CS 71 .L374 1907 Copy 2 (07. 1907. The Laughlin History. 1807 1907 h^UGMLilN HISTORY PKKrAKED FOK THE CENTENNIAL RE-UNION HELD AT LORK CITY, OHIO, TiiiKsuAY, August 22, 1007, 'ttf —BY — JOHN W. LAUGHLIN, HAKXESVILLE, <). tl 0^ 2.^ w E are assembled on historic ground U)-dav to celebrate the Centennial An- niversary of the advent to Ohio and (hiern- sey county of onr ancestors, John and Deborah Langhlin, whose names are so fa- miliar to us all, but whose personal appear- ance is remembered by only a few of us. One hundred years ago the\' came to this ver\- farm from Erie, Pa., where they had gone from Fayette county. Pa., soon after their marriage. At Erie two of their chil- dren were born, Alexander and Hugh. Not being satisfied with tlieir condition at Erie, they decided to make another move, and right here on historic Leatherwooil is where thev finally landed. [4 J JOHN LAUGHLIN. Our ancestor, John Laughlin, was born, perhaps, in York county. Pa., in Jan. (?) 1777. He had seven brothers, and each of them had a sister Pegrg>'. The brothers were Alexander, James, Adam. Nathaniel, Hugh, Crawford and Da%-id. His father's name was Hugh Laughlin, a Squire. Hugh had two brothers, Robert and James, and a half-bn^ther, John, -who was a bachelor, and some of the present day Laughlins are still following the example of old bachelor John. Farther back than Hugh Laughlin our rec- ord does not go. Our grandfather, whose advent to Ohi(» we celebrate to-day, ^vas rather slender as to his appearance and -weighed about 1.50 pounds. He had that peculiar Laughlin visage which hhs been transmitted to his posterity, a peculiarity which cannot be ex- l)ressed in words, but by ineans of \vhich strangers point us out as Laughlins; and he also had that singular tone of voice, for wliich as a family we are so noted, but which no one outside the name has ever been able to counterfeit. He was blind as to his left eve, caused bv a bit of steel r.-] which struck it while he was fihiifr ati up- right saw oil a water mill. For many years it was not noticeable that he was blind of an eye, and a story is related of him, that ^vhile shooting at a mark on his wedilinji day, the boys came running into the house to tell how that >Ir. Laughlin fired with both eyes open. After many years the eye- ball ran out, aiul he sometimes wore a patch over it. He was a very hospitalilt- man, and never turned any one awax- hun- ii'ry or in need. On one occasion he \vas called out of bed at midnight b>' a man who had been at Cambridge to pay his taxes. He was an actjuaintance and had not had his supper. For some unexplained reason there was neither flour nor meal in the house. But the \vife ^vas equal to the oc- casion. She went to the i)otato patch and dug a mess of iiotatoes and roasted them in the fire and set them before their guest, and not a word of apology either. His death occurred Oct. 11, 18.il, aged 75 years. DEBORAH LAUGHLIN. r)eborah Laughlin's maiden ntime \vas Wilson. Her father, Alexander Wilson, came from Ireland when 15 years of age. [r,] He lived to be old, and his tomb is in Dun- lap's Creek cemetery, Fayette county. Pa. Aside from Deborah there were seven other children in the Wilson family, namel>-, Sarah, James, Samuel, Alexander, Thomas, John and Margaret. Sarah married Joseph .Sproat, not the Joseph Sproat whom many of us know so favorably and so well, but possibly the very man for whom he was called. James married a Robb, and had four children, two sons and two dau<;hters. The}' lived in Indianapolis. One daughter married Daniel Yandis, and they are re- I)orted to be wealthy. James married Bes- sie Lowry, and their children were Dr. William, Jarnes and John. Samuel Wilson married a Reed and lived near Xenia, Ohio. Alexander married Peggy Laughlin and settled in Jefferson county, Iowa. They had eight children, Polly, Caroline, De- borah, Sarah, Elizabeth, Alexander, Hugh and William. Of these Caroline married Robert Brown, and Deborah married David Laughlin. Thomas Wilson married Sallie Flannigan. He was blind in his old age, the cause supposed to have been cataract. Thomas had two daughters, Mary and Sarah, and they married two l)rotliers, Moses and Cephas Porter. Mary, Moses I'orter's wife, died this last winter at I'niontown, Pa., at the advanced alarch 9, 1899. Deborah, born November 30, 1817. Died November 19, 1893. lames, born February 23, 1821. Died April 22, 1902. Soon after their marriaye they moveil to Erie, Pa., Avhere their two eldest chil- dren were bom. Becoming; dissatisfied at Erie, they removed to (Juernsey county, O. It was right here that, one hundred years ayo, this young- man and woman had the courage to undertake to sulidue these for- ests, 'when as yet there was not a stick amiss on all this historic Leatherwood. It w.'is soon after their settlement here that [10] our grandmother, as is still common among young girls who marry and go to a new country, became homesick, and wanted to go back to Pennsylvania. It was not expe- dient that they should l:)oth leave their home at once, so she concluded to go alone. With a baby on her knee, on horseback, she went back to Fayette county, her horse swimming the Ohio river near Wheeling, both going and coming. Is there a young married woman of to-day who would under- take such a trip as that ? It was in the spring of this year, and on a Sabbath morning, while sitting on a stump, that our grandfather noticed the bees busily engaged about the new cut tim- ber, gathering the sap. He saw them en- tering a tree near by, and in a few days he cut the tree and hiveil the bees. He cared for these bees during all of his lifetime, and gave some of them to his daughter, Debby Thompson, ^vho keiit them all her lifetime, and she in turn handed tlieni on to her daughter, Maggie McMunn, and to her son, John Alex Thompson, who have them in their possession to-day, and Ijetter than all, they have promised to have some of the honey here to-day, and this is not a fish storj', either. [11] It Was hcri.' that tivi.' of tlu'ir chihlroil Were l)c)rn. The .