I T MdYc y— i * — I < Pi. V: LI8HAHY o\ JO.NGRtsS wo Goi>ws !««•>«-' CoPidiP" t""' '» ?i/ PICTURESQUE WATERTOWN, N. Y. A City of Homes >PY B. AMERICAN CORNER. Birthplace of 5 and 10 Cent business, Sept '.'4, 1878. ATKRTOWN, N. Y., the capital of Jefferson County, is far-famed for its beauty and the energy and progressive spirit of its citizens, both of which have combined to place the community in the first rank among the interesting smaller cities of the country. Black River, upon which Watertown is situated, is a grand water power with a fall within the city limits of over one hundred feet, and the location of manufacturing indus- tries attracted here by this cheap and constant power has been the principal cause of the city's wonderful growth during the last fifteen years — from 14,700 population in lst the old post road from Albany to Sackett's Harbor. A YIKW OF THE RIVER FROM THE NORTH SIDE. rtking southeast, showing the rear ■ >! the Babcock Wagon Works on the left. VIEW FROM PROSPECT HILL. On the north Bide <>t river showing the Bagley & Sewall Foundry on the left and a part of Farwell & Rliines Mill on the right, the home of " Diabetes Flour. BLACK RIVER AT SUSPENSION BRIDGE. Riverside Flats on the left an. 1 a part "I New If oris Air Brake Works on tin' right. LOOKING DOWN THE Kl\ ER. From the " Huntington Street Drive" showing on the right the old Remington I'apcr Mill, imu International Paper Company. view LOOKING NORTH I'ROM the overhead crossing. Arsenal Street at the Junctl lape Vincent Road on the left. The right hand track follows the bend of the river into the heart "I the city. VIEW FROM TDK PINNA CLK IN CITY PARK LOOKING NORTH Factory Square in center. Trinity Clmrcli it. Patrick's ( !hui i h TELESCOPIC PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE A further view on tlie right <>] this picture would show the ) Rotlistock. f. FROM THE PINNACLE OF CITY PARK. Rddition in i In- works of the New York Air Brake Company Baptist Cliur Holy Fauiilj Church. ■ \ IKW FROM THK FRANKLIN SI'HKKT KNTRANCK IN CITY ['ARK LOOKING NOR'1 SUSPENSION BRIDGE AM" BLACK RIVER FALLS PUBLIC SQUARE IN 1866. UNIVERSALIS!' CHURCH AND HARRIS Hoi SE. Now being demolished to make room for Hotel ami city block with Arcade through to Franklin Street. LAST 1>AYS IN THE OLD HKill SCHOOL. Cost more than one hundred thousand dollars. wl perfect sanitary condition making it a great aid in stamping out the typhoid fever epidemic NEW HKiH SCHOOL. 11 partly finished in spring of 1904 it was taken possession of by Hoard of Health for a temporary hospital, its THE R. I'. FLOWER MEMORIAL LIBRARY. Erected l>y his daughter, Mrs. .1. B. Taylor, at a cost of nearly a quarter oi a million dollars. The decorations reflect local historical events making it unique and original, the only library in America with such individuality. ( lompetent eril ics say that no more beautiful library building exists in the country. ROSWELL TETTIBONE FLOWER Governor of New York in 1891. His death in 1S90 was mourned by the people of tin- State, regardless of party affiliation. FLOWER MONUMENT. A beautiful tribute standing at the foot of Washington Street erected by popular subscription in memory of one of Watertown's most honored citizens. City Hospital. Sisters 1 Hospital. WATERTOWN INSTITUTIONS. Henry Keep Home. Methodist Church and Arinoiy. Orphans' Home. TK1N1TN CHURCH AND PARISH llul SK. This valuable property with rectory adjoining at the right, with every convenience for worship and church work, was erected by Anson i; Klowei and his brother R. P. Flower, and given to the corporation of Trinity Church on condition that they "shall not at any, time sell, convej or encumber the said structure 01 any part thereof or any pew therein." Residem 1 1'. 1). Ruth. Residence of \V. A. Johnston. WATKRTOffX HOMES. Governor Flower Homestead. Residence "t .1 ■ Byron Taylor. Residence of W. P. Herring, VIEW FROM THE l'lA/./.A OK THE CRESCENT YACHT CLUB. A "clam bake." The crystal waters ot Luke Ontario make Chaumont Bay an ideal place for boating. Gf HI »AI PI AN Of WAT I (MOWN PARK PLAN OF CITY PARK WHEN COMP1 ETED. Unknown donors have purchased ovei 700 acres of land on the " Pinnacle " ami expended over one million dollars already on a public park which is to be given to the city and endowed for perpetual care when fully completed. It is now open to the public and is a delightful resort. Several telescopic panoramic views from ih is park are shown in this book, On a clear day the waters ol the St Law rence River, twenty miles away, can i»- seen from Pinnacle Point. • « - i* • « - .>awvaa\C^v\vjvwawaviww\ ''Swa\v.v.".v/.'.w.v/.v./.vav > 'L » »■■.'•« CE/. I5( >X.N x i I1KAK ■ "BONNY BRAE." The residence section in City Park. A delightful location for a home. 1905 IN THE CITY FAR.K. State Street Entrance. The Boys' " Yacht Club " at the Wading Fool. Steps to Wading Pool. One of the Beautiful Walks. m &..: