m. ■'*■:■ \- I- ■'<,)■■:,- I .1ST OF BunBAU OP AMtRlOAN ITHNOkOOV. 1902 f< ta U A M V. Books . General Apparatus Glassware Chemicals Special Supplies for Physics Biology- Physiography and Photography Casts Lanterns and Lantern Slides Pictures and Picture Frames FOR USE IN THE HIGH SCHOOLS THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRA.WFOED CO. NEW YORK 1902 '■'f- THE CITY OF NEW YORK Department of Educatiojn TO CONTRACTORS Proposals for Bids or Estimates. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of School Supplies of the Board of Education of The City of New York at the Hall of the Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan, until 3 o'clock p. m. on lUONDAY, May 26, 1902. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING BOOKS, GENERAL APPARATUS, GLASSWARE, CHEMICALS, SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSICS, BIOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY, PHOTO- GRAPHIC SUPPLIES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, CASTS, AND LANTERN SLIDES, FOR REGENTS' SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS of The City of New York, for the year ending December 31, 1902. No empty packages or cases are to be returned to bidders or contractors, except as herein specified, and none wiU be paid for by the Department. The person or persons making anv bid or estimate shall furnish tlie same in a sealed envelope, indorsed "Bid or Estimate for Furnishing and Delivering BOOKS, GENERAL APPARATUS, GLASSWARE, CHEMICALS, SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR. DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSICS, BIOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY, PHOTO- GRAPHIC SUPPLIES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, CASTS AND LANTERN SLIDES," with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the Secretar^r of the Board of Education, at the office of the said Board, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be public!}' opened by the Superintendent of School Supplies. All supplies must conform to the descriptions and specifications. The prices must be written in ink, and also stated in figures. No bid wiU be accepted from or contract awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or other- vnse, upon any obligation to the Corporation. The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids. The person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the perform- ance of the contract by his or tlieir bond, with two sufficient sureties, eacli in an amount satisfactory to the Com- mittee, which amount shall be not less than 50% of the estimated cost of the supplies to be bid for by each bidder, which estimated cost will be determined as nearty as ma}' be from the quantity of like supplies purchased in former years. Supphes must be promptly delivered to tlie, order of the Superintendent of Scliool Supplies, at the several de- positories, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., and 9 A. M. and 12 m. on Saturdays, unless otherwise directed. No charge will be allowed for freiglit expenses, boxes or cartage, but boxes may be taken away by contractor. Each bid or estimate shall contain the name and place of residence of the pereon making the same, the names of all persons interested with him tlierein, and, if no other person be so interested, it sliaU distinctly state that fact; also, that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in aU respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the board of aldemien, head of a de- Eartment, chief of a bureau, deput)' thereof, or cleric therein, or other officer of the corporation, is, shall be or ecome interested, directl}' or indirectly, as contracting party, partner, stoclcholder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the contract, or in the supphes, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath in writing of the party or na.rties mailing the esti- mate that the several matters stated herein are in aU respects true. Ordinance; Sec. 346; Ordinance*. See. 349; Chapter 327; Laws 1900, Charters 1533! Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, with, their respective places of business or residence, or of a fidelity, guaranty or surety company duly authorized by law to act as surety in The City of New York, or to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person mak-- ing the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting. The consent above men- tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in The Cit3^ of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, and stated in the proposals, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, suretj^ or othera'ise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York after the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract. No, bid or estimate mil be considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the National or State Banks of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or monejr to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must not be enclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Board of Education who has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk, and found to be correct. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he shaU execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the auaount of his deposit will be returned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract ■R-ithin five daj's after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they will be considered as having abandoned it, and as in default to the Corjioration, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law. For -particulars as to the quantity and quality of the supplies or the nature and extent of the work required or of the materials to he furnished, bidders are referred to the specifications and the blank proposals and lists of articles, ma- terials, supplies and apparatus to he furnished. Such work and materials mv^t conform in every respect to the specifi- cations and schedules. Bidders are cautioned to examine the specifications for particulars of the articles, etc., required before making their estimates. The quality of the articles, supplies, goods, wares, and merchandise must conform to and must he equM in quality, character, finish and design to the samples furnished, or to those described by the names of well known dealers and manufactxirers. Bidders are cautioned to examine the specifications for particulars of the articles, - etc., required before making their estimates, and are cautioned against referring to any samples or specifications other than those furnished by the Department. Such references are cause for rejecting bids whereon they are written, and will in no case govern the action of the Department officers in passing upon tenders. All books, maps, charts and globles required in this bid must be of the latest edition, bound in the most durable manner, and strictly in accordance with the samples called for. Bidders must state the price of each item. Awards mil be made to the lowest bidder on each item. All estimates not conforming to these requirements may be considered as informal. The security in each case shall be specified by the Committee on SuppUes The amount of seouritj' required shall be not less than fifty per cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid or esti- mate submitted. Payment wiU be made by check by the Comptroller, in accordance vnth the terms of the contract. Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank proposal and lists of articles prepared by the Superintendent, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to enclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the lists of articles or schedules, and the specifications, in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, first floor. Hall of the Board of Education, corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Man- hattan. The By-Laws of the Board of Education may be examined at the office of the Secretary. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject all bids or estimates submitted, if deemed to be for the best ■ interests of the City so to do. PARKER P. SIMMONS, Superintendent of School Supplies^ Dated, Borough of Manhattan, The City op New York, May 14, 1902. Notice. — The attention of Bidders is particularly called to the fact that, unless an Estimate is made in strict conformity vnth the directions given in the proposal therefor and herein provided for, the law requires it to he considered as informal, and it must be rejected. BID OR ESTIMATE TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE Department of Education of The City of New Yorit FOR FURNISIIOG AND DELIVERING BOOKS, GENERAL APPARATUS, GLASSWARE, CHEMICALS, SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSICS, BIOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES AND PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, CASTS, LANTERN SLIDES, FOR REGENTS' SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, BOR- OUGHS OF MANHATTAN, THE BRONX, BROOKLYN, QUEENS AND RICHMOND. Made this....-' day of.. .A. D. 1902. By residing at Borough of The City of New York, and residing at Borough of.. The City of New York, and.. residing at : Borough of The City of New York, and residing at Borough of The City of New York, composing the firm of § 4 -e g o <& ■o '^ ^ lis •~ ^ 2 I ^ § lis o a g S5 ^ §- e !^ o """ fe ^ ■1 l_J First— do declare that of lawful age and the'only'person interested in this [bid or estimate, and that no other person other than herein above named ha any interest in this bid or estimate, or m the contract proposed to be taken. Second— - do further declare that this Bid or estimate is made without'anv connection with any other person or persons making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Third— do further declare that no member of the Board of Aldermen, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is, shall be or become interested, directly or indi- rectly, as contractiniT party, partner, stockholder, surety or otherwise m or m the per- formance of the contract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof; except as such officer may be or is an author, as is referred to in Section 1082 of the Greater New York Charter. / Fourth— - - do further declare that the names of the persons affixed to the consent hereto annexed were written by the said persons respectively, and that the said persons are householders or freeholders in The City of ^ew York, or are officers of a Guaranty or Surety Company. Fifth— - --have carefully examined the contract, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, which comprises the specifications, schedules and lists of articles prepared by the Superintendent of School Supplies, and will execute the contract and perform all its terms, covenants and conditions and will furnish all the materials, supplies, apparatus, books, goods, wares and merchandise, named and described herein and in strict conformity thereto and to the samples referred to and described therein, within the time stated for the foUowing prices, as per list of articles and schedule hereto annexed and initialed for identification. - - [L. S.3 Residence. ..[L. S.] ..[L. S.il / State op New York, "1 County of New York, \ ss.:.. The City of New York. J ■"is 0) S being duly sworn, say several matters stated in the foregoing estimate are in all respects true. Subscribed and sworn to this ] day of A. D. 1902, ..that the fore me, Notary PubUc N. Y. County or Commissioner of Deeds. SURETIES' AG-REEMENT. s i e;^ / In Consideration of the premises, and of One Dollar to us and each of us in hand paid by The City of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged — We, the undersigned, jointly and severally, consent and agree, that if the contract for which the preceding estimate is made be awarded to the person or persons making the same, we will, upon its being so awarded, become bound each in the sum of : - - DOLLARS, as his or their sureties for its faithful performance; and if the said person or persons shall omit or refuse to execute such contract, and give the proper security within five days after written notice that the same is ready for execution, if so awarded, we will pay, without proof of notice or demand, to the said The City of New York, any differ- ence between the sum to which such person or persons would be entitled upon the com- pletion of such contract, and the sum which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent letting; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of sup- plies necessary for the requirements of the department. t Fiu in date. -j- 1^ WITNESS Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this day of , one thousand nine hundred and two. . Residence, Residence,- The adequacy and sufficiency of the above-named sureties approved. Dated this day of 1902 Compiroller. The City, County and State oe New York, ss.; The above-named being sworn, says, that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the securitj'' required for the completion of the contract above referred to, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety and otherwise; that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with an intention to execute the bond required by law. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of ,A.D. 1902 .1 Notary Public, N. Y. County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds. 5= S The City, County and State of New York, fc 5 The above-named being sworn says that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract abo^■e referred to, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety and otherwise; that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with an intention to execute the bond required by law. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this } day of , A. D. 1902.1 Notary Public, N. Y. County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BOARD OF EDUCATION. CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS For Furnishing and Delivering BOOKS, GENERAL APPARATUS, GLASSWARE, CHEMICALS, SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSICS, BIOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, CASTS AND LANTERN SLIDES, FOR REGENTS' SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN, THE BRONX, BROOKLYN, QUEENS AND RICHMOND. UbiS Hgreement made and entered into this day of Partieaj - _■ in the year nineteen hundred and two, between The City of New York, by The Board of Education, acting by and through its Committee on Sup- plies, party of the first part, and J parties of the second part, pursuant to the provisions of The Greater New York Charter and the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Education. XKHftneSSetb, That the parties to these presents, each in consideration of the agreements covenant. on the part and behalf of the other, herein contained, have agreed, and hereby agree, the parties of the first part for themselves, and their successors and the party of the second part for his or their executors and administrators, as follows: 7 (A) That wherever the term "Committee" or "party of the first part" is used or a pro- noim in place of either of them, such term shall refer to and mean the Committee on Supplies of the Board of Education, acting for and on behalf of the Board of Education pursuant to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of said Board of Education. (B) That wherever in this agreement the word "Contractor," or a pronoun in place of it the same shall be considered as referring to and meaning the party or parties, as the case may be of the second part to this agreement. (C) That wherever the word "Superintendent" is used in these specifications or in this contract, it refers to and designates the Superintendent of School Supplies of the Board of Edu- cation acting either directly or through any Assistant or Inspector, duly appointed by the said Board and designated therefor by the Superintendent, or through any such Assistant, to receive, weigh, inventory or insjDect the supplies or materials, limited by the particular duties intrusted to him. (D) That wherever it is provided that anything is to be, orto be done, if or as, or when or where "approved," "required," "directed," "specified," "designated," or "deemed necessary," it shall be taken, unless otherwise expressed, to mean and intend, approved, required, directed specified, designated, or deemed necessary, as the case may be, by the Superintendent. (E) That the Contractor will provide, furnish and deliver to the parties of the first part at his own cost and expense, at the times and places, and in the manner and under the conditions hereinafter specified, the supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise mentioned and de- scribed in the following specifications and schedule, and will accept as full compensation therefor the sums set opposite the respective articles or classes of articles in the specifications or schedule herein contained or hereto annexed, the said sums being the amounts at which the contract there- for was awarded to the contractor at the public letting thereof. (F) That the advertisement, proposals for bids or estimates, bid or estimate, specifications and schedules are to be and are hereby, made a part of this contract. ' (G) That the said supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise, and each and every part thereof, shall in all respects conform strictly with the herein contained or hereto annexed speci- fications and schedules and to the samples referred to by the Superintendent as a standard of quality, style, finish or manufacture that will be required. (H) That the Superintendent may appoint such Inspectors as may be deemed proper to inspect the supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise furnished and delivered under this contract, and such Inspector or Inspectors are authorized and empowered to reject and refuse aU supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise, or any part thereof, offered under or in ful- fillment of this contract, for the reason that the same do not comply in kind, quality, or quantity, size or number, or A\'cight, or in time or place of delivery, with the said specifications. (/) That any supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise delivered or offered to be delivered under this agreement, which shall be rejected by the Inspectors as not conforming to the aforesaid specifications, shall be forthwith removed, and supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise which do so conform shall be furnished and delivered in the place thereof. (./) That the party of the first part reserves the right of purchasing one or more of the articles enumerated in this list. The price of the supplies delivered as herein provided shall be the same as herein agreed and no claim for damages will be made or allowed to the Contractor for any failure to take any specific number or quantity, or for a failure to purchase any item whatever; the number to be ordered or taken, it being expressly agreed, shall depend wholly upon the needs and require- ments of the schools during and for the current year ending December 31, 1902, inclusive, and that all orders shall be made before that date. (K) That to prevent all disputes and litigations, the Superintendent of School Supplies shall, in all cases, determine the amount or the quantity of the supplies and materials which is to be paid for under this contract, and shall determine all questions in relation to said supplies their quality, delivery and condition, and he shall in all cases decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of this contract on the part of the Contractor, and his estimate and decision shall be final and conclusive, and shall be a condition precedent to the recovery of any sum or sums of money by the Contractor under this contract. (L) That the Superintendent shall, from time to time, as the supplies, articles, goods, wares or merchandise are furnished and delivered, make an estimate of the quantity of supplies, articles goods, wares or merchandise furnished and delivered by the Contractor in the performance of this contract on his part, and of the value thereof under and according to the terms of this contract. The first such estimate shall be of the quantity of supplies, articles, goods, wares or merchan- dise furnished and delivered since the Contractor commenced the performance of this contract ; and every subsequest estimate, except the final one, shall be of the quantity of supplies, articles goods, wares or merchandise furnished and delivered since the last preceding estimate was made. And upon each such estimate being made and approved by a certificate in writing by the Com- mittee the parties 'of the first part will pay to the Contractor the amount stated in such estimate or certificate 'to be the value of the supplies furnished and delivered as aforesaid. (M) That wherever the Contractor shall have completely performed this contract on his part, the Superintendent shall certify the same in writing to the said Committee and in such cer- tificate shall accurately state and certify the entire quantity of the supplies, articles, goods, wares or merchandise furnished and delivered by the Contractor, under and in performance of this con- tract, and the value thereof, according to the terms of this contract. And on or before the ex-, piration of thirty days after the delivery of the last-mentioned certificate to the Committee and the approval of the same by the Committee, said parties of the first part will pay to the Contractor the amount or sum which shall be found to be due, after deducting from the amount mentioned and certified in the last-mentioned certificate all such sum or sums as shall have been heretofore paid to the Contractor on accoimt of the supplies, articles, goods, wares or merchandise furnished and delivered, and certified to in prior certificates, and such other amounts as are otherwise author- ized to be retained by the provisions hereof. Provided, further, that the parties of the first part may and shall at all times reserve and retain out of said payments, or any or either of them, all such sum or sums as by the terms hereof, or of any law of the State of New York, or of any ordinance or resolution of the Municipal Assembly or Board of Aldermen of The City of New York, passed prior to the date thereof, it is and may be authorized to reserve or retain. (N) That the Contractor shall not be entitled to demand or receive payment for the said supplies, etc., or any portion thereof, or except in the manner set forth in this agreement, nor until each and every one of the stipulations hereinbefore mentioned are complied with, and the Superintendent shall have given his certificate to that effect; provided that nothing herein con- tained be construed to affect the right hereby reserved by the Committee to reject the whole or any portion of the supplies, goods, wares or merchandise delivered or offered for delivery, should the said certificate be fr)und or known to be inconsistent with the terms of this agreement, or ■ otherwise improperly given. (0) That the Contractor shall be responsible for any claims made against the parties of the first part for any infringement of patent right or copj'right from the sale, supply or use of any pat- ented or cop3'righted articles, materials or apparatus furnished or supplied under this contract, and that he shall save harmless and indemnify the parties of the first part for all costs, expenses and damages which the said parties of the first part shall be obliged to pay by reason of any infringe- ment of patents or copyrights resulting from such sale, delivery or use of said supplies, goods, wares, merchandise or apparatus. (P) That the Contractor will furnish the Committee satisfactory evidence that all persons who have done work or furnished materials under this agreement, and who may have given written notice to said parties of the first part before or within ten days after the final completion and acceptance of the whole work under this contract that any balance for such work or materials is due and unpaid, have been fully paid or satisfactorly secured; and that in case such evidence is not furnished as aforesaid, such amount as may be necessary to meet the claims of the persons aforesaid shall be retained from the moneys due the Contractor under this agreement, until the liabilities aforesaid shall be fully discharged or such notice withdrawn. Progress, payments. Final payment. (Q) That the Contractor shall give his personal attention constantly to the faithful per- formance of this agreement, and that without the previous consent of the Committee, to be sig- nified by indorsement on this agreement, he will not assign or sublet this contract, or any part thereof, but will keep the same under own control; nor will he assign, by power of attorney or otherwise, any of the moneys payable under this agreement. (R) That if this contract shall be abandoned, or if this contract shall be assigned by the party of the second part otherwise than is herein specified, or if at any time the Superintendent shall be of the opinion, and shall so certify in writing to the Committee, that the delivery of said supplies, goods, wares, merchandise or apparatus, or any part thereof, is unnecessarily or unreas- onably delayed, or that the Contractor is willfullj^ violating any of the conditions or covenants of this contract, or executing said contract in bad faith, the Committee shall have the power to notify the Contractor to discontinue all work, or any part thereof, under this contract, by a written notice to be served upon the Contractor, either personally or by leaving the same at his residence or with his agent in charge of the work, and thereupon the Contractor shall cease to continue said delivery, or such part thereof as Committee may designate, and the Committee shall thereupon have the power to obtain, in the manner prescribed by law, by contract or otherwise, as Committed may deem advisable, the supplies, goods, wares, merchandise and apparatus to complete the deliv ery herein contracted for, or such part thereof as the Committee may deem necessary, and to charge the expenses of said supplies, etc., to the Contractor; and the expense so charged shall be deducted and be paid by the party of the first part out of such moneys as may be either due or may at any time thereafter become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this agreement, or any part thereof; and in case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then the Contractor shall forfeit all claim to the difference; and in such case expense shall exceed the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then the Con- tractor shall pay the amount of such excess to the party of the first part. (S) That the Contractor shall begin the delivery of the said supplies, articles, goods, wares and merchandise upon receipt of formal notice and order in writing from the Superintendent that the award has been made to the Contractor and to fully complete and finish all subsequent orders within the required number of days from the date of the receipt of the order aforesaid. (T) That the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, shall not, nor shall any 'De- partment or officer of The City of New York, be precluded or estopped by any return or certificate made or given by its SujJerintendent or any Inspector or other officer, agent or appointee of said Department of Education, or said parties of the first part, under or in pursuance of anything in this agreement contained, from at any time showing the true and correct amount and character of the articles, supplies, goods, wares and merchandise which shall have been furnished by the Contractor, or any other person or persons, under this agreement. (i7) That this contract shall not be binding or of any^force unless the Comptroller of The City of New York shall indorse hereon his certificate that there remains unexpended and unap- plied, as provided in The Greater New York Charter, a balance of the apropriation or fund appli- cable thereto sufficient to pay the estimated expense of executing this contract, as certified by the officers making the same. In Witness Whereof, The said party of the first part, by the Board of Education of the Department of Education of The City of New York, by and through its Committee on Supplies by its Chairman, has hereunto set its hand and seal, and the Contractor has also hereunto set his (their) hand(s) and seal(s), the day and year first above written; and said Board of Education and Contractor have executed this agreement in triplicate, one part of which is to remain with the Board of Education, one other to be filed with the Comptroller of The City of New York, and the third to be delivered to the Contractor, the day and date herein first above written. ISec. . By- Laws, Board of Education' The Board of Education of The City of New York, Acting by and through the Chairman of its Committee on Supplies. ..[L. S.] ..[.L. S.] ..[L. S.] SEAL BOARD OF EDUCATION ' Contractor (s)," Party of Second Part. Attest Secretary of Board^of Education. The City, County and State of New York, On thii day oj , in the year one thousand nine hundred and two, before me personally appeared to me known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing con- tract, and severally acknowledged to me that they had executed the same. Notary Public, New York County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York. The City, County and State op New York, On. the day of , in the year one thousand nine hundred and two, before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resided in The City of Neio York; that he was the Chairman of the Committee on Supplies, or was a mejnber of the Committee on Supplies designated by the said Committee for the purpose of signing this contract, pursuant to the By-Laws of the Board of Education; said Board of Education being designated in and having author- ized the execution of the above contract; that he knew the seal of the said Board of Education; that the seal affixed to such instrument, was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the said Board of Education of the Department of Education of The City of New York, and that he signed his name thereto by like order or resolution. Notary Public, N. Y. County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York STATE OF NEW YORK, ] The City of New York, [ ss.: County of New Yohk. J On this day of ,1902. before me personally came to me known and knoivn to me to he the of the Company, and to me knoirn and knoum to me to be the of the Company, who, being by me severally duly su'orn, did say, each for himself, as follows: The said that he was the of said Company and the said that he was the of said Company; that he knew the corporate seal of said Company; that the seal affixed to the fore- going instrument was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company, and that by like order he thereto signed his name and official designation. Notary Public, New York County, or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, . : ..of The City of New York are held and firmly bound unto The City of New York, in the sum of Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said The City of New York, or to their certain Attorneys, Successors or Assigns, for which payment, well and truly to be made, we and each of us do bind ourselves, and our several and respective heirs, execu- tors and adminstrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated this...: day of One thousand nine hundred and two. WHEREAS, the above bounden . by an instrument in writing, under ....hand...., and bearing even date with these presents, one part of which is hereto annexed, ha.... contracted with the said The City of New York, by the Committee on Supplies of the Board of Education of The City of New York, to furnish and deliver to the said The City of New York certain articles, supplies, goods, wares and merchandise as are fully and at large set forth and described in the contract and specifications aforesaid. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said above bounden heirs, executors, administrators, or any or either of them, shall well and truly, and iri a good, sufficient and workmanlike manner, perform or cause to be performed the said contract, and each and every of the covenants, promises, agreements and provisions therein contained on part to be performed, and complete the same within the period therein stipulated, and in each and every respect comply with the conditions therein contained, this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. ..[L. S.] ..[L. S.] ..[L.^S.] ..[L. S.] STATE OF NEW YORK, The City of New York, County of New York. On this day of , 1902, before me personally came to me personally known and known to me to he the same person described in arid who executed the fore- going obligation, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein p ■mentioned. Notary Public, N. Y. County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York. STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 The City of New York, \ ss.: County of New York. J /, of said City, being duly sworn, do depose and say,, that I am a holder in The City of New York, and reside at No. Street in said City, and that I am worth the sum of Dollars, the amount of security required for the completion of the contract and stated in the proposals, over and above all my debts and liabilities, including my liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and aver and above all my property which is exempt by law from execution. Subscribed and sworn to before me this > day of ,1902.5 Notary Public, N. Y. County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York. STATE OF NEW YORK,] The City of New York, \ ss.: Borough of Manhattan. J /, of said City, being duly sworn, do depose and say, that I am a holder in The City of New York, and reside at No. Street, in said City, and that I am worth the sum of Dollars, the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract and stated in the proposals, over and above all my debts and liabilities, including my liabilities as bail, surety and otherwise, and over and above all my property which is exempt by law from execution. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of t902. Notary [Public, New York County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York. State of New York, The City of New York, J- ss.; Borough of Manhattan. J On this day d j 1902, before me personally came to me known and known to me to be the ] •of the Company, and "to me known and known to me to be the of the Company, who being by me severally duly sworn, did say, each for himseh, as follows : The said that he was the of said Company, and the said that he was the of said Company; that he knew the corporate seal of said Company; that the seal afSxed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal ; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company, and that by like order he thereto signed his name and official designation. Notary Public, N. Y. County, N. Y., or Commissioner of Deeds, The City of New York. APPROPRIATION. CERTIFICATES OF UNEXPENDED BALANCE. .•I'VT^""^"*^' '"*^' ^'^'^ provisions of Section 149, The Greater New York Charter, it is hereby certihed that the estimated expense of executing the within contract will approximate, as follows: SPECIAL HIGH SCHOOL I"UND SUPPLIES BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN $ I BOROUGH OF THE BRONX ___$ $ BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN... [ ___$ I BOROUGH OF QUEENS... $____ I BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. ...$ I is chargeable to the fmids of the Department of Education for the year 1902, entitled "Special High School Fund, Special or Trust Account." "Special School Fund, Supplies." COMMITTEE ON SUPPLIES, By n-, ^ ,, ^. Chairman. iHE LiTY OF New York, , 1902. COMPTROLLER'S CERTIFICATE., The City of New York, , 1902. In pursuance of the provisions of Section 149 of The Greater New York Charter, I hereby certify that there remams unapplied and unexpended a balance of the appropriation applicable to this contract sufficient to pay the estimated expense of executing the same, viz. : special high school fund supplies BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN ......$.. $ BOROUGH OF THE BRONX... $ | BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN..... .:.$ ..$ BOROUGH OF QUEENS..... .......$.. ...$........... BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. $ | entitled "Special High School Fund," Special or Trust Account. " Special School Fund," Supplies. Comptroller, NO. 1 2 3 4 5 AUTHOR TITLE Ames & Bliss Manual of Experiments in Physics .... Alzag Church History, 3 vols Auerbach Barfuessele Allcroft & Mason Early Grecian History " The Making of Athens " The Peloponnesian War " . .- Sparta and Thebes " ,_ Decline of Hellas " History of Sicily Armitage Connection between England and Scotland Anderson Only a Fiddler " Charles Auchester " An Icelandic Fisherman Addison (Bohn Library), II., III., IV Abbott History of Greece . , 3 vols Andree The Times Atlas PUBLISHERS American Book Co. Robert Clarke & Co Dryseu & Pfeiffer Hinds & Noble Longmans, Green & Co A. C. McClurg & Co. . The Macmillan Co. . . G. P. Putnam's Sons. 17 Aristophanes Translated by Frere ■ . . 18 Adams Civilization During the Middle Ages 19 Arnold, Matthew Poetical Works (Globe Series) . . , 20 Ames, J. S The Free Expansion of Gases 21 " Prismatic and Defraction Spectra. . . . 22 Amiel Journal Intime 23 Adams Democracy and Monarchy in France . 25 Allen Commercial Organic Analysis 26 Aristotle History of Animals 27 Anthon & Smith Dictionary of Antiquities Routledge Chas. Scribner's Sons Macmillan Co. Harper Bros. 28 Arnold Roman System of Provincial Adminis- tration 29 Adams, C. K. Columbus 30 Arnold History of English Literature 31 Adams, C. K Manual of Historical Literature 32 Adams, S. F Dictionary of American Authors, re- vised and enlarged 33 Ackland & Ransome .... Eng. Political History 34 Arnold Manual of English Literature 35 Abbott, E. H Shakespearian Grammar (new ed.) . . . . 19 The Macmillan Co. Dodd, Mead & Co. (linn & Co Harper Bros Houghton Mifflin & Co Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co. . . . PUBLISHER Addison Essavs (Ed. by J. R. Green) (Gol. Tres. Ser.) Arnold, Matthew Selected Poems (Gol. Tres. Ser.) 36 37 38 Ascham The Schoolmaster (Arber's Eng. Re- prints) 39 Aesop .' Fables 40 Abbott, J. S History of Napoleon Bonaparte, 2 vols . 41 Adams, C. B. . Civilization during Middle Ages 42 Airy Eng. Restoration and Louis XIV 43 Appleton's Cyclopedia of Am. Biog. (Cloth) 44 Aikin Life of Addison 45 vytken, G. A Life of Steele 46 Alison, Sir A. . . Marlborough (trans. Military Life) .... 47 Abrahams Jewish Life in the Middle Ages 48 Ashton, J The Dawn of the XIX Century in Eng . 49 " Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne.. 50 Allen, J. B The Choir Invisible 51 Anderson Viking Tales of the North 52 Austey, F Vice Versa 53 Arnold, E. L Phia the Phoenician 54 Arnold, E Light of Asia 55 Adams British Orations 56 Ayres, A Essentials of Elocution! 57 " Verbalist 58 Abbott, E. A English Lessons for English People. . . . 59 Alford The Queen's English 60 Addison, Steele, etc Tatler, full set 61 Austin Sense and Sensibility 62 " Pride and Prejudice 63 Appleton Guide Book to Mexico 61 " Guide Book to Alaska 65 " . Canadian Guide Book 66 " United States Guide Book 67 Allen FlashUghts on Nature 68 Ashmore The Business Girl 69 Arnold, Matthew Essays in Criticism, 2 vols 70 Adams William Hamilton Gibson 20 The MacmiUan Co. ... G. P. Putnam's & Co. . Harper Bros. . Chas. Scribner's Sons . D. Appleton & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Macmillan Co. ... G. P. Putnam's Sons. . The Macmillan Co. . . . Griggs & Co. Robert Bros. G. P. Putnam's Sons. . Funk & Wagnalls .... I). Appleton & Co Robert Bros The Macmillan Co. . . . The Macmillan Co. ... D. Appl(^t(.>n & Co Doublcday, Page & Co. The Macmillan Co. ... G. P. Putnam's Sons. . NO. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 AUTHOR TITLE Aldrich The Story of a Bad Boy " Marjorie Daw Austin Betty Alden " Pride and Prejudice . . . . PUBLISHERS PRICE Houghton, Mifflin & Co Thomas Y. Crowell. Adams Herbartian Psychology applied to Education Arnold Waymarks for Teachers Andrews Seven Little Sisters Andrews Each and All D. C. Heath & Co. . . Silver, Burdett & Co Ginn & Co " Ten Boys Wlio Lived on the Road of Long Ago ■ - " Andrews Stories Mother Nature Told Her Chil- dren " Alcott Joe's Boys and How They Turned Out . Little, Brown & Co " ' Eight Cousins " " Jack and Jill " " Little Women " " Little Men " " Under the Lilacs " " Abbott, E. A How to Write Clearly Abbott, J Light ' Abney, W Photography Adams Familiar Letters of John Adams and Wife Harper Bros Longmans, Green & Co Addison Complete Works Andrews, C. C Brazil, Its Prospects Aristotle On the Constitution of Athens Aseham, R The Schoolmaster (Ai-ber) . . . Ashley, W. J English Industrial Historv^ The Middle Ages ; End of the Middle Ages Ashton Social Life in England Atkinson, P Electric Lighting Atkinson The Distribution of Products Austin, Jane Complete Works, 12 vols Anderson School History of England Allen .' The Reign of Law " The Summer in Arcady 21 Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Macmillan Co. . . D. Appleton & Co. . . . The Macmillan Co. . . D. C. Heath & Co. . . . G. P. Putnam's Sons. Chas. Scribner's Sons. Van Nostrand G. P. Putnam's Sons. Little, Brown & Co. . Maynard, Merrill & Co The Macmillan Co. NO. AUTHOR 103 Arnold 104 " 105 « 106 " , . . 107 " 108 Alden 109 Ames 110 Abbott, E.C 111 " 112 Allen, G '. 113 Atkinson 114 Alexander 1 15 Anthor 116 Agassiz, E. C. & A. Bible 117 Agassiz, Mrs. E. C 118 Adams 119 Abbott 120 Adam & Stephan 121 Appiar 122 Adams 123 Ali 124 Alembic Club Reprints . . 125 126 127 128 Andrews 129 Arnold 130 Apgar ". 13^ Atkinson 132 Adams 133 Andrews 134 Adams 135 Ames Sweetness and Light; Porter, Essays on Style Discourses in America PUBLISHERS The Macmillan Co. Guide to Study of English Literature ■ and Morley's Essay on Gray 19th Century Prose 19th Century Poetry Studies in Bryant Theory of Physics Outing at Odd Times. A Naturalist's Rambles About Home. . Flowers and Their Pedigrees Ganot's Phy&ics Introduction to Browning Handbook of Legendary and Mytho- logical Art Seaside Studies in Natural History .... Life of Agassiz Massachusetts: Its Historians and Its History Birdland Echoes Documents Illustrative of Eng. Hist . . Roman Hist., 2 vols America's Economic Supremacy Short Hist, of the Saracens , Experiments on Magnesia Alba Foundations of the Atomic Theory .... Experiments on Air Foundation of the Molecular Theory . . Manual of the Constitution Historic Sidelights Mollusks of Atlantic Coast American Fungi History of the U. S. (Girls') History of the Last Quarter Cent, in U.S. Science of Finance Primer of Eng. Constitution & Hist. . . . 22 American Book Co. D. Appleton & Co. Ginn & Co ..... . Houghton, Mifflin & Co J. B. Lippincott Co. The Macmillan Co. Chem.Pub.Co. (Easton) American Book Co. .. Harper Bros Apgar, Trenton Andrews & Church . . Chas. Scribner's Sons Longmans, Green & Co NO. 136 AUTHOR TITLE Ackland & Ransome Handbook of Ena;. Hist . 137 Adams Dictionary of Am. Authors . 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 138 Aldrich Works (Riv. ed.), 8 vols 139 Anderson Study of English Words 140 Ames, J. S Scientific Memoirs 141 Austin Uncle Sam's Flags 142 Agassiz First Lessons in Natural History . 143 Appleton Baths and Bathing (Health Primer) . Anthony Mechanical Drawing Abbott Beechnut & Rodolphus (Franconia Tales) ; PUBLISHERS Longmans, Green & Co . Houghton, Mifflin & Co American Book Co. D. Appleton & Co D. C. Heath & Co D. Appleton & Co D. C. Heath & Co Caroline and Agnes (Franconia Tales). EUen Linn and Stuy vesant Harper Bros. " Malleville and Wallace (Franconia Tales) " Mary Erskine and Mary BeU (Fran- conia Tales) Alden Manhattan : Historic and Artistic Amicis Holland and Its People 152 Abbott, J. S. C. 153 American Pioneers and Patriots, 12\'ols. (cloth): Benjamin Franklin, and the Struggles of Our Infant Nation (Am Pioneers and Patriots, No. 7.) Captain Kidd and the Early American Bucaneers, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 5. ) Columbus and the Discovery of Amer- ica, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots No. 1 .) Daniel Boone and the Early Settlement of Kentucky, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 9.) David Crockett and Early Texan Hist., (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 12) De Soto, the Discoverer of the Mississip- pi, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 2.) Geo. Washington and the Revolutionary War, (Am. Pioneers and Patroits, No. 8.) Kit Carson, the Pioneer of the Far West, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 10.) 23 The Morse Co. NO. 161 162 163 165 AUTHOR Abbott, J. S. C. . PUBLISHERS ... La Salle : His Discoveries and Adven- tures with the Indians of the North- west, (7^1. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 3.) . . . Miles Standish, the Captain of the Pil- grims, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 4.) . . . Paul Jones, the Naval Hero of the Rev- olution, (Am. Pioneers and Patriots, No. 11.) . . . Peter Stuy vesant and the Early Settle- ment of New York, (Am. Pioneers) and Patriots, No. 6.) 166 AUibone Great Authors of All Ages 167 Abbott Historj' of Alexander the Great 168 " " Alfred the Great 169 " " Hannibal of Carthage 170 " " Julius Ceesar 171 " " Marie Antoinette 172 . " " Peter the Great 173 " " William the Conqueror. . . . 174 Adams MedisevalCivihzation (History Primers) 175 Archer Story of the Crusades 176 Abbott, J. & J Queen Elizabeth 177 Agassiz Structure of Animal Life. 178 " . Cruises of the Blake 179 Allen, Grant Physiological ^Esthetics 180 Ajrres, Alfred Elocution and Elocutionists 181 Austen, Jane Persuasion 182 " Mansfield Park 183 Aristotle Rhetoric and Poetics 184 Addison, Jos Spectator, 3 vols 185 Abbott, C. C Outings at Odd Times 186 Abbott Peter Stuyvesant 187 " Paul Jones 188 " Daniel Boone 189 Abbott, Jacob Learning About Common Things 190 Abbott, C.C A Nat. Ramble About Home 191 " Days Out of Doors 192 Alcott Little Women Series, 8 vols 24 J. B. Lippincott Co. Harper Bros American Book Co Harper Bros. Houghton, Mifflin & D. Appleton & Co The Macmillan Co. Routledge D. Appleton & Co. Dodd, Mead & Co. Harper Bros D. Appleton & Co. Roberts Co NO. 193 154 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 AUTHOR TITLE Alcott . . . .' Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag Series, 6 vols. Aldridge Margery Daw Allen, J. L Kentucky Cardinal " Aftermath Anderson Danish Tales PUBLISHER Roberts Appleton & Co. . . The Macmillan Co. Andrews Seven Little Sisters on Round Ball Prove Sisterhood Armstrong, A. E A Very Old Girl Armstrong Three Bright Girls Atkinson Electricity for Everybody Aunt l-anny The Mitten Books, 6 vols Arnold Victoria, Queen and Empress Ashmore Side Talks with Girls Adams Handbook Am. Authors Abbott, A. Prison Life in South Adeline Art Dictionary Allen, J. L Flute and Violin Anderson Only a Fiddler Arblay Evelina Auerbach Villa on the Rhine Abbott, E. A How to Write Clearly Bacon Essays (Cent. Classics) Bruntiere Manual of History of French literature' Brambach Aids to Latin Orthography Browning Love Letters Bittingen Colonial German ■ Barrows Isles and Shrines of Greece Bulwer My Novel, 4 vols " The Caxtons, 2 vols " Rienzi, 2 vols " Dramas, 1 vol Bright, J. F History of England, 4 vols Busby Elizabeth Botsford Development of the Athenian Consti- tution Maynard, Merrill & Co L( Chas, Scribner's Sons Century Co D. Appleton & Co. . Longmans, Green & Co Scribner's Sons, Chas. Houghton, Mifflin & Co Harper & Bros Virtue Hope Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Macmillan Co Holt Roberts. ;. . . . Century Co. . T. Y. Crowell Harper Bros. J. B. Lippincott Co. Little, Brown & Co. Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co. Browning, E. B Letters of Bryce Holy Roman Empire. 25 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 228 Burney Evelina, 2 vols The Macmillan Co. . . 229 Bury The Later Roman Empire, 2 vols " 230 Butcher Some Aspects of Greek Genius " 231 Burns Complete Works and Letters ( Globe Series) " 232 Bartholomew, J. G Geographic Atlas and Gazetteer G. P. Putnam's Sons. 233 Bergamini Troy, Legendary History and Litera- ture " 234 Beavington & Atkinson. . Overbeck (Great Artist Series) Chas. Scribner's Sons 235 Bourne ..." The Great Composers " 236 Birrell Obiter Dicta, 2 series " 237 Borrow Lavengro " 238 Barker, G. F Rontgen Rays 239 Barnes, Carl The Laws of Gases 240 Baird North American Birds, Land 241 " North American Birds, Water 242 Bolton Quantitative Analysis 243 Balfour Treatise on Comparative Embryology, Vol. I., II 244 Ball, W. P Are the Effects of Use and Disuse In- herited 245 Butchli Investigation in Microscopic Forms and in Protoplasm 246 Blade Biography and Typography of Caxton 247 Blashfield, E. H. & E. W . Italian Cities, 2 vols 248 Baedeker Spain and Portugal Chas. Scribner's Sons . . 249 " Austria 250 Bates, A ■ Study of Literature Houghton, Mifflin & Co . 251 Burke Works, Vol I. and II 252 Burn, R Roman Literature in Relation to Ro- man Art 253 Burckhardt The Civilization of the Renaissance in » Italy, 2 vols 254 Beers. , , Eng. Romanticism in 18th Century. . . . Henry Holt & Co. . 255 Bayne Martin Luther, 2 vols 256 Bismarck Autobiography, 2 vols 257 Beecher & Scoville Henry Ward Beecher ; . . . . 258 Butcher Aristotle's Theory of Poetics 259 Brandes William Shakespeare The Macmillan Co. 26 PUBLISHER PRICE 260 Biedermann Electro Physiology (trans, by F. A. WUby) 261 Bradley, C. B Orations and Arguments 262 Brooke, Stopford Primer of English Literature 263 Bancroft Histoiy of the United States, Rev. Ed . 264 Buckle History of Civilization in England, 2 vols 265 Blackmore Lorna Doone 266 Bolles, Frank From Blomodon to Smokj^ 267 Botta, Mrs. A. C. L Handbook of Universal Literature .... 268 Browning, E. B Complete Poetical Works (Camb. Ed.) . 269 Byron Poetical Works (Camb. Ed.) Allyn American Book Co D. Appleton & Co. 270 Blair Lectures on Rhetoric, Ab. with ques- tions 271 Bacon Essays 272 Beesley Cataline, Claudius and Tiberus 273 " Life of Danton 274 Baring-Gould Curious Myths of Mid. Ages (New Ed.) . 275 Beesley Queen Elizabeth (12 Eng. Statesmen) . 276 Brooke, Stopford Eng. Lit. from Beginning to Norm. Con. 277 Brown, P. H History of Scotland (Camb. Hist. Series) 278 Bryce, J. and Others .... Briton and Boer 279 Burke Speeches and Letters, 2 vols -. 280 " Speech on American Taxation .' . . 281 Bury, J. B Catherine II. (for. Statesmen Ser.) .... 282 Brackett & Eliot Poetr\' for Home and School 283 Baedeker Paris (Eng.) Harper Bros. . . Houghton, Mifflin & Co J. B. Lippincott Co. . . Longmans, CJreen & Co The Macmillan Co. 284 " London 285 Baldwin Story of Roland 286 Belloc Danton 287 Bax Jean Paul Marat 288 Bullfinch Age of Fable 289 Blaikie On Self Culture 290 Bryant Homer's Iliad 291 Barnes Paul Jones (Am. Men of Energy). 292 Bergen, R Japan, History 293 Brooks Olden Time Series 27j G. P. Putnam's Sons. Chas. Scribner's Sons Small De Wolfe E.L. Kellogg Houghton, Mifflin & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons American Book Co. . Houghton, Mifflin & Co NO. AUTHOR TITLE 294 Buell Paul Jones, 2 vols 295 Bartlett Concordance to Shakespeare 296 Bent, S. A Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men . . 297 Bright, J. W An vVnglo-Saxon Reader in Verse and Prose 298 Bellamy, E Equality 299 " PUBLISHER Looking Backward 300 Bennett, J Master Skylark 301 Besant, Sir W. Fifty Years Ago 302 " The World Went Very Well There.... 303 " All Sorts and Conditions of Men 304 Blackmore, R Springhaven 306 Blake Selected Poems (Canterbuiy Edition). 307 Browning, R Complete Poetical Works 308 Baring-Gould, S Historic Oddities 309 " Old Country Life 310 " , Strange Survivals . . ., : 311 Borrow, Geo Lavengro The Macmillan Co. ... Houghton, Mifflin & Co Henry Holt & Co. D. Appleton & Co. Houghton, Mifflin The Century Co. . Harper Bros &Co W. Scott (London) Crowell & Co Mettinen & Co. . . 312 Brassey, Lady Around the World in our Yacht " Sunbeam " 313 Beers, Henry A Selections from Coleridge's Prose Writings 314 Bangs Bicyclers and Other Farces 315 Brink, B Five Lectures on Shakespeare 316 Bates, K. L English Religious Drama 317 Boswell-Stone Shakespeare's Hollinshed 318 Bridges, R Shakespeare as Dramatic Artist : 319 Brown, G. H Shakespeare's Versification 320 Bascom, J . . Philosophy of Rhetoric 321 Bates, A Talks on Writing English 322 Bridges, R Milton's Prosody 323 Bascom, J ^Esthetics 324 Beers, H. A A Century of American I-iterature .... 325 Berdoc Browning Cyclopaedia 326 Bradshaw Concordance to Milton 327 Buckland White's Natural History of Selborne . . . 328 Ballou Due North 28 G. P. Putnam's Sons. . Henrv Holt & Co Harper Bros Henry Holt & Co Ginn & Co Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co. ... Ginn & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons. . Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Macmillan Co G. P. Putnam's Sons. Hem-y Holt & Co. The Macmillan Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co NO. 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 AUTHOR TITLE Ballou Under the Southern Cross " Due West Ball Cairo of To-day Bok Successward Baedeker's Guide Southern Italy and Sicily. Switzerland PUBLISHER PRICE Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Macmillan Co. . . Doubleday, Page & Co Chas. Scribner's Son Germany, Rhine, etc . . . Great Britain Greece ' Norway, Sweden, etc . . . The United States Canada Alps, Eastern Belgium and Holland. . France, Northern France, South Eastern. France, South Western . Germany, Northern . . . . " Southern . . . . Palestine and Svria . . . . Barrere & Leland Dictionary of Slahg, Jargon and Cant. 2 vols , Black Guide Itinerary Through Corsica " " To the Riviera The Macmillan Co. To Touraine, etc To Florence and Environs. To the Channel Islands . . . . To Belgium To Ireland Ballou Alaska Due South " Pearl of India " Equatorial America " Aztec Land Bates Naturalist on the River Amazon. Baker The Boy's Book of Inventions . . . 29 Houghton. Mifflin & Co D. Appleton & Co Doubleday, Page & Co NO. AUTHOR TITLE 364 Blanchan '. Nature's Garden 365 Bates Spanish Highways 366 Britton Manual of Flora of Northern States, etc. 367 Briggs Schools, Colleges and Characters 368 Baedeker's Guide, Italy, Northern 369 " " " Central and Rome 370 " " Egypt, Lower 371 " " ." Upper 372 Barraje & Bailey School Sanitation and Decoration 373 Barrie Tommy and Grizel 374 Beeman and Smith Fink's History of Mathematics ........ 375 Benton Thirty Years' View 376 Brown Two American Boys in Hawaii 377 Bradley Rugby 378 Boswell Samuel Johnson 379 Bardeen's Geography of Empire State 380 Bonehill For the Liberty of Texas . . 381 Bartlett Familiar Quotations 382 Butler Meaning of Education 383 Bacon New Eng. Historic Pilgrimages 385 Blaine Twenty Years of Congress 386 Buckley Winners in Life's Race 387 Butterworth Patriot Schoolmaster 388 " Log House on the Columbia 389 " Knight of Liberty 390 " In Old New England 391 " . . . ; Boys of Greenway Court 392 " Pilot of the Mayflower 393 Bryce American Commonwealth 394 Burgess Civil War and Reconstruction (Am. Hist. Series) 395 " The. Middle Period (Am. Hist. Series) . . 396 Bacheller, I Eben Holden 397 Bagehot, W The English Constitution 398 Baldwin , Story of the Mind 399 Barker, G. A Physics (Adv. Course Rev.) 400 Barnes, James The Hero of Erie 30 PUBLISHEH PRICE Doubleda}', Page & Co The Macmillan Co. Henry Holt & Co. . Houghton, MifHin & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons D. C. Heath & Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons Open Court Pub. Co. D. Apple ton & Co. Dana, Estes & Co. . . The Macmillan Co. . Thos. Y. Crowell. . . . C. W. Bardeen Dana, Estes & Co. . . Little, Brown & Co. The Macmillan Co. . Silver, Burdett & Co. Funk & Wagnalls Co D. Appleton & Co. The Macmillan Co Chas. Scribner's Sons LothroiD & Co. . . . D. Appleton & Co. Henry Holt & Co. D. Appleton & Co. NO. AUTHOR TITLE 401 David FaiTagut 402 Barnes ; . . : Plant Life 403 Bastable Theory of International Trade 404 Barrie, J. M Auld Licht Idyls 405 Beddard Zoogeography 406 Bayley England's Trade in the 19th Century.. 407 Bianchi Mythology of Greece and Rome 408 Bickerton, A. W The Romance of the Earth 409 Blind Mathilde Madame Roland 410 Bohn Handbook of Proverbs 411 BoUes, A. S Practical Banking Bolton, H. C Evolution of the Thermometer 412 413 414 415 Bosanquit The Education of the Young in Plato's Republic Bottme Electrical Instrument Making for Ama- teurs Bradley Wolfe (Eng. Men of Action Ser.) 416 Brady, C .' . Paul Jones 417 " American Fights and Fighters. . 418 Bright English History for Public Schools, 4 vols 419 Brightwen ; . . . . Inmates of My House and Garden 420 Brooke, Stopford Historj' of Early Eng. Literature 421 Brooks Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology . . . 422 Bryant, W. C ■. Prose Writings, 2 vols 423 " Poetical Works, 2 vols 424 Buckley, A. Short Histoiy of Natural Science 425 Burke Essays, Sublime and Beautiful 426 Butcher Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Arts 427 Beren Handbook of Mythology 428 Buehler Practical Exercises in English 429 Browning Pied Piper of Hamlin, and Other Poems 430 Barrie Sentimental Tommy 431 Beecher Norwood 432 Barrett English Composition 433 " Wm. Shakespeare : A study in Eliza- bethan Literature 31 PUBLISHER L. C. Page & Co. ... Henry Holt & Co. . . The Macmillan Co. . Cassell Pub. Co The Macmillan Co. . Chas. Scribner's Sons Harper & Bros. . . . The Macmillan Co. Little, Brown & Co. The Macmillan Co. Homans Co Chemical Pub. Co. . The Macmillan Co. Van Nostrand & Co The Macmillan Co. D. Appleton & Co. . McClure, Philhps & Co E. P. Button & Co. The Macmillan Co. Bradlee, Whidden Co... D. Appleton & Co.. The Macmillan Co. Maynard, Merrill & Co. Harper & Bros Maynard, Merrill & Co. Chas. Scribner's Sons . J. B. Ford. Chas. Scribner's Sons . NO. AUTHOR TITLE 434 Berthusen A Text-Book of Organic Chemistry . . . 435 Bolas, K. & S Hand Book of Photography in Colors 436 Ballard Among the Moths- and Butterflies . . . 438 Becker Gallus 440 Bailey Evolution of Our Native Fruits 441 Boltone ., Electric Bells 442 " Electric Instruments 443 " Dynamo Making 444 " Dynamo Management 445 Burnside Theory of Groups of Finite Order .... 446 Bohn Aristophanes (translated) 447 Bates English Religious Drama 448 Barnes Yankee Ships and Yankee Soldiers . . 449 Browning, R Poems, 2 vols 450 Browning, E. B Poems 451 Boswell Johnson, 3 vols 452 Bently Physiological Botany 453 Brownell French Traits 454 Buckley Life of the Children ' 455 Bates Naturalist on the River Amazon .... 456 Butss Manual of Physical Drill 457 Balzam The Popes, etc 458 Bryant Homer's Odyssey 459 Burroughs Birds and Bees 460 " Fresh Fields 461 Bibney Orthopedic Surgery 462 Burnett Hearing, and How to Keep It 463 Burts Story of the German Iliad 464 Baiiey Elizabeth 465 Bidley History of France 466 Bentmy Studies in Constitutional Law 467 " English Constitution 468 Barry History of Greece 469 " Roman Empire 470 Baldwin Old Greek Stories 471 Brown Hist, of Roman Classical Literature.. 32 PUBLISHER Anthony & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co. American Book Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons D. Appleton & Co. . . . D. Appleton & Co. . . . Longmans, Gi'een & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co Lee Bros Blakiston, Son & Co. Maynard, Merrill & Co The Macmillan Co Westerman & Co. NO. 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 AUTHOR TITLE Baldwin Ancient America Besant London Bigelow The German Struggle for Liberty Blanchan Bird Neighbors Bessly Graechi, Mariiis and Sullo Burke Speech on Conciliation Brewster Studies in Structure and Style Bowker The Arts of Life " Counsel Upon the Reading of Books . . . Bowditch, etc Text Book (American) of Physiology . . Brewer Readers' Handbook Ballantine Inductive IjOgic Baldwin Old Greek Stories (Eclectic Sch. Read- PUBLISHER Harper & Bros. . Doubleday, Page & Co. Chas. Scribner's Sons . Ginn&Co -. . . The Macmillan Co. ... Houghton, Mifflin & Co E. R. Pelton J. B. Lippincott Co. Ginn & Co 485 " Story of Siegfried 486 " Story of the Golden Age 487 Bulfinch Age of Chivalry. 488 Bolton, F. E The Secondary School System of Ger- many . . . .__._ Bowen.. . . .■ Froebel and Education Through Self- Activity Baldwin Methods of Studj^ in Natural History. . . Bowditch Physiology (Guides for Science Teach- American Book Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons D. Appleton & Co. 489 490 491 492 493 494 ing, XIV.) , Bolles Commercial Law Brown Grammar of English Grammars " • The Institutes of English Grammar . 495 Bradbury Sight Arithmetic ; 496 Baskett Storv of the Fishes Chas. Scribner's Sons Houghton, Mifflin & Co D. C. Heath & Co; Henry Holt & Co. D. C. Fauss A. Lovell & Co. . . D. Appleton & Co. 497 Bevis Concrete Geometry by the Inductive Method " 498 Ball Starland Ginn & Co . 499 Bonney Volcanoes — Their Structure and Sig- nificance 500 Boyer Laboratory Manual in Elementary Biol- ogy 501 Badenoch Romance of the Insect World 502 Blanchan Birds that Hunt and Are Hunted 503 Bryessee Population of an Old Pear Tree 33 D. C. Heath & Co. The Macmillan Co. NO. AUTHOR 504 Buckley 505 Bissel, 506 Blaikie n 507 Boland, M. A 508 Black, Alex 509 " 510 Bach 511 " ..; 512 Broadhouse 513 Brockhaven & Gantvoort 514 Beard 515 '• 516 Beers 517 Brooks 518 Brooks, Edw 519 " 520 Burt 521 Butcher & Lang 522 Burroughs 523 " 524 Baker 525 Barbour, R. H 526 Barnes 527 Bergerac 528 Black 529 Brooks 530 Brown, H. D 531 Bulwer (Felter & Imlay) . 532 Butterworth 533 Brassey 534 Butterworth. 535 Beebe & Baldwin PUBLISHER Life and Her Children (from Amoeba to Insects Physical Development and Exercises for Women . . . . _ How to Get Strong, and How to Stay So Handbook of Invalid Cooking Captain Kodak Photography Indoors and Out On Musical Education and Vocal Cul- ture The Principles of Singing Musical Acoustics: The Student's Helm- holtz Manual for Teachers of Sight Singing. . . American Boy's Handy Book Girl's " " From Chaucer to Tennyson The Story of the ^neid " " Odyssey Iliad Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca The Odyssey of Homer Pepacton Wake, Rolsin Cast Up by the Sea The Half-Back Midshipman Farragut A Voyage to the Moon Four MacNicols Boy Emigrants (Boys' Library of Pluck and Action) Two College Girls The Last Days of Pompeii In the Boyhood of Lincoln Voyage in the " Sunbeam " South America Four American Naval Heroes, 34 Harper Bros The Century Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons . American Book Co. . . . Chas. Scribner's Sons . The Macmillan Co. ... Chas. Scribner's Sons . The Macmillan Co. . . . Houghton, Mifflin & Co D. Appleton & Co Doubleday, Page & Co. Chas. Scribner's Sons . Houghton, Mifflin & Co Univ. Pub. Co D. Appleton & Co Longmans, Green & Co Werner School Book Co NO. AUTHOR 536 Boas 537 Brooks, E.S 538 Brooks, N 539 Burton 540 Barnes, J 541 " 542 Barrett, Hon. J 543 BuU 544 Bulwer (Felter & Imlay).. 545 Baldwin 546 Barnes 547 " 548 Brooks, Noah 549 Boyesen 550 Beresford, Lord C 551 Bigelow, P. . ■ 552 Bryce, James 553 Bigelow, J 554 Brooks 555 " 556 Butterworth 557 Bourne 558 Beard 559 Brooks, Edw 560 Britton 561 Boys 562 Brooks, W.K 563 Buckley 564 Ball, Sir Robert (F.R.S.). 565 Bryant & Gay 566 Bryce, James 567 Bancroft, Geo TITLE Shakespeare and His Predecessors in the English Drama Great Men's Sons Statesmen Four American Patriots Commodore Perry Dewey on the Mississippi Admiral George Dewey Fridtjof Nansen Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings (Standard Lit. Series, No. 12) Old Stories of the East (Eclectic Sch. Readings) Brief History of Greece " " Rome The Story of Marco Polo Norway (Story of the Nations) The Break-up of China 'Wliite ManV Africa Impressions of South Africa. . . .■ Reminiscences of the Santiago Cam- paign Stories of the Old Bay State TheStory of NewYork A History of South America Teaching of History and Civics Outdoor Games Story of Iliad An Illustrated Flora of the Northeast- ern U. S., 3 vols Soap Bubbles and the Forces which Mould Them Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology. . . . Short Hist, of Natural Science Time and Tide Pop. III., History of the U. S., 4 vols. . . American Commonwealth, Vol. II Hist, of the Formation of Constitution, 35 PUBLISHER Chas. Scribner's Sons G. P. Putnam's Sons. Chas. Scribner's Sons Werner School Book Co D. Appleton & Co Harper Bros D. C. Heath & Co. Univ. Pub. Co American Book Co. The Century Co. Harper Bros. . . The Century Co. Harper Bros. . American Book Co Doubleday, Page & Co Longmans, Green & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons E. & J. B. Young , . . . Cassino Stanford (London) . . E. & J. B. Young.. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons The Macmillan Co. . . D, Appleton & Co, . . , NO. AXJTHOR 568 Buckle, H.T.... 569 Beers English Romanticism 570 Bayne, Peter Essays, 2 vols 571 Bagehot, W Lombard Street 572 Barrows, J. H Life of Henry Ward Beecher 573 Brougham, H Oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. . 574 Blummer, H Home Life of Ancient Greeks (tr. by A. Zimmern.) 575 BirrdI, A Life of Charlotte Bronte 576 Brewer, E. C History of France 577 Bacon, F Works, 2 vols 578 Bryant, W. C Family Library of Poetry and Song . . . 579 Bourne, G. C Intro, to the Study of Comp. Anatomy, VoLL 580 581 582 PUBLISHER D. Appleton & Co. . . . G. P. Putnam's Sons. Chas. Scribner's Sons Funk & Wagnalls. . . . Routledsre Cassell Pub. Co Chas. Scribner's Sons Houghton, Mifflin & Co Fords The Macmillan Co. Brooks, W. K Foundations of Zoology Bottone, S. R Radiography and the " X " Ray Wireless Telegraphy and the Llertzian Waves 583 Bohn Library Junius Letters 584 Baskett, J.N Story of the Birds 585' Brownell Newport 586 Baillie-Grohman Camp in the Rockies 587 Botha Hand Book of Literature . . . . . 588 Burton Stories of Indians of N. E 589 Barron Wild Wales 590 Brander Imijressions of Russia 591 Barr Border Shejiherders 592 Barrie Little Minister 593 " A Window in Thrums 594 Bremer President's Daughter 595 Bronte Jane Eyre 596 Burnett That Lass o' Lowries 597 Blanchard A Revolutionary Maid 598 Ballantyne Ungava 599 Bowker Economies for the People 600 Becher Lady Mutineers of the Bounty. 601 Barnet Two Sister Pilgrims 36 D. Appleton & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Morse Co. . . MuiTay ■, T. Y. Crowell . . . Dodd, Mead & Co A. Lovell & Co The Macmillan Co Hope Chas. Scribner's Sons Nelson Harper Bros. Chas. Scribner's Sons 602 Barnet Little Lord Fauntleroy 603 " Giovanni and the Other 604' " Piccono 605 Barr Romances and Realities 606 Baring Gould Grithi the Outlaw , 607 Bamfield Look-About Qub 608 Bailey School Sanitation and Decoration 609 Bellamy Open Sesame 610 Besan Captain Cook 611 Bishop The Great Round World (Whole Series) . 612 Blake Mexico 613 Boswell Andromache 614 Booth Sleepy Tinie Stories 615 Boyesen Boyhood in Norway 616 " Against Hea^'y Odds 617 Bradley Elementary Colors 618 " Paradise of Childhood 619 Brine Grandma's Attic Treasures 620 " Doings of a Dear Little Couple 621 Boyesen Goethe and Schiller 622 Brooks A. Lincoln and Downfall of Slavery. . . . 623 " Historical Boys 624 " Historical Girls 625 Buckley A World of Wonders, 5 vols 626 Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 627 Burroughs Bird Neighbors 628 Burnet Edith's Burglar 629 Butterworth Zigzag Journej's T^-ound the World .... 