*"■%. . i?-"<^. - ■ - " " J. V ^ ' /^V/k^ %. <,^ **^aa*- % ^^ ' .\ "^v.%^' ♦• **'% r- «f. s^ .'^ ^"4 Q^ * ^^%^' 'O^V v«s^ xPv\ «Ho^ 'u u 6 7 Paintoa by Woolly Rn^^ VA-H Ritcliic. THE LIFE OP ASHBEL GREEN, V.D.M. BEGUN TO BE WHITTEN BY HIMSELF IN HIS EIGHTY-SECOND TEAR AND CONTINUED TO HIS EIGHTY-FOURTH. PREPARED FOR THE PRESS AT THE AUTHOR'S REQUEST By JOSEPH H. JONES, PASTOR OF THE SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER AND BROTHERS No. 385 Broadway. 1S49. ^ ^ Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by Joseph H. Jones, D.D. In the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ERRATA. Page 28, ninth line from the bottom, for " 1776," read " 1774." Page 48, for " from the year 1782 to 1788," read " from the year 177S to 1782." Page 100, ninth line from the top, for "laid," read " lay." Page 152, ninth line from the top, for " Lawrence," read " Lawrenceville." Page 154, seventeenth line from the top, for " seventy-nine," read " twenty-nine." Page 201, seventeenth line from the bottom, for " as," read " are." Page 314, ninth line from the top, for " popular," read " populous." Page 321, fourteenth line from the bottom, for;" Judicatures," read "Judicatories." Page 351, fifth line from the bottom, for'" Hriy ward," read "Hazard." Page 424, third line from the bottom, for ",cc.mparing," read " composing." Page 500, eighth line from the bottom, for " 88th," read " 86th." Page 611, founeenth line from the bottom, for "we" read "he." Page 612, twenty-lirst line from the bottom, for "appreciate" read "associate." PREFACE. A BIOGRAPHY of Dr. Green, which would fully exhibit his character and usefulness in the American Presby- terian Church, must comprehend the greater part of her annals. Such a work as this, however important and desirable, the writer has neither the time nor capacity to undertake. The manuscript containing his own account of himself, was committed to us for publication by the author's written request, found among his papers after his decease. Such a token of affection and confidence, seemed to impose a filial obli- gation not to decline a service which, we are fully sensi- ble, belongs legitimately to a more competent pen. The plan at first proposed, was to prepare a somewhat ex- tended memoir, using the posthumous papers only as furnishing facts to be written and arranged by our- selves. But the instructions which accompany the manuscript have satisfied the surviving relatives, that they preclude the exercise of much discretionary power in preparing it for the press. To them it appears be- yond a doubt, to have been the wish of the writer that his autobiography should be published substantially as it was left, without modification or abridgment. Whe- ther the work thus issued will be more useful, or better fulfil the public expectation, than if contracted in some of its details, and enlarged by materials that are abun- dant and accessible, is not regarded by them an open question. As we deemed it to be the dictate of both delicacy and duty, to submit the manuscript for revision to those who are presumed to have been best acquainted with the intention of the author, it is now presented to the public as it was returned to the editor from them. Although the reader will discover that in several parts 1 2 PREFACE. of the narrative the events are not recorded in exact chronological order, yet we have not presumed to dis- place them, nor make any other arrangement than that adopted by the writer. It is due, however, to those intelligent friends of the deceased, to whose opinions we have deferred, to say, that they are influenced not only by a desire to obey what they deem the injunction of their venerated relative, but by a confident persua- sion that the memoir will make a better moral impres- sion by exhibiting his character as it is reflected from the miscellaneous and motley pages of his own diary, than after any omissions which would wholly conceal its imperfections. The sketch of a friend and admirer might present a more attractive picture, but the dif- ference would be like that between the product of a skilful artist and the original. The trivial things which the fastidious reader would pass over as jejune and tedious, may be very signifi- cant as indicative of character; and if a man's record of his closet exercises exhibits one of its features, his account of a " lost cow, or the purchase of oysters and cantelopes," may bring to view another.* That so large a space should be occupied by remini- scences relating to the absorbing topics of the times, during his youth and early manhood, will surprise no one who has just conceptions of their religious, as well as political importance. For awhile, himself a soldier, participating in the anxieties and perils of the struggle, and then in the joys of its issue : acquainted with many of the leading actors in it, and a personal friend of some of the most illustrious, it was scarcely possible that in writing the memoirs of himself, he could separate his own history from those great national events with Avhich both he and they had been so closely conver- sant. The times and scenes, moreover, to which they relate, will be reviewed with increasing interest, the farther they recede ; while there is so much of the narrator's personal character mingled with his subjects, as they are handled in his familiar epistolary manner, * Pasre 399. PREFACE. 3 that they will be found less digressive and episodic than many would anticipate. But in giving this work of Dr. Green to the public so little abridged, it is not pre- sumed that its details of social visits, calls of friends, and occurrences of only personal and ephemeral impor- tance will be read with equal interest by every one, or read at all by some. But in those parts that wall least engage the attention of the general reader, there will be found the names of many both living and dead, and the mention of here and there occurrences, which, though of little intrinsic value, will suggest to many readers affecting and useful reminiscences. Even the dry record of a monotonous routine of college labours, unin- teresting as it will probably be to most, will be read by many an alumnus with delight. He will not be more surprised than gratified to discover some trifling incident in his academical life, so gravely chronicled with his name, and which may cause perhaps a tear of contrition over the follies that gave his venerable teacher so much poignant distress. With respect to the some- what prolix and circumstantial account of the scenes of turbulence and disorder in the College, the editor feels it due to himself to state, that they did not appear to him of so much general importance to the public, nor so closely blended with the life of Dr. Green, as to be worthy of occupying the room they take in the journal. But from certain marginal notes indi- cative of his wishes on the subject, it was obviously his desire, that if his life were published, it should contain all on this subject which he had transcribed from his private memoranda. He w^as fully aware of the various reports, misrepresentations, and infer- ences injurious to himself, to which these riotous proceedings and the consequent action of the faculty, under his administration, had given occasion. With a view then, at once to disabuse the public mind of any remaining error, and vindicate the govern- ment of the College, he prepared the somewhat copious narrative, which, in our circumstances, we have not felt at liberty to withhold, or even abridge. Trivial, moreover, as are many of the items of his diur- 4 PREFACE. nal record, yet none can form an adequate conception of his industry and the amount of his labours, with- out such a report of them, much less of the trials of his temper, faith and patience. It is unnecessary to add, that the important work of preparing the following memoir for the press, was not sought, nor was it undertaken without many serious misgivings, and an oppressive sense of responsibility. The circumstances that attended the request of Dr. Green, appeared to give it the imperative force of a claim. We have not indulged so much as the hope that our duty would be discharged to the satisfaction of all. We were so well aware of the diversity of senti- ment in relation to his character and usefulness, espe- cially in some of the most important doings of his life, that we have not presumed upon success in any en- deavour to make the many discordant opinions harmo- nize with one another, nor with our own. The issuing of the work without alteration or notes, has somewhat lightened our toil, but the reader can easily imagine that the humble service that remained, has given us not a little solicitude as w^ell as labour. We have been greatly aided by the cheerful and prompt co-operation of those who have sent us valuable papers in relation to their honoured friend, by which our pages will be greatly enriched. May the grace of which he was so largely a partaker, be imparted to the readers of this memoir, and many be incited to higher attainments in piety by the in- fluence of his Godly example. TABLE or CONTEOTS. CHAPTER I. (1762—1778.) Apology for writing his own life. Birth and parentage. Account of his father, mother, and grandfather. Piety of his parents ; method of spending the Sabballi. Origin of Bible classes. Follies and immoralities of his youth. Preparation for College. Juvenile poetry. Smattering of medical knowledge. Dr. Rush. Page 17—24 CHAPTER n. (1778—1782.) Glad to avail himself of what he had heretofore written. Reminiscences — when written — their general character — to whom addressed — where published. Intro- duction. Must keep in mind his clerical character ; says no more of himself than is necessary; his son's descent connected with our free institutions; who princi- pally concerned in originating the American Revolution ; impatience of the writer at hearing our revolution compared with that of France; difference of the two illustrated in a number of particulars ; his father a decided whig ; argument between his father and an English tory ; the tory makes confession of guilt before his father's congregation, but never believed that Burgoyne surrendered to the American forces. ........ 25 — 36 CHAPTER m. (1778—1782.) Simplicity and plainness of manners and habits of living before our Revolution ; exceedingly different from what we now witness ; illustrations ; slavery ; taverns ; conveyances. Before revolution but seven colleges authorized to confer degrees in the arts ; discoveries in science since his memory. The Bank of North Ame- rica — for some time the only bank. Change for the worse in morality. Dr. Rit- tenhouse ; Georgium Sidus ; Dr. R.'s funeral; address; member of his congre- gation. Printing; its use in the Revolution. Holt's and Rivington's antagonistic newspapers in New York; devices of Holt's paper; on the evacuation of New York Rivington remained ; spy of Washington ; the writer's dealings with him. Hamilton's first public display. Paine's Common Sense; its popularity; sick- j ness and death of Paine. ....... 37 — 47 CHAPTER IV. (1778—1782.) "He lies like the Bulletin" — a French proverb. "It is as true as if Charles Thom- son's name were to it" — an American proverb. The old congress very careful to state the exact truth. Obedience to recommendation of congress the test of patriotism; illustrations. Disuse of tea. Wearing a badge of mourning. Cessa- tion of foreign trade. Domestic manufactures encouraged. The women as good whigs as the men. Salt; saltpetre; gunpowder; Washington embarrassed for want of it; some brought from Africa. Sugar not produced ; boiling of sweet apples for syrup. Description of Charles Thomson, perpetual Secretary of the old congress; his employment after the revolution. Gage's gasconading procla- mation ; writer's conversation about it with Samuel Adams; burlesqued in a song. Excitement produced by battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill ; extended ; even to the boys. His father particularly obnoxious to the tories, and through 6 CONTENTS. them to the British; his residence but twelve miles off British lines; his father member of Provincial congress ; chairman of committee to draft the original con- stitution of New Jersey ; his flight; instructions to writer if British should come. The whole of Now Jersey militia called out; old men and boys left at home ; the writer at fifteen stands guard and makes an arrest. . . . 48 — 59 CHAPTER V. (1778—1782.) His fatlier's views in regard to ministers engaging in the active duties of the Revo- lution. Mr. Caldwell. Dr. Witherspoon. Governor Franklin before the Pro- vincial congress of New Jersey; Witherspoon's reply to his speech. Wither- spoon in continental congress; his first speech. Comparison of desire for office now and in the time of the Revolution. Speech of Jay. Able men in first con- gress; their sources of subsistence. Paper currency. Errors of the congress, of the states, and of the people. Issuing of bills of credit by congress ; com- plaints of a man who was ruined; continuance of war unexpected by the people. His father's views on the subject of the currency. Essays of" Eumenes." Plan of congress. The British assist in depreciating the bills. Devices on the conti- nental bills. ........ 60—74 CHAPTER VI. (1778—1782.) Treatment of American prisoners captured by the British; Captain Huddy; Cap- tain Asgill. Retaliation threatened. Ramsey's History. British humanity. Re- lease of prisoners by the British ; their wretchedness ; twelve of them laid down at his father's door; account of two who remained. Fever. Search for tory property. The prison ship, " The Jersey." Inoculation and vaccination ; small- pox in the army ; General Washington determines to inoculate the whole army. His plan. Complaints. Account of those who were inoculated in his father's family. The officers; their conduct. Cards. Ramsey's History. Smallpox among the people. ....... 75 — 94 CHAPTER VH. (1778—1782.) Boyish trainings ; desire to go out with militia ; enlisted before proper age ; military spirit; expedition to Minisink ; General Wines ; character and anecdote ; alarm gun ; expedition to Hackensack ; cannonade by British fort; an ambush ; expo- sure of our men ; how we passed the night ; retreat ; expedition under Cutwater to capture British boats sent to plunder the farmers ; a thief discovered ; the boats escape ; a frigate fires upon the Americans; an adventure. Reflections. Plan of his father to keep him out of the militia; teaches school. Invasion of New Jersey under Kniphausen ; death of Mrs. Caldwell ; her husband's address to the company of which the writer was a member; martial appearance of Steuben ; Washington and his spy ; attack on f^lizabethtown point, by land ; greater num- ber of British than expected; retreat of the militia in good order; profaneness of the Colonel ; the writer's feelings ; Kniphausen's second incursion , Ramsey's history; General Greene commands the Americans: the British gain tlie town of Springfield after great loss ; they burn it ; the road sprinkled with blood of wound- ed ; the brigade to which the writer belonged ; its station ; his father witnesses the battle ; a discharge from field piece scatters the British ; approach of Wash- ington ; retreat of Kniphausen. Diary. Feelings on viewing the battle ground ; conduct of British ; ludicrous sign of a whig shoemaker. . . 95 — 123 CHAPTER Vm. (1778—1782.) Intercourse with American officers leads to skepticism. Access to best writers on Deism. Unsatisfactory recourse had to the IMble. Before the Evangelists were read through, skepticism renounced. His plan recommended ; seriousness follows; description of place of meditation and devotion ; dismissal of school ; preparation for college ; enters college ; why the writer went to Nassau Hall rather than Yale. Consequent complexion of after life. Resides with his brother-in-law at time of seriousness. Rev. E. Bradford preached from 1 Tim. ii. 5, on the Mediatorship of Christ. Impressed with the sermon ; meditation ; raptures; increase of devotional feelings; conversion doubted; cause of doubts. CONTENTS. 7 Prayer meeting; prays in the family. His father's advice with respect to a pro- fession of religion; admitted to the church in college; leads prayer in college chapel; conduct of fellow-students. 124 — 133 CHAPTER IX. (1782—1785.) Influence of a native Briton — Dr. Witherspoon's. Nassau Hall during Dr. Witherspoon's Presidentship; Dr. W. enters political life; commencement omitted in 1776-7 and S ; commencement of 1779. Instruction by Dr. Smith and Mr. Riddle ; number of students ; college edifice used as barracks. Dr. Wither- spoon returns to college in 1782. Rittenhouse's orrery. The church ; evacua- tion of college edifice. Portrait of king George II. destroyed. Belcher's arms. Attainments of writer before entering college; teaches grammar school ; reorga- nization of the American Whig Society ; account of whig and cliosophic so- cieties ; congress sits in Princeton ; celebration of 4th of July, 17S3 ; commence- ment of 1783 ; valedictory oration ; presence of General Washington ; General Washington's modesty ; conversation with writer ; present to the college. Painting of the death of Mercer by Peale. Appointed tutor ; professor ; mar- ^ riage; licensure by presbytery; difficulty in choosing profession; conversation with ^ Dr. Smith. Intercourse with Dr. Smith and Dr. Witherspoon. Obligation to Dr. Witherspoon. Explanation of difficulty in choosing profession ; conversation with his father ; his colleague, Mr. Beach. Generous ofter of R. Stockton, Esq. Miss Stockton desired that he should study law. Decision of the writer ; assent of Miss Stockton. Marriage by Dr. Witherspoon. Family worship ; call to Charles- ton, S. C. ; reasons for declining; his wife's answer; advice to those called to setlemunts . 134 — 150 CHAPTER X. (1785—1789.) First public service ; praise from Dr. Witherspoon ; Preaches in Philadelphia ; ap- pointment as supply of 2d church and at Laurenceville. Ill health ; call to Philadelphia ; accepted by Dr. Witherspoon's advice ; ordained in 1787 ; account of ordination. Parties in Presbytery since 1752 ; their history. Dr. Ewing ; Dr. Duffield ; law suit. Philadelphia as it was at his settlement; market-house; bridge; Pottersfield ; churches; custom at funerals; custom of clergy when Washington was President. Jefferson misrepresents an address written by Dr. Green ; constitutional convention ; peace of Paris ; Adams at London ; speech of George III. ; mistake as to parties in England ; private losses by the war; restoration of estate of tories; refusal of the British to give up the forts; exhaustion produced by the war ; national debt ; funds; Rhode Island's refusal to enter into compact; no medium for commerce ; paper money; Massa- chusetts' rebellion ; Dr. Witherspoon's essay on money; gloomy fears; Federal convention; " Madison Papers ;" discussion of the constitution ; " The Federa- list;" " The New Roof;" interposition of Providence in behalf of our country; Washington's journey from Mount Vernon to New York; Ramsey's history; Gray's bridge; dinner at Philadelphia; welcome at Trenton ; entrance at New York ; oath of office ; his first speech to Congress ; reflections upon it. Con- trast between feelings of Washington in 1776 and 17S9 ; anecdote of him at battle of Trenton; federal procession in Philadelphia; Temple of liberty at Bush Hill ; oration of Judge Wilson ; dinner at Dr. Sliippen's ; Madison ; McKean; Bingham; controversy as to title of President ; location of federal city ; e:?cite- ment; Dr. Witherspoon's essay, advising delay; an incident; displeasure of Washington 151 — 179 CHAPTER XI. (1787.) State of the Church before Revolution. Bishop White. Dutch Reformed Church. Presbyterian Church ; first title of its constitution ; personal agency of the writer in the alTairs of that Church ; first draughts of constitution ; title "General As- sembly;" "General Council;" Confession of Faith; alterations ; form of pray- ers ; care in framing constitution of the Church ; long life ; gratitude. ISO — 186 CONTENTS. CHAPTER Xir. (1787—1791.) Reminiscences terminate. Salary as pastor. Rent. The author's wife manages secular concerns. Salary unpaid; embarrassments; gifts from the people; punctuality; difficulty often attending collegiate pastoral charges; the writer never experienced any. Dr. Sproat ; his intercourse with Dr. Green. Dr. Abeel the pupil of Dr. G.; warm friendship between them. Dr. Janeway. Un- derstanding as to daily remembrance in prayer. Church at Campington ; suspen- sion by the war; arrangement of preaching; Dr. G. responsible for three weekly services ; writes but one sermon a week. Dr. Rush's expression, " the clergy- man's setting pole." Pauses. Rev. Daniel Jones' elocution. Large audiences on Sabbath evening ; great attention ; sermons on the thorny points of theology ; four sermons on 1 Peter iii. 16; reluctance to preach on these topics; house crowded ; doctrines of sovereignty of God, and freedom of the will not explain- ed, but believed in; publication of the sermons forbidden. Theatrical exhibi- tions ; law against them ; evasion of it ; application for repeal ; opposed by Quakers; Bishop White ; Dr. Green's agency; lawyer Lewis ; Nicholas Wain; repeal of the law; conversation between General Stewart and Bishop White ; " the pillars of the church." Dr. Witherspoon preaches first sermon before the General Assembly. Dr. Green exchanges with Dr. Rodgers, and preaches in New York. Call to New York ; letter declining it. Ministerial coquetry. Mem- ber of General Assembly ; proposes intercourse between New England churches; Dr. Rodgers proposed liberty to vote and speak. Illness of Rev. Jacob Green ; his death; Dr. Green reaches Hanover after his burial; revival there; Dr. Green preaches ; remarkable occurrence on his address to the youth. Sickness of Jacob Green in 1773 ; efficacy of prayer ; his prognostication of his death. Dr. Green's Diary ; introduction to it; commenced 1790 ; resolutions as to the way it should be written ; desire for divine aid ; written in full until 1793 ; after- wards in short hand. ...... 187 — 203 CHAPTER XUI. (1791.) Journey to New England ; travelling Diary ; rules to be observed in travelling ; de- tails which are unimportant omitted ; what is given is to show the state of the country then ; goes to Hanover ; meets Mr. Bradford; thence to New York; lodged with Dr. Rodgers ; Rye ; Stamford ; Gen. Putnam ; Norwalk ; Green- field ; Dr. Dwight ; his character ; Stratford; Milford ; New Haven ; Dr. Stiles; Dr. Green's grandfather first rector of Yale ; character of Dr. Stiles ; Walling- ford ; Middletown ; Weathersfield ; culture of onions ; Hartford ; Free Mason celebration; Mr. Strong; Suffi3ik ; Mr. Gray; Springfield; preached for Mr. Howard ; Fisher Ames ; his speech in Congress on Jay's treaty ; Dr. Priestley's opinion of it ; Western ; Yankee inquisitiveness ; Worcester ; Mr. Austin ; New Divinity; Mr. Bancroft; Charlestown ; Boston; letters of introduction de- livered ; trip to Noddle's Island ; Dr. Morse's character ; weekly lecture ; Mr. Turner; set out for Portsmouth with Mr. Morse; Salem; Ipswich; Rowley; preached for Mr. Bradford ; New^buryport ; Bishop Seabury ; Mr. Carey ; Mr. Spring; Portsmouth; Mr. Buckminster ; visit to school; Mr. McClintock ; Mr. Rowland; Exeter; Newburyport; conversation with Mr. Spring ; preached at Rowley ; Salem ; preached at Charlestown ; attended association of clergy of Boston; account of exercises; reflections upon them; celebration of the Hu- mane Society; chowder; the Castle ; Governor Hancock ; afflictions of Gover- nor Hancock ; his unreserved manner; his character; the witty hatter ; called on the Governor ; Breed's Hill ; breakfasted with Samuel Adams ; his character; preached at the weekly lecture ; Mr. Everett; Mr. Freeman; Mr. Belknap ; Mr. West; preached for Mr. Eckley ; wax works; duck manufactory; Dr. Stillman; dined with Governor Hancock ; Mrs. Hancock ; preached for Mr Thatcher, and for Mr. Eckley; Dorchester Heights ; dined with Judge Russell; Cambridge; President Willard ; Monument Hill; the monument; Cambridge commence- ment; manner of President Willard ; speaking and composition inferior ; dinner; the candidates for degrees metamorphosed into waiters ; riot in the gallery ; in- terference of a trooper; affray sliows the feeling of the people in regard to mili- tary and civil interference ; mistakes of the President ; his fame as a Greek scholar; parts with Governor Hancock ; doctorates ; Providence ; detained the.re by unfavourable winds ; Newport; preached for Dr. Hopkins; conversation on CONTENTS. 9 new divinity ; Dr. Hopkin's character. Sails from Newport ; profaneness of sailors; arrives at New York, Newark, New Brunswick, Princeton ; Dr. Wither" spoon's second wife ; arrives home ; gratitude to God ; health of wife and children; kindness of his people; religious impressions; journey useful; many things omitted ; coldness and incivility seldom met with ; reasons for transcribing so much of travelling diary ; occupation on return ; interruption of study ; visitors ; treatment of them. Celebration of Lord's Supper. Decline of religion. Family prayers ; oppressed with duties. . . 204 — 247 CHAPTER XIV. 1. Composition and delivery of sermons. Advice of Dr. Witherspoon ; habit of Dr. Green ; practised every method ; city audiences. Incident which relieved him of his fears to attempt extemporaneous preaching ; criticisms of his congrega- tion ; reflections on clerical elocution; Dr. Witherspoon's and President Davies' style. Use of notes. Memorizing sermons. 2. Pastoral visitation and visiting thesick; appreciation of the duty; inability to perform it; usage in the congregation; complaints of the people ; reflections in diary upon them ; agreement with Dr. Janevvay as to visiting ; impracticable ; instance of relief to a sick man; his conversion; error of physicians in refusing admission to clergymen ; case of a sick lady ; their objections considered ; embarrassment when first called upon to visit the sick. 3. Catechising of children and youth; satisfactory performance of this duty; classes of catechumens ; method of instruction. Mr. Eastburn ; his life ; arrangement with Dr. Janeway. Manual of devotion. Catechetical lectures. ........ 24S — 259 CHAPTER XV. Elected Chaplain to Congress ; serves eight years in connexion with Bishop White ; extract from diary on his election ; doubts as to acceptance ; composes a prayer to be used ; writes his resignation ; call from Bishop White; advice of Dr. John B. Smith; prayed at opening of Congress; slanderous reports of irreverence of congressmen; incident in Senate chamber; conduct of Adams and Jefferson towards chaplains. Review of Jefl^erson's writings. Small attendance of mem- bers complained of; reply of a congressman. Lamentable lack of punctuality in ecclesiastical bodies. Dining with President Washington ; Jiis reserve on the subject of foreign relations and subjects under debate in congress. Anecdotes in regard to Jay's treaty and debates in congress ; presence ; punctuality ; open- ing speech to congress ; his elocution ; anecdotes. Asking a blessing. Disorder in House of Representatives; caricature. Speeches of Aaron Burr and Rufus King in the Gallatin case ; character of King's eloquence. Address of clergy to Washington; his answer. Usages of Washington continued by Adams. Public fast. Proclamations of Adams written by Bishop White and Dr. Green; com- mendation of them by the pious. ..... 260 — 271 CHAPTER XVI. Pestilence— yellow fever in 1793. Clerical duties. Influenza. Illness in Dr. Green's family. Jack the driver. Message from Dr. Green's mother-in-law; family go to Princeton. Advice of Dr. Sproat. Death of Dr. Sproat ; his funeral sermon ; description of scene in church. Address on the theatre. Mr. Abeel ; his character. Yellow fever in 1797; family remove to Princeton; Dr. Green remains ; adventure of Mrs. Green. Vertigo. Incident. Weekly record of religious exercises ; gratitude to God. Effect as to religion produced by the fever. Yellow fever in 1798 ; family remove to Princeton ; irresolution ; advice to congregation ; occupation at Princeton. 1799. Dr. John B. Smith's death. Visit to Hanover. 1S02. Robert Ralston. Occupations during the summer of 1802 272-2S4 CHAPTER XVII. 1. Inflitenza and nephritic complaints ; gratitude to God ; melancholy. 2. Journey to Virginia ; travel on the Sabbath ; warm springs ; miscellany ; sweet springs ; preaching; baptism; Mr. Lewis ; accommodations of visiters ; venison. Bishop 2 10 CONTENTS. Madison. Major Willys ; his peculiarities ; respect for religion ; his sickness ; conversation with hitn; kindness to Dr. Green. Captain Rose; incident on leaving the room while Dr. Green was preaching ; challenged by Mr. Maccanalla ; conversation with Captain Rose; duel prevented. Rattle-snake Hill; Natural Bridge; Lexington; Dr. Baxter; return home; gratitude; melancholy. 3. Burning of the College edifice at Princeton in 1802 ; meeting of the trustees ; address written by Dr. Green ; acts as President in Dr. Smith's absence. Sick- ness of his first wife ; water on the chest her disease. 4. Death of Mrs. Green, 1807. 5. Church at Campington erected; opened for public worship in 1805. 6. Vertigo and its effects ; prayer; preaches in circular pew instead of pulpit ; difficulties. 7. Acceptance with the people ; public services in benevolent enter- prises ; poor. Chains before houses of worship. Bible Society. 8. Melancholy; its nature ; spiritual difficulties. Reference to catechetical lectures. Religious exercises ; their effects ; their source. 9. The people request him to travel; removes to Bristol ; journey to New England. Alteration of pulpit of his church. 10. Delegate to the General Association of Connecticut in 1806. Dr. Dwight. Total solar eclipse. 11. House struck by lightning ; reflections upon it. 12. Removed to Germantown. Blank in diary. State of health. State of congregation. 13. Journey to Yellow Springs. Bedford. A Methodist Elder; his attack. Illness. The influenza. 14. Residence at Bristol; sickness ; ina- bility to preach ; twenty-third psalm ; prayers of his people. 15. First Bible Society in United States; address written by Dr. Green; quoted by Secretary of B. and F. Bible Society; soliciting funds; distributing bibles. 16. General Assem- hiy''s Magazine ; resolution of General Assembly ; committee of editors. The " new series." Mr. William Tennent; the account of his suspended animation. 17. CyclopcEdias reviewed. Bishop White and Dr. Green. 18. Second marriage. 19. Death of his mother. 20. Catechetical lectures. . . 285 — 318 CHAPTER XVIir. . Clerical Associations. Plan for preventing the spread of infidel principles. Jefi'erson ; Dr. Smith ; Mr. Palmer. " The preacher of liberal sentiments." "Society for improvement as clergymen;" its plan; exercises. Dr. Ewing. 2. Attendance on Church Judicatories. Punctual attendance an important duty ; always performed by Dr. Green ; afiairs of the church in which he was engaged. 3. Missionary Operations. Compendious view of Presbyterian Missions; ex- tract to show his opinion as to method of conducting missions; New York Missionary Society; adaptation of church judicatories for missionary enterprise; standing committee of General Assembly in 1802; Dr. Green chairman; arduous duties; Board of Missions; Home Missionary Society; revival of Presbyterian Board; reorganization; overture to the General Assembly; its effect; elected President of the Board ; labours in that office ; opinion in regard to Foreign Missions; A. B. C. F. M.; member of it ; Messrs. Hill and Newell; their visit to Philadelphia. Mr. Stewart. Betsey Stockton ; her letters published. Attend- ance on A. B. C. F. M. ; speech in its favour; the Missionary Herald. Daily prayers for spread of gospel. Foreign Missionary Society of Synod of Pittsburgh ; its transfer to the General Assembly. Dr. Hoge ; rejection of the action of 1835 by Assembly of 1836; its effect; resolution of orthodox in case of defeat ; extract from sketch of missions. 4. Controversies in the Church; course of Dr. Green ; dislike of controversy ; editor of Christian Advocate; course in General Assem- bly of 1S37 and 1838; legal proceedings in consequence; attendance on the ■whole trial both at Nisi Prius and in Banc ; no anxiety as to result of suit. His- torical Narrative of the Church, written by Dr. Green in 1839; also reply to Synod of the Canjidas ; retirement from General Assembly. 5. Theological Seminary. Dr. Griffin. Seminary at Andover; refusal to send candidates there. Anxiety of Presbyterian ministers. Overture to General Assembly of 1805. Dr. Alexander's sermon in 1807. Overture in 1809 of Presbytery of Philadelphia. Report of committee of General Assembly. Plans submitted to the Presbyteries ; result; resolutions of General Assembly. Committee to draft plan of Seminary; aid from other members of committee; plan reported to General Assembly; two articles laid over; plan printed before meeting of General Assembly; modifica- tion of Assemblies since 1811; first meeting of Directors; Dr. Green President; corner stone laid in 1815; charter of trustees; views of Dr. Green in regard to CONTENTS. 11 his course. Revivals. Remark to Witherspoon by Whitefield. Contributions to the Seminary. Addresses to students. 6. Efforts to prevent Sabbath desecration. Letter of Philadelphia Synod. ...... 319—337 CHAPTER XIX. Election as President of Nassau Hall ; unanimous ; not aware of its being pro- posed. "A devoted man." Dr. Alexander. Dr. Miller's course. Conversa- tion with Col. Ogden ; with Richard Stockton; with Dr. Miller; with my wife. Letter to the Trustees. Conduct of his congregation. Dr. Rush's advice. Day of prayer; doubts as to acceptance. Writes address to congregation ; reasons for printing rather than preaching it ; reprinted at Pittsburgh. Leaves for Prince- ton in October 1S12. The faculty; meetings. Mr. Slack, Mr. Lindsley, and Mr. Clarke. Paper on commencing duties as President; resolutions in regard to duties; resolutions followed. Fir«t address to the students. State of the Col- lege. Indulgences. Visiting the faculty by students. Failure of Board to meet. Insubordination. Remark of a Trustee. Ceremonies of proposed inau- guration. Dismissals. Reports to the Board. Circulars. Bible Society. Intro- duction of classics. Longinus. Ignorance of Greek and Latin. Vacation. Fu- neral of Dr. Rush. Addition to the College. General Assembly. Dr. Miller appointed Professor of Theological Seminary. Hears theological students recite Blair's Rhetoric. Sickness of students and Tutor Lindsley. General health of Princeton. ........ 33S— 349 CHAPTER XX. (1S13— 1818.) Constant attention to discipline necessary. Death of eldest son ; account of him ; his character. Reflections. Fall vacation. Hanover. Philadelphia. Special prayer every month. Extract from diary in regard to prayer. Omission of diary. Mischief in College ; "crackers;" sickness. Death of his wife. Extract from diary. Prayer to God in view of affliction. Extract from report to Trustees. Riots in College ; fire; " the big cracker." Meeting of the faculty. Design of rioters; elude detection for some days; two individuals in town arrested; in- crease of difficulties in College; incident; address to students; applications for holiday; sleighing; dismissals. Trial at New Brunswick; subpoenas for stu- dents ; they decline giving testimony. Measures taken to inflict College discip- line ; confession of one of those implicated ; his refusal to bear testimony ; action of faculty in regard to the four who had refused to testify at New Brunswick ; their motives ; conditions proposed ; answer of students ; address to them by Dr. Green; conversation with dismissed students ; appearance of culprits before the faculty; their pledge ; reasons assigned by them for their conduct ; promises made ; address to them by Dr. Green ; order in College ; statement published ; return of chief culprit; examination; " crackers ;" dismissals. Religious exercises ; dis- cipline; Board of Trustees; tHeir action; health. Spring vacation, 1814. Hanover; Philadelphia. General Assembly. Widows' Fund Society. Summer session 1814. Suicide. Theological students worship in College chapel. Fall vacation. Synod. Philadelphia. Winter session, 1814. Revival. Preaching. Report to the Trustees. Order in College. Dismissals. Account of revival ; printed by order of Trustees. Christian Observer; remarks by Dr. Green on its criticisms. Study of the Bible. Effects of revival ; several became preachers. Spring vaca- tion. Philadelphia. Communion. Dr. Payson and his son. Affianced to Miss McCulloh. Corner stone of Theological Seminary laid. Marriage. Winter session 1815. Report to Trustees. Accessions to the College. Causes of youth leaving College. Error of parents in pressing their children too far forward. Government of College. Reasons of greater disorder in winter than in sum- mer. Dismissals. Peculiar state of religion. Civil prosecutions. Refusal of Grand Jury to indict. Gap in journal. Summer session 1816. College duties. Theological Seminary. Fall vacation. Presbytery. Visit to Baltimore; re- view of journey. Fall session 1S16. "Crackers;" riot; dismissals; let- ters to parents. Gap in diary. "Address to friends of College." Extracts from diary. Reading. Health. Examinations. Particular account of duties until commencement. Baccalaureate sermon. Weekly statement of religious feelings. Mr. Marratt. Correction of orations. Riley's Narrative. Oysters, peaches and cantclopes. Uses of a diary. Committing of sermon on Sunday. 12 CONTENTS. Donations to the Seminary. Letter of my wife to her brother. Her sickness. Dejection. Preaches Baccalaureate. Commencement exercises. Vacation. Religious exercises. His wife's ill health; her donation to Seminary. Dr. Green solicits subscriptions in Philadelphia. Winter session 1817. College duties. Death of Mrs. Green ; aversion to showy funeral. College duties. Feelings. Particular account of occupations from diary. Communion. Account of duties and religious exercises. Encyclopedia. Preparing article " New Jer- sey." Secret prayer. Accounts of Theological Seminary. Professorships. Life of Buchanan. Sickness. ..... 350 — 416 CHAPTER XXI. (1818—1822.) Spring vacation 1818. General Assembly; minute on Slavery. Widows' Fund Heat of summer of 181S. Melancholy state of the College ; prayer for direction: Day of special prayer; subjects for prayer. Printing of report on scholarships and trustees. Baccalaureate. Commencement. Son Jacob appointed Professor Fall vacation 1818. Presbytery. Mr. Lindsley's sermon. Preaching. Hanover Synod. Philadelphia. Winter session 1819 ; order of the College. Health. Jo^ seph Lancaster. Education Society. Application to the Legislature to patron ize the College ; its action ; money voted to repair after Revolution ; disappro bation by the people. Spring vacation 1820. College Laws. Presbytery General Assembly. Summer session 1820; accession. Sermon-writing. Health Answer to prayer. Baccalaureates. Commencement. Vacation. President Allen. Nothing noticeable till 1822. Memorial for holiday. Board of Trus tees. Spring 1822. Action in regard to professorship of natural philosophy remonstrance of Dr. Green; thoughts of resignation ; consultation with friends: two questions proposed. Commencement 1822. Letter of resignation ; answer of trustees. Conduct of students in summer session 1822. Prayer meeting Religious exercises. HI health. Religious state of College. Missionary Society missionaries to the Indians. Letter of Presbyterian congregation of Princeton ; answer. Letter ol" students ; answer. .... 417 — 438 CHAPTER XXIL (1822—1834.) Return to Philadelphia. Translation of Pictet. The Presbyterian Christian Advo- cate. Catechetical Lectures. Preaching. Diary. General Assembly. Car- lisle; Lancaster. Birthday. Temptations. Princeton. Inauguration of Dr. Carnahan. Hanover. Theological Seminary. Doubts; religious feelings ; com- munion. Dizziness. Preaching. African church ; charity in his will explained. Visiting the sick. Lectures to Sabbath school teachers. Communion service. Day of special prayer. Bible Society. Weekly clerical meeting. Moderator of General Assembly 1824. Western Theological Seminary. The Boards of the Presbyterian Church. President of Jefferson Medical College. 439 — 447 CHAPTER XXIII. (1834—1846.) Interruption in preaching. Lectures in College of New Jersey. Resumes Preach- ing. Gives up Christian Advocate. Extracts from diary. 1835. Session of the African church. Baptism of an East Indian. Fast-day ; feelings in regard to it. Visiters. Gloom. Sabbath exercises. Prayer meeting. Monthly Con- cert. Sick woman. Andrew Ilodge. Sabbath spent at home in going through exercises of public worship. Day of special prayer; objects of prayer. Dr. Blythe; Mr. Forsyth. Princeton; address to theological students. Journey to Pittsburgh; preaches at Columbia. Convention; action sermon; elected Presi- dent of Convention. General Assembly. Foreign Missionary Society. Preach- ing. Sickness of son. African church. Gloomy feelings. Hanover. Birthday. Gratitude for protection in journey. Communion. Preaches at Princeton. Pre- paration for writing History of Presbyterian Church. Conversation with Dr. Alexander as to teaching theological students the Catechism. Life of Wither- spoon ; change in family ; preaches at House of Refuge. Dr. Woods on native depravity. 13oard of Education. Princetion. Religious fears. Kilpin's Me- moirs. Mariners' church. Sabbath employment. Presbytery. Study of Hebrew. Preaches at Orphans' Asylum. York. Synod. Religious exercises. Dr. Breckinridge's sermon on the Reformation. Sabbath exercises. Fast-day. 1836. Dr. Witherspoon's life recommenced. Health. Preaching. State of mind. Death CONTENTS. 13 of grandchild. Birthday. Reflections. Visit to Hanover. Death of Robert Ralston ; his character and intimate relations with Dr. Green ; his charity ; the Thornton of America ; his funeral sermon ; address at his grave. Symington on the Atonement. Address to children at catechetical examination. Speech at laying corner-stone of Second Presbyterian Church. Synod. Report on dese- cration of the Sabbath. Subscriptions to Foreign Missionary Society. Duty of all persons in this country to vote at elections. Preaches his longest sermon for Dr. Darrah. Private prayer. Feelings at communion. 1S37. Religious difficulties. Convention. General Assembly. Giddiness. Struggles in the Assembly ; choice of moderator ; Old School majority ; Convention return thanks to God ; memorial presented to General Assembly ; Old School measures carried ; character of debates ; previous question ; majorities. Remarks on the reform made by Assembly. Religious exercises. Member of Assembly lS3Sand 1839. Church trial. Declines further appointment to General Assembly. Attendance on Synod and Presbytery. Last regular sermon preached at Prince- ton to coloured people, 1843. Last public service, at communion in Philadel- phia 1S46. End of autobiography. .... 448 — 477 CHAPTER XXIV. Recapitulation of leading facts and remarks. Illustration of divine sovereignty. Honours at College. Congress attend commencement. Respect to Washington. Appointed tutor and professor. Colleague of Dr. Sproat. Member of the American Philosophical Society. Chaplain to congress. Drs. Abeel and Jane- way successively his colleagues. Elected President of the College of New Jersey ; introduces the study of the Bible ; Thursday evening lecture ; revival of religion. Resignation of the Presidentship and return to Philadelphia. Estab- lishment of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. Christian Advocate. Dr. W. A. McDowell's letter. Dr. Green's zeal in the cause of Missions ; his prominent part in all the Missionary operations of the Presbyterian Church. Elected President of the Board in 1828, and continued to the end of his life. His catholic spirit; his opinions of voluntary Associations and national Societies; his firmness in maintaining them ; struggle in the General Assembly of 1828 ; his noble spirit; a general public benefactor; tribute of respect by the General Assembly in 1846. ....... 478 — 490 CHAPTER XXV. Beginning of the writer's familiar acquaintance with Dr. Green ; tokens of regard ; symptoms of increasing bodily infirmity ; weakness in his lower limbs and difficulty in speaking ; habits of reading, study and correspondence ; study of the Scrip- tures in the original ; Scott's Commentary ; cheerfulness ; domestic comforts ; his decline attended with little bodily pain ; his views of death ; devotional habits; token of affection for the Bible; a season of great spiritual comfort; respect for the Sabbath and manner of spending it in private. Dr. Green's decline not attended by any acute disease. His response to his clerical brethren and other visiters. Wakeful hours of night. Impressive scene on the Sabbath but one before his death. Closing scene. Coincidence between the cases of Dr. Green and Dr. Chalmers. ..... 491 — 501 CHAPTER XXVI. Letter of Rev. Dr. Plumer of Baltimore. Difficulty of preparing a memoir of Dr. Green. Remark of Dr. John BlairSmith. Dr. Green's manners of the ante-revolu- tionary type ; reasons why not popular; self-control and good temper; clearness of his conceptions; a lover of good men; his delight in making others happy. Dr. Green's real character not known. Nervous affections. Not fond of contro- versy. Always dignified and self-possessed. Advice on the subject of polemical preaching. Kind feelings towards the New England clergy ; remark in relation to the atonement; respect for himself. Occasion for many remarks of the editor superseded by the manuscript. ..... 502 — 510 14 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVII. Dr. Green's piety the most prominent trait in his character; constrained by the love of Christ; his habits eminently devotional; frequency of his seasons of prayer ; anecdote ; mode of reading the Scriptures and of praying ; fasting ; habitual readiness for religious conversation ; favourite topic of discourse at the communiontable; a common remark by him ; farewell to his fellow communi- cants ; humility ; why recur to this trait again. Remark of Henry Martyn. Dr. Green not unmoved by the tokens of public esteem. Remark of a member of the Society of Friends; what may have given occasion to it. Dr. Green conscious of the power of temptation and his mode of resistance. Hint of a hearer on " holding the hay too high." Remark about himself in connexion with a clerical brother. Incident illustrating his extreme tenderness of conscience ; charity ; kindness in speaking of his brethren. The editor's province. Dr. Green always sincere and honourable in his opposition ; his charitable opinions of the per- formances of his brethren ; his patience and forbearance under provocation ; anecdote of Mrs. Green. Complaint of a caviller about preaching old sermons; practical remark; ingenuousness and candour; not chargeable with duplicity; resemblance to Richard Baxter. Dr. Green's candour not suited to promote his popularity ; his independence, and tenacious adherence to his opinions mis- understood ; remark to Dr. John Breckenridge. Letter of Dr. Miller of Princeton ; early acquaintance with Dr. Green ; Dr. Green's attention to him in sickness ; Dr. Green's letter to him in relation to the Gospel ministry ; his continued kind- ness after he became a preacher. Remarks on the ministry of Dr. Green ; character of his preaching ; remarks on the relation of colleague ; opinion con- cerning his ministry for more than forty years. Agency in planning and estab- lishing the Theological Seminary at Princeton. Motive in accepting the office of President of the College of New Jersey ; successful administration of its aftairs ; resignation and retirement to Philadelphia. Traits in his character ; pre-eminent piety ; entire and cordial devotion in public prayer ; his habitual posture in prayer. Solicitude for the cultivation of piety among candidates for the minis- try, as evinced in his address to the students of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. Warm attachment to evangelical truth ; no bigoted sectarian ; no heresy hunter; his sacred regard for the truth; his honesty and candour ; a remarkable instance. Character of his speeches in the General Assembly; never employed the weapons of sarcasm, ridicule and recrimination ; defect in his style of writing. Prompt and punctual response to all the claims of justice and charity. Payment of debts; freedom from a mercenary spirit; liberality in giving; anecdote; remarkable freedom from jealousy or suspicion ; a class of " little men" described. Dr. Green in favour of every scheme which would promote the honour of his Master; a large and heavenly-minded man. Dr. Miller a debtor to his memory. ..... 511 — 540 CHAPTER XXVIir. Certain deficiencies in an autobiography to be supplied by the editor. Substantial agreement of Dr. Green's friends in relation to his general character. Not pos- sessed of what some call genius. Qualities of his mind. Success in study. A critic in Hebrew and Greek. His style not unlike Dr. Witherspoon's. His reviews. His best published sermons. Lectures on the Catechism. INIanner of preparing for the pulpit. The fascination and power of his eloquence. Himself an exemplification of the preacher described in his farewell exhortation to his people. Not an extemporaneous preacher. His prayers premeditated, and some- times written and committed. His influence in the General Assembly. Punctuality and diligence as a member. His usual time and manner of speaking. His character in private life. Equanimity in trials. Personal appearance and dress. ......... 541 — 548 CHAPTER XXIX. Letter of Dr. Janeway ; promptness and pleasure in writing it. Acquaintance of more than half a century; colleague more than thirteen years. Dr. Green's per- son; intellectual powers. College honours. Chosen Tutor, and then Professor. His literary labours. Influence and importance in different ecclesiastical bodies. CONTENTS. 15 Dr. Speece ; anecdote. A powerful debater. Regulations adopted by the Gene- ral Assembly in 1798. Reconsideration requested by the Presbytery of New- York ; successfully opposed by Dr. Green. Regulations relating to foreign ministers and licentiates. Firmness and decision. Exhibition of these traits when teacher of a school in early life; also when chaplain of congress. Presi- dent Adams' proclamation concerning a fast day. Resolutions of the clergy at the death of Hamilton. Conduct at the Sweet Springs of Virginia. His firmness and decision manifested on the revival of religion at Princeton College. Letter to Dr. Janeway containing his views of a revival of religion. His piety. Fasting. Liberality in giving. Did not seek honour. Elected Professor of Theology by the Trustees of New Jersey College. Extract from letters. Domestic relations. Government of his children. Death of his eldest son. Eminently qualified for preaching ; love for it. Letter from Bristol. Giddiness. Complaints not imagi- nary. Friday evening lectures. Sabbath-day discourses ; unlike many modern sermons. His delivery. Mr. Eastburn. Cherry street service. Dr. Green as a pastor. Instruction of youth in the Catechism. Visits to the sick. Com- plaints. Love of Presbyterianism. One of a committee of three in 1798 to pub- lish the Confession of Faith. Answer to the request of the Presbytery of New York. Chairman of the Committee of Missions. Activity in the cause. Over- ture on the subject of education. President of the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. Plan for a fund to defray the travelling ex- penses of commissioners to the General Assembly. Motion in the Presbytery of Philadelphia, which issued in the " purification of the church from false doc- trine." His motives. Conversation with Dr. Janeway on the subject in 1830. His manner of bearing reproach. Liberality towards other denominations. Bishop White. High Churchism. Ride with Bishop White, Dr. Abercrombie, and Dr. Janeway. Episcopal forms at funerals. Burying place of the Second Presbyterian church. Action of the session. Proposition to Bishop White ; his answer. Bishop White not a High Churchman ; did not refuse to unite with his clerical brethren of other denominations in recommending the observance of days for religious purposes. Counsel to Mrs. Leiper ; attachment to her friends. Letter from Bristol. Prayer for his brethren. Love for the Second Presbyte- rian church. Usefulness. Always ready to aid any good plan. Bible Society. Many brought into the church during his ministry. College of New Jersey. Revival. Zeal for the purity and prosperity of the Presbyterian Church. His great trials. Tribute of respect by the General Assembly in 1846; also in 184S at Baltimore, when Dr. Cuyler announced his death. Dr. Green a great and good man. Remark to Dr. Janeway in one of his last interviews. Letter of Dr. Murray. Dr. Green possessed of two characters ; Dr. Murray's impression when he first saw him him in 1826; occasion of his acquaintance. Entire revo- lution in his feelings. Friendship of his children for Dr. Green. Dr. Green a truthful character; such a man not popular with a certain class; his firmness; a fervent and instructive preacher ; his utterance and manner ; always understood. Lectures on the Catechism a fair specimen of his style of preaching. Excelled as an expounder of the Scriptures. Lectures to the Sabbath school teachers of Philadelphia. A truly devotional man. Preparation for conducting the devo- tional exercises of a congregation. Dr. Murray's first sermon. Anecdote. Last interview with Dr. Green. Dr. Green's catholic spirit. Dr. Woods. Joy in the good done by other Christian denominations. Dr. Green's Presbyterianism. Remarkably gifted as a son of consolation ; illustration in the case of Miss Lin- rard. Dr. Green's literary character; among the first class of the educated men of his age. Some of his ablest productions written after he had passed his four- score years. Deserving of a name among the "Lights of the American Pulpit." Interment at Princeton, New Jersey. Funeral services. Epitaph. 549 — 607 16 CONTENTS. APPENDIX. (A.) Extract from President Quincy's History of Cambridge University. Quotation from the Address of Hon. S. L. Soutiiard. Sentiment of Dr. Miller at the Centennial Celebration of the College of New Jersey. Letter of the Rev. Dr. Magie. 611 (B.) Epitaph by Dr. Green on the death of his first wife. . . . 612 (C.) Account of Dr. Green's first sermon. ..... 613 (D.) Sketch of Rev. Abram Pierson, his maternal grandfather. . . 613 (E.) Address of the Philadelphia Clergy to President Washington, and his reply. 614 (F.) A sketch of Dr. Sproat. ....... 615 (GO Response to Dr. Miller by Dr. Green when inaugurated President of the College of New Jersey. ........ 618 (H.) Account of the revival in the College in 1815. .... 618 (I.) Proclamation of a day of fasting and prayer — prepared for President Adams. 622 (K.) Prayer offered at the time of the national grief on account of the death of Wash- ington. ......... 6«.3 (L.) Questions and counsels given to the subjects of the revival in the College. 624 List of Publications. ....... 627 THE LIFE OP THE Rev. ASHBEL GEEEN, D.D. LL.D. CHAPTER I. Froji the Year 1762 to 1778. Hackneyed as is the excuse for authorship, that it was undertaken on the advice of friends, it is nevertheless true, that my life would never have been written by myself, if those whose opinions I thought I ought to regard, had not urged me to it ; nay, if they had not laid it upon me as a duty which I owed to them and to the Christian community. They remarked, that I had been active in the concerns of the church to which I belong, and had witnessed important occurrences both in the church and in the state, and that if a statement of these were connected, with a more particular account of my religious exercises than I had ever given, as far as they knew, they thought that the narration would be interesting, and very useful. The consideration of use- fulness, I can truly say, prevailed with me to yield to the representation made ; not indeed without consider- able reluctance, both because the labour assumed would, 3 18 LIFE OF THE at my time of life, be onerous, and because it is difficult for a man to write his own life properly. It ought to avoid extreme minuteness on the one hand, and undis- criminating generality on the other; to be like the features of the face, indicative of a common nature, and yet characteristic of an individual; containing nothing that is false rather than all that is true : for there are some things that a prudent and conscientious man should not reveal to any mortal ; and there are others, which a regard to the feelings of living individuals forbids to be published. May a gracious God direct both my thoughts and my pen, that I say all that I ought, and nothing that would be better concealed ! My birth was on the sixth day of July, 1762, at Hanover, in the county of Morris, and state of New Jersey. My father w^as the Rev. Jacob Green, Mdio was a native of the town of Maiden, in the state of Massachusetts. He w^as a graduate of the College or University of Cambridge, near Boston, in New England; and w^as engaged by the celebrated evan- gelist, the Rev. George Whitefield, to be a teacher of his Orphan House Academy, in the state of Georgia. He accompanied Mr. Whitefield in his journey to the South as far as Elizabethtown in New Jersey. There Mr. Whitefield heard such discouraging accounts in regard to his Orphan House, that he told my father that he feared he should not be able to fulfil his engage- ments to him relative to salary ; and he put it at the option of my father, either to take the risk of the suc- cess of the Orphan House enterprise, or to receive an indemnity for his expenses and losses till that time. REV. A.SHBEL GREEN. 19 and to stop where he then was. After consulting with Mr. Dickenson and Mr. Burr, (both of whom were afterwards presidents of the College of New Jersey,) who strongly advised him to abandon his Georgia expe- dition, and to study divinity, and be licensed to preach the gospel, my father chose the latter alternative pro- posed by Mr. Whitefield; studied divinity under the direction of Mr. Burr; was soon called to settle in the Presbyterian congregation of Hanover; was the pastor of that congregation for forty-five years ; and died and was buried there in the month of May, 1790. My father was twice married ; by his first wife he had three children, by his second six. My mother, my father's second wife, whose Christian name was Eliza- beth, was the daughter of the Rev. John Pierson, for a long time the pastor of the congregation of Wood- bridge in New Jersey, where, I believe, my mother was born. Mr. Pierson, my maternal grandfather, and whom I well remember, died at my father's house, in the eighty-first year of his age, in the month of August or September, in the year 1770. It is stated on his tombstone that he was a minister of the gospel fifty- seven years. Both my parents were eminently pious ; my mother always praying with the family, when my father was from home. In no other family have I ever known the Lord's day to be observed with equal strictness and solemnity, as in that, in which, under the paternal roof, it was my happy lot to pass a number of my juvenile years. My father, after preaching to the people of his pastoral charge twice on each Sabbath in the summer and once in winter, and after resting for a 20 LIFE OF THE short time, had his whole family collected together for instruction and devotion. It is at least seventy years ago, and yet in my mind's eye, I see him sitting in his arm chair, and without book, and commonly with his eyes shut, asking in regular order every question in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, helping or cor- recting those who could not repeat it perfectly; and sometimes making remarks on particular answers, or on the whole catechism after it had been repeated. When this part of the exercise was finished, the chil- dren of the family, of whom there were five or six, were questioned on five chapters previously prescribed, the questioner still neither using nor needing a book. To this succeeded an inquiry in regard to the text or texts he had preached on ; and what we could recollect of the sermons we had heard. This was followed by asking the elder children what other books they had read besides the Bible, and by the repetition of short sentences of devotional poetry which any of us could remember. The whole was concluded sometimes with a short address from my father, and always by an impressive prayer. No secular business, nor conversa- tion on secular subjects, was allowed in the family, except that which related to milking the cows, and relieving the necessities of the other brute animals, of which my father had a considerable number. When I was tutor in college, at the time when Dr. Witherspoon was on his mission to Britain, to solicit benefactions for the College of which he was the presi- dent, the whole instruction of the college devolved upon Dr. Smith and myself The doctor took the two higher classes of the college for private instruction in REV, ASHBEL GREEX. 21 religion on the Lord's day; and he requested me to take charge of the Sophomore and Freshman classes, and to give them such reliorious instruction as I should think most suitable; and I thought I could not do better than adopt that part of my father's plan, which consisted of prescribing five chapters in the Bible, to be examined on as a Sabbath day's exercise. The Rev. Robert Finley, who was afterwards settled at Baskenrido-e, was then a member of the Freshman class ; and he was the first clergyman, except myself, that I ever heard of, as instituting a Bible class in his congregation. When 1 became the president of the Colleo-e in 1812, all the students were formed into a Bible class, and I not long after heard of what I have stated in regard to Doctor Finley. Perhaps this valu- able instruction of Bible classes may be traced into my father's family. Great good is often done beyond the views of those who give it origin.* My early religious education preserved me, during the time I lived with my pious parents, from open and profligate vice, or, at least, from that which the world would so denominate. And yet I have to lament that I grieved them by some acts of disobedience, and by the youthful follies and irregularities in which I in- dulged. My native corruptions, I think, were pecu- liarly strong; and but for providential restraints, and a kind of constitutional timidity, might have carried me to any excess. I was not habitually profane in my conversation; and yet, among my companions, I did not always scruple an oath. But secret sins, known only to God and myself, are those which, on a review * Appendix, A. 22 LIFE OF THE of my youthful days, I have cause chiefl}^ to mourn, and most deeply to deplore. The instruction which I received in preparing for the standing which I took at entering college, was chiefly derived from my father. It was not, however, his original intention to give me a liberal education. He had four sons; of whom the eldest and the youngest he intended for scholars ; but the intermediate two, of whom I was one, were to be farmers or mechanics. Indeed, he had such an opinion of the importance of knowing how to manage a farm, that he engaged a pious and distinguished farmer of his congregation, to take charge of my elder brother and myself, and in- struct us, by putting us to labour with the other indi- viduals he employed, in all kinds of agricultural work In consequence of this, I became acquainted with every species of farming business; from which, as it has turned out, I have derived very little other advantage, than being able, during the ten years I presided over the college at Princeton, to cultivate a large garden with skill and success. My father taught a number of pupils, of age sufficient to understand their own interest; for whose accommodation he erected a school house on the opposite side of the street to that on which his own dwelling stood. He took these pupils on the condition, that he should direct their studies, and in ordinary cir- cumstances hear them recite once every day; bnt that he would have no inspection of them but at the times of recitation ; and that he would discharge them, if they were idle, or failed to make progress, according to their capacities. As for myself, though not intending me for a professed scholar, he wished me to be acquainted with REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 23 the rules of grammar, and at a very early age — I think in my seventh year — made me learn a part of "Chee- ver's Accidence," and afterward, the Latin grammar of a Mr. Ross, a clergyman of New England. But from the time I was able to read, I showed a fondness for books, and as I grew older, determined, if possible, to obtain a college ed ucation. My father saw my incli- nation, and my mother favoured it. The result was, that though my father made no hesitation to take me off from my studies, whenever he needed my assistance, I still kept in the first class of his pupils; and after- wards, when in accordance with his advice, I taught first an English, and at length a grammar school, my leisure hours were devoted to my own improvement. Among other vanities, I thirsted for the fame of a poet, and wasted a good deal of time in writing verses. My mother was a little proud of one of these composi- tions; but my father gave me the wise counsel to aim at a good prose style, and to let poetry alone. Yet on a certain occasion, when he was solicited to furnish an epitaph for a man of note, who died in his congregation, he gave me the thoughts he wished to be expressed, and told me to try my hand at putting them into verse. I did so; and he thought so well of my production, as to cause it to be engraved on the tomb-stone of the de- funct, where I have recently seen it, when on a visit to the place of my nativity. In a few months after I had entered college, the rival societies commenced a paper war, and I wrote a song in ridicule of an indi- vidual, which I afterwards had great cause to regret; for a copy had been preserved among the students, and when the subject of ridicule became a tutor, he was 24 LIFE OF THE annoyed by hearing this song sung by the rogues of the college, whom he had offended ; I was at the time a professor in the institution. I certainly have no just claim, and never had, to poetic talent; and though some of my doggerel verses have appeared in print, I sincerely hope, that not a line of them will ever be republished. My epitaph on the tomb-stone of my first wife, is among the best things in verse that I have ever written.* I have mentioned above that my father took me off from my studies whenever he needed my assistance. He was a physician, as well as a clergyman ; and besides going on his errands, he called on me to pre- pare medicines, sent me to let blood, to innoculate for the small-pox, and to extract teeth, so that I obtained the common appellation of doctor before I had ever seen a college. My smattering of medical knowledge has been useful to myself and to my family, and occa- sionally in my pastoral visitation. The late Dr. Rush sometimes sent a melancholic patient to me for advice, and he once became my patient himself, as I had be- fore been one of his. * Appendix, B. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 25 CHAPTER II. From the Year 1778 to 1782. My narrative of the early part of my life, and of the family of which I was a member, has now reached a point, at which I may avail myself of what I have heretofore written ; a circumstance which affords me a seasonable help. In the summer of 1840, while residing with my nephew, the Rev. Jacob Green, at Bedford, in the state of New York, I began to wTite my reminis- cences in letters addressed to my youngest son. They were continued at intervals, till the autumn of 1842; and they mingle my biography from my seventeenth to my twenty-fifth year, with an account of the condi- tion of our country previously to our revolutionary war, and a statement of public affairs, both political and religious, till the happy termination of that war, and for a considerable period afterwards. The letters to my son were published without my name; but they were of such a character as, in a short time, to reveal the author ; nor was I solicitous for concealment. The publication of these reminiscences was made in a daily newspaper in Philadelphia. I now introduce them, w^ith some additional information, in notes, and with a few curtailments. B , June 12th, 1840. My dear a. — As the garrulity of age is proverbial, and yoUf have often importuned me to write my remi- 4 26 LIFE OF THE niscences, perhaps it is more surprising that I have forborne to do it hitherto, than that, in the closing month of my seventy-eighth year, I have determined to comply with your request. Old men, you are aware, remember the occurrences of their early years, wdth greater accuracy than those which happen when they have reached a more advanced age. But as I have kept a diary for the last half cen- tury, I think I am pretty well furnished with materials for my undertaking, in which I mean to take notice of the state of society at the commencement and during the progress of the American Revolution, as well as of many events that have since transpired. As I had, moreover, the privilege of knowing personally some fifteen or sixteen of the signers of the declaration of our national independence, and can boast of having had a degree of intimacy with some of them, I shall have it in my power to bring into view a number of things, which do not find a place in a formal or professed history of our country. It is my wish, in every thing I write, to keep in mind my clerical character. I shall, therefore, not overlook the state of religion, during the period to which my memory extends. In doing this, however, you need not fear that I shall write either homilies or polemical discussions; but I shall not withhold the statement of facts, and some brief and cursory remarks of a religious character. It is not my intention to say more of myself than shall seem necessary to the accomplishment of my general purpose; but all that may, in my judgment, contribute to that end, I shall speak of as freely as on REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 27 any other topic. You perceive that I have already begun to egotize; nor do I see how this could be avoided, without the use of a clumsy periphrasis, more objection- able, in epistolary writing, than egotism in extreme. Your descent, my son, is, on my side of the house, from the Puritans of Old and New England ; and on your mother's side, it is from the Scotch Covenanters, and their descendants in Ireland, and in the United States. The infidel and tory historian Hume, admits that English liberty is indebted for its preservation chiefly to the Puritans; and notwithstanding the ludi- crous attitude in which Sir Walter Scott has seen meet to portray some of the Covenanters, their unyielding attachment both to civil and religious liberty, was un- deniably of the most noble and heroic kind. You have, therefore, as I think, no cause to be ashamed of your ancestry ; but I should not have mentioned this, if our whole country w^ere not, in my apprehension, indebted to the two races of men I have named for the free insti- tutions which we now so richly enjoy. Whence origi- nated the spirit which begun our conflict with the mother country, produced the declaration of our national independence, and bore us triumphantly through the war of the Revolution ? I well remember that the tories of that day, both in Britain and in our own country, attributed it — and they justly attributed it — to the leaders of the Yankees in New England, and to those of the Scotch and Irish inhabitants of the middle and southern provinces. They erred egregiously in one thing; that is, in saying or believing that the rebel leaders (such was their language,) aimed at indepen- dence y^rowz the first. None of those leaders, I am con- 28 LIFE OF THE fident, thought of independence ; but most earnestly wished for reconciliation with the parent State, till blood was shed at Lexington and Bunker Hill; nor by many, till a good while after those events. I am not sure whether it was by a communication from Mr. Samuel Adams himself, with whom I breakfasted in Boston in 1791, or from credible testimony otherwise obtained, I was informed that he was of the opinion, some time before he could get others to think with him, that we ought to have done with petitioning and remonstrating with Britain, and at once to set up for ourselves. Yet this, I believe, was not till after the conflicts I have just mentioned. I freely and fully admit, that there were illustrious individuals descended from the English cavaliers, or from their favourers, who were as early awake as per- haps any others, to the importance of maintaining and contending for our colonial rights. The father of his country, the immortal Washington, belonged to this class. But it was otherwise with the mass of this population. Mr. Jefferson, in memoirs written by him- self, and published since his death, gives a particular account of a device adopted by himself and some other members of the Legislature of Virginia, in 1776, to rouse their constituents from their apathy. He says, ''We were under conviction of the necessity of arousing our people from the lethargy into which they had fallen, as to passing events; and thought that the appointment of a day of general fasting and prayer would be most likely to call up and alarm their attention. * * * With the help, therefore, of Rushworth, whom we rummaged over for the revolutionary precedents and REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 29 forms of the Puritans of that day, preserved by him, we cooked up a resolution,* somewhat modernizing their phrases, for appointing the first day of June, on which the Port Bill was to commence, for a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, to implore Heaven to avert from us the evils of civil war, to inspire us with firm- ness in support of our rights, and to turn the hearts of the king and parliament to moderation and justice.f * * * We returned home, and in our several counties invited the clergy to meet assemblies of the people on the first of June, to perform the ceremonies of the day, and to address to them discourses suited to the occasion. The people met generally, with anxiety and alarm in their countenances; and the effect of the day through the whole country was like a shock of electricity, arousing every man, and placing hini erect and solidly on his centre. They chose universally delegates to the convention." On the whole, I think it unquestionable, that the spirit wdiich produced the American revolution had its origin and its fostering principally among those who were denominated dissen- ters; and all were then so denominated who did not belong to the established church of England. I remark, in passing, that since the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the individual States severally, have placed all religious denominations on the ground of equal rights and claims, the gross absur- * Infidel politicians often sneer at those ordinances of religion which pressing emergencies compel them to call to their aid. Observe how- resort was had to the Puritans. t Thus it appears that the man who drafted the Declaration of In- dependence, did not, as yet, think of that measure. 30 LIFE OF THE dity of the members of any one church applying to all who differ from that church in doctrines and forms, the appellation of dissenters, seems to be glaring; and yet there are some who do not see this, but continue to call all those who do not belong to their own communion by the old opprobrious name of dissenters. Affectionately, adieu. B , June 19th, 1840. My dear a. — I have always been impatient, not to say vexed, when I have heard our national revolution and that of France, represented as similar. It is doubt- less true, that our revolution had an influence, and a powerful one, in producing that of France. But the agencies, and what may be called the materials, of those two revolutions, were as different as can well be ima- gined. The leaders in our revolution were good men, as well as great men. If there were a few infidels among them, as no doubt was the fact, they were obliged to conceal their infidelity, because it was unpo- pular. Our people, speaking comparatively, were an intelligent, moral and religious people. They had been brought up under free institutions, and had the habits and ideas which are produced by such institutions. My quotation also from Mr. Jefferson, shows, that in Virginia, a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer, was acceptable to the people at large, and highly influential. This w^as still more, far more the case with the popu- lation of the eastern and middle provinces. In the most of these provinces, days of fasting and prayer were no novelty — they had been of frequent occurrence. The influence of the clergy, moreover, both in and out of REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 31 the pulpit, was great and commanding ; and it was all exerted against the unrighteous claims of Britain. It is also well known, that the old Continental Congress recommended days of religious observance, both for fasting and prayer, and for thanksgiving. Our army, too, had chaplains, to whom the commander-in-chief gave every facility which military operations would permit, for performing the duties of their sacred office. After the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, there was a special religious service, for thanksgiving to Almighty God for the success he had granted to the united arms of America and France. On that occasion. General Washington directed that the whole army not on special military service, should attend; and he exhorted them, in general orders, to give their attend- ance with all the seriousness and devout feelings suited to the solemnity. Of all this, there not only was nothing, in the origin and progress of the French revo- lution, but something infinitely worse than nothing; that is, there was the absence of all good and the pre- sence of much evil. An irruption took place of the most ferocious and infernal passions that human nature has ever exhibited. The leaders of this revolution, with no exception known to me, were destitute of every thing like rehgion, or genuine morality. They talked, indeed, of morality, but they openly professed to abhor religion ; unless, after the extermination of every sem- blance of Christianity, the worship of a harlot, in the guise of the goddess of reason, might be called their religion. Many of the leaders, as every body knows, were avowed atheists. Mr. William Bradford, the suc- cessor of Randolph, as Attorney General of the United 32 LIFE OF THE States, and who died in 1795, told me, that Mr. Jeffer- son said in his hearing, that before he left France, atheism was table-talk with the bishops ; and this was a considerable time before the evil reached its height. The populace of France, before the revolution, had been greatly oppressed by their superiors, both civil and ecclesiastical ; and had grown up in servility, and the most brutish ignorance. Hence, when their former restraints were removed, and their passions became excited, they raged like infuriated demons. Every enormity of revenge, cruelty, murder, and savage bar- barity, reigned in triumph. These enormities are of too recent a date to be unknown to the present genera- tion. They have filled volumes; and I only advert to them generally, to show that those who proclaim a similarity between our revolution and that of France, are justly chargeable with an intolerable misrepresenta- tion and absurdity. As to chaplains in the French armies, he wiio should have mentioned it, would first have been laughed to scorn, and then condemned to the guillotine. Their priests were sacrificed by heca- tombs. The mikl treatment of the tories — that is, of those American citizens who in the early stages of our revo- lution sided with the British — was highly honourable to the American character, and a perfect contrast to what took place in France. Except in a few instances in the southern part of our country, where the tories had some of their own cruelties retaliated on them, ours was a bloodless revolution, so far as they were concerned; that is, till they actually appeared in arms as allies of our foreign foe. If they were disposed, as a number REV. ASHBEL GKEEN. 33 were, to go peaceably to the British stations, they were permitted to do so, without molestation. This, at least, was the fact, in the whole region of my early know- ledge. Their estates were forfeited, and there the matter ended with them. In regard to those who re- mained, and continued to talk against the country and in favour of the British, confinement, as in the case of Governor Franklin, of New Jersey, or a coat of tar and feathers, was the extent of their punishment; and even this penalty might be escaped, if, through fear or pru- dence, they promised, and kept their promise to pre- serve silence on the obnoxious points, in time to come. With a case confirmatory of my last position, and which will also show the state of the public mind at the period in contemplation, I will close my present letter. My father, although a clergyman, was a whig of the first water ; and within a mile of his residence, lived an English emigrant, a man of considerable property, and not a little hauteur, who had drunk as deeply into toryism as my father had into whigism. They had engaged in many an ardent controversy, some of which I heard ; and the rest I shall give as probable, being the standing argumentation of the contending parties of that day. The tory strenuously maintained the right of the British king and parliament to tax us, with or without our consent ; because, as he said, we were colonies that they had nursed up from infancy, defend- ing us against the French and Indians, our mortal enemies, and expending in this defence, I know not how many millions of money, and thousands of lives : and as to our resisting the British arms, with any hopes of success, it w^as, he affirmed, the madness of folly to 5 34 LIFE OF THE think of it. Britain had triumphed over France and Spain in the last war, and would, if we provoked her, crush with the greatest ease our feeble hostility. My father denied the justice of this reasoning altogether. He maintained that our progenitors had, for the most part, fled from persecution at home, to a howling wilderness; that they had for a long time fought the Indians, and suffered from their barbarity, without aid; that when the French joined them, the parent State helped us more from a regard to their own power and reputation, than from any great love to us. Besides, he maintained that we had helped them as much as they had helped us, had given them the whole of our trade, and had borne a full share of the expense of the common cause. He insisted with great energy on one point, namely, that it was a British maxim, that repre- sentation and taxation ought always to go together; and that as we had no representation in the British parliament, it was, on their own principles, unjust and iniquitous to attempt to tax us without our consent. As to being crushed by the British arms, he expressed it as his conviction, that the whole power of Britain could not conquer the single province of Massachusetts Bay. This I heard him say; and only remark upon it, that Massachusetts was the province of his nativity and education. Before long, this Englishman became so publicly audacious, that some yoimg and ardent whigs, in a neighbouring town, w^ere reported to have declared that they would tar and feather him. This report came to his ears on a Saturday evening, and it frightened him half out of his life. He came to my father on the following Sabbath morning, in the greatest REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 35 trepidation imaginable. He acknowledged that he had done wrong in speaking against the American cause, said he was sorry for his imprudence and violence, and was willing to promise, most explicitly and solemnly, that if he might be forgiven, and be permitted to live in peace and safety, he would be silent on the American controversy in future; and would, in all respects, deport himself inoffensively. Such was the substance of his communication, for I pretend not to give his words. He entreated my father to write down this humiliating statement, and read it publicly from the pulpit that morning; and he promised to attend, and stand up in the face of the congregation, and own the whole as his own voluntary act and deed. My father, I believe, had not heard a word about the tarring and feathering of his alarmed visitant, till he heard it from himself; and was rather disposed to dissuade him from a public con- fession, although he had witnessed his imprudence, and did not know but he might be in danger of what he so greatly feared. As the tory insisted on making a public confession and retraction, my father told him to write it. This he was not well able to do, and urged my father to wTite it for him ; which was accordingly done, in strict conformity with his dictation. Agree- ably to his promise, he appeared in the church, and rose up in his pew before the congregation, when my father began to read his paper, and at the close of the reading, he assented distinctly to its contents, as con- taining his voluntary confession and promise. I was present, and saw and heard what I now write. But the matter did not end here. The alarmed and anxious tory took the paper which my father had read, and 36 LIFE OF THE hurried to the town from which the threatening had come, that he might have done there, in the afternoon service, what had already been done in the morning, in the place of his residence. But the minister of the town assured him, that what he had heard had been greatly magnified, and that nothing had taken place in that town to render necessary any such public transac- tion as he had solicited, and he refused to read the paper. Whether what was done in my father's church really saved him from tar and feathers, or whether his own fears had precipitated him into an unnecessary act, I know not. But I know that he lived many years on his farm in my father's neighbourhood, without any disturbance, and died there a considerable time after the close of our revolutionary war. I have been assured, that he never could be convinced that General Bur- goyne and his army had been captured by the Ameri- cans. And I know, that although my father played him no trick in the matter of his public confession, yet when he found he was in no danger, he seemed to suspect it, and treated my father with greater distance after, than before that occurrence. Affectionately, adieu. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 37 CHAPTER III. From the Year 1778 to 1782. June 26, 1840. My dear a. — At the commencement of the con- troversy with Great Britain, which resulted in our national independence, our whole country exhibited a simplicity and plainness of manners and habits of living, exceedingly different from those which we now witness. In this respect, indeed, a difference, and a wide one, was then palpable between the Eastern and Southern Provinces; so that it was among the pecu- liarities of the revolution, as has been often remarked, that a heterogeneous population was on a sudden so pervaded by an all-controlling spirit of liberty, as to forget all other distinctions, and become a homogeneous mass. Climate, of course, produced some dissimilarity between the more northern and southern colonies ; but it was mainly attributable to two other causes — slavery and the inequality of landed property. Slavery, indeed, then existed in all the provinces ; but in the east, the number of slaves was not great, and their condition was a mild servitude ; the master often working, and some- times eating at the same table with his slave. In the south, slaves were then, as they are now, multitudinous, and in a very degraded situation — considerably more so, I think, than they are at present. In both cases, 38 LIFE OF THE the quantity of landed property originally held by Europeans and their descendants, had great influence in giving character to the whole population. In the eastern and middle colonies, the cultivators of the soil generally owned but small plantations ; so that a farmer seldom needed more than from two to five or six slaves, and of course, he could treat them with a lenity and an approximation to equality, not practicable if the number had been much greater. In the south, on the contrary, large tracts of land were often the property of a single individual, requiring many hands for their cultivation ; and this, with the nature of the climate, led to the pur- chase of numerous slaves — in some instances, to the amount of hundreds — and rendered it wholly imprac- ticable to treat them as was done in the more northern colonies. These circumstances, to say nothing of an aristocratic spirit, and an aversion to Puritanism and Presbyterianism, gave complexion to the state of society in the south, very dissimilar to that of the other pro- vinces. Yet throughout the whole country, the habits and manners of the people, and the style of living, were greatly different from what they now are; not rude, (at least I will not so characterize them,) but far more plain and simple. At that time there were but few taverns. In no part of the country were they numerous, or well kept; and in the south, they hardly had an existence. Southern gentlemen expected to entertain strangers at their own dwellings; and were sometimes desirous to detain them even longer than was convenient to their guests, for the sake of their company and conversation. Hence, southern hospitality became proverbial. In New Jersey, New^ York, and all New England, it is REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 39 hardly too much to say, that every clergyman's house was a clergyman's tavern. A travelling brother, with- out the scrape of a pen, or any knowledge of his person or his name, as an introduction, claimed a brother cler- gyman's house for his own accommodation, and the keeping and care of his horse, with as much freedom, and as little ceremony, as if the kindred in question had been natural and not ecclesiastical. Dr. Young, who lived to be an octogenarian,* exclaimed — "At the age of fourscore, where is the world into which we were born?" referring to the death of coevals and the rising up of a new generation. But if this was proper and pithy in the capitol of Britain, with how much greater propriety and em- phasis may it be uttered by an inhabitant of the United States, at the age contemplated? Not only will he have survived the most of his contemporaries, and seen them succeeded by a new race, but the whole face of nature and of society will have been changed during his hfetime. I can remember the time when there were dense forests where there are now fertile fields; and when agriculture in the whole United States, did not furnish an Irish potato which would now be thought tolerable. Cities and towns, within the scope of my recollection, have sprung into being, in number and beauty, and with a rapidity, of which the world does not afford another example. Cincinnati, and all * He wrote the poem which he entitled Resignation, when he was turned of eighty. It was said by some, that it discovered marks of enfeebled powers. But Johnson says, " There is Young in every line of it, such as he was in his best days," or language to this effect. 40 LIFE OF THE the other towns, in what are now called the Western States, and, indeed, the States themselves, had no existence in the days of my youth. I well remember that it was at college, about the twentieth year of my age, that I first heard of a fertile region of country, called Kentucky. You know, I suppose, that the capitol of this State received its name in honour of the Lexington in Massachusetts, where British troops were first resisted by arms. Pittsburgh, at this time, was just coming into notice, and Baltimore was yet quite a small town. Philadelphia was scarcely a third as large as it now is. The extension of New York city has been still greater; and what is now called Western New York, was then literally a howling w^ilderness. Boston has been greatly enlarged ; and the towns of the eastern States generally, as well as those in the south, have, many of them, come into existence; and those which before had being, have been much beautified, and in every way received great improvements. As to canals, steamboats, railroads and cars, every body knows that they are things of yesterday's produc- tion. Even turnpike roads did not exist in our country till long after a period to which I can look back. There was something that was called a turnpike road, although it little deserved the name, across Horse Neck, in the state of New York, in 1790. The first good turnpike was that between Philadelphia and Lancaster. A great clamor was raised against this by some of the German population of Pennsylvania; and several own- ers of farms opened their fields adjoining the turnpike gates, to let all who were so disposed pass without paying toll. Experience, however, soon not only re- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 4j^ conciled the Germans and other opposers of the turn- pike to this improvement, but made them its ardent friends, and prepared them to be advocates for other meliorations. Before our revolutionary war, there were no more than seven colleges, or institutions authorised to confer degrees in the arts, in the whole of British America. These were Harvard, in Massachusetts; Yale, in Con- necticut; King's College, now Columbia, in New York; Nassau Hall, at Princeton; and Queen's College, now Rutgers, at Brunswick, in New Jersey; a college and charity school, since grown into the University of Penn- sylvania, in Philadelphia; and William and Mary's College, in Virginia. The number at present is six or seven-fold more numerous — far more so than is really advantageous to the cause of sound science. Academies and common schools have multiplied in like proportion, and are not obnoxious to the like censures. I will just set down, as they occur to me, some of the most important scientific discoveries or improvements, which have been made during the period to which my memory extends. I thus notice, the planet Georgium Sidus, or Herschell;* and the four smaller planets. * This planet was discovered byHerschell, in the time of our revo- lutionary war, when we could have no direct communication with Britain. The first information in detail of this discovery, came to the United States by way of France. Dr. Rittenhouse told me, that when he had obtained the French statement, he was able to point his telescope, so as to take the planet into its field without another move- ment; that at the first look his eye was on the planet. His familiar knowledge of the starry heavens was wonderful. Nor was this his only attainment. He was among the first astronomers, natural phi- losophers, mathematicians and mechanicians of his ao-e. Nolhino- in 6 42 LIFE OF THE Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, denominated asteroids, by Dr. Herschell, and several satellites of the larger planets; nearly the whole of what is called modern chemistry ; the application of steam to the useful arts. The great power of steam had been long known, but its application (particularly after Watt's famous disco- very or invention,) to engines, mills and boats, and a variety of other purposes, is comparatively of recent date. To these I only add ballooning, vaccination, and the life-boat. This enumeration, I am well aware, is very far from being complete, and I with design omit all military improvements, or facilities for the destruc- tion of human life. But I must say a word or two about banks. Before our Revolution there was no bank in the British colonies, and probably no thought of ever creating one. The first that was established was the bank of North Ame- rica, in Philadelphia; which w^as formed on the sug- gestion of Robert Morris, to aid his operations for sustaining the credit of our country, when the old continental paper money was becoming extinct. It was some years, perhaps eight or ten, before there was another bank in the United States. Who can ascertain the number which now exist ? mechanics has, I believe, exceeded his orrery. Yet he was perhaps the most modest man I have ever known. He was one of my parishioners, and a regular attendant on public worship, as often as his feeble health would permit. I attended his funeral and spoke at the grave. The remains were deposited under the pavement of his observatory, in his garden. At the request of his widow, I furnished her with a copy of my address at his interment, a part of which I afterwards found was published in Rees' Cyclopedia ; but not, I think, exactly as I wrote it. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 43 Thus, my son, I have adverted to some of the muta- tions and improvements which have come into exist- ence, since I was a boy of the age of ten years. You may live to see others as numerous and as great. Would to God that our progress hitherto had been only in that which is good, that we had not changed for the worse in the desecration of the Christian Sabbath, in open blasphemy, infidelity and atheism ; in duels, mur- ders, and assassinations ; and in that insatiable cupidity of wealth, which has produced our present financial embarrassments. May a merciful God turn us from our evil ways, that his displeasure may not rest upon us. May his providential corrections, in tornadoes, inunda- tions, floods, and numerous and extensive conflagra- tions, be sanctified to us all, lest still greater and more general calamities come upon us. Affectionately adieu. B -, June 30, 1840. My dear a. — At the commencement of our Revo- lution, and indeed through the whole of its progress, the patriots of the day made great use of the press, in operating on the public mind. The tories attempted the same, as long as they were permitted to do it, which was till about the time of the declaration of our inde- pendence. After that, they could circulate nothing, except what was printed within the British lines, and sent forth and handed about privately. John Holt and James Rivino;ton were the antaoonist newspaper printers in New York ; the former for the whigs, the latter for the tories ; my father took Holt's paper, and the tory, whose story I have already told 44 LIFE OF THE you, took Rivington's. These papers were published but once a week. A daily, or a tri-weekly, or a twice-a- week newspaper was, I believe, not thought of for many years after this period — I certainly heard of none. Both the papers I have mentioned, were brought by a stage from New York to a tavern, about half a mile distant from my father's, w^here I was commonly on tlie watch for their arrivah As soon as this took place, I seized the one which belonged to my father, and carried it to him with all speed. Reeking wet from the press, it was dried in haste; and he either perused it in silence, or by his order it was read to him by one of his children. It was a high gratification when this duty was allotted me, then a boy just entering my teens, but a flaming whig. Holt's paper was headed with the picture of a snake, cut into thirteen distinct sections, and each section bearing upon it the name of one of the thirteen colonies, which then professed allegiance to the king of Great Britain. As soon as our independence was declared, all the sections of the snake disappeared, and his whole attitude was chanfred. His tail was brought round and inserted in his mouth, or placed by its side, and his whole body was formed into a regular circle, the head and the tail being at the top of the paper. This snake picture made so deep an impression on my youthful memory, that I retain it very distinctly to the present hour. This paper of Holt's had great influence through- out the whole wide region of its circulation, and its editor was considered as a public benefactor. He and Rivington, of course, pelted each other incessantly and severely, each endeavouring to sustain his cause by all REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 45 the facts and arguments he could muster, and by some falsehoods too. Rivington remained in the city of New York after it was abandoned by the American troops, and became king's printer during the whole of the ensuing war, and nothing could exceed the violence of his abuse of the rebels, as he delighted to call the Ame- ricans, and the contempt with which he affected to treat their army, and Mr. Washington, its leader. It was, therefore, a matter of universal surprise, on the return of peace, that this most obnoxious man remained after the departure of the British troops. But the surprise soon ceased, by its becoming publicly known, that he had been a spy for General Washington, while employ- ed in abusing him, and had imparted useful information, which could not otherwise have been obtained. He had, in foresight of the evacuation of New York by the British army, supplied himself from London with a larcje assortment of what are called the British classics, and other works of merit; so that, for some time after the conclusion of the war, he had the sale of these pub- lications almost wholly to himself Amongst others, I dealt with him. pretty largely ; and with nothing else to make me a favourite, the fulsome letters which he addressed to me were a real curiosity. He was the greatest sycophant imaginable; very little under the influence of any principle but self-interest, yet of the most courteous manners to all with whom he had inter- course. You, I believe, have read the two pieces of satire in which Dr. Witherspoon has gibbetted him and Benjamin Towns, another printer, who served the British while their army held Philadelphia, and re- mained there when they left the city. 46 LIFE OF THE But pamphlets, as well as newspapers, were employed in our revolutionary controversy, with the advocates of the measures of the king and parliament of Great Britain. Colonel Hamilton made the first public dis- play of his talents, by writing, when he was under twenty years of age, an able and spirited reply to a long pTiblication in New York. My own father wrote a pamphlet, entitled, as well as I can remember, "Obser- vations on the present controversy between Great Bri- tain and her American Colonies." But by far the most noted publication of all was Paine's "Common Seiise." I think this pamphlet had a greater run than any other ever published in our country. It was printed anony- mously, and it was a considerable time before its author was known or suspected. In the meantime large edi- tions were frequently issued; and in newspapers, at taverns, and at almost every place of public resort, it was advertised, and very generally in these words, "Common Sense for eighteen pence." I lately looked into a copy of this pamphlet, and was ready to wonder at its popularity and the effect it produced, when origi- nally published. But the truth is, it struck a string which required but a touch to make it vibrate. The country was ripe for independence, and only needed somebody to tell the people so, with decision, boldness and plausibility. Paine did this recklessly, having nothincr to lose, whether his sug^g^estions were received favourably or unfavourably; while wiser and better men than he were yet maturing their minds by reflec- tion, and looking well to every step which they took or advised. Paine's talent, and he certainly possessed it eminently, was, to make a taking and striking appeal REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 47 to popular feelings, when he saw it tending toward a point to which he wished to push it, whether for good or for evil. Hence the influence of his publications in England, in the early stages of the French revolution; and hence also, the effect of his two volumes of infi- delity, entitled "The Age of Reason," when that revo- lution had prostrated all religion in France, and as he hoped and believed, was in progress to annihilate Chris- tianity throughout the world. His life was the best exposition of the true tendency of his Age of Reason. He was the victim of vice and of ungoverned passions, and died a loathsome sot, so off"ensive as to render great self-denial requisite, in order to minister to his necessi- ties, as he was falling into the grave. How just is it in God, when he abandons a blasphemer to the influence of the sentiments which he has cherished and uttered; and thus provides an antidote to his impieties, in the miserable life and death of their author ! Aflectionately adieu. 48 LIFE OF THE CHAPTER IV. From the Year 1782 to 1788. B , July 6, 1840. My dear a. — It was common, I have been told, among the French, in the time of their revolution, to characterise a notorious falsifier by saying, "He lies like the Bulletin." In our Revolution, we had a com- mon saying, the opposite of this, which was derived from sacred regard to truth manifested by the old Con- tinental Congress, in all their public statements. These statements, which often related to military operations, were invariably attested by the signature of their secre- tary; and hence, when a man reported any thing in the way of news, which seemed to be doubted, he sought to confirm it by saying, "It's as true as if Charles Thomson's name was to it." I do not remem- ber that any representation to which the name of this estimable man* was attached, ever proved to be false, * I had the happiness to be personally acquainted with Charles Thomson. He was tall of stature, well proportioned, and of primi- tive simplicity of manners. He was one of the best classical scholars that our country has ever produced. The old Congress had several successive presidents, but Mr. Thomson was their secretary from first to last. You have seen in my library a copy of his translation of the whole Bible, from the Septuagint of the Old Testament, and from the original of the New. He made three or four transcriptions of this whole work, still endeavouring in each to make improvements REV. ASHBEL GREEX. 49 or in any material circumstance incorrect. This care- fulness of the old Congress never to deceive the people, invested that body with a dignity, and secured for it the public confidence in a wonderful degree ; and this confidence was of the highest importance and the happiest effect, while w^e were passing from a colonial to an independent state ; for, during this period, there was no other organized body, or official individuals, w^hose supremacy was acknowledged, or whose au- thority Avas regarded, if it were not exercised in subser- viency to the doings of Congress. It can scarcely be conceived by the present genera- tion, what perfect deference and implicit obedience were yielded at that time, to a simple recommendation of this venerated body; for it had, as you know, no power to make laws, nor to go farther than to recom- mend what appeared to be proper and conducive to the public welfare. Yet no law passed by a legislature, nor any mandate issued by a despotic sovereign, ever on his former labours. After our revolutionary war was terminated, and before the adoption of the present Constitution of the United States, our country was in a very deplorable state, and many of our surviving patriotic fathers, and Mr. Thomson among the rest, could not easily rid themselves of gloomy apprehensions. Mr. Thomson's resource (and who will say it was not a noble one, and worthy of a vigorous, cultivated and pious mind,^ was to soothe his painful feel- ings, and await the developments of divine providence, in the study of the sacred Scriptures. There was then no translation of the Sep- tuagint into the English language, and he determined to make one; and to this, when accomplished, he added a version of the New Testament, varying very considerably from that in common use — in language, but not in sense. Delighted with his employment, he was reluctant to quit it, and his last work was a Harmony of the Four Gospels, in the language of his own version. 7 50 LIFE OF THE received a more prompt, strict and universal obedience, than the recommendations of Congress in the early stages of our revolution. Nothing has been found more difficult than to change, on a sudden, the invete- rate habits and usages of a nation. Peter the Great was near raising a rebellion, by ordering his Russian subjects to shave their beards. Yet in two instances, perhaps greater difficulties were completely surmounted by the old Congress. I refer to the recommendation to forbear entirely the use of East India teas, and to dis- continue all expense in mourning, beyond the wearing of a piece of crape on the left arm, which is continued till the present time. These usages were deeply wrought into the habits of our people, but they were abandoned at once, and almost without a murmur. The first of these recommended measures bore particu- larly hard on our countrywomen, and in particular on the tea-sots, of whom there were at that time no incon- siderable number. But obedience to the recommenda- tion of Congress was the test of patriotism ; and it is but justice to our revolutionary mothers to say, that they were as ready to make sacrifices as their husbands, and that their daughters were as good whigs as their sons. I do believe, that a known tory, or a reputed coward, would have been hard set to find a reputaljle wite among the whole feminine community of our country, while our war with Great Britain continued. But to return : All East India teas were renounced as an utter abomination. I remember, indeed, that a few were suspected of using the article secretly; but the secrecy was complete, for had it been otherwise, it would have s:one hard with the transgressor, whether REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 5X male or female. No search was made for the obnoxious drug, and indeed its destruction, I believe, was not recommended. It came into use again after the decla- ration of independence, and of course there must have been a preservation of a part of the old store, for our foreign trade was all but annihilated by the British fleets, and trade with those who remained within their military stations was interdicted under severe penalties. A furtive trade, however, was carried on to a small extent, particularly toward the close of the war. But the use of India tea of every kind was suspended till the period I have mentioned, and the whole vegetable kingdom of our country was laid under contribution to furnish a substitute. Some used one thing, and some another, and some nothing at all, as fancy or reason prompted, or an influential friend recommended. But articles of far greater importance than tea and expensive mourning, were to be supplied, or the want of them to be experienced. Our country at large had been accustomed to receive, by importation from abroad — from Britain almost wholly — a great part of the articles necessary for clothing, such as woollen cloths and linens of every quality, from the coarsest to the finest ; as well as salt, saltpetre, gunpowder, sugar and molasses. With the cessation of our foreign trade, we were thrown on our domestic resources for the supply of these indispensable articles — for indispensable some of them manifestly were, and if others were not so in fact, they were so in the general estimation of our citi- zens. I cannot pretend to speak at length of the inven- tions and expedients that M^ere employed in contriving and bringing into use substitutes for the foreign sup- 52 LIFE OF THE plies of which we were deprived. Domestic manufac- tures were encouraged. The women vied with each other in producing the best Unen and the best fulled woollen cloths, of various colours, for the clothing of their husbands and children. Their daughters were taught to be content with — perhaps I should rather say to be proud of — the articles of dress which they had manufactured for themselves. Salt was made by boil- ing sea water, on the margin of the ocean ; and when the British destroyed, as they sometimes did, one set of works, another was speedily erected, either in the same or a different location. Saltpetre was diligently made by the best process then known in our country. Gun- powder was manufactured slowly, and was greatly deficient in quantity for the supply of our army, although all that could be collected was appropriated to that object, and although our privateers captured some vessels that were carrying military stores to our invaders, and Congress was successful in privately obtaining a considerable quantity from magazines on the African coast. But General Washington was, I believe, oftener than once obUged to conceal from the public, and even from his army, the want of powder for certain military operations, which otherwise he might and would have undertaken. It was amono^ his severe trials that he was obliged to bear in silence, for the good of his country, popular discontent and cen- sure, for the apparent inaction of his army. I remem- ber to have heard him censured for not fighting the British, when, as was afterwards known, he had not powder enough at command to sustain for twenty minutes any thing like a general engagement. As to REV. ASHBEL GKEEN. 53 what, in Yankee dialect, was then and is still called sweetening, various means were employed to obtain this important article. Sugar, so far as I know, was not produced at all. Perhaps some might be made from the sugar maple tree, in places where that tree abounded ; but it did not abound in the vicinity of my abode. The common maple tree, however, was abun- dant, and its sap was obtained and boiled to the con- sistency of molasses. My father constructed a mill for grinding the common Indian corn stalks, which he knew contained a considerable quantity of saccharine matter. But the juice of these stalks, when converted into molasses, was found to possess an acrid and unpleasant taste, which he was not chemist enough to correct, and the experiment, after one year's trial, was abandoned. The most pleasant syrup that he was able to obtain, and did obtain in considerable quantity, was formed by boiling down the unfermented juice of sweet apples. The sugar beet was then unknown. I shall add nothing further to this long letter, but tliat, at its date, I enter on my seventy-ninth year. Affectionately, adieu. B , July 13, 1840. My dear a. — You know from the published histo- ries of our revolution, that at its commencement General Gage was the royal Governor of the province of Massa- chusetts Bay. He published a notable proclamation soon after the conflict between the British troops and the provincials at Lexington, and before the more se- rious and sanguinary one of Breed's, or Bunker's Hill. In this proclamation, he offered a full and free pardon 54 LIFE OF THE to those who should, within a specified time, renounce their rebeUion, and promise submission to the king and parhament of Great Britain — explicitly excepting, how- ever, from this act of grace, John Hancock and Samuel Adams, whose crimes were affirmed to be too great to be met wdth any thing but condign punishment. When I took breakfast with the latter named gentleman at his house in Boston, as mentioned in a former letter, Gage's proclamation, with its memorable exception, became a topic of conversation. I had thought, and so stated to my host, that John Adams had also been included in that exception. My host replied, in a very animated tone, " No sir, he was not excepted — Hancock and I only had that distinction." He manifestly counted it a high honour that he had but one associate in the pro- scription, and would not suffer a third to share it with Hancock and himself. What, alas, is human foresight! It never entered the head of Gage that the men whom he hated above all others, and on whose destruction he was bent, might be destined to see the day when they would not only glory in his disappointed vengeance, but when each, in turn, would possess the very office which he then held, as governor of the province — or rather, that the territory which was then a province, should become an independent State, of which these men, in succession, should be the governors. Hancock was governor, and Adams lieutenant governor, when my interview with the latter took place; but shortly after Hancock resigned the gubernatorial chair, to which Adams succeeded. This whole affair strikes" me as bearing no inconsiderable resemblance to the case of Haman and Mordecai, as narrated in the canonical REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 55 book of Esther. I will just add, that the gasconading proclamation of Gage was immediately burlesqued in a song, which I learned by heart at the time, and of which a fragment still adheres to my memory. You cannot easily conceive what a surprising in- fluence the combat at Lexington, the battle of Bunker's Hill, and the proclamation I have mentioned, unitedly had, in awaking a high military spirit, not only among the men, but the boys also, of our land in general. In our cities and large towns, we still frequently see boys aping military men and movements ; but juvenile sol- diership was a far different matter at the period in con- templation. We — for I was a party concerned — we had companies composed of boys from ten to fifteen years of age; none, I think, were admitted under ten, unless an individual or two of uncommon growth ; and at sixteen all were enrolled in the adult militia. Each company elected its own officers, consisting of a captain, a first and second lieutenant, an ensign, and two or three sergeants. We had wooden guns, but as much like muskets as we could get them. Our drum and fife, though the former was not large, might vie with those of our seniors. We frequently met for training-, drilling and marching. The manual exercise was learned by all. For myself, I obtained a pamphlet, in which this exercise was fully explained, according to the best system of the day, which was the Prussian, established, I suppose, by the great Frederick, of whose military exploits we often heard. Of this exercise I made myself so much a master, that I had the honour of standing before the company as fugleman. AVhere this word came from. I know not; but the office was. 56 LIFE OF THE to exhibit, for the imitation of the company, a correct performance of the various motions in handUng a fire- lock, and the several attitudes and movements of the body in military evolutions. In all this, we were en- couraged and cheered on by our parents. Nor was this military training, in the existing state of the country, a useless or unimportant employment. Life, liberty, pro- perty, and indeed all that freemen value, was believed to be in jeopardy, and not to be preserved, otherwise than by force of arms; and this training of boys, not only cherished in them a military spirit, but prepared them to act with skill and efficiency, as soon as they were enrolled in the legally established militia; and sometimes, as we shall see, even before that period. You know that the place of my birth and boyhood was in East New Jersey, within a mile of the line which divides the counties of Essex and Morris; my paternal residence was in the latter of these counties. This location placed our family, at a certain period, in very hazardous circumstances; for on the retreat of General Washington, and the pursuit of the British army, from the Hudson river to the Delaware, we were within twelve miles of the enemy's line of march. My father, moreover, in addition to his general charac- ter as a decided and active whig, had been a member of the Provincial Congress that formed the constitution of New Jersey, and the chairman of the committee that made and reported the original draft of that instrument. On these accounts, he was peculiarly obnoxious to the tories, and by their information, we may suppose, to the British officers also. At any rate, it was in rumor that a party of the enemy's cavalry was to be detached. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. ^IFE OF THE by some means or other, this fearful malady had been introduced among them, and had made a number of victims. The temper of the times disposed our coun- trymen to charge this, and almost every disastrous occurrence which befel them, to the wicked devices of their British enemies. But I believe the charge, in this instance, had no foundation in truth. It has never been proved, nor, as far I know, rendered probable; and therefore the cruelty and baseness of such an act as sendinof with desis^n an infectious and fatal disease into the American camp, ought not to be imputed to them. After the battle of Princeton, General "Washington retired, in the month of January, 1777, to winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey ; and he there formed a plan for subjecting his whole army to the process of inoculation. The plan was, to quarter his troops in small companies in the families of the inhabi- tants, and to direct the military surgeons to inoculate the families, as well as the soldiers, and to afford gra- tuitously to the former, the same medical aid and attention which were to be shown to the latter. This plan, at first, produced a great alarm among the inha- bitants. My father, I well remember, went in a sleigh to Morristown, accompanied by some of the most respectable men of his congregation, to confer with General Washington on the subject. On his return, my father told us that he had been the spokesman, and that he had stated to the General, that he well knew that in military operations it was not unusual to make a certain sacrifice of a number of lives, to ensure the success of a battle, or for the general good of the com- REV. ASHBEL GREEX. 89 munity; and that if such was the case in the present instance, he and his friends were prepared to submit, without murmuring, to their destiny; but that they would entreat him to consider, whether it was not practicable to separate the army, for the purpose of inoculation, from the mass of the population, so as not to subject the whole to the contemplated calamity. The General said to them in reply, that their appre- hensions, he was confident, were altogether groundless; that the inhabitants would find, in the event, that the proposed measure was no calamity at all, but on the contrary a very favourable occurrence ; that they would all be carried through the small pox without charge, and with very little danger — the surgeons of the army affording them the exercise of their best skill and atten- tion, as an acknowledgment for their furnishing quar- ters to the troops, who would be served with their rations at every house in which they were accommo- dated. On the other hand, that if an attempt were made to separate the soldiers from the mass of the inhabitants, it would be impossible to make the sepa- ration so perfect as to prevent all intercourse ; and that the result in all probability would be, that the natural small pox would be spread through the whole popula- tion, producing effects infinitely more to be dreaded, than if all should be inoculated at once. There was no resisting such reasoning as this. My father and his friends came back perfectly reconciled to the measure. Our family consisted of nine individuals, of whom my father, on the verge of his sixtieth year, and my mother, a little younger, formed a part of the number. Ten officers, if I rightly recollect, with two waiters, 12 90 LIFE OF THE had quarters with us; the house being equally divided between them and the family. The kitchen was com- mon for the use of both parties. One of the w^aiters, an Irishman, carried in his face a very legible receipt in full, for a heavy debt which the natural small pox had in former years imposed on him. All the rest that 1 have mentioned, were inoculated at one and the same time, by Dr. Bond of Philadelphia, then a surgeon of some eminence of rank in the army. Dr. Cochran, of Brunswick, New Jersey, w^as associated with Bond, and visited us while we were under inoculation treat- ment. That treatment consisted of a regimen of vege- table diet — animal food and all salt and spice of every kind were strictly prohibited. As to medicine, it con- sisted of five or six powders, composed of a small quantity of calomel, mingled, if I mistake not, with nitre — a powder to be taken perhaps every other day; and two cathartics, one about a week after inoculation, . and the other at the period when the eruption of the pock was to be expected. We were enjoined to keep cool, and to avoid violent exercise. This was the amount of the prescriptions of our medical advisers; and I believe we were nearly all of the opinion — I cer- tainly was — that our regimen was, by far, the most objectionable part of the whole concern. It was remarkable that in our whole family there Avas not a single pock that filled. On about the thir- teenth or fourteenth day after inoculation, some of us felt a chilly sensation, followed by a quickening of the pulse, for perhaps a day and a night ; and there were on some of us a few red spots, but not one of them ripened into a suppurating pock. My elder brother REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 91 and myself seemed to think it would not do to have the small pox without any sickness at all, and so we concluded to lie in bed one morning, about the time when the eruptive fever usually takes place. Dr. Cochran cauo-ht us in this indulf]^ence, and sent us the following message — '' Tell those young rogues, from me, to get up immediately. Tell them I would rather see them up to the waistband of their breeches in a snow bank, than that they should be lying in bed at this time of day." The most troublesome symptom we experienced was the sore which was formed on the arm at the place where the virus had been introduced by the puncture of a lancet. Many of these sores con- tinued to discharge pus for two or three months, and in some instances were large and in a degree painful. Yet none of them proved dangerous. Our military inmates were not quite as much fa- voured as ourselves. Some of them had several pocks that filled, yet in no case were they numerous, or preceded or followed by any threatening symptoms. Nor was this the case in our family only. The whole army had the disease so lightly, that I really believe there was not a day while they were under inoculation, in which they might not, with a few exceptions, have marched against the enemy, and would actually have done so if necessity had required it. For a short time my father's church was made a hospital for the recep- tion of those on whom the natural small pox had appeared before they could be inoculated; and more frightful and pitiable human beings I have never seen. The heads of some of them were swelled to nearly double their natural size, their eyes were closed, and 92 LIFE OF THE their faces were black as a coal. The most of these died. All the officers who were quartered in my father's family w^ere A'^irginians, and they were the most shock- ingly profane in their common conversation of any men I have ever known. Their language, at times, was absolutely horrifying to any ear not accustomed to blasphemy. How does it happen that soldiers and sailors, who hold life by a more precarious tenure than common, are so frequently remarkable for their pro- fanity? Is it that they are so often called to brave danger that they at length lose all sense of the danger of offending their Maker? I remember that General Washington once rebuked this abominable vice in the officers of his army, by reprehending it in his general orders. It was certainly natural and proper for the officers resident in our dwelling, to seek to relieve the tedium of their situation while under treatment for the small pox. My father had a good library for a country clergyman, containing several works of taste and lite- rature, as well as treatises of theology, and I am sure any officer with us would have been welcome to the perusal of any volume of the library that he might have been disposed to name. But no request of this kind, so far as I remember, was ever made; and indeed I do not recollect to have seen a book of any kind in the hand of any officer in the w4iole period of about two months, during which they had their dwelling with us. On one or two occasions they amused them- selves by firing at a mark with a rifle; but playing at cards was their standing amusement, or rather their employment, both by day and by night. Yet I am not REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 93 aware that they played for money — if they did, their stakes must have been small, for of money they, in common with all the officers of the army at that time, could have had very little. Such w^as their devotion to cards, that when one of their number died — not of the small pox, but of a fever otherwise induced — it was with difficulty they could be restrained from playing while the corpse was yet in the house. The defunct was a cornet of dragoons, and the captain of the com- pany to which he belonged had to threaten to make the offence personal to himself, before he was able to prevent card playing till the corpse was removed. But I am sick of this topic, and will drop it here. When Dr. Ramsay published his "History of the American Revolution," he requested me to inspect the copy in manuscript, and to revise the proof sheets as they came from the press. I did so, and w^as surprised to find that in his whole work he had not even men- tioned the inoculation of the army for the small pox, of which I have spoken in this letter. When I informed him of the omission, he expressed his surprise that so important an event should have escaped him in collect- ing his materials, and he immediately penned the account of it which now appears in his first volume. That account was taken from a statement which I made to him, but it is not as full as that which I have now given. The imperfections of history, my son, are far greater and more numerous than are commonly imagined. When the troops were removed from the neighbour- hood of our family, the adjacent country, in which none had been quartered, experienced the truth of 94 LIFE OF THE General Washington's remark to my father, that it is not possible, except by inoculation, to prevent the spreading of the small pox in the natural way, when brought into the near vicinity of those who have not had the disease. It did spread, and compelled the peo- ple to a general resort to inoculation. This produced a busy life to my father. I had, before this, begun to act as his apprentice, and I now was almost wholly occu- pied in putting up medicine, performing the operation of inoculating, and visiting patients. But enough of this whole subject. Adieu. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. CHAPTER VII. From the Year 1778 to 1782. January 15, 1841. My dear a. — In my sixth letter, I mentioned that the training of boys in the early days of our national revo- lution, made them familiar with military' evolutions, and thus prepared them to take their standing, with much advantage, in the legal militia, when they com- pleted the sixteenth year of their age. But it did more than this — it made them look forward to that period with great, and even impatient desire. For myself, I think I can say with truth that I longed for the time to arrive when I should be enrolled in the adult militia, in much the same manner as an apprentice commonly wishes for the time when he shall be free from the control of a master, and be at full liberty to act for himself But hold a little: as it is my purpose in this letter to give you some account of my militia cam- paigns — for I was never any thing more than a militia soldier — I wish you to understand that any thing I shall say that may seem to be descriptive of heroism, was by no means peculiar to myself It must be con- sidered only as a sample of the courage and zeal of those with w^iom I acted in the defence of our common country. But for this, indeed, I should think it im- proper to spend my time in narrating personal concerns of such small importance as those I am about to detail. 96 LIFE OF THE But it is not unimportant to know what may be called the domestic militanj spirit of our revolutionary times. As the anxiously expected period drew near when I was to exchange my wooden gun for a fire-lock, all my soldierly equipments were carefully prepared and in perfect readiness for active use, as soon as the next alarm gun should be fired.* It was fired a few days before my sixteenth year was completed, and my impa- tience could no longer brook delay. I harnessed myself in my knapsack, and with my blanket and cartridge box, and musket on my shoulder, I hastened to the place of rendezvous. There I learned that from some cause, which I do not now recollect, the call of the militia was premature, and I returned home fatigued and disappointed. It was not long, however, before a * The alarm gun, an iron eighteen pounder, was placed on the highest point of what are called the Short Hills, in the neighbour- hood of Springfield, N. J. Bishop Hobart, after the war, purchased the site and made it his country residence. A lofty pole was placed by the side of the cannon, with a tar barrel on the top, which was set on fire when the gun was discharged. The report of the gun and the flame of the tar barrel were heard and seen to a great dis- tance in the surrounding country. The militia companies had each its place of rendezvous, to which they hastened as soon as the alarm was given. The Short Hills were a kind of natural barrier for the camp and military stores at Morristown. A hundred men might have defended some of the passes over these hills against a thousand. A British detachment once reached Springfield and burnt it ; but no British corps ever ventured into the Sand Hills. In a clear day, with a good telescope, the city of New York may be seen from these heights. When encamped at Morristown, General Washington occasionally rode to these hills to make his observations. The first time I ever saw him was on one of these occasions. He was accom- panied by the Marquis de la Fayette, as he was then called, and who looked like a mere boy. \ REV. ASHBEL GREEN. g^ considerable detachment of the militia of that part of the State in which I resided, was called to march to the Minisink, a place on the north-west border of the State, on the Delaware river, the inhabitants of which, after the massacre of Wyoming, if I rightly recollect, were supposed to be in danger of an attack from the ^^ Indians. In this expedition I had the honour to act as \ an orderly sergeant, which was the highest military elevation that I ever reached. We made a rapid march to the Minisink settlement, and continued in service there about a fortnight, keeping guard along the river. As we saw no Indians to shoot at, a company, of which I was one, determined on killing the deer of the forest, if we could find them. For this purpose we crossed the river, and spent a day of fatigue and hunger in hunting for our game. But the deer, as well as the Indians, did not choose to expose themselves to our martial prowess. We did not even get the sight of one of them; and I believe the greatest danger experienced by any one in the whole expedition, was in crossing and re-crossing the Delaware in an Indian canoe, which none of us knew how to manage skilfully, and which was several times very near being overset. A very brave man, as he afterwards proved himself to be, who could not swim, was dreadfully frightened in passing this stream. Men of martial bravery often show cowardice, when certain death stares them in the face. But we all escaped without injury, were soon discharged, and on returning home I walked six and thirty miles in one day, carrying all my military equip- ment. Our detachment on this occasion, as well as on 13 98 LIFE OF THE one that soon followed it, was commanded by a militia general by the name of Wines. He had seen military service, as the major of a regiment in the Northern army, under the lamented Montgomery. He was of gigantic frame and strength, and no one doubted his courage. But the most remarkable thing about him was his voice. It exceeded in power and efficiency — for it was articulate as well as loud — every other human voice that I ever heard. Among other anecdotes that are told of him, this is one. He met a strong foraging party of British troops in the winter during which New Brunswick, in New Jersey, was their head quar- ters. He came in sight of this party suddenly, as it was approaching a hill, of which he had just taken pos- session with a far inferior force to that of his enemy. He made the best display of his troops that he could, and before the British came within musket shot, he thundered out at the top of his voice — " Open to the right and left, and let the field pieces come in." The British were without field pieces as well as himself, but expecting a deadly fire from the American artillery, they faced to the right about and hastily retreated. I believe the anecdote has a foundation in truth, as I heard it from different quarters; and if it is not true to the letter, it certainly lacks no credibility so far as our General's voice was concerned. It was not long after our return from Minisink, before we were called to a more serious military service than any I had hitherto seen — General Wines being still our commander The British in New York city had erected a small fort a short distance from the Hack- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 99 ensack river, and sent a number of boats or shallops up that river to collect the hay which had recently been cut and stacked on the meadows where it grew. To afford protection to the boats, a frigate was also sent up the Hackensack as far as the depth of the water would permit. Our head quarters were at Aquackanock bridge, on the Passaic, about ten miles above Newark. Finding that the British did not advance into the coun- try, as had been expected, our General determined to march his troops within cannon shot of their fort, and offer them battle. He did so; and on our march, and not far from the fort, he espied across a field of con- siderable width, a number of women very attentively observing our movements. He raised his stentorophonic voice, and addressed them thus, " Your are counting us, are you? that you may know our numbers and go and tell the British." He then added something which I do not choose to repeat. The poor women vanished like so many frighted ghosts, and we presently came within cannon shot of the fort. To assure us of this, a cannon ball came over us, a little above our heads, with that screaming and whizzing kind of noise, which it always makes, as it passes through and seems to torture the air. This was the first time I had ever heard this kind of noise ; and truly I could not say, as we are told was said by Charles the Twelfth of Sweden, on a simi- lar occasion, " That is the most pleasant music I have ever heard." We were now on a hill, the fort on another, and a ravine was between us — the ravine crossing the road which led to the fort nearly at right angles. General "Wines, taking care that the enemy should not see hi.s operations, placed about one-third of 100 I'IfE OF THE his force, among whom I was numbered, in the ravine, which was filled with trees and brushwood — our loca- tion being a little to the left of the road, through which, if the enemy advanced, they must necessarily pass. He directed us to keep ourselves closely concealed, till the whole of the British troops had passed us, and were engaged with the corps he commanded in person ; then to rush out and attack their rear with our utmost vigour. We laid snug in our ambush for more than an hour ; when the man who had been so much frightened in crossing the Delaware river on our hunting excursion, became impatient of further delay, took his musket in his hand, advanced into the open field before the fort, within calling distance, and challenged them to come out. It was a daring act, and I greatly feared at the time, that it would cost him his life; but he came back without injury. The enemy probably had not a larger force than was barely sufficient to man the fort, and we could not provoke them to leave it. Having waited lono^ enouofh to ascertain this fact, we marched back for a mile or two, then turned from the road into a piece of rising ground, and encamped for the night. On this occasion, I passed about eighteen hours without eating any thing but an apple and a small piece of ship bread which the worms had left. We passed the night wrapped in our blankets, with a few cornstalks for a bed, by those who could get them. The next morning we drew our rations of flour and fresh beef; but while we were baking our unfermented dough on hot stones, and were preparing sticks to hold our meat in the flame of a brushwood fire, which was all the roasting we could give it, intelligence was received that the enemy REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 101 was marching in force, to cut off our retreat by getting between us and the bridge. We were ordered under arms with all possible haste, and famished as we were, we left our unbaked cakes and undressed meat, and made a forced and rapid march, with a view to reach the bridge before the enemy. It proved to be a false alarm; which, however, was not ascertained till we were within about two miles of the bridge ; when we halted, and were permitted to sit down for a few minutes. It is impossible for me fully to describe my feelings, as I sat on the ground at this time. The excitement which had kept up my spirits was over. I was exhausted with hunger, want of rest, and a hasty march, and was seized with a kind of apathy, or stupor, which rendered me indifferent to every thing — careless even, whether I lived or died. Happily, this wretched feeling did not last long; but I can never forget it, and have often called it to mind, with, I hope, some grati- tude to God that it was of short duration ; as well as for his providential and paternal care of me in all the perils to which I was exposed in this period of my life. We soon reached our quarters, and one of the sweetest mor- sels that I ever tasted, was a piece of raw pickled pork, with which we were immediately served. Till this expedition, I had been a very squeamish lad, in regard to my diet ; but the occurrences now stated cured me effectually. Adieu for the present. P , February 8, 1841. My dear a. — After our expedition to the fort, as mentioned in my last letter, we spent several idle days l()'2 L^^^ 0^ THE in our quarters ; and in the mean time learned that the British boats were descending the Hackensack river, loaded with hay. Captain Outwater, an enterprising officer, probably with the approbation of our General, determined, if possible, to cut off and capture some of them before they should get under cover of the guns of the frigate, which had been sent to protect them. He beat up for volunteers, and about thirty, of whom I was one, put ourselves under his command, to go on this expedition. The plan was to go and return on the same day, which, by rapid movements, was understood to be practicable. We accordingly took an early break- fast, and with all speed marched for the Hackensack. We stopped at a house, near the meadow^s which adjoined the river, for the purpose both of obtaining information and getting refreshment. Both were afforded us; and a vile fellow of our company repaid the hospitality we received, by stealing some articles of ornament from the females of the family. Before we left the house, however, he was detected, and compelled to restore his pillage to its proper owners. We learned from this family, that a number of boats had already proceeded down the stream, and that others were then in the act of passing. We therefore hastened our departure, and as we were going over the meadow, we had the mortification to see one boat after another reach the protecting frigate. We were unavoidably delayed by a deep inlet from the river, which could not be passed except on a log, or rather a large pole, which had been thrown over it, and which was partly under water. About a third part of our number would not risk the danger of crossing this inlet, and we left them REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 103 there. As soon as some twenty of us were over, we saw a lagging boat, the last of the thieving squadron, beating down the stream against a head wind. We hurried forward, and took a position which proved to be within reach of the frisjate's cannon. The margin of the river was lined by a high and thick sedge, which completely concealed us; and thus stationed, we w^aited for the boat to come opposite to the place where we stood; and as it did so, we all fired at once. The fire was returned, and although we were much concealed, our enemies' bullets, by the impres- sion they made on the sedge, showed that some of us escaped them very narrowly. It was not long, how- ever, before we completely silenced the fire from the boat, and all on board took refuge, either in her hold, or behind the hay with which she was loaded — not a man remained visible. But the boat was on the wrong tack for us when all her hands were driven from their quar- ters. She drifted to the opposite shore, and there safely grounded. We had no means of crossing the stream, although not more than about a hundred yards wide; and thus, after all our efforts, we could capture neither the boat nor her crew. While what I have mentioned was going on, the artillery of the frigate was not unem- ployed. The fire of our musketry and that from the boat was heard, and though the sedge concealed us, our location was perceived by the flashes of our guns. A cannon shot or two was directed to our whereabout ; and as our expected prey was hopelessly beyond our reach, we took shelter behind a large hay stack, a short distance from the river. With the help of his men, the captain ascended the stack to make his observations. 104 LIFE OF THE The occupants of the boat, finding that our fire had ceased, and presuming, as tlie fact was, that we had left the sedge, came out of their hiding places, and some of them climbed up the mast of the boat, so that they could at least see our captain, and in a loud voice reviled us as a set of rascally rebels. The captain was also seen from the frigate, and a cannon shot was directed at him with great precision. Happily he saw the flash, and leaped from the stack before the ball passed over it and entered the marsh at a short distance from us, sending a cloud of mud and stubble into the air. "I think," said the captain, " that you might now get a good shot at those blackguards in the boat. AVho of you will try?" " I will," was my immediate answer. But what was my disappointment when I found that not another individual of the company would consent to go, except the thief, who had stolen the female orna- ments, and who wished to redeem his character. I scorned to go in his company, but my pride would not permit me to retract my offer. I asked for the best gun in the company, as I did not think my own was good at a long shot. Enough were offered, but I chose an old hunter's gun, with a long barrel ; and seeing that it was well charged, took my solitary way to the river's side. The thief, I found afterwards, followed me. The plan I formed was, to creep into the sedge, sit on the ground, take good aim with my piece rested on my bended knee, and the moment after I had fired, to fall backward, and lie as close to the ground as possible; that if my fire should be returned, the bullets might pass above me. This plan I executed fully; but I ought to mention, that the men in the boat had ao^ain REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 105 disappeared ; so that I could only fire at that part of the boat, or rather at the hay on its deck, behind which I thought it most Ukely they were skulking. This I did, with as much skill and exactness as I was master of; but there is little probability that I injured any one. I do not recollect whether my fire was returned or not. But I lay still for some time, till I supposed the enemy would conclude I was gone, and then crept out of the sedge, and took refuge behind a haystack, nearer to the river than the one which sheltered my companions. While here, the thief came to me, terrified almost out of his life, and entirely out of his senses. I asked him if he had fired — he said he had not. -' And why not?" said I. He said he could not see the men in the boat ; and began to load his piece with another cartridge. I asked him why he would do that, when there was a charge already in his gun. He looked wild, and said he believed he would ram it down. He did so, and this musket, thus containing two cartridges, was discharged in the midst of us, as we were returning from the meadow, and it was a signal providential mercy that none of us were either killed or wounded. He had cocked his piece when he went to the river, and for- gotten to uncock it afterwards, but was holding it before him with both his hands, when probably a stroke on his knee sprung the lock, and the discharge threw the gun out of his hands to a considerable distance. Our captain was angry enough to have sacrificed him on the spot; but he was left eventually without injury, in possession of his character as a thief, a coward, and a blockhead. In telling this thief story, it is of course implied that I joined my companions, and that we 14 106 LIFE OF THE marched for onr quarters. We reached them in safety in the evening. I must not close this letter without telling you the view which, in my serious moments, I have frequently taken of my volunteering an attempt to take the life of an individual, on board the depredating boat that has been described. Never, for a moment, have I doubted the lawfulness of defensive war; and if ever there was a purely defensive war, that of our revolution, in my deliberate judgment, possessed this character. But war, as well as peace, has its laws; and all the best writers on the subject are agreed, that any act or opera- tion not calculated to shorten the conflict, is unjusti- fiable; hence, border plundering has always been severely condemned. Now, as the boat in question was completely out of our power, and the destroying of an individual could have produced no sensible in- fluence in shortening the war of our revolution, I think that Captain Outwater did wrong in inviting his men to do what I did; and that the part I acted, was rash, foolish and criminal — calling for regret and repentance, which I trust I have felt and exercised ; and that for this, as well as my other transgressions, I have obtained the divine forgiveness. Affectionately, adieu. P , February 15, 1841. My dear a. — In a few days after the adventure mentioned in my last letter, the militia corps to which I belonged, was disbanded at the Aquackanok bridge, and everv man souo^ht his home bv the shortest route he could find. I ought to tell you that my father, with a view of REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 107 keeping me from mingling too much in military affairs, devised a plan for the purpose, which was partially successful. There was a law of the state of New Jersey which excused every teacher of a school of fifteen scholars from all military duty ; and by the way, it shows how careful our revolutionary patriots were to provide for the instruction of the rising generation, even amidst the dangers and turmoil of the pending conflict. By the direction of my father, in the seven- teenth year of my age, I first taught an English, and afterwards a classical school, consisting of more than the legal number of scholars requisite to free me from the demands of military service. I refused, however, to avail myself of the law, farther than to claim an exemption from the ordinary militia trainings ; which I did not need, as I had, in the manner heretofore stated, made myself perfect in the manual exercise and the common evolutions of a militia company. I still kept my soldierly equipments in constant preparation for actual hostility, and whenever an alarm occurred, I immediately dismissed my school and repaired to the place of rendezvous. In the month of June, 1780, a detachment' of the British army from New York, of five thousand men, as Ramsay states in his history, under the command of Lieutenant General Kniphausen, made an incursion into the state of New Jersey, and proceeded as far as Connecticut Farms, in the county of Essex. They burned in this place, the Presbyterian church and twelve dwelling houses. Here also, and at this time, was perpetrated the tragical death of the wife of the Rev. James Caldwell, who had rendered himself pecu- 108 LIFE OF THE liarly obnoxious to the British, by his activity and influence in animating his countrymen to oppose their hostile operations. He had obtained the occupancy of a house in this village for the use of his family, and had left them in the morning, and gone to encourage the militia, w^ho with great bravery were resisting the advance of the troops under Kniphausen. Ramsay's statement is as follows: — "When the royal forces were on their way into the country, a soldier came to this house (Mr. Caldwell's,) in his absence, and shot his wife, Mrs. Caldwell, instantly dead, by levelling his piece directly at her, through the window of the room in which she was sitting with her children. Her body, at the request of an officer of the new levies, was moved to some distance, and then the house and every thing in it was reduced to ashes." The British were re- proached with this instance of horrid barbarity, which they endeavoured to palliate or den}^ by imputing Mrs. Caldwell's death to a random shot. This was repelled by the late Dr. Elias Boudinot, who had been a parishioner of Mr. Caldwell, and with such a state- ment of evidence as induced Ramsay, whose history is in general temperate and candid, to make the positive and unqualified representation which I have quoted. Of the activity of Mr. Caldwell himself in opposing the British, I was myself a witness. A militia corps, in which I was marching, in consequence of Kniphausen's expedition, halted a short distance from the Connecticut Farms, when Mr. Caldwell rode up and addressed us in a very animated manner. Among other things, I re- member he said — " Your comrades, countrymen, are acting nobly. They have been fighting the British REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 109 this morning with a bravery which would have done honour to the troops of the Duke of Marlborough." He was ignorant of the fact, that his wife was probably at that very time a lifeless corpse, by the vindictive resentment of the enemy against himself. General Washington marched with all the troops that had not previously left their cantonment in the neighbourhood of Morristow^n to arrest the progress ot Kniphausen. The militia with whom I was associated, were stationed in an orchard, in advance of the regular continental troops. Here, for the first time, I saw the Baron de Steuben, the great and efficient disciplinarian of the American army. He rode up to our encamp- ment, and requested to see our commanding officer. And never before or since, have I had such an impres- sion of the ancient fabled god of war, as when I then looked on the Baron — he seemed to me to be a perfect personification of Mars. The trappings of his horse, the enormous holsters of his pistols, his large size, and his strikingly martial aspect, all seemed to favour the idea. The result of his interview w4th our commander was, that we were ordered to lie on our arms during the whole of the ensuing night. Nor was this all, soon after the Baron retired, two men came forward with cradles, and began to cut a double swath of the rye, which covered the slope of the hill, on the top of which was the orchard in w*hich we w^ere encamped. The swath, when cut, opened a view^ of a contiguous and narrow defile, betweefi a precipitous hill on the one side, and a marsh on the other, and along which ran the only road in that neighbourhood. Two large field pieces were now brought, and so pointed that, when 110 LIFE OF THE discharged, they would rake the defile from one end to the other. It was the intention of General Washington to draw, if possible, the British 'troops into this defile, whether their advance should be made by day or by night — the latter being deemed the most probable. To effect his purpose, he used an artifice, which I shall relate as I heard it, and which I suppose was substan- tially true. He inquired for an intelligent, decided, and courageous whig — and found one in the person of a farmer belonging to the neighbourhood, and asked him to go as a spy into the British camp. The farmer said he was prepared to serve his country in any way that he could, but that he scrupled to assume the cha- racter of a spy, because he knew that, if discovered, he would be immediately hanged. You will be entirely secure against detection, said Washington, if you tell exactly and truly all that you know, excepting only that I sent you. Go, and take a survey of our position, and when you are questioned by General Kniphausen, tell promptly all that you know, and you will be in no danger of a halter, or even of suspicion. The farmer went, and the report w^hich w^e afterwards heard was, that the enemy were actually under arms to make the attack that night, and were prevented only by an acci- dent — perhaps by a shower of rain ; but of this I am not certain, as I do not remember that it rained during the folio winor night. The next morning, however, the enemy instead of advancing, retired to their fortifications at Elizabeth- town Point ; and it was reported and believed that the whole of them passed over to Staten Island, except about five hundred men, who were left for the defence REV. ASHBEL GREEN. HI and care of their entrenchments. On the retreat of the British troops, General Washington with the larger part of his army, marched for West Point, leaving General Hand with a brigade of continental troops of the Pennsylvania line, and two brigades of militia, to check any future incursion of the Hessian and British forces into New Jersey. In the confident belief that there were not more than five hundred men left in the British lines at Elizabeth- town Point, General Lord Stirling, who it was under- stood by us had the chief command, was reported to have said to General Hand, " Take your brigade. Hand, and the two brigades of militia, and go down and bring up those fellows at the Point." Hand was nothing loth to attempt the execution of this order, for he w-as a brave, enterprising, and skilful commander. He ap- pointed Elizabethtown, about two and a half miles from the Point, as the place of general rendezvous. When arrived there, his arrangement for the contemplated attack was, that the continental troops commanded bv himself in person, should occupy the centre, and that one brigade of the militia should take position on his right, and the other on his left; but that we should march in separate columns, so as to assault the enemy's breast works in three different points at the same time. This time was distinctly specified, a space deemed sufficient for the purpose, being allowed for the columns severally to gain the stations assigned them. The bri- gade, or column, in which I found myself, was on the left; and we were delayed a little on our march by fences and ditches which obstructed our field pieces. The consequence was, that the other brigades reached 112 I'l^E OF THE their assigned positions just as we were entering a piece of meadow ground ; beyond which was a wood, from which we were to make our attack on the enemy's line, that ran very near it. At this moment the British opened their fire upon us. The wood we were to occupy prevented our being aimed at by their artillery directly in our front, but the far larger part of their works had nothing to obstruct the cannon balls and grape shot which from right to left they poured forth, and which swept over us, as we were passing the meadow, like a storm of hail. It was a special mercy that they overshot us, otherwise the carnage must have been horrible. The ground trembled under us at every step, and I have frequently said that no thunder storm I have ever witnessed, either in loudness of sound or the shaking of the earth, equalled what I saw and felt in crossing that meadow, which was of the width proba- bly of four or five hundred yards. When we reached the wood, we were in some measure shielded against danger from the enemy's cannon ; which, however, continued to be discharged into the wood which shel- tered us. From some cause or other, through the whole of this engagement, their pieces of ordnance were, in general, aimed too high to do execution. Their balls struck the trees among which we were standing, some yards above our heads ; and I heard of a man or two being either killed, or dangerously wounded, by the falling of some of these balls on their heads from the trees which had arrested their course. Our brigade was preceded by an advance corps, which had captured a picket guard of the enemy, by getting between them and their fortifications ; and just REV. ASHBEL GREEN. Hg as we arrived at the wood the prisoners were seen, with their red coats checkeririo^ arnono^ the trees and comino- toward us. The miUtia, taking them to be the hostile British soldiery, and not being accustomed to wait for any word of command, began to fire upon them at hap- hazard, while their own officers were in their front. Our Colonel, who was a very brave, but a very profane man, rode forward and backward before his regiment, and in a loud voice swore tremendously that he would sacrifice the very first man that should fire another gun till he gave the order. It may be worth while to contrast the conduct of this Colonel with that of the Captain of the company in which I was enrolled. He was a deacon in my father's congregation, and a man of distinguished piety. He stood before his company with the greatest calmness and composure, scarcely spoke at all, unless it was to drop now and then a word of encouragement to his men, while we were waiting for orders to advance to the assault of the British entrenchments. But such orders never came. General Hand perceived from the first fire of the enemy, that their force was far superior to his own, and that his only resource was to draw off" his men in such manner as to favour the impression that his whole design was to make a feint, which might provoke them to leave their fortified lines. He accordingly sent his two aids, one to the right and the other to the left, with orders to the militia brigades to retire ; not precipi- tately, but as if they were only executing a manoeuvre. The plan succeeded, and we returned to Elizabeth- town without being pursued by the enemy. 15 114 LIFE OF THE On this occasion, while our rashness exposed, it also saved us. Our whole force, militia included, did not, I think, exceed fifteen hundred men ; that of the enemy about the double of the same number, and all veterans, trained to arms. Had they advanced, they would in all probability have killed many of us, captured others, and dispersed the whole. But they concluded, as it was natural they should, that our object was to induce them to leave their fortified camp ; and that if they did so, they would find that we were backed by a formi- dable army in our rear, with which they would not be able to cope. . The narrative I have given you in this letter, relates to the most serious occurrences of my military life, as to personal danger; and perhaps you will wish to know- how I felt when w^e were under the fire of the whole British entrenchments. Bad enough I assure you, while we were crossing the meadow, but entirely fear- less afterwards — occupied only in thinking of the expected orders to put myself in greater danger than that which I had passed through. God, I trust, had designs of mercy concerning me, and he protected me. One of my classmates in college received a wound in the attack I have described, the evidence of which, although not painful, was always visible. I returned to my school, but had scarcely collected my scholars, when another alarm called me to leave it. The ac- count of this will be the subject of my next letter, and will close the history of my campaigns, which I cer- tainly shall be glad to finish. Affectionately, adieu. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 115 P , February 22, 1841. My dear a. — Ramsay's history gives an account of the expedition of Kniphausen, which formed the sub- ject of my last letter; but it contains not a word relative to the attack made on the British lines at Elizabeth town Point. Two causes may be assigned for this omission — the first is, that the history purports to be only a summary of the principal events or trans- actions of our revolutionary war; the other is, that its author was not so well informed of the military opera- tions in the northern, as in the southern States, in the latter of which he had his residence. I had occasion, in a former letter, to mention his entire ignorance of the inoculation for the small pox of the whole Ameri- can army, till I gave him the information which he has briefly embodied in his work. Of the second incursion of Kniphausen, he has given the following account: '' While the royal detachment was in Jersey, Sir Henry Clinton returned, with his victorious army, from Charleston to New York. He ordered a reinforcement to Kniphausen ; and the whole advanced a second time toward Springfield. They w^ere now opposed by General Greene, with a considerable body of continen- tal troops. Colonel Angel, with his regiment and a piece of artillery, was posted to secure the bridge in front of the town. A severe action took place, which lasted forty minutes. Superior numbers forced the Americans to retire. General Greene took post with his troops on a range of hills, in hopes of being at- tacked. Instead of this, the British began to burn the town. Near fifty dwelling houses were reduced to ashes. The British then retreated, but were pursued IIQ LIFE OF THE by the enraged militia till they entered Elizabethtown. The next day they set out on their return to New York. The loss of the Americans in the action was about eighty, and that of the British was supposed to be considerably more. It is difficult to tell what was the object of this expedition." The historian follows the last quoted sentence with several conjectures, which I think he would not have formed, if he had been ac- quainted with what I have always understood to have been the design of the British, in the expeditions in question. It was to deceive General Washington, with an apparent intention to seize or destroy his military stores, and to break up his quarters at Morristown; and thus to induce him to concentrate his force at that point — and when that w^as effected, they hoped to exe- cute their main design, which was, to avail themselves of their command of the Hudson river below West Point, make a rapid movement for the capture of the fort located there, before the main American army could come to its defence, and thus cut off the commu- nication between the eastern, middle and southern States — but that General Washington penetrated and defeated the whole project. This account of the matter is manifestly favoured by the movements of the Ameri- can army in June, 1780. If my impression is right, a part of the army was sent to West Point before Knip- hausen's first incursion, and a still larger part, com- manded by General Washington in person, were marching for that station, at the very time the " severe action" at Springfield took place. I will now state my reminiscences of this whole affair, for Ramsay's account is very brief and general. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. ii*j 1 think I once pointed out to you as we were o-oino- on a visit to the place of my nativity, the position of the British troops, as they approached the bridge men- tioned above. They marched in solid column down the road, which you may remember has, for about half a mile, a gentle slope, till it reaches the bridge. At this bridge, on the side adjoining the town, Colonel Angel's regiment of continental troops were stationed. The planks of the bridge had been removed, but the beams which had supported them, remained. The Americans had but a single fieldpiece, which was planted on a piece of rising ground in their rear, and which made great havoc among the ranks of the enemy, before they came within musket shot of the bridge. If, indeed, the invaders had been intentionally placed in a position most favourable to be cut in pieces by cannon shot, it could scarcely have been done more skilfully, than what actually took place on this occasion. The con- sequence was, that with all their discipline, they broke and rallied three times; and when at last a part of them reached the bridge, they found it necessary to break their ranks, and attempt to cross, a few at a time, on the naked beams. Those that crossed were either killed or driven back ; and then a plan of attack was formed, which it would have been wise if it had been adopted at first. The wdiole British corps marched down the creek about two miles, to a place where it was easily fordable, and came round on the flank of Angel's regiment, which retreated on its approach. As soon as the British obtained possession of the town, they set it on fire, reserving only a house or two for the 118 LIFE OF THE accommodation of their wounded men. The Presby- terian church was burned with the other buildings. Of what I have hitherto written, I was not an eye witness. My statement rests on satisfactory evidence, received at the time, from those who were eye wit- nesses. The march of Kniphausen's detachment from his fortified camp at EUzabethtown Point, was so rapid, that the miUtia of Morris county, although there was no loitering, did not arrive even in sight of the scene of conflict, till the most serious part of it was over. The road on which w^e hastily pursued our march, was in several places literally sprinkled with the blood of our wounded countrymen, as they were carried to a distance from the battle ground ; for the impression was, that Morristown was the ultimate object of this invasion. The militia brigade in which I had my location, was ordered to take a position to the left of the still burnins: village, about half a mile distant from it, on elevated ground, at the foot of a mountain. On our passage to it I saw, at no great distance, my father on horse-back — his curiosity, for once, had led him to be the spectator of a battle. We found on the ground where we halted, a number of the inhabitants of Springfield, who had left their houses on the approach of the British troops, and who now beheld their dwel- lings either in flames or in smouldering ruins. Their distress, mingled with indignation, was apparent in their countenances; and some of them seemed to re- quire restraint, to prevent the loss of their lives, in a vain attempt to be revenged on their depredating foes. After the burning of the town, the enemy, who were fully in our view, appeared to be taking a resting spell. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. -[IQ and a party of them seemed to be recreating them- selves, in a piece of meadow ground, near to their main body. A fieldpiece from our brigade, under cover of some bushes in our front, was advanced a considerable distance toward them, and the first discharge, which appeared to be well aimed, put an end to their amuse- ment ; they scattered hastily, and none were afterwards seen in the meadow. But it was not long before the whole corps com- menced a precipitate retreat. The cause of this was mysterious to us at the time, but the mystery was soon explained. General Washington had arrived at Pomp- ton, with the main body of his army, on his route to West Point, when intelligence reached him of the second expedition of Kniphausen. He immediately took the command, in person, of two brigades of light infantry, and endeavoured by a forced march to get into the rear of Kniphausen, and prevent his return to New York ; and he would have effected his purpose, if the retreat had been delayed for two hours longer. But Kniphausen became apprised of his danger, probably by tory information, and with all speed hastened to his fortified lines, and on the following night passed over to Staten Island. On his retreat, he was pursued both by the continental troops wliohad opposed his advance, and by a part of the militia ; and his loss was consider- able, as his haste to prevent being intercepted permitted him to make but little resistance. At the time of this invasion, I was in the habit of keeping a diary ; a part of it has been lost, but in the first page of what remains, I find the following entries: " June 23d, 1780. Alarm— marched to Chatham, from 120 LIFE OF THE thence to the left of Springfield. The enemy, after a pretty severe skirmish, had gained the town, which they soon burned. They then made a most precipitate retreat to Elizabethtown. A party of militia and a detachment of continental troops followed them upon their rear-, and did considerable execution. The enemy left the Jersey shore, and retreated to Staten Island in the night. Had not an opportunity of firing a shot at one of them, in this incursion, owing, as I humbly con- ceive, to the cowardice of a certain Brigadier General who commanded us. Returned to a house about two miles from the Governor's — staid all night and lay upon arms. 24th. Returned to H , almost fatigued to death." Thus speaks my diary. It shows with what readiness militia men were then accustomed to pass sentence on their officers, as cowardly or courageous. I think it right to say, however, that the General who commanded us at this time, was not my old friend Wines ; and also, that I now think it probable that it was prudence, and not cowardice, in him who did com- mand, which kept me and other heady youth from rash and improper action. The entry in my diary is very meager; I much wish that fatigue, or something else, had not prevented the statement of more particulars, especially of what I saw on the battle ground, the day after what I have so lightly called a skirmish, and which to this hour is vividly impressed on my memory. My route homeward led me over the whole of this ground, and for the first, and I hope for the last time of my life, I saw the yet unburied corpses of the victims of war. Two or three of these corpses, stripped as naked as when they were born, lay at the bridge which REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 121 the British attempted to force, and on the side adjoining the town. If they had been Americans, I think their countrymen would not have stripped them; and, for the like reason, if they had once been British or Hessian soldiers, their comrades, in their hasty retreat, would probably not have denuded them. I thought, as I stood to look at them, and still think, that they had been daring and determined soldiers of the British army, who had run across the beams of the bridge, and met instant death as soon as they reached the opposite side. One of these victims appeared to have received but one wound, and that through his chest, manifestly inflicted by a bayonet, or the espontoon of an oflicer. But the whole scene was one of gloomy horror — a dead horse, a broken carriage of a fieldpiece, a town laid in ashes, the former inhabitants standing over the ruins of their dwellings, and the unburied dead, covered with blood and with the flies that were devouring it, filled me with melancholy feelings, till I w^as ready to say — Is the contest worth all this? I was glad to get away from the affecting spectacle. A little beyond the town I saw^ General Washington, accompanied only by a single dragoon, and both coming forward on a rapid gallop. Whither the General was going I know not — probably to take a hasty survey of the mischief which the enemy had done by their invasion. I feel while I write, a rising wish that he had been able to get into Kniphau- sen's rear. But I check the wish. The providence of God orders all these occurrences with a wisdom and benevolence infinitely beyond and better than ours. Never was a war conducted with less wisdom than the war of our revolution, on the part of the mother 16 122 LIFE OF THE country. A knowledge of history and of human nature might, one would suppose, have taught the British ministry that a people brought up under free institu- tions can never be governed by mere force and com- pulsion, unless the force be absolutely overwhelming, and be constantly applied. Such a people — and such were the Anglo-Americans — cannot be subdued except by kindness, and a treatment marked by a strict regard to equity and humanity. I heard a man of some shrewdness once say, that when the British troops overran the state of New Jersey, in the closing part of the year 1776, the whole population could have been bought for eighteen pence a head. But when it was found that rapine, violence, oppression and insult, were the fruits of submission, the Jerseymen became some of the most obstinate and inveterate enemies to British domination in the whole country. Ramsay states that the same spirit pervaded the Carolinas, when the suc- cesses of Lord Cornwallis began to wane. In the latter stages of the war, the burning of towns and villages, and the plundering of the inhabitants, had no other effect than to produce a determination to abide by the original motto. Liberty or Death. A somewhat ludicrous evidence of this, was exhibited in Spring- field, after its conflagration. A number of houses were soon rebuilt, and a patriotic shoemaker sought, and I dare say not without effect, to recommend himself to his towmsmen, by placing on the sign board over the door of his shop, something like the following pithy distich : "N. W [here was the name.] For all good whigs makes shoes and boots, But Tories and British he boldly shoots." REV. ASHBEL GREEN. -lOQ I rather think that I have improved the measure in the lines of this doggerel couplet, but I am pretty sure that tories and British were the subjects of denuncia- tion, and that boots and slioots were its clinching rhyme. I saw and read the inscription more than once. I have now done with the narrative of my cam- paigns; and I hope, and devoutly pray, that you may never see any thing like the scenes and sufferings which I have described. Affectionately, adieu. 124 LIFE OF THE CHAPTER VIII. Fkom the Year 1778 to 1782. -, March 1, 1841. My Dear A. — My tours of service in the militia during our revolutionary war, had, I think, but little if any unfriendly influence on my religious principles and moral conduct. But I cannot say quite as much of my acquaintance with some of the officers of the con- tinental army. They were generally profane in their conversation, and some of them did not hesitate to avow infidel sentiments. My taste for literature, and some small attainments in liberal knowledge, rendered my company not unacceptable to them ; and although I do not recollect that any of them ever formally reasoned against Christianity, either with me or in my hearing, yet their known opinions and loose practices, had a degree of influence in leading me to question the truth and authority of divine revelation, with which my domestic education had deeply imbued my mind. In a word, I became skeptical in regard to the Holy Scriptures. This state of mind, however, I did not disclose to any one. So far was I from ever speaking a and I was desirous to show them that I was ready to face danger in their service. I had an additional motive. I thought my people were ra- ther remiss in their endeavours to get me a colleague, and I cherished the hope that my zeal in serving them 278 LIFE OF THE would stimulate them to more active exertions. By far the larger part of my congregation had left the city as soon as it was fully ascertained that the pestilence had appeared among us. In general, it was the poorer part that remained, but the churches in the city, ex- cept one of the Methodist denomination were closed, and probably the larger part of my audience were not of my own pastoral charge ; taken together, the people to whom I preached were in number about the third part of my ordinary congregations in time of health. I purchased a horse and had a chaise at command, so that I visited my family every week during the calamity. This I did, that I might relieve their fears, and promote my own health. My wife told me that if I considered it my duty to go weekly to the city, she considered it her duty to accompany me. My answer was, "Very well my dear, try it." She did try it once, and but once after the disease became alarming. An old black servant from Carolina had the charge of our house, and did our marketinf^. All visiting of friends had ceased. My wife spent a gloomy day. At length she heard the rumbling of carriage wheels. "There now, she cried, is a hearse, let us go to the door and see it." To the door we accordingly went, and on opening it, the hearse with a coffin in it was directly before us. My wife sank back into my arms. I said to her, " My love — to use a military phrase — if you cannot stand fire better than this, I think it is clear that you ought to remain at Princeton, and not come here until our city is free from pestilence." I accordingly took her to Princeton after I had performed m}^ Sabbath day's exercises in the REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 279 church, and she showed no disposition to accompany me again. I met with an occurrence of a very disagreeable kind. I was greatly afflicted with a swimming in my head, which was always increased by the elevation of the pulpit. To relieve it, I stood in a circular pew at the foot of the pulpit, from which I could easily ad- dress my small audience. When the service on a cer- tain occasion was somewhat advanced, I saw a woman whose face was much flushed coming up the broad aisle of the church, and taking a seat at a little distance from me. I was accustomed, in order to avoid intercourse with the people, to remain in the pew from which I had spoken till the whole congregation had retired. But the woman whom I have mentioned had no disposition to retire till she had spoken to me. I was standing up with my hand on the top of the enclosure of the pew. She approached and laid hold of my hand. I sought gently to disengage it, but she grasped it more firmly, and drew me toward her saying, " I believe you don't know me;" and as she spoke these words, she breathed full in my face, and her breath was the most fetid that I have ever known, it seemed to go down to the bottom of my stomach. As soon as I decently could, I left her, returned home, washed my hands and face, took a glass of wine, and tried to forget what had happened. What became of the woman, I know not. She was either in liquor, or under disease, or more probably both. As far as I recollect, no ill consequence to my- self followed the occurrence. It pleased God to favour me during this calamity with great consolation in my religious exercises and feelings. I was in the habit of 280 LIFE OF THE making a statement in my diary on Saturday evening, of my religious exercises during the previous week. I desire to record with the livehest gratitude the goodness of God in preserving me and my family during the late calamity; in giving me the most com- fortable time in religion that I ever experienced; for preserving me from disease, and from any distressing fear of it in the health of my wife and children ; in having a place of safety and comfort to go to, and in bringing all together again in safety. Let me be more entirely devoted to the service and glory of God than I ever yet have been. If ever I preached with fervour, like a dying man to a dying man, it was during the time of this calamity. And yet, I never heard of an unconverted sinner that was awakened by any of the discourses which I de- livered. During a season of pestilence, unsanctified men were commonly so engrossed with apprehensions of danger, and with the means and measures which they adopt to protect themselves from the prevailing disease, that any occasional impressions which they experience from alarming sermons, are soon lost in the anxiety they feel and the means they use to preserve their bodily health, and by exciting occurrences by which they are on all sides surrounded. The collecting together of large and promiscuous assemblies is more- over calculated to spread infection. I, therefore, in the following year, in which the pestilence was much more fatal than in 1797, had no scruples in taking the measures which I am now to state. I find by an entry in my diary of the 4th of August, 1798, that for the week preceding that date, "there REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 281 had been a good deal of talk about the yellow fever," and that a man whose funeral I had attended had died of that disease. On the 14th of the month I took my wife and a female servant to the residence of my father- in-law, in the vicinity of Princeton, having previously sent my children thither. I returned, however, myself, on the following Saturday, and lodged with Dr. Boudi- not at Rose Hill. The family were so importunate wdth me not to venture into the city, that I wrote a letter to the sexton of the church that I was not to be expected ; the letter was to be sent by Dr. Boudinot's black servant. But after the letter was written, and I had retired to my bed, my mind was so uneasy that I could not sleep till I had changed my purpose, and resolved to go and preach and advise all my people who could leave the city to escape for their lives. This I accordingly did, and to this in a great measure it was probably owing that, under the blessing of God, very few of my congregation became the victims of the pes- tilence in this year. To those of my charge who I knew could not leave the city, I said as much as I con- scientiously could to alleviate their fears, exhorting them to put their trust in God, seeing that in the order of his providence it was impracticable for them to go from their homes. I told the people explicitly that I could not see any call of duty that they should assem- ble for public worship, or that I should attend to preach while the city should remain in its present state. In my retirement at the farm of my father-in-law, I did not spend my time in idleness. I wTote four or five elaborate discourses, in two of w^hich I discussed the subject of pestilence in its various aspects, and 36 282 LIFE OF THE which I delivered to my people after my return. I also endeavoured to raise a contribution for the poor of our afflicted city, giving myself as much as I could spare. I preached frequently in Princeton, and attended the examination for degrees, and did business with the trustees of the College, to whose board I belonged, and with them I attended the annual commencement. On one occasion I went to New Brunswick, spent a Sab- bath there, and preached twice. I also employed my time in writing to some of the leading individuals of my congregation who had remained in the city; and made one address to the people generally, which was after- wards printed. In a word, I was occupied diligently. By one entry in my diary, I perceive that I thought I had injured my health by close study and reading. On the 3d of November, 1798, I returned with my eldest son to the city, and preached to my people on the following Sabbath; the rest of my family returned on the 6th of the month. In the pestilence of the following year, 1799, I did not leave the city with my family till the 27th of Au- gust. In the mean time I lost my esteemed clerical brother, the Rev. Dr. John B. Smith, who died of the yellow fever. On the night following the 21st of the month I visited him in his sickness, and did all I could to comfort his widow after his decease. She retired to Harrowgate immediately after the death of her hus- band, but shortly removed to Germantown. I visited her at both these places, and prayed with her. Her grief was great, and at first all but overwhelming. My colleague and myself returned to the city once after we left it on account of the prevalence of the fever, REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 283 but after that we both paid a visit to our parents. I preached three times at Hanover, and twice at Morris- town, and frequently at Princeton. On the 20th of October I went to the city, and on that day, which was the Sabbath, I preached; after which, in the following week, I returned to my family at Princeton, and on the 25th we all returned in safety to the city. In the year 1802 the pestilence appeared in Phila- delphia unusually early. I find in my diary of the 12th of July, the following entry. " Reports of the yellow fever are very prevalent. I have heard a good deal of it for two or three days past." I sent my chil- dren to their grandparents on the 17th of the month, but I remained with my wife and the rest of the family in the city, and was busily employed in all my clerical duties till the 4th of August. At that date we went and joined our children at Mr. Stockton's farm in the vicinity of Princeton. After preaching two Sabbaths in Princeton, I went with my wife and paid a visit to my mother at Hanover, where I also preached on the Sabbath after my arrival. We then went and spent about a week at the springs on Schooley's Mountain, and I preached on the Sabbath at Hackets' town. We returned to my mother's, and thence to Princeton. Leaving my wife there, on Mr. Ralston's invitation to me and my colleague, we took lodgings with him at his country seat. He took us into the city in his carriage on the Lord's day, and we preached alternately there; the service at Campington being wholly omitted. Mr. Ralston also accompanied me to the commencement at Princeton on the last Wednesday in September, and I find it noted in my journal that " I had some sweet 284 LIFE OF THE christian conversation with this excellent man" as we rode together in his carriage. I preached on the morn- ing of one Lord's day at Germantown, during the sea- son of the pestilence, but did not omit my customary service in the city on the afternoon of the same day. I also spent some time very pleasantly with Dr. Boudi- not's family at Rose Hill, paid a visit to my family at Princeton, returned to Rose Hill, and preached in the city on the last Sabbath of October, still making my home with the family of Dr. Boudinot. My whole family returned to the city on the sixth of November, on which occasion I wrote this in my diary : " Thanks to God who has preserved us all from the pestilence, shown us many favours, and returned us again to our home. let us live to his praise ; I hope this day I have had some freedom at the throne of grace." REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 285 CHAPTER XVII. INFLUENZA AND NEPHRITIC COMPLAINTS. If I rightly recollect, it was in the spring of 1789 that the influenza first appeared in the United States. At that time it attacked me very severely, and its violence ended in chronic rheumatism. From this complaint I was not entirely delivered till I went to the Warm and Sweet Springs of Virginia in the sum- mer of 1800. Whenever I took cold, which was very frequent, I was almost sure to be attacked by rheu- matic pains in some part of my body. In two or three instances my life was threatened, the head and loins being assailed. As is commonly the case, nephri- tic complaints were produced by the rheumatism. I suffered severely from the gravel and from incipient formation of stone in the bladder. From the latter I was delivered in a most merciful and wonderful manner. On the 28th of January, 1800, I find the following entry in my diary: — "This morning I was relieved of a piece of gravel or stone as large as a bean. Through divine goodness it came away with- out much pain. O how good is God to me! O that I could trust him with steady and cheerful confidence ! If ever a creature had reason to do so, I have. This morning too, my mind fell into a sweet contemplation of the free grace of God ; that it is most emphatically free. I also had a view of my infinite unworthiness, 286 LIFE OF THE and yet that this does not exclude me from the hope of the gospel, but that it is intended to break my heart with admiration of the boundless condescension of God and the Saviour in preparing salvation for such a creature. Attended prayers in congress, and on my return, went and conversed and prayed with Mrs. Fintham; had company at my house in the evening. Some time before this, certain adverse pro- vidential dispensations conspired wdth a natural melan- choly temperament and my other infirmities to pro- duce a deep gloom of mind, which continued so far as melancholy was concerned, for nearly three years. But still I went forward with little abatement in the performance of all my duties, both public and private. For God was pleased at intervals to give me such sweet and encouraf?inff access to his throne as I never had previously experienced, though I had, by some means, attained to a degree of the assurance of hope. 2. MY JOURNEY TO VIRGINIA. On the 7th of July, 1800, in company with Mr. James Strawbridge, I set out on a journey to the Warm and Sweet Springs of Virginia. On the 10th, after a fatiguing ride through a warm day, I was attacked by a violent cholera morbus, which detained us until the following day. The above is the only occurrence of a personal kind that I have thought w^orth notice during our whole journey to the Sweet Springs of Virginia. I shall however, give from my diary what took place on two Sabbaths, to be followed by several other extracts. ''Juhj 13th. Sabbath. Set out early on our journey REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 287 and came to Charleston, where we took breakfast. I sent a message to the house of the minister of the place Mr. Mines, and had some thoughts of spending the day here but the clergyman was not at home, and there was no alternative but to spend the day at the tavern or to go on our journey, and I preferred the latter. I read the Scriptures in the carriage, and conversed some with Mr. Strawbridge on religion, and I hope had some freedom in prayer during the day. We dined at a vile tavern, and arrived at Winchester in the evening where we found good accommodations, and where I wrote a letter to my wife." "Jw/y 20th. Sabbath. Set out for the Springs after breakfast, we crossed the Warm Spring mountain and arrived at the Springs about eleven o'clock. Blessed be God for his mercies in bringing me here in safety. I was invited to preach, which I did in the afternoon with considerable comfort to myself. Before service, I had in secret one of the sweetest meltings of soul in view of divine things that I have ever experienced. 21st. Went into the bath for the first time. Spent the day at the tavern where we have taken our lodgings. Mr. Wilson, a clergyman of the neighbour- hood came and spent the day with me." Besides my diary, I kept what I denominated a mis- cellany, in which I wrote an account of the natural curiosities of the region through which I travelled — of the various springs which I visited, of the remarkable caves of Virginia, and of the Natural Bridge, which I considered as the greatest curiosity that I saw. This miscellany I loaned to a physician in Philadelphia, which was never returned. 288 LIFE OF THE The time I spent at the Warm Spring was less by a day or two than three weeks. The remainder of the time till the 17th of September was spent in going to, and remaining at the Sweet Spring. At the last date, our company set forward on our journey homeward. During the whole time I past at the springs, I preach- ed on the Lord's day once, and often twice; I also bap- tised two or three children. The Sweet Springs at the time I visited them belonged to an old gentleman by the name of Lewis. He was an elder in the Pres- byterian church, and when he found that I preached on the Lord's day, he sent me a bed and sheets; so I fared better than most of the company, who lodged in the log huts ; two rows of which with very scanty accommo- dations, were all that the most of the visitants of the spring w^ere favoured with. We seldom made a dinner without plenty of venison. One day we missed it, and found on inquiry, that our provider had differed with the hunters. He insisting that he would give but a penny a pound for the venison, and they contending for rais- ing the price. How the matter was settled, I do not know, but I think our favourite meat was missing but for a single day. Bishop Madison, of Virginia, visited the Sweet Springs, and preached once during his stay, an able sermon on the evidences of the truth of the Christian religion. I spent my time agreeably in his company the few days he remained with us. He was a gen- tleman and a scholar. Among the various characters attending both the Warm and the Sweet Springs, there were two individ- uals of whom I shall take some particular notice in addi- REV. ASHBEL GUEEX. 039 ion to those I have already mentioned. The first of hese was a Major Willys, who had been an officer of he regular revolutionary army of our country, but had, f I remember right, left the army at an early part of he war. He was remarkable for the size of his body, IS well as for the peculiarities of his mind. He was veighed at the Sweet Spring, and I was careful to ;nter in my lost miscellany the result. He was cer- ainly the largest and heaviest man I have ever seen, all and well proportioned, but exceedingly fleshy. He lad acquired a considerable degree of liberal know- edge, and was a wit and a mimic. He was at the head Df all the gamblers of Virginia. When I heard of his 3oming to the Warm Spring, where I had got the com- pany to treat religion respectfully, I said to a serious man who was well acquainted with Major Willys, that [ was fearful he would give me trouble. " That" said the pious man, "is an unnecessary fear; the Major values himself on being a friend to ^ the clergy, and although he is dreadfully profane, he never swears in the presence of a minister of the gospel of whatever denomination." This testimony I found to be strictly true. He not only attended public worship, but was an advocate for asking a blessing and returning thanks at our common meals. He left the Sweet and returned to the Warm Spring before I left the former, and the report was, that at the latter place he asked a blessing and gave thanks liimself This I could easily believe, when I was credibly informed, that at the S\veet Spring he said to a circle of his gambling friends. " Gentlemen, you may think of it as you please, and laugh at it as I know you will, and yet it is strictly 37 290 LIFE OF THE true, that I never close my eyes till I have committed myself to the protection of my God." He was dread- fully afraid of death . On one occasion while at the Sweet Spring he was taken with a fit of fever and ague in the night, and was greatly alarmed lest it should prove mortal. Hearing of it, I visited him in his hut the next morning. But I found him surrounded by his gambling friends, so that I had no good opportunity to address him seriously.- He launched out himself into a bitter denunciation of the character of a gambler. " Doctor," said he, *' I have two daughters whom I love dearly, and if any man should ask me for the hand of one of them in mar- riage, be his character in other respects what it might, if he gambled, I would most assuredly refuse him my consent." I immediately said, " Major, if such are your real sentiments, why do you not quit gambling for yourself?" He made me no other reply than this, " Alas, Doctor, I have dipped, and I must go through." After some time he got up and went to the spring, and took a tumbler of water, and then came up and ad- dressed a company that gathered around him : " Gen- tlemen," said he, " these sick turns that a man has, do him a good deal of good. They make him a sincere penitent for all his sins." I stept up to the circle that was listening to his harangue, and said to him, " Major, I think I must take an exception to the doc- trine that you are inculcating." " How so. Doctor," he replied, " I thought you would second me." I an- swered, "it seems to me a palpable absurdity for a man to say that he is a sincere penitent for his sins, while at the very time he says so, he determines to go on and RKV. ASHBEL GREEN. 291 commit the very same sins for which he avows his penitence." " Yoa allow then," repUed the Major, " that for the time heing it makes him a penitent." " That reminds me," said I, " of the following anecdote. A clergyman in New England had a negro by the name of Jack, who had a deadly quarrel with a neigh- bouring negro by the name of Cuffey. Jack fell dan- gerously ill, and his master urged him to forgive Cuffy. Jack said that Cufty was a very bad man, and he could not forgive him. ' I tell you. Jack,' said his master, 'that you must forgive him, or God will not forgive you.' 'Well, massa,' said Jack, 'i( I die I forgive him, but if I live, Cuffy take care.'' " I never saw the Major so much confounded, as by this anecdote. He arrived at the Sweet Spring before our company. The number at this spring w^as much more multitudi- nous than at the Warm Spring, and I was fearful that if I did not break the ice at first, I should fail to do it afterwards. I got into the w^ake of Major Willys as we were struo^orlingr through the crowd, on our call to dinner, and said to him, "Major, will you do me the favour to call this large company to order that I may ask a blessing before we dine?" "To be sure, I shall," replied Willys. Accordingly he made his way to the head of the table, and with a large carving knife, he struck it repeatedly, and stamping with his foot at the same time, vociferated ^'silence,^" which, when he had completely obtained, he turned to me and said, " Now, Doctor, you will please to ask a blessing." This man, if a report I have heard be true, died a real penitent. The other individual to whom I have referred above was a Captain Rose, an unmarried man, of previous 292 LIFE OF THE licentious habits, rendered somewhat serious by ill health. I made his acquaintance at the Warm Spring, and if I rightly recollect, it was in consequence of the following incident. I was preaching in the large dining room of the tavern where we took our daily meals. He had taken a seat in such position that on retiring from the room during the sermon he was obliged to pass me and a part of the audience. For this he apolo- gized to me the following day. I told him, as was the truth, that I thought no apology was necessary, as I had imputed his leaving the room to some urgent necessity. ''No," said he, "it was not so. The truth is, I could jiot sit out your sermon. I declare I would rather have stormed the bridge of Lodi under Bonaparte than have heard you to the end of that sermon. But," continued he, "if you w^ill lend me your notes, I will try to read it." This request was complied with, and I believe he did read it. His mind was at that time transiently serious, which I sought in conversation to improve and direct; but on recovering his health, as too commonly happens in such cases, his serious impressions were lost. He went a short time before our company from the Warm Spring to the Sweet. Not long after our arrival at the latter place. Captain Rose received and accepted a challenge to fight a duel, from an Irishman by the name of Maccanalla, who had been educated for a Roman Catholic priest, but had lost all sense of religion ; yet was wonderfully superstitions, a gambler, and a drunkard. The duel was to have been fought on Sabbath morning, and Captain Rose called on me a little before church time, as he afterwards told me, to bid me farewell. He did not know at the time that I REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 293 was acquainted with the fact that he was pledged to a duel; but the secret had leaked out and come to my ear. Our interview was cut short by the call of his second, as he afterwards told me, to go to the place assigned for the duel. I was engaged to preach, and during the time of the sermon I saw Captain Rose enter the assembly, and after public worship I was informed that a magistrate, a son of the owner of Sweet Spring, had interposed and prevented the duel. I took a walk through the lane that divided the two rows of locr huts in which we Iodised, soon after I ter- minated the religious services of the morninor and seeing the door of Captain Rose open, and that he was alone, I went in. He appeared to be glad to see me, and immediately began to narrate the occasion of the duel and the circumstances of the whole affair. He said he had made his will before he went out to the ground, for that Maccanalla was, he knew, a dead shot, as he himself was, and that he had called to bid me farewell when his second called for him. But that Mr. Lewis the magistrate had interposed, and not only pre- vented the duel but had brought the parties to an ex- planation, and that the whole matter was finally settled in an liononrahle way, and to the entire satisfaction of both parties. After he had finished his narrative, I said to him, "Captain Rose you have told me the manner in which you have spent your time after your call on me this morning. Shall I tell you how I spent mine?'' He requested that I would. I then told him that as soon as he was gone from me, I sought a private re- tirement to pray for him, that God in his providence would interpose; so that he would not lose his own life 294 LIFE OF THE nor shed the blood of his opponent; and that I had re- joiced to find that the whole concern had terminated as he had stated. He appeared to be deeply affected, and only replied " I wish I was more worthy of such kind attention." I overtook his company at a tavern on our return home, and he seemed ready to embrace me for joy. I have never heard from him since. An eminence denoted Rattlesnake Hill, is in sight of the Sweet Spring, apparently at a distance of about two miles, but the route leading to it is much farther. As my object was to see everything curious, and to prevent time hanging heavily on my hands, I joined a company going to visit the place. We were all on horseback, and I had no thought that the expedition would be attended with danger, till I found that an old farmer in our route who was to be our guide was very reluctant to go. He was bribed how^ever till he con- sented. In our way to the hill we had to pass over a narrow passage between two precipices, one on either side. It was dangerous to ride over it and we dis- mounted and led our horses across it. On each side the precipice was probably more than a hundred feet, and the crossing was, I think, not more than a yard in width. We all, however, both on going and returning got over it in safety. The place where the snakes had their burrow^s was so filled with large rocks that it was not approachable on horseback. We therefore tied our horses to the trees or bushes, and stepped from one rock to another, till our advance party cried out "Here they are!" We killed several snakes, and I cut off the rattle of one of them and brought it home as a curiosity. These reptiles were innumerable on the hill, and not REV^. ASHBEL GREEN. 295 having ever heard the rattle of one of them before, when our advanced corps had disturbed the whole encampment by killing some of their number, on all sides the warning was given by a general rattle, and I asked one of our company what insect it was in the bushes that made so much noise? ^^InsectP'' said he, "do you not know that what you hear is the rattle of the rattlesnakes?" We all returned in safety to our quarters, with a resolution on my part never to repeat my visit to Rattlesnake Hill. On the 17th of September we left the Sweet Spring, and commenced our journey homeward. On the 20th we took a view of the natural bridge, which I con- sidered the greatest curiosity I had ever seen. The arch of the bridge has such an elevation above the stream over which it extends, that the steeple of Christ's church in Philadelphia might stand under it. A gentleman of our company was attended by an Irish servant who thought he could throw a stone so as to hit the under side of the arch, but after he had made his best effort, we judged that he came short of his mark at least twenty feet. We descended the hill which adjoins the bridge and came up to the stream, and had a fair and full view of this wonderful phenome- non standing under the arch. The stream was a mere brook when we saw it, so that we could easily cross it, but when swelled by a powerful rain it became a torrent. On the 21st of the month which was the Sabbath, we arrived at Lexington where I preached, and where we remained on the following day in order to get the harness of our carriage mended. Here I made the acquaintance of the Rev. Dr. Baxter, with 296 l^IFE OF THE whom I dined, and afterwards visited the Lexington Academy. It contained forty students. I orot home on the 16th of October, and thus wrote in my diary : " My journey has not been productive of all the benefit that I hoped to receive from it; but I hope it has been of considerable service. God has wonderfully preserved me from innumerable dangers, both temporal and spiritual. He has also preserved my family as well as myself, and now I resolve in his strength, that he shall be my God^ I had hoped to get rid of my melancholic affection by this journey, and to this the reference is made in the first part of the foregoing sentence; for my rheumatic and nephritic complaints w^ere completely relieved, and have not much troubled me since ; but my melancholy continued for nearly two years after my return, and gradually vanished by a monthly blood letting, which I adopted without consulting a physician. 3. BURNING OF THE COLLEGE EDIFICE OF NASSAU HALL. On the 6th of March, 1802, all the combustible part of the edifice of the College of New Jersey was con- sumed by fire. The Trustees were of course collected. and it was assigned to me to write an address to the public on that occasion. This I did and printed, and it was widely distributed, and doubtless had a consider- able effect. I likewise made an address by an appointment of the Trustees to the faculty and students, w^hich was printed for the use of the College. I, also, in common with others of the Trustees and friends of the institution, opened a subscription and obtained a considerable REV. ASHBEL GREEX. og-j- amount of money in Philadelphia, to restore the College edifice. Dr. Smith was requested to visit South Caro- lina to solicit benefactions. This he consented to do only on the condition that I should take the oversight of the College, and assist the faculty in its government during his absence. To this I agreed, and made several visits to Princeton during the absence of the President, inspecting the college, counselling the facul- ty, attending examinations, administering discipline, and preaching on the Sabbath. In a word, I believe I may without vanity say, that in restoring Nassau Hall from its disaster by conflagration, I was not less ac- tive, and perhaps efficient, than any other individual; and though I was offered a pecuniary remuneration, I refused to receive any beyond the actual expenses in- curred. 4. SICKNESS AND DEATH OF MY FIRST WIFE. On returning from visits to Princeton, I repeatedly found my wife much indisposed, probably from expo- sure or over exertion in consequence of my absence. Eventually, she was attacked with hydrothorax or water in the chest. Under this disease she laboured for nearly four years. She was frequently relieved by the remedies which were administered, so that she appeared nearly as well as usual, except that she could not dispense for any length of time with the medicine which she used. At length other complaints super- vened, and on the 15th of January, 1807, I lost the wife of my youth, after having lived with her in the marriage state twenty-one years, two months, and twelve daj's. During her long illness, I had to sustain, especiall}' in 38 298 LIFE OF THE journeying for her health, the various characters of physician, husband, pastor, and nurse. She was a patient and humble Christian. On one occasion she surprised and gratified me by saying, " I know I love God, I know I love his Son. When I look at myself, I see nothing but depravity." 5. THE ERECTION OF THE CHURCH EDIFICE AT CAMPINGTON, Contemporarily with the sickness of my wife, was the erection of a new church at Carnpington, in the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia. The congrega- tion there of our church heincr at this time collegiate with the Second Church of the city, and my call having been made avowedly with a view to the perma- nent establishment of a Presbyterian congregation in that location, I felt myself called on to make every exertion in my power in favour of that object. It was manifest that a respectable congregation needed to have a respectable building to worship in ; especially in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia. Some who were not hostile to the erection of a new church, wished to delay it for another year, and I had to use all my influence to prevent the delay. We had to beg the money to exe- cute our purpose, and my colleague, with Mr. Ralston and myself, were the beggars. We solicited from numerous individuals, and were ultimately successful. The house w^as open for public worship, as appears from my diary, on the Lord's day, April 7th, 1805. I preached the opening sermon, which was afterwards published. My wife lived to worship once or twice in this church. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 299 6. MY FALL IN THE PULPIT AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. I must here state (as I have not stated it in its proper place) that in the month of August, 1796, an occur- rence took place that had a lasting influence on my comfort and usefulness. It is thus narrated in my diary : ''August 14th, 1796. Sabbath. When I had nearly done my morning sermon, I was seized with a sudden affection of my head which compelled me to sit down abruptly ; or rather I partly fell and partly sat down. After sitting a few minutes I got up and made a short reflection on the occurrence, and gave out a psalm. After the psahn I made a short prayer, in which I had another attack, but did not sit down. I dismissed the congregation, and did not preach in the afternoon. I was obliged to keep very still during the rest of the day. By this event I ought to be forcibly reminded of the importance of being prepared for sudden death: for it is most likely I shall die in this manner. The people of the congregation were apparently much affected, and I pray that it may be sanctified to them. They have shown an anxiety about me more than I expected." My pulpit services through the whole of my subse- quent life were in a considerable degree affected by the occurrence above mentioned. Several times in my pastoral relation to my people, I have been compelled to sit down in the pulpit to prevent falling down ; and very often when I continued to speak, I have been obliged to hold myself up by grasping the pulpit with both hands. It became a serious question with me, 300 LIFE OF THE "svhether I could acquit myself to my God for the diffi- culty I found to be composed, or devout in public prayer. My anticipations of failure in the service of the sanctuary were so oppressive, that for several years in succession, as often as I could, I spent Saturday evening in company with serious families of my con- gregation, to prevent my thinking of the pulpit ser- vices of the following day; and very often in private, I made it a subject of prayer, that if I failed to get through the service, God would be pleased to bless the failure. As any elevation above the floor of the house had a tendency to increase the swimming and dizzi- ness of my head, I had for a considerable time per- formed the public service in the circular pew that sur- rounded the pulpit in the church in Arch street before the alteration took place in that edifice in 1809. 7. ACCEPTANCE WITH MY PEOPLE AND WITH OTPIERS. In reading my old diary, from the time at which I fell in the pulpit, to that of my removal to Princeton in 1812, I have seen that I have cause for great grati- tude to God that he enabled me to struo^ale with all the difficulties I met with; and not only to struggle, but that he gave me acceptance with the people, not only of my pastoral charge, but with others also. I was called whenever any plan for the advancement of the interests of religion or of humanity was projected in our city or state, to be a leader in the enterprise. Thus I become one of the committee for the relief of the poor, and wrote the final report of that committee, as well as some other publications during its opera- tion. I also drew up an address to the legislature REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 301 of the state, and the corporation of the city, in fa- vour of extending chains across the streets opposite the churches of the city during the hour of pubhc wor- ship on the Sabbath. The law was obtained, and reU- gious assemblies experienced the benefit of it till a few years ago, when it was repealed by a legislature other- wise minded than that which passed it. I also wrote at the request of the Mayor of the city, Matthew Clarkson, an address to the citizens on the subject of restraining their children and apprentices from sports and practices trenching on law and morals. This address was very popular, and the Mayor was lauded for it, but it had very little permanent influence. I also wrote the first address of the Bible Society of Phi- ladelphia, which was also the first public movement in favour of the Bible cause in the United States. But still my public addresses to the people of my charge were made with great difficulty up to the time of my removal to Princeton. My journey to Virginia removed the severity of my rheumatism, and entirely cured my nephritic complaints, and as I have heretofore stated, my melancholy was greatly relieved by periodical bleedings; but I am now of the opinion that this bleed- ing rather increased than diminished the vertiginous affection of my head. 8. CHARACTER OF MY MELANCHOLY. Having again mentioned my melancholy, I will say a few words as to the manner in which it affected both my body and my mind. I was, during the various seasons of this afflictive complaint, entirely free from any imagination that my body had become glass, or of 302 LIFE OF THE enormous bulk, or a fear to move lest I should fall in pieces. No conceit of this sort ever affected me at all. My complaint may have been attended, and I think it was, by some apprehensions that were delusive, as thinking that slight bodily affections might prove mor- tal; but after some experience I learned to disregard all these. No, my melancholy consisted in a settled gloom of mind, accompanied with spiritual difficulties of the most distressing character. From these spiritual diffi- culties I was entirely free in my first turn of melan- choly, but ever after, they were grievous indeed on all occasions in which it assailed me. If any reader of my life should desire to know the peculiar character of my spiritual difficulties and temptations, he has only to look into my last catechetical lecture from page 467 to 470 of volume II. of the edition issued by the Presbyterian Board of Publication, for in writing that part of the lecture, I sat for my own picture in my melancholy turns, and also for the method of cure. I ought also to state that my gloom was very often relieved greatly by the highest exercises of a spiritual or religious kind that I have ever experienced. I was even tempted to impute these very exercises to melan- choly itself But I was made to feel that I could not command them at my own pleasure, and that satanic influence could not account for their occurrence, with- out makinor satan hostile to his own interests ; for their invariable effects was to humble to the very dust, and to exalt the Redeemer, and to fill my mind with love to God and man, in an eminent degree, and a desire to do all in my power to advance the interests of vital piety. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 303 9. MY PEOPLE REQUEST ME TO TRAVEL FOR MY HEALTH, WHICH I ACCORDINGLY DO. It appears by my diary that on the 14th of July, 1805, being the Sabbath, I was so much affected by dizziness of my head, that I could not read the psalm; and that on the following Sabbath I was so much in- convenienced by the same complaint, that I had to sit down several times before I could finish my discourse. On the last of these occurrences, my diary states, "that the people of the congregation were much agitated, and that the session met in the evening, and requested me by 9- vote to intermit preaching for three months, and to travel for my health." It afterwards appears by another entry in my journal, that the eorporation or trustees of the church joined their vote to that of the session, in requesting me to intermit the public service of the sanctuary. I was much affected with this instance of my peo- ple's sympathy in my affliction, and wrote an ac- knowledgment of their kindness; which however, by the advice of friends was not communicated. I went in the following week and took lodgings for myself and my family at Bristol. But I returned to the city toward the close of the week and spoke at a religious meeting, in a school house. I also came from Bristol at the communion season in our church, preached a pre- paratory sermon, served one of the tables at the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper, and made an address to the people. I also repeatedly preached at Bristol, and in the journey which I shall presently mention, I con- stantly preached when I was not particularly indisposed in body. This I did not only from a present desire to 304 LIFE OF THE be useful, but from the conviction that if I omitted pubUc speaking altogether, it would make me low spirited, and injure me in every way. As my people had requested me to travel for my health, I resolved after attending the annual commencement in Nassau Hall, at which my eldest son was graduated, to make him my companion in the journey I contemplated. Accordingly after attending to the business of the Board of Trustees of the College, I went with my son to Newark, where we were storm-stayed for two or three days. My journal is nearly as particular in stating facts and circumstances as that of which 1 have given large details in my journey through New Eng- land in 1791. The excursion was attended with no occurrence worthy of being embodied in my narration. On recurring to my diary I found the following entry: "The Lord has been very merciful to me in this journey ; I have not been confined an hour by sickness, and have met with no accident worth naming. My wife has also improved in her health, and our dear children have all been well. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name, and forget not all his benefits !" But, although, as I have said, I often preached during my journey, and my general health was improved, yet the vertiginous com- plaint in my head was not removed, nor greatly re- lieved. I persuaded the corporation of the church to alter both the clerk's desk and the pulpit; and I per- formed many services in the former, and often with extreme difficulty, till the church in which I minis- tered was altered, and indeed till I went to Princeton. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 305 10. MY DELEGATION TO THE GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF CON- NECTICUT. In the year 1806, I was one of the delegates from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church to the General Association of Connecticut. I sought and received this appointment principally with a view to the improvement of the health of my wife and eldest son, both of whom were invalids, and both of whom were my travelling companions. The Association held its meeting at Weathersfield. On our way thither, we spent three or four days at New Haven, and were most hospitably and kindly entertained in the family of Judge Chauncey, who insisted on our whole party leaving the tavern and going to his home. The Sabbath occurred while we were at New Haven, and I heard Dr. Dwight in the morninor, and preached for him in the afternoon in the College chapel. But the most remarkable occurrence in this journey was a total eclipse of the sun. It was total at Weathersfield, but not entirely so at New Haven; but it was so dark that the fowls retired to their roosts, and candles were necessary for reading or writing. In my long life I have never seen the sun so obscured as it was on that occasion. I preached once before the Association. My wife and son were somewhat benefitted by this journey. We were absent from Philadelphia exactly a month. 11. MY HOUSE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. On the 17th of July, 1800, the house in which I lived was struck by lightning. The account of it stands in my diary as follows: " ReAdewed Cyclopedia, 39 306 LIFE OF THE which I was doing when a thundergust rose, about five o'clock in the afternoon, and about six o'clock a stroke of lightning took my house. Four of the family, of whom I was one, were struck. The shock was dread- ful indeed, but blessed be God none of us were greatly or lastingly injured. I was lame in my right foot and leg for some time, but it went off entirely. My second son, Jacob, had a preservation that was next to miracu- lous. The whole charge of lightning passed down a wall against which he was sitting, till it came within about eighteen inches of his head. He was violently shocked and stupefied for a few minutes, but in less than half an hour he was apparently as well as ever." My son Jacob had a museum in the room opposite to that in which he was struck, and nothing but the wall against which he was sitting, in the servant's lodging- room, separated it from his museum. Among other curiosities, he had obtained a Turkish bastinado — a long piece of iron, flattened at the lower extremity. He had driven a spike into the wall, on which to hang the bastinado; little thinking at the time he did it, it was to preserve his life. The whole stream of electric fluid, following the row of nails in the lath on which the plaster of the walls were laid, came within half a yard of his head, directly over it — where, finding the nail on which the bastinado was suspended, which was a better conductor than the separate nails of the lath, took it of course, and followed the bastinado to its end, and then returned again to the nails of the lath. The atmosphere of the electricity, which filled the room, stunned both my son and the servant for about ten minutes, when they both recovered. The death of my son would have been inevitable, had not the basti- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 3O7 nado diverted the electric fluid from its course. As to myself, the shock I received was as if a person had struck me a hard blow on the right shoulder and the sole of my right foot at the same time; but I lost my consciousness only for a few seconds; the book I was reading was thrown on the floor, about a yard from the seat on which I was sitting. In the mean time my wife had come to the door of my study, and supposing that I was killed, as I did not move, she fell into the arms of her attendant, who laid her on her bed. Her cries alarmed me, as I was trying my right foot and leg to see if I could walk to look after the family. I wore silk stockings at the time, so that my right foot being covered with a non-conductor, prevented the electric fluid from passing readily into the floor of the room. Surely, I have reason to stand and admire the correct- ing and protecting hand of God. The correction was a visitation which I would desire to observe and humble myself under. But how ought I to admire the mercy that was mingled with it ! The shield of divine provi- dence was as it were spread all around us, and God's language to his lightning was, "strike, but spare: touch, but kill not : hitherto shalt thou come, but no farther." By this dispensation let me be taught: (1.) To be living every moment as I would wish to be found when summoned into eternity. What if I had been struck and killed in the commission of sin! (2.) My absolute dependence on God for life, for its continuance and its comforts. I was anticipating no harm to myself or my family, (although in the beginning of the gust I had some fear, knowing that the house was without a light- 308 LIFE OF THE ning-rod, and lifted my thoughts to God to preserve me and mine,) when in a moment without the least warn- ing we were all in the jaws of death. So we may be at any moment, even when we think ourselves the most safe. (3.) What a perfect protection we may have in God ! If he will save, nothing can hurt or destroy. We were actually as safe (as to life) when the deadly fluid was streaming around us, as if it had descended at a thousand miles distance ; this merely because God had ordered it not to take our lives. All second causes are undoubtedly under his control, and cannot effect any thing beyond or besides what he orders. 0, to be able to trust and confide in God on good grounds in all times of danger, however threatening! (4.) How should I be engaged to pray and labour that my chil- dren and family may be partakers of God's grace. He may take away any or all of them in a moment, although they may be in health and apparent safety; and with life, the day of grace is finally ended. How should I have felt if the lightning had actually killed my son, who was spared almost by miracle? The re- mainder of the day and evening were spent in receiv- ing our friends, who came to inquire after, and to sympathize with us. On the spot where I was struck in my study, I kneeled down in secret, soon after the family was composed, and endeavoured to give thanks to God for his preserving mercy, and to pray that my life may be unreservedly devoted to his service. In family prayer also, I besought God that we might as a family improve this dispensation of his providence. On the following Sabbath, I preached twice on the words, Matt, xxv. 13, " Watch, therefore, for ye know REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 309 neither the day nor the hour when the Son of man Cometh," and endeavoured to improve in pubUc the occurrence in my family in the past week, and was favoured with some freedom in speaking. 12. REMOVAL TO GERMANTOWN, THE DEATH OF MY WIFE, AND THE INCREASE OF MY MELANCHOLY. Soon after the occurrence above recorded, I removed with my family to Germantown, that my wife and myself, being both in a feeble state, might escape the intense heat of the city. While my residence was there, I preached several times to the people of the town, and always came to the city to preach to my own charge on the Lord's day, and occasionally on other days to attend to my ministerial duties. We returned to the city on the 1 6th of September, where my wife languished under the dropsy of the chest until the 15th of January 1807, when she expired. From the middle of December 1806, to the 14th of February 1807, I did not keep a regular diary. I was so much occupied in attending to my sick wife and my ministerial duties (for I did not neglect the latter, although my own health was very imperfect) that I had not time to attend to my journal. I had left two or three pages blank, with expectation of filling them at my leisure; but the subject was mournful and they still remain blank. If my health was imperfect before the death of my wife, it become still more so after her decease. My melancholy increased, but I did not neglect my pastoral duties either private or public. But I performed them with immense difficulty. I often thought, and sometimes said, that it would never 310 l-IFE OF THE be known till the secrets of all hearts were revealed, with what struggling, both of mind and body, I went to the pulpit. Yet it was during this period that my preaching was more blest to my people, not only in the conversion of sinners, but in edification of the pious, than in any equal period of my ministerial life, and this encouraged me to persevere. In one entry of my diary about this time I find the following remark : that, although I perform my various duties in opposition to many difficulties, yet that I am as apparently as useful as if I were in perfect health. 13. MY JOURNEY TO WESTERN PART OF PENNSYLVANIA. In the latter part of the summer, after having visited my mother and spent a few days at Schooley's Moun- tain, I took a journey to the Western part of Pennsyl- vania, in company with my second son and two other members of my congregation. We visited in succes- sion the Yellow Springs, at the distance of twenty-five miles from the city, and after staying there a short time proceeded to the Springs of Yorktown, and finally to those of Bedford ; at which place we spent a longer time than at the others. At Bedford, in compliance with the request of the influential gentlemen of the town, I preached in the Court House, there being then no church in the town. The Methodists were holdinor a public meeting at the same time, and after I had delivered my sermon, the leading elder of the Metho- dists told the people not to depart, as he was going to preach likewise. He did so, and broached the doctrine of the perfection of saints in the present life. He maintained, that in many instances it was true that REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 311 Christians were actually as perfect before they died as the glorified spirits in heaven. I had said nothing in my sermon to provoke him to this ; but as he knew I held opinions opposite to those of his discourse, his attack was aimed at me, and through me, at the de- nomination to which I belonged. In the former part of his address, I was disposed to reply to him, but he showed such zeal in regard to the point he discussed, that I perceived that if I attempted to reply, it would produce a scene of confusion altogether improper for the Sabbath. In consequence of this I made no reply, and my silence was approved by my travelling friends, who told me that I had relieved their apprehensions that I would give him an opportunity to produce a confusion which they deprecated. Hitherto I had entertained the opinion that the perfectability of the Methodists was only a modification of the orthodox faith, that no sanctified man can indulge habitually in known sin. But this preacher convinced me that in so thinkinor I was in error. We returned from our Western tour by a very different route from the one we took in going to Bedford. I did not much improve my general health by this excursion; and after some preaching on the Sabbath after my return, I was taken very ill with the influenza, which at that time was epidemic. Having again mentioned this disease, I think proper to say, that I well remember the time in which it was altogether unknown in this country. The first time that I ever heard of it, was while I was a tutor in the College at Princeton, in the year 17S4 or 1785. In conversation with a Scotch gentleman, then recently 312 LIFE OF THE arrived from Europe, he cursorily mentioned the pre- valence of the influenza in Britain. As the disease was one that I then had never heard of, I requested him to describe it, which he accordingly did. It was, I think, in the spring of the year 1789 that it first appeared in this country. At that time I had it very severely, and it left me subject to chronic rheumatism, to which I was subject for twelve years, till it was in a great measure relieved by bathing in the Warm Spring, as stated* in my account of my Virginia journey. This attack of the influenza weakened me very much, but it laid me by for only a single Sabbath. But my exer- tions to keep the pulpit and perform other pastoral duties were even more painful for a year thereafter than before I took my journey. 14. MY RESIDENCE AT BRISTOL AND CONSEQUENT LONG AND DAN- GEROUS ILLNESS. The summer following, I hired a house at Bristol, to which I removed with my housekeeper and children. My travelling companions to Bedford the preceding year had invited me to travel again with them. But I thought that riding to the city and returning to Bristol, together with country air and exercise, would not only be likely to improve my health better than a journey, but would enable me to serve my people to a consider- able extent, which I was very desirous to do. I expo- sed myself indiscreetly to the summer sun and night air, in consequence of which I was seized with an ardent fever, which, reduced me to a skeleton, and ren- dered me unable to preach for four months. A com- munion season, occurred in my pastoral charge a little REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 313 before I was taken sick, and in one of the preparatory services I preached a discourse on the first four verses of the xxiii. Psalm. On this Psalm my mind dwelt with great delight during the whole time that my fever lasted; for I was mercifully preserved from the deli- rium till its termination. But I think it best to give an account of this illness in the very words of my diary, after I was able to write. I resumed my diary Decem- ber 1, 1808, but I did not preach till January 1st, 1809, although I attended church several times previously. The extract of my diary is as follows: "About the 24th of August I was taken ill with an ardent fever ; and my son Jacob was likewise taken ill at the same time. The fever continued with both of us for fourteen days without a full intermission, although there were several remissions. After it broke, w^e had a slow con- valescence. For a number of weeks I could neither read nor write. While the fever lasted, I did not expect to die, but thought I should recover, and hoped that my fever might prove salutary, and carry off my old complaints. After the fever left me, my debility was very great, and I thought once or twice that I should die, and gave some orders to my family in con- sequence of it. I think I may say that I was not afraid of the consequences of death. I said to myself, " all that I have to ask for, is an easy passage." Thus far my diary. My life, I have always thought, was spared in answer to the prayers of my people. I had been organizing a female prayer meeting. The mem- bers of this association were very earnest in their prayers for my recovery, and several of them watched with me in my sickness. 40 314 LIFE OF THE 15. FIRST BIBLE SOCIETY IN THE UNITED STATES. Before I was completely recovered, the first Bible Society in the United States was set on foot by my colleague Dr. Janew^ay, Robert Ralston, Esq. and Dr. Benjamin Rush. As soon as I was able, I cordially united with them in this enterprise; and I rejoiced that the first exertion of my renovated powers was the writing and publication of an address to the public, stating the nature of our association, and inviting other popular places to follow our example. My address was very properly signed by Bishop White, as president of our Bible Society, but it was prepared entirely by my- self, with only such suggestions before its publication as were made by the first reading of it to the society. This address is largely quoted by the original Secre- tary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in the history which he wrote and published a little before his death. I think that I may say that I have been much devoted to the Bible cause. In concert with my colleague and Mr. Ralston, w^e solicited the citizens of Philadelphia, and were successful in obtaining the funds for the purchase of Bibles in the infancy of the institution, by going from house to house of those citi- zens whom we thought likely to favour our object. I was also among the most active of our members in per- sonally distributing copies of the Bible to the destitute. In promoting the Bible cause in other places I was also active. I have commonly made addresses at our annual public meetings, even during the ten years I was absent in Princeton. Two of the annual reports of the Board to the public have been written by myself. I also wrote an address to the public in favour of the REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 315 Society. On the death of Bishop White, I had the honour by a vote of the Society to be elected in his place as their president. 16. MY CONNEXION WITH THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S MAGAZINE. I have heretofore stated that I was the chairman of the Standing Committee of Missions for more than ten years before I removed to Princeton. I am now to state, that the General Assembly in the year 1804 passed the following resolution, viz : — " Resolved, that it be recommended to the Standing Committee of Missions to publish a periodical magazine, in order to communicate to the people such religious information as may be interesting and useful; to take early mea- sures for obtaining subscriptions for said magazine, and pay the profits into the funds of the Assembly." As I was the chairman of the committee to which this resolution was addressed, it was natural that the other members of the committee should look to me to take a leading part in carrying out the resolution of the As- sembly. The magazme bore the title of "The General Assembly's Missionary Magazine, or Evangelical In- telligencer." Of this work I wrote the prospectus, which w'as signed by all the members of the commit- tee. The names of the committee were as follows: — Samuel Blair, Ashbel Green, Philip Milledoler, Jacob J. Jane way, Elias Boudinot, Ebenezer Hazard, and Robert Smith. The contributions to the first two volumes of the Magazine were furnished by the seve- ral members of the committee, with the aid of corres- pondents. But when the third volume was com- menced, which was denominated a "New Series," I 316 I^IFE OF THE became sole editor, and was liberally rewarded by the printer, William Farrand. The other members of the committee still furnished a number of articles, but the labouring and the responsibilities w^ere with me. The Magazine had a considerable circulation, and contain- ed a number of interesting articles, and a detail of mis- sionary operations; among others, an account of Mr. William Tennent's suspended animation, and the state of his mind during its continuance. That article may be considered as the joint production of Dr. Boudinot and myself. Dr. Boudinot was an executor of Mr. Tennent's will; he first wrote the article, on the con- dition that I would promise to modify it and to correct other things in the memoir. I gave the promise and fulfilled it. The third volume contains an obituary notice of my first wife. I choose to say, that this article I never saw till I read it in the Magazine. I believe it was written by Dr. Janeway. 17. MY REVIEW OF CYCLOPEDIAS. As my diary contains, in connexion with the last article, the frequent mention of a Cyclopedia, this may be as proper a place as any other to give an account of my connexion with that work. When the printer of the American edition of Reese's Cyclopedia engaged in that extended and expensive undertaking, he engaged Bishop White and myself to review the theological and biographical articles. At first I erased what I thought exceptionable in the articles reviewed by me. Of this, the Unitarians of Boston loudly complained, and the printer, Mr. Samuel Bradford, requested the Bishop and myself to answer what we thought objectionable. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 317 Accordingly, in the article " Angel," in the third half volume, I wrote largely in reply to the heresy it con- tained; and advertised the public in what manner the American reviewers would treat what they should think erroneous in religion and biography. But the reviewers in Britain scourged the editor of the original publica- tion so severely, that in the latter part of his work he gave us very little trouble. Of the Edinburgh Encyclopedia I also became a reviewer. The compensation which I received was a set of both these extensive works. IS. MY SECOND MARRIAGE. On the 16th of October, 1809, I was married to Christiana Anderson, the eldest child of Col. Alexander Anderson. The mending of a broken family is com- monly a delicate affair, especially for a minister of the gospel. But on this occasion, I had the happiness to find that my three sons approved of the choice I had made; and that not an individual of m.y congregation, so far as known to me, was dissatisfied with it. 19. THE DEATH OF MY MOTHER. In the month of August, 1810, my pious and excel- lent mother exchanged earth for heaven in the eighty- fourth year of her age. On parting from her the last time I ever saw her, she said with great tenderness, "I love you, but you are not my God." My wife also lost her own mother in the same month of August. 20. MY CATECHETICAL LECTURES. About the middle of November, 1810, I began my catechetical lectures, and continued them to the close 318 LIFE OF THE of the following month of March, 1811. They were continued in the following year, 1812. They were interrupted by my going to Princeton in the autumn of the last-mentioned year; for my purpose, from the first, was to deliver them only in the colder portions of the year, as being most favourable to a general attend- ance. In the preface to these lectures, their character and purpose are fully explained ; so that in writing my life I have only to say, that I consider the publication of these lectures as exhibiting my views of the Cal- vinistic doctrines, and as one of the most important services that I have ever rendered to the Church of Christ. The lectures of the second volume were never delivered orally; but the same style of address was continued in both volumes. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 319 CHAPTER XVIII CLERICAL ASSOCIATIONS. I FIND in my diary under tlie date of January 23d, 1792, the following article : " In the evening went to Robert Aitkins, and with Mr. Annan, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Hazard, concerted a plan for preventing the spread of infidel principles, through the medium of the news- papers." The Mr. Annan mentioned above, was the minister of the Scotch Seceding Church in Philadel- phia, and Robert Aitkins was one of his elders : Mr. Smith was the Rev. John Smith, afterwards Dr. Smith: Mr. Hazard was Ebenezer Hazard, one of my elders. Thomas Jefferson was then Secretary of State, and when congress was located in Philadelphia, he patron- ized a newspaper in which infidel publications occasion- ally appeared. They did not at the time, so far as my recollection serves me, appear in any other newspaper. I think that none of the members of this association wrote for the press, except Dr. Smith and myself, but all were privy to our publications, and gave us all the assistance in their power. I recollect to have written a piece in reply to an atheistical publication on the eter- nity of the visible universe. Dr. Smith wrote nothino- that I recollect, till a certain Mr. Palmer, an Univer- salist and Socinian preacher, made a considerable stir in the city. Dr. Smith then issued a publication in a newspaper, to which he affixed the signature of A. B. 320 LIFE OF THE To this Palmer replied in the same paper, and intima- ted, or rather broadly asserted that A. B. and all his other opposers were influenced by the odious spirit of ])ersecution. To this I replied in a letter of irony, ad- dressed to "The preacher of liberal sentiments, and containing a liberal man's creed or confession of faith." This letter formed a pamphlet of considerable size, and put an end to the controversy, and Palmer soon after left the city. Dr. Nesbit and Dr. Witherspoon were pleased to express their approbation of my publication, addressed to the preacher of liberal sentiments. It was the only piece of irony and ridicule that I ever made public, except a short article in a newspaper. Our society, if I recollect, continued its existence till con- gress removed from Philadelphia to Washington ; and it had, at least, some influence in checking infidel and atheistical publications. On the 18th of November, 1800, as appears by my diary, Mr. Linn, Dr. Janeway, and myself, held a meeting at my house, to form "a society for our im- provement as clergymen." All the other Presbyterian clergymen of Philadelphia, viz. Dr. Ewing, Mr. Mille- doler and Mr. Potts, soon after joined this society. A written constitution was formed, which remains in my hands to the present time. The substance of it was as follows : We were to meet weekly at each other's houses in rotation. Ecclesiastical history or systematic theology was to be the first object of attention. Then every member, in rotation, was to read a sermon of his own composition, which was made the subject of re- mark by the members present; each one being asked by the presiding officer for his observations, which were REV. ASHBEL GKEEN. 32X always to be made in a friendly manner. The member at whose house the society convened, was always to preside and put the questions on ecclesiastical history or theology. The secretary's office was held by the members in rotation, and continued but a week before it chancred hands. After the forejToino^ exercises were performed, a free conversation took place on various topics of ministerial duty, which any member was at liberty to suggest or propose; social, friendly conversa- tion often filled up the last hour of our meetings. The association lasted about three years, and in that time we recited the whole of Mosheim's History, and the most of Witsius on the Covenants, with some degree of accu- racy, besides the improvement which we made in ser- monizing. Dr. Ewing, at whose house we frequently met, took no part in any thing but conversation. He died about the middle of November, 1802. 2. ATTENDANCE ON CHURCH JUDICATURES. A punctual attendance on all the judicatures of the Church I have ever considered as a very important duty, as much so as preaching to the people of my pas- toral charge; and I have not only been careful to attend but have devoted myself to the business transacted in the various judicatories of our Church. The too com- mon practice of reading a book, or a newspaper, while discussions are taking place in the courts of the Church, I have avoided as unseemly and improper. If there has been any exception to this in my practice, which I do not recollect, it must have been a very rare occurrence. Many of the transactions, and some of the most important kind, in Presbyteries, Synods, and 41 322 I^IJf'E OF THE General Assemblies, have originated with myself. I shall mention a few. 3. MISSIONARY OPERATIONS. At a meeting of the Foreign Missionary Board of our Church at Baltimore, in November, 1837, I was requested by that Board to write a compen- dious view of Foreign Missions in the Presbyterian Church. When I came to carry this request into execution, I found that the domestic and foreign missions in our Church had been minj^led toorether, and I therefore gave a summary of both. A short extract from this publication will give a view of my opinion in regard to the manner in which missions ought to be conducted, which I have never changed. The extract is as follows : " In 1796, the New York Missionary Society was organized, consisting princi- pally of members of the Presbyterian Church. It owed its origin to the missionary zeal excited by the accounts then recently received in this country of the institution, animated exertions, and flattering prospects of the London Missionary Society. The present writer can state, from a distinct recollection of his feelings and language at the period now referred to, that although he highly approved the zeal of the founders of this Society, and was perfectly willing that they should prosecute their own views of duty, yet for himself, he saw no need of any new organization for missionary operations in the Presbyterian Church. He thought the zeal now awakened should be cherished and carried into the General Assembly of our Church ; that in this body we had already an organization, than which none REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 323 could be devised better adapted to the prosecution of foreign as well as domestic missions ; in a word, it was his opinion that every member of the Presbyterian Church should use his influence and all his means for evangelizing the heathen, through the agency of the supreme judicatory of the Church." It has ever appeared to me, that the several judi- catories of the Presbyterian Church are as well adapted to missionary operations, as if they had been formed for no other purpose ; and in all the bodies or associations mentioned in my compendious view, so far as the church to which I belong has been concerned, I have, through the whole of my ministerial life, taken an active part. The Standing Committee of the General Assembly was first appointed in the year 1802; of this committee I was the chairman for ten years and a half, till I went to Princeton in the fall of 1812; and as we had neither a secretary nor an executive committee, the labouring oar was in my hands. During the whole period, every publication, except the annual report to the Assembly, was from my pen. After my return to Philadelphia in the autumn of 1822, I found the Board of Missions of our Church reduced in its funds exceedingly, by the rival exertions of other missionary societies. In 1826, the Home Missionary Society of New York was established, and this tended still more to the diminution of the funds of our Board; so that it seemed to be on the point of extinction in every thing but in name. With but one individual to encourage me, my former colleague Dr. Jane way, I resolved to make a strenuous effort to revive missionary operations in the Presbvterian Church. I was dehorted from this, 324 LIFE OF THE by being told by a timid friend that our rivals would write us down. Still I went forward, and a public meeting was called. This proved to be an abortion. So few attended that I did not make the speech that I had proposed to deliveu. But some pains were taken to call a second meeting, and though it was not very numerously attended, I made my speech, and shortly after set about preparing an overture for the next General Assembly to organize a Board of Missions on a new plan. The overture was printed, with, the sig- natures of three clergymen and two laymen ; and a copy of it was laid on the tables of the Assembly for each of the members of that body. It produced a wonderful commotion, the details of which I will not narrate. The result was, that the plan I proposed was not adopted ; but in place of it, something much better was sanctioned. The old Board was re-organized, with a distinct specification of powers to appoint an executive committee, to choose a corresponding secre- tary, and to prosecute missions both domestic and foreign, to pay the missionaries, and with no other re- striction than the making of an annual report to the General Assembly. I was elected both as president of the Board and the chairman of the Executive Committee. The meet- ings of the committee were held for a considerable time in my study, but subsequently a room was hired for our meeting; and ultimately a house was rented for the accommodation of our Board, and for the Educa- tion Board. For five years I remained the chairman of the executive committee which met weekly; but from May 1833, that office has been held by the Rev. Dr. REV. ASHBEL GREEX. 325 John McDowell. The presidentship of the Board, which meets monthly, has been continued to me by the annual vote of my brethren till the present time. In this new organization, as in the standing committee of missions, referred to above, the labour of preparing publications for the press, as well as the general super- intendence of the missionary concerns, was assumed by myself. It was otherwise after a permanent cor- responding secretary was elected and came into office. As to foreign missions, although our Board was authorized to establish them, and in two instances we attempted it, we had neither the funds nor the men by which we could operate in the foreign field ; but our operations in domestic missions have from the first "■one forward in a constant increase of the most cheer- ing and beneficial kind; so that in the present year (1844), our domestic missionaries have been more than three hundred. Adhering steadfastly to the opinion that our Church was admirably adapted, from its constitutional organi- zation, both for foreign and domestic missions, and never giving up the hope that at some future day she w^ould awake to her duty in regard to both, I thought that in the mean time I would join in the operations of the American Board of Foreign Missions. This I accordingly did, and was a corporate member of that Board almost from its origin till about the time that a similar Board was established in our Church. AmonQf the earliest missionaries of the American Board were Messrs. Hill and Newell. These young men, to qualify themselves more fully for their mis- sionary work, came to Philadelphia to acquire a smat- 326 ^^^^ ^F THE tering of medical and surgical knowledge. They were in a sort consigned to my care, and I gave them every attention and assistance in my power, and they preach- ed for me occasionally. In several other instances I had the opportunity of helping forward the early mis- sionaries of that Board to their destined fields, and always was glad of the opportunity of rendering them any aid. When Mr. Stewart and his wife went to the Sandwich Islands, a coloured girl by the name of Bet- sey Stockton, (who had been given as a slave to my first wife, and with her concurrence was freed by myself,) and who at the time was on wages in my family at Princeton, was invited to go in the character of a mis- sionary, and as an assistant to Mrs. Stewart in the con- cerns of the family. Betsey had become hopefully pious, and by the instruction received in my family, principally from my son James, had made laudable im- provements in knowledge. She had saved her wages, by which, with some small assistance from myself, she was able to prepare her outfit for the mission. Some of her letters to me after her arrival at the island (where she became a teacher of a school) were so well written, that, with very few corrections, I inserted them in the Christian Advocate, of which I was then the editor, and they were greatly admired. When, in consequence of the failure of Mrs. Stewart's health, the whole family returned to this country, after visiting their friends, they spent about ten days in my family, and I used all my influence in aid of Mr. Stewart's endeavours in the city and adjacent country to collect funds for the Ame- rican Board. In like manner, on Mr. Loomis' return from the same islands, with one of the natives, my REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 327 house became his home, till he could make arrange- ments to go to the eastward. When the annual meet- ing of that Board was held in Philadelphia, the family of my friend Dr. Woods resided with me ; and I had then afforded me the only opportunity of attending its meetings that I ever was able to improve. At the close of that meeting, I made a speech in favour of patroni- zing the Board, which was highly applauded by the same public print in which I had previously been re- presented as a superannuated dotard. This was in the year 18-2S. In a word, while I was a member of that corporation, I did all in my power to promote its mis- sionary operations; and I still read with unfeigned pleasure in the Missionary Herald the accounts of its success, and sympathize in its present want of funds to sustain and extend its missions. I think this cause lies near my heart ; it is the subject of my daily prayers : and by whatever name a mission is called, if its preach- ers teach truth enough to save immortal souls they are included in my prayers, and I sincerely rejoice when they are successful. Soon after the establishment of a foreign missionary society by the Synod of Pittsburgh, I was elected a member of that institution, and promoted its operations to the best of my abilities. And when, in the year 1835, its transfer to the General Assembly of our Church was deemed expedient, I w^as active and had some efficiency in bringing about the adoption of that measure. I advocated it warmly in the convention of the friends of the " Act and Testimony," which met at Pittsburgh, and of which I w^as president; and although I was not a member of the General Assembly of that 328 LIFE OF THE year, yet as it met, as well as our convention, in Pitts- burgh, I had an opportunity to use my influence with its members in favour of the proposed transfer. But till towards the close of that meeting, I saw no pros- pect of success, and I was greatly discouraged. But resolvinof to make one effort more, and having observed that the Rev. Dr. Ho^e had o-ained great influence in O o o the house, I addressed myself to him, and was highly gratified by finding him willing and ready to prepare and advocate the measure. He did so, and was suc- cessful. The transfer was made and solemnly ratified, and although the whole transaction was set aside by the General Assembly of the following year, (1836,) yet it was this very thing that roused the staunch friends of orthodoxy in our Church, and gave us the decided majority in the Assembly of 1837, by which the Church was revolutionized and delivered from the distraction which for several years had destroyed its peace, as well as from the prevalence of errors in doctrine which threatened either its extinction or the entire change of its character. This at least was my sincere opinion; and I went to the General Assembly of that year, as I knew many of my brethren also did, determined, if the party we" opposed should have the majority, that we would come out from them with the loss of all our funds, and every other loss which would attend such a measure. The doings of the General Assembly of 1837, as far as they relate to missions, are set forth in detail in my " Historical View of Missions in the Presbyterian Church;" so that I had need only to extract the conclu- ding part of what I have already written and printed. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 399 The extract is as follows: "Thus, at length, were the wishes and prayers answered of those who had long and earnestly desired to see a Board of Foreign Missions, under an ecclesiastical appointment and responsibihty, established in the Presbyterian Church of the United States, acting in its distinctive character." The Board, agreeably to the direction of the Assembly, held its first meeting in the first Presbyterian church of Baltimore on the 31st of October, 1837, when its complete orga- nization was harmoniously effected, and a resolution was passed " that the principal seat of its operations be in the city of New York." 4. CONTROVERSIES OF THE CHURCH. In all the controversies which have taken place between what have been denominated the Old School and the New School Presbyterians, I have taken a decided and leading part in favour of the former, and against the latter, both in the General Assembly, and as the editor of the Christian Advocate. I think that I may safely say that I hate controversy in religion, since I never dipped into it in writing till I had been for more than forty years an ordained minister of the gospel. But when some of the most important doctrines of evangelical truth were assailed in the church to which I belonged, and I was the editor of a periodical publi- cation whose very title, "The Christian Advocate," seemed to pledge me to a defence, I felt that it would be criminal in me to forbear any longer. I therefore became a controvertist in writing; for previously I had, in the judicatories of the church, endeavoured to advo- cate the orthodox faith, in opposition to those whom I 42 330 LIFE OF THE thought wished to corrupt it. My nature and my deliberate principles dispose me, when I do take a part in litigated subjects, to do it unequivocally, avoiding violence on the one hand, and concealment and am- biguity on the other. All my written opinions in religious controversy are before the world in the Chris- tian Adovcate, and there I leave them. I had no hesitation in voting in the General Assemblies of 1837 and 1838 for all the measures that were adopted, with a view to purify the Church to which I belonged from the corrupt leaven (as I believed it to be) which had long defiled it, and which threatened its entire perver- sion. I conscientiously thought, that the supreme judicatory of our Church not only had a constitutional right, but was sacredly bound to do what they did. And I was the m^ore persuaded of this, because I had a strong conviction that if our opponents had had the majority in the Assembly of 1837, they would either have turned out at once, our theological professors at Princeton, or taken such measures as would have insured their resignation, and would have laid their hands on the funds of the Church; nor did I believe till convinced by the fact, that they would institute a legal prosecution to wrest them from us. Before Judge Kogers charged the jury in favour of the New School, there were palpable indications that such would be the fact; and as my name was mentioned in the prosecu- tion, I made it a point to attend the whole sittings of the court; both when the decree, in the first instance, was adverse to our interests, and in the second, when it was reversed in our favour. Nor had I any painful anxiety, from first to last, as to the final issue of the REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 331 whole concern. My great solicitude had been for the spiritual interests of the Church. They had been rendered secure by the action of the General Assembly, with which no civil court could interfere; and as to funds, I was convinced that if we were deprived of them by an unjust decree of a civil court, the true Presbyterians of our Church would, by an extraordi- nary effort, replace and even increase them. For three successive years it was the pleasure of the Pres- bytery of Philadelphia to make me a member of the General Assembly ; for I belonged to that body in the year 1839, as well as in the two preceding years; so that I was a party to the whole conflict between the Old and New School sections of the Church, a party in both the ecclesiastical and civil courts, before which the whole concern was placed for judicial decision. In the last Assembly, that of 1839, there were two im- portant transactions in which I took a leading part; namely, the published Historical Narrative of our Church from its formation till the period of its jubilee, which was celebrated by the Assembly of that year. This narrative, by the appointment of the Assembly, was written by me, as was also a reply to the letter of the Synod of the Canadas, which was directed to the Assembly of 1839. But the infirmities attendant on my advanced age, as well as the considerations that the peace of the Church was restored, and that I had had a full share of the honour and the labour of represent- ing my Presbytery in the supreme judicatory of our Church, determined me to decline being a candidate for a seat in our General Assembly to the end of life. This determination I accordingly announced to the 332 LIFE OF THE Presbytery, at their first meeting after the Assembly of 1839. 5. THEOLOGICAL SUMLXARY AT PRINCETON. In the whole action of the General Assembly in the establishment of the Theological Seminary at Princeton, I took an active and prominent part. As early as the year 1799, Dr. Griffin, with whom I was then intimate, endeavoured by letter to persuade me to take part with those who about that time were engfao^ed in establish- ing the Theological Seminary at Andover, and to use my influence in favour of sending candidates for the gospel ministry in the Presbyterian Church, to that institution for their theological education. This I refused, as cal- culated to lessen the attachment of our candidates to the Presbyterian Church, and as derogatory to our denomi- nation, which I thought ought to have, and would ulti- mately, I hoped, have a Seminary of its own. In view of the great deficiency of ministers to supply the rapidly increasing population of our country, our most enlight- ened clergy were filled with anxiety in contemplating the prospect before them. Presbj'terians took some measures to look out for pious youth, and to educate them for the gospel ministry. To promote this good work, as early as the year 1S05 I sent into the General Assembly, at a time when I was not a member of that body, an overture addressed to the Committee of Over- tures, which was received with so much favour as to be published in the printed minutes of the year with my name attached to it, and which originated a system of measures in the General Assembly which were contin- ued for several successive years. Still nothing was REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 333 said about a theological seminary till some time after- wards, when Dr. Alexander, after he had been Modera- tor of the General Assembly in 1807, mentioned it in the opening sermon of the following year. Encom^aged by this, I used all my influence in favour of the mea- sure; and in 1809, the Presbytery of Philadelphia, to which I belonged, sent into the General Assembly of that year an overture distinctly proposing the establish- ment of a theological school. The committee to which the overture was referred, reported to the Assembly three plans, namely : 1. "One great school, in some convenient place near the centre of the Boards of our Church. 2. To establish two such schools in such places as may best accommodate the northern and southern divisions of the Church. 