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By Mrs. FRANCES E'l^OWENS. — TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED A — FARMERS' DEPARTMENT, Containing Much Valuable Information. CHICAGO : OWENS PUBLISHING COMPANY. J. B. SMILEY, 530 Fulton St., Chicago, III. J. M. Ball, A. E. Owens, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1318 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. 1884. Xi^' h ^^x ^\^ \ Copyrighted, 1884, by Mrs. Frances E. Owens. All Rights Reseri'ed. Type and Electrotyping Furnished by Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Paper by J. W. Butler Paper Co. Press-Work and Binding by J. L Regan & Co. COLORED PLATES— Engraved by Baker; Electrotyped by Shniedewend & Lee; Printed by PREFACE. Every housewife has a notably good way of doing certain things. When it became known that I had undertaken to publish this book, letters came to me from friends living in all sections, containing choice cooking recipes and hints for the household, culled trom practical, everyday experience. In many cases, the writers collected from their immediate friends, thus adding to my list. The province of this boolc, then, is to present a large number of these successes in a desirable form for daily reference. The different departments will be found sufficiently elaborate for almost any occasion in domestic life. For the special benefit of our sisterhood who unite the qualities of wives, mothers, and housemaids, the easiest way has been selected, whenever a choice could be made, with that end in view. The housewife whose means are unrestricted need not study little, har- rowing details, trying to make one dollar do duty for five in providing for her table. But the masses must count their pennies and tighten their purse- strings when tempted to indulge the appetite beyond a prescribed limit. There are suggestions in these pages which, if carried out, will vary a bill of fare, and make it pleasing to the eye and appetizing to the palate, at the .smallest possible outlay of money. In the section devoted to "Hash" there are directions for using up remnants of food that will go very far towards furnishing the bulk of one meal per day to a family. These dishes are palatable, too, and very dis- tinct from the cheap boarding-house commodity known by that name. The inexpensive Cake recipes in this book are good in every case, and the cakes, if eaten fresh, arc as satisfactory as the more expensive ones. 1 earnestly hope they will be given a fair trial before being frowned upon. It was not my purpose to mtroduce elaborate dishes ; but, as all families on special occasions require such, I have interspersed some. "The Laundry" hints, if acted upon, will add years to the lives of our women who toil. I know whereof I speak. A woman with a house full of little ones, having but two hands to do the work which would give employment to six, must husband her strength if she would be spared to her children. It is worse than folly to devote ten hours to a MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK The Revised Edition. PREFACE. Publisher's Announcement, task which may be accomplished in five. These aids will make that difference. Give them one month's trial, and the old ways will belong to the dead past, never to be revived. The letter, "An Old Citizen to a Young Wife," is from the pen of the well-known author and poet, Mr. John McGovern. The recipes in this book are National, having been gleaned from the extreme East, West, North, and South, as well as from intermediate points. THE REVISED EDITION. PUBLISHER ' S ANNO UNCEMENT. Since the first pubhcation of "Mrs. Owens' Cook Book," it has r>un rapidly through numerous editions, and the plates have become so worn that it is necessary to have them renewed. From the first, the •^ork has been very popular. Letters commending it have been received hom all parts of the country, and many have kindly interested themselves in its success, sending us new recipes and offering valuable hints and suggestions. The author hi this revision has sought to embody these sug- gestions in the book. A great mass of new recipes, many entirely new t hapters, and some expensive colored plates have been added ; but, although the book is much larger than Ijcfore, tlie general character of the work is not materially changed. No popular feature has been sacrificed, for the one object kept con- stantly in view has been the everyday wants of the average housewife. In submitting this revised edition to the public, it remains only to say that the most painstaking care has been exercised, and many months' time devoted to the work of revision, and it is hoped it will be much more helpful than the other, to the busy housewife. TABLE OF CONTENTS. A. to C. C. to I. Almonds 2i9and3i8 An Old Citizen's Letter. 377 Ants — To Destroy 475 Baking- Powder 152 Bed-bug Poison 457 Bills of Fare 389 Biscuit 160-162 Blanc-Mange 285-288 Bread 149 Buns 160 Cake 217-284 Candy-Making 393-397 Canning Fruits 318-321 Caramel for Coloring 11 Care of Beds 420-426 Care of Lamps 426-427 Catsups 126 Cements 457 and 476 Cereals 171-172 Charlotte Russe 295 Cheese 282-283 Cheese Cakes 284 Children's Party 392 Chocolate 309 Clams 45-46 Clarifying Soup 12 Clarifying Sugar 333 Cleaning House 451-454 Cochineal Coloring 219 Cocoa 309 Coffee 305-308 Colored Plates Describcd38r Crackers 168 Creams 289-293 Croquettes 107 Croutons 10 Cutting up Meats. . . .459-462 Carving Meats 398-401 Curry Powder 1 1 1 Custards 294 Delmonico 302 Digestion of Food 446 Dinner Etiquet 384 Diseases of Animals. 463-470 Drying Fruits 342 Dumplings 188 Dyes 439-442 Egg Balls 10 Eggs 63-67 Entertainments 359-360 Extracts 222 Filling for Cake 247-248 Fire Kindlers 458 Fish 29-36 Floating Island 294 Fondu 282 Food in Season 448 Forcemeat Balls 10 Fresh Fruits 315-318 Fritters 193 Frogs 62 Frosting 223-224 Fruit Sauce 322-326 Fruit Butters 341 Furniture Polish . . . .450-457 Game 49-62 Garnishes 117 Gems 166 Glue 457 Griddle cakes 162-163 Hash 103 Heating the Oven 220 Herbs in Hints to the Invited 387 Honey 298 Ice Cream 300 Ices 303 Index 4S I -500 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK. Indigestible Foods. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Road -Making. I. to Q. R. to Y. Indigestible Foods 447 Ink 458 Invalid Cookery 401-407 Jams...: 338-339 Jellies 326-332 Kalsomine 455 Laundry 427-438 Lard — To Render 102 Lime-water 152 Lunches 360 Marmalades 339-340 Meats 79-102 Melons 317 Meringues 296 Mothers, Save Yourselves409 Moths and Roaches 457 Muffins 164 Mush 172 Noodles II Nursery Hints ..... .407-41 1 Oil-Cloths — To Clean 457 Omelets 67-68 Paste 457 Pickles 343-355 Picnics 359 Pies 174 Pones 158 Poultry 69-78 Preserves 332-338 Puddings 197-216 Puffs 167 Quajada 283 Remedies 41 1-420 Road-Making 471-474 Rolls 159-160 Rusk 159 Salads 1 19 Sandwiches 170 Sauces 1 1 1 Sausage 101-102 Set Table Described .... 383 Shell-Fish 37-48 Sherbets 302 Shortcakes 191 Soaps 436-438 Soups 8-28 Soup Powder 12 Souffle Vanilla 288 Steaming Food. . .81 and 221 Substitutions 152 Summer Drinks 309-3 14 Syllabub 293 Tea 308 Terrapin 62 Toast 169-170 Toilet Articles 443-444 Trifle 297 Vegetables 129-148 Vinegar 356-358 Waffles 167 Weights aiid Measures. ..151 Welsh Rarebit 283 Whitewash 454 Yeast 153 HINTS FOR SOUPS. FISH. GAME. CHICKEN, GUMBO. MEAT. VEGETABLE. HIJITS FO(R SOU(PS. CROUTONS. FORCE-MEATBALLS. GERMAN SOUP-BALLS. EGG BALLS. NOODLES. CARAMEL. BROWNED FLOUR. COLORING. SOUP POWDER. TO CI^ARIFY. STOCK OR BROTH. EEF is considered the best soup-meat for a stand- by ; but I subjoin recipes that include other kinds, all of which will be found palatable. It is well to keep a stock-pot of meat broth on hand for soups. Any bits of bones or trim- mings, the bones from roasts, the tough ends from porter-house steaks, or the cold bits of cooked meats, or fowls, should be put into it, and when cooked done the broth should be strained through a colander, and into an earthen vessel, for future use. Do not cook vegetables in the stock, as they will cause it to sour. Soup-stock may be made the basis of almost any kind of soup — macaroni, ver- micelli, different vegetables, rice, or noodle. Keep it in a cool place ; take off the fat that rises. To dry parsley or celery, put in a slow oven ; watch, and when dry rub lightly to take out stems, and cork up tightly in a bottle for gravies or soups. Sassafras leaves, dried and powdered, are sometimes used *2 JQ MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Croutons. SOUPS. Force-Meat Balls. in Gumbo soup. A large spoonful to a pot of beef soup, put in a few minutes before taking from the fire, improves it. If soups or sauces, or beef tea, have an excess of fat, lay a piece of coarse brown wrapping paper or blotting paper on top, and it will 'absorb the fat. Lift the paper, and the liquid will run off. Repeat operation until freed sufficiently. If soup is over-salted, add a teaspoon of sugar and a ta- blespoon of vinegar, and it will help to modify it. Catsups and different sauces are added to soups, according to the taste of families. A quart of water and a teaspoon of salt is about the right proportion to a pound of meat. The soup recipes credited to Miss Corson were procured direct from her by the writer, while in attendance at her course of Demonstrative Lessons in Cookery. They are published with the full consent of Miss Corson. The writer has tested them with much satisfaction. CROUTONS. Cut bread free from crusts, half an inch square. Fry in smoking hot fat. Keep on a plate, unless served immediately. Serve in pea soup. EGG BALLS. Yolks of 4 hard-boiled eggs mashed fine with the yolk of I raw egg and a teaspoon of flour. Season with a pinch of pepper, half a teaspoon of salt, and a sprinkling of parsley. Make into balls half the size of a thimble and boil in clear water for two minutes. Add to the soup when ready to serve. FORCE-MEAT BALLS. Take bits of cooked meat or fowl ; mince fine, season well, and bind together with an egg. Roll m cracker or bread crumbs, and fry in hot lard in balls the size of the yolk of an AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. J J German Soup-Balls. GERMAN SOUP-BALLS. Mix together butter and cracker crumbs into a firm round ball. Drop into the soup a very short time before serving. Very nice for chicken broth. NOODLES. Take one egg, a pinch of salt, half an egg-shell full of water. Stir in all the flour it will take ; roll as thin as you possibly can ; hang over a chair-back on a napkin to dry. Then roll up like jelly-cake and slice off as thin as a wafer. They will cook in 15 or 20 minutes. CARAMEL. Caramel for coloring soups is made by putting a table- spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt in a dry saucepan over the fire. Stir constantly till it is slightly burnt. When very dark brown, pour in less than a teaspoon of water. Keep stirring, and gradually add a cup of water. See that the sugar is all dissolved. This gives a rich color, and is better than browned flour. BROWNED FLOUR. Put a pint of flour in a skillet or saucepan over a moderate fire. Stir constantly with a small wooden paddle, if you have one, until it is a dark brown, and do not let it burn- Put it away in a covered vessel and use it for soups, gravies, or sauces. It requires fully half as much more to thicken with, than of unbrowned flour. TO COLOR SOUPS. AMBER. As soon as the scum has been taken off, put in grated carrot. BROWN. Use caramel or browned flour. 12 MRS. OWENS* COOK BOOK Soup Powder. SOUP. To Clarify. GREEN. Pound the leaves of spinach, or use the green leaves of celery or parsley. Put this in five minutes before taking up. Okra also gives a green color. SPINACH-GREEN. For coloring various dishes green, take a quart of spinach, wash and clean carefully ; pound in a mortar to extract the juice. Then put all through a fine sieve. Put the juice in a stewpan or basin. Place this in a vessel of boiling water till it sets. It should not boil. Then put it into a sieve that the water may drain from it, and the clear green will be left for coloring. This may also be dried for future use. RED. Take the pulp and juice of ripe tomatoes. FOR WHITE soups use none but white vegetables ; for thickening use rice, pearl barley, vermicelli, or macaroni. SOUP POWDER. Take an ounce of as many of the following ingredients as can be procured : Thyme, basil, sweet marjoram, summer savory, dried lemon peel, celery seeds, two ounces of dried parsley. Dry, pound, sift, and bottle it tight for use. Mushrooms can be dried in a warm oven and reduced to a powder with a little mace and pepper, and kept for season- ing soups or gravies. TO CLARIFY SOUP. Miss Juliet Corson. Skim off the cold fat that is at the top. Put in the bottom of a saucepan for each quart of soup-stock the white and shell of one egg and one tablespoon of water ; mix, and then pour the soup on. Set the saucepan on the fire, and let boil very slowly. As the soup heats, the white will harden, and lAND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. I -> Stock or Broth. SOUP. Stock or Broth. the egg will rise to the surface together with the blood and cloudiness that remain in the soup. Let boil slowly until the under portion is very clear ; then strain through a towel laid in a colander. SOUP STOCK, OR BROTH. Miss Juliet Corson. For clear soup leave the vegetables whole, simply peeling them. This gives all the flavor, without the cloudiness arising from the vegetables cut up. Use the neck of beef, one pound of meat or bone for each quart of soup. Have the meat cut from the bone in a solid piece, to serve after- ward ; crack the bone and put in the bottom of the soup- kettle, the meat and the bone, then add cold water. Place over the fire to heat gradually ; as it boils, the blood and albumen will rise. For clear soup, this must be skimmed off. It is never necessary to wash meat if it comes from a clean market ; it detracts from its flavor and nutriment. Add a carrot, turnip, and an onion for 3 or 4 quarts. Stick six or eight cloves in the onion ; salt and pepper lightly ; add a bouquet or fagot of herbs ; a small bunch of parsley (two tablespoons), take the roots if you wish the green for a gar- nish ; the green stalk of celery is nice to add. A sprig of any kind of dried sweet herb, except sage, and one bay leaf A single leek may be used instead of the onion. If wished for the gelatinous property, a knuckle of veal may be added to the soup stock. Cook slowly two hours after adding the vegetables ; that time will secure the flavor. If cooked longer, it will assume a jellied consistency. Strain through a sieve, or through a folded towel laid in a colander into an earthen vessel, not in metal. When cold, remove the fat that rises. This soup is perfectly clear. N.B. — If it is desired to have it very light-colored, use veal instead of beef A calf's foot, the skin from the head, or an old fowl may be used with good results in this stock. . 14 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Oyster. If very rich soup is wished for, use only a pint of water to each pound of meat. The flesh of old animals contains more osmazome than that of the young. It is this property that gives flavor and perfume to the stock. Brown meat contains more than white, and the brown is more fragrant. The osmazome reaches its height by roasting. So that the remnants of roasts give a good flavor to stock. — AUTHOR. FISH SOU (PS. OYSTER. CLAM. LOBSTER. FLSLL OYSTER SOUP. One quart large fresh oysters. Take liquor and i^- pints water ; boil and skim off carefully the scum that rises ; then add 2 or 3 quarts fresh milk ; put in i dozen oyster crackers rolled very fine ; 2 large spoons of butter ; season lightly with salt. As soon as this becomes boiling hot, put in oys- ters. When it begins to boil, take up at once. Many per- sons prefer oyster soup without milk. The mode of cooking is the same, except that more butter should be used, and water instead of milk. CLAM SOUP. TaKe 50 large clams and chop fine. To their liquor add 3 quarts of water, and boil. Add the clams, and cook from 3 to 5 minutes. Mix I cup of butter with same quantity of flour very smoothly and stir into the soup with a quart of fresh milk. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set on back of stove and stir in 4 well-beaten eggs, and it is ready to serve. Add more butter if wanted richer. LOBSTER SOUP. Take a large lobster from the shell after it is boiled ; cut AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 15 Pepper- Pot. small and mix it with 3 rolled soda crackers. Into a stew- pan put a quart of milk and a quart of water with a pod of red pepper, and salt to taste. When boiling hot, add the lob- ster, and the green inside if liked, and a full cup of butter, and boil 10 minutes. Serve hot. PEPPER-POT. Take fish, flesh, and fowl, as nearly equal parts as you can get. Cut up small some lean mutton or beef, any fish, or the meat from a lobster, and a chicken or other fowl cut into joints. A tablespoon of rice and other vegetables that may be fancied. Pour over sufficient water and simmer slowly. Skim it well. When well cooked, season with cayenne pep- per and salt to taste. PUREE OF FISH, OR CREAM SOUP OF FISH. Miss Juliet Corson. A pound of cold boiled fish will make about 2 quarts of soup. It must be rubbed through a fine sieve. For each quart take a tablespoon of butter, same of flour, mix smooth in a saucepan over the fire and add a quart of milk, or milk and water ; then add the sifted fish. Any game or vegetable soup may be made the same way. » BRO.WN FISH SOUP. Any kind of fish will answer ; cut in small pieces ; roll in flour and brown in some olive oil or butter in a saucepan ; cover with hot water. Season with salt and pepper, and boil slowly for about 15 minutes. See that there is plenty of water. One pound will make a quart of soup. A clove of garhc may be added. CATFISH SOUP. Take 2 large or 4 small catfish. Clean well, cut off the heads, skin them. Cut them in 3 pieces, put into a soup- kettle with I pound of lean bacon, a sliced onion, a bunch j5 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Game. SOUP. Green Turtle. of minced parsley, salt to taste, and water sufficient, and cook till the fish are tender, but not broken. Add to the yolks of 4 eggs a tablespoon of butter, 2 of flour, and a cup of milk. Mix and add to the soup. Pepper if liked. GAME SOU (PS. GAME. GREEN TURTLE. RABBIT. PARTRIDGE. A GOOD GAME SOUP. In the game season, a good soup may be prepared at very little expense, and by using the remnants of different dishes a very agreeable flavor will be imparted. Take the legs and bones, break up, and boil in some broth for an hour, putting in all the meat from the breasts of birds left over. Boil 4 or 5 turnips and mash them fine. Then pound the meat up fine and pass through a fine sieve. Put the broth a little at a time through the sieve. Heat it all up together in the soup- kettle. Do not boil. Mix the yolks of 3 or 4 eggs with ^ a pint of cream. Stir into the soup and remove just as it comes to a boil, as boiling curdles it. GREEN TURTLE SOUP. Chop the entrails (some cooks do not use the entrails), bones, and coarse parts of the turtle meat, and put into a gallon of water, with a bunch of sweet herbs, 2 onions, pep- per and salt. This must cook slowly but constantly for 4 hours. In the meantime simmer the fine parts of the turtle and the green fat for i hour in ^ gallon of water. This must be added to the above soup after straining the latter, at the end of the 4 hours' boiling. Thicken slightly with browned flour, then simmer all together for another hour. If there are eggs in the turtle boil them alone in clear water for 3 or 4 hours and add to the soup before serving. If not, use force- AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 17 Partridge. meat balls. At the last add the juice of i lemon. For the force-meat balls, take the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs, rubbed fine with 6 tablespoons of chopped turtle meat, i tablespoon of butter and, if you have it, a little liquor of oysters. Sea- son with mace, a pinch of cayenne, i a teaspoon of white sugar. Bind together with a raw egg. Roll into small balls dip into beaten egg, then in rolled cracker, fry in butter, and drop into the soup as before directed. BROWN RABBIT SOUP. Cut at the joints, dip in flour and fry in butter until a nice brown, and put into a soup-kettle. Add 3 onions, also fried brown. To 2 large rabbits allow fully 3 quarts water. Pour it over boiling hot. Add a teaspoon of salt ; skim frequently and carefully until it looks clear. Add a sprig of parsley, 3 or 4 carrots, and season with whole peppercorns. Boil gently for half a day. Season more highly if necessary. Strain, let cool, skim off the fat. Heat it afresh for serving, and send to the table with croutons. RABBIT SOUP. Sometimes rabbits or hares will be found very tough. They can then be made into soup that is excellent. Crack the bones of 2 rabbits and boil with i pound of ham or salt pork cut up small. Chop 3 small onions and put in, with a bunch of sweet herbs. Stew in 3 quarts of water slowly for 3 hours. Season and strain. Thicken slightly with browned flour, wet with cold water. Add tablespoon of catsup and tea- spoon of Worcestershire or some other kind of sauce. PARTRIDGE SOUP. Clean 3 partridges, dredge them with flour and roast until they are half done, basting frequently. Take the flesh from the breasts and put aside. Joint the remainder of the birds, and stew gently in 3 quarts of strong beet broth for 2 hours. Strain, and let cool. Press the meat MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Potage. from the bones. Then take all of the meat, including the breasts, mince fine, and pound smooth with half its bulk of butter and some dry bread-crumbs. Season with salt and cayenne, mace, and nutmeg. Moisten with 2 or 3 yolks of eggs, and make into balls half the size of a thimble. Skim the fat from the soup, and put the soup on to heat. When it boils add the balls and cook about 10 minutes. Grouse and partridge together make a very fine soup. CHICKEJN SOU (PS. GIB LET. POTAGE. CHICKEN. DUMPLINGS. DRESSING. GIBLET SOUP. Take a turnip, carrot, and onion, and slice them, and fry in hot butter ; add the giblets, sprinkled with flour, let them brown and then add the amount of water required. Sim- mer 4 or 5 hours. Season with salt and pepper and thicken with a spoonful of browned flour. Take yolks of hard- boiled eggs and put one in each plate of soup when it is served. The giblets of i chicken will make but little more than a quart of good soup. POTAGE A LA REINE. Miss Juliet Corson. Take bits of cold chicken, same quantity of rice, boil to- gether till very tender. Rub through a sieve ; then make of the consistency of cream, with boiling milk. Season to taste, with salt, pepper, and a little nutmeg. One pound of chicken and i pound of rice will make 4 -quarts of soup. CHICKEN SOUP. In order to serve the fowls for dinner, tie the feet down and turn the wings back before putting over to boil. Allow AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. jq Chicken. 2 quarts of water for each fowl. When half done, add 2 tablespoons of rice for each chicken. Before serving, add a chopped hard-boiled egg, a little thickening of flour (per- haps 2 teaspoons) and water, salt, pepper, and parsley. Make a drawn-butter dressing for the chicken. CHICKEN VEGETABLE SOUP. Get a fat hen. After washing, put it whole into a porce- lain kettle with a gallon of water ; boil 2 hours. Slice 3 or 4 Irish potatoes, i large onion, i or 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, i teaspoon of celery seed, and a bit of summer savory if you have it ; ^ a red pepper-pod, salt to taste. When the soup has boiled i hour, add the vegetables, and when nearly done put in i pint of sweet milk. DUMPLINGS FOR THE ABOVE SOUP. One pint of flour, i dessert-spoon of lard, a pinch of salt ; mix with cold water and roll thin, cut in small pieces, put in soup, and let them boil about 20 minutes. Thicken with a tablespoon of flour and cream. Boil up once and serve. DRESSING FOR THE ABOVE CHICKEN, Take i pint of the soup, i tablespoon of butter, and 4 or 5 hard-boiled eggs chopped fine, i tablespoon of flour rubbed in the butter. Let it boil, and pour over the chicken. WHITE CHICKEN SOUP. 4 pound of cold poultry. 