THE, OLD CLUB 912 lass DOOK 5//»fl ■3 PRESENTED l;Y te- THE OLJ> CLUB SAINT CLAIR FLATS, MICHIGAN OLD CLUB if DETROIT Incorporated 1872 as fe Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Re-incorporated January 12, 1906, as t|fe Old Club Detroit, Michigan, 1912 Contents Page Officers, 1912 5 Committees, 1912 6 Part I — Historical. History 3 Part II — The Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club. Articles of Association 13 Articles of Association, Amended April 3, 1888 15 Presidents 18 First Vice-Presidents 19 Second Vice-Presidents 20 Secretaries 21 Treasurers 22 Directors 23 Members Prior to 1879 27 Honorary Members 31 Part III— The Old Club. Articles of Association 35 By-Laws 37 House Rules 48 Officers 52 Directors for 1912 53 Directors with Date of Election of Each 54 Part IV — Membership. Members .; , i 57 Life Member : • 60 Honorary Members 60 Associate Members 60 Sons of Members 60 Part V — Yachts and Launches. Rules for Yacht Harbor 63 List of Yachts and Launches with Names of Own- ers 65 GKf» lb Ji " \V Officers— 1912 PRESIDENT RICHARD P. JOY VICE-PRESIDENT WILLIAM P. HOLLIDAY SECRETARY WILLIAM H. H. HUTTON, Jr. TREASURER HAMILTON DEY Directors Frederick M. Alger William H. H. Button, Jr. Hamilton Dey Richard P. Joy Burke M. Graham William A. C. Miller William P. PIolliday William V. Moore John S. Newberry CLUB HOUSE MANAGER Andrew B. Wallace Committees—1912 HOUSE COMMITTEE WILLIAM P. HOLLIDAY, Chairman WILLIAM A. C. MILLER COMMITTEE ON DOCKS, GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS BURKE M. GRAHAM, Chairman JOHN S. NEWBERRY COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT AND GOOD OF THE CLUB WILLIAM V. MOORE, Chairman FREDERICK M. ALGER THE GRIFFON, THE FIRST SAILING VESSF.L TO PASS THE ST. CLAIR FLATS, AUGUST 15, 1679, IN COMMAND OF THE DISCOVERER LA SALLE. Parti Historical History BY DR. GEORGE L. FIELD Early in May, 1872, William C. Colburn, E. B. Smith, N. D. Lapham, A. M. VanDuser and Dr. George L. Field met in the book store of E. B. Smith and Company, then located un- der the old Russell House, and decided to form an organization with the view of building a Club House at the St. Clair Flats. A subscription paper was accordingly prepared, which is repro- duced on the opposite page. One day's soliciting among congenial friends who enjoyed fishing and duck-shooting, resulted in $1,325 being subscribed. The name chosen for the new organization was "The Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shoot- ing Club of Detroit." It was organized under the provisions of "An Act for the incorporation of Societies of Marksmen," passed by the Michi- gan Legislature of 1869, which provides, "that corporations may be organized under the pro- visions of this Act for the improvement and perfection of marksmen." At that time there was no shelter at the St. Clair Flats with the exception of the houses on the east bank of the South Channel, erected by men employed in building the ship canal for the United States Government. Therefore, the first step was to build a dock, at an expense of $630, in order that riie lumber for the Club House might be landed. The Club House was next erected under the direction and supervi- sion of Dr. George L. Field, at a total cost of $1,514.33, including a few extras. Twenty-six boat houses, each with a frontage of eight feet on the channel bank, were then built, twenty-four being for individual mem- bers, and two for the general use of the Club. Later the dock was extended toward the east and a new house to provide additional room was erected ; but even this was not sufficient for the growing needs of the Club, and after a few more years had passed a demand for still better accommodations led to the erection of the present Club House, which was completed and opened in the year 1887. When the original charter of The Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club expired in 1902, it was re-incorporated under the name of "The Old Club," a title by which it had grad- ually become known, owing to its being the first club to own a house at the Flats. The original Articles of Association of the club provided for one thousand shares of stock of the par value of $25 each, giving the club a total authorized capital stock of $25,000. The total actual membership, however, was never allowed to exceed 300; and in 1888, the capital stock was reduced to three hundred shares of $25 each par value. During the suc- ceeding years the market price of the stock had a phenomenal rise, one share having been sold for $1,000, and many bringing over $500. The present membership is limited to 225 names. A remarkable feature in the history of the Club is the fact that during its entire existence of forty years it has had but four presi- dents, the first of whom was William C. Col- burn, who held that office from the time of the Club's organization until 1898. He was followed by Rufus W. Gillett, Thomas S. Mc- Graw and Richard P. Joy, the present incum- bent. But few of the original members of the Club remain. However, a comparison of the present enrollment with the Club's roster of thirty years ago will show that many of the old names have been succeeded by those of a second and third generation, thus showing a spirit of genial fel- lowship and loyalty in the past and insuring a prosperous future for The Old Club. id Part II e Lake St. Clair Fish- ing and Shooting Club Articles of Association We Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club of Detroit First — The following named persons, residing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michi- gan, have associated, and hereby do associate themselves together as a corporation, under the provisions of Chapter 123 of the Compiled Laws of 1 87 1 (approved March 30th, 1869), for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, to wit: William C. Colburn John E. Long Lowell W. Tinker Morgan S. Fellers Colin Fox Eugene Robinson Charles C. Cadman George W. Colburn