ID IHjo Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 \^\ L- TO AMEND, ENLARGE AND IMPB0T6 THE COBPOR^TIOX OS BARTMOUTH COLLEGE. .^^ ii ^u y. Juae, i816. THE Committee appoiiated to take into eonsideratio^ so much of his Excellency's address as relates to Dart- mouth €o]lege5 reported the following BILLt June 18, ;1816. STATE OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, AN ACT TO AMEND, ENLARGE AND IMPROVE THE Corporation of WHEREAS knowledge and learning generally diffused through a community are essential to the preserva- tion of a free goyernment, and extending the oppor- tunities and advantages of education is highly condu- cive to promote this end, and by the Constitntion it is made the duty of the Legislators and Magistrates tc cherish the interests of literature and the sciences and all seminaries established for their advancement ; and as the College of this State may, in the opinion of the Legislature, he rendered more extensively useful-^ THEREFORE— Sect. 1. "O E it enacted hy the Senate and House of Jj BepresentatireeSf in General Comi coU' tened, That the corporation heretofore called an