5 pound of sweet almonds. A slice of dry bread. A shred of lemon peel. A blade of mace pounded. i^ cups of cream. Yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs. 2 quarts of white stock. Pound the almonds to a paste with a spoon of water. Add the meat, which should have been pounded with the 20 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK SOUP. Gumbo. bread. Beat all together. Add the chopped lemon peel and the mace. Heat the stock to boiling and pour over the mixture and simmer for an hour. Mix the egg with the cream, add to the soup, let boil up and serve immediately. GUM(BO SOUrPS. SOUTHERN PEL A. KENTUCKY. MISSISSIPPI. SOUTHERN GUMBO FELA. Take an onion and cut it up fine ; let it fry a light brown in 2 tablespoons hot lard ; dust in 2 tablespoons of flour and stir all the time to keep from burning, and in a few minutes it will be brown. Pour in boiling water as much as will serve the family, allowing for boiling down. Have a nice fat chicken cut up ; put in the pot and boil until ten- der. Take 50 oysters from the liquor, and strain to remove all pieces of shell ; put the liquor in a stewpan, let it boil up once, then skim and put the liquor in the pot, and sea- son with salt, black and red pepper, also a small piece of garlic; after letting it boil 15 minutes, add the oysters; take 2 tablespoons of fela and dust in, stirring all the time. As soon as it boils once, it is ready to serve. Always serve with boiled rice. Note. — Fela is prepared by the Southern Indians, and is simply the young leaves of the sassafras, dried in the shade and pulverized with a few leaves of the sweet bay. In the summer, young okra pods are used in place of fela. KENTUCKY GUMBO SOUP. William H. Rochester, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Six squirrels or 2 chickens. Cut up small and cook till the flesh falls from the bones. Then take a handful of sassafras AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 21 buds for a gallon of soup, either green or dried- (put in a bag in the soup), and i quart of okra, 2 onions, cut fine, 6 large Irish potatoes cut in dice, a grated carrot, and a lit- tle cabbage. Pepper and salt to taste. When done, take out the sassafras bag and remove the buds and squeeze the bag. Use a pod of red pepper. Thicken with scorched flour. MISSISSIPPI GUMBO SOUP. Mrs. J. R. Jackson, Centerville, Miss. First fry a large tender chicken very brown ; then remove on a dish and fry a quart of sliced okra in the gravy. Add this to the chicken, but do not add the grease. Put the chicken and okra in a tin or porcelain vessel of cold water. Add a pint of peeled tomatoes sliced, one large silver-skin onion, a few chips of canvassed ham, and salt to taste. Cook slowly for an hour, then add i dozen soda crackers, i large tablespoon of butter, and a teaspoon of black pepper. Never boil pepper in soup. To make it more palatable and very rich, add half a dozen hard-boiled eggs. MEAT SOU^S. BEEF. VEAL. MUTTON. MISCELLANEOUS. BOUILLON. (the cheap, wholesome, and common soup of FRANCE.) Take 7 or 8 pounds of the leg or shin of beef. Cover it well with cold water in a soup-kettle. Let it heat slowly. As it does so, the fibers of the meat enlarge, the gelatinous substance dissolves, the albumen — the part which produces the scum — frees itself and rises to the surface, and the osmazome (the most savory part of the meat) is diffused through the soup. If it is allowed to cook rapidly, the 22 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK SOUP. albumen coagulates, the meat hardens so that the water cannot penetrate it, and the osmazome cannot disengage itself. Add about a tablespoon of salt to each half gallon. This causes more scum to rise. Clear it, and put in 2 large carrots, 2 turnips, 2 onions, i head of celery, 3 whole cloves, a sprig of parsley, 2 young leeks, ^ a teaspoon of peppercorns, and a bunch of soup herbs. Stew very gently and constantly for 4 or 5 hours. The beef will then be very tender and juicy. The meat may be dished up on a platter, and the vegetables may be laid around it, or not — a matter of choice. The soup will be better if not served until the next day. Then the fat may be removed when cold. Strain the soup through a sieve, heat, and send to table with fried or toasted bread. It is often served with crusts or slices of dry bread put into the tureen and let soak in the soup for a short time. BEEF SOUP WITH RICE. Mrs. J. W. Smith, Chicago. Boil a beef bone till the meat is well cooked. Half an hour before dinner, put in ^ cup of rice. Season well. OX-TAIL SOUP. Mrs. Elliott Durand, Chicago. One ox-tail, 2 pounds lean beef, 4 carrots, 3 large onions, bunch of thyme. Cut the ox-tail in pieces, fry brown in butter ; remove and fry onions and 2 carrots. Place the fried vegetables and ox-tail in a soup-pot with the thyme and the beef cut in slices ; grate in the 2 carrots, and pour over 4 quarts of water. Boil slowly 4 hours ; strain, and thicken with 2 tablespoons of flour. Add a tablespoon each of salt and sugar. The juice of half a lemon improves the flavor. VEAL SOUP. Put a knuckle of veal into 3 quarts cold water; salt it, and add I small tablespoon raw rice. Let simmer 4 hours, when AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 23 it should be reduced half. Remove. Into the tureen put the yolk of i egg, mixed with a cup of cream or new milk. Add a small lump of butter. Strain the soup on to this, stirring all the time. Beat it a moment at the last. VEAL SOUP WITH VEGETABLES. Put a knuckle of veal into a gallon of cold water. When heated through, add a tablespoon of salt, and as it boils skim very carefully. Put in a pod of red pepper if you have it. Let cook slowly for 3 hours, adding hot water if needed for the quantity of soup desired. Add | a pint of finely shredded cabbage, double the quantity of sliced raw pota- toes, a carrot cut small, a head of celery, and 3 large onions sliced. You may also add, .if you like, 3 sliced tomatoes, a turnip cut in dice, and a couple of ears of green corn cut from the cob. Let cook fully | of an hour. MOCK TURTLE SOUP. Boil a calf's head and feet until the meat separates from the bones. Remove the bones and cut the meat into inch pieces. Put into the soup-kettle and boil 2 hours longer. Add the chopped brains, 8 small onions sliced, a tablespoon (or more) of parsley ; season with mace, cloves, and salt. When nearly done, make German soup-balls of half a dozen soda crackers (see directions on page 11), and drop in ; add also enough caramel to color. Make force-meat balls of veal and put into the tureen, and pour the soup over. MUTTON SOUP. Columbia Loving, Bowling Green, Ky. Put a mutton bone on to cook in 3 quarts of cold water. Let it cook slowly 2 hours. Skim it, salt it, add hot water, if necessary, and to 2 quarts of broth add ^ cup of green corn, same of butter beans, 2 ripe tomatoes, peeled and sliced, 2 Irish potatoes, of medium size, peeled and cut fine. Cook i hour. As the fat of mutton congeals so quickly, serve this 24 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Stock. soup in hot soup-plates. Indeed, it is better to heat the plates for any kind of soup. STOCK SOUP. When it is desired to make soup from stock, heat it to boiling, add water, if needed, and the prepared vegetables cut small, noodles, or whatever is to be used, with the proper seasoning. Season lightly with salt, and do not add pepper until it is done. CONFEDERATE ARMY SOUP, AS MADE AT GENERAL PICKETT'S HEADQUARTERS. Lieut. Col. S. G. Leitch. One ham bone, i beef bone, i pod red pepper, i pint black-eyed peas. Boil in a mess-kettle in 2 gallons salted water. Splendid soup for a wet day. WREXHAM SOUP. Miss Juliet Corson. One pound of lean meat cut in small pieces, either beef or mutton. Peel and slice i large or 2 small carrots, i large turnip, 6 medium-sized onions, a pint of tomatoes, a green stalk, of celery, if in season, and a small bunch of parsley. Tie up the parsley, celery, a dozen cloves, same of pepper, a sprig of any sweet herb, except sage. Put in a saucer a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and a saltspoon of pepper ; mix, and put all these ingredients in layers in a jar, and 2 quarts of cold water. Paste the cover on, and bake slowly 5 hours. VICTORIA SOUP. A CHEAP PALATABLE MEAT SOUP. Save all the bones and trimmings from roasts and steaks of any kind of meat. They will keep several days in cool weather. Put into a kettle with a gallon of cold water and half a cup of dry beans and a large ripe tomato, or some AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 25 Barley. canned tomatoes. Cook gently for two hours, then strain through a colander. Put back into the soup-kettle, add a carrot and three large potatoes cut in dice, a sliced onion, salt, and a spoon of soup powder. In 1 5 minutes beat up an egg with a cup of flour and stir into the soup ; let boil 10 minutes and serve. VEGETJ^LE SOUrPS. BARLEY. CHESTNUT. MUSHROOM. VERMICELLI. BARLEY SOUP. Put a cup and a half of barley into 3 quarts of water, with 3 large onions, 4 carrots, and 2 turnips — all cut small. Cook gently 2 hours. Add a neck of mutton with a pound of lean ham. Salt to taste. Cook 2 hours longer. Add pep- per at the last. CHESTNUT SOUP. Boil a quart of chestnuts and rub the meats through a fine sieve with a potato masher. Take a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of butter, mix smooth in a saucepan over the fire, add gradually a quart of milk. When scalding hot, season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and add the sifted chestnuts. MUSHROOM SOUP. \Vm. H. Rochester, Bowling Green, Ky. Use milk fresh from the cow. Cook the mushrooms in water, with salt to flavor. Use a silver spoon to stir the mushrooms ; if the spoon turns black, discard the mush- rooms. Let it come to a boil, pour in the milk. You can use more or less according to the quantity of soup required. A few mushrooms will flavor a large dish. VERMICELLI SOUP. To 5 quarts of water, allow a slice of corned ham, i pound 26 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Julienne. SOUP Okra. of veal, and 4 of lean lamb. Cut the meat up small, heat it very gradually, and cook slowly till the meat is very tender. Season with salt, a bunch of sweet herbs, a bit of onion, if liked, a spoon of Worcestershire sauce. When these have all boiled for 10 or 15 minutes, strain and return to the soup- kettle. In the meantime have ^ or ^^ of a pound of vermi- celli or macaroni broken up small, and boiled in clear water for 20 minutes. Drain and add to the soup, boil up once and serve. JULIENNE SOUP. Miss Juliet Corson. Use vegetables of at least 3 colors; carrots, turnips, and either lettuce, celery, cabbage, or string beans. Cut the veg- etables into strips an inch and a half long, and these strips into match-like pieces, very, very thin. Keep in cold water till wanted. The proportion of vegetables is a cup full all together for a gallon of soup. Put each kind separately into boiling salted water. When tender, drain and lay in cold water. This way retains the flavor and color perfectly. Then dish up in the hot soup stock. Foreigners add a tablespoon of vinegar to a quart of Julienne soup. OKRA SOUP. Take a joint of beef with the marrow, or a knuckle of veal, or a fowl, whichever can be had. Put to cook in a gal- lon of water; salt and skim it. After cooking an hour slowly, add 2 quarts of okra cut small. In another hour, add i cup of Lima beans. In another hour, 2 young cymlings, a quart of tomatoes, and 2 onions, all cut small, and i or 2 sprigs of parsley. Cook 2 hours more, and thicken with a table- spoon of butter mixed with i of flour. WHITE SOUP. Six tomatoes, 4 onions, 3 tomatoes, if desired, 4 table- spoons of crushed tapioca, i^ pints milk; butter, pepper and salt. Boil the vegetables in 2 quarts ot water till soft, rub AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 27 SOUP. through a sieve, return the paste to the water, add the tapi- oca, and boil 15 minutes ; season, add the milk, and as soon as hot serve. TOMATO SOUP. Mrs. H. E. Gross, Englewood, 111. One quart milk ; let it come to a boil. Have ready a can of tomatoes, cooked, to which has been added ih teaspoons soda. Pour the milk on to the tomatoes. Then pour the whole over 2 rolled soda crackers. POTATO SOUP. Peel and slice thin 3 or 4 large potatoes, and boil in enough water to cover them until done. Then season and add a quart of milk. ONION SOUP. Put a quarter of a pound of butter in a stewpan, with 6 large white onions cut in slices ; let them fry a nice brown, then add 6 crackers rolled, pepper to taste, and a quart of boiling milk and water; let it simmer for 15 minutes and serve. GREEN PEA SOUP. Allow a pint of shelled peas to a quart of water. Cook till soft, then skim out and rub through a colander back into the soup-kettle with the water in which they were cooked. Boil ^ hour longer, season with salt and pepper. For 3 quarts of soup make a thickening of 2 tablespoons of butter mixed with ^ cup of rice flour, if you have it, (if not, use 2 tablespoons of common flour), stir well from the bottom and remove as soon as cooked through. The soup should be of the consistency of good cream. PEA SOUP. Miss Juliet Corson, New York City. A pint of dried peas or beans will make 6 quarts of soup. Use split yellow peas. If put on to cook in cold water, add 28 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Green Corn. SOUP. Bean. half a cup of cold water every 15 minutes. Let them get soft before salting. When tender, rub them through a fine colander with a potato masher. Take the empty saucepan and set over the fire. Rub together in it a tablespoon each of butter and flour. When made perfectly smooth, add the strained soup. The meal of the peas will be held in suspen- sion by the addition of the butter and flour, and the result will be a creamy, even soup. Meat bones may be used if desired, but should not be put in till after the peas com- mence boiling. If an onion is used, fry it in a saucepan before the peas are put over. GREEN CORN SOUR A soup bone either of beef or veal. Boil slowly in a gal- lon of water. After salting, skim carefully. Cook the meat an hour, then add the corn from 12 good-sized ears, scraping the cobs. Season with white pepper and 2 sprigs of parsley. Just as the corn is tender — the time varying, of course, according to the size of the kernels — stir in a table- spoon of flour made smooth in a cup of milk ; and, unless the soup bone is quite rich, add a tablespoon of butter. Tomatoes are sometimes added to this soup, and give a very nice flavor. BEAN SOUR A pint of beans put into 2 quarts of water. Simmer slowly on the back of the stove several hours. A very deli- cious soup. No seasoning but salt and pepper. MOfDES OF COOKI.NG. CHOWDER. CRIMPED. POTTED. PICKLED. BROILED. BAKED. BOILED. FRIED. ISH are not regarded any more nutritious than flesh or fowl. Indeed, hardly as much so as a good quality of beef or mutton.- Fish not en- tirely fresh are poor eating. They are gener- ally in best condition shortly before spawning, and are thought to be unfit for human food immediately after spawning. For invalids, white fish, such as cod and haddock, etc., are the best. Flounders and tur- bot are also good. Flat fish w^ill keep the longest. Salmon, mackerel, trout, and herring decompose quickly. The tur- bot will improve by keeping a few hours before cooking. Notice that the body of the fish is firm and the eyes full, and the gills red. Do not allow fish to remain but a short time in water. It makes them soft and flabby. To thaw out frozen fish, lay them in cold water till the ice cleaves from the body. Large fish are usually boiled or baked. Small ones, fried or broiled. A fish is scaled more easily by plunging for an instant in hot water. Fish should be carefully cleaned before cooking. Any coagulated blood should be scraped away with a knife, and 50 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Chowder. FISH. Potted. they should be freed from scales. But if washed beyond what is necessary, the flavor of the fish is diminished. The mode of cooking fresh and salt-water fish is substan- tially the same, and the recipes given furnish all necessary information. The various sauces called for in the following recipes v/ill be found in the chapter on "SAUCES." For fish croquettes, see " CROQUETTES." FISH CHOWDER. Fresh cod or haddock are regarded as best for chowder, although our common lake fish may be used. Cut into 2 inch pieces. Fry some slices of salt pork crisp, in an iron pot. Take out and chop fine, leaving the fat. Put a layer of fish in this fat, then a layer of split crackers, then some bits of the pork, some thick slices of peeled potatoes and some chopped onion, and pepper. Then another layer of fish, with a repetition of the other articles. Cover with boil- ing water and cook half an hour. Skim it out in the dish in which it is to be served, thicken the gravy with flour, add a little catsup, boil up and pour over the chowder. Remove the bones if convenient, when dishing up. CRIMPED SALMON. Cut freshly-caught salmon into slices i| inches thick. Wash in strong salt and water. Lay on a fish-plate, if you have one, and plunge into boiling salted water. It will be done in lo or 15 minutes. Serve immediately with lobster sauce or plain melted butter. POTTED FISH. Miss Juliet Corson. Remove the fins and head of the fish, clean well, cut in slices an inch thick, pack it in a little jar having a cover, in layers, and between the layers put I teaspoon each of whole AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 31 FISH. cloves, and whole peppers, 2 blades of mace, a bay leaf, a tablespoon of salt. When all is used, cover with vinegar and water, half and half Put over it a buttered paper, or else fasten the jar cover on with paste. Put in a hot oven and bake 4 or 5 hours. The bones will have entirely disap- peared. Eat cold or hot. PICKLED FISH. Put the fish in vinegar that is spiced as for pickles. Boil slowly until tender, but not broken. Set away closely cov- ered, and in a few weeks the bones will be destroyed. BROILED FISH. Miss Juliet Corson. To broil a shad or any other fish, grease the bars of the broiler well. Put the inside to the fire first. The backbone is easily removed by running a knife along under it, and the long bones can be loosened and taken out, one or more at a time, with a little knife, after the backbone is cut away from them. Let brown without burning, till the flakes separate. Turn the skin part to the fire just long enough to brown. Season either before or after cooking. FRESH MACKEREL. This is one of the most delicate and dainty dishes to be found. It is best broiled. Rub over it melted butter or drippings, or olive oil if preferred. Grease the bars of the gridiron. Butter it and garnish with chopped parsley. FISH TURBOT. Mrs. Elliott Durand, Chicago. Five pounds white fish, i quart milk, i bunch of thyme, the same of parsley, ^ onion. Place the fish in cold water, and when the water has boiled two minutes, the fish is done. Remove and free from bones. Boil the milk, onion, thyme, and parsley over water, i hour. Strain through a colander. ^2 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Stuffing. Add I cup of flour, made in a smooth paste with cold water, the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten, i cup of butter, cook until thick. Place the fish in a baking-dish with alternate layers of the dressing. Finish with dressing on the top and a thick layer of cracker crumbs. Bake i hour. Serve in the baking-dish and garnish with parsley and sliced lemon. TURBANS OF FISH. Miss Juliet Corson. Flounders are best. Cut down the middle of the fish till the bone is reached, then cut the fillet or strip out from the side, avoiding the bone. Lay the fillet on the board, remove from the skin by turning the blade of the knife between the flesh and skin, and keeping it perfectly parallel with the board, and thus cutting and separating the skin and flesh. After cutting the entire fish into fillets, roll each one up and fasten with a broom straw. These little rolls are called Tur- bans. They are nice stuffed with highly-seasoned soaked bread. If they are not stuffed, spread some butter on the bottom of the pan, but no water. Cook in the oven only long enough for the flakes to separate. They are to be lifted out and placed on Tartar sauce. STUFFING FOR FISH. Mrs. E. B. Baldwin, Chicago. One-hair cup of fat pork chopped fine. One large spoon butter. Parsley, thyme, sweet marjoram, salt and pepper, a few oysters, 2 beaten eggs. All mixed with bread crumbs. A much simpler dressing is good, when the above ingre- dients are not at hand. Bread crumbs are usually on hand, and with a little seasoning and mincing, serve very well. BAKED FISH. Clean well ; sprinkle with salt an hour before cooking. Tie it with a string, sprinkle flour over it, baste with butter, AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 33 place on a wire gridiron across a dripping-pan. Allow i^ hours for a good-sized fish. BAKED FISH WITH TOMATOES. When fish is put in the pan for baking, it is a very nice vari- ation to pour a can of tomatoes over it. Season and bake. BAKED FISH WITH CREAM SAUCE. Miss Juliet Corson. Take any kind of baked fish, remove the bones and skin, put in a baking-dish, cover with the sauce, and dust with cracker dust. Bake a delicate brown. HALIBUT— CREOLE STYLE. Miss Juliet Corson. Get a thick, square piece of halibut, or other fish if pre- ferred. Wash it and lay it on a baking-dish. Season with salt and pepper. Chop a clove of white garlic about the size of a bean, and strew over the fish, then put on a cup of canned or fresh tomatoes. Bake until the flakes separate. Dish up without breaking. The combination of garlic and tomatoes gives the name Creole to a dish. BOILED FISH. Wrap a large fish in a cloth. Secure it with a string. Put it on in cold water, salt well, and it will generally cook in half an hour. Remove the cloth and serve with drawn butter. BOILED PIKE WITH EGG SAUCE. Miss Juliet Corson. Any fish will do. After it is dressed, tie it in the form of a circle by putting its tail into its mouth, and take a stitch with a trussing needle in its head and tail to hold it in place. To 2 quarts of water put half a cup of vinegar, a teaspoon of whole cloves, same of whole peppers, a bay leaf Half a 34 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK lemon sliced is a nice addition, and a tablespoon of salt. Put ovei'in cold water and boil till the fins pull off easily. The skin may be easily removed if desired. Serve with egg sauce. Pour the sauce inside the circle of fish. Lay a sprig of parsley on top of one side of the fish, and a few slices of lemon at the side on the platter. BOILED FISH WITH HOLLANDAISE SAUCE. A thin, long fish like a pike is best for boiling. Do not have it split open, but draw it at the gills. A large fish should be put over in cold water, but a small one in boiling water, for the reason that a fish cooks so quickly that almost as soon as it touches the boiling water it is done ; and if a large one were put on in boiling water the outside would be done and the inside raw. If you have no fish-kettle, wrap in a cloth. Sew the fish very securely in the shape of a let- ter S, by drawing a cord through it and fastening tightly. When cooked, and strings loosened, it will retain its shape, and is exceedingly pretty to look at. Pour the sauce around it on a platter, and put a sprig