George L. Field Ashley M. VanDuser James Nall, Jr. Browse T. Prentis Second — The name of this corporation shall be "The Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shoot- ing Club of Detroit." Its office for the trans- action of business is located in Detroit, Michi- gan. The period for which it is incorporated is thirty (30) years. Third — The object for which it is organized is the improvement and perfection of marksmen. Fourth — The regular officers of this corpora- tion shall be as follows, to wit: One President, Two Vice-Presidents, 18 One Secretary, One Treasurer, One Board of Directors consisting of seven members. Its Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday of April in each year, at the City of Detroit. Fifth — Every active member of this Associa- tion shall be a citizen of the United States or Canada; he shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Club, and he shall be the owner, in his own name, of at least one share of the stock of the Company, and shall in addition pay such annual dues or assessments as may be imposed by the laws and rules of the Club. Honor- ary membership may be provided for by the By- laws of the Club. Sixth — The capital stock of the corporation shall be twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), and shall consist of one thousand (1,000) shares of twenty-five dollars ($25) each. Every share shall be fully paid up when the certificate of stock is issued. In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto, and to one other instrument, a duplicate hereof, set our hands this fourth day of June, A. D. 1872. William C. Colburn John E. Long Lowell W. Tinker Morgan S. Fellers Colin Fox Eugene Robinson Charles C. Cadman George W. Colburn George L. Field Ashley M. VanDuser James Nall, Jr. Browse T. Prentis it -"'•- ; '•'-"-' ^xa^> <-<' "■'-<' s <£& ■"■■■■■. y.tzc^z^nzz^e ■. '?'<-< ;<^£ ■■i.o-uLZh, Ct<^2 &ZaJ& cr^^' a^^Q&J^&L/ *>h&xpi.. ■iLtrtXrOJjnxn.^^ ■//-■ REPRODUCTION OF SUBSCRIPTION PAPER WHEREBY ORIGINAL C'Ll'B WAS FORMED Articles of Association *®e Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club °f Detroit AS AMENDED APRIL 3, 1 888. First — The names of the persons associated in the first instance and their places of resi- dence are as set forth in the original Articles of Association, dated the 4th day of June, 1872. Second — The name of the said corporation and the place where its office for the transac- tion of business is located, and the period for which it is incorporated, are as set forth in the said original Articles ©f Association. Third — The object for which it is organ- ized is as set forth in said original Articles of Association. Fourth — The number of Directors shall be nine. The regular officers of the corporation shall be: One President, One Vice-President, One Secretary, One Treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board of Directors from among their number. 15 *®e Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Presidents WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH. William C. Colburn ----- 1872-1899 Rufus W. Gillett 1900-1902 Thomas S. McGraw ----- 1903-1905 18 Thomas S. McGraw We Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club First Vice-Presidents WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH. Lowell W. Tinker ------ 1872-1873 Martin S. Smith ------ 1873-1874 Ashley M. VanDuser ----- 1874-1877 Andrew McPherson - 1877-1878 Jesse E. Saxton ------- 1878-1879 Martin S. Smith ------ 1879-1880 Don M. Dickinson ------ 1880-1881 Edward K. Norton ----- 1881-1882 Jerome Croul --___..- 1882-1883 James L. Edson ------ 1883-1884 Benjamin Vernor ------ 1884-1887 Martin S. Smith ------ 1887-1888 Jerome Croul ------- 1888-1889 Edgar O. Durfee ------ 1889-1905 19 ^e Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Second Vice-Presidents with date of election of each. George Foote 1872-1873 Ashley M. VanDuser ----- 1873-1874 Henry D. Edwards ------ 1874-1875 Charles Root - - 1875-1876 Philo M. Patterson ------ 1876-1877 Horace M. Dean ------ 1877-1878 Alexander C. McGraw ----- 1878-1881 Benjamin F. Farrington - - - - 1881-1882 Levi L. Barbour ------- 1882-1883 George W. Latimer ----- 1883-1884 John V. Moran ------- 1884-1885 George F. Moore ------ 1885-1887 Don M. Dickinson ------ 1887-1888 Benjamin Vernor ------ 1888-1889 80 Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Secretaries WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH. Colin Fox ------- - 1872-1877 Ashley M. VanDuser - 1877-1880 Frederick W. Hayes ------ 1880-1883 George S. Hosmer ------ 1883-1891 Bryant Walker ------- 1891-1905 21 'gfe Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Treasurers WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH. Charles C. Cadman ------ 1872-1873 Albert Ives, jr. ----- - 1873-1879 Jesse E. Saxton ------- 1879-1881 William A. McGraw ----- 1881-1882 Horace W. Avery ------ 1882-1885 Hamilton Dey ------ 1885-1905 23 Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Directors WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH. George L. Field ------- 1872-1876 James Nall, Jr. ------ 1872-1873 John E. Long ------- 1872-1874 George W. Colburn ----- 1872-1873 Morgan S. Fellers ------ 1872-1873 Eugene Robinson ------ 1872-1874 Ashley M. VanDuser ----- 1872-1873 Joseph Nicholson ------ 1873-1874 Charles Root ------- 1873-1874 Charles C. Cadman ----- 1873-1874 John S. Patten ------- 1873-1874 Thomas B. Fargo ------ 1874-1875 Don M. Dickinson ------ 1874-1875 Charles B. James ------ 1874-1876 Howard A. Dickinson 1874-1875 Philo M. Patterson ----- 1874-1875 David R. Pierce ------- 1874-1875 Henry D. Edwards --..