Connecticut Yankees, in particular, came to Newburgh, where they crossed the Hudson and bore west until they reached the old " Mine Road," which they followed to Carpenter's Point. Here they were ferried over by the Carpenters or Courtright Middagh. and his sons, who had the ferry for many years, to the Pennsylvania side. They were then driven to Milford. John Biddis had a mill and store near the present Klaer's mill. Here they took the old " Wilderness road," 1 then 1 This rond was first cut through by the Con tiers in 17H2. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. crossed the Sawkill, passed up to Frank Olm- stead's present home and thence through Bloom- ing Grove to Major Ainsley's, on the " Dolph Bingham " place,. where it crossed the Walleu- paupack near the Marshall Purdy place. Thus on through Purdy settlement, Little Meadows, in Salem, and Cobb's Gap to the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys. Afterward a turnpike was built, as also a turnpike from Milford to Carbondale, in Pennsylvania, and Oswego, in New York. Those were halcyon days for the tally-ho stage-coach and this was a thorough- fare of travel en route for what was then the great West. Courtright Middagh, a large, coarse-grained, bony man, who lived on the Pennsylvania side, was kept busy ferrying trav- elers over the Delaware with his flat ferry-boat that would carry one loaded wagon with two teams attached, propelled by paddles aud shoved by poles. All is now changed. There is a suspen- sion bridge above the old ferryiug-place that connects Port Jervis and Matamorasandthe New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad carries the passengers with mighty steam-power, in place of the old " tally-ho " to Western lands never dreamed of by our ancestors. Port Jer- vis, with its eleven thousand inhabitants and constant puffing of engines, has superseded Car- penter's Point, aud Matamoras, which is in Westfall township, just opposite, is a village of some seven hundred inhabitants. In 1844 Gabriel Mapes built a hotel where Matamoras now is. OliverS. Dimmick, son of Dau. Dim- mick, purchased the hotel and ferry iu conuec- nection with it in 184G. The ferry was first started by Simeon Westfall, about 1830. Mr. Dimmick laid out the town about the time of the Mexican War, which accounts for its name. Besides keeping a public-house, he carried a stock of goods and was the first postmaster of the place. He represeuted his district twice iu the Assembly of Pennsylvania and was asso- ciate judge of Pike County for five years. He married a daughter of Major Horubeck, and had five children. Of these, Jacob Dimmick, a lumber dealer in Port Jervis, has represented his district twice in the Assembly of New York, and William H. Dimmick is an attorney-at-law in Houesdale. The first bridge was built above the present location about 1850, and after its destruction by high winds the present suspension bridge was built. After Dimmick, Adolph Kessler had a small store. There are now three stores, three hotels aud a school-house that cost about five thousand dollars and embraces four de- partments. It is too near Port Jervis to be a business centre, and is therefore more a place of residence for the Port Jervis overflow. A Philadelphia company 1 had a glass factory on the Delaware, above Matamoras, about 1800. This was before the days of anthracite coal, their object in settling in the wilderness being cheap fuel. It was less expensive to transport material for glass and the manufactured article back again thau to buy fuel near Philadelphia. They blew window glass principally and oper- ated the factory for a number of years, but the use of coal, and the improved meaus of travel consequent thereon, changed the conditions un- der which this factory was operated, and it was abandoned. They transported their glass to Philadelphia with horse teams. There was some communication with Philadelphia up the Delaware by means of Durham boats, these boats being propelled by paddles or shoved by poles. Merchandise has been brought to Car- penter's Point and vicinity iu this way. Ben- jamin Carpenter had a son Benjamin, who suc- ceeded to his father's home, and another son, John, who lived on the Pennsylvania side. Not even a road leads to the old ferry now, and nothing but a lane is seen, which goes past some very old apple-trees and the old foundation of a house. Just above the old ferry, on the old Pahaquarry road, is the burying-ground where the early Dutch pioneers who dwelt in this vicinity sleep, with rude, unlettered stones, in most cases to mark the spot. Not far away was the old log church where Johannes Casparius Fryenmoet gave his people strong Calvinistic doctrine in pure, unadulterated Dutch, as he stood perched on a single post, with a sounding- board over his head. This rude beginning has resulted in the present elegant brick Reformed Church iu Port Jervis, with the proud inscrip- Mathew Ridgwny was the principal man in it. PIKE COUNTY. m )3 tion over the entrance, "Founded in 1737." The people on the Pennsylvania side attend church in Port Jervis ; consequently there are no church edifices in Matamoras. It is known that a blacksmith by the name of William Tiet- sort, or Titsworth, lived among the friendly Indians near Carpenter's Point as early as L690. Here the early Dutch pioneers came down from Esopus on the Hudson, and settled on the flat- lands near the Delaware. Their implements were rude, their wagon wheels being entirely of wood. The felloes were clumsy wooden pieces, pinned together, without any tire. Four trips to Esopus and back was considered good service for one of these wagons, and a pail of water often answered for a mirror to the traveler. These early settlers appear to have cultivated friendship with the Indians, and had no par- ticular trouble until the " French and Indian War" of 1755, when there were not a great many inhabitants in the valley. The Lenapes ravaged the country lying along the line of the Blue Ridge from the Dela- ware to the Susquehanna. The war-path of the Minsis lay along the frontier of New Jersey and Orange and Ulster Counties, N. Y. In 1758 the hatchet was buried and the pipe of peace smoked by the Delawares and the pale faces of the Minisink country. Thus this war, which had been brought on by the rapacity of the English proprietaries, but whose terrors had been felt by the peaceful Dutch settlers as well, was brought to a close and the latter were again permitted to resume the pursuits of peace. During the Revolutionary War the Dutch set- tlers were inclined to live as peaceably as possi- ble with the Indians. Not in the sense of be- ing Tories, but because they looked upon the Revolutionary War as a Yankee and English .struggle in which they had no interest. Their friends and ancestors in some instances, perhaps, had been compelled to submit to English au- thority in New Amsterdam, and these Yankees were but descendants of the English. This was a perfectly natural view for the Minisink settler, and that many of them kept as neutral as possible we have abundant evidence But the Indians looked upon this as an opportunity to expel the white man, and the Minisink Val- ley became one continuous frontier line from Port Jervis to Delaware Water Gap. The Pennsylvania side, in particular, was exposed and raided by the Indians until there were but few settlers remaining within the present bouuds of Pike County. This valley was raided in 1778, when Count Pulaski was sent with his cavalry for its protection and was engaged in that service during the winter following. In the spring of 1779 hostilities were renewed, and all the mills, stores and houses at Carpenter's Point and vicinity were burned. The school- teacher, Jeremiah Van Auken, was killed, but the little girls were saved by Brant, who had painted a sign on their aprons which the sav- ages respected. July 19, 1779, the fatal battle of Minisink was fought opposite the mouth of the Lackawaxen River. The following petition, which has been preserved in the correspondence of Captain James Bonnel, shows the condition of the Pennsylvania frontier in 1782 : " Minisink, 10th December, 1782. " His excellency, Governor Livingston, and the Honorable Legislative Council and General As- sembly of New Jersey. " Gentlemen, we, the inhabitants of the frontier of the County of Sussesx, beg leave to present our petition to the Honorable Legislature of the State. The Inhabitants who formerly lived on the Pennsyl- vania Side of the river opposite to us have Principal- ly left their Farms and moved into Jersey and other places to escape savage cruelty. These Inhabitants was formerly a conside rable guard to us, but there is nothing to stop the Enemy but the river, which is Fordible in a grate Number of Places a considerable part of the year, Particularly in Harvest and other times when the Enemy can do us the Gratest Damage. The Situation of this country and the manner the Savages Carry on the War like a Thief in the Night, renders it impracticable to depend on the Malitia for Security, for before they can be collected the Mis- chief is done and the Enemy secure in the Wilder- ness. Numbers of us have friends and near relatives who have been torn from their familys and connec- tions and are groaning under cruel Savage Captivity. These labour under the sad remembrance of having experienced the Truly Shocking Spectacle of Seeing there Dearest Connections Brutally Murdered and Scalped before there Eyes, and we have grate reason to fear that we shall share the same fate unless some move be adopted for our security. We therefore most earnestly pray that a Law may be passed by the Hon- ourable Legislature before they adjourn for raising a company of about Eighty men, Properly officered WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and to be Stationed here for our Protection the En- suing Campaign." ' The signatures of the petitioners tin Dot ap- pear in the record that Captain Bonnel has made of this petition. Such, then, was the condition of the pioneers in Westfall (then Up- per Smithfield) and all the townships bordering on the Delaware in Pike County, or Upper Smithfield and Delaware townships. Among the later settlers of Westfall are Benjamin Van Inwegen, who located on the river road, not far from Matamoras, about 1830. He was a very conscientious man, and descended from an old family just across the Delaware. Eli Van Inwegen, a son of his, is the vice-president of the First National Bank of Port Jervis, and his son is cashier of the same bank. Benjamin Van Inwegen, a descendant of Benjamin Van Inwegen, the first, occupies the homestead, and Andrew and Solomon Van Inwegen live in Matamoras. Baltus Nearpass, a descendant of Jacob Near- pass,' who located in Montague, about two miles below Carpenter's Point, in 1750, settled at Saw-Mill Rift, which lies up the Delaware in Westfall township. (The Nearpasses are of German origin.) Jacob Nearpass went back to Germany, expecting to get a large amount of gold and silver ; but, instead, he returned only with two guns, one of which was used by his son Baltus in the battle of Minisiuk, where he was killed. Baltus' sou John raised a large family of children, most of whom settled in Westfall township. They were Baltus, of Saw- Mill Rift ; Michael ; William ; Jacob ; Rachel, wife of Wm. K. Stone, who lived at the glass factory ; Polly, wife of Benjamin Westbrook, who lived near Quicktown ; and Catharine, wife of James Sawyer, of Saw-Mill Rift. Wm. H. Nearpass, one of Michael Nearpass' sons, is editor of the Port Jervis Gazette, is much inter- ested in the history of the Minisink, and has collected valuable information which is accessi- ble to the writer. His labors in translating and publishing old Dutch church records, have shed much light on the early history of the Minisink. 'The above is a literal copy of the petition. Among others, we find that the De Witts were in Upper Smithfield in 1754, as evidenced by marriage records. Saw-Mill Rift at present contains about a half-dozen houses. The Erie Railway crosses from New York to the Pennsylvania side near this place. The flat between the Delaware and the mountain is nar- row from Matamoras to Pond Eddy. The in- habitants are chiefly engaged in quarrying along the Delaware, above Saw-Mill Rift. Frederick A. Rose was born in Hartford, Conn., in 1789, and was a descendant of one of the early settlers of the New England States. At the age of four years he came with his par- ents tu Montague, N. J., and eleven years after the family settled at Pond Eddy, shortly after removing to Masthope, where they engaged extensively in the lumber business. In 1813 they repaired to the mouth of the Mongaup River, and remained until 1828, when Freder- ick A. Rose, who was then married, purchased the old Rosencrans' farm, in Westfall township, and removed to the same. Here he remained until 1839, when he again went to Pond Eddy, and engaged extensively in the lumbering and rafting business. In this he was very success- ful. He was well known in all the lumber regions along the Delaware River, and noted as a bold lumber speculator. After a few years he returned to his farm, oue of the finest in the valley, where he remained until his death, in his eighty-eighth year. His children were Benjamin H. Rose (of Rosetown), Elijah Rose, Mrs. Isaac Cuddeback and Mrs. E. P. Gumaer. The Rosetown property, which consists of the greater part of the old Rosencrance farm and a portion of the Van Aken farm, is held by the descendants of Frederick A. Rose. William Brodhead, a son of Richard Brod- head, lived in Westfall township, just out from Milford, a number of years, when he sold the property to Simeon Cuddeback, who died re- cently, aged nearly eighty. Soferyne Vannoy lives by the river, on a farm formerly occupied by Mr. Van Gordon. The public schools of Westfall township are those of "Saw-Mill Rift," Stairway," Mata- moras Graded School and Quicktown School. PIKE COUNTY. 905 CHAPTER VII. DIXUMAN ToWXSIIII'. Dim (MAN township was taken from Upper Smithfield April 17, 1832. It is bounded on the north by Shohola and Milford ; on the east by the Delaware River and New Jersey ; on the south by Delaware and Porter, and on the west by Blooming Grove. The Sawkill Creek, which Hows into the Delaware near Milford, forms part of the boundary between Dingman and Milford. The Raymoudskill is the outlet of the Log Tavern Ponds and breaks over its mountain heights in the beautiful Raymoudskill Falis, which consists of three parts, a fall of about twenty-five feet, a steep rapids of about one hundred feet, and another fall, flowing onward through a deep gorge to the Delaware. The scenery along the Raymondskill, as also along the Delaware, is grand. There is a river road running along the Delaware from Milford to Bushkill. The Minisink Valley consists of the river flats on both sides of the Delaware, from Port Jervis to the Delaware Water (Jap. These flats are from a quarter of a mile to a mile wide. There are several islands in the river at this point. On the Jersey side the hills recede in gentle slopes, but on the Penn- sylvania side the cliff rises abruptly from the flat land, forming a rock-capped bluff about one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet high, from Milford to Bushkill. These rocks have crumbled, leaving a steep side-hill of thin stone clippings banked against their base to within twenty feet of the top, which makes excellent material for roads, the river road being one of the best in the State. In some places the river hugs the base of the bluffs so closely that the roadway is dug out from the hillside, and in others there is fine fertile flatland varying from a few rods to a half-mile in width. These flatlands were eagerly seized ami first occupied by the Holland immigrants. A ride from Port Jervis to Bushkill is ex- ceedingly pleasant, with the abrupt bluffs of Pike County, whose steep slopes are covered with scrub oak and pine, on the right, and the Delaware River, flat land and receding slopes of Jersey on the left. 88 The purest of mountain spring waters gush from the hillsides, and the Sawkill, Raymonds- kill, Conashaugh, Adams, Dingmans, Hornbeck, Mill, Tom's and Bushkill Creeks, break through the bluffs that support the highlands of Pike County, in many cascades and rapids through deep gorges, forming grand mountain scenery, into the Delaware River. Laura Brink, aged eighty-six, says that Cor- nelius Cole, or Case Cole, as they then called him, built a house under the mountains in Ding- man township, where Poster Howell now lives, as early as 1750. He owned the Delaware flats from the Raymondskill to the Sawkill, his wife being a daughter of Peter Decker, who first set- tled in Deckerstown, N. J. An old squaw camped on the land every summer aud fished in the streams. She claimed the land and told Mr. Cole he must pay her for it. He replied that he had already paid for his land. Mrs. Cole ad- vised her husband to settle with her and he finally concluded to do so. She demanded two Dutch rose blankets, five gallons of whiskey and one sheep. These rose blankets were woven of a long nape-like wool, with roses interwoven. One day, after he had procured the things, she appeared with about thirty Indians and secured all that she had demanded, being very particular not to have the sheep killed until she had re- ceived the blankets and whiskey. The sheep was killed, the whiskey distributed and a noisy pow-wow was held all night, Mr. Cole, expect- ing the Indians to become drunk and attack him, said to his wife, " Now, Maria, you see what trouble we have got into." The old squaw, however, left with her friends and returned to her home in AYyoming Valley and never troub- led him more. They made a rude picture of a horse in Mr. Cole's cellar, which other Indians seemed to understand, and during all the Indian wars that followed, his property remained un- touched, although the battle of Conashaugh was fought within half a mile of his place. Noth- ing was disturbed that belonged to Case Cole, because the Indians said he had paid for his land. There is an old stone fort still to be sei o on the Jersey shore about one-half mile below Cole's old house. Cornelius Cole's son Abram had the lower part of his father's place, or what ;mh; WAYNE, PIKE AND MONltOK COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. is now the Howell and Warner farms. His children were Hugh, Buddand James. Aunchy had the upper part of the farm, now owned by Moses and John Dietrick. She was the first wife of Judge John Brink, who lived on part of the Cole property, and William, his only son by her, was the husband of Laura, a daughter of Ira Newman. She is still living in Dingman township with her son, James Brink, aged eigh- ty-six years. Judge Brink afterward married Nancy Drake, and Dow, Howard, Lydia, Sarah and Ann Eliza were their children. William McCarty, Sr., settled in Dingman township in 1750 or earlier. He had two sons, — William McCarty, Jr., who married Margaret Buchanan, sister of George and Arthur Buchanan, and James McCarty, both farmers. Philip McCarty was a brother of William McCarty, Sr., and lived just across the Raymoudskill, adjoining < !ase Cole's on the south. Cornelius, one of his sons, was a merchant at Dingman's Choice, and one of his sons, Bernardi McCarty, lives on the old Philip McCarty place. Joshua Drake had a log tavern near the cen- tre of Dingman township, about one mile from what afterwards became known as the Log Tav- crn Ponds. lie was one of the first sett lers in that part of the township. His four sons — Stephen, Benjamin, Ephraimand John, — located in the neighborhood of their father. Redmond Drake, a son of Stephen Drake, now an old man, is still living in the vicinity. Robert Travis was an early settler near the centre of the town- ship. His son, Jesse Travis, aged eighty years, is still living in Dingman's. The Aldriges are another old family. Richard Huffman is a farm- er near the Sawkill Pond, and was justice of the peace for a number of years. Tony Healer, David Case and the Retallicks lived in the vicinity of Union School-house. George Buchanan, corrupted to Bowhanan, was born in 1763, and came to Milford from Orange County when he was about twenty-five years old. His first wife was a sister of Na- thaniel B. Eldred, and his second wife a sister of Frederick Rose, of Rosetown. He kept the first hotel in Milford and had the brush cut out of Broad Street and opened that road. He was also a lumberman and tanner. Pie owned a tannery in Milford, on the Valentine Kill, in 1838, which was destroyed by fire after being in operation seven or eight years. He owned about fifteen hundred acres of land in Dingman township, where a number of his children lived. He died when eighty-two years of age. Jesse Olmstead, a lawyer, from Connecticut, came to Milford in 1815 and married Mary, the eldest daughter of George Bowhanan. The < )1 instead family moved into Dingman town- ship, on part of the Bowhanan property. George Olmstead, a farmer, was for many years a jus- tice of the peace. Frank Olmstead, a man of considerable ability, has been sheriff and associ- ate judge of Pike County. Harriet is the wife of Rev. George Windsor. Nancy resides with her brother, the judge. Sally Bowhanan, another daughter of George Bowhanan, was the wife of William Quinn, a farmer in Dingman. Theodore Bowhanan had a tannery in Dingman township. Harry Bow- hanan is in the paper business in New York. John, George, James and Louisa Bowhanan live in Milford. Jane married William Freel, who was one of the first merchants in Milford. Em- ily is the wife of Ebenezer Warner, a farmer in Dingman. Arthur Buchanan, 1 a brother of George Bu- chanan, lived at Shohola Farms in 1797. His only son, William, died in Dingman township. Olive, one of Arthur's daughters, was the wife of John P. Rockwell, a merchant in Milford, and the father of Charles F. Rockwell, of Honesdale. Mary was the wife of Edwin Power, a merchant in Milford and Honesdale. C. E. Power, merchant in Honesdale, is a sou. A number of Frenchmen formerly lived in Dingman, but most of them have removed from the township. Among them was Ramie Loreaux, who built a large brewvery, stone houses, sheds, etc., on part of the old McCarty property. He carried on an extensive business and ' i a prom- inent man in the township from 1832 until about 1872, when he left. Plis daughter was the wife of Desire Bornique, who had a watch- factory in Milford and was an active business 1 All the brothers of George Bowhanan wrote their names Buchanan, which is the correct spelling according to the family records. PIKE COUNTY. man until he died, in 1884, when the enterprise declined. Joseph Rigney, another Frenchman, has a large summer hotel in the vicinity of Ray- mondskill Falls that is annually patronized by his countrymen. Judge OI instead says that some of the best lands in Dingman township for agricultural purposes are in the western part, about Rattle- snake Creek, and remain as yet unoccupied. There are seven schools in the township, — the Franklin, River, Union, Sawkill, Rattlesnake, Dark Swamp and German. There are no churches; the Methodists occasionally hold services at the Franklin and Union School houses. There is a Sunday-school at the Franklin. The first school-house in the town- ship was at Brink's, on the river road. The population in 1880 was five hundred and eighty- six. The highest point on the Dingman bluffs is called Utter's Point, and is often visited by summer boarders in Milford, a good view of the valley being obtained on a clear day from Port Jervis nearly to the Delaware Water Gap. The battle of Conashaugh, or Ray- mondskill, which occurred in Dingman town- ship, in which thirteen of the settlers were killed, will be mentioned in the general his- tory. John Greening was the first settler on Rattlesnake Creek, in the western part of Ding- man township. His sous were John, Jerry and Hubbard Greening. Jerry Greening remained there and has a farm and a family of children. He figures conspicuously in Ed. Mott's " Pike County Folks," and in his articles for the New York Sun. During the War of the Rebellion Jerry Greening and one or two of his boys were drafted ; he stayed in his house and resisted twenty United States cavalrymen for some time, until at last he was compelled to surrender. A neighbor gives the following account of the affair : " One night one of Jerry's boys came to my house and said, What shall I do? the United States troops are after me.' I had lost a boy down iu Virginia myself, and had other sons drafted, one of them in three different townships, and they had gone West ; so I got Jerry's boy a blanket and told him to go out in the barn and crawl into the hay-mow. Dur- ing the night I heard guns go off in the direction of Jerry's. Next morning I went down. The snow about the house was trampled and covered with blood and the window-lights were shot out of Jerry's house. Mrs. Greening sat by the fire with her head down. She would cry and then she would swear. Her husband and Charles Bates, both of whom were drafted, had a shanty where they slept, but had come home to butcher hogs, and there the cavalrymen found them. Jerry was well armed, and when the cavalrymen came up he fired on them, and a younger son of his helped him in the shooting, but Bates did not take any hand in the filing. They hit one of the cavalrymen in the neck. A ball that had about spent its force hit Jerry on the bone of the hip, flattened out and fell down into his boot. The soldiers forced their way into the house and captured Jerry. Mrs. Greening threw a straw bed over Charles Pates in the hall, but they found him and took them both down to Philadelphia." Jerry had not been in the barracks in Philadelphia more than two hours before hr got into a fight with another man about who should use the fire first to cook his dinner ; but fortunately for Jerry he had made a friend in the backwoods who did not forget him in his extremity. Mr. Cnthbert, a gentleman of influence in Philadelphia, stopped at the Sawkill House a number of summers. En his hunting and fishing excursions he often went out as far as Rattlesnake Creek, where he became acquainted with Jerry, who was a guide to him in that region. He bailed Jerry out and saved him from receiving any further pun- ishment for his belligerent attitude towards the cavalrymen. CHAPTER VIII. DELAWARE TOWNSHIP. Delaware township appears in the list of Northampton County townships" continu- ously after 1766, but the record of its erectiou cannot be found. Old Delaware township, which extended west from the Delaware River to the Luzerne County line, was bounded on the south by Sinithfield (now Middle Smith- field) and extended north from the mouth of 908 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. theBnshkill, up the Delaware River to the lower end of the Minisink Island. The present town- ship of Delaware is bounded on the north byDing- man township, on the east by the Delaware River and New Jersey, on the south by Lehman township and on the west by Porter. The first settlements on the Delaware River were made on the New Jersey side; but in or about the year 1735, Andreas Dingerman, or Andrew Dingman, as it is now written, crossed the Del- aware and chose a place in the wilderness for his home, which he called "Dingman's Choice," a name which it still retains iu local usage, al- though the post-office is called Dingman's Ferry. When Andrew Dingman first crossed the river to make his habitation on the Pennsylvania side, he had an opportunity to make a choice, as he was the pioneer settler of Delaware town- ship. If he was not the first, he was among the first, and is the first of whom we have au- thentic account. He certainly made an excel- lent choice of location for his future home, judging from present developments, for here the Delaware River flows close to the New Jer- sey hills and leaves a wide flat of rich bottom land on the Pennsylvania side. Here Dingman Creek bursts through the mountain bluffs after dashing over the rocks at the factory in a fall called the Factory Falls, and lower down is the " Bettie Brooks " or " Fulmer Falls."' Still farther down are the " Deer Leap " and " High Falls." Near the foot of the " High or Ding- man Falls " a small rivulet comes seething down in rapids and waterfalls a distance of one hun- dred and fifty feet between perpendicular rocks standing from six to eight feet apart. The surging and foaming of this little rivulet, as it dashes aloug between the rocks, led the natives d> call it " The Soap Trough," but recent vis- itors have named it " The Silver Thread." As Dingman Creek approaches the Delaware River, the deep mountain gorge through which it has been flowing grows wider, the hills separating like the letter V, making the flat nearly a mile wide, and inclosing it in a peculiar maimer. Here, then, with a broad expanse of fertile river bottom land under his feet, with a creek that would supply water-power for grist and saw-mills flowing through it, surrounded by mountain bluffs, " rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun," which environ it on two sides, he feasted his eyes upon the lavish bounty of Na- ture, in her primeval grandeur and magnificence, and inhaled the pure, health-giving air which floated around these mountains, " yet gorgeous in their primitive beauty, forest-crowned," and intersected with gushing streams of limpid waters, which burst through the rocks from the highlands above in bold and beautiful water- falls, where for ages they have been wearing deep and still deeper the steep gorges and rocky glens in her riven sides. Here, amid so much grandeur and beauty, Andrew Dingman made his choice and cut the first bush, built the first log cabin on the river- bank and put the first ferry-boat on the Dela- ware at what is now known as Dingman's Ferry. Andrew Dingman was born at Kin- derhook, New York, in the year 1711, and settled at Dingman's Choice in the year 1735, or about that time. His first log cabin was down by the river- bank. About 1750, or some time previous to the French and Indian War, he built a stone house not far from where the Dingman " Reformed Church " now stands, on the site occupied by the house Fannie Ding- man's farmer occupies. He had two sons, Isaac and Andrew Dingman, Jr., who was born September 19, 1753, in the old stone house which was destroyed during the French and Indian War, in 1755. Dingman immedi- ately rebuilt another house. Mr. Dingman was endowed with a dauntless spirit and had now a farm, with orchards and barns. He was assisted in his labors by his two sons and four slaves. He established a traffic with the In- dians, who often visited him, and from his friendly intercourse and dealing with the na- tives he derived considerable pecuniary advan- tage. In 1744 he obtained a warrant for the tract which now comprises a part of the M. W. Dingman estate, and in 1750 one for that lot on which the saw-mill at Dingman's now stands. He subsequently took up, as it is termed, three other lots of land, the last in 1775. There were twenty-seven log and stone houses in Delaware as it was then, including PIKE COUNTY Lehman and other territory west, contempora- neously with that of Andrew Dingman, Sr. Among tlie.se pioneers were Captain Johannes Van Etten, who had a fort on the river road about four miles above Dingman's Choice. Benjamin Decker and Daniel Courtright each had cabins or houses about one mile north of Dingman's. There was a stone house below the ferry, built by Colonel John Rosenkrans, of New Jersey, which was unoccupied some two or three years during the war and was not burnt or destroyed (probably where M. V. C. Shoemaker now lives). There was also a fort about three miles below Dingman's Choice, at a place called Deckertown, where Jacob I lorn- beck afterwards lived. Below Deckertown there was a log house with two rooms, owned and occupied l>y Hendrickus Decker, who had married Hannah Cariner, sister of Andrew Dingman's wife. Jacobus Van Gordon lived about two miles farther down, in what is now Lehman, and two miles farther still lived Eliphaz Van Auken. William Allen, of Philadelphia, sold one hundred and ninety-three acres of land to Peter Van Aken for two hundred and forty-six pounds and seven shillings and one pepper-corn a year, if the same shall be demanded, the deed bearing date September 18, 1749, for land in Bucks County, afterwards Delaware, now Leh- man township. Peter Van Aken made his will in Dutch, commencing: "I, Peter Van Aken, of Bucks County, in the province of Pensilvauia, being advanced to a great age, etc., etc." He first makes provision for his wife Bussie as long as she remains his widow. Then his oldest son, Eliphaz, is to have all the prop- erty if he lives, which shows that old Peter Van Aken was possessed of the old feudal idea that the eldest son should inherit the estate. If Eliphaz should die, then the other five sons were to share equally in the estate, no mention being made of any daughters. It so happened that Eliphaz lived and occupied the property for many years. This will was probated and translated from the original Dutch in Ulster County, N. Y., July 8, 1757, which was several years after Northampton County was erected. The whole transaction shows that the sturdy old Dutch pioneers did not care to acknowledge the authority of the province of " Pensilvauia," unless compelled to do so. This probate com- mences as follows : " SirChaiies Hardy, Knight, Captain, General and Governor-in-Chief in and over the province of New York and the terri- tories depending thereon in America, and Vice- Admiral of the same, etc." David Van Auken occupied the next house, about one mile below Peter Van Aken's, and John Emmons had a log cabin about one-half mile farther down. The next house below was a fort occupied by Johannes Brink, called Brink's Fort. The next below Brink's was a log house occupied by Thomas Swartwood, and the next a stone house occupied by Benardus Swartwood. Another was occupied by old William Custard. The next below was a log house on the bank of the river, occupied by James Mullen. About one-half mile farther on was a stone house owned and occupied by Captain Emanuel Hoover, who also owned a house across the river, on the Jersey side, at a place called by the Indians Walpack, around which house was a stockade. The next house below was at liushkill, owned by Manuel Gunsalus or Gonzales. Andrew Dingman built a flat-boat for ferry- ing purposes with a hand-axe, and it is prob- able that he built a grist-mill and saw-mill on Dingman's Creek. An old grist-mill, with one " run " of native stones, stood near the present grist-mill. Judge Dingman used to tell his children about turning the bolt by hand while the miller ground the grist. 1 The early settlers appear to have secured the friendship of the Indians up to the time of the French and Indian War, when the savages com- mitted some depredations on the settlers in the Minisink, burning houses, taking prisoners and otherwise annoying them. During the Revolutionary struggle they conspired with the Tories to drive the hated pale-faces out of their hunting-grounds. One of Andrew Dingman's sons, Isaac, when Most of the above facts ore taken from Judge Ding- n's papers, which he prepured for the Historical Society Pennsylvania. !U0 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. about nineteen years of age, was riding a horse up the road to the barn and when a little north of the old Pingman Hotel (now Fulmer's), an In- dian, who was secreted in the orchard, shot him and ran away. His mother, who happened (" be standing in the door holding the future judge, who was then four years of age, by the hand, ex- claimed, " Law me, Isaac is shot!" He was mortally wounded, but they started across the river with him in a flat-boat. While they were going over he asked for a drink of water and shortly after died before they reached the Jersey shore, where there was a fort with one cannon. He was buried on the Jersey side, near the abutment of the old bridge. The next morning the Indians attacked the house of Hendrikus Decker, who lived a little below Deckertown, as before mentioned. The family fled for their lives to Fort Decker, which was about one-fourth of a mile north, at Decker- town. Six of the family reached the fort in safety, but two of the sons, Henry and David, were killed and one of them was scalped. Andrew Dinginan, Jr., "Foddy Dingman," as he was called, was born in the old stone house September 19, 1753. He married Jane Westbrook, a daughter of Daniel Westbrook, who lived across the river in New Jersey, and had three daughters, each of whom he gave a farm on the flats in Walpack township. Andrew Dingman took the upper farm, and here Daniel Westbrook Dingman was born April 14, 1775, on the Daniel Smith place, in a house that stood opposite Barney Swartwood's. Subsequently Andrew Dingman, Jr., sold this property and bought on the Pennsylvania side again, near where John Whitaker lives. Before the Revolutionary War the nearest justice of the peace was Benjamin Van Campen, who lived twenty-two miles from Dingman's Choice. The county-seat was at Newtown, near Bristol, and there Andrew Dingman at- tended court. In 1793 Daniel W. Dingman was commis- sioned as lieutenant of a company of militia by Thomas Mifflin, Governor of Pennsylvania. ( )n the '2d of August, 1 800, he was commis- sioned lieutenant-colonel of the One Hundred and Third Regiment Pennsylvania Militia by Governor McKean. In 1801 he received a commission as high sheriff of Wayne County, by the same Governor. He was the second sheriff of Wayne County, his term extending from 1801 to 1804. The court was held at Wilsonville from 1799 to 1802, when it was removed to Milford for a short time ; conse- quently he commenced at Wilsonville and closed his term at Milford. Atone of these places he lived in a log house, the jail being similar to his dwelling. He had two prisoners in this jail. One morning, on arising, he found both his prisoners and the jail were gone. During the night the jail was torn down and the build* ing reduced to saw-logs, while the prisoners were nowhere to be found. About that time he was visited by some gentlemen from New Jersey on business, and "Black Feen " over- heard some very uncomplimentary remarks about such a dwelling for a sheriff to live in, good enough, however, for a county-seat that was liable to be removed any day. He was a member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania from 1808 till 1813, and when Pike County was set off from Wayne and Northampton, he was commissioned associate judge by Governor Simon Snyder, October 10, 1814, and continued in that office twenty-six years, when his term expired by limitation under the new Constitu- tion. John Coolbaugh sat with him for twenty- two years and until Monroe was erected. They were both large, stoutly-built men, and weighed over two hundred pounds each, while Judge Scott, the presiding judge who sat between them, was a tall, spare, intellectual man of great legal attainments. His associates sel- dom interfered, unless in relation to something of a political nature. Dingman was once Presidential elector and cast his vote for James Monroe. During Jackson's campaign he cuta tall hickory pole and floated it to Easton, on a raft, when it was raised on Mount Jefferson. When taken down it was made into canes, one of which was presented to General Jackson and another to Judge Dingman. Solomon Dingman, his grand- son, now has the cane. In 1846 he was corre- sponding secretary of the Pennsylvania Histor- ical Society. Daniel W. Dingman was an active business man and a successful politician of the PIKE COUNTY. 911 old Jacksouian Democratic school. He built a hotel which lias since been enlarged by Philip Fulmer, until it will accommodate one hundred guests. He also built the Dingman grist-mill, and being given his choice whether he would have an academy or a county-seat located at Dingman's Ferry, chose an academy. In all public matters relating to Pike County, he was a leading man. While in the Legisla- ture he secured an act making Blooming Grove the county-seat, but thecommissioners of Wayne County refused to levy a tax for public build- ings and the county-scat was finally fixed at Bethany. He and his friends then had the county of Pike erected. He was also influential in getting State appropriations for roads over the barrens of Pike County. Towards the close of his life he built a house in the wilderness, by Lake Teedyuscung or Nichecronk, where he lived a retired life for a number of years. He finally came back to his old home, and died April 12, 1862, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, and was buried in the Delaware Ceme- tery at Dingman's Ferry. Towards the close of his life he seemed to desire posthumous fame and took pride in the fact that he belonged to the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Pie was thoroughly identified with the early history of Pike County. Dingman's Ferry, Dingman Creek and Falls were named in honor of the family, and Dingman township was named in honor of the judge. He was kind to Revolu- tionary heroes and Indian fighters, and General Seeley, Sam Helm, Mapes and Wagdon found a generous stopping-place with him. His only sister, Cornelia, married John Van Etten, and lived where William Courtright now lives at Dingman's Ferry. She was eighty-six years of age when she died. Daniel W. Dingman mar- ried Mary Westbrook. His children were Cor- nelia, wife of Garret Brodhead ; Jane, wife of Franklin 13 rod head; Margaret, wife of Abram Coolbaugh. Daniel Dingman lived on the river road. Martin Westbrook Dingman, who was born in 1798 or 1799, and married Belinda, a daugh- ter of Major Hornbeek, lived for some years on the farm afterwards owned by Jacob Hornbeck. From thence he moved to Dingman's Choice, bought the farm and hotel of his father, and carried on both for nearly thirty years. In connection with this he also did considerable lumbering and business in the grist-mill. A man of scrupulous honesty, vigorous health and untiring energy, he soon became comparatively wealthy. About 1858 he rented the hotel to Daniel Decker, bought the residence built by W. F. Brodhead, moved into it and carried on farming and milling until his death. His chil- dren are Solomon 11. Dingman, who married Elizabeth Beenier, and lives on the old Adams farm ; Margaret Jane, unmarried ; Leah E., wife of Albert S. Still ; Mary D., wife of Rev. Gilbert S. Garretson, for many years pastor of the Dutch Reformed Churches at Dingman's Ferry and Peters' Valley, and now settled at Franklin Furnace (they have two children, Henry and Fanny B. Garretson) ; Frances C. Dingman, lives on the homestead at Dingman's Ferry ; Andrew Dingman (3d), who is still living, aged eighty-one, married Caroline Sayre, who recently died, being nearly eighty years of age — he lived by the river, kept Dingman's Ferry for many years and hail the reputation of being a good ferryman, being succeeded in the same business by his son-in-law, John Kilsby. Dr. Daniel W. Dingman, of Hawley, is one of his sons, and Alfred Dingman, of Milford, is another. John Van Etten and Margaret, his wife, sold three parcels of land, containing about sixty- eight acres of land, lying below Namenock Island, in the Delaware River, to Johannes Van Etten, August 22, 1767. This John Van Etten, Daniei Brodhead and John Atkins were judges of the Orphans' Court in Northampton County in the year 1754. Captain Johannes Van Etten, who lived in Delaware township, above Ding- man's Ferry, was a prominent character during the Indian wars. The Van Etten family were among the early settlers of the township, coming here about 1750. They were far earlier in New York and New Jersey. Some time prior to 1660 the pro- genitor of the Van Ettens, Van Nettens, Van Attas, Van Nattens (the name appearing in early records variously spelled) came to this country from Etten, in the province of North WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Brabant, Holland, and settled at Kingston, Ul- ster ( 'minty, N. Y. In the earliest records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Kingston is re- corded the marriage of Jacob Jansen Young- man von Etten, in Brabant, to Anna Adriance, from Amsterdam, in the year 1665. He resided in the town of Hurley until his death, about 1690, and left surviving him his widow, five sons — lohn, horn 1 665 ; Peter; Alien, born 1670 ; Manuel, born 1681 ; Jacobus or James, born 1685 — and four daughters. In 1718 the property of Jacob Jansen Van Etten was divided among his children by con- veyance from his wife to each of their children, and from about that time the sons, with their families, began to seek new homes in the then sparsely-settled country along the Hudson, and a little later the Delaware Valley. Peter and James, with their families, crossed the Hudson and settled in Dutchess County about 1720. \), John, the oldest son, married Jane Roosa, daughter of Arien Roosa, about 1692. He resided until his death in the towns of Hurley and Rochester, Ulster ( 'ouuty, N. Y., and had a large family of children, mostly girls. vOne of his sons, Jacob, born 1696, is the immediate ancestor of the numerous family that settled in the Delaware Valley. April 22, 171!), .Jacob married Anna Westbrook, who was born in Kingston, and they lived at Knights- field (the name being written " Nytsfield " in the Mahackkeinack church record), in the town of Rochester, Ulster County, until 1730, when Jacob, with his family and some of the sisters who had married, following in the footsteps of many who migrated over the old Mine road to the fertile valleys of the Neversink and Dela- ware, came to the Delaware Valley and settled ai Namanoch, along the river on the New Jer- sey side. He was prominent in the early history of the Minisink Church, which was organized in 1737, and his name, together with those of his sons, appear among the officers and those aiding in the work. His oldest daughter, Helena or Magdalena, born 1721, was the wife of the Rev. John Casp. Fryenmoet, the first regular pastor of the Minisink, Walpaek and Mahakkeniack Churches, their marriage being among the ear- liest recorded in the records of these churches in 1742. John, the oldest son of Jacob, was born in 1720, others of the family being Cornells, born in 1723; Anthony, born in 1726 ; Jane, born in 1728; Johannes, born in 1730 ; Sarah, born in 1736 ; Richard, born in 1739. In the year 1745 William Allen, merchant of Philadelphia, couveyed a tract of land in Delaware township, opposite Namanoch Island, in the Delaware River, to Jacob Van Etten, of the county of Morris, in the eastern province of New Jersey. Through four generations the title and possession has remained in members of the family ; three great-granddaughters of Ja- cob now hold it, and reside within a stone's throw of the house of the first one of the name who settled in the county JpThis was Johannes Van Etten, a son of Jacob, who was born at Namanoch, in New Jersey, about 1730. Upon his marriage, which is recorded in the Reformed Dutch Church at Nopeuoeh, Ulster County, N. Y., in 1750, he probably located in Penn- sylvania. He was the progenitor of a large family. He was twice married, his first wife having been Maria Consoles, of Ulster County, N. Y., by whom he had eleven children. After her death he married Rachel Williams, widow of Daniel Decker, by whom he had four chil- dren,— three sons and one daughter. That these sons, following in the footsteps of their father, obeyed the Scriptural command, " to multiply and replenish," is evidenced by the fact that each had eight children ; many of them still reside in the county and along the Delaware Valley. John settled very soon after Johannes, near Easton, probably about 1760. In 1767, in a deed to Johannes, he is located in Fork town- ship, Northampton County. He married Mar- garet Westfall in 173S. Their children were Helena, born in 1738; Jacob, born in 1740; Daniel, born in 1742; Catharine, born in 1741; Maria, born in 1746; Simeon, born in 1748 (".'); Margaret, born in 174S ; Samuel, born in 1750; Margreeta, born in 1752. Johannes' children, by his first wife, were Magdalena, born in 1751; Manuel, born in 1 754 ; Kvmeriek, born in 1 756 ; Johannes, PIKE COUNTY. 913 Jr., born in 1759 ; James, born in 1763 (some say Anthony) ; Elizabeth, born in 1762 ; Cath- arine, born in 1771 ; Simeon, born in 1776. Two of these sons were wounded in a fight with the Indians, near Philip McCarty's, and his son-in-law, Ennis, killed. On June 14, 1780, John Chambers asked, in a letter to President Reed, for arms and ammu- nition for a volunteer company, to be placed in the care and charge of Captain Johannes Van Etten. And on July 4, 1780, Lieutenant Samuel Rea wrote to President Reed that he had filled up a commission of Captain Johannes Van Etten, 1 and that the Indians had taken a Mr. Dewitt, near Captain Van Etten's, on the Delaware. In Penna. Archives, vol. ii. p. 720, in a letter from Captain John Van Etten to Governor Morris, dated at Fort Hyudshaw, July 24, 1756, mention is made of Johannes Van Etten having a conversation with some Indians, during which a disagreement arose, and the Indians carried away, as they thought, a load of swan-shot, while one of his companions received nine charges and lost his scalp. 2 The fight between Captain Johannes Van Etten's company and the Indians, in which the captain, with three of his sons and son-in-law, Benjamin Ennis, were engaged, was near Mc- Carter's, just below the Raymondskill, on the banks of the Delaware. The actual engage- ment is reported by the old inhabitants to have been fought near or on lauds now owned by Ira Case, in Dingmau township, and John H. Van Etten, Esq., has heard his father say that, when a boy, in company with his father (Cornelius, sou of Johannes), he visited the battle-field, and they found, in the crevices of the rocks, human bones, a skull, etc. The children of Johannes by his second wife were Daniel, born 1780 ; Cornelius, born De- cember 8, 1782 ; Solomon, born February 12, 1789 ; and Dorothy, who married John Latti- more. The sons of Daniel were Samuel, John, Oli- 1 See Chapter VII. of General History. 'See Penn. Archives, vol. viii. pp. 202 and 386. See also chapter on Revolutionary Period. 89 ver and Cornelius ; and daughters, Rachel, Jane, Phebe and Cornelia. The sons of Cornelius were Amos, Solomon (father of Attorney John H. Van Etten, of Milford, and of Mathias M. and Cornelius S.) and Robert K. ; and daughters, Cathariue, Ra- chel, Margaret, Mary and Amanda. The sons of Solomon were Emanuel, Solo- mon, Daniel, John I. ; and the daughters, Julia Ann, Dorothy, Huldah, Hannah and Eliza Jane. The first saw-mill was built at Dingman's about 1800, and the grist-mill, where Molli- neux lives, was erected about 1827 ; the grist- mill at Dingman's was built a few years later. Andrew Dingman states that his father built the tavern where Fulmer now is, about 1810; that a man by the uame of Winans car- ried the mail on horseback from Easton to Milford, about that time, and that one Jack- son was the first postmaster he remembers. Jacob Hull was the first merehaut, as early as 1810, aud Franklin Brodhead followed. Jo- seph Ennis was a ferryman in 1805. The first school-house was a log school-house, near Shoemaker's, and Mason Dimmick taught the first school remembered. Three bridges have been, at various times, erected at Ding- man's Ferry, but the wind, ice aud floods have destroyed them and made it necessary to resume the ferry-boat. Judge Dingman chose an academy, rather than the county-seat, though this was not the origin of Dingman's Choice, as has been shown. When the matter of loca- tion aud site had been concluded upon, Judge Dingman gave one and one-half acres, by deed bearing date July 15, 1813, to John Nyce, John Westbrook, John Lattimore, Matthew Ridgway and Daniel Jayne, trustees of the Delaware Academy. The deed states " that for good causes and considerations, and the sum of five shillings to him in hand paid, hath given all that messuage, etc., beginning at a cedar standing near the main road." This cedar, which has remained an enduring monu- ment for more than seventy years, still stands erect, the winds wailing a recpiiem over the pioneers of the Minisink, who sleep the si- lent sleep of death in the Delaware Cemetery, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. near by. The instrument was signed in the presence of Daniel Dimmick and Samuel An- derson. One of the corners of the plot is the State road, which once passed below the site of the Reformed Church. When the State with- drew its aid from academies this property was turned over to the school directors, and is now used for public school purposes. The Dutch Reformed Church was organized in four places in the Minisink as early as 1737. Although the first churches were on the Jersey side of the river, the congregation was drawn from both Pennsylvania and New Jer- sey. We find the name of Andries Dingen- man as a member of the consistory in 1 748, in the following action : "October 22, 1748. — We, the undersigned, lawfully and ecclesiastically Assembled, have resolved to sell the present residence of the Dominie, with its appur- tenances, to the Dominie, provided we can agree with the Elders and Deacons, who are now absent, at the approaching meeting in November next. " To establish the above, we sign our names, — " Cornelis Van Aken. " William Ennis, 1748. " Lambart Brinck. "Andries Dingenman. "Jan Van Etten. " Benjamin Depuy. "Dirck Van Vi.iet." " November 5, 1748. — In an ecclesiastical and law- ful assembly the followiug resolution was passed : " That Dominie Fryenmoet shall keep the deed of his house and lot, and shall lend it to nobody, nor let any one read it or hear it read, except to some church officer, at his own discretion. " For the establishment of the above we append our signatures, — "J. C. Fryenmoet, President. " Lambart Bkynck. " Andries Dingenman. "cornelis westbroek. " Ja. Swartwoudt." Rev. George Wilhelmus Mancius, pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston, first preached the gospel here and organized churches both aloug the Neversink and Delaware. There were four churches organized, probably about the same time, viz.: Machackemech (now the Reformed Church at Port Jervis) ; Menissinck, at Montague, N. J.; Walpack, with which Dingman and Bush kill were connected ; and Smithfield, in Monroe County. The consistory minutes of these churches commence August 23, 1737. Mancius came regularly twice a 1 year, in May and November. June 1, 1841, J at the age of twenty, Rev. Johannes Casparus Fryenmoet was chosen as the first regular pas- tor of these four churches. He was found among the people here, a lad of but sixteen, of much promise, a native of Switzerland, who had received a partial education for the minis- try before coming to this country. In the scarcity of ministers they desired him to become their spiritual teacher, though only a boy and his education imperfect, while the regulations of the churches are very strict in requiring an educated ministry. As there were no schools of theology in this country, the churches raised v money sufficient and sent young Fryenmoet to Holland to complete his studies and receive or- dination from the Classis of Amsterdam, upon which the Reformed Churches in this country were then all dependent. Four years later he returned and begau his work among them. He labored for fifteen years in the churches, during which time a large number were added to their membership. He received seventy pounds in equal proportion from these four churches and one hundred schepels of oats for his horse (a schepel is three peeks). They all paid in New York money, except the Smithfield Church, which tendered him " Proclamation Money." The next year two of the churches agreed to pay forty pounds if he married and thirty-five pounds if he continued unmarried. He was married to Lena Van Etten, by Justice Abram Van Campen, July 23, 1742. Rev. Thomas Romeyn was their next pastor, from 1760 till 1772. After this they were for thirteen years without a pastor. Rev. Elias Van Benschoten, or Van Bunschooten, as he usually wrote it, had charge from May 11, 1785, till about 1800. He preached in Dutch and English. Mr. Van Benschoten's labors were greatly blessed. He was a man of some eccentricities, many excel- lencies and was held in high esteem. He was remarkable for his frugality and strict honesty. He gave seventeen thousand dollars, which has since increased to twenty thousand dollars, to Rutgers College, and over one hundred and PIKE COUNTY. 915 twenty-five Dutch Reformed ministers have been educated by this fund. It should have been mentioned that in 1753 Smithfield Church withdrew and Mr. Van Bensclioten was the last minister who supplied the pulpit of the three remaining churches. Rev. James G. Force, who came in 1808, was the fourth minister at Walpack and vi- cinity. In 1827 a division arose and the Lower Church of Walpack, as a result, was organized. Rev. Isaac S. Demund was the fifth pastor of these churches, in 1827, the only church being at FJatbrookville. The other places of worship were school-houses at Peters' Valley, Pleasant Valley, the academy at Dingman's Ferry, Horn beck's barn near his tavern, at Mr. Schoonover's house at Bushkill and at Peters' Tavern. Rev. David dishing, the next minis- ter, was settled in 1831. During his brief stay a deep religious interest manifested itself in the congregation and one hundred and four were added to the church. Prominent among those engaged in the good work were John Nyce, Esq., Jacob Westbrook and Daniel Schoonover. They were greatly assisted by the faithful and devoted Rev. C. C. Elting, of Port Jervis, who spent days and weeks laboring among them. One man eighty years of age and one tavern- keeper were converted. Rev. Garret C. Schenck succeeded Mr. Gushing, a devoted young man, who left in 1835. Immediately after the rela- tions of the church were changed from the Classis of New Brunswick to the Classis of Orange. Rev. James B. Hyndshaw was in- stalled pastor January 17, 1836. In 1841 Rev. Robert Pitts became stated supply and remained as such until 1860. October 17, 1855, Upper and Lower Walpack were divided. Upper Walpack has the two congregations at Dingman's Ferry and Peters' Valley respec- tively, and Lower Walpack has the two congre- gations at Bushkill and Walpack. Rev. Alex- ander McWilliam was the first minister of Lower Walpack, in 1861. In 1870 he was succeeded by Rev. John F. Shaw, and Rev. Henry Rex is the present pastor. Rev. Nathan W. Jones was the first minister of Upper Wal- pack under the new arrangement in 1861. He was succeeded by Rev. Gilbert S. Garretson. Church Farm.— On May 24, 1752, James Alexander, by direction of the Council of Pro- prietors of the Eastern Division of New Jer- sey, conveyed to Abraham Van Campeu and Garret Brink, for the use of the Reformed Church of Walpack and Pahaquarry, professing the doctrines of Calvin, two hundred and ten acres in Sandyston, the consideration being "six pence and a pint of spring water yearly " from the large spring on the premises, " if de- manded." The income from this farm was to be devoted to the support of the preaching of the Gospel in the church. The farm has been sold for twelve thousand five hundred and six dollars and the proceeds invested for the benefit of the church. The first movement towards erecting a church edifice at Dingman's Ferry which we find on record was on May 1, 1837, but this project seems to have slept fir over twelve years, when it was revived, and Rev. R. Pitts and John I. Westbrook were appointed to raise money for this purpose. The effort was successful, and the church was erected in 1850, at a cost of one thousand three bundled dollars. The building committee consisted of John I. Westbrook, Albert S. Stoll and John Van Gor- den, W. F. Brodhead being contractor. The Methodist Church at Dingman's Fekry. — Rev. John Retallick, a Methodist local preacher, aged eighty-four, says, when he first came, in 1830, Rev. Bromwell Andrews and another man preached in Sandyston, N. J., Milford and Dingman's Ferry. The first Methodists at Dingman's were Andrew Adams, who lived on the place that Solomon Dingman now owns, and his wife and two daughters. His house was a home for preachers. The strongest class was at Milford. Benjamin Drake, John Drake, William Watson, Judge John Brink, Jonathan Doolittle and wife and Mrs. Suter were promiuent. About 1830 John Westbrook and wife joined the Dingman class. Daniel Buckley and wife, William Hooker and George Reese have been prominent members since. Joseph Buckley is now superintendent of the Sunday-school. There are seventy members, and the Sunday- school numbers about forty attendants. The church edifice was erected in 1870. Rev. John WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUiNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Retallick came to Dingman's Ferry from Eng- land in 1830, and has preached for fifty years, during which time he has performed the marriage office for fifty couples and attended one hundred and eighty or more funerals. Mr. Retallick, who lives with his son John, on the homestead farm, in summer, and with his son- in-law, S. L. Sarles, at Dingman's Ferry, in winter, is an intelligent, well-preserved old gentleman. Thomas and John Gustin were among the old residents at Dingman's. Joseph Brooks, an Englishman, bought three hundred and twenty-seven acres of land of the Gustins, on the Dingman Creek, in 1 820, and built a woolen factory of stone in 1822. It is forty by sixty- five feet, and three and one-half stories high. He employed a number of hands and operated the factory until he died, in 1835. The children being young, the works were closed. Bettie Brooks, his M'idow, who is still living, aged ninety-eight, retains her faculties to a remarka- ble degree. She says her father, whose name was Holding, helped put up the first machinery for manufacturing purposes in Yorkshire and Lancashire, England. She could ride the swiftest horse when a girl, and received many compliments for her graceful appearance on horseback. There is a water-fall at the factory called the Factory Falls. The Brooks, or Fulmer Falls are near by and the Deer Leap Falls are just below, so-called from the fact that a deer leaped from the rocks above the falls when pursued by a hound and broke his neck. The next falls below are the Dingman, or High Falls. These falls were very beautiful when the writer saw them, in winter, covered with a white robe of snow and ice, while the rocks were lined with a frosty incrustation and the trees and bushes were drooping with frost-petals, hanging pend- ant from every branch and glowing resplendent in the morning sun. Just below the Dingman Falls a little stream flows over the gorge be- tween perpendicular rocks about six or eight feet apart, in a series of cascades and rapids, a distance of about one hundred and fifty feet, and enters the Dingman Creek. It rolls and tumbles between these rocks in such a manner as to gain the name of the " Soap Trough," but since summer visitors have visited the spot it has been called the " Silver Thread." It is a very unique and beautiful fall. John Fulmer built a sole-1 eather tannery on Dingman Creek in 1851, and operated it till 1866, when it was sold to William Bell, who soon closed the busi- ness. Th ey tanned about twenty thousand sides per year while in operation. The Fulmerville post-office was established in 1853. John Ful- mer is still living, aged ninety-five. Dr. Philip F. Fulmer, his son, graduated from the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania in 1852. He was super- intendent of the schools of Pike County from 1852 to 1863, and is the first resident physician at Dingman's Ferry. He also purchased the old Dingman Hotel and enlarged it until it has a capacity for two hundred guests. Randall Van Gordon has the Delaware House, and a Frenchman has the Bellevue. These hotels al- together will accommodate one hundred and fifty guests. The natural beauty of some parts of Pike County is making it a favorite water- ing-place. The Hornbeck Creek has a dozen falls in succession, which, like steps, have led to their being termed the " Indian Ladder." There are also beautiful falls on the Adams' Creek, but they are dangerous to visit. In fact, every stream that rises in the highlands of Pike County has a fall of about two hundred feet before it reaches the level of the Delaware ; con- sequently there are falls on all the streams that enter the Delaware. Cornelius McCarty built the house and store now owned by Judge Ev- art Hornbeck, in 1849. Thomas Courtright, who was postmaster for many years at Ding- man's Ferry, is descended from an old New Jersey family. Dr. Fulmer has the post-office now, and William Brooks, son of Joseph Brooks, is his deputy. According to Dingman's papers, John Rosen- crance,of New Jersey, had a stone fort just below the ferry. This property was subsequently owned by Solomon Westbrook, grandson of Antony Westbrook and son of Jacob Westbrook. Moses V. C. Shoemaker lives on the property now, and recently tore down the old stone house. Colonel John "Westbrook, as he was gen- erally addressed was born in Sussex County, N. J., January 9, 1 789, and departed this life PIKE COUNTY. 917 October 8, 1852, in the sixty-third year of his age, near Dingman's Ferry, having removed to Pike County, Penna., with his father when three years of age, where he resided until his death. When nineteen years of age, February 14, 1808, he married Sarah, daughter of Judge Richard Brodhead, ami sister of United States nah, widow of William T. Wilson, being in her seventy eighth year; Jacob B., died in 1852 of pneumonia in the thirty-sixth year of his age ; Richard B., resides in Philadelphia, and Jane B., wife of Dr. Vincent Emerson, resides in Milford. The business of Colonel Westbrook was farm- ing though at times he engaged in mercantile pur- Senator, Richard Brodhead, all of Pike County, she then being sixteen years of age, having been born February 12, 1792. She survived her husband twenty-seven years, departing Jan- uary 21, 1879, aged eighty-seven years, having been the wife of Rev. John Lee, of Newark, N. J., for a few years, whom she also survived. Four of Colonel Westbrook's descendants reached adult age, and three still survive ; Han- suits and in lumbering. In his twenty-sixth year (1817), he was elected sheriff of his county. Before he reached twenty-one, he held office in the State militia which at that time was in a flourishing condition, inspired by the war of 1812. At one time he was Colonel of the regiment, in which his brother Jacob was major, and his brother Solomon a captain. The annual " General Training-day" and the occa- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sioual parades and drills are well remembered by many still living. In these "Mdd-days," he was always a conspicuous figure, and was distinguished for his commanding manners, his perfect knowledge of military tactics, and his dashing horsemanship — the latter being an ac- complishment for which many members of the family have been noted for several generations. In 1833 he was a member of the Pennsylva- nia Legislature, and while at Harrisburg made the acquaintance of James Buchanan and other men who have become noted in history. Thad- deus Stevens was a member of Assembly at the same time. It was then that the great " Anti- Masonic " controversy took place which was followed by the well remembered " Buck-shot War," at Harrisburg. Colonel Westbrook was a mason of " high-degree," and a Jeffersonian Democrat all his life. He was proud of his personal acquaintance with Major-General Andrew Jackson, and often made eloquent speeches at the " Jackson Feasts," that were held January 8th, in memory of the battle of New Orleans. He was accustomed to tell amusing stories of his conversations with Pres- ident Martin Van Buren, in Low-Butch, to the great discomfiture of surrounding politicians. In 1840 he was elected to Congress, where he served with faithfulness and acceptance. While in Congress his health broke down, and though he lived for ten years afterward, he was never quite himself again. He was the first per- son ever elected to Congress from Pike County, and declined a second term because of failing- health. James Buchanan was United States Senator when Colonel Westbrook was a mem- ber of the twenty-seventh Congress, and a strong political friendship grew up between them, to which Mr. Buchanan referred when Presi- dent of the United States in a letter to a mem- ber of the family, carefully preserved as a relic. Two incidents only connected with Colonel Westbrook's Congressional career can here be noticed. Northampton County was then in the same district with Pike. The postmaster of Easton died. While the politicians were getting their petitions ready to fill the vacancy, Colonel Westbrook had influence enough with Presi- ! dent Tyler, to secure on his own personal rec- ommendation the appointment to the vacant office of the widow of the deceased postmaster, whose daughters continued the management of the office under their mother as they had done under their father. The disappointed politi- cians grumbled, but the people were pleased and were as well served as before. It is very common now to appoint women postmistresses, but forty years ago, it required some courage and political independence to favor such an appointment in a place like Easton. The writer to whom this case was related by Presi- dent Tyler himself, is not informed how many, if any, women were appointed to post-offices, before the widow Horn of Easton, Penna. The Morse telegraph was publicly inaugu- rated while Colonel Westbrook was in Con- gress, and the first appropriation to further this enterprise, was advocated by him, though a plain farmer from Pike County, while Cave Johnson, a learned lawyer and judge from Tennesee, and afterward a member of President Polk's Cabinet, ridiculed the telegraph bymov- ing an amendment that one-half of the pro- posed appropriation should be given to a show- man, then giving experiments in Mesmerism at Washington. General Samuel Houston, after- wards United States Senator, proposed from his seat in Congress, that a portion of the ap- propriation should be given to the MMUsrites, who at that time (1843) were predicting the near end of the world. Twenty-two members voted for the amendment ! The Pike county farmer was not one of them. What would the congressional sceptics of 1843, now say of the triumph of telegraphy ? Colonel Westbrook had very small oppor- tunities for school learning, yet he kept fully up with the progress of his times. He never saw a grammar until his children carried one home from school, and yet he had a wonderful knowledge of the English language, though his vernacular was Holland Dutch. This was the language used in common in his father's family. An oration delivered by him July 4, 181 0, when in his twenty-seventh year, is now before the writer. It is truly an able production, full i if historic illustrations, and philosophical re- PIKE COUNTY. 919 flections, with frequent bursts of true patriotism and impassioned eloquence. There is not a single grammatical error in the composition. It shows a wonderful command of language. Even the punctuation is strictly accurate, and all quotations are marked as such, and there is not an i without its dot, nor a t without its cross. It is a MS., of which his children are proud. His perceptions were quick and clear, his judgment excellent, and his intuition truly remarkable. He was a natural lawyer, though never engaged in litigation. He probably wrote more legal documents than the average lawyer in the county. People came from many miles and even from New Jersey to have him write their wills, deeds, etc., and county justices of the peace, wrestling with legal questions, were accustomed to consult him instead of the regular lawyers. For these services he made no charge. He was not a money maker nor a money hoarder. Benevolence was his distin- guishing characteristic, next to his uncom- promising honesty. No man ever suspected, much less charged him with a dishonest act. He often gave and loaned money which he could ill spare. His disposition to oblige was exces- sive. It was hard for him to say no. He con- fided in everybody, endorsed the paper of too many of his friends, and was cheated and deceived by men from whom better things might have been expected. He died a poor man, but left his children a rich legacy, in his high sense of honor and undoubted integrity. He was baptized by the celebrated Dominie Van Benschoteu, of the Reformed Dutch Church, but he joined the Methodists, while a member of the Legislature in 1833, of which church he was a member until the close of life. THE WESTBROOK GENEALOGY. The subject of the above sketch was the second sou of Solomon Westbrook, who was born October 6, 1762, and died March 30, 1824. He married Margaret DeWitt, Septem- ber 24, 1782. They had five children ; Jacob, John, Solomon, Margaret and Sofferiue. The family residence, a large stone house, was loca- ted on the stage road two miles below Ding- man's Ferrry, Delaware township, Pike coun- ty, Peuna. He located there in 1792 upon a tract of land, of about seven hundred acres situate upon the western bank of the Delaware River. The father of Solomon Westbrook was Ja- cob Westbrook. He occupied a large tract of land on the eastern bank of the Delaware, about eight miles below Port Jervis, in what is now Montague township, N. J. His substantial stone house was often used as a fort, in troub- lous times as was the stone house of his son, Johannes, which was located three miles further down the Delaware River. Jacob Westbrook married Lydia Westfall, March 24, 1746, and they had six children, named Blandina, Johan- nes, Soflerine, Solomon, Maria and Jane. It seems strange that so beautiful a name as Blan- dina has not been perpetuated in the family, and also the names Magdalena and Helletie, found in early Westbrook records. The father of Jacob, was Anthony West- brook. He resided in Minisink, and seems to have been a leading man in this pioneer settle- ment on the Delaware. In 1737, he was a justice of the peace, and an elder in the Re- formed Dutch Church. The maiden name of his wife was Antie Van Etten. Nothing is known of their children, except Jacob and Johannes above mentioned. Anthony Westbrook came from Guilford, Ulster county, X. Y., and settled in Minisink, and became a large laud owner. He was preceded by his brother Johannes who became an influ- ential man in the settlement. Here we lose the line of direct descent, but there is abundant evidence that the Westbrook family on both sides of the Delaware were descendants of the family of the same name in Ulster county, New York. Several members of that family early joined the train of emigration through the Mamakating valley, to the rich flat lauds of the Minisink region. Some of them served with distinction in the Indian wars and in that of the Revolution. The name Westbrook has long been recog- nized as one of the representative pioneer names of this country. It is of pure Anglo- Saxon origin, and the representatives of the family though early associated with the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Dutch, have continued to manifest the Saxon characteristics. As early as 1630 those bearing the name were at Albany, having come over with the Dutch from Holland where they had fled for the sake of religious freedom, to settle on the manor-lands of the patroon Van Rensselaer. John Westbrook was at Ports- mouth, N. H., October 9, 1665, and Job and John were there in 1689-90. In 1721 Colonel Thomas Westbrook said to have come from Stroudwater, Gloucestershire, England, was a large land owner and ship builder in the State of Maine, and the town of Westbrook in that State, is named after him. In that year he com- manded the expedition against Norridgewock, which broke up the settlement of the famous Jesuit priest, Father Ralle, and captured his papers. In 1723 he was appointed by Gov- ernor Dunmore chief in command of the east- ern frontier. Many existing records show that the distin- guishing characteristic of the Westbrook family has ever been love of liberty and resistance to tyranny. Brodhead Westbrook, as he was always called in youth, is a son of the Hon. John Westbrook, whose biography, with a genealogi- cal sketch of the family, may be found in this volume. He was born February 8, 1820, near Dingman's Ferry, in Pike county, where he lived with his parents until his twentieth year. His early educational advantages were limited to the common district schools and the old Delaware Academy. He became practically familiar with farming and horsemanship in his boyhood, and cannot remember the time when he was not expected to make himself useful about the wood-pile, the barn and the farm. He taught a common district school and " boarded around " before he was seventeen, and soon after taught in the Delaware and Milford Academies. About this time he commenced the study of theology under the preceptorship of the Rev. Alexander Gilmore. He received license to preach on September 6, 1839, and was admitted on trial as an itinerant preacher in the New Jersey Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Burlington, N. J., April 18, 1840. He was appointed by the Confer- ence within the next ten years to serve at Par- sippany, Hackettstown, Stillwater, Plainfield, Bloomfield, Elizabeth and Mount Holly, all in New Jersey. He was ordained a deacon in the spring of 1842, at Camden, by Bishop Waugh, and an elder or Presbyter in the spring of 1844, at Trenton, by Bishop Morris, after passing the usual four year course of study, credentials of which he still holds clean and un- impaired. On January 27, 1852, he withdrew from the Methodist Church in consecpience of a change in his views on certain theological dogmas and questions of church polity and usage. The fol- lowing, so highly creditable to two great de- nominations, will not be out of place here : "to all whom it may concern. " Wliereas, the Rev. Richard B. Westbrook has signified to me his intention to withdraw from the Methodist Episcopal Church, for the purpose of con- necting himself with the Presbyterian Church. This is to certify that the said Rev. Richard B. Westbrook is an ordained Minister in good and regular standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also a mem- ber of the New Jersey Annual Conference of said Church, and as such we recommend him to all where his lot may be cast by the Providence of God. " Richard W. Petherbridge, " Presidinij Elder, Burlington Dist. " January 27, 1852." In addition to regular credentials, the above certificate and several letters of recommendation, voluntarily furnished by ministers of the Con- ference were presented to Presbytery ; and after due examination, the following minute was adopted. " The Rev. R. B. Westbrook having made appli- cation to be received as a member of this body, ex- hibiting his credentials as a minister in good standing in the New Jersey Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the validity of whose ordination we most cheerfully acknowledge ; and having satisfied the Presbytery as to his piety, his literary and the- ological attainments, and his accordance with the principles and polity of the Presbyterian Church ; and having also answered affirmatively the questions propounded to candidates in our Confession of Faith, it was unanimously voted that he be received and enrolled as a member of this body. " The Presbytery also resolved, that it highly appre- ciates the courtesy and fraternal spirit manifested by our brethren of the Methodist Church, in their dis- mission and full recommendation of the Rev. vJ3 irvK. PIKE COUNTY. Mr. Westbrook, which courtesy we hold ourselves ready when occasion offers, to reciprocate." This is probably the first case in which a Methodist minister was in snch an orderly manner, transferred to the Presbyterian ranks. Mr. Westbrook's first and only pastorate among the Presbyterians was in Burlington, N. J., the very city in which he had been re- ceived into the Methodist Conference twelve years before. While pastor of this church in 1 853 he received the honorary degree of A. M. from Princeton College. In 1854 he received an appointment to a secretaryship from the American Sunday-school Union, and removed to Philadelphia where he remained until the spring of 1861. In 1860 he received the honorary degree of D.D from Washington College upon the nomination of Rev. William S. Plumer, D.D., then professor in the Western Theological Seminary at Alle- gheny City. The following notice from the pen of Editor John S. Hart, LL.D., afterward professor in Princeton College, appeared in the Sunday-School Times, — " THE RESIGNATION OF I>R. WESTBROOK. "The friends of the Sunday-school missionary work throughout the United States, we are certain will sympathize with us in the feeling of profound regret and sorrow with which we announce that the Rev. R. B. Westbrook, D.D., has resigned his office as secretary of missions of the American Sunday-school Union. " The missionary work of this beloved and honored institution has never in its whole history been ad- ministered with more marked ability, or with more decided and signal success, than during the period that Dr. Westbrook has been entrusted with its ex- cutive control. "His pulpit services are much in request, his preach- ing being of that earnest, practical and instructive character, combined with a rich gift of popular elo- quence, which, together, soon build up a congre- gation. The Board of Managers in accepting Dr. Westbrook's resignation, ' bear their unanimous testi- mony to the ability, energy and large measure of success which has marked his labors in the service of the Society." ' In retiring from this secretaryship Dr. West- brook decided that whatever others might be able to do, he could not be a successful investi- gator and advocate of truth, while dependent upon those to whom he might minister for daily bread. Before leaving Philadelphia he received a unanimous call from the Fourth Presbyterian Church of that city, and also from the State Street Church of Albany, N. Y., and overtures from several churches in other cities. While not intending to entirely abandon the office of a public moral teacher he entered the law department of the New York City Uni- versity, and received in due course the degree of LL.B. He pressed ahead of his class, and before graduation was, in 1863, admitted to the New York bar after a rigid examination of several hours, under the judges of the Supreme Court. In I860 he was admitted as attorney and counsellor in the Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, D. C. His practice was mainly in the New York Supreme Court. Through the persuasion of Judge George R. Barrett and the late Colonel Henry S. Mott, he was induced to make an invest- ment in Pennsylvania coal lauds in the Clearfield region, and he afterward purchased five thousand acres of coal land in Cambria county, Pa., and to develop and improve these lands, it became necessary to abandon his law practice, as the work was done under his per- sonal supervision. Here his Pike county ex- perience in boyhood came to his assistance. The " natives " were astonished to find that a city lawyer and clergyman understood all about lumber and saw-mills, and knew how to drive oxen, mules and horses. In 1882 he sold these lauds, fully developed, and retired to his Phila- delphia residence, " free from worldly care and avocations." It is a fact worthy of note that while actively engaged in secular business he diligently pursued his studies in ecclesiastical history and polemic theology. In 1864 he was arraigned by his Presbytery on the charge of "abandoning the ministry and engaging in a secular profession," and was suspended " until he should give evidence of repentance." The sus- pension was removed in a- few days, as Dr. Westbrook signified his purpose to preach as opportunity might offer. After this he supplied a Presbyterian pulpit for a year, and at the same time pursued his law practice in New York City, refusing to accept any pecuniary compen- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sation from the church, whereupon he was re- quested by the Presbytery to which the church belonged to receive some pecuniary compen- sation or surrender the charge, and he accepted the latter alternative, and in a short time (1866) voluntarily withdrew from the "ministry and communion of the Presbyterian Church," re- ceiving a certificate of his good and regular standing, since which time he has maintained a position of ecclesiastical independence. In 1870 Dr. Westbrook published a work on Marriage and Divorce; in 1882 he pub- lished a work entitled The Bible, Whence and What? and in 1884, a work entitled Man, Whence and Wliithcrf He is now engaged upon a work of profound research relating to the origin of Christianity and Comparative Re- ligions. In the preface of his work on the Bible he says" The writer is a firm believer in the ex- istence and moral government of God, in the con- tinuance of human life beyond the grave and in present and future rewards and punish- ments." His books, published by Lippincott, Philadelphia, have been very favorably noticed by the newspaper press generally, and exten- sively circulated, and are well known as able defenses of the essential principles of true re- ligion and morality, while dissenting from some of the dogmas of the prevalent theology. The honorary degree of LL.D., was received by Dr. Westbrook from the Wagner Free Institute of Science January 1, 1885, of which institution he is trustee and treasurer. lie has recently established a Free Religious Lectureship, in Philadelphia — receiving no pe- cuniary compensation for his lectures and paying- all incidental expenses out of his own pocket. Dr. Westbrook was married when twenty-one years of age to Sarah H., third daughter of Judge John H. Hall, of New Jersey. Four children were born to them, — Nathan Bangs, John Hall, Charles Kingsbury and Caroline Armstrong, all of whom survive. The mother departed this life November 16, 1882. The present wife of Dr. W r estbrook was Henrietta Payne, M.D., eldest daughter of Rev. Ara Payne, of Rhode Island. She is a graduate of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, lucated in Philadelphia. The Deckers were an early family in Dela- ware township. They were located along the river road both above and below Dingman's Ferry, but the largest settlement of Deckers was at a place called Deckertowu, on Decker (now Hornbeck) Creek, where they had a fort during the wars. August 8, 1768, Broer Decker sold forty-three acres of land in Delaware township to Heudrikus Decker, being part of one hundred acres which Broer Decker had purchased of William Allen, June 16, 1768. The deed to Heudrikus Decker was acknowl- edged before John Van Campen, justice of the peace for Northampton County, in 1773. In 1763, Henry Decker was appointed constable of Upper Smithfield township. Hendrikus Decker lived just below the creek, and lost two sons in the Indian troubles, as has been else- where shown. The Deckers of Delaware town- ship appear to have been squatters generally, and laboring men. They are among the pioneer settlers of Pike County. It is impossible to tell when they first crossed the Delaware, but it is probable that they were there as early, if not earlier, than Andrew Dingmau. In the 1781 assessment of Delaware township Elias Decker, Cornelius Decker, Ezekiel Decker, John Decker, Henry Decker and Jacob Decker are assessed, and among the single freemen Ezekiel Decker, Abraham Decker and Isaac Decker are mentioned. In 1800 the names of Elisha, Benjamin, Samuel, Levi, Emanuel and Daniel Decker also appear. Notwithstanding there were so many of the name in Delaware township in its early history, they all disap- peared years ago with the exception of Affe, daughter of Hendrikus, who married Garret Brodhead, a Revolutionary soldier. After the war he purchased one hundred and seventy- eight acres of land on the hills west of Ding- man's Ferry, of David Lilch, who had built a log cabin and made a small clearing. Mr. Brodhead added to this purchase and increased the clearing until in 1801 he is assessed with thirty acres of improved land and two hundred and seventy acres of unimproved land. Affe Decker, his wife, made her escape from her father's house, when her two brothers were killed, by jumping from the window and fleeing PIKE COUNTY. 923 to Fort Decker. Garret Brodhead and his wife are buried in Delaware Cemetery. He died in 1835, aged seventy-nine, and Affe, his wife, in 1840, aged eighty. Nicholas Brod- head, his son, lived on the homestead, which is now in the possession of his son, David O. Brodhead, who cultivates the old farm. Gar- ret Brodhead had two daughters — Hannah (wife of John Brown) and Cornelia (wife of Nathan Emery), who lived at Dingman's Ferry. The Deckers were large, tall men, who preferred bor- der life to the comforts of civilization, and most of them went West. John Hecker contracted for a place of sixty-seven acres above Dingman's Ferry. Hemadea clearing and built a cabin, but being unable or disinclined to make payment, he traded his improvement to his brother-in-law for a barrel of whiskey, which shows the value some of the early settlers placed upon their possessions. The old grist-mill on Decker Creek was probably built by William Austin, a bachelor miller, as early as 1775. It was the oldest grist-mill in the vicinity and is assessed to John Frazier in 1800 at a valuation of three hundred dollars. It has long since fallen into decay and the site of the old mill is known only to a few persons. There was also an old saw-mill at the same place. John Frazier's children were John, Benjamin, Peter, Jane (wife of Isaac Van Gordon), Phoebe (wife of William C. Jagger), Betsey (wife of David Sayre) and William. Benjamin was county commissioner in 1844 and justice of the peace in Delaware township for twenty-two years. His son, John W. Frazier, owns the homestead and is justice of the peace in Delaware township now. Cor- nelius Angle came to Delaware township in 1823 and bought eight hundred acres of land of Nicholas Livengood. He was an enterpris- ing man and the first of the Delaware farmers who raised his bread on the mountains. His sons Charles, Jacob, John and William all remained in the township. George W. Don- aldson, a Scotchman, came from New York recently and purchased the old Angle home- stead. He has expended a large sum in the erection of buildings, fences and in otherwise improving the property. Jacob Angle recollects that Philip Reser had a large family of boys, none of whom remain. The same may be said of Henry Steele, with slight exception. Cooper Jagger was an old settler on the hills, but his descendants are nearly all gone. The Deckers owned all the lands adjacent at one time, but never improved it. Elias Decker was an old Revolutionary soldier, and about ninety years of age when he died. One of his sons, Elisha, lived and died here ; another son, John, did business in New York and lived to a great age. Abraham Courtright resided here years ago and some of his children are still in the township. Adam Bensley used to live in the neighborhood, his father having died here, and some of his descendants are still in the township. Gabriel Layton, who died recently, was justice of the peace, his brother, John Lay- ton, having been superintendent <>f the schools of Pike County for nine years. Jacob Hornbeck, a son of Joseph Hornbeck, lived on the river road in Delaware township, near the mouth of the Decker or Hornbeck Creek, where he had a tavern. He was a major in the militia and apparently a man of some in- fluence in his day, being both a merchant and hotel-keeper. His daughter Maria was the wife of Oliver S. Dimmick, who kept a hotel a short time, then moved to Milford and from thence to Matamoras. Belinda Hornbeck was the wife of Martin W. Dingman and lived near Dingman's Ferry. Robert Hatton, an English- man, came to Pike about 1810 and settled on the hills of Delaware township. He was noted for his wonderful stories, which were told with the utmost gravity and apparent candor. His wife lived to be one hundred and one years of age. He had two sons, James and Charles, county surveyor for twenty years, and knows more about Pike County land than any one else in it. The following list of persons taxed iu Dela- ware in 1801 shows the scope of the township and the residents at that time : Garret Brodhead. Richard Brodhead. Jas. Bertrou. John Brink. Emanuel Brink. John Craig. Henry Cronkright. Henry Curtright. Isaac Curtright. Win. Custard. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. \Vm. Custard, Jr. James Randolph. Michael Heller. Jacob Steel. Jacob Cline. Isaac Reemer- William Howe. Gilbert Steel. Conrad Cline. Bernard Swartwood. Nathan Emery. Isaac Steel. Jacob Decker. Samuel Seely. ^ Benjamin Impson. Frederick ShafF. Elisba Decker. John Smith. Cooper Jagger. Nicholas Tilman. Elias Decker. Maj. Wm. Smith. Henry Jackson. Peter Trach. Benj. Decker. Win. Smith. Henry Jay. Moses Van Gordon. Samuel Decker, Jr. Jonas Smith. Robert Latimore. Johannes Van Etten. Abraham Decker. Nicholas Schoonover. John Litch. Elijah Van Gordon. Levi Decker. Ezekiel Schoonover. Johannes Litch. Isaac Van Gordon. Isaac Decker, Samuel Decker, Sr. Emanuel Decker. Benj. Decker. Daniel Decker. Andrew Dingman. Daniel W. Dingman. Jerimah Fleming. John Frazier. Ledowicke Hover. Solomon Hover. Boudwine Howey. Jacob Hornbeck. Joseph Hornbeck. John Hover. Evert Hornbeck. Benj. Imson. John Jinnings. Robert Lattimore. John Litch, Jr. John Litch. David Litch. Win. Mapes, Esq. Wm. Nyce. Geo. Nyce. John Nyce. Martin Ryerson. Abraham Reesner. Wm. Rodman. TAXABLES JN DELAWAI Richard Brodhead. Garret Brodhead. Lenah Brink. Daniel Brink. Israel Bensley. Peter Berk. John Berk. H. Berk. Thomas Blake. John Coolbaugh. John Courtright. Jane Cronkrite. Joseph Courtright. William Custard. Benjamin Custard. Daniel W. Dingman. John Decker. Manuel Decker. Henry Steel. Anthony Van Etten. Emanuel Van Etten. Johannes Van Etten. Simeon Van Etten. John Van Etten. Alex. Van Gordon. Alex. Van Gordon, Jr. Moses Van Gordon. David Van Gordon. Isaac Van Gordon. Eliphaz Van Auken. Wm.Wigton. Jonathan Wright. Richard Wills, black. Solomon Westbrook. Jeremiah Wetsill. Jeremiah Wetsill, Jr. Solomon Rosegrant. Joseph Curtright. Daniel Curtright. Sarah Curtright. Peter Frach. Thos. Patterson. Richard Miller. Peter La Bar. Benj. Shik. Abram Curtright. Wm. Gustin. TOWNSHIP IN 1814. Daniel Decker. May Day. Abraham Decker. Andrew Dingman. Henry Decker. Elisha Decker. Elias Decker. Ephraim Drake. John Frazier. John Howe. Evert Hornbeck. John Henry, Jr. John Henry, Sr. Lodewick Hover. Peter Hover. Jacob Hornbeck. Robert Howe. Simon Heller. Peter Labar. Nicholas Livergood. William Mapes. Cuft'ey Magons. Peter Man. John Nyce. George Nyce. Philip Reser, Sr. Peter Reser. Philip Reser, Jr. Jacob Reser. John Reser. Solomon Rosencrans. Solomon Redfield, John Snyder. Lodwick Smith. Isaac Smith. Isaac Schoonover. Ezekiel Schoonover. Ezek. Schoonover, Jr. Bernardus Swartwood. Henry Steel. Single Wm. Latimore. George Latimore. Nicholas Brodhead. Dan Courtright. John Man. Philip Man. Wm. Nyce. Jacob Labor. Gilbert Van Gordon. John Van Gordon. James Van Gordon. John Van Sickle. Anthony Van Etten. Catherine Van Etten. Cornelia Van Etten. Cornelius Van Etten. Solomon Van Etten. Dan Van Etten. John Van Etten. Elipaz Van Auken. Solomon Westbrook. John Westbrook. Sol. Westbrook, Jr. Jacob Walter. William Fennal. Adams & Austin. Philip Trach. Moses Van Auken. Henry Zebes. M. Van Gordon. Men. Lodwick Labor. Samuel Runelfield. Henry Nagle. Frederick Vadican. Mason Dimmick. John Van Gordon. John Bodine. Benjamin Frazier. BIOGRAPHICAL. PHILIP F. FULMER, M.D. Philip F. Fulmer, M.D., physician at Dingman's Ferry, Pike County, Pa., was born at Stewartsville, Warren County, N. J., June 19, 1830. He obtained his early education at the academy of his native place, and at the age of fifteen years entered Lafayette College, from which he was graduated in the class of '48. He began reading medicine with his uncle, Dr. (PJuta, ^JL C*^&<-^LJL<<^ PIKE COUNTY. 925 William Wilson, of Bethlehem, Pa., after some preliminary study with Dr. James C. Kennedy, of Stewartsville ; attended his first course of lectures at the New York Medical College, followed by two courses of lectures at the Penn- sylvania University, and was graduated from the latter institution in the spring of 1853. The same year of his graduation in medicine, on account of his father's large business interests at home and in Pike County, Pa., Dr. Fulmer came to Fulmerville, Pike County, and man- aged the tannery and store of his father at Fulmerville until 1866, the time of the sale of the property. He began the practice of his pro- fession upon his settlement at Fulmerville, which gradually extended until 1861, when he gave it his special attention. His field of practice rapidly increased ; his quick percep- tion, good judgment and correct diagnosis of disease made his name familiar throughout the country, and soon gave him reputable rank among the first in that part of the State. He has continued a successful practice since, adding annually to his already large field. In 1866 he bought the " Way-Side Inn " at Dingman's Ferry, then known as " Dingman's Choice Hotel," the only house for the accommodation of travelers in the place at that time. On May 25, 1865, Dr. Fulmer had married Miss Ella Bennitt, of Elmira, N. Y., a woman of culture and refinement. They took up their residence at Dingman's upon the purchase of the hotel, and built the present commodious and elegaut " High Falls Hotel," which for many years has been a popular summer resort for people from New York, Philadelphia and other places, seeking rest, quiet and beautiful scenery on the Delaware. The " Way-Side Inn" was said to be one hundred and three years old when Dr. Fulmer made the purchase, and only capable of affording accommodations for a few people. He at once set about re- modeling the building and beautifying the prop- erty, which, by making its value known to people seeking a home away from the busy scenes of city life, has done more to give Dingman's a wide name than had been done during its entire existence before. His hotel will accommodate some two hundred guests, and "stands in the centre of most of the wonder- ful and interesting natural features with which this region abounds. It may be safely stated that a radius of ten miles in any direction will em- brace a greater variety of sublime and lovely scenic attractions than can be found elsewhere in the country in the same space. All about it the mountains give birth to brooks and rills that in their descent leap down in falls almost without number, and in shapes weird and lovely." — Editorial Correspondence, Home Journal. Another newspaper, in speaking of the hotel and its proprietor, and of the attractions of the locality, says that " the High Falls Hotel, with a single exception, is the largest in the county ; . . . that it will accommodate two hundred guests, is well supplied with clear spring water, has bathing-houses and boats in the river for the use of its guests;" . . . and adds that " the village has two mails daily, one from New York and the other from Philadelphia," while " during the season a line of special stages runs between Dingman's and Milford." The same writer says : "Trout and black bass fishing is fine. Trout- fishing in six mountain streams. The hunting in the neighborhood of the village is excellent, and game — during the hunting season — is taken in abundance. The principal streams near the town are Dingman's Creek, Adams' Brook, Conashaugh Brook, Tom's Creek, Bushkill Creek and the Raymondskill. The Dingman Creek is noted for its great natural beauty as well as its fine trout, which, though not so large as their Long Island kindred, are more in number, growing in weight as the fisherman wanders down the current, and leaping at his fly with a lusty mountain vigor — 'a spring like the quiver of a sword blade.' The Adams' Brook, near by, is one of the most beautiful streams in the Delaware Valley. " It is here that the lover of nature meets with the perpetual and delicious laughter of the waters, the picturesque, gloaming recesses, the thousand leaps and eddies, the rock-hung pools, the shady glens, and 'the forest-laced sunlight and shadow, where the bobolinks make music, and the grass is still spangled with dew.' WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The walks and drives within a radius of teu miles are delightful, the principal walks being to the ' High Falls,' ' Tower Falls,' ' Soap Trough,' ' Suspension Cave,' ' Lookout Rook,' ' Fossil Hill,' ' Echo Glen/ 'Fathom- less Cave,' ' Fairy Glen,' ' Emerald Cascade,' ' The Vestibule,' ' Maple Grove ' and the ' High Knob.' " The drives comprise ' Conashaugh Val- ley,' ' Raymondskill Falls,' ' Bridal Veil Falls,' ' Sawkill Falls,' ' Titter's Peak,' ' In- dian Ladder,' ' Iris Grotto,' 'The Wild Gorge,' ' Silver Lake,' ' Fern Bank,' ' Hang- ing Rock ' and ' Laughing Waters.' Silver Lake is a fine sheet of water about a mile and a half in length and well stocked with pickerel, perch and other gamy fish. Reverting to the proprietor of the house, it may be said that since his residence in Pike Co., Dr. Fulmer has taken an active interest in all matters of importance relating to his immediate locality or the county. He was .superintendent of the common schools of the county from IS 57 to 186(5, and has been a school director since the latter date. He was postmaster at Fulmer- ville from 1854 to 1866, and has been, for the past two years, one of the directors of the Northampton County Bank, at Easton, Pa. His father, Judge John Fulmer, born in Richmond, Northampton County, Pa., in 179-3, settled at Stewartsville, N. J., his present residence, soon after his marriage, where he carried on a store and tannery until 1858, and a tannery and store at Fulmerville until 1866. He is a man of large business capacity, was one of the incorporators of the old Phillipsburg Bank, and one of its directors for fifteen years. Pie was postmaster at Stewartsville from 1822 to 1861, an associate judge of the Warren County, X. J., courts for twenty-five years, one of the founders of the Stewartsville Academy and one of the founders of the Lutheran Church. Dr. Fulmer's mother, Barbara Ann (1799- 1882), was a daughter of Mathias Brakely, of Warren County, who was of German descent. The children of Judge Fulmer are Brakely, who was a merchant in the home store until his decease ; Andrew J., a merchant at Stewarts- ville in the same store ; John, deceased, assisted in conducting the business at Fulmerville ; Dr. Philip F. Fulmer, subject. of this sketch; William, a merchant at Bloomsburg, N. J.; Mary, widow of Jacob Strader, of Washington, N. J. ; Emma, wife of David Clark, cashier of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Pa. Dr. Ful- mer's parental grandfather, John Fulmer, came from Germany, and was a tanner and farmer in Richmond, where he settled and resided during his life. Mrs. Dr. Fulmer's father, Wilson W. Bennitt (1801-1861), resided in Elmira, N. Y., and was the son of Piatt Bennitt, a native of Connecticut, who settled at Elmira and was the founder of the first Episcopal Church at that place. Piatt Bennitt's wife was a Wheeler, of Horseheads, N. Y. Wilson W. Bennitt's children are Frances, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., widow of the late Edward Hubbell, of Bath, X. Y. ; Zibah, died in 1881, resided at St. Louis and was superintendent of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad ; Henry is a banker at Newberu, N. Y.; and Mrs. Dr. Fulmer. Mrs. Dr. Fulmer's mother, Mary Tuttle (1806-1858), was a uative of Elmira, N. Y., whose mother was a Cautine, a native of France, and whose father was an Englishman, who came from Long Island ; was one of the first settlers at Elmira, was one of the first Masons there, and one of the founders of the first Presbyterian Church iu that city. Dr. Fulmer's children are Frank, died at the age of five years at Richmond, Va. ; Nana B. and Philip F. Fulmer, Jr. CHAPTER IX. LEHMAN TOWNSHIP. Lehman township was erected August 19, 1829, from Delaware. The most southern township in Pike County, it is bounded ou the north by Delaware, on the east by New Jersey and the Delaware River, on the south by Mid- dle Smithfield township, in Monroe County, and ou the west by Porter township. PIKE COUNTY. The physical features of Lehman are simi- lar to those of Delaware, though the bluffs are not as precipitous ami more broken and irregu- lar. The falls are beautiful, particularly the Bushkill Falls, which are on the Little Bush- kill, about two and one-half miles from the village of Bushkill. The first fall, which is in Rocky Glen, is about eight feet high. After flowing through the glen a distance of about two hundred and fifty feet it falls about six feet on a rock shelf or step about ten feet long, when it takes a perpendicular plunge of eighty feet into a circular basin, whose rocky sides are two hundred feet high, and flows onward through a deep gorge into the Big Bushkill. Josephine Gompton, of Philadelphia, fell one hundred and eight feet from the rocks above these falls and recovered from her injuries. The Pell Falls are just above the Bushkill Falls. There are also three falls on Pond Run, which enters the Bushkill just below the falls. One of these falls has a perpendicular descent of one hundred feet over the rocks. There are also five falls on the Saw Creek, that runs through a beautiful gorge and enters the Big Bushkill about three miles above the village. Lehman is undoubt- edly one of the oldest settlements in Pike County. The beautiful flat lands along the Delaware are very fertile and the Indians con- tended for them with vigor. There is hardly an old family from Dingman's Ferry to Bush- kill that does not relate traditions of contests with the Indians in which some of the family have lost their lives or been taken prisoners. This region was settled about 1700, as near as can be ascertained. The village of Bushkill lies on both sides of the Bushkill River, and is almost inseparable in its history, although one part is in Pike County and the other in Mon- roe. The Monroe part is distinguished as Maple Grove. We shall review them together. William Courtright, John Teal, and an old man about eighty years of age, named Maginnis, were taken prisoners at Maple Grove by the Indians. Maginnis being feeble and unable to travel very fast, was killed and scalped a few miles west from Maple Grove, at a place still known as Maginnis' Barrens. Captain Hoover, with a small party of men, started in pursuit. They came to the spot where the Indians were encamped, at " Indians' Swamp," near the headwaters of the Bushkill. They were mak- ing preparations for supper when the pursuing party fired on them, killing two of their num- ber and wounding a third. The two live In- dians and wounded one escaped and Courtright and Teal were rescued. Courtright, however, was wounded by his friends when they fired on the Indians, so that he used crutches the re- mainder of his life. The settlers on the Penn- sylvania side were more exposed than on the Jersey side, as the Indians who raided the Delaware Valley had their seat of power to the west, on the Susquehanna ; as all between the Susquehanna and the Delaware was a wilder- ness, an Indian could skulk among the rocks or stand on the top of the bluffs and survey the valley below. He could see the farmers coming over from the Jersey side to harvest their grain or care for their stock, and easily attacking them unawares, would carry off men, women and children into barbarous captivity or kill them on the spot. The evening, when the farmers crossed the Delaware to milk their cows, was a favorite time for the savages to acomplish their work, after which they skulked away under cover of darkness over the pine and scrub-oak- covered hills of Pike County westward into the wilderness, where it would be unsafe for any white man to follow them. During the Indian troubles in 1ST54 stone houses or forts were erected, most of these forts being built on the Jersey side, although it appears that Fort Hvndshaw was on Pennsylvania ground. At the point of a little rise of grouud not far from the Bushkill, about three-fourths of a mile from the Delaware, near a spring and near the present road, is an old cellar where was formerly a log fort recently torn down. The oldest in- habitants identify it as the site of Fort Hynd- shaw. Some persons place this fort in Paha- quwarry, just across the river in New Jersey, but the reference in Pennsylvania Archives to Fort Hvndshaw favors the conclusion that it was in Smithfield township, on the Bushkill, as above indicated. Bushkill Village. — Bushkill was first settled by the Gonzales or Gunsaulis, the 928 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. .Smiths, Schoonovers, and later the Hellers, Peterses and others. Manuel Gonzales, a Span- iard, lived in Bushkill as early as 1750, and perhaps earlier. He had two sons, — Manuel and Samuel. A Gonzales is buried at Wurts- boro', and is said to be the first white man buried in Orange County. His name was Manuel, that and Samuel being favorite names in the family. Old Manuel Gonzales had seven daughters. Among them were Catharine (wife of John Turner) and Elizabeth, who was taken to Canada by the Indians when seven years old. She and her father were hunting for the horses just back of the Bushkill Church, on the Dela- ware flats. The Indians saw them and started in pursuit. Mr. Gonzales jumped into a wash- out near the river and was concealed, but little Lizzie ran in a different direction and was cap- tured. They heard her scream when she was takeu. The first night of their encampment they wished to kill her, but an old Indian said, " No, she was a smart little girl, and he would take care of her." They took her to Canada, where she lived for thirty-two years, and mar- ried an Indian chief, by whom she had two children, who died. An old man afterward came to Bushkill and remarked that if Gonzales would give him a mug of cider he would tell him where his daughter was. The man's description was so accurate that Mr. Gonzales and a neighbor went in search of her. They found her as described, but she did not wish to return. Although her husband and children were dead, she was with difficulty prevailed upon to abandon the life she had so long fol- lowed. She remembered that she had lived beside a large river, that a horse jumped over the fence and killed itself, and certain apples that she used to eat. She also remembered that her name was Lizzie, but she had forgot- ten her other name. She married Peter Quick, of Belvidere, after her return. Manuel Gonzales married Betsy Overfield, and lived and died in Lehman. He had one sou, Manuel, who married Sarah Courtright, and lived in Smithfield, a little below Bushkill. His children were Betsey (wife of Barney Decker, a farmer in Smithfield), Ann (wife of George Ivintner), Margaret, Susan (wife of Martin Overfield), Sarah (wife of Jacob Cort- right), Heister Gunsaulis (married Elizabeth Traeh and lived near the homestead), William (married Mary Kirwan, and lived near the former), James and Samuel moved to New York, and Mary married Andrew Fri tehee. Samuel Gonzales married Elsie De Witt, moved from Bushkill to Smithfield and lived on a farm ; Catharine was the wife of Jacob Miller, a farmer, who lived in Smithfield ; Mary married John Shoemaker ; Sarah was the wife of Henry Peters, a merchant in Bushkill. He was ap- pointed postmaster in 1812. It is not certain that he was the first postmaster, but he was the earliest official remembered. Israel Bensley lived in the log house where Mrs. E. E. Peters' hotel now stands. That is also the old Manuel Gonzales place. Henry Peters was a son of Peter Peters, of Philadelphia. He was a merchant, hotel-keeper and postmaster until 1857. His widow resides with her chil- dren, and is in her ninetieth year. She pos- sesses a retentive memory and has furnished the writer with most of the facts in relation to the Gonzales family. Henry Peters' family all lived in Bushkill and vicinity and are among the most enterprising- people of the place. The children were Elizabeth, Elsie G., Delinda, Charles B,., Maria L., Catha- rine M., Samuel G. and Wm. N. Peters. Samuel G. Peters was appointed postmaster in 1857, and still holds the office. The store was first started by Hefiry Peters, Solomon Westbrook and William H. Nyce, under the firm-name of Peters, Westbrook & Nyce. After Westbrook and Nyce retired Henry M. La Bar succeeded as member of the firm. Mr. La Bar married Elsie G. Peters and was associate judge of Pike County one term. Charles R. Peters (now deceased) married Elizabeth E. Cool- baugh, the gifted daughter of Judge Moses Cool- baugh, and kept the hotel on the old Gonzales homestead site. Mrs. Peters and her sons now conduct one of the most attractive summer resorts in the Delaware Valley. Delinda was the wife of Colonel Henry S. Mott, of Milford. Catharine M. Peters was the wife of Frank Eilenberger, a merchant in Bushkill. William PIKE COUNTY. !IL'S N. Peters married a daughter of Judge Maekey and lives at Bushkill. Eliza Gonzales was the wife of Melchior De Puy, a farmer in Smithfield. Manuel Gonzales (3d) married Susan De Puy, and lived in Smithfield. He had one son, Samuel, who died in the army. Susan Gonzales, the last of Sam- uel Gonzales' family, married Martin Mosier, a farmer in Smithfield. George Peters, a brother of Henry Peters, married a daughter of Philip Miller. His sons are John, Daniel and Philip, who have fine residences in Maple Grove or Hush kill. Henry, Jane, Margaret, Delinda and Susan are the re- maining children. Rodolpbus Scboonover married Hannah Hyndshaw, and lived just across the Bushkill, in Smithfield, where Charles Wallace now re- sides. He was one of the old pioneers and, like Gonzales, no one recalls the date of his arrival, though it was probably years before the Revolutionary War. His sons were Daniel, Benjamin, James and William. His daughters were Hannah, Dorothy, Sally, Susan and Mary. Daniel married Cornelia Swart wood, and lived on the old place. Their children were Barney, Franklin and Rima. Benjamin married Elizabeth Swartwood and lived in Smithfield. His children were Samuel, Simeon, William, John and George, Jane, Sarah and Hannah. James Scboonover married and set- tled in the vicinity. His children were Rachel, Mary, Cornelius, Daniel, Hyndshaw, Elijah, James, William and Rodolpbus. Cornelius lived to be ninety years of age. William, of the original family, moved to Ohio. Sarah Schoonover was the wife of William Clark, a farmer in Smithfield. Their children were Hannah, Mary, Jane and Elizabeth, John Daniel and Robert, who settled near home. William Clark came from Kentucky, his sister riding all the way on horseback to visit him. She brought with her silverware and a little slave. He accepted the silverware, but refused the slave. Susan Schoonover was the wife of Simeon Swartwood, who lived and died in Lehman. Old Rodolpbus Schoonover had a grist-mill on the Bushkill, the oldest grist-mill in this 90 vicinity. It was built before the Revolutionary War and received bullet-marks during that con- flict which were to be seen years afterward. It had one run of stone. Henry Peters built a fulling-mill which was burned, when he erected the present Peters grist-mill. Benjamin Schoonover built the first foundry on the Bushkill, in 1824. It was the earliest foundry between Lehigh and Newburgh. He cast plows, and obtained his own price for them, receiving eight and ten dollars for coarse, rough plows. He was also the first blacksmith. Simeon Schoonover, his son, succeeded him in the business and rebuilt the foundry twice after it burned. John M. Heller conducted the first wagon-shop. Afterward Simeon Schoonover built a wagon-shop in connection with the foundry. The earliest wagons made in the Minisink Valley bad cumbersome felloes pinned together without any tire. Simon Heller and William Clark built (lie grist-mill now owned by Jacob H. Place, and William Place the hotel now owned by his son, H. J. Place. John L. Swartwood erected the blacksmith and wheelwright-shop now occupied by hisson- in-law, William B. Turn. Webb Wallace and Thomas Newman built the house now occupied by William Turn. Oren Sanford and Chauncy Dimmick built the fulling and carding-mill now occupied by Proctor. Adam Overpack had a tannery in Bushkill in 1812, and Frederick Yadican, from Connecticut, conducted a store at the same time. John Heller built a tannery on the little Bushkill, where upper leather is oak tanned. In 1880 Frank Denegri purchased the property, which is in full operation with twenty vats. Charles L. Heller says that his grandfather, Simon Heller, bought the property of his great-grandfather, whose name bethinks was John. Simon Heller married Sarah Carpenter, their children being Sarah, wife of Simeon Schoon- over, who lives in Maple Grove, and is nearly eighty years of age ; Mary, wife of Samuel G. Schoonover; Amos Heller, who lived in Phila- delphia ; and Susan, who married Conrad Ivin- ter and moved West. John Heller lived on the homestead ; was justice of the peace for twenty- five years, county treasurer and associate judge :m WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. of" Pike County, and an honest business num. He built the tannery and carried on the busi- ness for many years. I lis wife was Julia A. Smith. His son, Mahlon G. Heller, resides iu Fori Wayne, Indiana, and was twice a member of the Legislature; Amos Heller was killed by the cars; Charles L. Heller lives on the home- stead, and is by trade a printer and harness- maker ; Mary E. married Oliver Smith, and lives in Smithfield ; Ella J. married G. O. Car- michael ; Sarah E. married Webb Quick, who was a partner in the tannery when he died ; John M. Heller, who had the first wheelwright- shop, afterward conducted a carriage- works in Milford, and later still in Port Jervis. Of John M. Heller's children, George R. Heller, who lived in Milford, became associate judge, and Martin V. Heller is an Erie Rail- road agent at Port Jervis; Ira B. N. Heller was a printer, a trade which he learned in the Milford Herald office. David Smith lived in Lehman, was a lien- tenant in the War of 1812, and a lieutenant- colonel of militia. He married Mary Stack- house. His son, Jacob J. Smith, lives on the homestead, and is remarkably well-versed in the early history of Lehman. James S. Smith was sheriff of Pike County ; Oliver Smith, a millwright, lives in Smithfield ; Elenor was the wife of James Schuman. Peter La Par was an old settler in Bushkill. He was a weaver, kept two looms in his house, and wove cloths for the settlers. He had a large family, all of whom are dead. Jeremiah Fleming lived near where the pres- ent bark-house now stands, and perished in a snow-storm about one mile from Bushkill. John Heller kept the first log tavern where Mrs. E. E. Peters is now located, and was suc- ceeded by Henry Peters. The first tavern-sign was a little brown jug hung up in the attic. Israel Bensley had this tavern for a short time. Joseph H. Place also has a hotel in Maple Grove. Samuel G. Peters succeeded his father in the mercantile business. Bushkill is an independent school district, including Maple Grove, in Middle Smithfield township. The building is located across the Bushkill, in Maple Grove. Old Simeon Sehoonover says "the first school that he can remember was on top of the Hog Pack Hill, which is on Smithfield side. The school-house was made of logs, and one side of it tumbled down so that the sheep used to occu- py it with us. They would take possession, anil we had to drive them out. I think Jack Rob- ison was teacher." There is a Dutch Reformed Church 1 in Bushkill, organized in connection with the church across the river, in 1737. The first church edifice erected for the congregation worshipping at Bushkill was in 1832 (the year of the great revival), the lot for which was given by Henry Peters. It was commenced iu the spring of 1832, while the Rev. David Cushingwas preaching, and completed in 1833. It is said to have been due to his efforts in no small degree that the house was completed. He assisted in cutting timber for the frame, on the church farm in Sandyston, and helped raft and run it down the river. Out of ninety dollars received at this point for his services, he sub- scribed fifty dollars towards the erection of the church. Its cost was a little over two thousand dollars. The building committee were Simeon Sehoonover, John M. Heller and James Nyce. The new church is sixty feet long, with tower projection and pulpit recess seventy feet, and thirty eight feet wide. Henry M. Labar, John M. Swartwood and P. J. Guillot were building committee until the building was inclosed, and Jacob Nyce, William Sehoonover and John Heller at the time of its completion. Cost of edifice, $5359.95. Dedicated January 13, 1874, by Rev. S. W. Mills, of Port Jervis, who preached the historical discourse in the morning, and Rev. E. P. Rogers, D.D., of New York, preached the dedicatoiy sermon in the after- noon. Walpack Bend, Bushkill. — Walpack Bend, at Bushkill, on the dividing line between Monroe and Pike Counties, has never received that notice from the press which its merits de- serve. Its curious conformation and natural beauties will, when fully known, make it a de- sirable point for summer tourists. The Delaware River, rising in the State of church history of Delaware. PIKE COUNTY. New York, runs nearly south until it strikes the Blue Range, at Carpenter's Point, near Port Jervis. Having no other course to take, the Delaware turns nearly at a right angle and runs along the base of the mountain in a westerly direction. The Blue Mountains, at this point, is nearly a solid mountain, but a small stream here starts out westerly, parallel to the Delaware River, and but a short distance from it. This stream, known as Flat Brook, increases in size as it flows on, until it appears to have worn a deep valley, dividing, as it were, the mountain into two different ranges. When the waters of the Delaware reach the village of Bushkill, in Pike County, it receives the waters of the Bushkill Creek, a large stream made up of various streams which run from the highlands of Pike and Monroe Counties. Receiving then the waters of the Bushkill, the Delaware turns back on itself, as it were, and runs nearly east for some distance and there meets the waters of the Flat Brook, which has been paralleling it from Carpenter's Point, a distance of nearly thirty miles. In thus going north the Delaware runs along the south side of the northerly range of the mountains formed by the Flat Brook and known as Godfrey's Ridge. Then receiving the waters of the Flat Brook, the Delaware makes another short turn, and flows along the base of the main range of the Blue Mountains to the Delaware Water Gap, where it again turns to the south, flows through the well-known gap and passes on to the sea. The bend thus formed at Bushkill is known as Walpack Bend. From a point just above the village of Bushkill, a long-range rifle will throw its charge three times across the Delaware. The scenery about the Bend is beautiful, and the fishing for black bass is reported to be the best on the Delaware River. The summer tourists who patronize the summer resorts at Bushkill enjoy the beauties of the Bend ; but what is wanted are large and commodious hotels or boarding-houses on the high points of God- frey's Ridge in New Jersey, or on the correspond- ing highland on Hog Back, which is the eu- phonious name given to that same range in Monroe County. When this is done, Walpack Bend and its beauties will be known to. and en- joyed by, thousands who have never heard of it before. Among the prominent men of New Jersey was John Cleves Symmes, who lived just across the Delaware from Bushkill in Revolutionary times. Under the new Constitution of New Jersey he was the first councilor. He was one of the County Committee of Safety that held a session at a court-house in New Jersey the 10th and 11th of August, 1775, about eleven months before the Declaration of Independence, and in the fall of 1776, Colonel John ( '. Symmes re- paired with the battalion under his command and formed a part of the brigade of Colonel Jacob Ford. On the 14th of December in that year, while quartered at Chatham, charged with the duty of covering the retreat of Washington through New Jersey, Colonel Ford received in- telligence that eight hundred British troops, commanded by General Leslie, had advanced to Springfield, four miles from Chatham, and or- dered Colonel Symmes to proceed to Springfield and check the enemy, if possible. Accordingly, Colonel Symmes, with a detachment of the bri- gade, marched to that village and attacked the British in the evening. This was one of the first checks Leslie met with after leaving Eliza- bethtown, but others soon followed, and his fur- ther progress in that direction was effectually stopped. Colonel Symmes being soon after made one of the judges of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, his judicial duties compelled him to retire from the field. A few years alter the in- dependence of the United States was established Colonel Symmes removed to Ohio and became the pioneer settler on the Ohio between the Miami Rivers. Here, at North Bend, Judge Symmes laid out a town to be called the < lity of Symmes, but Cincinnati having been selected for the station of the government troops and location of Fort Washington, emigrants flocked thither on account of the protection afforded by the fort. Judge Symmes repurchased most of the land he had sold and abandoned the project of a city. Soon after the organization of the Northwes- tern Territory, Judge Symmes was appointed (February 19, 1788) one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory and attended the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sittings of the court at Detroit and Marietta. In the year 1 808 he built a large aud costly house at Great Bend, which was destroyed by fire, the work of an incendiary, whose aspirations for the great office of justice of the peace the judge did not encourage. Colonel Symmes was educated to the law, but never practiced that profession. About 1760 he removed from Long Island to Walpack, Sussex County, N. J., where he be- came the owner of several hundred acres of choice land in Flatbrook Valley, including- the present site of the village of Walpack Centre. In this neighborhood he erected a dwelling and planted an orchard. On the opposite side of Flat Brook he built a grist-mill on a mountain stream. In this secluded valley home, nestled between the mountains, Symmes brought his accomplished wife, Anna Livingston, whose father, William Livingston, became, in 1776, the patriot Gover- nor of New Jersey. Sarah Van Brugh, another of Governor Livingston's daughters, became the wife of Joiin Jay, president of the first Con- gress, Governor of New York and chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. Mrs. Symmes died July 25, 1776, and was buried in the old Shapanack burying-ground, but a few hundred yards from the banks of the Delaware, near the ruins of the old Shapanack Dutch Church, which was erected before the Revolu- tion, being built of logs of an octagonal shape. On a plain marble slab which marks the spot is the following inscription : " In Remembrance of Mrs. Anna Symmes, who was born October, 1741, married to Honble .Inn. C. Symmes 30th Oct., 1760, and died 2~> July, 1770, leaving two daughters, Maria and Anna." Maria married Major Peyton Short, of Ken- tucky, and Anna married William Henry Har- rison, afterwards President of the United States. The following letter explains itself : " Bethlehem, Pa., Aug. 14th, 1871. " My Dear Sir : — Circumstances, partly beyond my control, have prevented an earlier reply to your letter relative to the graves of Mrs. John Cleves Sym- mes, in Shapanack, Sussex County, N. J., and I now have the pleasure to say that about 18f>l my son Charles had his attention called to the unprotected condition of the grave by Miss Dinah Wy nkoop, then a resident on the Dewitt farm. My son wrote to Mrs. Annie Harrison, one of the daughters of Mrs. Symmes, and widow of President Harrison, residing at Cleves, Ohio, who immediately authorized him to secure the title to the property and have a wall erected around the grave. My son, who resided at Easton, Pa., immediately communicated Mrs. Harrison's wishes to me and I had them carried out, except the purchase of title. About the same time Mrs. Harrison had Gustav Greenewold, an artist of Bethlehem, Pa., to visit the spot and make a painting of the place, which was done in a very handsome manner, and to the sat- isfaction of Mrs. Harrison. The painting was sent to her at her residence in Cleves, a short distance below Cincinnati, Ohio. " Truly Yours, &c, " A. G. Brodhead. '* To Thomas G. Bunnell, Esq., Newton, N. J." John Cleves Symmes died February 20, 1814, in the seventy-third year of his age, and was buried at. North Bend. The Symmes family trace their descent from Rev. Zachariah Symmes, who was born at Canterbury, England, April 5, 1599, and came to New England in 1634, in the .same ship with Ann Hutchinson and Johu Lathrop. He became pastor of the church at Charlestowu, Mass., which position he held until his death, February 4, 1671. His son William came with him to this country. He was a sea-cap- tain, and died September 22, 1091, leaving a son Timothy, who was born in 1683. He was a farmer, and lived near Scituate, Mass. His son Timothy was educated for the ministry, having graduated at Harvard College in 1733. His first wife was Mary Cleves. In 1742 he went to River Head, Long Island, where his two sous, — John Cleves Symmes, the subject of the above sketch, and Timothy Synnnes, who was an active man during the Revolution, and a judge, — were born. Timothy's son, John Cleves Symmes (2d), gained considerable noto- riety by advancing the novel theory that the earth, like an eviscerated pumpkin, was hol- low, that its interior was habitable, and that an orifice to enter this terrestrial ball would un- doubtedly be found at the North Pole. This theory attracted great attention throughout the United States some forty years ago, more espe- cially as a very eloquent lawyer, named Rey- uold, became a convert to Symmes' views, and made addresses in support of their soundness iu PIKE COUNTY. 933 all of the principal cities. Poor Symmes wearied out his existence in a vain effort to procure means for fitting an expedition to ex- plore the under shell of the earth. He gained, however, more kicks thau coppers, and only succeeded in furnishing the wags and wits of the land a theme to exercise their waggery upon. " Sy mines' Hole " not only figured in the news- papers, but grog-shops bore it upon their signs, with various devices to illustrate it. One was the representation of a hollow watermelon with a tiny mouse peeping out of the orifice at its polar extremity to see if Symmes' expedition had come in sight. William Custard settled on the river road, two miles north of Bushkill, in or about the year 1790, and bought of Ezekiel Schooaover and others. He was a farmer, his wife being Elizabeth Van Campen, a daughter of John Van Campen. His children were Benjamin, who lived in Smithfield ; William, who lived on part of the homestead ; Susanna, the wife of William Place, who built a hotel at Mellener's Cove, in 1838. It was formerly a gnat stop- ping-place for raftmen, as there is a wide eddy at this place. Mason Dimmick had a hotel here years ago. He was one of the first school- teachers at Milford and Dingman's Ferry. He was also associate judge, county commissioner and justice of the peace for a number of years. He fiually moved to Smithfield, and died there. His only daughter married Thomas Newman. The other children of William Custard were John V. Custard ; Elizabeth, wife of John Hannas ; Mason IX and Cyrus, twins, all of whom located in the vicinity of the homestead. Jacobus Van Gordon owned land on the Pennsylvania side of the river during the In- dian troubles, kept stock there and cultivated the farm. There was a fort on the Jersey side, opposite Van Camp's Mill Creek. We have documentary evidence as to the ownership of this land since 1742, which is as early as any of Allen's deeds to the settlers. William F. Al- len patented all the Minisink lands in 1727, after it was known that they were settled ; hence no documentary evidence in the form of deeds can give a clue as to the period when this region was first settled. It, however, indicates the owners at the times named in the deed. From parchment deeds in possession of Randall Van Gordon, we find that Daniel Van Campen and Aunchy, his wife, of Upper Smithfield, Northampton County, for five hundred pounds proclamation money of the State of Pennsylva- nia, sold to Cobus or James Van Gordon, of Delaware township, a piece of land containing " 34 and § acres and 36 square rods," being one- third of land sold by Jan Van Campen and Lena, his wife, deceased, to Abraham Van Campen, also deceased, lying between lands of Garrett Brink, now Isaac Van Campen and Houser Brink, except ten acres, reserved to Abraham Van Campen, the said grantor, said deed from Jan Van Campen and his wife, Lena, being confirmed to Abraham Van Campen in 1742. Jacobus Van Gordon purchased "one- fourth of an acre and twenty-one rods and a half of land," of Daniel Van Campen in 1775, and paid him seven pounds therefor. On a survey of lands to Jacobus Van Gordon in 1784, Van Camp's Mill Creek is mentioned, which indicates that the Van Campens were among the pioneer settlers in Lehman, and that they probably had mills and farms. A number of stories are told about the adventures of the Van Campens and Van Gordons with the In- dians. One of the Van Campen boys was taken prisoner by the Indians, and a party started in pursuit. They overtook the savages one and a half miles beyond Porter's Lake, at a place called the "Indian Cabins," which are holes or caves under the rocks. There the Indians halted, camped all night and built a fire, making it a very comfortable place. About sunrise, when the pursuing party arrived at the foot log across the Bushkill, they saw a smoke at this camping-place. Soon they saw an Indian stir the fire, and shortly after an- other Indian came out, young Van Campen following, with his hands tied behind him. Two of the pursuing party fired, and the two Indians dropped dead. Young Van Campen ran in the direction of the smoke of the guns, while the rest of the Indians fled behind the hills. Old Jacobus Van Gordon had cattle and raised crops on the Pennsylvania side. He was the hero of many narrow escapes from 934 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Indians, and on one occasion was rescued while protecting the milk-maids after a fierce strug- gle. In those troublesome times the garrisons were on the alert and easily aroused. Once the Indians captured Van Gordon's servant girl, but a pursuing party retook her. The tradition about a boat-load of laborers being shot, with the exception of one child, who was not killed, exists among the families here, the child having escaped by lying flat on its face. The boat floated over to the Jersey shore. ' There is also the same tradition about several of the Deckers being killed, which doubtless refers to the battle of Conashangh. Thus did the settlers from Cave Bank to Bushkill live in constant alarm when they cultivated their land or gathered their crops. True, there was Fort Hyndshaw on the Bushkill, and the forts across the Dela- ware, but it was comparatively safe for the Indians to carry off a defenseless milk-maid or shoot a reaper from some hiding-place in the rocks, an opportunity exercised so frequently that the inhabitants on the Pennsylvania side were nearly all driven across to New Jersey for security. Jacobus Van Gordon's sons were Moses, Isaac, Abraham and David. His daughters were Susanna, wife of John Van Campen ; Mary, wife of Peregrine Jones ; Elizabeth, wife of John Henry. Solomon Rosecranse also mar- ried one of the daughters. Of these sons, Moses was the only one who remained in Lehman (then Delaware). He married Elizabeth Van Etten, and was a farmer. His children were John, who lived north of the homestead on the river road ; James who settled south of the homestead in the old stone house, built by his grandfather. He was for many years justice of the peace. His son Randall had the place a number of years, but finally sold it to Henry C. Bowcn and purchased the Delaware House, at Dingman's Ferry, of John Lattimore, where he now lives. Elizabeth Van Gordon is the wife of James Brisco, who keeps the Half- Way House between Dingman's Ferry and Bushkill. Of James See history of Westfall township. Van Gordon's children, Moses and John settled in Lehman. Alexander Van Gordon lived in Lehman, where Dr. Linderman afterward resided, before 1800. His children were Benjamin, Joseph, Isaac P. Simeon and Mary. These children all moved to Butler County, Ohio, excepting Isaac P. and Mary. Isaac P. Van ({onion bought the Abram Steele property, in Delaware township, back of Dingman's Ferry, where he lived the life of a farmer. J. Wilson Van Gordon, one of his sons, was sheriff of Pike County one term. Hannah J. is the wife of Jacob Hornbeck, and Isaac W. Van Gordou is a farmer. Genealogy of the Brodhead Family. — Daniel Brodhead, of Yorkshire, England, was the ancestor of the Brod heads of Pennsyl- vania. He was captain of grenadiers which were part of the forces which Colonel Richard Nicolls brought over in 1 664 by authority of ( 'harles II., King of England, against the Dutch. After the capture of New Amsterdam (now New York), from the Dutch, in 1664, all the dependencies of the Dutch government, on the Hudson River, also surrendered to Colonel Nicolls. Captain Brodhead was commissioned September 14, 1665, "Chief Officer of the Militia in the Esopus," in Ulster County, where he settled with his wife, Ann Tye, also of Yorkshire. He died at Esopus, July 14, 1667, leaving three sons, — Daniel, Charles and Richard. The son, Richard Brodhead, born in 1666, married a Miss Jansen, and settled at Marble- town, Ulster County, N. Y., about seven miles west of Esopus. His son Daniel, born April 20, 1693, and named after his grandfather, married Hestei-jWyngart, of Albany, and, about the year 1738, moved to Pennsylvania and pur- chased a farm on Brodhead's Creek (named for him), and on which is now located the borough of East Stroudsburg. He called his settlement Dansbury, and as such, it was known for many years. He was one of the first justices for Northampton County, established in 1752, and a son, Charles Brodhead, was on the first grand jury called for the new county. He and his PIKE COUNTY. :i::r> sons were famous in their day as Indian fighters. He died at Bethlehem, Pa., July 22, 1755. His son Daniel was a surveyor, was colonel of the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, on Continental Establishment, from the commence- ment of the War of Independence until 1781, when he was made colonel of the First Penn- sylvania Regiment. From 1778 to 1781 he was, by appointment of General Washington, made commander of the Western Department, with headquarters at Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh), and was honored by Congress with a vote of thanks for the skill and ability with which he managed his department. After the war he followed his profession as surveyor, and was also one of the State justices. Upon the adoption of the Con- stitution of Pennsylvania of 1789 and the es- tablishment of the office of surveyor-general, he was made the first surveyor-general of the State, which office he held for several years. He died at Milford, Pa., in 1809, and is buried in the beautiful cemetery at that place, where a handsome monument details his services. He had only one son, also named Daniel (by his first wife, Elizabeth De Pue), who was also an officer during the Revolution. Pie was sent to Virginia in 1779, in charge of the prisoners of General Burgoyue's army. He subsequently settled in Virginia and raised a family. Colo- nel James O. Brodhead, of St. Louis, Mo., who has achieved a national reputation, is a grandson of his. Garret Brodhead, also a sou of Daniel Brod- head, the first settler of the family in Pennsyl- vania, and a brother of General Brodhead, was a lieutenant in a New Jersey regiment, al- though a Peunsylvaniau, during the Revolution. He married Jane Davis, of New York State, and settled on his lather's farm (uow East Strouds- burg), where he raised a large family, and died at Stroudsburg in 1804. His children were John, Daniel, Richard, George, Elizabeth (who married Dr. Francis J. Smith), Rachel (who married David Dills) and Samuel. One of his sons, Richard, who was born at Stroudsburg, July 26, 1771, and subsequently married Han- nah Drake, of Stroudsburg, was the person who figured conspicuously during his life in the history of Wayne and Pike Counties. He was a man of splendid physique, over six feet high and of stern and serious character. He took great interest in State affairs, regard- ing it as a conscientious duty, and he looked upon the civil and political duties of man as matters of serious obligation. When Wayne County was organized, in 1799, although not thirty years of age, he was appointed first sheriff of the county by the Governor of Penn- sylvania. In a paper written by himself in November, 1842, he thus enumerates the offices he has held as follows : 1. Sheriff of Wayne. 2. Two years in the Legis- lature (1802 and 1803). 3. Eleven years associate judge. 4. Collector of United States revenue tor Wayne County and Pike during the War of 1812. 5. Appointed State commissioner 1 >y Governor McKean, iu connection with General Horn, of Easton, to in- vestigate the expeditures of five thousand pounds, granted by the State to David Kittenhouse, to im- prove the navigation of the Delaware River from Trenton to Stockport, (i. Postmaster seven years. 7. Major of the Second Battalion, One Hundred and Third Kegiment Militia. 8. Prothonotary for Pike County. 9. County commissioner. 10. All the township offices, of all kinds, except constable. 11. County auditor. 12. Executor of rive estates. And I now, hereby, bid defiance to all heirs, legatees, creditors and others to prove that I have ever wronged any man. Judge Brodhead, during the greater part of his life, resided on his farm, on the Delaware River, then called Wheat Plains, fourteen miles below Milford, (uow owned by Charles Swarl- out), where he moved about 1791. He had a post-office established at his house called Delaware, which was kept on that spot for nearly half a century. A few years before his death Judge Brodhead moved to Milford, where he died November 11, 1843. He left quite a large family, and all the sons became quite prominent citizens. One son, Wm. Brodhead, who recently died in Milford, married Susan Coolbaugh, and was one of the best business men ever produced in Pike County. He was several years commis- sioner and judge of the courts, and as a land lawyer was probably equal to any lawyer in the State, although not a lawyer by profession. He was a man of sterling integrity, and lived 936 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. late enough to be yet remembered by the peo- ple of the county, whose interests, when entrust- ed to him, he guarded so well. Another sou, Garret Brodhead, married Cor- nelia Dingman, daughter of Judge Dingman, and resided in Pike County on a farm near his father's, where he acted well his part as citizen and neighbor. He subsequently moved to Maucb Chunk, where he died. He left four sons, all living in the Lehigh Valley and connected with the different coal and railroad interests. One son, Albert G. Brodhead, Jr., is at present superintendent of the Beaver Meadow Division of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and has also been judge of the courts of Carbon County and State Senator from that county. Another sou of Judge Richard Brodhead, Charles Brodhead, married Mary Brown, of Stroudsburg, and located in the mercantile business at what is now called Brodheadsville, on the Easton and Wilkes Barre turnpike. He died young, but his establishment became the nu- cleus of a thriving ami lovely little village. His son, Charles D. Brodhead, remained there in the mercantile business for many years, but later re- moved to Stroudsburg, where he is still actively engaged in business. He has been Representa- tive, Senator, and is now oue of the judges of Monroe County, elected without opposition, and highly esteemed by all. Albert G. Brodhead, another sou of Judge Richard Brodhead, was born at the old home- stead, Wheat Plains, Lehman township, Pike County, (then Wayne), August 1(3, 1799. In 1823 he married Ellen Middagh, and removed to the village of Conyngham, in Luzerne Coun- ty, Pa. He engaged largely in the mercantile and lumbering business, was elected four terms to the Legislature from Luzerne County, and during his residence there was probably as popular and respected a man as lived in the county. In 1838 he purchased the " Brodhead Homestead," at Wheat Plains, from his father, where he resided, universally resj)ected, until 1865, when he removed to Bethlehem, Pa., where his only son, Charles Brodhead, resided, and still lives, a popular, representative citizen of character and influence. He is the owner of the Moravian Sun Inn, which was established in Bethlehem in 1758, the walls of which he has adorned with old and rare paintings. Here he resided until July 18, 1880, when he peacefully passed away, and is buried in the Moravian Cemetery in that place. Richard Brodhead, the youngest son of Judge Richard Brodhead, left Pike County in 1830, to study law with Hon. James M. Por- ter, then the leading lawyer of Eastern Penn- sylvania. After he was admitted to the bar he entered actively in politics. He was elected three successive terms to the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania by Northampton Count}'. He was elected three successive terms to Congress, by the old Tenth District, — Northampton, Carbon, Mouroe, Pike and Wayne, — and in 1850 was nominated and elected by the Democrats of the Pennsylvania Legislature to the United States Senate. He served six years with great acceptability to the business men of Pennsylvania, and with great credit to himself. He entered Congress poor ; he served there for twelve years, and return- ed poor, but with a character for integrity, honesty and purity of purpose second to none. He was succeeded in the Senate by Gen. Simon Cameron. In 1849 he married Jane Bradford, of Mis- sissippi, a niece of Jefferson Davis. In 1856, after bis retirement from the United States Senate, he lived a retired life at Easton, where he died in September 1863. He left two children, — Richard, who is a lawyer in New York, and David, who studied law with the Hon. John B. Storm, of Strouds- burg, and is now located in South Bethlehem, Pa., where he is achieving an honorable and desirable reputation as an attorney and politician. Of the other children of Judge Richard Brodhead, Sarah (the eldest), born 1791, mar- ried Col. John Westbrook, a member of Con- gress from Pennsylvania in 1841-43, and an influential citizen of Pike County, whose char- acter and life-work are fully set forth else- where ; Jane married Moses S. Brundage ; Anna Maria married John Seaman ; and Rachel mar- ried Dr. John J. Linderman, and became the PIKE COUNTY. mother of Dr. Henry R. Linderman, late di- rector of the Philadelphia Mint, and of Dr. Garret B. Linderman, of Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. John J. Linderman purchased the Alex- ander Van Gordon property shortly after he obtained his license to practice medicine, in 1817, built a house on the place which Father Stack, of the celebrated Stack vs. O'Hara case, now occupies, and practiced medicine for fifty years, being the first resident physician of Lehman township, and one of the best known physicians in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He was a great- grandson of Jacob Von Linderman, who settled in Orange County, N. Y., where he purchased a tract of land and a number of slaves, and built a substantial house after the manner of the German country houses of the time. His son Henry kept the homestead, and of his children, Oliver and Willet were lawyers, who both became judges, and Dr. John Jordan Linderman, who lived in Pike County as a neighbor to Judge Richard Brodhcad, whose daughter Rachel he married. He was the only man who voted for Clay's election in Lehman township during the Polk and Clay Presidential contest, for which the Whigs of Eastou pre- sented him with a valuable double-barreled rifle, doubtless feeling that one who was able to stand alone in such a contest merited some kind of recognition. Dr. Linderman had two sons, — Henry Rich- ard Linderman and Garret Brodhead Linder- man, who attended school at Dingman's Acad- emy, near their home, from which they entered the New York College of Physicians and Sur- geons, where they both obtained their degree ; there their father had studied before them. Dr. Henry R. Linderman returned to Lehman township, where he practiced medicine for a while, but his surroundings were not congenial, and in 1853 he wrote to a friend saying, f He was sick and tired of the vexations and toils of the medical profession." He was at this time in the mining region, being the only physician to a thousand miners and their families. His uncle, Richard Brodhead, who was then in the United States Senate, secured his appointment as chief clerk of the Mint at Philadelphia in 1855. While in this position, in 1856, he married the granddaughter ofSamuel Holland, of Wilkes-Barre. In 1864 he resigned and entered a banking-firm as partner. April 1, 1867, he was commissioned director of the Mint by President Johnson. He was an active Dem- ocrat, and attended the convention that nomi- nated Seymour and Blair, which led President Grant to request his resignation, in May, 1869. But it was found that he had made himself indispensable. Having been a devoted student, he had mastered the scientific and financial knowledge relating to his office, and was one of the best authorities in this country on coinage and kindred subjects ; consequently, in 1870, he was sent as a commissioner to the Pacific Coast, and in 1871 to Europe as a commissioner to observe the methods of coinage at the different mints. In 1872 he wrote a treatise on the con- dition of the gold and silver markets of the world, and in it predicted the decline in the value of silver as compared to gold, which pre- dictions have been fulfilled. He called attention to the disadvantages arising from the com- putation and quotation of exchange with Great Britain on the old complicated colonial basis, and from the undervaluation of foreign coins in computing the value of foreign invoices and laying and collecting duties at the United States Custom-House. He also recommended the adoption of a system of redemption for in- ferior coins. He was the author of the Coinage Act of 1873, and was again made director of the mints and Assay Office, with his office in Washington. After organizing the new bureau under the act, he projected the trade dollar, which was intended for circulation in China, in order to find an outlet for our large production of silver. In 1877 he published a book entitled "Money and Legal Tender in the United States." In his report of 1877 he presented an exhaustive review of the metallic standard, and of the capacity and production of the mines of the world. The Japanese offered him fifty thousand dollars for one year's services in or- ganizing their mint, but owing to the climate and for other reasons, he refused it. Dr. Linder- man's published opinions were received with favor in Europe, as well as in America. His desks were constantly covered with a mass of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. correspondence from all parts of the world ask- ing for advice, information and instruction from him as a great authority. In person, Dr. Linderman was nearly six feet tall, of fine pro- portions and scholarly appearance, and possessed of a genial and polished address. He died in Washington in 1879, and is buried in Bethle- hem. Dr. Garret B. Linderman removed to Bethlehem and married Lucy Evelyn, daughter of Asa Packer. He became wealthy and was interested in the development of the iron in- dustry there, being one of the owners of the large blast furnaces at Bethlehem. A lar^e and beautiful stone library building has beeu erect- ed to the memory of Lucy Evelyn Packer Linderinan, his wife, in connection with Lehigh University, which was founded by her father. Garret Linderman's sons are among the wealthy iron operators of Bethlehem. Jacobus Hornbeek married a sister of Joseph Ennis, the old ferryman at Dingman's. Evart and William were his sons. Evart Hornbeek married Jane Van Auken, whose brother was shot by the Indians. He lived on the river road, in Lehman township, and is assessed with three hundred and fifty acres of improved land in 1801, which indicates that he was a farmer of some importance. His sons were Daniel, John G. and Jacob. Evart Hornbeek, a son of Jacob, is associate judge of Pike County, and a merchant at Dingman's Ferry. Margaret, Leah and Jane were the daughters of Evart Horn- beck, Sr. Solomon Rosencrans lived on the hill and was a blacksmith and farmer. Rosencrans is said to signify " the wreath of roses," and Mr. Rosencrans was a good man for his day and generation. He married a Van Gordon, his children being James, John, Simeon, Sarah, wife of Cobus Van Gordon ; Catharine, wife of Solomon Van Etten ; and Hannah, wife of James Jagger. Hulda and Dorothea went West, Simeon Rosencrans married Mary Van Etten, and Daniel D. Rosencrans, their son, lives on the homestead. He was a commissary- sergeant in the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cav- alry, Company M, during the late war. Forty soldiers made a cavalry charge, at Tierce Point, into the streets of Hafferstown, Md., just after the battle of Gettysburg, and were all killed with the exception of fourteen, who were taken prisoners. One white horse escaped riderless and made its way to the battery. Rosencrans ran into an alley and tried to enter a barn, but seeing it was useless, surrendered. A drunken Confederate leveled his gun at him. Rosen- crans expected to be shot, and says he was never in such fear in his life as when his own gun gleamed brightly in the rebel's hands. He ex- claimed : " Just one moment ; I call myself a man, and no man that is a man and a .soldier will shoot a prisoner with his own gun." A rebel major that came up drew his sword and ordered the soldier to " drop that gun or he would run him through, for," said he, " that man is a brave soldier and shall be treated as a prisoner of war." Bernard Swartwood lived south of " Egypt Mills." His sons were John, Simeon and Leander. John lived on the homestead, and his sons were Jacob, who lives in Falls town- ship ; Henry, of Pittston ; John, of Smithfield; and Bernardus, who had the homestead, which his widow and children now occupy. The Swartwoods are an old family in Lehman. Part of John Nyee's property was first surveyed to Peter Swartwood in 1774, by him conveyed to William Dunshee, by him to James Swart- wood the same year, and by him conveyed to Samuel Seely in 1794, from him to Nicholas Schoonover, and by him to John Cline in 1800, from Cline to Lodewick Lenders, in 1809 to Henry Decker, and in 1814 to John Nyee. The Swartwoudts (Blackwoods) were a Dutch family and noted for their great strength. The annals of Orange County, N. Y., and Sussex County, N. J., contain accounts of the Indian contests of this family. In the Delaware as- sessment in 1781, which then included Lehman, James, Thomas and Bernardus Swartwood are assessed. Charles Swartwood now lives on the old Brodhead place. Peter Swartwood, who was one of the first settlers in Lehman township, afterwards moved to Wyoming, but fortunately was on a visit to Esopus at the time of the massacre. He did not return to Wyoming, but went to Cayuta Creek, in Chemung County, N. Y., where his PIKE COUNT V. former neighbors when he lived in Lehman, the Ennises, had gone before him. Mr. Swart- wood lived to be ninety-nine years of age, and his second wife lived to be ninety-seven. He had eighteen children, and there were one hun- dred and forty of his descendants living when he died. One of his sons, William Swartwood, became a major-general of militia and a mem- ber of the Assembly of New York from ( 'he- lming Comity. Another son, Daniel B., was a member of the Assembly from Tompkins County, X. Y. One of the daughters, Rachel, married Jesse Barnes, son of Abram Barnes, of Lacka waxen. She is now living at Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa, aged eighty-six. Her son, Peter S. Barnes, is now register and recorder of Wayne County. William Xyce made his first purchase in Leh- man township (then Delaware), April 29, 1779, of Tsaac Van Campen, for two thousand one hundred pounds. The first piece of land con- tained sixty-three acres, and the second twenty- five acres, and is mentioned as a part of the Garret Brink estate. Jacobus Van Cordon's land lies adjoining it. July 12, 1779, he purchased two hundred acres of James Beard at sheriff's sale. May 7, 1784, he purchased forty-three acres of Hendrick C. Courtright, being part of a tract which William Ennis and John Brink purchased in 1741, ami which Courtright had secured in 1745, showing that Courtright had lived there for thirty-nine years. The Courtrights were among the pioneers of Lehman. Daniel, Benjamin, Henry, Abraham and Henry Courtright, Jr., are assessed in Del- aware in 1781. William Ennis was an old settler, and Lieu- tenant Ennis lost his life at the battle of Con- ashaugh. The Brinks were also an old family both here in Lehman, where John Brink lived, and elsewhere in Pike. John and Benjamin Brink are assessed in Delaware in 1781. William Xyce and his wife, Dorothy, sold two hundred and five acres of land, called Xyceburg, to Abraham Howell for three hun- dred pounds, September 3, 179o. This was probably a portion of his possessions in Leh- man, for his sons, William, John and George, appear on the stage of action, and are assessed in 1800. He was of German origin, came to Lehman from Harmony, X. J., and probably returned to that place after he married his second wife. The spot where these three sons of William Xyce, Sr., located obtained the name of Egypt Mills from the grist-mill the Xyces had built, and it is not impossible that Isaac Van Campen had a grist-mill or some other mill before William Xyce came, for Van Camp's Mill Creek is mentioned in a survey to Jacobus Van Gordon, who lived adjoining this tract, in 1784. The extraordinary price of two thousand one hundred pounds for eighty- eight acres of land, in 1779, would seem to be a great price for land uuless there was some improvement ou it, but Continental money did not have a great purchasing value during those dark days nor afterwards. "Egypt Mills" took its name from the grist- mill the Xyces built some time before 1800. Many years ago, when Pike County was almost a wilderness, this mill was one of the sole dependences of the " up river people " for bread, and particularly of those residing in and about Purdyville. These pioneer settlers had stated times at which to visit the mill, and would come to the place at regular intervals to purchase Hour and meal, which they carried to their homes by means of pack-horses. In time they came to call this place " Egypt," from their knowledge of Bible history and the analogy between themselves and the brethren of Joseph. The mill has been rebuilt since that time and probably resembles but little the one it supplanted. A distillery once stood at or near these mills. The Xyces had a saw- mill and Captain Xyce invented the first carriage that went back by water-power in Pike County. They used to tread the carriage back previous to that. William Xyce was assessed with a slave in 1800. He died a bachelor in 1819, his prop- erty going to his brothers, John and George, who were among the wealthiest men in Pike County at that time. They were members of the Dutch Reformed Church, and elders or members of the consistory. George Xyce's family moved away from Lehman a number of 940 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. years ago. Daniel, the oldest son, went to New York. Jacob died young. William worked in the Mint in Philadelphia. Hannah Nyce became the wife of Rev. Robert Pitts, a Dutch Reformed minister. .She is still living, at Stroudsburg. John Nyce remained in Leh- man, and owned the fertile wheat land which is still in the hands of his descendants. It was tor this, and similar lands along the Delaware, that the Minsi (or Mousey) Indians so earn- estly contested years ago. John Nyce lived to be seventy-five years old, and was a devoted Christian man. During the latter years of his life, when they had no minister, he held meet- ings in school-houses and churches. He mar- ried Lena, a daughter of John Westbrook, who lived on the flats on the Jersey side. West- brook owned slaves, and gave one to his daugh- ter when she was married. Mr. Westbrook was a wealthy farmer, and gave his property to his two daughters, in equal portions, as long as they lived, with the remainder to the one that- had children. It so happened under this arrangement that Mrs. Nyce got all the property. John Nyce's children were Major John W. Nyce ; Judge William H. Nyce; Mary, wife of Moses W. Coolbaugh ; James, a bachelor, who was once county commissioner ; Lydia, wife of Alfred Wells, of Middletown ; Catharine, wife of Dr. John Morrison, of New York; George Nyce, who married Elizabeth, a daughter of William Place, and bought his Uncle George's farm ; and Jacob Nyce, who married Linda, a daughter of George Peters, lived on the old homestead, operated the grist-mill and kept the post-office at one time. Both George Nyce and his brother Jacob were elders in the Reformed Church and good men. Major John W. Nyce, the oldest son above mentioned, was born on the homestead farm at " Egypt Mills" July 23, 1794. After marriage he moved to Saudyston, just across the river in Sussex County, N. J., where he lived for many years. He later removed to Montague and re- sided there until his death, May 19, 1879. He was a farmer of quiet tastes, to whom the com- munity looked with respect, strictly moral and temperate, and in all things desired to do right. For more than sixty years he was a member of the Reformed Church, and was ever willing to lend an assisting hand in the cause of Chris- tianity. He was the father of ten children, among them Colonel John Nyce, who entered the army as a private and was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, when he was wounded in the right arm, in consequence of which he was discharged. He re-enlisted, was a major in the Thirty-third Regiment, or Fourth " Pennsylvania Reserves," was severely wound- ed at the battle of Antietam and lay on the battle-field all night. The ball struck his arm near the former wound, passed through his right lung and struck his spine. He was made colo- nel of a regiment, sent to North Carolina, but did not see much service, and being mustered out August, 1865, returned to Pennsylvania, where he completed his law studies at Strouds- burg with Hon. Charlton Burnett. He built a fine residence in Milford, opposite the court- house, and practiced law there until 1880, when he died from the effects of his wounds. He married Martha A. Allyn. His sou, John W. Nyce, is cashier of the Stock Exchange Bank in Caldwell, Kansas. Dr. George Nyce, an- other son of John W. Nyce, is a practicing phy- sician at Muucie, Ind. Judge William N. Nyce married Margaret Westbrook, lived in New Jersey on the flats and had two hundred and fourteen acres of land, but engaged in the store-keeping and lumbering business, much to his detriment financially. He was twice a member of the New Jersey Legislature, and after his removal to Blooming Grove was an associate judge of Pike County. His son, Colonel John Nyce, of Haw- ley, is the oldest male member of the Nyce family now living. He was made a colonel of militia iu a New Jersey regiment by Governor Pennington in 1843. His wife is a daughter of Judge Halsey, of Sussex County, N. J. He has been an elder in the Reformed and Presby- terian Churches for forty years. The Nyce family is one of the most prominent in the Del- aware Valley. They were all strong Democrats, and in religion stanch members of the Dutch Reformed and Presbyterian Churches. Levi Ladley, an old settler in Lehman, was PIKE COUNTY. 941 a hunter and fisherman. He built on the hill where Etta Borland now lives. John Smith, a German, came to Lehman and bought a farm of Manuel Hoover in 1798. There was an old stone house ou the place at that time. He had seven sons, two of whom — Isaac and Lodowick — settled in Lehman. Jonathan Seely built a saw-mill ou Pond Run, in Lehman, at an early day. Ladley lived in one of the old saw- mill houses. Daniel Smith is the first man who attempted farming on the hills of Lehman. Henry Bunnell now owns the property. The next farmer on the hills was John D. Lawrence, who commenced on the place now occupied by Wm. D. Courtright. John Henry lived above Brisco, ou the hill in 1800. Bond wine Howey lived on the place now owned by Martin Over- field, in 1800. Benjamin Imson was an early settler in the woods, in the rear of Bushkill. John Litch lived back of Egypt, on the hills ; his son William also lived and died in Leh- man. Jacob Beusley resides on the hills of Lehman, and is a farmer and hunter. He says his great-grandfather was a German, who came to Smithfield about 1750, and his grandfather, Israel Bensley, was a native of the township. He rented the tavern stand of Henry Peters, who had bought of John Heller, and kept public-house in Bushkill for a time. He mar- ried Catharine Van Why. His only son, Adam Bensley, was a farmer and lumberman in Leh- man. He married a daughter of Benjamin Imson. She had a brother, Robert Imson, who was an Indian doctor. His children were Jacob Beusley ; Sarah, the wife of J. H. Jagger; Catharine resides on the Susquehanna; and Dan- iel, who lives in Lehman. Jacob Bensley has been a great hunter and killed many deer. The last buck he killed was only wounded by the first shot, He turned on his assailant, and being on a side-hill, gave him a severe battle be- fore he and his dog succeeded in killing him. The deer had him down, when the dog annoyed him, and they soon worked down the hill, which afforded Beusley a chance to rise aud load his gun. He then went down and shot the buck. He also had a severe fight with a panther about fifty years ago. One of Bensley's sous is commissioner of the county. John Burke, John Titman (who had many lawsuits), John Litch and George Steward were on the hills when Bensley came. The Hermit of Lehman. — Probably no history of Lehman township would be com- plete without some account of Austin Sheldon, that ecceutric missionary Yankee, who lived alone in the woods on the hills, two or three miles back of " Egypt Mills." He was born in Con- necticut and was one of a family of eight or ten children. There are two theories to account for his singular conduct. One was that he was agent for a book concern, unwittingly spent the money and never had the courage to return, and another that he lost his wife, for whom he sorely grieved, which drove him to a hermit's life. What- ever the cause of his eccentricities, he first ap- peared in this State, in Canaan township, among the hills or Moosic Mountains. When the settlers encroached, he left and went to Bloom- ing Grove, where he remained a short time, and then removed to the hills of Lehman, where be purchased about seventy acres of Pike County scrub pine and scrub oak barrens, and erected a sort of cabin, where he dwelt for a number of years. Finally abandoning this cabin, he went farther into the woods, where he lived in a wretched hovel built against a rock. The roof was covered with pieces of bark, old carpet and flat stones. A large flat stone against the en- trance answered for a door, and in one corner adjoining he built a fire on the ground, having a hole in the roof above for a flue. Here he lived and suffered the rigors of this northern climate. Some writer described him in roman- tic style for the Milford paper aud the New York Sum. His sister saw the account, made her way to Pike County and to the cave of her long lost brother. On seeing him in this for- lorn condition she wept bitterly, and, being a person of some means, urged his return with her. After much persuasion he finally assented and accompanied her to Connecticut. He had been absent a quarter of a century or more and his home surroundings appeared as strangely to him as did those of Rip Van Winkle after his long sleep. Soon tiring of the comforts of civilization, he again returned to the wilds of Pike County, 1)42 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. where the majestic rocks and murmuring waterfalls ministered calm to his disquiet spirit. He was a good blacksmith, and had an anvil beside his cabin, where he made butcher knives for the neighbors. He was a great reader, par- ticularly of the Bible, advocated temperance, which he practiced himself, and became a relig- ious enthusiast towards the end of his life. He was found one cold winter day in his cabin in a stupefied state, with his face somewhat scorched BIOGRAPHICAL. HENRY M. LA BAR. Henry M. La Bar died at Bushkill, Pa., in December, 1884, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. In order that the character and life- work of such a man should be properly recorded in the local annals of the period, it has been jp.pA>-<&J' s<2> by the fire. He was taken to Tony Heater's, where he died at an advanced age, and was buried in Delaware Cemetery about the 1st of February, 1886. Elijah Van Auken, a hunter, lives in the backwoods of Lehman. He is now eighty-three years of age. The schools of Lehman are Hemlock Grove, Brodhead, Schuyler's, Meadow Brook, Pine Ridge, Barn Timber and Bushkill Independent District. deemed appropriate to publish this brief outline of his career. He was a decendant of the old La Bar family, whose early history and identification with this locality are elsewhere recorded. His father was George La Bar, who married Sarah Jayne and occupied during his life-time the old Jayne place in Middle Smithfield. The chil- dren were Daniel, Isaac, Henry M., Charles, George, Margaret (who married Rev. S. C. Bacon, of the Methodist Episcopal Church), PIKE COUNTY. 943 Anna (who married Jacob Bush, of Middle Smithfield) and Sarah (who married Dr. P. M. Bush,|of the same place). The early life of Judge La Bar was passed in the home-place and he enjoyed only a com- mon-school'education. When quite young he engaged in school-teaching in Montgomery township, Sussex County, N. J., and subsequent- ly clerked in the store of Solomon Westbrook, at] Dingman's Ferry, Pike County, Pa., for time of his death he owned about fifteen hun- dred acres of land. He was a member for many years of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bushkill, and in politics a Democrat. He was elected to serve on the bench as one of the lay judges of the county for several terms, and I served his constituency with fidelity and ability. On May 15, 1838, he married Elsie G., daugh- ter of Henry Peters, of Bushkill, who survives him. Few men have enjoyed a more enviable CHARLES R. I'KTKRS. several years. Later on he filled a similar posi- tion in the store of William Nyce, at Bushkill, and then bought him out and the firm of Hen- ry Peters & La Bar was organized. He en- gaged in trade at Bushkill for about thirty years. During the same period he followed lumbering and got out ship-timber, hoop-poles and staves for the market. In connection with Henry Peters he also carried on the milling and store business at Marshall's Creek for a time. He acquired a large property by exercise of in- dustry, integrity and economy, and enjoyed a good reputation among his neighbors. At the reputation in Pike County than Judge La Bar, and he has gone to his fathers with a name honored and respected by all. CHARLES RIIHJWAY PETERS. Charles Ridgway Peters, born February 12, 1822, died December 2, 1867, was a grandson of Peter Peters, who emigrated to this country from Holland about the period of the Revolu- tion, in connection with two brothers, Henry and John, and landing at Philadelphia, resided for a number of years at Chestnut Hill, near 044 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. that city. He was a miller by trade ami finally worked his way up to Eastop and Stroudsburg, Pa., pursuing his vocation all the time, and closed his days in the latter place. His sou Henry was born near Philadelphia in Septem- ber, 1787, and died March 2, 1857. On Janu- ary 16, 1814, he married Sarah Gunsaules, of Middle Smithfield, born July 23, 1794, and still living, and soon after bought a large lum- ber tract of Judge John Coolbaugh and Mr. Van Horn (of Easton), including most of the present site of Bushkill, Pa., and located in a humble dwelling-house thereon. For many years he engaged iu lumbering and rafting, also in the milling and mercantile business at Bush- kill, of which he was the virtual founder. He was the first postmaster and the office has al- ways remained in the family. His primitive dwelling was a log-house, containing one win- dow with four window-lights, and there he established a sort of public-house for the enter- tainment of travelers, the first of its kind in the locality. The house was torn down after standing over one hundred years, and occupied a portion of the present site of the residence of Mrs. Chas. K. Peters. The public house was kept by Henry Peters for many years and was carried on by his son at a later period. He was a man of character and standing, just and exact in all his dealings and industrious and econom- ical in his habits. His children were Eliza- beth (1814-58); Elsie (1817), widow of Heury M. La Bar; Belinda P. (1819-71), who married Henry S. Mott, of Mil ford ; Charles R. ; Maria Louisa; Catharine Miller ; Samuel G. and Win. Nyce. The latter two are engaged in trade at Bushkill. Charles R. Peters engaged in farming and hotel-keeping at Bushkill during the whole of his life. He was a Democrat in politics, active iu church work, but no aspirant after public place. He was generally respected and esteemed for his integrity and uprightness of character. He married, February 4, 1852, Elizabeth E., daughter of John Coolbaugh, and left three sons, — Edwin F., Harry and Van, — who reside at Bushkill. That pleasant summer-resort, with its attractive homes and picturesque surround- ings, is owned almost entirely by the descend- ants of Henry Peters, who so early came out into what was then a wild region and identified himself with its development. The aged mother of the family is still the central figure around whom clusters much of the interest of the place. CHAPTER X. l-AI.MYKA TOWNSHIP. Palmyra is one of the townships erected at the time of the organization of Wayne County, in 1798. Palmyra when first formed was bounded north by Damascus, east by the " Hilborn road," which was the west boundary of Lackawaxen, south by the township of Delaware and west by Canaan. The erection of Dyberry, in 1803, took five miles in breadth from the northern end of Palmyra, and by the formation of Pike County, in 1814, all that part of the township east of the Wallenpaupack was included in Pike and became Palmyra. That portion of Salem township lying east of the South Branch of the Wallenpaupack was assessed as Salem in Pike in 1815, but subse- quently became a part of Palmyra, together with a slice from the western part of Dela- ware township. Thus when Greene township was erected, in 1829, it was taken from Palmyra. The present township of Palmyra is bounded on the north by Lackawaxen township, on the east by Blooming Grove township, on the south by Greene township, and on the southwest by the Wallenpaupack River and the townships of Paupack and Palmyra, in Wayne County. The Wallenpaupack has a slow current through the flats and formerly retained the waters a long time. In case of a freshet or flood, the stream would attain high-water mark on the flats thirty-six hours earlier than at Wilsonville, only six miles distant on an air line. From Ledge- dale to Wilsonville, a distance of twelve miles, the stream is very sluggish. The Indians aptly named it " Dead waters." In 1831-32 the people were stricken with fever, and but two well persons were to be fouud in the settlement. The inhabitants attributed the sickness to want of drainage, and asked aid from the State. An PIKE COUNTY. appropriation of three thousand dollars was accordingly made to be used in straightening the stream, Enos Woodward, Otto Kimble and Moses Killam being appointed commissioners to look after the expenditure of the money. The stream was shortened about four or five miles and several large rocks removed at Wil- sonville, besides lowering the bed of the stream about two feet for one or two hundred feet near the bridge, giving the waters free vent. The following is a list of the taxables in Palmyra township, returned by v\.bisha Wood- ward, assessor, in 1801 : John Ansley. Alpheus Jones. Simon Ansley. Alexander Jones. John Ansley, Jr. John Jeans. Joseph Ansley. Ephraim Killam. Elisha Ames. Silas Killam. David Abbott. John Killam. Henry Ball. Moses Killam. Robert Bayham. Abel Kimble. Hezekiah Bingham. . Ephraim Kimble. Hezekiah Bingham, Jr. Jacob Kimble. Moses Brink. Daniel Kimble. Stephen Bennett. Jacob Kimble, Jr. Richard Beebe. Walter Kimble. John Brink. . Benjamin Kimble. Jonathan Brink. Eusebius Kincaid. Thomas Brown. Barzilla King. Benjamin B. Brink. James Logan. Denman Coe. Phineas Lester. David Cady. Andrew Lester. Jesse Cady. Arch Murray. Simeon Chapman. John Malonia. William Chapman. Richard Nelson. Uriah Chapman. Stephen Parrish. Jacob Cronkright. George Parkinson. Roswell Chapman. George Parkinson, Jr. Phineas Coleman. John Pillet, Jr. William Dayton. Conrad Pulis. Elias Depui.^- Silas Purdy. Aaron Duffey. William Purdy. Charles Forseth. Amos Purdy. Jacob Gooding. William Purdy, Jr. Robert Hartford. Reuben Purdy. Elias Hartford. Ephraim Purdy. Samuel Hartford. Jacob Purdy. William Hartford. Nathaniel Purdy. James Hartford. Solomon Purdy. Henry Husted. Samuel Porter. Benjamin Hanes. Thomas Schoonhoveu. William Holbert. William Schoonhoven. Jonathan Jennings. Thomas Spangenburgh. Reuben Jones. Daniel Stroud. 1 1 It is stated opposite Daniel .Stroud's name that the fac- tory-house is taken down. 92 Samuel Smith. Christopher Snyde Jedediah Wyllis. Solomon Wyllis. Enos Woodward. Ebenezer Woodward. Abisha Woodward. Nathan Williams. Wallenpaupack Settlement. — Some time between 1750 and 1700 a family named Carter settled upon the Wallenpaupack Greek. This is supposed to have been the first white family who visited the neighborhood. The old Indian path from Cochecton to Wyoming- crossed the Wallenpaupack about thirty rods below Carter's house. When the emigrants from Connecticut reached the Wallenpaupack, the chimney of the house and stone oven were still standing. Carter and his family had been killed and his house burned during the French and Indian War. When the first Wyoming emigrants from Connecticut reached the Wallen- paupack they halted and sent forward scouts to procure intelligence of the country along the Susquehanna. They took the old Indian trail across the Wallenpaupack, near the Marshall Purdy place, thence through what is now Paupack and Salem townships, westward still through Cobb's Gap to the Lackawanna Valley 1 , and thus on to the Susquehanna River. They encamped at Cobb Mountain, built a beacon - fire that could be readily seen by those whom they had left behind on the Wallenpaupack, but their return is doubtful. The names of the original Wallenpaupack colony were Uriah Chapman, Esq., Capt. Zebulon Parrish, Capt. Eliab Varnum, Na- thaniel Gates, Zadock Killam, Ephraim Killam, Jacob Kimble, Enos Woodward, Isaac Parrish, John Killam, Hezekiah Bingham, John Ansley, Elijah Witters, John Pellet, Sr., John Pellet, Jr., Abel Kimble, Walter Kimble, Joshua Varnum, Amos Parks, Silas Parks, David Gates, Jonathan Haskell, William Pellet, Charles Forsyth, Roger Clark, James Dye, Nathaniel Washburn, James Hallett, Jasper Edwards, Reuben Jones, a man named Strong (probably the same man that lived at Little Meadows and was killed there by the Indians) and Mr. Frey, who was the school-teacher for the settlement. Of these, the first seventeen returned after the close of the Revolutionary War. Of the last thirteen named, but two or 946 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. three returned to the settlement, a few of them having returned to Connecticut. Joshua Var- num was killed during the war ; Dr. Amos Parks moved to Goshen, Orange County, N. Y. ; Jonathan Haskell was killed at the battle of Miuisink, in 1779; Jasper Edwards, Stephen Parrish and Reuben Jones were taken prisoners by the Indians. Reuben Jones was a powerful man and a good runner. He challenged the Indians to run a race one day, outstripped them, and thus made his escape and settled in Pau- pack, Wayne County, where he died in 1812. Between the years 1774 and 1778 the follow- ing persons were added to the settlement: Ephraim Kimble, Jeptha Killam, Stephen Par- rish (afterwards an Indian doctor), Uriah Chapman, Jr.,Silas Killam, Joseph Washburn, Stephen Kimble and Jesper Parrish. The several persons named, with their families, constituted the Wallenpaupack settlement from 1774 to 1778. The settlers laid off two town- ships, the one in which they were all included being named Lackaway, and the one farther up the Paupack, Bozrah. A warrant was issued from the proprietary office November 25, 1748, under which a tract of land upon the Wallen- paupack Creek, containing twelve thousand one hundred and fifty acres was surveyed, 14th of October, 1751, " for the use of the proprietaries of Pennsylvania," called " The Wallenpaupack Manor." February 21, 17!).'), this manor was conveyed to Hon. James Wilson, who gave a mortgage to John Penn the elder and John 1 'en n the younger, the vendors. In 1804 the mortgage was foreclosed, and Samuel Sitgreaves, of Eastou, purchased the land in trust for the Penn heirs. All the Wallenpaupack settle- ment was on this manor, and the first valid titles obtained by these settlers were from Sit- greaves. When the settlers first came, in 1774, they surveyed the land and fixed the boundaries of each settler's portion by mutual agreement. These surveys were carefully made and the boundaries well defined and the lots numbered. These boundaries became fixed and are those by which the lots are known and described to this day. The Wallenpaupack settlement seems to have been made very independently. They did not derive any title from Connecticut, although it is probable the Connecticut claim led them to this country. They took no pains to obtain any titles from Pennsylvania and purchased no title from the Indians, but simply proceeded on the old theory that title is acquired by the first occupant. They found the beauti- ful Paupack flats, with a small Indian clearing, and here they located. Miner says: "The most perfect equality existed throughout the settlement as to rights, privileges and property. The lands wire disposed of, it is believed, by lot. The title of each man to his land was the consent, and the proof of this title was the memory of his neighbors. Until 1804, when land was purchased at sheriff's sale by Mr. Sit- greaves, no deed had been held by an occupant for a single acre." The Dutch settlers in the Miuisink were assessed in Northampton County, but the Wallenpaupack settlement at Cushu- tunk, on the Delaware, and the straggling set- tlements in what is now Wayne County, do not appear to have been assessed by any Pennsyl- vania authority until Wayne County was set off, in 1798. The Wallenpaupack settlers estab- lished their own civil, military and ecclesias- tical form of government. Silas Parks was chosen first justice of the peace. It is sup- posed he had a commission from Connecticut ; but it was discovered that he played cards, which intelligence was immediately forwarded to Connecticut and he was superseded by Uriah Chapman. John Killam was elected constable by the settlers and Captain Zebulon Parrish made tithingman or tax-gatherer. Captain Eliab Varnum had command of the troops of the colony ; Jonathan Haskell was lieutenant and Elijah Witters ensign. As soon as the settlers had determined to locate permanently, they built a fort. It was of hewed timber, thick enough to be proof against the bullets of the Indians. These tim- bers were placed upright in deep ditches, well filled in and firmly secured. The inclosure contained about one acre of laud, on which was a never-failing spring of water, now led out to the road at the Calvin Pellet place, on the corner where the East and West or Salem road and the River or Sterling road cross. This noble spring will ever exist to identify the place. I'llvE COUNTY. 