z «6.2 Asphalt. Bituminous. m6.5 Coal tar. rra7.5 Broken stone. Telford. Macadam m8.5 Earth, gravel, cinder. m9 Other. Turf, tan bark, shells, etc. 3613 Road binders. Dust prevention. W ing. 66 CLASSIFICATION Elements ... in landscape . . . (continued). Roads, paths, etc. (continued). Construction and maintenance, etc. (conlin'd). 3615 Decorative surface treatment. Ornamental pavements. In general, including ornamental pavements of courts, etc. Cf. note under 3610 above, and 3642. 3620 Details. E. g., Planting strips. Curbs. Gutters. Buffers. Cf. subdivision: Details under Pipes, etc., 3728, 3733, 3743, etc. 3622 Road signs. Roads. Cf. 6039, etc. 3625 General. 3627 Entrance roads. Approach roads. En- trance turns. " Front turns." Turn arounds. Cf. 3605. 3627.1 Forecourts. 3628 Service roads. Service turns. Cf. 3132, 3605. 3631 Causeways. 3632 " Woodroads." 3633 Lanes. 3634 Bridle paths. 3635 Bicycle paths. 3636 Trails. Footpaths. Paths. Walks. Cf. 4331, 6039, etc. 3640 General. 3642 Ornamental pavement of walks and paths. Cf. 3615. 3643 Entrance walks and paths. 3645 Paths for rock planting. 3646 Stepping stones. (3648) (Steps.) See 3375 + . Pipes, Conduits, Wires. Cf. NAC2850 + . 3700 General. 3710 Pipes. Piping. Subsurface utilities. Including electric conduits. 67 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Elements ... in landscape . . . {continued). Pipes, Conduits, Wires {continued). 3715 Wires. Wiring. 3718 Overhead wires. Pole lines. (3720) Special utilities. Water supply. Water pipes. 3725 General. 3728 Details. E. g., Hydrants. Cf. 3445 + . Sewerage, drainage, and irrigation. Sewer and drain pipes. 3730 General. 3733 Details. E. g., manholes. Sewerage and sewage treatment. 3735 General. 3738 Details. Surface drainage. Storm-water drainage. 3740 General. 3741 Rainfall data. 3743 Details. E. g., Drain-inlets, catch-basins, culverts, etc. Subsurface drainage. Cf. 1854. 3745 General. 3748 Details. Irrigation. Cf. 1854 +. 3750 General. 3753 Details. Lighting, heating, and power. 3755 General. 3758 Details. 3760 Lighting. 3762 Heating. 3763 Central heating. 68 CLASSIFICATION Elements ... in landscape . . . (continued). Pipes, Conduits, Wires (continued). Lighting, heating, and power (continued). (3704) (Power.) See 3773. 3768 Gas lighting and heating. Gas pipes. 3772 Electric lighting, heating and power. Electric conduits, poles and wires. For over- head wires, let 3718 attract. 3773 Electric power supply Telephone. 3775 General. 3778 Details. Other. 3795 General. 3798 Details. 3800 Other elements. 3815 People. E. g., crowds as an element in design, as at Versailles. 3825 Animals. E. g., Sheep in the landscape, Waterfowl, etc. 3840 Other. Types of landscape. Landscape characters. Natural scenery. ' ' Free landscape . ' ' Cf . 1050. A few examples only are given to suggest the kind of topics which may be added by the individual user. 3900 General. 3905 General special. 3910 Types according to dominant ground forms and topography. 3915 Prairies. 3920 Types according to dominant vegetation. 3925 Woodland types. Esthetic forestry. Cf. 2145. 3930 Types according to climate. 3935 Tropical landscape. 69 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape (continued). 3940 Types according to effect of human occupa- tion AND ACTIVITIES. 3945 Pastoral landscape. Pastures. 3948 Meadow landscape. Meadows. 3975 Types according to locality. Geographical arrangement. Use Geographical Table, with g.; e.g., New England, 3975ffl0. Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples. 4000 General. Collective. 4001 Special countries. Use here Geographical Table with g, which may also be used throughout types for local material, including plans and photographs. E. g., a portfolio of German designs of various types would be 4001(799. Gardens. 4200 General. Collective. 4202 General special. Including definition of term " garden." Pleasure gardens. 4225 General. Put here light and very general literature; e. g., the garden in poetry, etc. 4320 Special aspects. Use of gardens for social purposes, fetes, etc. Design. 4250 General. See note under 4700, which number should be al- lowed to attract books on estate as well as garden design. Cf. 490.5.3. Theory of design as applied to gardens. 4260 General. Styles of gardens. 4270 General. 4272 Formal. 4273 Informal. 4274 Naturalistic. Cf. 4439. 70 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Gardens (continued) . Pleasure gardens (continued). Design (continued) . Styles of gardens (continued) . (4280) (Special styles.) See 210 + , History and historic styles of landscape design. If, however, a special collection on gardens is being made, the same relation of numbers as in 210+ can be used here to develop the history of gardens in detail. Composition of the garden. 4320 General. 4325 Compositional elements. 4327 Boundaries. Entrances. Cf. 1192. 4331 Surface decoration. Beds, turf areas, paths, etc. Cf. 1194. 4335 Objects marking points of interest. Cf. 1196. 4350 Gardens in special environments. In relation to : 4351 Climate and atmosphere. E. g., Tropical gardens. 4352 Topography. 4354 Waterside gardens. Cf. 1838, 1996-1997, etc., 4442, etc. 4355 Seashore gardens. Cf. 1839, 2000, etc., etc., 2011, etc. 4358 Gardens on flat topography. 4360 Gardens on uneven, rough, rocky topography. 4362 Hillside gardens. Terraced gardens. 4364 Hilltop gardens. (4370) (Plants. Vegetation.) See 4400 +. 71 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Gardens (continued). Pleasure gardens (continued) . Design (continued). In relation to (continued) . 4380 Structures. 4382 Dooryard gardens. 4384 Backyard gardens. 4386 Courtyard gardens. Interior court gardens. 4388 Roof gardens. 4390 Gardens at special seasons or hours. 4391 Seasons. Seasonal effects. Cf. 1157, 1834, 1975, etc. 4392 Spring. 4393 Summer. 4394 Autumn. 4395 Winter. 4396 Hours. 4397 Day. 4398 Night. Night effects. Including lighting of gardens. Cf. 1154. 4400 Gardens of special plant materials. Cf. 1800 + . 4405 Exhibition gardens. Specimen gardens. Cf. 1821, etc., 5800+. 4410 Special kinds of plants. 4411 Trees. 4412 Topiary gardens. Cf. 1822. 4413 Wildernesses. (Historical term.) Cf. 2145. 4414 Orchard gardens. Fruit gardens. Cf. 2140. 4416 Shrubs. 4418 Rose gardens. Cf. 2486. Herbaceous plants. 4421 General. 4426 Special plants'. 72 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Gardens (continued). Pleasure gardens (continued). Design (continued). Gardens of special plant materials (cont'd) . Herbaceous plants (continued). 4430 Special groups. 4431 Annuals. Cf. 2781. 4433 Perennials. Cf. 2783. 4437 Bulbs. Cf. 2787. 4439 Native plants. Wild gardens. Cf. 2789. 4441 Rock and alpine plants. Rock gardens. Wall gardens. Cf. 2791. 4442 Water plants. Water gardens. Cf. 2792. 4443 Bog and marsh plants. Bog gardens. Cf. 2896. 4444 Bedding plants. Cf. 2794. 4448 Scented plants. Cf. 2870. 4450 Special color groups. Color effects in gardens. 4455 Gardens of special sizes and shapes. E. g., Small gardens, Sunken gardens (arranged alpha- betically). 4460 Gardens for special classes of people. E. g., Architects' gardens, Children's gardens, School gardens, etc. (arranged alphabetically by name of class). 4465 Other special kinds. E. g., " Bird gardens," gardens of Shakesperian plants, " Old-fashioned gardens," etc. 4470 Construction and maintenance. Cf. 1850 +, 2750 + ■ 4472 Cost, 73 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued) . Gardens (continued). Pleasure gardens (continued). Examples. 4475 General. (4477) (History.) See 210 + . 4480 Description, by special countries. Use Geographical Table with g. This classification number may be used for plans and photographs, but not for books. Class these with Estates in 4701 + ■ Service gardens. Vegetable gardens. Kitchen gardens. Reserve gardens, cut-flower gardens, etc. 4525 General. 4536 Design. Material on decorative vegetable gardens may be classified here. 4545 Construction and maintenance. (4575) (Botanical gardens.) See 5800 + . Private estates. 1 Put with the books on estates, 4700 + , the garden books in- cluding also estates; e. g., Mawson's Art and Craft of Gar- den Making. 4700 General. Collective. 4701- Examples. Special countries and localities. 4004 To include local garden books. See Geographical arrange- ment, p. 93. 4900 Design. For books, irrespective of size of estates discussed. 2 4905 Elements. Put here only discussion of these units as elements of the estate. Otherwise use subdivisions in 3000 +, as noted below. 4905.1 House and house terrace. Cf. 3060 +, 3234. 1 Arrange material on single estates under name of place in which it is situated, then by owner, e. g., large estate of C. S. Sargent, Brookline, Mass. NAB 5045g27 Brook — Sar 1 2 This same relation of numbers may be used for subdividing Design under the Types according to use, numbered 5105, 5155, 5205, 5255, 5305, 5405, 5605, 5705, 5805, 5855, 6025. In the case of subdivisions of the other Types of land- scape designs, the same relation of numbers may be used as a decimal. 74 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Private estates (continued). Design (continued). Elements (continued) . 4905.3 Pleasure buildings and areas, including pleasure gardens. Cf. 3150+, 4250+. 4905.5 Service buildings and areas. Cf. 3100 + . 4905.7 Lawns, woods, etc. Natural character units. Cf. 2735, 3900 +. 4905.9 Access and entrances. Circulation. Cf. 3600 + . 4906 Estates in special environments. Choice of site. Cf. 4351+. 4907 Climate. 4908 Topography. 4909 Waterside. 4910 Seashore. 4911 Flat. 4912 Irregular, rough, rocky. 4913 Hillside. 4914 Hilltop. 4915 Estates for special classes of people. Cf. subdivisions according to cost in City Planning Classification, NAC 1694 + . 4918 Estates designed collectively. Cf. 4930 + , 4980 + , 7100, and NAC 3000 + . Lot the land subdivision numbers attract. 4920 Construction and maintenance. Estate management may be classified here. Cf. (1495). 4922 Cost. House lots (up to one acre). 4925 General. 4930 Designed collectively. Cf. 491S. Prefer 7100. 4935 Special countries. 75 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Private estates (continued). House lots (up to one acre) (continued). (4940) (Designed individually.) See 4900+ . 4945 Special countries. Plans and descriptions of individual estates. Suburban estates. Small estates (one to ten acres). 4975 General. 4980 Designed collectively. Including Summer colonies. Cf. 491S. Prefer 7100. 4985 Special countries. Plans and descriptions of individual estates. (4990) (Designed individually.) See 4900 + . 4995 Special countries. Country estates. Large estates (over ten acres) . 5025 General. 5045 Special countries. (5046) (Special kinds.) 5047 Castle grounds. 5048 Private estate reserves. Private parks. Game preserves. Deer parks. Cf. 6122. Farms. 5050 General. 5055 Design. 5070 Construction and maintenance. Farm management may be classified here. Cf. (1495). 5075 Examples. 5100 Country club grounds, golf clubs. Cf. 6.589, golf courses. 5105 Design. 