-- 1875-1876 Joseph G. Standart ------ 1875-1876 Albert G. Boynton ----- 1875-1876 Orrin S. Gulley ------- 1875-1876 Peter Young ------- 1S75-1876 Smith R. Woolley ------ 1876-1878 Horace M. Dean ------ 1876-1877 23 James McGregor ------ 1876-1878 Don M. Dickinson ------ 1876-1878 James Nall, Jr. ------ 1876-1878 George M. Wheeler ----- 1876-1878 James W. Bartlett ------ 1876-1877 Andrew J. Brow ------ 1877-1879 Jesse E. Saxton ------- 1877-1878 Andrew McPherson ----- 1878-1880 James L. Fisher ------- 1878-1880 Eugene Robinson ------ 1878-1879 George L. Field _---__ 1878-1881 Edgar O. Durfee ------ 1878-1883 Frederick W. Swift - 1878-1879 John M. Hinchman 1879-1891 Thomas S. McGraw 1879-1905 Charles B. Hull ------ 1879-1884 John F. McMillan ------ 1880-1881 Butler Ives ------- 1880-1885 Darius N. Avery - 1881-1883 Frank S. Lewis 1881-1885 John V. Moran ------ 1883-1884 Frank W. Eddy ------ 1883-1884 Henry C. Hart ------- 1884-1885 Stephen Baldwin ------ 1884-1886 Edgar O. Durfee ------ 1884-1886 Clement A. Davison ----- 1885-1887 James N. Dean ------- 1885-1887 Henry C. Wisner ------ 1885-1888 Henry C. Hart ------- 1886-1887 Albert Ives, Jr. - - 1886-1887 Edgar O. Durfee - 1887-1905 Frank G. Smith ------ 1887-1890 George F. Moore 1887-1902 24 Charles B. Hull - 1887-1289 Frederic Joy ------ - 1888-1891 William C. Colburn ----- 1889-1900 Hamilton Dey ------ 1889-1905 George S. Hosmer ------ 1889-1902 Frank J. Hecker - 1890-1892 Bryant Walker 1891-1905 Butler Ives ------- 1891-1901 John S. Lorimer ------ 1892-1893 James N. Dean 1892-1898 George L. Sampson ------ 1892-1897 Frank H. Walker ----- 1893-1894 Clement A. Davison ----- 1894-1904 Burke M. Graham ----- 1897-1905 Darius N. Avery ------ 1898-1900 Rufus W. Gillett ----- 1900-1903 Frederick A. Robinson ----- 1900-1905 Richard P. Joy ------ 1901-1905 Silas B. Coleman ------ 1903-1904 Frank H. Croul ------ 1904-1905 Albert H. Schmidt ------ 1905-1905 25 Members Who Joined The Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club Prior to 1879 *Russell A. Alger *R. H. Anderson *W. R. Armstrong *W. O. Ashley Henry S. Atterbury George N. Ayer *Charles K. Backus *George T. Bagley *John J. Bagley *Frank G. Baker Lyman H. Baldwin *E. S. Barbour *EUGENE BARNUM *James W. Bartlett W. B. Beach *John Belknap *T. D. Benham *George W. Bissell *R. A. Bissell *F. P. Bogardus *C. C. Bowen *A. G. BOYNTON William H. Brace *A. P. Briggs *Dr. William Brodie * Andrew J. Brow *Alden S. Brown Harvey H. Brown *Walter Buhl *Deceased. William H. Burk *A. C. Burt *William A. Butler *E. Butterfield *L. A. Butterfield *Charles C. Cadman *Barney Campau *James H. Caniffe *William A. Carpenter *George C. Chandler *Zachariah Chandler *Thomas Christie *Henry O. Clark *George W. Colburn *Henry C. Colburn *William C. Colburn *J. W. COLVIN *T. M, Colvin John S. Conant Olney S. Cook * Alexander W. Copland *James Craig *Jerome Croul *George E. Curtis C. A. Davison *C. M. Davison J. M. Davison, Jr. 27 *H. M. Dean *Alexander Delano *Feter E. De Mill *Howard A. Dickerson Don M. Dickinson *Duane Doty A. S. Drake Henry M. Duffield W. B. Dunham George W. Edwards *H. D. Edwards James E. Elliott *S. Dow Elwood *Charles Endicott *T. B. Fargo *Dr. J. H. Farnsworth *L. L. Farnsworth *Samuel S. Farquhar *Morgan S. Fellers *D. M. Ferry E. H. Field George L. Field *Elon Fisher *James L. Fisher *Maxwell M, Fisher *William H. Fitch, Jr. *Mark Flannigan C. T. Fletcher *Frank Folsom *Simeon Folsom * George Foot *John F. Ford *Colin Fox R. H. Fyfe *Ellery T. Garfield *C. M. Garrison *Henry M. Gillman Marshall H. Godfrey *Oliver Goldsmith William Gorton *Hiram Granger *C. Grelling *L. T. Griffin *S. P. Grummond *0. S. GULLEY *Capt. Henry Hackett ♦Robert J. Hackett *Horace Hallock L. W. Hallock *Major V. C. Hanna *Thos. D. Hawley *F. W. Hayes *Leroy J. Heath *John M. Hinchman *D. C. Holbrook *JOHN HOSMER *L. L. Hotchkiss *Hf.nry Howard *Charles Hubbard *N. J. Hubbell *E. W. Hudson *Chas. B. Hull *Chauncey Hurlbut *Albert Ives, Jr. Butler Ives C. B. James *James Jenks *George Jerome * James Joy *William Kelley George N. Ladue •J. T. Ladue *George C. Langdon *N. D. Lapham *Deceased. *Theodore O. Leonard ♦Samuel Lewis *A. G. Lindsay William Livingstone, *John E. Long *Eugene S. Lowe *C. E. Mason *William J. Mason *Thomas McGraw Thomas S. McGraw Dr. T. A. McGraw *James McGregor *George McMillan *Hugh McMillan *James McMillan J. W. McMillan ♦Hal E. McNeil *Andrew McPherson *E. E. Meyers W. B. Miller Merrill B. Mills *A. B. Miner *Melzer F. Merrick Charles H. Moore Mathew Myers * James Nall, Jr. ♦John S. Newberry *J. Newell ♦Capt. Joe Nicholson *Ira Niles *Gen. L. H. Pelouze *David R. Pierce *Charles L. Piquette Jr. ♦James E. Pitman *Willard S. Pope *George W. Potter *B. T. Prentis George Prentis *WlLLIAM E. QUINBY *Thomas Radcliffe *Eugene Robinson *Henry S. Robinson *George B. Rogers ♦Charles Root *H. L. Rutter *J. E. Saxton *Allan Shelden *D. P. Smiley *E. B. Smith *George H. Smith *M. S. Smith ♦Frank E. Snow *Henry W. Standart ♦Joseph G. Standart Robert W. Standart *S. K. Stanton Albert M. Steele ♦Marcus Stevens *John A. Stewart *J. B. Sutherland F. W. Swift *David O. Paige *WlLLIAM K. PARCHER *George H. Parker *0. L. Parmenter *Philo M. Patterson *JOHN S. PATTON ♦Deceased. ♦William H. Tefft ♦William E. Thompson ♦L. W. Tinker ♦R. P. Toms ♦Horace Turner *A. M. Van Duser Jefferson Wiley *J. H. Van Schoick *John C. Williams *Col. John Winder F. H. Walker *Charles S. Witbeck William E. Warringer *S. R. Wooley *Fred L. Wells *Philo E. Wright John H. Wendell *Fred Wetmore *Lyman A. Yerkes *George Mv. Wheeler John H. Young *H. A. Wight Peter Young s Deceased. 30 Honorary Members *Reverend William Airman * " J. G. Atterbury * " J. W. Brown * " Z. Eddy * " William Hogarth * " William Hunter * " M. C. Lightner * " L. P. Mercer *Rt. " Bishop McCrosky * " William E. McLaren Alfred Owen * <: A. T. Pierson * ■' Dr. Pitkin * " J. P. Scott * " Calvin D. Stebbins * " W. R. TlLLINGHAST " George Worthington Seth Green *George Jerome *Capt. William H. Mott *Gen. Orlando M. Poe *Deceased. 