047 Within the fort was a block-house, on the top of which was a bullet-proof sentry box. A guard-house was also built just outside the in- closure. When trouble was anticipated with the Indians, the people with their families spent their nights in the fort. The men went in gangs to plant, hoe and cultivate each other's fields, with their guns slung over their backs. The settlers built cabins, made clearings and lived peaceably among themselves and with their neighbors, the Indians, for two years. "The population was generally composed of Presbyterians. 1 On the Sabbath the whole settlement was collected together, when a ser- mon was read. The observance of the Lord's day was rigidly enforced, and the morality and decorum of the settlers carefully insisted upon." There was a saw-mill on Kimble Brook, about one and one-half miles from the fort. This mill was built Very early (between 1774 and 1779), probably by Jacob Kimble, Sr., or his son Abel. The old mill was burned by the Indians in 1779, and one hundred years after- wards Joseph Atkinson had a saw-mill burned on the same site, not far from Marcus Killam's residence. After the settlers returned they built a saw-mill and a little tub grist-mill, which was the oldest mill in the settlement and the first grist-mill in the vicinity, with the excep- tion of the mill at Wilsonville. It had one run of native stone, procured from a ledge up the Paupack, on the Wayne County side, in Dreher, according to Ephraim Killam ; but old Thomas Bartleson claimed he helped Abel Kimble get the stone on Cobb Mountain. Both may be correct, having reference to differ- ent times. Abel Kimble died January 6, 1832, aged seventy-seven, and his wife Sybil, who was a daughter of Uriah Chapman, May 21, 1827, aged ninety. During the years 1777 and 1778, the settlers upon the Wallenpaupack were harassed by Indians and Tories, who had their headquarters at Cochccton. Brant had given orders to the Indians under his control 1 In this account we have followed Miner, but the early Connecticut settlers were Congregatinnalisls, although they were the founders of the Presbyterian Churches in North- eastern Pennsylvania. not to molest the Wallenpaupack settlement. In 1777 Mary Gates, a daughter of Nathaniel Gates, discovered a body of men lurking in the swamp near the Wallenpaupack River, as she was looking for the cows. She notified Lieu- tenant Haskell, who collected the force of the settlement and succeeded in capturing the whole body of Tories, who had deserted from the American army. He conducted his eighteen prisoners to Hartford, Conn., where they were confined. On the 3d of July, 1778, the battle of Wyoming occurred, and either Hammond or Stanton notified the settlers on the Wallenpau- pack. All was consternation in the settlement and preparations were hastily made for imme- diate flight. Before sunset on the 4th of July, 1778, the Wallenpaupack settlers were on their way to the Delaware River. - Captain Zcbulon Parrish, his son Jasper and Stephen Kimble were captured by some Tories and Indians, who took them to the State of New York and kept them prisoners until the close of the Revolutionary War. Kimble died while imprisoned, and the elder Parrish returned to his family. Jasper Parrish married an In- dian wife and was employed by the government as an interpreter among the Indians near Can- andaigua, where he lived. Stephen Parrish, Jr., who was captured with Jones and Edwards, learned the mysteries of the Indian "Medicine Man," and on his return to the settlement prac- ticed their healing art, and was known as " Doc- tor" Parrish. He left the settlement in 1818, and died near Canandaigua. Many of the young men had enlisted in the American army. Ephraim Killam, son of Za- dock Killam, and Abel Kimble, son of Jacob Kimble, Sr., were in the battle that led to the retreat of General Washington from Long Island. " In August, 1778, four young men — John Rellet, Jr., Walter Kimble, Charles Forsythe and Uriah Chapman, Jr. — returned to the Wallenpaupack for the purpose of cutting hay. They commenced en the upper end of the settlement and had cut all the hay except that on the farm of Uriah Chapman, whose place was the lowest down the creek. One afternoon 2 See Chapter VII. of the General History. 948 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. young Chapman went to a neighboring spring for water. Stopping for a moment on the way, he sat whistling on the fence, when an Indian rose and fired at him. He sprang toward a sled near him, where the young men had left their guns, and on attempting to raise a gun, discovered that he was wounded. The gun dropped from his hand, when he ran for the fort, which was still standing, reaching it toward night. The ball had passed through his right arm into his shoulder, and fifty-one years afterward, on his death, it was found lodged against his spine. The Indians immediately seized the guns, and the other young men, who had heard the firing, ran to the fort. They were not attacked that night, and the next day left the settlement." In the spring of 1779 five young men went back to the settlement to make maple sugar. Their names were Ephraim Killam, Jeptha Kil- lam, Silas Killam, Ephraim Kimble and Walter Kimble. They stopped in one of the log houses about one-half mile southwest of the fort, which had been burned. The place is still marked by a mound made by the stones of the old chimney. They tapped the maple-trees and fitted up the house for temporary use. One evening Silas Kil- lam and Walter Kimble were out of the house. As young Killam was proceeding leisurely along with two buckets of sap strung on a neck-yoke, a party of Indians, who lay in ambush, sprang across his path, with the evident intention of capturing him. He dropped his buckets of sap ami started for the log house. The Indians gave chase, but young Killam outdistanced them. As his brother Ephraim opened the door to receive him into the house an Indian fired at him. The ball struck the head of a nail in the door-post. Some of the pieces wounded Ephraim in the arm. Walter Kimble, another young man, who was shooting ducks, seeing the Indians had cut off all hope of reaching the house in safety, started for the Delaware River. He was a tall, athletic man, and outran his pursuers, who followed him for some dis- tance. He wore a pair of loose shoes, which he cast off, took a pair of Indian leggins and bound them around his feet, and in this way traveled all night in the snow, which melted as it fell. The next morning, about breakfast-time, he ar- rived at the house of his brother Abel, at a place called Yantyne Kill, a mile above Milford, in a pitiable plight. He had not eaten a morsel for more than twenty-four hours, and exclaimed as he entered the house, with tears in his eyes, " The boys are all dead ! " The boys were not dead, however. Immediately after the Indians had driven Killam into the house, they built a fire near the barn and settled down for a regu- lar siege. One of the Indians exposed himself while gathering wood and was wounded in the hip by Ephraim Kimble. It is said that the Indian afterwards died of this wound. When all was still and the Indians were quiet these four young men slipped out of the house and started for the Delaware River, which they crossed the next morning at Carpenter's Point. Ephraim Kimble afterwards located at what is now Kimble Station, Lackawaxen township, and his brother Walter died in Ohio. Moses Kim- ble, Sr., was in the battle of Lackawaxen, or Minisink, July 22, 1779. He blamed the offi- cers for forcing the men into the unequal con- test, as Brant's forces consisted of four or five hundred Indians and Tories; but he expressed the opinion that had the stoue breast-works been thrown up earlier, the fortunes of the day might have been different. The Wallenpaupack set- tlers made no more attempts to return to the settlement until after the War of the Revolution had closed. The following letter from Captain James Bonnel to Captain Westfall shows the condition of affairs in 1782, just before the settlers re- turned to the settlement : " Minisink, 31 August, 1782. "Dear Sir:— " I am exceeding happy to inform you that my scouts, which returned last evening and this morning from Bheholah, Bluminggrove and Laqueway, have made no discoveries of any savages or other Enemies. They inform me, that there is fourteen Houses Stand- ing at Laqueway, 1 and that the grass and weeds have grown through the cracks of the Flour, and that they are confident from the appearance of things that there has not been any Enemy there this Summer. Pray let me know if you have heard anything from Colo. Wisenfelts or if you have made any late discoveries of the Enemy. "I am Sir "your most obedient "Humble Servant " Capt. Westfall. "James Bonnel." 1 Laqueway or Lackaway was the W.allenpaupack set- tlement. J'IKK COUNTY. Such, then, was the condition of things when seventeen of the original settlers returned to the Wallenpaupack in 1783. Fourteen log houses were standing with the grass and weeds growing through the cracks in the floors, and the mea- dows were growing with scrub oak and pine. What a forlorn and dismal look the old settle- ment must have presented to the hardy pioneers as they returned to their desolate hearthstones to begin anew life's battle for existence. They were a stalwart race of men and women, however, and with stout hearts commenced the work of improvement again. With less of danger to encounter than attended their first residence, they suffered many more hardships. The year of their return the corn crop failed, generally, and the little raised was pounded into a shape fit for use in mortars constructed of pieces of wood. The flour used in the set- tlement was carried on the backs of the in- habitants from Milford. The winter of 1783-84, was a severe one ; the snow was very deep dur- ing most of the winter, and the only mode of getting to and from Milford was upon snow- shoes. From this time forward the Wallen- paupack settlement was prosperous. The Wallenpaupack Manor extends from near Wilsonville to within one-quarter of a mile of Ledgedale, the larger portion of which lies in Pike County. During a number of years the occupation of the people was farming. The beautiful flat land along the Wallenpau- pack produced grain and luxuriant grass for cattle, and in a few years there was a demand for pine lumber along the Delaware, from Easton to Philadelphia. There was good pine along the Wallenpaupack and Lackawaxen Rivers. The settlers manufactured this into lumber and floated it down the Lackawaxen and Delaware Rivers to market in some cases; in others they ran the logs to the mills be- low. In this way the W T allenpaupack settlers became comparatively wealthy. They were generous, hospitable and honest, but a change came over the settlement. On their arrival they were Congregationalists of the old Puritan school, and strict in their adherence to relig- ious worship and Sabbath observance; but the demoralization of war for eight years during the Revolution must have been great, especially among the young men. This was not the only difficulty in this set- tlement. The people became divided in relig- ious matters. Gideon Draper and some other Methodist preachers passed through in 1 807, and made it their principal object to proselyte Abner Chapman, Esq., from the Congrega- tionalists in Wallenpaupack, as it had been their principal object to proselyte Major Woodbridge from the same church in Salem ; and from the manner in which Gideon Draper gloated over these conquests years afterward, as preserved in Peck's "History of Early Methodism," one would suppose it more important to proselyte one member from a sister church than to turn ten sinners from the error of their ways to re- pentance. He succeeded in organizing a small Methodist class. Hezekiah Bingham, Sr., Hezekiah Bingham, Jr., and Nancy Pellet helped organize the Salem and Palmyra Con- gregational Church in 1808. Rev. Mr. Purdy, a Baptist, of Purdy settlement, occasionally preached in Paupack. Last of all, an infidel moved into the place and circulated skeptical books among the settlers. The result of it all is that there is no church edifice in Palmyra township to this day, and but few church mem- bers. The Methodists have an appointment once in two weeks at a school-house in the old settlement. Rev. Benjamin Killam is said to have been an excellent man, and at one time the Methodists had a well-organized class in the place. Mr. Kincaid was one of the old school- teachers and Ralph Waldo another. There are now five schools in the township. The old school-house in which P. G. Good- rich taught was near Guerdon Pellet's house. He also taught in Paupack a number of years and formed a very high opinion of the people. He says, in his " History of Wayne County," " In doing justice to the memory of those old settlers we could write scores of pages. They and their children have passed over the river, and we, standing on its brink, aged seventy-six years (he is now nearly eighty-two years), can- not but look back with admiration of that noble people." Uriah Chapman settled at Blooming Grove WAYNE, PIKE AND M0N110E COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and kept a tavern. He had a numerous family, all of whom are gone. Ephraini Killam married a daughter of John Ansliv. His family were men and women of intelligence. He had but one son, Ira, who married a daughter of Roswell Chapman. Ephraim Killam was a well-informed man and scouted thr idea of civilizing the Indians. " Why," hi' used to say, "an Indian is just as much a wild man as a wolf is a wild dog ; you cannot tame him." Moses Kellam, or Killam, son of Zadock Killam, married and settled in Paupack settle- ment, Palmyra township, about three-fourths of a mile south of the fort. He was justice of the peace for many years ; built a saw-mill on Kimble Brook at an early date, a grist-mill about 1825 and put in the first burr-stone in this place. His children were Rev. Benjamin T. Killam and Moses Killam, Jr. Benjamin T. Killam, who preached in the settlement and adjacent, was an active Christian and an excellent man. He married Elizabeth, a daughter of Elijah Witter (often miscalled Winter), and settled on the Paupack, at the mouth of Gifford's Creek, at what is now Beemerville. He was a farmer, lumberman and local preacher and lived to be about seventy-five years of age. His children were Anna (wife of Thomas Bortree, who died recently in Michigan at an advanced age), Lewis, Emeline, Alfred, Elijah, Moses, Lucy, Marcus N. B. and Polly (wife of James Van Camp, who lives in Salem). All of the family moved to Michigan with the exception of Anna, Mar- cus, Moses and Polly. Marcus N. B. Killam stayed on the old place, purchased the Abel Kimble property in 1870 and built a saw-mill in 1871. He sold thirty- four hundred acres of wild or timbered land to Farnham, Collingwood & Co., and now has about five hundred acres, of which two hundred and fifty are Paupack flats. Mr. Kil- lam lives on his large farm in a very comfort- able manner and entertains his friends with the old-time hospitality for which Paupack settle- ment has ever been celebrated. Marcus N. B. Killam, without doubt, is the most successful living hunter in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He killed his first deer when eleven years old and did not miss a year without killing one or more from that time until recently. Some years he killed a dozen and one year secured forty, killing three in one day. He at three different times killed three bears in one day. He killed nine bears a year for three successive years. He has probably killed four or five hundred deer, more than one hundred bears and many wild- cats as well as smaller game. His success was owing to the fact that he lived near the edge of that thick spruce and pine swamp in and about " Promised Land," and was an almost unerring shot. The largest deer he killed weighed two hundred and fifty pounds, and the skin forty pounds. He has the antlers, which spread twenty inches apart, Moses Killam, Jr., succeeded his father as justice of the peace, lived on the homestead and ran the grist-mill until other mills were built in the vicinity and the saw-mill was in opera- tion. Joseph Atkinson afterward bought the place. He was a leading man in the place in his day and held the office of justice of the peace until so old that his son Ephraim did the writing and finally succeeded to the same office. He was seventy-eight at his death. He married Lucy, daughter of Ephraim Kimble, 8r.; his children being Dan, Benjamin, Rush, Ephraim and George, sons, who all, with the exception of Rush, settled in the vicinity. The daughters were Irene, wife of Amzi L. Wood- ward ; Esther, wife of William Conklin^-, of Hawlcy ; Christine, wife of James Gibson, of Illinois ; Milccnna, wife of Arthur Kimble, of Hawley ; Eunice, wife of Mr. McComb ; Au- gusta, unmarried. Silas Killam married Sarah, a daughter of Uriah Chapman, and settled northwest of the fort, on the road to Salem. He was a farmer, his sons being Ambrose, Isaac, Harvey, Silas and William. They all moved away but Isaac and William. Asher Killam lives on the Calvin Pellet place and has the post-office. Ephraim Killam is a surveyor and justice of the peace in Haw- ley. He has given considerable attention to the history of the early settlers in the old Wallen- paupack settlement and contributed materially to this history of Palmyra township. Elizabeth Witter, wife of Benjamin T. Killam, was horn PIKE COUNTY. 951 September 3, 1773, lived to be ninety-eight years and ten mouths old and claimed to have been the first white child born in old Paupack .settlement. The Indians had a field of about seven acres which they cultivated, by the old Ephraim Killam place. They also had another field of about four acres on the Gabriel Davis place. Stephen Bennett married Mary, the daughter of Nathaniel Gates and settled about one mile east of the fort. He was a soldier of the Revo- lution. (Nathaniel Gates was secreted and es- caped from the massacre at Wyoming by way of Paupack. He saw the Indians thrust burn- ing pine-knots into the prisoners.) Stephen Bennett's sons were Francis, Frederick, Rufus, Jared, Stephen and Lebbeus. The daughters were Elizabeth, wife of John Miller, who set- tled in " the Beech," and Samantha, who was unmarried. Francis Bennett married Esther Daniels and lived in South Canaan township. Frederick Bennett married Jane Killam and moved to New York. Rufus settled in Purdy- town, west of the homestead. Jared married Esther Killam and remained on a portion of the homestead. Stephen Bennett married De- sire, a daughter of Joseph Ainsley, and was a lumberman. Lebbeus married Laura Ainsley and lived on a part of the old place. Of Jared Bennett's children, Isaac, who retains a portion of the homestead, and Nancy Jane, wife of M. N. B. Killam, alone remain in the place. The Bennetts were esteemed as honest and industri- ous citizens. Uriah Chapman settled adjoining the Ben- netts, and Hezekiah Bingham, Sr., next to Chap- man. The latter was a good man and one of the first members of the Congregational Church organized in Salem in 1808. His sons were Hezekiah Bingham, Jr., Rodolphus and Solo- mon. His daughters were Nancy, wife of John Pellet, dr.; Leura, wife of Simeon Chapman ; Hannah, wife of Roswell Chapman ; and Fanny, wife of Uriah Kimble. Hezekiah Bingham, Jr., married Eunice Killam, daughter of John Killam, and lived about one mile east of his father. His son Moses resided on the old place and was a justice of the peace. He died with- out children. John Bingham removed to the West. Rodolphus Bingham kept hotel on his father's property, which was the place of hold- ing elections when Greene and Blooming Grove were part of Palmyra. His wife was Sally, a daughter of Abel Kimble's. Florence MeCarty Bingham, one of the sons, went to Philadelphia and bought lumber as it was run down the river, becoming one of the largest lumber deal- ers in the city. He died without children about 1875, leaving a large property to his widow, who is devoting her fortune and her life to charity and nursing the sick. Jacob Kimble, Sr., was a tall, bony man who lived to the advanced age of ninety-one. He was a miller, farmer and lumberman. His irons were Abel, Walter, Benjamin, Daniel, Ephraim and Jacob. One of his daughters, Lucretia, was the wife of Judge Abisha Woodward, of Bethany, Wayne County, Pa., and the mother of Hon. George W. Woodward, who became chief justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania. Abel Kimble built a grist-mill on Kimble Creek at an early day. He was suc- ceeded by his son, Burnham Kimble, whose sons were Philip and Arthur, now living in Hawley, and Jackson, who is on the Peter Warner place. The daughters were Caroline, wife of Henry Edwards; Sybil, wife of Guer- don Pellet ; Ada, who removed to the West; and Sarah Ann, wife of Jackson Nyce, wdio lives in the settlement. Jacob Kimble, 2d, resided on the farm afterward owned by his son, Heman Newton Kimble. He was the father of eighteen children. In the days when shoemakers went from house to house, boarded with the family and did their shoemakin^ for the year (which was called whipping the cat), it took one of these traveling cobblers three mouths each year to make boots and shoes enough for this family. His wife was Ann Ainsley, and Moses, Henry, Timothy M , Delia (wife of Joseph Slocum), "Walter, James, Newton, Harrison, Milton, George, Hannah (wife of Aaron Brown), Lucy Ann (wife of Judge Ridgway), and Jacob (who was at one time sheriff of Pike County) are all the children that Warren Kimble could remem- ber. Walter Kimble, of the original family, ved to Indian Orchard. He raised a lar^e family, who all went to Michigan with the ex- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ception of Stephen, who has a son Stephen liv- ing in Cherry Ridge. Benjamin and Daniel also settled in Cherry Ridge. Fannie Atkin- son, the second wife of Joseph Atkinson, Sr., and mother of Joseph and Lot Atkinson, of Hawley,was a daughter of Benjamin Kimble's. She lived to an advanced age and was highly respected by all who knew her. Daniel's chil- dren located in the vicinity. Ephraim Kimble, Sr., settled at Mount Moriah (now Kimble's Station,) in Lackawaxen township, in the history of which an account of his family will be found. The Kimbles are a race of strong, good-sized men, possessing vigorous constitutions and ruddy countenances. They have been active working people and contributed their share toward developing Pike and Wayne Counties, besides sending a large number of their sons and daughters to the West, particularly to the Stale i if Michigan, where, as lumbermen, mill- ers and farmers, they arc an undoubted success. The Kimbles are long-lived and have families of from eight to ten children on an average. Like the La Pais in Monroe County, the de- scendants of Jacob Kimble, Sr., can now be counted by the thousands. Jesper Edwards lived where Moses Bingham afterwards settled. His sons, Peleg and James, stayed in the settlement, and Sabra became the wife of Jonathan Brink. Peleg remained on the homestead. Of his children, Charles mar- ried Susan Roberts and lived in Lackawaxen till a short time before his death, when he re- moved to Beeinersville ; Henry Edwards lived in the settlement as a shoemaker ; and Sabra became the wife of Jonas Ainsley. John Ainsley, Sr., who was born in England, was a blacksmith, as was his son, John Ainsley, Jr. Simeon and Joseph were the other sons. John and Joseph married sisters, daughters of Levi Kimble, and Simeon married a daughter of Jacob Kimble, Sr. Joseph Ainsley was the inn-keeper for the settlement. His sons were Hudson, Brenson, Jonas and Joseph. Hudson and Joseph moved to Buffalo. Breuson's chil- dren were Leonard, who lives in St. Louis, and Joseph Ainsley, who has a large sash factory in Scrantcm. His factory and lumber pile were destroyed by fire a short time ago, without insurance ; but like a hero, in his old age he is building up again. William, of Purdytown, is a brother. Jonas Ainsley remained on the homestead, kept tavern and farmed. His widow and son George live there still. John Pellet, Jr., was in most of the conflicts with the Indians on the Paupack. He married Nancy Bingham, daughter of Hezekiah Bing- ham, Sr. Their children were Richard, John, George, William Calvin, Guerdon, Ira, Abi- gail (wife of Asa Kimble) and Nancy (wife of Meacham Kimble). A. D. Pellet, carpenter, of Salem, is a son of Richard Pellet, The Pellets are nearly all gone from the settlement. They were a prominent family. David and Orrin Lester, who were Revolu- tionary soldiers, lived for some years in Pau- pack. Nathan Sutton had a small tannery with four vats up at the Beemer place, where he tanned good upper and sole leather. He ground his bark with a horse and stone. His son Jonas lived on the homestead, which is now owned by John Burns, who has found clay adapted to the purpose, and makes a coarse earthenware at the place. Jonas Sutton married Ann, a daughter of Solomon Purdy. Their children were Col bern and William. Peter Warner came to Paupack from Monroe County, and bought on the corner, across from the fort, in 1827. He was the village black- smith and a good man. Stephen Dimon came to Wilsonville from New Jersey in 1830, and in 1833 bought John Connet's improvements. His son, Cornelius C. Dimon, built an addition to the house, and started a hotel in 1856, which is still managed by him. Jane Dimon was the wife of Henry Gager, of Mt. Pleasant, and Lydia Dimon, the wife of Newton Kimble. The settlement of Palmyra township has latterly included many Germans. Frazier Smith, Jacob Seaman, Conrad (tum- ble, Herman Gumble, Francis Singer and Casper Wesling settled on the road from Henry D. Clark's to Blooming Grove. Nelson B. Kirkendall lives one-half mile southwest of Dimou's. Thomas Robinson is one mile south PIKE COUNTY. 953 of Dimon, on the Simpson place. Henry Val- entine lives on the N. Kimble property. John Decker formerly kept a hotel at what was known as the Decker stand, on the Milford and Owego turnpike, and had a farm, it being a stopping-place of some importance in the day of stage-coaches. The Erie Railroad has, how- ever, wrought many changes, and the place is growing. Charles W. Down came from Easton to Sterling in 1830, and lived where Whittaker now is, on the Heman Newton place. He moved to Palmyra in 1858, and has held the office of justice of the peace. He has charge of the Ledgedale Tannery shipments at Hawley. James Cromwell built the Cromwell Tannery about 1849, and his brothers, William and Joshua, bought his interest and run it until 1883. William Cromwell now has a planing- mill opposite Hawley, near the old tannery. He was associate judge of Pike County one term. Tafton. — Amasa Daniels was a squatter and made an improvement where Tafton now is at an early day. Elizabeth Valentine bought the property for her son-in-law, Royal Taft, about 1821. The tract consisted of four hundred and forty acres of land. Mr. Taft built an addition to the old house, a barn and a hotel, known as the Tafton House. As he was on the Milford and Owego stage line, he soon after had a post- office established at Tafton, of which he was postmaster. He continued business in the hotel until 1 84 1 , and was succeeded by his son, Thomas V. Taft, who did not take out a license, but kept travelers simply as an accommodation for a number of years. He built a store, and as ad- ministrator conducted the business until the heirs were of age. Then the three brothers, Thomas, Charles and Theodore, were in part- nership until Thomas and Theodore purchased Charles' interest and continued the business until 1868. Since that time the property has been in the hands of various Germans. Christopher Newberger has resided there a number of years and Joseph Atkinson manages a steam saw-mill. Thomas V. Taft now lives in Hawley. Charles V. Taft was for many years a merchant in that place and has been succeeded in business by his son, Royal Taft. The Tafts are an honest, en- terprising family. Wilsonville. — About 1768 Rev. Richard Peters, Henry Drinker and Abel James, of Philadelphia, cut a road, sometimes called the Wilderness road, from Stroudsburg to Wilson- ville, or in that vicinity, to a point on the Wal- lenpaupack, which they then called Factory vi lie, and sent a colony, who commenced to build a woolen-factory on the Wallenpaupack rapids, between Wilsonville and Hawley. These Phil- adelphia gentlemen had a Utopian scheme where- by they expected to become rich. Before the days of steam, water was more highly esteemed than now, and the water-power furnished by the Wallenpaupack near its mouth was considered to be of great value even at that early day. They intended raising sheep on the hills about Wil- sonville and having everything at hand for a woolen-factory. But this was a howling wil- derness, the home of the wolf, the bear and the panther rather than a place for sheep-raising. The result of this project is soon told. In 1769 Rev. Richard Peters came to Stroudsburg and asked Colonel Jacob Stroud to take a load of provisions to his colony, as they were starving, which he immediately did, and the enterprise was soon after abandoned. The Wallenpaupack Falls, where Wilsonville is located, is an excel- lent water-power, and as it is impossible to run rafts over it in safety, the owners of this privilege have had a monopoly of the lumbering that comes from the forests of the region drained by the Wallenpaupack and its branches. The first mill where Wilsonville now is was a grist- mill built by Joseph Washburn and burned the 3d of July, 1778, according to Minor's " History of Wyoming." Subsequently there were other mills erected, and from 1799 until April 5, 1 802, it was the county-seat of Wayne County. Leonard La Bar was in Wilsonville about 1818. He had two saw-mills on Pike County side and a grist-mill in Wayne County. After La Bar, Roberts & Fuller got the property ; Roberts died and it was sold at sheriff's sale to Dan Brod- head for seven thousand dollars by the sheriffs of Wayne and Pike Counties, at the same time, one selling on Pike side of the river and the other on Wayne side. James M. Porter appears 954 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. to have been interested. In 1843 William Shouse came to Wilson ville with his sons Jacob, John and Henry, and took charge of the mills. Jacob died and John and Henry assumed full charge of the business. They divided the prop- erty between them and Henry built a large saw- mill on the Wayne County side. They did an immense lumber business and ran a store and grist-mill. In 1869 John Shouse sold his inter- est to Farnham, Collingwood & Co. for fifty- five thousand dollars and returned to Easton. The next year Henry Shouse sold his interest to the same parties for fifty thousand dollars and also returned to Easton. Shortly afterwards the new company purchased the Marcus Killam tract for sixty thousand dollars. The mills have a capacity of about ten million feet of lum- ber per year. Collingwood A Millard are now the principal owners. The large tracts of tim- ber which have supplied these mills in years past are nearly all gone, and this, like other large lumbering establishments, will soon only be known historically. William Shouse died at Easton in 1877, in the ninetieth year of his age. He began life as a cabinet and chair-maker. From 1819 to 1836 was proprietor of the Franklin House, at Eas- ton. From 1836 to 1843 was engaged in car- riage-making for the Southern market, and in 1843, as above mentioned, engaged in milling, lumbering and merchandising at Wilsonville. He left the latter place in 1870 and returned to Easton. He was the originator of the famous opposition line of stages to Philadelphia, and when Pardee Hall was opened, he was the oldest living trustee of Lafayette College. He was a life-long member of the Lutheran Church and a highly respected business man. His son, John Shouse, was a member of the Milford bar and associate judge of Pike County one term. 1 1 In writing the history of Wallenpaupauk settlement, acknowledgment should be made for the assistance ren- dered by Ephraim Killam, Esq., of Hawley, M. N. 13. Kil- lam and wife, Thomas V. Taft and to P. G. Goodrich's " History of Wayne County'' and Charles Miner's "History of Wyoming." CHAPTER XL LACK A WAXEN TOWNSHIP. Lackawaxen TOWNSHIP was erected in 1798, after Wayne County M-as set off from Northampton. It is the northern township of Pike County, and is bounded on the northwest by Wayne County, on the northeast by Dela- ware River and New York, on the southeast by Shohola and on the south and southwest by Blooming Grove and Palmyra. It is named for the Lackawaxen River, which passes through the township from west to east and enters the Delaware at the village of Lackawaxen. Lacka- wack, Lackawaxon or Lackawaxen, as it is variously spelled, is an Indian name, meaning "swift waters," and it is very appropriately ap- plied to this stream, which is a very rapid-flow- ing river. It rises among the hills of Mount Pleasant, in Wayne County, and flows south- wardly through Honesdale, where it is joined by the Dyberry at the foot of Irving Cliff, whence it continues its onward course through a narrow valley scarcely more than one-quarter of a mile wide to Hawley, when it flows between Lackawaxen and Palmyra for a few miles through the famous Narrows, where was once a waterfall, blasted out by State appro- priation, for the accommodation of the raftsmen, who formerly floated a large amount of lumber down this stream to the Delaware and thus down to Philadelphia. The valley is very narrow through Lackawaxen township and in many places the steep hills lay so close to the river as to become a mountain gorge rather than a valley, and the Delaware and Hudson Canal and Erie Railway Companies, which occupy the right and left banks of the stream respectively, have been compelled to blast out great rocks to pass through. The scenery along the Lacka- waxen is rugged and grand, and often visited by city visitors in summer. The Lackawaxen receives the waters of Blooming Grove Creek and Tink Creek, outlet of Tink Pond. Wolf Pond and Westcalong Pond are the other prin- cipal lakes. The scenery along the Delaware is also fine. Masthope Creek flows through the northern part of the township and enters the Delaware at Masthope. PIKE COUNTY. 1)55 Lackawaxen Village. — Jonathan Conk- ling and John Barnes were the first settlers in Lackawaxen. They located at the mouth of the Lackawaxen River, Conkling on the south side of the stream and Barnes on the north side. They came before the Revolution. Absalom Conkling related that his father took his family and a few things in a canoe and paddled down the Lackawaxen and Delaware to the stone fort of the Westfalls. One day, after he thought the Indian trouble was over, he and two of his boys rowed up to their home at nightfall. They saw a light in the cabin, and creeping up carefully, looked through a crack of the house, when they discovered two Indians who had taken peaceable possession. They had a fire in the fire-place and one lay asleep while the other was busy picking the flint of his gun. Conkling and his boys slipped back to their canoe and floated down to the fort again, wheuce they and the Barneses came back after the war and again occupied their old homes. Jonathan Conkling's children were John, Lewis, 1 Benjamin and Absalom, sons, who lived to great ages and died in the township, so far as ascertained. The name has become ex- tinct in the township. Absalom died at Row- land's, aged eighty-four, more than forty years ago. Thyre, Tamar, Lydia and Freelove were the daughters. Tamar married a Brown and lived in Milford ; Martha, a daughter by a second wife, married Samuel Barnard and lives below Hawley. John Barnes married Betsey Haley. Their sons were Thomas, Abram, Cornelius, William, Nathan, John and Jeremiah. These children and their descendants are scattered through the West and elsewhere. Elizabeth, a daughter of John's, was the wife of Charles B. Ridgeway, who lived at Lackawaxen, and Judge Thomas J. Ridgeway, their son, still resides there. Henry Barnes, a brother of Mrs. Ridgeway, located iu Milford. Lucian Barnes, attorney-at- i Lackawaxen is just opposite anil about one and one- half miles from where the battle of Minisink was fought. Lewis Conkiing went up with the reinforcements to the point of t lie hill after the whites gave back. They saw the Indians that were burning Terwilliger, but knew nothing of their force and did not dare attack them. law, and Britton Barnes were his sons. Vir- ginia was the wife of Dr. Edward Haliday. Hortense is the wife of Rev. D. A. Sandford, and Martha married Samuel Thrall, of Milford. Jeremiah T. Barnes, a descendant of one of these Barnes, was once sheriff of Wayne County and an extensive lumberman. Peter S. Barnes, another descendant, is at preseut register and recorder of Wayne County. Jacob Bonnel came to Lackawaxen shortly after the Conklings, and located on the south side of the Lackawaxen, near the canal I nidge. William, Benjamin and Joseph Holbert were here early, likewise Elias Brown. Nathan Lord located one-half mile above the mouth of the Lackawaxen. Charles B. Ridgway came to Lackawaxen about 1807 and located on the Lackawaxen one mile above its mouth. John Armstrong was the first merchant, in 1827. William F. Dutcher and T. J. Ridgway have been merchants since. Benjamin Holbert had a store-room in his house about three miles above Lackawaxen at an early date. They formerly brought goods from Newburgh to Mil- ford, thence up the Milford and Owego turnpike to Darlingville, and thus on to Lackawaxen. After the canal was built they used it for shipping purposes, and now employ the Erie Railroad. Darlingville was on the turnpike, and was so named in honor of Samuel Darling, father of Deacon John P. Darling, who was its first postmaster, but since the advent of rail- roads, this, like many another turnpike village, has degenerated. John Williamson was the first postmaster at Lackawaxen. Rev. Dr. Thomas House Taylor built the first hotel, where the Williamson House afterward stood, in 1852. John Williamson purchased this prop- erty and made additions to it, when it burned down. He then built the present Williamson House, or New York Hotel. He also erected the A sher House ; Calvin Van Benschoten built the National Hotel, and William Holbert the Lackawaxen House at the forks of the Dela- ware and Lackawaxen Rivers. The hotels will accommodate two hundred guests, and are de- signed for summer boarders who visit this de- lightful and healthful region annually, in search of health and rest. ;i5i; WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. There is good fishing in the Delaware and lakes near by. The York Pond covers about one hundred acres, and is an immense mountain spring situated about four hundred feet above the Lackawaxen. There are a series of falls of about two hundred feet descent on the outlet of this pond, where is located a club-house. Dr. Debron was the first physician in Lacka- waxen ; Elder Kyte, a Baptist, was the first preacher in the township. They first organized about 1827, when the canal was built, and the Barryville preacher occasionally preached. Isaac Mills was the first deacon in the Baptist Church and John Johnson and family were among the earliest members. Jeremiah Barnes and family and John Barnes and family were the leaders among the Methodists who held their first meetings in Jeremiah Barnes' house. The Baptists and Methodists built a Union Church in 1848, in which they have a Union Sunday- School and which they occupy harmoniously for religious purposes. The Lutherans organ- ized about 1856. Henry Banker and family, Anthony Arntz and family, George Bisel and family aud John Hocker and family were the leading members. They use the school-house, which was built in 1856. The Catholics have a church which was built about 1865. The first school was taught by Mr. Layton at the Nathan Lord place. Mordecai Roberts, a Quaker of some means from Philadelphia, settled one mile north of Rowland's Station, on the Lackawaxen, in 1791. Although he was a Quaker, General Washing- ton so far conquered his prejudices as to make him a messenger to carry dispatches to different posts. In the performance of this duty he sometimes rode forty-eight hours without leav- ing his saddle. He had a horse shot from under him at one time and was severely wounded by a bayonet thrust at another time. His services were so valuable to the Americans that the British offered a reward for his head, but he lived to be one of the first settlers in Lackawaxen township after the war. His father, Hugh Roberts, was a wealthy man, and built a Quaker Church in Philadelphia. He had an immense fortune left him in England, said to amount to thirty-six million dollars, but lacked a marriage certificate and never obtained it. Mordecai Roberts purchased a large tract of land in Lackawaxen, built mills and otherwise improved the place. He married a New England woman. The children were Samuel, wife of John Monington, of Philadelphia; Anna, wife of Jacob Walters, of Philadelphia, one of whose daughters was the wife of Andrew Simons, of Hawley, and is now living, aged eighty-four. William, Julia, Ann, Mordecai and Thomas are children by the second wife. Samuel Roberts, the eldest son above men- tioned, cleared a farm about two miles south- west of his father. Now standing among the apple-trees there are pines eighteen inches through, the farm having all grown to a wilder- ness again. Pike County scrub oak and pine lands have to be kept under constant cultiva- tion or they will soon be covered with native forest-trees; consequently, farming on the hills of Pike is a constant battle with scrub oaks and scrub pine. Here nature wages a constant war- fare, and the primeval forests unceasingly claim the soil as their own. Whether Pike County humanity, animated by Pike County whiskey, will conquer the den of the rattlesnake and the lair of the bear is an undetermined question. Certain it is that several well cultivated farms, such as the Roberts place and the Sylvan ian Societies' land, have been reclaimed by the forests. Samuel Roberts' children were Betsey, Ann, Abbey, Lucy, Urban, John, Samuel, Mordecai, Susan and William, who all grew to mature years, married in the townshij) and most of whom moved West. Ann was the wife of Moses Brink, son of Jonathan Brink, of White Mills, and is now living in the township, aged eighty- two. John Westfall afterward owned the old Mordecai Roberts place in 1834. He raised a large family of children, among them Solomon and James, of Rowland's, and Gabriel, of Col- umbia, D. T. Judge William Westfall, who died at the Westfall home in 1882, contributed many articles of a historical character to the press, and was for years a correspondent of the Milford Herald and Dispatch, a stanch Democrat. He was elected county commissioner PIKE COUNTY. 957 in 1851, and served four years as county treas- urer, five years as associate judge, five years as county auditor, and was a member of the Legis- lature when he died, besides being town clerk, justice of the peace and school director thirty- eight years. There is a small Methodist Church near this place. Rowland's, which is only about one mile below Westfall's, was first started by Hon. George H. Rowland, who came to Lacka waxen better to be first in a hamlet on the mountains than second at Rome, and he is undisputedly the first in that township. Hon. George H. Rowland. — Samuel Rowland and his two brothers came to New York from Ireland in 1720, and settled in Dutchess County. His son, Samuel Row- land, Jr. (1722-1800), had a son, Robert Row- laud (1746-1812), who was justice of the peace in colonial times, and reared a family of chil- with his parents in 1828, and beginning some years later, when a young man, carved out a home and a fortune on the side of the mountain. The Erie Railway passes through here, and the station is named in his honor. He has a store, farm, and had a mill which has been recently burned. Mr. Rowland, when he located in the wilderness among the rocks, proceeded on the Caesarian theory that it is dren, among whom wasGarrandus (1776-1834), grandfather of our subject, born at Troy, N. Y., who lived and died near Saratoga Springs, in Saratoga County, N. Y., on a farm owned, in 1886, by his youngest son, Joseph, now seventy years old, and the only surviving son of twelve children. Garrandus Rowland married a Miss Davis, and reared a family of children. He was a !i.-.s WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA fanner and carpenter anil joiner, and resided in Saratoga County, N. Y. Samuel H. Rowland, a son of Garraudus, was born in Saratoga County, November 19, 1801, and there married Lucinda Rogers, a native of the same county. The building of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, between 1823 and 1830, offered large inducements to contractors in its construction, and, after its completion, great opportunities opened up to the early settlers of Wayne and Pike Counties for buying land very cheap that was covered with valuable timber, and within a three days' trip, at high water, from the great natural market, Philadelphia. To this new country Samuel H. Rowland and his young wife came, and took up their home in Pike County April 17, 1828. He was identified with the construction of the canal and was after- wards engaged in lumbering and merchandis- ing, following the latter until his death, which occurred November 18, 1853. He had a good English education for the men of his time, and, during his early manhood, was a teacher. He was an ardent supporter of education in the vicinity where he resided, and was the first school director elected in his township after the law was passed creating that office. His judg- ment in matters, and his practical ideas of things in general, made his opinion sought by other people, and, besides being often selected to adjust settlements between others, and being- appointed by the courts to settle difficulties, he was chosen and served for two terms as justice of the peace. At his death he had acquired a competency, and of his means, during his life, he was charitable and hospitable. They had five children, of whom George H. Rowland was eldest, and was born in Saratoga County, De- cember 26, 1827. His early education, from books, was obtained at schools outside of home, largely at Honesdale, as there were no schools in the neighborhood when the family removed from New York State. For two winter terms he was a teacher, a good experience to any young man and a step- ping-stone to business. He early became a partner with his father in the mercantile busi- ness in Lackawaxen township, which has been the home of the family in Pennsylvania. In 1851 he began business for himself, and since that time has been largely engaged in the lum- ber and mercantile business, and also in farm- ing. While a young man he took an active in- terest in politics, and for twenty-five years has served as school director, and been often select- ed a delegate to State Conventions, being once placed on the State electoral ticket. In 1861 he was elected to the State Legislature on the Democratic ticket, and, by re-election, served two consecutive terms. In 1872 he was elected to the State Senate and served three years, and, in the fall of 1885, he was chosen to fill a va- cancy in the same office. Mr. Rowland'slife has been one of activity, in- dustry and care. He inherits the sterling quali- ties of his father in his integrity of purpose, his devotion to principle and in his ability to accomplish whatever he undertakes. His wife is Catherine, daughter of Joseph Ammerman, of Salem township, whom he married Novem- ber 3, 1849. They have four sons and four daughters. The bridge was built at Rowland's l>y a stock company as a toll-bridge. It paid well but the inhabitants did not wish to pay toll when they believed the county ought to provide them with a bridge ; consequently, an act was passed by the Legislature authorizing the county commissioners to buy the bridge. The commissioners agreed to buy it, but before the bargain was consum- mated a new board of commissioners was elect- ed, who refused to ratify the action of the board. Then followed a tedious lawsuit, in which the matter was carried to the Supreme Court twice. Pending the decision, the bridge was carried away by a flood. Mr. Rowland immediately telegraphed to the commissioners at Milford "to get out with their pike-poles, as the bridge was coming." They were without a bridge again, and the commissioners did not care to incur any new obligations while the suit was pending ; but finally agreed with Mr. Rowland that if he would build another bridge they would pay for it, providing the suit went against them. The suit was decided against them and the county paid the whole debt. Jesse Walker brought two homeless boys with him from Philadelphia when he came into PIKE COUNTY. :i5'J Lackawaxen township. They worked for him at the Narrows until of age and for some years after, for which they claim they never received adequate remuneration. Be that as it may, when these two young men, Israel Kelly and George Kelly, started life for themselves, they went up on the hills back of Rowland's, by honest in- dustry cleared up a good farm and gained a competence. Israel married Ephraim Kimble's sister and one of his sons, Randall Kelly, is a leading merchant at the Narrows, or Kimble's Station, as it is now called, and his Uncle George, who was never married, lives with him, aged eighty-four. Peter Killam first started on the Lackawaxen above Westfall's, where the Blooming Grove Creek enters the Lackawaxen, at what is now called Millville. He purchased six adjaeant tracts of land, built a cabin and commenced lumbering on a large scale for that day. He built one saw-mill at Millville, and paid for his land. "Fortune smiled upon hi m. The tang- led laurel and stately pine were cutaway, a com- modious dwelling-house erected and a willing bride established as mistress of his mansion." Flushed with success, he built another mill about one mile farther up the river and thus began a series of misfortunes. About 1835 reverses came : his mills were de- stroyed by fire, his lumber was swept away by the floods. He remained until 1840, then abandoned his property to his creditors and moved farther up the river. Broken-hearted and finally ruined, he never recovered his losses. After he left, Dan Drake held the property until he was drowned, when it lay vacant a while and finally fell into the hands of John Torrey again, who sold it to the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany. It is a railroad station and John Dem- ing has a furniture factory and store on the site. Kimble's, or the Narrows. — Colonel Hooper, of Philadelphia, bought a tract of land at Lackawaxen Falls, or Mount Moriah, after- ward called the Narrows by the raftmen and now Kimble [Station, at an early day, — some think as early as 1750 or 1760, others about the time Mordecai Roberts came, in 1791. He built saw-mills and got an act passed making the Lackawaxen navigable up to the falls, that gave him a monopoly above and an outlet be- low. This continued for many years, until those living above the falls had the stream chartered and obtained from the Legislature an appropriation to blast out the rocks at the Nar- rows and make the river navigable for rafts. After spending considerable money in blasting- rocks the Narrows were rendered passable, but it has always been considered the most danger- ous point on the river from the forks of the Dy- berry to Philadelphia, because in blasting the rocks which constitute the fall it necessarily left the river rapid. It takes a sudden bend, while the rocks close in on either side, leaving the pass quite narrow, so that in avoiding Scylla on ike one hand they encounter Charybdis on the other ; hence raftmen who could navigate the Narrows safely always commanded greater wages for that service, and certain men spent their time during rafting season in steering through this dangerous pass. One of the first rafts through the Narrows was run from Paupack by John Nelden, of New Jersey. William R. Walker, Ephraim Kimble, John Graham, Jonathan Brink, Joseph Atkin- son, Sr., Jacob Correll, Abram Shinier, Peter Kellam, Moses Brink, Mordecai Roberts, Sam- uel Roberts, William Roberts, Jacob Kittle and Peter Decker were some of the old " Laeka- wack " raftsmen. They were sturdy men and used to gang together while running rafts. If they disliked a saloon-keeper along the river, he was cleared out. When in the city they held their own against all opposition. In saying this it should not be understood that these men were quarrelsome. They were simply great, bony, muscular fellows engaged in rough work that tended to make men strong and fear- less. Abner Fish was a steersman and noted fighter. While rafting was carried on, the Delaware and Hudson Canal was built in 1827-2.8, beside the stream from Honesdale to its mouth at Lackawaxen village, and thence down the Delaware to Port Jervis and across to the Hudson River at Rondout. This canal is here mentioned because in its construction and operation many foreigners were employed, principally Irish. These stalwart lumbermen WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. looked upon the canal as a kind of rival carrier and the Irishmen as intruders; hence many dif- ficulties arose between them. Eb. Sheerer, a burly, stout man, was particularly opposed to them. He was a powerful man and there are many well authenticated stories of his physical prowess by living witnesses. It is estimated that fifty million feet of lum- ber and logs were run down the Delaware River annually some years ago, and the Lackawaxen always furnished a considerable share of this lumber. The average raft of round timber was sixty-five thousand feet, although they often ran larger rafts, and of sawed lumber they sometimes had two hundred thousand feet in one raft. One of the largest rafts ever taken down the river was managed by Thomas Barnes. It consisted of three hundred sixteen- feet logs in one raft. Col. Hooper, as before stated, came to the Narrows probably after the Revolution and built a saw-mill on the east side of the river. Jesse AValker came from Phila- delphia some time before 1800, purchased this property of Hooper and operated the mills. His son, William R. Walker, built the first saw- mill at Tink's Wig. He had two sons, Webb Walker and Rankin Walker, who emigrated to the West, Ephraim Kimble, a son of Jacob Kimble, the first, of Paupack settlement, located at the Narrows after the Revolutionary War. He built a saw-mill, cleared up a place and married Eunice, a daughter of Major Ainsley's. His children were, — Elizabeth, wife of John Killam, who lived in Purdytown ; William, a fanner and lumberman, who married Irena Rice and had a family of six children, Warren Kimble, the old- est son, lives at Matamoras. He is seventy-three years old and furnished most of the facts in rela- tion to the Kimble family; Lucy was the wife of Moses Killam, Esq. ; Ann was the first wife of Jos. Atkinson, St., and the mother of John, George and Asher M. Atkinson, who was super- intendent of the Delaware and Hudson Canal ; Esther was the wife of Chas. B. Seaman, who was sheriff and prothonotary of Pike County ; Crissie was the wife of Dr. Mahony ; Maria married David Rice, who lived at the Narrows ; Sally was the wife of Israel Kelly, of Rowland's ; Eunice married Calvin Pellet, of Paupack settle- ment ; John married Phebe Rockwell and lived in the vicinity ; Ephraim Kimble (2d) married Lucy Killam, built a store, and was succeeded by his sou, Ephraim (3d), at Kimble s, as owner of the store and saw-mill. The station is well-named, Kimble's, in honor of the family who have lived in the same spot to the third generation, and done much to populate the surrounding country and develop its resources. Asa Kim- ble, one of the descendants, ought not to be for- gotten. He married Abbey Pellet and moved up on the Dyberry ; Ephraim, George, John P., William, Martin and Nancy, wife of Ezra Ge- nung, were his children. Abram Skinner, a son of Captain Skinner, of Montague, cleared up a farm about two miles below Kimble's, and was one of the best farmers in Pike County. Jacob Correll made a clearing about 1791 on the opposite side of the river, where James Hanners afterward had a store, and his son, Alva Hanuers, now conducts it. Eusebius Kin- caid made a clearing about one and one-third miles from Kimble's, where Joseph Kimble now lives. Israel, Abel and Eli Hammers, three brothers belonging to the Society of Friends of Phila- delphia, came into Lackawaxen township about 1820, and located in the wilderness, three miles from the Lackawaxen River, on the outlet of Tink Pond, where they purchased three tracts of land, then covered with a heavy growth of white and yellow pine. One brother was a car- penter, one a tailor and the other a man of all work. They constructed a dam and saw-mill, which they put in running order without outside assistance. They manufactured lumber, built a comfortable house, then turned their attention to manufacturing lumber for the Philadelphia market, never cutting standing timber, but picking up that which had been felled by the wind. They hired it rafted, and thus received sufficient money to supply their simple wants. They cleared up a good farm, kept cows, made butter and were independent. The tailor did the mixing and baking. He stuck a notched stick into the dough and when it had raised to the notch it was fit to bake. They made their own furniture, and the tailor made their clothes. PIKE COUNTY. 96] About 1838 they adopted a colored boy, and the four lived in perfect seclusion. No female had ever crossed the threshold to that uninviting dwelling. They were growing old and two of them had never seen the canal or voted at an elec- tion. When William Westfall was a candidate for county treasurer he brought them all out to vote for the first time. After castiug their ballots, they looked in wonder at the canal and the boats floating upon its waters. Their car- penter's tools were a curiosity. The stock of the fore-plane was four feet in length, while the jointer was eighteen inches longer. After grow- ing feeble, they put their lumber out on snares. The parties ran away with the proceeds and left them in debt. One died, and the remaining two deeded their property to their sister in Philadelphia. She sold it to Benjamin Tanner, intimating that he should take care of the brothers, which would be satisfaction for the purchase money; but she enforced the payment in cash, to the last farthing, and, houseless and homeless, they became wards of the township, which fed and clothed them during their lives, and after death buried them decently on the bank of the Little Blooming Grove, opposite Millville. Masthope village is located up the Delaware, where Masthope Creek enters it. It was for- merly called Sim's Point, because Simeon West- fall began life there. This singular name was given to the place by some men who followed up the Delaware in search of a mast tall enough for a man-of-war they were constructing at Philadelphia. As they wended their way along the river and found nothing suitable for their purpose, they arrived at Simeon Westfall's, where Matamoras now is. He told them of a tree tall enough. They were nearly discouraged, having come so far without success, and accom- panied Mr. Westfall up the Delaware as a lad hope. At the point above indicated, which has since been known as Masthope, they found a pine, which, by digging down to the roots and cutting close to the ground, was tall enough for their purpose. The first lot of land in Lacka waxen township surveyed and marked upon the ground was near this place. Simeon Westfall and William Lit- 'J4 tie ran the first lumber to market. It was taken from a tract which still bears their name and since the property of S. M. Shutes. The Holberts were the first settlers at Masthope to make improvements, their farm being one of the oldest in the township. William Holbert's name appears on the assessment of Lackawaxcn in 1800, with one mill, one house, four oxen, four cows and fifty acres of improved land. The next year he is assessed with two mills, showing that he was a stirring man of considerable means and a good farm for that early day. In 181:5 Joseph Holbert is assessed, and Benjamin Holbert is assessed as an inn- keeper. The Hol- berts are an enterprising family, and by lum- bering, tanning, farming and hotel-keeping have secured competence. William Holbert. — His great-grandfather, William Holbert (1755-1834), came from Con- necticut about 1770, and settled in Montague township, Sussex ( !o., N. J., where he engaged in farming and lumbering. He owned a large tract of land in that vicinity, and also in what is now Pike County, Pa., across the Delaware River, since called Holbert's Bend. At his death he left a large property in real estate and two sous, of whom Benjamin (1781-1855) was grandfather of our subject. He began business for himself on the homestead property at Holbert's Bend, situate ou the Pennsylvania side of the Dela- ware, where he continued successfully the bus- iness of a farmer and lumberman during his act- ive life. His wife, Mary Rider, born 1783, bore him a family of thirteen children, one ot whom was Joseph G. Holbert (1803-48). He acquired a good education at the home schools and at the Burlington (N. J.) Academy, was for many terms a teacher, was a fanner and lum- berman, and gave considerable attention to sur- veying. He was a man highly esteemed by the public for his honesty of purpose, for his gen- eral intelligence and for his ability in business. His wife, Sabra, was a daughter of George W. Brown, of Damascus, Wayne County, who died about 1882, at the age of seventy-nine years. William Holbert, eldest son of Joseph G. and Sabra (Brown) Holbert, was born on the home- stead, in Lackawaxen township, Pike County, Pa., August 12, 1829. He obtained his early WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. book education in the neighborhood .schools and at the Milford Academy. At the age of twenty years he engaged in mer- cantile business at Lackawaxen, but three years thereafter relinquished that business and engaged in farming and lumbering at Masthope, in the same county. In 1S07 he went to Berlin township, Wayne County, where he continued his farming and lumbering interests on a more interest. He is a man of large business capacity, judicious management in all business affairs, and an active and through-going citizen. He is the owner of a large hotel at the confluence of the Delaware and Lackawaxen Rivers, and a member of the "Cooke Furniture Company," of Philadelphia. His life has been largely de- voted to business pursuits ; yet he has found time to serve the people of Wayne County for extensive scale, and cleared off a very large farm. In 1869 he removed to Equinunk, Wavnp County, where the firm of Holbert & Brauning engaged extensively in the tanning, lumbering and merchandise business. The large business of Holbert & Branning passed to the exclusive control of Mi'. Holbert in 1878, which he continues in 18,86. In connection with their lumber interest they carried on and owned and ran several saw-mills, and, in 1876, Mr. Hol- bert built a large saw-mill in Camden, N. J., in which for some time afterward he held an | four years as commissioner, and has served in other official capacities where he has resided. He married, January 10, 1850, Emma Poole, by whom he has fivesurviving children, — Joseph G. and William P., at Equinunk ; Emma, wife of John N. Cole, of Damascus ; Frederick R., at Equinunk ; and Nora, wife of Ephraim Kimble. The mother of these children died, April 26, 1861, and for his second wife he married Eliza- beth Hornbeck, on Jan. 1 5, 1862, now surviving. The assessment of Lackawaxen for 1800, with the valuation, was as follows : PIKE COUNTY. Abram Brass $63 Charles Boyles 15 James Boyd 15 John Brink 10 John Barnes, Jr R6 John Barnes, Si... 526 Cornelius Barnes J:'.l Jerry Barnes 10:2 Jacob Coryell 470 William Cox 425 Jonathan Conklin ">t7 Absalom Conklin 5 Brittain Armstrong. William Adams. Jonathan Brink. Jeremiah Barnes. Cornelius Barnes. William Barnes. Nathan Barnes. John Barnes. Stephen Ballot. Joseph Ballot. Moses Brink. Daniel Brink Joseph Brown. Benjamin Bruley. Aaron Barlow. Lewis Conkling. Benjamin Conkling. Jaeob Coryell. Peter Coleman. Absalom Conkling. John Cressman. Daniel Commin. Aaron Dickertson. Stephen Emberson. Charles Chapman. Lewis Crone. David Gilbert. Win. Esary. Ralph Hawkins. Nathan Stephen Everson $60 Martin Felin 70 Joseph Gooding 4'.) Henry Haines... 126 William Holbort 873 Ephraim Kimble 534 John Mason 4"> Mordecai Hoherts k,3 John Snyder 626 Ephraim Utter 24 Elias Van Aken 4.V> 114. Joseph Holbert. Samuel Ho/.ling. Joseph Henck. Benjamin Holbert. Tobias Hornbeck. John Johnson. Eusebius Kineaid. Ephraim Kimble. Wm. Kimble. Nathan Lord. Samuel Morris, John MeClanuon. Aaron MulntyPi'. Simeon Quick. Mordecai Roberts. Samuel L. Roberts, Frederick A. Rose. Charles B. Simons. David B. Smith. James Swartwood. Wm. Smith. David Smith. Jobawaw Vansant. Jesse Walker, Esq. Erastus Woodruff. Wm. Woodruff. Peter Young. George Young. Peter Killam. The single freemen were Lewis Conklin, Benjamin Conklin, Nathaniel Barnes, Samuel Morris, Israel Brink, Benjamin Brink, Henry Barnes, William Barnes, Nathan Lord, John Morris and Patrick Boyles. In 1813 there are fifty-three persons arrested. Peter Gaines, an old colored man, said to have been one of Col. Sam Seely's slaves, cleared up a good farm near the Westcalong Lake. This lake covers about seventy-five acres, and Tink and Corilla Lakes about two hundred acres more. The Thomas Ridgeway farm is one mile above Lackawaxen. Some Germans have made good farms opposite this place. The early settlers used to go down the Lackawaxen and Delaware Rivers for goods in a canoe a distance of thirty-three miles. The current is rapid and required font- or five hours to go down light, but about two days to shove back loaded. Adam Haines probably lived on what is now called Haines' Creek. This name occurs in the early assessments, April 18, 1851. After the Erie Railroad passed up the Delaware, there was a sale of town lots. Messrs. J. W. Blackington and Allis Whitney, of Honesdale, bought an entire block and the Holberts nearly all the remainder. A terrible railroad disaster occurred at Masthope a few years ago. The cars plunged off the track, a number of passen- gers lost their lives, and others were badly bruised. The Sylvanian Society, <>.\e of Horace Greeley's Fond Hopes. — The historv of Lackawaxen is associated witli Horace Greelev's experiment at co-operative farming at Taylor- town. This place is situated about sixty miles from Lackawaxen depot anil four from Row- land's. In 1842 Mahlon Godley owned seven thousand acres of land, forty acres of which were cleared. The remainder was woodland. A branch of the Shohola Creek ran through the property. On this creek Godley had a saw and a grist-mill. Near the mills were a frame house and a log house. These improvements comprised the village of Godleyville. The stream was alive with trout, and the surround- ing hills were equally well provided with the largest and liveliest of rattlesnakes. The soil was rough and rocky, and no wilder spot was found in Pike County. Horace Greeley, bv lectures and Tribune editorials, had urged the common ownership of property and the equal division of labor. In 1842, Greeley, with others, organized the Sylvanian Society and purchased Godley's property to test the ex- periment. To join the society it was necessary to purchase at least one share of the stock, which cost twenty-five dollars. Many eminent persons interested themselves in the project; among them Edwin Forrest, Edward H. Dixon, (since famous as the editor of the Scalpel), Mrs. !)<)4 WAYNE, I»IKK AND MONKOK COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. George Law, Edward Courtright, of Albany, and Rev. J. I). Williamson were stockholders, but Horace Greeley had by far the largest amount invested. The stock amounted to ten thousand dollars. After the society took pos- session of the place, they improved the mills and erected an immense frame structure, which contained the living apartments of the mem- bers, a common dining hall, a social hall and work-rooms. A wagon-maker's shop, black- smith shop, shoe shop and other manufacturing establishments were started. In 1843-44 the colony numbered three hundred and seemed to be progressing. No stated religious instruction was allowed, but any preacher could be invited to preach in the hall. Great attention was paid to social amusement, and dances and parties were of weekly occurrence. There were also weekly lectures on popular subjects. Mr. Gree- ley visited the colony "frequently and delivered addresses. Socially and intellectually, matters were successful, but the labor problem disturbed the little community. The colony was governed by a board of directors chosen by the members. The board assigned laborers for the different branches of work in what were known as groups. One group was set to plowing, another to felling trees, another to laying walls and so on, until all the duties were variously delegated. The female members were divided in the same way to attend to the domestic duties of the society. The principle of equality of labor was followed by changing the labor groups from one branch of work to another, day by day. The mechanics, and all who were skilled in labor, had their especial duties. One source of trouble was the fact that a number of rich and prominent families in New York took advantage of the colony as a sort of reformatory for their wayward sons. They eagerly bought stock in the colony, and shipped to the care of the society material which they could do nothing with themselves, merely to get it off their hands. These young men had never done any work, and had a natural antipathy to it. Such an element in a community, where la- bor was the highest duty of all, could not help but be a disturbing one. Then there was trouble with the female members. The most of them had never done manual labor, and when such found themselves assigned to a day's duty at the washtub their complaints and opposition to such a system were loud and emphatic. The dissatisfaction caused by these clashing views of the duty and dignity of labor was something that it was hoped time would re- move ; but when the first season's crops, upon which reliance was placed for the support of the colony, independent of outside resources, were grown and housed, and found to be utterly in- adequate, the very foundation of the colony was endangered. A few withdrew from the society. The prevalence of rattlesnakes frightened more away. One member of the colony brought in seventeen large rattlers in one day. One of these serpents was so large that John Dutton, the foreman of the colony's shoe shops, had the skin tanned, and he then made from it a pair of slippers, which he presented to Mr. Greeley on his next visit. After it became apparent that the tillable area of the society's land was not equal to pro- viding it with necessary supplies, the members went to work with a will to increase it, and the planting for the season of 1845 was nearly dou- ble what it had been previously. Good mar- kets had been found for the shoes and wagons that were made by the colony, and, although individual capital hail been sadly drawn upon, the prospects that the colony would be self-sup- porting during 1845 were so cheering that the members remaining looked hopefully into the future. The crops never looked better, in all respects, than they did in the summer of 1845 ; but when the colony awoke on the morning of the 4th of July of that year, nothing was seen but a blackened waste of field, garden and or- chard. Not a living thing remained on all the tract. The heaviest and most deadly frost that was ever known before or since in that region had destroyed all remaining hope for the col- ony's existence. Starvation stared the colonists in the face, and in two days, of all that busy community among the Pike Couuty hills, not a single soul remained. Each one had taken his personal goods and chattels and gone his way. The Greeley colony was deserted. The interest which Horace Greeley took in PIKE COUNTY. this socialistic experiment may be known when it is stated that the New York and Erie Rail- road was then completed only as far as Middle- town, N. Y. From there, to reach the colony, a most tedious coach ride of forty miles over the hills of Northern New Jersey and Pike County, Pa., was necessary ; yet Mr. Greeley paid frequent visits to the wilderness commun- ity. He took the failure of the scheme much to heart. Among; the members of the colony was a certain farmer from Monroe County, Pa., named Kenzie. He was such an enthusiast in the idea of co-operative industry that he sold his farm in Monroe County for eighteen hundred dollars, invested it all in stock of the Sylvanian Society, and placed at the colony's disposal his team of horses. After the collapse of the scheme lie went to New York, as he afterward said, to give Horace Greeley a Monroe County Demo- crat's opinion of him. He found Mr. Greeley at work in the Tribune office, and commenced to berate him. Greeley stopped him, and asked him how much he had lost by the failure. Kenzie told him. Mr. Greeley handed the farmer a check for the full amount. Kenzie, in relating the incident afterward, said that, al- though he had always been a Democrat, that act of Greeley's made him a Greeley Whig, and he remained a Whig until the day of his death. Among the other colonists no hard feeling was manifested against Mr. Greeley. They were grieved at the colony's failure, not angry at its founder. There was a mortgage of three thousand dol- lars on the property at the time of the failure. It was foreclosed, and the Rev. Dr. Thomas House Taylor, of New York, purchased the property. He took up his residence at the place, and spent a great deal of money in im- proving it. He finally sold it to a gentleman iu Virginia, but it has been sold time and time again since then for arrears of taxes. Not. a vestige of mill, shop or hall remains. The lead pipe that conducted the water from moun- tain springs to the settlement was taken up years ago and run into bullets by Pike County hunters, and used in shooting deer and bears that have returned to the neighborhood of the overgrown fields, where lie buried some of the fondest hopes that Horace Greeley ever cher- ished. Lackawaxen township has the following schools — two at Lackawaxen village, one at Rowland's, Masthope, Westfall's, Millville, Rosecrance, German school, Banner's, Kimble's and Bais- den's, which is at Baisdensville, nearly opposite Hawley. The Baisdens carry on boat-build- ing for the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany at this point. At the first auditor's meeting, in the year 1822, Benjamin Holbert acted as town clerk, retaining the position until the spring of 1831, a period of nine years, keeping the accounts ot the township on sixteen pages of a common day-book (similar to those used by merchants at the present time). His successor was C. B. Ridgway, who officiated for two years. At an election held at the house of Abraham Shinier, on the 15th of March, 1833, it was decided to hold all future elections at the house of John Westfall, in said township. April 22, 1836, the auditors allowed James Lord §22.40 for himself and hired help for breaking roads on the 7th day of January, 1836. At the same meeting, John Barnes received eight and Benjamin Holbert seventy-two dollars for breaking roads in the win- ter of 1836, during the deep snow. At this time there was not one school-house iu the township. James Wheiling and a Mr. Marsh had taught several months each, in out-houses and canal shanties, the scholars traveling from three to five miles to attend their schools. On the 27th day of June, 1837, the common-school law was put in force by dividing the township into nine districts and making an apportionment of two hundred and seventy-three dollars, according to the number of taxables in each district, as fol- lows : Lackawaxen, fifteen taxables ; Holbert's, twelve; Sim's Pond, twelve; Westfall's, nine ; Shinier' s, eleven; Narrows, twenty-five; Dar- lingsville, ten ; Lord's Valley, ten ; Blooming Grove, six, — total number, one hundred and ten. It must be remembered that at this time parts of Blooming Grove and Shohola were embraced in the division — in fact, two of the schools were lo- cated in what is now Blooming Grove township. Arrangements were immediately made for build- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ing school-houses at Lackawaxen and the Nar- rows. The one at Lackawaxen was built of stone. It stood a few years, and was abandoned as not fit for use. The one at the Narrows, hnilt of wood, was destroyed by fire. Abram Bross was an old settler at the Nar- rows. His sons were Henry, Abram and John. He died in his eightieth year. ( 1 79( )- 1857) a native of New Jersey, who removed to Pike County with his parents, and, although a shoemaker by trade, he took an active part in public matters, was an influential citizen, and highly esteemed by his fellow-townsmen. He was successful iu business, was justice of the peace for many years, was a promoter of the 1 educational interests of the county in its early /? 7 tyyz-is? Judge Thomas J. Ridgeway. — His grand- father, Thomas J. Ridgeway, who was of Scotch extraction, and a tailor by trade, and wife, who was a Miss Mathews, settled at Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, from Huntingdon County, New Jersey, in the early part of the present century, where they spent the remain- der of their lives and were buried. Among their children was a son, Charles B. Ridgeway history, and during his life sought to do his part well in the interest of all measures calcu- lated to improve the social, moral and religious standing of the community in which he resided. His wife, Elizabeth Barnes (1790-1832), a native of Lackawaxen, was a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a de- voted wife and mother. She died of cholera in middle life. PIKE COUNTY. Thomas J. Ridgeway, their sou, was born in Laekawaxen township, where his father resided, October 25, 1811. He had limited opportu- nities for book knowledge in his boyhood, but early in life got practical ideas of life's work, and the necessity of a proper development of the faculties to be successful in business or pro- fession. About the time of reaching his major- ity he began for himself as a lumberman, as at that time the largest and one of the most im- portant and profitable in Wayne County was the lumber interest, and a large number of its people were engaged in the manufacture of lumber, and its shipments down its various streams to their confluence with the Delaware, and thence down the Delaware to Philadelphia, the great natural lumber market of Eastern Penn- sylvania. Hecontinued the lumber business until 1844, when he engaged in farming and mer- chandising, which he carried on successfully in Laekawaxen township until 1.S70, and then entered the official employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, with which he has since been identified. Following the political affiliation of his father as a member of the Democratic party, he, while a young man, began to take an inter- est in local and State politics. He has served his township altogether some fifteen years as justice of the peace, the county two years as its treasurer, and he was appointed by the Governor of the State an associate judge on the bench with .fudge Barrett, to fill the unexpired term of another. Judge Ridgeway's good judgment and counsel gave him prestige in the courts of the county, and upon the completion of his term to fill vacancy, he was elected for a full term of five years. He married, in 1834, Lucy Ann, daughter of Jacob Kimble, of Palmyra township, Piko County. She died December 15, 1883, and, with her husband, have been members of the Universalist Church. Their children surviving are Warren K.; Elizabeth R., wife of John C. Mott, of Milford ; Anna K., wife of C. P. Milliken, of New York ; George K.; Maria S., wife of George A. Brown, of Bingham ton, N. Y. CHAPTER XII SHoIIuI.A TOWNSHIP. Shohola was erected from Laekawaxen, Westfall and Milford, September 25, 1852. It is bounded on the north by the Delaware River, on the south by Dingman, on the southwest by Blooming Grove and on the west by Laeka- waxen township. It is a rugged, rocky town- ship, like most of Pike County, and largely covered with scrub pine and oak. The Big Brink Pond covers about five hundred acres, and the Little Brink Pond being near, although it has no visible outlet or inlet. Brink Creek, the outlet of Big Brink Pond, flows north- wardly and enters Parker's Glen at the Dela- ware. The Great Walker and Little Walker Ponds are northwest of the Brink Ponds, and Walker Creek, their outlet, flows into Brink Creek above Parker's Glen. Shohola Creek rises on the High Knob, in Blooming Grove township, and breaks over the rocks in rapids and falls of about forty feet descent at Shohola Falls, thence onward in its tortuous course through the western part of Shohola township, till it bursts through the rocks at the beautiful Shohola Glen and enters the Delaware at Shohola village. Shohola Village. — The first settler at Shohola was Jesse Wells or James Wells, who had a little tub grist-mill and a saw-mill at this point about the time of the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Cowan, whose maiden-name was Bishop, lives across the Delaware, at Handsome Eddy, where Canope was killed. She is nearly ninety years of age, and remembers hearing Mrs. Wells say she heard the gun when they shut Canope, in 1784.' Mrs. Cowan used to i Mrs. Cowan's maiden-name was Wood. She has al- ways lived along the Delaware and has a vivid recollection of early incidents. She used to ride to Milford to store, and make the horse swim the Delaware behind the little battenu in which she crossed. There she bought tea at three dol- lars per pound and molasses at two dollars per gallon. One day during the War of 1812 they were calling troops together at Milford. She was riding a horse that had been in the service. He became excited when he heard martial music anil was determined to go to the place of rendezvous, and it required the assistance of a man to get the old war-horse out. of town. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ride on horseback with her brother to mill at Shohola, seventy-five years ago. Van Zant & Eobison had the mill then. One winter the streams were low and frozen. The Delaware could be crossed anywhere, and the little mill at Shohola was patronized by the pioneers along the Delaware and through Orange County. David Hickock had the first store at Shohola. He lived near the burying-ground where Henry Wurtzel's barn now stands. He kept the goods in his house, stored under the bed. His stock, which consisted of tea, tobacco, sugar, etc., was thus securely tucked away, and if any one called for an article he would reach under the bed and haul out the box that contained the goods. This led the ungrateful natives to call it " The Bed Store." He brought his goods from New- burgh, and thence across the ferry at Shohola. John . Johnston lived at Shohola and worked about the mills at an early day. There is an old burying-ground here, where the pioneers are buried. The Shohola of to-day owes its growth to the formation of a stock company of Wayne County men — George Nelden, Hon. N. B. Eldred, Elias Calkins, Joseph F. Keyes, Moses Calkins and Chauncy Thomas. The last three of these moved to Shohola and made improve- ments there, but to Chauncy Thomas, who finally owned seven-eighths of the stock (all but Nelden's share), belongs the credit of building up the present village of Shohola. He first erected the hotel in 1849, Timothy Horton being the first hotel-keeper, then his handsome residence with its tastefully laid-out grounds, and following this, he built the store which lie conducted successfully until 1882, the date of his death, leaving a large farm and property, which he had carved out of the wilderness by his untiring industry and perse- verance. Stephen S. Gardner, administrator of Chauncy Thomas, sold the whole estate, con- sisting of about twenty-five hundred acres, to J. F. Kilgour, who is contemplating extensive improvements in Shohola Glen, which has al- ready been rendered accessible «and famous through expenditures made by him in making roads and building fenders along the edges of the high rocks and steep bluff's, and' bridges across the Shohola. As it is on the Erie Rail- road, it is easily reached from New York, and thousands have visited the romantic glen during the last year, and Barry ville, which is just am iss the river from Shohola, is connected with it by a suspension bridge. Suspension Bridge. — A bridge connecting the village of Shohola and Barryville had long been needed, but it was not until the year 1855 that steps tending toward the realization of that need were taken. In that year John E. Roebling was building the great suspension bridge at Niagara, and Chauncey Thomas con- ceived the idea of putting one across the Dela- ware at this point. By great effort he enlisted some of the leading men of the region, a stock company was formed and work commenced. It was a difficult undertaking, for none of the workmen were practical bridge-builders, and none of them had ever seen a suspension bridge. When it came to anchoring and stretching the cables, Mr. Thomas thought it best to have the aid of a practical man, and went to Niagara to secure the assistance of one of the force there engaged. Mr. Roebling, however, could not spare any of his employees, but made a few oil- hand plans which made the work perfectly clear to Mr. Thomas, and he returned and completed it. The company was also furnished by Mr. Roebling with much of "the material for the bridge. The structure was completed in the fall of 1855. On the 2d of July, 1859, it was blown down, but was rebuilt the same fall. In January, 1865, it again broke down, but was again erected in the fall of 1866. The first meeting of the Germans to organize a Lutheran Church was held over Chauncy Thomas' store in 1857. After that their meet- ings were held in the school-house until a Lutheran Church was erected, iu 1871. Rev. J. Goetz, of Honesdale, first preached here and organized the congregation. He was followed by Rev. J. Bockstaler, and Rev. J. U. Wagner, of Hawley, now supplies the pulpit once a month. When the township was organized, in 1852, there were only about fifteen voters in it. Deacon Bross, who had moved from Milford, and Stephen D. Wells, who lived atW r oodtown, were the first justices of the peace, and Jennie PIKE COUNTY. Bross taught the first school in a log house. By far the greatest improvement made in farming in Shohola township is by a colony of Germans, nearly all from Hesse-Darmstadt, who came here shortly after the Erie Railway was built, and went into the dense pine forests up the Shohola Creek, about Chauncy Thomas' farm, where they have cleared good farms, built resi- dences and comfortable barns, and saved money. George Hess was the first of these Germans to come to Shohola. He had worked on the railroad in 1848, and in 1849 moved his family from the Hudson to Shohola. Through delays, lie was eleven days in making the journey. With his axe he weut into the forest above Shohola to clear up a farm. He was joined by Nicholas Shields shortly after, and Francis Kreiter, Peter Eckhart, Conrad Eckhart, Leo- nard Roman, Jacob Peaisbacher, Henry Bridge, Jacob and George Haas, Henry Worcer, Henry C. Knealing, Esq., George F. Hipsman, John Keller, Lewis Schadler, Nicholas Hess, Jacob Hess and John Vogt soon followed. These thrifty Germans all settled in the viciuity of Shohola and cleared productive farms. Henry and Daniel Kuhn have also farms farther back. John Fletcher Kilgour. — The history of Pike County, with all its incidents of early set- tlement and subsequent development, would be very incomplete did it not give somewhat in detail an account of the blue-stone quarries located therein, and of the men who, by un- precedented example in the history of the State, have been foremost in making this one of the largest and most successful industries in this part of the country. To Mr. Kilgour may be safely imputed the honor of opening up and developing the im- mense hidden beds of blue-stone in the northern part of the couuty. He is the son of Thomas and Julia Ann (Shutt) Kilgour — the former of Scotch extraction, the latter of Holland Dutch origin — and was born at Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y., March 14, 1841. His early education from books was obtained in the city schools and academy, where he learned theo- retically what he has since been successful in putting into practice. At the age of sixteen, his labor being valuable to his father, he began driving a team, hauling stone from the quarry to the dock, and continued in his father's employ until he reached his majority. For two years following he quarried stone on his own account near Kingston, and for one year thereafter he conducted successfully a retail stoue-yard at Newburgh, on the Hudson. Returning, he continued operating stone quarries until 1868, when, believing that large stone interests might be developed in Pike County, Pa., he pur- chased some four thousand acres of lumber property, known as " Pond Eddy." He began operations on the land the following year with fifty men, and inside of two months he increased his force to one hundred and fifty men. So successful was he in this venture that during the year 1869 the firm of Kilgour, Vignes & Co. was formed, comprising the following gen- tlemen : John F. Kilgour, James H. Butter (afterwards president of the Hudson River Railroad), George S. Readington, of Port Jervis, and David Vignes, of Kingston. In 1870 Mr. Kilgour, after long hesitation, entertained a proposition from -lames Fiske, on account of railroad facilities on the Erie, and the advantage to be had by having gentlemen in New York interested in the business for the purpose of making a ready sale of the products of the quarries, to organize a new company, which was finally agreed upon by making Mr. Fiske president and Mr. Kilgour general superintendent. Jay Gould, the g#eat capital- ist of New York, then beginning to attract attention in financial circles of the city, and William M. Tweed, then at the head of its busi ness affairs, were stockholders in the company, the latter taking one hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars of the stock. After one year's successful operation of the company, through the influence of Mr. Fiske, it issued a two hun- dred and fifty thousand dollar gold-bearing bond upon its franchise, and paid the interest until general disaster met the business men of New York in the panic of 1873. In the mean time the deposing of Mr. Tweed lost his valuable influence to the company in furnish- ing aud collecting for large contracts of stone 970 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. for the city. Mr. Fiske was shot and killed, and Mr. Gould left the Erie Railroad, thereby thwarting the entire plans, which had induced Mr. Kilgour to consent to the organization of this company. Still worse than this, his indi- vidual responsibility on the paper of the company caused his failure with that of the company, and what he supposed to be large wealth, mostly in real estate in Passaic City, N. J., and even his own residence, had to be largely mortgaged to secure the commercial paper indorsed by him. In 1877, soon after this collapse, which he had tried for four years to bridge over, being broken in health and without means, lie spent the winter at the Hot Springs in Ar- kansas. With that resolution ami indefatigable perseverance characteristic of him, although crowded to the wall through the unfortunate circumstances of others, and left only with experience and judgment for new capital to begin business with again, in 1878 he leased a yard and began working a score of men quarry- ing stone. After one year he increased the num- ber to one hundred, and in 1883, so greaL had his success been, that be had a force < if t wo hundred and fifty men. This large increase of force, superintendence, and consequent increase in business, led Mr. Kilgour to associate with him- self, in January, 1883, E. S. Parker, formerly of the firm of Herskie. Parker & Co., of New York, and the firm thus organized is styled " The Kilgour Blue-Stone Company." The business of the company has rapidly increased until now, in 1886, they employ by the day four hundred and fifty men, one hundred and fifty men by the piece, and to meet the demands of their trade, contemplate increasing the number of their men to eight hundred during the year. Within the last few years they have erected large mills for sawing, plan- ing and polishing stone, and are prepared to do the finest kind of carving, moulding, etc. Their mills are erected at Parker's Glen, for- merly known as ( "art's Rock. The name is in honor of Mr. Parker, a member of the com- pany. The mills are run day and night, and electric lights are used by night. The company now owns some six thousand acres of land in fee-simple, lease as many more, have twenty-three quarries and their laud extends along the Erie Railroad from " Saw- Mill Rift," to Hancock on the main line and on the branch to Hawley. Their public enterprise is shown by the erection of a school-house for the benefit of the children of their employes, in which they place a competent teacher at their own expense, and they have erected a hall for the use of their men, as a temperance hall, for the " order" called "The Frank A. Kilgour Total Absti- nence Society." Mr. Kilgour is the sole owner of some three thousand acres outside the company, at Shohola, of the famous " Shohola Glen Hotel," and also of the " Shohola Glen " property. The superior facilities afforded here for the pleasure-seeker, — skating rink, danc- ing-place and numerous other attractions — will gain wide circulation and afford a resting-place for busy men during their summer vacations. Mr. Kilgour is now engaged in building a "Switch-Back Railroad," by which people can be transported from the Erie Railroad through the Glen for the small sum of five cents. He anticipates being able to accommodate one hundred thousand people at the (ilen dur- ing the season of 1886, intends erecting a silk- mill the present year on the site of the old saw- mill, and a (iueen Anne residence, together with large additions to his hotel. He is the owner of the " old Thomas homestead " farm, which he carries on. In the Grant Presidential cam- paign of 1872 he erected, at an expense of seven thousand dollars, a wigwam at Passaic, N. J., which, after it had served political ends, he turned into what was known as " Kilgour Lyceum." Mr. Kilgour affiliates with the Republican party, and has been closely identi- fied with its work of reform for many years. He was an intimate friend of the late Senator Madden, of Middletown, N. Y., who, at the time of his failure, assisted him largely to re- engage in business and thereby attain his pres- ent success. Mr. Kilgour is a liberal supporter of church and educational interests at his own home at Passaic, when' his large contributions for benevolent objects lighten the burdens of those less able, and secure to himself the satisfaction PIKE COUNTY. 071 of feeling that, commensurate with liis pros- perity, the works of benevolent charity and every object and enterprise calculated to benefit his fellow-citizens should also be built up and sustained. He has always been known as a progressive citizen, large-hearted and generous, and has reached the royal road to wealth in the same way other men have found it — by dint of hard work, energy, patient perseverance and untiring industry. A correspondent of the Port Jervis Gazette says of him, — " He is known all over the country as the ' Blue- Stone King.' Long may he enjoy the sobriquet, for he has well earned it. At Shohola, and at Parker's Glen, iwhere the blue-stone works are located, Mr. Kilgour shows himself the same generous, liberal- minded citizen he is in Passaic. At Shohola he has just broken ground for the erection of five cottages and commenced building operations on the construc- tion of a switch-back gravity road that is to carry visitors to points of interest in the glen. He takes a prominent part in the temperance work at both these places, and under the auspices of himself and son, Mr. Frank Kilgour, a live, practical reform club is in practical operation, to which he contributes liberally and judiciously. He is very much liked by his work- men, and in return for their faithful service, does all that is possible to render their work attractive." He married, in the spring of 18(34, Maggie, daughter of Silas Wood, of Kingston, N. Y., who died June 9, 1883, leaving the following children : Frank A., Albert Stearns, Maggie Belle, Lulu May, John Fletcher, Jr., Florence Edna and Maud Eva Kilgour. Carr's Rock, orParkkr's Glen. — Carr's Rock was. so named by the Delaware raftsmen because one of their number was compelled to stay all night on a large rock at this point, by an accident to his raft, which cast him on the rock that ever after bore his name. When the Erie Railroad passed through, the station was so named, but recently it has been called Par- ker's Glen, in honor of the partner of J. F. Kilgour in the blue-stone quarry business. Judge John Ryerson, a Quaker from Phila- delphia, had a saw-mill ou Walker Creek years ago. He was an educated man, and lived on the river-bank near Carr's Rock. Peter Van Auken afterward resided there. In April, 1868, several passenger cars from the Erie Railway ran off at this point and caught fire. Six or more passengers were killed or burned to death, and a number wounded. Parker's Glen has now become the headquarters of J. F. Kil- gour & Co.'s stone-works. They have stone- mills erected and machinery for sawing, planing and rubbing stone. The stone is cut to order for building purposes. A large quantity of stone is cut into water-table for stone and brick buildings. The material is not, strictly speak- ing, blue stone. It does not contain as much lime as blue-stone, and is consequently more durable than blue-stone or marble, and is a rival of granite for durability. This new in- dustry, which is being developed on an exten- sive scale by J. F. Kilgour & Co., is likely to prove a great source of wealth to Pike ( lounty in the future. Her rock-ribbed hills are full of a fine-grained stone that can be worked, and is susceptible of a very good polish. Being ><{' a durable quality and accessible to the New York market, Pike County quarries will be worked more in the near future than at present. Flag- stones are shipped from all the railroad stations in Shohola and Lackawaxen townships. Be- sides Mr. Kilgour, John Smith, Woodward & Maxwell and others, with headquarters at Pond Eddy, are engaged in the business. There are four or five hundred men employed in the quarries, and otherwise in connection withjthe business. A beautiful waterfall and rapids is seen up the Walker Creek, not far from Par- ker's Glen. Mr. Kilgour contemplates building a silk-mill at Parker's Glen, which will make it a place of considerable importance. Calvin Crane settled on the river about one mile north of Parker's Glen in 1 8:59, and cleared up a good place ; his son, Manning F. Crane, lived there many years. Valentine Eckhart has the place at present. Pond Eddy. — A man by the name of < !orey is said to have been the pioneer of this point. Levi Middagh, a son of Courtright Middagh, cleared a farm on the Delaware, between Par- ker's Glen and Pond Eddy. His sons, Levi and James, now live there. Pond Eddy, doubt- less, received its name from the fact that the Delaware sweeps towards the Pennsylvania side, making a pond-like eddy. The old raftsmen, who gave names to the different points along 1)72 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the river, would soon discover the resemblance and thus christen it. The mountain comes down close to the river at this point and leaves but little room for buildings. George Connors has a store, however, and there is a suspension bridge crossing to the York State side, where most of the dwellings are located. It is a stop- ping-place on the Erie Railway, and is a ship- ping point for stone that is taken from the hills in tlic vicinity. The first attempt of im- portance made to develop the wealth combined in these blue-stone deposits was by two men named Johnson and Rowe, who formed a co- partnership in 1865, and purchased a tract of land at Pond Eddy, upon which was a quarry. They quarried some splendid stone, hut, owing to the hold the Hudson River stone had in the market, found little sale for it. In the spring of 1865 Rowe died and the quarry was disposed of to other parties, doubtless, the New York and Pennsylvania Blue-Stone Company. For miles along the Erie Railway, in Pike County, the mountains are filled with inex- haustible deposits of blue-stone, and their de- velopment on a large scale is only a matter of time. Wool>TOWN AND THE UPLAND SETTLE- MENTS. — Hermannis Brink settled at what is now known as Woodtown, about the time of the Revolution or shortly after. He was a lumberman and paid little attention to farming, having at that time a saw-mill on Brink Pond Brook. They cut the good pine all off of this section more than seventy years ago. Jonathan and Daniel were probably his sons. They left their improvement, being later owned by Horn- beck and David Case, who sold it to Charles Wood in 1830. Reeves Wood, his son, came with him and built a saw-mill on Brink Creek. He remained but a short time, however, though Charles Wood stayed and cleared a farm in what is now called Woodtown. Decatur Wells, his son-in-law, lives on the homestead and Bradner Wood, his son, adjoining on part of the home- stead. Parker Manning, a robust, powerful man, took up four hundred acres of land not far from the Walker Pond, he and his boys clear- ing two good farms and planting orchards. Be- sides, he cleared a considerable part of Taylor- town land. He has improved altogether two or three hundred acres of Pike County land. Charles F. Higby lives on one of these places and George May on the other. Old David Canfield resided in the vicinity of Woodtown during the Indian troubles and his sons Jesse Canfield and John Canfield, who were rugged men, cleared productive farms. Charles Kirk- patrick and Jacob Keller now occupy these places. John Lee lives in the vicinity of Parker's Glen, on the old Knapp place. George Haas, Adam Haas and William Saddler have farms in the vicinity of the Manning clearing. Allen Coursen and his three sons — Allen N., John and Shaffer — improved land in the vicinity of Brink Ponds. John Curry also cleared a farm bordering on the pond. Lewis cultivated a farm two miles down the creek from Shohola Falls, his son Gabriel owning it now. Jesse McKane cleared a farm in that vicinity and reared a family of twenty-two children. There is a large saw-mill at Shohola Falls, employing about thirty-five men. There are five public schools in Shohola town- ship — The W r alker School near Woodtown ; Pond Eddy; Parker's Glen ; Middagh's and Shohola Glen. Shohola had seven hundred and fifteen inhab- itants in 1880. Tobias Hornbeck built a hotel and saw-mill at Shohola Falls, on the Milford and Owego turnpike, about 1815. He came about 1820. Isaac Blackmore lived one mile east of Sho- hola at an early date, probably before 1800. He was from the Eastern States and an educated man. His children were Hiram, Ganges, Solomon, Paul and Darien. Samuel Helm lived about one mile farther east. Hiram Helm married one of Black- more's daughters. The Blackmores were large, tall men, and lived chiefly by hunting and fish- ing. Samuel Helm was a squatter at Lord's Valley, and when Levi Lord, who had pur- chased the property, came to his cabin-door, Helm said : " I know what you want ; come in and welcome; you have paid for the land and it is yours." He was a descendant on his mother's side of Manuel Gonsales, the first white settler . ,...,.... ■■:■,.. ,, III! 1 " ! - J "ilf --1 1 y____L «__§' &lf%liii Hi '1 1 r~ ^•^•■' ->■>■- ,-.■'' " 1 _____|fl|P_ feci SSF' mkSF- ' M i lit ■ i, ssf-sa — ■ H --tr ,-« w" B- «- „ '■' *1 ■■■■-'^- af W K 't^n-5 r —!C '-» 1 osso r^-d i^— c ^■^JSS'i'Sj „ > o M III Rltfl N SILK MI LA, PA. I riMU^ I -1 03 *»w>- I j^ s 111 ....... .. ... if 11 iMiuuuogiwuiiiu 1'IKK COIINTV. 973 of Sullivan, and on his father's side of Simon Helm. His father was Peter Helm, a son of Michael Helm, killed near Summitville by the Indians. His mother's maiden-name was Eliza- beth ( ionsales. Ho was nearly six feet in height, broad-shouldered, muscles well devel- oped, nerves as true as steel and bones as strong as a lion's. His fists would strike sledge-ham- mer blows. He could run like a deer and his eye was as piercing as an eagle's. His dress was homespun, hunting-shirt buckskin, pants of rough linen, with deer-skin legging, his shoes moccasins. When prepared for a deer- hunt his appearance was truly regal. Helm was a mighty hunter and killed wild turkeys, grouse, ducks and geese without num- ber. He shot scores of deer on the runways, and many more when they came to the ponds at night to water and feed on the white pond- lilies. He was a splendid shot at a target, and at night could easily snuff a candle at fifty paces. Sam always claimed that he knew of mines of valuable ore along the mountain, and among them coal and silver. He was not a scientist and knew nothing of the transit of Venus, but he possessed knowledge of immense value to a frontiersman. He had not studied grammar, yet used words that fully expressed his mean- ing. He knew nothing of maps and geography, but the moss on the trees was his compass by day and the "pointers" showed him north in the night-time. He had no watch, but the sun and stars told him the time unerringly. Ad- dition, subtraction, multiplication and division were all the arithmetic he had ever learned, yet he could calculate great sums with wonderful exactness. Sam was very clear-headed, a close calculator, never given to idleness, and yet he died com- paratively poor at Shohola, Pa. Sam was noble-hearted and everywhere met a welcome ; his only faults were a dogged pel-severance in conquering an enemy, and the Helm-Gonsales trait of forgiving an insult when properly asked to, but never forgetting the aggressor. At the time of Brandt's second invasion of the valley, Helm was down the river, near the old Van Auken fort. When the houses were burning at Peenpack, he was with the scouts watching their movements. When Colonel Tusten's force came across the mountain he joined them. He was present when Meeker's bad advice was given and complied with. He heard Brandt shout to our officers to surrender ; that his force was three times the strongest, and that if they would lay down their arms he would give them protection. The answer he received was a bullet through his belt. Brandt now gave the order of battle, and by a master- piece of strategy divided the forces of his oppo- nents. Then came a long and bloody light, commencing in the morning of that hot duly day of 1779, and ending near sundown with the death and capture of Hathorn's forces. Not a single wounded soldier was left untoma- hawked and unscalped. The warriors buried their dead, cared for their wounded and left the field of battle triumphant, leaving the bodies of the white men food for ravenous beasts and carrion birds, and their bones to bleach amid the storms and snows and frosts of many win- ters. Sain Helm was wounded through both thighs at the battle of Conashaugh, elsewhere de- scribed. About the time that Sam Helm lived at Shohola there was an Englishman of good education trying to make a living about a mile from where Ira B. Rosencranee now lives. His success was very indifferent, and the father of Colonel Mott and the late C. C. D. Pinchot went up, moved him down to Milford, and succeeded in getting a school for him. He taught until he had sufficient funds to take him to New York, where he had friends in Maiden Lane— then the heart of the city. He was compelled to leave his wife in Milford, and she occasionally wrote rather complaining letters to him. In answering her letters, he wrote the following lines : "When Carpenter's Point shall be crossed without ferry, And the falls of Shohola shall boast of a store ; When Uncle Sam Helm shall cease to he merry, Then, dearest Ellen, I'll love you no more." When Helm would get a little more " tangle- foot" in his system than was good for him, he would repeat the above lines, and it was sup- 974 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. pused by many that they were original with him, but they were written by the Englishman, as above stated. Sam Helm married a Westfall. His sons wnv Solomon, Hiram and William. The last of the race remembered about Mil ford was young Sam Helm, the rattlesnake tamer. He was a descendant of the Helms heretofore men- tioned. He would often appear on the streets of Milford with a box of rattlesnakes that he would wind around his neck and arms. CHAPTER XIII BLOOMING GROVE. Blooming Grove township was erected from Laekawaxen and Palmyra townships, December 17, 1850! It is the central town- ship of Pike County, and the only one that does not border on some township outside of Pike. It is bounded on the north by Lacka- waxen, northeast by Shohola, east by Dingman, south by Porter and Greene, and west by Pal- myra. The High Knob is the highest point of land in Pike County, being seventeen hundred feet above the Water Gap. On this mountain, on what is called the West Knob, the Brod- head, Bushkill, Shohola and Blooming Grove Creeks rise, within one fourth of a mile of each other. The Big Knob and Crasser Ponds lie on top of the knob, about one-fourth mile apart. Another pond is at the foot of the knob. Edmond Lord says that the " Big In- dian Swamp" was a pond when he first came there, in 1810, but that it has since grown and become a cranberry marsh. Blooming Grove is mostly unfit for cultivation. It consists of pine and scrub-oak barrens, off of which most of the valuable timber has been taken. Dr. Philip P. Monington, a land speculator, sold a tract of land in Blooming Grove town- ship to Levi Lord and his twelve English as- sociates, — Joseph Brooks, Robert Hatton, Samuel Hunt, Wilson Croft, William Whitta- ker, John Whittaker, Thomas Harselden, Robert Ogden, Abram Johnson, James Powers and William Manly, who all came from Eng- land in the same ship, in 1809. On investiga- tion they found Monington's title not good, and all but Levi Lord settled elsewhere in Pike County. Mr. Lord had a survey made and re- purchased the land where Lord's Valley now is. He and his sou Simeon settled there about 1810. They found the noted hunter, Sam Helm, and his son Solomon, as squatters, hav- ing built two log cabins. Sam gave possession peaceably. He remarked, " Come in ; the land is yours, for you have bought it and paid for it." Sam Helm was a tall hunter and trapper, with an eagle eye. He lived by hunting and fishing, and had, probably, been there a num- ber of years. They had made a small clearing, and Mr. Lord, having satisfied them for their improvement, moved into one of the Helm cabins. This cabin was located on the old In- dian trail from Milford to Dolph Bingham's, and has, for many years, been known as Lord's Valley. The main, traveled road, at that time, was from Bushkill through by Shohola Farms. In 1850, after the stage route was opened, Levi Lord and his sons built a brick hotel, from brick which they burned on the premises. James Ivison was a Methodist preacher at this place. Theodore Bowhannan built a saw- mill near by, at Lord's Valley, which after- wards became the property of Levi Lord. His children were Simeon, who succeeded his father in the hotel business. Simeon Lord's sons were Baron Lord, who lives in Hawley ; Levi, who resides at the High Knob ; and Simeon Lord, Jr., who succeeds his father at the old tavern-stand. Of Levi Lord's other children, William removed to Philadelphia; James lived in Blooming Grove until he was forty-six, and then went West; Edmond Lord remained until he was forty, and then moved to Lehman township. He is now eighty-four years of age, and a hale, hearty old man. He recently walked from Newton to Lord's Val- ley, a distance of thirty miles, carrying a load on his back, between the rising and setting sun. He has never used tobacco in any form, nor drank liquor, although brought up in a hotel and living in Pike County. His father's family consisted of sixteen children. One sis- ter, Betsey, married William Manly, who PIKE COUNTY. 975 built a stone tavern at the forks of the Bethany and Hawlev roads, in Lacka waxen township. His sister Ellen still lives, in Philadelphia, aged ninety-six. Edmond Lord has been a great hunter, and killed many deer, wild-eats and bears. William Spearing had a house thirty by forty feet, and two stories high, on the old Wilderness road, in Blooming Grove, before Solomon Westbrook bought it, in 1827. It was built of large square sticks of hewn pine timber. The old mill was up the Blooming Grove Creek about one and one-fourth miles from where the Pau- pack and Tafton roads fork, and was built by Charles B. Seaman, ex-sheriff of Pike County. In 1827 Solomon Westbrook rebuilt this mill, and John C. Westbrook, his son, the present saw-mill in 1847, and the grist-mill in 1855. Solomon Westbrook was a merchant and lum- berman, and once sheriff of Pike County. He married Hannah Coolbaugh, a daughter of John Coolbaugh, once associate judge. His children were Margaret, who married John B. Stoll, of Newark, N. J. ; John C. Westbrook, who was first elected prothonotary in 1845, and has been seven times re-elected. The prothonotary in Pike County is clerk of the several courts, reg- ister of wills and recorder of deeds. Mr. West- brook is a competent officer, and merits the con- fidence which the voters of Pike County repose in him. Lafayette Westbrook has been a mem- ber of the Assembly from Pike several times, and now lives in Stroudsburg. Hiram is in Ridgewood, N. J. Moses C. Westbrook is on the homestead, and Susan lives in Newark, N. J. John Young resides in the vicinity, and Mr. Buskirk has a grist-mill at Westbrook's. Joseph Brown first settled where William II. Nyce afterward lived. Daniel Brodhead bought this property and sold it to Solomon and John Westbrook and William H. Nyce, about 1835, when John Nyce superintended the saw-mills, and in 184G William H. Nyce came with his family. His wife was Margaret Westbrook, his children being John Nyce, who measured logs for the Wilsonville mills a number of years, and is now life insurance agent at Haw- ley ; Safforyne W. Nyce, who lives in Milford ; Andrew J., who lives in Paupack ; and James, who lives in Deckertown. Jacob Kreinhans bought the Blooming Grove property of William H. Nyce in 1851, and built a tannery on Blooming Grove Creek, con- taining fifty vats. He purchased in all about four thousand acres, and tanned sole leather until the bark was exhausted, in 1882, when he purchased the Dr. Edward Halliday prop- erty in Milford, where he now resides. John Ploss, Charles Durling and several other Ger- mans have good farms in the western part of the township, on Egypt Creek. Squire L. Hazen, William Downey, John Pletcher and some others own farms in the vicinity of the High Knob. There are two post-offices in the township — one at Lord's Valley and another at Blooming Grove. There are also schools at each of these places and one near the High Knob. There are no churches, but occasionally preaching is heard in one of the school-houses. The population of the township in 1880 was four hundred and seventy-two. The scrub oaks of Pike County make good railroad ties, of which a number of thousands are furnished every year to the Erie Railroad. There are also thousands of hoop-poles shipped to New York, and thence to the West Indies; but since the lumber and bark have become ex- hausted, the central part of Pike County, like Blooming Grove, is better adapted to hunting and fishing. The Blooming Grove Park Association was projected by Win. H. Bell, of Branch ville, Sus- sex County, N. J., and Fayette S. Giles in 1870. John C. Westbrook and Lafayette Westbrook deeded thirteen thousand acres of land to the association, and they have since purchased one thousand acres in addition. F. S. Giles was the first president of the associa- tion. The stockholders have changed, and most of the stock is now held by New York parties. The lands lie in Blooming Grove, Greene and Porter townships, and include Lakes Beaver, Giles, Scott, Bruce, Westbrook, Laura, Ernest and Belle, according to the names which the association have given them. One square mile of the land is inclosed by a wire fence, as a breeding park, in which they have about two hundred deer. The club-house is erected on ground overlooking Giles Lake, or 976 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Blooming Grove Pond, as it was formerly called, at a cost of about ten thousand dol- lars. The Shohola Farms are on the old Wilder- ness road, about three miles from Shohola Falls. This is a very old place, and was occu- pied by an Englishman before the Revolution (as early as 1754), who kept an inn, and had barn room for sixty horses. The shingles were nailed with four-inch wrought nails. This man, who was fourteen miles in the wilder- ness, lived in great style for those days, if we credit the story of an old lady who passed through about the time of the Revolution. A farm was cleared, and good-sized apple-trees were growing ; but at the time of the Revolu- tionary War this owner, who appears to have been a Tory, abandoned his property. It was managed by agents for years, transferred from inie stock company to another, and is now owned by a company who are running saw- mills and lumbering on it. During the struggle for the location of the county-scat Daniel Dingman, who was a mem- ber of the Legislature, secured an act remov- ing the county-seat of Wayne County from Bethany to Blooming Grove, but the county commissioners bid defiance to the law, and refused to levy a tax to erect county buildings there. They justly claimed that the county was poor and unable to go to any extra expense. General Spearing, who owned laud in Bloom- ing Grove, had a village laid out in town plots and built several substantial log houses, but the erection of Pike into a new county changed the status of affairs, and Milford raised fifteen hundred dollars by the 1st of June, 1814, which was the condition under which the county-seat was established at Mil- ford. The High Knob is on the most elevated land in Pike County, and forms the divide or water-shed between several creeks. The town- ship of Blooming Grove contains a few good farms, but it is better adapted to hunting and fishing. CHAPTER XIV. POUTER TOWNSHIP. Porter township waserected from Delaware and Lehman, December 16, 1851. It lies in the southern part of Pike County, is bounded on the southwest by Monroe, on the west by Greene, on the north by Blooming Grove and Dingman and on the east by Delaware and Lehman. The Blooming Grove Park Association's lands ex- tend into the northeastern corner, through which runs Taylor's Creek, emptying into the Big Bushkill, which flows through the northwes- tern part of the township aud receives the wa- ters of Rocky Hill Creek, which joins it west of Porterville. Rocky Hill Creek is the outlet of Rocky Hill Pond, in Dingman township, and also receives the outlet of Porter Lake. Saw Creek rises in the northern part of Porter township, and Mows south through the east cen- tral part of Porter and the southwestern part of Lehman, into the Big Bushkill. It receives the outlet of Twelve-Mile Pond, which is in the south central part of the township. Porter township was named in honor of Hon. James Madison Porter, who bought a large tract of land of James Place, cleared a farm and built the first house out by Porter Lake, at Porter- ville, iu 1849. The following persons were as- sessed in 1853: William R. Brodhead, with a house and saw-mill ; Wells L. Bowhanan, house and saw-mill ; Moses and John Coolbaugh, saw- mill ; Martin Cortright & Co., house and saw- mill ; William Overwild, house and saw-mill ; Elijah Quigley, saw-mill ; Wallace A- Bowhan- an, house ami saw-mill. Besides these, John Countryman, Albert Countryman, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Decker, Charles Evans, J. Van Frast, J. B. Hall, John Kittle, Andrew Lake, William Overwell, .lames M. Porter, William Rake, William Smith, Charles Strunk, W. L. Smith, Andrew Shaft, Moses Smith, Nelson Waker, Jeffrey Wells, Christian Yerkes and John Titman. William Rhinehart and N. A. Khinehart have the mill and hotel at Porters- ville now. Philip B. Clark, Henry Evarts, William Harrison, Francis Mercer, Arthur Post, Wil- liam Hake, William S. and William V. Rhine- PIKE COUNTY. hart, Hiram, Moses C. and Jeffrey Smith, Luke Whittaker and Abram C. Heater were the prin- cipal inhabitants in 1880. The township con- tains some good timber land, but has been mostly- slashed over and allowed to grow up without being cleared. There were but ninety-nine in- habitants in the township in 1880. They have about twelve voters, and divide up the offices among them. In fact, honors are plentiful in Porter township. The school board stood a tie for three years in relation to the propriety of building a certain school-house and the matter was referred to the courts. The court could not declare the seats of the six directors vacant, as there was not material enough in the town- ship to fill their places. Abraham Coolbaugh furnished the money and finally one or more school-houses were built. Philip Clark is post- master, supervisor, justice of the peace, etc. During the summer Porter Lake is visited by hunters and fishermen. There is a school near Twelve-Mile Pond and one on the Bushkill, above Porterville. A State road runs from Bushkill through the township and on through to Blooming Grove. Another road, called the Brodhead, Titman and Ridgeway road, runs from Egypt Mills to Porterville. CHAPTER XV. i.ukkm: TowNsuri'. Greexe was taken from Palmyra in 1859. It is the southwestern township of Pike County and bounded on the north by Palmyra and Blooming Grove, on the east by Porter, on the south by Monroe County and on the west by Wayne County. The Seventeen-Mile Run, Nineteen-Mile Run, Sugar Hill Creek and East Branch all flow southeast into the south branch of the Wallenpaupack. The Big Bushkill takes its rise in the eastern part of the town- ship. There are five ponds, among them the East Branch Pond and Promised Land Pond, which is an artificial or saw-mill pond covering about twelve hundred acres. It was formed by damming up the head-waters of the East Branch, a low, swampy region, covered with 96 spruce, laurel, pine, etc., the lair of bears and wild-cats in former times. That part of Greene which adjoins the Paupack was part of Salem from 1808 until 1814, after which Pike was formed and the Paupack made the dividing line, when Greene was assessed and became part of Palmyra ; previous to that it was included in Delaware township. Greene has several large hills. On approaching from Houcktown the first hill is Buck Hill, as it slopes south. It was a favorite resort of deer ; hence the name. Panther Hill lies south of the Little Sugar Hill Creek. Big or Carleton Hill lies north- east of Sugar Hill, while Sugar Hill lies south- west of Sugar Hill Creek. The township has been principally settled from the Paupack Val- ley, and it is not known who first built a cabin on the flats, on the east side of the Paupack. The first settlers on the flats were mere squat- ters and located their cabins to suit their con- venience. It is said that Thomas Dickerson cleared across the Paupack on what is now a part of the Josiah Whittaker place. Aside from these cabins on the flats, and perhaps be- fore any of them were built in Greene, Abram Wissemere or Wismcr, built a cabin in the eastern part of the township, back of Sugar Hill, on the road from Stroudsburg to the flats, known as the Wismer road. James Simons was assessed in 1809 with four hundred acres of land, Abram Simons with two hundred acres, Joseph Simons with two hundred acres — three acres of which is improved — one house and two cows. James and Abram were evidently non-residents at this time. James Simons lo- cated about one-half mile east of the Paupack and cleared up a good farm. He built the stone house now 'occupied by his son Samuel. His son Thomas located on part of the tract about one-half mile north of the homestead. Jabez Simons located north of his brother, on the lot that Benjamin Sheerer had squatted on, hav- ingcleared a large farm. .James Simons, Jr., locat- ed about one and one-half miles southeast of his father. Abram Simons lives on the old Joseph Simons place, which joins the James Simons farm on the southwest. The Simonses live about two miles from Ledgedale. David Hartson Carleton, a chair-maker, came from New Eng- WAYNE, PIKE, AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. land and located at the foot of Big or Carletou Hill, south of Sugar Hill, iu the year 1817. He built a log hut and made quite a clearing. His children were David H., Eoxanua, Mary, Thomas, Emily, George W., Sally and Betsey. David II. Carleton located about one-half mile northwest of his father, was the first justice of the peace in Greene, and county commissioner at one time. He married Nancy S. Dickerson. Among his children are David Albert Carleton, who married Elizabeth Banks, located on Buck Hill, cleared a farm and built a comfortable dwelling. Carleton school-house is near by. John Carleton, a brother of the foregoing, mar- ried Mary Banks and located about three miles from his father. Roxanna married George Mil- ler and lives in Wilkes-Barre. Mary was the wife of John Corey, who located in Greene, about three miles east of the Flats, at a place called Coreyville, in his honor. Thomas D. Carleton located in Dreher. Emily was the wife of Robert Bortree, who lived in Greene, Opposite the Robert Bortree mill property. Sally was the wife of Joseph M. Kipp. Jacob Gilner bought the old D. H. Carleton place. Thomas Dickerson settled on Sugar Hill in 1814 or earlier. His son, Thomas J. Dicker- son, who married Eliza Beech in 1830, proba- bly obtained an education by reading and study at his humble home. He served with faithful- ness as (•( mnty commissioner for six years, and was justice of the peace for twenty years. He lived to be seventy-five years of age, and often related that he sat at the door of his father's cabin at close of day and heard the howl of the wolf and the screams of the panther and wild cat. Of his children, Benjamin moved to Kansas; Silas J. lives on part of the homestead ; Ruth, who married G. H. Bortree, and Esther, who married J. Butler, live on part of the home- stead ; Augusta, who married A. Hopps, lives on lands adjoining the homestead ; Richmond went to Texas ; John Wilmer Dickerson was a student, while others were telling bear stories or otherwise passing their time. The writer remembers him as a teacher of East School. He removed to Bedford County, became county superintendent and representative of Bedford and Fulton in the Assembly. He studied law, was admitted, finally became blind, but had some one read the Acts of Assembly to him and continued to plead cases until he died, when but a young man. Thomas T. Dickerson was fatally wounded at Charles City Court-House, Va., June 18, 1864, during the late war. Isaac I. Kipp came from Philadelphia to Greene April 10, 1820, and settled in what is now known as Kipptown, where his son, John Kipp, now lives. He and Jacob Keene built the first frame house in the township, buying two hundred and thirty-four acres of land of Edward Tilghman. The settlers in the town- ship, before they came, were nearly all squat- ters. Among them at the time of their advent was Abram Wissemore, who lived about one- half mile from Kipp's, on the southwest. He sold his squatter's right to John Dunning; af- terward John Burns bought the land of Cad- walader, and Dunning got nothing for his im- provement. Jacob Keene, who came with Kipp, located on the west. Andrew Corey and Jesse Ransberry purchased one hundred and ten acres, northeast of Kipp's, about 1831. They built log houses and cleared a farm. Thomas J. Dickerson purchased one hundred and seventeen acres north of Kipp's in 1835. He built a log house and made a clearing. Jacob Mash purchased one hundred and seven- teen acres east of Kipp's in 1846. James Ed- wards came from Philadelphia and lived on the Jacob Keene place until 1847, when he purchased fifty-eight and one-half acres south of Kipp's, and Charles Batzel secured the other half. James Edwards now lives in Salem, aged eighty-seven. His sons were Joseph B., John and Jacob. Allen Megargel purchased four hundred acres where Ehrgood's mill now is in 1816. He built a saw-mill and grist-mill about 1825. Isaac Megargel, his son, took possession of the property in 1828 and sold it to William Ehrgood in 1830. The first saw- mill in Greene was built by John R. Galpin, about 1843. The uext was the Joseph Atkin- son, Sr., saw-mill at Promised Land, which was so named by Mr. Murray, whoassisted in building the mill. The Promised Land Pond covers an almost impenetrable spruce swamp, which is PIKE COUNTY. 979 but a continuation of the swamp known as " The Shades of Death," the name being doubt- less given in derision. The title is well estab- lished and denotes all that wilderness region of scrub oak, pine and spruce about Atkinson's mill-pond. The Kipp saw-mill was built on the East Branch in 1851. Nathan Houck's mills and stick factory were erected at Houck- town, on the Buck Hill stream, in 1855. Thomas Bartleson purchased land of Megargel about 1828, cleared up fifty acres and built the largest barn in the township. John K. Brink and George Smith came to Greene about 1842. After the ice freshet in Pau- pack, which destroyed Brink's cattle, his family, who succeeded in making their escape, came to the Abram Nye place, in Salem, and from theDce to Greene. He purchased one hundred and seventeen acres and shortly after sold one- half of it to George Smith, who had a family of twelve children, — George and Lewis R. were twins ; Emeline lives w : th her mother ; Luuis lives in Greene ; Levi, James R., John and Benjamin live elsewhere. James Baillie settled, in 1845, about one mile west of East Branch Pond. Augustus Seifert and Adam Hazer also located in that vicinity, on the road from Kipp's mill to Roemerville. The Reichel brothers settled about 1846. Then <>ame Charles Wolf and John Fribilie, and next the Waltz Hotel was built. Henry Roe- mer settled in Roemerville, which is on Nine- teen-Mile Rim. The Roemer, or Winooka, Falls at this place are about sixty feet high. Charles Monsette, a Frenchman, had a steam mill. Christian Bletz and John N. Walter lo- cated at Roemerville ; John Barnhaff settled at Goose Pond. The first school-house was built on Allen Megargel's property; Joseph Simons and Isaac I. Kipp were the first teachers. Isaac I. Kipp married Susan Vaughn. His children were Mary (wife of James Cross) and John (who married Hannah Correll). John's sons are Isaac M. (a blacksmith), Horace E. (a wagon-maker), Benjamin F. (who has the saw- mill), George W. (who was once commissioner of Wayne County and is now a lumberman in Bradford County) and John A. (superintendent of Pike County schools). His daughters are Mary (wife of Sylvanus Van Gorder), Susan (wife of Thomas H. Gilpin, who built a store near the saw-mill in 1866, the first store in Greene ; he has a stick factory in connection with his saw-mill), Margaret (is the wife of Horatio Simons), Betsey (is the wife of George Banks) and Helen W. (is unmarried). Joseph Kipp lived where Peter Mash now resides for a number of years, finally sold his place and moved to Vineland, N. J. Robert G. Croft settled on the Allen Megar- gel property. David Robinson came to Greene witli Allen Megargel in 1816. He was a squat- ter in Greene for a number of years, built sev- eral houses, but never owned any real estate. His son Wesley has property about one mile from Ledgedale. George N. Schwepenheiser, — which is the old way of spelling the name — came to Greene in 1860, and bought the James Edwards place. His son, George A. Swepeu- iser, lives with him. He took the census in 1880, when there were eleven hundred and sixty- seven inhabitants. On the township's erection, in 1829, there were but seventeen votes polled and about one hundred inhabitants. The names of the schi ols are Maple Grove, Kipptown, Sugar Cabin, Sugar Hill, Coreyville, Jones, Carleton's, German Valley, Roemerville. The Promised Land property, of several thousand acres, belongs to the Shakers. It contains a saw-mill and a small farm. Peter Heberling came to Newfoundland in 1835. His son Peter bought a tract of land west of Sugar Hill, and cleared a farm. Old Peter Straub,the last of the old German settlers, lives with him, aged ninety-four. William Hebberling, John Kindt, Frederick Klein, Charles Augenstein, Anthony Roemer and a number of other Germans and Frenchmen have helped to clear and improve Greene township. William Banks came from England to Greene in 1843, and settled on the Howe A- Elliott tract, near Sugar Hill. His children were Wil- liam, James and Samuel, who assisted their father in clearing the farm. They dug a pit, and with one man in the pit and another above, sawed sufficient lumber by hand to build a plank house. Mr. Banks and his sons were ingenious and rendered themselves very comfortable, 980 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The Hemlock Grove Church was built in 1875. The first class iu Greene was organized by Rev. J. F. Williams. Lewis Robacker led the first class, consisting of Lewis Robacker and wife, Samuel Banks and wife, Horace Kipp and wife, Mrs. Hannah Kipp, Mrs. Shiftier, Mrs. John Corey, Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Lavinia Kipp. William Banks was a local Methodist preacher. When Henry Roemer went to the head of Sugar Hill Creek, where he settled, there were no neighbors within a distance of seven miles. He built a log cabin in 1840, covered it with bark, and logged up a field without any team. He lived to be eighty-three. His children were Matilda, Anthony and Adolphus. His first neighbors were John Walter, whose place is now occupied by Frank Miller; Felix Ollsommer, John Morro and some other Frenchmen. Al- fred Jolen built a road in to Hicks' Pond, and Charles Low has a saw-mill located there. Houcktowx. — Christopher Betchler built a saw-mill at Corey ville iu 1850. Richard D. Jones andH. A. Lancaster purchased this mill in 1882 and erected a large stick-factory, employing twenty-five hands. This property was bid in for the creditors by George G. Waller, Esq.," and is now operated by George H. Lancaster. H. A. and George H. Lancaster built an um- brella-stick factory at German A T al ley in 1878, and in 1881 George H. Lancaster sold his in- terest in this factory and the one at Coreyville to R. D. Jones, who employed about forty hands. The German Valley factory burned down March 15, 1886. After Pike County was separated from Wayne a portion of Salem west of the Paupack River was assessed as Salem, in Pike County, in 1815. Thomas Dickerson, assessor, returns himself with three acres of improved land ; Gabriel Davis, whose residence was on the other side of the river, with three-fourths acre ; Abram Wisse- rnore, six acres ; Jacob Smith, nine acres ; Hen- ry Wissemore, single man, on eighteen and three- fourths acres improved laud in Greene in 1815. Greene township has been greatly improved within the last forty years, and is one of the best agricultural townships in Pike County. The hills of Greene were once covered with hemlock and hard-wood forests. The southern part of Greene, about Sngar Hill, Buck Hill and the vicinity of Houcktown, were grown with maple and beech. The maple-groves, in particular, were large and densely wooded. These woods were formerly the home of the deer and the streams were celebrated for trout. r Nathan Horcic. — Very little is known of his ancestry beyond the fact that his paternal grandfather was Peter, who lived a long and useful life in Lehigh County, Pa. He was the first sheritt there, and an active member of the Lutheran Church. His maternal grandfather was Abraham Harp, who spent his life in Berks County, l\:' Peter Houck, son of Peter, and father of the subject of this notice, was born in Alleutown June 25, 1777. He married his wife, Elizabeth Harp, in Berks County, Pa., May 10, 1801, and the majority of his years there- after was spent in the vicinity of Boyertown. He was a carpenter and joiner, and in politics an active Democrat. He died December 30, 1854, and the death of his wife occurred Feb- ruary 19, 1875. Nathan Houck, sorruf-Peter and Elizabeth (Harp) Houck, was born March 24, 1818, at Boyertown, Berks County , Pa. He served his father until about twenty-one years of age, and in the meantime acquired such an education as his opportunities at that time afforded. The next sixteen years of his life were divided between Philadelphia, Mont- gomeryville and Spruce Grove, during which time he was engaged in cabinet-making, lumber- ing, etc. In 1855 he purchased of John Tor- rey about three hundred acres of laud in Greene township, Pike Cou^^ Pa.; 'where he im- mediately settled with his family and has since resided. This tract of land was at that time an unbroken wilderness, and Mr. Houck cut the road through, leading the first team that entered there. He at once began the erection of a tem- porary residence, the material used in its con- struction being peeled bark. The first and only beds they had for some time on which to rest their weary bodies, consisted of boughs or brush. Here presented an opportunity for Mr. Houck to put into practical use the knowledge he had gained from lumbering. He lost no time in making a beginning, and for a number of PIKE COUNTY. years he applied himself with that will and de- termination which has characterized his whole life, and by careful management and economy became the possessor at one time of over two thousand acres of land, and-ntw, at the close of-=te Laanua, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth ^ - the yca 4^J-8&5phe-has.jnanv acres under a good state_of— cultivation, and has, besides, -made extensive-ami valuable improvements thereon. "~7 ,■' During the War of the -late- Rebellion ^ fur- nished the government immense quantities of works give employment to seventy-five men, including those engaged in the woods preparing timber for the purposes above mentioned. "Nathan Houek was married, April 14, 1841, (Berger) Deetz, of Backs County, Pa. Thev have children, — John D., born September 28, 1842; Charles', born January 1, 1845 ; Frank- lin, born May 29, 1847 (died in, infancy) ; Elizabeth, born March 17, 1849rwire of Dr. As. ' cAaM^n^^^rtccJi tent poles or sticks, and at about that time con- ceived the idea of umbrella and parasol sticks, also clothes-pins, toys, etc., and for that purpose erected a factory in 1872, and has si nee added to it until it is now one of the largest in the country of its kind. It employs one hundred and ten horse-power. Capacity per day, for umbrella and parasol sticks, two hundred gross ; clothes-pins, two hundred boxes of five gross each; tops and balls, one hundred and fifty gross ; and when in full operation their Fletcher Gilpin; Amanda, born September 6, 1851," wife of Emory Gilpin ; Emma, born February 10, 1854, wife of Frank Nicholson; Anna M., born June 9, 185(3, died October 5, 1864; Carrie M., born (Nov. 26, 1860, wife of Dr. Arthur Simons. Mr. tmdftlrs. Houek are -both members of the church, and in politics, he is an active Democrat. John D^ «nd Charles Houok have recently succeeded to the business their father established, and, with the inheritance of his good name, success must surely await them. HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY. CHAPTER I. ERECTION OF THE COUNTY — COUNTY-SEAT ( '( INTEST CIVIL LIST. Monroe County had no organized exist- ence until 1836. Prior to that time the terri- tory now comprised within its limits belonged in about equal proportions to the mother-county of Northampton and to Pike. A glance at the map reveals the old line of Pike and North- ampton Counties — prior to the erection of Pike, the south line of Wayne County, extending straight through the county, in a direction ap- proximately east and west, and forming the northern line of Tobyhauna, Pocono, Stroud and Smithfield townships. The county was brought into existence by an act of Assembly entitled, "An act erecting parts of Northampton and Pike Counties into a separate county to be called Monroe," which was approved by Governor Joseph Ritner, April 1, 1836. Following is an abstract of this enactment: "Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby en- acted by the authority of the same. That the town- ships of Ross, Chestnut Hill, Tobyhanna, Pocono, Hamilton, Stroud and Smithfield north of the Blue Mountains, in Northampton County, together with the townships of Middle Smithfield, Price and Cool- baugh, in Pike County, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be erected into a separate county to be called Monroe. "Sec. 2. Provided that the inhabitants of the new county, after the first of September following, should be entitled to 'the courts, jurisdictions, officers, rights and privileges' possessed by the inhabitants of other counties of the State. "Sec. 3. Provided that the courts should be opened and held at such house as might be designated by the commissioners to be chosen at the next election, until a court-house should be erected in accordance with further provision. " Sec. 4. Enacted that all suits pending in the courts of Northampton and Pike Counties on the first of September following, in which both parties should be at that time resident in Monroe, should be trans- ferred to the courts of that county. " Sec 5. Was in relation to the collection of taxes and militia fines, and provided that all arrears of either due before the passage of the act should be collected as if the act had not been passed. " Sec. 6. Provided for the giving of security by the several officers to be elected. " Sec. 7. Authorized the officers of Northampton and Pike Counties to officiate until the officers of Monroe County should be qualified. " Sec. 8. Declared that the inhabitants of the counties of Northampton, Wayne, Pike and Monroe should jointly elect such numbBrof Representatives, and, in conjunction with Lehigh County, two Senators to serve in the State Legislature, as said counties were entitled to, or separately, as might thereafter be arranged. It was further specified that Monroe County should form a part of the district hitherto composed of Northampton, Wayne and Pike for the election of a member of Congress. "Sec. 9. Was in regard to the manner of fix- ing the site of the court-house, and prescribed that it should be decided by popular ballot at a special election to be held on July 1st, and to be con- ducted by the same judges and clerks who pre- sided at the preceding general election. It was further provided that one of the judges from each election district within the county should attend with the election returns on the second of July, at the house of S. J. Hollinshead, in Stroudsburg, be- tween the hours of two o'clock and seven o'clock in the afternoon, and add the number of votes for each site. If there was no majority, a second election was to be ordered. Moses W. Coolbaugh, Benjamin V. Bush, William Van Buskirk, Michael Shoemaker MONROE COUNTY. and Joseph Trach were by the terms of the act made trustees, whose duties it should be to receive written offers of donations in real estate and money, towards defraying the expenses of the lands and public build- ings for the use of the County of Monroe, the same to be held obligatory on the persons making them, and to be turned over to the county commissioners as soon as they should be elected. It was still further provided by this section that the county commis- siouers, so soon as they should be elected, should secure to themselves and their successors in office such lot or lots of land as had by popular vote been desig- nated as the site of the court-house ; that they should receive subscriptions or donations in money or ma- terial toward the erection of the same, a county-jail and public officers and also levy and collect a tax sufficient for the building of such structures. "Sec. 10. Provided for the exercise of the powers of the Supreme Court judges in the new county. "Sec. 11. Pertained to the composition of the judi- cial district, and enacted that the county of Monroe should be annexed to and compose a part of the elev- enth district, and that the courts should be held on the third Mondays in February, May, September and December, . . . the first court to be held on the third Monday of December following the passage of the act. " Sec. 12. Related to certiorari* and appeals, and provided for the trial of causes already begun, or which should be commenced prior to the third Mon- day of October, in the courts of Northampton and Pike. " SECS. 13 and 14. Related respectively to the returns of elections and to the imprisonment of criminals in the jail of Northampton County until such time as a prison should be constructed in Monroe County, and Sections 15 and 10 consisted of further specifications in regard to jail fees and the removal of prisoners to Monroe County." The territory of Monroe County was only re- duced seven years after its erection by the set- ting off of Carbon County. The great town- ship of Tobyhanna, carved from the vastly greater one of old Towamensing, formed a part of Monroe County upon its organization, and in 1842 that portion of its territory lying between the Lehigh River and Tobyhanna Creek was set apart as a township and called Penn Forest. This latter township was all that Monroe lost by the erection of Carbon. The act by which Carbon was brought into existence provided the following boundary lines : " Beginning at the northwest corner of Northamp- ton County ; thence southwardly along the said coun- ty line till it intersects the northern line of Lehigh County ; thence eastwardly along the top of the Blue Mountain to the southwest corner of Monroe County; thence northwardly along the Monroe County line, and continue the same point of compass in a direct line through Tobyhanna township, in Monroe County, to such point as may strike the Luzerne County line; thence westwardly along the Luzerne County line to the place of beginning. . . . Provided, That the ter- ritory taken from Monroe County shall only embrace the township of Penn Forest, and that the said township of Penn Forest shall constitute the whole of the territory taken from Monroe County by the provisions of this act. 1 It may not be commonly known that active measures for the formation of a new county were resorted to in that part of Northampton which is now comprised in Carbon County and the country contiguous during the early part of the present century. Indeed, oue abortive at- tempt, more far-reaching in scope and of still earlier date, has been chronicled in these pages. Lehighton (on the Lehigh, within the present limits of Carbon County) was ambitious of be- coming the seat of justice of a new county as early as 1816. From time to time, before Monroe was formed, various movements were made, tending toward the erection of a county centering on the Upper Lehigh, any one ot which, had it been successful, would either have long delayed the establishment of Monroe or materially affected its territorial limits when it was formed. There was a general dispi isition on the part of the residents in the region now form- ing the western part of Monroe to favor those pro- jects of county erection which contemplated the lo- cation of a seat of justice on or near the Lehigh. As a matter of interest to the reader who is curi- ous on this subject, we give one of the early peti- tions (with the names of signers) which was de- signed to include some of the territory which ultimately was embraced in Monroe. How much earlier than 1836 this project was entered upon is not known, but it was probably many years. 1 The framer of the act appears at first to have been in doubt as to whether Penn Forest was in existence, for he states that the line was to run " through Tobyhanna town- ship," but at the close of the clause he recognizes the exist- ence of Penn Forest, and makes a redundant provision as to that township constituting the whole of the territory to he taken from Monroe. :»S4 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Following is the petition referred to : " To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common icen/f/i of Pennsylniitia : " The Petition of the Subscribers, Inhabitants of Toamensin and the western part of Chestnut Hill and Ross Townships, in Northampton County, north of the Blue Mountain, respectfully represents, — "That the great distance of this portion of the County from the seat of justice at Easton occasions much expense and great inconvenience to your Peti- tioners, and this expense and inconvenience is be- coming more expensive with the increase of Popula- tion, business, and improvements north of the blue mountain. " These disadvantages have heretofore been repre- sented to your Hon. body and adivisiou of the county so as to remove them has been petitioned for. Your petitioners now trust that these repeated prayers will induce your Hon. body to enact a Law that shall di- vide this county in such manner as to give to your petitioners the reasonable accommodation of a Seat of Justice north of the mountain. And your Peti- tioners beg leave most respectfully to propose that the line of such division should begin at the corner of Schuylkill and Nprthampton County on the top of the Blue Mountain ; thence along the dividing line of said Counties to where it strikes the Northampton County line; thence along the said line to where it joins the Luzerne County line ; thence along the last-named line to where it strikes the Lehi ; thence up the Lehi to the mouth of Tobyhanna ; thence to Muddy Run so as to take in the saw-mill erected thereon ; thence (on a line that shall include the western half of Chestnut Hill and Rns^ town- ships) to where the road through Smith's Gap in the Blue Mountain strikes the line of Moore township; thence along the summit of the Blue Mountain to the place of beginning. And your petitioners further pray that the seat of justice for the proposed new County be established at Lehiton, the place where the elections for East Penn township are held, which place is for various reasons the most convenient and suitable,' and where the County buildings will be erected on the public square in said Town by the vol- untary contribution. " And your Petitioners will ever pray. " George Olwine. Adam Brown. George Olwine, Jr. George Greensweig. John Greensweig. Nicholas Snyder. John Boyer. Jacob Snyder. Henry Blose. Henry Boyer. Andreas Ziegenfuss. George Boyer. Nicholas Berger. Jost Driesbach. Peter George. Anthony Lowyer. Peter Korr. Edward Murray. Henry Burger. Heinrich Sillfuss. Jacob Sillfuss. Heinrich Clinetob. Andrew T. Boyer. Jonathan Greensweig. John Golt. Paul Golt. Peter Blose. Jonathan Heller. David * rreensweig, J M. G. Christman. Peter Lerfass. Nicholas George. Jacob Heath. John Beltz. Christopher Corell. John Smith. David Smith. John Zess. Samuel Richardson. Jacob Smith. John Smith, Jr. Nicholas Smith. Simon Engbert. Adam Engbert. Conrad Clinetob. David Christman. George Clinetob. Joseph (Iroble. George Frever. Joseph Frever. David Brutzman. Philip Frantz. David Swartz. Samuel Golt, Daniel Golt. John Golt. Jost Driesbach. Jacob Golt. George Olewine. Jacob Yundt. Wilhelm Remely. Frederick Scheckler. John Beltz. Daniel Closs. Linnert Strohl. John Strohl. Samuel Bahler. John Hasleman. Isaac Hasleman. Conrad Hasleman. John Balliet. Samuel Kline. John Ziegerf'uss. Michael Olewine. Jacob Snyder. John Kuntz. Daniel Schneider. Peter Snyder. Bernhart Baumau. George Kelcher. John Kurn. John Kelchner. Henry Bauman. John Bauman. David Stroup. Nicholas Blose. Henry Blose. John Boyer. Jacob Hasleman. Jacob Arner. John Arner. John Driesbach. Charles D. Bowen, Jr John Closs. John Harkins. Thomas Yorley. Jacob Fisher. John Ruddles. William Pryor. Lewis Erke. Jacob Swenk. Christian Houpt. Philip Daubenstein. Jacob Schwab." Before the election to determine the location of the seat of justice was held, Daniel Stroud, Stogdell Stokes and other citizens of Strouds- burg, desiring that it should be fixed there, entered into bonds agreeing to erect the neces- sary public buildings in case the land offered by S. J. Hollinshead should be chosen as the site, without any cost to the county. The bonds were printed, making a sheet about the size of one page of an average newspaper, and in that form were used for electioneering pur- poses. The document began thus : " Know all men by these presents, That we, Daniel Stroud, Stogdell Stokes, Joseph Wilson, John Boys, Morris D. Robeson and Michael H. Dreher, of the MONROE COUNTY. borough of Stroudsburg, are held and firmly bound unto Moses W. Coolbaugh, Benjamin V. Bush, William Van Buskirk, Michael Shoemaker and Joseph Trach, trustees appointed by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania passed the first day of April last, and unto the county commissioners, who shall be elected next October, and afterwards, for the county of Mon- roe, erected by said act, in the just and full sum of ten thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, to which payment, well and truly to be made, we, and each of us, do jointly and severally bind our- selves and each of our heirs, executors and adminis- trators, for and in the whole, unto the said trustees and county commissioners, their certain attorney, successors or assigns. Sealed with our seal, dated the fourth day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. " Whereas, by the aforesaid act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania passed the first day of April last, . . . the above named, Moses W. Coolbaugh, Benjamin V. Bush, William Van Buskirk, Michael Shoemaker and Joseph Trach were appointed trustees to receive proposals and subscriptions and donations for build- ing a court-house, jail and public offices in and for the said county of Monroe, and, whereas, the site whereon to erect those buildings is by the act afore- said directed to be ascertained and fixed by election in this month (July) inst., and, whereat, it is desired by the said Daniel Stroud, Stogdell Stokes, Joseph V. Wilson, John Boys, Morris D. Robeson and Michael H. Dreher, that the site fixed upon may be in the borough of Stroudsburg aforesaid, and accord- ingly, the above bounden ... in case the site should be fixed upon by election this month, on the land of S. J. Hollinshead, in Stroudsburg aforesaid, propose, offer, engage, covenant and contract to build, erect, set up and finish in a good and substantial manner, at their own proper expense, free and clear of any expense whatever to the said trustees or to the commissioners that shall be elected next October and their successors, or to the county of Monroe aforesaid, or to the citizens thereof, on such site in the said borough, one large house, fifty by thirty-three feet on the ground, three stories high, either the whole of stone, or the basement story of stone, and the other two of good brick, etc." This was to be the court-house of Monroe County. The lower story was to have at the west end two rooms, about fifteen feet square, for public offices and to be made fire-proof; one corner at the east to be a kitchen and the other a " Debtors' Jail," with a stone jail-yard adjoining, surrounded by a wall fifteen feet high ; the middle of this story was to have a "jailer's parlor" and two rooms surrounded by stone wall for criminal apartments. The middle story was to lie finished for a court-room, and the upper story to be divided into three convenient jury-rooms. There were various other specifications in the bond, in regard to a cupola and bell, a well, etc., " the whole to be finished in a substantial and durable manner without any needless work or useless ornament." Stroud and his associates in their proposition left it to the option of the commissioners whether the court-house and public offices should be in one building, with the jail and jailer's house, in another building, or whether the latter should be separate from the court- house and public offices. In case the latter should be thought the preferable plan, they agreed to build one large building, fifty by thirty feet on the ground, and two stories high, to be used for the court-house, jury-rooms, etc., and another to serve as a jail and jailer's resi- dence, to be twenty-six by thirty-five feet, two stories in height, with a garret. The bond was signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Luke Brodhead and Jacob Bis- bing, on July 4, 1836. A supplementary provision related to the supervision of the commissioners over methods and materials in buildings and arbitration in case of disagreement concerning their fitness. The bond of the builders was accompanied by a tender of land to serve as a site for the proposed buildings, from Mr. Hollinshead, ot which the following is the substance : "I, Stroud J. Hollinshead, propose to the trustees . . . that I will at any time, when, hereafter, I may be requested to do so, convey by a good deed, clear of all incumbrances, a certain lot of land in the borough of Stroudsburg, beginning at the northwest corner of William Dean's lot; thence extending nearly westward, precisely the course and parallel with the main street, called Elizabeth Street, one hundred and sixty-five feet ; thence nearly south- ward, to square off precisely from the last mentioned line, one hundred and thirty-three feet, and thence nearly eastward, one hundred and sixty-five feet to William Dean's lot, and thence by said lot nearly northward, one hundred and thirty-three feet to the place of beginning ; for the purpose of having erected on said lot, a court-house, jail and public offices for the county of Monroe. And I covenant and contract furthermore to open a public street through my ground to commence at Elizabeth Street aforesaid, of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the width of fifty feet, between my Tavern-House and stables, and to extend at that width nearly north- wardly to the south side of the above described lot. And I bind myself, my heirs, executors and adminis- trators and every of them, unto the trustees . . . and commissioners for the time being, who may be duly elected for Monroe County, on the penalty or sum of ten thousand dollars, to make a good and law- ful title, clear of all incumbrances, unto the said commissioners, at any time when requested to do so, for the purpose aforesaid, to be and remain the prop- erty of the county of Monroe and the citizens thereof, forever, after the first day of November next, without charge. In witness whereof I hereunto have set my hand and seal, the eighth day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty-six. (Signed) "Stroud J. Hollinshead. (S. L.) "Sealed and delivered in presence of " William Dean. "S. Stokes." County-Seat Contest. — A curious and in- teresting contest for the location of the county- seat occurred after the erection of Monroe. There were three localities in nomination for the seat of justice, — Stroudaburg, Diitotsburg (also known as Monroe Square, and now uni- versally called the Delaware Water Gap) and Kellersville, the last-named being strongly championed by the people of the western por- tion of the county, while the chief strength of the Smithfields, Stroud and the southern and eastern townships naturally went to Strouds- burg and the Water Gap. Two elections were held, the first resulting in no choice, and both being unquestionably grossly fraudulent. In fact, the second election was contested in the courts, the particular issue being the alleged dishonesty of the Middle Smithfield election board, for which its members were arrested. In the issue of the Northampton Whig, July 20, 1836, the following item appeared : "The good people of the County of Monroe seem to be halting between two opinions. They had an election lor the seat of justice on the second instant, but there was no majority of the whole number of votes for either of the places. Stroudsburg had but eight hundred votes, Kellersville about seven hun- dred and fifty and Monroe Square (Dutotsburg) about eighty votes. A new election will take place on Tues- day next, the 26th instant, at which we learn the con- test will be confined to Stroudsburg aud Kellersville. The parties have buckled on their armor in earnest, and every honorable means, at least, will be resorted to by each, to insure success. In each place they have obligated themselves to erect the court-house, jail and public offices, those necessary appliances for the due conducting of the public affairs of the county, and the punishment of any rogue wherewith our future neighbors may be troubled." In its issue of August 3d the Whig gave the following concerning the second election : " We give below the result of the election for the site of the public buildings in Monroe County. A warm contest, from what we learn, was had, and it rumor be correct, not a little gouging took place. The following is said to be the return made by the judges of the election. Stroudsburg. Kellersville. Ross 238 Chestnut Hill 4 305 Tobyhanna (3 126 Pocono 55 95 Hamilton 50 279 Stroud 376 31 Smithfield 224 2 M. Smithfield 345 2 Price 57 9 Coolbaugh 15 5 I hi; 2 The fraud in this election is manifest when it is taken into consideration that the total vote in 1836 was two thousand one hundred ami ninety-four, and at the close of the exciting- canvas of 1840, when a full vote was certainly polled, the total was only seventeen hundred and ninety-two. Boys of fourteen years voted in the county-seat election, and it is probable that many names were entered upon the lists which were either fictitious or copied from tomb-stones mossy with age. It is a matter of tradition that the Middle Smithfield election board had three sets of re- turns of varying dimensions, and that when the roll of the townships was (tailed, they kept an account of the total vote, and then reported that list which was sufficient to overcome the vote for Kellersville, without being excessively large. One return, it is said, was larga enough to overcome any vote that could possibly be re- ported from the other townships. Following is the vote in the Presidential election of 1840, by townships: MONROE COUNTY. 9*7 Harrison. Van Bnren. Stroud 131 160 Hamilton 45 222 Lower Smithfield 42 183 Middle Suiithfield 2 208 Chestnut Hill 23 201 Pocono 18 Hi! Ross 32 147 Price 12 51 Coolbaugh 5 31 Tobyhanna 35 98 345 1447 Total 1792 John Place and Samuel Gunsaules, who con- stituted the Middle Smithfield board heretofore alluded to, were indicted for fraud iu the elec- tion and appeared for trial in the courts of Pike County (those in Monroe not then having been organized). The only item which appeared in the court record concerning this celebrated case was the following (at the January Session of 1837): " Commonwealth vs. John Place and Samuel Gun- saules. — Indictment for fraud and malpractice in the management and conducting of an election. Janu- ary 26, 1837 : True bill. Same day continued. The defendants were each held in $300 for appearance at August Sessions next. August 31, 1837 : Upon ex- ceptions filed and on motion, after argument, the in- dictment was quashed." The trial, however, is authentically reported as one of the most remarkable which ever oc- curred iu the remarkable old-time courts of Pike County. It was conducted before Judge Scott •and Associates Dingman and Coolbaugh. George W. Woodward and M. M. Dimmick, Esqs., appearing for the prosecution, and Mr. Brooks, of Easton, for the defence. Judge Scott quashed one or two counts in the indictment, and then, for some reason, left the bench ; whereupon Associate Judge Dingman assumed control of the case. "The president judge," said he, "has seen fit to quash several counts in this indictment on grounds of common law. Now 'Bub'" (al- luding to Judge Coolbaugh) " and T know little of law, but I kuow all about the Legislature, for I have been a member of that, and" — lay- ing his hand impressively on a copy of pamph- let laws—" Bub and I will quash the other in- dictments on grounds of the Legislature." And they did. Considerable acerbity and asperity arose from the case, but it finally died away and the unpleasantness is now only re- called in facetious speech and with smiles and laughter. THE CIVIL LIST. MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE. 183S. Joseph Trach. 1849. John D. Morris. 1839-40 Moses W. Cool- J. M. Porter. baugh. Michael Myers. R. Brodhead. 1850. John D. Morris. John Flick. L851--52. Henry S. Mott. 1840. John Flick. 1853. A. Edinger. 1841. Joseph Kerr. 1854-55. A. Edinger. J.K. Heckman. 1856-57. L. Westbrook. Asa Packer. 1858-60 CD. Brodhead. 1842. Joseph Kerr. 1861-62 (i. H.Rowland. 1844. James Vliet. 1863-64 Peter Gilbert. John Jacoby. 1865-67 Allen Craig. 1845. John Jacoby. 1868-69 James Place. 1846. No returns. 1870-72 W. B. Leonard. 1847. B. S. Schoon- 1872. R. S. Staples. over. 1873-74 Win, Kistler. C. A. Lucken- 1876. A. J. Shoe- bach. maker. Jos. Laubach. 1880. M. Frank Cool- 1848. B. S. Schoon- baugh. over. 1882. M. Frank Cool- A. G. Luehen- baugh. bach. 1884 W. E. Gregory. Jos. Laubach. State Senators. — ' "hose reu i-esenting Mon- roe, as well as those from the county. In 1836 the senatorial district was composed ot Luzerne, Wayne, Monroe and Pike, — 1838-11. E. Kingsbury. I 1843. Wm. Overfield. 1842-44. Luther Kidder. I 1849. Charles Frailey. In 1850 a new district was formed, consist- ing of Wayne, Pike and Monroe Counties, — 1853-55. E. W. Hamlin | 1856-58. J. W. Walton. In 1857 anew district was formed, consist- ing of Monroe, Carbon, Pike and Wayne, — 1859-61. Thos. Craig, Jr. | 1868-70. C. Burnett. 1862-64. Henry S. Mott 1 1871-73. A. G. Brodhead. 1S65-67. H. B. Beardsley. | In 1874, by the new apportionment, the coun- ties of Monroe, Carbon and Pike were made to constitute the Twenty-second District, — 1876-78. C. Burnett, i 1883. John D. Biddis. 1879-82. Allen Craig. ! 1885. G. H. Rowland. Members of Congress. — (Those represent- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. iug Monroe, as well as those from the county.) — The district was composed of Northampton, Monroe, Pike and Wayne from the erection of Monroe, and Carbon was added in 1843, and a part of Luzerne, by the new Constitution, — 1841. D. D. Wagener. I 1853-57. Asa Packer. 1841-43. J. Westbrook. | 1857-01. W. Dimmick. 1843-49. R. Brodhead. 1861-07. P. Johnston. 1849-53. M. Dimmick. I 1871-75. J. B. Storm. CONGRESS. 1866. D.M.VanAuken. I 1876. F. D. Collins. 1868. D. M. Van Auken. 1878-80. Robt. Klotz. 1870. J. B. Storm. | 1882-84. John B. Storm. DEPUTY SURVEYORS. 1st. Jonas Hanna. I 4th. Abraham Barry. 2d. Jas. H. Stroud. 5th. Robt. W.Swink. 3d. Win. S. Rees. PRESIDENT JUDGES. 1836. David Scott. Wm. Jessup. Luther Kidder. Nath. B. Eldred. Geo. R. Barrett. 1836. Jas. M. Porter. 1855. Thus. A. Bell. 1870. Sam'l S. Dreher. 1880. Sam'l S. Dreher. ASSOCIATE JUlMiES. 1836. John T. Bell (ap- pointed). Jacob Brown (ap- pointed). M. W. Coolbaugh. 1850. M. H. Dreher. Stogdell Stokes. Jeremy Mackey. 1861. A. Levering.' 1800. John De Young. 1870. Theodore Schoch (ap.bytheGov'r). 1871. S. G. Throop'- (ap- pointed by the < rovernor). 1872. Peter Graver. 1875. Jacob Stauffer' (ap- pointed by the Governor). Chas. W. Decker. 1877. Peter Gruver. 1880-85. Chas. D. Brod- head. 1842. 1845. 1848. 1851. 1854. 1857. SHERIFFS. Joseph S. Teel. I I860. Samuel Gunsaules. I 1862. Olis B. Gordan. I 1865. Andrew Storm. 1868. Peter Kemerer. ' 1871. James N. Durling. 1874. Henry D. Shaffer. , 1877. Melchoir Bossard. 1880. James N. Durling. ! 1883. H. C.Wolf(app'd). Linford Marsh. Chas. Henry. Peter Merwine. Chas. Henry. Jacob K. Shaffer. William T. Baker. George Miller. James S. Fisher. REGISTERS OF WILLS AND RECORDERS OF DEEDS. 1830. Simon Snyder. I 1860. Joseph Barry. 1842. M. H. Dreher. ! 1863. John S. Fisher. 1845. Samuel Rees. 1872. JohD Appenzeller. 1854. William S. Rees. COUNTY TREASURERS. 1839. 1841. 1843. 1845. 1847. 1S49. 1851. 1853. 1855. 1857. 1859. Joseph Trach. Jacob Bush. Fred. Kisler. Jacob Shoemaker. Edward Postens. Abraham Levering. Chas. Featherman. John Edinger. Levi Slutter. Charlton Burnett. Jacob Kresge. William Smith. lNCl. 1863. 1805. 1875. 1878. 1881, 1885, H. Eilenberger. George Fabel. Simon Meyers. Reuben Gregory. Peter Gruver. S. Featherman. Jonas Altemose. Linford Marsh. Timothy Kresge. Samuel Kintz. Rogers L. Burnett. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1836. Joseph Trach. Jacob Shoemaker. Henry Fenner. John C. Bush. 1839. J. Kemmerer, Sr. 1840. John Smith. 1841. Elihu Postern 1842 Adam Overfield. 1843. Peter Neyhart. 1844. John Kern. 1845. Melchoir Dreher. 1847. John Miller. 1848. Abram Fenner. 1849. Joseph Frable. 1850. Michael Super. 1851. Melchoir Dreher. 1852. John C. Strunk. 1853. Jacob Altemose. 1854. Joseph Heckman. 1855. John C. Strunk. 1856. Peter S. Hawk. 1857. Robert Brown. 1858. John D. Fraley. 1859. Peter Kuukle. 1860. Charles Price. 1861. Reuben Kresge. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. James Smiley. John T. Wiliiams. N. Hefflefinger. Henry Heller. William Adams. John Hanna. Jacob Stackhouse. H. B. Biesicker. John C. Strunk. Samuel Posten. Peter S. Edinger. Jacob Frable. Samuel Posten. Peter S. Edinger. Cornelius Starner. Jacob B. Transue. J. Kemmerer, Jr. Cornelius Starner. J. E. Hoodmacher. Chas. Kemmerer. 4 J. E. Hoodmacher. William H. Garris. Evan T. Crosdale. Townsend Price. Benjamin S. Jacob. Frank H. Smith. Schoch in place of Levering. ! Throop was appointed in place of Melchoir Bossard. 1 Stauffer appointed in place of De Young. Commissioners' Clerks. — County erected April 1, 1836; commissioners of Northampton County held the appeals in 1836, — 1837. Harris Colt, of Luzerne, settled here. 1838-40. Peter Wyckoff, of Northampton, settled here ; attorney-at-law. 1841-42. James H. Walton, attorney-at-law ; native of Stroudsburg. 1843-50. John D. Morris, attorney-at-law, from Bucks County, Pa. 1851-54. James H. Walton. 1855-56. Michael H. Dreher, an old resident of Monroe. 1857-62. Edward B. Dreher, son of M. H. Dreher. Appointed in place of father, deceased. MONROE COUNTY. 1863-135. John B. Storm ; raised in Hamilton town- ship, Monroe County. 1866-84. Michael H. Dreher. 1885. George H. Dreher, son of M. H. Dreher. 1886. William Stroud Rees, of Stroudsburg, and the oldest citizen of the borough who was born in it. CHAPTER II. THE BENCH AND BAR THE OLD AND NEW I1AI!. — BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 1 Monroe County was erected out of parts of Northampton and Pike Counties by an act of the Legislature approved April 1st, a. d. 1836. 2 The act provided for the transfer of all suits pending and undetermined in the several courts of Northampton County and Pike County, on the 1st day of September then next, where both parties to such suit were resident in the county of Monroe. Section II. of said act provided that the county of Monroe should be annexed to, and compose part of, the Eleventh Judicial District of the Commonwealth, and that the courts in said county should be held on the third Mon- days of February, May, September and Decem- ber in each year, the first court to be held on the third Monday of December then next. In pursuance of this act, the first court ever held in Monroe County was convened on the 19th day of December, a. d. 1836, at Strouds- burg. We give the following extract from the court minutes of this session : " December 19, 1S36. This being the day appoint- ed by law for holding the first court within the county of Monroe, there attended at the court- house in Stroudsburg, the Honorable David Scott, president of the Eleventh Judicial District of Penn- sylvania ; Jacob Brown and John T. Bell, associate judges of the same Court. The several courts were duly opened by John W. Burnett, the cryer appoint- ed by the court. " The commissions of the following officers were read: Jacob Brown, associate judge; John T. Bell, associate judge ; Joseph S. Teel as sheriff of said county, with writ of assistance ; Gideon Burrett as liy Stephen Holmes, Esq. 1 See preceding chapter. prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas, clerk of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and clerk of Court of Quarter Sessions ; Samuel Snyder as register and recorder and clerk of the Orphans' Court. "On motion of James M. Porter, Esq., James M. Porter, Peter Ihrie, Hopewell Hepburn, Andrew H. Reeder, Horace E. Wolf, Richard Brodhead, Jr., Newton D. Strong, William Davis and Peter Wyckoff, Esquires, were duly sworn ami affirmed as attorneys of the several courts of this county. On motion of Richard Brodhead, Jr., Esq., M. M. Dimmick, was admitted and sworn as attorney of the several courts of this county. " On motion Alexander E. Brown was admitted and sworn as attorney of the several courts of this county. It is ordered by the court that the prothonotary, within ten days after the end of this term, place upon a list all causes at issue in this court, for trial at the next term, and that such list, kept in his office for the inspection of all concerned, without fee or reward, shall be deemed sufficient notice of trial to the parties in interest." The list of admissions above given contains, as the reader will observe, many names after- wards illustrious in law, politics and official station. For many years after the organization of the county the humble little court-house at Stroudsburg, was regularly graced each term of court by some of the best talent of the Eastern bar, and many were the forensic encounters between the Northampton Titans, to which tin; local populace listened with open-mouthed wonder and admiration. Gradually, however, with the lapse of years, these legal luminaries, one by one, disappeared from the horizon. New names appeared upon the roll of practicing attorneys of the county and new faces and forms supplanted the old in the arena, but the old portion of the people still delight in recounting the exploits of a race of great lawyers who have passed away ; and they never tire of rehearsing the pungent sayings of the old time bench and bar. For the first few terms of court the calender of the new county was not very heavy. The act requiring the transfer- of all suits pending and undetermined in the several courts of Northampton and Pike Counties, September 1, 1836, where both parties to such suit were resident in the county of Monroe, was com- plied with, and resulted in the entry upon the court records of the county of one suit for 990 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. August Term, 1834, the first ■ducket entry beiug as follows: "August Term, 1834. appearance Hepburn for prtr. H. E. Wolfe for Deft. John Murphy, Jacob (ioer, the elder. I Summons Case . Issued 2d Aug. I 1834. Narr filed | Aug. 15, 1835. I Rule to plead ' filed Aug. 21, | 1835. Aug. 24, I 1835, Deft, I pleads not guil- ! ty and Issue." The case was afterwards settled. The records of November Term, 1834, show one case. For April Term, 1835' business was brisk, the records showing four cases, two of them being actions of scire facias on Orphans' Court recogni- zances, brought by heirs of Conrad Kresge, deceased. A.NECDOTES OF MoNROE COUNTY BENCH and Bar. — In the early settlement of the •country, when men lived in isolated communi- ties, with little intercourse with each other, and still less with the world at large, a stronger in- dividuality of character was developed than in the present age of steam and electricity, when the world's news is spread upon the breakfast tables of remotest hamlets, and when men, by their constant and widely-extended intercourse become so fused together that in mental charac- teristics, habits, mode of life and thought, dress, and even form and physiognomy, one may be said to be more or less a sample of the lot. Monroe County, in its early history, was no exception to this universal rule, but abounded in odd and grotesque characters, concerning whom many amusing stories are still remem- bered by the older portion of the inhabitants. One of these has long gone the rounds and furnished entertainment for many a reminiscent group; but as a specimen of genuine Quaker wit, as well as of terse and vigorous argumen- tation, it is well deserving of being preserved in more durable form. He the soil, the talents and industry of Mr. Davis speedily gave him a leading position at the bar, which he never relinquished until bodily infirmities compelled him to abandon his practice. As a lawyer he has, during his whole pro- fessional career, been noted for the most ex- haustive preparation of his cases and the most unflagging zeal in their presentation to court and jury. No adjudicated case, however remote its bearing upon the question at bar, escaped him ; there was no legal principle available that he did not quickly seize upon and turn it to his advantage. He always seemed to delight in his professional work for the work's sake, and the amount of time and labor expended in a cause was very frequently out of all proportion to the *&7 L & pecuniary importance of the case or the amount of fees accruing from it. The triumph of the legal principle, the establishment of the facts contended for — these were the prime objects, and to their accomplishment he enthusiastically devoted unwearied days and nights of research, and secured the reports of the judicial decisions of both hemispheres. As a cross-examiner, Mr. Davis was always particularly strong and searching. It was sometimes almost like putting a witness into a chemical retort and resolving him into his con- stituent elements, and woe to the man in whom the analysis disclosed the slightest falsehood or WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. prevarication ! Witnesses sometimes fainted under the ordeal. Apropos to this is a story that Mr. Davis has often told himself, with much gusto, of a case in which his peculiar talent for cross-examina- tion received due recognition. The case oc- curred in Pike County, where he was attending court, heinji concerned in other cases, but not having been originally concerned in this one. There were numerous defendants, and each had his own separate counsel, but one of the defend- ants, at the last moment before the case was called, retained Mr. Davis specially to " cross- examine ten dollars' worth," as the man put it. lie did cross-examine, and the defendants were all acquitted. Mr. Davis was very fond of attending the courts of Pike County, which he did for many years, scarcely missing a term. He had many friends there, and very often speaks in high terms (if the kindness and hospitality of " little Pike." When oil' duty, and in social intercourse, he was always one of the most interesting and hos- pitable of men, and his home was for many years the centre of the gayety and fashion of the town. When a young man Mr. Davis was appointed deputy attorney-general for the county, and in later life he served several terms as chief burgess of Stroudsburg. In 1868 he was one of the Presidential electors, and was a delegate-at-large to the Constitutional Conven- tion of Pennsylvania, in 1872-73. In politics he was originally a Whig, and continued with that party until it became merged in the Republican party, since which time he has always remained a stanch Re- publican. He was a delegate to the Chicago Convention in 1860, and aided in procuring the nomination of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Davis was married, on the 1 7th of May, 1838, in the city of Philadelphia, to Miss Sophia Heekman, of that city, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Joshua Rogers, then pastor of Trinity Church, Easton, Pa. Four children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. Of the two surviving children, one is Dr. Arthur H. Davis, a practicing physician of Philadelphia, and the other, Mary Alice, intermarried with Rev. Theophilus Heilig, a clergyman of the Lutheran Church, resident in Stroudsburg. Hon. James H. Walton was born in Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa., where he re- ceived his preliminary as well as professional education. He studied law under Peter Wyckoff and William Davis, Esq., and was ad- mitted about 1840. He soon acquired an extensive and lucrative practice, and was for many years closely identified with the business, political and social affairs of the county. Pos- sessed of an easy address and popular manners, a fluent speaker, and of hospitable and genial nature, Mr. Walton was a favorite among the people, and a ready and effective political cam- paigner. Having already filled several minor county offices, and one or more terms as State Senator, he was, in the year 1857, appointed by Presi- dent Buchanan as treasurer of the United States Mint, in Philadelphia, and soon there- after he removed with his family to that city. He continued to discharge the duties of his ap- pointment with fidelity, until a change of administration brought in his successor, when he opened a broker's office, in South Third Street, in partnership with a Mr. Yost, under the firm- name of Walton & Yost. They did a large business for some years. About the year 1869 Mr. Walton returned to Stroudsburg and re- sumed the practice of his profession, which he continued up to the time of his death, in the year 1875. Mr. Walton belonged to a large and in- fluential family, being a son of Dr. William D. Walton, whose numerous desceudants still live in and around Stroudsburg, although the im- mediate family of the subject of this sketch is broken 5 up'and scattered, his wife having died a few years after her husbaud, and his children being now settled in Philadelphia and elsewhere His youngest son, Harry, is a rising young law- yer of Philadelphia, giving much promise of a successful career. Hon. Charlton Burnett was born in Stroudsburg, Pa., on August 31, 1826. He received an academic education, and for some years was engaged in teaching in Pennsylvania MONKOK COUNTY. 