5120 Construction and maintenance. 5125 Examples. 5150 Hotel grounds, country, seashore, etc. Sum- mer hotels. 5155 Design. 5170 Construction and maintenance. 5175 Examples. 76 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). 5180 Recreation camps. 5185 Design. 5190 Construction and maintenance. 5195 Examples. 5200 Hospital, asylum, sanitarium, etc., grounds. Further subdivision may be made here if desired for special types of asylums, sanitariums, etc. \e.g., Poor farms, Animal homes, etc. Prefer NAB 5200+ to NAC 4645 in a library using both NAB and NAC Classification Schemes. 5205 Design. 5220 Construction and maintenance. 5225 Examples. 5250 College, university, private school grounds. 5255 Design. 5270 Construction and maintenance. 5275 Examples. 5300 Church grounds. Prefer to NAC 4650. Cf. 5900 + . 5305 Design. 5320 Construction and maintenance. 5325 Examples. 5400 Factory grounds. Prefer to NAC 4655. 5405 Design. 5420 Construction and maintenance. 5425 Examples. 5450 Railroad grounds. Including station grounds and rights of way. Prefer to NAC 2487, etc. 5455 Design. 5470 Construction and maintenance. 5475 Examples. Grounds of public buildings. Prefer to NAC 4623. 5500 General. Collective. 5510 Capitol, city-hall, court-house grounds, etc. 5515 Design. 5520 Construction and maintenance. 5525 Examples. 77 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Grounds of public buildings (continued). 5530 Library and museum grounds. 5535 Design . 5540 Construction and maintenance. 5545 Examples. 5550 Public l school grounds. Cf . 4460, School gardens, and 6560, School playgrounds. 5555 Design. 5560 Construction and maintenance. 5565 Examples. 5590 Other. 5600 Exposition grounds. Prefer to NAC 3724. 5605 Design. 5620 Construction and maintenance. 5625 Examples. 5650 Fair grounds, state, county, and other. 5655 Design. 5670 Construction and maintenance. 5675 Examples. 5700 Amusement parks. Prefer to NAC 4290. 5705 Design. 5720 Construction and maintenance. 5725 Examples. 5730 Open air concert gardens. Tea gardens. Outdoor restaurants. Prefer to NAC 4280. 5735 Design . 5740 Construction and maintenance. 5745 Examples. 5750 Zoological parks. Prefer to NAC 4270. 5755 Design. 5765 Buildings, including Aviaries, Aquariums, etc. 1 The word /mblic is here used in the American sense. The great British " public schools " should be classified with private schools, 5250 + . 78 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape design, according to use, including examples (continued). Zoological parks (continued). 5770 Construction and maintenance. 5775 Examples. 5800 Botanical gardens. " Museum " gardens. Prefer to NAC 4265. 5805 Design. 5820 Construction and maintenance. 5825 Examples. 5850 Arboretums. 5855 Design. 5870 Construction and maintenance. 5875 Examples. Cemeteries. Prefer to NAC 4480 + . Cf . 5300 +. 5900 General. Collective. 5902 Proceedings of societies, conferences, etc. 5903 Administration. Regulations. Design. 5905 General. 5907 Styles. 5908 Formal. Architectural. 5909 Informal. Park cemeteries. 5910 Elements. 5911 Ground forms, including water. 5913 Plants. Cemetery planting. 5914 Lots. 5915 Structures. 5916 Monuments. Including headstones and markers. Cf. 3440. 5917 Buildings. Chapels. Columbariums. Mausoleums. 5918 Roads and paths. 5920 Cemeteries in special environments. 5921 According to climate. 5922 According to topography. 5929 According to race, religion, etc. 5940 Construction and maintenance. 5945 Examples. 79 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Drill grounds, etc. Cf. NAC 4395. 5950 General. 5955 Design. 5960 Construction and maintenance. 5965 Examples. Public and semi-public reservations, parks, playgrounds, and other outdoor public recreation facilities. Cf . the classification of Parks and reservations provided in the NAC Classification Scheme, 4000 + . A library using both NAB and NAC Schemes, should prefer NAB 6000+ for matters of internal design; but park systems, relation of parks to distribution of population and to other elements of the city plan should be classified in NAC 4000 +. 6000 General. Collective. 6001 General special. Including Nomenclature. 6002 Periodicals. 6005 Proceedings of Societies, Conferences, etc. 6009 Statistics. 6010 Special aspects. E. g., sociological, economic. Use of parks. 6014 Legislation. Creating parks, etc. Administration. Management. 6015 General. 6016 Commissions. 6018 Regulations. 6020 Reports. Discussions of form or value of park reports, etc. In- dividual local reports go in 6800+. 6022 Concessions. Granting of privileges, etc., e. g., camping privileges. Cf. 5180+, 5730+. 6025 Design. The subarrangement of topics under Park design, General, is repeated under Large parks, 6325+, and Small parks, 6425+, to provide for a minute classifi- cation of notes, if desired. For an ordinary collection 6025+ will'be found more convenient in use. 80 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Design (continued). 6026 Sites. 6027 Styles. 6028 Formal. 6029 Naturalistic. Landscape parks. Cf. 3900 + . 6030 Elements. 6031 Ground forms, including water. 6033 Plants, Park planting. 6034 Picnic groves, music groves, etc. 6034.5 Gardens. Displays of herbaceous plants. 6035 Structures. 6036 Buildings. Including rest houses, shelters, band stands, restaurants, service buildings, etc. Cf. 3105, 3150+. 6037 Park furniture. Lighting, seats, etc., statuary and monuments in parks. 6038 Bridges. 6039 Roads, paths, entrances, etc. Construction and maintenance. 6040 General. 6041 Cost. Cost accounting. 6045 Special considerations. E. g., Soil fertility, sprinkling. Cf. 1853 + . Reservations. Public reserved land not developed for intensive recre- ative use. Prefer to NAC 4150 + . 6100 General. 6103 Administration. Regulations. 6107 Examples according to ownership. 6110 National. National parks and " National monuments." Cf. 6135, National forests. 6115 State. Provincial for Canada, etc. 6120 County, metropolitan, and municipal. General only. Local reports go in 6800 + . 81 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (contimied). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Reservations (continued) . Examples according to ownership (contimied). 6122 Private. Club. Proprietary. E. g., reservations of Appalachian Mountain Club. 6124 Other. Forest and water-supply reservations. 6125 General. Forest reservations. 6126 General. 6128 Administration. Regulations. 6130 Design. Cf. 3925. 6131 Construction and maintenance. a. 2350. 6132 Examples. According to ownership. 6135 National. National forests. Cf. 6110, National parks. 6137 State. 6139 Municipal. 6141 Private. 6144 Other. Water-supply reservations. Watershed reservations. Reservoirs. 6150 General. . 6155 Watershed reservations. 6158 Administration. Regulations. 6160 Design. 6161 Construction and maintenance. 6162 Examples. 6165 Reservoir reservations. Cf. 6210+, Lake reservations and parks. 6165 is for material from special point of view of water supply. 6168 Administration. Regulations, 6170 Design. 82 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Forest and water-supply reservations (continued) . Reservoir reservations (continued). 6171 Construction and maintenance. 6172 Examples. 6190 Scenic reservations. Preservation of land- scape. Shore reservations. Cf. 6600 +. Shore reservations, as distinguished from Recreational waterfronts, are areas not de- veloped for intensive recreation but preserved primarily as naturalistic landscape. 6200 General. 6203 Administration. Regulations. 6205 Seashore reservations. Cf. 1670, 6655. 6207 Design. 6208 Construction and maintenance. 6209 Examples. 6210 Lake and pond reservations. Cf. 1680+, 6165, 6660. 6212 6213 Design. Construction and maintenance 6214 Examples. 6215 River reservations. Stream reserva- tions. Waterfall reservations. Cf. 1690-1696, 6665. 6217 Design. 6218 Construction and maintenance. 6219 Examples. 6230 Hill and mountain reservations. Hilltop reservations. Cf. 1760 +. 6232 Design. 6233 Construction and maintenance. 6234 Examples. 83 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Places containing special natural fea- tures AND FEATURES OF HISTORIC IN- TEREST. For " National monuments " as the term is used in the United States, prefer 6110. 6240 General. 6244 Natural features. Natural monuments. Cf. 6126+, 6200 + . 6246 Historic features. 6250 Reservations for the preservation of animal and bird life, and plant life. 6252 Animal life. 6254 Bird life. Bird sanctuaries. 6256 Plant life. Reservations for preservation of typical flora. 6260 Reservations for defence. Military reservations. 6270 Reservations for other special purposes. Large parks. Prefer to NAG 4240. 6300 General. 6310 Special aspects. Use. Uses for purposes other than the primary use, etc. 6315 Administration. Regulations. 6325 Design. See note under 6025. 6326 Sites. 6327 Styles. 6328 Formal. 6329 Naturalistic. Large landscape parks. Country parks. 6330 Elements. 6331 Ground forms, including water. 6333 Plants. Park planting. 6334 Picnic groves. Music groves, etc. 84 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Large parks (continued). Design (continued). Elements (continued) . 6335 Structures. 6336 Buildings. 6337 Park furniture. Lighting. Seats, etc. Statuary and monuments. 6338 Bridges. 6339 Roads, paths, entrances, etc. 6340 Construction and maintenance. 6341 Cost. 6350 Examples. 6353 Formal. 6355 . Naturalistic. Landscape parks. Country parks. Small parks. Commons, garden squares, neighborhood parks, public gardens. Not developed for active recreation. Prefer to NAC 4250 +. 6400 General. 6415 Administration. Regulations. 6425 Design. See note under 6025. 6426 Sites. 6427 Styles. 6428 Formal. 6429 Naturalistic. Small landscape parks. 6430 Elements. 6431 Ground forms, including water. 6533 Plants. Park planting. 6435 Structures. - 6436 Buildings. 6437 Park furniture, etc. Statuary, mon- uments, etc. 6438 Bridges. 6439 Roads, malls, paths, entrances, etc. 85 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Small parks, etc. (continued). 6440 Construction and maintenance. 6441 Cost. 6450 Examples. Playgrounds, athletic fields, and provi- sions FOR SPECIAL SPORTS. Prefer to NAC4300 + , 6500 General. 6502 Periodicals. 6505 Proceedings of societies, etc. 6509 Statistics. 6510 Special aspects. E. g., Physiological and social value of playgrounds. 6515 Administration. Regulations. Playground management. 6520 Games, etc. Theory of play, etc. Cf. 6580 + . Design. 6525 General. 6526 Sites. 6527 Styles. 6530 Elements. Equipment, in general. 6531 Ground surface. Surfacing. 6532 Swimming pools. Wading pools, etc. 6533 Plants. Playground planting. 6535 Structures. 6536 Buildings. Gymnasiums, fieldhouses, etc. 6537 Fences. Screens. Details, etc. 6538 Apparatus. 6539 Other. Including lighting of playgrounds. 6540 Construction and maintenance. 6541 Cost. 6550 Examples according to types of use. 6555 Recreation centers. Neighborhood centers. Combining provision for all ages. 86 CLASSIFICATION Types of landscape designs, according to use, including examples (continued). Public and semi-public reservations, parks, etc. (continued). Playgrounds, athletic fields, etc. (cont'd). 