S H \15 hi '"^■-7 V FISH AND OYSTER LAW OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND INCLUDING OYSTER PLANTING LAW AND SHELL FISH COMMISSION COMPILED FROM BAGBYS CODE, 1910. WITH THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. 1912. ARTICLES 39 AND 72. CODE OF PUBLIC GENERAL LAWS BY V. CALVIN TRICE, ESQ. STATE'S ATTORNEY FOR DORCHESTER COUNTY FEBRUARY 1913 / FISH AND OYSTER LAW OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND »<)„ «L'--t„*- <>■--' C—',- ■^-^«i^ » ^/7 COMPILED FROM BAGBYS CODE. 1910. WITH THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. 1912. ARTICLES 39 AND 72. CODE OF PUBLIC GENERAL LAWS By V. CALVIN TRICE, ESQ. STATE'S ATTORNEY FOR DORCHESTER COUNTY FEBRUARY 1913 ^s r\ :w ^ ' D. Of D«" .PR 14 u' I. IIMDEX Article 72, Code-Public General Laws. OYSTERS. 10. 11. Tonging. Tcmging license ; limit of such li cense; provisions. What such license shall state; dis- position of license fees. Applicants for license shall make oath; what oath shill set forth. Comptroller to furnish blank li- censes; clerk to account for li- censes issued and return un- used licenses. Fees to be placed to the credit of oyster fund. When licenses shall expire. Catching oysters without license; penalty. Provisions for Queen Anne's, Kent, Anne Arundel, Dorches- ter and Talbot counties; saving as to past offenses. Provision for the Patuxent north of a certain line. Culling. Provisions in regard to culling oys- ters. Shells. Unmerchantable oysters not to be taken out of State; penalty. Possessing unculled oysters; pen- alty. Unlawful to purchase cargo un- less measurer or inspector be present; unmerchantable oys ters to be returned to place whence taken and scattered. 12. Vessels to be kept at wharf until the cargo is inspected. Form of certificate to be given by inspec- tor. Penalty for violating this provision. 13. Evading in any manner the provis- ions of this article; penalty. 14. Measurers and inspectors to en- force this article. 15. Refusing to allow inspection; pen- alty. Time for Taking Oysters. 16. Time within which it shall not be lawful to catch oysters; penalty. 17. Penalty for violating sections 8 and 16. 18. (3atchmg oysters on Sunday or at night, unlawful; penalty. 19. Disposition of tines under the pro- visions of this article. Dredging. 20. Using steamer or power boat in catching oysters, unlawful; pen- alty. License. 21. Dredging license; exempted wat- ers; transfer of license in case of sale of boat; proviso. 22. Dredging on unlicensed vessels, unlawful. Scoop or dredge on board such vessel shall be prima facie evidence. INDEX 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Oath of owner of boat; penalty for violating this provision. Cost of boat license. Commander of State Fishery Force to in- spect vessel; proviso. Fr'es. Penalty for violating provisions of sections 20 to 22 inclusive. Arrest of offenders. What firearms may be allowed on vessels. Penalty for violation. Sheriffs and constables to arrest any person violating these pro- visions and seize boat. When vessel shall be forfeited. Sale of vessel. Application of proceeds of sale; proviso. Right of appeal. Persons having Hen may file petition. Sale of boats of non residents; proviso. Oyster Fund. 31. What moneys are to be placed to the credit of such fund. Painted Numbers for Dredging Vesssels. 32. License numbers. Application of this section. Fees. Dredging in Exempted Waters. 33. Sailing in exempted waters unlaw- ful. Officers to arrest offenders. State Fishery Force. 34. Ammunition for guard boats to cnrry out this provision. 35. Waters to be divided into seven districts. Counties included in each district. Guards for each district. 36. Board of Public Works to aopoint commander and dr-putifs of fishery force Term of ofl^ce. Penalty for failure to discharge duty. Who may not be eligible for said offices. 37. Removals for neglect of duty. 38. Powers of the Board of Public Works in the matter of reducing the expenses of the State Fish- ery Force. 39. Vessels to be constantly on duty. 40. Duty of deputy commanders. 41. Oath and bond of officers of the State Fishery Force. 42. Salaries of the various officers of the State Fishery Force. 43. One ration per day for officers and crews. Appropriation ; proviso. 44. Duties of officers of the oyster police force. 45. State Fishery Force to enforce all laws relating to fish. 46. Commander to have control of force, to keep accounts and make report to Board of Public Works. Clerk to said com- mander — his salary. Locating Oyster Lots. 47. Private oyster planting. Notice to owner. Marking off beds. These provisions not to apply to non-residents. 48. Unlawful to locate or appropriate any natural bed or bar ; penalty. 49. Exclusive right to creeks 100 yards or less m width. 50. Taking bedded oysters, unlawful. Penalty for violating sections 49 and 50. 51. Right of appeal. Craigliili Cliannei. •52. Dredging near Craighili channel unlawful; penalty. Patuxent. 53. Time when oysters may not be taken in. 54. Penalty for violation. INDEX Patuxent, Potomac, Choptank. 55. Time when oysters may not be taken in tributaries of Patux- ent, Potomac and Choptank rivers, bordering on certain counties; proviso. 56 to 58. What privileges granted in license to citizens of St. Mary's Charles and Calvert counties. 59. Penalties for violating sections 55 to 58. Potomac. 60. Only citizens of Maryland or Vir- ginia shall take oysters or fish in the waters of the Potomac; penalty. 61 Culling. Unlawful to buy. sell, I etc., small oysters Examina- tion of cargo. Penalty. Burden of proof; proviso. 62. When unlawful for citizens of Maryland and Virginia to take oysters in Potomac; penalty. 63. When lawful for said citizens to take oysters in said waters. Prosecution for violation. 64. Penalties for violating sections 60, 62 and 63. 65 Recovery of penalties. 66. Penalty for violating provisions relating to culling oysters. 67. When sections 62, 64 and 66 be- come effective. Governor to is- sue proclamation, 68. Compactof 1785 not to be impaired by these provisions. General Measurers and Inspectors. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. SO. 81. 82. 83. 69. 70. 71. Appointment; bond; powers. Special inspectors from oyster counties to be appointed; their duties, charges, returns; certifi- cates of measurement. Natural oyster bed re-shelling fund. (Unconstitutional.) 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Commander shall divide inspection pomts in Baltimore (Mty into four inspection districts, and organize board of inspections. Reports of inspection command- er. Penalty. Transfers. Duties and powers of general measurers and inspectors. Licensed measurers; suspension. Feed. Salary of general measurers and inspectors; penalty for violating sections 69 to 75; when appoint- ments shall be made. Reports. How oysters shall be measured; dimensions of tub; penalty. Penalty for charging more than one-half cent per bushel. Exempted Waters. Waters in which catching oysters shall be unlawful. Not applica- ble to Dorchester county. Packing Oysters. Packer's license— cost. Fees. Penalty for packing or canning without license. Commission merchant's license- cost. Penalty for selling with- out license. Shucking Oysters. Provisions reg-arding oysters shucked by the gallon. Comptroller's Duties. Comptroller to furnish all forms of application, license, reports, returns and other blanks. Wor- cester county exempt from pro- visions of this article. Past Offenses. Sections not to affect past offenses. Oyster Culture. Who may plant and cultivate oys- ters; exceptions. Board of Shell Fish Commission- ers; salaries, clerk, surveyor, engineer. Disbursements. Qual- ification. Record books. Transfers. Survey of natural beds, bars and rocks. Assistance of U. S. surveys, etc. Appointee of county commission- ers to aid board. INDEX 91. 92. 98. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102 103 104. 105 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. Natural beds and bars to be des- ignated on charts and maps. Reports and survey to be filed with clerks and made conclu- sive evidence; proviso. How natural beds and bars to be defined and bounded. Petition allegins: omission of nat- ural bed, etc. Hearing by circuit court— decision final. Amended survey. Deposit by petitioners. Assistance of county surveyor. Crabbing sections to be designated on maps and charts. Exemp- tion. Assistance of steamer of State Fishery Force and deputy, commanders. Leases - Rent. limitations thereof Lease may be vacated. When and where leasing to begin. Exclusive rights of riparian own- ers and those engaged in dredg- ing, etc. Proviso. Forms of application. Leases of remaining land to resi- dents of Maryland. Application; fee. Register of titles to oyster lands; additional fee. Survey. Relation of landlord and tenant- how far it applies. Ground leased to be marked. Limits of application of oyster law. Prior lawful appropriation for planting, etc., rights conferred thereby. Rights of lessees. Invalid assignments— reverter. Oysters may be taken from nat- ural beds between 15th of April and 15th of May. Lessees required to taki out li- cense. Wilful removal or interference with oysters or stakes, etc. Penalty. Working dredere, etc., and easting haul, etc. Penalty. 117. Making boat fast to buoy, etc. Penalty. 118. Additional penalty for violation of law. 119. Duty of State Fishery Force. 120. Application of revenue. 121. Annual report of commissioners. 122. Description of location of leased ground indictment. 123. How location may be proved. 124. Productiveness of natural beds to be increased. 125. Superintendent of natural oyster beds. 126. Purchase and distribution of shells. 127. Control of State Fishery Force. 128. Limit of expenditures. 129. Survey and designation of clam rocks. 130. Rocks not to be leased; treated as natural oyster beds. 131. Boat to be rented, to guard bot- toms of Wicomico river. CONCURRENT LAW, MARYLAND AND ViRGiNiA. Sec. 1. Who may or may not take fish, oysters or crabs in the Potomac river. Penalties Sec. 2. Restrictions as to the time and manner of taking oysters. Sec 3. Providing a cull law and impos- ing penalties. Sec. 4. Regulating the taking of seed oysters and providing penalties. Sec. 5. Permit required for buying or carrying seed oysters and pre- scribing penalties. Sec. 6, Regulations for the taking of fish and crabs in the Potomac river. How licenses procured. Penalties. Sec. 7. Concurrent jurisdiction for pun- ishment of offenses in Potomac river. Sec. 8 Penalties where not otherwise provided — forfeiture of vessel. Sec. 9. Failure of officer to perform duty. Penalty. ARTICLE 72"=CODE PUBLIC GENERAL LAWS TONGING. Tonging License ; Limit of Such License ; Provisions. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 1. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 1. 1900, Ch. 380. 1910. Ch. 413. 1. Any resident of this State desiring to catch oysters with rakes or tongs for sale in any of the waters of this State shall first obtain by application to the clerk of the circuit court for the county wherein he may reside a separate license for every person to be employed on such boat, and such license shall have eflect from the first day of September, in the year which it may have been obtained, to the twenty-fifth day of April, inclusive, next succeeding; provided, that such license shall not authorize the taking or catching of oysters in any creek, cove, river, in- let, bay or sound within the limit of any county other than that wherein the license shall have been granted ; and that the boundaries of the counties or navigable waters shall be strictly construed so as not to per- mit the residents of either county to take or catch oysters beyond the middle of the dividing channel ; provided, that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent the citizens of Queen Anne's and Kent counties from using the waters of Chester river in common, or the citizens of Dorchester and Wicomico counties from using the waters of 8 Nanticoke river in commou, or the citizens of Queen Acne's and Talbot counties from using the waters of the Wye river and the mouth thereof in common, or the citizens of Dorchester and Talbot counties from using the waters of the Choptank river in common; provided, however, that the county commissioners shall be authorized to give special permission to any woman who has no visible means of support to take and catch oysters without license. What Such License Shall State; Disposition of License Fees 1904, Art. 72. Sec. 2. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 2. 1890, Ch. 380. 1910, Ch. 413, Sec. 2. 2, Each and every license issued in conformity to the provisions of section 1 of this article shall state the name, color, age and residence of the person to whom the license is to be granted, the number thereof aad the county in which the same is to be used; and every applicant for such license shall pay to the clerk of the circuit court when such license may be granted, and before the issuing and delivery of the same, three and one-half dollars, the clerk to receive twenty-five cents for each and every such license as a fee for issuing the same, including administering the oath when required. Two-thirds of the amount received for such license shall be paid by the clerk to the school commissioners for the use of the public schools in the respective counties where such licenses are issued, and of this amount the portion received from white tongers to go to the white schools, and the portion received from the colored tongers to go to the colored schools, and the remaining one-third to be paid over by the clerk to the Comptroller of the State Treasury, to be credited to the oyster fund. And one-third of the amount received from any tonging license in any county in this State shall be paid by the clerk of the circuit court of the county when received, to the Comp- troller of the Treasury, to be credited to the oyster fund, any provision of any public local law or public general law to the contrary notwith- standing. Applicants for License Shall Make Oath; What Oath Shall Set Forth. Ibid., Sec. 3. 1894, Ch 380, Sec. 3. 3. Every applicant for license as aforesaid shall be required to make oath or affirmation before the clerk authorized to issue the same, or some justice of the peace, on whose certificate of the taking of such oath or affirmation the clerk shall itsue said license; that the facts set forth therein are strictly true ; that he has been a bona fide resident of the county for twelve months next precediner his application for said license ; that he desires and intends to use said license in the county in which he resides or the waters used in common, as provided in this ar- ticle, and that he will comply with and obey all laws of this State regu- lating the taking or catching of oysters. Comptroller to Furnish Blank Licenses ; Clerk to Account For Licenses Issued and Return Unused Licenses; Fees to be Placed to Credit of Oyster Fund; When Licenses Shall Expire. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 4. 1894, Ch. 380, bee. 4. 4, The Comptroller of the Treasury shall cause to be printed and delivered to the clerks of the circuit courts for the several counties the requisite number of such blank licenses and take receipts for the same as for other licenses furnished ; and said clerks shall, on the first Mon- day of March and December of each year, return to the Comptroller a list and account of such licenses issued by them, and at the end of each tonging season shall return all unused licenses to him and shall pay over to the Comptroller one-third of the amount received by them for such licenses, which amount the said comptroller shall place to the credit of the oyster fund ; and no license to take or catch oysters with rakes or tongs shall be used on any boat or vessel which is licensed to take or catch oysters with scoop, drag, dredge or any similar instrument 10 during the season for which such boat or vessel is licensed ; and all licenses shall expire at the end of the season. Catching Oysters Without License ; Penalty. Ibid , Sec. 5. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 5. 5, If any person shall take oysters with rakes or tongs, for sale, without first having obtained a license as required by the preceding sections of this article, he shall, upon conviction thereof before a justice of the peace for the county wherein the offense has been committed, be lined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, and stand committed to the county jail till all costs and fines are paid ; and in any such case the boat or vessel used by him shall be forfeited, and may be condemned, in the discretion of the judge or justice of the peace, in the manner provided in section 25. All persons taking or catching oysters under the provisions of this article shall exhibit their authority for so doing when required by any officer of the oyster police force, or other officers of the State. Provisions for Queen Anne's, Kent, Anne Arundel, Dor- chester and Talbot Counties ; Saving as to Past Offenses. Ibid., Sec. 6. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 6. 1898, Ch. 117. 1900, Ch. 99. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons who have obtained a license to take or catch oysters with rakes or tongs to take or catch oysters in the waters of Queen Anne's, Kent, Talbot, Anne Arundel and Dorchester counties, or within one and a half miles of Sandy Point, Hackett's Point, ToUey's Point, Thomas' Point, Holland's Island bar and Three Sisters and Holland's Point bar with any implement or de- vice other than ordinary rakes and tongs with wooden shafts, to be used entirely by hand, and without any ropes or hoisting gear whatever. Any person or persons violating any one of the provisions of this section shall be liable to the penalties prescribed in the preceding section for 11 taking oysters with rakes or tongs without license; and the waters with- in one and a half miles of Sandy Point, Hackett's Point, Tolley's Point, Thomas' Point, Holland's Island bar and Three Sisters and Holland's Point bar shall be held and considered to be within the limits of Anne Arundel county for the purpose of this section und article; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to Swan Point bar, Rock Hall creek and Swan creek and all waters north of Swan Point bar. Nothing in this section to affect offenses committed in whole or in part before March 20, 1900, nor pending prosecutions for past of- fenses. Provision for the Patuxent North of a Certain Line. 1910, Ch. 733. Page 210. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons who have obtain- ed a license to take or catch oysters in the waters of the Patuxent river above or north of a line drawn from the north side of Kourkles creek in St. Mary's county to the southeast side of the month of Hungerford creek in Calvert county, with any implement or device other than ordi- nary rakes and tongs with wooden shafts, to be used entirely by hand, and without any ropes or hoisting gear whatever. Any person or per- sons violating any one of the provisions of this section shall be liable to the penalties proscribed in section 5 for taking oysters with rakes and tongs without license ; nothing in this section affect offenses committed in whole or in part before March 20, 1910, nor pending prosecution for past offenses. CULLING. Provision in Regard to Culling Oysters. Shells. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 7. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 7. 1906, Ch. 439. 8. All oysters taken from any of the waters of this State, either with scoops, dredges or any similar instruments, or tongs or rakes, shall 12 be culled upon their natural bed or bar whence taken; and all shells shall be returned to the bed or bar from which they were taken; and all oys- ters whose shells measure less than two and one-half inches in length, measuring from hinge to mouth, shall be included in said culling and replaced upon said bed or bar as taken; and the culling of oysters taken as aforesaid required by this section shall be actually made and completed before such oysters are thrown or deposited in the hold or bottom of any such canoe or boat or vessel aforesaid. Unmerchantable Oysters Not to be Taken Out of State; Penalty. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 8. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 8. 1900, Ch. 380. 9, Any person who shall have oysters in his possession which con- tain more than live per cent, of shells, and oysters less than two and one-half inches from hinge to mouth, which for the purpose of this ar- ticle are declared to be unmerchantable oysters, shall be guilty of a misdeameanor; and in ascertaining such percentage the officers of the oyster police force and the measurers and inspectors are hereby author- ized and directed to select such amount of oysters from any pile, hold, bin, house or other place as he may think proper and to require the same to be culled and disposed of, as provided in section 11 of this ar- ticle; and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties and fines provided in section 11 of this ar- ticle, in precisely the same manner as if he were a captain of a boat. Possessing UncuUed Oysters; Penalty. 1906, Ch. 439, Sec. 8A. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport, or attempt to transport, outside of this State, for any purpose whatsoever, unmer- chantable oysters, as declared in the preceding section of this article, whether the unmerchantable oysters be taken from or caught on the natural bars or beds of this State, or from private beds and lots in this 13 state; and any violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a misdeameanor, and the captain or person in charge of any boat or vessel used in violation of the same shall, upon conviction of violating the provisions of this section before any justice of the peace or court of competent jurisdiction, be sentenced to the House of Correction for a period of not less than three months nor more than six months, and the boat and vessel so used shall be forfeited, but shall be released upon the payment of a fine not less than $100 and not more than $300, and the cargo of such vessel shall be confiscated to the State and shall be dis- tributed under the supervision of the commander or some deputy com- mander, or general oyster inspector of the State Fishery Force,upon the natural rocks and bars. Unlawful to Purchase Cargo Unless Measurer or Inspector be Present; Unmerchantable Oysters to be Re- turned to Place Whence Taken and Scattered. Ibid., sec. 10. 