997 and New Jersey, subsequent to which he was engaged as a book-keeper in Newbern, N. C. On his return North, in the year 1846, he began reading law with the Hon. William Davis, in Stroudsburg, and pursued his studies under Mr. Davis for the period of four years, and was admitted to the bar of Monroe County in the year 1850. Subsequently he held the office of district attorney and county treasurer of the county of Monroe. In 186(5 he was elected a member of the Senate of Pennsylvania for the term of three years. In 1875 he was again elected to the State Senate, serving as a member of that body dur- ing the years '76, '77 and '78. On the expiration of his second term in the Senate he resumed his practice of the law, which he has pursued to the present time. Rogers L. Burnett, a son of Hon. Charlton Burnett, was born in Stroudsburg, Pa., on October 25, 1856. He received a mili- tary education at the United States Academy at West Point, having been appointed a cadet at this institution, in the year 1874, by the Hon. John B. Storm, member of Congress from this district. Upon leaving West Point, in the year 1878 he began reading law in the office of his father, and on February 28, 1882, was admitted to , practice in the several courts of Monroe Count)-. In November, ^1884, he was elected district attorney of Monroe County, which office he now holds. Stephen Holmes was born near the village of Alfred, the county-seat of York County, Maine, May 16, 1836, and was the youngest of the four children of Stephen and Nancy (Meserve) Holmes. He received a thorough English ed- ucation in the common schools of his native place, supplemented by an academic course at Alfred and at Limerick, in the same county, and at Yarmouth, near Portland, Maine, and at the age of eighteen, having comjjleted his edu- cation, came to Pennsylvania. The next three years were spent in teaching school at different points in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and acting as clerk and book-keeper for different concerns. In May, 1858, he accepted the posi- tion of principal of tin- public schools of Strouds- burg, and, with the exception of one year, has since resided at that place. In the fall of 1858 he entered the office of Hon. S. S. Dreher, then one of the leading practitioners of Monroe County, as a student of law, still continuing to hold his position in connection with the public schools until the spring of 1861. At December Term, I860, having previously passed a satisfactory examination before a committee, composed of William Davis, Esq., of Monroe, Lucius Barnes, Esq., of Pike, and Max Goepp, Esq., of Northampton Counties, he was ad- mitted to practice in the several courts of Monroe County. While engaged in super- intending the schools of the borough, and pur- suing his studies, he also devoted himself quite extensively to literary work as contributor to various periodicals. In the fall of 1861 he en- tered upon the practice of his profession at As- bury, Warren County, New Jersey, but the field not proving a promising one, he returned to Stroudsburg in the fall of 1862, and the year following was elected district attorney of Mon- roe County, continuing to fill that position for three successive terms, until the fall of 1872. In the fall of 1869 he was admitted to prac- tice in the Supreme Court of the State, and at the present time is in the enjoyment of an extended practice in Monroe and adjoining counties. As a lawyer Mr. Holmes has taken high rank in his profession, having been thoroughly fitted by his course of preparatory training for the attainment of its highest rewards. His career as district attorney first manifested to the public the possession of that acumen and fertility of resource so necessary in the incumbent of that office, and displayed to the fullest extent a per- sistency and determination of character that has since marked his career. He is a close and in- dustrious student, preparing his cases with care and system, and neglecting no point that can be brought to bear in behalf of his client's inter- ests. He is a good speaker, putting his points with force and cogency, and seldom failing to interest and hold the attention of the jury. He also occupies a prominent place as a man in the community in which he resides, and freely sup- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA ports and lends his encouragement to all move- ments of a progressive or elevating character. He is a useful member and elder of the Strouds- hurg Presbyterian Church, a member of the board of directors of the Stroudsburg Bank, of which institution he is counsel, and also counsel for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company. In politics he is an earnest ried, in 18(i4, Miss Georgiana Blair, formerly of Hope, N. .1., but more recently of Strouds- burg, Pa., and has three children, namely, Edith May, Frank Blair and Norman Meserve Holmes. Hon. John B. Storm. — Foremost among the favorite children of old Monroe, of the present generation, we may place the subject of supporter of the principles and purposes of the Democratic party, and an influential member of the party organization in Monroe County. He is held in universal respect by the commu- nity with which he has identified himself, and whose confidence he enjoys, and having accom- plished what he has at so early a time in life, has a promising future before him. He mar- tins sketch. Born in Hamilton township, in the year 1838, a farmer's son, his early years were passed in the occupations incident to his position, and presented meagre opportunities for mental culture. By sheer determination and force of character he pressed his way through the preparatory schools, and finally graduated from Dickinson College in the year 1861. MONROE COUNTY. Immediately after graduating Mr. Storm commenced the study of law in the office of Hon. S. S. Dreher, and was admitted to practice in the year 1863. He had before this received the appointment of county superin- tendent of common schools, to fill a vacancy ; and at the next election for that office was elected for the full term of three years, and subsequently re-elected. In the year 1870 he received the Democratic nomination for Con- gress, which was followed by his election to the Forty-second and two years later to the Forty- third Congresses. After serving four years as a member of these bodies he returned to the practice of his profession, which he pursued with great vigor and success until the year 1882, when he was again nominated over dis- tinguished competitors for the Forty-eighth Congress. This nomination was again followed by his election, and again by his re-election in 1884, so that he may now be classed as a veteran in Congress. The course of Mr. Storm in Congress has been conservative and judicious, and although he has not continually thrust himself upon pub- lic attention, his voice, whenever it has been raised on important questions, has commanded respectful consideration. As a public speaker Mr. Storm is possessed of more than ordinary ability, and in debate his efforts will compare favorably with the best of his contemporaries. As a lawyer he has acquired a large and lucra- tive practice and is noted for the zeal and suc- cess with which he conducts trials at the bar. In politics he is an active and enthusiastic Democrat, laboring constantly for the success of his party. He has long been chairman of the Democratic County Committee. As in secular concerns, so Mr. Storm carries the same spirit and vigor into religious matters and the interests of the church. He has long been a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Stroudsburg, and occasionally supplies its pulpit — always with great acceptance. He was married, in 1865, to Miss Harriet Brown, a daughter of Robert Brown, of East Stroudsburg, by whom he has had four chil- dren, three of whom — a daughter and two sons — survive. Lewis M. BursoiN, born July 28, 1822, in Stroud township, Northampton County (now Monroe), reoeived an academic education, com- menced the study of law under John D. Mor- ris, August, 1840, and in September, 1843, was admitted to practice. In June, 1849, he sailed from New York around Cape Horn to Califor- nia and arrived in San Francisco December 20, 1849. While in California he was located most of the time in Humbold County, where he served several terms as district attorney and represented that county in the Legislature in the year 1860. In 1866 he went to Helena, Montana Territory, where he remained about two years and then re- turned to California. In the fall of 1870 he re- turned to Stroudsburg, where he has since resided. Thomas McFall McIlhaney (1823-85), born in Lower Mount Bethel township, North- ampton County, Pa., after serving the county as deputy prothonotary from 1854-57 and pro- thonotary from 1860 to 1878, late in life read law with Hon. Charlton Burnett, of Stroudsburg, and was admitted to practice as an attorney -at-law in 1880. He soon acquired con- sidei'able practice on account of his large ac- quaintance and the implicit confidence reposed in him by his many friends, and continued to labor successfully in his profession until his sudden decease. An extended sketch may be found of him in another chapter. David S. Lee was born in Monroe County, Pa., August 19, 1840; engaged in teaching school at the age of seventeen years ; October 16, 1862, enlisted in the army; was orderly sergeant of Company H, One Hundred and Seventy-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers, and was honorably discharged October 17, 1863, by reason of expiration of term ; was vice-principal of the Mauch Chunk Academy, Carbon County, in the latter part of 1863, and in 1864-65. In 1865 commenced the reading of law at Mauch Chunk, under Hon. M. M. Dimmick. In the latter part of the same year he removed to Stroudsburg, and became prin- cipal of Stroudsburg Academy, which position he held for two years, at the same time continu- ing his legal studies under Hon. C. Burnett. He was admitted to the bar of Monroe County February 28, 1867. 1011(1 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. In 1872 Mr. Lee was elected district attor- ney over numerous competitors, after a spirited canvass, and was subsequently twice re-elected, serving until the fall of 1881. Chari.es B. Staples was born at Strouds- burg, Pa., November 24, 1853, the son of Rich- ard S. and Mary A. Staples; was educated in common and select schools, and fitted for col- lege under a private tutor ; entered Dickinson College in 1870, and graduated in 1874, the second in his class in rank, and bearing the honor of class prophet, and anniversarian of the Belles-Lettres Literary Society. He studied law under William Davis, Esq., and was ad- mitted to practice May 26, 1876. In 1880 Mr. Staples was a delegate to the National I democratic Convention, held in Cincinnati. In 1881 he was elected school director of the bor- ough of Stroudsburg, which office, however, he resigned after serving one year. In 1882 he was a member of the Democratic State Central Committee. On May 14, 1885, he was ap- pointed collector of internal revenue of the Twelfth Pennsylvania District by President Cleveland, and assumed the duties of the office June 8, 1885. Archibald A. Dinsmore is the third child of Thomas H. and Elizabeth M. Dinsmore. He. was born at West Point, Lee County, Iowa, < tatober 30, 1851. In the spring of 1853 his parents removed to Washington, Washington County, Iowa, where they resided until the spring of 1859, and lived subsequently at Vau Rensselaer, Mo., and at other points in that State and in Kansas, where the subject of this sketch received an academic and collegiate edu- cation. In September, 1873, he came to Stroudsburg and taught in the public school until June, 1874, when he became assistant book-keeper for the Tanite Company, where he remained over a year, and then commenced the study of law under Hon. C. Burnett; was admitted to the bar May 26, 1876. In 1877 Mr. Dinsmore was commissioned county superintendent of common schools to till a vacancy. The following year he was elected for the term of three years, and has been since twice re-elected. He was married No- vember 15, 1877, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Hon. Samuel S. Dreher, by whom he has had two children, a son and a daughter. John B. Williams is the oldest son of Jeremiah and Susan Ruth Williams, born at South Sterling, Wayne County, Pa., June 21, 1854; educated in common schools, Hollister- ville Academy, at Hollisterville, and in the State Normal School, at Trenton, N. J. ; com- menced life as a school-teacher, then served several years as a book-keeper and correspond- ent for a glass manufacturing company. He then registered as a student-at-law under A. A. Dinsmore, Esq., and was admitted to practice in December, 1884. He has given some attention to military affairs, and is now captain of Com- pany F, Thirteenth Regiment Pennsylvania National Guards. Henry J. Kotz, born at New Village (now Bangor), Northampton County, Pa., March 4, 1846, is the eldest son of Jeremiah Kotz. He received an academic education at the Mo- ravian School, at Nazareth, Pa., and afterwards graduated at Eastman Commercial College ; studied law under Hon. J. B. Storm, and was admitted to the bar December 16, 1879 ; was elected district attorney in 1881 and served one term. Jos. H. Shull, born August 17, 1848, a son of Elias Shull, of Northampton County, Pa., was educated at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. ; read law under Hon. Charlton Burnett, and was admitted to the bar in the year 1878. Cicero Gearhart, is a son of S. Rees Gear- hart, of Chestnut Hill township, Monroe County, Pa. ; educated at Franklin and Mar- shall College, Lancaster, Pa. ; read law under A. A. Dinsmore, Esq., and was admitted to the bar October 2, 1885. John E. Shull was born August 5, 1846, in Lower Mount Bethel township, Northampton County, Pa., a son of Elias and Margaret Shull ; was educated at Lafayette College and spent some time in teaching ; read law under John A. Nash, Esq., of Pottsville, Pa., and was admitted there in November, 1881 ; removed to Stroudsburg in 1883. There are many more names which ought to grace these pages, — names of former practi- .MONROE COUNTY. doners at this bar, some of whom have removed to other localities, and many more of whom are dead ; names of men who have been promi- nent and honored members of society and a power in their profession, — but our space is lim- ited and will not permit of more extended no- tices. We have aimed to give a list of all who are now in active practice, of all living and re- tired members resident here, together with a few of the best known deceased members. Our work has been done amid the turmoil of pro- fessional engagements, and without that oppor- tunity for care and deliberation which we could have desired, but we have certainly endeavored to deal fairly and impartially with all, living and dead. In the language of an immortal utterance, — " With malice towards none, but with charity for all," — we invoke the spirit of charity from all concerned toward these desul- tory and imperfect sketches. CHAPTER III. MEDICINE AND PHYSICIANS PERSONAL SKETCHES 1 — DENTAL SURGERY. The physicians of Monroe, and formerly of Northampton County, have always been held in high esteem. Some of the oldest and most prominent names of the profession have been included among them. Though there has never been any medical as- sociation organized in the county, the dignity and honor of the profession have been generally of a high standard. A member might occa- sionally act in such a way as to forfeit the con- fidence of his brethren, but he has soon found the necessity to conform to the principles which are requisite for fraternity in such a profession. The healthfulness of the region has been always proverbial. The seekers after health have re- sorted to the glens, hill and dales, and have been generally repaid for the visit. At this time the salubrity is so renowned that scarcely a farm-house which has an extra chamber and which is within accessible distance can be found that is not occupied by " su mmer boarders." The Water Gap was the original place of attraction, By Dr. F. Kuightun. but the overflow affects the whole country to a great extent. The influence, too, of this irrup- tion into our houses is also very perceptible upon the culture of the residents. The differ- ence in the manners, in the mode of expression and iu the choice of words has banished the former rustic uncouthness, and the people who were formerly regarded as " back-woods popu- lation " show a degree of refinement that often surprises. Almost every country home is thus converted into a health invigorating resort, and if it cannot be said that the sojourn among the hills imparts a civilizing influence, it can be truly asserted that it has " softened the rude, and calmed the boisterous mind." Another incidental influence, though per- haps not of a salubrious character, though it may be considered such remotely, is the active religious element that is impressed into many of the country churches. Earnest Christain workers are often among the guests who resort to the different localities, who take a deep in- terest in the undeveloped religious material, and not only invest it with a different life, but impress upon the people the possibility, as well as the luxury, of doing good. Invalids among the strangers are at times numerous, and the salubrity of the climate or the gentle exercise of fishing or hunting, to- gether with the advice of some judicious phy- sician, contribute towards the re-establishmeut of partial health. There have been some in- stances of extreme longevity, as in the case of George Le Bar, elsewhere noticed, and a hale old age is not uncommonly seen on the streets and at the homes in the country. Among the names having more than a local reputation is that of Linderman. The father of the two more distinguished of the name was John J. Linderman, of German descent, who settled in Pike County, where he practiced medicine for more than fifty years. He mar- ried a daughter of Hon. Richard Brodhead and sister of Hon. Richard Brodhead, late Sen- ator from Pennsylvania. Dr. Henry Richard Linderman, son of the above, was born in Lehman township, Pike County, December 26, 182o. After as thorough an academic education as the opportunities af- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. forded, he read aud practiced medicine with his father, having attended the Medical Depart- ment of the University of New York, and the New York Hospital. He remained in the prac- tice of his profession until the year 1845. In the early part of 1851 he removed to Carbon County, where he remained nearly three years. In September, 1853, he was appointed principal clerk in the office of director of the Mint, in Philadelphia. He continued in this position until 1865, acquiring the knowledge of the duties which so fully qualified him for his sub- sequent position. In 1867 he was appointed a director of the Mint, which place he filled two years. In July, 1869, he was selected by the Secretary of the Treasury toexamine the branch Mints and obviate the wastage in smelting gold and silver bullion. He suggested several im- provements, which were adopted in the coinage, and in preparing the act of 1873. In this lat- ter year he was again appointed director and or- ganized what is known as the Mint Bureau. In 1877 he published "Views" on the financial question then occupying the attention of the country, particularly upon the money and legal tender in the United States. He died at Wash- ington, January, 1879, and was buried at Beth- lehem, Pa. Dr. Garrett Brodhead Lindermast, brother of the foregoing, was born October 15, 1829, also in Pike County. He received his academic education in his native county, until he was prepared to enter upon the study of medicine, which he prosecuted under his fath- er's direction, and was graduated in March, 1851, at the University of New York, whence his father and brother had graduated before him. He first settled at Uniouville, Orange Couuty, N. Y., but in 1854 left there for Mauch Chunk. In 1863 he was a partner in the firm of Packer, Linderman & Co., in the East Sugar Loaf Colliery. After 1867 he assumed the agency for the sale of coal in New York, and was instruuiental in the organization of the Lehigh Coal Exchange. In 1870 he removed to Bethlehem, aud in 1872 organized the Lehigh Valley National Bank there, having established the reputation of being one of the soundest and -aost progressive business men in Pennsylvania. Dr. Fraxcis Joseph Smith (Aerts) settled in Stroud township as a physician, and married Elizabeth Brodhead, to whom were born five daughters and a son, — Francis Joseph. Dr. Smith was skillful in his profession and a man well known throughout the Minisink Valley. We give a short sketch penned by himself, — " I was born in Brussels, capital city of the Austrian Netherlands. My true name is Josephus Jacobus Aerts, sou ofZ. B. Aerts, Lord of Opdorp and Ini- merseele. I altered my name in the year 1777, when I proceeded to join the American Army. I would not expect to travel through Europe (as I had to go through France), by that name, without being ex- posed to being arrested by the despotism, either of the Emperatine or that of the daughter — the Queen of France. I took the name of Smith, and my pass- ports both in England and France under it, also my commission from Congress, etc. I was brought up in the Roman Catholic religion, in which I was regu- larty instructed. Having been employed from my youth to a military life, but, at the same time, to the study of all nations, and their histories, possessing the German, Low Dutch, French, English, Italian and a part of the Greek languages, the means of acquiring information were by their aid facilitated. I took, from the age of eighteen, an extreme aversion to despotic and monarchical governmeuts, which, in part, was the occasion of my being made a State prisoner, and confined in irons in a dungeon for six months, when I made a lucky esc ipe from the prison in Tomfels. " I went into Holland, where I took service in order to be protected by the military. Colonel Mans, who commanded the regiment of the Prince of Milburg was my friend, and protected me until his death, when I traveled through the greater part of Europe, until I was suffered to be returned to Brussels. Having endeavored to acquire the knowledge of the religions of all kinds of nations, sects, etc. I am now forty-six or forty-seven years of age, and the result of my inquiries is endorsed in the following lines : " All sects and religions differ with one another, but all agree that there is one God. . . . Ever since 1777 I have lived in America. My parents died in the meauwhile, and, as a Rebel, disinherited me. My brother, Henricus Aerts, Lord of Borm and Op- dorp, invaded my patrimony, which, I think, ought to amount to one hundred thousand florins, if not more. The French Republic, I hope, will keep the Netherlands and do justice to my children, with dis- tinction on an equal basis. My reasons for acting as I have done are best known to myself. To this I would add that if it was not done, I should do it again. However, these reasons are known to some of my friends, who will do me the justice to explain them at a future day, if I should not have time or op- portunity to do it myself. After my decease, I wish MOXROK COUNTY. 1003 these few lines might lie published, if any of my friends shall see cause for it. My desire, further, is to be buried on a separate spot in the woods, and on land claimed by me, without any pump or ceremony ; car- ried by old Continental officers or soldiers, who will be so obliging as to perform that service." Dr.. Abraham Reeves Jackson is a native of Philadelphia, born June 17, 1827. His parents were Washington and Deborah Lee Jackson. After a thorough education in the public schools of that city he was graduated with honor at the Central High School. His first inclination was for civil engineering, but finding it not so congenial to his taste as he had anticipated, he entered the Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, from which he gradu- ated in 1848. His first location was Kresge- vi He, in Monroe County, whence he removed to Columbia, N. J., and thence to Stroudsburg, in December 1849. Here he was engaged in the practice of medicine twenty years, and few have ever been members of the medical fraternity who have attained and deserved a higher reputation. In 1862 he entered the United States Army as contract surgeon, but was shortly appointed assistant medical director of the Arm}' of Virginia. His constant expos- ure to the malarious influences of the climate and camp life brought on an attack of typhoid, which compelled his return to Stroudsburg. Through his exertions was organized the Monroe County Agricultural Society, which was of great utility, and of which he was secre- tary for several years. Those who have read Mark Twain's " Innocents Abroad," will re- member the " Doctor," who gave occasion and richly enjoyed the humor of his stateroom chum. In May, 1870 he removed to Chicago, hav- ing lost his wife, and entered upon what had long been entertained as the most important sphere of his life. He projected and carried into successful operation the establishment of a hospital, exclusively for women. This institu- tion was incorporated September, 1871, and has become one of the most beneficent institutions in the West. In 1872 he was appointed lec- turer on gynaecology in Push Medical College, which position he held for a number of years, and relinquished it only when his extensive practice demanded it. Dr. Jackson is a valued contributor to the best medical journals, and is everywhere rec- ognized as an authority in his favorite depart- ment of the science. Since 1874 he has edited the Chicago Medical Register. He is now president of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Chicago, and also professor of gynae- cology iu the same institution. He is also as- sociate editor of the Independent Practitioner of New York, and of the Western Medical Re- porter of Chicago. In addition to his arduous professional duties, he is fond of literature, and able to indulge his taste in this pastime. He is also a remarkably social person, and a favorite in all society wherever he makes his entrance. He is a religious man, having early connected himself with the Presbyterian Church. Upon the removal of Dr. Jackson from Stroudsburg, he relinquished his practice in favor of his brother, George W. Jackson, who remained in the profession and acquired considerable reputa- tion until a premature demise, in 1877. Philip M. Bush.— In a little hamlet called Marshall's Creek, and about six miles north of Stroudsburg, still lives Dr. Philip M. Bush, at an advanced age, though very active and ener- getic. His family was of Holland origin. The two streams of settlement, viz., that of Holland origin from New Amsterdam following the Hudson or North River, and the English from Philadelphia, following the " South " or Dela- ware/met about Bushkill or Shawnee, and the traces of each are distinctly perceptible to this day. The Bush family, or Bosch, as written by the Hollanders, seems to have crossed over from Esopus or Rondout, on the Hudson, and met the north-moving colonists from Philadel- phia, and settled on the plain about Shawnee. Dr. Bush was born in Stroud township. He studied medicine with Dr. Herring, of Hamil- ton township, then in the county of Northamp- ton. He attended the medical institution of Jefferson College, in Philadelphia, during the winters of 1833 and 1834. He settled at Craig's Meadows immediately upon his leaving the college, and remained till 1838, when he re- moved to his present place of residence. He 1004 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. was chosen to the State Legislature and served in 1847, but refused any subsequent political honors. He has had a large practice, and though over fifty years in the profession, his interest has not waned, but he is still familiar with the litera- ture of the profession. He still visits patients, and is preferred by many of those who know him to any one of younger years. Dr. Horace Bush, son of Philip M., was volume, and Sarah (La Bar) Bush, daughter of George La Bar, a descendant of an old family in Monroe County. The early life of Dr. Bush was passed upon the home-farm, during which time he acquired a portion of his education at the district school, and in attendance at the old Stroudsburg Seminary, taught by Mrs. Lizzie Malvern. He closed his educational course at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa. In 0U.fa born at Marshall's Creek ; and was graduated at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, in 1875. He practiced medicine at East Stroudsburg, in partnership with his brother for a time, when he removed to Wyalusing, Bradford County, where he still resides. Dr. Lewis Bush was born June 3, 1848, on his father's homestead at Marshall's Creek, Smithfield township, Monroe County. His parents were Dr. Philip M. Bush, whose life and ancestry are elsewhere written of in this 18139 he commenced the study of medicine with his father, and subsequently attended lectures at the Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medi- cine in 1872. That same year he located in practice at the Delaware Water Gap, where he remained only a few months, and then estab- lished himself at East Stroudsburg, where he has since continued in the active and successful practice of his professiou. In April, 1883, he MONKOE COUNTY. 10(15 admitted to partnership with him Dr. Irvine R. Bush, also a graduate of Jefferson Medical College in the class of 1883, the present firm being known as Drs. L. & I. R. Bush, and enjoying a wide and extended practice. Dr. Bush is recognized as one of the most progressive and public-spirited citizens of East Stroudsburg, and is identified closely with the development of the varied interests of the place. He has always taken deep interest in the schools at Millersville, Pa., in the spring of 1879. He began the study of medicine under his brother, Lewis Bush, in the fall of 1879. He began his course of medical lectures and study in the University of Michigan in 1880, and continued it in the Jefferson Medical College, at Philadel- phia, graduating thence in the spring of 1883. He has since resided in East Stroudsburg and practices in connection with his brother. Dr. C. M. Broxxell is a native of Central {£&> jM^t^ of the borough and served as a director for three years, and as secretary of the school board for the past two years. He is the owner of the rink and other real estate in East Stroudsburg, contributes freely to church and other worthy institutions, and is justly popular among his fellow-citizens. He married, in 1874, Anna Louisa, daughter of Joseph Huntsberger, of Centreville, Northampton County, Pa. Dr. I. R. Bush was born at Shawnee, April 14, 1859; entered the State Normal School New York, and was graduated at the Homoeo- pathic Medical School, in Philadelphia, in 1883. The removal of Dr. Dungan left a vacancy which he has ably supplied, and he is working himself into what is called a good practice. Dr. Cicero Brodhead, the son of Luke W. Brodhead, of Delaware Water Gap, was born November 13, 1852. He studied medicine with Dr. A. Reeves Jackson and was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in the spring of 1875. During his brief professional life he 1000 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. V eudeared himself greatly to the community, and died February, 1884. Dr. M. G. Lesh was bom iu Hamilton township and attended the common schools near his father's home. He entered the State Normal School at Kutztown, where he passed the term of 18(37-68. He was a teacher in the district schools of the county six years. He entered the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, where he was graduated in 1873. He attended also a post-graduate course at the same institution one year. After three and a half years' practice in other com- munities he settled in East Stroudsburg in 1877. His reputation as a physician is proven by the fact that during the short time he has been in practice he has had no less than nine students whom he has directed into the mysteries of the profession. Dr. James Hollinshead, one of the old- est practitioners of the county which was after- wards called Monroe, was born in Philadelphia December 31, 1768, being the eleventh in a family of thirteen children. He was educated in his native city so as to qualify himself for teaching, which he entered upon at Salem, N. J., where he engaged in the study of medicine and was graduated at the University of Penn- sylvania. He removed to Stroudsburg about the year 1792 and lived on the Posten farm, about a mile north of what is now East Stroudsburg. He practiced here about eighteen years and estab- lished a reputation as a person of more than ordinary skill, being frequently the preferred consulting physician in critical or serious cases till near the close of his life. He was appointed a justice of the peace soon after his settlement in the county, in which capacity he acted for many years. Dr. Hollinshead was of a very social dispo- sition, cheerful and inclined to mirthfulness. He favored all religious denominations impar- tially, and when no opportunity for attendance upon his preferred choice occurred he was al- ways an attendant upon the Quaker meetings. He was highly respected and married into the Stroud family. He died near Stroudsburg March 31, 1831. Do. Frank Hollinshead, grandson of the above, was born at Stroudsburg June 6, 1826. He studied medicine under the direction of Dr. W. P. Vail and was graduated at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania April, 1848. He settled at Richmond, Northampton County, Pa., almost immediately upon graduation, where he re- mained till 1854, when he returned to Strouds- burg, and after two years of languishing illness he died December 24, 1856. Dr. N. C. E. Guth was born May 2, 1850, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh County, Pa., received his academic education at Millers- ville State Normal School and professional edu- cation at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was graduated March, 1873. His first settlement was at Perkasie, Bucks County, where he remained till October, 1876. He then removed to Gilbert's, Monroe County, where he has since resided. Besides the calls of his pro- fession Dr. Guth is an active and efficient worker in Sunday-schools and all agencies of a beneficent character. Dr. J. F. Lesh was born in Hamilton town- ship and attended the common school of his district. He also attended the University of Pennsylvania in 1876. Soon after leaving the university he was appointed resident physician of the State Hospital at Harrisburg, which he occupied one year. He was settled for a short time at Weisport, and for one and a half years at Sand Cut, also at East Stroudsburg one year. He is now a professor in an institution in Kan- sas. Dr. Amzi Le Bar, son of J. Depue Le Bar, and his wife, Sarah Ann (Bush) Le Bar, was born in the township of Pahaquarry, Warren County, New Jersey, November 16, 1842. When six years of age his father removed to his native township of Smithfield, where the Le Bar family settled at a very early period, as will be seen elsewhere in this volume, and there the boyhood of the doctor was passed. He at- tended the district school of the township, where he derived the rudiments of an English educa- tion, and until 1862 assisted his father in his business of tanning, lumbering and store-keep- ing, and engaged in school-teaching. That year he enlisted in Company G, one hundred and forty- MONROE COUNTY. second Pennsylvania Volunteers, as orderly-ser- geant, and served in the army in behalf of the Union cause until July 3, 1863, when he was discharged because of disability resulting from fever, having attained the rank of second lieu- tenant. For some time after his discharge he was sick at home, and it was the fall of 1864 before he regained his health. He then travel- ed for a few months in Wisconsin and Iowa, and taught school at Shawnee in the winter of 1864. in the fall of 1867 located in the practice of his profession at Elmer, in South New Jersey, where he remained until February, 1868. He then located in Ashley, Pa., in what is now Luzerne County, and engaged in practice there until November, 1871, when he removed to East Stroudsburg, Monroe County. In the spring of 1874 he established himself at Stroudsburg, the county-seat of Monroe Coun- ty, where he has since remained in the enjoy- ment of a large and successful practice. In July, In the spring of 1865 he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. H. R. Barnes, for- merly of Allentown, Pa., but then practicing at Shawnee, and in the fall of that year began at- tending lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he enjoyed the benefits of three courses, including two in the summer season, and was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1867. After graduation he remained for still another lecture season, and 1880, he purchased the old Hollinshead drug- store on Main Street, and is now devoting his chief attention to the large business which he has secured there, chiefly limiting his profes- sional work to office practice, though not alto- gether refusing to go outside to visit his regular patients. His practice includes all the branches of medical treatment prescribed by the profes- sion, and has not been limited to any specialty, although in the department of obstetrics his ex- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. perience has been extensive and successful. He occupies a leading social position in Strouds- burg, and is one of the progressive and enter- prising citizens of the place. He has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since he- was eighteen years of age, and takes an active part in connection with church work in Strouds- burg, being superintendent of the Sabbath- school at the present writing. He married, in 1868, Marietta, daughter of Samuel Bush, de- ceased of Shawnee, and has children,— John Clyde and Mary Le Bar. Thomas W. Loweree resided in Stroudsburg from 1870 to 1872, more for the recuperation of his own health than for the practice of his pro- fession. Dr. S. S. Levering was born November 3, 1839, received his academical education at Wy- oming Seminary and at the age of seventeen began the study of medicine. In 1859 he com- menced practicing in connection with his father. In 1863 he located himself in Pleasant Valley, where he remained eight years, when lie re- moved to Brodheadsville. In this place he was engaged in active practice till November, 1884, the time of his death. He was a man widely known and of considerable skill in his profes- sion. George W. Seip, for the brief period that he resided in Stroudsburg, left a reputation for activity that is seldom acquired after a much longer time. He first settled in Tannersville March 14, 1862, and moved to Stroudsburg May 15, 1866, where he remained till October, 1874, when he removed to Philadelphia. He is now at Reading, connected with the Eye and Ear Infirmary of that city. William H. Seip, brother of the above, settled at Tannersville in the spring of 1859, but removed to Bath in a short time, where he still resides. J. Anson Singer settled at Brodheadsville in the spring of 1883 ; was graduated at the Uni- versity of the City of New York just pre- vious. Several doctors have for a short time settled at Delaware Water Gap, but the proximity to Stroudsburg seems to have given the invalids there a preference for the established physicians of Stroudsburg, so that their stay has been very brief. Joseph B. Shaw, however, lias prolonged his residence there until he seems to have made it his local habitation. Dr. Shaw was born at Cape May City, N. J., September 17, 1845. His father, being a sea-captain, removed to Phila- delphia, which gave the son au opportunity to attend the schools there. After his academic education he passed four years in a drug-store and graduated from the College of Pharmacy in 1866. He then established himself in the same business at Darby, Pa. During this time he studied medicine with his brother-in-law and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1877. In 1879 he removed to Delaware Water Gap, and has succeeded in fixing himself there permanently. Dr. Joseph H. Shull is a descendant in the fourth generation of Elias Shull, who resided at an early period in the western portion of North- ampton County, Pa. The family is of German origin, but the exact time of their emigration to this country is not known. Philip, son of Elias and grandfather of Dr. Shull, originally resided at what was known as the " Dutch Set- tlement," in Northampton County. He married Margaret Bryant, of English descent, and had a family of children, of whom Elias was the father of Dr. Shull. His wife was Margaret Eakin, a representative of an old Scotch-Irish family, and to them were born five children, of whom the subject of this sketch was second. The others are John E. Shull, principal of the borough schools of Stroudsburg ; Jennie, wife of Peter Ross, of Bangor, Pa. ; Philip, a far- mer in Union County, Pa. ; Samuel Eakin, principal of the schools at South Easton ; and Elias, engaged in the printing business in Cleve- land, O. Dr. Shull's father was a farmer, a member of the State Legislature from North- ampton County. Dr. Shull was born at Martin's Creek, North- ampton County, Pa., August 17, 1848. His earliest education was derived at the district school at that place, and was followed by a special course of study under his uncle, Alex- ander S. Shull, and at Blairstown Academy, N. J., under A. A. Stevens, principal. He sub- sequently entered Lafayette College, Easton, in MONROE COUNTY. the class of 1873, but did not complete the cur- riculum. After a year at college life he engaged in teaching in Eastern, and began the study of medicine with Dr. Q. E. Snyder, continuing with Dr. Traill Green, of Easton. He then attended medical lectures at the Long Island Hospital College for a term, but subsequently entered Bellevue Hospital College, New York City, where he completed his medical educa- successful and continuous practice in Strouds- burg since the period of his location there. He is recognized as one of the most skillful and re- liable practitioners of Monroe County, and his services and medical knowledge are in constant demand. He is one of the most energetic and studious citizens of Stroudsburg, and is con- stantly adding to his store of knowledge and ex- tending the sphere of his usefulness. Having tion and was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in February, 1873. Immediately after graduating he began prac- tice in the hospital connected with the college, and remained there nine months. Late in the year 1873 he returned to Stroudsburg, Pa., and entered upon the active practice of his profes- sion. With the exception of the absence of a few months in 1874, during which time he traveled in the West and South, he has been in been called as an expert witness to testify in several important cases in the courts of Monroe and Northampton Counties, he formed the idea of acquiring the legal profession also, and after two years of special preparation in the office of Colonel Charlton Burnett, of Stroudsburg, was duly admitted to the bar of Monroe County in 1877, after a satisfactory examination. He was thus one of the few men in the State who is a member of both the legal and medical profes- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. sious. He has engaged in the practice of law to some extent, but is chiefly occupied at the present writing in the practice of medicine and in looking after various business enterprises with which he is identified. He is largely in- terested in the development of the slate interests of Northampton County, and part owner of the Monroe Democrat, of Stroudsburg. He is an ardent supporter of the principles and policy of the Democratic party, and one of the leaders in that organization in Monroe County. He is the presiding officer of Barger Lodge, No. 325, F. and A. M., of Stroudsburg, a mem- ber of Martin's Creek Lodge, I. O. O. F., and connected with other organizations and enter- prises calculated to promote the material or so- cial prosperity of the community in which he resides. He married, May 1, 1873, Miss M. V. Flory, of Bangor, Pa., and has three chil- dren, — Claude, Samuel and Lucille Shull. Dr. F. W. Sopeb succeeded Dr. J.W. Flick in practice in 1884 in Stroudsburg, where he remained till November, 1885, and removed to Philadelphia. Dr. Samuel Stokes came to Stroudsburg from Bucks County about 1820. He first as- sociated with his practice the business of an apothecary, there being no supplies of that kind obtainable nearer than Easton. He grad- ually made it his business, and with the inter- mission of three years at Kellcrsville, resided in Stroudsburg until his death, in 1858. Dr. Stokes' residence and place of business was that now occupied by Hon. S. S. Dreher. Dr. W. E. Gregory was graduated in medi- cine in the spring of 1877, and selected Scioto as a place of settlement. He is at present a member of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Dr. E. Grewer was graduated at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in the spring of 1873. His first settlement was at Maple Grove, near Bushkill, in 1878. With the interruption of about one year, he has resided there until the present time. Dr. Grewer has acquired quite a reputation for skill in surgery. Dr. W. J. Gulick removed to Stroudsburg in July, 1881, and is acquiring an extensive practice. The name of Grattan became one of the most celebrated of the last century. In the person of Henry Grattan the world enjoyed oratory almost equal to that of Demosthenes. The lines of Lord Byron will be remembered, — " With all that Demosthenes wanted, endowed, And his rival or master in all he possessed." Thos. Grattan, a grandson of Henry, was born in Parsontown, County Kings, Ireland, June 23, 1796. He was educated in Dublin, where he passed a full collegiate course in the arts, and upon graduation turned his attention to the study of medicine. Under the direction of his uncle, he became assistant in an infirmary. His marriage, in 1816, led to a rupture with his uncle, and he emigrated to America. He set- tled in the northern part of the county now Monroe and later near Marshall's Falls. His practice in Ireland gave him remarkable skill as a surgeon, which he exhibited on several critical occasions, and is said to have never left a patient crippled. His rare exhibition of skill in his profession rendered him a distin- guished person in all other respects. His gen- erous nature, stimulated, perhaps, by familiarity with the lowly and the pauper population in his native land, induced him to never neglect a call for the service he could so effectively reu- der. Regardless of his own comfort and ap- parently of his own health, he was attentive to every applicant. Thus Dr. Grattan lived and labored till April 12, 1864, when he died at the age of nearly sixty-eight. Another of the name, Matthew George Grattan, was born in Ireland May 6, 1818, and was brought to America when only three months old. His parents came and settled in Smithfield, while his medical education was pursued at Geneva, N. Y. He returned to Smithfield and entered upon the duties of his profession, which he pur- sued only a short time, as he died January 25, 1849. His talents were of a superior order and his character unblemished. Monroe Coun- ty feels a just pride in having adopted them. Dr. George H. Rhoads was born in Huntingdon Valley, Pa., January 9, 1857. He obtained an education chiefly in the public schools of Philadelphia, supplemented by an MONROE COUNTY. 1011 academical course at Wilmington, Del. He was graduated in medicine at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, in the class of 1879, and selected Tobyhauna as a field tor medical practice, with a fair prospect of success. Dr. J. W. Flick is a native of Germany ; was graduated at one of the medical schools in Philadelphia in 1879. His preparatory studies were pursued at Dover, Del. His settlement in Stroudsburg was followed by unusual success. Desirous of doing still better, he removed to Scranton in 1881, whence, after a few months, he removed to Honeoye Falls, N. Y. Dr. Samuel L. Foulke was born iu the vicinity of Stroudsburg, graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1874, but has confined his attention principally to a drug-store. Dr. George W. DrxciAX, a native of the western part of the county, settled in Strouds- burg, June, 1876, and remained until 1884, when he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His practice was homoeop- athy, and after his first Conference appointment at Tannersville, he still continued the practice of medicine at Stroudsburg, until his removal from the county. Dr. Nathaniel C. Miller, a son of Philip Miller, of Stroudsburg, and grand.son of the late Charles Miller, of Monroe County, and also of Hon. Jacob Cope, of Northampton County, was born in 1848. He began the study of medicine at the early age of sixteen, with Dr. A. R. Jackson, and was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania iu 1870. He has been in active practice ever since his gradua- tion. As a surgeon, he has performed some remarkable operations, specifically, by amputa- tion at the shoulder joint and of the arm above the elbow. He holds high rank as a physician and surgeon in the town and county, and is a contributor to the medical journals. Dr. Simon E. Miller, born in Stroud town- ship, 1848, also read medicine with Dr. A. R. Jackson, and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1870 ; practiced in Monroe County ten years, when he removed to Wiscon- sin, where he at present resides. ■ The name of Walton many years ago was prominent in the medical professon, and has been perpetuated to the third generation with distinction and renown. Dr. William Davis Walton was born at North Wales, Montgomery County, Pa., December 24, 1781, and received his medical education at the University of Pennsylvania. He soon after settled at Stroudsburg, where he was engaged in active practice till November 18, 1863, the time of his death. Dr. Sydenham Walton, son of William D., was educated at the University of Pennsyl- vania in 1833, and, in connection with his father and uncle, divided the practice of the town and county. He was highly esteemed as a citizen and physician. He was born April 30, 1812, and died June 3, 1873. Dr. Charles Jenkins Walton, son of William D., was born at Stroudsburg Septem- ber 8, 1815, was graduated at the Geneva Medical College, and practiced till May 22, 1856, the time of his death. Dr. Davis D., son of William D., was born October 12, 1822, graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, and practices still in Strouds- burg, where he fir.st commenced his profession. Dr. William Palmer Walton, son of Davis D., was born October 6, 1817, and was educated at Geneva Medical College. He prac- ticed in connection with his father to the time of his death, in 1880. Dr. Thi imas Carey Walton, son of Syden- ham, was born in Stroudsburg in 1854, studied medicine under the direction of his uncle, Davis D., was graduated at the University of Penn- sylvania in 1878, and settled in Stroudsburg as the third generation of the Walton family. He finds constant employment in the duties of his profession, and sustains well the reputation of the family name. Dr. J. P. Mutchler, a native of Warren County, N. J., studied medicine under the direc- tion of Dr. Amzi Le Bar, with whom he was associated in practice for a year, and at present with Dr. J. H. Shall. He graduated in 1875. Dr. Charles Vail, a native of New Jer- sey, was settled in Stroudsburg before the organization of the present county. He had a large practice and was a successful physician. He died about 1836. mi: WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Dr. William P. Vail, brother of Charles, succeeded him at his death, and was also highly esteemed in his profession and as an earnest Christian gentleman. He removed about 1848 to Johnsonsburg, Warren County, K. J., where he resided about twenty-five years. He now re- sides at Roselle, N. J. Dr. Jackson Lantz. 1 — At an early period of our colonial history the ancestor of the Lantz family, of Sussex County, N. J., emi- the homestead where he lived and died, in 1827, in his eighty-fourth year. His wife, Mary, reached her eighty-seventh year. The family name has different spellings, according to locality : Lance, Lants, Lents and Lantz, the last being probably the correct one. Jacob Lantz married and had born to him three sons and six daughters, who lived to maturity, namely, — George, Peter, Jacob, Mar- garet, Anna, Mary, Sophia, Eliza and Barbara. ^~&/2tyfea^>*- 7- grated from the province of Alsace, Germany. Jacob Lantz was born in Germany in 1741, and settled on his Hampton farm (now known as the Dunn farm), situated between Newton and Washingtonville, Sussex County, N. J., about 1759. He added other acres to his possessions, at one time owning the present site of Washingtonville. But the Dunn farm was 1 For early history of dental surgery, the reader is re- ferred to page 218, this volume. The daughters were married as follows : Mar- garet to Peter L. Struble; Anna to Peter Smith ; Mary to William Snook ; Sophia to Peter Heudershot; Eliza to John Anderson ; Barbara to Antone Longcore. The sons also married and settled in their native county, with the exception of Peter, who finally located in Bradford County, Pa., where he raised a family consisting of two sous and four daughters. Jacob settled at Andover, X. J., and had five MONROE COUNTY. 1013 children, namely, — David, George N., Mary, Catharine and Eliza. George, the eldest son of the second generation, and grandfather of the subject of this sketch, married Catherine Hand, and about 1790 settled in Frankford township, on a farm now owned and resided on by his son William, located about seven miles northeast of Newton, where he died. The laud was mostly a forest; but industry, energized by a laudable desire for competence, soon trans- formed the forest into good farm land, and the price of his labor being high and land compara- tively low, he soon greatly added to his posses- sions, and at his death was the owner of five or six farms. The result of his marriage with Catherine Hand was ten children (seven sons and three daughters), namely, — Maria, Jacob, Peter, George, John, Susan Ann, Robert, William, Martha, David H., all of whom married and settled in their native county, except Robert, who located in Yates County, near Penn Yan, N. Y., married a Miss Baily and raised a large family. George Lantz died August 27, 1847, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. A few years before his wife, Catharine, had died, in the seventy-third year of her age. Jacob Lantz, the ancestor, and his three sous were in the Revolutionary War, Jacob at an early date and his sons at a later period. Ad- jutant-General Stryker's published reports and rosters of the soldiers from Sussex County, N. J., state that George and Peter Lantz served as privates, and a Sergeant Lantz, whose given name is not stated, is recorded in one of Pay- master Gaston's reports of the date of 1780. George Lantz was drafted in the War of 181 2, but peace beiug soon after declared, he saw no service. In 1829, Peter Lantz, the father of the. sub- ject of this sketch, married Margaret, a daugh- ter of David Demarest, a thrifty farmer residing in Frankford township (now Lafay- ette), Sussex County, N. J., about six miles northeast of Newton. On the death of Mr. Demarest, in 1825, his farm fell to two of his sons, — Cornelius and Gelliam, — afterward, by purchase, to Cornelius alone, and subsequently, at his death, to Joel C, who owns and now re- sides on the same. The family name, which is spelled in three different ways, — " Demarest," " Demorest," " Demerest," — is of Huguenot extraction. Parts of the family originally settled in New York and in Canada. During the War of 1812 they warmly espoused their respective sides of the contest. Friendly, and frequently exchanging visits, each side knew that his country was in the right. The family, in that war, gave a general to the Canadian army, and captains and lieutenants to the American army. Peter, immediately after his marriage, set- tled on one of his father's farrus and devoted his attention to farming. In due time he had born to him eight children, — seven sons and one daughter, — whose names were David A. t Jackson, William H., John W., Martha Ann, George W., James W. and Peter W., all of whom lived to maturity, except William H., who died July 30, 1850, aged sixteen, and Mar- tha Ann and Peter W., who died in infancy. David W. settled in Hightstown, Mercer County, N. J. ; John W. and James W. in Brooklyn, Iowa ; and George W. in Waverly, N. Y. John W. and George W. each served three years in the Union army, in the late Re- bellion. Peter Lantz died in Hightstown, at the resi- dence of his eldest son, David A., October 7, 1877, in his seventy-second year. His wife, Margaret, died at Lafayette, N. J., in 1867, in her fifty-eighth year. The earlier years of Dr. Jackson Lantz were passed upon his father's farm, and his educa- tional attainments were governed necessarily,, to a great degree, by the facilities afforded at district schools. To the educational acquire- ments of his earlier days, however, he subse- quently greatly added, by judicious private study and investigation. In August, 1885, he received a diploma from the Chautauqua, Literary and Scientific Circle, as a graduated member, having pursued the prescribed four years' course of study and passed a satisfactory examination, being the first graduate of Monroe County from that institution. In 1850, in his nineteenth vear, after learn- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ing the art of daguerreotyping, he purchased a complete establishment (the art of portrait-mak- ing by solar light having been but recently in- vented by the celebrated Frenchman, Da- guerre), and commenced the duties of life by following the portrait-making business, which he continued for over two years, throughout the northern section of New Jersey and the contigu- ous territory of New York and Pennsylvania. During that time he also engaged in the study of dental science, under the direction of Dr. John J. Case (now of Newton, N. J.), and com- pleted his course on plate-work with Drs. Wil- cox and Sproull, of New York City. In Sep- tember, 1852, having received a thorough pre- paratory training, he established himself as a practitioner of dentistry at Stroudsburg, Pa., where he has since enjoyed a large and success- ful practice. His work is of a general charac- ter, including all the branches of dental science and mechanical skill connected with the profes- sion, of which he is au assiduous student, and in regard to the development of which he keeps himself thoroughly informed. Since taking up his residence in Stroudsburg, Dr. Lantz has identified himself closely with the business interests of the place. In connec- tion with Colonel Burnett and Thomas A. Bell, he assisted in organizing the Monroe Banking Company, in 18G8, which, after a time, merged into the Monroe County Banking and Savings Company, and finally became, under new or- ganization, the First National Bank of Strouds- burg. He is the largest owner of the stock of the Stroudsburg Street Railway Company, and is also largely interested in the affairs of the Van Fleet Fruit-Jar Company, he being half-owner of the patent. He is en- gaged extensively in blue-stone flagging, at Henryville, and owns two quarries at that place. He served as a member of the School Board of Stroudsburg, for seven years ; is a member of the Stroudsburg Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he has also been officially connect- ed ; has been, for over twenty-five years, a faithful Sabbath-school teacher, and, one term, assistant superintendent. He is one of the trusted and esteemed residents of the place in which he has established his home. It was during his term of office as chief burgess that the lower part of the town, including a part of Main Street, was carried away by the freshet of 1869. To meet the contingency, the members of the Town Council became personally re- sponsible for the payment of a portion of some fifteen thousand dollars of indebtedness, which was subsequently legalized by act of the Legis- lature and assumed by the town authorities, and the necessary repairs were thereby promptly undertaken and pushed to a speedy conclusion. In this instance, as well as in that of the flag- ging of the street-crossings, as well as in other public positions, the influence and executive skill of Dr. Lantz were strongly and favorably exerted. In addition to the offices already re- ferred to, he served several years as borough audi- tor, six years as notary public and eleven years, consecutively, as secretary to Town Council. Though born and bred a Democrat, the doc- tor was among the first to join the Republicans when the questions agitating the country led to the formation of that party, in 1856. He served several years as chairman of the County Repub- lican Committee, and, as a member of the State Central Committee, was delegate on several occasions to State Conventions, and alternate to the National Convention in 1878. Though most firmly believing in the princi- ples of the Republican party, he could not resist the temptation, in 1872, to partly stray from the Republican fold, and stepping aside, worked and voted for the success to the Presidency of Horace Greeley, at whose feet, so to speak, the doctor had sat for more than twenty years, drinking in the political principles and policy as taught by the New York Tribune. But when that campaign was over, and Mr. Greeley so overwhelmingly defeated, the doctor's firmly- fixed principles led him straight back to the Republican camp. He married, May 18, 1882, Susan E., daugh- ter of the late William Angle, formerly of Sus- sex County, New Jersey, but finally of Smith- field, Pa., and stepdaughter of Nicholas Ruster, of Stroudsburg. Mrs. Lantz is a lady of culture and refinement, and received a diploma from the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle at the same time as her husband. .MONROE COUNTY. CHAPTER IV. EDUCATION IN M( >.\T!< »E ('< UNTY. ' No records exist concerning the earliest schools of Monroe County. That there were schools within the region now comprising the county long prior to the Revolution seems altogether probable when oue reflects that there were settlements along the Delaware River early in the eighteenth century, but no docu- mentary proof of those primitive educational establishments remains, and no one has been able to fix an exact date of the building of a school-house prior to 1810. The earliest school of which any one appears to have any recollec- tion, says Mr. Morey, was the oue on Keever's Hill, in Stroud township, on the public road leading from Stroudsburg to the Wind Gap, and outside of the present borough limits. The citizens chiefly instrumental in building this school-house were Daniel Stroud, John Stroud and Mr. Hollinshead. It was a log structure, built after the model of the log houses of those days. The first teacher M*as a Mr. Curtis. He gave instruction only in the ordinary English branches. This was prior to the year 1800, but the exact date cannot be given. In the year mentioned, or possibly a little earlier or later, the school was moved to a stone building within the present borough limits, situated where Greene Street now is, on a lot adjoining the Friends' Meeting-House. The first teachers in the borough of Strouds- burg were Nathaniel and Mary Waters. Mr. Gum mere (the author of Gummere's Surveying), his brother-in-law, Mr. McVaugh, Dr. Herring and a number of others were teachers at either the old log school-house or the school held in the stone building. At Hamilton Square, in Hamilton township, :i school was in successful operation about the year 1800. The building in which it was held was also a log structure. About the same time a school was organized 1 In 1ST", Mr. B. F. Mo»ey contributed to the State School Commissioners' Report an outline of the educational development of Monroe County, and that contribution forms t lie greater part of the chapter here given. in Middle Smithfield, under the direction of the Coolbaughs and Overfields, in an old log dwell- ing-house. Pupils came to this, as to the other early schools, from a distance of five or six miles. In Chestnut Hill township, the first school- house was built at Pleasant Valley about 1810. It was a double house, and the teacher and his family lived in one-half", while the school was held in the other. The first teacher is said to have been oue Katz. He was succeeded by Frederick Stiner or Sthiner, a native of Ger- many, who taught about fifteen years, and then gave place to Isaac Grover. Instruction was given both in English and Germau. Another school was established at Keller's Mills, about the same time as the one at Pleasant Valley. By 1810 or 1812 there were several schools within the limits of what became, in 1815, the borough of Stroudsburg. In 181b' the main school was moved from the building, which stood in Greene Street, to one on the same street, on the opposite side of Main Street. For the building of this house four hundred dollars were appropriated by the State. The structure is still standing, though dilapidated and abandoned. It was used as the place for holding the principal school of the town, a " mixed " school until the academy was built, after which none but female pupils were receiv- ed there. The Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist congregations worshipped in this build- ing at various periods, before they secured other places of meeting. The first school was organized in Pocono, about seventy years ago, in a spring-house, sit- uated in Tannersville, near where the upper ho- tel now is. The teacher for a long term of years was John Anglemouyer. In Jackson the first school-house was built in 1827, at Jackson Corners. John D. Frailey, who lived to be upwards of ninety years of age, was the first teacher here. Another house was built in 1829 at Singerville, and a school was held in it by John Possinger. In both of these schools German, as well as English, was em- ployed as the medium of imparting instruction. The first school in Ross township was a Ger- man school, taught bv a Mr. Keener. 1016 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. " In all, or nearly all, of these early schools," says Mr. Morey, " instruction was imparted in but few branches, and in some cases it was thought sufficient for the girls if they learned to read. In the western part of the county the schools were either entirely taught in German, or at best in German and English. The schools were entirely supported by subscription, and sary for the pupils to travel a distance of four or five miles, owing to the fact that in a few districts the people live quite distant from one another. Although all the districts have not complied with the terms of the school law in the past, yet this year (1877) all will, I be- lieve, have five months school." In 1884 the condition of the schools was as follows : "3 o -a m 1 SCHOLARS. 1 o 5 o S « RECEIPTS. DISTRICTS. O J o 5 o c t 3 p. Is H 1. Barrett 2. Chestnut Hill.... 3. Coolbaugh 4. Eldred 6 13 6 7 15 5 4 8 8 3 5 6 13 6 7 15 6 4 8 8 3 5 126 262 162 127 280 117 92 135 164 31 115 207 111 246 133 132 96 35 30 117 215 141 93 195 112 80 136 140 26 75 1S7 117 178 128 147 67 38 32 $840.57 1,554.64 700.35 714.74 2,341.96 1,055.29 367.45 777.63 1,079.05 182.00 573.98 2,637.01 1,206.70 2.14S.21 3,968.42 L.070.59 577.19 280.48 218.79 $215.04 $S62.04 291.84 1,959.01 207.36 , 945.31 200.71 | 921.25 407.81 j 2,711.45 157.19 1.326.53 $1,017.05 1,893.16 1,286.12 954.01 5. Hamilton 2,711.45 1,341.97 145.92 202.75 220.40 594.19 1,070.88 1,299.45 116.98 651.48 2,735.32 1,651.29 3,415.66 15,156.53 1,478.15 835.50 370.49 448.39 542.43 974.82 9. Polk 1,237.30 202.82 158.21 327.93 281.86 312.57 453.12 214.27 157.44 73.73 55.30 717.91 12. Bmithfield 13. Smithfield, M.... 14. Stroud 12 j 12 10 10 12 13 7 i 8 5 1 6 5 1 5 3 3 1 1 3,195.56 1,655.96 3,107.18 15. Stroudsburg 16. Stroudsburg, E... 17. Tobyhanna 18. Tunkhaunock ... 19. Union (Ind.) 7,310.76 1.470.05 808.48 547.42 285.31 135 139 2,601 2,224 $22,295.05 $4,083.45 $38,549.90 $31,259.76 but very few poor children were returned. No schools were founded by churches, or in the in- terest of any denomination. The school term was in most cases but three months. "Since 1844," continues the gentleman from whom we have quoted, " the growth of the school system in this county has not been as great as it should have been. Although all of the districts have accepted the terms of the act of Assembly, establishing common schools; yet, unless the State will give more aid to the poorer districts, the results, for some time to come, cannot be much greater. Some of the districts had no schools before this period, but now all the children of the county have school advan- tages. In some distant localities it is yet neces- Concerning teachers, County School Superin- tendent A. A. Dinsmore, in his report for 1884, says, — " Considered as a whole, the corps of teachers for this year has been the most satisfactory in my ex- perience. There has been more zealous, earnest work, more inquiries after new and improved methods of instruction, and our teachers are becoming more generally interested in school literature, a majority of them being subscribers for weekly or monthly journals. We have one hundred and thirty-four teachers, of whom there are ninety-four males and forty females. Of the whole number, thirty-six had no previous experience, while but forty-five had taught more than five years. Our old teachers are steadily dropping out, but we are getting some ex- cellent material in their places. The salaries were increased in some districts, but still they are so low MONROE COUNTY. L01" that our 'touchers have little to prompt them to do good work, hut a sense of duty and a desire to be useful." ACADEMIES. — Under the provisions of an act, an academy was built at Stroudsburg many years ago to serve Monroe County as a higher educational institution. A dispute as to the part of the town in which the building should be located was turned to good advantage. Some of the citizens were in favor of building the academy on a hill on the north side of the town, while the rest were inclined to favor the level tract at the base of the hill. A vote for trustees was taken, each voter paying five dollars, and it resulted in favor of building on the hill, which was then called Academy Hill — a name which still clings to it. In this way funds were raised for building. Some of the citizens took such a deep interest in the success of their favorite location as to pay the required five dollars for such voters as were too poor to pay it for themselves. The amount furnished by the State was two thousand dollars, with which sum the building was erected. Only one other academy was built in the county. In 1854 Rev. Mr. Howell, a Presby- terian minister, came to the Delaware Water ( rap and succeeded in building a church there. I le then conceived the idea of erecting an acad- emy at that place, and with characteristic energy, at once went to work, and in 1855 opened a school in the finest school building then in the county. In 1862 he sold the build- ing to Samuel Alsop (the author of several mathematical works), who conducted a school there for a short time — less than a year — and then converted the building into a hotel. An effort was made by Mr. Schoedler, a Ger- man Reformed clergyman, to establish a Normal School at Brodheadsville in 1870. He proposed to call it the Wickersham German- English Normal School. His effort failed, but an institute, which he held there, resulted in much benefit to the teachers of the county. In 1874 another Normal School was projected, for which Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg were proposed, in turn, as locations, but the period being an unpropitious one, this effort, like Mr. Sehoedler's failed. The County Supekintendency. — In 1854, after the law had been passed creating the office of county superintendent, an election was held, which resulted in Hon. Charlton Burnett's receiving a plurality vote. The law, however, required a majority vote to elect, and Mr. Burnett not having this, an appointment became necessary, whereupon Mr. Curtin, then Secretary of State, appointed to the office C. S. Detrich. He served eight and three-quarter years, resigning in 1862. Hon. J. B. Storm was appointed to fill the vacancy and served until 1869. In that year R. \Y. Swink was elected, but the election having been contested, Jere Fruttcbey was appointed by state superin- tendent Wickersham. He served six years, and during that period the salary of the office was fixed at one thousand dollars per year. In 1875 B. F. Morey was elected and served until September, 1877, when he resigned to take charge of the Stroudsburg schools, and A. A. Dinsmore was appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to fill the vacancy. He has held the office ever since and is the present incumbent. A curious fact concerning those who have filled the office in Monroe County is this : that all have been appointed at first ex- cept Mr. Morey. CHAPTER V. HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. Thirty-third Regiment (Fourth Re- serve). — The companies comprising the Fourth Regiment were recruited, one from eacli of the counties of Chester, Monroe, Montgomery, Ly- coming and Susquehanna. The companies were ordered to rendezvous at the camp at Easton. General McCall, who had been ap- pointed to command the division, visited the camp on the 14th of June, and gave orders for its voluntary organization. The following field officers were elected for the Fourth- Regi- ment: Robert G. March, colonel; John F. Gaul, lieutenant-colonel ; and Robert M. Mc- Clure, major. The regiment was clothed and equipped at the camp near Easton in -Inly. It 1018 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. was ordered to Harrisburg, encamping at Camp Curtin, where it remained until July 21, when, in compliance with orders from Washington, it moved to Baltimore and encamped at Carroll Hill, reporting to General Dix. A few days later it moved to Stewart's Mansion, on Balti- more Street, where it remained on duty until the last of August, when it was ordered to the gen- eral camp for the Reserves at Tenallvtown. On the 1st of October, Colonel March resigned and was succeeded by Albert L. Magilton, lieutenant-colonel of the Second Reserves. Upon the organization of the division, the Fourth was assigned to the Second Brigade, commanded by General Meade. On the 9th of October the division broke camp at Tenallv- town and encamped in line with the Army of the Potomac near Laugley. In the brilliant little victory achieved at Dranesville on the 20th of December, the Second Brigade was held in reserve ; but, upon the opening of the tight, marched rapidly to its support, arriving too late, however, to be engaged. In the general move- ment towards Manassas, in March, the Fourth moved to Hunter's Mills, returning to Alexan- dria, where it encamped and remained till or- dered to Catlett's Station. Upon the departure of McClellan for the Peninsula, the Reserves, constituting a part of the First Corps, were or- dered to concentrate at Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg. They were then detached from McDowell's corps. They were ordered to pro- ceed to White House, on the Pamunky, and form a junction with McClellan's army. The Fourth Regiment arrived at Mechanicsville, June 23d. On the 26th a severe battle was fought by the Reserves, on the line of Beaver Dam Creek, in which the enemy was repulsed with great slaughter. In this engagement the Fourth was held in reserve. The following day the rebel army, sixty thousand strong, attacked the single corps of Fitz-John Porter. In this en- gagement McCall's division was held in reserve until afternoon, when it was ordered in. The Fourth Regiment, commanded by Colonel Ma- gilton, supported Duryea's Zouaves, and, driving the enemy from the woods, moved to the sup- port of Colonel Sickel, whose regiment was en- gaged in a bloody and terrific contest. Before the Fourth could come up the Third had re- pulsed the enemy, and Colonel Magilton was ordered to the extreme left. Soon after going into action there his regiment was over- whelmed, driven back, and becoming detached, was forced to cross the Chickahominy to Smith's division to escape being captured. Retiring from the Chickahominy, the Army of the Potomac wended its way toward the James. At Charles City Cross-Roads the Reserves were drawn up across the New Market road to resist any attack from the direction of Richmond. On the 30th of June, the enemy having massed its forces in their immediate fronts, attacked at half-past two p.m. The fourth was posted in the front line, on the right, in support of Ran- dall's battery. Says General McCall, in his official report, " The most determined charge of the day was made upon Randall's battery by a full brigade with a wild recklessness that I never saw equaled. A somewhat similar charge had, as I have stated, been previously made on Cooper's and Kern's batteries by single regi- ments, without success, the rebels having been driven back with heavy loss. A like result ap- pears to have been anticipated by Randall's company, and the Fourth Regiment (as was subsequently reported to me) was requested not to advance between the guns, as I had ordered, as it interfered with the cannoneers, but to let the battery deal with them. " Its gallant commander did not doubt, I am satisfied, his ability to repel the attack, and his guns fairly opened lanes in the advancing host; but the enemy, unchecked, closed up his shat- tered ranks and came in. It was here," says McCall, "my fortune to witness, between those of my men who stood their ground and rebels who advanced, one of the fiercest bayonet fights that ever occurred upon this continent. I saw skulls crushed by the heavy blow of the butt of the musket, and, in short, the desperate thrusts and parries of a life and death encounter, proving, indeed, that Greek had met Greek, when the Alabama boy fell upon t lie son of Pennsyl- vania." The casualties in the Fourth Regiment, during the seven days of battle, were upwards of two hundred. From Malvern Hill the Re- serve- marched with the army to Harrison'i MONROE COUNTY. 1019 Landing, until summoned to support Pope on the Rapidan. Mel 'all having resigned, thecom- maud was given to General John F. Reynolds, under whom it marched to the plains of Ma- nassas, and was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run. The loss in this to the Fourth was one killed and eleven wounded. The regiment next met the enemy at South Mountain. Colonel Magilton assumed command of the Second Brigade; Major Nyce, that of the regi- ment. The Fourth lost in this engagement live men killed and twenty-five wounded. From South Mountain the Reserves moved through Boonsboro', and, crossing Autietam Creek, opened the battle on the evening of the Kith of September, where the Fourth was in advance. The Fourth lost in this engagement five killed, forty wounded and missing. In the battle of Fredericksburg, which was fought December 1,3th, the Fourth participated and held the right of the second line. The Fourth lost in this engagement two killed, thirty-four wounded and four missing. Among the wound- ed was Lieutenant-Colonel Woolworth, com- manding the regiment. Soon after the battle of Fredericksburg, Colonel Magilton resigned, and Richard H. Woolworth, major of the Third Regiment, was promoted to fill the va- cancy. On the 8th of July, 1863, the Reserves were ordered to the defences of Washington to rest and recruit. Here the Fourth remained until the 6th of -January, 1864, when, in com- pany with the Third, it was ordered to do duty in West Virginia. The Third was commanded by Major William Briner, the Fourth by Lieu- tenant-Colonel T. F. B. Tapper, the whole un- der Colonel Woolworth. The detachment per- formed picket duty from January 7th till the 28th. On the latter date it was ordered to take cars for transportation and was halted at New Creek. The exigency which called the Third and Fourth to this spot appeared to have passed, and they pitched their tents on the north branch of the Potomac. On the 10th of Feb- ruary the Third Regiment was transported to Martinsburg. The Fourth followed in a few days. In February the Fourth was moved to Kearneysville, on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road, to perform picket duty, until March 27th, when they were moved to Harper's Ferry, and performed picket duty at Harper's Ferry till April 3d. At that date the Third and Fourth were again sent westward to Grafton, two hun- dred miles from Harper's Ferry, and on the 22d of April started for Parkersburg, where they were transferred to steamboats down the Ohio to the mouth of the Great Kanawha, thence up the river to Brownstown. General George ( 'rook had command of the troops con- centrating in the Kanawha Valley. Immedi- ately after landing at Brownstown, General Crook placed Colonel Siekel in command of the Third Brigade, composed of the Third and Fourth Reserves and the Eleventh and Fif- teenth West Virginia Regiments. The Fourth was commanded by Colonel P. H. Woolworth. On Saturday morning, April 30th, the Third Brigade started from Brownstown and marched up Kanawha Valley. On the morning of May 2d, the command started from Great Falls for the village of Fayette, the extreme out- post held by the Union forces ; the brigade of infantry and battery on duty there were added to General Crook's command. The design of the expedition was to strike the Virginia and Tennes- see Railroad at Wytheville and Dublin, destroy it and thus co-operate with the Army of the Potomac, cutting the main artery which fur-' nished supplies for Lee's army. On the 6th of May the advance had a lively skirmish with the Sixtieth Virginia, at Prineetown. During the next two days the command made a forced march, crossed the East River Mountain, passed through Rocky Gap, and moved through Walk- er's Valley. On the 8th Shannon's bridge was gained. On the morning of the 9th the command passed through the Gap. When the summit was gained the position of the enemy was discovered, an engagement took place and resulted in the rout of the enemy. The loss in this engagement was one hundred and seven killed, five hundred wounded and twenty mis- sing. The two Reserve regiments, numbering from five to six hundred, had from seveuty-five to one hundred killed and wounded. Chaplain Pomeroy buried the remains of Colonel Wool- worth, who fell mortally wounded at the head of his regiment, underneath a locust-tree, near 102(1 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. by the stream over which the regiment charged. Captain Lenhart was wounded early in the en- gagement. On the morning of the 10th, Gen- eral Crook's command pushed on across New River. New River was crossed on the night of the 1 0th at Pepper's Ferry. On the 1 1th the command marched in the rain during the day and reached Blacksburg in the afternoon. < )n the following day the march was pursued to the summit of Salt Pond Mountain. May 15, the command reached Union, county seat of Monroe County, and on the evening of the 16th, Greenbrier River. On the 19th of May the command halted at Beadow Bluff, in Fayette County. By the time it reached this point some of the men were suffering terribly from hunger, and no less than three hundred were without soles to their shoes. On May 22d, General Sickel's brigade was ordered to Millville, near Louisburg. While here, their term of service having expired, the Third and Fourth Regi- ments received orders to return to Pennsylvania, to be mustered out. Arriving at Philadelphia on Wednesday, June 8th, they were mustered out of service, the Fourth on the 17th of June. Thirty-third Regiment (Fourth Reserves), Company F. — This company was mustered in June 11, 1861, and mustered out June 17, 1864. Officers. — George B. Kellar, J. W. Shoemaker, Enoch S. C. Horn, Nathan C. Davis, John Nyce, John W. Burnett, George D. Hufford, John S. Huflbrd, Samuel R. Bossard, Anson R. Keller, Jacob Slutter, Michael F. < Jaffey. Privates. — Peter J. Rupert, Josiah Smith, J. An- drew Haney, Philip Altemus, Andrew A. Neal, Thom- as A. H. Knox, Jacob T. Keller, Anthony Albert, Andrew Albert, Christopher Bogart, John H. Betz, Jerome Bender, T. A. D. Coleman, Joseph M. Cristal, Elias Compton, Aaron Culberson, Franklin Culber- son, B. F. Christman, Peter A. Gruber, Wm. W. Gor- den, Titus Harp, Florian Hille, Charles Hagenuan, Augustus Kester, C. Krunkmocker, George W. Kess- ler, Andrew Learn, Paul Myers, Abraham B. Miller, Emanuel Miller, John McDermot, Christian Nahr, David Price, Mathias , Ferdinand Renz, Charles Rust, Albert Schook, Stewart Schook, Thomas Serfass, Mathias P. Shaf'er, John Staley, Jonas Sitzer, John Shatter, Henry B. Sitzer, George W. Sitzer, Jerome Sitzer, John Sober, William K. Tidd, Samuel Van Busskirk, Allied Vanaken, Jas. S. White, Abel T. Wal- rathj George Woodling, William Walton, Henry M. Walrath, George Williams, George Wolfe, W. H.A. ^Vaguer, William H. Warner, Joseph H. Weisse. Sixty-seventh Regiment. — On the 27th of July, 1861, John F. Staunton, of Philadel- phia, received authority from the Secretary of War to recruit a regiment. A camp was estab- lished at Camac's Woods, near the city, and re- cruiting was immediately commenced in various part soft he State. The first company was raised in Carbon County, and was mustered into the ser- vice on the 28th of August. Owing to the be- lief that widely prevailed that no more troops would be needed, the progress was slow, and the companies were not all in camp and the or- ganization perfected until the spring of 1862. The men were principally recruited from the counties of Monroe, Carbon, Wayne, Jefferson, Schuylkill, Indiana, Westmoreland, Luzerne, Northampton and Philadelphia. The field and staff officers were John F. Staun- ton, colonel ; Horace B. Burnham, lieutenant- colonel ; Harry White, major ; John F. Young, adjutant; Thomas P. Parker, quartermaster; Robert Barr, surgeon ; James W. Pettinos, as- sistant surgeon ; Edward C. Ambler, chaplain. Thomas F. Corson subsequently joined as as- sistant surgeon. On the 3d of April, 1862, the regiment moved by rail to Baltimore, and thence to Annapolis, Md., where it relieved the Elev- enth Pennsylvania. It was employed in guard- ing the Branch Railroad, in performing provost guard duty in the city, and special duties in different parts of Eastern Maryland. In Feb- ruary, 186.3, the Sixty-seventh, numbering nine hundred men, proceeded to Harper's Ferry, doing guard duty for a few weeks. It was then trans ferred to Berryville, where it formed the Third Brigade of General Milroy's command. The headquarters was at Winchester, and the force under him was charged with holding the rebels in check and protecting the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. " Late in March," says Milroy, in his official report, " in pursuance of an order issued upon my own suggestion, I stationed the Third Brigade of my division, consisting of the Sixth Regiment Maryland Volunteer Infantry, Sixty- seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer In- fantry, First Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry and the Baltimore Battery, at Berry- ville, Colonel McReynolds, of the First New York Cavalry, commanding. My instructions MONKOK COUNTY. to Colonel McReynolds were to keep open our communications with Harper's Ferry, and to watch the passes of the Blue Ridge, with the exception of expeditions across the Shenandoah for the purpose of breaking up the haunts of Mosby's men. Little of note occurred while here. " On the evening of Friday, the 12th of June, Colonel Staunton, who had been at Winchester, returned with the intelligence that the enemy in large force was moving down the valley, and was then but a few miles distant. Orders were soon received from General Milroy to hold the command in readiness to retire at a concerted signal, and reinforce him at Winchester. On Saturday morning, at a few minutes before eight o'clock, the cavalry patrol on the Front Royal road reported the enemy advancing in force. "Deeming it advisable to unite the command as speedily as possible, the signal was given for Colonel McReynolds to move. As his van- guard left the town, the advance of the enemy appeared in sight. After a long and fatiguing inarch the command reached Winchester at ten p.m. The tired troops had scarcely thrown themselves on the wet ground for rest, when they were again put in motion. The Sixty- seventh was, at daylight of Sunday, ordered into the rifle-pits encircling the Star Fort, a mile and a half north of Winchester. " There are three ranges of hills on the north of Winchester. The first range was occupied by three forts. The Star Fort was intermediate, and was held by the Third Brigade, under Colonel McReynolds. During Sunday, long masses of the enemy were seen moving north- ward, and it was apparent to all that it was a part of the main body of the enemy, and be- fore evening the small command of General Milroy would be completely surrounded. Gen- eral Lee having quietly broken camp upon the Rappahannock, the isolated command of Gen- eral Milroy was the first obstacle he encoun- tered. About four o'clock the enemy opened upon the two principal forts. At a council of war during the night it was decided to evacu- ate. At a little before noon, when only four miles from Winchester, a large body of the enemy was encountered, which immediately opened a heavy fire. Again and again the troops, led by Genera] Milroy in person, charged his well-supported guns, and succeeded in cap- turing some of his pieces, but were not able to hold them; with fresh troops, in overpowering numbers, he drove back our forces, render- ing any attempts to break his line futile. At the opening of the engagement the Sixty-sev- enth and Sixth Maryland were deployed to the right. Scarcely had they advanced three-quar- ters of a mile in this direction, when they found themselves in the very midst of the enemy. A severe engagement ensued, in which the little force made a gallant but hopeless defence. The Sixty-seventh, which was in the advance, find- ing itself completely overpowered, and surround- ed on all sides by masses of the enemy, was obliged to give up the contest and surrender. The fragment of the Sixty-seventh which es- caped capture was reorganized at Harper's Fer- ry, and, with the rest of Milroy 's command, was formed in two brigades, which subsequently became the Third Division of the Third Corps. The regiment, with this division, was engaged in fortifying Maryland Heights until the 30th of June, when, the works having been disman- tled, the ordnance and stores were shipped to Washington, General Elliott's brigade, to which the Sixty-seventh belonged, acting as a guard. It arrived on the 4th. From Washington the division joined the Army of the Potomac at Fredericksburg. In the campaign which fol- lowed, during the fall and winter of 1863, the regiment shared the fortunes of the Third Corps. During the winter a large portion of the men re-enlisted, but so many had originally joined the regiment at a late date that there were not a sufficient number eligible to re-enlistment to entitle it to a veteran furlough. General Meade, however, in consideration of the fact that nearly all who were eligible had done so, permitted the veterans to be furloughed in a body, and to take their arms with them. The remainder of the regiment, consisting of about two hundred men, being left without officers, was temporarily attached to the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Pennsylvania. The veterans, numbering three hundred and fifty, accompanied by their offi- cers, departed for Philadelphia. Attheexpira- 11(22 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tion of the thirty days' furlough they returned to Washington, and were ordered to report to Genera] Abercrombie, at Belle Plain. Colonel Staunton was then placed in command of a reg- iment of cavalry and a battery, in addition to his own, and directed to proceed to the White House, where he arrived early in June, and the Sixty-seventh was retained for duty at this post. In the operations of the army under General Wright, which lasted duringthe summer, through Northern Virginia and Maryland, the regiment participated. In the early part of September, Colonel Staunton and Captain Berry being now out of service, and Lieutenant-Colonel Burn- ham having been discharged at the expiration of his term, to accept the rank of major in the regular army, the command of the regiment devolved upon Adjutant John F.Young. From the 15th of June, 1864, the regiment was with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign until the close of the year, when, with the corps, it- was ordered to rejoin the army in front of Peters- burg in the subsequent operations of the corps, including the final campaign, which ended at Appomattox Court-House on the 19th of April, 1865. After the surrender of Lee the regiment marched with a part of the army to Danville, near the North Carolina border, where Johnson was still in command of a large rebel force. After his capitulation it returned to the neigh- borhood of Washington, and on the 14th of July, 1865, was mustered out of service. Company D.— This company was mustered out July 14, 1865. Officers. — Captains, George K. Stuller, Samuel Barry, Frank A. Hubbell; First Lieutenants, Charles L. Edmonds, William H. Altemus ; Second Lieuten- ants, Robert Thompson, Franklin Stout; First Ser- geant, William Good ; Sergeants, Abraham C. Barry, William H. Stubbs, William P. Levers, George H. Benson, Barnet Snyder, Joseph Cramer, Emanuel Mast; Corporals, Henry Little, Charles Yetter, Levi Goung, Robert Daily, Alvin P. Edmond, Samuel Hardy, George Levers, Reuben F. Gerhardt, George Bartholomew, Matthew MeCutchon, George T. Mor- row, Jessie Siglin, Peter Hinkle; Musicians, Jacob Stone, Drake Halleck. Privates. — Andrew Allison, Martin Arnold, Azor Addison, Samuel Belcher, Benjamin Boyer, John F. Barry, Andrew Blacksmith, Reuben Burger, Davjd Brotzman, Peter A. Bender, John Burners, John L. Gallery, Andrew J. Correll, Geo. Crause, Geo. I lleren ger, Daniel Cobet, Wm. Correll, Jos. Cramer, Hiram Culler, Henry Collier, Alfred Coffin, Samuel Cutler. John 0. Duncan, Daniel Decker, William Dehaven, Benjamin Dehaven, John Diel, Emanuel Dickinson, Theodore Downs, Philip Engle, Jacob Engle, T. G. W. Edmond, Alexander Everett, John Fretts, Henry Flyte, Andrew Feiker, Benedick Gehring, John (ireenwalt, Peter Hartraan, George Hause, William H. Harris, Jr., David Handylong, Andrew Hardy, Thomas H. Hall, Alexander Hitchman, Isaac llein- line, Samuel Heller, Levi Howell, Jeremy M. Har- mon, Conrad Hammond, Gottfried Ingeli, William Irwin, Abraham Jacobs, John Jennings, William II. Jennings, John W. Kilsby, Uriah Kelley, Henry Earns, Joseph Kollor, Andrew Kintz, Samuel Kearn, Richard Kresge, Paul L. Kemerer, Myram M. Knowles, George W. Larcon, Albert Leming, George Lertenberger, John Leschen, Jacob Lautier, George Lanigan, John Loner, John M. Lessig, John Line- burrv, Lawrence Laod, Jervis Lockard, John I. Meix- all, Israel Mitzger, Christopher Moyer, Charles Mark- man, John Morris, William Mee, John Minton, Patrick Malone, Peter Murray, Francis Moloy, Amos W. Marsh, James T. Merrihue, Samuel McCutcheoa, William G. McCartney, John McGee, George Mc- Grath, John Nevier, Isaac Nogle, Henry Nofster, John R. Owens, JamesS. Prosser, Andrew Piece, Abra- ham Resb, Thomas Ryan, William H. Radciff, Lewis Ruth, Edwin Rees, Josiah Ruth, Samuel Ruth, Peter B. Snyder, William Smith, John Swam- bank, John M. Stubbs, Leonard Shook, Michael Soder, Daniel Smith, John Sims, Samuel Singer, Joseph Shoemaker, Jacob B. Setzer, John F. Stiner, John Shingle, Peter Sobens, Percival Stam, George Schwab, Simon B. Seglin, William Seglin, Joseph A. Stubbs, Peter Supers, Morrow B. Beaton, Robert Shel- ton, Leander B. Short, Charles Short, Edward F. Stan- ton, Samuel T. Turner, Christian Truly, Samuel Trout, Gasper Williams, Christopher Wood, George H. Walters, Peter E. Wolfe, Daniel Wolfe, Burton Winter, Thomas Watts, Stephen Woolsey, Henry H . Weiss, William Werkbiser. Sixty-seventh Regiment, Company G. — Mustered in February 21, 1862, and mustered out August 5, 1862. Officers. — Captains, Joseph Altemus, Peter Marsh ; First Lieutenants, Aaron Kresge, Thomas Madden ; Second Lieutenants, Francis F. Young, Jacob An- drews ; Sergeants, Charles F. Cramer, William L. Brouch, Samuel Rinker, John H. Bellis, William R. Black, Franklin Altemus, John D. Newhart ; Cor- porals, John H. Eyer, James Lindsay, Amos Kresge, Jacob Staple, Lewis Ruth, William H. Smith, Ed- ward Marsh, Justice Woombacker, Samuel Altemus, Henry Kemmerling, George Klintop, William Grat- tin, Henrv Butts, Johnson Miller. MONROE COUNTY. 1023 Frivaies. — Elias Altemus, Conrad Aul, John Alte- mus, Henry Arnold, Henry Beahler, Reuben Burger, William Belcher, Michael Burkhoeder, Jacob Boro- man, Henry Beers, John P. Bennett, Jacob C. Bash, John F. Bloom, John Bender, John Burger, James Bentley, Jacob Fenner, George Fisher, Edward Ful- len, Aaron Flyte, Hiram Ferrier, John Fenner, Henry Flyte, Hiram Frantz, John Gross, TheodoreF. Hal- lock, Ferdinand Hartig, Henry Hoodmaker, Leonard Hiller, Samuel E. Hoyt, Samue! K. Johnson, Solomon Kresge, Samuel W. Curry, John Cooper, Lcti Correll, William Christman, John Correll, John Hotter, Jam- son Dougherty, Peter Drexter, Thomas Dehaven, Ben- jamin Eschen bach, Ernest Emmel, Peter Engle, Jona- than Eberhart, Adam Elfner, J. S. Eschenbach, William Frantz, Michael Kresge, Emanuel Kresge, Levi Kresge, James Kresge, Isaac Knapp, Lawrence Lava, Michael Little, John P. Lincoln, Gaines La- mont, Peter Leddy, Joseph Lininger, William Long, Edward Mekell, Daniel Miller, Uriah Moore, William Mills, Martin Murray, William R. Miller, Marshall Miller, Edward Mintzer, Daniel H. Miller, < (scar W. Mertz, Charles Manghan, Amos S. Miller, Andrew F. Miller, Reuben Mabus. John Marcul, Jonas Miller, George Macling, William J. Miller, John Murphy, Charles Mitchell, Michael McDonoug, P. T. McCon- aughty, David MeKinney, Harman McAfoos, James McDonald, Dennis McGee, Edward Nevil, William S. Nelson, John H. Nupp, Henry Osterling, John D. Parmenter, Andrejv Price, John H. Price, Noah Pace, Nathan Rouch, Damas Rick, C. W. Redeuour, Francis Rutlinger, George A. Rarlerty, John Rees, Armoriah Reed, Caleb Rinker, Charles Randall, Jo- seph Reprogle, Myram Rumles, William Reghard, John A. Smith, Daniel Stout, James L. Smith, Jacob Speelman, John Smith, John A. Seiler, Joseph F. Smith, Edward Setzer, Elias Scott, Stewart Shupp, William Shenburger, Joseph Schock, Joseph Swain- bank, Joseph A. Stubbs, Peter Sobers, Jacob Starrier, John Small, John Stout, Matthew J. Steen, William Bandt, Peter Transue, James H. Tock, Joseph Turn- bull, George L. Vanhorn, Simon Wyant, John Wil- son, Conrad Wineman, Benjamin Washburn, Wil- liam H. White, Jonathan Williams, Allen N. Work, Wallace Whitesell, William Whipple, Charles Zum- keller. One Hundred and Forty-second Regi- ment. — The One Hundred and Forty-second Regiment was made up of three companies from Somerset County, and one from each of the counties of Westmoreland, Mercer, Monroe, Venango, Luzerne, Fayette and Union, the last-named being Company F, of which the original commanding officer was Captain John A. Owens. The regimental rendezvous was at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, where the companies were mustered into the service as they arrived dur- ing the month of August, 1862. On the 1st of September the organization of the regiment was effected, under the following-named field offi- cers : Colonel, Robert P. Cummings, of Somer- set County; Lieutenant-Colonel, Alfred M. Mc- Calmont, of Venango ; Major, John Bradley, of Luzerne. Within two days from the time the organization was completed the regiment moved to Washington, D. O, where it was first em- ployed in the construction of fortifications for the defense of the city. In the latter part of September it was moved to Frederick, Md., where it remained a few weeks, and early in October it marched to Warrenton, Ya., it hav- ing been assigned to duty in the Second Brig- ade, Third Division (the Pennsylvania Reserves) of the First Corps. From Warrenton it moved to Brooks' Station, on the Richmond, Freder- icksburg and Potomac Railroad. The men of the regiment first smelt the smoke of battle at Fredericksburg, on the 13th of De- cember. The Reserve Division formed a part of General Franklin's grand division, and at noon on the 12th crossed the Rappahannock, and took up a position for tlic night along the river-bank. Early on the following morning the division crossed the ravine which cuts the plain nearly parallel with the river, and formed in line of battle. The One Hundred and For- ty-second Regiment was deployed on the left of the division, supporting a battery. Finally the order was given to charge, and the regiment went forward with a cheer, but was met by a fusilade so deadly that its advance was checked. "rCxposed to a destructive fire, from which the rest of the brigade was shielded, it could only await destruction, without the privilege of re- turning it, and with no prospect of gaining an advantage ; but with a nerve which veterans might envy, it heroically maintained its position till ordered to retire. Out of five hundred and fifty men who stood in well-ordered ranks in the morning, two hundred and fifty in one brief hour were stricken down. After this disastrous charge the division fell back to the position west of the ravine which it had occupied on the previous day, where it remained until, with the 1024 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. army, it crossed the river on the night of the 15th, and two days alter went into winter-quar- ters near Belle Plain Landing." ' In February, 1863, the regiment, with the Reserves, were sent to the defence of Washing- ton, and remained there till late in April, when it again moved to the Rappahannock. During the progress of the great battle of Chancellors- ville, which occurred a few days later, it was held in readiness for service, and remained for many hours under a heavy artillery fire, but did not become actually engaged. After the battle it recrossed the river with the army, and reoccu- pied its old camp near the Rappahannock until the advance of the army to Gettysburg. In that great conflict the regimeut fought with con- spicuous bravery on the 1st and 3d of July, not being called into action, but held in reserve during the struggle of the 2d. Its losses in the entire battle were one hundred and forty- one killed and wounded and eighty-four missing (most of whom were made prisoners) — a total of two hundred and twenty-five. Among the wounded were Colonel Cummins and Cap- tain Charles R. Evans, of the Union County company, and Lieutenant Andrew G. Tucker, of the same company, the wounds of the colonel and Lieutenant Tucker both proving to be mortal. During the remainder of the year 1863 the regiment took part in the general movements of tlir army (including the advance against the en- emy's strong position at Mine Run), but was not actively engaged in battle. Its winter-quar- ters were made near Culpeper, Va. On the 1th of May, 18(54, it left its winter- quarters and moved across the Rapidan on the campaign of the Wilderness. At noon on the 5th it became hotly engaged, and fought with determination, holding its ground stubbornly until near night, when it was forced to retire. Its losses were heavy. On the 6th it again saw heavy fighting along the line of the Gordons- ville road. On the 7th it moved to Laurel Hill, and held position there until the 13th, when it moved to Spottsvlvania Court-House. There it remained a week, throwing up defenses, and a great part of the time under heavy artillery fire. On the 21st it again moved on, and in its advance southward fought at North Anna, Bethesda Church and Tolopotomoy, arriving at Cold Harbor on the 6th of June. Moving thence across the Chickahominy to the James, it crossed that river on the 16th and took posi- tion in front of Petersburg. Its first fight there was on the 18th, on which occasion it succeeded in dislodging the enemy in its front, and held the ground thus gained. It took part in two actions on the line of the Weldon Railroad, also in that at Peebles' Farm (September 30th), and others during the operations of the summer and fall. On the 6th of February, 1865, it fought and suffered considerable loss in the action of Dabney's Mills. Breaking its winter camp on the 30th of March, it participated in the assault on the ene- mv's works on the Boydton plank-road, and again fought at Five Forks on the 1st of April, suffering severe loss. Eight days later General Lee surrendered at Appomattox, and the brig- ade of which the One Hundred and Forty-sec- ond formed a part moved to Burkesville Sta- tion as a guard to stores and other property cap- tured from the enemy. After a stay of two weeks at Burkesville the regiment was ordered to Petersburg, and moving thence by way of Richmond to Washington, D. O, was there mustered out of service on the 29th of May, 1865. COMPANY (J. — This company was mustered in August 31, 1862, and mustered out May 29, 1865, except when otherwise specified. Officer*. — Captains, William K. Haviland, Cicero II. Drake; First Lieutenants, Charles P. Orvis, B. T. Huntsman ; First Sergeants. Josiah Heekman, Amzi Labar, Jacob F. William ; Sergeants, Aaron Smith, Levi C. Drake, John It. Miller; Corporals, Jackson Eberitt, Justus Gunble, Ed. Brancles, James Con- nelly, Theodore Feemer, Jervis Ney, John B. Law- rence (nine.), Silas Hanna (mue.) Privates. — James D. Arnst, Daniel Amic, Elijah Blowers, Peter Benson, Linford D. Belli-, Lewis I'.el- lis, James Bradshaw, Edwin Bureh, Amos Belles, John Compton, Daniel Countryman, William T. Crock, Philip D.Connolly, Elmer H. Delong, Wil- liam D. Develt, Edwin R. Eberitt, Balser Feller, James Frable, Jeffrey Fenner, Edwin R. Gearhart, Amos Gan'iss, James Hoover, Moses llowey, Amos Howey, James Hull', Benjamin Hull, Joseph I'. Hickman, Joseph L. Jaggers, Jacob Knecht, Stew- MONROE COUNTY. art Kresge, Joseph Kresge, Henry Kneeht, David H. Meeker, John Metz, Abraham B. Marsh, Thomas W. Neauman, Charles Neauman, Al- bert Overleigh, Philip Roro, Joseph Rinker, C. F. Shinerling, John Small, Omer B. Smith, George Smith, Jr., Ephraim Stein, Thomas Strunk, Elijah Strunk, Thomas Smiley, Henry Shafer, Henry Slut- ter, Charles Terry, Ananias Transue, George W. Transue, Jerome Tittle, William H. Vanrohy, Charles B. Wallace, Jacob Woolbert, Thomas Woolbert, James Wilson, William F. Wells, Charles S. White, Jacob T. Woolbert, One Hundred and Seventy-sixth Regi- ment, Nine Months' Service (Drafted Mil- itia). — Of this regiment several companies were from Lehigh County and the remaining three from Monroe. They rendezvoused at Philadel phia in November, 18b'2, and a regimental or- ganization was effected with the following field officers : Ambrose A. Lechter, colonel ; George Peekingtou, lieutenant-colonel ; Win. Schoon- over, major. Soon after its organization the regiment was sent to Norfolk, Va., where for a month it was subjected to careful instruction and discipline. The regiment was selected to accompany General Foster in his expedition for the reinforcement of the army operating upon the defences of Charleston. Proceeding to Newbern, N. G, it was incorporated with Fos- ter's forces, and on the 27th of January, 1863, set sail, arriving at Hilton Head on the 5th of February. While in the Department of the South the regiment was not engaged in any hostile operations, but was principally employed in fatigue duty upon the fortification and in provost duty. Soon after the expiration of its term of duty it returned North and was sent to Philadelphia, where, on the 17th and 18th of August, it was mustered out of service. Following are the rosters of the Monroe companies of the regiment: COMPANY C. — This company was mustered in November 3, 1862, and mustered out August is, 1863. Officers. — Captain, Chas. W. Warwick; First Lieu- tenant, William M. Loder; Second Lieutenant, L. Smith ; First Sergeant, Wm. B. Thompson ; Sergeants, Simon Flory, Lewis Long, Stephen D. Compton, Chas. Hallett, Joseph T. Walton, Geo. N. Dreher, William Schoonover, Marion W. Rhoads; Corporals, Morris H. Strouss, James Saeger, Samuel S. Lee, Samuel Warner, Amos Anglemoyer, Charles Gillespie, Ervin Coffman, Daniel Bush, M. R. Mus- sleman. Privates. — Davis Anglemoyer, Nelson Besbmy, William Buckley, Levi S. Belles, Oliver Bruch, John Belles, Harvey B. Burch, Nelson Bush, Geo. Barry, Simon B. Coslar, John Coolbaugh, Benjamin Depue, Alphs. B. Dunham, Valentine Erbach, John E. Edes, A. Eylenberger, Jesse Froal, Charles Freder- ick, Thomas J. Fish, Joseph H. Gougher, Chas. Graw, Augustus Graw, Mason Garress, George S. Gruber, Jacob F. Heller, Maurice Henry, John D. Heller, S. Hoenshied, Theodore Houser, Uriah S. Hil- gert, Gerhart Hasse, William Hanna, Peter F. Kotz, Henry Kintner, Franklin Lill, Edward Miller, Benja- min G. Miller, William H. Neville, James S. Strunk, Hercules Sergent, William Sergent, Charles Sergent, George W. Smith, Daniel H. Staples, John Stump, Peter W. Schleiker, Lawrence Smith, Nelson Staples, Hiram Sebring, Jacob Schoonover, Isaac Smith, Ja- cob Saucenbach, Madison Smith, Isaac Peters, Wil- liam Postens, George W. Rose, John E. Noack, Dan- iel Neyhart, James Remhart, Frank Reed, George M. Smith, John S. Staples, Levi Slutter, George W. Sees, Joseph S. Sees, Moses P. Staples, Franklin Shiffer, John R. Storms, Demus Tucker, John C. Ulrich. James Werkhiser, Joel Williams, Henry < '. White. William Wells, George Watson, John Yeiley, Ed- ward Yelter, John Zanu. COMPANY F. — This company was mustered in ou November 3, 1862, and mustered out August 17, 1863. Officers. — Captain/Joseph Nicholas ; First Lieuten- ant, Alonzo B. Shafer ; Second Lieutenant, Godfrey Ruff; First Sergeants, John H. Fenner, Timothy Gresge, Samuel Shively, W. E. Zacharias, Walter Barnet, Peter Sheffer ; Corporals, W. M. Hood- macher, Paul Cresge, Samuel H. Weiss, J. J. Greena- moyer, Nathan Everett, George Shafer, William Brong. Privates. — George Anglemoyer, Francis Addie, Jacob Altemose, Jacob E. Altemose, David Bos- ley, John S. Busly, Joseph Bruch, William H. Barthold, Simond Bond, Robert F. Sisco, George W. Cumterman, William Carroll, Abraham Crotzer, William S. Delory, Henry Ehlers, John Eping, Jacob Evans, James P. Frowfelker, Charles Garring, Emanuel Getz, Levi Getz, Reuben Gross, Josiah Gurr, John W. H. Gurr, Samuel Gunsales, George Matthias, Reuben Hardy, Jeremiah Hood- macher, Adam S. Houck, Joseph Hardy, Joseph Haney, Charles H. Haney, H. Hoodmacher, Edward Kresge, Joseph D. Kresge, Jacob Kresge, Peter H. Kresge, Leonard Kresge, Christian Kresge, Joseph R. Kresge, Adam Learn, Samuel Martz, John Mis- sion, Barnet Mission, Washington Miller, Henry Miller, Jacob W. Newhart, Albert Opitz, Jacob Rep- sher, A. H. Schoonover, George W. Schoonover, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Lewis Shrader, George M. Shafer, John W. Shiverly, Henry Siglen, Sebastian Singer, David Smith, John D. Smith, David E. Snyder, Eli Stull, Val. Schueitz- gut, Frank H. Smith, Emanuel Shafer, Lenfbrd Smith, Joseph Smail, John Shaw, Pierson Smith, John Traviss, John Vanscouton, Charles D. Wound, William Werkhiser, Henry Walt, Franklin Walker, Daniel Williams, Henry Weber. Company H. — This company was mustered in on November 3, 1862, and mustered out August 17, 1863. Officers.— Captain, Samuel S Keller ; First Lieu- tenant, Harvey Bates; Second Lieutenant, Joseph P. B. Primrose ; First Sergeant, David S. Lee ; Sergeants, Michael Van Buskirk, Daniel M. Hainey, Frank J. Price, Edward Dodenduf, William Setzer ; Corporals, Andrew J. Stites, John B. Hufford, Henry Filker, James G. Brown, William H. Fenner, Monroe A. Newton, William H. Butz, John G. West, Lingford Ruth. POvatea.— John Adams, Charles A. Albright, David A. Ams, Henry Bassold, Reuben G. Berger, David Bisbing, Jacob Bisbing, James L. Bisbing, Jacob Bealer, Reuben Burger, Amos Burger, John Brensinger, Joseph Burger, Charles Bachman, Joseph Clock, Daniel H. Custard, Reuben Cbristman, Martin Graham, Andrew Dreher, William Dunhiller, Wash- ington Fable, John Fenner, Henry Fairbanks, Eman- uel Grouer, Levi Greenswig, Abraham Greenswig, John Harris, J. C. Helgeit, Jacob Hofner, Peter Hawk, Silas Katz, John M. Kingley, Chas. King, George Leedom, Philip Lessig, Nathan Metzgar, Al- fred Miller, George Miller, Levi Miller, William McDonough, Thomas Newhart, Thomas Newgent, Edward B. Newell, Matthew Newhart, Dennis Oles- nur, Henry Price, Andrew Riley, Jacob Ruth, Je- rome Shindler, Henry Shoemaker, Reuben Smith, Hiram Strieker, Ellis Stoll, Joseph Starner, John Snyder, Uriah Shelly, David Shelly, Gideon Smith. Henry Sigler, Charles Smith, George W. Umphred, Hiram Vanhorn, Theodore Werkier, Henry Wel- drick, Linford Williams. One Hundred and Ninety-Eighth Reg- iment (one year's service). — The regiment was recruited in Philadelphia, under the direc- tion of the Union League Association, during the summer of 1X64. Recruiting was com- menced soon after the muster out of service of the Reserve Corps, and Horatio G. Sickle, who had command of the Third Reserve Regi- ment, was selected, in conjunction with James II. Ofne, chairman of the executive committee, to superintend the work of filling the ranks and organizing the command. On the 9th of September the organization was completed, with the following field officers: Horatio G. Sickle, colonel ; John B. Murray, lieutenant- colonel ; Edwin A. Glenn, major. On the 19th, the regiment proceeded to join the army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg, Ya., and upon its arrival was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division of the Fifth Corps, and joined it at a point on the Weldon Railroad. Soon after its arrival Colonel Sickle was placed in command of the brigade and Lieutenant-Colo- nel Murray succeeded to the command of the regiment. At the battle of Peebles' Farm, which opened on the 30th, the regiment partic- ipated, and in the engagement which occurred on October 2d the regiment suffered a loss of one killed and five wounded. On the 27th it moved with the corps for a demonstration upon the South Side Railroad. On the 6th of De- cember it was engaged with the corps in tin: destruction of the Weldon Railroad. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Murray was relieved on account of physical disability on the 27th of December, and the command devolved on Major Glenn. The next engagement participated in by the regiment was at Hatcher's Run, February (J and 7, 1S65, resulting in a loss to the regiment of three killed and thirteen wounded. In the action known as the battle of Lewis' Farm, on March 25, 1865, the regiment sustained griev- ous losses. Major Charles I. Maceuen and Captain George W. Mulfrev were killed ; Gen- eral Sickle, Captains Samuel Wrigley, Benja- min F. Gardner and Thomas C. Spokeman, Lieutenants Jeremiah C. Keller and William E. Miller wounded. The entire loss was three hundred and eleven ; twenty-eight were killed. On the morning of the 31st it again moved off and met the enemy at White Oak Swamp, and in the engagement that followed sustained a loss of six killed and forty-six wounded. Soon after the conclusion of the battle the regiment moved towards Five Forks, joining with Sher- idan's cavalry, and in the engagement which followed suffered the loss of their commander, Major Glenn. The loss to the regiment was one killed and fifteen wounded. On the 15th of May the regiment commenced its march homeward and remained at Arlington Heights until June 3d, when it. was mustered out. MONROE COUNTY. 11)27 Company M. — This company was mustered in from October Id to 15, 1864, and mustered out June 4, 1865. Officers.— Captains, William S. Plory, John M. Barclay; First Lieutentant, Mordecai E. Morris; Second Lieutenant, Charles F. Colwell ; Corporal, James Clark. Privates. — Lorenzo Bird, Thomas Blackearn, Ed- ward L. Baker, John W. Burnett, Leonard Broad- stone, Isaac G. Buck, Jacob Beck, John Bugless. John W. Burke, William Barth, Philip Bute, Wil- liam Benner, William G. Carr, Joseph Crinsmore, W. M. Carpenter, Dennis Dugan, Patrick Dempsey, Jon- athan Davidson, Francis Diehl, Dominick Dougherty, Seeley S. Drake. Samuel O. Dietrich, Peter Edinger, James Farral, George Fogt, Patrick Fitzgeral, James Fagan, Thomas Goheen, Thomas Griffin, Swayze Gorden, Anthony Hetzel, Samuel A. Houser, Frank Horms, George Hammer, Jacob High, George A. Houser, Michael Hofaleck, William B. Hammond, George Jacobs, George H. Johnson, Francis Kelly, John Kembler, Daniel E. Kimble, Lewis Keinast, Daniel F. Kettra, William. Leahey, William Leaver, Frederick Leudower, Hugh Lunney, Charles Linder, Franklin Livezey, Lewis Muller, William Miller, David Meese, Benjamin Miles, Elias Morehouse, Isaac Miles, Patrick Meckell, Henry Maniske, William S. Miller, Edward McDonough, Thomas McCauley, Charles T. Orner, Adolph Ochs, Daniel Pugh, Bern- hard Peter, Abraham R. Rhoads, William Rich, Matthew Russell, John Richards, William Roberts, Jeremiah Ring, Evan B. Shaler, W. H. Shoemaker, Charles Surgent, William Slichter, Christian Schnei- der, James Simpson, Sydenham Staples, Edward A. Slack, Edwin Staples, William Stewart, Robert Smith, George Sholly, Isaiah Strouss, Samuel Smith, John Thomas, Roma R. Tiel, Daniel Titus, William Waugh, Lewis Wells, John Wireman, Michael Ward and Conrad Wentzel. The following is the roster of the colored recruits from Monroe County (three years' service) : Charles Adams, Walter Jackson, Stephen Henry, Jacob Boyd, Co. G, 22d U. S. Colored Regiment ; must, in June, 1863 ; must, out Nov., 18(35. Amos Huff, Ogden Huff, Moses Washington, Dan- iel Washington, Co. K, 8th U. S. Colored Regiment; must, in Sept., 1803 ; must, out Nov., 1865. John A. Quake, Jr., Co. H, 25th II. S. Colored Regiment; must, in Feb., 1864 ; must, out Dec, 1865. SOLDIERS NOT IN FULL COMPANIES. Lt. Theodore B. Staples, adjt., 174th P. V. Col. John Schoonover, 1st and 11th N. J. V. 1st Lt. Chas. S. Detrick, q.m., 174th P. V. 1st Lt. M. M. Kistler, Co. I, 48th P. V. M. Arthur H. Davis, Co. D, 129th P. V. P. S. Williams, Co. D, 125th P. V.; Co. 1, 80Lh \. ^ .V. A. C. Junken, Co. H, 30th P. V. M. Geo. Jansen, Co. H, 30th P. V. M. Josephus Williams, asst. act. surg. U. 8. Navy. Edward P. Melick, Co. G, 132d P. V. H. F. Dungan, Co. G, 121st P. V. Stephen Gerish, Co. D, 112th 1'. V., Co. D and 121st. Amos K. Miller, Co. 1>, 2d P. V. Art. Gerret Rumsay, Co. F, 3d P. V. Art. Amos Skitter, Co. K, 47th P. V. Theodore D. Douns, Co. G, 29th P. V. Evi Rosenkrans, Co. C, 48th P. V. Wm. Stone, Co. F, 2d P. V. Art. Joseph T. Walton, 1st lieut. Co. F, 10th P. V. John A. Stone, 2d P. V. Art. Benj. F. Butts, Co. A, 105th P. V. Rev. John L. Staples, chaplain, 16th P. V. Chevis Waters, Co. C, 48th P. V. M. Geo. Shackelton, Co. C, 48th P. V. M. Samuel Hinkle, Co. A, 97th P. V. Harry Puterbaugh, Co. A, 143d P. V. Emery Price, Co. D, 2d P. V. H. Art. Geo. M. Primrose, Co. F, 3d P. V. Art. J. B. Van Why, Co. F, 3d P. V. Art. Theodore Frederick, Co F, 11th P. V. Lewis Van Vleit, Co. H, 15th N. Y. Andrew Pipher, Co. M, 18th P. V. Elrazer Price, Co D, 2d P. V. Art. Uriah Transue, Co. K, 90th P. V. Levi Zigenfus, Co. H, 27th P. V. M. John L. McCarty, Co. G, 2d P. V. Commodore Price, Co. D, 97th P. V. Henry H. Feiter, 3d P. V. Art. Barnet Metzger, Co. I, 21st P. V. Jacob L. Ruth, Co. I, 147th P. V. Nelson Bisbing, Co. C, 167th P. V. Martin V. Smith, Co. B, 169th P. V. Daniel Bush, Co. C, 167th P. V. Morris Henry, Co. C, 167th P. V. Ed D. Miller, Co. C, 167th P. V. John Spring, Co. B, 5th P. V. Cav. Luther Gordon, Co. H, 30th P. V. M. Chas. Hillyer, 2d N. J. Cav. Morton B. Smith, Co. K, 132d P. V. John Coolbaugh, Co. K, 132d P. V. Conrad Warnick, N. J. Lancers. Wm. Taylor, N. J. Lancers. Jacob S. Buskirk, 51st P. V. Linford Ruth. Samuel Stone. Milton Brown, Co. K, 132d P. V. Peter McDonough, Co. G, 121st P. V. Michael McDonough, Co. G, 121st P. V. Sixty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, Company E. — Solomon Kintner, George Mount, Aaron Culberson, Lewis Freeland, James Heller, George Brewer, Theodore Brewer, Morris Nauman, Benjamin Remhart, Edward Remhart, 1028 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Charles Remhart, Morris Decker, James Murray, John Coffrey, Valentine Deck, William Jones. Colored Men (United States Colored Regiments). Eighth Regiment, Company G.— Robert Smith, Jake Boyed, Moses Washington, Daniel Washington, Amos Huff, William Smith, John Jones, Bernier Haines, San ford Haines, Benjamin Ray, O. H. P. Quacko. Twenty-fifth Regiment, Company G. — John Quacko, John A. Quacko, William Anderson, Solo- mon Frister. Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company E. — Geo. Ray, James Ray, Stephen Henry, Charles Adams, John Lee, Walter Jackson. Two Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company C. — Edward Baltz, August Baltz, Hezekiah Daily, Ananias Fel- ker, Nathan Hofford, Abraham Hofner, Alexander Harps, Gustavious Houck, Andrew Keller, E. B. Marsh, Simon Frach, A. B. Van Buskirk, Enoch Wer- keisher, Abel Williams, William Wise, Charles Walter, Jerome Brewer, Ed. Bossard, Frcman Kresge, George Snyder, Isaiah Snyder, Moses Swink, Freman Werkheiser, Josiah Werkheiser, John W. Yinger, John Daly, John M. Snyder, Hesekiah Daily, Samuel Gower, Joseph Snyder, Ananiah Felker, John Mc- Xeal. Two Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company G. — Sam- uel Reinhart, Owen Gower, J. B. Smiley, Joseph L. Hallott. Two Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company I. — John A. Transue and George S. Brown. Two Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania VOLUNTEERS, Company' H. — Jacob Buskirk, Edwin A. Levering, William H. Brink, Charles Christian, John H. Brush, Samuel S. Brewer, Charles Frederick, Samuel Frederick, Josiah C. Houck, Alfred Metzger, Daniel Seri'ass, Henry Slutter, P. E. Williams, William H. Young. Jacob Phillips, John H. Burch and Peter Kratser. Forty-eighth Regiment (Mhjtia), Com- pany C. — This company was mustered in July 2 and 8, 18(53, and mustered out August 26, 1863. Officers.— Captain, William S. Florry ; First Lieu- tenant, Augustus G. Kester; Second Lieutenant, Peter A. Bossard ; First Sergeant, John Allen ; Ser- geants, Samuel Williams, William Kiser, Thomas D. Barry, William Taylor ; Corporals, Edward H. Rhodes, Isaac Larue, George Fox, Samuel Bisbing, Theodore Saylor, Charles L. Waters, John F. Barry, Thomas L. Scauman ; Musicians, Harrison L. Wolfe, Edwin Wolfe. Privates. — Richard R. V. Adams, James Arnold, Jacob S. Burskirk, William H. Beltz, Nelson Cook, John A. Clements, It. Cress, George Dutat, Morris L. Drake, Robert Eilenberger, Lewis Fetherman, John J. Fetherman, Swayze Gordon, Emanuel Heller, Sep- temius Heller, Thomas E. Heller, Horace Huston, David Huntzman, George P. Johnson, John C. Kleckler, Lewis Keimst, Edward E. Levering, George M. Lane, Jacob Nixsell, John McCarty, Constantine McHugh, Josiah Newton, George Philman, John Philip, John Rouch, Evi Rosenkrans, Morris E. Stone, John O. Saylor, Edward W. Slack, Charles E. Smiley, Henry Smith, Jr., James Shiffer, John H. Smith, Peter Shafer, Edward A. Schroch, William H. Wolfe, Thomas G. White, Elani Williams, John White, Charles Werkheiser, William H. Werkheiser, Madison It. Williams. Michael M. Kistler. — Michael M., son of Michael and Magdaleua (l>robst) Kistler, was born on the homestead, in Lynn township, Lehigh County, April 14, 1833. At the age of fifteen he began learning the trade of a tanner with his brother Joel, in his tanneries at Kistler's Valley and at Ringtown, Schuylkill County, where he remained for six years, re- ceiving therefor his board, clothes ami one year's schooling. He had formed the acquaint- ance, while at Ringtown, of Miss Catherine Rumbel, a daughter of John and Margaret (Andrews) Rumbel, whom he married upon reaching his majority. She was born in 1823, and her parents both died where they resided. Their children are Albert Franklin, a cigar manufacturer at East Stroudsburg ; Mary Ma- randa (1858-82) was the wife of Sylvanus Warner, of the same place ; Hiram Wilson, a lumber merchant of East Stroudsburg ; Lucy Elmira, Stephen Bird and Lillie Irene Kistler. After his marriage he started a small tannery at Ringtown, which he successfully carried on for six years, when, loyal to his country's de- mand for men to preserve the Union, he re- linquished his business and went to the front. In the summer of 1861, upon the first call for three years' men, a company was formed at Ringtown on the condition that Michael M. Kistler would command it. The matter being presented to him, he finally accepted and took ten days to prepare for his departure and close up his business. Upon reaching Harrisburg, he, however, declined the honor of the cap- taincy of the company, but accepter!, upon its completion, the position of second lieutenant. MONROE COUNTY. 1029 The company became a part of the Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company I, and left Harrisburg for Fortress Monroe on August 20th ; thence to Hatteras Island, N. C, where the regiment joined Burnside's fleet, and proceeded to Roanoke Island, where they took the fort and captured some three thousand prisoners on February 14, 1862, destroying the rebel gun-boats. Thence the fleet went to New- ben], N. C, and stormed successfully the rebel of McClellan's army in affording protection to Washington. While at Fredericksburg Mi-. Kistler, lor meritorious services, was promoted to first lieutenant. This threatening danger now being evaded, the army had a skirmish with the enemy at Slaughter Mountain, whence it pro- ceeded to Kelly's Ford, on the north side of the Rappahannock, where for two weeks the Union men remained constantly on the alert, and were engaged in numerous skirmishes with ^ ^ //^jjg>^ breast-works on the Neuse River, capturing, on March 14, 1862, four thousand prisoners and sixty-eight cannons ; thence to Fort Macon, N. C, where, after two weeks' battering, they took the fortress, which surrendered with one thousand five hundred men. Thence the army proceeded to reinforce General McClellan's army on the Peninsula, but arriving too late for action, proceeded ma Aquia Creek and Fredericksburg, Va., and formed the advance the rebels, who were on the other side of the river. This led to the second battle of Bull Run, which was fought by the army under General Reno, August 28, 29 and 30, 1862. Lieutenant Kistler received a bullet through his coat collar and had his sabre scabbard knocked off. On September 1st, following, General Reno and his brave army fought the battle of Chantilly, where the brave and daring Generals Kearny and Stevens fell. On September 14th the 11)30 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. army under General McClellan, with General Burnside commanding the left wing-, fought the buttle of South Mountain, where General Reno was killed, and on the 17th the memorable battle of Antietain, by Generals McClellan and Burnside, was fought. At this latter engage- ment Lieutenant Kistler received a bullet wound, the ball entering by his shoulder strap, passed through his right lung and lodged near the back-bone under his shoulder-blade, where most of it remains at the writing of this sketch, in 1886. . After four months' leave of absence he returned to his regiment at Fredericksburg; thence proceeded with it to Lexington, Ky., when, by the advice of Dr. Carpenter, of Potts- ville, Pa., then superintendent of the hospitals in the Ohio Department, he accepted the posi- tion of military aid to the Medical Department of Dennison, United States Army General Hospital at Camp Dennison, Ohio, whither he went and remained until April, 1866. At this camp he had charge of the quartermaster, commissary and ordnance departments, and also of the sick, wounded, muster, pay and de- scriptive rolls. On October 1, 1863, he was mustered as commanding officer of the First Company, Second Battalion, in the Ohio De- partment of the Veteran Reserve Corps, sta- tioned at the same camp. To this latter position he was appointed by Secretary of War Stanton and received his commission from President Lincoln. In April, 1866, he was ordered to proceed to his home and await further orders, and on June 30th, following, he was mustered out, as his services were no longer needed. In 1867 he established himself in mercantile business with his brother, Stephen, at Bartons- ville, Monroe County, Pa., and after three years opened another store at Tannersville. They continued the two for ten years there- after, besides adding to their business the manufacture of shoe-pegs, clothes-pins and chair stock at Tompkinsville. In 1872 be purchased a lot on the corner of Washington and Cortland Streets, in East Stroudsburg, and the following year built thereon the fine four-story " Kistler Block." In 1878 he removed to East Strouds- burg, where he built his present brick resideuce in 1883, on Cortland Street, corner of Alley "('." Upon the death of his brother Stephen, in 1880, the partnership was dissolved, their common property divided, and he retired from active business except to oversee his farm in Tunkhannock township and take care of his other property. Lieutenant Kiestler's life has been an active one, and withal his integrity of purpose in life's work, and his accumulation of a competency, his pride still lingers in the great honor of fighting for the preservation of the Union, and in his sacrifice for his country when in its greatest peril. Both himself and wife and the older members of his family are members of the Lutheran Church. His father, Michael (1796-1880), was a resident of Kistler's Valley, Lehigh County, was a farmer and tanner, and both himself and wife, Magdelena Brobst (1801-81), were buried at Jerusalem Church. Their children are Stephen, a man of large business capacity, a tanner, merchant and large real-estate owner, died in 1880; Parry, a farmer in Lehigh County ; Sarah is the wife of Stephen Snyder, of Perryville, Carbon County ; Jacob, a retired farmer of Lehigh County ; Joel, a tanner and farmer in Lehigh and Schuylkill Counties, died in 1884; Polly married Eli Sechler, of Lehigh County, and died about 1856; Mary, wife of Charles Foust, of Albany township, Berks County ; Daniel, of West Peun, Schuylkill County, farmer and tanner ; William, a grocer of Stroudsburg ; Michael M., subject of this sketch ; Angeline, wife of Peter Seip, of Weisen- berg township, Lehigh County ; and Catherine, who married a Mr. Brobst, and died in 1858. His grandfather, Jacob Kistler, settled on the old homestead in Kistler's Valley, where he reared an interesting family of children, Philip, Jacob, Daniel, Michael (father of our subject), Solomon, Catherine and Magdalena. His great- grandfather was George Kistler, who, among a number of Palatinates or Swiss, moved, between 1735 and 1745, from Falkner Swamp and Goshenhoppen (present Montgomery County, Pa.) up to Lynn township, and settled in the vicinity of what is now Jerusalem Church, formerly called Allemangel Church, Lehigh County. He was elder of this church about 1755 to 1 70S. The names of his children were MONKOE COUNTY. 1031 George Kistler, Jr., who afterwards resided near Kutztown ; Jacob Kistler, grandfather of our subject; John Kistler; (Samuel Kistler; Philip Kistler ; Michael Kistler; Barbara mar- ried first a Brobst and afterward Michael Mosser, of Lowhill ; Dorotea married Michael Reinhart; and Elizabeth married a Keller, near Hamburg, Pa. C H A P T E R V I. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Wes- tern Railroad was the earliest, and is yet I he principal, thoroughfare of steam travel in Monroe County. It had a very early inception, and Henry Drinker, a strong and prominent character in the herculean pioneer projects of Northeastern Pennsylvania, was the originator of this great line of traffic which built up the city of Scranton, and in the territory which is the especial province of this volume gave rise to many minor improvements brought into ex- istence thriving East Stroudsburg and gave an outlet to New York. The original Drinker family were old Qua- kers prominent in Philadelphia. Soon after the Revolutionary War Henry Drinker, the great-grandfather of Joe, was interested, with Benjamin Rush, George Clymer, Samuel Mere- dith, Robert Morris and others, in the purchase of Pennsylvania wild lands. This portion of the State was then an entire wilderness, and in 1789-91 Henry Drinker purchased from the State twenty-five thousand acres of land in .what are now the counties of Lackawanna, Wayne, Pike and Susquehanna. A great por- tion of this land was on the head-waters of the Lehigh River, in the first-named county, then a part of Luzerne. To open this isolated settlement to the outside world and make the region accessible, Henry built, in 1819, the first turnpike road into the Lackawanna Valley. This he bad chartered as the Philadelphia and Great Bend turnpike. It was sixty miles long and extended from Stan- hope, N. J., to Drinker's Peach. It is known as the " Old Drinker road " to this day, and is a landmark in fixing boundary lines. In 1819, also, Drinker became aware of the presence of anthracite coal in the valley, and, although it was then comparatively valueless, efforts to introduce it having, up to that time, met with little success, he believed in its actual importance, and foresaw the advantages of a better communication between the Delaware aud Sustpiehanna Valleys. His idea was a railroad, although there was not one in existence in the world at that time, except the crude English mine tramways. Drinker blazed with an axe a route from the mouth of the Lackawanna, now Pittston, through the unbroken forest, across the lofty Pocono Mountains to the Water Gap, a distance of sixty miles, and satisfied himself that such a scheme as he proposed was feasible. In 1826 he obtained a charter from the Pennsyl- vania Legislature for the Susquehanna Canal and Railroad Company. The commissioners appointed by the act were Henry W. Drinker, William Henry, Jacob D. Stroud, Daniel Stroud, A. E. Brown, S. Stokes, James N. Porter and John ( 'oolbaugh. Drinker's idea was a railroad with incline planes or a canal, horse-power to be used if a railroad, between the planes, and water-power to raise the cars upon the planes. He inter- ested a number of prominent men in his project and in 1831 a survey of the route was made. The engineer employed, Major Ephraim Peach, reported that the road could be built for six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. After considerable work, Henry Drinker induced George aud Seldon Scranton, of Ox- ford, N. J., to become partners in the scheme, associating them with the project, after inducing the Morris Canal Company to take one hundred and fifty thousand dollars' worth of stock, a road known as the Lackawanna and Western Rail- road was built from Scranton to Great Bend, by the Scrautons, Drinker dropping out on ac- count of severe losses which he had sustained in opening up the country with roads, and endeav- oring to develop the coal and iron resources so abundant in that region. 1 This was completed 1 Henry W. Drinker, by Ihc sale of his lands, which in creased iu value with the advent of the railroad aud the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. in 1851. Until that time all travel to New York had been by stages to Middletown, N. Y., or across Wayne County to Narrowsburg, N. Y., where connection was made with the Erie. The journey required two days. The completion of the Lackawanna and Western reduced the time to one day, although the journey was twice as long. This was an outlet formed by groping blindly among the hills in the wrong direction, and apparently diverging towards Great Bend, sixty miles away, before starting for New York. A practical movement was made in the right direction in 184!>, when, chiefly through the in- fluence of the Scrautons, a company was char- tered to run a road from the Delaware Water Gap to some point on the Lackawanna, near ( Ibbb's ( rap, called " The Delaware and Cobb's Gap Railroad Company." The commissioners named in the act and invested with authority to effect an organization were Moses W. Cool - baugh, S. W r . Shoemaker, Thomas Grattan, II. M. La Bar, A. Overfield, I. Place, Benj. V. Rush, Alphcus Hollister, Samuel Taylor, F. Starbird, .las. H. Stroud, R. Bingham and W. Nyce. It will be noticed from this list of names that the people of Monroe had an active hand in promoting this enterprise. It was at Strouds- burg, at Jacob Knccht's, that the first meet- ing of the commissioners was held, November 28, 1850, and the first meeting of the stock- holders was held at the same place at the house of Stroud J. Hollinshead, December 26, 1850. They chose Colonel George W. Scranton, a man in whom the people had entire confidence, president of the company. He had been the owner of the original charter of the old Drinker Railroad, and this the company purchased of him for one thousand dollars, in 1 85-3. A joint application was then immediately made by the Delaware and Cobb's Gap Railroad Company anil the Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, for an act of the Legislature consolidat- ing them, and such an act was passed March 1 1 , 1853. Thus was consummated a union under the present name of the Delawai-e, Lackawanna development of i.he coal trade, died October 13, leaving a large fortune. and Western Railroad, and a solution of the problem of connecting Scranton and its coal mines with the New York market was assured. : Colonel Scranton was elected as president of the consolidated company, and long continued by ! repeated re-elections to hold that responsible office. Measures were immediately adopted to con- ! struct the road from Scranton to the Delaware River, at a point five miles below the Water Gap. The necessary surveys had been pre- viously made by E. McNeill, chief engineer of the company, who, by indefatigable labor, had pro- cured crestline and other preliminary surveys, which enabled him to establish a favorable line with easy grades, practicable for a heavy traffic over the barren heights and perplexing undu- lations of the Pocono. Books were opened for subscriptions to in- crease the capital stock, which had at the time of the consolidation amounted to $1,441,000, and such was the confidence felt in the success of the enterprise, not only by the original stock- holders, but by other capitalists, that the whole sum required, $1,500,000, was obtained in a few days. The contract for the construction of the Southern Division — the original Delaware and Cobb's Gap Railroad — was put under way in June, 1853. As heretofore explained, this sec- tion, sixty-one miles in length, extended from Scranton, through Cobb's Gap, and so on in a general southeasterly direction, through the western part of Luzerne (now Lackawanna) County and across the county of Monroe, through the Delaware Water Gap, to a point on the river five miles below, where it connected with the Warren Railroad of New Jersey. ( roing by this railroad nineteen miles to New Hampton Summit, and there making connec- tion by the Central Railroad of New Jersey with Jersey City, the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company found a market for the product of the extensive coal-fields of which it had becoiue possessed, and a few years later the relations between the Lackawanna Valley and the sea-board were rendered still more intimate by the leasing of the Morris and Essex Railroad. MONROE COUNTY. 1033 Isaac Trisbaugh Puterbaugh, who for over forty years has been identified with the management of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and officially connected therewith, was born in Nescopeck township, Luzerne County, Pa., December 22, 1822. His early opportunities for book knowledge were very limited, and confined to the district school. At the age of ten years he went to live with his brother, Samuel H., a miller, at (juaintance of Miss Elizabeth George, a daughter of Henry and Catherine George, of Nanticokc, Luzerne County, Pa., whom he married in 1843. The result of this union was one son, Harrison S. Puterhaugh, a conductor on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad since 1871, and who married May Lungar, of New Hampton, N. J., and one daughter, Alice, who died at the age of four years. Soon after his marriage Mr. Puterhaugh Pittston, Pa., and remained with him there and at Mehoopauy for three years, which was followed by one year's service on the farm of Bishop Jennings. Going to Wilkes-Barre, he apprenticed himself to Hugh Fell, a wheel- wright, for three years, and upon the death of Mr. Fell, earned on the business on his own account for two years thereafter in the same shop, and for some time afterwards in a shop built by himself. While in Wilkes-Barre he formed the ac- 101 | removed to Scranton, then a small hamlet of a few houses, at the time of the construction of the Northern Division of the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western Railroad. There he en- tered the employ of the company, and at first engaged in building cars to be run on the road, and subsequently served as conductor on coal, passenger and other trains until 1865. For one year he had taken up his residence at Great Bend, where the death of both his wife and young daughter occurred. In 1X65 he re- 1034 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. moved to East Stroudsburg, then a part of Stroud township, where he lias continued his official relations with the company, and acted as dispatcher of trains, looking after wreckages and employees, and after the general busi- ness ill' that division of the road. His identi- fication with the workings of the road since its construction has made his name familiar all along the line, and wherever known, his in- tegrity of purpose, his conscientious regard for the rights of others and his sound judgment and discretion in the management of men have gained for him the confidence and favorable opinion of all. Since his residence at East Stroudsburg lie has been closely identified with the growth and prosperity of the place, and a contributor to its various interests. Upon the erection of the borough of East Stroudsburg, in 1871, he was chosen its first chief burgess on the Democratic ticket, and by re-election served in that capacity for two years. He has served also as auditor and school director of the borough for several terms. Very soon after settling at East Stroudsburg, Mr. Puterbaugh bought the property where the Lackawanna House now stands, on Crystal Street, and subsequently furnished the means to build the present hotel, and built the house occupied by Dr. Lewis Bush, adjoining the hotel. ( )n the corner of Cortland and Starbird Streets he erected the residence now occupied by A. C. Loder, ticket agent at East Strouds- burg, and in 1882 he erected, the residence of his sou on Cortland Street. He is one of the charter members of the First National Bank of Stroudsburg and was for some time one of its directors, and he is the treasurer of the fund for the erection of the silk manufactory at East Stroudsburg, in process of construction in 1886. His father, George Puterbaugh, was a farmer in Nescopeck township, and died in Dallas town- ship, in the same county, at the advanced age of over four-score years. His mother, Efne Henry, was a native of New England, and removed with her parents to Nescopeck town- ship. She died about two years before her husband. Both were members of the Presby- terian Church. Their children were Andrew, George, John, Joseph, Samuel II., Isaac T. (the subject of this sketch), Margaret and Eliza- beth. Of these, only Isaac T. Puterbaugh survives in 1886. The family is of German origin. CHAPTER VII. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. The first thing to be noticed in Monroe County topography is the uniformity of its mountain, and consequent drainage systems. However, to the eye of the mere landscape hunter, as he surveys, from some height, a wild diversity of hill and vale, of jutting crags and unexpected " knobs," of billowy ridges, scatter- ing lakes and meandering streams, there appears rather a class of natural beauty, than any sug- gestion of order, or of methodical arrangement ; nevertheless, to the more patent and analytical investigation of the student of nature, the lead- ing topographical features of the county will present themselves as parts of one harmonious design. Traversing the county in a northeast and southwest direction run three, and, in the west end of the county, four, parallel ranges of mountains, or hills, and these determine the courses of the numerous creeks and rivers of the county. First, on the north, we have the high table- lands of the Pocono Plateau, elevated above tide-water from one thousand five hundred to two thousand feet, and along which, and back from the southern escarpment ten or twelve miles, runs the northern boundary line of the county. South from the precipitous southern escarp- ment of the mountain a rolling plain extends six to eight miles, to Godfrey's Ridge in the east and to Wire Ridge in the west end of the county. This rolling country lies at an eleva- tion above tide of from one thousand to four hundred feet, the decline being gradual from the north to the south. We now come to the second notable elevation in Monroe County topography — Godfrey's Ridge, otherwise known geographically as Walpack Ridge, and also known locally as MONROE COUNTY. 1035 Fox Hill, Chestnut Hill Mountain and Doden- dorf Mountain, the last two names being applied in Ross and Eldred townships to detached elevations which are really continuations of the same ridge. The next important range south is the Blue, or Kittatinny Mountain, along the crest of which, for about twenty miles, runs a portion of the southern line of the county. The fourth elevation above referred to as giving character to the drainage is Wire Ridge, ex- tending in a westerly or southwesterly direction from the west line of Hamilton township, and bisecting the western extension of the Strouds- burg Valley. From the numerous springs, or spring-fed ponds upon the Pocono Plateau, or its southern slope, most of the streams that traverse the county, and ultimately find an outlet, either through the Delaware Water Gap or the Lehigh Gap, have their rise. These streams, commenc- ing at the eastern or Pike County line, and naming them in their order, are: Big Bashkill, which in the lower portion of its course forms the boundary between Monroe and Pike Counties, Marshall's Creek, Brod- head's Greek, Pocono Creek and McMichaeVs Creek. All of these rise in the Pocono region, and pursuing a general course of south to south- east, empty, either directly or indirectly, into the Delaware River, which, from the eastern line of the county to the Delaware Water Gap, flows along the northern foot of the Blue Mountain, and forms the remaining portion of the southern boundary of the county. The Pocono Creek empties into McMichael's Creek, and McMichael's into Brodhead's Creek at Stroudsburg, and all of the streams above mentioned, in their course from the Pocono Mountain to the Delaware River, cut through the hard rocks of the intervening ridges, forming thus those wild gorges and magnificent cataracts and cascades which have been the wonder and delight of many generations, both civilized and uncivilized. Cherry Creek and Aquanehicola Creek lead a more quiet life, and have a less romatic his- tory. They head near together in the neigh- borhood of the Wind Gap, and flow in opposite directions along the narrow valley which lies between Godfrey's Ridge and the Blue Moun- tain. Cherry Creek pursues a northeasterly course, emptying into the Delaware just below the mouth of Brodhead's Creek and just above the Delaware Water Gap. Aquanehicola Creek flows southwest, along the westward extension of the same valley, and empties into (lie Lehigh River at Lehigh Gap, in Carbon County. Pohopoco or Big Creek and Frantz's Creek rise in the western part of the county and flow southwest across the Carbon County line ; the former along the north side of Wire Ridge, emptying into the Lehigh River, near Weiss- port, and the latter along the south side of the same ridge ; but at Little Gap, in Carbon Coun- ty, it cuts through Godfrey's Ridge on the south and empties into the Aquanehicola. Besides these streams, which traverse the low- land districts of the county, there are three or four belonging entirely, so far as their relations to Monroe County are concerned, to the Pocono Plateau, viz.: The Tobyhanua, which rises near the north line of the county, pursues a general southwest course to the Little Tunkhan- nock, which here forms the line between Mon- roe and Carbon, and here, mingling its waters with the latter stream, the two combined con- tinue the northwest course of the Little Tunk- hannock, emptying into the Lehigh River near Stoddardsville. The Tunkhannock, or Big Tunkhannock, 1 rises near the middle of the Plateau, flows southwest and empties into the Tobyhanna, near the middle of its course. The Little Tunk- hannock, before referred to, rises near the south- ern edge of the Plateau, flows through Long Pond, in Tunkhannock township, — the pond being a mere lateral expansion of the creek as it flows through a tract of swamp laud, — crosses the old Easton and Wilkes-Barre turnpike and then, making a sharp bend to the northwest, at which point it is intersected by the artificial boundary line between Monroe and Carbon, it 1 In the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, re- port for Pike and Monroe Counties, p. 30, this stream is called " Tunkhanna," and the Little Tunkhannock is called simply the " Tunkhannock," but locally these two streams are distinguished by the names here given. 1II3C WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. taken a direct course to the Lehigh, meeting on the way the Tobyhanna, as before mentioned. The Lehigh River is the only remaining notable stream of the county. This river rises in Wayne County, flows .southwest and for about ! twelve miles above the mouth of the Tobyhan- na it forms the line between Monroe County on the one side and Lackawanna and Luzerne J Counties on the other. Monroe County, then, is an irregular figure bounded on the north by Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wayne and Pike Counties, on the east by Pike County, on the south by the Delaware River, separating it from New Jersey, and by a sur- veyor's line along the top of the Blue Moun- tain, separating it from Northampton County, and on the west by a surveyor's line and the Little Tunkhannock and Tobyhanna Creeks, separating it from Carbon County. In its ex- treme length it is about thirty-one miles, dis- ; regarding the meanderings of the Delaware River, and about thirty miles in extreme width. Its southern and western lines are, however, several miles longer than its northern and east- ern lines. Its superficial area is five hundred and eighty-five square miles, or three hundred and seventy-four thousand four hundred acres, of which fully one-half lie on what we may call the second floor of the county : i. e., on the Pocono Plateau. A cross-section of the county would look about like this, — Possessed, so tar as yet discovered, of a few valuable ores, and with a rock formation that gives little promise in this direction, with sur- face strata whose place in the geological gamut is thousands of feet below the coal-measures of the adjoining counties north and west, there would seem to be little of a mineralogicul na- ture in Monroe County geology of value, re- garded from a merely economic stand-point, aside from her flagstone, her limestone, her cement and paint-beds, and, in some localities, her Marcellus slates and iron-ore. But throughout this romantic district there is rich and abundant material for scientific re- search, and to the eye of the scholar, if not to that of the capitalist, the rocks of Monroe must ever be of profound interest ; for here nature has stamped, in indelible lines, the record of her pre-historic operations ; and here the God of nature, before He gave the Decalogue to Moses, inscribed upon these tables of stone the fiat of His will. Glaciation. — The evidences of glacial action, except in a portion of the western townships, are wide-spread and abundant throughout the county, in the shape of drift deposits, morainic mounds, glacial stria, and the planed and polished surfaces of the rocks, as well as by their disruption and erosion. The two great gaps which occur in the Blue Mountain within the limits of this county, and which are known as the Delaware Water Gap S-'A1,l: : llori'/ontal linry, ", tni I.-h to 1 inch ; vorti Rotebences: <>, Pocono Platean; b, southern escarpment of mountain; r, rolling country, extending from Pocono range, on the north to Godfrey's Bidge on the south, in the eastern em! of the county, and to Wire Bidge in western end of county ; d, Godfrey's Ridge, otherwise called WalpacU Ridge ; •, Cherry Valley: /, .Monroe County side of theBlue or Kjttatiuny Mountain. The map on the following page shows a topo- i and the Wind Gap, stand as everlasting nionu- graphical outline of the county with its principal ments, doubtless, of the resistless power of the streams and mountain ranges. Geologists declare that Monroe County is as interesting, in a geological point of view, as it is uninteresting mineralogically. (See Second Geological Report, Pike and Monroe Counties, 1882.1 great northern glacier, which at one time cov- ered nearly the whole face of this county, in common with much of Northern Pennsylvania and the States adjoining. Upon the tops of our highest mountains, twenty-one hundred and fifty feet above tide, MONROE COUNTY. the great glacier has left his foot-prints in Scratches and grooves in the solid rock, and in the Stroudsburg Valley and Cherry Valley as well, the same well-known marks are found at elevations only four hundred to four hundred and fifty feet above tide. The direction of these stria: is always 'toward the southwest, corresponding, in some degree, with the trend of the mountains. The strur of greatest eleva- tiou, viz. : those at twenty-one hundred and fifty feet above tide, which are found in Cool- baugh township, above Tobyhanna Mills, bear Ridge, has been removed from the top and side of the northern slope by this same power, all the way from Carpenter's Point to Strouds- burg. The cauda-galli, which originally underlay the eorniferous limestone, has been de- nuded, except in protected folds, and now forms the surface rock of the north slope, bare and pol- ished by the ice, while huge blocks of the eornif- erous limestone have been hurled over the south front ef the ridge, and scattered far and wide by the transporting power of the ice, or deposited in mounds and ridges, along with morainic ih'hris. Wayne. Co TOPOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE MAP OF MONROE COUNTY, S. 5° W., or very nearly due south ; those far- ther down, and nearer the sturdy barriers of Godfrey's Ridge and the Blue Mountain, bear more to the west, some of them as much as 70° west of south. The hard rocks of Southern Monroe, like the eorniferous limestone and cauda-galli of Godfrey's Ridge, have been planed and polished by this same resistless agency, and Professor White, in his report upon the Second Geologi- cal Survey of Pike and Monroe Counties (pp. 46, 47), states that nearly the entire stratum of eorniferous limestone, which, in pre-glacial times, covered the southern side of Godfrey's This stupendous result was doubtless facili- tated by reason of the double system of joints which prevails in this stratum, — to wit, the bedding-planes and transverse seams furnish- ing numerous fissures, into which the glacier drove its Titanic wedges, thus tearing off im- mense masses of rock at once, — but if this has been done to Godfrey's or Walpack Ridge, it is not difficult to believe that the same agency was able, and actually did, cleave asunder the Me- dina sandstone and Oneida conglomerate of the Blue Mountain, when, with imperceptible movement, but with an energy resistless as fate, the great ice-sheet pressed down upon it, and 10.-5S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. thus, aided and supplemented by the wild rush of the pent-up sub-glacial waters, were the two gate-ways, above referred to, opened tli rough the mountain. Professor White, in his Report, already re- ferred to (p. 63), referring to the Wind Gap, says : " I could find no evidence that the Northern Tee had ever passed through the notch, so that its origin can- not be ascribed to glacial erosion, although it may have served as a waste-weir through which the water from the melting lee escaped Southivard, when it filled the old valley to the North to an elevation higher than the level of the surface in the Gap. ' And Professor Lesley, in a note upon the same subject, says : " If this gap " (referring to the Lehigh Gap), " and the Delaware Water Gap were occupied, the one by a high, wide tongue of ice, banked against the Bake- Oven, and the other by the great New York main glacier, then, although the sub-glacial waters would still issue by ice-caverns through the two gaps, the residual surface glacial waters would probably be obliged to pour over the crest of the Blue Mountain. If they did this at the Bake-Oven for a short time, the only part of the problem of the genesis of these two remarkable topographical phenomena remaining unexplained would be the selection of these two points along the crest in preference to any others." The great terminal moraine enters the county across the crest of the Blue or Kittatinny Moun- tains diagonally, between Fox Gap and Wind Gap, and is thence plainly traced by its ridge of drift deposit, in a northwesterly direction, to the vicinity of Saylorsburg, where it turns north, by the way of Mechanicsville, Brod- lieadsville and McMichael's to Pocono Knob, back of Tannersville, encircling the Knob on its eastern and northern sides at about two-thirds of its height, thus plainly indicating that in the glacial age this Knob stood a solitary island iu the edge of a boundless sea of ice ; thence to a point near the division line between Tunkhan- nock and Tobyhanna townships, where it turns Westward, and, crossing Tunkhannock town- ship north of Long Pond, it passes out of the county a little north of the point where the Little Tunkhannock Creek becomes the county- line. This great moraine, as it traverses the Poco- no Plateau, is described by Professor Lesley, State Geologist, as a ridge of drift one hundred feet high, of so remarkable an aspect that it has been named by the inhabitants " The Long Ridge." DfiLFT DEPOSITS. — Behind this moraine — I. c, north and east of the line indicated — the whole country is covered with drift deposits. This includes the whole county, except the townships of Eldred and Polk and portions of Ross, Chestnut Hill and Tunkhannock, where drift deposits are not found, or, if so, occurring iu the form of modified drift, worked over by post-glacial floods. The drift is of the ordinary composition, con- sisting of boulders of every size, from a peb- ble to masses of rock weighing hundreds of tons and containing thousands of cubic feet, — some of them angular and others rounded and water-worn, — together with much sand, clay, and, in many localities, quick-sand. The boul- ders are of rocks coming to the surface in this aud adjoining counties, no granitic or metamor- phic rocks having been observed among them. The drift is of varying depth, — from two hundred feet or more, in some of the valleys, down to a few feet, or perhaps an occasional boul- der on some of the summits. This is true of the southern part of the county, where the land is rolling. On the Pocono Plateau the drift is spread more uniformly, to a depth of twenty to thirty or thirty-five feet, post-glacial erosion having had less effect than where deep valleys and high hills alternate. " Kettle-Holes " and Resulting Lake- lets. — Frequent depressions, or kettle- holes, occur in the drift, and some of them, having be- come filled with water, now constitute beautiful ponds or lakelets. Two of these — Echo Lake, in Middle Smithfield township, aud Minneola Lake, in Chestnut Hill township — are surround- ed by high banks of drift and have no visible outlet, although the former has a subterranean drainage into Coolbaugh's Pond, and thence by the way of Pond Creek into Marshall's Creek ; and the latter lias a similar underground outlet through the coarse gravel into McMichael's Creek, one-fourth of a mile distant. Lake Paponoming, on the line between Ham- ilton and Ross townships, is also an old glacial .MONROE COUNTY. 1(>39 kettle-hole, filled with water, surrounded by banks of drift forty or fifty feet high. It has, however, now, surface drainage over a low place in its drift environment, into the Lake branch of McMichael's Creek. This lake is lo- cated in the line of the great terminal moraine. It is a beautiful lake and one of the most popu- lar resorts in the county. To the deposition of the drift material in the glacial age, modified by subsequent floods, many of the striking features of the landscape in the vicinity of Stroudsburg are due, as well as many peculiarities of soil. Several fine ex- posures of till occur in this region, the brick- yards of Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg being adaptations of the clay of this deposit to practi- cal purposes. Bttbibd Valleys. — Monroe, as well as Pike County, is remarkable for its great num- ber of buried valleys. The Delaware River, all the way from Port Jervis to the Delaware Water-Gap, flows over one, or, more strictly speaking, partially over two, lying at least one hundred feet below the present bed of the river, the original channel having been silted up to that depth. The Stroudsburg buried valley really ex- tends through, all the way from Stroudsburg to the Hudson River at Rondout, although the middle section of it — i. e., that part from Port Jervis to Bushkill — is occupied by the Dela- ware River, which flows through it, that stream entering the valley at Port Jervis and leaving it at Bushkill, at which latter point the river cuts through Walpack, or Godfrey's Ridge, and enters the Clinton Red Shale Valley, running parallel with and south of the Stroudsburg Valley. The Marcellus Shale is the bed-rock under- lying the whole course of this valley in Penn- sylvania and a great part of its course in New York. The eastern section of this valley, run- ning from Port Jervis to Rondout, is at its highest point but about eighty feet above the river at Port Jervis, and this fact has given rise to a theory with some scientists that the Delaware may have, in pre-glacial times, run thai way mid formed a tributary of the Hud- son. However apocryphal this may be, it is certain that the identity, or, rather, the unity, of the different sections of this valley is attest- ed by their geological structure, by. the charac- ter and depth of their drift accumulations and by the conformation of the hill-ranges on either side. This same Marcellus shale, or Stroudsburg Valley, continues on west from Stroudsburg, by the way of Kunkletown and Sciota, near which latter point it is bifurcated, one branch passing northwestward along the north branch of Mc- Michael's Creek to Brodheadsville, and thence west and southwest to the Lehigh River, near Weissport, the latter part of its course being occupied by Pohopoko Creek. The other branch keeps southwestward from Sciota, along the Lake branch of McMichael's Creek and Frantz's Creek to the point where the driftless area commeuces, in Ross township, southwest of the great terminal moraine, where the wide, drift-filled valley suddenly terminates, and the creek continues through a deep trench cut out of the Marcellus shale, which here comes to the surface. So that practically we may say there is one continuous valley, underlaid with Marcellus shale and filled with drift material, with a com- paratively uniform surface from five hundred to seven hundred feet above tide, running all the way from Rondout, on the Hudson, through Stroudsburg to Weissport, ou the Lehigh. It constitutes a natural route for a railroad from the coal-fields to New England, which has long- been contemplated, and which will doubtless some time be built. Cherry Valley, just south from the Strouds- burg Valley, running parallel with it and sepa- rated from it by Godfrey's or Walpack Ridge, is very similar to the one just described, only that it has for its bed the Clinton red xhale instead of the Marcellus shale. This valley, like the Stroudsburg Valley, exists in three sections, of which Cherry Valley proper is the western. It begins in Orange County, N. Y., and keeping along the base of the Shawangunk (Blue) Mountain, passes through New Jersey to the Delaware River at the Walpack Bend. At this point the: Dela- ware River, having cut through Walpack 1040 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Ridge, enters the valley and flows down it to the Delaware Water Gap, where it cuts through the Blue Mountain. The eastern section in New Jersey is called Flatbrook Valley ; the middle portion occupied by the river is called the Delaware Valley, but Flatbrook Valley, Delaware Valley and Cherry Valley are essentially one and the same, and to this may be added the Aquanchicola Valley, extend- ing through to the Lehigh. Geological Structure. — The rocks of Monroe County, with the exception of a narrow strip along the southern border, belong entirely, like those of Pike, to the Devonian Age. Silu- rian strata first come to the surface in the vi- cinity of Walpack Ridge, enter largely into the composition of that ridge, together with the lower members of Devonian formation, and thence continue to form the surface rock to the southern line of the county. The interval between the Mount Pleasant conglomerate, of Pocono Series (No. X.) and the Oneida conglomerate (No. IV.) (both in- clusive) compasses all the strata of Monroe County, some of the intervening members being entirely absent. Commencing at the north line of the county, the highest peaks of the Pocono Mountain are capped with Mount Pleasant conglomerate, in massive, grayish-white cliffs. Next in order in the descending scale come the red rocks of the ( 'aixkill Series (No. IX.), the Mount Pleasant j red shale, members of which form the surface i rock over much of the whole Pocono Plateau, from the north line of the county to the south- i era escarpment of the mountain. Below this ' comes a thin stratum (of uncertain thickness, because always partially concealed under drift) of green sandstones and shales, called the Elk Mountain sandstones and shales, and estimated i by Prof. White at about two hundred feet in thickness. Next comes the Cherry Ridge Group, consisting of conglomerates (composed of quartz pebbles, pieces of sandstone, shale and fish frag- ments, all cemented into a reddish-gray matrix of coarse sand) and red shale. The conglomer- ates form the front escarpment of the Pocono Mountain, west from Tannersvillc, and crop out in long lines of cliffs in the southeastern portion of Tunkhannock and Coolbaugh town- ships. The Honesdale sandstones, next in order, run through Barrett, Paradise, Pocono, Chestnut Hill and Polk townships, being estimated at 500 feet in thickness at the western line of the county. The Montrose red shale, next in order, runs through Barrett, crossing the Delaware, Lack- awanna and Western Railroad, near Henry- ville, with a thickness of six hundred feet, and continuing on through Pocono, Jackson, Chestnut Hill and Polk townships, attaining a thickness of more than fifteen hundred feet at the western line of the county. The Delaware River Jlags. — This is a series of greenish-gray sandstone and shale which ex- tends all the way trom the Delaware to the Lehigh, crossing Pike, Monroe and Carbon Counties. In Monroe County it passes through Barrett, Paradise, Pocono, Jackson, Chestnut Hill aud Polk townships. Excellent flagging is quarried in this series at various points in the northeastern section of the county. Where exposed to atmospheric influences the stone splits easily along the bedding planes into sheets from two to six or eight inches in thick- ness and of lengths varying from two to fifteen or twenty feet, according to the space between the natural transverse seams. In Barrett town- ship, on the West Bushkill, there is a fine ex- posure of flagstone at the base and side of a hill and of true clay slate at the top. This top stratum, being entirely free from sand and grit and easily splitting to any desired thickness, on a line with the bedding planes, is excellently adapted to fine, ornamental work, such as man- tels, table-tops, etc., if existing in sufficient quantities, — a fact yet to be determined. The, New Milford red shale. — This is the last red horizon above the base of the Catskill Series. It crosses Big Bushkill Creek near Ressaca, and Brodhead's Creek near Spragueville, where it is exposed in a cutting of the Delaware, Lack- awanna and Western Railroad, just above the station, dipping 25° N. 25° W.It crosses Poc- ono Creek about one mile and a quarter above Bartonsville and continues westward, increas- ing in thickness, through Jackson, Chestnut Hill and Polk townships. MONKOK COUNTY. Starrucca sandstone. — This is a succession of hard, greenish-gray sandstones, destitute of or- ganic remains, and corresponding physically with the other CatshiU sandstones. They rep- resent the Starrucca beds — greatly thickened — of Wayne and Susquehanna Counties. They cuter Monroe County about three-fourths of a mile above Little Bushkill Falls, and pass south- westward, crossing Big Bushkill below Etessaca, and Brodhead's Creek and the Delaware, Lack- awanna and Western Railroad at Spragueville, and the Pocono Creek about one mile above Bartonville. Continuing westward, red beds begin to make their appearance in this horizon. Through Pike and Monroe Counties these beds are about six hundred feet thick. Fossils of the Catskill Series. — The only evidence of animal life during the epoch of the Catskill formation is, according to Prof. White, the occasional appearance of what ap- pears to be the fish-bone fragments in the cal- careous breccia* occurring in the upper half of the series. No molluscan fossils have been ob- served in all the large area covered by these rocks. Plant remains also are of rare occurrence. The ouly locality in the district where any de- terminable forms have been observed is in a cut on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, a short distance below Henryville. There, near the base of the Montrose red shale, great numbers of Archceqpteris Jacksoni occur. In many places, however, pieces of si cms and fragments if plants are to be seen, but so broken up as not to be classified. Next in order, progressing downwards, come the Chemung beds, the Portage Scries being ab- sent from this district. We again quote from Professor White, in his report on the Second Geological Survey of Pike and Monroe Counties, p. 105 ; — " The series is made up of a succession of bluish- gray, hard sandstone beds in layers from one-half to two feet thick, often somewhat micaceous, and usually interstratified with blue, sandy shales. Oc- casionally olive sandstones make their appearance. The whole series is sparingly fossiliferous, the most common forms being: Strejdor/ti/nc/tus, Chemiiiigeiixex, Spirifer disjunct us, Pteronites spf Prodwstella tp .' The species are generally badly presented, and while 102 all have a well-known Chemung facics, many were undeterminable." The red beds of Chemung, which are else- where present in Northern Pennsylvania, are absent from the Pike and Monroe districts. The Hamilton Series, upper, middle and low- er, are well represented through the district, entering it at Bushkill and running about S. 65° W. to the western margin of Hamilton township, where it bifurcates, one prong reach- ing the Lehigh at Bowman's, and the other on the crest of the Lehighton axis. The thickness of the whole Hamilton series at Stroudsburg is twenty-two hundred feet, at the meridian of Brodheadsville two thousand feet, and grad- ually thinning away to the Lehigh River. All the members of this series are quite fossilifer- ous, the Tally limestone, notably so, being composed of corals, shells and crinoids ingreat abundance. This coral horizon is seen strong- ly developed along the road just south from Gilbert's post-office, and also about a mile north from Kresgeville, in Polk township. The ef- fect of atmospheric influences upon these beds, in the removal of the lime from their calcareous portions, is well illustrated along the road from Stroudsburg to Spragueville, near the house of Edward Bonynge, where there is a fine expos? ure of the bed, honeycombed and spongy from this cause. The Upper HeMerberg beds are represented in this county by the coniferous limestone and the cauda-galli grit, the Onondaga and Scho- harie beds of New York- not appearing. The corniferous limestone and en nda-galli thin away to the westward, and seem to disappear entirely near the western line of Hamilton township, coincident with a thickening of the Oriskany sandstone, on which they rest. The belt of coniferous limestone, fortunately for the agricultural interests of the county, is quite narrow, seldom more than one-fourth of a mile in width, and often not near so much, the rocks being steeply inclined, and mostly con- fined to the north foot-slope and south side of Godfrey's Ridge. There is a fine exposure of both of these strata in the long rock cut on the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western Railroad, below East WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Stroudsburg, known as " Forest Cut," where the contact of the coniferous limestone with the cauda-galli is plainly seen. There is also a good example of the effects of atmospheric exposure upon the cauda-galli to be seen along the road from Stroudsburg to the Dela- ware Water Gap, where the same passes over the top of Godfrey's Ridge, or "Foxtowu Hill," as it is locally known. As we have elsewhere said, the caudi-gaM firms the surface rock on the top of this ridge, owing to the removal, by glacial agency, of the corniferous limestone. There is a strong outcrop over the crest of the ridge of "slate gravel," as it is locally known, and appreciated as excellent road material. It is rock of this stratum broken up into chips and splinters by the action of the weather, very similar in appearance to the same kind of mate- rial found in the Hamilton sandstone and Mar- cellus shale strata, along the Mil ford road, above Bushkill. Fossil mollusJcs and corals are quite abundant in the corniferous limestone, especially so in the neighborhood of Stroudsburg. Passing now into the Silurian Age of the world, we find beneath the cauda-galli a rep- resentative of the Oriskany formation. Com- mencing as a cherty pebble bed, not more than eight or ten feet thick at the eastern line of Monroe County, it thickens up in its passage across the county, until at its western line it ap- pears as a massive quartz conglomerate one hundred and seventy-five feet thick. Beneath this stratum come the Lower Hel- derberg beds. First, in the eastern part of the county a series of shales and conglomerates, denominated the Stormsvitle shales and conglom- erates, which in their progress westward seem to become merged in the overlying Oriskany formation, accounting thus for the thickening up of the latter. The glass factory at East Stroudsburg ob- tains its sand from the Oriskany formation in Hamilton township. It makes excellent bot- tles, fruit-jars, etc. West of Hamilton town- ship the Oriskany is much broken up and dis- integrated, forming beds of fine, white, silicious material of unknown depth. These beds are found in the vicinity of Saylorsburg and Kun- kletown, an analysis of two specimens from which, by Messrs. McCreath and Stinson, gives the following results : No. I. No. n. . . . 82.020 Silica . . . > Oxide i Alumina, i . . . 11.000 of fron. . . . .280 l.i . . . . . .774 Magnesia 96.016 I 96 147 Stormsvii.le Hydraulic Cement Beds. — These beds extend from the eastern line of the county southwestward beyond the centre of the county, and are from five to ten feet in thickness. Professor AVhite identities these beds with the great water lime beds of Kondout, Kingston aud Rosendale, N. Y., and from analyses had of this material there is no doubt- but excellent cement might be manufactured at various points in this stratum. Messrs. McCreath and Stinson show the composition of the Stormsville cement beds as follows, four of the specimens coming from Middle Smithfield, and the fifth from Hamil- ton township i 1 Carbonate of Lime Carbonate of Magnesia . . . Oxide of Iron Alumina. . Sulphur Phosphorus . . , S8.910 36 IJ- 23 724 IT 181 .' ! '. 1 ]065 III. ! IV. V. o.29U| :;;;; .113' . . . | . . ■ I, - T ■ . ■ ■ ■ The " insoluble residue" in each of the above after ignition gave the following : Al^- III. I\ 24. Son ■Si.'. i7o V. Oxide of Iron Ul.l Alumina .... 2.500 2.741 0.220 0.111 aiai Totals 27.274 2U.SI73 2S.ll-.ll 27.027 15.934 An important member of the Lower Hdder- berg series is the BossardsvUle limestone. This rock is extensively quarried in a thick stratum of this formation at Bossardsville, in Hamilton township, whence it derives its name. All the principal limestone quarries of the county are in this formation. This limestone burns readily into a light, gray lime, very valuable for agricultural and building purposes. 1 Takeu from Second Geological Report Monroe, pp. 136, 137. MONROE COUNTY. 1043 Analyses of this limestone, taken from differ- ent localities, and made by Mr. McCrealh at his Harrisburg laboratory, give the following result : l I. 1 II. 1 III. IV. V. 94.285 87.928 82.732 98.267 (13.875 1.528i 1.937 2.83(1 1.384 1.311(1 D.700 2.110 1.360 0.84(1 0.680 0.056 0.229 P.695 0.113 11.153 0.014 0.019 0.007 0.O10 0.010 InsnlnliloHesi.lllf 2.850 7.860 11.930 4.25(1 3.920 I. and II. were taken from the Bossardsville quarries in Hamilton township; III., IV. and V. were taken from C. Van Auken's quarries, in Middle Smithtield township. A due regard for allotted space, in a work of this character, will hardly permit even cursory mention of all the different strata. Passing from the Lower Helderberg (No. VI.), we come next to the ( 'linton red shale (No. V.). These shales are of a deep, dull color, and, as we have before remarked, underlie the whole of Cherry Valley and Aquanchicola Valley, and the Delaware River has scooped the main por- tion of its channel out of the same, all the way from Walpack Bend, or Decker's Ferry, to the Delaware Water (in p. No fossils whatever are found in these red beds, and to their destitution of organic life Professor White attributes the fact that the iron, of which a large percentage is contained in the rocks, exists in a diffused state, instead of being collected into ore-beds. He says that if all the irou contained in the two thousand feet of this rock which crops out on the Lehigh could be collected into one mass, it would make a solid bed of metallic iron more than fifty feet thick Hence it is not for lack of iron that no ores occur in the Clinton red shale of Monroe County, but because in bygone ages there was a lack of organic life to concentrate it in layers. The Medina Sandstone and the Oneida Conglomerate, No. IV. — A series of green- ish-gray sandstones, often interstratified with red, sandy layers, the sandstone frequently showing scattered pebbles of quartz, underlies the Clinton red shales. These beds are exposed along either bank of the Delaware River in its 1 Taken from the same report to which reference has been so frequently made, p. 142. passage through the Gap, and they constitute the Medina sandstone. Immediately beneath appears the Oneida conglomerate, consisting of very hard, massive, gray rocks, containing vast quantities of quartz pebbles, many of them quite large, with no red ro<-/;s irliatever. These gray, conglomerate rocks extend down to the Hudson River slates, which, however, do not appear in this county, but come to the surface about half a mile south of the county line, in Northampton. The Oneida rocks make the summit of the Blue Mountain, and their great hardness and indestructibility have preserved that range, as well as the Delaware and Lehigh Water Gaps, from erosion. Ores. — The red rocks of the Catskill Series, like the Clinton red shale, show a large per- centage of iron, but in a diffused form. There is an equal absence of fossils and of iron-ore. In Ross township, however, on the land of Samuel Lessig, there has been found quite a large deposit of brown hematite iron-ore, in the Lower Helderberg, and five to eight feet above the Decker's Ferry sandstone of the group. An analysis of specimens from this locality gives the following result : I. If. Iron 41.500 39.425 Sulphur 0.030 0.007 Phosphorus 0.305 0.321 Insoluble residue 23.500 26.730 A bed of bog iron-ore occurs on top of the Marcellv,8, opposite Kunkletowu, in Eldred township. This was once manufactured into metallic, paint quite extensively, and made a very fine trrticle. The deposit, so far as devel- oped, appears quite rich enough to warrant min- ing and shipping, if it exists in sufficient quan- tities. Beds of bog iron-ore also exist near the vil- lage of Sciota, in Hamilton township, imme- diately above the Mareellus shale, and nodules of iron-ore have been found on the land of John Merwine, near Merwinesburg, at the foot of the Pocono Mountain, scattered over the sur- face of the red Catskill rocks. Lead, Copper and Zinc-Ores. — In the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Medina sandstone and Oneida conglomerate of the Shawangunk or Blue Mountain ores of lead and zinc are known to exist, although none in paying quantities have so far been discovered within the limits of this county. In Middle Smithfield township, on land of Mr. J. Turn, in the Clinton red rocks, at the upper end of Paxon's Island, there occur many traces of cop- per in scattered parches of green, and also traces of zincblende. SCHOOL Slates. — In Polk township, near the western line of the county, school slates were once extensively manufactured in the Mar- eellus beds. They made a superior article, and their manufacture could still be carried on with profit were it not for the lack of railroad facili- ties, rendering it impossible to compete with localities more highly favored in this respect. Ochre. — Much ochre is found in Ross town- ship, interstratified with the iron-ore in the Lower Helderberg formation. It is of a dull yellow- ish color and would doubtless make good paint, although never tested practically so far as we know. It has beeu analyzed, however, with the fol- lowing result : Silica 57.400 Alumina L9.033 Sesquioxide <>t' iron 10.107 Lime 0.100 Magnesia 1.740 Water 6.458 Soils. — The best soils, as well as (he worst, for agricultural operations are found in the southern part of the county: the best, in the Hamilton, Lower Helderberg and Clinton red geological areas ; the worst, where the Upper Helderberg, the Orixhtni/ sandstone, the Medina sandstone and the Oneida eontjlomt rate come to the surface. This mixed condition extends, to a greater or less extent, over portions often townships, viz.: Middle Smithfield, Smithfield, Stroud, Hamil- ton, Pocono, Jackson, ( !hestnut Hill, Ross, Polk and Eld red. The difference between the two classes of rocks above referred to, in regard to their soil- making properties, rests primarily in the com- parative readiness with which they break up and decompose, and assimilate with the finer portion- of drift material or alluvial deposits accumulated upon them. The corniferous limestone and cauda-gaUi, composing the Upper Helderberg of this district, and also the Oneida, conglomerate, are notable for the facility with which they do not disintegrate. They are hard and unyielding in their nature, and have pre- served for ages, with little change, the contour of Walpack Ridge and the Blue Mountain, with the gaps or gorges in the latter range. Of course there can be no farming where these beds come to the surface, and it is fortunate that their dip is so rapid and their surface area not more extended. They have their use in the economy of nature, doubtless, in giving to our scenery its character of picturesqueness and sublimity. On the other hand, in the soft shales and limestones of the Hamilton and Lower Helder- berg beds, and in the Clinton red beds of the Delaware 1 , Cherry and Aquanchicola Valleys, we have a very fine agricultural region, produc- ing all the cereals, root and other vegetables in great abundance. Full one-half of the county (the northern halt) is, as we have seen, underlaid with rocks of the ( 'atskUl group. Here, too, a mixed con- dition of things prevails. Where the surface is not littered with boulders of the drift deposit, or rendered barren by reason of massive sand- stone outcrops, farming is not only practicable, but pleasant and profitable. The inhabitants of this region are turning their attention more and more to agricultural pursuits, as the county is gradually cleared of its native forest growths and the lumber inter- ests, which have heretofore been predominant, decline. New clearings dot the wilderness, and thrifty homes here and there greet the eye, where a few years ago there was nothing but a dreary waste of " scrub-oaks " and laurel. There are extensive tracts of sandy loam and red shale soil upon the Pocono Plateau, compara- tively free from boulders and loose stones, easily farmed, fertile and productive. Land is cheap and the writer confidently expects to see, in the next few years, a large development of th e agricultural resources of this region. MONROE COUNTY. 