630 " Beautiful Joe 631 " Zigzag Journeys — Sunny South 632 Bulwer-Lytton Harold, Last of Saxon Kings 633 Baring Story of German}' 634 Brown Rab and His Friend 635 " Correlation of Studies 636 Brooks A Son of the Revolution 637 Butterworth Over the Andes 37 PUBLISHER PRICE Chas. Scribner's Sons, Ford Chas. Sci'ibner's Sons Lothrop D. C. Heath & Co. Ginn & Co The Macmillan Co. Harrison Lee The Macmillan Co. Chas. Scribner's Sons A. B. Co Milton Bradley E. P. Dutton & Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons G. P. Putnam's Sons. D. Appleton & Co. . Houghton, Mifflin & Co D. Appleton & Co. Bap. Pub. Co. ... Routledge G. P. Putnam's Sons. The Century Co Pub. School Pub. Co. Revell NO. AUTHOR 638 Butterworth 639 Bailey 640 " 641 Barnes 642 Baine 643 Conant 644 « 645 Catherwood 646 Cook 647 Cartwright 648 Clement, C. E 649 Conant 650 Creighton 654 « 652 653 654 " 655 Church 656 Coleridge 657 " 658 « 659 Cunningham & McArthur. 660 Chaucer 661 Coleridge 662 Corson 663 Craik 664 Crudin's 665 Clement, Chas 666 Carlyle, Jane W 667 Church 668 Clark, C. & M. C 669 Cundall 670 " 671 Crowest 672 Crew, H TITLE Lost in Nicaragua Forcing Book Prin. of Fruit Growing A liOyal Traitor Education as a Science German Lit. Primer Spanish Lit. Primer Lady of Fort St. John Travels in the Antarctic Continent. The Painters of Florence Handbook of Legend and Myth, Art, Sculptors, Architects, etc The United States and the Orient Simon de Montfort The Black Prince Sir Walter Raleigh The Duke of Marlborough Government of England Story from the Greek Comedians Res Grsecse Res Romance Euripides (trans. 2 vols. Bohm) Outlines of English Industrial History . Works (Globe Series) Poetical Works (Globe Series) Introduction to Milton English Prose, 5 vols Complete Concordance (leather) Michael Angelo (Great Artist Series) . . . Letters, 2 vols Lords of the World (Fall of Carthage) . . Recollections of Writers Hans Holbein (Great Artist Series) . . . . Landscape Painters of Holland The Great Tone Poets The Wave Theory of Light 38 PUBLISHER PRICE Revell The Macmillan Co. . Harper Bros D. Appleton & Co. . . American Book Co. . The Century Co. ... Doubleday, Page & Co E. P. Button & Co. . . Houghton, Mifflin & Co Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co. F. H. Revell & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons NO. 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 PUBLISHER Chapman Autobiography of Harriet Martineau, 2 vols ". Gierke, Agnes Life of the Herschels Cutts Scenes and Characters of Middle Ages . . Clarendon Characters and Episodes of the Great ed. by G. Boyle. Creighton Social History of England Cunningham Growth of English Industry and Com- merce, 2 vols Cotton & Payne English Colonies and Dependencies .... Champney Romance of the Feudal Chateaux Corson The Aims of Literary Studies Codman Brook Farm Cary Tennyson : His Home, His Friends, and His Work " Browning : Poet and Man Cicero Tusculan Disp., trans Comparetti Virgil in the Middle Ages Conington, J P. Vergilii Maronis Opera, 3 vols Cruttwell Roman Literature Chaucer Canterbury Tales Couch, Quiller Works, 9 vols Canon, J. G Cleaning Houses Catherwood, M. H Days of Jeanne D'Arc " Centmy Atlas of the World '. . .. Gushing Manual of Parliamentary Practices. . . . Corson Primer of English Verse _. Clemens Joan of Arc Carpenter, G. R J. G. Whittier (Am. Men of Let.) Gary, Geo William Curtis Chaucer Poetical Works, 3 vols Clarke, J. F Ten Great Religions, 2 vols Chambers, Robt Books of Days, 2 vols Cox History of Greece, New Ed Creighton Age of Elizabeth (Epochs of Mod. Hist). Carlyle Heroes and Hero Worship Church, A. J Burning of Rome Church, E.J Trial and Death of Socrates (G. T. S.) . . 39 Longmans, Green & G The Macmillan Go. . . 3 The Macmillan Co. . . G. P. Putnam's Sons. The Macmillan Co. . . D. Appleton & Go. . . . The Century Go Goates Ginn & Co Harper Bros Houghton, Mifflin & G Longmans, Green & C The Macmillan Co. . . 3 3 N, O. 707 ,708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 791 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 AUTHOB TITLE Church, R. W Francis Bacon (Eng. Men of Ijet.) Courthope, W. J Addison (Eng. Men of Let.) Craik, H Life of Jonathan Swift, 2 vols Capes Age of the Antoinnes (Epochs of vVn- cient Histoi-y) " The Early Empire (Epochs of Ancient History) Coleridge Poetical Works, ed. by R. Garnett Courthope History of English Poetry, 2 vols Chambers Cyclopedia of English Literature, 2 vols. Cowper Homer's Iliad Chapman Homer's Iliad Corson Introduction to the Study of Robt. Browning's Poetry Carlyle & Emerson Correspondence Cary, E. L The Rossettis ■ Chesterfield Letters Curtis, Ed Poe (Am. Men of Letters) Carlyle, T French Revolution Colbeck, C Epochs of Modern History Cox, G. W An Introduction to the Science of Com- parative Mythology and Folk-Lore.. . Cox, G. W Manual of Mythology " Classical Dictionary Carroll, L Alice in Wonderland " Through the Ijooking-glass Coffin Daughters of the Revolution CoUins, W Moonstone Coppee, F The Odd Numbers Cox, G. W Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. . Crane Red Badge of Courage Calverley, C. S Verses and Fly Leaves Campbell Poetical Works Carman, B Ballads of Lost Haven Carroll Hunting of the Shark, etc Chatterton Poems (selected) (Canterbury Poets) . . Coleridge, S. T Ancient Mariner (illustrated by Dore) . Conington jEneid of Virgil 40 PUBLISHER The Macmillan Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons The Macmillan Co. . . J. B. Lippincott Co. . The Macmillan Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons D. C. Heath & Co. . Houghton, Mifflin & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons. Scott Houghton, Mifflin & Co Merrill & Baker Longmans, Green & Co Hcnrv Holt & Co. . The Macmillan Co. Houghton, Mifllin & Co Harper Bros Henry Holt & Co. . . . D. Appleton & Co.. . . G. P. Putnam's Sons. Lanson, Wolfe & Co. The Macmillan Co. . Scott Harper Bros Longmans, Green & Co NO. AUTHOR TITLE 741 Crabbe Poems 742 Chase, E. S Over the Border — ^Arcadia 743 Corbin Schoolboy Life in England 744 Carlyle, T Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, J4 vols 745 " ■ Complete Works 746 Coleridge, S. T Complete Prose Works 747 Curtifi, G. W Potiphar Papers ■748 Cook, A. S.. What is Poetry? 749 Craik English Language and Literature 750 Choate Wells on English 751 Conway Emerson at Home 752 Crawford Corleone, 1 vol 753 Curtis Speeches, etc. , ^ vols 754 Crawford Saracinesca, 1 vol 755 " Sant' Ilario, 1 vol 756 " Don Orsino, 1 vol 757 Chambers Book of Days (cloth) 2 vol 758 Cooper Animal Life in Sea and on Land 759 Carpenter. Insects : Their Structure and Life 760 Church Stories from Virgil 761 " Roman Life in Days of Cicero 762 Chapman Bird lafe — Teachers' Manual and 3 Portfolios, colored 763 Clifford Common Sense of the Exact Sciences. . . 764 Carey Ballads for Little Folk 765 Craddock The Young Mountaineers 766 Child 7^ Unknown Patriot 767 Champney Three Vassar Girls in France 768 " Three Vassar Girls in England 769 " Three Vassar Girls on the Rhine 770 Coffin Our New Way Round the World 771 Carrol Alice's Adventures 772 " Through the Looking Glass 773 Carpenter. . . . ^ Principles of English Grammar 774 Church Story of the Iliad 775 Churchill.. . .' Richard Carvel 41 PUBLISHER Houghton, Mifflin & Co Harper Bros Houghton, Mifflin & Co Chapman ...... Harper Bros. . . . Ginn & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons Houghton, Mifflin & The Macmillan Co. Harper Bros The Macmillan Co. J. B. Lippincott Co. American Book Co. The Macmillan Co. Dodd, Mead & Co. . D. Appleton & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co Co Dana, Estes & Co. . Thomas V. Crowell The Macmillan Co. NO. AUTHOR TITLE 776 Comstock Guide to Study of Insects 777 Champlins Cyclopedia of Common Things . . . 778 Coulter Plant Relations 779 Champlin Cyclopedia of Person and Places . . 780 " Cyclopedia of Literature and Art . 781 Cassel! Dictionary, Fr.-Eng. and Eng.-Fr. 782 Crabb English Synonyms 783 Com. of Seven Study of Hist, in Schools 784 Clemens Yankee in King Arthur's Court . . . 785 Craik John Halifax, Gentleman 786 Chapman Birds of Eastern N. A Bird Life. 787 " 788 Church Story of the Odyssey. 789 " Stories from Homer 790 " Stories from the Greek Tragedians . . 791 " Story from Herodotus 792 CofKn Old Times in Colonies 793 " Marching to Victory 794 " Redeeming the Republic 795 " Freedom Triumphant 796 Catherwood Story of Tonty 797 Cable Dr. Sevier 798 Cajori History of Physics 799 Caldwell Some Great Legislators 800 Cameron, J. 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NO. 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 Clement, C. E Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints " Legendar}' and Mythological Art Clifford, W. K Comnion Sense of the Exact Sciences. . . Coler Municipal Government Coleridge Notes on Shakespeare PUBLISHER Chas. Scribner's Sons D. Appleton & Co. . . . The Macmillan Co. . . Collar, W. C Virgil's .^neid, Book VII., with trans- lation Conistock Manual for the Study of Insects Conaiit History of Modern Banks of Issue .... Cone, Ada Perspective Coningtoa Poems of Virgil, prose translation Conn Storj"^ of the Li-\dng Machine Cooper, E. T Linear Perspective Cooper, J. F Homeward Boimd Cordery & Philpott The King and Commonwealth Corson Introduction to Shakespeare Crane, Walter Line and Form " Decorative Illustration of Books Crockett, S. R Lochinvar Cromwell Letters and Speeches (Ed. Carlyle). . . . Crowest Beethoven Cimningham Western Civilization in Its Economic Aspect Coim Story of Germ Life " A Method of Evolution Caller Literary Guide for Home and School. . . Cragin Our Insect Friends and Foes Cowen Pliny, Letters, Books I. and II Crawford Pompeii Cajons Hist, of Elem. Physics Crane, Walter Bases of Design Cross Development of the Eng. No\'el Clerk Introduction to Heraldrj' Carpenter. American Prose Craddock Story of Old Fort London Church Stories from Eng. Literature 43 Ginn & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons. Comstock Longmans, Green & Co D. Appleton & Co. . . . Lamson & Carpenter . Houghton, Mifflin & Co Porter & Coates. . D. C. Heath & Co. The Macmillan Co Harper Bros Routledge E. P. Dutton & Co. The Macmillan Co. D. Appleton & Co. Maynard, Merrill & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons. The Macmillan Co NO. AUTHOR TITLE 848 " Heroes of Chi^'al^y and Romance .... 849 Chaucer Poems 850 Champney . History of English 851 Carpenter. English Ijiterature 852 Crawshair Literary Interpretation of Life 853 " Interpretation of Literature 855 Cooper Tales from Euripides 856 Cust Eton College 857 Clark Study of Eng. Prose Writers 858 Cooper Animal I . 3170 Robertson Charles V ■ " 3171 " The Making of the Enghsh Nation Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3172 Rannie Historical Outline of Eng. Const " 3173 Rawlinson The Origin of Nations " . . . 3174 " Egypt and Babylon 3175 " Religions of the Ancient World " 3176 Rousseau Social Contract " 3177 Rogers Work and Wages , " 3178 Rawlinson Ancient Monarchies Dodd, Mead & Co 3179 " History of vVncient Egypt " 3180 Richmond Boyhood: A Plea for Continuity in Education Longmans, Green & Co . . 3181 Rosmini Method in Education D. C. Heath & Co 3182 Ross School System of Ontario, Canada. ... D. Appleton & Co 3183 Roberts Earth's Historj' Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3184 Rusbv & Jeliffe Morphology and Histology of Plants — 1899 H. H. Rusby 3185 Ruskin The Ethics of the Dust (Brantwood Ed.) Maynard, Merrill & Co. . 3186 Roosevelt. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman 3187 " Wilderness Hunter 3188 " Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail 112 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER ] 3189 Rogers Holland (Story of the Nations) 3190 Richard First Lessons in Minerals D. C. Heath & Co 3191 Remsen Introduction to the Study of the Com- pounds of Carbon " 3192 Riley, J. W Sketches in Prose Bowen, Merrill & Co. ... 3193 " Flying Islands of the Night • " 3194 " Old-Fashioned Roses " 3195 Rej'chler, A Outlines of Physical Chemistry The Macmillan Co 3196 Roscoe and Harden Inorganic Chem. for Advanced Students " 3197 Reddall, H. F Fact, Fancy and Fable A. C. McClurg & Co 3198 Rayner Free to Serve Copeland 3199 Reid, Capt Afloat in the Forest U. S. Book Co 3200 " The Boy Hunters " 3201 Reid, Sydney Josey and the Chipmunk 3202 Roche The Story of the Filibusters The Macmillan Co 3203 Rolfe Select Prose from R. 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Appleton & Co . 3219 Sanford Romance of a Jesuit Mission Baker-Taylor Co 3220 Schouler The United States, Vol. VI Dodd, Mead efe Co 3221 " Thomas Jefferson " 3222 Sellar Roman Poets of the Republic Frowde(ClarendonPress). 3223 " Roman Poets of the Augustan Age, 2 vols " 113 NO. 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 PUBLISHER Skeat Specimens of English Literature 1349- 1579 Shelley " . . Defence of Poetry (Cook) Shinn, Millicent Biography of a Baby Stanwood History of the Presidency Stephens Counsel Upon Reading Seeley Short History of Napoleon Roman Imperialism Expansion of England Stilwell. . Gro-^^h of English Colonies Spencer. Complete Works (Globe Series) Shelly Poetical Works (Globe Series) , Schachardt Schlieman's Excavations Sheridan Play (Crawford Ed.) Stoddard Evolution of the English Novel Strange Japanese Illustration Sidney Lyric Poems " Apology for Poetry Stephens Sir Edwin Landseer (Great Artist Ser.) . Scott Little Masters of Germany (Great Artist Series) Stone. . .' Velasquez (Great Artist Series) Frowde (Clarendon Press) Ginn&Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co, Little, Brown & Co Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co Charles Scribner's Sons Scott Ghiberti and Donatello (Great Artist Series) Sidney Arcadia Saintsbury French Lyrics Sloane The French War and the Revolution . . Stephens, Leslie Hours in a Library Stevenson, R. L Across the Plains " Familiar Studies of Men and Books .... " Poems and Ballads " Vailima Letters " Virginibus Puerisque Symonds Short Historv of the Renaissance in Italy " Schomann The Antiquities of Greece, the State (trans, by Hardy and Mann) 114 Rivington (London). PUBLISHER 3256 Scarth Early Britain, Roman Britain Society for the Promo- tion of Christian Knowl- edge, London 3257 Smith and Chatham Pictorial Christian Antiquity, 2 vols . 3258 Shipley Paleontology 3259 " Physiology of Plants , 3260 " Mollusks and Brachiopods 3261 " Flat "Worms and Mesozoa 3262 Stetson Woman and Economics 3263 Stecher A Text-Book of the German- American Sj^stem of Gymnastics 3264 Stephen and Lee Dictionary of National Biography 3265 Symonds Catholic Reaction 3266 Scott New Jersey (Am. Comnionw'th Series) 3267 Stephens History of French Revolution > 3268 Scidmore China, the Long-Lived Empire 3269 Sabatier St. Francis of Assissi (tr. by Houghton) 3270 Schwill and Thatcher Europe in the Middle Ages '. , 3271 Stedman Cyclopedia of American Literature, 11 vols 3272 Stevenson Letters (Colvin Ed.) 3273 Shairp Culture and Religion 3274 " Poetic Interpretation of Nature Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3275 " Aspects of Poetry 3276 Scott and Gayley Literary Criticism 3277 Scudder Social Aims in English Literature 3278 Symonds Shakespeare's Predecessors in English Drama The Macmillan Co . 3279 Singleton Great Pictures Described by Great Writers 3280 " A Guide to the Opera 3281 Steevens With Kitchener to Khartoum 3282 Skeat. Etymological Dictionary of English Language (6th Ed.) American Book Co. 3283 Small and Vincent Study of Society 3284 Saintsbury Marlborough (English Worthies Series) D. Appleton & Co. . 3285 Spencer, Herbert Education . '. 3286 " Philosophy of Style 3287 Spiers and Surenne French and English Pron. Dictionary . . " 115 NO. 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 AUTHOR TITLE Steevens Tragedy of Dreyfus ' Sage, Robt Tournay : Scudder, H. E J. R. Lowell (7^. Men of Letters) Shairp Studies in Poetry and Philosophj^ Shedd, J. A Famous Sculptors and Sculpture (2d Ed.) Smyth, A. H Bayard Taylor (Am. Men of Letters) . . Stedman, E. C American Anthology " Victorian Poets " Nature and Elements of Poetry " Victorian Anthology PUBLISHER Harper Bros Houghton, Mifflin & Co, Soiile Dictionary of English Synonyms (new ed.) Little, Brown & Co. The Macmillan Co Stevenson Treasure Island " Seebohm Oxford Reformers, Colet, Erasmus, etc. Longmans, Green & Co Stephens, W.W Life of Turgot . . . Stubbs Early Plantagenets (Epochs of History) " Saintsbury Elizabethan Literature (Student's Ed.). " Shakespeare Complete Works; ed. bv W. C. Clarke and W. A. Wright (Globe Ed.) Sheridan School for Scandal and The Rivals (Cranford Series) Smith, Adam Wealth of Nations (ed. by Baxter), 2 vols Smith, Goldwin Essays on Questions of the Day. ...... " Three Enghsh Statesmen Stillman, W. S Union of Italy, 1815-1895 Strickland, Agnes Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 2 vols .... Swift, J Journal to Stella (Bohn) Swift Tale of a Tub, Battle of the Books and Earlier Works (Bohn) Sonnenschein Best Books " ....... Best Books Supplement Smith, A. H Chinese Characteristics " Village Life in China Saint- Amand Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty G. P. Putnam's Sons. F.H.RevellCo Chas. Scribner's Sons. Marie Antoinette at the Tuilleries. 116 NO. 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 AUTHOR Saint-Amaiid . Marie Antoinette and the End of the Old Regime Citizen Bonaparte Court of the Empress Josephine Napoleon III. at the Height of His Power Wife of the First Consul PUBLISHER Chas. Scribner's Sons. . Sankey Spartan and Theban Supremacies (Ep- ochs of Ancient History) Scudder, H. E Men and Manners 100 Years Ago Seebohm Era of the Protestant Revolution (Ep- ochs of Modern History) " Sargent, J. F Reading for the Yoimg Library Bureau. . . . Sellers, E Tr. Schiemann's Excavations, London, '91 Sorel Mme. de Stael '. " Montesquiev Stubbs Mediseval and Modern History Scott Life and Letters Shelley, H. C Ayrshire Homes and Haunts of Burns. . Spedding Life and Times of Lord Bacon, 2 vols . . Stearns, F. Pr Sketches from Concord and Appledore. . Stephen, L Studies of a Biographer Smith, H. A The Thirteen Colonies (Story of the Nationsi) Stockton, L. R Stories of New Jersey Sydney, W. C England and the English in the Eigh- teenth Centiu-y Symonds, J. A Renaissance in Ital.y, 7 vols Slocum Sailing Alone Around the World Seton, Thompson Wild Animals I have Known Sienkiewic^ Knights of the Cross The Deluge " Lillian Morris, and Other Stories " Pan Michael " Quo Vadis " With Fire and Sword Smith, F. H Tom Grogan " Col. Carter of Cartersville 117 The Macmillan Co . . A. C. McCliu-g & Co. Oxford Pub. Co. ... The Macmillan Co . . G. P. Putnam's Sons Houghton, Mifflin & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons American Book Co. . The Macmillan Co . . Henry Holt & Co. . . The Century Co. . . . Chas. ScriV>ner's Sous Little, Brown & Co. . D. Appleton & Co. . NO. 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 AUTHOli TITLE Steele On the Face of the Waters Stevenson, R. L Weir of Hermiston " ........ St. Ives " Ebb Tide " Fables Stimson, J. L King Noannett Saintsbury (ed.) Seventeenth Century Lyrics Sargent, J. Horation Echoes Schelling (Coll.) Book of Elizabethan Lyrics Shoney, P Odes of Horace Southey Poetical Works Stedman American Anthology Swinborne, A. C Atalanta in Calydon " Selected Poems Smith, H Gondola Days . . . , Well Worn Roads of Spain (Pop. Ed.) . Saintsbury, G Corrected Impressions Essays in Eng. Lit. (1780-1860) Spectator Addison, Steele and Budgell (full set) . . Stephen, L Hoiu's in a Library Symonds, J. A Blank Verse Schlegel Lectures on Dramatic Art and Litera- PUBLISHER The Macmillan Co . . . Chas. Scribner's Sons. Lamson, Wolffe & Co. . The Macmillan Co ... . Houghton, Mifflin & Co Ginn & Co G. P. Putnam's Sons. D. Appleton & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons. Houghton, Mifflin & Co Dodd, Mead & Co Ri^'ington Chas. Scribner's Sons. . Smith, Elder Chas. Scribner's Sons. . tiu'e Schmidt Shakespeare Lexicon (English Version) Swinburne, A. C Studies in Shakespeare Sweet, H New English Grammar Schipper English Meters (Eng. trans.) Schmidt Classical Rhythm and Metric (trans.) . . Sears, L Principles and Methods of Literary Criticism Sherman, L. A Analytics of Literature Spear History of American Slave Trade Symond : . Renaissance in Italy, 7 vols The- Macmillan Co. . William & Norgate(Lon Chas. Scribner's Sons. . The Macmillan Co ... . Ginn & Co. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Ginn & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, 3 vols Stanford , Africa, 2 vols . " Asia, 2 vols . . . 118 NO. 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 ATJTHOR TITLE Stanford North America, 2 vols " Europe, 2 vols " Australasia, 2 vols Stedman Poets of America Smith ; The Teaching of Mathematics . . Singleton Wonders of Nature Scudder Life of Noah Webster " Frail Children of the Air Sherman Little Folk LjtIcs Stowe Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories . . Story Story of Photography Shaler Outlines of the Earth's History. Stephens Knockabout Club in the Tropics " Knockabout Club in the Woods . " The Young Moose Hunters Soley Sailor Boys of '61 Stoddard Ned, the Son of Webb Swift Brook Farm Stockton The Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts Sully Teachers' Handbook of Psychology . . . Scott Organic Education Spencer Education Scott Nature Study and the Child Stoddard Little Smoke " Red Patriot " On the Old Frontier Stevenson Poems Stockton Stories of New Jersey Scudder. Dream Children Sidney Five Little Peppers Midway Schenck-Guerber . . ; . . . Outlines of Human Physiology Schirmer Music and Its Relations to Poetry Scott, W Complete Works (Library Ed.), 24 vols. Shenstone, W. A Methods of Glass-Blowing Sherman, L. A Handbook of Shakespeare Shumway, E. S Handbook of Latin Synonyms 119 PUBLISHER PRICE Clias. Scribner'p Sons Houghton, Mifflin & Co The Macmillan Co Dodd, Mead & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co D. Appleton & Co Dana, Estes & Co The Macmillan Co D. Appleton & Co D. C. Heath & Co Bardeen D. C. Heath & Co D. Appleton & Co T. Y. Crowell D. Appleton & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Lothrop Pub. Co Henry Holt & Co G. Schirmer Harper Bros Longmans, Green & Co . The Macmillan Co Ginn & Co NO. AUTHOR TITLE 3421 Smith, J. H The Troubadours at Home. . . . 3422 Smith, G Three English Statesmen 3423 Smythe Conquest of Arid America. . . . 3424 Stevenson Silverado Squatters 3425 " Black Arrow 3426 " Letters, 2 vols 3427 Stewart, B Elementary Treatise on Heat . 3428 Stockton, F Afield and Afloat 3429 Storey, M Evolution of the British Empire 3430 Strachan-Davidson Cicero 3431 Strasburger Botany 3432 Swift Lindsaj' Brook Farm 3433 Scientific American Cyclopedia of Receipts 3434 Smithsonian Institute.. . . Smithsonian Physical Tables 3435 Scott Paragraph Writing 3436 " Composition and Rhetoric 3437 Smith Smaller Classical Dictionary 3438 " Electro-Chemical Analys s 3439 Stammer Chemical Problems 3440 Scott Complete Poetical Works (Cam. Ed.). 3441 Smith Student's Classical Dictionary 3442 " Wealth of Nations 3443 Strange Alphabets 3444 Scott Introduction to Chemical Theory 3445 Spingarn Literary Criticism in the Renaissance. 3446 Sweets History of Language 3447 Scott Poetical Works 3448 Southwick Steps in Oratory 3449 Swift Letters and Journals 3450 Stratliame, H. H Architecture for General Readers 3451 Schliemann Ancient Mycena? 3452 " Liryus 3453 " Ilios 3454 Simcox History of Latin Lit., 2 vols 3455 Sedgwick and Wilson .... General Biology 120 PUBLISHER PRICE G. P. Putnam's Sons Harper Bros Chas. Scribner's Sons The Macmillan Co. (Clar- endon Pi'ess) Chas. Scribner's Sons G. P. Putnam's Sons The Macmillan Co Munn & Co Smithsonian Institute Allyn & Bacon Harper Bros . P.BlakistonSon&Co. . .' . . :. Houghton, Mifflin & Co American Book Co G. Routledge & Son The Macmillan Co American Book Co Chas. Scribner's Sons. ... .... Harper Bros Henry Holt & Co. NO. AUTHOR TITLE PTJBLISHER 3456 Sonvestre An Attic Philosopher D. Appleton & Co. 3457 Schutzenberger Fermentation " 3458 Smith Synopsis of Eng. and Am. Lit Ginii & Co 3459 Symes. A Companion to School Histories of Eng lyongmans, Green & Co . . 3460 Scott Waverly Novels, 25 vols Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3461 Shelley Works (Cent. Ed)., 4 vols 3462 Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin (with key) 3463 Sassar-Cohen Chemistry of Daily Life J. B. Lippincott Go 3464 Sharpless and Phillips. . . . Natura' Philosophy " .... 3465 Sterling Outlines of Practical Phj^siology P. Blakiston, Son & Co. . 3466 Smith An Outline of Political History of the U. S The Macmillan Co 3467 Stevens Sources of the Const, of U. S " 3468 Smith The United Kingdom " 3469 Siebert Underground Railway " 3470 Stillman The Union of Italy " 3471 " France Since 1814 " 3472 Small and Vincent Introduction to the Study of Society. . . American Book Co 3473 Stoiy Famihar Expos, of Const, of U. S " 3474 Sismondi A Historj- of the Italian Republic Harper Bros 3475 Snell The 14th Century Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3476 Symes The French Revolution 3477 Smith Romance of Colonization in the U. S. . . l3odd, Mead & Co. ..:... 3478 Seignobis Hist, of Europe since 1815, trans, by Mac Henry Holt & Co 3479 Sanford E.xperimental Psychology D. C. Heath & Co 3480 Schaeffer Bible Readings for Schools American Book Co 3481 Smith Synonyms Discriminated Henry Holt & Co 3482 , Samuel Amatgur Aquarist 3483 Scudder Life of a Butterfly Henry Holt & Co 3484 Spencer Inventional Geometry (Science Primers) American Book Co 3485 Shinn Story of the Mine, as Illustrated by the Great Comstock Lode of Nevada 3486 Slingo and Brooker Electrical Engineering Longmans, Green & Co . . 3487 Skeat.. PubHc School Reciter 3488 Skinner, Chas Nature in a City Yard . The Century Co 3489 Seeley German School System 121 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 3490 Shaler Teacher's Methods m Geology D. C. Heath & Co 3491 Stevenson Boys and Girls in Biology D. 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Scribner's Sons. .. . 3509 Smith, G Life of Jane Austen " 3510 Scudder, H. E Life of James Russell Lowell Houghton, Miffiin & Co. . 3511 Stanwood, Ed Histoiy of Presidential Elections " 3512 Scott, Sir W Journal Harper Bros 3513 Skeat, W. W Principles of English Etymology, 2 vols. The Macmillan Co 3514 Swinburne, A. C Atalanta in Calydon Chatto 3515 " Poems and Ballads, 3 vols " 3516 Smith, Sydney Essays Ward, Lock 3517 Schmidt, O • Mammalia hi Their Relation to Prim- eval Times D. Appleton & Co ' 3518 Shakespeare Macbeth (Rolfe) Harper Bros 3519 Sanderson Hist, of the World D. Appleton & Co 3520 Schultz A Story of Colette " 3521 " Madeleine's Rescue " 3522 " Straight On " 3523 Schwatka Children of the Colonies Cassell Pub. Co 3524 " Nimrod in the North 122 NO. AUTHOR ■ TITLE PUBLISHER ] 3525 Seton-Thompson Wild Animals I Have Known The Century Co 3526 " Trail of Sand Hill Stag " " 3527 Sheldon Lessons in Paper Folding Milton Bradley 3528 Shaw, F. L Castle Blair Roberts 3529 Shidel Famous Painting and Painters Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3530 " Famous Sculptors and Sculptures " 3531 Stanley, H.M MyKalulu Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3532 Stevenson The Black Arrow " 3533 " A Child Garden of Verses " 3534 " Kidnapped " 3535 Stoddard, W. 0. Winter Fun 3536 " Lost Gold of the Montezumas LB. Lippincott Co 3537 St. John Wordsworth for the Young D. Lothrop Co 3538 Stockton Personally Conducted Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3539 Smith, Lucy Daddy's Boy Longmans, Green & Co . . 3540 Smith, J. T Evolution of Dodd Rand, McN ally & Co. .. . 3541 Smith, Gertrude Roggie and Reggie Stories Harper Bros 3542 Smith, F. H Col. Carter of Cartersville Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 3543 " Tom Grogan 3544 " Wonderful Stories of Jane and John 3545 " A White Umbrella in Mexico Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3546 Speer : Leaves and Flowers Ginn & Co 3547 Stowe,H. B Uncle Tom's Cabin Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3548 Swift Gulliver's Travels Ginn & Co 3.549 Strathmore, H. H Architecture for Gen. Readers Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . ^550 Stanley How I Found Livingstone " ... 3551 Swinton, Wm Book of Tales American Book Co 3552 Steele, Mrs. F. A On Face of the Waters The Macmillan Co 3553 Stoddard, W. Crowded Out of Crowfield D. Appleton & Co ■. . 3554 Stockton Bicycle Cathay Harper Bros 3555 " Squirrel Inn The Century Co 3.556 Stowe Nina Gordon Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3557 Minister's Wooing " 3558 Scott Tales of a Grandfather Ginn & Co 3559 Sully Children's Ways D. Appleton & Co 123 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 3560 Stratemeyer To Alaska for Gold Lee 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 Under Dewey at Manila " A Young Volunteer in Cuba " Fighting in Cuban Waters " Under Otis in Philippines " The Campaign of the Jungle. : " 3566 Stephenson Text Book of Manual Design J. B. Lippincott Co 3567 Shouter Hist, of United States, 5 vols Dodd.Mead&Co 3568 Starr. Hygiene of Nursery P. Blakiston, Son & Co. . 3569 Sylvestre Modern House Carpenters ; com Damrell 3570 Spencer Philosophy of Style D. Appleton & Co 3571 Saintsbur}^ Hist, of Elizabethan Lit The Macmillan Co 3572 Seguin Black Forest Hodder 3573 Strong Our Country Baker 3574 Stevenson Silverado Squatters Roberts 3575 Smith Caleb West 3576 Scudder The Book of Legends Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. 3577 " The Book of Fables 3578 " The Book of Folk Stories ■ 3579 Sargent Peculiar, etc liee .• 3580 Sanzay Wonders of Glass-making \. Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3581 Sadlier Heroes of History G. Routledgc & Son .... 3582 Thomson Seasons, and Castle of Indolence Frowde (Clarendon Press) 3583 Trevelyan Life of Macaulay, 2 vols Llarper Bros 3584 Taylor, Bayard Translation of Faust, 1 vol Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3585 Thoreau Cape Cod " 3586 " Maine Woods 3587 Tyrrell Latin Poetry 3588 Thursfield England and Ireland 3589 Tennyson Works (Globe Series) The Macmillan Co 3590 Todd Story of the History of Washington G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 3591 Tyrrell, R. Y Latin Poetry 3592 Thorpe Mythology and Folklore 3593 Towey A World of Green Hills 3594 Trumbull ' The Golden Book of Venice • • . 3595 Ten Brink Five Lectures on Shakespeare 124 NO. ATPTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER P 3596 Traill The New Fiction 3597 Tock-Powell Early England 3598 Toj'nbee, A The Industrial Revolution 3599 Taswell, Langmead English Const. History 3600 Tschudi Marie Antoinette 3601 Tennyson Memoirs of Tennyson, 2 vols 3602 Thorpe Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, 3vols 3603 Troutbeck, G. E Westminster Abbey 3604 Thompson Wild Animals I Have Known Chas. Scribner's Sons. ... 3605 Thmng American College in American Life G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 3607 Todd, E. B Brief History of the City of N. Y 3608 " Washington 3609 Tuckerman History of English Prose Fiction " 3610 Tarbell, P. B History of Greek Art The Macmillan Co 3611 Traill, F.D William Third (12 Eng. Statesmen). .. . " 3612 French, R.C Study the Words " 3613 Tschudi Eugene, Empress of the French " 3614 Thackeray English Humorists A. C. McClurg & Co 3615 Thwaites, R. G The Colonies (Epochs of Am. History) . Longmans, Green & Co . . 3616 Townsend (ed. by) Arabian Nights 3617 Tennyson Poems (Camb. Ed.) Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3618 Thackeray The Four Georges Harper Bros 3619 Trollope Life of Thackeray (Eng. Men of Let.) . . " 3620 Thackeray Early History of Chas. Jas. Fox " 3621 Tiffany Pilgrims and Puritans Ginn & Co. . . 3622 Thompson Biography of a Grizzly The Century Co 3623 Tyndall Fragments of Science, 2 vols D. Appleton & Co 3624 Thompson, M Stories of Indiana American Book Co 3625 Trail A History of Social Life in England, 6 vols G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 3620 Trapk, S Bowling Green 3627 Tre-\ elyan, G. M England in the Age of Wycliffe Longmans, Green & Co . . 3628 Tsountas The Mycenean Age Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3629 Townsend, G. I Arabian Nights T. A. Stokes & Co 3630 Twain, Mark Conn. Yankee in the Court of King Ar- thur Harper Bros 3631 " Huckleberry Finn " ; 125 NO. AtTTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER I 3632^Twain, Mark Joan of Arc ' Harper Bros 3633 " Tom Sawyer " 3634 Tamson, G. R Border Ballads (Canterbury Ed.) W. Scott (London) 3635 Tasso Poems (trans. Wiffen) D. Appleton & Co 3636 Tea;ner Frithiof's Sasja (trans.) Griggs , , . . . 3637 Theocritus and Moschus. . Translated by I^ong The Macmillan Co 3638 Thwing Reading of Books L. & W 3639 Thayer, W. R The Best Elizabethan Plays Ginn & Co 3640 Thom, W. T Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations " 3641 Ticknor, G Spanish Literature, 3 vols Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3642 Tyler History of Am. Literature During Colo- nial Tim^s G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 3643 " Lit. Hist, of the Am. Revolution " ... 3644 Tennyson, H Alfred Lord Tennyson, 2 vols The Macmillan Co ..... . 3645 Thompson Study of Animal Life Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3646 Thompson, Seton Lives of the Hunted. 3647 Tony Footing It in Franconia Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3648 Taylor Touring Alaska and Yellowstone Jacobs 3649 Thatcher The Listening Child The Macmillan Co 3650 Tievelyan Life of Fox Harper Bros 3651 Tomlinson A Jersey Boy in the Revolution Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3652 Trowbridge What is Electricity D. Appleton & Co 3653 Townsend Katy of Cactoctin " 3654 " Zigzag Journeys on the Miss Dana, Estes Co 3655 " Zigzag Journeys in the White City " 3656 " Zigzag Journeys in the Great West " 3657 " Zigzag Journeys in the Sunny South " 3658 Tompkins Phil, of School Management Ginn & Co 3659 Thompson Green Mountain Boys Baker-Taylor Co 3660 Tuckerman Peter Stuyvesant (1602-1692) Dodd, Mead & Co 3661 Twitchell John Winthrop (1587-1630) " 3662 Tompkins Philosophy of Teaching Ginn & Co 3663 Thwaites Epochs of Amer. History, 3 vols Longmans, Green & Co . . 3664 Tarver French Stumbhng Blocks D. Appleton & Co 3665 Taylor Studies in Indiana Geography Inland Pub. Co. (Terre Haute) 3666 Ten Brink Early English Literature, 3 vols The Macmillan Co . 