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SPALDING & BROS, a testimonial highly complimenting the firm on the manufacture of their Gymnastic Apparatus. The same re- quest was made by the Young Men's Christian Association of America, and the apparatus was used by them for the Championships with best results. In the International AA.U. Champion- ships A. G. Spalding & Bros.' apparatus was like- wise used, and the Chairman of the Committee declared the apparatus to be the best ever used in connection with a championship meeting. O^ Muscle Building 4 Practical Points for Practical People LUTHER HALSEY GULICK, M. D. President American Physical Education Association — Director Physical Train- ing Public Schools, New York City 1 3 Published by AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 15 Warren Street, New York City 6 LIBHARY or JONGRESS Iwu Copies rttH;eivBci JUN 13 1905 p, Jojjyiijirii entry *^wLASS O— XXC. Noi //^ ooq COPY b/ ^^ w Copyright, 1905 BY :«kMERICAN SpOKTS PUBLISHING COMPANY New York ■.i MUSCLE BUILDING. MUSCLE BUILDING VIBEATORY EXERCISE. Many business men at forty are fat and flabby; their arms are weak, their hands are soft and pulpy, their abdomens are prominent and jelly-like. When they run a block for a train, they pufl' and blow like disordered gasoline autos. Men get inio this condi- tion because tliey sit still too much; because they eat more than they need, and because they drink. No one gets into this condition. because he wishes to. It is against the wish of everyone to have his body in this kind of order. He well knows that it lessens his working capacity, that it takes away a great deal of the fun of living; that it prevents his enjoying vigorous tilings as he did when a young man; and that it will probably cut off years at the end of his life. The reason that lie does not come out of this condition is that he thinks it will involve a serious modification of his mode of living, a serious altera- tion of his business haljits. He thinks it will involve I No. 1— The way in which squeezing Intensly uses many muscles Is beauti- fully shown here. The model has rolled up a wad of paper and is squeez- ing it as hard as he can. MUSCLE BUILDING. 7 doing an hour or two of monotonous exercise in a irymnasinm every day. Every man would like to have a firm hand, strong, clean-cut arms, muscles that stand out, a body that is solid, held together by firm muscles, strong vigor- ous neck, and large chest. A man cannot very well change the shape of the bones of his body ; but aside from this, much can be done in a very short tim.^ every day. A month or two of work will help much ■ to bring about that shape of the body that one de- sires, and that character of muscle which is one of the marks of vigorous manhood. It is the purpose of this book to show how busi- ness men may, by a few niinutes each day, develop their muscles in the way that they desire. That which is discussed in this article is not a complete system of physical training. This work does not aim to make a man graceful; it does not aim to make him a long distance runner, a jumper, or a fencer. This plan of exercise does succeed in almost every case, in quickly making a man muscularly strong and well developed. It does tend to mttke a man stand straighter, to respect himself more, to have a clearer No. 2-Exercises of contracting- the hand, if they are always followed by exercises by extending the fingers, which are shown in this picture, will never leave the hand in bad position. The delicate modeling of the muscles ol ;;he forearm is admirably shown. MUSCLE BUILDING. 9 head and better body. It does not take any apparatus — it can be done anywhere; it takes but little time. All that it demands is the willingness to do it on the part of the man. Many men have, in a single month, changed the whole appearance of their bodies from one of weakness to one of strength, from a condition of flabbiness to a condition of solidity. It is a com- mon achievement for a man to increase the girth of his upper arm half an inch, or even an inch, in a month; to put two inches on his chest in the same length of time. If a man's muscles are fat to begin with, he may expect in the course of a month, to make them hard and muscular. In this case he will not expect to increase the size, as much as he will if his arms are merely soft to begin with and he has simply to build up. THE ARMS. We will begin with an explanation of how to devel- op the arms. Ordinarily, in the gymnasium one pulls against weights running over a pulley, or he lifts dumb beljs, the object being to furnish resistance for the muscles to work against; good results are No. 3-The blurring of the hands In this illustration is due to the trembling which is caused by the intense effort which is being made ihe model well shows the powerful contraction of the muscles as far do^vn as the waist. The beautiful modeling of the shoulder muscle, the deltoid and ot the muscles of the back which move the scapula, or shoulder blade, are rarely exhibited as finely as in this cut. MUSCLE BUILDING. j^j^ secured in this way; but to get the biggest develop- ^^ meiit in the most rapid way, the muscles should be contracted to the full extent of their ability every time. A few contractions that are just as strong as ' a man can make, will count more in the development of size and also of strength than a very large number of contractions of a moderate kind. Everyone uses his hands a great deal, and yet the forearm does not grow large and strong. The reason is that a great deal of long continued moderkte use does not develop the muscles as much in size as a few exercises of tlie intense kind. It is a common experience for people working all the winter in a gymnasium, working faithfully for an hour three times a week, to expect they will have increased their measurements very much; they are frequently disappointed to find that their measure- ments have remained about the same. It is true, the • muscles are harder than they were before, they sleep and digest their food better than before, but they had expected a big gain in size of the arms, chest and body muscles. The trouble in all these cases is that they do not take the kind of exercise that is adapted to No. 4— In this exercise, the muscles of the front of the body, particularly the abdomen, are being contracted vigorously. Every one w^ho does this exercise vigorously, should do twice as many in which the muscles of the back are contracted; the over-development of the muscles of the front of the body tends to make the individual round shouldered and flat chested. MUSCLE BUILDING. 13 building up muscular size; they took the exercise that is adapted to building up health. It is not at all true that there is any one kind of exercise that will accomplish all the known results to be obtained from exercise, any more that it is true that there is any one medicine which will accomplish all the results to be expected of medicine. One may exercise in order to becomo graceful in walking and moving about ; one may exer- cise in order to become skillful in fencing, boxing, base ball or athletics; one may exercise in order to reduce fat; exercise may be taken in order to increase the activity of sluggish liver, and so on ; but in each case if the results are to be secured, exercise must be adapted to the particular objects in mind. Thus, there is no such thing as a best exercise or as best exercises. The object of the exercises described in this article, is to increase the size and strength of the muscles. There is no attempt to increase their en- durance or the skill with which one can use them. These exercises do not directly aim to increase the health of the body, although this usually follows to some extent. MUSCLE BUILDING. ^[g The fundamental principle is that from the mus- cles shall be demanded as great power as possible; a hundred movements of a light character will not build up muscle as rapidly as five movements of great effort. This is a general principle and applies to all the muscles of the body. One of the old statements of the evolutionists is that ^^f unction makes structure" — this is one of the great guides in physical training. The kind of exer- cise that demands a given structure will in general, if persisted in, give that structure. For example: to pound with a hammer all day does not demand big muscles, so that the result of the exercise is to secure endurance rather than size and strength; on the other hand, to put up a hundred-pound bell docs not demand endurance, but size and strength ; so the result of putting up a hundred-pound bell is in- crease of size and strength. In the gymnasium one rarely pulls to the full extent of his power, because he cannot tell exactly liow much weight he can lift, nor are the pulley weights adapted to heavy weights. The plan here described is to have the muscles pull against each other. Thus it is easy to have them work No. 6- An illustration of the front of the thigh showing how the muscle comes down and terminates abruptly. MUSCLE BUILDING. Yl to their utmost capacity without straining them ; for example: in illustration No. 7 the model is using ' the muscles that clinch his hand as hard as possible, and at the same time is contracting the muscles that open his hand; the result is that the hand stays half way open, the fingers are rigidly fixed, the tendons of the wrist are prominent, the fore-arm is hard. This exercise repeated fifteen to twenty times in die morning, the same number of times at night, and a few times occasionally as a man is walking along the street by day, will do more to increase the size of the muscles of the forearm than all the hand- shaking, hand-writing, handling knife and fork, etc., that a man will do all day.' And more than this, a carpenter who is handling tools eight hours a day will not develop so big or so strong a forearm as wdll the man who takes this method. The long continued exercise with the hammer, saw and plane does not produce as strong contraction, and hence does not build up as large tissues, as this intense work that is done through the antagonistic muscles. You will notice when you do this exercise as hard as possible, that the fingers and even the whole fore- MUSCLE BUILDING. ^9 arm will shake with the intensity of the effort. This is the reason for the term vibratory. The position should be held under extreme contraction about three seconds, then the muscles should be allowed to become soft and the hand should be dropped. In about three seconds more the exercise should be repeated. The tendency will be not to work sufficiently hard at firsL Every ounce of power that you have must be put into it, if you are going to gain more power. It is only by the investment of what you have, that you will gain more. Nature gives only what is necessary — if you make a demand upon your muscles for more power than you have, nature will gradually give it to you ; but if you do not use what you have to the full- est extent, you will not be given much increase. A few moments ago, I said that each exercise should not be continued for more than three seconds, and that then the muscles should be relaxed. The reason for this is that the circulation may be helped. When a muscle becomes hard by vigorous contraction, it tends to force out all the blood and lymph that is in it. New blood enters in under greater difficulties than under normal conditions; for this reason the No. 8— Holding a wad of paper in the hand and squeezing it with all one's power for two or three seconds, is an excellent method for developing the whole arm. Its effect is well shown in the picture. MUSCLE BUILDING. 21 exercise should not be long in duration. The muscles should be allowed to become soft again. In order to favor its accomplishment a number of vigorous exercises rather short in duration should be taken. One common way of exercising the forearm is to put something in the palm and grip it, a rubber ball, a piece of wood, or even a wad of paper, (Cut Nos. 1 and 8). The trouble with this exercise is two-fold; first, it develops only one set of muscles, the flexors, and the muscles that extend the fingers are left un- developed; secondly, as a result of the development of the flexing muscles, and the non-development of the extensors, the hand when not in use tends to hang with the fingers almost closed into the palm (No. 9). The strong muscles have overbalanced the weak ones so that the hand is held nearly shut. By the method that I have proposed, flexors and extensors are de- veloped together, and no matter how strong the fore- arm becomes, the hand and fingers will hang in a normal position. The question may naturally be asked as to why I have said that gripping with the hand or exercising in some other way the muscles of the forearm with the greatest vigor will result in developing the muscles No. 9— A person who continues an exercise which developes the hand too much will soon acquire a hand which hangs, as is shown in the accom- panying illustration; this is ungraceful and clumsy. MUSCLE BUILDING. 23 of the upper arm and the chest. The reason is this : the muscles which close the hand are^, some of them, attached to the forearm, thus the tendons have to pass through the wrist. In order that they may work efficiently it is necessary that the wrist he held rigid. You canntt possil)ly clinch your hand hard and have the wrist free of movement. Xow, in order to have the wrist held in a rigid position^ all the muscles run- ning from it up to the forearm (and some of them run to the lower part of the upper arm), must be contracted with great vigor. The elbow joint must also be held rigid, for the muscles which attach to the upper arm could not act efficiently were their points of origin movable, so it is necessary for the muscles v.hich control the elbow to be contracted vigorously. Tlicse muscles, some of them, go up and attach to the j-houlder blade and clavicle. So the muscles which hold the shoulder mlust 1)e fixed in order that the big muscles of the chest and l)ack may have solid support. The ribs have to be fixed solidly. In order to fix the ribs solidly we have to stop breathing. AYhen a per- son takes hold of anything with the hand and squeezes it as hard as possible, he holds his breath. No. 10— If the muscles are pressed deeply after the exercise, it will benefit them. MUSCLE BUILDING. 25 If this exercise is tried in front of a looking-glass ' one will see that gripping can be done to a moderate extent withont contracting the muscles of the upper arm. So that when one squeezes as hard as possible^ practically all the muscles of the arm and body are involved. This is the reason why squeezing of the hand as hard as possible will remit in the develop- ment of the arm and shoulder as well. (Nos. 1 and 8.) I have explained this exercise somewhat full}-, as it is a type of all the others. All the exercises that are mentioned are exercises in which one group of muscles is pitted against its natural opponent, so that both are exercised to their fullest extent. You will find that to contract these muscles of the fore- arm as intensely as j)Ossible will involve the stiffening of the whole arm, and, indeed, of the upper part of the body. Always put your attention upon the par- ticular part where you wish the chief effect. You will ^ • find, also, that you cannot contract these muscles with the greatest power without holding the breath; ac- cordingly, before beginning the exercise it is well to take half a dozen breaths just as deep as you can; first blow out all the air possible from the chest and No. 11- After the various muscles have been gone over as in the preceding- ilhistration the muscles should be slapped; this effort gives a stimulating effect which has most excellent results. One should slap all the muscles of the body; the model is merely slapping his arms. MUSCLE BUILDING. 27 then inhale to the fullest extent. Repeat this three or four times and then begin. If this deep l)reathing makes you a little dizzy the first few days, it shows that you need the exercise very much. The dizziness is to l)e overcome simply by persistence. Take deep breaths just up to the point where you begin to feel dizzy and then stop. It will not be many days before you can do all the deep breathing that you want to without feeling dizzy. Having done the preliminary deep breathing take * a deep breath and hold it while you do the first exer- cise, which consists of contracting the fingers of the hand for three seconds. Then let the breath go, and also let the fingers relax; take another deep breath and contract the hand muscles again. Eepeat this ten times. The wdiole exercise ought to take one minute. Then with the right hand, squeeze the muscles of the left arm from the wrist to the elbow quickly; with the left hand similarly treat the right arm. Then slap the left arm from the wrist to the elbow. Follow this with similar treatment of the right. (See cuts 10 and 11.) You are now ready for the second exercise, which ?u ?^^i""^*^^Von was taken Immediately following the preceding: Iv. only difference in the two being, that in this case the palm is facing the shoulder, while m the other case the palm is away from the shoulde^ ^hnnSZ fje^ter contraction of the biceps with the palm toward the !^^ 1^ 1 ^ already shown _ When this muscle is being measured, it should always be contracted m this way, for otherwise it will appear to be much smaller than it really is. ^^vvcdi. w. MUSCLE BUILDINGo 29 is to exercise and develop the upper arm. The hand is to he placed in a similar position to that which was taken when the muscles of the forearm were to he exercised. But now the attention is to he fixed upon the ]jiceps, the large muscle which shows on the front of the upper arm. It is to be contracted against the triceps, the muscles on the hack of the arm, as hard as is possible. The biceps is well shown in Xos. 12 and 13. Some also show the contrac- tion of the hand occurring at the same time. In the model (No. 5), the biceps are being strained against the muscles on the back of the arm. The same preliminary deep breathing should be taken in this case, and indeed in every case. The exer- cise should be repeated ten times as before. There is little use in doing the exercise unless one is going to put into it all the effort possible. In some of the pictures that are shown, the out- lines of the hand are a trifle Ijlurred; the reason for this is that in spite of the most rapid exposure that it w^as possible to make indoors, with a specially pre- pared camera, it was impossible not to show the vi- bration of the hands under the intense effort that No. 13— The little bunch near the elbow well shows tTie small - muscles which turn the palm toward the shoulder. It also shows in excellent form the construction of the biceps in the forward part of the arm and of the triceps on the back of the arm pulling against the biceps. MUSCLE BUILDING. Ql was being made l.y the iiuxlci. Illustrations Nos. 5 and 7 sliow the tricej)s on the back of the upper arm as it is pulling against the bic-eps. The next part of the body to be exercised is the shoulder. This is best done at the same time that the upper back is being developed. Illustrations Nos. 3 and 15 show these muscles in most vigorous contrac- tion. The muscle on top of the shoulder^ the deltoid, and the great surface muscle of the upper back are pulling the shoulder up and lifting the arm; while the great muscles of the chest are pulling the arm forward, and the other fibres of the trapezius are pulling the shoulder back and down. The result is that the shoulders and arms are set as if in iron. These great masses of muscles, pulling with all their inherent force, bind, the joints together with the greatest solidity. The illustrations show well the contraction of these muscles. The extent to which this contraction is carried on over other joints is well shown. The douljle line of muscle extending half way down the middle of the back shows two muscles which pull the shoulder together; their de- velopment is well shown in Xo. 3. The tremen- dous sweep of the great band of muscle coming from No. 14— In this picture is shown, how in extreme effort, the small muscles which lift the toes, are exceedingly active. The tendons on the back of the foot which stand out, are being pulled with great vigor. MUSCLE BUILDING. 33 the lower back, winding over the edge of the scapula, and then forward and upward to the upper arm, is superbly shown. This is the latissimus dorsi, the most powerful muscle that we have, by which we pull the arms down to the sides. This is effective in '^chinning" one's self. Taking a full breath, place yourself in this posi- tion as rigidly as possible for two or three seconds, then relax, and take a second breath easily, then another full breath, and repeat the exercise ; pull the muscles with the utmost power that you possess. You will find it necessary to stiffen the neck and hold it well back. Remember that the shape of the body when it is being exercised vigorously is the shape that it tends to take during rest; so always exercise in positions that are strong and erect. Some of the illustrations show the contractions of the muscles on the front part of the body. These are given as type-forms rather than as the most desirable of posi- tions for much exercise. Exercises in ivliich the bach and necl are held rigidly erect, tend toward better carriage and should be taken about twice as frequently as exercises that pull the body forward. ?;r,rl"Z f""'^-! ^t^ u^5 muscles of the upper extremities and of the v?^ i^'^^'u^ ""/ the body. The shading of color about the edge of the ence • ^'" 1 ^ '^ remains of a Summer's tan rather than the differ- MUSCLE BUILDING. 35 Illustration Xo. 16 shows well the exercise of the thigh. The great muscles that extend the legs arc being contracted with the greatest vigor so that they stand out in massive folds. Most men walk quite a little; the result is that the average man has better legs than he has arms. These muscles are fully de- veloped in many men, who otherwise are pretty flabby. It is well to bend the knee, hip and anklo joints a little. Then slowly contract the muscles to your utmost power until they stand out under the skin like piles of coiled rope, or like steel bands under the pressure of intense ' strain. After con- tracting the muscles of one thigh ten times, contract the muscles of the other thigh, similarly and an equal number of times. Illustration No. 17 shows well the contraction of the great muscles which flex the leg on the thigh! These muscles do not show particularly well in or- dinary use. The exercise should be carried out on both sides of the body. Nos. 3 and 19 show the great muscles of the lower back in active contraction : also show how the muscles of the forearm, upper arm and shoulder are working at the same time. The No. 16— This illustration is to show the contraction of the "quadriceps ex- tensor femoris," which is the large muscle at the front of the thigh, immediately above the knee. It shades off into a heavy flat tendon, which includes the knee cap. In the model the shadows to the left show where the belly of the muscle is shading off into the tendon. This muscle straightens the leg every time one raises up from having stooped to the floor. The straightening of the knee is accomplished by means of this muscle. It is one of the strongest muscles of the body. MUSCLE BUILDING. ^7 fine lines running outward and downward from the spinal column show the intensity of the effort that is being made. The distended veins on the forearm are also indications of a similar character. This exercise should be carried on as are the others. Illustrations Xos. 3 and 19 show exercises which are designed to be general — a large fraction of all the muscles of the body are working at once. In 'No. 18 the superficial muscle of the neck is shown in its great activity. There is one danger to which these general ex- ercises are exposed, that is, when so many muscles are used at once in such a vigorous way, the blood pressure of the body is increased with great rapidity. If the exercises are done excessively, the heart will be made irritable and sometimes over-developed. I have known a number of persons who, seeing the good effects of these exercises, have concluded that if the amount prescribed in these exercises would be good, twice as much would be twice as good, and have over- done the matter seriously. My father was once pre- scribing for an Hawaiian chief to whom he gave some pills, with instructions to take one three times ■No 17-The ereat muscles of the thigh are here admirably shown. The muscles whkh extend the thigh being on the front, and those which flex Sbeing oTthe back. The knotted character of these muscles is well shown. MUSCLE BUILDING. ^^ a day. He was so much benefited by the first that he concluded to take the whole box the following morn- ing. His life was saved with great difficulty. Another general caution in the use of these exer- cises needs to be given, and that is that beneficial effects are not usually secured by those who have completely passed the growing period. I should never encourage a man of over fifty to expect to profit by such exercises, and a man over forty should expect less than the young man may. Big girth of mucle is to be secured with advantage only during years when the body is at its maximum of efficiency. Before undertaking to carry out this system of exercises, several things should be done. First de- termine how long it will be carried out; plan per- haps for one month, or at any rate, some definite period, otherwise one's resolution is apt to weaken and one will gradually do less and less, thinking to continue it when it is easier and business is not so pressing. This is usually an absolute fallacy. Men stop and do not begin it again. The thing to do is to undertake a definite plan. One month is a good length of time to undertake. It is long enough to No. 18— Platysma myodies : This is a thin sheet of muscle which runs from the lower face down to the front of the body. Many animals have a corre- sponding muscle over most of the body. They can twitch their skin all over, just as we can twitch the skin of the neck. The skin of the chest can be pulled up nearly an inch, after one has become a little practised in the use of this muscle as a whole. MUSCLE BUILDING. 4^ tax the will of most men; it is short enough to be within the ability of most men ; it affords time enough to secure results which should be ample encourage- ment for continuation for another month. Second;, having settled the length of time that the programme will be followed out, next determine ab- solutely how much time each day, and at what time these exercises will be carried on. Ten minutes in the morning will do, but ten minutes in the morning and night will do more. It will be well to make a written record of one's purposes. Third, measure the girth of your forearm, upper arms contracted (cuts Nos. 12 and 20), and straight, chest contracted and expanded, waist, thigh and neck. If you can get these measurements taken by someone who is familiar with such work, they will be accurate and satisfactory. You should have your measure- ments taken again at the end of the month in exactly the same way that they were taken at the beginning. They should, of course, be taken without any cloth- ing on, that is, next to the skin, otherwise they will be quite unreliable. Arm should be as in No. 12 when measured, not No. 20. No. 19-The model is throwing as many muscles of the body as he can mto action at once. The straining of the muscles of the forearm, upper arm and shoulder, and also right leg, show peculiarly well. This is one of the type of exercises which if long persisted in, tend to produce irritated heart, as it throws so much work upon the heart suddenly. MUSCLE BUILDINa 43 Fourth, select two exercisers on which to work. At the end of the month take two others. Nos. 8 and 6 make a good combination on which to start. After the exercise, particularly in the morning, it is well to dip a towel in cool water, cold if it is pleasant, and pass it rapidly over the whole body. This should be followed by vigorous rubbing with a coarse towel. Get a silk crash towel, or even an or- dinary crash towel of good length, and after you have been dried by the bath towel, use this over your body and limbs with the same vigor and speed that the modern shoe polisher exhibits when doing his work, until the whole body glows and feels the way your shoes look. ::.:^ No. 20— The large muscle of the upper arm or the biceps. This muscle not only bends the forearm upon the upper arm, it also twists the forearm so that the palm faces the shoulder. In this illustration, the palm is away from the shoulder; and while the muscle is contracted vigorously, still the length of the muscle is evident. When the muscle is being measured it should be held as in cut No. 12. _ . THE FINEST EQUIPPED GYMNASIUM IN THE WORLD The progress made in the manufacture and the mechanical perfection of the various gymnastic appliances shown in the complete gymnasium installed by A. G. Spalding & Bros, at the World's Fair, demonstrated that the firm is alive to the imperative need of the times. Physical training is being rapidly advanced and in the congested sections of the country it is a growing problem how to pro- vide for the new conditions. This is particularly true in public school work and similar institutions. Real estate in large cities is extremely valuable, and as a consequence, gymnasiums are often reduced in size and wholly inadequate to the growing needs. This means that the apparatus of the past of a fixed or cumbersome character must be superseded by appliances that may be rapidly , and conveniently handled in a manner to accommodate the constantly increasing I number of boys and girls needing systematic physical development. A. G. Spalding & Bros., who outfitted the complete gymnasium at the World's Fair and received the Grand Prize and Gold Medal in competition for their ex- hibit, are to be congratulated on their enterprise. LIST OF APPARATUS INSTALLED 20 No. OR Robert Reach Triplicate Chest Machines. 20 Special Rowing Attachments. 1 New Style Spalding Wrist Roll. 1 No. 50A Quarter Circle. 25 Sections Bar Stalls. 25 Bar Stall Benches. 2 No. 200 Neily Patent Bom. 6 Bar Saddles, [and Vaulting Bars. 3 Special Combination Horizontal 1 Suspended Horizontal Bar — to swing up — Special. 1 No. 83 Low Parallel. 3 New Style Spalding Parallel Bars — Special. 3 No. 25 Jump Boards. 3 No. Vaulting Horses. 3 Pairs Special Jump Stands. 3 Grasshopper Spring Boards. 3 No. 520 Storming Boards. 1 No. 207 Vaulting Box. 1 No. 28 Incline Board. 3 Pairs No. 125 Flying Rings. 8 No. 126 Traveling Rings. 12 No. 98 Climbing Ropes. 1 40-ft. Ladder and Braces. 1 Horizontal Window Ladder. 2 Vertical Window Ladders. 2 Striking Bag Discs and Bags. 11 5ft. X 10-ft. X 2-in. Mats. 3 5-ft. X 6-f t. X 2-in. Mats. 3 3-ft. X 10-ft. X 2-in. Mats. 3 3-ft. X 5-ft. X 2-in. Mats. 1 Tumbling Mattress — 5 ft. x 15 ft. X 8 in., curled hair. 2 Pairs Official Basket Ball Goals. 2 Pairs Official Screens for Basket Ball Goals. 2 No. M Official Basket Balls. 2 No. 1 Medicine Balls. 2 No. 2 Medicine Balls. 2 No. 3 Medicine Balls. IN WORLD'S FAIR GYMNASIUM. 6 Medicine Ball Racks. 50 Pairs 1-2-lb. Model Dumb Belli. 50 Pairs 1-lb. Model Dumb Bella. 50 Pairs 1-lb. Indian Clubs. 50 Pairs 1 1-2-lb. Indian Clubs. 200 Pairs Club and Bell Hangers, on stands. 4 Dozen Wands. 4 Dozen. Bar Bells. 2 Wand Racks. 4 Dozen Savage Bar Bells. 8 Dozen Hangers for Bar Belli. 20 Head Gears. 20 Foot Gears. 1 Set Ring Hockey. 2 Sets Rope Quoits. 50 Bean Bags and Cabinet. 2 Sets Shuffleboard. 50 Rubber Balls and Cabinet. 4 8-ft. Jump Ropes. 4 20-ft. Jump Ropes. 1 Volley Ball Outfit. 4 Jump Frames. 50 Nickel Wands. 1 Wand Cabinet mounted on rolleri for nickeled wands. 1 Game Cabinet. 50 Grace Hoops. 2 Grace Hoop Racks. 1 Pair Physician's Scales. 1 Stadiometer. [eter. 1 Chest, Back and Loin Dynamom- 1 Chinning Bar. 1 Pair Wall Parallels. 1 Chin Gauge. 1 Wet Spirometer. 1 Dozen Glass Mouth Pieces. 1 Pair Chest Calipers. 1 Pair Shoulder Calipers. 1 Spirometer — shelf. 1 Dynamometer for Grip. Cut No. 1 — The above is a combiuatiou piece of wall apparatus wbieli may be used as a rowing weight, bacli and loin pulley, direct chest pulley with upright backboard, or intercostal overhead pulleys. Either set of handles is always ready for use, and requires no adjustment. Cut No. 4 — Shows a combined horizontal and vaulting bar of entirely new construction. The bars are suspended by overhead guys and these guys are tightened and the bar drawn into position at the floor by the use of one lever on each upright. The prin- ciple is radically new, and is certainly most successfully ap- plied. The bar requires only two floor plates and two points of attachment at the floor, eliminating the spread of guys, thereby saving floor space and greatly facilitating the handling of the apparatus in clearing the floor for other work. Cut No. 5— Illustrates a pair of parallel bars, the design of which was particu- larly commended by the entire body of Turn Verein representatives who used them in the Olympic gymnastic contests. r DURAND LOCKERS =^ / i WERE USED EXCLUSIVELY IN THE GYMNASIUM OF THE PHYSICAL CULTURE DEPARTMENT AT THE WORLD'S FAIR AND RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE FOR BEING THE BEST, MOST COMPLETE AND SERVICEABLE LOCKER MADE DURAND LOCKER CO. Chicago, V IRON DUMB BELLS length made specially. Made on approved models, nicely Lalanced and finished in black enamel. Sizes, 2 to 40 lbs. Per lb., 6c. Over 40 lbs., 8c. per lb. Bar Bells, any weight, with wrought iron handle, any Per lb., lOc. NICKEL=PLATED DUMB BELLS Nick el- plated and polished. No. Per Pair IN. 1 lb., $ .25 2N. 2 a .50 3N. 3 a .65 4N. 4 (( .75 5N. 5 1 .00 NICKEL=PLATED DUMB BELLS WITH RUBBER BANDS Nickel -plated and polished. No. Per Pair IB. I lb., $ -65 2B. 2 - .75 3B. 3 " 1. 00 4B. 4 '' 1.15 5B. 5 *' 1.25 Handsomely illustrated catalogue mailed free to any address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Philadelphia San Francisco St. Louis liosto'n Buffalo Baltimore Denver Minneapolis Kansas City Montreal, Can. London, Ensrland Spalding's Trade-Mark Wood Dumb Bells Our Trade-Mark Bells are made of selected material, neatly decorated, well finished and of perfect balance. 1^ 1-4 pound. Per pair, $ .40 1 1-2 pound. .40 r 3-4 pound. .45 I pound. .50 I 1-2 pound. .55 2 pound. .65 1 3 pound. .90 i 4 pound. " 1. 10 Trade Line Wood Dumb Bell: Not Trade-Mark Quality Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of athletic goods mailed free to any address. A, C, New York Chicago Boston Minneapolis Buffalo Philadelphia SPALDING & BROS, St. Louis Washington San Francisco Baltimore Kansas City Montreal. Can. Denver Pittsburg London, England Spalding's Trade-Mark Indian Clubs Our Trade-Mark Indian Clubs are of selected material and perfect in shape. They are finely polished, with ebonite centre band and gilt stripe top and bottom. Each pair wrapped in paper bag. 1-2 pound Per 3-4 pound 1 pound . 1 1-2 pound . 2 pound. 2 1-2 pound . 3 pound . 4 pound . 5 pound . pair. $ .40 .45 .50 .55 .65 .80 .90 1.10 1.40 Trade Line Indian Clubs The following clubs are not Trade-Mark goods, but of good material and far superior in shape and finish to the ordinary clubs on the market. 1-2 pound Per pair, 25c. 3-4 pound " 30c. 1 pound " 35c. 1 1-2 pound " 40c. 2 pound " 45c. 2 1-2 pound " 50c. 3 pound 55c. 4 pound " 70c. 5 pound " 90c. Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of athletic goods mailed free to any address. A. C. SPALDING & BROS. New York Boston Buffalo Chicago Minneapolis Philadelphia St. Louis Baltimore Denver Washington Kansas City Pittsburg San Francisco Montreal, Can. London, England Special Award and Grand Prize were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. Spalding Gymnasium Shoes Low cut canvas shoe, with rubber sole. No.K. Pair, 75c. Low cut, best grade canvas shoe; white rubber sole; in ladies' and men's sizes; men's made of white canvas, ladies' black. No. 1. Pair, $1.25 Low cut canvas, can- vas sole; very popu- lar for gymnasium. No. E. Pair, 35c. A. C. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago St. Louis Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Buffalo Philadelphia Denver Cincinnati Montreal, Can. Washington San Francisco Kansas City New Orleans Pittsburg Syracuse London, England Special Award and Grand Prize Ze won by AG. SPALDING & BR^^^^^^^^ ltion,li?^f-J!!.%^fi'nT^^^^^^^ shownatthe World's Fa.. Spalding Gymnasium Shoes Selected leather, electric sole, flexible shoe. No. 20- Low Cut. Per pair, No. 21. High Cut. A very easy and .50 .75 Low cut shoe, selected leather, extra light and elkskin sole; in ladies' and men s sizes. No. I ee. Per pair, $2.50 A C. SPALDING & BROS. Washington San Franiscco Kansas City New Orleans Pittsburg Syracuse London, England New York Chicago ^t. Louis So^on Minneapolis Baltimore Buffalo Philadelphia Denver Cincinnati Montreal, Can. SPECIAL AWARD«N>(ieAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. Spalding Gymnasium Shoes Horsehide sole; soft and flexible; in la- dies' and men's sizes. No. 155. Pair, $3.50 Kangaroo; elkskin sole, extra light, hand made. No. 15. Pair, $4.00 High cut, best grade canvas shoe, white rubber sole ; in ladies ' and men's sizes; men's made of white canvas, ladies' black. No. IH. Pair, $1.50 High cut canvas shoe, rubber sole. No. M. Pair, $1.00 A. C. SPALDING & BROS, New York Chicago St. Louis Washington San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Denver Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England SPECIAl AWARD *nd GRjUND PRIZt TiV>vA r SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- were won uy j^. • complete and most attractive installation of gr.'