of parsley at the side. CODFISH STEW. Cut up into inch pieces, allowing ^ a teacup full to a pint of milk. Put on the stove in a stewpan or spider, well cov- ered with cold water. When it comes to a boil, drain and pour in a pint or quart of milk, according to size of family. When hot, thicken with a tablespoon of flour made smooth with cold milk or water. An egg broken in and stirred rap- idly at the last is an improvement. Season with a teaspoon of butter. Serve with baked potatoes. CODFISH BALLS. Take a pint of finely-shredded salt codfish, a quart of raw peeled potatoes cut in two. Put to cook in cold water. When the potatoes are tender, drain very thoroughly, mash fine, beat well, add 2 tablespoons butter (or less will answer). AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 35 2 well beaten eggs, and a bit of pepper. Beat again, with a wooden spoon. Drop by the spoonful into boiling fat, and fry brown. They are better than if made into cakes. SALT MACKEREL. They may be cooked in several different ways. The one most in vogue is boiling. To freshen, put in a crock of water, skin side up, early in the evening. Before bedtime change the water, and in the morning rinse in clear water. Boil about 5 minutes in a frying-pan. Take up carefully on a platter. Have ready in a basin a cup of cream or rich milk with a spoon of butter, heated, and pour over. Note. — Tin rusts badly, and it is better to soak mackerel In a stone crock. Salt Mackerel. After freshening, put half a cup of vinegar in the spider with half as much water. Boil the mackerel in it. Serve with slices of lemon. Salt Mackerel. Mrs, L. S. Hodge, Chicago. After freshening, hang up for a day or two, or until per- fectly dry. Then put in a dry tin and set in the oven for ten minutes. It will be found cooked through. Serve with drawn butter. EELS. Eels should be killed instantly by piercing the spinal marrow close to the back part of the skull with a sharp- pointed instrument. Skin them. Take off head and tail, cut up into frying pieces, throw into boiling water for 5 min- utes, then drain, roll in flour or corn meal peppered and salted, and fry in very hot lard. FRIED FISH. Clean the fish well. Cut up into pieces about 2 by 4 inches. Lay around in a colander skin down, and sprinkle 36 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK with salt. Let stand an hour, or half a day if need be. Have the fat hot in a frying pan. Roll in flour or corn meal, fry slowly and cook a long time, till thoroughly done through. It is nice dipped in beaten egg and rolled cracker after the flour, but is not essential. TO FRY SMELTS. Miss Juliet Corson. Dry on a towel. Dip in milk, then in cracker dust, then in beaten egg, then in cracker dust again, and the dust will all stay on. Fry in hot fat. FRIED PERCH. After scaling and cleaning perfectly, dry them well. Dip in flour that is salted and peppered, and fry in hot lard. Garnish with curled parsley. To fry brook trout, dip in corn meal and fry in butter, and serve with melted butter. SHAD ROE WITH OYSTERS. Miss Juliet Corson. Fish spawn, especially the shad, is a delicacy greatly prized by epicures. Wash and wipe, fry in hot fat in a frying-pan, on both sides. Season. It takes 15 or 20 minutes to cook. Dish up on a platter and place around it a row or double row of plain fried oysters. Put a bunch of parsley in the center, and half a lemon with the peel cut in saw teeth, and the effect is very pretty. OYSTERS. CLAMS. LOBSTERS. CRABS AND SHRLMPS. OYSTERS. BAKED. A'AII'. STEWED. FRIED. BROILED. STEAMED. PICKLED. COMES too seldom in the yearly calendar for the lover of the oyster. But there ^cy% is hope ; for, with the adoption of stand- ard time, and the continued efforts of " Fonetic Riters," there may come fur- ther changes, and the R may yet be found in other months. A very pretty center piece for a table at an entertain- ment or gathering of any kind, is a large block of ice on a handsome platter, with a center melted out and filled with raw oysters. Garnish the edge with slices of lemon, and green sprigs may decorate the sides if desired. In cases where butter is given to be used with oysters, many prefer olive oil. Use but half the quantity that you would of butter. Peanut oil or cotton seed oil may be procured much more cheaply than olive oil, and answers every purpose. Use the very largest oysters for frying and broiling, the 38 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK OYSTERS. medium for raw and soup, and the smallest for scallops, croquettes, and pies. Every oyster should be looked at that no bits of shell remain attached to it. This is a very important matter, and should not be neglected. For oyster soup, see "SoUP;" for oyster salad, see "Salads;" for oyster croquettes, see "CROQUETTES;" for oyster fritters, see "Fritters." RAW OYSTERS. If to be served at the table, they should be brought on in a deep dish accompanied by a dish of lemons cut in quar- ters. Serve in small plates, half a dozen oysters to each person, with a piece of lemon in the center. Salt, pepper, and vinegar should be provided. Lemon juice is sometimes served in place of vinegar. OYSTER STEW. Three pints of oysters. Put the liquor in a stewpan, let it boil up, skim carefully, put in 2| quarts of milk, let it come to a boil, add the oysters, having looked them over and removed every bit of shell. The moment they curl up remove from the fire, and salt to taste. Season well with butter. Serve in hot soup scallops. VIRGINIA OYSTER STEW. Take a quart of oysters, strain the liquor off, and put it over to boil. Take the yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs and ^ teaspoon mustard, make into smooth paste with i tablespoon or more of salad oil. Add i cup of the boiling liquor, stir well and keep warm. To the remaining liquor add the oys- ters and cook till the edges curl. Pour part of the liquor in the oysters over toast, let the remainder be with the oysters, and add to it the egg salad, and seasoning of salt, pepper or AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 39 With Turkey. OYSTERS. Fricassee. sauces to suit the taste. Serve the toast with the oysters. Much nicer than crackers. STEWED OYSTERS WITH CELERY. In a large stewpan put a pint of strong and clear broth, made of the cuts of beef Instead of milk and water, or milk even, as the prevailing practice is, use only the richest and sweetest of cream. Of this cream add i pint to the broth in the stewpan. Also 4 tablespoons of the best table butter, i teaspoon of salt, i of white pepper, the same of ground mace, and extract of celery. If the celery is to be had in stalk, chop up fine and throw in. No more delicate or healthy flavor can be added to any stew, soup or broth, than this exquisite vegetable. Now set to cooking, and while on the fire dredge in finely-pow- dered cracker dust and a little of the best corn starch flour, until thickened to your taste. Have ready, parboiled, not in water, but in their own juice, 50 oysters, in a hot tureen. Pour over these parboiled oysters the sauce compounded as above, and serve while still scalding hot. OYSTER SAUCE WITH TURKEY. A pint of oysters cut up small and boiled up in their own liquor, add a cup of cream, tablespoon of flour made smooth with part of the cream ; salt, pepper, and butter. OYSTER FRICASSEE. Miss Juliet Corson. A tablespoon each of butter and flour mixed in a sauce- pan over the fire till a smooth paste is formed, then add the oyster liquor strained. A little water may be added if necessary. Season with salt and pepper, a very little nut- meg, boil up, add the oysters and cook till the edges curl. Remove from the fire and stir in the yolks of 3 raw eggs, 3 tablespoons salad oil, i tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice, I tablespoon chopped parsley. Serve. 40 MRS. OWENS'- COOK BOOK Omelet. OYSTERS ON TOAST. Put a quart of oysters in their liquor (free the oysters care- fully from pieces of shell) on to cook. When they come to a boil add a pint of cream or milk, a tablespoon of butter mixed smoothly with 2 teaspoons of flour, pepper and salt to suit the taste. Let boil up and pour over 6 slices of nicely browned and buttered toast. This will serve half a dozen persons, and is a nice breakfast, lunch or supper dish. DEVILED OYSTERS. Drain the oysters on a cloth, and dip in a mixture of 3 tablespoons of oil or melted butter, i of vinegar, a tea- spoon of pepper sauce, or a pinch of cayenne pepper. Let them stay in this for 5 minutes, well immersed, then dip in rolled cracker and beaten egg, and cracker again, and fry in hot lard or part lard and part butter. FRIED OYSTERS. Only the large selects are fit for frying. Dry them on a folded towel. Allow 6 eggs to a quart of oysters. Roll cracker very fine and put salt and pepper in it. Beat eggs very light, dip an oyster in the cracker, then in the egg, then in the cracker again, and fry in plenty of hot butter and lard mixed ; or, better still, in olive oil, OYSTER OMELET. One dozen large, fresh oysters chopped into small pieces, half a teaspoon of salt sprinkled on them, and then let them stand in their own liquor half an hour. Beat 6 eggs, the yolks and the whites apart, the former to a firm, smooth paste, the latter to a stiff froth. Add to the yolks a table- spoon of rich, sweet cream, pepper and salt in sufficient quantity, and then lightly stir the whites in. Put 2 table- spoons of butter into a hot frying-pan. When it is thoroughly melted and begins to fry, pour in your egg mixture, and AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 41 OYSTERS. Half-Shell. add as quickly as possible the oysters. Do not stir, but with a broad-bladed omelet knife lift, as the eggs set, the omelet from the bottom of the pan, to prevent scorching. In 5 minutes it will be done. Place a hot dish, bottom upward, over the omelet, and dexterously turn the pan over with the brown side uppermost upon the dish. Eat without delay. BROILED OYSTERS. Select large firm oysters. Dry on a towel, pepper and salt them, and place on a wire broiler, over a brisk fire. Turn often to keep the juices in. Remove to a hot dish and put bits of butter on each and serve immediately. SCALLOPED OYSTERS. A layer of rolled cracker in a buttered pudding-dish, then a layer of oysters with seasoning of butter, pepper, and salt. Repeat till the dish is full, with crumbs on top. Pour on the liquor mixed with a little milk. A beaten egg with milk is nice to put over the top. Cover and bake about half an hour. Remove cover and brown before sending to table. MOBILE ROAST OYSTERS. Use deep oyster shells, place them in a tin in the oven, and heat so hot that they begin to scale off. Put a half tea- spoon of butter and a pinch of salt and pepper in each shell, drop an oyster in each, turn it over and serve in the shell. If not quite done, set in the oven for a minute. CREAM OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELL. Pour into your saucepan a cup of hot w^ater, another of milk, and one of thick cream with a little salt. Set the saucepan into the kettle of hot water until it just boils, when stir in 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 heaping tablespoons of rice flour, corn starch, or arrow root, wet up with a little cold milk. Have your oyster shells washed and buttered *6 42 IVtRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Stuffed. (clam shells are more roomy) and a fine, large oyster laid in each one. Arrange them closely in a large baking-pan, propping them up with pebbles or bits of shell, and fill up each shell with the prepared cream, having stirred and beaten it well first. Bake 5 or 6 minutes in a hot oven until brown, and serve in the shell. STUFFED OYSTERS. Chop fine a dozen oysters, mix with them the beaten yolk of I egg, and thicken with bread crumbs, a tablespoon of thick cream, salt and pepper to taste. Fill the shells, round- ing them nicely on the top. Brown in a quick oven. OYSTER PIE. For 3 pints of oysters take for the pie crust 4 cups of flour and a heaping cup of butter or little less of lard ; water to mix. Line a pudding-dish and put in a layer of oysters drained from the liquor. Sprinkle lightly with flour, a dash of pepper and salt, and bits of butter. Then another layer the same, until all are used, putting more butter on the top layer. Pour the liquor in and cover with the crust. Cut a hole in the center and bake until the crust is browned deli- cately. If there is but little liquor to the oyster, milk is a very palatable substitute, and is preferred by some. OYSTER PIE WITH HARD-BOILED EGGS. Take a quart of oysters, look over very carefully to remove bits of shells. Put into a pudding-dish with the liquor, season with salt, pepper, bits of butter, half a cup of hot water, slice up 4 hard-boiled eggs, put around on the oysters, make a crust of i^ cups flour, i teaspoon baking powder, half a cup of butter (or a trifle less of lard, in which case use a saltspoon of salt,) water to mix as for pie crust. Roll out to cover the dish. Before covering, place an inverted teacup in the center of the dish, crowding the AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 43 OYSTERS. With Macaroni. oysters aside for the purpose. Cover, cut a slit in the mid- dle and bake till the crust is done, perhaps 15 or 20 minutes. PANNED OYSTERS. Toast slices of bread. Remove the crusts. Cut into even shapes, spread with butter, lay in a pan, and put one or more nice plump oysters on each piece. Put bits of butter and a very little pepper on each one, cover with a tin dish and put into a hot oven. As soon as the edges of the oys- ters curl they are done. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Then cook 6 or 8 minutes. They are best cooked in patty- pans as they can be served -in them. In that case the patty- pans should be placed in a dripping-pan in the oven. OYSTER PATTIES. Line the bottom and sides of patty-pans with rich paste. Put a cover of paste over and pinch the edges together. Bake in a quick oven about 15 minutes, or until done. Take as many oysters as you have patties. Stew them in their own liquor, then cut them in pieces, add a teaspoon of flour, a tablespoon of butter (to a dozen) and a grating from a lemon peel, if you have it. Season lightly with salt, a pinch of pounded mace, and cayenne, and 2 or 3 tablespoons of cream. Mix well, open the patties and put in a tablespoon of the oyster mixture. Serve hot. OYSTERS AND MACARONI. ^ pound macaroni. ^ can, or a pint of oysters. ^ cup butter. I. I cups sweet milk. 2 eggs, or it is very good without any I cup cracker dust — very fine. Salt and pepper to taste. Break the macaroni into inch pieces. Put it into boiling water and boil 20 minutes. Skim it out, and put a thick 44 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK OYSTERS. layer of it in the bottom of a buttered pudding-dish. Put the oysters and Hquor on this, with bits of butter, pepper and salt, add the remainder of the macaroni ; beat the eggs well, mix with the milk, pour over, and spread the cracker crumbs over the top. Bake 30 minutes— or less, if the oven is very hot. See that it is brown on top. STEAMED OYSTERS. Take select oysters, put in a round vegetable dish, season with salt, pepper, and butter, set in a steamer over boiling water, and steam till they begin to curl. Very fine. STEAMED OYSTERS IN THE SHELL. Wash well and lay in a steamer. When they are cooked enough, the shell will open. They may be turned into hot dishes or served in the shells. To be seasoned by the con- sumer. SPICED OYSTERS. 100 oysters with their liquor. I cup vinegar. 18 whole cloves. ^ nutmeg grated. 4 blades mace. I teaspoon whole allspice. ^ teaspoon salt. A pinch of cayenne. Put all of the ingredients into a saucepan, stir well, cover, and put over a slow fire. Stir from the bottom until they are well scalded. Remove, put into jars, cover, and serve cold. PICKLED OYSTERS. Drain the liquor from 50 oysters and add to it ^ teaspoon whole pepper, same of allspice, 2 blades of mace, and a pinch of salt, When the liquor boils drop in the oysters and boil AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 45 CLAMS. them one minute. Then take them out quickly and cool them. Add half as much vinegar as liquor, boil a few min- utes and pour over the oysters. CLAMS. CHOWDER. STEWED. PIE. FRIED. For clam soup, see "Soup" ; for clam fritters, see "FRIT- TERS." CLAM CHOWDER. Butter a deep tin basin, put in a layer of grated bread crumbs or cracker crumbs. Sprinkle in pepper and bits of butter, then put in a double layer of clams, and season with pepper and butter, another layer of crumbs, then of clams, and finish with bread crumbs or a layer of soaked cracker. Add a cup of milk or water, turn a plate over the basin, and bake | of an hour. To 50 clams, \ pound of soda biscuit and \ pound of butter is the right proportion. STEWED CLAMS. C. H. Bass, New York. Take 50 large sand clams from their shells, and put to them equal parts of their own liquor and water, nearly to cover them ; put them in a stewpan over a gentle fire for \ an hour ; take off any scum as it rises, then add to them a teacup of butter in which is worked a tablespoon of wheat flour, and pepper to taste ; cover the stewpan and let them simmer for 15 minutes longer, then serve. Pour it over toast if desired. Substituting milk for water makes them more delicate and white. Any other than sand clams require an hour to stew ; that is, three-quarters of an hour before putting in the seasoning. 46 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK CLAM PIE. Three pints of clams — cut them in two if very large, boil up in their own liquor in a saucepan, adding a little water, if necessary. Take 3 large boiled potatoes and, when cold, cut into small pieces. Put good pie crust around the side of the baking-dish, and then alternate layers of clams and pota- toes with seasoning of salt, pepper, and butter, and a light sprinkling of flour. Place an inverted teacup in the middle of the dish, pushing the mixture aside for the purpose. Pour the liquor over and also a cup of water, if it seems dry. Cover with crust, make some incisions for the escape of steam, and bake ^ or | of an hour. FRIED CLAMS. Use the largest sand clams, drain well from their liquor, dip in finely rolled cracker and fry in hot lard. Serve very hot. LO(BSTE(RS. TO CHOOSE. BOILED. SCALLOPED. TO CHOOSE LOBSTERS. The heaviest lobsters are the best. Sometimes a com- paratively small one will weigh as heavily as one consider- ably larger. If fresh, the claws should move with strength and it should be lively. Hen lobsters are prettiest for salads on account of their coral. The tail is broader than that of the male. The male is preferable for boiling. The shell is brighter and the flesh firmer than that of the female. TO BOIL LOBSTERS. Allow half a teaspoon of salt to a quart of water. When AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 47 it boils fast put the lobster in head first. It dies instantly. Boil briskly half an hour, then remove and drain. Wipe it dry and rub over with sweet oil or butter. Break the claws off and remove the meat from the shells and lay on a small platter. Serve with melted butter sauce. SCALLOPED LOBSTER. Butter a pudding-dish. Put in it a layer of lobster meat, picked in small pieces. Do not cut it. Sprinkle it with pepper and salt, and a lit^e juice of lemon. On this strew a layer of fine bread crumbs with lumps of butter, then a layer of lobster as before, having bread crumbs for the top layer. For a quart of the mixture, use about h, cup of but- ter. Pour a pint of cream or milk over it and bake half an hour, and serve hot. TO CHOOSE. STUFFED. BOILED. FRIED. SHRIMPS BUTTERED. TOTTED. TO CHOOSE CRABS. The heaviest are best. The joints of the claws should be stiff, and the inner part should smell agreeably. STUFFED CRAB. After boiling, pick the meat into bits, keeping the shell whole. Rub the shell with oil or butter. To the meat put one-third the quantity of grated bread crumbs, a bit of cayenne pepper, nutmeg, a chopped hard-boiled o.^'g for each crab, juice of half a lemon, and butter or cream to bind together. After cleaning the shells, fill with the mixture, dust over with crumbs and butter, and brown in the oven. 48 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Buttered. TO BOIL CRABS. Allow a teaspoon of salt to a quart of water. When boil- ing hot, put in the crabs and boil from lO to 12 minutes. Remove, wipe clean, rub over with butter or sweet oil. Break off the small claws, lay in rows around the outer edge of a dish, finishing toward the center. FRIED CRABS. Soft-shell crabs should be dipped in beaten egg, and then rolled in cracker crumbs and fried in salt pork gravy. BUTTERED SHRIMPS. Take i pint of shrimps, picked clean from their shells. Simmer for 2 minutes in i| cups of cream sauce. Season with salt and pepper. POTTED SHRIMPS. Put a pint ot picked shrimps into a stewpan with ^ cup butter, a pinch of cayenne, a blade of mace pounded, and salt to taste. Simmer 15 minutes, put into pots, let get cold and cover with melted butter. REMARKS. FOUR-FOOTED. WINGED. FROGS AND TERRAPIN. (REMARKS. AME is no exception. There can be no absolute rule for cooking. And I have selected, from many sources, what I con- sider will be best received by the generality of ladies. The best variety possible is presented in this chapter, and I feel con- fident that my readers will regard as plain common sense the directions here given. My correspondence, to gain all the information possible on this subject, has elicited various opinions from many excellent cooks. For instance, one lady says : " I find it safe, generally, to parboil wild meat, with a small pinch of soda in the water." Another one writes : " Of one thing I am certain, and that is, that game should never be parboiled." Another lady says : " I think wild meat should be soaked a short time in weak saleratus water." And still another one says: "If wild ducks and prairie chickens are skinned, the necessity for parboiling is removed, for the skin is the tough part." Very many good cooks unite in this, that, whenever prac- *7 50 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK ticable, game should be cooked without washing. Wiping with a damp cloth is deemed sufficient. If found necessary to wash, they do it as quickly as possible, and wipe dry. Game should never remain in water a moment longer than is essential to perfect cleansing, according to their theory. A free current of air is very advantageous. A damp atmosphere is destructive to animal food. If hares and rabbits are young, the ears tear easily and the claws are sharp and smooth. They will keep good a week or two in cold weather. Ducks with plump breasts and pliable feet are best. Partridges with dark-colored bills and yellow legs are best, and if allowed to hang a few days are much finer in flavor, and more tender. Pigeons, to be good, will not bear being kept, as the flavor leaves them. So they must be eaten fresh. Plovers are scarcely fit for any cooking but roasting. They should feel hard at the vent, as that indicates their fatness. If very stale, the feet will be extremely dry, and they should be discarded. A peeled lemon laid inside of a wild fowl will absorb any strong or fishy taste if left in for a few hours. After poultry or birds are dressed, hang them up by the head, not in the sun, but in a cool place. A piece of char- coal put into each bird will guard against tainting for several days. This is especially the case in warm weather, and almost a necessity. Even if they become tainted, it is said that they can be restored to sweetness by being kept in sweet milk 24 hours. I have never had occasion to test this. The flavor of game is heightened by keeping it several days before cooking. In venison the fat should be bright, clear, and thick ; the cleft of the hoof close and smooth. The more fat there is, the better the quality of the meat. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 51 GAME. Beaver. When venison is hung up it should be looked at and wiped off whenever it has gathered moisture. A thorough dusting with black pepper will preserve it from flies. Ginger will answer the same purpose. Bear and buffalo meats are cooked substantially the same as beef or venison. Dark meat is usually served rare ; light meat, well cooked. It is the common custom of cooks to give claret as one of the adjuncts in cooking wild meat. It is a mere matter of taste. It can be made very palatable without it, and I pre- fer not to give it. For game soup and green turtle soup, see "SoUP." To the Hon. Monroe Heath, ex-Mayor of Chicago, I am deeply indebted. He knows from personal experience how to kill, dress, cook, and serve, in the daintiest manner, nearly everything treated of in this entire chapter, and has very kindly revised it for me. FOV^-FOOTE^n GJME. BEAVER. OPOSSUM. HAKE. R.4BBIT. PEMMICAN. SQUIRREL. VENISON. WOODCHUCKS AND 'COONS. BEAVER— ROAST. Mrs. A. P. Cooper. First catch your beaver. Then dress same as any other animal. Cut your roast from any part of the animal you wish. Make a strong brine and pour over the meat and let stand over night. Then take enough cold water to cover, and lay it in a kettle with a few whole peppers, 6 cloves, a piece of stick cinnamon, 6 allspice, a teaspoon of white mustard seed, if handy, all tied up together in a piece of 52 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Opossum. GAME. cheesecloth. Parboil half an hour. Take up and put in a dripping-pan with a pint of water, and start it to roasting in the oven. Then mix a teaspoon of mustard, a teaspoon of black pepper, a pinch of cayenne, with a tablespoon of flour and mix with water from the dripping-pan, and use to baste with. Either stick 2 or 3 garlics here and there in the roast, or choo an onion fine and mix with the dressing. OPOSSUM. Clean like a pig — scrape, not skin it. Chop the liver fine, mix with bread crumbs, chopped onion, and parsley, with pepper and salt ; bind with a beaten egg, and stuff the body with it. Sew up, roast, baste with salt and water. In order to make it crisp, rub it with a rag dipped in its own grease. Serve with the gravy made of browned flour. Serve it whole on a platter, and put a baked apple in its mouth. It is very nice stuffed with apples peeled and sliced. Opossum may be made into a very palatable stew. HARE— JUGGED. After casing the hare, wipe off all loose hairs carefully, cut at the joints and fry brown. Season well with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, mace, nutmeg, cloves, grated lemon peel, and a sprig of thyme. Put a layer of this into a bean-pot or a small-necked jar, alternately with a layer of thin slices of bacon, until all are used. Pour i cup of water over, cover closely and set in a kettle of water. Boil 3 hours or longer if the hare is old and tough. Skim out when done and strain the liquor. Take one teaspoon each of flour and butter ; mix in a saucepan over the fire, and add the strained liquor. Let boil up and pour over the hare in a deep dish. RABBIT BOILED- LIVER SAUCE. Truss for boiling ; cover with hot water and cook gently about 45 minutes, if of medium size. In another vessel, boil the liver for 10 minutes, mince very fine and put it back into AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 53 the water in which it was boiled, season with butter, pepper, and salt, and thicken with flour, and pour over the rabbit. Onion sauce is preferred by some, in which case serve it in the same manner as the liver sauce. RABBIT— FRIED. After skinning, cleaning, and wiping dry, fry the same as chicken. Unless known to be young and tender, it is a surer way to parboil before frying. RABBIT PIE. After cleaning, cut up like chicken and stew until tender. Then put into a deep pan with sides lined with pie-paste. Thicken the gravy and add butter, pepper, and salt. Pour over and cover with crust. Bake about 20 minutes. RABBIT— ROASTED. After skinning and cleaning, lay in salt water for an hour. Parboil the heart and liver, mince them with a slice of fat salt pork, and add thyme, onion, pepper, and salt, and bread crumbs moistened with the water in which the giblets were boiled. Mix with a beaten egg. Stuff the rabbit with this, sew up, rub the body with butter or tie over it a few slices of fat pork. Put a cup or more of water into the dripping- pan. Baste often. An hour will generally suffice for cook- ing it. Dredge with flour before taking it from the oven, and pour melted butter over. When browned remove to a hot dish, and to the gravy add lemon juice, a bit of minced onion, and one tablespoon of flour made smooth with the same quantity of butter. Let boil up and serve in a gravy dish. Garnish the rabbit with slices of lemon and sprigs of green parsley. RABBIT STEW. Skin, clean, and cut in small pieces a couple of rabbits. Let stand in cold salted water for an hour. Then put on to 54 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK GAME. Venison. cook, in enough cold water to cover them, and boil till ten- der. Season with pepper and salt, and stir i tablespoon of butter made smooth with 2 tablespoons of flour into the" gravy. Lemon juice is an improvement. If onions are liked, they may be boiled in a dish by themselves and added to the gravy before dishing up. Serve rabbits and gravy together on a large platter. PEMMICAN— TO PREPARE. Pemmican is made of the lean portions of venison, buffalo, etc. The Indian method is to remove the fat from the lean, dry the lean in the sun ; then make a bag of the skin of the animal, and put the lean pieces in loosely. To this must be added the fat of the animal, rendered into tallow, and poured in quite hot. This will cause all the spaces to be filled. When cold, put away for future use. In civilized life, a jar can be used in place of the bag. Pemmican may be cooked same as sausage, or eaten as dried beef It is invaluable in long land explorations, and is of great use in sea voyages. RACCOONS— 5^^ Woodchucks. SQUIRREL PIE. Clean one pair of squirrels and cut into small pieces. Wipe off with a damp cloth. Put into a stewpan with 2 slices of salt pork, and water to nearly cover. Cook until half done. Season it well and thicken the gravy. Pour into a deep dish, cover with pie crust, and bake 30 minutes. Squirrels may be fried, broiled, or stewed, like chickens or rabbits. VENISON— ROAST. The haunch is the choicest piece for roasting. Wipe off with a damp cloth. Rub over with butter or lard. Then cover the top and sides with a thick paste of flour and water half an inch deep. Lay a coarse paper over all and put to AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 55 Sausage. roast with one cup of water in the dripping-pan. Keep the oven well heated. Baste every 15 or 20 minutes with butter and water. Twenty minutes before serving remove the paste and paper, and dredge with flour, and baste with but- ter until of a light brown. Pour in a pint of water and make a thickened gravy as for roast beef or pork, adding a pinch of cloves, nutmeg, cayenne, and a few blades of mace. Strain before sending to table, and 2 tablespoons of currant jelly may be added if you have it. Have dishes very hot. The shoulder is also a good roasting piece, but need not be covered with the paste as in the above directions. VENISON SAUSAGE. Take equal quantities of old salt pork and bits of raw venison. Chop fine. To each pound of chopped meat add 3 teaspoons of sage, i^ of salt, and i of pepper. Make into flat cakes and fry with no other fat, as that in the sausage is sufficient. VENISON STEAKS. These take longer to cook than beef, but should be simi- larly broiled or fried. When done, place in a hot dish with a gravy made of butter the size or an egg for each pound of steak, mixed with a spoon of flour, and properly seasoned with pepper and salt. Jelly may be added if desired. Before serving, cover the platter and set in a hot oven for 5 minutes or less. Have the plates well heated, as venison cools quickly. At table it is nice to place a bit of jelly on each piece served. VENISON STEW. Cut the meat into small pieces. Inferior cuts will make a very good stew. Boil for a couple of hours. Season to suit the taste. Add potatoes peeled, and, if large, cut in two. When done, skim out, thicken the gravy and pour over. 56 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Woodchucks and 'Coons. GAME. Cranes and Herons. WOODCHUCKS AND 'COONS. Mrs. E. E. Bower, Erie, Pa. In Pennsylvania, woodchucks are called ground-hogs and esteemed a great delicacy, and really a fine fat one well roasted is not to be despised. To cook either ground-hogs or 'coons, parboil for 30 minutes, to take off the wild smell; then rub well with salt and pepper, and roast in a quick oven at first, allowing the fire to cool gradually ; 30 min- utes to every pound is a safe rule. Young animals need no parboiling. Where fire-places are used, people cook them on a spit over a dripping-pan. WIJ^GE^ GJME. CRANES AND HERONS. DUCK'S. PARTRIDGE. LARKS. PIGEONS. PILAU. PLOVER. PRAIRIE CHICKEN. QUAIL. REED-BIRDS, RAILS, AND SNIPE. WOODCOCK. CRANES AND HERONS. May be broiled or stewed, like chickens. They make a very fine soup. Dress and joint 5 or 6 and put into a pot with an equal weight of beef cut small ; slice i onion (or more) ; add a slice of fat pork ; water to cover. When ten- der add, if you have them, about a pint of oysters with their liquor. Crabs cleaned and quartered may be substi- tuted. Let simmer till done. Then just before serving stir in I or 2 tablespoons of gumbo, if you have it prepared. DUCKS— CANVAS BACK— ROASTED. Pluck, singe, draw, and wipe well. Do not wash ; let the duck retain its own flavor as far as possible. Leave the head on to show its species. Roast, without stuffing, 25 or AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 57 Ducks. GAME. Partridge. 30 minutes, in a hot oven, after seasoning with pepper and salt. Baste with butter and water. A bit of cayenne and a tablespoon of currant jelly added to the gravy are an improvement. Thicken with browned flour. DUCKS— WILD— ROASTED. Prepare for roasting the same as any fowl. Parboil for 15 minutes with an onion in the water, and the strong fishy fla- vor that is sometimes so disagreeable in wild ducks will have disappeared. A carrot will answer the same purpose. Stuff with bread crumbs, a minced onion, season with pep- per, salt, and sage, and roast until tender. Use butter plen- tifully in basting. A half hour will suffice for young ducks. DU CKS— WILD— STEWED. Cut the ducks into joints ; pepper, salt, and flour them ; fry in butter in a stewpan. Then cover with a gravy made of the giblets and some bits of lean veal if you have it, all minced and stewed in water until tender Add a minced onion or shallot, a bunch of sweet herbs, and salt and pepper, with a bit of lemon peel. Cover closely and let them stew until tender. About 30 minutes will suffice. Skim out the ducks ; skim and strain the gravy, add a cup of cream or milk and a beaten egg, thicken with browned flour, and let boil up once and pour over the ducks. The juice of a lemon may be added, or lemon may be sliced and served on the ducks. PARTRIDGE PIE. After dressing, divide in halves, rub with pepper, salt, and flour, sprinkle in parsley, thyme, and mushrooms, if you happen to have them. Put a slice of ham and 2 pounds of veal cut up small at the bottom of the baking-dish. Then add the partridges and pour over them a pint of good broth or gravy. This is for about 4 birds. If you have no gravy, 58 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Pigeons. use water with a large spoon of butter. Cover with rich pie-paste. Leave an opening in the center and bake about I hour. PARTRIDGE— BROILED. Pick and draw ; divide through the back and breast, and wipe with a damp cloth. Season highly with pepper, salt, a bit of cayenne, and broil over a clear, bright fire. It will broil in 15 or 20 minutes. When done rub over with butter. Serve with lemon laid in slices on the bird. LARKS. Clean, wipe dry, brush them over with the yolk of egg, roll in bread crumbs and roast in a quick oven for 10 or 15 minutes. Baste with butter and keep them covered with bread crumbs while roasting. Serve the crumbs under the birds and lay slices of lemon on them. PIGEON PIE. Do not stuff pigeons, but cut them in 4 pieces ; parboil and place in layers with egg and pork or bacon, as directed for quail pie. Use plenty of butter to make the gravy rich. Bake same as quail pie. PIGEONS— POTTED. Pluck and clean. Take a cracker, an egg, a piece of but- ter or chopped suet the size of an egg, and a pinch of sage or sweet marjoram. Make into small balls and put one with a thin slice of salt pork into each bird. Lay the birds close together in a pot. Dredge well with flour. Put in a good tablespoon of butter to 6 birds. Cover with water. Cover the pot and stew slowly for about an hour and a half Less time if young and very tender, and longer if old. Serve on a large platter with the gravy. Other birds may be potted the same way. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 59 PIGEONS— STEWED. Take the grated crumbs of a small loaf of bread, chop fine a pound of fat bacon, a sprinkling of thyme, parsley, and pepper, mix with a couple of raw eggs, stuff the craws of the pigeons with this, lard the breasts and fry them brown. Then put into a stewpan with some beef gravy and stew I of an hour. Thicken with a tablespoon of butter rolled in flour. Serve on a platter and strain the gravy over them. A nice accompaniment is a row of force-meat balls around the edge of the dish. PILAU OF BIRDS. Boil 2 or 3 large birds or half a dozen small ones with a pound of bacon in water enough to cover well. Season it with salt. When tender take them out with a little of the liquor. Into the remainder put 2 pounds of clean washed rice. Cook until done, keeping closely covered. Stir into it a cup of butter, and salt to taste. Put a layer of the rice in a deep dish. On this lay the birds with the bacon in the middle. Add the liquor. Then cover them all with the rice that is left. Smooth it and spread over it the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Cover with a plate ; bake 15 or 20 minutes in a moderate oven. PLOVER. Clean and truss. Lay in a pan and season with salt and pepper. Rub over with butter and cook in a quick oven. A piece of fat bacon or salt pork laid on each one gives a good flavor. Toast some bread and put a piece under each bird before it is quite done. Baste with butter and water. Take up on a hot platter, a bird on each slice of toast, and serve together. PRAIRIE CHICKEN— ROASTED. Remove all shot, clean quickly and thoroughly. Cut open and lay on them thin slices of salt pork. Place in a drip- 5() MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Prairie Chicken. GAME, Quail. ping-pan with a cup of water, and cook in the oven until done. The time will vary from 40 minutes to an hour and a half, according to the size and age of the bird. PRAIRIE CHICKENS— STEAMED AND BAKED. Stuff them, after cleaning, with a dressing of bread crumbs and seasoning of pepper and salt, and mixed with melted butter. Sage, onion, or summer savory may be added, if liked. Secure the fowl firmly with a needle and twine. Steam in a steamer until tender. Then remove to a dripping-pan, dredge with flour, pepper, and salt, and brown delicately in the oven. Baste with melted butter. Garnish with parsley and lumps of currant jelly. Prairie fowls may be stewed or broiled the same as other birds mentioned in this chapter. QUAIL— BROILED. Clean and split down the back. Wipe carefully, season well with salt and pepper, and place on a gridiron over a clear, hot fire. Turn, and when done, lay on a hot dish ; butter well, and serve on buttered toast. QUAIL PIE. Clean, truss, and stuff the quails. Parboil for lO or 15 minutes. Line the sides of a deep pan with rich pie-paste. In the bottom put a couple of slices of salt pork or bacon cut into small pieces. Then some slices of hard-boiled eggs, with butter and pepper. Then the quails (after removing the cords), with a sprinkling of minced parsley. The juice of a lemon is an improvement. Put bits of butter rolled in flour over the birds, then a layer of slices of egg and bits of pork. Pour in the water in which they were parboiled, and cover with pie-paste, leaving an opening in the center. Bake about an hour. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 6l Reed Birds, Rails, and Snipe. GAME. Woodcock, Modes of Cooking. QUAIL— STEAMED. Steam quail until nearly done, then roast in the oven to a nice brown, basting often with melted butter in water. Serve on buttered toast. Very nice. REED BIRDS, RAIL BIRDS, AND SNIPE. May be cooked precisely as plovers, or they may be broiled and served with toast the same as quail or partridge. WOODCOCK. Many excellent cooks do not draw them, asserting that the trail should be left in, even by those who do not like it, and removed after it is served. They claim that the flavor of the bird is much impaired if the trail is taken out before cooking. It looks rather plausible, as they are said to live by suction, have no crop, and a stomach only the size of a bullet. The trail, head, and neck are regarded as great deli- cacies by epicures. For my own eating, I could not cook them without drawing. TO BAKE. Divide down the back, put in the oven, salt and pepper them and baste with melted butter. Garnish with slices of lemon. TO BROIL. Split down the back, wipe with a damp cloth, and broil over a clear fire. Rub on butter, pepper, and salt when done. Serve on a hot platter and help each person to half a bird. TO ROAST. Clean, draw, and stuff with simple bread crumbs well sea- soned with pepper and salt, and moistened with sweet cream 52 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Frogs. GAME. Terrapin. or melted butter. Sew them up. Tie a small, thin slice of salt pork around the bird. Place in a dripping-pan and baste with butter and water. Put slices of buttered toast under them before taking up, and serve with them. FCkOGS JJ^CD TE(RrRAmj Angel. CREAMS. Coffee. CREAMS. BAVARIAN. DUCHESS. ORIENTAL. SPANISH. SYLLABUB. PRINCESS. ANGEL CREAM. One pint milk, \ cup sugar, little salt, 3 even tablespoons com starch. Cook the above over hot water, and, at the last, stir in the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Use the yolks for a boiled custard with not quite a pint of milk. Flavor. Set on ice. APPLE CREAM. Stew apples, leaving quarters whole. Skim them into a glass dish, and whip with egg-beater i cup cream and i cup sugar ; pour over the apples. When cold, it makes a deli- cious dessert in warm weather. BAVARIAN CREAM. One quart milk or cream, 6 eggs, \ box gelatine, i coffee- cup sugar, 3 teaspoons vanilla. Make syrup of the sugar by boiling it in water enough to dissolve it. Dissolve the gela- tine in water just to cover it. Boil the milk. Stir in the gelatine while on the stove. Take it off. Stir in the beaten yolks of eggs, the syrup, flavoring, and the whites beaten to a froth. Turn into a mold. Eat cold. CHOCOLATE CREAM. Six cups milk, boiled with 2 tablespoons grated chocolate and 3 tablespoons white sugar. Add this slowly to the well-beaten yolks of 3 eggs flavored with i teaspoon vanilla. Mix well, put into cups — about 8 — and place in a steamer to steam, or in a baking-pan of water in the oven, covering with another pan. They will cook in an hour. Eat coH. COFFEE CREAM. Six eggs, 2 cups sugar, i coffee-cup strong coffee. Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar together ; add a little *37 290 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK CREAMS. cold milk. Then add i quart boiling milk and the coffee, stirring the same way till it begins to thicken, but don't let it boil. Pour into a large glass dish, and add the whites of the eggs, beaten stiff, for a frosting. CREAM CHARLOTTE. Make a sponge cake in 3 layers from any plain recipe. Pour on each layer a boiled custard made of i quart milk, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons sugar. Take | pint good cream, whip to a froth, sweeten and flavor and spread smoothly over the whole. Set on ice. DUCHESS CREAM. Miss Lutie Owens, North Fork, Ky. One pint tapioca covered with water over night. Drain off in the morning and cover with hot water. Let simmer until it becomes clear, stirring all the time. Add juice of 2 lemons, 5 can chopped pine-apple, 2 cups sugar, and the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Let get cold and serve with cream. FRUIT CREAM. Take h, ounce of isinglass, dissolved in a little water, then add 1 pint good cream, sweetened to the taste ; boil it ; when nearly cold, lay some apricot or raspberry jam on the bottom of a glass dish and pour it over. GOOSEBERRY CREAM. A pint of gooseberries put into a jar, cover and set in a vessel of boiling water. When tender, put through a sieve. Add a cup of white sugar and a pint of cream. Whisk quickly until it thickens. If you have no cream, use milk and I egg. Make it a couple of hours before it is wanted, and keep it in a cool place. Serve in a glass dish, OAK PARK CREAM. Put I pint water on ^ box gelatine. Add juice of 2 small lemons and i cup sugar. Strain when cool. Then slice 6 oranges thin, removing the seeds, and place on jelly, putting sugar over them as you slice them. Then whip ^ pint of cream, sweeten a little and flavor. Pour on top when cold. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 291 Orange. CREAMS. ORANGE CREAM. Take 6 oranges, grate the peel into 3 cups of hot water, and beat the juice and pulp with 4 eggs ; sweeten the liquid, pass it through a strainer, then simmer all together until it becomes of the consistence of cream, and pour it into glasses. Orange Cream. Yolks 3 eggs, I pint cream, \ pound powdered sugar, i orange, juice and grated rind. Mix thoroughly, heat, and stir till cold. ORIENTAL CREAM. Half a box of gelatine, dissolved in i pint water. Add the juice of i lemon and i cup sugar. When dissolved thoroughly, pour into a mold or large glass dish. Make a boiled custard of i quart milk, yolks of 4 eggs, and flavor with lemon. Let get cold and pour over the jelly. Beat the whites to a stiff froth ; spread over all. Heat a shovel and hold over to brown slightly. To be eaten cold. PEACH CREAM. Take 2 quarts peaches, pare, cut in two, and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Set a quart of milk over hot water, after it has stood for 2 hours with i large spoon tapioca soaking in it. When it comes to a boil, add the yolks of 2 eggs, 2 spoons sugar, pinch of salt. Stir well, and when cooked pour over the peaches. Beat the 2 whites of eggs to a stiff froth with 2 tablespoons sugar. Spread over the top. Serve cold. PRINCESS CREAM. Mrs. Azuba Mcllvain, Maysvillc, Ky. Half package gelatine in i cup cold water, half an hour. Add 2 cups sugar and 3 cups boiling water. Let dissolve perfectly and set on ice to cool. When nearly congealed, put it in a preserve dish by spoonsful and peel and slice 3 large oranges and put in layers with the gelatine. It should be cold enough to hold the slices in place. This will serve eight persons. 