1894, ch. 380, sec. 9. 1900, eh 380. 11, It shall be unlawful for any packer, commission man or other person to purchase or receive any cargo, or any part of a cargo, of oys- ters unelss a general inspector, measurer or special inspector shall be present, and said inspector or measurer shall cause to be culled any por- tion or all of the cargo necessary to determine the percentage of culls in said cargo, and if the said percentage shall be more than five per <;ent. of unmerchantable oysters of the portion of cargo so measured* then the said cargo shall be deemed to be uncuUed, and the captain, master or person in charge of such oysters shall be required to cull the ■whole cargo, and, in case said cargo contains more than five per cent, of unmerchantable oysters, be fined the sum of twenty-five dollars, and in addition to that the sum of six cents per bushel for the entire cargo, including all shells and oysters, large and small, in his or their posses- sion or charge, and also a further fine of one additional cent per bushel 14 on the entire cargo for each additional one per cent, of unmerchantable oysters which said cargo may be found to contain; and the inspestor or measurer, after ascertaining the quantity of unmerchantable oysters so culled out, shall give the captain or other person in charge of said ves- sel a certificate showing the number of bushels of such unmerchantable oysters, and said captain or other person in charge shall return the said unmerchantable oysters so culled out and scatter them on the ground or rocks whence taken, under the direction of the deputy commander of the oyster police boat on the beat; and upon such delivery and scat- tering, the deputy commander or other person in charge of the oyster police boat shall endorse the said certificate as to the number of un- merchantable oysters so scattered, which certificate shall entitle the captain, his assignee, or any other person entitled thereto to receive the sum of ten cents per bushel for each bushel of unmerchantable oysters so disposed of and scattered; and the Comptroller of the Treasury shall, upon presentation of such certificate so endorsed, draw his warrant on the oyster fund in favor of the party entitled to the same for the amount therein specified. The fine of twenty-five dollars and the per bushel rate fine herein mentioned to be recovered on conviction before a justice of the peace or a court of competent jurisdiction, and in the event that the party who has thus violated the provisions of this article be supposed to be financially irresponsible, the officer preferring the charge shall demand of the purchaser of the cargo to withhold and pay over to the proper authority such amount, and if said purchaser shall refuse or fail to do so, the amount shall be recovered from him by writ of fieri facias on the judgment obtained against the party who has so vio- lated the law. The certificate herein provided for shall be in form fol- lowing, and the blank spaces shall be filled out in ink, and numbers shall be written in full : 15 Baltimore, , 19 This is to certify that captain , of bchooner , has on board bushels of un- merchantable oysters, to be scattered on the grounds whence taken, un- der the supervision of , deputy commander, serving in the waters of , and upon the endorsement by said deputy commander or officer in charge of his boat, the said , or order, is entitled to receive the sum of dollars. (Signed) Inspector and Measurer. For Endorsed : Bushels dumped and scattered (Signed) Deputy Commander State Fishery Force. Vessels to be Kept at Wharf Until the Cargo is Inspected; Form of Certificate to be Given by Inspector; Penalty for Violating this Provision. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 11. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 10. 12. It shall be the duty of the captain or other person in charge of any vessel from which oysters are being taken, as provided in section 11 of this article, to keep said vessel at the wharf or other place of de- livery until the inspector of oysters shall have inspected the oysters damped on deck, as provided for in the preceding section, and give a certificate in form following : Baltimore, , 19 This is to certify that I have this day inspected the oysters con- tained in the vessel , captain ; , de- livered to , and found said cargo to contain per cent, of marketable oysters. (Signed) Inspector of Oysters. 16 And any violation of this section by any captain or other person in charge of any vessel shall be a misdemeanor, and he shall be fined the Bum of one hundred dollars for every such offense. Evading in any Manner the Provisions of this Article; Penalty, Ibid., Sec. 12. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 11. 1900, Ch. 380. 13. Any packer, commission man, boatman or other person who shall conspire or agree with any other person to evade any of the pro- visions of this article, or shall connive at or participate in such violation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. It shall be unlawful for any captain or other person in charge of a vessel to discharge his oysters, or for any packing house or any other person to receive oysters between the hours of 8 o'clock P. M. and 6 o'clock A. M. Any violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than one hun- dred dollars and not more than five hundred dollars for each offense on conviction before a court of competent jurisdiction; one-half of said fine to go to the informer and the other one-half to the Comptroller to be placed to the credit of the oyster fund, unless the informer be an of- ficer of the State Fishery F'orce. And the general inspectors and measurers or special inspectors shall be on duty continuously during the working or delivery hours, viz : from G A. M. to 8 P. M. Measurers and Inspectors to Enforce this Article. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 13. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 12. 14. It shall be the duty of general measurers and inspectors of oys- ters and other officers of the police force to supervise the operation of this article and diligently to aid in the enforcement of its provisions, and they and any of them are authorized and empowered to enter into any house or boat, or any other place where oysters may be dumped or stored, to inspect the same at any time; and any packer,commission man or boatman who shall refuse to open hia house or boat where oysters- 17 may be dumped or stored for the inspection thereof by the officer whose duty it shall be to inspect the same, and any person who shall conspire or agree with any other person to evade any of the provisions of this article, or who shall connive at or participate in such violation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalties prescribed in section 13 of this article. Refusing to Allow Inspection; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 14. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec 13. \S. Any general measurer or inspector of oysters in this State who shall knowingly permit any evasion or violation of this article to take place without causing the arrest of the offender shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction of the same, shall be dismissed from the service and be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, iu the discretion of the court or justice of the peace. TIME FOR TAKING OYSTERS. Time Within Which it Shall be Lawful to Catch Oysters; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 15. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 14. 1900, Ch. 380. 16. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take or catch oysters, or have oysters in his or their possession, between the twenty- fifth day of April and the first day of September in each and every year; provided, that oysters caught before the twenty-fifth day of April may be disposed of at any time before the thirtieth day of April; nor shall it be construed to prevent any person from taking oysters at any time from his private beds within the State for private use or transplanting or cultivating but not for sale. Persons violating the provisions of this ■section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 18 Penalty for Violating Sections 8 and 16. Ibid., Sec. 16. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 15. 17. A.ny person who shall violate any provision of sections 8 and 16 of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court or justice of the peace by which such person shall be tried, or be imprisoned in the county or city jail or in the House of Correction for not less than one month nor more than twelve months, in the discretion qf such judge or justice of the peace; provided, how- ever, that any owner, master or person in charge of a canoe or boat used in taking or catching oysters with rakes or tongs who shall be convicted of having in his possession on said canoe or boat oysters containing more than five per cent, of unmerchantable oysters, as provided in sec- tion 9, shall be requiied to cull his cargo and dispose of the culls as re- quired in section 11 of this article, and shall be fined a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, in the discretion of the judge or justice of the peace before whom such person shall be tried; one-half of every fine imposed for any violation of this section shall be paid to the informer, unless he be an officer of the State Fishery Force. Catching Oysters on Sunday or at Night, Unlawful; Penalty. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 17. 1894 Ch. 380, Sec. 16. 18, It shall be unlawful for any person to take or catch oysters on Sunday or at night; and any person violating this section shall, on con- viction thereof, be fined a sum of not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollais, or sentenced to the House of Correction for a period of not less than three months nor more than one year, or for- feit the boat, vessel or canoe used in violation of this section, in the discretion of the judge or justice of the peace trying the case. 19 Disposition of Fines Under the Provisions of This Article. Ibid., Sec. 18. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 17. 1910, Ch 413, Sec. 18. IQ, The tines accruing under any of the provisions of this article shall be paid by the sheriff, constable or officers of the State Fishery Force collectiug the same within ten days to the Comptroller of the State Treasury, or to the clerk of the circuit court for the particular county where nuch tioe may accrue, or to the clerk of the criminal court of Baltimore, if such tine shall accrue in said city; and it shall be the duty of the State's attorney for the several counties and for the city of Baltimore to keep an account of said fine imposed and to make a month- ly report thereof to the clerk of the circuit court for their respective counties, or to said clerk of the criminal court, as the case may be, and to see that said tines are duly collected and paid over, as aforesaid, and the surplus, after paying all costs for prosecution in such cases, shall be paid to the State Comptroller for the use of the oyster fund, with a statement of the tines imposed and costs of the same. The justice of the peace or clerk of the court which imposes said fine in any and every case shall, in writing, inform the Comptroller of the Treasury of the tine, upon whom laid, aud the amount of said tine, with date of same. Any- one who shall violate any provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof before any judge or justice of the peace in this State, shall be lined not less than twenty- live dollars, nor more than three hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court or justice of the peace before whom such person shall be tried, or be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than one month, nor more than six months. And no part of a fine or cost so collected shall be paid or allowed by the court to any State's attorney as a fee where said State's attorney receives a fixed salary for his services. 20 DREDGING. Using Steamer or Power Boat in Catching Oysters Unlawful; Penalty; License. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 19. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 18. 1910. Ch. 413, Sec. 19. 20. No steamer or power boat of any kind shall be used or em- ployed in catching or taking oysters in the waters of the State with scoop, dredge or similar instrument ; and the captain of any boat licensed to take or catch oysters with scoop, dredge or similar instru- ment, who shall have on his boat, so licensed, any engine or motor of any kind, whether attached to said boat or not, which is adapted to or can be used in the propulsion of said boat, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, aud upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars; and no other boat shall be used in catching oysters with scoop, dredge or similar instrument with- out first having been licensed, as hereinafter provided. Dredging License; Exempted Waters; Transfer or License in Case of Sale of Boat ; Proviso. Ibid., Sec. 20. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 19. 1900, Ch. 380. 21. The Comptroller of the Treasury shall, upon application of any person who has been a resident of this State for twelve consecutive months next preceding his application, issue a license to such resident, and to no other person, to employ such boat in taking or catching oysters with scoop, dredge or similar instrument within the waters of the Chesapeake bay, Potomac river and in Eastern bay, outside of a line drawn from the southwest corner of First Kent point to north end of Poplar Island; provided, that nothing herein contained shall authorize the taking or catching of oysters with scoop, dredgo or similar instru- ment on any oyster bar within one and one-half miles of Tolley's point, Sandy point, Hackett's point, Thomas' point, Holland's Island bar and 21 Three Sisters; nor within one and one-half miles of Flolland'spoint bar, nor of Swan's point bar ; nor between Poplar Island and the mainland of Talbot county, south of a line drawn from the north point of Poplar Island to Low's point on the mainland; nor north of a line drawn from the end of the south bar of Poplar Island to Pawpaw cove, on Til^h- man's Island ; nor within one-quarter of a mile west of Poplar Island ; nor within one-half of a mile of Plum point; nor within the boundary lines of any county, unless herein otherwise specified; which license shall hold good for one season only and shall only authorize the catch- ing of oysters between the first day of November and the fifteenth day of March, on which day the dredging season shall end ; provided, how- ever, that in the waters of the Potomac river the beginning of the dredging season shall be on the fifteenth day of October; but it shall be lawful for the owner of any such licensed boat whenever said owner shall sell and convey by bill of sale for a bona tide consideration such boat to any person who has been a resident of the State of Maryland for at least one year to transfer said license to said purchaser with said boat, which license, when transferred, shall entitle said purchaser to the same privileges of catching and taking oysters with said boat in the waters of this State that the original owner had before such assign- ment ; provided, said seller and buyer appear before the Comptroller of the Treasury and make oath before him to all facts, matters and things required of said original owner of such boat before taking out such license, upon which said license said Comptroller shall certify in writing that the said purchaser has taken said oath, for which said certificate the said purchaser shall pay to the Comptroller the sum of five dollars for the use of the oyster fund. The provisions of this section in rela- tion to the time of taking oysters, the time of expiration of license, and the transfer of ownership, shall apply to all vessels licensed by any coun- ty in this State to take and catch oysters with dredge, scrape or scoop. 22 Dredging on Unlicensed Vessels Unlawful ; Scoop or Dredge on Board Such Vessel Shall be Prima Facie Evidence. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 21. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 20. 22. It shall not be lawful for the owner or master or any person on board of a vessel in this State to aiSx any crank, spool, winder or other machinery or equipment for operating or handling scoops or dredges, or to have on board any vessel a scoop, scrape or dredge, with intent to affix the same to said vessel for use in taking or catching oysters, without having first obtained a license to take or catch oysters with a scoop or dredge as aforesaid ; and the fact of having such scoop' dredge or scrape on board of any vesNel shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to use the same contrary to this sectiou. Oath of Owner of Boat ; Penalty for Violating This Provision. Ibid., Sec. 22. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 21. 1896, Ch. 418. 23. The owner of such boat shall make oath before the Comp- troller or his clerk, or if the owner be a resident of Baltimore city he may make oath before the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, or if a resident of county he may make oath before the clerk of the circuit court for said county, at the same time exhibiting his custom-house license to said officer before whom he makes the oath that he is the bona fide owner of such boat described in the license ; that he has been a resident of the State for the time hereinbefore prescribed ; that there is no lien on said boat held by a non-resident, directly or indirectly, and that the said boat is not held and shall not be knowingly used with an intention to violate or evade provisions of this article. And such appli- cant shall produce before the Comptroller at the time of making such application the certificate of the taking of such oath and the gross custom-house tonnage, which gross tonnage the owner shall swear to, 23 and shall further make oath that before the measurement of said vessel by the custom-house officers the said vessel was not dunna^^ed, so as to evade the just and proper meaeure'iient of tonnage of said vessel, with a view of evading a proper and just sum for the licensing of said vessel. The master of such boat shall also make oath before the Comp- troller or his clerk, or if a resident of Baltimore city before the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, or before the clerk of the circuit court for the county wherein he may reside, that he has been a resident of the State for the twelve months next preceding the time of taking such oath. Anyone violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction before a judge of the criminal court of Baltimore city, or a judge of the circuit court for the county, or a jus- tice of the peace having jurisdiction, as the case may be, shall be fined a sum not less than tifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or be imprisoned iu the House of Correction for a period of not less than three months nor more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the judge or justice of the peace. Cost of Boat License ; Commander of State Fishery Force to Inspect Vessel ; Proviso ; Fees. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 23. 1894, Ch. 380. Sec 22. 1900. Ch. 380. 1908, Ch. 104. 1910, Ch. 413, Sec. 23. 1912, Ch. 804. 24. After granting such license, the Comptroller shall receive two dollars and eighty-five cents for every gross ton the boat shall measure, and where any license issued by authority of any county, the clerk of the circuit court for the county shall receive for such license from the applicant one dollar and ninety cents per ton for every gross ton the boat may measure, except boats of less than five tons gross meas- urement, when the license shall be eight dollars for each of said boats, said measurements to be gross tonnage of custom-house meas- urement; but no allowance or deduction shall be made or allowed 24 by reason of dunnaging, and the captain or masters shall always have such license on board of their boats, and shall exhibit the same wher- ever it shall be demanded by any duly authorized officer. It shall be the duty of the Commander of the State Fishery Force, and any officer under his command, at any time that he or they shall deem it proper, to inspect and verify the measurements of any boats and their gross tonnage, and the measurement ascertained by such officer shall be con- clusive and final ; and any license granted shall be corrected and amend- ed in accordance with such measurements and the appropriate license fee hereinbeforti named paid in accordance with such corrected measure- ment, and the right granted by any license already issued shall be sus- pended until the full payment of such license fee is made. And one- third of any license fee received by the clerk of the circuit court for any county in this State shall be paid to the Comptroller of the State Treas- ury by the said clerk within ninety days after receiving the same, to be by the said Comptroller credited to the oyster fund ; and all acts and all public general or public local laws inconsistent with the provis- ions oi this section be and the same are hereby repealed. Penalty for Violating Provisions of Sections 20 to 22 Inclusive. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 24. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 23. 25. Any master or person in charge of any vessel who shall violate any of the provisions of the preceding sections, from 20 to 22 inclusive, by taking oysters unlawfully shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and. upon indictment and conviction in any circuit court in this State, or in the criminal court of Baltimore, before which such case is tried, shall be sentenced to the House of Correction for a term not less than three months nor more than one year ; and the boat or vessel used in such violation, together with the papers, furniture and tackle on board of said boat or vessel at the time of said violation shall be forfeited, but 25 shall be released upon the payment of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and costs and expenses for each and every violation of the preceding sections, in the discretion of the court. Arrest of Offenders. Ibid., Sec. 25. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 24. 26. Upon information given under oath to any judge of the circuit court or justice of the peace of any violation of any of the provisions of this article, he shall issue his warrant to the sheriff or any constable re- quiring any of them to whom it may be directed to summon a posse comitatus, if necessary, and proceed forthwith to arrest the party or parties alleged to have been engaged in the violation of this article, and to seize and take possession of any boat, canoe or vessel, together with all her tackle and apparel on board of the same, and deliver the same to the judge of the circuit court or a justice of the peace of this State, to be dealt with according to the provisions of this article ; provided, that any justice of the peace before whom any person is brought charged with a violation of any of said sections of this article, the punishment for which is imprisonment in the House of Correction, shall grant the parties charged a speedy hearing, and, if in his judgment the facts ap- pear to warrant a conviction, he shall hold the parties charged for their appearance before the grand jury of the county for which he is appointed at the succeeding term of the circuit court. What Firearms May be Allowed on Vessels ; Penalty for Violation. Ibid., Sec. 26. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 25. 27. It shall not be lawful for the owner or master, or any person on board of or having control over any boat or vessel licensed to catch or take oysters in the waters of this State with scoop, dredge or similar instrument, to have or permit to be kept on such boat or vessel any 26 cannon, howitzer or any piece of ordnance, or any swivel, musket, ritle or other piece or species of firearms larger than a pistol, except two- shot-guns not larger than a number ten gauge, and not io use larger than number one shot ; any person who shall offend againyt any of the provisions of this section, or who shall resist any officer authorized under this article to make arrests while such officer is in discharge of his duties hereunder, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon indictment and conviction thereof in any court having jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, and imprisoned in the House of Correction for a term of not more than six months, in the discretion of the court. Any person who shall discharge any species of firearms at or toward any officer authorized under this article to make arrests, whilst such officer is in discharge of his duties hereunder, or at or towards any vessel upon which such officer shall be whilst in the discharge of his duties here- under, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, upon indictment and conviction thereof in any court having jurisdiction, shall be punished liy a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and shall be confined in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than two years, in the discretion of the court. Sheriffs and Constables to Arrest any Person Violating These Provisions and Seize Boat. 1904. Art. 72, Sec. 27. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 26. 28. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, constable or officers of the State Fishery Force to arrest any person, and to seize any canoe, boat or vessel found violating any of the provisions of this article and bring the offender or offenders before a judge of a court having criminal juris- diction, or a justice of the peace most convenient or accessible, to be dealt with as herein provided. 27 When Vessel Shall be Forfeited ; Sale of Vessel ; Appli= cation of Proceeds of Sale ; Proviso ; Right of Appeal ; Persons Having Lien may File Petition. Ibid.. Sec. 28. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 27. 29. The juds;e or justice of the peace before whom any person or any vessel raay be brought, charged with violating any of the preceding sections of this article, shall either give the case or cases an immediate hearing, or, at the instance of the party charged, shall appoint some early day within the next ten days to hear the case, the party charged giving such good and sufficient bail as said judge or justice shall require for his appearance at the trial ; and the said vessel shall be held and safely kept at the cost of the party charged or of the said vessel, as the case may be ; and in cane the master, owner or other person in charge of said vessel shall or ^hall not be arrested, then the vessel used in vio- lation of the provisions of this article shall be seized, and the charge against the same shall be heard by the said judge or justice of the peace and she shall be dealt with as herpinafter provided ; and if the said master, owner or other person in charge of said vessel shall not appear, after giving bail, as hereinbefore provided, then in either case the judge or justice of the peace may proceed to hear the case and deter- mine whether or not the said vessel has been employed in violation of any of said sections ; and any vessel so employed is hereby declared to be forfeited. And in case the said judge or justice shall find the vessel has been so unlawfully employed, then he shall declare the same to be forfeited, and shall so enter upon his docket, together with all her tackle, apparel, appurtenances, boats, sails and rigging ; and he shall authorize and direct any sheriff or deputy sheriff to sell said vessel, together with all the apparel, tackle, boats and other things belonging thereto, at pub- lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, after giving at least twenty 28 days' notice of the time and place of said sale printed in some newspaper published in the county in which the case may be tried ; and the said officer shall be allowed the actual expenses of seizure, sale and keeping of said vessel and poundage fees, and the proceeds of said sale shall be first applied to the payment of all the costs, charges and expenses of the seizure, trial and sale of said vessel, and the balance of said pro- ceeds, if any, shall be paid to the clerk of the court as herein provided, and by him to the Comptroller to the credit of the oyster fund, unless a part thereof be remitted, as provided by section 25 ; provided, that the owner or any other person having any mortgage or any other lien on the said vessel shall in all such cases have the right of appeal to the circuit court at any time within sixty days after judgment rendered, and upon the trial of said appeal the court shall have the right to amend the warrant or any of the proceedings before the justice of the peace so as to bring the case to trial upon its merits; provided, that no new of- fense shall be charged. And in case such an amendment shall work a surprise to defendant he shall have further time to prepare for trial, and the rules governing amendments in cases originating in the said court shall govern such amendments so far as they are applicable, and upon bond in an amount equal to the value of paid vessel being given by the person praying the appeal satisfactory to said justice the said vessel may be released pending the said appeal. Any person or persons ofi'eriug to stand bail for any person or persons charged under the provisions of this article shall be sworn by the judge or justice of the peace trying the same as to his actual worth in unincumbered real estate, and if he sweara falsely, upon proof of the same before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty of perjury and subject to all the pains and penalties of the same ; the judge or justice, before the party is sworn, shall acquaint him or her with the pains and penalties of false swearing. Any person having a lien upon any vessel seized hereunder may tile a petition, and the court, if the interests of justice will per- 29 mit, may allow him a portion of said proceeds, but in all such cases the court shall retain a sufficient sum to pay costs, charges, expenses and a reasonable and proper equivalent to a fine, and amendment to the forms and procedure shall be allowed, as hereinbefore provided, in all cases of appeal from the judgment of the justices of the peace. Sale of Boats of Non=Residents; Proviso. 1904, Art. 72, Sec. 29. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 28. 30, Any boat, owned wholly or in part by any non-resident, used in catching oysters in this State with scoop, dredge or similar in- strument, is hereby declared forfeited, and shall be condemned by order of any judge of a circuit court most accessible to the place of her cap- ture, or if captured in Baltimore city, by order of the city court, and shall be sold by the sheriff of the county where condemned, or, if con- demned in Baltimore city, by the sherifif of said city, to the highest bid- der for cash after twenty days' notice of the time and place of sale; such notice to be published at least three times in a newspaper having the largest circulation printed in Baltimore city or in the county where con- demned; one-fourth of the proceeds of such sale shall be paid to the party making the capture, not including the officers and crews of the State Fishery Force, who shall receive no part of said tine, and the bal- ance shall be paid into the treasury of the State to be credited to oyster fund ; provided, however, that any person claiming an interest in such vessel shall have the right to make an appeal upon giving to the State a good and sufficient bond, as required in such cases; provided, how- ever, that when the bona fides of the owner of any vessel shall be called in question, the burden of proving such bona fides shall be upon those claiming to be such owners ; and provided also, that upon taking such appeal and tiling such bond the said vessel shall be released from custody. 30 OYSTER FUND. What Moneys are to be Placed to the Credit of Such Fund Ibid., Sec. 30. 1894, Ch. 380, Sec. 29. 31. All moneys received or obtained from dredging licenses isf^ued under the provisions of the preceding sections of this article, and one- third of the moneys received from the county scraping licenses, and all tines, penalties or forfeitures imposed in pursuance thereof, shall, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, be paid into the treasury and placetate; and the expense of so doing shall be paid out of the- " Fund for the Con- servation of Natural Oyster Bars," upon requisition made by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, endorsed by the Comptroller of the S'tate. 1912, Ch. 539, Sec. 119B. 121l>. Any natural oyster bar or bars, or parts of bar or bars, which the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners may designate for the purpose of being cultivated and restored, may be exempted by the Bbard •of Shell Fish Commissioners from all rights of taking oysters in> any manner, by any person whatsoever, for a period to be specified in a notice of such intention, to be published in local papers thirty days prior to 87 such action ; provided, that said published notice shall become void and of no effect at any time during the period of thirty days after the publi- cation of said notice by the filing of a petition with the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners signed by twenty-five licensed oystermen entitled to take oysters from the bars or parts of bars designated by the said notice. 1912, Ch. 539, Sec, 119C. 121c, For the purpose of performing the duties imposed upon the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners by sections 119A and 119B, they may employ a superintendent of natural oyster bars, or designate ooe of the employees of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners to act as such; and it shall be the duty of such superintendent, under direction of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, to give personal supervision to the work of cultivating and restoring the natural oyster bars designated for that purpose by the order of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners. 1912, Ch. 539, Sec. 119D. 12 Id. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, in addition to taking such measures of conservation of natural oyster bars as in its judgment seems advisable, shall purchase, from the lowest responsible bidder, shells or oysters or other material at such places and in such quantities as may be needed for the purpose of restoring the natural oyster bars ; and in inviting proposals for such shells or oysters they may prescribe that the shells or oysters shall be delivered at a convenient place for shipment, or they may require that the said shells or oysters be delivered and distributed by the sellers thereof on such particular natural oyster bars, or parts of bars, as the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners may be engaged in cultivating and restoring ; and the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall have the power to cause such shells or oysters to be properly distributed on the designated natural oyster bars, or parts of bars, under the direction of the superintendent of natural oyster bars. 88 1912, Ch. 539, Sec. 119E. 121^, For the purpose of discharging the duties imposed upon it by the four preceding sections of this act, the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall have the same control and direction, and be to the same extent over the State Fishery Force, as is given to said Board of Shell Fish Commissioners by section 97 of this article, 1912, Ch. 539, Sec. 119F, 1211. The said Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall in no case contract any obligation or incur any indebtedness for the restoring and re-shelling of natural oyster bars in excess of money, at the time of the incurring of said obligation or contracting of said debt, in the State treasury to the credit of the " Fund for Conservation of Natural Oyster Bars," Description of Location of Leased Ground Indictment. 1910, Ch. 424, Sec. 120. 122. Iii aiiy indictment for a violation of sections 115 and 116 of this article, or of any other section thereof whereby it may become necessary to describe the location of the particular oyster lot, it shall not be necessary to set forth all the procedure required by law to locate said lot. It shall be suflfifient to use a formula substantially to the fol- lowing effect : "That A. B., on the day of , nineteen hundred and , at the county and State aforesaid, being then and there a citizen of county and State of Maryland, did lease, locate and appropriate a certain oyster lot in the waters of the , in the county and State aforesaid, for the purpose of planting and culti- vating oysters thereon ; that said oyster lot was leased, located and ap- propriated in due form of law, as provided by chapter 711 of the acts of 1906, a plat and written description of which is duly recorded among the oyster lot records of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners of the 89 State of Maryland, and the said lessee has complied with all the con- ditions and terms of the said lease, as well as the said chapter 711 of the acts of 1906, and the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners of Mary- land authorizing the same, and has planted oysters and shells within the lines of said oyster lot located and appropriated as aforesaid. That afterward, to wit, on the day of , in the year 19 , the county and State aforesaid, a certain C. D. from the said oyster lot, located, appropriated and leased as aforeoaid by and to the said A. B., then and there, wilfully and without authority from the said A. B., owner and lessee as aforesaid, did take and remove oysters from the oyster lot aforesaid (or did interfere with or injure the oysters thereon, or interfere with the stakes, etc., marking the said lot, or have over- board any dredge, scrape, pair of tongs or other implement for taking of oysters, as the case may be,) knowing them to be planted and bedded oysters. How Location May be Proved. 1910. Ch. 424, Sec. 121. j^23^ At any trial on such an indictment, or for any offense under or in violation of this sub- title, whereby it may become necessary to prove the Board of Shell Fish Comraissiouers present with their records, nor shall it be necessary to have the surveyor present, but the said loca- tion may be proven either by the original or a certified copy of the lease thereof; and any plat of the said location made or certified to by the said Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall also be evidence of the said location of the said oyster lot. Productiveness of Natural Beds to be Increased. 1910, Ch. 735, Sec. 120. 1 24. It shall be the duty of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners to take such measures as in their judgment shall seem best calculated to increase the productivity of the natural oyster beds or bars of the State, 90 and the expense of so doing shall be paid out of the natural oyster bed re-shelling fund, upon requisition made by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, endorsed by the Comptroller of the State. Superintendent of Natural Oyster Beds. 1910. Ch. 735, Sec. 122. 125. For the purpose of performing the duties imposed upon the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners by section 124, they shall employ a superintendent of natural oyster beds, at a salary of $100 per month, be- ginning April 1st, and ending September 30th, payable monthly; and it shall be the duty of such superintendent, under the direction of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, to give personal supervision to the work of re-shelling the natural oyster beds done by the order of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners. Purchase and Distribution of Shells. 1910, Ch. 735, Sec. 122. 126. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall purchase from the lowest responsible bidder shells at such places and in such quanti- ties as they may need for the purpose of re-shelling the natural beds, and in inviting proposals for such shells they may prescribe that the shells shall be delivered to the superintendent of natural beds, or to his order, at some convenient place for the shipment of the said shells, or they may require that the said shells shall be delivered by the sellers thereof on such particular natural bed or beds as the commission may then be engaged in re-shelling, and may require the seller of such shells to distribute them under the direction and control of the superintendent of natural beds. If they shall buy such shells to be delivered other- wise than on the natural beds, the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall have the power to cause the said shells to be taken from the place at which they are delivered to the said superintendent of natural beds 91 to the said natural beds, and to cause the said shells to be there, under the superintendent, or the superintendent of natural oyster beds, prop- erly distributed on the bed or beds, which the Board of Shell Fish Com- missioners may then be engaged in re-shelling. Control of State Fishery Force. 1910, Ch. 735, Sec. 123 127. For the purpose of discharging the duties imposed upon them by sections 124 to 128, the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall have the same control and direction, and to the same extent, over the State Fishery Force as is given to the said Board of Shell Fish Commissiouers by section 99 of this article for the purpose of perform- ing the duties imposed upon the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners by chapter 711 of the acts of 190G. Limit of Expenditures. 1910, Ch. 735, Sec. 124. 128. The said Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall in no case contract any obligation or incur any indebtedness in excess of money at the time of the incurring of said obligation or contracting of said debt in the State Treasury to the credit of the natural oyster re-shelling fund. Survey and Designation of Clam Rocks. 1908. Ch. 590, Sec. 1. 129. It shall be the duty of the Board of Shell Fish Commission- ers, as soon after April 6, 1908, as practicable, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on charts provided for such purpose, gravel rock, ware rock and flat rock, being clam rocks located in the waters of Pocomoke sound, in Somerset county, and State of Maryland, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and bounda- ries of each of the above named rocks, and they shall take true and ac- curate notes of said survey and mark the report and perform all other 92 duties connected with said survey as said duties are prescribed by chap- ter 711 of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906 per- taining to natural oyster beds and bars. Rocks Not to be Leased; Treated as Natural Oyster Beds. 1908, Ch. 590, Sec. 2. 13Q, After said rocks shall have been surveyed, as provided in section 129 of this article, no part of them shall be leased to any person or persons for the purpose of planting, bedding or cultivating oysters therein, but they shall be reserved to the public in the State of Mary- land for the sole purpose of taking clams therefrom, and shall be treated in every particular as are the natural oyster beds or bars which have been or shall be surveyed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners under chapter 711 of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906. Boat to be Rented, to Guard Bottoms of Wicomico River. 1908, Ch. 228. 131. The Board of Public Works shall be and is hereby author- ized and required to rent or hire a suitable boat to assist in guarding the tonging bottoms of Somerset county located at or near the mouth of the Wicomico river, or adjacent thereto, and in enforcing the laws pertaining thereto, at a cost not to exceed thirty dollars per month for the hiring of said boat, and to appoint a suitable person to command said boat at a salary of fifty dollars per month, from the first day of September to the 30th day of April following of each and every suc- cessive oyster season ; and the commander of said boat shall be author- ized to select such number of seamen to serve on said boat as the Board of Public Works shall authorize, not to exceed two in number, at salaries of thirty dollars each per month during the period of his or their ser- vice on said boat ; provided, however, that the owner of such boat so hired shall keep the same in good order and repair. 