Author ^^*0p Title .LE Imprint \844 16—47372-3 NEW-YOEI SCHOOL LAW. MnS^A^ AN ACT More effectually to provide for Common School Education in the City and County of New-York. Passed MayHth^ 1844, by a two-third vote^ The People of the State of New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : § 1. There shall continue to be two Commissioners, two In- spectors, and five Trustees, in each of the Wards of the City and County of New- York ; and the Commissioners, Inspectors and Trustees, elected on the first Monday of June, eighteen hundred and forty-three, shall hold their offices, respectively, for the periods which were determined by drawing lots, at the time they were severally inducted into their offices. On the first Monday of June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, and on each following year, there shall be elected, in each of the said Wards, one Commissioner and one Inspector, whose term of service shall be two years ; and one Trustee, whose term of service shall be five years. The election, so to be held, shall be subject to the same laws, rules and regulations, in all respects, as now govern the Charter Elections in said City. § 2. The Commissioners of Common Schools, so elected, shall constitute a Board of Education for the City and County of New- York, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum ; they shall elect one of their number President of said Board, who shall preside at the meetings thereof, which shall be ?ield at least as often as once in three months ; and they may appoint a Clerk, whose compensation shall be fixed and paid by the said Board of Education. § 3. All Schools organized under this Act, or which shall have been organized under the Act passed April 11, 1842, and the amended Act passed April IS, 1843, shall be designated Ward Schools, and shall be numbered consecutively, accord- ing to the time of their organization. The said Schools shall be subject to the Board of Education, and to the Commission- ers, Inspectors, and Trustees, of the respective Wards, in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided. § 4. Whenever the Clerk of the City and County of New- York shall receive notice from the Superintendent of Common Schools, of the amount of moneys apportioned to the City and County of New York, for the support and encouragement of Common Schools therein, he shall immediately lay the same before the Board of Supervisors of the City and County ; and the Chamberlain of the City and County of New- York, shall apply for and receive the School moneys apportioned to the said City and County, as soon as the same become payable, and place the same to the credit of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New- York, for the benefit of Com- mon Schools. § 5. The said Board of Supervisors shall annually raise and collect, by tax, upon the inhabitants of said City and County, a sum af money equal to the sum specified in such notice, at the same time, and in the same manner, as the contingent charges of the said City and County are levied and collected ; also, a sum of money equal to one -twentieth of one per cent, of the value of the real and personal property in the said City, liable to be assessed thereon, to be applied exclusively to the purposes of Common Schools in said City ; and shall, also, rake and collect such further sum as may be necessary for the erecfmg, purchase or leasing of School Houses, and procuring the sites therefor, and the fitting up thereof, to be raised, levied and collected in like manner, and which shall be in lieu of all ■Si ^Ox taxes and assessments, to the support of Common Schools for said City and County. And the Common Council of the City and County of New- York, are authorised and directed to raise, by loan, in anticipation of the taxes, when necessary, the moneys so to be raised, levied and collected, as aforesaid. § 6. The said Common Council shall, on application of the Board of Education, and at such monthly or quarterly periods subsequent to the first day of May in every year, as they may determine, direct that a sum or sums of money, equal in the aggregate to the amount last received by the Chamberlain of said City and Countj?-, from the Common School Fund, togeth- er with the sum so received from the School Fund, and also one-twentieth of one per cent, as provided in the preceding section, be deposited by him in one of the incorporated Banks of the said City, (such Bank to be designated by the said Com- mon Council,) to the credit of the Commissioners of Common Schools in each of the said several Wards, and of the Societies and Schools enumerated in the eleventh section of this Act, in the proportions to which they shall respectively be entitled, and subject only to the drafts of the said Commissioners respec- tively, or of the Treasurer of the Societies or Schools entitled thereto, or to some person duly authorised by the Trustees of such Societies or Schools to receive the same. The said drafts to be countersigned as hereinafter provided by the President and Clerk of the Board of Education. § 7. The balance of the funds to be raised, pursuant to sec- tion five of this Act, for