31 Part III Old Club 33 0R1CINAL CLUB HOUSE 1874. Articles gf Association We, the undersigned, being of full age, and desiring to become incorporated under the pro- visions of Act No. 171, of the Public Acts of Michigan for 1903, entitled "An act for the in- corporation of associations not for pecuniary profit," do hereby make, execute and adopt the following Articles of Association, to wit: ARTICLE I. The name or title by which said corporation is to be known in law, is The Old Club. ARTICLE II. The purpose or purposes for which it is formed, are as follows: to take over all the property, subject to the debts and liabilities, of the Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Club, a corporation not for pecuniary profit, heretofore incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan ; and for the purpose of maintaining a club for hunting and fishing, and affording to its members opportunities for healthful rec- reation, and to acquire lands and property suit- able for such purposes. ARTICLE III. The principal office or place of business shall be at the City of Detroit, in the County of Wayne, and State of Michigan. 85 ARTICLE IV. The term of existence of this proposed cor- poration is fixed at thirty years, from the date of these Articles. ARTICLE V. The number of trustees or directors shall be nine (9). ARTICLE VI. The names of the trustees or directors se- lected for the first year of its existence are as follows : Hamilton Dey, Burke M. Graham, Thomas S. McGraw, Frank H. Croul, Edgar O. Durfre, Richard P. Joy, Fred A. Robinson, Albert H. Schmidt and Bryant Walker. ARTICLE VII. The qualifications required of officers and members are as follows: such as shall be pre- scribed from time to time by the by-laws of the corporation adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members. In Witness Whereof, We the parties here- by associating, have hereunto subscribed our names this 12th day of January, A. D. 1906. Hamilton Dey, Edgar O. Durfee, Burke M. Graham, Albert H. Schmidt, Thomas S. McGraw, Fred A. Robinson, Frank H. Croul, Richard P. Joy, Bryant Walker. 3t: By-Laws ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. Section i. The annual meetings of the Club shall be held on the second Wednesday of Jan- uary of each year. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President, or by any five members of the Club, at any time. Upon the request of the President, or such five members, the Secretary shall cause notices to be mailed to all the mem- bers of the Club at their usual place of residence, at least three days before the day appointed for the meeting, stating the time and place and general object of the meeting. Sec. 3. Ten members of the Club shall con- stitute a quorum. Sec. 4. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote. No member shall vote by proxy. ARTICLE II. DIRECTORS. Section i. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine members who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the Club. They shall have the general management of the busi- ness and financial affairs of the Club. Provided, how ever j that no contract shall be for a- longer period than one year, and they shall not in- volve the Club in debt beyond the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) without express au- thority by vote of the Club. They shall de- termine the method of auditing bills against the Club and of approving the same for payment. Sec. 2. The Board, annually, on or before the Wednesday next after the annual meeting of the Club, shall elect from its number by ballot a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Sec. 3. The Board of Directors and officers of the Club shall hold their offices until the next annual meeting of the Club, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Sec. 4. A resignation from the Club by a director shall operate ipso facto as his resigna- tion as a director. Vacancies in the Board of Directors may be filled by election by the re- maining members of the Board at any meeting. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS. Section i. The duties of the President and Vice-President shall be such as usually pertain to such offices. Sec. 2. The Secretary shall keep a full rec- ord of the proceedings of the Club, and a record of the name and residence of each member. He shall give all necessary notices of meetings and perform such other acts as may be required by the by-laws. Sec. 3. The treasurer shall give bonds for the faithful performance of his duties and the 38 safekeeping of funds received by him in an amount and with sureties to be approved by the Board of Directors and shall notify the members each year of the time when annual dues are pay- able. He shall collect all moneys due the club from any source and shall pay all claims against the Club when the same have been properly audited and approved for payment. He shall pay over to his successor in office the balance in his hands when so directed by the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other acts as may be required by the by-laws. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERS. Section i. The number of active members in the Club shall be limited to two hundred and twenty-five (225). Sec. 2. Any resident of Wayne County, Michigan, and non-residents of said County, not exceeding ten (10) in number, of the age of twenty-one (21) years, may be elected to active membership in the Club, by the Board of Di- rectors, as hereinafter provided. Sec.