93 CONCURRENT LAW, MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA. Who May or May Not Take Fish, Oysters or Crabs in the Potomac River; Penalties. 1912, Ch. 4. (Page 31.) Section 1. It shall be lawful for any citizen of the State of Mary- land, or the State of Virginia, to take fish, oysters or crabs from the Potomac river after complying with the requirements of the laws of the State of which he is a citizen for the taking of fish, oysters or crabs from the waters of such State ; and any citizen of either State who takes fish, oysters or crabs from the Potomac river without having complied with the requirements of the law of his State as to the taking of fish, oysters or crabs in its own waters, shall be considered guilty of violating the laws of the State of which he is a citizen, and shall be prosecuted according to such laws. It shall not be lawful for any person to take or catch fish, oysters or crabs in any manner whatever in the waters of the Potomac river unless he be a citizen of Maryland or of Virginia, and shall have been a resident of the State of which he is a citizen for twelve months immediately preceding. Any such non-resident^ violating this section shall be subject to a tine of five hundred dollars ; furthermore, any ves- sel, with its equipment and cargo, or any net or other appliances used in violating this section, shall be deemed forfeited to the State. Restrictions as to the Time and Manner of Taking Oysters. Section 2. It shall not be lawful for any citizen of Maryland, or of Virginia, to take or catch oysters with a scoop, scrape, dredge, or any other instrument in the waters of the Potomac river between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of November of each year ; it shall not be lawful for any citizen of either State to take oysters with tongs from the waters of the Potomac river between the twenty-fifth day of April and the fifteenth day of September of each year, except as hereinafter pro- 94 vided in section 4 of this act; it shall not be lawful for any person to have in possession any oysters taken from the waters of the Potomac river between the first day of May and the fifteenth day of September of each year. Every person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not Isss than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense, and the vessel, together with its equip- ment and cargo used in violating any such provisions, shall be forfeited to the State. Providing a Cull Law and Imposing Penalties. Section 3. All oysters taken from any natural rocks, beds or shoals within the Potomac river shall be culled on their natui'al rocks, beds or shoals as taken, and oysters whose shells measure less than two and one- half inches in length, measuring from hinge to mouth, and all shells shall be included in said culling and replaced on yaid rocks, beds or shuals ; provided, that oysters once passed from the culler less than the prohibited size and all shells shall be considered as not having been culled accord- ing to the provisions of this section; provided, that when small oysters are adhering so closely to the shell of a marketable oyster as to render re- moval impossible without destroying the small oyster, then it shall be necessary to remove it. And it shall be unlawful for any person to take, buy or sell the small oysters and shells from the natural rocks, beds and shoals as aforesaid, or to take, buy, sell or have in possession oysters less than two and one-half inches in length from hinge to mouth. When- ever any inspector or other officer shall have reason to believe that this section has been violated with reference to the culling of oysters, such inspector or other officer is hereby authorized to examine the cargo of any boat or vessel, and if, upon examination of said cargo the said inspector or other officer shall find that five per centum or more of said cargo shall consist of shells and oysters whose shells measure less than two and one-half inches in length, measuring from hinge to mouth, the 95 captain of the boat or other persoa ia charge of said boat shall be deem- ed to have violated this section, and upon conviction, if of a dredge boat or vendor of oysters, shall be fined not less than forty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or confined in jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, either or both, and said cargo confiscated and returned to the natural beds under the supervision of the oyster in- spector or other officer making the arrest, and the boat or vessel on which said oysters are found shall be held as security for the payment of said fiue ; if the boat in which only oyster tongs are used, the said captain or other person in charge shall be fined not less than tv^enty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or confined in jail not less than fifteen days nor more than three mouths, either or both, and said cargo confiscated and returned to the natural beds under the super- vision of the oyster inspector or other officer making the arrest ; and the boat or vessel on which said oysters are found shall be held as se- curity for the payment of said fine ; provided, however, that when any person shall be found with oysters in violation of this section he shall be presumed to be a dredger or vender of oysters, and if he claims to be a tonger, the burden shall be upon said person to show that he is a tong- er only ; provided, that this section shall not apply to that portion of the Potomac river above a straight line drawn from the north point at the mouth of Upper Machodoc creek, in the county of King George, Virginia, to Lower Cedar point, in Charles county, Maryland. Regulating the Taking of Seed Oysters and Providing Penalties. Section 4. It shall be lawful, between the first day of January and the first day of May of each year, to take oysters of any size with ordi- nary or patent oyster tongs from the natural rocks, beds and shoals in the Potomac river above a straight line drawa from the north point at the mouth of Upper Machodoc creek, in the county of King George, 96 Virginia, to Lower Cedar point, in Charles couaty, Maryland, to be used for planting in the waters of Maryland or Virginia only ; but it shall be unlawful at any time to take shells to which no oyster is attached, or to take oysters from said waters at any other time, or in any other manner, or for any other purpose, than as above provided. Any person con- victed of taking shells as aforesaid, or of taking oysters from the Poto- mac river above the said line at any other time or in any other manner than with oyster tongs, or for any other purpose as aforesaid, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dol- lars, or confined in jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, either or both. Any citizen of Maryland, or of Virginia, who has complied with all the requirements of the oyster laws of his State entitling him to the privilege for a certain period of taking and catching oysters with ordinary or patent tongs in such Htate, shall have the right without further license tax to take oysters with such tongs above the said line during the open season provided for in the waters above said line. Permit Required for Buying or Carrying Seed Oysters and Prescribing Penalties. Section 5. It shall be lawful for any citizen of Maryland, or of Vir- ginia, after having obtained a permit as hereinafter provided, to buy and carry out of the Potomac river, to be planted in the waters of either Maryland or Virginia, oysters whose shells measure less than two and one-half inches from hinge to mouth taken from natural rocks, beds and shoals in said river above a straight line drawn from the north point at the mouth of Upper Machodoc creek, in the county of King George, Virginia, to Lower Cedar point, in Charles county, Maryland, during the period between the first day of January and the first day of May in any year. The said permit shall be obtained from any oyster inspector, or any officer in charge of a Virginia or Maryland oyster police boat, for 97 each boat or vessel to be used in carrying said oysters as aforesaid, and shall state the uanae and tonnage (if registered in the custom house) of the boat or vessel, the name of the owner and the master thereof, and to what waters in Maryland or Virginia such cargo of oysters is to be carried. Before such permit shall be granted the owner or master of such boat or vessel shall take and subscribe to an oath before said officer that the said boat or vessel will not be used for carrying said oysters to any State other than Maryland or Virginia, or for any other purpose than for planting the same in the waters of one or the other of said States, and that he will not sell said oysters to any other person for the purpose of carrying the same to any State other than Maryland or Vir- ginia. The oath so taken and subscribed, together with a memorandum of the permit issued, shall be returned by said officer to the Commander of the State Fishery Force of Maryland, if said officer be a Maryland official, or to the secretary of the Commission of Fisheries of Virginia, if said officer be a Virginia official, to be tiled by him in his office. Blank forms for such oath and permit shall be furnished to the respective oyster inspector, and the respective captains of the oyster police boats, by the Comptroller of Maryland and the Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia. For administering said oath and issuing said permit, the in- spector or officer issuing same shall be entitled to receive from the ap- plicant a fee of twenty -five cents. The owner or master of any boat or vessel found carrying or buying such seed oysters without such permit shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. And any owner or master of any boat or vessel violating the provisions of this section by buying or carrying or knowingly selling such seed oysters to be carried elsewhere, or for any other purpose than to be planted in the waters of Maryland or Virginia, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and in addition thereto the boat or vessel so used shall, with its cargo and 98 equipment, be forfeited to the State wherein such offender is convicted ; proTided, no permit shall be granted to any person engaged in taking or catching, buying or carrying seed oysters or having in his possession oysters measuring less than two and one-half inches from hinge to mouth, who shall have any scoop, scrape, or dredge or any part thereof, on any boat or vessel to be used in taking, buying or carrying seed oysters; and it shall be the duty of the officer who isHues said permit to first inspect said boat or vessel and satisfy himself that no such appli- ance is on said boat or vessel before he issues any permit ; and any per- son who shall have any scoop, scrape or dredge, or any part thereof, on any boat or vessel engaged in catching, buying or carrying seed oysters or oysters measuring less than two and one-half inches from hinge to mouth, and any owner or master of any boat or vessel violating the provisions of this section by having any scrape, scoop or dredge or any part thereof on any boat or vessel engaged in taking, catching, buying or carrying seed oysters, shall be fined not less than two hundred and fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and in addition thereto, the boat or vessel so used with its cargo and equipments be forfeited to the State wherein such offender is convicted. Regulations for the Taking of Fish and Crabs in the Potomac River; How Licenses Procured; Penalties. Section 6. Any citizen of Maryland or Virginia desiring to fish for mar- ket or profit with a pound net, fyke net, gill net, haul seine, sturgeon net, skirt net, weir or other device in the waters of the Potomac river, shall first apply to the regularly constituted officer, as determined by the laws or regulations of the State of which he is a resident, and in the district or locality in which said applicant resides, except that the applicant for license to fish with the fixed device shall apply to the officer of the dis- trict or locality in which such fixed device is proposed to be located for a license, and state on oath the true name or names of the person or 99 persons applying for said license; that they are and have been for twelve months next preceding residents of the State in which such application has been made; the place at which the net, seine, tyke, weir or other device is to be fished, and that during the period of the license he will not violate any of the laws of the State in which he resides in relation to the taking and catching of fish; provided, nothing in this section shall apply to any person using a net solely for the purpose of supplying his own table. Such oyster inspector or other authorized officer shall thereupon grant license to use such net or other device, and state in such license the name or names of the person or persons who shall use the same, the place at which it is to be located or used, the season for which said license is granted, which season shall begin on the first day of February in any year and end on the thirty-first day of January of the year following, and the amount of tax as prescribed by the laws of the State where issued. Any citizen of either Maryland or Virginia desiring to take or catch crabs from the waters of the Potomac river by any method, or any per- son desiring to engage in the business of buying crabs for picking or canning or shipping the same, shall pay to the oyster inspector or other designated official in the district in which he resides such specific license tax as is prescribed by the State of which he is a resident. If any person shall use or set, or cause to be used or set, any such net or seine as aforesaid, or shall take or catch crabs in the waters of the Potomac river within the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland or Virginia without having first paid the tax and obtained the license pro- vided for under the laws of the State in which such net is set or crabs are taken, he shall be deemed guilty of a violation of the provisions of this section, and shall, for each such violation, be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and shall forfeit to the State such net or other fishing devices used in said violations. 100 It shall be unlawful for any person to use a haul seine or poun*! net, head or pocket having a smaller mesh than two inches, stretched meas- ure, for the purpose of catching food fish. Any net having a funnel mouth, round mouth, or square mouth, with head above water, shall be construed as a pound net. Any person or persons using a net in viola- tion of this provision shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and such net or nets shall be forfeited to the State. Concurrent Jurisdiction for Punishment of Offenses in Potomac River. Section 7. All otfenses committed against the provisions of this act by persons not citizens and residents of either State may be punished by any of the magistrates or courts of either State having criminal jur- isdiction ; all offenses committed against the provisions of this act by citizens of either State shall be punished by any of the magistrates or courts of the State of which he is a citizen having criminal jurisdiction. The authorities of either State shall have the right to examine into the right of any person taking fish, oysters or crabs in the Potomac river, or having same in his possession ; and any person taking fish, oysters or crabs in the Potomac river, or having same in his possession, shall exhibit his authority for so doing whenever required by the police or other legal authority of either State. The legal authorities of either State shall have the right to arrest any such offender, and, if necessary in order to arrest, shall pursue such offenders beyond the boundary line of either State up- on navigable waters, and arrest such offender whenever found upon such waters. Penalties Where not Otherwise Provided ; Forfeiture of Vessel. Section 8. Any person violating any section of this act, where not otherwise provided, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars ; and where for- 101 feiture of boat, vessel, net or other equipment is provided for in any section of this act the said boat, vessel, net or other equipment shall be sold at public auction by the sheriff of the county for cash after ten days' notice. In case of appeal, the appellant shall remain in custody, and the boat, vessel, net or other equipment shall be sold as above pro- vided, unless recognizance be entered into for double the amount of the fine and double the value ot said boat, vessel, net or other equipment, conditioned on the performance of the final judgment of the Court. Upon duch recognizance being given, the party convicted and the afore- said property shall be discharged. Failure of Officer to Perform Duty ; Penalty. Section 9. If any oyster inspector, or other officer empowered v«rith the duties of enforcing the provisions of this act, knowingly fail to report violations of the same, or to perform any of the duties herein required of him, he shall, for every such offense, be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, to be applied to the oyster fund of his State. Section 10. An emergency existing for the passage of this act because of the depletion of fish and shell fish in the Potomac river, the same shall take effect from the date of its passage , provided concurrent legislation has been passed by the General Assembly of Virginia ; or, if not passed, then immediately upon the passage thereof. Section 11. Nothing in the ten preceding sections shall be construed in any way to impair, alter or abridge any rights which either State, or the citizens thereof, may be entitled to, either by, through, under or against the compact entered into between the States of Maryland and Virginia on March 28th, 1785. FISH AND FISHERIES ARTICLE 39, CODE PUBLIC GENERAL LAWS OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND IPSIDEX Article 39, Code===Public General Laws, KISM AIMD FISHERIES. Head of Bay. 1. Time for catching herringandshad with gill-nets; forfeiture. 2. Hauling seine or drag-net, when prohibited. No fishing with purse-nets north of certain line. License to fish with purse-nets south of said line. Penalty for violating section 2. Imprisonment if fine be not paid; appeal. Placing of stakes or poles prohib- ited. Penalty. Vessels not to be anchored in any fishery, when. Penalty. Master, owner and vessel liable. Vessels sailing through seines; penalty. Floats not to be located so as to interefere with shore fishing; penalty. Obstructions in usual haul of float- ing battery; penalty. 3. Patapsco. 15. Fish ladders to be kept in repair by owners of dams. 16. Penalty. 17. Appeal. Patuxent. 18. Restrictions upon fishing by other than residents of Prince George's, Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert counties. 19 Emptying seines upon the beach. 20. Penalty for violations of sections 18 and 19. 21. Restrictions upon hauling seine be- tween Sheriden's Point and Point Patience. 22. Penalty- 23. Staking down seines; beating the waters; size of seines; penaltv. 24. Vessels not to anchor in haul of any fishing shore. 25. Penalty. 26. Owner, master and vessel liable. 27. Vessel sailing through seine; pen- alty. 28. Obstructions in haul of fishery. 29. Fishing with purse seines, except for food, prohibited; proviso. 30. Application to justice for permit. 31. Permit for fish trap or pound. 32. Driving down stakes. 33. Fee to justice for permit. 34. Penalty for violations of sections 29-34. 35. No pound nets less than 5000 yards apart; penalty. INDEX Potomac. 36. Beginning and end of shad and herring season. 37. Penalty. 38. Hauling seine within regularly hauled fishing landing, or op- posite ahore of owner; penalty. 39. Arrest of offenders; forfeiture of boats and seines. 40. Time regulated for catching bass and other fish. 41. Penalty for violating these pro- visions. 42. Where this law may nrvt apply; when to become effective. 43. When unlawful to catch black bass and other fish. 44. Penalty for violation of this law. 45. Where this law is not to apply. 46. Obstruction in the way of hauling seine from March to June, and failure to remove same; penalty. 47. Wilful obstruction; penalty. 48. Vessels may anchor opposite own- er's shore; how. 49. License for shad and herring fish- ing; by whom obtainable. 50. License; how obtainable. 51. Contents of license. 52. Fishing v/ithout license; penalty. 53. Number of license to be painted on boat. 54. Warrant for arrest of offenders; siezure of boats and seines. 55 Sale by sheriff of condemned ves- sels. 56. License money and fines to be paid into treasury to credit of oyster fund. 57. Fishing from arks or lighters pro- hibited; penalty. 58. Compact with Virginia. 59. Taking of sand from shore below Fort Washington to be larceny; penalty. Rivers in Talbot, Dorchester and Caroline Counties. 60. Who may fish in. 61. Penalty. Wye River and Rivers in Queen Anne's and Kent Counties. 62. Hauling seine without permission of owner of shore; penalty. Fines, Penalties and Forfeiture. 63. How recovered. 64. Unknown offender; how to be de- scribed in warrant. 65. Forfeitures, how to be enforced. 66. Condemnation by justice. 67. How unknown owner may be de- scribed. 68. Proceeds of sales, how to be di- vided. 69. Fines, how to be distributed. 70. Jurisdiction when offense com- mitted in river dividing two counties; when on Chesapeake bay. 71. Committal of person where fine exceeds $100. Trout and Other Fish. 72. Season for trout fishing; penalty. 73. Trout not to be caught in traps, fish-baskets or seines; penalty. 74. Poisoning fish; penalty. 75. Artificial ponds, fishing in; pen- alty. 76. Trout fish culture; sale and transportation of trout per- mitted. 77. Violations of sections 72 76, how prosecuted. 78. Catching black bass, etc., at oth- er than designated times; pen- alty. 79. Catching certain fish less than designated size; exception. 80. Obstructing fish streams; penalty. INDEX 81. Failure to keep fish ladders in re- pair; penalty. 82. Throwing explosive and other sub- stance in fish waters ; penalty ; proviso. 83. Emptying net or seine upon beach ; penalty; exception. 84. Jurisdiction of justice of the peace under sections 78-85; throwing slab of timber in fish waters, penalty. 85. Sale and purchase of fish, prohib- ited; proviso. 