.S;i^^.tl^^^^^^^^ Bhown at the World's Fair. BASKET BALL SHOE Made of selected leather with special rubber sole. The suction caused by the peculiar construction of the sole enables the player to obtain a good purchase on the floor, a feature that should make this shoe very popular with basket ball players. No. BB, Per pair, 4.00 For ladies; otherwise same as No. BB. No. BBL. Per pair, $3.50 A. C. SPALDINC Sc BROS New York Boston Buffalo Cincinnati Chicago Minneapolis Philadelphia St. Louis Baltimore Denver Montreal, Can. Washington San Francisco Kansas City New Orleans Pittsburg Syracuse London, England Special Award and Grand Prize were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. Spalding Championship Hammer BALL-BEARING SWIVEL npHE SPALDING CHAMPIONSHIP Originally de- BALL-BEARING HAMMER, signed by John Flanagan, the champion of the world, has been highly endorsed only after repeated trials in champ- ionship events. The benefits of the ball-bearing con- struction will be quickly appreciated by all hammer throwers. Each hammer put up complete in sole leather carrying case. No. 02. 12-lb., with sole leather case. $12.00 No. 06. 16-lb., with sole leather case. 12.00 No. 02X. 12-lb., without sole leather case. 10.00 No. 06X. 16-lb., without sole leather case. 10.00 A. C. SPALDING Sc BROS. New York Chicago St. Louis Washington San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Denver Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England SPECIAL AWAeD>"»(ieAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's fair. Spalding's New Regulation Hammer With Wire Handle Lead each No. 9. 12-lb., Lead, Practice, $4.25 No. 10. 16-lb., Lead,Regulation,4.50 Iron EACH No. 12. 8-lb., Iron, Juvenile, $2.50 No. 14. 12-lb. , Iron, Practice, 3.00 No. 15. 16-lb., Iron, Regulation, 3.25 Extra Wire Handles each No. 6H. For above hammers, 50c. Shot No. 19. No. 21. No. 23. No. 25. No. 18. 16-lb., Lead. 12-lb., Lead. 16-lb., Iron. 12-lb., Iron. 8-lb., Iron. Each, $2.50 2.25 '' L75 '' L50 L25 A. C. SPALDING <&, BROS. New York Boston Buffalo Cincinnati Chicago Minneapolis Philadelphia St. Louis Baltimore Denver Montreal, Can. Washington San Francisco Kansas City New Orleans Pittsburg Syracuse London, England SPECIAL AWARD •» CRANft PRIZE SnTqoi' fo'^-f^; h?^^^^^^ ^ ^^?^- ^* *^^ Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904. for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's f"ir Indoor Shot With our improved leather cover. Does not lose weight even when used constantly. ^, ,- . , No.3. 12-lb.IndoorShot.Each,$7.00 No. 4. 16-lb. Indoor Shot. . . ''7 50 No. 26. 8-lb. Indoor Shot. . . - s.'oo Regulation Weights Made after model submitted by Cham- pion J. S. Mitchel, and endorsed by all weight throwers. Packed in box and guaranteed correct in weight and in ex- act accordance with rules of A. A. U. No. 2 Lead 56-lb. Weights Complete, $8.50 A. G. SPALDING &. BROS New York Chicago St. Louis Boston Minneapolis Baltimore iJuttalo Philadelphia Denver Cincinnati Montreal. Can Washington San Francisco Kansas City New Orleans Pittsburg Syracuse London, England SPECIAL AWAeD"»fieAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- Ition 1904 for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of gSastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's fair. INDOOR RUNNING SHOES Made With or Without Spikes. Fine leather, rubber tipped sole, with spikes. No. 111. Per pair, $3.50 Leather shoe, rubber tipped, with spikes. No. 112. Per pair, $3.00 Leather shoe, rubber tipped, no spikes. No. 114, Per pair, $2.50 INDOOR JUMPING SHOES Best leather Indoor Jumping Shoe, hand-made, rubber soles. No. 210. Per pair, $5.00 A. C, SPALDING & BROS, New York Chicago St Louis Washington Saji Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City gew Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Denver Pittsburg ^^^^^^ff^^ Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England SPECIAL AWARD« were won by A. G. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^ ^^a most attractive installation of Running Pants ^^^^ White or black Sateen, fly -;V-----------m front, lace back. I 1 ^^- ^* I 1 Per pair, $1.25 ^/ 1 White or black Sateen, lace i ^^^ ^ a back, fly front. I If vl Per pair; $1.00 '"roT^r'^lack Silesia fly front, lace back. No. 3. Per pair, 75c. White or black Silesia, fly front, lace back. No. 4. Per pair, 50c. White Silesia, fly front, lace back. No. 6. Per pair, 35c. Stripes down sides of any of these running pants, 25 cents per pair extra. A C. SPALDING & BROS. ^^. ' c^ Touis Washington San Francisco Kor" SSnnrpons lai&\ Ka^^s City «- 0'J-= ^^^JT"^'' Mo°tS can. '^'*'''"" London, England Special Award and Grand Prize were won by A. G SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904. for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. full Length Tights ond Trousers Full Tights, best worsted, full fashioned, stock colors and sizes. No. lA. Per pair, $3.75 Full Tights, cut worsted, stock colors and sizes. No. 605. Per pair, $2.00 Full Tights, cotton, full quality. White, Black, Flesh. No. 3A. Per pair, $1.00 Y. M. C. A. TROUSERS Regulation Style No. 4. Flannel, medium quality. No. 3. Flannel, good quality. REGULATION Y. M. C. A. STYLE Per pair, $1.75 2.50 Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of athletic goods mailed free to any address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Boston Buffalo Chicago Minneapolis Philadelphia Cincinnati St. Louis Baltimore Denver Montreal, Can. Washington San Franiscco Kansas City New Orleans Pittsburg Syracuse London, England 5palding's Running Shoes Arthur F. Duffey Holder of the world's record, 9 3-5s. for 100 yards, wears Spalding bhoes in all his races. M. W. Long Holder ot the world's 440 yards record; the American, English and International champion, wears Spalding Shoes in all his races. B. J. Wefers Holder of the world's record for 220 yards, made his record with a pail of Spalding Shoes. John F. Cregan The American half-mile and Intercollegiate champion, and thousands of others attribute their success on the path to the fait that they had a well-fitting, light, serviceable shoe to wear. Nearly every American, Inter- collegiate and Interscholastic record has been made when the contestant wore Spalding Shoes. Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of athletic goods mailed free to any address New York St. Louis Denver A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Chicago Boston Minneapoli Philadelphia Buffalo 5 Kansas City London, England San Francisco Baltimore Montreal, Can. JIU JITSU Spalding's Athletic Library No. 233 Per Copy 10 Cents ^^^^ w/t ..4^,>^^ii^^^^H ^m'^\ d/^^KM ^1 /^^HIK^I iiH A complete description of this famous Japan- ese system of self defence. Each move thor- oughly explained and illustrated with numerous full page pictures of Messrs. A. Minami and K. Koyama, two of the most famous exponents of Jiu Jitsu in America, who posed especially for this book. Be sure to ask for Spalding's Ath- letic Library book on Jiu Jitsu. How to Become a Boxer Spalding's Athletic Library No. 162 For many years books have been issued on the art of boxing, but it has remained for us to arrange a book which we think is sure to fill all demands. It contains over 70 pages of illustrations showing all the latest blows, posed especially for this book under the supervision cf one of the best instructors of boxing in the United States, who makes a specialty of teaching and who knows how to impart his knowl- edge. They are so arranged that anyone can easily become a proficient boxer. The book also contains pictures of all the well- known boxers. A partial list of the 200 pages of the book include: A history of boxing; how to box; the correct position; the hands; clench- ing the fist; the art of gauging distance; the first principles of hitting; the elements of defence; feinting; knockout blows; the chin punch; the blow under the ear; the famous solar plexus knockout; the heart blow: f'mous blows and their originators; Fitzsimmons' contribution; the Mc- Coy corkscrew; the kidney punch; the liver punch; the science of box- ing; proper position of hand and arm; left hook to face; hook to the jaw; how to deliver the solar plexus; correct delivery of a right uppercut; blocking a right swing and sending a right uppercut to chin; blocking a left swing and sending a left uppercut to chin; the side step; hints on training, diet and breathing; how to train; rules for boxing. Per Copy 10 Cents rn kfenrific Physical Trainrng A COURSE [ By Prof. E. B. Warman A Complete Course of Physical Training for Home Usv Bv'^Pmf'FVw'^y®'^.?' Training Simplified. By Prof, E. B. Warman, the well known physical culture ex- pert, is a complete, thorough and practical book where the whole man is considered-brain and body. By following the 'f'^.Iu?^'^'^^ "° apparatus is required. The book is adapted iZ rf^^'^f\ ^^f exercises comprise directions as follows: how to stand; how to sit; how to rest; breathing; exercises for the fingers wrists elbows, shoulders, neck, hips, knees, an- kles; a word about the muscles; the arms and thighs; shoulders and chest; waist; sides; back and abdomen; bowing; bending; Price 'lOce^T squeezer, etc., etc. Fully illustrated. .ii'H^i.- '*?~J'^ifu^^*'?,<><'t^^® Body. A book that all who value health should read and follow its instructions. By Prot E. B. Warman, the well known lecturer and author- ity on physical culture. The subject is thoroughly treated as a glance at the following small portion of the contents shows: An all-around athlete; muscular Christianity; eating- diet- various opinions; bill of fare for brain-workers; bill of fare tor muscle-makers; what to eat and drink; a simple diet; an opinion on brain food; why is food required? drinking wa- ter; nutrition -how food nourishes the body; a day's food how used; constitutents of a day's ration-beefsteak, pota- toes, bread, butter, water; germs of disease; diseases peculiar to children; digestion-time required; dieting; milk; alcohohc drinks; tobacco; should clergymen smoke? corsets; methods ot training; symmetrical development; the perfect man; the perfect woman; proper weight, height and measurement; the secret of not growing old; three rules for preventing wrinkles- physicians and drugs; Christian science; catching cold; bath- ing; the uses of salt; catarrh; a clear complexion; sleeping; insomnia; the care of the feet; color of the clothing; breath- \J i ing; ventilation. Price 10 cents. Prnf%' R®w"®^ \? Swing Indian Clubs. By , ' B. Warman, the well known exponent of physical culture. The most complete work on this special subject ever Issued. By following the directions carefully anyone can be- come an expert club swinger in a short time, as the dia- grams are very plainly and intelligently drawn. Price I O ce n is. ^1 No. 185-Health Hints. A series of articles by Prof. E. B. Warman, the well known lecturer and authority on physical culture. Prof. Warman treats very interestingly of health influenced by insulation; health influenced by un- derwear ; health influenced by color; exercise, who needs it. PricelOcentS No. 208-Physical Education and Hygiene. By Prof. e. B. Warman. Contents: Basic principles; longevity; hints on eating-the pro- cess of digestion food values, the uses of salt, medicinal value of certain foods nutrition, food values compared, the efficacy of sugar, sugar food for muscular work, eating for strength and endurance, fish as brain food, food for the chil- dren, digestibility, a word about condiments, bread, appendicitis due to flour why we eat some foods; hints on drinking-water, milk, buttermilk, tea coffee' how to remain young; hints on bathing-cold, hot, warm, tepid, salt. Russian' lurkish, cabinet, sun, air; hints on breathmg-breathlessness, heart strain second wind, correct breathing, yawning, the art of Yogi, breathing as applied to bicycling. Price lO cents. AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING COMPANY, New York. OX^ HEALTH ANSWERS ^V4f by prof. e. b. warman SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY No. 213 mmmrsema " altitude; eye exercises. PRICE 10 CENTS AMERICAN SPORTS PllBUSHING COMPANY, 15 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK A SPECIAL AWARD ^r GRAND PRIZE i were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. =5 C r- s r "^ j<:j:rs THE SPALDING OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALL Used exclusively by the National Leag'ue, Minor Leagues, and by all Intercollegiate and other Associations for over a quarter of a century. Each ball wrapped in tinfoil and put in a separate box, and sealed in accordance with the regulations of the National League and American Association. Warranted to last a full game when used under ordinary conditions. Each, $1.25 ^ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (U. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England ASPECIAUWARD^r GRAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Su pplies show n at the World's Fair S =DC^ liTe Spalding Official Intercollegiate Foot Ball WE have spared no expense In making' this ball perfect in every detail, and offer it as the finest foot ball ever pro- duced. Each ball is thoroughly tested, packed in a sepa- rate box and sealed, so that our customers are guaranteed a perfect ball inside when same is received with seal unbroken. A polished and nickel-plated brass foot ball inflater and lacing needle will be packed with each Intercollegiate foot ball without extra charge. Used exclusively by all the leading' universities, colleges and athletic associations without exceptiouo No. J5. Complete, $4.00 ^ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (U, New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base B all and Athletic Su pplies shown at the World's Fair A SPECIAL AWARD ':° (RAND PRIZE THE SPALDING "OFFICIAL" BASKET BALL Officially adopted and must be used in all match games. The cover is made in eight sections, with capless ends and of the finest and most carefully se- lected pebble grain leather. The bladder is made specially for this ball, of extra qual- ity Para rubber. Each ball packed complete, in sealed box, and guar- anteed perfect in every detail. Ball. Each, $5.00 No. M. "Official" Basket, Extracts from Official Rule Book RULE IL-BALL Sec. 3. The ball made by A. G. Spalding & Bros, shall be the official ball. Official balls will be stamped as herewith, and will be in sealed boxes. ^ Sec. 4. The official ball must Sec. 4. The official goal must be used in all match games. i) be used in all match games. RULE IIL-GOALS. Sec. 3. The goal made by A. G. Spalding & Bros, shall be the official goal. ti' ^ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (U. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England nPen riinutes' Exercise Dr. Luther Guiick for Busy fleH Dr. Guiick says: "The experi- ence of years has demonstrated the efficiency of the exercises contained in * Ten Minutes' Exercise for Busy Men ' in securing the ends for vvhich they were devised. Many letters have been written by men, testifying to the great benefit which they have secured from these few minutes of simple but vigorous work. i> :ic * * The correspondence schools of physical training have come into great activity. Their general aim is to build up big mus- cles. A somewhat careful investi- gation of them satisfies me that they are inferior to thr exercises in this drill for purposes of building up vigor and manliness. •♦ One of the most vigorous claims of some of these schools, namely, that the heart particularly is bene- fited by their work, is false, for I have had case after case of men whose hearts have been injured by taking the correspondence schools' work when they were not in condi- tion for it. " The exercises in « Ten Muiutes* Exercise for Busy Men ' are recom- mended with the confidence of long, successful use. The results secured are better than those possible from the correspondence school work in the specific directions mentioned." PRICE BY MAIL lo CENTS American Sports Publishing Cj. 1 6- 1 8 Park Place New York HOW TO BECOME A BOXER For many years publications have been issued on the art of boxing that to a certain extent did not enable the "ovice nor the youth to become pro- ficient in the manly art. There is probably no man in America better qualified to teach boxing than Prof. William Elmer, and in his book on the subject he goes into it very ex- haustively. The book contains about seventy full page illustrations, show- ing how each blow is to be made, how to attack and how to defend yourself. It shows how the hands must be held and the positions to take, with descriptions that are so accurate that any boy can take them, open them up and with a young friend become proficient. Besides being a fully illustrated book on the art of self-defence, it contains nearly all the photographs of the leading Amer- ican boxers and the positions they take, which in itself is instructive ; the different rules under which all contests are held, and articles v/hich will interest anyone on the question of physical education. In order to make this publicaticn the most ac- curate one issued, Piof. Elmer had his sparring partner posed personally for all the illustrations. PRICE BY MAIL lo CENTS. Atnericaa Sports Publishini: Co. 16-18 Park Place, New York. 4 SPECUL AWARD *r GRAND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatu Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World siana plete /^ 'r~ atus, ^~— :^ 's Fair. ) l ^ ^ Spalding Boxing Gloves No. 9. Regulation 5 oz. glove, gambia tan leather, padded with best curled hair, patent palm lacing, padded wristband, ^ patent palm grip. Sub- 1"-" stantially made through-^ out for hard usage. : :ln Per set, $4.50 No. 14. Regulation 5 oz. glove, dark wine color, padded wristband, patent palm lacing and palm No. 23. Regular Pattern grip. . Per set, $3.25 No. 23. Regular pattern, outer handpiece of olive tanned leather, grip and cuffs of darker shade, hair padded and patent palm lacing Per set, $1.50 No. 24. Regular pattern, outer handpiece of dark wine color tanned leather, grip and cufifs of darker shade; hair padded, elastic wristband. . . . Per set, $1.00 ^ ^ A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (U, New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England \ SPECIAL AWARD 'S° (RAND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair a SPALDING BOXINfi GLOVES =^ !» No. 11. Corbett Pattern No. M. Corbett pattern, large 7 oz. glove, gambia tan leather, padded with best curled hair, patent palm lacing, padded wrist band, patent palm grip. Substantially made throughout for har usage. Per set, $4.50V^ No. 13. Corbett pattern, [ olive tanned leather, welljj, padded with hair, patent palm lacing and patent palm grip. Perset,$4.00 No. 15. Corbett pattern, soft tanned leather, well padded with hair, padded wristband, patent palm lacing, patent palm grip. . Per set, $3.00 V. No. 1 7 . Corbett pattern, craven tan leather, well padded with ha^r, pa- tent palm lacing, patent palm grip, padded wristband. Per set, $3.00 No. 19. Corbett pattern, craven tan leather, well padded with hair, patent palm grip and patent palm lacing. . . Perset, $2.50 No. 2 1 . Corbett pattern, grip and cuffs of olive tanned leather, balance of glove finished in dark wine color tanned leather. Well padded with hair and patent palm lacing Perset, $2. OO -^ ^^ S) A. C. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans _ Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cmcmnati Montreal, Can. London. England ASPECIALAWARD^r GRAND PRIZE S were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair, S /f^ Spaldmg Patent Striking Bags Are made of the best ma- terials in their respective grades and finished carefully and substantially. The blad- ders used are all fully guaran- teed. All bags equipped with "ball and lace" fastening. Single End Bags Prices: $i.oo, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $5.50, $7.00. Double End Bags Prices: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. For complete description of Spald- ing- Striking Bags send for Spald- ing's Catalogue of all Athletic Sports; mailed free to any address. "How to Punch the Bag" By Young Corbett. Illustrated from photos showing the author at his training quarters, with description of all the blows. Fancy bag punching also included. Price ID cents. ^ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ^ I New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England I Bostoi Buff a] \ SPECIAL AWARD ^r GRAND PRIZE i were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana ■^ Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete -^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. The Spalding Patent Solid Striking Bag Disks (Patented) 'T'HE solid disk for striking bags will * always hold a high place in the estimation of many on account of the variety of work it permits. The style which we originally introduced some yeais ago is the one which has been im,i tated most generally, but in all these substitutes the makers, while making them lighter, have uniformly neglected the most esen- tial point and have produced a n article flimsy and u n sa t i s - factory t o a degree. ^ Wall Braced Style No. F-R. Complete, without bag. A s triking bag disk must be subtantial if it IS to be of use, and in the various styles, both adjustable and braced, which we manufacture, this feature has not been neglected, while we have striven to put out a disk which is suit- able for home use and moderate in price. : : Each, $5.00 V Send for Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue. Mailed free to any address. J 5\ A. C. SPALDINO & BROS. (U New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London. England Spalding's Athletic Library SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Spalding's Athletic Library is devoted to all athletic sports and pas- times, indoor and outdoor, and is the recognized American cyclopedia of sport. Each book is complete in itself; and those sports which are gov- erned by National Associations always designate Spalding's Athletic Library as the official publication. This gives to each book the official authority to contain the rules. Each year the books are brought up to date, with the latest rules, new ideas, new pictures and valuable informa- tion, thus making the series the most valuable of its kind in the world. The price, 10 cents per copy, places them in the reach of all, and no one's library can be complete unless all numbers are found therein. No. I2-Association Foot Ball Contains valuable information, diagrams of play, and rules for both the Gaelic and Association styles of play. Price 10 cents. No. 13 Howto Play Hand Bali By the world's champion. Michael Egan, of Jersey City. This book has been re- written and brought up to date in every particular. Every play is thoroughly ex- plained by text and diagram. The numerous illustrations consist of full pages made from photographs of Champion Egan, showing him in all his characteristic attitudes. Price 10 cents. No. 14-Curling History of the sport; diagram of curling rink; rules for curling; dia- grams of play. Price 10 cents. No. 23-Canoeing By C. Bowj-er Vaux. Paddling, sailin and their uses; canoeing and camping. cruising and racing canoes' Price 10 cents. Nc. 27-College Athletics LI. C. Llurphy, the well-known athletic triuiiLr, r.ow with Yale University, the auLi.o.- of tnis book, has written it especi- ally lor the schoolboy and college man, but it is invaluable for the athlete who wishes to excel in any branch of athletic sport. The subjects comprise the follow- ing articles: Training, starting, sprint- ing ; li^w to train for the quarter, half, mile and longer distances: walking: high and broad jumping; hurdling; pole vaulting; throwing the hammer. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 29-Exercising With Pulley Weights By Dr. Henry S. Anderson, instructor in heavy gymnastics Yale gymnasium, Anderson Normal School, Chautauqua University. In conjunction with a chest machine anyone with this book can be- come perfectly developed. Contains all the various movements necessary to be- come proficient and of well-developed physique. Price 10 cents. No. 40-Archery By J. S. Mitchel. An introductory chapter on the use of the bow and arrow; archery of the present day; the bow and how to use it, with practical illustrations on the right and wrong method of aiming. Price 10 cents. No. 55-Of¥Icial Sporting Rules Contains rules not found in other publications for the government of many sports; rules for wrestling, cross-country running, shuffleboard, skating, snowshoeing, quoits, potato racing, professional racing, rac- quets, pigeon flying, dog racing, pistol and revolver shooting. Price 10 cents. No.87-Athletic Primer Edited by James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union; tells how to organize an athletic club, how to conduct an athletic meeting, and gives rules for the government of athletic meet- ings; contents also include directions for building a track and laying out athletic grounds, and a very instructive article on training ; fully illustrated with pictures of leading athletes in action. Price 10 cents. NOi l02-Cround Tumbling By Prof. Henry Walter Worth, who was for years physical director of the Armour Institute of Technology. Any boy, by reading this book and following the instructions, which are drawn from life, can become a pro- ficient tumbler; all the various tricks explained. Price 10 cents. No. 104-The Grading of Gymnastic Exercises By G. M. Martin, Physical Director of the Y. M. C. A. of Youngstown, Ohio. It is a book that should be in the hands of every physical director of the Y. M. G. A., school, club, college, etc. The contents comprise: The place of the class in physical training; grading of exercises and sea- son schedules— grading of men, grading of exercises, season schedules for various classes, elementary and advanced classes, leaders, optional exercises, examinations, college and school work; calisthenic exercises, graded apparatus exercises and general massed class exercises. Nearly 200 pages. Price 10 cents. TN all athletic contests the implements and apparatus must conform to the official rules %9b« ■» 1 as laid down by the governing bodies of the ^^^ • • • various sports, the object being to enable all contestants to com- pete under uniform conditions and with the same kind of an imple- ment, for a record in any sport will not be allowed unless the official implement is used. That is why Spalding implements are always selected, because they never vary in weight or measurement, but invariably conform to the mles nm-wtt THE above illustration shows the Stadium at St. Louis, in which the Olympic Games of 1904 were held. The field, which was designed and equipped by A. G. Spalding' & Bros., was declared by experts to be the most perfect outdoor athletic plant ever built. ciAL i; HE officials of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, recognizing the importance of the OLYMPIC GAMES and the value of establishing authentic Olympic records, selected Spalding Athletic Implements for exclusive official use in connection with the Olympic Games (held in the Stadium of the Exposition, from May to November) because of their acknowledged superiority, reliability and official standing. For over a quarter of a century A. G. Spalding & Bros.' implements have been officially used. TTHE building in the background is the Mo^el Gymnasium, whi^h ■*• was entirely equipped by A. G. Spalding & Bros, with an exhibit that was pronounced a model one by American and European experts and the International Jury of the Exposition. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 124-How to Become a Gymnast By Robert StoU, of the New York A. C, ^he American champion on the flying rings from 1885 to 1892. Any boy who frequents a gymnasium can easily follow the illustrations and instructions in this book and with a little practice become proficient on the horizontal and parallel bars, the trapeze or the "horse." Price 10 cents. No. 128-How to Row By E. J. Giannini, of the New York A. C, one of America's most famous ama- teur oarsmen and champions. This book will instruct any one who is a lover of rowing how to become an expert. It is fully illustrated, showing how to hold the oars, the finish of the stroke and other information that will prove valuable to the beginner. Contains also the official laws of boat racing of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen. Price 10 cents. No. 129-Water Polo By Gus Sundstrom, instructor at the New York A. C. It treats of every detail, the individual work of the players, the practice of the team, how to throw the ball, with illustrations and many valu- able hints. Price 10 cents. No. 135 -Official Handbook of the A. A. U. of the United States The A. A. U. is the governing body of athletes in the United States of America, and all games must be held under its rules, which are exclusively published in this handbook, and a copy should be in the hands of every athlete and every club officer in America. TJhis book contains the official rules for running, jumping, weight throwing, hurdling, pole vaulting, swimming, boxing, wrestling, etc., and is an encyclopedia in itself. Price 10 cents. No. 136-OfriciaI Y. M. C. A. Handbook Edited by G. T. Hepbron, the well-known athletic authority. It contains the official rules governing all sports under the jurisdiction of the Y. M. C. A., a complete report of the physical directors' conference, official Y. M. C. A. scoring tables, pentathlon rules, many pictures of the lead- ing Y. M. C. A. athletes of the country, oflficial Y. M. C. A. athletic rules, constitution and by-laws of the Athletic League of Y. M. C. A., all around indoor test, volley ball rules; illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. l38-Of¥1cial Croquet Guide Contains directions for playing, diagrams of important strokes, descrip- tion of grounds, instructions for the beginner, terms used in the sanuiu and *^he official playing rules. Price 10 cents. Spalding* s Athletic Library No. 140-Wrestling Catch as catch can style. By E. H. Hitchcock, M. D., of Cornell, and R. F. Nelligan, of Amherst College. The book contains nearly seventy illustrations of the different holds, photographed especially and so de- scribed that anybody who desires to become expert in wrestling can with little effort learn every one. Price 10 cents. No. 142-Physical Training Simplified By Prof. E. B. Warman, the well-known physical culture expert. Is a complete, thorough and practical book where the whole man is consid- ered—brain and body. By following the instructions no apparatus is required. The book is adapted for both sexes. The exercises comprise directions as follows: how to stand; how to sit; how to rest; breathing; exercises for the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, hips, knees, ankles; a word about the muscles; the arms and thighs; shoulders and chest; waist; sides; back and abdomen; bowing; bending; twisting; the liver squeezer, etc., 6tc, Fully illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 143 -Indian Clubs and Dunnb-Bells Two of the most popular forms of home or gymnasium exercise. This book is written by America's amateur champion club swinger, J. H. Dougherty. It is clearly illustrated, by which any novice can become an expert. Price lOcents. No. 149-The Care of the Body A book that all who value health should read and follow its instruc- tions. By Prof. E. B. Warman, the well known lecturer and authority on physical culture. The subject is thoroughly treated, as a glance at the following small portion of the contents shows: An all-around athlete; muscular Christianity; eating; diet— various opinions; bill of fare for brain workers; bill of fare for muscle-makers; what to eat and drink; a simple diet; an opinion on brain food; why is food required? drinking wa- ter; nutrition— how food nourishes the body; a day's food, how used; constituents of a day's ration— beefsteak, potatoes bread, butter, water; germs of disease; etc. Price 10 cents. No. 154-Field Kockey To those in need of vigorous and health- ful out-of-doors exercise, this game is recommend'^d highly. Its healthful at- tributes are manifold and the interest of player and spectator alike is kept active throughout the progress of the game. The game is prominent in the sports at Vassar, Smith, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr and other leading colleges. Price 10 cents. No. 156-The Athlete's Guide How to become an athlete. It contains full instructions for the beginner, telling how to sprint, hurdle, jump and throw weights, general hints on training; in fact, this book is one of the most complete on the subject that has ever appeared. Special chapters contain valuable advice to beginners and important A. A. U. rules and their explanations, while the ]»4cture3 comprise many scenes showing champions in action. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. r57-How to Play Lawn Tennis A complete description of lawn tennis; a lesson for beginners and directions tel- ling how to make the most important strokes; styles and skill of the experts; the American twist service; how to build and keep a court. Illustrated from photographs of leading players in action. Price 10 cents. No. 158-lndoor and Outdoor Gynnnastic Games Without question one of the best books of its kind ever published. Compiled by Prof. A. M. Chesley, the well-known Y. M. C. A. physical director. It is a book that will prove valuable to indoor and outdoor gym- nasiums, schools, outings and gatherings where there are a number to be amused. The games described comprise a list of 120, divided into several groups. Price 10 cents. No. 161-Ten Minutes' Exer- cise for Busy Men By Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, super- intendent of physical training in the New York public schools. Anyone who is look- ing for a concise and complete course of physical education at home would do well to procure a copy of this book. Ten minutes' work as directed is exercise any- one can follow. It already has had a large sale and has been highly commended by all who have followed its in- structions. Nearly 100 pages of illustrations and 100 of text. Price 10 cents. No. 162 Boxer How to Become a For many years books have been issued on the art of boxing, but it has remained for us to arrange a book that we think is sure to fill all demands. It contains over 70 pages of illustrations showing all the latest blows, posed especially for this book under the supervision of one of the best instructors of boxing in the United States, who makes a specialty of teaching and who knows how to impart his knowledge. They are so arranged that anyone can easily become a proficient boxer. The book also contains pictures of all the well known boxers. A partial list of the 200 pages of the book include: A history of boxing; how to box; the correct position; the hands; clenching the fist; the art of gauging distance; the first principles of hitting; the elements of defence; feinting; knockout blows; the chin punch; the blow under the ear; the famous solar plexus knock- out; the heart blow; famous blows and their originators: Fitzsimmons' contribution; the McCoy corkscrew; the kidney punch; the liver punch; the science of boxing; proper position of hand and arm; left hook to face; hook to the jaw; how to deliver the solar plexus; correct delivery of a right uppercut; blocking a right swing and sending a right uppercut to chin; blocking a left swing and sending a left uppercut to chin; the side step; hints on training, diet and breathing; how to train; rules for boxing. Price 10 cents. Spalding* s Athletic Library No. 165-The Art of Fencing This is a new book by Regis and Louis Senac, of New York, famous instructors and leading authorities on the subject. Messrs. Senac give in detail how every move should be made, and tell it so clearly that anyone can follow the instructions. It is illustrated with sixty full page pic- tures, posed especially for this book. Price 10 cents. o^^^^^^^^B| No. 166-How to Swing In- dian Clubs By Prof. E. B. Warman, the well-known exponent of physical culture. The most complete work on this special subject ever issued. By following the directions care- fully anyone can become an expert. Price 10 cents. No. 167-Quoits By M. W. Deshong. The need of a book on this interesting game has been felt by many who wished to know the fine points and tricks used by the experts. Mr. Deshong explains them, with illustrations, so that a novice can readily understand. Price 10 cents. Wo. i70-Push Ball Played with an air-inflated ball 6 feet in diameter, weighing about 50 pounds. A side consists of eleven men. This book contains the official rules and a sketch of the game; illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 17 1-Basket Bali for Women Edited by Miss Senda Berenson, of Smith College. Contains the rules for basket ball for women as adopted by the conference on physical training, held in June, 1899, at Springfield, Mass., and articles on the fol- lowing subjects: Psychological effects of basket ball for women, by Dr. Luther H. Gulick, superintendent of physical training in the schools of Greater New York; physiological effects of basket ball, by Theodore Hough, Ph. D. ; significance of basket ball for women, by Senda Berenson; relative merit of the Y. M. C A. rules and women's rules, by Augusta Lane Patrick; practical side of basket ball, by Ellen Emerson, B. K., Agnes Childs, A. B., Fanny Garrison. A. B.; A Plea for Basket Ball, by Julie EUsbee Sullivan, Teachers' College, New York; diagram of field, showing position of team; illustrated with many pictures of basket ball teams. Price 10 cents. Spalding^ s Athletic Library No. 174-Distance and Cross Country Running By George Orton, the famous University of Pennsylvania runner. Tells how to be- come proficient at the quarter, half, mile, the longer distances, and. cross-country running and steeplechasing, with instruc- tions for training and schedules to be ob- served when preparing for a contest. Illustrated with numerous pictures of leading athletes In action, with comments by the editor on the good and bad points shown. Price 10 cents. No. 177-How to Swim By J. H. Sterrett, the leading authority on swimming in America. The instruc- tions will interest the expert as well as the novice; the illustrations were made from photographs especially posed, showing the swimmer in clear water; a valuable feature is the series of "land drill" exercises for the beginner, which is illustrated by many . . , drawings. The contents