\i)uiiy,est, Janu-s, was bom after tlieir removal to tlie farm now known as the Daniel 'I'honipson farm, They lived here about thirteen or fourteen years, ami then moved to tlieir new home abont two miles north of this place, where they spent the remainder of their lives, ami where as an unbroken family they lived, until one by one the children married and scattered away. But the old locust tree, which spranjj from a seed, and broniiht by our ijfrandmother from Pennsylvania and planted by her still lives and flourishes, and a grand old locust tree it is. We hope Mr. Thompson will lony; spare that tree, for the sake of those who have passed away, and for the sake of those whose memory still lingers around that sacred s])Ot. These people beiniv- of Scotch-Irish descent were naturally Presbyterians. They worshii)ped in the old loji church, one mile southeast of Washington, the location of which is fixed to-day only by the old church ceme- tery, in which rest the remains of those whom we this day commemorate. Their first pastor was Kev. Dr. Clark, a son and daughter of whom married into the Laugh- lin familj-. [ 12 ] ALEXANDER LAUGHLIN. Alexamk-r, the eldest iif the second gen- eration, was what might have been called in his day a successful farmer. He lived when hard work was necessary to clear out the land, and before the introduction of im- proved machinery. He introduced the first mowing machine into the comnmnity, and there may be those here to-day who re- member with what curiosity the neighl^ors came in to see that machine work. He was always interested in tine stock, especially Hne-wooled sheep. Black Top Spanish Me- rino sheep covered all these hills, and so popular were they that when the new school house was to be named, Mr. Brujier readily suggested the name of Black Top, and Black Top it was, antl Black Top it is yet. And when the new mines wanted a name, the first suggestion was Black Top. And all this from the Black Top sheep largely introduced by this man. He was a public-spirited man, and al- ways took great interest in politics. He was once Commissioner of this county, and could have continued in public life, but it was not to his taste. He made more money arul bought more land, and as his familv married off, he li(l])ed them nil to a start ill life. He was a faitliful meml)er of the Presbyterian church of Seiiectiville, ami la- ter was prominent in ori^ani/.iiiu the new church at Lore City. Sarah K'ohe Lauyhlin, his wife, stood h\- liim in all that a s>''"'d wife .and mother Could do, to make life on the farm and in the family a success. She took delifrht in the cultivation of flowers, and her children were the care and concern of her life. They celebrated their jiolden weddiny in September, 1877. On that occasion the whole old unbroken family were present, except Maria Laugfhlin and William Thomp- son, and the family picture taken at that time is one cherished by us all. But they are all gone save one — Aunt Hettie. Alex.\XDER Laughlix married Sarah Robe, September, 1827. Deborah, bom June 'i, 1S2S. Died De- cember 13, 1903. Josiah Robe, born October 18, 1829. John B., born Sei)tember 23. Died Feb- ruary 28, 1891. David Frame, born July 27, 1833. Jane, born - — •. Marv, born November .1, 1837. Alex Wilson, born May — , 1840. Thomas Alvan, born -. Robert William, born April 4, 1845. James Hugh, born DEBORAH LAUGHLIN. Deborah was the first born of the third {generation, and after her marriage for sev- eral 3'ears resided near Cumberland. Guern- sey countj'. They later purchased a farm near. Lore City, where they resided the rest of their lives. Deborah married William B. Johnson, September 15, 1853. Jennie M. , born August 1, 1854. Emily Ann, born October 24, 1856, Alvah Wilson, born August 22, 1860. John Alexander, born March 4, 1863. Sarah Belle, born September 6, 1866. Died September 14, 1866. Lillie Jennetta, born June 21, 1868. Jennie M. Johnson married Charles Alva Sproat, October 17, 1878. Ralph Burns, born January 11, 1880. Homer Johnson, born May 31, 1884, Anna Florence, born August 16, 1890. Clara Theresa, born March 7, 1897. Kal|)h Burns Sproat married Florence Bond March 4, 1902. Forrest Sproat, born March 6, 1904. Charles Henry, born March 9. 1907. (These two are of the sixth generation. ) [ 15 ] Emily Ann Johnston niarrinl Miles Hun- ter, DecenilHT '_'l, 1881. Alvali Wilson Johnston niarrii-d I^nizabcth Hlla Sproat, vSrpU'niher L'T, 1882. Harold Alexander, horn April 17, 1888. Mary Emma, horn vSeptetnl)er 7, 1893. Joseph Kussell, horn Jan. 21, 1897. John A. Johnston married Anna Mary Inskeep, Octoher 21, 188o. William Paul, horn Fehrnary 27, 1889. Oella Irene, horn Jnne 2, 1892. Emma Fav, ) , x- i io lon- TT 1 T>" - horn Aoveinher Li, 189 r Howard Don, » Lillie Jeinietta Johnson married Andrew Sheyoy. Bessie, horn Marcli 4, 1888. Wm. Johnston, horn Jannary --, 1890. Xellie Dale, horn January -4, 1892. Emma Blanche, horn June fi, l89o Sarah Belle, died in infanov. Bessie She>j:o<^ married Chas. Dunfee, August 4, 1906. [ 16 ] JOSIAH ROBE LAUGHLIN. Josiah R., the eldest son of Alexander Laughliii, after his niarriafje, located on the Anirus farm, near Lore City, which, after a few years, he sold to William Thompson, and removed to Belle Centre, Logan