86. To what counties provisions of sections 78-85 not applicable. 87. When cat fish and eels may be caught. 88. Violation of sections 79, 83, 85, or 95. 89. Transmission of moneys received for licenses. 90. No application to angling. Hard Shell Crabs. 91. Closed season. 92. Violation; penalty. 93. Enforcement of sections 91 and 92. 94. Disposition of fines. Exploding Dynamite To Catch Fish. 95. Using dynamite or fish pot. 96. Unlawful to use explosives to catch fish in Chesapeake bay. 97. Penalty. 98. Disposition of fines collected. Commissioners Of Fisheries. 99. To be appointed biennially by gov- ernor. 100. To inspect waters of State; report to governor. 101. Further duties of. 102. To use all means to destroy eels; one-fourth of appropriation to be spent in Wicomico county. 103. To maintain eel pots. 104. Account to be kept of eels des- troyed. 105. To sell all eels caught; proceeds, how to be applied. 106. Removal of commissioners for re- fusal to carry out sections 102- 106. 107. To make annual report to gover- nor of their work. 108. Annual salary of. 109. Annual appropriation for carrying out the provisions of sections 100, 101 and 107 ; commission- ers to make annual reports. 110. Chesapeake Bay. License. Hi. Cost of license. Clerk's fees for collecting license. License to be credited to the "oyster fund." 112. Oath of applicant for license. 112a. Regulating fishing in bay waters; St. Mary's county. 113. Comptroller to have blank licens- es printed. 114. Limits of setting fyke nets and other like contrivances; penalty; appeal. 115. Penalty. 116. State fishery force to see that the provisions of sections 110 to 119 are carried out. 117. Application of fines. 118. Where pound nets and stake nets shall be prohibited; penalties. 119. Sheriff and constable to make ar- rests. 120. Sections 110 to 119 not to apply to 'hook and line." 121 Limits defining head waters of Chesapeake bay. For Concurrent Law, Maryland-Vir- ginia, See Oysters. Articles^ , Code===PuMic General Laws. FISH[ AIMD FISHERIES. HEAD OF THE BAY. Time for Catching Herring and Shad With Gili=nets ; Forfeiture. 1904. Art. 39, Sec. 1. 1 , No person except resident citizens of this State shall fix, set or stake out any sort of gill-uets, either stationary or floating, or any device whatever, for the taking of herring and shad in the Chesapeake bay at any time between the first of March and the first of June in each year; and any person so offending shall forfeit the vessel and tackle used in such fishing, and all the nets, apparatus and devices for taking fish, and also pay a fine of fifty dollars for each offense. Hauling Seine or Drag=net ; When Prohibited. Ibid., Sec. 2. 2. No person shall, from the tenth day of June to the first day of October in each year, fish with hauling seine or drag-net of any kind within the Chesapeake bay or any of its tributaries lying northward of the following line, viz: Beginning at Still Pond, in Kent county, and drawn westward to Lego's point, in Harford county. 110 No Fishing With Purse=nets North of Certain Line. 1908, Ch. 740. 3. ^o person shall at any time be allowed to fish with parse-nets at any point in the Chesapeake bay north of a line drawn east from Sandy Point, on the Western Shore, due east to Love Point, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, License to Fish With Purse=nets South of Said Line. 1908, Ch. 740. 4. No person shall fish with purse-nets within the State of Maryland south of the line drawn from the liae aforesaid due east to the Eastern Shore without first obtaining a license so to do from the Comptroller of the Treasury, and the applicant shall pay the sum of twenty-five dollars for each and every purse-net owned and operated by him, whereupon the said Comptroller shall issue to such applicants a license or licenses to operate such purse-net or nets; and all monies arising from said licenses shall be paid into the State treasury for the maintenance of the State Oyster Navy ; and any person failing to procure such license and violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be subject to the fines and penalties imposed by section 5 of this article and to the penalties im- posed by the statutes of Maryland for failure to procure licenses wher- ever required by law. Penalty for Violating Section 2. 1904, Art. 39, Sec 3. 1888, Art. 39, Sec. 3. 1880, Ch. 260. S» Any person or per.sons violating any of the provisions of section 2, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace of the county in which said section has been violated, shall pay a fine of fifty dollars, one-half of which shall go to the informer ; and any hauling seine or hauling seines, drag-net or drag-nets, and the boat or boats and material Ill used in tiahing the same are hereby declared to be forfeited ; and the justice before whom said conviction and condemnation shall be had is authorized and directed to have said fishing apparatus sold by the sheriff or constable making said arrest to the highest bidder, and the proceeds, together with half the fine, after deducting the cost, shall be paid to the county commissioners of the county in which said offense shall be com- mitted for the use of the school fund of said county. Imprisonment if Fine be not Paid ; Appeal. Ibid.. Sec. 4. 1888, Art. 39, Sec. 4. 1880. Ch. 2(50. 6. Any person, on conviction, failing to pay the fine, as prescribed in the preceding section, shall be imprisoned in the county jail of the county in which said offense shall be committed ; provided, however, that any one so offending shall, upon conviction before any justice of the peace of the county in which said offense shall be committed, have the right of appeal to the circuit court for the county in which said of- fense shall be committed, under the same restrictions that govern ap- peals from the decisions of justices of the peace. Placing of Stakes or Poles Prohibited. 1904. Art. 39, Sec. 5. 1888. Art. 39. Sec. 5. 1860. Art. 41. Sec. 3. 1843, Ch. 275. Sec 1. •7. No person shall place in the head waters of the Chesapeake bay or in the Sassafras, Elk, Bohemia, North, East or Susquehanna rivers, or in any of their tributaries, any stakes, piles or other thing for the pur- po='e of attaching seines or nets thereto, with the view of taking shad or fish of any description ; this not to apply to any portion of said bay be- low Pool's island. Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 6. 1888, Art 39, Sec. 6. 1860. Art. 41, Sec. 5. 1843, Ch. 275. Sees. 3, 4. 8. Any person violating the preceding section shall forfeit the 112 seine or nets attached as aforesaid, and the boats and materials used for fishing the same, and shall also for each offense pay a fine of fifty dollars. Vessels not to be Anchored in Any Fishery; When. Ibid., Sec. 7. 1888, Art. 39, Sec. 7. 1860, Art. 41, Sec. 6. 1820, Ch. 199, Sec. 1. 1841, Ch. 326. 1900, Ch. 611. 9, No vessel, float of timber or plank, or of any other materials, or of any description or kind whatever, nor any boat of any description, unless compelled to do so by stress of weather or other unavoidable accident, shall be anchored or stayed in any fishery in the Susquehanna river, or at the head of the Chesapeake bay, at any time between the 1st day of April and the 20th day of May, in any year, and remain thus anchored for the period of half an hour, when the weather will admit of the departure of such vessel or boat, after being ordered to depart therefrom by the owner or occupier of such fishery; the usual haul of a seine from any floating battery anchored between Spesutia island and Lapidum, in the Susquehanna river, for the purpose of fishing, shall be to all intents and purposes considered as a fishery within the meaning of this section. Penalty. Ibid.. Sec. 8. L888, Art. 39, Sec. 8. 1860, Art. 41, Sec. 7. 1820, Ch. 199, Sec. 1. 1841, Ch. 326, Sec. 2. 10, Any person violating the preceding section shall pay a fine of twenty dollars for each offense; and every hour the vessel or other ob- atrnctinn continues after the half hour mentioned in the preceding sec- tion shall be considered a new and separate offense. Master, Owner and Vessel Liable. Ibid., Sec. 9. 11, The skipper, the captain, owner or occupier of the vessel, float or boat referred to in the two preceding sections, shall be liable to pay 113 said fine; and the vessel, float or boat so anchored or stayed as above mentioned, shall also be liable to be seized and sold to pay any fines ina- posed under the preceding section. Vessels Sailing Through Seines; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 10. 12. If any such vessel, float or boat shall be wittingly, wantonly and maliciously, or from gross negligence, sailed through any seine ex- tended in any of the said fisheries, the skipper, captain or other person commanding such vessel, float or boat shall pay to the owner or occupier of such seine such damages as shall be ascertained by two respectable and disinterested men mutually chosen by the parties; or if the parties cannot agree upon persons as aforesaid to ascertain the damages, then any justice of the peace, on application of either of the parties, shall ap- point three disinterested persons with power to any two of the three to ascertain such damages ; and any justice of the peace of the county where such ascertainment of damages may be made may enter judg- ment thereon against the captain or person having charge of such vessel, float or boat, if the sum does not exceed one hundred dollars, and issue execuiton thereon as on other judgments ; and if the damages exceed one hundred dollars, then the party injured may have an action on said ascertainment of damages in the same manner as if it were an award ; and in all cases the damages so ascertained shall be a lien on such vessel, float or boat. Floats not to be Located so as to Interfere With Shore Fishing ; Penalty. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 11. 13. No float or other device for fishing shall be anchored or lo- cated at any place so as to interfere with any shore fishery now used as piicl!, or which nmy be hereafter established ; nor shall any seine be 114 hauled from such floats, or other devices, over the ground usually hauled over by any shore fishery; nor shall any float haul over the grounds usually hauled over by another float, which has cleared its haul and been located in the same position two or more fishing seasons, unless the said float shall abandon for one spring the locality previously occu- pied ; and any person violating this section shall, for each offense, pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars; and for every hour that such float or other device shall remain anchored or located after notice shall be given by the owner or occu- pant of such shore, float or fishery requiring, him to remove, he shall pay an additional fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty- five dollars. Obstructions in Usual Haul of Floating Battery ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 12. 14. If any person shall wilfully and maliciously put any stake, log, stone or other obstruction in the usual haul of any floating battery, he shall pay a fine of twenty dollars. PATAPSCO. Fish Ladders to be Kept in Repair by Owners of Dams. Ibid., Sec. 15. 15. The owners of all dams on the Patapsco river are required to make and keep, or cause to be made and kept, in repair proper fish- ladders and have them placed on said dams, so as to aftord to the fish in said river free course up and down said river. Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 16. 16. If the owners of said dams fail to comply with the provisions of the preceding section they shall be liable, upon conviction thereof by 115 summary process before any justice of the peace of this State in the county in which said dam or dams is or are situated, to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars ; five dollars to the in- former, and the balance to the county commissioners of such county for school purposes. Appeal. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 17. I'y. Any person who may feel himself aggrieved by any judgment rendered by a justice of the peace under the two preceding sections shall have the right to appeal to the circuit court for the county where the act was committed upon the conditions and regulations provided by law for appeals from judgments of the justices of the peace ; but execu- tion shall not be stayed unless the party appealing shall give bond to the State in double the amount of the fine imposed, with security ap- proved by the justice rendering the judgment, with condition to prose- cute his appeal with effect, or to pay the fine imposed with all costs. PATUXENT. Restrictions Upon Fishing by Other Than Residents of Prince George's, Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert Counties. Ibid., Sec. 18. 18. It shall not be lawful for any persons, other than bona fide resident citizens of Priuce George's, Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert counties, to take or catch fish iu the ^vaters of the Patuxent river and tributaries, with any seine, weir trap or other device, excepting only the hook and line ; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not ap- ply to such as shall obtain permission from the owners of the lands bordering on said waters to fish off and opposite their laixl or lands so 116 bordering on said waters; and provided, that none other than bona fide resident citizens of said counties shall use in any of the waters of said river that bind on Prince George's, Charles and Calvert counties above the village known as Benedict any seine, weir, or net more than seventy fathoms long and less than two inches square in the mesh. Emptying Seines Upon the Beach. Ibid., Sec. 19. 19. It shall not be lawful for any person to empty his seines upon the beach so as to leave the smaller fish to perish, but he shall empty the same in water of sufficient depth to enable such smaller fish to re- turn to the waters for growth and maturity. Penalty for Violations of Sections 18 and 19. Ibid., Sec. 20. 20. A.ny person violating the provisions of the two preceding sec- tions shall be fined not less than twenty -five nor more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the justice of the peace before whom the case is heard ; which amount shall be appropriated to the public school fund of the county wherein such judgment is rendered ; and for the payment of the amount of tine so adjudged, any boat, seine, weir or other fishing tackle used by any person in violation of the provisions of the two preceding sections, shall be seized and held as security upon complaint against such oifending party. Restrictions Upon Hauling Seine Between Sheriden's Point and Point Patience. 1904, Art 39, Sec. 21. 21. It shall not be lawful for any persons, except bona fide resi- dents of St. Mary's, Anne Arundel, Charles, Calvert and Prince George's counties, to haul in the waters of the Patuxent river, between Sheri- den's Point and Point PationcA, any seino of greater length than -ixty 117 fathoms at any time between the first day of June and the first day of October following. Penalty. Ibid., Sec 22. 22. A.ny person violating the provisions of the preceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before a justice of the peace for Calvert county, or before the circuit court for Calvert county, shall be fined a sum not less than twenty dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars; one-half thereof to be paid to the informer and the other half thereof to the county commissioners of said county. Staking Down Seines ; Beating the Waters ; Size of Seines ; Penalty. Itiid.. Sec. 23. 23. No person shall stake down any seine or net entirely across the Patuxent river for the purpose of taking shad or herriug; nor shall any person whip, thresh or beat fhe waters of the Patuxent river with poles or any other instrument for the purpose of driving any fish within any seine or net ; nor shall any person, except bona fide residents of Prince George's, Charles, St. Mary's, A.nne A.randel and Calvert coun- ties, in fishing in the said river, betwoeu the fifth day of March and the fifteenth day of May, use any seine or net with meshes of less than one and one-half of an inch square ; or during the rest of the year with any seine or net with meshes of a less size than two inches square ; and no person shall empty any seine except in water twelve inches deep ; and any person violating this section shall be subject to the fine and for- feiture provided in section 20. Vessels not to Anchor in Haul of any Fishing Shore. Ibid.. Sec. 24. 24. No vessel, fioat, raft or boat of any descx-iption, unless com- 118 pelled to do so by stress of weather or other unavoidable accident, shall be anchored or stayed in the birth or haul of any regularly-hauled fish- ing shore in the Patuxent river and remain thus anchored for the space of half an hour when the weather will permit the departure of such ves- sel, raft, float or boat after being warned to depart therefrom by the owner or occupant of said fishery. Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 25. 25. A.ny person violating the preceding section shall pay to owner of said fishery a tine of twenty dollars for each offense; and every hour the vessel, float or boat continues after the half hour mentioned in the preceding section shall be considered a new and separate offense. Owner, Master and Vessel Liable. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 26. 26. T'be captain or owner of the vessel, float or boat referred to in the two preceding sections shall be liable to pay said fine, and the ves- sel, float or boat so anchored and stayed as above mentioned shall also be liable to be seized and sold to pay any fines imposed under the pre- ceding section. Vessel Sailing Through Seine ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 27. 2S7. If any such vessel, float or boat shall be wilfully, wantonly and maliciously, or from gross negligence, sailed through any seine ex- tended in any of said fisheries, the skipper, cpatain or other person com- manding such vessel, float or boat shall pay to the owner or holder of such seine not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the justice of the peace trying the case. 119 Obstructions in Haul of Fishery. Ibid.. Sec. 28. 28. If any person shall wilfully and maliciously put any stake, log stone, ballast or other obstruction in the berth or haul of any fishery, he shall pay a fine not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the justice of the peace trying the case. Fishing With Purse=seines, Except for Food, Prohibited ; Proviso. Ibid., Sec. 29. 2Q. It Hhall not be lawful for any person to catch or take fish in the Patuxent river, or its tributaries, with purse-seiner, except for food purposes. Application to Justice for Permit. Ibid., Sec. 30. 30. A.ny person wishing to catch or take fish in the Patuxent river for food purposes, with purse-seines, shall make application to a justice of the peace in the county in which he resides for a permit, and shall make oath or affirmation that he is a resident of said county, and that he does not intend to catch fish for the purpose of manufacturing into fertilizer or to put upon the land in the raw state. Permit for Fish Trap or Pound. Ibid., Sec. 31. 31. Any person wishing to set a fish trap or pound in the Patux- ent river, or its tributaries, shall make application to a justice of the peace for the county in which he resides for a permit to put down such trap, and shall make oath before such justice that he has been a bona fide resident of said county for twelve months immediately preceding the date of such application. 120 Driving Down Stakes. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 32. 32. Any person who shall drive down any stakes in the Patuxent river, or its tributaries, for the purpose of setting a trap or pound, shall draw up all of the stakes within ten days after he removes the net from such stakes. Fee to Justice for Permit. Ibid., Sec. 34. 33. Any justice of the peace for any of the counties bordering on the Patuxent river shall, upon application of any bona tide resident of his respective county, administer such oath and issue such permit as prescribed in sections 30 and 31, and he shall charge twenty-five cents as his fee. Penalty for Violations of Sections 29=34. Ibid., Sec. 35. 34. Any person violating any of the provisions of any ot the five preceding sections shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, to be collected as other fines; one-half to be paid to the informer, the other half to be paid to the county commissioners of the county in which such offense is committed, for the benefit of the public schools of said county. No Pound Nets Less Than 500 Yards Apart; Penalty. 1908, Ch. 293. 35. It shall not be lawful for any person, persons, or corporation to set, place, construct or use any nets (known as pound nets) in the waters of the Patuxent river, between the head of the river and Holland point wharf, less than five hundred yards apart, as measured by the channel of the river ; and any person, or persons, or corporation violating 121 the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. POTOMAC. Beginning and End of Shad and Herring Season. 1904, Art. 39. Sec. 36. 36. The fishing season for shad and herring in the waters of the Potomac river shall begin the fifteenth day of March and end the first day of June in each year. Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 37. 37. If any person shall haul, drift, anchor or stake in the Potomac river, or any of its tributaries in the Slate, any gill-nets or seine of any description (except those commonly called market seines for summer and winter fish, and sturgeon nets with eight-inch measure), at any time not within the period fixed by the preceding section, he shall forfeit all the boats, seines and fixtures then in his possession and be fined for each offense not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. Hauling Seine Within Regularly Hauled Fishing Landing, or Opposite Shore of Owner ; Penalty. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 38. 38. No person shall haul, drift or fish any seine or gill-nets within the water bounds or berths of any regularly hauled fishing landing, nor opposite to any part of the shore of the owner or occupier of any such landing, within hauling distance from such shore, between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of June in each year, without the per- mission of the owner or occupier of such fishing landing; and any per- son so offending shall be subject to the forfeiture and fine prescribed by the preceding section. 122 Arrest of Offenders ; Forfeiture of Boats and Seines. Ibid., Sec. 39. 39* The owners or occupiers of the regularly hauled fishing land- ings are authorized to render any sheriff or other officer assistance nec- essary to arrest any person violating any of the provisions of the two preceding sections; and the said officer shall seize all boats, seine and fixtures in possession of such person, and carry the person so arrested before some justice of the peace, to be dealt with as herein directed ; and the said officer may summons the posse comitatus to aid him in making arrest or seizure authorized by" this section ; and may for that purpose also press, at the expense of the State, any steamboat or other vessel belonging to any citizen of this State not actually engaged in carrying the United States mail. Time Regulated for Catching Bass and Other Fish. Ibid., Sec. 40. 40. It shall not be lawful for any person to catch or kill any black bass, green bass, rock bass, pike or pickerel or wall-eyed pike (commonly known as salmon,) between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of June of each year ; nor catch or kill any of said species of fish at any other time during the year, save only with a rod, hook and line or dip- net. The words " hook and line " shall not include trot-line or out-lines. This section is not applicable to Montgomery county. Penalty for Violating These Provisions. Ibid., Sec. 41. 41. Any person violating the provisions of section 40 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable, on conviction, by im- prisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding $200, or by fine and imprisonment; and it shall be the duty of the circuit court for the counties abutting on the Potomac river above the Little Palls at each session of the grand jury to call its attention 123 to the provisions of this law. This section not applicable to Montgomery county. Where This Law May Not Apply; When to Become Effective. Ibid., Sec. 42. 42. The provisions of sections 40 and 41 are applicable below the Little Falls, near Washington, the same having become effective by the ratification of the act of 1896, chapter 427, by Virginia and West Vir- ginia, and become the law of Maryland by proclamation by the governor of this State on May 6, 1897. When Unlawful to Catch Black Bass and Other Fish. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 43. 43. It shall not be lawful for any person to catch or kill any black bass, green bass, pike or pickerel or wall-eyed pike (commonly known as salmon) in the tributaries of the Potomac river between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of June of each year, nor catch or kill any of said species of fish at any other time during the year save only with a rod, hook and line or dip-net. Penalty for Violation of This Law. Ibid., Sec. 44. 44. Any person violating the provisions of section 43 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable, on conviction, by im- prisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by fine and imprisonment. Where This Law is Not to Apply. Ibid., Sec. 45. 43, The provisions of section 43 and 44 shall not be applicable be- low Little Falls, near Washington, and shall not apply to that part of the waters of the Monocacy river and its tributaries lying in Creagers- 124 town and Woodsboro districts, Frederick county, and Middlebury dis- trict, in Carroll county, from the bridge over the Monocacy river on the turnpike road leading from Woodsboro to Creagerstown in Frederick county, to the head of the Monocacy river and its tributaries. Obstruction in the Way of Hauling Seine From March to June, and Failure to Remove Same ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 46. 46. If any person shall, during the months of March, April, May and June, place any boat, vessel or other obstruction or hindrance in the way of laying out or hauling any seine used in any lawful fishery on Baid river or its tributaries, or otherwise obstruct or hinder such laying out or hauling, and he or his agents shall fail or refuse forthwith to re- move such obstruction or hindrance on being required to do so by the person so obstructed or hindered, he shall pay a fine of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. Wilful Obstruction ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 47. 47. If any person shall wilfully and maliciously place any obstruc- tion or hindrance in the way of laying out or hauling in any seine in any lawful fishery upon the Potomac river or its tributaries, or in any other manner or way prevent a bona fide owner of a shore, or his agent or tenant from using or fishing on such shore, he shall, on conviction, for- feit and pay not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dol- lars, or be imonsoned for not less than one month nor more than one year; this and the preceding section not to apply to any obstruction or hindrance by unavoidable accident or stress of weather. Vessels May Anchor Opposite Owner's Shore; How. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 48. 48. Any owner or occupier of a fishery on the Potomac may cause 125 and permit all vessels employed by him in carrying on his business to be anchored or moored opposite his shore, but not so as to interfere with the rights of the owners or occupiers of adjoining shores in laying out their seines. License for Shad and Herring Fishing; by Whom Obtainable. Ibid., Sec. 49. 49. No person shall fish in the Potomac river or its tributaries for shad and herring during the season prescribed in section 36 with seines, gill- nets or nets of any kind, without having first obtained a license therefor, as hereinafter provided ; and no person shall be entitled to ob- tain such license for fishing with a hauling seine who is not the owner or occupier of some fishing shore on said river; nor shall any persons be entitled to obtain such license for fishing with gill-nets, except bona fide citizens of the counties bordering on said river. License ; How Obtainable. Ibid., Sec. 50. 50. All persons entitled under the preceding section to fish for shad and herring in the Potomac river and its tributaries shall first ob- tain a license therefor, by application to the clerk of the circuit court for the county bordering on said river, opposite to, or in which he may desire to fish, which license shall have effect for and during the period fixed in section 36 ; and the Comptroller of the Treasury shall cause to be printed and delivered to the several clerks of the circuit courts for the counties bordering on said river the requisite number of such blank licenses, and take their receipts for the same, as for other licenses fur- nished ; and said clerk shall, on the first Monday in June in each year, return to the said Comptroller a list and account of such liceuHes issued by them. 126 Contents of License. Ibid., Sec. 51. 51 • Every license to fish, as aforesaid, shall state the name and res- idence of the person to whom the same is granted, the description of the fishing fix to be used, whether hauliog seine or gill-net, the num- ber of square fathoms of seine or net when rigged, and that he is the bona fide owner of the same ; and every person to whom such license may be granted shall first pay to the clerk where granted three cents for each square fathom of seine, and one cent for each square fathom of gill-net to be used ; but nn license shall be granted to any one applying for the same unless such applicant shall make oath before the clerk authorized to issue the same, or before some justice of the peace of the same county, upon whose certificate the clerk may issue said license, that the number of square fathoms of the seine or net to be used, and the other facts to be inserted in said license, are strictly true, and that he will obey and comply with all the provisions of the laws of this State regulating fishing in the Potomac river; and for each and every outfit, whether of hauling seine or gill-net, a license shall be required. Fishing Without License ; Penalty. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 52. 52, If any person shall fish for shad or herring in the Potomac river, or its tributaries aforesaid, without having first obtained a license, as required in the three preceding sections, except fish caught for pri- vate use and not for sale, he shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars for the first offense, and for any second or subsequent offenses be so fined, or in the discre- tion of the justice or court before whom tried shall forfeit the seine, or net, boat and other outfit used in such fishiner, or be both fined and subject to the forfeiture aforesaid ; one-half of such fine to be paid to the informer and the residue to the Comptroller of the Treasury. 127 Number of License to be Painted on Boat. Ibid., Sec. 53. S3* Every person to whom such license shall be granted shall also be required to put the number of his license on each bow of his seine or gilling-boat, outside, between the water line and gunwale, to be painted with red oil paint on a white space, and each figure to be not less than three inches in height and of proportionate width ; and anyone violating or refusing to comply with this provision shall, on conviction thereof before a justice of the peace of the county in or opposite to which he may be fishing, pay a fine of not less than five nor more than ten dol- lars ; one-half to be paid to the informer and the residue to the Comp- troller of the Treasury. Warrant for Arrest of Offenders ; Seizure of Boats and Seines. Ibid., Sec. 54. . S4. Upon information given upon oath to any justice of the peace having jurisdiction of any violation of any of the provisions of the five pre- ceding sections, he shall issue his warrant for the arrest of the offender or offenders, and for the seizure of the seines, nets, boats, and other fish- ing outfit, in cases when forfeiture of the same is provided, which shall be directed to the sheriff, or any constable of the county or other officer authorized to arrest under this article, to be dealt with according to law. And it shall be the duty of any sheriff, constable or other officer so authorized, with or without warrant, to arrest any person violating the provisions of any of said five preceding sections, and to seize any such Heine, net, boat or other fishing outfit in cases where forfeiture of the same is provided and found being used in violating any of said pro- visions, and to bring such offender before a justice of the peace most accessible or convenient, to be dealt with as herein provided. 128 Sale by Sheriff of Condemned Vessels. ibid., Sec. 55. 55» A.11 vessels or other property condemned under the provisions of any of the six preceding sections shall be sold by the sheriff or other officer making the seizure on ten day's notice ; and the proceeds of sale, after deducting the expenses thereof, shall be paid over to the clerk of the circuit court for the county, to be disposed of as herein provided. License Money and Fines to be Paid Into Treasury to Credit of Oyster Fund. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 56. 56» AH money arising from the sale of licenses or from tines, pen- alties and forfeitures imposed under any of said sections shall be paid by the Comptroller into the Treasury and placed to the credit of the oyster fund, and the State's portion of such fines and forfeitures shall be paid by the sheriff or other officer collecting the same to the clerk of the circuit court for the county where the same may accrue ; and such clerk shall account for the same to the Comptroller of the Treasury in his annual return; and the commanding officer of the State oyster police force is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of said sections. Fishing from Arks or Lighters Prohibited; Penalty. Ibid.. Sec. 57. 57, It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to fish in the Potomac river from what are known as arks or lighters, or from any kind of vessel or float, by whatever named called, in or upon which per- sons may live or may exclusively occupy ; but all such fishing shall be with and from regular seine or gilling- boats. Any violation of this sec- tion shall subject the offender, upon conviction thereof, to a fine of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars for the first offense, and for any second or subsequent offense to such fine, and also, in the 129 discretion of the justice of the peace, or of the court before whom the offender may be convicted, to forfeiture of such ark, lighter, vessel or float and fishing outfit used in such violation thereof. Compact With Virginia. Ibid., Sec. 58. SSm 111 case the State of Virginia shall adopt a law similar in its provisions to the nine preceding sections, citizens of either State, when arrested for violation thereof by the police force, or other officer of either State, shall be delivered up for trial to the police force, or other officer of the State of which the offender is a citizen, unless arrested for hindrance or disturbance of the fisheries on the shores of the other State, in violation of any of the said provisions ; in which case he shall be tried in such other State ; and in all questions of citizenship the burden of proof shall be on the offender. Taking of Sand From Shore Below Fort Washington to be Larceny ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 59. SO* It shall not be lawful for any person, other than the owner, or by the permission of the owner, to take or carry away from any shore of the Potomac river, below Fort Washington, which has been or may be used as a fishery, any sand, gravel or other matter that may form part of said shore, to the amount of twenty bushels or more ; and if any person shall feloniously steal, take and carry away from any shore of the Potomac river, below Fort Washington, which has been or may be used as fishery, any sand, gravel or other matter that may form part of said shore, to the amount of twenty bushels or more, such person shall be deemed guilty of larceny, and on conviction thereof in the circuit court for the county in which such larceny was committed, shall pay to the owner the full value thereof, and be sentenced to the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than five years. 130 RIVERS IN TALBOT, DORCHESTER AND CAROLINE COUNTIES. Who May Fish In. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 60. 60. No person shall take or catch fish in the waters of Talbot, Dorchester or Caroline counties except the citizens of said counties, and except such residents of this State as may obtain the permission of the owner or occupier of land bordering on any of the said waters ; pro- vided, that any person so obtaining permission shall not employ in his service any other than a bona fide resident of this State. Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 61. 61. Any person violating the preceding section shall pay a tine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, and forfeit the boat or vessel in his possession, together with tbe seine, tackle and all things on board at the time the offense may be committed. WYE RIVER AND RIVERS IN QUEEN ANNE'S AND KENT COUNTIES. Hauling Seine Without Permission of Owner of Shore ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 62. 62. If a^y person shall haul a seine in Wye river, or any of the rivers of Queen Anne's or Kent counties, without the permission of the owner or occupant of the shore where such seine may be hauled, such owner or occupant may seize, by way of distress, the seine, boat, tackle and everything on board the boat, and may have the damages sustained by him by reason of such hauling of a seine ascertained by a justice of the peace or by three citizens to be summoned and sworn by a justice 131 of the peace ; and when the damages are so ascertained the owner or occupant of such shore may have the seine, boat and articles so distrained appraised and sold to pay such damages. Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures ; How Recovered. Ibid., Sec. 63. 63. All fines and penalties imposed by the preceding sections of this article, if they do not exceed one hundred dollars, may be recovered by action of debt in the name of the State before a justice of the peace, and if over one hundred dollars, by indictment in the circuit court for the county where the offense is committed. Unknown Offender ; How to be Described in Warrant. Ibid., Sec. 64. 64. If the name of the offender be unknown, he may be arrested on a warrant describing him as the person committing the offense with- out stating his name in the warrant. Forfeitures ; How to be Enforced. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 65. Q5. AH forfeitures of property incurred under this article, unless otherwise specially provided, may be enforced in this way : The sheriff or constable shall, on complaint made to him, seize the property alleged to be forfeited and give notice to the owner thereof, if the owner can be found, to appear before a justice of the peace of the county where the seizure is made on a certain day within five days from the time of seizure, to show cause why the property so seized should not be con- (?emned ; and if the owner of the property so seized evades the service of said notice then the sheriff or constable may set up notices at three of the most public places in the neighborhood of the seizure, warning the owner of such property to appear before a justice of the peace, to be 132 therein named on a certain day not less than ten days from the time of seizure, to show cause why the said property should not be condemned. Condemnation by Justice. Ibid., Sec. 66. 66. If upon the hearing in any case of seizure as aforesaid the justice is satisfied that the owner or person having charge of the prop- erty so seized is guilty of violating any of the provisions of this article which impose a forfeiture of such property for such violation, then such justice shall adjudge the same to be condemned and sold by the sheriff or constable seizing the same (or if he be dead or removed away by some other officer) on ten days' public notice, and the justice may proceed ex parte to hear and determine any question of forfeiture if the owner fails to appear after the notice herein required to be given. How Unknown Owner May be Described. Ibid., Sec. 67. 67. If the sheriff or constable making a seizure of property under this article does not know the name of the owner or person having charge thereof, he may describe him in the notice he is required to give as the owner of the property, without naming him, and the justice, if he does not know the name of the owner, may condemn the property as the property of a person guilty of violating the law without naming such person. Proceeds of Sales; How to be Divided. Ibid., Sec. 68. 68. The proceeds of the sale of any property forfeited as aforesaid shall, after paying the expenses of the seizure, condemnation and sale, be divided one-half to the sheriff or constable making the seizure and the other half to the informer. 133 Fines ; How to be Distributed. Ibid., Sec. 69. 69. All fines imposed under this article shall go, one-half to the informer and the other half to the county where the fine is imposed. Jurisdiction Wiien Offense Committed in River Dividing Two Counties ; When on Chesapeake Bay. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 70. 70. If any oflfense under this article is committed in a river divid- ing two counties, then the justice or court of either county shall have jurisdiction; or if it is committed in the waters of the Chesapeake bay, then the justices or courts of any counties bordering on that part of the bay shall have jurisdiction. Committal of Person Where Fine Exceeds $100. Ibid., Sec. 71. 71. If any person is arrested for any oflfense under this article, and the tine is more than one hundred dollars, then the justice before whom such person is brought shall commit such person, unless he give adequate bail, to appear and answer such offense at the next circuit court for the county. TROUT AND OTHER FISH. Season for Trout Fishing ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 72. "72. It sliall ^^^ ^^^ lawful for any person to take, catch or kill any speckled brook trout, or any speckled river trout, save only with a hook and line, or to have any such trout in his possession, except during the months of April, May, June, July, and the first fifteen days in the month of August, under a penalty of five dollars for each trout so caught or had in his possession ; but this section shall not prevent any person or 134 corporation from catching trout in any manner or at any time in waters owned by him or them, or upon his or their premises to stock other waters. Trout Not to be Caught in Traps, Fish=Baskets or Seines; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 73. •73. It shall not be lawful for any person within this State to take or catch any brook trout at any time in any of the waters of the State by means of any fish-basket, seine or seines, net or nets, trap or traps, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every fish so taken. Poisoning Fish ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec 74. 74, No person shall place in any fresh water stream, lake or pond, without the consent of the owner, or in the waters and estuaries with the rivers debouching iuto them, any lime or other deleterious substance, with the intent thereby to poison or catch fish, under a penalty of one hundred dollars. Artificial Ponds, Fishing In ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 75. 75» Whenever any person who owns, controls or erects an artificial pond upon his own land, or land of which he is in legal possession, shall put therein any fish, or the eggs or spawn of fish, for the purpose of breeding and cultivating fish, and shall give notice thereof, either in one or more newspapers of the county, or by written or printed handbills put up in public places near said pond, any person who shall thereafter enter upon such pi-emises, without the consent of the owner, for the purpose of fishing, or shall catch in said pond or ponds and take there- from any fish, shall be guilty of a trespass, and, in addition thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars for the first fish, ten dollars for the 135 second, and twenty dollars for the third and each subsequent offense. Trout Fish Culture ; Sale and Transportation of Trout Permitted. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 76. 76. Any person or company engaged in the increase of brook trout by artificial process (known as fish culture) may take from his or their pond or ponds in any way, and cause to be transported, and may sell any brook trout and the spawn of brook trout at any time ; and common carriers may transport them, and dealers may sell them on con- dition that the packages thereof so transported are accompanied by a certificate from a justice of the peace, certifying that such trout are sent by the owners or agents or parties so engaged in tish culture ; and such person or company may take, in any way and at any time, upon the premises of any person, under permission of the owners thereof, brook trout to be kept and used for artificial propagation only, and for no other purpose. Violations of Sections 72=76 ; How Prosecuted. Ibid., Sec. 77. 77. Violation of any of the provisions of the five preceding sec- tions may be prosecuted by any citizen of the county in which said vio- lation shall take place, before any justice of the peace or circuit court for said county; funds paid as penalties shall be equally divided between the informer and the public school commissioners of the county, for the benefit of the public schools in the district where the offense is com- mitted. Catching Black Bass, Etc., at Other Than Designated Times; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 78. 78. No person shall catch or in any manner take or kill in any 136 waters of this State, above a point where the tide ebbs and flows, any black bass, pickerel, or pike perch, otherwise known as wall-eyed pike, and California salmon, between the first day of April and the fifteenth day of June, both inclusive, in each and every year, in any manner what- soever, nor at any time, save only with rod, line and single hook, baited with natural bait, or tied with artificial fly, or with a spoon or spinner, each equipped with a single hook, or of any size less than eight inches, measuring in the case of each fish from the tip of ihe nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail, under a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each fish so unlawfully caught, taken or killed. Catching Certain Fish Less Than Designated Size ; Exception. 1904, Art. 89, Sec. 79. 79. No person shall catch or in any manner take or kill. in the said waters thereof at any time any white or yellow perch of any size less than seven inches in length, or any pike less than fourteen inches in length, or any rock, otherwise known as striped bass, less than ten inches in length, or any tailor less than eight inches in length, or white cat fish under seven inches, or any sturgeon weighing less than twenty pounds, or any rock weighing over twenty pounds, in spawning season of April, May and June, measuring, in case of fish, from the tip of the nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail, excepting haul seines during the time be- tween April first and June twelfth. Obstructing Fish Streams ; Penalty. Ibid., Sec. 80. SO. No person shall, in this State, in any manner or at any time, so obstruct any stream above where the tide ebbs and flows in which trout or other fish have been placed by the State or national government so that said fish shall not have free access up and down said stream, un- 137 der a penalty of not less than ten dollars ($10), nor more thaii twenty- five dollars ($25), for every such offense. Failure to Keep Fish Ladders in Repair ; Penalty. Ibi(i., Sec. 81. 81. Every owner of a dam or dams upon any of the said waters of this State ia hereby required to make and keep in repair, or oauae to be made and kept in repair, and placed upon said dam or dams at least one fish ladder of such a character as to enable tish to have a free course up and down said waters at all times, under a penalty of not less than twen- ty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every offense. Throwing Explosive and Other Substances in Fish Waters ; Penalty ; Proviso. Ibid.. Sec. 82. 82, No person shall place, throw or make use of in any of said waters, except from bona tide engineering, milling or mining purposes, any dynamite or other explosive substance, or any lime, poison, acid, sawdust, shaving or other substance whatsoever deleterious to or de- structive of fish life, under a penalty of not less than one hundreil dol- lars ($100) nor more than three hundred dollars ($300), or imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than three years, or be both fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall apply to saw mills now in operation until October 1, 1903, unless said sa^v mill or mills shall in the meantime change its or their location ; and further provided, that any saw mill or mills, moving from its or their present location, shall be con- sidered a new mill or mills, and shall be subject to the provisions of this section. 138 Emptying Net or Seine Upon Beach; Penalty; Exception. Ibid., Sec 83. 83. No person shall at any time empty any seiue or net of any de- scription whatsoever upon the beach, shore or land bordering upon any of the waters of this State, or in the waters bordering on said beach, shore or land where the waters is less than twelve inches in depth, ex- cept that iu the vvaters of the Chesapeake bay, above Pool's island, seines or nets may be landed upon the shore or upon the flats; and no person shall at any time so empty any such seine or net as to leave to perish upon the beach, shore or laud, or upon any boat or float, any white or yellow perch of any size less thau seven inches in length; or any rock tish, or striped bass, less than ten inches iu leuj^th; or any tailor of any size lees than eight inches in length; or any pike of any size less than fourteen inches in length, measuring in each case for each one of said tish from the tip of the nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail; or any sturgeon weighing less than twenty pounds; or any rock wei-^hing over twenty pounds,- in spawning season of April, May and June ; but every person so using any seine or net of any description, or hook and line, shall immediately cull over and return to waters where same is not less than twelve inches deep, all of the aforesaid tish therein captured of any size than the aforesaid lengths, or any sturgeon weighing less than twenty pounds; provided, further, that nothing in this section contained shall prevent any one from capturing and destroying in any manner, save only by the way prohibited by section 82, any Gorman carp, or leather carp, or any carp of any description whatsoever, of any size. Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace Under Sections 78=85; Throwing Slab of Timber in Fish Waters; Penalty. 1904. Art. 39, Sec. 84. 34. All justices of the peace of this State in and for the city or county wherein the offense shall be committed shall have jurisdiction to 139 hear and determiDe all prosecutions for the purpose of enforcing fiues and penalties collectible under the provisions of sections 78 to 86, and all such fines and penalties are hereby expressly made subject to the provisions of section 8 of chapter 293 of the acts of the General A-ssem- bly of Maryland, passed at the session of 1896 ; and in all cases where such prosecutions are begun or instituted by any person other than the State Game Warden, or one of his deputy game wardens of this State, and shall result in the collection of a fine or fines, then one half of such fine or fiues, after the proper court costs or costs of the magistrate in convicting the offender shall have been paid, shall be paid to the in- former, and the other half to the school fund of the city or county in which said prosecution is conducted. It shall be unlawful for any per- son or persons in any manner to throw, or cause to be thrown, any slab of timber or other substance across or into any stream, under a penalty of two dollars ($2) for each fish so caught, taken or killed. Sale and Purchase of Fish Prohibited ; Proviso. Ibid., Sec. 85. S3. No person shall, in this State, sell or expose for sale, or huj any white perch, yellow perch, rock or striped bass, tailor or pike under size mentioned in section 83, or any sturgeon under weight as limited in said section, where the fish so offered for sale, or bought, contain over ten per cent, of fish under size or weight, whether such fish so ex- posed for sale, sold or bought shall have been caught, trapped or in any other manner taken or killed in the State of Maryland or in any other State or county, under penalty for exposing for sale, selling or buying of such fish, as provided in section 83, for catching said undersize fish; but nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as lo prevent any of the fish commissioners of this State, in pursuance of their capac- ity as a fish culturist, or any other person or corporation which shall first obtain a certificate in writing from the State Game Warden to the 140 effect that such persons or corporations are engaged in the scientific culture or propagation only; and to obtain said certificate said persons or corporations must file with the State Game Warden an application and affidavit to the truth and bona fides thereof, made by the person or officers of the corporation requesting the same, and taken before any officer competent to administer an oath in this State, and said affidavit and application shall be retained and kept on file by said State Game Warden. To What Counties Provisions of Sections 78=85 Not Applicable. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 86. 86. A.11 acta and parts of acts, and all sections and parts of sec- tions of the code, both of general and local laws, and all amendments of and additions and supplements thereto, now in force in the State of Maryland inconsistent with the provisions of sections 78 to 86, with the exception only of chapter 427 of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the session of 1896, are hereby repealed ; provided, that nothing in the said sections shall apply to Frederick, Baltimore, Howard, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's Harford, St. Mary's, Wicomico, Charles, Talbot, Worcester, Calvert, or Somerset counties, or to Balti- more city. When Cat=Fish and Eels May be Caught. 1910, Ch. 286. 87. It shall be lawful to take cat-fish and eels in any of the waters of the State of Maryland in any manner during the months of Septem- ber, October, November and December in each year. Violation of Sections 79, 83, 85, 89 or 95. 1910, Ch. 255, Sec. 4. 88. Any person violating any of sections 79, 83, 85, or 95 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined the 141 sum of twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense, and shall stand committed to the county jail if said fine is not paid for one day for each dollar of fine imposed, but not for a period of more than sixty days. Any deputy i^ame warden or constable or informer who shall procure a conviction under said sections shall be entitled to the half fine received, and the remainin» half shall be paid over to the State treasurer to the account of the State game protection fund, to be used by the State Game Warden for the protection of fish in waters of the State as may be provided by law. Transmission of Moneys Received for Licenses. 1910, Ch 255, Sec. 2. S9. The clerk of the circuit courts of the counties and the clerk of the superior court of Baltimore city, shall annually, on the first day of January of each and every year, transmit to the treasurer of this State all moneys received by them for licenses, after deducting the fees herein authorized ; the said amount so received by the treasurer shall be placed to the credit of a fund to be known as the " State Game Protection Fund," and shall be disbursed by the State treasurer on warrants signed by the State Game Warden, approved by the Governor and filed with the Comptroller, who shall draw his warrant therefor on the treasurer. No Application to Angling. 1906, Ch. 479. 90. Provided, however that this article shall not apply to those persons who take fish by hook and line, commonly known as anglers. HARD SHELL CRABS. Closed Season. 1906, Ch. 148. Ql, It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take, catch or gather hard shell crabs in any of the waters of the State of Maryland 142 between the first day of November and the first day of May next suc- ceeding in each and every year. Violation ; Penalty. 1906, Ch. 148. 92. Any person or persons violating the preceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace shall be fined in a sum of not less than ten dol- lars nor more than tw^enty-tive dollars, or be confined in the county jail of the county in which said oflfense was committed for not more than three months, or be both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the justice of the peace or the court trying the same. Enforcement of Sections 91 and 92. 1906. Ch. 148. 93. It shall be the duty of the State Fishery Force and all other officers of the law to assist in the enforcement of sections 91 and 92. Disposition of Fines. 1906, Ch. 148. 94. Ill all prosecutions arising under sections 91 and 92 wherein a tine or fines shall be collected, one-half of said tine or fines shall go to the informer or informers ; provided, said informer or informers is not an officer of the State Fishery Force or any other officer of the law. EXPLODING DYNAMITE TO CATCH FISH. Using Dynamite or Fish Pot. 1910, Ch. 255, Sec. 3. 9S. It shall be unlawful to dynamite for fish in any waters of the State to cateh fish ; also unlawful to have a fish pot in any of the waters of the State. 143 Unlawful to Use Explosives to Catch Fish in Chesapeake Bay. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 87. 96* It shall be unlawful to explode any dynamite or other sub- stance of like explosive nature in the waters of the Chesapeake bay, or any of the tributaries thereof, within the limits of the State of Mary- land, for the purpose of taking or catching fish thereby. Penalty. 1904, Art. 39. Sec. 88. 97. Any person violating the provisions of the foregoing section, upon indictment and conviction for the same in any circuit court for the county, or criminal court of Baltimore wherein the oflFense may have been committed, shall be fined not less than three hundred dollars and the cost of prosecution; and upon failure to pay the same shall be confined in the house of Correction for not less than one year. Disposition of Fines Collected. Ibid., Sec. 89. 98, All fines collected under the two preceding sections shall be paid one-half to the informer and the other half into the treasury of the State of Maryland. COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERIES. To be Appointed Biennially by Governor. Ibid., Sec. 90. QQ, The Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall biennially appoint two competent persons, who shall con- tinue in office for two years from the time of their appointment, and until their successors are appointed, who shall be known as commission- 144 era of fisheries of Maryland, one of whom shall come from the Eastern and one from the Western Shore of the State. To Inspect Waters of State ; Report to Governor. Ibid., Sec. 91. lOO. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to inspect all the waters of the State with a view of stocking the same with such food fishes as in their judgment shall be most advantageous; and with such object they shall communicate with the commissioner general of fisheries of the United States and with the commissioners of fisheries appointed by the different States, and report the result of their inspection to the Governor of this State as soon as practicable; and they shall examine into the feasibility of cutting a channel around the Great Falls of the Potomac to admit the passage of fish from tidewater into the Upper Potomac; and they shall also inquire into the expediency of construct- ing fishways or fish-ladders to admit the passage of fish over dams or other obstructions in the upper Potomac or elsewhere in the State. Further Duties Of. Ibid., Sec. 92. IQL It shall be the duty of the said commissioners of fisheries, after making the inspection and obtaining the information required in the preceding section, to proceed to the selection of proper locations for the propagation and culture of such food fishes as it shall be deemed desirable to introduce into the waters of this State, and obtain the necessary ova, and construct and erect suitable houses and devices for hatching the same, and protecting the small fish until fit to be distrib- uted, and then to distribute the same among such waters of this State as shall be deemed proper. 145 To Use All Means to Destroy Eels ; One-Fourth of Ap= propriation to be Spent in Wicomico County. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 93. 1Q2|, The Fish Commissioners are directed and required, together with such persons as may be in their employment, to use all means in their power for the destruction of eels. It shall be their duty while en- gaged in hatching and propagation of young tish, and also at such other times as they may not actually be engaged in the hatching and propa- gation of young fish as aforesaid, also to construct, build, erect, plant, keep, alter and maintain eel pots and all such other devices as they may from time to time deem advisable and practicable for the catching and destruction of eels under the provisions of sections 102 to 106. And the Haid Fish Commissioners are hereby directed and required to expend and use one-fourth of the money appropriated by the State for the use of said Fish Commissioners under the laws of this State in the construct- ing, building, erecting, planting, keeping and maintaining pots and such other devices as they may deem advisable and practicable for the catch- ing and destroying of eels as aforesaid and in carrying out the provisions of sections 102 to lo6 in addition to other moneys hereinafter directed to be used for said purposes. The amount appropriated hereby to be expended within the waters of the Wicomico river. To Maintain Eel Pots. Ibid.. Sec. 94. 103. Whenever the said Fish Commissioners shall have any hatch- ing apparatus for the propagation of tish in any of the waters of this State, they are hereby directed and required to establish, keep and maintain in connection therewith, and in said waters, eel pots and all such other devices as aforesaid within their power, as required by the preceding section. 146 Account to be Kept of Eels Destroyed. Ibid., Sec. 95. 104, It shall be the duty of the said Fish Commissioners, their said employees, and ail persons who are required to carry out the pro- visions of sections 102 to 106, to keep a strict account of the number of eels caught under the provisions of said sections, and the manner by which they are so caught. To Sell All Eels Caught ; Proceeds How to be Applied. Ibid., Sec. 96. 105, It shall be the duty of paid Fish Commissioners, their em- ployees, and all other persons engaged in enforcing the provisions of sections 102 to 106, to kill and destroy all eels which may be caught as aforesaid, and prepare for market, and cause to be sold at the greatest possible price, all such eels so as aforesaid caught ; an account of which sales they shall keep accurately and fully, and apply the proceeds thereof in devising the most effective ways and means in their best judgment in catching, destroying and preparing for sale as aforesaid all eels which may be caught as hereinbefore directed ; and if there should be any sur- plus after said allowance and expenses, the same shall be retained and kept by the said Fish Commissioners in part payment of their respective salaries under the laws of this State. Removal of Commissioners for Refusal to Carry Out Sections 102=106. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 79. 106, If the said Fish Commissioners or their said employes should refuse to carry out and enforce the provisions of sections 102 to 106, then it shall be the duty of the Governor of this State to investigate the cause of said refusal ; and if, after said investigation, the said Governor should find the said refusal to be intentional, unreasonable and without cause, then it shall be the duty of the said Governor at once to remove said 147 officer or emploj^ee so refusing anrl appoint another who will enforce the provisions of said sections. To Make Annual Report to Governor of Their Work. Ibid., Sec. 98. 107. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to make an annual report to the Governor of the work accomplished by the commissioners, and also embracing such suggestions for the protection and propagation of food fishes in the waters of this State as may be the result of their observation and experience; which report the Governor shall cause to be printed, and transmit the same to the General Assembly of the State. Annual Salary Of. Ibid., Sec. 99. 108. The salaries of said commissioners shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum each ; and the sum of three thousand dollars per annum is hereby appropriated to pay the said salaries. Annual Appropriation for Carrying Out the Provisions of Sections 100, 101 and 107; Commissioners to Make Annual Reports. Ibid., Sec. 100. 