3. To establish such a school within the bounds of each of the Synods. After statintT the advantages and disadvantages of each of these modes, the committee recommended and the Assembly resolved that the above plans be submitted to all the Presbyteries within the bounds of the General Assembly, for their consideration, and that they be careful to send up to the next Assembly at their ses- sions in May, 1810, their opinions on the subject." When the votes of the Presbyteries came to be examin- ed by a committee appointed for the purpose in 1810, it appeared that a majority of the Presbyteries under the care of the Assembly had expressed a decided opinion in favour of the establishment of a theological school; and that although there was an equal number of Pres- byteries in favour of the first and third plans above men- tioned, yet there were those who had voted in flivour of the third plan, who had done so from an entire mis- 334 I^IF'E OF THE conception of the nature and intention of the first plan, which would be completely obviated when the details of that plan should be made known. The conclusion therefore was "that there was a greater amount of presbyterial suffrage in favour of a single school than of any other plan." Several resolutions were passed by the General Assembly (which I shall not transcribe) for the immediate establishment of the contemplated institution; and a committee was appointed, of which I was the chairman, to draught a plan, as the constitu- tion of a theological seminary. The draughting of a plan fell of course upon me as the chairman of the com- mittee. In hope of getting aid from my fellow mem- bers, I requested the committee to meet in New York, at the house of Dr. Miller. The committee consisted of seven members, and if I remember right, but four of them met. We however spent the afternoon in talking about the plan of the contemplated seminary. But when I sat seriously down to make a draught of the plan, I found that there was but one idea suggested by my brethren, that I could introduce into it. Nor had I any other guide than the nature of the subject; and if I ever taxed my faculties to their best effort, it was on this occasion. Two of the articles of the plan, when it was reported to the Assembly, were laid over to be considered in the following year, and to this day they have not been taken up — these articles related to the library and a theological academy. When I had completed a draught of the plan for the construction of the Seminary, I summoned the com- mittee to meet at Princeton, on the day of commence- ment, 1810. There was a general, but not a full REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 335 attendance at that time ; and I shall never forget with what diffidence I submitted my draught to my bre- thren, not only being willing, but wishing that they would suggest alterations and improvements, and I was surprised when they suggested none of any importance. We knew that it was cum pericuh that our plan should be published before it was reported to the Assembly. But we determined to do it, and to have copies enough printed to lay one on the table of every member of the Assembly of the following year, 1811. We were not blamed for this act by any one; on the contrary, the members of the Assembly appeared to be gratified when they found that each was served with a copy. This plan has received a considerable number of modi- fications by the General Assemblies which have con- vened during the three and thirty years which have elapsed since its first adoption ; and yet no important feature of the plan has been changed, and more than three fourths of the lanoruaore remains as it was in the original composition. The first meeting of the Direc- tors, which w^as on the 30th of June, 1812, was opened w^ith a sermon by myself. At that meeting I was chosen President of the Board, which office I have been honoured with ever since. On the 26th of September, 1815, I laid the corner stone of the Semi- nary, which w^as done wdth appropriate solemnities; and till I left Princeton in the autumn of 1822, all the money to pay the salaries of the Professors, and to erect the edifice of the Seminary passed through my hands. I was also active in obtaining the charter for the Trustees of the Seminary, which has relieved the Directors from a considerable part of the business to 336 LIFE OF THE which they were previously obliged to attend. Of the Board of Trustees I have always been a member. I consider the agency I have had in providing ministers of the gospel for the Church, and in securing the means for their adequate instruction, and for an attention to their personal piety, as the most important service that I have ever rendered to the Church of Christ. With much imperfection, but yet with general fidelity, I have endeavoured to preach the gospel, and in one year of my pastoral life, in connexion with Dr. Jane- way, fifty members were added to the communion of our church; nor can I ever be sufficiently thankful to God, for the signal revival of religion which took place in Nassau Hall while I was its president. Still how- ever, there are many Presbyterian ministers whose pastoral labours have been far more extensively blest than mine, so far as additions to their churches are concerned. Whitefield said to Dr. Witherspoon, to induce him to come to this country, with a view to educate ministers of the gospel — "Every gownsman is a legion." Every faithful ambassador of Christ may with emphatic propriety be denominated a legion; and therefore, I have reason to bless God that he has used my feeble instrumentality in calling into the gospel vineyard no inconsiderable number of faithful labourers. Let all the praise be to God alone. I have not mentioned, and perhaps I ought not to mention, that in addition to the small lot of two acres given by Richard Stockton, Esq., as a site for the edifice of the Seminary, I purchased of him two acres more for which I paid him four hundred dollars, and gave them to the institution ; and that I paid four REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 337 hundred dollars for the house now occupied by the professor of didactic and polemic theology. My pecu- niary outlays for the Seminary have not fallen much short of two thousand dollars in the aggregate. I will only add, that no other member of the Board of Direc- tors has so often as myself addressed the students of the Seminary at their dispersion at the close of a year. 6. EFFORTS TO PREVENT SABBATH DESECRATION. About seven or eight years ago the Synod of Phila- delphia were engaged in taking measures to arrest, or at least to diminish the tide of Sabbath desecration. A committee was appointed, of which I was the chairman, to address the public on this important subject. The letter or address was written by m3^self, and when re- ported to the Synod, a vote was passed that it should be printed to the number of several thousands, and be widely distributed. This was accordingly done, with how much or how little effect, I am unable to deter- mine. I find it impracticable to u rite my life in exact chro- nolojrical order. I give the dates of the facts or occur- rences which I narrate ; but when a subject is started, such for example as the last that I have noticed, it must be pursued to its termination. 43 33S LIFE OF THE CHAPTER XIX. MY ELECTION TO THE PRESIDENTSHIP OF THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY. On the 14th of August, 1812, I was unanimously elec- ted by the Trustees of the College of New Jersey as President of the institution of which they were the guardians. Strange as it may appear, it is notwith- standing a fact, that eighteen hours before this occur- rence, I was not aware that such an event was in the contemplation of any one. My own mind was most decidedly opposed to it. The facts of the case were the following. At the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary at Princeton, I had preached a sermon in which I laid dow^n the doc- trine that every minister of the gospel was a devoted man; bound by the tenor of his vocation to serve God in any place and in any manner to which divine provi- dence should call him. My special reference in this statement was to Dr. Alexander, who at that time had not explicitly consented to assume the station which he has ever since most acceptably occupied. The Board of Trustees of the College had met at Princeton on the day before my election, and had chosen a Vice-president of the institution, and had agreed to proceed to the elec- tion of a President on the following morning. Dr. Miller, without my knowledge or suspicion, had gone to every individual of the Board and persuaded them to REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 339 give me a unanimous vote, and to throw the responsi- bility of rejecting it on myself. He himself was the man that I had determined to nominate as the Presi- dent of the College. Col. Ogden, who sat next to me in the Board of Trustees, said to me while we were preparing our votes for the Vice-president, " Suppose we should give you a unanimous vote for this office, as a stepping-stone to the one which we are to vote for in the morning." I immediately replied, "In that event, I would instantly and absolutely refuse both." He replied, "We shall do what we think right and you will do the same." After the Board of Trustees adjourned I spoke to Richard Stockton, and he told me that "my friend Miller could tell me all about it." I immediate- ly went to Dr. Miller's quarters, and " he did tell me all about it." He informed me explicitly, that the Board would give me a unanimous vote for the Presi- dentship of the College on the coming day, and throw on me the responsibility of refusing the office. I went to my lodgings much agitated. My wife was with me, and as soon as we had retired for the night, I told her what had taken place, and added that my mind was made up to refuse the appointment at once. She cautioned me against precipitancy, and said that she thought that I ought to hold it under consideration. On my bed I made a new consecration of myself, and resol- ved that I would abide by the doctrine of my sermon to which I have referred, and then I was free from agita- tion and slept comfortable till morning. I rose early and wrote a letter to the Trustees, of which I have a copy, telling them that my appointment to the Presi- dentship of the College was altogether unexpected, and 340 LIFE OF THE that the indispensable condition of my holding it under consideration was, that my doing so should not be con- sidered as any intimation that I would finally accept the appointment, otherwise they had my answer at once in the negative. This letter I gave to Dr. Miller, and he read it to the Board of Trustees in my presence. After this letter was read, I made a short address to the Board, thanking them for the confidence reposed in me, and then said that I should retire. The Board opposed this, and gave me a unanimous vote in my presence. On my return to the city, I was surprised that the influential part of my congregation, though not willing to part with me, were prepared to acquiesce in my leaving them. I heard of but one person, a good woman, who was decidedly opposed to my acceptance of the appointment. Dr. Rush was very earnest in his advice that I should accept the office, and sent me a copy of a letter of a minister in Scotland to Dr. Witherspoon, v/hich had much influence with him in deciding to come to this country. After setting aside a day of prayer with my wife to ask divine direction as to my duty in the critical circumstances in which I was placed, I found my mind gradually inclined to accept the office to which I had been elected. If my people had in general opposed it, I think I should not have left them. They had given me many proofs of their affectionate attachment, and within the year in which I went to Princeton, had made a considerable addition to my salary. But as they made no opposi- tion, and the most intelligent of them were evidently of the opinion that I ought to accept the appointment, I considered it as a decisive direction of Providence, that REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 341 my duty called me to resign my pastoral charge and to assume the Presidentship of the College. I had been a professor in the institution when I was called to Philadelphia; but when I thought of being its Presi- dent, especially as I was in an infirm state of health, it seemed an undertaking for which I was personally disqualified. But as I thought that the matter of duty was clear, I threw myself on the divine all-sufficiency, and went forward, determined to do my duty as well as I could, and to risk all consequences. I was busily employed in the whole month of September, and part of the month of October, in making my arrangements to remove and to resign my pastoral charge. Among these arrangements, the most important was the pre- paration of an address to my people, which was printed under the title of "Advice and exhortation; addressed to the people of the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Philadelphia, on resigning the pastoral charge of that Congregation." In the introduction to this address, I told my people truly what was the reason why I addressed them from the press rather than from the pulpit. But, although what I said was true, it was not the ivhole truth. The fact was, I was afraid to trust myself to attempt to deliver exactly all that is mentioned in my address. I felt that I was incapable of doing it without such divine aid as I thought I had no reason to expect. I find it noted in my diary, that I considered this address as constituting one of the most important acts of my ministerial life. It attracted much pul)lic attention at the time of its first publication, and was reprinted, if I rightly remem- ber, at Pittsburgh. On the 20th of October the Pres- 342 LIFE OF THE bytery of Philadelphia, sitting at Germantown, dis- solved my pastoral relation after it had existed twenty- five years and a half. I find in my diary, that I bore this occurrence "better than I had expected." Dr. Woodhull and his son appeared before the Presbytery on the part of the Trustees of the College, to ask for my dismission. On the 29th of October I find the follow- ing entry in my journal : " Left the city for Princeton with my family, and arrived safely in the evening." The faculty of the College then consisted of four individuals, viz. myself, Mr. Slack as Vice-President, Mr. Lindsley as Senior, and Mr. Clark as Junior Tutor. The several members of the faculty met before the ex- piration of the vacation, and at my instance, we agreed to set apart a day of special prayer in view of the duties before us. We prayed together once, and then the several members observed the day in private, by them- selves. I find among my old papers that on this day I wrote as follow^s : ^^ 'November 16th, 1812. Having set apart this day for special prayer to God, in view of the duties on which I am entering as President of the College, I have thouo^ht it mio^ht be useful to me to commit some of my thoughts and resolutions to writing, that I may the more fully recollect and review them hereafter. I have entered on the station which I now occupy, with a deep sense of my insufficiency and unpreparedness for it. I have accepted of it (if I know myself) because I thought the call in providence was such that I should resist my duty if I refused it; and on the other hand, that if I accepted, I might hope that with all my in- competency, God might please to use me for some good. REV. ASHBEL GllEEN. 343 If he shall, all the glory will of course belong to him- self; and I am at all times to guard my treacherous heart against taking any of it to myself: and if he shall not, I am resigned to his sovereign and holy appoint- ment, knowing that his w^ays are sometimes inscrutable, but always right. The following resolutions appear to me proper at present, but I make them not as immutable, but only as my guide till I shall be deliberately convinced in regard to any of them that they are improper. The most of them I am perfectly satisfied that I never ought to change ; and these may the God of all grace enable me to fulfil. Resolved, 1st. To consider myself as de- voted to the service of the College for the remainder of my days, or till I shall leave the station which I now occupy. I am not to seek ease, or wealth, or fame, as my chief object. I am to endeavour to be a father to the institution. I am to endeavour to the utmost to promote all its interests as a father does, in what relates to his children and property. 2d. To pray for the in- stitution as I do for my family, that God may enable me to do my duty in it, prosper all its concerns, and espe- cially that he may pour out his Spirit upon it, and make it what its pious founders intended it to be. 3d. To watch against the declension of religion in my own soul, to which I may be more exposed than when I w^as the pastor of a congregation, and to which the pursuits of science themselves may prove a temptation. 4th. To endeavour to acquire the true spirit of my station — a spirit of humble fortitude and firmness, of dignity and meekness, of decision and caution, of prudence and promptness, of courtesy and reserve, of piety unfeign- ed, with a suitable regard to the manners and opinions 344 LIFE OF THE of the world. 5tli. To avoid anger and irritation. 6th. To avoid the extremes of talkativeness and silence in company. 7th. To endeavour to avoid all hurry, and to be always self-possessed. 8th. Not to speak hastily on any subject — not on a subject of science before my pupils, lest a mistake should injure me or them. 9th. To endeavour that my own family be exemplary in all things. 10th. To view every officer of the College as a younger brother, and every pupil as a child. 11th. To treat the officers of the College with great attention and respect. 12th. To treat the students with tender- ness and freedom, but yet as never to permit them to treat me with familiarity, or to lose their respect for me. 13th. To be much employed in devising some- thing for the improvement of the institution, or the advancement of its interests; but to avoid hasty and fanciful innovations of every kind. 14th. In all cases of discipline to act with great coolness, caution, and deliberation; and having done this, to fear no conse- quences, nor to trouble myself much about them. 15th. Having done my duty, to indulge no anxiety in regard to what may follow from it, at any time or in any w^ay. This is to be left to God." I think that I can conscientiously say, that during the whole period of my presidentship I endeavoured to act according to these resolutions; no doubt with many imperfections, but still as marking my recognised and habitual course of action. My first address to the students produced a considerable impression; insomuch that some of them shed tears. This greatly encour- aged me; but the appearance was delusive or fugitive. Notwithstanding all the arrangements I had made, and REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 345 the pains I had taken to convince them that their own good and the best interests of the institution were my only objects, I had the mortification to find that the majority of them seemed to be bent on mischief. I knew before I left my pastoral charge, that the College was in a most deplorable state; and I went with the resolution to reform it, or to fall under the attempt; and truly it seemed for some time to be questionable, which part of the alternative would be realized. My general plan was, to give the students more indul- gences, of a law^ful kind, than they had ever had before, that I might with more propriety counteract all unlaw^ful practices. With this view, I got cards of invitation printed before I left the city, with an intention among other measures, to bring them by companies of eight at a time to my own table. This expedient lasted till the death of my second wife. It then ceased, and was not afterwards resumed; for I found that it had but little effect in reclaiming the vicious. The Trustees of the College also failed to make a Board, both at the beginning and end of the session; so that I had to contend wdth the disorderly students without taking the oath of office. This happily was unknown to the young rogues, or perhaps they were ignorant that it was necessary ; otherwise they would have made the plea, that I was not the lawful Presi- dent of the College. One of the Trustees, who resided in Princeton, told a friend of mine who repeated it to me, that I w^ould not be able to maintain my ground against the insubordinate youths of the institution. In this however, he made a mistake. The session closed 44 346 LIFE OF THE triumpliantly in fa-vour of the authority of the College. But a single Trustee gave me a single word of en- couragement during the first session in the midst of all my difficulties. An arrangement had been made to induct me into office, in which Dr. Miller was to address me in Latin, and I was to ansAver him in the same language,* and then to deliver an extended dis- course in English. The Board did not meet till the commencement of the summer session, in the month of May, so that the exercises would then have been palpably improper. My English address I afterwards made use of in composing my Baccalaureate discourse. Every kind of insubordination that they could devise was practised. I bore it for a short period, in hope that the offenders would be reclaimed without extreme measures. But at length it became insufferable. In the course of the session the faculty dismissed seven or eight of the principal offenders, and admonished three or four. I wrote a long report to the Board, and re- quested every member of the faculty to report to me on the studies they had taken recitations on; and the steward to make a statement in regard to the refectory. All these reports were submitted to the Board of Trus- tees, when they met in the month of May, 1813. I introduced one practice which has been continued in the College ever since ; and has, I believe, in substance, been imitated in other literary institutions. This prac- tice consisted in sending a private circular to the parents or guardians of each student; in which was contained a statement of his literary standing, and his * Appendix, G. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 34f moral conduct; and invoking parental advice, in aid of college instruction and discipline. I also used my in- fluence to establish a Bible society in the College, and the society remains to the present time. Contrary to primitive usage, the junior and senior classes, after the revolutionary war of our country, read nothing of the Greek or Latin classics. Their whole time was em- ployed in mathematics, philosophy natural and moral, belles lettres, criticism, composition, and eloquence. In my own class in College, there was an individual who, I believe, was ignorant even of the Greek alpha- bet, yet he was admitted to his bachelor's degree; and the Latin salutatory oration, written by Dr. Wither- spoon, was given to a man who came to me to help him to construe it. I also found one in the senior class, when I was President, who was totally ignorant of classic literature. I resolved to return to the primi- tive usage, and ordered the senior class to prepare a recitation on Longinus. This the most of them could not do; and as the fault was not their own, a part of the Iliad of Homer was substituted; but Longinus was read by the lower classes when they advanced to the senior year. We turned back two individuals at the close of the first session; and the faculty concluded their labours with prayer and thanksgiving. I spent the spring vacation of the College, or a part of it, in Philadelphia; and had the melancholy plea- sure, the day after my arrival in the city, of attending the funeral of Dr. Rush, which was most numerously attended ; and of visiting and praying with his mourn- ing family. I preached twice, or rather two Sabbaths, to the people of my former charge, both in the city and ff 348 LIFE OF THE in the Northern Liberties; and in the latter place once in the evening. I also visited a large number of my old parishioners; and to gratify one of them, a lady, I sat for my portrait. After ten days spent in the city I returned to Princeton, to meet the Board of the Trus- tees of the College, who at length held a meeting on the 4th of May, in which they did much business, and gave their sanction to the measures that the faculty had adopted in the preceding session. There was a large addition to the students of the College at the commencement of the following session ; my diary states the number at thirty, but several came subsequently. After putting in order the business of the College, I attended the General Assembly; and was with others successful in getting a vote passed for locating the Theological Seminary at Princeton. I also nominated Dr. Miller, at the request of the Board of Directors, as the Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government. I likewise introduced the communion service, and had the pleasure of communi- cating with the church members of my late pastoral charge. On my return to Princeton, the most notice- able things that occurred till the end of the session were the hearing^ of the theoloirical students recite Blair's Lectures on belles lettres, accompanied with my own remarks on composition. This I did at the request of Dr. Alexander ; for Dr. Miller was not yet in office. The other remarkable occurrence was the sickness of a large number of the students, and one of the tutors, Mr. Lindsley. I now had a good oppor- tunity to carry into effect my tenth recorded resolution, " to view every officer of the College as a younger bro- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 349 iher, and every pupil as a child." This I faithfully- performed. I visited the sick by night and by day ; and when they were convalescent, often sent them food from my own table. I thought that a son of Dr. Ram- sey of Charleston, South Carolina, would have died; but he, with all the rest, happily recovered. Princeton is a very healthy place; Dr. Witherspoon used to call it the Montpelier of America. In all my knowledge of the College, I do not remember to have seen or heard of as many sick students at one time as I witnessed in the summer session of my first presidential year. 350 LIFE OF THE CHAPTER XX. FrOxM the Year 1813 to 1818. I WAS President of the College of New Jersey for ten years ; and I have now given somewhat in detail the occurrences of the first year. This I shall not do in regard to the nine following years; but shall only mention some particulars of what I think most worthy of notice. In one thing I made a palpable mistake, I had thought that if the College was once reduced to a state of entire order, it would be likely to remain in that state. I did not consider that all the students of the institution are changed every four years. But this was not all; I found by experience, that a constant attention to discipline was always necessary; that if the pressure was removed, the lapse into disorder would invariable issue. My eldest son, Robert Stockton Green, died at the very close of this year. He died at Boston, on Tues- day the 28th of September, and the next day his corpse was deposited in Mr. Dexter's cemetery ; — the very day of our annual commencement; eight years after taking his degree in this College. He was born July 30th, 1787; and was, of course, twenty-six years and two months of age when he died, wanting two days. He had been exhausted by the heat of the city of Philadelphia, and by his business as a lawyer; and REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 35I came out of the city to recover his health. He was with me on the 31st of July and the 1st of August. He was emaciated and pallid, but not sick. He left me on the morning of the 2d of August, on a visit to his brother Jacob at Albany, and intending to spend a short time at the Ballston Springs. He wrote to me from Albany, which he reached in a few days, and was as well as usual. He went to the Springs, and there met wdth a particular friend, Mr. William Appleton. The two agreed to visit the military stations on lake Ontario ; and to go to the falls of Niagara. This they accomplished; and were in an attack made on Fort George by the British troops. From Buffalo, after visiting the falls of Niagara, my son wrote me a par- ticular account of his journey and adventures — the last letter that he wrote me with his own hand. He re- turned to Albany apparently in health, and spent a day or two with his brother. He and Mr. Appleton then set out for Boston. Between Pittsfield and North- ampton he was wet by rain in travelling. The next day he was taken ill of what appeared to be a rheu- matic complaint to which he was subject, accompanied with some fever. By stopping one day he was some- what recruited, and travelled the day following. Again he lay by for a day, and then was able to reach Bos- ton, where he went to bed and sent for a physician. E. Rockwood, Esq., a lawyer of eminence, w^ho mar- ried Miss -Hayward (a former parishioner of mine, and intimate friend of my son) took Robert to his house. Here he received every possible attention which friend- ship and medical skill could supply. For about ten days he was not thought to be dangerously ill, either by ^ 352 LIFE OF THE friends or physician; although I rather suspect that he considered himself in danger. For during this period (using the hand of his friend Appleton) he dictated a letter to me of such a kind as he never wrote before. It was tender and affectionate in a hio^h deg^ree, recoff- nising his dependence on God, and expressing a strong desire to see me. He was apparently recovering till the night but one before his death; when he was taken with a profuse discharge of blood from the bowels, under which he sunk rapidly, and died on Friday morning. He died without a struggle, groan, or the motion of a muscle, and declared repeatedly the day before his death, that he had not experienced a single pain from the time he entered Mr. Rockwood's family. He had his senses fully till within a few hours of his dissolution; and I was glad to learn, that his nurse observed him frequently engaged, as she supposed, in earnest devotion — his hands clasped, and his lips mov- ing. Doubtless I have the partiality of a parent; and affection awakened by the death of a favourite child, is apt to magnify his amiable qualities. This, notwith- standing, I believe I may say with truth, that few parents could lose as much in a child as I have lost in mine. He was tall and well made, had a most im- pressive and pleasing countenance, with an eye intelli- gent and benignant in a very high degree. He had also an amenity of temper and a gracefulness and ele- gance of manners very rarely seen. He was frank, candid, facetious, hospitable and kind. He had more knowledge, and of more various kinds, than any one of his age that I ever [personally knew, though not so much as some I have read of His eminence as a REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 353 lawyer, of his own standing, both as to distinction and prospects, w^s without a rival. He w^as also a hand- some and eloquent speaker. He had a full belief in divine revelation; not the effect merely of education, (for he had at one time been on the brink of infidelity,) but the result of close and profound examination, terminating in a thorough and unwavering conviction. He had examined and was a complete master of the deistical controversy in all its parts and bearings, and could sooner and more fully put an infidel to silence than any other man I have ever known. He was orthodox in the great outlines of his religious creed. Talking to a friend a short time before his death, about the Unitarian system, he said, "Take from the gospel the divinity and atonement of Christ, and you have little of importance behind." He was free from vice, and a constant and reverential attendant on public worship. His seriousness was growing, and had manifestly increased in the last year of his life. Whether it had reached to vital practical piety is known to God, in whose hands I leave him. It certainly would now give me more comfort if he had been un- equivocally and eminently pious, than that he should have possessed all the brilliant talents and attainments by which he was undoubtedly distinguished. In this dispensation I recognize my unspeakable indebtedness to God in the following particulars : 1. That during all the illness of my son, I felt more engagedness in pray- ing that it might be sanctified to him, than that he might survive it. 2. That my will was in a degree very remarkably and unusually for me, swallowed up in the divine will, as to what should be the issue, when 45 354 LIFE OF THE I knew that his life was in danger. 3. That for the forty-eight hours, during which I had to wait for letters which would probably inform me of my son's death, I was not greatly agitated nor anxious ; and that I was so prepared for the mournful news of his death, that when I received it, I was not disappointed. 4. For remarka- ble composure, submission and resignation, for me, un- der the severe bereavement, so that I lost little or no sleep, was able to attend to all ordinary concerns as usual, and had in general great quietness of spirit. One day, indeed, I was permitted to see, that but for the pre- venting and supporting grace of God, I should be ready to murmur, repine, and be overwhelmed with dejection and distress. But here was the mercy, / did hut see it, and I trust was preserved from it, and was made to partake of these consolations, and to follow the advice which on similar occasions I have endeavoured so often to suggest to others — to God be all the praise. The improvement I would strive to make of this dis- pensation, is — 1. To impress on my mind more deeply and sensibly than has ever yet been done, that both I and all my family are absolutely in the hand of God; to take any of us, or all of us, out of life, when, how, or where he pleases ; and that in so doing, he will not do us wrong, or deal hardly with us. Yea, that I ought to rejoice in this, and be satisfied that in every privation I meet with, my covenant God chooses better for me than I could choose for myself. 2. To trust in God to sustain, support and comfort me, under all his dispensations. He has done so under this, which is one of the most orrievous. But let me remember that in order to this, I must really depend on and trust in Him REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 355 and not on myself. Left to myself, I shall be crushed before the moth. 3. To think less than I have done of the attainments of science and of intellectual distinction, when not con- nected with religion. Avaricious men are apt to desire unduly that their children may be rich. If I know myself, this has not been my prevailing transgression. But a degree of the same kind of sin, I do believe I have been very prone to, that is, in having my heart unduly set on my children being what my eldest was in intel- lectual wealth, without considerinfr in the deo;ree that I ought, that this also is vanity unless sanctified by divine grace. I hope and trust that I have supremely desired for them all, that they should be truly the Lord's : and I think that for two or three years past, I had more of this than before. Yet I have certainly been in a de- gree, an idolater of science. God has taken my idol. Let me renounce for ever my sin in this respect. 4. To be more earnest than I have ever yet been for the saving conversion of my children. As already stated, I hope I have increased in this earnestness within a few years past, and on this partly is founded the hope which I have, that my deceased son had received sanctifying grace before his death; especially, as he show^ed for more than a year, a growing seriousness and attach- ment to religious duties : but yet I have never been as earnest on this subject as I ought to be. Let me then hear and regard the solemn call which I have had to more fervency of prayer for the salvation of my off- spring; and let me not suffer to pass without improve- ment any opportunity I may have to say or do some- thing, and every thing, that may tend to engage them // 356 I^II'E OF THE to attend to the one thing neeclfal. I have hoped that God may sanctify to them the death of their brother. 0, most merciful God! grant this most desirable event for the sake of Christ my Saviour. I trust that he did sanctify it to my son Jacob. For about two years after his brother's decease he made a public profession of relicrion at Princeton ; and in conversinor with him on that occasion, if I rightly remember, he told me that his first serious attention to the state of his soul was produced by Robert's death. He afterwards commen- ced the study of theology. 5. To be more engaged for the conversion of young people in general, especially of my dear pupils. 1 have long felt peculiarly interested for the young, but not enough so. I have not been as deeply sensible as I ought to be, how soon all these op- portunities and privileges might be terminated by death. I am now at the head of an institution devoted to the instruction of ingenuous youth, who are destined to teach others, and to have a great influence on society. Their religious instruction is especially committed to me. 0, may I feel the importance and responsibility of my situation; and may this event in providence stir me up to the greatest engagedness, watchfulness, dili- gence and tenderness in endeavouring to promote by every means I can devise, and by every exertion I can make, the eternal salvation of the precious youth of whom I have the charge — Lord, direct, assist, and bless me in this. ' / 6. Finally my son's death is to be improved to im- press my mind more deeply with the emptiness of the world, and the importance of being constantly pre- pared for death and eternity. How very uncertain, REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 357 unsatisfying, and delusive are our dearest earthly en- joyments; how deceitful and sorely disappointing are often our fondest hopes and most flattering prospects. Let my heart be less set than it has been on any thing so unworthy of its best affections. Let these affections be more set on things above, where Christ Jesus sitteth at the right hand of God. My son died suddenly — so may I also. Let me live constantly with my lamp trimmed and burning. O God ! enable me so to live that I may at last be found of thee in peace. A small part of the foregoing appears in a note at the end of the volume of my Baccalaureate discourses, with an inscription which I intended to place on a cenotaph, but which I have hitherto omitted, and which there is little prospect will ever be accomplished. Mv discourses above referred to, and this narrative of my life, if it shall ever be printed, will be a better exhibition of the character of my eldest son, than the cenotaph which I contemplated when I wrote the note I have mentioned. After the expiration of my first presidential year, I spent the autumnal vacation which ensued, on a visit with my wife and son James to the place of my nativity, where I preached three times, twice in the church and once at my sister's. Afterwards I went to Philadelphia, where I was so ill of a cold and hoarse- ness that I did not attempt to preach, but attended to the settlement of the affliirs of my deceased son; and then returned to Princeton on the 28th of October. I was in the habit for a number of years, of setting apart one day in a month for special prayer. I shall give from my diary an account of one of these prayer days, 358 LIFE OF THE in view of the winter session of my second presidential year. ^'■November 2. This day I observed as a day of special prayer, with a little abstinence from food not amount- ing to fasting, which I think disqualifies me for devo- tional exercises in the after part of the day. My objects this day were to seek the sanctification of the sore dis- pensation of Providence in the death of my eldest son, and to pray for grace and assistance and blessing in my office in the institution of which I have the charge. In the former part of the day I had enlargement in prayer, and the whole day was, I hope, profitable. I went over in prayer the several particulars written at large in the preceding pages of my diary in regard to my son." Till the 9th of November my diary was kept regu- larly. Then ensues the following entry: "From the 9th of November, 1813, till the 9th of March, 1814, I did not keep a regular diary. It was one of the most busy and one of the most afflictive periods of ray life. For a fortnight after the College session commenced, the institution was in the most per- fect order. The system I had been labouring to estab- lish seemed to have gone into complete effect. I was saying to myself, 'this is all I could wish.' On a sud- den, without any known cause, disorder commenced; and there was a series of attempts, in every imaginable form, to promote and produce insubordination and mis- chief. The roof of the privy was burned, and a kind of infernal machine was fired in the College edifice; many small crackers were also fired; theft was com- mitted; the walls were scrawled on; there was clap- ping, hissing and screaming in going to the refectory. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 359 I have no doubt but that the whole was the result of a deep laid, deliberate, desperate plot to subvert the discipline and order of the house. In the mean time I had for eio^ht weeks the worst couo^h and cold that I ever had in my life. I lost a good deal of flesh, and w^as unable for a long time to lie on my left side; my wife was in delicate health; my brother John Wickliffe visited me, and soon died about seven miles from this. My wife, after suffering much, was prematurely con- fined, and her infant was still born. On the 9th of March, after suffering greatly, she expired about half after five o'clock in the afternoon. On the evening of the 11th of March, after returning from her funeral, I write this — I have had some searching of heart in re- gard to my afflictions since September last, when my son died. I have been on my knees this evening, utterino^ some such lauGjuasre as this — Show me, O God, why thou contendest with me. If these afflictions are rebukes of thy displeasure, discover to me my sin, humble me effectually for it, lead me to the blood of cleansing, and restore me to thy favour. But thou hast said, ' Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth;' and if these afflictions are the evidence of my adoption and of thy love, I bid them welcome, and I do hope that in very faithfulness thou hast afflicted me ; because thou hast as yet most wonderfully and mercifully supported me under all, carried me through all, given me strength far beyond my own, and many sweet consolations in the midst of my sorrows and my sufferings. O that it may please God to be with me in my widowed state; keep me from all the evils and snares to which that 3G0 LIFE OF THE state is liable; support, direct, uphold, comfort and bless me. O may He take the charge of my dear motherless babe, who is called by my name. His mother, whose precious remains I have this day com- mitted to their kindred dust, was a most excellent w^oman ; of a delicate bodily frame, but of a most vigo- rous mind, of an excellent judgment, improved in men- tal attainments far beyond the most of her sex, emi- nently discreet, perfectly acquainted with all household concerns, and diligent in attention to them. I trust she was also a real, practical, experimental Christian. She was likewise a most excellent counsellor, and one whose attachment to me was strong indeed. Thanks to God who gave and continued her to me for four years and about five months. But she was lent, and the loan is recalled. O my God! help me to say — and do I not say it from the heart — thy will be done." I will here transcribe a part of the report which I made to the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, at their spring meeting in the year 1814. It is as follows: " On the morning of the Lord's day, the 9th of Janu- ary, at about 2 o'clock the privy of the College was discovered to be on fire. The steward, who made the discovery, called up the tutors of the College, and they called up a number of orderly students, who with the assistance of the steward and the servants, extinguish- ed the fire with so little noise, that the occurrence was unknown to the greater part of the students, till day- light discovered it to them. In the morning it appear- ed, that the door of the prayer hall had been opened and entered, (as we afterwards ascertained, either by the carelessness or treachery of one of the servants, who REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 3(JX had charge of the key,) and that arrangements had been made for some mighty work of mischief, which was to have been simultaneous with the burning of the privy, but which had proved abortive. Loose powder, a quantity of tinder, and a large peg, were found lying on the stage in the hall, before the pulpit. The day passed w^ithout disturbance, and with no neglect of any of the usual exercises. But on the evening on this day — the Sabbath — a little after nine o'clock, the tremen- dous explosion took place, of what has been denomina- ted the hig cracker. To save myself the trouble of description, as well as to give you a better idea of this infernal machine, I have directed it to be brought before you. About two pounds of gunpowder were confined and exploded in the cavity of that log. The machine was placed behind the front middle door of the second entry. The discharge cracked the adjacent walls from top to bottom, broke almost all the glass in the entry where it was placed, and much in the other entries; and one of the pieces which it threw off was driven through the door of the prayer hall, to which it was opposite. The merciful providence of God preserved the lives and limbs of several students, as well as the tutors of the College who had passed near it only a few minutes before the explosion. No individual was in- jured, although the whole house was greatly alarmed. I was walking in my study at the time of the explosion and hastened into the College edifice as fast as possible. The students went peaceably to their rooms after a few minutes. The faculty convened in the room of one of the students, and after securing the remains of the machine, making arrangements with the steward 46 362 LIFE OF THE to watch the College edifice through the night, and to take measures for investio^atinoc the business in the next day, adjourned a little after midnight. From the moment I saw the remains of this machine I was per- fectly satisfied, that with the vigilance we had used, it never could have been manufactured in the College edifice. It was also now apparent that the original design was to have fired it in the prayer hall, before the pulpit, at the time when the building was burning; and this has accordingly been since confessed by the actors in this diabolical affair. Had not this design been defeated by the going out of the match, as we have since learned, it is impossible to calculate the extent of the mischief which it might have produced. But by the good providence of God (the interposition of which in this, and in many other instances deserves our most grateful notice and remembrance) the real intention of the perpetrators of this villainy was almost entirely defeated, and the consequences of it have been ultimately turned on themselves. On Monday morning, the faculty convened and resolved to make every possible effort, both in the Col- lege and out of it, to detect and punish in the most exemplary manner, all who had been concerned in this enormous outrage. For two days not a trace of the perpetrators of the mischief could be discovered. Per- severance, however, at length enabled us to obtain proof, that two individuals, late students in College, and then residents in town, were concerned in fabrica- ting and charging the infernal machine. (These indi- viduals were named to the Trustees; but for obvious reasons they shall not be mentioned here. Other REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 363 names have been and shall be, in like manner omitted.) A prosecution in the criminal court was immediately commenced against them; and they were held under a recognizance to appear and take their trial at New Brunswick on the 8th of March. One of them was afterwards discharged on account of his youth and comparative innocence. But their seizure and prose- cution were the signal for other disorders in College. The master spirits of mischief had by this time poison- ed the minds of almost the whole of the young and thoughtless part of the College, and engaged them to do things which those who prompted them took care to avoid for themselves. The management of it was extremely perplexing. Not an individual^ for a num- ber of days could be fixed on as guilty; for the whole took place in the dark, and in the crowd as the students in mass were going to supper in the refectory. At length however the disorder was extended to the en- tries of College. When this took place, I on a certain evening took a candle in my hand and went to the passage through which the mass of students return from supper. They passed me in perfect silence and respect; but as soon as they got out of sight in the upper entries, some of them began the usual yell. The Vice-president ran through the crowd and seized one of the small rogues in the very act of clapping and hallooing, took him up in his arms, brought him through the whole corps, and set him down before me, as I stood with the candle in my hand, talking to a crowd that I had called around me. I seized the opportunity to address them at some length; and to endeavour to reason to shame and to intimidate them 364 LIFE OF THE out of their folly. The circumstances allowed me to talk in a manner which would not have been so pro- per, speaking from the pulpit, and it certainly had a good effect. It was manifestly the plan of the leaders of the exist- ing insubordination to keep themselves clear of cen- sure; and by getting us to lay the arm of authority heavily on the youngest part of the students, to spread the spirit of uneasiness and dissatisfaction as widely as possible. We therefore forebore till our arrangements were complete to manage these leaders, and then put the whole under an effectual interdict at once. Among the artifices practised at this time to spread discontent, was the exciting of the College to ask for a holiday. Two or three private applications and delegations were made to me for the purpose in the most respectful man- ner. My answer was, that there should be no holiday till there was perfect order in College. They tried to call a general meeting of the students for the purpose ; but I went into the midst of them and dispersed them without the least difficulty, or appearance of dissatis- faction. After all their plans w^ere completely defeated, and the College became orderly, and they had given up all expectation of the holiday, w^e surprised them with- out their asking for it. We permitted them to go on a sleighing party, which in no instance, that I have heard of, was abused ; and I lent, to as many as chose to ask me, small sums of money for the occasion. They were thus taught and felt, that what I had told them w^as true, that they should in no degree interfere with the government; that we would govern alone, and effect- ually; but that so governing, we would deal with them REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 3G5 not only equitably, but with tenderness and indulgence. At this time the sentiment I have just expressed seemed to pervade the house, and it gave us general quietness till about a month since. We took this interval to dis- miss a number who exposed themselves by continuing to be mischievous after their comrades had given it up. By dismission, and requesting parents to remove their sons, we cleared the house of four or five of the most troublesome of the younger students. When the trial of the individual most concerned in preparing and firing the big cracker approached, on the 8th of March, it became a subject of serious consideration whether we should suggest to our counsel to summon any of the students as witnesses or not. On consulting our law- yers on the subject, they represented it as of much importance to the success of the suit, and we accord- ingly assented to it. They subpoened seven; some of whom we suspected to be guilty, and some w4io were free from suspicion. No difficulty or disorder whatever attended the serving of the process. The students, with the senior tutor, who was also subpoened, were sent to the tavern, where the process was served on all at once; and the whole set off immediately for New Brunswick. They were gone three days. The princi- pal culprit pleaded guilty to his indictment on the criminal prosecution, and threw himself on the mercy of the court. He was fined one hundred dollars and the costs of the prosecution. He is still bound to answer our civil suit in June next, under a recognizance of one thousand dollars. Four of the students in their statement to the grand jury, declined giving testimony, on the plea that they might implicate themselves. This 366 LIFE OF THE was what we expected, and were resolved, when they should throw themselves back on our moral discipline, to exercise it upon them and dismiss them from the College, as soon as we should be prepared to do so. They, however, hoped that the evidence that they gave before the grand jury would be kept a secret; and it was not known to them for a considerable time after their return, that we were acquainted with the nature of their evidence, which circumstance brought us to action a day or two sooner than we intended to com- mence it. It may perhaps be thought to have been superfluous, and to savour of timidity, yet I maintain that under the responsibility on which I acted, I was perfectly right to request, as I did, the presence of the Chief Justice of the State, sheriff of the county, and several constables, and a meeting of the inhabitants of the town. I always hoped that the knowledge of these preparations w^ould prevent the necessity of using them ; and the event has justified the conjecture. But to have omitted the preparations would have been in the highest degree rash and criminal. It was found that the Chief Justice and sheriff could not attend; but this only hastened the arrangements and zeal of the village; so that we were fully prepared to act at the time when action was expedient : and the issue of the whole has been, that the town has passed ordinances, a spirit has been awakened, and arrangements organized, which form a system for similar emergencies in all time to come; and which have been wanted ever since the existence of the College till this hour. The doings of the town on the occasion, and the vote of thanks, and explanation of the views and wishes of the faculty REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 307 which followed the doings, I herewith lay before the Board." I now resume my narrative, with remarking, that the arrangrements I have mentioned were hastened in con- sequence of the criminated students discovering that w^e had information of the nature of the testimony they had given before the court ; or rather of their refusing to give any lest they should criminate themselves. One of the number, with a view to extenuate his own guilt, voluntarily informed us, that he was only privy to the whole business of the crackers and the burning, but had no active hand in the execution; nay, that he endeavoured to dissuade the other parties from their design. We told him that privity and concealment of such a diabolical transaction w^ere no small crime. But that as he had voluntarily, and without our seeking it, informed us that he knew all concerned, and that the disclosure would not criminate himself, we were bound to insist, and should insist, that he should disclose the whole; and I showed him the printed ordinance requir- ing the students to bear testimony in such a case. He explicitly refused to bear any testimony; and this brought the business to a crisis. The ground we took was to consider the four who refused to give testimony at court as having confessed their guilt, and to treat them accordingly. After considerable deliberation and some hesitation, we at length unanimously resolved to offer them forgiveness on the following terms: 1st. That all who had been associated or concerned in this base transaction should present themselves before the faculty. 2d. That they should answer all the questions and make all the disclosures that the faculty should require. 368 I'IFE OF THE 3d. That they should explicitly ask the forgiveness of the faculty. 4th. That they should hold themselves sacredly pledged to show an exemplary regard to the laws, and respect to the College themselves, and to promote the same in others with their whole influence. 5th. That they should then be freely forgiven ; but on the express condition, that while their conduct re- mained unexceptionable, their concern in the mischief contemplated should not operate to their disadvantage; but that if their conduct was not unexceptionable, their agency in that mischief should then be called into view. The motives which prompted the faculty to this course were: (1.) It was believed that the course contemplated would as well sustain the authority and discipline of the house as any other. (2.) There were (strange as it may seem) two or three individuals among the concerned who, except in this instance, w^ere among the most exemplary students; and almost the whole were among the first youth in the house, in point of literary standing. (3.) It would bring out the whole corps of those who were concerned; which it was of the utmost importance to know, and who could not otherwise be certainly known. (4.) It would enable us to establish a point in our prosecution for the chief culprit, viz: that the cracker and the burning of the privy were in design connected together, and that the same persons were concerned in both. (5.) It would, after all, be putting the youth, now fully and clearly known, on their good behaviour; whom we were always willing to retain if they should really reform; and if they did not, we could afterwards dismiss them for this as well as their future misconduct; and the REV. ASHBEL GREEN. qqq whole world (even their parents and other partial friends) would say that we had acted not only with equity, but with lenity also. Having made up their minds to pursue the course which has been specified, the faculty sent for the four students who had refused to give testimony at court, told them that their guilt was considered as established, that the natural course to be pursued in their case was, dismission by the faculty, probably expulsion by the Trustees, and per- haps a criminal prosecution by the State. That in these circumstances the faculty were disposed to offer an amnesty on the conditions and explanations which I have already specified; with this in addition, which was distinctly explained and inculcated, that in the whole business the concerned should be considered as throwing themselves absolutely and entirely on the dis- cretion of the faculty in every and in all particu:lars not specified, with this general assurance to encourage it, that the faculty would require nothing which they did not conscientiously think the interests of the insti- tution required; with this reservation to prevent false pleas on their part, that the faculty would surrender nothing which they did believe the interests of the institution to demand. With this understanding, the four students were allowed one hour and no more, to consult their associates and return an answer. At the end of the hour, they returned with a written answer, that their associates would not agree to the proposition; but that they would agree to it for themselves, except that they would not disclose their associates. It re- quired but little time to decide on this answer. The 47 SYO LIFE OF THE foiir students were immediately called, and I addressed them I believe in these words : " As the fundamental article of the proposition made you by the faculty — that all who were concerned with you in the offence should come forward with you — has not been complied with, it has become my painful duty to announce to you that you are dismissed from College by order of the faculty. You are allowed two hours and no more, to take the whole of your effects out of College. And now with a lenity which, in our appre- hension you have not deserved, I inform you that a criminal prosecution is hanging over you, which you may avoid if you can." The dismissed students went immediately into the College edifice, whither I requested the members of the faculty instantly to repair, and assured them that I should follow as soon as possible. The College through the whole morning had been in a great turmoil. Pro- bably no occasion could occur that would produce greater excitement. The parties arraigned were re- markably popular. The two champions of the literary societies for the Junior Class were among them, and many believed that they w^ere to be expelled for not bearing testimony against their fellow students. With it all, however, every mischief maker slunk into con- cealment as soon as an officer of the College was seen near him. While I was preparing to go into the Col- lege edifice, one of the dismissed students of the Senior Class came into my study in much perturbation, and told me that since we had dismissed the four, the whole of their associates, without being requested, had volun- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 371 tarily come forward, and were willing now to surrender themselves to the discretion of the faculty, if we would only permit the whole procedure to go back to the posi- tion in which it stood an hour ago. I directed him to request the attendance of the faculty in my study, which he did in great haste. The faculty had even less objection to this measure than at first, because we had had the opportunity actually to dismiss four, and by so doing, to satisfy them and the whole College of our determination to make thorough work of this business. The individual who called on me was in- formed that the faculty would receive all his associates on the ground originally specified. Accordingly nine in number came over to my study and cast themselves on our discretion. As soon as they entered and had taken their stand, I said to them, " You solemnly de- clare that the whole of those concerned in the offence now in contemplation are now present." This was explicitly affirmed by one of their number in behalf of the whole. It was at the time fully believed by us, and I am sorry to say that we have since discovered that it was not true, that there were five or six more, making in all about fifteen, who were really implicated in the plot of the chief culprit. The nine then before the faculty, (and these they solemnly declared to be the whole) were directed to withdraw till the faculty should determine on the questions to be asked, and on the other circumstances of the submissions to be made and the pardon to be granted. The faculty agreed to ask but two questions in substance, although a consid- erable number were asked explanatory of the two main interrogatories. The first related to the views, motives. 372 LIFE OF THE and designs which had induced them to commit this outrage; and they could assign no other, and declared they could think of no other, than dissatisfaction for the dismission of the individual whom the civil court had refused to indict on account of his youth. The second question was, whether the firing of the privy and the explosion of the cracker, were not originally to have taken place at the same time, and the cracker to have been exploded in the prayer hall. To this they imme- diately and unequivocally answered in the affirmative. After these answers, the questions were put to each individual by name, ''Do you ask the forgiveness of the faculty for what you have done in this concern?" And each individual was required to answer, " Yes, I do." The other question, as heretofore stated, was, " Do you hold yourself sacredly pledged to show an exemplary regard to the laws, and respect to the authority of the College yourself, and to promote the same regard and respect in others with your w^hole influence?" To this, also, each individual by name answered, " Yes, I do." The President then said, "You are freely forgiven: while your conduct shall be unexceptionable, this occurrence shall not operate to your disadvantage ; but if it shall not continue unexceptionable, your past de- fection shall then be called into view." The President then made a short and solemn address to the whole of them, under which some of them appeared a good deal affected; and they then withdrew, requesting us not to publish this transaction in detail to the College, and receiving for answer, that we should do in this, and in all other particulars, as should be dictated by that dis- cretion on which they had cast themselves, and we had REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 373 exercised, and should exercise with as much lenity, and no more, than the good of the institution should seem to permit. All noise immediately ceased in College, and the house became as tranquil and orderly as it ever was. The next day we drew up a statement of our proceedings, which we caused to be made known both in the College and the town. The above report was written toward the close of the winter session of 1813 and 1814; but while the College was underoroincr the semi-annual examination, the chief culprit returned to Princeton, and I, in fulfilment of my duty, sent him a note forbidding him to come on College grounds. This was on the 4th of April. I shall transcribe from my diary the transactions of a number of days till the adjournment of the Trustees of the College, who met on the 11th of the month. ^^ April 5th — (the day after the return of the chief culprit) — I attended to the examination of the College. There were crackers in the institution to-day, and the evening was a most painful one to me. We met in faculty in a room of one of the tutors, and determined to dismiss two or three of the students. " April 6th. Tliis morning the faculty admonished four students and dismissed two. I took the examina- tion of the Senior Class on belles lettres and wTote let- ters to the parents of the two dismissed students. The faculty met in the evening, and a pistol was fired at the door of one of the tutors. I ought to be very thankful to God for his support this day. " April 7th. Attended examination. We had a crack- er in College to-day, and in the evening a company of 374 i^IJFE OF THE students in the front Campus behaved in a very impro- per manner. '^ April Sih. Attended before breakfast the examina- tions of the Sophomore and Freshman Classes, which were finished, and the^e classes dismissed to go home. ^^ April 9ih. Attended the examination of the Junior Class, who were examined by myself on the Bible. The week past, my religious exercises have not been special, except that I hope I have had some engagedness in praying for direction and assistance in regard to the discipline of the College. This evening, the faculty sat a good while in my study and conversed about the affairs of the Colleo^e, but ao;reed on nothin;adly mingled, as all I do is, with imperfection and sin. nth. Mr. Davis and Mr. Charlton Henry called 444 LIFE OF THE on me in the morning. I prepared a letter to the Synod of North Carohna, and sent it enclosed to Dr. McDowell of Elizabethtown. Read the Unitarian Miscellany, in which were some remarks on a piece of mine. As I was taking my walk in the evening, I was obliged by the dizziness in my head to sit down on the pavement. Two gentlemen came up and assisted me home, I passed the evening however in my study pretty much as usual. Prayed in secret for the revival of religion. 13th. Dr. Neill called in the morning and invited me to attend prayer meeting at his house, w^hich I did. There were thirteen of the brethren present. 18th. This morning I endeavoured to pour out my desires for the aids of the Holy Spirit, and had in secret a sweet time of access to the throne of mercy. 'tis good thus to draw near to God ! Went to hear an oration delivered before the Philosophical So- ciety by Charles Ingersoll. I corrected and almost wrote a new piece for the Christian Advocate. The week past, my religious exercises have been much as usual. I think my private devotions, though at times sadly wandering, are on the whole a little more satis- factory in general than at other times. This evening 1 prayed once in secret for the spread of the gospel and the revival of religion, and with some freedom. November 2d. Sabbath. This day I attended pub- lic worship in Dr. Neill's church. He returned from Synod during the morning service, which was per- formed by Mr. Osborn. He preached himself in the afternoon. In the evening I went and preached for brother Janeway, who was absent. I had very con- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 445 siderable freedom in preaching from the words "We preach Christ crucified." Mr. Eastburn made the last prayer. Mr. Ralston sent for me and brought me home. I feel encouraged by being able to preach once more. Thanks to God, I think I see the answer of prayer in the assistance afforded me. (This was the first time I attempted to speak in public since the time I was helped home on the llth of October.) 6th. Thanksgiving day. Attended church in the morning and heard Dr. Neill preach; Dr. Wilson made the last prayer. I spent the afternoon in preparing to preach in the evening, which I did with considerable freedom. (Thus I preached twice this week.)" Having written somewhat minutely the account of the first year of my editorial life, as conductor of the Christian Advocate, I shall content myself with stating generally a number of facts. 