^ 3. Applications for membership shall be made in writing and filed with the Secretary, and the applicant shall be recommended by at least two members. Sec. 4. On receipt of an application for membership the Secretary shall forthwith send notice thereof to all members of the Club with the name of the applicant and his endorsers. Objections to an applicant may be filed with the Secretary or made orally to any member of the Board. The Board of Directors shall vote upon such application by ballot, after the ex- piration of ten days from and after the date of giving notice of the filing of the application. No person shall be elected to membership against the vote or objection of two members of the Board. Not less than five members of the Board shall contitute a quorum at any meeting to act upon applications for membership, and not less than five votes shall elect to membership. Sec. 5. No person elected to membership as hereinbefore provided shall be deemed a full member, or be entitled to the privileges of the Club, until he shall have acquired, and had transferred to him, a certificate of membership. Sec. 6. The unmarried sons of members be- tween the ages of twenty-one (21) and thirty (30), shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club, as provided in the by-laws, upon pay- ment to the Treasurer of the sum of ten dol- lars ($10.00) yearly dues. Persons between the ages of twenty-one and thirty years, who are unmarried, shall be eligible to election as Associate members of the Club, in the manner provided in Section 4 of this Article. Associate members shall pay annual dues of $25.00 and shall not be required to pay any transfer fee. Such members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club for themselves personally, but shall not be entitled to vote nor be eligible for election to the Board of Directors. The arrival of an Associate member at the age of thirty years shall terminate his membership. Sec. 7. Membership in the Club shall be 40 non-assignable except to a person who has been elected a member of the Club, and in the case of transfer to a person having been elected a member, the assignee of such membership shall pay to the Treasurer of the Club the sum of one hundred dollars for transfer fee; provided, however, that in case of the death of a mem- ber, the certificate of such deceased member may be transferred to any male member of the deceased's family upon his election to member- ship in the Club, without payment of such trans- fer fee. The personal representative of any de- ceased member shall have the same right to assign such membership as the deceased member possessed in his lifetime. No certificate shall be transferred, except upon the full payment of all indebtedness to the Club upon the part of any former holder. Sec. 8. Upon the death of any member, his family as specified by Sec. 2 of Article VII. shall be entitled to all the privileges of such mem- bership, excepting voting, so long as the Club dues of such membership shall be paid and the certificate of membership of the deceased re- mains untransferred by the personal representa- tive of the deceased. ARTICLE V. DUES AND TRANSFER FEES. Section i. Each member shall pay into the treasury of the Club during the month of May in each year the sum of seventy-five ($75) dollars as vearlv dues, and if anv members shall 41 neglect to pay said dues within the time herein specified a collection fee of five per cent, shall be added. Sec. 2. Transfer fees shall not be used for ordinary Club expenses, but shall constitute a special fund to be used only for the payment of the bonded indebtedness, unless otherwise ordered by the vote of the Club. ARTICLE VI. SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION. Section i. If any member shall remain in arrears for dues for sixty (60) days after the same shall be due and payable, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to remind such delinquent of such fact by written notice and to post the name of such delinquent upon the bulletin board in the Club House; and such delinquent may be suspended by the Board of Directors from all the privileges of the Club. If any member shall continue in arrears for dues for ninety (go) days after the same shall be due and payable, the Treasurer shall report such fact to the Board of Directors, who may thereupon expel such delinquent from the Club without further notice. Sec. 2. All bills other than for dues shall be rendered weekly, and mailed to the last known address of the member owing the same, and shall be payable immediately. The names of all members who are delinquent in the pay- ment of such bills for more than seven days after the same are rendered, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the Club House. No w credit shall be given to members who are delin- quent in the payment of such bills for more than seven days after their names have been posted as herein provided, and thereupon each such case shall be referred to the Board of Directors, who shall have power to suspend or expel such de- linquent members from the Club without further notice. Sec. 3. Members may also be suspended or expelled for any violation of the laws or rules of the Club, or for any offense against morality, decency, or the laws of the land, in manner fol- lowing : (a) The Board of Directors of its motion may, and upon the complaint in writing of three members shall, enter a resolution upon its rec- ords for the investigation of charges against any member, which shall specify the charges and fix a time and place for the hearing of the same. (b) It shall be the duty of the Secretary to cause a true copy of such resolution, certi- fied by him, to be served upon such member, either personally or by mailing the same to him at his last known place of residence, at least ten days before the time fixed for the investiga- tion. Proof of such service, by affidavit or otherwise, shall be made before action is taken. (c) At the time specified in such resolution the Board of Directors shall meet at the place named and shall then and at such other time or times thereafter as they may adjourn to, hear and determine the matter of the charges. The member complained of shall have full oppor- 43 tunity to be heard upon such charges, and the Board shall prescribe the mode of procedure upon such hearing. The Secretary shall keep a sub- stantial record of all the proceedings. If the Board shall adjudge by a vote of not less than six members that the charges alleged are proved, and come within the meaning of Section i of this Article, they shall enter a resolution that the member be suspended or expelled. Sec. 4. Within thirty days such expelled