1045 Two representative farmers of this region, one in the extreme west and the other in the extreme east, report as follows: Mr. Jacob Blakeslee, of Tobyhanna township, writes, — " I have 75 acres cleared and under cultivation. I have not raised wheat since 1879 ; then I had over 25 bushels to the acre. The production of rye (lasl crop) was very good, but I did not measure I In 1 amount. The production of oats was 55 bushels per acre; corn in ear, 50 bushels per acre; potatoes, 125 bushels per acre; hay, 2 tons per acre. Apples, such as Baldwins, Greenings, Rusty Coats, &c, air very fine and plentiful. Also Pears, Plums and the small fruits are produced in great abundance. Apiaries thrive excellently; there being an abundance of natural food for the bees. As regards soil, I may say the different kinds are argillaceous, Sandstone and Shale. The predominating element is Shale, which varies in color from red to gray, and finally to a rich black color. The soil is, in places, loamy. I think the country is best adapted to the production of corn, oats, hay and potatoes; rye and wheat also do ver\ well. " In fertilization I used last year 5 tons of phos- phates and 100 tons of barn-yard manure. I prefer the manure. " In speaking of the history of this place. I may say that thirty-five years ago this region was a dense forest. At that time lumbering was the chief indus- try. Since then the country has been cleared by cut- ting and fire, so that now there is a comparatively level, open country, interspersed with clumps of wood- land. With the removal of the forest, the people turned their attention to agriculture, and with great success. As a proof of the richness of the soil 1 add that land first cleared raises very fine and heavy crops of hay for six years without fertilization. As a pas- turage land this region is unequaled. Horses, cattle, &c, are brought from the adjoining counties of this State and also from New Jersey to be pasturec I. . . . " As a country for stock-raising, this locality is un- surpassed." We will add that Mr. Blakeslee makes a specialty of stock raising and is equally suc- cessful with horses, cattle and sheep. Mr. Joseph Brower, in the eastern part of Barret township and near the eastern line of the county, settled some thirty years ago in an un- broken wilderness, although many thrifty farms are now under cultivation or being cleared for that purpose in his vicinity. He re- ports as follows : "Acres under cultivation, about DO Wheat raised per acre 18 bushels. Rye " " " Hi Oats " " " 30 Corn '■' " " 35 Potatoes'* " " 100 Tons of hay " " 2 " Different kinds of soil: Red Shale and Claj loam. We find the red shale is In si for rye, wheat and com. Fertilizers used the last season: Manure, 180 tons: lime, 150 bushels. "Apples raised, 330 bushels ; buckwheat raised, 40 bushels per acre." A Bone Cave. — In closing this chapter, it is proper to advert, as a matter of archaeological interest, to a cave which exists in Walpack, or Godfrey's Ridge, in Stroud township, about two miles west of Stroudsburg. A cave was long known to exist at this point, on laud of Mr. Hartman, near the summit of the ridge, consisting of little more than a hole in the face of the limestone cliff; but in the year 1879 or 1880, Mr. T. D. Paret, an enterprising manu- facturer, fond of scientific pursuits, took the place in hand, and by his excavations in the clay deposit that had nearly filled the cave, and in the ilr/iris outside of the entrance, developed the true nature of the cave and unearthed many curious relies of bygone ages. An account of these discoveries cannot be better given than by the following extracts which we quote from the proceedings id' the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, of the date of September 21, 1880, at which Professor Leidy made a report upon the sub- ject. "Bone Caves of Pennsylvania. — Professor Leidy re- marked that in the early part of August, in company with Dr. T. C. Porter, of Easton, he had visited Hartman's Cave, in the vicinity of Stroudsburg, Pa. They had been invited by Mr. T. Dunkin Paret, of that place, who had recently undertaken the explora- tion of the cave, and hail obtained from it an inter- esting and important collection of animal remains, which had been submitted to Professor Leidy's exam- ination. " The cave is situated about tiw miles from Delaware Water Gap, in a ridge which separates Cherry Valley from the valleys of the Pocono and McMichael's Creeks. The ridge is an anti-clinal fold of the Hel- derberg or Upper Silurian limestone, and the cave occupies the axis of the fold, and opens in the face of a cliff formed by a cross section of the ridge. An accumulation of debris forms aslope at the base of 1(I4() WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the cliff, and above the debris, and just below the arching roof of the cave, a low passage-way has long been known, into which adventurous boys would creep. "Mr. Paret commenced the exploration by having a passage dug through the debris to the entrance of the cave, and then extended the trench within the latter for upwards of a hundred feet and to a depth sufficient to walk erect. At one place within the cave, the digging was carried to the rock floor. It would thus appear that the cave is occupied bj a bed of clay about ten feet in depth. On this is a thin layer of stalagmite, and on this again, about a foot of black, friable earth, mingled with animal and vegetable remains. " Professor Leidy supposed that during the glacial period, a stream of water from melting snow and ice at a higher level had made a passage-way through the fissured limestone of the anti-clinal axis, and had left in it the abandant clay deposit. When the cave ceased to be a water-course, the layer of stalagmite was formed, and subsequently the more friable earth accumulated from materials, such as dust and leaves blown in and mingled with the remains of animals. occupants of the cave, and of their food. . . . The remains thus far discovered are of such inter- est as to encourage Mr. Paret to continue further exploration. Most of those collected to the present time were exhibited by Professor Leidy, and consist of the following : " Numerous fragments and splinters of limb bones of smaller and larger animals, many or most of which exhibit the marks of being gnawed, whether by rodents or smaller carnivores is somewhat uncertain. A few also show the marks of canine teeth of medium- sized carnivores. Some of the splinters pertain to such large and strong bones as to render it question- able whether they were produced by even our largest carnivores, and probably are the remnants of human feasts, in which the bones were crushed to obtain the marrow. Numerous bones and fragments of others of the smaller and smallest animals. These include especially limb bones and lower jaws, and less frequently, skulls, fragments of others and vertebrae. Many of these are also gnawed, while many are not. " The fragments of larger bones may be supposed to have been conveyed into the cave by small carni- vores. A few pieces of bone are somewhat charred, and a small fragment of a lower jaw, containing a molar tooth of the bison, also apparently exhibits the marks of fire. This probably is a remnant from a human feast, which may have been carried into the cave by some small gleaner. " All the bones and fragments together amount to about half a 'bushel. Most of them pertain to ani- mals of a kind still living, though some of them no longer belong to the fauna of our State, and a few of the remains are those of extinct animals. How far the remains of different species are cotemporary is uncertain, though it is most probable that they were introduced through a long succession of years from the time following the glacial period. "The remains of extinct animals consist of an in- cisor tooth and half a dozen molars of the great rodent Castoroides Ohioensis, and portions of the upper and lower jaw with teeth of a young Peccary, the Dicotylcs nasuius, previously known only from a sin- gle fragment of an upper jaw discovered in Indiana (Extinct Mammalia of North America, 385, pi. xxviii., figs. 1, 2, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc. vii. 1869). " The remains of animals no longer living in Penn- sylvania are as follows: Bones and teeth of the Caribou, or Woodland Reindeer, Rangifer caribou. "A fragment of the lower jaw containing the last molar tooth of the Bison, B. Americanus. "Many lower jaw halves and other bones and teeth of the Wood-rat, Neotoma floridana. Most of these are of comparatively large size, and of the character of similar remains referred by Professor Baird to a supposed extinct species, with the name of Neotoma magister. (U. S. P. R. R. Exp. and Surveys — Zool- ogy, viii. 1857, 498). " Remains of other mammals are as follows: Lynx, Felix Canadensis; Wolf, Canis lupus; Gray Fox, Viilprs Virginianus; Skunk, Mq/hitiismrphitiea : ; Wea- sel, Putorius ermineus ; Raccoon, Procyon lotor ; Mole, Scalops agvaticus ; Dusky Bat, Vcs/ieiiitio fiisrus ; Little Brown Bat, V. subuMrn ; Woodchuck, Areto- mys monax ; Porcupine, Erethizon dorsatus ; Beaver, Castor fiber; Muskrat, Fiber ssibethicus ; Cray Squir- rel, Sciurus Carolinensis : Ground Squirrel, Tamias x/ritttiix ; Gray Rabbit, Lrjiux sylvatii-ns ; Meadow- Mouse, Arvicola riparius; White-footed Mouse, Hes- peromys leucopus ; Deer, dermis Virginianus; Elk, ( 'ervus Canadensis. . . . "The collection further contains numerous bird bones, chiefly of the wild turkey, some of turtles, and others of several species of snakes. In the same stratum were also found a number of shells of mol- lusks, chiefly Helix albolabris, H. alternata and //. tridentata. Also a valve of Unio complanatus. " The human remains are of an interesting charac- ter. ( )ne is a large stone celt of hard, brown slate, obtained from the bone earth some distance within the cave. There are five bone awls, several of which exhibit marks of gnawing. Some of these were found in the cave and others in the outside debris. An im- plement consists of the prong of an antler, worked so as to be barbed on one side, and was probably used as a needle for making nets. " A small implement of bone resembles in its pres- ent condition a crochet needle, such as is now em- ployed by ladies in making worsted work. It is much gnawed away on one side and looks as if it may have been like an ordinary needle with a perfo- ration, and this now rendered incomplete from the gnawing. MONROE COUNTY. 1047 " Another implement is a fish-hook worked out of bone. "Such bone implements are among the rarest of human relies in our portion of the country. " Another remarkable relic is a cone shell bored through the axis as a bead. The shell is a marine species, Comix tornatus, found on the western coast of Central America. Its presence among the cave re- mains would indicate an extended intercourse among the inhabitants of early times." CHAPTER VIII. smith field township. 1 Organization and Description of the Township. — As is well known to most readers of the local history of this region, Smithfield was the northernmost township of Bucks County. Its southern border was, as now, the Blue Mountain ; its eastern, the Delaware River ; while on the mirth and west its jurisdiction extended as far as the temerity of the white man would permit him to penetrate into the wilderness. The whole of the Pennsylvania portion of the Minisink was at one time comprised in the territory of Smithfield. Its topographical features are diversified and beautiful, even in its present circumscribed limits. The valley lands are the result of alluvial de- posits, possibly lacustrine in origin, and are arable to great depths, with a productive capacity resembling the prairies of the West. The larger portion is, however, broken, irregu- lar and hilly. The characteristic natural fea- tures are the Blue Mountain, the Delaware River and the Delaware Water Gap (described elsewhere). The larger streams, besides the Delaware, are Brodhead Creek, which conveys the water from the Pocono Mountain to the Delaware, and passes through a wild, picturesque country before reaching Smithfield; with its tributaries it drains a large part of the area of the county. Marshall Creek enters Brodhead Creek a short distance before the latter reaches the Delaware. It is noted for By Luke W. Brodhead. its two pretty water-falls and for its apparently inexhaustible supply of brook trout. Cherry Creek is the other important stream in Smith- field. All of these are noted trout streams. ( Iherry ( 'reck was named after Edward Cherry, or " Ned " Cherry, by which name the creek was known for some years. Cherry was one of the very early settlers of this portion of Smith- field before 1738. Marshall Creek is said to be named after Edward Marshall, the success- ful walker, or runner, in the " walking pur- chase." Brodhead Creek was named after Daniel Brodhead, who settled on the stream at East Stroudsburg in 17o8. The Indian name was Analoming (now written Analo- mink). That portion of Brodhead Creek, from the junction of Marshall to the Dela- ware, is sometimes called Smithfield Creek. The Dutch in the Minisink do not seem to have adopted very readily the Indian names of the local streams, but chose rather to apply to each their own word " kill," or kil, for creek, leav- ing, as we may suppose, the descriptive part of the name to follow, as some characteristic of the stream suggested itself. But in a country where both land and streams are made to order, the greatest possible peculiarity a creek could present to the mind of a Hollander, would be to see it overgrown with trees and shrubs ; hence, in going forth in the Minisink to take a survey of his newly-acquired " claim," and ob- tain a description, the phenomenon of the sparkling waters issuing from beneath the over- hanging bushes, meets his eye, and readily the happy epithet rushes to his mind and finds expression " Bosch Kil ! " (Bush Kill), and he eagerly makes the following note: "Bosch Kil empties into the Zuydt" (Delaware), and ex- claims r " That is very good !" But he is destined to a more serious tax upon his imaginative powers. In the further exploration he comes upon another stream, with bushes to the right of it, bushes to the left of it and bushes all over it, and to fiud different names for two things possessing one and the same characteristic was puzzling indeed, and it is not to be wondered that he concluded it was about the time to sit down and take a smoke, with the hope, too, of soothing his per- 104S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. plexed brain. He rises after a rest and finds himself equal to the occasion, and proceeds at once to enter in his note-book, in good strong Dutch, the following memorandum : " A Bosch Kil empties into the Bosch Kil and the Bosch Kil empties into the Zuydt." And he hur- riedly retraces his steps, not caring to encounter another bushy creek in the exhausted condition of his vocabulary. A recent examination of some early title papers became quite puzzling in finding that what was subsequently called Brodhead Creek was then entitled " a Bush Kill," and its tribu- tary, Marshall ('reek, called in the same paper " another Bush Kill." Following is a copy of (he first petition of the inhabitants of Smithfield for the location of a township in 17 Hi : "To the Judges and Justices of the peace of the Co Court of Quarter Sessions for the Co of Bucks to lie held at Newton 13 June, 1746. The petition of the most [part of the inhabitants and Freeholders of Smithfield Humbly Sheweth, " That we, your petitioners, having siiil'cred in many respects for the want of a Township layed out & is likely to suffer more and more with all due submis- sion desire your Honours would be pleased seriously and speedily have a Township layed out in the Manner following, viz — to begin at the (lap in the mountain where the River Delaware runs through & from thence five Or six miles north & to west corner & from thence to the N. corner of Christoff Den- mark's plantation & from thence north a straight line to the Eiver Delaware <\ thence to several corners thereof to the place of Beginning. ' Patt Ker. C. Denmark, Win. Me \ Nab. Bernard .\ Si roud. Abram ( Hark. John Pierce. Robert Hannah. Samuel x Vanarou Valentine \ Snyde John lloss. Jonathan Gerenly. Pieter J. x West! nook. Nicholas Dpui. Daniel Depui. James Hyndshaw. Aaron Dupui. Isaac Tak. Ilea ma Seonmaker. Joseph Savin. Riehd. Howell. his Lambert x Hush. John X Dim ker. mark John Riley. his R. x Sehoonover. John Houog. John Courtright Thomas Herson." " In this petition for the organization of Smithfield, the subscribers ask that the line of the proposed township may go to the north corner of Christoff Denmark's plantation and from thence north a straight line to the River Delaware. The name of ( Ihristoff Denmark, Jr., appears as one of the signers. There is a creek in Lehman township, Pike County, called Denmark, on which it is supposed he lived. Che petitioners ask that a north line may be drawn from this point to the Delaware. As the river makes a detour towards the west, this north line would have struck the Delaware somewhere near the mouth of the Lackawaxen, including all the Minisink on the Pennsylvania side of the river. But little is known of Christofell, or Christopher Denmark, Sr. It appears from the court records that he died about 17*57, and that his children were Christopher and Barnabas. Their names do not appear after that date." The following is a copy of the second petition ! I 7 18), which appears to have brought about the desired result: ''To the Hon the Judges of the Court of Q. S. held at (and) for the Co of Bucks the 13th day of Sept 1748. The petition of Sundry inhabitants of Smithfield and Dansbury beyond the Blue Mts — Humbly Sheweth That in May in the year 1744 there was a road laid out from a considerable bend of the river Delaware to one John McMichle's plantation cfc iliout 2 years ago the same was continued to Nasaretb from whence there continued a road to Philada. have your petit (however your petitioners) not- uotwithstanding are as far from receiving the advan- tages proposed by having the road afd. (aforesaid) laid as before owing entirely as your pets (petitioners) conceive to the want of a twp. (township) which your pet. (petitioners) pray may extend from the river Delaware along the mountain, to a (tap on the same, through which the road from McMichle's to Nass i Nazareth) goes, from thence northerly to a large creek commonly called the Bushkill down thesame to Delaware af'sd. (aforesaid) & down Delaware to the place of beginning— And as the quantity of land in- cluded in the above description may be as two large for a township your pets (petitioners) humbly pray your Honors to consider that more than ,| there- of is Ha rrens, that your Pets in general are new settlers & and that the road to be opened being very stony &c requires considerable strength to make it answer the convenience of yours petitioners Aaron Dupui. John teed. Jones. John Baker. Adam ll.Snell. John Baker. Bernard Stroud. Samuel Drake. Samuel Barber. Jonathan Barber. James Carle. Benjamin Barber, Aia Clark David Teed. Daniel Roberts. Daul. Brodhead. MONROE COUNTY. 1049 Moses Dupui. hiB Charles John x McMicble. John Garlinghouse. mark. Hendrike Cuatoneyman. John Hilliman. Edward Hally. John Pierce. John McDowell. Seitz. Samuel Holmes. Jennings. Joshua Parker. Edwd. Snell. Benjamin teed. his William Maeknot. Geo. x Harron. James Powell. mark. Andrew Robinson. Thos. Hill. James Philips. his Elisha Johnson. John x Brink." Johnson Decker. mark. " Ordered, That the Surveyor Gen. or his Dept. lay out the Twpt. according to the within petition &make return thereof to the next court." The population in 1742 is stated to have been five hundred. In 1780 its taxables num. bered two hundred and fifty, which shows a population of about twelve hundred and fifty. Of course the "poor Indian" was left out in this estimate. It would be interesting to know just how the native population was regarded by the isolated settlers above the Blue Mountain at this period in its history. Without higher motives, policy would dictate that they should be treated gene- rously and kindly for the security of the settlers, as for some years they must have been at the mercy of the Indians, who, for the time, greatly outnumbered the whites. It would seem that many of the natives were either employed, or the younger members adopted, by the wealthier families. Nicholas De Pui seems to have had in his employ, or had care over, Indians and Indian boys named " Joseph," " James " and " Pammer " ; Samuel De Pui provided for " Cobus," " Howpeek," " Arry," " Anthony the Great," " Poxino," etc.; James Hyndshaw, on the Bushkill, his In- dian boy " Joo " ; Benjamin Shoemaker, ".lames," etc. These all were names given as by adoption, and is evidence of almost paternal regard for the younger members of the tribe on the part of these early settlers, and it proves, too, that the Indians in the Minisink at that day were not of the character of those we hear of in the West at the present. The former were as we found them; the latter are as we have made them. 103 The Shawnees were a Southern tribe, invited here, it is said, by the Lenni Lenapes about 1680. They proved to be troublesome and an- noying to their benefactors. They are spoken of by the Miusis as " the worst of Indians." We are led to wonder why the Indian town on the Delaware, and the large island opposite, in Smithfield, should have been named " Shawnee," — having evidently been so named by the In- dians themselves — as the Shawnees were not at any time the dominant party in any portion of the Minisink. For some years after the white settlers first came to this valley the degradation and suffer- ing of its native people had not been realized to the extent felt in other portions of the country, though the transfer of their homes of the " stranger " had commenced even before the " Walking Purchase." They had escaped for a time, in this secluded valley, the devastating storm that was raging without, and found here a refuge and a home of comparative quiet, among those who had treated them humanely and in whom they confided. The continued peace and security which the early settlers also enjoyed in this valley, and particularly at this juncture, when the Indians were suffering so much on every hand by the intrigues of the whites and the cruelty of their enemies, is proof of the peaceable character of the Minsi Indians, and that they were inclined to deal justly and live fraternally with those who manifested a like disposition. There is a small remnant of the Dela wares still living in Western Kansas. The government recognizes them in their tribal relation, and con- tinues to appropriate to them a small sum an- nually. Early Settlements. — It is generally ad- mitted that Nicholas De Pui was the first per- manent resident of Smithfield and of the Penn- sylvania portion of the Minisink ; that he loca- ted here in 1725, purchased a large body of land from the natives the second year after, and repurchased a portion of the same land of Wil- liam Allen in 1733. But the ubiquitous John Smith had a name here, if not "a local habitation," when these events were transpiring ; whether he was here 1050 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. before anybody else, or only intended to be rep- resented here before anybody else, is not ascer- tained. It is at least certain that he had claim to laud in the territory that has ever since born his fam- iliar cognomen, and that the claim was recognized by William Allen in his first deed to Nicholas De Pui. The first tide of immigration into this valley flowed from the direction of the Hudson, entering the Delaware Valley at the mouth of the Mamakating and spreading throughout its borders. Previous to 1780 there were very few settlers here from any other direction. They made selection of the level lands along the river and in many instances their descendants occupy the original possessions. The second wave, as it may be termed, set in from the South after 1780, bringing mainly de- scendants from the early settlers in Montgomery, Bucks and Northampton Counties. This class located in Cherry Valley and in the Valleys of Brodhead and Pocono Creeks. This immigra- tion continued up to and after the year 1800. (For further account of Smithfield, see Local Reminiscences). All the early settlements made in the valley of the Minisiuk were by persons residing on the Hudson, in and about Esopes and New Paltz, and they were almost exclusively of low Dutch or Holland origin, and found their way into this valley by the old Mine road. We have no certain account of any perma- nent settlement made in the Pennsylvania por- tion of the Minisiuk earlier than that of Nicho- las De Pui, in 1 725. His two brothers, Abram and Ephraim, came at the same time and locat- ed in the New Jersey portion of the Minisiuk. Abram afterwards removed down the Delaware and purchased a property on the Pennsylvania side opposite Foul Reef, of whom Judge Depuy, of honorable eminence in New Jersey, is a de- scendant. What became of the enterprising Hollanders who penetrated this valley many years before, for mining purposes, at Paha- ijuarra, is not known ; it is thought that a few of these, with their families, remained, as there are well authenticated accounts of earlier settle- ments in the New Jersey Minisiuk than 1725. The Van Campens came about this date and were friends of the De Puis. The De Puis, how- ever, were not of Holland, but of French origin. 1 The intercourse of the people of this portion of the Delaware Valley was exclusively with their countrymen residing in towns along the Hudson, fmm which they had themselves emi- grated. Their outlet was by the "old Mine" road, which commenced about three miles above the De Pui settlement, in New Jersey, where the mining operations were carried on, to the Hudson, a distance of one hundred miles. And they found this road very serviceable in enab- ling them to transport the surplus products of their farms to market by sleds in winter, and to bring from thence their needed supplies. The mines appear to have been worked to a considerable extent. Two horizontal drifts of several hundred feet in length penetrate the side of the mountain, a few hundred feet above the river Delaware, with several smaller open- ings adjacent. The mines are distant about eight miles from the Delaware Water Gap in Pahaquarra. This name is corrupted .from the original Indian name of the Delaware Water (nip, " Pohoqua- line," called also at different periods Pabqua- line and Pahaqualia, meaning a river passing between two mountains. Colonel Jacob Stroud is familiarly associated with the delightful town bearing his name. He was well known as an active, enterprising business man and figured prominently in the history of the times in which he lived. He was born at Amwell, N. J., in 1735.~ In 1738 Daniel Brodhead purchased fifteen hundred acres of land extending from what was formerly known as the" Flower Garden," above Stroudsburg, to and including the " falls " and water-power now owned by W r illiam Wallace, and at this place Ephraim Culver built a grist- mill in 1753, which was the second mill north of the mountain — the first being Depui's at Shawnee. From the annals of the " Red Rose Inn " we learn that Ephraim Culver, 3 the sixth landlord l See history of the i'amWy, posted. s See " History of Stroudsburg." '■> The descendants of Ephraim Culver have been employed from the begining of the century at the gun-factory of Jas. MONROE COUNTY. 1(151 in succession at that historic hostelry, late of Lower Smithtiehl, miller, but a native of Con- necticut, born 30th July, 1717, in the town of Lebanon, was installed at this inn, as near as we can ascertain, about the time of the vernal equi- nox of 1759. In 1753 he left Connecticut and removed with his family to Smithfield and settled upon a small glebe he had purchased of Daniel Brod- head. On this site, now the centre of the borough of Stroudsburg, he erected a grist-mill (its wheel was turned by the waters of Mc- Michael's Creek) and looked forward, no doubt, to years of peaceful industry, and then retire- ment from business, and rest in the evening of life. But these prospects were rudely marred when Mr. Culver, on the 11th of December, 1755, saw a cloud of smoke ascending from the site of his home and mill, as he was fleeing with his wife and children from the destroying Indians. With others of his neighbors, Mr. Culver sought a friendly asylum at Nazareth. There ere long he united with the Moravians. Mr. Culver was tendered, in 1756, the position of landlord of the " Crown Inn," at Bethlehem. The " Red Rose " was situated north of Naz- areth, on the road to the Wind Gap. The " Crown " was an inn of still greater historic celebrity, established at Bethlehem, in 1745. On the same day that Mr. Culver's house and mill were burned many of the dwellings in the valley between the Lehigh and Delaware were laid in ashes and several of the inhabitants killed. Numbers fled to the Brodhead settle- ment at Dansbury (East Stroudsburg), where a united and determined effort was resolved upon to stay the further progress of the infuriated Indians. The main building was hastily for- tified and filled with the wretched and home- less sufferers, aud such arms as could be pro- cured were placed in the hands of those who could use them effectually. They were soon attacked by a party of sav- ages, hitherto unresisted in their devastating inarch down the valley, numbering, according Henry, at Boulton, Northampton County, Pa. ^See Stroud township.) to different accounts, about two hundred war- riors, who signaled their approach by firing barns, stacks of grain and everything else with- in their reach. The attack upon the fortified house was commenced on the afternoon of the day named, but the Indians were unable long to withstand the well-directed fire from the building and were forced to retire with severe loss of men De Pur Family. — Nicholas De Pui was a Huguenot, and fled from France to Holland in the year 1685, when Louis X 1 Y. exposed them to Papal vengeance by revoking the Edict of Nantes, an act of stupendous folly on the part of Louis, to say nothing of its inhumanity, for he thereby drove some of the best French arti- sans out of France into Holland and England, where they taught those nations how to manu- facture certain articles which made them com- petitors with France in the markets of the world, and it may be truly said that every nation that received these refugees was made stronger and better thereby. Many of these exiles found a home in America ; among them were Nicholas, Ephraim and Abraham De Puy, or De Pui, as it was originally written, who first fled to Hol- land and shortly after emigrated to America, and found their way up the Hudson to the Esopus. Ephraim located on the Hudson and Abraham located on the Pennsylvania side of the river, below Belvidere, and has numerous de- scendants, among them Judge David A. Depue, of New Jersey. Nicholas De Puy came to the Minisink in 1725, and was the first white settler in the Pennsylvania portion north of the Blue Mountain of whom there is any authentic ac- count, and his deed from the Indians, dated September 18, 1727, for three thousand' acres of land lying along the Delaware River north of the Water Gap, including the three islands Shawano, Manwallamink, and another small island, signed by the Indian chiefs Waugoan- lennegea and Pemnogque, is the oldest docu- mentary evidence of any settlement of the Min- isink on the Pennsylvania side of the river. He was evidently a man of some wealth, and with the assistance of his slaves and his large family of children he was able to establish himself firmly and build up a home in the wilderness. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. He cultivated the friendship of the Indians and they were his true friends. He obtained his title from these proud Lenni Lenapes, and they considered it a valid one, although there is no consideration mentioned in the Indian deed, and it is otherwise defective as a legal title, and yet it had been given in good faith by the Lenni Lenape, or Original people, as they called them- selves, and they respected the title which they had given, and who does not sympathize with that spirit of independence which manifested itself some years later, when Nicholas Scull, the proprietaries' surveyor, was engaged in measur- ing off some of these same lands to Mr. De Pui, in order that he might obtain title to them through the proprietaries, when the Indians advised the surveyor to put up iron string and go home, which he did ? This act is an evidence of good faith towards Mr. De Pui, and an as- sertion of original ownership on the part of the Indians which the proprietors could understand. The following is a copy of the original : " Indian Deed to Nicholas Depui. " This indenture, made the 18th day of September, in the year of the reign of our Soverent Lord George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, An- no Domini one thousand seven hundred and twenty- seven, Nicklas Depui, of Kizenick, in the county of Ulster, yeoman, of the one part, and Indian owners and possessors of the said tract of land hereaf- ter of the other part, witnesseth that the said Indian owners, possessors of the said land aforesaid, for and in consideration of to them, the said Indian owners and possessors, well and Truly to them in hand paid by the said Nicklas Depui, at and before the enseal- ing and delivery of these presents, the receipt of which they, the said and every of them doe and doth, aquit, release and discharge the said Nichlas Depue, there heirs, executors and administrators and assigns, Have granted, bargained and sold, released and confirmed the said Nichlas Depue all the said tract of land lying in Pensalvena, in the county of Bucks, joining to Dellaway River, beginning by Peter Ribble on the south side of the land by the North of a creek and thereover, and runs up south- westly eighty chains ; from thence Northwest so far as the top of the high mountains, and from thence all along the said mountains as the coast runs, so along till we come over against Peghgoquery, and thence with a south east line so as the river runs, including all the Islands and lowlands appertaining to the said tract of land belonging to the heirs of Sir William Pen, Containing Three Thousand Acres more or less, together with all the Intress, woods, timbers ande un- derwoods, with all and all other privileges and advan- tages whatsoever, all manner of mines, minerals and quarrys, pastures and privileges whatsoever ; all these the said Indians and every of them, their rights and in- terests, property, claim of in the said tract of land be- longing or in any manner of way appertaining, and reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders thereof, and of every pusell there of to have and the said tract of land hereby granted, bargained, sold, re- leased and confirmed, with these and every of these appertenances, unto the said Niclas Depue, their heirs and executors & admenstrator or assigns forever, free from any claim to be maid by us or any of us, or any other Indians whatsoever, and we will and ever war- rant and forever defend the said Nichlas Depue, there heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in a quiet, peaceable possession thereof against all other Indian or Indians whatsoever. " In witness whereof we, the said Indian owners and possessors, hereunto set our hand and seals the day and year first above written. "Signed, sealed] and delivered in | Waugounlenneggea C. (Seal.l the presence of [ Pemnogque V. (Seal.) us. J Notwithstanding this title from the Indians, which they considered good and which they were evidently ready to warrant and defend as they had agreed, Mr. De Pui acknowledged the title of the proprietaries and repurchased a good portion, if not all, of this land of William Allen, 1 of Philadelphia, who had patented ten thousand acres of laud in the Minisink in 1727. 1 The Aliens occupy a distinguished place in the early history of Pennsylvania. Proud says, "William Allen was the son of William Allen, who died in Philadelphia in 1725. He had been an eminent merchant in the city and a considerable promoter of the trade of the province, a man of good character and estate." William Allen, the younger, had been appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court in 1750, a position which he heid for many years. He en- joyed the friendship of the Penn family, and his daughter Ann married Governor John Penn. He speculated very extensively in lands, and by shrewd and careful methods secured an ample fortune. Secretary James Logan, writing to Thomas Penn, in England, says he "had a method of procuring a knowledge of the quality and worth of lands, which he effected hy private arrangements he made with the surveyors who traversed the wild lands, ... to whom he gave douceurs ; in this manner he became the wealthiest of the land speculators, as persons desirous of purchasing good tracts would purchase of him in prefer- ence to all others." Judge Allen had married one of the daughters of Andrew Hamilton, a former Deputy Governor under William Penn. He had three sons, — Andrew, Jame» and William. MONROE COUNTY. Mr. Depui rented of Allen for a few years, and in 1733 he commenced to purchase of him. During that year he purchased one tract of four hundred and twenty-six acres for fifty pounds ; the three islands, — Manwallamink, containing one hundred and twenty-six acres ; the Great Shawna, containing one hundred and forty-six acres ; and a small island over which the rail- road now passes, containing about thirty acres, for four hundred pounds. He also bought an- other tract containing two hundred and thirty- two acres the same year, and by further pur- chases in the years following he acquired a large property along the Delaware above and below Shawnee, nearly all of it being fertile river flats. He built a large house and planted an apple orchard and also built a grist-mill, which is mentioned as reserved to Moses Depui, his son, in a deed dated 1743. He cultivated the flats and adjacent islands and lived like a prince among the aborigines. " Few communities can lay claim to a family of greater worth and re- spectability, and fewer still can witness a repu- tation such as this family possessed, maintained untarnished for five successive generations. For nearly half a century Mr. Depui and other members of his family continued in undisturbed friendship with the Indians of the Minisink, and after the main body of the tribe were ex- iled, the few who fondly lingered until the out- break of 1755 — when they were hunted like wild beasts of the forest — ever found a generous welcome at his door." ' According to Nicholas Depui's will, made in the year 1745, his sons were Moses, Aaron, Samuel and Daniel, and the daughters are Cathrina, Susanna, Magda- lena, Johanna and Elizabeth. Cathrina Roseu- krans deceased before that time, and her chil- dren — Hendrikus, Harnod, Garret, Benjamin and Moses — are provided for in the will. Of these sons, Samuel Depui retained the home- stead, and during the war his house was stock- aded and a swivel gun mounted at each corner, and was called Depui's Fort. " The sou, like his father before him, had no fear of the Indi- ans, living among them in peace and security until the French began to exert a wicked influ- 1 Delaware Water Gap, by L. W. Brodhead. ence upon them, when Depui became alarmed, and he and his neighbors asked for colonial help. These calls, which afterward became fre- quent, were always respected and help came, Depui invariably assuring the government that he had abundant provision to keep the men." And it is recorded that in all the public life of the original Depui reported by various officials of the colony only one charge was found by the commissary-general. They doubtless considered the assured safety to life and property against the depredations of the Indians a full remuner- ation for keeping the men. Samuel Depui was a very powerful man. A characteristic anecdote is told of him in connection with John Heading, who revived the old mine just across the river from Depui's, although it proved to be a poor speculation for investors. Reading became provincial Governor of New Jersey. He and Depui were warm friends. One day Reading was telling him of the trouble he had with a negro servant. The negro was a strong man and knew it. Whenever any one wanted him to do anything he would say, " Well, now, if you are stronger than I am, I will do it ; sup- pose we try strength and see who shall do tin- work." In this way he managed to do about as little as he pleased. Depui said, " Send him to me." The negro was sent. Depui set him to do some work near the river, and the negro commenced in his old way : " If you are stronger than I am, 1 will serve you ; if not, we'll see." Depui threw him down the side- hill about twenty feet and followed him up with a kick, and was about to throw him into the Delaware when the African cried, " Hold, hold, sir; I knock under !" and became after that an obedient and trusty servant. Samuel Depui received a few years after an injury which shortened his life. One day, as he and some others were shoving a Durham boat up the Delaware, it stuck on a reef, and two men were trying to shove it off, when Depui stepped forward and took a pole, saying that he could shove it off alone. As he was making the effort the pole broke and be fell forward on the pole with such force that it penetrated his side and wounded him severely. He lived for a number of years, but was never well again. 1054 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Nicholas (2d) son of Samuel, built the stone house which is now standing at Shawnee in 1785. Robert R. De Puy, of Strondsburg, is the owner of the old estate at this time. His father was Nicholas (3d) son of Nicholas (2d). Moses Depui, who, from the order in which they are mentioned in the will, appears to have been the eldest son of Nicholas Depui, and was the owner of the grist-mill, as appears from deeds in 1743. In 1747 he was appointed a magistrate. In Hubbard's " Life of Major Moses Van Cam- pen " the following occurs concerning him : " He was distinguished for an exemplary re- ligious character as well as for kindness and liberality to the poor. He acted for a number of years as justice of the peace and in the dis- charge of his office he seemed more like a father consulting and settling the differences of a large family than like the generality of those who administer justice. He never would allow a suit between any of his neighbors to come to issue before him, but in almost every instance effected a reconciliation between the parties without going through the expensive and, in too many instances, painful steps of a lawsuit." " The De Puis were not of Holland, but French origin. The family fled from France, it has been generally supposed, on account of the persecutions following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1685, and came to America about that time ; but we find in the list of early immigrants to New Netherland (New York) the following : ' Oct., 1662, in the ship " Pem- berton Church " Nicholas Du Pui, from Artois, and wife acd three children,' and in the list of patents granted by the Dutch government of New York from 1630 to 1664, one to Nicholacs De Puis for a plantation on Staten Island on the 19th March, 1663; also, as appears by an abstract of the will of Nicholas De Puis, of New York, dated Oct. 13th, 1685. These together will show that the family came to this country at a much earlier period than is generallv sup- posed." l The Van Campen Family. — John Arenson Van Campen arrived in New York, June 19, 'From Historical Notes of the Minisink, by L. W. lSi-oil- 1658, in the ship "Brown Fish" according to Dutch doc, vol. viii. p. 408, Albany. " Claus " Nicholas Van Campen, called "a farmer's boy," came from Holland on board the ship " Faith" in 1662. Dutch doc, vol. viii. pp. 408 to 412, show the passage pf his wife Gretchen, (Grace), who came with their son, and the passage was remitted on account of the military services of John A. Van Campen. In 1692, John Van Campen petitioned for laud for himself and military company on Shawangunk Creek. This \\as probably John A. Van Campen, who came to America in 1658. In the year 1700, in Colonel Jacob Rutson's regiment, and Captain Joachim Schoonmaker's company of one hun- dred and fifty-five men from Dutchess and Ulster (bounties, Lieutenant John Van Cam- lien's name appears. George Van Campen of Olean, New York, from whom these facts were obtained, thinks that this was a son of John A. Van Campen's. Dutchess was divided from Ulster in 1713. Ulster then comprised all of the land west of the Hudson to the Delaware. In 172s, John Van Campen was a freeholder in Marbletown, Ulster County, and in 1737, Jacob Van dampen was in the list of freehol- der- in Dutchess County. In 1726, John Van Campen had a lawsuit with John Conrad Weiser about obtaining an Indian title to laud west of the Delaware, from a point then known as Pionpock to a point opposite Van Campen's Island. Cornelius Van Campen is mentioned as a corporal, in 1738, in a militia company in Ulster County, N. Y'. Moses, John, Benjamin and Cornelius Depui are also mentioned in the 1 ist of troops. In 1761 , Cornelius Van Campen, Aaron Van Campen and Benjamin Van Campeu are ass< ssed ill Smithfield township, Northamp- ton County. Garret Van Campen's name appears among the residents in 1777, and John, .Moses and Abram Van Campen's names appear as early as 1778. Among the slave-holders in Smithfield in 1780 was John Van Campen, who owned lour slaves, and Benjamin Van Campen, who had five slaves. " At a meeting held in Philadelphia, Saturday, March 3, 1770, at which the Hon. John Penn, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-Governor etc., William Logan, Richard Peters, Benjamin Chew and James Tilghman, MONROE COUNTY. 1055 Esquires, were present, the Board after hav- ing considered the present state of the intrusion and settlements made by the Connecticut people on the proprietary lands within this province (at Wyoming), were of the opinion that if two prudent persons, living in the north part <>i Northampton County were immediately vested with the authority of magistrates, it would greatly conduce to the preservation of peace and better execution of the order of government from time to time, in defeating the measures of those people and checking the progress of then- scheme of settlement on the lands at Wyoming and on the Delawere. " The Governor therefore, on the recommenda- tion of the members of the Council present, issued two special commissions, appointing Garret Brodhead and Van Campen, Esquires, justices of the Court of Quarter .Sessions of the Peace and the County Court of Common Pleas for the county of Northampton." This John Van Campen was a son of Colonel Abram Van Campen, of Pahaquarry. He actively espous- ed the cause of the Pennamites in the Connec- cut troubles, and was in frequent correspondence with President Reed during the Revolution. He lived in the stone house which stood in Shawnee, where George Y. Bush afterwards located ; the latter, with Benjamin Y. Bush, Esq., were his grandsons. Colonel Abram Van Campen, father of the above-mentioned John Van Campen, came to the Minisink about the same time that Nicholas Depui did, aud purchased a large body of land in what is now called Pahaquarra (Pahaqualine), on the opposite side of the Delaware, five miles above Nicholas Depui's. He was promiuent in defending the frontier, which was then along the Delaware, in 1755, during the French aud Indian War, and was one of the first judges of Sussex County, New Jersey, which embraced a portion of the Minisink, and was organized November 20, 1753. He and his associates were appointed, by order of His Majesty, King George II., and commissioned judges of the Pleas, with power likewise to act as justices of the peace. The Van Campeus were tall, noble-looking men and were always an influential and highly respectable family. Abram Van Campen married Miss Jennins and had four sons,— Benjamin, Moses, Abram and John. Benjamin died young. Abram married Miss ('ape, of Philadelphia, and their children were Moses, Andrew, Mary, Maria, John and James. Of these children, Moses, married Miss Overfield aud their chil- dren were William, Jacob, Benjamin, Susan and Sarah, wife of Moses Shoemaker. Andrew Van Campen married Miss Michaels ; their children were Mary, Sally, John, James, George. Maria Van Campen was the wife of John Nyce. John married Miss Pipher ; their children wire Mary, Sarah and John. James married Miss Pipher, and their children were Andrew, Frank, James and John. Moses Shoemaker's children were Moses, Andrew and Mary. John Van Campen, of the original family, married Sarah Depui. They had one son, Abram, and three daughters, — Mary, Blandina and Susanna. Abram married Sarah Dewitt. They had two daughters,— Susan, whose first husband was Solferyne Westbrook, and second husband was William Dusenbury, of Sandyston, ST. J., opposite Dingman's Ferry; and Catharine, wife of Robert T. Green, aud brother of Dr. Trail Green, of Lafayette College, of Easton Pa. Mary Van Campen was the wife of George Bush, of Shawnee. Blandina was the wife of Henry Shoemaker, of Paha- quarra, and Susanna was the wife of Judge John Coolbaugh, wdio was the sou of William Coolbaugh, who came from Germany. He was a sea-captain and well educated. He came to Smithfield from Kingwood, Hunterdon County, N. J. His wife was Sarah Johnson ; both of them are buried at Shawnee. Of their ten children, Cornelius and John were all that remained in Smithfield. John Coolbaugh who married Susanna Van Campen, was associate judge of Pike County twenty-two years, and his descendants are among the prominent men of Monroe County. Of Moses, son of Cor- nelius Van Campen, who probably married a sister of Nicholas Depui's, we have the fol- lowing account : Cornelius Van Campen ' came from Holland Life and Times of Major Moses Van Campen, by Join Sf. Hubbard. 1821. 1056 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and settled in New Jersey. He married a Depui (Depee or Depue, according to some records), and soon after the birth, on January 21, 1757, of their first son, Moses Van Campen (who became an officer in the Revolutionary army and a celebrated border adventurer during the exciting times before, during and after the war for independence), they removed to the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware and settled a little above the Water Gap. In 1769 Cornelius Van Campen took his son, Moses, and went to the Wyoming region, where he had purchased a fine tract of laud under the Pennsylvania title. The constant turmoil arising from the contested title to the Wyoming was, however, distasteful to him, and relinquishing, temporarily, the idea of cultivating the beautiful land, and having in the mean time sold his farm on the Delaware, he removed, in 1773, with his entire family, to the west branch of the Susquehanna, in Northum- berland County. While living here Moses Van Campen went with Colonel Plunket's force of Pennsylvanians to drive the Connecticut party from the valley of the Wyoming. In 1776 he was presented with the office of ensign in Colonel Cook's regiment, raised chiefly in Northumberland County, to join the Continental army under Washington, but was with some others induced to remain upon the frontier by James McClure, one of the County Committee of Safety, who knew that he was familiar with the woods and the ways of the Indians, who, il was foreseen, would prove most stealthy foes. He served very effectually as a frontiersman ; built a fort on Fishing Creek, where he was several times attacked by the Indians ; went through the whole of the bloody Wyoming campaign ; was with Sullivan in his famous march and subsequent movements; was captured by the Indians in 1780, but made his escape, and sub- sequently entered the Continental service, in which he soon became a lieutenant and per- formed important duty throughout the Susque- hanna region. In 1782 he was again captured by the Indians, narrowly escape execution, but was taken finally to Montreal and paroled. In the spring of 1783 he was again active in the de- fence of the border, and was made commander of Wilkes-Barre Fort. After the close of the war he married a daughter of James McClure, and in 1795 removed to Allegheny County, N. Y., where he practiced the art of surveying which he had learned in his youth. He carried on a large land business ; was appointed one of the judges of the county ; was its treasurer for fifteen years, and commissioner of loans from 1808 until he removed from the county to Dans- ville, N. Y., in 1831. He died there upwards of eighty-five years of age. Such, in brief, was the life of one of Pennsylvania's bravest patriots and frontiersmen. Brodhead Family. — The ancestor of the Brodhead family is said to have come from Germany to England and to have settled at Royston, in Yorkshire, in the reign of Henry VIII. On February 28, 1610, King James I. granted the manor of Burton or Monk Britton, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, to John Brodhead and George Wood, the principal free- holders of that place. Daniel Brodhead, grand-nephew of John, the above-named grantee, was the ancestor of those who bear the name in the United States. He was born in Yorkshire, married Ann Tye, was an officer in the army of King Charles II. aud accompanied the expedition of Colonel Nicolls from England in 1664. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the military forces at Kingston, September 14, 1665, where he re- mained till his death, July 14, 1667. He had three sons, — Daniel, Charles and Richard. Daniel, son of Richard, was born at Marble- town, N. Y., in 1693, married Hester Wyngart, moved to Pennsylvania in 1738 and settled on the stream since bearing his name, upon laud acquired some two years before from the pro- prietaries of the province, apparently for service rendered, comprising one thousand acres. It embraced the present town of East Stroudsburg, and an additional purchase of five hundred acres extended the area to Wallace's Mill Dam, on McMichael Creek. This property was known locally as the " Brodhead Manor " and the settlement at Dansbury, being in the several divisions of counties, first in Bucks, then in Northampton and now in Monroe. On Septem- ber 25, 1747, he was commissioned one of the MONROE COUNTY. 1057 justices of the peace for tbe portion of Bucks County north of the " Blue Hills," which he held for the rest of his life. The authorities of the province considered it a necessity to have a magistrate there to watch, report and, as far as possible, thwart the Connecticut emigrants, who were at that time preparing to assert their claim to Wyoming, and he is said to have per- formed this service with zeal and ability. At the organization of Northampton County, in 1752, Mr. Brodhead was re-apppointed justice and at the same time Aaron Depui and John Vanetta, for Smithfield and Middle Smith- field. At the period of this settlement (1738) nearly all the country north of the mountain was a wilderness; the nearest neighbors were the Dupuis, on the Delaware River, at Shawnee, three miles above the Water Gap. The Indians inhabiting the locality were known as the Min- si-i, called also Munxei/s, and known more par- ticularly by the whites — with other tribes on the same stream — as Delawares. With these Indians Daniel Brodhead appears to have been on friendly terms and desired to aid in promot- ing their civilization. He became acquainted with such of the Moravian missionaries who. on their way from Bethlehem to and from their mission stations (extending as far as Shecomeka, in Dutchess County, N. Y.), often lodged at his house and enjoyed the rest and hospitality so much needed after these long and tiresome journeys through a wilderness country. He was ever their friend, and induced them to establish an Indian mission at his place, and he erected a suitable building for the purpose. It was situated ou the west bank of the creek, near the present iron bridge, and was the second church building north of the mountain. Daniel Brodhead died at Bethlehem (whither he had gone for medical treatment) on July 22, 1755. Some of his children were educated at Bethlehem. His son John was a pupil there in 1752. Fourth Generation. — Children of Daniel Brodhead and Hester Wyugart : Charles, who married Mary Oliver; Garrett married Jane Davis; Daniel married Elizabeth Depui; John married Mary Davis ; Thomas died at sea ; Luke 104 Elizabeth Harrison, 1737-1806 ; Ann Garton never married. Fifth Generation. — Children of Charles Brod- head and Mary Oliver : Hester Wyngart Brod- head married Josiah Elting; Charles C. Brod- head never married, 1772-1852 ; Ann Brod- head married Abram Deys ; James Brodhead never married ; Mary Catharine married John Jenkins; John C. Brodhead never mar- ried, 1781-1859 ; Richard Brodhead never married; Oliver Brodhead married Susan Hal- lack. Children of Garret Brodhead and Jane Davis: John Brodhead married Catharine Heiner, 17(36-1821 ; Daniel Brodhead never married ; Richard Brodhead married Hannah Drake, 1771-1843 ; George Brodhead never married; Elizabeth Brodhead married Francis Joseph Smith, M.D., 1775; Rachel Brodhead married David Dills; Samuel Brodhead mar- ried Hannah Shoemaker, 1779. Children of Daniel Brodhead and Elizabeth Depui: Daniel Brodhead; Ann Garton Brod- head married Joseph Heiner. Children of John Brodhead and Mary Davis: Richard Brodhead married Elizabeth Murdock ; Elizabeth Brodhead married Rev. Storms. ( Ihildren of Luke Brodhead and Elizabeth Harrison: Thomas Brodhead, M.D., married Mary Curtis, 1765-1830; Daniel Brodhead married Rachel Nottingham, 1767-1848; John Brodhead, D.D., married Mary Dodge, 1770- 1838 ; Mary Brodhead married Leonard Har- denberg, 1772; Ann G. Brodhead never mar- ried, 1774-1852; Luke Brodhead married Elizabeth Wills, 1777-1845, 1789-1877; Elizabeth Brodhead married Richard Went- worth, 1779-1868; Alexander Brodhead mar- ried Elizabeth Bloom, 1781; Eliza Brodhead married Joseph Barton, 1798. This portion of the genealogy of this family is given to show their identity with the early history of this part of the State up to and in- cluding the period of the Revolution ; those who figured therein and others in whose lives there are incidents of historical or general in- terest, are mentioned in the following notes. The four succeeding generations of the family are scattered over the Union. Tracing the 1II5S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. genealogy farther is uot a legitimate part of this history. Charles Brodhead, the eldest son of Daniel, of the fourth generation, in company with Aaron Depui and Benjamin Shoemaker, was intrusted by Governor Morris with a commis- sion of a difficult nature, that is, to invite the Indians of Wyoming to a conference at Harris, (Harrisburg) with a view to a treaty, and to take charge of and accompany them to that place. The other gentleman named being un- able to attend, Mr. Brodhead undertook the mission alone. He twice visited the Indians at Wyoming, once on the 9th of November, 1755, and again in December following. It was dur- ing this last visit, or in the same mouth, that the Indians made the attack upon the paternal home at East Stroudsburg (elsewhere related). On the 29th of April, 1756, Charles Brod- head entered the provincial service as ensign, and on the 15th of March, 1758, was commis- sioned lieutenant in the Augusta Regiment, Colonel Claphan commanding, and was sta- tioned at Fort Augusta (Shamokin). He was on the first jury at the organization of North- ampton County, in 1752. He afterwards re- moved to Ulster County, N. Y. Charles was the father of the Hon. John C. Brodhead, member of Congress from New York. Garret Brodhead, the second son of Daniel of the fourth generation, was a short time in the Revolutionary army, in a New Jersey regi- ment. All the other brothers being in the service, he was required at home to attend to the large property left by his father. He was appointed magistrate in 1770, and held the office for many years. He died in 1804. Daniel Brodhead, the third son of Daniel of the fourth generation, was in 1773 appointed deputy surveyor-general under John Lukens. In the summer of 1776 he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel, and on the 4th of July of that year was ordered by the Committee of Safety of Philadelphia "to proceed with one battalion of five hundred riflemen to Bordentown, N. J., to be employed agreeable to a requisition of the Honorable Continental Congress." He was in most of the battles fought by Washington's army till 1778, when, being colonel of the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, he was trans- ferred by General Washington to the command of the Western Department, with his headquar- ters at Fort Pitt, where he remained till nearly the close of the war. His command in this department was oue constant struggle with the Indian allies of Great Britain, extending along the whole frontier, and the results were so satis- factory as to receive the approval of Congress by special resolution. He received the appoint- ment of general before the close of the war. The Indians being finally subdued and dis- couraged, thousands of soldiers and frontier citizens were free to join the Continental army, and the glorious triumph soon followed. At the close of the war General Brodhead was ap- pointed surveyor-general of Pennsylvania, No- vember 8, 1789. He died at Milford, Pa., November 15, 1809. His son Daniel was ap- pointed lieutenant in Colonel Shee's battalion, January, 1776. He married for his second wife, General Mifflin's widow. His daughter, Ann Garten, was baptized by Rev. J. H. Goetchius, Mr. Frycumuth's successor in Smith- field, on February 12, 1758. John Brodhead, the fourth son of Daniel in the fourth generation. Of John there are no facts at hand other than the simple statement that he was a captain in the Continental army and removed to the State of New York, but the time is not ascertained. Luke Brodhead, the sixth and youngest .son of Daniel of the fourth generation, was in every sense a patriot. At the outbreak of the Revo- lution, he felt that the full measure of his ser- vices were due to his country, and he was impa- tient to volunteer the extent of that service without waiting, by advice of his friends, the tender of a commission. He entered the first American Rifle Regiment, commanded by Colonel William Thompson, which marched direct to Boston, where he distinguished him- self, as on other occasions, as a brave soldier. He was commissioned a lieutenant in the rifle regiment commanded by Colonel Samuel Miles, and was severely wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island. During this imprisonment he suffered great hardship in the sugar-house and prison-ships at New York, MONROE COUNTY. lllf)!) but he was not forgotten by his country. John Hancock commissioned him a captain in the Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Colonel Magaw. Captain Brodhead partici- pated in the battles of Short Hills, Brandy- wine, Germantown, Monmouth, etc. But the wounds received at Long Island, and the suffering endured in prison, so impaired his health that, though he received the commission of colonel on the day that his brother Daniel received his as general, he was obliged to quit the service and retire to his family. He was the intimate friend of Lafayette, to whom he was much attached. He was appointed a mag- istrate in the disputed district of Wyoming, but did not go there to reside. Colonel Miles, in his autobiography, speaking of the battle of Long Island, says : "We took Major Moncreiff, their commanding officer, prisoner ; but he was a Scotch prize to Ensign Brodhead, who took him and had him in pos- session several hours, but was obliged to sur- render himself." Captain Brodhead continued to suffer from his wounds for the remainder of his life, and died at Stroudsburg June 19, 1806. He was the first child baptized by Rev. John Casparus Fryenmuth, the Dutch Reformed clergyman, in Smithfield, which occurred May 22, 1741. Peter Casay and Anna Prvs were his sponsors. John Brodhead, son of Garret of the fifth generation, was born March 3, 1776, died Sep- tember 5, 1821. He was the first clerk of the courts, prothonotary and register and recorder on the organization of Wayne County, Septem- ber 10, 1 798. The court was held first at Mil- ford, the present shire-town of Pike County. Studied surveying under Col. William Wills, of Smithfield, and received the certificate March 27, 1792. Elected to the Legislature about 1812. He was the father of Daniel M. (mar- ried Eliza Barton), Johu H. (married Louisa Ross), William F. (married Jane Dingman), George W. (married H. Dougherty) and Henry R, (married Emily Stull). The Rev. Augustus Brodhead, D.D., for twenty years missionary in India, and now a pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Bridgeton, N. J., is a son of John H., above named. Mrs. Sena- tor Van Wyck is a daughter of John H. The account of this branch of the family belongs, more pai-ticularly, to Pike County. Richard Brodhead, son of Garret of the fifth generation, was most of his life a resident of Pike County, and is spoken of in that connec- tion, as also his sous herein named. He was the father of Sarah, who married the Hon. John Westbrook ; Garret, who married Cornelia Dingman ; William, who married Susan Cool- baugh ; Jane, who married Moses S. Brundage ; Albert Gallatin, who married Ellen Middaugh; Charles, who married Mary Brown ; Anna Maria, who married John Seaman ; Rachel, who married John J. Linderman, M.D. ; and Richard, who married Mary Jane Bradford. Richard Brodhead, the youngest of the above family, was educated at Easton, and studied law there. He was elected to the Legislature soon after his admission to the bar; was mem- ber of Congress and United States Senator. Dr. Francis Joseph Smith, who married Elizabeth Brodhead of the fifth generation, was a political refugee from France and a man of decided ability. His real name was J. J. Aerts. The assumed name was for political reasons. Thomas Brodhead, M.D., of the fifth gene- ration, was born at Dausbury (East Strouds- burg), in 1765. He went to Ulster County, New York, when a young man, and studied medicine with Dr. Oliver. He was an eminent physician and acquired a large fortune in his practice. Died November 11, 1830. John Brodhead, D.D., of the fifth generation was also born at East Stroudsburg, October 5, 1770. In his twenty-second year, after hearing a powerful discourse from a Methodist itinerant, he returned home, retired to the barn to medi- tate and pray. After his conversion he entered the itinerant field in 1794 in his twenty-fourth year, and was appointed to Northumberland Cir- cuit in this State. The next year he was transfer- red to New England. He was forty-four years in the ministry, four years a member of Congress from New Hampshire and for a number of years member of the State Senate. He was Senator and acting as chaplain at the time General Lafayette visited that place. 1060 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. When Governor Morrill introduced him to Lafayette, Dr. Brodhead inquired if he remem- bered Captain Lake Brodhead. " What, Cap- tain Brodhead of the Pennsylvania line ? Cer- tainly, I knew him well." Dr. Brodhead re- plied : " He was my father." " My dear sir," continued the general, " how glad 1 am to see you ! Your father was a brave man. It cheers my heart to find that the sons of ray comrades in arms still love me." Dr. Brodhead was the father of Daniel, who was navy agent at Boston in 1854; of Dr. John M., second comptroller at Washington for many years; of George H., president of the Board of Brokers in 1874 and Secretary for many years before; of Thornton F., colonel of the First Michigan cavalry during the Rebellion, and was killed at the second Bull Run battle, Septem- ber 2, 1862 ; and of Jonah A., who entered the army of the Rebellion at the commencement of the war and continued till the close, ap- pointed lieutenaut-colonel and paymaster at the end of the war. Luke Brodhead, also of the fifth generation, was born at East Stroudsburg. He was the honored and beloved ancestor of those of the name who reside at the Delaware Water < i-ap. New Y^ork Branch. — It is designed, iu this connection, to speak only of such of the New York branch as have been in public life, and the nature of which will appear of interest to the general reader. Charles Brodhead, of the second generation, married Maria Ten Brook. From him arc de- scended Professor Lewis Brodhead, of Rutgers (formerly Queen's) College, and Charles W. Brodhead, who was a captain in the army of the Revolution and commanded a company of grenadiers, which he raised and equipped mainly at his own expense, and was present, under General Gates, at the surrender of Gene- ral Burgoyne, at Saratoga. He died September 21, 1799. His sister Elizabeth married Theodoric Roineyn, D.D., a distinguished Dutch Reformed clergyman and founder of Union College (1744-1806). Dr. Romeyn's son, John Brodhead Romeyn, D.D. (1770-1825), preceded Rev. Jacob Brodhead in the pastoral charge of the church at Rhinebeck, and for several years was pastor of the Presby- terian Church at Cedar Street, New York. Dr. Romeyn preached the funeral sermon of Alex- ander Hamilton, in 1804, from the text, "How are the mighty fallen ! " A marble tablet, bear- ing his name, is placed in the wall of Dr. John Hall's church, Fifth Avenue, New York. Jacob Brodhead, D.D., was also a descendant of Charles, first above named (1782-1855); He studied languages under Rev. Abram Van Horn, of Rochester, commencing at twelve years of age. He was sent to Schenectady, under care of his uncle, Dr. Romeyn. He en- tered the junior class in Union College in 1799, and graduated in 1801. He pursued his theo- logical studies under Dr. Romeyn. He was called first to the Dutch Reformed Church at Rhinebeck, in 1804. He married Eliza Bleeker, of Albany, the same year. In 1809 he received a call from the Collegiate Reformed Church in New Y^ork, where he remained till 1813. In the summer of that year he accepted a call from the Crown Street Church, in Philadelphia, where he remained thirteen years. His next call was to the Reformed Dutch Church in Broom Street, New York, where he remained till 1837. His pastoral work was suspended for several years on account of ill health, but he continued to preach at intervals till his death, in 1855. Governor Tompkins appointed Dr. Brod- head chaplain of the Third Regiment New York State Artillery in the War of 1812, and, while stationed at Philadelphia, he worked sev- eral weeks on trenches thrown up for the de- fence of the city, and one of the redoubts was called after him, Fort Brodhead. John Romeyn Brodhead, the historian, was a son of the Rev. Jacob Brodhead. He gradu- ated at Rutgers College in 1831 ; studied law with the late Hugh Maxwell ; admitted to the bar in 1835. Attached to the United States Legation at the Hague, in 1839, under com- mission from Governor Seward, of New York, in 1841, he spent three years in Holland col- lecting materials for the " History of New York," and brought home, in 1844, a collection of over five thousand separate papers, which the Hon. George Bancroft, after careful exam- ination, pronounced the most valuable collec- MONROE COUNTY. 1061 tion of material for American history ever brought across the Atlantic. Mr. Brodhead was secretary of legation un- der Mr. Bancroft as minister to England, from 1846 to 1849. From 1853 to 1857 he was naval officer at the port of New York. As State historian, he published two volumes of the " History of New York," but left the remain- ing volume unfinished at his death. He was born in Philadelphia January 2, 1814 ; died in New York in 1873. 1 Bl-X:( (ELECTIONS OF PETER ZlMMEKMAN A Nil Others.— John George Zimmerman came from Berks County to Smithfield and purchased a property of Daniel Shoemaker, in 1802, con- sisting of a farm and a grist and saw-mill lo- cated on Marshall's Creek, at what is now known as Branchville. The grist-mill stood about one hundred and thirty yards from the present mill and had two run of stone. Iu 1815 he took the old mill down and built the present stone grist-mill, with three run of stone. Mr. Zim- merman was a practical miller and his mill, as rebuilt, was the best in the vicinity, and received patronage from Smithfield, Middle Smithfield, Price, Stroud and Mount Pleasant township, in Northampton. There was an old grist-mill at Shawnee and another at Stroudsburg at this time. J. G. Zimmerman owed five hundred and sixty acres of land, and carried on milling and farming until he died, in 1827, when his business was continued by his family, consisting of fourteen children, twelve of whom grew up to manhood and womanhood. Isaac and George had managed a store in connection with the milling business. The hillsides at that time were covered with a fine growth of oak timber, and the farmers, in winter, made large quanti- ties of oak staves, heads and hoops for barrels and firkins, which the early merchants took in exchange for goods and shipped down the Del- aware to Philadelphia on rafts. The Zimmer- man Brothers some years shipped a million staves and heads, and sometimes glutted the market. Isaac and George were both unmar- ried and died aged about fifty-two. George was Furnished by L. W. Brodhead, of the Delaware Watei Gap. an excellent miller. Peter bought his interest and continued to run the mill until he sold it to Heller & Smoyer, the present owners, in 1866. They have added another story and put in four run of stone. Daniel Zimmerman, the third son, was a miller and storekeeper, and lived to be eighty- six years of age. Henry and Joseph were merchants and farmers. Peter Zimmerman, now aged eighty- two, has been a miller sixty- eight years, a business in which he excels. After selling the old mill, he built, in 1852, another grist-mill one hundred yards farther up Mar- shall Creek, with four run of stone, which was sold to Lantz & Phifer in 1875-76, when, farther up the creek, he built, in 1878, another grist-mill with three run of stone, which he now owns. Besides these two grist-mills, lie has built two saw-mills, the Cataract House (which will accommodate about forty guests), several dwelling-houses and barns. There had formerly been tanneries at the upper and lower falls. George McEwing built a tannery at the upper falls and continued tanning until 1860. Francis J. Ervin had a tannery at the lower falls, which was built in 1831. Ulrich Hauser lived about one-half mile northeast of Mr. Zimmerman. He kept a tavern, afterwards owned by his son John. Peter and Joseph were the other sons. Joseph Hauser married Colonel Vannier's daughter, and with her ob- tained the property now occupied by the Water Cure. George Michaels and his sons John and George removed to Middle Smithfield in 1794 from a place called Drylands, near Nazareth. They purchased nine hundred acres of land. Peter, the oldest son, came the following year. John Michaels, who is nearly ninety-three and lives across the river in Pahaquarry, says: "My father built a stone house where Frank H. Smith now resides. They cleared the upland, the lowland being already cleared. My father first built a frame house, the next house above him being my Uncle John's, his son George, aged eighty-six, now occupying it. The next dwelling above was Uncle Peter's. He lived in a log house, his son Samuel having built the present brick house. He had a family of six- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. teen children, fourteen of whom survived. One of these sons, Peter, has the place at present. John De Witt, Jacob De Witt and others of that name lived above the Michaels. Henry Strunk was adjoining my father's (George Mi- chaels, Jr.), on the south. He came from the lower part of the Slate about 1800. Strunk's sous were Henry, who retained the homestead ; Peter, who also lived on part of the homestead ; and George, who was at Shawnee. Andrew Struuk, one of Henry Strunk, Jr.'s, sons, lives on the old Daniel La Bar place. The first farm after crossing the line into Smithneld is that of George Ehes, or Ace, who bought his land of William Place. It was afterward sold to Daniel Brown, and is now owned by his son John. The next farm was that of the well-known farmer, Peter Treible. He and his wife came from the lower part of the State on horseback, carrying their oldest child in their arms. Peter Treible had married a daughter of George Meyers, and assumed charge of his father-in- law's farm. He first lived in a log house, and afterward built a stone dwelling and kept tavern and had a post-office, called Treibleville, at his house. He was a good farmer and a man of some education. Of his eleven children, John retained the homestead, Henry lived on the hill above, and Jacob below Shawnee. George Walters had a log house on the road between the La Bar and Treible place in the year 1800. One of his sons, Michael, built a stone house south of the Daniel La Bar place, where he now resides, aged nearly ninety." Peter Zimmerman says: "John V. Bush's was the next place after passing Michael Wal- ters' to the south, and near it was the old De Puy place. George Bush also lived at Shawnee, where Hiram La Bar now resides. There was no one living between Shawnee and my father's, at Branchville, in 1812. Adam Smith was the first blacksmith that I recall. He lived about one-half mile east of East Stroudsburg, where Philip Smith now is located. I knew Captain Turn. He and Captain Dietrick were captains of two companies of drafted men in the War of 1812. " Philip Schrader was a captain in the Revo- lutionary War. He led a company of militia from Smithfield against the Connecticut settlers at Wyoming in 1784. He was the first store- keeper in Shawnee, from 1797 to 1816. He was also a land speculator, had a good educa- tion and, it was said, was master of several lan- guages. A Presbyterian by the name of Deal, who preached in New Jersey, occasionally offi- ciated in Shawnee. Old Captain Schrader, who was shrewd in an argument, would keep the preachers and draw them into discussions and arguments. " Jacob, Elias and John Transue, brothers, all lived in Smithneld. Jacob Transue, Esq., was on the hills, about two and one-half miles from Shawnee. He was the only justice of the peace for a great distance when the territory was Northampton County. His son Isaac was justice of the peace after him. Elias Transue lived aboutonemilenortheastof Shawnee, on Mo- sier or Transue Knob. It is one of the high- est points in the county, and affords a very ex- tended view. He raised a large family, and many of his descendants are still in this region. John Transue lived north of the home of Elias. His sons were Abram, who was in Pocono township ; Jacob, who lived near Buttermilk Falls; and John, who retained the homestead and attained his eighty-fourth year. Frank Transue, a school-teacher, has the homestead, and Isaac R. Transue keeps a boarding-house at Shawnee." Mr. Zimmerman remembers the Fishes, who were an old family. " John Fish was a farmer and tanner, and weighed two hun- dred and fifty pounds. Abner and Eleazer were laborers ou farms. They had large fami- lies." Peter Landers was a tavern- keeper, farmer and justice of the peace. His son John went to Phillipsburg and has become rich. Old Captain Schrader built a stone store- house at Shawnee in 1810, and engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years. After his death there was for some time no store in Shawnee. In 1840 Charles R. and Joseph V. Wilson bought the Schrader estate, in what was then called Bushtown, and began store- keeping in the same building that Schrader had occupied. Soon after a post-office was estab- lished, which they called Shawnee, with a week- ly mail from Stroudsburg to Bushkill, the MONROE COUNTY. 10(33 other offices being at Peter Treible's and John Turn's. They purchased and refitted the old De Pay grist-mill at Shawnee. After the death of Joseph V. Wilson, in 1856, Charles R. Wil- son continued the business for a short time, when Stokes & Dreher managed it for two years, after which store-keeping was discon- tinued in the stone building. Meanwhile Sam uel Dietrich built a store-house directly opposite Wilson's and Heller & Walker placed in it a stock of goods. J. D. La Bar bought Walker's interest and with Heller established the store where La Bar is now located. In 1859 A. D. Freece purchased the Dietrich building and en- gaged in mercantile business for twenty-two years. The Wilson brothers were energetic business men, having also a store in Strouds- burg. Joseph V. Wilson was one of the first elders and founders of the Presbyterian Church in Stroudsburg. The Delaware River. — The Delaware River takes its rise about one hundred and nine- ty miles nearly directly north of the Delaware Water Gap. In a depression on the west side of the Catskill Mountain lies a secluded little sheet of transparent water, retaining its euphonic Indian name, "Utsayantha." The lake is ele- vated eighteen hundred and eighty-eight feet above tide-water, and from its outlet the Mo- hock, or main branch of the Delaware River, takes its departure to the ocean. The surround- ings of Lake Utsayantha are said to be very wild and picturesque, and in itself is a mirror of beauty in a wilderness of woods, so secluded that it would seem that few, save the red men, have ever gazed upon it in its solitary serenity. From its source the stream flows in a west- wardly direction to Deposit, a distance of forty miles, where it receives a tributary from the north, called "Oquago," from thence south till it unites with the " Popaeton " branch, which has its rise also in the Catskill and flows nearly parallel with the Mohock. Opposite the junc- tion of these two rivers, forming the Delaware, enters the " Shahokin " branch from the west. The waters of the three streams, with several tributaries, make at this place a strong, beauti- ful river, the general direction of which for the next ninety miles by the course of the stream is southeast till reaching Port Jervis. The Great and Little Equinunk, both flowing from the west, are the next tributaries of im- portance. (On the latter stream, at " Cushu- tunk Falls," a settlement was made, in 1757, by people from Connecticut, to the evident concern of the " Pennamites " in the Minisink.) The Lackawaxen (Lechawacsein) enters the Delaware from the west also, and with its two extensive branches, Middle Creek and the Wal- lenpaupack (Wallinkpapeek), adds largely to the volume of the main stream. (Near the mouth of the Lackawaxen was fought the unfortunate battle of the Minisink, in 1779.) Five miles farther on enters another beauti- ful stream, with also another pretty Indian name, " Shohola," or, more correctly and prettier still, " Sholocta." (It is near the mouth of this river where the northern boundary line of the "Walking Purchase" terminated, embracing more than a thousand square miles of territory beyond what the poor Indians supposed they were selling, and including all of their beloved Minisink.) The Naversink, or Mammakatonk, enters the Delaware from the east at Port Jervis ; the Bushkill from the west at the town of that name, thirty miles south of Port Jervis. This stream is the dividing line between Monroe and Pike Counties. (Fort Hyndshaw was erected here in 1 75(5, and, according to James Young " the commissioner general of ye Musters," who visited it in July, 1756, it stood "on the bank of a large creek and about a quarter of a mile from the river Delaware." It is thought now by some to have stood on the high grounds south of the road, near Maple Grove, and about three-fourths of a mile from the river. Com- missioner Young describes the journey from Depui's at Shawnee as " over a good plain road, many plantations, but all deserted, and the houses chiefly burnt. Found at the Fort Lieut. James Hyndshaw with 25 men. The Capt. (Jno. Van Etten) with five men went up the river yesterday ; they had been informed from the Jerseys that 6 Indians had been seen and fired at the night before, etc.) " Brodhead Creek, a large tributary, and Cherry Creek empty into the Delaware near L064 WAYNE, PIKE AM) MONKOK COUNTIKS. PENNSYLVANIA. each other and two miles to the north of the " Gap." There are scores of smaller streams along the entire course of this river, for the extent named. Upon many of these are found the numerous water-falls, for which the tributaries of the Upper Delaware are justly celebrated. The line of cliffs extending through Monroe and Pike Counties, running northeast and south- west, are for thirty miles up the Delaware especially noted for the number and beauty of its water-falls. This range of hills is composed of Hamilton sandstone, a dark shale rock, over which the streams have cut their way, forming picturesque glens and cascades. The carriage road from Bushkill to Milford passes along the river at the base. The exposed portions of the rocks are rendered frangible by the action of the elements, and break in their angular fragments, which are deposited in large quantities, and afford abundant material for building and keep- ing in repair a road that is remembered with pleasure by all who pass over it. The timber of the Delaware region has been floated down the river to build up towns and cities; the land cleared and under cultivation where was once the abode of the wolf and pan- ther, and where herds of deer roamed unmo- lested now dwell prosperous farmers. The areas of swamp are now green meadows, and on its once heavy-timbered bottoms and hill-sides the wheat and corn grow, and domestic animals feed. But the Delaware has become changed and fitful in its altered surroundings; its former flood tides, lasting for weeks, now disappear in as many days. The swamps and forests that once retarded the flow of water and furnished a reservoir, have now by cultivation become a vast water- shed, whose surplus is hurried on to flood the swollen river. There is a history in every stream aside from that of the human beings who inhabit its borders. A personal history, so to speak, dating from the time when its waters were first gathered and sent forth on their united journey to the ocean ; flowing on unheard by human ear, before the red men knew it, or the wild animals came to hide in the forest where it ran, flowed on per- haps in the silent ages, when no living thing inhabited its .waters, nor trees grew upon its banks. The Delaware has been called by a variety of names. It was the favorite river of the well-known confederated nation of Indians, the " Lenni Lenape," and was honored by the be- stowal upon it of the name of this ancient people " Lenapewihittuck," Lenape River, or the river of the Lenape. The Swedes on the Lower Delaware, in the early part of the seventeenth century, heard the river called by the Indians, " Pautaxet." In a deed to William Penn, in 1682, it is named " Mackeriskickou," and in another paper, " Zunikoway ; " it has also been called by In- dians living on the Delaware " Kithanne " and " Gitchanne," signifying the main stream. The Indians near the head of the Delaware, it is said, called it " Lamasepose," signifying Fish River. The Hollanders named it " Zuydt " or South River, in contradistinction to North or Hudson; also Fish River. As is well known, it derives its present name from Lord De la Ware, who visited the bay in 1610. The Delaware Watek Gap. — The Dela- ware Water Gap is an opening in the Blue Mountains admitting the passage of the Dela- ware River on its journey to the ocean. The mountain has been rent asunder, or sep- arated at the time of the upheaval, which, if but a crevice at first, has, by the erosion of ages, widened the passage to allow the easy flow of the river, and to a depth below the general sur- face-level of the surrounding country. The mountain is composed of Oneida conglomerate and Medina sandstone, among the oldest and most enduring of rock structure ; yet Professor Lewis and other geologists tell us that some thousands of feet of strata, including the coal- beds, once lay on top of this region, and have all been gradually eroded and washed into the sea by the wear of the elements. It is interesting as well as important for every one to know something of the character of the rocks that define the topographical features of the country he inhabits ; for it is to the en- during quality of one class of rocks that the mountains stand forth from age to age, to human observation unchanged, and to the yielding MONROE COUNTY. 1005 properties of others, that the lesser hills are clothed in verdure, and the valleys made to yield their abundant increase, while adding diversity and beauty to the landscape. The country between the Blue Ridge and the Pocono presents a varied and interesting class of rock exposure for geological investigation. Passing rapidly over the series northward, after leaving the Medina sandstone of the Blue Ridge, we find in Cherry Valley, and on the side approaching the mountain, the Clinton red shale; in the latter position it is striated and grooved by the glacial movement, the largest glacial groove in the State being formed on Table Rock, near the Delaware Water Gap. The next formation in the order of geologi- cal age is the Oriskany sandstone on Godfrey's Hill, overlying the Lower Helderberg limestone, of which, in part, this long, irregular and beauti- ful range of hills is composed, known besides the general name of " Godfrey's," as Crystal Hill, in Cherry Valley ; Fox Hill, between Water Gap and Stroudsburg ; Mount Lewis, just east of Brod head's Creek ; Shawnee Hill, east of Marshall's Creek; and Walpaclc Ridge, at its northeastern extremity, near Bushkill. Next following in order is the Cauda-galli grit, a dark gray slaty rock, finely exposed near Pipher's Mill, on Marshall's Creek. This is overlaid in many places by the oorniferovs ( Upper Helderberg) limestone, in which are found nodules of chert or hornstone, the finer qualities of which were used by the Indians in making arrow-points and spear-heads. Following the Helderberg limestone appears the Marcellus black shale, an exposure of which is passed be- fore reaching Marshall's Falls. It is seen in various portions of the county, and is the deceptive material in which so much money has been spent in the vain search for coal. At Marshall's Falls we find the Hamil- ton sandstone, a dark shale rock, extending far up the Delaware. Next in geological order is the Genesee black slate, the Chemung gray sand- stone and the Catskill red sandstone. In the last two are found the valuable flagstone quarries of this county. The last of this series is the Pocono gray sandstone, the rugged material of which that mountain is composed. A number of theories have been advanced in reference to the formation of the Water Gap, perhaps the most satisfactory and comprehen- sive of which is the one by Professor Lewis, of Philadelphia, and which is published in this connection. It is an interesting subject for geological inquiry. All theories admit at least the partial barrier to the passage of the stream at some period of its history. To the geological evi- dence in proof of this, and the submergence of the valley north of the mountain, and the sub- sequent subsidence of the waters, revealing the lesser hills and extensive plains, can only be added the dim traditions of a people, who, like the traditional lake, has forever passed away. It is not necessary, however, to solve the origin of the existence of the Water Gap to enjoy its beautiful surroundings. Views are obtained from many points of great extent — from the higher elevations, as far as the eye can reach, comprehending mountains and hills, villages, cultivated fields and primitive forests, the river in its sinuous journey, filling up the picture. The escarpment at the point of dislodgment is more bold on the New Jersey portion of the mountain, the mean of the angle of the entire elevation being about fifty degrees, while the cliffs, as seen from the gorge, exhibit sections of perpendicular descent. On the Pennsylvania mountain the general slope from the summit to the river is less precipitous, a mass of talus having been detached from the crest by the action of the elements, and, pouring lava-like down its sides, has covered the surface to the depth of many feet, concealing the ragged pro- jections that characterize the face of the oppo- site mountain. The whole scene is very impressive when viewed from a boat on the river. The serpen- tine course of the stream around the base of a spur of the main mountain retards the force of the current before it reaches the defile, and it has here the calm, placid beauty of a lake. "Kittatinny" is the name by which the Blue Mountains or Blue Ridge was known by the Indians, and meant in their language " End- less Hills." The Water Gap was known by them as WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. " Pohoqualin," meaning in their language " a river between two mountains." There was an Indian town of that name on the old Van Campen property, known later as the Ribble farm. THE ORIGIN OF THE DELAWARE WATER GAP. 1 " One of the first questions arising in the mind of an intelligent traveler looking upon that great gate- way in the mountains known as the Delaware Water Gap is as to its origin. How did Nature produce this gap? Are there other gaps like this one ? Was it made by some great ' convulsion of Nature ' or is it the result of the slow wearing away of countless ages ? Many answers have been given to these questions but it is only after patient observation of the methods of Nature's operation and a careful comparison of phe- nomena at many localities that an answer approach- ing the truth may be hazarded. " The Delaware Water Gap is one of a series of similar gaps which cut through almost every moun- tain range in Pennsylvania. While probably none of them equal the Delaware Water Gap in beauty, most of them are formed after the same general plan and are due to the same causes ; the harder the rock, the more picturesque are the walls of the gap, while a soft rock on either side of the gap permits the river to wind about among more gentle slopes. " One of the first lessons that a student of geology must clearly impress upon his mind is that Nature has worked in past ages as she works now, slowly and uniformly ; this doctrine of uuiformitarianism is one of the best established maxims of modern geologists. Mountains were formed by the slow motion of the earth's crust, precisely as they are being formed now; just as we now know that the New Jersey coast is sinking, while the California and the Norwegian coasts are rising, so in ancient times slow upheaval and depression has made mountains or depressions. This movement of the crust is due to the gradual contraction of the earth as it cools from its former fluid condition ; just as the skin of an apple forms into wrinkles as the apple shrinks, so the crust of the earth forms into ridges and mountains as its interior con- tracts. " The Kittatinny Mountains, like the other moun- tains of the State, was pushed up by lateral pressure, due to this contraction ; the strata were originally laid horizontally at the bottom of a great inland ocean which extended from here to the Rocky Mountains, and in which, as proved by their fossil remains, there swarmed myriads of living creatures, all long since extinct. The sands of that ocean were in the course of time hardened into sandstone, and long afterwards pushed up slowly and gradually into the form of a great wave, a portion of which is now called the Kit- 1 l'.y Professor II. Carvill Lewis. tatinny Mountain. As this great wave was being formed, it chanced that here and there the massive strata gave way under the pressure and instead of bending into huge arches, cracked transversely, form- ing what geologists call faults. These cracks or faults were lines of weakness, and when the rains and winds and frosts began their work of removal, known as eroxio/i, these cracks were naturally worn down more rapidly than the unbroken rock on either side, and a gap began to be formed. While these great forces of erosion, slowly but surely were eating down the great mountain wave, so that, only one side of it re- mains, at the same time the gap was just as slowly being deepened, streams began to run across it and finally the Delaware itself found its way through the natural chasm and its waters continued enlarging it to this day. "The origin of the Delaware Water Gap was a small crack, made when the mountain was being upraised, which crack has been gradually enlarged by atmos- pheric agencies till it became a gap. " There was no catastrophe, no convulsion, no flood bursting its way through. All was done slowly through the work of countless ages ; ever since the period when the coal-beds were laid down, millions of years ago, the gap has been gradually deepened. "The proofs of the foregoing statement are many. Careful observations in the gap itself will show the presence of the crack or fault referred to. On the Pennsylvania side the rocks are inclined to the hori- zon at a less angle than they are on the New Jersey side. At the same time the whole mountain on the New Jersey side is thrown 700 feet farther North than on the Pennsylvania side, and its crest rises 105 feet higher ; there is evidently a fault, whereby the strata on the northeast side are thrown farther up and far- ther back than those on the southeast. The fault ran across the mountain in a southeast direction. That the fault not only cut through the Kittatinny Moun- tain, but also extended for some miles in a northwest direction, is clearly shown by the structure of the gap in Godfrey's Ridge at Experiment Mills; on the south- west side of Brodhead's Creek, at this place, the strata (Oriskany sandstone) are nearly horizontal, while just opposite the same strata are perpendicular, and the axis of the hill is at the same time displaced farther north. It is the same fault which runs through the Delaware Water Gap, but it is even more clearly marked. " At a number of other gaps in the State there is evidence of a fault, although it is nowhere more clear than at the Water Gap ; all theories that gaps are due to glacial action, ocean action, floods or earthquakes, though often urged, are without foundation in fact. " It may be repeated that the primary cause is a crack, which crack has been widened and deepened by the same slow causes that have removed all the coal-beds from this region. Some 10,000 feet of strata, including the coal-beds, once lay on top of this region, MONROE COUNTY. 1067 and have all been gradually eroded and washed into the sea by the wear of the elements through the lapse of the ages; of this there is the strongest proof. The power of erosion is so enormous that until one has grasped it by his own observation in the field, it is be- yond belief; a gap is a small matter for it to form, compared with the mountains it has removed, and the valleys it has transformed into mountains. The prophecy of the great Isaiah, that ' every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill shall be made low ' was literally fulfilled long before the time of Adam." Indian Trails. — One of the many subjects that afford interest in connection with the habitation of this region of country by the de- parted race is the study of their lines of travel- routes chosen by them to facilitate intercourse with each other and with distant tribes, and also to places affording means for the supply of their simple wants ; indeed, for just such pur- poses as civilization requires in modern lines of travel, but, of course, to a very limited extent. It is erroneous to suppose that the Indians roamed about and through the wild woods with undefined purpose or destination ; the directions of these trails were well chosen for ease of travel, and they probably rarely departed from them except in pursuit of game. More of our highways than we imagine are laid upon lines surveyed to us, and well defined long before the country was invaded by us, and before the original possessors were despoiled and driven away. It must become apparent to those who give attention to the subject, that the Indians lived almost exclusively in the valleys and on the borders of lakes and streams, because here were obtained that upon which they subsisted, — game, fish, berries, fruits and Indian corn. They could do very little, indeed, with their stone implements in felling trees and clearing forests, and the land cultivated for maize was such as the generous hand of nature furnished them, in the drift and alluvial deposits, made by successive, but irregular, periods of inunda- tion. Along the course of the river, where there is a margin of level land of any extent, we find almost invariably evidence of the existence of camp-fires in the charred wood and heat-dis- colored stones and clay, disclosed by the crumb- ling earth along the river-bank, and in the plowed fields adjacent; in such localities are found almost exclusively the Indians' imple- ments of warfare, and those for domestic utility — the stone age, in fact, in all its variety, in- cluding numberless fragmentary specimens of the fictile art ; while to find even an arrow- point or spear-head on the mountain is noticeably a rare occurrence. The appearance of some of the newly-plowed fields along the Delaware, in Smith field, often bring forcibly to mind the beautiful reflections of Thoreau : " I have no desire to go to California or Pike's Peak, but I often think at night, with inexpressible satis- faction and yearning, of the arrow-hcadiferous sands of Concord. I have often spent whole afternoons, especially in the spring, pacing back and forth over a sandy field looking for these relics of a by-gone race. This is the gold which our sands yield. The soil of that rocky spot of Simon Brown's land is quite ash-colored (now that the sod is turned up) from Indian fires, with numerous pieces of coal in it. There is a great deal of this ash-colored soil in the country: we do literally plow up the hearts of a people, and plant in their ashes." The most extensive and well-known of In- dian trails in this part of the country is that commencing at the Hudson River, passing in a westerly direction to and through the Mini- sink country, thence along the base of the Blue Mountain to Mahanoy Valley, and to the Sus- quehanna River at Suubury. At the Hudson 1 the trail extended eastward to the New England States. Along this national highway, as in •"A Curiosity and Ancient Landmark.— In a field on the Gardiner Smith farm, near the road between Ellen- ville and Kingston, says the Utica (N. Y.) Herald, is a chestnut tree, which is both a natural curiosity and an ancient landmark. The trunk is eight feet in diameter. Four feet from the ground a white elm tree a foot in diam- eter projects from the trunk. It is supposed that there was once a cavity or depression in the side of the chestnut tree, which became filled with decayed vegetable matter, into which a seed from an elm had lodged and from which sprung the present elm. The latter has spreading branches, which mingle their foliage with that of the chestnut every year. Both trees are sound. The chestnut was an important landmark in the ancient Indian trail leading from Esopus to the Delaware Water Gap, down the Neversink and Dela- ware Valleys. It is mentioned in many old legal docu- ments of Ulster County. The tree is about GOO years old." WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. modern times we would speak of it, radiated trails north and south of the great artery, for its whole length ; in this section those diverging southward passed through the several depres- sions in the mountain leading to Indian settle- ments, notably those through the Delaware Water Gap, Tatemy's Gap, Wind Gap and Lehigh Gap ; those to the northward, up the numerous valleys and streams that intersect the main thoroughfare at varying angles. The well-known Indian trail to Wyoming Valley was one of these diverging lines of travel, and furnished the bearings for the road cut for the passage of General Sullivan's army on its march to the rescue of the Wyoming sufferers, in 1779. Surely the poor Indians have been better to us than we to them, for they have shown us "the way we should go," and it is literally true that we follow in their footsteps. "The lines along which, with roar and rumble, the engine now rushes with its mighty load, making an old-time day's journey in sixty minutes, are almost exactly coincident with the first rude wagon-roads of the pioneers of a century and more ago, and also with the paths or trails along the water-courses and through the easiest mountain passes trodden from time im- memorial by the moccasined foot of the red man. The skilled surveyor and engineer has followed with scientific instruments where the Indian first went, guided only by the instincts of woodcraft. The difference between the new and the old is far less in the lines of communication than in the method of travel, and the moderns, with all of their wisdom and knowledge, have done little besides makiug grand improvements on old routes — building with stone and iron and steel, it is true, but, nevertheless, along the course of the old, narrow, leaf-strewn path that the Indian first found out was the most direct and prac- ticable line of communication between two given points." Pioneer Roads. — The desire to facilitate intercourse with each other, evinced by the early settlers of a neighborhood, in the im- mediate construction of foot-paths, bridle-paths and roadways from dwelling to dwelling, as each new settler appeared, probably gave rise to the old Roman maxim that " the first step in civilization is to make roads." In most cases the first roads were constructed upon foot- paths by the new dwellers, and so continued, as other families appeared, for the convenience of friendly intercourse and mutual protection, without thought that these foot-paths were destined in time to become the established high- ways of the country. Hence the adverse criti- cism on country roads in general is more frequent than just. It is very easy now to dis- cover where hills might have been avoided and distances shortened and to reproach these pio- neers for the lack of engineering skill displayed in road-making. Roads laid out by order of court in these early times were frequently located upon Indian trails, and not unfrequently upon the trails of wild animals. Senator Benton advised Colonel Fremont, in his first expedition, to notice the trail of animals across the country westward, observing that " the buffalo is the best of engineers." The correctness of this observation is con- firmed in the experience of old hunters, who ascertain that deer and other wild animals, when unpursued, follow the best chosen route of travel from their hiding-places in the swamps to the plains and across the mountains ; and that class of hunters who avail themselves of this knowl- edge dispense with the use of the dog and the excitement of the chase for the more successful, though solitary, " still hunt," lying in wait upon the trail until such time as the well-known habits of the animal lead him to quit his hiding- place in (piest of food and water, when he falls an easy prey to the deliberate aim of the hunter. Roads through the several " Gaps " or depres- sions in the Blue Ridge, between the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers, were laid out on Indian trails. These trails were severally used as found most convenient, from time immemorial, by the different tribes of Indians living between the Delaware and Susquehanna, in their inter- course with other tribes and nations south of the mountain, and subsequently in their attendance upon the numerous conferences held at Easton and Philadelphia; as also in convey- ing their furs and pelts to a place of barter. But it was in the way of these people to Bethlehem, to seek a city of safety during the troublesome times that followed- the advent of the white man, that these mountain paths became most frequented after the settlement of the Moravians, iu 1742. MONROE COUNTY. 10(39 For many years after settlements were made in the Minisiuk there was little or no intercourse with the inhabitants south of the Blue Ridge, and no wagon roads in that direction or any other, except "the Old Mine road," extending from the copper-mines at Pahaquarry to Esopus on the Hudson, a distance of one hundred miles. This was the first road north of the mountain and is claimed to be the first of that extent in the province of Pennsyvania. The Old Mine road greatly facilitated im- migration to the Minisink. and brought to this section a well-to-do class of men. In the succeeding fifty years there was little immigra- tion from any other direction. The country south of the Blue Ridge was inaccessible except by Indian paths through the several " gaps " in the mountains. The Mine road was also one of the main avenues of communication between New Eng- land and Wyoming. Over it passed the enter- prising people of Connecticut on their way to settle in this valley, which was claimed by their State, to the great disturbance of the Pennsyl- vania portion of the Minisink, and which was the occasion of frequent communications with the authorities at Philadelphia. Over this road also passed the suffering fugitives after the massacre at Wyoming in 1778, after fifty miles of weary wandering through a desolate wilderness between the Susquehanna and Dela- ware Rivers. The old Mine road is the principal highway for modern travel for the country through which it passes. In 1734 a petition, signed by Jacob Swart- wood, William Proovost, William Cole and others, inhabitants of Minisink, Orange County, was presented to the Assembly of New York, asking for assistance in repairing about forty miles of the Mine road, to the house of Elbert Dewitt, in the town of Rochester, as they (the citizens) had no other way of trans- porting their produce than through the Mini- sink road. There is scarcely a doubt that the original purpose, in the construction of this road, was the transportation of minerals from mines in the Lower Minisink to the Hudson River. The apparent inconsistency of its construction for that purpose, as it now seems to us, is the result of its having evidently been built before the value and extent of the mineral deposits were ascertained. There is still enough, how- ever, in the appearance of the copper-mines at Pahaquarry, in the Lower Minisink, to allure the sanguine and unscientific adventurer. As to the time the road was built, we know, to a certainty, very little. That it was in ex- istence when Nicholas Depui settled in the Lower Minisink, in 1725, is unquestioned. Itisfairto conclude,therefore, that the mad was built and the mining commenced before the English obtained possession of New York, in 166'4, and, if so, it was the oldest road of the same extent in the county. Whether constructed by government or by individual enterprise, it was a work of great magnitude at that early day. The country through which it passed being, of course, an en- tire wilderness, the difficulties to be overcome we can well imagine to be such as would be considered formidable at this day, with the benefit of modern skill and modern appliances. To remove the gigantic trees of the primitive forest was impossible in the narrow compass of a wagon-road, and the only method was the slow process of burning, after they had been felled to the ground by the axemen. They could have had little knowledge either of the geography or topography of the section through which they were passing, and must have encountered difficulties in determining even the general direction, without scarcely at- tempting to make choice of favorable grade or suitable location, and yet we are told that the road is very judiciously laid out ; and this all seems to be explained when we learn that it was laid on the old Indian trail leading from the Hudson to the Delaware Water Gap. In giving an account of the early roads of the neighborhood, interest attaches to the per- sons originating their construction, and who, at the time, resided in the locality. Such personal history is very meagre, but, as far as can be ob- tained, is given in these papers. The first public road constructed, of which we have any record, after the Mine road, was from Nicholas Depui's, in the Minisink, to William 1070 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Cole's, in 1737. The extent and direction of this road is not now known. In the year 1744 a road was laid out by the court at Doylestown, Bucks County, from Walpack Bend, on the Delaware, to Isaac Ysselstein's, on the Lehigh, via Solo- mon Jennings', and thence to the old Bethlehem road, which was twenty-seven miles and one hundred and eighteen perches. The distance here named is the same as that from Walpack Bend to the Wind Gap, and that was doubtless the portion embraced in the grant. In another petition to the court for the same road, the route is described as " starting from a considerable bend in the River Delaware to John MeMichael's plantation (Mount Paul), and continued two years afterward to Nazareth, from which place there is a road to Philadel- phia." This road followed the course of the river from the " Bend," one mile south of Bush- kill, where there was formerly a ford and now a ferry, to Shawnee; thence by Stroudsburg, passing over Mount Paul to what is now Kunkletown ; and from thence over the hills coming into Cherry Valley, at Shaw's Mead- ows, now the home of Abram Featherman. The petition of Aaron Depui, Thomas Mc- Cracken, Robert McCracken, William McFeren and Daniel Craig, for a road from Depui's mill (Shawnee), by way of Tatemy's Gap to Easton, was granted in 1753, to be a bridle- road from Samuel Depui's to the east end of Brushy Meadows, and from thence a wagon- road to Easton. This was the year after the organization of Northampton County. The length of this road was twenty-three and a half miles and fifty-one perches. As stated, it started at Depui's mill, at Shaw- nee ; thence by the residence of Aaron Depui, who lived at that time at what is now known as the " River Farm " (Mr. Croasdale's) ; thence by the property now owned by Mr. Newhart ; thence by Mr. Labar's farm, formerly owned by another Aaron Depui, son of the Aaron mentioned in this petition ; thence direct to La- bar's mill, in Cherry Valley, where it connected with what is the present Tatemy's Gap road over the mountain. Pioneer Roads — Local Reminiscences — Early Settlers. — Solomon Jennings mentioned above, with Edward Marshall and James Yates, were the persons employed by the Governor in the " Walking-Purchase " of 1737. Jennings owned a tract of laud, which is now a part of the Colonel Norton place, a short dis- tance west of Stroudsburg. Aaron Depui and Samuel Depui were sons of Nicholas, the first settler at Shawnee. Samuel Depui resided at this time at the old Depui homestead, near the river. The present large stone mansion was built in 1785. Aaron Depui was the father of Aaron, who was born in 17G0, and died in 1845! The last- named was, for many years, a justice of the peace, and resided all his life in Smithfield. He lived on the property then called the " Depui Farm," now owned by Amos La Bar, one mile from the Delaware Water Gap, on the road to Stroudsburg. Mr. Depui is remembered as a very good mathematician, and was also fond of astronomical studies. The old log school-house that stood at the edge of the woods, which in our youthful imagination was full of bears and other ferocious animals, was near the home of Squire Depui. Many of the youth living in the lower por- tions of Smithfield, forty years ago, and those of two or three generations preceding, received here their elementary education, or perhaps the entire amount of education they possessed. Those of the number living will remember with what reverential awe the venerable form of Mr. Depui was looked upon, as the man that could make almanacs, foretell the coming of the dreaded eclipse, and could besides solve all the abstruse problems in Pike's Arithmetic ! Yet those of the boys who had the courage to ap- proach him found him not only quite human, but kind and considerate, often permitting us to pick the fallen apples and gather the wild plums in the thorny hedges, and such apples and such plums, only a boy can do full justice to the memory of. Apples do not taste so now, and the plums, too, that were so deliciously sweet then, are quite sour now, and beguile us no longer to their covert, amid the hawthorn and the wild brambles. There is nothing of the old school-house now .MONROE COUNTY. remaining but the immaterial, to which the memory clings with fond tenacity. It would not be called a big school-house now, and we suppose there was not a great amount of architec- tural skill displayed in its construction, but it presented, a square, honest, friendly front, and, contrary to the present method, a rear equally comely in aspect ; the logs comprising the struc- ture were carefully hewn, the ends well dove- tailed and the interstices filled with mud, made from clay as good as "Csesar's body might yield," so that there was scarcely a chink to be found between the logs, large enough for a boy to run his hand through. In all its fair pro- portions we can now, in memory, behold it, — its solid oaken floor, a shelf in the southwest corner for the water bucket, another above it for hats and shawls, and still another for the dinner pails, and above all these a place for the master's score of reserve switches, and we can- not forget the well-battened window shutter that was ours to close after school, nor the long stout pole to lean against it to make sure -the fastening. And then dear Johnny Groot, too, quite our first recollection, and most pleasant, of our schoolmasters are centred in him. How we wish we could tell him now how sincerely we forgive him for trying to make us learn our lessons, and to listen to his favorite method of teaching the rule of three by " inverse propor- tions ! " How we thought him then to be hasty and exacting, and how we know him now, to have been more patient and lenient and kind than we deserved, and altogether so much better to us than we to him, that we would now love to humble ourselves before him. 1 Abram Depui, now living near the Water Gap, is a son of Aaron, last named. He is now 1 John H. Groot, a school-teacher in Smithfield for many years, some time a private tutor at the writer's father's. He was an excellent scholar and was especially noted for his beautiful penmanship. Mr. Groot married a daughter of Aaron Depui. The first school-teacher of whom we have any account in Smithfield was .lames Middlecut, who lived here in 1780 and later, and had a small log house at "Middlecut Spring," a half-mile west of the Water Gap House. William Dawson taught vocal music to Elizabeth De Pui, daughter of Samuel De Pui, in 1750. She married Daniel Brodhead in 1758. in the ninety-fifth year of his age, having been born 14th of September, 1791. For over twenty years he has been entirely blind, and bears the affliction patiently and uncomplain- ingly, and with a resignation and submission that is beautiful to witness. He retains his mental faculties to a remarkable degree, and his recollection of events occurring years ago is clear and accurate. Mr. Depui is the last sur- viving soldier of the War of 1812, north of the mountain. Aaron Depui, first-named, son of Nicholas, purchased the " River Farm," then known as the "John Smith farm," of his father in 1745. He kept a store at Shawnee in the years 174:; to 1747. The writer is in possession of a por- tion of his ledger, commencing with 1743. His customers were scattered throughout the Minisink, from Dingman's, at Dingman's Ferry, to McDowell's, in Cherry Yalle}'. The names of Brink and Wheeler on the ledger would indicate that some of his patrons lived at still greater distance up the Delaware. Some of the purchases were quite large for the times. The New Jersey portion of the Minisink is also represented in this ledger. Following is a list of the pxincipal purchasers at Aaron De- pui's store in 174.J-41 : Anthon Derick Westbrook, Thomas, Nicholas, Hendrick, Bedolphus and Garret Schoouhoven (now Schoonover), Daniel and Benjamin Schoonmaker (Shoemaker), Nicholas Depui, James Hyndshaw, Moses Depui, Abel Westfall, Jonathan Potts, Daniel Brodhead, Nicholas Westfall, Jacobus Quick, Sandec Bosagrance, Herman Rosagrance, John McDowell, Samuel Depui, Thomas Quick, Christopher Denmark, Johannes Bush, Manuel Gtinsals, Jr., Henry Bush, John Cortright, Johannes Cortright, Jacob Seabring, Barney Stroud, Garret Decker, Luard Kuykendall, Jacoby Kuykendall, Henry Mulhollen, Rudolph Brinke, Thomas Brink, Isaac Van Campen, Abraham Van Campen, Adam Dingman, John McMikle, Bar- nabas Swarthout, John Casper Freymouth, 2 Joseph 2 John Casparus Fryenmuth was pastor of the four He- formed Dutch Churches in the Minisink from June 1, 1741, until August. 12, 1756, at which time he was obliged to discontinue his labors on account of the Indian depre- dations along the Delaware. " Smithfield '' was one of the four churches organized in 1741. The church was a log building situated on the eastern border of a farm now owned by Michael Walter. In the old church record appears the marriage of M. 1072 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Wheeler, Abraham Van Dampen, Sr., Hugh Pugh, John Van Campen, Jacobus Depui, Daniel Depui, Joseph Seely, Edward Cherry, Robert Hanna, Wil- liam Potts, etc. Nicholas Depui, Samuel Depui and Daniel Brodhead seem to have been the largest pur- chasers. Nicholas Depui is charged for one hat and cap for " Joseph," the Indian, 10s. ; one quart of rum for Indian " James," 2s ; amount answered for " Joseph Pammer," the Indian, £1 15s. 9d.; Cr. By meals to the Indians 7s. 6d. ; do. 4s. Samuel Depui is charged for Indian Poxinose's wife 10s. (there is an island in the Delaware, above Depui's called " Poxino "). To cash paid " Cobus," the Indian ; To articles for the Indians, 4s. 6d. ; To articles for " Howpeek," the Indian, £1 3s. 6(7. ; one quart of rum for " Howpeek," Indian, for a canoe, 15s. ; to six pounds shot for "An- thony the Great." Indian, 4s. Gd. ; 1 qt. rum for " Anthony the Great," 9cZ. ; cash for Edward Cherry, 1 5s. 3d. ; one yard and a half thicks for Indian boy ; Cash answered for Indian " Arry," Is. 4d. ; To rent for ye plantation named Smithfield (1740), £45 ; rent for ye plantation named Smithfield (1747), £30 ; To a Negro Boy, £33 ; To 36 barrels flour 61b. 3qt. 231bs., amounting to £30 7s. 8<7. Abel Westfall is charged with two hunting saddles and bridles £4 4s. 6(7. James Hynd- shall, one hogshead rum, one hundred and seven gallons, £12 9s. 8<7., and to casli paid the Fryenmutk, as follows: "1742, Joh. Casparus Fryen- mutb, young man, born in Switzerland, to Lena VonEtten, young woman, born at Nytsfield; married witli a license from Governeur Morris, in Jersey, by Justice Abram Van Campen, the 23d of July, 1742." The first marriage appearing on record in the Minisink in New Jersey is under date of March 5, 1738 : " Johannes Westbroeck, Jr., young man, born atNytsfieid, to Magda- leua Westbroeck, young woman, born at Horly, and both dwelling at Manissinck. Married by Anthony West- broeck, Justice of the Peace. i Cherry Creek is a stream emptying into the Delaware near the Delaware Water Gap. The earliest account we have of the name of this stream is in a warrant from Thomas Penn to Samuel Depui, for one hundred acres of land, dated August 28, 1738, wherein it is named "Solo- mon's Creek." In 17G8 and for several years after, it was called " Ned Cherry's Creek ''and sometimes "Cherry's Creek." Indian " Joo ; " Benjamin Schoonmaker, one cap for the Indian " James," etc. In September, 1762, there was an application to the court for a road in Lower Smit hfield from Shoemaker's mill to Brodhead Creek. This was from the old Zimmerman place, then owned and occupied by Benjamin Shoemaker, to Dansbury (East Stroudsburg), and at the same time for a road from Brodhead Creek to Mount Paul (John McMichaePs), there to connect with the Wind Gap and Nazareth road. To this petition are appended the names of John McDowell, Philip Bossard, Lawrence Romig, John Hillman, Abram Miller and Wil- liam Smith, who are appointed viewers. John McDowell lived at Shaw's Meadows, Cherry Valley. He was born in Ireland, May 20, 1714, died September 25, 1779. He mar- ried Hannah, daughter of Nicholas Depui ; and Mr. McDowell's daughter, Hannah, married John Shaw. At the time of this wedding, McDowell was entertaining some Connecticut fugitives at his barn, not deeming it prudent to let their presence be known to the guests of his house. Philip Bossard, another of the petitioners, was also a resident of Cherry Valley and one of its earliest settlers. He resided near the present town of Bossardsville. His house afforded a refuge for the residents of the neighborhood in the Indian raids of 1757. A squad of men was afterwards sent for their protection. There was a road constructed about 1750 from Fort Hyndshaw (Bushkill) to Andrew Dingman's (Dingman's Choice), and from thence to Milford. In 1793 a road was laid out from Abel Par- tridge's, 2 in Hamilton township, at the inter- section of the " Sullivan Road " to Mount Paul or John Huston's, "at which place it intersected with the road leading to the grist- mill of Colonel Jacob Stroud, and thence to the landings of Daniel Shoemaker on the Dela- ware (now Zimmerman's Landing) and to Nich- olas Depui's." ' Abel Partridge is said to have been engaged in " Shay's Insurrection'' in Massachusetts, 1785-86, and was a fugi- tive. He lived near Suydersville, iu Hamilton township. MONROE COUNTY. 1073 Henry Hauser, Philip Shrawder, Daniel Shoemaker, David Dills, Ulrick Hauser and John Brown were appointed commissioners. Benjamin Schoonmaker and Daniel Schoon- maker, brothers, were among the early Holland settlers in the Minisink. They were living in Smithfield before 1741. The name was changed to Shoemaker before the close of the last cen- tury. Benjamin married Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas De Pui ; Daniel married Anna Prys (Price). Both were married before 1742. Another family of the same name resided here about the same time, viz., Garret, who married Catharine De Pui ; Catharine, who married Abram De Voor; and Helena, or Lena, who married Joseph Havnes. These also were mar- ried before 1 742. In 1744 Benjamin Shoemaker purchased eighty-nine acres of land of Nicholas De Pui, situated at the junction of Brod head's Creek and the Delaware, being a part of De Pui's purchase of William Allen. His dwelling was on the upper portion of the tract, near Marshall Creek, where Annis Zimmerman now resides. Benjamin and Daniel were sons of Jochin Schooumaker, whose will, dated at Kingston, N. Y., was proven Nov. 7, 1730, showing that he had fourteen children. His wife's name was Antye Hulsey. < )ne of the daughters, Tryntie, married Jacobus Bruyn, from New York State, who once owned the "John Smith " farm, in Smithfield ; Ettie married Joseph Hassbrook ; Jacomita married Johannes Miller; Gretchen married Moses Dupuis, Jr. (De Pui) ; Elizabeth married Benjamin Dupuis; Antye married Cornelius Wyncoop; Sarah married Jacobus Dupuis. Benjamin Shoemaker bought other land ad- joining his first purchase, and after his death, in 1775, the property was inherited by his son Daniel, who sold the whole to John George Zimmerman, in 1802. The children of Ben ja- min Shoemaker and Elizabeth De Pui were as follows : Susanna, Madalena, Elia, Helena, Dan- iel, Hannah, Nancy and Elijah. Susanna was baptized 22d of May, 1741 ; Garret Decker and Susanna Du Puy were her sponsors. Elia was baptized 22d of March, 1747 ; Moses De Puy and Anna Prys (Price) were his sponsors. Dan- iel was baptized January 5, 1752 ; his sponsors were Daniel Shoemaker and Ann Prys. Elijah was baptized August 31, 1760. Elijah married •lane .McDowell, a daughter of John McDowell, who owned and lived on the property known as "Shaw's Meadows," in Cherry Valley, the property now owned by Jacob H. Featherman. Mr. McDowell is buried in the church-yard, near the old home. Elijah moved to Wyoming, and was killed in the massacre there by a Tory named Windecker. His remains lie in the cem- etery at " Forty Fort." He was but twenty-six years of age at the time of his death. He left a widow and one son, named also Elijah, who was the father of the Hon. D. L. Shoemaker, late member of Congress from Wilkes-Barre. Daniel Shoemaker, son of Benjamin and brother of Elijah, married Ann, a daughter also of John McDowell. They had a son baptized January 27, 1792, named Nicholas, and another son baptized May 17, 1795, named Daniel Mc- Dowell. After selling the property to Zimmer- man, in 1802, he moved to Owego township, Tioga County, New York. < me of his daugh- ters, Elizabeth, married George Nyce, in 1801. They were married by Moses Chambers, Esq., in Smithfield. Another daughter, Hannah, married Samuel Brodhead, and moved to New York State. Nicholas De Pui, son of Samuel De Pui and Ann Shoemaker, his wife, are named as the executors of Daniel Shoemaker's will. Benjamin Shoemaker, the first-named in this sketch, was chosen deacon of Smithfield Church May 16, 1747, and was elected elder (Ouder- ling) April 27, I To I. The families of Shoemakers now in the Min- isink seem to have descended from Garret, who married Catharine De Pui before 1741, and Jochem, who married Rachel Van Gorden in 1750. Henry, a son of one of the above, was married to B landina Van ( 'ampen in 1783. Henry Hauser, at the period named in this commission, resided at what is now called Stormsville, in Cherry Valley, ami his brother Ulrick at what was for many years known as the "Hauser Farm," now the " River Farm," the home of Mr. E. T. Croasdale. Henry and Ulrick were sons of Henry Hauser. They came 1074 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. from Friedenshal, near Stockertown, and settled in Smithfield in 1790. There was a Henry Hauser who joined a scouting party who, it is said, went in pursuit of Indian scalps, in con- sideration of a bounty of one hundred and fifty dollars for every male over ten years of age. This dreadful measure having received the sanc- tion of the Governor, was resorted to in 1764; and the bounty was afterwards increased to one thousand dollars. The scouting-party named numbered thirty, and started from the "Hunter ■Settlement," in Mount Bethel, Northampton County. Henry was killed near the Lehigh. He was probably the father of Ulrick and Hen- ry. It is possible that enterprises of this nature may then have been looked upon with more favor, and even perhaps were considered laud- able as well as profitable. The "Hauser Farm," in Smithfield, was one of the landmarks of early times. Ulrick Hauser kept a tavern there for many years. He was succeeded by his son John. The elec- tions were held at his house, also the militia trainings, country balls, etc. The chain of title connected with this property is unusually full and accurate, and possesses historical interest, commencing with the recital of a portion of the will of William Pen n, as follows : " Pennsylvania, ss: " Richard Hill, Isaac Norris, Samuel Preston and James Logan, surviving trustees appointed by the last Will and Testament of the late Proprietary of this Province tor all his lands in America : '•To Jacob Taylor, surveyor-general of the said Province: Whereas the late William Peun, Esq., Chief Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania ami territories thereunto belonging, did by his last Will and Testament, made in (he year of our Lord 1712, give and devise unto us and our heirs, amongst other persons, since deceased, all his lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever, Bents ami other Profits in this Province A Territories, or else- where in America, upon trust, that we should sell and dispose of so much of his lands as should be sufficient to pay off his just debts, and that we should sett oft' to his Grand Children and Daughter therein named several tracts of land therein mentioned, and amongst the rest, to his Grand Son, William Penn, Ten Thou- sand Acres of land in this Province, in some proper and beneficial place thereof: Which will having for some years after the said Proprietor's decease been disputed by the Heir at Law in the King's Court of Exchequer at Westminster, was at length, by a de- cree of said Court, in July last, fully ratified and confirmed. Now these are in pursuance of the said will and by virtue of the Powers to us thereby granted to author- ise and require thee to survey or cause to be surveyed to the s d William Penn, grandson of the said Pro- prietor, the said quantity of ten thousand acres of land, in some proper and advantageous place or places of this province, as directed by said Will, and we do hereby particularly direct and enjoin thee to lay out at least five thousand acres thereof on the Lowland on Delaware and the adjacent uplands, situated in the county of Bucks above Pechaqualin Hills, A: lying between them and that part of the said river called Minnesinks, or near to the same, in one or more tracts, and make a return of the said surveys unto us, for w ch this shall be thy sufficient authority. Given under our hands & seals, at Philadelphia, the sixteenth day of November, a.ii. 1727. "Richard Hill, (Seal.) "Isaac Noekis, (Seal.) "Saml. Preston, (Seal.) "James Logan, (Seal.) " The aforesaid ten thousand acres granted by William Penn to the grandson were conveyed to William Allen by indenture, bearing date the 20th of August, a.d. 1728, who, by deed dated the 10th of December, 1733, con- veyed unto Nicholas Depui the following three islands or tracts of land, all situate, lying and being in the county of Bucks aforesaid: First the island in the Delaware commonly called " Manwalamink," containing one hundred and twenty-six acres ; second, the island commonly called the " Great Shawna," situate in the river Delaware, over against the Shawna town, containing one hundred and forty-six acres ; the third tract or island, situate between creeks or small branches of the Delaware, the adjacent land to the southward of which being lately held by John Smith, and that to the north- ward is the said Shawna town, containing thirty-one acres. Also three other tracts, — one of eighty-nine acres, one of one hundred and t welve acres and one of twenty and one-half acres. The first-named of these tracts (eighty-nine acres) was sold by Nicholas Depui to Benjamin, Shoemaker in 1744, and is now known as the " Zimmerman farm." The second (one hun- ] dred and twelve acres) was sold by Nicholas I Depui to his son Aaron, merchant, March 2(i MONROE COUNTY. 1075 1745. It was then and before known as the "John Smith farm," later as the "Hauser farm, " ami now as the "River farm." Aaron Depui sold the aforesaid one hundred and twelve acres to Moses Depui, of Rochester, Au- gust 11, 1748. Moses Depui sold to Jacobus Bruyn June 16, 1767. Jacobus Bruyn, by will dated 1 781, devised the property to his two daughters, Mary and Gertrude, the former of whom married Nicholas Harden berg, and the latter Cornelius Dubois. Hardenberg and Dubois sold the property to Ulrick Hauser April 8,1791. Ulrick Hauser sold to John Hauser March 5, 1810. Evan Thomas, administrator of John Hauser, sold to Johu Carey and Jacob Able, of Easton, June 30, 1829. Carey and Able sold to Jacob Able December 12, 1830. Jacob Able sold to John T. Bell March 31, 1837. John T. Bell sold to John Jordan, Jr., et al., May 31, 1838. John Jordan, Jr., et al., to Seldon T. Scranton, for the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, in 1856. Seldon T. Scranton to Evan T. Croas- dale iu 1856 — reserving the portion containing the limestone quarries. The last was sold to Evan T. Croasdale in 1879. The first two purchases by Nicholas Depui of William Allen amounted to five hundred and sixty-six acres, including the six per cent, allowance. It is probable that John Smith may have been the first resident land-holder north of the Blue Mountain in this State. Wil- liam Allen, in his conveyance to Nicholas Depui alludes to John Smith's possessions as " the adjacent land to the southward, being lately held by John Smith." There is some un- certainty as to how John Smith's title was ob- tained, or under whom he was holding pos- session. He may have purchased from the In- dians, as did Mr. Depui, or possibly of William Allen ; if of the latter, Allen must have repur- chased of Smith before selling to De Pui ; yet there is no mention of such purchase in the deed of Allen to De Pui ; but the one hundred and twelve acre tract (the John Smith tract) is therein described, bearing distances and con- tents given precisely as in the original draft, and all the subsequent transfers down to the purchase by Ulrick Hauser in 1791. Iu later | transfers the surveys embraced adjoining pur- chases made by Hauser and with which the John Smith tract was from that date merged. 1 The origin of the name of this historic town- ship can, witli a degree of certainty, be traced to ' the original owner of the " River Farm." The transition from " John Smith's fields " (as the property was called in s e of the old title papers, then "Smith's fields," as given in others) to Smithfield is easy and natural. Aaron Depui, in a transfer made as late as 1747, speaks of the property as " adjoining the land I now possess called Smithfield," and in a ledger ofhis, commencing with the year 1743, his brother Samuel is charged with the rent of ye plantation named Smithfield, for the year 1 746, forty-live pounds. The John Smith here mentioned could not have been the same person who dealt s<> largely in lands in Smithfield between I77S and 1790, and whose name was sometimes written Smyth. It is so written by himself in a deed made to Hardenberg and Dubois in 1788. Most of the transfers of property made about this period — deeds and other papers — were exe- cuted before Col. William Wills, then justice of the peace, who came to New York from Eng- land a few years before the outbreak of the American Revolution. He is said to have been closely related to Dean Swift. His will' was a daughter of Col. Henry Kinney, of Dublin. He removed from Tyron County to New York, in 1776, and to Smithfield in 1780. While in New York State he was member of Congress, colonel of the militia, chairman of the coun- ty, judge of the Court of Common Pleas and commissioner for detecting and defeating con- spiracies against the State. He possessed large wealth, and had such faith in the ultimate suc- cess of our cause, and in the integrity, as well as in the ability, of the government, when the struggle should be ended, to discharge its obli- gations, that he exchanged freely of his gold for our " Continental currency," to relieve the necessities of others, until he found himself at 1 Mclchoir Spvagle, long a surveyor of tins county, says that John Smith held a title from Allen for the "River Farm" (Smithfield) before 1730, including a large tract 1<»7G WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. the end, with little gold, but with a vast amount of badly printed cards, upon which he tailed to realize. While living in Smithfield Col. Wills resided for a time on the Milford road at Marshall Creek, during which time he acted as justice of the peace, and as he rarely charged for per- forming the marriage ceremony, he was of course very liberally patronized. It is related by the writer's venerated mother, who was a granddaughter of Col. Wills, that on one occasion he performed the marriage ceremony when he and the expectant bride and groom were on opposite sides of the flooded stream that had carried the bridge away and rendered impossible their nearer approach. Philip Shrawder was captain of a company of Rangers from Northampton ( Jounty during the Revolution. He writes to President Reed from Lower Smithfield, September 6, 1781, and among other things, says : " The success I met with in recruiting since Colonel Levers wrote to your Excellency on my account is owing to the kindness of Esquire (John) Van Campen in advancing me some hard money for that pur- pose." John Dickson, president of council, writes to Captain Shrawder from Philadelphia, under date of March 4, 1783 : "As the Conti- nental troops have lately been withdrawn from Wyoming, it is by the General Assembly thought necessary for the protection of the set- tlement against the savages to replace the guard immediately with the two companies of Rangers commanded by you. ... It is our earnest desire that the inhabitants settled at or near Wyoming should be in all respects treated with kindness. This we know to be the desire also of the Legislature," etc. 1 Captain Shrawder and his company were quartered for a time at James Logan's, " Lo- gan's Inn," a short distance west of Strouds- burg, in July, 1784, on his way to suppress disturbances in Wyoming, under command of Colonel Armstrong. Captain Shrawder resided at Shawnee, in Smithfield, and he and John 1 In these reminiscences the author is indebted for infor- mation in relation to those who have been in the civil or military service of the country to the Pennsylvania Ar- chives and Colonial Records. Coolbaugh kept store there in 1 71»7. Captain Shrawder was one of the executors of Nicholas Depui's will, dated April 23, 1808. John Van Campen was one of the most prominent men of the Minisink. He espoused the cause of the Pennamites in the effort to prevent the people of Connecticut from forming settlements within the province of Pennsyl- vania, and was appointed an additional magis- trate for that purpose in 1770. On the 3d of July, 1771, " he is advised to raise a number of men as soon as possible and strive to interrupt (intercept) them (the Yankees) at the river." He writes on the 4th to James Tilghman, sec- retary of the Land-Office in Philadelphia, " I have sent to the upper end of the Minisink. I am afraid that matters will not go well at Wyoming, as I have reason to think those peo- ple have friends on the ground. It may be de- pended upon that there are great matters in hand with the Y r ankees, as there are almost every day dispatches from Isaiah Van Campen (who espouses the cause of the Yankees) down to Mr. Shoemaker's, as, I suppose, for him to transmit back to the party how matters stand among us." On the 5th of July, 1771, he writes that " he fears the Block-house will be abandoned at Wyoming, and in that case would advise that all the cattle be driven down the river, and if they could do no better, drive them to Fort Allen," etc. August 9th collects pro- visions and proceeds with a party of nineteen men to Wyoming to relieve the block-house: " Moved on- to the Forks of the Lahawauak and Wyoming paths. Arrived near the Fort; dispatched an Indian to inform the people at the Block-house of our approach, and learned it had surrendered to the Yankees. Sent a party of six men to lay on the Sheholey road from Wyoming to the Delaware (au old Indian trail) to prevent express going that way to New England," etc. September 27, 1778, he wrote a joint letter with John Chambers (sub-lieutenant), Nicholas De Pui, Benjamin A'an Campen (sub-lieutenant) and Jacob Stroud (colonel) to the Hon. George Ryan, president of the Board of War, Philadel- phia, of " the defenseless condition of Smith- field, and that Delaware and Upper Smithfield, MONROE COUNTY. 1077 a fiue country of near thirty miles in length, is almost evacuated, the people moved over to Jersey for safety, and in this township (Smith- field) there is only a guard left at Colonel Stroud's." In 1780 John Van Campen was elected mem- ber of Council, and thereafter, during its sessions, his time was spent in Philadelphia. " March 4, 1781, the Hon. John Van Campen presented to Council his account of attendance in Council, which is as follows, vizt.: " The State of Pennsylvania to John Van £ s. <1. Campen, To attendance in Council •'?<• days at £50, £1500, Continental money, — equal to 20 From Jan'y 13 to March 15th, 1781,-62 days, at 25s 77 Milage on 00 miles, coming to Philadelphia and returning home, — 180 miles, at Is 9 And thereupon an order was drawn in favor of John Van Campen, Esquire, for the sum of. £106 State money, agreeable to said account." " In Council May 2nd, 1781. Order drawn in favor of Peter Medick for the sum of 1000 pounds of the money emitted by Act of Assembly passed 7th April last, to be forwarded to Honorable John Van Campen for the purpose of defending the frontiers, of which sum the said John Van Campen is to account." Captain Philip Shravvder writes to John Van Campen from Chestnut Hill, June 19, 1782, while the latter was member of Council at Philadelphia, transmitting the pay-roll of his company; desiring payment and clothing for his men, says he has been compelled to contract debts on his own account. " I have always parties out scouting the woods from my post to Zawits, Sallady's, Jeynes's, etc., and again from my post to Fort Allen ; those at Fort Allen take their tour down to Berks County, and also up to my Quarters again," etc. Mr. Van Campen writes upon the margin of this letter, "It seems that Captain Shrawder has not received the clothing agreeable to the order of Councils." On November 29, 1782, Mr. Van Campen writes to Council of Pennsylvania, in conven- tion at Trenton. He has been, at their request, in Upper Smithfield and in New Jersey to ob- tain the best information in regard to the time of the purchase of and actual settlement of the upper parts of this county above Walpack Ferry. " The oldest men both in Jersey and New York whom he has spoken to are unable, by reason of age and infirmity, to attend at Trenton. I hope the bearer, James Van- aken, Esq., will fully and distinctly prove the actual settlement of the land on Delaware within the pretended claim of Connecticut. "To Messrs. Bradford, Peed, Wilson and Sergeant." The " Pennamite " and " Yankee " troubles seem to have been almost lost sight of by the people of the Minisiuk during the exciting period of the Revolution, but their interest in that milder form of contest revived as the greater subsided, and finally altogether disap- peared. John Van Campen lived at Shawnee, in a large stone building which was taken down by his grandson, the late George Van Campen Bush, about twenty years ago, the walls having become insecure. Mr. Van Campen united with the Smithfield Church April, 1775. David Dills resided at " Dills' Ferry," now Portland, Northampton County. David lived many years in Smithfield. He married Rachel, daughter of Garret Brodhead, in 1787. John Brown, one of the road commissioners named, came to Smithfield (now Stroud) in 1790. He was born May 21, 1746; died December 8, 1821. John, Michael and Jacob were his sous. Jacob Brown and John T. Bell were appointed associate judges at the organiza- tion of Monroe County, December 19, 1836. Hon. David Scott was the president judge. Jacob Brown was a very successful farmer. A portion of the laud left his sons once belonged to the Brodhead estate. He died February 16, 1841, aged sixty-nine years. His children are as follows : Anna, who married Jacob Eilen- berger; Daniel, who married Mary Hallock ; Mary, who married Charles Brodhead ; Robert, who married Rachel S. Burnett, of Bucks County; Edward, who married Emily Mor- gan; Ellen, who married David Keller. General Robert Brown, lately deceased, was highly esteemed in this community. He was a man of integrity and moral excellence. The 1078 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. house in which General Brown was horn, and in which he died, is situated on the elevation south of East Stroud sburg. It was erected in 179!>. Near by stood the old house occupied by Daniel Brodhead, built in 1738. The fort or stockade built in 1756, the year after the house was attacked by the Indians, and to which the people of the neighborhood fled at the time, stood near, on the brow of the hill. Applications for a public road or King's highway was made to the Governor and ( !oun- cil at Philadelphia April (3, 1771, from the Wind Gap by the most convenient and direct course to Wyoming. "The board taking the said petition into consideration and being of opinion that such road would be of great public utility, it is ordered that Aaron Depui, Garret Brodhead, Peter Kachline, Daniel Shoemaker, John VanCampen, Philip Johnson, John Seely and Michael Roup do view and lay out said road," etc. Anthony Dutot constructed a road from his saw-mill, below where the Kittatinny House now stands, in 1798, to the site of his future " city," ami a lew years after obtained a charter for a toll-road; from thence it extended to the residence of Ulrick Hauser (River Farm), where it connected with the Shawnee and Tatemy's Cap mad. This short road opened up an un- fortunate intercourse between an irascible Frenchman and a contumacious German. They were the magnates of the vicinage, constituting an important portion of the population, and their families and employes the integral. Anthony Dutot came from St. Domingo in 1793, having left there hastily, with others, when the order of possession in that island was reversed, when the servants became masters of the soil and the masters became fugitives. He was said to have been wealthy, and buried on his plantation a considerable amount of gold and silver, and brought with him what coin he could conveniently transport. Mr. Dutot was a man of culture and refinement, and after spending a short time in Philadelphia, he pro- ceeded up the Delaware in search of a future home. He was impressed with the grandeur of the scenery at the Delaware Water Gap and eagerly made purchase of a large tract of land, previously considered as worthless, including the portion on which the Mater Gap House is situated and the hills on the north side of the mountain, where he laid out a city, calling it after his own name and built a dozen or more small dwellings, which have all disappeared and the name of the place changed to Delaware Water Gap. Mr. Dutot lived for some years on the bank of the river, near where the old saw-mill .was located and but a short distance from the pres- ent boat-landing. Here was also the " toll- gate." His toll-road was never profitable and caused him much annoyance. A T arious devices were resorted to on the part of travelers to avoid payment, sometimes by driving rapidly through the gateway, at others by pretending not to understand his meaning. Some years after Mr. Dutot's settlement here he made selection of Sunset Hill as his last resting-place, and some twenty years before his death purchased a bell and cannon, the former to be rung from the belfry of his own house, on which it was erected, and the latter to be fired over his grave when certain events, which he predicted, would transpire, affecting the pros- perity of the place. Among these was the building of a railroad through the Gap and the landing of a steamboat at the wharf he made selection of on the bank of the Delaware. He died in 1841, and fifteen years after the whistle of the locomotive was first heard echoing through the gorge of the mountain, but the old" man's repose was undisturbed by the ringing of bell or the firing of cannon over his solitary grave. The toll- road was superseded in 182:) by the construction of the present State road, along the southeastern slope of Sunset Hill. It was not till the year 1800 that the construction of a wagon road was undertaken through the Gap, and then by the subscription of individ- uals residing above and below the mountain. Previous to this there was a bridle-path over the old Indian trail. It was used as early as 1730, when the government of the province of Pennsylvania sent up agents 1 to the Minisink 1 Nicholas Scull and his assistant, John Lukens. Scu vas elected surveyor-general to succeed William Parson MONROE COUNTY. 1079 to dispossess certain persons of lands held by purchase of the Indians. This party, it is said, managed with great difficulty to lead their horses through the Clap. The Rev. David Brainerd, in a missionary tour amongst the Indians in the Minisink, passed through this, or one of the other "(Japs" in the mountain on his return to the " Forks," in 1744. The road through the Gap was completed in the year 1800 by A brain B. Giles, under a con tract with the citizens, and it appears by the following petition that the " citizens " default- ed : "To the Honorable Jacob Rush and his Associates Esquires Judges of the court of Quarter Sessions and Common Picas of the borough of Easton in and for the county of Northampton, August term, 1801. "The Petitioner Humbly sendeth greeting ! Gentle- men : "Whereas, Public Notice by advertisement duly on the 30th July, 1800, for all persons to met at the house of Benjamin Bonham in the Water (lap, on Delaware river, on the 9th of August following, on business concerning opening a road through said Gap, where attendance was given on said day and John Coolbaugh, Esq., was chosen chairman and Sam'l Seely, Esq., Sec. By which the meeting of the In- habitants then present chose John Coolbaugh, Moses Chambers, Hugh Forman and Jacob Utt, Esquires, a Committee to lay out said Road by which I made contract in confidence of subscriptions, that for the sum of one thousand dollars, I would make a wagon Road through said Gap by subscriptions if obtained. "Then at my own expense 1 went to work and com- pleted said Road on said Terms and when done was inspected by said Committee to a full satisfaction and certified the same by a Certificate, but all subscrip- tions received or expected to be received amounts to only £200 7s. <"/., which brings me to a loss of £174 12.s. 6rf., which without said balance I cannot hold my own. I humbly therefore, crave the Honorable Court to take my agrievances into consideration and grant me such relief as they may think proper, and as in duty bound your Petitioner will humbly pray. "Abraham B. Giles, " Endorsed. " Not allowed. " Wm. Lattimer, This road left the river a short distance be- low, where the old saw-mill stood, passed near June 10, 1748. Lukens was elected April 'J, 1781. the Kittatinny House and over Sunset Hill by the Mountain House and intersecting the pres- ent road near the Church of the Mountain. In the year 1781 there is the following entry in the town-book of Smithfield : " To cash paid John Yanderinark for sundry work on the road for five years past , £37 6s. <>7 5s. Id.; changed from Continental to Hard Money, April 24, 1784, making them £33 3s. 3d.," a depreciation of about ninety- eight per cent. Benjamin Bonham kept a small inn on the Water Cap road a short distance below Mr. Dutot's saw-mill. This was before the year I800,asthe preliminary meeting in reference to building the road through the Gap was held at his house. It was probably built the year before, in anticipation of the completion of the road. The house was afterwards kept by Asa Field. George Detrick subsequently built a larger house (about 1825)a short distance below, in the Gap, for the accommodation of raftsmen, who, until recent years, congregated there in great numbers. It was customary to change the pilot or "steersman" at this place, as it seems to have been thought impossible, at that time, that one man could possess a knowledge of all the points on the entire course of the river requiring skilfc fill pilotage. Those who ranked high in the profession were in great demand during the spring and fall freshets, and rafts- were some- times detained at the " Gap Eddy " for days, waiting for their return. Captain George Detrick, above referred to, had command of a company formed in Smith- field in 1814, consisting of the following- persons : Cornelius Coolbaugh (lieutenant) George Hauser, John Long, Abrara De Pui, Joseph W. Drake, John Keller, James Brewer, William Sayre, George Felker, John Pugh, William Cordon, Abram Gordon, Frederick Brotzmau, Jesse Lee, David Lee, Joshua Price, WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. John Storm, John Huston, Adam Utt, Samuel Pugh, John V. Bush, George Walter, Peter Jayne, Henry Bush, John Rouse, John Bush, John Piteherd, Levi Cortright, James Beloof, Peter Strunk, John F. Williams, William Wil- liams, Jacob Transue. Captain Detrick was a man above the ordi- nary size, six feet four inches in height, with a proportionably large frame, very erect and alto- gether a man of uncommonly fine presence. On their way to rendezvous, Marcus Hook, the party passed through Philadelphia, and were transported from there to their destination in Durham boats. During their stay in Philadel- phia they were complimented on their fine ap- pearance, nearly all the men being above the average size. Captain Detrick was especially noticed and his martial bearing commented upon. He as- tonished the young natives, however, and suf- fered considerable annoyance by the crowd of boys on every side shouting " Goliath has broken out of the wax-works ! " Lieutenant Cool- baugh, who was afterwards promoted to a cap- taincy, is said to have been a good officer. He was a brother of the Hon. John Coolbaugh, spoken of elsewhere. Levi Cortwright, above named, was a son of ('ol)iis Cortwright and Jane Shoemaker. Jane was called by the low Dutch " Yonachy." She was captured by the Indians in 1780, near the house of .Jacob Place, when seven years of age. Her father and brother were killed at the same time. Yonachy was taken to Ohio and lived with the Indians till 1792, when she was brought to Philadelphia in the general ex- change of prisoners which took place that year. She was then nineteen years of age, and had, of course, ' acquired many of the habits of her captors. She was wonderfully active and dexterous and could run with almost the speed of a deer, and astonished her neighbors by going round a field on top of a rail fence. When her brother went to bring her from Philadelphia she failed to recognize him until he related the incident of her father's horse having been killed byjumpingona picket fence, which occurred just before her capture. The Indians with whom she lived treated her kindly and she assisted in the cultivation of corn on the Ohio, and it is vouched for by members of the family that some of the products of her labor were brought to her in the autumn, carried in sacks by the faithful natives. Peter Kachlein was elected sheriff of North- ampton County, commissioned October 4, 1764, and held the office for eight years. In the pro- ceedings of Council in Philadelphia, April 11, 1 780, Colonel Peter Kachlein, lieutenant of the county of Northampton, was written to, and for- warded a copy of the resolves of the Council for calling out the militia, and authorizing him to offer fifteen hundred dollars for every Indian or Tory prisoner, and oue thousand dollars for any Indian scalp, and it was resolved that Col- onel Peter Kachlein be directed to order out not exceeding one hundred men, including officers, to march immediately to the townships of Lower Smithfield, Delaware and Upper Smithfield, to repress the incursion of the savages, and Abram Cortwright is ordered to deliver to Colonel Pe- ter Kachlein two hundredweight of powder, eight hundredweight of lead and four hundred flints for the use of the county of Northamp- ton. John Seely was appointed ensign in the Twelfth Regiment, commanded by Colonel Wil- liam Cook, February 3, 1777. Sends to Coun- cil deposition respecting Colonel Jacob Stroud, which was read February 9, 1784. Appointed with Alexander Patterson, justice for Wyoming September 10, 1783. Kachlein, Seely and Patterson all resided in Smithfield at this time. Michael Roup resided near Philip Bossard's (now Bassardsville), in Cherry Valley. On the 24th of April, 1757, he appeared before Wil- liam Parsons, justice of the peace at Easton, and made deposition in relation to an Indian raid upon the inhabitants residing between Fort Hamilton and Fort Norris. Nine families hastily assembled at Philip Bossard's and brought with them such of their household goods as time permitted. Other families retired to the houses of Conrad Bittenbender and John Mc- Dowell (at the " Shaw Farm," now owned by Jacob H. Featherman). There were two Indian raids made to this neighborhood in the spring of 1757, in which Conrad Bittenbender, John MONROE COUNTY. 1081 Nolf, Jacob Roth, Peter Sloan, Christian Klein and two sons of Philip Bossard were killed ; Peter Shaeffer, Abraui Miller and his mother, Adam Snell's daughter, George Ebert and a Miss Klein were taken prisoners. Philip Bossard was born in the Franco-Ger- man province of Alsace in 1706. He came to this country about 1730, and settled in Cherry Valley, at the present town of Bossardsville, in 1745, and died there in 1797. Conrad Bittenbender settled in Cherry Valley about the same time as Philip Bossard. He came to this country from Hanover. As before stated, he was killed in one of the Indian raids into that valley in 1757. He was surrounded in sight of Bossard's house, to which he was hastening, none daring to go to his rescue, as they were few in number compared to their as- sailants. John Chambers was a colonel in the army of the Revolution. When a sub-lieutenant he and Lieutenant John Wetzel, from Northampton County, under date July 8, 1778, wrote to Vice-President George Bryan, of Council, Philadelphia : " That a letter from Colonel Stroud, of the Sixth Battalion of North- ampton County, informs them that a body of Indians and white men are upon their march to the settlements upon Delaware, they being discovered at the mouth of the Lackawaxen and moving towards Shaholy. By the best infor- mation we receive we learn that Wyoming is finally destroyed, upon which we have ordered out half of the battalion of the county ; but by all accounts it is not a sufficient number to withstand their force, as we suppose this to be a different number from those at Wyoming, which by them that made their escape, their number is supposed to be between seven and eight hundred." Colonel Rea writes to President Reed, June 1, 1780: " I have used my best endeavors to have relief sent to the townships of Smithfiehl and Delaware, and I have by express ordered one-half of Colonel Kerr's men to march to those parts and to be under the direction of Lieutenant ( lhambers until further orders, which I hope your Excellency and Council may approve." 107 Moses Chambers, a son of Colonel John Chambers, was a justice of the peace in Smith- field from 1796 to 1807. The family owned the property on the Delaware formerly owned by the late John V. Hush, two miles above Shawnee. John V. Bush married a daughter of Moses Chambers. Moses Chambers was married to Rhoda Riggs, November 15, 1785, by Rev. Elias Van Benscoten, in Smithneld. In the list of marriages performed by Squire Chambers we find that of George Nyce to Eliza- beth Shoemaker, daughter of Daniel Shoemaker ; John Shoemaker to Sarah Smith, daughter of Francis Joseph Smith, M.D., February 1, 1801; Henry Shoemaker to Margaret Chambers, daughter of John Chambers, July 13, 1800; George Labar to Sarah Jayne, daughter of Isaac Jayne (no--d»te) ; William Heft to Agnes Gonsalis, daughter of James Gonsalis, January 14, 1798 ; Michael Brown to Rebecca Johnson, daughter of Joseph Johnson, December 24, 1799; Susan Rosenkrans to Sarah Shoemaker, daughter of Henry Shoemaker, February 26, 1800; John Van Etten to Ann Labar, daughter of Dauiel Labar, June 24, 1798. Daniel Labar above mentioned, and an elder brother named Abraham, were sons of Daniel, and grandsons of Abraham Labar, who, with his brothers, Peter and Charles, came to this country about 1730. Abraham, the brother of Daniel, first above-named, entered the army of the Revolution at the commencement of the struggle for independence ; he was a major be- fore the date of July 25, 1776, and was ap- pointed colonel in the spring of 1777. Daniel Labar, the father of Colonel Abraham and Daniel, owned the property where the Wa- ter Gap Station of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad is located, and, it is said, cultivated, besides this plot, the islands in front. There were several large apple-trees growing near where the station buildings stand, from which the writer distinctly remembers obtain- ing fruit in his boyhood. The late A. B. Burrell, in his "Memoirs of George Labar, the Centenarian," says that Abram Labar walled up the spring near the present residence of Richard Wilson, and that he lived here in 1741. Mr. Burrell probably WA¥NE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. meant Daniel, the father of Colonel Abraham and Daniel. Daniel Labar, the last-named, the younger brother of Colonel Abraham, was born in 1763. He married Elizabeth Chambers in 1786. Rev. Elias Van Benscoten performed the marriage ceremony. His brothers and sisters are as follows : Catharine married Win. Steward, a British soldier ; George married Sarah Jayne, 1800 ; Abram married Miss Casebeer; Jacob married Rachel Smith ; John married Rachel Brown ; Elizabeth married Aaron Depui ; Sophia mar- ried George Spragle ; Ann married John Van Etten, in 1798 From this time we discern the name occa- sionally written La Bar and sometimes Le Bar. The following facts in relation to Daniel Labar, obtained from an Eastern paper, are of interest. "Daniel Labar, a resident of Smithfield township, Northampton Count}', says that he was born in the borough of Easton, in Northampton County, on the 25th day of August, a.d. 1763, and entered the ser- vice of the United States under the following-named officers, and served as herein stated : In the month of August, a.d. 1779, he was drafted and called out in the militia of Pennsylvania, under Captain Timothy. Jayne, Lieutenant John Fiske, in the regiment com- manded by Colonel Jacob Stroud, and marched from Smithfield township, his place of residence, now in Middle Smithfield township, and was there stationed at a fort near where Judge Coolbaugh now resides; that he remained in and about the fort to protect the inhabitants from the Indians until the two months for which he was drafted had expired, and was then discharged and went home, and was immediately put upon the minute list, as a minute man, to be ready at a minute's warning, with gun, etc., to repel the incur- sions of the savages, which were there and at that neighborhood frequent and daring. That he continued in the service as a minute man, Indian spy or scout, under the command of Colonel Jacob Stroud, for the full term of one year and ten months (till the taking of the army under Lord Cornwallis, in October, 1781). That during the time of his service as a minute man or Indian spy lie was frequently and repeatedly called out to repel the invasions of thesavages. Once he was ordered out with others by Colonel Stroud, under Lieutenant Fish, to John Lanier's, at the foot of Pocono Mountain, in said county, where they found the said John Lamer, his father, his son and son's wile and children killed by the savages. Re- mained there some time, and in the neighborhood after the Indians, and then ordered up Brodhead's Creek, in said county, to scour the woods, which they did, from and up the said creek to the Big Ridge, as it was called, and then came home ; and at another time during the said service he was ordered out by the said Colonel Jacob Stroud, under the command of Captain Abraham Miller, up the Delaware River to Vannetten's Fort, in now Delaware township, Pike County, and was at the fort when the attack was made upon it. At another time he was ordered to the fort at a place now called Stroudsburg, and stationed to guard the fort and at other times frequently called out, under the same officer, for a week or two at a time, to protect the inhabitants ; that he was always ready and always did turn out during said service, when warned. During thesummerhe did nothing but watch and keep himself in readiness. He thinks that during the said term he was in actual service more than half of the time, but to be certain, he only swears to one-half; that he never received any pay or remuneration for such service. " Daniel Labar." Daniel La Bar was the father of John Cham- bers La Bar, and grandfather of Judge J. Depui La Bar and Daniel La Bar, now living at Shawnee. Jacob La Bar, who married Rachel Smith, daughter of Francis Joseph Smith, M.D., is the father of the highly-esteemed Mrs. Jean- nette Hollinshead (widow of Stroud J. Hollins- head), now living at Stroudsburg. George La Bar, brother of Daniel and Jacob above named, was the father of the late Judge Henry M. La Bar, George La Bar and Mrs. Dr. P. M. Bush. J. Depue Le Bab.— The family represented by* the subject of this sketch was one of the earliest to settle in Monroe County. The name is of French origin and has been variously spelled La Barre, Le Barre and La Bar. The first representatives of the family in this country were Peter, Charles and Abram La Bar, who emigrated about 1730, and landed at Philadelphia. After a few days of rest they determined to follow up the Delaware River, and make a settlement on the very out- skirts of civilization, [n three days they arrived at the forks of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers, which was then the principal white settlement, the present site of Easton being occupied by an Indian village. Continu- ing their jouruey, they at length came in view of the Blue Ridge barrier. There were some MONROE COUNTY. small settlements back from the river, but le on the river above Williamsburg, except that of Nicholas Depui, who was comfortably planted at what is now Shawnee. After viewing the country between the river and the mountain for a day or two, they pitched upon a site for their cabin about three-quarters of a mile from the river, on a somewhat elevated spot, in what is now Mount Bethel township, Northampton County, and soon had their primitive home- Charles remained in the old cabin homestead in Mount Bethel. Peter pushed a little farther on and bought a tract of land above the mountains of the Indians, southwest of where Stroudsburg now stands, and adjoining' a tract Colonel Stroud purchased some time after. Here he cleared up a good home, after many years of hard labor, and raised a large family of children, Abram planted himself above the Delaware Water Gap Notch, not far from the Delaware stead erected. The Indians were their only [ near neighbors, and these they managed to j make their true friends by many little acts of kindness. Here they dwelt together a number of years, engaged in the various occupations of pioneer life, until finally, as the tide of emi- gration from the north and south began to reach them, they each married a German or Dutch wife, and found it advisable to separate. Water Cap depot, where he lived many years and raised a large family. He cleared the island just above the Gap, which, with thegarden flat around his house, made quite a snug farm. He lived there in 1741, when the Governor sent Nicholas Scull up to look after the state of things in the Smithfields. It was from one of these brothers, probably Abraham, that Daniel La Bar, grandfather of 1084 WAYNE, I'IKE AM) MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the subjecf of this sketch, descended. He was early identified with Colonel Stroud in his land operations and business enterprises, served as a scoutand guard against the Indians, and carried the mail for many years between Shawnee and Stroudsburg. Circumstances all seem to indi- cate that he was a son of Abraham La Bar, as the tradition in his branch of the family is that his father first settled in Easton, then moved above Wind Cap, and finally located where E. T. Croasdale's farm residence now stands, all of which facts are confirmed by the historical account of the family. Daniel La Bar married a Miss Chambers for his first wife, and for his second Cornelia Van Etten. He had two sons, John C. and Daniel E. La Bar, the latter of whom removed to Wisconsin, where hisdescend- ants still live. John C. was the father of our subject, and married Sarah, daughter of John Depue. He was a farmer by occupation, and had six children, of whom two, Hiram and Benjamin, died in infancy. The others were J. Depue Le Bar, Daniel, Moses (deceased) and Samuel (deceased). JohnC. La Bar died March 19, 1865, and his wife October 5, 1876. J. Depue Le Bar was born at Pahaquarry, Warren County, New Jersey, July 31, 1814. His early years were passed upon his father's farm at that place, where he also received an ordinary common-school education. He began at the age of sixteen to run on a raft, carrying lumber down the Delaware River to Philadel- phia, and still makes regular journeys at the proper season of the year, being considered one of the most expert steersmen on the river. When about twenty years of age he rented the farm of his grandfather, Daniel, in Smithfield township, and engaged in cultivating that for several years. He then bought a farm in Mid- dle Smithfield township, containing between seventy and eighty acres, and now occupied by George Schuman. On August 13, 1836, he married Sarah A., daughter of George V. and Maria (Stetler) Bush, and granddaughter of George Bush, an early settler from Germany, and Mary Van Campen, his wife. Her mother is still living in the ninetieth year of her age. After his marriage Judge Le Bar resided upon his farm for several years, and then disposed of it, and removed to Pahaquarry, on the New Jersey side of the river, where he remained for eight years engaged in farming and lumbering. He then purchased the old Bush property, at Shawnee, where he followed farming for twelve years, when he rebuilt and occupied his present residence at Shawnee. In the fall of 1854 he commenced to keep a country store at Shawnee in connection with his son-in-law, George E. Heller, the firm being- known as Le Bar& Heller. Mr. Heller sub- secpiently removed to Stroudsburg, and the store iias since been run by Judge Le Bar alone. The latter, during his long residence in Smith- field, has been one of the most useful and influen- tial citizens of the township. A Democrat in politics, he has never been a seeker after place, yet has been honored by his fellow-citizens with several positions of honor and trust. He was for eighteen years postmaster at Shawnee, has held various township offices, and in 1882 was elected one of the lay judges of Monroe County for five years, and is at -present serving ou the bench. He has served as a member of the board of directors of the Stroudsburg Bank since its organization, with the exception of omitting the necessary one year in four required by its charter ; and during the war was active in furnishing all the quotas of volunteers requir- ed from Smithfield township. He is au earnest and zealous member of the Shawnee Presbyter- iau Church, of which he has beeu an elder for about thirty years, assisted in building the present house of worship, and is held in general respect and esteem for his integrity and up- rightness of character. His children are eight in number, namely, — Sarah M., wife of George F. Heller, of Stroudsburg; Elizabeth, wife of Colonel John Schoonover, of Oxford Furnace, N. J. ; Susan, wife of Samuel D. Over- field, of Delaware Water Gap ; Dr. Amzi Le Bar, of Stroudsburg; Margaret, widow of Charles S. Hill, formerly of Oxford Furnace, N. J. ; Mary, wife of Rev. F. P. Dalrymple, pastor of Shawnee Presbyterian Church ; Hiram, farming on the homestead at Shawnee ; and Franklin, general agent of the Providence Life Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, for New Jersey, residing at Pennington, in that State. MONROE COUNTY. After the country south of the mountain was better known to the isolated dwellers in the Minisink, the river Delaware became the pop- ular medium of communication, as it afforded an easier and more speedy means of transport- ing to market commodities which had hitherto found an outlet over the " old Mine road " to Esopus. The first craft used for the purpose was the " dug-out," an exaggerated form of canoe, made from the body of a large log excavated and flattened on the bottom to prevent its roll- ing in the water. The dug-out would carry three or four tons, and with two men using both oars and pike-poles, as occasion served, would make the voyage to Easton and back from the Lower Minisink in three to four days. This kind of craft, as a means of transport, pre- ceded the raft and " Durham boats," the latter becoming subsequently the principal method of freighting to and from the Upper Delaware. The Durham boat had its name and origin at Durham Furnace, on the Delaware, below Easton. It is said that the first boat was built by Robert Durham, the manager and engineer of the furnace, and after whom the furnace was probably named. This was in the year 1750. The Durham boats were used in the transpor- tation of flour from Van Campen's mill, at Shawnee, to Philadelphia as early as 1758, and later, in conveying supplies and building material as far up the Delaware as Cannonsville, in the State of New York. In the memory of persons living in the vicinity, these boats were used by the old and respectable firm of Bell & Thomas, at Experiment Mills, in transporting flour to Philadelphia and bringing up supplies for the neighborhood. The place of landing was at the mouth of Brodhead's Creek, and was known as the " Flower Garden." David Bo- gert, Jacob Lamb and Cornelius Coolbaugh are remembered as captains of Durham boats. From a letter received from an old friend, Hon. Paul S. Preston, of Stockport, Wayne County,Pa., since deceased, the following reminiscences are obtained : " In thinking of the Water Gap, I recall mauy pleasant memories of early days. In the month of August, 1808, 1 passed through the Gap in a canoe or dug-out on my way from the Upper Delaware. We stopped for the night at Nicholas Depui's. The canoe was loaded with hides consigned to Peter Snyder, a tanner, residing at Easton. The canoe-men were Na- than and John Thomas, whose descendants still reside on the Upper Delaware. I was consigned to my grandfather, in Bucks County, in charge of Peggy Krouskop. The next night, after leaving Depui's, we stayed at Mrs. Sherlock's, some five miles above Easton. The canoe re- turned from Easton loaded with groceries, etc., procured from Michael Hart and Absalom Reeder (father of Governor Reeder), and Mrs. K., with her hopeful charge, took passage in a Durham boat for Tuckahoc, since known by the raftsman as ' Low r er Black's Eddy,' where we left the river for my grandfather's, some four miles west of that place. Four years afterwards I made another trip to Easton in a canoe, in company with my father ; Nathan and Brom Cole as canoe-men. At this last trip I was left several days in charge of Jane Depui (daughter of Nicholas Depui), at her father's. I still retain a vivid recollection of her queenly presence, and how she read and understood me. She furnished me with interesting books during my father's absence, and consequently I did not wander far from her apron-strings, and she reported me a good boy on my father's return from Stroudsburg; I never met her afterwards.'' Jane, Rachel and Ann were daughters of Nicholas Depui. Rachel married the Rev. Jacob Field, and Ann married Dr. Erb, both known and remembered as zealous, consistent Christians. Jane died a few years after the circumstance narrated above. They were all three distin- guished for their intelligence and fine personal appearance. The roads constructed in the Minisink prior to the year 1800 were little more than bridle- paths, and the streams were without bridges, so that wagons were not in use, excepting very rudely-built carts, made entirely of wood, for service on the farm only. The wheels were solid, made from cross-sections cut from a large log, with holes through the centre to admit the axle. The products of the laud, the hides and furs of wild animals, etc., were conveved to mar- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ket in winter on sleds, wliile the lighter articles for sale or barter were conveyed on horse- back. As in all newly-settled countries, this was, from necessity, the favorite mode of travel. All classes became fearless riders, and it was not unusual to see two and sometimes three of a family on one horse riding to church, to visit friends or perhaps to join a neighborhood gath- ering for a " corn-husking " or evening's enter- tainment. It was no uncommon occurrence for the young women of the times — three or four in a party — to make a visit to a neighbor, a day's journey distant, on horseback. Neighbors in those days were not the less neighborly by being widely separated from each other. On the 1st of March, 1815, there was an act passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, authorizing the incorporation of "The Smith- field Turnpike Eoad Company." The commis- sioners named in the act were Thomas Armat, Daniel Stroud, Jacob Brown, James Burson, John Eouser, Evan Thomas, Samuel Stokes, John Baker, Peter Kocher, John P. Arudt and Stephen Tuttle. "The said road shall com- mence near Pimple Hill, in Northampton County, thence to the borough of Stroudsburg, and from thence through Dutotsburg to the house of Heury Dills, in Upper Mount Bethel township " (now Portland). It is not known what defeated the purpose of this corporation, or whether the company was ever organized. Thomas Armat, one of the commissioners, resided in Philadelphia. He owned the land that still lies to the common, between the road that passes through the " Gap " and the river, commencing near the Methodist Church. " Ar- mat's Landing " is on the property. A large part of it has been unoccupied since Mr. Armat purchased, about ninety years ago. Mrs. Logan, a daughter of James J. Skerrett and grand- daughter of Thomas Armat, is the present owner. Tax aiu.es in 1761. — Following is a partial assessment list of Smithfield for 1761 : " A Tax of three pence per pound and — shillings per head Laid on the Estate and Inhabitants of Northampton in puraance of an Act of general As- sembly ill this Province Entitled au Act for raising of County Rates & Levies to Defray Publick charges of each respective counties to pay for Representatives service in the. General Assembly & to Defray the charges of Building & for Destroying wolves, Foxes heads & crows with such other uses as may be redo- cent (relevant) to the publick service and Benefit of each county Respectively. : Assessed the 1st Day of September 1701. By Antony Lerch, Arthur Latthnor -j Seb: Trunk-en Miller, Paul Au- )■ Lower Smithfield Township "Garck Vanfleet, Collector." 'Aaron Van Camp (en) 12 Paul Overfield 4 Cornelius Quick 4 Cornelius Van Camp 20 Joseph Agus 16 Johannes Pensal 4 Samuel Dupui..rT7?... 60 Benjamin Shoemaker 32 Aaron Du Pue, Esq... 40 Leonard Wesser 4 Hugh Pue Samuel Drake 4 Adam Shnell 4 Abraham Shnell 4 George Frederick 4 John McDowell 18 Abraham Miller 4 Jessay West Burn.... 4 William Laller 4 John Mixel 4 George Messinger 4 John Messinger( poor) Philip Bussert 8 George Peter Bussert 4 George Brotze Jacob Mixel 4 Michael Raup 5 Andrew Frederick... 4 Michael Cains 4 George Shafer Nicholas Ganer t> Baithol Sheibly 4 Lawrence Runy 4 Christ'n Sentzenbaeh 4 Thomas Sent George Hutlieb <> Jacob Sewitz 4 Edward William 4 John Comely William Clark 4 Laurence Connely.... 4 JacobSmith 4 Dirck Kerna 6 James Russel ti Mathias Shafer 4 Henry Countryman... 4 James Lossen 4 John Hillman 5 .las. House Garlings.. 4 John Williamson 5 John Mack Michael.. 4 Dirck Vanfleet 10 John Dreack 10 David Hodges 4 William Smith 5 Thomas Hessom Frasis Delon 5 Henry Bush o William Clark 5 Joseph Whealler Isaac Van Omen 4 John Bush 4 James Bush Benjamin Jolly 7 William Masnuit 8 Lewis Morgan (lab'r) 4 Lewis Morgan (farm) 5 John Clark 4 John Royls 4 Abraham Dilleburg.. Solomon Penall 9 Robert Hunah Robert O'Neil 5 Jacob Vanaken 7 William J. Smith 10 Daniel Shoemaker.... 32 John Van Camp 20 Benjamin Van Camp 40 MONROE COUNTY. 1087 Charles Holmes. John Cameling. Peter Pugh. Benjamin Shoemaker. Math i as Otter. John Hillman. TAXABLES IX 178u\ Single Men. Dirck Vaufieet. Isaac Punal. Christopher Cordright. Joseph Haynes. Aaron Hillman. Nicholas Dupue." Further information as to who were the early or eighteenth century settlers in Smitkfield is afforded by the follow- ing list of taxables for 1786, made by James Schoonover, assessor. This return shows the names of the taxable inhabitants at that time, their occupations or professions, the number of acres of land held by each taxable, also number of horses, horned cattle, grist-mills, saw-mills, negro servants and rented laud. Where no remark is made in relation to occupation farm- ing may be understood : Acres. Jonathan Adams 300 Henry Biles 140 Charles Biles 30(1 Samuel Bowman Josma Bowman 150 Ephraim Bloom 30 (rented land.) Bartle Bartleson John Bush 120 James Brink Benjamiu Bunnel 120 Isaac Bunnel 1 < H > Thomas Berry Garret Brodhead 400 Luke Brodhead 50 James Bush 200 John Brink John Chambers 250 Jacob Contrymau 3 Henry Contrymau Jacob Culp 150 Tilman Gulp 101 (rented land.) William Clark 130 Moses Coolbock (Coolbaugh.) James Cortright William Cortright John W. Gillian John Coil Williams David Widow Drake 100 Nicholas Depui 800 Widow Mary Depui...250 John Daily I Samuel Drake 280 ! Aaron Depui 360 I John Delong 4 John Dewit 250 Charley Daily David Diltz 200 (Dills.) Williams Davis 70 Edward Earl Alexander Flimmiug.130 Peter Frederick loo John Fish 225 William Fish Godfrey Filker 60 Manuel Gunsauly 100 John Gustcn 50 James Grimes Iehabod Grimes William Gooden 100 Benagay Guston SO Joseph Heaton (blacksmith.) Ananias Herrentoii... 50 Elisha Horton 80 John Hains Thomas H. Hysham.,100 Thomas Hysham, Jr.. John Hurl'. 12 John Hilman 150 Benjamin Hannah Boude Howe Samuel Handy 100 Peter Hains John Holden, tailor... Stephen Hurl'. 