126 NO. AUTHOR riTIE PUBLISHER 3667 Tetlow, John Virgil's vEneid, Book VIII., with vocab. Ginn & Co 3668 Thompson, S. P Lectures on the Electromagnet W. J. Johnston 3669 Light, Visible and Invisible The Macmillan Co 3670 Michael Farraday " 3671 Thomson Outlines of Zoology Appleton & Co 3672 Thornton Manual of Bookkeeping The Macmillan Co 3673 Thorpe Yule-tide Stories " 3674 Taine History of Eng. Literature, 1 vol. ed.. . . Henry Holt & Co 3675 Tark The Gentleman from Indiana Doubleday , Page & Co. 3676 Taylor Studies in Ger. Literature G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . 3677 Thompson Elementary Lessons in Magnetism and Electricitv The Macmillan Co 3678 Tennyson Complete Works (Cam. Ed.). Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3679 Taylor Complete Works (Cam. Ed.) 3680 Tyrrel Cicero's Select Letters The Macmillan Co 3681 Thorpe Humphrey Davy (Cent. Science Series) . ■ " 3682 " Essays on Historical Chemistry " 3683 " Outlines of Industrial Chemistry " 3684 Todhunter A Treatise on the Theory of Equations.. " 3685 Tennyson Memoir of Alfred Lord Tennyson " 3686 Taylor Names and Their History " 3687 Trent John Milton, Life and Works " 3688 Tennyson Complete Works (Globe Ed.) •' 3689 Thackeray The Four Georges (Harper Sch. CI.). . . . The American Book Co. . 3690 " English Humorists, Vol. I 3691 " English Humorists, Vol. II 3692 Thompson Biography of a Grizzly Chas. Scribner's Sons. ... 3693 Taylor The Playtime Naturalist D. Appleton & Co 3694 Trowbridge Phillips' Exps " 3695 Thorpe Inorganic Chemical Preparations Ginn & Co 3696 Thoreau Works (Riv. Ed.), 11 vols Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3697 Torrey Birds in the Bush " 3698 Taylor Origin and GroAvth of the Eng. Const. . . " 3699 Tonnt Edward I The Macmillan Co 3700 " Short Analysis of Eng. Hist " , . 3701 " The Empire and the Papacy " 127 NO. ATTTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER PRICE 3702 Townsencl Analj^sis of Civil Govt. The American Book Co 3703 Tighe Roman Constitution " 3704 Todd Brief Hist, of the City of N. Y " 3705 Tunison MasterVirgil •. Robert Clarke & Co .... 3706 Thorpe A Constitutional Hist, of Am. People. . . Harper Bros 3707 Thomson Outlines of the Laws of Thought Butler, Sheldon & Co 3708 Tompkins Science of Discourse Ginn & Co 3709 Thurston History of the Growth of the Steam Engine 3710 Trouessart Microbes, Ferments, Moulds D. Ai)pletoii & Co. ...... 3712 Taylor Lake Region of Central Africa 3713 " Siam, the Land of the White Elephant 3714 " Travels in South Africa , 3715 Thaxter Among Islands of Shoals Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3716 Tyler Patrick Henry (Am. Statesmen) ...... 3717 Tyndall Heat as a Mode of Motion 3718 " Six Ijectures on Light 3719 Thompson, S Trail of the Sand Hill Stag The Macmillan Co 3720 Tyndall Electricity D. Appleton & Co 3721 Traill, H. D Social England, Vol. 5 G . P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 3722 Teall, F. H Eng. Compovmd Words and Phrases. . . . Funk & Wagnalls Co ... . 3723 Thackeray, W. M Collection of Letters Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3724 Thoreau, H. D Early Spring in Massachusetts Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3725 " Summer " 3726 " Autumn 3727 " Winter 3728 Tabb Child Verses Harper Bros 3729 Todd, J. L New Methods of Education, Art, Etc. . . Judd 3730 Tanner Legends from Red Man's Forest Werner 3731 Tavlor Japan in Our Day D. Appleton & Co 3732 " Travels in Arabia " 3733 " Playtime Naturalisi. " 37.34 Thater Stories and Poems for Children Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3735 Turner Stories for Young Children Ginn & Co 3736 Thompson The Nimble Dollar Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3737 Tomlinson T*\ o Young Patriots F. H. Revell & Co 3738 " Three Colonial Boys " 128 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 3739 Tomlinson Washington's Young Aids F. H. Revell & Co 3740 " Guarding the Border Lee 3741 " lecuraseh's Young Braves . " 3742 Tacitus Agricola, Etc., tr. by Church . The Maemillan Co 3743 Twain, Mark life on the Mississippi Webster 3744 " Innn( ents Abroad American Pub. Co 3745 Thorcau Yankee in Canada Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 3746 Toiirgef Fool's Errand Fords, Howard & Co. . . 3747 Thanet WeAll D. Appleton & Co 3748 Thackeray The Rose and the Ring G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . 3749 Trowbridge. . . , Three Scout.s Lee 3750 Tyndall . Hours of Exercise in Alps D. Appleton & Co 3751 Tucker Fairy Fricket Nelson 3752 Uhlmar, Albert Landmark History of New York D. Appleton & Co 3763 University of Pennsyl- Translations and Reprints: vania Source Book of the Renaissance Univ. of Pennsylvania .' . . . . 3755 English Mediaeval lufetitutions. " 3756 The French Revolutioa " ...... 3757 The Reformation " . . . . . 3758 Protest of the Cour de .Aides " 3759 Udell, Ralph Roister Doistev The Maemillan Co 3760 Underwood Ferns and Fern Allies Henry Holt & Co 3761 " John G. Whittier Houghton, Mifflin & Co .3762 " JamesR. Lowell " 3763 " Henr3'W. longfellow " 3764 Uncle John .' Evenings at Home Cassell Pub. Co 3765 Unck Lawrence A Search for a Son J. B. Lippincott Co. 3766 Van Dyke . . , Poetry of Tennyson Chas. Scribner's Sons 3767 Villari Savanorola " 3768 Van Dyke How to Judge a Picture Hunt & Eaton 3769 Vilmar and Richter German Epic Tales Henry Holt & Co 3770 Veitch Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective.. . Frowde (Clarendon Press) . . 3771 Van Renssalaer English (.athedrals The Century Co 3772 Vaaari Lives of Sixty Eminent Paintrers, 4 vol?. Chas. Scribner's Sons 3773 Verwoin; tr. by Fred. T;ee General Physiology . . 3775 Van Dyke Fisherman's Luck 129 NO. AUTHOR TITia 377C Von Hoist French E,c\rolution Tested by Mira- beaii's Career, 2 \'ols 3777 Van Rensselaer Goede Vrouw of Manahata 3778 Villari life and Times of Machiaevelli 3779 VonAlstine Charlotte Ccrday ■. . . . 3780 Van Dyke How to Judge a Pintnre 3781 Veitch Greek Verbs (Clarendon Press) 3782 Verworn General Physiology 3783 Venable History of Chemistry. 3784 Various Among My Books 3785 Vincent Government in Switzerland 3786 Von Hoist John C. Calhoun (Am. Statesmen). . . . . 3787 Vambery Hungary (Story of Nations) 3788 Vorhees, E. B Fertilizers 3789 Verne TheGiant Raft. 379U " Steam House 3791 Vandegrift The Dead Doll, and Oth^r Poems 3792 Van Dyke, J. C Principles of Ait 3793 " History of Painting 3794 Van Dyke, T. S Southern California. 3795 Verne From Earth to Moon 3796 " A Floating City, Etc 3797 " Journey to Center of Earth 3798 Wilson Treatise on Punctuation 3799 Wright Ice Age in America 3800 Ward Marlowe & Greene 3801 Wilkinson French Classics 3802 Wordsworth Prefaces (ed. George) 3803 Whipple American Literature and Other Papers. 3804 " Essays and Reviews, 2 vols 3805 " Character and Characteristic Men 3806 White, R. G Studies in Shakespeare (School Ed.) . . . 3807 Wordsworth Complete Poetical Works (Globe Ser.) . . 3808 Winter Gray Days and Gold 3809 " Old Shrines and Ivy 3810 " Brown Heath and Blue Bell 130 PUBLISHER Callighan Chas. Scribner's Sons. Allen Methodist Book Co. The Macmillan Co . D.C. Heath & Co Longmans, Green & Co . The Macmillan Co . Houghton, Mifflin & Co. The Macmillan Co . . . Chas. Scribner's Sons. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Fords, Howard & Co. . . Longmans, Green & Co . Fords, Howard & Co. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . American Book Co D. Appleton & Co Frowde (ClarendonPress). Funk & Wagnalls Ca . . . . D. C. Heath & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . The Macmillan Co . NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 3811 Wordsworth, Dorothy. . . Journal of Two Volumes The Macmillan Co 3812 Watts The Christian Recovery of Spain G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 3813 Ward Elementary Principles of Ornament. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3814 Williams History of China " . . : 3815 Wright The Celt, Roman and Saxon Paul, Kegan (London). . 3816 Wakeman History of Religion in England Longmans, Green & Co . , 3817 Ward Rosetti and the Pre-Raphaelites Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . , 3818 Wright The Celt, the Roman and the Teuton. . 3819 Witt Classical Mythology 3820 Whiting A Study of EUzabeth Barrett Browning 3821 Watson The Story of France 3822 Webster Works, Vols. VII. and VIII 3823 Woodberry, G. E Heart of Man The Macmillan Co 3824 Woodberry Makers of Literature " 3825 Winchester Principles of Literary Criticism " 3826 Warner Eng. History in Shakespeare's Plays . . . Longmans, Green & Co . 3827 Wishart Monks and Monasticism 3828 Welsh Development of English Literature and Languaa;e, 2 vols 3829 WiUiams Some Questions of Good EngUsh 3830 Wheeler Santiago Campaign 3831 Woolsey American Foreign Policy The Century Co. 3832 WiUey . . '. Book of Facts 3833 Whitman Story of Modern Austria 3834 Willey Amphioxus and the Ancestry of the Vertebrates 3835 Warner Firdusi 3836 Warman Gestures and Attitudes 3837 " The Voice: How to Train It; How to Use It 3838 Wallace Darwinism The Macmillan Co . 3839 " Natural Selection 3840 Waller Human Physiology 3841 Wiley Agricultm-al Analysis, 4 vols 3842 WiUiams Raphael's Hours 3843 Walker Introduction to Physical Chemistry 3844 Warner, CD World's Best Literature, 30 vols Harper Bros 131 NO. AUTHOR 3845 Wright, M. O 3846 Woolsey, T. D 3847 Warburton, W 3848 Weber 3849 Wendell, Barrett 3850 Ward, Mrs. M. A 3851 Welsh 3852 Wilkinson 3853 " 3854 Wakeman 3855 Willert 3856 Wilson, W. 3857 Webster, D 3858 Weedin 3859 Whittier 3860 Woodberry, G. E 3861 Woolson, Mrs. A. G 3862 Whitney 3863 Wilkinson 3864 " 3865 " 3866 Warner (ed.) 3867 " 3868 " 3869 " 3870 " 3871 " 3872 Winter, W 3873 Wendell, B 3874 Winsor, J 3875 " 3876 " 3877 " 3878 Wheeler, W. A. and C. C . TITLE Flowers and Ferns in Their Haunts .... Introduction to Study of International Law Edward III. (Epochs of Modern Hist.) . History of Philosophy William Shakespeare Dante Development of English Literature .... Prep. Gr. Course in Eng College Gr. Course in Eng Louis XIV. (For. Statesmen Ser.) Mirabeau (For. Statesmen Series) PUBLISHER The Macmillan Co . Chas. Scribner's Sons. Roberts Scott Meth. Book Concern. The Macmillan Co . Division and Reunion (Epochs of Am. History) Great Speeches and Orations Longmans, Green & Co . Little, Brown & Co. . . . Economic and Social Historv of N. E., 2 vols ," Poems (Camb. Ed.) Nathaniel Hawthorne (Am. Men of Let.) Geo. Eliot and Her Heroines English Grammar Classical French Course in English .... Classical Greek Course in EngUsh Classical Latin Course in English Hawthorne (Am. Men of Let. Series) . . Longfellow (Am. Men of Let. Series) . . . Whittier (Am. Men of Let. Series) Lowell (Am. Men of Let. Series) Motley (Am. Men of Let. Series) Poe (Am. Men of Let. Series) Booth, Life and Art A Literary History of America Christopher Columbus Cartier to Frontenac The Westward Movement History of America Familiar Allusions 132 Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . Harper Bros . Ginn & Co. .. Flood Houghton, Mifflin & Co. The Macmillan Co Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . Houghton, Mifflin & Co. J. B. Lippincott Co. NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER PRICE 3879 Wallace, L Fair God Houghton, Mifflin & Co 3880 " Prince of India Harper Bros 3881 Walpole, H Castle of Otranto 3882 Wells, H. G Invisible Man Henry Holt& Co 3883 " Time Machine " 3884 " War of Worlds " 3885 Weyman, S My Lady Rotha Longmans, Green & Co 3886 " The House of the Wolf. " 3887 " The Red Cockade Harper Bros 3888 " Castle Inn " 3889 " Shrewsbury " 3890 Winthi-op, T Jolm Brent Int. Book Co 3891 Waddington (ed.) English Sonnets by Living Writers .... The Macmillan Co 3892 Whitman, W Selected Poems 3893 White J. G. (ed.) Ballads and Rondeaus (Canterbury Ed.) W. Scott (London) 3894 Williams On Many Seas The.Macmillan Co 3895 Wendell, B Stelligeri Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3896 Whipple, E. P Literatm-e of EUzabeth Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3897 Whittier Prose Works. " 3898 Warren Novels Previous to XVII. Century. . . . Henry Holt & Co 3899 White, G Philosophy of English Literature Ginn & Co 3900 " Philosophy of American Literature. . . " 3901 WyUe, L. J English Criticism " 3902 Whipple Prose Works Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3903 Widson Browsing Among Books Roberts 3904 Williams Studies in Folksong and Poetry Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3905 Wood Theory of Wages The Macmillan Co 3906 Winsor Narrative and Critical History of Amer- ica, 8 vo,s , Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3907 Walsh Handbook of Literary Curiosities J. B. Lippincott Co 3908 Wallace Malay Archipelago The Macmillan Co 3909 " Island Life 3910 Walsh Curiosities of Popular Customs (half morocco) J- B. Lippincott Co 3911 Weed Nature Biographies Doubleday, Page & Co. . 3912 White How to Make Baskets 3913 " The Court of Boyville " 133 NO. AUTHOR TI'lTE PUBLISHER 3914 Whitney Hawaiian America Harper Bros 3915 Warner Southern California " 3916 Weed Life Histories of American Insects .... The Macmillan Co 3917 Worcester Philippine Islands, etc " 3918 Webb Celestial Objects for Common Tele- scopes Longmans, Green & Co . . 3919 Ward History of English Drama, 3 vols The Macmillan Co 3920 Warner My Winter on the Nile Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3921 " In the Levant " 3922 Wliite When Molly Was Six ,. . . . 3923 Whittier Child Life in Prose (iUustrated) " 3924 Wiggin Timothy's Quest " 3925 " The Birds' Christmas Carol " . . 3926 " Children's Rights 3927 " Story Hour 3928 Ward English Poets The Macmillan Co 3929 Williams : History of Modern Education Bardeen . 3930 Wilson Picture Study in Elementary Schools (2 parts) The Macmillan Co 3931 White Words and Their Uses Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3932 " Every Day English " 3933 Walker Making of the Nation Chas. Scribner's Sous. . . . 3934 Warner Backlog Studies Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3935 " Mj' Summer in a Garden " 3936 Wallace Geographical Distribution of Animals. . Harper Bros 3937 Ward Practical Exercises in Meteorology .... ( iinn & Co.' 3938 Ward, Mrs. H Eleanor Harper Bros 3939 Warner, G. T Landmarks in English Industrial Hist. . The Macmillan Co 3940 Washington Up from Slavery Doubleday, Page & Co . . 3941 Waterloo, S . . . : ■. Story of Ab - 3942 Wells, D. A A Study of Mexico (cloth) D. Appleton & Co 3943 Whitney The United States Little, Brown & Co 3944 Whitaker Almanac (Last Edition) Brentano 3945 Whiting The World Beautiful Little, Brown & Co 3946 Whittier, J. G Complete Works (Riv. Ed.), 7 vols .... Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3947 Wiedersheim Comparative Anatomy of the Verte- brates The Macmillan Co 134 NO. 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 AUTHOR TITLE Wiel Venice Williams, G. H Modern Petrography Winchell World Life Wright Man and the Glacial Period. Wright, H. C Children's Stories of the Great Scien- tists Wright, L Lantern Slides, How to Make and Color Wynkoop Clearance and Entrance of Vessels in theU. S. A Wiggin A Cathedral Courtship and Penelope's Experiences The Village Watch Tower Wilkins The Heart's Highway " Our Neighbors Wurtz The Atomic Theory Williams The Chemistry of Cookery Wordsworth Complete Works (Poetical) Wilkins Roman Antiquities Whitney Compendious' German and Enghsh Dic- tionary Wallace Tropical Nature Weed Stories of Insect Life " Ten New England Blossoms PUBLISHER G. p. Putnam's Sons. . D. C. Heath & Co Scott (Chicago) D. Apple ton & Co Chas. Scribner's Sons. . E. & H. T. Anthony . . D. Appleton & Co Houghton, Mifflin & Co Doublcday, Page & Co. D. Applotoii & Co. T. Y. Crowell & Co American Book Co Henry Holt & Co. The Macmillan Co Wild A Short Course in the Theory of Deter- minants Willson Descriptive Geometiy Ward English Poets, 6 vols Waugh Alfred, Lord Tennyson Whitcomb Chronology, Outlines of Am. Lit White Natural History of Selborne Worsfold Judgment in Literature Winter Gray Days and Gold " Old Shrines and Ivy " Brown Heath and Blue Bells Watkins American Literature Whipple Rufus Choate Wright Caricature Histoiy of the Georges 135 American Book Co Chas. Scribner's Sons NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 3980 Wendell English Composition Chas. Scribner's Sons. 3981 Winchester . Five Short Courses in Eng. Lit Ginn & Co 3982 Wylie Studies in the Evolution of Eng. Crit- icisms " 3983 White ■ Elementary Chemistry " 3984 Wheeler Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction. . Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 3985 White Words and Their Uses 3986 Ward Wit, Wisdom, etc., of Shakespeare. ... " 3987 Weeden History of N. E 3988 Winsor Mississippi Basin " 3989 Wilson The Summer and Its Diseases P. Blakiston, Son & Co. . 3990 White The Mouth and the Teeth 3991 Wood Brain Work and Overwork " 3992 Woodward Expansion of British Emipre The Macmillan Co 3993 Wilson George Washington Harper Bros 3994 Wyckoff The Workers (The East) Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 3995 " The Workers (The West) 3996 Washburton The Houses of Lancaster and York .... " ... 3997 Willis The Age of Charlemagne 3998 Walker The Reformation 3999 White Money and Banking . 4000 Warner Physical Expression : Its Modes and Principles (Inter. Scientific Series) 4001 Watson The Grouse Longmans, Green & Co . 4002 " The Hare 4003 " ...' The Partridge " 4004 " The Pheasant 4005 " The Rabbit « • 4006 " The Red Deer 4007 " The Salmon 4008 Watson The Trout " 4009 Wingate What Shall Our Boys Do for a Living 4010 Warner, Francis The Nervous System of the Child, Its Growth and Education The Macmillan Co . . . 4011 West, A. F Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools (The Great Educators) Chas. Scribner's Sons. 4012 Weed Seed Travellers Ginn & Co 4013 Wilkinson, F The Story of the Cotton Plant D. Appleton & Co. . . . 136 NO. 4014 4015 Westlake Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln TITLE How to Write Letters American Patriotic Selections (English Classic Series, No. 78) Declaration of Independence (English Classic Series, No. 78) Farewell Address (English Classic Ser., No. 78) Inaugural Speech (English Classic Ser., No. 78) , Emancipation Proclamation and Get- tysburg Speech (English, Classic Se- ries No. 78) PUBLISHER Maynard, Merrill & Co. 4016 Warner Whymp^r In the Levant 4017 Travels Among the Great Andes 4018 Wendell History of Egypt (History Primers) . . . 4019 Woodbridge, E Witt Wright The Drama 4020 Retreat of the Ten Thousand . 4021 Birdcraft 4022 Citizen Bird 4023 White, A. D Warfare of Science and Theology 4024 Wright, G.F The Ice Age in North America 4025 Wallace and Others . The Progress of the Century 4026 Wilkins Watson 4027 4028 Worthington , A . M . (f . r . s . ) The Splash of a Drop 4029 Ward, M. (F.R.S.) Diseases of Plants 4030 Waldpole,S History of England, 1815,6 vols 4031 Ward Hist. Eng. Dramatic Literature, 5 vols.. 4032 Wilkes Shakespeare from an American Point of View 4033 Woodberry, Ci. E Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne 4034 Wilson Wedmore, H Rise and Fall of Slave Power in Amer- ica, 3 vols 4035 Life of H. Balzac 4036 Watts Life of Cervantes 4037 Winsor, Justin Reader's Handbook of American Rev- olution 4038 Ward, H. M The Oak 4039 Eighteen Christian Centuries 137 Chas. Scribner's Sons American Book Co. . , Allyn & Bacon Longmans, Green & Co The Macmillan Co . D. Appleton & Co. Harper Bros The Macmillan Co . Longmans, Green & Co E. & J. B. Young & Co. Longmans, CJreen & Co Chas. Scribner's Sous. . D. Appleton & Co. . . Houghton, Mifflin & Co Chas. Scribner's Sous. Houghton, Mifflin & Co D. Appleton & Co. . . NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER ] 4040 Waddell, B. S Arithmetic of Chemistry The Macmillaii Co 4041 Walker, James Intro, to Physical Chemistry " 4042 Waters Painters, Sculptors and Their Work . . . Houghton, MifHin & Co. . 4043 Weaver Paper and Scissors in School. Milton Bradley 4044 Wilkinson Story of Cotton Plant " 4045 Wiggins Summer in Canon Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 4046 Winsor Nar. and Critical Hist, of America " 4048 Wells The Jungle Book The Macmillan Co 4049 Wiltsie Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks Milton Bradley 4050 " Myths and Mother Plays " 4051 Watson, H. C Boston Tea Party Ginn & Co 4052 Wiggins Child Life in Prose, Houghton, MifHin & Co. . 4053 Williams Story of the 19th Cent. Science Harper Bros 4054 Weir, Irene Pose Drawing Ginn & Co 4055 Whitney Square Pegs ; Houghton, Mifflin & Co, . 4056 Wise Diomed. The Macmillan Co 4057 Wescott David Harum D. Appleton & Co 4058 Wright The Induction Coil of Prac. Work The Macmillan Co 4059 White • R. E. Lee and Southern Confederacy. . . G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 4060 Watson Art of the House The Macmillan Co ..... . 4061 Wrights American Literature, 2 vols Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 4062 " Sociology The Macmillan Co 4063 Watson Life in Confederate Ai-my Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 4064 Wiggins Marm Lisa Houghton, MifHin & Co. . 4065 Waite A Boy's Workshop I^othrop Pub. Co 4066 White Herodotus for Boys and Girls G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 4067 Wright Children's Stories of Am. Lit., 2 vols.. . . Chas. Scribner's Sons. ... 4068 Whitman Selections from Prose and Poetry (Ex- purgated Ed.) : . . . . Smafl, Maynard & Co. . . 4069 Walton, I Complete Angler The Macmillan Co 4070 Young, C. A General Astronomy Ginn & Co 4071 Young, Arthur Travels in France The Macmillan Co 4072 Younghusband South Africa of To-day ' . " 4073 Young, R Analytical Concordance to Bible Funk & Wagnalls Co ... . 4074 Young Night-Thoughts 4075 Yeats, J History of Commerce, 4 vols G. P. Putnam's Sons. . . . 138 NO. AtTTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER ] 4076 Young f ^ Elements of Astronomy (Rev. Ed.) .... Ciiun & Co 4077 Younghusband. Retreat of the Ten Thousand Longmans, Green & Co. . 4078 Yonge History of France. American Book Co 4079 " Eng. Greek Lexicon " 4080 Young Government Class Book Ma3'nard, Merrill & Co. . . 4081 Yonge History of France Henry Holt & Co 4082 " Eng. Greek Lexicon Harper Bros 4083 Young Teaching of Mathematics in the Higher Schools of Prussia Longmans, Green & Co . . 4084 Yonge, CM History of Christian Names The Macmillan Co 4085 Yonge, C Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . . 4086 " Daisy Chain D. Appleton & Co 4087 " The Three Birds " 4088 " ; The Trial " 4089 " Caged Lion " 4090 " Heart's Ease " ...... 4091 " Beech Croft.... " 4092 " Hopes and Fears " 4093 " The Two Guardians " 4094 Young Four in Ireland The Macmillan Co 4095 Zimmermann Botanical Microtechnique Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 4096 Zimmern Hansa Towns G. P. 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Scribner's Sons. . 4114 ' American Catalogue, 1896-1900 (half morocco) 4105 Boys' Book of Battle Lyrics Harper Bros 4116 British Poets— Ballads, 4 vols Houghton, Mifflin & Co 4117 " Thomson, 1 vol 4118 " Wyatt and Surrey, 1 vol. 4119 British Anthologies, 10 vols. (Lond.) . . . Fro\vde(ClarendonPress) 4120 Boston Society of Natural History — Guides for Science Teaching : No. 1— About Pebbles Hyatt No. 12 — Common Minerals Crosby No. 13 — First Lessons in Minerals, Richards No. 15 — Observation Lessons in Minerals, Clapp D. C. Heath & Co. 4126 Business and Social Forms T. R. She 4127 Biographical and Historical Essays 4128 Bohm Library Anglo-Saxon Chronicle . .The Macniillan Co . 4129 Book of Golden Deeds 4130 . Book of Worthies 4131 Book of Games for Boys and Girls. A Volume of Old and New Pastimes. Illufe E. P. Dutton & Co . 4132 Books That Have Helped Me D. Appleton & Co. . . . 4133 Babvlonians and Assvrians Chas. Scribner's Sons. 4134 College Requirements in English, 1900- 1905 Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . 4135 Cathedrals of England, 2 vols Whittaker 4136 Century Dictionary, 10 vols., half mor. . Bachus 4137 Chapters in Political Economy D. Appleton & Co , 4138 Charters and Constitutions Supt. of Pub. Docu- uments ; Washington, D.C. 4139 Curiosities of Music OHver Ditson Co. 4140 Cyclopedia Britaimica Murray 140 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 4141 Classical library of Literal Translations Herodotus The American Book Co. Demosthenes " Thucydides " Sophocles " Plato 4142 Classical Tiibraiy of Free Translations . . ^schylus " Xenophon " Horace and Phsedrus " Juvenal and lAvj " Cicero on the Orator " 4143 Crystal Hunters D. Appleton & Co 4144 Capt. King's Cadet Days Chas. Scribner's Sons. . . 4145 Chris the Model Maker 4146 Die Schwestern Drysen & Pfeiffer 4147 Decomposition of the Fixed Alkalies. . . The Macmillan Co 4148 Discovery of Oxygen, Parts 1 and 2 4149 Encyclopaedia Britannica, English Edi- tion, with plates 4150 Eng. Catalogue of Books, annually, 1896 - 1901 . . . r *: "....... Publisher's Weekly. . . . 4151 Epochs of Moderri'History, 8 vols Longmans, Green & Co . 4152 Epochs of English History, 8 vols " 4153 Elizabeth and Her German Garden .... The Macmillan Co 4154 Erzahlungen aus der deutschen Ge- schichte Henry Holt & Co 4155 Eighteenth Centurv in Literature and schoi ■; Eric 4156 Elementary Nature of Chlorine The Macmillan Co 4157 Early History of Chlorine " 4158 Fra Bartolommeo and Others 4159 Foundry, Forge and Factory F. H. Revell & Co. . . . 4160 Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics (Second Series) 4161 Grandfather Stories Ginn & Co 4162 Historic New York (First and Second Series) G. P. Putnam's Sons. 141 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 4163 History of American Politics Henry Holt & Co 4164 Handbook of Birds of N. A D. Appleton & Co 4165 How London Lives F. H. 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Scribner's Sons. 4183 Painting, English and American, Wil- mot — -Buxton 41S4 Painting, French and Spanish, Gerard Smith 4185 Painting, German, Flemish and Dutch, Wilmot, Buxton and Poynter " 41S6 Paganand Christian Rome. 142 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 4187 Plays from Moliere (Eng. Dramatists). . G. Routledge & Son . 41S8 Plays of Aristophaaes, Sophocles and Euripides Frere, Franklin & Woodhull 4189 Report of the Committee of Twelve 4190 Ruins and Remains of Ancient Rome 4191 Rousseau, Eniile 4192 Report of Committee of Twelve D. C. Heath & Co 4193 Scientific Memoir Series: American Book Co Second Law of Thermodynamics .... " Modern Theory of Solution " Laws of Gravitation " 4197 Solitary Summer The Macmillan Co 4198 Saxon Chronicles (trans, by Low) Hinds & Noble 4199 .■ Selections from W. S. Landor 4200 Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets The Macmillan Co 4201 Sculpture: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman — Redford Chas. Seribner's Sons 4202 Sculpture: Renaissance and Modern — Leader Scott " 4203 Study of History in Schools. The Macmillan Co 4204 St. Winifred 4205 St. Nicholas, 2 vols., 1898 4206 St. Nicholas, 1899 4207 St. Nicholas, 1900 4208 Septimus Felton Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . .... 4209 Deliver Romance " .... 4210 The Ballad Book 4211 The Windfall Chas. Seribner's Sons . . 4212 U. S. Catalogue of Books in Print Wilson 4213 (Various) Greek Anthology The Macmillan Co 4214 Who's Who in America, 1900 Houghton, Mifflin & Co 4215 Wonders of Architecture — Le Fe\Te.. . . Chas. Seribner's Sons 4216 Wonders of Em-opean Art — Trans, from Viardot " 4217 Wonders of Glass-making — Sangay. ... " 4218 Wonders of Italian Art — Viardot 4219 Wonders of Sculpture — Viardot Chas. Seribner's Sons. 143 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 4220 ' Young Folk's Am. Explorers Lee 4221 About, E Le Roi des Montagues The Macmillan Co . 4222 Auerbach '. . . Barfuessele Drysen & Pfeiffer . 4223 Bossuet Oraisons funebres 4224 Bernardin de Paul et Virginie Jenkins & Co 4225 Balzac Eugenie Grandat " 4226 " La Medicin de Campagne " 4227 Boileau CEuvres completes " 4228 Choix de Coutes Contemporaries (O'Con- nor) Henry Holt & Co. . 4229 Classic French Plays, 3 vols " 4230 College Series of Modern French Plays, 2 vols " 4231 Clifton & Grimaux Nouveau Dictionaire, Anglais-Francais et Francais-Anglais, 2 vols., half mor . D. V. Wien 42.32 Corneille ' 'Theatre " 4233 Copee (Euvres completes, Edition Lemerre, 3 vols D. V. Wien 4234 Chateaubri and Le Dernier Des Abenserage Jenkins 4235 " Voyage en TUnerique " 4236 Coppee, Francois Poems Modernes " 4237 Corneille (Pierre). ....... CEuvres completes, 2 vols. (Garnier, ed) . " 4238 DelaBiete Mon Oncle et Mon Cure The Macmillan Co . 4239 de Vigney, A Cinq Mois " 4240 Daudet Fromont Gne et Risleraine Jenkins 4241 " Le petit chose " 4242 " Tartarin de Tarascon " 4243 " Tartarin les Alpes " 4244 Dumas Les trois mousquetaire, 2 vols " 4245 " La Tulipenoire " 4246 Erckmann-Chatrain . .... Le Blocus " 4247 " " Le Consent de 1813 " 4248 " " . . Waterloo " 4249 " " Madame Therese " 4250 " " Histoire un homme du people 4251 Feuillet Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre 4252 Gautier I^e Captaine Fracasse, 2 vols Jenkins 4253 " Tableau de Liege 144 NO. AtWHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 4254 Hugo, Victor Selections from (Warren) Henry Holt & Co. 4255 Hatzfeld&Darmesteter.. Dictionaire General de la langue fran- caise D. V. Wien 4256 Hugo Theatre 4257 " L'Art etre Grand-pere D. V. Wien 4258 " Notre Dame de Paris 4259 " Les Miserables, 5 vols 4260 " Odes et Ballads Jenkins 4261 " Les Rayous et les amres, etc 4262 " L'annee terrible 4263 " Les contemplations D. V. Wien 4264 " Chansons des rues et des bois " 4265 La Combe Petite Histoire de Peuple Francais , . . . . Henry Holt & Co. . 4266 Lote Selections from (gugot Cameron) " 4267 La Fontaine Fables (Grandeville, ed.) 4268 Lamartine Lecture pour tons D. V. Wien 4269 Lettre et Beauyean Dictionaire abrege (Ed. Hatchette) .... " 4270 Lesage Gil Bias, half morocco 4271 Malot ' Remi et ses Amis.. The Macmillan Co . 4272 Mohere CEuvres completes 4273 Montaigne Essais 4274 Montesquieu L'Esprit desLois 4275 " Lettres Persanes 4276 Malot (Hedtor) Sans famiUe, 2 vols 4277 Merimee Columba 4278 Mohere (Euvres completes (Gamier, 3 vols., hah mor.) Jenkins 4279 Pylodet I^a Litterature f rancaise Contempor- anie Hem-y Holt & Co. . 4280 Quatre-Vmgt Treize (Hugo) 4281 Racine Theatre complet 4282 Sand, George La Petite Fadette Henry Holt & Co. . 4283 Sandeau Mile, de la Seigher (Bouher) " 4284 Sandeau Jules Sacs et Parchemins ' The Macmillan Co . 4285 Voltau-e Charles XII 4286 " Siecel de Louis XV 4287 " Siecel de Louis XIV 145 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PTTBLISHER 4288 Verne Un Captaine a quinze aus, 2 vols 4289 " Les Tribulations d'un chinois Jenkins. . . 4290 " La Maison a Vapeur 4291 " Les Anglais au Tale Nou 4292 " Advenures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais 4293 " DelaTerraalalune 4294 " Cinq Semaines en ballon 4295 " Nord Coutre Sud, 2 vols 4296 " Vingt mille lienes sous les mers, 2 vols 4297 " Voyage an Centre de la Terre 4298 " L. Mysterieuse, 3 parts 4299 " Michael Strogoff, 2 vols 4300 Andersen Sprachgebrauch und Sprachrichtigkeit im Ueutschen Lemcke & Buechner. 4301 Ascham The Scholemaster (Arber) D. C. Heath & Co. . . 4302 Arnold Ein Regentag American Book Co. . 4303 Andersen Ein Besuch bei Dickens Henry Holt & Co. . . 4304 Arnold Fritz auf Ferien D. C. Heath & Co. . . 4305 Bernhard Deutsche Novelletten " 4306 Baumeister Bilder aus den Grieschischen u. Ro- mischen — Alterum fur Schuler Zu- sammengestelt Velhagen & Klasnig 4307 Brohm Von Nordpol bis zunn Equator 4308 Beh^el Die Deutsche Sprache Lemcke & Buechner 4309 Brandes Die Romantesche Schule in Deutsch- land " 4310 Baumbach Im Zwielicht, 2 vols American Book Co. 4311 " Es war einmal " 4312 " FrauHolde Henry Holt & Co. . 4313 " Sommermarchen " 4314 Bendix Plautus und Terence D. C. Heath & Co. . 4315 Benedix Die Hochzeitsreise " 4316 Baumbach Waldnovellen " 4317 Bernhardt Auf der Sonnenseite " 4318 " Stille Wasser 4319 " Unter dem Christbaum " 4320 Bai^meister Bilder Aus dem gruschischen u. Ro- mischen Alterthums Stechert 146 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER 321 Bismarck Briefe an Seine Brant und Gattin Stechert 4322 Berderow Buch der Erfindungen " 4323 Breitkopf und Hertel .... Allegemeines Reiohs Commersbuch. ... " 4324 Buchmann Geflugelte Worte " 4325 Brandes Das Junge Deutsehland Lemcke & Buechner. 4326 Carmen, Sylva Aus Meinen Konigreich D. C. Heath & Co. . . 4327 Dahn Felicitas Dryser & Pfeiffer. . . 4328 " Ein Kampf un Rom D. C. Heath & Co. . . 4329 Dahn Sigwald und Sigrid " 4330 Degenhardt Lehrgang der Enghschen Sprache vStechert 4331 Denime, etc Brief Sammlung fur den Unterricht in der Deutschen Handels Korrespond- enz " 4332 Duden Orthographisches Worterbuch Steiger 4333 Ebers Die Gred., 2 vols Drysen & Pfeiffer . 4334 Eckstein Die Numidieren " 4335 " Preisgekrout Henry Holt & Co. . 4336 Ebner-Eschenbach Krambambuli American Book Co. 4337 Ehers Eine Frage Henry Holt & Co. . 4338 Ehrer-Eschenbach Freiherren Gemperlein D. C. Heath & Co. . 4339 Eckstein Besuch in Career Stechert 4340 Engelten Grammatik der newhochdent schen Sprache " 4341 Flugel German-English Diet., 2 vol Drysen & Pfeiffer 4342 Francois Phosphorus Hullunder D. C. Heath & Co. 4343 Freytag Der Rittmeister von Alt. Rosen " 4344 Fougue Nudine (Jagemami) Henry Holt & Co. 4345 Francke Social forces in German Literature " 4346 Flugel ; English-German and German-English Dictionarv 4347 Freytag Soil und Haben D. C. Heath & Co. , 4349 Frommel Eingeschreit " 4350 Fontane Vor dem Sturm The Macmillan Co . 4351 Freytag Verlorene Handschrift " 4353 Groth Quickborn 4354 Grube Geographische Characterbilder 4355 Gerstacker Irrfahrten Henry Holt & Co. . 4356 Grunne Die Venus von MUo .• • • • 147 NO. AUTHOR trWiE PtTBLISHER 4357 Gerstacker Germelshausen D. C. Heath & Co. 4358 Goethe Hermann und Dorothea, mit Ilhist. v. Kaxilbach Stechert. ... 4359 " Knabenjahre The Macmillan Co . 4360 Gutzkow. Zopf und Schwert " 4361 Goethe Meisterwerke D. C. Heath & Co. . 4362 Heimburg Ihr Einziger Bruder Dryser & Pfeiffer. . 4363 Hillern Edelweiss (Auerbach) Geierwally " 4364 Hatfield German Lyrics and Ballads D. C. Heath & Co. . 