the erection, purchase or leasing of School Houses, and procuring the sites therefor, and fitting up thereof, shall, from time to time, as such funds are provided by the Board of Supervisors, or by the Common Council, afore- said, be deposited with the Chamberlain of the City and County of New- York, subject to the disposal of the Board of Educa- tion, by appropriation for the establishment and orgatiization of 4 Schools, as provided in the eighth section of this Act ; but no portion of the said funds shall be drawn, without a special ap- propriation, by the said Board of Education ; and all drafts upon said funds, shall be made by the President of the Board, countersigned by the Clerk, and made payable to the order of the persons to whom the same shall be paid. § 8. Whenever the Commissioners, Inspectors, and Trus- tees, elected in any Ward, or a majority of them, provided such majority shall include, at least, one Commissioner and one In- spector, shall certify, in writing, to the Board of Education of the City and County of New- York, that it is necessary to or- ganize one or more additional Schools in said Ward, with the facts and circumstances, showing such necessity, it shall be the duty of the said Board of Education, and they are hereby di- rected, to proceed without delay to investigate the subject, and to determine upon the necessity and expediency of establishing such School or Schools in said Ward or Wards, applying for the same. But should the applicants for the establishment of such Schools deem themselves aggrieved by such decision, the matter shall be referred to the decision of the Superintendent of Common Schools, who shall decide the propriety or impropriety of the establishment of such School, and his decision shall be binding on the party making such application, for the term of one year thereafter, § 9. Upon a decision favorable to the establishment of a School or Schools in any of the Wards of the said City, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners and Inspectors of such Ward to proceed to organize one or more Schools, as the case may be, and to procure a School House, by hiring the same, or by purchasing a site, and erecting a building thereon, which said building and the fitting up thereof, or the fitting up of any hired building, shall be done by contract, to be advertised for the period of at least two weeks previous to deciding upon estimates thereon, unless such fitting' up shall not exceed the sura of two hundred dollars ; and the said Commissioners and Inspec- tors shall also furnish the books and stationery, and other es- sentials, necessary to organize such school, which shall, as far as practicable, be done by contract ; and the expense of estab- lishing and organizing any School, as above mentioned, shall be levied and raised, pursuant to section five of this Act, and the title to all lands purchased by virtue of this Act, with the buildings thereon, shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City and County of New- York. § 10. The Board of Education may apply to the Board of Supervisors, or to the said Common Council, for such sums as they shall require, by virtue of the ninth section of this act, to hire, purchase sites, and erect buildings, or to fit up and pro- perly organize the same ; and said Board of Supervisors, or the Common Council, aforesaid, shall raise and deposite the same, as provided by section five and section seven of this Act, § 11. The Schools of the Public School Society, the New- York Orphan Asylum School, the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum School, tlie Schools of the two Half Orphan Asylums, the School of the Mechanics' Society, the Harlem School, the Yorkville Public School, the Manhattanville Free School, the Hamilton Free School, the Institution for the Blind, the School of the Leake and Watts' Orphan House, the School connected with the Alms House of the said City, and the School of the Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans, shall be sub- ject to the general supervision of the Board of Education, but under the immediate government and management of their res- pective Trustees, Managers and Directors ; and said Schools shall participate in the apportionment of the School moneys in the same manner and to the same extent as herein provided in respect to such Schools as may be organized under this act, or which shall have been organized under the act passed April llth, 1842, or the Amended Act, passed April 18th, 1843 : and including the support of Normal Schools of the Public School Society, for the education of Teachers, employed or to be em- ployed in any of the Schools subject to the provisions of this Act. Titles to all School property, real or personal, hereafter purchased from all moneys derived from the distribution of the School Fund, or raised by taxation in the City of New- York, shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of said City. § 12. It shall be the duty of the Board of Education to appor- tion all the School moneys, except so much as shall have been raised for the purpose of establishing and organizing new Schools, to each of the several