%> * O „ • o \P c/3 ; y\ llp? ; /\ :^. : /\ *« \V" Colonel John W. Kimball. THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT (P MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. COMPRISING ALSO A HISTORY OF The Siege of Port Hudson. BY HENRY A. ' WILLIS. FITCHBURG: PRESS OF BLANCHARD & BROWN. 1889. TO HIS COMRADES LIVING AND DEAD ; WHOSE LOYALTY HE HAS KNOWN, WHOSE COURAGE HE HAS WITNESSED, AND WHOSE SUFFERINGS AND DANGERS HE HAS SHARED, THIS VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. SEPT. 2, 1889. PREFACE. The work of writing the history of a regiment in the United States service a quarter of a century after the events in which it participated, would seem not easy ; but it sometimes happens that distance of time, as well as distance of space, will give us a clearer perception of objects we would examine, or events we would describe. The writer has been led into this work to endeavor to gratify the wishes often expressed by many members of the regiment, that its experiences might be gathered and put in tangible form for reference, and also in accordance with a vote passed at the "reunion of 1887 " requesting him to undertake it. His position as adjutant of the regiment naturally brought upon him the duty of keeping some account of its daily movements from beginning to end, and as it happens that for a large portion of the time he kept a private journal of all events of note, he had considerable data to build upon ; and the official records of the regiment at the State House, the private diaries of some members of the regi- ment, and the newspapers of the time have been at his service. It cannot be expected that a record of the operations of so small a portion of the great body of loyal men which subdued the gigantic rebellion of 1861-1865 w ^ have great interest for the general reader, although its daily life, its inarches, battles, sufferings, trials and triumphs constitute indeed an epitome of O PREFACE. the experience of that great army through all those years of civil war. This book is written for the members of the regiment and those interested in them, and it is not presumed that it will have much circulation beyond. It has been the endeavor of the writer to give a complete history of its ten months' service; commencing with the recruit- ment of it and following it through all its varied experiences, in camp and held, on sea and land, until its final muster out. It has also been his aim to make the roll of members of the regi- ment as correct as possible ; and to this end the lists of all the companies have been copied from the Massachusetts Record of Volunteers and sent out to officers and members of the different companies for examination, resulting in the correction of many errors ; and it is believed the record is now very nearly correct. The sincere thanks of the writer are here tendered to all who have in any manner aided in this work, and especially to Chap- lain Whittemore for the use of his records, to Colonel Kimball for valuable suggestions and assistance, and to comrades Richard Tucker and T. A. Hills for efficient aid. The work, imperfect though it may be, is submitted by the author with the hope that the comrades will find as much satis- faction in reading its pages, as the retrospection has brought to him. H . a. w. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Call for Nine Months Troops — Filling of Quotas — Formation of the Regiment— Camp Stevens— Colonel Kimball's Arrival— Field and Staff Officers — Life in Camp — Incidents — Correspondence — Departure for New York. .... Pages 9-27 CHAPTER II. Arrival in New York — Camp at Long Island — Franklin Street Bar- racks — Life in the City — Sickness — Escort and Other Duty — Entertainments — Embarkation of the Regiment — Debarkation and Return to the Barracks — Interesting Incidents, Correspondence, etc. — Final Departure for the South. - - Pages 2S-4."> CHAPTER III. Sailing of the Continental — Journal of the. Voyage — Storm — Death and Burial at Sea — Arrival and Stop at Key West — Ar- rival at New Orleans — Debarkation at Carrollton — Camp Mans- field. ..------ Pages 4(i-58 CHAPTER IV. Camp Life at Carrollton — Orders — Sketches <>f Officers — Sickness- Hospitals — Quelling a Mutiny — Orders for a Move. Panes 59-66 CHAPTER V. Departure for Baton Rouge — Magnolia Grove — Reconnoissance — An Onward Move of the Army towards Port Hudson — The Passage of the Fleet— Return to Baton Rouge — Departure for Algiers — Advance into the Enemy's Country. ... Pages (57-7G CHAPTER VI. Battle of Four Bisland— March through the Teche Country— New Iberia, Vermilionville — Incidents — Opelousas — Congratulatory Orders— Official Reports— Death and Burial. - Pages 77-98 O CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Gathering of Cotton and Negroes — On the March Again — Death of Captain Dwight— Incidents Along the Route— Arrival at Alexan- dria — Departure for Simsport — Election of Officers. Pages 99-115 CHAPTER VIII. March to Port Hudson — General Johnston's Letter — The Siege Commenced — Disposition of the Forces — General Assault. May 27th — Disastrous Cross Firing in the Night — The Expedition to Clinton — Demand for Surrender — Another Assault Or- dered. -------- Pages llli-m CHAPTER IX. The Defenses of Port Hudson — The Assault of June 14th— Comments Upon the Same — The Day. After the Battle — Dead and Wounded — The " Forlorn Hope." - Pages 135-149 CHAPTER X. News from Vicksburg — Surrender of Port Hudson— Official Corre- spondence—Final Ceremonies— Colonel Kimball's Official Report — Incidents of the Siege— Biographical Notices. Pages 150-171 CHAPTER XI. Comments upon the Siege— Official Records of Vicksburg and Port Hudson Campaigns — Correspondence of Generals Grant and Banks — Donaldsonville — A Night Attack and a Gallant De- fense — Operations of Companies B and K — Orders for the Jour- ney Home. - - - - - - - Pages 172-1<>3 CHAPTER XII. Preparations for the Homevyard Journey— Embarkation on the Me- teor — Voyage to Cairo— Incidents en Route -Arrival in Fitch- burg and Grand Reception— Muster Out. - Pages 11H-21 1 Appendix ....... Pages 213-215 Roster of the Regiment ..... Pages 217-247 CHAPTER I. Call fob Nine Months Troops — Filling of Quotas — Formation <>y the Regiment— Camp Stevens— Colonel Kimball's Arrival —Field and Staff Officers — Life in* Camp — Incidents — Correspondence — Departure for New York. In the summer of 1862, after the disastrous campaign of McClellan on the Peninsula, the immediate need of more troops being very urgent. President Lincoln issued a call for 300,000 men to serve for a period of nine months, and as a portion of the Massachusetts quota the Fifty-third Massachusetts Regiment came into existence. This call was in addition to the call for 300,000 troops to serve for three years, and was accompanied with an order for a draft, to take place August 15th, if the quota of the state was not made up before that time. A draft was distasteful to our people, it being hoped by them that all demands made by the government would be filled by volunteering, and although this was done under this call, it is a matter of history that during the next year a draft took place in Massachusetts, as well as many of the other states. The following is an extract from the order of Governor Andrew in relation to the rais- ing of troops : [ EXTRAC I . ] It is of the first importance that the men be raised as soon as possible, and the mayors of cities and selectmen of towns are urgently requested to exercise their official and personal influ- ence to furnish the quotas, and to enlist the active co-operation IO THK FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT of all the patriotic men in the cities and towns in aid of the same. Let meetings be held in every city and town and measures be adopted to renew interest in the great cause. The government demands new regiments, and our brave men who have so nobly upheld the honor of Massachusetts, call loudly from the battle fields of the South to their brethren at home, to come forward at once and fill their decimated ranks, and take the places of the brave men who have fallen and suffered in the cause of the Union and of American Constitu- tional Liberty. By order of John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. Wm, Schouler, Adjutant-General. When once the quota of the various states and towns had been ascertained organized efforts were put forth to secure volunteers to the required number. Most of the towns voted bounties to the soldiers. The amounts varied in the different towns but generally the amount paid was one hundred dollars each ; but in some cases two hundred dollars per man was paid. The next legis- lature passed an act refunding to the various cities and towns one hundred dollars for each volunteer furnished. While it could not be considered that this pittance of money would have itself induced men to take their lives in their hands and go to the battle field, yet it made it easier for men to leave their families with the feeling that in some measure their temporal wants were provided for. Men who enlisted for the bounty merely were not soldiers : they were called "bounty jumpers*' in those days. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. II We had a few such recruited in Boston to till up Company C, but most of them disappeared before the regiment left its first camping ground. "War meetings" were held in most of the towns, and the enthusiasm of 1861 seemed in a great measure to have returned. In some of the towns business was practically suspended for a day or two, and the attention of all was turned to securing the necessary recruits. The meetings were addressed by prominent citizens, and the result in many communities was that the numbers offering exceeded considerably the demands made. Here is a specimen of the spirit of the times : At a meeting to procure recruits a father and son came forward to sign. The senior said: '"Mr. Chairman and fellow-citizens, I am but an humble individual, but my life is as sweet to me as is yours to you. I take it in my hands. I go to fight for the "stars and stripes'; I love them. I have an only son; he, too, will go. We will tight side by side. If we fall, be assured we fall like men. Will others do likewise?" To their credit be it said that many young men were ready to do so. Many youths of seventeen or eighteen years eagerly enrolled themselves, and the patriotic utterances of some of them are inspiring to-day. Said young Farwell of Company A, when they attempted to dissuade him, "Some must defend the country, and I feel it my duty to go.*' Young Kendall of the same company when remonstrated with against enlisting on account of his extreme youth, said, "Mother, if the men will not go to the war the boys must." 12 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Both of them lost their lives in the service. Occasionally one had the rashness to venture the opinion in the spirit of a braggart that he believed "a living dog better than a dead lion," and he would stay at home. — a sentiment which found no favor with the new recruits, — and similar talk brought from one of them the following published letter : Fitchburg, August 27. 1862. Much has been done in this town to encourage and procure enlistments. Meetings are held and speeches made by many of our noble and generous hearted citizens. But at those meetings 1 have anxiously waited for a volunteer to speak, some one who can say come instead of go, for I sincerely believe one word from the former is worth a dozen spoken by the latter. It may not be so in my feeble efforts, but with your permission Mr. Editor, I would say a few words to the stay-at-homes, — lookers-on, — " not- called-upon-yet " part of our able-bodied citizens. ( )h ! that I could rind words by which to approach the hearts of such, who, from "private reasons" refuse their names and their assistance from this great work, valuing more highly their own ease and comfort, than the sacred and priceless privileges of a free people which are in imminent danger daily of being over- thrown. True, 'tis hard, sad indeed to leave the dear ones at home, parents, brothers, sisters, wives, children, friends, all, to say nothing of one's business ; but let no man feel the responsibility and duty removed from his own shoulders, saving to himself. " I cannot leave so well as such a man can." " Let those go who want to go," etc. Who would go if all felt thus? Have we not all a sacrifice to make, and is any one free from the obligation who enjoys the civil rights of the land? One waits for another, saying to himself if such and such a one stay at home I can as well. Ah ! just here is the trouble. My friends, do your duty, be just to yourself, and ten chances to one your neighbor will go MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 13 and do likewise — perhaps he already is waiting for you. How often has this been proved the present week in our midst ? Fitchburg has done nobly. More than is nominally required of her. But does duty stop here ? Our country is not safe yet. Now is the time to strike. Let us rill our two companies here. But there are some among us who have reason to blush, yes hide, that they have no more true patriotism and courage in their veins. Most truly the volunteers are ashamed of them. If anything hinders recruiting and discourages the soldier, it is the cold cheek of a stay-at-home friend. For instance, in our streets the other clay one of our volun- teers said "come" to an old friend and schoolmate, who replied, "Pooh! I can't go to war. I'd be a pretty fellow to spend twelve or fourteen hundred dollars to go to college, and then go to war and get shot — if I was going I'd not go as a private." Now what will our schools and colleges be worth if treason succeeds? Is not the graduate of such under greater obligations, if possible, to defend and maintain the same, and all that in our country is dear, than the laboring man ? Can he stoop to be a slave with all his increased means of usefulness? Does going to college simply unfit or elevate a man above wearing a blue shirt or remove his duty of shouldering a musket when his country calls? Certainly he need not discourage others from going. But such men are few among us. Look among our ranks and see the opposite example. By my side is^one who has spent all his time and means thus far in life for an education — a graduate too. In our brother company we see one who visits among the sick — privates, too, they are. All honor to such men. Had we more privates and fewer officers in this war we should have one less difficulty to contend with. The stanchions at the public crib are too near already ; men jostle against each other in their eagerness, while the braying is still heard from all directions. For one, I glory in being a private, — there is true honor in the name. And now, comrades in arms, a few words to you. Why have two hundred of us. nearly, from our quiet town, changed in one 14 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT short week our peaceful occupation for the musket? Is it to better our condition? Is it that we have no sacrifice to make? No, far, far from it. 'Tis because we love our homes all the more : and the greater the sacrifice the dearer the object. Noth- ing is more repugnant to our feelings than war with all its horrors, "lis not our choice, as some would have it, but a firm conviction of duty before both God and man that brings us here. Sacrifices we have made that only each heart knows. And shall we ever regret this step? Never, no, never. We are not all "to get shot " — most if not all of us will return. And as we march through the streets of Fitchburg to the rescue of our brothers already in the field, and see here and there an acquaintance whom we think might go as well as we, but whose faint heart " impels " to stay at home, not one of us would change places with such a man. Already we feel the consciousness of duty clone, and with firm hearts, and trust in Him in whose hand are all our ways, will press on through thick and thin wherever duty calls, till all who dare assail the glorious banner be laid low, and truth and right 'shall reign throughout the land. Then we will return to our homes in peace, ever through life to rejoice in the thought that I was A Volunteer. Death or an honorable life seemed indeed to be the sentiment dominating many hearts. It was natural that the men enlisting from any par- ticular locality should wish to be associated together, and authority was obtained, and companies were raised from the towns of northern Worcester and Middlesex counties as follows : Two companies were mainly from Fitchburg, one from Leominster, one from Ashby, Townsend and Shirley, one from Gardner and Templeton, one from Winchendon and Hubbardston, one from Ashburnham, Lancaster and MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 5 Clinton, one from Sterling and Princeton, one from Barre and Petersham, one from Athol, Royalston and New Salem. These companies were nearly all filled by Sept. ist. ' They rendezvoused at "Camp Stevens," Groton Junction, about Oct. i st, and were mostly mustered into the United States service on the 17th of October, 1862. "Camp Stevens" was named in memory of Major- General Isaac I. Stevens, who had just lost his life while gallantly leading a charge at the battle of Chantilly, Sept. ist, 1862. He was born at Andover, Mass., in 1818, was a graduate of West Point in 1839 at tne nea( * of nis class. He served in the Mexican war and was bre vetted captain for crallant and meritorious service at Contreras, Cheru- busco and Chapultepec, and again brevetted major for bravery displayed at the storming of the San Cosme Gate. He resigned from the army in 1853 ; was appointed governor of Washington Territory by President Pierce, and represented that territory in congress from 1857 to 1861. At the outbreak of the civil war he at once tendered his services and was made colonel of the Seventy-ninth New York Regiment (Highlanders), and before his death had been promoted to brigadier and major-general. He had distinguished himself in several engagements previous to the one in which he fell. The material composing this regiment was rather above the average of such bodies. The whole number of officers and men was 950 ; the oldest 52 years, youngest l6 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT 15 years : average age ot" the regiment 26 7-10 years. There were 76 occupations represented : Farmers, 322 : mechanics, 144 : laborers, So : carpen- ters, 29: clerks, 27 : painters, 26: coopers, 12 : machinists. 21 ; shoemakers, 18; students. 15: merchants, 8 : millers, 1 1 : manufacturers, 10 ; moulders, 4 : paper makers, 7 : pedlars, 4: scythe makers, q: tailors, 4: turners, 10: weavers, 4 ; butchers, 4 ; teamsters, 17 : chair makers, 13 : blacksmiths. 12: physicians, 5; railroad men, 10; law- yers, 6 ; bank cashier, 1 ; bank clerks, 2 ; book-keepers, 4 : engineers, 4 : hostlers. 7 : masons, 5 ; printers, 7 ; comb makers, 6; apothecaries, 2 ; bakers, 2; cabinet makers, 3 : carriage makers, 2 ; carvers, 2 ; engravers, 3 ; grinders, 3 : harness makers, 3 ; piano makers, 2 ; polishers, 2 ; sailors, 2 : stone cutters, 2 : tanners, 2 : tinmen, 3 ; traders, 2 ; and one each of the following — artist, auctioneer, barber, brick maker, currier, caulker, clergyman, clicker, cook, gardener, grocer, jeweller, knitter, lumber dealer, marble worker, nailer, overseer, pattern maker, photogra- pher, rattan worker, reed maker, sawyer, sickle cutter, teacher, turnkey, waiter. Nativity: Americans, 870: foreign, 80, as follows — Ireland. 45: England, 10: Canada, 10: Germany, 6: Scotland. 4: Nova Scotia. 2 ; New Brunswick, 1 : France, 1 : Australia, 1. These companies had been raised under authority from the state of Massachusetts as militia companies — an ar- rangement which it will be seen hereafter caused us some embarrassment after getting into the field, although it MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 7 aided enlistments as the men could know who were to be their immediate comrades and were allowed to elect their own officers. The ten companies were designated as the Fifty-third Regiment, which was temporarily placed under command of Captain Wesley Sawyer of the Twenty-third Massa- chusetts Regiment, who had been wounded in one of the battles in North Carolina, and was now on detached service. For six weeks the regiment remained at this point, receiving rudimentary instruction in a soldier's duties and discipline, and preparing itself, as well as it might, for the experience which sooner or later must come to it. The regiment was very comfortably situated in their camp, and the following extracts from letters written by private soldiers of the regiment during the time will show the manner of life spent there : " The camp is high and dry, and in as healthy a location as camps will average. The ground is slightly rolling, with a sandy soil which, though rather dusty in dry weather, is never very muddy in wet weather, and soon becomes dry. The obstructions were far from being as numerous as represented and are all removed, and the surface has become smooth as a house floor. The barracks are well made, and as convenient and comfortable as could be desired. The fare is excellent — as good as any soldier could ask for. It consists of substantial diet, such as potatoes, meat, rice, etc., with coffee for breakfast and tea for supper, on which the boys are growing wonderfully fat and robust, even now boasting appetites such as they never have en- joyed. All the companies are now in camp, although not all full. The whole number in camp is about 850. l8 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT " Last Friday, Governor Andrew and council visited the camp, and reviewed the troops. The regimental line was formed at 2 o'clock, and the Gardner band played 'Hail to the Chief as he passed. Gardner may well be proud of her noble band. They sustained their former reputation on this occasion. " The ladies of Groton, bless their gentle souls, presented us with a beautiful Mag on Saturday. The presentation speech was made in their behalf by Captain Fay of Athol, and a noble, patriotic speech it was too. Captain Sawyer replied in a most happy manner, after which the flag was slowly raised, the crowd cheering as it ascended. Music by the Hopkins band, and the Groton musical club, who performed several patriotic airs in a splendid style." ******* " Henry Waters died very suddenly of pleurisy. He felt unwell the afternoon previous, and at 3 o'clock in the morning- was a corpse. This is the first death that has occurred in the regiment. " We are very happy to express our thanks for the generous remembrances in the shape of fruit from the Hon. Alvah Crocker and others. They were all gratefully received, and call back happy thoughts of home, and the dear ones left behind. Ah, yes we shall be remembered. We know ' they miss us at home." There are many vacant chairs, many firesides saddened by the departure of loved ones. Like the autumn leaves that are dropped from the trees, so the poor freemen are leaving their homes, and gathering on the field beneath the folds of the old flag. What, but the greatness of the cause, could call forth so many peace-loving men from their homes to risk life and limb on the bloody field ? Could love of money, or honor, or fame ? No, none of these, for what are all compared with life ? We love home and kindred and friends as well as any one, but when we remember that a great and mighty nation is struggling for ex- istence, that the glorious sun of freedom is just beginning to dawn on millions of down trodden people, that Christianity with all its benignant influences must either stand or fall — when we MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. IQ. remember all this we can throw everything else aside, and press on toward the consummation, be it life or death." "On Wednesday of last week Captain Sawyer took a squad of men from the camp and proceeded to Groton Junction for the purpose of destroying an Irish liquor shop. The party armed themselves with axes and picks, and upon reaching the house at once commenced the destruction of the liquor. About twenty barrels of poor liquor was summarily disposed of, and the men taken charge of and brought to camp. Captain Sawyer was afterwards tried before a justice at Groton for destroying the liquor, and put under bonds of $4,000 to appear at a higher court. Whether the captain had a legal right to destroy the liquor your correspondent will not attempt to say, but we know that the men of the regiment are satisfied that he acted right, and from sound motives. Such a place as the one demolished, so near a camp, is a nuisance which ought to be abated some way." " The men are in good health and spirits, and early expect the United States officers to swear them into the service of the United States. Last Sabbath the Rev. Mr. Heard, of Clinton, preached at the camp in the morning, from the text ' I came not to send peace but a sword.' The afternoon was occupied with advice to the soldiers, and the singing by a choir of volunteers was excellent. Prayer meetings after the good old Fitchburg style have been established every Sabbath and Wednesday evenings, and the state of religion in camp is very encouraging." "John E. Terrill, of Townsend, a notorious scoundrel was drummed out of camp for gambling with the soldiers. The regiment was drawn up in two lines, and he marched between them to the tune of ' Rogues' March.' A large placard was placed upon his back upon which was inscribed ' gambler.' " ******* " The members of the Barre company have formed an associa- tion called the ' Band of Brothers Mutual Benefit Society,' which has for its object the promotion of the comfort and happiness of 20 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT each and every member, whether in health or sickness, and in case any brother is taken away to send his remains at the earliest possible moment to his friends. Though it matters not to the soldier's clay whether it rests within the village churchyard, or beneath the wild wood on a distant shore, yet it affords consola- tion to friends, and it is a pleasant thought to think that we shall sleep beside the loved ones gone before, and that a stranger's hand will never disturb our slumbers." " Last Saturday morning a beautiful flag staff, the gift of Oliver Ames & Son, of Boston, to the commandant of the camp, was presented by Mr. Taft, the builder of the barracks. The presentation speech was made by Captain Fay of the Athol com- pany. Captain Sawyer responded in a very patriotic and eloquent manner. The stars and stripes were then unfurled from it, and beneath its starry folds the Washington Guards ( Co. B ) took their oath to defend it to the last. This part of the ceremony was concluded by singing the soul-stirring song 'Three Hundred Thousand More.' " "November ist nearly all the troops in camp were granted a furlough until Nov. 6th, to enable them to visit their homes and cast their votes at the state election. On Nov. 6th Company C was mustered into the United States service and an election of officers held." Under date of November 8th, one writes : " We have for two days past had anything but pleasant weather, and it has forced the soldiers to dispense with all labor outside of the barracks, except the guard who have to tough it through thick and thin. Yesterday and last night it snowed and blowed furiously, so that this morning we had some three inches of snow. "Captain Sawyer, the gentlemanly commandant of the post. had the guard all drawn off last night, so that no one had to face the cold breath of 'Old Koreas.' " The regular routine of military life in camp was kept up during the time the regiment remained here, daily MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 21 company and battalion drills were held, with the usual guard mountings and dress parades, and the other inferior duties of the camp. On Saturday, the 22d of November, the whole regiment were granted furloughs to visit their friends at home over Sunday, for the last time previous to their departure for the seat of war. One writes of this incident : " ' Homeward Bound,' so sang the soldier boys of the Fifty- third Regiment, as the train steamed away from Camp Stevens on Saturday last, bearing its load of blue coats to their several homes amid the hills and valleys of Worcester North. A merry hearted group they were as they passed along their ways. Above the rattling of the cars could be heard those grand, patriotic airs, which no one but a soldier can sing with effect." "The ladies of Fitchburg, bless their noble and motherly hearts, appeared upon the ground early this morning, and have been busily engaged in hemming blankets, and putting pockets in the soldiers' coats. They have the warmest thanks of the soldiers' hearts, and their kindness will ever be remembered and appreciated. "All our equipments have been received and it is probable we shall leave soon — perhaps by Friday." On the 8th of November Lieutenant-Colonel John W. Kimball, who had served with great distinction in the Fifteenth Massachusetts Regiment, and who had been for some time in command of it, was elected colonel of the Fifty-third Regiment, and on the 29th of November he arrived and assumed command. Captain George H. Bar- rett, of Ashburnham, was elected lieutenant-colonel, and Captain James A. Pratt, of Sterling, was elected major. 2 2 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Colonel Kimball announced his commissioned staff as follows : Adjutant, Henry A. Willis, of Fitchburg ; sur- geon, John Q.. A. McCollester, of Groton ; assistant sur- geon, Wm. L. Bond, of Charlestown ; 2d assistant surgeon, Wm. M. Barrett, of Fitchburg ; quartermaster, Edward A. Brown, of Royalston ; chaplain, Benj. F. Whittemore, of Berlin. The non-commissioned staff subsequently ap- pointed were as follows : Sergeant-major, Harlan P. Partridge, of Fitchburg ; quartermaster-sergeant, Herman M. Partridge of Royalston ; commissary-sergeant, James R. Brown, of Barre ; hospital steward-, Chas. G. Allen, of Barre ; drum-major, Edwin D. Atherton, of Fitchburg; fife-major, James M. Lewis, of Leominster. Upon assuming command the colonel made a speech to the regiment; complimented them upon their fine ap- pearance, and said he believed he should be able to rely upon them in any emergency, and hoped that the ex- perience already acquired by him on the field might be of benefit to them. He said that they were going into a service of hardship and danger but he would assure them that he would not ever ask them to go into any position ' where he would not ^o himself. He was most enthusiasti- cally received. Having just come from the front he was granted a few days to visit his family at Fitchburg. While at Fitchburg he was presented with a tine horse and set of equipments by a few of his friends, and the following correspondence took place : "('01.. John \Y. Kimball : — We, the undersigned, your fellow townsmen and personal friends, on the eve of your departure. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 23 with higher rank and added honors, for further service in your country's cause, beg of you the acceptance of the horse and trappings accompanying this letter, not as any measure of our re- gard for you, but as a slight testimonial of our admiration for those soldierly and manly qualities which have already gained for you an honored name in the history of war. We know that you will believe us, when we say that this is no empty tribute to position and office, but the expression of a regard as sincere and warm as it is merited. While the courage and glorious conduct of the regiment which you have led through so many trying scenes of patient endurance and bloody conflict have attracted the attention and elicited the applause of a whole nation, who knew nothing of it but its name, it would be strange indeed if the hearts of those who have been associated with the gallant men of that regiment and its noble leader, in the intimate, private and social relations of neighbors and friends, did not thrill at the recital of its splendid record. To those who have nobly fallen in the strife to sustain a nation's honor and a country's name, we have endeavored to do such homage as to show that we hold their names in grateful and reverent remembrance. Let us also have the satisfaction of testifying to the living heroes in this con- flict, our deep appreciation of the self-sacrificing and devoted spirit which has conducted them through the path of duty to an undying fame. " We have entrusted to your custody and command a new draft from our best and freshest blood, and we feel that we could commit it to no safer or more conscientious care. Accept for yourself, and for the young men who go from us with you, our best wishes and our sincere hope for a safe and honorable return to our midst at the termination of your appointed service. " [Signed] Alvah Crocker, Ebenezer Torrey, T. K. Ware, L. H. Bradford, and 39 others. 24 the fifty-third regiment colonel kimball's reply. "Hon. Ai.yaii Crocker, Hon. Ebenezer Torrey, T. K. Ware, F. H. Bradford, Esquires, vnd Others: " Gentlemen : — With feelings of the deepest gratitude I accept the gift of the noble horse and beautiful trappings so generously and kindly provided for me by your exertions and liberality. Ac- cept my earnest and most sincere thanks for the same. 1 shall prize the gift more highly because it came unexpectedly, and from old and tried friends whom I have loved, honored and respected for many years. In accepting this testimonial, 1 do so, feeling that it is given not to reward me. but to show that my services in the held during the past few months are appreciated and recognized by you. If I have done aught that my friends at home feel is worthy of notice, I am well repaid for the dangers, privations and hardships to which I have been, with others, exposed. I claim nothing for myself. I have only done the duty which 1 owed to my country and to my fellow-citizens. " If the noble old regiment — the Fifteenth — which I have had the honor of commanding for the past seven months, has earned and won for itself a name worthy of record, and a place in history, it is to it that the honor belongs, and not to me, for it was the united determination of officers and men to do their duty at all times and under all circumstances, that has earned for them, honorably and justly, the name and the fame which they have acquired. " I need not remind you of the sufferings they have endured without a murmur, and the great sacrifice of life in behalf of their country, which has so fearfully thinned their ranks. It has been very great indeed : the dust of many a brave soldier of the Fifteenth hallows the hillsides and valleys of Virginia and Mary- land, and that ground, though held by traitorous hands, is still sacred and dear to us: and by the memories of the noble dead, now sleeping their last sleep far away from their friends and homes, let us pursue this war more vigorously and earnestly to an early and successful termination; by the memories of the heroes MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 25 who fell at Ball's Bluff, Fair Oaks, and Antietam, as well as of those who have passed away none the less honorably because not in battle, we must, we will, conquer. " In leaving you, to take my new command, it is fitting that I should say a word of the men who compose this new regiment. I found them to be men who have left their homes mostly from a patriotic sense of duty — men who are worthy of the 'Old Bay State.' It will be my constant endeavor to watch over and care for them, and if my past experience is of any value, it is theirs freely and cheerfully. " I make no promise for the future, except that we shall at all times endeavor to do our duty to the best of our ability, keep- ing in view the noble cause in which we are engaged, and remembering that our friends at home are watching our course with great anxiety and deep solicitude, and praying for our success and safe return. " Thanking you again for this kind remembrance, and hoping to be able to show you that I highly appreciate this expression of your confidence and esteem, I have the honor to remain, Most respectfully your obedient servant, John W. Kimball, Colonel of Fifty-third Regiment." This horse, known as "Prince," was shipped from New York with the horses of this and other regiments, to the number of three hundred, by the "Belle Wood'" bound for New Orleans. The trip lasted thirty days and there was much sickness among them, and twelve died. "Prince" was very sick on board and it was at one time decided to despatch him and throw him overboard, but the man in charge of him, Charles Battles, protested against it and insisted that he could bring him through. The officer in command demurred, saying, "he could not live half an hour," but finally allowed him to remain a while, and in a 26 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT few hours a favorable change took place and he was saved. He did good service in the campaign, and came home with us, and has done good service for Colonel Kimball for many years. He still lives at the age of thirty-one, but now is getting infirm and soon will be laid to rest. His last appearance with the regiment was at the reunion of 1887 in Fitchburg, when the colonel rode him at the head of the regiment, on a parade through the city. The men were greatly pleased to see him and before separating voted that his photograph should be taken, with the colonel mounted, and a copy furnished each member of the regiment, which has since been done. The day for the departure of the regiment finally came. Early in the day the order had been given to break camp ; and by the middle of the afternoon the men were in line ready to move. A large number of the friends of the regiment were there to bid them " good-bye'' and "God speed." Fathers were there with manly pride in their brave sons, rejoicing that they could thus send them forth, — mothers whose love for them grew no less because their love for country was leading them away from them for a time, perhaps forever, — wives whose grief at parting- could hardly be controlled, — sisters who gloried in their brothers' valor, — and little children delighted with the pageant, and whose prattle went on all unconscious of the serious results which might ere long come to them by reason of it. The regiment was soon in motion and marched to the train which awaited it. The last good- byes were said and amid the cheers of those gathered MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 27 there the train bore away to the conflict another loyal thousand of the country's brave defenders. The Fitchburg Reveille, speaking of the composition of this regiment, has the following : " It is no disparagement to the many thousands of brave men whom Massachusetts has given to the country, to say that no regiment superior to the Fifty-third has ever left her borders. It is composed of the flower of the young men of Worcester North, who have left honorable social positions and lucrative business, with high purposes and pure patriotism, counting the cost, fully understanding the hardship, danger and death they go forth to meet, yet quietly resolute, and determined to maintain the fame which the Fifteenth, the Twenty-first and the Twenty- fifth have won for the heart of Massachusetts. And they go out under a leader of whom Massachusetts may well be proud, whose gallant conduct on many a bloody field has crowned his name with undying honor. We know that he and his noble men will ever be found where duty and glory call, resolute to achieve the victory or die ; and that upon the banner of the Fifty-third will be inscribed the record of gallant deeds." CHAPTER II. Arrival in New York— Camp at Long Island— Franklin Street Bar- racks — Life in the City — Sickness — Escort and Other Duty — Entertainments — Embarkation of the Regiment — Debarkation and Return to the Barracks— Interesting Incidents, Correspondence, etc.— Final Departure for the South. The regiment left the state under command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Barrett for New York on the 29th of November, arriving there the 30th, and was quartered at the Park Barracks until December 3d, when it was or- dered to Camp Banks, near Jamaica, Long Island. Here the exposure and suffering of the men first com- menced. Up to this time they had lived in comfortable barracks at Camp Stevens, and had been well fed and otherwise cared for. Now they were forced to occupy a bleak spot known as the " Union Race Course," and were provided only with common shelter tents for protection trom the weather, with the mercury ranging near the zero point. In addition to this the regiment as yet had no quartermaster, and the provisioning of it was let out to mercenary contractors, who furnished food scant in quan- tity and repulsive in quality. As day by day the situation grew worse rather than better what wonder was it that what commenced as slight murmuring increased to out- right grumbling and indignant protest, but with no avail, and open revolt seemed imminent. Matters thus remained until Sunday morning, December 7th. It had been an exceedingly cold night, several inches of snow having MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 29 fallen. Some of the men had actually been frost-bitten. Breakfast was not forthcoming, and some of the men had strayed away the night before to the village of Jamaica, and had been taken in and cared for by the citizens, and they reported that there was " room for more." The effect was that to a certain extent demoralization set in. The major being in command, (the lieutenant-colonel being absent,) finding that the people of Jamaica were anxious to relieve the sufferings of the men, by providing means of shelter from the inclemency of the weather, gave the captains permission to march their companies into the town, where the citizens threw open their stores and houses and made them comfortable for the night. In the morning they provided them with a substantial breakfast. They were then addressed by ex-Governor King, who complimented them upon their manly, soldierly bearing while among them, and expressed an interest in their future welfare ; after which the regimental line was formed and three rousing cheers were given for the people of the town. The following resolutions, which had been prepared, were left for publication in the local papers : RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, it has been the fortune of this regiment to be thrown, as it were, into the town of Jamaica, to seek shelter from the inclemency of the severe winter weather ; and whereas, the good people of the town have received us into their families and given us plenty to eat and done all that Christian hearts could prompt them to do, therefore : 30 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Resolved^ That we, the members of the Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, tender to them our sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude for their many favors extended to us, and we ask God Almighty to bless them, and may they be as happy in bestowing, as we have been in receiving, and again may God bless the good people of Jamaica. It should be stated that the arrangement for the regi- ment spending the night at Jamaica was brought about mainly by Lieutenant Glover of Company C, who went there Sunday morning and represented to some of the principal citizens the suffering condition of the regiment, which resulted in the invitation to bring the men out there, and the subsequent kind treatment received. He reported to Major Pratt who, as before stated, gave permission for the men to go. The experience was certainly like an oasis in the desert and the men who partook of their hos- pitality have held and will hold it in grateful remembrance until their dying day. Meantime reports of the condition and suffering of the men had been made at headquarters in New York, and about three o'clock Sunday afternoon the adjutant returned from the city with a written order to the lieutenant-colonel commanding the regiment to transfer it immediately to the Franklin street barracks in New York. As it was late in the day, and the men were com- fortably housed at Jamaica, it was wisely determined not to disturb them until the next morning. On Monday morning, December 8th, the regiment returned to its camp, and at nine o'clock marched for the city, a distance of about thirteen miles, and it is safe to say that the men MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 3 1 never subsequently entered into any other march with more alacrity than this one which took them out of what should have been a needless hardship into comparative comfort. Colonel Kimball arrived the next day and took command. It cannot be questioned that much of the sickness which afterwards prevailed grew out of the unwarranted exposure on Long Island at this inclement season of the year. Franklin street barracks consisted of two adjoining stores, of four stories each, just off from Broadway, and this proved to be the home of the regiment for a much longer period than might reasonably have been expected. Much sickness soon prevailed. Scarlatina came as an epidemic, and a large portion of the regiment were af- fected in a greater or less degree — several deaths occurred. Among them young Dunlap of Company D, and Esta- brook of Company K, both under eighteen years of age. The case of Estabrook was particularly sad. He had enlisted after the regiment reached New York, and was almost the last recruit mustered into service. His older brother had been a member of Company K from its forma- tion, and Joseph had a great desire to go also, which increased to such a degree after the regiment left the state that he could resist it no longer, and came on to New York and enlisted. He was taken with typhoid fever and had been sick but a few days, and was considered com- fortable, but a sudden change came, and he was gone in thirty minutes. He died on the evening of January 3d, in 32 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT the barracks hospital, only about three weeks after he had joined the regiment. The preparing of his remains for burial, and the sending them home next day in charge of his brother and sister, was attended to by the officers of his company, and the sad episode had a depressing effect upon all. Young Dunlap was from Stow, and had only just returned from a term of sickness at home — a relapse of which taking place he died very suddenly. His re- mains were also sent home. Another disease, the mumps, also prevailed exten- sively, and to say the least, while not of a dangerous character, it did not add anything to the beauty of the " hospital contingent," as they stood up each morning for the inspection of the surgeon. The regiment remained about six weeks in New York by reason of the great amount of sickness. Of course there could be but little military duty done, and only a small guard was required to keep order. Regular com- pany drills, however, were daily required and the company commanders, at their discretion, took out their companies for street drill, sometimes marching them long distances. Good discipline was maintained ; only a few men were allowed out at any time to roam about the city, and none after nightfall. The following order of calls was adopted for the gov- ernment of the regiment at this time : Headquarters Fifty-third Regt. Mass. Vols. Franklin Street Barracks, General Order. New York, Dec. 26, 1862. The following list of calls is hereby ordered for the govern- ment of this regiment until further orders. They must be strictly conformed to. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. .33 Reveille, 6.30 A. M. ; surgeon's call, 6.45; breakfast, 7.30; first sergeant's call, 8.30; first call for guard mounting, 8.45; guard mounting, 8.55 ; first call for company drill, 9.15 ; second call for company drill, 9.25; recall, 11.00; adjutant's call, 12.00 M. ; dinner, 12.30 P. M . ; squad drill in barracks, 2.00 to 4.00; retreat, 4.30; supper, 5.00; tattoo, 8.30; taps, 9.00. Three roll calls daily : First, immediately after reveille ; second, immediately after retreat ; third, immediately after tattoo. All absentees without authority will be immediately reported to these headquarters. By command of J. W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. H. A. Willis, Adjutant. With the prospect of an indefinite stay in the city the regiment settled down to a condition of comparative con- tent and comfort. The men were comfortably housed, their duties were light, and they were allowed as much liberty as was compatible with good discipline. They got up many entertainments among themselves, and some were furnished them through the efforts of the chaplain and others. It was now Christmas time and the city was gay. Permission was given the men to go out in squads, under an officer, to attend theatres and other places of amuse- ment. Several of the wives of officers of the regiment came at this time and taking board near the barracks were fre- quent visitors, and their presence gave much pleasure to all. As the distance was so great to any open space in the city no regimental evolutions could be indulged in, and 34 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT the regiment paraded on the streets during its stay only upon Sundays to attend divine service, and once by invita- tion as an escort to a California cavalry company, which arrived by steamer from the Isthmus January 3d, and was on its way to Massachusetts to join the Second Cavalry Regiment. This was an interesting occasion, for many of the members of the company were old Massachusetts men, who, true to their instincts, had come back to unite with their brethren in defense of principles which their native state had always been foremost in upholding. The day was fine, the regiment was in good form. It marched to city hall park where it formed and received the company with due ceremony. The march was then resumed and the route was as follows : Up Broadway to the St. Nicholas Hotel, there countermarching, and thence down Broadway and Courtland street to the steamboat pier ; from whence, after informal soldiers' greetings and enthu- siastic cheers, the company took its departure for Massa- chusetts. Great enthusiasm was exhibited all along the route and the men enjoyed the occasion to the utmost. On the morning of December 15th, there came an order for two hundred men to be sent to Staten Island (New York Harbor) to guard and put on board ship the "Duryea Zouave Regiment" of New York troops, one of the "Zouave" regiments recruited in New York City and which contained some of the worst "toughs" to be found. Companies A, B and K were at once detailed, and under command of Major Pratt marched to the pier and took the ferry boat for the island. Arriving there they MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. ■)? were ordered to load, and were properly posted about the camp of the belligerents, who appeared in a very turbulent condition ; but they were soon brought to a realizing sense of the presence of a couple of hundred loaded muskets, and yielded to the orders of their officers without much force being resorted to. About fifty of the ringleaders were arrested and placed under guard and the rest marched at the point of the bayonet aboard the ship bound for their destination. The three companies then returned to the city, excepting a squad left to guard the prisoners, which returned the next morning. Sunday, December 14, the regiment paraded to attend service at a church three miles from our quarters, (Rev. Mr. Mattison's on Forty-first street). The men presented a fine appearance, and made the march in good order. The chaplain preached for the first time. His text was, "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."— Hebrews 11 : 1. The singing was fur- nished by about forty members of the regiment. Says one in writing of this occasion : " After the sermon a few remarks were made by the pastor of the church, who ' Rejoiced to welcome the sons of Massachusetts, where no rebel foot had ever polluted the sacred precincts.' The stars and stripes floated from a staff in front of the church, in- spiring us with patriotic emotions. When the reverend gentleman had finished, the Sabbath school children connected with his society came in around the altar, immediately in front of all, and sang a beautiful hymn, entitled ' Beautiful Land.' Many a stout heart was stirred from its deepest centre as the sweet voices of 36 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT childhood brought up the recollections of home, and big' tears furrowed their way down bronzed and manly cheeks. The colonel craved the privilege of saying a word, which had a wealth of meaning and fervor. He spoke from the heart and each sen- tence reached the heart. " By invitation of the chaplain the regiment then rose and sang ' America ' as it was never sung before, for the children lent their aid, and the silvery tones of youth chimed in with the strong, harmonious chords of manhood in ' God bless our native land.' The lieutenant-colonel presided at the organ, and the major was prominent among the choir, which was formed from the regiment." It is pleasant to note the fact here that the authorities of the German Lutheran church in Walker street, quite near our barracks, tendered the use of their church for Sunday afternoons for the remainder of the time the regi- ment might remain in the city. During the remaining Sundays, except one when services were held in the barracks on account of so much sickness, the regiment accepted the kind offer. On such occasions the chap- lain conducted the services, and preached a sermon. The lieutenant-colonel played the organ, and the singing was done by a large choir, composed of some of the officers and men of the regiment. It may as well be said here that we had an unusual number of good singers among us, and the impromptu social sings which were in- dulged in from time to time did much to enliven the tedium, and soften the asperities of the service. Regular Sunday morning inspections of the regiment were held, and others from time to time especially ordered from MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 37 headquarters. One of these drew forth the following letter from General Andrews commanding : Headquarters Remainder of Banks Expedition, New York, Jan. 7, 1863. Colonel Kimball, Commanding Fifty-third Regiment: Colonel : — The report of the inspecting officer, elated January 6th, relative to your regiment, is to the following purport : "The policing good, rooms all neat and clean, except the exercise room, bunks in good order, blankets and clothes neatly folded, and kept in racks. The officers are present. The regiment has apparently improved very much in discipline and drill during the last two weeks, and hospital in good condition." The commanding officer desires to express his great satisfac- tion in receiving so favorable a report, and heartily commends the commanding officer and his command for their exertions in a matter which cannot fail to have a most important influence upon their usefulness to the country as well as their own welfare. By command of Brigadier-General G. L. Andrews. Howard Dwight, A. A. G. During the time spent here the regiment had once em- barked for its destination in the South, having been ordered on board the steamer Mississippi on the 16th of December. But after remaining on board two days, dur- ing which time eighteen new cases of scarlatina had broken out, the colonel and his medical staff made a re- port to headquarters of the condition of affairs, and the medical director upon inspection decided that it was unsafe to proceed to sea with so much sickness of an epidemic nature. Accordingly the regiment was disem- barked and returned to Franklin street barracks, where it 38 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT remained until January 17th, when it was embarked on board the steamer Continental, which sailed under sealed orders January 19. Up to this time eight deaths had oc- curred in the regiment. It is tearful to contemplate what might have been the result if we had gone to sea with this epidemic disease among the men, in such crowded quarters, on a voyage which might have been as rough and protracted as the one we subsequently took. Fortu- nate indeed it was that wise counsels prevailed. The following extracts from letters of men of the regiment while stationed in New York are of interest : FROM FITCHBURG REVEILLE, DEC. II, 1862. "At a little past 12 o'clock, Wednesday last, we took up our line of march for the 'Union Course,' Long Island, ( which is about eleven miles from the city) via Williamsburg Ferry, arriving there at 4 P. M., having had a knapsack march of nine miles. We passed the Forty-first Massachusetts and the Fifteenth New Hampshire Regiments, en route to join Major-General Banks' ex- pedition ; upon our arrival, rations were dealt out to us, and after partaking freely we re-marched about half a mile to an open horse shed, belonging to and near Hiram Woodruff's hotel, where we were allowed to sleep upon the ground for the night. How romantic to lay one's weary limbs during a cold night on the same spot where that famous horse, Flora Temple, has stood for the honors of her groomsman. " Early Thursday morning we again marched to the Union Course, near which a spot was selected for our camp, the 'shelter tents' having arrived by the Brooklyn and Jamaica Rail- road, ( which passes within a few feet of the camp ) each company received theirs, and soon the ground assumed a military appearance. The tents are made of five pieces of common white drilling and are just large enough for five ( the number of persons MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 39 designated to a tent) to crawl around in, each, on a march, having to carry a piece." " On December 3d the regiment left New York City for ' Union Race Course,' Jamaica, Long Island. We went via Williamsburg, marching about seven miles. The night was cold and rainy, and having no tents we were marched to Hiram Wood- ruff's hotel and were lodged in open horse sheds, being furnished with a good supply of straw by the landlord. Many of the boys desirous of availing themselves of a good wash, after their vain endeavors to sleep in the cold sheds, repaired to the pump in the back yard and were making good use of a large wooden bowl near at hand for a wash basin, when suddenly the good landlady came rushing out of the house and begged of them to stop using her 'butter bowl ' for a 'wash dish.' " " On account of various articles, such as maggoty kidneys, mice, turnip candlesticks, etc., being found in the soup furnished the regiment by a Dutch cook, employed by the government contractors, the whole regiment was detailed to get the rations Saturday noon. They marched to the establishment and a com- mittee consisting of three sergeants from each company entered and examined the premises and the food about to be delivered, reporting it unfit, upon which a sally was made by the Fifty-third Regiment, and everything, soup, beef, hams, sugar, cheeses, bread, butter, tea, coffee, etc., completely 'cleaned out.' Portions of other regiments, Forty-seventh, Forty-ninth and Fiftieth Massa- chusetts, and Twenty-fifth New York Battery, all of which are quartered near the buildings, were soon there and had it not been for the hospital in the upper part, the binding would have been destroyed." "Corporal Howe, of Company I, accidentally shot himself with his own pistol while walking in the street, the ball lodging in his wrist. He was taken to the city hospital. It shows the folly of carrying loaded arms." " Yesterday afternoon we had orders to vacate at 3 P. M., the tents, which ever since their occupation had been untenable on q.O THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT account of the extreme cold, and march to Jamaica some four miles distant. We were received by the citizens with expressions of sympathy, and all seemed to take an interest in finding us good warm quarters and providing the necessaries of life, an abundance of which was handed in. Companies A and F are quartered in a store on the Main street, and the rest are provided for in different parts of the town. All honor to the citizens of Jamaica. They may rest assured that their kindness will not be forgotten by the Fifty-third Regiment." FROM FITCHBURG SENTINEL, JAN. l6, 1 863. " The men are eager for a change ; almost everything curious, attractive or instructive has been visited by them. Squads of men, if not whole companies, may be seen every morning march- ing in different directions, imbued with a strong sight-seeing propensity, which crops out in all the desires of the regiment. While they are by such means gratifying the taste, feasting the eye and storing the mind with useful knowledge, they are exer- cising themselves in the measured tread of the march, breathing a free atmosphere and gathering strength for the coming issues." " Each day brings its added solicitudes and hopes, rumors and fears. To-day we are told that the propeller ' Continental ' has been assigned to us as the vessel which is to transport us southward. " The friends at home, as well as ourselves, have cause for congratulation that so fine a ship has been given us. Her ac- commodations, means for ventilation and all the requisites which tend toward the comfort of all who are to take passage in her, are better even, than were the ' Mississippi.' Though we have lost much time by our disembarkation, we have certainly gained a great feature in our prospects while subject to a sea life. The quartermaster is busy in his preparations for a shipment of our stores, and we anticipate an early order to embark. The sooner it comes the better it will please all concerned. Our sick are rapidly improving, but neither of the surgeons can say to the MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 41 other, ' Your occupation is gone.' Colds and coughs are the common inheritance of all, and a general dosing for such inflic- tions is required. The ' mump section ' is being reduced by constant discharges, and the remainder are full of spirit, cheeky and determined. The sore throat affections are disappearing. We have one case of diphtheria only." The following shows the absurd gossip which prevailed in camp : " Yesterday it was reported that the Fifty-third would proba- bly return in a few days to Camp Stevens, as the government had more troops at its disposal in Washington than they knew what to do with. Also that the Rebels had expressed a desire to cease hostilities and lay down their arms for thirty days and endeavor to arrange, if possible, a satisfactory settlement. An- other report is that the government is unable to furnish transports for three months, and that Captain Sawyer was on from Massa- chusetts and had said ' there was more than an even chance that the regiment would be returned to its old quarters at Groton Junction.' But like hundreds of other 'camp reports' these proved to be idle talk, for the next day the report was circulated, purporting to come from the quartermaster, that the regiment was to be furnished with forty days' rations, and that several trans- ports were waiting in the harbor to receive troops, which report proves to be the nearest correct." The following is an extract from a letter dated Decem- ber 29, 1862 : " Had we taken no note of time, Christmas would have passed by without being perceived by us ; the same routine of military exercises, the same rations of beef and bread, the same duties, and in fact to all outward appearances there was nothing to mark this from other days ; but let us examine more closely and we will find that ere we have perceived it our thoughts have strolled back into the past, to the times when we sat in the family circle and around the family board, and partook of the 4 A2 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT luxuries spread before us ; to loved ones and kind friends, who always greeted us with their ' Merry Christmas', and served with their kind smiles of good cheer, to make this a day above all others to be remembered. Not so now ; the selfishness of men has called us to go forth in battle for a just and righteous cause, and we gladly forsake all to answer the call of our country. " Company E having received a large box containing a full supply of the necessaries of life, from their many friends in Athol, set a well laden table of eatables in their barracks on Christmas afternoon, at which Major Pratt, Quartermaster Brown, Adjutant Willis, Chaplain B. F. Whittemore and many friends, together with Company E, partook. After justice had been done to the eatables, the chaplain was called upon, and in an eloquent and touching manner referred to those at home, through whose kindness he and his companions had met on so pleasant an occasion. Major Pratt, Adjutant Willis and others made re- marks, after which the exercises closed by singing ' Marching Along ' and ' America.' " The members of Company A have formed a debating society. Sergeant George A. Bailey was chosen president, H. H. Wellington, vice-president, and F. F. Woodward, secretary. They held their first meeting Friday evening, at which, after a declama- tion by F. F. Woodward, the effect of the ' President's Procla- mation upon the Restoration of the Union ' was freely discussed." The friends of the regiment in Massachusetts were very solicitous for the welfare of the men, and the occa- sion above alluded to was only one of several that were brought about through their contributions. From such friends the same company, on New Year's day, enjoyed a bountiful dinner at the National Hotel, provided by the people of Royalston. Several officers of the regiment were invited and after the repast was finished a number of speeches were made by the different officers and some members of Company E. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 43 Companies A and B also received a bountiful New Year's dinner of roast turkeys, plum puddings, etc., from the "Ladies Soldiers Aid Society," of Fitchburg, to which complete justice was done and their grateful thanks re- turned by letters from Captains Miles and Corey. To round out the festivities of New Year's day Com- pany B accepted an invitation from Mrs. Thomas Reed, of Brooklyn, who had formerly visited in Fitchburg, to visit her home, and late in the afternoon a large portion of the company, under command of Lieutenant Battles, marched to her residence and enjoyed her hospitality. A number of guests had been invited to meet them and the evening was very pleasantly spent in music and song, Company B quartette and some of the lady's friends ren- dering various selections. A bountiful collation was provided and the company returned with high appreciation of the attention shown them. The men of different companies got up a great many entertainments of their own, but on the 29th of December they were able to enjoy a special treat through the efforts of Newton Pratt, Esq., of Chicago, (who was visiting acquaintances in the regiment,) and the chaplain, who perfected arrangements for a concert in the barracks. Mrs. Mozart, Mrs. Kempton and Mr. Colby were the "professionals" who volunteered their services for the oc- casion. The ladies rendered several songs and Mr. Colby accompanied them upon one of Steinway & Sons grand pianos, which had been brought into the barracks for the purpose. Their efforts met with the heartiest ap- preciation of the men, and it is believed that the musicians 44 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT as well as Mr. Pratt, felt amply repaid for the trouble and expense which it involved. Mr. Pratt was formerly from Fitchburg, and the ladies and Mr. Colby were also from Massachusetts. Some of the people of New York and Brooklyn, also remembered the regiment in various ways, not only with gifts of luxuries but with substantial literary matter. Rev. Win. C. Van Meter, of the Howard Mission, presented some four hundred pamphlets and literary journals, and other very readable papers. The New York Bible So- ciety, American Tract Society, the Rose Hill Ladies Relief Association, the Central M. E. Church and the Sanitary Commission and others sent in their contribu- tions. Mrs. Esther S. Leaverett, of West Eighteenth street, gave $50 worth of books to the regiment, the New York Bible and Tract Society contributed a large stock of Bibles and singing books. Various meetings of religious nature were held at the barracks, which were addressed by committees from some of these Societies upon invitation of the chaplain. On the nth of January the regiment attended church for the last time in the city : the chaplain preached from the text, "I pray thee have me excused." On the 17th of January the regiment embarked on the steamer Continental, which was to sail under sealed or- ders, and although this regiment was supposed to be a part of "Banks' Expedition," so much time had been lost by the delay in New York, on account of the great amount of sickness in the regiment, that it was by no means certain that our destination was with the remainder of the "expedition." MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 45 As near as can be determined now (in the absence of "morning reports" which cannot be found) we sailed with about 925 officers and men. The last convalescent to ap- pear on the 1 6th was John Kemp of Company B, who had been at his home in Fitchburg three months on account of a terrible scalding of his foot at Camp Stevens, by the upsetting of a large kettle of tea. As he came hobbling in, his foot still encased in a moccasin, the boys warmly greeted him. He was at that time fifty years of age and might well have remained at home after his accident, but his pluck was good and hearing that the regiment was about to sail he took the night train on the 15th and arrived in season to go on board with the rest of the boys. Two of our officers, Captain Miles of Company A and Captain Clough of Company D, resigned just before we sailed, very much to the regret of all. Captain Clough resigned on account of his health, which was very poor, and Captain Miles on account of the severe sickness of his business partner, which seemed to necessitate his return to look after the large business they were engaged in. He came on board the steamer to spend the last evening before we sailed, and to bid us all farewell. He put upon board ship, seventy-five dollars' worth of stores for his company's use during the voyage, and placed in the com- pany officers' hands one hundred and forty-five dollars in cash to be used for the comfort of the men when- ever required, thus testifying to substantial interest in their welfare. His resignation was a matter of universal regret in the regiment. CHAPTER III. Sailing <>f the Continental — Journal of the Voyage — Storm— Death and Burial at Sea — Arrival and Stop at Key West — Arrival at New Orleans — Debarkation at Carrollton— Camp Mansfield. We sailed on the 18th of January, our regiment com- posing the principal cargo, but there were ninety-three men of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment, and 161 of the Fortieth New York Regiment, some officers of other commands, and a few prisoners (deserters), about to re- turn to their regiments. The men were stowed awa}' very closely in bunks, occupying nearly all the space between decks, and the officers had the cabin. Colonel Kimball was in command of all on board. When fairly at sea the captain opened his sealed orders, and announced to Colonel Kimball that our destination was New Orleans. The men were not much pleased to hear they were going so far south, but we were there to obey orders, and "not to reason why." The first two or three days at sea were com- paratively pleasant, but afterwards a succession of gales prevailed, which lasted the most of the trip ; nearlv all were terribly sea-sick and the condition of things after a day or two may be better imagined than described. Two deaths occurred on the passage, only one of which was in our regiment. First Sergeant Marcus Hagar, Company I, who died January 2 2d, was a very promising young man, twenty-one years of age, from Westminster, and was MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 47 respected and beloved by all who knew him ; his burial in the ocean the same day' of his death was a solemn event, which left a deep impression upon all who witnessed it. It was at sunset, and while most of the men were too sick to come on deck, a few comrades of Company I came to attend the brief but solemn service. The steamer was slowed up, the colors hoisted at half-mast and the body of poor Hagar, which had been sewed up in his blanket with weights at the feet, was tenderly brought and placed on a plank, projecting over the vessel's side. The chaplain read the Episcopal form of service for the dead, while the little company of officers and privates stood reverently by with bowed heads. At the words " we therefore commit his body to the deep,'" the plank was lifted, and the corpse plunged beneath the waves ; a brief prayer and all was over. The vessel resumed its accustomed rate of speed, the latitude and longitude were noted, and thus ended a sad episode of the voyage. We buried him in latitude 29 20' north, longitude 75 30' west, about three hundred miles from land. Before we arrived at our destination, this sol- emn ceremony was repeated, the death of a soldier of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment having .occurred Jan- uary 24th. His name was Zacheus Macomber, of Norton, Mass. The second day out from New York, an officer on the ship brought to Colonel Kimball a "stowaway," whom the guard had found hidden in the cargo. He stood before the colonel an unabashed specimen of the New York street gamin, with his mouth stretched from ear to ear in a grin of self complacency, and with a " what are you going 48 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT to do about it" air. The colonel soon recognized him as a hoy, who had come off in the boat with him the night before, representing himself as the servant of Captain Corey, but the captain disowned him, and the boy was forced to admit, that he played his game to get aboard, and to get a chance to see something of the war. The colonel plied him with questions, sized him up generally, and concluded he had rather a unique character to deal with. His name was Johnny Conlin, and age about four- teen; he insisted that he could make himself useful if we would take him along. The colonel said "Johnny, are you honest ?" "Colonel, I can be" was the answer. He was finally taken into the headquarters family, and soon made friends with all. We may have occasion to allude to him again in the course of this narrative. The following are extracts from the writer's private journal, kept while on board the ship Continental. "We left New York this morning at 7 o'clock, with bright sun, smooth sea and fair wind ; making about ten miles per hour thus far. Weather still fine, sea quite smooth. This even- ing we had a fine sing amongst the officers in the cabin, after which the chaplain read the Scriptures, and offered prayer, when the exercises closed with singing Old Hun- dred. The accompaniment being furnished by Colonel Barrett, on a " melodeon," kindly loaned to the field-and- staff by a sister of Colonel Kimball. Monday evening, January 19th ; arrived at Fortress Monroe, at about 10 o'clock this A. M., and left at noon ; very pleasant, though cold for this latitude. We encoun- MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 49 tered a very rough sea soon after leaving port, and the consequence is that a great many are sick ; at the supper table only about half of our mess, which numbers some fifty officers, were present. Much merriment was had upon deck during the afternoon by those who were well, at the expense of the sick ones, but towards night, it was ob- served that nearly all were quite subdued, and were ready to retire at an early hour. January 20th : this morning opened with a severe gale from the south-west, and the propeller being of narrow build and with light cargo, rolls terribly. The weather has been squally all day and to- night it rains heavily. Nearly all on board are very sea-sick, and the table in the cabin quite deserted. It was indeed a fearful night; the men crowded into the cabin, laying themselves about the floor, as closely as they could be stowed, and no one could have the heart to drive them out. The scene in the cabin could not be de- scribed ; the ship rolls from side to side in such manner that one could pass from one point to another only by grasping hold of everything available. The movable fur- niture of the cabin was thrown about and broken, stove pipe thrown down, men reeling about indiscriminately, and those in the berths keeping their positions with diffi- culty ; between decks a still worse condition of things ex- isted, many of the bunks breaking down from the unusual strain upon them. The men could not sleep, but were generally calm, though some showed much fear. Wednesday morning; daylight was indeed welcome, though still no abatement of the gale; officers are nearly 50 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT all prostrate, and but two only could be found fit for duty. Towards night however the sea is less heavy, but the night promises to be similar to the last. Thursday morning ; day dawns again, and the gale is dying away. We have been carried hundreds of miles out to sea, and at noon to-day the captain reports us sixty hours from Key West, which we had expected to reach to- day. The day has brought to us that saddest of all events, a death and burial at sea. Marcus Hagar, first ser- geant of Company I, died this morning after an illness of twenty-four hours, probably of heart disease, and was buried in the sea at sunset. During this day, Private J. R. Pierce of Company E, who had not been sick, at the request of the surgeon made a mild broth sufficient for the whole regiment, which the men partook of freely and it seemed to do them much good. Friday morning; beautiful day, warm at noon, and the sea perfectly calm. We came in sight of land at 8 o'clock and at noon passed around Great Abaco Island, one of the Bahamas, so near that we could discern the verdure upon it ; it is the first land we have seen since Monday after- noon. The men are as gay as larks and it makes one happy to see and hear them. They seem to have forgot- ten all their hardships, and they certainly have been very patient under them. We have had the men on deck to- day, sick and well, the ship undergoing a thorough cleansing, which it very much needed. We look back over the past few days, and forget all our troubles save the loss of our comrade. Saturday evening; this has been a MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 5 1 beautiful day, very warm and summer-like ; land has been visible most of the day, being islands about the coast of Florida. We passed through a portion of the blockading fleet, and was boarded by them ; we gave them a supply of papers and passed on, and soon came in sight of the wrecked " Marion Sanford," which took out troops. A member of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment, died to- day and was buried in the ocean this evening. We ex- pect to reach Key West to-night and stop a day for coal- ing. The men are in high glee with the prospect of walk- ing on shore. This is a very warm evening and we have had a fine sing on deck. Sunday evening, January 25th, 1863 ; we arrived at Key West last night about 12 o'clock, and at 8 A. M. to- day were moored to the wharf and the men were allowed to go on shore in squads, under a commissioned officer. It was a most beautiful day, as warm as July in Massachu- setts, and the joy of all, at once more being on land, knew no bounds. The walk up into the town was indeed a pleasant sensation, the bells were ringing for church and the streets looked quite lively, the groves of cocoanut trees, gardens filled with orange, lemon and banana trees and many beautiful flowers, birds singing gaily, and abun- dance of tropical fruit and the indulgence in it. were all most agreeable after eight days on shipboard. Nearly, if not quite all the troops had a chance to go on shore for an hour or two, and it has done them much good. Many novel sights were witnessed but perhaps none created more merriment than the spectacle of one of our passen- gers (a chaplain of a Maine regiment), by his eccentric 52 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT performances about the streets, mounted upon the back of a very " cheap looking donkey." It was generally con- ceded, however, that he was fitly mounted. We found Key West a town of about 2,500 population, of which 900 are blacks, who are now all made free by the Emancipa- tion Proclamation of the president. The day was mostly spent in looking about the town and in the evening a few of us officers started out to attend church ; curiosity in- duced us to wend our way to the negro church. We en- tered and took seats quite in the rear of the audience, and were soon surprised by seeing Stephen Henry, a colored servant of our Captain Washburn, walk up the main aisle of the church, enter the pulpit and take full charge of the services. He preached an excellent discourse, (extem- poraneous,) from the text " Cast thy burden on the Lord." No one in the regiment knew that he ever preached or spoke in public, not even the captain, who had employed him. There was a crowded audience and after Stephen's discourse, our chaplain addressed the meeting in a vigor- ous manner, and they were soon worked up to the highest degree of enthusiasm ; some ludicrous scenes occurred, as are quite common in their religious meetings. They seemed perfectly carried away with the chaplain's remarks and came out into the aisles to grasp him by the hand, and amid their ejaculations and gesticulations he seemed in immediate danger of being overwhelmed by the "Black Sea" that surged around him. The blacks are to have a glorification here on next Thursday, on account of the Emancipation Proclamation. They intend to start a MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 53 school for the children ; we understand they now go and come as they please and work at day wages, and are get- ting on very well. Returning from the church, it being yet quite early in the evening, we were attracted to a residence by a large United States flag displayed in the front yard. It was the only one we had seen visible at a private residence in the town, and we were induced to enter. The gentleman of the house came to the door and gave us a hearty greeting, asking us to come in. We found that the gentleman (Mr. Curtis) was one of the few thoroughly loyal citizens of the town. He had been somewhat persecuted by his " se- cesh " neighbors, and when he found that some of our number were singers, he was very anxious that some pa- triotic songs should be rendered for the benefit of his neighbors, it being a warm evening, and the windows and doors all open. The " Star Spangled Banner " and other songs of like character were given with a will, in which the family joined, and our host thought that we had given them enough "to set them swearing pretty well.'* The rest of the evening was spent in conversation very pleasantly. They insisted upon our partaking of refresh- ments, after which we left with fullest expressions of good wishes on their part for our welfare, and with a mutual hope that we might meet again after the war was over. Over eight hundred letters were mailed here by the regi- ment. Monday evening, January 26th ; we sailed from Key West at 7 o'clock this morning, weather being very fine ; 54 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT all are in excellent spirits and seem to be generally im- pressed with our visit on shore. The day has been so warm that we were very comfortable on deck with coats off. We passed Tortugas Island and Fort Jefferson, which is the last land we shall see until we reach the mouth of the Mississippi river. The evening has been very tine, with a smooth sea, a clear sky, and a good moon ; there are no indications of a storm and the pros- pect is, that we shall have a smooth passage for the re- mainder of the voyage, and if the "Alabama" does not overhaul us, before to-morrow night, we shall probably reach New Orleans, Wednesday morning ; we have now been on board ship ten days, and begin to long to get es- tablished again on "terra firma." Some of the men are sick to-day from the effects of partaking too freely of fruits on shore. Tuesday morning, January 27th ; this morning opened very fine, but a rainbow in the sky gave warning that foul weather might be expected. With a clear sky and warm sun, we steam along, until about one o'clock, when a squall suddenly arose and before the canvas could be got in, it had burst upon us and carried away "our main spencer gaff." The squall developed into a regular north- erly gale, and in the course of two hours our ship was rocked as vigorously as ever she was in the previous gale. With the wind dead ahead, a tremendous sea, and the ship hardly able to make any headway, the prospect for the night looked gloomy enough. About 5 o'clock it became necessarv to stop the engine, and for fifteen minutes we MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 55 were at the mercy of the wind and waves, drifting in the trough of the sea. The ship rolls so much that the 'boats hung at the davits dip, and men are thrown about without mercy. Fortunately the machinery soon starts and we are in a better condition, but we are 200 miles from the main land and can only make but about three knots per hour. Nearly all the officers retired soon after dark, being sea- sick, but the night proves to be a fearful one and sleep almost out of the question. Wednesday, January 28th ; no abatement in the gale this morning ; there was a hail storm early in the forenoon. The ship still rolls heavily and most of the men and officers remain in their bunks. The condition of things between decks is sickening in the ex- treme, for the weather is so heavy that no cleaning can be accomplished, and the air is terrible, as the gale pre- vents the use of wind sails. In the afternoon the gale sub- sides and the sea grows smoother, so that by midnight the ship moves on at ten knots per hour, without the uncom- fortable motion of the last two days, and a good night's rest is in store for all. To-day the ration of fresh water was reduced from a quart to a pint to each man per day, as the supply is getting short and we may be several days out yet. Thursday, January 29th ; morning opened very fine, and we find ourselves nearing the mouth of the Mississippi, the point we have so longed for in the last two days. Our signal lor a pilot is raised, and soon one comes alongside and we move on. We soon pass the ship Constellation, laden with the Forty-seventh Massachusetts ; we give them 56 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT some rousing cheers, which they return with a will; also the ship Onward with the Twenty-first Maine, which we saluted in a like manner, and soon the Montebello, upon which our own Lieutenant Priest is detailed. We shout his name and he ascends the rigging, and receives the cheers of his regiment. At about noon we arrive at the head of the passes and are now fairly in the river. The men draw up the muddy water and declare that it is better than that which we brought from New York. The shores on either side present no object of special interest, being low and marshy, with nothing inviting about them. We steam along rather slowly during the afternoon, and about 5 o'clock the flags of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip, opposite each other on either side of the river, are visible. We are soon nearing them and a gun from Fort Jackson brings us to, and a boat comes off with an officer to take our report. This is the scene of Butler's and Far- ragut's exploits, and the key to New Orleans. The walls of the fort with the furrowed breastworks, show unmis- takable signs of the precision of the tiring, and yet it seems that so strong a position should have held out longer than it did. The fight between the fleets took place a little above the forts. The half sunken hull of the " Verona," the federal gun-boat, which fought so gallantly until the last, firing her last gun just as her deck sunk be- low the waters, lies near the shore partly visible, while a little farther up, the remains of the rebel steamer, Gov- ernor Moore, her antagonist, are seen, not much being left except the side wheels, smoke stack and frame work. The MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 57 taking of New Orleans seems more brilliant as one visits the scene of the struggle and views the obstacles which stood in the way of it. Soon we arrive at quarantine and are again boarded by a health officer, who inspects us and allows us to pro- ceed. By his report we find that with all our troubles, we have yet been fortunate, for the Empire City which left Fortress Monroe at the same time we did, and passed up yesterday, had one hundred cases of ship fever taken from her. Night comes on and the peeping of frogs all along the shore reminds us that there is no winter here. The shores are becoming more interesting, as we are passing large orange groves and soon will be in the sugar- cane region. We are about fifty miles from New Orleans and shall probably reach it by midnight. Officers and men are all busy writing letters and histories of their ad- ventures to mail in the morning. January 30th ; we are lying at anchor opposite the city of New Orleans. By request of the officers of the regi- ment, the purser of the steamer prepared for the officers an extra breakfast this morning, at the close of which some resolutions, prepared by Captain Ashley were read, which embodied the sentiments of all, respecting the un- tiring and sleepless vigilance of the captain of the steamer and the efficiency of his subordinates ; a copy of which resolutions was presented to Captain Marshman. In the afternoon we steamed up the river some six miles, to Carrollton, a suburb of the city, and the next morning disembarked and went into camp a short distance from 58 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT the landing, reporting to Gen. W. H. Emory. This camp was designated Camp Mansfield, and the regiment having been furnished with an abundance of canvas soon made itself very comfortable. We arrived at New Orleans with only about a dozen cases of sickness and none serious, which was quite re- markable under the circumstances. An incident of the first night on shore is now recalled. Late in the evening, after the men had turned in, word came from Captain Marshman of the Continental, that his ship had sprung a leak and was sinking in the river, and calling for a detail of men to work his pumps. This was immediately fur- nished, and the men started off with a will to do what they could for the noble ship, which had brought us safely through the stormy passage, while some of us indulged in reflections upon what the result might have been if the de- fect had occurred while we were beating about in the Gulf. The ship was kept afloat and the captain was very grate- ful for the prompt and efficient service rendered. CHAPTER IV. Camp Life at Carrollton — Orders — Sketches of Officers— Sickness — Hospitals — Quelling a Mutiny — Orders For a Move. " Life in the field " now commenced in earnest. Arms were issued to the men, the regular camp routine and duties established, and appearances indicated that we might remain at this point for some days and perhaps weeks. Our first day on shore is Sunday, and services are held in the open air, in front of the colonel's quarters, the chaplain preaching a sermon, and singing being fur- nished by members of the regiment. Our camp is located on the " Shell-road " just in the edge of the village, and several other regiments are encamped near by. During the day four funerals have passed by our camp, — sad re- minders that death is already reaping his harvest from the ranks of the soldiers who are fast falling from the diseases incident to this unhealthy climate. The following orders were now issued for the government of the regiment : Headquarters Fifty-third Regt. Mass. Vols. Camp Mansfield, La., Feb. i, 1863. General Order. The following list of calls is hereby ordered for the govern- ment of the regiment, until further orders. They must be strictly conformed to. Reveille, 6.30 A. M. ; breakfast, 7.00; surgeon's call, 7.30; company police, 7.35; general police, 8.00 ; first sergeant's call, 60 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT 8.30; first call for chess parade, 8.50; dress parade, 9.00 : first call for battalion drill, 10.00; battalion drill, 10.15 ; recall, 1 1 .45 ; adju- tant's call, 12 M.; dinner, 12.30 P. M. ; first call for company drill, 1.45 ; company drill, 2.00; recall, 3.00; first call for guard mounting, 3.20; guard mounting, 3.30; retreat, 5.30; supper, Coo ; tattoo, 8.00 ; taps, 9.00. Three roll calls daily: First, immediately after reveille; second, immediately after retreat ; third, immediately after tattoo. All absentees from roll call without authority will be reported to headquarters immediately. By command of J. W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. H. A. Willis, Adjutant. Headquarters Fifty-third Regt. Mass. Vols. Camp Mansfield, Feb. 5, 1863. Regimental Special Order No. 31. Commanders of companies will at once divide their com- mands into squads, in number equal to the number of their corporals, who shall have full charge of them and the tents which they occupy, and who shall be responsible to the second, third, fourth and fifth sergeants for the conduct of their men, and the performance of their duties, the condition of their arms and equipments, the neatness of their person and dress, and the policing of their quarters. The sergeants shall in turn be respon- sible to the first sergeant, and for the conduct and performance of duties by the corporals and all men under them. The first sergeant shall in like manner be responsible to the commanding officer of the company, for the conduct and performance of their duties by the sergeants and all under them. The authority of the non-commissioned officers must be recognized by all under them, and they must in turn understand that they have such authority and responsibility, and will be held wholly accountable. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 6l The men must understand that disobedience of the orders of the non-commissioned officers over them will not be sanctioned or countenanced in the least degree. The attention of commanders of companies is called to article 13th, army regulations, and they will see that the provisions of this order are carried out. By command of Colonel John W. Kimball. H. A. Willis, Adjutant. On the 2d of February came orders to transfer the regiment to Baton Rouge. On February 3d the regi- ment struck its camp and moved all its equipage to the shore to take the steamer up the river, when the order was countermanded and the regiment ordered back into camp. The only benefit visible from this movement (and perhaps its only object) was to ascertain how efficient the regiment might prove itself in striking its camp, packing up, starting on the march, and getting back and establish- ing its camp again. On the 7th the " Belle Wood " ar- rived with the regimental horses, having been nearly five weeks on the passage. Daily regimental, company and non-commissioned of- ficers' drills were now held and also target practice and skirmish drill. On the 9th of February the regiment par- ticipated in a division drill at the ff Parapet," a point some distance up the river, where earthworks had been thrown up for defense. On the 10th of February the regiment moved to " Camp Kearney," a short distance away and nearer the river, and just off the line of the New Orleans and Carroll- ton railroad. It was here assigned to the Third Brigade, 62 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Third Division of the Nineteenth Arm}' Corps, the brigade being under command of Colonel O. P. Gooding, of the Thirty-first Massachusetts, and the division under command of General W. H. Emory. Colonel Gooding was an " accident " in the place we found him. He had been appointed colonel of the Thirty-first Massachusetts, by Governor Andrew, contrary to the wishes of those most prominent in raising the regiment. He was a second lieutenant in the regular army at the time, and regular armv officers were at a premium in those days and each one supposed to be a " host in himself." But in some cases, as in this one, they proved to be only second lieu- tenants. When our brigade was made up he commanded it by seniority of commission. He was not popular with his regiment, nor with the brigade he commanded. He was a martinet and punctillious to the last degree concern- ing small matters of military ceremony, dress and eti- quette. The bottom of a pantaloon leg turned up at "dress parade," or anything about a soldier's dress not strictly ac- cording to regulations, would exasperate him greatly, and the hearing an officer addressing his company as " boys " was enough to cause the issue of an order forbidding it. A rosette, indicating his rank, upon the undress blouse of an officer visiting his headquarters was the occasion of a most ungentlemanly attack upon him, with a request to his adjutant-general to issue an order requiring " shoulder straps " on all occasions. He rode upon his horse through the camps with head cast down and with a Napoleonic seriousness upon his MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 63 countenance which betokened that he had the fate of the nation upon his shoulders, but he was not conspic- uous in any engagement for his prominence at the front or efficiency in directing his brigade. He had some ex- cellent staff officers, who saved him from utter oblivion, but he never rose above the rank of colonel. General W. H. Emory, who commanded the division, was an old soldier. He was born in Maryland in 1811, and graduated at West Point in 1831. He was in the Mexican war on the staff of General Kearney, where he was successively made captain, and brevet major. He remained with the army after the war, and was on duty upon the plains. He was in Kansas during the troubles of 1854 and in Utah in 1858. He resigned May 9th, 1861, but was reappointed lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth United States Cavalry the same month. He took part in the " Peninsular Campaign " having been made brigadier- general of volunteers March 17th, 1862. His long service had well prepared him for his present position, and he was regarded as a veritable " old war horse." He was thoroughly loyal and uncompromising, but he was not wrapped up in self-conceit, and was not addicted to whims or eccentricities of any sort. He was a strict disciplinarian, but not an arbitrary stickler in trifling mat- ters, and was very ready to commend merit wherever he saw it. The officers and men of his division believed in him thoroughly and he was exceedingly popular with them. The regiment remained at this point until March 6th, 64 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT engaged in drilling, target practice. and the various duties of the camp. The ground upon which "Camp Kearney " was located was very flat, and several feet lower than the surface of the river flowing between immense levees one- quarter of a mile to the west of us, and bearing upon its bosom huge steamboats, and other crafts moving up and down to all appearance and in fact several feet above our level. The weather in the month of February alternated be- tween heavy showers and hot sun, and the ground was nothing but a bed of mud from which miasmatic vapors exhaled bv day and night. Our men fell sick with start- ling rapidity — diarrhoea, dysentery and malarial fever pre- vailed extensively, and before the end of the month, we had between two and three hundred sick. At one time for three days all three of our surgeons were down, and the hospital steward was obliged to take charge of the sick in camp. Of course the very sick were sent to the hospitals in the city — ''Marine,'' "Charity," "St. James," and others. These hospitals were well conducted by the United States authorities, and men sent there were as a rule very well cared for. They were not so far from camp, but that they could be visited bv their comrades while we re- mained at Camp Kearney, but our departure added to their desolation. Life in hospital in a "conquered rebel citv " as some of us now well remember, was very differ- ent from that we had seen in Washington, and other cities along the border. There, the neatly kept wards were cheered by the presence of flowers — the care of female MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 65 nurses — the visits of many loyal and sympathizing friends ; while here the monotony of the situation is only varied by the periodical rounds of the surgeon ; the perfunctory min- istrations of the " detailed nurses " and occasionally a visit perhaps of the female "colporteurs'' who clad in black with attenuated figure — sharp visage and rebellious hearts made their vvav through the wards depositing with a sanctimoni- ous air the "tract" which might perhaps turn the soul of the despised "Yankee" from the error of its ways. No words of sympathy from them ; but it did sometimes happen that some old " colored mammy" would be per- mitted to visit, and as she passed around scattering flowers and words of good cheer, the sunshine that radiated from her presence was in itself a whole "gospel of peace." Thus it will be seen that our ranks were fast being depleted. But after March ist, the rains ceased and there seemed to be some improvement, but we had lost by death alreadv about twenty, and many were becoming per- manently disabled. A peculiar case occurred about this time. Private James A. Raymond of Company H, died at the Carrollton hospital of no apparent disease. He had become im- pressed that he must die soon, and it so worked upon his nervous system that he finally became delirious and died in a most pitiable state of insanity. Perhaps the most exciting event of our stay here, oc- curred one night after all had turned in. The camp was quiet, save the tramp of the sentries on guard. An incip- ient insurrection had occurred in the One Hundred and 66 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Seventy-tilth New York Regiment, encamped a short dis- tance away. The commanding officer, finding that he could not quell it, called upon Colonel Kimball for aid. He at once ordered the " long roll " to be beat. It was a summons the men had never yet heard, but in less time than it takes to tell it, they were in line in the company streets, and the regiment made a quick march tor the scene of trouble. Suffice it to say, that the mutiny was soon quelled without any resort to force, and the regiment received the most unqualified approbation of the officers of the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth, for their prompt re- sponse to the call. The Thirty-first Massachusetts Regiment, was also en- camped near us, and we most thoroughly enjoyed the music from their excellent band. The men had come to realize that they were indeed soldiers engaged in a most righteous cause, and soon be- gan to be impatient of the dull routine of their daily life, and to sigh for more active work, and the order to break camp on March 6th, caused their hearts to leap with ex- pectation. The destination this time proved to be Baton Rouge. CHAPTER V. Departure for Raton Rouge — Magnolia Grove — Reconnoissance — An Onward Move of the Army towards Port Hudson — The Passage of the Fleet — Return to Baton Rouge — Departure for Algiers — Advance into the Enemy's Country. The regiment was embarked on steamer Crescent, March 6th, arriving at Baton Rouge the next day, where it went into camp about three miles below the city, in a beautiful grove of magnolia trees. The country here was more broken up and seemed to give new inspiration to the boys, reminding them more of their New England homes, than the dead level country about New Orleans, and for many miles above. They proceeded to make themselves comfortable in their new camp, and to this end began to take rails from the adjacent fences, for use about their tents, as a portion of the ground was low and wet. Late in the evening, an order almost savage in tone, came down from brigade headquarters to Colonel Kimball, forbidding the taking of rails and ordering a guard to be detailed to prevent it, and to replace those already taken. The guard was detailed, but as we had already learned from the negroes that the owner of the plantation we were on was an officer in the rebel army, an order for special protection to his property, which we were in need of for our comfort was very hard to obey, and the indignation of officers and men was in- tense, though somewhat suppressed. The rails already 68 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT taken were not replaced. This was the only time we were ever actually forbidden to take fences for our use. there being an order afterwards issued allowing "the top rails to be taken." This worked very well, for the fence being of the Virginia pattern, the result was that one set of men would go along and remove the top rail ; another set, perfectly oblivious to that would proceed to take top rails, and so on until the only rail left was of course a top rail and went the way of all the others. On Tuesday, March ioth. orders were received to pack everything and be ready to march at an hour's notice. On the nth, received orders to make a recon- noissance on the Bayou Sara road, which was immedi- ately countermanded. In the evening another order was received to go aboard steamers the next morning for a reconnoissance up the river. March 12th, the regiment left camp at 5 A. M., marched to the city and embarked on two steamers, the Iberville and St. Maurice, and were accompanied by a portion of the Second Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry, under Captain Stevens. Under convoy of the gunboat Albatross we proceeded up the river about six miles, where a landing was effected, at a place called "Scott's mills." As we landed, a "long haired citizen " was observed acting in a rather suspicious manner, and we took him into custody. He proved to be the owner of the plantation we were on, named Elder. He wished to be let alone, and allowed to go home but we held him until our raid was over and then released him. We could get no information from him. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 69 We proceeded cautiously toward the Bayou Sara road led by the cavalry, with Company A deployed as " flank- ers, " as we marched through the wood. Reachino- the Bayou Sara road, the flankers were called in, the regiment halted and the cavalry sent ahead to recon- noitre. Riding one-quarter of a mile up the road, they came upon and exchanged shots with a rebel " picket guard " and hastily returned and reported. The long roll was heard to beat not far to the front and Colonel Kimball at once put the regiment in a position to repel an assault, by placing companies D and F on either side of the road, forming a V, and posting the remainder of the regiment in the rear to support them. The cavalry were sent up the road again to tempt them out, but they did not come and probably awaited an attack by us, but as our orders were not to go beyond this point, we commenced the march to the city, driving in a large number of cattle and arriving at our camp in the evening, where we found orders await- ing us to march with the whole division the next day. This proved to be an onward movement of Banks' main force. The order of march was as follows : General Grover's division of five brigades in the advance ; Gen- eral Emory's of three brigades following, with General Augur's of four brigades as the reserve, a large number of batteries, quite a force of cavalry, with the accompani- ments of ammunition, forage and subsistence wagons, ambulances and all other necessary appendages. The weather was very warm and the roads terribly dustv. Our regiment fell into the column at 7 o'clock A. M. and 70 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT proceeded about eight miles over the same road by which we had marched into town on the preceding day, to a bridge on the Bayou Sara road, where we bivouacked tor the night. Now it began to look as though the active campaign so much longed for was about to commence, and knowing from our experience of the day before that we were in close proximity to the enemy, it was confidently expected by all that there would be an encounter within the next twenty-four hours. We were only about twelve miles from Port Hudson, and it was known that this strong position was held by a large force ; the movement proved to be one in co-operation with an attack by the gunboats on the river. March 14th, we marched at daybreak and proceeded about ten miles towards Port Hudson and bivouacked for the night on the " Alexander plantation," about three miles from the river and town. This was the night of the bombardment, and successful passage of a portion of Admiral Farragut's fleet past the batteries of Port "Hud- son. The men slept upon their arms, expecting that morning would call them to join in an attack by the land forces on the enemy's works. The fleet had been engaged all the afternoon and continued in the evening. We lay and watched after dark by the light of the burning fuses the course of the shells thrown from the mortars on the gunboats as they described their beautiful curves to the point of explosion, until suddenly the sky became illumi- nated bv a great light : we watched it as it seemed to be MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 71 moving down the river, amid the constant booming of' heavy guns, when suddenly there shot forth a blaze yet more brilliant, accompanied by a tremendous explosion, which shook the earth as by a great convulsion ; and darkness reigned and the firing soon ceased. It was only too evident that it was a burning vessel, and we were filled with gloomy forebodings that our fleet had been de- feated and perhaps destroyed, which happily proved otherwise later on. In the morning an order from General Banks' headquar- ters announced that "the object of the expedition had been accomplished," a phrase which afterwards became a by- word in the division, whenever our movements resulted like that of the famous king with 40,000 men, who " marched up hill and then marched down again." But later we learned that our movement was only a demon- stration to aid the fleet to pass the batteries. The whole army was again put in motion towards Baton Rouge. This division halted and went into camp five miles out of the city, in what the boys called " Rattlesnake Swamp," they having captured and despatched some of the reptiles there. March 17th the regiment marched with two brigades on a reconnoissance up the Clinton road, proceeded five miles and bivouacked for the night in a beautiful little opening in the woods, with a brook of clear water run- ning through it and surrounded with " cornus " trees in full bloom. Other beautiful flowers are seen in the woods about. One rare sight is the dead trunk of a tree stand- ing some thirty feet high upon which the wild " trumpet 72 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT flower" has climbed, and completely enveloped it with verdure and its bright scarlet blossoms, as if nature would repair and cover up the unsightly ravages of time. So will she not also in time restore again the places which we are laying waste in prosecuting this cruel and unnatu- ral war? It was a charming spot, where we would fain have lingered, but we were ordered back to " Rattlesnake Swamp" the next morning, and again "the object of the expedition had been accomplished." We reached camp that same evening, March 18th. March 19th a detail of 250 men was made from the regiment as a working party to cut down trees. March 20th, marched with the whole division for Baton Rouge, and arrived at our camp in Magnolia Grove at 5 P. M. While encamped here an incident occurred which caused much merriment among both officers and men. Martin Falan of Company E, was a full-blooded Irish- man, aged 35, and a thorough soldier, who was always ready for any service and could always be depended upon to carry out literally any instructions given to him. One dark, rainy night, at a late hour he was on guard duty in the adga of the grove, when a mounted officer rode up and attempted to cross his beat. He was ordered to halt, when he announced himself as Colonel Gooding, the com- mander of our brigade, which Martin knew very well be- fore, but he had his orders to dismount every mounted man and have him give the countersign, before allowing MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 73 him to pass, and this he ordered the colonel to do— threat- ening to bore him through as he seemed inclined to pass across. No parleying or bluster on the part of the colonel could move him, and a more broad minded man than Colonel Gooding would have complied and commended the man for doing his duty. But let Martin tell the story: "I said, 'halt, dismount and give the countersign.' He says, r I am Colonel Good- ing, commander of the brigade.' I said, 'be jabers I don't know you at all at all, but I have got my orders and be gorra you can't pass here.' Then he says, 'you damn rebel I will have you tied up by your thumbs until you do know me.' I said, 'be jabers I have got you just now where you can't do that.' 'Call the officer of the guard,' says he— 'of course I will, that's my duty,' says I. The officer came and he ordered him to put me in the guard tent, and put on another man. So I had a good night's sleep in the guard tent, and they let me out at guard mounting in the morning. But Colonel Gooding didn't cross my beat, and be jabers I was not tied up by my thumbs either." On Monday, the 23d, a painful accident took place. It was very rainy and the men were in their shelter tents to protect themselves from the storm. Without any warn- ing a large dead limb of a tree fell upon the tent, under which Timothy Hubbard, of Company H, was sitting with three of his comrades. It crushed the tent, struck Mr. Hubbard upon the head making a bad fracture of the skull. He was carried at once to the chaplain's tent 74 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT where arrangements were made to transfer him to the "Asylum Hospital" to have the operation of trepanning performed. An ambulance was obtained, the removal made and the operation skillfully performed, but he died two hours after, never having regained consciousness after the blow was received. We buried him in a quiet spot near the deaf and dumb asylum. He was a man re- spected by all his comrades and his sudden death cast a gloom over his company and the regiment as well ; a strange fate, coming out here to brave the danger of dis- ease and the bullet, and dying a violent death from an ac- cident so unlooked for. Surely, in the midst of life we are in death, and no one can be certain of safety for a single day. Nothing further of note occurred from this date until March 25th, when our camp was moved into the city, in the rear of the asylum. The measles had appeared in the regiment and some more of the men were sent to the hospital, while but very few of the previously sick had re- turned. On the first of April the whole division started for Algiers, opposite New Orleans, this regiment taking pas- sage on steamer Nassau. The month on the whole had been quite an active one, and quite satisfactory to all ex- cept a few who had not yet " got a chance at the enemy " at " close quarters." Some of them, let it be said right here, were quite satisfied later on, with one experience ot that sort, and immediately developed symptoms of "shell fever." MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 75 Arriving at Algiers, April 2d, the regiment went into camp near the river and were quite comfortably situated. Only one week was spent here, one of the days being Easter Sunday, upon which day religious services were held in front of headquarters (the first for some time) and were conducted by the chaplain, who preached a good sermon from the text, " Look not behind thee."' Orders were received to leave knapsacks and all camp equipage here. From the departure from Baton Rouge until after the surrender of Port Hudson, a period of three or four months, the regiment had only eight companies, as two, B and K, were on detached duty. Some account of their separate experience will be given later in the volume. On April 9th the regiment left Algiers at 7.30 o'clock A. M., by the Grent Western railroad, for Brashear City, eighty miles distant. The railroad follows the river for twenty-five or thirty miles, then strikes off westward through fine plantations for several miles, and then through many miles of a dismal swamp. We notice on the route thousands of acres of sugar-cane left uncut in the fields of last year's crop, as the negroes all ran away when the Federals took possession of the country. As we are pass- ing through the swamp numerous alligators are seen lying on the hummocks and basking in the sun, and some of the men began to amuse themselves by shooting them from the top of the cars. But soon one of Colonel Gooding's aids comes bustling down from brigade headquarters, lo- cated somewhere between us and the locomotive, with an j6 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT order forbidding the sport. JY. B. It is inconsistent zvith army regulations to allow shooting of alligators from a moving train through the enemy s country. Our whole division was thus en route; train after train thundering along, the cars packed inside, outside, on top, from end to end of train, with men, horses, artillery, bag- gage and ammunition wagons, and the always suggestive ambulances, and it is evident that an expedition through the country is on foot. Arriving at Brashear City we are transported across the river to Berwick by ferry, and go into camp just out- side the village. The rebels held this point until our advance arrived here this morning, but their force was small and they discreetly retired without a brush with us. CHAPTER VI. Battle of Fort Bisland— March through the Teche Country— New Iberia, Vermilionville — Incidents — Opelousas — Congratulatory Orders— Official Reports— Death and Burial. On April nth the regiment marched at noon with the whole division. We moved up the Teche road, pro- ceeding very slowly and with frequent halts, arriving at Pattersonville, about eight miles distant, at 7 P. M., where we bivouacked for the night in the open field. We were now in close proximity to the enemy and the orders were to sleep upon our arms to be ready for any emer- gency. The night was quiet and the morning broke clear and pleasant. The season had become well advanced, the weather warm, vegetation luxuriant, and abundance of flowers bloomed in the gardens on our route. All seemed calm and peaceful, but who could tell how soon the whole scene might change to one of turmoil and carnage. At noon the march was again resumed : the column moved forward about two miles, now moving by plantation roads across the fields. After going about two miles the ad- vance encountered the enemy's pickets. A brisk skirmish followed, with a few casualties, when the enemy being pushed back, the line of march was again resumed and continued for about two miles, when a sharp fire was opened from the batteries of the enemy, which were posted behind a formidable line of earthwork. A vigorous 78 THE KIFTY-TIIIRD REGIMENT artillery battle ensued, which lasted until dark. The regi- ment though under fire suffered no casualties. This was the first experience of the regiment under fire. All the afternoon we had been making our way along with the sharp crack of the skirmishers' rifles in our immediate front, and the heavier reports of the batteries which were "feeling the woods" in our advance; these with the lurid flame and heavy smoke from the burning buildings, which the fleeing rebels had in their flight set on fire, or which our shells had ignited, whenever they interfered with the range of our guns, rendered the march a very exciting- one. This was all a new experience, not unexpected, but highly suggestive of what might be looked for on the morrow. The men laid down in line of battle, expecting the early dawn would summon them to the conflict. At daylight next morning firing is again opened upon us from the batteries of the enemy, and there is good reason to expect hot work before the day closes. After remain- ing in support of a battery a short time, we are ordered to cross the bayou to join in an attack upon the other side. We crossed on a pontoon bridge built by our Company K, the pioneer company of the army corps, which was posted near it during the battle. We soon reach the front, and are ordered to lie down in line of battle as a reserve. Several hours were spent here, with nothing to be done but to listen to the screaming of the shells as they passed over our heads and the rattle of the musketry in front. At last, at 3 P. M., we were ordered "Forward to re- lieve the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment," which MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 79 had previously relieved the Thirty-first Massachusetts, "and to move in skirmish line directly upon the works." We were thus engaged under a heavy fire of musketry and shell for five hours, (until darkness prevented further operations,) gradually advancing to within one hundred and twenty-five yards of the enemy's works, which point we held through the night, being in advance of any other regiment. During the night there were unmistakable signs of evacuation by the enemy and Colonel Kimball gave notice of the same at division and corps headquarters, but no orders were sent him. In the moraine:, iust at daylight, he caused Captain Stratton and ten men to move forward to draw the fire of the enemy, if still there, but no evidence of the same appearing, the whole regiment was at once moved forward into the works. "Fort Bisland" was ours and the flag of the Fifty-third the first to be planted upon the ramparts : notice of the same was imme- diately sent to brigade headquarters. The commanding officer there had just then received from General Emory an order to request Colonel Kimball to "Feel of the enemy, if still there." But he was able to return the answer, that the Fifty-third had already taken possession. Our loss had been small, but among them was one of our bravest officers, Lieutenant Nutting, who was shot dead while gallantly leading on his men. Colonel Kimball's official report of the battle will be given later on. An officer of the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Regi- ment in writing an account of this battle says : "The Fifty-third Massachusetts nine months' men came under fire to relieve the Thirty-eighth, and for a regiment that had not 80 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT been in service but a short time and had only had guns in their possession six weeks, moved up in a solid line of battle which would cause envy of the veteran troops, pushing up close to the enemy's works, and holding their position through that long, dreary night, and planting their flag on the earthworks next morning." Lieutenant George G. Nutting was a native of Green- field and was born July 16, 1826, but had lived in Fitch- burg for some years before the war. He was an old militia soldier and held a commission in the Fitchburg Fusiliers previous to going into the service. When the call came in 1863 for volunteers for nine months he was one of the first to respond and use his efforts to induce others to go. He entered the service as first lieutenant of Company A. He proved an efficient officer and most thorough disciplinarian. He was very popular with his men for whose comfort he was ever solicitous. He was cool, determined and fearless in battle, with only the thought to do his whole duty. He had been in com- mand of his company since leaving New York, as Captain Miles resigned just before the regiment sailed. He would have been its captain had we been permitted to hold elec- tions when we first arrived in the department. He died universally mourned by the regiment and by hosts of friends at home. He was unmarried but left a mother, and a brother who was also in the service. Early in the morning of the 14th the whole force was put in motion in pursuit of the retreating foe. The Fifty- third was ordered to reconnoitre the left bank of the "Teche" to Franklin, distant ten miles, while the rest of MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 8l the army moved up on the other side of the bayou. With an escort of a few cavalrymen it proceeded cautiously along the country, across the fields by plantation roads, and reached Franklin about dark and joined the main body, again driving in about a hundred head of beef cattle, mules and horses. On the 15th the regiment marched at 6 A. M., crossed the bayou and proceeded along the Teche road. We marched about sixteen miles and bivouacked for the night in the open field on high land. It was a singularly beautiful country we were marching through, the "Teche country," so called, the land broken like our own New England, and simply a succession of plantations under a high state of cultivation and teeming with cattle and live stock of every kind. It had not yet been much traversed by the army, and our boys had rare opportunity to gather in with their own hands, or receive from the friendly negroes, who swarmed out from every plantation, a good supply of poultry, eggs, pigs, honey and potatoes, for their evening and morning meals. The male whites had mostly fled along with Dick Taylor's army, which we had driven from the fortifications at Bisland, and which was fleeing before us in a state of utter demoralization. On April 16th the regiment marched at 6.30 A. M., and reached New Iberia without incident of importance at 4 P. M., having travelled about fifteen miles. A de- tachment of the division was sent out to destroy the salt works near the village, which was effectually accom- plished, thus cutting off the chief supply of salt for the 82 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT whole confederacy. Near this village we passed the scene of a cavalry skirmish of our advance the day before, the nnbnried bodies of men and horses still lying where they fell. Rations of fresh beef were issued to the regi- ment this evening, a rarity much appreciated. As we were settling down for our night's rest word was passed about that news had come through the lines •that Charleston, S. C, had been retaken by the Union forces. The news was almost too good to be true (and afterwards proved not to be), but it was enough to rouse the enthusiasm of everybody about headquarters, and we soon had going an elaborate illumination, made up of a framework of poles mounted with all the tallow candles that could be spared from our meagre commissary stores. The army in its march had accumulated a motley array of camp followers, (blacks, of course) — "contra- bands" they were generally called in those days. They had left the different plantations we had passed, bringing with them such provisions and utensils as they might, and were only too ready to go with us, and, perhaps against the rules of strict military discipline, were taken into the service of officers and enlisted men to carry their luggage. Many of them were well mounted on horses, mules and ponies, which they had not hesitated to appropriate to themselves and to the benefit of their new found friends. Our "New r York Johnny'' had in the last few days found ample opportunities for the exercise of his peculiar proclivities. He had, very soon after our arrival in the country, supplied himself with a mule, (with no questions MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 83 asked as to how,) and our chaplain had been well mounted tor some time on a large white horse, which it was suspected was the product of one of Johnny's excursions. Now at the halt this evening comes an order from head- quarters that all live stock, not actually the property of officers, must be turned into a "corral" designated for the purpose. A guard was sent out to carry out this order and the result was that Johnny and his mule were "scooped in". But he was equal to the emergency. Early in the evening he appeared at headquarters and slyly called Colonel Kimball to come out a little wav, as he had o-ot something to show him. Taking him to where our horses were parked he pointed to a very well built, fawn colored pony, of about six hundred pounds weight, with a coarse black saddle upon him, so large with its housing, as to almost completely envelop him. "That's for you, colonel," he says. "But where did you get him, and where is your mule?" says the colonel. "Oh, you see they turned us fellows all into that pen down there, and I went to the officer in charge and told him that I was your servant, and you was expecting me back to get supper and I wanted my 'horse', and he finally told me I might go in and pick him out and he would let me go. I went in there and found this one, and its better for us than the mule and I thought you would like him." It was a sad commentary on Johnny's declaration on ship board that "he could be honest", but the colonel finding that he had made a good swap and that in all probabilities (as after- wards proved to be the case) the "corral" was established 84 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT for the purpose of giving the officers a chance to provide themselves with horses, and not with the object of return- ing them to the owners, he concluded to appropriate the beast, which was afterwards appraised by the quarter- master's department and paid for, and which proved very valuable to him while in service, and gave his children much delight for many years after at his home in Fitch- burg. Johnny, be it said, did many a good turn of like nature to our own, as well as officers of the brigade, with whom he was on the best of terms. It was only necessary for some one to say, I wish I had such a thing, when Johnny would say, "I will get you one, captain," and he would, if the country round about could produce it. Johnny had private reasons of his own for wishing to trade off his mule. The creature had the peculiarity of his race known as bucking ; and beside his voice was not musical when he set it up in protest. The following incident will be recalled by many. It was at the camp at Baton Rouge in Magnolia Grove. Johnny had been up to the city after the mail, and the boys were anxiously awaiting his return ; presently he is seen approaching and enters the grove at a moderate pace, when suddenly the mule plants his forefeet, raises his hind quarters and sends rider and mail bag, and a pail of butter he was carrying, over his head. As Johnny lay sprawling on the ground the mule stands as if transfixed, looking down upon him as if in "sorrow more than anger," and gives vent to an unearthly braying, as only he could MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 85 give ; and amid the roars of the regiment Johnny gathers himself up unhurt, and on the whole as much pleased with the experience as the rest of us. April 17th ; this regiment was attached to the First Brigade, composed of the One Hundred and Tenth and One Hundred and Sixty-second New York Regiments and First Maine Battery, the whole being temporarily placed under command of Colonel Kimball and detached from the division as a rear guard to General Grover's trains, to whom it was ordered to report. The route taken was a different one from that of the rest of the army, but substantially in a course parallel to it across the country and at a considerable distance from it. About the middle of the day, while crossing quite an elevation of land, we suddenly discovered emerging from the woods on our right, and at about a half mile distant, quite a large troop* of cavalry. We could not at once make out whether they were friends or foes. Some of the negroes in the neighborhood hinted that there had been a body of "con- federates," dressed in United States uniforms, scouring the country thereabouts, and it was probably the same. How formidable a force might be behind them was un- certain, and it was but the work of a moment for the colonel to order the battery into position, with a regiment to its support, in readiness to repel any attack that might be made. But the mystery was soon cleared up, for the commanding officer, seeing our preparations, immediately rode out from his line and putting spurs to his horse came upon the full run up to our lines, and reported himself and 86 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. command as having been sent across country, from the main column, to join us in the march to Vermilion ville, near which point we bivouacked, at about 8 P. M., having marched about eighteen miles. The advance of the main column had encountered the enemy's rear and some skir- mishing had followed, but he had got himself well across the Vermilion river, and destroyed the bridge, which kept us there during the next day, and allowed him a day's start of us, when we again took up the line of pursuit. We stopped this night, the next day and the next night in a grove on the banks of the river, giving the regiment a much needed rest and a chance for bathing. It is remem- bered that during one of these nights we were visited by one of those terrific thunder storms, for which that part of the country is famous ; the rain coming in such torrents as to drive some of us out of the depressed spots we had selected to lie down in, and under our limited amount of canvas we had to sit the night out in miserable discom- fort. April 19th ; the bridge being reconstructed, the brigade inarched at 8 A. M. and reached Vermilionville at 10 A. M. Here was quite a considerable village, which we found in a state of trepidation. The male portion of the population had mostly fled at our approach, either follow- ing in the wake of Dick Taylor's retreating army, or "taking to the woods" until our army had passed along. Nearlv every house had a white flag flying, but not one displayed the "stars and stripes." There might have been some latent loyalty left there among the people, but it did not show much signs of life. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 87 The writer, however, remembers one incident personal to himself, which lingers pleasantly in his memory after a lapse of twenty-five years. As he was riding past an humble appearing dwelling, where no white flag hung out, he noticed a lady with children sitting on the piazza ; when directly opposite, a little girl of about ten or twelve years of age came running out and reached up to him a beautiful bouquet. It was a slight thing, but it seemed to indicate a little spirit of welcome and sympathy of which, thus far, we had received very little during our sojourn in the state. He fastened the flowers to his saddle, where they remained to cheer the day's march, as the memory of the incident remained long after as one of the bright episodes of an era of hardship and suffering. The prop- erty of the inhabitants here was respected under the one- sided truce, which the white flags may be supposed to have indicated. But during the afternoon's march, the same day, oc- curred a summary destruction of property well deserved. The column was passing not far from a farm house, when a soldier left the ranks and went to the well near the house to get a drink of water. While in the act some person in the house tired a shot which killed him. It was the work of a few moments for his comrades to rush from the ranks to avenge his death, but in some manner the assassin made his .escape into the adjacent woods and was not captured, but the torch was immediately applied to the house and out-buildings, and before the army had entirely passed they were in ashes. It was not surprising that 88 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMKNT little respect was paid to private property for the rest of that day's march, and some excesses were committed that would not have otherwise occurred. We marched fifteen miles this day over a very muddy road and encamped for the night thirteen miles from Opelousas. Evidence con- tinued to accumulate of the demoralization of Dick Taylor's army, stragglers being constantly taken up, and to-day two hundred and fifty were captured in a body in the woods. During the march this day, the army was obliged to ford a swollen stream about twenty rods wide and two to three feet in depth. This was done by the men tak- ing off shoes, stockings and pants, and wading through. Large quantities of burning cotton were passed this day, which the rebels had rolled out from the storehouses and fired to prevent it falling into our hands. April 20th : the regiment marched at 7 A. M. for Opelousas, which we entered in the afternoon, and the authorities of the town quietly surrendered to General Banks. This was the seat of the rebel state government, but we found none of the officials left to tender us the "freedom of the city," but we took it all the same. The troops camped in the fields about the town and a few of the buildings were taken for officers' quarters. The re- treating army had now got such a start of us, by reason of our delay to rebuild bridges, that it was useless to keep up the pursuit and it was wisely determined to remain here and give the tired soldiers a rest. The march had been a most fatiguing one and the roads dry and dusty, but the men stood it like veterans and were in high spirits over MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 89 the victory and the complete rout of the enemy. Two weeks were spent here. These days were occupied in a moderate amount of drilling and the ordinary duties of the camp and it was a welcome relief from the fighting and forced marches of the previous ten days. A division review was also held while we were stop- ping at this point. On the evening of April 22d, it being the first "dress parade" since the battle, the following congratulatory orders from army, division, and brigade headquarters were read to the regiment : Headquarters Department of the Gulf. Near Vermillionville, April 19, 1863. General Order No. 28. The morning salute celebrates the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, and the assault upon Ameri- can troops at Baltimore in 186 1. The day is consecrated to union and liberty. Soldiers, you have exhibited your devotion to its hallowed memories and the principles it represents. In peace you contributed in every professional and industrial pursuit to the prosperity and power which gave a world wide renown to the American states. In war you have learned to endure fatigue, suffered deprivations, conquered difficulties and achieved victo- ries. In three months you have become soldiers ; you have defeated the enemy, dispersing his army and destroying his navy. In twenty days you have marched three hundred miles, fought four engagements, expelled him from his fortifications, driven him at the point of the bayonet from Berwick City to Opelousas, captured ten guns and two thousand prisoners, in- cluding some of his best officers of all arms, and made the re-organization of his forces for the present impossible, by de- priving him of all the material resources of war, destroying his foundries and demolishing his salt works, that for two years have sustained the life of the confederacy. 7 90 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT The navy of the Gulf shares in the honors of the campaign. It has encountered and dispersed the fleet of the enemy, and sunk the "Queen of the West."' To-day it will reduce the fortifi- cations at " Butte La Rose," and open the " Atchafalaya " to the Red River and C'ortableau to Washington of Louisiana. Let us be grateful to Him who giveth us the victory and true- to the cause we defend. New glories are before us. The "Army of the Gulf" will command the attention of the people and every eye will be fastened upon its movements. Let us be true to the flag we bear and remember that "to defy danger is to drive it into the ranks of the enemy." By command of Major General Banks. Richard B. Irwix, A. A. G. Headquarters Third Division, Nineteenth Corps, April 18, 1863. General Order No. 44. The general commanding this division congratulates his troops for the part taken by them in the battles of the 12th and 13th, when the enemy was driven from his position, well en- trenched and defended by artillery and gunboats. Most of you were for the first time under lire, yet you stood in line of battle within point blank range of the works and marched to the attack with a coolness and order, which he has not seen surpassed in a long experience. Your conduct in those two clays should inspire every man of the division, as it does your commander, with entire confidence that you will do the duty which the country expects of you. By command of Brigadier-General Emory. Peter French, A. A. G. Headquarters Third Brigade, Third Division, April 18, 1863. Official : E. H. Kordham, Captain ami A. A. A. G. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 91 Headquarters Third Brigade, Third Division. Opelousas, La., April 22, 1863. General Order No. 23. Soldiers : — It is with pride that your brigade commander recalls your uniformly good conduct on the march, as well as your gallant and noble behavior at Fort Bisland. You have won for yourselves an enviable reputation. Be true to that reputation, and in the future let your every act in the camp, as well as on the battle field, be such as will only add to its purity and splendor. For four mortal hours you were exposed to an incessant fire of artillery and musketry. You did not falter, but nobly performed your duty, driving before you and capturing some of the most daring and reckless of Southern troops. For our noble dead, who fell fighting so gallantly in the field of Bisland, we drop the patriot's tear. May their death be our death and their glory our glory. We could ill afford to lose such noble spirits as the brave Captain Gault and the chivalric Lieutenants Freer and Nutting, but it is pleasing to reflect that they died for the "old flag." Let us emulate their example and march on to victory and yet more glory. By order of O. P. Gooding, Co/one/ Commanding. F. H. Fordham, Captain and A. A. A. G. To Colonel J. W. Kimball, Fifty-third Mass. Vols. After the foregoing were read Colonel Kimball took occasion to address his command substantially as follows: Fellow Soldiers : — You have listened to the reading of the congratulatory orders from army, division and brigade head- quarters, in which I most heartily concur. And as this is our first dress parade since our engagement of the 13th instant I have thought it appropriate to address a few words to you of congratulation and of approbation of your conduct upon that trying occasion. It was your first engagement with the enemy, and I desire to express to you my unqualified approbation of £2 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT your conduct that day. You were engaged, as the brigade com- mander truly says, with some of the most reckless and daring of Southern troops, the Texans ; you were exposed to an incessant fire of musketry and artillery for five hours, a longer time than I have ever seen in my experience a regiment to be pressed for- ward as you were in such an open field and in face of such fortifications. But it was no more than I expected of you. I knew I could depend upon you as I told you when I first saw you in line at "Camp Stevens." I went forward into the field with the most perfect confidence that every order I might give would be obeyed with alacrity. And 1 feel that your conduct on that occasion is but a guaranty of what I may expect of you in the future. This regiment was the last one raised in Massachusetts, but its flag was the first to wave over the fortifications on the morn- ing of the 14th instant. Let us bear it gallantly forward and add new lustre to that already gathered around it, and at last bear it back to old Massachusetts to be placed in the archives of the state as a memorial of the achievements of this regiment. Let us not forget on this occasion those of our number who fell upon that field of battle and while we sorrow for their loss, let us ever cherish their memories with patriotic pride for they died nobly fighting for the " old flag." The gallant Lieutenant Nutting, the noble hearted Stuart and the brave Thurman ; they died in the glorious cause and died as I believe they would have chosen to do, rather than to see this regiment driven from the field by the traitors in arms against us. Letter of Colonel Kimball to Adjutant-General Schoti- ler, after the "Bisland fight," sometimes called the ''battle of the Teche." I\ the Field, April 19, 1863. General : — I have the honor to submit a copy of my report of the doings of my regiment at the " battle of the Teche." I can MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 93 only repeat what is therein expressed of my entire satisfaction with the behavior of my men through that trying occasion. They are true and worthy sons of the noble " Old Bay State " which sent them forth, and will ever be found ready to meet the enemies of their country whether found in the open field or be- hind the shelter of entrenchments. Our loss is not severe con- sidering the time, ( five hours, ) which we were under fire, but the loss of every life sacrificed here is a sorrow to us and to all true patriots, only solaced by the thought that they died for the cause of justice and right. I have the honor to remain, Very respectfully your obedient servant, John W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. Adjutant-General William Schouler, Boston, Mass. The following is the official report of the 12th, 13th, and 14th of April, referred to in the foregoing letter: Headquarters Fifty-third Regt. Mass. Vols. In the Field, April 16, 1863. Captain : — I have the honor to report the doings of my com- mand on the 1 2th, 13th, and 14th instant. On the 12th instant I was ordered to march from Pattersonville at 10.30 A. M. Pro- ceeding in column of companies through the cornfields for about one and one-half miles I was then ordered by Lieutenant Loring of General Emory's staff, to proceed and take position to the left and rear and in support of Colonel Ingraham's brigade, whose skirmishers were then engaged with those of the enemy in the field beyond a piece of woods in front of his line, and immediately took the position indicated, throwing out skirmishers on my left flank. Upon proceeding to the support of Colonel Ingraham we discovered an abandoned earthwork at the edge of the wood. Upon examination found a road leading from it through the woods to the field beyond. Deeming this road of some impor- tance, I immediately ordered Major Pratt with three companies 94 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT forward to hold the same. At 1.30 o'clock Lieutenant Colonel Blanchard, commanding the One Hundred and Sixty-second New York Volunteers, reported to me with his command and was placed in position on my right. During this time the skirmishing in front had been quite brisk with the enemy gradually falling back. About 3.30 P. M. I was ordered to join the brigade and proceed about one mile toward the front, when I was ordered into line of battle, my position being the right of the brigade line. After lying in this position about one and a half hours, during which time a heavy cannonading was going on at the front, was ordered back about three hundred yards to a road where we bivouacked for the night. On Monday, 13th instant, at 7 o'clock was ordered by Lieutenant Loring to proceed with the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York Volunteers and the Fifty- third Massachusetts to support Duryea's United States Battery. Remaining in this position about one hour was ordered by Captain Fordham to report immediately with my regiment to Colonel Gooding on the other side of " Bayou Teche." Upon arriving on the other side was placed in line of battle upon a road in front of a catalpa hedge with orders to hold the position for the purpose of making a stand in case the troops in front were driven back. At fifteen minutes past 2 P. M. was ordered by Captain Fordham to move rapidly to the front and to deploy four companies of my regiment as skirmishers one hundred and fifty yards in the rear of the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Volun- teers, ( which had just relieved the Thirty-first Massachusetts, ) holding the other four companies in reserve. I was further ordered to be governed in my movements by the movements of Lieutenant-Colonel Rodman's command, to support him in case of a repulse, and if possible to charge upon and enter the enemy's works. Conforming to the movements of Colonel Rodman we steadily moved forward under a brisk and well directed fire from the enemy's batteries, reserving my fire as the front line was en- gaged with the sharp shooters of the enemy. At about 5 o'clock I was ordered to move forward and relieve Colonel Rodman, his ammunition having become exhausted. My men moved forward MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 95 with alacrity, passing his line some twenty paces in good order and immediately engaged the enemy, the firing upon the right and left wings being very severe. Sheltering the men as much as possible behind stumps, I pressed the line steadily forward until the right had approached within one hundred and twenty- five yards of the enemy, concealed behind an abatis. The left was pressed forward to within two hundred and fifty yards of the enemy's works under a galling fire from the enemy's batteries and the riflemen concealed behind the entrenchments. The centre not being under so heavy a fire was pressed forward until an oblique fire was obtained upon the enemy concealed in the abatis. Holding this position and maintaining a brisk fire until dark, I was ordered by Lieutenant Morey to withdraw the line about sixty yards to a ditch and hold that position during the night. A few moments before this, my reserve under Major Pratt was ordered by Lieutenant Bond to move rapidly forward and relieve the two companies on the left of my line. This was rapidly done under a hot concentrated fire from the enemy. At 10.30 P. M. there were some slight indications of a withdrawal of the enemy which increased so much that at 11.30 P. M. I reported to the colonel commanding the brigade, through Major Pratt, that I had every reason to believe that the enemy was evacuating his works on both sides of the bayou. Receiving no further orders, at day- break I ordered Captain Stratton with ten men to skirmish forward and draw the enemy's fire and also ordered my entire line forward, holding it thirty paces in his rear. The men moved forward in good order and entered the works, planting our flag upon the breastworks at 5.30 A. M. I immediately reported to the colonel commanding, the occupation of the works. At 1 P. M. I was ordered by Captain Fordham to take ten cavalrymen and with my regiment to proceed up the left bank of the bayou until I should arrive opposite the head of General Weitzel's column then moving up on the right bank, and to capture and drive in cattle, mules, and horses. We moved as rapidly as pos- sible, throwing out flankers on my right, and arrived at the plantation of Mr. J. Anderson, opposite Franklin, at 8 P. M., 96 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT where we bivouacked for the night. I cannot close this report without speaking of the behavior of my command in this, their first engagement with the enemy. The men showed under fire the utmost coolness and bravery, obeying my orders with alacrity, and moving forward under the fire of the enemy with a determination worthy of veterans. Of my officers, where all behaved so well, it would be manifestly un- just to discriminate and I would say that without exception their behavior on the 13th instant meets my hearty approbation. I desire to remark that Lieutenant Nutting, who was killed, par- ticularly distinguished himself by his personal bravery, placing his men in the most favorable positions and encouraging them on by act as well as word. He died in a noble cause and I believe he had rather meet his death there than to have seen his com- pany driven back one foot by the traitors to his country. Ac- companying the report I hand you a list of casualties on the 13th instant, also a list of captures, and remain, Very respectfully your obedient servant, John W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. Captain E. H. Fordham, A. A. A. G. Headquarters Fifty-third Regt. Mass. Vols. In the Field, April 16, 1863. Captain : — I have the honor to submit the following list of casualties in my regiment on the 13th and 14th instant; also a list of captures : Killed : First Lieutenant George G. Nutting, commanding Company A ; Private Charles W. Stewart, Company A ; Private Charles H. Thurman, Company I. Wounded : Private Augustus G. Stickney, arm and side, slightly, Company D ; Private John P. Allen, in head, danger- ously, Company F ; Private Marcellus Whitman, knee, Company F : Private Luther Benjamin, contusion breast, Company F ; Private Charles J. Goddard, flesh wound, thigh. Company E ; MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 97 Private Thomas Burns, contusion in side, Company E; Private Horatio Adams, ankle, badly, Company G ; Private Joseph H. Saul, Mesh wound, thigh, Company G ; Sergeant W. H. Lamb, finger shot off, Company G. Captures : Two privates of the Texas Cavalry, with their arms and horses ; three privates of the Louisiana Eighteenth In- fantry, with their arms. On the march on the 14th instant we captured and drove into Franklin about one hundred head of beef cattle, mules and horses. I remain very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. April 22d; on this day occurred the death of a mem- ber of Company A, Fred Works. He had been sick some days but had managed to keep along with the assistance of his brother until we reached this point. We buried him the same evening, by moonlight, in the cemetery of the town. The occasion was an impressive one. His com- pany turned out, joined by the colonel and his staff officers, and escorted his remains to their final resting place, amid the mournful beating of the muffled drums. Arriving at the cemetery some of his comrades dug the grave, after which the chaplain conducted the burial service. Beside the soldiers no spectators were present save a few of the dusky "children of bondage," who lingered by, mute witnesses of one more sacrifice in the great struo-o-le which brought freedom to their race. The service ended, the grave was filled up, three volleys fired over it, and we resumed our march to camp filled with sad thoughts of the anguish to be brought to the distant home of this soldier 98 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT boy now laid to rest amid an unsympathetic and rebel- lious people. On the 24th of April a review of the Third Division was held by General Banks, which passed off very well, although the regiments appeared with ranks much de- pleted bv disease and the casualties of battle. On the 25th a skirmish drill was held in the forenoon. At about 3 P. M., the "long roll" caused every man to spring for his gun and equipments and "fall in." What- ever enthusiasm was occasioned by it, soon gave way to deep seated disgust when it was learned that the order came from our "West Point lieutenant" at brigade head- quarters for the purpose, it was said, of finding out "how many of the men were absent without leave." News came to-dav of the capture of Alexandria by the gunboats, but Taylor's army had already got west of that point. CHAPTER VII. I Gathering of Cotton and Negroes — On the March Again — Death of Captain Dwight— Incidents Along the Route— Arrival at Alexan- dria — Departure for Simsport — Election of Officers. This stay of ours at Opelousas had an object in view. The army was gathering cotton, sugar and molasses, and shipping them to New Orleans and Brashear City. The Navy of the Gulf had been active while the army was operating on land and had opened up the Atchafalaya river to the Red river, and the Cortableau to Washington, a short distance from Opelousas, and from this latter point the shipments of the produce gathered was made. We were not only collecting cotton but also the irrepressible negroes. As has been before remarked they had followed us in large numbers all the way from Berwick Bay to Opelousas and since our location here had flocked into town very freely. Instinctively they seemed to think they should fare well by following the fortunes of the army. What was to be done with them? A "contraband camp" was established in town where they were fed for the time being and worked as their services might be required in gathering in the produce of the country, but before we left they were shipped with the other "commodities" to New Orleans. The summing up of the results of the two weeks' stav of the army in this section of the state was X IOO THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT the shipment on the river to Brashear City and by an im- mense wagon train live miles long to New Iberia and Franklin about as follows : Six thousand negroes, rive hundred plantation wagons, three thousand mules and horses and a large number of cattle. Also five thousand bales of cotton and immense quantities of sugar and molasses. Several of our officers supplied themselves with good servants from the "contraband camp" above alluded to, some of whom remained with us to the end and came North with us. Notable among them was the surgeon's boy, "Opelousas Tommy," a fourteen year old, who be- came an apt disciple of " New York Johnny," and they were in the habit of "hunting in couples." Tommy came home with us, lived in Fitchburg and Princeton, was after- wards a servant in Young's Hotel, Boston, and the last the writer knew of him he was ministering to the comfort of the Harvard students at Memorial Hall Cafe, Cambridge. The colonel also brought home a tall, full grown, athletic nesiro named John Lewis, who, however, came to us on the march. He was as expert with the "lariat" as a Mexican ranger and at times was very useful in capturing runaway horses, or lassoing a beef creature when we needed and were in condition to slaughter and cook it. April 26th, being Sunday, the regiment was quiet. No services were held, the chaplain being sick. Many were writing letters home ; Sunday was the letter writing day and the evening usually brought to headquarters a large mail to be forwarded by first opportunity. The op- portunity in this case was the departure of the chaplain on MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. IOI the 28th for New Orleans. He went for some supplies and with orders to return as soon as practicable, and to gather such members of the regiment as he might find able to do duty and bring them back with him, and also to bring all mail and express matter which he might find for the regiment in the city. But the day after he left a heavy mail was received, which carried gladness to many hearts and doubtless sorrow to some. On April 30th the regiment was mustered for pay. May 1st; some skirmishing with the enemy occurred this day near Washington and the regiment was ordered to be ready to march at a moment's notice. But no en- gagement grew out of it, there being no considerable force of the enemy in the vicinity, and the 2d, 3d, and 4th of May were spent in the ordinary duties of the camp and drill, and on the evening of the 4th the regiment was ordered to move the next morning. The following extracts from the writer's private Journal will give substantially the experience of the regiment from Opelousas to Alexandria : Tuesday, May 5th, 1863; we yesterday received or- ders to be ready to march at very short notice, and this morning were ordered to move at 5.30 o'clock. We started a little past 6 o'clock, taking the road to Washing- ton, five miles distant, where we arrived about 9 A. M. This is quite a village and has some very respectable private dwellings built after the northern style. But it was deserted of everything except negroes and old men. The negroes lined the streets as we passed, as they do 102 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT every village and plantation, grinning with delight to see us, littering their ejaculations of welcome, and offering water, corn cake and other things to the troops. They evidently think there is a good time coming for them. About two miles beyond here a cold-blooded murder of one of our officers was yesterday committed by guerillas. It was Captain Dwight, of General Banks" staff. He was riding along alone, going to join General Dwight, his brother, whose brigade had passed on the day before, when he was surprised by three rebel horsemen. Seeing he was in their power he called out that he would sur- render, but they cried out, "Shoot the damned Yankee," "kill him"; and shoot they did, hitting him in the head, killing him instantly. He was a fine young man from Roxbury. ' The greatest indignation prevailed, and we understand that General Banks had a large number of the citizens of the neighborhood arrested to be held as host- ages and gave notice that if another man was shot on the march, one of those should share the same fate, to be de- cided by lot. Saturday, May 9th ; the day was very fine and we marched along at a good rate following the course of the Bayou Beauf ; the route is very crooked but very pleasant, through a fine country, abounding in sugar and cotton. I saw to-day for the first time the large magnolia tree in bloom ; the flower is tulip shape, perfectly white and nearly as large around as a pint bowl, very fragrant and beautiful. We marched until 5.30 o'clock when we went into camp for the night in a large field surrounded by MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. IO3 woods. We pitch our shelters and are tired enough to rest well through the night. The consciousness that we may be attacked at any moment does not in the least dis- turb us. We have schooled ourselves to these things and keep prepared to hear the " long roll " beat at any time. It has been very dusty and we are very dirty and glad to get a wash from the bayou, near by. Reveille is ordered to beat at 3.30 in the morning and the march to be re- sumed at 5 o'clock. Marched this day nineteen miles. Wednesday, May 6th, 1863 ; marched this morning at 5.30 o'clock. The morning was more beautiful than yes- terday, a cool breeze blowing from the north-east, which continued all day and rendered the march in one respect comfortable but in another very uncomfortable, for the wind raised the dust, which at times became so dense that we could not see half the length of the regiment. But we move steadily on with eyes, nose, hair, ears, clothes com- pletely filled with the article, so completely covering us that we look more like our "butternut'" enemies than the blue clothed boys of "Uncle Sam," and we find upon un- dressing to bathe, that it has penetrated the clothing and the color of the skin is the color of the road we have travelled. On our route to-day we passed some of the finest plantations in the state, the general appearance of the land and buildings giving evidence that there is much of the Yankee enterprise mixed in with the population of this district, which is indeed the case : large quantities of cotton are on hand but very little growing, the land being 104 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT nearly all in corn this year which is as forward as with us in the middle of July. We now and then leave the road and make a cut across the fields, and one of corn in par- ticular we crossed, I should judge to be a mile square. We passed a load of prisoners, ("guerillas,") who warned us that we should very soon "run against a stump," but we have learned to pay no regard to what they may say or advise. We pass through the little village of Holmesville at 3 P. M., and go into camp on the banks of the bayou at 4 P. M. Not a single guerilla has yet disturbed us ; all is quiet and we see in our travels very few persons aside from the blacks. We have marched this day about twenty-one miles, but tired, dirty and plucky, we lie down to sleep to be awakened at 3.30 in the morning to resume the march. Our boys (servants) manage to pick up on the route poultry and vegetables so that we generally make a nice supper before going to bed. Thursday, May 7th, 1863 ; we marched at 5.30 A. M. Cool and good breeze blowing — the men are getting foot sore but are in good spirits and anxious to get ahead. We pass through Cheney ville at about 2 P. M., where we stopped one hour for dinner on the bank of the bayou. While there General Banks and staff, with his body guard, passed up just on the other bank and received the hearty cheers of the soldiers, who have come to believe in him pretty thoroughly. All have great confidence in his prudence and sagacity and feel that he will not get us into any bad position. The dust of yesterday continued, but MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 105 we could only look forward to a wash at night in the bayou along whose course we still wind our way. We heard this P. M. that Alexandria is in our possession but hope 'to know from actual observation by to-morrow even- ing. Went into camp at 5 P. M., in a beautiful little grove, having marched about twenty-three miles. Our camp was near a sugar house and the men furnished themselves with all the sugar they wished from it. Fresh beef was issued to the troops to-night. Friday, May 8th, 1863; marched at 6 A. M., being the rear guard of the train. We confidently expect a brush before night and impress upon the men the im- portance of keeping in their places that we may form "line of battle" at short notice. The men who could hardly drag themselves along last night seem to brighten right up with the prospect of reaching Alexandria to-night even though we have to fight our way in. But this was not to be ; as on previous days, all was quiet at the front and no raid disturbs us in the rear. We are reaching the suburbs of Alexandria and pass some beautiful resi- dences, among them Governor Moore's, (the present rebel governor,) next to his comes the " Widow Flowers'," and as fine grounds as I ever saw in the suburbs of Boston ; in fact I never saw a place laid out in better taste. Next comes Colonel Bailey's, where we stopped for two hours' " nooning." On the broad lawn in front of the house the men sat down, surrounded by the most beautiful shrubs and flowers, and built their little fires to boil their tea and coffee. The colonel told them they were not to go to the 106 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT house and they kept away. I rode up to see " my lady," who had made her appearance on the piazza, and found there a woman of about forty, neatly dressed in muslin, who appeared to be a perfect lady. She complained that our men were pillaging her premises. I told her that our regiment had received orders not to come to the buildings and were in the habit of obeying their orders, but offered to go and explore the "negro quarters" and find any who might be there, which I did, — rinding two or three of our men trading with the negroes and some from other regi- ments picking up what they could find. I cleared them out and went back to enjoy an argument with "Madame" upon the comparative merits of the two armies as respects pillaging. She contended that General Taylor's army did not do such things ; but I convinced her, or tried to, that all along the road they had cleaned everything out to such an extent that our men could find nothing to steal, if they were disposed to. She run on to the subject of the war and seemed thoroughly disgusted with the whole thing ; said we might take every negro she had if we would and wished herself in Europe to spend the rest of her days. Through the whole she was perfectly lady-like and I doubt not felt all she said. At 3 o'clock the bugles sounded "the advance" and we were again on the last five miles stretch, which we put through in a couple of hours and arrived at Alexandria at 6 P. M. The "stars and stripes " were floating over the town as we came in sight of it and it was indeed a welcome sight. We marched about twenty miles this day. Camped on the banks of the Red river, where we hope to rest for a few days. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 107 We had marched from Opelousas about eighty-five miles and in all from Berwick Bay about two hundred miles. On the 9th we were engaged in getting settled in camp and cleaning up. The men erected their shelter tents and made themselves comparatively comfortable. We were located on a bluff overlooking the Red river, which furnished us good water and gave us excellent fa- cilities for bathing. Monday, May 10th ; from midnight until 6 o'clock this morning heavy cannonading was heard in the direction of Port Hudson, and it is believed the gunboats are engaged in another duel with the land batteries. A "Division Court Martial," of which Colonel Kimball is a member, was convened this day for the trial of such cases as might be brought before it. The ordinary duties of the camp were again resumed and on the nth an inspection of the regiment was made by Captain Allen. We found Alex- andria a place where it was evident a large amount of business was ordinarily done, but now practically deserted by the able-bodied business men, the population being mostly old men, women and children, and negroes. The stores seemed nearly depleted of their stocks and we were unable to procure some things we had anticipated for our comfort. Dick Taylor's army had confiscated most every- thing available and had moved on toward Shreveport. We remained here one week and on the evening of the 14th received orders to be ready to march at 4 A. M. on the next daw May 15th; we marched at 4.30 A. M., second in bri- gade line. Our route was over the same road by which 108 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT we had come a week before, and at 4.30 P. M. we found ourselves at our old camp ground at "Jackson Station," twenty-three miles having been marched. May 1 6th ; the regiment marched at 5 A. M. and was first in brigade line, with Company E as brigade rear guard. We again passed through Cheneyville, near Huntsville, and went into camp at 4 P. M. two miles east of Bayou Beauf. It had been an exceedingly hot day but we had marched twenty-two miles. May 17th; this was Sunday, but on a "forced march" all days are the same, and we are oft' again at 5 A. M., this time marching in the rear of the Brigade. We fol- lowed the Bayou Rouge, about six miles, striking the Bayou de Glace and following that about fourteen miles, passing through the very small villages of Moreauville, Enterprise and Evergreen. We went into camp at 4 P. M. Rations of sugar and molasses were here issued to all and were much appreciated. On the 18th we again took up the line of march at 5 A. M. for Simsport, marching third in line. This was the shortest day's march we had experienced, the distance being only eight miles, and we went into camp near "Fishers landing" on the Bradley plantation. Bradley was a noted rebel in that locality, who fired from his house on the "Queen of the West" when she first appeared on the Atchafalava river and killed the captain. A part of the crew were sent on shore in search of the guerilla but he had fled. But his house remained and they soon applied the torch to that and it was destroyed. In the rear of MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. TOO, these ruins we established the headquarters of the regi- ment. It has been before stated that this regiment was or- ganized as a militia regiment of the state of Massachusetts. It left Camp Stevens with a full complement of officers, but when we left New York for the South, Companies A and D were without captains owing to the resignations of Captain E. T. Miles and Captain A. J. Clough. Soon after we had got well settled in camp at Carrollton the colonel communicated to the brigade commander (Colonel Gooding) his wish to have an election in those two com- panies to fill the vacancies. This was met with a point blank refusal on his part. He vowed that ft he would have no town meetings held in his brigade" and declared that any communication coming to his headquarters with the words Massachusetts Militia upon it would not be re- ceived, that if Colonel Kimball wished any appointments or promotions made in his regiment he must recommend them in the usual way and he would endorse them to the governor of Massachusetts for commissions. Colonel Kimball coincided to a certain extent with the brigade commander in his views of the system, but not with his view of the law, and made his recommendations and sent them on to Governor Andrew with a communication recit- ing all the facts. It raised quite a law question which was submitted to the legal adviser of the governor's council, who gave an elaborate opinion to the effect that there was no law in Massachusetts which would authorize the gov- ernor to commission an officer in the militia upon a simple IIO THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT recommendation of a superior oificer, and that no officers could be commissioned in the Fifty-third Regiment until they were duly elected. The governor expressed the hope, in closing the correspondence, that Colonel Gooding would appreciate the emergency and allow an election to be held. The whole correspondence was laid before the brigade commander, accompanied with the following letter from Colonel Kimball : Headquarters Fifty-third Mass. Regt. Simsport, La., May i8, 1863. Captain E. H. Fordham, A. A. G. Sir: — I beg to call your attention to the enclosed correspond- ence received by me in reply to a letter to the adjutant-general of Massachusetts, in which recommendations for promotions were made in accordance with instructions from brigade headquarters. I would say that I desire very much to fill the vacancies in the list of commissioned officers of this regiment ; that I have acting in the capacity of lieutenants, sergeants who are in every way well fitted to fill these offices. These men, I am well satisfied, would be the first choice of a majority of the members of their respective companies. Being so confident on this point, I would respectfully ask that authority may be granted for holding an election in accordance with Massachusetts laws, simply to obviate the difficulty raised by the governor. I am more anxious that these men may receive commissions for the reason that they have earned them, not only for their efficiency and uniformly good conduct through the whole period of service, but by their gallantry on the field of battle. Trusting the matter may meet with a favorable consideration, I have the honor to remain, Very respectfully your obedient servant, J. W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. massachusetts volunteers. ill Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, Boston, April 18, 1863. Colonel J. W. Kimball, Commanding Fifty-third Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Colonel : — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your list of recommendations, which I referred to Colonel Ritchie for examination. The enclosed is a copy of his report which 1 forward as my answer. I am compelled to acquiesce in the truth of the views ex- pressed, irrespective of whatever might be my opinion of the expediency of the present state of the law. Respectfully Colonel, your obedient servant, John A. Andrew. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, Boston, April 15, 1863. His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander- in-Chief. Your Excellency : — I respectfully return the within papers from the colonels of the Fifty-third and Forty-eighth Regiments. Colonel Stone of the Forty-eighth forwards a copy of an order placing two sergeants on duty as first lieutenants and five sergeants as second lieutenants. In his letter of March 10th, which accompanies the order, Colonel Stone nominates the same seven sergeants for promotion. * * * * * No one is more convinced than myself of the utter viciousness of the militia's system of election of officers ; and as the nine months regiments are in reality as much volunteer as the three years regiments, I believe they could without difficulty have been raised and mustered as regiments of nine months volunteers. In point of fact, however, they were raised as militia regiments under the militia laws of Massachusetts, and much as I regret the conclusions to which I am forced, yet I cannot perceive any grounds upon which your Excellency would be legally authorized 112 Till-: FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT to issue commissions in these militia regiments to any persons but those elected under the militia laws of the state ; and I feel reluctantly obliged to confess that the recommendations of the colonels of these nine months regiments are of no sort of effect. I have no doubt that it would be for the good of the service if the promotions in these regiments were made, as in the three years, directly of your own authority upon the recommendations of the colonels. I consider the elective system radically bad, subversive of all subordination, discipline and military effectiveness. I have no doubt the officers and men of the nine months regiments all recognize this, and would be glad to be assimilated as much as possible to the three years regiments. Still, as a question of legal right, I believe your Excellency cannot issue commissions in these regiments of militia excepting upon a record of an election held in accordance with state laws. The same remarks apply to the Fifty-third, and though I fully sympathize with Colonel Gooding and believe that in resisting " the holding of town meetings in the regiments of his brigade " he has acted from a conviction that such proceedings tend to utterly destroy all semblance of military discipline, yet I think that he ought to be informed that these troops were enlisted and mustered into the United States service, under a call from the President for the militia of the state, as a part of its militia, and though we wish it were otherwise there is no help for it, and he cannot set up his own ideas in opposition to the laws and con- stitution of the state. I am clearly of the opinion that the good of the service, in a military point of view, would be best served by your Excellency commissioning the parties nominated, but I am as clearly of the opinion that there is no warrant in law for so doing. I therefore recommend that the papers be returned to the colonels of the Forty-eighth and Fifty-third Regiments with a statement of the substance of these views. Respectfully your obedient servant, [Signed] Harrison Ritchie, Lieutenant-Colonel and A. D. C. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 113 Headquarters Third Brigade, Third Division, Near Simsport, La., May 20, 1863. Sir: — I have to acknowledge receipt this day of Colonel Kimball's note of 18th instant, with enclosures relative to elec- tion of officers to fill vacancies in your regiment. I am in- structed by the colonel commanding to say that under the circumstances and through respect to the laws of Massachusetts he authorizes such an election to take place immediately. He desires me further to say, that at this election no discus- sion as to the merits or demerits of any officer or any one acting in the capacity of a commissioned officer will be permitted. It is destructive of all discipline and will not be allowed. I am sir. Very respectfully your obedient servant, E. H. Fordham, Captain and A. A. G. During the time this controversy had been going on, we had fought a battle and Lieutenant Nutting, command- ing Company A, had been killed, and Second Lieutenant Tuttle of Company A and Second Lieutenant Freeman of Company I had resigned, on account of ill health, Com- pany A being left with no commissioned officer. The re- sult of Colonel Kimball's letter to Colonel Gooding was that permission was given for holding the elections under certain conditions, which are set forth in the following order : Headquarters Fifty-third Mass. Regt. Near Simsport, La., May 21, 1863. Regimental Special Order No. 51. Pursuant to authority from brigade headquarters an elec- tion to fill vacancies in the commissioned officers of Companies A, D and I will be held this day. That of Company A at 2 o'clock P. M., of Company D at 3 o'clock P. M., of Company I ii4 TIIK KIFTV-TIIIKD REGIMKNT at 4 o'clock P. M. Major James A. Pratt will preside. The provisions of the communication just received will be strictly ad- hered to. There will be no caucusing or public discussion of the merits or claims of any individual. At the hour appointed the company will be formed and proceed under the officer in com- mand to the headquarters of the regiment, each man having his ballot prepared. The roll of the company will then be called in alphabetical order and each man, as his name is called, will step forward and drop his vote in the box prepared to receive it. Each officer will be voted for on a separate ballot in the order of rank. The commanding officer of each company will see that the utmost order and decorum is preserved during the proceedings. In accordance with the foregoing an election was held at Simsport, May 21st, and the following officers were elected : Company A, Captain, George H. Bailey; First Lieu- tenant, Jerome K. Taft ; Second Lieutenant, Frederick A. Hale. Company D, Captain, Anson D. Fessenden ; First Lieutenant, Stephen W. Longley ; Second Lieutenant, Clesson Kenney. Company I, Second Lieutenant, John C. Ayers. The elections proceeded without excitement and the results were generally satisfactory. Captain Bailey was mortally wounded May 25th and died on the 27th, thus leaving Company A again with- out a captain. Another election was held at Port Hudson, June 10th, and First Lieutenant Taft was pro- moted to be captain, and Private Henry T. Pratt was elected first lieutenant. On the 14th of June, four days later, Captain Taft was mortally wounded, dying a few MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. lie; days later, and no election was ever held to fill his va- cancy, the company coming home under command of Lieutenant Pratt. Elections were held later at Donald- sonville to fill vacancies caused by the deaths of First Lieutenant Glover of Company C and First Lieutenant Vose of Company I, Sergeant Charles E. Fisher being promoted to the place of the former and Second Lieuten- ant John C. Ayers to the latter; the second lieutenancy in Company D remaining vacant. The selections thus made by the men for their officers proved good ones, but it must be admitted that these methods would not in the long run be advisable, and might in some cases prove quite subversive of good discipline, upon which depends to so high a degree the efficiency of soldiers. It was a condition of things which grew out of the sudden emergency which called out the large force of short time men, and it was thought that such method of organization would produce an esprit du corps among the men that would be productive of good results. CHAPTER VIII. March to Port Hudson— General Johnston's Letter— The Siege Com- menced—Disposition of the Forces— General Assault, May 27th— Disastrous Cross Firing in the Night— The Expedition to Clinton —Demand for Surrender— Another Assault Ordered. On May 21st the division marched for Port Hudson, except this regiment which was left behind to guard the quartermaster stores until Weitzel's Division should come up. The plan of our whole campaign begins to be de- veloped. The first operation was to cut oft' the river com- munication by which Port Hudson could receive supplies and also reinforcements. This was accomplished, it will be readily comprehended, on the 14th of March, when the army was marched up from Baton Rouge to make a feint of attack, and the gunboats Hartford and Albatross run past the batteries, and from that time forward held the river above the town. The next move of importance was to clear the country west and south of New Orleans from the rebel force, and to open the navigation of the Atchafalaya river from the Red river to the Bay, which was done by the capture of the forts at Bisland and driving Dick Taylor's army far beyond Alexandria, aided by the navy on the rivers and bayous. And now that New Orleans was safe from any attack in the rear, the crowning act was to capture the formidable stronghold of Port Hudson. A siege was to MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 117 be instituted by moving our force across from Alexandria to the north of it while the force we six weeks ago left at Baton Rouge should be moved up from the south and form a junction. And this is what is now being accom- plished. General Banks had been in correspondence with Gen- eral Grant, as will appear hereafter, as to co-operation in their movements, — uniting their forces and capturing Port Hudson first, and Vicksburg later, — but it was finally de- cided that each should push his operations independent of the other. It had been pretty well settled by the naval engage- ment of the 14th of March that Port Hudson could not be taken by water, and the other alternative was a close siege and a possible successful "storming of the works," and in this view the next move of Banks' army was made. On the 22d the regiment at 7 P. M. embarked on board the Laurel Hill. We sailed up the Atchafalaya river out into the Red river (for the peculiarity of the rivers and bayous here is that you can go in and out at either end of them) down the Red river and Mississippi to Bayou Sara, a point ten or twelve miles above Port Hud- son, arriving there at 1 A. M. on the 23d. This town pre- sented a very battered appearance as it was bombarded and pretty effectually destroyed by Porter, in the summer of 1862, in retaliation for the firing upon him by guerillas concealed in the houses. At 7 A. M. we marched for the front, guarding our ammunition train. We joined the bri- gade at 5.30 P. M. We are now within two miles of Port Il8 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Hudson and very near the outer pickets of the enemy. The whole regiment was ordered on picket duty for the night on the road leading into port Hudson. On the 24th the regiment marched at 10 A. M. After proceeding about one mile we were detached from the brigade as a guard for the "engineer corps." This was a proud moment for the regiment, as its position in the column at the time was in the rear of several other regi- ments, some of which were much older in the service, and as they opened to the right and left to let us pass through to take the lead of the division, the} - indulged in some re- marks not at all complimentary to the "nine months men.'