4365 Hauff Das Mitshaus im Spessart The Macmillan Co . 4366 Heyse Allgemeines Fremdworterbuch 4367 Herder Werke, rev. by Kiirz . .' 4368 Henry Comparative Granunar of English and German 4369 Hauptmann Die Vfersmikene Glocke Henry Holt & Co. . . 4370 Heyse Anfung und Ende " 4371 Helhig Komodie auf der Hochschule D. C. Heath & Co. . . 4372 Hauff Das Kalte Herz 4373 " Der Zwerg Nase " 4374 Hauser Das Madchen von Treppi " 4375 Hauptmann Vor Sonnenaufgang Stechert 4376 " Das Friedensf est " 4377 " Einsame Menschen " 4378 " Die Weber " 4379 " Hannele's Himmelfahrt " 4380 " Fuhrman Henschel " 4381 " FlorianGeyer " 4382 Hacklander Der geheime Agent The Macmillan Co . . 4383 Hauff Das Bild des Kaisers " .. 4384 Immermann Der Oberhof . " 4385 Jensen Die Braune Erica D. C. Heath & Co. . . . 4386 Jung-Stilling Lebengeschichte Henry Holt & Co. . . 4387 Konig Deutsche Literaturgeschichte Dry sen & Pfeiffer . . 4388 Keller Romeo u. Julie auf dem Dorfe " 4389 Ivlee Die Deutschen Heldensagen The Macmillan Co . . 4390 Krause Deutsche Grammatik fiir in — und Aus- lander Lemcke & Buechner. 148 NO. AUTHOR - TITMJ PUBLISHER 4391 KHeist Prince von Homberg Henry Holt & Co. 4392 Kaap Die Deutschen im Staate New York. . . . Steiger & Co 4393 Klinghardt Die Alten und die Jungen Stechert 4394 Keller Die Leute von Seldwyla " 4395 " Zuricher Novellen " 4396 Kuhnberger Der Amerika mude (Reclam) " 4397 Koppen Fiirst Bismarck u. i. Zeit (Spamer) .... " 4398 Kleuze Das Niebelungenlied 4399 Leander Traumereien D. C. Heath & Co. 4400 Loewe Lexicon der Handelskorrespondenz .... Stechert 4401 Marlitt Goldelse Drysen & Pfeiffer 4402 " Das Gaheimniss der Alten Mamsell, 2 vols 4403 Mugge RinkanVoss Henry Holt & Co. ...-. . 4404 Meissner Aus meiner Welt 4405 Meyer Gustav Adolph's Page Heath & Co 4406 " Die Hochzeit des Moncks Stechert 4407 Morich German Examination Papers The Macmillan Co 4408 Oehler Bilder- Atlas zu Csesari Buchern de bello Gallico Schmidt & Guuther . . . 4409 Peterson Theorie der Algebraischen Gleichungen. Steiger & Co 4410 Pestalozzi Lienhard und Gertrud (Reclam) Stechert 4411 Riehl Spielmannskind D. C. Heath it Co 4412 " Culbergeschichtliche Novellen The Macmillan Co 4413 " t Die Viersehn Nothelfer The American Book Co. 4414 Roquette Der gefrorene Kuss Henry Holt & Co 4415 Rosegger Waldschulmeister " 4416 " Schriften des Waldschulmeisters " 4417 ■" Waldheimat " 4418 Riehl Das Spiel Mannskind D. C. Heath & Co 4419 Scherer Geschicte der deutschen Literatur Drysen & Pfeiffer 4420 Stinde Die Familie Buchholz (Part 1) " 4421 Schrakampf Beruhmte Deutsche Henry Holt & Co 4422 Schmid Heinrich von Eichenfels The Macmillan Co 44 23 Simrock , itheinsagen 4425 Sanders Werterbuch der Hauptschweirig leitenn in der deutschen Sprache ,....,, 149 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER PRICE 4426 Sanders HandwocterbuchderDeutschenSprache Lemcke & Buechner 4427 Schlessing Deutsche! Wortschats " 4428 Simrock Nihelunge, ubersetzt von Simrock " 4429 Seidel Die Monate, etc., 4 vols The American Book Co. . .... 4430 Spyrie RosenresH " 4431 Stifter. Das Heidedorf " 4432 Stern Aus deutschen Meisterwerken Henry Holt & Co 4433 Scheffel Ekkehard D.C.Heath&Co 4434 " Trompeter " 4435 Sprie Moni der Geishub " 4436 Seidensticker Bilder ausder deutsch pennsylvanischen Gesichte Steiger & Co 4437 Stern Die Deutsche National Littera vom Tode Goethe bis zur Gegemwort Stechert 4438 Sudermann Ehre " 4439 " Heimat " 4440 " Johannes , " 4441 " Die Schmetterlingschlacht " 4442 Storm Immensee (Prachtausg) " 4443 Tegner Frithjofssage 4444 Uhland Poems (Hewitt) The Macmillan Co 4445 Vollmann Kleine Geschichten D. C. Heath & Co 4446 Victor Elemente der Phonetik und Orthoepic. . Stechert 4447 Wolff Der Surfmeister, 2 vols Drysen & Pfeifter 4448 Wenckebache Deutsche Literaturgeschichte D. C. Heath & Co 4449 Wildenbruch Das Edle Blut " 4450 Wilman Grosse deutsche Grammatik 4451 Weise ■ Unsere Muttersprache Lemcke & Buechner. . . 4452 Wildenbruch Frendvoll und Ludvoll . The American Book Co. 4453 Wenckebach Die schonsten Deutschen Lieder Henry Holt & ffa 4454 Wildenbruch Der Letzte D. C. Heath & Co 4455 Weber Lehrbuch d. Algebra Steiger & Co 4456 Wendt Encyclopa'die des franzo sischen Unter- richts Stechert 4457 " Encyclopa3die des Englischen Unter- richts " 4458 Wildebruch Die Haubenlerche " 4459 " DerNeueHerr '. " 150 NO. AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER PRICE 4460 Benot Diccionaris de Ideas Agines R. D. Cotina 4461 Caballero Diecionario de Modismos Frases y Meta- f oras " 4462 Calderon Obras, 4 vols " 4463 Lope de Vega Obras, 4 vols " ; 4464 Ruis de Alarcon Obras, 2 vols " 4465 Zorilla Granada, 2 vols " 4466 Hale Constructive Rhetoric Henry Holt & Co 4467 Von Kampen XV. ad Caesaris de bello Gallico com- mentarios tabulae (J. Perthes) 151 SPECIFICATIONS That the articles, supplies, goods, wares and merchandise are to be delivered free of expense to the High Schools in the Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, or such other places as may be syjecified in writing by the Superintendent of Supplies, in such quantities and at such time or times as may be directed in accordance with the needs of the sev- eral High Schools. That wherever drugs, chemicals or pharmaceutical preparations are herein specified, men- tioned or described as C. P. it inust be taken and understood to mean chemically pure drugs, chemi- cals and preparations; that the contractor guarantees that the drugs, chemicals and preparations offered, furnished or delivered are and shall be strictly chemically pure (C. P.), or as described and specified; and that such drugs, chemicals and preparations are offered, provided, furnished and delivered by the Contractor and received by the Superintendent of School Supplies subject to analysis and such tests as the Superintendent may require to determine their character and purity. If any goods be furnished and delivered by the contractor that are not chemically pure or as specified and described in these specifications and schedule, then the contractor shall bear and may be required to pay the reasonable cost and expense of such analysis and tests and the Superintendent or his authorized representative may purchase such drugs, chemicals and prep- arations in the open market at the market prices and charge the same to the Contractor, and the Superintendent may retain from any moneys due and owing to the Contractor whatever sum or sums which may be or shall be paid by the said Superintendent to purchase and replace such drugs, chemicals and preparations, or to make analysis and tests of the same as hereinbefore described, as are found or known to be inferior or different from those specified, designated or described in these specifications, and it must be further understood that the name, title or trade mark of the manufacturer of the drugs, chemicals and preparations herein specified shall not relieve the said Contractor from hability for the impurity or inferior character of said preparations as determined by analysis, or by the tests authorized and approved by the United States Pharmacopoeia. That so far as said schedule and specifications will permit, said drugs, chemicals and pharma- ceutical preparations shall be furnished and delivered in the original packages or bottles of the manufacturer(s), or if reparceled, rebottled or repacked, they shall be accompanied by the name or names of the manufacturer(s) or importer(s) thereof. That where samples are specified in the schedule the goods shall conform in every respect to samples exhibited, and all of said supplies shall be delivered as required. 153 Apparatus is to be of form, style, quality and finish of articles cited by catalogue references; and such catalogue, cut or description is to be regarded as part of this specification. Catai-ogue References. e Eimer &. Amend, New York, z Ziegler Electric Co., Boston, Mass., k L. E. Knott Co., Boston, Mass., b Bausch & Eomb, New York, k-y Kny-Scheerer Co., New York, r Richards & Co., New York, m Manhattan Electrical Supply Co., New York, q Queen & Co., New York, r-m Alfred L. Robbins-Martin Co., Chicago, 111., , c Chicago Laboratory Supply and Scale Co., Chicago, 111. GENERAL APPARATUS. Agate boiler, 2,500 cc, each Agate cup, 1 qt., first quality, each Agate funnel, 500 cc, each Agate kettle, 1 gal., each Agate pans, shallow, 1 qt., first quality, each .. Agate stewpan, each Agate tray, 20x200x260 mm., each Anvil, .'")", each Asbestos plates. 8", with tin edges (toasters), each Asbestos sheet, 5x5x1-16 in., each National trip balances, each ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 b 4635 4 I b 4645 1 e 6680 1 1 b 4630 1 b 4640 1 e 5073 12 24 10 k 39 10 10 sets IG e 5421 1 e 198 12 k 514 6 48 k 532 75 k 512 4 z No. 75 1 6 Franklin trip scales, No. 77. from 1-10 to 100 grams in closed boxes, per set Brass weights for above, per set, ^. Beam balances, each Jolly, complete, each .... Spring balance, 15 kg., each Spring balance, 24 lb., each Spring balance, 2 kg., each Spring balance, 250 gr., each Beds to hold the balance flat on its back, each Steelyards, 50 lbs., each Bench clamps, 6", each 155 estimatt;d CATALOGTTB QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 k 1193 9 86 e 5641 24 e 5641 1 gross e 5749 75 r 5749 100 e 5749 40 k 1092 38 k 1097 1 (1 S1263 22 p 5842 33 e 5856 6 a 9 1 a 19 8 2 e 6089 2 n 6104 12 e 595S 6 e 5964 42 k 582b 6 e 5058 4 e 5058 10 d055. 1 6035 7 sets e 6053 •»? 7 e 6057 194 gross 1 e 6049 1 gross e 6049 1 gross e 6049 1 gross e 6049 1 gross e 6049 1 gross e 6049 Blast lamp, kerosene, each Blast lamp, gas, each Blowpipes, 10", per doz • Blowpipes, 8", per doz Boxes, paper, per doz. boxes Boxes, wooden, 10-ix4i^x3i, of I" pine, not covered, with knob on one end, each Boxes, wooden, ^ oz., beaded, each Burner, Bimsen, each Burner, Bunsen, low, each Burner, Fletcher, with two extra caps, each Burner, table, 2-ft. tip, 12" high, each Burner, fishtail top, each Calipers inside and outside, each Calipers, inside and outside, vernier, each Cans, tin storage, 10 qt., each Crucibles, Hessian, triangular, 6's, eac^ Crucibles, iron, 2", each Crucibles, platinum, 20 cc, each Clamp, burette, each Clam.p, condeiiser, each Clamp, iron, each ' 2", each ' 21", each Test tubes, Bunsen form, per doz : Condenser, zinc and block tin, worm to fit, and 2 gal. still, each Cork borer, 6 in set, per set Cork extractor, each Cork press, each Cork sheet, 4xl2xJ", per sheet Cork, best veh'et, V. per gross Cork, best velvet, f", per gross Cork, best velvet, f ", per gross Cork, best velvet, f', per gross Cork, best velvet, 1", per gross Cork, best velvet, ly, per gross 156 ESTIMATED rATALOGtJE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 b 9830 2 6 z 46 12 k 1131 6 z 20 1 set c 2536 3 6 14 k 1245 12 e 6374 84 e 6384 6 r 1672 2 e 5331 25 12 lib. 1 lb. 1 k 1166 1 3 sq. yds. k 1162 256 e 8442a 2 yds. e ^6522 3 65 b 9660 65 b 9660 53 b 9660 14 b 9660 28 b 9660 L 9 b 9660 3 c 6557 3 c 6557 1 k 169 10 k 556 12 e 6574 6 e 6580 PRICE Diamond, for writing on glass, each Diamond, for cutting glass, good quality, each ....... Diagonal scales, 6", each Dishes, lead, 2x3, each Dividers, 5", each Drawing instruments, per set Drill, hand, 1-32", each Drill, hand, i", each Boxes, eyelets B for Triumph eyelet punch, per box Filter arms, each Forceps, brass, each Forceps, steel, 5", each Forceps, crucible, each Funnel, hot water, each Fuse links, 16 amps., slot 3-16", length If", each Fuse links, 50 amps., slot J", length 2V' , each Fuse wire, 2 amps., per lb Fuse wire, 5 amps., per lb Glass tube cutter, each Glass cutter, wheel, good quality, each Gauze, copper, per yard Gauze, iron, 5x5, each Gauze, iron, per yard Gauze, wire (window screen), 36" wide, each Graduates, metric, cylindrical, 25 cc, each Graduates, metrical, cylindrical, 50 cc, each Graduates, metric, cylindrical, 100 cc, each Graduates, metric, cylindrical, 250 cc, each Graduates, metric, cylindrical, 500 cc, each Graduates, metric, cylindrical, 1,000 cc, each Graduates, 1 oz., each Graduates, 16 oz., each Hydraulic press, each Hydrometers, wooden, each Hydrometers, glass, .7-1, each Hydrometers, glass, 1-2, each V5? ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 2 k 1182 1 5 b 3754 ) (old number) ) 1 lb. 26 3 k 1184 1,000 10,000 30,000 1,000 1,000 b 1762 1,000 b 1762 1,000 b 7675 100 books b 1770 2 e 6690 57 b 8740c 1 r 2387 6 balls b 8472c 36 k 502 6 z 62 60 3 k 8 z 58 1 4 10 doz. 200 200 200 200 200 200 59 e 6836 k 524 Hydrometers, Nicholson, each Hydrometers, Fahrenheit, each Lactometer, each ■Insulating tape, cloth base, rubber, per lb Jars, crockery, butter, 3 gals., each Jars, porcelain lined, 9i"xl0^-", each Ijabels, Dennison, 241, per M Labels, Dennison, 2002, per M Labels, Dennison, 209, per M Labels, Dennison, 201 per M Labels, 22x22, per M Labels, 22x15 mm., per M Labels, 65x38 mm., per M liabels, books, per book Ladle, 3V', each I-amps, alcohol, each Lamps, Davy, safety, each Lamp wicks, per ball Meter sticks, each Meter sticks, plain, each Half meter sticks, similar to k 502, each 30 cm. sticks, each 10 cm. scales divided to mm. attached to a ba.se block so as to stand upright, 194a, each Metal pans about 12 cm. in width, with loop strings attached, 195, each Mortar, iron, J gal., each Micrometer screws, each Needles, knitting, per doz Paint, Windsor &. Newton water colors, half pans, moist Chinese white, per cake Vermilion, per cake Warm sepia, per cake Gamboge, per cake Crimson lake, per cake New blue, per cake • 158 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QTJANTITY HEPERENCE PRICE 75 boxes Windsor & Newton style of Japanned tin boxes, cont. six half pans, per box 10 Pans, galvanized, 24"xl8"x6", with handles, jfirst quality, each 10 Pans, granite, round, 6x2, first quality, each 12 Pans, granite, round, 8x2, first quality, each 380 e 88 Pans, white lined, 10x7^x2-^", each 31 pkgs. e 6286 Paper filter, qualitative, 3", per pkg 5 pkgs. e 6286 Paper filter, qualitative, 3^", per pkg 2 pkgs. e 6286 Paper filter, qualitative, 4", per pkg 5 pkgs. e 6286 Paper filter, qualitative, 5", per pkg 6 pkgs. e 6286 Paper filter, qualitative, 7^", per pkg 7 pkgs. e 6287 Paper filter, qualitative, 10", per pkg 100 quires e 6296 Paper filter, qualitative, sheet 20x20, per quire 10 packs Paper filter, qualitative, hardened, S. & S. 575, per pack 24 quires Paper parchment sheets, per quire 196 sheets Paper, bristol board, 22x28, white, best quality, per sheet 24 k 1211 Pencils for writing on glass, each. 56 e 5970 Pinchcock, Mohr, each 36 e 5968 Pinchcock, screw, each 18 papers Pins, 1|", brass, first quality, per paper 12 papers Pins, 1^", steel, first quality, per paper 24 e 5925 Porcelain casseroles, 250 cc, each 24 e 5925 Porcelain casseroles, 500cc., each 6 e 5925 Porcelain casseroles, 1,000 cc, each 1 '. c Porcelain boats, ly, each 1 c Porcelain boats, 2", each 1 e Porcelain boats, 2y , each 136 e 6494 Porcelain crucibles, R. B., No. 00, each 50 e 6494 Porcelain crucibles, R. B., No. 0, each 12 e 6494 Porcelain crucibles, R. B., No. 2, each 12 e 6088 Porcelain crucibles, F battersea, each 100 e 6174 Porcelain evaporating dishes, R. B., No. 00, each 200 e 6174 Porcelain evaporating dishes, R. B., No. 1, each 150 e 6174 Porcelain evaporating dishes, R. B., No. 2, each 100 . e 6174 Porcelain evaporating dishes, R. B., No. 3, each 2 e 6174 Porcelain evaporating dishes, R. B., No. 7, each 159 . QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 e 6762 1 z 74 37 e 6839 36 e 6839 i 3 e 6839 24 e 6839 34 z 52 3 k 1006 1 1 e 7077 112 e 5765 20 12 e 8007a 3 66 b 5255 1 e 6467 8 yds. e 8119 30 lbs. e 8010 100 ft. e 8013 100 ft. e 8013 25 ft. e 8013 60 ft. e 8014 10 ft. e 8012 10 ft. e 8012 14 e 8037 1 e 5193 1 z 210 1 z 209 ■ 3 pairs b 5625 1 pair 1 pair e 8076 2 yds. 2 lbs. e 8088a 23 lbs. > • . tRICE Porcelain mercury troughs, each Mercury well, iron, about|90^cm. deep, with a glass basin on top, 1211, each Mortars, 3V', each Mortars, 4", each Mortars, 7^", each Mortars, 2V', each Brass protractors, each Pump and couplings, large, each Pump, rotary air, Ritchie Model, each Retort, copper, pint, each Rubber bulbs, for pipettes, each : Rubber baloons, toy, 8", best quality, each Rubber caps, f", each Rubber discs, for bellows, heavj^ each Rubber fingers, each Rubber gas bags, 6 gal., each Rubber sheeting, dentist's, per yd Rubber stoppers, regular sizes, best quality, per lb Rubber tubing, red antimonj^, best quality, medium, 3-16", per foot , I", per foot 5-16", per foot Rubber tubing, red antimony, best quality, pressure 3-16", per foot Rubber tubing, red antimony, 3-16", per foot . . Rubber tubing, red antimony, |-", per foot Sandbath, each ■. . Still, tinned copper, tubulated, each , Safety-valve weights, 8 lbs., each Safety-valve weights, 4 lbs., each Shears, 2" blade, each Shears, tinners', 15", each Shears, 10", each Silk, Japanese, best quality, per yard Soldering iron, 1 lb., per lb Solder, half and half, per lb 160 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 37 r 1500 26 e 8093 126 e 6013 84 r 1507 12 e SllSe 24 e 8250 2 e 8222 15 e 8203 36 e 8213 24 e 8212 1 e 669 3 m 938 12 m 1041 200 e 5754 12 e 5757 6 e 5658 6 r 515 12 e 8279 17 e 8231 1 e 8236 24 e 8238 8 12 12 c 2566 120 e 9365 225 2 5 q 12303 13 q 12304s 24 balls 8 balls 12 spools Spatula, 3", each Spatula, 6", each Spoons, deflagrating, each Spoons, horn, 6", spatula end, each Spoons, horn, 12", each Support tables, each Support universal, each Stands, funnel, each Stands, 3 rings, each '. Stands, 2 rings, each Stopcock, to fit Robbins-Martin air pump, screw and tubing connections, each Switches, main cutout, 15 amps., each Switches, type A, baby knife, 15 amp., D. P. D. T., each. . . . Test tube brushes, each Test tube brushes, each Test tube brushes, each .; Test tube brushes, 3 ft. long, each Test tube holders, each Test tube racks, each Test tube racks, each . . . , Test tube racks, each Trays, wood, 30x18x3" of Y stock, each Triangles, 6", 90, 60, 30 degrees, each Triangles, hard rubber, each Triangles, pipestem ridged, each Thermometers, chemical, 10-150 degrees C, scale engraved on stem, each Thermometers, chemical, 0-250 degrees C, scale engraved on stem, each ; Thermometers, soHd glass stem, cent. 0-100, graduated 1-5 degree, each Thermometers, solid glass stem, cent. 0-50, graduated 1-5 degree, each Thread, cotton twine, H. R. C, per ball Thread, Peerless twine, per ball Thread, silk, Corticelli, per spool 161 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE^ 12 spools Thread, linen, Shamrock, No. 40, per spool 300 ft Thread, heavy braided fishline, per foot 24 e 6108 Tongs, crucible, each 24 e 8324 Tripods, 7"x3", each 24 e 8320 Tripods, each 36 e 7005 Troughs, pneumatic, each 1 e 7006 Troughs, porcelain, each 1 a 187 Vernier, model, each 1 e 8384 Vise, hand, 4", each 1 e 8384 Vise, bench, 2", each 2 e 8383 Vise, hand, 6", each 2 e 8383 Vise, bench, 3", each 16 e 8413 Waterbath, 8", each 6 sets k 1035 Weights, metric, per set 6 sets k 1035 Weights, metric, per single weight 5 sets z 134 Weights, metric, per set ; 5 sets z 134 Weights, metric, per single weight 5 sets e 510 Weights, metric, per set 5 sets e 510 Weights, metric, per single weight 1 set z 140 Weights, avoirdupois, ^ oz. to 1 lb., per set 1 set z 140 Weights, avoirdupois, i oz. to 1 lb., per single weight. . . . 4 k 37 Weights, iron, octagonal, each 2 lbs. each Wire, brass, on spool. No. 22, per lb 2 lbs. Wire, brass, on spool. No. 28, per lb 2 lbs. Wire, brass, on spool, No. 30, per lb 2 lbs. Wire, copper, bare. No. 16, per lb 2 lbs. Wire, copper, bare. No. 20, per lb 2 lbs. Wire, copper, bare. No. 27, per lb 2 lbs. Wire, copper, bare, No. 33, per lb 10 lbs. Wire, copper, cotton insulated. No. 16, per lb 5 lbs. Wire, copper, cotton insulated. No. 18, per lb , 1 lb. Wire, copper, cotton insulated. No. 26, per lb 1 lb. Wire, copper, cotton insulated. No. 30, per lb 1 lb. Wire, copper, cotton insulated. No. 36, per lb 5 lbs. Wire, copper, double silk insulated magnet. No. 22, per lb . 10 lbs. Wire, copper, heavy silk insulated magnet, No. 14, per lb . 162 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 5 lbs. Wire, copper, heavy double cotton wrapped, waxed. No. 18, per lb 1 spool Wire, copper, heavy double cotton wrapped, waxed. No. 10, per spool 1 lb. Wire, German silver. No. 28, per lb 1 lb. Wire, German silver. No. 30, per lb 4 lbs. . . Wire, iron. No. 16, per lb 5 lbs. Wire, iron. No. 18, per lb 1 lb. Wire, iron, No. 24, per lb 1 lb. Wire, iron, No. 30, per lb 1 lb. Wire, iron. No. 36, per lb 1 lb. Wire, steel. No. 22, per lb 1 lb. Wire, steel. No. 28, per lb 3 12 e 5357 12 e 5357 12 e 5357 12 e 5357 16 e 5573 60 e 5573 160 e 5573 324 e 5573 50 e 5573 8 e 5573 10 e 5554 10 e 5558 20 e 5552 10 e 5585 105 e 9032 50 e 5678 98 e 5678 12 e 5678 12 e 5678 15 doz. 5702 GLASSWARE. Glass adapters, 5"xl", curved tip, each . Arsenic tubes, a, each Arsenic tubes, b, each Arsenic tubes, c, each Arsenic tubes, d, each. Beakers, lipped Griffin, 50 c.c, each. . . . Beakers, lipped Griffin, 100 c.c, each. . . Beakers, lipped Griffin, 150 c.c, each. . , Beakers, lipped Griffin, 250 c.c, each . . Beakers, lipped Griffin, 500 c.c, each. . Beakers, lipped Griffin, 1,000 c.c, each Beakers, plain, 0-5 (6 in nest), per nest. , Beakers, plain, 00-8, per nest Beakers, plain, 1-4, per nest Bottles, aspirator, 1 gal., each Bottles, dropping, 50 c.c, each Bottles, reagent, g.s., 2 oz., per doz. . . . Bottles, reagent, g.s., 4 oz., per doz .... Bottles, reagent, g.s., 8 oz., per doz .... Bottles, reagent, g.s., 16 oz., per doz. . . Bottles, reagent, g.s., 4 oz., per doz .... 163 :STIMATED CATALOGUE QtfANTITY REFERENCE 15 doz. 50 5702 74 e 5709 50 e 5708 12 e 5711 10 r 495a 24 50 106 125 24 24 24 24 12 6 5 5 40 6 22 2 14 1 1 6 24 6 17 1 1 z 273a z 273a e 5676 e 5676 e 5676 e 5676 e 5676 e 5676 b 8966 b 8966 e 5727 e 5727 e 8450 b 4450 b 9050 b 9050 e 5794 k 1088 k 1090 k 54 e 6533 e 6028 e 6028 e 6028 N. M., ^gal., each. Bottles, salt mouth, per doz Bottles, reagent, g.s., green, 16 oz., per doz Bottles, reagent, g.s., 8 oz., with raised letters and formulae, per doz Bottles, reagent, g.s., 4 oz., per doz Bottles, reagent, g.s., 32 oz., per doz Bottles, reagent, capacity 2,000 c.c, with vitrified labels, red letters on white background, lettering and sj'mbols on label and symbol on stopper, type Gothic, stoppers flat top, mushroom style, each Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles Bottles N. M., 1 gal, each W. M., 2 oz., per doz W. M., 4 oz., per doz W. M., 5 oz., per doz W. M., 8 oz., per doz W. M., 12 oz., per doz W. M., 16 oz., per doz bent neck, ^ oz., per doz bent neck, 2 oz., per doz extra wide mouth, 2 oz., each extra mde mouth, 4 oz., each specific gravity, 25 c.c, each specific gravity, 100 c.c, each Wolff, 16 oz., each wash (bottles), each wash (bottles), 250 c.c, each wash (bottles), 500 c.c, each Burette, 50 c.c. in 1-10, with glass stopcock, each. Burette, 50 c.c in 1-10, with glass stopcock, each. Burette, 50 c.c. in I7IO, with glass stopcock, each . Chimneys, student lamp, each Cobalt plates, each Condenser, 10", each Condenser, 15", each Condenser, 24", each Condenser, Mohr's, No. 2026, each 164 ESTIMATED CATALOGTTE QUANTITY REFERENCE 12 r 1165 20 e 6136 12 e 6136 2 e 6136a 2 2 e 6148 1 e 6151 12 b 9140 1 b 9140 12 b 9140 1 b 9140 1 b 9140 1 b 9140 10 b 9156 10 b 9156 10 b 9156 10 b 9156 1 b 9156 2 e 5137 26 e 6488b 1 e 6276a 1 e 5132 26 e 6341 36 e 6341 100 e 6341 70 e 6341 70 e 6341 2 e 6341 12 e 6348a 37 e 6348a 64 e 6348a 24 e 6348a 24 e 6472 6 e 6472 6 e 6472 50 e 6345 Covers, 4x4, each Cylinders, 2x12, each CyUnders, 2x14, each Cyhnders, 2x12, each Cjdinders, for Nessler's test, 10 c.c, each Deflagration globes, 10", each Desiccators, 4", each Dishes, crystallization, height 54, diam. 110 mm., each . . Dishes, crystallization, height 58, diam. 130 mm., each. . Dishes, crystallization, height 62, diam. 150 mm., each . . Dishes, crystallization, height 66, diam. 170 mm., each. Dishes, crystallization, height 70, diam. 190 mm., each . Dishes, crystallization, height 70, diam. 240 mm., each. . Dishes, preparation, diam. 50, each Dishes, preparation, diam. 60, each Dishes, preparation, diam. 70, each '. Dishes, preparation, diam. 90, each . . Dishes, preparation, diam. 105 m.m., each Electrolysis apparatus, each Eudiometers, 50 c.c. in 1-5 c. c, each Eudiometers, 50 c.c. in 1-5 c. c. (Bimsen), each Eudiometers, 2 stopcocks (1 three-way), each. ......... Flasks, Florence, best quality, 50 c.c, each Flasks, Florence, best quahty, 100 c.c, each. Flasks, Florence, best quahty, 250 c.c, each. Flasks, Florence, best quality, 500 c.c, each Flasks, Florence, best quality, 1,000 c.c, each Flasks, Florence, best quality, 2,000 c.c, each ......... Flasks, distilling, 100 c.c, each Flasks, distilling, 150 c.c, each Flasks, distilling, 250 c.c, each .■ . Flasks, distilling, 500 c.c, each Flasks, evolution, 8 oz., each Flasks, evolution, 16 oz., each. Flasks, evolution, 32 oz., each. Flasks, Erlenmeyer, 2 oz., each 165 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 50 e 6345 80 e 6345 50 e 6345 e [8718 150 6^6388 100 e 6388 100 e 6388 6 e 6388 24 e 6388 1 e '6393 1 1 e 6476 2 qS2863 2 qS2873 1 e 5215 5 b 9340 7 b 9340 8 b 9340 1 b 9340 3C b 9342 12 b 9342 6 b 9342 12 b 9342 6 b 9342 12 b 8938 6 b 8938 25 b 8938 6 b 8938 25 b 8938 6 b 8938 6 b 8938 2 b 5585 1 z 313a 1 z 316a Flasks, Erlenmeyer, 4 oz., each Flasks, Erlenmeyer, 8 oz., each Flasks, Erlenmeyer, 16 oz., each Flasks, filter, each Funnels, accurate 60 degrees, long stem, bevelled, 2\" , each . . . Funnels, accurate 60 degrees, long stem, bevelled, Z\" , each. . . Funnels, accurate 60 degrees, long stem, bevelled, 4 ", each . . . Funnels, accurate 60 degrees, long stem, bevelled, 6", each. . . . Funnels, accurate 60 degrees, long stem, bevelled, 1" extra long, each Funnels, 2", each Funnel separatory, 4 oz., g.s., each Gas burette, Hempel set, each Gay Lussac supports, each Gay Lussac supports, for test tubes, 1 shelf and two rows of pins, each Generator, Kipp, \ gal., each Jars, aquarium, 2 litre, each . . . . ■ ■Tars, aquarium, 4 litre, each Jars, aquarium, 6 litre, each Jars, aquarium, 8 litre, each Jars, battery, white glass, 4"x5", each Jars, battery, white glass, 5"x6", each Jars, battery, white glass, 6"x8", each Jars, battery, white glass, 6"xl4", each Ja,rs, battery, white glass, 8"xl2", each Jars, bell, height without knob, 105 mm., each Jars, bell, height without knob, 130 nun., each Jars, bell, height without knob, 155 mm., each Jars, bell, height without knob, 180 mm., each Jars, licll, heiglit without knob, 185 mm., each Jars, bell, height without knob, 250 mm., each Jars, bell, height without knob, 400 mm., each Jars, bell, ground edges, 6" high, each Jars, bell, ground edges, 2 qt., each Jars, bell, ground edges (hand and bladder glass), each 166 ESTIMATED QUANTITY CATALOGUE REFERENCE 2 e 5840 2 each b 9346 2 each b 9346 2 each b 9346 2 each b 9346 25 b 9352 25 b 9352 30 b 9352 25 b 9352 16 b 9362 16 b 9362 19 b 9362 22 b 9362 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 20 k-y 4165 40 k-y 4165 6 k-y 4165 2 k-y 4165 100 50 30 b 9384 30 e 6940 30 e 6940 PRICE Jars, calcium chloride, 12", each Jars, cylindrical, with shoulder and top, height 100, diameter 100 mm., each Jars, cylindrical, with shoulder and top, height 120, diameter 120 mm., each Jars, cylindrical, with shoulder and top, height 150, diameter 150 mm., each Jars, cylindrical, with shoulder and top, height 210, diameter 210 mm., each Jars, preservation, screw top. A, 250 c.c, each Jars, preservation, screw top, B, 500 c.c, each Jars, preservation, screw top, C, 1,000 c.c, each Jars, preservation, screw top, D, 2,000 c.c, each Jars, specimen, ground glass covers, height 130 mm., diam- eter 100 mm., each Jars, specimen, ground glass covers, height 150 mm., diam- eter, 200 mm., each Jars, specimen, ground glass covers, height 180 mm., diam- eter 180 mm., each Jars, specimen, ground glass covers, height 250 mm., diam- eter 200 mm., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 2^ oz., each Jars, specimen, cAdindrical glass stopper, 3 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 5 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 6 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 8 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 11 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 16 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 20 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 28 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 40 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 52 oz., each Jars, specimen, cylindrical glass stopper, 62 oz., each Marbles, f ", each Marbles, ly, each ; Pipettes, without bulb, 300 mm., each Pipettes, 1 c.c, each Pipettes, 5 c.c, each 167 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 30 e 6940 30 e 6940 30 e 6940 500 b 9380 24 e 6936 24 7 e 7086 7 e 7086 30 e 7086 30 e 7086 7 ■ e 7086 5 lbs. 5 lbs. 7 e 8138 3 e 8149 300 k 896 36 e 5942 14 e 8025 21 e 8358a ■ 30 e 8358a 150 doz. e 8270 144 e 8270 72 e 8270 12 e 8270 10 doz. 12 e 8271 36 e 8274 12 e 6411 48 e 5943 12 e 5952 22 e 5947 3 e 5945 36 61b. . r 1069 2 q 4036 Pipettes, 10 c.c, each Pipettes, 25 c.c, each Pipettes, 50 c.c, each Pipettes, 2 c.c, each Pipettes, straight, each Plates, ground glass, 1 ft. square, each . Retorts, tubulated, 60 c.c, each Retorts, tubulated, 100 c.c, each Retorts, tubulated, 250 c.c, each Retorts, tubulated, 500 c.c, each Retorts, tubulated, 1,000 c.c, each. . . Rods, 1^", per lb Rods, 3-16", per lb Stopcocks, Geissler, 2 mm., each Stopcocks, Geissler, three-way, each . . . Tumblers, plain, each Tubes, calcium chloride, 6", each Tubes, safety, |" bore, each Tubes, T, Y bore, each Tubes, T, y bore, each Tubes, test, 6"xf ", per doz Tubes, test, 4"x^", per doz Tubes, test, 8"xl", per doz Test tubes, 7x7|", per doz Tubes, test, hard glass, per doz Tubes, test, side arm, 6"x-|", per doz . . . Tubes, test, on foot, 8"xl", per doz . . . . Tubes, thistle, 12" long, |" bore, each . . Tubes, U, 12" arm, -|" diameter, each . . Tubes, U, side arm, 5", each Tubes, U, Marchand, 4", each Tubes, U; stopper key, 6", each Tubes, Y, 4", j", each Tubing, barometer, 11 mm., per lb ... . Tubing, capillar jr, set 1, each 168 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 13 lbs. 13 Ihs. 52 lbs. 8 lbs. 8 lbs. lib. 300 800 10 b 4300 10 b 4300 10 b 4300 10 b 4300 10 b 4300 10 b 4300 10 b 4300 50 e 8406 50 e 8406 12 e 8406 24 sheets Tubing, hard, small sizes, per lb Tubing, hard, combustion, 1", per lb Tubing, soft, small, per lb Tubing, soft, IV', per lb Tubing, soft, 2", per lb Tubing, thermometer, thick wall, per lb ' , Vials, medicine, with rubber stopper, 1 oz., per doz Vials, medicine, with rubber stopper, ^ oz., per doz Vials, tube, with corks, height 40, diameter 10 mm., each . . . , Vials, tube, with corks, height 50, diameter 12 mm., each . . . , Vials, tube, with corks, height 60, diameter 13 mm., each . . . , Vials, tube, with corks, height 70, diameter 15 mm., each . . . . Vials, tube, with corks, height 80, diameter 25 mm., each . . . . Vials, tube, with corks, height 70, diameter 25 mm., each . . . , Vials, tube, with corks, height 80, diameter 25 mm., each . . . , Watch glasses, 2", each Watch glasses, 4", each Watch glasses, 6", each 1 oz. e 8548 Wool, best Bohemian, fine (glass), per oz.. CHEMICALS. 26 lbs. Acetic acid, glac, per lb 6 lbs. Acetic acid, glac, C. P., per lb 9 yds. Adhesive plaster, 1 in. wide roll, per yd. 6 lbs. . . ; Agar agar, per lb 3 oz. Albumen from eggs, per oz 5 lbs. Alum (potash), C. P., per lb 5 lbs. Alum (potash) com., per lb 2 lbs. Alum ammonia, pure, per lb 10 grams Alum carmine, per gram 1 lb. Alum, calcined, per lb 2 lbs. Alum ferric ammonia, per lb 1 lb. Alum iron, per lb 1 lb. Alum, sodic, C. P., per lb 169 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 2 lbs 1 lb. 1 oz. 1 oz. 18 books 2 pints 25 gals 1 pint 1 lb. 5 lbs 1 lb. 1 lb. 4 lbs. 6 lbs 4 lbs 1 oz. 100 lbs. 1 oz. 1 lb. 5 lbs 2 lbs 11 lbs 3 lbs 1 lb. 1 lb. 10 grams 10 grams 10 grams 10 grams 8 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz. lib. 1 lb. Alum, chromic, C. P., per lb Aluminum chloride, per lb Aluminum fluoride, per oz Aluminum metal, wire, per oz Aluminum metal, foil (leaf book), per book Alcohol, absolute, per pint Alcohol, 95 per cent. (5-gal. cans), per gal Alcohol, methylic, per pint Alcohol, amber, per lb Ammonia, aromatic spirits, per lb Ammonium bromide, C. P., per lb Ammonium bicarbonate, per lb Ammonium carbonate, C. P., per lb Ammonium carbonate, commercial, per lb Ammonium chloride, per lb Ammonium chloride tablets, per oz Ammonium hydrate, C. P. cone. 0.90 sp. grav., per lb. Ammonium iodide, per oz Ammonium molybdate, crys., C. P., per lb Ammonium nitrate, C. P., per lb Ammonium Oxalate, C. P., per lb. .' Ammonium sulphide, per lb Ammonium sulphate, per lb Ammonium sulphocyanate, per lb A . . . Aniline, pure, per lb Aniline blue, per gram Aniline green, per gram Aniline red, per gram Aniline violet, per gram Antimoiw, metal, comm., per oz Antimony, chloride, per oz Antimony, trisulphide, per oz Antimony and potassium tartrate, C. P., per oz Anthrachinone, per oz Arsenic, metal, per oz Arsenious acid, powdered, per lb 170 ESTIMATED CATALOGTTE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 lb. 1 lb. ] lb. 1 lb. 1yd 1 oz. 13 yds. 13 yds 23 lbs 1 lb. lib. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 6 lbs 6 lbs 6 gals. 3 lbs 1 lb. 10 grams 1 grams 5 lbs. 5 lbs. 1 lb. lib. 1 lb. 2 lbs, 10 grams 1 6 grams 1 lb. 10 grams 16 oz. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 oz. 6 lbs Arsenious acid, lump, per lb Arsenious sulphide, per lb Arsenophite, per lb Asbestos, extra long fil., select white, per lb Aseptic gauze, per yd Asphaltum, per oz Bandages, 1", per yd Bandages, 2", per yard Barium chloride, C. P., per lb Barium hydroxide, per lb Barium nitrate, C. P , per lb Barium oxide, C. P., per lb _ Barium sulphate, per lb Bell's microscope cement, per lb Benzine (CjHj), 90 per cent., per lb , Benzine, C. P., B. P., 80 degrees, per lb Benzine (including vessel), per gal Beeswax, per lb Berlin blue, per oz Biondi-Ehrlich-Heidenhain's Triple Mixture, per gram Bismark brown, per gram Brass, sheet, 1-32", per lb Brass, sheet, 3-64", per lb Bismuth, metal, C. P., per lb Bismuth, nitrate, C. P., per lb Bismuth, subnitrate, per lb Bismuth, chloride (oxy.), C. P., per lb Bordeaux red, per gram Boric acid, per gram Boracic acid, C. P. crystal., per lb Boric acid, carmine, per gram Bromin, C. P., oz. bottles, per oz Butyl alcohol, per lb Bleaching powder, 1-lb. boxes, per lb. Cadmium, per oz Cadmium nitrate, C. P., per lb 171 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QtTANTlTY REFERENCE 16'lbs. Calcium carbonate (marble) gran., per lb 28 lbs. 1 Calcium chloride, fused, C. P., per lb 5 lbs. Calcium chloride fused, commerical granulated, per lb. . . 1 lb. Calcium carbide, per lb 11 lbs. Calcium fluoride, per lb 11 lbs. ■. . Calcium hypoclilorite, per lb 1 lb. Calcium nitrate, C. P., per lb 69 lbs. Calcium oxide, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Calcium phosphate, per lb 25 lbs. Calcium oxide, commercial, per lb 23 lbs. Calcium sulphate (plaster of Paris), per lb 1 lb. Calcium sulphide, per lb 3 lbs. Camphor," per lb 1 oz. Canada balsam, per oz 1 oz. Canada balsam, dissolved in benzole, per oz 1 oz. . Canada balsam, dissolved in chloroform, per oz 3 lbs. Carbolic acid, white crystalline, pure, per lb 13 lbs. Carbon, bisulphide, per lb 1 lb. Carbon, animal charcoal, per \h 100 blocks Carbon, willow charcoal, in blocks for blowpiping, per 100 1 lb. Carbon, willow charcoal, powder, per lb 10 grams Carmalum, per gram 1 oz. Cement, gutta percha, per oz 1 oz. Cement for sealing jars (Kny-Scheerer), per oz 1 oz. Cement, rubber, per oz 1 oz. Cement, zinc, per oz 2 lbs. Carmine, No. 40, per lb 1 oz. Casein, per oz 21 lbs. Charcoal, granulated, per lb 7 lbs. Charcoal, wood, per lb 3 lbs. Charcoal, animal, per lb. . . 1 lb. Chloral hydrate, per lb '. . . . 3 lbs. Chloroform, C. P., per lb 6 lbs. Chloroform, pure, per lb 1 lb. Chloroform liniment, per lb 1 oz. Chlorophyll, per oz 172 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY EEFERENCE PRICE 2 oz. Chlorotone, per oz 1 oz. Chromium acetate, per oz 10 grams Chromogen, formic acid solution, per gram 2 lbs. Chromic acid, C. P., per lb 10 lbs. Citric acid, per lb 45 grams Cocaine, hydrochloride, per gram 7 lbs. Collodion, per lb 10 grams Congo red, per gram 16 pkgs. Cotton, absorbent, 2-oz. packages, per package 7 lbs. Cotton wool, per lb 2 oz. Cobalt, wire, per oz 1 oz. Cobalt, metal, 98 per cent, cubes, per oz 18 oz. Cobalt, chloride, C. P., per oz 1 9 oz. Cobalt, nitrate, C. P., per oz 1 Coal, cannel, per bu 21 oz. Cochineal, per oz 1 lb. Copper, acetate, per lb 27 lbs. Copper, sheet, medium, per lb 2 oz. Copper foil, thin, per oz 5 lbs. Copper punchings, per lb 49 lbs. Copper turnings (clean), per lb 13 oz. Copper bromide, per oz 12 lbs. Copper chloride, C. P., per lb. . . 20 lbs. Copper nitrate, C. P', per lb 24 lbs. Copper oxide (wire form), per lb 1 lb. Copper oxide, powdered), per lb 53 lbs. . . . . , Copper sulphate, C. P., per lb 60 lbs. Copper sulphate, comm., per lb 1 lb. Creosote, per lb . 1 lb. Curare, per lb 1 lb. Dextrin (British gum) 2 books Dutch metal (book), per book 2 lbs. Emery powder, per lb 18 oz. Eosin, per oz 7 lbs. Ether, sulphuric washed, per lb 1 oz. • • ■ ■ Erythrosine bromide, per oz 173 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE PRICE 500 Fehling's solution, tablets, per 100 1 lb. Fehling's solution, per lb 3 oz. Fibrine from blood, per oz 27 lbs. Formaline (formaldehyde 40 per cent.) per lb 1 lb. Formic acid, C. P., s. g. 1.180, 90 per cent., per lb 10 grams Fuchsin, per gram 10 grams Fuchsin acid, per gram 4 oz. GaUnuts, powdered, per oz 1 oz. • Gallic acid, per oz 1 lb. Gelatine, French, per lb 10 grams Gentian violet, per gram 5 bottles Ginger, Jamaica, 8-oz. bottle, per bottle 8 books Gold leaf, per book 1 bottle Gold chloride, C. P., 15-gr. bottle, per bottle 10 grams Gold orange, per gram 10 lbs. Glycerine, pure white, per lb 6 lbs. Glycerine jelly, per lb 1 oz. Glasswool, fine, best, per oz 6 lbs. Glucose, per lb ■ 1 lb. Graphite, per lb 2 lbs. Gum-arabic, per lb 1 lb. Gum damar, per lb 1 lb. Gum tragaeanth, per lb 1 oz. Haemoglobin, per oz 10 grams HEemotoxylin, Friedlander, per gram 10 grams Hsemotoxylin, Grenacher, per gram . 10 grams Haemotoxylin, Delafield, per gram , 10 grams Haemotoxylin, Shultze, per gram ■ . 10 grams Haemotoxylin acid, Heidenhain, per gram 10 grams Haemotoxylin double stain, per gram 1 oz. Hollis' glue, per oz 2 lbs. Hydrogen peroxide (medicinally, C. P.), per lb 6 lbs. Iodine, pure, per lb 4 lbs. Iodine, tincture, per lb ...... 2 oz. Iodoform, per oz 174 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 lb. Indigo, best, per lb , 13 lbs. Iron filings (clean), per lb 1 sq. yd Iron, sheet, per sq. yd , 1 sq. yd Iron, Russia, per sq. yd ^ lb. Iron, byhydrogen, per oz 2 lbs. Iron pyrites, lump, per lb , 3 lbs. Iron chloride (Fe CI5) cryst., dry, per lb l\h. Iron nitrate, C. P., per lb 20 lbs. Iron sulphide, gran., per lb 2 lbs. Iron sulphate, C. P. (FeSO^), per lb 60 lbs. Iron sulphate, commercial, per lb 40 lbs. Iron turnings, per lb 10 oz. Isinglass, per oz 150 lbs. Hydrochloric acid, C. P., sp. g. 1.190, per lb (. ,, ■^' > Hydrochloric acid, comm., per lb 15 lbs. Hydrofluoric acid, C. P., in paraffine bottles, per lb. 1 lb. Hydrofluosihcic, per lb 1 oz. King's cement, per oz 1 lb. Lampblack, per lb 1 lb. Lactic acid, per lb 48 lbs. Lead, sheet (4 lbs. per sq. ft.), per lb 45 lbs. Lead, shot-, No. 10, per lb 2 lbs. Lead acetate, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Lead oxide (Pb^O^), free from Mn., per lb 2 lbs. Lead oxide (PbO), per lb 1 lb. Lead oxide (PbOj), free from Mn., per lb 2 lbs. Lead chloride, C. P., per lb 2 lbs. Lead tartrate, per lb 4 lbs. Lead nitrate, C. P., per lb 12 lbs.. Lead wire, i", per lb 4 pots Liebig's Extract of Beef (1 oz. pots), per pot 6 gals. Lime water, per gal 3 lbs. Litmus cubes, per lb 43 books Litmus books (blue and neutral), per book . . 1 oz. .' - . Lycopodium, per oz \75 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE I QUANTITY REFERENCE 2 oz. 1 oz. 10 grams 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. lib. 2 oz. 2 lbs 2 lbs 4 oz. 2 oz. 1 oz. 5 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz. 2 oz. 5 lbs 2 lbs 2 oz. 1 oz. 30 lbs 10 lbs. 5 lbs. 2 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs. lib. 2 lbs lib. 4 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz. 1 lb. lib. Lithium chloride, C. P., per oz Lithium carbonate, C. P., per oz Magenta, per gram Magnesium carbonate, per lb Magnesium chloride, per lb Magnesium oxide, per lb Magnesium powder^ per oz Magnesium ribbon, per oz Magnesium sulphate, C. P., per lb Magnesium sulphate, crystaUine, per lb. . . Magnesium carbonate (in cubes), per oz. . Manganese chloride, C. P., per oz Manganese, metal, per oz Manganese dioxide, powdered, per oz Manganese sulphate, C. P., per oz Marine glue, fluid, per oz ' . . Meyer's albumen fixative, per oz Methyl alcohol, per lb Methyl blue, per oz Methyl green, per oz Methyl violet, per oz Mercury redistilled, per lb '. . Mercury best quality, per lb Mercury bichloride, C. P., HgClg, per lb. . . Mercury chloride, per lb Mercury protochloride, C. P., HgCl, per lb. Mercury oxide (red) HgO, per lb Mercury nitrate (ous), HgNOj, per lb Mercury nitrate (ic), Hg(N03)2, per lb Mercury sulphide, per lb Microcosmic salt, per oz Milk, sugar, per lb Molybdic acid, pure, free from P., per oz . . , Naphthalene, white crys., per lb Nessler's sol., per lb 176 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE PRICE 2 oz. Nickel wire, per oz 2 lbs. Nickel anodes, per lb 1 lb. Nickel chloride, C. P., per lb 10 oz. . .■ Nickel nitrate, C. P., per oz 4 oz. Nickel sulphate, C. P., per oz 1 oz. Nickel ammonium sulphate, per oz 10 grams Nigrosin, per gram 100 lbs. Nitric acid, C. P., s. g. 1.42, per lb 25 lbs. Nitric acid, commercial, per lb , 4 lbs. Nutgalls, per lb 1 oz. Oil bergamot, per oz 1 lb. Oil, castor, per lb 9 oz. ; . Oil, cedar, per oz 6 oz. Oil, cloves, per oz 1 oz. Oil, fusel, per oz 1 oz. Oil, juniper, per oz 1 oz. Oil, lavender, per oz 1 oz. Oil, linseed, per oz 1 lb. Oil, olive, per lb 1 oz. Oil, origanum, per oz 1 oz. Oil, pennyroyal, per oz 5 oz. Oil, peppermint, per oz 1 lb. Oil, tar, per lb 1 oz. ■ . . . . Oil, \\dntergreen, per oz 10 grams Orange G., per gram 4 lbs. Oxalic acid, C. P., ciys., per lb .... 2 lbs. Ox gall, per lb 5 grams Osmic acid, per gram 13 lbs. Paraffine, hard, per lb 13 lbs. Paraffine, soft, per lb j 2 lbs. . . . , Pepsin, per oz 3 lbs. Peptone, per oz 1 lb. Phenolphthlein, per oz 1 oz. Phenacetine, per oz 1 oz. Phloroglucin, per oz 177 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 3 lbs. Phosphorus, yellow, per lb 2 oz. Phosphorus, red, per oz 1 lb. Phosphorus pentoxide, per lb 2 lbs. Phosphorif! acid, anhyd., per lb 2 lbs. Pancreatin, per oz , 1 oz. Pith for section cutting, per oz ; 3 lbs. Picric acid, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Picric aniline blue, per lb 1 lb. Picro-carmine, per lb 1 ft. Platinum wire. No. 26, per ft 8 grams Platinum foil, medium, 1-10 gr. per sq. cm., per gram. . . 15 grams Platinum chloride, C. P., per gram 2 oz. Potassium, metal, per oz 3 lbs. Potassium, bichromate, C. P., per lb 7 lbs. Potassium, bichromate, commercial, per lb 3 lbs. Potassium, bromide, C. P., per lb 5 lbs. Potassium, carbonate, C. P., per lb 5 lbs. Potassium, carbonate, commercial (sal tartar), per lb . . 4 lbs. Potassium, chlorate, per lb. . 2 lbs. Potassium, chloride, per lb 2 lbs. Potassium, chromate, per lb 5 lbs. Potassium, cyanide (pure cubes), per lb 3 lbs. Potassium, ferricyanide, C. P., per lb 2 lbs. Potassium, ferrocyanide, C. P., per lb ■. 2 lbs. Potassium, hydroxide (C. P. by alcohol), per lb 2 lbs. Potassium, stick, per lb 5 lbs. Potassium, commercial (potash), per lb 2 lbs. Potassium, iodide, pure, per lb 2 lbs. Potassium, nitrate (KNO3), purified, powdered, per lb. 1 lb. Potassium, oxalate, per lb 1 lb. Potassium, nitrite (KNO,), per lb 1 lb. Potassium, permanganate, C. P., per lb 2 lbs. Potassium, sulphate, per lb 8 oz. Potassium, sulphocyanate, per oz 5 lbs. Potassium, tartrate, acid, per lb 178 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 10 lbs. Potassium, and antimony tartrate (tartar emetic), per lb. . 5 lbs. Potassium, and sod. tartrate (Rochelle salt), per lb 1 oz. Protein, per oz 1 lb. Pyrogallic acid, per oz 1 oz. Realgar, per oz 1 oz. Rosaniline, per oz 10 grams Rosaniline hydrochloride, per gram 10 grams Rosaniline, violet, per gram 3 lbs. Rosin, per lb 2 lbs. Rouge, per lb 1 lb. Salicylic acid, per lb 10 grams Saffranine aniline sol., per gram 2 doz. sticks Sealing wax. No. 2 Amer. Exp., per doz. sticks 9 doz. Seidlitz powders, per doz 10 lbs. Silica (pure white sand), per lb 1 oz. Silver wire. No. 28, per oz 1 oz. Silver chloride, per oz '. 10 oz. Silver nitrate, C. P., per oz 1 oz. Silver, sheet, per oz 5 lbs. Shellac, bleached and orange, per lb 1 lb. Sodimn, metal, per lb 2 lbs. Sodium, acetate, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Sodium, ammonium phosphate (microcosmic salt), per lb. . 1 lb. Sodium, arseniate, per lb 6 lbs. Sodium, bicarbonate, per lb 2 lbs. Sodium, bisulphate, per lb 4 lbs. Sodium, biborate (powdered), per lb 5 lbs. Sodium, carbonate (dry), C. P., per lb. .■ 3 lbs. Sodium, carbonate (common soda), per lb 1 lb. Sodium, chlorate, per lb 21 lbs. Sodium, chloride (coarse, for freezing), per lb .57 lbs. Sodium, chloride (fine salt), per lb 17 lbs. Sodium, hj^droxide, C. P., by alcohol, in sticks, per lb. . . 7 lbs. Sodium, hydroxide, crude, granulated, per lb 12 lbs. Sodium, hyposulphite, per lb 3 lbs. Sodium, nitrate, per lb 179 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 14 lbs. Sodium, nitrite, NaNO, per lb 4 oz. Sodium, oleate, per oz 1 lb. Sodium, oxalate, C. P., per lb 3 lbs. Sodium, peroxide, per lb 3 lbs. Sodium, phosphate, Na^HPOi, C. P., per lb 2 lbs. ' Sodium, silicate, per lb 3 lbs. Sodium, sulphate, per lb 2 lbs. Sodium, sulphide, per lb 2 lbs. Sodium, sulphite, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Sodium, theosidphate, per lb 12 Stereopticon, Hmes for (N. Y. Calcium Light Co., or Brooklyn Calcium Light Co.), each 1 cylinder Stereopticon, oxygen gas for, each 1 cylinder Stereopticon, hydrogen gas for, each 3 lbs. Strontium nitrate, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Strontium chloride, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Sugar, loaf, per lb 1 lb. Sugar, gran., per lb 5 lbs. Sulphur, roll, per lb 3 lbs. , Sulphur, flowers, per lb 110 lbs. Sulphuric acid, C. P., s. g. 1.84, per lb 18 lbs. Sulphuric acid, comm., per lb , 1 lb. Tartaric acid, C. P., per lb 1 oz. Thymol, per oz 1 lb. ■ Tin, block, per lb 1 lb. Tin, gran., per lb 2 lbs Tinfoil, per lb ■ 2 lbs Tin, chloride, SnClj, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Tin, chloride, SnCU (fum.), per lb 1 lb. Tin oxide, per lb 1 oz. Trypsin, per oz. .' . . 1 sheet Turmeric paper, per sheet 12 oz. Turpentine, si^irits, C. P., per oz 1 oz. Ultramarine, per oz 1 oz. ■...., LTrea crystals, per oz 12 bottles Vasehne, 2-oz. bottles, per bottle 180 ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 OZ. CATALOGUE REFERENCE 32 oz. Vermillion, per oz Viburnum, comp. Haydn, per bz. . . , 10 grams Violet B., per gram 50 gals. Water, distilled, per gal 12 bottles Witchhazel, 8-oz. bottles, per bottle 10 oz. Xylol, per oz 9 lbs. Zinc, gran., per lb 3 lbs. Zinc, C. P., per lb 1 lb. Zinc, carbonate, per lb 2 oz. Zinc, dust, per oz 16 oz. Zinc, chloride, gran, pure, per oz. . . , 16 oz. Zinc, nitrate, per oz 12 oz. Zinc, oxide, by wet process, per oz.. 6 lbs. Zinc, sulphate, C. P., per lb 5 lbs. Zinc, sulphate, comm., per lb 12 feet Zinc wire, J" diam., per foot 2 lbs. Zinc, sheet, per lb MINERALS. 1 lb. Cinnabar, per lb 1 lb. Cuprite, per lb 1 lb. Fluorite, per lb 1 lb. Galenite, per lb 1 lb. Gypsum, per lb 1 lb. Hematite, per lb 1 lb. Hornblende, per lb 1 lb. Iceland spar, per lb. . . . 1 lb. Limonite, per lb 7 lbs. I-odestone, per lb 1 lb. Magnesite, per lb 1 lb. Magnetite, per lb 1 lb. Mica, per lb 1 lb. Rosequartz, per lb 1 lb. Sulphur, native, per lb. 1 lb. Topaz, per lb. 181 ESTIMATED CATALOGtTE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 lb. Tourmaline, per lb 1 lb. Sphalerite, per lb 1 lb. Stibnite, per lb. . . . '. 1 lb. Chrome iron ore, per lb 1 lb. Pumice stone (lump), per lb 6 lbs. Pumice stone (powdered fine), per lb. Zincit, per lb 72 k 558 12 12 z 264 24 z 266 12 k 13a 12 k 5a 2 z 254a 1 z 256 1 z 329 15 q 4172 5 z 294 2 z 293 5 e 402 12 q 4192 8 q 4220 8 q 4160 100 q 4380 1 k 534c 3 k 534 13 z 301a 7 q 4296 7 q 4320 7 q 4356 10 pairs q 4030 1 SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS HYDROSTATICS AND PNEUMATICS Blocks, rectangular, each Blocks 12x2x3, each Lead sinkers, each , Holder for cylinder, each Wooden cylinder, each Overflow cups, nickel, each Loaded prisms, per set Loaded cyUnders, each Mariotte bottle, each Archimedes' principle, each Model force pvimp, each Model lift pump, each Tantalus glass, each Pascal's vases, each Vessel for spouting fluids, each I'pward pressure apparatus, each. . . . Bursting squares of thin glass, each . Air pump plates, each Air pump, exh. and cond., each Bell jar, 2 gal., each Bell jar with brass top, each Fountain in vacuo, each Feather and guinea tube, each Cohesion plates, per pair Magdeburg hemispheres, 4", each .■ . . . 182 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 z 289a 1 k 549 8 k 650b 7 q 4044 12 2 k 582 61 k 522 6 q 4100 18 100 feet 2 k XV 7 k LIII 1 k LIV 7 r 2467 2 z 14 21 k 587 21 k 588 7 k 597 1 z 236 1 z 219 1 7 q 4129 4 k 2 k 644 2 z 222 1 set k 643f 1 e 44 1 e 40c 10 k 563 34 z 228 10 z 230 8 qh 1100 Seven in one app., each Boyle's law apparatus, each Boyle's law stand, each Apparatus for osmose of gases, each Prince Rupert drops, large, each MECHANICS. Composition of force boards, each Triangular blocks, each Combination apparatus for illustrating the principles of me- chanics, each Galvanized iron pulleys, with hook and ring, 2x|", single and double, each f " manila rope, per foot Wheel and axle, each Double cone and track, each Eccentric loaded cylinder, each Model locomotive sections, each Plumb bobs, each Inclined planes, adjustable, each Wagons, each Ivory balls, per pair Release, each Second law of motion apparatus, each Ames & Bliss machine for falling bodies, each Atwood's machine, each Wire-breaking machine, each Whirling table, each Brass rings, each Balls, per set Model governor, each Glass globe for whirling table, each Balls, wood, 1", each Balls, iron, 1", each Balls, lead, f", each Clock, laboratory, mercury contact, each 183 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE PRICE 1 z 381 Sand pendulum, each 1 ; Compensated pendulum, each 1 lb. Broken watch springs, per lb 1 z 350 Springs, brass spiral, each 1 Springs, clock, each SOUND Discs, siren, each Discs, Crova's, each Vibration rate of fork apparatus, complete, each . . Forks, 8", per set Forks, 10", 128 vib., each Forks, 10", 512 vib., each Forks, adjustable, each Forks, Lissajou, per set Diapson, each Metronome, each Resonance tubes, IJ", 18" long, each Tyndall's sound tube, each Silk cord, white, to show wa^'e forms, each Bows, bass, each Vibrating plates, square and round, each Manometric mirror, each Sonometer, each Organ pipes, glass sides, each Organ jjipes, movable piston, each Violin, each Sa^■art's bell and resonator, each Rubber sound lens, each Pitch prism, each Quincke's whistles, sets, per set Oalton whistle and scale (Camb. Sci. Ins. Co.), each. Kunz apparatus, each Brass tubes, 3'x|", smooth, each Iron rods, 3'x3-16", smooth, each . . 184 10 z 220 12 z 231 10 k 645 647 1 set z 375 1 k 650 1 1 z 364 5 r 1970 18 z 365 1 12 1 k 642 1 q 4475 10 k 648 12 z 398 3 ■ h 1294 20 k 651 2 z .362 4 z 363 5 q 4535 7 r 1916 7 r 1938 6 q 9421 1 z 357 1 q 394 1 e 1848 6 6 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 25 Z 464 z 483 e 2258 k 603 r 1840 k 604 z 476a No. LVII 2 e 2329 2 2 e 5185 1 k 634 1 oz. 7 q 4975 15 r 2649 6 e 2231 1 e 2225 2 z 459 14 z 469 2 2 2 2 k 552 4 k 88 4 k 91 1 8 lbs. 62 k 660 26 k 670c 2 k 560 1 r- m 11 1 q r 10 64 k LXXXI\ PRICE HEAT Air thermometer bulbs, each ■. Pulse glasses, each Circulation apparatus, each . . . Ring and ball, each Tresellyan's rocker, each Compound bar, each each Apparatus for showdng difference of thermal conductivity, each Differential thermometer, Leslie, each Cryphorus, each Apparatus to illustrate Carre's ice machine, each Fire syringe, each Tinder, per oz Radiator, Leslie's, each Radiometer, each Calorimeter, each Calorimeter, teachers' brass spun, each Condensation traps, each . Linear expansion apparatus, each Bars, aluminum, per bar Bars, brass, per bar Bars, zinc, per bar Apparatus A, each Tubulated ice-trays, each Canvas bags for pounding ice, 18"xl2", each Optical bench for Colt's stereopticon, with following: Micro- scope attachment; polariscope attachment with 2 Nichols prisms; tank with platinum electrodes; vertical projections apparatus ; each Candles (paraffine), 6 to lb., per lb. Mirrors, plane, 6x2", each Mirrors, cjdindrical, each Mirrors, spherical, each Mirrors, spherical glass, 6", each . . Mirrors, spherical glass, 10", each . k LXXXIV Mirrors, concave, each 185 ESTIMATED QUANTITY CATALOGUE REFERENCE 3 pairs e 2342 21 k 670a 7 qr 118 15 r 2737 15 qr 17 7 r 2646 15 r 2756 20 r 2808 8 r 2818 25 qr 73 1 e 2333 38 100 z 577 25 r-m 2711 1 z 588 1 qr 65 1 k 2 1 qr 42 6 k 569 6 k 570 3 k 668 34 k 31 34 k 31 34 k 31 k 546 21 k 548 r 2600 z 606 21 e 747 q r 88 1 set k 643a Mirrors, parabolic, per pair Glass plates, each Muller's selenite films, each Iceland spar, each Refraction apparatus, each Illuminated fountain, each Newton's disk, each Newton's rings, each Polariseope, simple form, each Gelatine absorption film, each Iodine cell, each Glass cubes, 2", polished, each Prisms, glass, 3x1", each Prisms, rt. angle, 1^x2, each Prisms, CSj, each Prisms, T hollow, fall 30 mm., each . . Grating on glass, each Lenses, condensing, 4^", each Lenses, condensing, 2", 30" focus, each Lenses, 10 cm. focus, each Lenses, 15 cm. focus, each Lenses, demonstration set, each Lens, each Screen, each Pinholders, each Photometers, Lethby, each Photometers, Rumford, each Photometers, each Spectroscope, each Tourmaline tongs, each Spectrum chart, each Color discs, per set Colored glass plates, red, 3x2", each . . . Colored glass plates, blue, 3x2", each . . Colored glass plates, green, 3x2", each . 186 ESTIMATED CATi i.LOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 2 k 653 32 k 672 2 10 k 674 20 k 686c 24 1 k XCIX 1 k XCVIII 121 1 e 1220 5 k 676 2 10 e 1105 3 z 897 12 k 742 3 z 881 2 z 882 1 e 1114 1 e 1142 1 e 1155 3 yards e 1264 6 q 5219 7 r 1081 7 r 1082 7 r 1093 24 r 1100 8 1 e 1236 12 2 q 9424 1 q 9425 1 q 9426 2 z 902 1 z 905 Spyglass, li" objective, each Pinhole camera, each ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Magnets, bar, 6", each Magnets, U, 8", each Compasses, each Compasses, each Magnetic compasses (grad. 1), needle ly, each. Dipping needle, 4", each Needle on point, 5", each '. Pith balls, each , . . . Aurora tube, 24", each Catskins, each Electrophorus, each Electroscopes, gold leaf, each Leyden jar, 1 qt., each Leyden jar, 2 qt., each Leyden jar, separable parts, each Leyden jar discharger, each Electric whirl, each Electric chime, 2 bells, each Insulating stool glass legs, each Brass chain, per yard Faraday's bag, each Insulated conductor, each Induction globe, each Ellipsoidal conductor, each Proof Plane, each Crooke's tube, each Cassiot cascade, each Geissler tubes, each Lecher tubes, each Lecher tubes, without electrodes, each Arons tubes, each Cells, Bunsen, complete and per part, each Cells, gravity, complete and per part, each 187 KSTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 6 3 z 905 80 c 1784 50 k 689 25 k 689 25 k 689 50 k 689 3 z 905 1 1 rmll68 3 k 1044 2 2 10 r 1357 1 1 r 1393 1 Bidden 5622 1 Bidden 5635 1 Bidden 5573 1 Bidden 5600 1 Bidden 5604 81 100 2 1 z 1146 36 k 708 24 k 709 21 k 694 Cans, plunge, 5x2 plates, per part, each Cells, Laclanche, complete and per part, each Cells, Edison-Lalande, complete and per part, type S, 2x2 sets, zincs and chemicals, each Cells, Edison-Lalande, complete and per part, six renewals, charges and plates, type W, each Cells, Edison-Lalande, complete and per part, six renewals, charges and plates, type 4, each Cells, Edison-Lalande, complete and per part, six renewals, charges and plates, type 2, each Dry battery, each Cells, Daniell, qt. jars, complete and per part, each Cells, Daniell, qt. cups, each Cells, Daniell, coppers, each Cens, Daniell, zincs, each Crow-foot zincs, 3 lb., each IJ. S. storage battery, size 2, glass case, each Winhurst machine, current breaker, 20" diameter, 2 plates, small cell complete, each L. E. Knott apparatus, Amer. primary batterer, each. Mengesser, closed circuit battery, 600 amperes, each, Sets, renewals and chemical, each Chloride accumulators, type E, 7 plates, each Crocker- Wheeler dynamo compound, wound 110 volts and 10 amperes, complete, with regular leather pulley and belt, each Electro-plating outfit, each Whitney D. C. voltmeter, 0-15 and 0-150 volts, each Whitney D. C. ammeter, 0-25 amperes, each Weston D. C. voltmeter, 0-3 and 0-150 volts, each Weston D. C. anuneter, 0-5 amperes, each Weston D. C. ammeter, 0-150 amperes, each Copper strips, ^xlO cm., wire attached, each. . , ' Zinc strips, |xlO cm., wire attached, each .- Cox thermo-generator, 3 volts, each Thermopile, each Binding posts, double connector, each Binding posts, English, each Commutators, each , 188 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 24 r 1585 14 k 695 8 No. 199 16 k 687 20 h 4 1 e 1520 5 k 696 10 e 1579 1 k 686a 2 k CXVII 4 k 697 1 q 323a 1 q h2 1 q h 5500 25 6 z 937 6 1 e 1582 1 e 1581 3 16 2 k 770 1 q 9418 1 q 9419 1 3 7 r 1496 1 z 1141 Alternating current voltammeter, double scale, 15-150, each . Alternating current voltammeter, double scale, 2-20, each . . . Direct current voltammeter, double scale, 15-150, each Direct current voltammeter, double scale, 2-20, each Ammeter, double scale, alternating, 2-26, each Ammeter, double scale, direct, 2-20, each Voltammeter, each Resistance racks, each A temperature coil for showing change of resistance with change of temperature, each Resistance boxes, each Resistance boxes (.001-21,100 ohms), each Resistance boxes (.01-40, rubber top), each Wheatstone's bridges, each Wheatstone's bridges, each Galvanometer, each k CXVIII Galvanometer, lecture table, each , Galvanometer, astatic, each Galvanometer, 7x21, D. Arson val, mth scale and points, each. Galvanometer, 7x21, tangent, each Ampere's law app., each Silk cocoons, each Iron rods, 6x:\-", each Electric bells, small, each Key, double, each Key, single, plain, with binding posts, each Telegraph key and sounder, each Telegraph relay, each Wireless telegraphy apparatus, each Lodge's resonating jars, each Pair of Hertzian mirrors, each Telephone receivers, each Telephone, Blake transmitter, each Microphone, each ,. Porter motor. No. 2, each 189 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 7 q 5632 2 q 5637 1 k 712 26 2 doz. 1 z 1082 20 ft. 20 yards m 1 4 b 6040 4 b 6150 k-y k-y4044 b 8140 b 8244 b 1536 b 8546 b 2592 b 1748 b 1492 b 1272 b 1272 b 1272 6 b 1274 6 b 1274 2oz. b 1274 1 b 1278 1 b 1278 1 b 1278 1 ■ b 1280 6 oz. b 1280 e 8871 Electric motor (type B, I) for direct 110-volt current horse- power ^, each z 111 The parts of a small electric motor to meet the requirements of exercise 60, each Helix, on stand, each Electromagnet, 3", each Dynamo, hand, each Lamps, incandescent, 16 candle power, Edison base, each Soft-cored electric carbons, 7-16"x7^" (Colt & Co.), each Induction coil, ^" spark, each Flexible electric cord, equivalent to No. 14 wire, per foot Extra heavy show window cord. No. 18, two conductors, one red, one green, each SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY. Animal cages, Vaughn's, each Mouse jars, each « Aquarium, large, iron frame, 2' 6"xl6"xl4", each Apparatus, each Balance, Kohlbusch's laboratory, with agate bearings, each. . . Set of balance weights, Kohlbusch's, per set Bone saw, each Carrying case, each Carrying case, each Condenser, bull's-eye, each Cartilage knife, blade 45 mm., each No. 1, cover glass, circular, f ", per oz No. 1, cover glass, circular, |", per oz No. 1, cover glass, circular, |", per oz No. 2, cover glass, circular, |", per oz No. 2, cover glass, circular, f", per oz No. 2, cover glass, circular, ^", per oz No. 1, cover glass, square, f", per oz No. 1, cover glass, square, f", per oz No. 1, cover glass, square, ^", per oz No. 2, cover glass, square, |", per oz No. 2, cover glass, square, f", per oz 190 ESTIMATED CATALOGTTE QUANTITY REFERENCE 2 oz. b 1280 b 1 9 b 1352 30 b 1306 9 b 1354 5 b 1626 5 b 1642 1 b 9138 1 b 2196 10 b 1880 2 b 1532 6 b 1534 16 sets b 1600 1 b 1700 1 b 4795 6 b 1374 6 b 1410 12 b 1384 37 b 1386> 55 b 1394 1000 b 1242 700 k-y 10 b'i^9300 10 b 6516 12 gro. b 1290 12 k-y0351b 3 b 5050 3 1 b 3485 6 b 2126 1 k 0-903d 1 k-y 12 k-y 482 12 k-y 602 9 k-y 646 PRICE No. 2, cover glass, square, |", per oz Rectangular cover glass, per oz Culture slides, for drop cultvu-e, l"x3", each Culture slides, for drop culture, concave center, l"x3", each Cultiu-e slides, for moulds, l"x3", each Camera lucida. Abbe, each Drawing boards for camera lucida, each Dialyser, 6 litres, each Drying oven, each Double nose-pieces, each Dissecting pan, shallow, unlined, each Dissecting pan, shallow, lined with wax, each Dissecting instruments, in case, per set Eye shades for microscope, each Fish troughs, each Forceps, bone-cutting, straight blades, 200 mm. length, each Forceps, cover glass, bent blades, each Forceps, dissecting, curved points, 105 mm., each. Forceps, dissecting, .straight points, 115 mm., each Forceps, dissecting, straight points, 125 mm., each Genus covers, each Glass plates, white or black, 10 square feet, each Glass boxes, with cover, 100x40x40 mm., each Glass trays, sizes A, B, C, each Glass shps, white ground edges, l"x3", per gross Grapphng hooks, each Hand brushes, each Hand glasses, each Incubator, each Injecting syringe, capacitj' 50 c.c, each Injecting syringe, each Insect breeding cages, in sections, galvanized iron wire, each . . ..... Insect collection boxes, glass top, each Insect mounting blocks, for stretching b^itterflies, each Insect nets, with handles, four-fold frame, each 191 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 12 k-y 641 500 b 1684 1000 b 1688 6 pkgs. b 1840 3 b 3008 3 b 3010 3 b 3012 1 b 1830 1 b 1834 2 b 1836 2 b 167 2 b 167 2 b 165 6 30 b TT2 12 b 10 b 51 . 8 1 37 b Q. R. 30 b 57 2 b BB4 21 b B 2 b'DDS 6 k-y II 2 3 e 3 18 b 01 28 b 1 b W4 12 b U. S. 7 b 1900 9 b 3000 6 b 2500 1 b 8040 PRICE Insect nets, with handles, simple wire ring, each Insect pins, white, Nos. 00-6, per 100 Insect pins, black, Nos. 00-6, per 100 Japanese lens paper, per package Knives, each Knife block, adjustable, for celloidin, each Knife supports, each Life boxes, each Life boxes, each Life slide, Holman's, each Aplanatic triplet lenses, folding, mag. 10 diam., each Aplanatic triplet lenses, folding, mag. 14 diam., each . . .' Aplanatic triplet lenses, folding, mag. 20 diam., each Aplanatic triplet lenses for dissecting stand, diam. 14", each Barnes dissecting microscope, with double lenses, 2-in. and 1-in. focus, each Lens holder, each Magnifiers, vulcanite mountings, oval form, each Magnifiers, doublet, each Hastings' Aplanatic triplet, folding case, mag. 20, each Magnifiers, brass tripod, wdth two lenses, each Magnifiers, each Microscope, compound, each Microscope, compound, one 2" ocular, § and J objectives, double nose-piece, each Microscope, compound, each Microscope, compound, Leitz (to be imported) each Stand. No. 2B microscope, Spencer compound, each Microscope, demonstration, each Microscope, demonstration, oculars, each Microscope, dissection, 1^ in., f in., Coddington lenses, each Microscope, dissection, each Microscopical desk, each Microtome, with knife minot, each '. Microtome, each Student's microtome, complete with knife and holder, each 192 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 b 3026 1 b 2186 1 b 2180 12 b 1710 3 b 6482 56 b 1716 30 b 1714 120 b 1516 3 b 1520 3 b 1524 3 b 1530 1 b 1060 1 b 1040 2 b 1052 3 b 3006 1 b 1006 3 b^l004 1 b 1076 1 b 1092 1 b 1130 1 b 1156 2 b 2040 32 b 3800 32 b 3800 33 b 3802 33 b 3802 33 b 3802 33 b 3802 12 b 6203 3 b 9380 3 b 9382 3 b 9884 3 b 9386 3 b 9396 PRICE Automatic laboratory microtome, with knife and holder, each Water bath, Miller's, each Water bath, lillie's, each Moist chambers, per set Moist chambers, per set Naples staining jars, each Moor's staining jars, each Needles, cedar handle, each Needle holders, adjustable clamp, long, each Needle holders, adjustable clamp, medium, each Needles, straight, short, each Object clamps Objective, each Objective, each Projecting objective, each Objective discs, each Objective, 2 inch, each Achromatic objectives, each Planar-photo-micrographic, each Illuminating objective, each Apo. objective, each Comp. ocular, each Polariscope, each Pasteur dishes, diam. mm. 100, each Pasteur dishes, diam. mm. 150, each Petri dishes, diam. mm. 80, each Petri dishes, diam. mm. 100, each . . . Petri dishes, diam. mm; 120, each Petri dishes, diam. mm. 150, each Pipettes, each Pipettes, with rubber bulb, straight, each Pipettes, -with, rubber bulb, curved, each Pipettes, with rubber bulb, large mouth, each Pipettes, with funnel top for finger, 90 mm. long, each Pipettes, with 20 cc. rubber bulb, straight, 300 mm. long, each 193 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 2,000 b 1240 12 reams b 1244 61 b 1246 3 b 3002 10 b 1448 10 b 1450 22 b 1452 30 b 1556 10 b 1568 10 b 1562 1 q 3767 30 b 1482 3 b 1486 3 10 b 1590 2 b 1571a 85 b 1933 200 b 3885 1 b 2020 1 b 2025 1 b 1996 50 b 1926 1 b 2002 1 b H1874 10 b 9160 10 b 9160 10 b 9160 1 k-y N1244 1 k-y N1244 1 k-y N1244 1 k-y N1244 1 k-y N1244 1 k-y N1244 1 k-y N1244 Plant driers, heavy felt, per 100 Pressing paper for plants, per ream Plant presses, each Ribbon carriers, each Scalpels, blade 45 mm., each Scalpels, blade, 38 mm., each Scalpels, blade, 32 mm., each Scissors, dissecting, medium, straight, each Scissors, dissecting, medium, straight, each Scissors, heavy, one blunt point, each Section instrument, each Section razor, 75 mm., folding handle, each Section razor, 75 mm., solid handle, each Section lifter, each Suckers, each Shears, laboratory, straight, heavy blades, each Slide boxes, capac. 25 (1x3 in. shdes), each Shde labels, per 100 Slides, cabinet for, each Slides, cabinet for, each Portable cabinets for slides, Pillsburie's, for 500, each Slide boxes, for 25 slides, each Slide cabinets (1x3 in. slides), each Slide mounting table, each Stender dishes, height 30; diam. 50, each Stender dishes, height 35 ; diam. 60, each Stender dishes, height 90 ; diam. 60, each Square glass boxes of clear glass, with covers, one side polished, each Tall form ( 4 x2 xl in.), each ( 5 x2 xl in.), each ( 8 x2 xl^ in.), each ( 8|x3ixli in.), each (10ix2^xlf in.), each (Il|-x2|x2 in.), each (15 x4|xl| in.), each 194 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 1 1 1 2 b 1872 2 b 2168 1 b 1760 1 1 b 2166 1 q 3691 1 b 1778 12 b 1780 6 b 1248 2 r-m 2540 50 b 9556 25 3 k-yl 65 3 k-y I 27 3 k-yl 11 3 k-y I 19 3 k-y I 21 3 k-y I 86 3 k-y I 84 3 k-y I 70 3 k-y I 82 3 k-y I 15 3 k-y I 66 3 k-y I 12 3 k-y II 5 3 k-y II 6 3 k-y I 69 2 k-y II 8 2 k-y I 72 2 k-y I 36 Set of cards for testing strength of vision, per set Set of worsteds for testing color blindness, per set Spirometer, each , Stethoscope, each Mounting stands, sand bath, each Warming tables, Huber's, each Imbedding table, each Thermometer (clinical), vulcanite case, each Turntable, self-centering, each Turntable, each Wellsbach lamp, each Wellsbach mantels, each Vasculums, each Wolpert's air tester, each Watch glasses, Syracuse, solid, each J. L. Hammett & Co., Jung's new wall diagrams of botany and zoology, each Leuckart's zoological charts: Ciliate infusoria, each Hymenoptera, each Orthoptera, each Lumbricus, each Lepidoptera, each Asteroidea, each Coleoptera, each Diptera, each Crayfish, each Tapeworm, each Trichina, each Lamellibranch, each Development of frog, each Skeleton of frog, each Metamorphosis of frog, each Nervous system frog, each Amphioxus, each Cephalopoda, each 195 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY HEFERENCE 2 k-yl 30 2 k-y I 60 2 k-y I 18 2 k-y I 1 2 k-y I 35 2 k-y Gasteropoda, each The oyster, each •. MedusEe, each Coral, each Sponges, each Peter's botanical wall charts, each ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS. Showing internal organs of animals in their position in the body (blood vessels injected, etc.). The preparations are mounted on white or black glass plates in round or square glass cylinders, which are hermetically sealed in order to prevent evaporation of the preserving liquid — alcohol or formaldehyde solution — and to be handled without danger by students. ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE PRICE k-y Mus decumanus (Norway rat), each k-y Columba sp. (pigeon), each k-y Lacerta agilis (common lizard), each k-y Rana foftis (frog), each k-y Rana fortis (frog), nervous system, each k-y Perca fluviatilis (perch), each k-y Esox lucius (pike), each k-y Lepus cunicula (rabbit), each ■. . k-y Testudo grseca (turtle), each k-y Skeleton, human, articulated, French No. 1 (in ash cabinet), each k-y Skeleton, human, disarticulated, each k-y Skeleton (gallus domesticus), each k-y Skeleton (canis familiaris), each k-y Skeleton (bufo cineris), each k-jr Skeleton (perca fluviatilis), each k-y Biological preparation (anguis fragilis), each k-y Biological preparation (coronella Isevis), each •. . . . k-y Injected (cavia cobaya), each k-y Injected (emys Europsea), each k-y Injected (creeping) (helix pomatia), each Metamorphoses secured in glass cylinders, the covers of which are closed hermetically in order to prevent the evaporation of the preserving liquid. The objects are fastened on plates of black glass when representing light colored animals, of milky glass in other cases or on plates of trans- parent glass. Above every preparation showing a stage, or a series of stages, a printed label is fastened upon the glass plate. When several objects of the same phases of development are supplied they are selected of different aspect, representing different stages of age. 196 ESTIMATED QUANTITY CATALOGUE REFERENCE k-y k-y k-y k-y Rana esculenta (water frog). 2 stages of spawn; 7-8 tadpoles at different stages of development, 1 half-grown; 1 full- grown frog, each Salmo fario (trout). Eggs in different stages of development; 3 new-born trouts with yolk; 3 trouts six weeks old, yolk partly absorbed ; 3 trouts three months old ; 1 trout one year old, each Melontha vvilgaris (May beetle) . Eggs ; 4 larvae at different • stages ; 2 pupae at different stages ; 3 beetles, one with white wing covers, one with yellow wing covers (one day old) one about three days old ; developed beetles (one male, one female and one Avith extended wings) , each Astacus fluviatilis (river crawfish). Eggs; crawfishes i, 1, 2 and 3 j'ears old; 1 full-grown crawfish male; 1 full-grown crawfish female -with, eggs, each Every series of metamorphoses is kept apart and secured in a diu-able, solid box with glass cover. Each series contains eggs, larvae, pupae, insects (male and female). ESTIMATED QUANTUM 1 1 1 CATALOGUE REFERENCE k-y k-y k-y Bombyx mori, each Papilio turnus, each . . . . Telea polyphemus, each . , IV. Systematic Collections of Insects. They are secured in well closed boxes with glass lids, and contain the main representatives of the different classes. They are correctly and most carefully labeled. Only absolutely perfect specimens. estimated quantity 1 1 CATALOGUE REFERENCE k-y k-y Universal collection of 50 species of insects, each . K. & S. Mimicry collection. No. Ill, each PRICE Anatomical Models. k-y2113 Brain of man, showing cerebrum, origin of cranial nerves, cerebellum, pons Varoli, medulla oblongata, medullary fasciculi, etc. (Dr. Auzoux), each k-y2293 Section through the skin of palm of the hand, shomng the circu- lation, nerves, tactile corpuscles, etc. Structure of hair fol- licles; two pieces on the same plate (20x16 cm.), each k-yl204 Human heart model, each k-y2419 Heart, enlarged, divisible into two parts, showing all details of this organ, the septa, origin of great vessels, valves, chordae tendinae, fossae, etc., size 40 cm. high, 25 cm. long, each 197 k-y2481 k-y2385 k-y2335 1 sei k-y 1 set k-y 1 k-y ESTIMATED CATAI OGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE PRICE k-y2469 Digestive organs, natural size 80 cm. long, schematized, with section of head and chest, stomach, duodenum and large intestine partly opened, each Transverse section of wall of small intestine, showing lymphatic ducts and blood vessels, enlarged 200 times, each Section through the lungs and heart, showing all arteries, veins, etc., ventricles, etc., size 30x37 cm., each Larynx, greatly enlarged, 30cm. long; all the portions remov- able (Dr. Auzoux), each Bock-Steger model brain (4 parts), per set Bock-Steger model head (3 parts), per set Bock-Steger, model skin, each Manikin and case (Ward), No. 1, each MICROSCOPICAL SLIDES Slides, standard prep., set of 24, per set Slides, wood section, set of 24, per set Slides, algse, set of 24, per set Group of diatoms, 18-36 specimens, per set Slides, plant groups, per set Slides, plant groups, per set Slides, botanical, in box, per set Slides, physiological, per set Microscopic slides, B quality, B. & L. H. S., per set Chemical crystal slides selected for polariscope, A quahty: a Arsenious acid, each ad Pot. cyanide, each b Hippuric acid, each af Pot. picrate, each f Ammonium oxalate, each ag Pot. plat, chloride, each h Copper acetate, each ah Strychnine sulphate, each 1 Gold (reduced) , each ; . . . . am Tin sulphide, each r Morphine sulphate, each s Murexide, each 198 1 set q 7023 1 set q 7024 1 set q 7029 1 set q 7033 1 set b 2342 1 set b 2340 1 set b 9071 Iset b 9006 25 sets b 2346 12 b 2404 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 each q Unmounted microscopic objects for mounting: No. 21, studies, each No. 23, seeds, each No. 32, ferns, each ' No. 33, mosses, each No. 38, fungi, each No. 39, mollusks, each • No. 45, pollens, each No. 56, cockroaches, each No. 59, honey bee, each No. 63, diatoms, each No. 65, crickets, each No. 70, diatoms, each SPECIAL SUPPLIES FOR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOGRAPHY 3 U. S. Signal Service barometer, each 2 Box for same, with locks, brackets, glass front and back (Green & Co., Brooklyn), each 3 Anaeroid barometer (2^" dial) , each 4 k 655 Thermometers on adjustable standards, each 7 r 2536 Hydrometer, each 10 r 2534 Comparative thermometer, each 2 e 2529 Maximum and minimum, U. S. standard, each 2 Maximum and minimum, 7", on block 52 Thermograph paper, as per sample A, per bundle of 52 ... . 52 Barograph paper, as per sample B, per bundle of 52 500 Anemometer paper, as per sample C, per 100 100 Blank weather maps, paper, as per sample D, per 100 . . . . 500 Tracing paper as per sample E, per 100 50 Topographic sheets of U. S. Geological Survey, paper, each . 10 Geological folios of U. S. Geological Survey, paper, each . . PHOTOGRAPHY. 1 gross 4x5 Crown plates, Cramer, per doz 1 .gross 3^x4 Lantern slide plates, Carbett, per dozed i gross 6^x8^ achromatic, Carbett, per doz 2 gross 4x5 carbon Velox paper, per doz 2 gross 6Jx8J carbon Velox paper, per doz 199 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 1 gross 24 pkgs. i doz. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.: Solio paper, 8x10, per doz Binding strips for lantern slides, per pkg. . Mats for lantern slides, per doz '' grams Gold chloride, per gram 1 gross Photographic mounts, gray, to slip prints into (for 8"xl0" prints) per doz 6 doz. Assorted gray mounting cards for 11x14 prints, per doz .... 10 quires Blue print paper, size 5x8, per quire 1 b 2950 Optical bench, each 1 b 3115 Model projective apparatus, with one ^ plate, each 2 b 3170 Rheostats, lens extra, each 7 Solar lantern, each 7 The Criterion lantern (Model B) J. B. Colt, each 7 Bessler's new lantern, each I, 2 Bausch & Lomb's new lantern, each 7 Pencil attachment (J. B. Colt), each 2 Adjustable sht (J. B. Colt), each 2 ., Vertical attachment (J. B. Colt), each LIGHT APPARATUS From Hawkridge, Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J.: 6 Back condenser lenses for his college lantern, 5" diam., each 1 pair k 1 No. 1144 Nicol prisms, per pair LIST OF CASTS The following numbers refer to catalogue of P. P. Caproni & Bro. : (Caproni catalogue or equal.) Venus of Milo, full figure, si^ze 3'4", each Victory of Samothrace, full figure, size 3', each Minerva, full figure, size 3'5", each David, by A. Mercie, modern; full figure, size 3', each.... Diana of Gabii, full figure, size 2'2", each Mercury, full figure, size 2'6", each Tanagra, full figure, size 10", each Sphinx, each , . Hermes, full size, each Homer, bust, each 200 7 No. 76 7 62 7 88 7' " 239 7 " 102 7 " 240 7 " 1542 7 " 281 7 " 300 7 " 311 ESTIMATED QUANTITY CATALOGUE REFERENCE 7 No. 381 7 " 5038 7 " 6310 7 " 6265 7 " 5052 7 • « 5464 7 « 5874 7 7 " 401 7 " 712 7 " 714 7 " 718 7 " 763 7 " 764 7 " 805 7 " 900 7 " 1 10 " 1539 10 " 1500 10 " 1504 10 " 1517 10 No. 1515 10 « 1530a 10 " 1530e 10 « 1523 10 " 1537 10 " 1550a 10 " 1550d 10 " 1489 10 •' 1486 10 ■' 1510 10 " 1496 10 " 1569 10 « 1528 PRICE Young Augustus, bust, each AppoUo Belvedere, each Washington, bust, each Lincoln, bust, each Socrates, bust, each Vergil, bust, each Dante, bust, each Laughing Boy, each Donatello, bust, each RELIEFS Victory, each Nike Decorating a Trophy, each Aphrodite Persuading Helen, each Angels, by Donatello, each Angels, by Donatello, each Six Boys Playing on Trumpets, each Phalanthus and ^thra, each . . ; Lioness Wounded, each Scroll of Lisikrates, historic ornament, details, each Acanthus, each Anthemion, each Egg and Dart, each Cymatium, each Rosette, each Rosette, each Leaf, each Scroll with Griffin, each Alhambra Fragments, each Alhambra Fragments, each Simple Leaf Study, each Simple Leaf Study, each Capital, each Simple Leaf Study, each Gothic Fragment from Notre Dame, each Scroll Renaissance, each 201 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 10 No. 1269 10 " 1275 10 " 1284 10 " 1285 10 " 1232 10 " 1280 10 " 1286 10 " 1277 10 " 1281 10 " 1331 10 " 1332 10 " 1333 10 " 1337 10 " 1336 10 " 1377 10 " 1382 10 " 1386 10 " 1392 10 " 1390 10 " 1395 10 " 1400 10 " 1414 10 " 1418 10 " 1420 10 " 1433 10 " 1436 10 " 1447 10 " 1461 10 " 1465 10 " 885 10 " 879 10 " 842 10 " 774 STUDIES OF ANIMALS. Bear Crushing Man, by Barye, each , Bear Dancing, by Barye, each Lion Seated, sketch, by Barj^e, each Lion Devouring Serpent, by Barye, each Lion Seated, by Barye, each Elephant, by Barye, each Panther RecUning, by Barye, each Bears Fighting, by Barye, each Lion Walking, by Barye, each Horse, Roman, each Horse, Greek, each Wolf, each Ram, each Tiger, each Fruit, Flowers, etc., for Study in Drawing. Apples and leaves, each Beans and leaves, each Bananas, each Cherries and leaves, each Callaleaf, each Day lily leaf, each . .'. Fig leaf, each Gourd and leaf, each Ivy leaf, each Lemon and leaves, each Pear and leaves, each Plums and leaves, each Walnuts and leaves, each Calla lily, each Pear and leaves, each Triumph of VUexander, relief, 116x24, each Cupid head, relief, 6x11, each Madonna, relief, 17x16, each St. Cecilia, relief, 22x16, each 202 ESTIMATED CATALOGUE QUANTITY REFERENCE 10 No. 773 10 " 1040-2 10 " 1040-3 10 No. 1001 10 " 988 10 " 970 10 " 969 10 " 968 10 " 948 10 " 1228 10 " 1132 10 " 1126 10 " 1131 10 " 1104 10 No. 1106-7 10 No. 1107a 10 " 1105 10 " 1711 10 " 1714 10 " 1712 10 " 1713 10 " 1750 10 " 1751 10 " 1757 10 " 1760 " 1238 " 1500 " 240 " 1367 " 1371 " 1209 " 910 « 896 " 891 " 892 " 1554 St. John, each Head of man from Trajan's column, each. Head of man from Trajan's column, each . Faun laughing, each St. Francis, each Medusa, each 7 Laocoon, each La Belle Italienne, each Cosmos di Medici, each Mouth, each Hand, each Feet, each Hand, each Ear, each Eye, each Eye, each Ear, each Pedestals, each Pedestals, each Pedestals, each Pedestals, each Bracket for busts, each Bracket for busts, each Bracket for busts, each Bracket for busts, each Hand from life, each Acanthus, each Mercury flying, each Rabbit, each Mule, each Foot, human, each ,. Mozart, each Flight of time, each Morning, each Night, each Greek ornament, each 203 ESTIMATED QUANTITY CATALOGUE REFERENCE " 1425 Magnolia, each " 924 Dante, each " 911 Beethoven, each " 1536 Renaissance, each " 1550d Moorish, each " 1495 Gothic, each " 1497 Egyptian, each " 1498 Egyptian, each " 1542 Byzantine, each " 1530g Roman, each " 1554 Greek, each " 1552 Greek, each " 1355 Dog, each " 1262 Hoi'se standing, each . . . " 1425 Maple leaf, each " 1402 Panel and flowers, each . " 1379 Acorns, each " 1378 Apples, each " 431 Strozzi Marietta, each . . " 348 Ajax, each " 1502 Roman acanthus, each. " 1301 Panther, each 204 LANTERNS AND LANTERN SLIDES. (Catalogue of J. B. Colt & Co.) l-i" Objective and reducing collar, alternating, each 1 Automatic electric lamp for Colt's Criterion lantern, alterna ting, each 100 Carbons for same, each 100 ■ Electra carbons, " soft covered," 7-16x7^", each (Catalogue of Riley Bros.) 4 Boxes for slides (100 spaces), each (Catalogue of T. H. McAllister.) All lantern slides are to be bid for, both colored and uncolored, unless where the words " colored " or " uncolored " appear. Maps and Ground Plans : Australia, each Bosphorus, each British Isles, each Ceylon, each China, each England, each German Empire, each HoUand and Belgium, each India, each Ireland, each Japan, each Norway and Sweden, each Routes of Commerce, each Russia, each Scotland, each South America, each South America, in relief, each Spain and Portugal, each Turkey in Europe, Greece, etc., each United States, Coal Area, each United States, Iron Area, each United States, Corn Area, each United States, Cotton Area, each United States, Wheat Area, each United States, Forestry Area, each , 205 COLORED PLAIN United States, Fruit Area, each World's Ridge, each Killarney Lakes, each England, Eddystone Lighthouse, each England, Flamborough, Smugglers' Cave, each England, Isle of Man, Castletown, each England, Isle of Man, Douglas, each England, Isle of Wight, Alum Bay, each , -. England, Isle of Wight, Carisbrooke Castle, Royal Apartments, each England, Isle of Wight, Cowes, each England, Isle of Wight, Osborne House, Interior, each England, Isle of Wight, Chalk Cliffs, each England, Kenilworth Castle, from the Bridge, each England, Kenilworth Castle, from the Village, each England, Lake District, Derwentwater, each England, Lake District, Grasmere, each England, Lake District, Keswick, Southey's Monument, each England, Windermere, each . . England, From the Mersey, each England, Landing Stage, each England, Shakespeare's House, Front, each , . England, House in which Shakespeare Was Born, each England, Shakespeare's House, Garrick's Chair, each England, Trinity Church, Shakespeare's Monumental Tablet, each , . England, Trinity Church, The American Window, each England, Banks of the Avon, each England, Ann Hathaway's Cottage, each England, Sulgrave, Manor House, Ancestral Home of Washington, each. . . ...... England, Sulgrave, Church Where Ancestors of Washington Are Buried, each England, Tintern, The Village, each England, York, Panorama, each England, Barmouth, Panorama, each England, Bettys-y-Coed, General View, each • England, Holyhead, Druidical Altar, each. . . . England, Llanberis, Entrance to Pass, each . . . England, Llanberis, Lake, each 206 COLORED PLAIN England, Menai Bridge, each England, Snowden, General View, each England, Swansea, Craig-y-Nos, each England, Tenby, The Sands, each England, From Ludgate Hill, each England, Dome, from Cheapside, each England, Westminster Abbey, West Front, each England, Westminster Abbey, North Side, each England, Westminster Abbey, Nave England, Westminster Abbey, Choir, The Screen, each England, Westminster Abbey, Cloisters, each England, Westminster Abbey, Coronation Chair, each England, Westminster Abbey, The Pulpit, each England, Westminster Abbey, Tomb of Tennyson, each England, Westminster Abbey, Chaucer's Window, each England, Westminster Abbey, Poet's Corner, each England, Westminster Abbey, Grave of Charles Dickens, each England, Westminster Abbey, Monument of Shakespeare, each England, Canterbury Cathedral, Exterior, from East, each England, Canterbury Cathedral, South Porch, each England, Canterbury Cathedral, Norman Staircase, each England, Canterbury Cathedral, Cloisters, each England, Canterbury Cathedral, The Crypt, each England, Litchfield Cathedral, Exterior, from West, each England, Litchfield Cathedral, Lady Chapel, each England, Litchfield Cathedral, Baptismal Font, each England, Litchfield Cathedral, Monument of Sleeping Children, by Chantry, each , England, Lincoln Cathedral, Exterior, from East, each England, Lincoln Cathedral, West Front, each England, Lincoln Cathedral, Doorway, West, each England, Lincoln Cathedral, Rose Window, each England, Lincoln Cathedral, Angel Choir, each England, Salisbury Cathedral, Exterior, from Northwest England, Salisbury Cathedral, Exterior, from the Meadows, each England, Salisbury Cathedral, Nave, looking East, each England, Salisbury Cathedral, Nave, looking West, each 207 COLORED PLAIN England, Salisbury Cathedral, Reredos and Altar, each England, Salisbury Cathedral, Chantry Chapel, each England, York Minster Cathedral, Exterior, from Northwest, each England, York Minster Cathedral, West Door, each England, York Minster Cathedral, Chancel, each England, York Minster Cathedral, Triforium, each England, York Minster Cathedral, Five Sisters' Window, each England, Battle Abbey, Exterior, each England, Fountains Abbey, from West, each England, Fountains Abbey, Choir, each England, Fountains Abbey, Refectory, each England, Fountains Abbey, Cloisters, each England, Newstead Abbej^, from the Lake, each England, Newstead Abbey, Lord Byron's Bed Room, each England, Tintern Abbey, from Southwest, each England, Tintern Abbey, from Northeast, each , England, Tintern Abbey, West Front, each England, Tintern Abbey, West Doorway, each England, Tintern Abbey, West Window, each • Scotland, Monument to Sir Walter Scott, each Scotland, Scott Statue, Base of Monument, each Scotland, Heart of Midlothian, each Scotland, Holyrood Palace, General View, each Scotland, Holyrood Palace, Queen Marj^'s Room, each Scotland, Holyrood Chapel, West Front, each Scotland, Abbotsford, from the Tweed, each Scotland, Abbotsford Library, each _, Scotland, Abbotsford Study, each , Scotland, Arran, Druidical Stones, each Scotland, Ayr, The Twa Brigs, each Scotland, Ayr, Burns' Monument, each Scotland, Ayr, Burns' Cottage, each Scotland, Birnam, The Last Oak of Birnam Wood, each Scotland, Cawdor Castle, each Scotland, CuUoden, The Cairn, each Scotland, Druidical Circle, Stones of Stennes, each Scotland, Dryburg, Tomb of Sir Walter Scott", each 208 COLORED PLAIN Scotland, Dumfries, Mausoleum of Burns, each Scotland, Ecclefechan, Carlyle's Grave, each Scotland, Fingal's Cave, Looking In, each Scotland, Fingal's Cave, Looking Out Scotland, Glamis Castle, each Scotland, Greenock, Highland Mary's Grave, each Scotland, lona. Sunset, each Scotland, lona Cathedral, Exterior, each Scotland, Loch Katrine, each Scotland, Loch Katrine, Ellen's Isle, each Scotland, Melrose Abbey, East End, each Scotland, Melrose Abbey, South Side, each Scotland, Perth, House of Fair Maid of Perth, each Scotland, Rob Roy's Prison, Loch Lomond, each Scotland, Rob Roy's Cave, Loch Lomond, each Scotland, Selkirk Monument to Walter Scott, each Scotland, Selkrik Monument to Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, each Scotland, Shetland Ponies, each ; Scotland, Skye, Flora McDonald's Grave, each Scotland, South Uist, Flora McDonald's Birthplace, each Scotland, Stirling Castle, Exterior, each Scotland, Stirling Castle, Window from which Douglas was Thrown, each Scotland, Tay Bridge, each Scotland, Trossachs' Pass (various views), each Scotland, Trossachs' Goblin's Cave Scotland, Highland Cottages, each , Scotland, Pictish Cattle, Orkneys, each Scotland, Highlanders Dancing in Costume, each Scotland, Highland Piper, each Scotland, Barra, Sunset on West Coast, each Scotland, Bass Rocks, Sea Birds, each Scotland, Caledonian Canal, Locks, each Scotland, Cawdor Castle, King Duncan's Bedroom, each , Scotland, lona. Breakers on West'Coast, each Scotland, Loch Lomond, Floating Islands in Luss Straits, each Scotland, Herring Gutters, each 209 COLOBED PLAIN Scotland, Herring Packing, each Scotland, Herring Branding, each Scotland, Catching Shrimp, each Scotland, Gathering Mussels, each Scotland, Going for Peat, each ' Scotland, Bringing Home Peat, each Scotland, Hand- Loom Weaver at Work, each Scotland, Conway, General View, each England, Hop Picking, each England, BurnguUow, China Clay Works, Filtering Tanks, each England, BurnguUow, China Clay Works, Drying Kiln and Stores, each. . . England, Carn Brea, Copper and Tin Mines, each England, Land's End, Logan^Stone, each England, Lodore Falls, each England, Herring Fishing, A Good Catch, each Ireland, Belfast, The Quay, each Ireland, Belfast, Queen's Bridge, each Ireland, Belfast, Richardson's Linen House, each Ireland, Belfast, On Belfast Lough, each Ireland, Larne, Druid's Altar, each Ireland, Giant's Causeway and Vicinity, General View of Causeway, each . . Ireland, Giant's Causeway and Vicinity, The Grand Causeway, each Ireland, Giant's Causeway and Vicinity, Surf Breaking, each Ireland, Giant's Causeway and Vicinity, Columns, each Ireland, Giant's Causeway and Vicinity, Group at the Wishing Chair, each. Ireland, Giant's Causeway and Vicinity, Giant's Head, each Ireland, Blarney, The Castle, from the Meadow, each Ireland, Blarney, The Stone, each Ireland, Blarney, Kissing the Blarney Stone, each Ireland, Blarney, The Castle, Witch's Stairway, each Ireland, Cork, Panorama from the Monastery, each Ireland, Cork, The Quays, each Ireland, Cork, South Mall, each Ireland, Cork, The Jail, each Ireland, Cork, Shandon Church, each Ireland, Cork, Covered Jaunting Car, each 210 COLORED PLAIN Ireland, Queenstown, Roche's Point, each Ireland, Queenstown, Steamer Entering Harbor, each Ireland, Queenstown, Arrival of the Tender, each Ireland, County Donegal, Haymaking, Gweedore, each Ireland, County Donegal, Typical Irish Home, each Ireland, County Donegal, Driving Geese to Market, each Ireland, DubUn, On the Liffey, each Ireland, Dublin, Leinster Lawn, each Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts, each Ireland, Dublin, House in which Moore was Born, each Ireland, DubUn, House in which Wellington was Born, each Ireland, County Galway, Cottage in Glen Inagh, each Ireland, County Galway, Glendalough and Twelve-Pin Mountains, each . Ireland, County Galway, Marketing Potatoes, Clifden, each Ireland, County Kerry, Muckross Abbey, each Ireland, County Kerry, Muckross Abbey, Yew Tree, each Ireland, County Kerry, Peat Bog, each, Ireland, County Kerry, Piling Peat, each Ireland, County Kerry, Peat Rick, each , Ireland, County Kerry, Innisf alien, Lower Lake, each Ireland, County Kerry, Colleen Bawn Rock, Middle Lake, each Ireland, County Kerry, Lakes of Killarney, from Toro Mountain, each . . Belgium, Antwerp, Cathedral, Exterior, each Belgium, Antwerp, Panorama, each Belgium, Antwerp, Street View, each Belgium, Antwerp, The Docks, each Belgium, Brussels, Panorama, each Belgium, Brussels, Palace of Justice, each Belgium, Brussels, Guild Hall of the Brewers, each Belgium, Brussels, Guild Hall of the Tailors, each Belgium, Brussels, Boulevard Central, each Belgium, Brussels, Grounds of the Park, each Belgium, Ghent, Market Place, each Belgium, Ghent, Quai, each Belgium, Ghent, View on the Canal, each Belgium, Ghent, Milkman and Donkey, each 211 COLOBED PLAIN Belgium, Ostend, Kursaal, each Belgium, Ostend, Hotels and Beach, General View, each Belgium, Ostend, Bathing Beach, each Belgium, Spa, Panorama, each Belgium, Spa, Bathing Establishment, each Belgium, Spa, Spring, each Belgium, Spa, Promenade, each Holland, Amsterdam, Panorama, each Holland, Amsterdam, The Docks, each , Holland, Amsterdam, Windmill, each , Holland, Amsterdam, Canal Scene, each Holland, Haarlem, Cathedral, each Holland, Haarlem, Street View, each Holland, Haarlem, Dutch Dog Cart, each Holland, The Hague, Panorama, each Holland, The Hague, Department of Justice, each Holland, The Hague, The Stadtholder's Gate, each Holland, The Hague, Street View, each Holland, The Hague, Paul Potter's Painting, The Bull, each Holland, Rotterdam, Panorama, each Holland, Rotterdam, Cathedral, Exterior, each Holland, Rotterdam, Delft Gate, each Holland, Rotterdam, Antique Houses, Market Place, each Holland, Rotterdam, Street View, each ' Holland, Rotterdam, Canal Scene, each Holland, Zaandvoort Beach, each Holland, Zaandvoort Bathing Ground, each Norway, Bergen, Panorama, each Norway, Bergen, Street View, each Norway, Bergen, Fish Market, Some of the Buyers, each Norway, Bergen, Fantoft, Stavekirke, Exterior, each Norway, Christiania, Panorama, each '. Norway, Christiania, Church of Our Saviour, each Norway, Christiania, Palace Front, each Norway, Christiania, House of Parliament, each Norway, Geirangerf jord. Seven Sisters Waterfalls, each 212 COLORED PLAIN Norway, Gryting, At Work in the Hay Field, each Norway, Hammerfest, Panorama, from Mountain Top at Midnight, each . . Norway, Hammerfest, Shipping, each Norway, Hammerfest, A Street, each , Norwa3^ Hammerfest, On Mt. Ty ven, taken at Midnight, each Norway, Hammerfest, Reindeer Grazing, each Norway, Hammerfest, Most Northern Wood in the World, each Norway, Hildal, Mountain Road, each Norway, Midnight Sun, from the North Cape, each Norway, Midnight Sun and North Cape, each Norway, Romsdal, Between Romsdalhorn and Troltinder, each Norway, Romsdal, Troltinder or Witch Pinnacles, each Norway, Romsdal, Road on the Rauma, each Norwaj', Romsdal, Gorge on the Rauma Norway, Romsdal, Girls Raking Hay, each Norway, Romsdalhorn, Road at Base, each Norway, Romsdalhorn; Near View, each , . . . Norway, Svartisen Glacier, from Rowboat, each Norway, Svartisen Glacier, Ice Caves, each Norway, Svartisen Glacier, Hay Making at the Foot, each Norway, Tromso, Panorama, taken at 2.30 A. M., each Norway, Tromso, Street View, taken at 3 A. M., each Norway, Vardo, Harbor, each Norway, Vardo, Mountain of Cod Heads, each Norway, Vardo, Whales Stranded on Beach, each Norway, Lapp Man, taken in street at Tromso at 3. A. M., each Norway, Lapps Asleep in a Conglomerate Heap, each Norway, Joget Boat, each Denmark, Copenhagen, The Quay, each Denmark, Copenhagen, Public Square, each Denmark, Copenhagen, Street View, each Denmark, Copenhagen, The Canal, each Denmark, Copenhagen, King's Palace, each Denmark, Copenhagen, Church of Our Saviour, each Denmark, Copenhagen, The Bourse, each Denmark, Copenhagen, Statue of Hans Christian Andersen, each 213 COLORED PLAIN Denmark, Copenhagen, A Tram Car, each Sweden, Gota Canal, The Canal at Motala, each Sweden, Gota Canal, A Lock, each Sweden, Gota Canal, Lifting a Bridge, each Sweden, Stockholm, Panorama, from the Katarina Hissen; each Sweden, Stockholm, A Busy Scene on the Quay, each Sweden, Stockholm, A Business Street, each Sweden, Stockholm, A Residence Street, each Sweden, Stockholm, Royal Palace, Front, each Sweden, Stockholm, Coronation Church, Exterior, each Sweden, Stockholm, Parliament Buildings, each Sweden, Charcoal Burner's Hut, each Sweden, Country School and Country Children, each Greece, Steam Street Car, each Greece, Royal Palace, Exterior, each Greece, Parliament Building, each Greece, Tomb of Marco Bozzaris, each Turkey, Panorama, from Galata Bridge, each Turkey, The Bosphorus, each Turkey, Public Square, each Turkey, Street Scene, each Turkey, Galata Bridge, each Turkey, Constantinople, Mosque of St. Sophia, each Turke}', Constantinople, Mosque of St. Sophia, Eastern Entrance, each Turkey, Constantinople, Mosque of St. Sophia, Christian Entrance, each Turkey, Constantinople, Mosque of St. Sophia, Fountain, each Turkey, Constantinople, Mosque of St. Sophia, Interior, each Turkey, Palace, Sultan's New Palace, each Turkey, A Boot Black, each Turkey, Scavengers, each Turkey, Marketing .Sheep on the Steps of a Mosque, each •. . Turkey, Turkish Sailors, each Turkej^ Water Seller, each Turkey, A Turkish Newspaper, each Turkey, Turkish Lady, each Turkey, Pera, Panorama, each 214 COLORED PLAIN Turkey, Pera, A House and Fence Made of Kerosene Cans, each Italy, Capri Island, from the Steamer, each Italy, Capri Island, Ancient Lighthouse, 900 Feet Above the Sea, each . . . . Italy, Capri Island, Blue Grotto, Boats Meeting the Steamer, each Italy, Capri Island, Blue Grotto, Interior, looking out, each Italy, Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, Great Hall Statue of Savonarola, each . Italy, Florence, Uffizi, Portico, Statue of Giotto, each Italy, Florence, Uffizi, Portico, Statue of Americus Vespucci, each Italy, Cathedral, West Facade, Details, each Italy, Florence, Cathedral, West Facade, lower part, each Italy, Florence, Church of Santa Grose, Exterior, each Italy, Florence, Church of Santa Crose, Statue of Dante, each Italy, Florence, Church of Santa Crose, Interior, each Italy, Florence, Church of Santa Crose, Tomb of Michael Angelo, each . . . . Italy, Florence, Church of Santa Crose, Tomb of Galileo, each Italy, Florence, Church of San Marco, Exterior, each Italy, Florence, Monastery of San Marco, Cloisters, each Italy, Florence, Monastery of San Marco, Fresco of Christ between the Thieves, by Fra Angelico, each Italy, Florence, Monastery of San Marco, Fresco of Christ on Cross, with St. Dominic, by Fra Angelico, each : Italy, Florence, San Marco, CeU of Savonarola, each Italy, Florence, House of Michael Angelo, each Italy, Florence, House of Dante, each Italy, Florence, House of Galileo, each Italy, Genoa, Panorama, each Italy, Genoa, House in which Columbus was Born, each Italy, Genoa, House in which Americus Vespucci Lived, each Italy, Milan, Panorama, from Roof of Cathedral, each Italy, Milan, Cathedral, On the Roof of the Nave, each Italy, Milan, Cathedral, A Forest of Pinnacles, each Italy, Milan, Cathedral, Centre Spire, each Italy, Milan, Cathedral, Gargoyles, each Italy, Milan, Cathedral, Statue of Eve, each Italy, Milan, Cathedral, Statue of Adam, each Italy, Naples, Cathedral, Interior, The Altar, each Italy, Naples, Looking Up the Cable Road, each 215 COLORED Italy, Naples, Looking Down from Upper Station, each Italy, Naples, Lava Stream of 1858, each Italy, Naples, Making Ascent in Chair, each Italy, Naples, Making Ascent on Shoulders of Guides, each Italy, Pisa, Leaning Tower, Near View of Base, each ' Italy, Pisa, Bell and Bellringers on Top, each Italy, Pisa, View from Top, each Italy, Venice, Panorama, from Isle of St. George, each Italy, Venice, Grand Canal, from Rialto Bridge, each Italy, Venice, Gondolas on Grand Canal, each Italy, Venice, Rialto Bridge, each Italy, Venice, Bronze Horses, St. Mark's, each Italy, Venice, Ducal Palace, Portal, each Italy, Venice, Ducal Palace, Giant's Staircase, Side, each Italy, Venice, Ducal Palace, Giant's Staircase, Front, each Italy, Venice, House of Desdemona, each Italy, Venice, A Gondolier, each Italy, Carrara, Marble Quarry (636), each Italy, Carrara, Bringing Marble Blocks Down Hill (635), each Italy, Rome, St. John Lateran, Exterior, each Italy, Rome, St. John Lateran, Vestibule,, each Italy, Rome, St. John Lateran, Cloisters, each Italy, Rome, St. Paul's, Without the Walls, General View, each Italy, Rome, St. Paul's, Without the Walls, Interior Colonnade, each Italy, Rome, St. Paul's, Without the Walls, Mosaic, costing $250,000, each Italy, Rome, St. Paul's, Without the Walls, Cloisters, each ....'.. Italy, Rome, St. Peter's and the Vatican, each Italy, Rome, Among the Columns of the Colonnade, each Italy, Rome, Where Anthony Delivered His Oration, each Italy, Rome, Cirave of Keats, each Italy, Rome, Grave of Shelley's Heart, each Italy, Rome, The Tiber, from Top of Castle of St. Angelo, each Italy, Rome, Boats on the Tiber, each Italy, Rome, Bird's-Eve View, from Dome of St. Peter's, each Italy, Rome, Sistine Chapel, Altar Wall, Painting of Michael Angelo's Last Judgment, each 216 COLORED PLAIN 1 Italy, Rome, Sistine Chapel, Altar Wall, Perugino's Painting of Christ Giv- ing Keys to Peter, each Italy, Rome, Milking Goats, via Sistina, each Italy, Rome, Peasant Group, each Italy, Rome, Military Review, The King on Horseback, each Spain, Granada, Panorama, each Spain, Granada, Generalife Palace, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Granada, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, General View, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra and the Generalife, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, View from the Walls, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Court of Colonnade, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Court of Gate of Entrance, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Court of Details of Sculpture, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Hall of Justice, Details, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, The Mosque, Entrance, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Sanctuary of the Moors, each Spain, Palace of the Alhambra, Tomb of Boabdill, each Spain, Madrid, Panorama, each Spain, Madrid, Royal Palace, Facade, each Spain, Madrid, Painting of the Immaculate Conception, each Spain, Madrid, Columbus Monument, each Spain, Palos, Convent of Rabida, each Spain, Palos, Convent of Rabida, Room Occupied by Christopher Colum- bus, each Spain, Seville, Panorama, each Spain, Seville, The Guadilquiver, each Spain, Toledo, Panorama, each Spain, Toledo, Cathedral, General View, each Spain, Toledo, Cathedral, Portal, each Spain, Toledo, Cathedral, Interior, each Spain, Toledo, Cathedral, Cloisters, each Spain, Toledo, Bridge, Alcantara, each Spain, Toledo, Moorish Tower, each Spain, Toledo, MandoHn Player, each Spain, Toledo, Group of Gypsies, each Spain, Toledo, Spanish Plowman, each 217 rOT.OREL PLAIN amid, each Egypt Back, each . Egypt each Egypt Egypt. Egypt Egypt. Egypt. Egypt. Egypt Egypt. Egypt Egypt Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan each Japan Japan Alexandria and Vicinity, Street in Native Part, each . Egypt Egypt, Alexandria and Vicinity, Pompey's Pillar, each Egypt, Alexandria and Vicinity, Catacombs, each Egypt, Alexandria and Vicinity, Natives Swimming First Cataract, each . . Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Mosque of Mohammed Ali, Colonnade, each .... Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Mosque of Mohammed Ali, Court, each Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Mosque of Mohammed Ali, Fountain, each Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Mosque of Mohammed Ali, Tomb of Mohammed Ali, each Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Cotton Growing on Bank of Nile, each Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Arab Mounted on Camel, each Egypt, Cairo and Vicinity, Snake Charmers, each , Egypt, Gizeh Museum, Mummy Case Covers, highly ornamented, each .... Egypt, Gizeh and the Pyramids, Pyramid of Cheops, Ladies Ascending Pyr- Gizeh and the Pyramids, The Sphinx, Head (Rear), Tourists on Gizeh and the Pyramids, Tourists on Camels Doing the Pyramids, Gizeh and the Pyramids, Washing Buffaloes, each Philae, Temple of Isis, Capitals of East Colonnade, each Philae, Lunching Amid the Ruins, each Philae, Wady Haifa, Second Cataract of the Nile, each Karnak, Avenue of Sphinxes, each Karnak, Lotus Columns, each Suez, Panorama, each Suez, Pigrims for Mecca Taking Tea, each Suez, Dredge on Suez Canal, each Kasr-en-Nil, Camels Loaded, each Kyoto, Panorama, each Kyoto, Kimkakuji, Pin Tress, each Kyoto, Temple of Inari, Steps Leading up, each Kyoto, Temple of Inari, Entrance, each Kyoto, Temple of Inari, Main Shrine, each Kyoto, Temple of Inari, Stone Monument and Prayers Stuck in Tress, Kyoto, Temple of San-ju-san-gen-do, or 33,333 Gods, each Nikko, Sacred Bridge (Mi Hashi), each 218 COLORED PLAIN Japan, Niklco, Mausoleum of leyasu, Approach Yomei-mon Gate, each . Japan, Nikko, Mausoleum of leyasu, Karamon Gate, each Japan, Nikko, Mausoleum of leyasu, Karamon Carvings, each Japan, Tokyo, Panorama, from Twelve-story Tower, each Japan, Tokyo, The Ginza, A Principal Street, each Japan, Tokyo, Street View, each Japan, Tokyo, Mikado's Palace, each Japan, Tokyo, Twelve Story Tower, each Japan, Yokohama, Panorama, from Harbor, each Japan, Yokohama, Mole, each Japan, Yokohama, Scene on Canal, each Japan, Yokohama, A Street, each Japan, Yokohama, Japanese Residence, each Japan, Yokohama, Japanese Cemetery, each Japan, Customs, etc., Boy in Bed, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Ferry, each Japan, Customs, etc., Fire-alarm Bell, Town, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Fire Engine, each Japan, Customs, etc., Junk, four-masted, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Ploughing, each Japan, Customs, etc., Postman, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Rice, Fields and Farmhouse in Winter, each Japanj Customs, etc.. Rice Stacks, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Rice Reaping, each Japan, Customs, etc., Rice, Tying in Sheaves, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Rice, Women Carrying Sheaves, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Rice, Combing 'Off Heads, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Rice Pounding, each Japan, Customs, etc,. Rice Cleaning, each Japan, Customs, etc.. Watering the Street, each Japan, Fujiyama, Across Lake Hakone, each Japan, Fujiyama, Pilgrims to, each Rotterdam, 1223, each Rotterdam, 1224, each Rotterdam, 1225, each Rotterdam, 1226, each 219 COLORED PLAIN Rotterdam, 1227, each Rotterdam, 1228, each Rotterdam, Vren on Mense, 1229, each Rotterdam, 2904, each Amsterdam, 1210n, each South America, 3643, each East Indian Archipelago, 14802, each Amsterdam, 12139, each Amsterdam, 12101, each Amsterdam, Vegetable Market, 46, each Amsterdam, Flower Market, 40, each - Amsterdam, Fish Market, 12112, each Amsterdam, 1990, each Haarlem, 12178, each Amsterdam, 12131, each Delft, 12231, each Groningen, 12378, each Dordrecht, 10, each Middelburg, 12291, each Rotterdam, 5, each Kampen, 2397, each Delft, 12622, each Antwerp, 2072, each Antwerp, 12999, each Antwerp, 12949, each Antwerp, 12993, each Antwerp, 12944, each Holland and Belgium, 3624, each West Indies, 3644, each South America, 14813, each Slave Traffic in Africa, each Lisbon, 11207, each . Hemispheres, 716, each Roman Empire, 7243, each Bruges, 11167, each Africa, 3640, each 220 COLORED PLAIN Groningen, 12380, each Asia, 3642, each Europe, 14817, each Nizhni-Novgorod, 2313, each Egypt, 9045, each Egypt, 9031, each Bagdad, 2725, each Bagdad, 2728, each Damascus, 5809a, each Constantinople, 5559, each Constantinople, 5554, each Constantinople, 5504, each Constantinople, 5506, each Constantinople, 19631, each Constantinople, 5500, each Ephesus, 5609, each Temple of Diana, 3, each Ephesus, each Pharos of Alexandria, 7, each Colossus of Rhodes, 5, each Pyrdeus, 4, each Cordora, 13901, each Cairo, Sword Merchant, each Egypt, Alexandria, 9046, each . . . . Cordova, 13917, each Cordova, 13904, each Venice, 14494, each Venice, 14482, each Venice, 14496, each Amalfi, 13803, each Amalfi, 13801, each Amalfi, 13800, each Jerusalem, 5975, each Egypt, 718a, each Egyptian Antiquities, No. 2, each . Sidon, 6356, each 221 COLORED PLAIN Teheron, 15228, each Jerusalem, 6024, each ■ Journeying in the Desert, each Murcia, 14964, each Toledo, 14032, each Grenada, 13997, each Grenada, 13618, each Grenada, 13629, each Last Day of Corinth, each Florence, 13872, each Florence, 13870, each Genoa, 14040, each Genoa, 14051, each Venice at Night (colored), each Venice in Her Glory, each Venice, 14485, each Holy Land, Bay of Tyre, 6373, each Holy Land, Tyre, 6372, each Rome, Roman Forum, 13345, each Capri Island, 13845, each Persia, 15270, each Alexandria, 8921, each , Turkey, 5586, each Rome, 13276, each Holy Land, Tyre, 6370, each Cairo, 8986, each Rome, The Appian Way, 13010, each ■ Alexander's Entrance into Babylon, 14, each Greece-Olympian Games, each Turkey, Ephcsiis, 5608, each Jerusalem, 6213, each Stephenson's Engine Billy, each Greece, Corinth, 5407, each Rome, 13052a, each The Pyramids of Egypt, 1, each Rome, Forum of Augustus, 1, each 222 COLORED PLAIN India, 6246, each India, Bombay, 6424, each India, Madras, 17250, each Liverpool, 11, each York and Market Place, each India, 12867, each Tyre, 6378, each Yarmouth Harbor, each Women of Carthage, each Liverpool, 3454, each Turkey, Constantinople, 5500a, each Alexandria, 9027, each India, 12856, each Ceylon, 6612, each Boatman on the Nile, 8999, each Rome, 13503, each Persia Teheran, 15237, each India, 12849, each Austraha, 14801, each Calcutta, 1640, each Wall and Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 4, each . . Assyrian Marriage Market, each India, 12891, each India, 12852, each India, 12831, each .- India, 12878, each No. 10, Ruins of Babylon, each Persia, 15275, each Nizhm Norgorod, 2312, each Nizhm Norgorod, 2311, each India, 6149, eac . .h Holy Land, Women Grinding at Mill, 6242, each . Egyptian Threshing Machine, each India, 12837, each India, 12838, each India, 12886, each 223 COLORED PLAIN 1 Asia, 14812, each 1 Tyre, 6381, each. 1 Jerusalem, 6019, each 1 India, 12897, each 1 India, 12896, each Where catalogue numbers are given, price should be put in after each in blank space left for that purpose. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain 1 Alaska 5646 3719 3719a. 18573 13514 10009. 3728 3729 3730. 3770 13493 13515. 13512 13949 13503 . 13502 3738 3734 . 1 Arizona 16702... 1051 8257. 8292 3832 3835 . .3838 3839 8261. 11292 11289 3840 . 5703 5704 11283. 11284 1 California 11060 6588 11076. 11072 11073 11074 . 11082 11084 5529. 6600 8288 8290 . 5823 11002a 13389. 13389a (Joss House Interior) 2323 . 11175 11177 11179. 11180 11178 11149$ . S282 5592 7829 . 7213 7215 11135. 11140 11147 11148. 11185 11186 4118. 7722 3898 7778. 6466 8752 8746. 6407 11128J 7654. 224 1 California . 1 Colorado , 1 District of Columbia. 1 Florida . No. Price, each. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain . 6370 11050 11050J 11051} 11055} 6451 11277 8765 11045 11045} 11118} 11107} 11106} 11163} 11164} 11166} 11138 11139}.. . 11147} . 2439 3013 4261 2319 2292 1199a 1197a 17370 7150 7160 7156 7188 4260 4250 4255 4204 2807 3216 2223 10914 10893 , . 1201 10825 2875 2878 3409 3457 10899 . . 10881 10845 2281 10842 7195 7198 4377 7159 1003 10923 . 476a 523 16650 517. 7262. 10049 . 891. 896. 893. 1 Georgia 16670 16673 7260 7261 7264 10055 16597 484 890 9583 1713 3603 892 894 11612 10315 1721. 9572 12823 864a. 12819 12785 9499. 3649 5815 3607 . 3725 3419 2899 2904 . 2891 225 1 Idaho . . 1 Illinois. 1 Iowa 1 Louisiana .... 1 Maine I Maiyland 1 Massachusetts 1 Michigan . 1 Minnesota . No. Price, each. Colored. Plain, 3029 7298 12150 12234 12202 12239 12240 18709 19225. 1560 10432 10429 4952 1753 1741. 1766 4699 866 814... 655 6907 668 16673 16671 701 16606 16650 11894 11359 13061 8102 4380 4771 10400 .: 4512 226 No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. 3440 3441 . 7306 3444 . 12155 12159. 12166 12217. 12183 12209. 12236 12238. 12241. , 18708. 97 2924 950 . 2928 10433 . 11756 10431. 11758 10446. 4701 4705 . 1744 1764. 1767 1779. 864. 861 667 1828. 1801 665 . 1844 11957. 11871 16672. 16670 16674. 16604 16605. 13067 6656. 6654 16620 . 16651 11979. 11885 11958. 13056 13062. 11985. . . . ; 11986. 10461 4378. 4381 4383 . 10402 4506 . 1 Missouri 1 New Hampshire. 1 New Jersey 1 New Mexico 1 New York City. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. 761 1652 . 11827 6680 1616 . 1608 1603 58 625 1606 1617 . 11769 . 14383 11823 11856 14382 4922 4930 . 13445 14464 19144 . 14374 ■ 14376 14378 . 14395 14304 436 ;. 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 14707 435 . 14427 431 14331 591 . 14441 14448 14452 444 445 446 447 448 449 3358 8236 10977 5651 5704 ^ 5705 5703 8189 10950 10951 10953a 10955 8210 8211 3355 10952 10964 4077 10957 10959 10972 5661 6a , 12 57$ 37 167 31 48a 42 18.... . 67a 70b 55 86 67 66a 63 64..... 70a 84 94 96a 100 . 253t 175 10120 , 10150 10165 . ... 10171 227 ' No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. 1 New York State 339 2139 3441 443 318 335t 195t 196$ 196M m 457 237 201 224 12435 12442 . 12393. 12389 12390 12416 12410 2784 12415 15664 166t 404a 2102 2111 2123 2804 2820 .• 2822 354 356a 357 358 359 4029 4059 12148 3 4 185. 188 12462a 8 178 10191 179 10190 1 All Sable Chasm 365 13650 366 . 437 1 Watkins Glen 534 535 537 538 5340 . 2796 2794 2817 1 North Dakota 2652 2650 5205 I Ohio 1856 1 Oklahoma 18716 1 Pennsylvania 1870 1730 1731 1732 464 . 2005... 2006 2017 . 6242 242 243 . 229 151 13521 . 7680 3749 . 8024 . 7641 11 . 3750. . 15407 7693 . 5734 . 5739 5745 5746 . 5741 5743 : . . . . . 5742 . 5740 12100 . 13083 . 13076 228 No. Price, each. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. Pennsylvania 15561 7699 12108 12111 12112 12113 12119 12120 Delaware f ■" Water "" :' - . .. Gap 459.. 461 462 12207.. .. 1 Mauch Chunk 234 236 599 600 601 15538 15539 1 Rhode Island 11378 11385 11388 11391 11395 1700.... 1701 713 715.... 1 South Carohna 3383 •. 3375 1 South Dakota 2190 2192 1 Texas 3432 3433 3439 . . . . 1 Utah 10734 6573 1044. . . . 10722 1045 2657 . . . . 1392 1397 10720.... 1399 6572 5924.... 3824 3822 10731 . . . . 1 Virginia 894 891 872.... 880 883 884 5729 Luray Natural Twin Lakes Cave Bridge. . . 825 939 942H.... 14214 854 855 ... . 856 2 843.... 845 849 850.... 854 847 851 ... . 1 Washington "5315 5327 2778.... 13835 17187 10511.. .. 15746 15751 15752 . . . . 719 1 Wyoming 2204 7864 3633.... 4308 1 Vermont 16805 16806 16807 .... 16808 16809 16810 .... 229 1 Pan-American , 1 Canada . No. Price, each. Colored. Plain 21254 21258 21293 21322 21334 . . . . 21345 13747 13685 448 1418 1426 4100 1786 4141 , 834.. 1430 1456 , 1791 , 625 13765 480 2418 136 48210 4901 4958 4942 4946 4993 4981 4960 4970 4973 -. 14832 14864 14859 230 No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. 21255 21256 21264 21287 21297 21299 21330 21332 21343 21344 1725 13792. 13686 13683 . 456... 1417. 25 1425 . 2379 12515. 4101 4102. 1787 4140 . 1415 1488. 21 3011 . 1454 1446 . 1451 1790 . 1449 596. 13768 13766. 462 478 . 2414 474. 2409 1914. 29 30 . 48207 4900 . 4902 4930 . 4940 4941 . 4943 4945 . 4947 4989 . 4978 4980 . 4982 4983 . 4963 4964 . 4971 4972. 14866 14868. 14837 14836. 14852 14858. 14848 14871. No. Price, Colored. each. Plain. No. Price, Colored. each. Plain. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. 1 Canada 14840 1707 4151 14843 15 4152. 14826 4150 4153 4154 45 46 47 48 49 17764 17765 17770 17772 17780 13 29 1 Mexico ' 1465 10571 5486 11339 3989 10526 3991 10608 ....... 10568 1490 5444 10570 6747 5447 10535 11475 1480 11476 11380 10816 10814 3723 1484 1536 1470 10714 10719 10712 11397 1531 10721 11396 1497 .' . 5378 10653 10616 10617 11398 10586 11455 1567 , 3959..,.. 11385 3987 3982 3963a . 3963 , 8640 39571 . 3959J , 3960t 10632 1 Central America 18371 18384 ....:. 18392 4452 ..... . 18381 18388 . 4418 . 4451 . 18382 18391 . 4419 . 4453 1 8668 . 8658 . 8697 . 8683 8702 . 8700 • 8691 . 8704 . 8699 8705 . 8711 . 8636 8637 . 8638 . 8633 231 1 South America . 1 England . 1 Holland . . 1 Germany . No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. No. Price, ea'ch. Colored. Plain. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. 8632. 8634 8635 8631. 8630 8851 8842. 8843 3816 8680. 3847 3843 3844. 3849 8317 3840 3841 8876. 3823 8807 8814. 8831 8835 8828. 8817 8789 8827 8822. 8735 8758. 3817 8755 8757. 8775 8727 3822. 8837 8514 8483 8435 8436 8444 8516. 8470 8505. 8518 8531 8541. 8542 1163 8860. 3800 8566 8324. 8568 8557 14655. 14656 14657 18916. 10309 8840 10. 15 37 49. 60 19824. 17478 . 17479 17480 17481 . 17482 22051 22086 . 32 22117 22123. 22139 22057 16358. 16370 16382..., 16381 . 16412 13165 13172. 13182 13251 13023.' 13025 ~ 13030 13038. 13135 13078 13104. 13084 12043 " 16807 . 232 12030 12034. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. 1 Germany 1 Russia , 1 Italy 1 Africa 1 Egypt 13196 13200 13420 16309 16317 • 13022 5103 2308 2259 18025 5133...,.., 18050 18053 18060 2278 2311 2312 2188 18120 18118 18170 18177 18178 18209 18215 18206 18220 18226 18230 18350 18353 18356 18385 18401 18405 18410 9831 9850 9873 9882 9874 785 20431 2431 2432 20419 35 17628 8 ..... 28 10120 47 87540 16145 23 ..... 20 19385 5710 10565 10572 10557 2684 2691 2904 2907 2905 2923 2919 15401 15406 15411 15414 15418 15415 2912 2918 18007 1168 17511 -. 40305 17513 17531 17260 17262 17265 17267 20152 17538 18 19 8 37 38 9 10 40114 39 17 18 8959 9307a 233 No. Price, each. No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. 1 China 12264 12266 3527 3500 12299 5000 5002 5005 5013 : , , ■ 3693 3695 7905 I 12231 5035 5036 5039 5040 19264 19295 19307 19315 3684 3687 5137 19329 3545 5140 5113 5119 3570 3572 41 42 43....... 44 45.. 46 47 3584 5133 3586 1 India 17001... 17002 17023 1675 1676 6426 6431 6427 6441 6442 1640 1625 1628 16311 1630.... 17285 13566 12844 6483 12851 12855 12861 357 358 12875 12890 12834 12906 3649a 6500 6504 6506 6553 6554 6560 6543 6609 6632 36 37 6563 1 Australia 1 7 16 49 4624 44 50 51 2 4 50 1. 21 1179 1186. 3 20 38. 39 17985 Industries 37 50 53 . 234 No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. No. Price, Colored. each. Plain. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. New South Wales . . . 60. 30679. 48 Queensland 21. 57. Australian Birds .... . . 30453. 1 Indian life . . 2686 . 21152. 2232. 5904. 2229 5714 21177. ' 5718. 21175. 2685 1 Canada, Indian Reservation .... . . 1817. 2168. 13690. 13696 . 2161. 2159. 13692. 2167 13688 13693 1 set Merchant of Venice, 12 slides, colored, per set of 12 s 1 lides . . 1 Astronomy 2 . 7 9 . 10 . 13 17 . 18 . 19 25 . 30 . 39 42 . 47 . 49 57 . 61 . 64 1 American History 1 . 8 . 18 . 1*. 10 . 20c. 7 11 22 23 . 24 . 30 32 . 40 . 41a 43a. 45 . 47 48 . 53 . 54 60 . 62 . 64 70 . 70a. 71 72 : 81 . 81b 82 . 93 . 88 . 93a. 92a 93b 94 . 98a. 119 . 134 . 98 98* 98b. 124 . 138 . 114 133 142 145 . 147 . 149 150a. 159 ,. 160a 235 No. Price, each. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. Colored. Plain. American History 162 . 9 . 21 . 28 . 38 . 48a. 57 . 67 . 83 . 98c. 117 . 20a. 23d. 36 . 42 . 58 75. 85 100 150 Price, each. Colored. Plain. No. Price, each. Colored. Plain. 20b. 26 . 37 . 44 . 51 . 59 . 77 . 92 . 105 . 160 . Price, each. Colored. Plain. 1 Flags England France Germany Italy Russia 1 Black Pepper Catus Cinnamon Clove Cocoa Coffee Figs Olives Nutmeg Peruvian bark Pineapple Pomegranate Poppy Tea Vanilla 1 Portraits Bryant Columbus Dickens Emerson Franklin Fulton Grant Holmes Lafayette Lincoln Longfellow Milton Morse . Pitt Paul Revere Sir Walter Scott .... Sherman General Scott Shakespeare Sheridan Stowe Tennyson George Washington Martha Washington. Whittier 236 Price. set Paul Revere's Ride, 8 slides, colored Per set of 8 slides " Irving's Rip Van Winkle, 6 slides, colored " " 6 " " Huinan Physiology Explained, 48 slides " " 48 " " Physical Geography, 50 slides -. " " 50 " " Life of Washington, 12 slides, colored " " 12 " " Life of Lincoln, 12 slides, colored " " 12 " " Views on the Solar System, 50 slides, uncolored " " 50 " " Views on Geology, 24 slides, fine, colored " " 24 " " Views on Geology, Nos. 25-44, inclusive, 20 slides, uncolored . . " " 20 " Views on the Extinct Animals, 6 slides, uncolored " " 6 " " Views on the Ideal Geographical Landscape, 18 slides, uncolored " " 18 " " Views on Botany, 20 slides, uncolored " " 20 " " Views on the Natural Phenomena, 12 slides, fine, colored " " 12 " 6 wooden slide boxes (to hold 50 slides), each PICTURES AND FRAMES. In all cases the picturfe and the frame will be awarded as one item. The price must include the setting of the picture in the frame, fixtures, etc., and the hanging of the pictures in the particular school building designated. All glass must be first quality, French, selected, and be without blows or waves. The back of the frame must be made dust-proof by heavy manila paper covering. WADLEIGH HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. 36 East 12th St., Borough of Manhattan. Elson carbon Photographs, mounted on heavy granite board, 30x44 inches, size A: (The following 9 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Wounded Amazon, each 1 Victory of Samothrace, each 1 Aurora, each 1 Horses of Achilles, each 1 Durham Cathedral, each 1 Amiens Cathedral, each 1 Hermes, each 1 Augustus, each 1 Kenilworth Castle (general view), each 9 frames for above, 4. inch, Flemish oak, each 237 WOODSIDE HIGH SCHOOL. Woodside Ave., 2d and 3d Sts., Wood.side, Borough of Queens. The following from catalogue of A. W. Elson & Co.: (The following 3 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) Price. 1 George Washington, Elson Photogravure, each 1 Abraham Lincoln, Elson Photogravure, each 1 Old Ironsides, Elson Photogravure, each 3 frames for above, 2^ inch, antique oak, 2.5x30 inches, each (The following 4 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Longfellow's Study, Elson Carbon, size B, each 1 Poet's Corner, Elson Carbon, size B, each 1 Relief from Arch of Titus, Elson Carbon, size B, each 1 Valley of the Tocciues, Elson Carbon, size B, each 4 frames for above, 2^ inch, antique oak, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Melon Eaters (Hanf. Carbon), Imp. size, each 1 Spaniels of King Charles Breed (Hanf. Carbon), Imp. size, each 2 frames for above, 2^ inch, antique oak, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Temple of Victory (Acropolis), white and black, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Sphinx Excavation (Egypt) Elson Carbon, size A, each 2 frames for above, 4 inch, antique oak, 30x42 inches, each (The following 13 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Forum (Rome), white and black, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Lyon Gate Mycenea, white and black, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Luxor Temple (Egypt), Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Notre Dame (Paris), Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Victory of Samothrace, white and black, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Three Fates (British Museum), Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 North Frieze of Parthenon, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Augustus Ca>sar, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Taj Mahal, Elson Carbon, size A, (India) each 1 St. Peter's Cathedral and Vatican, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Aurora, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 Amiens Cathedral (France), Elson Carbon, size A, each ■ 238 Price 1 Dying Gladiator, Elson Carbon, size A, each 13 frames for above, 4 inch, antique oalv, 30x44 inches, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Horses of Achilles, Elson Carbon, size A, each 1 frame for above, 4 inch, antique oak, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Defregger's Madonna (Hanf. Carbon), extra size, each 1 Windmill (Hanf. Carbon), extra size, each 2 frames for above, 4 inch, antique oak, with brown mats, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) *1 Paestum (City of Posidon), Elson Carbon, size A, each *1 Maison Carree (Nimes, France), Elson Carbon, size A, each , . ...;.. * These two pictures to be framed with partition to fit space 33x76 inches. Frame 4 inch, antique oak. (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) *1 South Porch of Erectheum (Acropolis), Elson Carbon, size A, each *1 Arch of Constantine (Rome), Elson Carbon, size A, each * These two pictures to be framed to fit a space 33x76 inches (framed with partition). Frame 4 inch, antique oak. FAR ROCKAWAY HIGH SCHOOL, State St. and Roanoke Avenue, Far Rockaway, Borough of Queens. The following from catalogue of A. W. Elson & Co.: (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Washington Crossing the Delaware, size A, each 1 Poet's Corner, size A, each 2 frames for above, 4 inch, Flemish oak, each (The following 3 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 George Washington, portrait, each 1 Martha Washington, portrait, each 1 Ijongfellow, portrait, each 3 frames for above, 3 inch, Flemish oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Landscape, with Windmill, Imperial size, each 1 frame' for above, 4 ' inch, Flemish oak, each 239 ^ ■ ~ Price (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Avenue of Middelharnis, extra size, each 1 frame for above, 4 inch, Flemish oak, each (The following 2 pictiu-es and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 I Hear a Voice, largest size, each 1 Departure of Mayflower, largest size, each 2 frames for above, 4 inch, Flemish oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Constitution, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, Flemish oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Sistine Madonna, size E, each 1 frame for above, 4 inch, Flemish oak, each STAPLETON HIGH SCHOOL, Broad St., Stapleton, Borough of Richmond. The following from catalogue of A; W. Elson & Co.: (The following 12 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) Elson Carbon Canterbury Cathedral, size A, each " Amiens Cathedral, size A, each " Lichfield Cathedral, west front, size A, each " York Cathedral, west front, size A, each " Santa Sophia, interior, size A, each . " St. Peter's, interior, size A, each ,....:... " Taj Mahal, size A, each " Temple of Edfu (general view), size A, each " Parthenon, Rome, size A, each ... , " Kenilworth Castle (general view), size A, each " Augustus from Prima Porta, size A, each " Moses — Michel Angelo, size A, each 12 frames for above, 4 inch, Flemish oak, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Elson Photogravure Surrender of Cornwallis, 35x45, each 1 " Surrender of Burgoyne, 35x45, each 2 frames for above, 2+ inch, Flemish oak, each , 240 Price (The followang 4 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Elson Engraving Pm^itans Going to Church, 25x32, each 1 " Departure of the Maj^flower, 26x42, each 1 " Return of the Mayflower, 26x42, each 1 Elson Photogravure Portrait, Henry W. Longfellow, 28x38, each 4 frames for above, 2J inch, Flemish oak, each The following from the publications of the Berlin Photographic Co., 14 E. 23d St., City: (The following 4 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Photogravure Rosetti, Dante's Dream, 15f x28f , each 1 " Alma-Tadema, Reading from Homer, 16x33, each 1 " Leighton, Captive Andromache, 16f x35, each 1 " Barth, Choosing the Caskets, 20x29^, each 4 frames for above, 4 inch, oak, each The following from the publications of Frank Hegger, 288 Fifth Ave., New York City, Size of pictures about 24x36 : (The following 9 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Hegger Imported Carbon Cloister of Certosa de Pavia, each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cloister of St. Paul's beyond the Walls, each Grand Canal, Venice, each Court of Lions, Alhambra, each Road to the Pyramids, Cairo, each Matterhorn, Switzerland, each St. Mark's Cathedral, each Westminster Abbey, each Cologne Cathedral, each 9 frames for above, 4 inch, oak, each TOTTENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, Academy Place, Tottenville, Borough of Richmond. The following from the publications of the Berlin Photo. Co. : (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Reading from Homer, Alma Nid, 16x33 inches, each. 1 frame for above, 4 inch, oak, each 241 Price (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Childe Harold, Dicksie, 15^x21 inches, each 1 frame for above, 2^ inch, oak, close, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 A Heavy Loss, Morgan, 14x21 inches, each 1 Mill in Eiffel Mountains, Schultz, 14x21 inches, each : 2 frames for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Saved, Sperling, 14^x20| inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Puss at Bay, Hunt, 15x21 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each The following from the publications of the J. R. Lynch Co. : (The following 3 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Faithful and True, Barber, 12x16 inches, each 1 Two Mothers, Gardner, 12x16 inches, each 1 Foes or Friends, Morris, 12x16 inches, each 3 frames for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each (The followdng picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Oxen Going to Labor, Troyon, size III, 17x24 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each The following from the publications of Curtis & Cameron: (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 The Flight of Night, Hunt, 16x20 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, black, close, each The following from the publications of Foster Bros.: (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Shepherd's Lane, Mauve, 16x22 inches, each 1 Flocks Returning Home, Mauve, 16x22 inches, each 2 frames for above, 3 inch, black, close, each 242 Price The following from the publications of Soule Art Co.: (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Five Rabbits, Mauve, 7x20 inches, each 1 Two Rabbits, Mauve, 7x20 inches, each 2 frames for above,, 1-^ inch, black, outside mounts, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Roman Forum, size III, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each (The follo'n'ing picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Watering the Cattle, Dupre, 16x21 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each The following from the publications of Franz Hanfstaengl. (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Chariot Race, Wagner, 12x21 inches, each : 1 frame for above, 3 inch, oak, close, each PORT RICHMOND HIGH SCHOOL, Heberton Avenue, Port Richmond, Borough of Richmond. The following from the publications of Foster Bros. : (The follomng picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Platinum Washington (Stuart's), 20x22 inches, each 1 oak frame for above, 4 inches, each (The follo\\ing 3 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Platinum Hawthorne, 16x18 inches, each 1 " Scott, 16x18 inches, each 1 " Shepherd's Lane, Mauve, 16x18 inches, each ■3 oak frames for above, 3 inches, each The f()llo\\'ing from the publications of Braim, Clement & Co. : (The foUowiiig picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Foreign Carbon Sir Galahad, Watts, 18x10 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inches, each 243 Price (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Foreign Carbon The Gleaners, Millet, 16x20 inches, each 1 " The Sowers, Millet, 16x20 inches, each 2 oak frames for above, 3 inches, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Foreign Carbon Ploughing, Bonheur, 20x12 inches, each 1 oak frame for above, 4 inches, each .r-. . . (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Foreign Carbon St. Peter's, No. 3, each ' 1 oak frame for above, 4 inches, each The following from the publications of the Soule Art Co. : (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 American Carbon Matterhorn, 14x17 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inches, each (The following 4 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 American Carbon Notre Dame Cathedral, No. 3, 20x26 inches, each 1 " Pyramids and Sphinx, No. 3, 20x26 inches, each 1 " Colossiem,, No. 3, 20x26 inches, each 1 " Parthenon, No. 3, 20x26 inches, each 4 oak frames for above, 4 inches, each The following from the pubhcations of A. W. Elson & Co.: (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 Photogravure Lincoln, 16x18 inches, each '. 1 " Grant, 16x18 inches, each 2 oak frames for above, 3 inches, oak, quartered, each Miscellaneous puljlications : (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Engraving Washington Crossing the Delaware, 16x22 inches, published by Fishel, Adler & Schwartz, each 1 oak frame for above, 4 inches, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Photogravure Battle of Lake Erie, 16x22 inches, published by Christian Klackner, each 1 oak frame for above, 4 inches, each 244 Price (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Bromid Enlarg. Niagara Falls, 22x24 inches, published by Dame, each 1 oak frame for above, 4 inches, each ERASMUS HALL HIGH SCHOOL, Flatbush Avenue, near East Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn. The following fronithe publications of Braun, Clement & Co.: (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Dresden 20,080 Sistine Madonna, 34^x42 inches, each 1 frame for above, 4 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam 313 Rembrandt Syndico, 20x30 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam 314a Rembrandt Mme. Bas, 14^x18^ inches, each ' 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Vienna Lichtenstein 696 Rembrandt Marine, 11^x16^ inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Dresden 1321 Rembrandt Himself, 14^x18 inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Dresden 1319 Rembrandt Head of Old Man, 14|xl8i inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Dresden 1317 Rembrandt Old Woman Weighing Gold, 15fxl8 inches, each. . . 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Dresden 1310 Rembrandt Bust of Saskia, 15^xl8| inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each 245 Price (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Berlin 19779 Rembrandt Vision of Daniel, 14^xl7| inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each '. (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Berlin 19776 Rembrandt Portrait of a Rabbi, 13^x18 inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Coll Warnecke 16428b Rembrandt Head of a Laughing Man, 6^x71 inches, each. 1 frame for above, 1 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam 346a Jean Steen Dancing Lessons, 14xl6J inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam 388 Avy de Vols The Violin Player, 7^x9^ inches, each 1 frame for above, 1 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam > 470a Van Dyck Portrait of a Man, ll|xl8 inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Berlin 19721 A. Cuyp Landscape at the Border of a River, 8x10^ inches, each . , 1 frame for above, 1 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Berlin 19734 Fr. Halz The Sorceress of Haarlem, 23^x28 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following 2 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) . 1 Amsterdam 115 F. Van Ostade The Village Inn, 23^x29^ inches, each 1 St. Petersburg 10.55 P. Potter The Wolf Dog, 23^x29^ inches, each 2 frames for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam 124 J. Ruj^sdael The "Windmill, 24x30 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each 246 Price (The following 3 pictures and frames will be awarded as one item.) 1 St. Petersburg 904 G. Dou The Herring Dealer, 7|xlOi inches 1 frame for above, 1 inch, arch top, dark brown oak, each 1 St. Petersburg 905 G. Dou The Herring Dealer, 7^x10^ inches. .... 1 frame for above, 1 inch, arch top, dark brown oak, each 1 St. Petersburg 906 G. Dou Artist Playing VioHn, 7fxl0^ inches 1 frame for above, 1 inch, arch top, dark brown oak, each To be framed together (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Amsterdam 354 G. Terburg The Father's Advice, about 24x30 inches, each. . 1 frame for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Antwerp 101 S. de Vos The Artist, 13^x17^ inches, each 1 frame for above, 2 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Antwerp 315 P. P. Reubens Descent from the Cross, 22^x30 inches, each . . . 1 frame for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each (The following picture and frame will be awarded as one item.) 1 Hague 27,111 Paul Potter Bull, 22x30 inches, each 1 frame for above, 3 inch, dark brown oak, each 247 ^i.vA:; ■M M. ^M^ •^■i- ."•'^.'^rif v.- ■-^VJ.V- i(^i/^S!(; t W Air;:'-? . ,•'■ ^^.- ■ u :V1