Schools provided for by this Act, and the Acts mentioned in the preceding section, accord- ing to the number of children over four and under sixteen years of age, who shall have actually attended such School without charge the preceding year, and the average shall be ascertained by adding together the number of such children present at each morning and evening session of not less than three hours, and dividing the sum by four hundred and eighty. And if any School shall have been organized since the last annual appor- tionment, the average shall be ascertained by dividing the said sum by a number corresponding to the actual number of morn- ing and evening sessions of not less than three hours each, held since the organization of such school ; and if any ot the said newly organized Schools, by reason of peculiar circumstances shall be equitably entitled to a larger sum than they will receive under an apportionment so made, then the said Board of Educa- tion shall be authorized, and they are hereby required, to make for such Schools, such further allowance out of the said School moneys, as by the said Board of Education shall be deemed just and proper. But no School shall be entitled to a por- tion of the School moneys in which the religious sectarian doctrine or tenet of any particular Christian or other reli- gious sect shall be taught, inculcated or practised, or in which any book or books containing compositions favorable or prejudicial to the particular doctrine or tenets of any Christian sect, or which shall teach the doctrine or tenets of any other religious sect, or which shall refuse to permit the visits and ex- aminations provided for in this Act. If the school moneys, ap- portioned agreeably to this section, shall exceed the necessary and legal expenses of either of the schools or societies, provid- ed for in this Act, the Board of Education shall authorise the payment only of such necessary and legal expenses ; any balance remaining in deposit, at the end of each year, shall be paid by the Board of Education into the City Treasury, and any defi- ciency to meet the necessary legal expenses of either of the said schools or societies shall be supplied by the Common Council of the said city, in anticipation of the annual tax for the sup- port of common schools, as provided by section five of this Act. The Board of Education shall, in all cases, certify to the Common Council, the cause of such deficiency, and that the same was unavoidable, and unless such certificate shall be made, the said Common Council may refuse to raise the sum required to meet such deficiency. But nothing herein contained shall authorise the Board of Education to exclude the Holy Scrip- tures, without note or comment, or any selection therefrom, from any of the schools provided for by this Act ; but it shall not be competent for the said Board of Education to decide what ver- sion, if any, of the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment, shall be used in any of the said schools, provided that nothing herein contained, shall be so construed as to violate the rights of conscience as secured by the Constitution of this State and the United States. § 13. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners, Inspectors and Trustees in each ward, from time to time, and as frequent- ly as need be, to examine, ascertain and report to the Board of Education, whether the provisions in the preceding section in 8 relation to the teaching of sectarian doctrines, or the use of sec- tarian books, shall have been violated, and it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of Schools in the several Wards, to trans- mit to the Board of Education all reports made to them by the Trustees and Inspectors of their respective Wards. The Board of Education, and any member thereof, may at any time visit and examine any School which shall be subject to the pro- visions of this Act, and individual Commissioners may report to the Board the result of their examinations. § 14. The Board of Education shall file with the Chamber- lain of said City and County, on or before the first Monday of April in each year, a copy of their apportionment, stating the amount thereof to be paid to the Commissioners of each Ward, and to the Trustees, Managers or Directors of the several Schools enumerated in the eleventh section of this Act. And the Chamberlain of the said city is authorized to pay the seve- ral sums which shall be so apportioned upon the drafts of either of the Commissioners or of the Trustees, or other persons duly authorized to receive the same : but no such drafts shall be paid unless countersigned by the President and Clerk for the time being of the Board of Education. § 15. The Board of Education shall, on or before the first Monday of July in each year, report to the Board of Supervisors, an estimate of the probable amount which will be required to be raised during the year for the purpose of meeting the current annual expenses of Common School instruction, and whether more or less than the one twentieth of one per cent, in addition to an equal amount with the State quota, will be necessary, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors, or the Common Council, on their application, to raise the necessary amount pursuant to the provisions of section five of this Act : and the said Board of Education are authorised to retain from the mo- neys which shall be so raised the sum of five hundred dollars 9 for the purpose of defraying their necessary incidental expenses, and such further sum as may be required for the payment of the salary of their Clerk. 