50 Hilbourn.... Felix Hover Benjamin Imson Abraham Kennerd.. (tailor.) Joseph Kennerd John Louterman Dubois Schoonover... 220 MicleSly 370 Daniel Schoemaker...300 John Smith 250 John Star John Starbend Peter Schoonover 55 John Learn 55 Francis Smith, doctor. Jacob Lain Daniel Labar Richard Lewis..'. 117 Jacob Lebar James Logan 150 Noah Lee Joseph Montague. Jacob Minor Bennaja Monday Ralph Martin Mordecai Morgan Benjamin Overrield... 00 Paul Overrield 160 Martin Overrield 50 Gabriel Ogden David Ogden Edward Pecker 100 Benjamin Potts James Place loo John Price 8 Peter Pugh 125 Philip Place 100 Philip Rigs 120 John Ransbu ry L00 Iehabod Sual 30 William Stage Benjamin Schoonover. 1 1 2 Henry Shoemaker 200 Patrick White Samuel Shoemaker. ...200 John Yater. Jacob Strowd 1430 James Schoonover 188 John Sack John Sanders 70 JohnSeely 200 Abraham Smith 100 Dolves Smith 90 William Smith 236 Manuel Sollida 100 Jones Sely Thomas Taylor 40 JohnTock Philip Taylor So I John Turner 179$ Nicodemus Travis 80 | Skewrman Travis 100 Silvenes Travis Mary Vanaten L50 Henry Utt 100 Daniel Van Campen.. Jacob Vanauker 300 Cosper Vanaukcn Henry Vanwia 150 Aaron Van Gorden.,,110 James Vandimark 50 Aaron Vanwia Ephraim Vanorman... John Vandimark 55 Benjamin Vandimark 96 Benj. Van Campen ...270 John Van Campen. ...220 Richard Vantilbnru...200 Isaac Vanorman Charrick Vanfleet 80 Clark Winings 25 125 250 Isaac Jane (Jay lie) ...250 Timothy Jan e 250 David Jane 70 John Jane 25 Ebenezer Jane 220 Adam Bansala 150 Edward Borly David Young The total number of taxables is one hundred and fifty-seven, and they are assessed with fifteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-six acres of land in actual occupancy, and six hundred and thirty-five acres of rented lands. They are also assessed with two hundred and ninety-two horses and three hundred and seventy horned cattle. Benjamin Van Campen is assessed with three negro servants and John Van Campen with two. Garret Brodhead, John Gusteu, William Gooden, Morgan Mor- Kiss WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. decai arid Jacob Stroud are assessed each with one saw-mill, and John Van Campen, Jacob Stroud and Daniel Shoemaker are each assessed with a grist-mill. First Ferry on the Uppbb Delaware. — On an old map, preserved in the surveyor- general's office at Burlington, is laid down " Nanatumam Ferry," across the Delaware, which was possibly in use as early as 1736. It was owned by James Gould, and is supposed to have had the same location as the present " Walker's Ferry," in Pahaquarry township, Warren County, then in Hunterdon County, and later in Sussex. The ferry touches the Pennsylvania shore a short distance below the old Depui mansion, near Shawnee. James Gould's plantation of one hundred and fifty acres was located a short distance above the ferry, and is now owned by the heirs of the late John C. La Bar. The land was located and the survey made to Mr. Gould by Samuel Green, deputy surveyor, in 1730. Subsequently another tract was surveyed to James Gould, as appears from the following record found in Hunterdon County, N. J. : " In pursuance of thy order to me directed, bearing date y" six- teenth day of December, Anno. 1735, requiring me to survey unto James Gould the full quan- tity of two hundred acres of laud anywhere within the western division of the Province of New Jersey, therefore I have surveyed part of the same to the s d James Gould, it being a Peninsula above the falls of the Delaware, lying a little below the s d James Gould ferry, which is called or known by the name of Naii.a- tumam, and begins at the uppermost end thereof, and so runs round the whole Peninsula by y e several courses of the same, containing in the whole twenty-three acres, one rood and thirty perches, besides allowance for highways. " Surveyed by Joseph De Cou, deputy sur- veyor, March ye 26th, 1736." This second survey shows that Mr. Gould had a ferry in 1736. The first tract surveyed to Mr. Gould in 1730 was the second tract of land that was located in what is now Pahaquarry township, X. J., the first being that located by John Budd for the children of Elizabeth Mowry, and comprises what for nearly one hundred and fifty years past has been known as the Old Van Campen tract. " Nanatumam " is an In- dian name, the significance of which seems to have been known only to the natives, and has passed away with the people who once gave it utterance, and had the name not been preserved in the surveyor-general's office, it would doubt- less never again have been brought to recollec- tion. The Indian village of Pohoqualin M r as situa- ted a few miles above Nanatumam Ferry, on the farm of the late Judge Kibble, where traces of the old burying-ground, now a cultivated field, may yet be seen, and where a few scattered stone implements, the enduring relics of a by- gone race, may still be found. Indian Graves at Pahaquarry.— In the summer of 1843 I visited the Indian burial- ground of this place. It is situated about seven miles north of the Delaware Water Gap, on the river Delaware, and upon an elevation of two or three hundred feet, beneath which is a beau- tiful strip of table land extending along the river. This burial-place was known to most of the inhabitants of the region for many years, but remained undisturbed until recently. There is quite a number of bodies deposited here, but, only three had been up to this time disinterred. From accounts they must have yielded some in- teresting relics. But the persons obtaining them, not appreciating their value, have suffered them to be squandered and lost. These graves were opened by Andrew Ribble or some of his family. The articles which I saw are as follows : A large string of beads variously colored, principally green and red, of glass, and others of stone and clay ; several clay ornaments similar in shape to the beads, though much larger ; the image of an owl, made also of clay ; and several round pieces made of clay about the size of an American half-dollar, dotted round the edge and twice through the ceutre, and appear as though they may have been attached to their blanket or other part of the dress. A great number of pieces of pipe and stems were also found, with other fragments of clay, which was hard to tell of what they were composed. There was also found in one of these graves MONROE COUNTY. several articles, evidently obtained from the white race, among which were several small round bells, eaten through with the rust, frag- ments of blankets, several brass plates, etc. In one of the graves opened, which I did not see, were found two guns, several brass plates con- taining the crucifix, brass tobacco-boxes, etc. IAN SEPULCHBE AT THE TAJX. ,AKE OF THE MOIX- An Old-time Letter from John Ann.lt to the Rev. John Heckewelder. "EASTON, Nov. 15, 1801. "Mr. John Heckewelder.— My Dear pir;— In many things, but particularly in that respecting In- dian customs and antiquities, you are my oracle, to which your goodness has give me permission to ap- proach and hear the sublime responses. I have again a question to propose for your solution or conjecture. To obtain this I deem it necessary to give you a kind of historical introduction to the questions I am about to propose. A few weeks ago a man went to the top of the Blue Mountain, about four or five miles north- east of the Delaware Water Gap, to hunt bees. In his excursions he came to a known lake or pond of water nearly on the very summit of the mountain, near the edge of which he beheld, on a precipice, a parcel of stones, apparently collected and piled up by the hands of man. The bee-hunter's curiosity was excited, and he began to separate the loose stones when he beheld the skeleton of a man (or woman), which frightened him so that he fled from the place, and gave a relation of his adventure to his neighbors' many of whom agreed to bear him company. Thus reinforced, the discoverer, on the Sunday following ascended the mountain and reached his formerly dis- covered sepulcher, for such it turned out to be. The men then went to work and removed all the smaller loose stones. They then observed a layer of long, flat stones, part of which they also removed. They then began to make their observations of the object before them. The stones they had removed they found to have been placed on a large rock, which had been rent apart for a considerable length, and wide enough con- veniently to place the body of a man. In this open- ing between the perpendicular sides they found the bones or skeleton of a human body. At the head and feet were placed flat stones, perpendicularly. just wide enough to close the space between the two >ides of the rock. On the top were also placed flat stones, reaching from side to side of the space where the skeleton lay, thereby leaving a vacant space between the covering stones and the bones ; on the top, over these covering flat stones, and at the ends of the head and foot-stones, were placed the piles of the smaller 1 With the bones were found 108 small brass kettle. some beads, some circular bones or ivory of the size of a dollar in thickness, through which are pierced two holes, through the diameter. Also a parcel of the same kind of bones or ivory, shaped like pipe- stems, about four and a half inches long, with a tubu- lar opening lengthwise through them, but do not appear to have been used for smoking, from the color of the bone. The brass kettle was claimed by the bee-hunter and discoverer of the grave. The other trinkets fell into the hands of a friend, who has since forwarded them to me, and I have them ready to show you whenever I shall have the pleasure of seeing you here. Nearly right down the mountain from the grave, on the flats or lowlands, there was a large In- dian burying-ground. Now after these historical facts, as related to me, I come to the propositions of those, to me, mysterious questions, hoping you will have the goodness to impart your opinion thereon to me. Could the place have been a special choice of the Indian? "Here was a lake with plenty of tish, abundance of good, large huckleberries, excellent hunting-grounds, etc. Can it be presumed that he was a noted chief or warrior to whom such a distinguished respect was paid to deposit so much nearer to Heaven and the Great Spirit? Was it common to deposit great men in vaults, as this has been? Where could the brass kettle have been got, that was found with him, unless we presume he was buried in modern times, at least after the settlement of Menahachtanienk by the Hol- landers. The other trinkets which I have gut do not look like European manufacture. What was their use? Why were they put in the grave with the corpse? If they were Indian manufacture, where did they procure the implements with which they bored the holes through the bones or ivory ? ■' Any other remarks that may occur to you, that may enlighten my ignorant mind, shall be thankfully re- ceived. "1 am, my dear sir, your very affectionate friend, "John Arxht." Note. — -The lake referred to in the foregoing letter is now known as the " Lake of the Mountain." It is a sheet of pure, transparent water surrounded by an irregular curved outline of foliage, and clear, bare fragments and masses of gray sandstone, strangely and unaccountably situated upon the very summit of the mountain on the New Jersey side of the river. A mirror of beauty in the solitary wilder- ness — covering an area of some fifty acres — reflecting the image of the clouds, the only object above its fair surface, beneath which, in its transparent depth, the perch roam in solitary and peaceful independence. John Arndt, the author of the letter, was an officer in the army of the Kevolution during the entire war, and after its close rendered distinguished civil service. He died a few years after this letter was written, at Easton, where some of his descendants still reside. Rev. John Heckewelder was for many years the beloved missionary from the Moravian Church at Bethlehem among WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the Lenni Lenapi or Delaware Indians, and was the well- known author of " Indian Nations" and other kindred works?. He was of German origin, though born at Bedford, England, in 174:1, and died at Bethlehem, January 3, 182.3. The " Bee-hunters,'' as ascertained by the writer of this note, were John Place, Barnet Walter, Henry Shoemaker and Joseph Michaels, the well-known and jovial tiddler at country dances. Michaels was fourteen years of age at the time of the "Bee-hunt" and remembered well the circumstance of finding the Indian grave. He died a few years ago. B. Post-Office. — The first post-office in Sniith- ficld was established at Dutotsburg (now Dela- ware Water Gap), on September 18, 1806. Anthony Dutot was appointed postmaster and held the office for eighteen years. The mail was carried from Easton on horseback, and from Dutotsburg to Stroudsburg by a man on foot. A post route was established, soon after, to Milford via Shawnee and Bushkill. Mr. Dutot predicted at the time that the mail would be brought from Easton on four- horse coaches, which prediction he lived to see fulfilled ; and then again foretold its delivery in a railway coach, which became an established fact in the year 1857, sixteen years after his death. At the time of the establishment of the post- office the road through the " Gap " had been six years built, but the pass had been traversed by men on horseback many years before, over the Indian trail that Mr. Heckewelder states to have extended " from the mouth of their (the Indian) national river as far west as the Alleghcnies." In 1730 a party in the employ- ment of the province passed through the Gap on horseback on their way to Nicholas De Pui's. There seems, however, to have been very little intercourse between the dwellers in the Mini- sink and the outside world ; and all communica- tion was by messengers who could perform the laborious journeys only on foot or on horseback, as wagons were then hardly thought of. The most convenient point for supplies for the earliest settlers was Esopus, on the Hudson, one hundred miles distant. Philadelphia was nearer, but that " village," as New Yorkers still delight to call it, was unheard of by this isolated people. Bethlehem then had no exist- ence, but quite soon after its commencement, in 1742, a very friendly intercourse seems to have been established between the two settlements, and Bethlehem became after a time the place of barter for the dwellers in the Minisink. With the present mail facilities we are led to wonder how our ancestors could, for three- quarters of a century, manage to do without the receipt of letters or papers ; in fact, without any knowledge of the outside world except such as was (rarely) received through messengers sent for a special purpose. But to those who reside in the two great cities, who may now read the morning papers at breakfast that were printed one hundred miles away, it must appear quite as surprising that " in the year 1739 the mail was carried between New York and Philadel- phia once a week on horseback during the sum- mer, and Governor Morris submitted the pro- position to Postmaster-General Spotswood as to whether it be not fit to direct that the rider stay one night in such towns where the Governor happens to be resident." "In the year 1737 Benjamin Franklin, as postmaster at Philadelphia, advertises that Henry Pratt is appointed riding postmaster for all the stages between Philadelphia and Newport, in Virginia, who sets out about the beginning of every mouth, and returns in twenty-four days." Smithfield Church. — The first church in the Pennsylvania portion of the Minisink was without doubt one of the four churches built conjointly by the settlers on both sides of the river and was of the Eeformed Dutch organiza- tion. The probable date of the erection of the building was 1741-42. Like most houses in a newly-settled country, it was a log structure and stood on the northeastern border of the Walter farm, nearly two miles above Shawnee, on the bank of the stream that crosses the road near the Weaver farm-house, and about half-way between the road and the river. The first minister visiting the Minisink came from Kingston, on the Hudson. Rev. Petrus Vas baptized three persons August 19, 1716, and four January 5, 1717, and five in January, 1718. These baptisms were in the Machacke- mcch (Port Jervis) and Minisink (Montague) congregations. Georg Wilhclm Mancius, of the Kingston Church, visited the Minisink August MONROE COUNTY. 23, 1 7:17, and is supposed to have organized the four historic churches — Machackemech, Minisink, Walpack and Smithfield — about the same time. Rev. S. W. Mills, in an historical address delivered at Bushkill January 13, 1874, says : " The precise date of organization is not known, but the minutes of consistory date back to August 23, 1737, at which time a consistory was found in each church performing consistor- ial acts. Mancius, as it would seem from the record of baptisms in his handwriting, was in the habit of coming here regularly every six months (in May and November) from their first organization to preach and administer the sac- raments, until they obtained a minister of their own," which was in 1741, when John Casparus Fryenmuth became the first regular pastor of the four churches. The first record reads as follows. " Whereas, Some among us are unwilling to re- munerate the minister who is coming to officiate among us, and yet wish to avail themselves of his services, it was approved and resolved by the Con- sistory: That every one dwelling among us requir- ing the services of the minister shall pay for the baptism of a child six shillings, and those who live without our bounds shall pay for the baptism of a child three shillings. Signed in behalf of others, "Georh Wllhelm Mancius. " Done in Consistory August 23, 1737." ' During the four years that Dominie Mancius visited the Minisink Churches he baptized one hundred and two persons. J. C. Fryenmuth (written at a later period Fryenmoet) was found among the people, a young man, and was sent to 1 The following is a literal copy of the first record show- ing the existence of a consistory in the Minisink Churches. It is in the handwriting of Dominie Mancius, pastor of the Kingston Church. " Acten van de E. Kerkenraad gepasseert. y Dewyl eenige onder ons onwillig zyn tot het betalen aan't tractament van den predikant die ons hier komt bedieness en egler den dienst van den predikant willen geniet.en ; zoo is van de E. Kerkenraad geconcludeert en goedgevonden dat yeder onder ons hier woonende de will aan't tractament van den predikant wil lietaalen voor enn kind dat hy wil gedoopt hebhen zal befallen zes schelling; dog een die buiten ons woont zal voor' t doopen van een kind betalen Z schelling, " Dit getuige ik uyt allernaam, " Geokq Wilhelm Mancius. "Actum den 2:? August, 1737." Amsterdam. and there educated for four years by the Minisink Churches, at the end of which time he returned and commenced his labors, June 1, 1741, at the age of twenty, and labored faithfully for fifteen years in the four churches, extending over a territory that reached from Westbrookville on the north to Smithfield on the south, a distance of fifty miles. The Smith- field Church paid their quota of the preacher's salary, seventeen pounds and ten shillings, in " proclamation money." At a meeting of the consistory of the four churches appears the fol- lowing : " The Reverend Consistory of Smithfield hath con- cluded, frith the consent of the minister, to contribute to his support £17 10*. Proclamation money." The first reference to Smithfield Church, where it is specifically named, occurs December 2<>, 1743, where " The Consistory resolved that the acts of the Church of Smithfield passed December 2(i, 1743, should be disannulled.'' "The Consistory also fixed the time for dispensing the Lord's Supper (Avond- maal) in each church, viz.: On the incoming Easter (Paasch-cag) at Manissinck, in June at Smithfield, in September at Machackemech and Christmas (Kers- dag) at Walpack. The Communion in each church to be preceded by family visitation and preparatory service. March 31, 1740. At a meeting of the Con- sistories it was resolved, That all the transactions of the Consistories shall be signed by the minister and the eldest elder of all the churches, "J. C. FuYEN.Mtril, President and Scribe. " William Cole, "Hendrick Cortrecht, " Moses Depot." May 5, 174(3, the names of Nicolass Dupui, Dirck Westbroeck, Jan Van Kampen and Jacob Westfael appear to a resolution wherein the act of subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam is ordered to be submitted to be signed and established by the neighborhoods of the four churches. Benjamin Depuy and Moses Depuy appear to have been elders and Lambart Brynck and James Hyndshaw deacons of the Smithfield Church. The following record appears for January 13, 1748: "I bind myself by my signature to the four united churches of Smithfield, Walpack, Mennissinck and Machackemech (pursuant with an obligation of the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. same date as this) henceforth to serve the churches with my own Ik use. "For the establishment of this I subscribe my own name. "J. C. Fryenmoet." ' In 1750 William Alien conveyed five acres of laud to Nicholas Depui and others, in trust for the use of a "Presbyterian Meeting-House," and in 1752 a building known by after genera- tions as the " Old Stone Church " was erected near the Indian town of Shawnee. The three persons principally concerned in the building of this church were Nicholas De Pui, Samuel De Pui and Abraham Van Kampeu. Their initials and the date of erection are cut on the corner- stone, which now has a place in the new build- ing, erected a century later. This old stone church stood as a monument to the devotion of its worthy founders, and, with the original log church and the present struc- ture, represents a period of one hundred and forty-four years. Who shall estimate the value to this community of this century and a half of church organization ? Blessings have attended it, and must attend the community, and especi- ally the descendants of those whose first thoughts in their pioneer life, as iu this case, were directed to means for securing the minis- tration of the sacred Word, and for maintaining and having dwell with them one suited to the high calling. The old stone church was typical of ihe church architecture of the time of its erection. It possessed the elevated pulpit, reached by a flight of steps, and above the speaker's head the sounding-board of bygone days. It was origi- nally designed as a Presbyterian Church, but does not appear to have been organized as such until many years after, but was free to all Chris- tian denominations. The Reformed Dutch, who, under John Casparus Fryenmuth, worshipped in the log church, two miles above, since 1741, now assembled at the stone church and continued under the various pastorates for more than half a century. i Extracts from translations of original records made ljy Rev. J. B. Ten Eyck and published by W. II. N'earpass, of Port .Tervis. The following is a list of the clergymen of that denomination who are known to have served in the church of Smithfield : Rev. J. C. Fryenmuth from 1741 to 1756 (nine or ten years of this time he preached in the log church erected in 1741); Rev. J. H. Goetchin, for six months ending June, 1757 ; Rev. Thomas Romeyn, eleven years, ending with 1781 ; Rev. D. Romeyn, three years, ending with 1775; Rev. Flias Van Bunschooten's first term of service was from 1786 to 1797. He frequently visited the church after this date, the last re- corded August 22, 1813. Rev. Benjamin Dubois, of Monmouth County, N. J., visited the Smithfield Church in 1788, and baptized Juliana, daughter of Henry Shoe- maker and Blandina Van Campen, Philip Shrawder and wife acting as sponsors. Rev. Mr. Darrien was here in 1789, and bap- tized Sarah, daughter of John Coolbaugh and Susanna Van Campen. Rev. Mr. Hunt was here, in 1 799,and baptized, among others, Eliza, daughter of John Stroud and Elizabeth Depui ; Anna, daughter of George Labar and Sarah Jayne ; and John and Moses, sons of John Coolbaugh and Susanna Van Campen. The two clergymen last named were proba- bly not of the Reformed Dutch Church, but of the Presbyterian. Jacobus Romine, Reformed Dutch, was here temporarily in 1805. Preshyterian Clergymen ix Smith- field. — Azariah Horton, a Presbyterian mis- sionary and friend of Rev. David Brainerd, visited Smithfield in 1741, and remained hefe about two weeks. Rev. J. Kirby Davis says, — "He set out in 1741 from Kaunarueek and came by what is known as the Mine road from Kingston to this place. He preached in a log school-house and probably passed a Sabbath here. He went to the Forks of the Delaware to confer with the Indians in regard to having Brainerd preach among them." David Brainerd preached here to the Indians in 1744. He came down the old Mine road from the Hudson. Brainerd had a missionary station at what is now known as Allen's Ferry, seven miles below the Water Gap, on the Dela- ware. The Indian town was called Sakkau- MONROE COUNTY. 1093 watung, meaning in their language the mouth of a creek wlierc some one resides. There was another Indian town called Clistowacke, where Braiuerd built a cottage and lived for a time. It was situated near the three brick churches in Mount Bethel township, near the residences of Mr. Baker and Mr. Skinner, fifteen miles south of the Water Gap. Moses Funda Tatemy acted as interpreter for Rev.TJavid Brainerd and was also interpreter at several of the treaties held with the Indians. " Tatemy 's Gap", on the Blue Mountain, three miles west of the Delaware Water Gap, was named after him. DAVID BRAINERD, THE MISSIONRAY— II IS I-'IEST VISIT TO NORTHAMPTON COUNTY— INDIAN VILLAGES OLISTOWACKI AND SAKHAUWOTUNG. ' On a Saturday afternoon in May, one hundred and forty years ago, a solitary horseman rode down the Delaware into this county, intending to make it his home. He. was refined, pious and intelligent, although he had been refused the diploma he sought at Yale College. He came on a new and rare errand. At this time Washington, a lad of twelve, was conning his arithmetic, Franklin was a youthful printer, and the parents of Napoleon were yet unborn. But in drawing out the great forces that stir the world, and mark the track of history, this pensive rider was destined to bear as full a share, in his way, as these illustrious men afterward did in their distinguished career, although his course ended before he was thirty, and before they were heard of. This man came simply to preach the gospel to the Indians, who list- ened to his sincere appeals with ready earnestness. His name was David Brainerd ; and, with the single exception of the journey of Count Zinzendorf from Bethlehem to Wyoming, in 1742, this was the first missionary tour on record in our country. Brainerd soon found a home and built a cabin on the south bank of Martin's Creek, seven miles above Easton, on land now owned by David W. Howell and Abram Shinier. Near by was the little Indian village of Clistowacki, which meant "fine land." All his letters written were dated " The Forks of the Dela- ware," which was a general term for all the region about here, since the Lehigh River was known at the "West Branch of the Delaware." But his earliest residence was at Sakhauwotung, a term that occurs but once in all his record. Where was this village? It is not found on any map now existing. While we then search for it as best we may, let us at the same time seek also for Opeholhau- pung, the place on the Susquehanna at which he visited another tribe in the following autumn. 1 By Prof. Coffin of Lafayette College. Several writers have shown great lack of rare and apparent thoughtlessness in hastily locating these places, and so have produced a confusion that has caused several towns to set up rival claims for the honor of Brainerd's residence therein. The first point has at times been variously located all the way from the headwaters of the Delaware to Easton, while Opeholhaupung in like manner has glided along the Susquehanna from Wyoming to Shamokin, until anchored at Wapwallopen, in Luzerne County. In Brainerd's minute memoranda the one mention of Sakhauwotung is that he preached there on Sunday, May 13, on the termination of his journey from Fish- kill, N. Y., " across the woods from the Hudson, about a hundred miles, through a desolate and hideous country, above New Jersey, where were very few set- tlements ;" and in which journey he suffered much fatigue and hardship, "being alone in a strange wild- erness.'' He says: "On Saturday, May 12, 1744, I came to a settlement of Irish and Dutch people about twelve miles above the Forks of the Delaware.'' This, of course, means the two present Mt. Bethels, and probably includes Richmond, twelve miles from Easton, and Williamsburg, five miles farther north; for Sherman Day, in his " Historical Collections of Pennsylvania, 1843," speaks of Richmond as "an ancient village, inhabited chiefly by Germans;" and then, quoting Brainerd's Journal incorrectly, Day says : " Brainerd went twelve miles farther, to Sakhauwotung," which would place this Indian village so close to Easton as to destroy every tradition on the subject ; whereas, what Brainerd did write is simply that quoted above. Whether he found the Irish people at Williamsburg or at Martin's Creek is not so well established, as there are good reasons for each location. Captain F. Ellis, in his "History oi Northampton County in 1877," a work of much ability, and yet unfortunately marred by many serious blunders, says that a company of Ulster Scots, under the leadership of Alexander Hunter, in 1730, came to Northampton County and located in three distinct spots, two of which were Martin's Creek and Williamsburg, but all were known only as Hunter's Settlement in the Forks. Brainerd does not say that he stopped here, however, but implies the contrary in writing under date of "Lord's Day, May 13," that he rose early after hav- ing been fatigued and wet in his long journey ; " the children were all at play ; there appeared to be no Sabbath." A stranger, and not knowing where to go, disappointed as to getting an interpreter, " he rode three or four miles to the Irish people," and preached first to them and then to the Indians. Some have thought this to refer to the well-known "Irish settlement" near Bath, where indeed Brainerd did preach often afterward, the first time being July 23d, of that year. But there were no Indian villages within three or four miles of Bath, in any direction. And as the Indians always located their villages where |II!I4 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Lhere was either rich land or good fishing, it cannot for a moment be supposed that Sakhauwotung was situated anywhere near the centre of our present county, as the " Drylands" were then considered no better than barrens and absolutely worthless for agriculture. Mouths later, in his report to the society in Scotland that had employed him, hesays expressly that "on May 13 he arrived at Sakhauwotung, within the Forks of the Delaware." The conclusion, then, is that this place, which in the tongue of the Delawares meant " the mouth of a creek where some one resides," was on the west bank of the Delaware, not more than four miles above or below Belvidere; if below, then three or four miles brings one to Martin's Creek ; and if above, then the same distance brings one to Williamsburg. The latter is claimed by Luke W. Brodhead in his valuable work on the " Delaware Water Gap ; its Legends and History," 1870. He says that Sakhauwotung is now known as Allen's Ferry, opposite Delaware Station, N. J. In the elaborate " Historical Map of Pennsyl- vania" this question is deftly "straddled" by placing the long sentence, " Brainerd's Cabin, 1744," along the Delaware, and approximately opposite Belvidere. On his journey to this place on May 10th, Brainerd reached thelndians who dwelt in the rich lands of the Minisinks, in the eastern part of Monroe County, and " spent some time with them," visiting their king and preaching to the people; yet as we find him at Sakhauwotung only three days later, he must have gone on horseback through the Water Gap, although there was no wagon-road there until the year 1800. Soon after the erection of the stone church in Smithfielcl, in 1752, application was made to the Presbytery of New Brunswick for a sup- ply, but it does not appear that any was granted until 1761, when the Rev. Mr. Clark was ap- pointed for three Sabbaths. Rev. Mr. Tenant visited the church in 1 7G2 ; Rev. Mr. Lyons, in 1763 ; Rev. John Hannah, in 1767 ; Rev. Mr. Schenck, in 1771 ; Rev. Joseph Treat, in 1778; Rev. Mr. Peppard, at different intervals between those dates ; Rev. Dr. Ira Condit, in 1797; Rev. Peter Wilson, of Hackettstown, N. J., about this period, a successful laborer ; Rev. David Barclay, 1805 to 1811 ; Rev. Dr. Joseph Campbell, in 1812. Rev. Eleazer Wales, from Allen township, and the Rev. Mr. Rhodes labored here success- fully for a period before the Revolution — the exact date not ascertained. Rev. John Boyd was appointed by the Pres- bytery of New Brunswick and preached in Smithfielcl Church from 1813 to 1819. In 1816 lie reorganized the church, and ordained John Turn and Geishom Bunnell ruling elders. Rev. Jacob T. Field preached a short time by appointment during this period. Rev. Na- thaniel Conkling, Rev. J. Force and Rev. John M. Dickey each spent a few months in this field. Revs. Hunt, Gartner and Shepherd occasionally preached here after the organization of the New- ton Presbytery. In 1832 Rev. Jacob T. Field was appointed stated supply for the congregations of Smithfield and Stroudsburg, and in 1838 was installed as pastor. In consequence of his ill health the Rev. B. J. Lane supplied the pulpit of the two churches for six months, and in 1840 Mr. Field was entirely laid aside by a paralytic stroke. THE OLD STONE CHURCH. Rev. John McNair then acted as supply for six months. In 1841 Rev. Baker Johnson begau his pastoral labors at Smithfield and Middle Smithfield, and in 1849 the church at Strouds- burg was included in his pastoral charge. Mr. Johnson relinquished his care of the Smithfield Church in 1852, after serving for a period of twelve years and six months. In 1853 the old stone church was taken down and the present brick edifice erected on the same site. After the erection of the new church it was reorganized as a distinctly Presbyterian Church ; Rev. T. B. Condit, Rev. John A. Riley and Elder Jere- miah Mackey were the committee apjxnnted by the Presbytery of Newton for that purpose. Rev. Baker Johnson was also present. August 11, 1853, the corner-stone of the new church was laid. John D. La Bar, Findley Bush, Samuel Dietrick and Robert R. Depui were chosen MONROE COUNTY. 1095 ruling elders December 27, 1853, when the church was reorganized by the committee above mentioned. The church was dedicated March 9, 1854, by Eev. George C. Bush, and Rev. J. Kirby Davis was installed pastor. His time was divided between this church and the one at Middle Smithfield. He continued his services for fourteen years, until 1868. He is now liv- ing at Newark, N. J. From 1868 to 1870 the pulpit was supplied. From 1870 to 1871 Rev Arthur Folsom occupied the pulpit, followed by another interregnum of about two years, during which there were temporary supplies. From 1873 to 1875 Rev. J. L. Jenkins was stated supply, followed by Rev. John H. Brown, who labored here from January, 1880, to 1884. Rev. Fuller P. Dalrymple, the present pastor, began his labors in April, 1885. Amiel Bush and Charles Walker have since been added to the eldership. Occupation by the Baptists. — In 1792 the Rev. Mr. Jayne, a Baptist clergyman, preached in the stone church, at which time David Jayne was chosen elder and Thomas Lauder clerk. Occupation by the Lutherans. — In 1800 the Rev. Mr. Coburn and the Rev. M. Teel, of the Lutheran Church of Plainfield, occasionally held services in the church. In 1820 Mr. Ru- pert, of York County, and the Rev. Jacob Tut- tle both labored here at irregular periods. The Rev. Mr. Heilig, father of the Rev. Theophilus Heilig, the present pastor of Zion's (Lutheran) Church, in Middle Smithfield, labored very acceptably in the old stone church for a number of years. He was greatly esteemed in this community, and the son worthily enjoys the same high regard entertained for the father. Another name in connection with the old church is held in grateful remembrance, the Rev. Mr. Hoft'editz, of the German Reformed Church. He first visited this church in 1820, and occasionally preached for a period of twenty years or more, and had also a worthy successor in his son. The parsonage to the modern church was built in 1871, and commands a beautiful view of the Delaware Water (Jap and the surround- ing hills and valleys. There is an old grave- yard hard by the church, where the old pio- neers sleep. Here, as elsewhere, many of the old graves are marked by moss-covered, native head and foot-stones, and some without date or initial. About the year 1825 a Sunday-school was organized by John V. Bush and others. This school has been continued, with occasional inter- ruptions, till the present. Among those who were prominent in sustaining the school in for- mer days were Henry Eilenberger and, later, Joseph Y. Wilson, son of the Rev. Peter Wil- son, who organized the school and left it in a prosperous condition at his death. It is believed the present success of the school is largely due to their labors. The school now numbers one hundred pupils and is under the superintendency of the pastor. Since the foregoing account of Smithfield ( 'liurch was prepared, a volume the writer has for many years been in search of was unexpect- edly found at the residence of a neighbor, being a record of the Reformed Dutch Church of Smithfield, but too late for use in this connec- tion. It was kept in the Dutch language, and was commenced by the Rev. Casperus Fryen- niuth, in May, 1741, and continued for the en- tire term of his pastorate in the Minisink. The last entry in the handwriting of Mr. Fryen- muth is the record of the baptism of Daniel, son of William DeYoor and Catharine Schoon- inaker, his wife, September 22, 1752. Benja- min Schoonmaker (Shoemaker) and Elizabeth De Pui appear as sponsors. During the pastorate of Mr. Fryenmuth the record was neatly and accurately kept, showing good taste and scholarship as well. His suc- cessors were not so fortunate in this respect. Following is a transcript of a part of the first page containing baptisms : S.li. GEMEYNTE VAN SMITHFIELD. May. Luke. Madlena. Elizabeth Edward. Susanna. Carri't Si I iilnakir. Catharine lm I'm'. Jan D.-kor, Jim. I>ni. Kn.vkendel. I'linfii/, Tullisciuie. Calharine Warrin. I'.illjaliMli S.honllltiakr l-:ii/.alinlh [111 I'll}'. Pete: I lasoy, Auwa Prye. Ilirinan Hi sen Irani/.. Magdalena Rosen Crautz. Muses Du I'uy. Elizabeth linker. 1'Muanl i 'annaile. Mary Baly. Garret Decker. Susanna I'll l'uy. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The first marriage registered is as follows : 1742. " 1. 4 July. Moses Du Puy Wed. van Antie Reel met Anna Prys : J. D: Geboren, in Lancaster County, in Pennsylvania, lieyde woonaeh tigh in Smithsfield, in Bucks County ; getosunt Jan. 18, dito by my J. Frey- cnmuth." The last entry is the baptism of Catharine Maria De Witt, daughter of Jacob and Sarah De Witt, born 20th of March, 1806 ; baptized July 1, 1807, by the Rev. David Barclay, who was pastor from 1805 to 1811; Abram Van Campen, sponsor. Rev. Jacobus Rom in e made the last entry before this — January 5, 1805. In the record of church officers, Smithfield and Walpack are kept together during the ministration of Mr. Fryenmuth. Among the early members of the consistory (Onderlinger) before 1750 are Nicholas De Pui, Lambart Brinck, Benjamin Depuy, Benjamin Schoon- maker, Derick Van Vliet and James Hynd- shaw (in 1752). Deacons for the same period, — Benjamin Schoonmaker, Daniel De Pui, Aaron De Pui, Barman Rose Krans and Joseph Hendrekas. The following irregular entry is made ap- parently by the Rev. John Boyd, who min- istered in Smithfield Church from 1813 to 1819 : " January 31, 1814, the First English Presbyterian Congregation of Lower and Middle Smithfield having met at the school-house near to John Coolbaugh's, chose Gershom Bunnel and John Turn, for ruling elders ; Benjamin Tock, Moses Chambers, Daniel Labar, Nicholas Depue and John Coolbaugh for trus- tees in said Congregation. "Witness present: John Boyd.'' Church of the Mountain. — On the 22d of January, 1854, a Presbyterian Church was organized at the Delaware Water Gap, to be called " the Church of the Mountain." The Rev. Horatio S. Howell, who had been labor- ing in that vicinity for six months previously as a missionary of the Philadelphia Home Missionary Society, was assisted in the services of the organization by the Rev. F. F. Ellin- wood, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church at Belvidere, N. J. The following persons united in the organization : Samuel Gulick, by letter from the Presbyterian Church atStrouds- burg ; Susannah Snyder, by letter from the Second Presbyterian Church, Belvidere, N. J.; Anna Maria Broil head, by letter from the Presbyterian Church of Middle Smithfield ; and on examination, — Abraham Newhart, Su- sannah Newhart, David Shannon, Rachel Shan- non, Elizabeth Brodhead, Mary Brodhead, Elenora Snyder, Emily R. Snyder, Susan Bar- tron, James Dutot, Susan Van Scoter. Samuel Gulick was chosen ruling elder. The services of the organization were held in the school- house nearly opposite the church lot. The church edifice was commenced in July, 1853, and was dedicated on the 29th day of August, 1854, on which occasion Rev. H. S. Howell was assisted by Rev. F. F. Ellinwood, of Bel- videre, Rev. Andrew Miller, of Stroudsburg, and Rev. W. Wood, of the Methodist Church at Centreville ; Rev. F. F. Ellinwood preached the dedicatory sermon. The congregation are greatly indebted to the late Mrs. Caroline E. G. Peale, of Philadelphia, Dr. John M. Paul, of Belvidere, and Mathew Baldwin, of Phila- delphia, for their liberal assistance in erecting the church, and in the deep interest manifested by them in the spiritual welfare of the com- munity. January 6, 1871, Theodore Houser and L. W. Brodhead were elected ruling elders, and Elias Compton subsequently. Rev. Horatio S. Howell came to Water Gap in August, 1853, and organized the church, and continued as pastor until March, 1862, when he was chosen chaplain of the Ninetieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was killed while attending to the sick and wounded at the hospital in Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. He was succeeded by Rev. E. J. Pierce, who filled the pulpit until 1870, when Rev. S. W. Knipe commenced his pastoral labors, and in January, 1884, was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Thomas Tyack. Delaware Water Gap Methodist Church. — "Delaware Water Gap, or Dutots- burg, as it was then called, was one of the first Methodist vineyards planted north of the Blue Mountains," about 1800. The circuit reached from Easton to Stroudsburg, and at one time was ual, if not ahead, of any of the others. Among the earliest Methodists at this place were John Staples and his wife, Margaret, who MONROE COUNTY. 1097 made their house a home for the preachers. Staples was an Englishman, who came to this country on board the ship that brought the tea for that Boston tea party in 1773. He had an interest in the cargo until it was thrown over- board, when he became interested in America and fought for independence during the Revolu- tion. His son, Luke Staples, and his wife also made their place a home for the preachers. Philip, Elizabeth, Millix and Eliza Dutot and John Dutot were Methodists. John Dolong and wife and Hugh Pugh were good old Method- ists ; Samuel Pugh, son of Hugh Pugh, was a class-leader ; Rev. Messrs. Bagely and Miller preached there at an early day. This place was connected with Stoddartsville and Cherry Valley. William Sayre and Elizabeth Sayre were old members, also William and Mary Long. Rev. James Neal preached here in Luke Staples' house when he was a young man. He came as a stranger, and after he was through preaching sat down and sang, — " A stranger lonely here I roam, From place to place I'm driven ; My friends are gone and I'm in gloom, This world is all a dreary tomb, I have no home but Heaven." He was but a mere boy and a stranger, and his pathetic song brought tears to many of his hearers' eyes. Thus did these early itinerant preachers go from place to place and preach in houses, barns or the open forests, wherever they could gain a hearing. The early history of this church only exists in tradition and in the memory of its oldest members. Its records are very poorly kept. Rev. David Best, William Colbert, James Bissey (who was preaching when lightning struck the church and he was killed), Rev. George Banghard, James McFarland and James Smith also preached at the Gap. Adrian Dutot was class-leader at one time. After awhile this field was abandoned, and after re- maining in that condition for a number of years, in 1867 L. D. Brown, who was stationed at Portland, came to Water Gap and preached every two weeks in the school-house. In 1869 he held a scries of meetings, and there was a great revival and about seventy were converted. A class was organized, and Samuel Witter and 10'J A. B. Burrell were the first class-leaders. Then Robert Demund became a class-leader. This reorganization led to the building of the present church in 1870. It is a neat brick edifice, and will seat about three hundred persons. There are now forty-two members. There is also a Sunday-school connected with the church. Among the more active members since the re- organization were A. B. Burrell, Hiram Staples and Jacob Kennedy. A. B. Burrell wrote the life of George La Bar, the centenarian. He also at one time kept the Lenape House. At the time of the dedication of the Methodist Church, August 4, 1870, he composed the " Corner-stone Hymn," — " More firm than these eternal hills Which round us rise to-day, Thy words, oh, Lord shall stand unchanged When mountains pass away ; And thou hast said Thou wouldst defend, < io with thy people to the end, While Nature speaks Thy greatness here With voice that charms and awes ; Let man the noblest of thy works, Praise more the Great First cause ; Redeeming Love attune our Lyre, In unison with Heaven's choir." After the reorganization by Rev. Lucien B. Brown, Rev. Messrs. W. J. Mill, R. C. Wood, H. E. Isett, R. C. Turner, T. T. Mutchler, H. B. Maugher, R. A. Miller, R. C. Patterson, John L. Staples, W. Vanderherchen and H. W. Millison have occupied the pulpit. Rev. John L. Staples is descended from the Water Gap family of that name. He was born there in 1814, and was licensed to preach in 1838 by Rev. James Harmer, and ordained by Bishop Janes in 1851. During the war he was chaplain of the One Hundred and Sixty- eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers at first, and afterwards he was chaplain of a regiment that was stationed in Washington, D. C. It was while here that his sou, J. S. Staples, went into the army as a substitute for Abraham Lincoln, for which he received six hundred and fifty dollars, and a New York Herald re- porter, handed the father fifty dollars for his consent to have his son go into the army. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROK COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The Water Gap House.— The Water Gap House was built in 1872 by L. W. Brodhead, the present proprietor. It is located about three hundred feet above the Delaware, on ".Sunset Hill," and will accommodate two hundred and seventy-five guests. The halls are spacious and the verandas are broad and everything about the building has a neat, as well as substantial, appearance. Mr. Brod- head docs not sell intoxicants, and attracts the very best class of boarders to his house, among whom arc found men of distinction, wealth and influence. The Water (Jap has ever been a favorite resort for people of quiet tastes and cultivated habits from the princpal Eastern cities. The hotel is beautifully located on Sunset Hill, which rises above the bold rocky bluff upon which the Kittatinny House is built, and " is a confused, disjointed, irregular mass of rock from base to apex. From this spot, so interesting in its geological structure, is a view composed of all varieties nature makes use of in forming a landscape pleasing to the eye. To the south the proportions of the Gap are well defined, and from this point Mr. Darley, the artist, de- lighted most to behold it. Looking to the north and east, you trace the waving outlines of the Shawnee Hills, the long stretch of the Kittatinny, and the lake-like repose of the Dela- ware, with the lower portion of Cherry Valley and the village in the nearer view. You will be disappointed in going to see the sun set from this hill, and will conclude there is a misappli- cation of the name, as the last rays of the sun are obstructed by the grove of trees to the west. But the pleasure to be enjoyed at this hour of the day, and in which the name has its signifi- cance, is to witness the shadows made from the waving outline of hills to the west as they slowly climb to the side of the mountain, rising higher and higher as the dying orb sinks to the horizon." The view altogether is one of the finest to be witnessed from any hotel in the country. The Kittatinny House was commenced by Anthony Dutot in 1829 and purchased by Samuel Snyder in 1832, who took possession in 1833 and enlarged and completed the build- ing commenced by Mr. Dutot. The house then accommodated twenty-five persons and was filled the first season, even before it was fairly finished. Among the first guests were Mrs. Swift and Miss Coffman (of Easton), Caleb Cope and family and General Cadwallader and family (of Philadelphia). William A. Brod- head rented the Kittatinny House and moved there in 1841. In 1851 he purchased the house and increased its capacity to accommodate sixty persons. In 1853 its capacity was in- creased to seventy-five persons, and in 1862 to one hundred and sixty; and again, in 18(H), to two hundred. The house was rebuilt by Ed- ward L. and John D. Brodhead, the present owners, in 1884, and has now a capacity of about two hundred and seventy-five persons. The Kittatinny House is finely located on a bold bluff on the Pennsylvania side, one hun- dred and eighty feet above the Delaware. The spot commands a fine view of the windings of the river, and the surrounding mountains and hills, but the view of the Gap itself is incom- plete, being obstructed at this point by " Block- head" Mountain, which, however, is over- looked by the views from other points higher up the mountain-side. The situation is well chosen and has the benefit of every breeze. Among the many distinguished guests of this house the following might be mentioned : George W. Childs and family, Morton Me- Michacl and family, Louis A. Godcy and family, ex-Governor Joel Parker and family, (of Trenton), the Cadwalladers, Rawles, General Patterson, General McClellan, General Heintz-- elman, the Stevenson family and Judges James M. Porter and Andrew H. Reeder, (afterwards Governor of Kansas), and of people now living, some of the most prominent finan- ciers and politicians in the country. The Water Gap has been a place of resort for old Quaker families even in the time when they came from Philadelphia in the old-fashioned stage-coach. The Glenwood House was built by Rev. Horatio S. Howell, for a boys' boarding-school, in 1854-55. William McMichael and Clayton McMichacl, sons of the late Hon. Morton Mc- Michael, of Philadelphia, received their aea- MONROE COUNTY. ltillt) ilciuic coarse at (Ins school. The former is a prominent lawyer in New York. The latter was United Slates marshal (hiring- the Presidency of Mr Arthur, and is now editor of the North American, the oldest daily paper in Philadel- phia, Judge John N. Stewart, of Trenton, N. J., was also one of his pupils. The Hon. Johu P>. Storm, the present Representative in Congress from this district, was, for a time, a pupil of the Rev. Mr. Howell. In March, 1862j the Rev. Mr. Howell was chosen chaplain of the Ninetieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers hy Colonel Lyle, and was killed by a rebel soldier whilst attending to the sick and wounded at the hospital in Gettysburg, July 1, 1803. Samuel Alsop took possession of the Glcnwood House soon after Mr. Howell left, in 1862. He continued it a few years as a boys' boarding- school, and afterwards as a summer boarding- house. Mr. Alsop purchased the property and enlarged the building. It was afterwards sold to Mr. Amos La Bar, the present owner. Mr. Alsop gave up the place in 1881 and removed to Philadelphia. He was a fine scholar and a noble-hearted man, and greatly esteemed in this community. Rivi'.it View House.— John 1. Blair, of Blairstown, N. J., built the Lenape House (now called River View House) for A. B. Burrell, who ran it for a few years, then Frank Hauser had the house for about four years. Lizzie T. Le Barre bought the property of Mr. Blair in 1879, and has since made improvements so that the house will accommodate about fifty guests. River View House is beautifully located on a commanding rise of ground above the depot. The grounds are adorned with juniper trees and the view of the Delaware River from the house is very pleasing. Mr. A. B. Burrell, above-mentioned, was the author of "Remi- niscences of George La Bar, the Centenarian of Monroe County." He was a worthy man and an active Christian. The Delaware House is near the depot and will accommodate about forty persons. It was started in 1869 by B. F. Skiurm, the pres- ent proprietor. The Central House is located near the Methodist Church. It is new and neat and was opened in 1885 by Samuel D. Overfiehi. It will accommodate about fifty persons. Theodore Hauser started the Mountain House in 1870. It has since been enlarged and will accommodate about eighty persons. It is now run by Mrs. Hauser & Son. Besides these regular boarding-houses, there are a number of neat cottages in the village where boarders are taken during the summer season. Among these are B. F. Brodhead's cottage, capacity thirty-five; Mrs. William Snyder's cottage, capacity twenty ; Simon Hau- sn-'s cottage, capacity twenty ; Mrs. James Fen- ner, capacity twenty. The Rivku Farm HOUSE is one-half mile or more out of town, and is a quiet, pleasant place. It will accommodate about forty per- sons. Ewen T. Crosdale is the proprietor. David Dills bought two hundred and nine- teen acres of land in Smithfield township, where the Wesley Water Cure is located, in 1790. In the year 1794 he sold it to Colonel Francois Vannier for seven hundred pounds current money of Pennsylvania. The tract is called Plainfield in the old parchment deed, and it adjoins lands of Daniel Brodhead, Win. Smith and Stephen Ilutt'e, with the Analoining Creek on the south. Colonel Vannier and wife lived in San Domingo, about 1791), when the island was under French dominion, but when the negroes rose in rebellion and drove the French out of the island, gathered up what valuables they could and fled on board a ship, which brought them to Philadelphia, when the colonel shortly after purchased the place above men- tioned and came to Smithfield to live. His twin brother, who was a major in the French service, came with him. They kept slaves and were aristocratic in their feelings, standing aloof from their neighbors, and having but very little association with the people by whom they were surrounded. Joseph Hauser, a constable, who became well acquainted with Colonel Vannier, married his daughter Susette, and inherited all of the colo- nel's property. When Vannier died he gave the property to his wife with the understanding that she should transmit it to Susette, their common heir, a 1100 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. provision which she faithfully carried out. Joseph Hauser built the stone house on the corner, on the south side of the road. He and his wife lived there sonic twenty-five years, duringwhichtimetheyhadouechild, which died. His wife dying, Hauser married a widow, Marga- ret Eagles, with whom lie lived until his demise. She had two daughters when she married him, and after his death she deeded the property to them, reserving an annuity for herself. This second wife, though in no way related to the Vanniers, excepting through this chain of mar- riages, received money from San Domingo, through the French government, for a number of years. Her daughters were Sarah, the wife of Theodore P. Taylor, and Emily ('., the wife of Jacob L. Wyckoff. The Wesley Water Cure. — In the year 1871 Dr. F.Wilson Hurd, who had been search- ing through the Eastern, Middle and Southern States for a good location for a Health Institution selected the site of the Wesley Water Cure as the most desirable that he had seen east of the Mississippi, on account of its combining the advantage of a high altitude, and therefore of pure, dry, braciug air, entirely free from mias- ma, with excellent water, healthful climatic in- fluences in general, easy accessibility from the great centres of population, and last, but not least, beautiful scenery. Here he established, within a few minutes' drive from Stroudsburg and the famous Dela- ware Water Gap, the sauitarium, which we pro- pose briefly to describe. The building, which fronts towards the south, is located on a gentle slope, a forest-covered hill rising north of it, and protecting it from the cold northwesterly winds, while the sun shines full upon it from its rising to its setting, its rays, however, tempered agreeably in summer by the foliage of the sur- rounding trees. Knowing the great power there is iu the direct and indirect rays of the sun in overcom- ing unhealthy conditions, Dr. Hurd sought to locate the Wesley Water Cure where the clearest and strongest sunlight could be had, iu con- junction with as many other natural advantages as could be found combined in one place. The cure building is a three-story wooden structure, planned and built by Dr. Hurd in 1873. It is arranged with special reference to the particular work for which it is designed. Every room and hall is scientifically venti- lated through Hues from the base, communicat- ing with a hot-air shaft. The windows extend nearly to the ceiling, for the purpose of securing in abundance that most valuable of curative in- fluence — solar light. The grounds are tastefully laid out and adorned with sufficient shade trees. There is also a grove of chestnut, oak, hickory, maple, elm, ash, butter-nut, black walnut, cherry and other forest-trees, covering the grove that lies adjacent to the Cure. There is a fine spring of water that rises in the hill and flows down through the grounds in a little rivulet that unites with the Analomink. The Water Cure is supplied with abundance of cool, soft, pure water from this never-failing source. The Wesley Water Cure is named in honor of John Wesley, because he was a consistent and vigorous advocate of a pure, simple, disci- plinary life and governed by the same princi- ples which regulate the treatment of this cure. The plan of treatment is in strict accordance with the laws of nature, recognizing vitality or the life principle as the power that performs the healing, and that disease is remedial effort — not an enemy, but a friend. Among the influ- ences that are necessary to health are pure air, sunlight, proper food, judicious exercise, appro- priate rest, water, social and religious influences, faith and a positive will. This Cure is arranged to combine all these health conditions, as nearly* as possible, having the end in view, — simply the equalization of the circulation of blood and nerve force, the purification of the blood and tissues, and nutrition — resting assured that as we attain these, disease will disappear. Medicines are not used. The bath is used and applied in various ways to meet the needs of different cases, as full bath, spray, foot-bath, flowing, douche, sitz-bath, dripping sheet, fo- mentation, pack, vapor or Russian bath, spinal- bath, sponge-bath, oil-bath, hand-bath, etc., to suit the special condition, Swedish movement, massage and rubbing, and from cool to hot to suit the needs of the patient. The Cure is con- WESLEY WATER CURE. EXPERIMENT MILLS, MONROE CO., MONROE COUNTY. 1101 nected with a farm, from wlii<'ii supplies for the table are drawn. In the use of water is found the only natural freighting medium by which the particles of refuse and waste are conveyed to and from the various tissues of the body to replace that which is worn out, and convey away the im- purities that are found therein. The solvent power of water is all sufficient, and far superior to any medicines, in dissolving the impurities and morbid humors of the body, and, if prop- erly used, will accomplish what medicines can never do in cleansing a body and restoring it to health. Medicines do not cure ; they simply divert the action of disease, which is remedial effort, and force nature into an accommodation to the presence of unhealthy particles of matter in the system, not cleansing them out and ex- pelling them from the system, but leaving them in the tissues throughout the body, and thus is established a chronic condition or disease in place of an acute disease or one of a higher or more vital type. The greater proportion of the cases treated here are of the chronic type, and the effect of the natural life and treatment is to produce a change iu the type of vitality and to develop the former or acute manifestation of disease, which, after running the natural course, disappears, leaving the body free and in a healthy state. The institution thus is a school as well as a remedial institute, inasmuch as each patient, while being treated and getting well, is inducted into the principles upon which health is based, and becomes thereby practically his own doctor ever after in all ordinary derange raents of the organism. The system here prac- ticed is largely prophylactic, and therefore the chief part of the prevailing diseases are avoided by persons so living, they not being susceptible to take on disease. A particular system of food and preparation is practiced, which excludes all high seasoning and the use of lard and grease shortenings. A very moderate use of salt, butter and sugar, and also meats and little or no white or bolted flour, tea and coffee. Un- leavened bread is used iu preference to leav- ened. Exact regularity in meals is enjoined and no eating between meals. It may be said that the laws of growth and of the maintenance of health arc the laws reg- ulating cure from disease, and that all changes, whether in health or disease, should be made gradually or closely simulating the process of growth. The institution will accommodate fifty pa- tients. The whole Cure is under the medical care of Dr. F. Wilson Hurd, a man of large experience in the care of the sick in similar in- stitutions. The domestic arrangements are under the care of his wife. Health lectures are occasionally given, in which are set forth the theory and practice of natural cure and how to live so as to avoid sickness and preserve health. The outlook southward from the piazza is very fine, Analomink River Gap being in full view with the Delaware Water ( rap and Kit- tatiuy Mountains in the distance, making it a desirable place for recreation or rest. Dr. F. Wilson Hurd, the founder of the Wesley Water Cure, and one of the leading exponents in this country of the system of health-making which is practiced there, was born iu the town of Trumbull, Fairfield County, Conn., March 23, 1830, and was a son of Elliot and Fanny (Burton) Hurd. His pater- nal grandfather was Frederick, and his great- grandfather John Hurd, of a family very long settled and well-known in Connecticut. His mother was a daughter of Captain Nathan- iel Burton, a West India trader, and on the female side was a descendant of the Booth family, which was among those transplanted from Old to New England in very early colonial times. Dr. Hurd is a cousin of Rev. Dr. Nathaniel J. Burton, of Hartford. In 1833, when the subject of our sketch was a mere babe, his parents removed to Nieshewaka, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and there they both died within three weeks and a day of each other, six years later, when F. Wilson, the third of four children, was only in his ninth year. After a short period his grandfather, Frederick Hurd, sent for the children and gave them a home with him upon his farm, known as " Shagenawamps," in Trumbull, Conn., near Burr's Mill, on the Housatonic Railroad. There the early boyhood of our subject was WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE ('(UNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. spent in the hard work of New England farming, varied by attending the common district schools in winter, and there he grew physically and mentally, and picked up a little of education in things practical and tilings theoretical, princi- pally the former. When sixteen years of age he went to Newark, N. J., and learned the hatter trade, but he broke down in health and had to return to ( lonnecticut. There he followed his trade for a time and then went into a health, the old Glen Haven Water Cure at the head of Skaneateles Lake, New York, and there was opened to him the avenue of life and use- fulness which he has since followed. He be- came interested in this system of cure there in vogue, studied it and resolved to devote his life to the practice of it* principles. In 1858 he formed a partnership with two others, and with James C. Jackson as physician-in-chief, they opened what is now known as the Dansville /< ?U&U>^J£^^ machine-shop and learned to make surgical instruments. All of the time he was support- ing himself, but making little headway beyond that, for he had poor health, and finally, to im- prove that, he went to sea. He was principally engaged in coasting, but made a voyage around Cape Horn to San Francisco, and returned by way of Callao and the Chinchi Islands. He followed sea-faring for nine years, during the latter part of the period serving as an engineer on a steamer. In 1807 he visited, for the benefit of his Water (Hire, in Livingston County, N. Y. For ten years Dr. Hurd (who had in the mean time acquired his title by proper process) had a daily average of one hundred patients in his care, and had charge of all the mechanical appliances in this large institution-. At the ex- piration of that ten years, in 1868, he sold out, and in 1871 came to Monro; 1 County, having, as already related, made choice of his present location as containing all of the best advantages for a cure. Dr. Hurd, i#i 1800, graduated from the MONltOE COUNTY. hydropathic school known as the Hygieo-Thera- peutic College of New York City, a school of medicine then working under a charter from the Legislature of that Stale, and he also attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons and theBellevue Medical College, also of New York. The doctor was married on the 13th of August, 1866, to Hannah A., daughter of the Hon. Emerson Johnson, of Sturbridge, Mass. They have two children, - Fanny Burton and Anna Johnson. Delaware Water G a i» Pulp and Papeb- MlLLS. — lames Bell settled where the wood- pulp mill now is in LS10. He built a saw- mill and grist-mill on the Analomink, or Brod- head Creek. In 1880 his grandsons — Thomas, Edward and Frank — built a wood-pulp mill, which they ran a short time, when a stock com- pany was organized under the name of Delaware Water Gap Pulp and Paper Company's Mills, with a capital stock of two hundred thousand dollars — J. E. Roberts, president ; F. N. Cohn, secretary and treasurer ; Frank J. Roberts, gene- ral manager. The mills employ about forty men and boys and five girls. The capacity of the mill is about five tons of paper per day. A solid cord of wood will produce nine hundred pounds of paper. Pine, poplar, basswood and other soli woods are used in making the pulp. The process of making wood-pulp paper is as fol- lows: 1st. The wood is cut and cleaned of bark. 2d. A revolving-wheel, with knives attached, called a clipper, is used for cutting it into chips about one-fourth of an inch to one inch long. 3d. It then goes into a digester, which in this case is a steel boiler, six feet in diameter by twenty feet long, walled in with brick. A liquor is run into this digester along with the chips, the principal properties of which are lime, soda ash, vitriol, etc., when it is heated In- direct heat under the digester to ninety degrees, and from that to one hundred and fifteen de- grees. This cooks the wood. Some digesters are heated by steam pressure alone. 4th. It is then blown out of the digester by steam pres- sure into tanks, having been reduced to pulp by the digester. It is here thoroughly washed by weak liquor, which is run into the strong liquor tank until it is reduced to four degrees on the liquor tester, after which it is run into the weak liquor tank until it tests nothing. After it is thus reduced the liquor is drawn off and the pulp is run into the stuff-box, from whence it is pumped in the wet-machine and run through brass-screws and over rollers into sheets about one-eighth of an inch thick. This renders it convenient to handle. It is now re- duced to pulp again by the beater, and passes through the Jordan engine, during which pro- cess it is colored as desired. It now goes through the bleacher or washing process in another tank, into which it had been pumped. From here it is pumped into the Fourdriniermaehine (so named for the inventor) in the form of a liquor, onto brass screens. This machine is twenty-five or thirty feet long, and consists often heated cylin- ders about three feet in diameter, and twenty-one smaller cylinders about five inches in diameter. It passes through this machine in one continuous sheet about five feet wide, and into the calender which consists of nine bright, steel cylinders, one on top of the other. If the paper passes through two of the calenders it is said to be double calendered. From these calenders it passes on to slat rollers, and thence through the cutter, whence it is counted into quires and reams and packed for shipping. THOMAS BRODHEAD, a prominent resident of the Delaware Water Gap, was born at Slate ford, near that place, January 2(3, 1816. He is a lineal descendant, in the fifth generation, of Captain Daniel Brodhead, the ancestor of that family in America, who came to this coun- try in 1664 with the expedition under Colonel Nicolls, which captured New Netherland from the Dutch and who, on September 14, 1665, was commissioned "chief officer of the militia in the Fsopus," in Ulster County, N. Y., where he died July 14, 16,67. The intervening an- cestry of the Brodhead family will be found fully presented elsewhere in this volume. The immediate parents of our subject were Luke and Elizabeth (Wills) Brodhead, the former of whom died in Smithlield, March 21, 1845. He was a man of many excellencies of character, identi- fied with the slate, hotel and farming interests of 1104 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Smithfieldj and an active, influential and useful citizen in his day and generation. During the earlier years of his life Thomas ; Brodhead assisted his father in his various ! business enterprises, and acquired an ordinary common-school education. On November 10, | 1846, he married Hannah M., daughter of George V. and Maria Bush, of Shawnee, the \ latter of whom is still living in her nine- I tieth year, and soon after commenced farm- dred and seventy acres, near the Gap, and after disposing of the timber, devoted them to agri- cultural uses, and cleared oft' fifteen other tracts. For many years he has carried on an exten- sive livery business at the gap, and is now op- erating a saw-mill at the same point. He has erected and owned several of the handsome cot- tages in the village and has done much in devel- oping the business interests of the place, and in adding to its material prosperity. He is a close M^A-z^L ing in Smithfield, where Samuel Gulick now lives. After nine years of agricultural life at that point he removed to the Delaware Water Gap and purchased a lintel property at that place, which he replaced in 1856 with the Brainerd House. Here he entertained the pub- lic for many years, chiefly the overflow of board- ers from his brother's house, the Kittatinnv, and during the same period continued to engage in farming and lumbering. He partially cleared off two wood tracts comprising about one hun- adherent to Democratic principles in politics, but has never been an aspirant for public office. He is a liberal contributor to the church and other worthy institutions of his locality, and is held in general respect and esteem. His children are Eugene, residing at Delaware Water Gap ; Mary Alice, wife of George W. Supplee, of Philadelphia ; Lizzie, wife of John D. Brod- head, of the Kittatinny House; Horatio and ( Jeorge B., also living at the Gap ; and Bertha and Thomas ('., living at home. MONROE COUNTY. 1105 CHAPTER IX. MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP. General Description. — This township is bounded on the north by Price township and Pike County, east by Pike County and the Del- aware River, south and southwest by the Dela- ware and Smithfield township, and west by Price township. It is separated by the above river from the State of New Jersey. The sur- face of the township is generally hilly and brok- en. The soil in its southern portion is a rich loam, with comparatively little stone and very productive. Just north, in the vicinity of the Coolbaugh settlement, is a limestone ridge, and in i(s neighboring locality a slate deposit, though not sufficiently rich to be worked. A strata of red shale, extending from Pike County, also crops out in this vicinity. The soil in the north- ern portion is stony, and not adapted to cultiva- tion. It is a fine timber-land, and has thus been made available to settlers. Beech, chestnut, maple and oak, with some hemlock and pine, grow here, the most luxuriant growth being that of the oak, which has been much in de- mand for tanning purposes. In early years the timber was cut and rafted down the Delaware, but modern railroad enterprise has superseded this primitive method of transportation. There was formerly considerable low-lands, which, by draining and reclaiming, has been made very productive. The staple grains and grass grow in abundance, as also the principal fruits found elsewhere in the State. In 1844 more than ten thousand acres of un- seated lands were offered for sale by the treas- urer of the county to pay arrears of taxes and cost of sale. The populous portion of the town- ship is chiefly confined to the southern section. Although extended in its area, Middle Smith- field contained, in 1830, a population of but one thousand, which was increased in 1840 to eleven hundred and forty-four. The real and personal property in 1844 amounted to $11)3,15!). Its present population is thirteen hundred and thir- ty-nine. WATER-< '( husks. — The township abounds in streams, of greater or less importance. The 110 Big Bushkill rises in the vicinity of High Knob, in Pike County, flows southeasterly through a portion of Greene township, in Pike County, into Barrett township, where it forms a junction with the east branch of the Bushkill, and continues its course southeast through Bar- rett, Price and Porter townships (the latter in Pike County) into Middle Smithfield. It con- tinues a southeasterly course through this town- ship, and pours its waters into the Delaware at Bushkill. Marshall Creek, named after the noted pe- destrian of the Indian Walk, Edward Mar- shall, rises in the northwest part of the town- ship, flows southerly, and running through Smithfield, empties into Brodhead Creek. Pond Creek, which is an outlet of Coolbaugh Pond, flows westerly in a parallel line with the stage road and forms a junction with Marshall Creek, at Marshall Creek Post-Office. Willow Creek rises north of Echo Lake and, flowing easterly, joins the Big Bushkill at Shoemaker Post-Office. Long Shore Creek rises in the east- ern part of the township and flows southwest into Pond Creek, on land of Adam Overfield. Shawnee Creek rises on the northerly side of Elat Brook Ridge and, flowing south to the vil- lage of Shawnee, empties into the Delaware. Seeley Lake, more recently christened Echo Lake, is located within two miles of the eastern boundary of the township, and about one-fourth of a mile north of the stage road. It covers an area of twenty acres, is at the centre at least forty feet in depth, and is fed by imperceptible springs along the eastern bottom. Its waters are remarkably clear. Coolbaugh Lake, originally Jayne Lake, lies about two hundred rods west of Echo Lake, and is fed by springs along its banks. Both these lakes abound in pickerel, perch ami bass, promoted by the enterprise of the Coolbaugh family, who brought them at some cost from streams and lakes in New Jersey. Middle Smithfield and the adjoining region was the scene of many depredations committed by the Indians, from 1755 to 1764, which are treated of in Chapter IV. of this work. Early Settlements. — It is not possible to determine with certainty who was the first set- 1106 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tier in Middle Smithfield, though amoug the earliest were William and Isaac Jayne, two brothers, who made the township their residence after having taken up several large tracts. Wil- liam Jayne had two sons, Daniel and Peter, and one daughter, Mrs. George La Bar. The sons both settled in the township, Peter having mar- ried Mary Bush and had children, — Isaac, Ann, Maria, Lorinda, Henry, Daniel, Milton, Susan and Caroline. All of these are either deceased or have removed from the township. Daniel Jayne had one son Julius and two daughters, one of whom, Mrs. Daniel Bush, resides at Marshall Creek. John Dewitt came from Esopus to the town- ship and purchased five hundred acres of un- cleared land formerly owned by a man named Humphrey. He was by trade a blacksmith, and opened a shop on the land, burning his coal for the purpose near by. He had four sons — John, Levi, Jacob and Cornelius — and daughters Sarah and Elsie, the last-named son having died in early manhood. Jacob remain- ed in the township and settled on his patri- mony, the property being now owned by his grandson, Henry Dewitt. John Dewitt mar- ried Betsey Johnson, whose children were John, Samuel, Jacob, Joshua, Maria, Elsie and Cath- erine. John settled on the homestead and mar- ried Sarah Miller, whose two sons, Samuel and Henry, are resident farmers in Middle Smith- field. ' Henry Shoemaker owned the property now occupied by Frank H. Smith. He sold to George Michaels and removed to Warren Coun- ty, N. J. The Coolbaugh family were among the earliest settlers of the township. They were of German origin and the name is said to be identical with Coolbrook. The original an- cestor in the country was William Coolbaugh, a sea-captain, who married Sarah Johnson, and first located in Hunterdon County, New Jer- sey. Subsequently he removed to Monroe County, Pa., following the tide of emigration which worked its way through Bucks and Northampton Counties to the valley of the Minisink, where it was met by and merged with the tide of settlement which had left the old pioneer location of Esopus, in Ulster < 'oiin- ty, New York, and passing through the Mama- kating Valley, established itself in the perilous and wild region of the Minisink. William Coolbaugh had ten children, namely : Moses, born in Monroe County, Pa., died and was buried at Wysox, Bradford County, Pa., February 22, 1814, aged sixty-two years. Cornelius, who married Sarah Everett, of New Hope, Bucks County, Pa., and is buried at Smithfield. John, born September 14, 1760, died September 25, 1842, aged eighty-two years. Married by Rev. Elias Van Benschoten, September 14, 1788, to Susannah, daughter of John Van Campen. She was born at Shawnee, October 23, 1758, died January 31, 1829, aged seventy years. Her father, John, was a son of Col. Abraham Van Campen, of Pahaquarry, N. J., whose his- tory is given in the " History of Warren and Sussex Counties, N. J." John Van Campen married Sarah De Pui, and here was a mixture of the Holland and Huguenot blood. They had three children besides Susannah, viz. : Abraham, born September 8, 1769, died No- vember 28, 1806', aged thirty-seven years; Mary, wife of George Bush ; and Blaudina, wife of Henry Shoemaker, of Pahaquarry. William, born at Smithfield, Bucks County, settled at Wysox, Pa., died in Yates County, N. Y., his wife being Susannah Shoemaker. Peter settled at Wysox, thence moved to Luzerne County, Pa., and died there. Hannah, who married a Mr. Tanner, had two children, Mark and Jane. Mark lived in Bucks County and^died about 1879. Jane died a short time before. Mr. Tanner died and Hannah married Silas Barton and had four children, — Britta, George and Benjamin (twins), and William. Britta died in Monmouth Co., N. J., in 1873. George lived in Charleston, South Carolina, and was killed on a steamboat. Benjamin lived in Philadelphia and died 1874. Hannah died and was buried at New Britain, Bucks County, Pa., 1804. Benjamin, born at Smithfield, settled at Wysox, died and was buried there February 13, 1815, aged forty-eight years, his wife being Jerusha Runyan. Sarah married Aaron Mor- ris and lived in Philadelphia ; had four chil- dren, — John, Eliza, Ann and Hiram. She died in 1847, and was buried in Monument Cemetery, MONROE COUNTY. 1107 Philadelphia. Rachel married Christopher Cowell of Wysox, and lived and died there. And Nancy who married a Barton, of Mon- mouth County, X. J. John Coolbaugh was the grandfather of the subjeet of this sketch. He performed active service in the Revolutionary War, and was present at the battle of Monmouth, New Jer- sey. After his marriage to Susannah Van Campen lie purchased a tract of land lying principally in what is now Middle Smithfield township, Monroe County. His first residence was a log house, which stood where George Bush's barn afterwards stood. In 1792 or 1793 he built the house now oc- cupied by his grandson, Moses Frank Cool- baugh, which is the old homestead property of the Coolbaugh family. He was one of the most prominent and influential of the early settlers, and at an early period was an associate judge of Wayne County, which then included Pike and a portion of Monroe Counties. Iu going to and returning from court, at the old county-seat of Bethany, he rode on horseback, and frequently rode for fifty miles without see- ing a house. His lauded property stretched for several miles along the old stage-road, and at his death, in 1842, he left his children good farms around him, and passed away as the patriarchs of old, surrounded by a large family and in the possession of a large estate, which he had accumulated throughout a loug, active and busy life. He formerly owned the land upon which the present village of Bushkill uow stands. He was a man of good judgment and superior executive ability, kind and con- siderate to his neighbors, whom he often assisted in their troubles; of pious habits and inclina- tions, and closely identified with the material development of his section. He and his sous were the virtual founders of the Presbyterian Church of Middle Smithfield, and the early meetings were held at his house. His door was always open to the stranger, and his hospitable home became a sort of public-house, at which all worthy people might stop without money and without price. His children were Abraham V., Sarah, Hannah, John V., Susan and Moses W. Coolbaugh. Of these, Abraham V., born February 10, 1793, married, January 2, 1816', Margaret (born December 5, 1790), daughter of Andrew W. Dingman (who is still living, the last of her generation), operated a grist-mill, engaged in farming and had one daughter, Su- sannah Van Campen, who became the wife, January 25, 1844, of Rev. Andrew Tully, a Presbyterian clergyman ; Sarah, married Wil- liam Overfield, of Middle Smithfield, and left a large number of descendants; Hannah, mar- ried Solomon Westbrook, and had six children, (including JohuC, prothonotary of Pike Coun- ty ; Margaret, who married John B. Stoll, of Sussex County, N. J. ; Hiram ; Lafayette, sev- eral times a member of the State Legislature; Moses C, of Blooming Grove; and Susan, who married William H. Bell, of Sussex County, N. J.); John V. is the father of our subject ; Susan became the wife of William Brodhead, of Pike County, and had Franklin, Sarah (who married Peter De Witt, of Somerville, N. J.) John (a civil engineer in Kentucky) and Mary (who died in Milford); and Moses W., married Mary, daughter of John Nyce, of Pike County, and had a large family, of whom William Fin- ley subsequently became a leading banker in Chicago. John V. Coolbaugh, the father of Abram V., was born, in 1796, on the old homestead. He in- herited many of the characteristics of his father ; was one of the first and for many years an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Middle Smithfield, and one of the successful and pros- perous farmers of his township. He erected a homestead property of his own, where his son, Andrew J. Coolbaugh, now lives, near the old family mansion, and his house was always open to his friends and acquaintances. He avoided public office and devoted his chief energies to the promotion of the welfare of the church and congregation of which he was a member. He died in July, 1874. He married Mary, only daughter of Andrew Eylenberger, of Middle Smithfield township, and had children — Eliza- beth, wife of Charles R. Peters, of Bushkill ; Andrew J., who occupies the home farm, now known as " Willow Grove ;" Abram V. ; Sarah, who married Darwin E. Martin, of Bradford County ; Susan, who became the wife of Daniel 11 OS WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Peters, of Middletown, Pa. ; Van Campen, who resides at Middletown ; Cornelia B., resid- ing on the home farm with her brother; Mar- garet D., wife of Luke W. Brodhead, proprie- tor of the Delaware Water Gap House ; Moses, residing at Pittston, Pa. ; Emma, wife of Rev. diaries K. Van Allen, pastor of the Presby- terian ( liurch of Middle Smithfield ; and James C, who died in August, 1885. Abram V. Coolbaugh was born on the orig- self upon a farm of his father's, near the Pres- byterian Church, and uow occupied by Rev. Mr. Van Allen. There he resided for eighteen years, engaged in farming, lumbering and sur- veying, which latter vocation he has steadily followed since 1846. Since that period he has surveyed extensively in Pike, Monroe, Wayne and Bucks Counties, in Pennsylvania, and Warren County, New Jersey, and at one time owned over four thousand acres in Monroe and inal family homestead October 8, 1822. He passed his boyhood on his father's farm, attend- ing the neighborhood schools in the primitive log school-houses of the day, and subsecmently engaged in teaching for a few years himself. After reaching manhood he remained with his father until 1856, and in December of that year married Jane W. Freese, step-daughter of John H. Wallace, of Milford, and established him- Pike Counties. His present landed possessions cover some three thousand acres. He owns and operates a saw-mill on the Big Bushkill, in Pike County, and farms in Porter township, that county, and Middle Smithfield, Price and Barrett townships, Monroe County. In April, 1876, he moved to Stroudsburg, where he has since resided. He has erected a great many saw-mills, school-houses and private residences, .MONROE COUNTY. :iikI done much toward the material develop- ment of the county. He has never aspired to public office, but lias always been a regular at- tendant of the Presbyterian Church, and a liberal supporter of that and other worthy in- stitutions. He is a man of character and has never used tobacco or liquor in his life, nor taken a dose of medicine. He has enjoyed the delights of hunting since boyhood, and has brought down many a fat buck or doe with his unerring aim. In this connection it may be mentioned that he has become a successful tax- idermist, having acquired the art for the pur- pose of preserving some of the choice specimens he has secured. His children arc three in num- ber, namely : Lizzie, residing at home ; A\* i lliam C, professor in the commercial department of Pennington Seminary, New Jersey; and Annie Coolbaugh, at present attending Claverack Col- lege, Columbia County, New York. A son, John C, was instantly killed, August 8, 1883, by a gun-shot while out hunting with a com- panion in Ohio, and is buried in the family plot in Stroudsburg Cemetery. John Turn emigrated to this country with his parents, and about 1790 was bound out to George Bush, of Shawnee, to learn the trade of a carpenter and cabinet-maker, and was the first undertaker in the township. At a late date he purchased eighty acres of land in the township, to which he added from time to time until he possessed one hundred and seventy acres, now the property of his son John. He was a hard-working, industrious man, of a peculiarly reticent and taciturn nature, indifferent to the holding of public office, but ever ready to defend himself against insult and oppression. He was one of the first two elders of the Middle Smithfield Presbyterian Church, of which he was one of the founders, and with which he was closely identified until his death. He married Julia Ann, daughter of Henry Shoemaker, of Warren County, N. J., and had children, — Elizabeth, who became the wife of Samuel Miller, of Wy- oming County, Pa. ; Henry S. (deceased) ; John, living on the home farm ; Samuel S., of Naples, N. Y. ; and Blandina, who married Emanuel Miller, of Smithfield, and is dead. JOHN TURN, the younger, was born on the farm where he now resides, in Middle Smithfield township, July 23, 1821. He was reared upon his father's homestead farm in Middle Smith- field, and enjoyed the benefits of only a common- school education. From the age of twenty to that of twenty-three he assisted in running a raft on the Delaware River to Philadelphia, and then rented the home farm for ten years and entered upon the life of a farmer. He subsequently became the owner of the farm, and has continued to reside thereon since 1844. He has confined himself strictly to legitimate farming, avoiding speculative enterprises of all kinds, and what he has acquired of this world's goods has been from the production and sale of the fruits of the soil. He has added by pur- chase to the original tract, and now owns about two hundred and twenty-eight acres of good land. His residence was built by his father in 1832, and the barn in 1833, and together with the other improvements of the farm, has been kept in good repair by him. No man in the township enjoys a higher reputation for upright- ness of character and sterling integrity than Mr. Turn. He has always avoided political prefer- ment, though a consistent supporter of Demo- cratic principles. He has been a member of the Presbyterian Church of Middle Smithfield since early manhood, and is at present an elder and liberal supporter of that church. He married Ency, daughter of Melchior Depue, and has nine children, namely — Henry, who resides in Wyoming County, Pa.; Sarah, wife of Edward Bush, of Marshall Creek ; M. Depue, residing in Middle Smithfield ; Samuel, William D., George B., Frank, Elizabeth and Charles R. Turn. Melchior Depue came from Warren County, N. J., and located on the farm now owned by Joseph Overfield. He married Eliza Gon- saules, of the same township, and had children — Ency (Mrs. John Turn), Sarah (Mrs. Dim- mock Overfield), Samuel, Moses, Elizabeth, William, Henry and Philip. William Depue is a resident of Pike County. Two daughters, j Mrs. Turn and Mrs. Overfield, reside in the township. Robert Hanna settled on a farm near Seeley Mil WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Luke. His children were Isaac, Robert, Benja- min and several daughters. Robert married and had children, of whom Benjamin formerly resided in the township. George Michaels, on his emigration from Germany, settled in Forks township, Northamp ton County, Pa., and later purchasing three farms in Middle Smith field, located, with his three sons, — Peter, George and John, — on the spot now the house of George M. Michaels. John Michaels married a Miss Suable, of Northamp- ton County and had children, — George and John and eight daughters, of whom three re- side in the township, — George, Lydia (Mrs. John M. Overfield) and Kate (Mrs J. H. Eylenberger). The grandsons of Peter Mich- aels, now residents of Middle Smithfield, are Peter and Andrew. A son of George Michaels, named John, now in his ninety fourth year, resides in the State of New Jersey. Joseph Gonsaules, who was of Spanish birth, first settled at Bushkill. One of his sons, Emanuel by name, married a Miss Utt, whose children are Samuel, Margaret (Mrs. Cort- right) and Emanuel. The last-named removed to the township and located on the farm now owned by his son, Emanuel H. He married Sarah, daughter of William Cortright, of the same township, his children being James, Samuel, Elizabeth, Anne, Margaret, Mary, Susan, Emanuel H., William and Sarah. Three of these — William, Emanuel H. and Susan (Mrs. Martin Overfield) — are still in Middle Smithfield. James Place, who was formerly a resident of Esopus, N. Y., settled on a farm now owned by Martin Cortright, where his death occurred. He was united in marriage to Phebe Winans, whose children were Jacob, William, Rebecca, Rosanna, James, John, Mary, Eleanor, Isaac, Ann and George. Jacob, whose birth occurred in 1781), settled on the farm now owned by his son, Martin Place, having married Mary Over- field, whose children are Eliza, William, Sarah, a Rebec ca, Martin, James and Mary Ann. Mr. Place died at the early age of thirty-five years. John Place, brother of Jacob, married Martha Bunnell, and located on an adjacent farm, now owned by his son Benjamin. Martin, the son j of Jacob Place, married Mary Overfield and j lias eight children — John M., Jacob, Morris R., Lydia, Eliza, William, Sarah and Martin, of whom John M., resides in Blairstown, N. J. Isaac Quigley came from Trenton, X. J., to the township and purchased the farm now owned by George Walter. His children were Elijah, Isaac, Robert, Samuel and one daughter. One son, Elijah, now in his ninety-first year, resides in the township with his son-in-law, Charles Strunk. He married Mary Bunnell, whose children were four daughters, — Eleanor, Jane, Mary and Catharine, — all of whom are residents of Middle Smithfield. Jonas Hanna purchased a farm in the northern portion of the township and married Barbara Mann. Their children were Benja- min, Hiram, Jackson, Philip, William, Charles, John, Susan, Ellen, Mary, Betsey, Sally and Susan, of whom William and John still reside in the township. John married Elizabeth Castard, and now resides with his children. William married Elizabeth Overfield and has seven children. Paul Overfield, on his emigration from Ger- many, first settled in New Jersey. Prior to the Revolutionary War he removed to Middle Smithfield, and located on a farm situated upon the banks of the Delaware, now the propertv of Samuel Dewitt, where he died and was buried. He had children — William, Martin, Paul, Benjamin and two daughters, Mary and Sarah. Martin married Elizabeth Utt, of the same township, and had children, — William, Paul, Adam, Mary, Sarah and Samuel. Of these, Sarah (Mrs. John Mosier), now in her ninety-fifth year, resides in the township. Adam, who has passed his ninety-first year, married Mary Harman, and has children, — William, George, Martin, Moses, Frederick, Adam, Elizabeth and Rebecca, all but two of whom reside in the township. Mr. Overfield still occupies the old homestead. Jacob Shoemaker, who came from North- ampton County, married Hannah, daughter of Rudolphus Troch. His children were Jacob, Charles, James, William, Andrew, John, Emanuel, Magdalena, Sally Ann, Helen and Jacob. Mr. Shoemaker settled at Shoemaker MONROE COUNTY. 1111 P. O. One sou, Andrew, and two daughters — Sally Anu (Mrs. Philip Peters) and Helen (Mrs. Samuel Dewitt) — still reside in the town- ship, the remainder of the family being either residents of other localities or deceased. Near the house of Mr. Shoemaker is the farm of George Peters, whose wife was a Miss Miller. Their children are Henry, John, Jacob, Philip, William, George Washington, Daniel and several daughters. John, Philip and George W. still reside in the township. John Pipher was formerly a resident of North- ampton County, and on his arrival in the town- ship settled on the farm now occupied by his granddaughter, Mrs. Van Horn. His children were Samuel, Jacob, John, Sarah (Mrs. Smith), Julia (Mrs. Smith), Elizabeth (Mrs. Place) and Loretta (Mrs. Walton). Jacob married Julia Transue, whose children are Horace H, a resi- dent of Stroudsburg ; George, who resides in the township ; two sons, who have removed to other localities ; and two daughters. Rodolphus Smith resided in a log house in Middle Smithfield before the French and Indian War. During that conflict his family fled to New Jersey for safety, and on their re- turn resided in a cob log house built by him. His children were Catherine, wife of Anthony Van Etten ; Maria; Jemima, who removed to the West ; and James. The latter, an only son, a farmer in the township, married Lydia Bert- raud, daughter of Daniel Bertrand, an early settler, and survived until her one hundredth year. Their children are Rodolphus, David, Daniel, Samuel, Simon, Benjamin, Jonas, John, William, James, Elizabeth (Mrs. Henry Van Why) and Jane (Mrs. John Stuart). AH the sous with the exception of Jonas, who removed to the West, located in the vicinity of the home- stead. Dr. Thomas Grattan emigrated from Ire- land in the year 1832, and settled in Middle Smithfield township, where he began the prac- tice of his profession, that of medicine. By his marriage to a Miss Jackson were born two sons — Frank and Matthew George. Frank married a Miss Jackson and Matthew George was united to Miss Mary M. Shoemaker, fco whom were born a son, William, now residing in Buffalo, N. Y., and a daughter, Hannah, wife of Peter S. Williams, of Stroudsburg, who has one child, a daughter, Lena. John Smith, the son of Isaac Smith, and the grandson of John Smith, removed to Middle Smithfield in 1839, having purchased a farm on the banks of the Delaware. He married' Elizabeth, daughter of Aaron Hankinson, also of Middle Smithfield, and formerly of New Jersey. To this union were born three children — Frank H., George H. (deceased) and Martha, wife of Frank C. Bunnell. Frank H, who resides on the homestead, married Mary, daugh- ter of Daniel Brown, of Smithfield, and has children — Louis B., Nellv, Edward F. and May. Early Roads. — The first settlements in the township were made along the banks of the Delaware, and, as a consecpience, the earliest roads were cut through the forests in that por- tion of the township. One of the first, if not the first, was in early times used as a bridle- path. It followed the river from Bushkill to Shawnee, where it diverged to the northwest and pursued a direct course to Stroudsburg. Another road, known as the Minisink road, or the Milford and Stroudsburg road, ran from Bushkill southwest through Smithfield town- ship and thus on to Stroudsburg. A highway known as the Middle road was laid out about fifty years ago, having for its objective points Bushkill and Shawnee. At the latter point it intersected the river road. Several roads connected the river road with the Minisink road, among which was one beginning at the residence of John Turn, cross- ing the Middle road and terminating at the farm of Frank Coolbaugh. A road starting at Moses W. Coolbaugli's runs northeast to Pike County, and is still used as a mail route. The Coolbaugh road runs north from Cool- baugh Post -Office to Coolbaugli's mill, in Porter township, Pike County, and intersects the old factory road in Price township. Villages axi> Post-Offices. — There are no settlemeuts that may be dignified by the name of villages in Middle Smithfield. The hamlet of Maple Grove, in the southeast part WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of the township, consists of a tavern, kept by Jacob H. Place, a store, by Samuel Turn, a grist-mill, by Jacob Place, and a few dwellings. It has no post-office, most of the inhabitants receiving their mail at Bushkill. Nearly three-quarters of a century ago, .through the influence of John Coolbatigh, a post-office was established known as Coolbaugh Post-Office, the commission as postmaster having been held by various members of the family until the present time, when Rev. Charles Van Allen lias the appointment. The mail was carried in a sulky, drawn by a single horse. Some years later a two-horse conveyance was added for the accommodation of the lumbermen on the Delaware in making their return trips. As the lumber business increased, greater facili- ties for travel became necessary, and the owners of the mail route from Easton to Milford, via the Water Gap, about 1828, placed on the route an elegant coach drawn by four sleek horses, and accommodating from twelve to fifteen passengers. Notice of the arrival at postal stations or points for changing was given by blowing a bugle, the melodious sound of the horn being a source of no little concern to men, women, and especially children, as the imposing vehicle approached. Another post-office is located near the Pike County line, and known as Shoemaker Post- Office, with A. J. Shoemaker as postmaster A general store at this point is kept by Simeon Decker. Organ ization.— In the year 1794 Middle Smithfield was erected from the northern part of Lower Smithfield. The following facts con- cerning its erection are takeu from the court records of Northampton County : "On the 12th of August, 1794, Samuel C. Seely, John Biddis and Hugh Foreman, who were appoint- ed by the court at April Sessions last, upon the peti- tion of the inhabitants of the upper district of Lower Smithfield township Commissioners to view the said township and report whether it would be expedient to divide the same, and if so, in what manner, made re- port : That a division is highly necessary, and that the division line begin at the north of John Van Camp's mill-creek, and that the creek be the line un- til it runs up to the tail-race of said Van Camp's grist-mill, and up said race until it strikes the west end of the mill, and thenee from the westmost corner of the mill a direct line until it reaches the saw-mill late the property of William Wells, Esquire, thence a due northwest course until it intersects the northern line." Which report was read and confirmed by the court on the 12th of August, 1794. On the 11th of November, 1794, the court named the township so cut off Middle Smithfield. By the act erecting Wayne County, Middle Smithfield township was divided, and the part thereof set off' to Wayne County was to retain the original name Middle Smithfield. Middle Smithfield, as it existed after Wayne County was erected, extended from the Dela- ware River to the Luzerne County line, with an average width of five and one-half miles, being bounded southward by Northampton County and northward by Delaware township. Its boundaries remained unchanged while it was a part of Wayne County. Expense Account for 1793-94.— The fol- lowing account of John Coolbaugh for the di- vision of the township of Lower Smithfield, was laid before the freeholders of Middle Smith- field : 1793. £ ,. 4 Nov'r 4. To one day myself and horse go- ing about with petition 10 15. To cash paid the lawyers 3 (I To my attending court same time 4 days l 40 Expenses 1 17 g Interest on the above sum until March, 1796 IV 7 1794. Jan'y 16. To my time, 4 days, going to court, 1 4 To my expenses same time (I 17 6 Orders paid for (1 15 (I Interest for same till March, 1796, 7 9 " 26. To cash paid Surveyor 3 To 2 chain-bearers 2 5 " 2 Cutters passing line 2 days, 1 " Cash paid & Order of Court... 9 " 3 Qts Spirits 9 " 1 day going after Surveyor... 10 " Boarding the hands 14 £19 8 4 The following amount was allowed by the freeholders of said township, April 3, 1796, £15, 3s. Or/. Civil List.— The list of township officers for Middle Smithfield from the year 1840 to the present time is here given : MONROE COUNTY. Junior Gunsaules 1840-56 Simeon Schoonover 1^15 J. II. Eylenberger 1850-55 Rudolphua Smith 1850-56 John Clark 1860-65-75 school r Jacob Shoemaker 1842 Henry Albert 1842 Timothy Van Why 1843-48 K. Smith 1843 William Clark 1844 George Peters 1844 John Willis 1845-70 Martin 0. MoBier 1845 Jonas Smith 1816 John Smith 1847-49 Charles Shoemaker 1847-59 John Hoffman 1848 Jacob Tetter 1848 Barnet Walter 1848 Christian Pennell 184S Kudolphus Smith 1843-49 John W. Wells 1849 MosesW. Coolbaugh 1819 J. H. Eylenberger 1849-58 Frederick Eylenberger. . 1849 Henry Albert 1850 Adam Overfield 1851 Emanuel H. Gunsaules.. 1850-51 John C. Strunk 1851 Barney Becker 1852 Charles Shoemaker 1852 Jeremiah Mackey 1854 Webb Wallace 1854 A. J. Coolbaugh 1853 John Michaels 1853 George W. La Bar 1865-56 Francis R. Dunbar 1865 Henry Overfield 1856 J. W. Kintner 1856 Martin Plaee 1856-67-72 Charles Wagner 1857 Jonas Place 1857 JohnHanna 1868-77 A. V. Coolbaugh 1858 Solomon Walter 1859-62 Samuel II. Smith 1843 George W. La Bar 1844-45-46 S. G. Shoemaker 1848-49 Andrew I. Coolbaugh 1850-51 Charles Decker 1852 J. H. Eylenberger 1853-64-55 56-58. John Fern 1857 John Coolbaugh 1359-60-61 E. H. Shoemaker 1862-67 John Eylenberger 1863 Emanuel H. Gunsaules... 1861 Michael Kintner 1866 Daniel C. Clark 1870-76-81 Moses C. Strunk 1880-85 [EECTOKS. JohnDewitt Frederick OverSold.. Charles Walter John Place Samuel Pipher .I..|,n ,lu Simon Hush Krastus Eilcnberger.. W. Overfield S. D. Bush Henry Miller Samuel Docker Philip M.Peters Wm. M. Overfield Emanuel G. Mosier... H. B. Frutchey George W. Peters Levi Hoffman Charles Abbit John TorpenniDg Miles Overfield Henry Bush Moses Overfield Alfred Mill, r Daniel Custard Itvron Wood M. F. Coolbaugh Joseph Woolbert Alfred Albert Alfred Miller John Overfield Samuel Strunk M. T. Turn James J. Place Frank Van Gordon.... E. G. Mosier Samuel Strunk Jacob Placo Henry Place Mason D. Cortrigbt... I Mo .VI John Hanna... LeviDewitt 1841 Samuel G. Shoemaker 1842-44 M. 0 Cornelius Depue 100 Christian Eisenberger 40 Azel Fields Samuel Gonsaules 30 Benj. Gustin 30 Benj. Hall (carpenter). Benj. Hanna 30 Robert Hanna 25 Jesse Horrenton 5 John Hoagland 18 Richard Horton John Huff. 4 Isaac Jayne 75 Ebenezer Jayne 55 DavidJayne 75 Wm. Jayne 45 Sara Jayne Conrad Kristner 50 Geo. Labar 30 Philip Man 50 Jas. Murry Geo. Michael 230 Peter Michael Geo. J. Michael John Michael Paul Overfield 45 Martin Overfield 25 Gabriel Ogden 30 David Ogden Robert Patterson 15 Joseph Fennel 30 Jas. Place 256 Peleg Place 4 Peter Quick Philip Riggs 70 Jos. Reamer Abram Reamer John Landers 25 (cooper). Rodolphus Smith 30 Wm. Smith 50 DanielSmith Rodolph'sSehoonover 80 Jas. Stringer 5 Jas. Smith Philip Shrawder 60 Benj. Stringer Henry Stringer 36 Jas. Swallow John Transue 20 Elias Transue 25 Peter Trach 50 Jonas Turner 55 John Tock 35 Jacob Vanauken 50 Casper Vanauken 30 Benj. Vanauken 30 Herman Vanauken Jas. Vanauken 30 Moses Van Camp 8 Henry Vandemark.... 10 Henry Van Why 30 John Van Etten 50 Elizabeth Wills 42 Jacob Winans 10 Matthias Winans (weaver). Jas. Winans 25 Isaac Winans Peter Welfelt (smith). Henry Mack. Valentine Boyer. Andrew McCauley. David Bartron. Chas. Van Why. Henry Man. Single Men. Wm. Taylor. John Taylor. Rudolph Ivintner. John La Bar. Samuel Depue. Wm. Depui. Abstract of Gentlemen's Land. Jacob Stroud 1080 Benj. Depue, Esq 200 Gabriel Ogden 400 Isaac Tielman 200 Dr. Tobias Hirt 80.0 John Jarvis 400 Joseph Morris 200 Samuel Rees 200 Dr. Thomas Burton 170 Dr. Thomas Burton, land discovered and sold him by David Jayne 6800 Tax-List for 1840.— The following tax-list for 1840 gives the names of property holders in the township at that date : James Alleger. Michael Arnst. John Arnst. George Ace, Sr. Peter Ace. Simon Ace. William Ace. John Ace. Edward Beloof. Isaac Beckley. Joshua Brink. Barnet Bunnel. Jacob Buys. David Buys. Philip Buys. Wm. Broilhead. George Bush. Jacob Bush. MONROE COUNTY. John Beloof. Emandus Gunsaules. James Newman. Daniel Schoonover. John V. Coolbaugh. Emanuel Gunsaules. John Nely. Jacob Stroud. Win. Clark. Samuel Gunsaules. John N. Overfield. John Shoemaker. Jacob Cuntraman. James Gunsaules. John Alderman. Leonard Shoemaker. Benjamin Cortright. George Grabe. Henry Overfield. Jonas Smith. Abraham Cortright. Jacob Grabe. Peter Olbert. Wm. Smith. Samuel Cortright. Thomas Grattan. Philip Olbert. Simeon Smith. Moses Cortright. Matthew Grattan. Henry Olbert. Jacob K. Smith. Daniel Cortright. Jonas Hanna. Joseph Olderman. Wm. Smith. Cobes Cortright. Chas. M. Hanna. W. Overfield. John Smith. Benj. Cramer. John Hanna. Adam Overfield. John Swartward. S. Coonrad. Peter Hay. Wm. Overfield. John Smoke. Jacob Casler. Chas. Hoffman. Martin Overfield. Wm. Struck.. John T. Cross. Heller & Clark. Chas. Olderman. Joist Spinner. Emanuel Courtright. David Hanna. Benjamin Place. -George Labar. John Courtright. Fred'k. Harman. George Peters. David Labar. Moses Coolbaugh. Rebecca Harman. Henry Peters. John Turn. John Coolbaugh, Sr. John Harman. Martin Place. John Trible. Martin Courtright. John T. Howey. James Place. John M. Trible. John Countryman. John Huffman. Jacob Pipher. Peter Trible. Isaac Countryman. Abraham Huffman. John Pipher. George Trible. Samuel Countryman. Peter Jane. Samuel D. Pipher. Henry Turn. Albert Countryman. C. Jimmings. John Place. Chas. Trible. George Countryman. Daniel Jane. Joseph Kennel. Wm. Ult. Joseph Casebier. John Jereloman. Christian Kennel. Wm. Van Auken. John Chambers. John H. Jereloman. Elijah Quigley. Daniel Van Auken. Thomas Clark. Michael Kintner. John Riggle. Anthony Van Auken. Wm. Clark. Conrad Kintner. Daniel Rhou. Abra'm Van Auken. H. S. Countryman. George W. Kintner. James Smith. Benj. Van Auken. John Decker. Charles La Bar. Daniel Smith. Jacobus Van Auken. Barney Decker. Depue La Bar. Jacob Shoemaker. Elijah Van Auken. Melchoir Depue. George W. La Bar. James Shoemaker. Joseph Van Auken. Levi Dewitt. George La Bar. James Schoonover. Timothy Vanahy. John T. Dewitt. John Lesh. Wm. Schoonover. Israel Vanahy. Moses Depue. — < Jacob Lesh. Corn's Schoonover. Arthur Vanahy. Gabriel Davis. Samuel Lesh. Elijah Schoonover. David Vanahy. John Dewitt. Hiram Lits. James Schoonover. Jacob Van Auken. John Dimmick. John Moaer. Chas. Shoemaker. Barnet Walter. Elijah Deck. John Miller. Mary Smith. David West. Elias Dietrick. S. Michael. Rudolph Smith. Edward West. Samuel Dietrick. George Michael. Jacob Smith. John L. Wells. Francis Dunbar. Peter Michael. Ludwick Smith. John Walter. Chauncey Dimmick. Samuel Michael. John Smith. Adam Wellfett. Elijah Depue. *"*» Henry Mann. Joseph Stritler. Jeffrey Wells. Joseph Dietrick. Samuel Moser. Isaac Smith. Jacob Yetter. John Dietrick. Martin 0. Moser. Peter Smith. Gabriel Yetter. Moses Eylenberger. Adam Moser. Simeon Schoonover. Aaron Yetter. David Eylenberger. John Michael. Benj. Schoonover. Jesse Ships. Fred'k. Eylenberger. George W. Michael. Samuel Schoonover. Isaiah Ships. Chris. Eylenberger. John J. Michael. Johu Snyder. Benj. Vanwhy. Jacob Eylenberger. Jacob Evest. Jacob Miller. D. McBerth. Societies and Orders. — Zebulon Lodge Wm. Frutchey. E. Mills. No.l79,F.andA.M. —This lodge, according to Jacob Finicle. John Merrihew. minutes which have been preserved in the hall John Frutchey. David Merrihew. occupied by the lodge was organized on the 3d Wm. Frutchey. Andrew Frutchey. John Finicle. Henry Miller. David Miller. Philip Mann. day of September, 1821, by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Bayse Wm. Flemming. Thomas Newman. Newcomb, with Johu Coolbaugh as Worshipful 1116 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Master, Daniel W. Diugmau as Senior Warden and Cornelius Coolbaugh as Junior Warden. Its list of members embraces the following names : John Coolbaugh. Benjamin Hanna. Daniel W. Dingman. William J. Troch. Cornelius Coolbaugh. John Utt. Samuel De Puy. John Stroud. William Overfield. Andrew Van Campen. Mason Dimmock. Isaac Quigley. Abram V. Coolbaugh. Benjamin Bunnel. Orrio Banford. Simon Heller. Solomon Westbrook. James G. Force. Henry Decker. John Westbrook. George Bush. Moses W. Coolbaugh. John V. Coolbaugh. Aaron Decker. Henry V. Bush. Israel Binsley. Samuel Quigley. Jason Bradley. George V. Bush. Samuel Shoemaker. Garret Coolbaugh. Henry Peters. David Medoch. Daniel McBeth, Emanuel Gonsaules, Adam Overfield, Henry Mereeilus. Its first officers were John Coolbaugh, W. M. ; Daniel W. Ding- man, S. W. ; Cornelius Coolbaugh, J. W. ; Mason Dimmock, S D. ; Abram V. Coolbaugh, J. D. ; William Overfield, T. ; Samuel De Puy S. The meetings were held in a lodge fitted for the purpose in the house of John Coolbaugh. As there is no record of a meeting held later than June 1827, it is presumed that the lodge was discontinued after that date. Zion's and St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Smithpield and Middle Smithfield. — These two distinct organizations constitute a single parish, and their histories, being identical in essential respects, can be given together. An especial interest attaches to these churches as being the outgrowth of the ecclesiastical orga- nization in the county. Many years before Monroe County was formed, and the only set- tlement in all this region north of the Blue Ridge was at the point now occupied by the pretty village of Shawnee, the Lutherau and Reformed settlers in that locality erected there a Union Church, — the first, and for many years the only, house of worship in the county. The building was of stone, of fair dimensions, with the inevitable goblet pulpit, surmounted by a high sounding-board. A peculiarity of this ancient structure was the height of its windows, the sills coming above the heads of the standing worshippers, so made to prevent the possibility of the Indians firing in upon the congregation during worship, or when resort was had to its strong walls as a refuge from their frequent murderous raids. The site was also chosen with reference to this defensive feature, being an abrupt elevation of a little more than a hun- dred feet above the river flats, the ground sloping away from it on every side. Unfortunately, however, the history of this church in these early times is almost entirely involved in obscurity. Not even can the names of the early pastors or missionaries be ascertain- ed. The records are lost. The corner-stone remains fixed in the south wall of the Presby- terian Church built upon its site in 1853. This stone shows the date of its erection to have been 1752; but how long before that the con- gregations had been organized, whether or not there had been originally a triple union of denominations, the third being the Dutch Re- formed, which is very probable, since many, if not the majority, of the original early settlers were of that creed, where the money was secured for so expensive a structure, and many other things it would be interesting to know, are matters of vogue conjecture. The earliest church-book known to be in existence, now in care of the pastor of the Smithfield Lutheran Churches, bears date of May 18, 1798. The illuminated title-page has this inscription : "Das allgemeine Kirchen-Buch der Unter- schmidtfeldter Lutherischen unci Reformirten Gemeinden in Northampton County in dem Staat Pennsilvauicn." This book contains, among other things, a record of baptisms with dates running back even to 1787. Rev. John Mann was pastor of the Reformed congregation from 1798 until 1800. The name of the Lutheran pastor serv- ing at that time does not appear. The record seems to have been kept with tolerable regular- ity until about 1805, when probably the church had no regular pastors, and occasional preaching was furnished by ministers from Easton and New Jersey. Among these occasional preachers MONROE COUNTY. 1117 appear the names of Thomas Pomp, Reformed, of Easton, James Romeyn, " minister to the Low Dutch Church in Hackensack, N. J.," and others. Rev. John Caspar Dill, Lutheran, assumed charge during the summer of 1806, and served the congregation until 1 810. During his pas- torate, and previously, the building was sadly out of repair ; the doors and windows were de- stroyed, the roof leaked, and unfit for use as a place of worship, the sheep and other animals occupied it at will. Preaching was done, there- fore, for a number of years in private houses in (lie neighborhood. Some time between 1810 and 1815, during the pastorate of Rev. Charles W. Colson, Lutheran, the young men of the two congregations thoroughly repaired the church, and services were resumed in it, which were kept up regularly until within a few months of its demolition, in 1852. Rev. Peter Rupert, Lutheran, brother-in-law of Peter and John Zimmerman (who still survive), and Rev. Theodore L. Hoffeditz, Reformed, pastor of a congregation iu Mt. Bethel, commenced to serve the two congrega- tions simultaneously in 1815. Rev. Rupert's pastorate ended about 1827, although during his time, in the years 1820 and 1821, a Luth- eran minister by the name of Henry Kurz con- firmed a number of persons and administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper several times. Rev. Hoffeditz continued until 1833, when he was succeeded by Rev. J. P. Decker, ■whose resignation occurred in 1849. It was during the pastorate of Rev. Decker that the Reformed congregation, which had been much the stronger, numbering at least ninety commu- nicant members, began seriously and rapidly to fall away. He was the last Reformed pastor who regularly officiated in the old church. Rev. P. Rupert was followed by Rev. John Nicolas Mensch, who served the Lutheran congregation from 1830 until 1842. In the fall of 1842 Rev. George Heilig, who had been called that year from Centre Square, Mont- gomery County, commenced serving the con- gregation. It was during his pastorate that the venerable church (just one hundred years old) was abandoned. Very few Lutherans, or Reformed, resided any longer in the immediate vicinity, and as a new church edifice became an absolute necessity, it was deemed prudent to select some other more eligible locality for its erection. But the membership had become so widely separated that no agreement could be reached as to the most suitable place. It was decided, therefore, to build two churches, — Zion's about four miles farther up the river from Shawnee, to be convenient for residents on the Jersey side ; and St. Paul's, at Craig's Meadows, about five miles northeast from Stroudsburg. The last services held in the old stone church, of which a record was kept, were confimation services on July 26, 1851, when the Rev. George Heilig confirmed eighteen persons, and a communion service on the following day, when eighty persons partook of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at his hand. On the 23d of March, 1850, a meeting was held at the house of George M. Michael " for the purpose of appointing trustees to act as a building com- mittee to build a church near the house of George Michael, to be called " Zion's Evangelical Lutheran and German Reformed Church." Henry Struuk, Jr., on the part of the German Reformed congregation, and Samuel Michael and John Michael, Jr., on the part of the Lutheran congregation, were appointed such committee. Money and material were gathered that year, and on the 16th of June, 1851, the corner-stone was laid by the Rev. George Heilig, who preached on the occasion in the adjoining grove. The bricks used in the construction of the church, which were of very superior quality, were made by members of the congregation on the farm now occupied by Andrew Treible, within a half-mile of the church. The building was finished and dedicated iu the fall of the same year, Rev. George Heilig preaching the sermon and performing the service. The first confirmation service held in the new edifice was on May 30, 1852. In December of the following year (1853) a meeting was held at Jonas Metzgar's, when the erection of St. Paul's Lutheran and German Reformed Church at Craig's Meadows was definitely decided upon. On the part of the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Lutherans, Charles M. Hoffman and David Yetter, and on the part of the Reformed, Jonas Metzgar constituted the building committee. In February of 1854 lumber was brought from "The Beech," bricks were secured, and by the 1st of April all necessary material had been conveyed to the spot. The building was finished during that year, and dedicated on the 1st day of January, 1855. Rev. George Heilig per- formed the dedicatory services, assisted on the occasion by Rev. Charles Becker, who had been chosen as pastor of the Reformed congregation. It is conceded that to Charles M. Hoffman — the only surviving member of that committee — more than to any other, is due the success of the enterprise, who gave to it all his time and energies, overcoming by his indefatigable efforts the many obstacles with which it was beset. Rev. George Heilig resigned in the latter part of the year 1856. He was succeeded by Rev. Rumpf, who remained in charge scarcely a year. Rev. S. S. Klein followed him, whose pastorate extended a little over two years. Rev. The- ophilus Heilig was called in the summer of 1861. He assumed charge October Kith of that year, his father, Rev. George Heilig, having supplied his place several months previous to his arrival. His pastorate ended April 24, 1864. Rev. D. M. Henkel succeeded him, entering upon his duties as pastor in connection with the Strouds- burg Lutheran Church building enterprise, April 4, 1867. His pastorate ended in 1869. Rev. Luther A. Fox followed him, continuing in charge until October 15, 1871. He was fol- lowed by Rev. J. H. Fritz, whose pastorate ex- tended from November 5, 1871, to October 31, 1874. Rev. George Diehl Foust immediately succeeded him, assuming charge November 1, 1874. On his retirement July 1, 1880, the present pastor, Rev. Theophilus Heilig for the second time, entered upon the duties of the pastorate, a mutual exchange of parishes having been effected with the Rev. Foust, who at once removed to North Wales, Montgomery County, to take charge of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Rev. T. Heilig's late parish. Although these churches were built as Union Churches, in the course of time the Reformed congregation, as a distinct organization, ceased to exist. There never were any Reformed ser- vices held in the Zion's Church, and at an early period in the history of the reorganized charge the few members of that denomination in the neighborhood united with the Lutheran con- gregation. At St. Paul's Rev. Charles Becker continued to serve the Reformed congregation from the date of the dedication of the church, January 1, 1855, until some time in 1859. Rev. George B. Dechant followed him, serving the congregation from 1860 until the spring of 1871. The year succeeding this the congrega- tion had no pastor. Rev. Horace Daniels be- came their pastor in 1872, serving for one year. He was the last of the Reformed pastors. Since thedate of his withdrawal (1873) the fewremain- ing members of that congregation, who have not removed or united with the Lutheran congrega- tion, have been absorbed by the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches of the neighborhood. Both church buildings have been repaired and re- painted within the last ten years, and are neat and commodious structures. The communicant membership at Zion's is eighty; at St. Paul's, one hundred and twenty. The church council at Zion's consists of Elders John Zimmerman and Henry Treible ; Deacons, Hiram Zimmer- man, Christian Kantz and James Treible ; Secretary, Moses Strunk ; and Treasurer, Samuel Struuk ; Sunday-school Superintendent, Chris- tian Kantz. The officers of St. Paul's are the following : Elders, Harmon Kurtz and Theo- dore Y. Hoffman ; Deacons, Jacob Ruster, Andrew Hoffman and Henry Fenical; Secre- tary, Luther Hoffman ; Treasurer, John Yeisley ; Sunday-school Superintendent, John Yeisley. The charge belongs to the " Evangelical Luth- eran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and Adjacent States," a synod of the General Council of the United States. At this date the steady progress of the two churches is characterized by harmony and prosperity. The Middle Smitiifield Presbyterian Church. 1 — I can search back into the past, for anything in reference to the Church of Christ in this region of country, only about one hun- dred and thirty-five years. A hundred and 1 By the Rev. Charles E. Van Allen. MONROE COUNTY. fifty years ago the rude red man " chased the bounding deer" over our mountains, and pad- dled his light canoe in our waters. A very few whites were scattered here and there, struggling for subsistence in the forests, and among their savage brethren. They made little history and wrote less, so that very little is extant. The earliest account of any ministerial service that I possess is that of Rev. Azariah Horton, in May, 1742. A hundred and thirty-five years ago he was sent out as a missionary through the Delaware Valley by the Presbytery of New Brunswick. He prepared the Indians and the few whites, in a measure, for the com- ing of David Brainard. David Brainard labored up and down the Delaware, and in all the country adjacent, in 1744. After him fol- lowed Revs. Messrs. Boyd, Clark and McCrea, at different intervals, as time and circumstances would permit. The oldest church of which we have any record was an ojd stone meeting- house at (now) Shawnee. William Allen gave five acres of ground to this church in 1750. This was occupied by different denominations for many years, and it is a matter unsettled to- day between the (Dutch) Reformed Church and the Presbyterian Church, both claiming it. No record is made of supplies until 1761, when Mr. Clark, Mr. Tennant, Mr. Lyon,» Mr. Hannah, Mr. Scheuck and others were ap- pointed by Presbytery to missionate through this whole region of country. Rev. Mr. Pep- pard visited here, and after him Rev. Peter Wilson, up to some time about 1800. Very little is known of any of their labors, no record having been kept so far as is known and their labors being at so long intervals. In 1813 Rev. John Boyd was appointed to preach in Smith- field, then embracing this whole region of country and in 1816 he reorganized the "old stone meeting-house," at present Shawnee. He established the first Sabbath-school in the school- house near the present residence of James Place. After him Mr. Field preached a short time, then the Rev. David Tuttle, Rev. Nathaniel Conklin and Rev. J. Force. In 1825 Rev. Mr. Leek and Rev. Dr. John M. Dickey preached for a short time, and in the same year he was followed by Rev. Mr. Hynd- shaw and Rev. Mr. Sturgeou. Rev. Mr. Hyndshaw was with us last year and stated that he preached at the " old stone meeting- house" at Stroudsburg and in John Cool- baugh's kitchen. He traveled up and down this country off and on for several years, and married several couples still living among us. Preaching was also held at this time by others : by Mr. Field, Mr. Force and Mr. Sturgeon, in the barn of the late Elder John V. Coolbaugh, in the absence of any church building. Sup- plies were obtained whenever and wherever they could. Rev. Messrs. Talmage and Charles M. Dickey also preached here about this time. Of the date of the organization of the Middle Smithfield Church there is no record, but it was doubtless organized at or about the same time the church at Stroudsburg was. The first minutes of this church, dated November 1, 1832, read thus : " The Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Middle Smithfield had been organized several years ago, but no min- utes of its proceedings are extant. At the time of commencing this record the following individuals were members in full communion in the church, viz. : John V. Coolbaugh, John Malvin, John Turn, Elders." Then follow the names of twenty-five others, all of whom have gone to their final resting-place and eternal reward, save Mr. Elijah Quigley, who stands as the venerable sentinel of the century rolled into eternity. Presbytery sent as the first stated supply Mr. Samuel Sturgeon, who preached at Stroudsburg, at the " old stone meeting-house," at Shawnee, and in the barn of Mr. Coolbaugh, at this place. He was stated supply in 1829 and 1830. In 1831 and 1832, Rev. Charles Tappan occupied this same field. In November, 1832, Rev. Mr. Field was called to the Middle Smithfield Church aud Stroud, burg, each church receiving half of his minis- terial services. The next spring (March 11, 1833) the session met at the house of John Coolbaugh, and twenty-seven additional mem- bers were added to its connection, making in all fifty-two at this time, while Stroudsburg, the other half of the charge, had forty-eight mem- bers. In this year the Middle Smithfield Church building was erected, and in the fol- 1120 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. lowing year was incorporated by the State Legislature as the " Middle Smithfield Presby- terian Church." Elders Coolbaugh and Marvin were the committee to procure the incorpora- tion. Mr. Field continued as the joint pastor of this church and Stroudsburg for seven years, or until the spring of 1840. He was succeeded by Rev. Dr. John McNair, who supplied Mid- dle Smithfield and Stroudsburg Churches for three months. In the fall of 1841 Middle Smithfield and Stroudsburg Churches called Rev. Baker Johnson. He continued his labors until 1846, when he confined his labors to Mid- dle Smithfield, and Stroudsburg called Rev. William Scribner. Mr. Scribner remained in Stroudsburg until 1849, when Mr. Johnson was re-called and continued the pastor of Mid- dle Smithfield and Stroudsburg Churches, preaching also at Shawnee until the spring of 1853. In the summer of this year Mr. John- son removed, leaving vacant Middle Smithfield and Stroudsburg, and an important preaching- point in the " old stone meeting-house," at Shawnee. The little congregation was con- nected with this church, there being but one organization up to 1853. In 1854 Stroudsburg called Rev. Mr. Miller, and Middle Smithfield made out a call for Rev. Thauiel Condit, of Stillwater, N. J. In the mean time the congre- gation, now gathered at Shawnee, resolved to reorganize and rebuild the ancient church of that place, which had stood for over a century. The present church at Shawnee was accord- ing built in the summer of 1853 and in the fall, of this year was organized by the Presbytery of Newton as the " Shawnee Presbyterian Church." Mr. Condit declining the call of Middle Smith- field Church, the Presbytery of Newton sent Rev. J. Kirby Davis as stated supply for Mid- dle Smithfield and Shawnee Churches. In the following spring a joint call was made out for his ministerial services, and on the 14th day of November, 1854, he was installed pastor. He continued thus until 18G3, and in May of this year a committee of the Presbytery of Newtou dissolved the pastoral relation of Rev. Mr. Davis and the Middle Smithfied Church. The church remained vacant until April, 1865, when Rev. Charles E. Van Allen was sent to Middle Smithfield by the Presbytery of New- ton as a temporary supply. He remained as such until October 31, 1865, when he was or- dained and installed pastor by a committee of the Presbytery of Newton. It being but a part of the former pastorate of Stroudsburg, and lat- terly of Shawnee, it was, from the circumstances of the case, very weak and feeble. The church then numbered only sixty members, and the Sabbath-school less. The church was depend- ent upon the charity of a fund left by a Mrs. Goodwin to the Presbytery of Newtou and also to the home missions. When the sustentation scheme took effect she availed herself of aid from that source until she outgrew the gar- ments that board offered her, and became self- sustaining in 1874. The present officers are John Turn, Samuel Bush, Samuel Dewitt, Levi Hoffman, G. W. Peters, F. H. Smith, elders ; Samuel Dewitt, Samuel Bush, C. .F. Smith, Henry La Bar, G. W. Peters, trustees ; Henry Dewitt, Edwin Bush, Henry La Bar, John Q. Strunk, direc- tors. Methodist Episcopal Church. — It is im- possible to obtain from the records a full history of this organization. On the 28th of December, 1853, the property was deeded to the following board" of trustees: William Clark, William Frankenfield, Adam Wellfeldt, William Decker and William Smith. It is probable that the same year the edifice was erected and "regular services held from that date. The pastors, so far as can be determined, have been Reverends William Clark, William H. Dickerson, Reuben Van Sickle, Henry Litz, J. T. Strock, B. H. Senderlin, N. Van Sant, E. Meacham, J. I. Boswell, J. W. Hartpence, S. D. Harris, Henry Bice, J. D. Frazee, John Frome and Jacob H. Carpenter, the last-named being the present pastor. There are about one hundred names on the membership roll of the church, with which is connected a flourishing Sabbath-school of fifty scholars and a proportionate number of teachers. The present trustees and stewards are Elijah Detrick, Jacob Eyleuberger, James Place, John K. Place, Silas Hannas, Benjamin Place and Benjamin Albert. Sand Hill Methodist Episcopal Chtjbch. MONROE COUNTY. — There are, apparently, no records in existence belonging to this organization. It is an older church than the one previously mentioned, the edifice having been erected in 1836, but neither pastor nor officers are able to communicate any facts relative to its history. It has a member- ship of seventy-five, and numbers among its trustees and stewards Miles Overfield, Thomas Gonsaules and James Depue. Its first pastor was Rev. Mr. Mains, the present incumbent being Rev. J. H. Carpenter. Summer Resorts and Boarding- Houses. — The beauty of the scenery and the exceeding healthfulness of the climate make Middle Smithfield very popular as a retreat for city residents. As a consequence, some of the most attractive boarding-houses in the county are found within its boundaries. Among the most prominent are the Echo Lake House, kept by Rev. Charles E. Van Allen, and situated but a short distance from that beautiful sheet of water. Mr. Van Allen has a spacious mansion, well furnished, with fine lawn, ample verandas and other attractions that add to the popularity of his home. Boats are at the disposal of his guests, and excellent fishing and bathing may be found in the lake. It is a favorite resort of I'hiladelphians. The Buena Vista House is kept by Mrs. Wil- liam Schoonover. It has a capacity for thirty guests, and is very desirably located, with a fine view of the Delaware. Maple Grove Hotel is kept by Jacob Place. It is located in the southeast portion of the township, is conveniently arranged and can, without difficulty, entertain forty guests. Dr. Gruer has a health resort, recently built, fitted with all the modern improvements and complete in its accommodations. The Oak Grove Cottage, kept by C. E. Smith, is situated about five miles from Stroudsburg. It is very desirably located, on the edge of an attractive oak grove, with ample lawn, through which the Pond Creek meanders, broad piazzas, and all the appointments requisite to comfort. The Mountain View House is owned by D. M. Turn. Its site is picturesque and its sur- roundings attractive. Twenty-five guests can be comfortably cared for. Rudolph Schoonover has an inviting house near Maple Grove, with a capacity of twenty- five guests. Among other popular summer retreats that are invariably well-filled are those of A. Jack- son Coolbaugh, Newton Place and M. F. Cool- baugh. CHAPTER X. STROUD TOWNSHIP. General Description. — The township of Stroud, so called from one of the first settlers, before the borough was incorporated, is bounded on the north by Price township, east by Smith- field township, south by Northampton County, southwest by Hamilton and northwest by Pocono townships, I'aradise touching it on the north and Jackson on the west. The application to erect Stroud as a separate township was made to the court of Northamp- ton County in 1816, and the order establishing it as a township granted on the 22d of January, 1817. The surface of the township is partly hilly and partly level, a portion of the soil beiug of a gravelly character, and the remainder a lime- stone ridge. Much attention is paid to agricul- ture, many of the farms being well improved and abundantly productive. The southern portion, known as Cherry Valley, which is chiefly a limestone ridge, amply repays the labor of the harvestmen, while the northwest corner is stony and less productive. Corn, rye, oats and hay are the chief products, while moat fruits are raised in abundance. The population of the township in 1820 was 1143, in 1830, 1631, and in 1840, 1206, exclusive of the borough. The tax valuation of real and per- sonal property in 1844 was $248,816. The present population is 1680. Two railroads pass through the township — the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad and the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad — the nearest depots being at East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg, respectively. The county fair-grounds arc also located in the township, in the suburbs of Stroudsburg. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Natural Features. — The township is well watered by streams of more or less importance. Brodhead Creek enters the township from the north, and flowing south and southeast through Smithfield township, empties into the Delaware River. McMiehael Creek rises in Pocono township, and, after a devious course of twelve, or more miles, empties into Brod- head Creek. It is a rapid stream, serpentine in its course, and has been utilized for milling purposes. Cherry Creek rises at the foot of the Blue Mountains, near the Wind Gap, and running along the foot of the mountain, flows into the Delaware at its entrance into the Water Gap. It is a rapid stream and affords several milling sites. Sambo Creek rises in Pike County, and flowing southwesterly through Smithfield town- ship, pours its waters into Brodhead Creek. Pocono ( Ireek enters the township at the north- west, and flowing southeast, empties into Mc- Miehael Creek. The Blue Mountain range extends over the southern portion of the township. Run- ning parallel with it is the elevation known as the Cherry A^alley Hills, so called from the portion of the township through which they pass. Early Settlements.— -The earliest settlers, so far as recollected, in Stroud township were three brothers named Sly, who came down the Delaware Valley from Esopus about 1750 and located, one in Smithfield, another in Stroud on the farm now occupied by Josiah Bossanl, and a third on land now the property of Charles and Michael Keller. The land owned by Peter Sly was subsequently purchased by Joseph Keller, one of the earliest and most prominent of the pioneers to this township. The Keller family were originally residents of the city of Zweibruckeu, in the Palatinate, Germany. Ne- cessity drove many of the citizens of the locality to emigrate, among whom was Joseph Keller, with an older brother and a half-brother named Guth (Good). They arrived in Baltimore, Md., in 1738, after a stormy passage and at once separated. Joseph found employment in Penn- sylvania and in 1 NKOE COUNTY. 1133 Europe, from whence he wrote a series of letters to the Monroe Journal. In politics Mr. Schwarz is a Democrat, and takes an active interest in his party and its workings. He has been a member of the County Committee eight years, of the State Democratic Committee two years, and has held various township offices. On the 4th day of August, 1873, he was joined in mar- riage to Eosine C, daughter of John and Eliza- beth Savage. They have one child, Frederick J. O., born January 17, 1884. Early Schools. — The earliest schools of the township were subscription schools, the ex- pense of instructing those children whose parents are too poor to pay having been borne by the county. Most of the children of the township who were sufficiently near attended the schools of Stroudsburg. In 1827 a school- house was built of logs on the Cherry Valley road, near the present residence of George Miller. The earliest teacher remembered was a man named Hasbrouck, whose services were secured for two winters, and some years later for a longer period, when he was advanced in years. He was thoroughly educated, by profession a lawyer, and frequently entertained his patrons with lectures on a variety of sub- jects. Another teacher was Joseph Keller, after which the services of Charles La Bar, of North- ampton County, were secured. Two school buildings have since superseded this primitive structure, — one in the Keller District and another in the Harmony District. Squire De Pue gave land nearly a century ago for the erection of a school building in Smithfield township, which was the resort of many of the children of Stroud township. The school territory of the township is now divided into twelve districts, which are in charge of thirteen teachers. There is an average at- tendance of two hundred and fifty-five scholars, although a much larger number of children are enrolled. The total amount of tax levied for school and building purposes is $2148.21, and the State appropriation is $312.57. There is paid salary to teachers $1320. The schools of the township are in a flourishing condition. Early Burial-Places. — The earliest burial-place in the township is the Keller burial- ground, located on the Keller farm, now owned by Chas. Keller, the grandson of Joseph Kel- ler, who first inclosed it. It was used chiefly by the family and immediate friends, but has been for some years abandoned. The fami- lies who have used it as a place of interment are the Schlechts and Brewers, one Peter De la Grue, a Frenchman, the Felker family and others. It is believed that this cemetery was in use fully one hundred years ago. The German Reformed Church, which was erected in 1828, has an incorporated burial- ground attached to it, which came into general use on the abandonment of the Keller plot. The first interment was that of Wm. Azer, which was followed by that of Morris Heller. The Kel- lers, Fredericks, Hohmshields, Felkers, Hellers, Rhodeses, Myerses and other families are buried here. It is doubtless the most popular and generally used cemetery in the county. In the southwest part of the township, along the Cherry Valley road, is a grave-yard more than one hundred years old, now in disuse. It is located on the old Frederick farm, now owned by Ezra Hunsicker, but was discontinued as a place of interment fifty years ago. The old Hollinshead grave-yard, located on the road from Stroudsburg to Stormsville, is still men- tioned. One Van Fleet found here a last rest- ing-place as early as 1744, and a stone in fair state of preservation still marks the grave. The Stroudsburg Cemetery, used by the residents of the borough and elsewhere men- tioned, lies within the township limits. There is also a cemetery at Spragueville and one con- nected with the Wesley Chapel. The Shafer burial-ground, on the road be- tween Stroudsburg and Snydersville, is among the oldest in the township. Villages and Hamlets. — The only ham- let in the township is Spragueville, situated in its northern corner, a settlement containing a tannery owned by George L. Adams & Co., a store kept by Charles Dedrick, a blacksmith- shop by Charles Transue and a grist-mill owned in conjunction with the taunery and managed by John WyckorT'. The postmaster of 1134 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the place is Charles Dedrick. A saw-mill was built at an early date at this point and con- ducted by Shroder Brown. William Steeples, having found his services in demand in connec- tion with the saw-mill, built a house, which he occupied until he was succeeded by John Lee. William White soon after purchased land and built the tannery, to which was later added a general store, both now managed as before mentioned. The tannery, which is now owned by George L. Adams & Co., was built more than forty years ago by William White, who operated it successfully for some years, when it became, by purchase, the property of Loring Andrews, of New York City, who, in turn, sold it to Day, Wilcox & Co. Since 1881 it has been the property of the present owners, George L. Adams & Co. Twenty-five men are employed in its diiferent departments. It consumes sixty tons of bark per week, and during that period produces five hundred and forty sides, and finds its chief market in Boston. Its manager is G. L. Adams and its foreman G. B. Decker. Early Tavern North of the Moun- tain. — During the early government of the province houses of entertainment were regularly licensed, but no revenue seems to have been derived therefrom until the year 1704, as indi- cated by the folllowing quaint record of the pro- of the Provincial Council of that year : " At a council held at Philadelphia, the 7th, 7th, 1704. PRESENT : "John Evans, Esqr., Lieutenant-Governor William Penn, Junr. Tho. Story. Edward Shippen. Geo. Roche. John Guest. JamesLhcvn. " The Governr proposed to ye Board, That whereas, ye assembly had not made any manner of Provision for ye Support of ye Govmt, and there is a necessity that money be raised for Defraying its incidentcharges, by all such just & reasonable waves as ye Law will allow of, & ye Licensing of Public Houses in all Govmts in Am'ca., being a perquisite belonging wholly to ye Govrnrsof wch some Profit is usually made. " It was, therefore, Proposed to ye Board to consider what might be reasonable to take for every such License. "Upon wch It was Resolved, That for every wine License alone, should be paid to ye Govrnr five Pounds; for every ale License fifty shills; and^for every well customed Ordinary, that keeps not Sta- bles & sells no wine, four pounds ; wch several Rates ye Secretary or Govrurs Receiver, is ordered to demand & take for every such License respec- tively, that shall be issued this present year." The first inn north of the mountain and situated in the present Stroud township was kept by Mrs. John McMichacl in 1762. It was located at the foot of Mount Paul, two miles from Stroudsburg, on the main highway be- tween Nazareth and the Delaware River at Shawnee, and then connecting with the main road. Mount Paul is situated about two miles west of Stroudsburg, near the residence of Colonel Norton. At the foot of the " Mount " resided John MeMickle — or McMichacl, as the name is more frequently written — a man conspicuous in the early history of this portion of the country. He applied for the lands occupied by the late John W. Huston in 1741 (as Mr. William S. Rees informs the writer), and lived on a tract of land in the warrantee name of Solomon Jen- nings, which is also a part of the farm of Col. Norton. McMichael kept at this place the first inn or tavern north of the mountain. License was however applied for in the name of his wife. The petition is interesting as it is signed by some of the early settlers and is given as a part of the history of the times, — "Petition of Hannah McMichael for Licence allowed at Sept. term, Northampton county, 1762. "To the Hon. the Justices of ihe Court of Genl. Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at Easton for the County of Northampton the 21st day of September 1762. ' "The Petition of Hannah McMichel of Lower Smithfield in said county Humbly Sheweth : That your Petitioner's Plantation is situated near the centre of the township of Lower Smithfield and By one of the Great Roads that leads from several points of the province of Pennsylvania toward Esop- pous (Esopus) New England &c. and the same rqad is now much used by Travellers, who often are Straightened for want of Entertainment, there Being now no Publick House nearer than Samuel Depui's on the one Side, and over the Blue Mountain on the other side of your Petitioners House, so that she has Been much Burdened with charge. Your Petitioner therefore Desires that the Honl. Court would be pleased to Recommend her to his honour the Gov- ernor, so as she may obtain a License to keep a House MONROE COUNTY. 1135 of Entertainment at the place aforesaid, and yours shall not only endeavor to Keen good Proder (pro- vender) but as in duty bound Ever pray &c " John Drake Nicholas Depui (.Sen) William Jane Robert O'Neale Nicholas Depui (Jr?) Joseph Hains Robert Hanna John Vancampen Cornelius Vancamp Edward Dowty Benjamin Van Camp Caleb Washburn William Smith John Smith John Picquit James Lason Evan Morgan Benjamin Jolly" In the foregoing petition mention is made of Samuel Depui's as a " Public-House." It was not such in the sense of a tavern, though the generous hospitality of the family was well known then as in later years. The original dwelling was near the present stone mansion at Shawnee, which was erected in 1783. The following is given to show the respect entertained for the abos'e petitioner, Hannah McMichael: " Extracts from the Diary of the Nazareth Church, L746, April 23d: "The wife of John McMichael, with a neighbor friend from the Blue Mountains, passed through on a visit to Bethlehem, April 25th." "John McMichaeFs wife, who, with her neighbor Susan Ray, had been on a visit to Bethlehem, returned. They could not find language to tell how pleased they were." The Second Tavern. — On the petition of ninety of the citizens of Smithfield (now Stroud) a license to keep a tavern was granted to James Logan in the year 1778. The peti- tion reads as follows : " We the subscribers do certify that in our opinion James Logan, of Smithfield township, in the County of North- ampton, is a person qualified to keep a Tavern, having given to people that Travel that way Good Entertainment as reasonable as any other Tavern Keeper in these Parts, Likewise using his Customers Civilly & Genteelly, we think it will be advantageous for the parts that he lives in for him to be continued or Permitted to keep a House of Public Entertainment where he now lives. Given under hands the first day of Sept. 1778." This petition was signed by the prominent citizens of the neighborhood. The place ap- pears to have been a rendezvous for the military .men of the times, as some twenty or more of the petitioners were officers in the army of the Revolution, ranking from colonel to ensign. How the signatures were obtained, however, in this critical period of the war, it is difficult to determine, for it is known that several of the number were at that time in active service in the field. This tavern was located not far from McMichael's Inn, licensed sixty years before, on the road from Stroudsburg to the Wind Gap, by way of Kunkletown. The place now known as " Logan's Hill " was probably not the site of the Logan's tavern. This town is spoken of in the general history of the county as supplying the needs of the militia of 1784. ASSESSMENT ROLL OF STROUD FOR 1820. . Philip Angle. John Allebach. John Allebach, Si'. Leonard Andrew. Peter Allebach. John Armitage. Francis Adkius. John Acker. James Bush. John Brown. Jacob Brown. Edward Burson. Samuel Brook. Michael Brown. James Boys. Win. Brodhead. James Burson. Henry Bush. John Bush. John Butz. Matthew Beans. Jacob Butz. Cotant & Co. Levi Courtright. Wm Colbert. Daniel Chichester. Francis Delong. John Delong, Sr. Isaac Delong. Henry Deitrich. Samuel Drake, Sr. George Draer. Joseph Drake. Levi Drake. Barnet Decline. Samuel Drake. Benjamin Dock. Henry Edinger. John Evans. John Evans, Jr. Conrad Evens. Wm. Evens. Evan Foulk. Peter Frederick. Joshua Ferrell. George Felkner, Sr. George Felkner, Jr. Wm. Fouler. John Flagler. Abner Fish. John Griffin. Thomas Garden. Wm. Garden. Peter Gress. Chas. Gress. Adam German. Solomon Groner. Matthias Gerhardt. John Huston. John Huston, Jr. Wm. Huston. Jonathan Hallock. John Hohnshilt. Peter Hollingshead. James Hollingshead. Anthony Heller. Solomon Heller. John Hall. Joseph Hagerman. Philip Hains. Joseph Hillburn. James Huston. John Hammon. Michael Keener. Ernst Kern. Joseph Keller. Peter Keller. John Keller. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. Nicholas Killion. Aaron Kramer. James Killion. Daniel Kind. Jacob Kohll. Joseph Kerr. George Levers. Joseph Lee. Ebenezer Lee. George Labar. John Labar. Daniel Labar. Gabriel Linneberger. Jacob Labar. Peter Labar. David Lee. John Leffner. Daniel McNeil. Charles Miller. ■ 'Enoch Morgan. James Morgan. Ostander Marcus. Peter Newhard. George Newhard. Peter Newhard, Jr. EliasOtt.^- Wm. Pickering. John Pritchard. Obediah Palmer. Edward Palmer. Hugh Pugb. John Pugh. Moses Philip. Jacob Postens. James Postens. Charles Postens. Samuel Philips. John Ransbury. Charles Henry Ransbury. Samuel Reese. Samuel Row. Stroud Reese. Daniel Stroud. Welding & Stroud. Charles Stroud. George Starner. David Stone. Wm. Stone. Daniel Schlect. Stogdell Stokes. Jos. Schoonover. Samuel Stokes. Michael Swenk. Elizabeth Setzer. Philip Shaffer. Adam Shaffer. Abraham Schlect. John Smiley. Thomas Smiley. Christian Starrer. Wm. Slater. - John Starbird. Abraham Slater. David Smiley. Wm. Van Buskirk.^ Derrick Van Vliet. Charrick Van Vliet. Samuel Van Onnan. ' Joseph Van fleet. Andrew Weitzel. Wm. D. Walton. George White. George Wolf. Jacob Williams. George Waters Simon Wetherill. Watson. Single Freemen. Abraham Evens. Stogdell Stokes. Zachariah Flegler. John Van Vliet. Benjamin Flegler. John Wharton. George Houston. Wm. Starbird. George Keller. Aaron Crosdall. Henry Le Bar. Edward Hollinshead. Jesse Lee. Samuel Gordon. James Miller. Isaac C. Johnston. Peter Newhard. John Lee. Wm. Stroud. John Deitrich. James Posten. Daniel Stone. Charles Posten. Daniel Lee. Michael Ransbury. Amos Drake. Hotels and Summer Resorts. — In Stroud township are located some of the most attrac- tive and popular summer resorts in the county. Bleak House, situated on Godfrey's Ridge, near Stroudsburg, is kept by Samuel L. Foulke, M.D. It has a commanding view of the val- ley and surrounding country, and enjoys ex- ceptional advantages of location. It has ac- commodations for twenty-five guests, and is well patronized. Highland Cottage, also located on God- frey's Ridge, a spur of the Blue Mountains, between Cherry and Beaver Valleys, is the property of F. & S. Foulke, and receives with- in its attractive walls fifty guests. It is open for a period of six months of the year, and during the busy season is always full to over- flowing. Highland Dell House is owned and kept by Joseph Foulke. It is specially attractive in point of location, lias a capacity for one hun- dred guests and is open for half the year. This house, as also those previously mentioned, is supplied with vegetables and fruits from the land lying adjacent. Stites' Mountain House is located between the Blue Ridge and the Pocono Mountains, eight miles above the Delaware Water Gap, six miles from Stroudsburg and one and a half miles from Spragueville. The situation is particu- larly desirable. It is surrounded by two beau- tiful mountain streams, in which there is excel- lent trout-fishing in the months of April and May, and good boating. It has accommoda- tions for nearly one hundred guests. There are pleasant walks, several acres of pine grove, a cascade and a beautiful glen on the place. It is one of the most desirable and romantic places to spend the summer that can be found in the country. William H. Owens has a commodious and attractive residence one-half mile southwest of Stroudsburg, which he devotes to the entertain- ment of summer guests. History of the. Baptists of Monroe C( 1U.NTY, AND OF THE PRESENT BlCKLEYVILLE Baptist Church, located near East Stroudsburg. — The history of the Baptists in what is now the county of Monroe maybe traced back to a very early period. According to the records of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, a Baptist Church was constituted in 1785, in what is now called Middle Smithfield, being MONROE COUNTY. distant from Stroudsburg, the county-seat, near ten miles. During this same year (1785) this old and early church united with the Philadel- phia Association, and remained a member of that body about seventeen years. The constit- uent members were principally from the Jayne family — one branch of the family being ances- tors of the well-known Baptist, Dr. Jayne, of Philadelphia. Elder David Jayne was for many years the pastor, preaching not only in Middle Smithfield, but more or less in the set- tlements around. The Philadelphia Association desiring to know its condition, in 1802 appointed Elder James McLaughlin and William White a com- mittee of visitation. This committee reported that there were left but two or three of the mem- bers in the locality, that the meeting house also had fallen into decay, and that the property had passed into other hands. In view of these facts, and there seeming to be no prospect of reviving the cause, it was resolved that the name of the church be dropped from the Associational minutes. Unfortunate, however, and evidently unnec- essary as was the extinction of this particular church, yet Baptist sentiment, as was naturally to be expected, still prevailed in the county, and at last the cause was again revived at Strouds- burg, the county-seat. Samuel Rees, of Baptist parentage, from Mont- gomery County, after a short residence in the vicinity, married into the family of Colonel Stroud. Mr. Rees, not long after his marriage, returned to his former home, where Mrs. Rees was converted and soon after united with the Baptist Church of Great Valley. Mrs. Rees, having inherited a large estate by the will of her father, Colonel Stroud, it became necessary for her and her husband to return to Stroudsburg. This step likewise led to their making arrange- ments for establishing Baptist services. This occurred in February, 1808, when Mr. and Mrs. Rees, in conjunction with a family by the name of Miller, living near the Blue Mountain, in- vited Elder Joseph Matthias, of Hilltowu, Bucks County, to make a visit to Stroudsburg and hold preaching services. This invitation was accepted, and again and again for twenty I years and more did this good man make regular visits into the county. In August, 1830, Elder Matthias, assisted by Elder John S. Jenkins, another devoted man, held in Stroudsburg a revival meeting. Asa result of this revival, the propriety of constitut- ing a church, called the " Stroudsburg Baptist Church," began to be agitated. Nothing defi- nite, however, was decided until the 2d of Oc- tober, 1830, when, at a meeting called for the purpose, it was resolved by the Baptists of the locality to proceed. The fifth Sabbath of Octo- ber, 1830, was fixed upon as the time, and Breth- ren Matthias and Jenkins were invited to take part and assist in consummating the design. At the time designated (the 30th of October) the usual public services on such occasions were held, and thirteen persons came forward and signed the covenant and adopted the articles of faith of the Philadelphia Association of Septem- ber 25, 1742. It appears from the minutes of this church that it had two pastors, Rev. Thomas Ritchie and Elder Charles Cox. The deacons of the church were John Johnston, Abel Miller, Thom- as Miller and James Morgan. The church clerks were James Morgan, Wayne Drake and Charles U. Warnick. The total membership was one hundred and ten. This church, constituted as it was under very favorable circumstances and at the county-seat, and no denomination at the time having a bet- ter outlook in Stroudsburg, finally, like the church in Middle Smithfield, went down. The total extinction of this church becomes, necessa- rily, the subject of deepest regret, for which no satisfactory explanation can be given. It will be necessary at this point to speak of one more attempt to establish a church in these parts, but which, like the two already named, at last became extinct. It was called the Cool- baugh Baptist Church, constituted in 1844, and possessing a good stone building and located at what is called Spruce Grove, on the North and South turnpike, and within five miles of Toby- hanna, one of the stations on the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad. This church in 1844 was the only church in a distance of ten or more miles, and whenever there was service held, the WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES I'ENNSVLVANIA. people attended from all directions. Rev. Thom- as Ritchie was instrumental in its formation, and, from all that can be learned, had the right course been pursued by the denomination, a large Baptist society could have been gathered. This brings us to the history proper of the Bickleyville Church, the only Baptist organiza- tion at present in the county of Monroe. This church came into existence through the labors of Rev. Joseph Currin. Becoming deeply in- terested in voluntary missionary labor, and in the field up among the hills of Monroe, he final- ly, in 1842, commenced revival meetings at Craig's Meadows, a small village five miles dis- tant from Stroudsburg. This revival meeting resulted in the conversion of quite a large num- ber — upwards of forty — upon a public profes- sion of faith in Christ — being baptized into the fellowship of the Stroudsburg Baptist Church. This large increase to our denomination, and in a new locality, and distant from Stroudsburg five miles, soon forced upon the consideration of the forty-three converts a distinct church or- ganization and the erection of a meeting-house. They therefore resolved to call a council of rec- ognition, deciding upon February 15, 1843, as the time, and inviting the Delaware, N. J., Upper Mount Bethel, Pa., Hamburg, N. J., and the church at Stroudsburg to send delegates. At the time named above the council convened, and it being plain that a new church was need- ed, it was decided to constitute the same — hold- ing the usual religious services and requiring the signing of covenent and the adoption of arti- cles of faith. Upon the same day the new church of forty-three members unanimously called Rev. Joseph Currin to the pastorate, and likewise took steps toward building an edifice the spring following. This purpose was carried out, a substantial aud neat stone structure being in a few months dedicated to the worship of God. Brother Currin was followed by Rev. Ed- ward Barrass, who entered upon his labors in April, 1846. Brother Barrass remained pastor at this time for three years, and after an inter- val of fourteen years was again called, and for nine and a half years more continued to faith- fully serve the church, and was its pastor at the time of his; death, September 16, 1869. The next pastor was Elder Thomas Ritchie, who, though only a few months the under-shep- herd, was highly esteemed for his work's sake. He was followed by Rev. Charles Cox, who was called to the pastorate February 2, 1850. He remained with the church but one year, yet there were some who gladly heard the Word and gave their hearts to God. From February, 1851, for three years the church was without a pastor and the regular preaching of the Word. Good brethren, how- ever, from abroad, from time to time, came into the county, and in this way the church more or less frequently heard the Word. Among them was Rev. Joseph Currin, their first pastor, who returned to renew the old and dear friendships and to encourage the brethren in their work. In June, 1854, the church extended a call to Rev. Alfred Harris, who remained on the field one year. An effort was at once made to secure a successor, but without success until February, 1858, when Rev. William M. James, a licen- tiate of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadel- phia, was called to the pastorate — having already been a most acceptable supply during some of the previous winter months. He entered upon the duties of the pastorate the first Sabbath of May, 1 858. Brother James resigned the pastorate March 4, 1860, and was succeeded the following May, as has already been stated, by Rev. Edward Barrass. After the death of Brother Barrass the church was supplied for a short time, first by Rev. Alfred Earle and afterwards by Rev. J. C. Butler, their united labors covering about one year. It is but just to mention likewise the visits of several brethren, as Rev. Joseph L. Barlow, Rev. D. A. Nicols, Rev. B. Wheeler, Rev. W. A. Barnes. Rev. Samuel Seymour, Rev. Jared Peters, of Philadelphia, and Rev. E. A. Fran- cis, the Evangelist. Especial mention may be made of the labors of Brother Francis, who held a revival meetiug for one mouth, commencing January 5, 1809. After the retirement of Brother Butler as supply, in April, 1873, the church was again destitute until the centennial year, when Rev. E. A. Francis was called, who served it faith- fully for six months. MONROE COUNTY. The church, however, was not forgotten by one good friend, whose praise is in all the churches, — Rev. Levi G. Beck, corresponding secretary of General Baptist Association of Pennsylvauia. Again and again has Brother Beck visited the church, preaching for ihe cause as frequently as a service could be ar- ranged. Earnest, however, as Brother Beck was in his interest for the church, yet, as has been stated, he failed to place a man upon the field. Thus matters stood until September, 1877, when, in the Providence of God, Rev. William A. Smith took up his residence temporarily at East Stroudsburg. Upon March 10, 1878, the church extended a unanimous call to Brother Smith, which he accepted. The church has now growing power in all the region, and were the means possessed, it would not be long ere Stroudsburg would have a flourishing Baptist Church, and the lost ground in the county ■would be regained. The whole number taken into the church since the date when constituted, February 15, 1843, until 1879 is two hundred and fifty-nine. During Rev. Joseph Currin's labors and pastorate, one hundred and two, including the forty-three constituent members. Under the two pastorates of Rev. Edward Barrass, thirty-two. During the pastorate of Rev. William M. James, thirteen. Under the four pastorates of Rev. Thomas Ritchie, Rev. Charles Cox, Rev. Alfred Harris and Rev. E. A. Francis, thirty. Since the settlement, March 10, 1878, of Rev. William A. Smith, eighty-two. Total, two hundred and nifty-nine. By death and dismissal this was reduced to one hundred and thirty-five. The membership continued to increase until in 1884 it was reported at one hundred and forty-eight. In April of that year Mr. Smith closed his labors and Rev. D. C. Bixby became pastor May 1st, remaining with the church until the next April. In June, 1885, Rev. Franklin Pierce, the present pastor, accepted a unani- mous call to the pastorate. The present mem- bership is one hundred and fifty-two. The trustees are Theodore Hardenstine, Frank Siptroth and Julius Bush. Poplar Valley Methodist Episcopal Church. — The Methodists held religious meetings in Poplar Valley as early as 1850, but it was not until 1852 that preaching services were conducted in the old stone school-house and maintained for many years after by Rev. M. H. Sisty, W. B. Wood and others. The first class-leaders were Andrew Groner and John Edinger. Under the minis- try of Rev. R. Owens, a house of worship was erected in 1859, and services regularly held for many years, during which period the church received large accessions. Under the auspices of Rev. F. H. Gilbert, the present edifice was thoroughly remodeled and beautified, the or- ganization being now in a prosperous condition under the ministry of Rev. William F. Shep- pard, its regular pastor. Its officers are Charles Swink, James Hummer, Peter Edinger, Jerome Brewer and William Kress. Mount Zion Methodist Episcopal Church. — Mount Ziou Methodist Episcopal Church is situated in the northwestern section of Stroud township, and at the present time forms part of Spragueville Circuit. Regular Methodist services first began in this vicinity about the year 1830, in what is known as the old " Fowler's School-House." As the result of these services, several persons were converted and a society was organized, which became part of Stroudsburg Circuit, and afterward part of Tannersville, and still later of Spragueville Circuit. In the fall of the year 1875, under the pas- torate of Rev. Ed. L. Martin, an extensive re- vival took place in the school-house above referred to, during which over forty persons were led to seek religion, most of whom after- wards united with the society. As the result of this revival, a committee was appointed to consider the expediency of build- ing a church at this place. The committee reported favorably, whereupon the Quarterly Conference of Spragueville charge elected a board of trustees to solicit subscrip- tions of money, and make other arrangements for the erection of the building, consisting of 1140 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. George Stone, Philip S. Lee, Isaiah Bush, James P. Hoffman, Henry Frantz, Charles L. Hallet ami Michael Brish. Subscriptions amounting to five hundred dollars having been secured, the corner-stone was laid by the Rev. Jeremiah Pastorfield, in October, 1877. The building, which is a one- story frame, twenty-four by thirty-four feet, being completed, was dedicated to the worship of God by Rev. E. L. Martin, on the second Sabbath in June, 1878, who, on account of the altitude of the location, gave it the name of Mount Zion. 'Die ground oil which the church stands was given by Mr. Nathan Gardner. The entire cost of the building was about seven hundred and sixty dollars, all of which was subscribed on or before the day of dedi- cation. Preaching services are held every other Sabbath at three p.m. A Sunday-school is also held in connection with the church during the summer and fall months of each year, of which Mr. George W. Stone is superintendent. The following pastors have been appointed to serve the church since its erection : Revs. Frederick Illman, Lewis M. Hobbs and George Mack. Its present officers are, — Trustees, James P. Hoffman, George W. Stone, Godfrey Mosier, Philip S. Lee, Michael Brish, Henry Frantz and John Mosier; Stewards, James P. Hoff- man, P. S. Lee and George W. Stone; Class- Leader, Philip S. Lee; Exhorters, Philip S. Lee and J. P. Hoffman. The building has recently been repaired and repainted at a cost of one hundred dollars, and is free of debt. Owing to removals and deaths, the present membership of the church is small, numbering about twenty. Wesley Chapel was built in the year 1865. At a meeting of the trustees, on the 17th of November of this year, measures were taken in reference to building the house of worship. Hiram U. Sebring was preacher in charge. Trustees were George Lame, David Green, George W. Biggs, George M. Sliafer, Benjamin Arndt, P. S. Lee and John Ransberry. This church also belonged to Tannersville charge, and was served by the same pastor. Spragueville Methodist Episcopal Church. — Spragueville Methodist Episcopal Church, a neat, one-story frame, twenty-four by thirty-four feet, situated in the eastern part of Stroud township, was built about the year 1858, under the pastorate of Rev. Reuben Owen, who was then in charge of Tannersville .Circuit. For several years prior to the above date religious services were held in a school- house near this place. The ground on which the church stands was given by Mr. William S. White, who at that time owned the tannery at Spragueville. Mr. White also contributed liberally toward the erection of the building, and was also a member of its first board of trustees. The entire cost of the church was about one thousand dollars, all of which was subscribed on or before the day of dedication. In the spring of 1874 Tannersville Circuit was divided, and Spragueville Circuit was formed, embracing the following appointments, viz.: Spragueville, Oakland, Canadensis, Mc- Comas Chapel and Mount Zion. The following-named pastors have served the church since its erection : Revs. Reuben Owen, J. F. Reynolds, Jacob Todd, D.D., William Matthies, O. W. Landreth, George S. Broad- bent, J. C. Gregg, Thomas Kirkpatrick, G. L. Shaffer, J. Pastorfield, E. L. Martin. L. B. Hoffman, John Shields, F. Illman, L. M. Hobbs and George Mack, who is the present preacher in charge of the circuit. Regular preaching services are held in the church every other Sabbath morning and evening, and are well attended. The membership is sixty-one. The Sunday-school connected with the society meets every week at half-past two p.m., and is in a prosperous condition, having one hundred and twenty-five teachers and scholars. Mrs. Han- nah M. Mack is the superintendent. There is a cemetery adjoining the church, in which many who have died in the neighbor- hood are interred. The parsonage, which stands opposite to the church, was built in the year 1872, under the pastorate of Rev. Jeremiah Pastorfield, at a cost of one thousand eight hundred dollars. Both the church ami parson- age buildings are in good condition and i'rve from debt. MONROE COUNTY. The following are the present trustees of church and parsonage property: Frank Van Vliet, Amos Lee, John Dewitt, Frederick Arnold, William Turner, Charles W. Detrick, Shawder Lee, John B. Smiley and Daniel Bush. Civil List. — The civil list of Stroud town- ship is not to be obtained for the period prior to 1840. The officers recorded from that date to the present are as follows : Franklin Starbert 184U-50 | Silas L. Drake 1860-75-80 Morris D. Robinson 1845 James S. Fisher 1865-70 Daniel Jay no 1x49-54 Simpson Fetherman 1885 MicbacI M. Burnett 1855 I Charles S. Palmer.... .l.i.ih ib Vim Buskirk.. Richard Staples Philip Shafer 1844 George Hogenshold 1844-54 Robert Huston 1845 Edward H. Walton 1845 Alii 1M7 Peter Keller 1847-57-65 Robert Boys 1848 Richard S. Staples 1849 D. I). Walton 1849 Philips. Brown 1850 Aaron Crosiiale 1850 David Keller 1861 John Huston 1852 John S. Van Vliet 1852-60 Th as W. Rhodes 1853 Samuel Boys 1853 John Kern 1853-66 Samuel Miller 1854 John M. Stokes 1855 Theodore Schoot 1855 Philip Swartwood 1855 James Smiley 1856 Simon Barry. 1856-64-07-7:1-70-79 Robert Brown 1857 ASSI John Kern 1840-41-59-60 Aaron Croasdale 1843 Peter Hogler 1844 Philip Shafer ls4r. Silas L. Drake 1847-58 John Frankenfleld.. 1848-49-50-56 Michael Brown 1851 Joseph Kerr 1852-53 George C. Ransberry 1854 Nelson Cook 1855 Thomas W. Rhodes 1857 Edwin Brown 1801 Ti.-l James II Km,,,. James Krkert Henry 0. Wolf.... Lorenzo Drake..., William S. Bees.. Melchuir Dreher.. Morris Evans Charles Swink Charles Shafer .lames l'isher A inzi i '.luNiaugli Jacob J. Angle... Charles Keller Abram Fethennan.... J. W. Huston Jacob Miller William Fine Abraham Met/gar ... Absalom I'ethenii.ui.. II. K. Kansberry John Huston .lanes Hoffman George Marvin J. J. Angle Levi Drake Charles IV Keller 1862 1803 1863 1864-67 1866-69 1866-69 1868-78 1808-70 1870 1872-75 1872-75 1873-76 1874-80 1874 Joseph Swink.. Ferd Metzgar.. William Van 13 Henry R. Ransberry Jacob J. Angle.. 1804-05- Am/i Coolbaugh Edward J. Mott John S. Van Vliet Matthew Shafer George A. Marvin John J. Koutz George Metzgar. William Fine Joseph Shiffer Samuel F. Newhart 1872 1873 1875-78 1876-85 1879-81 1880 1882-83 1884 TOWNSHIP CLERKS. William A. Lamb 1840 William Carey William White 1841 Samuel Able Edward H. Walton 1843 William Dean Thomas J. Albright 1844 William S. Rees Isaac Cotant 1847 George Swartwood, John Shiveley 1848 Michael R. Brown.. Lewis I,. Keller 1857 II. W. Swink 1859 William Mostellcr 1860-61 Silas L. Drake 1864-68-69 John Kern 1863 Lorenzo Drake 1805 JameB S. Fisher 1866 Matthew Shafer 1867-76 Joseph w. Huston 1870-72 Robert Brown.. 184u-il-t^-I3-44- 45-52. Wayne G. Drake 1840 Anthony Heller 1841-42-43-34 Ceo. C Ransborry.. 1845-18-49-50 Thomas Smiley 1846-51-52-54 William Huston 1846-47 Mark Miller 1847-48-61 Daniel E. Coolbaugh 1849-50 Ezra Marvin 1853 John N. Staples 1853-64 Daniel I. Ostrander 1855 William Clemens 1855 Charles Swink.. 1856-69-72-73-74- 75-76-77-79-80-81-82. OtisB. Gordon 1840-11 Biedelman Gordon 1842-13 Thomas .1. Albright Is44 John Frankenfleld 1844-45-16 Melchoir Barry.... 1847-18-49-50- 61-52-53. Luke Staples 1854-57-58-59-60 Charles Staples 1855 George Hofferd 1850 Pugh Decker 1862-63-64-66 John Koutz 1873 H. R. Ransberry 1874-75 John T. Griffin 1878 Frederick Fahle 1879 John W. Van Vliet 1880 John B. Smiley 1881-82-83 John L. Dewitt 1884 Harry Fisher 1885 John Felker 1856-58 William Mosteller 1857-58 Levi Strouso 1857 James Van Buskirk 1869 John Frankenfleld 1861-62-03- 64-05-06-08-09-70. Charles Keller... 1801-02-03-04-05 George B. Bnrd.... 1866-68-74-75- 76-77-80-81. Johns. Van Vliet 1869 Charles L. Keller 1870 J. G. Anglo 1872-73-79 Aaron Dietrich 1882 ShrouderLeo 1883-85 Theodore Bunnell 1884 LES. William Mosteller 1862 John Hall 1806 Jacob Bouser 1867 Josiah Barton 1868 William MoBtcller 1869-70-72- 73-74-75. A nthony Staples. 1876-77-78-79-80 Samuel F. Neyhart lxxi-8^ Daniel Ruff 1883 John H. Frautz 1884-85 CHAPTER XI. THE BOROUGH OF STROUDSIU'RU. The first purchase of land now embraced in the borough of Stroudsburg was made by Dan- iel Brodhead, who settled on Analomink Creek, afterward known as Brodhead Creek, in 1738, having the year previously purchased six hun- dred and forty acres of land, in the centre of which East Stroudsburg is located. Beside the latter borough, the tract included property now owned by Christian Smith and the estate of Robert Brown. He afterward purchased the eastern part of the present borough of Strouds- burg, extending to the location of the present Burnett House, its division line running nearly through its centre. The settlement was known as Dansbury and retained that name until Stroudsburg was founded by Jacob Stroud in 1769. A full review of the Brodhead family will be found in the chapter upon Suiithfield. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. In 1744 Daniel Brodhead became acquainted with the Moravian missionaries who had estab- lished a mission at Shekomeko (Dutchess Coun- ty, New York), and passed through his settle- ment en route for their field of labor. He was much impressed with the character of the self- sacrificing Christians and under many trying circumstances and much opposition was their steadfast friend. He built for them a log mis- sion chapel about 1743, the site being at the west end of the present iron bridge crossing the Brodhead Creek. It was the second house of worship north of the mountains, was known as the Dansbnry Mission and immediately after its establishment was under the direction of David and Judith Bruce. Ten years later, on the 19th of May, 1753, it was dedicated by Abraham Reincke and in 1755 burned by the Indians and the mission abandoned. The names of members of this church in 1747 were Daniel and Esther Brodhead, John Baker, John and Catherine Hillman, Joseph and Helen Haines, Edward and Catherine Holly, Francis and Rebecca Jones, William and Mary Clark, John and Hannah McMichael, Daniel Roberts, George and Mary Satathe. That portion of Stroudsburg west of the Burnett House is described as " a tract of land containing three hundred and ten acres and al- lowance, situate on the branches of the Analo- mink creek above the Forks of the Delaware in Bucks County, and returned into the Secre- tary's for Lynford Lardner, the 17th of March, 1741, a kinsman of John, Thomas and Richard Penn." This tract was, on the 18th of April, 1760, deeded by Lynford and Elizabeth Lardner to Derrick Van Fleet for the sum of three hun- dred and ten pounds of lawful money of Penn- sylvania. The Van Fleet or Van Vliet family emigrated from Amsterdam, Holland, and set- tled at Esopus in 1728. They came to Penn- sylvania in 1734 and located on land now em- braced within the limits of Stroudsburg, where the pioneer of the family resided for forty years. His son Derrick was the purchaser of the land above-mentioned which was later sold at sheriff's sale and purchased by Jacob Stroud. The Culver family, consisting of Ephraim, the father, Elizabeth, his wife, Ephraim Jr., and four daughters, left Connecticut in 1753, and removing to the present Stroudsburg, settled on a small glebe purchased of Daniel Brodhead. Here he erected upon McMichael Creek, on the site now occupied by William Wallace, a grist-mill, looking forward, no doubt, to years of peaceful industry. This dream was rudely dispelled when, on the 11th of December, 1755, the locality was invaded by savages and pru- dence became the better part of valor. Assembling his wife and children, they hastily fled and discovered soon after both mill and dwelling in flames. A friendly asylum was found at Nazareth, where they united with the Moraviansand Mr. Culver was tendered, in 1 756, the position of landlord of the " Crown Inn," at Bethlehem. In 1759 he succeeded to the management of the " Red Rose Inn," situated north of Nazareth, on the road to the Wind Gap. On the day that the Culvers' house and mill were burned many of the dwellings in the valley between the Lehigh and the Delaware were laid in ashes and several of the inhabitants massacred. Numbers fled to the Brodhead set- tlement at Dansbury (East Stroudsburg), where a united and determined effort was resolved up- on to stay the progress of the infuriated sav- ages. The main building was hastily fortified and filled with the wretched and homeless suf- ferers, such arms as could be procured being placed in the hands of those able to wield them effectually. They were soon attacked by a party of Indians hitherto unresisted in their devastating march down the valley, and num- bering about two hundred warriors, who sig- naled their approach by firing barns, stacks of grain and other material within reach. The at- tack upon the fortified house was begun on the afternoon of the day named, but the savages were unable long to withstand the well-directed fire from the building and were forced to retire with severe loss. This ended for a time the in- vasion of that portion of the frontier. Among the first settlers on the ground cov- ered by the borough of Stroudsburg was Peter La Bar. Three brothers, Peter, Charles and Abraham La Bar, emigrated about 1730, and, landing in Philadelphia, followed the Delaware MONROK COUNTY. L143 and settled in Mount Bethel, Northampton (then Bucks) County, where they built a log house and were among- the earliest residents. at that point. Finally separating, Abraham located above the Water Gap Notch, Peter removed to StFOudsburg, and Charles remained at the orig- inal point of settlement. Peter La Bar made his first purchase of the Indians, and subse r quently repurchased the land, his log house having stood just north of Hon. S. S. Dreher's office, on the spot upon which Fort Hamilton was later built. George La Bar, one of Peter's sons, married and removed to Mount Bethel. Among his large family of children was George La Bar, Jr., born in 1763, who lived to be one hundred and eleven years of age. He was re- markable for his hostility to the Indians and his absolute fearlessness. The sympathy of the elder La Bar with the Tories involved him in frequent encounters with the representatives of the colonial government. He removed to Ohio in L808, and having, when ninety-eight years of age, lost his wife, married at the age of one hundred. One authority states his death to have occurred at the age of one hundred and five, and another in his one hundred and twelfth year. It is estimated that the descendants of the three brothers number not less than twenty thousand persons. Fort Hamilton, previously alluded to, was built, in 1756, to afford protec- tion to the settlers during the French and In- dian War. It is the present site of the office of Judge Dreher, at the west end of the borough. Fort Penn, at the eastern end of the borough, was located in the rear of the residence of the late William Winterniute, on Main or Eliza- beth Street, and was, during the War of the Revolution, in command of Colonel Jacob Stroud. The events connected with these his- toric spots will be more fully treated of in the general history of this volume. Colonel Stroud is so conspicuous a figure in the incidents con- nected with the Revolution and the founding of the borough which bears his name, that it seems eminently proper to introduce an extended sketch of him. The Founder of the Town and His Family. — From the record of the proceedings of the English House of Commons we glean that on Wednesday, April 16, 1621, Sir Wil- liam Stroud moved that " tobacco be banished wholly out of the kingdom, and that it may not be brought in from any part nor used amongst us." This was during the reign of James I., and shows that the knight was even then imbued with the spirit of reform. That he was a favorite with his constituents is proven by the fact that he kept his seat through the stirring days of Charles I. History states that Pym, Hampden, Hollis, Hazelrig and Stroud, all members of the House, bravely resisted this King in his unjust measures. So much the more vehement were they than the others that Mis Majesty suddenly appeared on January 4, 1642, and, after calling the names of these five men, accused them of treason, and demanded that they should be given up to him, Both Houses of Parliament refused, and the city of London defended them by arms ; therefore the King was foiled in this bold stroke to regain former power. Many descendants of the truly noble man are still to be found in Great Britain ; possibly the town of Stroud, in Gloucestershire, contains more than any other part of the realm. Be this as it may, it was in that borough, in the beau- tiful valley at the confluence of the Frome and Slade, which unite to form the Stroud water, that Bernard Stroud, the progenitor of the race in this country, first saw the light of day. He came across the Atlantic in the early part of the last century, when but five years old. At a very tender age he lost his parents. He lived during his youth and early manhood near Am- well, Hunterdon County, State of New Jersey. Although Bernard, or Barnet Stroud, as he was familiarly called, was so young when he left his native land, he always retained pleasing recollections of his home in the old country, where he remembered to have had many influ- ential relations. He talked much of the bright stream upon which the town was situated, and of his mother, who generally wore a scarlet cloak when she took him to walk upon its banks. He said they lived in a large house and had many servants ; all of this was, no doubt, the more deeply impressed owing to sub- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. sequent privations in America, when left alone and to the tender mercy of strangers. As he advanced in years he, at different times, contemplated the advisability of return- ing to England, in search of the descendants of uncles and aunts, who had almost forgotten the scion of their family in the New World. Time went on, and the desire was never accomplished. Although deprived of his natural guardians, he was kindly cared for by the neighboring farmers. When he grew up he married Keziah Harker, the daughter of one of his protectors.. The young couple afterwards moved to North- ampton County, State of Pennsylvania, where they purchased a farm and passed the remain- ing days of their lives. They are both buried at Amwell. They had a large family, nine of whom lived to grow up. The five sons were James, Jacob, Bernard, Samuel and one who was killed in battle when scarcely of age, name unknown, but believed to be John. Of the four daughters, Jemima married Aaron Depui ; Jane, Enoch Anderson ; while Keziah and De- borah remained single. James went to Virginia and left many chil- dren ; Jacob was the founder of Stroudsburg, Monroe County (of him more will be said here- after); and Samuel, the youngest child, went to Kentucky when it was first settled. His prog- eny is numerous. Jacob Stroud was born January the 15th, 1735, at his father's home in New Jersey. While still a boy he was placed with Nicholas Depui, the proprietor of a large and valuable landed estate at Shawnee, on the river Dela- ware, near the Water Gap, to learn farming. Soon after becoming of age, the French and Indian War having begun, he enlisted for five years in the English service. Three of his brothers also entered the provincial army for a like period, Samuel being the only one who did not try a soldier's life. The Strouds were accustomed to arrange a place for meeting after each battle. Jacob used to relate that after a severe engagement he went, as usual, to the rendezvous, when but two brothers met him, and how in the clear moon- light they sadly sought and found the missing one among the slain. In August, 1757, Jacob Stroud formed one of the garrison at Fort William Henry, on Lake George. The French had already made three determined but unsuccessful attacks, and their general, the Marquis de Montcalm, resolved to make a fourth attempt. He sent Colonel Monro, the commander of the fort, a demand for a sun under, setting before him the hopelessness of endeavoring to hold out any longer. This was i(i -cil by Monro, who knew General Webb w I only thirty miles away with four thousand men to reinforce his three thousand. He, therefore, waited for six days for help, which never came. Forced to capitulate, he stipulated that they should be guarded from any attack of the savages, and was faithfully promised such should be the case. Notwithstanding this, many Indians, under the English, and a portion of soldiers were given the savage allies of the French to butcher. They were immediately set upon. Jacob Stroud and a few comrades, by dexterous dodging and swiftness in running, made good their escape. Col. Stroud, in referring to this event, strongly condemned Webb's indolence and cowardice, praised Monro unboundedly, while for Montcalm he expressed the greatest con- tempt, considering him guilty of base per- fidy. The taking of Quebec, September 13, 1759, was the most important event of the war. Here again we find Jacob Stroud was at his post when they scaled the Heights of Abraham and landed on the plains above. The glorious success of this daring attack is so well known that it is needless to enter into details, save to state the fact that Jacob Stroud, John Fish and Matthias Hutchinson were near- est Wolfe when he fell, and carried him behind the rocks, where he expired, after uttering his last words of joy upon being told the enemy fled. The war was thus in reality ended, and the three years or more left of the term of enlist- ment was spent without fighting. When free to return to private life, he went back to the home of his boyhood, and in less than three months, April 6, 1761, married Elizabeth Macdowel. His bride was not quite MONROE COUNTY. 