174 7 V7 / T^TX J^ 5of »?": 1 '!-S^ of ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, COPYRIGHT OFFICE. No registration of title of lw^«fe*©ok as a preliminary to copyright protec- tion has been found.'^^R 27 1909 Forwarded to Order Division -.^.Ih.l—littil- (Date) (Apr. 5, 1901—11,000.) Souvenir of the . . . City of Boonville, Mo. In Photo-Gravures Copyright. 1900, by TRUBY ART GALLERY, The Albertype Co., Makers of Photographs. Portraits Brooklyn, N. Y. a'^d Picture Frames, Boonville, Mo. f?9ceived from Copyright Office. FEB 10 191V 24215 Library o'.' Congre»w Two Copies Received JUL' 24 1900 Copyright entry No. FIRST COP; 2nd Copy DeJive. ORDER Division "J rj-'"" Faculty and Officers— Kemper Military School. Kemper Military Academy. ^^EJTMODIc^T AMD P^RiONiOF Baptist Churches. School Room— Megquier Seminar'i State Reform School for Boys. rOTTAGE:& ■^lJPE.w;NTL.^il-'w■ "R'-^V- State Reform School for B-^ V Knights of Pythias Building Boonville kicn School Methodist Church (Colokldj, I« C) Megquier Seminary. ♦' I Central N, Bank and Main St. looking South. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $265 OOO-CHAS. E. LEONARD, PRE3. ; L V. STEPHENS, VICE-PRES.: W. SPEED STEPHENS, CASHIER; A. H. STEPHENS, ASST. CASHIER §:■* Interior— Selover Baker-, i> ^v F. & A. Victor, Clothiers, and Main Street looking North. Farmers' Bank, Capital, $50,000 — john S. Elliott, Pres. Main St. looking South. chas c. bell, vice-pres ; e, w. chilton, cashier; M, W. MUNTZEL, ASST. CASHIER. BAN Capital & Surplus, $60,000. Commercial Bank and Main ^r !.'>oking South. Interior— L. C. Kuehner's Hardware Stori J. F. Buckingham, Bakery and Confectionery. <» ji. II.,. ijL.ix Bi-,'..o, Pharmaci. t)R. C. H. Van Ravenswaag Office, and Spring Street looking East. BooNViLLE Steam Laundry and Dye Works. aammi Sombart's Milling and Mercantile Co. Capacity of Mill 400 Barrels Per Day— Elevator Capacity 175,000 Bushels CHAS. Meierhoffer, Sand W-'Ki- Truby Art Gallery. M LoHSE & Son, General Merchandise, Main St. looking South. tV> t Residence of Chas. L. Hofmeister, High Street. "H Residence of John E. Thro, High Street. Residence of Chas. C. Bell. D O w u z a Q 00 u Residence of Chas. Sombart. (I ■J :j -J. id a: O M Residence of Henry Sombart. o H O o w u u a W ^,> Residence of W. E. Roeschel. -—