county, Ohio, ^vhere he has been a successful farmer ever since. He is an El- der in the U. P. Church, and with his wife now resides in Belle Centre. Josiah K. married Martha Johnson, Octo- ber 19, 18,i4. Robert Johnson, born October 3, 1855. Died April 6, 189). Anna Mary, born Noveml)er 3, 1857. Alice, born October 3, 1859. Died Sep- tember 23, 1875. Edward J., born August 31, 1862. Jennie A., born January, 1867. William E., born December 8, 1869. Clara M., born April 8, 1871. Robert Johnson Lauohlin was a Presby- terian minister. After preaching' for a time at Louisville, Ky., he located at Portland, Oregon, where he dietl April 6, 1891, of la grippe. It was the testimony of his fellow [IT] ministers that he was one of the hest of tlieir ministerial hrethren. Anna Mary Lavii^hliu married J. F. Ar- mour, April 5, 1SS8. Leroy, born April '-8, 1889. Robert L., born November H. 1891. Died July 7, 1892. Mary, born June '-, 189.). Sarah Alice met a tragic death Septem- ber 23, 1875. Edward J. Lntiiihlin married Wilda Gil- christ, October 18, 1902. Llovd, born Septendier, 18, 1902 Hazel, born April, 1904 Clara May, horn September, 1905. Jennie A. Laughlin married A. Hunter, November 15, 1893. M. Jeannetta, born Julv 29, 1895. Howard J., born March 27, 1899. Edwin L., born September H, l'-'02. William E., married Ella Sinnuons, Oc- tober 25, 1899. Rowland W., born Au<,nist 24, 1900. Helen, born June 29, 1902. Emory, born January 31, 1904. Harry Josiah, born February H, 1906. [18] Clara M., married Dr. N. C. Hamilton, October, 19, 1900. Miriam L., born July 28, 1901. Isabella, born July 29, 1903. Alice, born May 15, 1906. JOHN B. LAUGHLIN. John B., the second son of Alexander, af- ter his marriajje, lived on the farm adja- cent and east of that now owned by his brother, Alexander. He lived to see his family grow to young- manhood and woman- hood, and then by a fatal lingering disease he ^vas summoned hence, leaving a devoted wife and loving family to mourn his loss. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian church, and a good and useful citizen. His widow, Hannah M. Laughlin, has since died, and they now rest in the Senecaville cemetery. Their family are perhaps more widely scattered than that of any other one. John B. married Hannah M. Brown, De- cember 17, lSo(i. Ada Jane, born September 11, 1857. Sarah Oella, l)orn Septemlier 11, 18o9. Died July 1, 1894. Infant daughter, born Mav 13, 1862. Died May 15, 1862. [in] Mary Elizaheth, born Auyfiist 1, 1863. Infant daviyhter, l)orii August 2S, 18(56. Died August 28, 1866. Lelia Anna, born August 28, 1866. Hugh Paris, born June 13, 1869. Wilemma Blanche, born Sept. 6, 1872. Mabel Clare, born January 6, 1877. Ada Jane Laughlin married Win. Leroy Baird, December 13, 1877. Amelia Milligan, born Dec. 31, 1880. Hugh Alexander, born October 23, 1882. Amelia M. Baird married Emory Thomas Tyler, April 24, 1901. Hugh Alex. Bainl married Gertrude Stevens, May 30, 1906. Hugh Stevens, born March 7, 1907. (,6tli generation. ) Sarah Oella married Kev. Frank Ferral Brown, August 9, 1893. Lelia Anna married Robert Chalmers Robe, August 20, 1888. John Paris, born October 9, 1889. Dead. Lelia Blanche, born August 18, 1891. Anna Constance, born Dec. 1, 1892. Robert Samuel, born July 18, 1895. [ 20 ] Hugh Faris married Olive Sylvia Pike, June 4, 1901. Robert Paris, l)orn March 2i, 1902. Wileniina Blanche married John Miles Robe, April 9, 1894. Ralph William, born May 1, ]89.i. Ross Langhlin, born August 3, 1897 Orella Milligan, born October 6, 1898. John Clifton, born March 21, VJOk. DAVID FRAME LAUGHLIN. David F. , the third son of Alexander, re- ceived his education at the Miller Academy, Washington, Ohio. Soon after his mar- riage he went west, and his family at least has grown up with the countrj-, for they have never been seen in these parts until to-day. David is a doctor, and ihere has always been a scramble between him and the undertaker. The Doctor is a Kaiisan. and one of his daughters has been a Hono- luluian these many years. David F. married Esther Morrow, March Ifi, 1858. Alvan Thomas, born January 21, 1860 Died November 6, 1S64. Lizzie >Iav, born June 3, 18B2. Sarah Lillie, born April 23, 1865. Marv Cornelia, liorn October 27, 1867. Esther M. Laughlin died Nov. 1, 1878. [21] David F. married vSarah Asiies Sexsniith, Decetnlier '22, 1S79. Martha Ayiies, Iwrii Deceniher 2, 1882. Sarah Lillie married J. Cavaiiauyh, May 2, 1889. Glen Lauiildin, born February 12, 1890. Maria Amines, lioru August 9, 1892. Helen, born May 2, 189.5. Ruth, born October 8, 1899. Dorothea, born February Hi, 1901. Lizzie May married Francis Fessenden, March 14, 189.'i. David L., born December 30, 1895. Frances Louisa, born Sept. 11, 1896, Solon, born August 18, 1902. MAKY LAUGHLIN. Mary, after lier marriage to Mr. Hunter, removed to their farm near Cumberland, Guernsey county, where they have lived ever since. Mary has been in delicate health for many years, and her life has been that of the home, and the interest she has taken in her family. Mr. Hunter at this time is afflicted, as the result of a par- [ 22 ] tial paralytic- stroke, to the extent that his speech is seriously affected. Mary married Henry Chapman Hunter, April 25, 1860. Ida Lilly, born July 15, 1861. John Miles, born November 24, 1865. Sarah Eliza Luna, born August 16, 1868, Julia Deborah, born June 20, 1871. Julia D. Hunter married John \V. Bay, March 21, 1895. Edna Emma, born December 9, 1896. Fred Hunter, born September 26, 1901. John M. Hunter married Margaret More- lege, December 30, 1896. Anna Mary, born December 9, 1897. Henry M. Lewis, born May 8, 1900. Robert Wallace, born April 14, 1902. James Donald, born October 27, 1906. ALEX. WILSON LAUGH LIN. Alexander W. has resided on the farm on which he now lives ever since his marriage, and is one of the substantial citizens of this community. He is an Elder in the Presby- terian church of Lore Citv. [ 23 ] Alexander \V. married Nancy Dollisnii, 1871. Algus Odell, born October 27. 