1145 eighteen, and was a daughter of John and Hannah Depui Macdowel. Nicholas Depui, grandfather of Elizabeth Stroud, was a Huguenot who fled to Holland in 1685, when Louis XIV. revoked the Edict of Nantes. He had in his youthful days been a Roman Catholic priest, and so much was he desired in the church, that the Pope of- fered him a cardinal's hat if he would remain. This fact probably made it the more important for him to leave the country when the Protes- tants were no longer protected. In 1 1 «* - Nether- lands he married Winifred Rose, and after the lapse of more than twenty years he brought his family to America. On board the ship in which they crossed the Atlantic they made the acquaintance of .John and .lane Macdowel, a brother and sister, aged respectively eighteen and twenty. These young people were from the north of Ireland. They had been persuaded by an uncle to come to this country, owing to unhap- piness at home caused by their father's second marriage. Many months were spent in deter- mining whether to accept the offer and in mak- ing the transit over the ocean, so that on land- ing they found the uncle married, and were not as warmly welcomed as expected. Feeling this keenly, they eventually agreed to form one household with the Depuis. After living a short time at Esopus, in New York State, they all permanently settled in Northampton Coun- ty, Pa., in the year 1725. In due time two children of Nicholas Depui married the two Maodowels, and one of these couples became the parents of Elizabeth Stroud. At the time of his marriage Jacob Stroud was in very moderate circumstances, and for the next two years was engaged in transporting government supplies to Fort Pitt, near Pitts- burgh. This employment, proving not at all lucrative, was abandoned. He then entered into a contract with Abel James, a prominent Philadelphia!!, to carry provisions through the unsettled region north of Stroudsburg to Shohola, a settlement on the Delaware. Thus, for a while, he drifted away from the farm-life to which he had been reared. His employer, however, soon loaned him the money 115 to purchase three hundred acres of land, which he paid for in installments. This tract was about three miles from what is now Strouds- burg, and upon it was a grist-mill, a dwelling- house and stable. From henceforth success attended every venture, though he was in no sense of the word a land speculator, for he seldom sold or wished to sell, but he steadily and rapidly acquired considerable property. Mr. Brodhead, in his volume entitled "The Delaware Water Gap," says that at his death he owned four thousand acres. This must refer to the immediate neighborhood of Stroudsburg, for the record of deeds at Easton shows very many large conveyances to him ; but two passed out of his family before his decease. It had been his custom to give each child a farm at his or her marriage, and of his eight daughters and three sons, all but two married during their father's lifetime, so that nine tracts of land were held in the name of his offspring, though they were virtually a part of his estate. On the 8th of July, 177C, Jacob Stroud was elected a member of the convention to form the first Constitution of Pennsylvania, which indicated that he was a decided Whig from the beginning, as this was only fair days after the signing of the Declara- tion of Independence. He attended the first meeting, July 15, 1776, held at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. The Constitution which they formed was adopted September 28, 177G. During the Revolution Colonel Stroud was stationed as commanding officer at Fort lVnn, the remnants of which stood on the hill at the lower end of the town of Stroudsburg, until the great freshel of L862 carried it away. It was not likely that he saw much, if any, active service during the war, but he was per- forming his duty and on guard should there be any attack. After the massacre at Wyoming man)' of the escaped sought refuge at Fort l'enn, and were faithfully and kindly provided for by the commander. It was doubtless trying to one so used to the battle-field to remain pas- sive ; but " They also serve who only stand and wait." The war for independence ceased after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, 1781, and almost imme- 1140 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. diately Jacob Stroud was sent by the county as a representative to the House, where lie served for three years. This was before Great Britain acknowledged our freedom, which was not till September 3, 1783. His name appears regu- larly in the yeas and nays, which were called frequently, as there were many weighty matters to settle. In his legislative career, as in every- thing which he undertook, he showed much exemplary punctuality and diligence. As a middle-aged man Jacob Stroud occupied, as a residence, old Fort Penn. A half-mile distant, and some twenty years older, was Fort Hamilton, near which was erected, in 1795, a large, roomy stone mansion for John Stroud, eldest son o/ Colonel Jacob, and between the two was placed a frame dwelling, which stood in what is now the centre of the town, nearly opposite the present Burnett House. These formed a nucleus for building, and gradually a flourishing settlement appeared, and the town of Stroudsburg was founded. Jacob Stroud was of medium height, rather under than over size, of light complexion, clear blue eyes, fair hair, with decided features. It was his habit to rise, at four on week-days, and personally superintend his various enterprises. Within a stone's throw of his house were his large grist-mill, saw-mill, blacksmith shop and store. The grounds which he cultivated formed a circuit of several miles, and it was impossible for him to get from one to the other on foot ; therefore his time was mainly spent in the saddle. He owned the best and fastest horses in the country, a list of all these animals, in his own handwriting, being still in existence. He used to often mount his favorite pacer, " Black Jacket," and ride to Easton, twenty-seven miles distant, in time to breakfast with his son Daniel at that point. His literary education was only such as a country school could give. He wrote a good hand, and was a natural mathematician, very ready with mental work ; he also possessed a wonderful memory concern- ing everything connected with figures, and this, in several instances, has been noticed in his descendants, a daughter, grandson, granddaugh- ter and great-granddaughter all evincing the same faculty. He was decidedly social, very free and easy in manner and quick at repartee. At one of the early elections he was accosted on the ground with " Don't you think, colonel, one man is as good as another." " Yes," was the ready response, " and a great deal better." It was, of course, necessary for him to employ many laborers. He also owned several slaves, who lived in his family after freedom, and were always loyal to " Ole Massa." With all of these he required prompt obedience and punctuality. It is related that he once noticed a door which had been carelessly left standing open; he inquired who had been there last, and upon being told the man, with the addi- tional information that said person was then working in a field a mile distant, he replied, " Send him to me at once." When the trans- gressor appeared with the question " Did you want me, colonel?" he was silenced by "Yes ; close that door ! " The rebuke was understood, and no further comment needed. All orders were given in few words, but they were imper- ative. He much disliked intoxicating drinks, and always abstained from them. His health was good, and he would probably have lived to a great age had not a chaise, in which he was riding, accidentally overturned, thereby throw- ing him with such violence against the stump of a tree as to cause a serious injury to the liver. A settled jaundice followed, which pro- duced his death on the 14th of July, 1806, at the age of seventy-one and a half years. His wife survived him nearly five years. She died May 5, 1811. As her tombstone avers, "she was one of the best and most exemplary of women." Her husband considered her judg- ment remarkably good, and always consulted her in every new undertaking. He used to say that the greatest mistake he ever made was in not marrying sooner. They are buried together in the burying- ground which Colonel Stroud presented to the town. The same slab records the virtues of both. We copy the one most interesting to the public, — " Here lies the body of Jacob Stroud, Esquire, the original proprietor of Stroudsburgli, MONROE COUNTY. 1147 who was born January 15th, 1735. at Amwell, New Jersey, and died at this place July 14th, 1806, Aged 71 years, 5 months and 25 days. He was a member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania during the dangerous times of the Revolution, also one of the Convention which formed the first Constitution of the State, and in this part of the country one of the most useful men of his day." This was erected in accordance with the feel- ings of his son Daniel, who had previously be- come an ardent admirer of the Society of Friends; consequently all mention of military service or title connected therewith has been studiously avoided. Although Colonel Jacob did not embrace the sectarian views of this son in other things, in his old age he became an advocate of peace and particularly requested that his descendants should take mi part in war- fare. Jacob and Elizabeth Stroud had eleven chil- dren who grew to mature years. The two oldest were daughters named Hannah and Jane; the former married John Starbird. She was the one who inherited her father's remark- able memory. She could name the birthdays of all her young friends, and when epiite aged could instantly recall just how many pounds of butter had been sold from her dairy in any one particular year, give the name of the pur- chaser and price paid. So it was with every passing event of her life ; nothing seemed for- gotten. As a young, unmarried woman she was very helpful to her father, assisted him in his store and made frequent trips with her little brothers, John and Daniel, aged respectively twelve and eight, to buy goods in Philadelphia. The roads through which they passed were rough, the forests unbrokeu and frequented by Indians. Many streams without bridges re- quired fording and this quite late at night, for the inns were few and at great distances apart. Jane, the second child, married John Bush and removed to the lake country of New York State. John Stroud, the oldest son, married Elizabeth Depui, his second cousin. Sarah married Dr. James Hollinshead. Daniel Stroud married, first, Elizabeth (commonly called Eliza), daughter of William and Susanna Shoemaker, of Cheltenham, Montgomery County, Penua. ; second, Mary, daughter of Jacob and Mary Paul. He was left by his father's will the then unsold laud of Stroudsburg and, as at that time the village consisted of but five houses, he is so closely identified with the place that more will be said of him hereafter. Rachel married Samuel Rees ; Ann married Dr. Peter Hollins- head, a brother of her sister's husband ; Jemima married Edward Burson ; Deborah married James Burson. The husbands of these two were first cousins. Elizabeth married the Rev. William Colbert. Jacob, the youngest child, died soon after becoming of age, and was un- married. All, with the exception of Jacob, left large families and are the ancestors of so many people that it is impossible to designate them in this volume. Daniel Stroud was born, as the record states, at Fort Penn, on the 22d of May, 1772. At nine years of age he was put under the care of Par- son Hanna, a Presbyterian divine, who resided near Nazareth, Pa. Here he was given a classi- cal education. While still but a youth he was placed in tin law-office of Jared Ingersoll, of Philadelphia, and, when scarcely of age, was admitted to the bar. At twenty he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Shoemaker, a girlish beauty of eighteen. For the first year or two they lived at Easton, Pa., where Daniel made for himself a name in his profession. In 1797 they came into possession, and moved in- to the house originally built for John Stroud, at Fort Penn (now Stroudsburg), John re- moving to a farm some miles distant. This was done at the request of their father, who felt that as he increased in years, and business was more of a burden, he should like his lawyer- son near him. The same year Daniel Stroud was appointed by Governor Mifflin to the mili- tary office of aide-de-camp to Major-General Thomas Craig, Eighth Division Pennsylvania Militia. This was resigned May 18, 1804, when he contemplated joining the Society of Friends. His change in religious views— for he had been brought up a Presbyterian — was a blight to all worldly prospects, as his path from henceforth was an exceedingly narrow one. His 114S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. father was much displeased that the son upon whom his hopes were placed should so ruthlessly, as he considered, fling every honor away. Hitherto the house of Daniel and Eliza Stroud had been the scene of many a merry dance, and especially was this the case when their intimate friends from the city paid them brief visits in the summer season. In the long twilights Daniel had been wont to play upon the violin, while his wife accompanied him with some gay or mournful ditty, as best suited the varying mood of the young couple. But now these friends of fashion were forsaken, the home dismantled of every needless ornament, the violin and trivial books committed to the flames. The silver-mounted soldierly weapons were safely stowed away in the garret, lest they might contaminate the rising generation. The pair were thoroughly in earnest and hesitated not to do their Master's bidding, though at the loss of so much that the world would count im- portant. Daniel found it laid upon him to re- trench his business in many ways. A large distillery that was very profitable was aban- doned. The law had to be given up, as he felt it impossible to have anything to do with administering oat/is. In one instance a valu- able piece of land was sacrificed, because he could not feel it right to summon witnesses who would be obliged to swear in his behalf. In those days it was the custom to furnish harvest hands a portion of whiskey with the midday meal ; this, Daniel Stroud felt he could no longer conscientiously do, even though it should be at great pecuniary loss to refuse, for he knew that it was more than likely that no- body woidd work for him. Not wishing to deceive the men, he told them his resolution and promised each one twelve cents per day ad- ditional wages as a compensation. Contrary to all expectation, he had no difficulty in find- ing hands willing to work upon these terms. The extra pay was dubbed by the harvesters as " Daniel's sober money." As has been previously stated, Daniel Stroud was left by his father the unsold town-lots of Stroudsburg. It was he who laid out the broad, well-shaded streets, and in every in- stance the deed of sale required the prospective building to be placed at least thirty feet back from the sidewalk. Although so strict in car- rying out his own convictions, Daniel Stroud was not at all bigoted. He desired that all denominations should have their proper place in the borough, and as the people were mainly Presbyterians and Me- thodists, he donated both sects laud in the town upon which to erect meeting-houses. The buildings duly placed thereon have, however, long since been sold, together with lots upon which they were situated, and the money thus acquired used toward putting more imposing churches on other sites. This branch of the Stroud family were the first Friends in the place, but soon others moved into the neighborhood and, in course of time, the society was given two tracts of land, one for a meeting-house, the other for a burying- ground. The next gift, on behalf of the peo- ple, was a lot for an academy. Daniel Stroud had a large, open, generous heart and desired to benefit in every way pos- sible the community in which he lived. Al- though conscience prevented the following of his avocation as a lawyer, in all particulars he, nevertheless, willingly, wrote wills or executed MONROE COUNTY. deeds for his neighbors, and this without any compensation whatever. He entertained large- ly and " his great fires up the chimney roar'd, while the stranger feasted at his board." As the taverns were very poor, it was his custom to invite to his own house every traveler he found in one of them whom he judged was accustomed to better accommodations. Many persons who had heard of his liberality would drive first to his door to inquire for the best place of entertainment in the village, knowing well that he would extend his hospitality to them. Thus it was, that there were very few days in the year when his home was without at least one visitor. Such magnanimous acts, together with his natural intelligence and ur- bane, though sincere, manner, gave him much influence among the men of his time. Daniel (Stroud's wife, Eliza, died October 29, 1809. She was the mother of twelve children, eight of whom survived her and reached ma- ture years. Of her, it may be truly said, " None knew thee but to love thee. None named thee but to praise." In July, 1811, Daniel Stroud married Mary, the daughter of Jacob and Mary Paul. This union was equally happy, and what more can be said of one called upon to fill so trying a position as the care of six noisy boys and two little girls of eight and three entailed, than that she was a true mother to them in every respect, and gained the warm affection of all ? There are few, very few, now in the borough who remember the tall figure of Daniel Stroud, as he daily walked the streets, invariably ac- companied by one, or perhaps two, of his sons. He had a fair complexion, with a high forehead, overshadowing clear blue eyes. His hair was somewhat sandy and remarkably thin ; nose and mouth regular. He was a man of much strength of character and great originality, in- heriting his father's knack of making pithy re- marks. Many of his sayings are still quoted by the older people of the place. He died of an acute attack of pneumonia March 2, 1 846, aged nearly seventy-four years. His wife survived him eight years. The oldest child of Daniel and Eliza Stroud was named Charles; he married Susan, daugh- ter of David and Lydia Burson, of Springfield, Bucks County, Pa. He spent most of his days in the State of Ohio, and was a good, consistent and respected member of the Society of Friends during a long life. Macdowel Stroud (name upon reaching matu- rity changed to George Macdowel) was the second son. George M. Stroud, son of Daniel and Eliza Shoemaker Stroud, was born at Stroudsburg, Northampton County (now Monroe), October 12, 1795. He was strong, active and affec- tionate. As an exemplification of these qualities, it is related that having been sent for, with his brother Charles, to return home from boarding- school to see their mother in her last ill- ness, on arriving at home, he rushed into her arms, and soon after performed the following exploit : The housekeeper had neglected to send early in the morning to Nazareth, twenty- two miles distant, for an article of nourishment which was thought necessary to prolong her life. George mounted a horse and set out at noon, obtained the article and returned at midnight, when it was so dark he could not see a bridge, and the horse walked through a creek. It thus appears that he rode forty-four miles in twelve hours. Of this, those who loved him were justly proud, as he was then only fourteen years of age. Some time after the death of his mother he went to Philadelphia and studied Latin. He made good progress; but being accustomed to a free life in the country, his health suffered, and he went home, and worked two years on his father's farm. Having regained health, he en- tered at Princeton College, passed through with credit and graduated with honor in the summer of 1817. The autumn of the same year he en- tered the office of Judge Hallowell as a student, and was admitted to practice June 28, 1819. Besides attending to practice, he compiled and published " A Sketch of the Laws relating to Slavery in the several States of the United States of America," in which he shows the great inequality of the punishments enacted for the same offenses on whites and colored people, and that slaves are not protected from very 1150 WAYNE, PIKE, AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. cruel punishments at the hands of their own- ers. This state of things has now happily passed away. In early manhood he was converted, and thereafter he made the laws and precepts of the Gospel the rules of his life. Having been brought up in the Society of Friends, who do not practice outward baptism, he believed bap- tism by immersion was Scriptural ; he was ac- cordingly immersed in the baptistery of the San- son! Street Church ; but preferring, on other accounts, the Episcopal Church, was received into membership and continued in it until his death. In the summer of 1828 he married V. Eleanor, daughter of Judge Hallowell, who survives him. In the spring of 1835 he was appointed by Governor Wolf a judge of the District Court of Pennsylvania for a term often years. After the expiration of his term of service he re- turned to the bar and resumed practice, in which he continued six years. On the Isl day of December, 1851 (the Constitution having been altered, making the office elective) he was chosen to the position he had formerly filled, and was successively elected at each recurring period until, in view of approaching age, in 1871, he declined renomination, having filled the position for thirty years. David Paul Brown, Esq., in his book enti- tled " The Forum," thus expresses his opinion of Judge Stroud : " It is now our agreeable duty to direct attention to a faint outline of one who, for rectitude of purpose, unquestioned competency and an industry that never flags, has no superior and but few equals in the judi- cial history of the State." Soou after his retirement from the bench (on account of the failing health of his father-in-law, Judge Hallowell), Judge Stroud removed, with his family, to the residence of the former, nearly opposite to Girard College. From thence lie daily walked to court, making it a rule to ar- rive there fifteen minutes before the time of commencing business, and in the afternoon rode on horseback, which exercise in the fresh air had a great influence in preserving his health. In 1871, shortly before his retirement from the bench, he removed with his family to Ger- mantown. There he spent his time among his family, his friends and his books. His strength gradually declined, aud, with a peaceful trust in the promises of God, he very quietly departed June 29, 1875, in the eightieth year of his age. William Stroud, the third son, married Mary Paul, the daughter of Morris and Tacy Robe- son. He died of typhoid fever while still a young man, leaving his widow with two small sons. Of him it has been said that " he had a disposition frank, sprightly and generous, a mind prompt, acute, energetic and capacious. He acquired the respect aud regard of all who knew him, and became a cherished object in the affection of his near relatives." Jacob I>. Stroud, fourth son, also died in his prime of a like fever. He was a tall, fine-look- ing man, and had undoubtedly inherited the rare business qualifications of the grandfather, whose name he bore. He married Mary N., the daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Richard- son. They had four children, who were all quite small at the time of their father's death. James II. Stroud, the fifth son, remained sin- gle and lived and, at an advanced age, died in the house in which he was born, in Strouds- Imrg. " He held at different times most of the various offices in the borough, was for six years the county prothouotary, and for many years a more than ordinarily popular justice of the peace. In this latter connection, it lias been said of him that he settled many contentions and disputes by his wise arbitrations and friendly and prudent counsels, and often restored friend- ship and good feeling among neighbors who, under-other circumstances, would have become life-long and bitter enemies. He was the first cashier of the Stroudsburg Bank, and held the position about ten years. He was a man of few words, but strong in his feelings aud attach- ments, and unselfish and faithful friendship." He was especially noticeable for dry humor. Samuel II. Stroud, the sixth son, perished by drowning, in a spot grown up with grass, when two years old, in attempting to go to his father, who was with the hay-makers, a short distance from the Ik misc. Susan Stroud, the first daughter who sur- vived infancy, lived with her bachelor brother, MONROE COUNTY. 1151 James, in the old mansion until his decease, when she removed to a married sister's resi- dence, in Kahway, N. J., where her death occurred the following year. Many of the present inhabitants remember this unassuming', noble woman. She possessed a kind, sym- pathetic heart, united with a mind of more than ordinary ability, and, above all, was a consistent, lowly Christian and a member of the Society of Friends. The poor and needy, the despised and the forsaken found in her an ever-willing listener and helper. Simpson Stroud, the eighth son, married Tacy Ann Robeson, sister of his brother William's wife. He died, in early manhood, of the scarlet fever, leaving a widow and three children. Possessing mental attainments of the highest order, he was in every sense of the word a truly gifted and pious man. He joined the Methodists and was a minister in that religious sect. Elizabeth, the third daughter, married Joseph P. Robeson, brother of her sister-iu- law, who bore that maiden-name. She is the only surviving child of Daniel and Eliza Stroud, and has led an active and useful life. Her memory, for which she has always been noted, is still good. Having once heard a circumstance or date, it seems to be implanted in her mind forever. She has been of great service in furnishing matter for this review of the family. She is at present living in Chester Valley, Pa., with a single daughter, her other children having married and formed homes of their own. Martha Stroud, the only child of Daniel and Mary Stroud, married Jacob R. Shotwell, of Rahway, N. J., where she and her husband now reside. She is an exemplary woman, whose marked unselfishness in every act and word is an example to the younger generations. Of the ten children of Daniel Stroud, six have become parents and grandparents and two great-grandparents, so that there are three gen- erations now living not separately designated in this sketch. They are scattered all over the United States, from the stormy Atlantic, ever dashing its waves on a much-worn coast, to the more gentle Pacific. INCOEPORATION. — The village of Strouds- burg was incorporated as a borough by an act of the Legislature approved February 6, 1815. By this act the provisions of an enactment passed .March 'J8, 1814, incorporating the borough of Mercer, were applied to Strouds- burg, as will appear in the following copy of the law : "An ACT to erect tin- town iif Stroudsburg, in North- ampton county, into a borough. "Sect. i. BE it enacted by the Senate ami House of Representatives of the Commonwealth, in General As- sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sume, That from and after the passing of this act, the town of Stroudsburg, in Northampton county, including the lots and lands attached to said town, and belonging thereunto, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a borough, which shall be called ' The Borough of Stroudsburg ; ' bounded and limited as follows, viz.: Beginning at the junction of Sambo creek with Broadhead's creek, thence down the east margin of Broadhead's creek to its junction with Mc- Michael's creek ; thence up said McMichaeFs creek, along the south side thereof, to its junction with Pokono creek; thence up said Pokono creek, along the west side thereof, to its junction with Big Meadow run; and from thence to the place of beginning. And it shall and may be lawful for the persons re- siding within the borough of Stroudsburg, to exercise and enjoy similar rights and privileges, and at the same times, and under similar rules and regulations, and subject to the same tines and forfeitures, and shall and may elect and appoint similar borough officers, which said borough officers and inhabitants shall exercise similar and equal powers and authorities, and be in all things governed by similar rides and regulations, as are granted to and provided for the inhabitants and borough officers of the borough of Mercer, in the county of Mercer, by an act of as- sembly, passed the twenty-eighth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, en- titled ' An act to erect the town of Mercer, in the county of Mercer, into a borough : ' Provided, That the election for officers of the said borough, shall be holden at the academy in the same, and that the duties directed to be performed by the constable of Mercer township, in the law to which this refers, shall he performed by the constable of Lower Smith- field township for the time being." There is nothing in the records to show that this act was operative, and it was certainly not continuously ; but a regular borough govern- ment appears to have been organized when the county was erected, and maintained from that time to the present, though the names of officers WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. can be given only from 1838. They are follows : Peter Wyckoff; Council, John Boys, Joseph V. Wilson, Stogdell Stokes, Morris D. Robeson, James II. Stroud. 1843. — Burgess, Samuel Stokes ; Council, William Clements, Charles Musch, Depue gj. Miller, Thomas J. Albright, John Mellick. 1844. — Burgess, James Uatf'erty ; Council, Leonard Labar, G. H. Miller, William Raft'erty, James H. Walton. James N. Dealing. 1846. — Burgess, B. S. Sehoonover; Council, Town- send Evans, George H. Miller, Mark Miller, Samuel T. Decker, John Boys. 1847.— Burgess, Jas. II. Walker; Council, Theodore Schoeh, Depue S. Miller, Joseph J. Postens, R, S. Staples, Jacob Knecht, 1848.— Burgess, John D. Morris; Council, William Row, Daniel Coolbaugh, Thomas Stone, Robert Boys, William Dean. 1849. — Burgess, Samuel S. Dreher; Council, Chas. Musch, J. J. Postens, M. D. Robeson, James Palmer, John H. Mellick. 1850.— Burgess, Charlton Burnett; Council, Wil- liam S. Wintermute, Depue S. Miller, Silas S. Drake, William Clements, John Delong, Stroud J. Hollins- head. 1851.— Burgess, S. C. Burnett; Council, Sydenham Walton, R. S. Staples, S. L. Drake, I. V. Stokes, Mark Miller. 1853. — Burgess, Charlton Burnett; Council, James H. Walton, George II. Miller, Mclehior Spragle, John Edinger, David Keller. 1854. — Burgess, no return; Council, . George II. Miller, James II. Walton, John Edinger, David Keller, Mclehior Spragle. 1855. — Burgess, Joseph II. Postens; Council, James C. Palmer, John H. Wolf, Sydenham Walton, Philip S. Brown, Oliver D. Stone. 1856. — Burgess, Stogdell Stokes; Council, James W. Derling, Jacob Knecht, George Miller, Gershom Hull, John Kautz. 1857. — Burgess, Michael M. Burnett; Council, Sydenham Walton, James C. Palmer, Alexander Fowler, Philip S. Brown, Hardy C. Levanway. 1858.— Burgess, Samuel Mellick; Council, Godlieb Auracker, Valentine Kautz., M. B. Postens, C. R. Andre, Henry D. Shafer, John N. Stokes. 1859. — Burgess, Samuel Mellick ; Council, Charles R. Andre, Godlieb Auracker, John N. Stokes, Philip Swartswood, William T. Baker. I860.— Burgess, Samuel Mellick ; Council, S. Auracker, P. Swartswood, D. D. Walton, John M. Stokes, N. Ruster. 1861. — Burgess, Samuel Mellick; Council, J. Mac- key, A. Fowler, N. Ruster, D. D. Walton, John Stone. 1862. — Burgess, John M. Stokes ; Council, George H. Miller, Philip Swartswood, Philip Miller, Gershom Hull, Frederick Phillips. 186:?.— Burgess, Stogdell Stokes (special election April, 1863, for burgess, Sydenham Walton elected) ; Council, M. Bossard, William Wintermute, Frederick Kiser, Wagner G. Drake. 1864. — Burgess, William Davis ; Council, Frederick Kiser, Samuel S. Dreher, George H. Miller, Jacob H. Butts, Gershom Hull. 1865.- Burgess, William Davis; Council, Gershom Hull, James S. Dreher, Jacob H. Butts, Frederick Kiser, Alexander Fowler. 1866. — Burgess, M. B. Postens ; Council, William Huntsman, Peter H. Robeson, William Newman, Charles D. Biodhead, Frederick Phillips. 1867. — Burgess, Wm. K. Howland ; Council, Geo. W. Drake, Robert Huston, Peter Williams, Reuben R. Cress, Gershom Hull. 1868. — Burgess, William Davis; Council, William Wintermute, William Kewnar, Reuben R. Cress, Geo. W. Drake, Peter Williams. 1869. — Burgess, Jackson Lantz ; Valentine Albert, William II. Merritt, James H. McCarty, George VV. Drake. W. S. Wintermute. 1870 — Burgess, Theodore Sehoch ; Council, M. Spragle, L. Marsh, J. H. Conner, William S. Flory, I). Dreher. 1871. — Burgess, Theodore Schoeh; Council, Wm. S. Florey, John H. Conner, Darius Dreher, Lynford Marsh, Mclehior Spragle. 1872. — Burgess, John N. Stokes ; Council, William Wallace, L. Marsh, John II. Conner, Jacob Shafer, Gershom Hull, William S. Flory. 1873. -Burgess, John W. Stokes; Council, Lynford Marsh, William S. Flory, John S. Fisher, William Huntsman, John T. Palmer, John H. Conner. 1874. — Burgess, Theodore Schoeh ; Council, Wilson Dreher, William Wallace, William Huntsman, Joseph L. Browers, Jacob K. Shafer, John Kern. 1875.— Burgess, Theodore Schoeh ; Council, John Edinger, Darius Dreher, Reuben Miller, Charles U. Warnick, Garret G. Ramsey, Wilson Dreher. 1876! — Burgess, Daniel R.Brown; Council, John H. Conner, Charles R. Andre-, Getsten Sanford, Valentine Kautz, William Huntsman, Garret G. Ramsey. 1877.— Burgess, William Wallace; Council, William Huntsman, Garret G. Ramsey, Charles R. Andre, 1). P. Brown, John II. Conner, Jerome S. Williams. 1878.— Burgess, William Wallace; Council, Wil- liam Huntsman, Garret Ramsey, Jerome S. Williams, Charles D. Brodhead, William Ackerman , Daniel R. Brown. 1879. — Burgess, Joseph L. Bowers; Council, J. K. Shafer, Wm. H. Garris, John H. Conner, C. P. Mick, John Appenzeller, Frederick Phillips. 1880.— Burgess, J. L. Bowers; Council, Edward Baltz, James Edinger, Jacob K. Shafer, Wm. Garris, Amos Heller, Garret Ramsey. MONROE COUNTY. 1153 1881. — Burgess, Nicholas ; Council, Jerome S. Williams, Jacob K. Shafer, Edward Baltz, James Edinger, Charles Frunkenfield, Amos Heller. 1882.— Burgess, William Burnett ; Council, George H. Dreher, Amos Heller, Uriah Shelter, Charles Frankenfield, Wm. Wallace, Sydenham Palmer. 1883.— Burgess, Jacob K. Shafer; Council, Reuben Miller, Valentine Kautz, Frank Landers, Sr., A. V. Coolbaugh, Darius Dreher, Edward Baltz. 1884. — Burgess, Jos. Wallace ; Council, Wm. Acker- man, Darius Dreher, J. T. Palmer, N. H. Shafer, James Gardner, C. II. Palmer. 1885.— Burgess, Joseph Wallace ; Council, Reuben Miller, James Gardner. Schools. — The earliest school in the vicinity of* the borough of Stroudsburg was located on- Keever's Hill, in Stroud township, on the pub- lic road leading from Stroudsburg to the Wind Gap. The citizens instrumental in building this school-house were Daniel Stroud, John Stroud, Mr. Hollinshcad and a few others whose names are not recollected. It was a log structure, built after the model of the log bouses of those days. Only the ordinary English branches were taught, the first teacher being a Mr. Cur- tis. The school was organized prior to the year L800, and removed about that date to a stone building in the borough of Stroudsburg, situ- ated on the present Green Street, on a lot ad- joining the Friends' Meeting-house. The first teachers in the borough were Nathaniel and Mary Waters. Other teachers were a Mr. Gum- mere, brother of the author of a work on sur- veying; his brother-in-law, Mr. William Mc- Vaugh, Dr. Herring, Mr. Hubbard and Miss Alice Welding. An act was passed by the State Legislature on the 28th day of March, 181 I, " incorporating the Stroudsburg Academy, in the village of Stroudsburg, in the county of Northampton." The act declared " that there shall be and is hereby established, in the vil- lage of Stroudsburg, in the county of North- ampton, an academy, or public school, for the education of youth in the useful arts, sciences and literature, by the name and style of the Stroudsburg Academy; that the first trustees of said academy shall consist of the following persons: Daniel Stroud, Samuel Rees, Jacob Postens, Jacob Brown, William Van Buskirk, William I). Walton, Asa I [erring, John Alia- bach and James Hollinshcad ; that the said trus- 116 tees are empowered to erect such buildings and make such improvements as may be found nec- essary for said institution, and generally to per- form all matters which shall be for the well- being of the said academy and the management ; that they shall have the power to make and erect ordinances for the government of said academy, and the electing and appointing a master and tutors, of agreeing with them for their salaries and of removing them ; and that when the building shall have been completed and the salaries of the masters and tutors ar- ranged, in case any funds shall lie left above what is necessary to keep the building in repair, they shall expend the same in the purchase of books, charts, maps, globes and philosophical apparatus for the use of said academy." The same year in which the charter was grant- ed Daniel Stroud started a subscription for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of a lot and the erection of a building for a public school. In this paper Daniel Stroud donates a lot for the purpose valued at one hundred dol- lars, and the following persons contributed in various sums: James Hollinshcad, Samuel Rees, Jacob Brown, William Van Buskirk, Asa Her- ring, Jacob Postens, James Bursou, George Dreher, Samuel Drake, Burris Mantonya, Wil- liam Gordon, Daniel Kooutz, John Allenbach, Peter Allenbach, George Waters, Philip Shafer, William I). Walton, William Wills and William Huston. After the foregoing subscription had been received,and finding the funds inadequate to de- fray the expense of the building contemplated, a subscription was drawn by Peter Hollinshcad. This petition sets forth " the purpose of build- ing a house of worship in the village of Strouds- burg, on a lot already given for the purpose of an academy, providing the consent of the trus- tees of said lot can be obtained; otherwise to be put on such other lot as can be procured in said village that shall appear to the trustees of said house of public worship eligible for the purpose. It is considered at the time of making this sub- stitution that the use of said house of public worship shall be divided among those religious societies whose members have contributed to- wards its erection." The following are the names of contributors : Peter Hollinshead, Asa 1154 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Herring, George Waters, Samuel Pugh, Samuel Drake, Jr., Daniel Stroud, J. Hollinshead, Mi- chael Brown, Hugh Pugh, Daniel Ashton, Fran- cis Drake, Thomas Smiley, William D. Clayton, Samuel Rees, Peter Allenbaeh, William Col- bert, Jacob Brown, Henry Ransberry, John and Michael Ransberry, John Wolf, John Brodhead, Jane Brodhead, John Brown, Jr., Robert Rus- sell, John Huston aud William Torbert. The trustees accordingly, in I81f», erected a stone building two stories high on the present Green Street, near the corner of Main and Elizabeth Streets, the State appropriating four hundred dollars for the purpose. It was used on the Sabbath by the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist congregations until they secured other places of worship. It is not possible to procure a complete list of the instructors at the academy. At a meeting of the board of trustees held March 19, 1828, it was announced that the services of Joseph Shep- herd, of Bucks County, had been secured as teacher. At a later date were Rev. Frederick Knighton, Ira B. Newman and Rev. J. B. Hynd- shaw. The pronounced abolition sentiments of Mr. Newman made his presence obnoxious to many citizens and occasioned his dismissal by the trustees. He, in 1839, brought a suit against them, which was decided adversely to him. This property was finally sold at sheriff's sale, and conveyed by Johu Kern, sheriff of Northampton County, on the 27th of April, 1829, to Daniel Stroud, William Van Buskirk and James Postens. Messrs. Posterns and Van Buskirk subsequently conveyed their shares to the Stroudsburg French Seminary, and the heirs of Daniel Stroud, at a later date, executed a release of the remaining third to the same cor- poration. The act of the State Legislature incorporating the "Stroudsburg French Semi- nary" was passed on the 4th of March, 1839, the following persons being named as trustees : John Huston, Joseph Kerr, Samuel Stokes, William P. Vail, Morris D. Robeson, Robert Boys and Depue S. Miller. The building was used for educational purposes until 1882, when it became unfit for occupation and was sold at public sale, the purchaser agreeing to remove it within sixty days. Under the provisious of the act authorizing the building of couuty academies, the edifice now commonly spoken of as the " old academy" was erected, an act of Legislature dated March 27, 1839, having been passed granting a State appropriation of two thousand dollars, for the purpose. A dispute as to the part of the borough in which the building should be located was turned to good advantage. Some of the citizens were in favor of a site on the hill north of the borough, while others favored the level tract at the base of this elevation. A vote for trustees was taken, each voter paying the sum of five dollars. The interest iu the matter was so great as to induce many citizens of means to pay the price of the vote of their poorer neighbors, the funds thus raised being devoted to the furnishing of the building. The site on the hill was finally chosen and the locality has since been known as Academy Hill. Four borough schools were also opened at a later date, — one being located on Ann Street, between Centre and Green Streets, now converted into a dwelling; another on the corner of Walnut and Analomink Streets, opposite the burial-ground, which was demolish- ed in 1886; a third at the west end of the borough, on Pocono Street, which has recently been converted into a dwelling; and the fourth, cast of the preseut academy, also occupied as a dwelling. The latter building was for years devoted to the education of colored children. Among the early teachers at the academy were Messrs. Miller, Samuel Rees, James Carr, Lewis D. Vail, David S. Lee and Stephen Holmes. An additional room was built in connection with the academy, which was used as a secondary school. A system of grading had been intro- duced some years before, which was materially improved on the accession of Mr. B. Morey to the principalship, in 1871. A new school building, occupying a command- ing situation on an eminence overlooking the borough, was begun in the fall of 1883, and completed the following year, the people voting by an overwhelming majority to increase the school indebtedness in order to c plete the building. The total cost of site, building, furniture and heating apparatus slightly exceeded sixteen thousand dollars. It contains eight MONROE COUNTY. rooms, four on each floor, and is so arranged that two of the upper rooms may be thrown info one for special occasions. Seven of these apartments are now occupied ; the number of pupils at present in attendance is three hundred and ninety-four. In the High School, besides the common branches, are taught algebra, geometry, natural philosophy, ancient history, Latin and physical geography. The teachers arc John E. Shull, principal ; William If. Ramsey, J. A. Clements, Miss Ella Shafer, Miss Sallie Detrick, Miss Jennie Drake, Miss Lillic Bitten bender. The present board of school directors are Rev. F. Knighton, D.D., president; N. C. Miller, M.D., secre- tary ; Robert Gruver, treasurer; Garrett Ram- sey, B. S. Jaeoby, A. B. Shafer. Early Meechatsts. — Doubtless the earliest merchant in Stroudsburg was Jacob Stroud, who resided at the time at Fort I'enn, or, more strictly speaking, in a dwelling standing just in front of the site of Fort IYnn. It is presumed that the store was conveniently located, as his children often rendered him assistance at the counter. A ledger used by him between the years 1784 ami 1789 is still in existence. The following names are among many that appear as having running accounts with him : Adam Smith, David Shoemaker, John Vought, Isaac Van Norman, John Transue, Simon Keller, Da- vid ( 'artright, Thomas Bush, John Van Der- mark, Benjamin Schoonover, Aaron Depni, Robert McDowel, Prince Alden, Samuel Van Camp, John Fish, Frederick Everhart, John Starbird, Mordecai Morgan, William Wills, Black Abraham Knuce, Jacob Kline, William Walton, Daniel La Bar, Samuel Vandermarlc, Garret Brodhead, Jacob Transue, Samuel Rees, Nicholas Depui, Henry Drinker, Charrick Iiosenkrans, James Dingman, Christian Eilen- berg and James Bartron. The following quaint entries are found in this ledger : s. r \j\f\rj\r\r\r\rJ\J\r\r\f\j guwvww \j v v/w\ operated a mill and became interested in various speculative enterprises. He was a man of good judgment and character, of superior executive ability and liberal impulses, read men closely, and met with success in most of his business ventures. He also took a prominent part in the local politics of the county. In July, 1836, he gave to Monroe County the present site of the court-house, and devoted to Stroudsburg that portion of Franklin Street which extends from the Main Street to the court-house. He died in 1864, and is buried in the old Hollins- liead graveyard, where a neat monument marks his grave. He married, February 2, 1819, Jeannette De Le Barre, born at Elmira, N. Y., May 3, 1803, daughter of Jacob De Le Barre and Rachel Smith, his wife. Her maternal grandfather was Dr. Francis J. Smith, a native of Brussels, whose true name was Josephus Jacobus Aeris, son of J. B. Aerts, Lord of Op- dorp and Zimmerseele, and who changed his 115S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. name for political reasons in 1777, when he came to this country to join the American army. His character and life-work are more fully referred to elsewhere in this volume. Dr. Smith married Elizabeth, daughter of Garret and Jane Davis Brodhead, a representative of] another of the old families of the Minisink. Mrs. Jeaunette Hollinshead is still one of the old residents of Stroudsburg, where she has lived for over sixty years. Owing to the death trail of her husband, her own engraving will be found in this volume. Her children were Harriet, who became the wife of Dr. A. Reeves Jackson, and died Jan. 1!), ISO!); Sarah, who married lion. John D. Morris, and died Jan. 27, 1854; I>r. Frank, who married Jane Malvcn, left des- cendants, and died December 24, 1856; William, a druggist for many years in Stroudsburg, mar- ried Cecilia Kenecht, died November 11, 1876 ; and Caroline, who died young in 1842. "S* /M*uied£ Jfrs&njjb '■z£at& of her mother when she was an infant, she was reared in Monroe County by her great-grand- mother Brodhead, and as at the present time she has great-grandchildren of her own, has had living communication with seven genera- tions of her maternal lineage. She possesses a remarkably clear recollection of old events and ancient families and people, and is one of the respected and esteemed landmarks standing be- tween the remote past and the ever-recurring events of the present. In the absence of a por- Robert R. De Puy. — Among the old fami- lies of Monroe County who, at an early period in our colonial history, emigrated from the primitive settlement of Esopus, in Ulster Coun- ty, N. Y., to the wild and unsettled region of the Minisink, none is probably of greater an- tiquity, or has been more prominently identified with the development of that region, than the family of Depuy. 1 1 The name is variously spelled Depuy, Depue and Depuis. old papers Depu MONROE COUNTY. 1159 The original ancestor of the family is be- lieved to have been Nicholas Depui, who, with three children, came to this country in October, 1(362. He was a French Huguenot, In 1728 Nicholas, Benjamin and Coruelius Depuy were freeholders of Marbletown, Ulster County, N. Y. The first ancestor to locate in Monroe ( 'ountv of whom we have any knowledge was Nicholas Depui, who came from Esopus about 1725, a wife, Wyntje, and his children — Moses, Samuel, Daniel, Aaron, Catharina, Susanna, Magdalena, Johanna and Elizabeth. By this instrument, which was witnessed by Daniel Brodhead, Abraham Van Campen, Benjamin Dupui and Lambert Coyncse, his sons Moses, Aaron, Sam- uel and Daniel are made his executors, and judging from the quantity of land divided among his children, he must have owned a very large tract. Considerable personal prop- Sn w and made a settlement on the Delaware River, in what is now Smith field township. He pur- chased land directly from the Indians, and the deed conveying the same is now in the posses- sion of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. In 1733 he received a deed for some land of Win. Allen. In 1742 Zinzendorf visited him, and in December, 1743, his name is found on a pe- tition for a road. In 1750 Conrad Weiscr vis- ited him and states that he was an old man. His will, bearing date June 9, 1745, mentions erty is also distributed, showing him to have been a man of wealth and distinction. His original stone house stood on the site occupied by a portion of the present family homestead, and was surrounded by a barricade, and used as a fort and place of shelter for the early settlers during the serious Indian outbreaks that often rendered the Minisink region one of the most dangerous points of pioneer life. The present house was erected in 1785 bv Nicholas Depui, ' grandfather of our subject (born August 19, 1160 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1738, died April 23, 1808), who is described by the surveyor Seull as " The Amiable Nicho- las Depuis, Esq.," occupying in 1787 " a spa- cious stone house in great plenty and affluence. " The father of this Nicholas was Samuel (born 1719, died 176(3), who is spoken of in 1730 by the same authority as the "Venerable Samuel Depui." At the time of Zinzendorf's visit he was twenty-three years of age. The son of Nicholas was Nicholas again, the father of Robert R. De Puy, who was born Feb- ruary 19, 1788, and died July 17, 1816. He married, June 12, 1812, Theodosia Reading (born September 17, 1791, died February 28, 1858), and had three children, of whom two died in infancy. Robert R. De Puy, the remaining child of Nicholas and Theodosia (Heading) De Puy, was born in the ancestral mansion of his forefathers November 13, 1814. Owing to the death of his father, when he was but an infant, and the subsequent marriage of his mother to Isaac G. Farley, of Hunterdon County, X. J., his early life was passed at Flemiugton, in that State, where he enjoyed but limited opportunities for securing an education. When a mere lad he began life as a clerk in Mr. Farley's store at Flemiugton, and after a few years occupied a similar position in a store at Phillipsburg, N.J. In 1835 he was taken into partnership by his step-father, and the firm of Farley * De Puy was organized, with stores at Flemiugton and White House, N. J. This business association was dissolved lour years later, Mr. De Puy tak- ing the Flemington store iu the division of the property, and organizing the firm of De Puy, Johnson & Risler. Pie continued to engage in trade uutil 1843, and the following year removed to his native county of Monroe, and took up his residence ou the old homestead in Smithfield. Here he remained, occupied iu farming, until 1857, when he located at Stroudsburg, the county- seat, where he engaged in various mercantile en- terprises until his recent retirement from ac- tive business life. Mr. De Puy, throughout a long and indus- trious career, has manifested many of the ster- ling traits of character of his pioneer ances- tors, and has achieved equal success in the more advanced fields of modern civilization. He is remarkable for great industry, good judgment and strict integrity in all the relations of life. He feels a just pride in the close identification of his ancestors with the original settlement of the country, and is the fifth in line of descent from the original Nicholas Depui to own the family homestead. Besides this, he has accu- mulated other real estate of value in the coun- ty, as well as out of it, and is recognized as one of the most prominent and substantial of the old residents of Monroe County. He has never evinced a desire for political prominence, but has been active in all other movements of an elevating and useful character. For thirty years he has been an elder of the Presbyterian Church of Shawnee; and he has also filled the office of president of the County Agricultural Society. He married, November 6, 1836, Ma- tilda R., daughter of Judge Daniel PI. Disbor- ough, of Somerset County, N. J., who still pre- sides over his home. There are no children. Charles D. Beodheab is a lineal de- scendant in the seventh generation of Captain Daniel Brodhead, born in Yorkshire, England, captain of grenadiers and a Loyalist in the reign 'of King Charles II., by whom he was ordered to join the expedition under Colonel Richard Nicolls, which captured New Nether- lands (New York) from the Dutch in " 1664. He brought with him to this country his wife, Ann, daughter of Francis and Tellos (Solomon) Tye, and two sons, — Daniel and Charles. Richard, a third son, was born in this country in 1766. Captain Brodhead at first performed garrison duty at Albany and New York, but on September 14, 1665, was commissioned by Governor Nicolls as " Chief Officer of the Mili- tia in the Esopus," and took up his residence in Ulster County, N. Y., where he died, July 14, 1667. From him have descended the various branches of the Brodhead family, male and female, which are now so numerously rep- resented in the United States. A fuller ac- count of the family lineage will be found else- where in this volume. The line of descent down to and including the subject of this sketch is (1) Daniel 1 , (2) Richard 1 , (3) Daniel 2 , MONROE COUNTY. 1 1 (31 (4) Garret, (5) Richard 2 , (6) Charles and (7) Charles D. Brodhead. Daniel 2 Brodhead was the first of the family to locate in Pennsylvania. He was born at Marbletown, Ulster County, N. Y., April 20, 1693. About the year 1738 he purchased six hundred and forty acres of land on Analomink (now Brodhead's) Creek, on which the borough of East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, now stands, and passed his clays in that place, being Richard 2 , George, Elizabeth (who married Francis J. Smith), Rachel (who married David Dills) and Samuel. Richard 2 Brodhead was born at Stroudsburg July 26, 1771, and married Hannah Drake, of that place. He was a man of splendid physique, over six feet high, and about 1791 removed to Pike County, Pa., where he died November 11, 1843. He was a prominent and influential man and held many public offices. A fuller account ^^ £j, J^c/T-^atU-* a man of great influence and prominence. His wife was Hester Wyngart, of whom were born ten children, of whom Daniel, Garret, Charles, Luke and Ann Garten survive him. Garret Brodhead, son of Daniel 2 , served as a lieutenant in a New Jersey regiment during the Revolutionary War. He married Jane Davis, of New York State, and settled on his father's farm (now East Stroudsburg), where he raised a large family, and died at Stroudsburg in 1804. His children were John, Daniel, of him and his children will be found in the Pike County portion of this work. His chil- dren were Sarah (1791), who married Colonel John Westbrook, a member of Congress from Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Northampton Counties from 1841 to 1843; Garret (1793), who married Cornelia Dingman ; William (1795), who married Susan Coolbaugh ; Jane, who married Moses S. Brundage; Albert G. (1799), who married Ellen Middagh ; Anna Maria, who married John Seaman ; Rachel, 1162 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. who married Dr. John J. Linderman ; Charles (1801 ), who married Mary Brown ; and Richard Brodhead, United States Senator from Pennsyl- vania from 1850 to 1856. Three other chil- dren died in infancy. Charles Brodhead, son of Richard 2 , was born on his father's homestead property, in Pike County, and in early manhood married Mary, daughter of Hon. Jacob Brown, one of the associ- ate judges of Monroe County. He soon after removed to Chestnut Hill township, in that county, and engaged in mer- cantile pursuits at what is now Brodheadsville. There he died a few years later of fever, leav- ing a widow and two children, — Charles D. Brodhead, born September 23, 1827, and Mar- tha Jane, born January 21, 1830, who married, first, Captain George B. Keller, of Hamilton township, now deceased, and, secondly, her present husband, Conrad Kresge, of Pittston, Pa. After his father's death Charles I). Brodhead resided with his grandfather Brown, at Strouds- burg, and attended school at the old Strouds- burg Academy, taught by Ira B. Newman. For two years he clerked in the store at Chest- nut Hill, then carried on by his mother and his uncle Daniel Brown, and on February 1, 1848, married Rachel D. Keller, of Hamilton town- ship. Immediately thereafter he located at Schaeffer's, called since 1862 Brodheadsville, after him, and engaged in hotel and store-keeping He remained at that point for seventeen years, filling the office of postmaster during all of that period, and being closely identified with the material, social and religious development of the locality. In 1865 he removed to Strouds- burg, where he has since been engaged in mercantile pursuits. Judge Brodhead may truthfully be said to occupy a very high place in the esteem and confidence of the people of Monroe County, and has been a prominent factor in the develop- ment of its varied interests. While never aspiring to public positions, he has always been faithful to the principles of the Democratic party, and been prominent in the councils of that organization in this section. He has been honored by his fellow-citizens by the election to various offices of trust and responsibility. Besides holding different township offices in Chestnut Hill, he has served on the school board, and as Town Councilman of Stroudsburg, and in 1859, 1860 and 1861 represented the counties of Monroe and Pike in the State Legis- lature of Pennsylvania, serving his constituents with marked ability and fidelity. He was appointed deputy treasurer of Monroe County by Timothy Kresge, treasurer, and served in that capacity in 1878, 1879 and 1880. In the latter year he was elected associate judge of Monroe County, serving for five years in that capacity, and was re-elected iu 1885 without opposition. He was also a member of the board of directors of the Stroudsburg Bank for many years. He has always taken a deep interest in church work, and has been for over twenty years an active and useful member of the Stroudsburg Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is now a trustee and treasurer. He is also a class-leader in the church, superin- tendent of the Sabbath-school, and chairman of the Monroe County Sabbath-School Associa- tion. His children now living are Joseph K., one of the assistant superintendents of the Bethlehem Boiling-Mill ; Mary L., wife of Charles Evans, of Stroudsburg ; and George M., a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, connected with the Philadelphia Con- ference and now located at Germantown, Pa. Early Taverns. — The earliest tavern within the limits of the present borough of Stroudsburg was built by Colonel Jacob Stroud during the Revolution and known as the Fort Penn House, so called from its location directly in front of the site of Fort Penn, afterward the property owned by the late William Winter- mute. In 1795 he erected as a private residence the Mansion House, located at the corner of Eliza- beth and William Streets, which is still stand- ing. The next public-house was the Washing- ton Hotel, built early during the present cen- tury at the east end of Elizabeth Street and still standing. George Dreher was also a popular landlord at an early day, his location being on the spot now occupied by the Delaware, Lackawanna and MONROE COUNTY. 1163 Western Express Office. An early hotel, for- merly a dwelling, occupied the ground on which now stands the American Hotel. It was after- ward removed to the rear of the gas-house on Susan Street, having been sold by Jacob Knecht to William Wintermute. Among the early landlords of this house were Messrs. Dietrich, Kerr, Musch and Alexander Eagles, who came into possession about 1834 ; Jacob Knecht pur- chased of the administrators of the last-named owner, and on its removal erected the present brick structure. A landlord named Bush next assumed control and on his retirement was fol- lowed by David Pisle. Jacob S. McNeal, who is the present landlord of the Central, then leased it. Jerome Shaw, who was the next pro- prietor, preceded the present landlord, Tim- othy Everett. The present Burnett House, which was for- merly known as the Stroudsburg House, was built by Stroud J. Hollinshead in 1833. He first erected a temporary structure now standing adjacent to the hotel and occupied by Jesse Albert, which was used during the completion of the hotel and is embraced in the front por- tion of the present building. Mr. Hollins- head was for thirty-five years its popular land- lord aud conducted a thriving business. The hotel was sold in 1 865 to Charles Troch, who was followed by Lynford Marsh, aud he, in turn, by John I. Alleuder. Mr. Henry Fulmer, of Easton, then became the purchaser, by whom it was rebuilt, greatly eularged and refurnished with much taste. It is now a much frequented summer resort under the able management of Jerome S. Williams. The Washington Hotel, on Elizabeth Street, was built early duriug the present century. The first landlord within the recollection of the oldest citizens was one Keener, who was doubt- less followed by John Musch. In 1828 it was under the management of Edward Postens, who kept it for many years aud was followed in 1846 by his son, Joseph J. Postens. Simon and Abram Barry were its next landlords, who were succeeded by John Saut, and he by John Bald- win, after which it passed into the hands of the present landlord, William Dreher. The Indian Queen Hotel was built by John Witchel as a private dwelling and converted in- to a hotel by John Shively, who was succeeded by James Place. John O'Hare became next landlord, after which David Keller, in 1851, removed from Hamilton township to the bor- ough and leased the property for two years. He was succeeded by George Swartwood, and he by Joseph J. Postens, after which Melchior Buzzard came into possession and conducted it during the years 1865-66. He was succeeded by Sant, from Northampton County, after which John Sniffer became proprietor in connection with Jacob K. Shafer. The latter gentleman repaired, enlarged and at present keeps it. The Central Hotel was built by John H. Mellick iu 1851, and then known as the Fort Penn House. He was succeeded by M. B. Pos- tens, after which it was abandoned as a house of entertainment and converted into a ware- house. John S. McNeal, on obtaining a li- cense to keep a hotel, repaired and enlarged the building and has since managed it successfully as the Central Hotel. Stroudsburg Bank.— The act organizing the Stroudsburg Bank was passed on the 9th of January, 1857, and its charter obtained on the 23d of June of the same year. Its officers un- der the charter were Depue S. Miller, president ; James H. Stroud, cashier; and its board of di- rectors, Jay Gould, Stephen Kistler, Heury M. La Bar, Thomas W. Rhodes, Charles D. Brod- head, John Boys, Stroud J. Hollinshead, David D. Walton, Michael Shoemaker, Charles Say- lor, Mori is Evans, William S. Whiteand Depue S. Miller. The presidents in succession since that time have been S. S. Dreher, Stogdell Stokes, William Wallace and Thomas M. Mcllhany. The cashiers who, in succession, followed Mr. Stroud are Jeremy Mackey and John S. Fisher. The charter of the bank having expired in 1872, it was, on the 6th of March of that year, rechar- tered. The amount of discounts of the bank average $275,000, and the deposits $350,000. The present directors are Peter M. Eilenberger, Jacob H. Fetherman, James Kintz, John Baltz, Charles L. Rhodes, Andrew Kaiser, Harry 1164 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Peters, Jerome H. Fetherman, Levi Drake, Miles L. Hutchinson, Harry P. Nyce, William Smith and Stephen Holmes. The officers are Peter M. Eilenberger, president pro tern. ; John S. Fisher, cashier ; and B. S. Jacoby, teller. Thomas McFall McIlhaney. — Among the prominent business men of Monroe County who identified themselves most closely for a long term of years with its social and Here he filled various important offices in the township of Pocono, and served as postmaster of the village. From 1854 to 1857 he was deputy prothonotary under the late John Edin- ger, but was defeated for the same office himself in the latter year. After serving as a clerk in the office of Jacob Frey, auditor-general of the State, at Harrisburg, for nearly three years, he was, in 1860, elected as prothonotary of Monroe ; "& ^yfcl^-rt-i l^V ^Jw^^e^- material growth, none have occupied a more conspicuous and honorable place than the sub- ject of this sketch. Born in Lower Mount Bethel township, in the mother-county of North- ampton, May 13, 1823, he enjoyed but meagre educational advantages, and upon reaching suf- ficient age, learned the trade of a tailor with his father, William McIlhaney. In 1845 he located at Snydersville, Monroe County, where he pur- sued his trade until 1847, at which time he re- moved to Tannersville, in the same county. County, and was continuously re-elected to the same responsible and prominent place until 1878, when he retired from a position which he had filled with great ability and success for a longer period than any similar office has been held in the State by the same man, save in one instance. Upon his retirement from office he entered upon the study of law in the office of Hon. Charlton Burnett, with whom he had registered as a stu- dent a number of years before, and in 1880 was admitted to practice as an attorney-at-law. He MONROE COUNTY. at once acquired considerable practice among his old friends and constituents, and continued to labor earnestly and successfully at his pro- fession until his sudden and unexpected demise, on December 1 5, 1885. Cut off at an untime- ly moment, while in the enjoyment of the high- est confidence of his friends, and of the rewards achieved by an untiring, faithful and conscien- tious devotion to his public and private duties, his death brought with it to many the feeling that a good man in Israel had fallen, and to his immediate friends and family a poignancy of grief that none but they can realize. The chief characteristics of Mr. Mellhaney may be described as great industry, the posses- sion of a well-balanced and systematic mind, thorough integrity, perfect suavity of manner, combined with great force of character, devotion to family and friends, kindliness of heart, regard for the precepts and lessons of religion, and great liberality in the support of all worthy and elevating objects. To his neighbors and ac- quaintances he was ever kind and obliging. As an accountant he was most skillful and possessed of a wonderfully retentive memory. He was firm in his convictions of right, yet considerate and forbearing with those who differed with him. In society he was one of the most com- panionable of men, and his fine social qualities endeared him to every community in which he lived. He was a prominent and influential res- ident of Stroudsburg from 1861, identified with various social organizations, and was presi- dent of the Stroudsburg Bank at the time of his death. He was a regular attendant of the Presbyterian Church, of which he was for many years a trustee and a liberal supporter. He married, August 15, 1846, Catharine M., daughter of James C. and Hester (Bitters) Ma- jor, of Northampton County, who survives him, with six children, namely, Georgiana (wife of Edward Baltz, of Stroudsburg), Fanny (wife of William Long, of Williamsport, Pa.), Flora (wife of Walter Rafferty, of Brooklyn, N. Y.), Clara (wife of Dr. William Wolfe, of Chatham, N. J.) and Misses Ella and Gussie Mc Ilhaney. Thomas A. Bell is descended from Quaker ancestry, the progenitor of the family in Amer- ica having been Henry Bell, who, on his proba- ble emigration from England, settled in Mont- gomery County, Pa. Among his children was a son John, born in 1721, who died in 1773. He was married to Hannah Reese and had one son, Jonathan, born in 1749, who died in 1773. He was united in marriage to Mary Stroud, whose children by this marriage were two sons, James and Isaiah. James Bell was born on the 8th of March, 1771, and died on the 14th of January, 1851. He was married to Susan Thomas, and had children — Joseph ; Mary, wife of Aaron Croasdale; John T. ; James; Susanna; Jane, wife of John Jordan, Jr. James Bell, of this number, was born on the 10th of August, 1808, and married Hannah Alsop, whose children are Francis J., Edwin A., Thomas A., William B., Charles, Emma and Henry A. The birth of Thomas A. Bell oc- curred at Experiment Mills, in Smithtielcl town- ship, on the 20th of December, 1*44. He pur- sued his studies at the Westtown Boarding- School, in Chester County, Pa., remaining sev- eral years both as pupil and instructor. Re- turning home, he became engaged with his father in his varied milling and lumbering interests of Experiment Mills. Subsequently accepting a position in the Stroudsburg Bank, he removed to Stroudsburg, and continued thus engaged until 1870, when he established a banking in- terest known as the Monroe County Banking and Savings Company. Closing his connection with this institution in 1880, and removing to Trenton, N. J., where a wider field for his rare business abilities awaited him, he assumed charge of the Merchants' Transportation Company as its general superintendent, and in 1881 became interested in the Star Rubber Company, as sec- retary and general manager, continuing at the same time his former business relation. He also became identified with the Trenton China Company, of which he is the present treasurer, though devoting his time principally to the in- terests of the Star Rubber Company. Mr. Bell has been an important factor in the establishment and development of the leading business enterprises of Stroudsburg. To him is largely due the inception, as also the construc- tion, of the Stroudsburg Passenger Railway and the establishment of the Chemical Pulp Com- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. pany. He was prominently identified with the Tanite Company for eight years, and during a considerable part of that time occupied the position of treasurer of the company. He was also, with partners, interested in the Luzerne Ochre Works, in Luzerne County, Pa., and connected with other important busiuess ven- tures. Mr. Bell has always affiliated with the Republican party in politics, though both his extended business interests and his tastes have precluded an active political career. He is an earnest and outspoken advocate of the cause of temperance, which has received from him sub- stantial support and encouragement. In his religious views he is loyal to the faith of his forefathers. Mr. Bell was, on the 17th of Sep- tember, 18G8, married to Elizabeth, daughter of Philip P. Dunn, of Trenton, N. J. Their children are Albert T., Frederick D., William B. and Philip D., who is deceased. First National Bank of Stkoudsbubg. — This bank was organized September 21, 1882, with a capital of fifty thousand dollars and the following directors : K. S. Staples, Alonzo B. Shafer, George E. Stauffer, Jacob R. Shafer, Isaac T. Puterbaugh, Melchior Heller, Thomas A. Bell, Arnzi B. Wyckoff, David Saylor, Frank H. Smith, Stroud Burson. Richard S. Staples was chosen its first presi- dent ; Frank H. Smith, vice-president ; E. A. Bell, cashier ; and Oscar Dreher, teller. Richard S. Staples resigned July 1, 1885, and Frank H. Smith was elected in his stead, David Saylor being elected vice-president. The board of di- rectors is still the same, with the exception of George Butz, George C. Adams and Absalom Fetherman in places of Isaac T. Puterbaugh, T. A. Bell and R. S. Staples, respectively. The amount of discounts averages one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars and the deposits a like amount. The bank has a circulation of twenty-five thousand dollars. Richard S. Staples. — One of the earliest settlers of Northampton County, Pa., was John Staples, who was born in London, May 18, 1754, and died February 2,1843 ; became from England prior to the Revolution, and settled therein. He was a farmer, but never invested in land, but rented it from others. He in the Continental army, in which he Mas a sergeant. He married Elizabeth Teeple, who bore him the following children : John, Wil- liam, George, Nelson, Richard, Elizabeth, Ra- chel, Mary and Polly. From his home in Northampton County he moved into Smithfield township, in what is now Monroe County, where both he and his wife passed the remainder of their days. William, the second son, was born in Smithfield township January 31, 178(3, where he grew to manhood. He engaged in lumbering, and owned, with his son R. S., the saw-mill at Spragueville known as Staples' Mill. He married Elizabeth Long. Their children were Margaret, Mary Ann, John L., Sallie, Richard S., Eliza, Amanda, Nelson, Rachel and Daniel. Mr. Staples was a Demo- crat in politics, but not a politician. He died at Spragueville June 9, 1847 ; his wife in 1844. Richard S. Staples, our subject, was born ir» Smithfield township January 27, 1818. He at- tended the district schools of his neighborhood and received, as did his brothers and sisters, a» good an education as could be given at that time in his native township. In 1827 -he ac- cepted a situation as clerk in the store of Stokes- & Brown, of Stroudsburg, which position he held one year, then became a partner in the place of Brown, whose interest he bought. He continued in partnership with Judge Stokes seven years, and, during that time, had the entire management of the store. He then bought the judge's interest, and, for a quarter of a century, carried on the business. In 1862 he sold the store, since wheu he has engaged in va- rious business enterprises, lumbering, however, being his principal business. In partnership with Thomas A. Bell and Simon Barry, he owned and operated an ochre-mill in Luzerne County for three years and a half, when they sold out, and the property, depreciating in value from want of proper management, has again come into possession of Mr. Staples, with his son Stogdell as partner. Mr. Staples, Simon Barry, Thomas A. Bell, Dr. Lantz and Colonel Burnett were the build- ers of the Stroudsburg Street Railway, and he was the first president of the company and re- mained so until he sold his interest. In com- MONROE COUNTY. pany with the above-named gentlemen, he or- ganized the Monroe County Savings Bank,which was changed to the First National Bank of Stroudsburg, and of which he was elected pres- ident, which position he held until the 1st of January, 1885. He was also one of the organ- izers of the Stroudsburg Woolen Mills and its first president. For many years he was presi- dent of the Monroe County Fire Insurance Company. In February, 1883, he purchased iness career. He was a member of five differ- ent committees. He has been a member of the Methodist Church since he was thirteen years old and has been steward and trustee many years. He has taken an active interest in Sabbath-schools and has been a superintendent thirty-two years in succession. In Monroe County, Pa., where Mr. Staples resided until 1883, he is spoken of as a business man of sterling integrity and possessed an interest in the Trenton China Company and has since then been its president and manager. In politics he is, and always has been, a stanch Democrat, and has been honored by his fellow- citizens with borough, township and county offices, all of which he has filled with credit and to the satisfaction of his constituents. He has served two terms (1872-73) in the lower branch of the Pennsylvania Legislature with ability and the energy characteristic of his bus- of executive talent of more than ordinary mer- it. On the 20th day of May, 1840, he led to the altar Miss Deborah, daughter of Cornelius and Margaret Coolbaugh, who bore him chil- dren as follows : Theodore, Daniel and Mary. Mrs. Staples died in 1846. In November, 1848, he was again married, his choice being Mary Ann, daughter of Dr. John Thompson. Their union has been blessed with six children, namely, — Ella, Charles, Stogdell, William, Mary and May. 1168 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. corporations. Monroe County Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company. — This company was incor- porated by act of Legislature during the session of 1844 with the following officers and mana- gers : President, Joseph Keller ; Secretary, Charles B. Shaw. Managers : Joseph Keller, Benjamin V. Bush, Peter Keller, Joseph Trach, Jacob Shoemaker, John Edinger, Henry Fenner, Jr., Edward Postens, James Trach, Peter Keller, John Shively, James Bell, Jr., Daniel Brown, Charles B. Shaw. The company was organized under the plan of perpetual policies and continued thus to operate until 1875, when they were changed to the five-year plan. Since its formation it has enjoyed great prosperity. Its present officers are William Wallace, president ; C. D. Brod- head, secretary and treasurer. Managers : William Wallace, Frank Hageman, Charles Brown, Reuben Miller, Thomas W. Rhodes, Jerome S. Fetherman, James Kintz, James Edinger, C. D. Brodhead, J. Depue Le Bar, Jacob K. Shafer, D. D. Walton, Jacob J. An- gle. Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany of Monroe County. — The act of Leg- islature to incorporate the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company was passed March 21, 1861, and the company organized January 11th the following year, with the following officers : Joseph Fabel, president ; Michael Shoemaker, secretary, who, together with Moses W. Cool- baugh, Jacob Long, Charles J. Miller, John Miller, Philip Kresge, Felix Storm, Enoch V. Buskirk, Charles Frantz, Joseph Trach, Joseph Kemmerer, Jr., James Place and George La Bar, constituted the first board of manage- ment. The company has for twenty-four years en- joyed a career of signal success. Its present officers are S. S. Lesh, president ; P. M. Eilen- berger, secretary. Managers : Nathan Serfass, Israel Hauser, Joseph Kresge, C. Bittenben- der, C. W. Angle, John Storm, Timothy Kresge, Ezra Hunsicker, Abraham Xewhart, P. P. Schaffer, William Fine, P. S. Edinger. Commonwealth Building and Loan As- sociation. — This association was organized in April, 1878, with the following officers : R. S. Staples, president]; Wm. S. Barger, vice-presi- dent ; E. A. Bell, secretary ; Simon Barry, treasurer. It has from that time to the present enjoyed a career of uninterrupted prosperity, its loans having in 1885 reached the sum of $113,- 600. Its present officers are Garret Ramsey, president ; George E. Shaffer, vice-president ; E. A. Bell, secretary ; and Simon Barry, treas- urer. Strotjdsburg Gas- Light Company. — The corporation known as the Stroudsburg Gas- Light Company was formed during the sum- mer of 1875 by J. Gardner Haines and W. B. Buck, the latter acting as president and the former as secretary of the company. Bonds and stock were issued and chiefly disposed of in the borough. The bank building, better known as the old Presbyterian Church, on Sarah Street, was purchased and transformed into a gas-house, after which it became the receptacle of the varied machinery accessory to the manufacture of illuminating gas, such as retorts, superheat- ers, wash-boxes, scrubbers, engines and boilers. Lowe's process was introduced, the laying of the main pipes was begun and in the fall of the same year the company was able to furnish gas to the citizens of Stroudsburg. W. O. Florey was appointed superintendent of the works and continued to act in that ca- pacity until the fall of 1876, when, under a new board of direction, the following officers were elected : David Keller, president; Hon. J. B. Storm, secretary ; F. Mcllhaney, treas- urer. Soon after J. G. Keller was chosen as superintendent of the works, and continued to fill that position until February 16, 1876, when the property became his by purchase. Under his management the main has been extended, a number of improvements made and a very considerable increase made in the list of con- sumers. Stroudsburg Water Company. — The Stroudsburg Water Company was organized and its charter obtained in May, 1876, through the efforts of Dr. J. A. Cloud. The first meet- ing was held on the 7th of September of the same year, with the following gentlemen as officers and directors: Joseph Matlack, presi- MONROE COUNTY. dent; P. S. Williams, secretary; Jesse Cloud, treasurer ; Directors, John B. Storm, Jesse Cloud, Joseph Matlack, J. Albert Cloud, P. S. Will- iams. The capital stock of the company was fixed at sixteen thousand dollars. Fox Hill, one mile from the borough of Stroudsburg, was selected as an advantageous site, and works were at once erected under the supervision of J. A. Cloud, civil engineer. In January, 1877, William G. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, Dela- ware, purchased and is the present owner of the property. Mr. Matlack was succeeded by William Wallace as president, and he by John B. Storm, the present incumbent. The remain- ing officers are William G. Pennypacker, treas- urer; P. S. Williams, secretary; Frederick Phillips, superintendent. Stroudsburg Passenger Railway. — Pre- vious to the year 1870 the only public means of reaching the depot of the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western Railroad from Strouds- burg was by omnibus. This method did not altogether meet the wants of the residents of the borough, and, April 26, 1870, a company was formed consisting of Hon. R. A. Burnett, K. S. Staples, Thomas A. Bell, Simon Barry and Dr. J. Lantz, who obtained a charter and organ- ized the "Stroudsburg Passenger Railway Company." They immediately began the work of construction, and in four and a half months from that date the passenger and freight cars were making regular trips between the depot and East Stroudsburg. The first officers were Charlton Burnett, president; R. S. Staples, superintendent ; and T. A. Bell, secretary and treasurer. The directors were Messrs. Staples, Lantz, Barry aud Bell. The entire cost of the road was twenty-five thousand six hundred dollars. A perceptible advantage to the com- munity from the building of the road was apparent in the reduction of rates, the passenger fare having been reduced from twenty-five cents to five and seven cents, and the freight rate to half its former figures. The value of real estate was also to no small degree enhanced by the completion of the enterprise. It is conceded that this street railway was the first to apply heat to street railways, its cars having been rendered comfortable by stoves from the beginning. The company carries from twenty-five to thirty thousand passengers annually, and has, in addition, a coal-yard, the yearly sales of which reach from two to three thousand tons. The original stockholders have, with the exception of Dr. Lantz, disposed of their interest, he being now its president, treasurer and general manager. MANUFACTURES. Stroudsburg, notwithstanding its advantages of water-power and its railroad facilities, is not a manufacturing centre, and this interest is but meagrely represented. An act of Legislature was passed on the 8th of February, 1815, incorporating a manufactur- ing company in Stroudsburg, Northampton County, the commissioners appointed to organ- ize this company being Daniel Stroud, Samuel Brook and Peter Hollinshead, of the same county. It was to be styled the " Stroudsburg Manufacturing Company," but the purpose of its organization is not stated and no records ex- ist to indicate the subsequent completion of the project. • W. R. Bennett & Co., Manufacturers of Leather. — Tanning and the manufacture of leather has always been a prominent and important interest in Stroudsburg and Monroe County. The oldest tannery in Stroudsburg was erected and run by Charles and Jacob Stroud, sons of Daniel Stroud, in 1822, then in Northampton County. In 1833, after the death of Jacob Stroud, it was sold by the guardian of his children to Depue S. Miller, who managed it till 1849, when it passed into the possession of James R. Hull, then of New- ton, N. J., aud by him again to his brother Ger- shom, who is the present owner of the property, which has been idle since 1875. The product of the tannery was, under the Stroud brothers, " custom " work and later Union crop sole- leather. The Stroudsburg Tannery was built by Jacob Singmaster about 18-11, who operated it until 1876. It was then sold to Barnes & Mer- ritt, who conducted it till 1871. After lying idle for two years it was sold to Bennett & Dunk. After a partnership of four years Dunk retired and Mr. Cummings was a partner for WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. about a year, when the partnership was changed ! to W. R. Bennett & Co. The product of this manufactory has always been very important, viz. : imitation of bright and dull goat, glove calf, buff, war and harness leather and finished splits. The consumption of hides is two hun- dred and fifty per week. It employs all the must recent machinery and appliances and has the reputation of making and finishing as good stock as finds a market. It employs about fifty hands. Stroudsburg Woolen-Mills. — The com- pany which built these mills was organized in the fall of 1865 with a capital of forty-five thousand dollars (the stock being principally held in Stroudsburg), and began operations in the winter of 1866. It was conducted for a short time by the company and subsequently leased to the firm of Doster Bros., of Bethle- hem, Pa., after which Messrs. Kitson, Walker & Davis became the lessees. It later passed into the hands of Messrs. Wallace & Kitson, and is at present controlled by James Davis, of Stroudsburg. It is thoroughly equipped with machinery of modern and improved pattern, has twenty-eight looms and employs one hun- dred and twenty hands. The product is chiefly material for overcoatings, of which fourteen thousand yards of six-fourths goods are pro- duced per month and consigned to the New York market, where a ready demand for them exists. Both steam and water-power are em- ployed in running the mills. The present mana- ger is Thomas Kitson. William Ackerman's Flouring-Mill. — This mill, situated on the Pocono Creek, was built by Daniel Stroud during the years 182:2- 23. It was run by him for some years, then leased to other parties and finally came into possession of Stroud Hollinshead, who owned it for a period of twenty years, during which time it was rented to other parties. Its owners after that date were Peter Zimmerman, Valen- tine Albert, Jacob Harman and Gotlieb Au- racher. In 1860 Wm, Ackerman, in connection with Gotlieb Auracher, purchased the property, which was conducted under the firm name of Auracher & Ackerman for two years, when Jacob Harman secured the interest of Mr. Auracher and the firm became Ackerman & Harman. This busi- ness interest continued until 1873, when Mr. Ackerman purchased the property, of which he has since been sole owner. The last-mentioned firm made many improvements, including new machinery and a general reconstruction of the interior portion of the mill. In 1885 Mr. Ackerman introduced the roller process and made other important changes, thereby increas- ing the capacity of the mill and insuring the superior quality of its productions. The build- ing is forty by fifty feet in dimensions. Both custom and merchant work are done, the daily capacity being one hundred bushels. The wheat flour ground finds a ready market at home, the rye flour being principally shipped to Newark, N. J. The mill is entirely depend- ent upon water-power, which is ample for its needs. Flouring-Mill of James Gardner. — During the year 1863 a mill was built on the McMichael Creek, on the site of the present structure, by Messrs. Heistand & Gardner. It was forty by fifty feet in dimensions, had four run of stone, and was devoted to the manufacture of flour and feed. Mr. Gardner purchased the interest of his partner in 1866, and was for a brief time sole owner, after which William Wallace secured an interest, the firm becoming Wallace & Gardner. A disastrous freshet in 1869 swept the mill away, and the present commodious building was erected in 1870, the firm remaining the same until June, 1884, when Mr. Wallace retired from the business. The stream on which the mill is built furnishes ample power. It has four run of stone, six sets of rollers and a capacity of five hundred bushels every twenty-four hours. It is chiefly occupied with merchants' work and finds a ready market for its flour at adjacent points along the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and in Newark, N. J. It is thoroughly equip- ped with the modern and requisite machinery for doing superior work. Sash Factory, Plaxix<; and Saw-Mile of William Wallace. — Mr. Wallace, in 1865, purchased the water-power he controls on McMichael Creek, and erecting a saw-mill, MONROE COUNTY. opened in connection with it a lumber-yard. Six years later he added a sash factory and planing-mill, a flooring-machine being con- nected with the latter. All the material requir- ed for building, including sash, blinds, flooring, railing, siding, brackets, etc., is furnished here. The factory works up in various forms about one million feet of lumber per year. The saw- mill is confined to the sawing of oak timber, hemlock and spruce being sawed at the mills owned by Mr. Wallace on the Lehigh, in Wayne County, where two million feet per year are produced. Scranton, Pa., furnishes a market for the timber sawed at the latter mills, while the home demand is sufficient to keep the factory constantly active. THE PBES8. The Stroudsburg Gazette. — The first number of the Stroudsburg Gazette was issued in the fall of 1832 by John P. Robeson & Co. It is described as a paper half the size of the Jeffersonian, and decidedly Democratic in its political proclivities. Its existence was doubt- less brief, as no files have been preserved to in- dicate an extended or successful career. The Monroe Democrat. — The Monroe Democrat was founded at Stroudsburg before Monroe was erected into a county, by James Raffcrty, who came from Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, where he was born, grew up and learned the trade of a printer. When it first made its appearance it was just half its present size. It was published every Wednesday, at two dollars per year, and was a very creditable paper for that early time. In his prospectus Mr. Rafferty says : " It will be conducted upon Republican principles and support the regular Democratic nominations for National and State officers." It was therefore a Democratic paper from the start and always remained such to the present day. Some years afterwards, as the business of the office had grown to considerable dimensions, Mifflin Hannum, also of Wilkes- Barre, became a partner in the publication of the Democrat. This was continued under the firm of Rafferty & Hannum until 1S47, when Luther J. Ringwalt, of Philadelphia, suc- and published it until 1852. During a part of this time it was issued under the firm- name of Ringwalt & Schoonover, with Barnet Schoonover, of Middle Smithfield, as a partner. These parties sold out to David Keller, of Stroudsburg, who published the Democrat about five years, being assisted editorially by E. L. Wolf, a son of Governor George Wolf, of Eastou. About 1857 Mr. Keller sold to John De Young, Esq., of Flicksville, Northampton County, who, assisted by E. L. Wolf, continued its publication for about nine years. In 186ft Mr. De Young was elected one of the associate judges of that county, after which he sold the Democrat to A. O. Greeuwald, of Allentown. About this time Thomas Mcllhaney and Stephen Holmes had bought the material of the Northern Eagle, at Milford, Pa., and were about starting a new paper. The Democrats of the county feared this would result in splitting the party. After buying Holmes' interest in the new venture, Greenwald and Mcllhaney combined the two offices and the new project was dropped. Mr. Greenwald four months later bought Mcllhaney's interest and con- ducted the business alone until April, I879 r ■when he sold to R. S. Staples. Mr. Staples conducted it one year, when he sold the office again to Mr. Greenwald. The latter then pub- lished the Democrat until July 15, 1882, when he sold to Morey, Shull & Heller, then pub- lishing the Monroe Journal, which was later absorbed by the Democrat. Mr. Heller retired from the paper in 1884, his share being taken by Dr. Shull. In April, 1885, A. O. Green- wald bought a half-interest in the Democrat again and it is now published under the firm- name of A. O. Greenwald & Co., B. T. Morey being its editor. Amandus Ott Greenwald was born in Greenwich township, Berks County, Pa., Aug- ust 12, 1840. He removed with his parents to Allentown five years afterwards and obtained his early education in the public schools of the city. At the age of thirteen he entered the office of the Lehigh Register, edited by A. L. Ruhe, and subsequently by C. Frank Haines and David Diefenderfer, where he remained for three years learning the printer's trade, in which he became proficient, and made somewhat prac- 1172 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tical his book knowledge obtained at school. He spent the following year in the book-office of L. Johnson & Co. (now Johnson Type Foundry, Philadelphia), and feeling himself fully conversant with type-setting, he started out as a journeyman, with a view of further prosecuting his knowledge in journalistic work and of visiting the then important places in the United States. For three full years, 1857-58- 59, he worked at his trade as a iourneyman in | tion and better fitting himself for the duties which he early began to make his life-work. Upon his return, Mr. Greenwald, in 1866, purchased the Monroe Democrat, at Strouds- burg, of Hon. John De Young, which he has ably conducted most of the time since — a period of twenty years. During his residence in Stroudsburg he has supported personally and through the columns of his paper all enterprises tending to develop different places, and traveled through twenty- five States and two Territories — West and South. Returning to Allentown, he further prosecuted his studies at the Allentown Academy and Allentown Seminary for three years, and for three years thereafter was a teacher in that city and in schools near by. He then made a tour of Europe for nearly one year, and visited France, Switzerland, Baden, Luxemburg, Wur- temberg, Belgium, England and Ireland, thus adding largely to his store of general informa- [ and build up the borough and county as an j integral part of the State, and secure to its citi- zens the highest plane of moral, religious and educational privileges, and politically to support unflinchingly the principles of the Democratic party. On August 26, 1867, he married Lorraine L., a daughter of Solomon and Louisa (Gangwer) Bieber, of Allentown, Pa., by which union he has four daughters, — Mary, Blanche, Martha and Betsey. MONROE COUNTY. The progenitor of the Greenwald family in Lehigh County, Jacob Greenwald, came from Germany, and was one of the early settlers in Weisenburg township, that county, and with his son, Jacob Greenwald, Jr., are reported on assessment rolls of that township for 1781. This Jacob, Jr., was the father of Christian, who married Miss Weiss, by whom he had children, — Amos (1811-72), father of our sub- ject, who bought land at Smithville, Berks County, Pa., where he erected the first building in the place, a hotel, which he conducted for four years, when he removed to Allentown, where he spent the remainder of his active busi- ness life working at his trade as a mason. His widow, Leah Ott, born April 3, 1816, sur- vives in 1886, and resides at Fleetwood, Berks County, with her sou. Their children are Amaudus Ott Greenwald and Dr. Manderville Greenwald, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and a practicing physician at Fleetwood. The other children of Christian Greenwald are Reuben, a farmer, died on the homestead, township of Weisenburg, Lehigh County; John a weaver, died at Hokendauqua ; Stephen, a cooper, died at Lobachsville, Lehigh County ; Daniel, a contractor and builder in Allentown ; and Salome, deceased, was wife of Nathan Schleuk, of Berks County. The Jeffersonian was started in Strouds- burg, by a number of leading Whigs of Pike and Monroe Counties, as a joint-stock enter- prise, and Richard Nugent, who was then en- gaged in the newspaper business in Honesdale, was invited to take charge of the paper, which he accordingly did. The first number was is- sued January 15, 1840. There was no paper published in Pike County at that time, and C. W. De Witt's name was inserted with Nugent's as editor of a Milford edition, which was circu- ated in Pike County, as a Pike County paper. This arrangement continued for about four years. Richard Nugent removed to Nova Scotia, where he established a newspaper, after publishing the Jeffersonian for a brief period. Theodore Schoch assumed control of the paper February 24, 1841. When first started it was called the Jeffersonian Republican, and the name afterward changed by Mr. Schoch to Jeffersonian. The paper was at first a five-col- uuiu folio, and has since been enlarged to a six- column folio. Theodore Schoch, the veteran ed- itor of the Jeffersonian, was born at Moores- burg, Northampton County, Pa., October 30, 1814. He obtained his education in the com- mon schools when they were kept open but three months in the year, walking three miles to school, which was held in a log school-house of the old pattern, with holes bored in the logs around the side, at a small angle from a hori- zontal position, into which round sticks were driven and boards were laid across for desks. The seats were slab benches. When a lad he lived with the Nyces, in Lehman, Pike County, for a short time. In the fall of 1834, or the spring of 1835, he commenced to work in the printing-office of J. P. Hetrich, of Easton, edi- tor of the Wliiy and Journal. He remained there about three years, and then worked on the Easton Sentinel for one year, after which he re- turned to the Whig office, and remained thus employed until July 14, 1840, the date of his arrival in Stroudsburg. John A. Carter had been publishing the Jeffersonian since the departure of Mr. Nugent. February 24, 1841, Mr. Schoch, as editor, issued the first number of the Jeffersonian, and lias, continued to control the paper since, covering a period of more than forty-five years. The Jeffersonian has been published in the interest of the Whig and Republican parties. The pa- per was started during an exciting political agi- tation, which led to the nomination and election of William H. Harrison. At that election Harrison carried the State of Pennsylvania by three hundred and forty-three majority, and Monroe County gave him three hundred and forty-five votes. The Whigs of Monroe, al- though in a minority in the county, claimed they saved the State for Harrison. Van Bureu at the same election had fourteen hundred and forty-seven votes, making a total of seventeen hundred and ninety-two votes cast by Monroe County November 6, 1840. CHURCHES. Stroudsburg Methodist Eitsi ■< >i>.\ r. Church. — It is exceedingly difficult to fix 1174 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the time when the first Methodist services were held in Stroudsburg. The historians of Meth- odism do not refer to the territory lying be- tween the Pocono Mountains and the Lehigh River and the Delaware River and the Schuyl- kill, yet that territory was traversed by mighty ones of God, who endured hardships, privations aud sufferings known to few ministers of the present day. Father Boehm and Dr. Stevens refer quite frequently to John Brodhead, a prominent minister in New England Methodism. This John Brodhead entered the itinerancy in 1794. He was born in Smithfield township, North- ampton County, Pa., October 5, 1770, in what was then known as "the Brodhead Settle- ment." From these facts it may be inferred that Methodist preaching was heard in the vicinity of his home as early as the year 1791 or 1792. It is not improbable that Stroudsburg was first visited by the preachers appointed to Bristol ■Circuit as early as 1788. The name of William Colbert, son-in-law of Colonel Jacob Stroud, cannot be too highly honored by the church in Stroudsburg. Al- though not the founder of Methodism in that vicinity, and although his name does not ap- pear in any close relations to that territory un- til his appointment to Bristol Circuit in 1796, he may not inappropriately be styled the fos- ter-father of Methodism in the present county of Monroe. In 182.5 William Colbert, who had been pre- viously located, was re-admitted to the travel- ing ministry and appointed to Stroudsburg. That was the first appearance of Stroudsburg in the " Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church." In 1826 Stroudsburg retaiued William Colbert as pas- tor. In 1827 Lawrence McCombs was presiding elder of East Jersey District. The ap- pointments for W r arren Circuit and for Strouds- burg were the same as in 1826. Up to the close of 1827 the preachers in charge of War- ren Circuit assisted William Colbert at Strouds- burg as regularly as though they had been ap- pointed to the circuit. Warren Circuit included Easton, Northampton County, Pa., while Stroudsburg was the name given to a circuit extending from a few miles above Easton to the Pocono Mountains, aud from the Delaware Water Gap to Mauch Chunk. David Best aud James Dandy preached in Stroudsburg alter- nately every two weeks. In 1828 Jacob Hevener was appointed to Stroudsburg, with William Colbert, supernu- merary. In 1829 Asbury District was formed, and George Baughart appointed presiding elder. Samuel Grace, James V. Potts and William Colbert, supernumerary, were appointed to Stroudsburg. Up to this year the society in Stroudsburg was without a church edifice. The Sunday services, class and prayer-meetings were held at different places, principally at the residence of William Colbert. When the academy, which stands at the corner of Green and Elizabeth Streets, was built, it became the regular place for preaching. Soon after Samuel Grace's appointment as the preacher in charge efforts were made to se- cure a lot of ground and build a church. A lot containing 36 i/s perches was procured from Daniel Stroud and Mary, his wife. The consideration was one dollar specie. The conveyance was made August 31, 1829, to the " trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in trust, that they shall erect and build, or cause to be erected and built, a house or place of worship for the members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church in the United States of America." The trustees named were William Colbert, John C. Melvin, Samuel Pugh, John Brown, George Huston, Michael Misner, Thomas Smiley, William Stiff and Michael Brown. A frame church, thirty-two feet by forty -eight, was erected at a cost of about $800,000, and in due time dedicated to the service and worship of Almighty God. In 1830, Samuel Grace, Bromwell Andrews and William Colbert, supernumerary, were the preachers. The preaching-places on the circuit at that time were nine, as follows: Deamer's, eight MONROE COUNTY. 1175 miles below Easton ; Piscott's Swamp ; Stod- dartsville, a place not far from where the present town of Moscow is located ; John Seb- ring's, iu Pocono township ; Joseph Lee's, on Brodhead Creek ; Stroudsburg ; Williamsburg and Richmond. Iu 1831, James V. Potts, William Bloomer and William Colbert, supernumerary, were the preachers. In 1832, Thomas Miller, Oliver Badgely and William Colbert, supernumerary. In 1833, North Philadelphia District was formed. George Banghart was appoint presid- ing elder, and Bromwell Andrews, John Mc- Dougal and William Colbert, supernumerary, were appointed to Stroudsburg. The Conference for that year was held in Newark, New Jersey, commencing April 17th. In less than three mouths after its close, Will- iam Colbert ceased to live on earth. He diet! at Stroudsburg on the 16th of June, 1833, aged sixty-eight years, one month and twenty- six days. Father Boehm, who knew William Colbert long and intimately, says, " He was a great little man in the days of his glory." In 1834, Abraham K. Street and William Bloomer were appointed to Stroudsburg. This was the last appointment William Bloomer received from the Conference. In the mouth of November he was called to his home in heaven. In 1835, Jonas Bissey and John L. Taft were appointed to Stroudsburg, but John L. Taft was removed to another field of labor a short time after Conference, and James Flanuery was employed by the presiding elder in his place. Iu 1836 the German Mission was united with Stroudsburg. Jonas Bissey and Jacob Davidson were the preachers. In 1837, James Smith was appointed presiding elder. Stroudsburg and Mauch Chunk were united under the care of Jacob Davidson and James Neill. In 1838 the German Mission and Stroudsburg were again united. Jacob David- son and William K. Goentner were the preach- ers ; in 1839, James Harmer and Peter Eisen- brey, the latter under the presiding elder. In 1840, James Flanuery was appointed preacher in charge, aud Johu Allen and Peter J. Cox were employed as assistants by the presiding elder. At the close of 1840 Mt. Bethel was sepa- rated from Stroudsburg and was supplied with preaching by Thomas Mack, who was employed by the presiding elder. Thomas Mack joiued the Presbyterian Church in 1842. At the close of his year's labors the name of the circuit was changed to Richmond, and this it has been called ever since. Stoddartsville was also separated from Stroudsburg at the close of 1840, and Peter J. Cox appointed its first preacher in charge in 1841. In 1841, James Flannery continued in charge of Stroudsburg. Solomon Higgins was made presiding elder of North Philadelphia District. In 1842, David E. Gardner and Henry B. Mauger were the preachers in Stroudsburg, the latter being employed by the presiding elder. In 1843, David E. Gardner was reappointed to Stroudsburg. Cherry Valley was made a dis- tinct circuit and Mahlon H. Sisty appointed preacher in charge. In 1844, John Ruth was preacher iu charge. Paradise was made a dis- tinct circuit, and John Shields appointed preacher in charge in 1844. Stroudsburg, Cherry Valley and Paradise were all called missions. In 1845, James H. McFarlaud was appointed presiding elder of Reading District. All of the appointments north of Attleboro', bordering on the Delaware River, were included iu that district. The divisions which had been made in Monroe County were not profitable. A return to the old arrangement of one circuit was deemed advisable. Cherry Valley and Paradise were included uuder the uame of Stroudsburg. John Edwards was preacher in charge. Bremmer was assistant, em- ployed by the presiding elder. Iu 1846, William L. Gray and Samuel R. Gillingham were the preachers, the latter under the presiding elder. In 1847 aud 1848, John W. Mecaskey was preacher in charge. Wil- liam B. Walton was employed as assistant by the presiding elder in 1847 and William H. Boswell in 1848. In 1849, Elijah Miller was appointed presiding elder of Reading District. Mahlon H. Sisty was preacher in charge of Stroudsburg, with Frederick Illman as assistant under the presiding elder. In 1850, Strouds- burg was again part of North Philadelphia WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. District. Robert Gerry, presiding elder, and M. H. Sisty ami Janus N. King were the preachers, the latter under the presiding elder. In 1851 and 1852, John A. Watson and William B. Wood were the preachers. They reported at the close of their first year two hun- dred and ninety-five members and twelve pro- bationers. At the close of their second year they reported two hundred and forty-four mem- bers and seventy-one probationers. During their pastorate, J. A. Watson and W. B. Wood took the preliminary steps to secure a larger and more comfortable church edifice. A lot was selected, though not purchased, and many of the arrangements made for the build- ing of a substantial brick church. At the close of their term of service Stroudsburg be- came a station, which it has remained until this present time. In 1853, Joseph Castle was presiding elder of North Philadelphia District. James Hub- bard was appointed to Cherry Valley Circuit, and John F. Boone to Stroudsburg. The arraugements for removal from the old frame church were completed during the pas- torate of Bro. Boone, which continued until the spring of 1855. On the 27th of May, 1853, application was made to the court of Monroe County for a charter incorporating " the Stroudsburg Meth- odist Episcopal Church." The petitioners were Robert Boys, Stroud Burson, Charles R. Andre, Samuel Rees, Mi- chael M. Burnet, Richard S. Staples and James Van Buskirk. On the 26th of September, 1853, the court granted the prayer of the peti- tioners. A lot having been secured, the work of building was commenced and pushed for- ward with vigor, although the edifice was not occupied until August, 1854. The entire cost of the church was six thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars, all of which was provided for before the dedication, except six hundred and sixty-one dollars. The pastor was assisted in the dedicatory services by Bishop Levi Scott, Dr. Castle, the presiding elder, and David W. Bartine. In 1854, James Hubbard was appointed to Stroudsburg as supernumerary with John F. Boone. On the 20th of February, 1855, Mr. John Boys and Hannah S. Boys, his wife, ex- ecuted the deed for the lot on which the new church had been built. The consideration was seven hundred dollars in specie. The trustees named were the same as those referred to in tin- application tor a charter. At the Conference of 1855, Paradise Mission was separated from Cherry Valley Circuit, and left to be supplied by the presiding elder. James E. Meredith was appointed to Strouds- burg. On the 18th of June, 1855, the old frame church, with the lot of ground on which it stood, was sold by the " Stroudsburg Methodist Episcopal Church " to James T. Palmer and William E. Palmer for the sum of six hundred dollars. The deed was signed by Robert Boys, president, and Charles R. Andre, secretary. Ferdinand Dutot and James H. Walton were the witnesses. In 1856, James E. Meredith was reappointed to Stroudsburg and Francis D. Eagan was ap- pointed to Paradise. In 1857, Pennel Coombe was appointed presiding elder. In 1857 and 1858, George W. MacLaughlin was pastor of Stroudsburg. In 1859, John Chew Thomas was appointed to Stroudsburg, but after exert- ing a holy influence upon both church and com- munity, he died very suddenly on the 18th day of January, 1860. James Farmer Reynolds was taken from Cherry Valley Circuit to serve the church in Stroudsburg until the close of the Conference year. In 1860. David W. Bartine was appointed presiding elder of North Philadelphia Dis- trict. Charles I. Thompson was appointed pastor of Stroudsburg. In 1862 and 1863 Thomas A. Fernley was pastor of Stroudsburg. In 1864 and 1865 Wil- liam J. Paxson was pastor. In 1865 Joseph Mason succeeded D. W. Bartine as presiding elder. During the year the church debt, which had been steadily increasing for a number of years until it had reached the sum of one thousand dollars, was entirely paid. In 1866 John H. MONROE COUNTY. 1177 Alday was appointed preacher in charge. His ministrations were blessed with the greatest revival ever known in that section of country. In 1867 John H. Alday was reappointed to Stroudsburg. His pastoral relations, which had been greatly blessed of God, terminated with the Conference of 1868. In 1868 and 1869 William M. Ridgway was the pastor of Stroudsburg. In 1869 William Cooper was appointed presiding elder of North Philadelphia District. The question of enlarging the old church, or building a new one, was carefully considered by the official members in the latter part of Brother Ridgway's first year and the early part of his second', until the conclusion was reached that an enlargement of the old edifice, in an entirely different style of architecture, was an absolute necessity. In June, 1869, the work of remod- eling was begun ; the old front walls were torn down, the roof taken off, the floor of the main audience-room raised, an addition of fourteen feet made to the front of the building and a recess of eight feet added to the rear centre. The work was pushed forward with vigor, under tin' superintendence of a building committee, us consisting of the pastor and R. S. Staples, C. P. Broadhead and D. Keller, Esqs., until the new roof was put on and the lecture-room was ready for occupancy; the congregation in the mean time, by the courtesy of the county commission- ers, worshipping in the court-house. At the Conference of 1870 W. M. Ridgway was appointed to Mariner's Bethel, Philadel- phia. In 1879 John S. Janes McConnell was appointed pastor of Stroudsburg. Early in the year the work of remodeling, which had been suspended when the lecture-room was fin- ished, was resumed. The committee appointed to superintend the work consisted of the pastor, S. S. Dreher, J. B. Storm and C. P. Broad- head. They labored under many difficulties, caused by circumstances which had not entered into the calculations of the trustees when the enterprise was inaugurated. These, however, were surmounted and its congregation entered the house free of debt in July, 1871. The building was again remodel- ed and beautified under the ministrations of Rev. W. H. Elliott, The pastors who have in succession been in charge of the church since Rev. J. S. .1. McConnell are Revs. George W. F.Graff, J. F. Chaplin, G. W. Carroll, J. F. Meridith, W. H. Elliott, George Heacock and John Dyson, the present incumbent. The trus- tees are Hon. S. S. Dreher, Hon. John B. Storm, Nicholas Ruster, Wm. Ackerman, Reuben Miller, Joseph Wallace, Simon Barry and C. D. Brodhead. The present class-leaders are Dr. Nelson Peck, George W. Mount, C. D. Brodhead. The superintendent of the Sabbath- school is C. D. Brodhead. The membership roll embraces three hundred names. Presbyterian Church. — The principal instrument in founding the Presbyterian Church in Stroudsburg was the Rev. Jacob T. Field. In the spring of 1827 Mr. Field had obtained a commission from the American Home Mis- sionary Society to labor for a period of two months in Mauch Chunk and vicinity. Upon arriving there, however, he found the ground already occupied. Relinquishing his original de- sign, he came on a visit to Stroudsburg, where he had some relatives residing. Being solicited tore- main here and labor in the ministry, he wrote to the 1178 WAYNE, IMKK AND MONItOK ('< U'NTIKS, I'KNNSYLVANIA. board and had his commission changed to this field. He also solicited and obtained the assist- ance of the Mr. Solomon Carpenter, then noted for the sticcess of his evangelistic labors. Under the united efforts of these two apostolic men an extraordinary religious interest was awaken- ed throughout the entire community. The way seemed now prepared for the organization of a church; anil, accordingly, on the 15th of August, L827,a church was formally organized, consisting of eleven persons, to be connected •RESBYTERIAN CHURCH. with the Presbytery of New ton. The names of these original members were as follows, viz. : Jane Andrew, Jane Drake, Eliza Bidleman, Rachel Riter, Eliza Wilson, Elizabeth Miller, Ellen Postens, Amos Miller, Peter Landers, Hannah Morgan and Joseph Kerr, of whom Joseph Kerr and Amos Miller were duly elect- ed and set apart as ruling elders and constituted, with the officiating minister, the first session. On the expiration of the time to which his commission extended Mr. Field leftStroudsburg, and in the spring of 1828 his place was sup- plied by Mr. John M. Dickey. After an interval of some months, during which the church was visited several times by the Rev. John Gray, of Easton, Pa., and the communion administered and a number of members admitted, the Rev. Samuel Sturgeon arrived and acted as stated supply during the years 1829 and 1830. In the month of November, 1831, the Rev. Charles Tappan came and supplied the church regularly until the summer of 1 S:>2. In the month of November of this year the Rev. Ja- cob T. Field was again engaged to supply tins church in conjunction with that at Smithficld. He commenced his labors on the 17th day of the month and continued to labor with great ac- ceptance and success from that time on till the spring of 1837. During this period, of some four years and a half, the church of Stroudsburg made rapid progress and was enlarged by an ad- dition of more than forty members. In the spring of 1837 Mr. Field left Strouds- burg, and his place was supplied, during the following winter, by the Rev. Benjamin I. Lowe. In the spring of 1838 he returned to his old charge and was regularly installed pastor of the United Churches of Stroudsburg and Smith- field June 26, 1838. In this charge he con- tinued to labor until the fall of 1840, when he relinquished the work of the ministry alto- gether. His pastoral relation was dissolved by the Presbytery on the 5th of October, 1841. In the winter of 1840 the church at Strouds- burg was supplied for a period of three months by the Rev. John McNair. In the month of May, 1841, the services of the Rev. Baker Johnson were secured as stated supply for the churches of Smithfield and Stroudsburg. This arrangement continued un- til the spring of 1844, when the church of Stroudsburg resolved that they would endeavor to secure the services of a minister who should devote the whole of his time to them. They, accordingly, in the fall of 1844, called the Rev. William Scribner, who was ordained and in- stalled by the Presbytery of Newton, then in session at Stroudsburg, on the 13th day of No- vember, 1844. This relation continued until the spring of 1849, when Mr. Scribner resigned, and the former union with Smithfield was re- newed, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson was formally installed as pastor of Stroudsburg Church on the 28th MONROE COUNTY. 1179 day of November, 1849, and continued to labor as such until the spring of 1853. In the spring of 1854 a call was extended to the Rev. J. Edwin Miller, which he accepted, and, on the 13th day of June following, he was installed pastor by a committee of the Presby- tery of Newton. Mr. Miller,' in 1860, resigned, and was succeeded by the Rev. Myron Barrett, who labored as stated supply for two years. On the removal of Mr. Barrett he was suc- ceeded by the Rev. George F. Cain, now of Williamsport, Pa. He was ordained to the office of the holy ministry on the 28th of May, 1863, by the Presbytery of Newton, and, on the same day, installed as pastor of this church. After the retiracy of Mr. Cain, the Rev. Ben jamin Smith Everett was called to succeed him, and began his labors on the 1st day of July of that year. On the 17th of November following Mr. Everett was installed pastor, he having been received as a member of the Presbytery of Newton, at its stated meeting, the preceding October. This pastoral relation was dissolved on the 20th day of January, 1869, Mr. Everett having received and accepted a call to the Pres- byterian Church of Montclair, N. J. The church remained vacant until the 14th day of August, 1869, when the Rev. William H. Dinsmore, of Mahanoy City, Pa., was unani- mously chosen to fill the pastoral office. Mr. Dinsmore, having accepted the call, was duly installed, though no record of the installation services can be found. He was released from his pastoral charge on the 17th day of February, 1876, and removed to Deerfield, N. J., to the church of which place he had been called. The church being now vacant, a congrega- tional meeting was held on the 17th day of March, 1876, for the purpose of electing a pas- tor, when R. M. Wallace was unanimously chosen. Having accepted the call tendered him, he was duly installed on the 4th day of May, 1876. Joseph Kerr and Amos Miller were the first ruling elders in the Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church, they having been elected, ordained and installed on the 15th day of August, 1827, the day of the organization of the church. Of these, Mr. Kerr has usually been called "The Father of the Church," for the reason that he took a more prominent part in the starting of the church, and was for a longer period of time identified with it, in an official capacity, *han any other. He served for more than forty years in the capacity of an elder ; was, for many years, the president of the board of trustees, and collected most of the money used in the support of the pastor, and in the erection of the first church edifice. He was generally sent, in the earlier periods of its history, to represent his church in the ecclesiastical courts. II is colleague, Mr. Miller, after serving, as an elder, for a period of nearly eleven years, was, at his own request, excused from acting any longer in that capacity. < >n the 29th day of December, 1832, Messrs. Samuel Drake and James Bush were elected additional elders, and were ordained and installed as such on the afternoon of the same day. Joseph V. Wilson and Daniel 8. Hollinshead, having been elected, were ordained and installed as elders November 22, 1835. Dr. William 1*. Vail was ordained and installed June 16, 1838. Jeremy Mackey, July 23, 1843, and John Malvin, who had previously been an elder in Smithlield, was elected and installed as such, here, on the 22d of Septem- ber, 1847. Jeremy Mackey, who had previously removed from the place, and served some time as an elder at Smithfield, returned ; and, having connected himself with the church here, was re- elected and installed on the 22d of April, 1860. William F. Bush was ordained and installed November 24, 1861, and Messrs. J. W. Cole, James I). Hull and Stephen Holmes, Jr., were elected on the 27th of May, 1874. They were ordained and installed on the 14th day of June following. Jesse R. Smith, Peter Williams and E. H. Weeks were also elected and ordained as deacons at this time. Of these, Mr. Malvin, next to Mr. Kerr, served as an elder the longest time. He was a member of the session for more than thirty-five years. The next longest service is that of Judge Mackey, who was an elder (except a few years) since 1843, until his death. William F. Bush has served for many years, as also Dr. William P. Vail. The following persons have served the con- gregation, in the capacity of trustees, from a 11S0 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. period shortly after its organization up to the present time. They were elected to the office in the order in which they are here named, viz. : Joseph Kerr, Joseph V. Wilson, Michael H. Dreher, Samuel Drake, Jr., Abraham Rinker, Dr. William P. Vail, Daniel S. Hollinshead, John Malvin, Jeremy Mackey, John Tee], Wil- liam C. Larzelier, George H. Miller, George Malvin, Robert R. Depuy, Daniel Peters, James A. Pauli, George H. Dreher, William Hollinshead, Jesse R. Smith, Jacob L. Wyckoff, William F. Bush, Robert Brown, George Kern, Thomas Mcllhaney, James Smiley, Jeremiah Williams, Melchoir Dreher, H. S. Wagner, James H. McCarty, M. L. Hutchinson, A. C. Jausen and Peter S. Williams. To these gen- tlemen the church is indebted for the manage- ment of its temporal affairs, hitherto. Church Edifices. — The first meetings of the congregation for religious worship were held in an old barn, of large dimensions, which covered the ground on which the Lutheran Church now stands. The three days' meeting conducted by Messrs. Campbell, Candee and Talmage was held here. The congregation soon removed to the old Stone Academy, afterward called "The Seminary," on Green Street. This continued to be used until some time in the beginning of 1834, when the old church edifice, on Sarah Street, was com- pleted and ready for occupancy. The lot on which this first church edifice owned by the congregation stands was donated by the liber- ality of Daniel Stroud, Esq., and the requisite steps taken to put up a building in the mouth of December, 18-32. Joseph Kerr, Joseph V. Wilson, Michael H. Dreher, Samuel Drake, Jr. and Abraham Rinker were the trustees and building committee, and they collected the funds, gathered the materials and pushed the matter forward, during the year 1833, until the house was completed and ready for use, at the open- ing of the year 1834. Here the church maintained its worship, and enjoyed its ordinances for a period of over twenty-six years, when, in consequence of the growth of the town and the enlargement of the congregation, the place became too strait for them ; and, accordingly, on the 11th day of June, 1860, at a meeting of the trustees, a com- mittee was appointed, consisting of James A. Pauli, William Hollinshead, Daniel Peters, Jeremy Mackey and George Dreher, " to make inquiry in relation to a suitable lot whereon to erect a new Presbyterian Church." Nothing effectual was done until the 14th day of Feb- ruary, 1867, when a congregational meeting was held, at which the following, among other resolutions, were adopted, viz.: " Resolved, 1st. That we will, now, proceed to build a Church, either on Main Street, or as near to it as possi- ble. 2d. That A. Reeves Jackson, Jeremy Mackey, Robert Brown, M. H. Dreher and Jacob L. Wyckoff be a building committee. 3d. That Stephen Eolmes, M. H. Dreher and John Malvin be a committee on subscriptions." Thus officered and equipped, the enterprise moved forward rapidly and energetically, through the spring and summer of 1867. The church edifice was, at length, completed and dedicated to the worship of the Triune God on the 8th day of October, 1868, with but comparatively a small debt on it. This debt was very materially reduced by well-di- rected efforts set on foot during the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Dinsmore. Rev. Dr. Wallace resigned the charge of the Stroudsburg Church during the spring of 1884, and the congregation having heard Mr. S. G. Hutchinson, of the Senior Class of Princeton Theological Seminary, extended to him a unanimous call. The call was accepted, and he was ordained to the gospel ministry and formally installed over the church during the September meeting of Presbytery in 1884. Under his pastorate the attendance at the Sab- bath services have largely increased. Within little more than a year over thirty have con- nected themselves with the church, and the outlook is promising and encouraging. The Society of Friends. — About the year 1826 a separation occurred between the Orthodox and the Hicksite branches of the So- ciety of Friends. The latter erected, about the year 1830, a plain frame meeting-house oppo- site the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Main Street, from which they removed, in 1872, to quarters more commodious and comfortable. MONROE COUNTY. 1181 The latter meeting-house is located on the cor- ner of Franklin and Sarah Streets, a brick structure fitted with every convenience. The Society of Friends in Stroudsburg was formed of such earnest members as John Flagler, John Palmer, Catherine P. Foulke and others, many of whom have long since passed away. Mrs. Foulke still survives, and is the only recognized speaker at the present time. The descendants of the early members have embraced the faith of their fathers, and are now the chief support- ers of the society. St. John's Lutheran Church. — On Sun- day, December 23, 1866, Rev. D. M. Hcnkel organized a congregation of twelve male mem- bers in the court-house at Stroudsburg, under the title of " St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Stroudsburg, Pa." Trustees were appointed by the court, John S. Fisher, Fred- erick Kiser and John Edinger being among the first officers of the organization. A site was secured for the church on the west side of Po- cono Street, north of Main, and on the 4th of July, 1868, the corner-stone was laid with fit- ting ceremonies, Dr. F. A. Muhlenberg deliver- ing an address suited to the occasion. On Sunday, the 24th of October, 1869, the church was consecrated to the service of God by appro- priate exercises ; the sermon being preached by Dr. C. W. Schaeffer, of Philadelphia. In the afternoon services wei'e conducted by Rev. A. T. Geissenhainer, also of Philadelphia, and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Belfour, of Faston. Confirmation and communion were also held on this Sunday. At the close of the year 1870, Rev. Mr. Henkel presented his resignation, and Rev. G. W. Marriott was elected to serve the church for one year. Rev. John Kohler became pastor during the latter part of the year 1873, and during his pastorate the entire debt of the church was liquidated. Rev. John W. Mat- tern, the present pastor, was called December 1, 1882. Within the last few years the edifice has been beautifully repaired, and at present is one of the most attractive churches in the bor- ough. For many years the organization was bur- dened with a heavy debt, but at present its fi- nances are in excellent condition, it being not only free of debt, but through the munificence of the late Frederick Kiser, the recipient of a legacy of fourteen hundred dollars. It has a membership of about fifty, and its prospects for the future are hopeful and encouraging. Ziun's Reformed Church. — The congre- gation was organized May HI, 1882. Prior to that time several efforts at organization had been made, all of which failed. At the May meeting of the East Pennsylvania Classis the congregation thus formed was constituted a mission and Rev. G. W. Kershaw recommend- ed as pastor. On August li, 1882, he was duly installed as pastor of the congregation, which worshipped at first in the court-house. But steps were taken early to secure a church build- ing, and a lot was finally purchased on Green Street. Ground was broken in September, 1883, and the corner stone laid with appropriate ceremonies on August 1, 1883. The work pro- gressed rapidly until January, when, the build- ing being inclosed, labor was suspended until the following summer, after which it was pushed toward completion, and the church was dedicated November 16, 1884. The building is a neat brick structure in Gothic style, with tower at the side. Its dimensions are thirty- six by sixty, with a front of forty-two feet of pressed brick. In front and on the sides are large cathedral glass windows. The interior is finished in hard wood, ceiling of ornamental wood-work, the principal rafters exposed and the entire ceiling covered with yellow pine lin- ing. The church is heated by steam. The light is furnished by two large gas-burning reflectors in the ceiling. The seating capacity is four hundred and the entire cost about eight thou- sand dollars. The building committee were Messrs. Jacob K. Shafer, Samuel Hood, H. T. Van Iderstine, J. L. Bowen and Jerome S. Wil- liams. The present membership is fifty-five. CEMETERIES. The Stroudsburg Cemetery. — The ap- plication for the incorporation of the Strouds- burg Cemetery was made to the judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Mouroe Countv by the following gentlemen : Stroud Burson, Silas 1182 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA V. Drake, Simon Barry, Thomas M. Mcll- hany, S. J. Hollinshead, Wm. T. Baker, Robert Brown, R. S. Staples, Edward Brown, J. H. Stroud, John Edinger, A. Reeves Jackson, Wm. Davis, Joseph Troch, David Keller, John De Young, Jeremy Mackey. The decree of incorporation was granted May 26, 1864, and at a subsequent election the fol- lowing officers were chosen : William Davis, president ; A. Reeves Jackson, secretary ; Rich- ard L. Staples, treasurer ; and Samuel S. Dreher, James Boys, Jacob L. Wyekotf, Wm. S. Rees, A. Reeves Jackson, Richard L. Staples and William Davis, managers. A proposal was received from Jacob Singmaster, Esq., suggest- ing the gift of a lot of about seven acres west of the borough, on condition that the sum of one thousand dollars was expended in fencing and improving the ground, which proposition was accepted. The work of improvement was com- pleted and the demand for lots so great as to render an addition to the grounds necessary. A piece of ground was therefore purchased of Henry Singmaster in 1879, embracing seven acres and forty-two perches, and added to the original tract, the whole being substantially fenced and laid out in plots. The location of this cemetery is picturesque and attractive. Well-kept walks lead iu all directions, while trees, shrubs and flowering plants add to the beauty of the spot. Many graceful and impos- ing monuments mark the last resting places of former citizens of Stroudsburg. A cemetery situated on the road to East Stroudsburg, and midway between the two boroughs, now in disuse, was purchased and devoted to purposes of burial at the beginning of the present century. Among the old fam- ilies whose names appear here are those of Staples, Christian, Bush, Dutot, Robeson, La Bar, Bender, Morris, Burnet, Bartron, Hollinshead, Stroud, Kerr, Werkheiser, Boys, Bickley, Loder, Burson, Starbird, Rees, Brown, Dar- ling and Ransbury. Special interest attaches to this spot as being the last resting-place of Jacob Stroud, the founder of Stroudsburg, and his wife, Elizabeth, a daughter of John McDowel. A burial-place owned by the Society of Friends (Orthodox), and now abandoned, lies at the west end of the borough. Among the fam- ilies who have used it as a place of burial are those of Stokes, Postens, Farner, Hal lock, Bell, Brown and Jansen. The Hicksite branch of the society have also a burial-ground within the limits of the bor- ough, which is used at present. The families of Brown, Sites, Palmer, Flagler, AVintermute, Mellick, .Miller, Smiley, Phillips, Walton, Foulke and Raft'erty bury within this inclosure. Barger Lodge, No. 325, Free and Ac- cepted Masons. — Barger Lodge was organ- ized on the 6th of October, 1858, and the char- ter granted by Hon. Henry M. Phillips, then Bight Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The charter members were Dr. A. Reeeves Jackson, Hon. John De Young, Samuel Mellick, Charles D. Brodhead, William T. Baker, Jacob Stauffer, Robert W. Swink, Abram Edinger, Isaac S. ( lase, .lames H. Wal- ton, James A. Pauli, Charles S. Palmer. Mr. Phillips, of the Grand Lodge of the State, not being present, N. F. Marsh, D. I). G. Master, acted in his stead. The following members of the fraternity on this occasion composed the Grand Lodge : Wil- liam Barger, P. G. M., acting as G. M. ; R. A. Oakford, S. G. W. ; E. P. Kingsbury, J. G W. ; E. C. Lynde, G. Sec. ; N. F. Marsh, G M. ; Abram Edinger, S. G. D. ; James A. Pauli, J. G. D. ; Samuel Mellick, G. Tyler. Deputations from the various lodges at Mauch Chunk, Easton and Mount Bethel, Pa., were present and assisted in the ceremonies. The lodge being instituted, the following mem- bers Mere elected and installed as its first officers : A. Reeves Jackson, W. M. ; John De Young, S. W. ; William T. Baker, J. W. ; Robert W. Swink, Sec. ; Samuel Mellick, Treasurer. A hall was leased, fitted and furnished and the meetings of the lodge continued to be held at that place until the 9th of June, 1873, when more commodious rooms were secured and oc- cupied. A disastrous fire on the 19th of July, 1885, reudered another change necessary, when the present quarters in Greenwald's Hall, on MOXliOR COUNTY. 11 S3 Franklin Street, were secured. Id lsiiii ,a corm raittee was appointed to secure a lot for build- ing, and a site on the southwest corner of Eliz- abeth and Centre Streets being recommended, was accordingly purchased. This lot was re- leased forten years to J. S. Williams, who again leased twenty-five feet of the property to Wil- liam S. Flory. A committee was appointed to erect a building conjointly with Mr. Flory, the third floor to be devoted to the uses of the lodge. The third interest was then sold and a lease of the hall secured for teD years, after which it was furnished at a cost of two thou- sand seven hundred dollars and dedicated on the 1.0th of February, 1ST.".. Id April, 1882, the building was purchased by the lodge and occupied until the fire above mentioned, which also occasioned the loss of furniture, regalia and many valuable books and papers. The erection of a new building is, however, speedily contemplated. The present officers are Joseph H. Shullj Worshipful Master; Edwin Shafer, Senior Warden; James W. Cooke, Junior Warden ; Edward Baltz, Treasurer; Amzi Le- Bar, Secretary ; James Mahlon, Senior Dea- con; Cicero Gearhart, Junior Deacon ; A. B. Wyekoff", Senior Master of Ceremonies ; Hiram W. Kistler, Junior Master of ( leremonies ; Wil- liam C. Drake, Pursuivant; J. B. Woodward, Chaplain; Robert Thomas, Tyler; Represen- tative to the Grand Lodge, Peter S. Williams ; The trustees are Benjamin S. Jaeoby, Jacob K. Shafer, Peter J. Young, William Dreher. The Past Masters are James A. Pauli, Hon. Samuel S. Dreher, William T. Baker, George W. De Long, J. S. Williams, Benjamin S. Jaeoby, Alonzo B. Shafer, Hod. C. D. Brod- head, Peter S. Williams, George, E. Stauffer, William S. Barger, Amzi Le Bar, Archibald A. Dinsmore. The present membership is oDe hundred and ten. Port Pexn Lodge, No. 136, 1. O. of ( >. F. — This lodge was instituted February 13, 1846, by John Dickson, D. D. G. M., of Easton, Pa., its charter members being Samuel Hay- don, Joseph J. Posten, Henry M. La Bar, M. G. Grattan, William Meyer and others. Its meetings are held at Odd-Fellows' Hall, on Main Street, on Saturday night. Its present officers are Isaiah Skitter, N. <;.; Frank Noreross, V. G. ; John E. Sny- der, Secretary ; N. H. Shafer, Assistant Sec- retary; Edward Baltz, Treasurer; Joseph L. Bowers, Representative to Grand Lodge. Improved* >ederofRedMen. — Minisink Tribe, N<>. 195, of this order, was organized February 17, 1873, its charter members being I?. F. Morey, Samuel Hood, S. Fried, C. Mick, J. T. Palmer, Wm. Appenzeller, Jacob Michaels, Win. B. Bell, Lewis Kenist, N. H. Shafer, Fred. W. Born, D. R. Brown, Evi Etosenkrans, Ed. Singer, P. Born, J. K. Shafer, J. S. Fisher, Uriah Skitter, C. R. Andre, X. Muster, S. Fcathcrman, E. Peek, A. (). Greenwald, V. Kautz, E. Smiley and Ed. Baltz. Its tirst officers were Sioion Freed, Sachem ; D. S. Lee, Senior Sagamore ; H. B. Hitchcock, Junior Sagamore ; B. F. Morcy, Prophet ; J. S. Brown, Chief of Records ; P. Born, Keeper of Wampum. The Past Sachems are Simou Fried, B. F. Morey, M. D. Heller, J. S. Fisher, M. Miller, I J. Appenzeller, D. G. Palmer, Chas, D. Wal- ' lace, Ed. Fisher, U. Skitter, S. S. Williams, J. W. Cook, Ed. Baltz, N. Shafer, P. Born, F. Born, C. Mick, S. M. Dreher, J. Mick, M. Evens, M. B. Turner, J. Gangher ; B. F. Morey, Past Great Sachem. Its officers tor 1886 are A. Heller, Sachem; Ed. R. Wallace, Senior Sagamore; T. C. Brown, Junior Sagamore; S. M. Dreher, Prophet; S. S. Williams, Chief of Records; ('has. D. Wallace, Keeper of Wampum. Stroudsburg Fire Department. — The citizens of Stroudsburg feeling the necessity for some systematic protection against fire, a compauy was organized and negotiations were opened for the purchase of apparatus. Among the members of the first company were M. B. Postens, Jno. Stokes, Darius Dreher, Peter Born, Frank Laudis aud Mason Tock. M. B. Posten was elected captain, and Jno. Stokes, president, the latter being appointed a committee of one to purchase the apparatus. He bought a hand-engine in Philadelphia, which was christened " The Humane," the company being known by the same name. In 1184 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1865 the name of the organization was changed from " Humane " to " Phoenix," and a larger hand-engine was purchased from a tire company at Easton. In 1867 the company, desiring a building in which to keep their apparatus and hold their meetings, organized a lottery for the purpose of raising money to defray the ex- pense of building. The enterprise was a success. A lot was purchased by the company, on Frank- lin Street, near the court-house, and a substan- tial brick building, with a tower ami bell, erected on the same. The property is owned by the company, which is a chartered institu- tion, and is a volunteer company of great merit. In 1871 the borough purchased a Clapp & Jones third-class steamer, of forty-five hundred pounds weight. Besides the steamer, the bor- ough owns two hose-carriages, about one thou- sand feet of linen hose of the Eureka make, and a Silsby steam heater, by means of which the hall and apparatus room is warmed and about ten pounds of steam is always kept in the en- gine. The attachments between the heater and the engine are automatic and require no atten- tion whatever when an alarm of fire is given. The company have, at their own expense, added to the engine a Prunty relief valve and a shut- oft' and spray nozzle. By means of the last two attachments, the nozzle-men have entire control of the stream, shutting it off and turn- ing it on at their pleasure. This enables them to change their positions, move' the hose, pass through buildings not on fire, ascend and de- scend ladders, and in many ways gives them better control of the fire. Besides, all undue pressure is taken off of the hose. The engineer now need not watch the stream aud be con- stantly Stopping the engine. When the nozzle- man turns off the stream the relief valve takes (he water and passes it back into the pumps. This is kept up until the stream is again turned on at the nozzle. The company also have an automatic arrangement by means of which the gas in the apparatus room is lighted whenever there is an alarm of fire at night, and they are now experimenting on an apparatus to ring the bell on the tower automatically. The company consists of thirty able-bodied men, of which J. G. Keller is chief; N. H. Shafer, foreman ; Wm. Posten, assistant foreman ; Geo. F. Dreher, engineer ; Charles Schoch, assistant engineer ; H. Dodd, fireman; H. S. Wolfe, presi- dent ; J. J. White, vice-president ; A. J. Van O. Linda, secretary ; Geo. Shaekelton, assistant secretary ; and M. E. Miller, treas- urer. J. G. Keller is now serving his eleventh year as chief officer of the company. T. C. Brown and H. G. Huston are the only charter members now in the organization. The water supply as furnished by the Stroudsburg Water Company is very inadequate, the pipes being too small to supply the engine. Aside from that, the town is well supplied with water, hav- ing three creeks — the Pocono, on the west ; the McMichael, on the south and the Brod- head, on the east — and two races from which the steamer can draw, as necessity requires. The Stroudsburg Library. — The Strouds- burg Library wasorganizedabout the year 1833. The organization was effected mainly through the exertions of John Jordan. Liberal contri- butions of books were made by those who took an interest in the project, principally by Mr. Jordan, Daniel Stroud, Kev. J. T. Field and Peter S. Hollinshead, whose names appear on the blank leaves of several standard works in the library. The privilege of putting up a building was generously granted by the Ortho- dox Friends on their meeting-house lot, where it still stands. The number of volumes is about one thou- sand three hundred. The taste for sensational reading has perverted the reading taste, within the past three years, so as to cause the patronage of the library books to be too small to pay the expenses of keeping it open. It has there- fore been temporarily closed. Company F, Thirteenth Regiment National Guards of Pennsylvania.— This company which has its headquarters and armory located at Stroudsburg, having been in existence but little more than one year, has necessarily but a brief history. It was organiz- ed by Rogers L. Burnett, a graduate of West Point in the spring of 1884, who, discerning the material for a good company in Stroudsburg, communicated with Colonel Hitchcock, the commander of the regiment in Scranton, and //// '/ // / //f Sz-stt-ffe ' "" MONROE COUNTY. 1185 was by him instructed, after a season of discour- agement and disappointment, to proceed in his laudable endeavor. The company was formed ou the 31st of December, 1884, under the supervision of Colonel Hitchcock and other regimental officers, and at once proceeded to drill for participation in the ceremonies attend- ing President Cleveland's inauguration. Mr. Buruett was chosen captain ; Harry S. Wolf, first lieutenant; and John B. Williams, second lieutenant; and the following non-commissioned officers appointed in the order named: Ser- geants, M. E. Miller, James Lynch, John Decker, Frank C. Kerr, Ray Brittain ; Corporals, Calvin De Young, George Brown, Thomas Spragle, Irwin Rhodes, Theodore Murray, Bert Stanton, George Michaels and Frank Posten, the last-named corporal being also color bearer. On the occasion of the inaugural ceremonies the company received complimentary mention from their commander for excellence in drill. The company participated in the brigade encamp- ment at Mt. Gretna Park, Lebanon County, in July, 1885. Captain Burnett tendered his resignation, which having been accepted, John B. Williams was unanimously chosen to fill the position, and Sergeant Frank C. Kerr was elected second lieutenant. Sergeant Miller had meanwhile been promoted to the first lieuten- ancy, made vacant by the resignation of Lieu- tenant Wolfe. The company is now in a very promising condition, its organization being as follows: Officers. — Captain, John B. Williams ; First Lieu- tenant, M. E. Miller ; Second Lieutenant, Frank C. Kerr ; Sergeants, James Lynch, Ray Brittain, Calvin De Young, Theodore Murray, George Brown ; Cor- porals, Irwin Rhodes, Thomas Spragle, Bert Stanton, Horace Heston, John Gordon, Dimmick Edinger, Edward Nixon ; and Will H. Ramsey, Color Cor- poral. Privates.— George Allegar, George Boys, John Barton, Eugene Bowlby, Charles Depue, Jabez Detrick, Arthur Dreher, Eugene Emery, Edward Fuller, George Gordon, Edward Freeland, Peter Heberling, Peter Kunkle, George Kleekler, Howard Mansfield. Ben Nixon, Thomas Nixon, Clark Nace, James Pope, Simon Ruth, Dan Rhue, Sam Stark, H. Seiple, James Schoch, Harry Tock, R. Wolff, John Walter, Syd. Walton, George Born, James Zabriski, H. Gordon, Joseph Hill, Dimmick Posten, S. W. Lincor, G. H. Terry, Homer Kinney, George Hufford, 110 John Decker, Frank Posten, Howard Hill, Sam Dreher and Joseph Taylor, drummer. Wadsworth Post, No. 150, G. A. R.— This post was organized by Department Com- mander John M. Vanderslice, ou the 14th of November, 1879, its charter members being O. C. Jansen, R. W. Reynolds, Charles Yetter, Wilson Pierson, Josephus Williams, M.D., P. S. Williams, J. S. Williams, F. Knighton, D.D., H. B. Hitchcock, Harry Wolfe, W. R. Ben- nett, S. S. Lee, Stephen Giersch, B. F. Dungan, Solomon Kintner, Edward Nivel, John Mc- Neal. The post for some time occupied the Keller building in Stroudsburg, but for the past five years has held its meetings in Williams' Hall. It numbers ninety-six members, is in a very satisfactory condition financially, and in every respect prosperous. Its roster for 1886 is as follows : Henry Puterbaugh, Post Commander ; Caleb Rinker, Senior Vice-Commander ; George Mount, Junior Vice-Commander ; Harry Wolfe, Adjutant; A. C. Jansen, Quartermaster; A. Le Bar, M.D., Surgeon ; John L. Staples, Chaplain ; J. N. Shively, Officer of the Day ; William Gor- don, Officer of the Guard ; Lewis Walters, Quar- termaster-Sergeant j John S. Staples, Sergeant- major. The Past Post Commanders are A. C. Jansen, Charles Yetter, P. S. Williams, Harry Wolfe. The council of administration is as follows: A. C. Jansen, W. R. Bennett and P. S. Williams. Henry Singma.ster. — On the 19th day of September, 1749, the ship " Patience," Hugh Steel, captain, brought to this country two hundred and seventy passengers from the Duchy of Wurtemberg. Among these was John Adam Zangmeister, who settled in Bucks County. His son Adam, when a young man, Went from Bucks County to Millerstown, Lehigh County, Pa., where he obtained employment in the tannery of the Rev. Jacob Van Buskirk, whose daughter, Lydia, he afterwards married. Mr. Van Buskirk was one of the early pastors of the old Trappe Church, and is buried at Hack- ensack, New Jersey. After his death Adam Singtnaster bought his farm, May 27, 1810, con- taining one hundred and four acres and one hund- red and twenty-nine perches, for the sum of two WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. thousand five hundred and ninety-five pounds. He settled thereon and reared a family of seven sons — John, Jacob, Reuben, Samuel, Henry, William and Charles — and one daughter, Sarah, who married William Miller, and resided at Allentown, Pa. Adam Singmaster was one of the grand jurors of the first Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace held at the borough of Northampton, for the county of Lehigh, No- vember 30, 1813. He died July 28, 1820. Jacob, his sou, born January 1, 1805, became one of the pioneers of the tanning business, and started out in Juniata County, where he built for himself a large tannery. He was the founder of Tannersville, this county, where he built two large steam tanneries. He also built one at Stroudsburg, where he died, a bachelor, in March, 1874, leaving a large estate, which he had accumulated during a long, active and industrious life. He was a man of high character, a useful and influential citizen, and for many years one of the prominent business men of Monroe County. Samuel Singmaster, another son of Adam Singmaster, resides in Iowa, where he and his sons arc engaged in stock-raising and import- ing horses from France. He owns a great deal of land, some of which he purchased directly from the Indians. William Singmaster, another of Adam Sing- master's sons, was one of the earliest set- tlers of Missouri, where he owned considerable land. During the gold excitement he joined a company of his neighbors, who, with their ox- teams, crossed the Rocky Mountains into Cali- fornia, where they engaged in gold-digging. A few months after his arrival there he died, a bachelor, and was buried where Sacramento City is now situated. Charles and Reuben also lived in Missouri. John was the only one of the brothers who remained in Lehigh County. After his father's death he moved upon the old homestead, where he engaged in farming and tanning until he died, December 5, 1877, at the age of eighty. He left a number of descend- ants. Henry Sine-master was born on the homestead, in Lower Macungie township, Lehigh County, October 19, 1813. He passed his earlier years in the family of his sister, Mrs. William Miller, in Philadelphia, where he received an excellent education. For a few years he clerked in the store of his brother-in-law, in Philadelphia. He then learned the tanning trade with his brother John in Macungie. Subsequently he joined his brother Jacob in the tanning business at Lick- ing Creek, Juniata County. His brothers Sam- uel and Charles were also interested with Jacob at that place. At a later period the business was carried on there by Henry Singmaster and William Miller, and upon the removal of the latter to Allentown, Pa., Henry ran the tannery enterprise alone, conducting in connection there- with a store, farm and saw-mill at the same point. He subsequently engaged in farming in Bucks County. On March 21, 1871, upon the solicitation of his brother Jacob, he removed to Stroudsburg, Pa., for the purpose of assisting the latter in looking after his varied and ex- tensive interests. There he continued to reside until his death, on June 7, 1885. Henry Singmaster was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, a great reader, and pos- sessed of a vast amount of general information, which had been accumulated during a long life by close study and extensive travel. While en- tertaining decided political views, and manifest- ing great interest in the support of the ends and principles of his party, he never aspired to pub- lic place or position. He was strongly Lutheran in his religious tendencies, and assisted in build- ing a church of that denomination at Licking Creek. The church at Stroudsburg was also indebted to him for many liberal contributions, and it was'through his influence that the large debt of the church due to the estate of Jacob Singmaster was remitted. According to the terms of his will, the residue of his estate, after the death of his wife, will pass to the Lutheran institutions at Gettysburg and Philadelphia. He led a plain, straightforward, earnest life, avoiding ostentatious display and securing the respect and confidence of all. He married Ro- sanna, daughter of Charles F. and Rosanna (Gibbenger) Smith, formerly of Juniata County, who now occupies the splendid family mansion at Stroudsburg erected by Jacob Singmaster, MONROE COUNTY. ami in which her husbaud afterwards resided. .Mrs. Singmaster's parents live at Logansport, Indiana. Wiij.iamS. Rees.— September 12, 1682, a party of seventeen arrived in Philadelphia from Wales, having all purchased land in the Penn Indian purchase, in what is now Montgomery County, and among them were three Reeses,— John, Edward and Evan Rees, — and in 1780 (nearly one hundred years after), Samuel Rees, a son of Samuel Pees and grandson of Evan Pees, came into Northampton County (now Monroe), with his compass 1 (being then a young man only twenty years of age), to follow the luisiness of surveying, and October 4, 1792, he married Rachel Stroud and returned to the place where he was born, — " Trappe," Montgomery County, — where he resided until about 1806 (and during that time was a memberof the Assembly of Pennsylvania), when he returned to Stroud township (then Northampton), Monroe County, and lived on the farm left by Colonel Jacob Stroud to his daughter, Rachel Rees (fire Stroud), about one mile west of Stroudsburg, and during most of the time was a justice of the peace, (where Sheffield Reynolds now lives, on what is now known as the Snydersville road). The frame house and barn that he built on the place are still there, intact. On that farm he raised a family of ten children. Hannah, who married Daniel E. La Bar, a surgeon and an uncle of the present Judge J. D. La Bar, of the Monroe courts. She, Hannah, died at De- lavan, Wis., in 1856. Stroud, married to Chris- tiana Butz, whose grandfather, Michael Butz, came to America from Germany about 1683- 84 and also settled in Montgomery County. He died 1872, aged seventy-seven years, in Iowa. Elizabeth died single. Julia Ann, who mar- ried and is now living at Highland Park (near Chicago), Illinois. She was born February 4, 1 I'M), and is now in her eighty-eighth year, with good health, hearing and eyesight, and the only one of the family living now. Sally, married to Giles Sloeum, of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa., a nephew of Frances Sloeum, the girl cap- 1 The compass that he brought with him and used for fifty years is now in the possession of his grandson, William Stroud Kees, who has used it for forty-six years. tured by the Indians when a child in the Wy- oming Valley. Daniel, who was a physician and died in 1833 of typhus fever, at Strouds- burg, unmarried. Evan, a lawyer, and who died at Easton in November, is;;."), unmarried. Edward, a physician ; he practiced in Kentucky for twenty years, then married and settled at Jacksonville, III., and died there December 13, 1882, leaving a family. James Hollinshead \tw^, surveyor, practiced in this < nty from 1830 to 1834, when he went to Chicago, 111., and died there September 20, 1880 ; married, but no children. Ann Stroud Rees, who went to Wisconsin about 1850 with her mother and sister, Julia Ann, married a Dr. Sales and died in 1858, childless. Samuel Rees died at Strouds- burg January 16, 1811, in his eighty-first year. Rachel Rees died at Delavan, Walworth County, Wis., in 1S54, at the advanced age of seventy- nine years, eleven months and twenty-four days. William Stroud Rees, the present clerk of the county commissioners of Monroe County, is the eldest of twelve children of Stroud and Christiana Rees (are Butz), is the only one of the family living, and was born July 9, 1819, in a frame house that stood on the corner where the American Hotel stands, and is now the old- est citizen of the borough of Stroudsburg that was born within the limits of the borough ; is now almost sixty-seven years of age and is a well-preserved man. When about ten years old, in 1829, his father moved out of the borough into Stroud township, in a house he built near the spoke factory, and now known as Goforth's, where he lived, and from the age of twelve to fifteen, or three years, worked on the farm ami lived with his grandfather and grandmother on the farm. He went there on his twelfth birth- day, July 9, 1831, and left there in October, 1834, and on the 7th day of June, 1835, about tine month before he was sixteen, he left home, in company with his father, for Mauch Chunk, intending to learn the trade with his father, who was a carpenter. But when they got to Mauch Chunk his father went to work for George Law, who had a contract to build a bridge across the Lehigh, at Easton, and the work being of a kind too heavy for him, he started out on his L188 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. own account and hired to drive a horse on the tow-path, running what they called at that time " Jersey Flickers," small coal-boats, on the Lehigh and Morris Canals, and from there, after being about six weeks on the canal and after being promoted from a tow-path lad to bowsman, went to Lower Blacks Eddy and drove horses for a packet-boat running from the Eddy, by the Delaware and Raritan Feeder, 1 1 Trenton, twenty-four miles, going to Trenton o.ie day and returning to the Eddy the next. In August he was taken sick with fever, and after a severe attack, and after getting out, returned home in October. In December he went into what was called the^ecch Woods, in the lumber woods, getting out cherry logs, and in January was caught there at the time the deep snow fell, being four and one-half feet in depth. Snowed in for some time at Naglesville(now Tobyhanna Mills). In March, 1836, he again started out with his father and spent four years on the Lehigh between Mauch Chunk and White Haven, and at White Haven working at carpentering with his father, and in May, 1840, commenced sur- veying, working through the year 1840 at both carpentering and surveying, and since that time has followed the business of surveying and conveyancing. In 1841 he was appointed dep- uty surveyor by the surveyor-general, and held the position until 1846, and from 1843 to 1849 was deputy for James H. Stroud, the prothono- tary. He was deputy treasurer for Charles Fetherman, of Monroe County, and in 1854 he was elected register and recorder of Monroe County for three years, and in 1857 was re- elected for the second term. He got the principal part of his education in subscription schools, and after the age of twelve only by going to school in the winter ; and the only schooling he got after he was sixteen years of age was four months in the winter of 1838- 39, at a place in Smithfield township called " Hungry Hill," to a man named Charles Huff- man, who learned the carpenter trade at the time his father did with a man named Allabach, the main builder and contractor at Stroudsburg. In 1847 he married Esther Kester, daughter of the late Peter Kester, deceased, of Hamilton, a prominent tanner in that township in his time, and the owner of what was then, and still is known as " Kester's Tannery." They had six children, and raised two of them, two daugh- ters, the eldest, of which married and died a few years ago, in Iowa. His family at the present time is himself, wife, daughter and grandson. On his mother's side he was related to the Kel- lers and Bossards, his grandmother being Catharine Keller and his great-grandmother Christiana Bossert. He has been agent and surveyor for the Fire Insurance Company of Northampton County forty-five years, and has also been the same of the Bingham estate for Monroe County for about the same length of time. CHAPTER XII. EAST STROUDSIUTRG BOROUGH. This fast-growing and enterprising town was originally a portion of Stroud town- ship, and is situated upon the main line of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The rapid growth of the town after the completion of the railroad war- ranted its application for a charter as an in- dependent borough. In response to the appeal of its people it was incorporated as the borough of East Stroudsburg by the court on the 23d of May, 1870. The court provided that the first election should take place at the public house known as the Analomink House on the 11th day of June, 1870, wheu I. T. Puter- baugh was chosen the first burgess; C. E. Durfee, M. L. Hutchinson, A. W. Loder, S. P. Smith and W. N. Peters as the first Council. The land forming the site of the borough orig- inally belonged to Daniel Brodhead, which con- sisted of six hundred and forty acres. In 1856 the Delaware, Lackawanna and West- ern Railroad was completed, and the company built its first depot for the town, which stood at the head of what is now Washington Street. The increase of the population and business necessitated a new depot, and in 1864 the pres- MON'ROK COUNTY. list) cut depot and freight-house were erected. The business portion of the borough is represented by six general stores, two furniture stores, one harness manufactory and dealer, a jewelry store, a manufactory of cigars, glass manufac- tory, tannery, brewery, clothing, stove foundry and machine-shop, three hotels, two drugstores and two lumber-yards, and contains many fine and substantial residences of its citizens. The population is about two thousand. Old Houses. — The residence of J. R. Smith, located on Cortland Street, is the oldest house in the borough, being the old homestead of Daniel Brodhead, and, as near as can be ascer- tained, was built about one hundred and fifty years ago. It came into the possession of Mr. Smith by inheritance and purchase, he being the great-grandson of Daniel Brodhead. The old stone house standing on Washington Street, below the residence of J. H. Shotwell, is the next oldest house in the borough limits, it having been the homestead of the Starbirds, the estate consisting of one hundred and fifty acres, and passed into the hands of the late Franklin Starbird, and after his death was purchased by a number of the citizens of Stroudsburg and sold off in city lots. Borough Officers. — The following are officers who have served as chief burgess and Council since the borough was organized : 1871.— Burgess, I. T. Puterbaugh ; Council, C. E. Durfee, M. L. Hutchinson, A. W. Loder, S. P. Smith, W. N. Peters. 1872. — Burgess, Robert Brown ; Council, George L. Walker, John Bush, Jacob L. Rhodes, John Kresge, Jr., S. P. Smith, Peter Empy. 1873.— Burgess, Robert Brown; Council, Samuel Smith, Peter Empy, Levi Smith, Thomas Stemples, Charles Durfee, Samuel S. Detrich. 1874. — Burgess, George E. Stauffer ; Council, Jacob L. Rhodes, Samuel S. Detrich, Peter Empy, Levi Smith, John A. Gross, Samuel P. Smith. 1875. — Burgess, Philip Lyons; Council, John Burt, John Fenner, Joseph M. Crystal, Milton Yetter, Henry Teeter, Frederick Brutzman. 1876.— Burgess, Philip Lyon; Council, John Burt, John Fenner, Joseph M. Crystal, Henry Teeter, Frederick Brutzman, Milton Yetter. 1877.— Burgess, J. H. Shotwell; Council, J. B. Drake, David Van Vliet, Thos. Stemples, David Stem- ples, R. J. Blair, H. P. Kurtz. 1878.— Burgess, Thomas Stemples ; Council, Allen Keller, Geo. Cramer, W. W. Garris, Stephen Kistler, David Van Vliet, Miltou Yetter. 1879. — Burgess, James K. Fenner; Council, Alonzo Turpening, Geo. Mount, James Bryant, Allen Keller, William Van Gorden, Harris B. Hitchcock. 1880.— Burgess, M. M. Kistler; Council, William F. Bush, R. S. Blair, T. G. Hoffman, Philip Lyon, William E. Henry, Martin Chambers. 1881. — Burgess, James K. Fenner; Council, W. W. Garris, J. Bryant, David Mills, Christ, Gschwint, Jackson Kresge, George Kramer. 1882.— Burgess, M. M. Kistler; Council, D. Calla- han, A. M. Faugboner, J. B. Morgan, A. Pipher, F. B. Bruntzman, A. Turpening. 1883. — Burgess, Joseph I'.ossard; Council, James B. Morgan, J. H. Shotwell, Philip Lyons, Alonzo Turpening, Jacob Rhodes, Nathaniel Kurtz. 1884. — Burgess, Joseph Bossard ; Council, E. S. G. Kenardy, R. J. Blair, H. S. Puterbaugh, C. Cuning- ham, F. Brutzman, T. Stemples. 1885. — Burgess, Thomas J. Dunn; Council, David Van Vliet, Henry H. Teeter. Justices of the Peace. — The first justice elected after the organization of the borough was M. L. Hutchinson, who has served until the present time, being now upon his fourth term. George L. Walker, elected in 1871 and served two years; Alexander W. Loder, elected in 1872, served until 1885; William Voss, in office at present. Independent Order of Odd-Fellows. — The charter of Analomink Lodge, No. 946, bears date of April 17, 1877, and it was insti- tuted by Grand Master B. F. Boric. The records show that its charter members were, — B. F. Morey. G. E. Stauffer. R. S. Storms. David Van Vliet. Chas. Frankenfield- G. J. Fauseen. R. J. Blair. C. Eckert. M. F. Bush. Samuel Michle. Nelson Deitrick. Chas. Bush. A. Rockafellow. David Miller. H. Mann. B. S. Watson. William F. Nice. John Lee. J. W. Dreher. J. H. McCarty. Its present place of meeting is in Hutchin- son's Hall. The membership is about sixty. The officers at present are Michael Hardenstine, N. G.; David Van Vliet, Secretary; J. H. Zacharias, Treasurer. Knights and Ladies of the Golden Star. — Gardner Lodge, No. 15, of this order, was instituted April 22, 1884. The charter members were, — WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. J. A. ( rardner. A. K. .Miller. I iewis Bush. I. K. Bush. John Bossard. Ail hi 1 1- Brown. J. S. Williams. Frank K. Miller. Archelles Loder. A. E. l'ysher. A. M. Faugboner. Joseph Bossard. II. M. Mutchler. George Wolf. Owen Winger. Warren E. Van Vliet. Frank Vanwhy. F. B. Overfield. J. W. Paul. M. D. Turn. W. H. Voss. Doc F. Smith. J. H. Predjone. E. M. Decker. J. B. Williams. Tims. II. Stiles. The officers at the present time are,— W. II. Voss, Dictator; W. R. Van Vliet, Past Dictator; Rev. Frank, Orator ; Doc F. Smith, Secre- tary and Financial Secretary; H. M. Mutchler, Treasurer ; Rev. R. Smith, Chaplain ; James M. Kin- ney, Guide; Mrs. II. M. Mutchler, Assistant Guide; Wilson Kenney, Warden; David Miller, Sentry; Dr. I. R. Hush, Medical Examiner; W. R. Van Vliet, J. B. Woodward, H. M. Mutchler, Trustees. The body is composed of thirty-eight bene- ficiary and nine honorary members. The lodge meetings are held every two weeks. It was in- stituted April 17, 1877, by Grand Master Borie,. of Philadelphia. Its charter members are B. F. Morev, R. S. Storm, G. J. Fauseen, Charles Eckert, David Van Vliet, Nelson Detrick, David Miller, B. S. Watson, John Lee, George E. Stauffer, Charles Frankenfield, R. J. Blair, M. F. Bush, Samuel Michle, Charles Bush, H. Mann, W. F. Nyce, J. W. Dreher, J. H. McCarty. The Elk Horn Tannery. — This tannery, located at East Stroudsburg, was built in 1869 by the late Stephen Kistler, who conducted it until 1881, when, at his death, it came by will under the management of Stephen Kistler's sons for a period of five years. At the expira- tion of this time it became the property of its present owners, George L. Adams & Co. The plant is desirably situated upon the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and occupies about six acres of ground. The main building is two hundred and sixty-seven feet long and forty-seven feet deep, with three additions, — one sixty-two feet long and forty- two feet deep, another thirty-seven feet long and thirty -two deep, and the third twenty feet long and thirty feet deep, with extensive sheds for the storage of bark. The establishment is very complete in its mechanical appliances, and is operated by a seventy-live horse-power en- gine. The company are engaged in manufac- turing exclusively the Union crop sole-leather, and produce one thousand and twenty-seven hides per week, giving employment to many hands. The company owns and operates another plant, which is located at Spragueville, about live miles from East Stroudsburg, on the line of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail- road. (Ieorce Lin t coln Adams was born in the city of Boston December 5, 1854. He obtained his preparatory education in the public schools of his native city, at South End, and was gradu- ated at t lie English High School in Boston at the age of sixteen years. Inclining to a busi- ness, rather than a professional life, as a boy in the office, he entered the store of Atherton, Stet- son & Co., leather dealers, and afterward con- tinued a clerkship with that firm for some three years, until 1873, during which time he became conversant with the trade and had created a desire for a full knowledge of the manufacture of all kinds of leather. At the age of nineteen lie left Boston, relinquishing his favorable con- nection with the firm, which at that time com- manded a good salary, and for one year and a half engaged with Mr. Fulmer in his large tan- nery at Portland, Pa., where he worked regu- larly as an employe at one dollar per day. Lis proficiency and skill commanded the attention of his employer, and for the following nine months he served as foreman of the works at that place. For the further prosecution of this knowledge he was successively engaged at Bot- tle Run Tannery, uear Cumberland, Md., and in the upper leather tanneries at Pittsburgh, Pa., studying their methods of manufacture for some time, when he returned to Boston with the satisfaction that he knew how to tan a hide of leather. At once upon his return, in July, 1874, his services were sought by leather man- ufacturers, and he accepted the position of gen- eral manager of the " Oak Valley Branch Tan- nery," at Spragueville, Monroe Co., Pa., owned by Day, Wilcox & Co., of Boston, which he sup- erintended for two years so successfully in the MONROE COUNTY. 1191 manufacture of high grade, marketable leather, that he was asked to add to his charge the sup- erintendency of the " Oak Valley Taunery," at Mountain Home, in the same county. He ac- cepted this additional responsibility and con- ducted both with great success until the destruc- tion of the latter by fire, January 5, 1885. He employed some one hundred men in the tan- neries, carried on a store at the Oak Vallev which time he has managed the affairs of the company at Spragueville and at East Strouds- burg with unabated success. His thorough knowledge of the proper methods to be em- ployed in the manufacture of different kinds of leather to secure a high grade, and at the same time place the products of their tanneries on the market at all times, has given him an envious reputation among leather men, and, Branch, and, during the season for peeling bark, personally looked after the detail of this branch of the business, which required many scores of men. In 1881 Mr. Adams became a partner in the firm, and the new firm has since been styled George L. Adams A: Co. On March 23, 1885, the latter firm purchased the " Elk Horn Tannery " at East Stroudsburg, of the heirs of the late Stephen Kistler, since ] although young in years, he may be el along with the best-informed men in the leather trade. His wife, May V., whom he married Octo- ber 3, 1878, is a daughter of Thomas D. Stites, formerly a contractor of Philadelphia. Their children are Lucy Hamilton and Gracie Adams. His father, Adoniram J. Adams, a native of 1192 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Washington, Vt., is the senior partner of the firm of Martin L. Hall & Co., large wholesale grocers of Boston, and at the age of thirteen years left his native State, journeyed to Boston, where he, unaided, began life and to carve out a fortune for himself as a boy clerk with Stephen Hall & Co., in the very store where he is now the head of its vast business. His mother is Harriet Lincoln Norton, whose father was a ship-builder of Maine. Her father's brother was captain of a United States steamer from New York to New Orleans, and received high credit at one time for saving the ship in mid- ocean. Later he was appointed master of the port of New Orleans, and in 1886 is the govern- ment inspector of marine boilers on the coast. The children of Adoniram aud Harriet L. Adams are Edward D., a member of the firm of Winslow, Lanier & Company, of New York, and a financier of high standing ; Charles A., of Boston ; Walter B., with Adams, Blodgett A' Company, bankers, of Boston ; Franklin, connected with F. W. & I. M. Mon- roe & Company, boot and shoe manufacturers, of Boston ; and Hattie Adams. Old Stores. — Thomas Stemples, a native of Wyoming County, Pa., came to East Strouds- burg in 1863, and erected the building now oc- cupied by him, and engaged in keeping a gen- eral store. He removed his business to the stand now occupied by the Glass Company for their store, subsequently returning to his original place, where he has since conducted business. Peter Turpeuing and Colonel John Nice, however, previously kept stores. Mr. Stemples is now the oldest merchant of the town. C. S. Deitrich & Co. opened the first drug- store, and it is located on what is now Crystal Street, afterwards coming into the possession of S. S. Deitrich, one of the firm of C. S. Deitrich & Co., who now keeps it. Alexander W. Loder erected, in 1868, the building now owned by Dr. Lssch, in which he carried on mercantile business for three years, when he purchased the property on the corner of Crystal and Aualomink Streets, where he erected his present store, aud has carried on business since. Match Factory. — This factory was started in 1882, by W. E. Henry & Co., who conducted it for about one year, when they sold the bus- iness to the match combination, and it was closed up. Academy of Music. — In 1883 the prop- erty and building owned by W. E. Henry & Co. was bought for the purpose of making it a place for public entertainments by a company composed of the following parties : I. T. Puter- baugh (president), J. H. Shotwell (treasurer), M. L. Hutchinson (secretary) and Harry Puter- baugh (general manager), who, at an expense of several hundreds of dollars, have made it a desir- able place for entertainments. Its seating ca- pacity is five hundred, aud it is the only public hall in the county. Brewery. — The brewery conducted by John Burt, in rear of the depot, was built about 1867 by George L. Walker. It comprises sev- eral substantial buildings; five or six men are employed, and it has a capacity of fifteen thousand barrels per year. It is devoted especially to the brewing of ale and porter, and the manu- facture of mineral waters. In connection with the brewery, John T. Burt, son of the proprie- tor, carries on the bottling of lager beer. Ckiar Manufactory. — A. F. Kistler started a cigar factory in 1884, and carries on a large business, employing at times in the busy season from twenty to thirty hands, manufac- turing cigars for the trade. His goods are principally of fine grade, and he produces on an average, wheu the full force are employed, about seventy thousand per month. Machine Shop and Foundry. — Among the industries of the borough are the Keystone Foundry and Machine Shops. These works were built by G. Stauffer & Co., and consist of one building, one hundred and eighteen by thirty- two feet, with two additions in 1881. Mr. George E. Stauffer succeeded to the business at the death of his father. The works are located on Washington Street. Broadhead Creek, run- ning in the rear of the works, furnishes excel- lent power. The products of the establishment are engine, saw-mill aud clothes-pin machinery, and the manufacture of plows, and general ma- chine work, and finds employment for ten men. MONROE COUNTY. 