6560 School playgrounds. 6564 Roof playgrounds. 6565 Playgrounds for little children. Block in- terior playgrounds. 6567 Home playgrounds. 6570 Restricted playfields. 6575 Playfields. Athletic fields. Fields for special sports. Grounds for sports and games. Cf. 3198. Data on sports and games may be grouped here. 6580 General. 6581 Football. Football. fields. 6582 Baseball. Baseball fields. 6583 Cricket. Cricket grounds. 6584 Field and track. Areas for field events. Running tracks. 6585 Racing. Race-tracks. Race-courses. 6586 Motor race-tracks. 6587 Polo. Polo fields. 6588 Aviation. Aviation fields. 6589 Golf. Golf courses. Golf links. 6590 Tennis. Tennis courts. Cf. 3205. 6592 Bowling greens, grass rinks, archery lawns, etc. Cf. 3208-3212. 6593 Provision for winter sports. Areas for coasting, tobogganing, etc. Ice skat- ing rinks, hockey rinks, etc. 6594 Other. Put here such provision for sport as hockey fields, basket-ball fields, casting pools, etc. 6595 Playgrounds, etc., of special countries, cities, including special playground reports. Use Geographical Table with Exhibitions, (50)-65. Exhibitions of landscape improve- ment, sec Landscape improve- ment — Exhibitions, 546. Exotic plants, see Greenhouse and house plants, 2042, 2796-2797; Plants, Tropical, 1982, etc. Expositions** — Grounds, 5600-5625. Extension work in landscape improve- ment, see Landscape improve- ment — University extension, 515. Factories** — Grounds, 5400-5425. Fair grounds,** 5650-5675. Fall gardens, see Gardens — Seasonal appearance. Autumn, 4394. Farm buildings, 3105. Farm management, (1495), 5070. Farms, 5050-5075. Fences,** 3340-3348. Fences, Sunk, 3346. Ferns, 2790. Fertilizers, 1853.1-1853.5. Field events, Areas for, 6584. Field hockey, see Hockey fields, 6594. Fieldhouses, see Playgrounds — Build- ings, 6536. Filing systems for landscape architect's office, see Landscape architec- ture — Professional practice. Office organization and equip- ment, 1235. Finals, Post, see Posts and post- finials, 3318. Fireplaces, Outdoor, 6037. Fish ponds, see Lakes, ponds, etc., 1680-1686; Pools, basins, etc., 3448. Floriculture, 2750. See also Horticulture. Flower, see Flowers (popular writings) ; Plants — Flower, 1920, etc. Flower beds, see Carpet beds, 2733; Herbaceous beds and borders, 2731. Flower color, sec Plants — Flower, 1922, etc. 106 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Flower gardens, see Gardens, Cut- flower, 4525—1545; Gardens, Herbaceous, 4421-444S. Flower pots and boxes (Ornamental), 3466. See also Urns, vases, etc.; Win- dow boxes. Flowers (popular writings), 1920. Flowers for cutting, see Herbaceous plants, Cut-flower, 2793. Foliage, see Plants — Foliage, 1905- 19 is, etc. Foliage plants, see Plants — Foliage, 1905, etc. Football fields, 6581. Footpaths, see Paths, 3640-(364S). Forecourts, 3027. 1. Foregrounds, in landscape composi- tion, see Landscape composi- tion, 1178. Forest reservations,** 0126-0144. See also Woodlands; and head- ings beginning: Forests and forestry. Forest trees, see Trees; Forests* and forestry; 2350. Forests and forestry (Library of Con- gress Classification, SD). Forests and forestry, Esthetic, 3925. See also Woodlands. Forests and forestry, Municipal, 6139. Forests and forestry, National, 6135. Forests and forestry, Private, 6141. Forests and forestry, State, 6137. Form — In landscape composition, see Shape — In landscape compo- sition, 1137-1138. Form of plants, see Plants — Habit and shape, 1935-(1955), etc. Formal design, see Landscape design — Styles. Formal, 1036. Formal gardens, see Gardens, Formal, 4272. Formal grading, see Grading, 1431- 1433; Panels, Sunk, 3240; Parterres, 3217: Terraces, 3230-3234; etc. Formal parks, see Parks, Formal, 602s, etc. Formal styles of landscape design, sec Landscape design — Styles. Formal, 1036; and ot her special subdivisions relating to specific formal styles, e.g., Italian Re- naissance. Foundations (of structures), 3335. Fountain basins, see Fountains, 3446- 3447; Pools, basins, etc., 3448. Fountains ' 3446-3447. See oho Drinking fountains; Pools, basins, etc. Fountains, Wall, 3447. " Freak " plants, see Plant curiosi- ties, 1895, etc. Freehand drawing, see Drawing, Free- hand, 1251. French curves, see Drawing instru- ments, 1251.5. French Grand style of landscape de- sign, see Landscape design — Styles. French Grand. Le Notre, 236. French informal style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. French informal, 238. French Renaissance style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. French Renaissance, 233. Front turns, see Turnarounds, 3627. Fruit (of plants in general), see Plants — Fruit, 1925, etc. Fruit-culture, 2150. Fruit gardens, see Gardens, Fruit, 4414. Fruit trees, 2225. See also Orchards. Fruit trees, Trained, 2135. Full-sized details, see Plans, Detail, 1278. Furniture, Garden, see Garden furni- ture, 3425-3486; Seats, Car- den, 3482-3484; Tables, Gar- den, 3486. Game preserves (Private), 5048. Games and sports — Grounds, see Sports and games — Grounds, 6580-6594. (lames for playgrounds, see Play- grounds — Games, 6520. 1 If l lie City Planning Classification and headings are also used, Fountains may be divided into Garden and Civic. 107 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Garage yards, see Garages and garage yards, 3130. Garages and garage yards, 3130. See also Service yards. Garden arches, 3472. Garden contests, see Gardens, Vege- table, 4525; Yard improve- ment, 565. Garden entrances, see Gates and Gate- ways, Garden, 3362. Garden furniture,** 3425-3486. See also names of special objects, e.g., Fountains; Sundials; etc. ( larden gates, see Gates and gateways, Garden, 3362. Garden houses, see Arbors, 3160; Gazebos, 3153; Pavilions, shelters, etc., 3155. Garden pottery, see Pottery, Garden, 3430m7. Garden seats, see. Seats, Garden, 3482- 3484. Garden tables, 3486. Garden theaters, see Theaters, Gar- den, 3195. Gardener's yards, 3138. Gardeners, 1222.5. " Gardenesque " style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Informal, 1037. Gardening, see Gardens; Gardens — ■ Construction and maintenance; Horticulture. Gardens,** 4200-(4575), 4701-4884. (Geographical subdivision to be used.) See aho Botanical gardens; Con- cert gardens; Estates (Private); Plants. — Adaptation to topography, 4352, — Color effects, 4450. — Construction and maintenance, 4470. See also Landscape construction and maintenance. — Definition, 4202. — Design, 4250-4465. — Exhibitions, 4405. — History and description, 4475- (4480). See also Landscape architecture — History. Gardens (continued). — In literature, 4225. — In parks, 6034.5. — Lighting, 4398. — Night effects, 439S. See also Gardens — Lighting. — Seasonal effects, 4391-4395. (Sub- divide: Spring, Summer, Au- tumn. Winter.) — Styles (General), see Landscape design — Styles, 4270-(4280). For different kinds of gardens, see headings beginning Gar- dens, e.g., Gardens, Alpine; Gardens, Formal. — 17se, 4230. Gardens, Alpine, 4441. See also Gardens, Rock; Plants, Alpine. Gardens, Ancient, 215-224. See also Landscape architecture — History. Ancient; Land- scape design — Styles. Clas- sic; Landscape design — Styles. Egyptian and M esopotamian. Gardens, Annual, 4431. See also Herbaceous plants, An- nual. Gardens, Autumn, see Gardens — Seasonal effects. Autumn, 4394. Gardens, Babylonian, see Gardens, Ancient; Landscape architec- ture — History, Ancient; Land scape design — Styles . Egyptia n and Mesopotamian; 217. Gardens, Backyard, 4384. Gardens, Bird, 4465. Gardens, Bog and marsh, 4443. See also Plants, Bog and marsh. Gardens, Botanical, see Botanical gar- dens, 5800-5825. Gardens, Bulb, 4437. See also Bulbous plants. Gardens, Children's, 4460. Gardens, Chinese, see Gardens — China, 4865; Landscape design — Styles. Chinese, 244. Gardens, Colonial, see Gardens — ■ U. S. Colonial, 4706; Gar- dens, " Old-fashioned," 4465. Gardens, Concert, see Concert gar- dens, 5730-5745. 108 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Gardens, Courtyard, see Courtyards, Gardens, Monastic, 226 4386. Gardens, Cut-flower, 4525-4545. Gardens, Dooryard, 4382. Gardens, Egyptian, see Gardens — Egypt, 4875; Landscape design — Styles. Egyptian and Meso- polamian, 217. Gardens, English, sec Gardens — Great Britain, 4785; Land- scape design — Stijles. Eng- lish Renaissance. Tudor. Eliz- abethan, 234. Gardens, Fern, 4440. See also Ferns, Gardens, Flower, see Gardens, Cut- flower, 4525-4545; Gardens, Herbaceous, 4421-4448. Gardens, Formal, 427-' Gardens, French, see Gardens — France, 4797; Landscape design — Styles. French Renaissance, 233; Landscape design — StyU s. French Grand. Le Notre, 236. Gardens, Fruit, 4414. Gardens, German, see Gardens — Germany, 4799; Landscape de- sign — Styles. German formal, 1897-, 240. Gardens, " Hanging," see Gardens, Terraced, 4362. Gardens, Herbaceous, 4421-4448. See also Herbaceous plants. Gardens, Hillside, 4362. See also Gardens, Terraced. Gardens, Hilltop, 4364. Gardens, Indian, see Gardens — India, 4851 ; Landscape design — Styles. Indian. Moghul, 247. Gardens, Informal, 4273. Gardens, Italian, see Gardens — Italy, 4803 ; Landscape design — Styles. Italian Renaissance. Baroque, 232. Gardens, Japanese, see Gardens — Japan, 4867; Landscape de- sign — Styles. Japanese, 245. ( iardens, Marsh, see Gardens, Bog and marsh, 4443. Gardens, Mediaeval, 225-228. See also Gardens, Monastic; Pleas- ances, Mediaeval. Gardens, Naturalistic, 4274. See also Gardens, Wild. Gardens, " Old-fashioned," 4465. See also Gardens — U. S. Colo- nial; Landscape design — Styles. American Colonial. Gardens, Orchard, see Gardens, Fruit, 4414. Gardens, Perennial, 4433. See also Herbaceous plants, Peren- nial. Gardens, Persian, see Gardens — Persia, 4847; Landscape design — Styles. Persian, 246. Gardens, Pleasure, see Gardens, 4225- (4480). Gardens, Public, 6400-6450. Gardens, Reserve, 4525-4545. Gardens, Rock, 4441. See also Gardens, Alpine; Plants, Rock. Gardens, Roof, see Roof gardens, 4388. Gardens, Rose, 4418. See also Roses, Garden. Gardens, Scented, 4448. See also Plants — Scent. Gardens, School, 4460. Gardens, Seashore, 4355. Gardens, Service, 4525-4545. Gardens, Shakesperian, 4465. Gardens, Shrub, 4416. See also Shrubs. Gardens, Small, 4455. Gardens, Spanish, .see Gardens — Spain, 4823; Landscape de- sign — Styles. Moorish, 231. (iardens, Specimen, 4405. See also Botanical gardens; Gar- dens — Exhibitions; Plants, Specimen. Gardens, Spring, see Gardens — Sea- sonal effects. Spring, 4392. Gardens, Sunken, 4455. See also Panels, Sunk. Gardens, Tea, 5730-5745. Gardens, Terraced, 4362. Sec also (iardens, Hillside. ( Iardens, Topiary, 4412. Sic also Topiary work. ( Iardens, Tropical, 4351. (iardens. Vegetable, 4525-4545. 