1S71. Cora Stella, born Deeeiiiber 30, 1872. James Kolland, born November 3, 1874. Myrta, born October 2"), 1870. Lily .Vlfaretta, boni Septenilier 0, 1879. Clarence Leard, born Felirnary (\ 1882. Florence Ethel, born March 2, 1884. \Vm. Echvard Ivan, born Sept. 24, 1887. Belva Blanche, born Mav ', 1890, James Kolland married Liiln Dell Peddy- cord, October 29, 1900. Lucile \'anubn, born Aiifrnst 19. U101 Hlair Koderic, l)orn December 24, 1902. Alsns Odell :narried Carrie Shntt, Janvi- ory 19, 1901. Leah Jeannette, born Au<;ust 15. 1904. Died December 28, 1904 Marv Lovina, born May «, 1!'0<>. Cora Stella m.arried Jerry Drake, Decem- 1)er 28, 1903. THOMAvS ALVAN LAUGHUN. Thomas Alvan was a model younij man, modest, kind, and genial, and was never known to utter an unjientlemanly express- ion. On January 20, 1862, he enlisted in [ 24 ] Co. B. 1st O. V. C, and joined the regi- ment at Lebanon, Ky. He contracted both measles and mumps shortly after enterinyf tlie service, and suffered much from both, l)ut recovered. After the capture of Cor- inth, Miss., he was attacked with camp fever, and died perhaps in July, 1862 His yrave is in the National cemetery at Cor- intli. Miss. •^i*- ROBERT \VM. LAUGHLIN. After his marriage Robert went to Belle Centre, Ohio, and engaged in general farm- ing for several years, but that not lieing to liis taste, he decided to be a specialist. He went to Ada, Ohio, and turned his attention to what he thought no one else would ever think of, and thus avoid conii)etition. He told me once that he had shipped eighty car loads of onions that year, and how tnany hundred car loads lie shipped other years only Robert himself could tell. He is now at San Jose, California, and making a great success out of the onion and onion seed. [ 2.-, ] lOohert William nianifd Martha I'rowii, Fehninrv S, ISlw. Laura, Ixini ( )t-t()l)cr '^I > It^liT. Julia >Ia.\, l.orn August 7, 18fi9. Aji'iifs, l)()ru June IS, 1871. Arthur A., hdrii A))ril 4, 1875. Harrisdu 11., l)iiru July 8, 187(). Huiih Alex., honi Oet(i]>er 28, 1878. Died Septemher 4, 1880. K'dhert LelCov, hdrn I )ei»;iiilier 21, 1885. Laura inarrieil Xorvel Logee, March 17, 1886. Infant, born March 9. 1887. Died M.irch 9, 1887. Fldvd Emerson, Januar>' ll>, 1889. Dwiyht Francis, Sei)teml)er 12, 1895. Kobert Daniel, Fel)ruary 9, 1899. Julia May m.arried Oliver T?t>ll, An^just 9, 1887. Calvin K'oe, Ixirn Julv 127, 1888. Arthur Carl, April 17, 1.S92. Mary May, January 1, 1897. Martha Elizabeth, November S, 19()(). .\iiiies married Rev. Jolm .Sliermau Ham- ilton, July 27, 1898. [26] Arthur A. nmrried Xoa Stoner, June 21. 1905. Robert LeRov married Pansy Agnes Hart, April 10. 1907. JAiMES HUGH LAUGHLIN. James H. went to California many years ago, and has ceased to conininnicate witli any of his family. -lit- HUGH LAUGHLIN. Hugh was the second son of Jolni and Deborah Laughlin. He was but a child when his parents came to Ohio. After his marriaofe he lived several years where Alex. Laughlin now resides. In the year 1834, with his wife and two small children, he moved to Logan county, Ohio. His farm had three acres of cleared land on it and a cabin house, ^vith a six-light ^viJldo^v \vith greased paper instead of glass. It was winter time and sno^v on the ground, and they traveled the whole distance in a big sled. But Un- cle Hugh ijlanned better than he knew, for [ -'7 1 to-day instead of the scenes of 1834, there may he seen the thiest of houses and )iarns and herds of cattle and niiU's of tnrninke everywhere throniihont that fertile C(^uiitry. Tliere was a streak of fun and pleasantry runninu throni^h all his life. When a l)oy he was sure to make the most of AH hal" lowe'en. On cnie occasion he went to a neighbor's house, and threw several heads of cabbage down the chimney, and as he started to run away, he heard some one in- side say, "That's Hugh Laughlin." Know- ing that he ^vas suspected, he concluded to face the music, and turned and entered the house, and to his consternation discovered that the eight-gallon kettle of i)umpkin but- ter hanging on the crane, was badly mixed up with soot and cabbage. He decided then and there that thereafter he wovdd in- vestigate what was on the crane before throwing his cabbage. His wife, Maria Clark Laughlin, daughter of Kev. Clark, was a noble woman, modest and unassum- ing, kind and gentle, and it was sad that she was taken away so early. Hugh Ivaughlin married Maria Clark. .She was born October 24, 1807. Died Octo- ber 23, 1857. Caroline Wilson, born Februarv 7, 1833. Died March 28, 1897. [ 28 ] Thomas Clark, Auoust 13, 183i. Dieil April 12, 1902. Deborah, March 31, 1837. John, Septeni1)er 1), 1839. Died Febru- ary 13, 1841. Deniaris, August 10, 1842. Alvan P., December 30, 1844. Martha, August 30, 1847. Died Mav 29, isni. CAROLINE WILSOxN LAUGHUN. Caroline, the oldest of Hugh Laughliu's family, after her marriage resided on the farm near Belle Centre, Ohio, and there si)ent her life with her estimable family and her husl)and who survive her. Caroline \V., married A. J. Wallace, Oc- tolier 18, 1855. Cornelia Ann, born December 27, 1859. Arie Edna, April 22, 18(;2. William, December 30, 1SB5. Elizabeth 1)., Decemlier 4, 1867. Alniina T., October 31, 1873. Cornelia Ann married Chas. A. Porter, March 27, 1883. Ivan C, born Januarv 30, 1886. Mary