comprise: A plea for education in swimming; swimming as an exercise and for develop- ment; land drill exercises; plain swimming; best methods of learning; the breast stroke; breathing; under-arm side stroke; scientific strokes— over-arm side stroke: double over-arm or "trudgeon" stroke; touch- ing and turning; training for racing; ornamental swimming; floating; divmg; running header; back dive; diving feet foremost; the propeller; marching on the water; swimming on the back; amateur swimming rules; amateur plunging rules.. Price 10 cents. G€D No. i78-How to Train for Bicycling Gives methods of the best riders when training for long or short distance races; hints on training. Revised and up-to-date in every particular. Price 10 cents. No, 180-Ring Hockey A new game for the gymnasium, invented by Dr. J. M. Vorheea of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, that has sprung into instant popularity ; as exciting as basket ball. This book contains official rules. Price 10 cents. No. 182-AII-Around Athletics Gives in full the method of scoring the All-Around Championship, giving percentage tables showing what each man receives for each per- formance in each of the ten events. It contains as well instructive articles on how to train for the All-Around Championship. Illustrated with many pictures of champions in action and scenes at all-around meetSo Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 185-Health Hints A series of articles by Prof. E. B. Warman, the well known lecturer and authority on physical culture. Prof. Warman treats very interestingly of health influenced by insulation; health influenced by underwear; health influenced by color ; exercise, who needs it ? Price 10 cents. No. 187-How to Play Roller Polo Edited by J. C. Morse. A full description of the game ; official rules ; pictures of teams ; other articles of interest. Price 10 cents. No. 188-Lawn Hockey, Tether Tennis, Coif Cro- quet, Volley Ball, Hand Tennis, Carden Hockey, Parlor Hockey, Badminton Containing the rules for each game. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 189-Rules for Cames Compiled by Jessie H. Bancroft, director of physical training, depart- ment of education. New York City. These games are intended for use at recesses, and all but the team games have been adapted to large classes. Suitable for children from three to eight years, and include a great variety, divided under the general heads of ball games, bean bag games, circle games, singing and miscellaneous games. Price 10 cents. No. !9l-How to Punch the Bag By W. H. Roth well ("Young Corbett"), champion featherweight of the world. This book is undoubtedly the best treatise on bag punching that has ever been printed. Every variety of blow used in training is shown and explained. The pictures comprise thirty-three full page reproductions of Young Corbett as he appears while at work in his train- ing quarters. The photographs were taken by our special artist and can- not be seen in any other publication than Spalding's Athletic Library No. 191. Fancy bag punching is treated by a well known theatrical bag puncher, who shows the latest tricks. Price 10 cents. No. 193-How to Play Basket Ball By G. T. Hepbron, editor of the Official Basket Ball Guide. Contains full instruc- tions for players, both for the expert and the novice, duties of officials, and specially posed full page pictures showing the cor- rect and incorrect methods of playing. The demand for abook of this character is fully satisfied in this publication, as many points are Included which could not be incorporated in the annual publication of the Basket Ball Guide for want of room. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 194-Racquets, Squash- Racquets and Court Tennis The need of an authoritative handbook at a popular price on these games is filled by this book. How to play each game is thoroughly explained, and all the difficult strokes shown by special photographs taken especially for this book. Contains the official rules for each game, with photographs of well known courts. Price 10 cents. No.r95-Official Roque Guide The official publication of the National Roque Association of America. Edited by Prof. Charles Jacobus, ex-champion. Con-, tains a description of the courts and their construction, diagrams of the field, illustra- tions, rules and valuable information con- cerning the game of roque. Price 10 cents. No. 1 99-Equestrian Polo Guide Compiled by H. L. FitzPatrick of the New York Sun. Illustrated with portraits of leading players and contains most useful information for polo players in relation to playing the game, choosing of equipment and mounts; contains the official rules and handicaps of the National Association, Price 10 cents. No. 200-Dumb-Bei!s This is undoubtedly the best work on dumb-bells that has ever been offered. The author, Mr. G. Bojus, of New York City, was formerly superintendent of phy- sical culture in the Elizabeth (N.J.) public schools, instructor at Columbia University, instructor for four years at the Columbia summer school, and is now proprietor of the Liberty Street Gymnasium, at 121 Liberty Street, New York City. The book contains 200 photographs of all the various exercises, with the instructions in large, readable type. It should be in the hands of every teacher and pupil of physical culture, and is in- valuable for home exercise as well. Price 10 cents. No. 201-Lacrosse-From Candidate to Team By William C. Schmeisser, captain Johns Hopkins University champion intercollegiate lacrosse team of 1902 ; edited by Ronald T. Abercrombie, ex-captain and coach of Johns Hopkins University lacrosse team, 1900-1904. Every position is thoroughly explained in a most simple and concise man- ner, rendering it the best manual of the game ever published. Illustrated with numerous snapshots of important plays. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 202-How to Play Base Ball Edited by T. Ho Murnane. New and re- vised edition. Contents: How to become a batter, by Napoleon Lajoie, James Collins, Hugh Jennings and Jesse Tannehill; how to run the bases, by Jack Doyle and Frank L, Chance; advice to base runners, by James E. Sullivan, Secretary-Treasurer A.A.U.; how to become a good pitcher, by Cy Young, "Rube" Waddell and Bert Cunningham; on curve pitchincr, by Cy Young, James J. Callahan, Frank Donahue, Vic Willis, "William Dineen and Charley Nichols: how to become a good catcher, by Eddie Phelps, William Sullivan and M. J. Kittridge; how to play first base, by Hugh Jennings; how to play second base, by Napoleon Lajoie and William Gleason; how to play third base, by James Collins and Lave Cross; how to play shortstop, by Herman Long; how to play the infield, by Charles A. Comiskey; how to play the outfield, by Fred Clarke; the earmarks of a ball player, by John J. McGraw; good advice for players; how to organize a team; how to manage a team; how to score a game; how to umpire a game; base ball rules interpreted for boys. Price 10 cents. No, 204-Of¥lcial Intercollegiate A. A. A. Handbook Contains constitution, by-laws, laws of athletics, and rules to govern the award- ing of the championship cup of the In- tercollegiate Athletic Association of Amateur Athletes of America, the govern- ing body in college athletics. Contains official intercollegiate records from 1876 to 1904, with the winner's name and time in each event, list of points won by each college, and list of officers of the associa- tion from 1889 to 1904, inclusive. To any- one interested the book is invaluable as a record. Price 10 cents. No. 205-Ofncial Handbook of the Public Schools Athletic League This is the official handbook of the Public Schools Athletic League, which embraces all the public schools of Greater New York. It contains the official rules that govern all the contests of the league, and consti- tution, by-laws and officers. Edited by Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, super- intendent of physical education in the New York public schools, and Wm. C. J. Kelly, secretary of the league. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 206-How to Play Golf No golfer should miss having a copy of this golf guide. Harry Vardon tells how to play game, with life-like illustrations showing the different strokes. The book also contains the revised official rules, offi- cial records, as well as pictures of many important players, and a directory giving name, address, membership and length of golf course of clubs in the United States. Price 10 centSo Spalding's Athletic Library No, 207-Bowling on the Creen; or. Lawn Bowls How to construct a green ; necessary equip* ment; how to play the game, and the offi- cial rules as promulgated by the Scottish Bowling Association. Edited by Mr. James W. Greig. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 208-PhysIcal Education and Hygiene This is the fifth of the Physical Training series, by Prof. E. B. Warman (see Nos. 142, 149, 166 and 185). and a glance at the contents will show the variety of subjects : Chapter I— Basic principles ; longevity. Chapter II —Hints on eating ; food values ; the uses of salt. Chapter III— Medicinal value of certain foods. Chapter IV— The efficacy of sugar ; sugar, food for muscular work ; eating for strength and endurance ; fish as brain food ; food for the children. Chapter V— Digestibility ; bread ; appen- dicitis due to flour. Chapter VI— Hints on drinking— Water, milk, butter- milk, tea, coffee ; how to remain young. Chapter VII— Hints on bathing ; cold, hot, warm, tepid, salt, sun, air, Russian, Turkish, cabinet. Chapter VIII— Hints on breathing; breathlessness, heart strain, second wind, yawning, the art of yogi. Price 10 cents. No. 209-How to Beconne a Skater Contains advice for beginners; how to become a figure skater thor- oughly explained, with many diagrams showing how to do all the different tricks of the best figure skaters, including the Mohawk, with all its variations; Q's, forward and backward, inside and outside; the crosscuts, including the difficult Swedish style; inside and outside spins; the grapevine, with its numerous branches, and many other styles, which will be comparatively simple to any one who follows the directions given. Profusely illustrated with pictures of prominent skaters and numerous diagrams. Price 10 cents. No. 210-How to Play Foot Ball Edited by Walter Camp. The contents embrace everything that a beginner wants to know and many points that an expert will be glad to learn. The pictures are made from snapshots of leading teams and in- dividual players in action, with comments by Walter Camp. Price 10 cents. No. 2M -Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide Edited by Walter Camp. Contains the new rules, with diagram of field as newly arranged; special chapters on the game, foot ball for the spectator, All-America teams, as selected by leading authorities ; Middle West, Southern, Canadian foot ball, records. ;;.nd pictures of all the prom- inent teams, embracing nearly 3,000 players. Price 10 cents. No. 212-Official Basket Ball Guide Edited by George T. Hepbron. Contains the revised official rules, decisions on dis- puted points, records of prominent teams, reports on the game from various parts of the country, and pictures of hundreds of players. The standard basket ball an- nual of the country. Price 10 cents. Spaldtng^s Athletic Library No. 213-285 Health Answers Contents: Necessity for exercise in the summer; three rules for bicy. cling; when going up-hill; sitting out on summer nights; ventilating a bedroom; ventilating a house; how to obtain pure air; bathing; salt water baths at home; a substitute for ice water; drinking ice water; to cure insomnia; asleep in two minutes; for those who ride_ wheels; summer outdoor exercise; profuse perspiration; danger of checking perspiration? dress, kot weather, etc., etc. Price 10 cents. No. 2r4-Graded Calisthenics and Dumb-Beii Drills By Albert B. Wegener, Physical Director Y. M. C. A., Rochester, N. Y. Ever since graded apparatus work has been used in gymnastics, the ne- cessity of having a mass drill that would harmonize with it has been felt. For years it has been the established custom in most gymnasiums of memorizing a set drill, never varied from one year's end to the other. Consequently the beginner was given the same kind and amount as the older member. With a view to giving uniformity the present treatise ig attempted. Price 10 cents No. 215-fndoor Base Bali America's national game is now vieing w^ith other indoor games as 9. winter pastime. This book contains the playing rules, pictures of leadinjp teams, and interesting articles on the game. Price 10 cents. No. 216-How to Become a Bowier By S. Karpf, Secretary of the American Bowling Congress, and one of the best posted men on