5 16. The Clerk of the Board of Education, in addition to his duties as Secretary of said Board, shall also^perform such clerical duty as the Commissioners of the several Wards may, from time to time, require of liim. § 17. All expenses incurred for the support of Common Schools, in the respective Wards, shall be certified by the Trus- tees and inspectors of Common Schools in said Ward, or a majority of them, and delivered to the Commissioners of said Ward ; and it shall be the duty of said Commissioners to audit and examine the same, and upon said commissioners being satisfied of their correctness, to pay the same out of the moneys which they shall have drawn, or which shall be deposited to their credit by the Chamberlain of the City and County as herein provided. All bills so audited and paid shall be filed with the Board of Education. § 18. In making the apportionment among the several Schools, no share shall be allotted to any School from which no suflficient annual report shall have been received for the yeaj ending on the last day of January immediately preceding the apportionment. § 19. Whenever an apportionment of the public money shall not be made to any School, in consequence of any accidental omission to make any report required by law, or to comply with any other provisions of law, or any regulation, the Board of Education may direct an apportionment to be made to such School, according to the equitable circumstances of the case, tc be paid out of the public money on hand ; or, if the same shal'< have been distributed, out of the public money to be received in a succeeding year. 10 § 20. Should any money apportioned by the Board of Edu- cation to any of the Schools of the said City and County, remain unexpended for one year after such apportionment, by reason of the Trustees or Societies having charge of such Schools neglecting or refusing to receive the same, such money shall be returned to the Chamberlain of the said City and County, and reported to the Board of Supervisors. § 21'. The Board of Education shall annually, between the first day of May and the first day of June, in each year, make, and transmit to the Clerk of the City and ounty, a report in writing, bearing date on the first day of May in the year of its transmission, stating : 1st. The whole number of Schools within their jurisdiction, specially designating the Schools for colored children. 2nd. The Schools or Societies from which reports shall have been made to the Board of Education, within the time limited for that purpose. 3d. The length of time each School shall have been kept open. 4th. The amount of public money apportioned or appropri- ated to each School or Society. 5tb. The number of Children taught in each school. ■ 6th. The whole amount of money received by the Commis- sioners, or by the Societies, and Schools, enumerated in the eleventh section, for the purposes of Common School Educa- tion, during the year ending at the date of their report, distin- guishing the amount received from the General Fund of the Stale, and from any other and what source. 7th. The manner in which such moneys shall have been expended, and whether any and what part remains unexpend- ed, and for what cause. 8th, With such other information as the Superintendent of Common Schools may, from time to time, require, in relation to Common School Education, in the City and County of New- York. § 22. Should the Board of Education neglect to make such annual report, within the limited period, the share of School moneys apportioned to the City and County of New- York, may, in the discretion of the Superintendent of Common Schools, be withheld, until a suitable report shall have been rendered. § 23. The Commissioners of each Ward, shall keep a just and true account of all School moneys received and expended by them, or carried to their credit ; and on or before the first Monday of June in each year, they shall render to the Board of Education, a just and true account, in writing, of all School moneys by them respectively received before the time of render- ina: such account, and the manner in which the same shall have been expended by them ; and the account so rendered, shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education. § 24. If, on rendering such account, any balance shall be found remaining in the hands of the Commissioners, or any of them, or standing to their credit, the said balance shall be paid over, or carried to the credit of, the Commissioners of the Ward, for the ensuing year. § 25. The Board of Education shall have the powers and privileges of a Corporation, so far as to enable them to take and hold any property transferred to them, for the purposes of Com- mon School Education, in the City and County of New- York. 12 §26. No compensation shall be allowed to the Commissioners, Inspectors, or Trustees, of Common Schools, for any services performed by them ; but the Commissioners and Inspectors shall receive their actual and reasonable expenses, while attend- ing to the duties of their office, to be audited and allowed by the Supervisors of said city and county. §27. The said Commissioners of each Ward, shall, within thirty days after their election, execute and deliver to the Su- pervisors, aforesaid, a bond, with such surety or sureties, as said Supervisors shall approve, in the penalty of double the amount of public money appropriated to the use of the Common Schools of their respective Wards, the preceding year, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their office, and the proper application of all moneys coming into their hands, for Common School purposes. Such bond shall be filed by the said Supervisors in the office of the County Clerk. §28. The Commissioners of Common Schools, of each Ward, together with the Inspectors elected in their Ward, shall be the Inspectors of Common Schools of their Ward. §29. It shall be the duty of the Inspectors of Common Schools to examine into the qualifications of candidates for teaching Common Schools, m their respective Wards ; and iS shall be necessary for, at least, two Inspectors to certify to the qualifications of any teacher, in respect to moral character, learning and ability, before he or she can be employed in any School, that may be subject to the provisions of this Act. §3U. Each candidate, whose qualifications are approved, shall be entitled to receive a certificate from the Inspectors, signed by them, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Superintendent of Common Schools. §31. The Inspectors may annul any such certificate given 13 by them or their predecessors in office, when they shall think proper, giving at least ten days' previous notice, in writing, to the Teacher holding it, and to the Trustees of the Ward in which such Teacher may be employed, of their intention to annul the same : but the annulling of a certificate shall not disqualify the Teacher to whom it may have been given, until a note thereof, in writing, containing the name of the Teacher, and the time when the same was annulled, shall have been made by the Inspectors, filed in the office of the Clerk, and ap- proved by the Board of Education. §32. It shall be the duty of the Inspectors and Trustees of each Ward to see that all Schools in their respective Wards, under their immediate management, are visited at least once in each month, to examine into their state and condition, the pro- gress of the scholars in learning, the condition of the books and other property belonging to the Schools, and all other particu- lars relative to their order and management ; and they may give their advice and direction to the Teachers as to the government thereof, and the course of studies to be pursued therein, and also report the results of their visits and examinations to ^the Board of Education. §33. Each of the Inspectors, by agreement with, or direction of the other Inspectors, may be assigned to a certain number of Schools, which it shall be his special duty to visit and inspect. §34. It shall be the duty of the Tiustees of each Ward, and tliey shall have power, To have the safe keeping of all the property belonging to the Schools, organized under this Act, in their respective Wards : To Contract with and employ all the Teachers, in the said Schools: And 14 To pay the wages of such Teachers, and other School ex- penses, by drafts, on the Commissioners of their respective Wards. §35. It shall be the duty of the Trustees of each Ward to procure for the use of each School, in their Ward, organized under this Act, two bound blank books, from time to time, as shall be necessary ; in one of which, the account of all moneys received and paid by the Trustees, and a statement of all move- able property belonging to each School, shall be entered at large and signed by such Trustees. In the other of said books, the Teacher shall enter the names of the scholars attending School, and the number of days they shall have respectively attended, and also the days on which such School shall have been visited by the Deputy Superintendent and the Ward Inspectors, which entries shall be ratified by the oath or affirmation of the principal Teacher, in each School. The said books shall be preserved by the Trustees, as the property of the Schools, and shall be delivered to their successors, §36. The Trustees of each Ward, and the Trustees or Man- agers of the various Schools and Societies, enumerated in the eleventh section of this Act, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of February, in every year, make and transmit a report, in wri- ting, to the Board of Education. Every such report made by the Trustees of a Ward, shall be signed and certified by a ma- jority of the Trustees making it ; and those made by the Trus- tees or Managers of the Societies and Schools aforesaid, shall be signed by their presiding Officer and Secretary, which