Helen, September 11, 1888. Mabel, December 7, 1890. [ 2i» ] Aril" Rdna niarrii'd I'21nier Elswortli Olii- nour, (3ctober .">, ISSIi. Arie Bervl, born April 23, 188S. Dit-il May 7, 1889. Aiiiba Fldrence, Xoveiiiber 23, 1890. James Koscoe, April ?), 189:5. John vSfott, September 21, 189."). Sterliny Wallace, Aimust31, 191)2. William Wallace married >larv llanna, December, 23, 1890. l^lizabetli 1)., married Josei)h b^winj.;-, March 2, 1892. luza Edna, born December 28, 1893. Died December 28, 1893. William Wallace, September 7, I89i. Cladys Caroline, March 10, 1897. Almina T. married Thomas A. Mansfield, Deceml)er 25, 1894. Harrv, born December 6, 189.1. THOMAS CLARK LAUGHLIN. Thomas Clark, eldest son of Hul)t'rt riraliani, amiary 1> 1891. Kobert Clark, hdrii January 3, 1893. Mak'oiiili Tlieodore, Xoveiiiher 13, 1901?. June E. niarrii'd Ivarle Kamst-v, Deceiii- Ix-r 5, 1894 Meade Heurv, Ixiru Septcinhcr, 3, 1898. Frances Gertrude, February 1, 1901. K'liua H. married Henry Mack, October in, 1901. Carl Lauiiblin, born September 23, 1903. Eugene Henry, February 0, 1907. Edna Gertrude married Carl Joerrison, March (5, 1898. Marion Coe married Janu ary H, 1»07. DEBORAH LAUGHLIN. Deborah, second dauiiliter of Htijib Laughlin, after lier marriage moved with lier husband to Prairie Home, Ilk, where they located on their farm, and remained for several \ears. Thev sold their farm [32] and returned to Logan county, and bout^lit near Kidge^vay, wliere the\' now reside. Deborah married Daniel Terrill, Septeni- lier 23, 1808. Maryaret D., Ix.rn July 4, 18(39. Kohert Howard, 1871. Hugh Guy, August 5, 1872. Luella W., September 23, 1873. Died April 25, 1899. Robert Howard married Lucetta L. Staadt, September 8, 1897. Lowell Staadt, bcn-ii January 15, 1899. Lucetta FerriU died April 27, 1899 Robert Howard married second wife, Jan- uary 31, 1906. Floretta Elizabeth, born January 19, 1907. Luella married Charles Rogers, August 3, 1898. Charles Rogers died May 29, 1S99. Guy married Kmma Penn. Charles Penn, born Decemlier 24, 1899. Ralph L., November 21, 1901. Rebecca Irene, December 6, 1903 Daniel Ross, November 7, 190,5. DEMARIS LAUGH rJX. I )(_'m;\ris. third (lauLilitrr (>l lliiuli L:hil;)i- liii. ;itt(T UKirrin^i' si'ttK'ian cnuiit \ , ()lii. Lant-a, September 1^, 18S0. Maria Mc("rear\. lannarv I. 1SS4. ALVAX P. LAUGH LI X. Al. lias resided intieli nt liis life mi the paternal larin, and in addition to iii'iieral farniiiiii', has ln'tn a huxir and sliipper of produce, wool and stock, espeeiallx' cattle. He is a iioocl judu(' "' n steer, and indeed when he is about, there is not much use for scales. He lias retired from the farm, and his son has taken his place, but be carries the palm as indL;e of a fine steer. .\Ivan 1'. married Lncind.a IIowcll. Octo- lu-r 1, lf^72. [34] Bcriiifc Hlauche, b(ini Aiijj;i:st 18, 1874. Kosa Dell, |an. 21, 1S7(!. 1 )ic(l Auoiist 27. VMS Orris Beatrice, June -i, 1877. Ross Earle, December S, 1S7S. Hernice H. married K. J. Porter, Febru- ary 14, 1900. Orris B. ninrried >I. M. Hanson, June 10, 1906. Alvan i:veiistead, born Ma\- 21, 1907. Ross Vy. married Rena Ail-. Aii\body sick, send for Aunt Polly Clark, and far and near she almost filled the place of the physician. Alvan Clark, her hus- liand, Avhen a young man, was a Colonel of militia, and when the Civil War broke out, C :r. 1 he recniitnl ;i cniiipaiiv of infaiih-x C(i. D. ()()th O. \'. I. Ilr was a piihlir-spiritiMl man, and sdinculiat <>l a politiiian. 1I<' was an Ivhk-r in Ihc Prt'slnU'rian cluircli, and a lifL'-loufi' worker in the teniperanee can.se. He was fciiid of music, and on occa- sion would take the floor at the old-time sinoinii' school. He died Auunst 10, 18 ' I?, married Alvan Clark, Septem- her21, 1834. John Laujihlin, liorn October 10, 183."). Mary Kllen, 1837. Died Hepteml)er 21, 1879. Marijaret Ann, February 2, 1839. Robert Scmple, January 10, 1841. Frances Deborah, November 9, 184."). Died Xovemlier 16, 1853. Elizabeth, January 18, 1848. Died No- vember 25, 1853. JOHN LAUGHLIN CLARK. John L. received his education at the Miller Academy, \Vashini>ton, Ohio. He enlisted in the army and served during- the war in the Arin\- of the Potomac. He liveil on his farm at Helle Centre, Ohio, for sev- eral vears, then sold out and l)ouL;ht auain [ -so ] near Kenton, Ohio. He has just finished his second term as postnitister at Kenton, whicli fact intimates that he is somewhat of a politician and stands in with the powers tliat he. Jolin is an Elder in the Preshyte- rian church, has a fine farm near Kenton, lint lives in the cit>'. He, with his gootl wife, Jane, are now ready to otow old irrace- fuUy. John L. Clark married Kli/.a Jane Riche\', Jannary lii, 1867. William Boyd, horn April 8, 18tiU. Alvan Lester, Septemher 12, 1872. Walter Herbert, November 20, 1874. James Pearl, May 12, 187fi. Mary Jane, September 12, ISTll. Died Ano-ust IS, 1898. William 15. married Oliia Fleminy, March S, 1898. Kitner Harrow, born May 8, 1!)()(). Jerome H. Walter H. married Anna I lanna, Janiiar\ 10, 1900. James Pearl married Nell Harroil, 19l).>. [:57] MARCAKBT ANN CLARK. Maruart't Ami aftt-r licr niarriauc li\i(l a iiuinher of > ears in Fifllc Ct'iitrt.-, ami tli.-ii removed to Kansas City, Missouri, and la- ter to Dedralf, Kansas, wlu're with her hushand, A. C. Kamse>' and their comi)e- tent famil\ , tliey are eomhu'tiny one of the finest cattle ranches in the I'nited States, just ask AI. K'anisev how he manayi's 1.1, (K)() cattle on his farm, and he will tell yon just how it is done. Margaret .