109 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Gardens, Vegetable — Diseases nml pests, 1865. Gardens, Vegetable, Decorative, 4536. Gardens, Wall, 4441. See also Plants, Rock. Gardens, Water and Waterside, 4354, 4442. .SeeaZsoGardens, Seashore; Plants, Water. Gardens, Wild, 4439. See also Gardens, Naturalistic; Plants, Native; Plants, Wild- garden. Gardens, Winter, see Gardens — Sea- sonal effects. Winter, 4395. Gardens, Zoological, sec Zoological parks, 5750-5775. Garlands, between posts, 33 41 m'J. Gas-lighting, 3768. Gas-pipes, 3768. Gate-lodges, 3125. Gates** and gateways, 3350-3362. Gates and gateways, Covered, 3363. Gates and gateways, Entrance to es- tates, etc., 3361. Gates and gateways, Garden, 3362. See also Garden arches. Gateways, see Gates and gateways, 3350-3362. Gazebos, 3153. Gazing globes, 3469. General plans, see Plans, General, 1276. Geology, 1640, 1852.1. .See also Ground tonus — In landscape. " Geometrical " styles of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Formal. 1036 German formal style. 1S97-, see Landscape design — Styles. German formal. 1897-, 210. Glossaries of landscape architecture, . see Landscape architecture — Dictionaries, etc., 190. Golf clubs, see Country clubs — Grounds, 5100 5125; Golf courses, 05S9. Golf courses, 6589. " Good roads," sei Roads Improve- ment, 570. Grading, 1431-1433. .See also Roadside grading. Grading plans, see Plans, Grading, I27S. Grafting, 1860.1. Grand" style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. 1'rinch Grand. Le Ndtrc, 236. Craphical scales, see Scales, Graphical, 1315. Grasses, 2788. Gratings, Tree, si e Tree grat ings, 3420. Gravel (as material of mads and paths), see Roads, Gravel, 3610m8.5. Gravel beaches, >, lScachcs, 1701. Grazing line, 2110. Greek style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Classic, 219. Greenhouse and house plants. 2042, 2796-2797. Greenhouses, (1864), 3140. Greens, Bowling, see Bowling greens, 3211, 6592. Grilles, 3316.5. Grottoes, 3185. Ground, sec Ground forms — /// Uiml- scape; Ground surface model- ling; 1600-1790. Ground cover, 2050, 2050, 2950. See also Grasses. Ground forms** — In landscape, 1600-1790. See also Geology. Ground surface modelling, 1785. See also Slopes. ( ! rounds, see the subdivision: Ground.-: under the special types of land- scape designs (accordingto use), e.g., Country clubs — Grounds, etc. Groves, see Bosquets, 2145; Music groves, 6034; Picnic groves, 6334; Woodlands, 3925. ( Iroynes, see Shores — Structural treat- ment, 3263. Guards, Lawn, Tree, etc., see Lawn guards, 3120; Tree guards, 3421; etc. (lull ers. 3620. Gymnasiums, 6536. 110 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND I-NDEX H " Ha-has," see Fences, Sunk, 3346. Habit of plants, see Plants — Habit and shape, 1935-(1955), etc. Half-tone cuts, see Reproduction of drawings — Half-tone cuts, 1308. Harmony, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1115. Heating, 3762-3763. Heating — Central station systems, 3763. Hedges, 1827, (2055), 2127. 2427. •See also Border plantations; Windbreaks. Henhouses, see Farm buildings, 3105. Herbaceous beds, see Herbaceous beds and borders, 2731-2733. Herbaceous beds and borders, 2720, 2724, 2731-2733. Herbaceous borders, see Herbaceous beds and borders, 2724. Herbaceous edgings, see Edgings, Herbaceous, 2729. Herbaceous gardens, see Gardens, Her- baceous, 4421-4448. Herbaceous plants,** 2700-2969. Herbaceous plants — Diseases and pests, 1865. Herbaceous plants — Special colors, 2822. Herbaceous plants — Special seasons, 2823. Herbaceous plants, Annual, 2781. See also Gardens, Annual. Herbaceous plants, Biennial. 2782. Herbaceous plants, Cut-flower, 2793. Sec also Gardens, Cut-flower. Herbaceous plants, Perennial, 2783. iSee also Gardens, Perennial. Herbaceous vines, see Vines, climbers, etc., 2785. Herbs, Sweet, 2798. Hermae, 3463. Hill and mountain reservations and parks, 6230-6234. Hills and mountains, 1760-1706. Hillside estates, see Estates (Private), Hillside, 4913. Hillside gardens, see Gardens, Hillside, 4362. Hilltop estates, see Estates (Private), Hilltop, 4914. Hilltop gardens, see Gardens, Hilltop, 4364. Historic features** in landscape, 6246. Historic styles of landscape, design, see Landscape design — Styles, 210-249, (1049). History of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — His- tory, 210-249. Hitching posts, 3418. Hockey fields, 6594. Hockey rinks, see Skating rinks; Winter sports, Areas for; 6593. Home playgrounds, see Playgrounds, Home, 6567. Horticultural tools, see Tools, Horti- cultural, 1872-1872.3. Horticulture** (Library of Congress Classification, SB), 1850-(1874), 1875, etc. Hospitals,** asylums, etc. — Grounds, 5200-5225. Hotbeds and cold frames, (1864), 3145. Hotels** — Grounds, 5150-5175. See also Recreation camps. Hothouses, see Greenhouses (1864), 3140. Hour of day, as affecting landscape effects, 1070. House grounds, see Estates (Private), 4700-5048; Yard improve- ment, 565. House lots, see Estates (Private), House-lot, 4925-4945. House plants, see Greenhouse and house plants, 2042, 2797. House terraces, see Terraces, House, 3234. Houses, 3060. Houses, Country, 3066. See also Estates (Private), Coun- try. Houses, Small, 3062. See also Estates (Private), House- lot. Houses, Suburban, 3064. See also Estates (Private), Sub- urban. Hydrants, 3728. Ill LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE i Ice houses, see Farm buildings, 3105. Illusions — In landscape composition, 1160. Implements, Horticultural, see Tools, Horticultural, 1872-1872.3. Indian (Moghul) style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Indian. Moghid, 247. Informal design, see Landscape design — Styles. Informal, 1037. Informal gardens, see Gardens, Infor- mal, 4273. Informal styles of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Informal, 1037. Insect pests, 1867-1868.3. Instruments (general), for the use of the landscape architect, see Landscape architecture — Pro- fessional practice. Office organi- zation and equipment, 1233.2. Instruments, Drawing, see Drawing instruments, 1251.5. Ironwork, 3000mS. Irrigation, 1854-1854.1, 3750-3753. Islands, 1710. Italian styles of landscape design, see Landscape design Styles. Italian Renaissance. Baroque, 232. J Japanese styles of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Japanese, 245. Jets, Water, see Fountains, 3446. Kitchen gardens, see Gardens, Vege- table, 4525-4545. Knots, 2734, L Labels, Plant, see Plant labels. 1873. Labor, 1221.8. Labyrinths, see Mazes, 3180. Lake and pond reservations and parks, 6210-6214, 6660. Lakes, ponds, etc., 16N0 1686. Land subdivision,** Residential, 7100 Landscape,** 1050-1055, 3900-3975. Landscape (continual ) . See also Landscape preservation; Reservations, Landscape. Landscape** — Types, 3900-3975. See also Meadows; Pastoral land- scape; Tropical landscape; Woodlands: etc. Landscape appreciation,** 1020. Landscape architect, see Landscape architecture. Landscape architect's office, sec Land- scape architecture — Profes- sional practice. Office organiza- tion and equipment, 1230-1239. Landscape architecture,** 250-294. (General works, essays, out- lines, tables, etc. i ** — Bibliography, 0. **— Biography, 200-205. — Classification, 254. — Competitions, 1225. — Competitive examinations, 1228. ** — Congresses, (40)-46. — Definition, 302. — Design, sec Landscape design, 1000-1199. ** — Dictionaries, etc., 190. ** — Directories, 195. — Examinations, see Landscape architecture — Competitive ex- aminations, 122S; Landscape architecture — Professional practice. Registration examina- tions, 1215. **— Exhibitions, (50)-65. See also Gardens — Exhibitions; Landscape improvement — Ex- hibitions. **— History, 210-241). Seealso Landscape design — Styles. — History. Ancient. 215 224. — History. Mediaeeal, 225-228. — History. Modem, 230-242. — History. Oriental, 243-248. — Lectures, 265-270. See also Landscape improvement — Lectures. ** — Legislation, 700. Sic also Contracts and specifica- tions; Landscape architecture — Professional practice. Legal , elations. 112 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Landscape architecture (continued). **— Museums, (70)-85. — Name, 302. **— Periodicals, (1)-14. — Professional opportunities, 320- 324. ** — Professional practice, 1200-13.57. See also Contractors; Landscape architecture — Competitions; Landscape architecture — Tech- nical procedure; Nurserymen. — Professional practice. Advertis- ing and publicity, 1223. — Professional practice. Announce- ments, 1224. — Professional practice. Charges, 1212. — Professional practice. Cooperor lion, 1220. — Professional practice. Legal re- lations, 1213. See also Landscape architecture — Professional practice. Regis- tration. — Professional practice. Office or- ganization and equipment, 1230- 1239. — Professional practice. Registra- tion, 1215. — Professional practice. Registra- tion examinations, 1215. — Professional practice. Reports, 1245, 1342. **— Societies, (20)-39. "*— Study and teaching, 900-998. See also Landscape architecture — Study tours; Landscape archi- tecture — Travelling fellow- ships; Landscape improve- ment — Study and teaching (Public schools) ; Landscape improvement — University ex- tension. — Study tours, 947. — Styles, see Landscape design — Styles, 210-249, 1034-(1047). **— Technical procedure, 1200-1357. See also Landscape architecture — Professional practice; Land- scape construction and main- tenance. — Travelling fellowships, 94li. Landscape architecture (continued). — War service, 323. ** — Yearbooks, 15. Landscape character,** 1050-(1055). See also Landscape — Types. Landscape composition,** 1100-1199. See also Atmosphere; Axial ar- rangements; Color; Illusions; Light and shade; Movement; Night effects; Outlooks; Per- spective; Scale; Seasonal ef- fects; Shape; Silhouette; Texture; Vistas. Landscape construction ** and main- tenance, 1400-(1490). See also Subdivision: Construc- tion and maintenance, under Types (according to use), e.g., Gardens, Parks, etc. Landscape construction and main- tenance — Cost, 1402-1404. Landscape construction** and main- tenance — Superintendence, 1355-1357. Landscape design,** 911-915, 1000- 1199, 1246, 1346. See also subdivision Design under the special Types (according to use), e.g., Gardens, Parks, etc. ** — Economic theory, (1005), 1608, 1808, 3008. See also Landscape designs — Types, according to use. **— Esthetic theory, 1010-1079. See also Landscape character; Landscape composition ; Land- scape effects; Style — In land- scape design. **— Presentation, 1250-1346. See also headings beginning: Rep- resentation . **— Styles,' 210-249, 1034-(1049). See also Style — In landscape design. — Styles. American Colonial. 'M'Jgt't. — Styles. American landscape. Olmsted, 239. 1 The names of the styles following are those most often recognized. Others may be added in corresponding form. If it is desirable to have an indication for styles occurring outside the country of their origin, parentheses con- taining the phrase, e.g., {in U.S.), (in Ger- many), may be added. 