reports shall fitate : 1st. The whole number of Schools within their jurisdiction, specially designating the Schools for colored children : 2d. The length of time each School shall have been kept open. 15 3d. The whole number of scholars, over four and under six* teen years of age, which shall have been taught, free of expense to such scholars, in their Schools, during the year preceding the first day of February ; which number shall be ascertained by adding to the number of children on register, at the com- mencement of each year, the number admitted during that year, which shall be considered the total for that year. 4th. The average number that has actually attended such Schools, during the year, to be ascertained by the Teachers keeping an exact account of the number of scholars present every school time or half day ; which being added together, and divided by four hundred and eighty, or if less than a ye*r, by the number of School sessions, shall be considered the ave- rage of attending scholars, which average shall be sworn or aflSrmed to by the Teachers. • 5th. The amount of moneys received during the last year, from the Commissioners of School Money, or from the Cham- berlain of the City, and the purposes for, and the manner in which, the same shall have been expended. 6th. A particular account of the state of the Schools, and of the property and affairs of each School under their respective care, with such other information as the Board of Education shall from time to time require. §37. Every Trustee or officer of a School or Society who shall sign a false report to the Board of Education, with intent to cause the Board of Education to apportion and pay to his School or Schools, a larger sum than its just proportion of the School moneys of the City, shall, for each offence, forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars, and shall also be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. §38. All personal property vested in the Trustees of any 16 Ward, for the use of Schools in such Ward, or which may be hereafter transferred to such Trustees for such purpose,, shall be held by them as a Corporation. § 39. Every Trustee of a Ward, on the expiration of his term of office, shall render to the remaining Trustees of that Ward a just and true account in writing, of all moneys received by him for School purposes, and of the manner in which the same shall have been expended. § 40. Any balance of such moneys which shall appear from such account to remain in the hands of any Trustee whose tejfm of office shall have expired, shall immediately be paid to the remaining Trustees of that Ward, § 41. Every Trustee who shall refuse or neglect to render such account, or to pay over any balance so found in his hands, shall, for each offence, forfeit the sum of fifty dollars ; which sum, together with said unpaid balance, shall be sued for and collected by the Board of Supervisors, who shall prosecute with- out delay for the recovery of such forfeiture, together with the unpaid balance ; and in case of the death of such Trustee, suit may be brought against his representative, and all moneys re- covered after deducting expenses, shall be placed at the disposal of the Board of Education, to be appropriated the ensuing year. § 42. All children between the ages of four and sixteen, resi- ding in the City and County, shall be entitled to attend any of the Common Schools therein ; and the parents, guardians or other persons, having the custody or care of such children, shall not be liable to any tax, assessment or imposition for the tuition of any children other than is herein before mentioned. § 43. In any suit which shall hereafter be commenced against , Commissioners or Trustees of Common Schools for any act , 17 performed by virtue of, or under color of, their offices, or for any refusal or omission to perform any duty enjoined by law, and which might have been the subject of an appeal to the Super- intendent, no costs shall be allowed to the plaintiff, in cases where the Court shall certify that it appeared on the trial of the cause that the defendant acted in good faith. But this provision shall not extend to suits for penalties, nor to suits or proceed- ings to enforce the decisions of the Superintendent. § 44. The Board of Supervisors of the City and County shall appoint a County Superintendent of Common Schools for such City and County; such County Superintendent shall hold his office for two years, subject to removal by the Board of Super, visors, on complaint, for causes to be stated. A certified copy of every resolution making such appointment, shall be trans- mitted by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to the Super- intendent. Such County Superintendent shall have power, and it shall be his duty. 1st. To visit and examine all the Schools committed to his charge, as often in each year as may be practicable, having re- ference to the number of such Schools ; and at least twice in each year, to notify the Inspectors of Common Schools of the Ward of the time appointed to visit the Schools in such Ward, and to invite such Inspectors to visit with him the said