* But General Paine knew how well he could depend upon the regiment and its brave and experienced commander and had selected wisely. We entered the woods and pro- ceeded about half a mile to where a bridge was to be built across a small stream and here we encountered the skir- mishers of the enemy. Captain Stratton was ordered to charge with his company across the brook and into the thicket from whence the shots had come, when the rebels precipitately retired. This route was then abandoned for one more feasible a little farther to the left, where the whole regiment again went on picket for the night. Gen- eral Banks and staff came up just before night and riding out upon the field just in front of our picket line was fired upon by the enemy but no one was hurt. The regiment was immediately got into position to repel an attack but none was made. In the morning the regiment was or- dered to join the brigade, and at 1 P. M. moved forward MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 119 to the front, where the skirmishers were actively engaged. Arriving in their vicinity the Fifty-third formed in line of battle in support of the Ninety-first New York in the front line, which regiment it relieved at dark by order of Gen- eral Paine, who accompanied his order with the compli- mentary remark that "he wanted this regiment because he knew he could depend upon it to hold the position through the night, though he knew the entire regiment had been on picket duty for the two preceding nights."' Six com- panies were deployed in skirmish line and two held in reserve. Soon after taking position an unfortunate acci- dent occurred. The enemy having suddenly opened upon us, their fire was quickly returned by two New York regiments in the rear, thus bringing the Fifty-third be- tween the two. Fortunately the firing soon ceased and the line remained unbroken, and but few casualties had occurred. It was here that Captain George H. Bailey, Company A, lost his life. He was a brave officer and beloved by all. He had been elected Captain of Com- pany A but one week before and survived its previous commander (Nutting) only six weeks. The position was held during the night and after repulsing an attack of the enemy upon the left, in the morning, the regiment was relieved and passed to the rear. The investment of Port Hudson was now complete, Generals Augur and Sherman having advanced from Baton Rouge on the south and joined their forces to ours from the north. The entire length of our line from the river above the town to the river below was about six miles, 120 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT that of the enemy about four miles, and strongly posted behind fortifications. The river above and below was patroled by our gunboats and they could have no avenue of supplies open to them. The disposition of the army at this time was as fol- i ows : — General Weitzel's troops occupied the extreme right, resting upon Thompson's creek, and across Foster's creek back of and up to the Big Sandy. Next came the forces under Generals Grover, Paine, Augur and Dwight, in the order named. The extreme federal left extending just above Prophet's island to where rested the gunboats Monongahela, Essex, Gennesee and Richmond, and sev- eral mortar boats under Commander C. H. Caldwell. Farragut was stationed above Port Hudson with the Hartford, Albatross and a few smaller vessels. * Banks wrote to General Grant that he should have before Port Hudson fifteen thousand good men, all told, on the 25th of Mav, and it is presumed that not far from that number were on the ground. Under these circumstances it would seem that we had nothing to do but to sit down and wait for the "starvation process" to do its work. But this was not to be. It should here be noted that General Gardner, com- manding at Port Hudson, had by this time become aware of Banks' intentions. He had some weeks previous sent to Vicksburg three brigades, reducing his force from twelve thousand to about seven thousand and now asked General *Banks to Grant, May 8th, Official Records, of the Union and Confederate Armies, volume 24, page 281. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 121 Johnston tor reinforcements. Some correspondence en- sued, which ended as shown in the following letter from Johnston on the subject: *" On May 23d I received a despatch from Major-General Gardner, dated Port Hudson, May 21st, informing me that the enemy was about to cross at Bayou Sara ; that the whole force from Baton Rouge was on his front, and asking to be reinforced. On this, my orders to evacuate Port Hudson were repeated, and he was informed, ' You cannot be reinforced ; do not allow your- self to be invested ; at every risk save the troops, and if practica- ble move in this direction.' " This despatch did not reach General Gardner until he was already invested. May 27th was the day of the first general attack upon the works. This regiment was ordered to be ready to move at 5 A. M. At that hour it stood in line and Colonel Kimball came out to address the men. He told them that hard work was before us, but he expected ever}' man would do his duty and strictly obey his orders. That if they were ordered to charge and take a battery, he should expect them to do it, and asked them if he could rely upon them in every emergency, when a hearty, unanimous "yes" was shouted along the whole line. The regiment, still eight companies only, had arrived at Port Hudson with about four hundred men and we had three hundred and seventy-seven to go into the fight with this morning. It will be seen that the four months cam- paign thus far had reduced the companies to about fifty *Official Records. 9 122 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT per cent, of their original strength, and this mainly by disease induced by this fearfully unhealthy climate. But what are left are full of spirit and enthusiasm and are bound to achieve some creditable results before their term of service closes. The regiment was ordered forward at 5.30 A. M. and moved in line of battle in rear of the Thirty-eighth Massa- chusetts and was soon under fire of shot and shell. The enemy was pressed steadily back and was soon driven in- side his fortifications. The regiment was moved to the front and supported the First Maine and Bainbridge's Bat- teries for two hours. While lying in this position there were no casualties though the shells were flying over them in a lively man- ner. One, a thirty-pounder, struck and entered the ground so near Company G's line that one man's haver- sack, lying in front of him, was thrown into the air and the men near by were well covered by the earth thrown up as the shell struck, but not a single man moved from his position. Another (solid shot) struck a tree about thirty feet from the ground, cutting it completely off at a point eight inches in diameter, the top as it fell killing one horse and crushing a caisson of the First Maine Battery, a little in front of our line. The regiment was then ordered to the front line of skirmishers to relieve the Ninety-first New York holding a position at the brow of a hill within sixty yards of the rebel works. We held the position during this day. A charge was made by a regiment to left of us, up a ravine, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 23 but it was forced to return with heavy loss. Firing was kept up until dark. Our loss to this time was about thirty. About midnight, as most of the men were sleeping quietly, a sudden fire was opened along the line and it was at first thought the rebels had made a "sally" from their works. The firing was quite indiscriminate and we soon became victims of another return fire from a New York regiment in our rear, which resulted in one of Company F being shot in the face, another in the leg and another in the arm. The confusion was great for a few minutes but the firing soon ceased and order was again restored. After the firing was over and as Captain Mudge and the writer were groping about in the darkness among the men lying near us, we heard a most mournful and indis- tinct cry of "Captain, captain, I am hurt/' We were soon at his side and found it to be Private Charles E. Smith of his company, one of our youngest boys. The captain thought he was frightened and said, "Lie down and go to sleep, you are all right." "No, captain, I am shot in my face," came in labored and scarcely intelligible words. The writer drew a match and lighted it over his face which presented a ghastly sight. We found that a bullet had gone through the poor boy's face from one cheek to the other, carrying away his front teeth and top of his mouth. We sent him to the rear and in a few days he was sent to New Orleans into a hospital, where he re- covered sufficiently to start for home after about six weeks. He lived several years but carried a badly scarred face as a result of that terrible night's experience. 124 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT In the morning on both sides firing was again re- sumed and continued until 10 A. M., when a truce was declared until 7 P. M. for the purpose of getting off the wounded and burying the dead. White flags were put up on both sides and in a moment the men of both armies stood up and peacefully gazed upon each other "across the bloody chasm." Some fraternizing was commenced be- tween them, but it was soon put a stop to by the officers. Some incidents of this fight may be mentioned : The position of our skirmishers was at the brow of a small hill at the foot of which was our reserve. Our color bearers had planted* our flag on the ridge, where it stood a men- ace, and at the same time a target for the enemy . They vainly endeavored for a long time to bring it down and finally succeeded, a ball going through the staff. As it fell, Color-Corporal Hosmer caught it, and immediately with yankee ingenuity cut a section of bark from a sapling near by, put it around the staff and with some strong cord wound it firmly, making it practically as serviceable as before, and again planted it in its old position, where it remained until the end of the fight. The flag was carried through the entire service and may be seen at the State House to-day with no other mending except what it re- ceived as above described. This was a dangerous spot for a man to show himself. During the fight of the day before Captain Hubbard of General Weitzel's staff came there to try and reconnoitre the enemy's line but was soon shot dead. Lieutenant Louis A. Wrotnowski of the same general's staff, came MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I 25 there and borrowed a gun of one oi* the men "to take a shot himself at a rebel," but he exposed himself and a shot went through his head and he came tumbling down the bank among us. We took him beside the little brook which flowed at the base of the hill and tenderly bathed his head, in the vain hope that his wound was not mortal, but he was unable to speak and was soon gone. He was a fine formed youth of about twenty years, whose hand- some, classic face, as he laid before us breathing out his life, has never passed from the memory of the writer. He was a Hungarian, finely educated, and with the enthu- siasm of youth had sought and obtained a position on staff' duty to obtain some practical experience of war. He was a fine engineer, thoroughly acquainted with the topogra- phy of the country, and a great loss on that account. His foolhardiness cut off a promising career. Another incident is remembered : During the hottest of the fight, amid the screaming of shells and the rattle of musketry, a bird perched in a tree over our heads, and for quite a long time sung vigorously, as if to try and drown the unwelcome din that had come to disturb its haunts. In the quiet of the truce the mournful note of the "turtle dove" could be heard and it seemed a sort of requiem over the rude graves of our buried boys. No sooner had the hour of 7 o'clock arrived, when down came the white flags and firing was resumed more fiercely than ever and continued until dark. Just before night the regiment was ordered to a position about one- fourth of a mile to the right in a ravine. Here we re- mained three days, constantly exposed to shells, but only 126 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT suffered one casualty during this time. We were in sup- port of a battery of heavy Parrot guns, which had just been got in position commanding an angle of the rebel works, with which we dismounted one of the enemy's large guns at the third shot. On one of these days General Banks and staff came out to reconnoitre the position. With them was Colonel Charles P. Stone, who had lately joined Banks' staff, after a long, and it is now believed unjust, suspension from duty, and for a portion of the time imprisonment, on ac- count of alleged complicity with the rebels in the affair at Balls Bluff. His meeting with Colonel Kimball, whom he had known intimately in the Army of the Potomac, was an occasion of genuine pleasure to both. On the first of June, the regiment was moved one- quarter of a mile to the left and more to the front, reliev- ing the Fourth Wisconsin Regiment, occupying rifle pits. The movement was made during the night, the position being a very exposed one. We were within speaking dis- tance of the enemy in their earthworks. It was dangerous for either party to expose any portion of the body to the watchful eyes of the other. There the men lay in the pits, which were topped out with logs or fence rails, pro- tected by little breastworks of bags of sand with apertures between, large enough to look through and to pass a rifle into to fire. They would watch as closely as a cat for its prey, for the slightest appearance of a form, which would be instantly fired at, and when their forms could not be seen firing at the flash or smoke of each others guns was MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 27 in order. But few casualties occurred here, though it would sometimes happen that a bullet would come in through the small apertures and kill or wound a man. Immediately in our rear on the hill-side was located the First Maine Battery, which kept up a shelling of the works at intervals during the day, and the night as well. But we sleep through it all as well as though everything was quiet. How strange that we can so soon become ac- customed to all the hardships and vicissitudes of war. For weeks we have slept upon the ground with nothing under us but our rubber blankets and usually nothing over us but the sky. We are getting very ragged and very dirty. Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and lice abound, all of which we are compelled constantly to tight, while we keep the rebels at bay. We make intimate acquaintance with creatures unfamiliar to us at the North. The beautiful, bright eyed, and sociable little lizards, are darting about and occasionally run across one's face at night to bring him suddenly out from a blissful dream of home, back to the stern realities of his campaign life. The "chameleon" which changes its color to that of the bark of the tree it lives on is another interesting creature. Owls are plenty and entertain us at night with their unmusical notes. Birds of rare plumage and charming song come at early dawn to mingle their "reveille " with the drummer's beat and the bugle's melodious note. Thus do the sights and sounds of nature mitigate and cheer to some degree the hardships of the situation. On the 4th of June at 9 P. M. we were relieved by the 128 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York Regiment and reported to the brigade commander, and ordered to a position in the edge of a piece of woods on the Clinton road. On the 5th of June the regiment marched at 4.30 A. M., as a portion of an expedition to Clinton twenty-seven miles distant. A force of the enemy had been concentrated at that point and were threatening our rear, and the object of this expedition was to engage and disperse them. Our force consisted of seven regiments, two batteries and two companies of cavalry. We started out with our eight companies, now reduced to about three hundred and twenty-five men. The march was a fearful one. The weather was torrid. On the first day we marched from 4.30 A. M. until about noon, then rested about two hours. Starting again at the hottest time of the day our route lay across a plain for a couple of miles, at the other side of which was a fine grove. We had nearly reached the desired shade and every man was ex- erting himself to the utmost to cover the distance, when suddenly near the head of the regiment a man fell uncon- scious upon the ground. As some of us fell out of the ranks to give him assistance, we cast a glance down the road and saw six or eight other groups, each gathered about one or more prostrate forms. It was sunstroke and it appeared that they all succumbed at about the same moment. Captain Ashley of Company G was one of the number. We bore them to the grove where we found a running brook and the most of them were soon relieved, but some were unable to go farther. The column was halted here for the rest of the day and the march was not MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 29 resumed until evening. We marched a portion of the night and then bivouacked. June 6th ; we marched at 6 A. M. and proceeded four miles to the Amitie river, where we rested the remainder of the day and until midnight, when we marched for Clinton with a view of giving the enemy a surprise. As we were marching along this A. M. some of our "flank- ers" captured and brought in a fine lad, of about eighteen years of age, mounted upon a beautiful horse. He had evidently ventured out from curiosity, or perhaps had been sent out as a scout to report what he might discover. He was neatly dressed in citizen's clothes, very handsome, and thoroughly self-possessed. He was conducted to General Banks, who tried to elicit from him some information as to the force about Clinton, etc., but he was as dumb as a "sphinx" on that subject, though he was talkative on others, and he seemed to rather enjoy riding along by the general's side, who in turn also seemed pleased to have the handsome young "rebel" added temporarily to his staff. He, however, considered it wise to keep him until our movement was accomplished, and upon our return from Clinton he was allowed to go back to his home. The men were in good spirits and ready for what was before them. There was no straggling and we arrived at the outskirts of the town in good order. It was soon dis- covered, however, that the enemy had evacuated. This regiment with others was immediately ordered on the re- turn march and at n A. M. had reached its camping place of the previous evening near the river. But only about one-third of the number reached the point at this 13O THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT hour. The heat was intolerable, and the men no longer having the exciting prospect of a fight before them, had succumbed to the consequent reaction and had fallen out all along the road. But in the course of the afternoon they had all joined us and were ready to resume the march to Port Hudson the same evening. This was Sun- day, but there had been no rest for us on that account. We must move on, which we did at 6 P. M., and marched for Redwood Bayou where we bivouacked for the night. In the morning, it being the 8th of June, we marched at an early hour for Port Hudson and resumed our old camp at 10.30 A. M. Here the regiment remained at rest until the 13th, upon which clay a terrific bombardment of the works was opened and continued for two hours and it began to be evident that another blow was to be struck. In the afternoon of that day an order came down to join in an assault on the works by the division at 4 o'clock the next morning. This move had been for some time pre- paring and it was supposed to be well planned. Banks sent a note to General Gardner on the 13th, de- manding an unconditional surrender of the post. He complimented the commander and his garrison for their courage and fortitude and demanded the surrender in the name of humanity. He assured him of the overwhelm- ing force of the federals in men and cannon, and that Gardner's despatch to Johnston, telling of his straits and the danger of starvation, had been intercepted and the weakness of the post made known. The demand was at once refused, and the prepara- tions for the morrow's assault were completed. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 131 The following is the order for the disposition of the troops composing our division : Headquarters Third Division, Before Port Hudson, June 12, 1863. General Order No. 64. Column of attack. Eighth New Hampshire. ( Skirmishers.) Fourth Wisconsin. Intervals two paces. Five Companies Fourth Massachusetts and One Hundred and Tenth New York with hand grenades. Thirty-eighth Mass. (Skirmishers.) Fifty-third Mass. Intervals four paces. Four Companies Third Brigade with four hundred cotton bags. Third Brigade. Second Brigade. First Brigade. Fifty Pioneers to level parapet, for Artillery. Artillery. II II || Nims' Battery. || 132 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT First — The hand grenade men carry their rifles on their backs, and carry each one grenade. They march three paces in rear of the line of skirmishers. Having thrown their grenades, they go in as skirmishers. Second The cotton-bag bearers march at the head of col- umn, two hundred paces in rear of skirmishers. They fill the ditch to company front. Having deposited their bags, they take arms and march at head of column. Third — The whole movement will be in quick time, no double quick. But in case the skirmishers encounter batteries, which they can take by double quick advance, they will move in that step. Fourth — The skirmishers will clamber upon the parapet, fol- lowed by the hand grenades, which will be thrown over into the works as soon as the skirmishers are on the outer edge of the parapet. The skirmishers will then rush in and gain ground for- ward, fighting lying down, etc., etc., according to circumstances. Fifth — As soon as the column is within the works, each brigade will form their line of battle and lie down until the artillery is brought up. unless circumstances should necessitate different orders. ####### Eighth — The men will carry two clays' rations of hard bread in their haversacks, forty rounds of ammunition in their cartridge boxes, and twenty rounds in their pockets. Their knapsacks will be left in camp under guard of convalescents. By order of Brigadier-General Paine, [Signed] Georoe W. Durgin, Jr., A. A. A. G. The assault by our division was under the immediate direction of General Halbert E. Paine, who since we left Alexandria had been in command of the division. General MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 33 Emory having been forced to retire on account of sick- ness. General Paine went into the service as colonel of the Fourth Wisconsin Volunteers at the opening of hos- tilities and had been promoted to brigadier-general. A braver man did not tread the battle fields of the rebellion. A more conscientious one never drew a sword. Witness the following incident which had happened one year pre- vious to this time: While at Baton Rouge, June, 1862, as colonel of his regiment, a number of slaves came into his camp, bringing valuable information, to whom he gave shelter and protection. Their masters demanded their re- turn, and General Williams commanding the post ordered their return. Upon receipt of the order Colonel Paine refused to obey it. He wrote in justification of his action, "The order of General Williams forces upon me an alter- native which is peculiarly painful, because to me obedi- ence to orders has always been in practice, as well as theory, a fundamental military maxim. I am compelled to disobey him, or defy the sovereign power of the Re- public. In this matter I cannot hesitate. No punishment, for disobedience to this order, can be as intolerable as the consciousness of having violated the law by compelling my guards to return to the vindictive rebels fugitives whose information has been sought and used for the benefit of our arms. While I have command of the Fourth Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers they cannot, with my consent, be employed in the violation of the law for the purpose of returning fugitive slaves." Colonel Paine was immediately ordered under arrest. The correspondence was read on parade, the regiment 134 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT gave three cheers for the colonel and gathered about his quarters after parade when he came out and addressed them. This looked like rank insubordination, but he was afterwards sustained and restored to his command. It is related here to show what determination was in the man's character, to carry out, regardless of the consequences, that which he conscientiously believed to be his duty. These same qualities stood him in hand for the coming emergency, and when he decided to lead the assault in person, it meant that he would enter the works or fall in the attempt. We did not know that he was to lead us. In our previous fights we had not seen any general officer in a very exposed position and it was not a custom known in the department. So that his appearance before our regimental line, (after it had formed for the charge,) passing up and down, saying, as he walked, "Men, I want you to follow me right into those works," was an inspira- tion. Deserters from the rebels continue to come in, seven- teen having come in a body on the 12th from an outpost they were guarding. They report a great lack of pro- visions in the garrison and the supply of meat had given out and General Gardner had ordered mules to be slain for food. It is said that "fricasseed rats" also formed a staple of their diet. Heavy guns had been mounted at all available points and it was said that there were three hundred in position. It was expected that in connection with a concentrated fire from these batteries, an assault of the works might be suc- cessfully carried. CHAPTER IX. The Defenses of Port Hudson— The Assault of June 14th-Comments Upon the Same— The Day After the Battle— Dead and Wounded — The " Forlorn Hope." Port Hudson was undoubtedly the strongest position ■by nature on the river, with perhaps the exception of Vicksburg. The village stood upon a high, precipitous bluff, and upon the edge of this bluff the "works" were constructed. The guns could be run out and pointed at any angle to strike the vessels, discharged and instantly run back out of the way of harm from shots from below. The position was practically impregnable from the river. As to the character of the defenses on the land side the following extracts from a letter* written by Banks to Grant on the 28th of May, after the failure of the first as- sault, will convey a good idea of them and also indicate his feeling of weakness in his position. He says : " The garrison of the enemy is five thousand or six thousand men. The works are what would ordinarily be styled ' impregna- ble.' They are surrounded by ravines, woods, valleys and bayous of the most intricate and labyrinthic character that make the works themselves almost inaccessible. It requires time even to understand the geography of the position. * * * * If it be possible I beg you to send me at least one brigade of four thousand or five thousand men. This will be of vital importance to us. We may have to abandon these operations without it." *Official Records, volume 24, page 353. 136 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT The reinforcements were not sent and General Grant gives his reasons in his "Personal Memoirs," which will be quoted later. It was said, by one who had visited all points on our extended line, that no point presented less protection to an attacking party than the one selected for the assault of this column. At all other points hills and ravines, covered with brushwood and stumps, afforded a covering to skir- mishers, but here there was nothing of the kind. The ground in places was slightly depressed, but every hollow which would have afforded any protection to a body of men approaching was completely enfiladed. Sunday morning came and at 3 A. M. the regiment moved quietly to its position for the assault. The general order which had been read to the men the afternoon before made them familiar with the duty to be required of them. They had gathered in groups and discussed the probabili- ties of the results. Many of them had written their last brief messages home, or their final entries in their private journals. They had laid themselves down and had a good sleep in spite of the dreadful prospect before them. And now the}' stood here in line of battle in rear of the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment and in support of the Eighth New Hampshire and Fourth Wisconsin de- ployed as skirmishers. The enemy had already discovered our movement and poured forth their fire, although it was not yet light, and were immediately answered by our guns and a most terrific cannonading was soon in progress at all parts ot MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 137 the line. Our fleet on the river outside the town had also opened its fire. The bursting of the shells in the air and the dense clouds of smoke from the artillery gave a fearful aspect to the scene, as we stood there, in the dawning light of the morning, under fire, but protected somewhat by a thick hedge behind which we had formed. Casualties commence; Captain Stratton of Company C, in command of the left of our line, is shot through the head, the ball entering near his ear and coming out under his lett eye, but with characteristic pluck he walks off the field leaning upon the arm of the surgeon. The order finally comes from General Paine to go forward. With great steadiness the two regiments, the Thirty-eighth and the Fifty-third, move on in rear of the other two (deployed in skirmish line) over the open space, say five hundred yards, between us and the line of earthworks, which is somewhat ob- structed by fallen trees. The skirmishers gain ground as fast as circumstances will permit and our line of battle follows closely upon them. The firing is terrific, but we have succeeded in reaching a point within one hundred yards of the works. We had lost heavily but were not yet broken up. General Paine, still leading us, now gives the order for the four regiments "to charge forward and enter the works." The line sprang forward with alacrity, wildly cheering, and advancing at "double quick" close up to the works amid a most galling front and enfilading fire. We supposed the fine programme laid down in the order for the assault was being executed, and that the 10 I38 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Third, Second, and First Brigades were close- on our heels, and from very force of numbers we should press into the works and carry all before us. But we soon dis- covered that with the exception of the four regiments, no troops had crossed the fearful space and that we were alone just at the foot of the entrenchments, and that the assault had failed. Some of our men had actually en- tered the works and were captured. As our supports did not come up, no rally could be made for another charge, and we could only lie there, hugging the ground and protecting ourselves as well as we might from the heavy tiring still poured in upon us, through the entire day. Some of our best officers lay dead or wounded about us. General Paine, with a bullet through his leg, lay near the top of a little knoll in a very exposed position. Captain Washburn and Lieutenant Vose, both severely wounded, lay near him. A little farther on laid Lieutenant Glover, dead, and there they remained, as did all of us, through that terrible day, scarcely daring to move lest we draw the enemy's fire. It was useless to try to get off the wounded. Various attempts were made to get General Paine off the field or to get refreshment to him, and two gallant men lost their lives in the effort. Their names were E. P. Woods of Company E, Thirty-first Massachusetts, and John Williams of Company D, Thirty-first Massachusetts. S. N. Busnach of Company A, Thirty-eighth Massachu- setts, and two others were also wounded in an attempt to relieve him. and he finally begged them to make .no further efforts to get to him. Captain Washburn of Com- pany 1 laid so near him as to throw his canteen of water MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 139 to him and to converse with him. As for the captain him- self, he told us that he was able cautiously to smoke a single cigar he had with him, and thought if he had taken along a half-dozen he would have got through the day very well. It should be stated here that during the afternoon, after the assault had proved hopeless, Colonel Kimball made his way to General Grover and suggested that a truce be asked for to get off our wounded, but the proposition was received with disdain. But this fateful day at last came to an end and the darkness enabled us to get out ourselves and to carry off our wounded. The assault which had been bravely under- taken, in obedience to orders, had proved a total failure. A simultaneous attack was supposed to have been made further to the right by General Weitzel's forces, com- posed of his own division and two regiments of Grover's division. But the attempt was a feeble one and amounted to nothing. If the attempt to carry these works had at any time any show of success it was when our four regi- ments, led by the gallant Paine, hurled themselves against the works, taking the brunt of the enemy's fire, thus enabling the brigades in the rear to follow en masse and complete the breach in the enemy's line where we had in- serted, as it were, the point of a wedge. The loss on this occasion was over seven hundred, mostly from General Paine's division, of which eighty-six were of our regiment out of about two hundred and eighty who went into action. Captain Mudge's Company F I4O THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT suffered the most of any. He went in with thirty-three men and all but eleven were killed, wounded, or missing. We lie down this night, almost sick at heart, with our suffering wounded near us being cared for as well as pos- sible by the surgeons and nurses. Some of the unburied soldiers we have brought off the field lie in the sleep of death close by their comrades who are sleeping the sleep oi exhaustion. If there ever comes a time of complete depression it is when one looks over an experience such as the last twenty-four hours has brought. All the hushed voices, all these gaping wounds, all the groans of the suf- fering and dying, all this grief for the true, the manly, and the accomplished comrades gone, and the more re- mote results to kindred and friends to follow ; and not one point gained toward the capture of this stronghold which it is becoming more and more evident can be reduced onlv by starvation. But we have taken up the occupation of soldiers and it is "ours to do and die"' in obedience to orders. Colonel Kimball's bravery and efficiency was never better displayed on the field of battle than on this oc- casion. He was wounded in the thigh during the charge, but not so as to disable him. We were all proud that he should have been specially recommended for and received promotion to brevet brigadier-general for his gallantry upon this bloody field. While the general assault was ordered by General Banks, the plan of it was left to General Grover and is said to have been as follows : The main attack was to be made by Grover and Weitzel on the extreme northeasterly MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I4I angle of the rebel works, while Generals Augur and Dwight should make a simultaneous attack on the left. A similar disposition was made for the troops on the right (Weitzel's division) as was indicated for our division in the above order, there being a line of skirmishers, hand grenade men, and cotton-bag bearers, with a support of three brigades, all under the command of General Birge. It was intended to have Weitzel's command effect a lodge- ment inside the rebel works and thus prepare a way for the operation of Paine's division. The movement of this column began at early dawn through a covered way which had been excavated within one hundred yards of the outer works, and as it emerged from the cover was met with a most determined resistance by the rebels, who were massed at that point, informed of, and prepared to receive the attack. This column was probably completely repulsed and demoralized before our column had fairly got underway, and gave the enemy time to mass at the angle of the works to which our attack was directed, in season to give us the very hot reception which resulted. Had the attacks of the two storming columns been exactly simultaneous the result might have been different, but per- fect co-operation and precision of movement is always hard to attain under such circumstances, and the proba- bilities of success were against us from the outset. Dwight's attack on the left, which was also to be made simultaneously, proved an utter failure, owing it is said to being misdirected by its guides. The day after the assault was occupied in burying such of our dead as we had brought off the field and I42 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT taking account of our casualties. A temporary brigade Meld hospital was established in the woods, and the wounded were brought there, among them being Captains Washburn, Taft and Stratton, and Lieutenant Vose, and also Lieutenant Bond of the brigade staff, all terribly wounded, — all except Washburn then supposed to be mor- tally so. Arrangements are made during the day to send them down the river to New Orleans, and we sadly bid them farewell. Lieutenant Vose died on the steamer; Captain Taft died at New Orleans a few days later ; Captain Washburn died from the effect of his wound the next summer, and Captain Stratton and Lieutenant Bond recovered and are living to-day. Most of the dead were buried without ceremony, but Lieutenant Glover and Private Upham were buried to- gether just at sunset, with services conducted by Captain Ashley, just in the rear of our camp. Few except the officers attended. The men were discouraged, worn out, almost dazed with grief and disappointment, and perhaps hardened somewhat with the scenes through which they had passed, for nearly one-third of the number who marched to the assault the morning before are now num- bered among the "killed, wounded, and missing." During the day General Banks issues his famous order No. 49 for a "forlorn hope." It reads as follows : Headquarters Department of the Gulf, Nineteenth Army Corps, Before Port Hudson, La., June 15, 1863. General Order No. 49. The commanding general congratulates the troops before Port Hudson upon the steady advance made upon the enemy's MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I43 works, and is confident of an immediate and triumphant issue of the contest. We are at all points upon the threshold of his forti- fications. One more advance and they are ours. For the last duty that victory imposes, the commanding gen- eral summons the bold men of the corps to the organization of a storming column of a thousand men to vindicate the flag of the Union and the memory of its defenders who have fallen. Let them come forward. Officers who lead the column of victory in this last assault may be assured of a just recognition of their services by promo- tion, and every officer and soldier who shares its perils and its glories, will receive a medal to commemorate the first grand success of the campaign of 1863 for the freedom of the Missis- sippi. His name will be placed in general orders on the Roll of Honor. Division officers will at once report the names of officers and men who may volunteer for this service in order that the organi- zation of the column may proceed without delay. By command of Major-Genkral Banks. Richard B. Irwin, Assistant Adjutant- General. This order awoke no enthusiasm in this regiment and elicited much unfavorable criticism amon£f the officers. We had been there already, and with three other regi- ments, led by our gallant General Paine, had made the desperate charge quite up to and over the formidable works and had been badly cut to pieces. We had indeed been a "forlorn hope." We had seen the utter futility of another attempt of the same sort and no effort was made on the part of the officers to induce* the men to join, and they certainly showed no disposition to do so. Two only 144 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT oi the whole regiment volunteered and they deserve hon- orable mention here. Their names are Peter F. Downs of Company G and Peter Dyar of Company H. About nine hundred all told from the entire army corps enlisted for the perilous duty. On the 30th of June, in view of the assault soon to be made, a large number of the officers and soldiers were as- sembled near General Banks' headquarters and he ad- dressed them in substance as follows : "Soldiers! As I look in your faces I read suffering; I see marks of trial; and yet I see determination — patience! No soldiers ever had a nobler record than those who compose the Army of the Gulf. Beginning with nothing, it has created itself, until it is far superior in power to any army of its size in the United States. Vou have actually marched more than five hundred miles, scattered the enemy to the winds wherever you have found him; utterly destroyed his army and navy, and now you hold him captive for the last and greatest triumph. Never were you called to nobler duty than that now resting upon you ! " Open the Mississippi river, give joy to the country and re- ceive shouts of joy such as have never been borne to any branch of the Union army, and the reward God ever gives to those who go forth to defend their country's rights. " A little more than a month ago you found the enemy in the open country far away from these scenes. Now he is hemmed in and surrounded. A few days ago we could neither see bastion, parapet or citadel. Now all is changed ! Our guns range all over the works. We stand here and look over at the enemy face to face. It was when we were at a distance, when we had to cover the labyrinth of ravine, hill and bayou that our brothers fell in large numbers. Our position is one now of perfect safety in contest. Look about you; right, left, front or rear, our flag is on the threshold of his works. What remains is, to close upon MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I_|^ him and secure him within our grasp. We want the close hug! When you get an enemy's head under your arm, you can pound him at your will. Let us go in then and he can never beat us back. The hug he will never recover from until the Devil, the arch rebel, gives him his own ! "All about me I see written determination, — will, — courage, — that will conquer! and who doesn't know that our cause is the best under the sun ? Whenever the tidings of our triumph goes North, you will hear a shout such as you never heard. We hear that the rebel army is moving North from Virginia, spreading out into the borders of the states beyond the Potomac. This will necessarily depress those at home. But how will their hearts be cheered and how will they shower their blessings upon you when they hear the news of your triumph. Your names will be en- tered upon the archives of your country — art will perpetuate your struggles. " This siege, — the coming struggle and victory, — all will be carried down to posterity. Their pride will be that their friends were present at the conflict that results in the opening of the Mississippi ! "You deserve rest I you have earned it; but I must ask you with power and force to finish the work you commenced April ist, at Berwick. Make a record for yourselves and children, and then take the rest you have earned. I have come to ask you to prepare yourself for the last great struggle. Go forward with an ordinary exhibition of spirit and strength, and victory is yours. The enemy of your country will be your captive. Your flag will wave over the battlements of Port Hudson. Open the Missis- sippi river, and the rebellion is at an end. Your fathers, mothers, sisters, all will hail the news with delight and bless you forever. " You have suffered deprivations, you have made great sacri- fices ; but after it comes glory, and after glory, rest ! Buckle on the armor then, make this one more great exertion. I assure you, in the name of the president of the United States, that you can confer a favor no greater upon your country than this ! No I46 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT appeal that I can make can express the importance of this move- ment. Give us one more effort and we will whip the enemy until desolation shall leave him as naked as the vulgar air." The story of the organization as told by another is as follows : "The volunteers were put into camp by themselves and drilled in the 'charge,' etc., and July 4th, 1863, was settled upon as the day for the final assault. Generals Banks, Weitzel, Grover, Granger, Emory, staff officers, and colonels and officers of the several regiments, visit the camp of the Forlorn Hope on the 3d of July, and take messages for dear ones at home and bid their old comrades a final and sorrowful farewell, for who was there from among them who ever expected to see a member of that little band alive after the assault. The command is drawn up into line and General Banks addressed them, ending with suggesting that after they are dismissed they go to their tents and write messages and letters to their loved ones at home, which is done, and the chaplain takes the mail, and with orders to turn out at the sound of the muffled long roll, the boys of the Forlorn Hope go to their tents to try and rest. "It was the intention to charge at daybreak of the Fourth of July and to eat breakfast inside the rebel works. So when the long roll sounded at half-past two in the morning, each member, with courage undaunted and a look of determination upon his countenance, silently took his place in line. Soon General Banks and staff appear in the front, and who can forget who saw the smile and relieved expression upon his face at the time when there, sitting soldierly and proud upon his horse, with hat in hand, he rode along the line and back, halted, and saluting, read a despatch from General Grant, stating that Vicksburg was about to surrender and that he would send him reinforcements. Con- sequently the contemplated attack at this time was delayed, and when General Gardner, commanding the rebel forces at Port Hudson, heard of the fall of Vicksburg, he, on July 8th, 1863, sent out a flag of truce and surrendered his entire command to MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I47 General Banks, and the Mississippi river was open and the back- bone of the rebellion was broken, and now the " Forlorn Hope " received the honor of marching into the rebel stronghold to receive the surrender. " Pioneers were sent forward to open a passage and to batter down their breastworks, and, led by the Thirteenth Connecticut band, accompanied by two other regimental bands, with twelve Union flags flying in the breeze, the column of stormers marched through the rebel works, the bands playing on the route 'The Last Rose of Summer,' 'Yankee Doodle,' and the ' Star Spangled Banner,' with the Union forces of the Nineteenth Army Corps cheering along the line. " It was, indeed, a sight never to be forgotten. Thus ended one of the most important and interesting events of the war of the rebellion." It was providential that the assault did not take place, but they deserved the honor of marching first into the stronghold of the enemy to receive the surrender, and per- haps should receive the medals which were promised them, and for which an effort is now being made in Con- gress. But this does not change the fact that the order was ill advised and the attempt would have been one of the most foolhardy experiments of the war. This opinion was freely expressed then, and a quarter of a century has only strengthened it. We who had once been over the ground, as well as those who examined the works after the surrender, know full well that it could not have suc- ceeded and that the result would probably have been a fearful slaughter and the affair of Fort Butler, elsewhere related in this history, reversed for us. In fact the several desperate assaults made upon the works at Port Hudson I48 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT were mistakes. We had the enemy thoroughly " bottled up" from the 25th of May. lie could not get out and he could get no provisions in, and there was no force any- where in the state which could be brought to raise the siege. We had only to sit down and wait and the strong- hold must come into our hands in a few weeks. Some writers have endeavored to find excuses for General Banks and his counsellors for ordering the assault of June 14th, and the proposed charge of the "forlorn hope," by stating that a large portion of the command was made up of nine months men whose term of service was about to expire, and their leaving would have weakened him so much that he would have been obliged to raise the siege and retire to New Orleans, which it was true was being threatened by an inconsiderable force of the enemy. But the nine months regiments would not have deserted him, and in fact several of them did serve several weeks after their time was out after the surrender. This regiment actually served nearly eleven months. Some of them whose time had expired before the surrender actually volunteered for some weeks longer, and received the thanks of General Banks in a general order. And it is a fact of history that General Gardner, who commanded at Port Hudson, said that his surrender on the 8th of July was not in conse- quence of the surrender of Vicksburg on the 4th, that a few more days would have brought it if that event had not taken place. How General Grant viewed the situation may be judged from the following- extract from his "Personal Memoirs :"* ^Volume 1, page 544. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I 49 "On the 26th of May I received a letter from General Banks asking me to reinforce him with ten thousand men. Of course I did not comply with his request nor did I think he needed them. He was in no danger of attack by the garrison in his front and there was no army organizing in his rear to raise the siege." But General Grant wrote a letter* immediately after the surrender which shows that he was willing to give full credit to General Banks and his army for what had been accomplished. It is as follows : " It is with pleasure I congratulate you upon your removal of the last obstacle to the free navigation of the Mississippi. This will prove a death to " Copperheadism " in the Northwest, besides serving to demoralize the enemy. Like arming the negroes, it will act as a two edged sword cutting both ways." It may seem ungracious at this late day to criticise Our commanding officers, but the facts of history must be out- spoken and better now than then, since time has mitigated somewhat the immediate grief which dire disaster then evoked. It was inevitable that many errors of judgment and action should occur in the stupendous struggle we were engaged in, and General Banks' "councils of war" were not the only ones which were open to the charge. How these whole four years of war are written over with them ! But in view of the "final glorious consummation" they should be lightly dealt with and those responsible for them should not be judged criminally negligent or wan- tonly rash. ''Official Records, volume 24, page 499. CHAPTER X. News from Vicksburg— Surrender of Port Hudson— Official Corre- spondence—Final Ceremonies— Colonel Kimball's Official Report —Incidents of the Siege— Biographical Notices. The account* of the official surrender of Port Hudson, from the pen of Colonel R. B. Irwin, General Banks' ad- jutant-general, has the following : "At last on the 7th of July, when the saphead was within sixteen feet of the ' priest cap ' and a storming party of one thousand volunteers had been organized, led by the intrepid Kirge, and all preparations had been made for springing two heavily charged mines, word came from Grant that Vicksburg had surrendered. Instantly an aide was sent to the 'general-of- the-trenches ' bearing duplicates in 'flimsy' of a note from the adjutant bearing the good news. One of these he was directed to toss into the Confederate lines. Some one acknowledged the receipt by calling back, 'That's another damned Yankee lie.' ( )nce more the cheers of the men rung out, as the word passed, and again the forest echoed with the strains of the ' Star Spangled Banner ' from the long silent bands. Firing died away, the men began to mingle in spite of everything, and at about 2 o'clock the next morning came the long gray envelope that meant surrender:' This note and the succeeding correspondence are here given : Headquarters Port Hudson, La., July 7, 1863. General : — Having received information from your troops that Vicksburg has been surrendered I make this communication to ask you to give me your official notice whether this is true or not ; *From "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," volume 3, page 597. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 151 and if true I ask for a cessation of hostilities with a view to the consideration of terms for surrendering this position. I am, General, very respectfully your obedient servant, Frank Gardner, Major- General Commanding Confederate States Forces. To Major-General Banks, Commanding United States Forces Near Port Hudson. Headquarters Department of the Gulf, Before Port Hudson, July 8, 1863. General : — In reply to your communication dated the 7th instant, by Hag of truce received a few moments since, I have the honor to inform you that I received yesterday morning, July 7th, at forty-five minutes past 10 o'clock, by the gunboat General Price, an official despatch from Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, United States Army, whereof the following is a true extract : Headquarters Department of the Tennessee, Near Vicksburo, July 4, 1863. Major-General N. P. Banks, Commanding Department of the Gulf. General : — The garrison of Vicksburg surrendered this morn- ing. The number of prisoners as given by the officers is twenty- seven thousand ; field artillery, one hundred and twenty-eight pieces; and a large number of siege guns, probably not less than eighty. Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major-General. 1 regret to say that under present circumstances 1 cannot consistently with my duty consent to a cessation of hostilities for the purposes you indicate. Very respectfully your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, Major-General Commanding. To Major-General Frank Gardner, Commanding Confederate States Forces, Fort Hudson. 1^2 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Port Hudson, July S, 1863. General: — ] have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, giving a copy of an official communication from Major-General U. S. Grant, United States Army, announcing the surrender of the garrison of Vicksburg. Having defended this position as long as d deem my duty re- quires I am willing to surrender to you, and will appoint a com- mission of three officers to meet a similar commission appointed by yourself, at <) o'clock this morning, for the purpose of agreeing upon and drawing up the terms of surrender: and for that purpose I ask a cessation of hostilities. Will you please designate a point, outside of my breastworks, where the meeting shall be held for this purpose ? I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant. Frank Gardner, Commanding Confederate States Forces. To Major-General Hanks, Commanding United States Forces. Headquarters United States Forces, Befokk Port Hudson, July 8. 1863. General : — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date stating that you are willing to surrender the garrison under your command to the forces under my command, and that you will appoint a commission of three officers to meet a similar commission appointed by me, at 9 o'clock this morning, for the purpose of agreeing upon and drawing up the terms of surrender. In reply I have the honor to state that 1 have designated Brigadier-General Charles P. Stone, Colonel Henry W. P.irge and Lieutenant-Colonel Richard B. Irwin as the officers to meet the commission appointed by you. They will meet your officers at the hour designated at a point where the flag of truce was received this morning. I will direct MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I 53 that active hostilities shall instantly cease on my part until further notice for the purpose stated. Very respectfully your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, Major- General Commanding. To Major-Gen eral Frank Gardner, Commanding Confederate States Forces, Fort Hudson. The formal surrender of Port Hudson took place July 9th as indicated by the foregoing correspondence. It would have been a great satisfaction to the regiment to have marched in and witnessed the ceremonies, and it would have seemed very fitting that the regiments which led the assault of the 14th of June should have been given the same honor as was accorded the "forlorn hope" that was to be if the surrender had not come, and allowed to march in over the works they had tried so hard to breach. As the writer of this history was not present he is glad to avail himself of a description of the scene as it was penned at the time by our chaplain, who was an eye wit- ness. It is as follows : "About. 7 A. M., July 9th, our column began to move up the Port Hudson and Jackson road for the fortifications. As they passed the sallyport, the band struck up that time-honored air of Yankee Doodle. Depend upon it, all felt that to be called a Yankee just at this time was no derision whatever. We were all Yankees. " As we passed up into the town, upon the heights, sights of destruction such as war alone can produce, met our observation. Scarce a house, shop or building, of any description, can be dis- covered that has not been riddled or levelled by the 'unerring shots' of our artillerists, who are, say the rebels, 'unequalled.* 11 1^4 Till: FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT The sides of the hills, the hollows and the plains, are dotted with the dead carcasses of horses and mules which have been killed by sharpshooters and shells. From them a stench arises which is by no means wholesome. Here and there a grave of some misguided brave is seen; again, the new turned earth, by its length and breadth, assures us that 'heaps of the slain,' lie crowded in their platooned graves. Deep furrows along the sand and clay trace the track of the swiftly hurled ball that wrought ere its course was stopped, fearful death and desolation. In one instance we noticed that a round shot, thrown from one of our batteries, distant three-fourths of a mile, had passed completely through an out house, the back door of the dwelling, along the floor of the entry, tearing up the boards, through the partition, out of the front of the house, cutting down a tree of no mean dimensions, and finally burying itself in the earth. Numerous were the trees of different sizes that were felled by the missiles which our cannoniers hurled so surely at the besieged. " But 1 cannot particularize, for I have only time to write out the fact of the surrender, which, added to the achievement at Vicksburg, will send an electric thrill through every loyal heart. "At 9.35 A. M., a short consultation occurred between General Beals, (second in command at Port Hudson,) and General Andrews, (General Banks' chief of staff,) when the order was given by General Beals to the waiting thousands of his command — 'attention' — 'ground arms,' — the motley line of late belliger- ents stood defenceless before us. The officers, by the terms agreed to, were allowed their side arms. While a short confer- ence was again held, the 'jolly tars' from our gunboats, that have long kept watch by day and night over the ' contumacious stronghold ' — erected a flag-staff upon the very spot where the rebels had flaunted their 'stars and bars' which had been shot away by the skilful gunners of the fleet. Upon this flag-staff the glorious stars and stripes were thrown to the breeze at 10 A. M., amid the salvos of artillery ! Triumph was complete ! To us it belongs ! Long will the inspiration of the hour be remembered. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 155 Transports had already steamed up to the landing to take the prisoners away to— I cannot tell where. Whether they are to be paroled or not has not been made patent. "The importance of the twin surrenders to the nation I will not at this time enlarge upon. All must feel it, acknowledge it. Joy will accompany the news, rejoicing follow its spreading. While we felt that we were giving a hope to the anxious ones at home ; while we were jubilant over the great, final effort, and be- lieved that we had done the state some service, our hearts were more than full when we heard of the safety, and saw the coming of two of our most noble comrades— the brave brothers Hicks. To us they had been more than dead; we had pictured their sufferings amid the heat of sun and battle, we had feared their worse than torture, and placed them among the cruelly sacrificed ; but they have returned to us, the saved of the Lord. It is impossible to describe the gratitude we felt as they came into our camp. Captain Mudge, who sets a proper estimate on all of his men, was the happiest one of all when he greeted the returned braves. Levi C. and Forrest A. Hicks, were reported in the list of killed and wounded on the 14th of June, as missing and sup- posed to be killed. The already grief-stricken father and mother, will be made to rejoice when they hear of the safety of their noble sons. They were taken prisoners on the day of the as- sault, June 14th, and were exchanged immediately on the signing of the terms of surrender." The following is the official report of the operations of the Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, in the movement upon Port Hudson, from May 23d to July 8th, 1863: Captain E. H. Fordham, A. A. A. G. Sir: I have the honor to report the doings of my command in the movement upon Port Hudson from the 23d of May to the 8th of July. The regiment arrived before Port Hudson on Satur- day, May 23d, having eight companies present with about four 156 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT hundred men. May 24th, at 9.30 A. M., I received orders from Captain Fordham to put my command in readiness for immediate march. At 10 A. M. moved with the brigade towards Port Hudson, being then about four miles from that point. After pro- ceeding about one and a half miles my regiment was detached from the brigade and was ordered to report to Brigadier-General Paine for duty as a guard to the corps of engineers. Moved to the head of the column and proceeded about one-half mile into the woods where we encountered the skirmishers of the enemy at a ravine where a bridge was to be built. Skirmishers were thrown out on the front and flanks, and moved steadily forward. A few shots were exchanged, when the enemy retired across the creek and to the crest of the hill just beyond. Captain Stratton with his company was now ordered to deploy and move forward under cover of the line of skirmishers to the top of the hill be- yond the creek, about three hundred yards, which was promptly done, the enemy firing and immediately retiring. The engineers having examined the position and ground beyond decided to abandon it for another route. I was ordered at 2.30 o'clock to another position about one mile farther up the ravine to a point where the road crosses it. Arriving at this point, I sent Company G to the top of the hill about thirty rods beyond the ravine to keep a lookout upon the plain beyond, and also disposed my other companies so as to command the approaches to our position on the brook. At about 6 P. M. the major-general commanding, with his staff, having rode through our lines to the front, and being fired upon by the enemy's skirmishers, the whole regiment was immediately ordered forward and proceeded to the top of the hill ; there being no further demonstration by the enemy it was immediately ordered back to its old position, and I received orders from General Paine to hold it during the night, protecting the working party upon the road. To do this ( being at a dis- tance from any support ) I Avas obliged to throw out five compa- nies as a picket guard for the night. Nothing of note occurred, however, the night being very quiet. In the morning, at about 8 o'clock, I was ordered to join the brigade and immediately did MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 157 so. At 1 P. M. the regiment marched with the brigade ; moved forward over the ground we occupied the night before ; proceeded about one mile to the edge of the woods, when I placed my regi- ment in line of battle on the left of the Thirty-first Massachusetts and in support of the Ninety-first New York, then skirmishing in advance, with orders to be governed in my movements by the movements of the same. A steady advance was made during the afternoon and until dark, when I was ordered to the front to relieve the Ninety-first New York. Arriving at their position I found that their skirmishers had been drawn in ; I proceeded, however, to deploy six companies of my regiment upon the same ground they had occupied, as nearly as the information I could obtain and the darkness of the night would admit, the left of my line, as it afterwards proved, being considerably in advance of their old positions. Soon after getting into position a brisk fire was opened upon us by the enemy concealed behind an abatis. The fire was immediately returned by the One Hundred and Seventy-third and One Hundred and Seventy-fourth New York Regiments in our rear, thus bringing us between two fires. It was at this time that Captain Bailey of Company A and a private of Company F fell mortally wounded. This lasted but a few moments, when quiet was restored, and our line was unbroken. There was no further disturbance during the night. In the morning I received orders not to advance upon the enemy, but simply hold the position. Soon after daylight a body of the enemy was seen approaching our left. They were allowed to ap- proach to within a few yards of our line when fire was opened upon them, causing them to beat a hasty retreat. At 9 A. M. was relieved by the One Hundred and Thirty-first New York and by order of Captain Fordham retired to the edge of the woods and rested through the day and following night. Wednesday, May 27th; the regiment was ordered forward at 5.30 A. M. and moved in line of battle about a hundred yards towards the front. After remaining in that position about one- half hour was ordered by Captain Fordham to move forward " by the right of companies to the front " following the Thirty-eighth 158 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Massachusetts. Proceeding in this manner about one-quarter of a mile the brigade line was then formed and moved steadily forward about one hundred rods to a point near the edge of the woods, where our batteries were engaging the enemy, when the line was halted. After remaining in this position a short time, the rest of the brigade having been ordered to other points, 1 was ordered by General Paine to remain there and support the First Maine and Bainbridge's United States Batteries. We lay in this position two hours, exposed to a heavy fire of shot and shell from the enemy, when I was ordered by Colonel Gooding to move forward to the front line of skirmishers and report to Colonel Van Zant for the purpose of relieving a regiment then engaged with the enemy. The movement was rapidly executed and upon arriving and reporting as directed was ordered by Colonel Van Zant to relieve the Ninety-first New York, which held the brow of the hill, within sixty yards of the enemy's works into which he had already been driven. I placed my men in position with orders not to fire except they could see the enemy within range. My orders from Colonel Van Zant were to hold that position until further orders, and I received no other order during the day. Constant firing was kept up through the day, with quite a number of casualties, but ceased at dark. At about 2 o'clock Thursday morning firing was again opened on the right, which extended to our front, and for a few moments was quite brisk. A portion of the Ninety-first and One Hundred and Thirty-first New York Regiments lying in our rear returned a volley, a part of which took effect in my regiment, wounding several of my men ; quiet was at last restored and continued until morning when firing was again opened upon both sides, continuing through the day, except during the time when a suspension of hostilities was ordered. At 5 o'clock was ordered by Colonel Van Zant, to report to Colonel Gooding, one-fourth mile to the right, which I immediately did and took position in a ravine in the woods in front of the enemy's works. The number of men in this action was three hundred and seventy-seven. Our loss up to this time was about thirty, which will appear in MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 159 my list of casualties. Remained here during the 29th, 30th, and 31st, during which time the regiment was engaged in picket duty and work upon fortifications. On the first of June at 10 A. M. was ordered to the front to relieve the Fourth Wisconsin, then occupying rifle pits. Report- ing at once to General Paine, was ordered by him to take position near the edge of the woods until dark, the exposed position ren- dering it very hazardous to attempt to relieve by daylight. At dark moved forward to the position, which we held until 8 P. M., June 4th, engaging the enemy's sharpshooters and suffering quite a number of casualties, which will appear in a list appended to this report. At 8 P. M., June 4th, was relieved by the One Hun- dred and Fifty-ninth New York and reported, according to orders received from Captain Allen of General Paine's staff, to Colonel Gooding near the Jackson road, where we bivouacked for the night. At 4.30 A. M., on the 5th of June, marched with the brigade towards Clinton ; proceeded this day about fourteen miles, halt- ing through the heat of the day ; several cases of sunstroke occurred in the regiment during the day. June 6th ; marched at 6 A. M., proceeded about four miles to the Amitie river, where we bivouacked for the rest of the day. June 7th; marched at 12.30 A. M. for Clinton, arriving near that point at 4.30 A. M. when a return was ordered, which was accomplished with nothing of note occurring ; arriving before Port Hudson at 10.30 A. M., June 8th. Encamped in a piece of woods near the front and rested until the 14th. On the afternoon of the 13th received orders to be ready to move the next morning at 3 o'clock in an assault upon Port Hudson. At the time specified I was ordered by Colonel Good- ing to move up the road in rear of the Thirty-eighth Massachu- setts to the point of attack, and then deploy as skirmishers on the right of that regiment. During the march this order was countermanded by one from General Paine, directing me to de- ploy in rear of the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts at a distance of ten or fifteen paces. This last order was executed by deploying l6o THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT five companies, holding three in reserve. We were at this time under fire, though partially protected by a hedge behind which the deployment was made. At about 4.15 o'clock orders came to advance in quick time upon the enemy's works, supporting the Thirty-eighth who were following a line of skirmishers and hand grenaders. The men moved forward promptly and as they passed the hedge received a terrific volley from the enemy, who had been made aware of our approach by the loud cheering of the first line of skirmishers. They pressed steadily forward, keeping as good a line as the nature of the ground, ravines, and fallen trees, would admit, until the centre had reached to within twenty yards of the works, when we came upon the first line of skirmishers, who had been repulsed and were holding this posi- tion. I was here obliged to halt on account of the broken condition of my line, caused by the uneven state of the ground, and more particularly the halting of the Thirty-eighth Massachu- setts at some distance in my rear, which detained the right and left of my line. The right soon came up, passing the Thirty- eighth, whose commander had declined to move forward until he received further orders, though requested so to do by my adjutant who had command of the right of my line. I immedi- ately went to the left of my line to move it up, but found it utterly impossible so to do on account of the terrific fire from the enemy. At this juncture General Paine came up, and after ex- amination of the line gave the order to charge forward and enter the works. I immediately repeated the order to my regiment, which sprung forward with an alacrity and determination worthy of veterans, some of the men reaching the works and falling at the ditch, while others entered and were captured. At this time General Paine fell severely wounded, as also did many of my best officers. The fire of the enemy was now so terrible that it was impossible to advance the men under it, and we maintained our position close up to the works during the day, keeping up a fire upon the enemy, receiving no orders until about 10 P. M., when I was ordered to withdraw and return to my position of the morning, being the last regiment to leave the field. I was able to MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 161 get off all of my wounded and the most of the dead. The suf- ferings of the men through this day were severe in the extreme- lying in the hot sun with no shelter, out of water and no chance of obtaining a supply, many of them lying in position where any attempt on their part to move would subject them to the well directed fire of the enemy's sharpshooters, rendered their position very critical. They uttered no word of complaint, but all, the wounded and the well, bore their trials with the fortitude of martyrs. My loss this day was very severe, especially in officers, as the official list will show. We remained at our old camp in the woods until the 19th at 4 P. M., when I was ordered by Colonel Gooding to go to the front and relieve the Thirteenth Connecticut, who were support- ing Bainbridge's Battery, which position we held until the sur- render of Port Hudson on the 8th of July. In closing this report I would take occasion to speak of the conduct of my regiment during this protracted siege. Too much cannot be said in praise of both officers and men through all its trying scenes in the several engagements with which they were connected, and more especially on the occasion of the assault of the 14th, when, with unfaltering courage, they pressed forward to the charge, having one-third of their number stricken down. My line officers, without exception, were prompt in the execution of my orders, and exhibited an enthusiasm and deter- mination which inspired and encouraged the men to brave and gallant conduct, and testimony to this fact is shown in the loss of Captain Taft, and Lieutenants Vose and Glover, and the severe wounds of Captains Washburn, Stratton and Mudge. I desire particularly to call your attention to Adjutant Willis of my staff, who had command of the right of my line, ( which had been halted from causes before stated,) for the gallant manner in which he moved forward under a perfectly galling fire. The cool bravery exhibited by this officer in the performance of his duties, often exposing himself, ( though not rashly,) to the fire of the enemy, meets my heartiest commendation and I desire to recommend him for promotion. l62 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Accompanying this, I hand you a list of casualties during the siege in their proper order of dates. And have the honor to remain. Very truly your obedient servant, John W. Kimball, Colonel Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. List of casualties in Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Vol- unteers, between May 25th and June 14th, inclusive : May 25th, Company A — Captain George H. Bailey, arm and side, mortal, died May 29th. June 14th, Company A — N. Kradlee Upham, killed. Company B — Francis F. Hemenway, shoulder, slight ; Color Corporal S. C. Hosmer, arm, slight. May 27th, Company C — H. T. Balcom, arm, badly; Edward Dever, face, slight; Edward Whitney, neck, badly; Edwin Palmer, back, slight ; Ira B. Foster, neck, slight. June 14th, Company C — Captain J. A. Stratton, head, severely ; Lieutenant A. R. Glover, killed ; Corporal C. A. Woodworth, throat, severe ; J. B. Allen, leg, slight ; A. J. Conant, face, slight ; James Carlan, wounded, missing ; Edmund O. Day, head, severe ; Edward Dever, shoulder, severe ; A. W. Johnson, leg, severe ; S. Gilpatrick, leg, slight. May 27th, Company D — J. P. Hildreth, arm, flesh wound; C. S. Champney, neck, flesh wound. May 30th, Company D — H. H. Whitney, cheek, flesh wound. June 2d, Company D — Sergeant H. P. Kilburn, killed ; Ser- geant S. A. Lawrence, face and neck, slight ; H. F. Green, arm and leg, slight. June 14th, Company D — Corporal D. S. Kimball, killed; W. S. Arlen, killed ; D. J. Sheehan, chest, arm and leg, serious ; J. C. Neat, arm, slight ; J. B. Blood, head, slight ; A. G. Stickney, finger shot off ; William S. Ordway, hand ; A. S. Graham, ankle, slight; H. C. Whitney, finger shot off; A. W. Fletcher, killed; I. W. Pierce, hip, slight. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 163 May 31st, Company E — Adin Oakes, back, slight ; 1). Walker, hand. June 14th, Company E — W. T. Putnam, killed ; Corporal F. A. Stratton, contusion, shoulder; G. W. Morgan, finger shot off; H. H. Stratton, head, serious; J. A. Moore, head, slight; E. W. Cross, foot, slight ; Ozi Oliver, foot, slight; M. Falon, hip, slight. May 25th, Company F — W. Hinchcliffe, arm and breast, mor- tal, died May 29th. May 28th, Company F — D. W. Robinson, leg, amputated ; Charles Smith, face, dangerous; F. Sanderson, arm, slight. June 2d, Company F — W. Forbush, killed. June 14th, Company F — Corporal J. M. Jackson, killed; Corporal F. A. Hicks, missing; Corporal L. C. Hicks, missing; J. Hodges, killed ; M. L. Johnson, killed ; G. Knights, killed ; E. L. Robinson, killed; Captain J. G. Mudge, ear, slight; C. E. Ball, leg, amputated; G. R. Chaffee, serious; S. A. Chamberlain, hand, slight; W. B. Fessenden, shoulder, slight ; H. N. Heald, thigh, flesh wound ; N. W. Jameson, shoulder, slight ; S. T. Nye, side, slight ; L. Peters, side, slight ; P. Rogers, thigh, flesh wound ; L. Spooner, contusion, chest ; J. E. Townsend, thigh, flesh wound ; J. E. Wilder, hand ; A. Wheeler, arm, serious ; F. L. Sanderson, arm, amputated. May 25th, Company G — R. B. Baker, finger shot off. May 27th, Company G — R. Howe, head, slight; D. J. Crosby, head, slight; C. C. Merritt, head, slight. June 14th, Company G — Sergeant D. P. Stockwell, abdomen, severe ; G. W. Newton, arm, slight ; E. W. Greenwood, foot, slight; M. Coyle, knee, severe; J. Lynch, foot, slight; D. J. Crosby, foot, slight; H. McDonald, hand. June 3d, Company H — W. M. Flint, thigh, flesh wound. June 14th, Company H — Lieutenant R. Carruth, hip, slight; J. S. Rayner, Jr., leg, severe ; C. C. Brown, wrist, slight. May 25th, Company I — F. A. Munroe, leg. May 27th, Company I — J. M. Woodell, shoulder, serious; C. Hoffman, breast, serious ; J. B. Moore, head, slight ; T. W. Reid, face, slight. 164 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT |une 14th, Company I — R. Whipple, killed; Captain E. R. Washburn, leg, severe; Lieutenant J. H. Vose, breast, mortal; Sergeant C. W. Moore, face, slight ; Corporal W. Wallace, leg, slight ; Corporal S. Frost, shoulder, slight ; Sergeant E. C. Whit- ney, arm, slight; T. W. Belcher, hand, slight; B. J. Edeman, breast, slight; H. C. Harriman, leg, slight; Robert Orr, head, serious ; P. Owens, back, serious ; T. W. Reid, leg, slight ; T. Roberts, hand, slight. Company A — Captain J. K. Taft, leg, amputated, mortal ; F. A. Alvord, shoulder, slight ; F. F. Farrar, arm, slight; J. H. Kendall, leg, severe; W. Wooldridge, side, mor- tal ; A. O. Hitchcock, eye, slight ; A. Robinson, finger shot off. Colonel J. W. Kimball was wounded June 14th, flesh wound in thigh ; Adjutant H. A. Willis, struck by spent ball in breast. May 25th, slight. Some incidents of the fight of the 14th may be men- tioned here : In the midst of the fight, in the early morning, a case of coolness in danger occurred which deserves mention. Private A. O. Hitchcock of Company A, (now Dr. Hitch- cock of Fitchburg,) was then acting as the colonel's ''or- derly." As such he was near him on the field during the charge and was struck in the right eye by a buck shot, which entered at the outer end of the eye and lodged just behind the bone which surrounds the eye. It gave him great pain, and Acting Sergeant-Major E. C. Whitney proposed to extract it. He seated Hitchcock on a stump, produced a large pin, and Colonel Kimball brought a jack-knife to bear upon it, and together they succeeded in prying out the uncomfortable missile. It was quickly done of course but it was amid the crashing of artillery and with the bullets flying thick about them, and the MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 165 coolness of all the parties was somewhat remarkable. Hitchcock was then sent to the rear, somewhat against his will, and Whitney resumed his place in the line. Captain Corey of Company B was saved from death in a singular manner. He was with his company of pioneers, lying on the ground in an exposed position while the fire was the hottest, and was holding up the blade of his spade before his face, when a grape shot struck it, making a deep indentation but not passing through. The captain, as may be readily supposed, brought home the spade as a witness of his miraculous escape, which his family still preserves as a valuable relic. Mr. Giffin of Company C says, "I was at the side of Lieutenant Glover when he was shot and caught him in my arms as he fell, easing him to the ground. He said, 'I am mortally wounded. Take my watch and if you live to get out of this send it to my wife with my love. ' He died in a very few minutes, and I took his watch and placed his sword under his body, which was taken off during the night." His faithful colored servant, Isaac Smith, packed his things in a valise and turned them over to the quartermaster, who sent them home to Mrs. Glover. The valise was rifled of the watch on the way, though his wallet with some blood stained money in it was left un- touched. This man Smith had been a slave near Baton Rouge, but he escaped from his master just after the battle of Baton Rouge in 1862. He was taken up by Mr. Glover at Carrollton, and some time afterwards while l66 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT marching with the regiment through Baton Rouge, he- espied his old master on the sidewalk. They exchanged glances but no word of greeting escaped either of them. After Lieutenant Glover's death he was adopted by an- other officer, came home with us and has since lived in Leominster and Fitchburg as a good citizen. He regu- larly attends the reunions of the regiment. His history, recently obtained from him by the writer, may be briefly stated here, and affords a good illustration of the enormity of the institution of slavery as it existed before the war. He was born in Murfreesboro, Tenn., on the plantation of Thomas Rankin and knows nothing of his father. When a mere child he was sold by Rankin to Peter Warner of the same town, price not known. His mother was sold about the same time to a slave trader and taken south "for a market." He remembers his mother's going away, but as he says, "I was a small kid then and did not realize much about it." He never heard from her afterwards. When quite a boy he was again sold for six hundred dollars to Robert Smith, a "racer of horses," who took him South with him with a lot of horses. He re- mained with him some time and used to ride the horses in the races, in different parts of the country. He took his name from this man. After a time they brought up at New Orleans, and his master got "hard up" and had to sell him. This time he brought twelve hundred dollars, and was bought by Mr. De Planche, who lived about nine miles below Baton Rouge, from whom he escaped as above stated. He says he never knew his own age, but MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 167 thinks he is about forty-seven. He is not aware that he has a single relative living at the South to-day. The following are brief biographical sketches of sev- eral of the officers who were killed or mortally wounded during the siege : Captain George H. Bailey was born in Townsend, Mass., November 30th, 1833, but moved to Fitchburg with his parents in 1843. He attended the public schools there for several years and then went to Holyoke, to learn the trade of machinist, but only remained one year there, returning to Fitchburg and finish- ing his trade with the Putnam Machine Company. He remained with this company until he went into the service with this regiment. He had for some years been a member of the Fitch- burg Fusiliers, and was first sergeant of the company, which position he held when the company went into the Fifty-third Regiment, and he was active in securing volunteers to fill up the company. He was elected Captain a few days before his death. He was a good officer, and much respected by the men, and his sudden taking off so soon after his promotion was a great grief to them. At home he was known as an upright, worthy and useful citizen, being very active in public matters, both of Church and State. He left a wife and a daughter about five years of age. His wife was the daughter of Abel Eaton, who was also in our regiment, being one of the drummer boys of Company B, aged at that time fifty-seven, and who is still living at the age of eighty-five and doing daily a hard day's work in the railroad shop at Fitchburg. Mrs. Bailey survived her husband about four years. Captain Jerome, Kimball Taft, was born in Detroit, Michi- gan, September 2d, 1831. His father died when he was thirteen years old, and his mother and himself, an only child, came to Fitchburg to reside with her sister, Mrs. Harriet Kimball. In 1845 his mother died, and he continued to live with his uncle, 1 68 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Captain Alpheus Kimball, until he entered the service of his country, October 17th, 1862. He served faithfully in Company A, Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, rising rapidly from a private to the rank of Captain. He was mortally wounded June 14th, 1863, while leading his men in the assault upon Port Hudson, La., and died from his wounds July 2d, at St. James Hospital at New Orleans. He was a genial companion, a faithful soldier, an officer loved and respected by all, a strict disciplinarian, yet kind in the discharge of the duties of his office, brave and courageous in battle, always ready to lead where duty called, and face all dangers with his men ; he fell in the front near the enemy's works, loved, honored, and sincerely mourned by all his comrades in arms. A singular fatality seemed to follow commanders of Company A ; three successive com- manders in three successive battles, and each one being in command for the first time under fire, were killed or received the wounds from which they died, and all three engagements occurred within the short space of sixty days. The writer believes that the whole history of the war does not furnish another such instance. Lieutenant Alfred R. Glover, of Company C, was from Roxbury. He was born at Milton, Mass., in 1827, and was a lineal descendant of John Glover, of Dorchester, who came to America in the "William & Mary" in 1630. He was a Captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery, of London, before Coming to this country. Lieutenant Glover early desired a military education at West Point, but his family discouraged it. He became a member of the " New England Guards," and was one of its warrant officers for several years. Before the war he was a paper manufacturer. His home was at Vine Rock Cottage in Roxbury. When the call for troops came in 1862, he was prompt to respond, and exerted himself to raise volunteers. He brought a number to Company C, and was elected 1st Lieutenant of the Company, and proved an efficient officer, and one who always had the well-being of his men at heart. He was highly MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 169 esteemed by his brother officers, and his death was deeply re- gretted. He was most thoroughly in earnest. His letters home breathed the spirit of deepest patriotism, and an intense hatred of rebellion. He married Mary L. Bodge, of Roxbury. She survived him only about a year and one-half, and, it is said, died of grief. He also left a son, Alfred K. Glover, two years old at the time of his father's death, who, after his mother's death, was adopted by E. R. Butler of New York, who brought him up. He was educated at Columbia College and Meadville Theological School, and is now a Unitarian clergyman at Grand Haven, Mich. He is a scientific student in Archaeology and in Chinese and Jewish History. Mr. Glover's remains were brought home late in 1863, and he lies buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Roxbury. Edward Richmond Washburn was born in Boston, June 2d, 1836, and moved to Lancaster in 1838, where his childhood and youth were spent. He was educated at Lancaster Academy, and in 1853, at the age of seventeen, he entered mercantile life in Boston, where he remained until 1857, when he moved to Wor- cester and became Secretary of the Bay State Insurance Com- pany, which position he occupied at the outbreak of the rebellion. When the call for additional troops was made in 1862, he decided to enter the service, and aided in recruiting a company which was joined to the Fifty-third Regiment, and of which he was subse- quently elected captain. He was present with his company through the active campaign, and was severely wounded in the assault of the 14th June. He was sent home before the regiment had com- pleted its service, and in the fall of 1863 returned to his office in Worcester, but proposed as soon as his health was re-established to present himself again for service. But his health was never fully regained', and he continued in rather a delicate condition until August, 1864, when his wound again broke out, and the alarming indications of pyaemia at once appeared, and after ten days of intense suffering the end came to him in the old home- stead at Lancaster. He had never belonged to any military 12 170 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT organization before the war, nor was there anything in his natural taste or inclination to lead him in that direction, but from motives of purest patriotism he entered the service of his country. As an officer he was dignified in bearing, courteous to all, and secured the love and respect of his men, while he held them in strict discipline. His life was full of promise, and his death from the mortal stroke received one year before, was a great grief to a large circle of relatives and acquaintances. He had never married. Josiah Hayden Vose was born in Robbinston, Maine, March 11th, 1830. His parents died while he was very young, and he went to live with an uncle in Lancaster, Mass., in 1845, where he attended the Academy, leaving it to enter upon a practical study of mechanics and machinery. Later he became Superintendent of the " Coach Lace Mill " in Clinton, Mass., which position he occupied at the outbreak of the rebellion. A man of studious and industrious mind, he supplemented a somewhat limited school education, with much reading and investigation of subjects of practical and literary interest, thus fitting himself for a most *useful citizen. His fellow-citizens of the town of Clinton, called him to the important and responsible duties involved in the administration of the Public Schools. He was also given other important trusts in the town, but never held political offices having declined a nomination of his district for Representative to the Legislature. At various times in Lancaster and Clinton he delivered lectures upon matters of current interest which received most favorable comment. He was an active member of the Masonic Order ; master of Trinity Lodge, the members of which presented him with a sword and equipments when he entered the service. It may truly be said that his strong character and personality made a marked, beneficial and lasting imprint upon the community in which he lived, and upon his contemporaries, who still remember the good he accomplished, and do not cease to regret that the promise of his life was not permitted to be fulfilled. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 171 He married Caroline Cushing Forbes, eldest child of Franklin Forbes, of Clinton, October gth, i860. One child, a daughter, was born to them. He, with Edward Washburn, was very active in recruiting men for a company, in which both became officers, and in which both received their mortal wounds June 14th, 1863. Mr. Vose was an excellent officer, a good disciplinarian, cool and fearless in battle, beloved by his men, and respected by his brother officers in the Regiment. CHAPTER XI. Comments upon the Siege— Official Records of Vicksburg and Port Hudson Campaigns — Correspondence of Generals Grant and Banks — Donaldsonville — A Night Attack and a Gallant De- fense — Operations of Companies B and K — Orders for the Jour- ney Home. The capture of Port Hudson was the final blow which resulted in opening the Mississippi river from its source to its mouth, and on the 16th of July the steamer Imperial from St. Louis arrived at New Orleans, being the first communication between these two cities for two years. On the 28th of the same month she arrived back at her wharf in St. Louis and was received with a great demon- stration on the part of the citizens. It is interesting to note the similarity of the sieges of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. On the 19th of May, after several engagements, General Grant (by his own report) had completed the investment of Vicksburg, and he says, after the assault of the 22d : *"I now determined upon a regular siege, r to outcamp the enemy' as it were, and to incur no more losses." This he did, and the regular siege work went on and brought about the sur- render July 4th, without any more assaults, the siege lasting just forty-six days. ♦Personal Memoirs, volume i, page 53: MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 173 The investment of Port Hudson was completed May 23d, and after repeated unsuccessful assaults, surrendered July 9th, the siege lasting just forty-seven days. There was surrendered at Vicksburg 29,491 prisoners, 172 cannon, 60,000 muskets and a large amount of am- munition ; at Port Hudson 6,340 prisoners, 51 cannon, 5,000 stands of arms, 150,000 rounds of ammunition, 4,800 pounds of cannon powder, and two steamers. The number of troops engaged in the operations against Vicks- burg was 71,000. The number engaged against Port Hudson was about 15,000. In the Vicksburg campaign the losses as gathered from the official records were as follows : Federal— killed, 1,514; wounded, 7,395; missing, 453. Confederate— killed, 1,260; wounded, 3,572 ; missing, 4,227 ; surrendered, by parole certificates, 29,491. Grant's effective force ranged from 43,000 at the be- ginning to 75,000 at close of campaign. The highest confederate force was 40,000, and about 30,000 when the place was invested. In the Port Hudson campaign the losses according to official records were : Federal— killed, 708; wounded, 3,336; missing, 319. Confederate— killed, 176; wounded, 447 ; surrendered, 6,340. Banks' effective force from first to last, according to R. B. Irwin, his adjutant general, "was 20,000 men of all arms engaged at Port Hudson, yet the effective strength 174 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT of infantry and artillery at no time exceeded 13,000 men, and at the last hardly reached 9,000." There is no official report of the strength of General Gardner's army at the time of the investment, but it prob- ably at no time exceeded 8,000. While it cannot be contended that General Banks pur- sued the wisest course in ordering the repeated assaults against these formidable works, instead of adopting Gen- eral Grant's idea "to outcamp the enemy," he is entitled to and should receive much credit for the brilliant military movement by which he so rapidly wheeled his army round from Alexandria, and also up from Baton Rouge, and closed in upon General Gardner, just in the nick of time ''to bottle him up;" for General Gardner subsequently stated that on the very day that our lines closed in upon him a courier had arrived from General Johnston with a positive order for him to evacuate the post. If this is true, a little less celerity on the part of Banks would have allowed the escape of about 8,000 troops, who would probably soon have been heard from, harrassing General Grant's rear at Vicksburg. General Grant writes : *"The campaign of Vicksburg was suggested and developed by circumstances. A forward movement to a decisive victory was necessary. Accordingly I resolved to get below Vicksburg, unite with Banks against Port Hudson and make New Orleans a base ; and with that base, and Grand Gulf as a starting point, move our combined forces against Vicksburg. Upon reaching * See The Vicksburg Campaign by U. S. Grant. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 75 Grand Gulf, after running its batteries and fighting a battle, I re- ceived a letter from Banks, informing me that he could not be at Port Hudson under ten days and then with only fifteen thousand men. The time was worth more than the reinforcements. I therefore determined to push into the interior of the enemy's country." This was about the ist of May, and we were then at Opelousas. It might be interesting to speculate upon what would have been the result if the original plan had been carried out and General Grant in command at Port Hudson. Would the Mississippi river have been opened any sooner than it was, or at a less cost? We will hazard the opinion that it would not. The depletion of the army before Vicksburg by transferring troops to Port Hudson would have given Pemberton a chance to still further strengthen and widen the defenses of Vicksburg and to receive large reinforcements to his army, and the subse- quent investment of the place would have been much more difficult, and the siege doubtless much more pro- longed. General Halleck disapproved the change in plans, but results showed the wisdom of the course in having the operations going on simultaneously at Vicksburg and Port Hudson. The following synopsis of the correspondence of Grant and Banks from May 8th to June 30th is interesting here. It is all found in "Official Records of Union and Confed- erate Armies," volume 24, part 3. May 8th, 1863 ; Banks writes to Grant from Alexandria that 176 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT he -can be at Port Hudson May 25th with fifteen thousand good men all told," and invites co-operation. May 10th ; Grant ( then before Vicksburg ) writes to Banks to join him with his main force to capture Vicksburg before pro- ceeding against Port Hudson. May 12th ; Banks writes that he cannot join him " in season to be of any service." May Tjf/i ; Banks writes that he thinks it possible to join Grant by transports to Grand Gulf, but prefers co-operation of Grant at Port Hudson first and submits reasons. May 25th ; Grant writes to Banks to send him "such forces as he can spare." May 28th ; Banks writes to Grant giving result of the assault on the works the day before and begs for five thousand or six thousand men from Grant. May 2Qt/i ; Grant writes and " hopes to hear that he is in possession of the works." May 2Qth ; Banks to Grant asks for ten thousand men, " with them can reduce Port Hudson in three days " and will then come to him. May 31st; Grant writes, "I can hold my position, but dare not detach ten thousand men from my force." * June 4th ; Banks writes the following letter : Headquarters Department of the Gulf, Nineteenth Army Corps, Before Port Hudson, June 4, 1863. Major-General Grant. General : — Colonel Riggin delivered to me your letter of the 31st of May yesterday at 4 P. M. Appreciating the difficulties * Official Records, Vol. 24, part 3, page 385. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 177 of your position I cannot say I was greatly disappointed in learning of your inability to send a detachment to our assistance. At the same time I deeply regret it. A little additional strength would carry us through the enemy's works without delay. I am confident, however, that we shall succeed. Our heavy guns are now being placed in position and by to-morrow we shall open a fire that cannot but make a serious impression, both upon the works and the garrison of the enemy. There is a force of two thousand or three thousand in our rear, which is being strengthened daily by such additions as can be gathered from the country about us, that will in a short time give us some trouble. Colonel Grierson had a sharp engagement with them yesterday, in which we sustained some loss and the enemy lost heavily. The consideration that gives me the most anxiety is what course I should take in joining you. If I abandon Port Hudson I have its garrison of five thousand or six thousand, the force of Mouton and Sibley, now in the neighborhood of Brashear City, and the army of Mobile to threaten and attack New Orleans. To detach from my command troops enough to secure that place, which ought not to be less than ten thousand, my support to you would be but trifling and would not at the same time prevent the enemy's reinforcing Johnston by an equal or larger number of men. It seems to me that I have no other course than to carry my object here, thus crippling the enemy, and to join you with my whole strength as soon as possible. This I hope to accom- plish in a few days. I believe, if uninterrupted by fresh attacks, this day week will see our flag floating over the fortifications now occupied by the enemy. With earnest wishes for your success and a determination to join you at the earliest possible moment, I remain, general, Your obedient servant, N. P. Banks. 178 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT The foregoing letter seems to have closed the corre- spondence on the subject of reinforcing each other, but on the 30th of June Grant writes as follows : * " Should it be my fortune, general, to get into Vicksburg while you are still investing Port Hudson I will commence im- mediately sending troops to you in such numbers as you may indicate are required." To all appearances the best of feeling existed between these two officers throughout the whole campaign. After the battle of the 14th of June the regiment re- mained very inactive until June 30th. Men continued to fall sick very fast and soon the colonel, the surgeon and the adjutant were stricken down, and on the 22d Captain Fay was put in command of the regiment, and June 30th Lieutenant Priest was detailed as acting adjutant. The surgeon soon recovered sufficiently to assert his authority and on the 30th sent the adjutant down the river to Baton Rouge, and on July 2d sent the colonel to St. Louis Hos- pital, New Orleans. There was not much duty to be done and the men tried to make themselves as comfortable as the limited facilities would allow. On the 26th an order was promulgated "that commanders of companies see that their commands are ready to move at a moment's notice, with two days" cooked rations." On the 30th of June the regiment was mustered for payment and the eight companies present had dwindled to a few over two hundred fit for duty. * Official Records, Vol. 24, part 3, page 452 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 179 This inactive state continued until July 8th, when the regiment was ordered on picket duty near the "Plains Store." The regiment remained at the Plains Store until July nth, when it marched with the brigade for Baton Rouge, arriving the 12th. It remained here until the 15th, when it embarked for Donaldsonville at 4.30 A. M., arriving there the same evening, where the whole brigade went into camp near the village for a little rest after its four months' active, arduous, and disastrous campaign. Here the regiment lapsed into ordinary camp routine, fur- nishing its share of men for picket duty in the country round about. During the regiment's stay at Donaldsonville it enjoyed comparative comfort ; the duties were light and the rations were more abundant. During the siege it occasionally happened that the food was limited to coffee and hard bread, sometimes with a little salt pork and sometimes without it. It was fortunate that the government could keep its army supplied with coffee, which usually was of good quality. It is the main stay of an army and es- pecially so in the malarious climate where we were. At Donaldsonville the food was more varied and the soldiers fared well, as we were in the midst of a good foraging country, and also nearer New Orleans, our base of sup- plies. Donaldsonville is situated about seventy-five miles from New Orleans, on the Mississippi river, at the confluence of the La Fourche, which was navigable far l8o THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT into the country, which is a very productive section. It had been quite a rendezvous for rebel guerillas and it was early determined to build a fort at that point as one of importance to hold. During the protracted siege at Port Hudson, when all able-bodied men were needed at the front, such places were garrisoned by a small force, mostly of convalescents from the hospitals. This fort was an exceedingly well constructed earth- work, and commanded the approaches in every direction, and was named Fort Butler after a man the rebels had no love for, and was occupied during the latter part of June, 1863, bv a portion of two companies, F and G, of the Twenty-eighth Maine, a nine months regiment. In addi- tion to them there were a large number of convalescents, mostly from other nine months regiments at the front. The whole garrison numbered one hundred and eighty men and was under command of Major J. D. Bullen of the Twenty-eighth Maine. On the 28th of June it was attacked soon after mid- night by a force of from fifteen hundred to two thousand men under General Greene, (who had demanded its sur- render the day before,) but who were repulsed with great loss. Major Bullen's command killed and wounded twice as many men as they themselves numbered, including a general and several field officers, and captured nearly as many prisoners as the number of the garrison and twice as many commissioned officers as there were in the fort. General Stone in his official report of the battle to General Banks, speaks of it as one of the most gallant and brave MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. IOI affairs during his military experience, and recommended all of the surviving officers for promotion. The following is from Major Bullen's report : "At half-past one A. M., June 28th, our pickets were fired on by those of the enemy, and during their retreat the guns of the fort and those of the gunboat " Princess Royal," under command of Captain Woolsey, opened on the approaching enemy. But their forces moved steadily forward and in a short time Captain E. B. Niel, to whom I had entrusted the defense of the left en- trance to the fort, received a terrible fire from the enemy, who came up on the opposite bank of the Bayou La Fourche to a point where they could fire on his flank which was wholly un- protected ; but the gallant captain and his command endured the fire without wavering and replied with vigor which, with the as- sistance of one of the guns of the fort, drove them back in disorder. Almost simultaneously with the attack on our left, the enemy made a vigorous assault in front of both entrances of the fort with a large force. On the left they were bravely repulsed by Captain Niel. Captain Thompson of Company G, to whom I had given the defense of the right entrance, after a severe en- gagement under great disadvantages, and with a number many times exceeding his own, was compelled to withdraw to the inner works, where the captain and his command with the greatest desperation fought the enemy who in large numbers had suc- ceeded in getting within the outer works. During the hot fire on the left Lieutenant Murch, of Captain Thompson's company, was in command of one of the reserves and was ordered to support Captain Thompson, which he did with the greatest energy, and after an hour's struggle was killed. Here also Lieutenant Perry was severely wounded. My force was so small that the reserves had now to support Captain Niel, and now Captain Thompson, as the case demanded. After an engagement of three hours and a half some twenty-five of the enemy at the left surrendered and more than one hundred on the right. A majority of those who succeeded in getting within our outer works made their escape, leaving a little more than one hundred. Ib2 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT " I cannot speak in terms of too high commendation of my gallant officers and my brave men who fought against so great a superiority of numbers with unaccountable energy and endurance. " Of the enemy we have buried more than fifty that we gath- ered up just without and within our outer works. Twenty-five of their wounded we found where we gathered up their dead. The remainder were borne away by the retreating forces. The num- ber must have been large. Two deserters came in yesterday and stated that the enemy acknowledged a loss of five hundred killed and wounded."* This very full account of the gallant defence is given here for several reasons : First, the garrison was nearly all nine months men whose term of service had nearly expired, who were sometimes sneered at by the longer term men, but had shown themselves equal to veterans in fighting qualities on this occasion. Second, the writer fails to find in any of the histories of the "Army of the Gulf" anything more than a passing allusion to the affair, and found the above report of Major Bullen only in the adjutant-general's report of Maine. Third, and above all, for the reason that the Fifty-third Regiment furnished for that fight one sergeant and twelve privates out of the little force of one hundred and eighty men. Their names are proudly recorded here as follows: Sergeant Oren Morean of Company H ; Private O. M. Joslin of Company G ; Privates James Earle, Henry W. Kidder, Leander *General Mouton, commanding Confederate troops south of Red river, re- ports two hundred and sixty casualties on this occasion.— Official Records. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 183 W. Lamb, and Samuel K. Savage, of Company H; Privates Thomas W. Tolman and Edward M. Underwood, of Company A ; Private Levi S. Wright of Company B ; Privates Nathaniel Hol- man, Lewis O. Law, Thomas C. Litchfield, and Thomas S. Litch- field, of Company D. Only one was injured, James Earle, wounded in the eye. A majority of them are now living, and still repeat the story of the desperate fight with a great deal of zest. The brave Major Bullen, who commanded the fort, was cruelly assassinated just one week later by a drunken soldier under his command, Private Francis Scott of Com- pany F, First Louisiana Volunteers. The latter was tried by court martial at New Orleans and shot. The following are sketches of movements of the de- tached companies B and K : Company K was by order from division headquarters, March roth, 1863, detailed as fioncers for the division, and from this time until about the time of our starting for home they were separated from us. A little later on they were advanced to the position of "pioneers" for the army corps and then our Company B was called upon to take their position as division pioneers, and also remained nearly through the term of service. Why our commanding officers should take such a fancy to us, as being peculiarly fitted for that sort of duty, does not appear, but that they gave good satisfaction is quite apparent as they were retained until the close of our service, and we had only .eight companies to go into our fights with, as has already appeared in these pages. The ground covered by 184 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT them was substantially the same as ours, but some of their separate experiences, so far as can be ascertained, are given in the pages following : Company B* was detailed as pioneers for the division April 8th, 1863, at Algiers and proceeded by railroad with the division to Berwick Bay. As the army moved out into the enemy's country it took its position as guard to the baggage train. Each man carried beside his gun either an axe or a spade. It marched out to Pattersonville, April nth, and on the 12th moved from four to six miles toward Centreville, where it remained during the fight at Bisland the next day, with no duty to perform but waiting for whatever might be required of them. On the 14th the army again being put in motion in pursuit of the retreat- ing rebels, the company marched with the baggage train, except a squad left behind to bury the dead and which again joined the company during the next day. On the 17th the company was engaged in rebuilding a bridge at Vermillion bayou, which the retreating army had de- stroyed. At Opelousas, where the army remained a week or more, the company was employed in guard duty, in foraging, and in various duties assigned them at head- quarters. The company marched May 5th with the baggage train of the Division and the next day was engaged in rebuilding another bridge near Washington, and then *The materia] for this sketch was furnished by Richard Tucker, Eber Clark, and from a diary of Alonzo Gould, kindly loaned by E. A. [ones, his nephew. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 185 continued with the column on its march to Alexandria with no other special duty to perform. At Alexandria it was en- gaged in guard duty and marched on May 15th for Sims- port, reaching there May 19th, and rested there the 20th. While most of the troops were moved to Port Hudson by transports on the Atchafalaya river, the wagon train, with this company and some other troops as a guard, moved across the country, starting May 21st and reaching Wil- liamsport, twelve miles distant, that night. On the 2 2d it marched eighteen miles and encamped, and on the 23d it marched nine miles to the Mississippi river, at a point op- posite Bayou Sara. Here it was engaged in loading the wagons on steamers, to be carried across the river and early in the morning of the 24th it crossed the river, and in the afternoon marched twelve miles to Port Hudson, ar- riving about midnight. On May 25th the company was engaged in building a piece of road to get the artillery over, and cutting the trees through the woods to the enemy's lines, and were under fire a portion of the time and finally were driven out by it, but on the 26th the work was resumed, the rebels having all been driven into their works. On the 28th the company was engaged in bury- ing the dead from the battle of the day before : also in constructing breastworks of bags of cotton. On the 29th it was engaged in road building, under fire somewhat, and a portion of the company worked all night on breast- works, and also on the night of the 30th. During the nights of June 1st and 2d it was engaged in the same kind of work, and cutting brush and building a screen to 13 l86 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT hide the men carrying ammunition over an exposed point to the cannoniers. The company went on the expedition to Clinton but had no special duty or adventure of note. On the ioth of June it was engaged in clearing a space in the woods and arranging a temporary hospital, in preparation for the im- pending battle. Also in loading cotton, covering a bridge with it to deaden the sounds from crossing, and in tilling hogsheads with cotton for breastworks. On the 13th it cleared out obstructions from a road, over which the as- saulting column was to move the next day. On the 14th of June the company was detailed with the assaulting column to go forward and level the em- bankment after a breach should be made, and laid a little in the rear with the Thirty-first Massachusetts Regiment, two companies of which carried cotton bags, during the morning's fight ; and after the assault had failed the men got off the field as best they could and made their way back to camp. On the 17th it worked burying the dead of the 14th, a terribly disagreeable job, the bodies having been exposed in the hot sun three days. One hundred and thirty bodies were buried in one trench on that part of the field. On the 18th the company worked in the trenches during the day and night, working by reliefs of one-half hour each. On the 24th and 25th, it was engaged in constructing breastworks, using sugar hogsheads filled with cotton. On July 6th it worked in the ditch through which the ''for- lorn hope " was to pass to make its assault. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I 87 Port Hudson surrendered on the 9th and on the nth the company marched for Baton Rouge, arriving on the 1 2th. On the 15th it was ordered to join the regiment at Donaldsonville and took passage by steamer, arriving the next day. Company K* was by order from division headquarters detailed as division pioneers, March 10th, 1863, and or- dered to report to Brigadier-General Emory on the nth with three days' rations. As the company left camp at Magnolia Grove, Company B, (the members of which were on the most intimate terms with those of Company K,) was drawn up in line and three cheers were given for their departing comrades, which were returned with a will. The company reported with two officers and sixty- seven men, and under command of Lieutenant Burpee (Captain Beaman being sick at the time). Upon arriving at headquarters General Emory looked the men over, asked where the company was raised, and if they under- stood the handling of an axe, spade, pick, etc., and being satisfied on these points the men were supplied with tools and instructed that they were to be near headquarters and, on the march, were to guard the ammunition wagons. This position was held during the first movement upon Port Hudson and until April 6th, when the company was ordered to report to Major Houston, chief engineer of General Banks' staff, and thenceforward were subject to his orders and became the "Nineteenth Army Corps Pio- neers," having added to their number by detail from eleven *The writer is indebted to Lieutenant Burpee for the data from which the sketch of Company K is made up. lS8 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT other regiments one officer and sixty-three men, made up from carpenters, boat builders, calkers, blacksmiths, etc., and were also furnished four mule teams to convey them. The company marched with the army from Berwick and their first active duty was to build a bridge at Bisland, which was begun under tire from the rebels, which the gunboat Clifton soon quieted. This bridge, two hundred feet long, was built in a very short space of time strong enough to take over men and artillery. This improvised pontoon bridge was built by taking from a sugar house near by a large number of sugar troughs found there, lashing them together, laying joists from one to another, and covering with the planks which the rebels had very convenientlv left on the banks after destroying the bridge previously existing at that point. The bridge answered the purpose very well, but too many guns were allowed upon it at once, which caused the pontoons to fill, and let a caisson with four horses and several men into the bayou. The horses were cut loose and got out, the men saved by boats and the caisson was afterwards got out. General Banks coming upon the ground to find out the cause of the delav in getting his artillery up, upon an explanation being given, ordered for future crossings that the horses be taken off and the guns dragged over by hand, one at a time. This was done and the crossing and recrossing safely executed. The bridge, or a portion of it, was then removed to allow the Clifton to go up the bayou. The company on this occasion worked continually thirty-six hours without any rest. After the battle at Bisland was MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 189 over one officer and thirty men from this company were ordered aboard the gunboat Clifton to act as sharpshooters and to remove obstructions from the bayou. The rest of the company moved on with the army to Franklin ; a por- tion of them had, by orders from Major Houston, supplied themselves with horses from the country, to be mounted as cavalry, but were very soon deprived of them for the pur- pose of giving them to the Forty-first Massachusetts Regiment, which was being organized as cavalry, but they were soon supplied with others. At Franklin an officer and twelve men were left to disable machinery, which had been used by the rebels to make gun carriages, which they accomplished and burned a large quantity of material all ready to be put together. They then joined the company again. On the 17th of April the company arrived, with the head of the column, at Vermillion bayou. The rear of the rebel column was on the opposite bank, having set the bridge on fire. In their haste they had left on the opposite shore a fine horse, fully equipped. One of the members of the pioneers, named Moore, volunteered to go over and swim the horse over. In attempting to do this the horse became unman- ageable in the middle of the stream, and he was thrown off' and drowned. After the bridge was rebuilt and the army moved on to Opelousas, the company on April 21st advanced into the country to a point four miles beyond Washington, where it built a bridge, guarding it until the 29th, and at the same time was engaged in picking up cotton and sugar and bringing into our lines. The posi- tion was really an advanced outpost and the company kept 190 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT its camp picketed and had Nims' Battery to aid it in case of any attack. May 1st the company built a bridge and moved on towards Alexandria, arriving there May 7th. On the 1 2th of May it moved out to Cane river, built a bridge, and returned on the 12th. On the 13th it marched for Simsport, arriving there on the 17th, reporting to General Grover. It remained there until the 24th, engaged in running boats across the Atchafalaya river, transporting troops and baggage trains, employing a large number of negroes which had been turned over to them. The company took passage May 24th on the Forest Qjieen for Bayou Sara, arriving on the 25th, and marched to Port Hudson, twelve miles distant. On the 26th was engaged in building a bridge under fire, but protected by the Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment, and the Eighteenth New York Battery, which was stationed on a bluff in our rear. While this battery was shelling the woods over the heads of the company, one of its shells burst over them, unfortunatelv killing two of the men. The combined efforts of the Thirty-eighth Regiment and the battery were finally successful in si- lencing the rebel guns, and the bridge was completed in season for the assault of the 27th. It was at this point that the Third and Fourth Louisiana Regiments (colored) were ordered to cross and charge the enemy's works, which they most gallantly did, again and again, but were repulsed with heavy loss. On the MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. IQI 28th the company was ordered to General Banks' head- quarters, where it arrived the 29th, and from that time until June 18th was engaged in making "fascines" and working on fortifications, much of the work being done by night. Captain Beaman rejoined the company at this point. On the 21st the company was ordered down the Baton Rouge road to build a bridge and repair the road, outside of our lines. The wagon train of the company was attacked but the enemy was repulsed and left forty-five prisoners behind. The bridge was built, the road re- paired, and the company marched to Springfield Landing. The next few days were spent in making one thousand "fascines." From July 1st to 6th worked on the fortifica- tions. On the 6th and 7th the company worked on the trenches close to and within speaking distance of the rebels, and reported to them the surrender of Vicksburg. On the 7th worked undermining the works and placing under them loaded boxes, two feet square, designed to be exploded by electricity to breach the works. July 9th the company marched into Port Hudson to witness the surrender, and on the 12th marched to the landing to take boat for Donaldsonville, the teams going by land. The company arrived at Donaldsonville on July 1 6th, reported to General Grover and went to work on fiat boats. It remained there until August 3d, and then reported back to the regiment at Baton Rouge. On the 2d of August the brigade was again ordered to Baton Rouge, and arrived there the same evening. 192 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT On August 9th orders came for the regiment to embark for Cairo as soon as transportation could be obtained. Headquarters United States Forces, Baton Rouge, La., August 5, 1863. Special Order No. 3. Extract II. The commanding officer of the Fifty-third Mas- sachusetts Volunteers will immediately proceed with his regiment to Algiers, reporting on his arrival to Lieutenant-Colonel Irwin, assistant adjutant-general, at department headquarters. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation. By command of Colonel and Acting Brigadier-General Sharp. F. Speed, Captain and A. A. G. Headquarters Department of the Gulf, Nineteenth Army Corps, New Orleans, August 6, 1863. Special Order No. 191. [Extract.] The Quartermaster's Department will immediately furnish transportation by river to Cairo, for the following named regi- ments of nine months troops : ■ . Fifty-third Massachusetts now at Baton Rouge, but ordered yesterday to Algiers to collect its baggage. TV * * "JF -Tf ^ ^ These regiments immediately upon being provided with trans- portation will proceed to Cairo, Illinois, where their commanding officers will make requisition for railway and steamboat trans- portation to the place of rendezvous, or enrollment of their respective regiments, whence they will report by letter to the United States mustering officers at Boston and Hartford respec- tively. .MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. J 93 The arms, accoutrements and ammunition will be turned over to the Ordnance Department, reserving twenty-five muskets, etc., and five hundred ball cartridges for guard duty while en route. All camp and garrison equipage, and clothing not issued to the men, and all transportation and quartermasters' stores will be turned over to such officers of the Quartermaster's Department, as Colonel S. B. Holabird, chief quartermaster, may designate. All surplus medical and hospital stores will be turned over to the medical purveyor. The regiments will take with them ten days' rations. By command of Major-General Banks, Richard B. Irwin, Assistant Adjutant-General. To Colonel of Fifty-third Massachusetts. CHAPTER XII. Preparations for the Homeward Journey— Embarkation on the Me- teor-voya(ie to cairo— incidents en route —arrival in fltch- burg and Grand Reception — Muster Out. On the morning of August 12th the regiment was in obedience to orders marched into a field, where they turned over guns and equipments, and all ammunition, to an officer detailed to receive it, and then returned to quarters to prepare for embarkation. The regiment was also mustered for payment and received two months' pay. At 2 P. M. the line was again formed, (for the last time on Louisiana soil,) and marched for the levee, where it embarked on the steamer Meteor, bound for Cairo, Illinois. The men were in high spirits that they were really starting for their homes. The colonel and adjutant had rejoined the regiment and all the other convalescents who were thought able to accompany the regiment were brought up from the hospitals at New Orleans and else- where, while a large number of others more feeble had been shipped by the "St. Mary's," for New York, some days before. Lieutenant-Colonel Barrett, who had been in command of a convalescent camp at New Orleans for several months, also joined us before sailing. We sailed about 4.15 P. M. and arrived beneath the frowning but now silent batteries of Port Hudson at about dusk. Running up to the shore for a short stop, we were greeted with all sorts of salutations from a lot of men of MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 95 various three years regiments, who had heard that we were nine months men going home, and apparently feeling en- vious of us, sought to annoy us and gratify their spleen by advising us "not to get so far from our mothers' apron strings again," and other remarks not at all complimentary in their nature. But the boys were altogether too happy and good natured, to return anything but pleasant re- joinders. We reached Natchez on the 13th at 9.30 A. M., where we made a short stop, and found there at the landing the steamer Chancellor with the Twenty-third Connecticut Regiment on board, also homeward bound. This was a very pleasant day, and the sail was a new experience which was much enjoyed. The following orders were issued for the government of the regiment en 7'onte : Headquarters Fifty-third Mass. Regt., On Board Steamer Meteor, August 13, 1863. Regimental Special Order No. 65. I. The colonel commanding is pleased to announce that he has so far recovered as to be able to return to the regiment, and hereby assumes command of the same. It is expected that the same order and decorum which has ever governed the movements of the regiment when in transitu, will mark our progress home- ward without any strict rules being prescribed. Whenever stop- pages are made, either by boat or cars, no one will leave without proper authority from headquarters. All enlisted men must when absent be accompanied by an officer, through whom the ap- plication for leave of absence must come. Morning reports will be required daily and must be handed in before 9 o'clock A. M. The following calls will be observed : Reveille, 5 A.M.; sur- geon's call, 7.30; first sergeant's call, 8.30 ; retreat, sunset ; tat- too, 8 P. M. ; Taps, 8.30. I96 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT An officer of the clay will be detailed daily; also a guard sufficient to preserve order on board. II. Sergearit E. C. Whitney of Company 1 is hereby ap- pointed acting second lieutenant of said company. He will enter upon his duties at once, and will be obeyed and respected ac- cordingly. III. The colonel commanding would suggest to the men, that they use every effort, in going up the river, to secure a thorough cleanliness of person. Opportunities will probably occur, during stoppages, for bathing in the river, and water can be drawn from the same at any time for ordinary washing. By command of John W. Kimball, Colonel Commanding. Henry A. Willis, .Adjutant. A consolidated morning report showed the condition of the regiment to be as follows : Present for duty : Field officers, three ; regimental staff offi- cers, five. Company A, two officers, sixty men ; Company B, three officers, fifty-eight men ; Company C, two officers, forty-four men ; Company D, three officers, sixty-four men ; Company E, two officers, fifty-eight men ; Company F, two officers, fifty-four men ; Company G, three officers, fifty-six men ; Company H, three officers, thirty-two men ; Company I, one officer, forty-five men ; Company K, three officers, fifty-four men. Sick, one officer, sixty-six men ; in arrest, one man ; absent by authority, three officers, ninety-seven men ; absent without authority, one man. Aggregate present and absent, thirty-six officers, six hundred and ninety men. The steamer Meteor was a regular river steamboat, large and comfortable. There were a large number of state rooms, which were occupied by the sick and by the MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. I97 officers, and the men were comfortably disposed in various parts of the vessel. We arrived at Vicksburg at i A. M. on the 14th, where we stopped until 1 P. M., the steamer taking on a supply of coal. The day was pleasant but exceedingly hot. Some of the officers and men went on shore and up in the town to get what idea they might of the celebrated stronghold. As it was only six weeks after the surrender, the condition of the place was much the same as then, and the marks of the terrible pounding it had received from Grant's army were everywhere apparent. The most of the buildings were badly shattered from the ex- plosion of shells, and there was still a fair crop of old iron lying about the streets and fields. The bluffs and banks through which streets were dug were fairly honeycombed with caves, which had been ex- cavated and occupied by the people who fled from the houses during the six weeks' siege. Some of these were made in several compartments, connecting by passages cut through the heavy clay. Here the families lived in com- parative safety through those fearful days, and although babes were born and women sickened, it is recorded that few deaths occurred, excepting among the soldiers*, during the whole siege. The stop here enabled the company cooks to get ashore and as one of the members of Company C has it in his diary, "to cook up a supply of sa/t horse for the rest of the voyage." The recollection of the writer is, that he scoured the lower part of the town for something in the 198 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT way of provisions, but there seemed to be no business doing. We did succeed in finding a baker's establishment in full blast, and the home-like flavor of the hot ginger- bread there obtained, still lingers in memory. We resumed our journey at 1 P. M., passed an un- eventful night, and entered upon another hot day. The river is very low and the banks on much of the way very high, and the consequence is, that we get but little air across and through the steamer, and at times the heat is intolerable. At 2 P. M. this day we pass the steamers "Champion" and "Ike Hammett" having one of our gun- boats in tow, which was disabled in front of Vicksburg. At eight P. M. we pass Napoleon, which point has lately been infested with guerillas, who have rired upon the passing steamers, and we are expecting some of their compliments. But we glide along quietly, not even a single "minnie" coming to vary the monotony of the situa- tion by its familiar "zip" Sunday, Aug. 16th ; this was a very sultry day. We arrived at Helena at 10.30 A. M., where we made a short stop. It was very short. So thought Lieutenant Brown of Company E. He had rushed ashore at the first touch of the boat at the landing, having espied a notice of "Ice for sale" a short distance away. He reached the place, purchased a large lump of ice, and with it under his arm started on his return, but, alas for his presumption, we had already swung into the stream and were off. Bareheaded he stood there, with the ice under one arm and wildly gesticulating with the other, a picture of despair, — while MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 1 99 cries of "good bye, Brown," "we will report you at home,"' and "keep cool, Brown, you have the facilities for doing it," greeted him as the distance widened. But luck was with him. He soon got aboard another boat, faster than ours, and was able to join us again a day or two later. But the little episode lasted him all the way home, and he is occasionally rallied upon it at this late day. - We arrived at Memphis early on the morning of August 17th, where we remained several hours. This was a pleas- ant day, and a much more comfortable one than the three preceding ones. Some of the officers went ashore and took a trip out to Fort Pickering, which occupied a very com- manding point upon the river. We also had a sad duty to perform here. Isaac Allen of Company D had long been sick with "chronic diarrhoea," but had taken passage with us hoping to reach his home, but his disease had pro- gressed rapidly and he had died the night before. His body was delivered into the hands of responsible parties here to be buried, as it was impossible to transfer the re- mains to Massachusetts. Corporal Walter A. Brooks of Company I, suffering with typhoid fever, was left here and placed in a hospital. Proceeding on our way we passed Island No. 10 just before dark, reached Fort Pillow at 8 P. M., and arrived at Cairo at 3 o'clock the next morning. Sergeant William H. Whitcomb of Company K died this day of "congestive chills," and his body was left at Cairo until further orders. Several of our sick ones, who were unable to go further, we sadly left here with the 200 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT hope that in a few days, with strength recuperated, they could continue their journey home. We remained here through the day, most of the regiment being kept aboard the steamer. The colonel made requisition for transporta- tion by railroad and secured a train late in the afternoon, and the regiment was put aboard. There was only one passenger car on the train, the rest being all common freight cars. It seemed hard to the men after the com- fortable quarters on the boat to be put into these cars like so man}' cattle, but they accepted the uncomfortable situa- tion, as they had many others before, uncomplainingly, and with plenty of straw proceeded to make themselves as comfortable as circumstances would allow. We left Cairo at 6 P. M. and were soon steaming across the country, realizing more than ever that we were really nearing our homes. The first night by railroad was not a comfortable one. The change from comparatively comfortable quarters on board steamer, to the floors of hard riding freight cars, was too great and sleeping was almost out of the question. We arrived at Mattoon, 111., at 12.30 P. M., where we changed cars, but only for other freight cars. We re- monstrated somewhat but could get no passenger cars, they were not to be had, and we simply had to make the best of it. We left here, too sick to go on, Lieutenant Edgell of Company G ; also Corporal Norman C. Rice of Company K, who afterward died of typhoid fever. We arrived at Centralia at about 5 P. M., and at Indianapolis the next MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 201 morning (August 21st) at 1 A. M. Here we found the people expecting us and they had already made provision for us. We received a nice breakfast at the "Soldiers' Relief," and finding that we were to remain until afternoon an opportunity was afforded to many who had friends and acquaintances in the city to call upon them. Colonel Gooding, our late brigade commander, was in the city on a "leave of absence," and took occasion to come to the depot and give us a call ; and to tell the truth he seemed more glad to see us than he ever did before and whether it was because he was glad we were going home, or be- cause he had begun to appreciate our services better -as he was about to lose us, it was difficult to determine, but he was quite profuse with his compliments and expressed good wishes for our safe journey home. We left Indianapolis at 2 P. M. and arrived at Muncie, Ind., at about 6 P. M. We made but a short stop here, but on arrival the train was immediately surrounded with gentlemen and ladies, bringing a generous supply of eata- bles and delicacies for the sick, wines, cordials, etc. We give them thanks and parting cheers and are off again, whirling along through the darkness at a fair rate of speed, and nothing of note occurred until our arrival at Cleveland the next day at 1 P. M. Here again we found we were expected and the citizens had provided a fine dinner for us, the tables being spread in the depot, and ample time was afforded for us to do it justice. The peo- ple seemed to take great interest in us, and could not do too much for us while we remained, and it may well be 14 202 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT supposed that we appreciated their kindness to the fullest extent. Only those who have had a similiar experience of campaigning for many months in an enemy's country and an unhealthy climate, can rightly measure the fullness of our joy and the depth of our gratitude, to once more find ourselves among a loyal people and sympathizing friends, or realize the luxury of once more sitting down to a well appointed table for a civilized meal. Our thanks found free vent in the ringing cheers which waked the echoes of the old railroad station. Here we changed cars again and a portion of the regiment was assigned to passenger cars, which was an agreeable change for the fortunate ones. During the night before we lost a man overboard. It was a moonlight night, the train was moving at about twenty-rive miles per hour, when word came to the head- quarter's car, that Patrick Rogers of Company F had rolled out, or stepped out of the car door, whether asleep or awake did not appear. As soon as possible communi- cation was had with the conductor of the train, but we had already gone many miles from the spot, and the conductor declined to run back, saying he must have been killed. But at the next stopping place word was telegraphed back to the nearest station to the point where he went out, re- questing a search to be made for him, the body to be sent to Massachusetts if found. It was not found — Patrick had not safely run the gauntlet of the rebel shot and shell, for the last few months, to be wiped out by any such a slight thing as falling from a moving train. He pulled himself together and started out on foot, following the rail- road track. His subsequent experience from that time to MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 203 some ten days later is not related, but at the end of that time he surprised the people of Barre, one day, as he rode into town on the top of a stage coach, not a bit the worse for his adventure. He was asked if it hurt him much falling out, and he replied that it "jarred him a little." He is not now living, or we would perhaps be able to give a little fuller account of his experience. We left Cleveland during the afternoon, and arrived at Erie at 6 o'clock the same evening. Here we found another reception awaiting us, a fine supper being pro- vided in the depot. A large number of ladies were present, to wait upon the tables, who were very solicitous for our comfort and especially for the feeble ones of our number. They insisted upon our bringing out our tattered flag, which they gazed upon with much interest. Time enough was given us to thoroughly discuss the eatables and to enjoy the society, for a brief season, of these peo- ple who showed so friendly an interest in us. It was the best of all the receptions of the entire route, but with song and cheers it was brought to a close, and we were soon again on our way. We arrived at Buffalo at midnight and here we secured passenger cars for the entire regi- ment and moved on immediately. August 23d, at about noon, we arrived at Utica and were again hospitably entertained by the citizens. At 6 P. M. Albany was reached, where we made our final change of cars. We were also provided with plenty of bread and ham and settled down for our last night ride. We were here met by Hon. Alvah Crocker, who had 204 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT been delegated to come out and invite us to a reception at Fitchburg on arrival, permission having been obtained from the authorities at Boston for the regiment to debark at Fitchburg, instead of Camp Stevens where we had been ordered to go. We arrived at Fitchburg at 6 A. M. Monday, August 24th, having been twelve days en route. The train was stopped at South Fitchburg to enable all hands to bathe in the river and otherwise prepare for the grand reception, prepared for us by the people of Fitch- burg. Refreshments were sent down from the town. After about two or three hours spent here, the cars were again taken, and we were soon at the station and sur- rounded with our friends. The public reception soon followed and the following is a very full account of the same from the Fitchburg Sentinel : "The Fifty-third Regiment returned home on Monday last, when the reception took place. The regiment arrived at South Fitchburg about 6 o'clock in the morning, where they made a stop for a short time. Many of their friends visited them there, — hot coffee and refreshments were sent down to them, towels and soap were furnished, and water being close by the men of the regiment improved the opportunity for a good wash, which they needed after a long and dusty ride of nearly two weeks. " Early in the morning the people from the neighboring towns came pouring into the village from every direction, in all sorts of vehicles. Later in the morning the railroad trains made large additions to the masses which already filled our streets, until Main street was a perfect sea of moving, living people, all eager to unite in giving to the returned regiment a glorious reception, which they had so richly -earned by their devotion to the flag which one year before they had pledged themselves to uphold and maintain. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 205 "The procession was formed about 10 o'clock, on Main street near the Fitchburg Hotel, under the direction of Colonel Edwin Upton, chief marshal, assisted by William Kimball, Francis Buttrick, Jr., William W. Comee, C. L. S. Hammond, and Joseph A. Tufts. The procession then marched to the depot, and es- corted the regiment to the Park in front of the American House, where a stand had been erected for the speakers. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. M. Heard, pastor of the Unitarian Society of this town. After which Amasa Norcross, Esq., delivered the fol- lowing appropriate welcome address : "Colonel Kimball, officers and soldiers of the Fifty-third Regiment — Welcome ! Welcome to the state you have honored — welcome to familiar scenes — to home and friends. " It is with a new experience I give you greeting in behalf of this vast assemblage. "It has not happened to us ever before to greet friends under similar circumstances. — To-day the heart fills with new emotions. — Words of mine are indeed but inexpressive utterances when they attempt to measure the depth of that outgushing sympathy, mingled with patriotic pride and affection, which the hearts of all who have awaited your coming now fully experience. "You return to us after the lapse of nine months and more. A period, on the part of those who surround you, of thoughtful solicitude, characterized by intervals of intense anxiety, yet of earnest hope. You come, the worthy recipients of that honor which manly courage, faithful performance of duty, heroic endur- ance, and success in arms in a just and noble cause, may rightfully bestow. "We recur to the time when impending danger summoned you to the field. When voluntarily you sundered all the ties that bound you to the active pursuits of peaceful civil life, and im- pelled only by a sense of duty, left all for the service of your country. "When your ranks were filled, and we witnessed your bearing in camp, we then believed that the future had in store for you no 206 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT holiday experience. The determined character of the men com- posing this regiment, was enough to satisfy the citizens who remained at home, that yours would be a field of active service. And when with unanimous voice you welcomed as your leader and commander, one who took his early baptism in this great struggle against treason at the ever memorable Ball's Bluff, one who fearlessly stood in the thickest of the fight through the weary days of the campaign of the Peninsula, who was com- mended for his gallant bravery at the battle of Fair Oaks, and through the desperate conflicts of South Mountain and Antietam — we knew it signified that such a commander but realized your conceptions of what should be expected of Massachusetts men. "Soon after bidding adieu to home and its attractions, you en- countered sufferings not soon to be forgotten. Thrown upon Long Island, tentless and shelterless, you passed a season so in- clement, that chilled and frozen, some of you were for a time disabled. Your position changed for quarters in the city of New York. Before entering upon your destined voyage, there came sickness which seemed to threaten prolonged delay. But the part you were to take in this great contest was not then to be determined. Convalescence ensued, the sick recovered, and it now seems as if these early privations and sufferings were de- signed but to prepare you for more trying experiences. "Embarking for your place of destination, you accomplished a passage of more than seventeen hundred miles, at times tem- pestuous, during which sickness and peril at sea, were added to the sufferings already endured upon land. "Such were the experiences, such the unaccustomed privations you were called to endure before entering upon the brilliant cam- paign through which you have since passed. From the hour of your arrival at New Orleans until the expiration of your term of enlistment, few regiments, if any, had seen severer service, and none have more fully earned the gratitude of their country. " Time would fail me to recount in detail the hardships en- countered. The sanguinary contests with a vigilant enemy, the subjugation of an extensive territory where now the flag of free- dom floats securely, your long and weary marches traversing a MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 20*J distance of more than six hundred miles, the suffering and ex- posure on the march, the effect of an unaccustomed pestilential climate, sapping at the foundation of many a strong constitution, all these form but a part of the material of a history yet to be written of that eventful campaign. "Yet, passing through all this, there still remained unaccom- plished the crowning work of your gallant army — the reduction of Port Hudson — the opening of that vast river, which gave to loyalty, unobstructed possession thereof, from the Falls of St. Anthony to the Gulf. "This event, occurring only after terrific assaults in which it was reserved to the Fifty-third Regiment to take so distinguished a part, must forever stand out in the clear light of history, as one of the most important achievements of the loyal armies. " And while we gladly recognize this glorious success, we are not unmindful of the cost or the means employed for its accomplishment. Shoulder to shoulder stood the sons of New England and the brave men of the West, and while the mainte- nance of a common flag, and the support of a common govern- ment, was the chief concern of all who fought and all who fell in the struggles before Port Hudson, I cannot doubt that our countrymen of the West will ever remember that the best blood of New England was shed to open up to them more immediately an undisputed communication between their vast possessions and the Gulf. " Hereafter, if the enemy of his country shall dare suggest the possibility of separation between New England and the West let him know that his words are vain, for at Port Hudson a bond of Eternal Union between the East and the West was sealed with the commingled blood of the sons Of each. That bond of unity thus cemented in blood, cannot be broken as long as the banks of the Mississippi shall be hallowed by the memory of New England's heroic dead. " But there remains one subject which presses with sorrowful weight upon many hearts, and extends its shadow over us all. All have not returned. Your ranks are thinned — bv sickness and 208 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT wounds many are prevented from participating in the joys of this occasion. The faces of some we shall see no more on earth — they have fallen. They have placed upon the altar of their country the richest gift that loyal devotion can offer. They have sacrificed their lives in defense of her integrity and her honor, for the perpetuation of Republican Liberty and for the cause of humanity among the nations everywhere. Enshrined in our hearts and among our most sacred memories, shall incidents of the lives of each find a place. " I would not trust myself to make personal allusion to each of your fallen comrades ; their memory requires no words to in- voke a common gratitude. " ' High on the world's heroic list Shall every name be seen ; And time among the cherished dead Shall keep their memories green. " ' The patriot's heart shall warmer glow, When standing by their grave; And dearer still shall be the flag They welcomed death to save.' " Thus shall it be — and to you who remain, permit me to say that the consciousness of important duty well performed, the preservation of a government better than any other, the gratitude of a great people, are among the compensations that await those who have braved the dangers of the battle field, in defence of that priceless inheritance it was the aim, but not within the power, of treason to wrest from our hands. "But I will not add another word to prolong the interval that separates you from the tender recognition of waiting friends. " After the delivery of the address was concluded, Colonel Kimball replied, in behalf of his regiment, giving a history of its operations since leaving 'Camp Stevens' eight months ago. His reply was a simple statement of the marches, and experiences of the men under his command. He felt proud of his men ; they had met his expectations in every respect. He paid a just tribute MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 2O0 to the noble patriots who had fallen by disease and in battle. We regret that we are not able to give his remarks in full, for not one in ten were able to get near the speaker during the delivery. " After the remarks were concluded the colonel called upon his command to give three cheers for their flag, which were given with a will. Gilmore's Band, which was upon the speaker's stand, then struck up " Home, Sweet Home," in their own bril- liant style. After which the procession was reformed in the following order :— Chief Marshal and aids, cavalcade from Leom- inster, numbering some eighty horses, under the command of Captain Wood ; Boston Brigade Band ; Fitchburg Fusiliers, under the command of M. Edwin Day; Washington Guards, under the command of Lieutenant Lawrence; Ashburnham Guards, under the command of Captain Asahel Wheeler of Ashburnham, headed by the Ashburnham Band ; followed by fire companies from Pepperell and Templeton, and the Fitchburg Fire Department, under the command of Chief Engineer Aldrich, headed by the Germania Band of Boston. A drum corps of juveniles, number- ing some twenty or more, under the direction of Professor E. H. Frost, followed by citizens, the committee of arrangements, pre- ceded by Gilmore's Band, orator and chaplain. The Fifty-third Regiment, headed by Colonel Kimball and staff. "The procession then marched up Main street, both sides of the street being lined with people, eager to catch a glimpse of the war-worn heroes of Bisland and Port Hudson. In the procession were displayed banners inscribed with appropriate mottoes. The battle-flag of the Fifty-third Regiment, with the words ' Bisland ' and ' Port Hudson ' inscribed upon it, waved proudly in the ranks, though it was sadly rent and torn by the bullets of the foe. On reaching the common in front of the Unitarian church the regi- ment partook of a bountiful collation prepared by the ladies. After their appetites had been appeased, the crowds of friends mingled with the soldiers and exchanged congratulations with them. "An exceedingly pleasing incident occurred here. Mrs. Jennie Kempton, the lady who sang to the regiment in New 2IO THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT York, previous to their departure for New Orleans in December last, was introduced to the returned soldiers by Colonel Kimball, and sang to them a welcome home. The soldiers greeted her with cheers of welcome, and they will carry her image in their hearts in the years to come. It was one of the pleasing incidents of the day, and we know the heartfelt joy of those bronzed and war-worn heroes well repaid her for her kindness in adding her sweet voice to their ' welcome home.' "The regiment was escorted from the common to the park near the depot by the military organizations, where the men were furloughed one week, to report at ' Camp Stevens ' August 31st." The regiment assembled at Camp Stevens according to orders August 31st. The making of muster out rolls and also pay rolls occupied that and the two following days, and the regiment was duly mustered out of the United States service on September 2d, 1863, by Captain J. R. Lawrence, U. S. A. The number of officers and men mustered out at this date was 710 Killed in battle and died of wounds, 33 Died of disease, 132 Discharged, 53 Deserted, 22 Original strength of regiment, 950 It will be noticed that in the short space of ten months the regiment lost by death over one-sixth of its entire number. The deaths by disease were something frightful. The writer finds upon investigation of the records that of MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 211 all the Massachusetts regiments, both of long and short terms, only four lost more men by disease than this regi- ment during their whole term of service. The service of the regiment was as honorable as that of any one that ever left the state. Its term of service was comparatively short, but in efficiency it was equal to the average three years regiments. While it was made up of an exceptionally fine class of men, few of them, officers or privates, had ever had any military experience. But they selected for their commander a veteran officer of long experience in the militia, and whose sixteen months' ex- perience in the field, with the ordeal of many hard fought battles, had brought the necessary training for a successful leader. The men believed in him, and would follow wherever he would lead. The officers under whose com- mand he came, trusted him ; for his record of previous service was well known to them. His ability as a discipli- narian, his conscientious loyalty to the cause for which we fought, his interest in his men, his courage in battle, did much to make the regiment what it became under his leadership. The writer would do injustice to him, and to his own feelings as well, if he said less than this. In such a leader and so fine a body of men the com- munities which sent them forth have always had a just pride, and it is believed that the generation which has grown up in these northern Massachusetts towns since the war will take no less interest in the foregoing record of their loyalty, sufferings, and gallant deeds. APPENDIX. The nine months militia regiments after their muster out from the United States service still held their organizations until the close of the war and the subsequent re-organization of the militia of the state. In the summer of 1864 the government called upon the governor of Massachusetts for five thousand troops for one hundred days' service, and the following order was issued : Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Headquarters, Boston, July 6, 1864. General Orders No. 24. Five thousand infantry volunteers have been called for from Massachusetts, for one hundred days' service, to do garrison duty in the fortifications near the city of Washington. Their services are required at once. Officers in command of regiments and companies of Massachusetts militia will immediately perfect their organizations and report for orders. Gentlemen not in commission, qualified by character and ex- perience to command companies, will be authorized to raise new companies upon application to these headquarters. These troops are to be employed in garrison duty, and must be raised without unnecessary delay. The troops can be for- warded by companies to report at Washington. In addition to the United States pay, each non-commissioned officer and private will receive from the commonwealth, twenty dollars a month during his term of service. Volunteers under this call will be exempted from any draft that may be ordered during such term of one hundred days' service. The young men of Massachusetts are expected to respond to this call with the same alacritv which characterized their fathers 214 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT in the Revolution, and their brothers when the president made his first call in April, 1861. By order of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. [Signed] William Schouler, Adjutant- General. Upon receipt of this order Colonel Kimball issued the fol- lowing order : Headquarters Fifty-third Regiment M. V. M. Fitchburg, July 7, 1864. Special Order No. i. A call has been made upon the governor of Massachusetts for five thousand militia for one hundred days' service. The Fifty- third Regiment is wanted. In accordance with General Orders No. 24 from the commander-in-chief, the colonel commanding hereby requests the commanders of companies to report immedi- ately to these headquarters the condition of their respective commands, and the time probably necessary to recruit their com- panies to the minimum eighty-three men, as no company will be mustered into service with a less number. The assurance of the adjutant-general is given, that the duty to be performed is garrison duty and that volunteers under this call will be exempted from .any draft which may be ordered dur- ing the term of one hundred days' service. Commanders are re- quested to report in person if possible at the Fitchburg Hotel on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock P. M., or if not present in person to report by letter previous to that time. It is hoped that both the officers and men of a regiment which gained so honorable a reputation in the campaign of 1863, will be prompt to respond to this last call and thus once again prove their devotion to the cause of justice and freedom. By order of Colonel John VY. Kimball. H. A. Willis, Adjutant. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 215 Pursuant to the foregoing order the officers of the regiment assembled in Fitchburg July 9th, 1864, for consultation, and the result of the conference was the following letter to Adjutant- General Schouler : Fitchburg, July 9, 1864. Brigadier-General William Schouler, A. G. Dear Sir: — Pursuant to General Order No. 24 the officers of my regiment were convened this day to take into consideration the question of tendering the services of the regiment for one hundred days. After hearing the reports of the company com- manders in relation to the number who would volunteer, it was decided that the regiment could not probably be filled to the minimum within the brief time allowed. I would say that there was a strong disposition manifested on the part of the officers to go, but the very much reduced number of the regiment, together with the fact of the busy season of the year with a large majority of them, ( being scattered through an agricultural district,) induced strong doubts as to the probability of getting the men out. But it was their unanimous opinion that, should an emergency arise which resulted in ordering the regiment into service, their men would be prompt to respond. In such an event about five hundred of the old members could probably be relied upon, and I have no doubt the regiment could be filled up in a very few days. I will forward my report in accordance with General Order No. 22 in a few days. I have the honor to remain, Very respectfully your obedient servant, John W. Kimball, Colonel. Nothing further occurred under this call and the foregoing orders were the last the regiment ever received until it was dis- banded. ROSTER Fifty-Third Massachusetts Volunteers. FIELD AND STAFF. Age. Mustered out. l86 3 . Colonel, John W. Kimball, Fitchburg, 34 Sept. 2 Lie ut. -Colonel, George H. Barrett, Ashburnham, 28 Sept. 2 Major, James A. Pratt, Sterling, 34 Sept. 2 Adjutant, Henry A. Willis, Fitchburg, 32 Sept. 2 Surgeon, John Q. A. McCollester, Groton, 31 Sept. 2 Asst. Surgeon, William L. Bond, Charlestown, 34 Sept. 2 Asst. Surgeon, William B. Barrett, Fitchburg, 40 Sept. 2 Quartermaster, Edward A. Brown, Royalston, 32 Sept. 2 Chaplain, Benjamin F. Whittemore, Berlin, 38 Sept. 2 Sergeant Major, Harlan P. Partridge, Fitchburg, 22 Sept. 2 Q.M. Sergeant, Herman M. Partridge, Royalston, 30 Sept. 2 Com. Sergeant, James R. Brown, Barre, 34 Sept. 2 Hospital Steward, Charles G. Allen, Barre, 28 Sept. 2 Drum Major, Edwin D. Atherton, Fitchburg, 29 Sept. 2 Fife Major, James M. Lewis, Leominster, 22 Sept. 2 15 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 1863. 218 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT O Q < a- O u u- o ►J -J o a; o « U •a > r. a B _o re C | 9 H Jan. 23, 1863, resigned. Died of wounds, May 27, 1863. Died of wounds, July 2, 1863. Killed in action, April 13, 18(53. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Captain, June 10, 18*53. May 13, 1863, resigned. Serrt. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Captain, May 21, 1863. First Lieutenant, June 10, 1863. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept, 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Aug. 14, '63, Ft. Schuyler, N.Y. Second Lieutenant, May 21, 18(53. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 18(53, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 18(53, expiration of service Sept. 2, 18(53, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Jan. 15, 1S63, disability. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Transferred to N. C. S., Dec. 17, '(52 Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Jan. 16, 18(53, New York. Died, Apr. 20, '(53, New Orleans, La Sept. 2, 18(53, expiration of service. = re c oi ?2 -i~ oi li -i oi ?i c4 oi oj oj oi pi oi oi ?j ?j 7J ?j ?j ?j ?J ?} 7J ?J ?J ~ ?J S3 "-' ?J *-' 7 r 5 7 rt '/ ? 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Hale, Corporal John F. Bruce, Corporal P. Charles Connor, Corporal James P. Bartlett, Corporal Andrew J. Green, Corporal . Gilbert D. Kendall, Corporal . Francis N. Ray, Corporal Edward H. Sjiencer, Corporal . Charles F. Russell, Corporal William H. Eaton, Corporal Charles W. Carter, Musician Edwin I). Atherton, Musician . Alvord, Francis A. Barnum, Alonzo P. Bartlett, Thomas . Bardeen, William S. . Battles, Charles P. Bemis, Daniel W. ... 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B >> >-. >;r= ^ > S*:^^ ^5 .^,3.3,3.3 A 93 ^^=^2 — 03,3 ,3-=^ "7 < .■£ - S .« .« o'.t; .■£ .« S .« 3 .■£ ."S on S S S s » « « ;£ £ 93 ^ M -CD ^ n a • - > . .. s £ £ T- -v o '~ 33 C 3 X 33 jj £ 33 3 £ 3 x _* 3.5.5 5H § g §-§ | §3 s a •- >,ci 2 -S ^ S 33c33i;c3t.3i--r-3 a "9 -■ L-. _a * r " * 33 a o > r* 3H£t(ffi^ 3hH « 03 03^ - 93 93 03 - 73 +iT +a 43 C •" 93 93 33 03 >: cj 'S'H.'fi e "P. 33 93 33 ■ X 3.— bCbCQC 3 224 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT f- o G£ Q oc u >- z < Gu o u o o a: ■f. "^ X 05 00 00 30 OB 00 ogooooooo Oj 53 03 5j 53 03 03 —■ 53 5j ii ii o u t> a > > > " > > > *T X X 71 DO OQ 00 00 ' a a a a a a a ft U 1 £ - SJ ji O U » O U n c3 k ^8 P 2 .2 ° .2 .2 ° t * ;l ~ 5 ° = c ° ° ° ° :: -a ssssscis— *:^s^Sr:S^^ X ■* x 7 x ~* X X .2 3 ~~xx x X x .2 «H I J) 8 J) l l l3 M I J) » ]) i 1' i •/. W a :2 :"jf :l" -2 :2 :f : s ■-' — : i - r i : 2 : f ~i ?i :i s x a x x 5 x vl x x "j" — x x x x x '7: x — SS V X) = « at 93 - QOO 2 •, SCO ►i *3 '3 - - - OS 7. ; o S ? a act o o . ■£ « ?.' ■ ci «;- 05 og do x '-j - O :ft - ft ft a D. o9 • X X X X oo . 55 53 03 53 ft , » oo I ,-j CI CI CI CI CI CI CI j,f b N CI CI CI CI CI ci .— i * +i +a +a *j +s Cl-*— . - ~ 53 a-^s ci o += ^xsc^-xxxxj : .. a ft » a.— o ftaftftft fto-2 IljSDSDSSOS'ieiSiit »>^a- ^ o 'a o 'a o a OOftOSPSftoOOooOooO 0301USsSJj]3Ol!OlO«3 J^ft_JXhqXftft^«hJft^ a - ° 2 o x u o NWONH CC CI HrtKXrthfi: t- ■isr , .Hioc;*»»aoioc !flfl«H«H5|itlMMMHMn*HnHHMr( -.22 ■^ 05 U a 05 S 2 S2 c3 a * ' " -a acs •_• ■ g «,-i ■ • 03 05 *i ti , fe^ 03 a jr - ca ft cs o _ J 'SS5355030303 ijnO?0 2.- ^ 2i» ^ MMMjg «~ ft & a-S.2 3 Ua - * oo* ® « ® "S _ t; c ,9 ° '7 — U m ^ QQ C 50 00 GO S oo l-s O ^ O S S ' - ■ - - J .03 _Th, •.*.--fe'5.-J-«lSS ■ . "S^- ^•ft~ J ^fe JHOr»W •g'rffi .3W05|a s,--*,? «* * &S S &S § I £53 2 S g^ g\lg g .-g g Bf^M-ea 15 S =» £? a ~ E £ T) -7 r d ^— i: 5 » = = = -= * p % > _2 J •£• « « 2 Sa S o » s o s i- o o E cs^ 3i3it ' / - "-^ c o ■-« st" x g - s ;^i « ;L ii ; -;.; * .m h „^,rj ( i, ; ; j fi ; - ^ < < L ^OWWiWUifc5^C;u^^ < <-< < <^' ! 1«P3P5WftyuOQ MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 225 000 sec .2 2-2 _ > > X bfi u H Si f 1 s « » » Q « 7} 7} >02 a>3 .9 c8 cS • . « D > > Si - be si s-i 1 5 S 3 1 « m " =3=2 s .2 J * .2 .2 .2 m £> o >^<^ > > >^S SCO iS «^H w m O .2 3 - 3& w _- SO e CO o cG^O ?J - •43 m ~ c-f 55 ,5 33 "43 £'33 -ij'S g^'S o o S = c ■eoO^^iOio ^1-* i * S =l_|!H!^* J ^1 oPgooog- 22 Sm*^**»^?s|£§^?11 :" :t "t • - so - o XXX ■<2H c^i c-i ri 01 ci X >- £ — ' 3 E r-1 fl t- 9; » 93 t-O -OO - -~o - GO - -30 00 X - 5 -OJOJ - - -05 ""5 oi « *= cq n n += h S- >H . . . Si . a ■ « cL a a x £ ® 5 5 ® » « ® •« TSl Q P 1 */} CC OJ M fe 50 sc ^f so » ec to to so so sc so so so so so so so" so so so so so so so 55 * — — illllllllllllllllllllllllslll^! oooocooo H ' ° - 5 c c a a a gee fl c _ = _. ri^ e ^1^ ' dp-; 4} a e Mfc r1i_ S." a; 93 £ .^O^e » S 5 -!i' ,S O o — 0000 .Oaj-^aS -- tn MOO -in. s< s. cS^a • JJQjv s «3a3i- hH aT ! o3c8":SoQaa hH r^aocS5c r _. : -j^: C— CBl-9 a -'^ j ,- -si"" « s'a^^^^.a a' a^ a CO K * rt la J o PS.^^S^? feS o ! A^H r— " W?r=^ *3— ! - ?4» «! g ^ « 93 S^S -a - - 93 £^S ai KnjS S - g 'g r « = a a _= scta>t» J > J >?7:^: sTx ^iS^rs ?= =-a.a-r 33^ C'e is s- 1 - C 3 o H W ^ ^ *^ M -W H " „ o ^O 1 1 a S s u i! M 2 « cs^.2- 226 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT H O cc Q DC r*\ u >- z < o u O -J -J o o • 03 . • CS .03 . ■ • • *.J ^ . . 30 *1 - — « 4 oi 4 =g H ■£ - — r ~% <« O 0OO0goO*O5O00Objg00 g Q O fH C saddOdd,ed,Bdddd. ;ss,-;. SS C oooo ,oe?o«oooo ■ _ccr^ .,;s oo 53 53 ■£ 53 "M 53 53 g 53 * 53 53 53 +3 PP ^53 53 ."S (N WO "§ +3 p u Sc8c3c8j"c3c3^c8/Sc3c3e8e8 .— s c; •- ^ " -,"G3 ? '> o/S/B7S«S 'E.'E— '"5.-''E.'E.'H-'E.- r d 'S.& 7 E: -" Sg w'5< y, y. y. y '. v. v. — x ~ y y. X M "i . y, y,~ . — - y. f. 4444;, 4 15" 41" tiOl^iit^C -" ~ 4 - r»---3 -„-?i«rO „-„-„-„"_ ° „-„.-.,- ° *" A?, .-- r: :~ ^t ~ ►_» ~ :~ -1 :t :-:-:■::.:. -3 v :'. :~ : . hr ■— ^' - ' rt •~ CO CO 5© ^ 5C CC » sO^COCOCDCOS^CCC050"S • »- O -7 Joaoac . 3e x >••« "--x 0606 00 £ • x x * - c — — =0 rt ...... - u • -5 -5 1 -.--014) .. - - 4 4 &j JI - M ?) ~1 Tl *- M n^fl' 5 N ClMfl ! --i-fl'M^-P i « H ~ C-l £ ij*:^^ o^^-^+irr+i^^*^ c i> H 41 41 4) 4 2? 41 01 yr irsti o 01 , ^ 5; 01 SShSS o L»QQoQaoQaDajQoQHQQcQoooQHHaDQDiT>HE-tHQcQ i» ri ?i ti ti ri ri ti ri m ti ri ci ti ri ri ?> ci ri n n -1 -:\ ri ri J; s_ s. -n -x. s. s: j: s. j: S. s. j; s„ s_ A s. sl -j-. ~r_ j: s_ S. s. *. 0) ooooooooooooooooooooocco o KttKKKtttttttttttttttttt V bc®'S_ < 3"S . «® . ® , __S_ ___ 3 (2 = i.= sJ.5 Si 2 « 2 4 & -2 3 S oa a >» >»-S -5 c fl .2 fl >j d ft .5 d fl fl fe >, fl ^ a - 4 w a g-.^. eflooqo^o^coooS^o ; 3 J &!C O)' 8 '- O O I »0 0~ j:CO 11 is d*g O .t;4K.4)53^»:a:(D40O4^*;0440004 y -- be < -x^r.o?icc-.r:r- + ocficc.HKC.(M-ccr:- r: r^ ^ h -f n m ^ ci « ?i m •* m ti h n t-i n ci 1-1 H ii h c n: a " '. 's&«> j 2 •^^ c a = 4 < SPSS .-ShS 1« g^ol .- .-„- (T „- c< ••£ k 5 >,if '■$. -= * « 5 - 2 S ^ "= ^ *- ' W? 5 c 5 1 ? i J24- cr-j; : s : i « i^: 4" 4* as B, b i 3 — £ 5 3 5 -i x 4 4 ■ .t; .- .« .- 3 s -r _i/. £ 2S5£lMXxHH?h^^^^^^ MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 227 > 3) D a; 5) 3) 9) 05 O 05 05 05 j ^ o 5J d jijajOJaiijajaj*! o> o) o> a) "•0000 ""uoScjoo a 05 o 05 a> 05'.caja50jq5aja3..o5 rH f j-f £§ iJa53;ao5053JOJa5cS-r-~a.aj;r';aa5a5a5aa)a)aJa5 r- 1 ^02Ucofea3Ma)!«GO«2^«WMa2a2GO^QQaQaQQ«oS!»o2i-s02!»aQa3 ,C£i t~ J 1 1-' • IHrtrtrtrHHHHHHHHHHrtHMHHHrtrtHHMHH *+3 "* s +i O'tJflsSUttOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A OgOgOgOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S - — : :r t 2 o *> t*. t», a ,* *> • £ o» a> .a a ? o> • to ;? c?.J3 a to a 05 oa e — . a <« ^ ^ OJ n A r- D fl h H « J ,h s.a.aooS5a.??aoc.??r ojr t^odjioosnoo; Hcooii-lOHtBAHHHi-JtJfeHaa -a-a . ,-,- M 33*2 Ph«5 - - a * a — - Z3 ■ — >5 - t»! >S 1 05 o> i) - > 1-1 >i =- a > > K> > > f»> a 0,9 c r. :: 0) ccHc»!/3EHHa2HHi-^ajpHaia SJ, •* ^ :* i~ 1" :t 10 vr .-< -*. rn ~i o ^ ^ ti 10 o s n ?3 ^ r. n t- o n ji * h h , Z 2 3S •5^ a s * a <» 33 ~ ns Ss£a - , a. a as ".2 J So h5 Ti o) cs a : ■ ' ea ft a «• go I ?i ,^ » ? 11 S •< a £,2 as i« S a * O 05 it&l|»ll|l!-s ?u a >,, •» » r x 05 O >> o) _- u £ . r. •—. O 05 .&H >"9 • * Q 05 C * o "a 05 a a ., ..Of 05*O - Q o v*P% % 9 _-§^ ^ 0= 5 cs o-s S— sj s © 1. 2 iKj.hi.osW^ .dH-a;^ 05?» 2- .-v ■a o * S'O tu be G d Ifjssiiglgjggllai j3 oT+J o 35 05 a^l- ; 2 a »'C a ; O o j *3 ■W^5 O bfi tn *a o o o a h p a -H tl t. t. S 5j » P3PQPQPQPQOO 228 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT O > o 06 a ex < a. o u u- O —i — i o 06 o S. ^: u U T3 C t« '> y. h Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Kept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, June 30, '63, Baton Rouge, La. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Jan. 13, 1863, New York. Died, Maf. 29, '63, Baton Rouge, La. March 4, 1863, disability. July, 24, 1863, re-enlistment. Sept. 2. 1863, expiration of service. July 23, 1863, re-enlistment. Killed. June 14, 1S63, Port Hudson. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1S63, expiration of service. Sept. 2. 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Killed, June 14, *63, Port Hudson, La. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Jan. 15, 1863, disability. Died, Aug. 5, '63, New Orleans, La. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. *B eu re Q ?j ?i ?,i ?' ?-i .-"-' ?J ?J - r -' /J ?-' ?J ~i — ?J ?J ?J ?-' ?J /-' .-"J ?-.' ?-• ~J ?-' ?J ?J ?-.' *-' ?-i si r -' sj 00 X X X X X X X X x x x x i£ X X X 00 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X t- t- t— t- t— t— t— t- t- t- t- t- t~ ~, t- i~ t— t- i~ t— t— i~- t- t- t- t~ 1— t- t- t- i~ i- i- OOOOOOOOOOOOOfcOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A) = S»§|& cS?2S£ 252 e.2 5?2 9 2 a &g 9 ffS §3 S p«* — , r -J " .— ,— , *-* ~ _a »> — - -* «•* ■■* ,— - •— - "^ o •■-* ^ r*\ ^ *^ ■*-*■ "^ ** ••— i — 4 — »—* or i ' :: i«sjjjotk£ooo2soS£oSoo;iOori«s < x'M-t/XH^xnxHrc^HOcCv'tfc-t-tssco cr. t~ ci x ci x -+■ S 1 '■". -t -f r-i t-. -t -t> iH CO t-i Cl 55 Cl Cl Cl Cl rt Cl -f r-i Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl r-e Cl Cl rH 1C re -t< C re -c re I Cliampney, Charles S. . Chapman, William A. Churchill, Absolom W. Davis, Ancil Davis, Charles B. . . Dunlap, William Dutton, Clark . Erving, John Fairbanks, Charles F. . Farmer, William Flaherty, Maurice . Fletcher, Albert W. . Fletcher, Isaac W. Foster, Andrew . Graham, Adams S. Graham, George S. Hale, Charles F. Haley, Richard Hildreth, John P. . Holman, Nathaniel Holden, Robertus F. Hofses, Webster . Humiston, Samuel G. Jefts, Leander C. Kimball, Dennison S. Lawrence, Frederick J. Lawrence George F. Law, Francis A. . Law, Lewis O. Linehan, John LitchHeld, Thomas C. LitchHeld, Thomas S. Messer, William MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 229 2 S 3 "£ > a: :. ^ a; 15 c; oa n a a -' » 2 no -r- T T - C '■ ••. llljgllljllll Jill 1 "^SSSSaSfi^ssssss o o 00 g § o o§ o o o o £§ o o~ o ° e « o o c o o tf ,„' t-T t_~ tC t-" 1- c-~ t-T t- c-~ t-" t-~ t-' t-" t- 1-" t-" t-~ t£ t-~ t£ t£ tq t^" t£t£^"*^ $3 jq in £; £; $5 Jh S £h S 55 J 0000 o oooooooooo6o66o6ooo6ooooolziOoooo666 . a a a roso -r ** t~t *^ OhccShcc tc s^ss a saasassssssassssasaasissss&sss&asss | 230 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT > H O lu a CxL uS >- < O u o -J o w w^uw v w w ^ w y w w u ^. w 53 oil OS 4 1 4) 4 i 4) U 01 0) 4) 4," 4 41 4 1' 1 4 41 41 4) 4 .-I 4 4 4) •.. 4) 4 01 1-1 cj u o _ 4 4 4 41 4 :. 4 4 o > :l p ks — u u — u - u HI 41 :. 01 0> 4) - 4) 41 4 - 41 4) 4. 4 cj 4 - 4 41 41 o »J 00 tc 0! m K te a; A 7J 7. «.' X 4 GO a: CC «. A av '/. X /. 7. 7. o : O : o o : ; t o O ; O o CO ; : ; o ; o ; : X 2 ; C : - 88 = n - p = — — — — c — z s — — > — — q — ^ — p a p p p p 44 _z o - - - - : : z - o -. - - :: >-, c o W fc fe ea - - * - - S cs - - a r« - 08 - - - - u u - - ■— — — u — — Z- Z- Z- — 4- 4- p. :-: i.4- 4- ; p -- — p, CS 4- _ M 44 ci X X X x y X X X X y X X X X X X X X X X X X ^ ^ i. X y X X y. V d> ■.. 0) 0) 0) a; 4J 4J U 08 4 4) 41 4) i- ** 10 ro — CI CC VT CO x x x 7 — • — ;c :c — X CC X X X X r X X X X > li 30 CO 00 00 5 >. XXX 4 X X X X x i-< ^- 61 r* — ?i ncT*! r! r! ■n'of of ?i ?i ti ti oTcf - < "i oTesTcNci i-s ofc? N cs ?f c-r^fcf cm < ii ^ v ^ ^ ^ * v a; « ^ . * v . 4 4 v « j v a. 1 1 * a c^i: ? 4 ^ fe W (? g a « S • cS c3 t- rr o o q o~ 3 3^ 1.S00 . +5 ^ cs (i, pq co ._->- . *5s p-^t: — . ► A fapq c 5 5 S2i" S c C rr *p 'p x C =- !- C ±1 " ° C : > H T S 4 4 " > O Cd r- . 4 4j s< C CJ cS -_ ■: — O O -r. - - O - 4^ _^ hta 7. _i ^ u ~ M < - Mi - ^ w ■r 6 U 4 £ b£ N»- 4 O O r fe — — *5 C 7. ffl X cS C. -^, 4 x£ r55 „:: ct^ js os .x >.£ ^ x> ;o ^ £ a x x se 2 5 » "2 2 2 2 -=' S 5 2 5 * 2 55 2 2 52 £.2 2 ^ r fi^ -,,- "hi " ^ t* .> -V 655cSQ5«flfiWfefefefe^fe&;3ood5WWW^^MM3Sggg§S8!ziooPH 232 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT 8 > H O LU QC- Q a: r^ U-f >- < O u O o 5 a a O O c C " 'bi ~ 08 "5 £ T* X * X ■* g » ® »ih 'e-fesT o > — : c +3 as 2 '-C 'XT a — • u A ^ £ a t - a ~ .cum .=-z.'H.x a x ;- eg x x x " x : 2 s I ~- 12 : 1 "i ~ ' : i * jfj >. J Z 'J >■'* :«^ ^ ----- ^ >j &E"E EE£sa J i i » a) ii -a S It !t T. 18 I ^ J I J 1 .1 J .1 .1 -1 1 1 x x"ii x" x ~. x" x":f :- 1J 1. * i i i y 1 - ^«^» 3 oo ao co^" >.x -.ex > x x "C x x > ~ — — — ' _x aoco* 1-5 cf ?f ?! n ri' wcc 02 oj W aj oq go Q HODCOCOfiDQifflHQQOSMODaQQQCCaQQP ti n :i m :i -i n :i m n n n ti :i :i ri ?i :i ti n :i »i ?i :\ n m »m ~ » vr -,c •-: -c v; v= -^ -c -c •-: -^ • - -c - ~ -r tc c ■-: ~ -^ ■- — ~ - -i »aoQOcooOQCXi®ocwoooB«icocococooocoooaococoocooooac l— t- t— l— t~ l— t~ t— t-^t— t- t— t— t— t— t— t- t-Tt— t- t— t- t— b- fc- b- tr- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <0 - z < o u o -J o a: a3 aJflja^^^^^iJ 03 33 03 33 35 03 03 ;- _- _ *£ .- ob v. 7. do on an on on on on on on on — on H "« o 93 - X ooooomo§o'j5 73 *~ 03 ct> cS i*& : / &p7EL tts x x x V ~ ~ - - £ £ £ S 3 - o o o o o _o « '■p tp '-P -p '-P -p fv S cj c3 S S ~" ^ '" '" '" , u .£ mC ft'aaa'ft H. : i « x * K X « j- 35 05 03 G> 03 05 ^r Ot-5 |« ■g 6 -/". r/- ^ ^r r3- i nn .V ^ OO >~4 * KCCX*iX'XK3C0CQOCC HHrlrt n rlHHrlHHn icf*^ ti -m n • tf >>•£ -ji ■£ I 33 £ B 05 93 ! CO »"S 02 02 02 y. S. x x oo so p rH ^H i-H l-i H tH |_j 5 g 6 B - > oo P- ~-~"M B S C^ H 1 - -H £ «{ O ssSt _~_c -eg 95 05 r^i 35 .35 03 as i. — ' oc £ a3 x. v, -_ - . =w 03 „_, t_ o o &71 oft a c O O 05 ^ .O ©J o O ^1-7"' '.t: c^03 5 OQ QQ 02 02 3D OS pi 02 H 02 Q K 02 02 O 03 P - ~_i - * ■ ^ ^ a ■£ ; 33 35 .^ co ~ < * 2 cq £ s I ^ Cl CN ^S ^3 ci jp ?1 ?1 h O 35 > 35 35 : c : ^ *1 t£ - ^ ?i : j: ! WOO r- IJ t30 >CO 00 :1 as _n as -J? iia 33 35. ■■- O 33 35 35 35 02 co C y 02 Q 02 OJ » i? I? 'i "or it -7 OC OC 3C»0O«0OCO'*0©000O000O00 g oc x oc vo oo oo no 00 » _. iJi_' t J [-^'i-'i- t^Tt~ t^t~ i-Tt-^t-'i^t- i-^i~ t£t^ t£t- J^" ^^£^ tirt ^ S rt^ c C0OOOOOOOOC5OCJOC3OOOOCOCJ.O C3 ®&*J~2z5?5z5z2z ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOO B C9 — "o5 "^ £ 3^ 35 3512S 95 £ 2 2 03 £ £ £ b| 03 t « - - 3?r l ^r'x-t;«-0303^3305*^-_ 1 r;Hr;^r; ■ScgMr8oSocS"ScD33cS330503o3.MC3c3c3c3cii S 3303c3<§e3o303o3'a3 I Vj _f. f] »| _(. -m ~; M fl 1-1 CM n -t H CI ?1 ~1 M CO 1-1 ** --— -J. -^02 .m . .^i-s * pi£^£^ £ , o!°-b' 5 <5S B Z £f t> B o3 .SO 3H * ? . 03 p ? — r 3T3; "g 5 2 33 - i ? & >a .5 S s a 08 as - — 03 1 35 - 11; 2 34 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT > H O a >- 2 < O u O o u 1J 3 rt u "2 '> ■j~. o « Sejit. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Deserted, Jan. 16, 18<>3, New York. Sept. 2, 18ii:!, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 18(>3, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 18(>3, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Killed, June 2, 1863, Port Hudson. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2. 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died at sea, Aug. 8, 1863. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Dec. 1, 1862, Groton, Mass. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Mav 29, 1st;:;, of wounds. Killed, June 14, 1863, Port Hudson. Sept. 2, 18i;.">, expiiation of'service. Died, July 2, '63, Baton Rouge, La. Killed, June 14, "t>3, Port Hudson. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Killed. June 14, '(>.">, Port Hudson. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863) expiration of service. Died. June 7. 'ii:'.. Berwick Bay, La. P ?J /J ~J ~J ?J ?j 7J " J .- J ?J n 7J ?j "j ?j ~j ~j N e4 ~j ?j 7J £> ?i 7} eg ~j cm ?j n s j c i s i xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^xx^xx^xxfrx^xxxx?-? t— l~ L-- l~ l~ I— t— 1~ t— 1— t— L— fr- C— t— l~ t— t— t— t— t^ t — t^ l— t^ t— t— t— I— t"- t~ 1-- l~ aouowoocioottooaooooooocsaoooowoootj OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO c 73. Petersham Petersham Petersham Petersham Barre Petersham Barre Petersham Barre Barre . Barre Barre . Barre Petersham Petersham Petersham Barre Petersham Barre Barre . Barre Barre . Barre Barre . Petersham Barre . Barre Barre . Barre Barre . Barre Petersham Petersham V SO < CM;-H?!H-frii-rv:"i"t'-i--t*;x'-":v:Hcioowc-v: K r\ m rHiMiir: m a- 3 S i oj ? 1 1 Si5,S!i D ,? 5 i B ,?,S?« D «?«?w aaasaaafesaaasaaassasaaaaasassasaasa •0 .dW

sri § I - o^± 5-g-?> pjaJ- Scyc* -x5-. S« ?^ a§ a s^ c- 236 THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT > a a a: >- z < O u O -J o i ; i Jli i; i i Si'jJJdjJIS 9 e o,» o e e v o s a a - 1 u ,_; ^ , o - i~ u - r C >- t. C C - - t-v-t- s c *-" ■- u «« jj - s 1 11 t t ; i ; : i - s; ^ : go a: x '- on v: f. -r_ •/. 1 ■/ it ai so jS » U ot sc OO O OOOOOOCOOOOQCSoC a d s c u 0000* £ d <» cu r? S3 x> v «"8 00' »J4 •- .* = £ ^ i> s » JJ O OB cc en >H-£<3 „© "■IS x x x x , £j x xi 4) n so cc x x x x 5E x x x 5E x x x _s ■— >-.x T— li— It— It-*t-it-Ht-Ht-Ht— It-Ht-Ht-Ht— lr* 53 C Cw cTrlrf cfcicfoi ef »f ci of cfcfof" ""? 5 of i«^ c3 cS - " ^ ^ . -> x Pf x" ^ rt £ J) » rH _- - - 5fx X x"x*x xx 1 e i) jj s a C-1 « CNl-'i-'t-"l-"(-"l»t-"t-"l-*l-" t-^l~ t-^t-^t~ l~ l~ 1-' t- I- t- t-^l~ l~ t-^ I— t-T t— [Cl^l^t^ esuaassuaoassscsooauussoooooauQoo 00000000 oooooooooooooooooooooococ o 000 oosoocooc o 00 L4ab^«)h^4 3 Mh49^'Ph49Ph^h^PtfPh^^p^-P^^^h 3j01ia£a013aDa)Qj001J03j£a3JlJaaaijaJaa£*ai^ 12 s "2 t e"2 s sTH 'Hs'Hs'Hss'Hs'Shsse'H'Hs'H'Hs S "2 "2 12 OHOOHOHHOOHOHCHHOHOHE-iHHOOHO'OHh'J'JU ■* X CO Si X X -+l CO -H Si ' lOH-fCC.CC. gc^ cu S fl ■3!?^ 1 ll-l^l*-^ c^tS*l D llSaiftSgiS ■g.S , gsaiS§^gS , ^§Sftgg.^-e. Ill |S I i'S.2 |-Ss-g3^« g ss? j^.s gS%s3| sS-SS^2 a oiS^ 9jfiH& I a-s-g > 5s= --S3 ^ sq « il^d'3^' 5 K ? ffl S - § " »-.-- --SI --"* H S o^^?Wtffi t ^^OUS^ a> 03 r ^ i OO«"oo'ge3c3 ooo.t:a M ocju ^o^- ^0^*0 00 5 o o »j o « > > > g > > ~ > > > > > O > «'£ > > > > > g M > > £> * > > ■£ '£ > c > 5 a; o « c! o a) ^hd eiSkjissaJD u 1; a> ,3 ^ a> a> » j 03 ^ a; i> u 03 03 * 03 gOOOOOO-gOOgOSO^O^OOO^OOOfe r-OOqCOOOgoOO^O : « s a ^ a a,-; : c » s s s -e 5 s s cs'c 5 s ^>,s e s * s > s c «i a a b » c siiSs x2 c ' w a2* 000 i : '- c c : S2COce^BO :mO'oo*-o oo^c «*i "+= « K, += *+3 . --w *= H +j +3 '£ x '£ ~ ^ CH ,q "G'-S +3 iS o'd '^h. "43 '3 * '-3 +3 +3 ^ « c3«^'^cae8g cfci * cf cf ci += cr 1-1 crcf ~r - cf cf ci^ 2 *^ eCoJ. cf^ cfci"** nnn^n '£ © 1< 33 2? J33 33 Jr 33 © 2? 3; 53 33 jp — 'T ~ Z, Z. ^ - * 0, !C ^ *r" * 0, "jr C "JT 03 A3 "T 1) 33 1) 'r* 33 P as as as Q cc 02 P as as P as 02 as Q as P a: QD r. i S QG 05 c/Q P S P * 05 P 05 P as as p as as 05 P as CI N eg CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI C) CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI — w Z£> w '-C ZC — "^ "-T *-C "-T 'C *^ — — — — "-C *C *C "C — '-C — — ZZ Zt Z2 — "^ — *-C "C ~ — Zt ZZ ZC' ZZZ ZZ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx £- t— t~ L~ t~- t~ t— t— l~- l~- t~ t- t- t~ I— t- l~ I— t-^t— l~ I— l~- t— t-^l~ t-^t^t-^t-^l-^l~ t-^t-^t-^t^t^t^t-^t~ ssoaaosaosooeuussoooo'jocfiossaoouoouosusu OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO • 13 fc. ■£ t, _" -tjS +3 -U +5 t( += t4^+^ H » « « cccc»t-iiaoj5ooco»sia'*ioioo«eo:it-cct-o::HMOrtccofiti»tc««iQOH rHC1r-lc1'*COOCCOCOi-(eOCOT) a cc Q rv\ a >- < a- ^ - ~~ - ~ ~ , r £ ./ i," & > = > a s >. ■ . - •J T~ > ~ > "" " O (-1 ■— 0) a> ■ - Ol CO y. no ,_, m 50 ■/. c3 OS : ; - O — 2 .2 §.2 .2 .2 - .2 s s ^ s s s .; -- — oS^-eS^oScBwpcieswes .a: £.'H.'E.'H.'E.'E...- ~~:2 "E.7 ' CD JJ £ * N ri X X x x c- "Z z x - x e 5-fe-r ^ ■< « c-f '■s ?r^ 1 x x - x x x * x o> cu .. s a> e» .4} . . -ri . . . -r . 55 K ~l CC M " '-' K V^ V= ^ "^ i^ ~ ^x ^ ^ ± — ~ ^ >-. V-T A-. ~ ^ — i. — - — -^ ~ — * ^V ^ x x x x x x -* r~ — x « x ,-, x x x — x x x m x ?J '-• ?J /J .• J "J ?J /-' ?J ?J ~J /-! ?-! /J f /J /-' /J N ?J ?.' ?J x'xxxxxx. xxxxxx.xxxxxxx'x'x' t- L-T l~ L~T (C |C t-^ l~ l^ I- l~ t~ t-^ I~ t-^ t- I- t-^ t-T I- I- t-^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHOOOtHOOHHOOOOOOOOOHO r. -t/ ti-n:: j: ~ x )~ 1- x 1- x x x CO 00 00 01 ri ri ?"i " ri ■* :■; r^ ci r^ r*i ri ih 55 gn N r^ ci c-i cm t-h cc o u o -J o o ^ OJ •M. MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 239 > o Q X >- < o U u- O -J O a: oooooyoooo'osuu c3 4) X X Gfi M > > > > > J_ J_ J- J-| '<-> '*•> a> a) a> i) x « ai cfi x aa O^ ooococoooco .° **»? £ o o fa » 7: = S O CO O aaai y, y y, ; » » » < X X X : j 4> i>r5 .. «£ — X X - P5 o ._.- »-•.-> t:'£-2 4> 4> - ^r* TS • s *> *> ./ ! -j o . S ' •g -g -J S ■ fa ^ fa x a: 5 h SH-I 6 o cc ^ fa 08 ? ;° . te S.2tS.26!zi- c3 -fa *^ .." c8 ^r e8 •> {(j 72 72 72' ! XXX :- e'- er; cr x x r~ :- f^TTfa ~ ?C :' M :. X 01 of of crTc-i oTcf oTcf of of of of oi -,f ; 5c x >? &p >>x £•( i " ~ 3 3 « " s ' 1 of of '""5''^ ^ °c^ 1 CO ."C cr; .- c ^ a p.* c cs 2 X ./-OI.,- tf 00 y, x ,f"S. °E ^"^ 4> ^1 : S 'o 4> _ fa S" > 5t: woo a 24a THE FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT o I > o Q z < o u o -J -J o "3 0) u V -= _u re '? r. 3 B | H Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. July 23, 1863, Special Order 179. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept, 2, 1863, expiration of sen ice. Sept. 2, INi;.",, expiration of service. Died, April is, 1863, Baton Rouge. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 18li.">, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Aug. 2, 1863, Baton Rouge. Died, July 23, 1863, Baton Rouge. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died. July 19, 1863, Baton Rouge. June 27. 1863, disability. Died, .Mar. 23, 1863, Baton Rouge. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, Aug, 4, 1863, Baton Rouge. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Died, July 2, '<>•'!, Brashear City, La. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, 1863, expiration of service. Sept. 2, ISii.'!. expiration of service. 2 rj r_i in rj tJ rj rj rj c i ~j -J ?J ~J ~j ~j ?j ~J -J ~j ?J "J ~J ?J ?j ?J TJ /J .--' .-J ?J /J ?J .-J »co«Soooo&S»**TOCo*oo»oooo®«»aoooeooB«5a5Q5o5ooooocQC »"ao ocTacTao adocTao'arfad'co'ao aoaox «T 00 00 ad 00 00 ac 00 ao aoao 00 ododadodadoc s a ii e e ii u a a i i i a a - i - a i - - -■ - a a ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <-> e V S9hhxSh$><9$h«l<09V«VXinhISChlD i a i >33* a i — : ^ a So < ONHJ5HXI>h»;}ij; CHHt-Xf t-[-)!X»'*i."'- u~ X l~ ^* X X -»* re I re Coburn, Charles E. Coller, Edward N. Coleman, Oliver B. Conant, Levi W. Cushnian, Samuel F. Dyer, Peter . Earle, James . Fitzgerald, Patrick Flagg, Levi . Flint, Eleazer T. Flint, William M. . Gates, William Gorman, Isaac Greenwood, Edson A. Hale, Hobart S. Handy, Jonathan Harding, Darius H. Hastings, Samuel H. . Higgins, Charles W. Hill, Josiah . Hill, Theodore J. . Hubbard, Timothy F. Kidder, Henry W. Lamb, Joshua H. Lamb, Leandcr W. Maynard, Edward S. . McLannan, Donald Mitchell, John Moore, Dexter . Murdock, Leandcr L. Newton, James E. . Norcross, Alson . Norcro.ss, Salmon MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 2 4 I . . e8 44 4> 4) j 2 ~d .2.2 c8 . 4 4) 4 4 r* CO co m co co — - 43 4 4 * u 4" a 1 .2 ^ > 6JD> > n? co S-3 ■"« 4 cd 4 55 3 0S > 'p "> « 4 4 4 g 35 CO CO CO J CO CO^ . • c3 4 4 J I If o o o O CO ° ° C ! - c3 c«rS cs ceofe slsc 5 c csoo j; ■J3 « ^ ^ 4 2 co 2 2 fc ■a co : J ■" x 3 x x ~ CD - 4 4 - - M „ „ CD »n cm CC CD ':- 00 o g a c so 000. r s +| ?_> eg OS S3 JO ■pVpYS-ja 4 4 4 .,_• ...... a o O ^ u ^ 4 a a x. o o « 2 2m '3/P>co X XCO 44" ■ CD CO 1^ CO CD • — — - ■— com cm CD CO . .00 » P? aa>>s. c.co -.* y, x * X X ;r S" B . * S ° "«"«" CC CO j*co co" ic X J cc X ^ ; HH &I1H1H jj g l CM~CM~ 3 CM*cf ^ ""S of 1 "^ N CN S N esTcsf-g > > > > > 03 03 C _CJ i ; » s e a 00 v V 03 X X scr\ sen sen sen "3 c ; : c S10 :t. fcK.- -a< -cc 03 . - rt h - SS ft D, gftft&fi 04iOOOOO.-gOC z z e* += _ += y y y y, y. v, r: y -^ y y y y y.'~ » cd a? « <» ec t 43 1/ s 3) s « pas 1 o £ . b 5 01-owHi.a x - ci5 s / go fa ( -*- -. -*- .«U -*- ^_ K ec ec ec ec ec j, ec :- ec ec ec ec ec ec — e— ec e_ *_ ec — ec ^r — — — cc cc x x x x x x x — x^xxxxXr-. 1 _ _- 5 ' . a m e- X * d ^ fa Q -x x ; I CI CI CI CI CI CI O CI !£•] CI CI CI CI CI CI -CC^C^ii O^ C* 3. 3< C- C- 3 . X - - e, IDS $ %st)4)s$d ec ec ec ec ec XXX X X ci c! cFcrcf ; u i » I X X X X X ci S. 1 ci 7J .,• ci ^' ;-' ci ci ci ci cj ci ci cj cj ci ci ci ci ci ci ci cj ci cj ci ci c i c i c i c i jgJSooSaB^JnaB 00 *** * * * x * x x x * xx.xxx.xxx x x x x x J* =0 53 e c * S c i * * * x " * x * x ~ * °° °o x * * * * 00 00 ec' x~ x x x x x x x OfiOflbOflbOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -3 t- e . u c3 O ci c « c jew ^o 11 a — It » 2 s s 2 2-2SS c c "22.22. " * 5 sa^cc ? 33 3 "3 x ■ S in h x i; j; x C x a i: S ciO = Ste = -cSOsS;o u -g -2 -2 Ofifi ej+; CJ « ^3 -g a C^c^: c^e:^: a a c S^= a S3 eS opq 3 x x cc ec ec ci in ci ec i.c 1-1 ec -f ic ec ci >c ec x <-h ec ic o to ci x cc ci x ci ec x ec -f >c ci ci ec ci ec ec ci ci eo ci ci ci ec c> ci 1-1 ec ci ci ci ci ci 1-1 h ci i-h ec ec ^ ec ci ec ' ee • a as +^ S a •=S 2 ■a *■§ I r* cS c8 33 a . ■g 2 43 5 o S : _, it a ee — HI- O H H ^ i_s3 a a.- a j o eu ej ■■^■cr - ^ 5 *? 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