109. The further sum of ten thousand dollars per annum, or so much thereof as may in the opinion of the Governor be necessary, is ap- propriated for the purpose of enabling said cominissioQers to carry out the provisions of sections 100, 102 and 107, and the Comptroller shall issue his warrant on the treasurer for the payment of said sum on requi- sition of said commissioners in such amounts as they may require, ap- proved by the Governor out of any moneys in the treasury not other- wise appropriated ; and said Fish Commissioners shall annually render to the Comptroller of the State for the inspection of the General As- sembly, strict and accurate itemized accounts of all moneys received by 1*48 them from the State, and of the disbursement or expenditure of the same with vouchers therefor ; and the Comptroller at each session of the General Assembly shall make a report thereof showing whether said Fish Commissioners have complied with the law. Chesapeake Bay; License. (Repealed and re-enacted by Chapter 699, Acts 1912, so as to read as follows, to be known as Section 101 — Code 1904). HO. A.ny person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of taking or catching of fish for sale by the use of pound nets, fykes, haul seines or other contrivances, except hook and line, within the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, below Pool's Island, and within the jurisdictional limits of the State of Maryland, shall first obtain, by ap- plication to the clerk of the circuit court for the county wherein he may reside, or the clerk of the court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city, a license therefor, and such license shall have etfect from the first day of February, in the year in which it may have been obtained, to the first day of February, inclusive, next succeeding ; and provided further, that such license shall not authorize the taking or catching of fish, ex- cept with hook and line, within the jurisdictional limits of any county or counties of this State. Cost of License; Clerk's Fee for Collecting License; License to be Credited to the " Oyster Fund." 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 102. m , Each and every license to take or catch fish for sale under the provisions of section 110 shall state the name, age and residence of the person to whom the same is to be granted ; and every applicant for such license shall pay to the clerk of the circuit court for the county or the clerk of the court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city, when such license shall be granted and before the delivery of the same, the sum of five dollars ; the clerk to receive the sum of twenty-five cents for each 149 and every license so issued, as a fee for issuing the sanae, including the administering of the oath when required ; and the said amount of license received for issuing same shall be paid over by the clerk into the treas- ury of the State of Maryland to be credited to the " Oyster Fund." Oath of Applicant for License. Ibid., Sec. 103. 112. Every applicant for license to take or catch tish for sale under the provisions of this article, shall be required to make oath or affirmation before the clerk authorized to issue the same, or before some justice of the peace, on whose certificate of the taking of such oath or affirmation the clerk shall issue said license, that " the facts set forth in said license are strictly true ; that he has been a bona fide resi- dent of the State of Maryland for the twelve months next preceding his application for said license, and that no non-resident of the State of Maryland is either directly or indirectly interested in the use of said pound net, fyke or haul seine or other contrivance used in taking fish for sale, or any boat or vessel used in the prosecution of said fishing, or pound nets, fykes, haul seines, or other contrivances in the taking or catching of fish for sale." Regulating Fishing in Bay Waters ; St. Mary's County. Acts 1912. 112a. Any person desiring to engage in fishing in the waters of the Chesapeake bay within four miles of the shore line of St. Mary's county, south of an east and west line passing through Cedar Point, and north of an east and west line passing through Point Lookout, as an employee of any person licensed as provided in sections 101, 102 and 103 of this act, shall before entering upon such employment apply for and obtain from the clerk of the circuit court for the county wherein such person applying shall reside, or from the clerk of the court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city, if such person so applying shall reside 150 in said city, a license for such employment, aud said clerk before issuing said license shall require said applicant to make oath that he has been a bona fide resident of the State of Maryland for the term of twelve months immediately preceding the date of such application. Any per- son obtaining a license under the provisions of thin section shall pay to the clerk issuing said license the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25), twenty-five cents (25c) of which sum shall be retained by said clerk as a fee for issuing said license, and the remainder of said sum shall be paid over by said clerk into the Treasury of the State of Mary- land to be credited to the oyster fund. Said license shall state the name, age and place of residence of said applicant and the date of which said license is issued. Said license shall entitle the person to whom it is is- sued to serve as an employee of any person, firm or corporation en- gaged in the business of fishing, under the provisions of sections 101, 102 and 103 of this act, within the limits heretofore defined in this act from the date of such issue until the first day of February, inclusive, next succeeding, and no person shall serve as such employee until after he shall have obtained a license as herein provided. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor and shall be pun- ishable by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00.) Comptroller to Have Blank Licenses Printed. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 104. 113. The Comptroller of the Treasury shall cause to be printed and delivered to the clerks of the circuit courts for the several counties the requisite number of such blank licenses, and take receipt for the same, and for other licenses furnished; and said clerk shall on the first Monday in July and December of each year, return to the Comptroller a list and account of such licenses issued by them, and at the end of each year shall return all unused blank licenses to him, and shall pay over to the Comptroller all the moneys received by them for such li- 151 cense, which amount the said Comptroller shall place to the credit of the "oyster fund." Limits of Setting Fyke Nets and Other Like Contrivances ; Penalty ; Appeal. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 105. 114. It shall not be lawful for atiy person in taking fish for sale by the use of pound nets, fyke nets or other contrivances, now known or hereafter invented, to set such pound nets, fyke nets or other con- trivances, now known or hereafter invented, in waters of the Chesapeake bay, within the jurisdictional limits of the State of Maryland and below Pool's island, in the Chesapeake bay, at a greater length than one-third the distance across the bay from low water mark on either side ; and any person violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof before some justice of the peace of any county of this State most accessible be fined the sum of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dol- lars, or shall forfeit said net or nets, together with the boats and tackles used in the violation of sections 110 to 118, inclusive, of this article, or to be subject to both tine and forfeiture, in the discretion of the justice of the peace trying the same ; provided, that the party feeling aggrieved shall have the right of appeal as in other cases tried before justices of the peace; and provided further, that in case of appeal the person ap- pealing shall give to the State of Maryland a good and sufficient bond, covering double the amount of the fine or forfeiture, in case of forfeit, so as to secure to the State the amount of fine and forfeiture in case he does not prosecute his appeal with effect. Penalties. Acts, 1912, Ch. 699, Sec. 106. lis. A.ny person, firm or corporation violating any of sections 110 to 118, inclusive, of this article, by the use of any pound net, fyke net, haul seine or other contrivances now known or hereafter invented, in the 152 taking or catching of fish, shall, on conviction thereof before some jus- tice of the peace of any county of this State most accessible, forfeit baid pound net, fyke net, haul seine or other contrivances now used or here- after invented for taking fish, together with all boats, vessels and tackle used in the violation of any of said sections, or fined a sum not less than fifty dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, or to be subject to both fine and forfeiture, in the discretion of the justice of the peace try- ing the case ; provided the person feeling aggrieved shall have the right of appeal to the circuit court for said county under the provisions of section 114. State Fishery Force to See That the Provisions of Sections 110 to 119 are Carried Out. Ibid., Sec. 107 116, It shall be the duty of the Commander of the State Fishery Force to command the deputies under his charge to see that the pro- visions of sections 110 to 119, inclusive, of this article are not violated, and to arrest all persons found violating any provisions of said sections, and take the said offender or offenders to the nearest or most accessible justice of the peace of any of the counties of this State, to be dealt with according to law. Application of Fines. 1904, Art. 39, Sec. 108 11*7. AH fines collected by the justices of the peace, under the provisions of sections 110 to 119, inclusive, of this article shall, within ten days thereafter, be paid to the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which the justice of the peace may reside, and by the said clerk to be paid into the treasury of the State, to be credited to the •* oyster fund," and that the provisions of these sections of the sub- title *' Chesapeake Bay " shall not apply in any sense to any of the tributaries of the Chesapeake bay. 153 Where Pound Nets and Stake Nets Shall be Prohibited ; Penalties. Ibid., Sec. 109. lis. The use of pound nets or stake nets shall be absolutely pro- hibited in the Chesapeake bay north of Pool's island, except the bay shore of Kent county up to Howel's Point, at the mouth of Sassafras river, and also on the Susquehanna river (and except on the west side of the Chesapeake bay from Pool's island north to one-half mile north of Spesutia island, on the west side of the bay, not to exceed eight hun- dred yards from the shore); and any person who shall engage in fishing for sale with the use of said pound nets, stake nets or similar contri- vances now used or hereafter invented, in violation of this section, shall be subject to the same fines and penalties as are prescribed in section 114 of this article ; and provided further, that all persons using haul seines and similar contrivances, except pound nets and stake nets, which are hereby prohibited, shall pay the same license and be subject to the same provisions of all sections under the sub-title "Chesapeake Bay," of this article, except gill nets, which are exempted. Sheriff and Constables to Make Arrests. Ibid., Sec. 110. 119. The sheritV or any of the constables of any of the counties of this State, where any violation of any of the sections 110 to 118, inclu- sive, shall come to his knowledge, or upon the warrant of some justice of the peace of any of the counties of this State, shall apprehend the said person or persons charged with the violation of any of said sections, and take the said person or persons to the nearest or most accessible justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to -the provisions of said sections ; and it shall be the further duty of the sheriff or any of the constables of the county, in case of a forfeiture of any net or nets, boat or boats, or tackle, by any justice of the peace of any of the counties of 154 this State, under any of the provisions of said sections, to hold and take possession of said nets, boats or tackle thus forfeited as aforesaid, and to offer the said net, nets, boat, boats or tackle for sale for cash to the highest bidder, after having advertised the same for sale in one or more conspicuous places in the neighborhood of said sale, setting forth the time, place and terms of said sale ; and the proceeds of such sale shall apply in the first place to the costs and charges incident to judgment, cost and forfeitures, and costs of seizure, sale and other costs incident to said sale, and the balance shall pay over to the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which the sale is made, and by the said clerk said balance shall be paid over to the Comptroller of the State, to the credit of the " oyster fund." Sections 110 to 119 Not to Apply to "Hook and Line." 1904, Art. 39. Sec. 111. 120. The provisions of sections 110 to 119, inclusive, shall not apply in any way to the use of the rod, hook and line in the taking or catching fish at any time during the year, or gill nets for family pur- poses. Limits Defining Head Waters of Chesapeake Bay. Ibid., Sec. 112. 12tl. The lines defining the headwaters of the Chesapeake bay at or near the mouth of the Susquehanna river shall be defined as follows : All waters west and south of the following line shall be considered as belonging to the Chesapeake bay, to wit: A line drawn from Carpenter's point, thence to Grove point; and a line drawn from Grove point to Howel's point, but not to include any tributary of said bay. For concurrent law regulating the taking of iish and oysters in the Potomac river, as provided by compact between the State of Maryland and Virginia, see Article 72., title Oysters. OYSTER INSPECTION TAX LAWS PASSED BY LEGISLATURE, MARCH 24, 1914 StH'tiou 1. Be it enacted l)y tlie (ireiieral Asseni])ly of :\Iai-\iaii(l, 'Fhat Section (i!) of Article 72 of the (^xle of I^nl)]ic (leiieral I^aws of 1904 as amended by C1iai)tei' 188 of the Acts of ]1)0() and Chapter 488 of the Acts of 1908, be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as folhiws: 'M)9. It shall be the dnty of the (\)mmander of the State Fishery Foi-ce, at the commencement of, or ' tlie oyster season in eacli yeai', to appcn'nt from the counties ]»rodncini>' oysters for ])ackin,i>' ])nr])oses in the State, not exceedini*- twenty, si)ecial ins])ectors, to l)e a])])ointed as follows: Two each from Anne Arnndel, St. Mary's, Talbot and Wicomico counties; three each from Dorchester, Somers<'t and (i)ueen Aniic's counties; and one each from Kent, (*alvert and Chai-les counties, at a salary of forty-five dollars ])er month, dnring the oyster season, and they shall be stationed at such places as in the jnd.^incnt of the (Vnnmander of the State l^'ishery Force their services may be nee(led. Before assuming' the duties of their offices the said special in- s])ectors shall take an oath, to be administered by the Commander, to dili.i^'ently and faitlifully discharge the duties of theii' said offices; the said special inspectors shall insi)ect all oysters in the district to which he is assigned; upon the ins])cction of any such oysters, each special inspector shall make a eertifieate of the number of bushels in triplicate, one of which shall be given to the purchaser, one to the seller, and the other daily to the General Measurer and Inspector of the district where such inspection occurred; in order to hel]) defray .the ex])enses occasioned by the inspection of oysters caught within the limits of the State of Maryland pro- vided for by this section and by the other sections of this Article, including the exi)enses of the State Fish- cry Force growing out of the ins])ection by it of oysters caught within the limits of the State of Maryland as re- (juired by the various provisions of this Article, an in- s])ection charge of one cent per bushel is hereby levied u])on all oysters caught within the limits of the State of Maryland unloaded from ncsscIs at the ])lace in Mary- land where said oysters are to be no further ship])ed in bulk in vessels, to be charged e(iually to the Iniyer and seller, but to be ])aid weekly to the CV)m])tr()ller of the State Treasury, or his agent, by the buyers; tlie certificate given the (leneral Measurcu- and Insjiector shall be by him mailed weekly to the (^omi)troller or his agent, and in case the amounts of money shown to he due l)e not i)aid in one week thereafter to the Comp- troller or his agent, which is hereby required to be done, the properties of the parties so indebted may be levied on and sold by the said ('om])troller or his agent, as in cases of taxes in default, without other process of law; the said ins])ection charge of one cent per bushel lierel)y levied is also made a charge on oysters caught within the limits of the State of Maryland and sold by commission merchants and others selling by less than the cargo, and also an insi)ection charge of three cents per barrel containing not more than three bushels of oysters caught within the limits of the State of Mary- land ; on oysters caught within the limits of the State of ^Inrylaiul coiitaincil in hair's an insix'ctioii cliar^t' of two cents ])('!• ))a,i; contaiiiinii' not more than two luTslu'ls; and all trans] >oi'tation conipanies ('arr\in<;' oysters in tlie shell can.uht. within the limits of the State of Maryland, consigned to Baltimore, shall furnish to the oyster inspector or collector of oyster tax a copy of tlieii* manifest showinii,' the nnmher of hiisliels on lioard on arrival of steamer and to whom consiiined, and the s])ecial inspect(n\s are charii,ed with t!i(» duty of s<'ein,n- that ])ro])er returns are made for the ])Ui'])ose of this section hy such commission merchants or retailer, and in the performance of their duty the said si)ecial m- spectors are authorized and directed to visit the ])laces wlieic oystei's cau.niit within the limits of the State of Maryland in less than caruo lots, are sold, ami uet from sucii sellers a stat(^ment unr oath as to the nnm- her of hnshels sold from time to time and return to the (reneral Measurers annient of the nmounts so found to he due shall he similarl\' enforced. All oystei-s found within the State of Maryland shall he presumed to have ))een can,i;iit within the limits of tlie State of Maryland and the hur(hMi (^f proof shall l)e upon anyone claimin.ii,' to the contrary to estahlish his said claim hy cleai- an.... I hereby eertify, that 1 have this day inspected for Captain , schoonei' , a eaigo of oysters ean<>'ht within the limits of the State of Maryhnid, sokl to , and found the same to contain hnslieis of niei-ehantal)h' oysters and bushels of unnierchantable oN'sters. (Si-ned.) "Section 11. And be it further enacted, Tliat this Act shnll take elfect fioni the date of its passa.i^e. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assenil)Iy of Maryland, Tiiat a runv section, to he known as "Section ()!)A," be and tlie same is liereby ad(h-d to Article 7l' of the ('o(h' of Public Geneial Laws of 11)04, said section to come in after Section (il' tliereof, and to read as fol- lows "liDA. The speci!• of this Article shall likewise ins])ect in the man- ner set forth in said Section (ill, all oysters cau,i»iit be- \-ond the limits of the State of Maryland and 1)roug-ht within said State, and an ins])ection chari>-e of one- third of a cent ]ter bushel is hereby levied in order to help defi*a\' the cxix'nses of such inspection upon .all siicli oystci-s uiiloadcMl I'l-oiu vcssols at the place in jVIarylaiid wlicre said oysters are to be no furtlier ship- ])ed in ])ulk in vessels, to be (diarg'ed eijnally to tlie l)nyer and seller, l)ut to be ]iaid weekly to tlie Coni])- Irollei- ol' the State Ti'easnry, or liis ai;'ent, l)y tlie lay- ers; tli<' ('(Mtifieate given the General Measnrer and In- spector shall be by bim mailed weekly to the (Comp- troller or bis agent, and in case tlie amonn.ts of money shown to Ix^ dne be not ])aid in one week thereafter to the ('oni]»trollei- or his agent, which is her(0)y recpiircMl to be done, the pi-operties of the parties so indebted iiia\' be levied on and sold by the said Oom])troll(M' or his agent, as in cases of taxes in defanlt, without other process of law. The inspection charge of on<^-third of a cent ])er Inishel liereby levied is also made a charge on oysters cangiit beyond the limits of the State of Mai\vlanil aiid brought within said State, and sold by <'onnnission merchants and others selling by less than the cargo, and also an ins]>eetion eliarge of one eent ])er barrel containing not more than three bushels of oys- ters caught beyond the liiuits of tlu^ State of Maryland and V)rought within said State; on oysters caught be- yond the limits of the State of Maryland and brought within said State in bags, an ins|)eetion charge of two- thiids of a cent ])er l)ag containing not more than two bushels; and all trans])ortation com])anies carr_\ing o>sters in the shell caught bexond the limits of the State of Maryland, consigned to 1 Baltimore, shall fur- nish to the oyster inspector or colhM-tor of oyster tax a copy of their manifest showing the number of bushels on board on arrix'al of steamer and to whom consigned and the s])ecial inspectors are charged with the duty of seeing that the ])ro])er returns ai-<' made for the i>ur- y)0se of this section by such conmiission merchant or re- tailer, and in the performance of their duly said sjx'cial 6' iiispector.s are antliorized and directed to visit the places where oysters eaiight beyond tlie limits of the State of Maryland and brought witliin said State in less than cargo lots, are sold, and get from snch sellers a statement under oath as to the number of bushels sold from time to time and retui-u to the (leneral Measurers and Insi)ectors a certificate ther(H)f to be forwarded to the Comptroller as required in the case of certificates for cargoes, and payment of the amounts so found to be due shall be similaily enforced. Wherever it is claimed that oysters found witliin the State of Maryland were caught beyond the limits of said State, the burden shall be u])on the person making said claim to establish the truth thereof by clear and satisfactory evidence. All such special inspectors may be removed at any time 1)y the Commander for neglect or malfeasance in office, and said Conunander shall rei)ort to the Gover- nor any neglect of a General Measurer or inspector. The Commander of the State Fishery Force shall fur- nish to each of said special inspectors certificates in book form, sup]»li(Ml with carbon ])aper, so that each of said triplicate certihcates shall be exactly the same; the form of the certificates shall be as follows: ,1!'.... I hereby certify that I have this day ins|)ected foi- Captain , schooner a cargo of oysters caught Vjeyond the limits of the State of Maryland and sold to and found the same to contain bushels of merchantable oysters and bushels of unmerchantable oys- ters. (Signed.) "Section II. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage." A^