member may appeal to the Club from the de- cision of the Board by filing a written claim of appeal from the Secretary signed by himself. The Secretary shall thereupon call a special meeting of the Club for the purpose of hearing said appeal. At such meeting the Club shall hear said appeal in such manner as it may de- termine, and may restore said expelled member by a vote of a majority of the members present or voting. Such vote shall be by ballot. The member claiming such appeal shall not be en- titled to any of the rights or privileges of the Club until he is restored to membership. ARTICLE VII. BUILDINGS. Sec. 1. The buildings of the Club shall be kept for the use of members and their families exclusively ; provided, however, that members may be at liberty to invite to them their friends who do not reside within the limits of the County of Wayne in the State of Michigan, or of the County of Essex in the Province of Ontario; provided further, that no member shall invite 44 more than two persons to the Club House at an}^ one time, nor shall any person to whom the hospitalities of the Club may be extended under this by-law be permitted to remain at the Club House longer than six days during any one year; and provided further, that members may invite two friends above excluded for a day — that is, from morning until evening — when accompanied 'by the member inviting them, or a member of his family. Sec. 2. "Families" of members shall be held to consist of the wife of a member, his daugh- ters, any female who is actually a member of his family, his sons under the age of twenty- one who are members of his household, and the parents of himself and his wife who are sixty years of age and upwards and residents of Detroit. Sec. 3. In extending hospitalities, under this article, to persons not members, it must be under- stood that it is for sport and recreation only, and that the Club House is not to be used as a "summer resort," nor as a base of operations for shooting or fishing for market. Sec. 4. No person, being of the family of any member of this Club, and under the age of six- teen years, shall make any stay at the Club House of more than one day — that is, from morning until evening — unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. ARTICLE VIII. LAND LEASES. Section i. The Board of Directors is au- thorized to lease the upper 500 feet of the New 45 Land, so called, to Club members, in fifty-foot lots, upon the following conditions: ist. That the front twenty-five feet facing the river be reserved from each lot as a thorough- fare for the use of the Club. 2d. That the front line of all buildings erected upon such leased lands shall be, at least, twenty-five feet distant, in the direction of Cicotte's Bay, from the inside line of the sheet- piling retaining said land. 3d. That such lease shall be for a period of twenty years, at a rental of $25 per lot of fifty feet per annum, payable yearly in advance on the first day of May, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said term. Provided, That at the expiration of said term of twenty years the Club shall have the option of terminating the lease, upon payment to the lessee of the then value of the improvements, such value to be ascertained, if the parties can- not agree amicably, by arbitration in the usual manner. Provided, also, That the Board of Directors shall also have the right to terminate a lease at any time upon payment to the lessee of the then value of improvements, to be ascertained as above provided, if in any way the lessee shall so use such premises as to be objectionable to the Board or detrimental to the interests of the Club. 4th. That no building shall be erected upon such leased land except cottages, and the neces- sary appurtenances thereto, and no cottage to be erected shall cost less than $2,500. 5th. That the occupants of such leased lands and their guests shall be required to board with the Club. 6th. That the lease shall be valid only dur- ' ing the membership of the lessee, and transfer- able, in whole or in part, only to members of the Club. Nor shall the said leases be assigned or said premises sub-let without the written consent of the Club. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors are further authorized to lease boat-house and cottage sites to Club members on such portions of the Club property and upon such terms as they shall deem best. ARTICLE IX. RULES. All rules made by the Board of Directors shall be of binding force until rescinded by the Board or until abrogated by a vote of the Club, which may be done by a majority present at any regular meeting. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS. These by-laws may be amended, altered or repealed at any regular meeting of the Club, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, by a vote of three-fourths of the members pres- ent and voting; provided, that due notice of the proposed amendment, alteration or repeal shall have heen mailed by the Secretary to each mem- ber with the notice of the meeting. 47 House Rules 1. Only members, their families, and their guests, shall be allowed to use the dining-room and sleeping-apartments in the Club House. Special quarters are provided for nurses, at- tendants, servants, crews of yachts and punters. Employees of the club shall not be allowed to have guests at the Club without permission of the House Committee. 2. No member shall be permitted to occupy, either by himself, his family, or his friends, more than two rooms in the Club House, to the ex- clusion of any other member. And on all occa- sions the Steward, in allotting rooms, shall insure to members those most desirable, even though it be necessary to change non-member occupants for that purpose. 3. No member shall occupy more than one room in any building for other persons than his family, to the exclusion of any member. 4. Rooms shall be assigned to members in the order of their registration. 