1. I preached as often as 1 was able; and on an average once a week for many years. I served the African church, on the afternoon of the Sabbath, for two years and a half, and administered the Lord's Sup- per to them frequently, before they obtained the ser- vices of the Rev. Charles W. Gardiner. I received nothing for any of my ministerial performances with one exception ; and that I obviated by leaving a charity in my will, which otherwise I should not have done. I visited, conversed, and prayed with many persons in sickness and sore distress. I lectured for two winters to the Sabbath school teachers on the portion of Scrip- ture on which they were to hear their pupils on tlie next Sabbath after the lecture. My services were often 446 LIFE OF THE solicited to assist in the administration of the Lord's supper, and to preach preparatory sermons for the same; and these services were never refused when I was able to perform them. In ordinary circumstances I observed once a month a day of special prayer, with such a degree, commonly, of fasting, as consists in omitting my dinner altogether, or only taking a small piece of bread and a cup of water. On Saturday even- ing, I regularly prayed once in secret for the revival of religion in our own church; and also throughout the world; and on Sabbath evening for a special bless- ing on the religious services of the day. These usages I continue to the present time, except when I am more than commonly indisposed. 2. In 1827, a special effort was made to place a Bible in every family in the state of Pennsylvania that should not refuse to receive it, and a committee was appointed to carry this enterprise into effect. The committee met weekly in my study, as I was their chairman, and I wrote an address to the population of the State in favour of this undertaking. I have belonged to the Society ever since its institution ; and since the death of Bishop White, I have been their president. 3. There has been a weekly clerical prayer meeting in my study for above twenty years. I found this meeting established by my ministerial brethren of the city, on my return from Princeton, after resigning the presidentship of the College. It was rotatory at first ; each member taking it in his turn. This often bred confusion, as absent members did not know where the next meeting was to be. After I purchased a house, I REV. ASHBEL GREE>r. 447 made the brethren welcome to meet in my study; and this has continued to be the case for the space of time mentioned above. V; 4. In 1824 I was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. The following year, on opening the Assembly, according to usage, with a ser- mon, I was requested to publish it, which I accordingly did. On my motion, in the Assembly of 1825, the Theological Seminary of Alleghany Town was estab- lished. 5. I believe that I have been a member of all the Boards, or Corporations of our Church, since the time of their formation, and of some others, viz. of the Board of Education, of the Board of Trustees of the General Assembly, of the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. I w^as a member also of that at Alleghany Town for a number of years — whether I am nominally so still, I know not; of the Bible Society, of the Board of Missions, of the Trustees of Jefferson Medical College, and of the Alumni of the College of Princeton : I have been for more than fifty years Secretary of the Corporation of the Widows' Fund ; and of several corporations I am President. On the whole, I thought I was as useful to the Church while I was editor of the Christian Advocate, as I was at any other period of my life; and I think that I was so re- garded by my Christian brethren. 448 LIFE OF THE CHAPTER XXIII. Feom the Year 1834 to 1846. 1 HAVE mentioned above, that, on an average, I preach- ed as much, for many years, as once in a week. I now add, that after having a bad turn of the complaint in my head for some weeks, or perhaps months, I did not preach a regular sermon at all ; and after convalescence, I preached twice or thrice in a week. Nor was I idle when I did not use the pulpit, but performed such min- isterial services as were not beyond my strength. I will mention tw^o examples of what I here state. I had a bad turn of my head-complaint shortly before the great revival of religion in the College of New Jersey, while I was its President, so that I did not preach a regular sermon during the whole winter, while the re- vival was at its height. My place was well supplied by Dr. Alexander and Dr. Miller. In the mean time I instituted a lecture for those who were under painful exercises of mind, and for other students who chose to attend; and always heard the Bible recitations in the afternoon of the Sabbath, with an exhortation afterward, in which I had reference to the interesting state of the College in regard to religion. I also solemnly address- ed the whole College, in a short speech, usually on Saturday evening; and my study was always open, and I ready to converse with all who needed counsel and advice in regard to all concerns of their souls. I REV. ASHBEL GREEX. 449 kept my seat, both at the lecture and at the Bible reci- tation; which I found to be a great relief. Some time in the month of March, or perhaps the beginning of April, I was able to preach a regular sermon in the College chapel. The second example I have mentioned already, namely, when I sat down on the pavement to prevent falling down, and was helped home by two strangers. So that the only thing I have to mention is, that after I was again able to speak in public, I preached three times in a week. After I gave up the editorship of the Christian Advo- cate, I know not how to proceed in writing my life, otherwise than by extracting from my diary such articles as appear most worthy of notice. This method I shall accordingly pursue; but shall vary from it on some occasions. " 1835. January 1. Spent the day and evening in reading my diary of the last year, and the Life of Hannah More. I have also tried to give thanks to God for the mercies of the year, to implore the pardon of my sins, and endeavour to live better in time to come. I prayed with Jacob, by ourselves — he being very sick at the time. 2d. The session of the African church met in my study in the evening. We admitted two persons to the full communion of the church. All my son's fellow professors, or nearly all, called to see him. 4th. Sabbath. I did not go to church this morning on account of the severity of the cold, but spent my time most diligently in my stud}^ in reading and prayer. I read a sermon of Dr. Witherspoon, In the 57 450 LIFE OF THE afternoon I attended worship in the African church, and administered the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper — an East Indian received baptism. Brother McEvven preached the communion sermon. I felt heavy during a part of the service ; but I hope I had some right feeUngs at the table of the Lord, espe- cially in prayer. We had at our communion table to-day, communicants from the four quarters of the world. In private, beside my common reading, I read between nine and ten pages of Pictet in French. This has been one of the most pleasant Sabbaths that I remember ever to have passed. Bless the Lord, my soul! 5th. Prayer-meeting in my study as usual this morning, and in the afternoon attended the Board of Missions. In the evening read through the printed minutes of the General Assembly. This has been a day set apart for praying for the conversion of the world to God ; and I have been on my knees a number of times, but, alas! I had but little freedom. Indeed I have spent a sad day — hard and stupid, and wander- ing in my mind — a complete contrast with yesterday. Yet I have not neglected the forms of duty. O, Lord! why is it thus with me? O grant me quickening grace! My stated employments at this time were preaching at the African church, and superintending the concerns of that congregation ; and also in revising our Shorter Catechism, and adding to each answer the scriptural proofs. January 31st. Was overrun with company this morning. When I came down from breakfast, I found Dr. Junkin and Mr. Steel in my study, with whom REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 451 I conversed a good while. Then brothers Swift and Bradford came in, and afterwards brother McEwen. Then Dr. Taylor, who did not stay to sit down. Then jNIr. Whetham the printer, with whom I had agreed to print Dr. Witherspoon's life and works. Then a man from Cincinnati to pay for the Christian Advocate. In the afternoon brother Latta, whom I had met in the street with brother McCalla, called and sat about an hour. In the former part of this day I was very un- comfortable. My mind was full of discontent and a kind of sullen gloom. How much of this was mere ner- vous feeling, I cannot tell — but I felt like being rebel- lious under the dispensations of God's providence. Yet I bless God that he kept me from speaking or acting improperly, and I did not neglect my season of prayer in the eveninsr. At lencrth I obtained sweet relief in meditation and prayer. O, to be truly humble and truly submissive to God, and to have a constant exer- cise of faith in his word and promises. The week past my religious exercises have in general not been re- markable. Prayed, as usual, once this evening for a ofeneral revival of reliofion. February 1st. Sabbath. I attended worship in Spruce street church this morning, and heard Dr. William A. McDowell preach a very long sermon, but a very good one. In the afternoon I preached in the African church, and had considerable enlargement, though I had a cold. In private read as usual; also ten and a half pages of Pictet. This has been on the whole, a good day to me. In the morning I had great earnestness and I hope great enlargement of heart in 452 LIf'E OF THE giving myself to God in Christ; and in public worship had more comfort than common. 2d. There was prayer-meeting in my study as usual this morning, and eleven brethren were present. I had more freedom of mind in joining with others in prayer myself than is common for me. In the morn- ing also I had a comfortable time in secret prayer. I have been in a sweet frame of mind a considerable part of the day. In the afternoon I attended the Board of Missions, when we gave Mr. Dodge one hundred dollars to remunerate his services. In the evening I did not go to the monthly concert, but prayed in secret for a revival of religion. Filed and bound old papers. My son Ashbel came in, and with, whom I spent a considerable part of the evening. March 31st. About 12 o'clock this day, Mrs. Butler, of the African church, according to promise on the last Sabbath, called on me. She went with me to visit a coloured woman, who is sick, in Ninth street, below the burial ground of Ronaldson, w^ith whom I conversed at considerable length and prayed. I then went and visi- ted and conversed and prayed with my old friend and parishioner, Andrew Hodge, who I am told is in his eighty-third year, and is apparently near death. Came home, and in the afternoon and evening wrote a little on my address to the theological students. I had one of my worst turns of giddiness, or rather of universal spasm, at the tea table; and could do nothing afterward through the evenins: till late, and then but little. Mr. Thompson, of Bedford Presbytery, called on me, and sat with me a good while in the afternoon. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 453 April 25tli. Sabbath. It rained in the morning, and I spent the time in private, and went through the routine of services in the church, reading two sermons of Dr. Witherspoon on importunity of prayer. This exercise was, I think, profitable. After a good deal of hesitation I determined to go to the African church, and if there w^as no other preacher there, that I would preach myself. I did so, and preached with some free- dom. In private read as iTSual, and a good deal in the Biblical Repertory. In the morning, I v^^as suddenly attacked with uncomfortable thoughts. I cried to God for relief, and I think found it, in a measure. A kind of stupidity has hung over me all this day. Maij 1st. I observed this as a day of prayer, with fasting^ so far as to abstain from food after breakfast till tea time in the evening. I began the exercises of the day with prostrating myself in my study, and with confessing my sinfulness and imploring forgiveness. Beside my usual sins, and other subjects of prayer, I prayed for four things in a special prayer confined to each, which I have never done before, viz. (1) For the conversion of my unconverted children. (2) Relative to a contemplated change in my domestic arrangements. (3) For preservation and direction in going to Prince- ton and Pittsburgh. (4) For a blessing on the General Assembly and on the Convention. Wrote on my address to the theological students, and nearly finished it. Called a short time at mother's. Wrote two stanzas for Mr. McE wen's album. 3d. Sabbath. I did not preach to-day, the Presby- tery having appointed a supply for the African church. I attended worship in the Spruce street church, and 454 LIFE OF THE heard Dr. Blytlie in the morning in an affecting dis- course on the substitution of Christ. In the afternoon Mr. Forsyth preached an excellent and accurate dis- course on the words, "Who always maketh us to triumph through Christ." In private I read the reli- gious paper called The Southern Churchman, and Dr. Fiske's sermon. I have attended to all my reli- gious exercises this day, but have wanted sensibility and tenderness of devout feeling. for quickening grace ! I heard in the evening Sophy and Becky their catechism, and prayed with them. (These were two coloured children whom my sister Margaret found in an alley near our house, who had lost their parents, and whom she had taken to bring up.) 4th. Left for Princeton by Trenton Railroad. Took lodgings with my son James. 5th. I attended the examination of the Theological Seminary to-day. In the afternoon, on my way to the Seminary, I called to see Mr. Joline, whom I found very sick, and not likely to live long. I conversed with him at considerable length on the state of his soul, and prayed with him. I was extremely exhausted when I went to bed, but after I got asleep I slept well. 6th. Attended examination to-day. 7th. We finished the examination before dinner. I dined with Dr. Alexander, and met the Board of Direc- tors at half past four o'clock, and delivered my address in the chapel of the Seminary. It was about an hour long, and I was carried through it better than I ex- pected. Dr. Alexander earnestly requested me to pub- lish it in the Repertory. I lodged at my son's, and did not go to hear the sermon in the evening. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 455 8tli. At eight o'clock left Princeton, arrived at Phi- ladelphia at about one, and I gave thanks to God in secret for his goodness to me in this journey. I con- versed and prayed in my study with a young woman brought to me by Mrs. Peters. 9th. Left the city for Pittsburgh by railroad cars. We had a pleasant ride. Arrived at Columbia at sun- set. I found my son Ashbel sick with the measles; stayed with him. The week past I have nothing parti- cular to write in reference to my religious exercises. 10th. Sabbath. I preached in the morning at Columbia on the w^ords, " Now therefore there is no condemnation," &c. I had great freedom in preach- ing without a note. In the afternoon brother McCalla preached and I attended. In the evening I prayed with my son in his sick room. I hope the day has not been spent without some profit. 11th — 15th. On the passage to Pittsburgh by canal boat, I had much pleasant conversation. We had prayers each evening. We arrived at Pittsburgh on the 15th. I stayed with brother Swift. Dr. Herron called and invited me to preach for him; but I made no engagements, as I find it is expected that I should preach the action sermon which the Convention is to celebrate on the ensuing Sabbath. I find that the Con- vention have chosen me their president, in my absence. 16th. I attended the Convention to-day, and did business with them. I also looked over a sermon which I am to preach to-morrow. The week past, I have not been able to retire for secret prayer, but have tried to pray mentally- on my bed, and as I could. Yet I have 456 LIFE OF THE felt the want of retirement exceedingly. We had even- ing prayers on board the boat, and we asked a blessing at all our meals. 17th. Sabbath. I attended worship in the second church of Pittsburgh, and preached the action sermon. We had a good and solemn time, I think, at the com- munion table. As usual, I had not at the time of the communion as much sensibility as I could wish, though I hope I was enabled to act with sincerity. 18th — 24th. During this week I was employed in attending the Convention, which closed its sittings on Thursday morning, after a most harmonious meeting. Then I attended the meeting of the General Assembly, though not a member. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Western Foreign Missionary Society, of which I am a member. My religious exercises this week were not peculiar. I had a room to myself, and have been enabled to per- form my usual religious exercises in secret, which I have not neglected. 24th. Sabbath. I attended worship and heard a good discourse from Dr. Miller; and in the afternoon heard Mr. Breckinridge preach a very interesting dis- course. The day has been past without any special religious exercises on my part; yet I have not neglected my secret devotions. June 8th. I went to the General Assembly, and spoke to a considerable number of the members in rela- tion to the foreign missionary resolutions; and I had the consolation to find that this most important measure, in regard to which I had almost despaired, was unani- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 457 mously adopted. I had tried in secret to commit it to God in a special prayer. The Assembly adjourned this evening. 14th. Sabbath. I preached in the morning for brother Herron, from Romans i. 16. I had freedom in preaching; my sermon was sixty-five minutes long. In the afternoon I attended worship in the second church, and baptized the child of brother Swift, by the name of Edward Payson. In private, besides my Greek Testament I read the letters of Robert Hall. This morning I was greatly perplexed about my re- ligious state, and very much disposed to despondency. But in secret prayer I found sweet relief and comfort. Blessed be God for this mercy. 15th. The last day in Pittsburgh. I have been here four weeks and three days. As my return home was very similar to my journey to Pittsburo^h I shall not give it in detail. On the 19th of the month of June in the afternoon we arrived at Columbia. I was glad to find my son Ashbel re- covered. I had much anxiety about him since I last saw him ; but God has been better to me than my fears. The next day I reached Philadelphia and found my family all well ; for which I endeavoured to give thanks to God in a special prayer. My own health has been preserved during my absence, and I fondly hope that my journey has been of some use to the church as well as to myself. 21st. Sabbath. I sent for Mr. Neal, one of the elders of the African church, to inquire whether the congregation is supplied with a preacher, and was glad 58 458 LIFE OF THE to find that they have a supply. I therefore attended both parts of the day in Spruce street church, and heard Mr. Winchester. After the service in the after- noon I became dejected about my religious state, but found a most merciful relief in prayer in which I had uncommon enlargement. to be thankful ! I mourn that I am habitually so little spiritually minded. 27th. I left the city at ten o'clock for Princeton, on my way to Hanover, where I arrived in company with my grandson Ashbel, on the 2d of July. 4th. Spent the day at Hanover. This being the day of the celebration of our national independence, I was glad to escape the noise and bustle of the city. 5th. Sabbath. I attended worship in the morning, and heard Mr. Mandeville preach a good politico re- ligious discourse. I preached myself in the afternoon, from the text " How long halt ye between two opi- nions?'" I had some freedom in preaching, and the people were attentive. I walked out a considerable distance for meditation a little before sunset. 6th. This is my birth-day, when I enter my seven- ty-fourth year. I spent the day in more meditation and prayer than most of my birth-days, and I hope with some profit. We had a concert of prayer at my sister's in the evening, where I spoke and prayed, and there was two other prayers made. 8th. Left Hanover to return to Philadelphia, where I arrived on the 11th. I endeavoured to give thanks to God who has carried me out and brought me home in safety, and preserved my family and dwelling during my absence. REV. ASHBEL GKEEX. 459 14tb. This day I wrote a part of an article for the Presbyterian, and read seventy pages in Stuart's Greek Grammar. 26th. Sabbath. I attended worship in the Spruce street church in the morning; in the afternoon I preached and administered the sacrament of the Lord's supper in the African church, and without any assist- ance I was mercifully carried through the service, though the weather was warm. In the evening I had one of the most comfortable times in secret prayer that I have ever had. I did not expect it; for I was fatigued and much exhausted with the service of the afternoon. I had also freedom in prayer in the morning. At the sacramental table I had not great enlargement, though I hope I was sincere in devoting myself to my Saviour. I read Leighton largely in the evening, and felt a peaceful and serene mind in the blessed hope of the Gospel, of the most desirable kind. O, if I could always live thus, it would be a part of heaven on earth. On the 27th of this month I went to Princeton. August 2d. I preached for Dr. Rice, he being ab- sent. I had some freedom in speaking. I desire to be thankful to God that I have been once more permitted and enabled to preach the Gospel. I had no trouble with my head complaint in preaching, but after dinner I had a bad turn of it, but it was of short continuance. 7th. I spent this day mostly in reading newspapers and the old minutes of Presbyteries, with a view to write the history of the church to which I belong; and in which I have already made some progress. Called on Dr. Alexander, and had a long conversation with him about missionary affairs, and about teaching the 460 LIFE OF THE theolosjical students the Shorter Catechism of our church, of which some of them have been found ignorant in their Presbyterial examinations. In the evening I inquired of Dr. Stockton about the death of Dr. Witherspoon, v^^hose life I am writing. 8th. This day I left Princeton for Philadelphia, w^here I arrived about six, p. m. I shall not quote my diary further for the month of August. September 1st. I received a letter from Dr. Ewing of Glasgow, in Scotland, in reply to one I had written making inquiries about Dr. Witherspoon. I spent the day in reading Marshall's Life of Washington, and Hill's History of Calvinism. This evening my son Ashbel and his wife came to be the inmates of my house. I endeavoured, in prayer, to commend them and my present family to the care and blessing of God. 6th. Sabbath. Mr. Symington called in the after- noon, and I went with him and preached with consider- able freedom to a most interesting audience at the House of Refuge. I spent the evening in reading Leighton. My exercises to-day have not been peculiar. I have wanted spirituality. 7th. There was a prayer meeting in my study this mornino" for the first time since I went to the General o Assembly. Five brethren were present. In the after- noon I met the committee of Missions, and did business with them till sunset. Dr. Woods of Andover spent the evening and lodged with me. He is on his way to Baltimore to meet the American Board of Commis- sioners of Foreign Missions. 13th. Sabbath. I preached in the Eighth Church REY. ASHBEL GREEN. 4gl in the morning", and had freedom in speaking and prayer. I sat down in preaching, but stood up in prayer. In the afternoon and evening I read about two hundred pages of Dr. Wood's book on native depravity. My exercises to-day have not been pecuHar. 14th. There was a prayer-meeting at my study this morning ; after it, I examined a young man previous to his being received as a beneficiary by our Board of Education. Brother Winchester called, to whom I lent Woods on Native Depravity, which I had finished read- ing before breakfast. 26th. Rose between four and five o'clock, and pray- ed briefly in secret. I set out for Princeton, where I attended the examination of the theological students till near sunset. In the evening I had fears lest I was gradually declining in religion, and tried to pray to be preserved from declension. 27th. Sabbath. I attended worship in the College chapel. Dr. Carnahan preached, and at his request I made the first prayer, in which I had some freedom. Dr. Carnahan's disourse was a good one. In the after- noon I did not go out, but read and prayed in private. I read through the memoirs of Mr. Kilpin, a Baptist clergyman in England, which I found to be instruc- tive and interesting. On the whole, I hope this day has not been mispent. 2Sth — 29th. I attended the meetings of the Direc- tors and Trustees of the Seminary. Arrived at Phila- delphia on the 29th, and found my family well — thanks be to God, who has brought me home in safety. October 4th. Sabbath. Mr. Elliot called on me and I went to the Mariner's church with him, where 462 LIFE OF THE he preached; and I baptized one adult and one child. I also administered the Lord's supper. I was afflicted with a cold and felt stupid, so as not to have the full command of my thoughts. I tried to exercise faith at the communion table, but had very little sensibility. 11th Sabbath. This morning I was confined to my house by indisposition, but I was able to go over the exercises of the sanctuary in private, and had much comfort in the service. In the afternoon I attended public worship in Spruce street church, and heard my young brother Forsyth preach an uncommonly good discourse on the "Glorious gospel of our blessed God." In the evening I read largely in Leighton, and finish- ed tlie first volume on Peter. This is a most precious book, and I think it has been blessed to me. This Sabbath has been on the whole a comfortable day to me. 20th. At ten o'clock I took the steamboat for Sa- lem, N. J., as I had to attend the Presbytery. We arrived at Salem at five o'clock, and I was received by Colonel Johnson's family, and treated with great kind- ness the whole time I remained in the family, which was until the adjournment of the Presbytery. 22d. Returned to Philadelphia and found my fa- mily all well, for which I desire to be thankful to God. 23d. I read newspapers and studied Hebrew all day. 24th. Studied Hebrew closely all day, and took my walk of a mile for exercise, but made no call. Brother Pinney called, with whom I had a long talk, and gave him some advice which I hope may be useful. I prayed for a revival of religion this evening. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 463 25th. Sabbath. This afternoon I preached in the Orphans' Asylum, but I had but little freedom in speaking. I went and returned in Mr. Ralston's car- riage. 26th. I revicAved Hebrew in the morning; and in the afternoon and evening attended Presbytery. Nearly all the examination of Mr. Elliot was conducted by myself 27th. I rose before five o'clock, attended family prayers, took my breakfast, and left in the cars for Columbia and York, Avhere we arrived at about nine o'clock. Dr. Cuyler met me at the tavern and con- ducted me to Judge Bradford's, where I was received with much kindness. 28th — 31st. During these days I attended Synod very punctually, and took a prominent part in all their transactions. The week past my religious exercises have not been peculiar. The circumstances in which I have been placed, have prevented my regular attend- ance on private prayer, but I have not wholly ne- glected it. November 1st, Sabbath. I attended worship in the morning in the Lutheran church to hear Dr. Breckin- ridge preach a discourse commemorative of the Pro- testant Reformation. It did not strike me as altoo-ether adapted to the occasion; but it was better than most men could have done, with so little time to prepare as the preacher was obliged to take. In the afternoon I attended Dr. Cathcart's church, and heard an able and excellent discourse from brother Musgrave. In private I tried to pray, and read one chapter in the Bible, but I felt the want of retirement. 464 LIFE OF THE 2d — 4th. During these days I attended the Synod very assiduously. On the third of the month, the busi- ness of reorganizing our Presbytery was the principal subject before the Synod. I attended till near ten o'clock in the evening, and then left the church and went to bed much exhausted. The Synod adjourned between eleven o'clock and midnight. 5th. We left York for Columbia. I walked over the bridge, which is a mile and a quarter long. On arriving at Philadelphia, I found my family well, and have great reason to be thankful to God who has pre- served me and mine in going out and coming in, in health and safety. May a law of gratitude to God my preserver be written on my heart. 14th. This morning, in reading the Scriptures and in secret prayer, I had a season of real communion with God ; a deep sense of his condescension in permitting such a polluted worm to come near him and experience his gracious influence, was mixed with my rejoicing. 2'2d. Sabbath. I attended worship in the morning. In the afternoon I did not go out of the house on account of bad weather, and being somewhat unwell. In private I read as usual. In the morning I had some freedom in secret prayer, but through the day I was stupid, wandering, and worldly. In the evening I ob- tained some relief The week past I have had two seasons of spiritual freedom and comfort in prayer. December 1st. I wrote on my history, and have made good progress. This morning I had a sweet and com- fortable time in reading the Scriptures and in secret prayer, and I hope I have felt the influence of it in some measure through the day. REV. ASHBEL GREEIS". 4(j5 3cl. Fast-day. In reading the Scriptures and in secret prayer in the morning I had some freedom and comfort, but through the day I was very lifeless. I attended worship in Arch street, and made the first prayer, and with more freedom than I expected when I began. 18'S6— March 13th. Sabbath. I attended public worship in Spruce street in the morning, and heard brother Winchester preach with great satisfaction. I had a very comfortable time in secret prayer in the morning, and I hope some edification in public worship : but I had less spirituality in the afternoon and evening than I could wish. 17th. I began the life of Dr. Witherspoon on a new plan, and wrote nearly four pages. I had a comfortable time in secret prayer this morning. I did not go out of the house, but walked the entry for exercise. April 1st. I felt my nervous complaints very severe- ly this morning, but blessed be God, they abated before night. I had some comfort in prayer, and I wrote a good deal on Dr. Witherspoon's life. 17th. Sabbath. I attended worship in the Spruce street church in the morning and heard brother Win- chester, who preached uncommonly well ; but I did not hear with as much edification as I could have wished. I preached in the African church in the afternoon, and have seldom of late performed a service with so much freedom, though I was not free from a cold. Taken altogether, I hope this day has not been spent without some profit. Maij 24th. I think I had a good and comfortable 59 466 l-IFE OF THE time in secret prayer this morning, for which I desire humbly to thank God. June 18th. The former part of the last night my sleep was much disturbed, but this morning it pleased God to give me a blessed enlargement in secret prayer. July 5th. How uncertain, and often how delusive, are all earthly prospects. I was called up between two and three o'clock this morning by my son Ashbel, under the apprehension that his infant child was dying. He languished however until about seven o'clock, and then expired without a struggle, or apparent suffering of any kind. I endeavoured, in a short prayer with the family, to commit his departing spirit to that Saviour to whom he had been dedicated, and who said, " Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." I made another short prayer immediately after the child expired. The parents have suffered a sore bereavement in this dis- pensation, and I have myself felt much more than I thought I should on such an occasion. ! may God sanctify this stroke of his holy hand to my dear mourn- ing children and to myself In the evening a coffin was brought for the child, and I saw the dear lifeless clay put into it. 6th. My birthday, when I enter my seventy-fifth year. It seems a singular dispensation of Providence that the corpse of a grandchild should be in my house on my birthday. This I remarked to my friends who wore sitting around the coffin of the dear deceased babe; and Dr. Cuyler took notice of it in the excellent prayer which he made at the grave, to which we went in two REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 4(57 carriages. I have endeavoured to review ray life to-day, and have seen it full of the mercies of God, and of my own sins and unworthiness. I had this day freedom and tenderness in prayer and thanksgiving. O, may my few remaining days be more fully devoted to God than those which are past. 18th. I made a visit to Hanover, where I spent three days in conversing with relatives, and in contemplating the scenes and sins of my youth. I thought it was the last time I should visit the place of my nativity ; but I have since been there once more. I went to see the tombs of my father and mother. I preached once at the house of my brother Calvin, on the assurance of hope, but spent no Sabbath in Hanover. I returned to Philadelphia on the 29th of July. August 11th. This morning Dr. Cuyler called and informed me of the death of Mr. Robert Ralston. He expired this morning about four o'clock. Between this dear man and myself the most delightful friendship and intimacy have existed, without any interruption or alloy, for nearly half a century. Out of the circle of my nearest kindred, he has been the best, most valued, and most valuable friend that I have ever had in my long life. His piety was eminent and ardent, yet of the humblest kind that I have ever known; and his libe- rality in contributing to every pious, charitable, and benevolent design, has probably (taking his whole hfe into view,) been greater than that of any other man in this city. He has sometimes been called the Thornton of America. But besides his donations in money, his active personal exertions in promoting all charitable, 468 LIFE OF THE benevolent, and pious undertakings and enterprises, has been extraordinary and incessant, probably of more value than all his pecuniary contributions. Take him for all in all, I have often thought and said, that he was the best man I have ever known. There Avas no marked defect in his character, in any of the numerous relations he sustained as a husband, a father, a friend, a ruling elder in the church, a merchant, a citizen. He was alike most exemplary in all. He doubtless was not perfect, and no one ever mourned his imperfections, or was more ready to acknowledge them than he ; but he approached nearer to perfection than is the common lot of even eminent Christians. He has gone to his rest and his reward in the seventy-fifth year of his age; and his family, his friends, the poor, the city, and the whole religious community, have met with a loss which will not easily be supplied. Dr. Cuyler earnestly wished that I should preach his funeral sermon, w^hich my present debility from my late illness forbids me to attempt; but I have agreed to make an address, if I am able, at his interment on the afternoon of the day after to-morrow. His funeral sermon will be preached by Dr. Cuyler the Sabbath after next. After writing as above, I began to write an address to be delivered at the funeral of my friend. 12th. I spent the day in writing my address to be pronounced at the interment of my dear friend Ralston. 13th. I went to the house of my friend and looked at his corpse, and then went to the lecture room and delivered my address. The week past my religious exercises have not been peculiar, though I have had, REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 469 at times, a freedom in private prayer; and this evening I prayed specially for the Presbyterian Church, and for a revival of religion in general. 14th. Sabbath. I attended worship in the morn- ing, and spent my time in the evening in reading Symington on the Atonement and Intercession of Christ. This is on the whole, the best treatise on the subject that I have ever seen ; and I hope I have been benefited by reading it. My exercises to-day have not been peculiar. 21st. Sabbath. This morning I heard Dr. Cuyler preach an excellent funeral sermon of my dear friend Ralston, in the second Presbyterian church. In the afternoon I went to Spruce street to hear preaching, but it was the afternoon for catechising the children of the congregation, which I was delighted to witness. At the request of Mr. Sparrrow, who officiated, I made a short address to the children, and then prayed. I hope this day has not been spent without some profit, though I lay too long in bed this morning. September 6th. I spent the early part of the day in preparing to speak at the laying the corner stone of the new Presbyterian house of worship in Seventh street. At four o'clock I went in a carriage and de- livered my speech. I desire to be thankful that I was carried through it without difficulty, and I believe I spoke so audibly that all who were present could hear; and so far as I can at present judge, without injury to my health. I prayed for help and have found it be- yond my expectations. In the evening I read largely in the Missionary Herald. October 4th. I felt miserably in the morning, and 470 LIFE OF THE yet I have done more this day in writing the Hfe of Dr. Witherspoon than almost any other day since I have had this work in hand. The Synod sat this year in Philadelphia, and con- tinued their sessions five days. I wrote a long report in regard to the desecration of the Sabbath, and the Synod ordered fifty thousand copies of it to be published and distributed in the form of a tract. The Synod also resolved to raise thirty thousand dollars for the Wes- tern Foreign Missionary Society, of which, more than twenty-eight thousand dollars was pledged before the Synod rose. On the 4th of November I went to the polls and voted for legislators. For many years I did not vote at all ; but have lately considered that as I live under a republican government, and our legislators are repre- sentatives of the people, it is a duty which I dare not neglect, to give my vote for those that I think most competent to discharge legislative duties. 14th. In private prayer in the morning I had a most remarkable and unexpected deliverance from the bad feelings which I had experienced in going to bed the preceding night. I had asked help of God, and found it in a surprising degree. I know not when I have received such a wonderful, speedy and full answer to prayer. It seemed to banish all my complaints. December 4th. Sabbath. I delivered in the White- fieldian chapel a sermon, which took me one hour and forty minutes. This is by far the longest sermon that I ever preached, and yet in great mercy I went through it without much difficulty. l&th. Sabbath. This morninir I had freedom in REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 47I secret prayer. Attended worship in the Sixth church, and assisted in administering the sacrament. It was a good season to me ; not that I had a very great excite- ment of the affections ; some I had, and I hope the acting of faith in covenanting with my blessed Saviour. I hesitated about going to church in the afternoon, but on the whole I thought it was my duty to go. I had in my private prayer after tea such a sweet season of en- largement, and spiritual views in a sense of the Divine presence, as I have not often had. This has been on the whole one of my most comfortable Sabbaths. 22d. Dr. Darrach called, and I conversed with him about printing the sermon which I preached for him on the 4th inst. 31st. This day I corrected the proof sheet of my sermon now in press. I spent some thoughts on a re- view of the year which closes on this day. I prayed as usual in the eveninf? for the Church and the world. 1837 — January 1st. This morning I rose too unwell to go to church ; but notwithstanding my indisposition I went through the exercises of the public worship as if in the church, though I had to lie down once for a short time. The exercises I performed were blessed to me I trust. They commenced a train of views and feelings which continued through the most of the day and evening; so that on the whole, although I began the day with dejection, I have seldom spent a Sabbath more comfortably, and with greater freedom in prayer and meditation, than the present. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and forget not all his benefits. 8th. Sabbath. In the morning I attended public worship in the Sixth church. Blessed be God for the 472 LIFE OF THE consolations of his grace, of which I hope 1 have expe- rienced something this day, more than is common for me. 26th. Sabbath. I had great freedom and comfort in secret prayer this morning ; yet after my return from public worship in Spruce street church, I had some of my old difficulties. I attended worship again in the afternoon. In private I read the Bible and commentary as usual, and about six pages in Howe, and the reli- gious newspapers. I hope this day has not been passed without some profit. April 2d. Sabbath. I attended worship to-day ; it was communion Sabbath. In private I read about seven pages of Howe " on the blessedness of the right- eous," and the whole of the last report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, with the appendix. This has been on the whole one of the most comfortable Sab- baths that I have ever past. I had, for me, a good time at the table of the Lord. I have sometimes, I think, had more emotion; but I had a tenderness of spiritual feeling, and delight in drawing near to God, through the whole after part of the day, very uncom- mon for me. The Convention* and General Assembly sat till the 8th of June; and although I was not a member of the Convention, I daily and punctually attended its sessions, and afterwards, as a member of the Assembly, I was so * This Convention was composed principally of the members of the General Assembly. But it was necessary that they should have a separate election as members of the Convention. The Convention prepared the paper which furnished the Assembly with the mea- sures which resulted in the disruption of the Church. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 473 occupied with its concerns, both early and late, that I had neither time nor strength to write in my diary. The Convention had several evening sessions, to which, as a member of the Assembly, I was invited, both to speak and vote as the other members did. I commonly went to bed very late, and was completely exhausted with the scenes and business of the preceding day. Once I had one of the worst turns of my head-com- plaint that I ever experienced. It was in the morning before breakfast; and for some time I could not rise from my sofa, even to call for help. But in a most miraculous and merciful manner it so soon subsided, that I was able to read the Scriptures, and to pray with my family as usual; and I had no return of a symptom of my complaint during that day, in which one of the most important and decisive measures of the Assembly was debated and carried. At the rising of the Assem- bly I was in better health than when it began. This calls for my warmest gratitude to the God of my life, and the hope of my soul. It was very doubtful when the Assembly was formed whether the Old or the New-school party would have the majority. It was generally thought that the parties were nearly equal; and great anxiety existed on both sides when the test votes in the choice of a Moderator and the Clerks were about to be taken. In the choice of a Moderator it appeared that the Old-school party had a majority of thirty-one votes. For the Clerks, also, the votes were decisive for the Old-school candi- dates. The Stated Clerk, chosen for the last 3"ear, remained in office of course. After the Assembly ad- 60 474 LIFE OF THE journed in the afternoon, when the officers of the house had been chosen, the Convention immediately met; and their first act, on the motion of Mr. Robert J. Breckinridge, was to return thanks to God for the aus- picious order of his providence in giving to the friends of reform the decisive majority of the Assembly which had just been manifested by the votes in the organiza- tion of that body. The Convention presented their memorial to the As- sembly, which was drawn up by Mr. Breckinridge, and signed by Dr. Baxter and Dr. Cuyler, the Presi- dent and Vice-President of the body, and by Mr. Baird of Pittsburg, and Mr. Pratt of Georgia, Clerks. The memorial was printed, and copies of it distributed among the members of the Assembly. Beside the annual routine of business of the house, the various subjects of the memorial occupied nearly the whole time of the Assembly, during the longest sessions of that judicatory, except those of the last year — three weeks and half a day. All the important parts and suggestions of the memorial were ultimately passed; but the New-school men contested every inch of ground that was carried against them, with great tenacity, and wdth no inconsiderable talent. They felt that the conflict was for existence, and no effort which they could put forth was omitted. Their chief speakers were Drs. Beman, Peters, McAuley, Cleaveland, and Rev. Elipha White and Judge Jessup. Of the Old- school, Drs. Baxter, R. J. Breckinridge, W. S. Plumer and Mr. Anderson, ruling elder from Virginia, spoke at the greatest length. But they were powerfully aided REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 475 by Drs. Alexander, Cuyler, Witherspoon, Junkin and Judge Ewing. Others also gave occasional aid, as was also the case on the other side. For myself, my speeches were all short. Twice I spoke for about ten or twelve minutes, at other times scarcely more than five or six minutes. I think that the Old-school party did not fail to carry every motion which they made, except one or two. The previous question was fre- quently called by them, when the subject had been fully discussed, and it seemed to be the object of a speaker to consume time. Yet on all important ques- tions, full time was allowed their opponents to exhaust all their arguments. On one important point the de- bate was continued for more than two days. The majority of the Old-school on questions of mo- ment varied considerably, but was always decisive. Once it rose to between thirty and forty, and once it fell to six; generally it was between twenty-five and thirty. The yeas and nays were called on almost every point of importance, and more protests and answers to protests will appear in the minutes of the Assembly for the present year than ever before. As the minutes will be published I shall not mention the particulars of the great reform which has been effected, and for which I, with many others, feel that we cannot be sufficiently thankful to God, who has at length heard our prayers, and in mercy, as we hope, begun to deliver our beloved Church from the evils which for many years have afflicted and corrupted it, and at the General Assembly of last year appeared to threaten its very existence. We ought still to be very 476 LIFE OF THE humble, watchful, and prayerful, that we do not by mismanagement or an improper spirit, lose the advan- tages which we have obtained. I was generally able to walk to and from the Assembly. Once only w^as I obliged to employ a carriage both to take and bring me from the house. My religious exercises during the sittings of the Assembly, were performed as regularly as circum- stances would permit; my prayer after dinner for my children was omitted when I dined out. In general my exercises in secret were as regular as I could expect in the situation in which I w^as placed. I had one season of sweet spiritual enlargement while the Assem- bly was sitting. I was a member of the General Assembly during the three years of 1837, 1838, and 1839, and was of course a witness of, and a party to all the transactions of our supreme judicatory, and the important concerns of separating the New-school from the Old in the Presbyterian Church. It is well known that the de- cision of Judge Rodgers was in favour of the New- school party. That decision, on consulting my diary, I found was given March 6th, 1839. An appeal was taken from his decision to the court in banco, which sat shortly after. On the 8th of May in the same year, C. J. Gibson declared that the court in banco reversed the decision of Judge Rodgers, he only dissenting. Having had my full share of the honours of the church to which I belonged, I told my Presbytery at their next meeting, after the year 1839, that I must decline any further appointment to the General Assem- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 477 bly, but I continued to attend Synods and Presbyteries as far as my age and feeble health would permit ; and also to preach the gospel of Christ. The last regular sermon that I delivered was at Princeton, to the coloured people of that village, on July 16th, 1843. Since that time to June 21st, 1846, I have assisted Dr. Joseph H. Jones, when in the city, at his communion service. At the last date mentioned, I made a short farewell address to the people. ****** * ** * *****^-j^**** 478 LIFE OF THE CHAPTER XXIV. The abrupt manner in which the autobiography closes, and which we purposely leave, as it was left by the author, is very significant. It is easy to discover, as we draw near the end of the manuscript, that the hand of the writer is forgetting its "cunning," and is soon to cease from its labours. The reader will infer from the very few extracts made from his diary for the last five or six years of his life, that the labour of transcribing had become irksome. It will be seen in the sequel, that his time was fully and profitably occupied to the close of his life, of which he made a minute daily record under the veil of ciphers, intelligible only to himself; but the details did not appear so important as to warrant the great toil of translating and preparing them for the press. We are not aware that he ever attempted to write so much as a short letter after find- ing himself unable to continue his diary. His last use of the pen was in the official act of signing his name as President of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, which office he retained till his death. Though his mental powers were not so impaired as to disqualify him for reading and meditation, with profit and enjoyment, yet the difficulty of continuous writing deterred him from the attempt. Here our editorial labours, perhaps, might legiti- mately end. The author of the preceding register of his own laborious and useful life, not imposing by his REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 479 request any other service than the care of his manu- script, we are not invited to proceed, nor perhaps war- ranted in offering our comments. It was his intention, as interpreted by surviving relatives, that his character should be deduced from his recorded opinions and acts. But we must presume upon the indulgence of the reader to our personal attachment and respect for our venerated friend, while we very briefly recapitulate the leading events in his story, carry it onward to his decease, and append a few remarks or reflections on his character. And what an illustration of the sovereignty of Provi- dence in directing our steps does this narrative exhibit! Who can fail to see the gradual disclosure of the same secret purpose which saved Moses from the Nile, made him learned in all the wisdom of Egypt, and then called him to a higher service than that for which his heathen supervisors and teachers designed him ? We see the special goodness of God to Dr. Green in the excellency of his parentage, in the gift of such a father, r\ whose memory has been embalmed by the son in the tenth volume of his Christian Advocate; and we see a sovereign display of this goodness in changing the pur- poses of the parent, who intended Ashbel for secular pursuits ; and when we are apprized of the great firm- ness and decision, which were so characteristic of the father, we cannot but regard it as indicative of some special influence on his mind, that caused him to yield to the wishes of his son so readily, that at the age of twenty-one he graduated at Princeton with the double/ distinction of the first honour for scholarship and the\ valedictory. This was the year in which the continental congress sat at Princeton. The members were invited to 480 LIFE OF THE attend the commencement, and were seated with Gene- ral Washington on the platform. In delivering his vale- dictory, the speaker took occasion to allude to the dis- tinguished personage present in a few delicate and appropriate remarks, that were heard by the audience with great admiration. The orator received a formal invitation to dine with the congress, and was treated with marked attention by the commander-in-chief The same year in which he took his degree he was appointed tutor, and two years after, professor of mathe- matics and natural philosophy, which chair he filled till 1787, when he was called to be an associate of Rev. Dr. Sproat, in the pastoral charge of the Second Pres- byterian Church in the city of Philadelphia. This connexion, so reciprocally useful and happy, continued for six years, until the senior pastor was removed by the yellow fever which visited the city in 1793. Two years after he had resigned the professor's chair at Princeton, he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society, and received a diploma signed by Franklin, Rittenhouse, and others. Of his position in public esteem at that period we may form an opinion from the fact, that during the whole term that the ses- sions of congress were held in Philadelphia, Dr. Green and Bishop White were invited to officiate as chaplains. After the death of Dr. Sproat, he was assisted in his labours by Rev. John N. Abeel, for whom Dr. Green had formed a strong^ attachment: the former having been his pupil " both before he entered College and during his whole academic course." This second colle- giate connexion was dissolved after two or three years by the removal of Mr. Abeel to New York, having REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 481 accepted a call to the Reformed Dutch Church in that city. His third and last colleague was Rev. Jacob J. Janeway, of whom he speaks in his autobiography in terms of great affection and respect, and with whom he co-operated in the most delightful harmony until 1812, when he resigned his pastoral charge to accept the presidentship of the College of New Jersey at Prince- ton. This year he received from the University of North Carolina the degree of Doctor of Laws. Of his abundant labours and success during the twenty-four years of his ministry in the city of Philadelphia, he has left the foreofoino^ record, in which he has done himself less justice than he would have received had the account been furnished by another. It was the singular honour of Dr. Green, while pre- siding over the College, to introduce the study of the Bible as a part of the course of instruction. He also established a weekly lecture on Thursday evening, which was attended not by the students only, but by others; and his familiar expositions of the Scriptures on these occasions, are said to have been among the most instructive discourses that he ever delivered. In 1817 the College was blessed with a remarkable revival of religion, which resulted in the spiritual change of many of its most distinguished pupils, some of whom afterwards became eminent ministers of the gospel. In 1823, after having attained the age of more than sixty years, he resigned his Presidentship and returned to Philadelphia, where he resided till the time of his death. What were the toils, the anxieties, the joys, and sorrows, and more especially the results of this 61 482 LIFE OF THE important period of eleven years connexion with the College, are known only to Omniscience. The pre- ceding record of it, made by himself, affords but a meager and inadequate history of the labours and perplexities of a station, that only they who have ever felt them can, in any proper sense, appreciate. Of all the public services in which Dr. Green par- ticipated during his residence at Princeton, none was more deeply interesting to himself, or useful to the church, than his co-operation with others in the esta- blishment of the Theological Seminary — the original plan of which was drawn up by himself. For his active zeal, personal exertions in various ways; his gift of books, of land, and his liberal pecuniary contributions, the Church will hold him long in grateful remembrance. But the withdrawing of Dr. Green from the onerous duties of his office at Princeton, was not prompted by a love of ease. It was the desire to seek an employ- ment better suited to his advanced years and imperfect health; and one in which his accumulations of know- ledge and experience might be consecrated to the service of his divine Master. It was this which led to the publishing of the Christian Advocate, an invaluable monthly journal, whose name is signifi- cant of the purpose for which it was designed. Few will make a proper estimate of the moral courage requisite to the undertaking of such an enterprise by an invalid, now arrived at the age of more than three score years. Yet after the experiment of a year, in which the responsibility of the work was di- vided among a number of his clerical brethren. Dr. Green became the sole proprietor as well as editor, REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 483 and so continued till his arduous labours closed with the twelfth volume, having carried its able conductor beyond his three score years and ten. Our venerable friend is remembered with honour and delight by those who once had the privilege of hanging on his lips as he delivered the messages of salvation from the pulpit: his administration, while invested with the duties of office at Princeton, his va- ried labours in the cause of sacred literature, Christian philanthropy, domestic and foreign missions, and in maintaining the purity and integrity of the Presbyte- rian Church, have procured for him a name which "is as ointment poured forth:" But the more con- versant w^e have become wdth the instructive volumes of which we are now speaking, the extensive read- ing, various knowledge, critical skill, and fervent piety they exhibit, the more w^e feel the conviction, that on nothing which survives him has he left so much of the impress of his great character. By those who are familiar with this periodical, and who can appreciate its merits, Dr. Green's name will be held in the highest honour, not as the chaplain of congress, the eloquent preacher, or able President of the College of New Jersey, but as the scholar, critic, and theo- lo^rian of the Christian Advocate. After the discontinuance of the Advocate, Dr. Green was employed in preparing a memoir of the life of Dr. Witherspoon, to be published with a new and enlarged edition of his works. This important manu- script, left at the disposal of his executors, will, it is probable, in due time be given to the public. During the last few years of his residence in Phila- delphia, he was seen but little abroad, and very rarely 4S4 LIFE OF THE in any of the pulpits. The weight of years, and many physical infirmities, rendered it difficult and somewhat perilous for him to venture from home, or take the labour of any important official service upon himself. He continued, nevertheless, to attend the judicatories of the Church, and sometimes when the place of meeting was quite remote. The efficient part which he sus- tained in the measures of the General Assembly of 1S36 and 1S37, is familiarly known to most. How- much he was concerned in originating, sustaining, and carrying them out to a successful issue, has been seen to some extent, in the plain, unostentatious record made by himself; but a better report of these eventful years, and one more just to himself, will be found in the sequel, from the pen of the beloved and venerable col- league of Dr. Green, who sympathized deeply with him in these labours and their results. It was a prominent trait in Dr. Green's character, and one of the most convincing evidences of his piety, that through his whole life he was so earnest and active in his efforts to propagate the gospel. The brief narra- tive which he has given of this department of his labours, presents a very inadequate view of what the Church owes to his effiDrts in behalf of missions; and we insert with great pleasure the tribute of Dr. W. A. McDowell, a devoted friend of the same cause, not only confirming the author's own account, but supplying its modest omissions. "My dear Brother : " In compliance with your request, I send you a few thoughts in relation to the important part taken by the late Dr. Green in the work of missions — more especially REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 48.5 as connected with the Presbyterian Church. That valued father was eminently the friend of missions, and of missions in the largest extent, both at home and throughout the world. He was the warm friend and efficient advocate of every cause which had for its object the glory of God, and the spiritual interests of men ; but the propagation of the gospel by God's ap- pointed means, preaching Christ, and salvation through him, seems to have been an object peculiarly dear to him, and commanded his best energies: and in his con- nection with the missionary work in the Presbyterian Church, my firm conviction is, he did more, much more, than any other man in the Church for the pre- servation of its purity, and the extension of its borders. " He took a prominent part in all the missionary ope- rations of the Presbyterian Church from their origin in this country. When the first " Standing Committee of Missions" was appointed in 1803, Dr. Green was a member, and was made the Secretary of the Com- mittee, and for years was its most active and efficient member. When the Board of Missions was organized in its present form in 1828, Dr. Green, who had been mainly instrumental in effecting this organization, was elected its President. He was also made the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board, and had a principal agency in forming the plan, which, in its operation since, has accomplished such a vast amount of orood. He devoted much time and effi^rt to this work; and to his invaluable labours, under God, the Church is greatly indebted for the continued and increasing prosperity of this cause. In 1833, from advanced asre and grrowins: infirmities, he declined 486 ^IFE OF THE being on the Executive Committee, but was continued as President of the Board until the close of his valuable life ; and while his strength would admit of it, he was always in his place when the Board met. "This excellent man, from intelligent conviction, was an honest, whole hearted, decided Presbyterian. In the true sense of the term catholic, he was a man of catholic spirit. He loved the image of Christ wherever it was seen, and embraced in the arms of his charity all of every name in whom that image was visible. There was in him nothing of narrow sectarianism. But while he loved all who loved the Saviour, and rejoiced in the prosperity of all evangelical Christian denominations, he was a Presbyterian from principle, and devoted his best energies to advance the interests of the Church of his choice. We now rejoice in the purity and prosperity of the Presbyterian Church ; and I hesitate not to express it as my decided conviction, that for this inestimable blessing, under God, we are more indebted to the wisdom and untiring efforts of this valued father, than to the influence or exertions of any other individual. And we owe it to the cause of truth and justice, to make grateful record of this im- portant and interesting fact. His unwearied efforts in the cause of missions, were largely instrumental in pre- serving the Presbyterian Church in its integrity. " It was always the conviction of this good man, that the Church, under her own supervision, and by her own immediate agency, should engage in her appro- priate work of extending the kingdom of Jesus Christ; and he felt, as few others in the Church felt, that this work would neither be neglected by the Church, nor be REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 437 committed to other bodies, over which the Church had no control, without incurring guilt and being exposed to danger. There was a time, when voluntary associa- tions and national societies for doing this part of the Church's work were all the rage. There was an im- posing catholicity in the plan of uniting Christians of different denominations in the good work of spreading the gospel ; and the individual who would venture to express a doubt, whether this was exactly the most scriptural, and the wisest, and safest plan, was in great danger of being branded as a contracted bigot. This prevailing sentiment carried many away, who on sober reflection have since been convinced it was not wise; but so strong was the popular feeling for a time, in favour of what was termed " free catholic action," that even the friends of Church action, and ecclesi- astical supervision were awed into silence. This be- loved father saw the danger. He saw clearly, if the training of our ministry and the selection and location of ministers for Presbyterian churches were taken out of the hands of the Church, and committed to associa- tions composed of many who were not Presbyterians, and who were not responsible to any Presbyterian authority, there was imminent danger that our whole system would gradually be undermined. With him this was a matter of fixed, deep rooted principle. He conscientiously believed it was the duty of the Church as such, to superintend the education of her ministry, and to engage in the work of spreading the gospel; and he was firm in sustaining and acting out his prin- ciples. In this cause, he endured much. By many opposed to his views he was greatly reproached, and 488 LIFE OF THE what was even more trying, many who substantially agreed with him on the main question at issue, thought him much too strenuous; but he remained firm to his principles. He saw there was danger, and he resolved, with God's help, to do what he could to save the Church he loved. It is well known to many who sur- vive him, what strong efforts were made to annihilate the Boards of the Church, and throw our whole edu- cational and missionary work into the hands of associa- tions not Presbyterian, and not responsible to Pres- byterian authority. The struggle was great and lasted for years. Through the w^hole, Dr. Green was foremost in contending for the rights and duties of the Church, sometimes almost single handed; but he was contend- ing for what he firmly believed was truth, and the order of God's house, and he was decided. God was pleased to crown his efforts with success; and what honest Presbyterian, now that the conflict is past, does not see the wisdom of his course, and rejoice in the happy results? "Many of us can recollect the memorable struggle in the General Assembly of 1828. Had the effort then made to dissolve our Board of Missions been successful, what must have been the inevitable result ? Had the selecting and locating of ministers in Presbyterian churches been taken from the Church, and committed to any association not Presbyterian, and not responsible to any Presbyterian authority, what, as to all human probability, would have been the state of the Church ten years after, in 1837 and 1838, when the great strug- gle took place? Who can doubt that old-fashioned Presbyterians would have been a minority ? And how REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 489 different from its present prosperous condition would have been the state of our beloved Zion? " While we thank God for his great goodness, and rejoice in the prosperity he has granted, we will love to cherish with warm affection the memory of the valuable man, whose wise counsels, and untiring efforts, so essen- tially contributed to this desirable result. " Dr. Green was a man of noble spirit ; and to those who knew him intimately in private life, he was espe- cially dear as an humble, spiritually-minded Christian. He took a prominent and active part in almost every good work; and as a general, public benefactor, his memory is precious. But Presbyterians especially, will remember with deep interest and warm affection, his valuable instrumentality in preserving to them, in its purity and vigour, the Church of their choice; and while pure Presbyterianism spreads its enlightening and invigorating and sanctifying influence over our land, and through our world, the name of Ashbel Green will be held in sweet and lasting remembrance. " Your brother in the gospel, William A. McDowell." For many years before his death, he was the only surviving member of the Convention which framed the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Ardently attached to her doctrines and order, he not only maintained her cause with firmness in times of her greatest trials, but had the happiness of witness- ing the successful operation of her institutions in whose inception he had so prominent an agency. He was one of the Trustees of the Assembly, having been for many 62 490 LIFE OF THE years the last member living of the Board named in the charter. When the General Assembly held its sessions at Philadelphia in 1846, he ardently desired to be present with his brethren once more, when assembled in this august capacity. Without making his wish or intentions known, he caused himself to be carried to the house where they were met. So soon as he entered the door, leaning on two supporters, the whole Assembly instinc- tively rose, and remained standing until he was con- ducted to his seat. It was an unprompted exhibition of reverence and affection for a venerable man, now bid- ding adieu to that Church which had shared so largely in his affections, and had been so much blessed by his counsels and prayers. The scene was exceedingly affecting. After a few appropriate remarks from the Moderator, to which he briefly responded, he withdrew from the Assembly, leaving them standing as before, but bathed in tears. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 49I CHAPTER XXV. The acquaintance of the writer with Dr. Green was not intimate until the year 1838, Avhen, by our removal to this city, in which he was more instrumental than per- haps is generally known, we became fellow worshippers in the same congregation. His apostolic counsels at the instalment given in his Presbyterial charge, his affec- tionate and friendly advice in private on our assuming the duties of the new pastoral relation, were testimo- nials of paternal faithfulness and love, which are re- membered with a more affecting interest, since the lips that gave them are sealed in the silence of the grave. During the ten years in which we had the privilege of this familiar access to Dr. Green, our intercourse was unreserved and frequent, affording the most favour- able opportunity, not only of knowing his matured opinions on every important subject, but of seeing the fruits of them in his retirement. For the first six years, though the advance of age was perceptible, yet there was no such decay of either his mental or bodily powers as to confine him to his house, or impair his en- joyment in the society of his friends. But his long con- tinued sedentary habits had induced so great a debility in his lower limbs, that for more than a year he rarely ventured from his door without the arm of an attendant to support him. Such, however, was his interest in the ordinances of the Church, that he continued to attend public worship when he had become so feeble 492 LIFE OF THE that, having been brought to the door on sacramental occasions, he required the assistance of two to conduct him to his seat. In addition to this weakness of his limbs, he became afflicted with a difficulty of utterance, or want of control over his vocal organs, which was scarcely less distressing to his friends than it was to himself. So great was his labour in articulation for several months before his death, that he forbore to take any active part in the weekly clerical prayer-meeting at his study, or to lead in family worship. In his last ill- ness, this impediment was so increased as to effectually prevent him at times, from that free communication of his thoughts and exercises, in answer to the inquiries of his brethren and friends, which he seemed no less anxious to utter than they to hear. To those of us who were in almost daily intercourse with him, there did not appear to be a failure of intellectual power corres- ponding to this decay of bodily vigour. His habits of reading and study were continued as usual; the pro- ductions of his pen in his correspondence and occa- sional communications to the public journals, evinced the continued strength of his mental faculties as well as their activity. It was his remark to a friend, not long before his death, that he had never read so much in the same time during any part of his life, as he had done for the last five years. A part of his daily reading had long been a portion of the Scriptures in the origi- nal, but which of late had been confined chiefly to the New Testament, in connection with the practical re- marks of Scott, whose Commentary on the Scriptures he preferred, on the whole, to any other. Though his health was infirm, and was subject to frequent interrup- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 493 tions by attacks of disease, yet he was habitually cheer- ful, and experienced less solicitude, and probably more enjoyment of life, than at any former period. Through the kind providence of God, he was in pos- session of sufficient property for a comfortable mainte- nance, notwithstanding his long continued habits of libe- ral giving. Nor was it, in his own estimation, one of the least of the divine favours through his long life, that he was led so gently downward to its close. When, by a change in his domestic condition, there was occasion for one to superintend the affairs of his house, the exi- gency was met in the person of a much respected and excellent matron,* whose gentleness of manners, kind- ness of heart, practical wisdom, and especially her piety, fitted her pre-eminently for a charge at once so interesting and responsible, the nature of which she could fully appreciate. For the last four years of his life it was her privilege and pleasure to minister to the comfort of this venerated servant of Christ, whom the grace, of which she was a joint partaker, had enabled her to hold in proper estimation. It was her grateful recollection of his useful labours, and her christian love, which made her toils light, and caused her to watch around him with more than filial tenderness. The extreme difficulty with which he conversed, and often his inability to answer the questions of those who called to see him, made him taciturn when they were present, and apparently abstracted ; yet there were times in his retirement when his tongue obtained a par- tial release from its fetters, and gave his spirit deliver- ance in ejaculations of prayer and praise, confession of * Mrs. E. Sawyer. 494 I^IFE OF THE sin, or in broken conversation with his devout and attentive friend. His decUne was attended with but little bodily pain. Death, which was one of our most frequent subjects of conversation, was not always antici- pated with the same emotions. At times, his title to the " house not made with hands" was so clear, that he would express a desire for the hour to come when he might enter it. Nor was his mind at any time so clouded with doubts as to produce despondency or slavish fear, although the moment of transition from time to eternity always seemed to him in prospect inexpressibly sublime and awful. The last struggle with the destroyer, the unknown physical suffering, were sometimes appaling. For several years before his death he spent the greater part of his time when awake, in exercises of devotion. It was his custom to employ the interval between breakfast and eleven o'clock, in reading the Scriptures, and prayer. After dinner he rested from one to two hours, and at five resumed his private re- ligious exercises, which were continued until six. At this time he prayed for each member of his family by name, next for the church, and then for the pastor. Not long after tea, the household were assembled for worship, which was conducted by himself so long as he was able to do it; afterwards by some inmate of the family, and was never omitted unless on account of some providential hinderance. At nine in the evening he returned to his secret devotions, and continued read- ing in the Scriptures with several hymns, and in prayer, until he retired to rest. His exercises in the evening were usuallv concluded with a hvmn. So lon^ as he REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 495 was able to kneel, he was accustomed to read and pray- on his knees after having first pressed the Bible to his lips. This token of reverent affection, however, was never exhibited in the family, nor knowingly in the presence of others. On one occasion it was observed by a person in the room, whom he supposed to have withdrawn; and when subsequently mentioned to Dr. Green, he remarked that it had long been his custom to do it when reading the Bible in secret, not from any superstitious veneration of the cover and leaves of the volume, but out of love to its precious contents. Not long before his last sickness, his mind appeared for a while to be absorbed with painful thoughts and to be greatly depressed. The change was obvious, and so long continued, that his ever vigilant domestic friend was constrained to ask him the cause. He admitted that her conjectures were correct, and that for some days his mental conflicts had been severe and some- times dreadful. It seems to me, said he, that I can adopt the language of Luther, when he felt that " all the devils in hell had been let loose upon him." At the time of this conversation however, the trial appears to have come to its crisis. His mind shortly after re- covered its former tranquillity, and his countenance its wonted cheerfulness. Dr. Green was an exemplary observer of the Sab- bath; and when he was no longer able to partake in the exercises of the public assembly, he went through the ordinary services of the church in his retirement. After invoking a blessing, he read a hymn, which was fol- lowed with prayer; next the psalm or hymn which preceded the sermon, which was more frequently a 496 I^IFE OF THE selection from Witherspoon than any other author. Then followed the prayer and hymn with which the services were concluded. When the family returned from church, it was his invariable custom to inquire what had been the subject of discourse, and the sub- stance of the preacher's remarks so far as they could be recollected. Every token- for good, any indications of the special presence of the Spirit, any accession to the people of God, were animating and joyful. The decline of Dr. Green was not attended with any positive disease which accelerated his death. Though every menacing symptom was watched by his most assiduous and skilful medical friend,* who did much to retard his downward progress, yet the tendencies of more than four score years and five were not to be resisted by any power in the art of healing; and it was evident to all who saw him, that the time of his departure was at hand. How far the change from day to day was alarming to him- self, or even perceptible, or what were his mental exercises, could be inferred only from the usual com- posure of his manner, and placid countenance, indica- tive of the movements of a mind engaged in medi- tations of interest and solemnity. To the questions often addressed to him on coming to his bedside, "How do you feel?" "what is the state of your mind?" his most frequent answer was, " tolerable." Indeed, this appeared to be almost the only word that he could speak, which was to some extent descriptive of his feelings. So long as he was able to articulate with so much distinctness as to be understood, he requested * Dr. Hueh L. Hodsie. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 497 every clerical friend who entered the room to pray with him. To the remarks and quotations of the Scriptures by his brethren or others, he would usually give his assent by a motion of his lips or head, and sometimes by the utterance of a single word. When in one of these interviews, a brother remarked in the language of the apostle Peter, " Unto you therefore, who believe, he is precious," he promptly responded, "Yes, pre- cious Christ, precious Christ, precious Christ," repeat- ing it three times with the strongest emphasis. On another occasion, when we recited the well known hymn of Watts, " How can I sink with such a prop As my eternal God," the last two stanzas seemed to present a severe but faithful test of Christian attainment ; but, said he, " I try to say them." At another time, when we repeated a favourite hymn by the same author, concluding with the stanza, "A guilty, weak and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall; Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus and my all," he exclaimed, " beautiful." His wakeful hours at night, which were many, were spent in devotion. Several months before his decease, a member of the family was wakened at midnight by a noise in his room, like the sobbings of a person that was weeping. On going to the door and gently opening it, he was found with his eyes closed and lips moving, as if speaking in wliispers with the greatest earnestness, while his cheeks and 63 498 LIFE OF THE pillow were wet with his tears. When asked in the morning without any allusion to what we have men- tioned, how he had slept, he answered, that " he had had a precious night in communion with his Saviour." One of the most interesting and impressive scenes of his last days occurred on the Sabbath but one before his death. After the family had returned from the morning service, it was observed on entering his room, that his mind was burdened with meditations, to which he wished to give utterance, and that his emotions were producing a restlessness and agitation that were inex- plicable and alarming. To the inquiries of his ever watchful friend, what was the cause of his disquiet, and what she should do to relieve him, he appeared to be unable to give any verbal reply; when it occurred to her that she w^ould suggest the reading of the Scriptures, to which he readily assented. The portion to which she turned was the first chapter of the Gospel of John, and finding that he became tranquil and attentive, she read deliberately to the close. The sixteenth verse, " And of his fulness have we all received, and grace for grace," was a passage of peculiar interest to him, and appeared to produce a flood of touching reminiscences. Several years ago, when confined to his chamber by sickness, he had composed three sermons on this text, which he after- wards preached to the edification of his whole congrega- tion, and to the special benefit of several persons who received from them their permanent religious impres- sions. The reading of this chapter not only allayed that distressing nervous excitement which preceded it, but seemed to impart a sort of inspiration by which his faculties were for the time emancipated: his tongue REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 499 was loosed, and he burst out into an ecstasy of joy and thanksgiving; "blessing God for the gift of his Son and the gospel, which contained the record of his com- ing, life, crucifixion, resurrection, and intercession. That he had been permitted to preach this gospel, and had been honoured with any measure of success in his ministry. For the comforts which the gospel had im- parted to him, and the ineffably glorious hopes it had inspired of a state of sinless perfection beyond the grave." His voice was loud, his enunciation clear and distinct as it had been in the best days of his ministry; and this elevated strain of praise and holy exultation was continued until his strength was exhausted, and he sunk into a sweet and refreshing sleep. The scene was indescribably impressive and solemn. No person that did not see it, can imagine the majesty of the preacher and the power of his utterance, scarcely more unex- pected than if he had spoken from the coffin, in which his dust was to be laid before the return of a second Sab- bath. It seemed to be a momentary triumph of grace over the infirmities of expiring nature, a taking leave of mortality and the labours of his militant state, like the dying effort of Jacob; after which the Patriarch *' gathered up his feet into the bed and yielded up the ghost." With this brief eucharistic service, his com- munion with earthly things ceased. From the time of this affecting occurrence his change was rapid and obvious to all. His difficulty in speaking was so great that he did not make the effort, but remained silent with his eyes closed, except when opened to signify to some inquirer his consciousness and understanding of the question, which he had not the power to answer. oOO LIFE OF THE The occasional motion of his Hps and lifting of his hands and clasping them upon his breast, were indi- cations that his thoughts were absorbed in the exer- cises of meditation and prayer. As his strength diminished there were intervals more and more prolonged of sleep, when these tokens of his thoughts were suspended. There seemed to be no bodily suffering nor mental disquiet, but a peaceful waiting for the release of his spirit, which at last was called away so gently, that the moment of its escape was not perceived even by those who were watching to see it. At the hour of six in the morning of the 19th of May, 1848, he was lying in his usual position, his face upward, arms extended, and hands clasped as if engaged in prayer, when one of his hands became detached from the other and fell at his side; the other remained elevated a moment or two longer, when it began to sink gradually until it nearly reached the body, when its muscular strength failed and it sud- denly dropped. At the same instant the motion of his lips ceased, and it was discovered that he had ceased to breathe. Such were the closing scenes of his loner and useful life, and some of the circumstances that attended it. Had it been prolonged until the 6th of July, he would have completed his S8th year. Thus he came to his " o-rave in a full aire, like as a shock of corn coraeth in in his season." It was a coincidence noticed by many, that Dr. Green and Dr. Chalmers both died durinor the meetings of the General As- semblies of their respective churches, and "that Dr. Green was buried on, or very near the anniversary of Dr. Chalmers' burial in the preceding year." Both JIEV. ASHBEL GREEN. 501 had occupied positions of equal prominence in devisintr and executing measures which resulted in great changes in their respective churches. Both lived to see the fulfilment of their expectations in the results of their agency, and both possessed to the last, in an eminent degree, the confidence and affection of their brethren. To the writer, the death of Dr. Green has been a per- sonal'ljereavement, by the removal of a wise, affection- ate, and candid friend, whose counsels could be properly appreciated only by those who had the privilege to enjoy them. It is, therefore, with many grateful and tender recollections that we have accepted the service which was imposed by his posthumous request con- cerning his manuscript; although it is with no affected diffidence that we attempt to prepare it for the press, and more especially to give the analysis of a character which it is much easier to admire than it is to portray or emulate. 502 LIFE OF THE CHAPTER XXVI. The following interesting letter from the Rev. Dr. Plumer, not only contains many judicious and dis- criminating remarks on the character of his honoured friend, but so well bespeaks the indulgence of the reader by describing the task of the writer, that we are happy in having his permission to make it public. "Baltimore, September, 1848. " Reverend and Dear Sir — To give to the present generation a correct knowledge of the Rev. Dr. Green, is well nigh impossible for several reasons. He did not belong to the generation of men, some of whom are still with us, but to the generation preceding them. He was in the height of his usefulness and honour before you and I were born. It is only by tradition that even our oldest ministers know how vast was his influence in the councils of the Church during the latter part of the last century. I heard the late excellent Dr. Baxter, of Virginia, say, that on one occasion, when John Blair Smith, eminently a burning and shining light, returned from the General Assembly, he said with great pleasure, ' Our Church will rise, her minis- ters will be more and more eminent. There is a young man, Ashbel Green, who w^as a member of the last As- sembly, who is as far superior to me as I am to ,' (naming a very feeble man in the Hanover Presbytery.) Such was the impression the subject of your forthcom- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 503 ing memoir made, even more than half a century ago. There is another difficulty in your way. Dr. Green was not a popular man. His manners, though not his views, were of the ante-revolutionary type. To stran- gers, and especially to those who had no prepossessions in his favour, there was in his manners an air of some- thing magisterial or repulsive, which kept many at a distance, and which even his best friends regretted. It is true, this all belonged to the period of time and the class of men amonof whom he formed his manners. But still, it was the means of making him unpopular with many. Those wiio knew him well, knew how kind and gentle his heart was, and how full of benevo- lence were his speech and life. But strangers knew this not. Yet all who knew him well, will testify that he was eminently humble and self-renouncing in his thoughts of himself, especially in acts of worship. Should you succeed in doing full justice to the charac- ter of Dr. Green, your work will encounter prejudices from these sources. " Dr. Green has been, since my first knowledge of him, a firm, fearless, and successful opposer of certain new doctrines and measures which have obtained in the American churches. This, too, has made many, who heard only one side, esteem him less than he deserved. His opposition to new doctrines and prac- tices was always conscientious, open, frank, and free from violence and bitterness. No man, I think, ever rightfully called him to order in any Body for dealing in personalities. He was earnest, but he was fair. His weight of character and strength of mind, gave great 504 LIFE OF THE Ibrce to the side he espoused, and often secured the victory for the truth. Nothing awakens so much dis- like in some minds as the success of an opponent. The reason of his self-control and good temper in troublous times in church courts, was not known to many. It was, that he was at all times, but especially at such times, a man of prayer. For many years during the period of greatest darkness in our church affairs, a weekly prayer-meeting, in special reference to the peace and purity of our Church, was held in his study. A few men, and those of reputation for piety, attended regularly. I once happened in at that hour, not knowing any thing of the appointment. Such were the humility, faith, and earnestness manifested, that I hardly remember any thing that gave me more confidence that God would at length give to the truth a blessed victory. " I do not presume to furnish in this short letter any thinof like a sketch of Dr. Green's character: but there were some pleasing traits of it so prominent, that I can- not refrain from alluding to them. " His mind possessed above that of any man I have ever known, the lucidus or do. It seemed impossible for him to speak confusedly. He always had, even in narrative, a natural and easy method. This was strik- ingly illustrated even in the year 1839, when he was called upon to give to the General Assembly some account of the formation of the Assembly fifty years before, and of the state of things in relation to religion in the early part of his ministry. Owing to his extraordinary powers of natural arrangement of his REV. ASHBEL GKEEX. 505 thoughts, I have often said that I esteemed him the best lecturer I had ever heard. This is still my judg- ment of him. " Dr. Green was eminently a lover of good men. 1 can conceive of nothing more pleasing than the inter- course between him and the late Mr. Eastburn, the apostle to mariners. The love they bore to each other w^as manifested in so many ways and so fitly, that it was charming to see them together. Dr. Green seemed delighted at any opportunity of honouring or encourag- ing that humble, useful man, whose life you know, he wrote and published nearly twenty years ago. " Dr. Green delighted in making others happy. This was the more remarkable, as he suffered, I am told, from extreme nervous depression; yet I never heard him attempt to deal in sad strains, when no good end could be answered. He habitually strove to be agree- able, and to make every thing wear a cheerful aspect. He was to me, when I knew him well, one of the most pleasant companions I ever had. Although he lived as long as his friends could wish, yet many of them feel that his death has left a chasm not easily filled. Very respectfully and affectionately, yours, William S. Plumer." The difficulties w^hich the letter so well describes, we had anticipated. As Dr. Plumer intimates, the real character of this excellent man was unknown; nor were his familiar friends at all surprised at the erroneous opinions that were known to prevail, especially in rela- tion to his kindness of heart, and genuine humility. His stately air, his occasional reserve, and punctilious 64 506 LIFE OF THE observance of what belonged, in his view, to ministerial dignity and decorum, savoured of pride and coldness, and were indicative to strangers of any thing but " the lowliness and meekness" of the gospel. For many years during the most useful period of his life, more- over, he was the subject of those distressing nervous affections which are common among sedentary men, by which the mind, the animal spirits, and especially the temper, are subjected to injurious influences which they have little power to resist. What he has recorded in his autobiography is but a sample of his experience, and enables the reader to form only a very inadequate conception of the extent or intensity of his suffering. "But although physical causes have so important an influence on the mind, though they often produce posi- tive diseases which weaken the mind, disorganize its powers, and give exquisite distress, yet none excite so little sympathy with many, or constitute so poor an apology for delinquencies in acts of civility or of graver duty. The unhappy victim is perhaps ridiculed, or if not ridiculed, he passes hours and months and years of wTetchedness without sensible relief While the physi- cal cause continues to operate, a man might as well attempt to uproot a mountain as to remove from his burdened mind the pressure of distempered imagina- tions." We have made this allusion to the imperfect health of Dr. Green, not to be understood as implying that he w^as habitually desponding and irritable, or that he was " incessantly doling out his complaints into the ears of others, and was suing for sympathy from nerves of wire." But to those who have made the mistake to which we have referred, in relation to his unequal man- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 507 ners or temper, and who perhaps may call to mind some exhibition of impatience or acerbity towards them- selves which caused momentary pain or chagrin, the explanation will be ample which is furnished by that morbid condition of the physical man in which one is so unable either to do the good that he would, or avoid the evil that he hates. But in no respect has the character of Dr. Green been so much mistaken, as in his imputed love of strife, and uncharitable severity in his estimation of those from whom he differed in religious opinion. Many have invested him with the sternness of an inquisitor, whose tender mercies were cruelty to all who were so unhappy as to become objects even of suspicion. With those who have been led into this unhappy mistake, the remark will only provoke an incredulous smile, that the spirit of Dr. Green was not polemical. That in this respect he had more of Melancthon than of Luther in his temperament, and was involved in theological controversy less by inclination than from a conviction of duty.* To utter a sentence that would wound, often gave him greater pain than it caused his antagonist, as he himself asserts in one of the most caustic and effec- tive reviews that he ever penned. " With whatever be- lief or unbelief the declaration may be received, we do declare that it does not belong to us deliberately to say any thing wounding to the feelings of another without giving very sensible pain to ourselves. But when the cause of truth and the interests of religion make the demand, we have ever held, and we believe shall always maintain, that the feelings both of ourselves and others * Page 239, Autobiography, 508 LIFE OF THE are to be sacrificed to their defence and preservation. Feelings it maj often be our duty to violate — principles, never."* Thus it is easy to perceive in all his controversial writings the same dignified earnestness, self-possession, courtesy, and excellent temper, which characterized his speeches in our ecclesiastical assemblies. While all felt the power of his arguments, and many were stung with the pungency of unwelcome truth, yet none ac- cused him of being offensively personal, or of any thing in sentiment or manner which was unbecoming a Christian gentleman. Not long after coming to reside in the city of Philadelphia in 1838, we were invited to his study for a private interview, which he said he had solicited as a friend for the purpose of volunteering a little counsel, and which he introduced in the following playful manner: "No doubt," said he, "you have heard of me as the old Pope of the Presbyterian Church, very bigoted and strait laced in my opinions, and a great heresy hunter ; so you will not suspect me of being timid and time serving in what I am about to say to you on the subject of theological controversy; but my advice is, that you let it alone. Have your own opinions on all important subjects matured, and be pre- pared to maintain them ; but do not preach polemically, by bringing into the pulpit the controversies of the Church." It is unnecessary to give in detail the various reasons by which this and other paternal coun- sels were supported ; it is enough to say, that they all evinced an aversion to strife and discord, for which Dr. Green has had little credit with the public generally, * Christian Advocate, Julj', 1825. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 509 but which was inferior only to his love for the truth. But while he watched with so much jealousy against any invasion of the order and doctrines of the Presby- terian Church, he did not assume the prerogative of controlling the opinions and practices of others. We well remember the kindness and respect with which he was accustomed to speak of other denominations, and especially of some of the clergy of New England, whose sentiments on the subject of doctrine, as well as the government of the Church, were not in perfect har- mony with his own. It is w^ell known what were his views on that great central truth of revelation, the atonement of Christ, viz., that the extent of its efficacy is implied in its definition. To him it appeared that the only fundamental question related to its nature, and that men's views of its scope must be modified or con- trolled by the answer which they give to this. But while he was constrained to differ from others in their expositions of this cardinal doctrine, he was accustomed to say, "if my brethren will agree with me in respect to the nature of the atonement, I will not quarrel with them about the extent, but leave it to themselves to reconcile any incongruities among the several parts of their own systems." It will not be pretended that our excellent friend did not partake in the infirmities of a nature that w^as sanctified only in part, nor that he was wholly impregnable to temptation, by which he w^as assailed in many forms, especially at the period when he was so much flattered and honoured. His manners, both in public and private, evinced a respect for him- self, and a persuasion of the truth and importance of his own opinions, which weve the occasion sometimes of 510 LIFE OF THE animadversion, especially with those who did not know that this apparent complacency in himself, was con- nected with an habitual renunciation of all personal excellence, and with a sincere self-abasement. But the occasion for much that it would have been incumbent on his biographer to say, has been super- seded by his manuscript, much of which, as has been said, was originally written in a cipher which nobody else could interpret, and with no intention at the time of ever doing it himself. Nor was it translated till towards the close of his life, when it was undertaken at the request of several friends, who felt it to be due to others as well as to himself that it should be made intelligible, whether it were published or not. The pages of a journal thus prepared, reflect so faithfully and fully the writer's character, that we are relieved of the most delicate part of a biographer's labour, especially by the circumstances mentioned in the pre- face, under which it is published. We have little more to do therefore, than perform the humble task of a reviewer of the story of himself, and call the reader's attention to a few prominent traits which the facts related illustrate. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 511 CHAPTER XXVII. To the impartial reader of the preceding work, it will be obvious, we think, that the most distinguishing trait of Dr. Green's character was his PIETY. We do not believe that the most prejudiced mind can resist the conclusion that Dr. Green was an ''Israelite indeed" of more than ordinary spiritual gifts and attainments. From the beginning of his life to its close, it seemed to be his governing maxim, that he was not his own. The early conflict with the ambi- tion of his heart, so assiduously nurtured by the well meant counsels of certain influential friends that he should devote himself to the law, was somewhat pro- tracted and severe. The account given us in private of several circumstances not recorded, showed the trial of his faith to be much greater than will be supposed by the reader of the imperfect statement which he has published. But from the time of this decision to enter the ministry of Christ, the love of Christ habitually constrained him, both in private and public, not only in his official acts, but in all the little details of personal and domestic duty. We could refer the reader to a striking illustration of the influence of piety on his ordinary concerns, in the devout manner of preparing for his journey ings; in his motives, objects, and method of travel — not for idle 512 LIFE OF THE recreation, but for health, " to endeavour to promote by every means in his power the glory of God," and to convert the advantages gained by change and commu- nion with strangers to the purposes of greater useful- ness at home. His diary shows what had long been familiarly known to his friends, that his habits in all his life, especially during the latter part of it, were eminently devotional. Indeed the frequency of his seasons of prayer, and their long continuance, w^ere the occasion of no little inconvenience very often, to those who wished to have access to him on matters of busi- ness. When, after several unsuccessful attempts at different hours, to see him on a subject of interest to himself, a female relative received, on entering his study, the usual laconic repulse, " I am engaged in my devotions; I cannot see you now." "And so you always are. Doctor," said she, "and if I cannot see you at such a time, I despair of seeing you at all." For many years he read the Scriptures daily on his knees, converting^ the lancruagre into confessions, thanksmvinof, or petitions, as it was adapted to express the various exercises and desires of his own heart. When eng-aored in prayer, he usually spoke in a subdued or low tone of voice, for the purpose of fixing his thoughts, and keep- ing his mind from wandering. One day in each month was set apart for fasting and special prayer, when he abstained almost wholly from food till the day was over, unless such an abstinence w^as forbidden by the delicate state of his health. During our familiar intercourse for more than nine years, w^e do not remember to have once found him in his study in such a frame, that the subject of practical and experimental religion did not REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 513 appear to him both seasonable and grateful. No matter what the topic of conversation, or the business with which his mind was occupied, the transition to the per- sonal claims of rehgion, the nature and evidences of a work of grace, and more especially the character and offices of the Redeemer, was always easy and natural. His favourite theme of meditation and discourse, espe- cially in our social meetings, was the doctrine of justifi- cation by faith. Indeed it was the standing subject of every address at the table of the Lord for two or three years before his death. Every reader of this memoir who was ever present when, after the distribution of the elements, our venerable friend rose slowly from his chair at the side of the pastor, will remember a scene to his eye, and impressions on his heart, the writer would attempt in vain to describe. What emotion and tenderness in his allusion to the love of Christ to sin- ners, and especially to himself, whose lease of life had been so much longer than he had expected. Who can ever forget that favourite sentiment, so often repeated, and in the same phraseology, " God hath put more honour on his law by the death of his Son, than if the whole race of Adam had endured its penalty to all eter- nity in hell." With what solemn utterance, expressive more of their sorrow and apprehension than his own, did he repeatedly take leave of his fellow communicants with an almost assured persuasion that he should never meet them at the table on earth again. When con- strained at last to remain at home, he requested that his tender love should be given to his brethren, and then added, " I shall never go to the church again, nor join in the worship of the saints on earth ; but tell the 65 514 LIFE OF THE communicants from me, to be true Christians." He was standing at the time in his study at a distance from his usual place of sitting, and appeared to have been making trial of his strength and capacity for venturing to go out. He spoke with much difficulty, and endea- voured to continue his remarks, and explain his mean- ing more fully, but failed. As if he would have said, " tell them to be not formalists and professors merely, but to have the spirit and mind of the Master whose death they celebrate." But among the forms under which the piety of Dr. Green was developed, we feel constrained to take dis- tinctive notice of his HUMILITY. We recur to this trait in his religious character already noticed for a few additional remarks, on ac- count of the popular impression, of which we do not affect to be ignorant, that this is the grace in which he was particularly deficient. It is not pretended by this remark that Dr. Green was free from pride, or that he was unaffected by the honours and applause which were so liberally bestowed upon his labours, especially during the popular career which preceded his removal to Princeton. The crowds pressing to hear him, the marked respect shown him by the eminent men of the time, the numerous tokens of public esteem and com- pliments to his eloquence and talents, "which will always be reported to the preacher by Satan, if by nobody else," were not without their influence, of w^hich no one was more painfully conscious than him- self "They praise me," said Henry Martyn, "and I REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 515 am pleased, but how do I abhor the pleasure that I feel." So with regard to Dr. Green, to assert that none of these things moved him, would be to assume that he was not a man. Indeed it was the subject of habitual sorrow in secret against which he watched and prayed daily. xA-n aged lady, a highly respected member of the Society of Friends, telling some of her reminiscences of Dr. Green said, that "she could remember when he was thought to be a handsome man but a very proud one." Such an opinion would easily obtain, amono^ those who, without reo^ard to the effect of edu- cation, associations in life, or official standing, are apt to regard any departure from simplicity in manners and apparel as indicative of pride. How far his stately gait, courtly dress, powdered wig, &c., gave occasion to such animadversions as just quoted v^e cannot say. Doubtless, however, there are certain proprieties of manner and attention to personal appearance prescribed by public sentiment, to which a man may deem it best to conform from other motives than such as are culpa- ble. We well remember an interesting conversation on the subject of his ministry, in which we made particu- lar reference to this period of his great popularity, and inquired about its influence upon his feelings, and the power of this temptation on his heart. The point of our question was perceived, and he very candidly ac- knowledged that it was a season of peculiar trial, but he could not reproach himself for having "shunned to declare the whole counsel of God," so far as he knew it; and yet, said he, "I can look back upon no part of my ministry with the smallest complacency, but must 516 LIFE OF THE throw myself down at the foot of the cross; and my only hope of acceptance is through the righteousness of the Saviour whom I have so inadequately preached." But although the discourses of Dr. Green at this early period of his ministry were evangelical and edifying, as well as attractive; yet those who were spared to hear his discourses in later life, noticed with interest the change described by one of his admirers, "that they were less laboured in respect to rhetorical finish, but more rich in doctrinal truth and more instructive." It is said, that not long after entering upon his labours in the Second church, he was accosted by an humble member of his flock, a pious woman on her way from service on the Sabbath, who fearing that his language w^as not always adapted to the capacities of a portion of his hearers, took the liberty of giving her youthful pas- tor a hint. " Mr. Green" said she, "what do you think is the great business of the shepherd?" "No doubt to feed the flock, madam," was his reply. "That is my notion too, she added, and therefore I think he should'nt hold the hay so high that the sheep cannot reach it." The monition was received in the spirit with which it was given, and probably had its influence in causing him afterwards to "hold the hay" lower. Indeed, the kindness and gratitude with which he listened to those friends who had the fidelity to admonish him of his faults, is one of the numerous evidences of that lowli- ness of mind which was sometimes thought to be want- ing in his conversation and general demeanour. When a clerical brother once spoke to him of a distinguished clergyman then living, who was said to have the same besetting sin with himself, "Yes," said Dr. Green, "but REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 517 there is this difference between us, I know that I am proud, but he does not appear to know that he is." It was commonly remarked by those who were conversant with him in the latter part of his life, that none of the graces of piety were more conspicuous than his hu- mility and tenderness of conscience. We remember a trifling occurrence which evinced the jealousy of his motives and distrust of himself in the performance of some of the simplest christian duties. A female com- municant in the church with which he worshipped, but in a very humble condition, was known to him, while a member of his household, to have done something not consistent with her christian profession, and he thought it his duty to reprove her, which was done with suit- able fidelity and tenderness. But as the conduct of the offender had been injurious to him personally, he was afraid that there had been a mingling of himself in his admonition, and that he had done it with too much asperity, and his reflections began to give him disquiet. After much deliberation and prayer, therefore, he sent for the delinquent again, who had not manifested a proper contrition for her fault, and then repeating his reproofs with the utmost gentleness of manner, he added, that he had asked for the second interview, not so much to express his continued conviction of the greatness of her offence, as the fear that he had wounded her feelings by too much harshness in his language or manner. Another prominent trait in the character of Dr. Green, was his CHARITY. We refer more particularly in this to the sentiments 518 l-IFE OF THE which he entertained of his brethren, of their labours, and of the uniform kindness with which he spoke of them. Doubtless there are many who will read this remark with surprise, and think it at utter variance with his militant career for several years, when his agency in the affairs of the Church, it will be said, savoured of any thing but charity and forbearance. In the few remarks which we have proposed to append to the autobiography of Dr. Green, we have not felt it our province to review the history of the Presbyterian Church, with which his life is so closely blended ; nor have we intended to canvass in detail, and proffer a vindication of those measures that were attended with so much agitation, and followed by such important results. After yielding to the wishes of relatives that we should commit to the press the manuscript as left by the author, and let him give his own account of his principles and acts, we have felt exonerated from such an arduous service. But whatever may be the views of any in relation to the wisdom, the poUcy, or the piety of his conduct, we are persuaded that he was con- scious of no other motive than "a zeal for God," how- ever it may have been deemed by others as neither according to charity nor knowledge. Nor do we think that his severest judge can point to a single sentence in either his writings or his speeches, which betrays a bad temper, or a heart bereft of proper respect for his antagonist, however severely he might reprobate his errors. But the reader of the journal of Dr. Green, can hardly fail to notice a continued exhibition of his cha- ritable spirit in the manner with which he mentions the services of his clerical brethren, whether abroad or REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 519 at home. How large a proportion of their sermons and addresses is represented as being ''instructive," "evan- gelical," or "excellent," many of which, we have reason to presume, were commended mainly by the "sim- plicity and godly sincerity" of the preachers in pre- senting some of the elementary truths of the gospel. In our fraternal intercourse as members of the same ecclesiastical bodies, or worshippers together in the same religious assemblies, we have had very frequent occasion to notice this amiable trait. No matter what the speaker's manner, the small amount of intellect, taste, or learning evinced in his performance ; did the address or sermon exhibit Christ, and was it imbued with the spirit of the gospel, he invariably listened with interest, and spoke of it afterwards with commendation. His manner may have been sometimes unhappy, but that he had a warm and affectionate heart, was evinced by the cordial and strong attachment of his people, whichi could have never been generated by any exhibi- tion of talent, or mere intellectual attractions. The same trait, moreover, was demonstrated fully by his patience and often surprising forbearance, under cir- cumstances that were well fitted to put these graces to a rigorous test. Notwithstanding his general popu- larity in his congregation. Dr. Green had nevertheless his full share of those petty annoyances which occur in the experience of almost every pastor; and which serve, like a "thorn in the flesh," not only to repress undue complacency or self-exaltation, but to give an insight into human character which could never be obtained without them. The meekness and submission with which he bore some of these trials, but for our know- 520 LIFE OF THE ledge of his character, would seem like tameness or pusillanimity. When a member of his congregation (sufficiently characterized by what we are about to say of him) found Mrs. Green one evening sitting at her table en- joying the luxury of two candles, and had the effrontery to extinguish one, at the same time dropping a whole- some admonition on "the extravagance of ministers' wives," the insult was received without resentment, or any other feeling than compassion for a man who was capable of such a rudeness. Another of his hearers, who had taken offence, per- haps, at some imagined slight, and thus become biassed against him, took the very common method of such malecontents of a congregation, to complain of his pas- tor's delinquencies; and among others, of his preaching old sermons. Dr. Green, knowing that it all proceeded from spleen, did not suffer himself to be disquieted, but only watched his own spirit with more vigilance and jealousy, lest he should be provoked to indulge in feel- ings or expressions unbecommg his character. Having occasion to retire to the country for a short time on account of his health, he was enabled while there to prepare a discourse with some care on a topic of much interest to himself, and which on his return he preached with great acceptance to the congregation. But there was a single exception in the case of the Mr. , who, less to the disappointment of those who knew him than to their chagrin, repeated his usual mur- mur, " The sermon was good enough, but he had heard it before." In such a state of the preacher's health, just recovering from an attack of disease, and REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 521 poorly able to preach at all, the iinkindness of such a grumbler was suited to excite any emotions but those of charity. But when reported to Dr. Green, instead of manifesting displeasure, or even pain, he mildly re- marked, that " thete were two sorts of memories amons: men, the one for things that did occur, and the other for things that did not occur. Now, unfortunately for Mr. , he has a memory of the latter description, and I will thank you, sir, to go in my name and tell him so." Such incidents, in the pastoral experience of our venerable friend, may serve the double purpose of displaying the graces of his Christian character, and of furnishing a sample of the material which is much more plentiful in the congregations of ministers than is known to any but themselves, and none but they are capable of estimating the vexation and sorrow of heart which is caused by such tormentors. Dr. Green, as none who knew him will deny, was distinguished for his INGENUOUSNESS AND CANDOUR. Among all the imputations, even of those who re- garded him with least favour, he was never charged with duplicity or concealment. An eminent layman who knew him from childhood says, ''If there was any one thing which was characteristic of him it was honesty, the calling of things by their right names; and whenever he made a record, what he wrote he believed to be true in all its parts." His opinions on all sub- jects, secular and religious, whether right or wrong, were honestly held and as honestly confessed and de- fended. In this respect, as well as in others, which 66 522 LIFE OF THE will occur to many, he was like Richard Baxter, whom one of his biographers represents "as made transparent by his integrity." Baxter likewise wrote an auto- biography with so much fidelity, that in "his lengthen- ed and rigid description of himself, he may be regarded as furnishing us with that window in the heart for which the philosopher so ardently but vainly sighed, and by which he has enabled us to see all its move- ments and hidden springs." We do not presume to contrast the two productions, nor speak of their com- parative merits, which are as different as were the general character and habits of their respective authors. And yet, the permission given by Dr. Green to sur- viving friends to publish whatever they pleased of his diary, is an implied persuasion not only of his sincerity in making the record, but of his willingness to have his thoughts and actions in secret scrutinized, as well as his public. But the trait of which we now speak, however excellent and suited to procure general re- spect, is not one of those qualities which always render a man's society most coveted in private. The com- placency of men in themselves and their own opinions, disqualifies them to appreciate the candour of that faithful friend who has the independence to tell them unpalatable truth. Hence the honest expression of Dr. Green's views in the numerous convocations of the Church, and in his Advocate, often gave offence. We have frequently noticed in his intercourse with others, and have sometimes felt ourselves the force of what we now describe. While we admitted the excellency of the sentiments, and the motive by which it was prompt- ed, we could not but see that it was received at times REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 52.3 with less favour, on account of the honest bluntness with which it was imparted. That Dr. Green was tenacious of opinions which he deemed important, and that he sometimes enforced them with an independence and inflexible perseverance which savoured of stern- ness and dogmatism, we do not dispute. And yet the sentiments of others, as well as their persons, were treated with becoming respect. When on one occa- sion Dr. John Breckinridge proposed a conference with certain clergymen on a subject of great impor- tance, pleasantly adding by way of supporting his sug- gestion, "in the multitude of counsellors there is safe- ty." "Very true," said Dr. Green; "but you know, brother Breckinridge, that not every man is fit to be a counsellor." In the following communication from Dr. Miller of Princeton, the reader will find a rehearsal of some occurrences in the life of Dr. Green which have al- ready been mentioned; yet his interest in the narra- tive will not be abated by the repetition. In a private note which accompanied the contribution of Dr. Miller, he speaks of its "faiUng to come up to what he hoped to make it," but with characteristic humiUty he adds, that " such as it is, you must receive it as the affec- tionate tribute of an aged man who, amidst all his infirmities and official cares and burdens, has done what he could." Reverend and Dear Brother : You request me to communicate to you some of my recollections of the late venerable and excellent Dr. Green. I comply with this request with peculiar plea- 524 LIFE OF THE sure, because, in common with every Presbyterian in the United States, I feel myself a deep debtor to his memory, and deem it a privilege to be allowed to make the smallest contribution toward embalming it in the religious mind of our country. While I write, the in- firmities of near four-score years begin to press upon me, and to admonish me that I too must soon " put off this tabernacle." My acquaintance with that great and good man be- gan about sixty years ago, when he was the beloved and highly popular co-pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in the city of Philadelphia, and when I was a youthful student in the University of Pennsylvania. In the course of my connection with the University, I was a boarder in the family of a beloved sister, who was a worshipper in the church in which he preached, and in which, from that circumstance, as well as from choice, I was a constant hearer. In a few months after I entered the University, I was seized with a severe inflammatory fever, which brought me very low, and confined me to the house for a num- ber of weeks. In the course of this illness, Dr. Green, though I had no other claim upon him than being the son of a brother minister, and a boarder in the house of one of his flock, kindly and affectionately called, more than once, to see me, and conversed and prayed with me with a fidelity and tenderness which I shall never forget, and which marked, at that early period of his pastoral life, a sacred regard to his official duties, and a happy talent in the fulfilment of them. Soon after I had completed my course in the Univer- sity, this benevolent and devoted man, ever on the REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 525 watch to do good, having heard that I had resolved to engage in the study of theology with a view to the gos- pel ministry, wrote me a long, affectionate, and most instructive letter, filled with those large views of minis- terial furniture and duty for which he was always remarkable, and written with that wisdom, piety, learn- ing and kindness which were adapted at once to give light, and a happy impulse to an inexperienced, youth- ful student. I felt myself much his debtor for this act of friendship, and shall never cease to regard it with fervent gratitude. When I became a preacher, he continued to manifest the same undiminished kindness on every practicable occasion. He took me by the hand with marked Chris- tian aff'ability and condescension, and seemed ever on the watch to promote the improvement and the useful- ness of all on whom he had an opportunity of exerting influence; especially of all candidates for the sacred office, and youthful ministers. On that account, during the long continuance of his pastoral charge in Philadel- phia, and the shorter period of my own in New York, I always considered my intercourse with Dr. Green as among the most decisively attractive and profitable that I could enjoy. I ever approached him as an elder brother, who was fervently pious, full of large and libe- ral views, richly furnished with ministerial gifts and graces, without suspicion or jealousy, and ever ready to impart all that he possessed for the benefit of others, and to promote the temporal and spiritual welfare of all within his reach. I ever coveted the opportunity of spending an hour with him as an intellectual and moral 526 LIFE OF THE feast, from which, I should be wanting to myself, if I did not profit. Dr. Green's pastoral relation to the Second church in Philadelphia commenced in the month of May, A. D. 1787. In the course of the next year, as before stated, I was led, in the providence of God, to take up my abode for a time in that city, as a student, and had much opportunity of enjoying his ministry. He was eminently popular. No minister in the city approached him in this respect. Crowds flocked to hear him, more than the place of worship could contain. His evening services especially were attended by all denominations; and that not once or a few times only, but from one year's end to another, and for a course of years, with unabating interest. And truly his discourses were so rich in w^eighty thought, so beautiful in their language, and so powerful in delivery, that they were well adapted to attract and gratify all hearers of intelligence and of pious taste. The preaching, however, of this eminent man, in a few years after his settlement in the pastoral relation, underw^ent a gradual change. His pious friends re- marked that, as his gifts and graces became more mature, his discourses were less laboured in respect to rhetorical ornament; but, at the same time, more rich in evangelical instruction, and more edifying in their experimental character. If they lost something of that ornament which had caused them to be applauded by admiring crowds, they gained in those more important characteristics which rendered them better adapted to convince and convert sinners, and to build up believers REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 527 in faith and holiness unto salvation. His earliest dis- courses were indeed well adapted to enlighten and gratify the pious, as well as those of a more literary taste; but as he grew in grace, and advanced in pas- toral experience, his pulpit discourses became more and more adapted to feed the pious, while they were not less fitted to satisfy the most intelligent hearers. This, however, is saying no more than might naturally be expected from a man, as he was, evidently growing as a Christian, as well as in the furniture and vigour of his intellectual frame. For the first five or six years of Dr. Green's pastoral relation to the Second church in Philadelphia, he had a colleague, the venerable Dr. Sproat. There is, per- haps, hardly any thing that puts a man's real spirit to a more decisive and even severe test, than being placed in this relation. An ambitious, encroaching, selfish man, can hardly ever sustain it, without bearing much dis- comfort himself, and inflicting quite as much, if not more, upon his colleague. The excellent man of whom I speak, had large experience of this relation in various forms, and in every case acquitted himself in a manner w^hich manifested much amiableness of natural temper, as well as a large measure of the Christian spirit. With his first colleague, he served as a son with a father; without jealousy, without rivalship, and with the ut- most cordiality of affection. With later colleagues, both of whom were much younger men than himself,* his * The Rev. Dr. .Tohn N. Abeel, afterwards of New York, and lon(T since deceased ; and the Rev. Dr. Jacob J. Janeway, still sur- viving, in advanced life, and eminently useful, both from the pulpit and the press. 528 LIFE OF THE connection was no less affectionate and pleasant. He was so happy as to find in them men of an amiable temper, as well as an evangelical spirit; and his treat- ment of them was, throughout, such as might have been expected from a man who " preferred Jerusalem above his chief joy." The Rev. Dr. Jane way, the last of his colleagues, in the excellent sermon which he delivered at the funeral of his venerated friend, and which you had the privilege of hearing, gave an attesta- tion in favour of his collegiate character of the most emphatic and touching kind. But it was not only as a colleague that Dr. Green displayed peculiar force and elevation of character. From the time of his entrance on the ministry of the Presbyterian Church in 1787, for more than forty years together, he set an example of diligence and indefatiga- ble labour in the service of the Church which can never be remembered without honourable and grateful ac- knowledgment. In all the great movements of his Church, during the period in question, whether in the cause of domestic or foreign missions, in securing the appropriate education of candidates for the holy minis- try, or in promoting a system of evangelical literature for the benefit of the Christian community — in all, either in consultation or labour, and commonly in both, he might be said, without exaggeration, to be the master spirit to whom the whole Church was accus- tomed to look more than to any other individual. His commanding talents as a speaker in ecclesiastical judi- catories; his strong good sense; his practical wisdom and prudence ; and his power to influence and control public bodies, I need not dwell upon, because all who REV. ASHBEL GREEX. 529 knew the man, knew that in all these respects he was eminently distinguished. In planning and establishing the Theological Semi- nary in this place, he took, as on every other great occasion, a leading part. He laboured indefatigably to pave the way for its establishment. He was the pen- man of its constitution. When it was organized, he was made the first President of its Board of Directors, and continued to occupy that station until his decease. He made a liberal donation of land by purchase, in addition to that made by the Hon. Richard Stockton, for the location of its public buildings. He was one of the most liberal contributors to the formation of its library, and might be said, more than other individual, to have been the father of the institution; for which he delighted to contrive, to labour, and to pray, as long as he lived. When he consented to leave his beloved pastoral charge in Philadelphia, and to accept the presidentship of the College of New Jersey, it fell to my lot to be much with him, and to have some agency in bringing about that removal ; and I can in the most unequivocal manner, bear testimony that the consideration which appeared to govern him in making the change, was the hope of being able, under the divine blessing, to exert a religious influence on the College, and to be in some measure instrumental in making it subservient to its great original purpose, that of promoting learning in union with piety; and thus preparing an enlightened and devoted ministry for the service of the Church of Christ. And, accordingly, no one acquainted with the history 67 530 I^IFE OF THE and the fruits of his presidentship in that important institution can doubt that his hopes in this respect were, in a very happy degree, realized. The talent, the fidelity, and the success with which, for ten years, he filled that office, are too well known, and have been too emphatically acknowledged by the public voice to ren- der any illustration necessary. He was the first head of a college in the United States who caused the Bible to be introduced as a subject of regular collegiate study. And this signal honour to the Word of God was soon followed by a revival of religion in the College, marked by a pov»-er, and a happy influence remembered to this day with deep interest. He also introduced a set of weekly lectures, happily adapted to engage the atten- tion, and to imbue the minds of youth with divine knowledge, which gained a degree of attendance and popularity which has never been exceeded, if equalled, in any similar effort before or since. The incumbency of Dr. Green as the head of the College of New Jersey, will ever be considered by all competent judges as forming a memorable and highly important era in the history of that seat of learning. In 1822, this venerable man thought proper, on ac- count of his infirm health, and some peculiar cir- cumstances in the state of the College, to resign the presidentship of the institution. He never afterwards assumed a stated charge of any kind; but retired to the city of Philadelphia, where he had so long resided, and where he had a large body of affectionate friends, who were glad to receive him, and to honour and render comfortable his declining years. Here he passed the remainder of his life; not in indolent indulgence, which REV. ASHBEL GREEX. 