\nn m:n-rieil Albert Cnnninti- hani Kanisex . ?Iary Adelaide, horn jnl> •_'(!, 1S(;;5. Marij^iiret B., Januar> 2S, 18(i(). Henry Clark, Fel)ruary 19, lS(iS. George Alhert, April 20, ISTd. Gustavus LeRoy, December 2'-', IS72. William Guy, April 12, IST.'). Rohert Harvey, November 18, 1881. >lar\ A. married Howard Steele I'atriik, September 2, 1885. Augustus Ramsey, born ()ct. Ki, 1SS7. Charles All)ert, October 14, ISMO. Margaret 15. married Joseph ICdmuiid Chastian, .\oveml>er lil, ISitO. [38] Edmund Ramsey, born May 21, 1892. Margaret, January 31, 1896. Died April 15, 189(>. Helen Adelaide, Mav 28, 1897. Marian Jewell, July 24, 1904. Henry C. married Mary Hlubuczek, No- vember 27, 1898. George Albert married Martlia Ma\ ( iil- lespie, May 24, 1893. Howard Gillespie, born Sept. 1, 1894. Ralpli Albert, lulv2(!, 1904. George William, October 27, 1906. Gustavus LeKoy married Alice Maud Coggshall, April 6, 1903. William Guy married Mildred Hale, Oe- tober 6, 1897. Helen (Hadys, born Sei)tember 5, 1902. Robert Harvey married Mary \'irgiiiia flolderman, December 24, 1906. ROBERT SEMPLE CLARK. Robert vS. Clark, yoiuigest son of Alvan and Marj' Clark, served in tlie arm\- during the war. After his marriage he went to Iowa for a few years, and later [ ;«» ] located in ICUlorado, Kansas, whcrt- lit- has inaiK' liis honu' iij) io this tiiiu'. l*"' on Septem- ber 1-3, 1888. James McCreary dieorn Se|>t. 22, 18;?:). Died March 22, 1905. |ohn L;myhlin, |tine7,lS41. Dii^d Apr. 2f, 1S()2. Hiijih Alexander, .\pril Ki, 1844. lames Wilson, October I'J, 1850. l)i,d M:.v 27, 1.S77. [41 1 HUGH A. McCKICAk'V Hiiifli A. >IrC"rc;iry, the mily one living of the familv of Mari>"ai-ct ami James >Ic- Crear>', is a retired farmer, hut he still owns the <;reater ]>art of historie Mud Kun. Me is a hustler for almost aiixtliinii' that is in siiiht, and i>enerally yets it, too. He re- sides near Hyesville, Guernsey county. Huu'h .\. married >Iarth;i McKelvey, l)e- cemher 20, INTO. John Lanj^hlin, horn April 8, 1S7'_'. Mary Reheeca, April 4, 1874. koht. McKelvey. .\pril 21, 187H. James Ihxlye, .Septeniher .1, 1878. Hugh ,\. married Sarah \L McConiull, Septemher 2;{, 1884. Ethel Mae, l)orn August 27, 188.'). Walter Haven, May 18, 1888. Thomas Wilson, June 2!», ISIIO. Dwi-ht, July 81, 1892. John L. McCrear\ married \A/./Av K'i^l>\-, l)ecend)er 25, 1!)()2. Hugh Ki-hy, horn l)eeend)iM- 17, 1!I04. Win. Loomis, .^lareh !), li)()(i. [-12] Robert M. married Kate Crawford, Octo- ber 14, 1903. Paul Crawford, born Au.t;ust 28, 1905. James Hodge married Mabel Frame, De- cember 28, 1905. Jobii L. McCreary, Sr. , enlisted in Co. B 1st O. V. C. in 1861. He was drowned in a tributary of tbe Tennessee river, near CHf- ton, Tenn., April 24, 1862, aged 21 years. He w-as placeil in a Ijox i)rev)ared by his comrades, and in his solcber clothes, was laid to rest, on a beautiful knoll near the banks of the Tennessee river. THOMAS WILSON LAUGHLIN. Thomas \V. was lame from liis birth, his left hip joint having- been dislocated. He was a farmer of the old school, but tried to advance with the times, and in later years his farm showed care and ability in its management. He eagerly read the news of the day, always drawing his own conclu- sions. He was particularly interested in theological discussions, and was well post- ed in Presbyterian doctrine atid polity. He was elected ICUler at the a.^e of '_':> years, and served as sueli lor lU \ears, a U-nyth ol time tiiuMitialed by any of whom we have an.\ knowleilii'e. He was Iwiee a (lelete to thi> General Assenibl>. He lived to he the oldest of his famil\-, beiny; nearl.v SS years of aye. His wife, Jane R. Langhlin, was an estimable woman, modest and of an even temper, rarely showinji that she was irritated or vexed. She was very religiovis, but witlKHit eant or ostentation. They cel- ebrated their Cohlen Weddino-, May 5, 1886. Thomas Wilson Lauyhliii married Jane Thom|)siin Robe, May "), 11SI{(). Iiihii Wilson, liorn March 1.1, 1S:57. Sarah |aiie, )nlv 10, 18:38. Deborah, April 17, 1840. losiah, February o, 1842. Alexander ('.., May B, 1844. Maria, February '22, 1841!. r)iepe of a wife and mother. Charity, gen- [ -IB ] tleness, patience, cheerfulness and piety, are fruits that have heen abundantly borne upon the tree of her life. She resides witli her husband, \V. N. Cowden, near (juaker City, Ohio, in the old Cowden home. Newell has been much in public life. He i.s a jfrower of fine-wooled sheep, and for many years has been Secretary of the Ohio Wool Growers' Association. He was an ex- pert judge on sheep and wool at the World's Exposition at St. Louis. He was for a lony time a member of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, and for several years its Pres- ident. He has also been employed by the State Board as lecturer at Farmers' Insti- tvites. He is an Elder in the U. P. Church, and was a delegate this year to the Gener- al Assembly at Denver. Deborah married Wm. Newell Cowden, September 11, 1866. David Laughlin, l)orn August 8, 1867. Wm. Kennon, September 17, 1869. Newell Wilson, March H, 1872. Jennie Marjorie, May 13, 18/4. Charlotte Maria, July lo, 1876 DW-d November '26, 1876. Marv Henrietta, August 31, 1877. Deborah LiUiati, March 18, 1880. Harris Stewart, March '29, 1883. [47] David Tv. married Cora Sponcer, Septem- ber 1,1891. Paul Spencer, born jannary !•, 1894. Kussell Lee, October 1, KS98. Wni. Newell, August 28, 1900. Died Fel)ruary 15, 1901. Harry Lansiblin, May 25, 1903. Mary Xora, July 28. iood William K. married Mamie G. Kiggle, October 29, 1895 Xellie X'irsiinia, born September 28, 1899. Died May 24, 1901. \Vm. Kennon, May 20, 1903. Jennie Marjorie married Tbomas Edward Henderson, September 19, 1900. Edna Deborali, born June K', 1903. Paul Gilbert, June 22, 1907. JOvSIAH LAUGHLIN. Josiab, (hiriuii liis earl>' youtb. was not ruiisied. He lived on tbe bome farm, as- sumiiij.!: the manahiry Hlack Laujiiilin, duriny all her married life, has devoted herself to the trainino- of her family and |>reparin, 1872. Laiu'a May, born January 31, 1872. Alexander (). married Lucreti.i '^'nung, November H, 1873. [ohn Clarke, born l)erembr Hi 1870. Frank Palmer, October Ki, 1879 Alexenia Winafred, June H, 18S5. Died August 2(i, 1880.