1193 PjAST STKOTTDSBPfiG GLASS COMPANY. — In 1876 a gentleman named Chase organized a stock company for the purpose of manufactur- ing window glass and glass caskets, and erected the buildings now owned and occupied by the present company ; but the venture not proving a success, the business was suspended. In 1878 William Borrows formed a stock com- pany, composed of citizens of the town, with a working capital of seventeen thousand dollars, with the following officers : Amzi Coolbaugh, president; J. H. Shotwell, secretary and treas- urer; William Burrows, superintendent ; board of directors, Amzi Coolbaugh, J. H. Shotwell, William Burrows, Stephen Kistler and Milton Yetter. In the following year, 1879, William Burrows and Milton Yetter purchased the stock and interest of the com- pany, and have since conducted the business as a copartnership, and have employed as a work- ing capital one hundred thousand dollars. They give employment to one hundred men and boys, and turn out daily thirty-six hun- dred bottles of different kinds. The location of the works furnishes excellent railroad fa- cilities for shipping the products of the works and receiving its material, having a track of their own, which connects with the main track of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. In addition to the East Stroudsburg works, the company operates an- other extensive plant at Binghamton, N. Y., with W. F. Burrows as superintendent, and W. K. Burrows as general manager, giving em- ployment to one hundred hands. The success of Messrs. Burrows & Yetter lias added mate- rially to the growth and prosperity of East Stroudsburg. The company also have a large and well-stocked store in connection with their factory, for the benefit of their employes, and which is patronized largely by the public. Post-Offtce. — The first post-office in East Stroudsburg was established in 18(58, with \V. X. Peters as the postmaster. It was located in the store now kept by Thomas Stemple, Mr. Peters then being its proprietor. In 1869 he sold his business ami resigned in favor of Abra- ham Roekafellow, who removed it to his store opposite the depot, where it remained until August, 1885, when A. W. Loder was appoint- ed, and now has it in the building adjoining his store, and referred to in his personal sketch. Silk-Mili.. — In the summer of 1885 the opportunity to locate a silk-mill here presented I itself. A meeting of the citizens of Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg was arranged, composed | of Milton Yetter, I. T. Puterbaugh, J. S. Williams, John Storms, Jerome Fetherman and Joseph Wallace, for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions, which resulted in the raising of twelve thousand dollars in East Stroudsburg and eight thousand in Stroudsburg. A location was selected on Brown Street, near the bridge which spans Brodhead Creek, the dividing line of the two boroughs, and the buildings are now in course of erection, and when completed will consist of one building, two stories high, two hundred feet long and fifty feet deep, with a wing fifty feet deep and one hundred long. The works will be operated by John C. Ryle & Co., and will be devoted exclusively to the produc- tion of spool-silk and will give employment to four hundred operators. ! Star Glass- Works. — These works were built in 1881, for the purpose of manufacturing glass-ware, by a stock company composed of < leo. 10. Stautfer, president ; C. L.Rhodes, seere taryand treasurer; and Joseph Westeott, super- intendent. After operating for a year it was ! leased to Heller Bros., who failed in about a i year, and it is now occupied as an armory. HOTELS. — John Thomas, a native of Maine, removed to East Stroudsburg in 1853, and ■ was engaged as foreman for Moses L. Noyes, who had a contract with the railroad company. After the completion of the road Thomas kept, near the depot, a small stand for the sale of re- 1 freshments for travelers. In 1856 he built the Crystal Spring Hotel, which now stands on the corner of Washington and Crystal Streets. Until 1865 it was kept as a temperance house. i At that date he built an addition and other im- provements and opened it as a license house. In 1864 he sold it to John Kresge, who was its landlord until 1873, when it passed into the hands of the present owner and landlord, James K. Fenner. Lackawanna House now occupies ground 1194 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. where stood a dwelling-house. In 1874 Van Cott bought the property and built an addi- tion, and opened it as a hotel. It subsequently passed into the hands of several parties. In 1883 J. S. Williams purchased the property, and was its landlord for two years and a half. It is a well-appointed hotel, three stories high, fronting on Crystal Street. Its convenience to the depot makes it a desirable place for travel- ers. Its present landlord is W. W. Hill. Analomink House is situated on the cor- ner of Crystal and Cortland Streets ; was built about 1857 by Richard Posten, who kept it for a number of years. It was the first licensed house in the town. It has had for its landlords Staples Barry, Daniel Cortright, A. Jones, John Hoenshildt and John Tims. John M. Hill is the present proprietor. SmooLS. — In 1871, one year after the in- corporation of the borough, plans were adopted for building a school-house, when a large and convenient building was erected. In 1876 an addition was made, and it is now capable of seat- ing two hundred and twenty-five pupils. The school-house is situated on Cortland Street. Mr. William Treible was the first principal of the new school, followed by J. W. Paul in 1879, who is still in charge. The school is di- vided into five grades, and has facilities for giv- ing the pupils a through English education. The present school board is composed of S. P. Smith, president; Dr. L. Bush, secretary; A. W. Teeter, treasurer ; Charles Dearr, J. M. Bos- sard. Monroe News. — In May LS78, George D. White, a printer of East Stroudsburg, issued the first number of the East Stroudsburg Ga- zette. It was a four-page weekly, seven columns to the page, and the subscription price was one dollar and fifty cents a year at first, but after- wards reduced to one dollar a year. The Ga- zette was printed on Wednesday, and the office was located in the same rooms now occupied by The Monroe News. The paper was established under rather unfortunate circumstances — short- ness of pecuniary means and lack of manage- ment on the part of the proprietor. Neverthe- less, Mr. White struggled along and toiled, kept up by the hope of better times t<< come, carried the paper along for a little more than three years, and then, for lack of funds, was compelled to sell the office, which he did in 1881 to E. M. Fenner, a practical printer from the State of New York. Mr. Fenner changed the name of the paper to the Express and en- larged it to eight columns to the page, leaving the subscription price at one dollar a year. The Express office did a fair business for about two years, when, on October 5, 1883, he sold the material, good will, etc., to Col. A. E. Lewis, of Milford, Pike County. Col. C. N. Pine, an old and experienced newspaper man, was placed in charge, and under his supervision and direc- tions the business flourished. Through some disagreement between Mr. Lewis and Mr. Pine, however, the latter retired from his posi- tion as publisher before the close of the year 1884. At the beginning of 1885 the general make-up of the Express was changed from a seven-ciilumn folio to a five-column quarto, and a new publisher was placed in charge about as often as the seasons would come and go. Be- tween January 1 and October 1, 1885, we learn that the following-named gentlemen were in- stalled as publishers : Samuel Y. Glessner, James P. Zabriskie, W. T. Doty and Thomas J. Alleger. On October 15, 1885, Col. Lewis sold the office to Messrs. H. P. Woodward and Arthur K. Stone, of Hawley, Wayne County. The new proprietors changed the name of the paper to Tlie Monroe News, and left the subscription price as it was — one dollar a year. Local county correspondences were inserted; portraits of prominent men and women were published ; the legal and court news printed gratuitously, and, within four months from the time the new proprietors took possession, The News had be- come so popular with the people that its circu- lation had doubled from what it was when they took charge of the office. One sad thing might be written in connection with this paper, which is the fact that the first proprietor, Mr. White, became insane soon .li- ter selling to Mr. Fenner, and was placed in the insane asylum at Norristown, in this State. After remaining in this institution for a few vears he became so much improved in mind MONROE COUNTY. 1195 that he was removed to the home of his son, at Manchester, X. J., at which place he is cared for at the time of writing this sketch. East Stroudsburg Methodist Episcopal CHURCH. — In 1871 religious services were held in private houses among the Methodist residents in East Stroudsburg. During the pastorate of Rev. J. 8. J. McConnell, of Stroudsburg, a class was formed separate from the mother- church, and measures taken to secure a pastor. Accordingly, in the spring of 1872, Rev. Daniel Young was sent by the Annual Conference to preside over the young flock, Rev. William Cooper beiug presiding elder. The church was duly organized in the spring of 1872, with Levi Smith, Michael Ransberry, Charles F. Houser, George W. Gross, William S. Barger, Wilson Pierson, Charles L. Rhodes, George Cramer and Thomas Stemple as the board of trustees. Worship was conducted in a rented building — now known as the "Academy of Music." In March, 187;), at the close of Mr. Young's pas- torate, seventy-six members and twenty-eight probationers were reported to the Annual Con- ference. From March, 1873, to 1870, Rev. B. 11. Sanderlin was pastor. During his pastorate the present church building and parsonage were erected. The corner-stone of the church was laid in the spring of 1874. On the first Sun- day in November, 1874, the lecture-room was dedicated with appropriate services. In the summer of 1875 the church building was com- pleted, the dimensions of which are forty-two feet by seventy, with spire one hundred and twenty-five feet from foundation. On July 25, 1875, the church proper was dedicated, Bishop E. G. Andrews, Rev. R. L. Dashiel, missionary secretary, and other ministers assisting in the services. At the close of Mr. Sanderlin's pas- | torate one hundred and eighty-one members j were reported. Then followed, from 1876 to j 1878, Rev. W. P. Howell ; 1878 to 1879, Rev. W. C. Johnson; 1879 to 1882, Rev. John O'Neill; 1882 to 1885, Rev. William Major; from 1885 to this writing (1886), Rev. Ravil Smith has been pastor. During the year 1885 j a church debt of three thousand one hundred j and seventy-three dollars and eighty-three cents I has been paid, and the lecture and class-rooms I , painted and refitted. A revival resulting in i the conversion of seventy-six persons has occur- red during the past year. The East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church. — "The East Stroudsburg Presbyte- rian Church " was incorporated by charter is- sued from the Court of Common Pleas of Mon- roe County, September 27, 1870, composed of Samuel S. Dreher, president judge; Peter ( rrover and Charles W. Decker, associate judges, by the charter, John Leslie, Miles L. Hutchinson, Peter Einpy, Alexander W. Loder and Samuel P. Smith were constituted the trustees until such time as their lawful successors were selected. Services were held with some irregularity as a constituted congregation under the charter until November 9, 1881. A committee of three ministers and two elders from Lehigh Presby- tery organized a church according to the Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, consisting of twenty-three members, of which William F. Bush, Miles L. Hutchinson and John M. Wyckoff were appointed elders, and the church was admitted to membership and enrolled in Lehigh Presbytery. At a meeting of Presby- tery in September, 1882, a unanimous call from I he church being extended to Rev. J. R.Wood- ward, of Newton Presbytery, and accepted, he was installed pastor November 23d of the same year, and so continues to present date. Catholic Church. — St. Matthew's Catho- lic Church, East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa., was built in 1870 ; dedicated August 28, 1870, by Rev. Father McMauus, assisted by Father O'Brien, of Dunmore, Luzerne County, Pa. Father O'Brien succeeded Father Me- Manus, Father Burns succeeded Father O'Brien, Father Hurst succeeded Father Burns, Father McManus succeeded Father Hurst, Father Brod- erick succeeded Father McManus, Father Cu- sick succeeded Father Broderick, Father Manly (present pastor) succeeded Father Cusick. Until January, 1885, St. Matthew's Church belonged to the parish of Dunmore, Luzerne County, Pa., at which date it was separated from Dun- more, and now comprises Moscow, Tobyhanna, Gouldsborough and East Stroudsburg, with Father Manly as pastor, whose residence is at I 1 96 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA Moscow, Lackawanna County, Pa. St. Mat- thew's Church has about eighty communicants. A cemetery is attached to tlie church. Michael Ransbebby. — The Ransberry family were among the early settlers of Stroud township, and Michael, grandfather of our subject, is believed to be the progenitor of the family in Monroe County, and owned lands near the line between Stroud township and Smithfield. His eldest son. John (1759-1830), says, in the instrument of sale, that he had. pur- chased the same of the heirs of his late grand- father (maternal), George Solladay, and the signatures of Jacob D. Stroud and John P. Robeson are affixed to the paper as witnesses. This property was granted by the common- wealth of Pennsylvania to Manuel Solladay, and by him to George Solladay, his son. This Manuel Solladay's wife was Margaret, and his will is dated June 28, 1805. John Ransberry a^iJtrcMm was taxed for one hundred acres of land in Smithfield in 1786, and was a large real es- tate owner in Stroud. He was a bachelor, and by the conditions of his will, dated 1830, he betpieathed his property to his brothers, Michael (1762-1833), Henry (1768-1866) and sisters, Maria born 1765, Elizabeth born 1767, and several of his nephews and nieces. In a sale of two hundred and ten acres of land to his brother Michael, December 29, 1827, partly in Stroud and partly in Smithfield townships, he had dealings with John Peun in real estate, and a mortgage dated 1803, with other papers of value now in possessiou of Mrs. Michael Rans- berry, of East Stroudsburg, was given by him to Penn and witnessed by Jacob Stroud and Dan Stroud. John Ransberry bought other real estate of Charrick Van Vliet in 17!»6. He was well educated for his day, possessed large busi- ness ability and served as justice of the peace, according to his docket, from 1801-18. Henry, above mentioned, married Sarah Bowman MONROE COUNTY. 1197 (1776-1812), a near relativaof the Methodist Bishop Bowman, on January 23, 1794, and settled on the Solladay farm, at High Bridge, in Stroud township, from Berwick, Pa., in 1811, where lie resided until his death, at the age of ninety-seven years. Both himself and wife were members of the Methodist Church. Their children were Jesse B. (1796-1860), married Jane Gilpin, a member of one of the oldest families of Wayne County, and resided in Sterling township, that county ; Susau B. (1797- 1870), was the wife of Francis J. Smith, who resided and died on the old Brodhead home- stead in East Stroudsburg, owned in 1886 by his son, Jesse R. Smith ; John (1799-1874), a farmer in Stroud township, married, in 1821, Ann, a sister of John S. Van Vliet ; George (1802-05), a farmer in Stroud township, mar- ried Ann, a sister of Dr. Philip Bush ; Elenor (1805-58), was the wife of Drial Gibbs, of Portsmouth, Ohio, and one of her sons, Frank, was an officer in the late Civil War ; Michael (July 10, 1807-January -°»1, ISS.'i) ; and Sally Ann (1809-11). Michael Ransberry, son of Henry and Sarah (Bowman) Ransberry, was born at Berwick, Pa., and removed with his parents to their future home at High Bridge, Monroe County, when he was only four years of age. He was in boy- hood apprenticed to one John Brown, a tanner on the Milford road, in Smithfield township, where he remained until he learned the trade, receiving therefor twenty dollars per annum for three years. His own mother having died when he was five years old, he often related the kindness of Mrs. Brown, who became a mother to him and cared for him during his years of apprenticeship. Upon reaching his majority he returned home and conducted the farm for his father for some time. He subsequently worked at his trade at Buffalo, N. Y., and in other places, but finally returned home and again en- gaged in farming until the death of his father, in 1866, when he became owner of the farm, by the conditions of the will of his late uncle, John Ransberry. In 1867 he settled in East Stroudsburg, and in 1872 erected a brick residence on Cortland Street, in which he resided until his death. He served as deputy marshal in the enrollment of soldiers for the late war; was a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Church with which he was officially connected; was a man of correct habits, sterling integrity, and seemed to live for a pur- pose in life: to fulfill the full duties of the citi- zen, husband and father. He married, in 1835, Katharine Overpeck, who died May 6, 1846, by whom he had one son, who died in infancy. In 1864 he married for his second wife Sarah Howe, who was born July 10, 1840, and sur- vives him, residing ou the home property before mentioned. She is a daughter of Peter (1806- 85) and Susan (Foust) Howe (1806-78), who were farmers in Stroud and Smithfield town- ships, and members of the Methodist Church. Peter Rowe's children were Charles, a farmer in Paradise township ; Catherine, wife of A brain Brotzrnan, of Rushville, Susquehanna County ; Jacob, died in 1873 at Fast Stroudsburg; Philip, a farmer at Millard, Nebraska; Eliza- beth, wife of Amos Lee, a farmer in Stroud township; Peter, died in 187-'}, served three years and nine months in the late Civil War and was a lieutenant ; Sarah, widow of the sub- ject of this sketch; Hannah, wife of Charles Dibble, of Vosburg, Wyoming County ; Mary Emma, wife of Caleb Walter, of Middle Smithfield; Lydia Ann, wife of John Custer, of Stroud township. Henry, father of Peter Rowe, married Cathe- rine Beninger in 1804, by whom he had children, — Jacob ; Peter ; Susau; Daniel; Mary ; Margaret ; John, of Wyoming County, Pa.; Charles, of Hawley, Pa. ; William and Joseph reside in Wisconsin ; Henry, a merchant at Eau Claire, Wisconsin ; Katie, the twin sister of Henry, is the wife of Austin Black, of Spencer- ville, Md. Jesse Ransbekuy Smith. — His paternal grandfather, Dr. Francis Joseph Smith (Jose- phus Jacobus Aerts), a native of Brussels, cap- ital city of the Austrian Netherlands, came to America in 1777, and served in the struggle for the independence of the colonies, under General Lafayette. After the close of the war he settled in Lower Smithfield township, Wayne County, where he purchased a large tract of land, and where he resided, practicing his profession, unt>' WAYNE, 1'IKE AMI MONROE COI'NTIES, I'KNNSYIA AM A his death, about 1802. A further sketch of his lite may be found in the medical chapter of Monroe County, in this volume. His first wife was a European, by whom he had one son, Dr. ; Francis Al. Smith, who practiced medicine at j Milford until his death. His second wife was Betsey Brodhead, a sister of .Indue Richard Brodhead, whose home was at East Stroudsburg, where Jesse K. Smith now resides, and in the house now occupied by Mr. Smith, which was of Milford ; Sally, wife of John Shoemaker, of Klmira, N.Y.J and Rachel, who married Jacob De La Barre, of Smithfield township, and had a daughter, Mrs. Stroud J. Hollinshead, a resi- dent of Stroudsburg, Pa. Dan Dimmick came to Stroudsburg in the year 1800, and after his admission to the bar practiced lawat Milford until his death, in 1825. The eldest daughter of Dan and Jane Dimmick, Lucinda (1802-24), was the first wife of the first frame house built in the place and in j which the Brodhead family resided, located on the property upon which the family first settled when the country was a wilderness. She died in 1834, and by her husband, Dr. Smith, had children,— Francis J. Smith (1789-1 857), father of our subject; Jane (1791-1842), the wife of Dan Dimmick, of Milford ; Elizabeth, wife of James Wallace, a merchant of Milford ; Julia Ann, was the wife of John T. Cross, a lawyer Judge Nathaniel B. Eldred (one son, Franklin Eldred, died while a student at Princeton Col- lege) ; Sally (1806-24) was the wife of C. C. D. Pinchot ; Oliver S., born in 1804; Dan, born 1808, a resident of Pike County ; Milo Melancthon, born 1811; Milan, born 1813, died in Pike County in 1861 ; William H., born in 1813, read law with Hon. N. B. Eldred and practiced his profession at Bethauy and Honesdale with great success, and died at the MONROE COUNTY. 1199 latter place in 1861 (he was State Senator aud member of Congress) ; Milton, born 1816 ; La- vina E. (1820-84), never married. Francis J. Smith, son of Dr. Francis J. Smith, married, May 20, 1812, Susan B. Ransberry (1797-1870), a daughter of Henry Ransberry, who settled in Stroud township, from Berwick, Pa., where he died, at the advanced age of ninety- seven years, September 28, 1866. He resided on the homestead where he was born, in Lower Smithrield township, until 1835, when he re- moved to the Brodhead homestead, at Fast Stroudsburg, heretofore alluded to in this sketch. His general occupation was farming. He was an influential member of the Democratic party, held the office of justice of the peace in. Lower Smithtield and East Stroudsburg nearly all of his active business life, and served one term as commissioner of old Northampton County, be- fore the erection of Monroe County. Both him- self and wife were members of the Methodist Church. Their children are Oliver Dimmick (1813-70), kept a public-house ' at Forks Sta- tion, on the Delaware, Lackawanna and West- ern Railroad; Dr. Daniel D., born in LSI 7, is a doctor of dental surgery at Xorristown, Pa.; Jesse Ransberry, subject of this sketch; George R. (1821-73), was a merchant at Forks Station; Theodore (1824-81), kept a hotel at White Haven, Pa. ; Franklin D. (1827-52), read law with M. M. Dimmick, of Stroudsburg, where he practiced for some time, removed to Jacksonville, Florida, where he continued in the practice of his profes- sion until his death; Francis J., Jr. (182<>- 57), was a farmer on the old homestead ; Sally Ann, was first the wife of a. Mr. Coleman, of New York, and after his death married Sam- uel S. Deitrick, of East Stroudsburg; Michael Pv. (1835-74), died at Moscow, Pa.; Anna Maria (1838-51) ; and Henry R,, born in 1841, resides near Scranton, Pa., and is a conductor on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. Jesse Ransberry, a son of Francis J. and Su- san 1). (Ransberry) Smith, was born in Lower Smithtield township, then Northampton, now Monroe County, Pa., December 15, 181 0. At the age of seven years he left home, and fin- seven years thereafter resided with his uncle, Jesse P. Ransberry, a farmer of Sterling town- ship, Wayne County, where he became inured to farm-work, but had little opportunity for an education from books. After spending two years at home, in 183") he went to Easton, Pa., where for three years he was engaged in learn- ing the trade of a blacksmith, which he followed for five years thereafter at Wyalusing, Bradford County. It was at this place he met Mr. George H. Wells, a man of large business capacity, to whom he feels largely indebted for changing his business relations in his early life, and for his success in carving out a fair competence, under his direction, — with whom he engaged for some two years in building the North Branch Canal, then in process of construction, at that place. He was superintendent, under ( 'ontractor Wells, in building twelve miles of double track of the Erie Railroad, from < Hisville to Port Jervis, in 1853-54, and in 1 85 1-55 superintended the con- struction of nineteen miles of the Delaware, Lack- awanna and Western Railroad, from High Bridge in Tobyhanna, Monroe County. Immediately after the completion of these public works he | purchased the homestead property, containing one hundred and fifty acres of land, at East Stroudsburg, where he has since engaged in farming. At the time of his settlement here, in ls">7, he relates that there were only three houses on the site of what is now a thriving j borough, located on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad through line from Buf- falo to New York. Mr. Smith has avoided po- litical preferment and sought the quiet of an agricultural lit*- ; yet lie has not shrunk from duty, and has served for several terms as school director and in other minor official places. He has been a deacon in the Presbyterian Church at Stroudsburg for many years, of which also his wife is a member. He married for his first wife, in 1857, Sarah L. (1828-74), a daugh- ter of Rev. George and Abigail (Baldwin) Tay- lor. The former, a Presbyterian minister, died at Moravia, X. Y., June 30,1842; the latter was a resident of Bloomfield, Essex County, N. J. His children by this union are Edward Taylor, Burton F. and Mary E. Smith. For his second wife he married, in 187X, Sarah Elizabeth, ' WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. (laughter of A. A. Bishop, of Wysocking, Pa, The other children of Eev. George and Abigail Taylor are Mary E., wife of Washington Ing- ham, of Sugar Run, Bradford County, Pa., and James R. Taylor, a farmer of Wyalusing, Pa. Rev. George Taylor's father was Major John Taylor, one of the pioneer settlers of Wyalusing. Ai.kxa.npkr W. Loder, merchant of East Stroudsburg, was born in Stroud township, on the homestead farm, March 14, 1828, where he tive of Mount Bethel, Northampton County, who lived to a great age, a son of Peter La Bar, who came to Perm's colony from Erance in 17o0. John S. Van Vliet was the sou of Der- rick Van Vliet, an early settler in Stroud town- ship. Their children are Achilles C, ticket agent and telegraph operator at East Strouds- burg for the Deleware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company, and in the employ of that company since 1870; Laura P., wife of Dr. learned farming and obtained a fair education from books in the neighborhood school. In 1851 he married Emily Van Vliet, who was born in the same township, November 27, 1834. She is the daughter of John S. and Susan (La Bar) Van Vliet,— the former born in 1808, a farmer during his active business life, but in 1886 retired and living with his children; the latter born in 1807, died in 1861, was the daughter of George La Bar (lSG3-7(>), a na- , Horace Bush, of Wyalusing, Pa.; Vinton S., clerk in his father's store ; and William H. Loder. Following his marriage Mr. Loder for four years farmed a part of the homestead, sold his farm and for one year was a confec- tionery merchant at Stroudsburg. He then purchased a farm in the same township and for eight years more engaged in farming, when he disposed of his farm and in 1868 bought prop- erty and built the store which Dr. Lcsh owns, in 1886, in East Stroudsburg. He occupied MONROE COUNTY. 1201 this property as a merchant only three years, and bought the lot on the corner of Crystal and Analomink Streets, od which he erected his present store building and dwelling in 1871. Since 1873 he has carried on a successful and general mercantile business. In 1872 he was elected a justice of the peace for the borough of East Stroudsburg and by re-election held the office continuously until he resigned it to accept a position under the government as postmaster of the borough, appointed by President Cleve- land in duly, 1885. Upon taking this office, Mr. Loder fitted up the building adjoining his store for the post-office, with the newest designs, neatness and elegance, for the best accommoda- tion of the people, and it may be said that this office will vie with any in the State of its size tor its beautiful appointments. He was a mem- ber of the first school board after the erection of the borough of East Stroudsburg, and also a member of its first Council, and he has served for several terms in the former capacity, and is, in 1886, a member of the Council. Mr. Loder is a thoroughgoing business man and possesses such integrity and conscientious regard in busi- ness matters as to win the confidence of all who have business relations with him. The family of Loder were among the earliest settlers in what is now Oxford township, War- ren County, N. J., and one "Loder" is men- tioned in the history of that county, published by Everts & Peck in 1881, along with others, as following in the settlement of that locality soon after John Axford, who was the first settler therefrom England, in 1730. William Loder, great-grandfather of our subject, was born in Oxford township in 1740, and married, in 17(3 1, Catherine , who was born in 1745. They resided near Oxford Furnace. Their children were Jane, born 1764; Sarah, 17fi7 ; Mary, 1799; Isaac, 1801; Alexander W., 1805, removed to Kel- larsville, Hamilton township, where he kept a 121 store for several years, then went to Philadel- phia, where he died; Samuel, 1807; James D., 1810, resides in Belvidere, N. J.: Sally Ann, 1813; Jacob Alfred, 1815, was a hat manufac- turer and dealer in Philadelphia; and John Loder, born in 1817. William H. Loder, eldest son of Isaac and Sarah Loder, was born near Oxford Furnace, and, in 1819, married Elizabeth Ann Kinney (1797-1848), a daughter of Frederick and Mar- garet (Snover) Kinney, of Walnut Valley, Warren County, N. J. In 1826 he removed to Stroud township, Monroe County, Pa., and purchased a small farm, to which he made additions from time to time, until he had one hundred and sixty acres. He was a carpenter by trade, and followed this occupation nearly all of his active business life. He retired from his farm and other business in 1860, took up his residence in Stroudsburg, where he resided until his death, in 1872. He had no pecu- niary assistance in starting out in life for him- self, but acquired a fair competence, the result of honest industry. He was a man of exem- plary habits, good judgment and both himself and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church at Stroudsburg, following in the same line of religious persuasion as their ancestors. Their children are Frederick K. (1823-85), married and settled near Albion, Jackson Coun- ty, Michigan, where he died, leaving a family ; Isaac H. (1826-83), married and removed to Kansas about 1856, where he resided until his death ; Alexander W. Loder, subject of this sketch; Sarah Maria, born in 1833, is the wife of Melchior Smith, a wheelwright of Strouds- burg; Rachel E., born in 1835, wife of David Miller, a blacksmith of Fast Stroudsburg; Wil- liam M., born in 1839, went to Kansas, where he enlisted at the breaking out of the late Civil War and served in Missouri under General Sigel. He returned to Stroudsburg, and at the time of the draft, in 1862, again entered the service as a substitute, was made lieutenant and served in the Army of the Potomac for nine months more. After his return from the war he married, and, soon afterward, settled in Albion, Michigan, where he has acquired a large competency as a contractor and lumber merchant. 12(12 WAYNE, PIKE AND M0NK01 COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Miles Leach Hutchinson, justice of the peace at East Stroudsburg, Pa., was born at Hutchinson Station, on the Belvidere and Delaware Railroad, Warren County, N. J., April 18, 1831, where he was reared and assisted his father in his saw-mill and lumber business. After the death of his father, in 1846, in partnership with his brother, Andrew J., he ran the mill, which they rented of his mother until her death, in 1857. On account cut residence on Washington Street, where he has resided since. Upon the erection of the borough of East Stroudsburg, Mr. Hutchinson was elected on the Republican ticket a justice of the peace for a term of five years. He was re-elected and j served for a second term, was then appointed to the same office by .Governor Hoyt, under the regulation of the new Constitution, and served one year, when, by re-election, he served VX' „ \^,%Vv^N£Ov^/V«vsJi vyw. of the ill health of his brother-in-law, James Ramsay, at Ramsayburg, he took charge of his store, lumber-yard and farm at that place until his death, two years afterwards, when for three years following he was a partner witli his sister, Mrs. Ramsay, in continuing the business at that place. In 1866 he removed to East Stroudsburg, where he bought a farm of sixty- five acres, now owned by M. M. Kistler, which, after eighteen months, he sold, and for one year thereafter resided in Stroudsburg. In 1869 he settled in East Stroudsburg and built his pres- a third term of five years, and in the borough election of 1886 he was again re-elected for a fourth term to the same office, notwithstanding the large majority is Democratic, fully attesting the confidence of the public in his fitness and ability to discharge the responsible duties of that office with justice to all, and in equity in all matters brought before him. A high commentary upon Mr. Hutchinson's decisions during his long and continued career as a justice of the peace is the fact that only in one instance has ever an appeal to the higher MONROE COUNTY. 1203 court been taken from his decision, and in that case the jury confirmed Ids opinion without a division. He has taken an active interest in all matters pertaining to the growth and pros- perity of the borough since he has been a resident of the same, and contributed commen- surate with his means to the support of enter- prises needing help. He is a director of the old Stroudsburg Hank. Both himself and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he served for many years as elder, and for ten years past he has been superintendent of the Sunday-school of that church. Mr. Hutchinson married, January lit, 1861, Amanda D., daughter of Major John and Sarah (Frome) Pace, of Warren County, N. J. ; the former died in 1842, the latter in 1845. She was born January 3, 1838. They have no chil- dren. Major John Pace and wife were buried at Oxford, near where they had resided, and had other children as follows: Mary (deceased), was the wife of George Shoemaker, of Oxford ; Jacob (deceased), resided on the old homestead ; Elizabeth, of Belvidere, is the widow of the late George Hoff; Jane (deceased), was the wife of Thomas McFall Davidson, of Harmony, N. J., now a resident of Illinois; Sally Ann, wife of Abel Hoff, of Harmony ; Catherine, widow of the late Amzi Mutchler, of East Stroudsburg, whose son is Dr. John Pace Mutch- ler, of Stroudsburg. Major John Pace was the only son of Major Pace, of Warren County. Henry Frome, the maternal grandfather of Mrs. Hutchinson, re- sided contiguous to the Warren County alms- house, and lived to the great age of ninety-six years. The Fromes and Paces were old fami- lies in Warren County. William Hutchinson (1783-1848), father of Miles Li Hutchinson, married Mary May (1 794- 1859). He spent his active business life in lumbering and milling. Me erected the grist- mill at Uniontown, N. J., subsequently sold it and bought a saw-mill at Hutchinson Station, which he run until his death. He was a Dative of Lower Mount Bethel, Pa. Mary May was a daughter of John Hay and Mary Best, of South Easton, Pa., farmers. They removed to a farm near Delaware Station, on the Delaware, Lack- awanna and Western Railroad, where he died at the age of eighty-five ; she at the age of eighty- one years. The farm is owned in 1886 by Hon. John I. Blair. The children of William and Mary (Hay) Hutchinson are John D., owned the Samuel De Puy property at Hutchinson Station, a farm and saw-mill, where he died (his widow resides on the old homestead; her daughter is the wife of Rev. Clark Kline, of ( )xford, N. J.); Ellen, deceased, was the wife of George Stocker, of Lower Mount Bethel, Pa. ; Mary is the widow of the late Judge Jeremy Mackey, who was associate judge of Monroe County, and for many years cashier of the old Stroudsburg Bank ; Harriet (deceased), was the wife of Edward L. Allen (deceased), of Har- mony, X. J. ; her husband died at East Strouds- burg; William, a bachelor (retired), resides at 1 >elaware Station, N. J. ; Eveline, is the wife of Jeremiah ( )smun, of Delaware Station ; Andrew J., engaged in the lumber business, resides at the same place ; Elizabeth, was first the wife of James Ramsey, before mentioned, and after his death married Dr. Little Osmun, of Phillips- burg, N. J. ; Miles Leach Hutchinson, subject of this sketch ; and James, conducting a grist- mill at Delaware Station. Miles L. Hutchin- son's grandfather, John Hutchinson, was a large real-estate owner of Lower Mount Bethel, Pa., having some twelve hundred acres of land. Me reared a family of four sons — Thomas, A odrew, James and William — and two daughters, who married and had families. The parents died there; John Hutchinson's father was of Scotch birth, was a sailor, and at eighteen years of age had sailed around the world. He soon after settled in Northampton County, Pa., was the progenitor of the family in the State, and lived to be one hundred and one years of age. The religious persuasion of the family has ever been Presbyterian. CHAPTER XIII. HAM I LION TOWNSHIP. The decree erecting Hamilton as a separate township was issued by the court of Northamp- 12D4 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ton County on the 24th of December, 1762. It is hounded on the north by Jackson town- ship, Pocono township touching its extreme northern point, cast by Stroud township, south by Northampton County and west by Ross and Chestnuthill townships. It is the most popu- lous township in the county, and takes high rank for the productiveness of its lands, the enterprise of its citizens and the excellence of its educational appointments. The population in 1830 reached fourteen hundred and twenty- eight, and in 1840 the census gave fifteen hun- dred and eight as the number of its inhabitants. In 1844 the assessed value of real and personal property was one hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars, and of trades and occupations thirty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. Its present population is eighteen hundred and seventy- five. Natural Features. — The surface of the township is diversified, being mountainous, hil- ly and level. In the southern part is a lime- stone ridge, the product of which has been utilized both for agricultural and building pur- poses. The centre is gravelly in some parts, with a rich clay loam in the valleys. Hills abound in the north, the land being more or less stony, but still productive. The staple pro- ducts are wheat, rye, oats, corn, potatoes and considerable hay, which grows in much luxur- iance. Fruits find here a congenial soil and cli- mate, apples, pears and plums being grown with much success, while peaches in some portions of the township attain great perfection. McMichael Creek (named after an early squatter in bad repute with both whites and Indians) Hows from west to east nearly through the centre of Hamilton township. Pencil Creek rises in the Pocono Mountain, flows south, then directly east and empties into the McMichael Creek near the centre of the township. Cherry Creek rises near the line between Ross and Hamilton townships, and flowing easterly through Cherry Valley, pours its waters into Brodhead Creek in Smithfield township. In the southwest is a small sheet of water known as Lake Poponoming. Eakly Settlements. — It is difficult to de- termine who first settled the portion of Monroe County embraced in Hamilton township. John McDowel emigrated from the north of Ire- land some years before the Revolutionary War and purchased a tract of land, in 1 764, of Rev. Richard Peters, to whom it was deeded by Nicholas Weiser. He obtained it from the original proprietors in 1744, as will be seen by the following deed : "John Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esquires, True and absolute proprietaries and Gov- ernors-) n-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex on Dela- ware. To all unto whom these presents shall come, greeting. Ulierem, By virtue of a warrant under the seal of our land office bearing date the 20th day of August last, there was surveyed and laid out on the eighth day of October then next following unto Nicholas Weiser, of the county of Bucks, a certain tract of land situate in Smithfield township, within the said county, bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a marked hickory-tree, and from thence extending by vacant land the five courses and distances next following, viz.: north forty degrees and one hundred ami eighty-two perches to a post, north sixty perches to a post, west one hundred and sixty-five perches to a post, south forty degrees west two hundred and sixty perches to a post and east two hundred and sixteen perches to the place of begin- ning, containing two hundred and forty-four acres, and the allowance of six acres per cent, for roads and highways. . . . Know ye that in consideration of the sum of thirty-seven pounds sixteen shillings and four pence lawful money of Pennsylvania paid by the said Nicholas Weiser, . . . Yielding and paying yearly to us, our heirs and successors, at Pennsbury aforesaid, at or upon the first day of March in every year from the first day of March last one half-penny sterling for every acre of the same or value thereof in coin current according as the exchange shall thus be between our provinces and the city of London. . . . Witness George Thomas, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of the said province, who, in pursuance and by virtue of certain powers and authorities to him for this pur- pose (inter alia) granted by the said proprietaries, hath hereunto set his hand and caused the great seal of the said province to be hereto affixed at Philadel- phia this twenty-eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-four, the seventeenth year of the reign of King George the second." Mr. McDowel, on his arrival in Monroe County, sojourned for a brief period with Mr. Depui, of Shawnee, and then proceeded to the improvement of his purchase. He married a Depui and had two sons and several daughters, MONROE COUNTY. 1205 the latter being represented by many of the leading families of the county. Jacob H. Fetherman is now the owner of the property, his wife being a great-granddaughter of John MeDowel. Thomas Bond, prior to the War of the Revo- lution, became a resident of the township, hav- ing built and occupied a cabin located in the orchard on John W . Young's farm. He joined a seouting-partv formed with a view to avenging the death of the Kresge family, and started in pursuit of the savages who had per- petrated the crime. On reaching a spring the party stacked their muskets and stopped to drink. The Indians came suddenly upon them, and in the confusion which followed, all, with one exception, were massacred. Thomas Bond was among the number and met his death at this time. Nicholas Young purchased a tract of land in the present Hamilton township from Thom- as and Richard Penn in 1763. Among his children was a son Nicholas, who inherited the property, having married a Miss Rummage. The children of the union were John, Jacob, George, Mary, Elizabeth, Susan, Christy Ann and Sally. Jacob occupied the homestead and John settled upon land now owned by his son, John W. Young, having married Sarah Wool- bert. Their children are George, John W. and Mary, of whom John A. married a daughter of Thomas Miller, of the same township, and has three children. Philip Bossard, who emigrated from Alsace, Germany, settled on the property known in the family as the homestead farm, in 1755, where he resided until his death. Among his sons was Melchior, to whom this property, embracing two hundred and fifty acres, was deeded in 1790. His children were Peter, Andrew, Christopher and George, all of whom, with the exception of Peter, removed to New York State. The latter married Margaret Kern and had nine children, of whom Samuel, Peter and Catherine Ruth now live in Hamilton town- ship. John Fellencer, on his emigration with his wife from Germany, located on a farm which he cleared ; the township at that early day be- ing chiefly covered by forest. He had two sons — Peter and John — both of whom settled in the township. John, who married, had three sons —Joseph, John and Jacob, the two former being still residents of the township. Peter had two sons — Peter, who resided in Jackson township, and John, who removed to Iowa and is since deceased. Samuel lives was a native of Chestnut Hill township and subsequently removed to the northern part of Hamilton, near the Jackson line, where he followed farming pursuits. lie married a Miss Rinker, to whom were born sons — John, Samuel and Reuben — and several daughters. Samuel now resides in Stroudsburg, John removed to Luzerne County, Pa., where he died, and Reuben settled in Jowa. The only representative of this branch of the family in the county is Samuel Rees, of Strouds- burg. Casper Metzgar came from Bucks County more than a century since and purchased land in Cherry Valley, which he proceeded to improve. His children were five sons — Jacob, Peter, Nicholas, Jonas and Christian— and several daughters, all but one having settled in the township. The members of the family in Hamilton are Andrew the son of Jacob ; Philip and Lydia (Mrs. Joseph Fables), the children of Nicholas ; ami Caspar and Man- Ann (Mrs. Emanuel Marsh). Philip Fetherman came in 1806 from Lehigh County and located on a farm near Bossards- ville, now owned by Abram Fetherman. His children were five sons and four daughters. Three sons — Balser, Abram and John — settled in Hamilton, and are still represented by their respective children. The children of Balser are Charles, Jacob H. and Jonathan, the latter of whom is but recently deceased. The sons of Abram in the township are Abram and Manas- seh. One son of John Fetherman, also named John, resides in the township. Abram Marsh removed from Northampton County to the township when it was still in a primitive condition, and proceeded to improve the land he purchased. He was twice married, and the father of live sons and five daughters. John, Abram, Isaac and Samuel settled in the 120(3 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. township, the last-named having later become a resident of Pocono township. Two sons of Isaac — John and Isaac — reside in Hamilton, both being moulders by trade, the former of whom was for years the owner of the Hamilton Foundry. John Williams resided in Hamilton township during the War of the Revolution, and culti- vated a farm he purchased at an early day. By his marriage to a Miss Bush were born children, — John, Jacob and Peter, and two daughters. One of the latter married Frederick Keiser, the other became Mrs. Isaac Marsh. The last-named well remembered the farewell dance of the Indians when they departed from the country, at which she was present. The only representatives of the Williams family now in the township are Charles, the son of John, and Eugene, his grandson. John Storm resided on the farm now the property of Amos Frantz, where he owned a tract of valuable land. His two sons were Andrew, former associate judge and sheriff of Monroe County, and Frederick. A daughter (Mrs. Anna Slutter) is also a resident of Ham- ilton. Jerome Storm, the son of Andrew, is a resident of Stroudsburg. Conrad Woodling cultivated the farm now owned by William Flemming. His children were two sons, Andrew and John, and a daugh- ter, Elizabeth, wife of Peter Bate. Andrew Woodling located in Hamilton, and John be- came a resident of Pocono township. The for- mer has three daughters, who are residents of the township, — Elizabeth (Mrs. Isaiah Rinker), Sally (Mrs. Joseph Bittenbender) and Bachel Jane (Mrs. Nathan Lesh). Jacob Learned formerly occupied the farm now owned by Samuel Bittenbender, where he settled prior to the Revolution. He left a son Samuel and two daughters, — Elizabeth (Mrs. Andrew Woodling, of Hamilton) and Lydia (Mrs. John Woodling, of Tannersville). Samuel Learned settled in Hamilton and married Louisa Rinker. Two sons — Peter and Jere- miah — reside in the township, and several daughters are residents of other portions of the State. Henry Pencil, who achieved reputation for skill as a hunter and fisherman, lived upon the spot where the house of David Shook stands. One son, Jacob, and two daughters settled in the township. The former left a family of children, of whom Jacob is now the only representative in Hamilton. The name is perpetuated by the stream known as Pencil Creek. The name of Rinker is one of the oldest in the township, Solomon Rinker being the occu- pant of the farm formerly owned by his father. Of Ids four sons, Samuel is the only one who retains his residence in Hamilton. George Rinker for many years occupied the farm now owned by Harry Hobbs. None of his descend- ants remain in the township. Felix Weiss, who resided upon a farm now owned by Emanuel Shoemaker, left a son George, who settled on the home farm. He married Susan Snyder, and had one son, George, and two daughters, — Amelia (married to Eman- uel Shoemaker) and Catherine (Mrs. Lynford Marsh, of Stroudsburg). George Van Buskirk removed from Bucks County to the farm now owned by Wesley Green. He married Elizabeth Werkheiser and died, leaving no descendants. Aaron Van Buskirk, also a former resident of Bucks County, settled in the northwest por- tion of the township, having married Susan Wagner, to whom were born twelve children. Four sons — Samuel, Jesse, Andrew and Jacob — and two daughters — Mary and Ann — settled in the township. The descendants of Jesse now residents of Hamilton are Aaron B., Emeline (Mrs. Isaac Marsh) and Rachel J. (Mrs. John Marsh). Bartholomew Shiveley, about the year 1800, became the owner of the farm now the property of Charles Bossard, which he cleared and im- proved. The family have since become extinct. Anthony Kintz was an early settler and lived on the homestead, subsequently the property of his grandson, Anthony Kintz. His sons were Anthony, who removal to New York, and Melchior and John, who remained residents of the township. Melchior left four sons, of whom Anthony occupies the ancestral estate. A son of John resides near Poponoming Lake. George Meisner resided near the above-men- MONROE COUNTY. tioned lake, and left three sons, — Michael, George and John, all deceased. The family on the male side have become extinct, though several female representatives are residents of the township. Martin Eyer removed from Bucks County at an early day. His son, Philip Henry, who was the occupant of a farm now owned by John Halderman, married Elizabeth Roderoek. He has two sons — John and Jacob — and two daughters now living in Hamilton. George Gower owned the farm now the prop- erty of John Gower. His son John intermar- ried with the Shafer family, and has one son, John, now residing in the township. Barnet Fanner, who was a farmer, resided near Sciota. His children were a sou, Henry, and a daughter, Margaret (Mrs. Werkheiser). Henry married Margaret Hood, whose chil- dren are Henry, Barnet and Joseph, and five daughters now living. Henry, the only sur- viving sou, resides near Sciota. Valentine Werkheiser, on his removal from Northampton County, settled near Sciota, where he engaged in the cultivation of a farm. His sons were Valentine, Charles, John, George and Henry. The last-named settled on the home- stead and married Catherine Arnold, whose six children are Henry A., John A., Abram, Eliza- beth, Mary and Hannah. The only surviving son, Heury A., resides near Snydersville, where he is a farmer. Michael Starner resided on the farm now owned by John F. Bender, whence he removed soon after the Revolutionary War. He acquired great influence over the Indians, with whom he was very popular, and on frequent occasions their host. All his sons removed from the township and none of the name are now within its boundaries. The descendants of the daughter are, however, to be found in Hamilton. Among the earliest settlers was George Setzer, who, on his emigration, settled in Hamilton township, having purchased land which had been but slightly improved, and is now owned by Alexander Harps. He married a Miss Berrier and had two sons — Michael and George — and several daughters, both of the former hav- ing settled in Hamilton. Michael married Miss Elizabeth Shale, whose children are Jacob, Abram, Mary, Betsey, Henry and George. Heury now resides on the farm purchased by his father, and enjoys excellent health in his ninety first year. Joseph Starner, now in his eighty-second year, came from Plainfield, Northampton County, when eighteen years of age, and spent three years in the service of Daniel Houser. He then rented a farm, subsequently purchas- ing in Ross township. Returning to Hamil- ton, he became owner, in 1865,, of his present farm on Pencil Creek. He married, in 1821, Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Houser, and has ten living children. John Bender came from Philadelphia about the year 1824 and settled near Sciota, where he followed his trade as a shoemaker. His five children were Mary (Mrs. Trotter), Catherine (Mrs. Bechtel), Elizabeth (Mrs. Sheble), Deborah (Mrs. Evans), all of Philadelphia, and one son, John F., who resides on a firm near Saylorsburg. lie married Sophia, daugh- ter of Peter Kester, and has tour living children, of whom William M., a resident of Hamilton, is both farmer and school-teacher. John Arnold settled on a farm, the land of which he purchased at a very early date. He married a Miss Santee, whose children were George, John, Abraham, Conard, Christy Ann, Louis, Catherine, Hannah, Elizabeth. All the sons settled in the township, where they died. Representatives of this family still reside in Hamilton. George Dreher, on his removal from North- ampton County, about the period of the Revo- lution, located on property now owned by Jacob Houck, above Snydersville. He married Lydia Heller, whose family had previously settled below the Wind Gap. The children of this marriage were Jacob, George, John, Michael H., Melchior, Polly (Mrs. George Learn), Sally (Mrs. Andrew Whitesell) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel Pugh). George Dreher, in 1810, removed to Stroudsburg and combined with his trade, that of a tailor, the duties of a land- lord. His son Jacob married Elizabeth Storm, and has children — Jeremiah, Andrew, John, Mrs. Matthias Stecker and George, still living in 121 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Hamilton township. Simon removed to Wis- consin, and a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dc Young, resides in Stroudsburg. Melchio'r married Sarah Drake. His children — Daniel, George, Silas, Wilson, Martha (Mrs. P. H. Robinson), Mary (Mrs. Amos Shoemaker) and Mrs. Eliza- beth Peters — reside in Stroud township. Another sister, Mrs. Simon Houser, is a resident of the Water Gap. Michael H. Dreher married Elizabeth, daughter of* Adam Smith, and had children — Samuel S., Darius, George H., Ed- ward B., William, Sally Ann (Mrs. John .lack- son), Anna Maria (Mrs. Augustus Michaels), Eliza (Mrs. George W. Peters) and Mary Alice (Mrs. M. E. Hartzler), four of whom are residents of Stroudsburg. George H. and Edward B. are deceased. Walter Barry, who was of English birth, came to Hamilton from Philadelphia prior to the War of the Revolution, settling on the land now owned by his grandson, Joseph Barry. He had two sons, Walter and Robert. Walter died at the age of one hundred and eleven years. Robert married Elizabeth Myers. His children are Joseph, Lewis, Abram, Francis, Melchior, Simon, Robert, Catherine (Mrs. Moses Swink), Ann, Elizabeth (Mrs. Gabriel Davis), Christina (Mrs. Jacob Lace), Rachel (Mrs. Isaac Slutter). Of this number, Francis and Rachel reside in the township. Christopher Keller emigrated from Germany with his parents when but eight years of age. His lather having died during the passage, the widow married George Hartlieb, whose wife had also met her death ou the steamer. They settled in Hamilton in 17411, and brought with them the lad Christopher, who grew to man's estate and married Christiana Bossard. Among their children were Christopher, George and Andrew. George married Rachel Dills, of New Jersey, whose children were John, Joseph and < Ihristopher. John was born at Kellers- ville and married Sarah Draeh. Their children are David, Rudolph, Andrew, Mary M., Julia Ann, Rachael and Sarah Ann. The last- uamed, now the wife of Dr. R. Levering, is the only one of this number residing in the town- ship. David and Andrew removed to Strouds- burg, and Rudolph settled in Iowa. John Williams resided in Hamilton, on land now owned by Andrew Keiser (now Kellers- ville). His children are Jacob, John, Peter, Sally and Polly, all now deceased. Peter re- sided in the township until 1861, when Strouds- burg became his home. He married Hannah M. Shaw, and has children, — Jerome S., Mary E. (Mrs. P. S. Posten), Jane (Mrs. Charles S. Dietrich), Jacob S., Elmira S. (Mrs. Josiah Fenner), Josephus, Peter S. and Samuel S., all of whom are living with the exception of Jacob S., who died while in the service during the late Rebellion. John Shaw came in 1778 from New Haven, Conn., to the Wyoming Valley, and participated in the massacre of that year. He was depu- tized at the close of the conflict to repair to Monroe (then Northampton) County in search of stores for the survivors after that memorable slaughter, and stopped at the house of John Mo- Dowel, of Hamilton township, for flour and provender, on which occasion he met a daughter of this early settler, whom he afterward married. Their children were John, Richard, Peter, and live daughters, — Mrs. Metzgar, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Bossard, Mrs. Bntz and one other. John Shaw, after his marriage, settled on the Mc- Dowel property, now owned by Jacob H. Fetherman and others, a part of which was in- herited by Peter Shaw, his son. The latter married Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Butz, and had eleven children. Those now in the county are Jerome and Hannah (tire Mrs. Peter Williams), of Stroudsburg, and Ann Maria (Mrs. Ferdinand Kester), of Hamilton. Chakles E. Kistlkr, born January 24, 1839, in Lynn township, Lehigh County, Pa., was the eldest son of Stephen and Peter (Mos- ser) Kistler. The Kistler family is readily traced back to about 1785, it appearing that George Kistler was one of a number of Palatinates or Swiss, who moved from Falkner Swamp and Goshen- hoppen (present Montgomery County) up into Lynn township, and settled down in the vicin- ity of what is now called the Jerusalem Church, near that date. Becoming a member of that church, he was an elder therein from about 1755 to 1768. His MONROE COUNTY. children were George, Jacob, John, Samuel, Philip, Michael, Barbara, Dorotea and Eliz- abeth. Of this family, Jacob settled on the homestead and had eight children, — Philip, Jacob, Daniel, Michael, Solomon, Catharine, Magdalena and one other. Michael (the second) and Maria, his wife, raised a large family, one of whom was Stephen, before men- tioned. Michael was the tanner in Kistler Valley, Lehigh County, and lived there many ried Mary J. Edinger, who bore him four chil- dren, — Emma A., Elmer E., Edward U. and Arthur S.; (family now residing at Great Bend, Pa.), Angeliue, Almira, Alfred, Wilson (married Henrietta Stauffer, and lives with their two children at Lock Haven, Pa.), Mary (married John H. Lesh and resides at Plain- Held, X. J.), Milo (married Alice Gator and makes his home in Brooklyn, N. Y.), Michael D. (married Massena M. Seibert, now residing at ^f^^g&a^ years, carrying on the business. His son Stephen was born there and learned the trade with his father, increasing his knowledge of the business by apprenticeship at Catawissa, Pa., and afterward becoming an important factor in this extensive industry, owning and operating tanneries at several different points and estab- lishing a headquarters in New York City. He died on March 16, 1880, at Stroudsburg, Pa., having survived his wife, who, after years of .severe suffering, died April 8, 1877. Their children were Charles E., Rufus (mar- 122 Great Bend, Pa.) Of this family, both Almira and Alfred died in childhood. Charles E. Kistler obtained his education from books prior to his fourteenth year, and then entered the tannery at Tannersville, Monroe County, whither his parents had removed some years before. Under the careful supervision of his father he rapidly became proficient in his chosen calling and also imbibed energy and self- reliance. At twenty-one years of age he was ad- mitted to partnership at Tannersville, and upon the entry of his brother Rufus into the firm, 1210 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. some short time thereafter, the title became S. Kistler & Sons, which style has, with but slight modification, been since retained in the general business, and acquired a powerful position in the tannery interest of the country. In 1867 Mr. Kistler retired from this part- nership, although retaining connection with his father in various matters, and removed to Scioto, Monroe County, to make a home and attend to the affairs of the large tannery there located, which he had purchased some time before. In company with his brother Wilson, he, in 1869, started the tannery at Lock Haven, under style of Kistler Brothers, and the business being pushed with energy and great ability, exerted a strong influence and acquired tanneries located at five different places in Pennsylvania, viz. : Scioto, Lock Haven, St. Mary's, Rolf and one in Huntingdon County. A man of sterling integrity and immense energy and ability, his presence was largely felt, even beyond the circle in which his life was passed. Kind and true in all the l-elations of life, he could have taken a prominent place in politics; but, devotedly attached to his family, preferred to give his entire attention to the development of such relations and the further- ing his large business interests. In religious convictions he was Lutheran, and for years was deacon in the Tannersville Church. He was a director of the Stroudsburg Bank, and his views and advice were sound and respected. His sudden death, on March 22, 1880, at the early age of forty-one, was widely deplored, — a good man and valuable citizen had fallen. On March 18, 1861, he was married to Miss Ann E. Woodling, who bore him seven children, — Emma Jane, Catharine, Caroline, Edwin Oscar, Mary, Andrew Milton, and an infant unnamed, all of whom, excepting Mary and Andrew M., died young; Caroline alone reach- ing her, fifteenth year, with full conception of the value of a liberal education. Mary was sent t<> the Moravian Seminary, Bethlehem, Pa., where she was graduated in June, 1885, and is now attending the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass., while the only surviv- ing son, Andrew M., is attending the State Normal School at Lock Haven, Pa., and finding a home with his uncle, Wilson Kistler. )]On June 20, 1882, Hattie, the two-months-old daughter of Alary Jane Rinker, the deceased sister of Mrs. Kistler, was adopted and finds a loving home with them. The business interests are at this time (March, 1886) under the care of Mr. Wilson Kistler, the Scioto Tannery being super- intended by Mr. J. Woodling, Mrs. Kistler's brother. The latter works are run by a forty horse- power engine and give employ to some twenty operatives, manufacturing "Union Crop," and supplying the New York market through Messrs. Kistler, Lesh & Co. The Woodling family have been settled in Hamilton township many years, engaged in farming and have always been honorable and respected members of society. Conrad and Maria (Hoffner) W'oodling lived and died in this beautiful valley. John, their son, married Lydia, daughter of Jacob Learn, of Hamilton township. He was born 1808, and died 1869, and his wife born 1815, died 1882. They had eight children, — Sallie Ann (died in infancy), Anne Maria (married Isaac Stauffer and has one child, Alice), Peter and Ann Elizabeth (twins) (Ann E., married Charles E. Kistler), Jeremiah married Margaret Anglemyer), Mary Jane (married Uriah Rinker, has one child, Hattie, as mentioned, and died in 1882), Emma (married Peter Anglemyer and has fourchildren, Harvey, Charles, Jennie and Ora), Jacob M. (married Hattie Barnes). In 1884 Mrs. Kistler erected a handsome home in Scioto, which is complete in arrangement and furnishes abundant testimony to the tastes of its occu- pants. BURIAL-PLACES. The oldest burial-ground in the township is that connected with the Hamilton Church. It has been in use since the erection of the first church edifice, and is still the place of inter- ment for many of the old families of the town- ship. The Learn family, of Pocono township, massacred by the Indians, are here buried, and headstones, more or less obliterated by the rav- ages of time, mark their last resting-place. The Bossard family are here represented, as also the Feuners, Kellers, Trachs, SI utters and Kesters. Mount Ziox Cemetery, which is now the MONROE COUNTY. 1211 burial-ground in most general use, was started nearly half a century ago, the first in- terment being that of Simon Heller. It has received more care than is accorded to most spots of this character iu the township, and the location in the centre of Hamilton makes it accessible to the residents of this and contiguous townships. A very old place of interment east of Saylors- burg, formerly used by the Van Buskirk and neighboring families, has, during late years, been almost abandoned. There are also the Gower and the Young's burial-grounds, taking their names from the families who have used them ; the cemetery connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, near Saylorsburg, and one adjoining the Cherry Valley Methodist Episcopal Church, both in use by the respective congregations, as also by the immediate neighborhood. Early Schools.— It is very difficult to obtain authentic information regarding the early schools of Hamilton township, but it is conceded that the first school remembered, and doubtless the first organization of its kind in the township, was located near the Hamilton Church, the first building having been con- structed of logs some years after the close of the Revolutionary War. The first teacher re- membered is one John Adam Eyer, who opened a pay-school and instructed his pupils in the German language. He was very popular with both parents and children, not less for his taot and discipline than for his genial and kindly nature, and frequently had as many as sixty scholars on his roll. Each child paid fifty cents per month for instruction. George Gordon also taught at this point, as also in the stone school-house near Kellersville, since demolished. His death was sudden, and greatly shocked his pupils, who were gathering for their morning tasks when the intelligence reached them. Several of Mr. Gordon's schol- ars are still living in the township. An early teacher, whose services were sought in various portions of the township where school-houses had been erected, was one Ungle- moyer. The school territory of Hamilton is divided into fifteen districts, five months being the average period of teaching during the year. The schools are taught by twelve male and three female teachers. The number of children in attendance, according to the last report of the superintendent of the county, is four hundred and seventy-five, and the av- erage attendance three hundred and forty- eight. The total amount of tax levied for school and building purposes is $2341.96, and the State appropriation $407.81. The total receipts for school purposes are $2711.45. There is paid as salary to teachers $1681.75. The majority of the buildings devoted to edu- cational purposes are in good repair, and the schools are iu a flourishing conditiou. Eahly Roads. — The earliest road in the township is known as the Sullivan road, which passed through the Wind Gap, entered the township at the southwest corner, wended its way a northerly course through Sciota, continu- ing in a northerly direction through Pocono township and diverging to the west in a direct line for Stoddartsville, from whence it reached Wilkes-Barre and the Wyoming Valley. This road was opened by General Sullivan in 1778, to enable his army to reach the Wyoming Val- ley and rescue the settlers from the Indian mas- sacres, so frequent in that early day. Many points along the road have a renewed interest from the incidents connected with the progress of this army. Another road was in early times known as the Minisink road, which started at the Wind Gap, entered the township near Saylorsburg, passed through Bossardsville and thence to Stroudsburg. Highways were subse- quently opened, as the presence of settlers ren- dered them necessary, until Hamilton is now traversed by many roads, which are usually in excellent repair. Sciota village, formerly known asFenners- ville, was laid out by Henry Fenner and as early as 1845 embraced twelve dwellings, a store, a tavern, two grist-mills, a carding-ma- chine and the usual number of handicrafts in a village thus situated. Except in the number of dwellings, one or more of which are elegant and attractive, and the impulse given to busi- WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ness by a successfully operated tannery, it has not grown greatly in dimensions or in fortune. It has now one store, kept by Nathan M. Lesh ; one harness shop, by Silas Frantz ; one wagon factory, by John G. Weiss; a hotel, by Mali Ion Everett ; two grist-mills, by George Brown and George Snyder ; a school-house and a post office, established on the formation of the handet, with Nathan M. Lesh as the present postmaster. The tannery here located is elsewhere men- tioned. Snydersville. — This is a hamlet laid out by Abel Patterge as early as the organization of the township. It contained, in 1845, eight dwellings, one store, one tavern and a school- house. It has now a tavern, of which Samuel Shook is the landlord ; a store, kept by John M. Ace ; an Odd-Fellows' Hall ; a mill, con- ducted by Frank Haney ; a blacksmith shop, a school and a church. A post-office was early established at this point, Alexander Harps being the present postmaster. Kellersville hamlet was begun by George Keller as early as 1812, and when the county- seat of Monroe County was located received favorable notice as a desirable site for the county buildings. A strong effort was made to bring about this result, but the rival claims of Strouds- burg proving too great, the handet lias not since increased in population. In 1845 it had ten dwellings, one store, one tavern, a school-house, a grist-mill, a clover-mill and a church near it. It has now a grist-mill, owned by Levi M. and David Slutter ; the Kellersville Woolen-Mills, owned by J. G. Kerkhuff, and devoted to card- ing only and closed in winter; and a store, kept by G. B. Duke. •Stokmville. — The property on which this hamlet is located was originally owned by Judge Andrew Storm. In 1845 Casper Metz- gar erected a store, which he managed for some years, when it was transferred to Allen Metz- gar, who now owns the property, though its business is conducted by Frank Fetherman. Soon after the opening of the store a post office was established, Casper Metzgar receiving the commission as postmaster. His son Allen was next appointed, and Frank Fetherman now holds the office. A blacksmith ami wagon shop also add to the business of the place. The lime-kilns near this place are owned by Casper Metzgar and were constructed in 1877. There are three kilns, supplied with stone from quar- ries in tlie vicinity, their capacity being three hundred bushels of lime per day, for which a market is found in the neighborhood. Bossardsville was projected by Melchior Bossard about the year 1842. He first engaged in farming and later obtained a license to open a hotel. A store was kept by George Keller, who sold to Linford Heller, his successor. Jo- seph Bossard afterward established a business, and purchasing the former store, consolidated it with his own. He sold to Jacob S. McNeal, who again sold to John P. Carmer, the present owner. He is also the postmaster of the place. The hotel is kept by Peter Bonser. Near Bos- sardsville are extensive lime-kilns controlled by Peter Heller, Charles Williams and John P. Carmer, which draw their supplies from the neighboring quarries. They produce an aggre- gate of two thousand bushels per day when in operation. Saylobsbttrg was laid out by Charles and Samuel Saylor about the year 1825. Having purchased the land, they erected a tavern , of which Peter Kemmerer was the first landlord, the present proprietor being Jacob Haney. Soon after a store was opened by Charles Say- lor. There is an additional hotel kept by John W. Meckas, and a post-office, David Saylor be- ing the postmaster. KrxKLETow x is a hamlet consisting of a few dwellings and a mill, owned by Henry Falmer, of Eastou. Manufactures and Industries. — The tan- nery at Sciota was built by Joseph Fenner, and by him sold to Butz & Bossard, who con- trolled it for a brief period, when Charles E. Kistler purchased the property, his estate now controlling it. It is run by steam-power, a forty horse-power engine being employed for the purpose. Its capacity is from two hundred hides per week to one thousand per month. In its various departments twenty men are em- ployed and seven and one-half tons of bark consumed daily. A market for its products is found in New York. The manager of the es- MONROE COUNTY. 1213 tablishment is Wilson Kistler, executor of the estate of Charles E. Kistler. Hamilton Foundry, which is owned by E. B. Marsh & Brother, was established in 1848 by John Marsh, and is located northwest of the centre of the township, near Kellersville. Its products are plows, farm utensils, mill-gearing, stoves, etc. During its early history three moulders were employed, one pattern-maker, two plow-makers, a blacksmith and a machinist. The capacity of the foundry has siuce been doubled and much new machinery been added. The products of the shops find a ready market at home and in adjacent portions of the State. Isaac Marsh, soon after the establishment of the business, became a partner, and the firm later became Marsh & Skitter. Eugene Marsh pur- chased the interest of Levi Slutter, when the firm became John Marsh & Son. In 1880 the senior partner sold his interest to his son Horace, and E. B. Marsh & Brother became proprietors. SOCIETIES AND ORDERS. Neola Lodge, No. 827, I. (). of O. F.— This lodge, located at Snydersville, was insti- tuted on the 5th of February, 1873, by Theo- dore Schoch, D. D. (i. M., assisted by Dr. Hickcock, Past Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States. Its first officers were George Bitteubender, N. G. ; Jacob Katz, V. G. ; Peter Gruber, Sec. It is in a prosperous condition, its present officers being John Hart- man, N. G. ; Franklin Frantz, V. G. ; W. E. Shoener, Sec. ; P. J. Stecker, Asst. Sec. ; N. E. Shoener, Representative to Grand Lodge. Its meetings are held on Saturday night in the quarters occupied by the lodge at Snydersville. Civil List. — The officers of the township of Hamilton are not recorded for the period prior to the year 1840. The more important since that date are as follows : I'STICES OF THE I fharles Savior 1840-45 Levi Slutter 1810 Michael Shoemaker 1845 Charles I. Walton 1850-55 John Marsh 1850 Charles I. Miller 1855-60 Alexander W. Loder 1865 J. 11. Fennel- 1866-70-76-81 Alonzo B. Shafer 1872-77 E. B. Marsh 1879-84 Joseph Fenner 1847 Jacob Spragle .... 1840-42 Samuel Cuetard . 1859 John Bossart 1840-42-57 Joeepb Fable 1 859-63 '-I Joseph Kemraerer... . 1 ~ 1 1 66 o,l .1 \ Bossard . .. . 1860 64-72. .... 1844 George Ortman George Snyder . 1861-64 Gideon Burritt .... 1X14 Joseph Fennel .... 1841 E. F. Wallace . 1862 Balser Fetherman .... 1841 Jonathan Fetherman.... 1863 .... 1843 Jesse Van Buskiik .... 1843 Thomas E. Heller . 1865 Charles Houser .... isir, Jonas Ney hart 1867 Peter Williams .... 1846 .... 1846 Julm .Mansfield Evan Sprigle . 1868-70 Abraham Ediuger .... 1S47 Jacob Biltenbimler... .... 1847 Joseph Kemmerer, Jr... . 1869 1848-51-55 .... 1848-51 Adam Custard Christopher Bittenbinde 1S73 I harles Saylor .... 1849 John Gower . 1873 George Bittenbinder.. C. M. Low 1874 Levi Slutter .... 1850-56 Abraham Custard 1874 John F. Bender ... ISO" John 8. Mansfield 1875 .... 1852 1876 Jacob Dennis .... 1852 August Baltz 1877-80 Jacob llalpse .... is:,;'. .lames (lyerfield . 1877 Samuel Strupv .... 1853 I'. 11. Fetherman . 1S7S George K. Slutter .... 1864 William 11. B. Hinton. 1 ,,s-M-84 Joseph llinkel .... 1854 Anthony Kintz 1879-82. Joseph Metzgar 1856 Gustavus Houck Theodore Werkheisei-.... William Hainey .... 1858 1883 1885 iSSESBORS. Frederick Reiser ... 1840 Joseph H. Hartmao 1802 John Williams .... 1841^12 John W. Young 1863 l'eter Snyder .... 1843 John Gower 1864 Robert W. Swinn ... 1844 L. W. Van Buskirk 1865 Chailes I.Walton 1845-46-47 Thomas Arnold 1866 Dayid Kemmerer ... 1S4S Israel Houser.... 1867-82 83-84-85 PhilipMiller ... 1850 William Ilaney 1869-73- Julm lb-ewer ... 1851 Abram Bryan 1S7I1 ... 1852 Joseph II. Houscr .... 1854 Israel Houser 1874 Thomas E. Heller ... 1855 S. A. Blewer IS'5 1876 John Einkor ... 1S57 J. S. Serfass 1879 Simon Storm ... 1858 Nathan Lesb 1880 George Laren ... 1861 ASSESSMENT L 1ST FOR 1781. Thomas Ashto a. Peter Conrad. Conrad Amok Thomas Carty. Jacob Arnold. William Corn. Abraham Arnt Id. Henrv Deiter. Martin Arnold George Dull. John Alexander. John Depper. Melchior Buzz ird. William Echard. Henry Buzzarc . John Fellener. Henry Bush. Ludwig Gower. Post Bush. Thomas Gillmore. Walter Barry. Peter Hoffsmith. John Bitteubender. Peter Hackle. William Bellowsfield. Simon Heller. Jacob Briuker. John Hueston. Lawrence Buskiik. \j John Heller. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. John Hoodmaker. Barthol Shivly. John Streepy. Michael Butz. Jacob Keminerer. Jacob Sterner. Peter Shaw. Peter Metzgar. Stofle Keller. Michael Sterner. Anthony Kintz, Jr. Levi Cartright. Anthony Keans. Adam Steeher. John Starner. Jacob Klinker. Lawrence Kunkle. George Stezer. George Spragle. John Metzgar. John Lorr. John Shafer. Jacob Sobers. John Shaw. James Logan. John Storm. Michael Starner, Jr William Place. Robert McDool. Andrew Storm. John Gower. John Keller. Abraham Miller. Mathias Shafer. Christ. Bittenbender. Daniel Swartwood. Christian Mininger. Jacob Switz. George Skitter. Charles Dailey. Frederick Miller. Henry Switz. Peter Grace. George Heller. Sarah Miller. Richard Shaw. William Mostellar. John Kunkel. Henry McCormick. Christian Saum. George Metzgar. Jacob Kemmerer. Jacob Miller. John Seely. William Adams. John Storm. Ludwig Moyer. Henry Uhly. Adam Roth. Robert Barry. Alexander Patterson. Benjamin Van Horn. Jacob Kemmerer. Jacob Staples. John Pevyhouse. Samuel Van Horn. Nicholas Metzgar. George Staples. Henry Putts. Bernard Van Horn. Benjamin Brown. George Marsh. Derias Parks. Christian Willower. Peter Ramstine. John Williams, Jr. George Pratz. Henry Weis. Christian Miller. John W. Burnett. Nicholas Ramstone. Andrew Wooling. John Young. John Blayer. George Rhoad. Nicholas Young. John Marsh. John Shicks. An election was held at the house of Simon John Slutter. John Grau. Samuel Warner. Abraham Marsh. Heller, in Hamilton township, on the l2( )tli day Andrew Storm. Isaac Marsh. of March, 1818. The following were the Melchior Kintz. David Heller. Names of Voters. Francis J. Staples. Joseph Trach. John Williams. Conrad Kemmerer. George Shafer. Jacob Kern. Robert Shirley. Balser Fetherman. Valentine Kiser. John Arnold. Joseph Dennis. Christopher Bossard. Peter Butz. Moses Van Buskirk. Rudolph Trach. Alexander Brown. Jacob Dreher. Abraham Miller. George Kemmerer. Christian Stout. John Barrier. John Spragle. Henry Setzer. Jacob Woolfinger. Constables. John Jones. Peter Bossard. Jonas Metzger. Nicholas Young. Benjamin Stub. John Kemmerer. Conrad Kemmerer. Peter Heller. Daniel Spragle. John Miller. John Williams. John Lawrence. Abraham Setzer. Abraham Fetherman. John Houser. Joseph Swartwood. Valentine Werkheiser. Supervisors. John Snyder. Nicholas Young. Charles Werkheiser. Henry Werkheiser. George Metzgar. Thomas Miller. Valentine Werkheiser. John Shaw, Jr. Joseph Metzger. George Gower. Casper Metzger. Overseers of f/ie Poor. Christian Kiser. Peter Heller. John Gower. John Fellenser. Jonas Metzgar. Henry Fenner. Conrad Woodling. Andrew Storm. Henry Neyhart. John Staples. Settlers. Henry Waller. John Klinker. John Learn. Valentine Werkheiser. John Adam Eyer. Simon Heller. Peter Kester. Michael Starner. George Keller. Henry Fenner. John Arnold. Philip Fetherman. James Shafer. John Arnold. < reorge Ruth. Daniel Houser. Assessment Roll for 1848. — The follow- James Shafer. John Williams. ing assessment list for the year 1848 irives the Anthony Kintz, Peter Snyder. resident tax-payers of that date : George Erdman. Silvanus Strang. Abraham Marsh, Jr. Jacob Butz. Jacob Arnold. Conrad Anthony (Est.). John i tverpeck. John Lawrence. Philip Arnold. George Abies. Frederick Houser. John Storm, Jr. John Arnold. George Ardman. William Kester. Thomas Miller. Conrad Arnold. M. Altermose. David Edinger. Jacob Spragle. Abraham Arnold. John F. Bender. MONROE COUNTY. D. M. Bellesfold. James Rickhaw. John Kunkle (Est.). Levi Slutter. A'dam Butz. Jacob Rubert. John Lesh. Jacob Storm. Alexander Brown. John Railsby. A. Levering. Andrew Storm. Jacob Bossard. John Evans. Josiah Loren. Abel Staples. George Buskirk. Jacob Ever. Robert Levers. Michael Supers. Samuel Buskirk. Henry Edinger. Nicholas Metzgar. M. Shoemaker. Andrew Buskirk. Joseph Edinger. Melchior Meyers. George Swartwood. George Butz. Charles France. Isaac Marsh. Samuel Streepy. Jesse Buskirk. Henry Fenner. Amos Rouse Jacob Stophert. Peter Butz. Charles Fetherman. Solomon Rinker. George L. Slutter. Abraham Butz. Joseph Fellenger. Philip Shafer. Joseph Troch. Chris. Bittenbender. John Fellenger, Jr. Philip Shafer, Jr. Charles Troch. Jacob Bittenbender. B. Fetherman. Jacob Shafer. Henry Tittle. John Bond. Jacob Felker. Peter Snyder. Charles Terwilleger. Gideon Barrett. Abram Fetherman. George Slutter. George Umpherd. Michael Broad. John Fetherman, Jr. J. Swartwood. Jacob Williams. John Brewer. Joseph Falde. Charles Snyder. Charles T. Watson. Elisha Barnes. Joseph Fenner. Joseph Saunt. John Woodling. Adam Custard. Barnett Fenner. Benjamin Stroh. Andrew Woodling. A. S. Clewell. Christ. Felker. Benjamin Shoemaker George Woodling. Jacob Dennis. Daniel Frace. Charles Saylor. Charles Williams. Henry Dietrich. John Gower. Samuel Saylor. Simon Williams. Benjamin Dungan. Abraham Green. George Shafer. Peter Williams. Charles Daily. Rufus Guthre. Jacob Shafer. William Winn. Andrew Duher. John Grower. George Sobers. Adam Werkheiser. David Edinger. George Houser. Andrew Storm. John Werkheiser. Charles Miller. Thomas Heller. Peter Shaw. V. Werkheiser (Est.). Simon Meyers. Daniel Heller. J. Slackhouse. Felix Weiss. Peter Marsh. Simon Heller. Henry Setzer. Charles West. Michael Michis. James Harman. Jacob Shoemaker. Simon Wilhelm. Jacob Metzgar. John Heukle. Edward Storm. Jacob Williams. John Miller. Joseph Harman. Samuel Storm. Jesse Weiss. John Marsh. John Houston. Abraham Shook. Jacob Wool finger. Thomas Miller. Aaron Hartman. Jacob Shook. Charles Woruic. George Miller. T. Hoffenditz. Isaac Slutter. John Young. Samuel Mengle. Margaret Heisler. Jacob Slutter. Jacob Mackis. Peter Houser. Christ Church, Hamilton (of the Lu- John Mansfield. George Metzgar. Henry Houser. George Haron. theran and Reformed denominations.) — The his- Caspar Metzgar. John James. tory of the congregations now worshipping in John Miller. Joseph Kemmerer. Christ Union Church, Hamilton township, James Miller. A. KirklK.tf. Monroe County, Pa., according to the old Ger- Jacob Marsh. Peter Marsh. Joseph Meyers. John Kirkhoff. M. Kentz. John Kent/.. man records on hand, dates back to the year 1768, as, although, judging from the large Joseph Metzgar. Frederick Kiser. number of communicants then already gathered, Philip Mosteller. Rudolph Keller. it would appear that one or probably both of Peter Mosteller. David Kemmerer. these congregations must have had an existence Jacob Newhart. Barnett Kemmerer. previous to this time, corded bears date of The earliest baptism re- February 12, 1763, and is George Newhart. Jonas Newhart. Conrad Kemmerer. Joseph Kemmerer. Henry Newhart. John Keller. the record of the Rev. J. A. Friedricus, Lu- Samuel Newhart. Michael Kiser. theran pastor. The first communion record, Joseph Nawman. Rebecca Kunkle. also by the Rev. Mr Friedricus, bears date of John Overpeck. Samuel Ruth. George Ruth. Chris. Kirkhoff. William Kirkhoff. Charles Keller. 1768, and among the communicants there re- corded we find the mother of the child bap- Jacob Ruth. Joseph Keller. tized in 1763. These circumstances would lead Samuel Rees. Lawrence Keller. us to infer that effor s were put forth as early WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. as 1763, at least, looking toward the organiza- tion of the Lutheran Church in this place. The first evidences, however, of a permanent organ- ization do not appear till 1768. That year finds thirty-seven names enrolled as communi- cants, and in the following year we find the names of seventy-three persons on the record, fifteen of which number were catechumens. The book from which this information is gathered was purchased in 1768 "for the use of the Lutheran and Reformed Congregations," and whilst the earliest communicants recorded by a Reformed pastor have the date of June 15, 1794, we would nevertheless infer from evidences which appear in various parts of this old book that the organization of the Reformed congregation dates back at least to 1768, and it may be that there exists somewhere a separate record of this congregation, which, however, we have been unable to find. It is a pity that these early records are so incomplete, and. in many respects, so imperfect, as with the meagre information on hand it is a difficult task to trace even the names of the ministers settled over these congregations in their early history. In 1775 these congregations had assumed fair proportions and in that year three acres of land were secured to build thereon a church and school-house, and for a grave-yard. One acre of this land was presented to the congre- gations by Mr. Philip Bossard, a member of the Reformed Church,- and the congregations purchased the other two acres, Mr. George Hart lieb, a member of the Lutheran Church, pay- ing for one acre. A log church and a school- house were erected the same year, and prosper- ity seems to have attended their projects. The relations between the two congregations seem to have been harmonious, and in the years from 1775 to 1820 there seems to have been a steady growth in membership and also an accumula- tion of some wealth. In 1820 the congrega- tions owned several hundred acres of land, which had come to them either through' legacies or purchase, and in 1819, wheu probably they began to think about the erection of a new house of worship, the joint council sold a tract of land to Mr. Rudolph Trach for two thousand four hundred dollars, and in 1823 another tract was divided into nine separate lots and sold to different parties. The proceeds of this sale reached the sum of one thousand four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and five cents. These sums were divided among the congregations, share and share alike. On May 28, 1829 the corner-stone of the present church was laid with appropriate cere- monies. On that oocasion, and previous to the laying of the corner-stone, a series of rules and by-laws were adopted and signed in the pres- ence of both congregations by the members of the joint church council. The following names are attached to this document: Peter Rister. George Metzgar. John Williams. Joseph Metzgar. George Heller. John Heller. George Ganer. Joseph Keller. John Erdman. Val. Werkheiser. Peter Bossard. John Eyer, Rtformed. Henry Fenner. Daniel Houser. Felix Weiss. George Merseh. George Ruth. Jacob Wol finger. J. Strau-s, Jr. John Schmidt. J. Strauss, Sr. Jacob Meixell. Ad. Arnold. Peter Heller, and others. The present church was dedicated November 6 and 7, 1830, by the pastors, the Rev. J. B. Gross, of the Lutheran Church, and the Rev. H. L. Hoffeditz, of the Reformed Church, assisted by several visiting clergymen. The church cost $3690.91. The Lutheran congre- getion was chartered by the State in 1816. The Reformed congregation also has a charter from the State, but we have not been able to learn its date. The Lutheran congregation owns a parsonage lot, near the church, of sixteen acres of land. The present parsonage Mas built in 1837. The Reformed congregation owns a parson- age property in the village of Sciota, about one mile from the church. The Hamilton Church is properly called the " mother-church," in this county, of the Luth- eran and Reformed congregation, Brodheads- MONROE COUNTY. 1217 ville ; the Lutheran Church, Bartousville ; St. Mark's Union Church, Appenzell ; St. Paul's Union Church, Tannersville ; the Union Church, Cherry Valley ; the Reformed congre- gation, Stroudsburg ; the Union Church, Ross township. These congregations are composed largely of members that were formerly connected with the Hamilton Church, and probably one-third of the members of the Albright Church and of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this part of the county received their first religious training in this church. ].|:THEI1AN PA8T0H8, Rev. J. B. Gross 1828-J1 Rev. George Heilig 1841-57 Rev. A. Rumyf 1857-58 Rev. S. S. Kline 1858-60 Rev. H. Seifert 1860-69 Rev. I. R. Focht 1809-74 Rev. George Roths 1874-82 Rev. R. H. Clare 1882- Rev. G. B. Dechant 1800-02 Rev. H.Daniels, about 1872-77 Rev. Siegel, about 1877-80 Rev. H. Michler 1880-82 Rev. G. W. Kirchner 1883- Rev. J. A. Preidricna 1763-80 Rev. Frank Neimejer....l790-1803 Rev. Chas. F. Endress 1803-05 Rev. C. Diehl 1805-10 Rev. .1. ColBOn 1810-12 Rev. P. Ruppert 1812-18 Bev. H. Kurtz 1818-23 Rev. P. Ruppert 1823-28 (second term) REfORMF Rev. 1703-95 Rev. Hofflmeyer 1795-97 Rev. N. XoUDg 1797-99 Rev. N. Pomp 1799-1817 Rev. Theo. L. Hoffeditz and son, Rev. Theo. Hoffeditz, Jr.1817-00 Cherry Valley Methodist Episcopal Church. — Prayer-meetings were held as early as 1830. There being no church of this de- nomination in the valley at this time, these meetings were held at the houses of Peter Butts, Conrad Kemmerer, John Kemmerer, David Edinger and others. John Kemmerer was the first class-leader, and was succeeded by Samuel Gish. The early Methodists met with great opposition and endured great trials. They were a faithful, zealous people, many of whom lived to help build a church and enjoy the bless- ing of God. At this time they were joined with the Stroudsburg Circuit, and it was not until 1843 that Cherry Valley was made a separate circuit and Rev. Mahlon H. Sisty ap- pointed to the charge. The church edifice was erected during this year and the site procured from Peter Shaw, on the south side of mound used for burial in the valley. The first trustees were Michael Keiser, John H. Kemmerer, David Edinger, John Kemmer- er and Samuel Gish. The builders were Jo- seph Nauman, stone mason, and Charles Kem- 123 merer, carpenter. The church edifice was coni- pleted and dedicated the 4th and 5th of No- vember, 1843. Cherry Valley was at this time a mission and belonged to the Reading District. The separation of Cherry Valley from Strouds- burg was not thought expedient and a return to the old arrangement was thought advisable; therefore Cherry Ridge and Paradise were in- cluded with Stroudsburg, under the name of Stroudsburg. In 1851-52 Stroudsburg be- came a station, and Cherry Valley included sev- eral other points, under the name of Cherry Valley Circuit. On June 14, 1856, the first quarterly meeting of the Cherry Valley Circuit was held. In 1859 N. M. Harmer was chosen superintendent of the Sabbath-school, and was succeeded by Christian Kemmerer. In 1863 arrangements were made for building a parson- age, during the pastorate of Rev. Alfred A. Fisher. In 18G8 the church was called to mourn the death of two of its oldest members — Sarah Overpeck, who was identified with early Methodism in the valley, and was indeed a " Mother in Israel " (she died at the age of ninety-four), and Susanna Kemmerer, a woman faithful to the church. In 1880 the membership of the Cherry Val- ley Circuit was one hundred and forty-one, an increase of ninety-one since 1853. In 1880 the question of erecting a new church edifice was agitated, and a subscription list was headed by Michael Keiser with one thousand dollars ; but that good man died in 1883, yet left by bequest five hundred dollars to the church. In that year, under the pastorate of Rev. Henry Frankland, a site was chosen upon which the present church edifice was erected in 1885, the corner-stone being laid on Sunday, July 5th. The structure cost three thousand six hundred and twenty-nine dollars, and Mas dedicated with impressive ceremonies, many visiting clergymen from Philadelphia and other places being present. Evangelical Association. — This associa- tion was formed under Rev. Christian Gingrich, who held a series of meetings, first in the Sny- dersville Schooldiouse, and later in the carpen- ter shop of George Slutter, where a room had been fitted and made convenient for religious 1218 WAYNE, PIKE, AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. services. About three years later a commo- dious brick edifice was erected under the direc- tion of a board of trustees, consisting of H. A. Werkheiser, Henry Roaeder anil George P. Fisher, at a cost of eight hundred and seven dollars. A debt which was at that time in- curred has since been liquidated. The pastors who have served the church are, as nearly in succession as it is possible to recall them, as fol- lows : Revs. Christian Gingrich, Elias Miller, George P. Fisher, Joshua Fry, Blattenbaher, Gartner, Joseph Gross, Chub, Thomas Harber, F. P. Lehr, W. A. Leyboldt, Enos Miller, Isaac Zimmerman, Titus Hess, David Hambright, Kint, L. N. Worman, Henry Schultz, Isaac Yeakle, G. P. Fisher, Guinter, Rumburger, Spiker and Henry Rumboldt. The present trustees of the church are H. A. Werkheiser, Amos Frantz and Henry Shoemaker. The organization has for many years been quite prosperous, though the membership is at pres- ent small. A Union Sunday-school, which is well sustained, is held during the summer mouths. The present class-leader is Henry A. Werkheiser. CHAPTER XIV. CHESTNUTHILL TOWNSHIP. 1 The first official information relative to the erection of Chestnuthill township appears in the Quarter Sessions Docket of Northampton County. This docket shows that on September 20, 1763, Abraham Smith was appointed con- stable of Chestnuthill township. It is the most regular in outline of the townships of Monroe County, and contains about twenty- three thousand acres, most of which is suscepti- ble of cultivation. It lies direetly east from Polk, having Ross to the south, Tunkhannoek on its northern, and Jackson and Hamilton on its western border. Many small streams that rise out of or near the Pocono Mountain flow into and through the township. The largest is McMichael Cicero Gearliart, Esq. Creek, which is formed by the confluence of Hippy and Bower Creeks, near its north- eastern corner, and flows southward to within one mile of the southern line, where it turns and flows eastward into Hamilton township. The western half of this area is drained by Sugar Hollow Creek, a stream which, rising on the southern slope of the Pocono Mountain, flows southward anil parallel with McMichael Creek, turning westward into Polk township at about one mile from the southern boundary of the township. A water-shed, running through the township from north to south, separates these two streams and their branches, the waters of McMichael's Creek finding their way into the Delaware River, and those of the Sugar Hollow to the Lehigh River. Never-failing springs are found on many of the farms, which flow through other farms, so that the surface is well-watered. Several small lakes are found in the township, chief among which are Minneola and Wire Spring Lakes, being about two miles distant from each other. Lake Minneola has neither inlet nor outlet that is visible, being fed by springs which rise beneath its surface. It doubtless has a subterranean outlet through the coarse drift deposits to McMichael Creek, which flows by it, one-quarter mile eastward. The elevated portions of the soil are gravelly, while in the valleys we find it mostly clay. The soil in the northern part of the township has a reddish color. South of this, yellow pre- dominates till it strikes the " round stone creek " soil in the southern part. The surface of the township is uneven, being brokeu by numerous ridges of high hills. Agri- culture is the chief employment of the people. Many of the cultivators of the soil are of Ger- man descent, and no township in the county can boast of more highly cultivated and produc- tive farms than Chestnuthill. Early Settlements. — The names of the early settlers of Chestnuthill township, and with whom its history is intimately blended, are George Hood, Conard Kresge, William Serfass, Adam Hufsmith, Sebastian Broug, Patrick Daily, Philip Kresge, Philip Gear- I hart, C. H. Brodhead, Daniel Brown, Henry MONROE COUNTY. 1219 Siglin, Felix Weiss, Samuel Rees, Henry Weiss, Joseph Greeu, Isaac Lester, Adam Hood- maker and a host of others too numerous to mention, whose descendants are living in the township, on the places of their fathers. George Hood, supposed to be the first settler in the township, located on lands now owned and occupied by Felix Storm. He purchased a tract of laud from the old Moravians of Bethlehem, who had bought the flat lands west of Brodheadsville at an early date. On this he built a small log cabin of the timber felled in clearing the soil. He was the father of five children, viz., — George, Magdalene (married to Andrew Storm), Margaret (married to Henry Fenuer), Ann (married to Adam Hufsmith) and Catharine (married to Joseph Lester). George succeeded to his father's estate. The first township elections were held at his house. In those days the interest manifested in an elec- tion was estimated by the number of battles fought at the polls. After the polls were closed a party was held, and dancing was engaged in till nearly daylight the next morning. George Hood was the father of four children, viz., — George (who died single), Susan (married to Samuel Shafer), Mary (who died at an early age) and Elizabeth (married to Lawrence Siglin). Adam Hufsmith was the first to settle in the valley, and located on the farm where William H. Fenner now lives. He was four times married and had ten children. The names of the children are as follows : Jacob, Peter, Philip, Adam, Lizzie (who had married David Fisher), Margaret (married to Adam Arnold, whose descendants are Emanuel and Charles), Maria (married to Henry Weiss), Eve (married to Peter Serfass), Julia (married to Charles Haney, and was the mother of Felix, Daniel and Edwin Haney) and Katie (married to Michael Lilly). Jacob married Sallie Arnold and was blessed with eleven children, viz. : John, who lived a single life; Charles, who married Lydia Keller, and had eight children, viz. : Maria (married to Theodore Altemose), Sarah (married to Roman Shafer), Ellen (married to CiceroSigliu), Hannah (married to Marian Detrick), Etna, Charles, Cora and Gusta; Jacob, who married Sarah Keller, and had one child, succeeded to his father's estate, where he now lives; Julia, married to George Seiger ; Hannah, married to David Srovel ; Sallie, married to William F. Edmonds; Katie, married to Joseph Brong; Eve, married to Charles Edmonds; Maria, married to William Sebring ; Margaret, married to Edwin R. Gearheart; and Abraham, who married Mary Ann liinker and had ten chil- dren, none of whom are now living in the town- ship. Peter succeeded to his father's estate, and took to wife Miss Sallie Shoemaker. They were the parents of seven children, viz., — Peter, Adam, Henry, Elizabeth (married to David Kresge), Mary (married to Peter Laufer), Caroline (married to Joel Kresge), Julia (married to John Haney) and Sarah (married to George Miller). Peter, Adam and Henry left the township at an early age. Philip married Hannah Bussard, and was the father of six children, none of whom are living in the town- ship. Adam married Elizabeth Christman, and died without issue. William Serfass, the ancestor of the Serfass family, settled on the farm where Charles Ser- fass, a grandchild, now lives. He is said to have had a son named William. William married Margaret Everitt, and had ten children, viz., — Sallie, married to Peter Berger; Samuel; William, who had thirteen children, viz., — Catharine, Margaret (married to Linford Overpeck), George, William, Mary, Charles, Joseph, Simon, Sally (married to Amos Rhodes), Franklin, Christian, Maria (married to Daniel Andrews) and Jacob ; Margaret, the fourth child of William Serfass, was married to Jacob Dorshimer ; Elizabeth, married to John Swartz ; Mary Ann, married to Michael Getz ; Charles, who had twelve children, viz., — Peter, Margaret, AYilliam, Berlin, Charles, Cornelius, Julia, Amanda, Sophia, Emma, Carrie and Francis ; Catharine, married to Peter Fraily; Julia, married to Abraham Shitfer; and Daniel, who had four children, viz., — Jane (married to Emanuel Durpass), Jack- son D., John and Julia. About 1745 Conrad Kresge's father settled at Effort. Conrad became the owner of his 1221) WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. father's estate and had ten children, viz.: Con- rad, John, Margaret (married to Jacob Slifer), Philip, Charles, Daniel, Peter, Elizabeth (mar- ried to Geo. Butz), and George and Katie. Conrad went to Ohio while yet a yonug man. John was scalped by the Indians one morning while working with his father on " new ground." George and Katie both died at an early age. Peter was the father of eleven children, viz.: Milly (married to John Barehold) ; Mary (who died single) ; Timothy (who married Julia Shifter and had four children, — two boys and two girls), Sebastian (who married Catharine Kuukle, and was the father of six children), Peter (who lives in Kansas), Elizabeth (mar- ried James Kunkle), Owen (who married Eva Christman), Spearing and Nathan H. (who are both in Kansas), Susan (married to Johu Graver) and Amanda (who died young). Daniel had five children, viz.: Franklin, Free- man, Sophia, Sarah and Gusta. Charles is the father of Perry, Charles, Tilghman and Frank- lin Kresge, and of Gusta (wife of Levi Keller) and Elizabeth (married to Amandus Getz). Between the years 1775 and 1780 Sebastian Brong, who had come from Bucks County, settled on McMichael Creek, on premises now owned by Joseph Brong. He is known to have had eight children, viz.: Peter, Jacob, Adam, Sebastian, Susan (married to Felix Weiss), Barbary (married to Jacob Dorshimer), Catharine (married to Peter Miller) and John. Of these, Jacob and Sebastian lived in the township and had families. Joseph Brong is a son of Jacob, and married Catharine Huf- smith, and was blessed with eleven children, viz.: William, Sarah, Hannah, Mary Ann, Charles, Emma, Julia, Savannah, Johu, Million and Nathan. Sebastian Brong, brother of Jacob Brong, married Margaret Kresge, and was the father of nine children, viz.: Philip, Sallie, Amelia, Angeline, Sebastian, Elias, Oliver, Emma and Elizabeth. Henry Siglin was one of the first settlers at Mcllhaney village. He had six children, viz.: Jesse, John, George, Jacob, Frederick and Eliz- abeth (married to Adam Getz). Jesse, the oldest son, settled on the farm where his son Samuel now lives. He had ten children, viz.: Charles, Daniel, Mary, Law- rence, Henry, Susan, Julia, Samuel, Abra- ham and Hannah. Of these, Lawrence, Henry, Hannah, Samuel and Abraham are living in the township and have families. The assessment list of Chestnuthill town- ship, made by the commissioners of Northamp- ton County in 1790, contains the following names : Jr. John Andrew. Nicholas Altemose Henry Andre. John Betty. George Buskirk. Daniel Buskirk. Andrew Buskirk. Diehl Bower. George Sewitz. Stofle Berlieb. Henry Berger. Nicholas Berger. Michael Bush. William Becker. Bastian Brown. Stofle Christman. Stofle Christina: Adam Correll. Nicholas Correll. Emanuel Dorshimer. Jacob Everitt, Sr. Jacob Everitt, Jr. Lawrence Fisher. George Freable. Henry Frantz. Peter Frantz. Jacob Frantz. George Frantz. Elias Frutehnian. Philip Grub. Joseph Green. Samuel Green. Ludwig Gower. Gottfield Greenzweig. Conrad Getz. George Hood. Andrew Hoffsmith. Conrad Hoch. Jacob Hopple. Conrad Ludwig Keentz. George Knugle. Stofle Kleindolph. Peter Kochlein. John Klein. Elias Jester. Robert Livers. Isaac Morgan. Valentine Mockes. Abraham Merann. John Miller. John Mixel. Michael Mixel. Jacob Mixell. John Meyer. George Reinhart. Samuel Rawling. Christian Sarver. John Sharbrandy. Abraham Shupp. Peter Shmeal. John Shmeal. Philip Shupp. Henry Siglin. Peter Shmeal Jr. Adam Sarber. Conrad Roth. John Serfass. William Serfass. Frederick Shryder. John Smith. Jacob Smith. Jost Smeil. Christian Saum. Henry Sileries. George Socks. Jesse Washburn. George Werner. Nicholas Young. Krozy. Single Freemen. Henry Bahr. Johu Lemberger. Philip Deal. Tetomor Weruor. Isaac Smith. Philip Mixel. John Everitt. The first steps the early settlers took to get MONRO K COI'.NTV possession of the soil (which originally belonged to the Indians) was by making application to the rulers of the province of Pennsylvania for a warrant for the survey of the land selected, paying at the same time a certain per cent, of the purchase money down. A warrant was then issued, giving the surveyor-general of the province authority to survey a tract of land cor- responding in quantity to what was asked for in the settler's application. " The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ss : " Whereas, A. B. of the county of hath re- quested to take up acres of land, in town- ship, in the county of (provided the laud is not within the last purchase made of the Indians,) for which he agrees to pay, immediately, into the office of the Receiver General, for i lie use of this State, at the rate of per hundred acres, in Gold, Silver, Pa- per Money of our State, or Certificates, agreeably to an act of Assembly, passed the first day of April, 1784, and to an act passed the third day of April, 17H2, entitled an act for the sale of vacant lands within this Commonwealth. Interest to commence from the . " These are, therefore, to authorize and require you to survey, or cause to lie surveyed, unto the said A. B., the said quantity of acres, if not already sur- veyed or appropriated, and to make return thereof into the Secretary's Office, in order for confirmation, for which this shall be your warrant. " In witness whereof, Thomas Mifflin, Governor of the said Commonwealth, hath hereunto set his Hand, and caused the Less Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, the day of in the year . " To Daniel Brodhead, Esq., Surveyor General." In pursuance of the survey, a patent deed was granted to the settler which fully vested the title in him. After full title to their lands was thus ob- tained, the early settlers devoted themselves with might and main to the clearing of the land. The houses were built of logs, the interstices between were filled up with mud. The bare ground, trodden down hard, often served as a floor. The first floor generally consisted of two rooms — one being the kitchen and the other a bed-room. The second floor was reached by a I step-ladder. In the kitchen there was a huge fire-place, generally in the partition wall be- tween the two lower rooms, and a large chimney pointed from the middle of the roof. The clothes worn by the early settlers were all home-made. Linen was worn during the summer and woolen, in winter. The women did the spinning and often the weaving. In every household the hum of the spinning-wheel could lie heard from early in the morning till late at night. In some houses three or four spinuing-wheels could be found. After calico became cheap, women commenced to wear it, and many a lass boasted of a calico dress. Nearly all the people wore home-made clothes till 1855 or 1865. Landlords used to have frolics every Satur- day evening. It was seldom that a frolic was held where there were not several fights.. " Corn matches " were made by farmers to husk corn in the day and have a frolic in the evening, and the dancing was often kept up till near daylight. Churches. — There are five buildings in the township dedicated to the service of the Al- mighty God, viz. : The old Chestnuthill, or Salem Church, near Gilbert's ; St. John's Church, at Effort ; St. Mark's Church, at Brodheadsville ; Union Church, at Keller's Mills; and Evangelical Church, near Mc- Michael's. The Salem Church is a union church, the building and lands of the church being owned in equal right by Reformed and Lutheran congregations. The organization of this church, antedates the recollections of the oldest mem- bers, and a complete chronology of the same cannot be found. The first church was built in 1805. The building committee consisted of Henry Everitt, Philip Kresge (Reformed),. George Kunkle and John Serfass (Lutheran). The builders were Frederick Case and his three sons, — Conrad, John and Charles. A second church was built in 1872, at a cost of ten, thousand dollars. The pastors regularly serving the Reformed congregation from its organization to the pres- ent time are as follows : Eilenmoyer, Boomp, Hofenditz, Decker, Becker, Daniels, Huber and Smith. The Lutheran pastors for the same time have been Faunderslot, Mensing,. Gross, Heilig, Smalsey, Grow, Yeager, Struntz, Weber and Strauss. The cemetery belonging to this church is located across the street and contains about one WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. acre. The oldest tombstone bears this inscrip- tion, — " In Memory Jacob Esh, Died April 11, 1808. " Aged 30 years." St. Mark's Church. — Some time previous to 1860 divine worship was held in private houses in the vicinity of Brodheadsville. In that year C. D. Brodhead was instrumental in raising, by subscription, sixteen hundred dol- lars toward building a church. Encouraged by this success, a congregation was organized and C. D. Brodhead, Harrison Snyder and Rudolph Weiss were selected as building committee. The ground upon which the church stands was donated for that purpose by Rudolph Weiss. The building was finished and dedi- cated in 1862. The cost of the church build- ing was about twenty-five thousand dollars. The Reformed pastors have been G. B. Dechant, Charles Becker, Daniel Sheodler, T. A. Huber and Rev. Kretzing, the present pas- tor. On the Lutheran side we find Henry S. Seifert, Rev. Focht, Rev. Roth and the present pastor, Rev. Clair. St. John's Church. — This is a Union Church, the building belonging to Reformed and Lutheran congregations. It was built in 1872, at a cost of about two thousand dollars. Union Church. — This building is owned in equal right by Evangelical and Methodist Episcopal denominations. The first regular pastors for these congregations were Rev. Zimmerman and Rev. Illman, respectively. The building was erected in 1872. Schools. — The first school-house in this township was built in 1806, on a spot of ground now belonging to the Salem Church Cemetery. It was a double house. The teacher and family lived in one half and the school was held in the other. It is said that the first teacher in this house was a Mr. Kotz. He was succeeded in 1810 by Frederick Stiuer, a native of Germany, who taught about fifteen years. Instruction was imparted in both the English and German languages. About 1810 a second school building was erected near Keller's Mills. At present there are thirteen school-houses in the township. Following is a list of the school directors of the township since 1840 : 1840. Philip Dutterer. 1863 Geo Miller. Sebastian Brong. John Snyder. Mich. Hawk. 1864 Daniel H. Weiss. C. D. Keller. Simon Mill. 1841 Abraham Setzer. 1865 Frederick Siglin. Peter S. Altemose. David Shupp. 1842 Peter S. Altemose- 1866. Geo. W. Altemose Jacob Altemose. Lafayette Everitt. 1843. Wm. F. Edmonds.' 1867. Jonathan^ Darrow Jacob Hufsmith. E. C. Davis. 1844. Peter Hufsmith. 1868. David Shupp. Mch. Getz. Robert Snyder. 1845. Jas. Smith. 1869. Isaac Rodenbach. Edward Gilespie. John Snyder. 1846. Jac. Greenamoyer. 1870. John Kerchner. Charles Laufer. J. E. Hoodmaker. 1847. Joseph Brong. 1871. Geo. W. Altemose. John Kresge. David Shupp. 1848. P. J. Hoodmaker. 1872. Timothy Kresge. Henry H. Weiss. Joseph Brong. 1849 C. H. Brodhead. 1873. Charles Laufer. Edw. Gilespie. Christian Decker. 1850. Lewis Sox. 1874. J. E. Hoodmaker. John Setzer. Mathias Frable. 1851. Felix Storm. 1875. Jac. Greenamoyer. Jac. Greenamoyer. Simon Snyder. 1852. C. D. Brodhead. 1S76. J. E. Hoodmaker. Reuben Heiney. George Miller. 1853. Jacob Altemose. 1877. J. E. Hoodmaker. John Gregory. Freeman Shi tier. 1854. Felix Weiss. 1878. Wm. H. Fenner. Jos. Shupp. Chas. Dorshimer. 1855. Peter Gilbert. 1879. Christian Decker. Wm. F. Edmonds. Jonas Murphy. 1856. Jacob Dorshimer. 1880. A. S. Goner. Sam. Arnold. N. Kishpaugh. 1857. Chas. Serfass. 1881. Wm. H. Fenner. Joseph Shupp. Daniel Serfass. 1858. John I. Barthold. 1882. Nathan Laufer. Frederick Siglin. Josiah Shupp. 1859. Jacob Altemose. 1883. Lyman Everitt. Sebastian Brong. Freeman Shiffer. 1860. Isaac Rodenbach. 1884. Joseph Brong. Jacob K. Shafer. Daniel Everitt. 1861. John I. Barthold. 1885. D. M. Haney. John I. Green. Josiah Shupp. 1862. Frederick Siglin. 1886. Wm. F. Kresge. Christian Decker. James Everitt. VILLAGES. Brodheadsville is the oldest village in the township and is accessible by stage from Strouds- burg, Lehighton and Weissport daily. The land where this village now stands was granted by " the Honorable the Proprietaries of MONROK COUNTY. 1223 Pennsylvania " to William Serfass in fee. His descendants are still living in the village. The first store was started by Michael Meisner on the lot now owned and occupied by John T. Stotz. Adam Hufsmith, a short time after, started a store where Reuben Weiss now lives. Since that day the village has had two stores, the for- mer known as " upper store," and the latter as " lower store." Charles Brodhead and Daniel Brown purchased the " upper store " and run the same two years, under the firm-name Brod- head A: Brown, when Brodhead died and the firm changed to Brown &■ Co. This firm kept the first hotel and run both store and hotel un- til 1848, when C. D. Brodhead became the sole owner of same. His store was well known throughout the whole western part of the county. He had teams constantly on the road " hauling store goods" from Easton, and many trips were even made to Philadelphia, a dis- tance of about eighty-six miles. The village was named after him, which previous to 1802 was called " Shafer's." Linford Heller became the owner of the store and hotel in 1865, when Mr. Brodhead moved to Stroudsburg, where he still lives. The store is now owned by John T. Stotz. His stock is large and complete, of the latest styles, and is displayed in such an artistic mauuer that it forms one of the most attractive stores in the city. Davis Everitt is the present proprietor of the hotel. The " lower store " was successively owned and run by Adam Hufsmith, Charles Springer, Adam Utt, Daily & Tumbler, Lewis Sox, Charles Sensenbach and John J. Stecker, the present merchant. Academy. — Among the things of which Brodheadsville may be justly proud are its su- perior educational advantages. Fairview Acad- emy was planned and built in the spring and summer of 1881 by Professor George G. Kun- kle. The first session opened in August, 1881, with an attendance of sixty students for the first year. There are three courses of study, viz. : Preparatory, college preparatory and aca- demic. Students who complete college prepara- tory and academic courses receive the diploma of the academy. The present instructors are T. H. Serfass, principal and Miss M. C. Strauss, assistant. Mjnneola Lodge, No. 365, Knights of Pythias, was organized in 1872. Charter was granted June 6th of the same year. The first installed officers of Minneola Lodge, No. 365, are as follows : J. Ingraham Allender, V. P. ; W. H. Rhine- bart, W. C. ; C. Buruett, V. C. ; Abraham Bryan, R. S. ; George W. Drake, F. S. ; Wil- liam S. Rees, B. ; Samuel Hoffman, G. ; N. C. Miller, O. S. At the last election of the lodge the following persons were elected as officers : George Miller, C. C. ; Charles J. Shafer, V. C. ; John T. Stotz, P.; William H. Barthold, M. A.; William Serfass, M. F. ; Jerome Arnold, M. of E. ; Jo- nas B. Miller, K. of R. andS. Regular meet- ings held Saturday night of each week. Effort is a little giant village in the stride it has made in the past few years, toward a solidity and importance rivaling the oldest points in the township. One of the most suc- cessful merchants, J. D. Serfass, can look with pride upon the few years he has spent in the mercantile trade. The village has two schools, two stores, hotel, shoemaker shop, blacksmith shop, wheelwright shop, spoke factory, grist- mill, foundry, millinery-shop and post-office. McMkhael's is a small hamlet situated near the source of McMichaefs Creek, and con- tains two stores, hotel, saw-mill, post-office and blacksmith shop. McIliiaxey is situated in the southeastern part of the township. It has a store, post-office, hotel, school and blacksmith shop. Pleasant Valley. — The post-office was taken from Long Valley to this village, in 1864, by Jacob K. Shafer, who opened the firs! store in 1851. John Kerchner started the first hotel in 1 847. The village coutains store, hotel, academy, blacksmith shop, wheelwright shop and shoemaker shop. Grist-Mills — There are four grist-mills in the township, viz. : The Brodheadsville Mill, owned and run by ( reisinger & Bro.; the Wagner Mill, owned and run by John AVaguer ; the Kel- ler Mill, run by Cicero Siglin ; and the Alte- mose Mill, owned and run by F. H. Altemose. 1224 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Justices of the Peace. — The following persons have been elected justices of the peace since 1*40 : 1859. James Kresge. 1863. Felix Storm. 1864. Samuel Arnold. 1868. Felix Storm. 1869. Samuel Arnold. 1874. Samuel Arnold. 1878. Felix Storm. 1879. John J. Stecker. 1883. Jacob M. Kresge. 1884. Felix Storm. 1840. Peter S. Altemose Philip Kresge. 1845. Henry H. Weiss. Philip Kresge. 1847. Henry H. Weiss. 1850. J. E. Hoodmaker. 1852. Henry H. Weiss. is:,;.. J. E. Hoodmaker. 1857. Abraham Shifter. 1858- Felix Storm. ROADS. — The earliest and most important road is the old Wilkes-Barre and Easton turn- pike. It was constructed about the year 1808, and continued to be the property of the com- pany that built it till about 1860, when it was abandoned, since which time the township has kept it in repair. One of the mile-stones re- mains standing a short distance north of the village of Effort. All the early travel between the Wyoming Valley and Easton and Phila- delphia was done over this road. The township contains many good roads. Owing to the im- perfect manner in which the early records were made, we are not able to fix the dates of their opening. CHAPTER XV ROSS TOWNSHIP. This township lies next west from Hamilton and borders Northampton County on the south, Eldred on the west and Chestnuthill on the north. The drainage is nearly all westward into the Lehigh River, through Aquanchicola Creek and its tributaries. This stream rises a little west of " Ross Common " tavern, thence runs some eighteen miles southwest and empties into the Lehigh, at the Gap. Frantz Creek flows west through the centre of the township. It heads in an old drift-filled valley, where the divide between it and the water flowing east- ward to the Delaware through McMichael Creek is almost imperceptible, there being an By Cicero Gearhart, Esq. extensive swamp nearly on the crest of the divide, out of which Frantz Creek issues west- ward, while to the north, and separated from it by only a low ridge of drift, the waters of Lake Creek flow eastward. Minerals. — The Bossardville limestone is extensively quarried just west from the village of Saylorsburg. Messrs. Lessig, Altimus, Mackes, Schoch and others have quarries. On the land of Samuel Lessig quite a large deposit of brown hematite iron-ore has lately been developed under the superintendence' of Mr. Nelson Le Barre, of Portland, who, seeing ore scattered over the surface, leased the laud from Mr. Lessig and went to work systemati- cally to search for the main body of the same. Almost the first trial-hole sunk resulted in striking a body of flat-ore which comes in layers, and descends almost vertically, except that the layers are frequently curved and bent from side to side. A second shaft was sunk a few rods southwest from the last, in which the ore is more silicious than that in the other shaft. On the land of Bouser Brothers (Simon and William) many hundred dollars have been ex- pended in a fruitless search for anthracite coal, several entries having been driven into the base of Dodendorf Mountain, on its northern side, just south from Frantz Creek. A compauy from New Jersey have lately leased consider- able land in the township, and intend to make a thorough search for coal and iron. The com- pany will commence its first operations on the farm of Simou Bouser. Agriculture is the chief employment of the people. Considerable attention has been given, of late, to improved varieties of stock, of horses, cattle and sheep, and the stock now seen on many of the farms compares favorably with the finest cattle herds of the country. Oats, corn, rye and buckwheat are the principal grains. Good crops of wheat are generally raised on the creek flats. Early Settlements. — The first settlers of Ross were German-speaking people, who crossed the mountain from Northampton County about the middle of the last century. It was at ODe period the home of a well-known Delaware MOXROK COFXTY. 1225 chief, old Captain Harris, father of Teedyus- cung, king of the Delawares, during their alien- ation from the P^nglish. A man by the name of Sheridine is said to have been the first settler in this township. He came, with his family, from Northampton County and located at Spring, on farm now owned by George Kleintop. Joseph Altemose, a German by birth, was the first to settle on the property where Marsh's grist-mill now stands. He located at this place about 1770. His parents died at sea, on the voyage to this country, and he and his sister were the only survivors of the family. She became the wife of Abraham Smith, the first settler at Kunkletown, Eld red township. He was the father of Nicholas Altemose, who had four sons, viz. : Michael, Peter, Nicholas and Adam. Michael married a Miss Starner. He built a grist-mill, said to have been the first grist-mill in the township. The saw-mill was built by his father some years previous. Michael Altemose was the father of five children, viz. : Jacob, Adam, Joseph, Michael and Peter. Petei left the township at an early age. Nicholas had four children, viz. : Thomas, Henry, Charles and Nicholas. Adam is the father of George W. Altemose and Amanda, wife of John ShirTer. Jacob Altemose, oldest son of Michael Alte- mose, married Elizabeth Greenamoyer, and was blessed with eight children, viz.: Linford, Thomas, Ephraim, Adam, Elizabeth (married to George B. Weiss), Catharine (married to Henry Kintz), Sarah Jane (married to Charles Sensen- bach), and Eydia Ann (married to Joseph Butz). John Andrew, one of the early settlers, lo- cated on the farm now owned and occupied by Joseph Kresge. He had seven children — three boys and four girls. The names of the sons are as follows : Jacob, Daniel and Peter. Jacob succeeded to his father's estate, and was the father of three children, viz.: Lucinda (who married Joseph Kresge, and lives with her hus- band on the old homestead), Charles (who moved to Weatberlv, Pa.) and Maria (married to Jacob K. Shafer). Daniel had two children, one of whom, John, is living in the township. Peter was the father of ten children, none of whom are now living in the township. About 1790 Philip Lessig settled on the Aquanchicola Creek, where Samuel Lessig now lives. He had married Elizabeth Meckas, and was the father of John Lessig. John succeeded to his father's estate, and in 1835 built a grist- mill, which is now owned and run by his son, Samuel Lessig. A. few years previous he built a saw-mill, which is also owned by Samuel Lessig. This was the second grist-mill in the township. He married Margaret Mixsell, and was blessed with eleven children, viz. : Samuel (who married Lydia Shoemaker, succeeded to the old homestead, and has six children, — three boys and three girls), George (who lives at Tannersville, Pocono township), Peter (who married Lucy Correll, and has three children), Enos, Reuben, Philip, John, Mary Ann (mar- ried to Joseph Rudy), Elizabeth (married to Frank Donner), Susan (married to Daniel Custard) and Emma (married to George Meckas). In the year 1817 the assessment roll made by the commissioners of Northampton County contained the following names : Michael Altemose. John Kitz. John Andrew. Conrad Kitzsen. George Buskirk. Conrad Kleindop. Henry Burger. John Kleiudop. David Brotzman. Peter Ritman. Frederick Brotzman. George Kern. Nicholas Burger. Peter Kitchlin. John Barlib. George Levers. Daniel Burger. Philip Learning. Sofia Burger. Michael Lockharsh. Henry Burger. Widow Levers. Henry Burger, Jr. Jacob Mixsell. Jacob Burger. John Mixsell. Daniel Buskirk. "" Christian Macke*. Stone Barleib. Nicholas Cowell. Philip Barleib. Joseph Christman. Jacob Buskirk. *-» Stotfle Christman, Sr. Andrew Boskirk, Sr. - David Christman. Andrew Boskirk. — Adam Correll. John Burger. StofHe Christman. Henry Christman. Adam Engler. John Christman. John Davis. William Henry. Simon Engler. Jacob Kitzer. Adam Flite. George Kitz. George Flite. George Kitzsen. Abraham Flite. Conrad Kitz. Daniel Frantz. Adam Kitz. John Frantz. John Kremser. George Fravel. Peter Kern. Philip Frantz. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES. PENNSYLVANIA. George Frantz. Henry Fry. Jacob Frantz, Jr. Samuel Frantz. Jacob Frantz. Henry Frantz. ( rreentzweig. Gotleib Greentzweig. Eliza. Greentzweig. Frederick Mockes. Adam Mockes. John Mockes, Jacob Mockes. John Marsh. Adam Oyer. Alex. Patterson, Esq. Jacob Rommel. John Ross. John Rilbert. John Roth. Samuel Richard. Jacob Sigler. Alexander Smith. William Smeal. Jost Smeal. Peter Slrohl. John Strohl. John Serfass. Frederick Shuyned. Jacob Smith. David Smith. John Smith. John Smith. Jr. Isaac Smith. Jona. ( rreentzweig. David Greentzweig. Henry Greentzweig. ( teorge Komer. Henry Hower. Ludwig Hower. Stoffle Hower. Jacob Hopple. Jacob Hane. David Hess. James Siddle. Henry Sulfer. Daniel Washbourn. Jacob Washbourn. John Young. Henry Younkee. John Zacharias. Jacob Sylfus. Jesse Busk irk. — in the township. The school-house of District No. 1 is situated in the centre of the township. District Nos. 2 and 3 comprise the upper pari of the township, Nos. 4 and 5 the lower part. In the year 1885 there were one hundred and eighty pupils enrolled. The schools are in a very prosperous condition. In this list Stoffle Christinan, Adam Correll, George Flite and .Samuel Frantz are assesse I with saw-mills. The products of these mill- were carried by wagons to Easton and other markets. As late as 1820 merchants had their supplies brought all the way from Philadelphia, a distance of about seventy-five miles, on wagons. It took them from Monday morning till Friday evening to make a trip. Four and six horses were driven in these " store teams," and often five and six such teams could be seen going together. The drivers took horse-feed and their own food along for the whole week. On the side of the wagon a small box was at- tached, in which hammer, pincers, nails, horse- shoes, bolts, screws, etc., were carried. Schools. — The first school in this township was a German school, taught by a Mr. Keener. It was entirely supported by subscription, and the term lasted but three months. The children living north of Shafer's Hill, in the neighbor- hood of Mcllhaney and Brodheadsville, attended this school till 1806 or 1807, when a school- house was built at Killer's Mills, mentioned in Chapter IV. of this work. At present there are five school districts The present school be ard c insists of: Peter Lessig. J ihn Misson. Daniel Andrew. I evi Buskirk. Joseph Staples. . ndrew Hoffman. The official records s tow that the following have been elected schoo direc ors : 1840. Adam Smith. 1861. Philip Remmel. Jacob Frantz. Jos. S. Altemose. 1841. Adam Altemose. Y. Hauser. Jos. Greeszweig. L862. Wm. H. Neyhart. 1842. John Frable. Val. Hauser. Jos. Altemose. 1863. Joseph Kresge. 1st::. Jacob Biiskirk. L863. Conrad Serfass. Joseph Kunkle. 1864. Chas. Carrel 1. 1*44. Jacob Frantz. Henry Laufer. Anthony Burger. George Bauser. 1845. Jos. M. Altemose. L865. Jacob Neyhart. Henry Smith. Henry Altemose. L846. Peter Renid. ist.t;. Jacob H. Stocker. David Correll. Charles Kaler. 1847. Benj. Kercher. 1S.67. Charles Carrell. Barnet Flyte. George Bauser. 1848. Jacob Remmel. 1868. Peter Graver. Jos. Altemose. Levi Neyhart. L84.9. Jacob Smith. 1869. Wm. Smith. Joseph Frable. Philip Remel. 1850. Joseph Hawk. 1870. Barnet Flyte. Nicholas Smith. Samuel Lessig. Wm. Neyhart. 1871. Timothy Marsh. 1851. Thos. Christman. Peter Misson. Henry Misson. L872. Philip Remel. 1852. Jacob Frantz. Levi Neyhart. Jos. Sturner. 1873. Levi Buskirk. 1853. Wm. Smith. Samuel Altemose. Jos. Altemose. 1S74. John Andrew. 1S54. Jacob Biiskirk. Josiah Getz. Simon Stocker. 1875. Levi Neyhart. 1855. Jacob Remmel- Henry Altemose. Jacob Bauser. 1876. Jeremiah Sees. 1856. Joseph Getz. Henry Lesoine. Enoch Buskirk. 1877 Elias Mixsell. 1857. George Mixell. Andrew Carrell. Peter Arnold. 1878 Jacob Neyhart. 1858. Samuel Metzger. Thomas Remel. Henry Altemose. 1879 Charles Carrell. 1859. Antony Arnold. Calvin Frantz. Chas. Frantz. 1880 Daniel Gower. 1860. David Misson. John Shook. Chas. Carrel 1. MONKOE COUNTY. 1227 881. Levi Bowers. Levi Neyhart. 882. 8.L. Bush. Jacob Ivaler. 883. George Serfass. J'eter Grover. 1884. Peter Lessig. John Misson. 1885. Daniel Andrew. Levi Buskirk. 1886. Joseph Staples. Andrew Hoffman. Roads.— It is very probable that the oldest road in the township is what is known aa the Ross Valley road, leading from Saylorsburg to Kunkletown. The Wilkes- Barre turnpike passes through the eastern part. All parts of the tOWnship are accessible by very good roads, which are in a very good condition. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. — The following is a list of the justices of the peace since 1845 : L867. Peter Gruber. 1869. Win. Smith. 1872. Peter Gruber. 1873. Philip Remel. 1876. Wm. Smith. L878. Philip Remel. 1881. Levi Newhart. L882. ('has. 1). Neyhart. 1883. Philip Remel. 1884. Peter Gruber. is I.- Joseph Frable. Joseph Altemose. 1850. Joseph Frable Joseph Altemose. 1855. Joseph Altemose. 1857. Wm. Smith. Henry Getz. 1862. Win. Smith. Peter Gruber. 1865. Philip Remel. CHURCHES. — There is but one church build- ing in the township. This building is the common property of Reformed and Lutheran congregations. It was built during the years 1884 and 1885, and is called the Mount Eaton Church. The land upon which it stands was purchased from Mary Mauser. The building committee consisted of Henry Altemose, Frank Rilbert, William Engler and Levi Buskirk. Rev. T. A. H uber, Reformed pastor, held the first communion in this building. The present pastors are Rev. Clair, Lutheran, and Rev. K ret zing, Reformed. The Wind Gap of the Blue Mountains and Ross Common. — A very interesting local- ity in the topography of Monroe County is the Wind Gap of the Blue Mountains. Whilst not so deep a gap as the Delaware and Lehigh Gaps, the depression is sufficient to make it a desirable pass for the people who live on either side of the mountain, to travel through, to and fro, on business and pleasure. The elevation of the summit of the mountain is nearly two thousand feet above tide. The pass through the Wind Gap is only about one thousand two hundred feet, and is a couple of hundred feet in width. The mountain then rises on each side of the pass, at an angle of forty- five degrees, eight hundred feet to the summit. The view from the pass in the Gap is ex- tremely fine, but that from the summit is grand beyond conception. Toward the south, aud east and west, the lookout is only limited by the powers of vision. On a clear day ( Ihestnut Hill and other high grounds about Philadelphia are plainly discernible, whilst east and west the counties of Northampton, Lehigh and Berks, and a large part of the State of New Jersey, are overlooked. On the north the mountains about Maucb Chunk, the Pocono Range and the Catskill Mountains along the Hudson River are easily distinguished. On the north side oi the Wind Gap, and a few feet below the summit, in the Wind Gap Pass, is located the popular summer resort known as Ross Common, one of the most picturesque points, as regards scenery and climate, to be found in the State. The Mansion House, now used as a hotel, is a large stone building, erected early in the present century, by the Hon. John Ross (for a longtime one of the justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania), as his country-seat. The Acijuan- ehieola Creek, which rises about four miles east of Ross Common, nearly on the summit of the Blue Mountain, runs close by the hotel, and is a tine spring run, with very cold water, and abounding with trout. This stream for miles traverses only forests, and running along the north base of the mountain for a distance of eighteen miles, empties into the Lehigh at the Lehigh Water Gap. The Mansion House was a remarkable one in its day and generation, considering its remoteness from the large settle- ments. The ceilings are high and the rooms capacious, and every room has a large hearth or fire-place. A stone kitchen is constructed apart from the hotel, and connects with the dining- room by a stone passage-way. The mantels, doors, cornices and all the wood-work are hand- somely carved after the fashion of that day. When Judge Ross ceased to use Ross Common for himself and family, being on the Wilkes- Barre turnpike, it was utilized as a wayside inn, and during the old staging days had almost a 1228 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. national reputation for its hospitality and good cheer. Before railroads had come into use the business men of Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley, — in fact, the majority of the business men of the Susquehanna Valley and its tributaries, — almost through to the lakes, found this route, over the Easton and Wilkes-Barre turnpike, the most comfortable and convenient way to reach the cities of New York and Philadelphia. The result was that a large number of stages were required for transportation, and frequently three and four Concord or Troy coaches followed each other daily, to and from Easton and Wilkes-Barre, loaded with the rich and the great of the north country. The general stage route was about as follows : Coaches left New York and Philadelphia early in the morning, arriving at Easton in the evening. A line from Philadelphia was also run to Bethle- hem, and in the evening a coach took north- bound passengers to Nazareth. Passengers were billed through from New York and Philadel- phia, if desired, and had first choice of seats on all connecting lines. At Nazareth the passen- gers from Philadelphia, via Bethlehem, Allen- town, Reading and the West, were taken on board, and the coaches wended their way to Ross Common, where an old-fashioned breakfast awaited them about seven a.m., and after such a ride was, no doubt, heartily enjoyed. Here horses were exchanged, and the run continued to the top of Pocono, where for years, in a large solitary hostelry, in the midst of the " Huckleberry Barrens," one John Smith fur- nished dinners to the stage passengers and the traveling public of such an appetizing char- acter that the host was famous from the valley of Wyoming ; — yea, from the shores of Lake Erie — to the seaboard. Thence the coaches rolled on, mostly over corduroy roads, to Beau- mont, or Beach Creek, where supper was furnish- ed about six p.m., and thence on, in the even- ing, to Wilkes-Barre, where, at the famous old Phoenix Hotel (now replaced by the sumptuous Wyoming Valley Hotel), administered by an Alexander or a Gilchrist, a second supper of trout or grouse, partridge, woodcock or venison was deliberately enjoyed, and finally topped off' with the hot scotches, mint juleps, brandy smashes and gin cocktails which the members of the bar in Wilkes-Barre know so well how to concoct. Then the day ended, and the jolly traveler was well fortified for his next day's journey. In going south the program was just reversed. Breakfast at Beaumont, or Bear Creek, dinner with John Smith, on Pocono Top ; and supper at Ross Common, with glorious old "Jim Eley," of by-gone days ; and "extras" at Easton, with Conner at the American, or with old " Chip " White at Centre Square Hotel. But with the taking off of the stages, Ross Com mon dropped into an " in nocuous desuetude." Its banquet halls were deserted. " Jim " Eley removed, to spend the evening of his life with the friends he had made in Wyoming Valley. For years the bats and the owls roosted on the rafters and chimneys of the old Ross Common Inn, and the traveler who paused to reflect over its departed greatness (so gloomy and sad was it about the " Old Stone Heap," as it was deri- sively termed) would be startled by the sound of his own voice. A few attempts were made by occasional landlords to revive the business, but the long range at which the whiskey and other strong drinks that were supplied to trav- ellers would kill the drinkers made all such attempts fruitless. But, strange to say, the very same causes (railroads) which ruined the Ross Common of old have made a new Ross Com- mon — livelier, lovelier and more desirable than that of old. There was a balm (not in Gilead, but in Bethlehem). One Charles Brodhead, an enterprising citizen of Bethlehem, who often passed Ross Common in his journeys to and from Pike County, was pleased with the capa- bilities of the place, and as he was then engaged in constructing a railroad from Bethlehem to the slate quarries about the Wind Gap, Pen Argyl and Bangor, etc., he purchased the " Old Stone Heap," and presto ! change ! it has become one of the most popular and profitable ' properties in the county. Painters, carpenters, masons and paper-hangers have remodeled the old place, and it is now a favorite stopping-place for the solid citizens of Monroe, who find their nearest railroad depot just beyond Ross Com- mon, and their best market at the towns which Mr. Brodhead's railroad from Bethlehem to the MONROE COUNTY. 122!) Wind Gap has been the means of bringing into existence. During the torrid days of summer, when the Monroe farmers who make Ross Common lively in the fall and winter, whilst taking their produce to market, are engaged in planting and gathering their crops, the halls and piazzas of Ross Common resound with the revelry of the gay and festive pleasure-seekers from the towns and citizens below the mountains, who resort to this place to enjoy the delightful waters, the magnificent scenery and the cooling, healthful, perennial breezes which have given this charm- ing spot the suggestive and appropriate name of the " Wind Gap of the Blue Mountains." CHAPTER XVI. ELDRED TOWNSHIP. 1 This township lies directly west from Ross and occupies the extreme southwestern corner of Monroe County, having Northampton on the south, Carbon on the west and Polk township on its northern border. The rainfall is all drained westward to the Lehigh River through Aquanchicola Creek and its principal tributary, Frantz Creek. The latter drains all the northern half of the town- ship and flows southwestward along the north- ern side of a ridge that runs through the south- ern part of the township, rudely parallel to Aquanchicola, which meanders along the south- ern side of the same ridge and through the valley at the foot of the Kittatinny Mountain. Westward from the centre of the township Aquanchicola and Frantz Creeks gradually approach each other until, at the Carbon Coun- ty line, they are only two hundred rods apart. Frantz Creek cuts through the ridge at what is known as Little Gap and the two streams having united, the Aquanchicola keeps on to the Lehigh River at the Lehigh Water Gap. The extreme northwestern portion of the township drains northward to the Big Creek. The Bossardsville limestone appears in this township and has been quarried for many years By Ciceiu Uearhart, Esq. on the land of Messrs. Ranch, Smith, Engler and others. It is not seen from Lessig's quarry, near the eastern line of Ross, as far westward as the above quarries, a distance of over five miles, and yet it could doubtless be uncovered at almost any locality between these two points. To the farmers who live along this region, where the limestone is apparently absent, it would be time well spent if a systematic search should be made, as it could probably be found by strip- ping off the surface debris over a few rods at most. Several years ago a silicious clay was mined and manufactured in this township into what was sold as " soap." The material was passed through several vats filled with water until all the coarse sand-grains had been deposited and noth- ing remained in suspension but the impalpable silicious powder, which then accumulated by de- posit, and from which was manufactured the so- called soap. The Mareellus shale along Frantz Creek is often very bituminous. This is the case oppo- site Kuukletown, and it has there been exten- sively drifted upon in search of coal. Three tunnels were driven into the hill several hun- dred feet and the last material brought out looks very much like the carbonate of iron. The outcrop of the Mareellus at Kuukletown is quite black and has scattered through it thin streaks, a very impure kind of anthracite, which will burn with a slight blaze when placed on a hot fire, leaving a great bulk of slaty ash. The presence of these carbonaceous lamina 1 led to the search for coal, on which the sum of five thousand dollars has already been expended. A bed of bog iron-ore occurs opposite Kuukle- town, which was once manufactured into a very fine quality of metallic paint by Mr. Metzger. The deposit is very thin and seems to be quite local, since there is none on the opposite side of the ravine, only two rods distant. The ore is rich enough to warrant mining and shipping could it be found in sufficient quantity. Division ok the Township. — For some time prior to 1851 the project of dividing the township was agitated among its residents, and in May of that year a petition was drawn up, circulated and presented to the court, upon li'Mli WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. which Walter Barry and William 8. Bees were appointed by the court as commissioners to inquire into the expediency of making the re- quested division. They reported that on the I Oth day of September, 1851, they met and sur- veyed and marked a line as follows : " Begin- ning on the line now dividing Polk and Chest- ii ti tlii 11 townships from Boss township, at the corner of Polk and Chestnutb.il] townships; thence (running the same course of the line be- tween said townships of Polk and Chestnut- hill which divides said township) south twenty- six degrees east five miles to the top of the Blue (or Kittatinny) Mountain, the line divid- ing Northampton and Monroe Counties, being also the southerly line of said Boss township" (at which place they put up a good stone corner and marked it well). The surface of this township is generally hilly and broken, in some parts mountainous, with occasional level plateaus as you approach the heads of the streams. There arc no contin- uous mountain ranges which can be distinctly traced, but a succession of ridges and hills, ir- regular in outline and deeply indented by small streams, which indicate the close proximity of a mountain range. There is considerable flat land along the larger streams. In early times the greater part of this town- ship was covered with forests, and lumbering was largely engaged in by the first settlers. The woods that remain are mostly situated on the tops and sides of hills and consist mainly of chestnut timber, with here and there tracts of hickory, oak and white oak, interspersed with pine, maple, ash, walnut, birch and wild cherry. The first frame house built in the township was erected by Thomas Christman in 1X43, who is still living in the same. The barns are mostly frame, with stone basements, and gener- ally quite capacious. The inhabitants are the descendants of Ger- man settlers, who still speak the Pennsylvania German language. They belong to Beformed and Lutheran Churches. Early History. — Undoubtedly the cele- brated Moravian missionary, Count Zinzendorf, was the first white man who set foot within the limits of what is now E hired township. On the 28th of July, 1742, he crossed Chestnut- hill Mountain and entered the narrow valley of the Aquanchicola. Here he came to a Dela- ware town of the Indians, called Meniolagome- ka, which signifies, " a tract of fertile land sur- rounded by barriers." This village lay in Smith's Valley, eight miles west of the Wind Gap, on the north bank of the Aquanchicola, at the intersection of the old Wilkes-Barre road, which crosses the mountain at Smith's Gap. The grave-yard was one-eighth of a mile south of Mr. Edward Snyder's limestone quarries. Benjamin Smith, whose great-grand- father was one of the early settlers in that neighborhood, pointed out to us the sites of both village and graveyard. In October of 1743 Seyffert D. Nitsehmami and X. Seidel visited both here and on the Pocopocoj Seyffert and Hageu in January, 1744; in June of that year Seyffert, P. Bolder and Henry Antes. In February, 174X, Rauch visited at Meniolagome- ka. Bishop John M. de Watteville, on his vis- itation to the Moravians in America, in the last-mentioned year, passed through Meniola- gomeka to the Pocopoco. April 25, 1749, George Rex, the captain of the village, while on a visit to Bethlehem, was baptized by Bish- op Cammerhoff and received the name of Au- gustus. In 1750 Secretary Richard Peters urged his claim to the lands on the Aquanchi- cola, on which the village lay, and desired the Moravians to have the Indians removed. It was this that occasioned the exodus from Me- niolagomeka to Gnadenhutten, on the Mahou- uing, in June of 1 754. The missionary Bern- hard A. Grube was stationed at Mcuiolagome- ka in 1752. He was born in 1715, near Erfuth, and educated at Jena, and came to Pennsylvania on the " Irene " in June of 1 746. At first he was employed in the schools at Bethlehem. While stationed at Meniolagomeka, he tells us, his awkwardness at handling an axe almost cost him a limb and confined him for weeks in a cold hut, where he lay on a board, with a wooden bowl for a pillow. Abraham Bulminger was the last missionary in the Indian village. The inhabitants, when removed to Gnadenhutten and incorporated MONROE COUNTY. 1231 with the congregation of Christian Indians at that place, numbered fifty one all told. Me- niolagomeka is mentioned in the " General History " of this work. The names of the early settlers of Eldred township, whose descendants are still living in the township, are Christman, Silfiese, Berger, Shmale, Frantz, Carrell, Barlieb, Greenzweig, Getman, Kunkle, Smith, Frable and others. Abraham Smith came from Bucks County and settled in what is now Kunkletown village, on property now owned and occupied by Peter S. Metzgar. He married a Miss Altemose, whose parents died at sea on their voyage to this country. She was a sister of Mr. Altemose, who is the ancestor of all of that name in Ross township. Abraham Smith had one son, John, who married Miss Mary Box and had ten children, viz.: John, David, Jacob, Adam, Henry, Joseph, Nicholas, Jonas, Eve (married to John Heiny), Susan (married to Jacob Car- rell). John married Mary Frantz and was the father of twelve children, four of which are living in the township, viz. : Henry, Reuben, Elias and Mary. David married Nancy Heiny. They were the parents of seven chil- dren, viz. : Jacob, Frank, James, Thomas, Michael, Mary (married to George Rilbert) and Susan (married to Joseph Marsh). Jacob took as his wife Katie Frantz, and had eight chil- dren, viz. : George, Adam, Samuel, Katie (married to Samuel Metzgar), Sally (married to John Carrell), Susan (married to Joseph Butz), Juddie (married to William Hiuton) aud Mary (married to George Kern). Adam married Mary Borger, and had seven children, viz. : Melchior, Henry, Samuel, David, Elizabeth (married to George Meixell), Fanny (married to Samuel Fannickel) and Susan (married to Daniel Beltz). Henry married Libbie Andrew, and had five children, viz. : Benjamin, Syden- ham, Christianna (married to Edward Engler), William and Matthews. . Joseph married Katie Muffly. They were the parents of ten chil- dren, viz. : Paul, Christian, Ishadore, Amos, Gideon, Lydia (married to William Simmons), Mary (married to David Carrell), Rachel (mar- ried to Henry Carrell), Julia (married to Linford Beer) and Leah (married to John Leeter). Nicholas married Catharine Getman, by whom he had eight children, viz. : Peter, John, Aaron, Charles, Alexander, Nathan, Mary (married to Philip Carrell) and Sallie (married to Daniel Frantz). Joseph took as his wife Mary Strohl, and was the father of nine children, viz. : Jacob, Nelson, Peter, Levi, Jonas, Solomon, Lucinda (married to Reuben Silfiese), Salina (married to Uriah Shell) and Julia (married to Levi Rauch). Moses Frable, an Englishman by birth, located, at an early date, on the property where James Heiny now lives. He was the father of George Frable, who married a Miss Buck, and had five children, viz. : Joseph, John, David, Conrad and George. Joseph married Mary Moyer, and had fourteen children, viz. : Eliza- beth (married to Christian George), Timothy, Mathias, Jacob, Jefferson, Washington, Solo- mon, Reuben (present landlord at Kunkletown), Annie (married to Nelson Smith), Levi, Joseph, James, William and Sarah (married to Amos Roth). John married Elizabeth Frantz. They were blessed with ten children, viz.: Susan (married to Paul Burger), Paul, Adam, Michael, Mary (married to Joseph Borger), Elizabeth (married to Baruet Frantz), Lydia (married to Alexander Smith), John, Peter and Salina. David married Maria Gower, by whom he had five children, viz. : Anthony, Ephraim, Maria (married to John Fenner), Catharine and Elizabeth (married to Jacob Andrews). Conrad married Sally Beatty, and was the father of six children, viz. : Conrad, Ephraim, Charles, Aaron, Sally Ann (married to Daniel Lichtwalter) and Emma. George removed to Northampton Couuty. Adam Carrell, Sr., was a German by birth and the father of Adam Carrell, Jr., who located on the farm now owned by Henry Carrell, grandson of Adam Carrell, Sr. Adam Carrell, Jr., married Eve Buck, and had six children, viz. : Henry, John, Jacob, David, Philip and George, whose descendants are living in Eldred and Ross townships. Churches. — St. Matthew's Church, at Kunk- letown, is the only church building in the town- ship. Two congregations worship in this house 1232 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. - Reformed and Lutheran. The first church building was a log house, raised October 27, 1779. Religious worship was held in private houses as early as 177(1. April 14, 1786, the follow ing persons were confirmed and made members of the church: Anna Maria Sniale, aged fifteen years ; Elizabeth Carrell, sixteen years ; Sarah Margaret Kresge, seventeen years ; Maria Febera, fourteen years; Anna Maria Christmau, fourteen years; Margaret Hufsmith, seventeen years ; Philip Meixell, nineteen years; John Meixell, seventeen years ; John Smale, seventeen years; William Kresge, fifteen years. The second and present building was erected in 1845. It is built entirely of stone, two sto- ries high, and will seat six hundred people. The stone and wood for the building were fur- nished by members of the congregations free of charge. The pulpit is attached to the side of the north wall, and supported on two posts about nine feet high. It has room but for one person and is entered by two narrow flights of steps. The present pastors serving the congregations are Rev. Kretzing, Reformed, and Rev. Strauss, Lutheran. Schools. — The first schools in the township were held in private houses till 1783, when a school-house was built near where St. Matthew's Church now stands. A Mr. Noah is said to have been the first teacher in this building. It was a square log house, with the desks fastened to the sides of the walls. The branches taught were writing, reading (German) and arith- metic. At present there are seven school dis- tricts in the township, viz. : Gower, Kleintop, Frautz, Christman, Barlieb, Smith Gap and Carrell. The average salary of teachers per month in 1885 was twenty-three dollars. The total receipts for same year amounted to $991.50, and total expenditures $966.72. The number of pupils enrolled in 1885 were one hundred and twelve males and ninety-eight females. School Dikeotobs. — The official records show the following persons to have been elected school directors of Eldred township from its organization to the present time : 1S.52.— Henry Carrell, Joseph Borger, George Smahl, Anthony Gower, Adam Bruntzman, John Christman. 1853.— Jacob Smith, Philip Drumheller. 1854. — Peter Gowen, Jacob Englert. 1855. — Reuben Frantz, John Burger. 1856. — John Frable, George Dodendorf. 1857. — Edward Englert, John Christman. 1858. — Jacob Frantz, Jonas Serfass. 1859. — Anthony Gower, William Frantz. I860.— Joseph Fehr, Benjamin Smith. 18(31. — Jacob Carrell, Joseph Frable. 1861 — George E. Dodendorf, Adam Daniels. 1863. — Anthony Frantz, Christian Smith. 1804. — Peter Gower, Jacob Engler. 1865.— Reuben Frable, John Frantz. 1866. — William Borge, Thomas Kleintop. 1867.— Joseph Fehr, Samuel Jones. 1868. — Jacob Frable, Nelson Hetielfinger. 1869.— David Borge, David Carrell. 1870. — Peter Jones, Reuben Frantz. 1871. — Samuel Metzger, Godfrey Greensweig. 1872 — Anthony Frantz, David Carrell. 1873. — Edward Frantz, Jeremiah Newhart. 1874. — Reuben Frable, Anthony Borge. 1 S7-"> — Benjamin Smith, Solomon Frable. 1876— Christian Smith, Charles Roth. 1877.— Tilghman Borger, Paul Gower. 1878.— John Frautz, Sidney Smith. 1879. — Joseph Borger, Jonas Smith. 18S0 — Tilghman Borger, A. D. Gower. Justices of the Peace. — The following persons have served as justices of the peace since the organization of the township : 1852. P. Drunkheller. 1855. John Harter. 1857. P. Drunkheller. 1860. Wash. Frable. 1862. P. Drunkheller. 1865. Samuel Jones. 1867. P. Drunkheller. 1869. James Heiny. 1872. A. H. Borger. 1875. James Heiny. 1877. P. P. Schaffer. 1S80. James Heiny. Roads. — The township is accessible by a number of very good roads, but owing to the imperfect manner in which the records were kept, the date of the opening of early roads can only be fixed approximately. KrxKEETowx. — This is a small village situ- ated in a beautiful valley, on the banks of Prince's Run, and has a very good water-power. It was named after Joseph Kunkle, one of the early business men of that place. Among the first to settle in this village was Abraham Smith. He came from Bucks County in 1762 and built a grist-mill, now owned and run by Peter S. Metzgar. In 1812 a United States gun factory was started by Philip Hess, MONROE COUNTY. and was in operation till 1830. In 1857 Sam- uel Burger and Abraham Bleckler started a tan- nery on the same place where the musket fac- tory stood. It was owned and run by different parties till 1877, when it was closed and has not since been started. Joseph Kunkle was the proprietor of the first hotel in the village, which was opened in 1849. The following persons have been proprietors of said hotel, successively : Edward Roth, Aaron Bossier, Stephen Hess, Joseph Harah, John Frantz, Edward Frantz, Stephen Boyer, Elias Smith, William Christmau and Reuben Frable, the present proprietor. A store was opened by Thomas Snyder in 1832. At present there are four stores, owned and run by J. F. Pearsol, L. K. Patrick, P. P. Schaett'er and Nelson Hetfelfinger. There are two blacksmith-shops in the village, one hotel, one wheelwright-shop and one grist-mill. The Kunkletown post-office was established in 1864, with Joseph Johnson as postmaster. He was succeeded by John Hatter, who was followed by L. K. Patrick, the present incum- bent. The Kunkletown Cornet Band was organized in December, 1883, and consists of twenty-two pieces. The members are fully uniformed and have an appropriate band-wagon. William Roth, leader. CHAPTER XVII. POLK TOWNSHIP. 1 At a Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace in 1846, John Shively, Franklin Starbird and William S. Rees, commissioners appointed by the court, reported that they had divided the township of Chestnuthill into two townships, commencing midway between Starner's Gap and the Wilkes-Barre turnpike, at the Tobyhanna township line and Poeono Mountains ; thence by a straight line passing near the Chestnuthill meeting-house until it strikes the line dividing Ross from Chestnuthill township, near the Widow Garris'. The western part was named 'By Cicero Gearhart, Esq after James K. Polk, eleventh President of the United States, and is bounded on the east by Chestnuthill, on the south by Eldred and on the west and north by Carbon County. Polk township is well drained by various creeks and rivulets. Little Creek, rising in the northwestern part of the township, flows south into Middle Creek, which rises in the northern part and flows south into the Big Creek. Pocopoco Creek rises west of Middle Creek and flows parallel with it, emptying into the Big ( 'reek, which flows in a gentle stream through the southern part of the township. The valley of Big Creek is in many places a mile and a half wide, at almost a uniform level, ex- cept the immediate channel of the stream. The surface is hilly and the soil fertile. The highest point in the township is on the Poeono Mountain and the Carbon County line, three hundred and eighty rods north of New Me- chanicsville hotel. Well cultivated fields testify to both the fertility of the soil and the perse- vering industry of the rural population, which is principally engaged in agricultural pursuits. Early Settlements. — The territory of this township and adjoining townships was consid- erably overrun by the Indians during the early Indian wars. Upon several occasions the in- habitants were massacred by or fled before their savage enemies. They protected themselves as their numbers, and strength enabled them, by erecting forts at different points. Fort Xorris was within the limits of this township. 2 In 1760 the Moravians bought lands on Head's Creek, and thither transferred their I n- dian converts from Bethleham. This settlement was called Wequetano and lay on the flats north of Wire Creek, about a quarter of a mile north of the State road, where the present road to Effort leaves said State road. Frederick Hoeth, baker, from Zwibrucken, emigrated in 1748 and is registered with his wife, Johanette, among the members of the con- gregation in 1749. In 1750 he purchased seven hundred acres of land on Pocopoco Creek, in Loug Valley, and removed thither with his family in 1752. On December 10, 1755, his house was stealthily visited by five Indians 'See Chapter IV, of this work. WAYNE, I'lKK AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. while the family were at supper. Hoeth was killed and a woman wounded by the Indians firing a volley through the window. The rest of the family sought safety in flight and con- cealment. The Indians immediately set fire to the house, mill and stables. Mrs. Hocth hid in the bake-house, to which fire was also applied. Enduring the heat and smoke as long as she could, the unfortunate woman ran out through the flames, and, to relieve her agony, leaped in- to the water, where she died, either from her burns or by drowning. A grown-up daughter was killed and scalped, and four other women taken as captives into the Indian country. In the affray one Indian was killed and one wounded. John Michael Hute, an apprentice in Hoeth's mill, made his escape through tin tail-race and was the only survivor of the family to tell the horrible story. The mill was rebuilt and is now owned and run by Mahlon Kresge. The early settlers of this township were chiefly Germans, and many of their descendants still reside here upon the ancestral estates. John Kunkle, a descendant of one of these families, is one of the most influential men in the township. Nathan Serfass resides on the farm originally cleared and owned by his grandfather, John Serfass. Jacob Kresge, the oldest man living in : the township, resides on Ids father's homestead with his grandson, who is the owner of the farm. Reuben Kresge, until recently, was the owner of the oldest property in the township, which had descended to him from his father, George Kresge. The same is now owned by William Gregory. The precise date at which the first settlements were made cannot be obtained. A German, by the name of Philip Shupp, is said to have been the first settler. He located about one mile west of where Salem Church now stands, cleared a small tract of land and erected a log cabin upon it. This was about the middle of last century. He had several daughters and one son. The son left the township before he was grown up. George Kresge married one of the daughters and took the old homestead. They had two children, — Philip and Samuel. The mother died, and the father took a second wife, Miss Catharine Serfass, daughter of John Serfass. They had seven children, viz.: Thomas, James, Joel, David, Reuben, Sallie and Katie. Thomas moved at an early date to Luzerne < 'ounty. James is living in Chestnuthill township. Joel is the proprietor of a hotel at Kresgcville, and the father of four children, — Charles A. (mem- ber of the firm of Berlin & Kresge), Henry, Tilghmanand Emaline (intermarried with James Berlin). David died about ten years ago. He was the father of six children, viz.: Peter and Josiah (who live in Chestnuthi 11), Absalom (at Penn Argyl, Northampton County), Catharine (married William H. Small), Sallie (married to Melchior Siltiese) and Elizabeth. Reuben still lives in the township and is the father of two children, — Alfred and ( 'atharine. Sallie is the wife of John Kunkle, and Katie was inter- married with John Gregory, of Chestnuthill township. Among the names of the early settlers are those of Conrad Hotter, John George Kunkle, Conrad Dreisbach, John Serfass, William Kresge and others. Conrad Dotter came from Bucks County and located at the place now called Dottersville. Many of his descendants are still living in the township. John George Kunkle was the first settler at Kresgeville. He was a German by birth and emigrated to this country about 1 740 or 1 750. ! He had fourteen children, namely, Elizabeth (married to George Serfass), Katie (married to a Kuecht), Maria (married to Solomon Christ- man), Bevy (married to John Slater), Susan (married to John Smith), Margaret (married to John Winters), Christianna (married to Paul Beer) ; Sallie (married to George Kresge), George, Abraham, Peter, Joseph, Adam and John. John, the youngest of the family, is the only son now living in the township. He became the owner of the old homestead and lived upon it till he retired from business. He married Sallie Kresge, daughter of George Kresge, and was blessed with ten children, namely, Katie (married to Sebastian Kresge), William, James, Jacob, George, David, Sarah (married to Mahlon Serfass), Mary Ann MONROE COUNTY (married to Reuben Kunkle), Ella (married to Pierce Kresge), and Emma (married to Jerome Serfass). William and David live on farms near Kresgeville. James and Jacob compose the firm of Kunkle & Bro., at Kresgeville. George is engaged in teaching, hut expects to enter the ministry in the near future. He is a graduate from Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., and the founder of Fairview Academy, at Brodheadsville, Chestnuthill township. In the years 1880 and 1881 he was principal of the public schools of Bethlehem, Pa. Conrad Driesbach was an early settler at Kresgeville. He formed a partnership with John George Kunkle, which firm erected the first mills in that village. lie had six chil- dren — five daughters and one son — namely, Elizabeth (married to Charles Shupp), Maria (married to George Hawk), Sallie (married to Philip Kresge) ; Liza (who died single), Susan (married to Frederick Shupp), and John. Sal- lie, the third daughter of Conrad Driesbach, was the mother of three children by her hus- band, Philip Kresge, son of George Kresge. Philip Kresge became the owner of his father- in-law's property. He had the first hotel in the township, and was the first postmaster al Kresgeville, which village was named after him. John, the only son and youngest child of the family, died at an early age, without issue. John Serfass, a native of Germany , located on the farm now owned and occupied by his grandson, Nathan Serfass. He married Susan Hone and had thirteen children, namely, John, Joseph; Adaiu,- George, Peter, William, David, Hannah, Sallie, Catharine, Christianna, Eliza- beth and Thomas. John and Thomas are both dead, and none of their descendants live in the township. Andrew married Christianna Ber- ger and had eight children, namely, Aaron, Joel, Charles, Ephraim, Linford, Emanuel, I Elizabeth (married to John Smahle) aud Fan- ny (married to Aaron Heiny.) George was the father of five children, namely, John, George, Susan (married to John Kerchner), Elizabeth (married to Amos Everitt), and Hannah (mar- ried to Peter Smith). Peter married Catharine Storm and had seven children, namely, Anna (married to Jacob Christman), Andrew (who moved to Luzerne County), Sarah (married to Henry Hawk), Hannah (married to Lewis Hawk), Elizabeth (married to Samuel Hawk), Franklin (who moved to Northampton County) and Nathan, who lives on the old homestead, married Susan I lawk, daughter of David Hawk, and had three children, namely, Jerome, Louisa and .lames .1. His wife having died, he was married, a second time, to Miss Fanny Fisher, by whom he had one child, namely, Francis. William lived a single life, and died a middle aged man. David married Sally Everitt and was the father of four children, namely, Henry, Barton, Solomon and Fred- erick. Hannah was married to William Kresge'; Sallie was the wife of George G. Hawk ; Cath- arine was the second wife of George Kresge, and Christianna was wedded to Conrad Dries- bach ; Elizabeth married John Eshen, of North- ampton County; Thomas was married to a Miss Dotter and a few of his descendants are living in the township. David Gregory settled on the farm now owned by his son William. He had ten chil- dren, namely, David, John, Reuben, Henry, Peter, James, William, Lydia (married to Thomas Kresge), Nellie (married to -lames Kresge), and Sallie (married to Jacob Kresge). John and William are the only sons still living. Reuben died in 1885. He had eight children, namely, Nathan, James, William E., Mary (who died single), Lydia (married to Levi Shupp), Elizabeth (married to Amos Shafer), Katie (married to Harry Loboch), Sallie (mar- ried to John Driesbach), and Lucinda (married to John Dorshimer. William Kresge settled in Polk about 1765, on the farm now owned by his great-grandson, Rogers Kresge. He had eight children, viz.: Jacob, William, George, Joseph, Sallie (married to John Serfass), Elizabeth (married to John Pouser), Susan (married to Peter Kunkel) and Hannah (married to Reuben Cregory). Jacob married Sallie Gregory, and had five children, viz.: Nathan, Reuben, Katie, Hannah (married to Charles Shafer) aud Mary (who died at an early age). He is the oldest man now living in the township, having been born in 1804. 1236 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. His parents both lived to the age of eighty- eight years. He was postmaster of the Long Valley post-office from its establishment till 1864, when it was removed to Gilbert's. He kept a licensed house twenty-eight years, and was one of Polk's best landlords. William married Sallie Storm, and was the father of nine children, viz.: Andrew, Berlin, Hannah (married to ( Iharles Serfass), Elizabeth (married to Joseph Frautz), Caroline (married to Peter Frantz), Katie (married to Cornelius Smith), Sarah (married to Cornelius Seigenfus), Susan (married to Aaron Suit) and Mary (married to Reuben Berger). George took for his wife Sallie Kunkle, and had seven children, viz. : Paul, Freeman, Monroe, Mahlon, Katie (mar- ried to George Anglemoyer), Christianna (mar- ried to Reuben Frable) and Sallie (married to Nathan Hawk). Joseph was the husband of Lucinda Andrew, by whom he had ten chil- dren, viz.: William (undertaker at Brodheads- ville), Nathan, Franklin, Charles, Maria (mar- ried to William Serfass), Hannah (married to John Nisson), Elizabeth (married to Joseph Shmale), Amanda (married to Charles Serfass), Catharine and Emma (who are still single). The names below are taken from the assess- ment roll made in 1847 by Reuben Gregory, the first elected assessor of the township: Samuel Antony. George Antony. Stephen Ballinger. Jacob Baker. John Backer. Adam Bowman. Martin Barthomy. Joel Barlin. David Barger. Ephraim Christman. George Christman. Philip Dotter. Maehdahin Dotter. George Dotter. Jacob Dotter. John Dotter. Henry Dotter. Daniel Dotter. George Dorshimer. Philip C. Dotter. John Doe. Abraham Fisher. Lawrence Fisher. John S. Fisher. Dewald Fisher. Michael Fisher. Conrad Frable. Reuben Gregory. David Gregory. Joseph Gruber. Solomon Gehoe. Aaron Heiny. Melchior Getz. Charles Getz. William Getz. Conrad Getz. John Heiny (Est.) Peter S. Hawk. George S. Hawk. George G. Hawk. George Hawk. George C. Hawk. Michael Hawk. Charles Hawk. Conrad Hawk. Edward Hawk. William Heiuibach. Jacob Kresge. Philip Kresge. George Kunkle. John Kunkle. Peter G. Kunkle. Joel Kresge. William Kresge. George Kresge. Henry Keiper. Joseph Kresge. Peter Kunkle. Peter S. Kunkle. George Kresge, Sr. Charles Kunkle. Adam Laufer. Philip Mover. John Meches. William Moyer. Frederick Miller. Frederick Kerchner. John Roof. James Reily. Thomas Roth. John Rishel. Samuel Starner. Peter Andrew. Edward Barger. Frantz Brotz. Michael Bartolmy. Daniel Christman. Jacob Christman. Cornelius Dotter. Conrad Getz. Isaac Gruber. Jacob Keiper. John Keiper. Peter Lamb. Philip Moyer. Henry Neff. Jacob Starner. Single Michael Bleyer. George Bartolmy. Daniel Bartolmy. David Brotzman. Joel Barger. Charles Edmonds. David Gregory. Peter Gregory. Peter Hawk. John Kivler. Henry Laufer. Joseph Moyer. Tobias Meckes. John B. Serfass. John W. Serfass. Thomas Serfass. John L. Serfass. John Swartz. Lewis Switzgable. Peter G. Shupp. Frederick Shupp. Lawrence Serfass. Philip Sehman. Peter Shupp. Henry Serfass. Daniel Snyder (Est.) Samuel Serfass. Aaron Serfass. Henry Shupp (Est.) Abraham Smith. William Serfass & Co. John Serfass, Sr. Charles Shupp. Peter Serfass (Est.) William Smail. Joseph Serfass. Aaron Shupp. nts. Jonas Serfass. Michael Starner. Ephraim Shaffer. James Shafer. James Serfass. Jacob Serfass. Michael Snyder. Peter Shupp. Adam Serfass. John Serfass. Israel Switz. John Tacharias. Charles Tacharias. Reuben Tacharias. Men. Jacob Shatter. Joel Serfass. Lin ford Serfass. Ephraim Serfass. Reuben Serfass. Jacob Smith. Joseph Smith. James Shafer. Isaac Varkle. Melchior Getz. Charles Getz. William Getz. The toils and hardships of all these first set- tlers were almost incredible. Their first dwell- ings were hastily built, and of the simplest MONROE COUNTY. 1237 architecture. Ofttimes they were compelled to encamp under trees and use bread made of flour mingled with water and baked on the coals. There were times in the experience of many when a supply of even this fare would have been deemed a luxury. One of the first articles manufactured by these hardy pioneers was "pine tar," extracted from the knots of de- cayed pine-trees. The product thus obtained was put in kegs, taken to Easton, and there ex- changed for flour and other necessaries. As a rule, they were not only men of great courage and endurance, but of sterling integrity. Their wives were also equally patterns of ex- cellence. The old saying, " His word is as good as his bond," was really true with these people. For a stranger to settle among them was a rare occurrence. Those having possession of the soil conveyed it from one heir to another and thus kept the land among their descendants. As nearly all the inhabitants were related, it was often difficult to select in the neighborhood the required number of suitable persons to serve as pall-bearers at many of the funerals. The first settlers of this township were poor, and on account of their poor condition, it became necessary for many of them to apprentice or indenture certain of their children to their more fortunate friends or neighbors. As it may be of interest, a copy of such indenture is here in- serted which is as follows: "This Indenture, made the lith day of May, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one, witnesseth that Jeremiah Brown and Elizabeth, his wife, doth put and bind their daughter, Mary Brown, an ap- prentice unto Joseph Large, housbandman, and Eliza- beth his wife, their heirs and assigns, to be taught to read intelligible in the english Bible, and to write so well as to keep her own accounts, and to be instructed to nitt, spinn and sew and other Housewifery reason- ably well as an apprentice ought to do, and with them as an apprentice To Dwell, Continue and serve from the Day of Date hereof unto the full end and Term of nine years and three weeks, which will be on the sixth day of June in the year of our Lord, one Thousand seven hundred and eighty ; During all which Term the said apprentice, her said master and mistress well and faithfully shall serve; their secrets keep, their lawful commands gladly Do ; hurt to her so Master and Mistress she shall not Do, nor wilfully suffer to be done by others. But of the same to her Power shall forthwith give Notice to her said Master or Mistress. The goods of her said Master nor Mis- tress she shall not Imbazle or waste, nor them lend without their consent to any. At Cards, Dice or any other unlawful Game she shall not play. Taverns or Ale houses she shall not frequent, fornication she shall not commit, matrimony she shall not contract. From the service of her said Master or Mistress she shall not at any time depart or absent herself without her said Master and Mistresses leave. But in all Things as a good and faithful apprentice shall and will Demean and behave herself towards her said Master and Mistress and all theirs. During the said term, and the said Master and Mistress their said ap- prentice shall and will teach and instruct or cause to be taught and instructed in all things above men- tioned, and shall and will also find and allow unto their said apprentice Meat, Drink, washing, lodging and apparel, linen as well as woolen and other neces- saries fit and convenient for such Apprentice During the said term and at her End of the said term shall Give to their said apprentice Two suits of apparel, one of which shall Be New. In witness whereof the Parties have hereunto set their hands and seals inter- ehangable the day and year above written. •'Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, "Elias Hughes. " Rachel Large. "Jeremiah X Bk< x. " Elizabeth ^ Brown." Schools. — The first school-house in the township was built at Kresgeville, fifty or sixty years ago. The laud upon which it stood was donated for that purpose by Nicholas Hawk. John S. Fisher, now cashier of the Stroudsburg Bank, was the third teacher iu this house. As late as 1860 the teachers taught but reading, writing and spelling, with the rudiments of arithmetic. Inferior as these schools were, when measured by the present standard, they were sufficient for the necessities of the times. The township is at present divided into eight school districts. Nos. 2, 3 and 8 com- prise the upper half of the township. The whole number of pupils is three hundred and thirty. The total receipts for the year ending June 4, 1885, were $1252.42 and the total ex- penditures $1215.44. The following is a list of the school directors of the township since the erection of same : 1848. — George G. Hawk, Reuben Gregory. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1849.— John O. Fisher, Joseph timber. 1850. — Aaron Serfass, George Dotter. 1851. — James Serfass, George Dorshimer. 1852. — Reuben Gregory, Joseph Gruber. 1853.— Joel Berlin, George G. Hawk. 1854. — John S. Fisher, George Dorshimer. isr,").— Reuben George, Daniel Saeger, Aaron Heiny. 1856. — Edward Hawk, George S. Hawk. 1857.— John S. Fisher, Joel Berlin. 1858. — Reuben Gregory, G. Dorshimer, Petri Hawk. 18511— G. W. Kresge, Stephen Hawk. I860.— John S. Fisher, Daniel Saeger. 1861.— Charles A. Fisher, Peter Dorshimer. 1862.— Peter Gilbert, Isaac Becker. 1863.— John 0. Fisher, Daniel Saeger. 1864. — Steward Hawk, Daniel Heiny, Peter Dor- shimer. 1865. — Jos. timber, Stephen Hawk, Reuben Kresge. 1866. — James Shafer, Gideon Hait, John Swart/.. 1867. — Samuel Anthony, John Swartz, Jos. ( Irnber. 1868. — Reuben Kresge, Freeman Shupp. 1869. — Amos Shafer, James Kunkle. 1870.— Thomas Altemose, Stephen Hawk. 1872. — Nathan Serfass, William Gregory. 1873. — John Dorshimer, L. Mansfield. 1874.— George W. Buck, Rudolph Hawk. 1875- — Nathan Serfass, George Anglemoyer, P. S: Hawk. 1876.— Jacob Kunkle, John Swartz. 1877.— E. C. Davis, Daniel Martz. 1878.— Nathan Serfass, H. C. McOormiek. 1879.— Levi Smith, Jacob Kunkle. 1880. — William H. Serfass, George Anglemoyer. 1881. — Freeman Kresge, Joseph D. Small. 1882.— David Kunkle, John Dorshimer. 1883. — Peter J. Hauey, George Anglemoyer. 1884.— N. L. Keller, R. F. Kresge. 1885. — Timothy Everitt, John Dorshimer. 1886.— Jacob B. Meitzler, C. A. Hoydt. Churches. — An Evangelical Church, called St. Timothy, is the only church in the township. It is situated in Doishimer School District and was built in 1866, at a cost of about one thou- sand dollars. The first sermon in this house was preached by Rev. L. N. Worman, who was the first regular minister for the congregation. Justices of the Peace. — The justices of the peace since the organization of the township have been as follows : 1873. Jacob Learn. 1874. John G. Wuest, 1879. John G. Wuest, L881. H. C. McCormick. 1883. Stephen Zeigenfus. ! 1884. James M. Berlin. 1850. Philip Kresge. 1854. Philip Kresge. 1859. Joseph Gruber. 1862. John S. Fisher. 1864. Joseph Gruber. 1869. Joseph Gruber. ROADS. — The State road, running through Long Valley to Mauch Chunk, is the oldest road in the township. Tlie road leading from Gilbert's to Kresgeville was opened nearly one hundred years ago and was at one time an In- dian trail. Villages, Hotels and Stokes. — Kresge- ville is the largest village iu the township. It is situated on the Big Creek, one mile east from the Carbon County line. In 1855 Edward Hawk discovered slate near the Carbon line, on Big Creek, and opened a quarry. The slate was extensively manufactured into school-slates, of which it is said to have made a superior qual- ity, though it was not durable enough for roof- ing-slate. About 1864 Henry McClellan, of the city of Brooklyn, started a tannery in this village and ran the same till 1873, when he made a deed of assignment to Francis A. Gale in trust for the benefit of his creditors. The Kresgeville post-office was established about 1845, with Philip Kresge as postmaster. The village at present contains three stores, two hotels, two grist-mills, four blacksmith shops, furniture store, saddler shop, shoemaker shop- New Mechauicsville is located at the foot of the Pocono Mountains, on the road leading from Kresgeville to White Haven. The first settle- ment at this place was made by Beddy & Strow, who erected a saw-mill and engaged in lumber- ing. Henry Everitt was proprietor of the first hotel, which is now owned and kept by James Snyder. Washington Store is situated on Washington Run, one mile south of Kresgeville. Merchant, Moritz Meitner. Dottersville is a small cluster of houses two miles north from Kresgeville. It was named after Jacob Dotter, who started a hotel there in 1 838. CHAPTER XV 111. .iacksoN TOWNSHIP. The territory comprising this township was originally a part of Pocono township, and so remained until 1843, when the court appointed Peter S. Shaw, Stogdell S. Stokes and John MONROE COUNTY. Huston commissioners to run a dividing line, and on September 12, 1 843, they reported the following division : "Beginning at a stone on the Hamilton township line, one hundred and eighteen perches west of the Pocono Bridge, near Jeremy Mackey's, and running thence north forty-five degrees west seven miles and one hundred and twenty-two perches to a stone in the Tobyhanna township line west of White Oak Hun. We are also of the opinion that a new township is necessary for the accommoda- tion of the citizens residing within the hounds of the said district, and accordingly set off that part of Pocono township southwest of the above mentioned line as a new township, to be called Jackson township." The report was confirmed December 13, 184.!. It is hounded on the north by Pocono, on the south by Hamilton and Chestnuthill, on the west by Tunkhannock and Chestnuthill aud on the cast by Hamilton township. McMichael ('reek and the west branch of McMichael's rise in the northern part of the township, at the base of the Pocono Mountain, now a southerly course through the township, thence through ( 'hestnut- hill, Hamilton and Stroud townships, and en- ter Brodhead Creek at Stroudsburg. The sur- face of the township is diversified, some portions hilly and undulating. The soil is of a sandy gravel, and, consequently, barren. A large amount of timber still exists. Early Settlers. — The earliest permanent settlers within the limits of Jackson township, undoubtedly, were the Miller family. Frederick Miller was a native of Northampton, who emi- grated to Hamilton township, subsequently moving into Jackson, and purchased, some time prior to 1765, a tract of land containing four hundred acres. He had several children, and among them was Jacob. It appears the property was divided at his death, Jacob remaining on the homestead property. He married Hannah Mover, and had six children, — John, George and Henry, Hannah, Mary and Catharine. At his death John purchased the farm, and it is now in the possession of his son, Michael Miller. John Rossinger settled in Jackson from Bucks County in 1811, and purchased three hundred and fifty aires of land. He was a man of some education and a tinsmith by trade ; he taught the first school in Jackson towu- \ ship, (then Pocono.) He married Elizabeth Handel ine, and had three sons and three daugh- ters — Susanna (Mrs. Abraham Smith), Mary (Mrs. Daniel Belles), Catharine (Mrs. Abraham Tucker), Joseph, John and Reuben. Joseph was born February I, 1802, and died at the age of seventy-five years, and had four son-. and four daughters. Among the enterprising early settlers of Jackson township was Peter Wbodling, who is still living, being now in his eighty-seventh year. He moved from Hamilton township in 1823, and purchased, from Peter Brong and Jacob Miller, a farm containing two hundred and fifty-two acres. His father, < reorge Wood- ling, emigrated from Germany s< time in 1700, and settled in Hamilton. Peter married Mary Hoffner, and had children — Simon, William, Peter, Michael (who mar- ried a daughter of Jacob Kresge, aud is postmaster aud merchant at Reeder's), Amos, Theodore, Anna, Sarah (Mrs. William Setzer), Hannah (Mrs. James Warner), Susanna (Mrs. Aaron (i. Handelong, of Bangor) and Mary. The first Doll to settle in Jackson was Jacob, who was born in Montgomery County about 1781, and came to Jackson in 1806 and pur- chased ninety-six acres of land. He married, in 1804, Catharine Rustin, and died in 1858, leaving thirteen children, one having died in infancy — John, Jacob, Frederick, Samuel, George P., Christian, Joseph. Charles, Louisa (Mrs. James Evans), Mary (Mrs. Louis Bond), Sally (Mrs. Joseph Slutter), Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Bower), Hannah (Mrs. Charles Slutter). Benjamin Van Horn, wdio was born in Berks County, came to Jackson in 1812. He purchased four hundred acres, built himself a log cabin, erected a saw-mill and was for many years engaged in the lumber business. The mill was situated about three miles from Jackson Corners. He married Nancy Young, of Hamilton, and had eight children — Rachel, John, Nicholas, Benjamin, Polly, Katy, Betsey aud David. In 1818 his wife died, and he then married Mrs. Rachel Dailey and had three children — Elizabeth, Phebe and Samuel. 1240 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Christian Singer .settled in Jackson prior to 1820. He was horn in Montgomery County. Pa., and was connected with the Woodling farms. He married Susanna Woodling, of Hamilton, and bought two tracts of land con- taining three hundred acres, some of which is in possession of his children at present. He had four sons — Peter, Jacob, John and Samuel ; his daughters were Susanna and Hannah. He married, for his second wife, Rachel Van Horn, and had six children — Christian, Amos, Thco- dosia, Eunice, Mary and Elizabeth. Jacob and Peter are living in the township upon portions of the farm, and' are both within a few years of eighty. Charles Hay came from Northampton in 1818 and bought a farm of one hundred and fourteen acres, which was located between Jackson Corners and Singerville ; his wife was Anna Maria Tor- rone,and had, eight children — Samuel, Catherine, Philip, Elizabeth, Melchior, John, Charles, Hiram. Philip is still living in the town- ship. John Woolbert was a native of Delaware, whose ancestors were Hollanders. In 1790 he came to Jackson and bought five hundred acres of land, situated in the vicinity of what is now Jackson Corners. He married Mary Weisner, of Hamilton, and had Sally (who married John Young, of Hamilton), Mathew, Louisa (who married George Xeyhart, of Hamilton), Peggy (who married George Werkheiser, of Hamilton), John, Simon, Charles, Joseph, Catherine and George. Joseph Rinker, a grandson of Abraham Rinker, who kept a tavern in the vicinity of Philadelphia at the close of the Revolutionary War, came to Jackson in 1827 and leased the mill property of Martin Schleicher, and two years afterwards purchased it and the farm, which contained about ninety-four acres, and was engaged for fifty-two years in the lumber business. He was married, in 1826, to Cather- ine Bellos. His children were Mary Ann (who married Abram Huflsmith), William, Lewis, Elizabeth (who married George Bartholomew), Hester Ann (who married Adam Slutter), Ro- sanna (who married Jerome Heller), Caleb, Lydia (married David Bright), James W\, Rev. Joseph (who married Rosie Krotzer, and now resides at the Schuylkill House). Joseph, Sr., is in his eighty-fifth year ; resides with his son William in Jackson township. Among the settlers in the township of a later date was Jacob Kresge, who purchased a farm and has since resided in the township. He had children — Joseph, Israel, Maria, Levi, Richard, Jacob, Mary and Emeline. He is still living and resides with his son-in-law, Michael Wood- ling, who keeps the store and post-office at Reeder and is eighty-four years of age. First Stoke. — The first store in Jackson was kept at Jackson Corners by John Oster- hock, who came from New York State. After keeping it for a few years he sold it and left Jackson, and it has had several owners ; at i present it is kept by Jere Kresge. It was here the first ]inst-office was established in the town- ship, which was in 1861, with W. H. Rhine- hart as postmaster, who served until 1880, when Francis H. Miller was appointed ; in 1881, J. H. Rhinehart was appointed and held office until 1884. Jere Kresge was then ap- pointed and resigned in 1884 in favor of James Fable, having been elected justice of the peace. First Saw-Mill. — The first mill was erected prior to 1765 by Frederick Miller, and was located on the west branch of McMichael Creek, on the road now leading from Tan- nersville to the Wind Gap. An incident con- nected with the building of the mill will show | the capacity of those sturdy old Dutchmen who lived in the early days. The site selected for the mill necessitated the building of a race-way fifteen hundred feet long, and was at the base of the mountain, and had to be dug in bed rock. It is presumed that labor was hard to obtain, and Miller arranged with his neighbors and got up a bee, agreeing to furnish the neces- sary liquid refreshments, etc., when completed. It is said that eight barrels of whiskey were consumed by those engaged in building the race. In 181") the mill was destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 1822 by Martin Schleicher. It subsequently passed into the hands of Joseph Rinker, who operated it for fifty-two years, and in that time it was rebuilt several times, and is now operated by Samuel Rymel. In MONROE COUNTY. 