53I made no part of his character, but in preaching the gospel, whenever he had an opportunity, especially to the poor, from whom no remuneration was sought or expected; in preparing for the press several important works from his own pen; and in conducting a valuable periodical, the Christian Advocate, which extended to a number of volumes, and forms a permanent monu- ment of his learned and pious industry. For several years before the close of life, his in- firmities rendered him incapable of any public labour; but even in this period of feebleness and decline, it is delightful to reflect that he was not idle. He was still employed in reading, in writing, and, above all, in those devotional exercises which seemed to form the very element of his soul, as he drew near to the consumma- tion of his hopes and joys. At length, worn out with age and labours, he closed his career in the full sun- shine of faith and hope, and entered, as we all con- fidently believe, on the joys of that Lord whose he was, and whom he had so long and faithfully served. But there were several traits in the character of our departed father, best known to his intimate friends, which justice to his memory, and indeed, justice to our- selves, call upon us who survive him to notice, and to dwell upon somewhat in detail. I. And the first of these which I desire to comme- morate is, his ardent piety. To say simply, that a minister of the gospel is regarded as a pious man, is to say little. Without piety, he is nothing. He lacks the greatest glory of an ambassador of Christ. If I had not believed that in this part of the character of the vene- rable man before us, there was not only sincerity, but 532 LIFE OF THE iwe-eminence', not only real piety, but piety of extra- ordinary elevation and power, I should not have referred to it distinctly at all. But my impression is, that ever since I have known him, his devotional habits were peculiar, and indicated an uncommonly deep and fer- vent piety. I was struck with this in all his habits and exhibitions of character. In his conversation; in his correspondence; in his mode of counselling those who w^ere addressing themselves to the study of theology; nay, in the most casual and unreserved intercourses of society, he appeared the deeply spiritual, devoted man of God. As he advanced in life, this spirit seemed sensibly and prominently to gather strength. And with respect to the later years of his life, exercises of devotion occupied, I believe, the greater part of his time, and seemed to be the absorbing element of his soul. In regard to the service of the sanctuary, I know not that I ever saw any man who seemed to engage in public prayer with manifestations of more entire and cordial devotion. And to one point in this connexion, I think it my duty to say, in these days of sedentary sluggish- ness in public prayer, when so many of the young and the healthy are seen indolently lounging amidst the devotional exercises of the Lord's house, that the exam- ple of our departed father ought ever to shame them. I was never placed near him as a fellow-worshipper, without observing how uniformly, amidst all his bodily weakness, and sometimes when I knew that he was hardly able, without distress, to stand erect, he stood up, and maintained a posture of solemn reverence, and evidently joined, with a striking manifestation of fer- vour, in every petition. His joining in the public prayer REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 533 was no doubtful matter. Every one that saw him was satisfied tliat he was no cold or indifferent member of the assembly, but was absorbed in the exercise. Accordingly, much intercourse with him for many years, warrants me in saying, that there was hardly any point concerning which he expressed more solici- tude than the cultivation of vital piety among our candidates for the holy ministry. The pointed man- ner in which he introduced and dwelt upon this sub- ject in penning the plan of our Seminary ; the em- phatic and solemn terms in which he urged it in all his addresses to the students; and the tender earnest- ness with which he adverted to it at every public and private opportunity, all testified the habitual anxiety of his mind on this subject. He ever contended for the importance, not merely of piety, but of ardent govern- ing piety in the sacred office. He regarded and ever earnestly recommended it as the most precious ele- ment of comfort and strength amidst the self-denial and labours of the office; as the only solid and effec- tual basis of the best pulpit eloquence; and as the only scriptural pledge of success in attaining the great end of the office. It is pleasing to recollect what a happy comment on these often repeated sentiments was fur- nished by his own bright example. n. The next trait in the character of this venerable man which I wdsh especially to commemorate, is his warm attachment to evangelical truth, and his fidelity in maintaining it from the beginning to the end of his course. Of this he gave so many public and strongly marked testimonies, that some who were imperfectly acquainted with his character, hastily imagined that 534 LIFE OF THE he was a bigoted sectarian. There never was a greater mistake. He was eminently a man of an enlarged and catholic spirit. He loved the image of Christ, and zeal for the doctrines of the gospel, under what- ever name or form he found them. But in maintain- ing the doctrines and order of his own Church, to whose formularies he had solemnly subscribed, he set an example of noble fidelity and courage. With him, subscription to articles of faith, was not an act either of cold flexible politeness, or of calculating policy. He considered it as involving both an appeal to the heart- searching God, and a solemn pledge of fidelity to his Master in heaven. For this, I am aware, he has been sometimes reproached as a "heresy -hunter," by men of "ductile consciences," who w^ere ready to subscribe to almost any form of w'ords "for substance of doc- trine." But the consistent and faithful lover of truth will honour him for it as long as his memory lasts. Nor w^as this all, he was not only a zealous, stead- fast, and persevering friend and advocate of evangeli- cal truth; but his regard to the claims of all truth betw^een man and man in the intercourse of life, was conspicuous and remarkable. I know not that I ever saw a man whose sensibility to the sacredness of truth, and w^hose rigid sacred care not to depart from it, were more vigilant and more scrupulous than his. He ap- peared to be, not only on his guard whenever he was called to state a fact, but to speak as if on oath. He seemed indeed to be habitually anxious that what he said, should, in all cases, express neither more nor less than the exact truth. For one so eminently intellec- tual, he was one of the most transparent men I ever REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 535 saw. He was the very impersonation of honesty and candour. There was no concealment about him. Every one who had a desire to know, might always know, with unerring certainty where to find him. Of this I have seen instances so peculiar and so strongly marked, that they can never be effaced from my memory; and, in my opinion, ought never to be omit- ted in making an appropriate estimate of his character. A remarkable instance of his perfect candour once occurred in the General Assembly. He was the pro- poser and leading advocate of a measure in that body which he deemed of great importance, and which he was very intent on carrying. In the course of a zealous and able speech which he made in its support, he men- tioned, in detail, a number of the objections which had been made to the plan, most of which he had heard mentioned, and some of which had occurred to his own mind. Among the latter, he mentioned one objection, truly formidable, which, he said, he had never heard mentioned; but which had occurred to himself, and which he thought it his duty candidly to state and answer. After the vote was taken, which resulted in the adoption of his proposed measure, one of its most zealous opponents said to him, " Doctor, I wondered a little that you were so free in bringing forward so many objections to your measure; especially the one which you mentioned as being the weightiest in your own view. I had never heard of it before you mentioned it ; and I verily think if you had kept that out of view, you would have gotten a far greater majority." The Doctor replied, " My friend, I know it. But I would far rather have lost my cause than gained it by conceal- 536 ^IFE OF THE ment, or any thing approaching to deception. I deter- mined, therefore, to run the risk of losing all rather than to keep any thing back that might lead to a full and candid view of the subject." I was always very forcibly struck with the character of Dr. Green's speeches in the General Assembly, and the other higher judicatories of the Church. In the debates in all deliberative bodies, and even in those of the Church, it is too common to witness the use of weapons which all sanctified feeling ought to proscribe; the weapons of ridicule, of sarcasm, of recrimination, and such over-painting in the warmth of debate, as amounts to real exaggeration. I have never knowm the venerated subject of this letter on any occasion to em- ploy any of these weapons. He was ever grave, digni- fied, respectful, and as fair as candour itself could dic- tate. I do not remember ever to have heard him, how- ever ardently engaged in pleading a favourite cause, make an exaggerated statement. Here, as in every other case, he seemed to speak as if on oath — with the most scrupulous care not to transcend the truth. Perhaps I ought here not to omit taking notice of one fact, or of what I suppose to be a fact, growing out of the sacred regard to truth which this venerable and excellent man ever manifested. If I mistake not, this scrupulous care to avoid every expression which ap- proached to an invasion of the strictest truth, has im- pressed itself on his style of writing. His style, it appears to me, is less terse, pointed, and fluent on that account; more encumbered with exceptions, qualifying clauses, softening expressions, and circuitous statements, than is desirable. We always read his writings with REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 537 approbation of the just sentiments and the vigorous thinking which they indicate; but sometimes feeling as if the writer would have attained a still more spirited and nervous style, if he had been less painfully scrupu- lous in weighing every sentence which he penned in the scales of the strictest historical verity. III. Our departed father set us a noble example of prompt and punctual response to all the claims of jus- tice and of charity which were presented to him. I know not that I ever knew a man more punctiliously observant of that inspired precept, owe no man any thing, but to love one another. No man's due was ever kept back by him one hour after he knew that it was due. He w^as ready to submit to any self-denial rather than allow of this. Of this habit his whole life was a uniform exemplification ; and his last days fur- nished a remarkable and most graphic example. His freedom from a mercenary spirit was remarkable and edifying. The lust of accumulating property, what has been emphatically called " the dollar mania," made no part of his character. His aims in this respect were ever marked by moderation. At the same time his responses to the claims of charity were ever prompt and liberal. Though his pecuniary resources were never ample, and, toward the close of life, were ra- ther restricted, he was always ready and free in his contributions for the Redeemer's kingdom, and in responding to all the reasonable calls of benevolence. It was no uncommon thing for him, with his small means, to subscribe more largely to important objects of Christian benevolence, than many of the far more wealthy professors of religion around him. Nay, on 68 538 LIFE OF THE one occasion, his donation to an important object was so disproportionably great, so far beyond what his friends thought reasonable, that one of them, a distin- guished worldly man of great wealth, who had himself subscribed largely, but less, to the same object, said of him, in my hearing, "If he is not restrained, he will give away his whole property, even all his living.'' He was accustomed to say, that a man ought to be the dis- penser of his charities in person during his life, and not leave this important work to be done less judi- ciously, by his successors. IV. I have only to add, that our departed father ever manifested a remarkable freedom from jealousy or sus- picion toward those with whom he was called to labour. There is a class of little men, ever haunted with visions of jealousy and suspicion; fancying in every movement of those around them something intended to interfere with their plans of gain, of ambition, or of aggrandize- ment; or to bear away something that belongs to them: who see no evil in any thing which they can bend to their selfish purposes, and no good in any thing which they cannot so bend; in short, whose every plan is a calculation of practical egotism, and whose minds are ever teeming with apprehension of sinister designs toward themselves on the part of others. Such men, whether found in the ranks of the Christian ministry or elsewhere, are greatly to be pitied, as the vvorst enemies to their own peace, and as utterly unfit to co- operate with others, however disinterested and unsus- pecting. Amidst all their suspicions they forget to suspect themselves. Perhaps no eminent man, sur- rounded as he was, with ofiicial honours and responsi- REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 539 bilities, and in contact with his brethren in so many points, was ever more free from this unhappy spirit. Being wholly without sinister designs himself, he was never ready to suspect others of such designs. No one, I will venture to say, ever knew him to turn away from any worthy person, or promising plan, from an appre- hension of its interference with his own elevation or prerogatives. It was ever enough to insure his favour to any proposal or scheme, that it promised to promote the extension of truth, and the honour of his Master in heaven. Such are some of my recollections of the departed friend and father, whose demise has awakened so many feelings of tender veneration; and such is my estimate of his character. He was a large-minded, heavenly- minded, wise, prudent, active, industrious, indefatigable labourer in the vineyard of his Lord. I feel myself largely a debtor to his memory for many a lesson of wisdom, and many a bright example of holiness. When he was taken up into heaven, I never felt more disposed to cry out, in the language of Elisha, " My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof!" O that the mantle of this ffreat and good man might fall, not on one only, but upon all the ministry of our beloved Church ! Farewell ! beloved and honoured father, farewell! We shall see thee ao-ain, not enfeebled by age, and emaciated by disease, as when we took leave of thee ; but renovated and adorned with immortal youth, clothed with a body like to the Re- deemer's glorified body, divested of all imperfection, and showing death completely swallowed up in victory. May you and I, my dear brother, through the riches of 540 LIFE OF THE sovereign grace, be humble partakers in the end, of the same victory ! And may you be enabled to discharge the responsible duty which the providence of God has devolved upon you, of giving to the public the life of this venerated man, in such a manner as to render that work a rich and permanent blessing to all his suc- cessors in the sacred office who shall read it ! So prays your sincere friend and brother in Chris- tian bonds, Samuel Miller. Princeton, September 25, 1848. REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 54I CHAPTER XXVIII. In supplying those parts of a biography which could not be furnished by a writer of his own, there is occa- sion to mention the qualities of his mind and heart, to offer an estimate of his talents, usefulness, success, and define his position in public esteem. But the copious responses of those friends whose letters w^e have soli- cited, have so fully and satisfactorily performed this im- portant service in our behalf, that we oblige the reader, not less than ourselves, by substituting, so far as we can, their papers and sentiments in the place of our own. And it is interesting to notice how all of those who knew him personally, or who became acquainted with him through the medium of his writings and acts, have agreed in making a similar estimate of the general cha- racteristics of his mind, and of those capacities, both natural and acquired, in which his great strength and usefulness mainly consisted. Without the possession of that undefined and often misconceived something called genius, which is displayed as often in ways that deprave mankind as in those that enlighten, reform, and exalt them; without the powers of fancy and wit for those occasional exhibitions of "the sublime and beautiful" which generate a meteor-like popularity among the mul- titude; the mind of Dr. Green w^as characterized rather by the more important and useful qualities of sound judgment, correct laste, and an extraordinary share of 542 LIFE OF THE common sense. His diligence in study from childhood, had made him more or less familiar with every depart- ment of secular and religious knowledge, which he had occasion to apply in the several positions of usefulness which he was called to sustain. He read the Greek and Latin classics, and the Scriptures both Hebrew and Greek, critically. His reading was extensive and mis- cellaneous, as is evinced in the rich pages of the Advo- cate. As a writer, his style is not unlike that of his model Dr. Witherspoon, remarkably perspicuous, show- ing a clear perception of his subject; it is chaste, wholly free from all that is quaint, affected, foreign and barba- rous. The grand quality of Dr. Green's style may be said to have been strength ; by means of w^iich, even when the thought w^as familiar, it was carried to the mind with unusual condensation and force. Some of his reviews are models of that kind of writing which form so large a part of the ephemeral literature of the age; and which, unhappily, able but vindictive critics so often use for the basest of purposes. Of the nu- merous sermons w^hich he published, there are none which exhibit more of the preacher's excellency in this department of composition, than the volume of dis- courses addressed to the students of the College of New Jersey. His Lectures on the Shorter Catechism, how- ever, are probably the most useful and generally popu- lar of all his instructive works. After publishing the first series of these Lectures in the Christian Advocate, they were susjj^nded for a time, when, at ''the earnest request of friends in various parts of the country," they were resumed and continued through a second series, and then published in two volumes. We do not doubt REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 543 that those who adopt Dr. Green's " views of the Cal- vinistic doctrines," will concur in the opinion expressed on page 318 of the autobiography, that "the publica- tion of these Lectures was one of the most important services he ever rendered to the church of Christ." His preparations for the pulpit were made with great care and much study. It was his custom to write his discourses in full, and have his manuscript before him when he was delivering its contents; the most important portions of which he usually committed to memory. What were the fascination and power of his eloquence may be inferred, not only from the large and crowded assemblies that it attracted, but from the lively impressions that remain to the present on the minds of many who remem.ber him in the days of his strength and popularity. The reader of the preceding narrative will have already formed his opinion of the general character of his ministry, the nature, number, variety and difficulty of his labours, and cannot fail to see in Dr. Green himself an exemplification of the preacher and pastor so graphically described in the in- terrogatories of his " Exhortation to the people of his congregation on resigning the pastoral charge." With- out presuming to dictate a " line of conduct," or control their minds in the choice of a successor, he ventures to recommend that on selecting the man by whose ministry they and their children were to receive the dispensa- tion of the gospel, infinitely momentous in its conse- quences, they should make the following inquiries; First, concerning his piety. " Is he not only a man of real religion, but is he emi- nent and exemplary in religion? What is his character 544 LIFE OF THE as to orthodoxy ? Is he not only considered as gene- rally sound in the faith, but is he free from all suspi- cious peculiarities, which often increase with time, and at length, in some cases, prove infinitely mischievous? "What is the complexion of his public discourses? Does he preach in such a general and equivocal manner that you cannot clearly discover his sentiments and system? Or does he bring forward plainly, fully, and frequently, the great and distinguishing doctrines of the gospel, illustrate them perspicuously and distinctly, and apply them powerfully and pungently, and yet discreetly and judiciously, to the hearts and consciences of his hearers? Is he in the habit of digesting w^ell what he delivers from the pulpit? Or are his addresses extemporaneous, loose, rambling, incorrect, and incoherent? Does he instruct and reason in his sermons? Or is he only, or chiefly a declaimer? Has he a suitable variety in the topics which he discusses? Or are his discourses all of one kind, and in the same strain? Will he be likely to declare to you, " the whole counsel of God" without reserve, or timidity ? Is his manner of address in the pulpit agreeable and interesting, and sufficiently popu- lar? Is he a man of a fertile mind? Or is he only a plodder and imitator of others? What is the measure of his general talents and furniture ? Has he a consid- erable fund of knowledge — especially of theological knowledge? Does he make theological attainments the chief object of his pursuit ; or is the study of divinity only a by-business with him, while his time and atten- tion are principally given to general science, or to some object not immediately connected with his professional calling? Is he a diligent and laborious man, who may REV. ASHBEL GREEN. 545 be expected to make improvements, or at least to con- tinue to do as well, throughout his ministry, as he does at first? Is he likely to adorn and recommend religion, by showing that his practice, out of the pulpit, is governed and directed by the doctrines which he de- livers in it ? What is his natural temper, and what are his social habits ? Is he affable and courteous, concilia- ting and accommodating, and yet firm and unwavering? Is he a prudent and discreet man ; or is he heedless, harsh, rash, hasty, irritable, resentful, offensive, or in- trusive? Will he be able and disposed to take his part in endeavouring to promote the general interests of reli- gion, and of our Church?" Comparatively few of Dr. Green's public services were wholly extemporaneous. Even his prayers were generally premeditated or written, and if not commit- ted to memory, were made familiar to his mind, espe- cially when he was called to officiate on occasions ot peculiar interest and importance; deeming it to be not less presumptuous to neglect due preparation for lead- ing the devotional exercises of an assembly, than for expounding and enforcing the Scriptures.^ But in no position did Dr. Green appear to more advantage, nor exhibit more of his strength and su- periority than in the public assemblies of the Church, in which, for many years, his influence was dominant. His readiness and tact in preparing papers, construct- ing resolutions, writing reports, &c., was pre-eminent. His knowledge of every subject of discussion and legis- lative action seemed to be thorough and almost in- tuitive. His punctuality and constancy in attending * Appendix, I. 69 54G LIFE OF THE the courts of the Church, his close and conscientious appUcation to whatever was to be done, gave him great familiarity with her authoritative decisions or prece- dents, and furnished him for any emergency that might occur in her progressive history. It was not his custom to say much during the developement of the question before the house, but to wait till all had spoken who desired it; nor did he rise, till just before the matter was to be submitted for decision. It then became manifest that he had listened closely to all that had been said, when in a brief, condensed, and lucid speech, he first dispelled the mist that had been raised by the misconceptions, specious and unsound reason- inpl) ing them in a pertinent manner in his public addresses, you have all of you observed, and many of you, I trust, will remember, as the means of your spiriiual edification. He had made deep researches into systematic, casuistic, and polemic divinity. On these subjects he read much in some of the last years of his life. ' My own sentiments,' said he, 'in regard to the essentials of religion, I believe are fixed ; but I find much entertainment, and, I think, some advantage in reading books of this description.' " In his discourses from the pulpit he loved to dwell on the fundamental and pecu- liar doctrines of the gospel, which he regarded as a system of pure grace and mercy, abasing the sinner to the dust and exalting God in the highest. When the train of his address led him to speak on the experimental part of religion, he was excellent and edifying in a singular degree. ' He shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God,' intreatiiig, warning, and persuading souls in the most serious, plain, afl'ectionate and pressing manner, to ' flee from the wrath to come.' His public prayers were remarkable for a vein of piety and fervour seldom equalled. He had a certain copiousness of expression and cngagedness of manner in this divine service, which could arise from no other source than the familiar intercourse of his own soul with heaven. " In his personal religion he was truly eminent. His life and example exhibited a most amiable view of the influence and eflrcacy of the gospel principles on the human heart and character. Unfeigned humility, that ornament of every other grace, had become a habit of his soul, and appeared in all his deportment. Having studied long and made great proficiency in the school of Christ, he had learned the hard lesson of thinking in a very lowly manner of himself. His charily for others was uncommonly extensive. It led him to hope the best where there was any probability on which hope could be founded. His faith was built on the sure foundations of the gospel, and it supported his soul in the most trying hour. In some of his last moments he said, ' all my expectations for eternity rest on the infinite grace of God, abounding through the finished righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.' He was a pattern of patience and resignation. The painful infirmi- ties of age, under which he laboured for a considerable time before his death, he bore with a cheerful fortitude. Since the twenty-third day of August last, he had been looking for death, and ripening for it with uncommon speed. On that day he completed half a century of years in the character of an ordained minister of the gospel ; and thence forward to the time of his death, the larger portion of his waking hours were spent in the immediate acts of devotion, or of devout medita- tions and aspirations of soul.* He endured tb.e severe distress which was inflicted on his family without the least repining.-j- At the funeral of a dear son, he might with peculiar propriety use the language, for he eminently possessed the spirit, of Job.t " His death was easy, and he was rational to the last. A short time before he expired, and after he had lost the power of speech, being asked if he felt the sup- ports of religion, he answered by the signal of lifting up his hands and his eyes to heaven. " The respect which was shown to his remains, at a time which precluded it in * This is confirmed not only by tlic observation and testimony of those who were most about him, but by what appears in his own diary. This diary exhibits one of the most instructing views of the exercises and temper of a Christian, espe- cially when under affliction, that perhaps has ever boon seen. t His eldest son, with his wife and youngest daughter, died within the space of a month. The doctor himself and Mrs. Sproat, were added to the number in less than a month afterwards. t Enfeebled and tremblinp with nge, the doctor followed the corpse of his son to the grave, and after it was deposited, leaning on his staff, he pronounced onlv these words: "The Lord gave, and the Lord liath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Amen ! 78 (318 APPENDIX. almost every other instance, was a proof of the high esteem in whicli he was held.* It was a proof also, that there are circumstances in which acknowledged and dis- tinguished piety, will secure that which wealth cannot purchase, nor worldly influ- ence command. To the generous Africans who carried him to his grave, I here make a return of public thanks. Thus lived, and thus has died, the late worthy pastor of this church. His life was filled up with piety and fidelity, and the last scene of it was closed with peculiar honour and dignity. Having never sullied the profession which he made, or the character which he bore, he retired from the world like a venerable champion of the gospel of Christ. One of his brethren, considera- bly advanced in life himself, writing to me on the subject of his death, says, < I sin- cerely mourn with you and the churches the death of your colleague. But he had lived to a good old age.-j" He had lived a life of usefulness and reputation, and, what was a rich blessing, he had not outlived his usefulness. O, let us double our diligence and ' work while our day lasts.' " (G.) The response to Dr. Miller, speaking in the name and behalf of the Trustees of the College, was as follows, viz : RESPONSIO. Quandoquidem, viri doctissimi et prsestantissimi, vos mihi hoc munus honestum ct prfficlarum confidistis, quid restat, nisi ut officio, sic amplissime coUato, fungi obnixe conarer. Ecquidem cum operis designati magnitudinem contemplor, for- mido; et de mea facultate illud conficiendi dubito, sane potius despero. Recordatus, attauien, Christi oraculi, Agitsi act 1) )(a^i; fAov v yag S^uvaf^i^ ucu iv ctaBivua. nkucu'rctt, consolor ; animus mihi additur, et ad rem propositam me alacriter accingo. Faxit Dcus optimus maximus, ut ad res secundas nostri collegii, ad prolationem finium ecclesiae christianse, denique ad gloriam nominis sanctissimi, factum con- ducat. (H.) A Report to the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, relative to a Revival of Religion among the students of said College, in the winter and spring of the year 1815. By Ashbel Green, D.D. LL.D., President of the College. Published by order of the Board of Trustees. It has for some time been the practice of the President of the College of New Jersey to make a written report to the Board of Trustees, at each of their semi- annual meetings, on the state of the College. The following statement made a part of sucli a report, without any expectation, when it was drawn up, that it * During the late distressing scenes which were witnessed in this city, the almost universal mode of conveying a corpse to the grave, was in a hearse or a cart; and tlie attendants consisted only of the person who drove the carriage, the grave digger, or a negro hired for tlie purpose, and, in a few instances, two or three mourning friends. But in the case of Dr. Sproat, there was a procession and bearers of the dead; which, as it was more striking to the beholders, in the cir- cumstances in which it happened, than the most splendid funeral that perhaps the city ever produced, so it was a much stronger proof of the afi'ection which was felt for the deceased, than the greatest parade in ordinary times can possibly be. The pious people who had met in the church for prayer, formed a procession of about titty persons, and some religious negroes voluntarily oH'ered to carry the bier. t Dr. Sproat entered on his 12(1 year in April, 1793. lie was born at Scituate, in the state of Massachusetts, April 11th, 1722, 0. S. APPENDIX. 619 would ever be made public. If it had been originally intended for publication, the form and manner of it would certainly have been somewhat ditferent ; though per- haps not more satisfactory to those who are desirous to be acquainted with a plain account of facts. A few short notes have been added, explanatory of circumstances known to the Board, but of which it appeared necessary to give some informatiou to the public. The report was read to the Board on the 4lh day of April, A. D. 1815. REVIVAL OF RELIGION IN THE COLLEGE. On this subject I have thought it my duty to make a correct, though it must be a very summary, statement to the Board; both because the subject is important and interesting in itself, and because imperfect and erroneous accounts respecting it have been circulated. For nearly a year past — that is, since the commencement of the last summer session — a very large proportion of the students have attended on all the religious exercises and instructions of the College with more than ordinary seriousness; and the minds of some of them, as now appears, were ripening, through this whole period, for what has since taken place. There was nothing more apparent, how- ever, for six weeks after the commencement of the present session,* than an in- crease of this serious attention to the religious duties of College; an increase both of the degree of seriousness, and of the number of those in whom it was visible. Every religious service, both on secular days and on the Sabbath, was attended with a solemnity which was sensible and impressive. In this manner the revival commenced, or rather became apparent, in the second week of January, without any unusual occurrence in providence; — without any alarming event, without any- extraordinary preaching, without any special instruction, or other means that might be supposed peculiarly adapted to interest the mind. The divine influence seemed to descend like the silent dew of heaven; and in about four weeks there were very few individuals in the College edifice who were not deeply impressed with a sense of the importance of spiritual and eternal things. There was scarcely a room — perhaps not one — which was not a place of earnest secret devotion. For a time it appeared as if the whole of our charge was pressing into the kingdom of God ; so that at length the inquiry, in regard to them, was, not who was engaged about religion 1 but who was not ! — After this state of things had continued, without much variation, for about two months, it became manifest that a change was taking place. Some were becoming confirmed in the hopes and habits of evangelical piety; some were yet serious, thoughtful and prayerful, though perhaps not in so great a degree, or at least not so apparently, as once they had been ; while some were plainly losing the impressions which they had lately felt. And such has con- tinued to be the state of this interesting concern to the time of making this report. The result is, that there are somewhat more than forty students, in regard to whom, so far as the time elapsed will permit us to judge, favourable hopes may be entertained that they have been made the subjects of renewing grace. Perhaps there are twelve or fifteen more, who still retain such promising impressions of reli- gion as to authorize a hope that the issue, in regard to most of them, may be favour- able. And nearly the whole of the remainder show a great readiness to attend on all the social exercises of religion ; not only on those which are stated and custom- ary, but those which are occasional, and the attendance on which is entirely volua- • The winter session of the College commences six weeks after the last AVednes- day of September, and continues tdl the first Thursday after the second Tuesday of April. The summer session commences four weeks after the last mentioned^ period, and continues till the last Wednesday of September, which is the day of llie annual commencement. 620 APPENDIX. tary. Thus, of the students who are now in the College, a majority* may be viewed as liopefully pious; and a large proportion of the residue appear to possess much tenderness of conscience, and show a very desirable regard to religious duties and obligations. It has already been intimated that this revival of religion commenced without noise, and without any other means than those which had been a considerable time in use. But having thought it my duty to converse with my pupils, as often as they requested it, at the time when their minds were filled with anxious fears and inquiries ; and also to examine them individually and carefully, since hope has, in some measure, succeeded to fear, I have had a favourable opportunity to inquire, and have attentively inquired, after the instrumental causes of this revival, as indi- cated by the views and feelings of the parties concerned. Four such causes appear to have had a manifest agency — 1. And chiefly, the study of the Holy Scriptures -jj- accompanied with comments on the portion read, and a practical application of the leading truths contained in it. God has remarkably honoured and blessed his own word. Strange as it may seem, this study of the Bible has always been a favourite one among the youth of the College, not excepting the most gay and dissipated. Pains have, indeed, been taken to render it interesting ; but the degree in which it has been so, has been truly surprising. And, under the divine blessing, it has served to enlighten and instruct the youth in their duty ; it has rendered their minds solemn and tender, beyond what they were themselves aware of at the time ; it has given them a deep reverence for the truths of divine revelation ;+ it has qualified them to hear preach- ing with advantage; and at length revealed truth has, we trust, been powerfully and effectually applied to their consciences, by the Spirit by whom it was endited. The circumstances in which the students have lately attended on public worship have been peculiarly favourable to their religious improvement. They have wor- shipped, in consequence of the burning of the church in this place, in the prayer hall of the College, for more than two years past. For about eighteen months they have worshipped separately from the people of the town ; and have, with the theological students, who joined them partially at first and generally of late, formed an audience or congregation by themselves. This has given an opportunity, which has been carefully improved, to choose such subjects and adopt such a manner, in preaching to them, as appeared best calculated to arrest their attention. Appro- priate addresses have frequently been made, and the service has, in all respects, been conducted with a special view to their advantage and religious edification. In these circumstances, they have felt an unusual interest in the solemnities of the sanctuary — they have felt that they were the parties directly and particularly con- cerned in these solemnities ; and the good effects of this sentiment have been incal- culably great, and were very apparent before the revival was visible. In a word, tliis mode of conducting public worship must be considered as having been a power- ful instrumental cause, both in producing an awakened attention to religion at first, and in cherishing it through the whole of its progress. * The whole number of students in the classes of the College is one hundred and five, of whom twelve were professors of religion when the revival began. t For more than two years the Holy Scriptures had been made the subject of as regular study and examination as the classics, the matlieinatics, or philosophy. The afternoon of the Lord's day was appropriated uniformly to the recitation of a certain number of the students, taken promiscuously (for all were required to be prepared) on five chapters of the Bible, assigned to them the preceding week. The recitation was always accompanied with expositions, critical remarks, and a practical application. The exercise was concluded with prayer and singing, and was considered as the afternoon religious service of the College. In the morning, public worship, in the usual form, was celebrated. t In the month of f'ebruary 1813, a Bible Society was instituted in the College, composed of the literary and theological students indiscriminately. It has been very active in distributing Bibles gratuitously, especially to the soldiers and sailors of our country. APPENDIX. G21 3. The eflect of moral discipline has hccn manifestly favourable to this revival. This discipline, vigorously and vigilantly maintained, has preserved the youth, gene- rally, from those practices, habits and vicious indulgences, which counteract, dissi- pate, and destroy all serious and religious impressions. It has had an influence in preventing that hardness of heart and insensibility of conscience, which are the natural and usual effects of unrestrained vice. It has formed a practical testimony against the moral vileness of several things which youth are apt to consider, if not as entirely innocent, yet, as evidences of manliness and spirit. After many cfTorts to resist these effects of discipline, by the least virtuous part of the College, the attempt was seen to be vain ; and it was clearly perceived that the effects mentioned were sensibly felt, by the great mass of the students, before the revival. It was also very noticeable that the revival made its appearance with an act of discipline. A student (one of three dismissed at the same time) was almost immediately seized with a remorse of conscience and anguish of mind that were very affecting — he has since become hopefully pious. But before any thing of this was known in the College, the remarks which were made when the dismission of the three students was announced, seemed to produce a powerful eflect on a number; and during that week feelings and exercises which had, in a certain degree, long existed in secret, could no longer be concealed. Nearly at the same time, an admonition, given in private, was remarkably blessed to the individual concerned. 4. The few pious youth who were members of College before the revival, were happily instrumental in promoting it. They had, for more than a year, been earn- estly engaged in prayer for this event. When they perceived the general and in- creasing seriousness which has been noticed, several of them made an agreement to speak, privately and tenderly, to their particular friends and acquaintance, on the subject of religion. And what they said was in almost every instance, not only well received, but those with whom they conversed became immediately and earn- estly engaged in those exercises which, it is hoped, have issued in genuine piety. A public profession of religion, made by two of the students who had been a good while thoughtful, had also, at this time, much influence, apparently, both in pro- ducing and deepening impressions in many others. The special means made use of to promote and cherish this revival, besides the circumstances already mentioned, were the following — A short address on the sub- ject of religion was made, after prayers, on every Saturday evening. In preaching on the Lord's day morning, subjects were selected suited to the existing state of the College — in this particular we are deeply indebted to the theological professors, who have generally conducted the morning service. A particular reference was often made to the religious attention which had been excited among the students, in the remarks which accompanied their Bible recitations. A weekly lecture, intended for the students exclusively, was given by myself, on every Tuesday evening. A social prayer meeting was held, on every Friday evening, at which one of the theological professors commonly made an address. A family prayer meeting (as the students called it) was, every evening, held among themselves, at which a large proportion of the whole College attended. Smaller and more select associations for prayer were also formed. The individuals whose minds were anxious and labouring, were, as often as they requested it, carefully conversed and prayed with in private — in this service I am to acknowledge the assistance received from the professors of the Seminary, from their pupils, and from the pious students of the College. Finally, writings of approved character, on doctrinal and practical religion, were pointed out and recommended to the perusal of the students; and a short system of questions and counsel, was drawn up by mysell', for the use of those who began to cherish the hope that they had entered on a life of practical piety. Having thus mentioned the chief instrumental causes of this revival, and the means used to cherish it, to guard it, and to direct it, I shall conclude my report on this subject with a few short remarks, oftered with a view to give a correct appre- hension of its nature and character. 1. It has been, so far as I am able to judge, remarkably free from extravagance 622 APPENDIX. and enthusiasm. I know of nothing, in rogarJ to this revival, that I think would be called extravagant or enthusiastic, by any one who really believes in the great doctrines of the Protestant Kctbrrnation. Particular pains were early taken to guard against the evil here contemplated ; and, by the divine blessing, they have been made so successful that I am not acquainted with a single incident or occurrence, indicative of intemperate feeling or conduct, that we are called to regret. 2. There has been no sectarian spirit accompanying or mingling with this revi- val. There are students in the College belonging to four or five ditlerent denomi- nations of Christians. At first, there appeared to be some apprehension in the minds of those who were not Presbyterians, lest they should be drawn into a union with this denomination, if they yielded to the sentiments and feelings which began to be prevalent. But I told them, in the first address that I made to them on a Tuesday evening, that it was my fixed purpose to inculcate no doctrine or tenet that was not found in all the public orthodox creeds of Protestant Christendom — that I was indeed earnestly desirous that they should all become real practical Christians, but that I had no wish to make a single proselyte. This, I believe, removed every apprehension — and the intimation then given has been sacredly re- garded. Not a single thing has been said by myself, nor, I am persuaded, by the theological professors who have preached to them, that has had any intentional ten- dency toward proselytism. On the contrary every thing has been general. The great catholic doctrines of the gospel have been exclusively inculcated. It is be- lieved that there is not an individual of the ('ollege who would, if questioned, com- plain that he has, in any instance, felt himself pressed with opinions which interfered with his educational creed. 3. There has been no neglect of study. A report was circulated that study was laid aside in the College to attend to religion. Nothing could be more false. Study has probably never been pursued with more diligence and success. Our pupils were informed that if, at any particular recitation, an individual should find that his mind had been so exercised as not to permit him to get his lesson, he should, on application to his teacher, be specially excused ; and this indulgence has been fre- quently asked and granted. But not a single recitation of a class has been omitted; and every individual lesson or recitation, incidentally omitted, has been strictly required to be made up for the quarterly and semi-annual examinations. It was early and earnestly inculcated on the youth of the College, that not only did Chris- tian duty require as regular an attention as possible to all the lawful concerns of life, but that their minds would act more vigorously and more correctly on religious subjects, and in religious duties, if a suitable portion of their time should be dili- gently employed in their proper studies. 4. There have been no compulsory exercises. Every thing, beyond the stated religious instructions and duties of the College in ordinary times, has been perfectly voluntary ; unless the short address, on Saturday evening after prayers, may be considered as a slight exception. No one has suffered either censure or reproach, who chose to be absent from any religious exercise or engagement which had its origin in this revival. Such, gentlemen, is the statement which I have judged it proper to make to you, in regard to a work which, in its salutary eiiiciency, has been all of God; and the whole praise of which is to be ascribed, most unfeignedly, to Him alone. As a specimen of his devotional composition, we have selected the prayer com- posed at the time of the national grief on account of the death of " the father of his country." This was a time when the nation, with one consent, were covered with sackcloth, and sat down in the dust as sincere mourners. "Sanctify to the American people, O Lord we beseech thee, the late mournful dispensation of thy providence, by which thou hast removed from us the man whom APPENDIX. 523 thou diJst raise up and most pre-eminently qualify to be our military and civil chief: the man to whom thou didst give, in such a wonderful manner, the affections and the confidence of this people, that in him they seemed to contemplate (under thee) the anchor of hope in every political storm and convulsion. O Lord ! the father of his country is gone — 'The chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof thou hast removed. In the dust before thee, we acknowledge the sovereignty of thy righteous providence. We humble ourselves ' under the mighty hand of God.' We would not question but adore thy ways — And grant, O Lord we beseech thee, that while we commemorate the virtues, revere the memory, and mourn the loss of thy departed servant, we may also recollect, with pious and admiring gratitude, thy goodness to us in preserving him so long — may feel more sensibly our utter depend- ence on thee our God, may make thee more entirely our refuge, may commit our country with more fervent prayers to thy protection, and may seek by unfeigned repentance of our sins and turning effectually unto thee, to secure thy favour, in which, and in which alone, there is perfect safety." (K.) Having discovered among Dr. Green's papers the autograph of this proclamation, we have thought it worthy of a place in our Appendix. We embrace with peculiar pleasure an opportunity to give permanency, as well as publicity, to such a document, which is not less creditable to the Chief Magistrate who approved, than to the chap, lain who wrote it. The devout reader will participate in the gratification we feci in discovering such evidence of evangelical sentiment and feeling in the President of this Republic as is exhibited in his calling the nation, not only to humble themselves before God with fasting, but to recognise the operations of " the Holy Spirit ;" and his « infinite grace in the Redeemer." " Whereas the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God, and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to him, but one also the natural influence of which is favourable to the promotion of that mo. rality and piety without which social happiness cannot exist, nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed : And whereas the United States of America are, at present, placed in a hazardous and afllictive situation by the unfriendly disposition and demands of a foreign power, producing, as their unavoidable consequences, many distressing and unfavourable circumstances of a domestic kind : It has ap. pearcd to me that the duty, at all times incumbent, of imploring the mercv and benediction of Heaven on our country, demands, at this time, a special attention from its inhabitants. I have therefore thouglit fit to recommend, and I do hereby recommend accordingly, that Thursday the SOth day of April next be observed, throughout the United States, as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting and pra^-er : That the citizens of these States, abstaining on that day from their customary worldly occupations, offer their devout addresses to the Father of mercies, agreeably to those forms or methods which they have severally adopted as the most suitable and becoming : That Christian congregations do, with the deepest humility, ac- knowledge before God tlie manifold sins and transgressions with which we are justly chargeable as individuals and as a nation; beseeching Him, at the same time, of His infinite grace in the Redeemer of the world, freely to remit all our offences, and to incline us, by his Holy Spirit, to that sincere repentance and reformation which may afford us reason to hope for His inestimable favour and heavenlv bene- diction: That it lie made the subject of particular and earnest sujiplication that our country may be defended and protected from all the dangers which threaten it; that our civil and religious privileges may be preserved inviolable, and perpetuated to the latest generations; tiiat our public councils and magistrates may be specially en- lightened and directed at this critical period ; that the American people may be (324 APPENDIX. united together in those bonds of amity and mutual confidence for which they have in times past been so highly distinguished, and by which they have obtained such invaluable advantages; that the health of the inhabitants of our land may be pre- served, and their agriculture, commerce, arts and manufactures, be blessed and prospered ; that the principles of genuine piety and of sound morality may inlluence the minds and govern the lives of every rank and description of our citizens ; and, in fine, that the blessings of peace, freedom, and pure reUgion, may be specially extended to all the nations of the earth. Given, «Scc." (L.) The estimate made by the religious public of the instructions given during the revival by Dr. Green, was afterwards shown in their being published by the Tract Society in the form of a tract, entitled " Questions and Counsels by Dr. Green." It is believed that the ministry have found few of that society's excellent publica- tions more useful in seasons of revival than this discriminating and judicious tract of Dr. Green. These instructions were also published in the fourteenth volume of the London Christian Observer, the same which contained an account of the revival. QUESTIONS AND COUNSEL FOR THE STUDENTS OF NASSAU HALL, JVho hope that a work of saving grace has been wrought vpon their hearts. aUESTIOJJS. 1. Have you seen yourself to be, by nature and by practice, a lost and helpless sinner ] Have you not only seen the sinfulness of particular acts of transgression, but also that your heart is the seat and fountain of sin ? — That in you, naturally, there is no good thing 1 Has a view of this led you to despair of help from your- self? To see that you must be altogether indebted to Christ for salvation, and to the gracious aid of the Holy Spirit for strength and ability rightly to perform any duty ? 2. On what has your hope of acceptance with God been founded ? On your reformation? on your sorrow for your sins'? on your prayers? on your tears ? on your good works and religious observances? Or has it been on Christ alone, as your all in all? Has Christ ever appeared very precious to you? Do you mourn that he does not appear more so? Have you sometimes felt great freedom to commit your soul to him ? In doing this (if you have done it) has it been, not only to be delivered from the punishment due to your sins, but also from the power, pollution, dominion, and existence of sin in your soul? 3. As far as you know yourself, do you hate, and desire to be delivered from all sin, without any exception of a favourite lust? Do you pray much to be delivered from sin ? Do you watch against it, and against temptation to it? Do you strive against it, and in some good degree get the victory over it ? Have you so repented of it as to have your soul really set against it ? 4. Have you counted the cost of following Christ, or of being truly religious? That it will cut you oft' from vain amusements, from the indulgence of your lusts, and from a sinful conformity to the world ? That it may expose you to ridicule and contempt, possibly to more serious persecution ? In the view of all these things, are you willing to take up the cross, and to follow Christ, whithersoever he shall lead you ? Is it your solemn purpose, in reliance on his grace and aid, to cleave to him, and to his cause and people, to the end of life ? 5. Do you love holiness? Do you love a holy God, and because he is holy ? Do you earnestly desire to be more and more conlbrmed to God, and to his holy law? T'o bear more and more the likeness of your Redeemer? Do you seek, and some- times find, communion with your CJod and Saviour? 6. Are you resolved, in God's strength, to endeavour conscientiously to perform APPENDIX. 625 your whole duty — to God, to your neighbour, and to yourself? Do you perform common and relative duties conscientiously, as part of the duty which you owe to God? 7. Do you make conscience of secret prayer daily 1 Do you sometimes not feel a backwardness to this duty 1 Do you at other times feci a great delight in it ? Have you a set time, and place, and order of exercise, for performing this duty 1 8. Do you daily read a portion of the whole Scriptures, in a devout manner 1 Do you love to read the Bible ? Do you ever perceive a sweetness in the truths of holy Scripture 1 Do you find them adapted to your necessities, and sec, at times, a wonderful beauty, excellence, and glory in God's word 1 Do you make it the man of your counsel, and endeavour to have both your heart and life conformed to its doctrines and requisitions ? 9. Have you ever attempted to covenant with God 1 To give yourself away to him, solemnly and irrevocably, hoping for acceptance through Christ alone : and taking God, in Christ, as the covenant God, and satisfying portion of your soull 10. Does the glory of God ever appear to you as the first, greatest, and best of all objects ] Do you desire to promote the glory of God, as the chief object of life ? 1 ] . Do you feel a love to mankind — such as you did not feel before you became religious ] Have you a great desire that the souls of men should be saved, by being brought to a genuine faith and trust in the Redeemer 1 Do you love God's people with a peculiar attachment — because they bear their Saviour's image, and because they love and pursue the objects, and delight in the exercises, which are most pleasing and dehghtful to yourself? Do you, from your heart, forgive all your personal enemies, and refuse to cherish or entertain any sentiments of hatred or revenge? If you have injured any person, have you made reparation; or are you ready and willing to make it ? 12. Do you feel it to be very important to adorn religion, by a holy, exemplary, amiable, and blameless walk and conversation ? Do you fear to bring a reproach on the cause of Christ? Does this appear to you extremely dreadful? Are you afraid of backsliding, and of being left to return to a state of carelessness and indif- ference in religion ? 13, Do you desire and endeavour to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ your Saviour, more and more ? Are you willing to sit at his feet as a little child, and to submit your reason and understanding, implicitly, to his teaching; imploring his Spirit to guide you into all necessary truth, to save you from all fatal errors, to enable you to receive the truth in the love of it, and to transform you, more and more, into a likeness to himself ? 1. Remember that these questions are intended to point your attention to sub- jects of inquiry the most important. Do not, therefore, content yourself with a careless or cursory reading of them. Read and deliberate, and examine yourself, closely, on the questions under each head; and let your heart be lifted up to God, while you are considering each particular question, in earnest desires that he may show you the very truth. You cannot ordinarily go over all these questions at one time. Divide them, therefore, and take one part at one time, and another at another. But try to go over the whole in the course of a week; and do this every week for some months. When you find yourself doubtful or deficient in any point, let it not discourage you ; but note down that point in writing, and bend the attcn. tion of your mind to it, and labour and pray till you shall have made the attain, ment which will enable you to answer clearly. It is believed that you cannot fail to see how each question ought to be answered. 2. Remember that secret prayer, reading the word of God, watchfulness, and self-examination, are the great means of preserving comfort in religion, and of growing in grace. In proportion as you are exact and faithful in these, such, usually, will be your inward peace, and the safety of your state. Unite them all 79 // 626 APPENDIX. together, and never cease to practise them while you live. Think often of the character of Enoch, and try to walk with God. Read Mason's little book on Self- knowledge : I recommend it as excellent. 3. Besides the Bible, have constantly in reading, at your leisure hours, some author of known piety and excellence. Read Owen's works, Baxter's Saints' Rest, Doddridge's works, Watts's works, Witherspoon's works, Newton's works, Scott's works, Venn's Whole Duty of Man, The Christian Observer, &c. &c. 4. Do not suppose that any evidence which, at present, you may think you pos- sess, of a gracious state, will release you from the necessity of maintaining a constant vigilance in time to come; nor from repeated examinations and trials of yourself even to the end of life. Many marks and evidences of a gracious state are set down by pious writers. But they must all come to this — to ascertain what is your prevalent temper and character — whether, on the whole, you are increasing in sanc- tification or not ] If you are, you may be comforted ; if not, you have cause to be alarmed. It is only he that endureth to the end that shall be saved. 5. I think it of very great importance to warn you not to imagine that true reli- gion is confined to the closet or to the church ; even though you apprehend that you have great comfort and freedom there. Freedom and comfort there are, indeed, most desirable; but true religion reaches to every thing. It alters and sweetens the temper. It improves the manners. It goes into every duty, relation, station, and situation of life. If you have true religion, you will have a better spirit, you will be better sons, better scholars, better friends, better members of society, and more exemplary in the discharge of every duty ; as the sure consequence of this invalua- ble possession. And if your religion does not produce these effects, although you may talk of inward comforts, and even of raptures, you have great reason to fear that the whole is a delusion, and that the root of the matter is not in you. " Herein (said the Saviour,) is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples." 6. Be careful to avoid a gloomy, and to cherish a cheerful temper. Be habitually cheerful ; but avoid levity. Mirth and laughter are not always sinful ; but let your indulgence in them be clearly innocent, not very frequent, and never of long con- tinuance. Be very humble. Be not talkative. Before experienced Christians be a hearer, rather than a talker. Try, in every way, however, to promote religion among your relatives and friends. Win them to it, by your amiable temper and exemplary deportment. " Flee youthful lusts." Shun every excitement of them. Guard against dissipation : it extinguishes piety. Be not disconcerted by ridicule and reproach. Your Saviour bore much of these for you. Think of this, and be ashamed of nothing so much as being ashamed of him. Trust in his protection, live to his praise, and you will spend an eternity in his blissful presence. 627 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 1. A Sermon preached at the funeral of the Rev. George DuffielJ, D.D., late Pastor of the Third Congregation in the city of Philadelphia, who died Feb- ruary 2, 1790. 2. The Address and Petition of a number of the Clergy of various denominations in the city of Philadelphia to the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania, relative to the passing of a law against Vice and Im- morality, to which are subjoined some considerations in favour of said Petition, so far as it relates to the prohibition of Theatrical Exhibitions. 1793. 3. Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. James Sproat, D.D., delivered No- vember 17th, 1793. 4. Obedience to the Laws of God, the sure and indispensable defence of nations. A Discourse delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, May 9th, 1798 ; being the day appointed by the President of the United States to be observed as a season for solemn humiUation, fasting and prayer. 5. Address of the Trustees of the College of New Jersey to the Inhabitants of the United States. 1802. 6. Discourse at the opening for Public Worship of the Presbyterian Church in the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia, April 7th, 1805. 7. Report of a Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, Exhibiting the plan of a Theological Seminary. 1810. 8. The Life and Death of the Righteous: an Address delivered December 4th, 1810, at the funeral of the Rev. Dr. William M. Tennent, late Pastor of the Prcsby. terian Church at Abington, near Philadelphia. 1811. 9. Advice and Exhortation, addressed to the People of the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Philadelphia, on resigning the pastoral charge of that congre- gation. 1812. 10. A Report to the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, relative to a Revival of Religion among the Students of said College in the winter and spring of the year 1815. 11. Doing good in Imitation of Christ. A Discourse delivered in the College of New Jersey the Sabbath preceding the annual commencement, September 23, 1822. 12. Christ Crucified, the characteristic of Apostolic Preaching. A Sermon deli- vered in the First Presbyterian Church of Philadolpiiia at the opening of the General Assembly of the Presbvtcriau Church in tlie United States, May 19th, 628 13. The Christian Duty of Christian Women. A Discourse delivered in the Church of Princeton, New Jersey, August 23d. 1825, before the Princeton Female Society for the support of a Female School in India. 14. Sermon, (National Preacher, No. 39,) delivered at the opening of the Synod of Philadelphia, October 25th, 1826. 15. Address at the Interment of Robert Ralston, Esq., August 13th, 1836. 16. Sermon at the Whitefield Chapel. 1836. 17. History of Presbyterian Missions. 1 vol. 18. Discourses in the College of New Jersey, together with a History of the Col- lege. 1822. 19. Lectures on the Shorter Catechism. 2 vols. 12mo. 20. Not a small proportion of the contents of the twelve volumes of the Christian Advocate^. 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