292 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Pine-Apple. CREAMS. Strawberry PINE-APPLE CREAM. Chop I can pine-apple ; add cup sugar ; cook till clear. Put in a dish i ounce gelatine that has been dissolved in ^ cup warm water ; add i quart milk, let come to a boil, sweeten to taste, flavor with lemon ; strain slowly over the pine-apple. Serve very cold. RICE CREAM. Half cup rice, 3 cups milk. Stew until soft. Then add 2 cups milk, yolks 3 eggs beaten with 4 tablespoons sugar. Let boil up and put in custard-dish. Make frosting of whites and add 4 tablespoons sugar ; flavor and brown delicately. SPANISH CREAM. Put ^ box gelatine in i cup milk to soak. Put another cup of milk on the stove, and when hot stir in 5 tablespoons sugar, the soaked gelatine and the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. As soon as it becomes thick, take off and stir in the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth and a teaspoon of vanilla. Put into a mold. Eat with cream and sugar. STRAWBERRY CREAM. One pint sweet cream, i pint ripe strawberries, hulled, | cup sugar, whites of 2 eggs. Mash the berries, put them through a sieve, add the sugar. Put the cream in whip- churn, if you have one, or into a pitcher holding a quart or more. Set the cream and the other ingredients in the refrigerator, or in a very cold place until they are thoroughly cold. Then set the pitcher into a basin of ice-cold water, and whip with an egg-beater until the froth begins to rise. Add the juice and continue whipping. Have the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth in a cold room. Add this, and whip until the froth ceases to rise. Serve immediately. Strawberry Cream. Mash the fruit gently ; drain it on a sieve ; when well drained (without being pressed) add sugar and cream to AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 293 Tapioca. CREAMS. Syllabub. the juice, and if too thick, a little milk ; whisk it in a bowl, and as the froth rises lay it on a sieve ; when no more will rise, put the cream in a dish and lay the froth upon it. TAPIOCA CREAM. Soak I cup tapioca in two cups milk over night. In the morning- add beaten yolks of 3 eggs and boil in i quart milk ; add a little salt. When at boiling heat, sweeten and flavor. Then stir in the beaten whites of the eggs lightly. Eaten cold. VANILLA CREAM. Half box gelatine soaked in i quart milk i hour. Set on the fire, add the yolks of 3 eggs, beaten with i cup sugar. Heat to boiling, flavor with i teaspoon vanilla and turn into a mold. VELVET CREAM. One pint sweet cream, i ounce gelatine, 3 tablespoons sugar. Dissolve the gelatine in warm water. Whip the cream to a stiff froth. Pour the gelatine in, while whipping. Sugar and flavoring should be with the cream. Pour into a mold. WHIPPED CREAM. Take a pint of cream, 2 tablespoons sugar, flavor with ^ teaspoon lemon extract, and whip with an egg-whip. Stop for a minute, and remove the froth with a spoon to a sieve. Repeat, and stop again, to remove the froth, until all has set that can be raised. Set the sieve in a cool place until the whipped cream is wanted. Use it for Charlotte Russe, or Vienna coffee. SYLLABUB. Put I pint cream in a custard-kettle. Stir it one way gently until it thickens, and add, while stirring, 4 table- spoons powdered sugar, juice of 2 lemons, grated rind of i lemon, and the stiffly-beaten whites of 2 eggs. Serve in glasses, and leave some of the syllabub to whisk into froth for tops of glasses. 294 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Baked. CUSTARDS. Floating Island. CUSTA^CbS. BAKED. BOILED. FLOATING ISLAND. CHARLOTTE RUSSE. MERINGUES. When floating island or custard, through neglect or by- accident, has been cooked too long and curdles, take a bowl full at a time and beat with patent egg-beater, and you will never know it had been curdled. BAKED CUSTARD. Three pints milk, 6 eggs, well beaten, pinch of salt, sugar and flavor to taste. Mix together and pour into cups, and set in a baking-pan of boiling water, to reach to the top of the custard, if possible. As soon as done, set cups in a pan of cold water. They will be firm and not watery. The custard may be baked in one large dish, if preferred. [Custards are very nice set in a steamer and cooked in cups. — Ed.] BOILED CUSTARD. Miss Bertie Cooper, Rectorville, Ky. One gallon sweet milk, lo eggs. Beat separately. Add a small quantity of the whites to the yolks. Put the milk on to cook. When it comes to a scald, put the remainder of the whites on top, and cook slightly. Skim off, and stir into the milk, gradually, the yolks and i| cups sugar and i teaspoon vanilla. When cooked pour out quickly. When cool, put the whites on top. CHOCOLATE CUSTARD. One quart milk, 4 beaten eggs, 5 tablespoons grated chocolate, i cup sugar. Mix well, pour into custard-cups. Set in a pan of water and bake until done. FLOATING ISLAND. One quart sweet milk put over hot water to heat. Whites of 6 eggs beaten stiff and laid on the milk until cooked. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 295 CUSTARDS. Charlotte Russe. Remove to a platter. Beat the yolks with 3 tablespoons sugar. Pour hot milk over them, instead of putting the eggs into the milk, and there will be no danger of the milk curdling. Flavor to suit. Stir till cooked through. Turn into custard-dish. A silver spoon in the glass dish will prevent its breaking. Put the whites on top, and serve with a bit of jelly on each dish at table. LEMON CUSTARD. Mrs. Coulson, Ennis, Texas. Squeeze i large lemon, grate the rind, add 2^ cups water. Rub 2 tablespoons corn starch smooth in part of the water. Beat 3 eggs. Mix all together, and cook in custard-kettle. Sweeten to suit the taste. Put in tumblers to cool. If pre- ferred the whites may be beaten separately and added last. SNOW CUSTARD. Mrs. Lizzie A. Walter, Louisville, Ky. Beat 8 eggs, leaving out the whites of 4. Add a quart of milk and 5 tablespoons sugar. Set the dish in a pan of hot water in the oven, and bake. Let cool. Beat the 4 whites to a stiff froth, add l cup pulverized sugar and a teaspoon lemon juice. Put over the top in heaps, but do not let them touch each other. SWEET POTATO CUSTARD. One pint finely-mashed sweet potatoes, 2 beaten eggs, i tablespoon butter, \ cup milk, | cup syrup (more or less to suit the taste). Flavor with nutmeg. Beat all well together and bake in a deep pie-pan, Avith bottom crust. CHARLOTTE RUSSE. One pint cream whipped light, ^ ounce gelatine dissolved in I gill hot milk, 2 whites of eggs well beaten, i small cup pulverized sugar. Flavor with ^ teaspoon each of bitter almond and vanilla. Mix the cream, eggs and sugar, and let get quite cold before adding the gelatine and milk. Line the mold with slices of sponge cake, or lady fingers, and fill with the mixture. Set upon the ice to cool. 296 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Meringue. CUSTARDS. Apple Island. MISSISSIPPI CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Mrs. J. R. Jackson, Centerville, Miss. Put alternate layers of sponge cake slices and raisins in a glass custard-bowl. When nearly full pour over it a rich boiled custard with icing on top. Ornament with jelly. HEN'S NEST. Author's Recipe. Use plain blanc mange recipe on corn stareh package. Take half a dozen or a dozen egg shells and fill with the blanc mange while warm. When cold, take out of the shells and place in a glass dish. Cut small strips of lemon peel and boil in a clear syrup till tender. Place them around the egg-forms, and make a boiled custard and pour over all. (Very pretty and very good.) APPLE MERINGUE. Stew tart cooking apples until smooth and soft. Sweeten as for the table. Then take the whites of eggs — 3 or 4 to a quart of sauce — and beat to a stiff froth ; add ^ cup sugar and beat again. Spread over the apples in the dish in which it is to be served, in little mounds heaped up. Serve cold, with cream. CORN STARCH MERINGUE. Two tablespoons corn starch, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 cups milk, 2 eggs, and pinch of salt. Heat the milk to boiling, stir in the corn starch, dissolved in 3 tablespoons of water, add the beaten yolks of the eggs, sugar, and salt. Cook 3 to 5 minutes, pour into a pudding-dish, cover with a frost- ing made of the beaten whites and -| cup sugar. Brown in the oven. Dot with jelly when serving. APPLE ISLAND. Mrs. Kate Toncray, Tollesboro, Ky. Pare and stew 10 large apples. Put through a sieve, add I cup pulverized sugar and whites of 4 eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Mix well. Take 3 pints milk, and heat to boiling. Stir in the well-beaten yolks of 4 eggs and i cup AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 297 Snow Ball. sugar, and i teaspoon lemon. In 5 minutes pour the cus- tard over the apples in a custard-bowl. TRIFLE. A pint of strawberries or any other fresh fruit in a glass dish. Sprinkle with sugar. Put a layer of macaroons over them. Pour over a custard made of one quart fresh milk, yolks of 8 eggs, ^ cup sugar, scalding hot. When cold, place the beaten whites with half a cup of sugar on top, or whipped cream may be used instead. Dots of currant jelly improve the looks of it. THICKENED RICE. Miss Bettie Hill, Maysville, Ky. One cup rice boiled in water until soft. Add a pint of milk, little salt, 2 eggs, well beaten, I cup sugar, tablespoon of flour mixed with cold milk ; flavoring. Boil up. Eat cold or warm. It does not require sauce, and is much nicer than one would think. RICE HANDY-ANDY. Take a cup of raw rice and a cup of raisins ; put together in a bag, tie securely, leaving plenty of room to swell. Boil about 2 hours in water salted a little. To be sliced and eaten with cream and sugar. Or, put the rice and raisins into 4 cups water, and sjeam i hour, and serve with any sweet sauce. ^ RICE-BALLS GARNISHED WITH CRANBERRIES. Boil rice and mold it in cups. Serve each person with i ball in a saucer, and pour over it i or 2 spoons of very sweet cranberry sauce. SNOW-BALLS. Mold simple boiled rice in tea-cups. When turned out, serve with cream and sugar, or boiled custard. A pretty effect is obtained by using red sugar-sand to sweeten the rice before molding. Call it "red rice." *38 2q3 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Artificial Honey. CUSTARDS. Lemon Butter. ALMOND SNOW-BALLS. Boil rice in a double boiler in water until soft. Then pour in milk, and mold in cups or balls. Then take blanched almonds, cut in halves, and stick around in the rice. Serve with cream sauce, or plain cream and sugar. ARTIFICIAL HONEY. Five pounds nice brown sugar, 3 cups water, 20 grains cream tartar, 5 drops essence peppermint, i^ pounds honey. Dissolve the sugar in water slowly ; skim. Dissolve cream of tartar in a little warm water, and add. Stir well ; add the honey already heated to boiling. Add the essence, stir, let cool. FRENCH HONEY. One pound lump sugar, 4 whole eggs, and 2 yolks extra, juice of 4 lemons, grated rind of 2, 3 tablespoons butter. Stir altogether until thoroughly incorporated, and heat over a slow fire. Put into jars, cover with paper, and keep with canned fruit. Use for tarts and layer cakes. LEMON HONEY. Take 6 well-beaten eggs, 3 lemons, grated rind, i pound white sugar, 2 ounces butter. Add juice of lemons, stir butter and sugar to a cream, then add all but the eggs, and simmer. When hot, turn in the eggs, stir quickly for five minutes and take from the fire, setting in a pan of cold water. Very nice for jelly cake and will keep months. LEMON BUTTER. Mrs. J. W. Smith. Two pints white sugar, i| pints water, 3 eggs well-beaten, lump of butter size of a hickory-nut, 2 tablespoons corn starch, juice of 2 lemons, rind of i. Cook in a dish set over boiling water. Stir often to keep it smooth. Use as sauce, filling for tarts, or as jelly for layer cake. m §Mm% iirfirf s, aw iifi ICE CREAMS. DIRECTIONS FOR FREEZING. LEMON. VANILLA. CHOCOLAIE. COCO AN UT. DELMONICO. >!/_ 1^ N the absence of a regular freezer, a covered tin pail Avill answer very well. It should be set in a wooden pail enough larger than itself to allow plenty of room for the ice and salt. The inner vessel should be about the same depth as the outer. If it is much less, there is great danger of the salt water entering it as the ice dissolves and the vessel descends. Another reason, the mixture can be more easily stirred if the vessel rests on a solid foundation. To prepare the ice, put it in an old gunny-sack, and pound with a hatchet or mallet into lumps about the size of hickory-nuts. Have the freezer or pail set firmly in the center of the tub or bucket. Fasten the cover on very securely. Allow about 2 pounds of coarse salt to 6 pounds of ice. Put a 3-inch layer of ice at the bottom, then a thick layer of salt, until the tub is filled to the top of the freezer, with salt for top layer. Pack firmly. Turn the freezer or pail briskly for ^ minutes. Then brush the salt carefully from the cover ; take it off Stir the cream thoroughly from bottom and sides. Replace the cover. Turn again for 5 minutes. The accumulated water must be dipped out, if there is no hole in the bottom of the tub. Add more ice and salt as fast as needed. As the cream forms into consistence, scrape 300 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK ICECREAM. it from the sides and beat very hard, for on this depends the smoothness of the cream. Continue the turning until the cream is well set. If it is to be served from the freezer, pour off all the water, fill up with ice, putting a layer on top of the cover, spread a woolen blanket, or double a piece of carpet over, and set aside till wanted. If it is to be molded, fill the molds, pressing it in very firmly when the cream is well frozen. Pack the molds in ice and salt until wanted. Dip them in hot water for an instant, and turn out. Mold half or three-quarters of an hour before serving. LEMON ICE CREAM. Tavo gallons fresh milk, 4 pounds sugar, 6 eggs, well-beaten, 2 tablespoons lemon extract. Mix together and freeze. Lemon Ice Cream. One quart of cream, juice and grated rind of i lemon, i cup white sugar ; mix and freeze. VANILLA ICE CREAM. Two gallons fresh milk, 4 pounds sugar, 6 eggs, well beaten, 2 tablespoons vanilla. Mix together and freeze. Vanilla Ice Cream. One quart cream, \ pound sugar (granulated), half a vanilla bean. Boil half the cream Avith the sugar and bean, then add the rest of the cream. Cool and strain. If ex- tract of vanilla is used, do not boil it, but put in when ready to freeze. Make it strong with flavoring, as it loses strength by freezing. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM. Two gallons fresh milk, 4 pounds sugar, 6 eggs, well beaten, i cup grated chocolate. Dissolve the chocolate in warm milk. Then mix together and freeze. Eggs may be dispensed with if cream is used instead of milk. Add 2 tablespoons vanilla, if liked. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 301 Chocolate. ICE CREAM. Coffee. Chocolate Ice Cream. Allow I tablespoon of grated chocolate dissolved in warm milk and | cup nice brown sugar to every quart of cream. Put in when partly frozen. COCOANUT ICE CREAM. Take a good-sized cocoanut, pare and grate very fine. Mix with I cup sugar and i quart sweet cream. Freeze, and during the freezing process stir well from the bottom and sides. FRUIT ICE CREAM. To every pint of fruit-juice, allow a pint of sweet cream. The quantity of sugar will depend upon the acidity of the fruit used. Consult other recipes in this chapter for a guide. Apples, peaches, pears, pine-apples, quinces, etc., should be pared and grated. Small fruits, such as currants, raspber- ries, or strawberries, should be mashed and put through a sieve. After sweetening with powdered sugar, and stirring thoroughly, let it stand until the cream is whipped — 2 or 3 minutes. Put together and then whip the mixture for 5 minutes. Put into the freezer, stirring it from the bottom and sides 2 or 3 times during the freezing process. TEA ICE CREAM. Scald a pint of milk with 4 tablespoons good tea. Take off, and in about 5 minutes strain into a pint of cold cream. Heat the mixture to scalding, and mix with it 4 well-beaten eggs and 2 cups sugar. Mix thoroughly, let it cool, and freeze COFFEE ICE CREAM. Two quarts cream, i pint milk, 4 eggs, 2 tablespoons arrowroot, 2 cups strong liquid coffee, 4 cups white sugar. Mix the arrowroot in \ cup cold milk, and add to the well- beaten eggs. Pour over this mixture a pint of milk, heated to boiling. Let cool and add the cream. Put into the freezer. Stir thoroughly. When partly frozen, add the coffee. Beat well, and freeze. 302 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK SHERBETS. Strawberry. DRLMONICO. Mrs. S. C. Kelley, Mexico, Mo. Dissolve I box of gelatine in a pint of warmed milk. Beat very light the yolks of 8 eggs ; add 2 large cups sugar. After mixing the eggs and sugar thoroughly, add the warmed milk. Then put in ^ gallon of cream, stirring all the time to prevent the gelatine from congealing. Flavor with vanilla, pour into the freezer, and freeze quickly. It is best to dissolve the gelatine in enough boiling water to cover it before using the milk. The whites of eggs are not used. SHECk^ETS. LEMON. FINE- APPLE. STRAWBERRY. LEMON SHERBET. Six lemons, i^ pounds sugar, i pint good, fresh cream, whites of 6 eggs, 2 quarts water, boiling. Pour the water over the rinds of the lemons. Mix the sugar with the juice of the lemons. Add the water drained from the lemon peelings. Put into a freezer. When it begins to freeze, pour in the cream, beaten whites of eggs, stir well, and PINE-APPLE SHERBET. Miss Phebe Wood, Maysville, Ky. For a gallon freezer, take i quart granulated sugar and I quart water. Boil to a thick syrup and pour it boiling hot over I can of grated — or finely-chopped — pine-apple. Add the juice and pulp of 4 lemons, and put into the freezer. Add the stiffly-beaten whites of 3 eggs, fill up with cold water, lacking a quart. That leaves room enough to freeze. Be sure and turn the freezer until it is filled. STRAWBERRY SHERBET. One quart strawberries, 3 pints water, i lemon — the juice only — I tablespoon orange-flower water, | pound white AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 303 WATER ICES. Orange. sugar. The strawberries should be fresh and ripe. Crush to a smooth paste, add the rest of the ingredients (except the sugar) and let it stand 3 hours. Strain over the sugar, squeezing the cloth hard, stir until the sugar is dissolved, strain again, and set in ice for 2 hours or more before you use it. WJTEfR ICES. CURRANT. lemon: ORANGE. RASPBERRY. CURRANT ICE. Six cups water, 4^ cups sugar, boiled 20 minutes. Skim well, and add 2 cups currant-juice. Put into a freezer and when partly congealed add stiffly-beaten whites of 5 eggs, stir in, and finish. LEMON ICE. Two cups lemon-juice, 4 cups sugar, 4 cups water. Put into a freezer and when it begins to congeal add whites of 4 eggs beaten to a froth. If the water is poured over 3 or 4 of the lemon rinds and allowed to stand for an hour be- forehand, it adds to the flavor. The rinds should then be removed. Lemon Ice. Make a rich lemonade. Strain into the freezer. Then add the beaten whites of 2 eggs to i quart. Freeze. ORANGE ICE. Steep the rinds of 6 oranges in i quart of water in one vessel, while you make a syrup of 2 cups of sugar boiled with ^ cup water for 15 minutes in another vessel. Skim the syrup, strain the water from the orange peel, put the syrup and water together, let cool, add the juice of the oranges, and freeze. The juice of a lemon added gives a more decided flavor. If the orange peel taste seems too strong, use only part of it, and clear water for the balance. 304 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Pine-Apple. WATER ICES. Orange Ice. Eight oranges, i pound sugar, i lemon, i quart and a cup of water. Make a syrup of the sugar and water, skim it well, cool, add the juice of the oranges. Boil up the rinds and strain the water into the syrup, and add the juice and rind of a lemon same way. Freeze. PINE-APPLE ICE. Peel and pound a pine-apple and put through a sieve. Add the juice of i or 2 lemons with \ cup of water and sugar to taste. Strain into the freezer. RASPBERRY ICE. Three quarts berry juice, i quart water, 2 pounds white sugar. Loaf sugar is best. Put into the freezer, and, as soon as it begins to congeal, stir in the whites of 6 eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Use more sugar if not sufficiently sweet, and finish freezing. STRAWBERRY ICE. Allow a pound of sugar to a quart of berries. Let stand an hour or two. Put through a strainer, add an equal quantity of water, and, when partly frozen, add the stiffly- beaten whites of 3 eggs to each quart of the mixture. WATERMELON ICE. Take a very ripe and very red melon. Save all the water and scrape the red pulp fine. Add water, being care- ful to have melon enough for a strong flavor. Use i pound of sugar to a gallon. Put into a freezer, and, as soon as it begins to freeze, add the well-beaten whites of 3 eggs to a gallon. Stir often and very thoroughly from the bottom while freezing. If liked sweeter, use more sugar. It will depend largely upon the ripeness and quality of the melon. fts0a|M. COFFEE. TEA. CHOCOLA TE. SUMMER DRINKS. COCOA. POPULAR mixture of coffee for boarding- houses is one-fourth Java, one-fourth chic- ory, and one-half Rio, mixed and ground together. Very good, too. The chief effect of chicory is to darken the color. The coffee we prefer in our family is equal parts of Old Government Java and Mocha, but a very delightful mixture is equal parts of Java, Mocha, and Rio. [But I have been informed by reputable dealers that there is scarcely any Mocha imported to this country now, so we probably get it only in name. — Ed.] BROWNING COFFEE. Look the coffee berry over, picking out imperfect kernels and bits of grit. Wash and dry it and put only a pound or two into a dripping-pan for one browning. The oven should be hot, but not hot enough to scorch. A very few burnt grains ground up would spoil the flavor of the whole. Watch very carefully and stir thoroughly from the outer edges to the center, and vice versa. The color of browned coffee must not be yellow, but a very decided brown — not very dark, however. When partly cool, stir a beaten c^g^ into it, touching every kernel, if possible. This will clarify the coffee when prepared for drinking. Some prefer the use of butter, in which case stir a small lump among the kernels while hot. Coffee may be browned in a spider on the stove as well as in the oven. A patent coffee-roaster is very convenient and quite a luxury for the kitchen. Do *39 3o6 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK The Coffee-Pot. COFFEE. Coffee with Egg. not grind coffee into a fine powder, but only to medium fine- ness. And do not grind in quantities only as needed. Keep closely-covered. THE COFFEE-POT. A very important factor in coffee-making is the coffee- pot. It must be kept clean — ^and to do this it must be emptied and washed thoroughly after every time of using. This applies to any coffee-pot in use, whether the common tin or the drippers. It is a good plan occasionally to put a teaspoon of common saleratus in the pot with half a pint or more of water and let it boil briskly for 15 or 20 minutes. The incrustation will be loosened and a thorough cleansing effected. "TO BOIL OR NOT TO BOIL." It is now generally conceded that coffee is better not to be boiled. A thorough steeping will draw out the strength as effectually as boiling. If allowed to boil, the tannic acid is extracted, and it becomes bitter and unhealthy. By combining with the milk, an indigestible substance is formed in the stomach. To keep the aroma in the coffee- pot, the spout should be stopped up, either with a cover to fit, or a cloth-stopper. COFFEE— WITH BOILING WATER. Put the required amount of coffe in the coffee-pot, and pour over it a cup of boiling water. Let steep about 5 minutes on the back of the stove ; then fill up with boiling water. Let stand 5 or 10 minutes. Pour in ^ cup of cold water to settle it, unless an egg-shell is used. Half an egg- shell, crushed, to a quart of coffee will settle it nicely. COFFEE— V/ITH EGG. A tablespoon of ground coffee for one person, 3 table- spoons are sufficient for 4 persons. Take egg enough to moisten the coffee, put in a pinch of salt. Pour on a cup of cold water. Set on the hot stove. When it comes to a boil, fill with boiling water and set back where it cannot AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 307 Steamed COFFEE. Festivals. boil. If it is necessary to use cold water to settle coffee, take a little in a cup at a considerable height above the coffee-pot, and pour it in. A little salt is always good. STEAMED COFFEE. John McGovern, Chicago. Have a tinner make an inside can something like a "plug hat," with a rim to fit any common, large coffee-pot. On the inside of the pot, a little below the top, set out 4 tin shoulders to ca.tch the rim of the inside can as it is set down into the pot. The bottom of the inside can should almost touch the bottom of the pot. Put the required amount of coffee and water in this inside can. Then hang the can in about 3 inches of boiling water in the pot. It will cook in about 20 minutes, the same as oatmeal is cooked, and is done when the grounds sink. DRIPPED COFFEE. Mrs. M. \V. Callahan, Tangipahoa, La. Provide yourself with a dripper. It should be | the size of the coffee-pot, to drip well. Put the amount of ground coffee required in the bottom of the dripper. Be sure that the water is actually boiling, and do not pour on the water until you are ready to serve it. Scald the coffee-pot, and pour in the upper part of the dripper as many cups of water as you wish coffee, and an extra half cup. See that the dripper fits tightly, and has a tight cover. Never let the coffee boil, and do not let it stand and get cold. Stir sugar and cream well together in the cup, and pour in the coffee. Do not stir after the coffee is in the cup, as it makes it stale. COFFEE FOR FESTIVALS. Put the ground coffee into flannel bags, each holding half a pound, and sew up tightly. When the first coffee is wanted, put as much water in a wash-boiler as will be re- quired ; when it boils throw in a couple of the bags and steep long enough to extract the strengh. Then take out. Add boiling water when necessary, and throw in another 3o8 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Vienna Coffee. COFFEE— TEA. Cream Substitute. bag, letting it remain as before. In this way, by removing the old and adding the new, the beverage will be kept aromatic as well as strong, and the bitterness of long-boiled coffee prevented. VIENNA COFFEE. Make your coffee in your usual way. Put one quart of cream into an oatmeal cooker, or, if you have none, into a pitcher in a kettle of boiling water. Keep the water boil- ing. Beat the white of an egg to a froth, put with it 3 table- spoons cold milk, mix well and add to the cream after re- moving from the fire. Stir briskly for a minute and serve in the coffee cups with the coffee. RYE COFFEE. Wash and roast until the kernel is very brown. Grind it and steep as other coffee. CREAM SUBSTITUTE. Take fresh milk, put it in an oatmeal cooker, or in a pail set in a kettle of boiling water. Let cook a long time, stirring often until it becomes rich and creamy. The yolk of an egg beaten well, and a pint of the heated milk poured over it gives it a still richer consistence. TEA. " Except the water boiling be, Filling the tea-pot spoils the tea." After scalding the tea-pot, put in a teaspocwi of tea for one person, but of course a less proportion if for many per- sons. Pour less than a cup of actually boiling and freshly- boiled water on. Let steep on the back of the stove a short time, and fill up the required amount with boiling water. Japan tea is better for families whose meals are kept wait- ing. Its flavor is not injured by long standing as much as many other teas. If tea boils, the tannic acid is extracted and acts with very bad effects on the coats of the stomach. Black tea is generally regarded as wholesome. It should steep 10 or 15 minutes; green tea, about 3 minutes. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 309 Freezing Mixture. TEA— CHOCOUTE--COCOA. ICED TEA. It is better to put the tea in cold water and set in the ice- box the morning' of the day it is to be used for supper. The flavor is better than if steeped in hot water. CHOCOLATE. Scrape fine about one square of a cake, add it to an equal quantity of sugar; put these into a pint of boiling milk and water (half and half) and stir constantly for 2 or 3 minutes. Some prefer boiling' 10 minutes. EGG CHOCOLATE. Allow about I egg to 2 cups. Prepare this chocolate as above, and the last thing pour it over the well-beaten yolks of the eggs, and at the same time have the whites beaten to a stiff froth and put a little on top of each cup (very hot) and serve. BREAKFAST COCOA. Put a teaspoon of the powder into a breakfast cup, add a tablespoon of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Then add equal parts of boiling water and boiled milk, and sweeten to taste. Let it boil a couple of minutes. COCOA SHELLS. Take about 2 ounces of the shells and pour 3 pints of boiling water over them. Boil rapidly half an hour. Serve like coffee. A FREEZING MIXTURE. Put 2 ounces refined niter in a stone bottle. Nearly fill the bottle with hot water (spring water if you can get it). Cork the bottle and let it down in a well or cistern. In 2 or 3 hours it will be frozen and the bottle must be broken. Leave room at the top for about a pint. BOTTLED SODA-WATER. One quart water, 2 pounds white sugar, i ounce tartaric acid, .\ ounce essence, 2 lemons, 2 eggs beaten, i tablespoon 3IO MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK SUMMER DRINKS. Ginger Pop. flour. Strain, bottle, and shake every day for a week. When you wish a glass of soda-water, take ^ cream, | water, and add | teaspoon soda ; stir, and drink immedi- ately. You can use sassafras, winter-green, or any other essence you wish. Some prefer to flavor it to taste when preparing it to drink. Be sure to use bicarbonate of soda, and buy it of a druggist. CREAM NECTAR. Three pounds white sugar, 2 ounces tartaric acid, put into a quart of soft water over night. Then stir in the well- beaten whites of 3 eggs. Use any flavoring desired. Bot- tle, and keep in a cool place. Three tablespoons of it to i glass ice-water. Soda enough to make it effervesce. After one trial you can determine the amount of soda. The soda should be put into the water first. CREAM SODA. Mrs. Hattie A. Harris, Clinton, Iowa. It is an effervescent drink, and much pleasanter, I think, than soda-water. Two ounces tartaric acid, 2 pounds white sugar, juice of I lemon, 3 pints water ; boil together 5 min- utes ; when nearly cold, add, after beating together, the whites of 3 eggs, ^ cup flour, and h, ounce of essence of winter-green. Some other essence maybe used if preferred. After being well mixed, bottle and keep in a cool place. For a drink of this, take 2 tablespoons of the syrup to i tum- bler of water, and add ^ teaspoon soda. Drink quickly. GINGER NECTAR. Ten gallons water, 15 pounds loaf sugar, whites of 6 eggs well beaten and strained ; mix all together, then boil and skim. Put in | pound of ginger, boil 20 minutes. When cool, put in the juice and rind of 4 or 5 lemons, also 2 tablespoons of good yeast, stir well together, bottle and cork tight. GINGER POP. Water, 5| gallons ; ginger root, bruised, I pound ; tartaric AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 3" Grape Cordial. SUMMER DRINKS. acid, ^ ounce ; white sugar, 2h pounds ; whites of 3 eggs, well beaten ; lemon oil, i teaspoon ; yeast, i gill. Boil the root for 30 minutes in i gallon of the water, strain off and put the oil in while hot. Then let cool and mix all together. Make over night, and in the morning skim and bottle, keeping out sediment. GRAPE CORDIAL. Juice of 2 pounds grapes, 3 tablespoons sugar, and i cup cold water. Drink with ice. HYDROMEL. The proportion is 2^ pounds honey to a gallon of warm water. When the honey is completely incorporated with the water, pour into a cask. When fermented and clear, bottle and cork tightly. A wholesome drink, if properly prepared. HARVEST DRINK. One cup vinegar, i tablespoon ginger, 3 tablespoons sugar, and I quart water. IMPERIAL. Two ounces cream of tartar, juice and rind of 2 lemons ; put into a stone jar, pour over it 7 quarts boiling water, stir and cover closely ; when cold, sweeten to taste, strain and bottle. LEMONADE. One large lemon will make four good glasses. Peel the lemon. Cut it in two. Put half at a time in the lemon- squeezer, squeeze gently into the pitcher, open the squeezer and turn the piece over, squeeze again, then drop the entire pulp into the pitcher. Stir in 4 tablespoons sugar and mix thoroughly with the juice and pulp. Add a quart of water and stir well together. If made for a company and it is desired to have it look very clear, ramove carefully all of the pulp and seeds, after squeezing, and take a firm whole lemon with the peeling on and slice just as thin as possible into the lemonade. 312 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK SUMMER DRINKS. Mixed Syrups. POWDERED LEMONADE. One pound white sugar, i ounce tartaric acid, ^ ounce essence of lemon. Mix and dry. One tablespoon in a glass of water makes a very good substitute for fresh lemonade. PORTABLE LEMONADE, Twelve lemons, squeeze the juice. Boil the pulp in a pint of water. Add this to the juice and to each pint add a pound of sugar. Boil lo minutes. Seal up. Use i table- spoon to a glass of water. LEMON SODA. Ten gallons water, 6 peeled lemons sliced, ^ pound ginger, ^ pound cream of tartar. 3 grated nutmegs. Boil all to- gether. When cool enough, add the beaten whites of 6 eggs and ^ pint yeast, and let it ferment 12 hours. Strain and bottle. It is better after standing a day or two. LEMON SYRUP. To each pint of lemon-juice allow i^ pounds of sugar. Let boil together gently for 10 minutes ; then seal up in bottles or jars. MEAD. Quarter pound tartaric acid, 3 pounds brown sugar, 3 quarts boiling water, i ounce sassafras essence, ^ ounce extract sarsaparilla. MIXED SYRUPS. Mix raspberries and cherries, currants and raspberries, and make syrups. Or add lemon-juice to pine-apple syrup, or to any other preferred. Or any fruit-juice may be mixed with any other juice or syrup. MULLED CIDER. One quart cider. Boil it and put in a handful of cloves. Beat 6 eggs in a vessel and add sugar to make very sweet. When beaten very light, pour the boiling cider over the eggs, and stir well and pour back and forth from one vessel to the other till it is all frothy. Serve warm in glasses. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 313 Orgeat. SUMMER DRINKS. Nectar. ORGEAT. Put a piece of stick cinnamon in a quart of milk. Boil, let cool, remove the cinnamon. Blanch and reduce to a paste 4 ounces sweet almonds. Mix with the milk, add ^ cup sugar (more or less according to taste), let boil 3 to 5 minutes. Strain through a fine strainer or sieve, and serve in glasses, either warm or cold. ORANGE SYRUP. Take fully ripe fruit, and thin skinned if you can get them. Squeeze juice through a sieve and add a pound of sugar to every pint. Boil slowly for 10 minutes. Skim carefully. Bottle when cold. Two or three spoons of this in a glass of ice water in summer is refreshing. It may also be used with melted butter for pudding-sauce. PINE-APPLE SYRUP. Pare and cut the pine-apples in pieces and add a quart of water to 3 pounds. Boil till very soft. Mash and strain. To a pint of this juice add a pound of sugar. Boil to a rich syrup, and cork tightly. RASPBERRY NECTAR. Pour over 2 quarts of ripe raspberries i quart vinegar. Let stand till the fruit ferments ; strain, and to every pint of juice add | pound of loaf sugar. Simmer 20 minutes. Bottle while hot. CIDER— TO KEEP. Take cider at the exact stage in which you wish it kept, heat it to boiling, skim very carefully, pour into bottles, jugs, or glass jars, and seal up hot. SUGAR NECTAR. Two pounds loaf sugar, 3 pints water, juice of ^ lemon, 2 ounces tartaric acid. Boil all 5 minutes. When nearly cool, add the whites of 3 eggs well beaten and ^ cup flour. *4o 314 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Syrup of Vinegar. SUMMER DRINKS. Strawberry Syrup. SYRUP OF VINEGAR. Four quarts vinegar and 2 pounds sugar boiled until a clear syrup. Bottle it. One or 2 tablespoons to a glass of water is an agreeable beverage. UNFERMENTED WINE. Mash the grapes, press out the juice. Sweeten to suit the taste. Fill the bottles, set them on a thin board or founda- tion of some sort in a boiler, fill to the neck of the bottles with water, bring it to a boil and let it boil for lO minutes. Then to make up the loss by settling and evaporation, use one bottle to fill the rest from, and cork up while hot. Unfennented Wine. Pick grapes from the stems. Weigh them. Put in a porcelain kettle with very little water (to keep from burn- ing). Cook until stones and pulp separate. Press and strain through a thick cloth, return to the kettle and add 3 pounds sugar to every 10 pounds of grapes. Heat to simmering, bottle hot and seal. REFRESHING DRINK. A quart of unfermented wine, 2 quarts water, with \ lemon, sugar, and cracked ice is a drink that has no head- aches in it. STRAWBERRY SYRUP. Heat the berries until soft, then strain the juice. Allow a pound of sugar to each pint. Let come to a boil ; skim, then boil gently 10 minutes, and seal up. FRESH. CANNED. SAUCE. JELLY. PRESERVES. F^ESH F^RUITS. rRESH FRUITS, if thoroughly ripe, are more palat- able and more healthful than if cooked. They should be looked over and sorted carefully. Reserve the finest for immediate table use, and put aside the bruised and imperfect to be cooked as soon as possible. Unless pos- itive decay has set in, they may be stewed, and utilized in various ways. STRAWBERRIES. Do not wash unless absolutely necessary. If it is neces- sary, take a few at a time before hulling, put into a basin of water, and press down till they look clean ; then the remainder, and then remove the hulls. Sprinkle with sugar just before serving. Serve with cream that has been on ice. RASPBERRIES. After looking over carefully (they are very apt to have small worms lurking in their midst), put into a preserve or berry-dish. Do not wash unless absolutely necessary. It is just as well to serve without sugar, as many persons like them with very little, or none at all. The cream and sugar may be passed at table. BLACKBERRIES and DEWBERRIES. Serve the same as raspberries. BANANAS. A very delicate dish is made by pouring sweetened cream over sliced bananas ; or they may be served whole. 3i6 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK FRESH FRUITS. Grapes. COCOANUT. Grate a cocoanut into a preserve-dish, and serve with cream or jelly, or both. PEACHES. Pare and cut in halves. Remove the pits. To preserve their freshness, prepare them just before serving. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Ornament the edges of the dish with fresh peach-leaves, if they can be had. Serve in sauce- dishes, and pass the cream around in a pitcher. PEARS. Wipe very clean, and serve in a fruit-dish, either alone or with other fruit. The Bartlett is the best. APPLES. Fine, smoothed-skinned apples rubbed with a cloth till bright and glossy are ornamental to any fruit-dish, as well as a nice accompainment to a breakfast or dessert. ORANGES. Cut the peel in quarters from the stem half way down- ward. Turn it outward, leaving the white orange in a little cap, from which it is easily taken. A pile of oranges prepared in this way makes a very handsome center-piece, LA COMPOSITE. A layer of peeled and sliced oranges sprinkled with sugar. Alternate with a layer of thin slices of bananas sprinkled lightly with sugar. Set on ice. AMBROSIA. Peel and slice oranges and place in alternate layers with pine-apple also peeled and sliced. Sprinkle each layer with sugar and grated cocoanut. The pine-apple may be omitted. GRAPES. It is not necessary to dwell upon the beauty of grapes as a center-piece on a table, or their healthfulness and luscious- AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 317 FRESH FRUITS. Melons. ness. They can scarcely be served too often in their sea- son. The Malaga, Delaware, and Concord are the favorites. GRAPES FRESH FOR WINTER. Pick off full clusters, removing every bruised one. Dip the end of the stem in sealing-wax, then wrap each bunch in tissue paper and pack in boxes in layers, with paper between. Close up the box and keep in a cool, dry room, and you are sure of success. RAISINS. The London layers are the finest brand for the table. FROSTED FRUIT. Take large ripe cherries, apricots, plums, or grapes ; if cherries, cut off half the stem ; have in one dish some whites of eggs, well beaten, and in another some powdered sugar; take the fruit singly, and roll first in the egg and then in the sugar ; lay them on a sheet of white paper, in a sieve, and set it on top of the stove or near the fire until the icing hardens. ICED CURRANTS. Dip whole stems of currants into beaten whites of eggs. Sift white sugar over them. Set near the stove to harden. MELONS. Melons arc appropriate breakfast dishes as a first course, although they may be used as desserts at dinner with equal propriety. Do not serve melons with fruits. They should be fresh when eaten. In selecting, notice the stem if still on. If it breaks easily and looks fresh, it is a good indica- tion of the ripeness and freshness of the melon. But if it adheres with the firmness of a rock the melon is unripe. Cantaloupes, muskmelons, and nutmegs are very similar. WATERMELON. Keep on ice till wanted. Put on a large platter and serve in crosswise slices, leaving the rind on. 3i8 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Almonds. CANNED FRUITS. Sealing-Wax. NUTMEG MELONS. Cut in lengthwise sections from the stem down, being careful to avoid giving the seeds with the melon. Pepper, salt, and sugar are used singly or collectively by different persons. ALMONDS. The long Jordan almonds and the broad Valencia almonds are most valued in commerce. A nut-cracker should be placed in the dish, unless the nuts are cracked beforehand. CMNJ€^iO'5l^rv>j ^1\ J. common diseases of animals. In response to these calls, we have had this chapter prepared. Of course in a work of this character, and in the limited space at our disposal, we cannot pretend to give an ex- haustive treatise on these diseases, but the remedies given are believed to be reliable and trustworthy, and we hope they will be found useful in the more ordinary cases which from time to time arise. THE HO(RSE. BIG HEAD. Take of Oil of spike i ounce. Oil of hemlock i ounce. Turpentine 2 ounces. Linseed oil \ ounce. Mix. Apply to the parts affected. Feed i tablespoon of jimpson seed every other day until you have given 3 doses. BOTS. Take of Chloroform i ounce. Linseed oil i pint. Mix. Give as a drench. Keep salt constantly within reach of the horse. COLIC. Take of Laudanum \ ounce. Pulverized asafcetida 2 ounces. Ether i ounce. Peppermint i ounce. Warm water i pint. Mix. Give as a drench. Rubbing the horse's belly with turpen- tine is also one of the best remedies for colic. ^54 ^^^- OWENS' COOK BOOK Curb. THE HORSE. Founder. CURB. Take of Tincture of Cantharides. . .1 ounce. Tincture of iodine i ounce. Mix. Apply to parts affected. Leave on 3 days. Then dress with grease or simple cerate for 3 days, and apply again. DIARRHCEA. Take of Tincture of gentian i ounce. Tincture of catechu i ounce. Sweet spirits of niter i ounce. Mix in a pint of gruel and give every 2 or 3 hours. DISTEMPER, OR INFLUENZA. Take of Carbonate of iron i drachm. Powdered gentian 3 drachms. Flaxseed meal 2 drachms. Mix into a thick paste with molasses, and give this dose morning and evening by placing on the root of the tongue. Steam the head and apply bran poultices to the throat. EYE LOTION. Take of Gum camphor 20 grains. Sugar of lead 10 grains. Dissolve in i pint soft water. Apply with a feather. Secure the horse, and turn the upper lid inside out to see if a speck of dirt is present when the eye appears inflamed. If there is, remove it. FARCY, OR GLANDERS. Take of Iodide of iron i drachm. Gentian root h ounce. Mix. Give this dose twice a day. Touch the ulcers with a strong solution of chloride of lime or carbolic acid. Give nourishing food, daily exercise, and attend to cleanliness. Keep the horse rigidly separate from other animals. FISTULA, OR POLL EVIL. Apply the "blistering ointment" (which see) to the parts affected. When blistered, make an incision to evacuate mat- ter, and apply a solution of i grain of choride of zinc to I ounce of water. FOUNDER. Take of Aloes 5 drachms. Podophyllin i drachm. Capsicum i drachm. Mix. Give this to physic him. Take off the shoes and put his AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Aj^C Heaves. THE HORSE. Staggers. feet in hot water, one at a time, if the horse is very stiff, or bleed freely from the thigh vein. HEAVES. Take of Balsam of copaiba i ounce. Balsam of fir i ounce. Calcined magnesium sufficient to make into a ball. Give a ball, the size of a hickory-nut, every morning for lO days. LAMPAS. Take of alum ^ ounce and the same amount of double- refined sugar, mixed with a little honey. Rub on the swell- ing 2 or 3 times a day. LUNG FEVER. Take of Tincture of digitalis 2 ounces. Tincture veratrum viride. . .2 ounces. Tincture of aconite I ounce. Ether i ounce. Mix. Put I tablespoon on the tongue every 30 minutes until 3 doses have been given. Wait 4 hours, and if not better repeat. MANGE. Physic the horse. Wash the skin with soap suds, and apply a strong sulphur ointment frequently. Attend to the cleanliness of the stable, and feed the horse well. RINGBONE. Apply the "blistering ointment" (which see) to the parts affected, and leave on for 3 days. Then dress with grease for 3 days. Wash off, and apply ointment again. SCRATCHES. Cut the hair off close. Wash the legs with strong soap- suds or with warm vinegar saturated with salt. Dry and smear them over with lard or mutton tallow. SPAVIN AND SPLINT. Same treatment as "Ringbone." STAGGERS. Take of Barbadoes aloes 6 drachms. Calomel 2 drachms. Oil of Peppermint 20 drops. Tincture of cardamons 2 ounces. Warm water i pint. Mix. Give as a drench. *57 A(y() MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK String Halt. THE HORSE. Gargling Oil. STRING HALT. Get a land turtle. Try out the grease, and rub it on the inside muscles. THICK WIND. Take of Oil of Sassafras i ounce. Spirits of camphor i ounce. Aqua ammonia \ ounce. Oil of cedar \ ounce. Oil of cajeput \ ounce. Hickory-nut oil \ ounce. Oil of origanum \ ounce. Mix. Apply to the larynx. WINDGALLS. Apply tight bandages soaked with decoction of white oak bark. Blister old windgalls. Do not puncture them — it may cause permanent lameness. BLISTERING OINTMENT. Take of Corrosive sublimate i ounce. Gum camphor i ounce. Oil of origanum \ ounce. Turpentine i pint. Mix. HOOF OINTMENT. Take of Spirits of turpentine i pound. Tallow I pound. Tar I pound. Black resin i pound. Lard 2 pounds. Mix. LINIMENT FOR MAN OR BEAST. Take of Alcohol i pint. Oil of origanum i ounce. Fireweed i ounce. Oil of spike i ounce. Spirits hartshorn 2 ounces. Mix. MERCHANTS' GARGLING OIL. Take of Linseed oil 2\ gallons. Spirits turpentine 2.^ gallons. Petroleum i gallon. Liquor Potass 8 ounces. Sap green i ounce. Mix. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 467 Mustang Liniment. CATTLE. Dry Murrain. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Mix equal parts of petroleum, olive oil, and carbonate of ammonia. A valuable liniment. PHYSIC FOR HORSES. Take of Castile soap i^ ounces, Barbadoes aloes 7| ounces. Powdered ginger i^ ounces. Oil of aniseseed 5 drachms. Syrup sufficient to mix. Make into 6 balls. Each one is cL dose ' SKIN-FAST AND GENERAL DISEASES. Take of Calomel i teaspoon. Sulphur I tablespoon. Corn meal ^ cup. Mix. Let the animal lick it from a pan so as not to waste it. In 24 hours drench with the following: Take of melted lard ^ cup. Warm, sweet milk i pint. Molasses i cup. Pulverized copperas i dessert-spoon. Mix. Repeat in 10 days, and keep the horse in a dry place. This is good for swelling, colic, staggers, and general diseases of horses, hogs, and horned cattle. ^^ CJTTLE. CHOKING. By giving a little oil, and then holding the wind-pipe a moment so as to shut off the wind and suddenly starting the animal, the obstruction will someitmes be removed. It can sometimes be forced down by pressing gently — very gently — with a smooth whip-handle. DRY MURRAIN, OR FARDEL-BOUND. Take of Barbadoes aloes i ounce. Common soda i ounce. Oil of turpentine i ounce. Glauber salts i pound. Hot water \ pint. Mix and give as i dose in \ gallon of thin gruel. One half this dose to cattle under 2 years old. ^58 '^^S- OWENS' COOK BOOK Distemper. CATTLE. Scouring. DISTEMPER. Give 3 quarts tar-water 4 times a day, and gradually lessen the dose. GARGET, OR CAKED UDDER. Apply an ointment made of equal parts of camphor and blue ointment to the parts affected. Physic the animal and remove the milk frequently. HIDE-BOUND. Take of Ginger 2 ounces. Allspice 2 ounces. Mustard 2 ounces. Molasses i pint. Mix in 2 quarts warm water. Give night and morning in 2 doses HOVEN, OR BLOWN. Physic and keep from rich food. LICE ON CATTLE. Mix i pint kerosene in 2 gallons of water. Apply with a stiff brush twice a week. Wash the wood-work with lime- water. PHYSIC FOR CATTLE. Take of Powdered ginger 2 ounces. Powdered anise-seed 2 ounces. Epsom salts i pound. Molasses 4 ounces. Mix in 3 pints boiling water, and give at blood warm heat. RED-WATER. Take of Armenian bole i ounce. Dragon's blood h, ounce. Castile soap 2 ounces. Powdered alum i drachm. Mix in I quart water and at blood heat. Repeat in 12 hours, if not better. RINGWORM. Wash with soap suds and apply a light coat of tincture of iodine. SCOURING. Take of Castor oil i ounce. Prepared chalk i teaspoon. Powdered rhubarb 2 drachms. Mix in I pint warm milk. If no better, repeat in 36 or 48 hours. AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 469 Scabs and Ticks. SORE TEATS. Wash the teats clean with soap suds and apply cream or grease with lard. Draw the milk with a milking-tube instead of the usual way. TAR- WATER FOR CATTLE. Put I quart of tar in 4 quarts water. Stir for 15 minutes, then let it stand for half an hour, pour off, and it is ready for use. SHEE^. BLOATING. If near a stream of water, throw the animal in and let it swim a while. Give a dose of physic, if it can be obtained readily. DIARRHOEA, OR SCOURS. Give 2 drachms laudanum and 2 ounces castor oil, mixed. One-third of this dose for lambs. One part white of egg to six parts water may be given freely. FOOT-ROT. Pare off all surplus hoof, though not enough to start the blood. Wash the foot and dip it in tar. Keep on dry pas- turage and apply again in a week, if necessary. Sprinkle dry air-slaked lime on the floor if kept in-doors. FOUL NOSES. Give some tar-water (which see), and apply a little tar to the nose. Cure not difficult. PHYSIC FOR SHEEP. Take of Castor oil 2 tablespoons. Laudanum 15 drops. Mix. One-third to \ this dose for lambs. SORE MOUTH. Mix fresh butter and sulphur, and apply to the parts affected. SCABS AND TICKS. Boil I pound tobacco leaves in 2 gallons water. When 470 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Coughs. SWINE. Worms. cold, add ^ barrel cold water and dip the sheep (all but the head) in this mixture. Apply some to the sheep's head with the hand. This is the best remedy known. SWIUE. COUGHS AND COLDS. Physic a little with castor oil and sulphur and give a warming diet. DIARRHCEA. Give 2 ounces of olive oil mixed with 2 drachms laudanum. HOG CHOLERA. Thought to be incurable. A good preventive when it is prevailing, is to put ashes or charcoal in the trough once a week, and slightly acidulate the drinking water with sulphuric acid. KIDNEY WORM. It is said that as much arsenic as can be put on a dime will always cure this disease. LICE. Same as for cattle (which see). SNIFFLE DISEASE. Take of Muriate of ammonia \ drachm. Gum camphor 8 grains. Molasses i teaspoon. Mix. SORE THROAT. Take a piece of indigo as large as a hickory-nut, mash up in water and pour it down. SOWS EATING THEIR PIGS. Cover the pigs with a paste made of aloes and water. The bitter taste disgusts the sow. WORMS. Sulphur mixed with the food is the best remedy. ROAD-MAKING. is difficult to exaggerate the importance of good roads to the farmers who are obliged to transport their produce to market, and we insert the cut which is taken from the report of the De- partment of Agriculture for the State of Illinois by special request, as it shows the best manner of grading a road-bed. It is advisable that the road-bed be at least 25 feet wide with the ditches not less than 7 feet wide, and 9 feet is preferable. This extreme width of road-bed (and water-ways) will leave 12^ feet on each side for the planting of shade-trees, and yet give ample space for pedestrians. Ditches should begin at nothing, run- ning gradually back to the extreme depth, 1 1 inches to 2 feet. The grade should be carried continuously up and down the slopes and over the summits of the undulations, as well as in the valleys, then the crowning surface of the road carries the water naturally to the water-ways or ditches at the side, thus always leaving the road-bed in good condition. One of the mistakes most often made in road-making is that the ditches are left deepest in the middle, and rising alike toward the road and the bank, or deposit near the road-bed. This is entirely wrong. They should slope grad- ually to a point at the outside of the ditch next the fence, and from thence they should rise sharply to the surface of the ground. The reason is obvious : If the lowest point of the gutter be in the center of the ditches or near the road-bed, and there be enough water to wash at all, there will be danger that the road-way may be abrased, or eaten into by water. If deepest next the fence, then water will wear from, rather than towards the road-way, and all difficulty of washing will be avoided. Thus the whole when completed should present an appearance as hereafter illustrated. A road thus made, graded high, with ample ditches on each side, will be good for fully ten months in the )-car. It is as perfect a road as can be made in a prairie country, and so cheaply, that the ordinary road-tax for three years will fur- nish good and sufficient earth-roads, well-graded, on every sectional line in every prairie township. We desire to state that we receive no pay, directly or in- directly, for the insertion of this notice. We believe it will contribute a little to the attainment of that great desider- atum, good roads in the farming districts. 472 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Table for lo Feet. ROAD-MAKING. Table for 12 Feet. We give the following tables for the benefit of farmers interested in making levees, roads, or turnpikes. It is con- tributed by the Wauchope Road Grader Manufacturing Company of Chicago. The tables show the measure- ment of embankments of stations of lOO feet in length, with slopes i^ horizontal to i perpendicular : WIDTH OF ROAD-BED ON TOP TEN FEET. Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic High t. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight Yds. 0.0. . 0.0 2.0. . 96.3 4.0.. 237.0 6.0. .442.2 8.0. . . 651.9 I . . 3-8 I. .102.3 I.. 245.2 I . .432.6 I.. . 664.5 2. . 7-6 2. . 108.4 2.. 253.6 2. .443.2 2.. 677.3 3- . 1 1.6 3- . II4.6 3. .262.0 3- •453^8 3^ . 690.1 4- • 157 4- . 120.9 4.. 270.5 4- .464.6 4.. - 703-1 5- • 199 5- .127.3 5.-279.2 5- •475-5 5-- . 716.2 6. . 24.2 6. •133-9 6.-287.9 6. .486.4 6.. • 729-4 7- . 28.6 7- . 140.5 7. .296.8 7- •497-5 7-- • 742-7 8. • 33-2 8. • H7-3 8.. 305-8 8. .508.7 8.. • 756.1 9- • 37-8 9- .154.1 9.. 314.9 9- .520.1 9.. • 769-7 I.O. . 42.6 3.0. . 161. 1 5.0.. 324.1 7.0. •531-5 9.0.. • 783-3 I . • 47-5 I . .168.2 I --333-4 I . • 543^0 I.. • 797^' 2. • 52.4 2. 175-4 2.. 342.8 2. •5 54^7 2.. . 811.C 3- • 57-5 3- .182.7 3- -352.4 3- .566.4 3^^ . 824.9 4- . 62.7 4- . 190. 1 4.. 362.0 4- •578.3 4.. ■ 839.0 5- . 68.1 5- • 197-7 5. .371-8 5- • 590-3 5-^ • 853.2 6. • 73-5 6. .205.3 6.. 381.6 6. .602.4 6.. . 867.6 7- • 79-0 7- .213.1 7- •391-6 7- .614.6 7-- . 882.0 8. • 84.7 8. .221.0 8. .401.7 8. .626.9 8.. . 896.5 9- . 90.4 9- .228.9 9..411.9 9^ •639-3 9.. . 911,2 WIDTH OF ROAD-BED ON TOP TWELVE FEET. Cubic ■ Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic High t. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight . Yds. 0.0. . 0.0 2.0. .III. I 4.0. 266.7 6.0. .466.7 8.0. . . 711. 1 I . • 4-5 I . .117.8 I . 275.6 I . -477-8 I.. • 724-5 2. . 9.1 2. .124.7 2. 284.7 2. .489.1 2.. . 738.0 3- . 13.8 3- .131.6 3- 293-8 3- .500.5 3-^ • 751-6 4- . 18.7 4 .138.7 4- 303-1 4- .512.0 4.. • 765-3 5- • 23.6 5 .145.8 5- 312.5 5- .523.6 5^- • 779-2 6. . 28.7 6 •I53-I 6. 322.0 6. -535-3 6.. • 793-1 7- • 33.8 7 .160.5 7- -331-6 7- •547-2 7-- . 807.2 8. • 39-1 8 . 168.0 8. -341-3 8. .559.1 8.. . 821.3 9- • 44-5 9 .175.6 9- •351-2 9- .571.2 9.. • 835-6 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 473 Table for 12 Feet ROAD-MAKING. Table for 14 Feet. Width of Road-bed on Top Twelve Y-eti.!:— Continued. Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. I.O • 50.0 3-0. ■183-3 5.0. .361.1 7.0. •583.3 9.0. . . 850.0 I . 55-6 I . . 191. 2 I .371.2 I . •595^6 I. . . 864.5 2 . 61.3 2. .199.1 2 •381.3 n .608.0 2. .. 879.1 3 . 67.2 3- .207.2 3 .391.6 I- .620.5 3^ . . 893.8 4 • 73-1 4- .215.3 4- .402.0 4- •633^i 4- . . 908.7 5 ■ 79-2 5- .223.6 5 .412.5 S- .645.8 5- . . 923.6 6 • 85.3 6. .232.0 6 -423-1 6. .658.7 6. • . 938-7 7 . 91.6 7- .240.5 7 •433-8 7- .671.6 7- ■ . 953-8 8 . 98.0 8. .249.1 8 .444.7 8. .684.7 8. .. 969.1 9 . 104.5 9- .257.8 9.. 455.6 9- .697.8 9- . . 984-5 WIDTH OF ROAD- BED ON TOP FOURTEEN FEET. Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Higl It. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hight. Yds. Hig ht. Yds. 0.0 . 0.0 2.0. .125.9 4.0.. 296.3 6.0. .511.1 8.0. • • 770.4 I . 5.2 I . •1334 I . . 306.0 I . .523.0 I. • . 784^5 2 . 10.6 2 . .141.0 2 .315.8 2 •535^o 2 • • 798.7 3 . 16. 1 3- . 148.6 3 •325-7 3^ .547.2 3^ .. 813.I 4 . 21.6 4- .156.4 4 •335-7 4^ ■5594 4- . . S27.6 5 • 27.3 5- . 164.4 5 ■345-8 5^ .571^8 5- . . 842.1 6 • 33-1 6. .172.4 6 .356.1 6. .584.2 6. . . 856.8 7 • 39-0 7- .180.5 7 .366.4 7- .596.8 7- . . 871.6 8 • 45 -o 8. .188.7 8 ■376.9 8. .609.5 8. . . 886.5 9 . 51.2 9- .197.1 9 ■38.7^5 9- .622.3 9- . . 901.5 1.0 • 574 30. .205.6 5.0 .398.1 7.0. .635.2 9.0. . . 916.7 I . 63.8 I . .214.1 I .408.9 I . .648.2 I. . . 931.9 2 . 70.2 2. .222.8 2 .419.9 2. .661.3 -7 ■ ■ 947-3 3 . 76.8 3- .231.6 3 .430.9 3^ .674.6 3^ . . 962.7 4 • 83.5 4- .240.5 4 .442.0 4- .687.9 4^ • • 978.3 5 • 90-3 5- .249.5 5 •453^2 5^ .701.4 5- . . 994.0 6 • 97-2 6. .258.7 6 . 464.6 6. .715.0 6 . 1009.8 7 . 104.2 7- .267.9 7 .476.1 7- .728.6 7 .1025.7 8 111-3 8. ■277-3 8 .487-6 8. .742.4 8 .1041.7 9 .118.6 9- .286.7 9 ■ 499^3 9- .756.4 9 .1057.8 The cut represents the road which was graded with the Wauchope Grader at a cost of i and 7-10 of a cent per cubic foot of earth removed, or at an average cost of only $68 per mile of road made, and for which the above grader, now called the New Era Grader, received the $ lOO premium offered by the Illinois State Board of Agriculture. 474 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Premium Road. ROAD-MAKING. ^ $68 Per Mile. MISCELLANEOUS. ANT COLONY— TO DESTROY. Chas. H. liodge, Sherman, Texas. Take 4 pieces of common tin eavc-trough, each 18 inches long. Join them together to form a square, and lay on the ant-hill. Bank the dirt up even with both edges. In the center of one section make a hole to fit a small tube. Any- tubing will do, or a piece of tin a foot long can be bent, or use a tall lamp chimney. Let it run from the hole in the eave-trough down into the closely-fitted cover on a baking- powder can sunk in the earth. The ants in going to and from the ant-hill will naturally come to the eave-trough and crawl in. Then when once in they cannot crawl up the smooth sides, and will eventually reach the opening. Then they will drop down into the can, and as fast as the can is filled, it can be emptied, and the ants killed. In one day I emptied 18 two-pound cans that were filled with these pests. To get rid of red or black ants in your pantry, sprinkle salt over the shelves. CABBAGE WORM. Common black pepper ground and sifted over the plants will kill every moth without fail. Three or four times in a season will insure the plants. MUSTARD— TO CULTIVATE. Sow a square yard of ground with common mustard. The seed may be ground as wanted, and although it Avill look brown instead of yellow, will have a better taste than that bought at the drugstores, which is frequently mixed with flour. WATER-CASKS— TO CLEAN. Scour the inside with sand, then apply a sprinkling of charcoal dust. Or, rinse with a strong solution of oil of vit- riol and water. Either method will rid them of foulness. FROTHING OF CREAM— TO STOR In cold weather set the churn in a vessel of hot water. Remove as soon as the churn is heated through. In warm weather set the churn in cold water. If hot water is poured into the cream, the butter is apt to be white and oily. KEEPING UP SASH WINDOWS. Bore 3 or 4 holes in the sides of the sash, into which 476 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Foot-Warmers. MISCELLANEOUS. Cement. insert common bottle-cork, projecting about i-i6of an inch. These will press against the window frames along the usual groove and by their elasticity support the sash at any height which may be required. FOOT-WARMERS. A bag of sand well heated is the best possible article for warming the feet. It is well to have two or more of them in the house. Excellent for elderly people or invalids. The openings should be sewed well, and a binding put over it. The bag is best made of flannel, and covered with a cotton one that can be removed and washed. IMPROVISED LEGGINGS. Wrap some newspapers about the legs, and tie them securely with twine. They are the best possible protection from cold, and can be worn through a deep snow and then thrown away and replenished with fresh papers _ Never mind the looks. Folks don't stop you in a snowdrift to look at the cut of your clothes. WATER-PROOF BLACKING. One-half pound gum shellac ; cover with alcohol, cork, and let stand 3 days, shaking occasionally. Then add a piece of gum camphor the size of an egg. Let stand as above, and add i ounce of lampblack. Black boots or shoes with a sponge or cloth. TO PRESERVE BOOT AND SHOE SOLES. Warm the soles and apply a heavy coat of warm coal tar. Dry it in, and apply 2 more coats before wearing them. Smear the edges as long as they will absorb the tar. They will wear like horn, and once giving it a trial will convince the most skeptical of its value. The tar costs but a few cents at gas works. Warm it on the stove in a tin dish. A CEMENT FOR RUBBER BOOTS. Cut gutta-percha in small pieces, and dissolve it in benzine to a thin mucilage. Clean the boots free from grease with benzine and a sponge, and apply the patch covered with the gutta-percha cement. The cement should be warmed by putting the bottle in hot water before it is used. ^^ INDEX. Broth Browned flour Caramel Clarifying soup Coloring- soups 1 1 Croutons Dressing for chicken.. . . Dumplings for soup .... Egg balls Force-meat balls Hints for soup Noodles Parsley, to dry Soup-balls, German Soup powder Soup stock Barley soup Bean soup Beef soup with rice Bouillon Brown fish soup Brown rabbit soup Catfish soup Clam soup Chestnut soup Chicken soup Chicken soups Chicken vegetable soup. . Confederate Army soup. . Cream soup of fish Fish soups Game soups Giblet soup Good game soup Hints about fish Baked fish Baked fish, cream sauce. . Baked fish with tomatoes SOUP. 13 Green corn soup 28 1 1 Green pea soup 27 11 Green turtle soup 16 12 Gumbo fela 20 -12 Gumbo soups 20 10 Julienne soup 26 19 Kentucky gumbo soup. . . 20 19 Lobster soup 14 10 Meat soups 21 10 Mississippi gumbo soup. . 21 9 Mock turtle soup 23 1 1 Mushroom soup 25 9 Mutton soup 23 1 1 Okra soup 26 12 Onion soup 27 13 Ox-tail soup 22 25 Oyster soup 14 28 Partridge soup 17 22 Pea soup 27 21 Pepper-pot 15 15 Potage a la Reine 18 17 Potato soup 27 15 Puree of fish 15 14 Rabbit soup 17 25 Stock soup 24 18 Tomato soup 27 18 Veal soup 22 19 Veal soup with vegetables 23 24 Victoria soup 24 15 Vegetable soups 25 14 Vermicelli soup 25 16 White chicken soup 19 18 White soup 26 16 Wrexham soup 24 FISH. 29 Boiled fish 33 32 Boiled fish, egg sauce.. . . 33 33 Boiled fish, Hollandaise.. 34 II Broiled fish 31 482 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Oysters. FISH — Continued. Chowder, fish, 30 Codfish balls 34 Codfish stew 34 Crimped salmon 30 Eels 35 Fish croquettes 107 Fried fish 35 Fried perch 36 Halibut — Creole style... 33 Pickled fish 31 Potted fish 30 Mackerel, fi"esh 31 Mackerel, salt 35 Shad roe with oysters. . . 36 Smelts, to fry 36 Stuffing for fish 32 Turbans of fish 32 Turbot, fish 31 OYSTERS— SHELL-FISH. Oyster croquettes 108 Oyster fricassee 39 Oyster fritters 196 Oyster omelet 40 Oyster patties 43 Oyster pie 42 Oyster salads 124 Oyster sauce with turkey. 39 Oyster soup 14 Oyster stews 38-39 Oysters and macaroni. . . 43 Oysters, broiled 41 Oysters, cream, half shell. 41 Oysters, deviled 40 Oysters, fried 40 Oysters, Mobile roast. ... 41 Oysters on toast 40 Oysters, panned 43 Oysters, pickled 44 Oysters, raw 38 Oysters, scalloped 41 Oysters, stuffed 42 Oysters, steamed 44 Oysters, spiced . . 44 Oysters, to use 37-38 Clams 45 Clams, fried 46 Clam chowder 45 Clam fritters 196 Clam pie 46 Clam soup 14 Clams, stewed 45 Crabs 47 Crabs, boiled 48 Crabs, fried 48 Crabs, stuffed 47 Crabs, to choose 47 Lobsters 46 Lobsters, boiled 46 Lobsters, scalloped 47 Lobsters, to choose 46 Shrimps 47 Shrimps, buttered 48 Shrimps, potted 48 GAME— FROGS AND TERRAPIN. Beaver, roast 51 Cranes 56 Ducks, canvas-back 56 Ducks, wild, roasted 57 Ducks, wild, stewed 57 Frogs 62 Game 49 Hare, jugged 52 Herons 56 Larks 58 Opossum 52 Partridge, broiled 58 Partridge pie 57 Pemmican, to prepare. . . 54 Pigeons, potted 58 Pigeons, stewed 59 Pilau of birds 59 Plover 59 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 483 Eggs. INDEX. Poult7. GAME-FROGS AND TERRAPINContinued. Prairie chickens 59-60 Quail, broiled 60 Quail pie 60 Quail, steamed 61 Rabbit, boiled, liver sauce 52 Rabbit, fried 53 Rabbit pie 53 Rabbit, roasted 53 Rabbit stew 53 Raccoons 54 Rail birds 61 Reed birds 61 Snipe 61 Squirrel pie 54 Terrapin or turtle 62 Venison, roast 54 Venison sausage 55 Venison steaks 55 Venison stew 55 Woodchucks and 'coons.. 56 Winged game 56 Woodcock 61 EGGS. Ham and eggs — 2 recipes 65 Omelet Celestine 68 Omelet, egg and orange. 68 Omelet, plain 67 Omelet saccharine 68 Omelet souffle 68 Baked eses. 66 Boiled eggs 64 Chowder, egg. Coloring eggs, 67 64 Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch cken, ckcn, cken, cken, cken, cken, cken ckcn cken, ckcn, cken POU Brunswick stew. 74 filling for boned. 72 fricasseed 73 fried 74 how to bone ... 72 how to cut up. . 71 pie 75 pot-pie 75 pressed 75 smothered 73 stews 74-76 Curried eggs 66 Fried eggs 65 Panned eggs 66 Pickled eggs 6y Poached eggs 65 Preserving eggs 64 Scalloped eggs 66 Scrambled eggs 65 Steamed eggs 65 Stuffed eggs 67 LTRY. Chicken with oysters. ... 75 Duck, apple stuffing for. . 78 Ducks, roast 78 Ducks, stuffing for 78 German relish 78 Geese livers, fried yS Goose, roast jy Turkey, filling for boned . 72 Turkey, fried yy Turkey, oyster dressing, jy Turkey, roast y6 MEATS-Beef. Steaming meats 81 Beef a la mode 83 Beefsteak, broiled 84 Beefsteak, English 85 Beefsteak, mock duck,. . . 83 Beefsteak, round 8j Beefsteak, stuffed 83 Beefsteak, to make tender 85 Beefsteak, with onions. . . 84 Boiled dinner 8i 484 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Meats. INDEX. MEATS— Beef— Continued. Dried beef. 85 Roast 82 Dumplings, Rhode Island 89 Sausage cake 86 Corned beef to press 86 Spiced beef 87 Heart 86 Stew 84 Kidneys — 2 recipes. ..... . 87 Stuffed pressed 86 Liver — 3 recipes 87-88 Tongue 85 Pot roast 82 Tripe — 3 recipes 88 Pressed 86 Yorkshire pudding 83 MEATS-Veal. Cutlets, veal 90 Marbled, veal ' . . . . 90 Liver — 2 recipes 91-92 Pot-pie, veal., 89 Sweet breads — 3 recipes. 91 Roast veal 89 Loaf, veal 90 Stuffed veal 89 ME ATS- Mutton. Boiled mutton 93 Lamb, leg of, to roast. . . 93 Chops, mutton 93 Lamb, with green peas. . 94 Irish stew 93 Macaroni mutton 93 Lamb, blanquette 94 Roast mutton 92 MEATS-Pork. Bacon and cabbage 98 Pigs' feet 96-97 Bacon and snaps 98 Pork and fried apples.. . . 98 Chine — 2 recipes 95 Pork and liver 98 Ham, cold-boiled 100 Pork-pie, English 95 Ham noodles 99 Pork roast 94 Ham omelet 99 Pork toast 97 Ham, to stuff 99 Pork, to keep fresh 96 Head cheese 97 Souse 97 Parsnip stew 97 Spare-ribs 95 Pig, roast 96 Tenderloins — 2 recipes. . .96 MEATS-Curing Meats. Beef corning 100 Lard, to render 102 Beef, dried, to cure lOi Mutton, corned lOi Beef, pickle lOO Sausage — 3 recipes. .101-102 Ham, to cure loi Tongues, corning 100 ^ HASH. Beefballs and patties. 103-104 Meat pies — 2 recipes. ... 104 Dumplings, rheat 106 Minced mutton 106 Fish cake 107 Minced veal 105 Fricassee of beef 104 Omelet, meat 104 Hash, corned beef 105 Ragout 105 Hash, union . 106 Scrapple 106 Hash, veal 105 Wonders 106 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 485 Croquettes. INDEX. Catsups. Croquettes, how fried . . . . Bread croquettes Chicken croquettes Egg croquettes Fish croquettes Green corn croquettes . . . Caper butter Curry powder . . . Mustard, Kentucky . . . . . Soy, green tomato Sweet herbs Anchovy sauce Anchovy sauce (essence). Asparagus sauce Celery sauce Chili sauce Cream sauce Drawn-butter sauce Egg sauce for fish 07 10 09 08 07 09 CROQUETTES. Lobster croquet*:es 108 Oyster croquettes 108 Potato croquettes 1 10 Rice croquettes 110 Salmon croquettes 108 Veal croquettes 109 SAUCES. 12 Hollandaise sauce 113 German sauce 116 Lobster sauce 114 Maitre d'hotel sauce 112 Mint sauce 114 Mushroom sauce 114 Onion sauce 114 Parsley sauce 113 Queen of Oude sauce. .116 Shrimp sauce 115 Sour sauce 113 Tartar sauce 112 White sauce 113 II 12 15 II 15 15 H 13 15 12 12 13 GARNISHES. Remarks and suggestions 1 17-1 1< SALADS. To crisp celery, etc 119 Salad, orange 122 To fringe celery stalks. . . 1 19 Dressing, French salad. ..119 Dressing, lettuce 120 Dressing, Mayonnaise.. ..119 Horse-radish, to keep. . . 125 Relish, camp 125 Salad, chicken 123-124 Salad, German potato. . . 123 Salad, hot egg 123 Salad, lettuce 120 Salad, oyster 1 24 Salad, potato 122 Salad Russian 125 Salad salmon 124 Salad, summer 120 Salad, winter 121 Salmagundi 125 Slaw, cooked dressing. . . 121 Slaw, cold dressing 121 Slaw, hot 122 Water-cresses 122 Salad, lobster 124 CATSUPS. Spiced currants 128 Grape catsup 126 Spiced peaches 128 Cucumber catsup, green. 126 Currant catsup 126 Gooseberry catsup 126 Mushroom catsup 127 Pepper catsup 126 Tomato catsup — 3 recipes 127 Walnut catsup 128 486 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Vegetables. INDEX. Weights and Measures. VEGETABLES. Preparing for cooking. . . . Artichokes Asparagus Beans — 5 recipes. . . . 136- Beets — 2 recipes Cabbage — 6 recipes. . 139- Carrots Cauliflower — 2 recipes. . . Celery Corn, dried Corn, hulled, lye hominy. Corn patties Corn porridge Corn pudding — 2 recipes. Corn, roasted Corn, stewed Corn, green, to can Corn, to dry Cucumbers, fried Egg plant— 2 recipes. . . . Greens Hominy, large Lettuce, wilted'. Macaroni — 2 recipes Macaroni and mushrooms Macaroni- — rice Mushrooms, 4recipes. 146- Okra Onions — 2 recipes Parsnips Peaches, Fried 29 Potato balls 41 Potato cakes 40 Potato dumplings, German 37 Potato mangle 41 Potato patties 40 Potato pudding 43 Potato puffs 40 Potato rolls 47 Potatoes a la creme. . . . 48 Potatoes, baked 48 Potatoes, boiled 35 Potatoes, cooked dry. . . . 35 Potatoes, Lyonnaise 35 Potatoes, mashed 47 Potatoes, Parisian 35 Potatoes, quirled 36 Potatoes, Saratoga 48 Potatoes, scalloped 44 Potatoes, sweet — 3 recipes 42 Potato pumpkin 37 Rice — 2 recipes 48 Sauerkraut, to cook 38 Sauerkraut, to make.... 45 Sea kale 46 Spinach — 2 recipes 45 Squash — 3 recipes 47 Squash a la fried oysters. 