5. Dogs or pets shall not be allowed in the Club House. 6. No book, periodical, newspaper, or other article belonging to the Club shall be removed from the Club premises without permission of the House Committee. 48 7- The Club shall make the following charges for accommodations: Members and their families and guests, fifty cents each for breakfast and luncheon, and seventy-five cents for dinner, and seventy-five cents per person for each bed. Children under ten, half rates. An extra charge will be made for meals served without the dining room. Special meals may be ordered at special prices, by giving the Steward two days' notice. Charge for beds for sailors, engineers and laborers shall be twenty-five cents. A member will be charged for all meals served during his stay at the Club, unless he gives the Steward reasonable notice in advance that he will not be present. Breakfast will be served and charged for, unless notified to the contrary the previous evening. _ 8. No seats or tables shall be reserved in the dining-room under any conditions. 9- The Steward shall have full charge of the Club property; and all employees of the Club shall be under his direct control. 10. The Steward shall make a charge for all linen ^ loaned to members occupying cottages, sufficient to cover the cost of service to be deter- mined at the discretion of the House Committee. 11. No allowance shall be made for rooms retained by members, which shall be temporarily vacated. 12. All members shall be responsible for Club property lost or damaged while in their 49 possession. Liability for such loss or damage shall constitute an indebtedness to the Club and may be charged by the Steward or Treasurer on the account of such member. 13. Persons afflicted with contagious diseases shall not be allowed to use the Club House. 14. Members will be charged for ice taken from the Club ice house. 15. The Steward shall enforce the observance of the by-laws and rules of the Club, and shall report any violation thereof to the Board of Directors. 16. Members are requested to promptly notify the Secretary of any change in their address. 17. Members desiring to build boat-houses or cottages along the channel bank below the Club House may do so upon the following conditions: 1st. A public walk, twelve feet wide, next to the channel bank, is to be reserved for the use of the members of the Club. 2d. Permission in writing must be obtained from the Board of Directors. 3d. All new buildings and alterations to present buildings must be approved by the Committee on Buildings and Docks. 4th. All chimneys must be constructed of crock or brick. 5th. No gasoline, kerosene or other illuminat- ing fluid shall be kept in any such buildings in 50 larger quantities than necessary for daily use at any one time. 6th. Members owning or occupying boat- houses, and their guests, are required to board with the Steward of the Club. 7th. No boat-house or other building shall be 'sold to any person not a member of the Club, except to be removed from the Club premises. Upon the withdrawal of the owner of any such building from the Club, the Club shall have the option of purchasing the same at such price as may be agreed upon, or if an agreement cannot be amicably reached, upon a price to be deter- mined by arbitration in the usual manner at the cash value of such improvements. 53 Officers WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH PRESIDENTS Thomas S. McGraw, 1906- 1908 Richard P. Joy, 1909-1912 VICE-PRESIDENTS Edgar O. Durfee, 1906- 1907 Richard P. Joy, 1908 William P. Holliday, 1909- 19 12 SECRETARIES Bryant Walker, 1 906- 1 907 Stand ish Backus, 1908- 1909 C. Hayward Murphy, 1910-1911 William H. H. Hutton, Jr., 19 12 TREASURER Hamilton Dey, 1906-1912 Directors for 1912 Frederick M. Alger Hamilton Dey Burke M. Graham William P. Holliday William H. H. Hutton, Jr. Richard P. Joy William A. C. Miller William V. Moore John S. Newberry 53 Directors WITH DATE OF ELECTION OF EACH. Frank H. Croul ------ 1906-1907 Hamilton Dey ------ 1906-1912 Edgar O. Durfee ------ 1906-1907 Burke M. Graham ----- 1906-1912 Richard P. Joy - 1906-1912 Thomas S. McGraw ----- 1906-1908 Fred A. Robinson ------ 1906-1907 Albert H. Schmidt ----- 1906 Bryant Walker ------ 1906-1907 William V. Moore ------ 1907-1912 Standish Backus ------ 1908-1909 A. Willard Ferguson ----- 1908-1909 William P. Holliday ----- 1908-1912 John S. Newberry ------ 1908-1912 Frederick M. Alger ----- 1909-1912 W. A. C. Miller - 1910-1912 C. Hayward Murphy ----- 1910-1911 William H. H. Hutton, Jr. - - - 1912 54 Part IV Membership 55 Members June, 1912 Alger, Frederick M. Alger, Russell A. Anderson, Kenneth Anderson, William C. Avery Estate, The Darius N. Avery Estate, The George E. Avery, John H. Avery, Waldo A. Backus, Standish Baird, Charles W. Baker, John E. Baker, Walter N. Ball, William H. Beck, George Begg, George 0. Berry, Thomas Bissell, Edward W. Black, Clarence A. Boutell, Alexander A. Bowen, Lem W. Boyer, Joseph Boynton, Herbert E. Brady, George N. Brossy, Francis E. Buhl, Arthur H. Buhl Estate, The Theo- dore D. Butler, Charles J. Butler, Edward H. Butler, Fred E. Butler, William A., Jr. Cady, D. D. Campbell, Walter E. Carpenter, N. D. Clark, Emory W. Colburn, Burnham S. Connor, Dr. Ray Cook, Olney B. Couzens, James Croul, Frank H. Davison, Clement A. Dean, Harry J. Dey, Hamilton Dow, Alexander Duffield, J. C. Durfee, Hon. Edgar O. Dwight, William M. Edear, C. Goodloe Edwards, George W. Elliott Estate, The Wil- liam H. Emerson, Dr. Justin E. Farrand, Jacob S., Jr. Farrand, William R. Ferry, Dexter M, Jr. 57 Fisher, Carl G. Flinn Estate, The Elisha H. Ford, E. Leyden Freer, Charles L. Fyfe, Richard H. Gilman, Dr. Robert W. Graham, Burke M. Grover, M. B. Hammond, Charles F. Harris, George G. Hart Estate, The Gilbert Heaton, F. D. Hecker, Colonel Frank J. Heineman, David E. Heineman, Solomon E. Henkel, Robert Hill Estate, The George B. Hoffman, Jules G. Holden, James S. Holliday, William P. Hosmer, Hon. George S. House, George