^ Marv Alice, Deceml)er 7, 1889. Albert C, May 26, 1891. [ -w ] JOHN LAUGHLIN. John was the -sixth of the old I'aiiiilv. After his niarriajje he lived a few xears on a portion of the farm now owned by Daniel Thompson. He sold that and boiif>'lit near Byesville, (niernsey connt.\', and there re- sided the greater part of his life. He then purchased from his brother Ale.x. the farm originally entered by his father, and there spent his old ay:e. He was ;i man of yood iudji'ment, positive in his opinions, \et con- siderate of the opinions of others. He was tall and stalwart, and fair complected, and in his old days a little bald. He was a staunch Presbyterian, and an I?lder dnrin^; most of his life. |ohn Lauyhlin married l-^dna C. (lillett. May 15, 1839. Kdna C. Laughlin died Dec. 2, 1880. Minerva C, born March 20, 1840 Died November 24, 1901. Maria Elizabeth, January 14, 1842. Kdlla, ] ^1">' '^'' ^^*^- ^^'^^l- Deborah Wilson, October 23, 1848. Died April 24, 1858. Sarah Cornelia, March 5, 1851. Chas. Clinton, February 22, 1861. r .-.1 ] MINERVA C. LAUGIILIN, Miiiuio iiKinicil Rev. S. 11. Wallace, a Presbyterian minister, and fir.st located at Centreville, Ohio, and remained there ahnnt eighteen ye;irs, thence went to I >arnesville for six years, then to vShari)s- ville. Fa. They located at Wooster, Ohio, for a number of years, to educate their fam- ily at the University'. The>' then pui- chased the New Ey>'i)t Female Semi- nary at New Eyypt, N. J., and remained there several years, durinril (i, 1901. Cliaiit's Milton iiKiiricil Cnni lvliz;il)ctli Clu'wratit, Xovi'iiihiT 7, 11)00. Mary Elizabeth, horn Oetoher .">, I!)()l. jaiiies Morillo inarriril liia Kol)erts, b\'l)- niary, 1!)()2. John William, horn (Jctoher 1, l!»o:i. Jns. Morillo, April, UMMi. Dieil Anyiist 17, IIKH'). Edna (iraco, May 21, l!»07. Minnie Laura married Allen Jost'ph I )e Lay, June 2.'), 1902. Joseph Todd, horn April (!, 1!)04. Died July 12, 1904. Kulh Allene, Xovemher 18, 190(). CHAS. CLINTON LAUGHLIN. Charles C. after niarriaye remaineil with and cared for his father on the home farm, this beinf4' the farm oriyinally entered !>>■ his grandfather, John Laughlin. He sold this farm and moved to Topeka, Kansas, for a short time, anil then returned to (hienisey county, Ohio, and located near C'and)ridi;e, where he now resides. C .-.4 1 Charles C. married I-^ldni Aiuler-soii, Ma\ 16, 1889. Ralph Anderson, born October 2f), 1890. DEBORAH LAUGHLIN. Deborah was the seventh of the old fam- ily. vShe, with her hnsband, Win. Thonii)- son, resided on their Leather\vood farm for a number of years. Then they purchased the McClurg- farm, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Aunt Debby was a genial, kitid-hearted woman. She at- tended strictly to her own affairs, and as- sisted materially in their success in life. She lived to a good old age, and was the only one of the family who died suddenly and without sickness or i>remonition of the coming end. William Tlunnpson was a man of ver\- correct habits, exemplary in all his deal- ings. He was eminently pious, and an ardent church man. He was large and stal- wart, and was called away right in the strength and vigor of his manhood. He died March 8, 1874. Deborah Laughlin married Wm. Thomp- son. November 18, 1842. [ r.n ] Mary I )o1)(irali, born ycptciiiber '2.\), 1843. Died November 7, 1849. Klizabetb Clark, Marcb 24, IS"). Died Aviyust 25), bs.'Xi. Margaret Aim, June 2.", 1845. John Alexander, April 7, 1849. JOHN ALEX. TIIOiMI'SON. John Alex, has ahvaxs resided under tlu' Ijateriial roof. . Since the death of his fath- er and mother, he has owned the home farm, and is one who has made farminjj, |)a>-. His farm is in the coal belt, antl now his greatest trouble appears to be to ^et places enough to put his mone>'. His ad- dress is Lore Cit.\-, Ohio. John A. married Mary 'Todd, November 27, 1877. \Vm. Alexander, born Sept. 11, 1878. J(^hn Hlmer, July 20, 1881. James Clarence, October 2<), 188:1 I'rancis Stewart, Februar>- 14, 1887. b:dwin Hriee, Octol>er 24, IS90. John I£lmer married Lulu I'rances Wood- burn, .\u-nst ir>, 1906. [ nn ] MARGARET ANN THOMPSON. Marjiaret A. received lier edtieation at Steubenville Female Seminary, iirailuat- injj therefrom, .\fter marriage to Kev. J. S. McMuiin, they resided in Carroll couutx', Ohio, for a immher of years. The\- also spent s(iungest of the old family. He received his education at Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio. He resided on the home farm, and cared \-u] f(ir his father and mother in their old age. He was twice married. In 1801 he recruited a cavalry company, and went into the service as a Captain of Co. B. 1st O. \'. C, and served abovit one year and one-half in the Army of the Cumberland. As a cavalry officer he was capable and l)rave, and won promotions, he being" a lieutenant colonel when he resigned and came home to be with his family. He sold his farm and re- moved to Shelby county, Illinois. He was a successful Illinois farmer. He represent- ed his district in the Illinois Legislature. They celebrated their Golden Wedding a few years ago. His widoAv, Aunt Hettie, sur\-ives, and is spending a beautiful old age in Shelbyville, 111. James married Martha Ann