113 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Landscape design (continued). — Styles. Chinese, 244. — Styles. Classic, 219, 1042. — Styles. Dutch, 235. — Styles. Egyptian and Mesopo- tamian, 217. — Styles. English "Landscape School," 237. — Styles. English Renaissance. Tudor. Elizabethan, 234. — Styles. Formal, 1036. See also names of styles charac- terized by formal design; e.g., French Grand; Italian Renais- sance. — Styles. French Grand. Le Notre, 236. — Styles. French informal, 238. — Styles. French Renaissance, 233. — Styles. German formal. 1S97-, 240. — Styles. Greek, see Landscape de- sign — Styles, 'Classic, 219. — Styles. Indian. Moghul, 247. — Styles. Informal, 1037. See also Landscape design — Styles. American landscape. Olmsted; Landscape design — Styles. English "Landscape School "; Landscape design — Styles. French informal; Land- scape design — Styles. Romantic. — Styles. Italian Renaissance' Ba- roque, 232. — Styles. Japanese, 245. — Styles. Landscape, see Landscape design — Styles. American landscape, 239; — Landscape design — Styles. English " Landscape School," 237. — Styles. Monastic, see Gardens, Monastic, 226. — Styles. Moorish, 231. — Styles. Naturalistic, 1040. See also Landscape design — Styles. American landscape. Olmsted; Landscape design — Styles. Japanese; Landscape design — Styles. Romantic. — Styles. Persian, 246. — Styles. Roman, see. Landscape design — Styles. Classic, 219. Landscape design (continued). — Styles. Romantic, 1043. Landscape designs** — Types, accord- ing to use, 4000-6800 + . See also names of types; e.g., Gardens, Parks, etc. Landscape drawing, see Drawing, Landscape, 1251; Representa- tion of landscape forms, 1320- 1330. Landscape effects,** 1060-1079. Landscape extension, see Landscape improvement — University ex- tension, 515. Landscape forestry, see Forests and forestry, Esthetic, 3925. Landscape gardening, see Landscape architecture. Landscape improvement,** 500-590. See also Billboards; Roads — Improvement; Roadside plant- ing; Rural improvement; War memorials; Yard improve- ment. ** — Educational campaigns, 540-54S. — Exhibitions, 546. — Lectures, 542. — Societies, 513. — Study and teaching (Public schools), 548. — University extension, 515. Landscape maintenance, see Land- scape construction and main- tenance, 1400-U490). Landscape painting, 1107. Landscape parks, see Parks, Land- scape, 6029, etc. Landscape preservation,** 6190- 6230. See also Landscape — Types; Res- ervations, Landscape. Landscape reservations, see Reser- vations, Landscape, 6190- 6230. " Landscape School," see Landscape design — Styles. English " Landscape School," 237. Landscape style, see Landscape design — Styles. American landscape style. Olmsted, 231); Landscape design — Styles. English " Landscape School," 237; etc. 14 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Landscape superintendence, see Landscape construction and maintenance — Superintend- ence, 1355-1357. Lanes, 3633. Lantern slides, Landscape architec- ture (General collections), 288. Lanterns, Garden, 3468. Lattices, trellises, treillage, etc., 3300ml. 3, 3430ml.3. Laundry yards, 3134. Lawn grasses, see Grasses, 2788. Lawn guards, 3421. Lawn mowers, 1872.3. Lawn sprinkling, see Watering — Lawns, 1854.1. Lawn tennis courts, see Tennis courts, 3025, 6590. La w ns, 2735. See also Bowling greens; Croquet lawns, etc.; Grasses; Panels, Turf; Turf. Leadwork, 3000ra8. Lectures on landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Lectures, 265-270; Landscape improvement — Lectures, 542. Ledges, see Rocks — In landscape, 1773. Legal aspects of landscape architec- ture, see Landscape architec- ture — Legislation, 700; Land- scape architecture — Profes- sional practice. Legal relations, ■ 1213. Legislation relating to landscape arch- itecture, see Landscape ar- chitecture — Legislation, 700; Landscape architecture — Pro- fessional practice. Legal re- lations, 1213; Landscape archi- tecture — Professional practice. Registration, 1215; Parks — Legislation, 6014. Le Notre, Style of, see Landscape de- sign — Styles. French (hand. Le Notre, 236. Lettering, 1310. Libraries** — Grounds, 5530-5545. Lichens, see Mosses, lichens, etc., 2790.5. 1 Light and shade — In landscape com- position, 1150-1154. Lighting, 3760. See also Electric lighting; Gar- dens — Lighting; Gas-lighting ; Parks — Lighting; ' Play- grounds — Lighting. Line cuts, see Reproduction of draw- ings — Line cuts, 1307. Line drawing, see Drawing, Line, 1290. Lithographs, see Reproduction of drawings — Lithographs, 1305. Lots, Cemetery, see Cemeteries — Lots, 5914. Lots, House, sec Estates (Private), House-lot, 4925-4945. Lych gates, see Gates and gateways, Covered, 3363. M Macadam roads, see Roads, Mac- adam, 3610m7.5. Maintenance, Landscape, see Land- scape construction and main- tenance, 1400-U490). Management of types of landscape designs, according to use (1495), see under the special types, e.g., Estate manage- ment; Farm management; Parks — Administration; etc. Manholes, 3733. Manures, see Fertilizers, 1853.2, 1853.5. Manuscripts, Landscape architecture (General collections), 292. Maps, Topographical, see Topographi- cal maps, 1241. Marine parks, see Seashore reserva- tions and parks, 6655. Marsh gardens, see Gardens, Bog and marsh, 4443. Marsh plants, see Plants, Bog and marsh, 1996, etc. Marshes, 1720-1726. Marshes, Fresh, 1726. Marshes, Salt, 1724. Masonry, 3000m3-6. Materials of construction, 3000. See also Names of special mate- rials, e.g., Brick, Concrete, etc. Mazes, 3190. Meadows, 3948. 15 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Mediaeval gardens, see Gardens, Me- diaeval, 225-228; Gardens, Monastic, 226; Pleasances, Me- diaeval, 227. Mediaeval history of landscape archi- tecture, see Landscape archi- tecture — History. Mediaeval, 225-228. Mediaeval pleasances, see Pleasances, Mediaeval, 227. Medicinal plants, see Plants, Medici- nal, 2067. Metalwork, 3000m8. See also Bronzework; Ironwork; Lead work. Metropolitan parks, see Parks, Met- ropolitan and county, 6120. Military reservations, 6260. Moats, 3492. Models, 1331-1339. Modern history of landscape archi- tecture, see Landscape archi- tecture — History. Modern, 230-242. Moghul (Indian) style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Indian. Moghul, 247. Mohammedan styles of landscape de- sign, see Landscape design — Styles, subdivisions: Indian. Moghul, 247; Moorish, 231; Persian, 246. Monastic gardens, see Gardens, Mo- nastic, 226. Monotony, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1 120. Monuments, 3440. Monuments — In cemeteries, 5916. Monuments, National, see Historic features in landscape, (6230) ; Parks, National, 6110. Monuments, Natural, see Natural monuments, 6244. Moorish style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Moorish, 231. Mosses, lichens, etc., 2790.5. Motor race-tracks, see Race-tracks, Motor, 6586. Motoring, Provision for in large land- scape parks, see Parks — Use, 6010; Parks — Roads, 6039. Mountain reservations and parks, see Hill and mountain reservations and parks, 6230-6234. Mountains and hills, see Hills and mountains, 1760-1766. Mounting blocks, 341S. Mounts (in Tudor gardens), 3243. Movement — In landscape composi- tion, 1158. See also Animals — In landscape: Crowds — In landscape. Municipal forests, see Forests and forestry, Municipal, 6139. Municipal landscape reservations, see Reservations, Landscape, 6190- 6230. Municipal parks, see Parks, Municipal, 6120. Municipal water-supply areas, see Water-supply reservations, 6150-6172. " Museum " gardens, see Botanical gardens, 5800-5825. Museums** — Grounds, 5530-5545. Museums of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Museums, (70)-85. Music courts, 3198, 6034. Music groves, see Music courts, 6034. N Name of profession of landscape arch- itecture, see Landscape archi- tecture — Name, 302. Names, Plant, see Plant names, ( 1874 I, 1876. National forests, see Forests and fores- try, National, 6135. National monuments, see Historic features in landscape, (6240); Parks, National, 6110. National parks, see Parks, National, 6110. National planning,** 9000. Native plants, see Plants, Native (and note), 1877, etc., 2789. Natural monuments,** 6244. Natural scenery, see Landscape, 1050- (1055), 3900-3975. Naturalistic design, see Landscape design — Styles. Naturalistic, 1040. 116 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Naturalistic gardens, see Gardens, Naturalistic, 4274; Gardens, Wild, 4439. Naturalistic styles of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Naturalistic, 1040. Naturalized plants, see Plants, Wild- garden, (2048), 2789. Neighborhood parks, see Parks, Neigh- borhood, 6400-6450. Niches, 3319. Night effects — In landscape compo- sition, 1154. See also Gardens — Night effects. Northpoints, 1315. Nuisances, Plant, see Plant nuisances, 2069, 2969. Nurseries (Plant), 1871. Nurseries (Plant) — Catalogues, 1238. Nurserymen, 1222. O Offices of landscape architects, see Landscape architecture — Pro- fessional practice. Office organ- ization and equipment, 1230- 1239. " Old-fashioned " gardens, see Gar- dens, " Old-fashioned," 4465. Olmstedian style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. American landscape. Olmsted, 239. Orangeries, 3180. Orchard gardens, sec Gardens, Fruit, 4414. Orchards, 2140. See also Fruit trees. Oriental landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — His- tory. Oriental; Landscape de- sign — Styles. Chinese; Jap- anese; etc.; 243-248. Orientation, 1152. " Ornamental water," see Water — In landscape, 1660; Water features (architectural and sculptural), 3445-3452. Outdoor life, 305. (Landscape archi- tecture as promoting.) Outdoor recreation areas, see Camps, 1 Recreation, 5180-5195; Parks, 6000-6800+ ; Playgrounds, 6500-6595; Reservations, Pub- lic, 6100-6260; Waterfronts Recreational, 6600-6665. Outdoor theaters, see Theaters, Out- door, 3198. Outlooks, 1197, 3153. See also Gazebos; Towers. Overhead wires, see Wires, Overhead, 3718. Overlooks, see Outlooks, 1197, 3153. Pagodas, 3153. Painting, 1251. See also Landscape painting. Panels, Sunk, 3240. Panels, Turf, 2736. Pantagraphs, see Drawing instruments 1251.5. Parapets, 3311. See also Balustrades; Copings; Railings. Park accounting, see Parks — Con- struction and maintenance. Cost accounting, 6041. Park cemeteries, see Cemeteries, 5909. Park commissions, see Parks — Com- missions, 6016. Park furniture, 6037, (6337), (6437). Park reports, see Parks — Reports, 6020. Park seats, see Seats, Park, 6037, etc. Parks,** 6000-6800+. (Geographi- cal subdivision to be used.) See also Playgrounds; Reserva- tions, Public. — Administration, 6015. See also Parks — Commission*; Parks — Regulations. — Bridges, 6038. — Buildings, 6036, (6336), (6436). See also Parks — Restaurants; Pa- vilions, shelters, etc.; Play- grounds — Buildings; Service buildings and structures. — Commissions, 6016. — Concessions, 6022. See also Camps, Recreation; Parks — Restaurants. 