W. Howard, Robert R. Hubbard, John W. Hunter, Thomas Hunton, A. K. Hutchins, Jere C. Hutton, Wm. H. H., Jr. Hyman, C. S. Jenness, Henry L. Johnson, S. Olin Joy, Henry B. Joy, Richard P. Kelsey, John Kent, Charles A. Kidder, Frank L. Lathrop, H. K., Jr. Lathrop, Kirke Lawrence, M. Lyman Lee, Gilbert W. Leland, Frank B. Lightner, Clarence A. Livingstone, William Livingstone, William A. Lynn, James T. MacFarlane, Walter McGraw, Thomas S. McKay, James B. McMath, Francis C. McMillan Estate, The George McMillan, Philip H. McPherson, Alexander McRae, Milton A. Miller, Sherman R. Miller, William A. C. Mitchell Estate, The Bar- rett B. Moody, George T. Moore, George Whitney Moore, William V. Moore, William V. H. Moran, Frederick T. Morey, Austin Morphy, John D. Mulford, Ora J. Murphy, Charles E. Murphy, C. Hayward Murphy, M. J. Murphy, William H. Newberry, John S. Newberry, Truman H. 58 Patterson, John E. Paxton, Harry J. Penny, Henry C, Jr. Pingree, Everitt W. Post, Hoyt, Jr. Postal, Fred Preston, Frank B. Ralph, Herman C. Remick, George B. Robinson, Fred A. Robinson, George O. Rogers, Ford H. Rohnert Estate, The Morse Russel, George H. Sampson, George L. Schmidt, Albert H. Schmidt, Carl E. Schmidt, Edward J. Scott, H. Byron Scotten Estate, The Oren Serrill, Joseph M. Shelden, Henry D. Sibley, Alexander H. Simpson, Thomas H. Smith, Frank G., Jr. Smith, Frederick A. Smith, Frederick B. Spies, Frank A. Stair, Edward D. Standart Estate, The Joseph G. Standish, Frederick D. Steele, Albert M. Stephens, Albert L. Stephens Estate, The Henry Stevens, William P. Stinchfield, Charles Swift, Charles M. Swift, Ernest G. Taylor, Dewitt H. Thompson, Edwin L. Thurber Estate, The Hen- ryT. Tippey, B. O. Turner, William H. Van Husan, Edward C. Wadsworth, Fred E. Waldo, Lewis C. Walker, Bryant Walker, E. Chandler Walker, Frank H. Walker, Henry L. Warren, Benjamin S. Warren, Homer Waterman, Cameron D. Weeks, C. L. Wells, Daniel Werneken, Frank S. Whitney, Bertram C. Whitney Estate, The David, Jr. Whitney, David C. Woodruff, Fremont Wormer, Clark C. Life Member Dr. George L. Field. Honorary Members Mr. Seth Green Mr. Butler Ives, Sr. Mr. William Stridiron Rev. Dr. Alfred Owen Mr. Emory Wendell Right Rev. George Worthington Associate Members Kotcher, George A. Mullen, J. N. MacCrone, Edward E. Patterson, Edward O. Sons of Members Boyer, Joseph, Jr. Buhl, Lawrence D. Livingstone, Seaborn R. 60 Part V Yachts and Launches We Old Club Rules for Yacht Harbor I. The Yacht Harbor above The Old Club shall be for the use of the larger yachts belonging to members of the Club and such yachts shall have the privilege of making fast at any point on either side of the dredged cut within said harbor. II. Power boats, launches, sail boats and other small craft under forty feet in length, shall, in all cases, use the small yacht slip just above the steamboat dock. III. Any yacht using more space in the yacht harbor than is necessary, thereby excluding or inconveniencing another yacht, shall, when di- rected, drop back or pull ahead so that other yachts desiring to use the harbor, may do so. IV. No yacht shall work its engines while tied to the west bank of the harbor, on account of the possibility of undermining the sheet-piling, un- less said yacht is getting under way or making a landing. 63 All yachts while in the harbor are requested not to ring bells between the hours of 8 P. M. and 8 A. m., and are also requested not to make fast in front of occupied cottages provided there is plenty of room elsewhere. The Manager, or such employee of the Club as the Directors may designate, shall have the power of enforcing the foregoing rules. 64 List gf Yachts and Launches With Names °f Owners Name Owner Type Althea C. Hayward Murphy Motor Cruiser Anon a Mrs. T. D. Buhl Steam Yacht Bethelma J. C. Duffield Steam Yacht Bobby S. E. Heineman Motor Launch Bug John W. Hubbard Motor Launch Carolyn F. E. Brossy Motor Boat Christine Sherman R. Miller Motor Launch Courier George A. Kotcher Motor Boat Crab VV. N. Baker Runabout Cytheria Robert Henkel Motor Boat Dream William Livingstone Steam Launch Duquesne John W. Hubbard Motor Cruiser EphVIII. Frederick M. Alger Motor Cruiser Fifi Lawrence D. Buhl Auxiliary Yawl Galatea E. Ley den Ford Steam Yacht Geisha Henry B. Joy Speed Launch Gilnockie William P. Stevens Motor Launch Grace H. Byron Scott Naphtha Launch Grayling O. J. Mulford Motor Cruiser Gretchen I. John W. Hubbard Motor Boat Gretchen II. John W. Hubbard Speed Launch 66 Name Owner Type Halcyon Frank J. Hecker Steam Yacht Hunch Russell A. Alger Motor Boat [die Hour Burke M. Graham Motor Launch [mpshe Geo. W. Moore Motor Launch Intruder John W. Hubbard Speed Launch Jennie George O. Robinson Motor Launch Kalola II. Albert H. Schmidt Motor Cruiser Lemon F. D. Heaton Leonore II. M. B. Grover Lillian A. E. Morey Lindsay McRae Milton A. McRae Lois C. D. Waterman Louise J. E. Patterson Louise Herman Ralph Motor Launch Motor Cruiser Motor Launch Motor Cruiser Auxiliary Yawl Motor Launch D'ble Cat S'l B't Magnolia Marcia Marjorie M. Mary Mary K. Mascott Maud S. Negana Oceanic O. K. Pastime Percy B. M. Lvman Lawrence Motor Cruiser Charles J. Butler W. N. Baker Geo. L. Sampson Frank L. Kidder Mrs. D. N. Avery Steam Yacht Speed Launch Naphtha Launch Motor Launch Naphtha Launch Walter E. Campbell D'ble Cat S'l B't W. P. Holliday Fred A. Robinson Ford H. Rogers Speed Launch Motor Launch Motor Boat Franklin H. Walker Steam Yacht Frank B. Preston Motor Launch 06 Name Owner Type Rainbow Richard P. Joy Motor Cruiser Red Raven F. E. Wadsworth Motor Launch Silver Fizz Fred E. Wadsworth Speed Launch Splash Henry B. Joy Motor Boat Thetis George Beck Motor Launch Truant Truman H. Newberry Steam Yacht Two Spot Frederick M. Alger Speed Launch Valkyrie Carl E. Schmidt Motor Boat Voyager D. C. Whitney Motor Cruiser Voyageur Herbert E. Boynton Motor Cruiser Wanda B. C. Whitney Steam Yacht Zara A. L. Stephens Steam Yacht Zero Fred D. Standish D'ble Cat S'l B't 67 JUL 15 1912