Schools, and with such Inspectors, if they or any of them will attend at such visits, or without their presence, at any time, to inquire into all matters relating to the government, course of instruc- tion, books, studies, discipline and conduct of such Schools, and the condition of the School Houses, and of the Schools generally, and to advise and counsel with the Trustees, in rela- tion to their duties, the proper studies, discipline, and conduct of the Schools, the course of instruction to be pursued, and the books of elementary instruction to be used therein, and ex- amine, and ascertain, and report to the Board of Education, whether any of the provision of the Act, in relation to religious 18 sectarian teaching aud books, shall have been violated in any of the schools of the different Wards of the City. 2d. To examine persons offering themselves as candidates for Teachers of Common Schools, and to grant them certifi- cates of qualification, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Superintendent, which certificates shall be evidence of the qualifications of such Teachers in every Ward of the City and County. 3d, By and with the consent of any two Inspectors of any Ward, to annul any certificate granted to any Teacher in said Ward, whenever such Teacher shall be found deficient. 4th. And, generally, by all means in his power, to promote sound education, elevate the character and qualifi.cations of Teachers, improve the means of instruction, and advance the interests of Schools committed to his charge. § 45, Any County Superintendent, may, at any time, resign^ his office to the President of the Board of Supervisors, and in case of a vacancy in the office, from any cause, the Common Council may fill the vacancy, until the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors. §46. The County Superintendent shall be subject to such ge-. neral rules and regulations, as the Superintendent may from time to time prescribe, and appeals from his acts and decisions, may be made to the Superintendent, in the same manner and with the like eflfect, as in cases now provided by law, and he shall make annually, to the Superintendent, at such time as shall be appointed by him, a report, in writing, containing the whole number of Schools in the City and County, distinguishing the Schools from which the necessary reports have been made to the Board of Education, by the Commissioners or Trustees of Common Schools, and containing a certified copy of the report 19 of the Board of Education to the Clerk of the City and County with such additional information as the Superintendent shall require, and for that purpose, he shall have acesss to the re ports of the Board of Education, filed with the Clerk of the City and County, and also to the reports of the Commissioners and trustees, filed with the Clerk of the Board of Education without charge. ' § 47. The County Superintendent shall be allowed two dol- lars for each day necessarily spent in the discharge of his du- ties, and the amount shall be audited and certified by the Board of Supervisors of the City and County ; one equal moiety of said amount, shall be a charge upon the City and County and shall be raised and paid in the same manner as other charges upon the City and County. The other moiety shall be paid by the Treasurer, on the warrant of the Comptroller out of the annual surplus now appropriated to the capital of the' Common School Fund, arising from the income of the moneys deposited by the United States. § 48. In case of the death or resignation of any member of the Board of Education, or of any Inspector or Trustee, or of a neglect, or refusal, to qualify or give the prescribed security on the part of any Commissioner, Inspector or Trustee, the va- cancy so occasioned shall be filled by the Common Council, until the next annual election. § 49. The Supervisors of the City and County of New- York are hereby authorised and directed, notwithstanding the passage of this Act, to audit and allow accounts which maybe present- ed to them for the completion of contracts that may have been already made, under the provisions of the Acts hereby amend- ed, and to raise and collect, according to law, the sum necessary for that purpose. § 50. The Act of April Uth, 1842, and the amended Act of 20 April 18th, 1843, in relation to Common Schools in the City and County of New- York, and all other Acts, specially appli- cable to Public or Common Schools in the City and County of New- York, as far as the same are inconsistent with the pro- visions of this Act, are hereby repealed. § 51. This Act shall take effect immediately. State of New- York, Secretary's Office. I have compared the preceding with an original Act of the Legislature of this State, on file in this office, and do certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original, (section 11, line 2, the words ^^the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum School,''^ and section 12, line 24, the words " Christian sect, or which shall teach the doctrine ar tenets of any^^ being interlined. ARCH'D. CAMPBELL, Dep. tSec. of State. Albany^ May 9, 1844. mIt,!,^,^.'^^^ of congress 020 312 174 A