bowling in America. Contents: History of the sport; diagrams of effective deliveries; how to bowl; a few hints to be- ginners; American Bowling Congress; the national championships; how to build an alley; how to score; spares— how they are made. Rules for cocked hat, cocked hat and feather, quintet, battle game, nine up and nine down, head pin and four back, ten pins— head pin out, five back, the Newport game, ten pin head pin game, duckpin game, head pin game, Dayton candle (rubber neck) pin game. New England candle pin game. Illustrated with portraits of all the prominent bowlers. Price 10 cents. No. 2l7-Of¥1ciai Athletic Al^ manac Compiled by J. E. Sullivan, Chief Depart* ment Physical Culture, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and Director Olympic Games, 1904. The only annual pubHcation now issued that contains a complete list of amateur best-on-records; complete inter- collegiate records; complete English re- cords from 1866; swimming records; inter- scholastic records; Irish, Scotch and Australasian records; reports of leading athletic meets; skating records; important athletic events and numerous photos of individual athletes and leading athletic teams. This year's issue is a special Olympic Games number and contains the only full account of the Olympic Games of 1904. and a review of Anthropological Days at the World's Fair stadium, being the first time on record where athletic events were contested in which savages were the exclusive par- ticipants, thus forming the first authoritative basis for a comparison between the abilities of the civilized athlete and the savage. Price 10 cents. Spalding* s Athletic Library No.2l8-lce Hockey and Ice Polo Written by the most famous player in Canada, A. Farrell, of the Shamrock hockey team of Montreal. It contains a complete description of the game, its origin, points of a good player, and an instructive ar- ticle on how game is played, with diagrams and official rules. Illus- trated with pictures of leading teams. Price 10 cents. No. 219— Base Ball tage Book Percen- To supply a demand for a book which would show the percentage of clubs with- out recourse to the arduous work of figur- ing, the publishers of Spalding's Athletic Library have had Mr. John B. Foster, Sporting Editor of the New York Evening Telegram, compile a book which answers every requirement, and which has- met with the greatest praise for its accuracy and simplicity. No follower of the game can afford to be without it. Price 10 cents. No. 220-OfTlcial Base Ball Guide Edited by Henry Chadwick, the "Father of Base Ball," the official publication of base ball. It contains a complete record of all leagues in America, pictures of teams, official rules and reviews of the game. The standard base ball annual of the country. Price 10 cents. ' No. 221-Spaldlng's Lawn Tennis Annual Contains official statistics, photographs of leading players, special articles on the game, review of important tournaments, official rules, handicapping rules and tab- les; list of fixtures for the current year and other valuable information. Price 10 cents. No. 222-Spalding's OfTlcial Cricket Guide Edited by Jerome Flannery. The most complete year book of the game that has ever been published in America. It con- tains all the records of the previous year, reports of special matches, official rules and pictures of all the leading teams and individual players. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library An Encyclopedia of Base Ball Attention is called to the following ten numbers of Spalding's Athletic Library, embracing the greatest collection of books of insti'uction for playing the various positions in the game that has ever been published. These books are entirely new and up-to-date, and contain the latest methods of play, as only last season's star players were consulted in their compilation. Each number is complete in itself and is profusely illus- trated. Be sure and ask for Spalding's Athletic Library. Price 10 cents for each book. For detailed description see following numbers; I No. 223-How to Bat The most important part of ball playing nowadays, outside of pitching, is batting. The team that can bat and has some good pitchers can win base ball games ; there- fore, every boy and young man who has, of course, already learned to catch, should turn his attention to this department of the game, and there is no better way of becom- ing proficient than by reading this book and then constantly practising the little tricks explained therein. It is full of good advice to batsmen, and many good batters will be surprised to find contained in it so many points of which they were unaware. Edited by Jesse F. Matteson of the Chicago American, and profusely illustrated. Price 10 cents. .^^1 No. 224-How to Play the Outrield. Compiled especially for the young player who would become an expert. The best book on playing the outfield that has ever been published. There are just as many tricks to be learned, before a player can be a competent fielder, as there are in any other position on a nine, and this book ex- plains them all. Illustrated with numerous page pictures of leading outfielders. Price 10 cents. No. 225-How to Play First Base No other position on a ball team has shown such a change for the better in recent years as first base. Modifications in line with the betterment of the sport in every department have been made at inter- vals, but in no other department have they been so radical. No boy who plays the initial sack can afford to overlook the points and hints contained in this book. Entirely new and up to date. Illustrated with full page pictures of all the prominent first basemen. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 226-How to Play Second Base There are so few men who can cover second base to perfection that their names can easily be called off by anyone who fol- lows the game of base ball. Team owners who possess such players would not part with them for thousands of dollars. These men have been interviewed and their ideas incorporated in this book for the especial benefit of boys who want to know the fine points of play at this point of the diamond. Illustrated with full page pictures. Edited by J. E. Wray, sporting editor Globe-Democrat, St. Louis. Price 10 cents. No. 227-How to Play Third Base Third base is, in some respects, the most important of the infield. No major league team has ever won a pennant without a great third baseman. Collins of the Boston Americans and Leach of Pittsburg are two of the greatest third basemen the game has ever seen, and their teams owe much of the credit for pennants they have won to them. These men in this book describe just how they play the position. Every- thing a player should know is clearly set forth and any boy will surely increase his chances of success by k careful reading of this book. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 928 stop How to Play Short- Shortatop is one of the hardest positions on the infield to fill, and quick thought and quick action are necessary for a player who expepts to make good as a shortstop. The views of every well known player who covers thi^ position have been sought in compiling this book, and it is offered as be- ing the most complete book of its class ever produced. The boy who would excel at shojrt needs to study it thoroughly. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 229-^ow to Catch Undoubtedly the best book on catching that has yet l^een published. Every boy who has hopes of being a clever catcher should read how well known players cover their position. Among the more noted ones who describe their methods of play in this book are Lou Criger of the Boston Americans, Johnnie Kling of the Chicago Nationals and Jack O'Connor of the St. Louis Browns. The numerous pictures in the book comprise those of all the noted catchers in the big leagues. Price 10 cents. Spalding's Athletic Library No. 230-How to Pitch A new, up-to-date book. Published for the first time this year. No boy can afford to be without a copy of it. Edited by John B. Foster of the Evening Telegram (New York). The object of this book is to aid the beginners who aspire to become clever twirlers, and its contents are the practical teaching of men who have reached the top as pitchers, and who have had experience, both as members of the best clubs playing base ball and as contenders against teams that have enjoyed national reputations. Cy Young, the famous Boston American pitcher, whose steadiness in the box is proverbial, gives advice on control of the ball and tells what a boy should do to obtain it; Sam Lcever of the Pittsburgs shows how to pitch the outcurve; William Di- neen of the Boston Americans tells how to pitch an inshoot; Thomas Hughes gives hints on pitching the drop; Joe McGinnity, the "iron man," of the New York Nationals, explains how he uses his successful raise ball and his famous "cross fire"; Christy Mathewson, the pride of the New York Polo Grounds, discusses the body swing; Frank Hahn, who is left-handed, has something of interest to those who use that member; John J. McGraw, New York Giants' brilliant manager, discourses on the pitcher as a fielder, and as he started in his base ball career as a twirler, his advice has grounds for attention; Al Orth, the "curveless wonder," tells how to make a batter do what you want him to do; John Powell ex- plains how to act when runners are on bases; Charley Nichols, the former pitcher of the Boston Nationals and now manager of the St. Louis Na- tionals, describes the jump ball; Frank Sparks treats of change of pace, and Jack Chesbro, the star of the New York Americans' pitching corps, describes at length the "spit" ball, of which he is so famous an exponent. The book is profusely illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 231-How to Coach; How to Captain a Team; How to Manage a Team; How to Umpire: How to Organize a League. A useful guide to all who are interested in the above subjects. Jimmy Collins, manager-captain of the Boston Americans, writes on coaching; M. J. Kelly of the St. Paul champions, on captaining; Al Buck- enberger of the Boston Nationals, on managing; Frank Dwyer of the American League staff, on umpiring: Fred Lake on minor leagues, and the editor of the book, T. H. Murnane, President of the New England League, on how to organize a league. Price 10 cents. No. 232-How to Run the Bases The importance of base running as a scientific feature of the national game is becoming more and more recognized each year. Besides being spectacular, feats of base stealing nearly always figure in the winning of a game. Many a close contest i s decided on the winning of that little strip of 90 feet which lies between cushions. When hits are few and the enemy's pitchers steady, it becomes incumbent on the op- posing team to get around the bases in some manner. Effective stealing not only increases the effectiveness of JUN 13 1905 Spalding's Athletic Library the team by advancing its runners without wasting hits, but it serves to materially disconcert the enemy and frequently has caused an entire opposing club to temporarily lose its poise and throw away the game. This book gives clear and concise directions for excelling as a base runner; . tells when to run and when not to do so ; how and when to slide ; team work on the bases ; in fact, every point of the game is thoroughly ex- plained. In addition such clever men as Harry Bay, the fleet footed Clevelander; Frank Chance, Bill Dahlen and Hans Wagner describe their methods of action. Illustrated with pictures of leading players. Price 10 cents. No. 233-Jiu Jitsu A complete description of this famous Japanese system of self-defence. Each move thoroughly explained and illustrated with numerous full page pictures of Messrs. A. Minami and K. Koyama, two of the most famous exponents of the Jiu Jitsu in America, who posed especially for this book. Be sure and ask for the Spalding Athletic Library book on Jiu Jitsu. Price 10 cents. Spaldii\g*s Athletic Library is for sale by oil department stores, athletic and sporting goods dealers and newsdealers. SPALDING'S HOME LIBRARY Devoted to Games and Amusements for the Home Circle 1— Chess 16 -Piquet 2-Whist 17-Go-Bang 3— Dominoes and Dice 18— Games of Patience 4— Poker 19— Children's Games 5— Backgammon 20— Cribbage 6— Euchre 21— Drawing Room Games 7— Billiards 22— Group of Card Games 8— Ecarte 23— Children's Games 9— Checkers 24— Group of Card Games 10— Bezique 25— Drawing Room Games 11-Pool 26— Group of Card Games 12 - Pinochle 27 - Children's Games 13-Lotto 28-Skat 14— Hearts 29— Drawing Room GameB 15— Reversi 30— Baccarat PRICE lO CENTS PER COPY ^^0< * O ^""^ .^'% *' . ■e^ *' •* .^^ ^-^^^ : <3* *!. 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