Clark. She died in 1846. Cornelia Elizabeth, born August 27, 1844. Died February 23, 1894. Mary Louisa, December 18, 1845. CORNELIA E. LAUGHLIN. Cornelia, soon after her marriage to Maj. Wm.McBurney, removed to Prairie Home, 111. There they purchased a farm and lived iluring the reinainder of her life. Cornelia [ 58 ] was a s) ] Mary L. married Ezekiel Braden, De- cember 8, 1880. Geo. Ezekiel, born February 1«{, 1872. Minnie Alice, February 9, 1874. Chas. Lautiblin, vSc'i>teinber 7, 1875. Died March 15, 1897. George E. married Ethel Noon, March I^t 1897. Chas. E., born March B, 1898. Lloyd J., June 23, 1900. Henry Horace, September 8, 1902. Ralph Edwin, January 31, 1905. Minnie A. married Hiram Pogue, Febru- ary 27, 1895. Mabel lycona, born February 25, 1896. Roy Alphonso, May 31, 1899. James Laughlin married Henrietta Mur- phy, Decem]>er 2, 1847. Palmer Piers, born March 29, 1849. Alice Margaretta, March 8, 18.52. Thomas, January 24, 1854. Died Feb- ruary, 18G1. Harry, August 19, 1856. Annie, August 17, 18,58. Died March, 1861. Henrietta, January 29, 1861. Clara Jane, March 15, 1864. [60] PALMER PIERS LAUGHLIN. Palmer was very gfood looking when a lit- tle boy, but for his appearance as a man you must judge for jourselves and form >'our own opinion of your presiding officer. Since his avoirdupois and farming were not compatible, he conciuikHl to be a real estate dealer, and if all reports are true, he is making money a-plenty. Palmer P. married Amanda Thompson, Novemljer 3, 1875. Lulu Lillian, born November 30, 1876. Henrietta Mabel, July 21, 1878. ' Martha Elizabeth, November 26, 1879. Mary Alice, February 14, 1881. Cornelia, May 29, 1883. Died August 3, 1883. Leland, July 22, 1893. Died January 1, 1894 Harry Thonii)son, October 7, 1887. Palmer Piers, Jr., May 27, 1898. Died May 6, 1900. Mary Alice married Joseph H. Miller, Oc- tober 24, 1905. Henrietta Mabel married Chas. Matthews, June 20, 1907. ['il ] ALICE M. LAUGHLIN. Alice married Mr. Millikeii, and after a time \veiit to Missouri, but not beiui"' satis- tied, returned to Prairie Home, and later went to Crowley, La., and they are there now engaged in raising rice by the thous- ands of bushels. They regard those \vho deal out rice in one and two pound pack- ages as doing a very small liusiness. Alice M. married Samuel Thompson Mil- liken, November 21, 1S78. Henrietta Laughlin, born Sept. 28, 1879, Died January Ifi, 1905. Mary May, December 26, ISSO. Died November 5, 1906. Bessie Alice, December 6, 1882. James Samuel, March 23, 188-1. Jessie Maria, February 5, 1889. Thomas Henderson, } . ., oo lom ■n \ ^ r^ \ i" April ■^o, loai. Robert Goheen, \ i HENRY LAUGHLIN. Harry went to Nebraska and married there, and his family at least has grown up with the country. He resides in the same county as does \V. J. Bryan, but whether [62] he and Wm. J. are of the same politics, de- ponent sayeth not. His address is Firth, Nebraska. Henry married lona Lottie Wagjjoner. Edna Mildred, born January 18, 1884. Chas. Henrv, September 22, 1SS6. Frank Edward, born Sept. 10, 1888. Raymond, January 9, 1890. Clara Koena, August 16, 1893. Bertha Mav. Mav 6, 1896. Marv Alice, February 26, 1898. Hilda Pauline, April 20, 1900. Ethvlen Estelle. March 10, 1904. HENRIETTA LAUGHLIN. Etta soon after her marriage to Mr. Gray- bill, located in Shelbyville, 111. Mr. Gray- bill edited a county paper, and they re- mained there until within a year or two ago, when they removed to Arkansas, that he might be in closer touch with his busi- ness, he being a dealer in real estate in that part of the country. Henrietta married George Roland Gray- bill. Fave Laughlin, born Ai)ril 16, 1890. Clara Mav, Julv 25, 1892. Leo Carlisle, July 23, 1894. Henrietta Sarah, November 22, 1£96. George Roland, Jr., February 26, 19C6. CLARA JANE LAUGHLIN. Clara, the youns;est of her father's fatn* ily, and also the youngest of the third ijen- eratioii, remained at home duriny; her fath- er's lifetime, and now cares for her mother in their beautiful vShelhyville home. Clara is.yifted with a tine voice, and with her knowledge of music, she is a delight to her friends as well as to the congregation on the Sabbath day. Our ancestors were remarkable for their longevity. Our grandfather, John Laugh- lin, lived to be seventy-five years of age, and grandmother, Deborah Laughlin, eigh- ty-seven. The ages of the eight of the sec- ond generation average eighty-one years. They have all been well-to-do, and while there have not been many millionaires among them, there were none who were objects of charity. Almost every walk in life is represented. The first pair lived on the farm, and all of the second generation continued in the same occupation, and the third has furnished doctors, preachers- teachers, politicians, soldiers, etc. The vounger generations are inclined to engage [(54] largeh' in the learned professions, many being eminent for their scholarship. Among this latter class there are three for- eign missionaries: Dr. Paul Todd and Mar- tha Elizabeth Laughlin in China, and Etta Co-wden in India. Ours is a family noted for morality, tempt^rance and religion. There is not one in this large number Avho is an inebriate. In religion they are near- ly all Presbyterians. In politics all the parties are represented. The following i.s a numerical recapitulation of the entire familv: RECAPITULATION. (tenbrations.— 1st. 2ud. 3d. -1th. 5th. Direct Deseendants....2 8 54 183 145 Additional by .Alarriage 9 33 76 4 Total 2 17 87 259 149 Living 1 57 229 138 Deceased 2 16 32 30 11 6th. Tot'l 3 395 122 3 517 3 42S 91 1 1 r '4i\ UEBUKAH LAUGHLI.N. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 549 715 n r i