45 Succotash 44 Tomatoes — 6 recipesi33- 43 Turnips — 2 recipes 44 Vegetable oyster 41 Yams Peas — 3 recipes WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The relation of weights to measures BREAD. A cup of flour 151 Substitutions Baking powder 152 Yeast P"lour, entire wheat 150 Flour, self-raising 150 Lime water for bread. ... 152 Heat your flour 150 To test heat of oven 151 Bread-making, easy Bread-making, quick.... Bread, brown — 3 recipes. Bread, corn Bread, o.^'g AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 487 BREAD-Continued. Bread, milk yeast Bread, pumpkin Bread, Graham — 2 recipes Bread, Indian Bread, rye and Indian. . . Bread, salt rising Bread omelet — 2 recipes. . Bread or biscuit, steamed Bread or cake, to freshen. Bread for communion. . . . Biscuit — 6 recipes . . . 160- Biscuit, beaten Biscuit, cream Buns Cakes, buckwheat Cakes, corn batter Cakes, flannel Cakes, griddle 162- Cakes, hominy Crackers — 3 recipes. . . . . Crumpets Gems — 3 recipes Pie-crust 174- Pie-crust, Graham Tart shells Amber pie Apple pie — 2 recipes. . . . Apple-custard pie Banana pie Buttermilk pic Cherry pie — 2 recipes .... Cocoanut pie — 2 recipes. . Corn starch pie Cracker pic Cranberry tart pie Cream pie — 3 recipes . . . . Currant pie Custard pie — 2 recipes. . . Dried apple pie Emancipation pie English currant pic 55 Hoe cake 56 Johnny cake 158- 56 Laplanders 56 Muffins — 7 recipes. . . 164- 56 Pancakes, bread 55 Pones — 3 recipes 7 1 Puffs 70 Rice flour cake . . . . : 70 Rolls, corn-meal 69 Rolls — 2 recipes 159- 61 Rusk 62 Sally Lunn 62 Sandwiches, 4 recipes 170- 60 Short bread, Scottish. . . . 6t, Toast — 5 recipes. . . . 169- 63 Waffles — 3 recipes . . . 167- 64 Cracked wheat 6^ Hasty pudding 63 Hominy, fine 68 Mush, fried 66 Mush, Graham 66 Oatmeal PIES. 75 Fried pies y6 Hickory-nut pie yG Huckleberry pie. . . 85 Jelly pie 83 Lemon pie — 2 recipes. . . . 83 Lemon pie — 2 crusts 78 Lemon-molasses pie 83 Lemon-potato pie 81 Lemon-tapioca pie 85 Mince pies — 2 recipes. . . . 86 Mince pies, summer 85 One egg pie 80* Orange pie, 2 recipesi79- 84 Peach pic 80 Pie plant pie 83 Pine-apple pie 82 Pumpkin pie — 2 recipes. . 82 Raisin pie — 2 recipes. . . . 8 1 Rhubarb pic 58 59 [66 165 [62 58 [67 59 [60 [60 59 167 71 [69 70 [68 71 [72 [72 [72 72 71 182 [85 ;i [86 78 79 79 79 79 76 77 [84 [80 ;i [82 78 77 [80 [82 488 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Dumplings and Shortcakes. INDEX. Fritters — Pudding-Sauces. PIES-Continued. Service-berry pie i8o Transparent pie l86 Squash pie 177 Vinegar pie 185 Sweet potato pie. . . . 177-178 Wine plant and raisin piei86 Tomato pie 181 Orange tarts 189 DUMPLINGS AND SHORTCAKES. Apple cobbler 1 87 Plum duff. 189 Apple dumplings, baked . 1 88 Popovers 190 Apple dumplings, boiled. 188 Roly poly 189 Apple puffs 187 Royal dessert 190 Apple pot-pie 187 Sally Lunn 190 Bird's nest 188 Shortcake, cranberry. . . . 191 Brother Johnathan 188 Shortcake, hard winter. . . 191 Brown Betty 192 Shortcake, lemon 191 Dessert cake, Chicago. . . 190 Shortcake, orange 191 Dried apple rolls 189 Shortcake, peach 191 Peach pandowdy 189 Shortcake, strawberry. . . 191 FRITTERS. The batter 193 Lemon fritters 194 Apple fritters 194 Orange fritters 193 Banana fritters 194 Oyster fritters 196 Clam fritters — 2 recipes. . 196 Pine-apple fritters 194 Corn fritters 195 Plain fritters 193 Cream fritters 195 Potato fritters — 2 recipes . 195 Cymling fritters 196 Rice fritters 195 Grape fritters 194 Tomato fritters 196 PUDDING-SAUCES. Amber sauce 200 Lemon sauce 199 Beehive sauce 197 Maple sugar sauce 200 Butter sauce 199 Milk sauce 198 Cider sauce 201 Molasses sauce 200 Cream sauce 198 Orange sauce 199 Cream and sugar 198 Silver sauce 199 Egg sauce 199 Sour cream 198 Golden sauce 199 Strawberry sauce 200 Hard gold sauce 198 Transparent sauce 200 Hard silver sauce 198 Vanilla sauce 198 Jelly sauce • 200 Vinegar sauce 201 PUDDINGS. I — 2 — 3 — 4 2 11 Apple plum 201 Almond 213 Apple-sago 202 Apple and baked Indian . 202 Apple-suet 202 Apple, boiled 202 Apple-tapioca 202 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 489 Puddings. PUDDINGS Baking day 210 Baked Indian — 2 recipes.215 Batter 211 Bird's nest pudding 203 Blackberry — 2 recipes ... 204 Blue grass 209 Boiled bread 212 Boiled Indian 216 Bread 212 Buckeye 210 Cabinet 210 Cassava 214 Chocolate — 2 recipes.212-213 Citron 205 ("ocoanut — 2 recipes 205 ("orn starch, 2 recipes. 206-207 ("ottage 211 Crumb 212 Electric 209 French 211 Ginger 205 Graham 209 -Continued. Indian-rice 207 Jelly 205 L'Elegante 210 Lemon — 2 recipes. . .203-204 Minute 215 Napoleon 213 Old English plum 201 Orange — 2 recipes 202 Pine-apple 205 Puft 211 Queen of puddings 212 Rice — 2 recipes 207 Rolled 210 Sago 214 Suet, baked 213 Suet, boiled — -2 recipes. .216 Suet, boiled Indian 216 Snow 214 Tapioca — 5 recipes .. 208-209 Transparent puddings. . .214 Wash day 202 Whortleberry 204 LOAF CAKES. Weights and measures. ..151 Almonds 219 Butter and eggs 217 (Cochineal coloring 219 Cooking in high altitudes. 223 Directions for mixing cake222 Extracts 222 Flour and sugar 218 Frosting — 9 recipes.. 223-224 Heating the oven 220 Paper for cake pans 219 Raisins and currants 218 Steaming fruit cake 22 1 To prevent browning. . . .221 I — 2 — 3 — 4 cake 242 Almond cake 232 Angels' food 236 Apple fruit cake 230 Birthday cake 243 Black cake 228 Bride's cake 225 Buckeye cake 234 Canary cake 239 Cake without eggs 246 Chocolate cake (3) .. .239-240 Clove cup cake 233 Corn starch cake, 2 recipes238 Cream cake 244 Dakota cake 238 Delicate cake — 2 recipes . 240 Empress fruit cake 228 English fruit cake 231 Eugenia cake 239 Everyday cake 238 Farmer's fruit cake 230 Feather cake 243 Fig loaf cake 242 Fruit cake — 2 recipes. . . .227 490 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Layer Cakes. LOAF CAKES-Continued. Coffee cake 232 Raisin cake 231 Gold cake 236 Good common fruit cake. 230 Graham cake(2) 245-246 Groom's cake 225 Hollis cake 241 Huckleberry cake 242 Jenny Lind cake 234 Lady cake 232 Lemon cake 243 Marble cake 235 Old-fashioned pound cake233 One egg cake 245 Orange loaf cake 243 Plum cake 226 Plymouth cake 236 Porcupine cake 244 Pork cake 231 Quaker pound cake 229 Raised loaf cake 242 LAYER CAKES. To prepare cocoanut meat. 246 Cocoanut cream cake Almond filling 247 Boiled frosting for filling. 247 Boiled icing 247 Chocolate filling 248 Cocoanut filling 248 Cream filling 248 Icing for filling 247 Lemon filling 248 Orange filling 248 Quick frosting 247 Whipped cream filling. . .247 Almond nagout 251 Apple jelly cake 260 Banana cake 257 13elvidere cream cake. . . .254 Blackberry cake 258 Caramel cake 250 Caramel layer cake 258 Charlotte polonaise 251 Chocolate cake 250 Silver cake 236 Sister Julia's cup cake.. . .245 Snowball cake 239 Soda pound cake 234 Spice cake 233 Spice raisin cake 232 Sponge cake — 3 recipes. .237 Surprise cake 2,44 Tea cake 244 Village fruit cake 228 Walnut cake 241 Watermelon cake 235 Wedding cake 226 Welcome fruit cake 229 White cake — 2 recipes. . .241 White citron cake 233 White fruit cake, 2 recipes229 White pound cake 234 White sponge cake 237 .254 Confectioner's cake 251 Cream layer cake 249 Dolly Varden cake 260 Fig cake — 2 recipes 256 Gilt-edge cake 254 Ice cream cake 253 Irving Park cake 250 Layer cake 249 Lemon jelly cake 257 Orange cake,2 recipes256-257 Peach cake 259 Pine-apple cake 258 Prince of Wales cake. . . .259 Ribbon cake — 2 recipes. .255 Rocky mountain cake. . . .252 Roll jelly cake 248 Sponge layer cake (2) . . . . 249 Variety cake 261 White Lincoln cake 253 White Mountain cake.. . .253 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HLNTS. 491 Cookies, etc. INDEX. Miscellaneous Cakes. COOKIES, JUMBLES, AND SNAPS. Cookies 262 Cream cookies 264 Christmas cookies 261 Cocoanut cookies 263 Delicate cookies 265 Garfield cookies 262 German cookies 262 Ginger cookies — 3 recipes266 Ginger snaps, 2 recipes266-267 Graham cookies 265 Hermit cookies 264 DOUGHNUTS, CRULLERS, Etc Andover wonders 270 Fried cakes — 2 recipes Crullers 271 Doughnuts, 3 recipes . 268-269 Doughnuts, amalgamation269 Doughnuts, lazy 269 Doughnuts, raised 269 French puffs 271 GINGER CAKES. Gingerbread — 3 recipes.. 273 Ginger cake, very cheap Gingerbread gems 276 Gingerbread, soft (2) 273-274 Gingerbread, spice 274 Ginger cake, soft 274 Lemon cookies 263 Lincoln cookies 262 Measure cookies 264 Molasses cookies, 2 recipes265 Nutmeg cookies 263 Oatmeal cookies 265 Soft cream cookies 264 Vanilla cookies 263 Water cookies 262 I — 2 — 3 — 4 jumbles 267 Jumbles — 2 recipes 267 .270 Mother's love-knots 272 Nun's sighs 272 Rissoles 270 Spanish ruffs 270 Vanities 271 Varieties 271 275 Ginger drops 275 Ginger jumbles 276 Molasses cake, soft 275 Molasses sponge 275 MISCELLANEOUS CAKES. Cheese cakes — 4 recipes. .284 Cheese, buttermilk 283 Cheese, Dutch 283 Cheese, Edinboro' 282 Cheese, scalloped 283 Comfits — 2 recipes 278 Cream puffs 280 Florentines 280 Florida syrup cake 279 Fondu 282 German apple cake 280 German coffee cake 280 Hermit cakes 279 Lady fingers 281 Pyramid paste 281 Quajada 283 Ragamuffins 278 Sea foam 282 Seed cakes 279 Spice cakes 277 Sponge drop cakes 276 Sponge patty-pans 277 Tea cakes 277 Tea cakes, warm 277 Tea cakes, molasses (2). .278 Thin bread and butter. . .282 Warm cream cake 280 Welsh rarebit 283 Widow's cake 279 Whistles 281 492 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Blanc- Mange. INDEX. BLANC-MANGE. Blanc-mange, almond.. . .285 Blanc-mange, arrow-root. 286 Blanc-mange, corn starch. 286 Blanc-mange, farina 286 Blanc-mange, fruit 286 Blanc-mange, farina-fruit.286 Blanc-mange, gelatine. . .287 Blanc-mange, in colors.. .288 Blanc-mange, Irish moss. 287 Blanc-mange, isinglass. ..287 Blanc-mange, manioc .... 287 Blanc-mange, quince. . . . 287 Blanc-mange, sago 288 Blanc-mange, tapioca .... 288 CREAMS. Cream, angel 289 Cream, Oriental 291 Cream, apple 289 Cream, peach 291 Cream, Bavarian 289 Cream, chocolate 289 Cream, coffee 289 Cream, Charlotte 290 Cream, Duchess 290 Cream, fruit 290 Cream, gooseberry 290 Cream, Oak Park 290 Cream, orange — 2 recipes29i Cream, pine-apple 292 Cream, Princess 291 Cream, rice 292 Cream, Spanish 292 Cream, strawberry (2). . .292 Cream, tapioca 293 Cream, vanilla 293 Cream, velvet 293 Whipped cream 293 CUSTARDS, CHARLOTTE RUSSE, Etc. Custard, baked 294 Custard, boiled 294 Custard, chocolate 294 Custard, lemon 295 Custard, snow 295 Custard, sweet potato .... 295 Almond snow balls 298 Apple island 296 Charlotte Russe 295 " " Mississippi. 296 Hen's nest 296 Honey, artificial 298 Honey, French 298 Honey, lemon 298 Lemon butter 298 Meringue, apple 296 Meringue, corn starch. . .296 Rice balls 297 Rice Handy- Andy 297 Snow balls 297 Souffle vanilla 288 Syllabub 293 Thickened rice ..297 Trifle 297 ICE CREAMS, SHERBETS, WATER ICES. Ice cream, chocolate. 300-301 Sherbet, pine-apple 302 Ice cream, cocoanut 301 Ice cream, coffee 301 Ice cream, fruit 301 Ice cream, lemon, 2 recipes300 Ice cream, tea 301 Icecream,vanilla,2 recipes300 Delmonico 302 Sherbet, lemon 302 Sherbet, strawberry 30: Ice, currant 303 Ice, lemon — 2 recipes .... 303 Ice, orange — 2 recipes303-304 Ice, pine-apple 304 Ice, raspberry 304 Ice, strawberry 304 Ice, watermelon 304 ANO US6FUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 493 Fruit. TABLE Care of coffee-pot 306 Chocolate 309 Chocolate, egg 309 Cocoa, breakfast 309 Cocoa shells 309 Coffee-browning 305 Coffee, " to boil or not " . . 306 Coffee, with boiling water. 306 Coffee, with egg 306 SUMMER A freezing mixture 309 Bottled soda water 309 Cider, mulled 312 Cider, to keep 313 Cream nectar 310 Cream soda 310 Ginger nectar 310 Ginger pop 310 Grape cordial 311 Harvest drink 311 Hydromel 311 Imperial 311 Lemonade 311 Lemonade, powdered. . . .312 FRESH Almonds 318 Ambrosia 316 Apples 316 Bananas 315 Blackberries 315 Cocoanut 316 Frosted fruits 317 Grapes 316 Grapes, to keep fresh. . . .317 CANNED General directions 318 Apples 321 Elderberries 320 Pears 320 Peaches 320 Pie-plant 320 DRINKS. Coffee, dripped 307 Coffee, steamed 307 Coffee for festivals 307 Coffee, Vienna 308 Coffee, rye 308 Mixing coftee 305 Substitute for cream 308 Tea 308 Tea, iced 309 DRINKS. Lemonade, portable 312 Lemon soda 312 Lemon syrup 312 Mead 312 Mixed syrups 312 Orgeat 313 Orange syrup .313 Pine-apple syrup 313 Refreshing drink 314 Raspberry nectar 313 Strawberry syrup 314 Sugar nectar 313 Syrup of vinegar 314 Unfcrmented wine (2). . .314 FRUIT. Iced currants 317 La Composite 316 Melons 317 Nutmeg melons 318 Oranges 316 Peaches 316 Pears 316 Raisins 317 Watermelons 317 FRUIT. Pine-apple 321 Pumpkin 32 i Raspberries 320 Strawberries 319 Tomatoes 321 Tomatoes, whole 321 494 MRS. OWENS COOK BOOK Fruit Sauce. Jelly, Preserves, etc. FR Apples, baked — 2 recipes, Apples, boiled Apples, boiled, spiced.. . Apples, compote of. . . . Apple sauce, cider Apple croutes Apple, dewdrop Apple sauce, dried Apples, fried Apples in jelly To test jelly To turn jelly out To weigh fruit juice. . . . Apple jelly Blackberry jelly Calf 's-foot jelly Cherry jelly Crab-apple jelly Currant jelly (2).... 32^ UIT SAUCE. . 323 Apples jellied 324 ,322 Apples, stewed — 2 recipes324 ,323 Berries, stewed 325 .323 Cranberries — 3 recipes. . .325 .324 Currants and pie-plant.. .325 , 322 Peaches, stewed 326 . 323 Plums, stewed 326 . 324 Prunes, stewed 326 . 324 Quinces, baked 325 322 Raisins, stewed 326 JELLY. , 327 Dried apple jelly, 2 recipes328 327 Grape jelly, 3 recipes . 329-330 329 Jelly of two colors 332 , 327 Lemon jelly 330 327 Peach jelly 330 .331 Quince jelly 331 .328 Raspberry jelly 331 .328 Tapioca jelly 331 -329 Wild plum jelly 331 PRESERVES, JAMS, To clarify sugar 333 Apple butter — 3 recipes. .341 Apple marmalade 339 Apple preserves 334 Blackberry jam 338 Cherry marmalade 340 Cherry preserves 334 Cherries, to dry 342 Citron preserves 334 Crab-apple preserves. 334-33 5 Cranberry preserves 335 Currant jam 338 Currants, to dry 342 Damson plum preserves . . 335 Gooseberries, to dry 342 Grape preserves 335 Orange jam 339 Orange marmalade 340 Peach marmalade 339 Peach paper 338 Peach preserves 335 MARMALADES, Etc. Peach rolls 338 Peaches, to dry 342 Pear preserves 336 Persimmons, to keep 342 Plum butter 341 Plum-tomato preserves. . . 336 Preserved orange peel. . .338 Pumpkin preserves 336 Quince marmalade 340 Quince preserves 337 Raspberry jam 339 Strawberry jam 339 Strawberry preserves. . . .336 Tomato butter 342 Tomato figs 338 Tomato jam 339 Tomato preserves 336 Watermelon rinds 337 White currant jam 339 Wild plum marmalade. . .340 Wild plum preserves. . . .337 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 495 Pickles — Vinegar. Picnics, etc. 351 SOUR PICKLES. Artichokes 344 Lemons Cabbage 345 Mangoes 347 Cabbage, red 346 Mixed pickles 350 Cauliflower 346 Mushrooms 348 Cherries, 2 recipes 346 Nasturtions 347 Chow-chow 346 Onions, silver skinned. ... 348 Cucumbers, to keep firm. 343 Onions, spiced 348 Cucumbers 344 Piccalilli 350 Cucumber pickles, fresh . . 345 Peppers, stuffed 348 Cucumber mangoes 345 Plum-tomatoes 348 French pickles 347 Stringbeans 350 ^igby 349 Tomatoes — 2 recipes .... 349 Jackson pickles 349 Walnuts 351 SWEET PICKLES. Apples, sweet 351 Pears— 2 recipes 353 ^^eets 355 Pine-apples 353 Blackberries 355 Plums 354 Cantaloupe 352 Plum-tomatoes 354 Citron 352 Crab-apples 351 Cucumbers, ripe (2) 353 Grapes 353 Huckleberries 355 Peaches 354 Quinces 354 Raisins 355 Rhubarb, spiced 355 Strawberries 355 Tomatoes, green 353 Watermelon rinds 352 VINEGAR. Apple vinegar 356 Lemon vinegar 357 Beet vinegar 356 Potato vinegar 357 Cayenne vinegar 356 Raspberry vinegar 357 Celery vinegar 356 Rhubarb vinegar 357 Clover bloom vinegar. . . .356 Corn vinegar 356 Currant vinegar 357 Honey vinegar 357 Horse-radish vinegar 357 Spearmint vinegar 358 Spiced vinegar 358 Sugar vinegar 358 Tarragon vinegar 358 Tomato \incgar 358 PICNICS, LUNCHES, ENTERTAINMENTS. Suggested dishes, 359 Lunch for 25 360 For tea party of 25 359 Lunch for 150 360 Ice cream and cake for 25 . 360 Quantities required 360 ^^ 496 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK To a Young Wife. INDEX. Carving. USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. TO A YOUNG WIFE. An old citizen's letter 377 COLORED PLATES. Description of 381 DINNER ETIQUET. Whom to invite 384 The table 386 Form of invitation 385 Serving the dinner 386 " Dinner is ready " 385 Hints to the invited 387 BILLS OF FARE. Dishes suggested 389 CHILDREN'S PARTY. Suggestions for 392 CANDY-MAKING. Almond taffy 396 Fruit candy 397 Anabel's candy 397 Butter scotch 396 Chocolatecaramels(2) 394-395 Chocolate candy, 2 recipes395 Chocolate cream drops. . 395 Christmas candy 394 Cocoanut cream candy.. .395 Cocoanut macaroons 397 Cocoanut taffy 396 Cream taffy 395 Excelsior cream candy. ..393 Hickory-nut macaroons. .397 Horehound candy 397 Lemon macaroons 397 Lemon taffy 396 Maple caramels 394 Molasses candy 2recipes394 Peanut candy 396 Popcorn balls 398 Snow candy 396 Sugar kisses 397 Vinegar Candy 396 CARVING. With illustrations 398-400 INVALID COOKERY. A word to the wise 401 Cream soup. . . .^ 406 Apple drink — 2 recipes. .402 Baked milk 403 Beaten egg 403 Beef extract, Mrs. G.'s. . .405 Beef, raw 405 Beef tea 405 Broiled chicken 404 Broth — 2 recipes 405 Broth, mutton 406 Corn for weak stomachs.. 406 Cracker relish 406 Cracker and egg 406 Crust coffee 402 Dried flour 407 Egg and sponge cake. . . .406 Egg lemonade 403 Flaxseed lemonade 403 Gruel, boiled flour 405 Gruel, Indian meal 404 Hop tea 402 Jelly — 5 recipes 404 Lime water and milk. . . .403 Milk porridge (2) 405 Milk punch 402 AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 497 Invalid Cookery. Remedies. INVALID COOKERY-Continued. Mulled buttermilk 402 Panada 406 Panada, cider 406 Refreshing drink 402 Roasted potatoes 404 Tamarind water 402 Toast water 402 Tomato custard 407 Whey, alum 403 Whey, buttermilk 403 Whey, rennet 403 Whey, wine 403 THE NURSERY. Bathing infants 407 Biting finger nails, to cure.41 1 Croup, simple treatment.. 410 Earache 410 Ear, care of the 410 Milk for the baby 407 Nose bleed 410 Nursing bottles 407 Nursing bottles, to cleanse408 Rocking the baby 408 Save yourself 409 Substances in the nose. . .410 To mothers 408 Turn the baby over .... 408 Vermin in heads 41 1 Whooping cough cures. .411 REMEDIES. Aqua ammonia for nausea4i2 Hot drops for cholera. . . .414 Baldness, to cure 417 Bearing down 419 Blackberry cordial 414 Burns, to cure. . 418 Bunions 415 Chapped hands, to cure. .413 Chilblains 415 Citric acid 418 Cold, excellent remedy.. .413 Constipation 418 Corns 415 Cough, dry irritating. . . .414 Cough, home remedy for. 41 3 Cough syrup 414 Cut or bruise, best rcmedy4i2 Diphtheria 414 Discoloration of the skin. 412 Disinfectants — 3 recipes. .412 Eyes, weak 413 Eye water for weak eyes. 41 3 Eye water, very superior. 41 3 Felon, to cure 416 Frozen feet 415 Herbs, to steep |.I2 Hops, to heat 418 Hydrophobia (2) 419-420 Inflammatory rheumatism4i9 Liver bitters 415 Lockjaw 419 Linseed poultice 417 Mustard poultice 416 Moles, to remo\e 416 Neuralgia cure 418 Neuralgia, lemor.s for. . . .418 Night-sweats 419 Ointment for bruises, etc. 413 Piles 419 Piles, dieting for 419 Poisons 416 Poison ivy or bee sting.. .416 Refreshing wash 41 1 Ringworm 420 Sleeplessness 417 Smallpox and scarlet fever420 Sore throat, inveterate. . .414 Sprain, best cure 412 Stimulating sponge bath. 412 Tooth-ache 418 Warts, to cure 416 Warts, to remove 416 498 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Beds — Lamps. Laundry — Dyes. CARE OF BEDS. Beds and bedding 420-426 CARE OF LAMPS. Suggestions for 426 THE LAUNDRY. Blankets, to wash 432 Lace, white Spanish 435 Blue, a fast color 432 British enamel 429 Calico liable to fade 432 Chamois skin 433 Cleaning clothes wringer.s43i Cleaning white fur 435 Clothes lines, pliable. . . .452 Eureka cleansing fluid... 438 Flannels 432 Folding a shirt 431 Holders 431 Hose 433 Imperial star blueing. . . .429 Ink stains 435 Ironing a shirt 430 Iron rust 434 Javelle water 434 Lace, black 435 Lace collars, doing up. . .435 Lace mitts, to color. . . .435 Laces 435 Linen suits 433 Magic washing soap 428 Red table linen 433 Removing fruit stains. . . .434 Removing grease spots. .434 Removing mildew 434 Removing tar 434 Renewing black woolens. 435 Renovating black silk. . .435 Renovating carpets. . . , .438 Smoothing irons, to clean432 Soap — 12 recipes436, 437,438 Starch, 4recipes..430, 432, 433 Starching shirts 430 Stiffening black goods. . .433 Towels, colored borders.. 432 Washday 427 Washing fluid 428 Wash-tubs — to save 431 White clothes — put away435 W^oolen pants 433 DYES. Annato 439 Green — 2 recipes 441 Black — 2 recipes 439 Blue 440 Blue, navy 440 Brown 440 Brown, seal 44.0 Canary, for cotton 440 Composition 440 Orange — 2 recipes 441 Purple 441 Red — 2 recipes 441 Red, madder 442; Red, Turkey 442 Wine 442 Yellow for cotton 442 MISCELLANEOUS. Bad breath 444 Bed bug poison 457 Bloom of youth 443 Burning chimney 458 Camphor ice 443 Carpet cleaner 456 Cement, crockery 457 Cleaning brass or copper. 450 Cleaning house 451-454 Cleaning silver 450 Charcoal preservative. . .445 Cologne water 444 AM) L. SKI' LI. HOUSEHOLD HlMs. 499 Farmers' Department. Cutting Up Meats MISCELLANEOUS-Continued. Court plaster, to make.. .445 Digestion of food. . .446-447 Dry Shampoo 444 Fire Kindlers 458 Freckles, to remove 443 Foods in season. 448 Furniture polish . .450 and 457 Grates — to blacken 456 Grease spots 456 Hair brushes 445 Hair crimping 444 Hair wash — 2 recipes. . . .444 Home-made carpet 455 Honey, candied 445 Indigestible foods 447 Ink, indelible 458 Ink, marking 458 Ink stains 456 Kalsomine 455 Liquid glue 457 Moths — to destrop 457 Oil-cloths — to clean 457 Oriental cold cream 443 Paint for floors 450 Paste that will keep 457 Patching carpets 456 Roaches — to destroy. . . .457 Scent powder 444 Shellac for floors 450 Stain for floors 450 Stair carpets — to save .(2)455 Softening of hands 443 Sweeping carpets 45() Tinware— to mend 458 Tooth paste 444 To beautify teeth 444 Wax from comb 475 Whitewash 454 >i"^ Beef. . . Lamb. . Mutton Pork. . . Big head Blistering ointment Bots . . . .^ Colic Curb Diarrhea Distemper or influenza. . Eye lotion Farcy, or glanders Fistula, or poll evil Founder Heaves Hoof ointment Lampas FARMERS' DEPARTMENT. CUTTING UP MEATS. 459 Rennet — to prepare 460 461 Sausage cases — to clean .462 461 Tripe — to clean 460 461 Veal 460 THE HORSE. 463 Liniment 466 466 Lung fever 465 463 Mange 465 463 Merchant's gargling oil. .466 464 Mustang liniment 467 464 Physic 467 464 Ringbone 465 464 Scratches 465 464 Skinfast 467 464 Spavin and Splint 465 464 Staggers 465 465 Stringhalt or springhalt. .466 466 Thick wind 466 465 Windgal!;; 466 500 MRS. OWENS' COOK BOOK Diseases of Animals. CATTLE. Choking 467 Lice on cattle 468 Distemper 468 Physic for cattle 468 Dry murrain 467 Red-water 468 Fardel-bound 467 Ringworm. 468 Garget, or caked udder. .468 Scouring 468 H ide-bound 468 Sore teats 469 Hoven, or blown 468 Tar-water for cattle 469 SHEEP. Bloating 469 Physic 469 Diarrhea 469 Sore-mouth 469 Foot-rot 469 Scabs and ticks 469 Foul noses 469 Scours 469 SWINE. Cholera 470 Sniffle disease 470 Coughs and colds 470 Sore throat 470 Diarrhea 470 Sows eating their pigs. . ..470 Kidney worm and lice. . .470 Worms 470 ROAD-MAKINC. Suggestions for, with illustration 471-474 MISCELLANEOUS. Ant-colony — to destroy. .475 Keeping up windows. . . .475 Black or red ants 475 Leggings, improvised. . .476 Cabbage worm, to destroy475 Mustard — to cultivate. . .475 Cement, rubber 476 To preserve soles 476 Foot-warmers 476 Water casks — to clean. ..489 Frothing of cream 475 Waterproof blacking. . . .476 M^S. OWEJ^S' COOK (BOOK — IS — Snld Hnlij hij SuhsEriptinn AGENTS WANTED In every City and Town to introduce the work, to whom a liberal commission will be paid. The book is universally popular and sells readily. Terms and full information will be cheerfully furnished those who desire to engage in the business, upon application to J B. SMILEY, Publisher, ^^o Fulton Street, Chicago, III.