17 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Parks (continued). — Construction and maintenance, 6040-6045, (6340-6345), (6440- 6445). — Construction and maintenance. Cost accounting, 6041. — Design, 6025-6039, (6325), (6425). See also Gardens — In parks. — Entrances, 6039, (6339), (6439). — Legislation, 6014. — Lighting, 6037, (6337), (6437). — Nomenclature, 6001. — Paths, see Parks — Roads and paths, 6039, (6339), (6439). — Periodicals, 6002. — Planting, 6033, (6333), (6433). — Regulations, 6018. — Reports, 6020. — Restaurants, 6036, (6336), (6436). See also Restaurants, Outdoor. — Roads and paths, 6039, (6339), (6439). — Shelters, see Parks — Buildings, 6036, (6336), (6436). — Societies, 6005. — Statistics, 6009. — Use, 6010. Parks, Amusement, see Amusement parks, 5700-5725. Parks, Country, see Parks, Landscape, 6029, 6329. Parks, County, see Parks, Metropoli- tan and County, 6120. Parks, Formal, 6028, 6328, 6428. (Let attract in preference to Large and Small.) Parks, Hill and mountain, see Hill and mountain reservations and parks, 6230-6634. Parks, Lake and pond, see Lake and pond reservations and parks, 6660. Parks, Landscape, 6029, 6329, 6429. (Let attract in preference to Large and Small.) Parks,** Large, 6300-6355. (Prefer Formal or Landscape to Large, if possible.) Parks, Metropolitan and county, 6120. Parks, Municipal, 6120. Parks, National, 6110. Parks, Neighborhood, 6400-6450. See also Parks, Small; Recrea- tion centers. Parks, River, see River reservations and parks, 6665. Parks, Seashore, tee Seashore reserva- tions and parks, 6655. Parks,** Small, 6400-6450. (Prefer Formal, Landscape, or Neigh- borhood, to Small, if possible.) Parks, State, 6115. Parks, Water, see Waterfronts, Recrea- tional, 6600-6665. Parks, Zoological, .see Zoological parks, 5750-5775. Parterres, 3217. Pastel drawing, see Drawing, Pastel, 1296. Pastoral landscape, 3945. Pastures, see Pastoral landscape, 3945. Paths,** 3600-3620, 3640-(3648). See also Bicycle paths; Bridle paths; Stepping stones; Trails. Paths, Entrance to estates, etc., 3643. Pavements, 3610. See also Roads. Pavements, Asphalt, 3610?«6.2. Pavements, Bituminous, 3610?»6.2. See also Pavements, Asphalt. Pavements, Brick, 3610/«4. Pavements, Cement concrete, 3610/«6. Pavements, Concrete, see Pavements, Cement concrete, 3610m6. Pavements, Ornamental, 3615, 3642. Pavements, Stone, 3610;«5. Pavements, Tar, 3610m6.5. Pavements, Tile, 3610ra4. Pavements, Wood, 3610ml. Pavilions, shelters, etc., 3155. See also Arbors; Bandstands, Bath - houses ; Boat - houses ; Gazebos; Pagodas; Parks — Buildings; Pergolas; Tea houses. Pedestals, 3428. See also Monuments; Statuary; Sundials; Urns, vases, etc. Pen and ink drawing, see Drawing, Pen and ink, 1292. Pencil drawing, see Drawing, Pencil, 1291. 118 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Perennials (herbaceous plants), see Herbaceous plants, Perennial, 2783. Pergolas, 3160. See also Arbors. Periodicals on landscape architecture, parks, etc., .see Landscape archi- tecture — Periodicals, (1)-14; Parks — Periodicals, 0002; Playgrounds — Periodicals, 6502. Perrons, 3393. Persian style of landscape design, see Landscape design - - Styles. Persian, 246. Perspective, 1270-1274. Perspective — In landscape com posi- tion, 1155. Perspective, Aerial, see Atmosphere — In landscape composition, 1156. Perspective, Atmospheric, see Atmos- phere — In landscape compo- sition, 1156. Perspective drawings, 1270-1274. Perspective drawings, Birdseye, 1274. Perspectives, see Perspective draw- ings, 1270. Pests, see Insect pests; Plants — Diseases and pests; Trees — Diseases and /lesls; etc.; 1865- 1868.3. Photographic surveying, see Survey- ing, Photographic, 1241, 1244. Photographs (Reproduction of draw- ings), see Reproduction of draw- ings — Photographs, 1303. Photographs, Landscape architecture (General collections), 286. Photography, 1243. Photography, Aerial, 1244. .See also Surveying, Photographic, Aerial, 1244. Photolithographs, .see Reproduction of drawings — Lithographs, 1305. Picnic groves, 6334. See also Fireplaces, Outdoor. Pictorial compositions, see Landscape composition, 1174-1185. Pictorial representation, see Repre- sentation (Graphic), 1270-1274. 119 " Picturesque," The, see Landscape design — Esthetic theory; Land- scape effects; 1066. Piers, Recreation, 6636. Piggeries, see Farm buildings, 3105. Piling, see Shores — Structural treat- ment, 3255. Pipe-laying, see Pipes and pipe-laying, (1420), 3710. Pipes** and pipe-laying, (1420), 3710. ,S'ce also Aqueducts; Conduits, Electric; Gas-pipes; Sewer- pipes; Subsurface utilities; Water-pipes. Piping, see Pipes and pipe-laying, (1420), 3710. Plains, 1740. Planes of distance, in landscape com- position, see Landscape compo- sition, 1180. Planimeters, 1251.5. Plans, 1263-1285. Plans, Construction, 1278. Plans, Detail, 1278. Plans, General, 1276. Plans, Grading, 1278. Plans, Landscape Architecture (Gen- eral collections), 282. Plans, Planting, 1285. Plans, Preliminary, 1266. Plans, Show, see Landscape design — Presentation, 1251. Plans, Topographical, see Topographi- cal maps, 1241. Plant breeding, 1860.2. Plant introduction, 1862.1. Plant labels, 1873. Plant lists,' 1902, 2202, 2502, 2802. Plant materials of landscape design, see Planting design; Plants — In landscape; 1800-2969. Plant names, (1874), 1876. Plant naturalization, see Gardens, Wild, 4439; Plant introduc- tion, 1862.1; Plants, Wild- garden, (2048), 2789. Plant nuisances, 2069, 2969. .See also Poisonous plants; Weeds. Plant order lists, 1233.5. i The term Plant lists has been U9cd for lists of plants according to size, color, uses, etc.. as distinguished from Planting lists to accompany planting plans. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Plant pots and boxes, see Flower pots and boxes; Tree boxes, pots, etc.; Window boxes; 3466-3467. Plant quarantine, 1865.4. Plant windows, 3140. See also Greenhouses. Plantations,** 1820-1849, 2120-2145, 2420-2429, 2720-2741. See also Allees; Border planta- tions; Bosquets; Carpet beds; Edgings; Gardens; Ground cover; Hedges; Herbaceous beds and borders; Lawns; Orchards; Panels, Turf; Plant- ing design; Pleached alleys; Roadside planting; Screen plantations; Seashore plant- ing; Shrub beds; Topiary work; Tree and shrub groups; Waterside planting; Wind- breaks; Woodlands. — Maintenance, 1870. — Relation to buildings, 1841. — Relation to roads, see Roadside planting, 1848. — Relation to structures, 1840-1848. — Relation to topography, 1835. — Relation to water, see Seashore planting, 1839; Waterside planting, 1838. — Seasonal effects, 1834. (Subdivide: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Win- ter.) .See also Gardens — Seasonal ef- fects; Plants — Seasonal ap- pearance, — Thinning, 2110. See also Tree cutting (Landscape construction). Planting, see Plantations; Planting and transplanting; Planting design; Plants; (1437), 1800- 2969. Planting, Roadside, see Roadside planting, 1848, 2045, (3609). Planting about buildings; bridges; etc., see Plantations — Rela- tion to buildings; etc., 1841 ; etc. Planting and transplanting, 1861. See also Tree moving. Planting design,** 1805-1849, 2105, 2405, 2705. Planting design (continued). See also Landscape character; Landscape design. Planting design — Color effects, 1960, 2260, 2560, 2860. Planting design — Styles, 1816-1819. Planting design — Styles. Formal, 1818. Planting design — Styles. Naturalis- tic, 1819. Planting lists (to accompany plans), 1348. Planting plans, see Plans, Planting, 1285. Planting seasons, 1851.5. Planting strips (Road), 3620. Planting tables, see Plant lists, 1902, etc. Plants,** 1800-2969. — Acclimatization, see Plant intro- duction, 1862.1. — Bark, 1930, 2230, 2530. — Cold storage, 1862. — Color, 1965, 2265, 2565, 2865. — Digging, packing, and shipment, 1862.2. — Diseases and pests, 1865-1868.3. See also Gardens, Vegetable — Diseases and pests; Herbaceous plants. — Diseases and pests; Insect pests; Trees — Diseases and pests. — Environments, 1980-2022, 2280- 2322, 2580-2622, 2880-2922. See also Plants, Alpine; Plants, Arctic; etc., etc. — Floioer, 1920, 2220, 2520, 2820- 2824. — Foliage, 1905-1918, 2205-2218, 2502-2518, 2805-2817. — Form, see Plants — Habit and shape, 1935-U955), etc. — Fruit, 1925, 2225, 2525, 2825. See also Fruit trees; Shrubs — Fruit. — Germination, 1855.4. — Habit and shape, 1935-(1955), 2235-2236, 2535-2536, 2835. — Hybridization, see Plant breeding, 1860.2. — In landscape, 1800-2969. — Injuries, 1863. 120 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Plants — Injuries (continued). See also Trees — Injuries. — Packing, see Plants — Digging, packing, and shipment, 1S62.2. — Pollination, 1855.2. — Propagation, 1S60. 1. — Protection, 1862.3. — Rate of growth, 1933, 2233, 2533, 2833. See also Trees — Rate of growth. — Reservations for protection , 6256. — Scent, 1970, 2270, 2570, 2S70. See also Herbs, Sweet. — Seasonal appearance, 1975, 2275, 2575, 2875. (Subdivide: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.) — Seed dispersal, 1855.3. — Shipment, see Plants — Digging, packing, and shipment, 1862.2. — Slaking, sec Plants — Training, 1862. — Texture, 1960, 2260, 2560, 2860. — Training, 1862. See also Fruit trees, Trained. Plants, Alpine, 2003, (2303), (2603), 2791, (2903). .See also Gardens, Alpine. Plants, Arctic, 1985, (2285), (2585), (2885). Plants, Bedding, see Bedding plants, 2794. Plants, Bee-attracting, 2060. Plants, Bird-attracting, 2059. See also Bird sanctuaries; (lin- dens, Bird; Plants — Fruit. Plants, Bog and marsh, 1996, (2296), (2596), 2896. See also Gardens, Bog and marsh. Plants, Clay-loving, 2001, (2301), (2601), (2901). Plants, Deciduous, 1910, 2210, 2510. See also Trees, Deciduous. Plants, Desert, 1992, (2292), (2592), (2892). See also Plants, Sand-loving. Plants, Evergreen, see Evergreens, 1907, 2207, 2507. Plants, Flowering, see Plants — Flower, 1920, etc. Plants, " Freak," see Plant curiosi- ties 1895. Plants, Greenhouse, sec Greenhouse and house plants, 2042, 2796. Plants, House, see Greenhouse and house plants, 2042, 2797. Plants, Medicinal, 2067. Plants, Native, 1877, 2177, 2477, 2777, 2789. (Geographical sub- division to be used.) Plants, Poisonous, 2069. Plants, Prairie, 2003.1, (2323.1), (2623.1), (2923.1). Plants, Rock, (2003), (2323), (2623), 2791, (2923). See also Gardens, Rock. Plants, Sand-loving, 1999, (2299), (2599), (2899). See also Plants, Desert . Plants, Scented, see Plants — Scent, 1970, etc. Plants, Seashore, 2000, 2011, (2300), (2311), (2600), (2611), (2900), (2911). See also Gardens, Seashore. Plants, Shade-enduring, 1988, (2288), (2588), (2888). Plants, Smoke-enduring, 2015, (2315), (2615), (2915). Plants, Specimen, 1821, 2035, 2121, 2421. See also Botanical gardens; Gar- dens — Exhibitions; Gardens, Specimen. Plants, Subtropical, 1983, (2283), (2583), (2883). Plants, Succulent, see Bedding plants, 2794; Greenhouse and house plants, 2796, 2797. Plants, Tropical, 1982, (2282), (2582), (2882). See also Gardens, Tropical. Plants, Tub, see Tub plants, 2038, etc. Plants, Water, 1997, (2297), (2597), 2792, (2897). See also Gardens, Water and waterside. Plants, Wild-garden, (2048), 2789. See also Gardens, Wild. Plants, Wind-enduring, 2013, (2313), (2613), (2913). Plants, Window-box, see Window-box plants, 2040. 