1241 1815 Frederick Miller, Jr., and Jesse Packer built a saw-mill on the same stream, at Jackson Corners, which was removed some years ago. John Walbert, iu 1830, built a mill on a small stream called Stoney Creek, which is located on the road leading from Bartonsville to Jackson Corners, and is now in possession of Mr. McCluskey. First Geist-Mill. — Michael Butz built the first and only grist-mill in the township in 1838, and after his death, which occurred in 1858, it passed into the hands of William Heckman, Stephen Singer, Jacob Bossard, and is now owned by John Carmer. It is situated on the road from Kennersville to Tannersville. St. Mark's Church, of the Union Luth- eran and Reformed Congregation, is located at Jackson Coiner-. Early in 1800 the first preaching was in the old school-house, which was destroyed by fire about 1884, and they had for their first pastor Rev. Joseph B. Gross, who was succeeded by Rev. Peter Rup- pert, both resident pastors for the mother- church at Hamilton. In 1851 Peter W I- ling donated the land, the new church was built, and the congregation has been in charge of the following pastors: Rev. George Heilig, Rev. A. Rumptf, Rev. S. S. Kline, Rev. Henry Seifert, Rev. J. R. Foucht, Rev. George Roths and Rev. R. H. Clare. The present number of Lutheran communicants is fifty-two. Methodiist Church (Dugan Chapel). — This church is located at Sihgersville, and was built in 1885. the first organized meetings being held in the school-house, with the Rev. F. M. Brady as pastor. The church was dedi- cated December 14, 1885, and has for its pres- ent pastor Rev. II. .1. Illick. Jackson Methodist Episcopal Chuech. — For some years previous to the building of the church preaching services were held in the barns of the neighborhood and the school- house. Revs. Heebner, Gould and others trav- eled this circuit in Jackson township prior to the building of the church. The Jackson Meth- odist Episcopal Church was built in 1833. Wm. Young was the preacher, assisted by Michael Misner, local preacher, and also William Bellis and Joseph Rinker. Since the building of the church the following preachers have occupied the pulpit: M. II. Sisty, R. Owens, J. Jones, G. Cummins, S. Reisner and others. The church met with great prosperity, and for many years had a very large membership. The old stone church was torn down in 1.S72 and a more commodious building was erected at Neola, a village near by. This building is frame, cost about two thousand five hundred dollars, and will seat five hundred people. It was built during the pastorate of Rev. F. M. Brady. Barnet Kresge, Andrew Detrick, David Green, Isaac Teeter and Charles F. Honser were the trustees and building commit- tee. This new church has been served by the following pastors : Amos Johnson, J. Richards, L. M. Hobbs, J. Bickcrton, F. H. Gilbert, H. Frankland and Joseph H. Smith. During the present pastorate a large debt has been canceled, which had burdened the society for many years. The church is also undergoing very extensive repairs, which will add much to its success and prosperity. Its membership now numbers forty. The trustees at present are Silas Barnes, Isaiah Rinker, John Bel lis, George W. Green and Harry Hobbs. The present pastor is Rev. W. Sheppard. SCHOOLS. — The first school-house built with- in the limits of Jackson township was at what is now Reeder's, about the year 1811. Little is known in reference to it, further than that it was known as the Middle Borough School District. The lot was purchased by the citizens, and a log school-house erected. John Possinger was teacher, who had a short time before settled in what was then Pocono township. In 1827 a school-house was built at Jackson Corners, the ground being given by Peter Woodling, and the money raised by subscription, to provide for the erection of the building. The house was to be used for school and church purposes. Frederick Miller and John Woolbert being the largest sub- scribers, and having given fifty dollars apiece. were appointed building masters, and until 1 Sol it was the only place of worship in the town- ship. The first teacher was George Anglemyer, and he was followed by James Harvey, John Setzer, John Hillard and Miss Hannah Setzer. The town is now divided into four school dis- 1 242 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. tricts, with four male aud two female teachers. The number of scholars is two hundred and twenty-nine. The total amount of tax for school and building purposes is §1055.29 ; State appropriation, $157.19 ; total expenditures for school purposes, $1346.97. Taxable Residents in 1845. — According to the assessments made by the commissioners at this date, the following persons were property- owners : George Alstine. John Becker. Frederick Belles. Donael Belles. Nelson Belles. Michael Buttz. John Belles. Andrew Buttz. Christopher Bowen. George Buttz. John W. Buttz. William Belles, Sr. Peter Buttz. William Boseenke. Peter Brong. William Butts. Abraham Butts. Peter Brown. Henry Ciptrate. Laurence Cramanacer. David Cypher. Joseph Cemrey. Jacob Doll, Sr. Jacob Doll. Frederick Doll. Samuel Doll. John Doll. Jacob Engler. George Engler. Nathaniel Engler. Leonard Engler. Joseph Felker. John Fenner. Peter Fraily. Jonathan Fenner. John I). Fraily. John D. Felker. John Hay. Adam Huflsmith. Melchior Hay. Michael Heller. Dihe Hary. Frederick Hofner. Jacob Hofner. Charles Hay. Philip Hay. Michael Mi/.ner. Jacob Geo. Miller. John Miller. John Possinger. Reuben Possinger. John Possinger. Joseph Possinger. John R inker. Joseph Ri nicer. Jacob Rufstone. John Repsher. Abram Repaher. Joseph Starner. Abraham Smith. Jacob W. Singer. Benjamin Singer. Christian Singer. Henry Singer. John Setzer. Susana Singer. John Singer. Andrew Singer. George Smith. George Singer. George Setzer. John Snyder. Martin Spriggle. Jacob Sitzer. Jacob Sitzer. John Sticker. Mary Siglin. Joseph Titus. Jeremiah Titus. Phillip Garrone. John Van Horn, Sr. John Van Horn. Daniel Van Horn. Joseph Van Horn. Peter Woodling. John Woolbert, Sr. John Woolbert. John Winters. Jacob Woodling. Joseph Woolbert. Jacob Williams. George Werkheiser. George Hellyer. William Yong. Samuel Hay. Mary Yetter. Samuel Heller. Michael Zacharias. Benjamin Hall. Donael Zacharias. Barnet Kresge. Joseph Williams. Jacob Kresge. Markey & Myers. Reuben Kresge. Peter Singer. Henry Kustard. John Burger. Elias Kresge. John Smith. Jacob Lain. Samuel Levorn. George Miller. George Doll. Peter Miller. David Singer. Frederick Miller. Philip Sanger. Philip McCluskey. Justices of the Peace. — Following is a list of the names of the justices of the peace who have been elected since the organization of the township : 1845. John D. Fraily. 1849. Michael Mesner. John D. Fraily. 1854. John D. Fraily. George Setzer. 1859. John D. Fraily. George Setzer. 18(54. John D. Fraily. Ezra Marvin. 1869. Samuel R. Bossard. Jonas B. Miller. 1879. Adam A. Singer. A. Possinger. 1880. A. J. Detrict. 1884. A. Possinger. 1885. Jere Kresge. James Steen. SUPERVISORS. 1844. 1845. 1850. L851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. Adam Huttsmith. Jacob Kresge. Adam Huttsmith. Jacob Kresge. Henry Kister. Andrew Singer. George Setzer. Peter Fraily. George Setzer. Andrew Singer. Christian Singer. Peter Fraily. Peter Fraily. Philip McCluskey. Charles Frantz. George Setzer. Charles Frantz. George Setzer. Joseph Williams. J. M. Singer. George Setzer. Andrew Singer. Geo. Werkheiser. George Setzer. John Belles. Jacob Bender. William Belles. Michael Zacharias. 1859. Michael Zacharias. Burnet Kresge. 1800. Samuel Singer. John Belles. 1861. Joseph Felker. John Donohu. 1862. William Belles. Joseph Felker. 1863. George Setzer. Melchior Hay. 1864. Melchior Hay. John Gorr. 1865. Melchior Hay. John Gorr. 1866. John F. Trutchev. William Belles. ' 1867. Levi Shifler. Jacob Kresge. 1868. John Felker. George Miller. 1869. George H. Singer. Philip McCluskey. 1870. John Hellger. Peter Fraily. 1871. No Returns. 1872. Thomas Frantz. Michael Miller. MOMIOH COUNTY. 1243 1873. Frederick Dolls. Herbert Ike. 1874. Jacob Singer. Herbert Ike. 1875. James B. Heller. Fred. Dolls. 1876. J. B. Heller. C. Miller. 1877. Conrad Miller. S. R. Bossard. 1S78. John Hay. Abraham Neyhart. 1879. John Hay. 1879. Jacob Felker. 1880. Joseph Frantz. Henry Liptrott. 1881. Abraham Butts. A. A. Singer. 1882. Jacob Rustine. Abraham Butts. 1883. Charles Heiney. Levi Warner. 1884. Levi Warner. Barnet Kresge. 1885. Jacob Rustine. Jere Kresge. CHAPTER XIX. POCONO TOWNSHIP. General Description. — Pocono township is bounded ou the north by Tunkhannock and Tobyhanna townships, east by Coolbaugh and Paradise townships, south by Stroud township and west by Jackson township. It takes its name from the mountain which extends across it. It was erected a separate township by a de- cree of the courts of Northampton County, in November, 1816. Much of the land in this township was formerly classed among unseated lands, which induced the treasurer of the county in 1844 to offer for sale twelve thousand acres to pay the arrears of taxes due upon it. In 1830 the population was five hundred and sixty- four, in 1840 nine hundred and seventy-three, and the last census returns a total of twelve hundred and eight. The valuation of real and personal property in 1844 was seventy thousand one hundred and ninety-six dollars. The northern section was formerly a vast wilderness, with little uncleared or productive land, but modern enterprise has done much to improve aud even beautify portions of it, though as an agricultural region it will never take high rank among the townships of the county. Natural Features. — The surface of the township is varied, being in some parts hilly and mountainous. The Pocono Mountain ex- tends into the township on the west, terminating in what is known as the " Knob." In the northwest is a range of mountains known also as the " Pocono Range." The soil is principally of a gravelly nature, some localities being so stony as to preclude abundant crops. Clay abounds in other parts, and much fertile land is found along the Pocono Creek and other streams. Wheat, rye, buckwheat, corn and hay are the staple products, while most fruits, especially apples, grow luxuriantly. The township is amply watered by numerous streams. Pocono Creek is composed of two branches, one of which, the White Oak Run, rises in Tunkhannock and flows southeast into Pocono, where it joins the Straight Branch. It then flows southwest through Tanuersville and Bartonsville, and thus on to Stroudsburg, where it joins the McMichael Creek. It affords power for two mills at Tannersville, oue at Bartonsville, one on the Straight Branch, one on the White Oak Run, and supplies the Tanite Company's Works in Stroud township. Cran- berry Creek rises in the northwest corner of the township, flows south and southwest and emp- ties into the Pocono below Tanuersville. The Butz Run rises east of Tanuersville, flows east and empties into the west branch of Brodhead Creek. The latter rises in Toby- hanna township, and flowing east through the northern part of the township, empties into Brodhead ('reek, near Henryville. Brundage Creek rises in the western part of the township, and empties into the Pocono, near Tannersville. Schools. — The township was not well sup- plied with schools at an early day. The first school was opened at Tannersville in a log school-house, which stood near the hotel kept by Henry Edinger, of which Charles Brown is the present landlord. The teacher who first presided over this school was Rachel Morgan. At a later date a school was opened on the property now a part of the Stephen Kistler estate, and a school-master named Ritchie, whose family removed from Philadelphia to the county, assumed charge of the children of the neighborhood. A teacher named John Barton was also engaged, and followed his profession for several terms. The Tannersville school being the only one of consequence, scholars came from all parts of the township, and rendered this the most frequented place of learn- ing within its limits, until the introduction of WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the free-school system. In 1836 a school- house was built near Bartonsville, the first teacher being Daniel Shafer. The same year a new and more commodious building was erected at Tannersville, and the township being divided into districts, the erec- tion of school buildings followed in other por- tions of the township. These were simple in construction, but have since been removed to make way for more commodious structures. In 1879 a graded school was established at Tannersville, which is under the charge of M. S. Warner and Horace Keeler. The school territory of the township is now divided into eight districts, over which four male and four female teachers preside. There are two hun- dred and seventy-one scholars on the roll, the average attendance being two hundred. The State appropriation for school purposes is $202.75, and the amount of tax for the same object $777.63. Early Roads. — The earliest road, so far as can be determined, is the highway known as the North and South road, which started from Saylorsburg, in Hamilton township, and pur- sued a northerly course to Bartonsville, where it diverged to the northwest, through Toby- hauna and Coolbaugh, and from thence north to Belmont. It was organized, at a later date, as the North and South turnpike, for which the company obtained a charter, and thus main- tained until 1850, when the charter was relin- quished, and it lias since been one of the town- ship roads. A resurvey was made under the act of incorporation, the road shortened and made much more direct. General Sullivan doubtless followed this road from Bartonsville through Pocono into Tobyhanna, where, at a point known as Hungry Hill, his army took a course bearing to the left. A road surveyed at an early date begins at Fennersville (now Sciota), and running through Jackson township northeast to Tannersville, terminates in Middle Smithfield township. Another early road ran from Tannersville through Jackson to Phillipsburg, and on to Merwinsburg, in Chestnuthill township. Early Burial-Places. — The earliest in- terment occurred in a burial-ground on the Stauffer property, near Cold Spring, and occu- pied by Charles Brown, and then in possession of the Learn family. Many members of the Learn family are buried here. In 1833 ground was cleared for a cemetery adjacent to the Lutheran Church at Tannersville. Among those who assisted in improving this plot was Henry Edinger, who is accredited with having felled the first tree. While at work he in- dulged in some speculations regarding the first burial in the inclosure. Very soon after he found a last resting-place within its boundaries which he had been the first to improve. This was the earliest interment in the Lutheran Cemetery. Other families who bury here are the Learns, Angleinoyers, Geutzhorns, Warners, Heckmans, Shicks, Transues, Wood lings, Smiths and Barrys. A cemetery connected with the Tan- nersville Methodist Episcopal Church was laid out twenty-five or more years ago and is used principally by the congregation of the church. A cemetery connected with the Cherry Lane Methodist Episcopal Church was in use long before the organization of the church. The Bisbings, Greggs, Sebrings and neighboring families bury here. A burial-ground located at Knightsville, inclosed with a substantial wall, aud now but little frequented, was formerly used by the Arnolds, Transues, Slutters and other families. y^ VILLAGES AND HAMLETS. Tannersville. — About the year 1750 John Earner, formerly of Philadelphia, purchased the land now embraced in the village of Tan- nersville. He found it a vast wilderness, but with the aid of his sons soon effected a clearing and erected for his family a comfortable abode. He proceeded to the cultivation of the land and obtained abundant crops as the reward of his labor. His children settled around him and devoted their energies to farming pursuits. There was no special interest attached to this spot until 1830, when a man named Ritchie, from Philadelphia, opened a store for the sale of general merchandise adapted to a country trade, and was eventually succeeded by a mer- chant named Myers. The Larner family had some years before built a saw-mill, and Henry MONROE COUNTY. 1245 Edinger, iu 1825, erected a grist-mill. ( In 1845 Jacob Staaffer opened a store on' the property now occupied by Charles Brown, aud a black- smith shop was well patronized by the farmers iu the vicinity. The place, with the exception of a number of dwellings erected within the last quarter of a century, has made little pro- gress. There are now two grist-mills, run by Charles Brown and Milo Kistler ; three stores, kept by Peter Warner & Co., Charles Brown and George Lessig ; two blacksmith shops, by Daniel and Elou Williams ; a public hall, two churches and a graded school. A secret order, known as the Mystic Band of Brothers, was maintained for many years, but has since be- come extinct. Two hotels are located here, the respective landlords being Charles Brown and Manasseh Miller. About 1834 Jacob Sing- master established a tannery, which was con- ducted by him for several years, and finally disposed of to Messrs. Downing & Co., of Philadelphia. It became a second time the property of Mr. Singmaster; was later pur- chased by Stephen Kistler, and conducted by him or his heirs until its destruction by fire, iu 1884. Soon after the erection of the tannery a post-office was established, and has since been maintained, with Elmer Warner as the present postmaster. With the burning of the tannery much of the interest and enterprise attaching to this place ceased. Bawtoxsyille, a hamlet lying in the south- ern corner of the township, was laid out by Joseph Barton about the year 1833. He erected a hotel and store, being for many years both landlord and merchant at this point. The store, which is at present kept by Nelson Dietrick, was built about 1850. There is also a grist-mill, owned by Peter Slutter and operated by William H. Resh. The village blacksmith is Samuel Musselman, and the postmaster Stephen M. Kistler. A tannery, built by Mr. Kistler in 1867, was in operation until 1871, the number of hides used per week being one hundred and fifty. Kxipesville. — More than forty years ago Messrs. Downing & Co. established a tannery and store at this point, aud managed both suc- cessfully until a scarcity of timber compelled an abandonment of the tanning interests. Anoth- er store was opened and kept by the Storm family for several years, its present proprietors being Heckman Brothers. A wheelwright shop is carried on by Geo. S. Knipe, from whom the place takes its name, and Augustus Ehlers built and controls a saw aud shingle-mill. W. C. Transue at present presides over the schools at this point. Stanhope Post-Office. — There is a post- office known as Stanhope iu the northwest por- tion of the township, the postmaster being Joel Burritt. This point is more generally known through " Swiftwater," a summer resort kept by Arthur McGinnis. A store for the sale of gen- eral merchandise is also located here. Early Settlements. — The earliest settle- ment in Pocono was undoubtedly made by the Larner (now Learn) family, John Larner hav- ing come with his family from Philadelphia, about 1750, and settled at the spot now known as Tanuersville, where he purchased a large tract of land. Among his children were sons Jacob, John, George, Peter, Andrew and sev- eral daughters. Jacob settled on the farm now owned by Jacob Learn, and from thence re- moved to land in Hamilton township. He married a Miss Roming, whose children were Peter, George, Andrew, John, Samuel, of whom Peter owned aud resided upon the farm now the home of his son. Squire Jacob Learn. He married Margaret Ann, daughter of Christian Starner, aud had children — Amos, Jacob, Mor- ris, Sallie (Mrs. David Edinger) and one who died in early life. The only representative of the family now iu the township is Squire Jacob Learn, who married Mary Werkheiser. Their children are two sous, Peter and Henry, and daughters, Catherine and Margaret Ann. John Learn removed with his family to New York State about 1821, Peter made Canada his home and Andrew located near Pittsburgh, Pa. George, his wife and child were massacred by the Indi- ans, as is elsewhere related. / Henry Anglemoyer intermarried with the March family. His children were John, Peter, Adam and Jacob, all of whom, with the excep- tion of Peter, remained in the township. Ad- am has two sons, Aaron and Peter, residing in 1246 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Pocono, and Morris, a son of John, is also set- tled in the township. Melchior Smith, who located northeast from Tannersville, married Sarah Anthony, whose children were John, George, Jacob, Abram, Joseph, Peter, Catherine (Mrs. Bush), Sarah (Mrs. Shiffer), Elizabeth (Mrs. Warner), Mag- dalene (Mrs. Halstead) and Julia Ann (Mrs. Bisbee). George resides in Paradise township, as does also Mrs. Bush, and Peter, with his sis- ter, Mrs. Bisbee, have removed to the State of Michigan. The remainder of the family are still in the township. George Belles, an early resident of the town- ship, married Mary De Haven, and had chil- dren — Abram, Jacob, William, Adam, John, Levi and Linford. Levi married Margaret El- let, and had children — Adam E., Maryetta and Emma, of whom Adam and the last-mentioned daughter reside in Pocono. Henry Edinger removed from Stroudsburg in 1823, and purchased the farm formerly owned by John Learn and now occupied by Charles Brown. He married Eve Sleight, of Northampton County, and had children — John, Henry, Jacob, Abram, David, Peter S., Adam, Sallie, Elizabeth, Magdalen, Catherine and Mary Ann. Of this number, Peter S., David, Abraham, Elizabeth (Mrs. Shick) and Cathe- rine (Mrs. Shiveley) settled in the township. Abram, who is deceased, subsequently removed from Pocono, and David now resides in Brad- ford County. John Shick removed from Northampton County about the year 1806, and followed his trade of millwright in Pocono. He married Julia Marsh, whose children are Jacob, Samuel, John, Lydia (Mrs. John Merwein), Charles, Sarah (Mrs. Michael Kresge) and Peter. Samuel married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Edinger, and has children — Henry, Amos, Frank, George, Stogdell, David, Stewart, Milton, Lydia, Mary, Caroline and Sarah. Peter married Elizabeth Transue and has one son, Timothy. Joseph Heckman, who served in the Revolu- tionary War, came from Hamilton township to Pocono, having formerly resided in Northamp- ton County. One John Linn, an eccentric character, built a saw-mill on the Pocono Creek, which he ran for some years, and becoming weary of his monotonous round of labor, sold and removed to Tunkhannock, where he was found iu a shanty, which he had erected, with life extinct. Joseph Heckman bought the saw- mill and operated it successfully. His children were Joseph, George, William, Josiah, Maggie and Susannah. William and Maggie still re- side in the township, as do also the sons of the second Joseph. Martin Sliker resided in Paradise. His chil- dren were George, John and Barbara. George moved to Pocono nearly half a century since, where he rented a farm and later purchased the property which is his present home, at that time almost entirely an uncleared tract. He married Betsey Bender, whose children are Peter W., Andrew, William, Mary Ann and Margaret. Abram Transue came to the township in 1831 from Middle Smithfield and purchased a farm in Sullivan Valley, embracing three hun- dred aud twenty acres. He married Margaret Newhart, whose children are Elizabeth, Wil- liam, Sarah, Rachel, Peter, George, Elihu, Moses, Anna and Abraham. Three of this number are deceased. The remaining members of the family, with the exception of Rachel, reside in the township. William married Ann Anglemoyer and has four children. George married Sophia Ruth and has eleven children. Moses, wdio resides on the homestead, married Emeline Hoke and has seven children. Peter married, first, Leah Arnold and, a second time, Elizabeth Brown. He has eight children. Thomas Miller, who resided in Hamilton township, married Catherine La Bar, whose children were eight sons and five daughters. But one of these, Manasseh, a popular land- lord in Tannersville for nearly forty years, re- sides in the township. He married Harriet Burritt, of the same township, and has six sons and six daughters, of whom Gideon B., Simon B., Joel B., Morris B. and four daughters re- side in Pocono. John Bisbing came from Marshall Creek, in Stroudsburg township, about 1820 and set- tled upon a farm now the property of 'Squire Learn, from which he at a late date re- MONROE COUNTY. moved to land located above Tannersville. His children are Jacob, Joseph, William, George, Eve, Lucinda, Nancy and (Mrs. Packer). All of this number are either de- ceased or have removed from the township. John Prutzman removed from Hamilton to Pocouo township and settled on a farm below Tannersville. By his marriage to a Miss My- ers he had children — Lewis, Jacob, Rachel, Betsy, Maria and Susan. But one of these, Susan (Mrs. Burdenstock), now resides in the township with her brother-in-law, John Butz, of Tannersville. Arthur Henry resided on Butz Run, on a farm now owed by his grandson, John Henry. His children were Jacob, James, Charles, Wil- liam and several daughters. James and Wil- liam are residents of Paradise township. Peter Butz owned a farm near the hamlet of Fennersville, in Hamilton township. His children were Christian, Jacob, John, Michael, Peter, George and two daughters, Mary and Lydia. George still resides on the homestead. Christian removed to New York State, where he enjoys excellent health in his ninety-third year. Jacob, having purchased a farm in Ham- ilton, married Christy Ann, daughter of John Arnold, of that township, and hail children, — Michael, Henry, Abram, Isaac, John and two daughters, Mary (Mrs. Hilsman) and Hannah (Mrs. Samuel Miller). John Butz was born in Hamilton township in 1812, and in 1834 re- moved to Pocono, where he followed the trade of a carpenter. He later embarked in mercan- tile pursuits, and managed a tannery, but ulti- mately retired to the farm he now owns at Tannersville. He married, in 1837, Rachel Prutzman, of Pocono, and has children, — George, Jacob and Jane (Mrs. Samuel Shively). George Warner removed from Moore town- ship, Northampton County, to Ross township, Monroe County. By his union with a Miss Rummidge were several children, among whom was George, a soldier of the War of 1812, for which service he drew a pension of one hundred and sixty acres of land. He removed to Pocono in 1816, and located on the west side of Pocono Creek, near Tannersville. He married Eliza- beth Anglemoyer, and had children, — Charles, Jacob, Levi, Andrew, Samuel, Peter, William, Lydia (Mrs. Casper Metzgar), Mary (Mrs. Jonathan Knous) and Sarah (Mrs. George W. Merwein), But two of this number, Peter and Samuel, now reside in the township. John Sebring resided in Pocono, on a farm now owned by Depue Bush. He had children, — John, Anthony, George, Mary (Mrs. John Brink), Rebecca (Mrs. William Belles). An- thony Sebring married Mary Bush, and had children, — Thomas. Sarah and Lueetta, now living. John Sebring married, first, Eliza Bush, and, second, Susan Smith. His children arc Harrison, William, Joshua, George and Marga- ret. George Sebring married a Miss Belles, whose children are David, Samuel, Abel, Su- sanna, Anne E. and others. There are now living in Pocouo George and his son David, Thomas, the son of Anthony, and Joshua, the son of John. Jacob Stauffer, though not an early settler, was one of the most enterprising residents of Tannersville, where he was extensively engaged in business. He removed from Northampton County to the township in 1845, and engaged in lumbering, store-keeping, farming, staging, etc. He married Anna Halm, who still sur- vives him, and resided in the above village un- til his death, in 1881. Their children are Isaac, George E., Catherine A. (Mrs. Charles Brown, of Tannersville) and Henrietta (Mrs. Wilson Kistler, of Lock Haven). ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1820. Jacob Angle. Jacob Marsh. John Anglemeyer. George Mack. Conrad Anthony. Peter Nyhardt. John Bisbig. George Nyhardt. Jacob Bisbig. Peter Prong. John Brink, Jr. John Possinger. John Brink. Peter Pooty. William Belles. Peter Pooty, Jr. Daniel Belles. Jesse Pecker. Henry Becker. Richard Peters. Jacob Benton. Casper Ritter. Widow Brown. Frederick Rufstein. Conrad Crasy. Henry Shoemaker. Peter Daniel. Yost Smith. Jacob Dull. Melchior Smith. Silas Floures. Jacob Smith. Philip Gerehart. Abraham Smith. George Hott'ner, Sr. John Seborn. George Hoftner. James Seborn. WA\NE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. John Milliard. Matthew Sterns. George Hilliard. Andrew Storm. Arthur Henry. Christian Singer. John Houser. Christian Stout. John Larner. Francis Shaw. Liuford Larner. George Varner. Jacob Larner. Benjainiu Van Horn. Michael Meisner. John Varner. Jacob Miller. John Van Horn. John Miller. Nicholas Van Horn. Frederick Miller. Matthias Wolbert. Frederick Miller, Jr. John Woolbert, Abraham Miller. Peter WoodUng. Enoch Morgan. John Young. James Morgan. Single Freemen. George Smith. Michael Shoemaker. John Belles. George Belles. Philip Belles. John Leburn. Massacre of the Larner Family. — The following facts relating to the massacre of mem- bers of the Larner family by Indians is con- tributed by one of the family: Before and during the period of the Revolution a boat-path led from Stroudsburg to Tannersville along the banks of the Pocono Creek. Some time after the settlement of the Larner family at the lat- ter point, a settler, in following the path, dis- covered the tracks of Indians about two miles away and on reaching Tannersville at once in- formed the family of John Larner to enable them to guard against the sudden attack of the red men. The following day George Larner repaired to a field adjoining the house, where he was engaged in mowing, when a band of In- dians approached, and placing themselves be- tween their victim and the house, fired and wounded him. Securing a fence- rail, he then defended himself with great bravery, but was finally overpowered and killed while attempt- ing to reach the house of his brother John. Af- ter scalping him they started for the house, and securing his wife and child, carried them to the Pocono Mountain. The settlers on learning the facts at once started in pursuit, and on reaching the mountain, to their horror discov- ered the body of the child, who had been scalped, lying not far from the mother, whom they butchered in the most inhuman fashion, portions of her body being suspended from the nearest tree. John Larner, the father, on hear- ing the tiring, approached to learn its cause, and seeing an Indian, tired at him. This proved to him a fatal shot, as it revealed to the foe his presence and ensured his speedy death at their hands. It was supposed he succeeded in killing the Indian he fired at, as a cap with a buckshot hole through it was found on the spot, but the body had been carried away by his comrades. John Larner, Jr., the following day discovered an Indian skulking about the house and at once sped a bullet through his head. A chain was attached to his neck and the body drawn by a yoke of oxen to a mine-hole half a mile distant, where it was stamped down and left to moulder. This Indian had seven rifle-balls in his mouth, placed there to enable him to load his weapon with expedition. One writer states that John Larner, on seeing the Indian, concealed himself behind a stump, took off his hat, placed it on a stick and lifted it above his hiding- place. The red man, being easily deceived by this ruse, fired at the hat, when the shot was returned with fatal effect. This incident is not, however, authenticated. Civil List. — The princpal officers of Pocono township from the year LS40 are here given, — - Jeremiah Murky John Edinger Peter Neyharl Adam s. Edinger .... Thomas Mcllhuuy. .. JUSTICES OF UK PJSACF.. .. .. 1843 50 . ... 1845 Jacob S. Bisbing Thomas Sebring.. 1838 1863-08 Peter War 1880-85 Simeon Glauhen 1840-14 WilliamBelles 1840 Peter Newhart 1841-44-47 Jacob BiebiDg 1841 Abram Tucker 1841-42 George ttilgart 1841-42 Jeremiah alackey 184:t Joseph Sinker 1843 John Arnold 1st;. S''U IHRFCTilllK. Stephen K is tier S I Shirk ... John Alliger Reuben Swink... Jacob Bdinger ... Eherli \\ el eley G 'ge Wat net iS4:i George Transue 1S4:> Thomas Mcllhany 1'850 .lames s. Bisbing L8 10 56 Samuel Shiok 1850 Adam Anglemoyer 1851 Jacob Long 1851 Petei Brell 1853 John Woodling Peter Learn 1854 is;, i Daniel Betegar George Transue Nathan Frantz ... is .< - ' .1850-62-65 Manasseh Mllh W. II. Seip Isaac Staullrr Gid i Burritt Frederick Fab] Samuel Storm. Pi 6 , 8 Bisb n James Wilson . Charles M. Tra Jacob Long. 1864 John Biitz 18H5 George Warnei I 66 Wilson La Bar 1866 Jacob Smith Is.,;-; Charles Ariuibl I 369 George A. Slicker... '-: L86 : Joanna Sebring ... Abraham Smith Thomas Shivehy... Peter S. Edinger .. John Anglemoyer.. 1-7.; MONROE COUNTY. Peter II. Metzgar 1874-76-78 82-83. Addison Henry 1S75 Michael Kistler 1875 John McMaly 1870 John II. Leah 1877 G ge Snick 1878 William Freelanil 1878 Addison Long 1879 .)">' I'll SI k Al.ram Smith 1881 George shirk 1881 A. lam Cramer 1882 Iddieon Dailj 1882 Henrj Woodling 1883 Til Iiy Shirk 1884 Theodore Brutzman 1884 l'eter Warner 1885 Ahrahain Tucker 1840-43-48 87-59. David Edinger 1841-42 Chillies B. Nfhe 1844 Jacob Edinger 1846 Peter Michael 1846 William Ruth 1S47 Reuben Neyhart 18411 Philip Learn 1850-61 PeterS. Edinger 1851 J. W. Neyhart 1853 Samuel Storm 1854 James S. Bisbing . .. 1855 Adam s. Edinger 1856 Simon La Bar 1858-00-07 John Daily 1860 CHURCHES. 186: ... 1863 .... 18C4 .... 1865-69 ... 1868 187' -75-79 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1873 M. K. Smith 1874 Henry Learn 1876-80-82 Steward Bush 1878-85 Sebastian Singer 1881 J. K. Hickman 1883 ^Charles singer William Heller Peter Warner George Transne... Depue Bush John Alliger William Transne., Robert Graver...., Jonas Altemose.... nation. Rev. John P. Decker was called to the pastorate of the Reformed congregation in 1834, and remained thus settled until 1853, when he was succeeded by Rev. Charles Becker, who ministered to the flock until 1872. Rev. Dan- iel Shoedler accepted a call in that year and re- mained until 1875, when Rev. Thomas Huber filled the pulpit for two years. Rev. C. W. Seigle, who followed him, remained until 1880, and Rev. M. H. Mishler, his successor, until 1883. In that year Rev. F. W. Smith was settled over the congregation, and remained its pastor until 1885. The church has a communi- cant membership of one hundred and sixty-two. METHODLSTCurnriiKs. — The first Methodist preaching done in this region was by the Rev. S 'Mr. Heebner, and this took place in the district St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. — This church is located at Tanners- ville, the edifice having been erected in 1834, though it is probable the organization was ef- fected some time before this date. The first regular pastor was Rev. Joseph Grouse, who ministered to the congregation during the years 1835 and 1836. He was, in turn, succeeded by the following clergymen : Rev. John Heilig, who remained ten years ; Rev. Jacob Runiph, one year; Rev. S. S. Kline, Rev. Henry Seifert, Rev. Joseph Focht, four years. The deacons at this time were E. Williams and J. Shook ; the elder, S. Kistler, and M. Kistler, trustee. Rev. Fritz was pastor for six months, during which period the church was very prosperous. He was succeeded by Rev. A. M. Strous, with S. Kistler as elder and J. Woodling and Henry Learn as trustees, who were followed by David Dauber, James Worner, Reuben Semmel, D. Reinhart and others, John Woodling being for a long period the elder. The present pastor is Rev. R. H. Clair ; the elders, Philip Learn and Samuel Storm ; the deacons, J. Motz and J. Warner ; the trustee is David Dauber ; su peri ntendent of Sabbat h-school, David Dauber ; and sexton, Elon Williams. St. Paul's Church, which was built and is sustained by the combined efforts of the Re- formed and Lutheran denominations, has been spoken of in connection with the latter denomi- 127 school-houses. The first church in the township was built at Tannersville. It was begun in the year 1859. The lecture-room was completed this year. Rev. R. Owen, preacher in charge. The board of trustees was composed of the following-named persons : Oris Sage, Jacob Edinger, John Neyhart, Ben). Hall and Henry Biebing. The building was completed during the pastorate of Thomas Kirkpatrick. The pastors who successively served this church were J. C. Gregg, G. L. Shaffer, J. Pastorfield, L. B.Hoffman, E. L. Martin, D. F. Unangst, L. M. Hobbs, G. VV. Dungan and the present incumbent, H. J. Illicit, now spending his third year at this point. The second church in this township was built at "Cherry Lane," in the year 1865. The trustees were John Sebring, R. N. Cramer and Henry Bisbing. This church was connected with Tannersville, and served by the same pas- tor. At the time this church was built Rev. J. C. Gregg was preacher in charge. CHAPTER XX. PRICE TOWNSHIP.' Price township was erected from Smithfield township in 1830, and was so named in honor ' By Wilton A. Erdman. WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. of John Price, the first settler in the township. It was formerly much larger and included what are now Paradise and Barrett townships. It is hounded on the north hy Barrett township, on the east by Pike County and Middle Smith- field township, on the south by Smithfield and Stroud townships, and on the west by Paradise township. It extends in length, north and south, about seven miles, and its greatest width is about five miles. The surface of the land is very uneven. A very small proportion of the land is cultivated. This is situated principally along Brodhead Creek. The other portion is slightly timbered or barren. The soil is partly of a sandy nature and partly loam. About one hundred men are employed in quar- rying flag-stones, a very good quality of which is found in this township. The land is well drained by several streams, principal of which is Brodhead Creek, which enters the northern part and flows in a souther- ly direction through the western part of the township. Stony Run rises in the northern part and flows in a southwesterly direction and joins Brodhead Creek. Laurel Run flows in a westerly direction through the centre of the township. Pine Mountain Run flows in a west- erly direction. Long Run flows in a southwest direction through the southern part of the township, and all empty into Brodhead Creek. All these are rapidly-flowing streams. The township is sparsely inhabited and does not con- tain a village, a post-office, a store or a hotel. The scenery is very romantic and picturesque. The population, as given by the census of 1880, is two hundred and fifty-two. Early Settlements. — The valley along Brodhead Creek afforded the most inviting situations for settlements. Accordingly, most of the early inhabitants took up their abode there. Among the earliest families that came to this township were John Price, James Price, David and James Michner aud Elihu Posten. They were all farmers and immediately made preparations for tilling the soil. The abun- dance of game and fish made it an easy task to supply the family with choice meat. By shav- ing hoop-poles aud staves, aud trading with the merchants, the other necessities of life, not to be obtained in this neighborhood, were pro- cured. The date of the arrival of these settlers, the names of their descendants and the present owners of the land on which these men settled will doubtless be of interest to some. John Price came from Bucks County, and in 1704 settled on a tract of land, part of which is now in Price and part in Barrett township. He was the father of twelve children, viz. : Joseph, Ichabod, John, Benjamin, Samuel, Eleazar, ( haries, Nancy, Huldah, Mary, Jane and Sarah. Joseph married Hannah Smiley, and after her decease, Katie Transue. He resided for some years in the township and then moved to In- diana, where he died. He had four childreu, viz. : Ichabod, John, George and Ann. Ichabod moved to Barrett, where he died. John was a resident of Paradise at the time of his death. Georgedied in the West. Ann was the wife of John Houser, and lived in Stroud township at the time of her death. Ichabod was killed at Fort Meigs while serving in the War of 1812. John married Sarah Van Vliet, and resided in the township at the time of his death. He was the father of eight children, viz. : Samuel, John Jeremiah, Robert, Ann, Jane, Caroline and Sarah. Samuel (deceased) was a resident of Stroudsburg. John married Margaret Long, and resided in the township until his decease. He was the father of ten children, viz. : Eliza, Etna, William R., Lewis, Edward, Margaret, Mary, John, Henry C. and Commodore. Jere- miah and Robert deceased. Ann, wife of Jacob Hilgert, resided in Paradise township at the time of her death. Jane, wife of Charles Henry, resided in Paradise. Caroline, wife of Jeremiah Posten, died in the township. Sarah, wife of Daniel Loug, resided in East Strouds- burg. Benjamin married Jane Smith and lived in the township. He had nine children, namely, Jacob, Charles, Smith, Mary A., Daniel, Ben- jamin, Mahala, Emeline and Wilkinson. Jacob, Charles and Smith were residents of Barrett at the time of their deaths. Mary A., wife of William C. Long, lives in Barrett. Benjamin, Emeline and Mahala died unmarried, in the township. Wilkinson resides in Barrett. Sam- MONROE COUNTY. 1251 uel married Sarah Sees, and resides in the township. He was the father of five children, namely, Eliza, Jane, Mary, Rebecca and John S. Eliza married Jeremiah Price and after his decease she became the wife of Frederick Mickley and moved to Barrett, where she died. Jane married Samuel Price, and died in Bar- rett township. Mary and Rebecca died unmar- ried, in Barrett. John S. resides in Barrett. Eleazar married Rachael Drake, and resided in the township. He had eight children, namely, Maria, Huldah, Phila, Ann, Charles J., Wil- liam, Perry and Joseph. Maria, wife of Jacob Henry, lives in Pocono township. Huldah married Nathan Chittister, and moved to Mich- igan, where she died. Phila, wife of Charles Price, lived in Barrett. Ann, wife of James Mays, died in Michigan. Charles J. lives in Barrett. William died in Michigan. Perry married Julia Ann Yetter and resided in the township. He was the father of eight chil- dren, namely, Ann, Huldah, Lewis, Emma, Amanda, Minnie, Morris and Susan. Joseph married Maria Yetter, resides in the township and has four children — Caroline, Rachel, Na- than and Margaret B. Charles died unmarried, in Michigan ; Nancy, wife of James Price, •died in Michigan ; Huldah married Riohard Shaw, and died in Michigan ; Mary, died un- married ; Jane, wife of John Siddle, died in Pittsburgh ; Sarah, wife of William Levis. The land in Price township, on which John Price settled, is now owned by the heirs of Perry Price. James Price settled in Price township, about the year 1800, on a tract of land now owned by the widow of Samuel Price. He resided there twenty-five or thirty years, married Nancy Price and moved to Michigan with his entire family, where he spent the remainder of his life. David and James Michner settled in Price township about 1815, and there resided for a few years and then went West. The land on which they settled is now owned by Gerhard Haase. Elihu Posten married Eleanor Transue and settled in Price township in 1825. He was the father of nine children, namely, John, Jere- miah, Samuel, Marv A., Richard, Jane, Eliz- abeth, Mahala and Eleanor. John resides in Scranton. Jeremiah married Caroline Price and resides in the township. He has had three children — Sarah A , Eliza J. and Sylvester. Samuel married Margaret Yeisley and resided in the township until his death. Mary A., wife of Jonathan Schoonover, lived in Pike County. Richard died in Wisconsin. Jane died unmarried. Elizabeth, wife of A. J. Bie- secker, resides in Wisconsin. Mahala, widow of Charles Stuard, lives in the township ; and Eleanor, widow of Peter Albert, resides in Soranton. The land on which Elihu Posten settled is now owned by the heirs of Charles Stuard. Roads. — In the early history of this town- ship the roads were few in number and in a very poor condition. The streams were unbridged, and it was necessary to cross them at fords. The oldest road located in the township was constructed more than a hundred years ago. This road, extending from Stroudsburg to New Fouudland settlement, followed Brodhead Creek, and consequently ran through the western part of the township. This is still the main road in Price. Another road extended from this township to Paradise Valley, which has been repaired and is still in use. The roads in this township are now more numerous and in a much better condition, which is due to the diligence of the supervisors. The following is a list of persons who have been supervisors in Price since 1840 : 1840. Charles Hilgert. 1849. William Long. Jacob Price. 1850. Smith Price. 1841. Charles Hilgert. William Long. Jacob Price. 1851. Jos. Fethermarj. 1842. Benjamin Bush. Perry Price. Samuel Price. 1852. Jos. Fetherman. 1843. William Price. Anthony Peters Benjamin Bush. 1853. William Long. 1844. Charles Price. Jacob Miller. Charles Henry. 1854. John Deubler. 1845. Fredk. Deubler. Samuel Posten. Charles Henry. 1855. Peter Sees. 1846. Fredk. Deubler. Josiah P. Snow. Charles Henry. 1856. Peter Sees. 1847. James Newell. Wm. H. Smith. George Altemose. 1857. William Price. 1848. Jacob Hilgert. John R. Price. John M. Deubler. 1858. Edward Price. 1849. Smith Price. John R. Price. 1252 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA is:,;i. 1SG0. 1875. lsn;. lsT.s. Madison Price. Stephen H. Peters A. J. Biesecker. Moses Staples. 1861. Perry Price. Jeremiah Posten. 1862. Moses B. Staples. John Posten. 1863. Zalmond Snow. 1863. Wm. H. Smith. 1864. Zalmond Snow. Peter Rhinehart. 1865. Leonard Lesoine. Isaac Peters. 1866. Leonard Lesoine. Joseph Price. 1867. Josiah P. Snow. Gerhard Haas. 1868. David Haydon. Zalmond Snow. 1869. Leonard Lesoine. Peter Miller. 1870. Charles Stuart. Wm. Price. 1871. Wm. H. Bates. Peter Rhinehart. 1872. Leonard Lesoine. Perry Price. Schools. — The first school building in Price township was erected in 1810. John Fentou presided over this school as its first teacher. It was situated on land now owned by Samuel Noyes. Samuel Bradley also figured among the first teachers. At the present time there are three neat frame school-houses in the town- ship. Fifty-seven pupils attend these schools and are instructed by two male and one female teachers, to whom the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars is paid. The school term is five months per annum. The following is a list of the school directors who have served since 1840 : 1873. Zalmond Snow. Leonard Lesoine. 1X74. Henry Lesoine. Lewis S. Price. Jeremiah Sees. Bernard Lesoine. Peter Rhinehart. Samuel Posten. Zalmond Snow. Lewis Long. Henry Lesoine. Lewis Long. 1879. Stephen Luckey. Lewis Lesoine. 1880. S. A. Luckey. Lewis Lesoine. 1881. Joseph Price. Daniel Bush. 1882. Stephen Luckey. Lewis Lesoine. 1883. S. A. Luckey. Henry Lesoine. 1884. D. S. Detrick. Zalmond Snow. 1885. David Lesoine. Theron Luckey. 1886. D. S. Detrick. 1840. Anthony Peters. John Roth. 1841. Wm. Long. Jacob Koerner. 1842. John J. Price. Jacob Price. 1843. Peter Storm. Jacob Biesecker. 1844. John Boorem. Wm. Long. 1845. Samuel Bowman. Peter Anglemeyer. 1846. George Ink. 1846. P. P. Dornblaser. 1847. John Posten. Chas. Hilgert. 1848. John Price. Peter Sees. 1849. Edw. S. Mott. Dan. Long. Jacob Price. Wm. C. Long. Perry Price. Andrew Pipher John Posten. Benj. Pitt. 1850. 1X51. 1 X.V.I. 1860. 1861. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. Dan. Long. Israel Ellwood. Chas. J. Price. Ichabod Price. Dan. Price. Wm. Price. Jacob Clapp. Christian Peunell. Wm. M. Burrows. Peter Sees. Chas. Price. Jacob Biesecker. Ezra Ellwood. Harrison Sebring. Frederick Deubler. Wm. M. Burrows- Peter Sees. Sam. Posten. (filbert E. Palmer. Fred'k Deubler. Harrison Sebring. Josiah B. Snow. Sam. Posten. Geo. W. Sebring. Moses P. Staples. Perry Price. Leonard Lesoine. Jeremiah Posten. Josiah B. Snow. Sam. Posten. Isaac Peters. Leonard Lesoine. Lewis Long. Jeremiah Posten. Christian Yaggi. Sam. Posten. Geo. W. Sebring. 1870. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. Harrison Sebring. Sam. Posten. Perry Price. Lewis Price. John L. Brush. Dan. Long. Christian Yaggi. Wm. Cyphers. John L. Brush. Jeremiah Posten. Lewis Long. John L. Brush. Wm. Detrick. Christian Yaggi. Perry Price. Zalmond Snow. Jeremiah Sees. Henry Lesoine. Christian Yaggi. Leonard Lesoine. Zalmond Snow. Lewis Long. S. Luckey. Henry Lesoine. Leonard Lesoine. Zalmond Snow. Wm. R. Price W. H. Bates. Peter Miller. Henry Lesoine. Leonard Lesoine. Chas. Bush. Zalmond Snow. S. P. Miller. Lewis Long. Wm. H. Griggs. Township Officers. — In Price township, from 1840 to the present time, a large number of justices of the peace have been elected, many of whom failed to take their commission. The following is a list of those who have served : 1845. Jacob Hilgert. | 1874. Samuel Posten. 1855. Jacob Price. i 1878. Thos. M. Lesher. 1865. Harrison Sebring. | 1881. Abel Cushing. 1869. Samuel Posten. Saw-Mills. — About seventy years ago John Price and Eleazar Price each built a saw-mill on Rrodhead Creek. These mills have been destroyed, but on their sites new mills now stand, which are owned respectively by E. T. Long and the heirs of Perry Price. These are the only manufactories in the township. MONROE COUNTY. 1253 religious matters. McComas Methodist Episcopal Church. 1 — Regular Methodist preaching services began to be held in the school-house near the old Price farm, or homestead, about the year 1856, by the Rev. Francis I). Eagan. As the result of these services, several persons were converted and a small society organized, which continued to meet in the school-house till the year 1866, when the Third Quarterly Conference of Monroe Circuit appointed a committee to inquire into the expediency of building a church. The committee, at the next Conference, reported iu favor of the proposition, and a board of trustees was elected, consisting of Samuel Posten, Harri- son Sebriug, George W. Price, John B. Snow, Daniel Long and Edward F. Palen. During the summer of 1867, under the pastorate of Rev. N. D. McComas, a one-story frame church, twenty-four by thirty-four feet, was erected. The prospect of raising the necessary funds seemed very dark at first. The community was one of farmers, who were not able to contribute much iu the shape of mouey. The ground, however, was given by Harrison Sebring, and most of the lumber by various individuals. A large part of the work, also, was contributed under the lead of Rev. McComas, who showed his zeal by his works, laboring with his own hands. At a critical juncture, when it seemed as if the work must stop for want of means, help was afforded by the firm of Palen & Nor- throp, of Canadensis, who, from first to last, took a deep interest in this enterprise. On the occasion referred to they came to the rescue with a contribution of one hundred and fifty dollars. The church being finished, there remained tube raised on the day of dedication about two hun- dred dollars, which amount was raised at the morning service without much difficulty. The furniture of the church was secured through the exertions of Mrs. Sarah Northrop, who raised a sufficient sum among her friends and purchased the articles needed. In view of the interest thus shown, it was determined to give her the naming of the church. She selected the name of " McComas Chapel," in honor of the Contributed by Rev. George Mack. energetic pastor under whose administration it was built. The total cost of the church was eight hun- dred and fifty dollars. Soon after the dedica- tion a revival occurred, resulting in the conver- sion of sixteen persons, increasing the member- ship to thirty-seven. Regular services have been held in the church from its dedication to the present time, by the following pastors : Revs. N. D. McComas, B. T. String, William P. Howell, T. W. Maclary, Jeremiah Pastor- field, J. D. Folsoru, George Alcorn, Frederick Illman, Lewis M. Hobbs and George Mack. In the year 1877 Monroe Circuit was divided, when McComas Chapel became a part of Spragueville Circuit, on which circuit it still re- mains. Last year the church building was re- paired and repainted at a cost of one hundred dollars, and is free of debt. The membership has never been very large, owing to the sparse population of the neighborhood. There are at present twenty-three members. A Sabbath- school is held in the church during the summer and fall months, numbering forty-three officers, teachers and scholars. The present officials of the church are as fol- lows : Pastor, George Mack ; Stewards, Henry Lesoine, Margaret Posten ; Trustees, Lewis Loug, Zalmon Snow, Henry Lesoine, James Conklin, Thomas Long ; Class- Leader, Henry Lesoine ; Sunday-school Superintendent, Mar- garet Posten. A graveyard is connected with the church, in which a large number of those who have died in the neighborhood are buried. CHAPTER XXI. paradise township. 2 Paradise Township comprises what was formerly a portion of Price township. It is bounded on the north by Barrett township, on the east by Price, on the south by Pocono and on the west by Coolbaugh. Its extent in length, east and west, is about seven miles, and its width is about four miles. By Wilton A. Erdman. 1254 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. The general structure of the township is very uneven, being composed of numerous hills, some of which, in the northern part, are called Pocono Mountains. Two valleys, nearly parallel, and each about two miles in length and one-half a mile in width, lie in the centre. One of the valleys is watered by Long Swamp Creek, which rises in the north- western part of the township and flows in a south- easterly direction. Timber Hill Creek waters the other valley. This stream rises in the west, flows in an easterly direction and joins Long Swamp Creek. Heller Creek rises in the southern part of the township, flows northeasterly and unites its waters with those of Long Swamp and Timber Hill Creeks a short distance below their junction. The confluence of these three streams forms the middle branch of Brodhead Creek, which branch flows easterly until joined by Cranberry Run, when a southeasterly course is taken. Cranberry Run flows down through the eastern portion of Paradise township and merges into the middle branch of Brodhead Creek. These streams ren- der the soil fertile, and, abounding with trout, are a source of pleasure and profit to the fishermen. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail- road passes in a northerly direction through the eastern portion of this township, and re-entering, winds in a southerly direction through the western part. This railroad affords large facilities for travel and shipments. The grade of the railroad in passing through Paradise township sometimes exceeds, but never is less than ninety feet to the mile. Nearly one-half of the land of Paradise town- ship is cultivated, the balance being either slightly wooded or barren. The two valleys comprise the most fertile parts and yield well. The soil is loamy and produces the usual fruits, grains and vegetables. Quarrying flag-stones afford em- ployment in different places in Paradise to many men. The scenery is varied and picturesque, and an abundance of fish and game attracts annually a large number of city people to this region. The population, as given by the census of 1880, is six hundred and eighty-eight. Organization. — Paradise township was erected from Price in the fall of 1848. It originally con- tained more territory, comprising a part of what is now Barrett township. The cause and manner of its erection are recorded in the prothonotary's office at Stroudsburg, and are as follows : "The petition of citizens of Price township, setting forth that they labour under great inconvenience and grievance in consequence of the great extent of Ter- ritory which is embraced in said Township, consist- ing of Twelve Miles square, or more, which causes great trouble and expense in attending to the public duties of said Township, and praying the court that a New Township shall be cut oft' of the western portion of said Township, to be called Paradise, by a line running from the corner of Stroud and Pocono Town- ships, where it intersects the said line of said Price Township, near Michael Ransberry's ; thence to a point on the North line of said Price township, where it adjoins Pike County, passing between William Long's and Smith Price's in said Township. And praying the court to appoint proper persons to make division and lay out the said new Township of Para- dise. Whereupon the Court, on the tenth day of April, 1847, appoint John Shively, Walter Barry, Jr., and Jonas Hanna Commissioners to inquire into the propriety of granting the prayer of the Petitioners and make Report of their proceedings, together with a plot or draft of the Township proposed to be laid off if the same cannot be fully designated. And now, July 14, 1847, the Commissioners make the following Report: To the Honorable Judges within named: we, the undersigned, the Commissioners in the within order named, according to previous notice, did meet on the 27th day of April, a.d. 1847, and after being duly sworn or affirmed according to law, proceeded to the performance of the duties within mentioned, and in pursuance thereof do report that we have Sur- veyed and Marked the line as follows : Beginning at the corner of Stroud and Pocono Townships, where they intersect Price Township ; thence North twelve degrees West Nine Miles to the Falls of the Buck- hill Branch of Brodhead Creek, where we put up a good Stone Corner ; thence North seventy-eight de- grees East Seven perches and six-tenths to the lower edge of the said Falls, where we put up a good Stone Corner ; thence North Twelve degrees West, passing between William Long's and Smith Price's, three miles and a quarter to the Northern line of said Price Township, adjoining Pike County, where we put up a good Stone Corner into woods and marked it well. And we are ot the Opinion that the division of Price Township is necessary, and have accordingly sett off that part of Price Township West of the above lines as a new township ; a plot or draft is hereunto annexed. Witness our hands this elev- enth day of May, a.d. 1847. " John Shively, " Walter Barry, Jr., " Jonas Hanna. MONROE COUNTY. " July 14, 1847, Confirmed Nisi by the Court and now, July 15, 1848, The Court refer this report to the Commissioners to straighten the line and Report to the next Court. " And now, September 26, 1848, the Commissioners make the following Report: To the Honorable Judges in the annexed order named. We the under- signed, the Commissioners in the within order named, according to previous notice, did meet on the 13th day of September, A. P. 1848, and after being duly sworn according to law, proceeded to the performance of the duties therein mentioned, and in pursuance thereof Do Report that we have surveyed and marked the line as follows : Beginning at the Corner of Stroud and Pocono Townships, where they intersect Price Township, near Michael Ransberry's ; thence North twelve degrees West twelve miles and a quar- ter to the northern boundary line of Price township, adjoining Pike County, where we put up a good stone Corner and marked it well. And we are of the opin- ion that the division of Price Township is actually necessary and have accordingly set off that part of Price Township West of the above line as a new Township. A plot or draft is hereunto annexed. Witness our hands this 26th day of September, 1848. " Walter Barry, Jr. " John Shively. " Jonas Hanna. "September 26th, 1848, Confirmed Nisi by the Court. November 23d, 1848, the Court approve the within report and decree the erection of the within named Township to be called Paradise." The first assessment of the township was made by John Roth in 1849. The assessment list, bear- ing date 1849, returned by him to the commission- ers contains the following names : Charles Angelmeyer. Peter Angelmeyer. G. & W. Bailey in Co. Frederick Bush. Joseph Bush. Benjamin Bush. Samuel Buskirk. George Bauman. Samuel Bauman. Jacob Booram. John Bauman. George Bird. Joseph Booram. Charles Boyer. Daniel M. Buckley. Henry Bush. Jacob Cranter. James Cross. Joseph Courtwright. William Coffman. John Coft'man. George Hilgart. Joseph Jones. Geo. W. Kinney. James Kintz. Aaron Koch. Jacob J. Koerner. Christian Knoll. George J. Koerner. James Kinney. John Learn. Robert Labar. Francis Mange James Morgin. Reuben Miller. Simon Marsh. Christian Nauman. George Nauman. John J. Price. John Pausel. John Roth. Samuel Rheal. Jonathan Coffman, Sr. Jonathan Coffman, Jr. Jacob Coffman. John Callyhan. Jeremiah Callyhan. Daniel Callyhan. Elijah Deck. Peter Dornblaser. Frederick Deubler. David Edinger. J. & D. Edinger in Co. Thomas Franze. Levi Franz. Benjamin Grant. David Heller. Henry Heller. Peter Heller. James Henry. Charles Henry. Jacob Hilgart. Charles Hilgart. Michael Ransberry. Jacob Rinehart. Chris. Sausenbacher. John Stoker. Jacob Stoker. Andrew L. Storm. George Smith. John Storm. Tobias Setzer. Oliver Smith. George Schleiger. Abraham Transue. Charles Transue. Adam Utt. Charles Utt. James Wilson. Jacob Warner. Barbara Wagner. Samuel Woolbach. Charles Woolbach. Yetter & Houck in Co. Single Men. Peter Stocker. Wimar Eich. Jacob Stocker. George Bailey. William Bailey. William Henry. Amos Groner. Jacob Utt. Jane Hilgart. Jonathan Coffman. Charles Woolbach. James Kintz. Christian Nauman. Jacob Bauman. Alamieram Utt. George Waguer. Simon Marsh. George Price. John W. Y'otter. Early Settlement. — The first settlements in Paradise township were made in the two valleys. These places were doubtless selected on account of the fertility of the soil. In the one valley Henry Everhart, Nicholas Bush, George Kleckler and John Learn settled, in the other valley George Dornblaser, Abraham Transue, Philip Transue, Peter Wagner, George Hilgert, George Bowman, Michael Nauman and John Setzer. All were farmers, and selected localities favorable for cul- tivation. On account of the abundance of game and fish, there was no difficulty in supplying the table with meat. Stroudsburg was the nearest point at which they could procure the necessaries of life which they did not possess. Henry Everhart and George Kleckler settled in Paradise township about 1820. They did not remain many years in the township, but moved away with their entire families. Augustus Bie- secker now owns and occupies the land on which George Kleckler settled. The tract on which lur.i; WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. Henry Everhart settled is owned by William T. Snodgrass. Nicholas Bush settled in this township in 1821. He was the father of nine children, viz. : Sarah, Jacob, Henry, Joseph, Frederick, Mary, Chris- tine, Elizabeth and Susan. Sarah was the wife of Benjamin Bush, and resided in Price township at the time of her death. Jacob resided in New York until his decease. Henry married Eliza- beth Heller, and lived in the township. He had four children, viz.: Charles, George, Katie and Frank. Charles is married to Elmira Metzgar, and lives in the township. George married Mar- garet Pipher, and lives on the homestead. Katie is the wife of Jerome Jones, and resides in the township. Frank married Phoebe Pipher, and lives in the township. Joseph married Catharine Smith, and resided in the township at 'his decease. He was the father of eight children, viz. : Melchior, Charles, Abram, Garrison, Julia, Amanda, Etna and Sarah. Julia is the wife of Simon Wagner, and lives in Lackawanna County. Amanda died single. Etna was the wife of Mahlon Storm, and lived in the township. All the others live in the township. Melchior married Ella Storm, and Charles, Delilah Metzgar. Abram and Garrison are single. Sarah is the wife of George Metzgar. Frederick died in Iowa. Mary was the wife of George W. Smith, and lived in the township. Christine was the wife of David Heller, and lived in Iowa at the time of her decease. Elizabeth married Charles Storm, and, after his decease, David Heller. She moved to Iowa, where she died. Susan is the wife of Abraham Steen, and lives in Wayne County. John Learn came from Hamilton township and settled in Paradise in 1822. He remained here until his death. He was the father of eight chil- dren, viz. : Jacob, Joseph, Elizabeth, Christine, Hannah, Lydia, Catharine and Mary. Jacob married Mary A. Woodling, and resides in the township. He has three children, John A., Annie and Alvin. Joseph married Mary Heller, and has three children, Frank, William and John. Elizabeth was the wife of William Coffman, and resided in the township till her death. Christine is the wife of Tobias Setzer, and lives in the town- ship. Hanna was the wife of Charles Angle- meyer, and resided in Stroud township. Lydia is the wife of Jacob Warner and lives in the town- ship. Catharine is the wife of William Bowman. Mary is the wife of James Buskirk, and lives in Lackawanna County. George Dornblaser moved from Hamilton and settled in Paradise Valley in 1822. He had seven children, viz. : Peter P., Hannah, Elizabeth, Dan- iel, John, Joseph and Michael. Peter P. resides in the township and retains part of his father's land. He married Sarah A. Warner, and at her decease, Mary A. Siglin. He is the father of twelve children, viz. : Priscilla, Sarah A., George E , Emily E., Etna, Rebecca, James D., Benja- min F., Catharine, Caroline, Isaac S., John H. Hannah is the wife of John Bowman and resides in the township. Elizabeth is the wife of Joseph Boorem and lives in the township. Daniel resides in Susquehanna County. John, Joseph and Michael died unmarried. Abraham Transue came from Easton and settled in the township in 1822. He married Elizabeth Hopple and had four children, viz. : John, Charles, Lucy and Benjamin. John married Hester Smith, and lives on the homestead. He has three chil- dren, Ianthe, Charles and Emma. Ianthe is the wife of Johnson Clark and lives in the township. Charles resides in Wisconsin. Lucy is the wife of George Bird and lives in Michigan. Benjamin is dead. Philip Transue came from Easton and settled in Paradise township, where he lived the rest of his life. Peter Wagner came from Easton, and in 1822 settled in Paradise Valley. After remaining a few years he returned with his entire family to Easton. George Hilgert came from Easton to Paradise Valley in 1822. He continued a resident till his death. He was the father of eight children, viz. : Jacob, George, Joseph, Charles, Elizabeth, Laan, Christine and Mary. Jacob married Ann Price, and resided in the township. He was the father of nine children, viz.: Jacob, Jehu, John, Frank, Harriet, Charles, Ann, Caroline and Etna. Jacob, John and Frank died unmarried. Jehu lives at Tobyhanua Mills. Harriet was the wife of Charles Bush, and lived in Lrckawanna County. Charles resides in Scranton. Ann lives in Strouds- burg. Caroline died at Stanhope, New Jersey. Etna is married to Peter Walvet, and lives in MONROE COT'NTY. 1257 Utah. George died a single man. Joseph lives in Northampton County. Elizabeth married John Snyder. Laan was the wife of Samuel Price, and lived in Price township. Christine was married to Jacob Houck, and lived in the West till her decease. Mary was the wife of Zachariah Nyce, and after his death married Lewis Orning. They moved to Bethlehem, where she died. Charles married Nancy CorFman, and resides in the town- ship. He is the father of three children, — Sam- uel, Urias and Matilda. Samuel married Emily Henry, and resides in the township. He has seven children, viz. : Frances, William, Charles, Henry, Mary E., Minnie and Orvia. Frances is the wife of T. M. Lake, and lives in New York. Charles, Henry and Mary E. are dead. William, Minnie and Orvia reside with their pai-ents. Urias died a single man. Matilda is the wife of John W. Price, and lives in Pocono township. George Bowman came from Plainfield township, Northampton County, and settled in Paradise Valley in 1822. He was the father of eight chil- dren, viz.: Mary, John, David, Ann, Rebecca, George, Samuel and Jacob. Mary died unmar- ried. John married Hannah Dornblaser, and re- sides in the township. He has four children, viz.: Jerome, Susan, Caroline and Mary Jerome, Maiy and Susan (the wife of John Young) died in the township. Caroline is the wife of George Arnat, and lives in the township. David resides in Pocono township. George resides in Hamilton township. Samuel lives in Iowa. Jacob married Margaret Price, and lived in the township till his decease. Rebecca is the wife of Jacob Harps, and lives in Hamilton. Ann was the wife of Aaron Koch, arid lived in the township. Michael Nauman settled in Paradise township in 1822. He had eleven children, viz : Michael, Joseph, Christian, George, Samuel, Susan, Sarah, Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth and Catharine. Mich- ael married Catharine Wolf, and lived in the township. He was the father of six children, viz.: George, Samuel, Frederick, Reuben, John and Isaiah. George married Wilhelmina Koerner, and lives in the township. Samuel, Fred, John and Isaiah went West, where John died. Reuben married Lizzie Neuharr. and resides in the town- ship. Joseph died in Hamilton township. Christian Nauman resides in the township, and has thirteen children, viz. : Edward, Michael, Frank, David, Alford, Joel, Erumett, Caroline, Jane, Lorah, Ella, Gertrude and Lizzie. Edward, Frank, Caroline (the wife of George Woolbach) and Lorah (the wife of Grant Corbin) live in Scranton. Jane is the wife of William Row, and lives in Lackawanna County. The others live in the township. George died in New York. Samuel died unmarried. Susan is the wife of Michael Beavers, and lives in Scranton. Hannah was the wife of William Bush, and re- sided in Pocono township. • Sarah was the wife of Jacob Coffman, and lived in Paradise. Mary (deceased) was the wife of Peter Eckert, and after his decease married James Cross. Elizabeth, wife of John Boorem, resided in the township. Catha- rine, wife of Michael Long, lives in the township. John Setzer settled in the township in 1824, and continued a resident till his death. He had thirteen children, viz : Tobias, Noah, David, Mar- tin, Michael, Ezra, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Lydia, Eliza, Albright and Hester. Tobias married Christine Learn, and lives in the township He had one child, John (dead). Noah, Michael and Lydia live in Wisconsin. David resides in Lack- awanna County. Martin died single. Ezra re- sides in Lackawanna County. Mary is the wife of Frederick Sandway, and lives in Lackawanna County. Sarah is the wife of Edward Mertz, and resides in Wisconsin. Hannah is married to a Mr. Houseman, and lives in New Jersey. Eliza- beth died unmarried. Albright lives in Califor- nia. Hester is the wife of Leopold Becker, and lives in the West. All the old settlers took possession of the land without deeds. George Dornblaser, George Bow- man, Abraham Transue, Philip Trans ue, Peter Wagner and George Hilgert settled on a tract of land called the " James Morris tract." The land was conveyed by Morris to one Mussie, by Mussie to John Boys and by Boys to the several settlers. Robert Westcott obtained a patent for the land on which John Learn settled. This land was transferred by Robert Westcott to Charles Coxe. Charles Coxe conveyed it to John Learn, who conveyed it to Jacob Learn, the present owner. Roads. — The first road constructed in what is now Paradise township was laid out in 1825 and was called the State road. It ran in an easterly ll'f.S WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. direction through the centre of the township and connected Stroudsburg with Stanhope. Pre- vious to the erection of Paradise township two other roads were constructed. The one extends from Stanhope (now Swiftwater) to Henryville, the other from Paradise Valley to Price township. These roads were in a very bad condition, and in many places there were no bridges over the streams. Since Paradise was made a separate township, under the direction of competent super- visee more roads have been built, the old ones repaired and all been kept in an excellent condi- tion. The following is a list of the supervisors who have been elected from the erection of the township to the present day : 1849. James Henry. 1867. Joseph Jones. Simon Marsh. 1868. James Heller. 1850. James Henry. Jacob Koerner. Simon Marsh. 1869. Jacob Coffman. 1851. William Coffman. Henry Heller. Charles Hilgert. 1870. Tobias Setzer. 1852 William Coffman. Barnet Metzgar. Charles Hilgert. 1872. William Coffman 1853. George Boorem. Barnet Metzgar. John Roth. 1873. George W. Smith. 1854. David Heller. Robert Dailey. William Coffman. 1874. Barnet Metzgar. 1855. Abraham Transue. Jacob Coffman. James Heller. 1875. Barnet Metzgar. 1856. Abraham Transue. Jacob ( 'oilman. James Heller. 1876. J. Hardenstein. 1857. William Coffman. Jacob Coffman. Oliver D. Smith. 1877. William Coffman. 1858. John Storm. Barnet Metzgar. Chas. W. Transue. 1878. Joel Dunlap. 1859. John Storm. George H. Arndt. Chas. W. Transue. 1879. Joel Dunlap. 1860. Jacob Bowman. Reuben Coffman. Andrew L. Storm. 1880. Jacob Koerner. 1861. Jacob Bowman. J. D. Dunlap. Andrew L. Storm. 1881. A. Halterman. 1862. John Setzer. Robert La bar. Philip B. Ulismer. 1882. Geo. W. Nauman 1863. Joseph Jones. A. Halterman. Jacob Crouder. 1883. Robert Labar. 1864. Samuel Bowman. Samuel Shook. Henry Heller. 1885. Aug. Biesecker. 1865 Jacob B. Teel. Geo. W. Nauman Samuel Hilgert. 1885. Aug. Biesecker. 1866. Jacob B. Teel. George Nauman. George W. Smith. 1886. Jerome Bendis. 1867. John Storm. W. Henry. Schools. — Previous to 1S34 there were no or- ganized schools in the township. The children were either taught at home or at the residence of some neighbor. Shortly after this period two school-houses were built, the one frame and the other of logs. The frame school-house was built at the forks of a road a short distance from Henryville. The building still stands, but is not used for school purposes. The log building was constructed near the residence of Peter P. Dorn- blaser but was torn down long since. In place of these buildings there are now four well-constructed school-houses, all of which have been built within the past ten years. The schools are in a flourish- ing condition and are taught by competent teach- ers. In the selection of sites for buildings, atten- tion was paid to choosing positions easy of access for the majority of scholars. School No. 1 is lo- cated at Paradise Valley, and has on its roll the names of forty-five pupils. School No. 2 is sit- uated about two miles west of School No. 1, and numbers forty-five scholars. School No. 3 is lo- cated at Henryville and numbers forty-six pupils. School No. 4 is situated in the northern part of the township, and numbers forty-one pupils. The following is a list of school directors who have been elected since the erection of Paradise township : 1849. Tobias Setzer. David Edinger. Andrew L. Storm. P. P. Dornblaser. Charles Henry. John Storm. 1850. Elijah Deck. Charles Hilgert. 1851. Samuel Bowman. Levi Frantz. 1852. Charles Henry. John Learn. 1853. James Kintz. Jacob Koerner. 1854. Jacob Bowman. Joseph Jones. 1855. Oliver D. Smith. John J. Price. 1856. Samuel Bowman. James Kintz. 1857. Evan T. Long. Andrew L. Storm. 1858. John Storm. Jacob Biesecker. Charles Hilgert. 1859. James Heller. James Kintz. 1860. James Kintz. 1860. James Wilson. Charles Bush. Charles Hilgert. 1861. John Storm. Samuel Bowman. 1S62. Andrew L. Storm. George R. Smith. Charles Bush. 1863. James Wilson. Chas. W. Transue. 1864. Charles Henry. Joseph L. Donnell. George H. Arndt. 1865. John Storm. Joseph Bush. Henry Brown. Amos Newhart. 1866. Theodore Rinker. Samuel Bowman. 1866. George R. Smith. 1867. Francis Boorem. J. C. Snyder. James Hilgert. 1868. Abraham Gist. John A. Transue. Charles Hilgert. 1869. William Storm. George Wagner. .MONROE COUNTY. 12511 1869. William C. Heller. James Heller. Tobias Setzer. 1870. Francis Boorem. Levi Frantz. 1872. William Storm. George R, Smith. John Transue. 1873. James Kiutz. S. P. Smith. John J. Price. 1874. George Wagner. Tobias Setzer. 1875. William Storm. Francis Boorem. 1876. Charles Hilgert. James Henry. 1877. James Kintz. George Heller. 1878. Francis Boorem. Samuel Hilgert. Tobias Setzer. 1879. Frank Smith. John Hamlin. 1880. James Kintz. John A. Transue. 1881. Francis Boorem. George R. Smith. Samuel Hilgert. 1882. Jacob Hardenstine. Samuel Hilgert, 1884. M.L. Heller. C. E. Post. 1885. Allen Keller. Jerome Bender. D. Detrick. 1886. George Knoll. James Smith. Justices of the Peace. — The following is a list of the justices of the peace who have served in and for Paradise township since its erection : 1864. James Wilson. 1849. Jacob Hilgert, John Roth. 1854. Jacob Hilgert. Oliver Smith. 1859. Frederick Gilbert. Jacob Hilgert. 1864 John Storm. 1869. James Wilson. Jacob Hilgert. 1874. John A. Transue. James Wilson. 1879. John A. Transue. 1883. Francis Boorem. Hotels and Boarding-Houses — For the past ten years there has been no licensed hotel in the township. The first tavern was built at Paradise Valley, in 1838, by George Bowman. Since that time it has been owned, successively, by David Ed- inger, Henry Kintz, Thomas Lockyer and James Kintz, the present owner and proprietor. It is located near the centre of the valley and com- mands a fine view. Many improvements aud ad- ditions have been made to it during the past few years. It is now used exclusively as a boarding- house. Accommodations can be afforded to sev- enty-five guests. The township elections have al- ways been held here. In 1842 James Henry built a hotel at Henry- ville. The building, with improvements and ad- ditions, is now used as a summer boarding-house, and accommodates seventy-five guests. It is pleas- antly located in a narrow valley a short distance from the railroad station. It is known as the Hen- ryville House. The Park House is the name of the largest boarding-house in Paradise township. It was built at Henryville, in 1880, by William E. Henry. It is pleasantly situated, at a distance of a mile from Henryville Station. A branch of Brodhead Creek flows a i'ew feet from the house The entire build- ing is supplied with water and all modern appli- ances. A billiard-room is attached, for the amuse- ment of the guests. The grounds are nicely ar- ranged for the practicing of all kinds of games and sports. Mrs. William E. Henry is the present owner. The house affords ample room for the accommodation of one hundred and twenty-five Chase & Cattell are the proprietors of the Wis- casset House, situated a short distance from Forks Station. The site for the house was well chosen and affords a good view. The house is newly built and supplied with the latest appliances. Excellent accommodations can be afforded for seventy-five persons Stores and Mills. — The first store in Paradise township was opened at Henryville, in 1845, by James Morgan and Edward Brown. Previous to the opening of this store Stroudsburg was the near- est place at which the usual necessaries of life could be obtained. Messrs. Brown & Morgan kept a general retail store for a few years aud then closed. For a year or more there was no store at Henry- ville, but in 1850 James Morgan and Charles Henry opened another store. Morgan shortly afterwards retired, leaving Henry sole proprietor for a short time, when he sold a half-interest to V. T. Miller. They, in turn, sold to C. E. Post, whom W. E. Henry & Co. succeeded. W. C. Henry, the present owner, is the successor of W. E. Henry & Co. In 1849 James Kintz built and opened a store in Paradise Valley, and has since retained posses- sion and management of it. The next store was opened in 1881, near the present Lutheran Church. H. B. Courtright, the proprietor, has everything conveniently arranged for the conducting of business. In 1882 C. E. Post opened another store at Hen- ryville. He assumed the management for about a year, when it was transferred to Jackson Lantz, who shortly afterwards transferred it to Rufue Price, the present owner. The first saw-mill in the township was built at Henryville, in 1835, by James Henry. It is lo- 1260 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. cated on the middle branch of Brodhead Creek. Under the direction of James Henry the mill was run for many years, but at present it is used but very little. In 1842 another saw-mill was built on the same .stream, a short distance north of James Henry's, by Charles Henry. It was next owned by W. E. Henry, who rebuilt it and put it in perfect running order. It is now owned and managed by W. C. Henry. The first and only grist-mill in the township was erected, in 1849, by James Kintz, the present own- er. It is situated on Long Swamp Creek, at Par- adise Valley. The mill is a source of great con- venience to the community, as otherwise Strouds- burg would be the nearest point where they could get their grain converted to flour. Post-Offices. — The first post-office in the town- ship was established at Paradise Valley in 1849. The office was kept in a building nearly opposite the hotel, and now used as a dwelling-house. John Edinger and David Edinger received the first com- mission as postmasters of this region. They were succeeded by James Kintz, the present incumbent, who, when he received the commission, removed the post-office to his store, where it is at present Two mails are received daily at this office. In 1852 a post-office was established at Henry- ville, and James Henry was appointed postmaster. He was succeeded by his son, D. W. Henry, whom A. F. Kistler followed. During his time of service the post-office was moved and the name changed to Parkside. W. C. Henry, the present postmaster, was appointed the successor of A. F. Kistler in 1885. A portion of his store is set off for the dis- tribution of the two daily mails. Villages. — Henryville is the name of a small hamlet situated in the southeastern part of Para- dise township. In 1845 it was first spoken of as a village, and named Henryville, in honor of James Henry. The laud on which it is located was orig- inally owned by David Gordon and Thomas Bush. The middle branch of Brodhead Creek bounds it on the east and south. The settlement contains a depot and freight-house of the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western Railroad, two boarding- houses, two stores, a post-office, a school-house, a saw-mill and about a dozen dwellings. Paradise Valley is the name of the oldest settle- ment in the township. It is located in one of the valleys near the centre, and marks the place where some of the earliest settlers erected their rude log houses. These have been removed, and, in their stead, neat new frame dwellings have been built. In this village are a store, a boarding-house, a post- office, a grist-mill, a wheelwright shop, a black- smith shop, a school house and about twenty dwell- ings. Longevity of Inhabitants. — The longevity of the people of this region is somewhat remarka- ble. Of the six hundred and eighty-eight inhab- itants, there are, at least, twenty-five persons who have attained the age of seventy years. Five couples — viz. : Jacob Biesecker and wife, Andrew Storm and wife, Charles Hilgert and wife, John Bowman and wife and Francis Keller and wife — have lived in wedded bliss for more than half a century. Religious Matters — In 1825, a few years after the first settlers arrived, steps were taken for the erection of a church. Previous to this re- ligious meetings were held in the residences of the several settlers. The work of constructing a log church was commenced under the supervision of Henry Bush. He had, as assistant carpenters, John Bush, Jacob Bush, Henry Dietrick and Da- vid Acterdy. The work was completed and the church dedicated in the fall of 1826, the services being conducted by Revs. Hufteuditz and Rupert. It was the Lutheran denomination. The first members of this church were George Hilgert, Pe- ter Wagner, Philip Transue, Abraham Transue, John Cougher, Aaron Koch, George Bowman, George Dornblaser, Jacob Hudle, John Greek, Jacob K. Koerner, George Crotzer, John Shiffer, Henry Anglemeyer, Peter Anglemeyer, John Learn, Peter Neuhart and John Arnold. The first trustees were George Bowman and George Hilgert, and the first steward was Jacob Koerner. Until 1852 this was the only church in this re- gion, and was attended by persons from all the surrounding country. The building was used for divine services until 1856. In the rear of the church is a cemetery, now protected by a stone wall, in which all of the old settlers are buried. In 1838 the first Evangelical meeting was held in Paradise township. So favorable an impres- sion was made by the doctrines of this denomina- MONROE COUNTY. 1261 tion that regular meetings have been held ever since. The following ministers have officiated from 1838 to 1852, the year the church was dedi- cated : Revs. Hoffman, Henneberger, Barrier, Haines, Mace, Cramer, Hesser, Mintz, Bast, Shultz, Luthro, Jacoby, Farnsworth, Gross, Sind- linger, Hess, Wieand, Bucks, Young, Sigafus, Krecker and Ely. In 1851 it was decided to erect a church. Land was donated to them for this purpose by George Dornblaser. The build- ing was completed in 1852. It is a neat, one- story building, thirty-four by twenty-four, and cost about four hundred dollars. The dedication sermon was preached by Revs. Frederick Kreck- er and Ephraim Ely. The first trustees were P. P. Dornblaser, Joseph Boorem and Chris- tian Nauman. Abraham Transue was the first class-leader, and Peter P. Dornblaser the first exhorter. There are at present about forty members of this church. A flourishing Sunday- school is connected with the church. A burying- ground is attached to the church. The Methodist Episcopal Church in this town- ship was erected in the fall of 1851 and the sum- mer of 1852. The building committee was com- posed of Oliver D. Smith, John Storm and James Wilson. The building is a neat, frame structure, one story high, thirty-five feet in length and twenty-five feet in breadth. The cost of the build- ing was about four hundred dollars. The land on which the building stands was donated by Oliver D. Smith. Rev. Siesta preached the dedication ser- mon. The following ministers have officiated since its erection : Revs. Siesta, Watson, Wood Hinson, Egan, McGhee, Shatter, Townsend, Sebring, Pas- torfield, Cragg, Marten, Shields, Hobbs, Dungan and Ulick. The membership at present is forty- four. The Reformed Church, often called Jones' Church, was erected in 1856. Henry Heller and John Rhodes were the building committee. The building is a frame structure, one story high, fifty feet in length and thirty-five in breadth. The cost of the building was eight hundred dollars. Revs. Decker, Heilig, Siegle, Mitchler and Smith have officiated since its erection. At present there is no regular pastor. The membership is about thirty-five. George Wagner. — One of the early settlers in Paradise township, Monroe County, Pa., was Joseph Wagner, who was born in Austria about the year 1802. He was well educated in German and eventually learned the trade of a goldsmith and became an expert workman. He, like most of the mechabics of that day, became a gnat trav- eler and went from place to place seeking work and iu different countries. About the year 1820 he left his native land and came to Philadelphia, where he did whatever work he could get to do for six years. He then went to Bucks County, where he remained until 1826, when he came to Monroe County and located on four hundred acres of wild land in Paradise, part of which is now owned by his son George. The township was then an almost unbroken wilderness and the home of bears, wolves, deer and other wild game. He was the possessor of unbounded pluck and energy but of no money. He " squatted " on his land, expecting that twenty-one years' possession would give him a good title from the government. He made staves, which he hauled eighteen miles with a yoke of oxen and sold for ninety cents per hun- dred to Mr. Zimmerman, and in that way made his living. He married, in 1826, Barbara, daugh- ter of Martin Slyker, who, with his wife, emigra- ted from Germany. To Mr. and Mrs. Wagner were born children as follows : George, Joseph, (who enlisted in the Union army and died from wounds received in battle), Rosina, Mary, Ed- ward, Simon ( died in childhood), Simon, Catherine, David, (who enlisted iu the Ninetieth Pennsylva- nia Regiment of Infantry and served until he lost his leg, after which he served in the government departments until his death, in October, 1880), James (who also enlisted in the Ninetieth Regi- ment and served all through the war and was in many hard-fought battles, he died a few years after the war ended). Joseph, the father, died in 1842 ; his wife, March 24, 1864. George Wag- ner, of whom this sketch is written, was born in Paradise, on the farm now owned by him, January 18, 1828. He was but fourteen years old when his father died, and he being the eldest of the family, became its mainstay and support. To him and his mother the future looked dark indeed, as they had scarcely any means and nine children younger than George. But the boy George, with the help of his brother, kept the family from want, r.'ii: WAYNE, PIKE AND MONKOE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and in the struggles and hardships of those days laid the foundation for the earnest, honorable man- hood he has ever shown. In 1844 he built (on seven acres of land which was given them by Stroud Hollinshead from the farm they could not pay for) a small log house, which was their home for many years. Joseph remained at home a few years, then married and sought out a home in the West for himself, while George remained with his mother. During the thousand feet of lumber. While at work lie would be wet from his breast down, and could earn by working evenings only one dollar per day clear of expenses. For seven years he cut logs in the winter for a shilling a log and took out rafts in the summer. In 1851 and '52 he tookji job of David Taylor, getting out logs at two dollars and fifty cents per thousand, and in this' way got his start in life. In 1854 he bought of Stroud Hollinshead the four f^jji^°M^~^ first two years he worked at whatever he could do, and earned twenty -five cents per day. In 1844, work being hard to find even at those low figures, he went on the Lehigh and worked in the lumber woods for six dollars and fifty cents per month, and did not get all his pay for two years. His clothing the first winter was made of cotton jean, and low shoes on his feet, with the snow eighteen inches deep ! The next summer he got a job get- ting rafts of lumber out of the river, and received therefor one dollar and a half for a raft of ten hundred and sixteen acres his father lived on, for which he was to pay two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and paid five hundred dollars down. He built a house, barn and other out-buildings, and has cleared a hundred acres. He has grown a fine orchard, which yields, some years, a thousand bushels of apples. His farm claimed his attention in summers, while he lumbered twelve winters in succession for Isaac Case, of Toby hanna Mills, Pa.; also one winter for Judge Paxson, of Philadel- phia. In 1877 he rented his farm and entered MONROE COUNT V. into contract with A. F. Peters & Son to cut off the timber from seventeen hundred acres on the New- hart tract, in Tobyhanna township. He moved his family on the tract, where they have since re- maiued, and expect to remain two years longer, then return to the farm in Paradise township to pass the remainder of their days. He has also had a job getting out for Messrs. Peters A Son ten million feet of logs near Gouldsboro'. In all his business transactions Mr. Wagner has so dealt that his word is as good as his bond, and he can say that he has never sued or been sued, nor had any dealings with the sheriff. His friends and acquaintances speak of him only in terms of praise, and in this he is an evidence that honesty and integ- rity, coupled with industry, are the sure stepping- stones to success. He is a Democrat, but not a politician, and has held only minor township offices. May 3, 1857, he married Miss Maria Wilson, who was born in New York September 11, 1835. She was daughter of James and Isabell Wilson. Her father came from England, her mother from Scotland. He was a blacksmith by trade, but bought of Stroud Hollinshead a piece of wild laud adjoining the farm of Mr. Wagner, which he deared and improved. To Mr. and Mrs. Wagner have been born children, as follows: Elizabeth, John J., William H., Amanda J., Martha J., George E., Isaac (deceased) and Wilson Amzv. CHAPTER XXII.i BARRETT TOWNSHIP. Barrett township was erected in 1859, from portions of Price and Paradise townships. It, was so named in honor of George R. Barrett, president judge of the Monroe County courts at that time. It is bounded on the north by Coolbaugh town- ship and Pike County, on the east by Pike County, on the south by Price township and on the west by Paradise and Coolbaugh townships. Its greatest length, east and west, is about thirteen miles, and its greatest width is about eight miles. Formerly the entire township was heavily wooded and presented a very inviting appearance to the 1 By Wilton A. Erdman. lumbermen. At the present time about one-half of the township is in a state of cultivation. The soil is rich and loamy. The surface is broken by numerous small hills and valleys, through which many rapid mountain-streams, abounding with trout, flow with eager haste to join the brimming river. Buckhill, Spruce Cabin and Leve's Branch Falls are on streams of the same name. These cascades, having a fall of a hundred feet or more, are much visited during the summer. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail- road passes through the southern part of the town- ship. By means of this railroad the products of the township are easily transferred to various markets and travel is greatly facilitated. The scenery is very attractive and romantic, and, with the changes of .the seasons, presents many varied appearances. The population, as given by the census of 1880, is one thousand one hundred and forty-nine. Early Settlers. — The first settlers in that part of Monroe County now known as Barrett township were John Price, Jacob Smith, Charles Price, Smith Price, Ferdinand Gravel, John M. Deubler, Peter Seese, George Leek, William C. Long, Christopher Sommers, George Bender, Charles J. Price, Daniel Price, Jacob Price, Simon Stright, Adam Albert, Charles Boyer and Adam Utt. All these obtained a livelihood by tilling the soil and marketing staves, hoop-poles and other articles easily manufactured. Fish and game were also in abundance. John Price, whose descendants are mentioned in the history of Price township, was the first set- tler in the township. He came from Bucks County and built his residence in what is now Barrett township. A few years after his arrival, in 17f two children, — George, a resident here, married Elizabeth Cross, and David, deceased, married lachael Sommers. Charles J. Price moved from Price township into Barrett in 1842. He is the father of eight children, viz. : Emory, married Sarah A. Posten ; Eliazar, married Julia Mole, and, after her decease, Lizzie Bisbing ; Abram, married Mary A. Mole; and Wesley, married Stella Clark, all reside in Barrett ; Mareau, lives in Luzerne County ; La- fayette, married Hannah Shroeder, and resides in the township ; Mathias and William. Daniel Price moved from Price into what is now Barrett in 1846, and was the father of three chil- dren, viz. : Warren, in Olean, N. Y. ; Albert (died) ; Daniel, in Wisconsin. Lewis Mills owns the homestead. Jacob Price moved from Price township into Barrett in 1840. He was the lather of twelve children, viz. : Martin and Jacob (dead); David, who married Sarah Boyer, in the township ; Am- brose, in Stroudsburg ; Allen, who married So- phia Evans, and, after her decease, Sarah Bailey, in the township ; Andrew, married Louisa Conk- ling, in the township ; Sarah, married Charles Zeiger, and lives in the West ; Paul, married Charlotte Deubler, and Stroud married Ellen Edwards, both of Barrett ; Hester, wife of Julius Bush, resides in Stroudsburg; Wesley and Milton, in the township. Simon Stright came from England and settled in Barrett township in 1842. He was the father of six children, viz. : Joseph, who married Caro- line Price, and lived in the township till his death ; Mary, Alford and Charles, at Dover, Pa ; William, in Tunkhannock ; John, married Martha Sebring, and, after her decease, Mary Crisman, and lives on the homestead. Adam Albert came from Easton, Pa , and set- tled in Barrett township in 1845. He is the father of seven children, viz. : Elizabeth, wife of Edward Markle, in Minnesota; Anthony, married Maggie Walters, and lived in the township till his death ; Catharine, wife of John Vernoy, in the township ; Andrew, killed in the " Seven Days' Fight," before Richmond ; Mary, wife of Benjamin De Grott, in Pike County ; Edward, in Minneso- ta ; Abraham, married Susan Price, and resides in the township. The laud on which Adam Albert settled is now owned by Mrs. Maggie Albert. Charles Boyer settled here in 1846. He was the father of six children, viz : Daniel, in Olean, N. Y. ; Ann, married Edward Price ; Lewis, mar- ried Harriet Cramer ; Sarah, wife of David Price ; and Rose, wife of Henry Deubler, the last four of whom live in the township ; Amelia, wife of Ben- jamin Lewis, in New Jersey. Adam Utt settled in Barrett township iu 1849. lie was the father of eight children, viz. : Charles, in Paradise township ; Almeron, married Emma Transue, in the township ; Jacob, in the West ; Ely, married Catharine Sebring, in the township ; Lucy, wife of Andrew Sommers, lives on the home- stead ; J. Wilson (deceased) ; Jane, wife of Wil- son Sutton ; Ellen, wife of Charles W. Decker, in the township. Roads. — The earliest roads opened in this township were the State road and Wismer road. The State road extending from Stroudsburg to the New Foundland settlement, passes through the centre of the township. The Wismer road started from the State road, near the resi- dence of Charles J. Price, aud extended also to New Foundland settlement. The exact dates of the construction of these roads cannot be ob- tained. Since the erection of the township the old roads have been repaired and new ones opened by the various supervisors. The following is a list of the supervisors who have been elected since the erection of the township, in 1859 : WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1860. John M. Deubler. Christian Deubler. 1861. John Warner. Charles Boyer. 1862. Ichabod Price. Madison Price. 1863. Henry Shaler. Nicholas A. Lisk. 1864. Jacob H. Price. Conrad Kintz. 1865. Jacob H. Price. Simon N. Stright. 1866. Peter Seese. J. W. Sutton. 1867. Gottlieb Boner. John Sees. 1868. J. Wilson Sutton. S. N. Stright. L869. J. W.Sutton. Peter Sees. 1870. J. W. Sutton. John M. Wagner. 1872. J. W. Sutton. J. M. Wagner. 1873. Charles Boyer. S. M. Edwards. 1874. Edward Price. Depue Detrick. 1875. Ambrose Price. Edward Price. 1876. Ambrose Price. Edward Price. 1877. Ambrose Price. J. W. Sutton. 1878. J. W. Sniton. J. S. Snow. 1879. J. W. Sutton. A. J. Decker. 1880. J. W. Sutton. David Price. 1881. J. W.Sutton. Townsend Price. 1882. J. W. Sutton. Joseph Seese. 1883. Philip Bush. 0. E. Shaler. 1884. John Deubler. J. W. Sutton. 1885. John Deubler. J. W. Sutton. 1886. Win. Evans. James Brewer. Schools.— The first school building in this township was erected in 1845, on a tract of land now owned by Jacob Gravel. It was a select school, over which Anthony Ramer presided. It was several years after this when the public schools were first opened. At the present time there are six convenient and commodious school- houses in Barrett township. Four male and two female teachers instruct in these buildings two hundred and fifty pupils. Five mouths' school is held each year, and for instruction in this time seven hundred and fifty-five dollars are expended. The amount of tax levied for school purposes is seven hundred and fifty-two dollars. The State appropriation for this township is two hundred and twelve dollars and seventy-nine cents. The schools are all in a nourishing condition The following is a list of school directors who have been elected since 1859: 1860. George W. Price. Smith Price. Gilbert E. Palen. Daniel Staples. Robert Lomax. Fred. Deubler. 1861. R. Compton. Jacob Rinehart. Smith Price. 1862. Wilkinson Price. L. W. Morris. 1863. Christian Deubler. William P. Seese. Lewis D. Bond. 1864. George H. Miller. Lewis D. Bond. Charles Price. H. Sundheimer. 1865. Chas. W. Decker. Charles Price. Charles Evans. Edmund Price. Wm. C. Long. 1866. Fred. Deubler. Lewis D. Bond Wilkinson Price. 1867. William C. Long. Benjamin Hanna. 1868. George W. Price. David Bender. I860. G. W. Sees. _ Ely Utt. Edmund Price. J. A. Dunning. 1870. David Bender George W. Price. 1872. Elisha Dunbar. Joseph Brown. 1873. John W. Yothers. Henry Deubler. 1874. A. J.Decker. Charles Boyer. Jacob H. Price. 1875. Jacob Price. Joseph H. Stright. Hotels and Boarding-Houses. 1875. Davis W. Bush. Wm. P. Sees. 1876. Edmund Price. Edward Price. John Vernoy. 1877. J. N. Stright. C. W. "Decker. Hannah Deubler. 1878. Jacob Price. Joseph Brown. B. F. Price. 1879. Townsend Price. Edward Price- 1880. C. W. Decker. Otto E. Shaler. 1881. David Bender. Mahlon Carlton. 1882. Townsend Price. Sylvester Price. George W. Seese. 1883. G. G. Shafer. Jerome Frantz. I 1885. E. M. Case. David Price. Mahlon Price. 1886. John Krummel. Moses Cosier. In Barrett township there are at present two hotels and five boarding-houses. Allan Price is proprietor of one, and the other, which is situated at Cresco, is con- ducted by Henry Zeiger. Three of the boarding- houses are located at Canadensis. They are man- aged respectively by C. W. Bruton, Abraham Albert and David Crane. The other boarding- houses are conducted by Edward and Henry Price. The buildings are all well constructed and stand in good, healthful locations. Many private families also accommodate summer guests. The proprietors are amiable and accommodating men, and leave nothing undone to add to the happiness of their guests. The excellent fishing, the beauti- ful scenery and the healthiness of the place exert a great influence in bringing city people from their homes to enjoy a summer's pleasure and rec- reation. Henry Zeiger can accommodate about forty people. The Laurel Grove House, conducted by C. \V. Bruton, has ample room for thirty-five; Abraham Albert for thirty-five, David Crane for thirty, Edward Price for forty and Henry Price for forty. Post-Offices.— The first post-office in the MONROE COUNTY. 1267 township was established at Coveville about 1840. Simon N. Stright was the first postmaster. He was succeKled by E. F. Palen and the office changed to Canadensis. E. F. Palen was suc- ceeded by Henry Pye, C. W. Bruton and Wil kin- sou Price,' the present incumbent A post-office was established at White's tannery in 1856 with William S. White as first postmaster. He was succeeded by George G. Shafer, Jerome Frantz and C. W. Decker, the present incumbent. In 1870 the name of the office was changed to Moun- tain Home. The post-office at Cresco was estab- lished a few years ago. J. S. Coleman was ap- pointed postmaster. He still retains the office. Villages. — Canadensis is a small hamlet situ- ated near the centre of the township. It contains two churches, a tannery, a grist-mill, a saw-mill, a post-office, three boarding-houses, two stores, run respectively by Abraham Albert and Henry Pye, and about thirty residences. It was formerly a more active place than at present. Mountain Home is the name of a small village formerly called Oak Valley. It is situated in the southern part of the township, about a mile from the Delaware, Lackawamiaand Western Railroad The town was in a flourishing condition until the tannery of Day, Wilcox & Co. was burned. Since that time it has slowly declined. It contains a clothes-pin factory, a veneering factory, a saw- mill, a church, a school-house, a post-office, a store run by C. W. Decker and about forty dwellings. Cresco is the name of the ouly station of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad in the township. It was formerly called Oakland. It is located in the southern part of Barrett town- ship. It contains a store, run by Place Brothers ; a hotel and boarding-house, managed by Henry Zeiger, and about twenty residences. Mountain Home Lodge, No. 684, I. O. O. F., was instituted December 23, 1869, by Theodore Schoch, O. D. G. M. The lodge is located in the village of Mountain Home, Barrett township. The charter members were E H. Heller, Town- send Price, John A.. Dunning, Jerome Frantz, Ely Utt, J. Wilson Utt, Madison Smith, Edmund Price, Robert Eaton, Moses C. Cosier and Allen Price. The present officers are, N. G., G. Sommers ; V. G., H. Bachmeer ; Sec , O. E. Shaller ; Ass't Sec, J. Boorem ; Treas. , E. M. Case ; Rep , E. Utt. Manufacturing — There are at present in this township a clothespin factory, a veueeriug factory, two grist-mills and six saw-mills. There were formerly two tanneries, one at Mountain Home and the other at Canadensis. Palen & Northrop built the tannery at Canadensis in 1847, and conducted it till 1875, when the scarcity of bark rendered it unprofitable. White & Brakely built the other tannery, at Mountain Home, in 1856. In 1862 Loriug Andrews purchased it, and in 1874 sold it to Day, Wilcox & Co. The latter firm run it till 1885, when it was burned. E. Dunbar it Co. built a shoe-peg factory at Mountain Home in 1868. It was sold to C. W. Decker, whochanged it toa clothes-pin factory in 1880. The mill contains three sets of machines and'employs twenty-five persons when in opera- tion. At present it is owned by Richard S. Sta- ples, Thomas A. Bell and George E. Stauffer, and is not operated. The veneering factory was built in 1881 by C. W. Decker. It is now owned by John Sperry and is not operated. John Pitt built one of the grist mills in 1845. It was successively owned by Henry Feltham, Emory Ergood, A. Moon and Solomon Edwards- The grist mill at Canadensis was built in 1881 by Christian Curt. It is now owned by P. Ackerman and managed by Labar & Harris. The saw-mills are situated iu various parts of the township. They were built at early dates, and at different times have been repaired and rebuilt. The mills are about of the same size and capacity, employing from three to eight men. They are at present owned by Martin B. Rinehart, George Price & Sons, P. Ackerman, Eleazer Price & Co., Milton and Wesley Price and Howard and Joseph Price. Labar & Harris conduct P. Ackermen's mill, which is situated at Canadensis. The others are both owners and proprietors. Township Officers. — The following is a list of the justices of the peace who have been elected in Barrett township since its erection : 1865. Jacob Price. Adam Utt. 1870. John M. Carlton. Adam Utt. 1875. J. M. Carlton. Labau Lewis. 1880. J. M. Carlton. Laban Lewis. 1885. C. W. Decker. Labau Lewis. 12G8 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, I'KNNSYLVANIA. The following is a been elected since the ship. 1860. L. W. Morris. 1861. George W. Price. 1862- Wilkinson Price. 1803. J. A. D. Custard. 1864. Wilkinson Price. 1865. David Price. 1866. Simon N. Stright. 1867. Wilkinson Price. 1868. Henry Deubler. 1869. David Price. 1870. Jacob Price. 1872. Joseph N. Stright. 1873. E. H. Heller. list of assessors who have erection of Barrett town- 1874. Townsend Price. 1875. Townsend Price. 1876. Townsend Price. 1878. Townsend Price. 1879. David Price. 1880. Townsend Price. 1881. Wilkinson Price- 1882. Townsend Price. 1883. R. C. De Deon. 1884. J. H. Feltham. 1885. David Price. 1886. David Price. RELIGIOUS MATTERS. Methodism in Barrett Township. 1 — Regular Methodist preaching began to be held in this township in the year 1855, at which time Paradise Circuit was organized and left to be supplied by the presiding elder, who appointed Rev. Francis D. Eagan pastor in charge. His preaching-points within the limits of the township were the old school-house in the cove, near Canadensis, and the house of Harrison Sebring, at Oakland, now called Mountain Home. Mr. Sebring was at that time engaged with Mr. William White in the lumbering business, which, in the hands of Shafer & Rinchart, who succeeded them in 1856, developed extensively, and was one of the agencies which induced a greater popula- tion to this section of the country. The tanning business, which commenced about this time, proved a still greater attraction for population. Little villages rapidly grew up around the tanneries of White & Brakely, at Mountain Home, and North- rop & Palen, at Canadensis. A fine field was thus opening for Christian enterprise, having, more- over, this advantage : that some of the leading men engaged in these business ventures were decided Christians, while others were favorably disposed towards the church. Rev. F. D. Eagan was re- appointed to Paradise Circuit in 1856. About this time Mrs. Sarah Northrop started a Sabbath- school in the little school-house near the bridge over Goose Pond River, in Canadensis. Not much was accomplished that year, and Rev. Eagan 'Contributed by Rev. George Mack. closed his labors without seeing any material ad- vance in church matters. In the spring of 1857 Rev. Thomas S. Childs was appointed to the circuit, and, under God, Mr. Childs proved to be the right man for the place. He entered heartily into the work assigned him, preaching earnestly and faithfully, and personally urging the Gospel upon the attention of the people. In his labors he had the sympathy and co-opera- tion of the scanty membership. During the latter part of that year the society, finding the old school- house in the cove no longer endurable, because of its dilapidated condition, fitted up the wagon- house in the rear of the store, in Canadensis, with seats, etc., and held service in it till the erection of the present church. In this wagon-house an extensive revival of religion took place, resulting in many conversions. This revival gave wonder- ful impetus to church affairs. The project of building a church was agitated, but all were not agreed as to the character it should bear, some proposing that it should be a Union Church, while others insisted that it should be distinctively Meth- odist. Finally a meeting was held, at which these matters were fully discussed, and the conclusion reached to build a Methodist Church on the site now occupied in Canadensis. The firm of Palen & Northrop took the responsibility of building the church. Under their supervision the present neat structure was built in 1858, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars, which was partly provided for by subscriptions, and the remainder was assumed by the above firm. The church building is a one- story frame, twenty-six by thirty-eight feet, Gothic in style, and will seat about two hundred persons. Regular preaching services are held in the church every two weeks, and are well attended. It has a membership of fifty-six, and a Sabbath-school numbering about seventy teachers and scholars. During the fall of 1858, under Mr. Childs' pas- torate, a protracted meeting was held in the school- house at Mountain Home, at which about thirty persons were converted, nearly all of whom after- wards became substantial and useful members of the society there. The people then began to feel the need of a comfortable and convenient house of worship. Accordingly, in the year 1859, under the administration of Rev. J. M. Hinson, measures were taken to secure this object, and about seven MONROE COUNTY. hundred dollars were obtained in subscriptions. A building lot was donated by Loriug Andrews and Shafer & Rinehart. The building of the church was entrusted to Mr. Amos R. Miller, and in a few mouths the people rejoiced in the possession of a neat and cheerful house of worship, capable of seating over two hun- dred people. The dedicatory services were con- ducted by Rev. Pennel Coombs, presiding elder, on which occasion three hundred dollars were raised, leaving a small amount still due, which was soon met by the society The entire cost of the church was ten hundred and fifty dollars. The building is a one-story frame, thirty by forty feet, and has a grave-yard adjoining. Owing to removals and deaths, the present membership is small, being about thirty, but it has a flourishing Sabbath- school of over a hundred teachers and scholars. Mr. George G. Shafer is the efficient superintend- ent of the school, and has held that position for more than twenty years. During the present pas- torate the churches at Canadensis and Mountain Home, which now form part of the Spragueville Circuit, have both been repaired and renovated at a cost of five hundred dollars. Methodism has done much toward elevating the minds and form- ing the morals of the people in this region. The Moravian Church. — Previous to 1859 the Moravians held their services in the residence of John Deubler. In 1858 the need of a church was keenly felt and a building committee was appointed to select a site and erect a house of worship. The com- mittee was composed of Adam Albert, J. M. Deu- bler, Christopher Summers, George Bender, Charles Boyer and Jacob Rinehart. In 1859 they com- pleted a neat frame building, a story and a half high, and thirty by thirty-six feet. These men also served as trustees for a number of years. The cost of the building was twelve hundred dollars. Regular meetings are held every three weeks. The following ministers have officiated since its erec- tioD : Revs. Prager, Nagle, Oehler, Hoch, Neu, Rommel and Mouch The present membership is about thirty. CHAPTER XXIII. COOLBAUGH, TOBYHANNA N< »'K. ' AND TUNKHAX- The townships of Coolbaugh, Tobyhanna and Tunkhauuock comprise the entire uorthwestern portion of Monroe County. This tract of land is bounded on the north by Lackawanna County, on the east by Wayne and Pike Counties, on the south by the townships of Barrett, Paradise, Pocono, Jackson and Chestnuthill, and on the west by Carbon County. The greatest length, northeast and southwest, is about twenty-one miles, and the greatest width about fourteen miles. This entire region was formerly comprehended under the name of Coolbaugh, so named in honor of Hon. John Coolbaugh. A portion including what is now Tobyhanna and Tunkhannock townships was separated from Coolbaugh in 1830, under the name Tobyhanna, an old Indian name for the principal stream within its boundaries. This tract was again divided in 1856 and Tunkhannock township erected from one part of it. The general struc- ture of this region is diversified with numerous hills. Several of these, assuming quite large pro- portions, are known as mountains, — Pocono Moun- tains, Pohopoco Mountains, Pimple Hill and Lo- cust Ridge. Near the centre of Tunkhanno.ck township the Tunkhannock Creek widens and forms Long Pond, a sheet of water ■ about three miles in length and one-fourth of a mile in width. Everywhere throughout this region nature has formed many pleasant and picturesque scenes. Numerous small but rapid streams rise and flow through portions of this district, thus affording an easy method of conveying logs and timber to places of manufacture and to market. The prin- cipal streams are the Tobyhanna and Tunkhan- nock Creeks, which, after uniting, form a branch of the Lehigh River. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad passes in a northwesterly direction through the centre of Coolbaugh town- ship and affords an easy transportation of lumber and other productions. The means of traveling are also greatly facilitated by this railroad. This entire region was a short time since very heavily wooded with valuable timber, which was By Wilton A. Erdraan. 1270 WAYNE. PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. the greatest inducement for its settlement. Nu- merous saw-mills were quickly erected and their productions conveyed by rafts to Easton and other markets A vast quantity of timber is cut here every year. About one-tenth of this district is in a state of cultivation. The soil is of a rich, loamy nature, well watered, and yields the usual fruits, grains and vegetables and other products common to this latitude in sufficient quantities to satisfy all wants. The northern part of this territory is wet and marshy, and was formerly called the " Shades of Death," from the fact that many of the Wyo- ming fugitives became entangled in its marshes and died there. The population as given by the census of 1880 is one thousand two hundred and twenty-three for Coolbaugh, eight hundred and thirty-eight for Tobyhanna and two hundred and ninety-two for Tunkhannock. Early Settlers.— The exact dates of the first settlements in these regions cannot be obtained. As nearly as can be ascertained, the first perma- nent settlers in Tobyhanna township were Leonard Stoddart, George Sox, William Hessler, Ezra Hays, Andrew Eschenbach, Jacob Blakeslee, Ira Winters and Robert Newell. In Tunkhannock the first permanent settlers were Peter Merwine and George Altemose. In Coolbaugh the first settlers were John P. Woodling, John Pope, Joseph Wil- ton, John Gearhart, Jasper Yliet, William Mad- den, Daniel Callahan, Jeremiah Galvin, Oliver D. Smith and Samuel Warner. The excellent growth of timber attracted many of these to this region. They subsisted by tilling the soil, shav- ing staves and shingles, which were readily bought by merchants traveling through this re- gion, and by huutiug and fishing. Game and fish were in abundance, aud an hour spent at either of these sports would provide meat for several days. The first habitations were chiefly log houses, nearly all of which have been superseded by neat frame duellings. Luxuries were unknown to them, and the possession of the necessaries of life afforded health and happiness. The date of the arrival of the early settlers, the names of their descendants and the present own- ers of the land on which they settled, are of con- siderable interest and importance and will now be mentioned. Leonard Stoddart came originally from Eng- land and settled in Tobyhanna township, near Stoddartsville, in 1800. He there built a hotel, which he conducted himself. He was the father of seven children, viz, — Ann, Henry, Lydia, John, Maria, Sarah aud Mary. Henry remained on the homestead during his life. He married Mary Dietrick, and was the father of William and Leonard. William resides at Wilkes- Barre. Leonard is the present owner of the homestead. George Sox came from New Jersey, and settled in the township about the year 1800. He also built a hotel about that time. Shortly afterwards the settlement was named Sox ville, in honor of him. He was the father of eleven children, viz , — Jacob, John, George, Albert, Jane, Washington, Mary Franklin, Perry, Maria and Sarah A. Jacob lived in the township until his death. He married Sarah Bond and had six children, — Washington, Perry, Albert and three (laughters. Washington lives in Wilkes-Barre. Perry married Jane Bo wen and lives in the township. Albert, de- ceased. William Hessler settled in Tobyhanna town- ship, about 1800, on a tract now owned by Alex- ander McKeau. None of his descendants are at present residents of the township. Ezra Hays came from Ohio, and, in 18IJ0, set- tled in Tobyhanna township. He married Chris- tine Bond and was the father of ten children, viz., — John, Sarah, Burton, Hannah, Eliza, Ann, Matilda, Lavina, Samuel aud Lydia. Of these, BurtOD married Sarah A. Winters and resided in the township until his death. He was the father of fifteen children, viz., — Amelia, Nelson, John, Warren, Chester, Elwood, Jeremiah, Hattie, Mc- Clellan, Lizzie, Clara, Charles, Laura, Martha and Leonora. The land on which Ezra Hays settled is now owned and occupied by Jacob Searfass. Andrew Eseheubach came from Carbon County, and settled in the township in 1809. He had ten children, viz., — Andrew, David, John, Nathaniel, Thomas, Andrew, Hannah, Joseph, Samuel G. and Benjamin. The first, Andrew, was accidentally killed while yet a young mau. Jacob was killed at the battle of Autietam. Benjamin now resides at Tobyhanna Mills, Pa. Nathaniel married Ellen Scott and resided in the township. He was the father often children, viz., — John W., Albert, Sa- rah, Lydia, James, Mary, George, Eliza, Thomas MONRO K COUNTY. 1271 and Elizabeth. Andrew married Lydia Bond and resides in the township. Hannah, the wife of A. Berry, resided in the township until her death. Samuel G. married Asenith Letter and resided on the homestead. He is the father of eleven chil- dren, viz. ,— Mary. Annie. Harriet, John S.. Sarah, Susan, Charles, Arabella, Isabella, Joseph E. and Martha. Jacob Blakeslee married Rachel White, and moved to Tobyhanna township in 1812. They were the parents of three children, — William, .Ja- cob aDd John. Of these, Jacob married Clara Winters and resides on the homestead. He is the father of eleven children, viz., — Franklin P., Austin, Malvin, Howard, Emelia, Harriet, Stew- art, M. Cora, Rachel, Albert D. and Minnie. Ira Winters came from Connecticut and settled in 1812 on a tract of land in Tobyhanna town- ship, now the property of Samuel Hays. He was a resident of the township until his death. He had eight children, viz.: John, Clara, Washington, Robert, Jude A., Sarah, Ira and Burton. John married Elizabeth Sanders and lived in the town- ship during his life He had ten children, viz. : Clara, Sarah A., Henry, Catharine, Robert, Thomas, j Elizabeth, Hiram, Charles and Elmira Sarah married John Bieseckerand resided in the township until her death. Ira married Eliza Hays and re- sides in the township. He is the father of nine children, viz.: Burton, Phoebe, Maria, Matilda, Emma J., Samuel, Ann, Amanda and Walter. Robert Newell settled in 1812 in Tobyhanna township, on a tract of land now owned by Alex- ander McKean. He came from New Jersey. After residing here a number of years he moved to Wisconsin with his entire family, except James, who now resides in Chestnuthill township. In Tuukhannock township the majority of early settlers remained but a short time and then re- moved to other parts. There are, however, two families who entered at an early date, whose de scendants still reside there. Peter Merwine married Susanna Denton and in 1804 moved from Chestnuthill township and settled in what is now Tunkhannock township. He continued to live in this township until his death. He was the father of ten children, viz.: John, Jacob, Denton, Fannie, Amanda, George W., Peter, Mary A., Sarah and William. Of these, George W. married Sarah A. Wainer and resides in the township. He is the father of seven chil- dren, viz.: Delilah, Josiah, Wilson, Luther, Ed- win, Marshall and Emma. Peter married Eliza- beth Colt and resided on the homestead. He is the father of three children, — Irvin J., Vincent O. and Alvin. George Altemose came from Chestnuthill township and settled in Tunkhannock township in 1830. He continued a resident of the township until his death. He was the father of fourteen children, viz. : Jacob E., William, Henry, George, Julia A., Daniel, Perry, Carl, Charles, Sarah A., Irvin, Stewart, Thomas and Emory. Of these, Jacob E, married Julia A. Bowser and resides in the township and has eleven children. Thomas married Maria Knecht and lives in the township. He has six children. Although Coolbaugh is the oldest of these three townships, its first permanent settlements occurred at a period later than t lie other two. Among the first who came to this township was John P. Wood- ling, who settled here in 1829. He came from New York City accompanied by his wife, whose maiden-name whs Jane Chambers. He continued a resident of this township until his death. He was the father of eight children, viz.: Henrietta, Emiline, Ann, Sarah, William, Henry, James and Josiah Ann marrhd James Welsh, and Sarah, Edward Black. Both reside in the township. William lives in Jackson township. Henry resides in Barrett township. Josiah married Emiline Er- good and lives on the homestead. He is the father of four children. John Pope and wife came from New York City and settled in the township in 1829. They re- mained residents of the township until their deaths. The land on which they settled is now owned by Jonathan Coftinan. Joseph Wilton came to the township in 1829 from New York City. He married Matilda Vliet and still resides here. He is the father of six children, viz.: John J , Mary E., Joseph, Melissa, Henry S. and George G. John Gearhart came from Jackson township and settled in Coolbaugh about the year 1830. He was a resident of the township at the time of his death. He had eight children, viz. : Rebecca, Philip, Christine, Mary, Emiline, Jacob, "William 1272 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. and Jane. Philip and Jacob reside in Wayne County. Mary, wife of Lambert Fry, lives in Wayne County. William married Margaret Stiff and resides on the homestead. He has had seven children. Jane, wife of William Nye, resides in the township. Jasper Vliet settled in the township about 1830. He spent the remainder of his life in this region. He was married to Sarah Burritt and had seven children, viz.: Rebecca, Abraham, David, Matilda, John, Gideon and Jasper. Abraham, John and Jasper are dead. John Wolf now owns the land on which the elder Jasper Vliet settled. William Madden came from New York City and settled in this township in 1831. He married Margaret Ohern and resided in the township until his death. He was the father of ten children, viz.: John (of Reading), Timothy (of Wisconsin), Thomas (of Wayne County), William, Catharine, Mary, Margaret, Anna, Ellen and Lizzie. Daniel Callahan came from New York City and settled in the township in 1832. His wife's maiden-name was Margaret Welsh. They resided in the township until their deaths. They had six children, viz.: Johu, Margaret, Ellen, Jeremiah, Ann, Daniel. Of these, John resides in Wayne County and Daniel in the township. Jeremiah Galviu came from New York City in 1834 and resided in this township during the rest of his life. He was the father of four children, viz.: Margaret, Catharine, Patrick and Dennis. Of these, Patrick, unmarried, resides in the town- ship. The homestead is now owned by Francis Stine. Oliver D. Smith moved from Stroud township into Coolbaugh in 1835. He was married to Ellen Trieble and resided in the township during the re- mainder of his life. He had five children, viz.: Lewis, Frank, Martin L., George T. and Effie. Lewis married Carrie Lasher and resides in the township. Frank lives in Paradise township. Martin L. resides in East Stroudsburg, Pa. George T. married Ellie Heller and resides in the township ; and Eftie, wife of Emanuel Detrick, lives in Stroud township. Samuel Warren came from Hartford, Conn., and settled in Coolbaugh township in 1836. He was married to Frances Shurley and had eleven children, viz. : Mary A., Hiram, Emiline , Han- nah, William, John, Alford, Ann M., Samuel and Jerome. Of these, Hiram married Lavina Letherman, and resides on the homestead. He is the father of seven children. William married Elizabeth Ace, and John, Lydia E Compton. Both live in the township. Ann M., wife of Michael Flinn, resides in the township. Roads. — In early times four roads of consider- able importance were constructed running through this region. The Sullivan road was cut through by soldiers under the command of General Sulli- van, in 1779, in their efforts to' reach Wyoming Valley before the massacre. They started from Easton and cut their path as they went. A por- tion of this road is still in use. The Easton and Wilkes-Barre turnpike was built in 1816, and is in good repair at the present. The Drinker family originally owned a large tract of land in this vicinity. A road was cut through by this family for the purpose of opening this land. It was named Drinker turnpike, in honor of this family. The North and South turnpike (formerly called the Easton and Bel- mont) was a road extending from Easton to Bel- mont. All of these roads are now in good re- pair and numerous others have been built in later times. The following is a list of supervisors who have served in Coolbaugh township since 1840 : 1X40. John Gearhart. Jeremiah Galvin. 1841. John Callahan. Jasper Vliet. 1S42. James Johnson. John Callahan. 1843. Dennis Galviu. Jasper Vliet. 1S45. John Pope. Samuel Warner. 1846. George Keiple. Samuel Warner. 1847. George Keiple. Jasper Vliet. 1848. Levi Courtright. Hiram Warner. 1849. Levi Courtright. Hiram Warner. 1850. Hiram Warner. J. P. Gearhart. 1851. Hiram Warner. J. P. Gearhart. 1852. Hiram Warner. David Yothers. 1853. W. B. Thompson. Peter P. Smoke. 1854. Hiram Warner. Peter P. Smoke. 1855. Benj. Vanhorn. Hiram Warner. 1856. Hiram Warner. Joseph Wilton. 1857. Joseph Wilton. Burrett Vliet. 1858. Hiram Warner. Josiah Dowling. 1859. Patrick Galvin. Josiah Dowling. 1860. Patrick Galvin. Josiah Dowling. 1861. Hiram Warner. Wm. Buekley. 1862. Hiram Warner. James Welsh. Hiram Warner. James Welsh. Hiram Warner. Daniel Callahan. 1X63. MONROE COUNTY. 1865. Daniel McCarty. 1876. C. W. Transue. Joseph Wilton. 1877. J. Sausenbaugh. 1866. Daniel McCarty. Hiram Warner. W. B. Thompson. 187S- J. Sausenbaugh. 1867. W. B. Thompson. Christian Kresge. Simon Gruber. 1879. C. Kresge. 1868. Hiram Warner. John H. Pope. Thomas Frantz. 1880. P. Minegham. 1869. Hiram Warner. Hiram Warner. P. W. Schleicker. 1881. Francis Stine. 1870. C. W. Transue. Baldus Gleogler. James Welsh. 1882. Francis Stine. 1872. James Welsh. Wm. G. Ney. C. W. Transue. 1883. John H. Pope. 1873. James Welsh. Kobert Dailey. C. W. Transue. 1884. Kobert Dailey. 1874. C. W. Transue. James Welsh. Josiah Dowling. 1885. John Dreher. 1875. C. W. Transue. Robert Dailey. C. Kresge. 1886. Robert. Dailey. 1876. PI. Warner. John Dreher. The following persons Iiave been elected super- visors in Tobyhanna tow aship since 1840 : 1840. P. Greeuamyer. 1858. Christian Stout. Fred. Brotzman. A. Eschenbach. 1841. P. Greenamyer. 1859. Christian Stout. Conrad Dotterer. A. Eschenbach. 1842. Kobert Newell. 1860. Jacob Learn. Fred. Knecht. Jackson Stein. 1843. Robert Newell. 1861. Jacob Learn. Robert C. Sleath. S. A. Eschenbach 1844. P. Greenamyer. W. Winters. Fred. Knecht. 1862. Peter Learn. 1845. A. Eschenbach. Wm. Ebaugh. P. Greenamyer. S. G. Eschenbach 1846. A. Eschenbach. 1863. F. P. Miller. 1847. James Newell. S. (i. Eschenbach <). Altemose. John Biesecker. 1848. A. Eschenbach. 1864. Jacob Blakeslee. G. Altemose. John Stiger. 1849. James Newell. Samuel Hay. George Bouser. 1865. Jacob Blakeslee. 1850. Charles Hauser. Samuel Hay. Wm. James. Eli Utt. 1851. Abraham Butz. 1866. Jacob Blakeslee. John Shiner. Isaac Stauffer. 1852. Abraham Butz. Joshua McKeel. Charles Hauser. 1867. Frank Adams. 1853. Christian Stout. Joshua McKeel. Peter Merwine. Hiram Hay. 1854. Silas Blower. 1868. A. H. Parr. John Smith. Jacob Bouser. 1855. Christian Stout. Jacob Searfass. Peter Bouser. 1869 Jacob Bouser. 1856. Christian Stout. Jacob Smith. Jacob Learn. Jonah Dieter. is.".; John Woolshier. W. Shiner. Jacob Learn. J. Smith 1869. J. Christman. 1870. D. K. Messinger. S. G. Eschenbach John Schuyler. 1872. Jonas Hay. Henry Wildrieh. Jas. Eschenbach. 1873. Wm. Bouser. Wm. Shifter. Edward Bush. 1874. Samuel Hay. Wm. Shifter. Michael Smith. 1875. H. Eschenbach. Thos. Winters. Wm. Hay. 1876. Thos. Winters. H. Eschenbach. 1877. Thus. Winters. Jacob Smith. Solomon Bouser. 1878. Jackson Stine. H. Eschenbach. John Motz. The following persons have been elected super- visors in Tunkhannoek township since its erection 1879. Jonas Christman. Jackson Stine. H. Eschenbach. 1880. Jonas Hay. H. Eschenbach. Jackson Stine. 1881. Edwin Hawk. S. Eschenbach. H. C. Eschenbach. John Elmeker. Edwin Hawk. J. D. Smith. Edwin Hawk. J. E. Eschenbach. Jacob De Haven. Edward Hawk. John Elnimiger. Jacob Smith. Samuel Smith. J. E. Eschenbach. John Hays. Jacob L. Smith. Jacob De Haven. Edward Hawk. lss^ is-:;. 1S84. is.se. 185s. 1 s.V.i. ISI',11. 1856. S. Mildenberger. G. W. Merwine. 1857. 8. Mildenberger. G. W. Merwine. S. Mildenberger. Jacob Altemose. S. Mildenberger. Jacob Altemose. S. Mildenberger. Jacob Altemose. 1861. Wellington Sox. Abraham Butz. 1862. Abraham Butz. S. Mildenberger. 1863. George Bouser. S. Mildenberger. 1864. George Bouser. P. Greenamoyer. 1865. George Altemose. P. Greenamoyer. 1866. George Altemose. P. Greenamoyer. 1867. G. W. Merwine. Benj. F. Shater. 1868. Benj. F. Shafer. Peter Bouser. 1869. George Altemose. P. Greenamoyer. John Bouser. Joseph Norton. 1S72. 1874. 1 S75. 870. James Kresge. Levi Knecht. Levi Knecht. James Kresge. James Kresge. Levi Knecht. ( i. W. Merwine. Andrew Wrick. 1876. Andrew Wrick. G. W. Merwine. 1877. Andrew Wrick. Levi Knecht. 1878. James Kresge. Levi Knecht. 1879. W. H. Keenholt. James Kresge. 1880. W. H. Keenholt. Reuben Keiber. Levi Knecht. Peter Bouser. Levi Knecht. Peter Bouser. 1883. Wm. Keenholt. Charles Bouser. 1884. P. G. Henning. Michael Heller. 1885. Henry George. Wm. Keenholt. 1886. James Kresge. Frank Keiper. lssi. 1SS2. Religious Matters. — On account of the sparse population in this region, the early settlers were 1274 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. here many years before a church was built. In the meantime, however, divine worship was not neglected, but the inhabitants met in one another's houses and ottered up their petitions to their Maker. The erection of school buildings also afforded places of worship until a more favorable time for building a church. At present there are four neat and commodious churches in use, and one in the caurse of erection. There is also a Baptist Church in Coolbaugh town- ship, which is no longer used. Two of these churches are located in Tobyhanna Mills, and two in Tobyhanna township. The Methodist Episcopal Church located at Tobyhanna Mills was constructed in 1864 and 1865. Previous to this time meetings were held in the school-house In 1853 the first minister was sent to this charge from the Philadelphia Confer- ence. From this time till 1865 it was a mission station, and received fifty dollars per year from the Conference. In 1864 it was decided to build a church, and I. S. Case, Charles Dill and Rev. George Greenfield were appointed a building com- mittee. Under their supervision a neat, one-story building, twenty-eight by forty-five feet, was erect- ed. The cost of the building was three thousand dollars. The land and about half the cost was contributed by the Tobyhanna and Lehigh Lumber Company. The dedication services were conducted by George Peck, D.D., LL.D., and S. S. Grove, the pastor in charge. The following ministers have officiated from its erection to the present time : Revs. Greenfield, Grove, Ayars, Edwards, Gilling- ham, Maclary, McDowell, Collom, Joseph Bicker- ton. Jabez Bickerton, Horwell and Karnes. The present membership numbers thirty six. A pros- perous Sunday-school, numbering one hundred scholars, under the superintendence of N. 8. Brit- tain, is connected with the church. The first trustees were Samuel Case Simon Gruver, Joseph Holland, I. S. Case and Charles Dill. The other church, located at Tobyhanna Mills, is a Catholic Church. The building was erected about 1868. It is a neat, one-story structure, thirty by forty feet, and cost about two thousand dollars. Divine services are held once a month by Rev. Manley. The membership of this church at present numbers about thirty. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Blakeslee, Tobyhanna township, was built in 1852. Previous to this year religious meetings in this township were held in the school-houses. In 1852 the need of a church was keenly felt and a building com- mittee was appointed. This committee erected a neat structure, forty by fifty feet, at a cost of six- teen hundred dollars. The dedication services were performed by Presiding Elder Sheppard and Frederick Ulmau, the pastor in charge. The first trustees were Jacob Blakeslee, Washington Win- ters, Jude A. Winters and William Ebaugh. The following ministers have been stationed here since : Frederick Ulman, Revs. Lewis, Staples, Baldwin, Eckman, Ware, Wright, Malsberry, Woodruff, Laycock, Laush, Paddoc, Molt, Houck, Gill, Ste- phens and Frisby. The present membership is about seventy. A Sunday-school, in good condi- tion, is connected with the church. The Reformed Church at Hauser's Mills was erected and dedicated in 1884. The dedication services were conducted by Rev. D. Y. Heisler, of Easton," assisted by Rev. G. W. Kershner, of Stroudsburg, and Rev. Frank Smith, the pastor in charge. The building is a neat structure, thirty by sixty feet, one story high. The cost of the build- ing was about two thousand two hundred dollars. At present there is no pastor stationed here. Permis- sion, however, is granted to the Methodists to have services twice a month. The membership of this church numbers about one hundred. Schools. — The first school house in this region was built in 1831, at what was formerly called Soxville, in Tobyhanna township. It was a small building, constructed of logs. Miss Sarah Win- ters presided as the first teacher. The school law passed in 1834 had the effect of hastening other school buildings. Some of these are still standing, but are no longer used for school purposes. In- stead of these, new buildings have been erected in convenient locations. In this region there are now fourteen schools, containing five hundred and forty nine pupils. Six male and eight female teachers are employed, to whom the sum of $1831.62 is annually paid. The average school term is five months. These schools receive a State appropriation of $438.53. The total tax for school and building purposes is 81558.02. The following is a list of school directors who have served since 1840 in Coolbaugh township : MONROE COUNTY. 1840. 1841. .1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 184G. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. George Keiple. Abraham Yetter. Wm. Roach. Dennis Galvin. Oliver D. Smith. Samuel Warner. John P. Dowling. John M. Mogus. Wm. Roach. Samuel Warner. Benj. Vanhorn. Chas. M. Warner. John P. Dowling. Melchior Spragle. Oliver D. Smith. Simon Gruber. Samuel Warner. Jasper Vliet. John P. Dowling. Daniel Callahan. Joseph Meyers. Jasper Vliet. S. Gruber. R. W. Keiple. Jesse Weiss. Henry Miller. Nathan Houck. Joseph Wilton. Benj. Vanhorn. Joel B. Vliet. W. B. Thompson. John Warner. John Rosner. Hiram Warner. Daniel McCarty. John Warner. Wm.B. Thompson. Joseph Hallet. Jer. Callahan. Benj. Vanhorn. Hiram Warner. Joel B. Vliet. Theo. Brodhead. W. B. Thompson. Joseph A. Hallet. Charles Hebard. Daniel McCarthy. Joel B. Vliet. 1865. 1806. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. C. H. Dill. Joseph Wilton. Hiram Warner. W. B. Thompson. Theo. Brodhead. John Wolf. Isaac S. Case. James Welsh. Hiram Warner. John Warner. James A. Young. Josiah Dowling. John Callahan. Andrew Sebring. Hiram Warner. John H. Teets. Edward Black. Jas. Wilson, Jr. Dennis Galvin. James R. Dixon. Hiram Warner. H. A. Harper. Josiah Dowling. A. Cran. H. Warner. Albert Neipert. James Wilson. John Callahan. John Lurch. Josiah Dowling. Dennis Galvin. .Tanus Wilson. Barney O'Rourke. John Lynch. Augustus Nipert. W. W. Brodhead. Josiah Dowling. Josiah Dowling. Augustus Nipert. H. M. Compton. Barney O'Rourke. L. J. Hockriue. John Lynch. D. S. Bisbing. R. Friland. Barney O'Rourke. H. M. Compton. The following persons have been elected school directors iu Tobyhanna township since 1840 : 1840. Stephen Gould. John Nicket. 1841. Samuel Bond. George Muir. 1842. Robert Newell. Wash'n Winters. 1844. Thos. Woolshier. Peter Bouser. 1845. Wash'n Winters. Wm. Ebaugh. 1846. Philip Albert. Fred'k P. Miller. 1847. S. E. Eschenbach. Frederick Knecht. 1848. Washington Sox. Wm. Ebaugh. 1849. I860. 1851. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. Wellington Sox. Chas. Hauser. Garret Albertson. Abraham Butz. W. Winters. W. Clack. S. G. Eschenbach. Peter Merwine. Wm. Ebaugh. John White. Hiram Blower. Jude Winters. Fred'k P. Miller. Peter Kinney. Hiram Blower. Jude A. Winters. S. G. Eschenbach. Jacob Blakeslee. Peter L. Kinney. Samuel Hay. Hiram Blower. Jude A. Winters. Samuel Hay. 8. G. Eschenbach. Jacob Blakeslee. Peter L. Kinney. Daniel Newell. Edward Bush. S. < f. Eschenbach. Samuel Hay. S. G. Eschenbach. Samuel Hay. Fred'k P. Miller. Wm. Bouser. Edward Bush. Robert Warner. S. < r. Eschenbach. Jackson Stine. 1870. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. L876. 1877. 1878. 1879. I SMI 1881. 1882. 1*85. 1886. Fred'k P. Miller Edward Shaler. S. G. Eschenbach. Isaac Stauffer. Jackson Stine. Fred'k P. Miller. Jacob Blakeslee. Win. Shifter. Isaac Stauffer. Wm. Maelary. Jacob Blakeslee. Robert Warner. Thomas Winters. Peter Kinney. Isaac Stauffer. Samuel Stiger. Jacob Blakeslee. Robert Warner. Peter Kinney. Samuel Hays. Isaac Stauffer. George Wagner. S. < i. Eschenbach. Jacob Blakeslee. Henry Wildrich. Peter L. Kinney. . Isaac Stauffer. Thomas Winters. George Wagner. Edward Hawk. Wm. Bouser. Jacob Blakeslee Thomas Miller. Isaac Stauffer. Thomas Miller. George Wagner. Edward Hawk. The following persons have been elected school directors in Tunkhannock township since its erec- tion : 1856. Peter Merwine. Chas. Bauer. John Keisci. Wm. Christman. Henry Keenhold. Abraham Butz. 1857. P. I Ireenamoyer. Solomon Berger. 1858. Charles Bauer. P. Greenamoyer. 1859. S- Mildenberger, Henry Keenhold. 1860. Wm. Merwine. Ephraim Shott, Wellington Sox. 1861. Reuben Bouser. 1X61. Wellington Sox. 1862. Abraham Butz. S. Mildenberger. 1863. F. Christman. Perry Sox. 1864. Peter Merwine. Wellington Sox. 1865. J. E. Altemose. P. Greenamoyer. 1866. Geo. Altemose. Benj. F. Shafer. 1867. Peter Merwine. B. F. Shafer. 1868. P. Greenamoyer. Fred'k Keenhold. 1869. Mathias George. 127G WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. 1 SSI I. ISM. 1879. Jacob E. Altemose. P. G. Henning. J. J. Merwine. Daniel Klase. Hiram Hay. Geo. Keenhold. Aaron Bouser. 1882. J. E. Altemose. Amos Keiper. 1883. P. G. Henning. John Knecht. Amandus Keiper. 1884. Geo. Keenhold. O. J. Kistler. L885. J. E. Altemose. Aaron Bouser. 1886. Geo. Bouser. Frank Keiper. 1869. Geo. L. Altemose. Perry Altemose. Peter Merwine. 1870. Reuben B. Bouser. John Bouser. 1872. Geo. L. Altemose. W. H. Keenhold. 1873. Perry Altemose. James Kresge. 1874. John Wrick. Michael Heller. 1875. Peter Merwine. Joseph Bouser. 1876. Amos Keiper. Joseph Newhart. Alvin Merwine. 1877. Andrew Wrick. Michael Heller. 1878. George Keenhold. Manufactories. — This region is well timbered, and on this account most of its manufactories are for the conversion of logs into boards and other marketable merchandise. Various saw-mills have been erected since its settlement of which no data can be obtained. It is very probable that the first saw-mill in this district was erected by Jasper Vlietat Long Pond in 1820. This saw-mill, as well as many others in this region, has not been used for some years. The manufactories at the present time consist of five saw-mills, three clothes- pin factories, a shoe-peg factory, a planing-mill and a silk-mill. The Tobyhanna and Lehigh Lumber Company are the owners of one of the saw-mills, a clothes pin factory, the planing-mill and silk-mill. ( >n the site of the present saw-mill several others have stood. This one was built in 1865. It stands on a bank of the Tobyhanna Creek, within the limits of Tobyhanna Millls. The creek affords easy fa- cilities for booming the logs. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad passing close by it affords an easy transfer of its produce to market. The capacity of the mill is twelve mil- lion feet per annum. In operating it fifty-one men are employed. The planing-mill was built by the same firm in 1858 and rebuilt in 1862. A rail track connects this mill with the saw-mill, and the boards are easily transferred from one mill to the other. Its facilities are excellent and could be improved on in no way. Eight men are employed in its opera- tion. In 1881 this company built a clothes-pin and shoe-peg factory in one building. This was de- stroyed by fire in 1882, when the present clothes- pin factory was erected. It is situated in Toby- hanna Mills, in close proximity to the other mills. This factory is believed to be the largest clothes- pin factory in the United States, four sets of ma- chinery being in use. It is run on full time and the average number employed is thirty-two. For the successful management of these manu- factories the Tobyhanna and Lehigh Lumber Company employ fifty-five other men in various capacities. In addition to these, many other men arc employed by contractors, to whom a large amount of work is given yearly by this company. In connection with their industries here is a saw- mill at Tannery, Carbon County, with a capacity of seven million and a half feet per annum, the timber for which is principally supplied from Coolbaugh township. A silk-mill was erected at Tobyhanna Mills in 1883 by this company. It is leased and run by the Standard Silk Company. The building is a wooden structure, forty-three by two hundred and twenty-five feet. The silk is received in original packages from Italy and Japan. At this mill it is spun and prepared for weaving, when it is shipped away. From seventy-five to one hundred persons are employed in it. Isaac Stauffer owns a saw-mill, a shoe peg factory and clothes-pin fac- tory, all of which are located at Hauser's Mills. The saw-mill was erected in 1851 by Charles Hauser. By him it was conveyed to Isaac Stauffer, the present owner, who has thoroughly re- paired it. The mill is constantly run and affords employment to about a dozen men. The clothes- pin factory was erected by him in 1876. He has operated it on full time from its erection to the present date. Steam and water-power are used to run it. About thirty persons are engaged in oper- ating it. The shoe-peg factory was built in 1882 by Mr. Stauffer and has been in full operation ever since. It is the only shoe peg factory in the county at the pr sent time. It is run by steam. There are about thirty persons employed in it. Thomas Miller is the owner of a saw-mill and clothes-pin factory situated in Millerstown. These manufactories were constructed by Timothy Miller and by him conveved to William Wallace in 1879. MONROE COUNTY. 1277 Iu 1884 they were purchased of William Wallace by Thomas Miller, the present owner. The saw- mill was built in 1862 on the Tunkhannock Creek. The mill is well adapted and located. It is run on full time and affords employment to about a dozen men. The clothes-pin factory is situated in the same neighborhood. It was built in 1884. Mr. Miller runs the mill at its full ca- pacity and employs about forty persons. Peter Merwine and Amos Koch are the owners of the other two saw-mills, both of which are in Tunk- hannock township. They are portable steam saw- mills, and when lumber is scarce in one neighbor- hood they are taken to another. Peter Merwine has run his since 1868 and Amos Koch since 1885. About a dozen men are employed to run each of them. Justices of the Peace.— The following is a list of the persons who have been elected justices of the peace in Coolbaugh township since 1840 : 1840. Oliver D. Smith. 1842. Samuel Warner. 1843. Melchior Spragle. 1846. Samuel Warner. 1850. Nathan Houck. 1851. Win. Thompson. 1852. Simon Gruber. 1853. Richard Stillwell. 1854. Joseph Mover. Joel B. Vliet. 1855. David Cobb. Wm. 1!. Thompson, 1856. Charles Warner. 1857. Isaac S. Case. Joel B. Vliet. 185S. Joseph Hallet. The following justices of the peace have been elected in Tobyhanna township : 1859. Wm. B. Thompson. 1863. Isaac S. Case. 1864. John P. Dowling. 1868. C. H. Dill. 1869. D. K. Goodenough. John P. Dowling. 1870. John H. Teets. 1873. J. R. Desimer. 1874. Daniel McCarty. 1875. Aaron Price. 1876. A. Sebring. 1879. Daniel McCarty. 1880. J. C. Forsyth. 1881. L. J. Hochrine. 1883. D. B. Vliet. 1886. L. J. Hochrine. 1840. Robert Newell. 1845. Philip Hoffman. 1850. W. Winters. John White. 1851. James Newell. S. G. Eschenbach. 1853. William Adams. 1856. S. G. Eschenbach Joseph Hauser. 1859. William Ebaugh. 1860. John Biesecker. 1861. Jacob Blakeslee. The following is a list of the persons who have been elected justices of the peace in Tunkhannock township since its erection : 1861. S. G. Eschenbach. 1866. Jacob Blakeslee. S. G. Eschenbach. 1870. Jonas Christman. S. G. Eschenbach. 1870. Jacob Blakeslee. S. G. Eschenbach. 1881. Jacob Blakeslee. Randal Bisbing. 1882. Jouas Christman. 1880. Jacob Blakeslee. 1870. Jacob E. Altemose. 1872. Peter Merwine. Joseph Norton. 1873. Jacob E. Altemose. 1874. Geo. W. Merwine. 1876. Joseph Newhart. 1878. Joseph Smith. 1879. Geo. W. Merwine. 1883. Joseph H. Smith. 1886. J. E. Altemose. A. K. Meschter. 1850. Charles Bauer. Peter Merwine. 1858. S. Muldenberger. 1860. Geo. W. Merwine. 1801. James Keiper. 1862. Wellington Sox. 1803. David P. Newhart. 1864. Wm. D. Christman. 1805. F. Christman. 1866. Benj. F. Shafer. Geo. W. Merwine. 1870. James Kresge. Post-Offices.— The first post-office in this dis- trict was undoubtedly established at Naglesville. The date, however, cannot be obtained. In 1865 Simon Gruver was appointed postmaster, and the name of the office changed to Tobyhanna Mills. Simon Gruver was succeeded by Samuel Case, I. S. Case, Samuel Shaw and N. S. Brittain, the present incumbent. With the exception of Stroudsburg, it is the only money-order office in the county. In 1848 a post-office was established at Forks, under the name of New Mount Pleasant. Oliver D. Smith was appointed postmaster. He was suc- ceeded by Joseph Myers, Theodore Brodhead, Jacob B. Teel, Lewis Smith, James AVilson, D. C. Yothers and Lewis Smith, the present incumbent. In 1864 the name of the office was changed to Forks, and later on to Mount Pocono, the present name. Iu 1879 a post-office was established at Hauser's Mills, and Mrs. Isaac Staurler was ap- pointed postmistress. The office has never been changed, and is still managed by Mrs. Stauffer. Drover's Home post-office was established August 21, 1882 Josiah Dowling was appointed post- master at that time, and still retains the position. Long Pond post-office was established July 1, 1883. Daniel Klase was the first postmaster. His successors were O. J. Kistler and John Bar- rail, the present incumbent. In 1884 a post-office was established at Blakeslee. In honor of Jacob Blakeslee, the first and only postmaster, it was named Blakeslee. In 1879 a post office was estab- lished at Pocono, Coolbaugh township. Reuben Newhart was appointed postmaster. He was suc- ceeded by John McCormick, the present incum- bent. Hotels and Boardixu-Houses. — In the town- ships of Coolbaugh, Tobyhanna and Tunkhannock there are at present ten hotels and five boarding- houses. The hotels are conducted by the follow- 1278 WAYNE, PIKE AND MONROE COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA. ing proprietors: Josiab Dowling & Bro., at Drov- er's Hume; James Wilson, at Forks; W. H. Everett, at Mount Pocono ; H. F. Krauter, at Tobyhanna Mills ; John McCormick, at Pocono ; Isaac Stauffer, at Houser's Mills ; Catharine Shif- fer, at Blaktshe; John Elminiger, in Tobyhanna township ; S. F. Larzalere, at Long Pond ; and Frank P. Meckes, in Tunkhannock township. All of these hotels are kept in an excellent man- ner, and good accommodations are afforded to man and beast. During the summer mouths many of them are filled with summer boarders in search of health and pleasure, both of which are to be ob- tained in this region. The boarding-houses are conducted by the following gentlemen : E. E. Hooker & Son are the owners of the largest board- ing-house in this neighborhood, situated a short distance from Forks, and can afford good accom- modations to one hundred guests; William Case's boarding-house is located at Tobyhanna Mills, and affords accommodations to fifty persons; David Yliet's boarding-house is at Forks, and accornrno dates forty guests ; William Heller's boarding- house is located at Forks, and affords accommoda- tion to forty guests ; Samuel Warner's boarding- house is located at Forks, and accommodates thirty guests. The boarding-houses are newly built on fine locations and fitted up with modern appliances. Many persons are attracted here an- nually by the healthy location, (being two thousand feet above the sea-level), the beauty of the scenery and the good accommodations afforded them by the proprietors of the hotels and boarding-houses. Villages. - Tobyhanna Mills, the largest vil- lage in this section of the country, is pleasantly lo- cated near the centre of Coolbaugh township. The laud on which it is situated was originally owned by the Drinker family, of whom the Tobyhanna and Lehigh Lumber Company purchased forty thou- sand acres, including the present town. By them lots were sold and buildings erected. I. S. Case superintended the general laying out of the town. The cause of the rapid growth of this village is the industries of the Tobyhanna and Lehigh Lumber Company. The first house erected within the present site of Tobyhanna Mills was a log one, erected by Jasper Vliet. The village was formerly called Naglesville, in honor of George Nagle, a man from Philadelphia, who opened the first store here, and also built a small water-power saw-mill about 1840. The village afterwards received its present name from the Indian name for the stream flowing by it. The town contains a Methodist Episcopal Church and a Catholic Church, a post- office, a depot and freight-house, three stores (run respectively by The Tobyhanna aud Lehigh Lumber Company ; D. G. Callahan and W. W. Brodhead), a clothes-pin factory, sawmill, a planing-mill, a silk-mill, a graded school contain- ing three departments, a hotel, a boarding-house and a number of minor industries. The popula- tion at the present is estimated at about eight hun- dred. Forks Station is a hamlet situated in the south- eastern part of Coolbaugh township. It contains a depot and freight-house of the D. L & W. R R., a post office, two hotels, two (stores, run respec- tively by C. R. Andre and F. E. Place), a bottling establishment, three boarding-houses and about twenty dwellings. The village is increasing, and is visited yearly by numbers of summer boarders. Tompkinsville, Hauser's Mills and Millertown are three villages in Tobyhanna township, lying contiguous to one another. Within the space which they cover are a post-office, a hotel, three stores (managed respectively by Isaac Stauffer, Thomas Miller aud James Werkheiser), two clothes- pin factories, two saw-mills, a shoe peg factory, a blacksmith aud wheelwright shop and about fifty dwellings. Blakeslee is the name of a small settlement on the Easton and Wilkes-Barre turnpike, in the northwestern part of Tobyhanua township. It contains a store run by Jacob Blakeslee, a post- office, a church and about fifteen dwellings. It was named in honor of Jacob Blakeslee. / INDEX. Abraham, George, 485. Adams, George L., 119ft Agricultural Society, the, of Wayne County, 267. Alberty.W. X., 604. Alexander, John M., Esq., 1ST. Allen, David, 741. Allen, George W., Es |., 190. Allen, Horatio. 238-239-240. Allen, John I., Esq. 180. Ames, Henry C, 553. Ames, Jacob S., 6>I7. Appley, Luther, M.D., 199. Appley. William L., M.D., 199. Appley, William W., M. D., 21)0. Archbald, James, 243 Armstrong, Thomas. 897. Attorneys, of Wayne County, 147 ; roster of, 153 ; of Pike County, 840 ; ot Monroe, 993. Authors of Old Wayne, 393. Avery, Dr. Otis, 219. Baker, Geo. E., 614. Baker, Harry T., 845. Banking— Honesdalc, 35 1 i ; Stroudsburg, 11 i-l.ury, Simon, 11211. Barrett; township of: Early settlers, 1203; roads, supervisors uf, 1205; schools, hotels, post-offices, 1200; villages, lodges, civil list, manufacturing, 1267 ; religious matter, 1208. Brush, Stephen, 343. Beardslee, 11. B., Esq., 187, 380. Beach, J. Howard, 47s. Hell, Hon. Ihos. A., 992. Bell, T. A., 1105. Bench and Bar: Of Wayne County, 139; of Pike County, S40; of Monroe County, 989. Bently, Geo. ¥., Esq., 181. Berlin, township of: Erection of, 511 ; indus- trial growth, 514 ; first post-offices, churches, Bethany made the seat of justice of W r ayne, 112. Bethany, borough of, 4S9 ; county-seat, 489 ; return of the courts, 491 ; Solomon Tice murder, 492 ; early settlers, 493 ; Jason Torrey, 494; first newspaper in Wayne, 496 ; churches, 499 ; first Sunday-school] 506 ; first death, 491 ; Beech Woods Acad- ■iii y, Biilla.U, W. W., SSI. Bishop, John, 493. Bossert, Philip, 38, 43, 47. Blooming Grove, township of, 974. Brandt. Joseph i Mohawk chief), tirst appears in Upper Miuisittk, SI ; sketch of, s:i n >; 0,1.1s [he Indians in battle of the Lacka- Brady, BobtW., M.D.,214. Brodhead, Thos., 1103. Brodbead, Daniel, Jr., gives warning of pres- ence of New England agents, 57, 5S, 511; Brodhead, Huuicl, attacked by Indians, 37. Brodhead, Daniel (third), career of, in Bevolu- Luke w.. 1066. Brodhead, II. M„ S43. Brodhead family, 1056. Bro.'ks. E/.ra, Oos, Brown, Daniel H., Esq., 191. Brown, F. B., Esq., 191. Buckingham, township of: Erection of, 517; first settlement. Samuel Preston, 518; in- dustries, 525 ; Preston family, 520 ; roads, 524. Bunnell, Henry, S20. Bunnell..!. K., sj.7. Bunnell, Z. 51. P., 605. Bull. C. W.. S44. Burnett, II. m. Charlton, 990. Burnett, Rogers L , 997. Burson, Lewi- M., Esq., 999. Burns, Reed, M.D. 215. Bush, Dr Philip M., 1003. Bush, Dr. Lewis, 10114. Bush, Dr. Horace, 1004. Bush, Dr. I. B., 1005. Bushkill village, 927. Bushnell, Pope, 599. Butler, Zebulon, at bead of Wyoming Colony, 05. Butler, Albert, 012. , 542 ; Canaan Cor- Canaan, Soulh, township of : Err. I 1. ...'.. industries, 560 ; Allen murder, 502 : schools and churches, 663 : roads. 502. Cave, Orson, 591. Charters, of Connecticut, 54; of Pennsylvania, Chestnutb.iU, township of: Early settlement, 1218; early assessment, 1220; churches, 1221; SChOOiS, Villages, 1222 ; academy, so- cieties, mills, 1.23. Cherry Kidge, township of; Early settlement, 566; roads and post offices, 57o ; scl Is and churches, 571 ; tu-t null 570 Churches— In Honesdale, 399 ; Bethany, 499 ; Mt. Pleasant, 058 ; Manchester, 035 ; Pal- myra, 684; Lebanon, 620; Oregon, 072 ; Hawley, 690 , Scott, 7(n ; Starrucca, 723 Salem, 705 ; Lake, 7so ; Sterling, 795 ; Texas, 824; Clinton, 587; Waymart, 584; Berlin. 515; Milford, 873; Damascus, 166 Prompton, 152; S Canaan, 563 ; Cher- 1.1 Kidge, 571 ; Middle Smithfield, 1118; Stroudsburg, 1173; Stroud township, 1136 ; East Stroudsburg, 1195; Hamilton, 1215: Chestnuthi:i, 1221 ; Koss, 1227; Eldred, 1231 ; Polk, 1238; Jackson, 1241; Porouo, 1249; Price, 1253; Paradise, 1258; Barrett, 1268 Ciilliaueh, Tiil.yhauna and Tunkhannock, 127 I. Coal first used, 220 ; production of D. A n. C. d.'sinines, 245, 247. Cobb, C. S„ 775. Cobb, M. II., 396. Cole, P. J., 307. Collins, Lewis, M.D., 192, 571. Collins, Lucius, 572. Collins, Oristus, Esq., 104. John .dr.. Connecticut, charter of, 54 ; a-entsfrom, inter- est Smithfield residents, 57 ; jurisdiction of, extended over Wyoming, 68; settlers from, on W r allenpaupaek, 68. Coolbaugb, John, 1107. Coolbaugb, A. V., litis. Coolbaugb, Tobyhanna and Tunkhannock, settlers of, 1269 ; roads, supervisors of, 1272- churches, 1273 ; schools, 1274 ; directors, 1275 ; manufactoies, 1270 ; civil list, post- offices, hotels, 1277; village.-, 127s. Coons, Sidney, 329. Cory, David, 344. Countryman, Casper, murder of, 47. Courts of Wayne County, 139 ; of Pike, 834 of Monroe, 989. Craft, I. B„ SSI. Cramer, Belinda, 355. INDEX. Curtis, Geo. 11., M.D., 211. Cushutunk, Indian mime, 7 ; settlers from Connecticut arrive .it, 53 ; description of, by Gord Oil; proclamation against, by Gov- ernor Hamilton, 61 : description of, by Wil- l,:i,i,s",i. i:.:; : second proclamation against, Ik) ; third in. .. liiiimt I. Ti against, 04 ; exposed conditiouof, during Revolution, 77 ; hostili- ties at, 78. (lark, Perry A., 575. Cliff, Geo. E., 802. Clinton, township of; Early settlement, 576; churches, . r iS7 ; Lackawaxon turnpike, .".S7 ; schools, 888. D. Damascus township, erection of; Skinner, Daniel, great In.lian purchase, 444 ; village of, 41,1 ; Milanville, liln ; post-office, 463; Damascus tcademy, 404 ; St. Tammany's Lodge, li.:; ; iliiii'.'bis, li.". , Galilea, Patrons of lliisiiaii.li j, 47"; Branningville, Boyd s Mills, 471. Davis, Hon. William, 994. Day, Stephen, 59S. Day, Lewis, 610. Delaware Kiver, 1063. Delaware Water Gap, 1004. Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, 220-249. Delaware* (see Indians). Delaware Company, 57 ; first settlement by, 59 ; townships in purchase of, 70. Delaware River, Indian name of, 7. Delaware, township of, 9u7. Dentistry, 218. Denton, Win. F., M.D., 210. Denn, Sergeant Leonard, murder of, by Iu- Depui, Nicholas, settlement by, in Minisiuk, J. 14, 17. 1049 J fiiinil.v of, 1051. Depui, Samuel, letter of alarm from (1758), 50. Depui, Aaron, report of, on Cusbutunk, Oil, 61. De Puy, Robert R., 1150. Dickson, Thomas, 245. Dickinson, Wharton, Esq., 191 Dillon, G. 11 , 529. Diusniore, .'.. A., Esq., li Dingman, Andrew, [ndians attack Uou8eof,83. Dingman, A. C, M.D., 212. lengniaii, Isaac, killed by Indians, 83. Dingman, township of, 905. Din, in ok, lion. S. E„ 174. Diiiiinick, Hon. William H. (1st), 108. Diuii, .ick, Hon. M.M., 993. Diiiiinick, Daniel, Esq., 148. Diiiiinick, William H., Jr., Esq., 180. Dimmick, Joseph B., Esq., 191. Dimock, L. G., Esq., 191. hole in, Rev. J. J., 411. Dorflinger, Christian, S23. Dorrance, Andrew 51., Esq., 163. Dony, Francis A., Esq , 190. Douglass, Bobbins, 622. Douglass, G. H., 024. Drake. Francis, Esq., 177. Droller, township of, 804; early settlers, 805; Walletipaui.il, k Lodge, soli ; Newfoundland Dreher, lion. Samuel S.,993. Du Frene, Dr., 880. Dunning, Rev. Henry, 4,'4. Dunning, J. IL, 140. Dutch enter the Hudson River, 1, In ; settle- ments by, on the Delaware, s, 13, 17. Dutot, Authony, 1078. 1 unman, Dr. George W., 1011. i'ii, : ol..., to, C. A., M.D., 209. Dylii-rr,, township of: Early settlement, 504; ! taxables in 1804, 507 ; Tanner's Falls, indus- lues, 602 ; first glass-works, 601 ; schools, 600, E. Early, Hallock, 743. East.,11. Indian name of, 7. Education : In Wayne Co., 274 (see Schools) ; in Monroe Co., early, 1015; academies, 1017 ;superinten,lency of schools, 1017. Eldred, Hon. Nathaniel B., 156. Kldrod, Township of : Division of, 1229; early history of, 1230 ; Churches, 1231 ; school school directors, justices of the peace, roads, villages, 1232. Eldred, Charles F., Esq., 190. Emerson, Vincent, 880. Equiuimk, 5:il ; Josiah Sparks, 532 ; first road, 534; mills, 535; post-office, 536 ; Isaiah Scudder, 636 ; W. M. Nelson, 539. Bvi I'M Jacob, killed at Locust Ridge, 101. Flint/, Charles, 611. Farmers' Institute, the, of Wayne County, 273. Ferguson, W. L., 829. Fish in lakes and streams of Wayne County, 3:35. Fitch, Jacob B., 251. Flick, Dr. J. W.,loll. Foulke, Charles M., 1124. Foulke, Dr. Samuel L., 1011. Forts : Allen, 41, 42 ; Hamilton, 41, 42 : NTorris, 42 ; Hyiulshaw, 43 ; Depui, 44; at " Laeka- wack," 69 ; Penn, at Stroudsburg, 76 ; along the Upper Delaware, in Revolution, 78, 79 ; at Wyoming, 79. Poster, Isaac p., 342. Franklin, Benjamin, takes charge of frontier defences, 40. fTreyenmoet, Rev. Casparns, 21. Fuller, Anr/.i, Esq., 10.1. 1 ui ! 1 . Thomas, Esq. ,100. Fuhucr. Philip F., M.D., 924. Geology of Wayne County, :',:, ; of Monroe County, [034. Germans, settlements by, in Northampton County, IS. Qtmmig, Stephen W., 342. 1: Irich, I' 1, . 7..",. Gonsatiles, Joseph, 1110. Gonsales, Manuel, 928. Gordon. Lewis, .rderedto warn settlers to leave llishutiink, 59. Grambs, Lorenzo, 369. Graves, Edwin, M.D., 195. Greene Giles. 787. ,.,,., i,.-. lb., n. ,, k-q., 1st, :;:it, 396,397. Greene, township of, 977. Greiuer, Henr] Gregory, Dr. W. E.. 1010. Grewer, Dr. E., 1010. Gulii 1,, Di W. J., 1010. ".rattan, Dr. Thomas, 1010. Greenwald, \. 0..1171. Grenell, R. M., Esq., 187: Griswold, Elias, Esq., 1S7. Gnadeiibutteii, massacre at, 34. Guth, Dr. N. C. E., 1006. Gunn. J. C. , 305. H. Hockett, C. S., 744, Halstead, Job S., Esq., 147. Haines, li. F., 391. Ham, ThosJ., 381. Hamlin, E. U.,Esq., 177. Hamlin, E. W.. 509. Hamlin, Butler, 772. Hamlin, W. E., 797. Hamlin, B. E.,7:,7. Hamilton James i Lieut. -Gov , by, against Cusbutunk and , ld;m , ; , ti ., IiS 65 - yoming, 63, Hamilton, township of, 1203 ; 1 tures, early settlement, 120s,,,,,, fel _ 121H; \ \ Hathorni . I ,,1. John, 87. Haw ley, borough of, 684; manufacturing ii t, -rests. 087 ; 1 (-building, OSS ; scboo, and churches and post-olliee, 690; lodge, 693 J journalism, >>94. Hawkey, Thos., Esq., 190. Hebron County, scheme lor erection of, 114. Heller, John, 930. Hilboin, John, capture,! by the Indians, ;i,i. Hill, Joel G.. 488. Iloadle.v. John II., 573. Iloeth, Frederick, killed by Indians, 37. Holliiisbea.l, Stroud J., 1156. Hollinshead, Mrs. Jeanuette, 1158. llollinshead, Dr. James, 1 1. Hollinshead, Dr. Frank, looo. Holbert, Win., O'd. Holbert, Joseph G . 638. Holmes. Stephen, Esq., 997. Honesdale, borough of i land title, 336 ; be- ginning "1 the settlement, 340 ; the early residents, :;ll ; poBt-office, 366; banking. 356; Honesdale Bank,:;.",,:; Wayne County >;,, ings- Bank, 362 . inventions, 364 ; nianutaciiires, 305; boat-building. .:7o : hotel-, 374 J gas, 370; water, 376 ; tele- gtaph,376 ; the press and writers, 376; re- ligious history, 399 ; schools, 418 ; the academy, 424; burial-places, 431; soldiers Monument, 433 ; Memorial Fountain, 430 ; lodges, etc., 429 ; incorporation as a bor- ough, 347 ; civil list, 348 ; Fire Depart. nient, 351 ; Washington Irving and Irving Cliff, 34G; Honesdale, removal ui ■ , ■ I justice to, 125 ; hotels of. 374. Hone, Philip, 341. II, , uck, Nathan, 980, Hurd, Dr. F. W., Hill. Hutchinson, M. L., 1202. Hyndshaw, James, sent as spy to Cushutuuk. In, linn.., in si knowledge of, 1; division of Delaware.- int., tribes, 2; Miosis, 3, note,; Town-end, 4 ; Teedyuscung, 5; Tatanry, 0; language of the, 7; Milages,,!' in Monroe County, 211; treaties with, 23-33; dissatis- faction of, with "Walking Purchase," 25; war on whites, 33 ; attack on Billhead's, 36 ; murder Hoeth, 37; attack at Bossert's,38; attack Marshall's, 47 ; murders by, at Cushu- tuuk, 52; first massacre by, at Wyoming, 05 ; murders by, at Cushutunk, 77-7s ; at Wyom- ing massacre, 79 ; appear on Upper Dela- ware, 81 ; attack Kingman's, 83 ; in battle of Lackawaxeu under Brandt, 94 ; Sull, van's expediti« gainst, 87; capture John llil bom, 9,1 ; in battle of the Kayniondskil], 94 capture Courtright and McGinnis, 1281 Internal improvements, 221. Industries in Wayne .County : Tanning, 326S lumbering, 32G ; saw-mills, 327; niisscella- neous, 328; bee-keeping, 328; iu Honesdale, 305-374; boat-building, 370. Iroquois (see Indians). Irvine, Clias., 477. Jackson, township of, 1238 ; early settlers. 1239; first store, first saw-mill, 1240 j churches, schools, 1241 ; taxable*, civil list, 1242. Jackson, Dr. Abrain E., 1003. Jackson, John, 481. Jadwiu, Hon. C. C , 437. Jennings, John, arrests Wyoming settlers, •',(.;. Jennings, Solomon, 24. Jessup, Hon. Wm. H., 992. Judsan, L. C, 394. President judges of Wayne County, 139 ; roster of, 152 ; of Monroe County, 988. Judges, associate, of Wayne County, 145 ; roster, 152 ; of Monroe County, 988. Justin, .lehiel, 627. Kan.-, Riant, murder of, 77. Kanouse, Jacob A., Esq., 187. Kennedy, .!. H., 66-2. Keen. Jacob L., 557. Kelly, John, 343. Kelly, Sanford A., M.D., 216. Kenner, David, 442. Keon, Colonel Nicholas, goes with troops to Wyoming, 100. Kimble, F. P., Esq., 1S5. Kimble, Samuel, 339. Kimble, G. W., 077. Kiml.les— The Narrows, 959. Kilgour, John F., 969. King, Consider, M.D., 210. King, E. K., 735. Kistler, Lieutenant M. M., 1028. Kistler, Charles E., 121)8, Kizer, John, 595. Knight, W. P., 530. Kotz, Henry J., Esq., 1000. La Bar, Peter, 930. La Bar, H. M., 942. Lackawaxen Kiver, the, 333. Lackawaxen, township of, 954. Lackawack Settlement, 68. Ladies' Aid Society, the, of Honesdale, 281. Lake, township of, 778 ; industries. Forest Mills, 7S3 ; Ariel, 784 ; schools and churches, 786 ; adventures, 782 ; poet-office, 786. Lakes in Wayne County, 333. Lauds, Connecticut, 54-71, 102, 103 ; Bystem of survey iu Pennsylvania and Pike Counties, 105-108. Land, Eobert, 77. Lantz, Dr. Jackson, 1012. LeBar, Dr. Amzi, 1006. LeBar, J. Depue, 1083. Lee, Wm. Henry, Esq., 183. Lee, David S., Esq., 999. Lehigh, township of, 802. Lehigh Eiver, name of, 8. Lebanon, township of: Early settlers, roads, religious matters, 0-2 > ; schools, physicians, 022 ; mills, 022. Lenni Lenape (set Indians). Lesh, Dr. M.G., 1006. Lesh, Dr. J. F., 1006. Way., Lester, Orrin, 666. Levering, Dr. S. S., 1008. Linderman, Dr. John J.. 937-1001. Linderman, Dr. Henry R., 1001. Linderman, Dr. G. 11., 1002. Loder, A. W., 1200. Logan, James, 100. Loomis, E. W., 589. Lord, EussellF., 245-341. Locomotive, first in America, 238 ; Stourbridge Lion, the, 23s ; trial trip of, 240 ; description of, 241. Lion, the Stourbridge, 238. I.osey, E. T., M.D., 197. Loweree, Dr. T. W., 1008. M, Mahony, Florence. M.D., 194. Mails, 225. Manchester, township of: I'nioii Sugar Com- pany, i'.29 ; early settlers, 032 ; schools, mills, etc , post-office, 635. Manning, James, 5U7. Marshall, Edward, 24 ; Indian hostility to, 47. McAvoy, Paul. 665. McCarty, J. J., Esq., 185. McCarty, Charles, Esq., 185. McCarty, John Philip, adventure of, with In- arly practic 197, 198. Meredith, General Samuel, 645. Michaels, George, 11 In. Milford. borough of, 854 ; plautingof the town, 860; press of, 80S; manufactories, 808; churc'-es, 873 ; schools, 879 ; lodges, 881 ; colored people of, 882; civil organization, scenery, 889 ; H. S. Mott, 893 ; Sunday- schools, 878; Wm. F. Bross, 887; recollec- tions of, 883. Mill nam. James, 099. Military of Wayne County, 280; of Pike County, 846 ; of Monroe County, 1017. Militia iu Honesdale, Company E, Thirteenth Begimeut National Guard, 430. Miller, Dr. N. C, lull. Miller, Dr. S. E., loll. Miller, William. 006. Minisink, definition of, 8; settlements in the, 9 ; Depui's settlement in, 9, 14, 17 ; first visit to, by Aaron Schuyler, 11; first settle- ments in Upper, 12, 17; precinct of, 13; names of early settlers in, 17. Mminlagowelia, Indian village of, 21. Minor, Charles S., Esq., 173. .Minor, William, Esq., 189. Monroe in tile Rebellion, 1017; Thirty-third Begimeut (Fourth Reserves), 1017; Thirty- third Regiment, Company D, 1022 ; Sixty seventh Eegiiueiit. lU2o ; Sixty-seventh Reg- inient, Company G, 1022 ; One Hundred and and Forty-second LYgi lit. 11)23; Company G, 1ii24; One Hundred and Seventy-sixth Regiment mine months). 1025; Company C, 1025 ; Company F, H)25 ; Company H, 1026 ; due Hundred and Ninety eighth Regiment (one year), 1020; Company M,1027; colored recruits, 1027 ; Sixty-seventh Regiment Vol- unteers, Company E, 1027 ; Forty-eighth Regiment, Coin; any C, 1028. Mount Pleasant, town-hip of, 037 ; Indians, ,638; Samuel Meredith, 045; Brooks murder, 054; religious matters, 058 ; schools, OSU. Monroe County, 982 ; erection of, county-seat contest, 986 ; civil list, 987 ; president judges, 992. Moravians, settlements by, in Northampton County, IS ; history of (note', 18 ; make mis- sionary tours among Indians, 20. Mouaghan, F. M., Esq., 185. Moras, L, W., 770. Mott, Henry S., 892. Mott, Edward, 840. Mott, M. D., 871 Mumford, James, 729. Mumford, W. W., 731. Mumford, E. C.Esq., 184. Murray, Edward, 344. Mutchlor, Dr. J. P., 1011. Myers, John W., Esq., 187. Nelson, Hon. W. M., 539. Nobles, David, 227. Norton, James H., Esq., 187. Northampton, County of, Condition of at close of eighteenth century, 103 ; early petitions for division of, 108, 109 ; Counties erected Nye.', ,Io Ogden, Amos, plunders Wyoming, 00 ; makes armed aitack, 67. Olmstead, Nathan, 843. Olmatead.J. H., M.D., 211. O'Neill, J. J., Esq., 191. Oregon, Township ot, 667; Early Settlers, 668 ; Religions matters and schools, 072 ; Manu- factures, 672. Osborn, Col. Geo. B., 294. Otis, 11. G., 395. P. Page, A. J., 815. Palmyra, Township of (Wayne Co.), 680; As- sessment of 1801, 083 ; Roads, schools, churches, 084. Palmyra, Township of (Pike Co.), 944 ; Wal|- enpaupack Settlement, 945 ; Killams of, 950 ; Wi sonville and Tafton, 953. Paradise, Township of, 1253; organization, 1254; Assessment, Settlement, 1255; Roads, 1257 ; Supervisors of, School Directors, Schools, 1258; Civil List, Hotels, StoreB, 1259 ; Villages, Churches, 1269. Patterson, Wm. A., Esq., 147. Patmore, Elkanali, 344. Parmenter, Wm. W.,344. Paupack, Township of, 701 ; Early Assessment, 703 ; Indian Camping Ground, Mills, 704 ; Post-Office, 700. Peck, Elijah, 045. Pennamite War, 53-71 ; Settlers warned to leave Cushutunk, 59 ; danger of pointed out by Gordon, 61 ; first proclamation against Cushutunk settlers, 01; settlement at Wyom- ing, 04 ; Wyoming men arrested by sheriff of Northampton, 00; Ogden plunders Wy- oming, 00 ; people of Wyoming secure food at Sinitlili.dd, 07 ; Connecticut extends juris- diction, 08 ; settlement at WallenpaupacU, 08; the "Trenton decree," 99; troops sent against Wyoming, 99 ; Col. Keon's militia, 1M0 ; engagement at Locust Ridge, 101 ; Scheme I'm .li- ■■ .; r. m, , I . 102; the "Intrusion Law," 102, adjust niont of conflicting claims, 102, 108. Penniman, F. B., 386. Penn, William, treats with the Indians, 23. Penn, John, offers bounty fur Indian scalps, 53. Penwarden, Win., 673. Peet, Henry, Esq., 190. Perham, D. W., .11. n , 218. Fortran], S. G., 66S. Peters, Charles It , 943. Peters, Richard, orders that settlers be warned < i-lnitimU, 59; letter from on dan- gei "I " Pennamite War," 61. Petersen, Charles, 430. Physicians, of Wayne County, 1 112-221 ; of Pike i "Hiny, 880: of Monroe County, 1001. Pik.- Cuunty, Erection of, division of Upper Smithfield, Petition for, 830; Taxables of, 1781 and 1814, 831 ; Courts, 834; Public Buildings, 836 ; Effort to remove county- seat, 837 ; Civil List, 838 ; Soldiers of 181*, 816; War of the Rebellion, 847 ; Railroads, 851. Pike County, soldiers of 1812 ; War of the Re- bellion ; tun: Hundred and Fifty-first Regi- ment. 847 ; Thirty fifth Regiment, 8411 ; For- ty-fifth Regiment, s4;i : sixty seventh Regi- ment, 850 ; One Hundred and Forty-second Regiment, 850 ; One Hundred and Seventy- ninth Regiment, 860. Pinchot, Edgar, B68. Pine, Charles N., BTl. Pocouo, Township of, description of Schools, Natural Features, 1213; Roads, Burial- Places, Villages, 1244; Post-Office, Settle- ments, 1-45; Assessment, 1247; Lanier Fam- ily Massacre, Civil List, 1248 ; Churches, 124H. Poetry, bj Wayne Co. writers, 383, 396,397, 398, 399. Polk. Township of, Karty Settlements. 123:: Assessments, 1216 ; Schools, Directors of. 1237; Villages, Roads, Churches, Justices ,, I the Peace, 1238. Porter, Township of, 976. Porter, Hon. James H., 092. Post-OfficeSi in Wayne County, 2-5. Power, H. F., Esq., I'm. Preston, Township uf, TUT ; Assessment List of 1831, 708; First Saw-Mill, 712; Lake Conio Lodge, 71G. Preston, Paul S., 526. Price. Township of, 1240; Early Settlement, 125U: Roads, Supervisors of, 1251 ; Schools. Directors of, Civil List, Mills, 1252; Churches 1253. Prorapton, Borough uf, Erection of, 547 ; As sessmentof 1840, Early Settlers, 548 ; Church History, 552; Industries, 552. Purdy, Geo. S., Esq., 182. Puterbaugh, I. T., 1033. R. Boe, John F.. 343. Bailroads; the Hereon (in England), 234; the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's Gravity, 23'i ; Albany and Susquehanna, 245; Pennsylvania Coal Company s Grav- ity, 252 ; Erie. 253; Jefferson, 256 j Rail- roads of Pike County — efforts to construct them, 851 ; railroads of Monroe County, 1031. Baft, the first on the Delaware, 327.. Bansberry, Michael, 1196. Reed, Ilwight, M.D., 207. Rees, Sanim 1, 1137. Bees, William S., 1187. Beitler, John, i.Ts. Regan, Michael. Esq.. 190. Revolution, the: Preliminary events, 71-73; affairs in Northampton Cuunty, 74 ; the Brudheads, 75; soldiers from north of the mountains, 75, 70; list of patriots in 1777, 76 ; Fort Penn, built nt Stroudsburg, 76 ; exposed condition of Upper Delaware, 77 , murder of Brant Kane, 77 ; Indians and Tories at Cushutunk, 78 ; massacre of Wy- oming, 70 ; "Shades of Death," 80; Colo- nel Stroud's passport, 80; Brandt, the Mo- hawk chief, appears in Upper Delaware region, 81 ; murder of Van Auken, 81 ; alarm thruughunt the Miuisiok, 82; at- tack by Indians at Dingman's, 83; bat tie of the Lackanaxoii.ur Minisink, 84; Sul- livan's expedition to Wyoniin chastisement uf the Indians, 80 ; capture of John Hilburn. O'l; battle uf the Raymonds kill, 04; capture of Curtright and Mcliiunls and murder of the latter, 05, 00 ; distressed condition on the Northampton frontier, 00, 97 ; scarcity of salt, 07 ; petition from New- Jersey frontiersmen, 98 ; end of the war, OS. Rhoads, Dr. Geo. II., 1010. Eh. ides, Thomas W., 1128. Richardson, Ebenezer, Esq , 177. Roads, first in Wayne County, 221 ; of Monroe, 1068. Robinson,!'. K., Esq., 168. Rockwell, Jabez, 805. Rollison, A. J., 777. Roosa, Isaac, M.D., 104. Ross, township Of : Early settlement, 1224; early assessment, 1225 ; schools — officers of, of the pence, 1227. Ross, John, Esq., 147.-— Ross, Hugh, 841. Rowland, Rev. II. A., .105, 402. Rowland, G. H., 057. Ridgeway, Thomas J., oi'.D. Rowland, 0. 1... Esq., 185. Russell, ZeuasH., 343. 3. Salem, township of, 740; first settlement, 747 ; lodges, post-offices, 704 ; churches, 765 . schools, roads, 770; Sunday-schools, 77". Salmon, W. C, 844. Sanger, Mr-, w. u , 395. Sanger, Win. W., M.H.. 202. Saxton, Frederick, Esq., Is7. Schinuuel, John, 880. Schwarz. R.F., 1131. Scott, township or: Settlement, 730; Hell mur- der, industries, 730 ; schools, church, s. 74". Scott, Hon. David. 992, Scudder, Dr. Isaiah, 530. Scull, Nicholas, visit or, to Nicholas Depui in Minisink, 14. Seely, Samuel, S50. Seely, Thomas/., M.D., 103. Seely, Hon. H. M.,',162. Seip, Dr. George W , 6. Seip, Dr. William H., 1008. Searle, A. T. Esq., 185. Seely, Col. R. L., 359. "Shades or Death," the, 80, Schools, in Honesdale, 418 ; in Lebanon, 021 ; in Mount Pleasant. i.5:i ; in Maiirhe-ti-i, u:;.'. ; in Oregon, 072 ; in Palmyra, 084 ; in Hawlev, 600 ; in Scott. 74n ; in Stiirriuva, 723 ; in Sa- lem, 770 ; in Lake, 7S0 ; in Sterling, 705 ; in Texas, S24: in Dyberry, 600: in Wayi t, 646; in Damascus, 464 ; in Milford, 879 ; in Bethany, 408; in South Canaan, 563 in Cherry Ridge, .571 ; in Clinton, 588; in Mon- roe County, early, loir, ; academies of, 1017; in Middle Smitbfield, 1113; in Stroudsburg, 1153; in Stroud township, 1138 ; in Hamil- ton, 1211; in Chestnuthill, 1222; in Ross, 1226; in Polk, 1237; in Eldred, 1232; in Jackson, 1241 : in Pocono. 1243; in Price, 1252 ; in Barrett, 1200 ; in Paradise, 1258 ; in Cuulbaiigh, ToOvhanna aud Tunkhannock, 1274. Schuyler, Arent, visit of, to the Minisink, 11. Schoonover, William, 339. Scheuck, Colonel H, 507. is-f-Shafer, John D., 1120. Sheard, George. 184. Shotwell, George F., 880. Shohola, township uf, 007. Shrawder, Captain Philip, truups of, acting as rangers (1782), 97 ; troops of, in Wyoming expedition, 100; character or, 100 note). Shall, Dr. Joseph II., II -ions. Shall, John E., Esq., Ion). Sidney, Coons, 329. Sims, John, 881. Si mulls, Myron E., Esq., 185. Singer, 1'r. J. Anson, 1008. Skinner, Calvin, 475. Slaves in Northampton County, loll. Smithfield, military company in (1768), 51 ; set- tlers uf, sympathize with Connecticut people at Wyoming, 05 ; of render aid to Wyoming, 07 ; slaves in, in 1780, H 14. Smithfield, township uf: Organization and de- scription or, 1047 ; first petition uf inhabit- ants, 1048 ; second petition, 1048 ; early set- tlements, 1049; Nicholas He Pui, John Smith, 1049; De Pui family, 1051 ; Indian derd. 1052 : Vhu I'ampen family, 1054; Brod- head family, 1056 ; Peter Zimmerman, recoi- lectionsof, 1001 ; Delaware River, 1063; Del- aware Water Gap, 1064 ; origin of, 1066 : pi- oneer roads. I068 ; early settlers. 1 "7' ' : Un- let. Anthony, 1078 ; Le Bar family, 1081 ; early taxables, I118O ; first retry, Indian graves at Pahaquarry, 1088 ; first post-office. Suiith- fleld Church, 1090; David Brainerd, li 93 ; Old Stone Church, 1094; Baptists, Lutherans, 1095; Church of the Mountain, Gap M. B. Church, 1000 ; hotels, 1098; Wesley Water Cure, 1100"; pulp-mills, 1103. Siiiitliti.-lil Middle township of: General descrip- tion of, water-courses uf, early settlement id, 1105; Coolbaugb family, 11117 ; roads. 1111; organization of, 1112; villages, post-office, civil list, 1111; burial-places schools, 1113; early tax list, 1114 ; societies, 1115 ; church history, Ills. Smith, B. B., 425. Smith, Dr. Francis Al , 880. Smith, Dr. Francis J., 1002. Smith, J. R., 1197. Smith, P. P., Esq., 182. Smith, David, 93". Soper, Dr. F. W., 1010. Soldiers in War of the Rebellion,— Wayne County, Thirty-second Regiment, 285 ; Thir- ty-fifth Regiment. 2SS ; Forty tilth K1_1.11.nl. 202 ; Forty-sixth Regiment, 203 : Sixty- seventh Regiment, 300 ; Seventy-seventh Regiment, 301 ; Eighty-fourth Regiment. 305; One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment, INDEX. 307 ; One Hundred an.l Thirty-seventh Begi- ment, 311; Ono Hundred and Forty-first Regiment, 313 ; One Hundred and Sixty- second Regiment, 315 J line Hundred and Seventy-ninth Regiment, 319 ; scattering men, 320 ; militia organisations, 323. Spangeiiburg, Thomas, 596 ; recollections of, 695. Staples, Charles B., Esq., 1000. Staples. R. S., 1166. Planton, Col. Asa, 645. Starbir.l, Irvin, 716. Starrucea, bur. .ugh of, First assessment, 71S-710; industries, 7"J I ; stores, stores, churches and schools, 7'23 ; Capt. Oliver Slumlord Post ; post-office, 727. Sterling, township of, 790 ; schools ami churches, 795. Stevens, Nicholas, 799. Stewart, Charles, 66. Stocker, R. M., Esq., 185. Stokes, Dr. Samuel, 1010. Storm, Hon. John B., 998. Stroud, Col. Jueuh, commander of Fort Penn, 76 ; gives passport to W coming fugitives, SI I ; letter from, to Provincial Council, S2 ; letter from, to C„l. Matlaok, '.17. Stroud, township of, 1121 ; natural features, early settlement, 1122; villages, burial- places, schools, 1133; early taverns, 1134; early assessment, 1135; summer resorts, churches, 113C. Stroudsburg, borough ot, 1141 ; Dansbury mis- sion, 1142; founder of, Jacob Stroud, Stroud family. 1143; incorporation of, 1151; civil list, 1152 ; schools, 11.53; early merchants, 1155; banking. Hi;:'-; insurance, Gas-Light Company, Water Company, 1168; passenger railroad, manufactures, 1169; the press of, 1171 ; churches, 1173 ; cemeteries, 1181 ; so- cieties. 1182; Fire Department, 1183; Com- pany F, 13th Regiment N. G., library of, 1184 ; Banking, 116;;. Stroudshurg, East, borough of, 1118 ; old houses, officers, justices of the peace, socie- ties, 1189 ; manufactories, 1190 ; Academy of Music, 1192; post-office, hotels, 1193; Mon- roe Havre, 1194 ; churches, 1195. Stroud. Daniel, 1148. Stroud, Col. .Jacob, 1143. Strouse, John, 844. Strong, Adouijah, M.D., 198. Strong, E. P., 733. Susquehanna Company, 56 ; division of lands of, 57. Swift, Rev. W. H., 4114. 47 ; protests against Connecticut trespassers, 61, 62 ; death of, at Wyoming, 64. Tegeler, C. T , 488. Texas, township of: Early settlement, 816, 11 , Seelyville. 815; Traceyville, -17 ; Leonards- ville, 819; Christian Doeflinger, 823; Doo- rlinger Glass-works, 820; the schools and churches, 824. Thorp, M. M., Esq., 190. Thomas, Moses, Sr., killed atCushutunk. 52. Thomas, Moses (second), alarms settlers on Cpper Delaware, 52 ; killed at battle of Lackawaxen, 52 (note). Throop, Simeon G., Esq., 186. Topography: of Wayne County, ;:::