121 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Plants, Woods, 1994.5-1995, (2294.5- 2295), (2594.5-2595), (2894.5- 2895). See also Woodlands. Playfields, see Athletic fields, 6575. Playgrounds,** 0500-6595. (Geo- graphical subdivision to be used.) See also Athletic fields; Recrea- tion centers; Sports and games — Grounds. — Administration, 6515. — Apparatus, see Playgrounds — Equipment, 6538. — Buildings, 6536. See also Gymnasiums. — Construction and maintenance, 6540-6541. — Design, 6525-6539. — Equipment, 6530-6539. — Fieldhouses, see Playgrounds — Buildings, 6536. — Games, 6520. — Lighting, 6539. — Management, see Playgrounds — Administration, 6515. — Periodicals, 6502. — Planting, 6533. — Societies, 6505. — Statistics, 6509. — Surfacing, see Playgrounds — Construction and maintenance, 6531. Playgrounds, Block-interior, 6565. Playgrounds, Home, 6567. Playgrounds, Roof, 6564. Playgrounds, School, 6560. See also Schools, Public — Grounds. Playhouses, 3157. Pleached alleys, 2133. Pleasances, Mediaeval, 227. Pleasure buildings** and structures, 3150-3219. See also names of buildings and structures for pleasure pur- poses; e.g., Arbors; Boat-houses; Gazebos; Pergolas; Tennis courts ; Theaters, Outdoor ; etc. Pleasure gardens, see Gardens, 4425- (4480). 122 Poisonous plants, see Plants, Poison- ous, 2069. Pole line construction, see Wires, Overhead (1429), 3718. Poles and wires, see Wires, Overhead, (1429), 3718. Polo fields (Equestrian), 6587. Ponds, see Lakes, ponds, etc., 1080- 1686. Pools, basins, etc., 3448-3449. See also Aqueducts, Garden; Fountains; Swimming pools; Wading pools, Postcards, Landscape architecture (General collections), 286. Posts and post-finials, 3318. See also Balustrades; Fences; Gates and gateways; Hitch- ing posts; Urns, vases, etc.; Walls. Pot plants (for ornamental outdoor use), see Tub plants, 2038. Pots, Plant, see. Flower pots and boxes; Tree boxes, pots, etc.; Urns, vases, etc.; 3465-3467. Pottery, Garden, 3430»i7. Potting sheds, see Greenhouses, (1864), 3140. Power, Electric, see Electric power supply, 3773. Practice, Professional, of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Professional practice, 1200-1357. Prairies, 3915. Preliminary plans, see Plans, Prelim- inary, 1266. Presentation of landscape design, see Landscape design — Presenta- tion, 1250-1346. Preservation of scenery, see Land- scape preservation ; Reserva- tions, Landscape; 6190-6230. Prints, see Reproduction of drawings — Prints, 1300. i Proceedings of congresses, societies, etc., see Cemeteries — Socie- ties, 5902; Landscape archi- tecture — Congresses, (40)-46; Landscape architecture — So- cieties, (20)-39; Parks — So- cieties, 6005. SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Professional practice of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Professional practice, 1200-1357. Profiles, 1282. Promontories, sec Shore's, 1701. Propagation, see Plants — Propagotr Hon, 1860.1. Protection of landscape work from damage, see Landscape con- struction and maintenance, 1460. Protection of plants, see Plants — Protection, 1862.3. Protection of shores, see Shore pro- tection, 1665, 3250-3265. Pruning, 1862. Public buildings** — Grounds, 5500- 5590. Public comfort stations, 3149. Public gardens, sec Gardens, Public, 6400-6450. Publicity for landscape architects, see Landscape architecture — Professional practice. Advertis- ing and publicity, 1223. Putting greens (Golf), see Golf courses, 6589; Grasses, 2788. Q Quarantine, Plant, see Plant quaran- tine, 1865.4. R Race-tracks, 6585-6586. Race-tracks, Motor, 65S6. Railings, 3316. Railroad bridges, see Bridges, Rail- road, 3529. Railroad gardening, sec Railroads — Planting, 5463. Railroads** — Grounds, 5450-5475. See also Railroads, Subdivisions: Planting, Rights of way, Station grounds. Railroads — Planting, 5463. Railroads — Rights of way, 5450-5475. Railroads — Station grounds, 5450- 5475. Rain and rainfall, 3741. Ramps, 3395. Ramps, Water, see Water ramps, 3451. Recreation areas, Outdoor, see Camps, Recreation, 5180-5195; Parks, 6000 - 6800 + ; Playgrounds, 6500-6595; Reservations, Pub- lic, 6100-6260; Waterfronts Recreational, 6600-6665. Recreation camps, see Camps, Recre- ation, 5180-5195. Recreation centers, 6555. Recreation piers, see Piers, Recreation, 6636. Reflections (in water surfaces in land- scape), see Water — In land- scape, 1660. Regional planning,** S500. Registration of landscape architects, see Landscape architecture — Professional practice. Registra- tion, 1215. Reinforced concrete, see Concrete, Re- inforced, 3000ra6. Renaissance styles of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles, subdivisions : English Renais- sance, 234; French Renaissance, 233; Italian Renaissance, 232. Rendering, 1288-1299. See also Representation (Graphic), Decorative. Rendering in color, 1295, 1299. Repetition, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1 1 20. Reports, Landscape architect's, see Landscape architecture — Pro- fessional practice. Reports, 1245, 1342. Reports, Park, see Parks — Reports, 6020. Representation (Graphic), 1250. See also Drawing; Landscape de- sign — Presentation. Representation (Graphic), Decora- tive, 1289. See also Rendering. Representation of architectural forms, 1329. Representation of landscape forms, 1320-1330. See also Drawing; Models; Ren- dering; etc., and names of specific forms, e.g., Trees. 123 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Representation of trees, see Trees — Representation, 1325. Reproduction of drawings, 1300-1309. — Half-tone cuts, 1308. — Line cuts, 1307. — Lithographs, 1305. — Photographs, 1303. — Prints, 1301. (Subdivide if ne- cessary into: Blue, Van Dyke, etc.) — Rubbings, 1309. Reputation, Professional, of the landscape architect, see Land- scape architecture — Profes- sional practice, 1210. Reservations, Forest, see Forest reser- vations, 6126-6144. Reservations,** Landscape, 6190- 6230. Reservations,** Public, 6100-6260. (Public reserved land not de- veloped for intensive recreative use. Cf. Parks.) See also Animals — Reservations for protection; Bird sanctu- aries; Forest reservations; Military reservations; Parks, National; Plants — Reserva- tions for protection; Reserva- tions, Landscape; Water-sup- ply reservations; and Lake, Hill and mountain, River, and other landscape forms which are publicly reserved. Reservations, Water-supply, see Water- supply reservations, 6150- 6172. Reserve gardens, see Gardens, Re- serve, 4525-4545. Reservoirs, 6165-6172. Residence groups, see Building groups, Residential, 3054.5. Residences, see Estates (Private); Houses, 3060. Restaurants, Outdoor, 5730-5745. See also Concert gardens; Tea gardens. Restaurants, Park, see Parks — Res- laurants, 6036. Retaining walls, see Walls, Retaining, (3260), 3331-3332. Rhythm, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1121. Riding paths, see Bridle paths, 3634. Rinks, see Bowling greens, 3211, 6592; Skating* rinks, 6593. Rip rap, see Shores — Structural treat- ment, 3265. River reservations and parks, 6215- 6219; 6665. Rivers, 1692. Road binders, 3613. See also Dust prevention. Road signs, 3622. Roads,** 3600-3636. See also Bridle paths; Causeways; Lanes; Pavements; Planting strips (Road); Roadside grad- ing; Roadside planting; Trails; Turnarounds; " Woodroads "; and NAC Classification, Streets. Roads — Adaptation to topography and traffic, see Roads — Design, 3603-3604. Roads — Construction and mainten- ance, 3610. See also Pavements; Road bind- ers. Roads — Cross-section, width, etc., see Roads — Design, 3606. Roads — Design, 3602-(3609). Roads — Improvement, 570. See also Roadside planting. Roads — Location, see Roads — De- sign, 3603. Roads, Broken stone, 3610?»7.5. Roads, Cinder, 3610ra8.5. Roads, Earth, 3610ra8.5. Roads, Entrance to estates, etc., 3627. See also Roads, Service. Roads, Gravel, 3610m8.5. Roads, Macadam, 3610w7.5. Roads, National, 9200. Roads, Parks, see Parks — Roads, 6039; etc. Roads, Service, 3628. Roads, Shell, 3610m9. Roads, Tanbark, 3610m9. Roads, Telford, 3610w7.5. Roads, Turf, 3610m9. Roadside grading, 3608. 124 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Roadside improvement, see Roads — Improvement, 570; Roadside planting, 1848. Roadside planting, 1848, 2045, (3609). See also Trees, Street. Rock (factor in construction), 1434. See also Blasting. Rock (natural forms), see Rocks ■ — In landscape, 1770-1775. Rock gardens, see Gardens, Rock, 4441. Rock planting, see Gardens, Rock, 4441; Plants, Rock, (2003), 2791. Rock plants, see Plants, Rock, (2003), 2791. Rocks** — In landscape, 1770-1775. Rocky sites for estates, see Estates (Private), Rocky, 4912. Rockwork, Artificial, 1775. Roman style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Classic, 219. Romantic styles of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. Romantic, 1043. Roof gardens, 4388. Roof playgrounds, see Playgrounds, Roof, 6564. Roque courts, see Croquet lawns, 3208. Rose gardens, see Gardens, Rose, 4418. Roses, Garden, 2486. See also Gardens, Rose. Rotation of crops, 1853.8. Rubbings (of pencil drawings), see Reproduction of drawings — Rubbings, 1309. Ruins (in Romantic landscape de- signs), 3155. Running tracks, 65S4. Rural improvement, 573. Rural planning,** 8700. Rustic work, 3000ml. 5. Sand beaches, see Beaches, 1 7()o. Sand dunes, see Dunes, Sand, 1765. Sandy soil, Plants enduring, see Plants, Sand-loving, 1999, etc. Sanitariums — Grounds see Hospitals, asylums, etc. — Grounds, 5200- 5225. Scale — In landscape composition, 1140-1141. Scales, Graphical, 1315. Scenery, Natural, sec Landscape, 1050-1055, 3900-3975. Scenic reservations, see Reservations, Landscape, 6190-6230. Scent of vegetation, see Plants — Scent, 1970, etc. Scented gardens, see Gardens, Scented, 4448. Scented plants, see Plants — Scent, 1970, etc. School gardens, see Gardens, School, 4460. School playgrounds, see Playgrounds, School, 6560. Schools, Private — Grounds, see Col- leges, schools (private), etc. — Grounds, 5250-5275. Schools, Professional, of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Study and teach- ing, 900-998. Schools,** Public — Grounds, 5550- 5565. See also Gardens, School; Play- grounds, School. Schools, Public — Study and teaching of landscape improvement, see Landscape improvement — Study and teaching (Public schools), 548. Screen plantations, 1827, 2127, 2127. See also Border plantations. Sculpture, see Statuary, 3460. Sen and seashore', 1670. .See also Beaches; Shores. Sea walls, see Walls, Sea, 3332. Seashore, see Sea and seashore, 1670. Seashore estates, sec Estates (Pri- vate), Seashore, 4910. Seashore gardens, see Gardens, Sea- shore, 4355. Seashore planting, 1N39. Seashore plants, see Plants, Seashore, 2000, 2011, etc. Seashore reservations and parks, 6205- 6209, 6655. Seasonal appearance of vegetation, see Plants — Seasonal appearance, 1975, etc. 125 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Seasonal effects — In landscape, 1157. See also Gardens — Seasonal ef- fects; Plantations — Seasonal effects; Winter effects — In landscape. .Seats, Covered, 34S3. See also Arbors. Seats, Gardens, 3482-3484. Seats, Park, 6037, (6337), (6437). Sections, see Cross-sections; Profiles; 1282. Sequence, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1121. Service accessories,** 3405-3424. Service buildings** and structures, 3100-3149. See also names of buildings and structures for service purposes; e.g., Bird-houses; Dovecotes; Farm buildings; Garages and garage yards; Gardener's yards; Gate-lodges ; Greenhouses ; Sta- bles and stableyards; Water- towers; Windmills. Service courts, see Service yards, 3132. Service gardens, see Gardens, Service, 4525-4545. Service roads, see Roads, Service, 3628. Service yards, 3132. See also Garages and garage yards; Gardener's yards; Laun- dry yards; Stables and stable- yards. Sewage treatment, 3735-3738. Sewer-pipes, 3738. Sewerage, 3735-3738. Shade, Light and — In landscape com- position , see Light and shade — In landscape composition, 1150- 1154. Shade, Plants enduring, see Plants, Shade-enduring, 1988. Shade trees, see Trees, Shade, 2340. Shadows — In landscape. See Light and shade — In landscape com- position, 1153. Shakesperian gardens, see Gardens, Shakesperian, 4465. Shape — In landscape composition, 1137-1138. Shape of plants, see Plants — Habit and shape, 1935-(1955), etc. ' Sheepfolds, see Farm buildings, 3105. Shells (as material of roads and paths), see Roads, Shell, 3610m9. Shelters, see Pavilions, shelters, etc., 3155. Shingle beaches, see Beaches, 1704. Shore planting, see Seashore planting, 1839; Waterside planting, 1838. Shore reservations and parks, 6200- 6219. See also Bathing beaches; Sea- shore reservations and parks; Waterfronts, Recreational. Shore treatment, see Shores, 1665- 1709; Shores — Structural treat- ment, 3250-3265. Shores, 1665-1709. See also Beaches; Sea and sea- shore. Shores** — Structuraltreatment, 3250- 3265. Show plans, see Landscape design • — Presentation, 1251. Shrub beds, 2423. Shrub gardens, see Gardens, Shrub, 4416. Shrub groups, see Shrub beds; Tree and shrub groups; 2423. Shrub plantations, see Shrub beds; Shrubs; Tree and shrub groups; 2405-2429. Shrubs,** 2400-2650. Shrubs — Diseases and pests, see Trees — Diseases and pests, 1865. Shrubs — Fruit, 2525. Shrubs, Evergreen, 2507. Shrubs, Specimen, see Plants, Speci- men, 2421. Shrubby vines, see Vines, climbers, etc., 2485. Signs, Guide, in parks, etc., 6037, (6337), (6437). Signs, Road, sec Road signs, 3622. Silhouette — In landscape composi- tion, 1130. Silhouettes, 1272. Site, choice for an estate, park, etc., see Estates (Private) — Design, 4905; Parks ^Design, 6026; etc. 126 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Size — In landscape composition, sec Scale — In landscape compo- sition, 1140-1141. Skating ponds, see Lakes, ponds, etc., 1680-1686; Skating rinks, 6593. Skating rinks (Ice), 6593. Sketching, see Drawing, Freehand; Drawing, Landscape; 1251. Sky, clouds, etc., 1540-1550. See also Atmosphere — In loud- scape composition. Slope steps, see Perrons, 3393. Slopes, 1784. Smoke-enduring plants, sec Plants, Smoke-enduring, 2015, etc. Social customs, Effect on landscape design, see Landscape design — Style, 1031. Societies for landscape improvement, see Landscape improvement — Societies, 513. Societies of cemetery superintendents, etc., see Cemeteries — Societies, 5902. Societies of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — So- cieties, (20)-39. Societies of park superintendents, park users, etc., see Parks — Societies, 6005. Societies of playgrounds, see Play- grounds — Societies, 6505. Soil-binding plants, see Ground cover, 2050, etc. Soil improvement, 1853-1854.1. Soil surveys, 1852.7. Soils, 1852-1852.7. Specifications, see Contracts and speci- fications, 1344. Specimen gardens, see Gardens, Speci- men, 4405. Specimen plants, see Plants, Specimen, 1821, etc., Splines, see Drawing instruments, 1251.5. Sports and games — Grounds, 6580- 6594. See also Athletic fields; Play- grounds; Winter sports, Areas for; and the names of areas for special sports, e.g., Football; Field events, etc. Spraying, 1868.1. Spring gardens, see Gardens — Sea- sonal effects. Spring, 4392. Sprinkling, sec Watering, 1854.1. Stables and stableyards, 3105. Stadiums, 3198. Stairways (Outdoor), see Steps, 3375- 3395. Stanzoni, see Orangeries, 3180. State fair grounds, see Fair grounds, 5650-5675. State forests, see Forests and forestry, State, 6137. State parks, see Parks, State, 6115. State planning,** 8900. Statuary, 1 3460. Stepping stones, 3646. Steps,** 3375-3395. »S'ee also Perrons; Ramps. Stiles, 3370. See also Turnstiles. Stone, 3000to5. Stone, Broken (as material of roads and paths), see Roads, Broken stone, 3610m7.5. Stone pavements, see Pavements, Stone, 3610ra5. Stones (in Japanese gardens), see Gardens — Japan, 4867; Land- scape design — Styles. Japan- ese, 245. Storm-water drainage, see Drainage, Surface, 3740-3743. Streams. 1690-1696. S'cc also Tree repair; Trees — Protection from damage. — Protection from damage, 1406. — Rate of growth, 2233. — Representation, 1325. — Seasonal appearance, 2275-2279. (Subdivide: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.) — Thinning, see. Plantations — Thinning, 2110; Tree cutting, 1406. Trees, Deciduous, 2210. Trees, Evergreen, 2207. Trees, Forest, see Forests and forestry, 2350. Trees, Shade, 2340. See also Trees, Street. Trees, Specimen, see Plants, Specimen, 2121. Trees, Street, 2345. See also Trees, Shade. Trellises, treillagc, etc., see Lattices, trellises, treillage, etc., 3430m- 1.3. 129 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Tropical gardens, see Gardens, Tropi- cal, 4351. Tropical landscape, 3935. Tropical plants, see Plants, Tropical, 1982, etc. Tub plants, 2038, (2338), (2638). Tudor style of landscape design, see Landscape design — Styles. English Renaissance. Tudor. Elizabethan, 234. Tunnels,** 3550-3564. Turf, 3000m9. See also Grasses ; Lawns; Panels, Turf; Roads, Turf. Turf panels, see Panels, Turf, 2736. Turnarounds, 3627. See also Forecourts; Roads, Serv- ice. Turnstiles, 3373. Turntables, see Turnarounds, 3627. Types of landscape, see Landscape — Types, 3900-3975. Types of landscape designs according to use, see Landscape designs — Types, according to use, 4000-6800 +. ■ U Unity in landscape and landscape de- sign, see Landscape composi- tion, 1100-1199; Landscape design, 1000-U090). Universities — Grounds, see Colleges, etc. — Grounds, 5250-5275. University extension work for land- scape improvement, see Land- scape improvement — Univer- sity extension, 515. Urns, vases, etc., 3465. See also Flower pots and boxes (Ornamental). Utilities, see Subsurface utilities; Wires; 3700-3798. Valleys, 1750. Van Dyke prints, see Reproduction of drawings — Prints, 1301. Variety, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1111. Vases, see Urns, vases, etc., 3465. Vegetable gardens, see Gardens, Vege- table, 4525-4545. Vegetables, 2799. Vegetation, see Plants; Plantations; 1800-2969. Viewpoints, in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1173. Views, in landscape composition, see landscape composition, 1 109, 1170. Village greens, see Commons, 6400- 6450. Villages — Planning, 7500. Villas, see Gardens — Italy, 4803; Landscape design — Styles. Italian Renaissance. Baroque, 232. Vines, climbers, etc., 1885, (1947), 2485, 2785. Vista points, see Vistas, 1185. Vistas, 1185. Visual angle in landscape composition, see Landscape composition, 1109. W Wading pools, 6532. Walks, see Paths, 3640-(3648). Wall fountains, see Fountains, Wall, 3447. Wall gardens, see Gardens, Wall, 4441. Wall plants, see Plants, Rock, (2003), 2791. Walls,** 3320-3335. See also Niches. Walls, Retaining, (3260), 3331-3332. Walls, Sea, 3332. War gardens, see Gardens, Vegetable, 4525-4545. War memorials, 585. See also Monuments — In ceme- teries; Statuary; etc. War service of landscape architects, see Landscape architecture — War service, 323. Wash drawing, sec also Drawing, Wash, 1293-1295. Water** — In landscape, 1655-1696. 130 SUBJECT HEADINGS AND INDEX Water — Ornamental use, see Water — In landscape, 1660; Water features (architectural and sculptural ) , 3445-3452. Wat it features (architectural and sculptural), 3445-3452. See also Fountains; Pools, basins, etc.; Water ramps. Water gardens, see Gardens, Water and waterside, (4354), 4442. \\ ater parks, see Waterfronts, Recrea- tional, 6600-6665. Water-pipes, 3728. Water plants, see Plants, Water, 11)97, etc., 2792. \\ ater ramps, 3451. Water-supply, 3725-3728. Water-supply reservations,** 6150- 6172. See also Reservoirs, Water-towers, 3120. See also Windmills. Watercolor rendering, see Rendering in color, 1295. Waterfall reservations, 6215-6219. Waterfalls, 1696. See also Cascades (artificial). Waterfronts,** Recreational, 6600- 6665. See also Shore reservations and parks. Watering, 1854.1. Watering — Lawns, 1854.1. Watering — Roads, 3613. Watering troughs, 3419. Waterside estates, see Estates, Water- side, 4909. Wat erside gardens, see Gardens, Water and waterside, 4354, 4442. Waterside planting. 1838. Ways, see Roads; Paths: etc.; 3600- (3648). Weeds, 2969. Well-heads, 3455. Willi flowers, see Plants, Native (and note), 2777, 2789. Wild-garden plants, see Plants, Wild- garden, (2048), 2789. Wild gardens, sec Gardens, Wild, 4439. Wildernesses (historical term), 4413. Wind — In landscape, see Movement — In landscape composition, 1158. Wind-enduring plants, see Plants, Wind-enduring, 2013, etc. Windbreaks, 2055. See also Hedges. Windmills, 3120. See also Water-towers. Window-box plants, 2040, 2795. Window boxes, 3466. Window gardens, 2040, 2796. See also Greenhouse and house plants; Window-box plants. Winter effects — In landscape, 1157. See also Gardens — Seasonal ef- fects. Winter; Plants — iS'ea- sonal appearance. Winter. Winter protection of plants, see Plants — Protection, 1862.3. Winter sports, Areas for, 6293. See also Skating rinks (Ice). Wires,** 3715-3718. See also Conduits, Electric; Elec- tric power supply; Heating; Lighting; Telephone. Wires, Overhead, 3718. Women in the profession of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Professional op- portunities, 324. Wood, 3000ml. Wood interiors, sec Woodlands, 2145. Wood pavements, see Pavements, Wood, 3610ml. Woodlands, 2145, 3925. See also Bosquets; Forest reser- vations; Forests and forestry, Esthetic; Plants, Woods. " Woodroads," 3632. Woods, see Woodlands, 21 15, 3925. Woods plants, see Plants, Woods, 1994.5-1995, etc. Yard improvement, 565. Yards (Estate, etc.), see Garages and garage yards, 3130; Gardener's yards, 3138; Laundry yards, 3134; Service yards, 3132; Stables and stable yards, 3105. 131 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Yards (House), see Estates (Private), House-lot, 4925-4945. Yearbooks of landscape architecture, see Landscape architecture — Yearbooks, 15. Z Zoological gardens, see Zoological parks, 5750-5775. Zoological parks,** 5750-5775. See also Aquariums; Aviaries. 132